{"Clue":"Patch around surface of nose ring (5)","Answer":"ARENA","Explanation":"Definition: ring\nAREA [patch] round N[ose]"} {"Clue":"Host ends in house from chronic fatigue syndrome (5)","Answer":"EMCEE","Explanation":"Definition: Host\nLast letters [ends] of housE froM chroniC fatiguE syndromE"} {"Clue":"Welsh 24 has criminal brothers, except Henry (7)","Answer":"ROBERTS","Explanation":"Definition: Welsh 24\nAnagram [criminal] of BROT[h]ERS \u2013 except h [Henry]: Bartholomew Roberts, Welsh PIRATE [24ac]"} {"Clue":"At the end, Number 10 mislead Britain with spirit (3,4)","Answer":"CON BRIO","Explanation":"Definition: with spirit\nCON [mislead] BR [Britain] + IO [Number 10] at the end"} {"Clue":"I\/4 = 0? (4)","Answer":"LOVE","Explanation":"Definition: 0\nL [50] + ) + V [5] + E [East \u2013 a quarter]"} {"Clue":"Daughter's into grooming over time, keeping up appearances (10)","Answer":"PRETENDING","Explanation":"Definition: keeping up appearances\nD [daughter] in PREENING [grooming] round T [time]"} {"Clue":"Mark's drumbeat (6)","Answer":"TATTOO","Explanation":"Definition: Markdrumbeat\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Old car, since exterior lost in jam (8)","Answer":"PRINCESS","Explanation":"Definition: Old car\n[s]INC[e] in PRESS [jam]"} {"Clue":"F or M, like Marilyn Monroe? (3,6)","Answer":"SEX SYMBOL","Explanation":"Definition: F or Mlike Marilyn Monroe\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Inner Hebrides partner (5)","Answer":"BRIDE","Explanation":"Definition: partner\n[he]BRIDE[s]"} {"Clue":"Dared to tremble with fear (5)","Answer":"DREAD","Explanation":"Definition: fear\nAnagram [to tremble] of DARED"} {"Clue":"In ancient times, say, raised flower (9)","Answer":"BUTTERCUP","Explanation":"Definition: flower\nUTTER [say] in BC [ancient times] + UP [raised]"} {"Clue":"Football team in nasty ground winning first game (1,1,6)","Answer":"N Y GIANTS","Explanation":"Definition: Football team\nAnagram [ground] of NASTY and GIN [game \u2013 but I can't see why 'first'] *Edit: please see comments 2-7 [and 9!]"} {"Clue":"Steal about 1p's worth (6)","Answer":"PIRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Steal\nReversal [about] of IP + RATE [worth]"} {"Clue":"Published paper retires girl over nothing? Inconceivable! (10)","Answer":"OUTRAGEOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Inconceivable!\nOUT [published] + RAG [paper] + a reversal [retires] of SUE [girl] round O [nothing]"} {"Clue":"Torture's not even legitimate (4)","Answer":"TRUE","Explanation":"Definition: legitimate\nOdd letters of T[o]R[t]U[r]E"} {"Clue":"Normally left Australia and America going west (2,5)","Answer":"AS USUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Normally\nA reversal [going west] of L [left] + AUS [Australia] + USA [America]"} {"Clue":"Embrace internet 16? (7)","Answer":"ESPOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Embrace\nE- SPOUSE [internet BRIDE \u2013 16ac]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Smelly old dog ran to ex, shaking every tail? (7)","Answer":"ODORATE","Explanation":"Definition: Smelly\nO [old] + DO[g] RA[n] T[o] E[x]"} {"Clue":"Competition rising in cost? Never! (5)","Answer":"EVENT","Explanation":"Definition: Competition\nHidden reversal [rising] in cosT NEVEr"} {"Clue":"Prat stumbles over low bar (7)","Answer":"TAPROOM","Explanation":"Definition: bar\nAnagram [stumbles] of PRAT + a reversal [over] of MOO [low]"} {"Clue":"Awkward size OK for sumo wrestlers? (6)","Answer":"OZEKIS","Explanation":"Definition: sumo wrestlers\nAnagram [awkward] of SIZE OK"} {"Clue":"Shakespearean doctor's credo: bury sick (4-5)","Answer":"BODY-CURER","Explanation":"Definition: Shakespearean doctor\nAnagram [sick] of CREDO BURY \u2013 a clever clue for a rather obscure word"} {"Clue":"Produced positives and negatives when treated as a celebrity, going topless? (7)","Answer":"IONISED","Explanation":"Definition: Produced positives and negatives\n[l]IONISED [treated as a celebrity]"} {"Clue":"Burning petrol joins up to produce power (3,10)","Answer":"JET PROPULSION","Explanation":"Definition: power\nAnagram [burning] of PETROL JOINS UP"} {"Clue":"Spring day weather returns with southern Europeans (9)","Answer":"SPANIARDS","Explanation":"Definition: Europeans\nSPA [spring] + a reversal [returns] of RAIN [weather] + D [day] + S [southern]"} {"Clue":" Maybe in the future Arsenal condemns Sun after Gary's hacked (3,4)","Answer":"RAY GUNS","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe in the future Arsenal\nAnagram [is hacked] of GARY + another anagram [condemns] of SUN \u2013 a\u00a0 clever definition"} {"Clue":"Office workers found to be tipsy, swooning over good man (7)","Answer":"TYPISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Office workers\nAnagram [swooning] of TIPSY round ST [saint \u2013 good man]"} {"Clue":"Abbot's put on posh new shirt to remove ties (7)","Answer":"UNTRUSS","Explanation":"Definition: remove ties\nRUSS [Abbot] after U [posh] N [new] T [shirt]"} {"Clue":"Decipher pointless meaning of puzzle (6)","Answer":"ENIGMA","Explanation":"Definition: puzzle\nAnagram [decipher] of MEA[n]ING minus n [point] \u2013 to be picky, there's still one n left, so not strictly 'pointless'"} {"Clue":"Old fashioned mister exchanged letters underground (5)","Answer":"RETRO","Explanation":"Definition: Old fashioned\nMETRO [underground] with the letters of MR [mister] exchanged"} {"Clue":"More open as a poker player? (7)","Answer":"BLUFFER","Explanation":"Definition: More openpoker player\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Stay with the wretched Daniel, say (7)","Answer":"PROPHET","Explanation":"Definition: Daniel, say\nPROP [stay] + an anagram [wretched] of THE"} {"Clue":"Did butterfly, perhaps, lead to illumination for mystic? (5)","Answer":"SWAMI","Explanation":"Definition: mystic\nSWAM [did butterfly, perhaps] + I[llumination]"} {"Clue":"Kitty finally got fit in leisure facility (4,5)","Answer":"POOL TABLE","Explanation":"Definition: leisure facility\nPOOL [kitty] + [go]T + ABLE [fit]"} {"Clue":"Mum and daughter collect underwear I dropped and put it on (10)","Answer":"MALINGERED","Explanation":"Definition: put it on\nMA [mum] + D [daughter] round LINGER[i]E [underwear, I dropped]"} {"Clue":"Blue-eyed boy's rebellious action (4)","Answer":"STEP","Explanation":"Definition: action\nReversal [rebellious] of PET'S [blue-eyed boy's]"} {"Clue":"Actor representing genuine class (4,8)","Answer":"ALEC GUINNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Actor\nA neat anagram [re-presenting] of GENUINE CLASS"} {"Clue":"Grasses break up topsoil at last, taking ages (5,7)","Answer":"STOOL PIGEONS","Explanation":"Definition: Grasses\nAnagram [break up] of TOPSOIL [takin]G + EONS [ages]"} {"Clue":"Adolescent's first kiss touching a bit of a nerve (4)","Answer":"AXON","Explanation":"Definition: a bit of a nerve\nA[dolescent] + X [kiss] + ON [touching] \u2013 a less familiar word but perfectly clear"} {"Clue":"Stroke heads of beagles eagerly advancing in anticipation (10)","Answer":"BEFOREHAND","Explanation":"Definition: in anticipation\nB[eagles] E[agerly] + FOREHAND [stroke]"} {"Clue":"One helping Turkey and half of Uzbekistan start to thrive (9)","Answer":"ASSISTANT","Explanation":"Definition: One helping\nASS [turkey] + [uzbek]ISTAN + T[hrive]"} {"Clue":"Conclusion of movie, Three Kings, skirting over inaccuracy (5)","Answer":"ERROR","Explanation":"Definition: inaccuracy\n[movi]E + RRR [three kings] round O [over]"} {"Clue":"Expand section of integral network retrospectively (7)","Answer":"ENLARGE","Explanation":"Definition: Expand\nHidden reversal [retrospectively] in intEGRAL NEtwork"} {"Clue":"The Spanish shunning sex and food (7)","Answer":"RATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: food\nR{el]ATIONS [sex] minus el [the Spanish]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Buxom little Maureen's turning into lad (6)","Answer":"BOSOMY","Explanation":"Definition: Buxom\nA reversal [turning] of MO'S [little Maureen's] in BOY [lad]"} {"Clue":"Ready for service, nuns gambolled every now and then (6)","Answer":"USABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Ready for service\nAlternate letters of nUnS gAmBoLlEd"} {"Clue":"Amicably finish with girl after 24 hours (10)","Answer":"FRIENDLILY","Explanation":"Definition: Amicably\nFRI[day] [24 hours] + END [finish] + LILY [girl] \u2013 a clumsy word but it does exist"} {"Clue":"Regret eating extremely purgative Indian bread (5)","Answer":"RUPEE","Explanation":"Definition: Indian bread\nRUE [regret] round P[urgativ]E \u2013 bread is slang for money"} {"Clue":"Multi-faceted dons exercise and do legal work (9)","Answer":"PROSECUTE","Explanation":"Definition: do legal work\nROSE-CUT [multi-faceted]\u00a0inside [dons] PE [exercise] \u2013 an exquisitely-crafted clue"} {"Clue":"Curse love, a source of troubled hearts (4)","Answer":"OATH","Explanation":"Definition: Curse\nO [love] + A + T[roubled H[earts]"} {"Clue":"They are frequent visitors, but he is a vagrant (8)","Answer":"HABITU\u00c9S","Explanation":"Definition: They are frequent visitors\nAnagram [vagrant] of BUT HE IS A"} {"Clue":"Very French attempt to seduce is wrong, legally (8)","Answer":"TRESPASS","Explanation":"Definition: wrong, legally\nTR\u00c8S [French very] + PASS [attempt to seduce]"} {"Clue":"Yankee puts on silly voice, regardless of what happens (2,3,5)","Answer":"IN ANY EVENT","Explanation":"Definition: regardless of what happens\nY [Yankee] in INANE [silly] + VENT [voice]"} {"Clue":"Arachne cries, seized by desire for surge of naughtiness (5,4)","Answer":"CRIME WAVE","Explanation":"Definition: surge of naughtiness\nI MEW [Arachne cries] in CRAVE [desire]"} {"Clue":"Mescal made skipping maidens go up the wall (8)","Answer":"ESCALADE","Explanation":"Definition: go up the wall\n[m]ESCAL [m]ADE, minus maidens \u2013 some may cry 'Foul' here, with two rather obscure elements [Arachne could easily have used ESCALATE] but the wordplay is unequivocal and when you find that mescal is an intoxicant and that ESCALADE means, literally, 'go up the wall', you just have to admire \u2013 don't you?"} {"Clue":"Massive column with rope around (8)","Answer":"COLOSSAL","Explanation":"Definition: Massive\nCOL[umn] + a reversal [around] of LASSO [rope]"} {"Clue":"I hoard bananas in beehive, perhaps (6)","Answer":"HAIRDO","Explanation":"Definition: beehive, perhaps\nAnagram [bananas] of I HOARD"} {"Clue":"Worships alto and soprano after quarter of an octave (6)","Answer":"ADORES","Explanation":"Definition: Worships\nA [alto] + S [soprano] after DO RE [quarter of an octave]"} {"Clue":"Scotsman's armpit bitten by fox terrier (5)","Answer":"OXTER","Explanation":"Definition: Scotsman's armpit\nHidden in fOX TERrier"} {"Clue":"Roots of St Ignatius Loyola, soldier and absolutist (4)","Answer":"TSAR","Explanation":"Definition: absolutist\nLast letters of sT ignatiuS loyolA soldieR"} {"Clue":"Criminal boss\u00a0 \u2013 the first one died violently (6)","Answer":"BADDIE","Explanation":"Definition: Criminal\nB[oss] + A [one] + an anagram [violently] of DIED"} {"Clue":"Gang joined by Italian-American stripper? (6)","Answer":"M\u00d6BIUS","Explanation":"Definition: stripper?\nMOB [gang] + I [Italian] + US [American] \u2013 see here for M\u00f6bius strip"} {"Clue":"Call to stop lying in new hoax (4)","Answer":"WHOA","Explanation":"Definition: Call to stop\nContained in neW HOAx"} {"Clue":"Helping or turning back detective taken in by this criminal racket (10)","Answer":"PROTECTION","Explanation":"Definition: criminal racket\nPORTION [helping, with the OR reversed] round TEC [detective]"} {"Clue":"Tomorrow, exchange money for Bahamas' foremost fruit (6)","Answer":"BANANA","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\n[m]ANANA [tomorrow] with the m [money] replaced by the first letter of Bahamas"} {"Clue":"Hunters, winging it in battered deerstalkers, dare to go out (8)","Answer":"KESTRELS","Explanation":"Definition: Hunters\nAn anagram [battered] of deErSTaLKERS minus the letters of 'dare'"} {"Clue":"Part of gun detective loses points to a Scandinavian location (9)","Answer":"STOCKHOLM","Explanation":"Definition: a Scandinavian location\nSTOCK [part of gun] + [Sherlock] HOLM[es] [detective minus cardinal points]"} {"Clue":"Eat into racket with threats at its core (4)","Answer":"DINE","Explanation":"Definition: Eat\nDIN [racket] + thrEats"} {"Clue":"Fight roughly, getting head knocked off (4)","Answer":"BOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Fight\n[a]BOUT [roughly]"} {"Clue":"After a dispute, subdue with sweetener (9)","Answer":"ASPARTAME","Explanation":"Definition: sweetener\nA SPAR [a dispute] + TAME [subdue]"} {"Clue":"Fixed charge for flycatcher (8)","Answer":"FLATBILL","Explanation":"Definition: flycatcher\nFLAT BILL [fixed charge] \u2013 a simple clue for this less familiar bird"} {"Clue":"Of late, wrong to demand with menaces (6)","Answer":"EXTORT","Explanation":"Definition: demand with menaces\nEX [of late] + TORT [a civil wrong]"} {"Clue":"Here in Ohio, crime reported twice (returning thanks, Boatman) (10)","Answer":"CINCINNATI","Explanation":"Definition: Here in Ohio\nCIN CINN [sounds like \u2013 reported \u2013 'sin' [crime] twice + a reversal [returning] of TA [thanks] + I [Boatman]"} {"Clue":"Sarcasm not unknown as a weapon in the US (4)","Answer":"IRON","Explanation":"Definition: weapon in the US\nIRON[y] \u2013 Chambers has 'iron' as slang for a pistol or revolver but doesn't specify it as American"} {"Clue":"Detective on racket: \"It's fishy\" (6)","Answer":"SCAMPI","Explanation":"Definition: It's fishy\nSCAM [racket] + PI [Private Investigator \u2013 detective]"} {"Clue":"Deal with body of crime writer (6)","Answer":"HANDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Deal with\nThe inside letters\u00a0 \u2013 'body' \u2013 of [Raymond] cHANDLEr [crime writer]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Recite Farewell, My Lovely from memory (2,5)","Answer":"BY HEART","Explanation":"Definition: from memory\nSounds like [recite] 'Bye' [Farewell] + HEART [My lovely?]"} {"Clue":"US lawman conceals memory of tragedy? (5)","Answer":"DRAMA","Explanation":"Definition: tragedy?\nDA\u00a0 [American lawman] round RAM [memory] \u2013 definition by example, hence the question mark"} {"Clue":"If man performs evil acts, charge him \u2013 leaders included (7)","Answer":"IMPEACH","Explanation":"Definition: charge\nInitial letters of If Man Performs Evil Acts Charge Him"} {"Clue":"Menacing suggestion: loser beaten up with rifle butt (2,4)","Answer":"OR ELSE","Explanation":"Definition: Menacing suggestion\nAn anagram [beaten up] of LOSER and riflE"} {"Clue":"Prohibition: having three in charge (9)","Answer":"INTERDICT","Explanation":"Definition: Prohibition\nTER [three] in INDICT [charge]"} {"Clue":"Pole lifted stolen goods\" \u2013 that's an informer (7)","Answer":"STOOLIE","Explanation":"Definition: informer\nS [Pole] + a reversal [lifted] of LOOT [stolen goods] + IE [that's] \u2013 short for 'stool pigeon', which I blogged last week"} {"Clue":"Examine local yokels \u2013 to put through the wringer (4,7,2)","Answer":"LOOK CLOSELY AT","Explanation":"Definition: Examine\nAn anagram [put through the wringer] of LOCAL YOKELS TO"} {"Clue":"26 perhaps the result of acid attack on hotshot in California (9)","Answer":"CRUSTACEA","Explanation":"Definition: 26 perhaps\nRUST [perhaps the result of acid attack] + ACE [hotshot] in CA [California]"} {"Clue":"Criminal libel: \"US thugs\" (7)","Answer":"BULLIES","Explanation":"Definition: thugs\nAn anagram [criminal] of LIBEL US"} {"Clue":"Where organised crime penetrated society that rejected drink (7)","Answer":"AMERICA","Explanation":"Definition: Where organised crime penetrated society that rejected drink (7)\nAn anagram [organised] of CRIME in AA [Alcoholics Anonymous \u2013 society that rejected drink] \u2013 &lit"} {"Clue":"Tough guy who investigated more lawbreaking (7)","Answer":"MARLOWE","Explanation":"Definition: Tough guy who investigated\nAnagram [breaking] of MORE LAW \u2013 &lit?"} {"Clue":"Not exactly The Big Sleep, taking DNA in abduction case (6)","Answer":"KIDNAP","Explanation":"Definition: abduction case\nKIP [not exactly a big sleep] round DNA"} {"Clue":"Gang gets time over botched raid (5)","Answer":"TRIAD","Explanation":"Definition: Gang\nT [time] + an anagram [botched] of RAID"} {"Clue":"Sailing ship carrying nothing ornate (7)","Answer":"BAROQUE","Explanation":"Definition: ornate\nO [nothing] in BARQUE [sailing ship]"} {"Clue":"Criminal admits passion to deceive (5,2)","Answer":"CHEAT ON","Explanation":"Definition: deceive\nCON [criminal] round HEAT [passion]"} {"Clue":"Well-bred gentleman has an advantage (4)","Answer":"EDGE","Explanation":"Definition: advantage\nContained in well-brED GEntleman"} {"Clue":"Fill end on cracked carving resembling fabric (9)","Answer":"LINENFOLD","Explanation":"Definition: carving resembling fabric\nAn anagram [cracked] of FILL END ON\u00a0 \u2013 a new word for me but very clearly defined"} {"Clue":"Did model dishearten younger, lusty fellow? (5)","Answer":"SATYR","Explanation":"Definition: lusty fellow\nSAT [did model] + Y[ounge]R"} {"Clue":"Balt featured in nasty Victorian story (8)","Answer":"VILLETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Victorian story\nLETT [Balt] in VILE [nasty] \u2013 novel by Charlotte Bront\u00eb"} {"Clue":"Try hard with something corny? (4)","Answer":"HEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Try\nH [hard] + EAR [something corny]"} {"Clue":"Office worker, one doing her nails? (5)","Answer":"FILER","Explanation":"Definition: Office workerone doing her nails?\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Alcohol and nuts spiked with drug (4)","Answer":"MEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Alcohol\nMAD [nuts] round E [drug]"} {"Clue":"We pass on perverted, seedy things (4,4)","Answer":"SNOW PEAS","Explanation":"Definition: seedy things\nAn anagram [perverted] of WE PASS ON"} {"Clue":"Advanced spin-doctoring working as protection (5)","Answer":"APRON","Explanation":"Definition: protection\nA [Advanced] + PR [spin-doctoring] + ON [working]"} {"Clue":"Dead ends from copper, drug affair regressing (4-2-3)","Answer":"CULS-DE-SAC","Explanation":"Definition: Dead ends\nCU [copper] + LSD [a different drug] + a reversal [regressing] of CASE [affair]"} {"Clue":"Peer expected to pocket a thousand (4)","Answer":"DUKE","Explanation":"Definition: Peer\nDUE [expected] round K [a thousand]"} {"Clue":"Soldiers list second site of English defeat (7)","Answer":"ORLEANS","Explanation":"Definition: site of English defeat\nOR [other ranks \u2013 soldiers] + LEAN [list] + S [second]"} {"Clue":"Don't admit catching the clap? It's what you get in life (7)","Answer":"DESTINY","Explanation":"Definition: what you get in life\nDENY [don't admit] round STI [Sexually Transmitted Infection \u2013 'the clap']\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Smooth, low, captivating note (4)","Answer":"SAND","Explanation":"Definition: Smooth\nSAD [low] round N [note]"} {"Clue":"Pro cultivating trees? (8)","Answer":"FORESTER","Explanation":"Definition: Pro cultivating trees?\nFOR [pro] + an anagram [cultivating] of TREES \u2013 an excellent &lit"} {"Clue":"Server's trouble, unfortunately forgetting round (6)","Answer":"BUTLER","Explanation":"Definition: Server\nAn anagram\u00a0 [unfortunately] of TR[o]UBLE minus o [round]"} {"Clue":"Name put in coat from clever retailer (8)","Answer":"CHANDLER","Explanation":"Definition: retailer\nHANDLE [name] in C[leve]R"} {"Clue":"What soldier may have worn to pace around (6)","Answer":"CAPOTE","Explanation":"Definition: What soldier may have worn\nAn anagram [around] of TO PACE"} {"Clue":"Car benefiting driver leaving river behind (4)","Answer":"FORD","Explanation":"Definition: Car\nFOR [benefiting] + D[river]"} {"Clue":"Isn't solve exciting to get the down solutions! (9)","Answer":"NOVELISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Isn't solve exciting to get the down solutions!\nAn anagram [exciting] of\u00a0 ISN'T SOLVE \u2013 a lovely surface"} {"Clue":"Genius dismissing what he'd call a mug (5)","Answer":"STEIN","Explanation":"Definition: mug\n[ein] STEIN [genius] minus ein [German for 'a']"} {"Clue":"Old couple needing time on the wagon (5)","Answer":"TWAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Old couple\nT [time] + WAIN [wagon]"} {"Clue":"Playing cricket, competitors now favoured golf (8)","Answer":"FIELDING","Explanation":"Definition: Playing cricket\nFIELD [competitors] + IN [now favoured] + G [golf \u2013 NATO phonetic alphabet]"} {"Clue":"One girl or another at the French seaside? (8)","Answer":"MEREDITH","Explanation":"Definition: One girl\nEDITH [another girl] beside MER\u00a0[French sea]"} {"Clue":"He exercises\u00a0command over two monarchs (6)","Answer":"WALKER","Explanation":"Definition: He exercises\nA reversal [over] of LAW [command] + K and ER [two monarchs]"} {"Clue":"Group of stars, one parading topless (6)","Answer":"ARCHER","Explanation":"Definition: Group of stars\n[m]ARCHER [one parading] \u2013 the constellation Sagittarius"} {"Clue":"Grant for films runs out of support (4)","Answer":"CARY","Explanation":"Definition: Grant for films\nCAR[rY [support, minus r \u2013 runs \u2013 an amusing definition"} {"Clue":"Requesting to put away a second piece (4)","Answer":"KING","Explanation":"Definition: piece\n[as]KING [requesting] minus a s [second] for a piece in chess"} {"Clue":"Half of really friendly city (6)","Answer":"VENICE","Explanation":"Definition: city\nVE[ry] [really, half of] + NICE [friendly]"} {"Clue":"Shoot right rabbit on fencing (6)","Answer":"SPROUT","Explanation":"Definition: Shoot\nSPOUT [rabbit on] round\u00a0 R [right] \u2013 The Curse of the Were-Rabbit"} {"Clue":"In which soldiers may drop bombs (4)","Answer":"EGGS","Explanation":"Definition: In which soldiers may dropbombs\nDouble definition, 'soldiers' being the fingers of bread or toast dipped into boiled eggs \u2013 and a slang word for bombs"} {"Clue":"More than one quashing \u2013\u00a0 mental nuns wrestling (10)","Answer":"ANNULMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: More than one quashing\nAnagram [wrestling] of MENTAL NUNS"} {"Clue":"Picture headless cartoon character in short episode (8)","Answer":"PAINTING","Explanation":"Definition: Picture\n[t]INTIN [cartoon character] in PAG[e] [short episode]"} {"Clue":"Home time \u2013 one shot to capture route (9)","Answer":"ITINERARY","Explanation":"Definition: route\nI TRY [one shot] round IN [home] ERA [time"} {"Clue":"Director having sex, second pair of smalls discarded (4)","Answer":"EXEC","Explanation":"Definition: Director\n[s]EX [s]EC [second] minus s s [pair of smalls]"} {"Clue":"Controlling back of Wallace and Gromit in animation (10)","Answer":"MODERATING","Explanation":"Definition: Controlling\nAnagram [animation] of [wallac]E\u00a0AND GROMIT\u00a0\u00a0[Wallace and Gromit \u2013 the Wensleydale cheese-loving duo, heroes of the films mentioned]"} {"Clue":"Fast runner to show off brand (6,3)","Answer":"SPORTS CAR","Explanation":"Definition: Fast runner\nSPORT [to show off] + SCAR [brand]"} {"Clue":"Vegetable with potassium? Cooks boil hard leaves off end (8)","Answer":"KOHLRABI","Explanation":"Definition: Vegetable\nK [potassium] + an anagram [cooks] of BOIL and HAR[d]"} {"Clue":"Primarily Shaun the Sheep dead drunk (6)","Answer":"STEWED","Explanation":"Definition: drunk\nS[haun]T[he] + EWE [sheep] + D [dead] \u2013 Shaun the Sheep"} {"Clue":"Late talks for groups of clergymen (10)","Answer":"PASTORATES","Explanation":"Definition: groups of clergymen\nPAST [late] + ORATES [talks]"} {"Clue":"Took home wheels for cheese (4)","Answer":"EDAM","Explanation":"Definition: cheese\nA reversal [wheels] of MADE [took home \u2013 earned] \u2013 the wrong kind of cheese for Wallace and Gromit!"} {"Clue":"Stops to collect Oscar with awards (6)","Answer":"ENDOWS","Explanation":"Definition: awards\nENDS [stops] round O [Oscar] W [with]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Tramp turning over telly, catching A Grand Day Out (7)","Answer":"VAGRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Tramp\nA reversal of TV [telly] round A GRAN[d] [day out] \u2013 you can see the whole of the film here"} {"Clue":"North American native that is wrong to be upset (5)","Answer":"NISEI","Explanation":"Definition: North American native\nA reversal [upset] of I E [that is] + SIN [wrong]"} {"Clue":"Cock-up by one in animated series? (7)","Answer":"CLANGER","Explanation":"Definition: Cock-upone in animated series\nDouble definition, the second referring to these lovable creatures"} {"Clue":"Nick Park (4,2)","Answer":"PULL IN","Explanation":"Definition: NickPark\nGreat double definition and brilliant clue"} {"Clue":"Demands too much with public cuts (9)","Answer":"OVERTAXES","Explanation":"Definition: Demands too much\nOVERT [public] AXES [cuts]"} {"Clue":"Great film (7)","Answer":"TITANIC","Explanation":"Definition: Greatfilm\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Wrong trousers cut below hip (13)","Answer":"INAPPROPRIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Wrong\nIN [hip] + APPROPRIATE[s] [trousers] \u2013 The Wrong Trousers"} {"Clue":"Due to land, terribly bumpy (9)","Answer":"NODULATED","Explanation":"Definition: bumpy\nAnagram [terribly] of DUE TO LAND"} {"Clue":"Money to tie up, fell over time (7)","Answer":"MOORAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Money to tie up\nMOOR [fell] over AGE [time["} {"Clue":"On models, section in middle sticks out (7)","Answer":"RESISTS","Explanation":"Definition: sticks out\nRE [on] + S [section] in the middle of SITS [models]"} {"Clue":"Expert presenter of art film, that's clear (7)","Answer":"ACETATE","Explanation":"Definition: film, that's clear\nACE [expert] + TATE"} {"Clue":"Fine to take off A Close Shave (6,6)","Answer":"NARROW ESCAPE","Explanation":"Definition: A Close Shave\nNARROW [fine] + ESCAPE [take off] \u2013 A Close Shave"} {"Clue":"Fluid piece from Ren\u00e9 Magritte (5)","Answer":"ENEMA","Explanation":"Definition: Fluid\nHidden in rEN\u00c9 Magritte"} {"Clue":"King enters affair with army corps backing -? he has weapons (8)","Answer":"ARMOURER","Explanation":"Definition: he has weapons\nR [king] in AMOUR [affair] + a reversal [backing] of RE [Royal Engineers \u2013 army corps]"} {"Clue":"Novel serving of mashed potato? (5)","Answer":"SCOOP","Explanation":"Definition: Novelserving of mashed potato?\nDouble definition \u2013 novel by Evelyn Waugh"} {"Clue":"Racing driver family 's rise (4)","Answer":"HILL","Explanation":"Definition: Racing driver familyrise\nDouble definition \u2013 initially, I couldn't see what 'family' was doing and then I remembered that Graham and Damon Hill were father and son"} {"Clue":"Dry sort of northern \u00a31 note across the sea (3-7)","Answer":"NON-DRINKER","Explanation":"Definition: Dry sort\nN [Northern] + ONER [pound note] round DRINK [sea]"} {"Clue":"Energy produce by sun in equivalent type of oil (6)","Answer":"SESAME","Explanation":"Definition: type of oil\nE [energy] + S [sun] in SAME [equivalent]\u00a0 I wonder if this is a misprint \u2013 'produced'?"} {"Clue":"Hand back old man left in Gap (8)","Answer":"APPLAUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Hand\nA reversal [back] of PA [old man] + L [left] in PAUSE [gap]"} {"Clue":"Church doorkeeper moved to Syria (7)","Answer":"OSTIARY","Explanation":"Definition: Church doorkeeper\nAnagram [moved] of TO SYRIA"} {"Clue":"Shrink one spoils (7)","Answer":"ATROPHY","Explanation":"Definition: Shrink\nA [one] + TROPHY [spoils]"} {"Clue":"High Tory capers will do (6-2)","Answer":"RIGHTY-HO","Explanation":"Definition: will do\nAnagram [capers] of TORY HIGH"} {"Clue":"When to be rejected by wind god (6)","Answer":"SATURN","Explanation":"Definition: god\nA reversal [to be rejected] of AS [when] + TURN [wind]"} {"Clue":"Neglect your garden plants? Not on the surface (10)","Answer":"UNDERWATER","Explanation":"Definition: Neglect your garden plants?Not on the surface\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Suffering light that's pronounced (4)","Answer":"PAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Suffering\nSounds like [pronounced] 'pane' [light]"} {"Clue":"Hastings has, on the outside, abandoned incense (5)","Answer":"STING","Explanation":"Definition: incense\n[ha]STING[s]"} {"Clue":"A people fit and willing (8)","Answer":"AMENABLE","Explanation":"Definition: willing\nA MEN [people] + ABLE [fit]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Footwear riddle (opening's moved to heel) (8)","Answer":"TRAINERS","Explanation":"Definition: Footwear\nSTRAINER [riddle] with the initial S moved to the end \u2013 so much for the editor not allowing repetition of a word within a few days: just yesterday, we had not only [practically] the same word but also a [practically] identical device"} {"Clue":"Bird sound, piano and song ?- it's murder! (4,4)","Answer":"FOUL PLAY","Explanation":"Definition: murder\nFOUL [sounds like fowl \u2013 bird] + P [piano] + LAY [song]"} {"Clue":"Grand farmhouse fruit, good for nothing (6)","Answer":"GRANGE","Explanation":"Definition: Grand farmhouse\noRANGE [fruit] with G [good] substituted for o [nothing]"} {"Clue":"Go in pursuit of pleasure without currency, old man! (7)","Answer":"GRANDAD","Explanation":"Definition: old man\nGAD [go in pursuit of pleasure] round RAND [currency]"} {"Clue":"Nation of Trump senior, a major power no more (4)","Answer":"USSR","Explanation":"Definition: a major power no more\nUS [nation of Trump] + SR [senior]"} {"Clue":"Play area feature? Not exactly (10)","Answer":"ROUNDABOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Play area feature\nROUND ABOUT \u2013 not exactly"} {"Clue":"Drugs that are incorporated into shoes (6)","Answer":"UPPERS","Explanation":"Definition: Drugsthat are incorporated into shoes\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Tai chi term for development work on figures (10)","Answer":"ARITHMETIC","Explanation":"Definition: work on figures\nAnagram [for development] of TAI CHI TERM"} {"Clue":"Reverse dancing? Precisely (3)","Answer":"PAT","Explanation":"Definition: Precisely\nReversal of TAP [dancing]"} {"Clue":"Name a god ending in Y (3)","Answer":"RAY","Explanation":"Definition: Name\nRA [god] + Y"} {"Clue":"Thigh or rib lead housing far from attractive (8)","Answer":"HORRIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: far from attractive\nHidden in thigH OR RIB LEad"} {"Clue":"Bringer of tidings needs support ? Mother Nature, primarily (7)","Answer":"POSTMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Bringer of tidings\nPOST [support] + MA [mother + N[ature]"} {"Clue":"Produce charged particles and celebrate topless (6)","Answer":"IONISE","Explanation":"Definition: Produce charged particles\n[l]IONISE [celebrate]"} {"Clue":"Way a good sort nurses Rowan, perhaps (6)","Answer":"STREET","Explanation":"Definition: Way\nST [good sort] round TREE [Rowan, perhaps]"} {"Clue":"Wife, decline to carry on! (4)","Answer":"WAGE","Explanation":"Definition: carry on\nW [ife] + AGE [decline]"} {"Clue":"Tides swirling round end of bus stop (6)","Answer":"DESIST","Explanation":"Definition: stop\nAnagram [swirling] of TIDES round buS"} {"Clue":"Try to get friend into new art and old Marian hymn music (6,5)","Answer":"STABAT MATER","Explanation":"Definition: old Marian hymn music\nSTAB [try] + MATE [friend] in an anagram [new] of ART"} {"Clue":"Couple stealing gold from home helper (4)","Answer":"PAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Couple\n[au] PAIR [home helper] minus au [gold]"} {"Clue":"Money given to fourth in line, say, for property (4,6)","Answer":"REAL ESTATE","Explanation":"Definition: property\nREAL [Brazilian money] + [lin]E + STATE [say]"} {"Clue":"Round clubs for the old man (6)","Answer":"CHUBBY","Explanation":"Definition: Round\nC [clubs] + HUBBY [old man]"} {"Clue":"Let down by legal document about apartment (8)","Answer":"DEFLATED","Explanation":"Definition: Let down\nDEED [legal document] round FLAT [apartment]"} {"Clue":"Cruel and pointed remark by one born in late March? (9)","Answer":"BARBARIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Cruel\nBARB [pointed remark] + ARIAN [one born in late March]"} {"Clue":"Accommodation for archaeologists? (4)","Answer":"DIGS","Explanation":"Definition: Accommodation\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Part of the Koran found in ancient city in Saudi Arabia (4)","Answer":"SURA","Explanation":"Definition: Part of the Koran\nUR [ancient city] in SA [Saudi Arabia]"} {"Clue":"One travelling out to north Germany (9)","Answer":"PASSENGER","Explanation":"Definition: One travelling\nPASS\u00c9 [out] + N [north] + GER[many]"} {"Clue":"Itinerant magician's prop turned King Edward into Queen Elizabeth! (8)","Answer":"WANDERER","Explanation":"Definition: Itinerant\nWAND [magician's prop] + a reversal [turned] of ER [Eduardus Rex \u2013 King Edward] in ER [Elizabetha Regina \u2013 Queen Elizabeth]"} {"Clue":"Drink, one way and another, leads to disturbance (6)","Answer":"RUMPUS","Explanation":"Definition: disturbance\nRUM [drink] + a reversal [another way] of SUP [drink]"} {"Clue":"Craftsman means to groom his boy (10)","Answer":"STONEMASON","Explanation":"Definition: Craftsman\nAnagram [groom] of MEANS TO + SON [his boy]"} {"Clue":"Ass featured in ancient witchcraft (4)","Answer":"TWIT","Explanation":"Definition: Ass\nContained in ancienT WITchcraft"} {"Clue":"River bird may be a record holder (6)","Answer":"DEEJAY","Explanation":"Definition: record holder\nDEE [river] + JAY [bird]"} {"Clue":"Soldiers leaving train for another kind of transport (6)","Answer":"HEARSE","Explanation":"Definition: another kind of transport\n[re]HEARSE [train] minus re [Royal Engineers \u2013 soldiers]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Excitement about Switzerland's old silver coin (7)","Answer":"DRACHMA","Explanation":"Definition: old silver coin\nDRAMA [excitement] round CH [Switzerland]"} {"Clue":"Cancel subscription to protect creditor (5)","Answer":"SCRUB","Explanation":"Definition: Cancel\nSUB [subscription] round CR [creditor]"} {"Clue":"Streetwise leader's entreaty to graffiti artist? (7)","Answer":"SPRAYER","Explanation":"Definition: graffiti artist?\nS[treetwise] + PRAYER [entreaty]"} {"Clue":"Upper-class chap snorting drugs to get things going (3,3)","Answer":"TEE OFF","Explanation":"Definition: get things going\nTOFF [upper class chap] round E E [drugs]"} {"Clue":"Taliban to become an army unit (9)","Answer":"BATTALION","Explanation":"Definition: army unit\nAnagram [become] of TALIBAN TO"} {"Clue":"Pre-rest, naughty child moves unsteadily (7)","Answer":"TOTTERS","Explanation":"Definition: moves unsteadily\nTOT [child]\u00a0before an anagram [naughty] of REST"} {"Clue":"Vehicles, one after another, carrying assistance, turned up to support a major medical emergency (7,6)","Answer":"CARDIAC ARREST","Explanation":"Definition: major medical emergency\nCAR [vehicle] + CAR [another] round a reversal [turned up] of AID [assistance] + REST [snooker support] \u2013 a very neatly constructed clue"} {"Clue":"Damaged car banned in social event (4,5)","Answer":"BARN DANCE","Explanation":"Definition: social event\nAnagram [damaged] of CAR BANNED"} {"Clue":"Set up celebrity with young man from the fifties (7)","Answer":"STARTED","Explanation":"Definition: Set up\nSTAR [celebrity] + TED [young man from the fifties]"} {"Clue":"Sergeant abroad missing English rum (7)","Answer":"STRANGE","Explanation":"Definition: rum\nAnagram [abroad] of SERG[e]ANT missing e [English]"} {"Clue":"European charged outside America is difficult to catch (7)","Answer":"ELUSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: difficult to catch\nE [European] + LIVE [charged] round US [America]"} {"Clue":"Atrocity committed on a field of battle? (6)","Answer":"CRIMEA","Explanation":"Definition: field of battle\nCRIME [atrocity] + A"} {"Clue":"Relaxes muscles for drug that is injected (6)","Answer":"ABATES","Explanation":"Definition: Relaxes\nABS [muscles] round AT [for \u2013 I puzzled over this for a minute or two and then thought of aim at\/for] + E [drug]"} {"Clue":"Walked closely behind man, European went first (6)","Answer":"HEELED","Explanation":"Definition: Walked closely behind\nHE [man] + E [European] + LED [went first]"} {"Clue":"Rubbish inside most of chicken drumsticks to go on these? (7)","Answer":"TIMPANI","Explanation":"Definition: drumsticks to go on these?\nPAN [rubbish \u2013 as a verb] in TIMI[d] [most of chicken]"} {"Clue":"Run a bath to get over upset (7)","Answer":"PERTURB","Explanation":"Definition: upset\nPER [a] + TUB [bath] round R [run]"} {"Clue":"Playing at Euros: result in sudden-death shoot-out? (7,8)","Answer":"RUSSIAN ROULETTE","Explanation":"Definition: sudden-death shoot-out\nAnagram [playing] of AT EUROS RESULT IN"} {"Clue":"Beginning to get it with date (4)","Answer":"SEED","Explanation":"Definition: Beginning\nSEE [get it] + D [date]"} {"Clue":"Time to appear earlier in big dress: Oscar for actress (5,5)","Answer":"GRETA GARBO","Explanation":"Definition: actress\nGREAT [big] with the T [time] appearing earlier + GARB [dress] + O [Oscar]"} {"Clue":"Short fellow against guys being attached to this troublemaker (10)","Answer":"MALCONTENT","Explanation":"Definition: troublemaker\nMAL[e] [short fellow] + CON [against] + TENT [guys being attached to this]"} {"Clue":"In blue, fanatical football supporter (4)","Answer":"UEFA","Explanation":"Definition: football supporter\nContained in blUE FAnatical"} {"Clue":"Telegraph work? It involved being on wire (9,6)","Answer":"TIGHTROPE WALKER","Explanation":"Definition: being on wire\nAnagram [involved] of TELEGRAPH WORK IT"} {"Clue":"Former nurses work to provide food for children (7)","Answer":"LACTATE","Explanation":"Definition: provide food for children\nLATE [former] round [nurses] ACT [work]"} {"Clue":"Tips to collect working for peanuts (7)","Answer":"BUTTONS","Explanation":"Definition: peanuts\nBUTTS [tips] round ON [working]"} {"Clue":"Learner that is after a pass, then one can drive on farm (6)","Answer":"COLLIE","Explanation":"Definition: one can drive on farm\nL [learner] IE [that is] after COL [pass]"} {"Clue":"Sugar to look sexy when cycling (6)","Answer":"XYLOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Sugar\nLO [look] SEXY with the letters 'cycling'\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Attractive woman needing a lot of money to strip (9)","Answer":"BOMBSHELL","Explanation":"Definition: Attractive woman\nBOMB [a lot of money] + SHELL [strip]"} {"Clue":"Awful to recall Hamlet at end of plot (6)","Answer":"TRAGIC","Explanation":"Definition: Awful\nT [end of ploT] + a reversal [recall] of CIGAR [Hamlet] \u2013 I've enjoyed revisiting some of the classic adverts, featuring some famous actors and all accompanied by 'Air on the G string'"} {"Clue":"Web developer enters PIN that's incorrect (9)","Answer":"SPINNERET","Explanation":"Definition: Web developer\nAnagram [incorrect] of ENTERS PIN \u2013 this conjured up a picture of a frustrated Arachne at an ATM"} {"Clue":"Creature in river? (5)","Answer":"HIPPO","Explanation":"Definition: Creature in river?\nHIP [in] + PO [river] \u2013 &lit"} {"Clue":"They stop racket abuse \u2013 Sharapova temper finally blows (8)","Answer":"EARPLUGS","Explanation":"Definition: They stop racket\nThe last letters [finally] of abusE sharapovA tempeR + PLUGS [blows] \u2013 great surface, considering Ms Sharapova's assaults on our ears"} {"Clue":"Flipping tense, smoke and belch (5)","Answer":"ERUCT","Explanation":"Definition: belch\nA reversal [flipping] of T [tense] + CURE [smoke]"} {"Clue":"Mahler: that's refined music (6,5)","Answer":"THRASH METAL","Explanation":"Definition: music\nAnagram [refined] of MAHLER THAT'S"} {"Clue":"Travelling easier on coach going around city (6,5)","Answer":"BUENOS AIRES","Explanation":"Definition: city\nBUS [coach] round an anagram [travelling] of EASIER ON"} {"Clue":"One might go off chest dating site put at top (9)","Answer":"TINDERBOX","Explanation":"Definition: One might go off\nTINDER [dating site] + BOX [chest]"} {"Clue":"These might secure lock at back: not keys to house (4,5)","Answer":"REEF KNOTS","Explanation":"Definition: These might secure\nREEFS [keys] round [to house] [loc]K NOT"} {"Clue":"Quiet party game (8)","Answer":"SOFTBALL","Explanation":"Definition: game \nSOFT [quiet] BALL [party]"} {"Clue":"Writer of piece returned grant (6)","Answer":"MANTEL","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\nMAN [chess piece] + a reversal [returned] of LET [grant] for the twice Man Booker Prizewinner"} {"Clue":"It could run down wall? Wee covering floor having missed opening (5)","Answer":"GECKO","Explanation":"Definition: It could run down wall?\nGO [wee] round [d]ECK [floor]"} {"Clue":"Section of wardrobe seems large (5)","Answer":"OBESE","Explanation":"Definition: large\nContained in wardrOBE SEems"} {"Clue":"Opening in Wales for distribution in bulk (9)","Answer":"WHOLESALE","Explanation":"Definition: in bulk\nHOLE [opening] in an anagram [for distribution] of WALES"} {"Clue":"Steps by Chopin after 22 down (5)","Answer":"WALTZ","Explanation":"Reference to this work"} {"Clue":"I object to this agreement by Italian and\u00a0African (5)","Answer":"TUTSI","Explanation":"Definition: African\nTUT [I object to this] + SI [Italian 'Yes']"} {"Clue":"One tells a story of Parisian backstreet junction without vehicle (9)","Answer":"RACONTEUR","Explanation":"Definition: One tells a story\nA reversal [back] of RUE [Parisian street] + T [junction] + NO CAR [without vehicle]"} {"Clue":"Lucky man preserves retirement outfit (3-4)","Answer":"JIM-JAMS","Explanation":"Definition: retirement outfit\nJIM ['Lucky Jim' \u2013 Kingsley Amis novel] + JAMS [preserves] \u2013 neither Collins nor Chambers has a hyphen in this but I don't think it should have been too off-putting"} {"Clue":"Suitable partner's rather depleted in power (2,5)","Answer":"MR RIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Suitable partner\nR[athe]R \u2013 depleted [emptied] in MIGHT [power]"} {"Clue":"No covers needed, use just this dish (5)","Answer":"SUSHI","Explanation":"Definition: dish\nInside letters [no covers] of uSe jUSt tHIs"} {"Clue":"Staff go out with\u00a0permission (7)","Answer":"MANDATE","Explanation":"Definition: permission\nMAN [staff] + DATE [go out with] \u2013\u00a0 I thought 'permission' was a rather mild term for what I think of as a command or instruction but I see that Chambers has it as 'permission to govern according to declared policies, regarded as officially granted by an electorate to a particular party or leader upon the decisive outcome of an election' \u2013 but, of course, they then interpret it as licence to cover any detail of their manifesto"} {"Clue":"Perhaps enter this to get\u00a0pernickety (5)","Answer":"PICKY","Explanation":"Definition: pernickety\nIf we add the letters of 'enter', to PICKY, we get an anagram [perhaps] of 'pernickety'"} {"Clue":"Leading criminal arrayed (7)","Answer":"ALIGNED","Explanation":"Definition: arrayed\nAnagram [criminal] of LEADING"} {"Clue":"O'Neal returned, superficially evolved and changed (7)","Answer":"MUTATED","Explanation":"Definition: changed\nA reversal [returned] of TATUM [O'Neal] + E[volve]D"} {"Clue":"Devilish to divine? A change of course (9)","Answer":"DEVIATION","Explanation":"Definition: A change of course\nAnagram [devilish] of TO DIVINE A \u2013 what a surface!"} {"Clue":"Delicate desktop material (5)","Answer":"TWEED","Explanation":"Definition: material\nTWEE [delicate] + D[esktop]"} {"Clue":"Stop and chat (5)","Answer":"SPEAK","Explanation":"Definition: chat\nThis has now become a trademark Philistine device, which I first met it in a puzzle I was blogging and had to ask for help: I've looked it up [Games of shaven swine? (5)] and am quite horrified to find that it was four and a half years ago!"} {"Clue":"Ready and willing for run with broken tooth (3,2,4)","Answer":"HOT TO TROT","Explanation":"Definition: Ready and willing\nAnagram broken] of TOOTH with TROT [run]\u00a0 \u2013 I don't think I knew this expression but it was easy to work out\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Heartless two-bit moron (4)","Answer":"TWIT","Explanation":"Definition: moron\nTW[ob]IT"} {"Clue":"Finally, club with slogan brought up the rear (6)","Answer":"BOTTOM","Explanation":"Definition: rear\n[clu]B + a reversal [brought up] of MOTTO [slogan]"} {"Clue":"Dithering ambassador, one in post (10)","Answer":"HESITATION","Explanation":"Definition: Dithering\nHE [Her\/His Excellency \u2013 Ambassador] + I [one] in STATION [post]"} {"Clue":"Most of the school is in old Chennai (6)","Answer":"MADRAS","Explanation":"Definition: old Chennai\nMADRAS[a] \u2013 Chambers: 'a Muslim college; a mosque school'"} {"Clue":"Accessories for church people keeping pecker up (8)","Answer":"HENCHMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Accessories\nCH MEN [church people] after HEN [pecker]"} {"Clue":"Last with songbird (4)","Answer":"SWAN","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nIf we add song, we get SWANSONG [last {performance}] \u2013 I'm quite happy to take this as an adjective, cf 'debut performance'"} {"Clue":"Sensitive to the French crushed garlic sandwiches (8)","Answer":"ALLERGIC","Explanation":"Definition: Sensitive\nAnagram [crushed] of GARLIC round LE [the French]"} {"Clue":"Ruler turned crazy, but not quite (4)","Answer":"CZAR","Explanation":"Definition: Ruler\nAnagram of CRAZ[y] \u2013 one of several [handy for setters] of spellings"} {"Clue":"Wait for game (4,1,6)","Answer":"JUST A MINUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Waitgame\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Reprise d'enfant mang\u00e9 par b\u00eate noire (10)","Answer":"R\u00c9P\u00c9TITION","Explanation":"Definition: Reprise\nPETIT [enfant] in [mang\u00e9 par] an anagram [ b\u00eate \u2013 stupid] of NOIRE \u2013 I do hope there won't be too many objections to this: I thought it was brilliant"} {"Clue":"Played truant to enjoy free childhood ultimately (5)","Answer":"TOYED","Explanation":"Definition: Played\nLast letters [ultimately] of truanT tO enjoY freE chidhooD"} {"Clue":"Five compete in winter sports gear for workers (8)","Answer":"SKIVVIES","Explanation":"Definition: workers\nV [five] VIE [compete] in SKIS [winter sorts gear]"} {"Clue":"Timing hand slipped losing an hour of darkness (8)","Answer":"MIDNIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: hour of darkness\nAnagram [slipped] of TIMING H[an]D [losing an]"} {"Clue":"On the other hand, those people come round to the idea (6)","Answer":"THEORY","Explanation":"Definition: idea\nTHEY [those people] round OR [on the other hand]"} {"Clue":"After 13 down, a little \u00a0flair (4)","Answer":"DASH","Explanation":"Definition: a littleflair\nDouble definition: after 'just a' = a little\u00a0\u2013 and flair: for as long [decades] as I've been doing crosswords, DASH has always been '\u00e9lan' \u2013 which I've never seen anywhere else!"} {"Clue":"Cross during bank holiday (4)","Answer":"ANKH","Explanation":"Definition: Cross\nContained in bANK Holiday \u2013 this rang distant bells \u2013 see here"} {"Clue":"Odd procedure to make babies (9)","Answer":"REPRODUCE","Explanation":"Definition: make babies\nA neat anagram [odd] of PROCEDURE"} {"Clue":"Gull to stop moving on water (3,2)","Answer":"LIE TO","Explanation":"Definition: Gullstop moving on water\nDouble definition \u2013 and the first of the nautical references that are one of Boatman's trademarks"} {"Clue":"Sacrilege for kinsfolk to replace male, 50, by new model (9)","Answer":"PROFANITY","Explanation":"Definition: Sacrilege\nPRO [for] + FA[m]I[l]Y [kinsfolk[ with the m [male] replaced by N [new] and the l [50] by T [model]"} {"Clue":"Calls offspring \"round the bend\"! (5,2)","Answer":"RINGS UP","Explanation":"Definition: Calls\nAnagram [off] of SPRING round U [bend]"} {"Clue":"One relaxes bonds with familiar relatives (7)","Answer":"AUNTIES","Explanation":"Definition: familiar relatives\nA [one] + UNTIES [relaxes bonds]"} {"Clue":"Some gamin: orphaned child (5)","Answer":"MINOR","Explanation":"Definition: child\nContained in gaMIN\u00a0 ORphaned"} {"Clue":"Going round by word of mouth, part gets assimilated (7)","Answer":"ORBITAL","Explanation":"Definition: Going round\nORAL [by word of mouth] round BIT [part]"} {"Clue":"Love takes many forms \u2013\u00a0 they're central to making babies (7)","Answer":"OVARIES","Explanation":"Definition: they're central to making babies\nO [love] VARIES [takes many forms] \u2013 my favourite clue, I think"} {"Clue":"Once quick humour, hot and cold \u2013\u00a0 the French put out? (4,5)","Answer":"WITH CHILD","Explanation":"Definition: Once quick\nWIT [humour] + H C [hot and cold] \u2013 and that's as far as I can go, I'm afraid"} {"Clue":"Boatman's infant is not bright! (5)","Answer":"FAINT","Explanation":"Definition: not bright\nI [Boatman] in FANT"} {"Clue":"Eldest daughter initially conceived internally with AI (5,5)","Answer":"FIRST CLASS","Explanation":"Definition: AI\nC[onceived] in FIRST LASS [eldest daughter] \u2013 a clever and witty clue but shouldn't the definition be A1?"} {"Clue":"Nurse, a beauty, stern inside (4,5)","Answer":"LOOK AFTER","Explanation":"Definition: Nurse\nAFT [stern \u2013 boats again] in LOOKER [beauty]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Born not quite wealthy, they?re developing fast (4)","Answer":"BRIC","Explanation":"Definition: they?re developing fast\nB [born] + RIC[h] \u2013 an acronym referring to Brazil, Russia, India and China, considered to be at a similar stage of newly advanced development"} {"Clue":"Painfully rips an ankle liable to this injury (6)","Answer":"SPRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: ankle liable to this injury\nAnother neat anagram [painfully] of RIPS AN"} {"Clue":"Happy to keep small family member in stable (10)","Answer":"CONSISTENT","Explanation":"Definition: stable\nCONTENT [happy] round SIS [small family member]"} {"Clue":"Add pressure to big cats, as being wiped out with their young (4,2)","Answer":"PUMP UP","Explanation":"Definition: Add pressure to\nPUM[as] [big cats] minus as + PUP [their young?]"} {"Clue":"Dashing young socialite supported by eldest sibling, say (8)","Answer":"DEBONAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Dashing\nDEB [young socialite] ON [supported by] AIR [sounds like \u2013 say \u2013 heir {eldest sibling}]"} {"Clue":"That Latin kid is awkward (3,2,4)","Answer":"ILL AT EASE","Explanation":"Definition: awkward\nILLA [nominative feminine singular Latin for 'that'] + TEASE [kid] \u2013 an unfair clue, I think"} {"Clue":"Mockery or send-up? No, I became a father (8)","Answer":"DERISION","Explanation":"Definition: Mockery\nA reversal [send-up] of NO I SIRED [became a father]"} {"Clue":"Treasure trove yields antique (5)","Answer":"RETRO","Explanation":"Definition: antique\nContained in treasuRE TROve"} {"Clue":"A big effort? No: Boatman, an unconventional father, lacking human resources (2,4,4)","Answer":"NO MEAN FEAT","Explanation":"Definition: A big effort\nNO ME [Boatman] + AN + an anagram [unconventional] of FAT[h]E[r] minus hr [human resources]"} {"Clue":"Orders scrap on board (5)","Answer":"SORTS","Explanation":"Definition: Orders\nORT [scrap \u2013 I think I've seen this word in a crossword before] in SS ['on board']"} {"Clue":"Brits are confused about who should settle disputes (8)","Answer":"ARBITERS","Explanation":"Definition: who should settle disputes\nAnagram [confused] of BRITS ARE"} {"Clue":"Get product to make babies (8)","Answer":"MULTIPLY","Explanation":"Definition: Get productmake babies\nDouble definition: the answer to a multiplication sum is the product"} {"Clue":"Likely to be a funny child (4,2)","Answer":"ODDS ON","Explanation":"Definition: Likely\nODD SON"} {"Clue":"Discontinuing treatment: cunning letters sent out to people acting stupidly (6)","Answer":"IDIOTS","Explanation":"Definition: people acting stupidly\nAnagram [treatment] of DIS[c]O[n]TI[nuing[ minus the letters of cunning"} {"Clue":"Mother, perhaps first of women in family environment (4)","Answer":"WIFE","Explanation":"Definition: Mother, perhaps\nInitial letters of Women In Family Environment"} {"Clue":"Family of 100 dined with grisly\u00a0\u2026\u00a0(8)","Answer":"CATEGORY","Explanation":"Definition: Family\nC [100] + ATE [dined] + GORY [grisly] I was going to cry foul on this one, as I didn't know CATE as a word [apart from Ms Blanchett] but Chambers tells me that it's 'a viand; a dainty; a delicacy'"} {"Clue":"Boatman on, say, tea and a pastry (4)","Answer":"TART","Explanation":"Definition: pastry\nT [sounds like \u2013 say \u2013 tea] + A \u2013 but I can't see where Boatman comes in"} {"Clue":"Foolish daughter's at the back of the boat when sailor's taking charge (4,2,1,5)","Answer":"DAFT AS A BRUSH","Explanation":"Definition: Foolish\nD [daughter] + AFT [the back of the boat] + AS [when] + AB [sailor] + RUSH [charge]"} {"Clue":"Wrongdoing connected with East Anglian church? (7)","Answer":"OFFENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Wrongdoing\nOF [connected with] + FEN [East Anglian] + CE [Church of England]"} {"Clue":"Organisation of travel to old city's mismanaged (7)","Answer":"TOURISM","Explanation":"Definition: Organisation of travel\nTO + UR [the familiar old city] + an anagram [managed] of MIS"} {"Clue":"Awkwardly silent about guy, initially appearing in underwear (7)","Answer":"SINGLET","Explanation":"Definition: underwear\nAnagram [awkwardly] of SILENT round G[uy] initially"} {"Clue":"Writer spoke briefly about flowers (7)","Answer":"DAHLIAS","Explanation":"Definition: flowers\n[Roald] DAHL [writer] + a reversal [about] of SAI[d] [spoke briefly]"} {"Clue":"Chose to adopt editorial content (5)","Answer":"OPTED","Explanation":"Definition: Chose\nContained in adOPT EDitorial"} {"Clue":"Nobody's against multinational organisation having work arranged (9)","Answer":"UNOPPOSED","Explanation":"Definition: Nobody's against\nUN [multinational organisation] + OP [work] + POSED [arranged]"} {"Clue":"Kill male rabbit and get regular meat for cooler (3,6)","Answer":"ICE BUCKET","Explanation":"Definition: cooler\nICE [kill] + BUCK [male rabbit] + alternate [regular] letters of mEaT"} {"Clue":"Place religious education with priest (5)","Answer":"PADRE","Explanation":"Definition: priest\nPAD [place] + RE [religious education]"} {"Clue":"Charlie's funny dog, maybe, has teatime treat (7)","Answer":"CRUMPET","Explanation":"Definition: teatime treat\nC [Charlie \u2013 NATO phonetic alphabet] + RUM [funny] + PET [dog, maybe]"} {"Clue":"Detect slight mistrust in conversation (4,3)","Answer":"FIND OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Detect\nSounds like [in conversation] 'fine doubt' \u2013 slight mistrust]"} {"Clue":"My dogs? (7)","Answer":"SETTERS","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Good-humoured old copper's put on line in clash (7)","Answer":"JOCULAR","Explanation":"Definition: Good-humoured\nO [old] + CU [copper] + L [line] in JAR [clash]"} {"Clue":"Platform for pressing items?\u00a0(7,5)","Answer":"IRONING BOARD","Explanation":"Definition: Platform for pressing items?\nCryptic definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Diversion during last month takes junction out of use (7)","Answer":"DEFUNCT","Explanation":"Definition: out of use\nFUN [diversion] in DEC[ember] \u2013 last month + T [junction]"} {"Clue":"Stroked female working dog's head and took control (7)","Answer":"FONDLED","Explanation":"Definition: Stroked\nF [female] + ON [working] + D[og] + LED [took control]"} {"Clue":"Staggered by scrum following One Direction (9)","Answer":"AWESTRUCK","Explanation":"Definition: Staggered\nRUCK [scrum] after A WEST [one direction]"} {"Clue":"Pretended to throw out cadet (5)","Answer":"ACTED","Explanation":"Definition: Pretended\nAnagram [to throw out] of CADET"} {"Clue":"Knock about with bruiser at university (5,2)","Answer":"ROUGH UP","Explanation":"Definition: Knock about\nROUGH [bruiser] + UP [at university]"} {"Clue":"Drinks bottle's last dregs (7)","Answer":"SPIRITS","Explanation":"Definition: Drinks\nSPIRIT [bottle] + [dreg]S"} {"Clue":"Visits very good English church on Sunday that is falling apart (4,2,6)","Answer":"GOES TO PIECES","Explanation":"Definition: is falling apart\nGOES TO [visits] PI [short for 'pious' \u2013 very good] + E [English] + CE [Church of England \u2013 for the second time, unfortunately] + S [Sunday]"} {"Clue":"Tortuous drive meant us having accident (12)","Answer":"MISADVENTURE","Explanation":"Definition: accident\nAnagram [tortuous] of DRIVE MEANT US"} {"Clue":"Not in area by 1st July, old boy becomes unemployed (3,2,1,3)","Answer":"OUT OF A JOB","Explanation":"Definition: unemployed\nOUT OF [not in] + A [area] + J[uly] + OB [old boy]"} {"Clue":"Hesitation about ridiculous quota with zero latitude (7)","Answer":"EQUATOR","Explanation":"Definition: latitude\nER [hesitation] round an anagram [ridiculous] of QUOTA"} {"Clue":"Many met up going out with bridge players (7)","Answer":"UMPTEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Many\nAnagram [going out] of MET UP + E N [bridge players]"} {"Clue":"Some rampant algae can appear to be a cure-all (7)","Answer":"PANACEA","Explanation":"Definition: cure-all\nHidden reversed [rampant?] in algAE CAN APpear"} {"Clue":"Sketched funny old journalist supporting party (7)","Answer":"DOODLED","Explanation":"Definition: Sketched\nAnagram [funny] of OLD + ED [journalist] after [supporting, in a down clue] DO [party]"} {"Clue":"Boxer beginning to train young lad (5)","Answer":"TYSON","Explanation":"Definition: Boxer\nT[rain] Y[oung] SON [lad]"} {"Clue":"Tinkered with the tune before record's initial release (8)","Answer":"UNTETHER","Explanation":"Definition: release\nAnagram [tinkered with] THE TUNE + R[ecord's]"} {"Clue":"Recidivist supporter gains second cap (10)","Answer":"BACKSLIDER","Explanation":"Definition: Recidivist\nBACKER [supporter] round S [second] LID [cap]"} {"Clue":"Saracen suspected accommodating count (6)","Answer":"CENSUS","Explanation":"Definition: count\nContained in saraCEN SUSpected"} {"Clue":"Tourist destination resort on rocks (8)","Answer":"SORRENTO","Explanation":"Definition: Tourist destination\nAnagram [rocks] of RESORT ON"} {"Clue":"As a substitute for lane round top of field (2,3,2)","Answer":"BY WAY OF","Explanation":"Definition: As a substitute for\nBYWAY [lane] + O [round] + F[ield]"} {"Clue":"Weight thrown about, feeling irritated, tense (7)","Answer":"TWITCHY","Explanation":"Definition: tense\nA reversal of WT [weight] + ITCHY [feeling irritated]"} {"Clue":"Hawk, parrot, cuckoo, incorporating origins of European dove? (8)","Answer":"PREDATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Hawk\nAnagram [cuckoo] of PARROT + E[uropean] D[ove]"} {"Clue":"Car cut into bird (6)","Answer":"JALOPY","Explanation":"Definition: Car\nLOP [cut] in JAY [bird]"} {"Clue":"Complying with the standard electricity supply point in public transport? (10)","Answer":"MAINSTREAM","Explanation":"Definition: Complying with the standard\nMAINS [electricity supply] + E [compass point] in TRAM [public transport]"} {"Clue":"Lapdog or mongrel that scores several points (4,4)","Answer":"DROP GOAL","Explanation":"Definition: that scores several points\nAnagram [mongrel] of LAPDOG OR"} {"Clue":"Could be do's mid-point reached (4,4)","Answer":"HALF DONE","Explanation":"Definition: mid-point reached\n'do' is half of DONE\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Foreign novel left in university wings \u2013 not fair (8)","Answer":"UNLOVELY","Explanation":"Definition: not fair\nAnagram [foreign] of NOVEL + L [left] in U[niversit]Y"} {"Clue":"Supreme, timeless ancient city (6)","Answer":"THEBES","Explanation":"Definition: ancient city\nTHE BES[t] [supreme, minus t \u2013 timeless] \u2013 take your pick of the ancient city: there's one in Greece and another in Egypt"} {"Clue":"Dire rep players \"like concrete blocks\" (7)","Answer":"PRECAST","Explanation":"Definition: \"like concrete blocks\"\nAnagram [dire] of REP + CAST [players]"} {"Clue":"He hits you, you're smitten! (4)","Answer":"EROS","Explanation":"Definition: He hits you, you're smitten\nCryptic definition \u2013 hit by Eros' arrow, you'd be smitten \u2013 in love"} {"Clue":"Concerned with teeth, after front teeth half removed by accident (10)","Answer":"INCIDENTAL","Explanation":"Definition: by accident\nINCI[sors] [front teeth half removed] + DENTAL [concerned with teeth] \u2013 it's a pity that accident and INCIDENTAL come from the same Latin root"} {"Clue":"In that place, there's no earth hazard (6)","Answer":"THREAT","Explanation":"Definition: hazard\nTH[e]REAT [in that place] minus e [earth]"} {"Clue":"Liable to be called \"rank, heartless youth\" (8,2)","Answer":"STANDING BY","Explanation":"Definition: Liable to be called\nSTANDING [rank] + B[o]Y [heartless youth]"} {"Clue":"In colder surroundings, bum turns a certain colour (3,5)","Answer":"RAW UMBER","Explanation":"Definition: a certain colour\nAnagram [turns] of BUM in RAWER [colder]"} {"Clue":"Stylish establishment that may need to be replaced (3,5)","Answer":"HIP JOINT","Explanation":"Definition: that may need to be replaced\nHIP [stylish] + JOINT [establishment]"} {"Clue":"Reached rocky area of France (7)","Answer":"ARD\u00c8CHE","Explanation":"Definition: area of France\nAnagram [rocky] of REACHED"} {"Clue":"A sign there's work on the way (4,2)","Answer":"ROAD UP","Explanation":"Definition: A sign there's work on the way\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Mix-up when modest Jack replaces Henry (6)","Answer":"JUMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Mix-up\n[h]UMBLE [modest, with the h [Henry] replaced by J [Jack]"} {"Clue":"Dismiss spring and end happily (4,3,4)","Answer":"TURN OUT WELL","Explanation":"Definition: end happily\nTURN OUT [dismiss] WELL [spring]"} {"Clue":"Establishment offering eg stock handling experience (4,5)","Answer":"DUDE RANCH","Explanation":"Definition: Establishment offering eg stock handling experience\nCryptic definition, playing on the meaning of 'stock'"} {"Clue":"Rogue caught mate dividing loot (9)","Answer":"SCALLYWAG","Explanation":"Definition: Rogue\nC [caught] + ALLY [mate] in SWAG [loot]"} {"Clue":"Young setter, perhaps a future monarch? (4)","Answer":"PUPA","Explanation":"Definition: a future monarch?\nPUP [young setter, perhaps] + A \u2013 a monarch is a butterfly: two definitions by example, justified by 'perhaps' and the question mark \u2013 neatly done"} {"Clue":"Old newspapers, frequently dated (8)","Answer":"OFTTIMES","Explanation":"Definition: frequently dated\nO [old] + F[inancial] T[imes] + TIMES [two newspapers] for the dated word for frequently"} {"Clue":"Romeo donning skimpy garment for crowd (6)","Answer":"THRONG","Explanation":"Definition: crowd\nR [Romeo \u2013 NATO phonetic alphabet] in [donning] THONG [skimpy garment]"} {"Clue":"Flaming row, theoretically about increase in GDP (6)","Answer":"GROWTH","Explanation":"Definition: increase in GDP\nHidden in flaminG ROW THeoretically"} {"Clue":"Skilfully manipulate idolatry (8)","Answer":"ADROITLY","Explanation":"Definition: Skilfully\nAn anagram [manipulate] of IDOLATRY"} {"Clue":"Infamous Clyde pub brawl (6)","Answer":"BARROW","Explanation":"Definition: Infamous Clyde\nBAR ROW [pub brawl] to give the Clyde of Bonnie and Clyde infamy"} {"Clue":"Paint big birds seizing big cat by its head (8)","Answer":"EMULSION","Explanation":"Definition: Paint\nI don't quite know how to put this: it's EMUS [big birds] round L [first letter \u2013 head \u2013 of LION] then the rest of it \u2013 ingenious device"} {"Clue":"Party touring Russian capital heading off to share bed (6,2)","Answer":"DOUBLE UP","Explanation":"Definition: share bed\nDUP [Democratic Unionist Party] round [touring] [r]OUBLE [Russian capital, minus its initial letter \u2013 heading off]"} {"Clue":"Leisure activities shunned by current philosopher (6)","Answer":"HOBBES","Explanation":"Definition: philosopher\nHOBB[i]ES [leisure activities] minus I [current]"} {"Clue":"Individual from Naples \u2013 or Barking? (8)","Answer":"PERSONAL","Explanation":"Definition: Individual\nAn anagram [barking] of NAPLES OR"} {"Clue":"City centre emptied after I came, according to Caesar (6)","Answer":"VENICE","Explanation":"Definition: City\nVENI [I came, said Caesar \u2013 see here\u00a0] + C[entr]E"} {"Clue":"Rebellious female with gun unfortunately suspended again (6)","Answer":"REHUNG","Explanation":"Definition: suspended again\nA reversal [rebellious] of HER [female] + an anagram [unfortunately] of GUN"} {"Clue":"One of twelve sworn to follow Conservative illusionist (8)","Answer":"CONJUROR","Explanation":"Definition: illusionist\nJUROR [one of twelve sworn] following CON [Conservative]"} {"Clue":"Skinned bits ache and burn (4)","Answer":"ITCH","Explanation":"Definition: burn\nInside letters of bITs aCHe"} {"Clue":"Game of cricket put strain on marriage (4,5)","Answer":"TEST MATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Game of cricket\nTEST [put strain on] + MATCH [marriage]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Close to terror under settee, until now (2,3)","Answer":"SO FAR","Explanation":"Definition: until now\n[terro]R under SOFA [settee] \u2013 fond memories of my small daughter on Saturdays at the start of 'Doctor Who'"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary Red regularly tilting at pacifist (4-3)","Answer":"ANTI-WAR","Explanation":"Definition: pacifist\nA reversal [revolutionary] of RAW [red] + alternate letters of\u00a0 tIlTiNg At"} {"Clue":"Poorly MP hesitantly collecting bodily fluid (5)","Answer":"LYMPH","Explanation":"Definition: bodily fluid\nHidden in poorLY MP Hesitantly"} {"Clue":"Dissipation of American male covered by the Guardian (7)","Answer":"WASTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Dissipation\nA [American] STAG [male] in WE [the Guardian]"} {"Clue":"Vacuous government accepts zero-hour contract ought to pass (2,7)","Answer":"GO THROUGH","Explanation":"Definition: pass\nG[overnmenT] round O [zero] + HR [hour] + OUGH[t] [contracted]"} {"Clue":"A thousand and one transfixing openings for tales (7)","Answer":"PORKIES","Explanation":"Definition: tales\nK [a thousand] + I [one] in PORES [openings]\u00a0 [Cockney rhyming slang: pork pies = lies]"} {"Clue":"Pole dancer almost breaking laws (5,4)","Answer":"PENAL CODE","Explanation":"Definition: laws\nAn anagram [breaking] of POLE DANCE[r]"} {"Clue":"Reparations united people over time (9)","Answer":"ATONEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Reparations\nAT ONE [united] + MEN [people] + T [time]"} {"Clue":"Diminutive Man Friday's last few hours? (9)","Answer":"WEEKNIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Friday's last few hours?\nWEE [diminutive] + KNIGHT [chessman]"} {"Clue":"Hum bits, playing heavy metal (7)","Answer":"BISMUTH","Explanation":"Definition: heavy metal\nAn anagram [playing] of HUM BITS"} {"Clue":"Dad does up opulent houses (7)","Answer":"PALACES","Explanation":"Definition: opulent houses\nPA [Dad] + LACES [does up, as with shoes]"} {"Clue":"Mum disheartened after earl leaves beanfeast (7)","Answer":"BANQUET","Explanation":"Definition: feast\nQU[i]ET [mum disheartened] after B[e]AN [e \u2013 earl having left] \u2013 some people won't like this but I did"} {"Clue":"MI5 served up poison (5)","Answer":"VENOM","Explanation":"Definition: poison\nA reversal [served up] of M + ONE [I] + V [five] \u2013 very nifty"} {"Clue":"Idiot husband in Paisley? (5)","Answer":"CLOTH","Explanation":"Definition: Paisley?\nCLOT [idiot] + H [husband] \u2013 paisley is a type of cloth [hence the question mark] originating from the Scottish town of the same name"} {"Clue":"Bring up blood containing tiny bit of gallstone after not finishing food (8)","Answer":"DISGORGE","Explanation":"Definition: Bring up\nGORE [blood] round G[allstone] after DIS[h] [food not finishing]"} {"Clue":"England's fifth king stopping imposter's retreat (6)","Answer":"ASHRAM","Explanation":"Definition: retreat\nA [fifth letter of englAnd] + R [king] in SHAM [imposter]"} {"Clue":"Wally's relative? (4)","Answer":"NANA","Explanation":"Definition: Wallyrelative\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Saint prepared to fulfil task in shop (10)","Answer":"CHAINSTORE","Explanation":"Definition: shop\nAn anagram [prepared] of SAINT in CHORE [task]"} {"Clue":"Awkward lad capturing unfulfilled ladies' hearts (6)","Answer":"BOLSHY","Explanation":"Definition: Awkward\nBOY [lad] round L[adie]S + H [hearts]"} {"Clue":"Vehicle carrying crop is badly drawn (8)","Answer":"SCRAWLED","Explanation":"Definition: badly drawn\nSLED [vehicle] round CRAW [crop]"} {"Clue":"Sack attendant nursing ailment (7)","Answer":"PILLAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Sack\nPAGE [attendant] round ILL [ailment]"} {"Clue":"Margin containing recipe associated with English root vegetable (7)","Answer":"SKIRRET","Explanation":"Definition: root vegetable\nSKIRT [margin] round R [recipe] + E [English] \u2013 a 'long-forgotten Tudor vegetable'\u00a0 \u2013 unknown to me but it looks intriguing"} {"Clue":"Dish out pies cooked by daughter new to the Home Counties (8)","Answer":"DISPENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Dish out\nD [daughter] + an anagram [cooked] of PIES + N[new] + SE [South East \u2013 the Home Counties]"} {"Clue":"Angelica root included in runny centre of spicy sesame paste (6)","Answer":"TAHINI","Explanation":"Definition: sesame paste\nA[ngelica] in THIN [runny] + I [centre of spIcy]"} {"Clue":"Research by American leaving sign for social worker in place to eat (10)","Answer":"RESTAURANT","Explanation":"Definition: place to eat\nRES [research \u2013 it's in Chambers] + TAUR[us] [sign minus us \u2013 American] + ANT [social worker]"} {"Clue":"End of barrel? (4)","Answer":"BUTT","Explanation":"Definition: Endbarrel\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Fish served with starters of egg mayonnaise for doctor (6)","Answer":"HAKEEM","Explanation":"Definition: doctor\nHAKE [fish] + E[gg] M[ayonnaise] \u2013 also spelt 'hakim'"} {"Clue":"A saint leaving tipsy priest provided with drink (8)","Answer":"APERITIF","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nA + an anagram [tipsy] of PRIE[s]T minus s \u2013 saint] + IF [provided]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Cook given a so-called award for pasta (8)","Answer":"RIGATONI","Explanation":"Definition: pasta\nRIG [cook] + A + TONI [sounds like \u2013 so-called \u2013 TONY {award}]"} {"Clue":"Articles about walls of Gulliver's city (4)","Answer":"AGRA","Explanation":"Definition: city\nA A [articles] round G[ullive]R"} {"Clue":"Tense little boy is difficult to handle (6)","Answer":"TRICKY","Explanation":"Definition: difficult to handle\nT [tense] + RICKY [little boy] \u2013 I'm one of those who don't like 'little' for an abbreviation of names"} {"Clue":"One leaving latticework erected in sink (7)","Answer":"RELAPSE","Explanation":"Definition: sink\nA reversal [erected] of ESPALIER [latticework] minus i [one leaving]"} {"Clue":"Twilight of the gods depicted in cloth over holy book (8)","Answer":"RAGNAROK","Explanation":"Definition: Twilight of the gods\nRAG [cloth] + a reversal of KORAN [holy book] \u2013 but the reversal isn't indicated: we need 'over' to indicate the position of RAG"} {"Clue":"Tea (and most of its value) produced for ducal mansion (10)","Answer":"CHATSWORTH","Explanation":"Definition: ducal mansion\nCHA [tea] + [i]TS + WORTH for the home of the Duke of Devonshire in Derbyshire"} {"Clue":"Note found by lake in a supernatural place (6)","Answer":"FAERIE","Explanation":"Definition: supernatural place\nFA [note] + ERIE [lake] \u2013 an archaic word for fairyland"} {"Clue":"Limitless poteen found in apostles' pants and overalls (10)","Answer":"SALOPETTES","Explanation":"Definition: overalls\nAn anagram [pants] of APOSTLES and the middle two letters of poTEen"} {"Clue":"Drinks to setter's game (3,5)","Answer":"GIN RUMMY","Explanation":"Definition: game\nGIN RUM [drinks] + MY [setter's]"} {"Clue":"One German-American author was a genius (8)","Answer":"EINSTEIN","Explanation":"Definition: genius\nEIN [one German] + [Gertrude] STEIN [American author]"} {"Clue":"Leader of Georgian separatists means to escape (3,4)","Answer":"GET AWAY","Explanation":"Definition: escape\nG[eorgian] + ETA [separatists] + WAY [means]"} {"Clue":"Nice mansion, home to comic superhero (6)","Answer":"ICEMAN","Explanation":"Definition: comic superhero\nHidden in nICE MANsion \u2013 I'll confess to first trying to think of the French for 'mansion'"} {"Clue":"Rope carried by private therapist (6)","Answer":"TETHER","Explanation":"Definition: Rope\nHidden in privaTE THERapist"} {"Clue":"Unforeseen hitch involving lid of brown sauce (4)","Answer":"BLIP","Explanation":"Definition: Unforeseen hitch\nB[rown] +LIP [sauce]"} {"Clue":"Case of vehicle speeding (8)","Answer":"CARAPACE","Explanation":"Definition: Case\nCAR [vehicle] APACE [speeding] \u2013 some misdirection here: 'case of ' so often means 'outside letters of']"} {"Clue":"Maps all bombs shelled with nonchalance (6)","Answer":"APLOMB","Explanation":"Definition: nonchalance\nMiddle letters [shelled][ of mAPs aLl bOMBs ['shelled']"} {"Clue":"En passant, victim turns left just before the end (8)","Answer":"CASUALLY","Explanation":"Definition: En passant\nCASUAL[t]Y [victim] with the penultimate letter [just before the end] changed to L [left]"} {"Clue":" Slogan is mostly a device for catching people (6)","Answer":"MANTRA","Explanation":"Definition: Slogan\nMANTRAIp] [a device for catching people]"} {"Clue":"Lad 's fancy in 26 turns to 15 20 (5,3)","Answer":"YOUNG MAN","Explanation":"Definition: Lad\nI'm a bit uneasy about this: there doesn't seem to be any wordplay here and I can't see how you could get to the solution otherwise, and so I hope the quotation is well enough known to avoid any confusion or controversy"} {"Clue":"Board emergency meeting starts by tree outside (6)","Answer":"EMBARK","Explanation":"Definition: Board\nInitial letters [starts] of Emergency Meeting + BARK [tree outside]"} {"Clue":"Back between the sheets and topless, such very decadent behaviour (10)","Answer":"DEBAUCHERY","Explanation":"Definition: decadent behaviour\nA reversal [back] of ABED* + [s]UCH [v]ERY [topless] \u2013 *I was reminded immediately of the end of Henry V's splendid St Crispin's Day speech"} {"Clue":"Rushes round container for Harvey and Co (10)","Answer":"HURRICANES","Explanation":"Definition: Harvey and Co\nHURRIES [rushes] round CAN [container]"} {"Clue":"Understood Saudi princes essentially playing (6)","Answer":"UNSAID","Explanation":"Definition: Understood\nAn anagram [playing] of SAUDI and priNces"} {"Clue":"Fuel hurting around half of common people (8)","Answer":"PARAFFIN","Explanation":"Definition: Fue\nPAIN [hurting] round [riff] RAFF [common people]"} {"Clue":"Using combined power to undress shy bride (6)","Answer":"HYBRID","Explanation":"Definition: Using combined power\n[s]HY BRID[e] ['undressed']"} {"Clue":"Ship first to feature in opera composition (8)","Answer":"PINAFORE","Explanation":"Definition: Ship\nF[eature] in an anagram [composition] of IN OPERA \u2013 referring, of course, to HMS Pinafore, the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta"} {"Clue":"Season well (6)","Answer":"SPRING","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Dine out having little money? It's not proper (8)","Answer":"INDECENT","Explanation":"Definition: not proper\nAn anagram [out] of DINE + CENT [little money]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Bone from rooster \u2013 half a dozen, say (6)","Answer":"COCCYX","Explanation":"Definition: Bone\n**S**ounds [unequivocally, I think] [say] like cock [rooster] + six [half a dozen]"} {"Clue":"Squire turns 27 (6)","Answer":"RISQU\u00c9","Explanation":"An anagram [turns] of SQUIRE, to produce a synonym of INDECENT [answer to 27ac]"} {"Clue":"Top to bottom in past form of 26 minor accidents (6)","Answer":"PRANGS","Explanation":"Definition: minor accidents\nSPRANG [past tense of SPRING [26ac] with the first letter moved to the end"} {"Clue":"Unintended consequences of local alert (10,6)","Answer":"COLLATERAL DAMAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Unintended consequences\nCOLLATERAL is an anagram [damage] of LOCAL ALERT"} {"Clue":"Where drugs are fast to suppress hurt (8)","Answer":"PHARMACY","Explanation":"Definition: Where drugs are\nPACY [fast] round HARM [hurt]"} {"Clue":"Shocked to have revealed sexuality in newspaper? On the contrary (8)","Answer":"OUTRAGED","Explanation":"Definition: Shocked\nRAG [newspaper] in OUTED [revealed sexuality] \u2013 the reverse of the order of the words in the clue"} {"Clue":"Bruise for servant trapped in bottle banks (5,3)","Answer":"BLACK EYE","Explanation":"Definition: Bruise\nLACKEY [servant] in the first and last letters [banks] of BottlE"} {"Clue":"Fabric helping injury (10)","Answer":"LACERATION","Explanation":"Definition: injury\nLACE [fabric] + RATION [helping] \u2013 this one has been round the block a few times but it always seems rather clever and newer solvers may not have seen it before"} {"Clue":"Romantic ideas should be found in loft? Shove off! (8,2,4)","Answer":"THOUGHTS OF LOVE","Explanation":"Definition: Romantic ideas\nOUGHT [should] in an anagram [off] of LOFT SHOVE \u2013 I think OUGHT really needs the addition of 'to'\u00a0 to, equate to 'should' but I'm not really quibbling"} {"Clue":"excluding part of goal (8)","Answer":"CROSSBAR","Explanation":"Definition: part of goal\nCROSS [hybrid \u2013 answer to 24ac] + BAR [excluding]"} {"Clue":"Papers over dream separation (8)","Answer":"DIVISION","Explanation":"Definition: separation\nA reversal [over] of ID [papers] + VISION [dream]"} {"Clue":"Since strike, displayed brotherly love? (6)","Answer":"INCEST","Explanation":"Definition: brotherly love?\nHidden in sINCE STRike"} {"Clue":"Takes short trips, full of energy and\u00a0aspirations (5)","Answer":"HOPES","Explanation":"Definition: aspirations\nHOPS [takes short trips \u2013 as in island-hopping] round E [energy]"} {"Clue":"Stop cricket side going on holiday (5,3)","Answer":"LEAVE OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\nLEAVE [holiday] + OFF [cricket side]"} {"Clue":"Like groups on vacation, getting money by selling things off (5-9)","Answer":"ASSET-STRIPPING","Explanation":"Definition: getting money by selling things off\nAS SETS [like groups] + TRIPPING [on vacation \u2013 not meaning outside letters only this time]"} {"Clue":"Fast no doubt broken by backsliding church (8)","Answer":"SECURELY","Explanation":"Definition: Fast\nA reversal [backsliding] of CE [Church of England] in SURELY [no doubt]"} {"Clue":"Dance, or eastern ball of sorts, going west (6)","Answer":"BOLERO","Explanation":"Definition: Dance\nA reversal [going west] of OR E [Eastern] LOB [ball of sorts]"} {"Clue":"Revived fur trade's criminal (9)","Answer":"FRAUDSTER","Explanation":"Definition: criminal\nAnagram [revived] of FUR TRADES \u2013 'criminal' not the anagram indicator this time"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary children's writer having no time for dramatist (5)","Answer":"IBSEN","Explanation":"Definition: dramatist\nA reversal [revolutionary] of [E] NESBI[t] \u2013\u00a0author of the wonderful children's book, 'The Railway Children' \u2013 minus t [time]"} {"Clue":"Cast leading pair in third series (5)","Answer":"THROW","Explanation":"Definition: Cast\nTH[ird] + ROW [series]"} {"Clue":"Nutmeg's in tiddly state in a small cafe (9)","Answer":"ESTAMINET","Explanation":"Definition: small cafe\nMINE [Nutmeg's] in an anagram [tiddly] of STATE \u2013 a lovely picture!"} {"Clue":"Small vessel raised after master abandons her (6)","Answer":"TEACUP","Explanation":"Definition: Small vessel\nUp [raised] after TEAC[her] [master minus her]"} {"Clue":"Consider introducing collars round poisonous plant (8)","Answer":"RATSBANE","Explanation":"Definition: poisonous plant\nRATE [consider] round [collecting] a reversal [round] of NABS [collars]"} {"Clue":"Romanian garden yielding fruit (8,6)","Answer":"MANDARIN ORANGE","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nAn anagram [yielding] of ROMANIAN GARDEN"} {"Clue":"Look out for GI avoiding complex debriefing (8)","Answer":"BEFRIEND","Explanation":"Definition: Look out for\nAn anagram [complex] of DEBRIEF[i]N[g] minus gi"} {"Clue":"Put paid to journalists concealing name (5)","Answer":"ENDED","Explanation":"Definition: Put paid to\nED ED [journalists] round N [name]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Leaders not quite what the Queen of Hearts ordered, say? (5,2,5)","Answer":"HEADS OF STATE","Explanation":"Definition: Leaders\nHEADS OF[f] [The Queen of Hearts {in 'Alice in Wonderland'} ordered 'Off\u00a0 with their heads!'] + STATE [say]"} {"Clue":"Drive first person boarding cleaner, low-level transport (9)","Answer":"PUSHCHAIR","Explanation":"Definition: low-level transport\nPUSH [drive] + I [first person] in CHAR [cleaner] \u2013 lovely definition"} {"Clue":"Lecher lines up at end of day (5)","Answer":"SATYR","Explanation":"Definition: Lecher\nA reversal [up] of RY [lines] after SAT[urday]"} {"Clue":"Smallest member in Oxford, possibly? (6,3)","Answer":"LITTLE TOE","Explanation":"Definition: Smallest member\nCryptic definition, an Oxford being a type of shoe"} {"Clue":"International alliance putting a boundary up (4)","Answer":"AXIS","Explanation":"Definition: International alliance\nA + a reversal [up] of SIX [a boundary in cricket scores six runs]"} {"Clue":"Instrument you fake for listeners? I'm not sure (9)","Answer":"EUPHONIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\nSounds like [for listeners] 'you phoney' [fake] + UM [I'm not sure]"} {"Clue":"Dodgy handler, one of many at Aintree? (5)","Answer":"FENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Dodgy handlerone of many at Aintree\nDouble definition, Aintree being a National Hunt racecourse"} {"Clue":"Routine problem for emerging divers lacking second potty (5,3,4)","Answer":"ROUND THE BEND","Explanation":"Definition: potty\nROUND [routine] + THE BEND[s] [problem for emerging divers minus s \u2013 second]"} {"Clue":"Provincial county short of land for deportees at one time? (4,5)","Answer":"DOWN UNDER","Explanation":"Definition: land for deportees at one time\nDOWN [provincial \u2013 Northern Irish \u2013 county] + UNDER [short of]"} {"Clue":"Redundant staff are often kept on, Republican admitted (9)","Answer":"RETRAINED","Explanation":"Definition: Redundant staff are often(9)\nR [republican] in RETAINED [kept on]"} {"Clue":"Brown junior soundly beaten? (9)","Answer":"SUNTANNED","Explanation":"Definition: Brown\nSUN [sounds like \u2013 soundly \u2013 'son' {junior}] + TANNED [beaten]"} {"Clue":"Gnome's promotion coming with maturity (5)","Answer":"ADAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Gnome\nAD [promotion] + AGE [maturity]"} {"Clue":"What those waiting do to start play? (5)","Answer":"SERVE","Explanation":"Definition: What those waiting dostart play\nA clever double definition, calling to my mind [irrelevantly] Milton's 'They also serve, who only stand and wait'"} {"Clue":"Available payment about right (4)","Answer":"FREE","Explanation":"Definition: Available\nFEE [payment] round R [right]"} {"Clue":"Hector is by definition adorable (9)","Answer":"PERSECUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Hector\nPER SE [by definition] + CUTE [adorable]"} {"Clue":"Tree surgeon's plant is about right for me (5,6,8)","Answer":"FIRST PERSON SINGULAR","Explanation":"Definition: me\nFIR [tree] + an anagram [about] of SURGEON'S PLANT IS + R [right]"} {"Clue":"In retreat to meet up: majority of one, missing a member (7)","Answer":"AMPUTEE","Explanation":"Definition: one, missing a member\nHidden reversal [in retreat] in mEET UP MAjority"} {"Clue":"Got together in hospital with a composer (7)","Answer":"SMETANA","Explanation":"Definition: composer\nMET [got together] in SAN[atorium] [hospital] + A"} {"Clue":"Exploit dispute minister rejected in agreement (8)","Answer":"OVERWORK","Explanation":"Definition: Exploit\nA\u00a0 reversal [rejected] of ROW [dispute] + REV [minister] in OK [agreement]"} {"Clue":"Shabby at interrupting dog instructions (4,2,4)","Answer":"DOWN AT HEEL","Explanation":"Definition: Shabby\nAT between DOWN and HEEL \u2013 both instructions to dogs"} {"Clue":"More delectable than a salmon terrine is egg roll for starters (7)","Answer":"TASTIER","Explanation":"Definition: More delectable\nInitial letters [starters] of Than A Salmon Terrine Is Egg Roll"} {"Clue":"Actual consumer suffers with a twist in the tail (3,4)","Answer":"END USER","Explanation":"Definition: Actual consumer\nENDURES [suffers] with the last three letters reversed"} {"Clue":"Planning a set dinner to finish badly (3,2,5)","Answer":"END IN TEARS","Explanation":"Definition: finish badly\nAnagram [planning] of A SET DINNER"} {"Clue":"Formerly one in a hundred? On the contrary (4)","Answer":"ONCE","Explanation":"Definition: Formerly\nC [a hundred] in ONE"} {"Clue":"Object to experimental mice being present locally (7)","Answer":"ENDEMIC","Explanation":"Definition: present locally\nEND [object] + an anagram [experimental] of MICE"} {"Clue":"What to wear in case? (7)","Answer":"LAWSUIT","Explanation":"Definition: case\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Preserved member of an ancient civilisation (5)","Answer":"INCAN","Explanation":"Definition: member of an ancient civilisation\nIN CAN [preserved]"} {"Clue":"It's King Lear BBC can blame for losing odd characters treatment (5,4)","Answer":"TIGER BALM","Explanation":"Definition: treatment\nI need help with this, as I can't quite see how it works: TIGER BALM is almost alternate letters of 'iT's kInG lEaR bBc cAn bLaMe' but not quite \u2013 I've stared at it for ages and hoped the penny would drop while I was writing the blog but it hasn't happened! *Please see Comment 1 \u2013 many thanks to Geoff Cleasby for the help*\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"He just appears gentle around climax: he made it up (5,2,3,5)","Answer":"SPEAK OF THE DEVIL","Explanation":"Definition: He just appears\nSOFT [gentle] round PEAK [climax] + HE + a reversal [up] of LIVED [made it]"} {"Clue":"Eliot, Eliot & Eliot (8)","Answer":"TRIPLETS","Explanation":"Definition: Eliot, Eliot & Eliot\nTRIPLE T.S. [three Eliots]\u00a0\u2013 see here"} {"Clue":"Gone sinister (4)","Answer":"LEFT","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"See you when you arrive, but not first off (2,6)","Answer":"AU REVOIR","Explanation":"Definition: See you\nAnagram [off] of [y]OU ARRIVE, minus the first letter [not first]"} {"Clue":"Had an impact on camp (8)","Answer":"AFFECTED","Explanation":"Definition: Had an impact oncamp\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Shops here are holding scoundrel (6)","Answer":"ARCADE","Explanation":"Definition: Shops here\nARE round CAD [scoundrel]"} {"Clue":"Still confused about a copy of the Iliad? (3,3,5,2,2)","Answer":"IT\u2019S ALL GREEK TO ME","Explanation":"Definition: Still confused\nCryptic definition \u2013 I'm not sure what 'still' is doing here [*Please see Comment 2 [thanks, Jam]: this is a **much** better clue\u00a0than I thought \u2013 I should have known!\u00a0]"} {"Clue":"Half in the dark and troubled in my disgrace (8)","Answer":"IGNOMINY","Explanation":"Definition: disgrace\nIGNO[rant] [in the dark] + an anagram [troubled] of IN MY"} {"Clue":"Hears endless adverts? Not with these! (8)","Answer":"EARPLUGS","Explanation":"Definition: these\n[h]EAR[s] + PLUGS [adverts]"} {"Clue":"Conclude being educated not at fault (6)","Answer":"DEDUCE","Explanation":"Definition: Conclude\nAnagram [fault] of EDUC[at]ED"} {"Clue":"Thrill from sexy act with her unclothed (6)","Answer":"EXCITE","Explanation":"Definition: Thrill\n[s]EX[y] [a]C[t] [w]IT[h] [h]E[r] \u2013 'unclothed'"} {"Clue":"Queen of puddings? (9)","Answer":"CHARLOTTE","Explanation":"Definition: Queenpuddings\nRather nifty double \/ cryptic definition: charlotte is a pudding made of fruit and crumbs of cake or bread, presumably named after the queen \u2013 and then queen of puddings is an entirely different dessert, topped with meringue"} {"Clue":"Say, have you any idea who's the love goddess? (4)","Answer":"JUNO","Explanation":"Definition: love goddess\nSounds like [say] 'D'you know' [have you any idea] \u2013 Venus is more usually known as the goddess of love \u2013 \u00a0Juno is the Roman equivalent of the Greek Hera, goddess of [love and] marriage"} {"Clue":"Mother better organised, chaps devoured by her (8)","Answer":"MANEATER","Explanation":"Definition: chaps devoured by her\nMA [mother] + NEATER [better organised]"} {"Clue":"Time on river that captures special moments (6)","Answer":"CAMERA","Explanation":"Definition: that captures special moments\nCAM [river] + ERA [time]"} {"Clue":"Unfortunate windy sound on loo, girl may be heard? (6)","Answer":"WHEEZE","Explanation":"Definition: Unfortunate windy sound\nSounds something like [may be heard] what a girl does on the loo [I think \u2013 *but please see comment 1* \ud83d\ude09 ]"} {"Clue":"Haunt accommodating lucky character (retired), oh for the bottle! (8)","Answer":"DEMIJOHN","Explanation":"Definition: bottle\nDEN [haunt] round a reversal [retired] of JIM [Kingsley Amis' lucky character]\u00a0 + OH"} {"Clue":"Some steps taken, figured out puzzle (6)","Answer":"JIGSAW","Explanation":"Definition: puzzle\nJIG [some steps taken] + SAW [figured out]"} {"Clue":"Watch muscle gets into condition (8)","Answer":"SPECTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Watch\nPEC [muscle] in STATE [condition]"} {"Clue":"Matter involving educating appalling children, primarily? (8)","Answer":"TEACHING","Explanation":"Definition: Matter involving educating\nTHING [matter] round initial letters [primarily] of Educating Appalling Children \u2013 having been a teacher, I daren't call this &lit, so educating must do double duty"} {"Clue":"Always playing music, supreme on the fiddle (missing you) (6)","Answer":"SEMPRE","Explanation":"Definition: Always playing music\nAnagram [on the fiddle] of S[u]PREME minus u [missing you] \u2013 a musical direction that a piece should be played in the same manner throughout"} {"Clue":"Free deer trapped by heartless relation (8)","Answer":"UNBUCKLE","Explanation":"Definition: Free\nBUCK [deer] in UN[c]LE [heartless relation]"} {"Clue":"Metal chain, ounce perhaps? (6)","Answer":"FELINE","Explanation":"Definition: ounce perhaps?\nFE [iron \u2013 metal] + LINE [chain] for the familiar crossword snow leopard"} {"Clue":"Cool Belgian briefly spoken? (6)","Answer":"PHLEGM","Explanation":"Definition: Cool\nSounds like [spoken] a contraction [briefly] of Flem[ish] or Flem[ing] [Belgian] \u2013 'cool'\u00a0 as a noun, as in 'to lose one's cool'"} {"Clue":"Something read thus in lecture (8)","Answer":"CLASSICS","Explanation":"Definition: Something read\nSIC [thus] in CLASS] [lecture] \u2013 another neat one: CLASSICS [Latin and Greek] is a subject to be read for a degree and SIC is Latin for thus"} {"Clue":"Creative wake, say, to see off leader (4)","Answer":"ARTY","Explanation":"Definition: Creative\n[p]ARTY [wake, say]"} {"Clue":"In brief drop, royal character getting permission to fly (9)","Answer":"CLEARANCE","Explanation":"Definition: permission to fly\nLEAR [royal character] in CANCE[l] [drop]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Pound in money jar (5)","Answer":"CLASH","Explanation":"Definition: jar\nL [pound] in CASH [money]"} {"Clue":"Forever youthful wrinkly gal, see, heading for Scotch (7)","Answer":"AGELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Forever youthful\nAnagram [wrinkly] of GAL SEE + S[cotch] \u2013 this made me laugh, being rather close to home, except that I don't like Scotch [Sauvignon, perhaps \ud83d\ude09 ]"} {"Clue":"In general, it helps to be supple (5)","Answer":"LITHE","Explanation":"Definition: supple\nHidden in generaL IT HElps"} {"Clue":"Ultimately, subject raised stirred up passionate outbursts (7)","Answer":"TIRADES","Explanation":"Definition: passionate outbursts\n[subjec]T + an anagram [stirred up] of RAISED"} {"Clue":"Broken by premier of chefs, code of added ingredients proves a hindrance (9)","Answer":"ENCUMBERS","Explanation":"Definition: proves a hindrance\nE NUMBERS\u00a0\u00a0[code of added ingredients] round C[hefs]"} {"Clue":"Harrier bound to get black (4,3)","Answer":"JUMP JET","Explanation":"Definition: Harrier\nJUMP [bound] + JET [black]"} {"Clue":"PM once great leader? (5,4)","Answer":"NORTH STAR","Explanation":"Definition: leader\n[Lord] NORTH [PM once] + STAR [great] \u2013 the North Star guides sailors"} {"Clue":"Arctic hooker, she was scuppered by me, I said? (3,6)","Answer":"ICE ANCHOR","Explanation":"Definition: Arctic hooker\nSounds like [I said] 'I sank 'er' [she was scuppered by me]"} {"Clue":"With little manners, curled snakes on top of you (7)","Answer":"CRUDELY","Explanation":"Definition: With little manners\nAnagram [snakes] of CURLED + Y[ou]"} {"Clue":"Officer in triumph observing Scottish valley (7)","Answer":"GLENCOE","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish valley\nNCO [officer] in GLEE [triumph \u2013 I wondered about this definition but Collins has 'great merriment or delight, often caused by someone else's misfortune'] \u2013 the scene of the infamous massacre"} {"Clue":"Old curse, fifty squeezed into French accommodation? (7)","Answer":"MALISON","Explanation":"Definition: Old curse\nL [fifty] in MAISON [French acconnodation] \u2013 the opposite of benison [blessing] which may be more familiar"} {"Clue":"Original character in lady encapsulated by bright talent (5)","Answer":"FLAIR","Explanation":"Definition: talent\nL[ady] in FAIR [bright]"} {"Clue":"Some garden perhaps under final flicker of sun, which shines (5)","Answer":"NACRE","Explanation":"Definition: which shines\nACRE [some garden perhaps] under [su]N \u2013 NACRE = mother-of-pearl"} {"Clue":"Ugly thing, thorny area with trees (7)","Answer":"ORCHARD","Explanation":"Definition: area with trees\nORC [ugly thing] + HARD [thorny]"} {"Clue":"Only a proportion taken from income, a tax evaded is a dangerous thing (4,3)","Answer":"MEAT AXE","Explanation":"Definition: a dangerous thing\nHidden in incoME A TAX Evaded"} {"Clue":"Muddy beast, one very quietly entering house (5)","Answer":"HIPPO","Explanation":"Definition: Muddy beast\nI\u00a0 [one] PP [very quietly] in HO [house]"} {"Clue":"Very good trip is taken round outskirts of Llanelli (9)","Answer":"SAINTLIKE","Explanation":"Definition: Very good\nAn anagram [trip] of IS TAKEN round L[lanel]I"} {"Clue":"Hearty: he contrived to embrace old sailor's greeting (4,5)","Answer":"AHOY THERE","Explanation":"Definition: sailor's greeting\nAn anagram [contrived] of HEARTY HE round [to embrace] O [old]"} {"Clue":"Authority that doesn't speak? (3-2)","Answer":"SAY-SO","Explanation":"Definition: Authority\nSAYS O [says nothing]"} {"Clue":"For starters, Andre Agassi rather gloriously hairless \u2013 I'm tearing my hair out! (5)","Answer":"AARGH","Explanation":"Definition: I'm tearing my hair out!\nInitial letters [starters]\u00a0 of Andre Agassi Rather Gloriously Hairless [and he is!]"} {"Clue":"Strong bonds formed with this guru, sleep disturbed (9)","Answer":"SUPERGLUE","Explanation":"Definition: Strong bonds formed with this\nAn anagram [disturbed] of GURU SLEEP"} {"Clue":"Funny straight man split (9)","Answer":"WISECRACK","Explanation":"Definition: Funny\n[Ernie] WISE [Eric Morecambe's straight man] [more nostalgia here, if you can bear it]\u00a0 + CRACK [split]"} {"Clue":"Cakes to drop in fumbles (5)","Answer":"MUFFS","Explanation":"Definition: fumbles\nMUFF[in]S [cakes]"} {"Clue":"Tree a waste, cut (5)","Answer":"ASPEN","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\nA SPEN[d] [waste]"} {"Clue":"Swindle firm for a nicker? (9)","Answer":"CONSTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: nicker?\nCON [swindle] + STABLE [firm]"} {"Clue":"Silly welcoming corrupt leader in backward state, moreover (2,3,4)","Answer":"IN ANY CASE","Explanation":"Definition: moreover\nINANE [silly] round C[orrupt] in a reversal [backward] of SAY [state]"} {"Clue":"A little bit separate (5)","Answer":"APART","Explanation":"Definition: separate\nA PART [little bit]"} {"Clue":"Noble rank inspiring baron finally, last in line (7)","Answer":"GRANDEE","Explanation":"Definition: Noble\nGRADE [rank] round [baro]N + [lin]E"} {"Clue":"Independence ultimately ain't so bad for the country (7)","Answer":"ESTONIA","Explanation":"Definition: country\n[independenc]E + an anagram [bad] of AIN'T SO\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"French bottom pinched in lift styled like a toilet? What mademoiselle might exclaim (3,2,2)","Answer":"OOH LA LA","Explanation":"Definition: What mademoiselle might exclaim\nH [frencH bottom, in a down clue] in a reversal [lift] of \u00c0 LA LOO [styled like a toilet]"} {"Clue":"Furniture on display, half of both inside pack, say? (9)","Answer":"CUPBOARDS","Explanation":"Definition: Furniture\nUP [on display] + BO[th] inside CARDS [pack, say]"} {"Clue":"Abroad \u2013 not very far? (5)","Answer":"AFOOT","Explanation":"Definition: Abroad\nA FOOT [not very far]"} {"Clue":"Periods without a drink, a cause of internal discomfort (9)","Answer":"DYSPEPSIA","Explanation":"Definition: cause of internal discomfort\nD[a]YS [periods without a] + PEPSI [drink] + A"} {"Clue":"Leading European state (5)","Answer":"MAINE","Explanation":"Definition: state\nMAIN [leading] + E [European]"} {"Clue":"Possible treatment, mixture of tisane and rum (9)","Answer":"ANTISERUM","Explanation":"Definition: Possible treatment\nAn anagram [mixture] of TISANE and RUM"} {"Clue":"Harmony always around US institute (5)","Answer":"AMITY","Explanation":"Definition: Harmony\nAY [always] round Massachusetts Institute of Technology"} {"Clue":"Scar absolutely obvious initially, right within focus of seer? (7)","Answer":"EYESORE","Explanation":"Definition: Scar\nYES [absolutely] + O[bviously] + R [right] in sEEr"} {"Clue":"Stock cut, foreign currency held up (9)","Answer":"HACKNEYED","Explanation":"Definition: Stock\nA hidden reversal [held up] of YEN [foreign currency] in HACKED [cut]"} {"Clue":"Dog keeping busy, originally sniffing female's bottom (9)","Answer":"PEKINGESE","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\nAn anagram [busy] of KEEPING + S[niffing] + [femal]E"} {"Clue":"Logical thinker abandoned sheikhdom \u2013 Noah! (4,5)","Answer":"LEFT BRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Logical thinker\nLEFT [abandoned] + B[ah]RAIN [sheikdom \u2013 with no ah!]"} {"Clue":"The Japanese keep doing it, for crying out loud! (7)","Answer":"WHALING","Explanation":"Definition: The Japanese keep doing it\nSounds [not to everyone] like [out loud] WAILING [crying] \u2013 this could be seen as &lit, I think"} {"Clue":"Colour ranges: traces possibly including pink, primarily (7)","Answer":"SPECTRA","Explanation":"Definition: Colour ranges\nAn anagram [possibly] of TRACES round P[ink]"} {"Clue":"Have fun on a Spanish beach (5)","Answer":"PLAYA","Explanation":"Definition: Spanish beach\nPLAY [have fun] + A"} {"Clue":"Fancy redhead in Neanderthal's place? (5)","Answer":"CRAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Fancy\nR[ed] in CAVE [Neanderthal's place]"} {"Clue":"Salutation at a wedding breakfast, possibly? (5)","Answer":"TOAST","Explanation":"Definition: Salutation at a weddingbreakfast, possibly\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Scratching head, Joy embraces a certain female with pride (7)","Answer":"LIONESS","Explanation":"Definition: female with pride\n[b]LISS [joy minus the initial letter \u2013 'scratching head'] round ONE [a certain] \u2013 a brilliant opening clue [great definition] with a reference to Joy Adamson, author of 'Born Free', describing her experience of bringing up lion cub Elsa"} {"Clue":"Saw man chasing British online commentator (7)","Answer":"BLOGGER","Explanation":"Definition: online commentator\nLOGGER [saw man] after [chasing] B [British]"} {"Clue":"Are next to improbably huge robin (9)","Answer":"NEIGHBOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Are next to\nAn anagram [improbably] of HUGE ROBIN"} {"Clue":"Reportedly followed progress of parcel (5)","Answer":"TRACT","Explanation":"Definition: Reportedly followed progress of parcel\nSounds like [reportedly] 'tracked' [followed progress of {parcel}] but where was the definition? \u2013 then the penny dropped: parcel = a continuous stretch of land [Chambers] so it's an excellent &lit"} {"Clue":"A bit of a kip after extremes of heartache and\u00a0passion (4)","Answer":"HEAT","Explanation":"Definition: passion\nH[eartach]E + AT [1\/100 of a kip \u2013 Laotian currency]: I had to phone-a-friend Gaufrid re the second half \u2013 something I don't reckon to do when it's my blog \u2013 but this one had to be as perfect as I could make it; he tells me that it's a crossword classic but I've never come across it before and wouldn't have had a hope of getting it, so many thanks to him; during the course of the conversation, we both admitted to being perplexed by the definition in 10ac, then, as we spoke, we both saw the light at exactly the same time \u2013 one of those really magic moments"} {"Clue":"Cook it with fennel or with spinach (10)","Answer":"FLORENTINE","Explanation":"Definition: with spinach\nAn anagram [cook] of IT + FENNEL OR"} {"Clue":"According to hearsay, ogle slim woman (6)","Answer":"EILEEN","Explanation":"Definition: woman\nSounds [unequivocally] like [according to hearsay] EYE [ogle] + LEAN [slim] \u2013 this\u00a0reminded me\u00a0of those 'Literary Classics' that amused me when I was a child, eg 'Clifftop tragedy' by Eileen Dover and 'The broken window' by Eva Brick et al \u2026"} {"Clue":"Team keeping discontented rattlesnake by itself (7)","Answer":"SQUARED","Explanation":"Definition: by itself\nSQUAD [team] round [keeping] R[attlesnak]E [without its content]: just look at the number of this clue \u2013 sheer genius"} {"Clue":"It gets under the feet of two mums, trapped by routine (4,3)","Answer":"RUSH MAT","Explanation":"Definition: It gets under the feet\nSH + MA \u2013 two meanings of mum in [trapped by] RUT [routine]"} {"Clue":"Partly malarial Torcello, a Venetian island (6)","Answer":"RIALTO","Explanation":"Definition: Venetian island\nHidden in malaRIAL TOrcello \u2013 clever, because Torcello is also a Venetian island"} {"Clue":"Incensed at people rejecting seconds, start to convulse and twitch (10)","Answer":"APOPLECTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Incensed\nRejecting second letters of A[t] P[e]OPLE + C[onvulse] + TIC [twitch]"} {"Clue":"Runs into Hebrew sage, perhaps (4)","Answer":"HERB","Explanation":"Definition: sage, perhaps\nR [runs] in HEB [Hebrew]"} {"Clue":"Sick brother leaves NY street after thief's confession (2,1,3,3)","Answer":"IN A BAD WAY","Explanation":"Definition: Sick\nI NAB [thief's confession] + [bro]ADWAY [New York street minus bro \u2013 brother]"} {"Clue":"Poet describing you poetically as \"first in her field\" (7)","Answer":"DOYENNE","Explanation":"Definition: \"first in her field\"\n[John] DONNE [poet] round YE [you poetically]"} {"Clue":"Set off without a meal (5)","Answer":"LUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: meal\nL[a]UNCH [set off]"} {"Clue":"To Riga, migrating without paperwork (7)","Answer":"ORIGAMI","Explanation":"Definition: paperwork\nHidden in tO RIGA MIgrating"} {"Clue":"Real origins of European common toad probed by Henry (4)","Answer":"ECHT","Explanation":"Definition: Real\nInitial letters [origins] of European Common Toad round H [henry \u2013 SI unit]"} {"Clue":"Coatis cling and spit, unusually obstructive course of action (8,7)","Answer":"SPOILING TACTICS","Explanation":"Definition: obstructive course of action\nAnagram [unusually] of COATIS CLING and SPIT"} {"Clue":"Singer tries to rebel after ban on underwear on beach (6,9)","Answer":"BARBRA STREISAND","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\nAn anagram [to rebel] of TRIES after BAR [ban] BRA [underwear] + SAND [beach]"} {"Clue":"Once oddly tense and thin, resembling a stop sign (10)","Answer":"OCTANGULAR","Explanation":"Definition: resembling a stop sign\nOdd letters of OnCe + T [tense] + ANGULAR [thin]"} {"Clue":"First to grow more delicate Alpine flower? (7)","Answer":"GLACIER","Explanation":"Definition: Alpine flower?\nG[row] + LACIER [more delicate]"} {"Clue":"Half-heartedly withdraw commercial for tyre (7)","Answer":"RETREAD","Explanation":"Definition: tyre\nRET[i]RE [withdraw, 'half-heartedly'] + AD [commercial]"} {"Clue":"Pay me later!\", ordered Co-operative worker (4,6)","Answer":"TEAM PLAYER","Explanation":"Definition: Co-operative worker\nAn anagram [ordered] of PAY ME LATER"} {"Clue":"Child's hero ignoring case of betrayal (7)","Answer":"REACHER","Explanation":"Definition: Child's hero\n[t]REACHER[y] [betrayal] \u2013 Jack Reacher, hero of novels by Lee Child"} {"Clue":"Took bung for throwing match (4,3)","Answer":"SHOT PUT","Explanation":"Definition: throwing match\nSHOT [took \u2013 as in a photograph] + BUNG [put] \u2013 why did this [a simple charade] take so long to parse \u2013 even after I'd 'BUNGed' it in? I was fixated on bung = stopper, or perhaps bribe \u2013 huge doh!"} {"Clue":"Stars in east, south and west in conjunction (3,4)","Answer":"THE SWAN","Explanation":"Definition: Stars\nEast, South\u00a0 and West in THAN [conjunction] \u2013 clever use of 'conjunction'"} {"Clue":"Nice article supporting young male scientist (5)","Answer":"BOYLE","Explanation":"Definition: scientist\nLE [Nice article] after BOY [young male]"} {"Clue":"Grumpy pal with piles first delivers annual greeting (4,5,7)","Answer":"MANY HAPPY RETURNS","Explanation":"Definition: annual greeting\nMANY [piles] + HAPPY [Grumpy the dwarf's pal] + RETURNS [delivers] \u2013 an easy construction but a hilarious surface to end on!"} {"Clue":"Wife leaving Jack the Lad for dedicated follower of fashion (7)","Answer":"HIPSTER","Explanation":"Definition: dedicated follower of fashion\n[w]HIPSTER [Jack the Lad, minus W {wife}]"} {"Clue":"Band with penny at the end in small amount of prize money (7)","Answer":"JACKPOT","Explanation":"Definition: prize money\nPACK [band, with the P [penny] moved to the end] in JOT [small amount]"} {"Clue":"Cheer when doctor visits surgery (5)","Answer":"WHOOP","Explanation":"Definition: Cheer\nWHO [doctor] + OP [surgery] \u2013 as someone has pointed out here more than once, Doctor Who is the name of the programme, not the doctor"} {"Clue":"Agent with old anecdote about one in vault (10)","Answer":"REPOSITORY","Explanation":"Definition: vault\nREP [agent] + O [old] + I [one] in STORY [anecdote]"} {"Clue":"Verbal leaders of outspoken rabble are lefties (4)","Answer":"ORAL","Explanation":"Definition: Verbal\nInitial letters [leaders] of Outspoken Rabble Are Lefties"} {"Clue":"Vessel containing another meat socially acceptable for ancient king (11)","Answer":"TUTANKHAMUN","Explanation":"Definition: ancient king\nTUN [vessel] round TANK [another vessel] + HAM [meat] + U [socially acceptable]"} {"Clue":"Part of cell released by sumac pollen (11)","Answer":"NUCLEOPLASM","Explanation":"Definition: Part of cell\nAn anagram [released] of SUMAC POLLEN"} {"Clue":"God right to desert French artist? (4)","Answer":"ODIN","Explanation":"Definition: God\n[r]ODIN [Auguste RODIN \u2013 French artist]"} {"Clue":"Refuse to be taken in by swaggering gait of the fashionable set (10)","Answer":"GLITTERATI","Explanation":"Definition: the fashionable set\nLITTER [refuse] in an anagram [swaggering] of GAIT"} {"Clue":"Predicament encountered by awfully green go-between \u2026 (9)","Answer":"MESSENGER","Explanation":"Definition: go-between\nMESS [predicament] + an anagram [awfully] of GREEN"} {"Clue":"caught en route to bed (5)","Answer":"PATCH","Explanation":"Definition: bed\nC [caught] in PATH [route]"} {"Clue":"Keep going\u00a0from US city getting southern trade (4,3)","Answer":"LAST OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Keep going\u00a0\nLA [US city] + S [southern] + TOUT [trade]"} {"Clue":"Trainees in pubs covering short part of academic year (7)","Answer":"INTERNS","Explanation":"Definition: Trainees\nINNS [pubs] round TER[m] [part of academic year]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Unusually hard arrow traced to 14's finder (6,6)","Answer":"HOWARD CARTER","Explanation":"Definition: 14's finder\nAn anagram [unusually] of H[ard] ARROW TRACED for the archaeologist who discovered Tut's tomb"} {"Clue":"Reminder for politician to attend closing of parliament (6)","Answer":"PROMPT","Explanation":"Definition: Reminder\nPRO [for] + MP [politician] + [parliamen]T"} {"Clue":"Press employee temporarily on vacation to exercise dog (10)","Answer":"TYPESETTER","Explanation":"Definition: Press employee\nT[emporaril]Y + PE [exercise] + SETTER [dog]"} {"Clue":"Bank upset over money transfer (5)","Answer":"REMIT","Explanation":"Definition: transfer\nA reversal [upset] of TIER [bank] round M [money]"} {"Clue":"Drink containing calcium and root of acacia tree (9)","Answer":"JACARANDA","Explanation":"Definition: tree\nJAR [drink] round CA [calcium] + AND + A[cacia] \u2013 I think, in a down clue, the 'root' could be either the first or the last letter"} {"Clue":"Actor died having lost odd set of principles (4)","Answer":"CODE","Explanation":"Definition: set of principles\n[a]C[t]O[r] D[i]D[e] losing the odd letters"} {"Clue":"Girl supported by both parents has a broad outlook (8)","Answer":"PANORAMA","Explanation":"Definition: broad outlook\nNORA [girl] in PA MA [both parents]"} {"Clue":"Men trial new marking on tennis court (8)","Answer":"TRAMLINE","Explanation":"Definition: marking on tennis court\nAn anagram [new] of MEN TRIAL"} {"Clue":"Waste 11 with slight convexity around top of handle and upturned lid (7,3)","Answer":"CHAMBER POT","Explanation":"Definition: Waste 11\nCAMBER [slight convexity] round H[andle] + a reversal [upturned] of TOP [lid]"} {"Clue":"Drug rejected by learner in struggle to be excellent (3-6)","Answer":"TOP-FLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: excellent\nA reversal [rejected] of POT [drug] + L [learner] in FIGHT [struggle]"} {"Clue":"Easy setter \u2013 female \u2013 in run-of-the-mill setting (8)","Answer":"INFORMAL","Explanation":"Definition: Easy\nI [setter] + F [female] in NORMAL [run-of-the mill]"} {"Clue":"Doctor sees about fastener for shrouds (8)","Answer":"ECLIPSES","Explanation":"Definition: shrouds\nAn anagram [doctor] of SEES round CLIP [fastener]"} {"Clue":"Simple introduction to solutions to be found in a grid (6)","Answer":"LIGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: to be found in a grid\nLIGHT [simple] + S[olutions] \u2013 solutions could be part of the definition"} {"Clue":"Take supplement primarily found in fish bones (5)","Answer":"TARSI","Explanation":"Definition: bones\nR [R{ecipe} \u2013 take] + S{upplement] in TAI [fish]"} {"Clue":"Construction materials impounded by sensible government (4)","Answer":"LEGO","Explanation":"Definition: Construction materials\nContained in sensibLE GOvernment"} {"Clue":"Piece left in social system (6)","Answer":"CASTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Piece\nL [left] in CASTE [social system] for the chess piece"} {"Clue":"Old rule initially in play? (5,3,6)","Answer":"ROMEO AND JULIET","Explanation":"Definition: play\nThe initial letters of the answer give RAJ [old rule\u00a0\u2013 the British government of India, 1858-1947] \u2013 a different kind of clue: we need first to guess the play from the crossers, which wasn't too difficult, I think"} {"Clue":"Magic word, in principle, as esoteric (6)","Answer":"PLEASE","Explanation":"Definition: Magic word\nHidden in princiPLE AS Esoteric \u2013 with the P?E??? in place, I wanted this to be PRESTO until the penny dropped: when children forget to say, 'Please', they're asked, 'What's the magic word?'"} {"Clue":"Popular old canary (8)","Answer":"INFORMER","Explanation":"Definition: canary\nIN [fashionable] FORMER [old] \u2013 from the expression 'sing like a canary'"} {"Clue":"First body, you might say, to tour northern French city (11)","Answer":"CARCASSONNE","Explanation":"Definition: French city\nCARCASS ONE [first body] round [to tour] N [northern] \u2013 I have only seen this striking city from the motorway, where we were nearly in a pile-up, because we hadn't noticed that the cars in front had also slowed down to admire it"} {"Clue":"Fix shower after showering without shower (7)","Answer":"INGRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Fix\nRAIN [shower] after [shower]ING"} {"Clue":"Couplet about \u2013 six fewer than this? (7)","Answer":"OCTUPLE","Explanation":"Definition: this\nAn anagram [about] of COUPLET"} {"Clue":"Place and time to bag an old house (11)","Answer":"PLANTAGENET","Explanation":"Definition: old house\nPLANT [place] + AGE [time] + NET [bag] for the royal house of which Richard III was the last"} {"Clue":"Setter noted patterns in reverse (4-4)","Answer":"AGAR-AGAR","Explanation":"Definition: Setter\nA reversal of RAGA RAGA [noted patterns]"} {"Clue":"Basic food in drinking establishment for 2 (6)","Answer":"BEGGAR","Explanation":"Definition: 2\nEGG [basic food] in BAR [drinking establishment] \u2013 answer to 2dn"} {"Clue":"State with a petition in US city (6)","Answer":"ALASKA","Explanation":"Definition: State\nA + ASK [petition] in LA [US city]"} {"Clue":"Bum seated, a fanatic about to perform (4-3-3)","Answer":"DOWN-AND-OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Bum\nDOWN [seated] + A NUT [a fanatic] round DO [perform]"} {"Clue":"Benefit in payment, evocative (8)","Answer":"REDOLENT","Explanation":"Definition: evocative\nDOLE [benefit] in RENT [payment]"} {"Clue":"Primate and friar (8)","Answer":"CAPUCHIN","Explanation":"Definition: Primatefriar\nDouble definition \u2013 monks or monkeys"} {"Clue":"Where passengers accommodated cheaply in back of cars, fury among drivers? (8)","Answer":"STEERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Where passengers accommodated cheaply\n[car]S + TEE RAGE [fury among drivers?]"} {"Clue":"Host certainly not leggy? (4)","Answer":"ARMY","Explanation":"Definition: Host\nA typical Paul clue! \u2013 self-explanatory, I think"} {"Clue":"River, run (4)","Answer":"DART","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"New river in Asia designed for old flagship (5,5)","Answer":"SANTA MARIA","Explanation":"Definition: old flagship\nN [new] TAMAR [one of the less common crossword rivers] in an anagram [designed] of ASIA for Christopher Columbus' flagship"} {"Clue":"Excellent punishment (8)","Answer":"SPANKING","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Will writer check schedule that's arisen? (8)","Answer":"TESTATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Will writer\nTEST [check] + a reversal [arisen] of ROTA [schedule]"} {"Clue":"Finish wiping bottom after an excess in sticky substance (6)","Answer":"GLUTEN","Explanation":"Definition: sticky substance\nEN[d] finish, 'wiping bottom'] after GLUT [an excess]"} {"Clue":"Comeuppance for Theresa May and a Conservative party (4)","Answer":"CAMP","Explanation":"Definition: party\nA reversal [comeuppance \u2013 neat!] of PM [Theresa May] + A C [Conservative] [Mrs May has provided rich pickings for setters in the last couple of years bur Pierre sounded a warning note yesterday in his Quiptic blog \ud83d\ude09 ]"} {"Clue":"6 23 etc to call up among banal and pathetic plays (4,8,8)","Answer":"NATO PHONETIC ALPHABET","Explanation":"Definition: 6 23 etc\nTO PHONE [to call] in an anagram [plays] of BANAL and PATHETIC \u2013 clever use of 'plays'"} {"Clue":"Strengthen Aldi: on Tesco struggles (11)","Answer":"CONSOLIDATE","Explanation":"Definition: Strengthen\nAn anagram [struggles] of ALDI ON TESCO"} {"Clue":"Students \u2013 completely clean? (7)","Answer":"NOVICES","Explanation":"Definition: Students\nNO VICES \u2013 completely clean"} {"Clue":"Change blue carpet (5,4)","Answer":"DRESS DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: carpet\nDRESS [change \u2013 one's clothes] + DOWN [blue]"} {"Clue":"Dance round mother's bra (without padding) (5)","Answer":"SAMBA","Explanation":"Definition: Dance\nA reversal [round] of MA'S [mother's] + B[r]A"} {"Clue":"Steal piece (4)","Answer":"SNIP","Explanation":"Definition: Stealpiece\nDouble definition \u2013 snip and steal are both words for a bargain"} {"Clue":"Travels with strange duo on tour (4,6)","Answer":"GETS AROUND","Explanation":"Definition: Travels\nAn anagram [on tour] of STRANGE DUO"} {"Clue":"State and prep schools initially fudged exams (4,6)","Answer":"TEST PAPERS","Explanation":"Definition: exams\nAn anagram [fudged] of STATE and PREP + S[chools]"} {"Clue":"Two times? Perfect (4)","Answer":"MINT","Explanation":"Definition: Perfect\nMIN[ute] + T [time]"} {"Clue":"American and European's short match (5)","Answer":"AGREE","Explanation":"Definition: match\nA [American] + GREE[k] [European]"} {"Clue":"Penguin to take one swimming about ice, lost chick briefly (9,7)","Answer":"CHOCOLATE BISCUIT","Explanation":"Definition: Penguin to take one\nAn anagram [swimming] of ABOUT ICE LOST CHIC[k] \u2013 'to take one' indicates definition by example; I don't know how well known these biscuits are beyond the UK \u2013 I do know they're smaller and less chocolatey than they used to be"} {"Clue":"European wine boxes for old England striker (7)","Answer":"GREAVES","Explanation":"Definition: old England striker\nGRAVES [wine] round [boxes] E [European] \u2013 Jimmy Greaves, English striker extraordinaire"} {"Clue":"Right back with players and supporters (7)","Answer":"TRIPODS","Explanation":"Definition: supporters\nA reversal [back] of RT [right] + iPODS [players]"} {"Clue":"The Sun will do this to newspaper\u00a0 numbers here? (6,5)","Answer":"YELLOW PAGES","Explanation":"Definition: The Sun will do this to newspapernumbers here\nDouble definition \u2013 I thought I might have to explain the second\u00a0 but Wikipedia tells me 'Today, the expression yellow pages is used globally, in both English-speaking and non-English speaking countries.'\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Correct my issue \u2013 good after work? (8,7)","Answer":"COSMETIC SURGERY","Explanation":"An anagram [after work] of CORRECT MY ISSUE + G[ood] \u2013 not exactly &lit but we need the whole clue for the definition"} {"Clue":"Intelligence to grasp new words (5)","Answer":"NOUNS","Explanation":"Definition: words\nNOUS [intelligence] round N [new]"} {"Clue":"Result revealed on show (7)","Answer":"OUTCOME","Explanation":"Definition: Result\nOUT [revealed] + COME [show]"} {"Clue":"Losing wicket at the start, spoils period at the crease (7)","Answer":"INNINGS","Explanation":"Definition: period at the crease\n[w]INNINGS [spoils] minus w [wicket]"} {"Clue":"Helping upset diva with heartless apology (8)","Answer":"ADVISORY","Explanation":"Definition: Helping\nAn anagram [upset] of DIVA + SO[r]RY [apology]"} {"Clue":"They ban kinky mum, sex actor and icon (15)","Answer":"EXCOMMUNICATORS","Explanation":"Definition: They ban\nAn anagram [kinky] of MUM SEX ACTOR and ICON"} {"Clue":"Stands when straddling bidet, having wiped bottom? (6)","Answer":"ABIDES","Explanation":"Definition: Stands\nAS [when] round BIDE[t]"} {"Clue":"One's secure getting key (6)","Answer":"ISLAND","Explanation":"Definition: key\nI'S [one's] + LAND [secure]"} {"Clue":"Awake, man on a toilet bent over making disturbance (8)","Answer":"UPHEAVAL","Explanation":"Definition: disturbance\nUP [awake] + HE [man] + A + a reversal [bent over] of LAV[atory]"} {"Clue":"Plucks out, at last, name amongst sporting partners (6)","Answer":"TWANGS","Explanation":"Definition: Plucks\n[ou]T + N [name] in WAGS [Wives And Girlfriends \u2013 sporting partners]"} {"Clue":"Before round, about to be drunk by piss artist (7)","Answer":"PICASSO","Explanation":"Definition: artist\nCA [about] in PISS + O [round]"} {"Clue":"Following pair of jumpers going over highest part of the building (7)","Answer":"ROOFTOP","Explanation":"Definition: highest part of the building\nF [following] in ROO TOP \u2013 two different\u00a0 kinds of jumper"} {"Clue":"One believes he is only seen once in the robbery (6)","Answer":"THEIST","Explanation":"Definition: One believes\nTHE [he]IST [the robbery, minus he]"} {"Clue":"Outstanding score for other side securing victory (5)","Answer":"OWING","Explanation":"Definition: Outstanding\nOG [Own Goal \u2013 score for other side] round WIN [victory]"} {"Clue":"Brutally honest person steals? Exactly! (2,3,4)","Answer":"ON THE NOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Exactly!\nONE [person] round [steals] an anagram [brutally] of HONEST"} {"Clue":"Scrub cooker hard (5)","Answer":"HEATH","Explanation":"Definition: Scrub\nHEAT [cooker? \u2013 I suppose, in the sense that a recipe might tell you to take a pan off the heat] + H [hard]"} {"Clue":"I hope piano players passed (7,7)","Answer":"FINGERS CROSSED","Explanation":"Definition: I hope\nFINGERS [piano players] CROSSED [passed]"} {"Clue":"Come down after end of flight and what should I do? Land! (7)","Answer":"TERRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Land\nRAIN [come down] after [fligh]T and ER [what should I do?]"} {"Clue":"Range of tennis player on the backhand (4)","Answer":"ALPS","Explanation":"Definition: Range\nHidden reversal [on the backhand] in tenniS PLAyer"} {"Clue":"Wife after skirts in Kuwait, in precarious situation\u00a0\u2013 don't be hasty! (5,5)","Answer":"THINK TWICE","Explanation":"Definition: don't be hasty!\nW [wife] after K[uwai]T in THIN ICE [precarious situation]"} {"Clue":"All those marked for dispatch\u00a0left inside this, it getting shifted (3,4)","Answer":"HIT LIST","Explanation":"Definition: All those marked for dispatch\nL [left] in an anagram [getting shifted] of THIS IT"} {"Clue":"Most important money reaches Arab League leaders (7)","Answer":"CENTRAL","Explanation":"Definition: Most important\nCENT\u00a0 [money] + first letters [leaders] of Reaches Arab League"} {"Clue":"Painting car seats green originally, I love blue (2,8)","Answer":"LA GIOCONDA","Explanation":"Definition: Painting\nLADA [car] round [seats \u2013 I looked sideways at this to begin with but Chambers has 'to place in any situation, site or location', which makes it a pretty good containment indicator] G[reen] + I O [I love]+ CON [blue] \u2013 I had a much posher car [Lagonda] to begin with but that didn't work \u2013 and it would have been too easy, anyway: for Lada jokes, see here"} {"Clue":"Divine figure and character in audition? (7)","Answer":"FORESEE","Explanation":"Definition: Divine\nSounds like [in audition] four [figure] + cee [the letter C \u2013 character]"} {"Clue":"Host Native American daughter (5)","Answer":"CROWD","Explanation":"Definition: Host\nCROW [native American] + D [daughter] \u2013 rather spookily, Wanderer in today's [Friday's] FT had 'American Indian daughter's faith' (5), which was the first thing that sprang to my mind here \u2013 but, of\u00a0course, \u00a0it didn't fit the definition"} {"Clue":"Conductor waiting to take charge, got on (9)","Answer":"ELECTRODE","Explanation":"Definition: Conductor\nELECT [waiting to take charge] + RODE [got on]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Mistake of huge proportions, a team in red wearing white start ill-prepared (2,3,2,4,4)","Answer":"GO OFF AT HALF COCK","Explanation":"Definition: start ill-prepared\nGOOF [mistake] + FAT [of huge proportions] + A\u00a0LFC [Liverpool Football Club \u2013 a team in red] in [wearing] HOCK [white {wine}]"} {"Clue":"Offensive type first joins up (8)","Answer":"STINKPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Offensive type\nA reversal [up] of TOP [first] + KNITS [joins]"} {"Clue":"Give up source of life, did you say? (4)","Answer":"CEDE","Explanation":"Definition: Give up\nSounds like [did you say?] 'seed ' [source of life]"} {"Clue":"Wicket! Sussex opener trapped by bowler on fire\u00a0\u2013 \u00a0is he out? (4,4)","Answer":"HOW\u2019S THAT?","Explanation":"Definition: is he out?\nW [wicket] + S[urrey] in [trapped by] HOT HAT [bowler on fire] \u2013 I suppose the question mark at the end justifies the definition by example \u2013 neatly done!"} {"Clue":"Actor in heap beginning to hurt during dance (8,6)","Answer":"CHARLTON HESTON","Explanation":"Definition: Actor\nTON [heap] + H[urt] in CHARLESTON [dance] \u2013 I've resisted posting an image\u00a0 \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Arab country after uprising has sealed fate when shelled (6)","Answer":"QATARI","Explanation":"Definition: Arab\nA reversal [uprising] of IRAQ [country] round [f]AT[e]"} {"Clue":"Might Beelzebub get his skates on then? Never! (4,4,7,4)","Answer":"WHEN HELL FREEZES OVER","Explanation":"Definition: Never!\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Man who's determined to cultivate derision (8)","Answer":"IRONSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Man who's determined\nAn anagram [cultivated] of DERISION \u2013 think Edmund II or Oliver Cromwell rather than Raymond Burr"} {"Clue":"Put cryptically, made fishy? (8)","Answer":"CODIFIED","Explanation":"Definition: Put cryptically\nCOD-IFIED \u2013 made fishy"} {"Clue":"Further study in theology faculty (8)","Answer":"REVISION","Explanation":"Definition: Further study\nRE [theology] + VISION [faculty]"} {"Clue":"Huge figure has to travel into Yorkshire town, shortly (6)","Answer":"GOOGOL","Explanation":"Definition: Huge figure\nGO [travel] in GOOL[e] [Yorkshire town, shortly]"} {"Clue":"Top Chinese food, massive plateful? (6)","Answer":"OODLES","Explanation":"Definition: massive plateful?\n[n]OODLES [Chinese food, 'topped']"} {"Clue":"Damn sunrises! (4)","Answer":"RATS","Explanation":"Definition: Damn\nA reversal [rises] of STAR [sun]"} {"Clue":"down\u00a0 Train's hour late, extremely annoying \u2013 the usual reason? (8,4)","Answer":"SOUTHERN RAIL","Explanation":"Definition: the usual reason?\nAn anagram [annoying] of TRAINS HOUR L[at]E\u00a0 \u2013 for overseas readers, there are some explanations here"} {"Clue":"It's briefly about a particular case, gripped by disease (6)","Answer":"APPROX","Explanation":"Definition: It's briefly about\nA + P[articula]R in POX [disease]"} {"Clue":"God in fallen idol making a comeback (4)","Answer":"ODIN","Explanation":"Definition: God\nHidden reversal [making a comeback] in falleN IDOl"} {"Clue":"Stars wonderful, though the first eclipsed in constellation (10)","Answer":"LUMINARIES","Explanation":"Definition: Stars\n[p]LUM [wonderful] + IN ARIES [constellation]"} {"Clue":"Man bandaging cuts, his wares often thorny? (6,6)","Answer":"FLOWER SELLER","Explanation":"Definition: his wares often thorny?\nFELLER [man] round [bandaging] LOWERS [cuts]"} {"Clue":"Initially raking in money, half of this ancient city (7)","Answer":"CORINTH","Explanation":"Definition: ancient city\nR[aking] in COIN [money] + TH[is]"} {"Clue":"Teacher regularly catching head turning, concentrate (7)","Answer":"ESSENCE","Explanation":"Definition: concentrate\ntEaChEr round a\u00a0 reversal [turning] of NESS [head]"} {"Clue":"Old actress eating only cream cakes? (8)","Answer":"DIETRICH","Explanation":"Definition: Old actress\nDIET RICH"} {"Clue":"Cool in deep space (3,3)","Answer":"FAR OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Coolin deep space\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Scenario unfolding on busy route, somewhere in the north-west Pacific (10)","Answer":"MICRONESIA","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in the north-west Pacific\nAn anagram [unfolding] of SCENARIO after MI [busy route]"} {"Clue":"Sound wheel part (4)","Answer":"ROLE","Explanation":"Definition: part\nSounds like roll [wheel]"} {"Clue":"Wife hasn't provided wicked little pest (6)","Answer":"WEEVIL","Explanation":"Definition: little pest\nW[if]E [minus if- provided] + EVIL [wicked]"} {"Clue":"Most desperate youth retrospectively securing passes (8)","Answer":"NEEDIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most desperate\nA reversal [retrospectively] of TEEN [youth] round DIES [passes]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Reportedly far from excited with topless greeting in house of ill repute (8)","Answer":"BORDELLO","Explanation":"Definition: house of ill repute\nBORD [sounds like \u2013 reportedly \u2013 bored {far from excited}] + [h]ELLO [greeting"} {"Clue":"School where every Tory of note starts (4)","Answer":"ETON","Explanation":"Definition: School\nInitial letters [starts] of Every Tory Of Note \u2013 not quite &lit: some of them go to Harrow et al"} {"Clue":"Fire a colleague from Belfast? (7)","Answer":"ANIMATE","Explanation":"Definition: Fire\nA\u00a0 NI [Northern Ireland] MATE [colleague]"} {"Clue":"Tracksuit perhaps fits uphill runner (10)","Answer":"SPORTSWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Tracksuit perhaps\nA reversal [uphill] of STROPS [ hissy fits] + [river] WEAR [runner]"} {"Clue":"Nerves of steel? I think not! (2,4)","Answer":"NO FEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Nerves of steelI think not!\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Social gathering in competition with divers at sea (5,5)","Answer":"WHIST DRIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Social gathering in competition\nAn anagram [at sea] of WITH DIVERS"} {"Clue":"Complex relationship ending in disaster, one in imbroglio (8)","Answer":"TRIANGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Complex relationship\n[disaste]R + I [one] in TANGLE [imbroglio]"} {"Clue":"Unaware your challenge can't be completed (8)","Answer":"CLUELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Unaware\nHaving no clues would be one reason for not finishing a crossword"} {"Clue":"Delusional activity, drink evil stuff in whisky with violin players (7,8)","Answer":"CHASING RAINBOWS","Explanation":"Definition: Delusional activity,\nCHA [drink] + SIN [evil stuff] + GRAIN [whisky] + BOWS [violin players]"} {"Clue":"Painting is about to come up (6)","Answer":"IRISES","Explanation":"Definition: Painting\nIS round RISE [to come up] for Van Gogh's painting"} {"Clue":"1970s' fashion, flaming dull clothes exciting people (6,8)","Answer":"FLARED TROUSERS","Explanation":"Definition: 1970s' fashion\nI guessed this immediately from the enumeration alone \u2013 but\u00a0 I can't quite work out the parsing: FLARED could be flaming and TROUSERS exciting people but I can't see the middle bit \u2013 help, please *[Edit: please see comments 1 and 2 \u2013 I knew help would be readily available]"} {"Clue":"Very exciting case in court, absolutely full (6-6)","Answer":"ACTION-PACKED","Explanation":"Definition: Very exciting\nACTION [case in court] + PACKED [absolutely full]"} {"Clue":"Sky thus clearer, as university sportsman runs (5)","Answer":"BLUER","Explanation":"Definition: Sky thus clearer\nBLUE [university sportsman] + R [runs]"} {"Clue":"Australian who believes in evolution? (9)","Answer":"DARWINIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Australianwho believes in evolution\nDouble definition: the Australian port is named after the naturalist Charles"} {"Clue":"One showing appreciation of tongue (7)","Answer":"CLAPPER","Explanation":"Definition: One showing appreciationtongue\nDouble definition: the clapper or tongue is the hammer of a bell and clapper is a slang word for the tongue"} {"Clue":"Pen \u2013 only touched one end? (4-3)","Answer":"FELT-TIP","Explanation":"Definition: Pen\nFELT [touched] + TIP [one end]"} {"Clue":"Where one was punished, until completely motionless (5-5)","Answer":"STOCK-STILL","Explanation":"Definition: completely motionless\nSTOCKS [where one was punished] + TILL [until]"} {"Clue":"Change feet over (4)","Answer":"SWAP","Explanation":"Definition: Change\nA reversal [over] of PAWS [feet]"} {"Clue":"Witches can't start cooker (4)","Answer":"OVEN","Explanation":"Definition: cooker\n[c]OVEN \u2013 a gathering of witches"} {"Clue":"Setting out virtues of joining euro? (10)","Answer":"EXPOUNDING","Explanation":"Definition: Setting out\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"The arts of growing lab specimen? (7)","Answer":"CULTURE","Explanation":"Definition: The artsgrowing lab specimen\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Prime us acting for those standing in the middle (7)","Answer":"UMPIRES","Explanation":"Definition: those standing in the middle\nAn anagram [acting] of PRIME US \u2013 in cricket or tennis, only figuratively 'in the middle'"} {"Clue":"No more jokes after this, said to be the longest? (4,5)","Answer":"LAST LAUGH","Explanation":"Definition: No more jokes after this\nCryptic definition, referring to the saying, 'He who laughs last laughs longest'"} {"Clue":"Half hope to take advantage of building (5)","Answer":"HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: building\nHO[pe] + USE [take advantage of]"} {"Clue":"Need contract revised but not watered down (12)","Answer":"CONCENTRATED","Explanation":"Definition: not watered down\nAn anagram [revised] of NEED CONTRACT\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Distinctly superior cave about to be transformed (1,3,5)","Answer":"A CUT ABOVE","Explanation":"Definition: Distinctly superior\nAn anagram [to be transformed] of CAVE ABOUT"} {"Clue":"Go and fish below the old road (8)","Answer":"TURNPIKE","Explanation":"Definition: old road\nTURN [go] + PIKE [fish]"} {"Clue":"Give instructions for tidiness (5)","Answer":"ORDER","Explanation":"Definition: Give instructionstidiness\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Range of investments: poor lot, if badly managed (9)","Answer":"PORTFOLIO","Explanation":"Definition: Range of investments\nAn anagram [badly managed] of POOR LOT IF"} {"Clue":"Cold countryside at first and not flat (6)","Answer":"CHILLY","Explanation":"Definition: Cold\nC[ountryside] + HILLY [not flat]"} {"Clue":"Proclamation wrongly cited (5)","Answer":"EDICT","Explanation":"Definition: Proclamation\nAn anagram [wrongly] of CITED"} {"Clue":"Counter on which one may tell one's beads? (6)","Answer":"ABACUS","Explanation":"Definition: Counter\nCryptic [?] definition"} {"Clue":"Quickly buy pans suggested (4,2)","Answer":"SNAP UP","Explanation":"Definition: Quickly buy\nSNAP is a reversal [up] of PANS"} {"Clue":"Refund from the Revenue? (3,6)","Answer":"TAX RETURN","Explanation":"Definition: Refund from the Revenue?\nThis doesn't work for me: my immediate thought was 'tax rebate' \u2013 which is not very cryptic! \u2013 but a tax return is 'a yearly statement of one's income, from which the amount due in tax is calculated' [Chambers] \u2013 not a refund"} {"Clue":"Suddenly turn to make a collection (4-5)","Answer":"WHIP-ROUND","Explanation":"Definition: Suddenly turncollection\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Picture that striker quickly takes (8)","Answer":"SNAPSHOT","Explanation":"Definition: Picturethat striker quickly takes\nA rather weak double definition, since both mean a shot quickly taken"} {"Clue":"Secret business, turning up at sect (6)","Answer":"OCCULT","Explanation":"Definition: Secret\nA reversal [turning up] of CO [business] + CULT [sect]"} {"Clue":"Fuel kept without pressure seal (6)","Answer":"GASKET","Explanation":"Definition: seal\nGAS [fuel] + KE[p]T minus p [pressure]"} {"Clue":"Sort of school for everyone? Yes and no (6)","Answer":"PUBLIC","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of school\nCryptic definition \u2013 I found two explanations for private schools being called public schools:\n\ni)'The term 'public' (first adopted by Eton College) refers to the fact that the school is open to the paying public, as opposed to a religious school, which was open only to members of a certain church'"} {"Clue":"Rope, look, tethering donkey (5)","Answer":"LASSO","Explanation":"Definition: Rope\nLO [look] round ASS [donkey]"} {"Clue":"Escort drug dealer for execution (5)","Answer":"USHER","Explanation":"Definition: Escort\n[p]USHER [drug dealer]"} {"Clue":"Retiring age soared, say, in regime such as ours? (7,5)","Answer":"WELFARE STATE","Explanation":"Definition: regime such as ours\nA reversal [retiring] of ERA [age] FLEW [soared] + STATE [say] \u2013 a brilliant surface, which might raise some wry smiles"} {"Clue":"Public transport attendants (5)","Answer":"TRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Public transportattendants\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Royal college's head leaving for US university (9)","Answer":"PRINCETON","Explanation":"Definition: US university\nPRINCE [royal] + [e]TON [college] minus its first letter [head]"} {"Clue":"Eg arm borne by soldiers, those taking a back seat? (7,7)","Answer":"PRIVATE MEMBERS","Explanation":"Definition: those taking a back seat\nPRIVATES [soldiers] round MEMBER [eg arm]"} {"Clue":"Benefits from changing motel's menu? (10)","Answer":"EMOLUMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Benefits\nAn anagram [changing] of MOTEL'S MENU"} {"Clue":"Wife boarding vessel to find man on board (4)","Answer":"PAWN","Explanation":"Definition: man on board\nW [wife] in PAN [vessel]"} {"Clue":"Discarded spades held here? (4)","Answer":"SHED","Explanation":"Definition: Discardedspades held here\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Small and large states backing chosen type of power\u00a0(10)","Answer":"ELECTRICAL","Explanation":"Definition: type of power\nRI [Rhode Island, the smallest US state] + CAL [the largest \u2013 in population \u2013 US state] after [backing] ELECT [chosen]"} {"Clue":"Here you can make your mark\u00a0cutting post (7,7)","Answer":"POLLING STATION","Explanation":"Definition: Here you can make your mark\nPOLLING [cutting] + STATION [post]"} {"Clue":"Dungeon built to keep unclothed criminal (9)","Answer":"OUBLIETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Dungeon\nAn anagram [criminal] of BUILT TO [k]EE[p]"} {"Clue":" Stupendous fish (5)","Answer":"BRILL","Explanation":"Definition: Stupendous fish\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Constituency in the Borders? (8,4)","Answer":"MARGINAL SEAT","Explanation":"Cryptic definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"A few overcome by river current, like a bore? (9)","Answer":"WEARISOME","Explanation":"Definition: like a bore\nSOME [a few] after [overcome by] WEAR [river] + I [current] \u2013 lovely play on 'bore'"} {"Clue":"Row involving an elevated US taxonomist (8)","Answer":"LINNAEUS","Explanation":"Definition: taxonomist\nLINE [row] round a reversal [elevated] of AN + US"} {"Clue":"Fruit with marked skin peeled (5)","Answer":"APPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\n[d]APPLE[d] [with marked skin]"} {"Clue":"Could this disheartened fan create magnificent cryptic? (9)","Answer":"ENIGMATIC","Explanation":"Definition: cryptic\nA subtractive anagram: 'This' [ENIGMATIC] + F[a]N [disheartened] is an anagram [could create] of 'magnificent'"} {"Clue":"Future volume slashed by firm (2,4)","Answer":"TO COME","Explanation":"Definition: Future\nCO [firm] in TOME [volume]"} {"Clue":"Appeal lifted one particular sort of levy (5)","Answer":"TITHE","Explanation":"Definition: sort of levy\nA reversal [lifted] of IT [appeal] + THE [definite article \u2013 one particular]"} {"Clue":"Plain stage exercises (6)","Answer":"STEPPE","Explanation":"Definition: Plain\nSTEP [stage] + PE [exercises]"} {"Clue":"Agreement primarily sought within marriage (6)","Answer":"UNISON","Explanation":"Definition: Agreement\nS[ought] in UNION [marriage]"} {"Clue":"We learn the lesson, ultimately keeping land free from prejudice (9)","Answer":"ENLIGHTEN","Explanation":"Definition: free from prejudice\nLast letters [ultimately] of wE learN thE lessoN round LIGHT [land]"} {"Clue":"Curator from Bow to call on one moving north (9)","Answer":"ARCHIVIST","Explanation":"Definition: Curator\nARCH [bow] + VISIT [to call on] with the second I moving up [north]"} {"Clue":"A rebel MP's stirring opening words (8)","Answer":"PREAMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: opening words\nAn anagram [stirring] of A REBEL MP"} {"Clue":"Drink dispenser on ship at sea (6)","Answer":"SIPHON","Explanation":"Definition: Drink dispenser\nAn anagram [at sea] of ON SHIP"} {"Clue":"Desolate portrait painter holds on (6)","Answer":"LONELY","Explanation":"Definition: Desolate\nLELY [Sir Peter, 17th century Court portrait painter] round ON"} {"Clue":"Arranging fruit, receiving nothing in return (6)","Answer":"FIXING","Explanation":"Definition: Arranging\nFIG [fruit] round a reversal [in return] of NIX [nothing] \u2013 this was my first thought but, when I came to write the blog, I realised that FILING also fits, in both definition and wordplay [Chambers: 'file \u2013 to arrange in an orderly fashion' and NIL = nothing] so I checked online and FIXING is the solution given"} {"Clue":"Star billing featuring this group in the ascendant (5)","Answer":"LIBRA","Explanation":"Definition: this group\nA hidden reversal [in the ascendant] in stAR BILling \u2013 unusually, the definition is in the middle"} {"Clue":"Surreptitiously move bag (5)","Answer":"STEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Surreptitiously movebag\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Why on earth argue about old money? It may offend (5,4)","Answer":"DIRTY WORD","Explanation":"Definition: It may offend\n[A great start! I had to wait for a number of crossers before I saw what the answer was and then stared for ages with no idea of the parsing: I thought I was going to have to call for help but light dawned just as I was about to post]"} {"Clue":"Half of sisters like girl's name (5)","Answer":"NUALA","Explanation":"Definition: girl's name\nNU[ns] [sisters, half of] + \u00e0 la [like]"} {"Clue":"Light in the past \u2013 dieting worked (7)","Answer":"IGNITED","Explanation":"Definition: Light in the past\nAn anagram [worked] of DIETING for the past tense of IGNITE [light]"} {"Clue":"Fancied fish \u2013 considered not having starter (7)","Answer":"IDEATED","Explanation":"Definition: Fancied\nIDE [the familiar crossword fish] + [r]ATED [considered]"} {"Clue":"Drift to one side round middle of bend (5)","Answer":"TENOR","Explanation":"Definition: Drift\nTO R [right \u2013 one side] round [b]EN[d]"} {"Clue":"Get outta here! One doesn't appreciate what it costs (5,4)","Answer":"GOING RATE","Explanation":"Definition: what it costs\nGO [get outta here] + INGRATE [one doesn't appreciate]"} {"Clue":"Cool in a minor way? (4,4,3,4)","Answer":"DOWN WITH THE KIDS","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Solver gets extremely near solution for one of the above (9)","Answer":"YOUNGSTER","Explanation":"Definition: one of the above\nYOU [solver] + an anagram [solution] of GETS N[ea]R"} {"Clue":"Snap elastic getting in close for knee trembler (5)","Answer":"ASPEN","Explanation":"Definition: trembler\nAn anagram [elastic] of SNAP round [kne]E"} {"Clue":"So defending what the Sun produces is wicked? (7)","Answer":"SATANIC","Explanation":"Definition: wicked\nSIC [so] round A TAN [what the sun produces]"} {"Clue":"Sticker, it's on old dish (7)","Answer":"BURRITO","Explanation":"Definition: dish\nBURR [sticker] + IT + O [old]"} {"Clue":"My Joe's best friend? (5)","Answer":"CORGI","Explanation":"Definition: best friend\nCOR [my] + GI [Joe] for a definition by example of man's best friend"} {"Clue":"Very silly\u00a0wearing hat to keep cool (9)","Answer":"INFANTILE","Explanation":"Definition: Very silly\u00a0\nIN [wearing] TILE [slang for \u00a0hat] round FAN [cool]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Dead embarrassed accepting hand heartless lady granted (10)","Answer":"ADMITTEDLY","Explanation":"Definition: granted\nAn anagram [embarrassed] of DEAD round MITT [hand] + L[ad]Y"} {"Clue":"Tea with last slice of lemon in that's only just been made? (5-3)","Answer":"BRAND-NEW","Explanation":"Definition: that's only just been made\nBREW [tea] round AND [with] [lemo]N"} {"Clue":"Destroy decrepit touring vehicle \u2013 use this to get round instead (6,4)","Answer":"OYSTER CARD","Explanation":"Definition: use this to get round instead\nAn anagram [decrepit] of DESTROY round CAR [vehicle] \u2013\u00a0 explanation here\u00a0 for non-UK solvers"} {"Clue":"Charge round interrupting 19 (4)","Answer":"LOAD","Explanation":"Definition: Charge\nO [round] in LAD [youngster \u2013 answer to 19ac]"} {"Clue":"Mind training for novice in top celebrity run (10)","Answer":"ADMINISTER","Explanation":"Definition: run\nAn anagram [training] of MIND replacing L [novice] in A-[l]ISTER [top celebrity]"} {"Clue":"Sweet-talk model believing head's gone (8)","Answer":"INVEIGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet-talk\nAn anagram [model] of [b]ELIEVING"} {"Clue":"Ray adopts Republican slogan (6)","Answer":"MANTRA","Explanation":"Definition: slogan\nMANTA [ray \u2013 fish]\u00a0 round R [republican]"} {"Clue":"Enters carrying food, so don't hold back! (3,5,2)","Answer":"GET STUCK IN","Explanation":"Definition: don't hold back!\nGETS IN \u00a0[enters] round [carrying] TUCK [food]"} {"Clue":"Stormy on end of line \u2013 where is the president? (10)","Answer":"EISENHOWER","Explanation":"Definition: the president\nAn anagram [stormy \u2013 brilliant!] of ON [lin]E WHERE IS"} {"Clue":"This will cater for the rest of the passengers (5-3)","Answer":"WAGON-LIT","Explanation":"Definition: This will cater for the rest of the passengers\nA Rufus-like cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Hinted setter's bed contains a lot of bugs (8)","Answer":"IMPLICIT","Explanation":"Definition: Hinted\nI'M [setter's + PIT [bed] round LIC[e] [a lot of bugs]"} {"Clue":"down\", son\u00a0says (6)","Answer":"UTTERS","Explanation":"Definition: says\nUTTER [arrant \u2013 answer to 21dn] + S [son]"} {"Clue":"Consummate one relationship in the van \u2013 angry words follow (6)","Answer":"ARRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Consummate\nA [one] + first letter\u00a0\u00a0[ in the van] of Relationiship + RANT [angry words]"} {"Clue":"Held up in Gatwick \u2013 customs are disgusting (4)","Answer":"SUCK","Explanation":"Definition: are disgusting\nHidden reversal in gatwicK CUStoms"} {"Clue":"Following story about strike (4)","Answer":"BIFF","Explanation":"Definition: strike\nA reversal [about] of F [following] FIB [story]"} {"Clue":"Blunder made by stepfathers? (4,3)","Answer":"FAUX PAS","Explanation":"Definition: Blunder\nFAUX [of all the synonyms I have found \u2013 bogus, fake, false, etc \u2013 in this context I prefer 'substitute'*] + PAS [fathers]"} {"Clue":"Ring road regularly is a monstrous thing (7)","Answer":"CHIMERA","Explanation":"Definition: a monstrous thing\nCHIME ring] + alternate letters [regularly] of RoAd"} {"Clue":"Bug recurs in pregnancy (5)","Answer":"ANGER","Explanation":"Definition: Bug\nA hidden reversal [recurs \u2013 comes back] in pREGNAncy"} {"Clue":"Knowledge makes sense somehow after a conflict (9)","Answer":"AWARENESS","Explanation":"Definition: Knowledge\nAn anagram [somehow] of SENSE after A WAR [a conflict]"} {"Clue":"Firm changed mind and sent out for flavouring (10)","Answer":"CONDIMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: flavouring\nCO [firm] + an anagram [changed] of MIND + an anagram [out] of SENT"} {"Clue":"Dismal heartless face (4)","Answer":"DIAL","Explanation":"Definition: face\nDI[sm]AL, minus middle letters \u2013 heartless"} {"Clue":"Concerning the province, \"quiet\" meant avoiding a\u00a0surprise (12)","Answer":"ASTONISHMENT","Explanation":"Definition: surprise\nAS TO [concerning] + NI [Northern Ireland \u2013 the province] + SH [quiet] + ME[a]NT"} {"Clue":"Is embracing spin in part of symphony refinements (12)","Answer":"IMPROVEMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: refinements\nIS round PR [spin] in MOVEMENT [part of symphony]"} {"Clue":"With no flaws in this diplomacy (4)","Answer":"TACT","Explanation":"Definition: diplomacy\n[in]TACT = with no flaws"} {"Clue":"A green revolution in service for the boss (10)","Answer":"MANAGERESS","Explanation":"Definition: the boss\nAn anagram\u00a0 [revolution] of GREEN\u00a0 in MASS [service]"} {"Clue":"At first sight, youth may be of little importance supporting modern art movement (9)","Answer":"SYMBOLISM","Explanation":"Definition: art movement\nFirst letters of Sight Youth May Be Of Little Importance Supporting Modern"} {"Clue":"Fashionable cube unrelated to global organisation (5)","Answer":"INDIE","Explanation":"Definition: unrelated to global organisation\nIN [fashionable] + DIE [cube] \u2013 I'm not sure of the definition here:\u00a0comments welcome"} {"Clue":"Melody and noise on the right wavelength (5,2)","Answer":"TUNED IN","Explanation":"Definition: on the right wavelength\nTUNE [melody] + DIN [noise]"} {"Clue":"One third of residents accommodated stray (7)","Answer":"DIGRESS","Explanation":"Definition: stray\nRES[idents] in DIGS, so accommodated\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Country ragout fragrance (6)","Answer":"FRANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nF[rag]RANCE \u2013 please see my comment on 5dn re the construction"} {"Clue":"Pressing under guarantee, not only banks (6)","Answer":"URGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Pressing\nFirst and last letters ['only banks'] of UndeR GuaranteE NoT"} {"Clue":"Each calling for approval (10)","Answer":"PERMISSION","Explanation":"Definition: approval\nPER [each] + MISSION [calling]"} {"Clue":"Remove growth that could be sown (5)","Answer":"SHAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Remove growth\nAha! \u2013 this is now a trademark Philistine clue; I've blogged a couple of them and the first one that appeared\u00a0 foxed me completely: we have to remove the S from the rest of the word in both wordplay and answer, giving us own = HAVE"} {"Clue":"Seaside social network (9)","Answer":"COASTLINE","Explanation":"Definition: Seaside\nAn anagram [work] of SOCIAL NET \u2013 more separation needed; some people don't like this kind of clue but I do and this is a very neat example"} {"Clue":"Look at ship's make-up (8)","Answer":"EYELINER","Explanation":"Definition: make-up\nEYE [look at] + LINER [ship] \u2013 an old favourite"} {"Clue":"Inside wash: very pure (8)","Answer":"ABSOLUTE","Explanation":"Definition: pure\nSO [very] in ABLUTE [wash] [not in my Chambers or Collins but gettable, I hope, from its derivative, ABLUTIONS, which, as everyone knows, is an anagram of USAIN BOLT"} {"Clue":"Mad person in custody is not going to start casual conversation (10)","Answer":"CHATTERING","Explanation":"Definition: casual conversation\nHATTER [mad person in 'Alice in Wonderland'] in the initial letters [to start] of Custody Is Not Going"} {"Clue":"Talk about empty pleasure in surgery (9)","Answer":"OPERATION","Explanation":"Definition: surgery\nORATION [talk] round P[leasur]E"} {"Clue":"The stiff manoeuvres towards the end of a match? (5,3)","Answer":"FIFTH SET","Explanation":"Definition: towards the end of a match?\nAn anagram [manoeuvres] of THE STIFF"} {"Clue":"Half specialist soldiers, for example (8)","Answer":"SPECIMEN","Explanation":"Definition: example\nSPECI[alist] + MEN [soldiers]"} {"Clue":"Provoke pointer (6)","Answer":"NEEDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Provokepointer\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"The woman's supporting the Guardian guides (6)","Answer":"USHERS","Explanation":"Definition: guides\nHERS [the woman's] after ['supporting', in a down clue] US [the Guardian]"} {"Clue":"Equipped in cardiovascular medicine (5)","Answer":"ARMED","Explanation":"Definition: Equipped\nHidden in cardiovasculAR MEDicine"} {"Clue":"There's a thought, briefly put: God of DIY dead! (4,4)","Answer":"GOOD IDEA","Explanation":"Definition: There's a thought\nGO[d] O[f] DI[y] DEA[d] \u2013 briefly put"} {"Clue":"Take off underclothing, finding impurities (7)","Answer":"DOPANTS","Explanation":"Definition: impurities\nDO [take off \u2013 impersonate] + PANTS [underclothing \u2013 not an anagram indicator this time] \u2013 a new word for me"} {"Clue":"Humourless dandy recalled getting beaten by racketeer (2-5)","Answer":"PO-FACED","Explanation":"Definition: Humourless\nA reversal [recalled] of FOP [dandy] + ACED [beaten by a tennis player \u2013 racketeer]"} {"Clue":"Under discussion, heart unit (5)","Answer":"CORPS","Explanation":"Definition: unit\nSounds like [under discussion] core [heart]"} {"Clue":"Bean soup, nothing less, for seconds? (7-2)","Answer":"RUNNERS-UP","Explanation":"Definition: seconds\nRUNNER [bean] + S[o]UP minus o\u00a0[nothing less] \u2013\u00a0the question mark is for 'runner' as a definition by example"} {"Clue":"Note: I appreciate that award for a city on the Bay of Bengal (10)","Answer":"CHITTAGONG","Explanation":"Definition: city on the Bay of Bengal\nCHIT [note] + TA [I appreciate that] + GONG [slang for medal \u2013 award]"} {"Clue":"Material sensed (4)","Answer":"FELT","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Relationships entered into by male artist with desire to eat after smoking a joint (3,8)","Answer":"THE MUNCHIES","Explanation":"Definition: desire to eat after smoking a joint\nTIES [relationships] round [entered into] HE [male] MUNCH [artist] \u2013 that's my second new\u00a0snippet of knowledge learned today\u00a0 [the answer, not the artist]"} {"Clue":"Kind that's legally able to score in the box (11)","Answer":"CONSIDERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Kind\nONSIDE [legally able to score] in CRATE [box]"} {"Clue":"What melts? (4)","Answer":"THAW","Explanation":"Anagram [melts] of WHAT \u2013 &lit"} {"Clue":"Shoe, shocking pink, that is for a dish (7,3)","Answer":"PUMPKIN PIE","Explanation":"Definition: dish\nPUMP [shoe] + an anagram [shocking] of PINK + IE [that is]"} {"Clue":"Repeating time after time after time, I love breaking in (9)","Answer":"ITERATION","Explanation":"Definition: Repeating\nT ERA T [time after time after time] + I + O [love, in tennis] all in [breaking] IN"} {"Clue":"Lake where a bore recedes (5)","Answer":"GARDA","Explanation":"Definition: Lake\nA reversal [recedes] of A DRAG [a bore]"} {"Clue":"Lift near the ground (7)","Answer":"HEARTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Lift\nAn anagram [ground] of NEAR THE"} {"Clue":"Tube ending in passage alongside canary, say, in mine (7)","Answer":"PIPETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Tube\n[passag]E alongside PET [canary, say] in PIT [mine] \u2013 a reference to the use of canaries in coal mines as an early-warning signal for toxic gases\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Two months to boil down (6)","Answer":"DECOCT","Explanation":"Definition: boil down\nDEC[ember] OCT[ober]"} {"Clue":"Fix round vessel for cake (6)","Answer":"PARKIN","Explanation":"Definition: cake\nPIN [fix] round ARK [vessel]"} {"Clue":"Following closely, a lot on site for development (4,2,4)","Answer":"NOSE TO TAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Following closely\nAn anagram [for development] of A LOT ON SITE"} {"Clue":"Shoot gun if really pressurised, snipers all heading northward (5)","Answer":"SPRIG","Explanation":"Definition: Shoot\nA reversal [northward, in a down clue] of the initial letters [all heading] of Gun If Really Pressurised Snipers"} {"Clue":"Complex in Naples welcoming university in Calabria, say? (9)","Answer":"PENINSULA","Explanation":"Definition: Calabria, say\nAn anagram [complex] of IN NAPLES round U [university]"} {"Clue":"Maverick offering drinks on the house? (4,6)","Answer":"FREE SPIRIT","Explanation":"Definition: Maverickdrinks on the house\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Shutting up gutless egotist is immense, as lippy perhaps? (8)","Answer":"COSMETIC","Explanation":"Definition: lippy perhaps\nCOSMIC [immense] round E[gotis]T"} {"Clue":"Stand in river maintaining exercise, upright (8)","Answer":"DEPUTISE","Explanation":"Definition: Stand in\nDEE [river] round a reversal [upright, in a down clue] of SIT-UP [exercise]"} {"Clue":"Raise your voice about staff making errors (8,2)","Answer":"SCREWING UP","Explanation":"Definition: making errors\nSING UP [raise your voice] round CREW [staff]"} {"Clue":"Performance killing act (9)","Answer":"EXECUTION","Explanation":"Definition: Performancekilling act\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Maybe Celtic sofa initially like a bed? (8)","Answer":"SCOTTISH","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe Celtic\nS[ofa] + COTTISH [like a bed?] \u2013 a typical Paul clue"} {"Clue":"Illicitly, a romance being filmed (2,6)","Answer":"ON CAMERA","Explanation":"Definition: being filmed\nAn anagram [illicitly] of A ROMANCE"} {"Clue":"Soldiers one threat (6)","Answer":"MENACE","Explanation":"Definition: threat\nMEN [soldiers] + ACE [one]"} {"Clue":"Star in Canis Minor goes round (3-2)","Answer":"PIN-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Star\nPUP [Canis Minor \u2013 under-age dog!] round IN"} {"Clue":"Dull gospeller to his familiars? (4)","Answer":"MATT","Explanation":"Definition: Dull\nFamiliar form of Matthew, writer of the first Go"} {"Clue":"Beautiful perfume and diamonds both reduced (6)","Answer":"SCENIC","Explanation":"Definition: Beautiful\nSCEN[t] [perfume] + IC]e] [diamonds] both minus their final letters \u2013 reduced"} {"Clue":"Couples playing golf? Female left (4)","Answer":"FRED","Explanation":"Definition: Couples playing golf\nF [female] + RED [left] for this golfer"} {"Clue":"Converts pounds and euros to cut taxes (10)","Answer":"CHALLENGES","Explanation":"Definition: taxes\nLL [pounds] + E [euros] in [to cut] CHANGES [converts]"} {"Clue":"Warning shouts at the first from Tiger Woods (6)","Answer":"FOREST","Explanation":"Definition: Woods\nFORES [warning shouts\u00a0 \u2013 in golf \u2013 a crossword classic]\u00a0 + T[iger]"} {"Clue":"American bar with players \u2013 tense meeting at the end (8)","Answer":"ABUTMENT","Explanation":"Definition: meeting at the end\nA [American] + BUT [bar] + MEN [players] + T [tense]"} {"Clue":"Golf? Managed two days with terribly sad old men (9)","Answer":"GRANDDADS","Explanation":"Definition: old men\nG [golf \u2013 NATO phonetic alphabet] + RAN [managed] + DD [days] + an anagram [terribly] of SAD \u2013 the surface here rang a bell \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Pack up trophies in retirement (4)","Answer":"STOP","Explanation":"Definition: Pack up\nA reversal [in retirement] of POTS [trophies]"} {"Clue":"John Daly finally has something to fear (4)","Answer":"BOGY","Explanation":"Definition: something to fear\nBOG [John] + dalY"} {"Clue":"Right, take in lead on second shot? (9)","Answer":"REATTEMPT","Explanation":"Definition: second shot?\nR [right] + EAT [take in] + TEMPT [lead on]"} {"Clue":"Clubs turned on men \u2013 is private part for woman? (8)","Answer":"CLITORIS","Explanation":"Definition: private part for woman\nC [clubs] + LIT [turned on] + OR [Other Ranks \u2013 men] + IS"} {"Clue":"Plant fruit trees here? One for middle of park (6)","Answer":"ORCHID","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nORCHarD\u00a0 [fruit trees here] with the ar\u00a0 [middle of park] replaced by I [one]"} {"Clue":"Ian Poulter upset about an outburst (10)","Answer":"ERUPTIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: about an outburst\nAn anagram [upset] of IAN POULTER"} {"Clue":"In Baltimore a player makes cut (4)","Answer":"REAP","Explanation":"Definition: cut\nContained in baltimoRE A Player"} {"Clue":"Place to rest? (6)","Answer":"SETTEE","Explanation":"Definition: Place to rest\nSET [place] + TEE [rest] \u2013 &lit?"} {"Clue":"Opposition regularly says \"guys\": unknown Yankee interrupts (6)","Answer":"SYZYGY","Explanation":"Definition: Opposition\nZ [unknown] + Y [Yankee \u2013 phonetic alphabet again] in [interrupts]\u00a0 alternate letters [regularly] of SaYsGuYs\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Lounge and look at sport, turned over to follow golf score (7)","Answer":"PARLOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Lounge\nLO [look at] + a reversal [turned over] of RU [sport]\u00a0 following PAR [golf score]"} {"Clue":"Tungsten and lead club (5)","Answer":"WEDGE","Explanation":"Definition: club\nW [chemical symbol for tungsten] + EDGE [lead]"} {"Clue":"Left nets caught up (7)","Answer":"EXCITED","Explanation":"Definition: up\nEXITED [left] round [nets] C [caught]"} {"Clue":"Off tee, Norman gets distance (9)","Answer":"NANOMETRE","Explanation":"Definition: distance\nAn anagram [off] of TEE NORMAN"} {"Clue":"Rest to enter competition to make big bucks (5,2)","Answer":"CLEAN UP","Explanation":"Definition: make big bucks\nLEAN [rest] in CUP [competition]"} {"Clue":"Rough grassland: side which might go on greens? (5,8)","Answer":"SALAD DRESSING","Explanation":"Definition: which might go on greens?\nAn anagram [rough] of GRASSLAND SIDE"} {"Clue":"Club close to tee on hole (9)","Answer":"NIGHTSPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Club\nNIGH [close] + T [tee] +\u00a0SPOT [hole \u2013 predicament]"} {"Clue":"Tiger gutted over short 19 5 round: something on fairway? (7)","Answer":"TROLLEY","Explanation":"Definition: something on fairway?\nT[ige]R + a reversal [round] of YELLO[w] [short primary colour]"} {"Clue":"Rory McIlroy nearly up a shot \u2013 like either of two that make green? (7,6)","Answer":"PRIMARY COLOUR","Explanation":"Definition: either of two that make green\nAn anagram [shot] of RORY MCILRO[y] UP A"} {"Clue":"American player, Tom, to progress smoothly (6)","Answer":"CRUISE","Explanation":"Definition: American player, Tom\nDouble definition \u2013 a different kind of player"} {"Clue":"across\u00a0 It spices up Ryder Cup: row turns nasty (5,6)","Answer":"CURRY POWDER","Explanation":"Definition: It spices up\nAnother excellent anagram [turns nasty] to finish off \u2013 of RYDER CUP ROW"} {"Clue":"Signalling system delivered by horse trained to carry chart to Europe (9)","Answer":"SEMAPHORE","Explanation":"Definition: Signalling system\nAn anagram [trained] of HORSE round MAP [chart] + E [Europe] \u2013 see preamble"} {"Clue":"Worry amongst gangs today (5)","Answer":"ANGST","Explanation":"Definition: Worry\nContained in gANGS Today"} {"Clue":"Victoria's last daughter given gold and navy dress (5)","Answer":"ADORN","Explanation":"Definition: dress\n[victori]A + D [daughter] + OR [gold] + N [navy]"} {"Clue":"Change not starting with article on time in care facility (9)","Answer":"ORPHANAGE","Explanation":"Definition: care facility\n[m]ORPH [change, not starting] + AN [article] + AGE [time]"} {"Clue":"Mail handler tore stamps apart (10)","Answer":"POSTMASTER","Explanation":"Definition: Mail handler\nAn anagram [apart] of TORE STAMPS"} {"Clue":"Boats heading off to fish (4)","Answer":"EELS","Explanation":"Definition: fish\n[k]EELS [boats]"} {"Clue":"Quip about animal eating companion in farmyard? (7)","Answer":"EPIGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Quip\nA reversal [about] of MARE [animal] round PIG [mare's companion in farmyard]: I'm so used to seeing this word clued as a combination of PIG and RAM that it took a minute or two to work out where the E came from \u2013 and how the clue fitted together"} {"Clue":"Manuscript back with different cover (7)","Answer":"SMOTHER","Explanation":"Definition: cover\nA reversal [back] of MS [manuscript] + OTHER [different]"} {"Clue":"Trump losing papers here? (7)","Answer":"PRESENT","Explanation":"Definition: here\nPRES[id]ENT minus id [papers]"} {"Clue":"Took pint to stop row with editor (7)","Answer":"ADOPTED","Explanation":"Definition: Took\nPT [pint] in ADO [row] with ED [editor]"} {"Clue":"Kind of dessert served at end of luncheon (4)","Answer":"NICE","Explanation":"Definition: Kind\n[luncheo]N + ICE [dessert]"} {"Clue":"Attractive man married to queen crashed in squat (6,4)","Answer":"HUNKER DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: squat\nHUNK [attractive man] + [married to] ER [queen] + DOWN [crashed]"} {"Clue":"Brief up on new medicine (9)","Answer":"IBUPROFEN","Explanation":"Definition: medicine\nAn anagram [new] of BRIEF UP ON"} {"Clue":"Weak sides leaving embarrassing 17 (5)","Answer":"AWARD","Explanation":"Definition: 17\nA[wk]WARD [embarrassing] minus the first and last letters ['sides'] of 'weak'"} {"Clue":"People in A&E returned to get liquid injected (5)","Answer":"ENEMA","Explanation":"Definition: liquid injected\nA reversal [returned] of MEN [people] in A and E"} {"Clue":"Conductor chosen by staff close to Birtwistle (9)","Answer":"ELECTRODE","Explanation":"Definition: Conductor\nELECT [chosen] + ROD [staff] + [birtwistl]E\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Southern European leaving station returning for trophy (5)","Answer":"SCALP","Explanation":"Definition: trophy\nS [southern] + a reversal [returning] of PLAC[e] [station] minus e [European] \u2013 which is fine!"} {"Clue":"Criminal homes in on illicit booze (9)","Answer":"MOONSHINE","Explanation":"Definition: illicit booze\nAn anagram [criminal] of HOMES IN ON"} {"Clue":"Animal in minaret forced into cage (4,6)","Answer":"PINE MARTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\nAn anagram [forced] of MINARET in PEN [cage]"} {"Clue":"Problem after soggy food given to old retarded animal (7)","Answer":"OPOSSUM","Explanation":"Definition: animal\nSUM [problem] after a reversal [retarded \u2013 hmm: retard means to slow down or delay \u2013 I suppose that could be taken as 'put back'?] of SOP [soggy food] + O [old]"} {"Clue":"Ruler's letter to crowd (7)","Answer":"EMPRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Ruler\nEM [letter] + PRESS [crowd]"} {"Clue":"Greek hero in first part of Aeneid listened to sailors (4)","Answer":"AJAX","Explanation":"Definition: Greek hero\nA[eneid] + JAX [sounds like \u2013 listened to \u2013 jacks {sailors}] \u2013 I particularly liked this, because Ajax does feature in the first part of the Aeneid, my favourite Latin work"} {"Clue":"Government stock in\u00a0favour (5)","Answer":"GRACE","Explanation":"Definition: favour\nG [government] + RACE [stock]"} {"Clue":"Precious safe pinched by tramp (9)","Answer":"TREASURED","Explanation":"Definition: Precious\nSURE [safe] in TREAD [tramp]"} {"Clue":"Old flour ground in shed is resistant to the elements (6,4)","Answer":"COLOUR FAST","Explanation":"Definition: resistant to the elements\nO [old] + an anagram [ground] of FLOUR in CAST [shed]"} {"Clue":"Dear old flame and VIP seen dancing (9)","Answer":"EXPENSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Dear\nEX [old flame] + an anagram [dancing] of VIP SEEN"} {"Clue":"Photo doctored to rubbish manifesto's last controversial topic (3,6)","Answer":"HOT POTATO","Explanation":"Definition: controversial topic\nAn anagram [doctored] of PHOTO + TAT [rubbish] + [manifest]O"} {"Clue":"Time to put out chocolate? (7)","Answer":"TRUFFLE","Explanation":"T [time] + RUFFLE [put out] \u2013 the question mark indicates definition by example"} {"Clue":"Question a new civil engineer suspiciously (7)","Answer":"ASKANCE","Explanation":"Definition: suspiciously\nASK [question] + A N [new] + CE [civil engineer]"} {"Clue":"Fire reported in water slide (5)","Answer":"CHUTE","Explanation":"Definition: water slide\nSounds like [reported] shoot [fire]"} {"Clue":"Push tip of dart into weapon turned on Europe (5)","Answer":"NUDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Push\nD[art] in a reversal [turned] of GUN [weapon] + E [Europe]"} {"Clue":"Swimmer in ocean race crossing Atlantic to start with (4)","Answer":"ORCA","Explanation":"Definition: Swimmer\nInitial letters [starting] of Ocean Race Crossing Atlantic"} {"Clue":"Name associated with a lot of Allies battling (2,7)","Answer":"EL ALAMEIN","Explanation":"Definition: Name associated with a lot of Allies battling\nAn anagram [battling] of NAME + ALLIE[s] \u2013 &lit"} {"Clue":"She's housed in dire necessity (5)","Answer":"IRENE","Explanation":"Definition: She\nHidden in dIRE NEcessity"} {"Clue":"Ban poetic entreaty to hold the writer back (7)","Answer":"EMBARGO","Explanation":"Definition: Ban\nA reversal [back] of O [poetic entreaty] + GRAB [hold] + ME [the writer]"} {"Clue":"Lizard's egg laid in uncultivated land (7)","Answer":"MONITOR","Explanation":"Definition: Lizard\nNIT [egg] in MOOR [uncultivated land]"} {"Clue":"Pods round ship heading west (4)","Answer":"OKRA","Explanation":"Definition: Pods\nO [round] + a reversal [heading west] of ARK [ship]"} {"Clue":"Political coterie or cult? Back it to reform (3-3,4)","Answer":"KIT-CAT CLUB","Explanation":"Definition: Political coterie\nAn anagram [to reform] of CULT BACK IT"} {"Clue":"Rot back in coarse types of wood (7)","Answer":"EYE-WASH","Explanation":"Definition: Rot\n[coars]E + YEW and ASH [types of wood]"} {"Clue":"Red vehicle by pit (7)","Answer":"CARMINE","Explanation":"Definition: Red\nCAR [vehicle] + MINE [pit]"} {"Clue":"What could make apt stage entertainment (3,7)","Answer":"TAP DANCING","Explanation":"Definition: stage entertainment\nTAP DANCING could be a cryptic clue for APT"} {"Clue":"Stick crumbling, the end falling off (4)","Answer":"FLAK","Explanation":"Definition: Stick\nFLAK[y] [crumbling minus its end]"} {"Clue":"Parking in great city around shops (7)","Answer":"EMPORIA","Explanation":"Definition: shops\nP [parking] in a reversal [around] of AI [A1 \u2013 great] + ROME [city]"} {"Clue":"Don't cook enough food, red nuts having been shelled and sent back (7)","Answer":"UNDERDO","Explanation":"Definition: Don't cook enough\nHidden reversal [sent back] in [fo]OD RED NU[ts] minus the first and last two letters \u2013 having been shelled"} {"Clue":"Go through group of countries, probing distinctive feature (3,2)","Answer":"USE UP","Explanation":"Definition: Go through\nEU [group of countries] in USP [Unique Selling Point \/ Proposition \u2013 distinctive feature]"} {"Clue":"Type of firm with no money to lose it (9)","Answer":"BROKERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Type of firm\nBROKE [with no money] + RAGE [lose it]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Some cheer jazzy rag tune (4,5,3,3)","Answer":"HERE COMES THE SUN","Explanation":"Definition: tune\nAn anagram [jazzy] of\u00a0SOME CHEER\u00a0+ THE SUN [rag]"} {"Clue":"Person wittering on about marmalade, perhaps, before English party (8)","Answer":"JAMBOREE","Explanation":"Definition: party\nJAM BORE [person wittering on about marmalade, perhaps] + E [English]"} {"Clue":"Like a close shave, or in need of one (5)","Answer":"HAIRY","Explanation":"Definition: Like a close shavein need of one\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Pull down pants seldom worn by current husband (8)","Answer":"DEMOLISH","Explanation":"Definition: Pull down\nAn anagram [pants] of SELDOM round I [current] + H [husband]"} {"Clue":"Try to bag new sound device that's hard to get (6)","Answer":"GNOMIC","Explanation":"Definition: hard to get\nGO [try] round N [new] + MIC [sound device]"} {"Clue":"Big shot in golf by idiot breaking record (9)","Answer":"DIGNITARY","Explanation":"G [golf \u2013 phonetic alphabet] + NIT [idiot] in DIARY [record] \u2013 one NIT crossing with another but with different definitions"} {"Clue":"Pulse fast on one close to arousal (6)","Answer":"LENTIL","Explanation":"Definition: Pulse\nLENT [fast] _+I [one] + [arousa]L"} {"Clue":"Crack in part of lounge? Ring phone number from America (10,5)","Answer":"HEARTBREAK HOTEL","Explanation":"Definition: number from America\nBREAK [crack] in HEARTH [part of lounge] + O [ring] + TEL [phone]"} {"Clue":"Several lines\u00a0as standard on a chart (9)","Answer":"PARAGRAPH","Explanation":"Definition: Several lines\nPAR [standard] + A GRAPH [a chart]"} {"Clue":"Trickster to perform trickery on a person in court (8)","Answer":"CONJUROR","Explanation":"Definition: Trickster\nCON [to perform trickery on] + JUROR [a person in court]"} {"Clue":"Old Dalmatian in bad rain barking around yard (8)","Answer":"ILLYRIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Old Dalmatian\nILL [bad] + an anagram [barking] of RAIN round Y [yard]"} {"Clue":"This stimulates philosopher (6)","Answer":"POPPER","Explanation":"Definition: This stimulatesphilosopher\nDouble definition \u2013 the philosopher is\u00a0Karl, philosopher of science\u00a0 and POPPERs is 'a slang term given broadly to the chemical class called alkyl nitrites, that are inhaled for recreational drug purposes, typically for the \"high\" or \"rush\" that the drug can create'. [Wikipedia]"} {"Clue":"King of music in racy novel that's short (6)","Answer":"CRABBY","Explanation":"Definition: short\nBB\u00a0[BB King \u2013 American blues singer]\u00a0 in an anagram [novel] of RACY"} {"Clue":"Reptile steps out of line (5)","Answer":"ADDER","Explanation":"Definition: Reptile\n[l]ADDER [steps minus l [line]"} {"Clue":"Two chessmen, one of which captures a third (4,5)","Answer":"KING PRAWN","Explanation":"KING PAWN [two chessmen], the second round [capturing] R [queen] \u2013 a third \u2013* 0r rather, as PeterO comments @5, R [rook]"} {"Clue":"Motor racing, timid? Unlikely (5)","Answer":"FISHY","Explanation":"Definition: Unlikely\nFI [Formula 1 \u2013 motor racing] + SHY [timid]"} {"Clue":"One gathers pearls from margins of sandbank in river delta, instead of its head (4-5)","Answer":"SKIN-DIVER","Explanation":"Definition: One gathers pearls\nS[andban]K \u2013 margins of + IN [from the clue] + [r]IVER] with its first letter [head] replaced by D [Greek letter delta]"} {"Clue":"Pound backs dollar (5)","Answer":"SQUID","Explanation":"QUID [pound] after [backs] S [dollar : I've never\u00a0come across\u00a0this 'abbreviation', which is surprising, if it's common; I eventually found, after a nudge from Gaufrid, in Chambers,\u00a0 under S *symbol :*\u00a0'[in the form ] dollar]' \u2013 but I can't quite see how that clues 'S'"} {"Clue":"Imposes the first of taxes to be extracted from Hebrews (6)","Answer":"LEVIES","Explanation":"Definition: Imposes\nLEVI[t]ES [Hebrews] minus t[axes]"} {"Clue":"Diverge, argue, make up \u2013 friends at last, eternally (3,5)","Answer":"FOR KEEPS","Explanation":"Definition: eternally\nFORK [diverge] + last letters of arguE makE uP friendS"} {"Clue":"Coarse material to add fire to dance (7)","Answer":"HOPSACK","Explanation":"Definition: Coarse material\nHOP [dance] + SACK [fire]"} {"Clue":"Filthy lout, not unknown, witnessed speaking (7)","Answer":"OBSCENE","Explanation":"Definition: Filthy\n[y]OB [lout] minus y [unknown] + SCENE [sounds like {speaking} 'seen' {witnessed}]"} {"Clue":"Perform B major composition, part of opening (4,4)","Answer":"DOOR JAMB","Explanation":"Definition: part of opening\nDO [perform] + an anagram [composition] of\u00a0 MAJOR B"} {"Clue":"\"D'oh\"\u00a0sounds as if it could be \"doe\", pre-Middle English (4,2)","Answer":"DEAR ME","Explanation":"Definition: \"D'oh\"\nDEAR [sounds like 'deer', which could be a doe] before [pre] ME [Middle English] \u2013 when I say 'Doh' I mean something more like 'Blow me' or 'Silly me': I associate 'Dear me' with polite Victorian ladies expressing surprise or dismay \u2013 I've never heard anyone say it"} {"Clue":"Finding a place for octopus in gastronomic display (5)","Answer":"USING","Explanation":"Definition: Finding a place for\nHidden in octopUS IN Gastronomic"} {"Clue":"Freely flow with abuse to make Spooner go crazy (4,1,4)","Answer":"BLOW A FUSE","Explanation":"Definition: go crazy\nI've looked at this for a long time: 'freely' is an anagram indicator for FLOW with ABUSE but if Spooner were to go crazy he would surely say FLOW ABUSE, not BLOW A FUSE? \u2013 it seems the wrong way round to me but I'm probably being dim"} {"Clue":"Bend, use handle and let go (9)","Answer":"UNLEASHED","Explanation":"Definition: let go\nAn anagram [bend] of USE HANDLE\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Get beast to go uphill (6)","Answer":"WINKLE","Explanation":"WIN [get] + a reversal [to go uphill] of ELK [beast["} {"Clue":"CIA, NCA etc, with powers to use silver to displace cannabis (8)","Answer":"AGENCIES","Explanation":"Definition: CIA, NCA etc\n[pot]ENCIES [powers] with AG [silver] displacing pot [cannabis]"} {"Clue":"Ferret around: is mud involved? (6,2,3)","Answer":"FRUITS DE MER","Explanation":"Anagrams of FERRET and IS MUD \u2013 the wordplay suggests to me that we're looking for an anagram [around] of FERRET followed by an anagram [involved] of IS MUD, which is not what we have and so I think this is a weak clue \u2013 hardly redeemed by its surface \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Small shirt holds little to note, or nothing at all (5,2)","Answer":"SWEET FA","Explanation":"Definition: nothing at all\nS [small] + WEE [little] + T [example of shirt] + FA [note] \u2013 I think there may be some objections to the enumeration"} {"Clue":"It could be lobster pot (6)","Answer":"BISQUE","Explanation":"Definition: It could be lobsterpot\nDouble definition: a shellfish soup, made typically of lobster and another term for 'biscuit' [porcelain or other pottery which has been fired but not glazed] \u2013 I think Cookie will like this \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Marines dispersed throughout vessel (6)","Answer":"SHRIMP","Explanation":"RM [Royal Marines] separately in SHIP [vessel]"} {"Clue":"Cook rapidly and boil heads (4)","Answer":"CRAB","Explanation":"Initial letters [heads] of Cook Rapidly And Boil"} {"Clue":"Boatman reported for watch (3)","Answer":"EYE","Explanation":"Definition: watch\nSounds like [reported]\u00a0I [Boatman]"} {"Clue":"Female shellfish, easily caught (3)","Answer":"SHE","Explanation":"Definition: Female\nWell, I was a female easily caught by this one, as confessed above: it's hidden [caught] in shellfiSH Easily and also contained in SHEllfish\u00a0 \u2013 incidentally, does anyone else remember when SHE was nearly always something like a Haggard heroine?"} {"Clue":"Caught fish with nowhere to leave boat! (3)","Answer":"HAD","Explanation":"Definition: Caught\nHAD[DOCK] [fish minus dock- where to leave boat]"} {"Clue":"Expert the right wing excluded from conclusive arguments (3)","Answer":"PRO","Explanation":"Definition: Expert\nPRO[ofs] [conclusive arguments] minus the right wing: I think some might query this, in a down clue, but we need to think of it as written in normal text, rather than in the grid"} {"Clue":"Oddly cold arms (4)","Answer":"CLAM","Explanation":"Odd letters of CoLd ArMs"} {"Clue":"Factory ship processed missing parts of pot (8)","Answer":"CRAYFISH","Explanation":"An anagram [processed] of FACtoRY SHIp minus pot"} {"Clue":"Boatman unequalled (7)","Answer":"ABALONE","Explanation":"AB [Able-bodied seaman \u2013 Boatman] + ALONE [unequalled] \u2013 a frequent visitor to our Crosswordland [at least] shores"} {"Clue":"Funny story, having Enigmatist its lead character (6)","Answer":"OYSTER","Explanation":"An anagram [funny] of STORY + E[nigmatist]"} {"Clue":"Melt tip and root of eggplant stuffed into razor shell (6)","Answer":"RENDER","Explanation":"Definition: Melt\nEND [tip] + E[ggplant] in R[azo]R \u2013 my instinct was for E to be the last letter, especially in a down clue, but 'root' means 'source' or 'origin', so it does work"} {"Clue":"The way this clue's solution goes, the editor might be drunk (6)","Answer":"DOWNED","Explanation":"Definition: drunk\nDOWN [the way this solution goes] + ed [editor]"} {"Clue":"Might put into speech (6)","Answer":"MUSSEL","Explanation":"Sounds like [put into speech] muscle [might]"} {"Clue":"Composed a line and had American musicians play (2,5,7)","Answer":"AN IDEAL HUSBAND","Explanation":"Definition: play\nAn anagram [composed] of A LINE and HAD + US [American] + BAND [musicians]"} {"Clue":"Acquire debts interest-free (9)","Answer":"INCURIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: interest-free\nINCUR [acquire] + IOUS [debts]"} {"Clue":"The Guardian plugs reduced transport fare from the East (5)","Answer":"SUSHI","Explanation":"Definition: fare from the East\nUS [The Guardian] in [plugs] SHI[p] [reduced transport]"} {"Clue":"Nincompoops, many losing face (5)","Answer":"ASSES","Explanation":"Definition: Nincompoops\n[m]ASSES [many] minus the initial letter \u2013 'losing face'"} {"Clue":"Bolder men stripped off clothing (9)","Answer":"BRASSI\u00c8RE","Explanation":"Definition: clothing\nBRASSIER [bolder] + [m]E[n] [stripped off]"} {"Clue":"Man put on sham cover for crown jewels (8)","Answer":"CODPIECE","Explanation":"Definition: cover for crown jewels \nPIECE [man \u2013 chess] after COD [sham]"} {"Clue":"Shock time to emerge (6)","Answer":"THATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Shock\nT [time] + HATCH [emerge]"} {"Clue":"A queen accepts Meghan's No 1 fashion icon (6)","Answer":"ARMANI","Explanation":"Definition: fashion icon\nA RANI [a queen] round [accepts] M[eghan] [first letter \u2013 No 1] \u2013 neat misdirection here: I first tried to make R = queen and NI = No 1"} {"Clue":"Kind of stock\u00a0car feature with pine at the front (8)","Answer":"LONGHORN","Explanation":"Definition: Kind of stock\nHORN [car feature] with LONG [pine] at the front"} {"Clue":"A rum task involved a sensual work (4,5)","Answer":"KAMA SUTRA","Explanation":"Definition: sensual work\nAn anagram [involved] of A RUM TASK + A"} {"Clue":"Caught London gangsters making crack (5)","Answer":"CRAZE","Explanation":"Definition: crack\nSounds like [caught] Krays [London gangsters]\u00a0 \u2013 more misdirection: C [caught] + RAZE [London gangsters??] \u2013 Doh!"} {"Clue":"Sierra raced outside of Grenoble (5)","Answer":"RANGE","Explanation":"Definition: Sierra\nRAN [raced] + G[renobl]E \u2013 I winced at 'of' in the surface reading but it's needed for the cryptic"} {"Clue":"Lord's helper needs a switch between sides (9)","Answer":"ARCHANGEL","Explanation":"Definition: Lord's helper\nA + CHANGE [switch] between L and R [sides]"} {"Clue":"Capital radio's bum tune (11,3)","Answer":"LONDONDERRY AIR","Explanation":"Definition: tune\nLONDON [capital] + DERRY AIR [sounds like \u2013 'radio's' \u2013 'derri\u00e8re' {bum}] \u2013 I first laughed at this joke when I was at school but I still laughed again at this clever take on it\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Spinning plate with dotty, funny picture (6,8)","Answer":"ANIMAL CRACKERS","Explanation":"Definition: funny picture\nA reversal [spinning] of LAMINA [plate] + CRACKERS [dotty]"} {"Clue":"Native Americans journalist's covered (7)","Answer":"INCASED","Explanation":"Definition: covered\nINCAS [native Americans] + ED [journalist]"} {"Clue":"Genesis or Kinks making an appearance (9)","Answer":"EGRESSION","Explanation":"Definition: making an appearance\nAn anagram [Kinks] of GENESIS OR"} {"Clue":"Want to pen new book to reminisce (4,4)","Answer":"LOOK BACK","Explanation":"Definition: reminisce\nLACK [want] round [to pen] an anagram [new] of BOOK"} {"Clue":"Not firm catching a throw (6)","Answer":"UNSEAT","Explanation":"Definition: throw\nUNSET [not firm] round A"} {"Clue":"Again touring empty apartments' grounds (5)","Answer":"BASIS","Explanation":"Definition: grounds\nBIS [again \u2013 musical notation] round [touring] A[partment]S"} {"Clue":"Fledgling cuckoo can nest (7)","Answer":"NASCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Fledgling\nAn anagram [cuckoo] of CAN NEST"} {"Clue":"Academic failing to turn up entertaining prospect (4,10)","Answer":"VICE CHANCELLOR","Explanation":"Definition: Academic\nVICE [failing] + a reversal [up] of ROLL [turn] round [entertaining] CHANCE [prospect]"} {"Clue":"One raises issue about breaking smashed lock (4,5)","Answer":"HIGH CHAIR","Explanation":"Definition: One raises issue\nC [about] in [breaking] HIGH [smashed \u2013 drunk] HAIR [lock] with a cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Officer and staff oppressing revolutionary native Americans (8)","Answer":"COMANCHE","Explanation":"Definition: native Americans\nCO [officer] + MAN [staff \u2013 as verbs] + CHE, the familiar revolutionary"} {"Clue":"Token internet phenomenon not funny (7)","Answer":"MEMENTO","Explanation":"Definition: Token\nMEME [internet phenomenon] + an anagram [funny] of NOT"} {"Clue":"Setting a goal? It's a pain (7)","Answer":"OTALGIA","Explanation":"Definition: pain\nAn anagram [setting] of A GOAL IT"} {"Clue":"Make an effort in special school (6)","Answer":"STRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Make an effort\nS [special] + TRAIN [school]"} {"Clue":"Rush in rising river banks in Powys (5)","Answer":"SPEED","Explanation":"Definition: Rush\nA reversal [rising] of DEE + P[owy]S \u2013 and the river Dee flows through Powys"} {"Clue":"Clear account and retire (6)","Answer":"ACQUIT","Explanation":"Definition: Clear\nAC [account] + QUIT [retire]"} {"Clue":"Dashed after Euro-politician's returned for part of Wales (8)","Answer":"PEMBROKE","Explanation":"Definition: part of Wales\nBROKE [dashed] after a reversal [returned] of MEP [Euro-politician]"} {"Clue":"Final episode unable to be shown regularly (8)","Answer":"EVENTUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Final\nEVENT [episode] + alternate letters [regularly] of UnAbLe"} {"Clue":"Editor behind contracted group pressuring cast (6)","Answer":"LOBBED","Explanation":"Definition: cast\nED [editor] after LOBB[y] [group pressuring, contracted]"} {"Clue":"Lip, bloody lip! (4)","Answer":"BRIM","Explanation":"Definition: Lip\nB [bloody] + RIM [lip]"} {"Clue":"Player with little French put into cold changing room (10)","Answer":"COMPETITOR","Explanation":"Definition: Player\nPETIT [little French ] in C [cold] + an anagram [changing] of ROOM"} {"Clue":"Tense concerning 11 (2,4)","Answer":"ON EDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Tense\nON [concerning] + EDGE [brim \u2013 answer to 11ac]"} {"Clue":"Male introduced to change rear part of motor (8)","Answer":"CAMSHAFT","Explanation":"Definition: part of motor\nM [male] in CASH [change] + AFT [rear]"} {"Clue":"Female leading feeble corporal, perhaps, in dance (8)","Answer":"FLAMENCO","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nF [female] + LAME [feeble] + NCO [corporal, perhaps]"} {"Clue":"Quiet woman, at heart excessively contrary (6)","Answer":"SOOTHE","Explanation":"Definition: Quiet\nSHE [woman] round [at heart] a reversal [contrary] of TOO [excessively]"} {"Clue":"Eg, seat belt adjusted for six-footer (4,6)","Answer":"STAG BEETLE","Explanation":"Definition: six-footer\nAn anagram [adjusted] of EG SEAT BELT"} {"Clue":"Star having first of her five a day? (4)","Answer":"VEGA","Explanation":"Definition: Star\nVEG A might be the first of\u00a0 one's five daily vegetables \/ fruits"} {"Clue":"Game, part of it inspiring local backs (6)","Answer":"TENNIS","Explanation":"Definition: Game\nA reversal [backs] of SET [part of a tennis game] round [inspiring] INN [local]"} {"Clue":"Cock-up \u2013 general initially missing part of motorway complex (4,4)","Answer":"SLIP ROAD","Explanation":"Definition: part of motorway complex\nSLIP [cock-up] + [b]ROAD [general, minus its first letter \u2013 initially missing]"} {"Clue":"Man's man possibly wiser to go without wife across country (8)","Answer":"ISLANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Man's man possibly\n[w]ISER minus w [wife] round LAND [country]"} {"Clue":"Unctuous Farmer George given a piece of cake (6)","Answer":"GREASY","Explanation":"Definition: Unctuous\nGR [King George {III \u2013 nicknamed 'Farmer George' } \u2013 see here]\u00a0 + EASY [a piece of cake]"} {"Clue":"Info often enclosed, giving indemnity to landlords? (8,7)","Answer":"COVERING LETTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Info often enclosed\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Anonymous nude man sculpted (7)","Answer":"UNNAMED","Explanation":"Definition: Anonymous\nAn anagram [sculpted] of NUDE MAN]"} {"Clue":"Club's empty restaurant served up meal without starter (9)","Answer":"TRUNCHEON","Explanation":"Definition: Club\nA reversal [served up] of R[estauran]T + [l]UNCHEON [meal without starter]"} {"Clue":"Controversial European music putting US off (7)","Answer":"POLEMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Controversial\nPOLE [European] + M[us]IC"} {"Clue":"Nutmeg's run into by learner \u2013 called AA initially (5)","Answer":"MILNE","Explanation":"Definition: called AA initially\nL [learner] in MINE [Nutmeg's] \u2013 for the creator of Pooh et al"} {"Clue":"Refuse two bachelors, one in haste (7)","Answer":"RUBBISH","Explanation":"Definition: Refuse\nBB [two bachelors] + I [one] in RUSH [haste]"} {"Clue":"Sign by restricted area, advice to those in rehab? (4,3,3,5)","Answer":"KEEP OFF THE GRASS","Explanation":"Definition: Sign by restricted areaadvice to those in rehab?\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Gathering has to take only its fourth call (9)","Answer":"MUSTERING","Explanation":"Definition: Gathering\nMUST [has to] + the fourth letter of takE + RING [call]"} {"Clue":"Mum putting a bloke in the shade (7)","Answer":"MAGENTA","Explanation":"Definition: shade\nA GENT [a bloke] in MA [mum]"} {"Clue":"Our best buckles not so smart (7)","Answer":"OBTUSER","Explanation":"Definition: not so smart\nAn anagram [buckles] of OUR BEST"} {"Clue":"Front of brochure primarily poet's work (7)","Answer":"OBVERSE","Explanation":"Definition: Front\nO]f] B[rochure] primarily + VERSE [poet's work]"} {"Clue":"Relaxed dressmaker turning up in odd places (5)","Answer":"EASED","Explanation":"Definition: Relaxed\nA reversal [turning up] of the odd letters of DrEsSmAkEr"} {"Clue":"Display prominently that parking is included in rent (6)","Answer":"SPLASH","Explanation":"Definition: Display prominently\nP [parking] in SLASH [rent]"} {"Clue":"Shows off? Rep can change direction! (7)","Answer":"PRANCES","Explanation":"Definition: Shows off\nAn anagram [change] of REP CAN + S [south \u2013 direction]"} {"Clue":"Typically, Nero gave a translation (2,7)","Answer":"ON AVERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Typically\nAn anagram [translation] of NERO GAVE A"} {"Clue":"Quietly polish ring (5)","Answer":"PHONE","Explanation":"Definition: ring\nP [quietly] + HONE [polish]"} {"Clue":"Case husband found in market (5)","Answer":"SHELL","Explanation":"Definition: Case\nH [husband] in SELL [market]"} {"Clue":"Lady dines out? That's unforgivable! (6,3)","Answer":"DEADLY SIN","Explanation":"Definition: That's unforgivable\nAn anagram [out] of LADY DINES"} {"Clue":"Ring band touring El Salvador (7)","Answer":"RESOUND","Explanation":"Definition: Ring\nROUND [band?] round ES [El Salvador]"} {"Clue":"Starts to look at tracks through the country (6)","Answer":"LATVIA","Explanation":"Definition: country\nInitial letters [starts] of Look At Tracks + VIA [through] \u2013 a rather weak way to clue 'at'"} {"Clue":"End to child's toy of the highest quality (6)","Answer":"TIPTOP","Explanation":"Definition: of the highest quality\nTIP [end] + TOP [child's toy]"} {"Clue":"Mark with permitted colour (7)","Answer":"SCARLET","Explanation":"Definition: colour\nSCAR [mark] + LET [permitted]"} {"Clue":"Noticing alumnus's help (9)","Answer":"OBSERVANT","Explanation":"Definition: Noticing\nOB [old boy \u2013 alumnus] + SERVANT [help]"} {"Clue":"Dainty and, to some extent, self-indulgent (5)","Answer":"ELFIN","Explanation":"Definition: Dainty\nContained in sELF-INdulgent"} {"Clue":"Man called after causing accident (5)","Answer":"PRANG","Explanation":"Definition: accident\nP [pawn \u2013 man] + RANG [called]"} {"Clue":"Saviour does without offal (9)","Answer":"DELIVERER","Explanation":"Definition: Saviour\nDEER [does] round LIVER [offal]"} {"Clue":"Member of crew in Spain gave permission (7)","Answer":"ELEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Member\nMEN [crew] in E [Spain] LET [gave permission]"} {"Clue":"Player satisfies in return for respect (6)","Answer":"ESTEEM","Explanation":"Definition: respect\nE [bridge player] + a reversal [in return] of MEETS [satisfies]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Northerner has scruples crossing the river (7)","Answer":"SCOUSER","Explanation":"Definition: Northerner\nSCR [scruples \u2013 apothecary's weight] round OUSE [river]"} {"Clue":"Go the French way (5)","Answer":"LEAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Go\nLE [the French] + AVE[nue] [way]"} {"Clue":"Clothing society suffering legal action (5,4)","Answer":"SHELL SUIT","Explanation":"Definition: Clothing\nS [society] + HELL [suffering] + SUIT [legal action] \u2013 unfortunate that this crosses with 3ac SHELL: loonapick noted something similar last month in Chifonie's puzzle 27,630"} {"Clue":"Pressure on clergyman hurt in triumph (7)","Answer":"PREVAIL","Explanation":"Definition: triumph\nP [pressure] + REV [clergyman] + AIL [hurt]"} {"Clue":"Father rejected mate, causing outrage (5)","Answer":"APPAL","Explanation":"Definition: outrage\nA reversal [rejected] of PA [father] + PAL [mate]"} {"Clue":"Winger gives angry account (9)","Answer":"CROSSBILL","Explanation":"Definition: Winger\nCROSS [angry] + BILL [account]"} {"Clue":"Insane preparation of pigment (6)","Answer":"SIENNA","Explanation":"Definition: pigment\nAn anagram [preparation] of INSANE"} {"Clue":"John worked for Frank (6)","Answer":"CANDID","Explanation":"Definition: Frank\nCAN [John] + DID [worked]"} {"Clue":"Orderly has model eating fruit (9)","Answer":"SHIPSHAPE","Explanation":"Definition: Orderly\nI'm not sure where the initial S comes from \u2013 I think it must be 'S [has] + SHAPE [model] round HIP [fruit] *Doh! \u2013 please see comments 1-8"} {"Clue":"Robbers used to predict the future (3,6)","Answer":"TEA LEAVES","Explanation":"Definition: used to predict the future\nCryptic definition: 'tea leaf' is Cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'"} {"Clue":"Place review in hand (7)","Answer":"PLAUDIT","Explanation":"Definition: hand\nPL [place] + AUDIT [review]"} {"Clue":"Fix a piece of furniture (6)","Answer":"SETTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Fixpiece of furniture\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Lambast Tory leader over odd outburst (7)","Answer":"TANTRUM","Explanation":"Definition: outburst\nTAN [lambast] + T[ory] + RUM [odd]"} {"Clue":"Body of king found in thicket (6)","Answer":"CORPSE","Explanation":"Definition: Body\nR [king] in COPSE [thicket]"} {"Clue":"German captured by profligate scoundrel (5)","Answer":"ROGUE","Explanation":"Definition: scoundrel\nG [German] in ROU\u00c9 [profligate]"} {"Clue":"Traveller catches cold? That's funny! (5)","Answer":"FARCE","Explanation":"Definition: That's funny\nFARE [traveller \u2013 a taxi driver might refer to his passenger as a fare] round C [cold]"} {"Clue":"A long time undercover (6)","Answer":"LEONID","Explanation":"EON [a long time] in LID [cover]"} {"Clue":"Gypsy chosen to take part in film (6)","Answer":"PSYCHO","Explanation":"Definition: film\nHidden in gyPSY CHOsen"} {"Clue":"Shakespeare's work initially making a comeback (4)","Answer":"ILYA","Explanation":"A reversal [making a comeback] of As You Like It [Shakespeare's work]"} {"Clue":"Athlete collapsed on narrow strip (4,6)","Answer":"FELL RUNNER","Explanation":"Definition: Athlete\nFELL [collapsed] + RUNNER [narrow strip]"} {"Clue":"County boundary area (6)","Answer":"TAMARA","Explanation":"TAMAR [the river boundary between Devon and Cornwall] + A [area]"} {"Clue":"Cloth with pattern astrologer first worked out in secret (4-4)","Answer":"DEEP-LAID","Explanation":"Definition: worked out in secret\n[John] DEE Queen Elizabeth I's astrologer\u00a0 + PLAID [cloth with pattern]"} {"Clue":"A fight, not vicious \u2013 that's sweet (9)","Answer":"ASPARTAME","Explanation":"Definition: that's sweet\nA SPAR [a fight] + TAME [not vicious]"} {"Clue":"Amputee's situation? (4)","Answer":"OLEG","Explanation":"An amputee might have O LEG"} {"Clue":"As owned by tiny delivery company? (4)","Answer":"IVAN","Explanation":"A tiny delivery company might have I [one] VAN"} {"Clue":"Remarkably great pics that show extent of the damage (5,4)","Answer":"PRICE TAGS","Explanation":"Definition: that show extent of the damage\nAn anagram [remarkably] of GREAT PICS"} {"Clue":"Run indoors to grab good sort of seat (8)","Answer":"RINGSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: sort of seat\nR [run] + INSIDE [indoors] round G [good]"} {"Clue":"A word that links religious education with me, subjectively (6)","Answer":"ANDREI","Explanation":"AND [a word that links] RE [Religious Education] + I [the subjective form of me]"} {"Clue":"Pupils I gave dinner to around one in secret (10)","Answer":"CLASSIFIED","Explanation":"Definition: secret\nCLASS I FED [pupils I gave dinner to] round I [one]"} {"Clue":"Tax collectors once full of energy (4)","Answer":"IGOR","Explanation":"IR [Inland Revenue \u2013 tax collectors once, now Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs] round GO [energy]"} {"Clue":"Spies infiltrating very Liberal party (6)","Answer":"SOCIAL","Explanation":"CIA [spies] in SO [very] L[Liberal]"} {"Clue":"Forbidding alcohol around US university (6)","Answer":"DMITRY","Explanation":"DRY [forbidding alcohol] round Massachusetts Institute of Technology [US university]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Language completely covered by networks (7)","Answer":"LALLANS","Explanation":"Definition: Language\nALL [completely] in LANS [Local Area Networks] \u2013 see here\u00a0 for the language"} {"Clue":"Hence, perhaps, Japanese sailor: his other name is? (5)","Answer":"OSAKA","Explanation":"Definition: Hence, perhaps, Japanese\nOS [Ordinary Seaman] + Also Known As [his other name is\u2026]"} {"Clue":"Actually accepting plaster at last for break (7)","Answer":"INFRACT","Explanation":"Definition: break\nIN FACT [actually] round [plaste]R"} {"Clue":"Teacher \u2013 homosexual, say (6)","Answer":"SERGEI","Explanation":"Sounds like sir [teacher]\u00a0 gay [homosexual]"} {"Clue":"Like a romantic dinner-dance till shattered (9)","Answer":"CANDLELIT","Explanation":"Definition: Like a romantic dinner\nAn anagram [shattered] of DANCE TILL"} {"Clue":"Love writing, but missing a new\u00a0opportunity (7)","Answer":"OPENING","Explanation":"Definition: opportunity\nO [love] + PEN[n]ING [writing, missing one [a] n [new]"} {"Clue":"In villa, minder murdered (8,5)","Answer":"VLADIMIR LENIN","Explanation":"An anagram [murdered] of IN VILLA MINDER"} {"Clue":"It brings relief at one's rear, say, turning over (I mean it!) (9)","Answer":"ANALGESIC","Explanation":"Definition: It brings relief\nANAL [at one's rear] + a reversal [turning over] of EG [say] + SIC [I mean it!] \u2013 perhaps my favourite clue"} {"Clue":"Eavesdroppers with silent transport, we hear, heading off (7)","Answer":"ICICLES","Explanation":"Definition: Eavesdroppers\nSounds like [we hear] [b]icycles [silent transport minus the initial letter \u2013 heading off] \u2013 with a cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Autocratic state unknown to interfere with eccentric order (7)","Answer":"CZARDOM","Explanation":"Definition: Autocratic state\nZ [mathematical unknown] in CARD [eccentric] OM [Order of Merit]"} {"Clue":"Pope's blood in short supply and in pale shade (7)","Answer":"GREGORY","Explanation":"Definition: Pope\nGOR[e] [blood in short supply] in GREY [pale shade]"} {"Clue":"In Scotland, own up pinching gear (6)","Answer":"NIKITA","Explanation":"A reversal [up] of AIN ['own' in Scotland] round KIT [gear]"} {"Clue":"Stop: one son's missing, I believe (5)","Answer":"DEIST","Explanation":"Definition: I believe\nDE[s]IST [stop] minus one s [son] \u2013 as in 7dn, Imogen's cluing is more precise than some setters'"} {"Clue":"Attendant lacks temperature guide (7)","Answer":"COURIER","Explanation":"Definition: guide\nCOUR[t]IER [attendant] lacking t [temperature]"} {"Clue":"Abroad With Nick, which didn't make the final edit (3-4)","Answer":"OUT-TAKE","Explanation":"Definition: which didn't make the final edit\nOUT [abroad] + TAKE [nick]"} {"Clue":"Old king imprisons spouse, head to foot, in small compartment (9)","Answer":"CUBBYHOLE","Explanation":"Definition: small compartment\nCOLE [old king, the merry old soul] round [imprisons] HUBBY [spouse, with the initial letter moved to the end \u2013 head to foot]"} {"Clue":"Quiet leader of India versus a destructive lord (5)","Answer":"SHIVA","Explanation":"Definition: destructive lord\nSH [quiet] + I[ndia] + V [versus] + A\u00a0 \u2013 one of the three chief deities of Hinduism"} {"Clue":"Alloy not encountered in a female, commonly (8)","Answer":"GUNMETAL","Explanation":"Definition: Alloy\nUNMET [not encountered] in GAL [a female, commonly]"} {"Clue":"Good time to cut failed parachute's rubbery substance (5-6)","Answer":"GUTTA PERCHA","Explanation":"Definition: rubbery substance\nG [good] + T [time] in [to cut] an anagram [failed] of PARACHUTE]"} {"Clue":"down, 23\u00a0 Which could make Bruno have passionate feelings (4,4,4)","Answer":"BURN WITH LOVE","Explanation":"Definition: have passionate feelings\nA reverse anagram: BURN + O [love] could make BRUNO"} {"Clue":"Bird Ridge, at this point, is on left (5,3)","Answer":"BROWN OWL","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nBROW [ridge] + NOW [at this point] + L [left]"} {"Clue":"Source of nut production (5)","Answer":"FOUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Source\nAn anagram [production] of OF NUT"} {"Clue":"Watch parts (energy in the winding) on which hours might be recorded (9)","Answer":"WORKSHEET","Explanation":"Definition: on which hours might be recorded\nWORKS [watch parts \u2013 I thought this was rather vague but then found, in Collins, 'the interior parts of the mechanism, etc: *the works of a clock*'] + E [energy] in an anagram [winding] of THE"} {"Clue":"Dot's satisfied, getting back a lot of money (4,4)","Answer":"FULL STOP","Explanation":"Definition: Dot\nFULL [satisfied] + a reversal [getting back] of POTS [lots of money]"} {"Clue":"Standing figure guarding king (7)","Answer":"STATURE","Explanation":"Definition: Standing\nSTATUE [figure] round [guarding] R [king]"} {"Clue":"Old fellow welcomes backing in new scheme (7)","Answer":"CONNIVE","Explanation":"Definition: scheme\nCOVE [old fellow] round [welcomes] a reversal [backing] of IN N [new]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Gang leader doing notorious Jack's work (riveting) (8)","Answer":"GRIPPING","Explanation":"Definition: riveting\nG[ang] + RIPPING [the work of the notorious Jack the Ripper]"} {"Clue":"Any riots in Kabul's new Soviet prison? (8)","Answer":"LUBYANKA","Explanation":"Definition: Soviet prison\nAn anagram [riots] of ANY in an anagram [new] of KABUL"} {"Clue":"A sort of light street dress (6)","Answer":"STROBE","Explanation":"Definition: A sort of light\nST [street] + ROBE [dress]"} {"Clue":"Raise aloft makeshift nosebag to the Scottish air (4,4,4)","Answer":"SKYE BOAT SONG","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish air\nSKY [raise aloft \u2013 in sport, to hit a ball high in the air] + an anagram [makeshift] of NOSEBAG TO \u2013 you can hear it here"} {"Clue":"Lovely to keep a gun as a trinket (9)","Answer":"BAGATELLE","Explanation":"Definition: trinket\nBELLE [lovely] round [to keep] A GAT [a gun]"} {"Clue":"Track suit top, strapped (5)","Answer":"SPOOR","Explanation":"Definition: Track\nS[uit] + POOR [strapped \u2013 for cash]"} {"Clue":"A startled demon (5)","Answer":"AFRIT","Explanation":"Definition: demon\nA FRIT [a startled ] \u2013 an evil demon in Arabian myth"} {"Clue":"Fool does a turn in Fame \u2013 this list should explain (8)","Answer":"GLOSSARY","Explanation":"Definition: this list should explain\nA reversal [does a turn] of ASS [fool] in GLORY [fame]"} {"Clue":"Puffed out, naff outburst during session (8)","Answer":"BOUFFANT","Explanation":"Definition: Puffed out\nAn anagram [outburst] of NAFF in BOUT [session]"} {"Clue":"Heat of battle over short period of time (6)","Answer":"WARMTH","Explanation":"Definition: Heat\nWAR [battle] + MTH [month \u2013 period of time, shortened]"} {"Clue":"Sound measure (6)","Answer":"FATHOM","Explanation":"Double definition, though closely connected \u2013 the reach of the outstretched arms, now a unit of measurement [6ft] of the depth of water, and 'to discover the depth of'\u00a0[sound]"} {"Clue":"Trump up and about, leg reportedly lifted like a dog's (7)","Answer":"CONCOCT","Explanation":"Definition: Trump up\nC [circa \u2013 about] + ON [leg, in cricket] + COCT [sounds like {reportedly} cocked {lifted like a dog's}]"} {"Clue":"Stupid lapse leads to inept nudist entering A&E (7)","Answer":"ASININE","Explanation":"Definition: Stupid\nSIN [lapse] + I[nept] N[udist] in A & E"} {"Clue":"Articulate couple foot bill for replacement locks (6)","Answer":"TOUP\u00c9E","Explanation":"Definition: replacement locks\nSounds like [articulate] two [couple] pay [foot the bill]"} {"Clue":"Pretty, half-cut wives frolicking in trailers (8)","Answer":"PREVIEWS","Explanation":"Definition: trailers\nPRE[tty] \u2013 half-cut + an anagram [frolicking] of WIVES"} {"Clue":"Using every effort, take drink off total yob (3,3)","Answer":"ALL OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Using every effort\n[tot]AL \u2013 minus drink] + LOUT [yob]"} {"Clue":"Rottenness of most formidable clearing banks (6)","Answer":"CARIES","Explanation":"Definition: Rottenness\n[s]CARIES[t] [most formidable]"} {"Clue":"Ordinary fruit picker runs yard extremely adeptly (8)","Answer":"EVERYDAY","Explanation":"Definition: Ordinary\nEVE [biblical fruit picker ] + R [runs] + YD [yard] + A[deptl]Y"} {"Clue":"Domestic kitchen full of jam (5)","Answer":"STICK","Explanation":"Definition: jam\nContained in domeSTIC Kitchen"} {"Clue":"Unrealistic statement from seller is edited (9)","Answer":"IDEALISED","Explanation":"Definition: Unrealistic\nI DEAL [statement from trader] + IS ED [is edited]"} {"Clue":"In good health and out of bed, working on stuff (2,2,5)","Answer":"UP TO SNUFF","Explanation":"Definition: In good health\nUP [out of bed] + an anagram [working] of ON STUFF \u2013 a new expression for me: here's an explanation"} {"Clue":"Contractor in bottom of gorge beginning to excavate (5)","Answer":"GLUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Contractor in bottom\nGLUT [gorge] + E[xcavate] \u2013 hilarious definition and possibly my favourite clue"} {"Clue":"She has loan of drill, welcoming din (8)","Answer":"BORROWER","Explanation":"Definition: She has loan\nBORER [drill] round ROW [din]"} {"Clue":"Silly smile is easier after losing weight (6)","Answer":"SIMPER","Explanation":"Definition: Silly smile\nSIMP[l]ER [easier minus L \u2013 weight]\u00a0 I wondered about l = pound as weight, but Chambers gives it ['usually written l**b**']"} {"Clue":"Much obliged to a hunky jockey (5,3)","Answer":"THANK YOU","Explanation":"Definition: Much obliged\nAn anagram [jockey] of TO A HUNKY"} {"Clue":"State of Orb\u00e1n leaving American wanting to scoff (6)","Answer":"HUNGRY","Explanation":"Definition: wanting to scoff\nHUNG[a]RY [state of Prime Minister Orb\u00e1n] minus a [American]\u00a0 \u2013 this construction has caused discussion in the past: you have to think of it as Hungary leaving American behind"} {"Clue":"Rises up and starts to attack savage Conservative objectives (7)","Answer":"ASCENDS","Explanation":"Definition: Rises up\nInitial letters [starts] of Attack Savage Conservative + ENDS [objectives]"} {"Clue":"Attractive twins come to repudiate origins (7)","Answer":"WINSOME","Explanation":"Definition: Attractive\n[t]WINS [c]OME minus initial letters [origins]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Smelly old dog regularly ran temperature (7)","Answer":"ODORANT","Explanation":"Definition: Smelly\nAlternate letters of OlD dOg + RAN T [temperature]"} {"Clue":"Composition of island cricket club, one short of a team (9)","Answer":"CAPRICCIO","Explanation":"Definition: Composition\nCAPRI [island] + CC [cricket club] + IO [ten \u2013 one short of a cricket team]"} {"Clue":"Wrinkle visible at last after male shuns cosmetics (6)","Answer":"CREASE","Explanation":"Definition: Wrinkle\nCREA[m]S [cosmetics] minus m [male] + [visibl]E"} {"Clue":"Bony, itinerant elks departed northwards (8)","Answer":"SKELETAL","Explanation":"Definition: Bony\nAn anagram [itinerant] of ELKS + a reversal [northwards, in a down clue] of LATE [departed]"} {"Clue":"Loud individual bitten by Snoopy (5)","Answer":"NOISY","Explanation":"Definition: Loud\nI [one \u2013 individual] in NOSY [snoopy]"} {"Clue":"Old prison of Great Wen put up, then demolished (7)","Answer":"NEWGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Old prison\nA reversal [put up] of G [great?] WEN + ATE [demolished] \u2013 &littish"} {"Clue":"Brilliant spies flounder after ill-treatment (13)","Answer":"SPLENDIFEROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Brilliant\nAn anagram [after ill-treatment] of SPIES FLOUNDER"} {"Clue":"Throws light on problems besetting posh store (9)","Answer":"ILLUMINES","Explanation":"Definition: Throws light on\nILLS [problems] round [besetting] U [posh] MINE [store]"} {"Clue":"International organisation says English group not affected (8)","Answer":"UNSWAYED","Explanation":"Definition: not affected\nUN [United Nations\u00a0 international organisation] + a homophone [says] of Suede [English group]"} {"Clue":"Boxers, for example, partially shampoo chests (7)","Answer":"POOCHES","Explanation":"Definition: Boxers, for example\nHidden in shamPOO CHESts"} {"Clue":"Proposition Mother Courage ultimately abandoned (7)","Answer":"THEOREM","Explanation":"Definition: Proposition\nAn anagram [abandoned] of MOTHER [courag]E"} {"Clue":"They cross water using this motorway (6)","Answer":"ISTHMI","Explanation":"Definition: They cross water\nAn anagram [using] of THIS MI [motorway]"} {"Clue":"Set out incense back to front (5)","Answer":"RANGE","Explanation":"Definition: Set out\nANGER [incense] with the last letter moved to the beginning [back to front]"} {"Clue":"Morning milk, please (5)","Answer":"AMUSE","Explanation":"Definition: please\nAM [morning] + USE [milk, In the sense of exploit]"} {"Clue":"Appearance by Potus, deranged in respects (5,2,2)","Answer":"LOOKS UP TO","Explanation":"Definition: respects\nLOOK [appearance] + an anagram [deranged \ud83d\ude09 ] of POTUS"} {"Clue":"Drama to escalate about head of church and end of dogma (4,5)","Answer":"SOAP OPERA","Explanation":"Definition: Drama\nSOAR [escalate] round POPE [head of church] + [dogm]A"} {"Clue":"Oddie's last report of blue duck (5)","Answer":"ELUDE","Explanation":"Definition: duck\n[oddi]E + LUDE [sounds like {report} lewd {blue}] \u2013 Bill Oddie is a naturalist and birdwatcher"} {"Clue":"Head of snow goose eating a leafy plant (7)","Answer":"SPINACH","Explanation":"Definition: leafy plant\nS[now] + PINCH [goose \u2013 I presume this is Chambers' 'prod in the buttocks'] round A"} {"Clue":"Perhaps split, braided to left (7)","Answer":"DESSERT","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps split\nA reversal [to left] of TRESSED [braided] \u2013 a banana split, for instance, is a dessert"} {"Clue":"Dog found in goose cages (5)","Answer":"DINGO","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\nHidden in founD IN GOose"} {"Clue":"An Englishman in Australia in May gets a duck, going in (3)","Answer":"POM","Explanation":"Definition: An Englishman in Australia\nO [duck \u2013 cricket score] in PM [May, at the time of writing]"} {"Clue":"Goose found in London, perhaps getting angry (5)","Answer":"BRENT","Explanation":"Definition: Goosefound in London\nDouble [at least] definition [BRENT is a London borough]\u00a0but I don't understand the getting angry bit: is it to do with 'The Office'? \u2013 a programme I've never watched but I know David Brent is a character in it"} {"Clue":"Dismissal for duck, perhaps (7)","Answer":"SACKING","Explanation":"Definition: Dismissalduck, perhaps\nDouble definition \u2013 duck is a coarse cotton or linen cloth, used for small sails, sacking etc"} {"Clue":"Pointless pointless pointers (7)","Answer":"NEEDLES","Explanation":"Definition: pointers\nNEEDLES[s] [pointless] minus s [south \u2013 compass point]"} {"Clue":"Goose detects sounds, though one just won't listen (5-4)","Answer":"CLOTH-EARS","Explanation":"Definition: one just won't listen\nCLOT [goose] + HEARS [detects sounds]"} {"Clue":"Duck next to edge of roof, the result of having a drink? (3,6)","Answer":"TEA LEAVES","Explanation":"Definition: the result of having a drink?\nTEAL [duck] + EAVES [edge of roof]"} {"Clue":"Extremely small painter, cubist initially, absorbed in Boatman's reflection (5-4)","Answer":"MICRO-MINI","Explanation":"Definition: Extremely small\n[Joan] MIRO [Spanish surrealist painter] round C[ubist] + a reversal [reflection] of IN I'M [Boatman's]"} {"Clue":"One who has faith in house God destroyed, sacrificing goose (5)","Answer":"HINDU","Explanation":"Definition: One who has faith\nAn anagram [destroyed] of IN HoUse goD, minus [sacrificing] the letters of goose\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Stretch half of duck portion (8)","Answer":"DURATION","Explanation":"Definition: Stretch\nDU[ck] + RATION [portion]"} {"Clue":"Achilles, perhaps, plucking tail from waterbird (4)","Answer":"HERO","Explanation":"Definition: Achilles, perhaps\nHERO[n] [waterbird]"} {"Clue":"First-rate or second-rate clue, the first to be last in (4-4)","Answer":"BLUE-CHIP","Explanation":"Definition: First-rate\nB [second-rate] + CLUE, with the first letter moved to the end + HIP [in]"} {"Clue":"Old and comical duck (6)","Answer":"DONALD","Explanation":"Definition: duck\nAn anagram [comical] of OLD AND"} {"Clue":"Apparent Opposition leader well-advised to take time (10)","Answer":"OSTENSIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Apparent\nO[pposition] + SENSIBLE [well-advised] round T [time]"} {"Clue":"Other half of duck, covering top of pancake (6)","Answer":"SPOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Other half\nSOUSE [duck] round P[ancake] \u2013 I liked the link with 2dn"} {"Clue":"Very much like duck (4)","Answer":"LOVE","Explanation":"Definition: Very much like\nA duck in cricket = love in tennis"} {"Clue":"Opinions in Khan's letters ignored in treatment of skinheads (5)","Answer":"SIDES","Explanation":"Definition: Opinions\nAn anagram [treatment] of SkInhEaDS minus the letters of khan"} {"Clue":"Tho' Marconi designed the first modern time machine, this \u2026(10)","Answer":"ATOMICHRON","Explanation":"Definition: the first modern time machine, this\nAn anagram [designed] of THO MARCONI \u2013 I couldn't find it in my Collins or Chambers but it's here"} {"Clue":"\u2026 carries leaders of the original Tory establishment still (5)","Answer":"TOTES","Explanation":"Definition: \u2026 carries\nInitial letters [leaders] of The Original Tory Establishment"} {"Clue":"This duck\u00a0seen in damn rain, swimming (8)","Answer":"MANDARIN","Explanation":"Definition: This duck\nAn anagram [swimming] of DAMN RAIN"} {"Clue":"Stirs up core of patently wrong uprising over Poles (8)","Answer":"ENLIVENS","Explanation":"Definition: Stirs up\nMiddle letters [core] of [pat]EN[tly] + a reversal [uprising] of EVIL [wrong] + NS [poles]"} {"Clue":"Duck down feather: it's ultimate stuffing for sofa (6)","Answer":"CROUCH","Explanation":"Definition: Duck down\n[feathe]R in COUCH [sofa] \u2013 I think the apostrophe just about works, in both cryptic and surface reading \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Leave mostly stupid, horrific (6)","Answer":"GOTHIC","Explanation":"Definition: horrific\nGO [leave] + THIC[k] [mostly stupid]"} {"Clue":"Temporary home for cheeky kids without boundaries (4)","Answer":"CAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Temporary home\n[s]CAMP[s] [cheeky kids]"} {"Clue":"Mirror leaders excoriating Commons: \"Useless chamber\" (4)","Answer":"ECHO","Explanation":"Definition: Mirror\nFirst letters [leaders] of Excoriating Commons + HO[use] [\"useless chamber\"] \u2013 a clever construction and surface, my favourite clue, I think"} {"Clue":"It's said to be easy, following duck in this way, scoring more (4)","Answer":"SOUP","Explanation":"Definition: It's said to be easy, following duck\nSO [in this way] + UP [scoring more] \u2013 I knew 'Duck Soup' only as the title of a Marx Brothers film, not as 'something very easy'"} {"Clue":"Spells \"musical passages\" (8)","Answer":"EPISODES","Explanation":"Definition: Spellsmusical passages\nDouble definition \u2013 although they seem rather close"} {"Clue":"Doc possibly\u00a0moves forward, or quits (5)","Answer":"DWARF","Explanation":"Definition: Doc possibly\u00a0\nAn anagram [moves] of F[or]WARD minus 'or' \u2013 Doc is one of Snow White's diminutive\u00a0chums"} {"Clue":"US hospital situation popular with birds getting cool (10)","Answer":"INTERNSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: US hospital situation\nIN [popular] + TERNS [birds]\u00a0 + HIP [cool]"} {"Clue":" Promising Latin opener with Kylie dancing (6)","Answer":"LIKELY","Explanation":"Definition: Promising\nL[atin] + an anagram [dancing] of KYLIE"} {"Clue":"Breakfast time? (8)","Answer":"PORRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Breakfasttime\nDouble definition \u2013\u00a0 two expressions for a prison sentence"} {"Clue":"Copper intercepts drunk messenger (7)","Answer":"MERCURY","Explanation":"Definition: messenger\nCU [copper] in MERRY [drunk]"} {"Clue":"As egg-producers do, in anticipation of a union (7)","Answer":"OVULATE","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Poor idea, roping in animals as a religious figure (5,3)","Answer":"AGNUS DEI","Explanation":"Definition: religious figure\nAn anagram [poor] of IDEA round GNUS \u2013 as always, I can't resist giving this link\u00a0 [you don't have to follow it \ud83d\ude09 ] \u2013 and I was amused to see the GNUS roped in with the Lamb of God"} {"Clue":"Revolution takes place in arena (6)","Answer":"RISING","Explanation":"Definition: Revolution\nIS [takes place \u2013 as in 'the party is on Saturday'] in RING [arena]"} {"Clue":"s' youth, one linked with ailing creative artist (10)","Answer":"MODIGLIANI","Explanation":"Definition: artist\nMOD [1960s youth] + I [one] + an anagram [creative] of AILING \u2013 a creative anagrind, which we might have expected to be 'ailing' \u2013 nice one, Brummie"} {"Clue":"Soggy embankment parking (4)","Answer":"DAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Soggy\nDAM [embankment] + P [parking]"} {"Clue":"Book to register\u00a0cash (5)","Answer":"BREAD","Explanation":"Definition: cash\nB [book] + READ [register]"} {"Clue":"In awe of despotic leader at southern English town (8)","Answer":"DREADING","Explanation":"Definition: In awe of\nD[espot] + READING [Southern English town]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Assess smartphone feature and set up (8)","Answer":"APPRAISE","Explanation":"Definition: Assess\nAPP [smart phone feature]] + RAISE [set up]"} {"Clue":"Watch (electronic) someone planted? (4)","Answer":"ESPY","Explanation":"Definition: Watch\nE [electronic] + SPY [someone planted] \u2013 'espy' to me [and Collins] means 'to catch sight of', rather than 'to look at or observe closely or attentively' [watch \u2013 Collins again] but Chambers has 'watch' as the first definition"} {"Clue":"Untwinned large town abandoning its leader's case (6)","Answer":"ODDITY","Explanation":"Definition: case\nODD [untwinned \u2013 like socks coming out of the washing machine] + [c]ITY] [large town] \u2013 we often used to call each other 'a case' when I was at school, so it might be rather dated \ud83d\ude09 Collins gives it as 'an eccentric'"} {"Clue":"Something at the atomic level breathes oxygen over shark (7)","Answer":"ISOTOPE","Explanation":"Definition: Something at the atomic level\nIS [breathes\u00a0\u2013 a second rather\u00a0unusual definition for IS but I'm not complaining] + O [oxygen] + TOPE [shark \u2013 a new one on me]"} {"Clue":"Lines start to reflect river (4)","Answer":"ODER","Explanation":"Definition: river\nODE [lines] + R[eflect]"} {"Clue":"Anglicised French port's state, for example, broadcast (10)","Answer":"MARSEILLES","Explanation":"Definition: Anglicised French port\nI'm not sure about this: English adds 's' to the name of the port, which explains 'Anglicised'; MA = Massachusetts [state] and SEILLES sounds like [broadcast] 'say' [for example] but I can't explain the R: MA is surely only used in writing, not speech, so it can't be part of the homophone \u2013 can it?"} {"Clue":"Removing without date in the near future (6)","Answer":"OFFING","Explanation":"Definition: the near future\n[d]OFFING [removing, minus d \u2013 date]"} {"Clue":"Scoops old sluices out to gain victory (10)","Answer":"EXCLUSIVES","Explanation":"Definition: Scoops\nEX [old] + an anagram [out] of SLUICES round V [victory]"} {"Clue":"Pretty upset, losing top from yellow cycle (3)","Answer":"REV","Explanation":"Definition: cycle\nA reversal [upset] of VER[y] [pretty] minus y[ellow]"} {"Clue":"A light that's often put in pocket (3)","Answer":"RED","Explanation":"Double \/ cryptic definition, the second\u00a0 referring to a snooker ball"} {"Clue":"Flat has view over people (8)","Answer":"TENEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Flat\nTENET [view] round MEN [people]"} {"Clue":"Country besieged by mad, reckless Shakespearean character (7)","Answer":"MIRANDA","Explanation":"Definition: Shakespearean character\nIRAN [country] in an anagram [reckless] of MAD"} {"Clue":"1,000 campaign is thick and soft! (6)","Answer":"GLOBBY","Explanation":"Definition: thick and soft\nG [grand \u2013 1.000 dollars] + LOBBY [campaign]"} {"Clue":"Bankrupt, one enters \"under review\" (6)","Answer":"RUINED","Explanation":"Definition: Bankrupt\nI [one] in an anagram [review] of UNDER"} {"Clue":"Convenience that is lacking for workmates (4)","Answer":"LADS","Explanation":"Definition: workmates\nLAD[ie]S [convenience, minus ie \u2013 that is] \u2013 I wondered about **'work'**mates but Chambers has it as a definition"} {"Clue":"Pop music's centre host presenting a classic series (4,4)","Answer":"DAD\u2019S ARMY","Explanation":"Definition: a classic series\nDAD [pop] + [mu]S[ic] + ARMY [host]"} {"Clue":"Diversion \u2014 something necessary to get round European soldiers (9)","Answer":"AMUSEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Diversion\nA MUST [something necessary] round E [European] MEN [soldiers]"} {"Clue":"Religious establishment backed vote for protecting bishops (5)","Answer":"ABBEY","Explanation":"Definition: Religious establishment\nA reversal [backed] of YEA [vote for] round [protecting] BB [bishops]"} {"Clue":"Refers to tourist attractions, repeatedly mentioning these locations (5)","Answer":"SITES","Explanation":"Definition: locations\nA double [repeatedly] homophone: sounds like 'cites' [refers to] and 'sights' [tourist attractions \u2013 which, on an archaeological tour, would also be sites]"} {"Clue":"For start of book, , two things a knight has? (5,4)","Answer":"TITLE PAGE","Explanation":"Definition: For start of book\nSelf-explanatory, I think"} {"Clue":"Female not just a provider of entertainment (7)","Answer":"FUNFAIR","Explanation":"Definition: provider of entertainment\nF [female] + UNFAIR [not just]"} {"Clue":"Like some old people here, having reduced fishing around area (7)","Answer":"ANGLIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Like some old people here\nANGLIN[g] [reduced fishing] round A [area]"} {"Clue":"Final stanza that may be read in broken voice (5)","Answer":"ENVOI","Explanation":"Definition: Final stanza\nHidden in brokEN VOIce"} {"Clue":"Cast lacking confidence in company (3)","Answer":"SHY","Explanation":"Definition: Castlacking confidence in company\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Head off old car, producing road rage, for example (5)","Answer":"ANGER","Explanation":"Definition: road rage, for example\n[b]ANGER [old car]"} {"Clue":"Portray female author as progressively involved (5,2)","Answer":"DRAWN IN","Explanation":"Definition: progressively involved\nDRAW [portray] + NIN [female author]"} {"Clue":"Diamonds I'd turned into money, like a rotter (7)","Answer":"CADDISH","Explanation":"Definition: like a rotter\nD [diamonds] + a reversal [turned] of I'D in CASH [money]"} {"Clue":"Page about fictional hero holding one cold and negative attitude (9)","Answer":"PREJUDICE","Explanation":"Definition: negative attitude\nP [page] + RE [about] + JUDE [Thomas Hardy's 'obscure' fictional hero] round I [one] + C [cold]"} {"Clue":"Sense of achievement from hunting animals collectively (5)","Answer":"PRIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Sense of achievementhunting animals collectively\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Demolish east wing of building in a sorry state (5)","Answer":"RUING","Explanation":"Definition: in a sorry state\nRUIN [demolish] + [buildin]G \u2013 I like the definition"} {"Clue":"A short sentence added to American volume without changing any characters (9)","Answer":"LITERATIM","Explanation":"Definition: without changing any characters\nA TIM[e] [a short {prison} sentence] after LITER [American spelling of litre {volume}]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Crews in race circuit site missing leading article (4)","Answer":"MANS","Explanation":"Definition: Crews\n[Le] MANS [race circuit site] \u2013 crews and MANS both as verbs"} {"Clue":"Writer with 27 endlessly able to produce 9 (6)","Answer":"AUSTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\nIf you add AUSTEN to EMM[a] [27dn, endlessly]\u00a0 you get an anagram [to produce] of AMUSEMENT [9ac]"} {"Clue":"Body covering USA revised one set of beliefs (10)","Answer":"PERSUASION","Explanation":"Definition: set of beliefs\nPERSON [body] round an anagram [revised] of USA + I [one]"} {"Clue":"Right part of book \u2014 right for father of 6 2, for one (6)","Answer":"RECTOR","Explanation":"Definition: father of 6 2, for one\nRECTO [right part of book] + R [right] \u2013 see here for Jane's father"} {"Clue":"Sculptures or other form of art, say, divided by working group (8)","Answer":"STATUARY","Explanation":"Definition: Sculptures\nAn anagram [other form of] ART SAY, divided by T[rade] U[nion] [working group]"} {"Clue":"Romantic heroine, Juliet, with a new energy, Romeo coming into view (4,4)","Answer":"JANE EYRE","Explanation":"Definition: Romantic heroine\nJ [Juliet \u2013 NATO alphabet] + A + N [new] + E [energy] + R [Romeo \u2013 NATO alphabet] in EYE [view]"} {"Clue":"Scraping racket in a game (8)","Answer":"ABRADING","Explanation":"Definition: Scraping\nDIN [racket]\u00a0 in A BRAG [ a card game]"} {"Clue":"Stop and return, if led astray (5)","Answer":"FIELD","Explanation":"Definition: Stop and return\nAn anagram [astray] of IF LED \u2013 a cricketing term"} {"Clue":"Musical performance originally arranged round old piano (5,5)","Answer":"GRAND OPERA","Explanation":"Definition: Musical performance\nAn anagram [originally] of ARRANGED round O [old] P [piano]"} {"Clue":"PM once linked with partner in 19th-century novel (5)","Answer":"NORTH","Explanation":"Definition: PM once\nThe PM this time is Lord NORTH [Mrs May has other things on her mind] and 'North and South' [bridge partners] is a novel\u00a0 by Elizabeth Gaskell"} {"Clue":"The writer is caught by very upset assistant in compromis\u00ading position (3,5)","Answer":"VIA MEDIA","Explanation":"Definition: compromis\u00ading position\nI AM [the writer is] in V [very] + a reversal\u00a0[upset] of AIDE [assistant] \u2013 another witty definition"} {"Clue":"Displaying either component of a novel by a lady (8)","Answer":"SENSIBLE","Explanation":"A cryptic reference to Jane Austen's 'Sense and Sensibility'"} {"Clue":"Author in part of Greece penning article (6)","Answer":"CREATE","Explanation":"Definition: Author\nCRETE [part of Greece] round A [article]"} {"Clue":"Stupid people do it after change of heart, interrupting lives (6)","Answer":"IDIOTS","Explanation":"Definition: Stupid people\nDO IT, with middle letters [heart] reversed, in IS [lives]"} {"Clue":"Explorer in rescue vessel put under pressure (4)","Answer":"PARK","Explanation":"Definition: Explorer\nP [pressure] + ARK [rescue vessel] for explorer Mungo"} {"Clue":"For instance, game briefly written up in press (4)","Answer":"URGE","Explanation":"Definition: press\nA reversal [up] of EG [for instance] + RU [Rugby Union \u2013 game written briefly"} {"Clue":"Eponymous heroine, such as Madame Bovary (4)","Answer":"EMMA","Explanation":"Definition: Eponymous heroine\nAusten's eponymous heroine and the name of Flaubert's Madame Bovary"} {"Clue":"Band to undress, ultimate in disgrace (6)","Answer":"STRIPE","Explanation":"Definition: Band\nSTRIP [undress] + [disgrac]E"} {"Clue":"Big story about the same big health problem (8)","Answer":"EPIDEMIC","Explanation":"Definition: big health problem\nEPIC [big story] round IDEM [the same]"} {"Clue":"A king brought by seaman to a port (5)","Answer":"OSAKA","Explanation":"Definition: port\nAK [a king] by OS [Ordinary Seaman] + A \u2013 my first thought was AKABA [it works perfectly] until crossers ruled it out"} {"Clue":"Bishop needing to phone wife maybe to prove a point (5,4)","Answer":"BRING HOME","Explanation":"Definition: prove a point\nB [bishop] + RING [phone] + HOME [where his wife might be]"} {"Clue":"Conversation sure to be rambling after party (9)","Answer":"DISCOURSE","Explanation":"Definition: Conversation\nDISCO [party] + an anagram [rambling] of SURE \u2013 clever, because 'rambling' is an epithet often applied to 'discourse'"} {"Clue":"Material provided by poet rejected (5)","Answer":"TOILE","Explanation":"Definition: Material\nA reversal [rejected] of ELIOT\u00a0 [poet \u2013 a variation on the old chestnut of TS ELIOT being an anagram of TOILETS]"} {"Clue":"Fie, ban diesel! Unlikely\u00a0not to\u00a0 be done away with\u00a0(12)","Answer":"INDEFEASIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: not to\u00a0 be done away with\u00a0\nAn anagram [unlikely] of FIE BAN DIESEL"} {"Clue":"One worker in East going after fish oil (12)","Answer":"BRILLIANTINE","Explanation":"Definition: oil\nI ANT [one worker] + IN E [in East] after BRILL [fish]"} {"Clue":"Bird left on far side of river (5)","Answer":"OUSEL","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nL [left] after [on far side of] OUSE [river]"} {"Clue":"Huge seat falling apart outside old lodge (9)","Answer":"GATEHOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: lodge\nAn anagram [falling apart] of HUGE SEAT round O [old]"} {"Clue":"Possible clue to 'erod being a sinner (9)","Answer":"WRONGDOER","Explanation":"Definition: sinner\nA reverse anagram [wrong] of 'EROD, with a seasonal reference"} {"Clue":"What's worn by everyone going round is plain (5)","Answer":"LLANO","Explanation":"Definition: plain\nA reversal [going round] of ON ALL [worn by everyone] \u2013 I learned this word for a South American plain from crosswords"} {"Clue":"Struggled, being weak at first, then was first after break (8)","Answer":"WRESTLED","Explanation":"Definition: Struggled\nW[eak] + LED [was first] after REST [break]"} {"Clue":"Given map instructions, drove off (6)","Answer":"ROUTED","Explanation":"Definition: Given map instructionsdrove off\nDouble definition, with different pronunciations [this side of the pond, at least]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Mediterranean vessel traversing small lake is poetic (8)","Answer":"SPONDAIC","Explanation":"Definition: poetic\nSAIC ['a\u00a0 vessel like a ketch, used in the E. Mediterranean': Chambers] round POND [small lake]: I was surprised to find this unlikely-sounding word for a boat but I knew SPONDAIC [though I would question the definition: a spondee is a metrical foot composed of two long syllables \u2013 but I don't think that makes it 'poetic']"} {"Clue":"Where transport cafe is, notices one that's journeyed around (8)","Answer":"ROADSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Where transport cafe is\nRODE [journeyed] round ADS I [notices one]"} {"Clue":"Philosopher with old books having mountain to climb (5)","Answer":"PLATO","Explanation":"Definition: Philosopher\nA reversal [to climb] of OT [Old Testament \u2013 old books] + ALP [mountain]"} {"Clue":"Quiet merriment is organised around 1\u00a0May? (5,8)","Answer":"PRIME MINISTER","Explanation":"Definition: May?\nP [quiet] + an anagram [organised of MERRIMENT IS round I [1]: surely no Prime Minister has provided richer pickings for compilers? \u2013 this was a clever new slant"} {"Clue":"Ailing, I'd start to take new drug (9)","Answer":"DIGITALIN","Explanation":"Definition: drug\nAn anagram [new] of AILING I'D T[o]"} {"Clue":"Indigenous people rebel endlessly under Communist dictator (6)","Answer":"MAORIS","Explanation":"Definition: Indigenous people\nRIS[e] [rebel endlessly] under MAO [Communist dictator]"} {"Clue":"Sharp Conservative has something to gain advantage (6)","Answer":"CLEVER","Explanation":"Definition: Sharp\nC [Conservative] + LEVER [something to gain advantage]"} {"Clue":"Bird from cage, loose, struggling under farm building (8,5)","Answer":"BARNACLE GOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nAn anagram [struggling] of CAGE LOOSE under BARN [farm building]"} {"Clue":"Hot glow of anger in experience with BA? (9)","Answer":"FIRELIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Hot glow\nIRE [anger] in FLIGHT [experience with British Airways?]"} {"Clue":"One's featuring in play with no hint of eloquence being required? (8)","Answer":"FIGURANT","Explanation":"An anagram [in play] of FEATURING, minus e[loquence] \u2013 Chambers gives only 'a ballet dancer, one of those who form a background for the solo dancer' but I also found it as 'a supernumerary actor who has little or nothing to say', so the &littish surface is rather clever \u2013 my top favourite, I think"} {"Clue":"See this place with car (8)","Answer":"HEREFORD","Explanation":"Definition: See\nHERE [this place] + FORD [car] \u2013 a welcome change from Ely"} {"Clue":"Show deference? Gosh, what a childish creature! (3-3)","Answer":"BOW-WOW","Explanation":"Definition: a childish creature\nBOW [show deference] + WOW [gosh]"} {"Clue":"A Barchester clergyman not on the level (6)","Answer":"ASLOPE","Explanation":"Definition: not on the level\nA SLOPE: Obadiah Slope is a clergyman in Trollope's 'Barchester Towers' \u2013 another allusive surface"} {"Clue":"Expression of surprise from place lacking redemption and love (5)","Answer":"HELLO","Explanation":"Definition: Expression of surprise\nHELL [place lacking redemption] + O [love]"} {"Clue":"The virtuous aren't found in police force (6)","Answer":"SAINTS","Explanation":"Definition: The virtuous aren't\nAINT [aren't] in SS [police force]"} {"Clue":"Pack, card player works out, lacking spades (6)","Answer":"WOLVES","Explanation":"Definition: Pack\nW [bridge player] + [s]OLVES [works out, minus s {spades}]"} {"Clue":"Arsenal may display these tight turns (4)","Answer":"GUNS","Explanation":"Definition: Arsenal may display these\nA reversal [turns] of SNUG [tight \u2013 as in the fit of a garment]"} {"Clue":"Train in a ground after game in a fantastic country (10)","Answer":"RURITANIAN","Explanation":"Definition: in a fantastic country\nAn anagram [ground] of TRAIN IN A after RU [game]"} {"Clue":"Country Britain governed that is overthrown (6)","Answer":"BRUNEI","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nB [Britain] + RUN [governed] + a reversal [overthrown] of IE [that is]"} {"Clue":"New trio with Man United's legendary menace (8)","Answer":"MINOTAUR","Explanation":"Definition: legendary menace\nAn anagram [new] of TRIO and MAN U"} {"Clue":"Notice reporter half-cut before his boss retired (9)","Answer":"ADJOURNED","Explanation":"Definition: retired\nAD [notice] + JOURN[alist] [reporter half cut] + ED [his boss]"} {"Clue":"Former backs and the like (2,2)","Answer":"ET AL","Explanation":"Definition: and the like\nA reversal [backs] of LATE [former]"} {"Clue":"Lofted ball in, after header from Chelsea (4)","Answer":"CHIP","Explanation":"Definition: Lofted ball\nC[helsea] + HIP [in]"} {"Clue":"Team \u2014 this one's left in small pieces? (9)","Answer":"ELEVENTHS","Explanation":"Definition: small pieces?\nELEVEN [team] + TH[i]S [one's left]"} {"Clue":"Ruler knocked back a drink with a poor player (8)","Answer":"MAHARAJA","Explanation":"Definition: Ruler\nA reversal [knocked back] of A JAR [a drink] + A HAM [a poor player]"} {"Clue":"Ruddy track by female pop star (6)","Answer":"CHERRY","Explanation":"Definition: Ruddy\nCHER [female pop star] + RY [track]"} {"Clue":"Interpretative psychologist's opening up Electra complex (10)","Answer":"PERCEPTUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Interpretative\nP[sychologist's] + an anagram [complex] of UP ELECTRA"} {"Clue":"Unrestrained woman, one who's finished losing heart (4)","Answer":"GOER","Explanation":"Definition: Unrestrained woman\nGO[n]ER [one who's finished]"} {"Clue":"Check on Saturday's clothing arrangement (6)","Answer":"SYSTEM","Explanation":"Definition: arrangement\nSTEM [check] after S[aturda]Y"} {"Clue":"Solution's to keep City back, the French learn here (6)","Answer":"LYC\u00c9ES","Explanation":"Definition: the French learn here\nLYES [solution] round a reversal [back] of EC [City]"} {"Clue":"Kane, perhaps on the left, is encouraged (7)","Answer":"SPURRED","Explanation":"Definition: encouraged\nSPUR [{Harry} Kane, perhaps] + RED [on the left]"} {"Clue":"Playmaker with affliction in hip (5)","Answer":"IBSEN","Explanation":"Definition: Playmaker\nBSE [ bovine spongiform encephalopathy \u2013 affliction] in IN [hip]"} {"Clue":"Row about blunder, one foxes may avoid? (7)","Answer":"TERRIER","Explanation":"Definition: one foxes may avoid?\nTIER [row] round ERR [blunder]"} {"Clue":"Looking annoyed, wanting power trip (6)","Answer":"OUTING","Explanation":"Definition: trip\n[p]OUTING [looking annoyed] minus p [power]"} {"Clue":"Drink abroad and get out lots of drink for game (5-2-2)","Answer":"VINGT-ET-UN","Explanation":"Definition: game\nVIN [drink abroad] + an anagram [out] of GET + TUN [lots of drink]"} {"Clue":"Flyer nearly cheeks fool (7)","Answer":"SEAGULL","Explanation":"Definition: Flyer\nSEA[t] [nearly cheeks] + GULL [fool]"} {"Clue":"Learner's cracking debut fit for top clubs (7,6)","Answer":"PREMIER LEAGUE","Explanation":"Definition: top clubs\nL [learner] in [cracking] PREMI\u00c8RE [debut] + AGUE [fit]"} {"Clue":"The powerful old girl working with cash (9)","Answer":"OLIGARCHS","Explanation":"Definition: The powerful\nO [old] + an anagram [working] of GIRL and CASH"} {"Clue":"County towns content to leave drinks (7)","Answer":"CLARETS","Explanation":"Definition: drinks\nCLARE [county] + T[own]S"} {"Clue":"Frankly, nothing stops Communist guerrillas with China (7)","Answer":"VOCALLY","Explanation":"Definition: Frankly\nO [nothing] in VC [Viet Cong \u2013 Communist guerrillas] + ALLY [China \u2013 cockney rhyming slang]"} {"Clue":"Men score, cutting through Harlequins' sides, or Wasps (7)","Answer":"HORNETS","Explanation":"Definition: Wasps\nOR [other ranks \u2013 men] + NET [score] in H[arlequin]S"} {"Clue":"One hoarding shows enchanting fellow clothing Greek character (6)","Answer":"MAGPIE","Explanation":"Definition: One hoarding\nMAGE [enchanting fellow] round [clothing] PI [Greek character"} {"Clue":"English and Scots off target, mostly low score (5)","Answer":"EAGLE","Explanation":"Definition: low score\nE [English] + AGLE[y or e] [Scots off target \u2013 which I knew from Burns' 'To a mouse'"} {"Clue":"Bishop always has time for a drink (8)","Answer":"BEVERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nB [bishop] + EVER [always] + AGE [time]"} {"Clue":"More than one comrade touring Lima, an old city (6)","Answer":"PLURAL","Explanation":"Definition: More than one\nPAL [comrade] round L [Lima \u2013 NATO alphabet] + UR [the familiar crossword old city]"} {"Clue":"Courageous chap embracing sovereign (4)","Answer":"BOLD","Explanation":"Definition: Courageous\nBOD [chap] round L [ pound \u2013 sovereign]"} {"Clue":"Time for skip to be transported (10)","Answer":"SPELLBOUND","Explanation":"Definition: transported\nSPELL [time] + BOUND [skip]"} {"Clue":"Worries about second stroke (6)","Answer":"CARESS","Explanation":"Definition: stroke\nCARES [worries] round S [second]"} {"Clue":"Leave note without regrets? That's horrible! (8)","Answer":"GRUESOME","Explanation":"Definition: horrible\nGO [leave] + ME [note] round RUES [regrets]"} {"Clue":"Patrol leader engulfed by storms in cataract (6)","Answer":"RAPIDS","Explanation":"Definition: cataract\nP[atrol] in RAIDS [storms]"} {"Clue":"Shortage of spun thread (6)","Answer":"DEARTH","Explanation":"Definition: Shortage\nAnagram [spun] of THREAD"} {"Clue":"Wipe out an extensive area (8)","Answer":"MASSACRE","Explanation":"Definition: Wipe out\nMASS ACRE [an extensive area]"} {"Clue":"Writer entertains holy man in cafe (6)","Answer":"BISTRO","Explanation":"Definition: cafe\nBIRO [writer] round ST [holy man]"} {"Clue":"Length of time in the middle (10)","Answer":"CENTIMETRE","Explanation":"Definition: Length\nTIME in CENTRE [the middle]"} {"Clue":"Enthusiast protects weak young animal (4)","Answer":"EAWN","Explanation":"Definition: young animal\nFAN [enthusiast] round W [weak \u2013 in particle physics]"} {"Clue":"Fathom the meaning of last month's poem (6)","Answer":"DECODE","Explanation":"Definition: Fathom\nDEC[ember] [last month] + ODE [poem]"} {"Clue":"Going round to corrupt a politician (8)","Answer":"ROTATORY","Explanation":"Definition: Going round\nROT [corrupt] + A TORY [a politician]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Gracious girl coming out and being broadcast (8)","Answer":"DEBONAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Gracious\nDEB[utante] [girl coming out] + ON AIR [being broadcast] \u2013 'gracious' is not among the first definitions to spring to my mind"} {"Clue":"Convey old Bob's demise (4)","Answer":"SEND","Explanation":"Definition: Convey\nS [shilling \u2013 'old Bob'] + END [demise]"} {"Clue":"Father takes advantage of breaks (6)","Answer":"PAUSES","Explanation":"Definition: breaks\nPA [father] + USES [takes advantage of]"} {"Clue":"Computer giant hosting an American gets\u00a0general approbation\u00a0(8)","Answer":"APPLAUSE","Explanation":"Definition: general approbation\u00a0\nAPPLE [computer giant] round A US [an American]"} {"Clue":"Irritable, having no more classes (3,2,5)","Answer":"OUT OF SORTS","Explanation":"Definition: Irritable\nCryptic definition \u2013 I associate this expression with the state of one's health, rather than temper, but Collins gives both"} {"Clue":"Frenchmen, capturing a wild beast, showing bottle (6)","Answer":"MAGNUM","Explanation":"Definition: bottle\nM M [Frenchmen] round A GNU [a wild beast \u2013 or a wildebeest]"} {"Clue":"Animation features design of green and yellow, initially (6)","Answer":"ENERGY","Explanation":"Definition: Animation\nAn anagram [design] of GREEN and Y[ellow]"} {"Clue":"Former site of a trade fair (10)","Answer":"EXPOSITION","Explanation":"Definition: trade fair\nEX [former] + POSITION]"} {"Clue":"Pam ceded building and made off (8)","Answer":"DECAMPED","Explanation":"Definition: made off\nAn anagram [building] of PAM CEDED"} {"Clue":"Man gets bounty for old insurgent (8)","Answer":"HEREWARD","Explanation":"Definition: old insurgent\nHE [man] + REWARD [bounty] \u2013 the insurgent is Hereward the Wake"} {"Clue":"One checking a canopy (6)","Answer":"TESTER","Explanation":"Definition: One checkingcanopy\nDouble definition \u2013 the canopy over a four-poster bed"} {"Clue":"Teresa treated sharp edges (6)","Answer":"AR\u00caTES","Explanation":"Definition: sharp edges\nAn anagram [treated] of TERESA \u2013 a sharp ridge that separates glacial valleys, remembered from O Level Geography"} {"Clue":"Inspiration from touching in jacuzzi (6)","Answer":"BREATH","Explanation":"Definition: Inspiration\nRE [touching] in BATH [jacuzzi]"} {"Clue":"Tense when in charge for function (4)","Answer":"FETE","Explanation":"Definition: function\nT [tense] in FEE [charge]"} {"Clue":"Trouble recurring, discards rubbish (7)","Answer":"GUBBINS","Explanation":"Definition: rubbish\nA reversal [recurring] of BUG [trouble] + BINS [discards] \u2013 I was surprised at the definition here but I'm afraid I can only say, yet again, 'It's in Chambers \u2026'"} {"Clue":"Country bumpkin ultimately a state (7)","Answer":"INDIANA","Explanation":"Definition: state\nINDIA [country] + [bumpki]N + A"} {"Clue":"Urgent case in solving reference made public (5)","Answer":"OUTED","Explanation":"Definition: made public\nU[rgen]T in OED [Oxford English Dictionary \u2013 solving reference]"} {"Clue":"Aggressive articulated lorry you hired out? (9)","Answer":"TRUCULENT","Explanation":"Definition: Aggressive\nSounds like [articulated] 'truck' [lorry] 'you lent' [you hired out]"} {"Clue":"Misery, as booty left on ship (10)","Answer":"SPOILSPORT","Explanation":"Definition: Misery\nSPOILS [booty] + PORT [left on ship]"} {"Clue":"European providing rolling news (4)","Answer":"FINN","Explanation":"Definition: European\nA reversal [rolling] of IF [providing] + NN [news]"} {"Clue":"Radioactive element collected, about one in four bombs (11)","Answer":"CALIFORNIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Radioactive element\nCALM [collected] round an anagram [bombs] of I IN FOUR"} {"Clue":"Weakness, when it comes to lifting a kilo, meant wimp finally collapsed (11)","Answer":"KLEPTOMANIA","Explanation":"Definition: Weakness, when it comes to lifting\nAn anagram [collapsed] of A KILO MEANT [wim]P"} {"Clue":"Weapon \u2014 something sharp knocking head off (4)","Answer":"PIKE","Explanation":"Definition: Weapon\n[s]PIKE [something sharp]"} {"Clue":"Private member almost totally bent, a genius behind bars? (5,5)","Answer":"WILLY WONKA","Explanation":"Definition: genius behind bars\nWILLY [private member] + WONK[y] [almost totally bent] + A \u2013 the bars are made of chocolate, of course"} {"Clue":"Order lacking here, church is cutting 50% from extortionate cost? (9)","Answer":"ANARCHISM","Explanation":"Definition: Order lacking here\nCH [church] IS in [cutting] AN ARM [50% of\u00a0 'an arm and a leg' \u2013 extortionate cost]"} {"Clue":"Prickle, however, with service (5)","Answer":"THORN","Explanation":"Definition: Prickle\nTHO' [however] + R N [Royal Navy \u2013 service]"} {"Clue":"Going to seed, perhaps \u2014 like a tree? (7)","Answer":"ELDERLY","Explanation":"Definition: Going to seed, perhaps\nELDER-LY [like a tree?] \u2013 a typical Paul clue"} {"Clue":"Curse rock pieces on middle of patio (7)","Answer":"TORMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Curse\n[pa]T[io] + TOR [rock] + MEN [chess pieces]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Protest, as bird shot (6)","Answer":"GROUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Protestbird shot\nDouble definition \u2013 I tried for an anagram [shot] of AS BIRD but the only one \u2013 DISBAR \u2013 didn't work, of course"} {"Clue":"Offensive show about the bowels of hell (10)","Answer":"INDELICATE","Explanation":"Definition: Offensive\nINDICATE [show] round [h[EL[l] \u2013 the definition seems a little strong"} {"Clue":"Exercise position is elevated (3-2)","Answer":"SIT-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Exercise\nA reversal [elevated] of PUT [position] + IS"} {"Clue":"Drug creating high in building of bonfire (9)","Answer":"IBUPROFEN","Explanation":"Definition: Drug\nUP [high] in an anagram [building] of BONFIRE"} {"Clue":"Knight covering a smear (4)","Answer":"DAUB","Explanation":"Definition: smear\nDUB [knight] round A"} {"Clue":"A couple for eating, did yer say? Drink! (8)","Answer":"APERITIF","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nI can't bear to parse this one: several years ago, I took part in the parish production of 'Me and My Girl', a show abounding in excruciating puns \u2013 I've never forgotten this one, as being the worst, I think; I'll leave you to read it for yourself, in the second paragraph here"} {"Clue":"Completely different words from boy on paper (8)","Answer":"ANTONYMS","Explanation":"Definition: Completely different words\nANTONY [boy] + MS [manuscript \u2013 paper]"} {"Clue":"Get nowhere, seeing doctor possibly pocketing extraordinary wad (5,5)","Answer":"TREAD WATER","Explanation":"Definition: Get nowhere\nTREATER [doctor, possibly] round an anagram [extraordinary] of WAD"} {"Clue":"Clarity, I imply: it is unlikely to inspire leader in democracy (9)","Answer":"LIMPIDITY","Explanation":"Definition: Clarity\nAn anagram [unlikely] of I IMPLY IT round D[emocracy]"} {"Clue":"Aircraft has to avoid route (3-5)","Answer":"SKI-PLANE","Explanation":"Definition: Aircraft\nSKIP [avoid] + LANE [route]"} {"Clue":"Jack in pack, set of cards (8)","Answer":"DECKHAND","Explanation":"Definition: Jack\nDECK [pack of cards] + HAND [set of cards]"} {"Clue":"Stirring soon, beast with the hump time and time again activated this? (6,6)","Answer":"SNOOZE BUTTON","Explanation":"Definition: this?\nAn anagram [stirring] of SOON + ZEBU [beast with the hump]\u00a0 + T T [time and time again] + ON [activated] \u2013 with an extended definition"} {"Clue":"Artist embodying good drawer? (6)","Answer":"MAGNET","Explanation":"Definition: drawer?\nMANET [artist] round G [good]"} {"Clue":"Bound to find this writer's into books (5)","Answer":"LIMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Bound\nI'M [this writer's] in LIT[erature] [books]"} {"Clue":"Tree, one with canopy of red? (4)","Answer":"ACER","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\nACE [one] + R[ed]"} {"Clue":"Number one from one of two (5)","Answer":"ETHER","Explanation":"Definition: Number\nE[i]THER [one of two] \u2013 a neat use of the familiar crossword 'number'"} {"Clue":"He noticed creeping destruction of cultural identity (9)","Answer":"ETHNOCIDE","Explanation":"Definition: destruction of cultural identity\nAn anagram [creeping] of HE NOTICED"} {"Clue":"Rejected wordplay quietly sent back by Paul or edited (9)","Answer":"UNPOPULAR","Explanation":"Definition: Rejected\nPUN [wordplay] with the P [quietly] 'sent back' to the end + an anagram [edited] of PAUL OR"} {"Clue":"Transient prime (5)","Answer":"BRIEF","Explanation":"Definition: Transientprime\nDouble definition, the second as a verb"} {"Clue":"Prime suspect in deal with Government (7)","Answer":"LEADING","Explanation":"Definition: Prime\nAn anagram [suspect] of IN DEAL + G [government]"} {"Clue":"Perhaps fire English workers allowed outside (7)","Answer":"ELEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps fire\nE [English] + LET [allowed] round MEN [workers]"} {"Clue":"Boatman finishes article on primes (5)","Answer":"THEME","Explanation":"Definition: primes\nME [Boatman] after THE [article]"} {"Clue":"Nameless type of paint, the first to mark wood (3)","Answer":"ELM","Explanation":"Definition: wood\nE[name]L [nameless paint] + M[ark]"} {"Clue":"Proposal from cockney woman (5)","Answer":"OFFER","Explanation":"Definition: Proposal\nOFF [from] + 'ER [cockney woman]"} {"Clue":"So, prime suspect is to swear oath? (7)","Answer":"PROMISE","Explanation":"Definition: swear oath\nAn anagram [suspect] of SO PRIME"} {"Clue":"Go back to EU, generally friendless in retreat (7)","Answer":"RENEGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Go back\nHidden reversal [in retreat] in EU GENERally \u2013 go back on one's word *[Edit; see Steve\u00a0B @comment 3]"} {"Clue":"They could kill & maim, say (5)","Answer":"NINJA","Explanation":"Definition: They could kill & maim, say\nI think this must be sounds like [say] 'N INJURE' [ & maim]"} {"Clue":"Teach two nurses to take on part of the crossword (9)","Answer":"ENLIGHTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Teach\nEN EN [two {enrolled} nurses] round LIGHT [part of crossword]"} {"Clue":"Perhaps using skis, with the French slopes around them (5-4)","Answer":"WHEEL-LESS","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps using skis\nW [with] + HEELS [slopes] round LES [the French] \u2013 I was amazed to find this word in Chambers"} {"Clue":"Prime made out to include another (5)","Answer":"SEVEN","Explanation":"Definition: Prime\nSEEN [made out] round V [five \u2013 another prime number]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"All possible orders of prime numbers (4)","Answer":"MENU","Explanation":"Definition: All possible orders\nHidden in priME NUmbers"} {"Clue":"Boatman's helm is prime mover about tacking east at first (8)","Answer":"SHIPMATE","Explanation":"Definition: Boatman\nInitial letters [at first] of Helm Is Prime Mover About Tacking East \u2013 after the 'S from 'Boatman's', I think"} {"Clue":"Spring and Fall (4)","Answer":"TRIP","Explanation":"Definition: SpringFall\nDouble definition \u2013 I'm not sure of this: is the first part something to do with tripping a switch \/ springing a trap?"} {"Clue":"Wrap leading edge (add less if turbulent) (8)","Answer":"NEGLIG\u00c9E","Explanation":"Definition: Wrap\nAn anagram [if turbulent] of LE[ad]ING E[d]GE minus 'add'"} {"Clue":"Prime impeachment (6)","Answer":"CHARGE","Explanation":"Definition: Primeimpeachment\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Trump's usual response to criticism, Donald's leadership heading off trouble twice as stock index falls one point (6,4)","Answer":"DOUBLE DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Trump's usual response to criticism\nI think this is D[onald] + [tr]OUBLE minus the first two letters [heading off twice] + DOW [stock market index] + N [north \u2013 compass point]"} {"Clue":"Limited by metal casing in computers etc (6)","Answer":"FINITE","Explanation":"Definition: Limited\nFE [iron \u2013 metal] round [casing] IN IT [computers etc]"} {"Clue":"Perhaps a prime, cut from cube efficiently (4)","Answer":"BEEF","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps a prime, cut\nHidden in cuBE Efficiently"} {"Clue":"Enjoy yourself! I've gone out to get drunk (3,2)","Answer":"LIT UP","Explanation":"Definition: drunk\nL[ive] IT UP [enjoy yourself \u2013 minus I've]"} {"Clue":"Be alive in time to be reborn for certain (10)","Answer":"INEVITABLE","Explanation":"Definition: certain\nAn anagram [to be reborn] of BE ALIVE IN T [time]"} {"Clue":"Prime every other T-shirt, even (5)","Answer":"THREE","Explanation":"Definition: Prime\nAlternate letters of T sHiRt EvEn"} {"Clue":"Preach new realism about love (8)","Answer":"MORALISE","Explanation":"Definition: Preach\nAn anagram [new] of REALISM round O [love]"} {"Clue":"Sawn-off gun raised: it is held by prime suspect on run (8)","Answer":"FUGITIVE","Explanation":"Definition: suspect on run\nA reversal [raised] of GU[n] + IT in FIVE [prime number]"} {"Clue":"Betrays no hiding place for anything less than a pound (6)","Answer":"OUNCES","Explanation":"Definition: anything less than a pound\n[den]OUNCES [betrays] minus den [hiding place]"} {"Clue":"Prime and irrational number? Large primes can't be this (6)","Answer":"ELEVEN","Explanation":"Definition: Prime\nE [irrational number] + L[large] + EVEN [primes can't be this] \u2013 but TWO is: is 'large' doing double duty?"} {"Clue":"Prime number \u2014 up to zero (4)","Answer":"NOWT","Explanation":"Definition: zero\nA reversal [up] of TWO [prime] + N [number]"} {"Clue":"Heartless visitor delivers blow (4)","Answer":"GUST","Explanation":"Definition: blow\nGU[e]ST [heartless visitor]"} {"Clue":"Zero is new factor for all primes (4)","Answer":"NONE","Explanation":"Definition: Zero\nN [new] + ONE [factor for all prime numbers]"} {"Clue":"Two talk wildly about one measure for power (8)","Answer":"KILOWATT","Explanation":"Definition: measure for power\nAn anagram of TWO TALK round I [one]"} {"Clue":"How rifles may be carried by soldiers not wanted in retreat (6)","Answer":"PORTED","Explanation":"Definition: How rifles may be carried by soldiers\nA reversal [in retreat] of DE TROP [not wanted]"} {"Clue":"Its players react competitively after every match (4)","Answer":"SNAP","Explanation":"Cryptic definition of the card game in which players call 'Snap!' when two matching cards are turned up"} {"Clue":"It's clear a band used awfully elaborate lighting fixtures (10)","Answer":"CANDELABRA","Explanation":"Definition: elaborate lighting fixtures\nAn anagram [used awfully] of CLEAR A BAND"} {"Clue":"Multinational organisation exists, working for total agreement (6)","Answer":"UNISON","Explanation":"Definition: total agreement\nUN [United Nations \u2013 multinational organisation] + IS [exists] + ON [working]"} {"Clue":"Understandings seen as target, using visual aids (8)","Answer":"INSIGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: Understandings\nIN SIGHT = seen as target and\u00a0 sights\u00a0are devices used in aiming a gun but I can't quite fit it together"} {"Clue":"Reason, for example, money's held back therein (6)","Answer":"SANITY","Explanation":"Definition: Reason\nA reversal [held back] of TIN [money] in SAY [for example]"} {"Clue":"Give a hand to musician taking a bow \u2014 no 'bravo' at first (6)","Answer":"ASSIST","Explanation":"Definition: Give a hand to\nb[ASSIST] [musician taking a bow] minus b [Bravo \u2013 NATO alphabet]"} {"Clue":"Capital family possesses invested in South Africa (8)","Answer":"KINSHASA","Explanation":"Definition: Capital\nKIN [family] + HAS [possesses[ in SA [South Africa]"} {"Clue":"May, in past, by taking British out, showing strength (6)","Answer":"MIGHTY","Explanation":"Definition: showing strength\nMIGHT [the past tense of may] + [b]Y [minus b [British] \u2013 wonderful surface!"} {"Clue":"It monitors movement of liquid resources we had over one period and most of another (5,5)","Answer":"WATER METER","Explanation":"Definition: It monitors movement of liquid resources\nWE round A TERM [one period] + TER[m] [most of another]"} {"Clue":"King and queen, perhaps, reversed course of action (4)","Answer":"TACK","Explanation":"Definition: course of action\nA reversal of K [king] + CAT [queen, perhaps]"} {"Clue":"Narrow window for research publication (6)","Answer":"LANCET","Explanation":"Definition: Narrow windowresearch publication\nDouble definition, the second being the medical journal"} {"Clue":"Again connect the cart and a convertible thus (8)","Answer":"REATTACH","Explanation":"Definition: Again connect\nAn anagram [convertible] of THE CART and A\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Recruits demolished Sing Sing (8)","Answer":"SIGNINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Recruits\nAn anagram [demolished] of SING SING"} {"Clue":"Feature of stern father is bottling up love (4)","Answer":"POOP","Explanation":"Definition: Feature of stern\nPOP [father] round O [love] \u2013 the first of several palindromes"} {"Clue":"in lively dance (6)","Answer":"CANCAN","Explanation":"Definition: lively dance\nThe answer to 8dn is TIN TIN"} {"Clue":"Placates wild animals, feeding them vegetables (8)","Answer":"APPEASES","Explanation":"Definition: Placates\nAPES [wild animals] round PEAS [vegetables] \u2013 which are anagrams of each other"} {"Clue":"A ruling in hearing is bringing accusation (10)","Answer":"ARRAIGNING","Explanation":"Definition: bringing accusation\nSounds like [in hearing] 'a reigning' [a ruling]\u00a0 \u2013 the letters A R I G N are all used twice"} {"Clue":"It takes the lead as French land on time (6)","Answer":"TERRET","Explanation":"Definition: It takes the lead\nTERRE [French land] + T [time] \u2013 precise cluing for a word new to me: 'the ring on a dog's collar for attaching the lead' [Collins] \u2013 another palindrome"} {"Clue":"Highlight popular young hero (6)","Answer":"TINTIN","Explanation":"Definition: young hero\nTINT [highlight] + IN [popular]"} {"Clue":"One dreadful scene eclipses another in process of aging (10)","Answer":"SENESCENCE","Explanation":"Definition: process of aging\nAn anagram [dreadful] of SCENE round another anagram of SCENE"} {"Clue":"No opponent has drink minutes before end of game (8)","Answer":"TEAMMATE","Explanation":"Definition: No opponent\nTEA [drink] + M [minutes] + MATE [end of {chess} game]"} {"Clue":"It's spotted in exotic cacti, north of a lake in South America (8)","Answer":"TITICACA","Explanation":"Definition: lake in South America\nIT in an anagram [exotic] of CACTI + [north of, in a down clue] A"} {"Clue":"What's used to pay twice for dental coverage? (6)","Answer":"TARTAR","Explanation":"Definition: dental coverage\nTAR [what's used to pay = 'to caulk {the seams of a wooden vessel} with pitch or tar' \u2013 Collins] twice"} {"Clue":"One name of prophet, as I repeatedly recollected (6)","Answer":"ISAIAS","Explanation":"Definition: One name of prophet\nAn anagram [recollected] of AS I, repeatedly\u00a0\u2013 an alternative spelling of ISAIAH"} {"Clue":"Damage sign in grass (6)","Answer":"MARRAM","Explanation":"Definition: grass\nMAR [damage] + RAM [sign of the zodiac] \u2013 another palindrome"} {"Clue":"Express disapproval over what splits TV dancer's costume (4)","Answer":"TUTU","Explanation":"Definition: dancer's costume\nTUT [express disapproval] round U [the letter between T and V]"} {"Clue":"Kid overcome by country smell (9)","Answer":"FRAGRANCE","Explanation":"Definition: smell\nRAG [kid] in [overcome by] FRANCE [country]"} {"Clue":"Head of computing centre, British rival to Yale (5)","Answer":"CHUBB","Explanation":"Definition: rival to Yale\nC[omputing] + HUB [centre] + B [British]"} {"Clue":"Musicians content to leave Egypt after 31 days (5)","Answer":"OCTET","Explanation":"Definition: Musicians\nOCT[ober] [31 days] + E[gyp]T minus its content"} {"Clue":"Up in the air, nun and I react badly (9)","Answer":"UNCERTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Up in the air\nAn anagram [badly] of NUN + I REACT"} {"Clue":"Half the world is into cannabis at this point (10)","Answer":"HEMISPHERE","Explanation":"Definition: Half the world\nIS in HEMP [cannabis] + HERE [at this point]"} {"Clue":"Spring meadow close to Adlestrop (4)","Answer":"LEAP","Explanation":"Definition: Spring\nLEA [meadow[ + [adlestro]P: lovely surface \u2013 see here"} {"Clue":"Where queen may go ballistic at terylene trousers (7)","Answer":"CATTERY","Explanation":"Definition: Where queen may go\nHidden in [trousered by] ballistiC AT TERYlene"} {"Clue":"Vehicle runs on rough tarmac (7)","Answer":"TRAMCAR","Explanation":"Definition: Vehicle\nAn anagram [rough] of TARMAC + R [runs]"} {"Clue":"Is attracted to lover with timeless quotes (7)","Answer":"FANCIES","Explanation":"Definition: Is attracted to\nFAN [lover] + CI[t]ES [quotes minus t \u2013 time]"} {"Clue":"Young swimmer beginning to tire, using pedalo (7)","Answer":"TADPOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Young swimmer\nT[ire] + an anagram [using] of PEDALO"} {"Clue":"Frolic in animal sanctuary behind camel's back (4)","Answer":"LARK","Explanation":"Definition: Frolic\n[came]L + ARK [animal sanctuary]"} {"Clue":"Play with tender name, an expression of affection (10)","Answer":"ENDEARMENT","Explanation":"Definition: expression of affection\nAn anagram [play with] of TENDER NAME"} {"Clue":"Architect run down in outskirts of Vientiane, country's capital (9)","Answer":"NASHVILLE","Explanation":"Definition: country's capital\nNASH [architect] + ILL [run down] in V[ientian]E \u2013 'country' as in music"} {"Clue":"Enjoy song and dance and romance on vacation (5)","Answer":"ADORE","Explanation":"Definition: Enjoy\nADO [song and dance] + R[omanc]E"} {"Clue":"Father Brown's last warning (5)","Answer":"SIREN","Explanation":"Definition: warning\nSIRE [father] + [brow]N"} {"Clue":"Doctrine of suffering adopted by tens, half-heartedly (9)","Answer":"TEACHINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Doctrine\nACHING [suffering] in TE[n]S\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Nonsense filling extremely foolish head (5)","Answer":"FROTH","Explanation":"Definition: head\nROT [nonsense] in F[oolis]H \u2013 think of the frothy head on a pint of beer"} {"Clue":"Gold coin finally found under fruit machine (9)","Answer":"AUTOMATON","Explanation":"Definition: machine\nAU [gold] + TOMATO [fruit] + [coi]N"} {"Clue":"Drunken Tories rise and spit here (10)","Answer":"ROTISSERIE","Explanation":"Definition: spit here\nAn anagram [drunken] of TORIES RISE"} {"Clue":"Refusal to accommodate thug, unruly and rude (7)","Answer":"NAUGHTY","Explanation":"Definition: rude\nNAY [refusal] round an anagram [unruly] of THUG"} {"Clue":"Clip of Romeo in bar (7)","Answer":"EXCERPT","Explanation":"Definition: Clip\nR [Romeo \u2013 NATO alphabet] in EXCEPT [bar]"} {"Clue":"Short copper with raincoat inside out (4)","Answer":"CURT","Explanation":"Definition: Short\nCU [copper] + R[aincoa]T"} {"Clue":"Wise person following universal custom (5)","Answer":"USAGE","Explanation":"Definition: custom\nSAGE [wise person] following U [universal]"} {"Clue":"Corsican holding up a toff, left without diamonds (9)","Answer":"BONAPARTE","Explanation":"Definition: Corsican\nA reversal [holding up] of A NOB [a toff] + PARTE[d] [left, minus d \u2013 diamonds]"} {"Clue":"More straightforward career for cobblers (10)","Answer":"BALDERDASH","Explanation":"Definition: cobblers\nBALDER [more straightforward] + DASH [career]"} {"Clue":"Shirty joiners hit feline, we hear (9)","Answer":"CUFFLINKS","Explanation":"Definition: Shirty joiners\nCUFF [hit] + LINKS [sounds like \u2013 we hear \u2013 lynx {feline}]"} {"Clue":"Stop broadcasting cuckoo's first moult (5,4)","Answer":"CLOSE DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Stop broadcasting\nC[uckoo] + LOSE DOWN [moult]"} {"Clue":"Gilbert oddly putting on wrong vest (7)","Answer":"SINGLET","Explanation":"Definition: vest\nSIN [wrong] + odd letters of GiLbErT"} {"Clue":"May cut dissent, amidst cheers (7)","Answer":"THERESA","Explanation":"Definition: May\nHERES[y] [dissent, cut] in TA [cheers] \u2013 our embattled PM provides another great surface"} {"Clue":"Irish hero removing clothes for part of flight (5)","Answer":"RISER","Explanation":"Definition: part of flight\n[i]RIS[h] [h]ER[o]"} {"Clue":"Lock sons in turrets regularly (5)","Answer":"TRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Lock\nS [sons] in alternate letters of TuRrEtS"} {"Clue":"Russian leader out of bed (4)","Answer":"IVAN","Explanation":"Definition: Russian\n[d]IVAN [bed, minus its initial letter \u2013 leader]"} {"Clue":"Design bags and clothing item (9)","Answer":"LANDSCAPE","Explanation":"Definition: Design\nLANDS [bags] + CAPE [clothing item]"} {"Clue":"Came up with a 21 down adornment (5)","Answer":"AROSE","Explanation":"Definition: Came up\nA ROSE [GARDEN adornment]"} {"Clue":"The Guardian's backyard in close season (3,4)","Answer":"NEW YEAR","Explanation":"Definition: season\nA reversal [back] of WE [The Guardian] + Y [yard] in NEAR [close]"} {"Clue":"Gave notice about guard coming up short (7)","Answer":"AWARDED","Explanation":"Definition: Gave\nAD [notice] round WARDE[r] [guard coming up short]"} {"Clue":"Primate stripped off plant seller (5)","Answer":"LORIS","Explanation":"Definition: Primate\n[f]LORIS[t]"} {"Clue":"Mix 21 and serve with starters of rice (9)","Answer":"POTPOURRI","Explanation":"Definition: Mix\nPOT [GRASS [21]\u00a0\u2013 cannabis] + POUR [serve] + RI[ce]"} {"Clue":"9 21 downer to limit PM's inspiring skill (10,5)","Answer":"CAPABILITY BROWN","Explanation":"Definition: 9 21 downer\nCAP [limit] + [Gordon] BROWN [PM] round [inspiring] ABILITY for this amazing LANDSCAPE GARDENer"} {"Clue":"Complaint one's put on wrong pants suit (9)","Answer":"SINUSITIS","Explanation":"Definition: Complaint\nSIN [wrong] + IS [one's] + an anagram [pants] of SUIT"} {"Clue":"Writer stalks singer? (5)","Answer":"GRASS","Explanation":"Definition: Writer stalks singer\nTriple definition, the first being this writer"} {"Clue":"Dear academic leaves city for 21 down city (7)","Answer":"BABYLON","Explanation":"Definition: 21 down city\nBABY [dear] + LON[don] [city minus don \u2013 academic] \u2013 reference to the Hanging GARDENs"} {"Clue":"Green monkeys around lake's edges? Correct (2,5)","Answer":"EN R\u00c8GLE","Explanation":"Definition: Correct\nAn anagram [monkeys about] of GREEN + L[ak]E"} {"Clue":"Brazilian removes this drinker's seat one's broken (5,4)","Answer":"PUBIC HAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Brazilian removes this\nI [one] in [has broken] PUB CHAIR [drinker's seat] \u2013 one of the many things I've learned from crosswords"} {"Clue":"down Awfully chastened with regret in story (3,6,6)","Answer":"THE SECRET GARDEN","Explanation":"Definition: story\nAn anagram [awfully] of CHASTENED and REGRET\u00a0 for this story \n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Crowds seizing cotton fabric for arms (10)","Answer":"FLINTLOCKS","Explanation":"Definition: arms\nFLOCKS [crowds] round LINT [cotton fabric]"} {"Clue":"Spy gathers women's medic is one in 21 down (8)","Answer":"SNOWDROP","Explanation":"Definition: one in 21 down\nSNOOP [spy] round W [women's] DR [medic]"} {"Clue":"Lords losing head, making bloomers (6)","Answer":"ASTERS","Explanation":"Definition: bloomers\n[m]ASTERS [lords]"} {"Clue":"Condition to enter Roman town's ruins (10)","Answer":"DEVASTATES","Explanation":"Definition: ruins\nSTATE [condition] in DEVA'S [Roman town's \u2013 Chester]"} {"Clue":"Pet and a ferret around in a resting place (8)","Answer":"CATACOMB","Explanation":"Definition: resting place\nCAT [pet] + A + COMB [ferret around]"} {"Clue":"Plot of book series (6)","Answer":"BORDER","Explanation":"Definition: Plot\nB [book] + ORDER [series]"} {"Clue":"Feeble fellow, one unwanted in bed (4)","Answer":"WEED","Explanation":"Definition: Feeble fellowone unwanted in bed\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Historical region spread, preserving a language (10)","Answer":"PALATINATE","Explanation":"Definition: Historical region\nP\u00c2T\u00c9 [spread] round A LATIN [a language]"} {"Clue":"Badly singe small coins, which emit sparks (10)","Answer":"IGNESCENTS","Explanation":"Definition: which emit sparks\nAn anagram [badly] of SINGE + CENTS [small coins] \u2013 a less familiar word, clearly clued, from the same root as ignite and igneous"} {"Clue":"Leaves one around Roman building (8)","Answer":"BASILICA","Explanation":"Definition: Roman building\nBASIL [leaves] + I [one] + CA [circa \u2013 around]"} {"Clue":"Men furious earl's broken into hothouse (8)","Answer":"ORANGERY","Explanation":"Definition: hothouse\nOR [other ranks \u2013 men] + E [earl] in ANGRY [furious]"} {"Clue":"Privileged people pocketing a billion? (6)","Answer":"NABOBS","Explanation":"NOBS [privileged people] round A B [a billion] &lit?"} {"Clue":"Group flying, by the way, in Rolls (4)","Answer":"BAPS","Explanation":"Definition: Rolls\nBA [British Airways [group flying] + PS [post script \u2013 by the way]"} {"Clue":"PM essentially disappointed England (4)","Answer":"EDEN","Explanation":"Definition: PM\nContained in disappointED ENgland \u2013 reference to Sir Anthony"} {"Clue":"12 more Spaniards ate crackers (8,8)","Answer":"DRAMATIS PERSONAE","Explanation":"Definition: 12\nAfter a week's thinking about it, I'm still not quite sure how to explain this: it's an anagram [crackers] of MORE SPANIARDS ATE, with '12' as the definition \u2013 but, unusually, this refers to the **clue**, rather than the answer, to 12ac \u2013 a straightforward definition, so I'm not sure that this clue is actually cryptic, although the combination of the two clues is clever \u2013 I look forward to comments on this"} {"Clue":"It's not entirely lost on guest\u00a0speaker (6)","Answer":"TONGUE","Explanation":"Definition: speaker\nHidden [it's not entirely] in losT ON GUEst"} {"Clue":"Shortage in change? Absolutely! (4)","Answer":"AMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Absolutely!\nAMEN[d] [change, shortened]"} {"Clue":"Possums say Paul is off on another planet (10)","Answer":"MARSUPIALS","Explanation":"Definition: Possums say\nAn anagram [off] of PAUL IS after [on] MARS [another planet]"} {"Clue":"Characters listed in play (6)","Answer":"TILDES","Explanation":"Definition: Characters\nAn anagram [in play] of LISTED \u2013 great clue and the definition for 7,26"} {"Clue":"Cover a municipal role (8)","Answer":"CAPACITY","Explanation":"Definition: role\nCAP [cover] + A + CITY [municipal \u2013 used as a modifier \/ adjective, as in 'city life']"} {"Clue":"Extend length of bird (7)","Answer":"STRETCH","Explanation":"Definition: Extend length ofbird\nDouble definition, 'stretch' and 'bird' both being terms for a prison sentence"} {"Clue":"Gun-toting kid somewhere on an island (8)","Answer":"YARMOUTH","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere on an island\nYOUTH [kid] round [toting] ARM [gun]"} {"Clue":"Reason sensation happening (4,2)","Answer":"WITH IT","Explanation":"Definition: happening\nWIT [reason] + HIT [sensation]"} {"Clue":"Dish, one quaking at the prospect of investiture? (10,7)","Answer":"CORONATION CHICKEN","Explanation":"Definition: Dish\nCryptic [double? \u2013 remembering the nervous young Prince Charles at his Investiture as Prince of Wales] definition"} {"Clue":"Stalemate followed by defeats, officially stop game (4,6)","Answer":"DRAW STUMPS","Explanation":"Definition: officially stop game\nDRAW [stalemate] + STUMPS [defeats] \u2013 what happens at close of play in a cricket match"} {"Clue":"Diamonds in cargo, oddly, for Roman consul (6)","Answer":"CICERO","Explanation":"Definition: Roman consul\nICE [diamonds] in the odd letters of CaRgO\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Search bottom parts, unattractive (8)","Answer":"FRUMPISH","Explanation":"Definition: unattractive\nRUMP [bottom] in [parts] FISH [search]"} {"Clue":"Sign form, seen regularly (4)","Answer":"OMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Sign\nAlternate letters of fOrM sEeN"} {"Clue":"Actress ultimately given daffy part as tramp (8)","Answer":"STRUMPET","Explanation":"Definition: tramp\n[actres]S + TRUMPET [part of a daff{odil} \u2013 so 'daffy' \u2013 typical Paul wordplay]"} {"Clue":"Unwise to move since tired (10)","Answer":"INDISCREET","Explanation":"Definition: Unwise\nAn anagram [to move] of SINCE TIRED"} {"Clue":"Tidy wood (6)","Answer":"SPRUCE","Explanation":"Double definition \u2013 an old favourite"} {"Clue":"Broke down, having erased scores, might you say? (10)","Answer":"DECOMPOSED","Explanation":"Definition: Broke down\nCryptic definition, the scores being musical ones"} {"Clue":"Sovereign inspiring couple to catch lion, say, for master (8)","Answer":"EDUCATOR","Explanation":"Definition: master\nER [sovereign] round DUO [couple] round CAT [lion, say]"} {"Clue":"Hit before lunch, perhaps with a new ball (8)","Answer":"CHINAMAN","Explanation":"Definition: ball\nCHIN [hit] + AM [before lunch, perhaps] + A N [new] \u2013 another cricketing reference"} {"Clue":"Sixties' model losing weight, tiny little thing (6)","Answer":"SHRIMP","Explanation":"Definition: tiny little thing\n[Jean] SHRIMP[ton] 'losing weight'\u00a0 ['Tiggy' wouldn't fit \ud83d\ude09 ]"} {"Clue":"Lovely person \u2014 who's teaching Oxbridge students? (6)","Answer":"ADONIS","Explanation":"Definition: Lovely person\nA DON IS [teaching Oxbridge students]"} {"Clue":"Get to taste bitter (6)","Answer":"WINTRY","Explanation":"Definition: bitter\nWIN [get] + TRY [taste] \u2013 a topical clue!"} {"Clue":"Abandon GP and surgery (4)","Answer":"DROP","Explanation":"Definition: Abandon\nDR [GP] + OP[eration] [surgery]"} {"Clue":"Anger in pub leading to sustained assault (7)","Answer":"BARRAGE","Explanation":"Definition: sustained assault\nA charade: BAR RAGE = anger in pub"} {"Clue":"Essential couple of coins, one not English (7)","Answer":"CENTRAL","Explanation":"Definition: Essential\nCENT + R[e]AL [two coins] the second minus e [English]"} {"Clue":"Have a fag to improve one's mood (5,2)","Answer":"LIGHT UP","Explanation":"Definition: Have a fagimprove one's mood\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Deadly acid of copper to engulf huge area shortly (7)","Answer":"PRUSSIC","Explanation":"Definition: Deadly acid\nPC [police constable \u2013 copper]\u00a0 round RUSSI[a] [huge area, shortly]"} {"Clue":"All welcome here, but we have not decided on kind of dance music (4,5)","Answer":"OPEN HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: All welcome here\nOPEN [we have not decided yet] \u2013 for 'open', Chambers gives 'not finally decided, concluded, settled' \u2013 as in 'open verdict' + HOUSE [kind of dance music]"} {"Clue":"Defence of road going to close, say? (5)","Answer":"ALIBI","Explanation":"Definition: Defence\nSounds like [say] ALLEY [road] + BY [close] \u2013 I think"} {"Clue":"Homes in Geordieland are mostly small (5)","Answer":"NEARS","Explanation":"Definition: Homes in\nAR[e] [are mostly] in NE [North East \u2013 Geordieland] + S [small] \u2013 a well-disguised definition and one of my favourite clues"} {"Clue":"Finding fault with moving divan back and embracing while husband's away (9)","Answer":"DEBUGGING","Explanation":"Definition: Finding fault with\nA reversal [moving back] of BED [divan]\u00a0 + [h]UGGING [embracing minus h \u2013 {husband}"} {"Clue":"Popular bet: Reverend to retreat, lacking a lot of backbone (9)","Answer":"VERTEBRAL","Explanation":"Definition: of backbone\nHidden in a reversal [to retreat] of popuLAR BET REVerend"} {"Clue":"Jelly-like film? (5)","Answer":"ASPIC","Explanation":"Definition: Jelly\nAS [like] + PIC [film] \u2013 a neat little clue"} {"Clue":"Nearly half the smelling salts used in coordinated shots (5)","Answer":"SALVO","Explanation":"Definition: coordinated shots\nSAL VO[latile [smelling salts]"} {"Clue":"Be reasonable \u2014 blonde is not that good (5,4)","Answer":"FAIR\u2019S FAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Be reasonable\nFAIR'S [blonde is] FAIR ['passable' {Chambers} not that good] \u2013 FAIR is not quite a contranym [I learned from 'Pointless' the other day that that's what these words like cleave, screen et al are called] but it's getting on that way"} {"Clue":"Take credit, limiting doctor's\u00a0pomposity (7)","Answer":"BOMBAST","Explanation":"Definition: pomposity\nBOAST [take credit] round MB [doctor]"} {"Clue":"European's warm emotion three quarters occluded (7)","Answer":"SLOVENE","Explanation":"Definition: European\nS N E [three quarters] round [occluding] LOVE [warm emotion]"} {"Clue":"They leave the country from old seaside towns (7)","Answer":"EXPORTS","Explanation":"Definition: They leave the country\nEX [old] + PORTS [seaside towns]"} {"Clue":"Judge an aristocrat by his voice (7)","Answer":"ACCOUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Judge\nSounds like [by his voice] A COUNT [an aristocrat] \u2013 'judge' is the first definition in Chambers but it's noted as obsolete\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Benefit everyone received that's subject to inflation (7)","Answer":"BALLOON","Explanation":"Definition: that's subject to inflation\nALL [everyone] in BOON [benefit]"} {"Clue":"Old poems of dogma, essentially varied in interpretation (3,4)","Answer":"RIG VEDA","Explanation":"Definition: Old poems\nAn anagram [in interpretation] of [do]G[[ma] [essentially] + VARIED \u2013 I knew I'd met these poems in crosswords before; when I searched the 15\u00b2 archive, I was not surprised to see that the first two names on the page were Maskarade and Pasquale \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"A long letter (5)","Answer":"AITCH","Explanation":"Definition: letter\nA ITCH [long]"} {"Clue":"Lecturer always welcomes a kiss and some money (9)","Answer":"EXPOUNDER","Explanation":"Definition: Lecturer\nE'ER [poetic ever] round X [kiss] + POUND [some money]"} {"Clue":"Employing spades, manage wood (5)","Answer":"COPSE","Explanation":"COPE [manage] round S [spades]"} {"Clue":"Severe pain sends tormented Algerian round the bend (9)","Answer":"NEURALGIA","Explanation":"Definition: Severe pain\nAn anagram [tormented] of ALGERIAN round U [bend]"} {"Clue":"Barman almost got up \u2014 wrong one! (7)","Answer":"ROSSINI","Explanation":"Definition: Barman\nROS[e] [almost got up] + SIN [wrong] + I [one]"} {"Clue":"Securing army officer to rise against one he swore to serve? (7)","Answer":"LOCKING","Explanation":"Definition: Securing\nA reversal [to rise] of COL[onel] [army officer] + KING [one he swore to serve]"} {"Clue":"Old beast gets up and over, painful to listen to (9)","Answer":"STEGOSAUR","Explanation":"Definition: Old beast\nA reversal [up] of GETS + O [over] + SAUR\u00a0 [sounds like \u2013 to listen to \u2013 'sore' {painful}]"} {"Clue":"With Indian food, case for ordering cold water (6,3)","Answer":"BALTIC SEA","Explanation":"Definition: cold water\nBALTI [Indian food] plus an anagram [for ordering] of CASE"} {"Clue":"Nasty housing relative makes available to view (7)","Answer":"VISIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: available to view\nVILE [nasty] round SIB [relative]"} {"Clue":"Way for Pom to get some seafood? (7)","Answer":"ROLLMOP","Explanation":"Definition: seafood\nIf we 'roll' POM, we get MOP"} {"Clue":"French city spread over dead flat area (7)","Answer":"PLATEAU","Explanation":"Definition: flat area\nPAU [French city] round LATE [dead]"} {"Clue":"In summary, little bird heading off for stream (7)","Answer":"CURRENT","Explanation":"Definition: stream\nCURT [summary] round [w]REN [little bird, heading off]"} {"Clue":"Time to put in charges for parish events (5)","Answer":"F\u00caTES","Explanation":"Definition: parish events\nT [time] in FEES [charges]"} {"Clue":"Neckwear almost strangles one philosopher (5)","Answer":"STOIC","Explanation":"Definition: philosopher\nSTOC[k] [this neckwear \u2013 almost] round I [one]"} {"Clue":"Defined by 'flipping raucous sort', a black bird (9)","Answer":"ALBATROSS","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nNot a good start, as I can't quite see this: there's a reversal [flipping] of ['raucous'?SORT in AS [defined by? \u2013 but there's no insertion indicator] + A BL [a black? \u2013 but I can't find that as an abbreviation]; it can't be right \u2013 help, please!"} {"Clue":"Noted art critic ignorant, some unique Mondrians originally rejected (5)","Answer":"MUSIC","Explanation":"Definition: Noted art\nInitial letters [originally] of Critic Ignorant Some Unique Mondrians reversed [rejected]"} {"Clue":"Mount Rushmore's peak gone down the tube? (5)","Answer":"HORSE","Explanation":"Definition: Mount\nR[ushmore] in HOSE ['gone down' as an insertion indicator?]"} {"Clue":"Using bathroom product, soap on him foaming and popping at last (10)","Answer":"SHAMPOOING","Explanation":"Definition: Using bathroom product\nAn anagram [foaming] of SOAP ON HIM + [poppin]G"} {"Clue":"Pull up briefly before a portico (4)","Answer":"STOA","Explanation":"Definition: portico\nSTO[p] [pull up, briefly] before A \u2013 the Stoics take their name from the Painted Stoa in Athens, where Zeno taught"} {"Clue":"Communist city of old stifling sound of disapproval (7)","Answer":"TROTSKY","Explanation":"Definition: Communist\nTROY [city of old] round TSK [sound of disapproval]"} {"Clue":"Reportedly path allowed, part going underground (7)","Answer":"ROOTLET","Explanation":"Definition: part going underground\nROOT [sounds like \u2013 \"reportedly' \u2013 route {path}] + LET [allowed]"} {"Clue":"Stop before opening (7)","Answer":"PREVENT","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\nPRE [before] VENT [opening]"} {"Clue":"Why North-South divide not entirely inspiring Holyhead (4,3)","Answer":"WHAT FOR","Explanation":"Definition: Why\nWATFOR[d] [North-South divide, not entirely \u2013 see here] round H [first letter \u2013 'head' of Holy]"} {"Clue":"Area where a team drops back (4)","Answer":"ACRE","Explanation":"Definition: Area\nA CRE[w] [a team, minus its last letter {back}]"} {"Clue":"Not too serious \u2026 then birdie perhaps unlikely to swallow last of poison? (10)","Answer":"PARDONABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Not too serious\nPAR DOABLE round [poiso]N \u2013\u00a0 typical 'if A then B' Paul clue: if PAR is DOABLE, then a birdie is perhaps unlikely [I think \u2013 but I'm no golfer]"} {"Clue":"Channel screening home of everyday country folk, possibly Washington-backed, a concern managing data? (9,9)","Answer":"CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA","Explanation":"Definition: concern managing data?\nCANAL channel] round AMBRIDGE [home of 'everyday country folk' \u2013 see here for the radio programme I've been listening to since it began] + a reversal [backed] of CITY [possibly Washington] + A"} {"Clue":"Stone precious metal eroded (5)","Answer":"AGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Stone\nAG [silver \u2013 precious metal] + ATE [eroded]"} {"Clue":"Fibre in unopened drawer (5)","Answer":"RAYON","Explanation":"Definition: Fibre\n[c]RAYON [something to draw with]"} {"Clue":"Pulse brisk ultimately in one obsessed with material gain? (6,3)","Answer":"MONKEY NUT","Explanation":"Definition: Pulse\nbris]K in MON[EY NUT [one obsessed with material gain]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"A grateful man rescued by twerp? (5)","Answer":"ASHES","Explanation":"Definition: A grateful\nA grate-ful of ashes"} {"Clue":"One perhaps dressed up a part for song (9)","Answer":"BARCAROLE","Explanation":"Definition: song\nA reversal [up] of CRAB [one perhaps dressed] + A ROLE [a part] \u2013 this is perhaps the best-known barcarole \u2013 a gondolier's song"} {"Clue":"Is an intruder out? Lock chains! (10)","Answer":"TRESPASSES","Explanation":"Definition: Is an intruder\nTRESS [lock] round [chains]PASS\u00c9 [out]"} {"Clue":"With roof of gold, a blue chapel (7)","Answer":"ORATORY","Explanation":"Definition: chapel\nOR [gold, in heraldry] + A TORY [a blue]"} {"Clue":"Dye retains fluid (7)","Answer":"STAINER","Explanation":"Definition: Dye\nAn anagram [fluid] of RETAINS"} {"Clue":"Second bottles always for sauce (4)","Answer":"MAYO","Explanation":"Definition: sauce\nMO [second] round [bottles] AY [always]"} {"Clue":"Change address, did you say? (5)","Answer":"SHIFT","Explanation":"Definition: Change\nSounds like [did you say?] a dress \u2013 shift"} {"Clue":"Indeed a cold person (9)","Answer":"CHARACTER","Explanation":"Definition: person\nA C [a cold] in CHARTER [deed]"} {"Clue":"Gathering chap raised in US state, address found online (6,4)","Answer":"DOMAIN NAME","Explanation":"Definition: address found online\nDO [gathering] + a reversal [raised] of MAN [chap] in MAINE [US state]"} {"Clue":"One caught in blast, air exploding? (3,6)","Answer":"TAP DANCER","Explanation":"It has to be this \u2013 nothing else fits \u2013 but I have no idea why: I can't even see a definition"} {"Clue":"Maths centre\u00a0relocated from the UK, IT gone (4,5)","Answer":"LEFT BRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Maths centre\u00a0\nLEFT [relocated] + BR[it]AIN [UK, IT gone]"} {"Clue":"Realm of old leader in generalissimo drastically knocked over (7)","Answer":"TSARDOM","Explanation":"Definition: Realm of old leader\nHidden reversal [knocked over] generalissiMO DRASTically"} {"Clue":"Extra covering good on bird (7)","Answer":"WIDGEON","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nWIDE [extra, in cricket] round G [good]"} {"Clue":"Card game somewhat spirited? (5)","Answer":"RUMMY","Explanation":"Definition: Card game\nA bit like rum \u2013 somewhat spirited: another trademark Paul clue"} {"Clue":"Up before cockcrow, toiling starts (5)","Answer":"ERECT","Explanation":"Definition: Up\nERE [before] + initial letters [starts] of Cockcrow Toiling"} {"Clue":"State that was under my command? (4)","Answer":"IRAN","Explanation":"Definition: State\nI RAN \u2013 it was under my command"} {"Clue":"Ambulance staff use this elastic (9)","Answer":"STRETCHER","Explanation":"Definition: Ambulance staff use thiselastic\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Served to perfection? (4)","Answer":"ACED","Explanation":"Definition: Served to perfection?\nCryptic definition, referring to tennis"} {"Clue":"Strong resentment, as peril is headed off (5)","Answer":"ANGER","Explanation":"Definition: Strong resentment\n[d]ANGER [peril]"} {"Clue":"Mediator's attempt to risk small point (2-7)","Answer":"GO-BETWEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Mediator\nGO [attempt] + BET [risk] + WEE [small] + N [north \u2013 point]"} {"Clue":"Chase employment (7)","Answer":"PURSUIT","Explanation":"Definition: Chaseemployment\nDouble definition \u2013 but they have the same derivation and each means 'a pursuit'"} {"Clue":"Lousy MP ruined a divine home (7)","Answer":"OLYMPUS","Explanation":"Definition: divine home\nAn anagram [ruined] of LOUSY MP"} {"Clue":"Conservationists with the confidence of the country? (8,5)","Answer":"NATIONAL TRUST","Explanation":"Definition: Conservationistsconfidence of the country\nDouble \/ cryptic? definition"} {"Clue":"Folding hat, she carried out dextrous manoeuvre (7,2,4)","Answer":"SLEIGHT OF HAND","Explanation":"Definition: dextrous manoeuvre\nAn anagram [carried {?} out] of FOLDING HAT SHE"} {"Clue":"Great-granny's hair arrangement (7)","Answer":"TOPKNOT","Explanation":"Definition: hair arrangement\nTOP [great] + KNOT [granny]"} {"Clue":"I don't remember getting this (7)","Answer":"AMNESIA","Explanation":"Definition: I don't remember getting this\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Wow! Does it say there's a new pope? (4,5)","Answer":"HOLY SMOKE","Explanation":"Definition: Wow!\nCryptic definition, the second referring to the white smoke emerging from the Sistine Chapel to signify the election of a pope"} {"Clue":"Build up, or knock down, we hear (5)","Answer":"RAISE","Explanation":"Definition: Build up\nSounds like [we hear] 'raze \/ rase' \u2013 to level to the ground"} {"Clue":"Love notes (two) (4)","Answer":"DOTE","Explanation":"Definition: Love\nDO TE [two notes]"} {"Clue":"Final steps up to roof? Excellent (3-6)","Answer":"TOP FLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Excellent\nCryptic definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Taking photo of son asleep (8)","Answer":"SNAPPING","Explanation":"Definition: Taking photo of\nS [son] + NAPPING [asleep]"} {"Clue":"Boy could be jolly (5)","Answer":"ROGER","Explanation":"Definition: Boy\nCryptic definition, referring to the pirate flag"} {"Clue":"Appear soon, seen wrongly to sneer (4,2,4,4)","Answer":"TURN UP ONE\u2019S NOSE","Explanation":"Definition: sneer\nTURN UP [appear] + an anagram [wrongly] of SEEN SOON"} {"Clue":"Airline meal? (4,3)","Answer":"HIGH TEA","Explanation":"Definition: Airline meal?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Removes difficulty with brief direction (4,3)","Answer":"RUBS OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Removes\nRUB [difficulty] + SOUT[h] [brief direction]"} {"Clue":"Pale actor cast for darker-hued beauty (9)","Answer":"CLEOPATRA","Explanation":"Definition: darker-hued beauty\nAn anagram [cast] of PALE ACTOR"} {"Clue":"In bowl, a new pastry (6)","Answer":"DANISH","Explanation":"Definition: pastry\nA N [new] in DISH [bowl] \u2013 I haven't met 'Danish' used by itself for the pastry"} {"Clue":"You'll be there, unawares: take the consequences! (3,4,7)","Answer":"IT\u2019S YOUR FUNERAL","Explanation":"Definition: You'll be there, unawarestake the consequences!\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"One's up for trial (4,5)","Answer":"TEST PILOT","Explanation":"Definition: One's up for trial\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Lying near a jacket, a coin (8)","Answer":"ADJACENT","Explanation":"Definition: Lying near\nA DJ [a jacket] + A CENT [a coin]"} {"Clue":"Don't interfere before time: let's go wandering (3,4)","Answer":"GET LOST","Explanation":"Definition: Don't interfere\nAn anagram [wandering] of LET'S GO + T [time] \u2013 I initially queried the definition and found that\u00a0 Chambers has 'go away and stay away!', which is how I think of it, but then 'stop annoying or interfering'"} {"Clue":"Due to travel in carriage to buy larger house (5,2)","Answer":"TRADE UP","Explanation":"Definition: buy larger house\nAn anagram [to travel] of DUE in TRAP [carriage] \u2013 I'd expect a question mark, since the expression can apply to more than houses"} {"Clue":"Irritated, being married, to lose husband (6)","Answer":"ITCHED","Explanation":"Definition: Irritated\n[h]ITCHED [married, minus h {husband}]"} {"Clue":"Chuck small fish (5)","Answer":"SLING","Explanation":"Definition: Chuck\nS [small] + LING [fish]"} {"Clue":"Abandon waste (6)","Answer":"DESERT","Explanation":"Definition: Abandonwaste\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Deaf hero's wrinkled brow (8)","Answer":"FOREHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: brow\nAn anagram [wrinkled] of DEAF HERO"} {"Clue":"Disquiet caused by right tunes in wrong order (6)","Answer":"UNREST","Explanation":"Definition: Disquiet\nAn anagram [in wrong order] of R [right] TUNES \u2013 which inevitably calls this to mind"} {"Clue":"Obstinate remnant brought to light (8)","Answer":"STUBBORN","Explanation":"Definition: Obstinate\nSTUB [remnant \u2013 of a cigarette, cheque, etc] + BORN [brought to light]"} {"Clue":"Highly sexed person keeping Dan Brown's sources distinct from 18? (3-8)","Answer":"GOD-BOTHERER","Explanation":"Definition: 18?\nGOER [highly sexed person] round initial letters [sources] of D[an] B[rown] + OTHER [distinct from] \u2013 reference to 18ac"} {"Clue":"Novel interrupting genuine fresh start (7)","Answer":"RENEWAL","Explanation":"Definition: fresh start\nNEW [novel] in REAL [genuine]"} {"Clue":"Scrutinise bug, keeping quiet (7)","Answer":"INSPECT","Explanation":"Definition: Scrutinise\nINSECT [bug] round P [quiet]"} {"Clue":"Guardian, say, interrupting Alice 5, peculiarly missionary (11)","Answer":"EVANGELICAL","Explanation":"Definition: missionary\nANGEL [Guardian, say] in an anagram [peculiarly] of ALICE V [5]"} {"Clue":"Irrational Southern church extremely popular outside (8)","Answer":"VISCERAL","Explanation":"Definition: Irrational\nVIRAL [extremely popular] outside S [Southern] + CE Church {of England}]"} {"Clue":"Help string player losing head (6)","Answer":"ASSIST","Explanation":"Definition: Help\n[b]ASSIST [string player]"} {"Clue":"Carelessly lost knee bones (8)","Answer":"SKELETON","Explanation":"Definition: bones\nAn anagram [carelessly] of LOST KNEE"} {"Clue":"Unfortunate habit involving piece of music (6)","Answer":"TRAGIC","Explanation":"Definition: Unfortunate\nTIC [habit] round RAG [piece of music]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Quick sauce containing radish top (6)","Answer":"PRESTO","Explanation":"Definition: Quick\nPESTO [sauce] round R[adish]"} {"Clue":"Child in charge of rising currency (10)","Answer":"FOSTERLING","Explanation":"Definition: Child in charge\nA reversal [rising] of OF + STERLING [currency]"} {"Clue":"Given beers, cur turns to Hound of Hades (8)","Answer":"CERBERUS","Explanation":"Definition: Hound of Hades\nAn anagram [turns] of BEERS CUR"} {"Clue":"Abstemious Dickensian accepted for dull work (8)","Answer":"DRUDGERY","Explanation":"Definition: dull work\nDRY [abstemious] round [Barnaby] RUDGE [Dickensian]"} {"Clue":"Resounding end of pointless missile (8)","Answer":"STRIDENT","Explanation":"Definition: Resounding\n[pointles]S + TRIDENT [missile]"} {"Clue":"Kind of mess only some care to notice (4)","Answer":"ETON","Explanation":"Definition: Kind of mess\nHidden in carE TO N[otice] \u2013 the popular summer dessert"} {"Clue":"Shiny-nosed character is sound as a bell (4)","Answer":"DONG","Explanation":"Definition: Shiny-nosed charactersound as a bell\nDouble definition, the first referring to Edward Lear's 'dong with a luminous nose'"} {"Clue":"Bear bearing part of ship \u2013 and a lot of noise (10)","Answer":"HULLABALOO","Explanation":"Definition: a lot of noise\nBALOO [the bear in 'The Jungle Book']\u00a0 'bearing', in a down clue, HULL [part of a ship] + A"} {"Clue":"Attractive female's artwork (8)","Answer":"FETCHING","Explanation":"Definition: Attractive\nF [female] ETCHING [artwork]"} {"Clue":"Sporty sort of Greek hosting heads of Hungary, Latvia and Estonia (8)","Answer":"ATHLETIC","Explanation":"Definition: Sporty\nATTIC [sort of Greek] round initial letters [heads] of Hungary, Latvia and Estonia"} {"Clue":"Shakespeare's beloved worship uplifted in any place (8)","Answer":"WHEREVER","Explanation":"Definition: in any place\nW H [Shakespeare's beloved \u2013 see here for discussion + a reversal [uplifted] of REVERE [worship]"} {"Clue":"Bait to entrap holy person's sheen (6)","Answer":"LUSTRE","Explanation":"Definition: sheen\nLURE [bait] round ST [saint \u2013 holy person]"} {"Clue":"Composer's endless component of salad (4)","Answer":"IVES","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\n[end]IVES [component of salad] \u2013 the composer is probably Charles Ives rather than Burl, as I suggested the last time the name cropped up on my blog"} {"Clue":"Bread, spinach and turnip, a turnip's first eaten (7)","Answer":"CHAPATI","Explanation":"Definition: Bread\nMy last one to parse, although I seemed to have all the necessary letters: the thing to remember, of course, is to follow the instructions \u2013\u00a0so we have to 'spin ach' to give CHA and 'turn ip' to give PI and put A T[urnip's] inside ['is eaten'] to get the Indian flatbread \u2013 why did it take so long to see?"} {"Clue":"Sweet thing, as French produce private parts (7)","Answer":"BROWNIE","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet thing\nOWN [private] in [parts] BRIE [French produce]"} {"Clue":"Cylinder turns around (5)","Answer":"SPOOL","Explanation":"Definition: Cylinder\nA reversal [around] of LOOPS [turns]"} {"Clue":"Heading for carrots, one fetching for us cut vegetable (9)","Answer":"COURGETTE","Explanation":"Definition: vegetable\nC[arrots] + OUR GETTE[r] [one fetching for us] minus the final letter [cut] \u2013 I just couldn't get the obvious 'gofer' to fit"} {"Clue":"Take the blasted thing from the pen of author (4,6)","Answer":"NICK HORNBY","Explanation":"Definition: author\nNICK [take] + HORN [the thing that's blasted] + BY [from the pen of] for this author, who provides a mini-theme: I was on the look-out for\u00a0'Fever Pitch' and 'High Fidelity' but they didn't materialise"} {"Clue":"Midnight on a journey, excited (4)","Answer":"AGOG","Explanation":"Definition: excited\nA GO [a journey] + [ni]G[ht] [mid-night]"} {"Clue":"With flyer penned, doctor ratifies orders (12)","Answer":"FRATERNITIES","Explanation":"Definition: orders\nTERN [flyer] in an anagram [doctor] of RATIFIES"} {"Clue":"11's distance to one Irish county and another? (1,4,3,4)","Answer":"A LONG WAY DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: 11's\nIt's A LONG WAY to Tipperary [one Irish county] + DOWN [another one, a lovely county where I once lived, long ago]"} {"Clue":"Spinner, figure surprisingly on the money (10)","Answer":"CENTRIFUGE","Explanation":"Definition: Spinner\nCENT [money] + an anagram [surprisingly] of FIGURE"} {"Clue":"11's sin is so in Saladin? (5,1,3)","Answer":"ABOUT A BOY","Explanation":"Definition: 11's\nIn Saladin, SIN is around [about] A LAD [a boy]"} {"Clue":"It's recalled, story without a name (5)","Answer":"TITLE","Explanation":"Definition: name\nA reversal [recalled] of IT + T[a]LE [story without a]"} {"Clue":"Opening clue perfect for discussion (7)","Answer":"KEYHOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Opening\nKEY [clue] + HOLE [sounds like \u2013 for discussion \u2013 'whole' {perfect}]"} {"Clue":"The oxygen group's proposition (7)","Answer":"THEOREM","Explanation":"Definition: proposition\nTHE O [the oxygen] + REM [group].\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Function where figure hosts number (not 10) (6)","Answer":"COSINE","Explanation":"Definition: Function\nCONE [figure] round [hosts] SI[x] [number, not ten]"} {"Clue":"One carrying great weight now (2,4)","Answer":"AT ONCE","Explanation":"Definition: now\nACE [one] round TON [great weight]"} {"Clue":"In autumn, group starts feeding together (3,3,4)","Answer":"ALL THE RAGE","Explanation":"Definition: In\nInitial letters [starts] of Autumn Group in [feeding] ALL THERE [together] \u2013 a well-hidden definition"} {"Clue":"Old person beginning to regret satnav so? (2-3)","Answer":"IN-CAR","Explanation":"Definition: satnav so?\nINCA [old person] + R[egret]"} {"Clue":"Cried, describing Moby Dick? (9)","Answer":"BLUBBERED","Explanation":"Definition: Crieddescribing Moby Dick\nDouble \/ cryptic definition \u2013 as a whale has blubber, it could be said to be BLUBBERED"} {"Clue":"Social occasion with some characters rolling over in ecstasy, groping (4)","Answer":"ORGY","Explanation":"Definition: Social occasion\nA hidden reversal [rolling over] in ecstasY GROping, with an allusive surface \u2013 not the kind of social occasion I attend these days and I didn't find this definition\u00a0in Collins or Chambers\u00a0but it's a lovely picture \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Cooker cutting out? That's always happening! (3,5)","Answer":"NOT AGAIN!","Explanation":"Definition: That's always happening!\nAGA [cooker] in [cutting] NOT IN [out] \u2013 another of my favourites"} {"Clue":"Stimulate singer to perform in centre of Queens (8)","Answer":"ENERGISE","Explanation":"Definition: Stimulate\nAn anagram [to perform] of SINGER in [qu]EE[ns]"} {"Clue":"Let out houses in game one's played (3,7)","Answer":"TIN WHISTLE","Explanation":"Definition: one's played\nAn anagram [out] of LET round [houses] IN WHIST [in game]"} {"Clue":"People in diagram may be found (9)","Answer":"TRACEABLE","Explanation":"Definition: may be found\nRACE [people] in TABLE [diagram] \u2013 I'm not happy with the grammar [or surface] here \u2013 one of those that I think of as Paul's 'that'll do' clues"} {"Clue":"Book is easy there, but \u2026 (8)","Answer":"HARDBACK","Explanation":"Definition: Book\nA typical Paul clue: it may be easy [going] there but hard [coming] back"} {"Clue":"Oodl \u2013 or poodle? (8)","Answer":"DOGSBODY","Explanation":"Definition: poodle\nAnother Paul-type clue: oodl is the 'body' of poodle [dog]"} {"Clue":"Spread out on this beachhead, absolute beauty (6,4)","Answer":"BUTTER DISH","Explanation":"Definition: Spread out on this\nB [first letter \u2013 'head' of Beach] + UTTER [absolute] DISH [beauty]"} {"Clue":"Trade in communist merchandise ultimately gets me promoted (6)","Answer":"REDEEM","Explanation":"Definition: Trade in\nRED [communist] + [merchandis]E + a reversal [promoted, in a down clue] of ME"} {"Clue":"Meeting judge, shut case (5)","Answer":"TRYST","Explanation":"Definition: Meeting\nTRY [judge] +S[hu]T"} {"Clue":"German rising and falling? (4)","Answer":"OTTO","Explanation":"Definition: German\nA palindrome, rising and falling in a down clue"} {"Clue":"Tried to get a bite, admitting mum's flipping hungry (8)","Answer":"FAMISHED","Explanation":"Definition: hungry\nFISHED [tried to get a bite] round a reversal [flipping] of MA [mum]"} {"Clue":"Contrary host carrying too much finds something to sit on (6)","Answer":"BOTTOM","Explanation":"Definition: finds something to sit on\nA reversal [contrary] of MOB [host] round OTT [Over The Top \u2013 too much] \u2013 Nick, the weaver"} {"Clue":"One way to prepare food, cold, stopping on the way (2,6)","Answer":"EN CROUTE","Explanation":"Definition: One way to prepare food\nC [cold] in EN ROUTE [on the way]"} {"Clue":"Fruit, 75 penceworth regularly nicked? (6)","Answer":"QUINCE","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nQUI[d] -75% of a pound + alternate letters of NiCkEd \u2013 Peter, the carpenter"} {"Clue":"Race official in modest accommodation (7,4)","Answer":"STARTER HOME","Explanation":"Definition: modest accommodation\nSTARTER [race official] + HOME [in]"} {"Clue":"Uranium and hydrogen extracted from river water (5)","Answer":"URINE","Explanation":"Definition: water\nU [uranium] + R[h]INE [river minus h {hydrogen}]"} {"Clue":"Interpreter can't head off before returning register (9)","Answer":"ANNOTATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Interpreter\n[c]ANNOT [can't] + a reversal [returning] of ROTA [register]"} {"Clue":"Iberian leader repelled in a former German duchy (9)","Answer":"FRANCONIA","Explanation":"Definition: former German duchy (9)\nFRANCO [Iberian leader] + a reversal [repelled] of IN + A"} {"Clue":"Retired doctor aboard express delivers quads (5)","Answer":"YARDS","Explanation":"Definition: Rquads (5)\nA reversal of DR [doctor] inside SAY [express] \u2013 lovely surface"} {"Clue":"American capital seen as May's speciality? (11)","Answer":"SPRINGFIELD","Explanation":"Definition: American capital\nFIELD [speciality] of SPRING [May, for example, hence the question mark]"} {"Clue":"A loose relation (6)","Answer":"AUNTIE","Explanation":"Definition: relation\nA + UNTIE [loose] \u2013 not the first time we've seen it but it's a nice clue"} {"Clue":"Old Inuit set adrift, weakening (8)","Answer":"DILUTION","Explanation":"Definition: weakening\nAn anagram [set adrift] of OLD INUIT"} {"Clue":"With difficulty drew Rocky, using the other hand (6)","Answer":"LUGGED","Explanation":"Definition: With difficulty drew\n[r]UGGED [rocky] with L [left] replacing r [right]"} {"Clue":"Malodorous emission from sheep tucking into mowed grass (5,3)","Answer":"SEWER GAS","Explanation":"Definition: Malodorous emission\nEWE [sheep] in an anagram [mowed] of GRASS\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Thugs said to support charges, around 500 for fodder etc (10)","Answer":"FEEDSTUFFS","Explanation":"Definition: fodder etc\nFEES [charges] + TUFFS [sounds like {said} toughs \u2013 thugs] round D [500]"} {"Clue":"Michael Caine set off (ie fired) automatic (10)","Answer":"MECHANICAL","Explanation":"Definition: automatic\nAn anagram [set off] of MICHAEL CA[i]N[e] minus [fired] ie] \u2013 introducing the theme, the six 'rude mechanicals' in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'"} {"Clue":"Partners playing on public grass (5)","Answer":"SNOUT","Explanation":"Definition: grass\nSN [partners playing {bridge}] + OUT [public] \u2013 Tom Snout, the tinker, plays the part of 22dn in 'Pyramus and Thisbe', the play put on by the 4dn"} {"Clue":"They aim to divert trainees sent abroad (12)","Answer":"ENTERTAINERS","Explanation":"Definition: They aim to divert\n[This is obviously intended as an anagram of TRAINEES SENT and it was only when I came to write the blog that I realised that it doesn't quite work: one s needs to be an r \u2013 see preamble]"} {"Clue":"Like the overendowed tup, lonely when doctored (9)","Answer":"OPULENTLY","Explanation":"Definition: Like the overendowed\nA witty anagram [when doctored] of TUP LONELY \u2013 sheep aren't having a good day today"} {"Clue":"Nurse often demanding sample (4)","Answer":"TEND","Explanation":"Definition: Nurse\nContained in ofTEN Demanding"} {"Clue":"Submissive maiden: 'You're scaring me' (4)","Answer":"MEEK","Explanation":"Definition: Submissive\nM [maiden, in cricket] + EEK [you're scaring me, in comics]"} {"Clue":"Increase area within ski slope, maybe? (12)","Answer":"MOUNTAINSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: ski slope, maybe?\nMOUNT [increase] + A [area] + INSIDE [within]"} {"Clue":"Contents of oven fed to bird, a malnourished one (10)","Answer":"STARVELING","Explanation":"Definition: a malnourished one\n[o]VE[n] in STARLING [bird] \u2013 this was the one that alerted me to the theme \u2013 Robin,\u00a0 the tailor"} {"Clue":"Leaders here keeping identity secret, initially (10)","Answer":"PRESIDENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Leaders\nPRESENT [here] round ID [identity] + S[ecret]"} {"Clue":"Immoderate vices enlivened with sex close to bedtime (9)","Answer":"EXCESSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Immoderate\nAn anagram [enlivened] of VICES with SEX + [bedtime]E"} {"Clue":"Instrument showing temperature inside pipe (5)","Answer":"FLUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\nT [temperature] in FLUE [pipe] \u2013 Francis, the bellows-mender]"} {"Clue":"Part of building with everything? (4)","Answer":"WALL","Explanation":"Definition: Part of building\nW [with] ALL [everything]"} {"Clue":"Positioned comfortably, arms raised (4)","Answer":"SNUG","Explanation":"Definition: Positioned comfortably\nA reversal [raised] of GUNS [arms] \u2013 the joiner [Shakespeare didn't give him a first name]"} {"Clue":" Sleeping on the streets in support of aristocrat (3,3,3,5)","Answer":"OUT FOR THE COUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Sleeping\nOUT [on the streets] + FOR THE COUNT [in support of aristocrat]"} {"Clue":"Worm's bit of good luck (5)","Answer":"FLUKE","Explanation":"Definition: Wormbit of good luck\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Delighted with next July: it's pants without clothes! (8)","Answer":"EXULTANT","Explanation":"Definition: Delighted\n[n]EX[t] [j]UL[y] [i]T's [p]ANT[s] [without outer letters \u2013 clothes] \u2013 nice to see 'pants' not as an anagram indicator for a change"} {"Clue":"Nice expensive copy inside \u2014 not so expensive (7)","Answer":"CHEAPER","Explanation":"Definition: not so expensive\nAPE [copy] inside CHER [French {in Nice} for expensive]"} {"Clue":"Finally, mountain climb is beginning (7)","Answer":"NASCENT","Explanation":"Definition: beginning\n[mountai]N + ASCENT [climb]"} {"Clue":"Where flies are unfair (5,3,4)","Answer":"BELOW THE BELT","Explanation":"Definition: Where flies areunfair\nDouble\u00a0definition"} {"Clue":"St Stephen's lower, discarded greeting (6,3)","Answer":"BOXING DAY","Explanation":"Definition: St Stephen's\nThis needed a bit of a stare: the definition was clear \u2013 St\u00a0 Stephen's is the day Good King Wenceslas looked out \u2013 but the parsing took a little longer: it's OX [lower \u2013 an ox can be a low-er, just as a goat is often a butt-er, in Crosswordland] in [the] BIN, so 'discarded' + G'DAY [greeting \u2013 to our Antipodean friends \ud83d\ude09 ]"} {"Clue":"Spongy clue for boars? (9)","Answer":"ABSORBENT","Explanation":"Definition: Spongy\nA reverse anagram: ABSOR is BOARS 'BENT' *Edit:\u00a0 I meant, of course, BOARS is\u00a0ABSOR 'BENT'- thanks to Valentine @19"} {"Clue":"Capturing part of the city (5)","Answer":"TURIN","Explanation":"Definition: city\nContained in capTURINg"} {"Clue":"Cancellation period definite (7)","Answer":"ERASURE","Explanation":"Definition: Cancellation\nERA [period]\u00a0 + SURE [definite]"} {"Clue":"Grants immunity to plotter, primarily involved in Semtex explosion (7)","Answer":"EXEMPTS","Explanation":"Definition: Grants immunity to\nP[lotter] in an anagram [explosion] of SEMTEX \u2013 great surface"} {"Clue":"In dunce's cap, a delinquent frolic (8)","Answer":"ESCAPADE","Explanation":"Definition: frolic\nCleverly hidden in dunceE'S CAP A DElinquent"} {"Clue":"Premium oil mixed in this? (5)","Answer":"AIOLI","Explanation":"Definition: this?\nA1 [premium] + an anagram [mixed] of OIL \u2013 with a neatly allusive surface"} {"Clue":"Finally, Dilys and Victor in a bed, cavorting \u2014 perhaps they'll be given a last-minute reprieve (5,2,3,4)","Answer":"SAVED BY THE BELL","Explanation":"Definition: given a last-minute reprieve\nAnother great surface: [dily]S + V [Victor \u2013 phonetic alphabet] in an anagram [cavorting] of A BED, followed by another anagram [perhaps] of THEY'LL BE \u2013\u00a0 I enjoyed working this one out\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Polar feature (and creature) in present incumbent (6,6)","Answer":"OFFICE BEARER","Explanation":"Definition: incumbent\nICE [polar feature] + BEAR [polar creature] in OFFER [present]"} {"Clue":"The curtain rising over a lull in hostilities (5)","Answer":"TRUCE","Explanation":"Definition: lull in hostilities\nHidden reversal in thE CURTain"} {"Clue":"Somehow prove it hurts the Queen to conquer (9)","Answer":"OVERPOWER","Explanation":"Definition: conquer\nAn anagram [somehow] of PROVE + OW [it hurts] + ER [the Queen]"} {"Clue":"Bather unexpectedly catching cold is a sign of cancer (3,4)","Answer":"THE CRAB","Explanation":"Definition: sign of cancer\nAn anagram [unexpectedly] of BATHER round C [cold]"} {"Clue":"Biannual event is mostly horse and bull (7)","Answer":"EQUINOX","Explanation":"Definition: Biannual event\nEQUIN[e] [mostly horse] + OX"} {"Clue":"Pledges to serve cereal in hospital? On the contrary! (5)","Answer":"OATHS","Explanation":"Definition: Pledges\nH [hospital] in OATS \u2013 this reminded me of Samuel Johnson's definition of OATS:"} {"Clue":"Should one engage with errand to attend literacy class? (3-6)","Answer":"NON-READER","Explanation":"An anagram [engaging \/ doing battle with? \u2013 it works for me] of ONE and ERRAND"} {"Clue":"Sally sitting around, motionless (7,5)","Answer":"STAYING STILL","Explanation":"Definition: motionless\nAn anagram [around] of SALLY SITTING"} {"Clue":"Thrice adrift? (4,2,3)","Answer":"LOST AT SEA","Explanation":"Definition: adrift\nI think this means that LOST, AT SEA and LOST AT SEA all mean 'adrift' \u2013 so 'thrice'"} {"Clue":"Derelict and remote cathedral (5,4)","Answer":"NOTRE DAME","Explanation":"Definition: cathedral\nAn anagram [derelict] of AND REMOTE"} {"Clue":"Guest argues regularly as a matter of habit (5)","Answer":"USAGE","Explanation":"Definition: matter of habit\n[g]U[e]S[t] A[r]G[u]E[s] regularly"} {"Clue":"Call that's mostly fraudulent (5)","Answer":"PHONE","Explanation":"Definition: Call\nPHONE[y] [fraudulent]"} {"Clue":"Put in order: fish, one small fish, gutted (6)","Answer":"CODIFY","Explanation":"Definition: Put in order\nCOD [fish] + I [one] + F[r]Y [small fish, 'gutted']"} {"Clue":"Put in order, keeping a model satisfied (8)","Answer":"PLACATED","Explanation":"Definition: satisfied\nPLACED [put in order] round A T [a model]"} {"Clue":"Mob's intention to hold absolutely nothing back (5)","Answer":"MAFIA","Explanation":"Definition: Mob\nA reversal [back] of AIM [intention] round FA [Fanny Adams \u2013 absolutely nothing]"} {"Clue":"Learner on farm looking to the future (4-5)","Answer":"LONG-RANGE","Explanation":"Definition: looking to the future\nL [learner] + ON + GRANGE [farm]"} {"Clue":"Classical position of president in square-dancing (9)","Answer":"ARABESQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Classical position\nABE [Lincoln \u2013 president] in an anagram [dancing] of SQUARE"} {"Clue":"Chicanery surrounding start of Hanoverian period (5)","Answer":"WHILE","Explanation":"Definition: period\nWILE [chicanery] round H[anoverian] \u2013 I've never met WILE in the singular before but the dictionaries have it ['usually plural']"} {"Clue":"Man used to going Dutch? (5,7)","Answer":"GRASS WIDOWER","Explanation":"Definition: Man used to going Dutch?\nA clever cryptic definition: we have to read it as a 'man used to his Dutch [cockney slang for wife] going [out\/away]' \u2013 [I've always been intrigued by the number of expressions we have in English involving 'Dutch']"} {"Clue":"Well-travelled commanders grouse about petty officer, drunk (12)","Answer":"COSMOPOLITAN","Explanation":"Definition: Well-travelled\nCOS [commanders] + MOAN [grouse] round PO [Petty Officer] LIT [drunk]"} {"Clue":"Welcome the way Derby's turned out (5)","Answer":"HOWDY","Explanation":"Definition: Welcome\nHOW [the way] + D[erb]Y"} {"Clue":"Passage used by ground staff to publicise game? (3,6)","Answer":"AIR BRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Passage used by ground staff\nAIR [publicise] + BRIDGE [game]: a new expression for me ['a link by air transport between two points'] \u2013 I think the ground staff are there mainly for the surface"} {"Clue":"Recurrent investment of new group from the East in traditional fuel (9)","Answer":"CONTINUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Recurrent\nN [new] + a\u00a0 reversal [from the East] of UNIT [group] in COAL [traditional fuel]"} {"Clue":"Puts up money to release sporting accessories (5)","Answer":"BAILS","Explanation":"Definition: Puts up money to releasesporting accessories\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Small bowlers for long-haul travellers? (8)","Answer":"SPACEMEN","Explanation":"Definition: long-haul travellers?\nS [small] PACEMEN [bowlers]"} {"Clue":"Displayed last of art framed by retired artist (6)","Answer":"STAGED","Explanation":"Definition: Displayed\n[ar]T in a reversal [retired] pf DEGAS [artist]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Offensive politician a soldier knocked over in the loo? (8)","Answer":"CAMPAIGN","Explanation":"Definition: Offensive\nMP [politician] + A + a reversal [knocked over] of GI [soldier] in CAN [the loo]"} {"Clue":"Agreement to limit combat leads to discharge (8)","Answer":"DEFRAYAL","Explanation":"Definition: discharge\nDEAL [agreement] round FRAY [combat]"} {"Clue":"Light feminine sparkly material \u2026 (5)","Answer":"FLAME","Explanation":"Definition: Light\nF [feminine] + LAM\u00c9 [sparkly material]"} {"Clue":"unusually clean material for soldier (5,8)","Answer":"LANCE CORPORAL","Explanation":"Definition: soldier\nAn anagram [unusually] of CLEAN + CORPORAL [material] \u2013 I can't see any real significance in the ellipsis"} {"Clue":"Revolution in Cuba reformed law there (9)","Answer":"CARTWHEEL","Explanation":"Definition: Revolution\nC [Cuba \u2013 International Vehicle Registration] + an anagram [reformed] of LAW THERE"} {"Clue":"No German follows you in France to find a station (4,2)","Answer":"TUNE IN","Explanation":"Definition: find a station\nNEIN [German 'no'] after TU [you in France]"} {"Clue":"Fuel runs out before rival ends (6)","Answer":"DIESEL","Explanation":"Definition: Fuel\nDIES [runs out] + [befor]E [riva]L"} {"Clue":"Possibly a kilolitre brew of liqueur is made (6,7)","Answer":"LIQUID MEASURE","Explanation":"Definition: Possibly a kilolitre\nAn anagram [brew] of LIQUEUR IS MADE"} {"Clue":"During function, Liberal joins right-wing plot (9)","Answer":"STORYLINE","Explanation":"Definition: plot\nTORY [right wing] + L [liberal] in SINE [function]"} {"Clue":"Regularly sits up pining, burning the midnight oil (8)","Answer":"STUDYING","Explanation":"Definition: burning the midnight oil\nS[i]T[s] U[p] + DYING [pining] \u2013 the expression usually refers to studying but I think it can be any late-night work"} {"Clue":"Not well up in prose? (8)","Answer":"UNVERSED","Explanation":"Definition: Not well up\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Strikes gain strength, it's said (6)","Answer":"WHACKS","Explanation":"Definition: Strikes\nSounds like 'wax' \u2013 gain strength"} {"Clue":"Country's official staff arrested by troops (6)","Answer":"RWANDA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nWAND [official staff] in R[oyal] A[rtillery] [troops]"} {"Clue":"Counter Murphy's raised, for example (5)","Answer":"REBUT","Explanation":"Definition: Counter\nA reversal [raised] of TUBER [Murphy {potato} for example]"} {"Clue":"Do up theatre about five in the morning (6)","Answer":"REVAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Do up\nREP [theatre] round V [five] AM [in the morning]"} {"Clue":"Pope briefly hosts American twice in private (4-4)","Answer":"HUSH-HUSH","Explanation":"Definition: private\nInitial letters [briefly] of His Holiness [the Pope] round US [American] x 2"} {"Clue":"OK to take drink after hitch? (6,2)","Answer":"THUMBS UP","Explanation":"Definition: OK\nTHUMB [hitch {a lift}] + SUP [drink]"} {"Clue":"Guide without staff or work (6)","Answer":"OEUVRE","Explanation":"Definition: work\n[man]OEUVRE [guide, minus man \u2013 staff, as verbs] \u2013 in the sense of 'carefully guide or manipulate (someone or something) in order to achieve an end'"} {"Clue":"Initiate bold moves in weak state (12)","Answer":"DEBILITATION","Explanation":"Definition: weak state\nA nifty anagram [moves] of INITIATE BOLD"} {"Clue":"A worn-out old loco initially missing from station (4)","Answer":"AWOL","Explanation":"Definition: missing from station\nA W[orn-out] O[ld] L[oco] \u2013 Absent WithOut Leave \u2013 in the solution, the military sense of station \u2013 a place of duty"} {"Clue":"Express knows about unit that makes flight easier (4,4)","Answer":"NOSE CONE","Explanation":"Definition: unit that makes flight easier\nNOSE [sounds like {express} knows] + C [circa \u2013 about] + ONE [unit]"} {"Clue":"Mike herds eastern cattle from a long time ago (8)","Answer":"MESOZOIC [?]","Explanation":"Definition: from a long time ago\nThe solution seemed obvious but I stared at it for ages, struggling to parse it: it appeared to be MIC [mike \u2013 both abbreviations of microphone] round E [eastern] + SOZO [??] which wasn't any kind of cattle I could find \u2013 then I thought of ZO, beloved of Scrabble players, the Himalayan breed of cattle and wondered if we could possibly be expected to take MEZOZOIC as an alternative spelling, the only thing that makes any sense \u2013 except that it's impossible: the prefix 'meso' means 'between' [cf Mesopotamia, the land 'between the rivers'] from the Greek mesos [middle] and could not be spelled MEZO"} {"Clue":"Millions extracted from newspaper unions (4)","Answer":"TIES","Explanation":"Definition: unions\nTI[m]ES [newspaper, minus m [millions]"} {"Clue":"Result of ten drums Thor hammered? (12)","Answer":"THUNDERSTORM","Explanation":"Definition: Result of ten drums Thor hammered?\nA clever anagram [hammered] of TEN DRUMS THOR, Thor being the hammer-wielding god of thunder \u2013 &lit, I think"} {"Clue":"Fruit in perfect condition around island state (6)","Answer":"HAWAII","Explanation":"Definition: state\nHAW [fruit] + AI [perfect condition] round I [island]"} {"Clue":"Reserve the best dessert (3,5)","Answer":"ICE CREAM","Explanation":"Definition: dessert\nICE [reserve \u2013 I initially looked askance at this but Chambers has it, next to coldness of manner, so it does work] + CREAM [the best]"} {"Clue":"Furtive little paddler with time to board launch (8)","Answer":"STEALTHY","Explanation":"Definition: Furtive\nTEAL [little paddler] + T [time] in SHY [launch \u2013 a missile, perhaps]"} {"Clue":"Bet Europeans pursue tug (6)","Answer":"YANKEE","Explanation":"Definition: Bet\nE E [Europeans] after YANK [tug] \u2013 a yankee is 'a multiple bet on four horses in four races, consisting of six doubles, four trebles and one accumulator'\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Fine choreographer tackles forerunner of foxtrot (4)","Answer":"ECHO","Explanation":"Definition: forerunner of foxtro\nHidden in finE CHOreographer \u2013 Echo comes before Foxtrot in the NATO phonetic alphabet \u2013 I was a little wary of 'tackle' as an inclusion indicator but it works in the sense of interception or getting in the way of"} {"Clue":"Animal found in a Lima road, squashed (9)","Answer":"ARMADILLO","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\nI think Crucible has been dipping into Puck's well-used box of edentates but, unfortunately, he seems to have picked up an a instead of an L, because ARMADILLO is not quite an anagram [squashed] of A LIMA ROAD \u2013 pity"} {"Clue":"Ignore idiot in lead over 26 (4,2)","Answer":"PASS BY","Explanation":"Definition: Ignore\nASS [idiot] in PB [chemical symbol for lead] + Y [26ac YANKEE, which is Y in the NATO phonetic alphabet]"} {"Clue":"Cowboy spoils gaps in school day (8,7)","Answer":"HOPALONG CASSIDY","Explanation":"Definition: Cowboy\nAnother clever anagram [spoils] of GAPS IN SCHOOL DAY \u2013 this takes me way back to Saturday matin\u00e9es when I was at primary school [it cost fourpence in old money, I think]"} {"Clue":"Small bed on this irritated Caledonian (8)","Answer":"SCOTTISH","Explanation":"Definition: Caledonian\nS [small] COT [bed] + an anagram [irritated] of THIS"} {"Clue":"Frequent hard worker steals uniform (5)","Answer":"HAUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Frequent\nH [hard] + ANT [worker] round U [uniform] \u2013 frequent as a verb"} {"Clue":"Overcame stable director injecting horse (10)","Answer":"SURMOUNTED","Explanation":"Definition: Overcame\nSURE [stable] D [director] round MOUNT [horse]"} {"Clue":"Good man holding tiny bottle loved one (10)","Answer":"SWEETHEART","Explanation":"Definition: loved one\nST [saint \u2013 good man] round WEE [tiny] + HEART [bottle, in the sense of courage]"} {"Clue":"Tin protects a river craft (9)","Answer":"CATAMARAN","Explanation":"Definition: craft\nCAN [tin] round A TAMAR [a river, which we've seen several times recently]"} {"Clue":"Author is on TV, restless about Spanish article (8)","Answer":"NOVELIST","Explanation":"Definition: Author\nAn anagram [restless] of IS ON TV [round EL [Spanish article]"} {"Clue":"Humour Buffalo Bill lassoing writer (6)","Answer":"COMEDY","Explanation":"Definition: Humour\n[William] CODY [Buffalo Bill] round ME [the writer of the crossword] \u2013 I don't think this, with 5dn, constitutes a cowboy theme \u2013 but I may be missing something"} {"Clue":"Animal in Africa, one invading cities (5)","Answer":"NYALA","Explanation":"Definition: Animal in Africa\nA [one] in New York and Los Angeles [cities] \u2013 it's an antelope, wouldn't you know?"} {"Clue":"Philanthropist's thank-you note (4)","Answer":"TATE","Explanation":"Definition: Philanthropist\nTA [thank you] + TE [note] \u2013 for Henry Tate, the sugar magnate philanthropist who founded the gallery beloved of crossword setters"} {"Clue":" One's not self-sufficient creating work that's bound to be finished (2-6)","Answer":"CO-AUTHOR","Explanation":"Definition: One's not self-sufficient\nCryptic definition, with reference to the binding of a book \u2013 the whole clue can be read as the definition"} {"Clue":"Page in article, very dry and short (6)","Answer":"ABRUPT","Explanation":"Definition: short\nP [page] in A [article] BRUT [very dry]"} {"Clue":"Fish around end of jetty as test (3,3)","Answer":"TRY OUT","Explanation":"Definition: test\nTROUT [fish] round [jett]Y"} {"Clue":"He repeatedly gets involved with main book in old collection (8)","Answer":"NEHEMIAH","Explanation":"Definition: book in old collection\nAnagram [gets involved] of\u00a0 HE HE + MAIN \u2013 NEHEMIAH is one of the books of the Old Testament"} {"Clue":"Spirit originally from Persia, mostly (4)","Answer":"PERI","Explanation":"Definition: Spirit\nI'm not sure about this: a peri is a Persian spirit and most of the letters of PER[s]I[a] are there but that seems a bit loose \u2013 I must be missing something"} {"Clue":"Detention facility not recommended for stoners (10)","Answer":"GLASSHOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Detention facility\n\"People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones\" \u2013 I learned from Chambers that the name comes from the detention facility at Aldershot, which has a glass roof"} {"Clue":"Staying out \u2014 it's hellishly dark (7)","Answer":"STYGIAN","Explanation":"Definition: hellishly dark\nAn anagram [out] of STAYING \u2013 lovely definition"} {"Clue":"Bridge as card game (7)","Answer":"PONTOON","Explanation":"Definition: Bridgecard game\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Is inspiring brain excited with these (8,2)","Answer":"BREATHES IN","Explanation":"Definition: Is inspiring\nAn anagram [excited] pf BRAIN and THESE"} {"Clue":"Edge attached to side of boater? (4)","Answer":"BRIM","Explanation":"Definition: Edge\nB[oater] + RIM \u2013 with an extended definition"} {"Clue":"Person exploring below porthole, moving right (8)","Answer":"POTHOLER","Explanation":"Definition: Person exploring below\nPORTHOLE with the first R [right] moving [right!]"} {"Clue":"Setter's anagram subject to further examination (6)","Answer":"RETEST","Explanation":"Definition: further examination\nAs it says on the tin, an anagram of SETTER"} {"Clue":"Producers of serpentine dreads? (6)","Answer":"ADDERS","Explanation":"Definition: Producers of serpentine dreads?\nAn anagram [producers \u2013 or serpentine doing double duty?] of DREADS"} {"Clue":"Robs special facility, splitting diamonds and paintings (8)","Answer":"DESPOILS","Explanation":"Definition: Robs\nESP [extra-sensory perception \u2013 special facility] between [splitting] D [diamonds] and OILS [paintings]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Text like this many deem tabu (4-6,5)","Answer":"FOUR-LETTER WORDS","Explanation":"Definition: Text like this\nAs are all the words in the clue \u2013 with an extended definition"} {"Clue":"Lives created in self-reliant way (15)","Answer":"AUTOBIOGRAPHIES","Explanation":"Definition: Lives\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Numbers of solutions including old slang turned up in print (10)","Answer":"PHOTOGRAPH","Explanation":"Definition: print\nThis took a while to parse: I was sure it must refer to numbers of solutions in the puzzle but finally realised it's PH PH [the numbers indicating the acidity \/ alkalinity of a solution] round [including] O [old] + a reversal [turned up] of ARGOT [slang]"} {"Clue":"Self-reference in book published without purpose (7)","Answer":"BRENDAN","Explanation":"Definition: Self-reference\nB [book] + RAN [published] outside [without] END [purpose]"} {"Clue":"A head among teachers (4)","Answer":"EACH","Explanation":"Definition: A head\nContained in tEACHers \u2013 as in something costing so much a head \/ each"} {"Clue":"Completely normal way to enter answer like this (4,3,2,6)","Answer":"FROM TOP TO BOTTOM","Explanation":"Definition: Completelynormal way to enter answer like this\nLiteral definition: \u00a0I thought it might be a double \/ cryptic one but it means 'thoroughly', rather than 'normally'"} {"Clue":"Requires no explanation from small summits, since left is represented (6,3,6)","Answer":"SPEAKS FOR ITSELF","Explanation":"Definition: Requires no explanation\nS [small] PEAKS [summits] + FOR [since] + an anagram [re-presented] of ITSELF \u2013 what is it in this puzzle that is speaking for itself that I'm failing to see?"} {"Clue":"Something said by self-described birdwatcher? (10)","Answer":"SPOONERISM","Explanation":"Definition: Something said by self-described birdwatcher?\nDr Spooner might call himself a 'word-botcher' \u2013\u00a0 I've seen this device a couple of times before but it's very clever and I like it: it's so refreshing to find SPOONER[ISM] as the answer rather than an indication of the wordplay"} {"Clue":"A way to travel on horseback (7)","Answer":"ASTRIDE","Explanation":"Definition: A way to travel on horseback\nA ST[reet] [way] + RIDE [travel on horseback]"} {"Clue":"Stand test of time, like this clue (4)","Answer":"LAST","Explanation":"Definition: Stand test of timelike this clue\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Footwear on black market? (7)","Answer":"BOOTLEG","Explanation":"Definition: black market\nBOOT [footwear] + LEG [on \u2013 in cricket]"} {"Clue":"Becomes tearful, as long-haul driver often does (5,2)","Answer":"FILLS UP","Explanation":"Definition: Becomes tearfulas long-haul driver often does\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Artistes will have performed here a long time back (5)","Answer":"ARENA","Explanation":"Definition: Artistes will have performed here\nA reversal [back] of AN ERA [a long time]"} {"Clue":"Hugo's character originally set in stone, with a touch of arrogance (9)","Answer":"ESMERALDA","Explanation":"Definition: Hugo's character\nS[et] in EMERALD [stone] + A[rrogance] \u2013 the character in Victor Hugo's 'The Hunchback of Notre-Dame'"} {"Clue":"Flighty carrot-top pests that'll draw the crowds (9,5)","Answer":"SPECTATOR SPORT","Explanation":"Definition: that'll draw the crowds\nAn anagram [flighty] of CARROT-TOP PESTS"} {"Clue":"Put a name to American river, longest in country (5)","Answer":"TAGUS","Explanation":"Definition: river, longest in country\nTAG [put a name to] + US [American] \u2013 the longest river in the Iberian peninsula"} {"Clue":"Picky journalist keen to appear in film (9)","Answer":"PEDAGOGIC","Explanation":"Definition: Picky\nED [journalist] AGOG [keen] in PIC [film]"} {"Clue":"Meteor crashes on line \u2014 it'll take the pressure (9)","Answer":"BAROMETER","Explanation":"Definition: it'll take the pressure\nBAR [line \u2013 in heraldry, for instance] + an anagram [crashes] of METEOR"} {"Clue":"Flyers grounded during downpour, he assumed (5)","Answer":"RHEAS","Explanation":"Definition: Flyers grounded\nHidden in downpouR HE ASsumed \u2013 I loved the definition"} {"Clue":"Picture barrister in Parisian bar (5,9)","Answer":"BRIEF ENCOUNTER","Explanation":"Definition: Picture\nBRIEF [barrister] + EN [French for 'in' \u2013 Parisian] + COUNTER [bar] \u2013 for the David Lean \/ Noel Coward classic"} {"Clue":"Priest in training ultimately ignored church law (9)","Answer":"ORDINANCE","Explanation":"Definition: law\nORDINAN[d] [priest in training, minus its last letter \u2013 ultimately ignored] + CE [Church of England]"} {"Clue":"Large quantity of water taken by female shaving (5)","Answer":"FLAKE","Explanation":"Definition: shaving\nF [female] + LAKE [large quantity of water]"} {"Clue":"Brightly coloured small mini-vehicle? (7)","Answer":"SCARLET","Explanation":"Definition: Brightly coloured\nS [small] + CARLET [whimsical mini-vehicle]"} {"Clue":"Present judge and jury finally go off (7)","Answer":"PUTREFY","Explanation":"Definition: go off\nPUT [present \u2013 a proposition, for instance] + REF [judge] + [jur]Y\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Escaper does it to strike pose (5,2)","Answer":"BEATS IT","Explanation":"Definition: Escaper does it\nBEAT [strike] + SIT [pose]"} {"Clue":"Bygone period about which monarch appears too keen (9)","Answer":"OVEREAGER","Explanation":"Definition: too keen\nOVER [bygone] + ER [monarch] round AGE [period]"} {"Clue":"Smallest article breaks in case (5)","Answer":"LEAST","Explanation":"Definition: Smallest\nA [article] in LEST [in case]"} {"Clue":"What snooker player does when past his best? (4,2,3)","Answer":"GOES TO POT","Explanation":"Definition: What snooker player does\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Tips of feather spanning bird's bone (5)","Answer":"FEMUR","Explanation":"Definition: bone\nF[eather]R round EMU [bird]"} {"Clue":"Business magnate upset rural gods (4,5)","Answer":"LORD SUGAR","Explanation":"Definition: Business magnate\nAn anagram [upset] of RURAL GODS \u2013 an amusing picture"} {"Clue":"Co-ordinated discharge of colossal volume (5)","Answer":"SALVO","Explanation":"Definition: Co-ordinated discharge\nHidden in colosSAL VOlume"} {"Clue":"Remedial treatment from clergy, as purist goes off the rails \u2026 (7,7)","Answer":"PLASTIC SURGERY","Explanation":"Definition: Remedial treatment\nAn anagram [goes off the rails] of CLERGY AS PURIST"} {"Clue":"when involved in ground-breaking match (4-5)","Answer":"SEMI-FINAL","Explanation":"Definition: match\nIF [when{ever?}] in SEMINAL [ground-breaking]"} {"Clue":"Costing the earth? Far from it (4,5)","Answer":"DIRT CHEAP","Explanation":"Definition: Far from it\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Hamlet's best friend? (5,4)","Answer":"GREAT DANE","Explanation":"Definition: Hamletbest friend?\nDouble definition \u2013 referring to a dog being 'man's best friend' [in my youth, I was a great fan of this Great Dane of Comedy, or Clown Prince of Denmark, as he was known: quite irrelevant \u2013 but it's my blog]"} {"Clue":"Primates show disapproval of entering bars (7)","Answer":"BABOONS","Explanation":"Definition: Primates\nBOO [show disapproval of] in BANS [bars]"} {"Clue":"Democracy one's not found in island nation (5)","Answer":"INDIA","Explanation":"Definition: Democracy\nIND[ones]IA [island nation minus one's]"} {"Clue":"German, who drew back when cycling (5)","Answer":"ERNST","Explanation":"Definition: German, who drew\nSTERN [back] 'cycling' \u2013 another neat surface"} {"Clue":"Inadequate squad with invading force (5)","Answer":"UNFIT","Explanation":"Definition: Inadequate\nF [force[ in UNIT [squad]"} {"Clue":"Unbeliever me, suspicious fiend ending in hell (7)","Answer":"INFIDEL","Explanation":"Definition: Unbeliever\nI [me?] + an anagram [suspicious] of FIEND + [hel]L"} {"Clue":"Tool had been picked out by journalist? (7)","Answer":"HACKSAW","Explanation":"Definition: Tool\nHACK [journalist] + SAW [picked out] \u2013 I'm not sure why 'had been'"} {"Clue":"Reportedly burn gift (5)","Answer":"FLAIR","Explanation":"Definition: gift\nSounds like [reportedly] 'flare '- burn"} {"Clue":"Business people, a number getting to grips with shattered dreams (9)","Answer":"TRADESMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Business people\nTEN [a number] round [getting to grips with] an anagram [shattered] of DREAMS"} {"Clue":"To cover debts, pinch my wages from safe (3,5,2,3,4)","Answer":"ROB PETER TO PAY PAUL","Explanation":"Cryptic definition, PETER being a safe \u2013 this fanciful derivation made me smile: several other suggestions are all ecclesiatical, see here"} {"Clue":"Pull something that's nailed, did you say? (3)","Answer":"TOW","Explanation":"Definition: Pull\nSounds like [did you say?] 'toe' [something that's 'nailed']"} {"Clue":"Bound to get hard in prison, this employed with force! (12)","Answer":"SLEDGEHAMMER","Explanation":"Definition: this employed with force\nEDGE [bound, in the sense of boundary] + H [hard] in SLAMMER [prison]"} {"Clue":"Revealed where stud may be ditched unceremoniously (3,2,4,3)","Answer":"OUT ON ONE\u2019S EAR","Explanation":"Definition: ditched unceremoniously\nOUT [revealed] ON ONE'S EAR [where stud may be]"} {"Clue":"Victoria's Englishman, hair combed back (3)","Answer":"POM","Explanation":"Definition: Victoria's Englishman\nA reversal [combed back] of MOP [hair] \u2013 a neat definition"} {"Clue":"Result of sin clear when screwed (5,5)","Answer":"FINAL SCORE","Explanation":"Definition: Result\nAn anagram [when screwed] of OF SIN CLEAR"} {"Clue":"Rump of venison possibly festers (9)","Answer":"STAGNATES","Explanation":"Definition: festers\nNATES [rump] of STAG, so venison, possibly"} {"Clue":"Transport network for island under discussion (5)","Answer":"ROADS","Explanation":"Definition: Transport network\nSounds like [under discussion] Rhodes, the Greek island \u2013 Thomas Telford, the great Scottish civil engineer, was dubbed 'The Colossus of Roads' by his friend, the poet Robert Southey [he built bridges, too]"} {"Clue":"Looking at regular intake, conclusions of the provost scheduled, it's suggested? (7)","Answer":"DIETARY","Explanation":"Definition: Looking at regular intake\nI was despairing of parsing this until the very last minute: it's the last letters [conclusions] of thE provosT in DIARY [suggesting it's scheduled]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Tell man from Belfast to stand? (6)","Answer":"INFORM","Explanation":"Definition: Tell\nA reversal [to stand] of MR [man] OF [from] NI [Northern Ireland \u2013 so Belfast, possibly, hence the question mark]"} {"Clue":"Loose skin punctured by bees, we hear? (6)","Answer":"FLABBY","Explanation":"Definition: Loose\nBB [bees, we hear] in FLAY [skin]"} {"Clue":"Abroad, I start to eat angel cakes for tea (10)","Answer":"DARJEELING","Explanation":"Definition: tea\nDARLING [angel] round [cakes \u2013 as in caked {covered} with mud] JE ['I' in French \u2013 abroad] + E[at] \u2013 my favourite clue, I think"} {"Clue":"Drink less bubbly, taking lips away (5)","Answer":"LATTE","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\n[f]LATTE[r] [less bubbly] minus outside letters [lips] \u2013 I shall not be disappointed if no one objects to the definition \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Cold about right? (9)","Answer":"HEARTLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Cold\nHEA[r]TLESS [cold]"} {"Clue":"Previous excerpt from poem, item ostensibly uplifting (8)","Answer":"SOMETIME","Explanation":"Definition: Previous\nClever hidden reversal in poEM ITEM OStensibly: so often wrongly [as I thought] used for 'some time', as in, 'I'll see you some time next week' \u2013 but I've just seen that all my three dictionaries give it as 'at an unspecified time' or similar [oh dear]"} {"Clue":"Caribbean islands where snake gets protection (8)","Answer":"WINDWARD","Explanation":"Definition: Caribbean islands\nA simple charade of WIND [snake] + WARD [protection]"} {"Clue":"Fifty shells initially loading rocket launchers, hope that makes you breathe easier (5,5)","Answer":"NASAL SPRAY","Explanation":"Definition: that makes you breathe easier\nL [fifty] + S[hells] in [loading] NASA [rocket launchers] PRAY [hope]"} {"Clue":"I'd sent off essay, painful work? (9)","Answer":"DENTISTRY","Explanation":"Definition: painful work?\nAn anagram [off] of I'D SENT + TRY [essay]"} {"Clue":"Third of colony, a thousand sat together (8)","Answer":"COMPOSED","Explanation":"Definition: together\nCO[lony] + M [a thousand] + POSED [sat]"} {"Clue":"Gaze round capitals of Egypt and Morocco with glasses? (8)","Answer":"STEMWARE","Explanation":"Definition: glasses?\nSTARE [gaze] round E[gypt] M[orocco] W [with]"} {"Clue":"Restraint maintained by pro sent up in novel (5,1,4)","Answer":"ROMAN \u00c0 CLEF","Explanation":"Definition: novel\nMANACLE [restraint] in a reversal [sent up] of FOR [pro]"} {"Clue":"Ship in a bottle, perhaps (6)","Answer":"VESSEL","Explanation":"Definition: Shipa bottle, perhaps\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Every other part of tale is so apt for storyteller (5)","Answer":"AESOP","Explanation":"Definition: storyteller\nAlternate letters of [t]A[l]E [i]S [s]O [a]P[t]"} {"Clue":"Girl going up and down (4)","Answer":"ANNA","Explanation":"Definition: Girl\nA palindrome"} {"Clue":"Scientific pioneer drinks behind empty trough (6)","Answer":"THALES","Explanation":"Definition: Scientific pioneer\nt[roug]H + ALES [drinks] for the pre-Socratic philosopher, the first name I learned in my first lecture at University"} {"Clue":"Inventive chap not one team rejected (6)","Answer":"EDISON","Explanation":"Definition: Inventive chap\nA reversal [rejected] of NO [not one] SIDE [team]"} {"Clue":"Soldiers deal with American going for a whizz in the garden (6)","Answer":"MENDEL","Explanation":"Definition: a whizz in the garden\nMEN [soldiers] + DE[a]L minus a [American] \u2013 I like the definition"} {"Clue":"Shelter occupied by masculine, daring explorer (8)","Answer":"HUMBOLDT","Explanation":"Definition: explorer\nHUT [shelter] round M [masculine] BOLD [daring]"} {"Clue":"Some power revolting leader's half lost (4)","Answer":"WATT","Explanation":"Definition: Some power\nWAT T[yler] was the leader of the Peasants' Revolt in 1381"} {"Clue":"Experimental Greek building structure is broken by old Asian (10)","Answer":"ARCHIMEDES","Explanation":"Definition: Experimental Greek\nARCH [building structure] + IS round MEDE [old Asian]"} {"Clue":"Accounts by modern-style English lawmaker (5,6)","Answer":"ISAAC NEWTON","Explanation":"Definition: English lawmaker\nISA [Individual Savings Account] + AC [another account] + NEW [modern] + TON [style]"} {"Clue":"Nobel winner to spoil dog that is repeatedly around (5,5)","Answer":"MARIE CURIE","Explanation":"Definition: Nobel winner\nMAR CUR [spoil dog] + IE [that is] repeatedly \u2013 but I can't quite see how it fits in\u00a0\u00a0*Edit \u2013 of course [thanks , Tony @5 ] it's\u00a0 MAR [spoil] + IE [that is] repeatedly round CUR [dog]"} {"Clue":"Measure of speed in walk, not run (4)","Answer":"MACH","Explanation":"Definition: Measure of speed\nMA[r]CH [walk] minus r [run] \u2013 tempting to enter the obvious 'hidden' 'knot' but that would be very weak and 'run' would be superfluous"} {"Clue":"Mechanics expert, one kept inside limits (8)","Answer":"LAGRANGE","Explanation":"Definition: Mechanics expert\nLAG [one kept inside] + RANGE [limits]"} {"Clue":"Pork pie of sizable dimensions for radical pioneer from Germany (6)","Answer":"LIEBIG","Explanation":"Definition: radical pioneer from Germany\nLIE [pork pie] + BIG [of sizable proportions]"} {"Clue":"Stargazer's excited peek left and right (6)","Answer":"KEPLER","Explanation":"Definition: Stargazer\nAn anagram [excited] of PEEK and L R [left and right"} {"Clue":"Cases of horse vaccine seemingly for chemist (6)","Answer":"HEVESY","Explanation":"Definition: chemist\nFirst and last letters [cases] of H[ors]E V[accin]E S[eemingl]Y\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Maybe king seeks romance, giving orders (8)","Answer":"MANDATES","Explanation":"Definition: orders\nMAN [maybe king, in chess] + DATES [seeks romance]"} {"Clue":"Form are without the greatest teaching aids (6)","Answer":"REALIA","Explanation":"Definition: teaching aids\nAn anagram [form] of ARE round [without] [Muhammad] ALI [the greatest]"} {"Clue":"Slovenly maid to struggle with disapproval (1,3,4)","Answer":"A DIM VIEW","Explanation":"Definition: disapproval\nAn anagram [slovenly] of MAID + VIE [struggle] + W [with]"} {"Clue":"What's left from burning mineral on land (6)","Answer":"ASHORE","Explanation":"Definition: on land\nASH [what's left from burning] + ORE [mineral]"} {"Clue":"A specific prohibition for Oedipus? (6)","Answer":"THEBAN","Explanation":"Definition: Oedipus?\nTHE [definite article \u2013 specific] + BAN [prohibition] for the hapless king of Thebes"} {"Clue":"Pokes head in gallery with unclad figures about (6)","Answer":"NUDGES","Explanation":"Definition: Pokes\nNUDES [unclad figures] round G [initial letter \u2013 head \u2013 of Gallery]"} {"Clue":"Scams to get rich I can see working (11)","Answer":"CHICANERIES","Explanation":"Definition: Scams\nAn anagram [working] of RICH I CAN SEE"} {"Clue":"A lot of odour in dead, decomposing rose (8)","Answer":"ASCENDED","Explanation":"Definition: rose\nSCEN[t] [a lot of odour] in an anagram [decomposing] of DEAD"} {"Clue":"Scientists' device gets them more irritated (8)","Answer":"OHMMETER","Explanation":"Definition: Scientists' device\nAn anagram [irritated] of THEM MORE"} {"Clue":"Material to conceal outmoded hairstyle on top (6)","Answer":"DAMASK","Explanation":"Definition: Material\nDA [outmoded hairstyle] on top of MASK [conceal]"} {"Clue":"An urban space nurtures university intelligence (6)","Answer":"ACUITY","Explanation":"Definition: intelligence\nA CITY [an urban space] round U [university]"} {"Clue":"Break into rising contented sound during hanky-panky (6)","Answer":"IRRUPT","Explanation":"Definition: Break into\nA reversal [rising] of PURR [contented sound] inIT [hanky-panky]"} {"Clue":"Woman I am inclined to listen to (6)","Answer":"EILEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\nSounds like [to listen to] I LEAN [I am inclined]"} {"Clue":"Perfidious crime, as air conditioning is for Jacob? (6,3)","Answer":"INSIDE JOB","Explanation":"Definition: Perfidious crime\nAC [air conditioning] inside JOB gives you Jacob \u2013 I couldn't find this abbreviation in Collins or Chambers but found several online sources"} {"Clue":"Issue covered by arms programme (5)","Answer":"SPROG","Explanation":"Definition: Issue\nContained in armS PROGramme"} {"Clue":"Noisy sleeper leaving Pole more vexed (5)","Answer":"SORER","Explanation":"Definition: more vexed\nS[n]ORER [noisy sleeper] minus n [pole] \u2013 I remember queries in the past about this use of 'leaving' in an Arachne puzzle, on the grounds that the ciue seems to be the wrong way round: you have to read it as 'leaving behind'"} {"Clue":"Stroke head of grumpy old man during picnic (3,6)","Answer":"DOG PADDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Stroke\nG [first letter {head} of Grumpy] + PA [old man] in DODDLE [picnic]"} {"Clue":"Modern masters keeping books for folk in rag trade? (10)","Answer":"NEWSAGENTS","Explanation":"Definition: folk in rag trade?\nNEW SAGES [modern masters] round NT [New Testament \u2013 books]"} {"Clue":"One can initially use boomerang (4)","Answer":"UNIT","Explanation":"Definition: One\nA reversal [boomerang] of TIN [can] + U[se]"} {"Clue":"Giving tea and sympathy after penny dropped (7)","Answer":"CHARITY","Explanation":"Definition: Giving\nCHAR [tea] + [p]ITY [sympathy] minus p [penny]"} {"Clue":"Desperate entrance and exit (2-2-3)","Answer":"DO-OR-DIE","Explanation":"Definition: Desperate\nDOOR [entrance] + DIE [exit]"} {"Clue":"Silly people regularly unveil inventions (7)","Answer":"NELLIES","Explanation":"Definition: Silly people\nAlternate letters [regularly] of uNvEiL + LIES [inventions]"} {"Clue":"British-American bank having bigger assets (7)","Answer":"BUSTIER","Explanation":"Definition: having bigger assets\nB [British] + US [American] + TIER [bank]"} {"Clue":"Ham producer, articulate woman of wisdom (4)","Answer":"NOAH","Explanation":"Definition: Ham producer\nSounds like [articulate] 'knower' [woman {typical Arachne clue} of wisdom] \u2013 I think: Ham is one of Noah's three sons in the Old Testament!"} {"Clue":"Scottish families ignoring fences \u2014 dismal experiences for lairds? (10)","Answer":"LANDOWNERS","Explanation":"Definition: lairds?\n[c]LAN[s] [Scottish families\u00a0 minus first and last letters \u2013 'fences'] + DOWNERS [dismal experiences]"} {"Clue":"Berlin building site founders touring Switzerland in torment (9)","Answer":"REICHSTAG","Explanation":"Definition: Berlin building\nAn anagram [founders \u2013 clever!] of SITE round CH [Switzerland \u2013 International Vehicle Registration] in RAG [torment]"} {"Clue":"Recollection of lame setter in US resort (5)","Answer":"MIAMI","Explanation":"Definition: US resort\nA reversal [recollection] of MAIM [lame, as a verb] + I [setter]"} {"Clue":"Think about old piece of computer equipment (5)","Answer":"MOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: piece of computer equipment\nMUSE [think] round O [old]"} {"Clue":"A tot plans to play after end of term (4-5)","Answer":"POST-NATAL","Explanation":"Definition: after end of term\nAn anagram [to play] of A TOT PLANS \u2013 this reminded me of one of my favourite Philistine clues: 'End of term party (6)'\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Intestinal problem purging insides of Estonian dramatist (5)","Answer":"IBSEN","Explanation":"Definition: dramatist\nIBS [Irritable Bowel Syndrome \u2013 intestinal problem] + E[stonia]N"} {"Clue":"Crazy Gang led by small US comedian (9)","Answer":"SCREWBALL","Explanation":"Definition: Crazy\nCREW [gang] following S [small]\u00a0 + BALL [US comedian \u2013 the only one I know of is Lucille?]"} {"Clue":"Hide problem under mat \u2014 it isn't entertaining (10)","Answer":"DERMATITIS","Explanation":"Definition: Hide problem\nCleverly hidden in unDER MAT IT ISn't"} {"Clue":"Shaking milk container, seized by extremes of jollity (7)","Answer":"JUDDERY","Explanation":"Definition: Shaking\nUDDER [milk container] in J[ollit]Y"} {"Clue":"Rabid dog bite requiring treatment (7)","Answer":"BIGOTED","Explanation":"Definition: Rabid\nAn anagram [requiring treatment] of DOG BITE \u2013 clever definition"} {"Clue":"Talks endlessly about doctor (4)","Answer":"SPAY","Explanation":"Definition: doctor\nA reversal [about] of YAPS [talks endlessly] \u2013 my last one in, because\u00a0 'endlessly',\u00a0 'about' and 'doctor' can all be used differently in Crosswordland"} {"Clue":"Retrospective acknowledgement: argon is noble gas (5)","Answer":"RADON","Explanation":"Definition: noble gas\nA reversal [retrospective] of NOD [acknowledgement] + AR [symbol for argon]"} {"Clue":"Stars on the radio are irritating breed (5,4)","Answer":"GREAT BEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Stars\nGREAT [sounds like \u2013 on the radio \u2013 'grate' {are irritating}] + BEAR [breed]"} {"Clue":"Rider somehow ran amok (10)","Answer":"HORSEWOMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Rider\nAn anagram [amok] of SOMEHOW RAN"} {"Clue":"Kid rings sister with unusual problem (9)","Answer":"CONUNDRUM","Explanation":"Definition: problem\nCOD [kid \u2013 both slang for to play tricks on] round NUN [sister] + RUM [unusual]"} {"Clue":"Road rage in part of African colony (6,3)","Answer":"DRIVER ANT","Explanation":"Definition: part of African colony\nDRIVE RANT [road rage] \u2013 great definition \u2013 see\u00a0 here"} {"Clue":"Extremely talented mate with new business (5-2)","Answer":"START-UP","Explanation":"Definition: new business\nSTAR [extremely talented] + TUP [mate] [I can just picture him]"} {"Clue":"Bony half-cut artist in wine shops (7)","Answer":"BODEGAS","Explanation":"Definition: wine shops\nBO[ny] + D\u00c9GAS [artist]"} {"Clue":"American saying proper farewell (5)","Answer":"ADIEU","Explanation":"Definition: farewell\nA [American] + DIEU [in the English version sounds like [saying] 'due' [proper]"} {"Clue":"Runner runs over line, wailing (5)","Answer":"SKIRL","Explanation":"Definition: wailing\nSKI [runner] + R [runs] + L [line] \u2013 the sound of bagpipes, particularly"} {"Clue":"Ultimately, eating rubbish made me fat (4)","Answer":"GHEE","Explanation":"Definition: fat\nLast letters of eatinG rubbisH madE mE"} {"Clue":"8 recalling resin, liquid in plant (6)","Answer":"PASCAL","Explanation":"Definition: 8\nA reversed [recalling] charade of LAC [resin] + SAP [liquid in plant]"} {"Clue":"Further 108? (6)","Answer":"NEWTON","Explanation":"Definition: 8\nThe best I can do with this is NEW [further] and then I think we perhaps have to think of 108 as a hundred [TON] and eight [definition]"} {"Clue":"Perhaps unable to give bird sanctuary praise, farm shut up (10)","Answer":"BRANCHLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps unable to give bird sanctuary\nRANCH [farm] shut up in BLESS [praise]"} {"Clue":"Popular old horse getting beat again? (3,3)","Answer":"RED RUM","Explanation":"Definition: Popular old horse\nRE-DRUM [beat again] \u2013 this popular old horse is often clued as a reversal of MURDER"} {"Clue":"Add to our central figure in female (8)","Answer":"HEIGHTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Add to\nEIGHT [figure \u2013 the central clue in the puzzle] in HEN [female]"} {"Clue":"The mark of a business armed with neat moves (5,4)","Answer":"TRADE NAME","Explanation":"Definition: The mark of a business\nAn anagram [moves] of ARMED and NEAT"} {"Clue":"Actions, one's taken away? (8)","Answer":"SUITCASE","Explanation":"Definition: one's taken away?\nSUIT and CASE \u2013 two legal actions"} {"Clue":"Lesser figure ends in juvenile court, having broken law (9)","Answer":"STATUETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Lesser figure\nET [last letters of juvenilE courT] in [having broken] STATUTE [law]"} {"Clue":"Show trick that's great (8)","Answer":"GIGANTIC","Explanation":"Definition: great\nGIG [show] + ANTIC [trick]"} {"Clue":"8's short cut in talk (6)","Answer":"GALOIS","Explanation":"Definition: 8\nLOI[n] [cut of meat, short] in GAS [talk] \u2013 at first I thought the short cut was LO[p] and couldn't see where the I was coming from"} {"Clue":"Stars appearing as debris in centre of negative (10)","Answer":"GLITTERATI","Explanation":"Definition: Stars\nLITTER [debris] in the middle letters of neGATIve"} {"Clue":"Problem faced boarding middle, getting on back of bus (4,4)","Answer":"COLD SORE","Explanation":"Definition: Problem faced\nOLD [getting on] + S [back of buS] in [boarding] CORE [middle] \u2013 I suppose a problem on your face could be thought of as a problem faced \u2026"} {"Clue":"Fight southpaw primarily in further test (6)","Answer":"RESIST","Explanation":"Definition: Fight\nS[outhpaw] primarily in RESIT [further test]"} {"Clue":"8's expression without opening round brackets (6)","Answer":"FERMAT","Explanation":"Definition: 8\nFAT [round] round [brackets] [t]ERM [expression without opening]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Look to inspire something positive as developer (7)","Answer":"PIONEER","Explanation":"Definition: developer\nPEER [look] round [to inspire] ION [something positive]"} {"Clue":"Complete deviation (5)","Answer":"SHEER","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"White drink bottles behind brown, ultimately (7)","Answer":"ALBUMEN","Explanation":"Definition: White\nALE [drink] round [bottles] BUM [behind] + browN"} {"Clue":"8's signal up top (6)","Answer":"EUCLID","Explanation":"Definition: 8\nA reversal [up] of CUE [signal] + LID [top]"} {"Clue":"Where tax should have been paid, ring royal family (4,5)","Answer":"TOLL HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Where tax should have been paid\nTOLL [ring] + HOUSE royal family]"} {"Clue":"Ending in fields in order to graze easily (2,5)","Answer":"NO SWEAT","Explanation":"Definition: easily\nIt's over to you for this one \u2013 *thank you, Geoff Soul @ comment 1"} {"Clue":"Describing this puzzle, one across in person? (13)","Answer":"MATHEMATICIAN","Explanation":"I A [one across?] in MAN [person] round [describing] THEMATIC [this puzzle] \u2013 describing doing double duty, if I'm right and I'm not sure how much to underline"} {"Clue":"Group hurried up, catching second 8 (9)","Answer":"DESCARTES","Explanation":"Definition: 8\nA revesal [up] of SET [group] + RACED [hurried] round S [second]"} {"Clue":"Hair-raiser German dramatist hasn't started (7)","Answer":"CHILLER","Explanation":"Definition: Hair-raiser\n[s]CHILLER [German dramatist]"} {"Clue":"Something funny in setting of gelatin (3,4)","Answer":"TAG LINE","Explanation":"Definition: Something funny\nAn anagram [in setting?] of GELATIN \u2013 I don't thing a tag line needs to be funny"} {"Clue":"Heading for touring car (no need for cab) \u2014 that's poetic (7)","Answer":"TRIOLET","Explanation":"Definition: that's poetic\nT [first letter \u2013 heading \u2013 of Touring + [cab]RIOLET [car] \u2013 an eight-lined poem"} {"Clue":"Having kicked me out, rest home desperate for rest (6)","Answer":"OTHERS","Explanation":"Definition: rest\nAn anagram [desperate] of REST HO[me]"} {"Clue":"Nothing in powder, no thanks \u2014 here's a medical replacement (5)","Answer":"LOCUM","Explanation":"Definition: medical replacement\nO [nothing] in [ta]LCUM [powder, no thanks]"} {"Clue":"Baseball player's gear suitable for athletes (9)","Answer":"SHORTSTOP","Explanation":"Definition: Baseball player\nSuitable gear for an athlete would be SHORTS and TOP"} {"Clue":"Like an athlete now running with sudden passion (2,3,4,2,3,6)","Answer":"IN THE HEAT OF THE MOMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Like an athlete now runningwith sudden passion\nClever double definition"} {"Clue":"Tempting food I introduced to club (4)","Answer":"BAIT","Explanation":"Definition: Tempting food\nI in BAT [club]"} {"Clue":"Regret returning down under, sole region sharing its bread (8)","Answer":"EUROZONE","Explanation":"Definition: region sharing its bread\nA reversal [returning] of RUE [regret] + OZ [down under] + ONE [sole] \u2013 bread being slang for money"} {"Clue":"It's barely legal abroad (4,5)","Answer":"JUST ABOUT","Explanation":"Definition: It's barely\nJUST [legal] ABOUT [abroad]"} {"Clue":"Society's branch register (5)","Answer":"LODGE","Explanation":"Definition: Society's branchregister\nDouble definition \u2013 as in to lodge \/ register a complaint"} {"Clue":"Conservative party's desire? (5)","Answer":"CRAVE","Explanation":"Definition: desire\nC [Conservative] + RAVE [party]"} {"Clue":"In fun, publish unbound novel with ingratiating words (9)","Answer":"PLAUSIBLY","Explanation":"Definition: with ingratiating words\nAn anagram [novel] of [p]UBLIS[h] in PLAY [fun]"} {"Clue":"Spread out, following teacher precipitately (8)","Answer":"HEADLONG","Explanation":"Definition: precipitately\nHEAD [teacher] + LONG [spread out]"} {"Clue":"Complaint of US soldier largely ignored (4)","Answer":"FUSS","Explanation":"Definition: Complaint\nHidden in oF US Soldier \u2013 and it took a minute or two to see!"} {"Clue":"Unusually mature Derby poet, 37 or so (4,11)","Answer":"BODY TEMPERATURE","Explanation":"Definition: 37 or so\nAn anagram [unusually] of MATURE DERBY POET \u2013 lovely surface"} {"Clue":"Passage from paper is read back (5)","Answer":"SINUS","Explanation":"Definition: Passage\nA reversal [read back] of SUN [paper] + IS"} {"Clue":"Over the moon in darkness? (9)","Answer":"DELIGHTED","Explanation":"Definition: Over the moon\nIf you were in darkness, you could be said to be de-lighted\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"During the Raj, Sir Henry stops prejudice rising (5)","Answer":"SAHIB","Explanation":"Definition: During the Raj, Sir\nH [Henry \u2013 SI unit] in a reversal [rising] of BIAS [prejudice] \u2013 I liked this one"} {"Clue":"Love changes female organs (7)","Answer":"OVARIES","Explanation":"Definition: female organs\nO [love] + VARIES [changes]"} {"Clue":"Squashed parrot's foot on perch (4)","Answer":"TROD","Explanation":"Definition: Squashed\n[parro]T + ROD [{pole or} perch] \u2013 as we all used to know from the tables on the back of exercise books"} {"Clue":"French actor the worse for wear, we're told (4)","Answer":"TATI","Explanation":"Definition: French actor\nSounds like [we're told] 'tatty' [the worse for wear] \u2013 the French actor Jacques"} {"Clue":"Lively pal and I keeping punter busy before match (10)","Answer":"PRENUPTIAL","Explanation":"Definition: before match\nAn anagram [lively] of PAL and I round an anagram [busy] of PUNTER"} {"Clue":"Heretic in occasional outbursts striking a priest's bottom (10)","Answer":"ICONOCLAST","Explanation":"Definition: Heretic\nAn anagram [outbursts] of OCCASION[a]L ['striking a'] + [pries]T"} {"Clue":"Tiny ledge for climber to view, lacking breadth (7)","Answer":"TOEHOLD","Explanation":"Definition: Tiny ledge for climber\nTO [b]EHOLD [view \u2013 minus b, breadth]"} {"Clue":"Very next note dropped by me in bank (9)","Answer":"EXTREMELY","Explanation":"Definition: Very\n[n]EXT minus n, note + ME in RELY [bank]"} {"Clue":"Dependent nations worried liberal outsiders in places (10)","Answer":"SATELLITES","Explanation":"Definition: Dependent nations\nATE [worried] + LL [outside letters of LiberaL] in SITES [places]"} {"Clue":"Like the compulsive buyer heading off in a rage? (7,3)","Answer":"HOPPING MAD","Explanation":"Definition: in a rage\n[s]HOPPING MAD \u2013 like the compulsive buyer, heading off"} {"Clue":"Spooner's pressman commissions famous cricketer (4,5)","Answer":"JACK HOBBS","Explanation":"Definition: famous cricketer\nHACK [pressman] + JOBS [commissions]"} {"Clue":"Stop a squad playing (7)","Answer":"ABANDON","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\nA BAND [a squad] ON [playing]"} {"Clue":"Fragrance in Paris that breaks spell (7)","Answer":"BOUQUET","Explanation":"Definition: Fragrance\nQUE ['that' in Paris] in BOUT [spell] \u2013 and, of course, the whole word is a French one"} {"Clue":"Lay out pound in old coins (5)","Answer":"SPEND","Explanation":"Definition: Lay out\nPEN [pound] in S [shillings] D [pence] \u2013 old coins"} {"Clue":"Timber trade (4)","Answer":"DEAL","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Suppress government's initial report (4)","Answer":"BANG","Explanation":"Definition: report\nBAN [suppress] + G[overnment]"} {"Clue":"Drier and somewhat boring experience that's tedious (7)","Answer":"DISHRAG","Explanation":"Definition: Drier\nISH [somewhat] in [boring] DRAG [experience that's tedious] \u2013 I think there might be some discussion about the definition, perhaps depending on local usage: Chambers defines DISHRAG as 'dish cloth' ['a cloth for washing, drying or wiping dishes', which seems to cover everything] \u2013 I personally use a dishcloth for washing and wiping and a tea towel for drying but I know there are several variations"} {"Clue":"Rock and roll fan after work briefly proved alluring (7)","Answer":"TEMPTED","Explanation":"Definition: proved alluring\nTED [rock and roll fan] after TEMP [to work briefly]"} {"Clue":"Dog handler with more in secure pens (7-2)","Answer":"WHIPPER-IN","Explanation":"Definition: Dog handler\nWIN [secure] round [pens] HIPPER [more 'in']\u00a0 \u2013 see here for what a whipper-in does"} {"Clue":"Lines I don't know in performance venue (5)","Answer":"ODEUM","Explanation":"Definition: performance venue\nODE [lines] + UM [I don't know] \u2013 the Latin version of the Greek odeon"} {"Clue":"Hindu ascetic American's greeting with grunt (4)","Answer":"YOGI","Explanation":"Definition: Hindu ascetic\nYO [American's greeting] + GI [grunt \u2013 I learned this word for a soldier very recently from a crossword]"} {"Clue":"Regime with a skint, corrupt parliament (6,4)","Answer":"ATKINS DIET","Explanation":"Definition: Regime\nAn anagram [corrupt] of A SKINT + DIET [parliament]"} {"Clue":"Foremost of intellects in class? (6)","Answer":"GENIUS","Explanation":"Definition: Foremost of intellects in class?\nI[ntellects] in GENUS [class] \u2013 &lit"} {"Clue":"Vote to imprison one, then check for innocence (7)","Answer":"NAIVETY","Explanation":"Definition: innocence\nNAY [vote] round I [one] + VET [check]"} {"Clue":"Bill getting the water for Nancy's group still on stage (7)","Answer":"TABLEAU","Explanation":"Definition: group still on stage\nTAB [bill] + L'EAU [water for Nancy]"} {"Clue":"Continue gambling? That's about right for Norman's neighbour (6)","Answer":"BRETON","Explanation":"Definition: Norman's neighbour\nBET ON [continue gambling] round R [right] \u2013 Brittany is Normandy's neighbour"} {"Clue":"Short-changed minor name in finance (10)","Answer":"ROTHSCHILD","Explanation":"Definition: name in finance\nAn anagram [changed] of SHORT + CHILD [minor]"} {"Clue":"For fellow, this address might be used (4)","Answer":"PROF","Explanation":"Definition: For fellow, this address might be used\nPRO [for] + F [fellow] \u2013 another &lit"} {"Clue":"European assents, one giving a spirited response? (5)","Answer":"OUIJA","Explanation":"Definition: one giving a spirited response?\nOUI + JA [European assents] \u2013 an old favourite, with a new twist"} {"Clue":"Aid for flier getting good deal on gold hat (9)","Answer":"AUTOPILOT","Explanation":"Definition: Aid for flier\nLOT [good deal] after AU gold] TOPI [hat]"} {"Clue":"Islander with a sore bum getting into heavy metal (7)","Answer":"FAROESE","Explanation":"Definition: Islander\nA + an anagram [bum] of SORE in FE [iron \u2013 heavy metal]"} {"Clue":"Grass coloured bags with no tears (3-4)","Answer":"DRY-EYED","Explanation":"Definition: with no tears\nDYED [coloured] round [bags] RYE [grass]"} {"Clue":"Note mocking the cost of the partnership? (5)","Answer":"DOWRY","Explanation":"Definition: the cost of the partnership?\nDO [note] + WRY [mocking]"} {"Clue":"Record-breaking hotel which is at the seaside (7)","Answer":"SHINGLE","Explanation":"Definition: which is at the seaside\nH [hotel] in SINGLE [record]"} {"Clue":"Gripped and picked up like a gift (4)","Answer":"RAPT","Explanation":"Definition: Gripped\nSounds like [picked up] 'wrapped' [like a gift]"} {"Clue":"Hero taught to perform with stage manager (6,9)","Answer":"GARETH SOUTHGATE","Explanation":"Definition: manager\nA clever anagram [to perform] of HERO TAUGHT and STAGE for the England football manager"} {"Clue":"Young reporter and undatable eccentric rang (15)","Answer":"TINTINNABULATED","Explanation":"Definition: rang\nTINTIN [young reporter]\u00a0\u00a0+ an anagram [eccentric] of UNDATABLE"} {"Clue":"He has criminal still to uncover behind facial injury (10)","Answer":"MOONSHINER","Explanation":"Definition: He has criminal still\nMOON [to uncover behind] + SHINER [black eye \u2013 facial injury]"} {"Clue":"Luxury biography of female artist (3,4,2,5)","Answer":"THE LIFE OF RILEY","Explanation":"Definition: Luxury\nCryptic definition, referring to Bridget Riley, artist"} {"Clue":"Not very bright setter does his best Russian (7)","Answer":"DIMITRY","Explanation":"Definition: Russian\nDIM [not very bright] + I TRY [setter does his best]"} {"Clue":"Let go of key emergency facility (4,6)","Answer":"FIRE ESCAPE","Explanation":"Definition: emergency facility\nFIRE [euphemistically, 'let go'] + ESCAPE [key]"} {"Clue":"Don't stay on the road \u2014 it's a bore (4-3)","Answer":"TURN-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Don't stay on the roada bore\nDouble definition, the first without a hyphen"} {"Clue":"Sportsman catching one more out there (7)","Answer":"BATTIER","Explanation":"Definition: more out there\nBATTER [sportsman] round I [one]"} {"Clue":"Rank claimed by guard \u2014 it effectively rises (5)","Answer":"FETID","Explanation":"Definition: Rank\nHidden reversal in guarD IT EFfectively"} {"Clue":"Spades do some digging, moving easily (4)","Answer":"SPRY","Explanation":"Definition: moving easily\nS [spades] + PRY [do some digging]"} {"Clue":"Jazz pianist lacking second sense (7)","Answer":"HEARING","Explanation":"Definition: sense\n[s]HEARING \u2013 George, jazz pianist"} {"Clue":"State capital's toilet working (7)","Answer":"JACKSON","Explanation":"Definition: State capital\nJACKS [toilet] + ON [working] \u2013 yet another word for toilet, which I didn't know before: here's the story"} {"Clue":"It's on target, but network device fails to start (5)","Answer":"OUTER","Explanation":"Definition: It's on target\n[r]OUTER [network device] \u2013 the outer is the outermost ring on an archery target"} {"Clue":"Heavenly movement of songs mater composed (9)","Answer":"AIRSTREAM","Explanation":"Definition: Heavenly movement\nAIRS [songs] + an anagram [composed] of MATER"} {"Clue":"Transport provided by old flame out with Latin oddball (10)","Answer":"EXULTATION","Explanation":"Definition: Transport\nEX [old flame] + an anagram [oddball] of OUT and LATIN"} {"Clue":"Right after a blue cheesy stuff (4)","Answer":"SKYR","Explanation":"Definition: cheesy stuff\nR [right] after SKY [ a shade of blue] \u2013 an Icelandic cultured dairy product"} {"Clue":"Mark was a consumer backed by man, one with reservations (6,5)","Answer":"TICKET AGENT","Explanation":"Definition: one with reservations\nTICK [mark] + a reversal [backed] of ATE [was a consumer] + GENT [man]"} {"Clue":"Living nightmare of greeting the world around mid-morning! (4,2,5)","Answer":"HELL ON EARTH","Explanation":"Definition: Living nightmare\nHELLO EARTH [greeting the world] round [mor]N[ing]"} {"Clue":"Cross appropriate to duke (4)","Answer":"FORD","Explanation":"Definition: Cross\nFOR [appropriate to] + D [duke]"} {"Clue":"Michael can shift \u2014 power-driven? (10)","Answer":"MECHANICAL","Explanation":"Definition: power-driven?\nAn anagram [shift] of MICHAEL CAN"} {"Clue":"What made a clot hack a long cut with one? (9)","Answer":"COAGULANT","Explanation":"Definition: What made a clot\nAn anagram [hack] of A LONG CUT and A [one]"} {"Clue":"Knock spots off front of trousers and rear (5)","Answer":"TRUMP","Explanation":"Definition: Knock spots off\nT[rousers] + RUMP [rear]"} {"Clue":"Drastically reduced, as certain windows are after large insertion (7)","Answer":"SLASHED","Explanation":"Definition: Drastically reduced\nSASHED [as certain windows are] round L [large]"} {"Clue":"City of Love' backing onto Lancashire town? Not quite (7)","Answer":"LINCOLN","Explanation":"Definition: City\nA reversal [backing] of NIL [love] + COLN[e] [Lancashire town, not quite]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"House above the dam? (6)","Answer":"HOOVER","Explanation":"Definition: dam?\nHO [house] + OVER [above] \u2013 definition by example, hence the question mark"} {"Clue":"King Ben's second after Paul's music partner (6)","Answer":"ARTHUR","Explanation":"Definition: King\nHUR [Ben] after ART [Garfunkel \u2013 Paul Simon's music partner]"} {"Clue":"Pain initiator overcome with resistance (10)","Answer":"IRRITATION","Explanation":"Definition: Pain\nAn anagram [overcome] of INITIATOR + R [resistance]"} {"Clue":"Present relative temperature (5)","Answer":"GRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Present\nGRAN [relative] + T [temperature]"} {"Clue":"Who talks twaddle like 'gas in mock enclosure' (9)","Answer":"JARGONEER","Explanation":"Definition: Who talks twaddle\nARGON [gas] in JEER [mock]"} {"Clue":"Attractive dock above the end of Cologne (4)","Answer":"CUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Attractive\nCUT [dock] + [cologn]E"} {"Clue":"Spotted old Hollywood star in drag (8)","Answer":"SPECKLED","Explanation":"Definition: Spotted\n[Gregory] PECK [old Hollywood star] in SLED [drag]"} {"Clue":"Having no problem with sums of money initially kept in a tureen that's cracked (8)","Answer":"NUMERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Having no problem with sums\nM[oney] in an anagram [that's cracked] of A TUREEN"} {"Clue":"State of laundry? Not bad (10)","Answer":"WASHINGTON","Explanation":"Definition: State\nWASHING [laundry] + an anagram [bad] of NOT"} {"Clue":"Former county college grade with 'plus' added (9)","Answer":"CLEVELAND","Explanation":"Definition: Former county\nC[college] + LEVEL [grade] + AND [plus]"} {"Clue":" Truth of the matter? One isn't party to bandit behaviour (3,5)","Answer":"THE FACTS","Explanation":"Definition: Truth of the matter?\nTH[i]EF ACTS [bandit behaviour] minus i [one isn't party to] \u2013 I spent too long playing around with THEFT and getting nowhere before the penny dropped"} {"Clue":"English opera in trouble again, having to hold back non-English part (8)","Answer":"GLORIANA","Explanation":"Definition: English opera\nAn anagram [in trouble] of AGAIN round a reversal [having to hold back] of ROL[e] [part, minus e \u2013 English] \u2013 an opera composed by Benjamin Britten for the coronation of Elizabeth II: Gloriana was the name given by Spenser to Elizabeth I in his poem 'The Faerie Queene'"} {"Clue":"Court's disguised trapdoor (6)","Answer":"SCRUTO","Explanation":"Definition: trapdoor\nAn anagram [disguised] of COURT'S \u2013 a new word for me"} {"Clue":"Tie fleece round cheek (4-2)","Answer":"CLIP-ON","Explanation":"Definition: Tie\nCON [fleece] round LIP [cheek]"} {"Clue":"Raffles off the lot almost? (5)","Answer":"HOTEL","Explanation":"Definition: Raffles\nAn anagram [off] of THE LO[t] \u2013 another definition by example, with a question mark"} {"Clue":"Uncultivated country's transport hub just opening (4)","Answer":"BUSH","Explanation":"Definition: Uncultivated country\nBUS [transport]+ H[ub]"} {"Clue":"British introduced to articles from Greece, perhaps (6)","Answer":"THEBAN","Explanation":"Definition: from Greece, perhaps\nB [British] in THE AN [articles] \u2013 with a 'perhaps', as there was also a Thebes in ancient Egypt"} {"Clue":"Getting to be charming and proper (8)","Answer":"BECOMING","Explanation":"Definition: Getting to becharming and proper\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Recall snigger, laughing ultimately about a bird (5,3)","Answer":"GREAT TIT","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nA reversal [recall] of TITTER [snigger] + [laughin]G round A"} {"Clue":"Far from developed pond dweller I own, by the sound of it? (6)","Answer":"MINUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Far from developed\nSounds like 'my newt' [pond dweller I own] \u2013 this is one of the first punning jokes I ever heard, as a child, so I've always loved it"} {"Clue":"Time to reflect on depraved premier in Washington being irresponsible (5-3-4)","Answer":"DEVIL-MAY-CARE","Explanation":"Definition: irresponsible\nA reversal [to reflect] of ERA [time] after EVIL MAY [depraved premier] in DC [Washington] \u2013 great surface!"} {"Clue":"Colonnade attaches to Athenian houses (4)","Answer":"STOA","Explanation":"Definition: Colonnade\nHidden [houses] in attacheS TO Athenian"} {"Clue":"Directive almost involving Reagan trimmed down the big guns (8)","Answer":"ORDNANCE","Explanation":"Definition: big guns\nORDE[r] [directive, almost] round NANC[y] [Reagan, trimmed down] \u2013 a change from the 'directive' being 'ordinance'"} {"Clue":"Drug reduced, might that hurt? (8)","Answer":"UPPERCUT","Explanation":"Definition: might that hurt?\nUPPER [drug] + CUT [reduced]"} {"Clue":"Cricketer right to go, unfortunately run is declined to the frustration of the present opener? (9,3,8)","Answer":"BATTERIES NOT INCLUDED","Explanation":"Definition: the frustration of the present opener?\nBATTE[r] [Cricketer minus [to go] r {right}] + an anagram [unfortunately] of RUN IS DECLINED TO \u2013 one of my favourites"} {"Clue":"One featuring in sort of diagram, a capital city (6)","Answer":"VIENNA","Explanation":"Definition: capital city\nI [one] in VENN [sort of diagram] + A"} {"Clue":"Item blown up muffles encouraging cries coming from the Austrian Alps (8)","Answer":"TYROLESE","Explanation":"Definition: coming from the Austrian Alps\nTYRE [item blown up] round OL\u00c9S [encouraging cries]"} {"Clue":"Reason, perhaps, egg breaks (6)","Answer":"SANITY","Explanation":"Definition: Reason,\nNIT [egg] in SAY [perhaps]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Instrument designed for cutting? Top shaved (4)","Answer":"HARP","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\n[s]HARP [designed for cutting]"} {"Clue":"Go for one day keeping apart swine and pheasant, say (5,4)","Answer":"BOARD GAME","Explanation":"Definition: Go for one\nD [day] keeping apart BOAR [swine] and GAME [pheasant, say]"} {"Clue":"Mother last to swat greenbottles? (6)","Answer":"NATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Mother\nNA\u00cfVE [green] round [bottles] [swa]T: mother as an adjective, as in motherland \/ tongue \u2013 another favourite"} {"Clue":"In the main, some fighting fit: athlete left with bone to repair (6,2,3,4)","Answer":"BATTLE OF THE NILE","Explanation":"Definition: In the main, some fighting\nAn anagram [to repair] of FIT ATHLETE L [left] and BONE"} {"Clue":"Regular mostly keeps together with specially trained soldier (8)","Answer":"COMMANDO","Explanation":"Definition: specially trained soldier\nCOMMO[n] [regular, mostly] round AND [together with]"} {"Clue":"Crazed genius's heart controlled by tablet, perhaps? (5)","Answer":"MANIC","Explanation":"Definition: Crazed\nMiddle letters of geNIus in MAC [tablet, perhaps]"} {"Clue":"Buff beauty in ballet (10)","Answer":"NUTCRACKER","Explanation":"Definition: ballet\nNUT [buff] + CRACKER [beauty]"} {"Clue":"Those inherited after a break-up in my past life (10)","Answer":"STEPFAMILY","Explanation":"Definition: Those inherited after a break-up\nAt first sight, this seemed to be just a cryptic definition but it's a clever anagram [break-up] of MY PAST LIFE \u2013 &littish and another favourite"} {"Clue":"Sick spell and sick feeling after a change of policy (5,4)","Answer":"ABOUT TURN","Explanation":"Definition: change of policy\nBOUT [sick spell] + TURN [ sick feeling] after A"} {"Clue":"Hood, warmer one (8)","Answer":"SCARFACE","Explanation":"Definition: Hood\nSCARF [warmer] + ACE [one]"} {"Clue":"Articulate Presbyterian leader strikes (6)","Answer":"KNOCKS","Explanation":"Definition: strikes\nSounds like [articulate] [John] Knox [Presbyterian]"} {"Clue":"South American steps on llama trotting to market, all finally going berserk (5)","Answer":"TANGO","Explanation":"Definition: South American steps\nAn anagram [going berserk] of the final letters of oN llamA trottinG tO markeT \u2013 another great surface"} {"Clue":"In bar, drunk oft remaining (4,4)","Answer":"LEFT OVER","Explanation":"Definition: remaining\nAn anagram [drunk] of OFT in LEVER [bar]"} {"Clue":"One is not normally able to win medals here (10,5)","Answer":"PARALYMPIC GAMES","Explanation":"Cryptic [?] definition"} {"Clue":"Covers amazing sunrise (7)","Answer":"INSURES","Explanation":"Definition: Covers\nAn anagram [amazing] of SUNRISE"} {"Clue":"Restorative sort of oyster, it's plain (7)","Answer":"PRAIRIE","Explanation":"Definition: Restorative sort of oysterplain\nDouble \/ cryptic definition, referring to the hangover cure which sounds worse than the condition"} {"Clue":"Love a Romeo? One's pulled (3)","Answer":"OAR","Explanation":"Definition: One's pulled\nO [love] A R [Romeo \u2013 NATO phonetic alphabet]"} {"Clue":"A nice sitcom about worker in beauty salon (11)","Answer":"COSMETICIAN","Explanation":"Definition: worker in beauty salon\nAn anagram [about] of A NICE SITCOM"} {"Clue":"Unpublicised fact about golf championship that everyone knows? (4,6)","Answer":"OPEN SECRET","Explanation":"Definition: that everyone knows?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Accommodation for archaeologists' work (4)","Answer":"DIGS","Explanation":"Definition: Accommodationarchaeologists' work\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Cries as bishop blocks call for help (4)","Answer":"SOBS","Explanation":"Definition: Cries\nB [bishop] in SOS [call for help]"} {"Clue":"One's passed in this exam (10)","Answer":"POSTMORTEM","Explanation":"Definition: One's passed in this exam\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Age thus settled, got bubbly to welcome daughter (6-5)","Answer":"CARBON-DATED","Explanation":"Definition: Age thus settled\nCARBONATED [{got}bubbly] round D [daughter] \u2013 I liked the surface"} {"Clue":"A move back (3)","Answer":"AGO","Explanation":"Definition: back\nA GO [move]"} {"Clue":"Half the cricket ground is illegally sited (7)","Answer":"OFFSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Half the cricket groundillegally sited\nDouble definition, the first being OFF SIDE and the second referring to a footballer illegally ahead of the ball when it is played"} {"Clue":"Weigh what is in account (7)","Answer":"BALANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Weighwhat is in account\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Man of the match for Tottenham decided on this? (4,2,3,6)","Answer":"SPUR OF THE MOMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Man of the match for Tottenhamon this\nDouble \/ cryptic definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Very nasty soup I soon replaced (9)","Answer":"POISONOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Very nasty\nAn anagram [replaced] of SOUP I SOON"} {"Clue":"Lack of enthusiasm for book (7)","Answer":"RESERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Lack of enthusiasmbook\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Who writes the words of a song? It's Cyril, silly! (8)","Answer":"LYRICIST","Explanation":"Definition: Who writes the words of a song?\nAn anagram [silly] of IT'S CYRIL"} {"Clue":"A thousand demands for foxes' heads (5)","Answer":"MASKS","Explanation":"Definition: foxes' heads\nM [a thousand] + ASKS [demands] \u2013 I was intrigued by this definition: the only place I've\u00a0 ever seen it is in a song about Leicestershire, composed by our headmaster when I was at secondary school, with the opening line: 'In England's old heart there's a county rare, in shape like a reynard's mask' \u2013 which I thought was just him being poetic but I now see that both Collins and Chambers give 'mask' as 'the face or head of an animal, such as a fox'"} {"Clue":"Simple men try to keep utensil (9)","Answer":"IMPLEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: utensil\nHidden in sIMPLE MEN Try"} {"Clue":"The team's handyman? (6)","Answer":"GOALIE","Explanation":"Definition: The team's handyman?\nCryptic definition \u2013 another football reference"} {"Clue":"Spoil small-sounding cocktail (7)","Answer":"MARTINI","Explanation":"Definition: cocktail\nMAR [spoil] TINI [sounds like 'teeny']"} {"Clue":" In Germany, one can hold one's drink (5)","Answer":"STEIN","Explanation":"Definition: In Germany, one can hold one's drink\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Fails to stop blow? Most unclear (9)","Answer":"CLOUDIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most unclear\nDIES [fails] in CLOUT [blow]"} {"Clue":"Sleepy? Moon's moving fast (9)","Answer":"SOMNOLENT","Explanation":"Definition: Sleepy\nAn anagram [moving] of MOON'S + LENT [fast]"} {"Clue":"Doorbell fitted to sex workers' house (8)","Answer":"BORDELLO","Explanation":"Definition: sex workers' house\nAn anagram [fitted] of DOORBELL \u2013 another neat surface"} {"Clue":"One's not qualified to work (7)","Answer":"TRAINEE","Explanation":"Definition: One's not qualified to work\nCryptic [?] definition"} {"Clue":"Tile that falls to some effect (6)","Answer":"DOMINO","Explanation":"Definition: Tile\nCryptic definition, referring to this"} {"Clue":"Annoyed at little green man's invitation? (5)","Answer":"CROSS","Explanation":"Definition: Annoyedlittle green man's invitation\nDouble definition, the second referring to the green man at a pedestrian crossing"} {"Clue":"One came round for Arthur (5)","Answer":"TABLE","Explanation":"Definition: One came round for Arthur\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Old man, German, nods and regularly drops off (7)","Answer":"GRANDAD","Explanation":"Definition: Old man\nAlternate letters [regularly drops off] of GeRmAn NoDs AnD"} {"Clue":"Piece of music has to carry a sound (7)","Answer":"TOCCATA","Explanation":"Definition: Piece of music\nSounds like [but not to those with rhotic accents] 'to cart a' [to carry a]"} {"Clue":"Men replaced in best part of a squadron (5)","Answer":"TROOP","Explanation":"Definition: part of a squadron\nA reversal [replaced] of OR [men] in TOP [best]"} {"Clue":"Carpet to decorate with feathers (5,4)","Answer":"DRESS DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Carpet\nDRESS [decorate] + DOWN [feathers] \u2013 carpet as a verb, to reprimand"} {"Clue":"Repressed, although more vigorous (8,2)","Answer":"BUTTONED UP","Explanation":"Definition: Repressedmore vigorous\nDouble definition \u2013 Chambers gives the second one as 'ready for action' *Edit: although more vigorous = BUT TONED UP \u2013 thanks, muffin @1"} {"Clue":"Fish day (4)","Answer":"IDES","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"A new vault over the poles? Much more (3,4,4)","Answer":"AND THEN SOME","Explanation":"Definition: Much more\nA N [new] DOME [vault] round THE N S [the poles]"} {"Clue":"Bodybuilder's fiendish quiz question? (5,6)","Answer":"PANEL BEATER","Explanation":"Definition: Bodybuilderfiendish quiz question?\nDouble \/cryptic definition \u2013 the first one is rather neat"} {"Clue":"God has no time for a break (4)","Answer":"ARES","Explanation":"Definition: God\nA RES[t]"} {"Clue":"Monastery gambling with a million that is shrewdly invested (5,5)","Answer":"SMART MONEY","Explanation":"Definition: that is shrewdly invested\nAn anagram [gambling?] of MONASTERY + M [a million]"} {"Clue":"Prime cut available to buy outside hotel entrance (9)","Answer":"THRESHOLD","Explanation":"Definition: entrance\nTHRE[e] [prime number, cut] + SOLD [available to buy, as in 'Fresh vegetables sold here'] round H [hotel]"} {"Clue":"Top of a short run (5)","Answer":"CREST","Explanation":"Definition: Top\nCREST[a]:\u00a0 as doofs @7 points out, a bobsleigh \/toboggan run, not a ski run, as I originally carelessly wrote, in spite of this link I provided!"} {"Clue":"Robin perhaps flying in later (7)","Answer":"RELIANT","Explanation":"Definition: Robin perhaps\nAn anagram [flying] of IN LATER"} {"Clue":"Tenant accepting lease finally to regain admittance (2-5)","Answer":"RE-ENTER","Explanation":"Definition: regain admittance\nRENTER [tenant] round [leas]E"} {"Clue":"Great man has guns to hand (6)","Answer":"GATSBY","Explanation":"Definition: Great man\nGATS [guns] + BY [to hand]"} {"Clue":"A painful condition oppresses one rodent (6)","Answer":"AGOUTI","Explanation":"Definition: rodent\nA GOUT [painful condition] + I [one] \u2013 it seems a while since we saw this crossword companion to the IDE"} {"Clue":"Repeal bold move? Scandalous! (10)","Answer":"DEPLORABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Scandalous\nAn anagram [move] of REPEAL BOLD"} {"Clue":"American city, say, Sir Ken almost roused (5)","Answer":"DODGE","Explanation":"Definition: American city\nA reversal [roused] of EG [say] + DOD[d] Sir Ken, almost"} {"Clue":"I hurl stones, but three caught surprisingly (9)","Answer":"TREBUCHET","Explanation":"Definition: I hurl stones\nAn anagram [surprisingly] of BUT THREE + C [caught]"} {"Clue":"Players squint (4)","Answer":"CAST","Explanation":"Double definition \u2013 I haven't heard the second since I was a child, when I was intrigued to hear a family member described as having a cast in her eye"} {"Clue":"Gone to outside broadcast carrying disc and record player: just as well (1,4,3)","Answer":"A GOOD JOB","Explanation":"Definition: just as well\nAGO [gone] + OB [outside broadcast] round O [disc] + DJ [record player"} {"Clue":"In prayer, deified sun, gazing up a little (5,3)","Answer":"AGNUS DEI","Explanation":"Definition: prayer\nReversed hidden [up a little] in deifIED SUN GAzing \u2013 a pity about DEI in the answer and 'deified' in the clue"} {"Clue":"Trojan widow even having love affair, dropping name and securing husband (10)","Answer":"ANDROMACHE","Explanation":"Definition: Trojan widow\nAND [even] + ROMA[n]CHE [love affair minus n [name] + H [husband] \u2013 Andromache was the wife of Hector, who was killed by Achilles in the Trojan War"} {"Clue":"Abroad, met implausibly wonderful man (9)","Answer":"DREAMBOAT","Explanation":"Definition: wonderful man\nAn anagram [implausibly] of ABROAD MET"} {"Clue":"Spilling blobs, make mess on small disk (8)","Answer":"SPLATTER","Explanation":"Definition: Spilling blobs make mess on\nS [small] + PLATTER [disc]"} {"Clue":"One set of books bulky to lift as a whole (8)","Answer":"INTEGRAL","Explanation":"Definition: as a whole\nI [one] NT [New Testament [set of books] + a reversal [to lift] of LARGE [bulky]"} {"Clue":"Determined where nomads live? (6)","Answer":"INTENT","Explanation":"Definition: Determined\nIN TENT [where nomads might live]"} {"Clue":"No black children regularly rejected their raw seafood (6)","Answer":"OYSTER","Explanation":"Definition: raw seafood\nb[OYS] [children, minus b {black}] + alternate letters [regularly rejected] of ThEiR"} {"Clue":"One up, we hear \u2014 on course for this cup? (5)","Answer":"RYDER","Explanation":"Definition: this cup\nSounds like [we hear] rider [one up] for the Cup played for on a golf course"} {"Clue":"No end of religion for this girl (4)","Answer":"ISLA","Explanation":"Definition: girl\nISLA[m] [religion]"} {"Clue":"Low partners pace around\u00a0out-of-this-world scene\u00a0(9)","Answer":"MOONSCAPE","Explanation":"Definition: out-of-this-world scene\nMOO [low] + NS [North South \u2013 bridge partners] + an anagram [around] of PACE"} {"Clue":"Number one \u2014 extremely sorry it's loud (5)","Answer":"NOISY","Explanation":"Definition: loud\nNO I [number one] + S[orr]Y"} {"Clue":"Old father's place shows a lack of clearness (7)","Answer":"OPACITY","Explanation":"Definition: lack of clearness\nO [old] PA [father] CITY [place]"} {"Clue":"Speed 100mph in Northamptonshire town (7)","Answer":"RUSHTON","Explanation":"Definition: Northamptonshire town\nRUSH [speed] + TON [100mph]"} {"Clue":"Little and Large hit back after Syd's introduction (5)","Answer":"SMALL","Explanation":"Definition: Little\nS[yd] + a reversal [back] of L [large] + LAM [hit] \u2013 reference to one-time comedy duo Syd Little and Eddie Large"} {"Clue":"Fish bites sister with drink problem (9)","Answer":"CONUNDRUM","Explanation":"Definition: problem\nCOD [fish] round [bites] NUN [sister] + RUM [drink]"} {"Clue":"Battle gear? (9,6)","Answer":"BALACLAVA HELMET","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 the helmet was named after the Crimean War battle"} {"Clue":"Delighted to move, then dance (9)","Answer":"ENCHANTED","Explanation":"Definition: Delighted\nAn anagram [to move] of THEN DANCE"} {"Clue":"Singer's taken aback during 4,1,3? (5)","Answer":"TENOR","Explanation":"Definition: inger\nA hidden reversal [taken aback] in fouR ONE Three"} {"Clue":"Brother accommodates cat, one found outside club (7)","Answer":"BOUNCER","Explanation":"Definition: one found outside club\nBR [brother] round OUNCE [cat]"} {"Clue":"They're preyed upon', two small boys start to say (7)","Answer":"VICTIMS","Explanation":"Definition: They're preyed upon\nVIC TIM ['small boys'] + S[ay]"} {"Clue":"Scrooge is gripped by recall of sleep with dreams (5)","Answer":"MISER","Explanation":"Definition: Scrooge\nIS in a reversal [recall] of REM [Rapid Eye Movement, the stage of sleep when most of the vividly-recalled dreams occur]"} {"Clue":"Generally fried lean bacon (2,7)","Answer":"ON BALANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Generally\nAn anagram [fried] of LEAN BACON\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Hopeless politician enters No 10, well-advised to dismiss positions 2 and 3 (10)","Answer":"IMPOSSIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Hopeless\nMP [politician] in IO [number 10] + S[en]SIBLE [well-advised, minus the 2nd and 3rd letters]"} {"Clue":"It's my pleasure to write endlessly on everything (3,2,3)","Answer":"NOT AT ALL","Explanation":"Definition: It's my pleasure\nNOTAT[e] [write, endlessly] + ALL [everything]"} {"Clue":"I was spinning on both sides, like an eddy (6)","Answer":"ASWIRL","Explanation":"Definition: like an eddy\nAn anagram [spinning] of I WAS + RL [both sides]"} {"Clue":"Slow amateur grasps atomic number (4)","Answer":"LAZY","Explanation":"Definition: Slow\nLAY [amateur] round Z [atomic number] \u2013 Mr Slow is also one of the books"} {"Clue":"Circuit with a current in front helps one pick up? (7,3)","Answer":"HEARING AID","Explanation":"Definition: helps one pick up?\nRING [circuit] + A I [a current] in HEAD [front]"} {"Clue":"See Nina Simone's debut, jazzy to a limited extent (2,1,5)","Answer":"IN A SENSE","Explanation":"Definition: to a limited extent\nAn anagram [jazzy] of SEE NINA S[imone's]"} {"Clue":"Film the Queen for him (6)","Answer":"MISTER","Explanation":"Definition: him\nMIST [film] + ER [the Queen]"} {"Clue":"Blue cheese, yoghurt and nuts for starters (4)","Answer":"CYAN","Explanation":"Definition: Blue\nInitial letters [starters] of Cheese Yoghurt And Nuts"} {"Clue":"Initially, Calzaghe beat that boxer, one who talks a lot (10)","Answer":"CHATTERBOX","Explanation":"Definition: one who talks a lot\nC[alzaghe] + an anagram [beat] of THAT BOXER"} {"Clue":"Scotsman turned locks into beds (10)","Answer":"MATTRESSES","Explanation":"Definition: beds\nA reversal [turned] of TAM [Scotsman \u2013 a welcome change from Ian] + TRESSES [locks]"} {"Clue":"Heartless robbery follows accident in court (8)","Answer":"CHANCERY","Explanation":"Definition: court\nR[obber]Y after CHANCE [accident]"} {"Clue":"Qaos books first and second hotel with 'non-smoker' references (8)","Answer":"MENTIONS","Explanation":"Definition: references\nME [Qaos] + NT [New Testament \u2013 books] + I [first] + O [second letter of hOtel] + NS [non smoker]"} {"Clue":"complex sum? Yes, that's awkward (6)","Answer":"CLUMSY","Explanation":"Definition: awkward\nC [100] + L [50] + an anagram [complex] of SUM + Y [yes] \u2013 we know to expect at least one 'mathematical' clue from Qaos"} {"Clue":"Jerk raises deer with a gentle touch (6)","Answer":"TICKLE","Explanation":"Definition: gentle touch\nTIC [jerk] + a reversal [raises] of ELK [deer] \u2013 'Mr Tickle, published in 1971, was the first of the books, inspired by Hargreaves' son's question, 'What does a tickle look like?'"} {"Clue":"Male enters local \u2014 up for a jar? (4)","Answer":"BUMP","Explanation":"Definition: jar\nM [male] in a reversal [up] of PUB [local] \u2013 great surface"} {"Clue":"Feeling very independent: Britain on Europe, initially (4)","Answer":"VIBE","Explanation":"Definition: Feeling\nV [very] I [independent] B [British] + initial letter of Europe"} {"Clue":"Dodgy dealer's wealth comes from awful crime (7,7)","Answer":"CAPITAL OFFENCE","Explanation":"Definition: awful crime\nCAPITAL [wealth] OF FENCE [dodgy dealer's]"} {"Clue":"Note anger about places issue will develop (5)","Answer":"UTERI","Explanation":"Definition: places issue will develop\nUT [note \u2013 Chambers: 'a syllable representing the first note of the scale, now generally superseded by doh' \u2013 which I remember from crosswords] + a reversal [about] of IRE [anger]"} {"Clue":"Fiddle with metal casing finally breaking (9)","Answer":"VIOLATING","Explanation":"Definition: breaking\nVIOLA [fiddle] + TIN [metal] + [casin]G"} {"Clue":"Military group's demand to tuck into bananas etc (4,5)","Answer":"TASK FORCE","Explanation":"Definition: Military group\nASK FOR [demand] in an anagram [bananas] of ETC"} {"Clue":"Sage stuffing for burger is hideous (5)","Answer":"RISHI","Explanation":"Definition: Sage\nHidden in burgeR IS HIdeous \u2013 one of our commenters and former bloggers will be chuffed with this one"} {"Clue":"Long time, an unspecified amount (5)","Answer":"YEARN","Explanation":"Definition: Long\nYEAR [time] + N [unspecified 'amount'- at which my pedantic hackles rise: it's an unspecified **number**]"} {"Clue":"Main city's much spoken of Welsh address (9)","Answer":"OFFENBACH","Explanation":"Definition: Main city\nOFFEN [sounds like {spoken of} 'often' {much}] + BACH [Welsh address \u2013 used especially after a person's name] for the city on the River Main\u00a0\u2013 a new one on me: I only knew the composer"} {"Clue":"Trifle dish in which to put a piece (9)","Answer":"BAGATELLE","Explanation":"Definition: Trifle\nA GAT [a piece \u2013 gun] in BELLE [dish]"} {"Clue":"Records order where races are run (5)","Answer":"EPSOM","Explanation":"Definition: where races are run\nEPS [records] + OM [Order of Merit] for the racecourse in Surrey where the Derby is run"} {"Clue":"I touch frames for picture (5)","Answer":"MOVIE","Explanation":"Definition: picture\nMOVE [touch] round [frames] I"} {"Clue":"Cutting quality of performing acts in set (9)","Answer":"CATTINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Cutting quality\nAn anagram [performing] of ACTS IN SET"} {"Clue":"Criminal's basic characteristics seen in Leave voter (9)","Answer":"KIDNAPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Criminal\nDNA [basic characteristics] in [U]KIPPER [Leave voter]"} {"Clue":"Predator caught in northerly forest (5)","Answer":"TAIGA","Explanation":"Definition: northerly forest\nSounds like [again I have to say, 'for those with non-rhotic accents'] 'tiger' [predator]"} {"Clue":"When working, warn a cruel boss one might explode! (7,7)","Answer":"NUCLEAR WARHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: one might explode\nAn anagram [when working] of WARN A CRUEL + HEAD [boss]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Simple sort of number line by swelling family (7,7)","Answer":"COUNTRY BUMPKIN","Explanation":"Definition: Simple sort\nCOUNT [number] + RY [railway line] + BUMP [swelling] + KIN [family]"} {"Clue":"Force media people to go north of Hadrian's Wall, say (5-4)","Answer":"PRESS-GANG","Explanation":"Definition: Force\nPRESS [media people] + GANG [people north of of Hadrian's Wall might say GANG for 'go']"} {"Clue":"Crook to hurry, absorbed by paperback? (5)","Answer":"THIEF","Explanation":"Definition: Crook\nHIE [hurry] in [absorbed by] a reversal [back] of FT [Financial Times \u2013 newspaper]"} {"Clue":"Footballers can spin with wrong turns (9)","Answer":"LIVERPOOL","Explanation":"Definition: Footballers\nA reversal [turns] of LOO [can] + PR [spin] + EVIL [wrong]"} {"Clue":"Putting on weight, figure gets gas (5)","Answer":"OZONE","Explanation":"Definition: gas\nONE [figure] put on OZ [ounce \u2013 weight]"} {"Clue":"Bouquet of paper across the Channel? (9)","Answer":"FRAGRANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Bouquet\nRAG [paper] in FRANCE [so across the Channel]"} {"Clue":"Arrests partners holding hands without trouble (5)","Answer":"NAILS","Explanation":"Definition: Arrests\nN S [partners in bridge, so 'holding hands'] round [without] AIL [trouble]"} {"Clue":"Eccentric single with obligation to wear heavy hot stuff (7,7)","Answer":"ENGLISH MUSTARD","Explanation":"Definition: hot stuff\nAn anagram [eccentric] of ENGLISH* (sorry, SINGLE \u2013 thanks, Valentine)* + MUST [obligation] in [to wear] HARD [heavy]"} {"Clue":"Showing no shame, a compiler's in sacred place (5-4)","Answer":"NOTRE DAME","Explanation":"Definition: sacred place\nNOT RED [showing no shame] + A ME [a compiler]"} {"Clue":"Chance to shoot fox behind cockney trio (4,5)","Answer":"FREE THROW","Explanation":"Definition: Chance to shoot\nFREE [how a cockney might pronounce 'three', hence cockney trio] + THROW [fox, as a verb]"} {"Clue":"Stainless steel ingredient from follower of a Regency writer? (9)","Answer":"AUSTENITE","Explanation":"Definition: Stainless steel ingredientfollower of a Regency writer?\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"It's essential to believe, dictating from scripture (5)","Answer":"VEDIC","Explanation":"Definition: from scripture\nHidden in belieVE DICtating"} {"Clue":"Person who manages business, one selling up (5)","Answer":"COPER","Explanation":"Definition: Person who manages\nCO [business] + a reversal [up] of REP [one selling]"} {"Clue":"Start off season in one side of Italy (5)","Answer":"INTER","Explanation":"Definition: one side of Italy\n[w]INTER [season, start off] for the Milan football team"} {"Clue":"Spirit blown over, filling topsail? (9)","Answer":"SPINNAKER","Explanation":"Definition: sail\nA reversal [blown over] of KA [spirit \u2013 see here] in SPINNER [top]"} {"Clue":"Sandpiper in need of sandpapering, it's said? (4)","Answer":"RUFF","Explanation":"Definition: Sandpiper\nSounds like [it's said] 'rough' \u2013 in need of sandpapering"} {"Clue":"Algiers at odds with old palace of Constantinople (8)","Answer":"SERAGLIO","Explanation":"Definition: palace of Constantinople\nAn anagram [at odds] of ALGIERS and O [old]"} {"Clue":"Set free, leader of coup in deeply unpopular revolutionary (6)","Answer":"DETACH","Explanation":"Definition: Set free\nC[oup] in a reversal [revolutionary] of HATED [deeply unpopular]"} {"Clue":"Colours adorning the surface of vessel (6)","Answer":"FLAGON","Explanation":"Definition: vessel\nFLAG [colours] + ON [adorning the surface of?]"} {"Clue":"Musical predicament inspiring prayer, looking back (8)","Answer":"SPAMALOT","Explanation":"Definition: Musical\nSPOT [predicament] round a reversal [looking back] of LAMA [pray-er] for the musical version of 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail, with a pun on Camelot in the title"} {"Clue":"Computer assistant thus recalled god (6)","Answer":"OSIRIS","Explanation":"Definition: god\nA reversal [recalled] of SIRI [computer assistant] + SO [thus]"} {"Clue":"Keeping it in the family, a little stone pot is mine (8)","Answer":"NEPOTISM","Explanation":"Definition: Keeping it in the family\nHidden in stoNE POT IS Mine"} {"Clue":"Poet trims around tree (3,5)","Answer":"PAM AYRES","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\nPARES [trims] round MAY [tree] \u2013 a little local knowledge needed for this poet \u2013 you can hear a sample here"} {"Clue":"Regal office shed, we hear (6)","Answer":"THRONE","Explanation":"Definition: Regal office\nSounds like [we hear] 'thrown' \u2013 shed"} {"Clue":"Wave away solicitor deciding procedure (5-3)","Answer":"SHOOT-OUT","Explanation":"Definition: deciding procedure\nSHOO [wave away] + TOUT [solicitor]"} {"Clue":"One person receives correspondence (6)","Answer":"PARITY","Explanation":"Definition: correspondence\nI [one] in PARTY [person]"} {"Clue":"A metropolis (unfinished) I appreciate that needs knocking over in area of old Athens (6)","Answer":"ATTICA","Explanation":"Definition: area of old Athens\nA reversal [needs knocking over] of A CIT[y] [a metropolis unfinished] + TA [I appreciate that]"} {"Clue":"More extensive coverage for reasonable help in a play (4,4,2,5)","Answer":"LOOK BACK IN ANGER","Explanation":"Definition: play\nLONGER [more extensive] round OK [reasonable] BACK [help] IN A"} {"Clue":"Perhaps like one's wireless even more! (4,5,2)","Answer":"WITH KNOBS ON","Explanation":"Definition: even more\nCryptic [?] definition \u2013 old wireless sets had lots of knobs"} {"Clue":"Seriously primitive lodging house (9)","Answer":"EARNESTLY","Explanation":"Definition: Seriously\nEARLY [primitive] round NEST [house]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Fine rise (5)","Answer":"SWELL","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"State capital not half material (5)","Answer":"NYLON","Explanation":"Definition: material\nNY [state] + LON[don] capital not half]"} {"Clue":"Ferrari probably favourite where superstar would put foot down? (3,6)","Answer":"RED CARPET","Explanation":"Definition: where superstar would put foot down\nRED CAR [Ferrari probably] + PET [favourite]"} {"Clue":"Take back ultimate piece in artefact old archaeologist brought up (7)","Answer":"RETRACT","Explanation":"Definition: Take back\nA reversal [brought up] of\u00a0 [artefac]T + [Howard] CARTER [old archaeologist, who discovered Tutankhamun's tomb]"} {"Clue":"Takes account of some fish nets cast (7,2)","Answer":"FACTORS IN","Explanation":"Definition: Takes account of\nFIN [some fish] round ACTORS [cast]"} {"Clue":"Get hollow pasta? This is different (9)","Answer":"SPAGHETTI","Explanation":"An anagram [different] of GET P[ast]A THIS \u2013 clue as definition"} {"Clue":"Substitute rat with grouse in a stew (9)","Answer":"SURROGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Substitute\nAn anagram [in a stew] of RAT and GROUSE"} {"Clue":"End a nonsense, penning short story (7)","Answer":"ABOLISH","Explanation":"Definition: End\nA BOSH [a nonsense] round LI[e] [short story]"} {"Clue":"New arrival has me pinching my own bottom? (7)","Answer":"SETTLER","Explanation":"Definition: New arrival\nSETTER [me] round [pau]L [my own bottom]"} {"Clue":"Dish, exquisite taste (7)","Answer":"RAREBIT","Explanation":"Definition: Dish\nRARE [exquisite] + BIT [taste]"} {"Clue":"Highly corrosive ring (5)","Answer":"PHONE","Explanation":"Definition: ring\nPH ONE [1] \u2013 specifying high acidity: see here"} {"Clue":"Naff, like a nail? (5)","Answer":"TACKY","Explanation":"Definition: Naff\nTACK-Y [like a nail] \u2013 a typical Paul clue"} {"Clue":"Hollow and dry instruction to dog the German PM (4,3,5)","Answer":"PITT THE ELDER","Explanation":"Definition: PM\nPIT [hollow] + TT [teetotal \u2013 dry] + HEEL [instruction to dog] + DER [the German]"} {"Clue":"Celebrity embraced by poor love child (7)","Answer":"BASTARD","Explanation":"Definition: love child\nSTAR [celebrity] in BAD [poor]"} {"Clue":"More mature half-hearted serial killer (5)","Answer":"RIPER","Explanation":"Definition: More mature\nRIP[p]ER [serial killer, minus one of its middle letters \u2013 half-hearted]"} {"Clue":"One gathers second coming starts with Nemesis (9)","Answer":"SCAVENGER","Explanation":"Definition: One gathers\nInitial letters [starts] of Second Coming + AVENGER [Nemesis]"} {"Clue":"Left perished in disarray, having accepted Theresa's final command (10)","Answer":"LEADERSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: command\nL [left] + an anagram [in disarray] of PERISHED round [theres]A"} {"Clue":"Opinion polls ease off and make things worse (4,6,2,4)","Answer":"PILE PELION ON OSSA","Explanation":"Definition: make things worse\nA clever anagram [off] of OPINION POLLS EASE for an expression not heard very often but here's the story"} {"Clue":"Miserable record playing into the small hours (12)","Answer":"DISCONSOLATE","Explanation":"Definition: Miserable\nDISC [record] ON SO LATE [playing into the small hours] \u2013 not a new one but newer solvers may not have seen it before"} {"Clue":"Infirm relatives abandoning a region of England (4,8)","Answer":"HOME COUNTIES","Explanation":"Definition: region of England\nHOME [in] + CO [firm] + [a]UNTIES [relatives abandoning a] \u2013 I smiled when I finally parsed this and it's one of my favourites"} {"Clue":"Novice found in empty room (4)","Answer":"TYRO","Explanation":"Definition: Novice\nHidden in empTY ROom"} {"Clue":"Film maker genius, about 18 (10)","Answer":"EISENSTEIN","Explanation":"Definition: Film maker\nEINSTEIN [genius] round SE [South East \u2013 HOME COUNTIES]"} {"Clue":"Is sick after five cancelled bypasses (5)","Answer":"OMITS","Explanation":"Definition: bypasses\n[v]OMITS [is sick, minus v \u2013 five cancelled: I hope that doesn't happen too often for Philistine"} {"Clue":"Strategy is to cross from the East by a philanderer (7)","Answer":"PLAYBOY","Explanation":"Definition: philanderer\nPLOY [strategy] round a reversal [from the East] of BY A"} {"Clue":"Country in the centre of Europe madness (7)","Answer":"ROMANIA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\neuROpe + MANIA [madness]"} {"Clue":"Secretary on job release (6)","Answer":"PAROLE","Explanation":"Definition: release\nPA [secretary] + ROLE [job]"} {"Clue":"Tails partner that takes in work (3,3)","Answer":"TOP HAT","Explanation":"Definition: Tails partner\nTHAT round OP [work] \u2013 neat definition"} {"Clue":"Suit(e) trio (5-5)","Answer":"THREE-PIECE","Explanation":"Double \/ cryptic definition *[Edit: triple definition \u2013 thanks, grantinfreo @1]"} {"Clue":"Stops, doesn't start and relaxes (5)","Answer":"EASES","Explanation":"Definition: relaxes\n[c]EASES [stops]"} {"Clue":"At last, green tailless lizard found in bath coming up for a nibble (6,3)","Answer":"BRAZIL NUT","Explanation":"Definition: a nibble\n[gree]N LIZAR[d] in TUB, all reversed [coming up] \u2013 a lovely picture"} {"Clue":"Many ogle vicar, one stripped in church (8)","Answer":"ANGLICAN","Explanation":"Definition: church\n[m]AN[y] [o]GL[e] [v]ICA] [o]N[e] \u2013 'stripped'"} {"Clue":"Had the temerity to acquire knowledge and became dim! (8)","Answer":"DARKENED","Explanation":"Definition: became dim\nDARED [had the temerity] round KEN [knowledge]"} {"Clue":"Convenience of Western warnings on Arab uprising (6,4)","Answer":"WOMEN\u2019S ROOM","Explanation":"Definition: Convenience\nW [Western] + OMENS [warnings] + a reversal [uprising] of MOOR [Arab]"} {"Clue":"Essentially, copper is outside entrance to Room 101 with partner (9)","Answer":"CRUCIALLY","Explanation":"Definition: Essentially\nCU [copper] round R[oom] + CI [101] + ALLY [partner]"} {"Clue":"Quiet entering tortuous path, hit and attacked \u2014 too late! (4,4,3,6)","Answer":"THAT SHIP HAS SAILED","Explanation":"Definition: too late!\nSH [quiet] in an anagram [tortuous] of PATH HIT + ASSAILED"} {"Clue":"Divine food in Asia: my best restaurant's oriental starters (8)","Answer":"AMBROSIA","Explanation":"Definition: Divine food\nInitial letters [starters] of My Best Restaurant's Oriental in ASIA \u2013 another contender for favourite clue"} {"Clue":"Rogan josh balm? (4,4)","Answer":"LAMB STEW","Explanation":"Definition: Rogan josh\nLAMB is an anagram [STEW] of BALM"} {"Clue":"Communist star managed to infiltrate company (6)","Answer":"CASTRO","Explanation":"Definition: Communist\nAn anagram [managed] of STAR in CO [company]"} {"Clue":"Chinese work on the double (4-4)","Answer":"CHOP-CHOP","Explanation":"Definition: on the double\nCH [Chinese] + OP [work] doubled \u2013 with an extended definition"} {"Clue":"Island where gardeners penned poem (6)","Answer":"RHODES","Explanation":"Definition: Island\nRHS [Royal Horticultural Society \u2013 gardeners] round ODE [poem]"} {"Clue":"Mark request about unorthodox rites (8)","Answer":"ASTERISK","Explanation":"Definition: Mark\nASK [request] round an anagram [unorthodox] of RITES"} {"Clue":"Spectacular entrance made by parliamentary leader with premature Bill? (6,5)","Answer":"PEARLY GATES","Explanation":"Definition: Spectacular entrance\nP[arliamentary] + EARLY [premature] + GATES [Bill, with a question mark for definition by example]"} {"Clue":"Irritation shown by gambler cleaned out in William Hill, say (7)","Answer":"CHAGRIN","Explanation":"Definition: Irritation\nG[amble]R in CHAIN [William Hill, say \u2013 betting chain]"} {"Clue":"A royal stamp of approval protecting source in Newsweek magazine (7)","Answer":"ARSENAL","Explanation":"Definition: magazine\nA R[oyal] SEAL [stamp of approval] round N[ewsweek]"} {"Clue":"Digression from set phrase in translation (11)","Answer":"PARENTHESIS","Explanation":"Definition: Digression\nAn anagram [translation] of SET PHRASE IN"} {"Clue":"Only partly formed popular colourless sweet (8)","Answer":"INCHOATE","Explanation":"Definition: Only partly formed\nIN [popular] CHO[col]ATE [colourless sweet]"} {"Clue":"German paintings with the Queen reflected in an upper chamber (6)","Answer":"GARRET","Explanation":"Definition: upper chamber\nG [German] ART [paintings] round a reversal [reflection] of ER [the Queen]"} {"Clue":"Chief designer admitting resistance to shock treatment \u2026 (8)","Answer":"DIRECTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Chief\nDIOR [designer] round R [resistance] ECT [ElectroConvulsive Therapy \u2013 shock treatment]"} {"Clue":"called in sinister medic (6)","Answer":"TERMED","Explanation":"Definition: called\nContained in sinisTER MEDic \u2013 the ellipsis is there for the sake of the surface"} {"Clue":"Writer wrote timeless moving lines (6)","Answer":"ORWELL","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\nAn anagram [moving] of WRO[t]E minus t \u2013 timeless + LL [lines]"} {"Clue":"Entertainer gets time in small part in fairground attraction (5,5)","Answer":"GHOST TRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: fairground attraction\nHOST [entertainer] + T [time, again] in GRAIN [small part]"} {"Clue":"Pauses in abnormal and dangerous breathing pattern (8)","Answer":"APNEUSIS","Explanation":"Definition: Pauses in abnormal and dangerous breathing pattern\nAn anagram [abnormal] of PAUSES IN \u2013 &lit:\u00a0 I didn't know this word but I knew about sleep apnoea and constructed it from the anagram fodder; I couldn't find it in Chambers or Collins, so\u00a0 googled it and found it in Wikipedia"} {"Clue":"Charlie, a star popular musician, is a tough case (8)","Answer":"CARAPACE","Explanation":"Definition: tough case\nC [Charlie, NATO phonetic alphabet] + A RAP ACE [a star popular musician]"} {"Clue":"A white toy was unexpectedly found as an illegal item on board (8)","Answer":"STOWAWAY","Explanation":"Definition: illegal item on board\nAn anagram [unexpectedly] of A W[hite] TOY WAS \u2013 I couldn't find W for white in either Chambers or [my old] Collins but I found it online: presumably it's used in chess"} {"Clue":"Talking animal's mane? (4)","Answer":"HAIR","Explanation":"Definition: mane\nSounds like [talking] hare [animal]"} {"Clue":"Dog's urine discovered round bottom of haystack (4)","Answer":"PEKE","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\nPEE [urine] round [haystac]K"} {"Clue":"Government allowance includes points for breeding (10)","Answer":"GENERATION","Explanation":"Definition: breeding\nG [government] + RATION [allowance] round E N E [compass points]"} {"Clue":"Worry over radiation initially given to doctor returning to X-ray unit (8)","Answer":"ANGSTROM","Explanation":"Definition: X-ray unit\nANGST [worry] + R[adiation] + reversal [returning] of MO [doctor] \u2013 great surface"} {"Clue":"Idiot taking assigned drug shut up (8)","Answer":"CLOSETED","Explanation":"Definition: shut up\nCLOD [idiot] round SET [assigned] E [drug]"} {"Clue":"Contact about professional disapproval (8)","Answer":"REPROACH","Explanation":"Definition: disapproval\nREACH [contact] round PRO [professional]"} {"Clue":"Hot part of roof lifts up (6)","Answer":"HEAVES","Explanation":"Definition: lifts up\nH [hot] + EAVES [part of roof]"} {"Clue":"Discovery made by European leaving Norway behind, going to Germany (4)","Answer":"FIND","Explanation":"Definition: Discovery\nFIN[n] [European minus n, Norway] + D [Germany] \u2013 International Vehicle Registrations"} {"Clue":"Tree expert gets flower (4)","Answer":"ACER","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\nACE [expert] + R [river \u2013 'flower']"} {"Clue":"Idle miners come first regarding 1984? (7)","Answer":"NUMERIC","Explanation":"Definition: regarding 1984?\nNUM [National Union of Miners} + Monty Python's ERIC [Idle] see here"} {"Clue":"Bird training's no good!', you shout at home (7)","Answer":"PENGUIN","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nPE [Physical Education \u2013 training] + NG [no good] + U [sounds like {shout} you] + IN [at home]"} {"Clue":"Children go back to front on slide (4)","Answer":"SKID","Explanation":"KIDS [children] with the last letter moved to the beginning"} {"Clue":"A loud bird gets egg on time (9)","Answer":"AFTERNOON","Explanation":"Definition: time\nA F [loud] TERN [bird] + O [egg] + ON [from the clue]"} {"Clue":"Building hospital by a river (5)","Answer":"HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Building\nH [hospital] + OUSE [river]"} {"Clue":"Small boys go crazy over shelled peas and vegetables (3,5)","Answer":"SOY BEANS","Explanation":"Definition: vegetables\nS [small] + an anagram [crazy] of BOYS round [p]EA[s] [a]N[d]"} {"Clue":"Coat's a hit with detached hood (4)","Answer":"MACK","Explanation":"Definition: Coat\ns[MACK] [hit, minus the first letter \u2013 hood?]"} {"Clue":"Pretentious person dupes drunk (5)","Answer":"PSEUD","Explanation":"Definition: Pretentious person\nAn anagram [drunk] of DUPES"} {"Clue":"Club wants women to gain advantage (4)","Answer":"EDGE","Explanation":"Definition: advantage\n[w]EDGE [golf club, minus w \u2013 women]"} {"Clue":"Externally, bishop wearing stole produces a bible (8)","Answer":"TEXTBOOK","Explanation":"Definition: bible\nEXT [externally] B [bishop] in [wearing] TOOK [stole] \u2013 I love the definition and the use of 'stole': another of my favourite clues"} {"Clue":"Speedy ships (5)","Answer":"FLEET","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Great flow under construction (9)","Answer":"WONDERFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Great\nAn anagram [construction] of FLOW UNDER"} {"Clue":"Cultivated part of flower, trimming both sides (4)","Answer":"TAME","Explanation":"Definition: Cultivated\n[s]TAME[n] [part of flower]"} {"Clue":"Drink bitter from start to finish? Just stories (7)","Answer":"RUMOURS","Explanation":"Definition: Just stories\nRUM [drink] + SOUR, with the last letter moved to the beginning\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Tooth job, one out for you, say (4)","Answer":"TUSK","Explanation":"Definition: Tooth\nT[a]SK [job] with a [one] replaced by U [you, say]"} {"Clue":"Deal endlessly with Germany over zilch? It's doomed to failure (4,4)","Answer":"DEAD DUCK","Explanation":"Definition: It's doomed to failure\nDEA[l] + D [Germany] + DUCK [zilch, in cricket]"} {"Clue":"I'm taken aback by fashion \u2014 it's an illusion (6)","Answer":"MIRAGE","Explanation":"Definition: illusion\nA reversal [taken aback] of I'M + RAGE [fashion \u2013 as in 'it's all the rage']"} {"Clue":"Was unfaithful to Elizabeth to begin with at Derby race (8)","Answer":"BETRAYED","Explanation":"Definition: Was unfaithful to\nAn anagram [race?] of AT DERBY + E[lizabeth]"} {"Clue":"Fellow left foreign exchange discount (6)","Answer":"IGNORE","Explanation":"Definition: discount\nAn anagram [exchange] of [f]OREIGN minus f [fellow]"} {"Clue":"grammes resting on new oven? (4)","Answer":"KILN","Explanation":"Definition: oven\nKIL[o] [750 grammes] + N [new]"} {"Clue":"Worth mentioning old Labour leader's upset over special summit (2,5,2)","Answer":"TO SPEAK OF","Explanation":"Definition: Worth mentioning\nA reversal [upset] of [Michael] FOOT [old Labour leader] + S [special] PEAK [summit]"} {"Clue":"Cat steals last of Stilton from paradise (5)","Answer":"HEAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Cat\nHEAVE[n] minus [stilto]n \u2013 I'd almost forgotten cat = vomit, which I met in a crossword a long time ago"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Lancelot ousts king in the dark (5)","Answer":"NIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: dark\n[k]NIGHT [perhaps Lancelot, minus k \u2013 king]"} {"Clue":"Soundly in favour of young people as they build muscle (8)","Answer":"PROTEINS","Explanation":"Definition: they build muscle\nPRO [in favour of] + TEINS [sounds like teens \u2013 young people]"} {"Clue":"Reagan's campaign slogan's a little bit negative! (8)","Answer":"ELECTRON","Explanation":"Definition: a little bit negative\nELECT RON!"} {"Clue":"Dances with Nato abstainers? (6)","Answer":"TANGOS","Explanation":"Definition: Dances\nTANGO stands for T in the NATO alphabet and TT = teetotal[lers] \u2013 abstainers"} {"Clue":"Halt! After small change to starter, I'm stuffed (4,2)","Answer":"FULL UP","Explanation":"Definition: stuffed\n[p]ULL UP [stop], with the first letter [starter] changed"} {"Clue":"Comedian to court daughter (4)","Answer":"WOOD","Explanation":"Definition: Comedian\nWOO [court] + D [daughter] \u2013 the comedian is the late, great Victoria"} {"Clue":"Oblong \u2013 a shape for a sausage? (7)","Answer":"BOLOGNA","Explanation":"Definition: sausage\nAn anagram [shape] of OBLONG A \u2013 an interesting idea"} {"Clue":"Extra serious weather problem ends terribly for planet (4)","Answer":"MARS","Explanation":"Definition: planet\nAn anagram [terribly] of the last letters [ends] of extrA seriouS weatheR probleM"} {"Clue":"One helps to get a seat for someone standing (7)","Answer":"ELECTOR","Explanation":"Definition: One helps to get a seat for someone standing\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Supported DUP, the old leaders having gone (6)","Answer":"UPHELD","Explanation":"Definition: Supported\n[d]UP [t]HE [o]LD, minus initial letters [leaders] \u2013 the DUP have latterly been almost as useful to crossword setters as to Mrs May"} {"Clue":"Almost lose it, as one will with last jigsaw piece (4,1,3)","Answer":"HAVE A FIT","Explanation":"Definition: Almost lose it,as one will with last jigsaw piece\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Engendering invasion by America of constituent state (6)","Answer":"CAUSAL","Explanation":"Definition: Engendering\nUSA [America] in CAL [constituent state]"} {"Clue":"Attitude of cynic from Tyneside given seats at random (12)","Answer":"NEGATIVENESS","Explanation":"Definition: Attitude of cynic\nNE [Tyneside] + an anagram [at random] of SEATS GIVEN"} {"Clue":"Note on a cross in register: free of charge (3-7)","Answer":"NON-TAXABLE","Explanation":"Definition: free of charge\nN [note] + ON + A X [cross] in TABLE [register]"} {"Clue":"Toilet water unavailable in station (3)","Answer":"LOO","Explanation":"Definition: Toilet\n[water]LOO [station]"} {"Clue":"Key was first put in the wrong way (3)","Answer":"DEL","Explanation":"Definition: Key\nA reversal [put in the wrong way] of LED [was first] \u2013 'key' always used to be A B C D E F or G \u2013 now it's just as likely to be DEl, ESC, ALT \u2026"} {"Clue":"Would-be rulers not yet loving society? (10)","Answer":"PRETENDERS","Explanation":"Definition: Would-be rulers\nPRE TENDER [not yet loving] + S [society] \u2013 examples being James Edward Stuart [the old] and Charles Edward Stuart \u2013 Bonnie Prince Charlie\u00a0 [the young] Pretender, or the more imaginatively named Lambert Simnel and Perkin Warbeck, pretenders to the throne of Henry VII \u2013 all remembered from my A Level History"} {"Clue":"Winter sportsperson in form takes extraordinary run (6,6)","Answer":"FIGURE SKATER","Explanation":"Definition: Winter sportsperson\nFIGURE [form] + an anagram [extraordinary] of TAKES + R [run]"} {"Clue":"Where most are by midnight, assuming resistance is instinctive (6)","Answer":"INBRED","Explanation":"Definition: instinctive\nR [resistance] in IN BED [where most are by midnight]"} {"Clue":"Primarily a lovable rogue (5,3)","Answer":"ABOVE ALL","Explanation":"Definition: Primarily\nAn anagram [rogue] of A LOVABLE \u2013 a lovely surface"} {"Clue":"Surgery ultimately stops feminist looking older (6)","Answer":"GREYER","Explanation":"Definition: looking older\n[surger]Y in [Germaine] GREER [feminist]"} {"Clue":"East Ender's caught peculiar part of anatomy (7)","Answer":"EARDRUM","Explanation":"Definition: part of anatomy\n'EARD [East Ender's 'caught'] + RUM [peculiar]"} {"Clue":"Parrot house south of city (4)","Answer":"ECHO","Explanation":"Definition: Parrot\nEC [city] + HO [house]"} {"Clue":"Resent messenger dropping round (4)","Answer":"ENVY","Explanation":"Definition: Resent\nENV[o]Y [messenger] minus o [round]"} {"Clue":"Call for small missile to tip unfavourable balance (5,3)","Answer":"TRADE GAP","Explanation":"Definition: unfavourable balance\nA reversal [to tip] of PAGE [call for] + DART [small missile]"} {"Clue":"Dish from Agra, it appears (5)","Answer":"RAITA","Explanation":"Definition: Dish\nHidden, appropriately, in agRA IT Appears"} {"Clue":"Plea from competitor having once changed sides (6)","Answer":"PRAYER","Explanation":"Definition: Plea\nP[l]AYER [competitor] with l [left] changed to R [right] \u2013 the 'once' is an illustration of Nutmeg's meticulous cluing"} {"Clue":"Yachtsmen moved by these seasonal tales? (10)","Answer":"EASTERLIES","Explanation":"Definition: Yachtsmen moved by these\nEASTER LIES \u2013 seasonal tales"} {"Clue":"Criminal should lose accommodation made for his children, maybe (5,5)","Answer":"DOLL\u2019S HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: accommodation made for his children, maybe\nAn anagram [criminal] of SHOULD LOSE"} {"Clue":"Rent regularly appended to account for lodgings (6)","Answer":"BILLET","Explanation":"Definition: lodgings\nBILL [account] + [r]E[n]T"} {"Clue":"A Parisienne, fading away when imprisoned, not improving (10)","Answer":"UNEDIFYING","Explanation":"Definition: not improving\nUNE [a Parisienne] + DYING [fading away] round IF [when]"} {"Clue":"Not allowed to enter, being ill (ie poorly) (10)","Answer":"INELIGIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Not allowed to enter\nAn anagram [poorly] of BEING ILL IE"} {"Clue":"Apprehension remains after troops turned up (6)","Answer":"ARREST","Explanation":"Definition: Apprehension\nREST [remains] after a reversal [turned up] of RA [Royal Artillery \u2013 troops] \u2013 a neat definition"} {"Clue":"Quick check when finished (4-4)","Answer":"ONCE-OVER","Explanation":"Definition: Quick check\nONCE [when] OVER [finished]"} {"Clue":"Briskly move coke ashes for building blocks (6)","Answer":"BREEZE","Explanation":"Definition: Briskly movecoke ashes for building blocks\nDouble definition \u2013 I was totally unaware of the second: 'furnace refuse used in making breeze brick, breeze blocks or breeze concrete' [Chambers] \u2013 I always wondered why they were called breeze blocks! [in crosswords, I always immediately think of lego when I see 'building blocks']"} {"Clue":"Proceed at leisure, having skill to rake in millions (5)","Answer":"AMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Proceed at leisure\nABLE [having skill] round M [millions]"} {"Clue":"Standard cut by one or two? (4)","Answer":"PAIR","Explanation":"Definition: two\nI [one] in PAR [standard]"} {"Clue":"Bravo! Old dope with ego to accommodate states he's \u2026 (6,6)","Answer":"STABLE GENIUS","Explanation":"This was almost my last in, despite the hint in 15ac, which I'd entered early on, without understanding the definition \u2013 and then there was the parsing, which took a while: B [Bravo \u2013 NATO alphabet] in STALE [old] + GEN [dope] + I [ego] + US [states] \u2013 a reference to DT's several tweets \u2013 I can't quite call this &lit but I wasn't sure what to underline as the definition: it's brilliant, anyway"} {"Clue":"something extraordinary \u2014 er, claim is open to interpretation! (7)","Answer":"MIRACLE","Explanation":"Definition: something extraordinary\nAn anagram [open to interpretation] of CLAIM ER"} {"Clue":"Pretend one woman's astride another (9)","Answer":"IMAGINARY","Explanation":"Definition: Pretend\nI [one] + MARY [one woman] round GINA [another]"} {"Clue":"Lout runs through bar on ecstasy (5)","Answer":"BRUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Lout\nR [runs] in BUT [bar] + E [ecstasy]"} {"Clue":"Row over quitting house abroad (5)","Answer":"RANGE","Explanation":"Definition: Row\n[o]RANGE [royal house of the Netherlands] minus O [over]"} {"Clue":"Foxy Liberal secured for Strictly (9)","Answer":"SLAVISHLY","Explanation":"Definition: Strictly\nLAVISH [liberal] in SLY [foxy]"} {"Clue":"Deer's foot twisted? Yes (7)","Answer":"WAPITIS","Explanation":"Definition: Deer\nA reversal [twisted] of PAW [foot] + IT IS [yes]"} {"Clue":"Retiring head of state gets tattoo showing a real 1 29 (3,3)","Answer":"RED RUM","Explanation":"Definition: a real 1 29\nA reversal [retiring] of ER [head of state] + DRUM [tattoo] \u2013 for the legendary three-times winner of the Grand National"} {"Clue":"Nomadic people from Niger automatically returned (6)","Answer":"TUAREG","Explanation":"Definition: Nomadic people\nA hidden reversal [returned] in niGER AUTomatically \u2013 a nomadic tribe from Niger"} {"Clue":"Improperly uses lap dance (3,4)","Answer":"PAS SEUL","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nAn anagram [improperly] of USES LAP"} {"Clue":"Boasts about backing 15 (5,4)","Answer":"CROWS OVER","Explanation":"Definition: Boasts about\nThis took a minute or two: if we reverse [backing] RED RUM [15] we get MURDER, which is the collective noun for crows"} {"Clue":"A time to go west, where the action is? (5)","Answer":"ARENA","Explanation":"Definition: where the action is\nA reversal [to go west] of AN ERA [a time]"} {"Clue":"Mounts picture finally in bar (5)","Answer":"MARES","Explanation":"Definition: Mounts\n[pictur]E in MARS [bar]"} {"Clue":"As layers are initially peeled off, various characters transform (9)","Answer":"OVIPAROUS","Explanation":"Definition: As layers are\nAn anagram [transform] of P[eeled] O[ff] + VARIOUS, the layers being hens"} {"Clue":"Accommodation outside hotel about to be reviewed? Certainly (3,4)","Answer":"NOT HALF","Explanation":"Definition: Certainly\nA reversal [to be reviewed] of FLAT [accommodation] round H [hotel] + ON [about]"} {"Clue":"Head of state (joke!) has altercation on the way down here (4,3)","Answer":"SKID ROW","Explanation":"Definition: on the way down here\nS[tate] + KID [joke] + ROW [altercation]"} {"Clue":"Leader abroad popular for the first time? No (5)","Answer":"AGAIN","Explanation":"Definition: for the first time? No\nAGA [leader abroad] + IN [popular]"} {"Clue":"City keeping cool in case ref shortly gets upset (9)","Answer":"LEICESTER","Explanation":"Definition: City\nIN CASE [lest] round ICE [cool, as a verb] + a reversal [upset] of RE[f]"} {"Clue":"Can just afford most expensive property for boarders? (7)","Answer":"MAYFAIR","Explanation":"Definition: most expensive property for boarders\nMAY [can] FAIR [just], the 'boarders' being players of Monopoly \u2013 a reminder of Mrs May's promise to working families, 'just about managing'"} {"Clue":"Teacher mounting trapeze, swinging both ways (5)","Answer":"RABBI","Explanation":"Definition: Teacher\nA reversal [mounting] of BAR [trapeze] + BI [swinging both ways]"} {"Clue":"Ouch! Blue's hit follower of 18? (9)","Answer":"CLUBHOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: follower of 18?\nAn anagram [hit] of OUCH BLUES \u2013 the clubhouse is referred to as The Nineteenth Hole"} {"Clue":"Man or woman going up many levels but not all (6)","Answer":"EVELYN","Explanation":"Definition: Man or woman\nA hidden reversal [going up] in maNY LEVEls"} {"Clue":"Piles of money (estimate for tax ultimately concealed) (6)","Answer":"MASSES","Explanation":"Definition: Piles\nM [money] + ASSES[s] [estimate for tax]"} {"Clue":"Idiot with clout surprisingly accepted \u2014 he has the means to govern (9)","Answer":"PLUTOCRAT","Explanation":"Definition: he has the means to govern\nPRAT [idiot] round an anagram [surprisingly] of CLOUT"} {"Clue":"Belittle and insult right-wing politician (but turning the volume down) (9)","Answer":"DISPARAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Belittle\nDIS [insult] [Nigel] [f]ARAGE with the f changed to P [turning the volume down]"} {"Clue":"Produce an abridged version of Chaucer \u2014 current volume retained (4,3)","Answer":"GIVE OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Produce\nGEOFF[rey] [Chaucer] round I [current] V [volume] \u2013 a neat link to the previous brilliant clue"} {"Clue":"OK, you might do this to shock (6)","Answer":"PERMIT","Explanation":"Definition: OK\nPERM IT, shock meaning hair"} {"Clue":"Gets together a variety of ladies \u2014 is Duke not there? (7)","Answer":"LIAISES","Explanation":"Definition: Gets together\nAn anagram [a variety] of LA[d]IES IS minus d [duke]"} {"Clue":"American largely ignored by people showing judgement (6)","Answer":"ACUMEN","Explanation":"Definition: judgement\nA [American] + CU[t] ignored] + MEN [people]"} {"Clue":"One has put up with interference from special Russian (5)","Answer":"SASHA","Explanation":"Definition: Russian\nA [one] + a reversal [put up] of HAS round S [special]"} {"Clue":"Green, Philip's heart uplifted \u2014 that might make you sick (1,4)","Answer":"E COLI","Explanation":"Definition: that might make you sick\nECO [green] + a reversal [uplifted] of [ph]IL[ip]"} {"Clue":"Dating an old tennis champion's cool (9)","Answer":"COURTSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: Dating\n[Margaret] COURT'S [an old tennis champion's] + HIP [cool]"} {"Clue":"Neighbour displaying a 26 after sun comes out (4)","Answer":"ABUT","Explanation":"Definition: Neighbour\nA BU[s]T [a 26 across minus s \u2013 sun]"} {"Clue":"Accommodate going back and forth (3,2)","Answer":"PUT UP","Explanation":"Definition: Accommodate\nA palindrome"} {"Clue":"Roman official for and against Muslim ruler having no function (9)","Answer":"PROCONSUL","Explanation":"Definition: Roman official\nPRO [for] + CON [against] + SUL[tan] [Muslim ruler, minus tan \u2013 function]"} {"Clue":"Potentially the cause of most damage inside a restaurant (7)","Answer":"DEAREST","Explanation":"Definition: Potentially the cause of most damage\nContained in siDE A RESTaurant \u2013 we have to separate 'inside', to make the wordplay work: a reference to the expression, 'What's the damage?' when asking the cost of something"} {"Clue":"White male husband, regularly drunk (7)","Answer":"ALBUMEN","Explanation":"Definition: White\nAn anagram [drunk] of MALE [h]U[s]Ba]N[d]"} {"Clue":"'X' on map might show whereabouts of this diabolical theatre's curse (8,5)","Answer":"TREASURE CHEST","Explanation":"Definition: 'X' on map might show whereabouts of this\nAn anagram [diabolical] of THEATRE'S CURSE"} {"Clue":"Live with a friend: British female one's put up at the seaside (5,8)","Answer":"BEACH UMBRELLA","Explanation":"Definition: one's put up at the seaside\nBE [live] + A CHUM [a friend] + BR [British] + ELLA [female]"} {"Clue":"Around one hour in Paris? Sadly, it could fly by (7)","Answer":"AIRSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: it could fly by\nA reversal [around] of I H [one hour] in an anagram [sadly] of PARIS"} {"Clue":"Special quality that's needed by female member of cast (1,6)","Answer":"X FACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Special quality\nX [by] + F [female] + ACTOR [member of cast]"} {"Clue":"One holding 26 in small room shows some intellectual capability (5,4)","Answer":"BRAIN CELL","Explanation":"Definition: some intellectual capability\nBRA [one holding 26] IN CELL [in small room]"} {"Clue":"Cut thread \u2026 half of which lost by hesitating? (5)","Answer":"THRUM","Explanation":"Definition: Cut thread\nTHR[ead] [half lost] + UM [hesitating] \u2013 a thrum is 'the end of a weaver's thread, any loose thread or fringe'"} {"Clue":"Journalist thrown by boy band not working (4)","Answer":"BUST","Explanation":"Definition: not working\nBUST[ed] [boy band]"} {"Clue":"Withdraw from sun, with its required effect now lost on 26, largely (5,4)","Answer":"STAND DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Withdraw\nS [sun] + TAN [its desired effect] + an anagram [lost] of NOW after DD [cup] \u2013 'bust largely'\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"See way out of folly that's greed (8)","Answer":"CUPIDITY","Explanation":"Definition: greed\nC [see] + [st]UPIDITY [folly, minus st \u2013 way]"} {"Clue":"You sell feminist underwear, bottoms only, leading to end of bra? That's radical (5)","Answer":"ULTRA","Explanation":"Definition: radical\nLast letters [bottoms only, in a down clue] of yoU selL feminisT underweaR + the last letter of brA"} {"Clue":"An obsession, perhaps, with something found on the French Riviera? (7,7)","Answer":"TOPLESS BATHING","Explanation":"Definition: something found on the French Riviera?\nTaking the first letter [top, in a down clue] from [b]ATHING gives us A THING [an obsession \u2013 the theme of the puzzle? \ud83d\ude09 ]"} {"Clue":"Like some trousers to appear hot on high priest (7)","Answer":"HIPSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Like some trousers\nH [hot] + an anagram [high] of PRIEST"} {"Clue":"Experts backing spies' routine (7)","Answer":"PROSAIC","Explanation":"Definition: routine\nPROS [experts] + a reversal [backing] of CIA [spies]"} {"Clue":"A meal best canned in tin, say (4,5)","Answer":"BASE METAL","Explanation":"Definition: tin, say\nAn anagram [canned = drunk] of A MEAL BEST"} {"Clue":"Gift books coming under 'Fiction' (6)","Answer":"TALENT","Explanation":"Definition: Gift\nTALE [fiction] + NT [New Testament \u2013 books]"} {"Clue":"Was unsure about European wearing the French underwear as outer garments sometimes (6-8)","Answer":"DOUBLE-BREASTED","Explanation":"Definition: as outer garments sometimes\nDOUBTED [was unsure] round E [European] in [wearing] LE [the French] BRAS [underwear]"} {"Clue":"Show up with energy Mars Bars produced (9)","Answer":"EMBARRASS","Explanation":"Definition: Show up\nE [energy] + an anagram [produced] of MARS BARS"} {"Clue":"Extremely large number upset by a new dealer in Cheddar? (8)","Answer":"DAIRYMAN","Explanation":"Definition: dealer in Cheddar?\nA reversal [upset] of MYRIAD [extremely large number] + A N [a new]"} {"Clue":"Unlucky, like chap that's caught short (7)","Answer":"HAPLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Unlucky\n[c]HAP LESS [short of c \u2013 caught]"} {"Clue":"Jaw about everyone before nine in the morning (7)","Answer":"MAXILLA","Explanation":"Definition: Jaw\nA reversal [about] of ALL [everyone] + IX [nine] AM [in the morning]"} {"Clue":"Bad smell around a wee stunted tree (6)","Answer":"BAOBAB","Explanation":"Definition: tree\nBO [bad smell] round A + BAB[y] [wee, stunted]"} {"Clue":"Roots supply trunk (5)","Answer":"TORSO","Explanation":"Definition: trunk\nAn anagram [supply \u2013 in a supple manner] of ROOTS"} {"Clue":"Without prior help, unruly characters in form drop out (4,7)","Answer":"FROM SCRATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Without prior help\nAn anagram [unruly characters in] of FORM + SCRATCH [drop out]"} {"Clue":"Business conducted outside one US college by theatre cast (7,7)","Answer":"LIMITED COMPANY","Explanation":"Definition: Business\nLED [conducted] outside I MIT [one Massachusetts Institute of Technology \u2013 US college] + COMPANY [theatre cast]"} {"Clue":"Writer needing reason to join dance (9)","Answer":"BALLPOINT","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\nBALL [dance] + POINT [reason]"} {"Clue":"Constant contributor to employ alumni (5)","Answer":"LOYAL","Explanation":"Definition: Constant\nContained in empLOY ALumni"} {"Clue":"Eastern regime brought back torture, any number fleeing (4)","Answer":"YOGA","Explanation":"Definition: Eastern regime\nA reversal [brought back] of AGO[n]Y [torture] minus n \u2013 any number"} {"Clue":"New union member's boss booked family accommodation (10)","Answer":"BRIDESHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: booked family accommodation\nBRIDE'S [new union member's] HEAD [boss] for the family home of the Flyte family in Evelyn Waugh's novel"} {"Clue":"Organised peace tours where atmosphere's lacking (5,5)","Answer":"OUTER SPACE","Explanation":"Definition: where atmosphere's lacking\nAn anagram [organised] of PEACE TOURS"} {"Clue":"Tree from China, source of myrrh (4)","Answer":"PALM","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\nPAL [China {plate} \u2013 mate: cockney rhyming slang] + M[yrrh]"} {"Clue":"Hot-headed knight getting out of his glad rags (5)","Answer":"FIERY","Explanation":"Definition: Hot-headed\nFI[n]ERY [glad rags] minus n \u2013 knight in chess notation"} {"Clue":"Contentious weapons in a vault, with others unopened (4,5)","Answer":"ATOM BOMBS","Explanation":"Definition: Contentious weapons\nA TOMB [a vault] + [t]OMBS \u2013 I think"} {"Clue":"Parody about Liberal providing winter sports facility (3,4)","Answer":"SKI LIFT","Explanation":"Definition: winter sports facility\nSKIT [parody] round L [Liberal IF [providing]"} {"Clue":"Adult paper under discussion (2,5)","Answer":"AT ISSUE","Explanation":"Definition: under discussion\nA [adult] TISSUE [paper]"} {"Clue":"Jar containing dipso's first drink (3,3,5)","Answer":"GIN AND TONIC","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nAn anagram [jar] of CONTAINING + D[ipso]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Assembly of relatively 9 10 (6,9)","Answer":"FAMILY GATHERING","Explanation":"Definition: Assembly\nCryptic definition, with a play on 'relatively'"} {"Clue":"Leading spinner playing first (2,3)","Answer":"ON TOP","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\nON [playing] + TOP [spinner]"} {"Clue":"More bubbly fluid residues English once disposed of (7)","Answer":"SUDSIER","Explanation":"Definition: More bubbly\nAn anagram [fluid] of R[e]SIDUES minus one e [English once disposed of]"} {"Clue":"Delivered cold-weather spray to keep temperature rising (7)","Answer":"RECITED","Explanation":"Definition: Delivered\nA reversal [rising] of DE-ICER [cold weather spray] round T [temperature]"} {"Clue":"Indestructible clue is appearing regularly in paper (8)","Answer":"TIMELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Indestructible\n[c]L[u]E [i]S in TIMES [paper]"} {"Clue":"Lead singer's notes? (5,5,5)","Answer":"HEAVY METAL MUSIC","Explanation":"Definition: Lead singer's notes?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Spotted learner driver taken into police custody (6)","Answer":"BLOBBY","Explanation":"Definition: Spotted\nL [learner driver] in BOBBY [slang for policeman, after Robert Peel]"} {"Clue":"What Daisy and friend did presumably in series 4? (6)","Answer":"CYCLED","Explanation":"Definition: What Daisy and friend did\nCYCLE D [presumably series 4] \u2013 a reference to this song"} {"Clue":"Wrongdoing concealed by angry criminal where lawyers abound (5,3)","Answer":"GRAY\u2019S INN","Explanation":"Definition: where lawyers abound\nSIN [wrongdoing] in an anagram [criminal] of ANGRY"} {"Clue":"Distant Piscean? (6)","Answer":"OFFISH","Explanation":"Definition: DistantPiscean\nDouble definition, the second being read as OF FISH"} {"Clue":"Carriage parking originally halved at public school (7)","Answer":"PHAETON","Explanation":"Definition: Carriage\nP [parking] + first letters [originally] of Halved At + ETON [public school]"} {"Clue":"Elegant six-footer that aids Sizewell operation (7)","Answer":"COOLANT","Explanation":"Definition: that aids Sizewell operation\nCOOL [elegant] + ANT [six-footer]"} {"Clue":"Scrooge catching Cratchitt's latest name for him (6)","Answer":"MISTER","Explanation":"Definition: name for him\nMISER [Scrooge] round [cratchit]T"} {"Clue":"Mac, small one I found in store (5)","Answer":"BAIRN","Explanation":"Definition: Mac, small one\nI in BARN [store] \u2013 a touch of whimsy, 'bairn' being Scottish for baby"} {"Clue":"Limits of range and colour on very big screen (7)","Answer":"REREDOS","Explanation":"Definition: screen\nR[ang]E [limits of] + RED [colour] + OS [ very big]"} {"Clue":"Shock at end of boxing match, after a reversal of direction (5,4)","Answer":"ABOUT TURN","Explanation":"Definition: reversal of direction\nBOUT [boxing match] + TURN [shock \u2013 as in 'It gave me quite a turn'] after A"} {"Clue":"Tack on horse (5)","Answer":"PINTO","Explanation":"Definition: horse\nPIN TO [tack on]"} {"Clue":"Indian state: state China finally backed (5)","Answer":"ASSAM","Explanation":"Definition: Indian state\nA reversal [backed] of MASS[achusetts] [state] + [chin]A"} {"Clue":"Pastry with light filling needing dash of Drambuie \u2013 might spirit be found here? (9)","Answer":"FAIRYLAND","Explanation":"Definition: might spirit be found here?\nFLAN [pastry] round AIRY [light] + D[rambuie]"} {"Clue":"Rotating marker, draw round old vessel (7)","Answer":"TUGBOAT","Explanation":"Definition: vessel\nA reversal [rotating] of TAB [marker] round O [old] + GUT [draw \u2013 eviscerate]"} {"Clue":"Having admitted affair, those in special relationship knocked over in boxing challenge? (6)","Answer":"SUDOKU","Explanation":"Definition: boxing challenge?\nA reversal [knocked over] of UK and US [those in special relationship] round [having admitted] DO [affair]; I like the construction and the witty definition, but not the activity \u2013 I'd be interested in others' observations: in my experience, people go for either SUDOKU or CROSSWORDS ['our love' in 2,7], with just a few I know enjoying both [or neither] in equal measure"} {"Clue":"Tapestry of fibres, these worn (6)","Answer":"BRIEFS","Explanation":"Definition: these worn\nAn anagram [tapestry] of FIBRES \u2013 amazingly, one of my last in [possibly because of the looseness of the definition!]"} {"Clue":"Tools in sulk grasped by babies (7)","Answer":"PUPPETS","Explanation":"Definition: Tools\nPUPS [babies] round [grasping] PET [sulk]"} {"Clue":"Letter oddly penned by a German artist \u2014 one's not true (9)","Answer":"ADULTERER","Explanation":"Definition: one's not true\nL[e]T[e]R [oddly] in A DURER [a German artist] \u2013 not quite up to the classic clue 'Man United playing away from home' [also from Paul, I think \/ am pretty sure, but, annoyingly, I can't find it]"} {"Clue":"Scottish writer, like Dylan Thomas? (5)","Answer":"WELSH","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish writerlike Dylan Thomas?\nDouble definition, the first being the author of 'Trainspotting'"} {"Clue":"Runner drinking fine wine (5)","Answer":"TOKAY","Explanation":"Definition: wine\nTAY [Scottish 'runner', on which stands Dundee, my late husband's birthplace and the scene of the disaster , forever, alas, immortalised in William McGonnagal's poem]\u00a0round [drinking] OK [fine]"} {"Clue":"Do exercises with largest warhorse (3,5)","Answer":"OLD STAGER","Explanation":"An anagram [exercises] of DO and LARGEST"} {"Clue":"Crack nut, leaving kernel with sufficient gravy? (7)","Answer":"SOLVENT","Explanation":"Definition: with sufficient gravy?\nSOLVE [crack] + N[u]T [leaving kernel] \u2013 gravy being 'money, profit or pleasure, unexpected or in excess of what one might expect' [Chambers] or 'money or gain acquired with little effort, esp above that needed for ordinary living' [Collins], so a little more than 'solvent', I think"} {"Clue":"Two animals closer? (7)","Answer":"SEALANT","Explanation":"Definition: closer?\nSEAL ANT [two animals]"} {"Clue":"Our love bites sweet, initially \u2014 disagree?\u00a0(5,6)","Answer":"CROSS SWORDS","Explanation":"Definition: disagree?\nCROSSWORDS [our love] round [bites] S[weet, initially]"} {"Clue":"Unscripted show in which police upset over engineers (9)","Answer":"EXTEMPORE","Explanation":"Definition: Unscripted\nEXPO [show] round a reversal [upset] of MET [Metropolitan Police] over [in a down clue] RE [Royal Engineers]"} {"Clue":"Come back with very little money to deposit in bank (5)","Answer":"REPLY","Explanation":"Definition: Come back\nP [penny \u2013 very little money] in RELY [bank]"} {"Clue":"I can't be sure head will protect new job (4,3,2)","Answer":"DON\u2019T ASK ME","Explanation":"Definition: I can't be sure\nDOME [head] round N [new] TASK [job]"} {"Clue":"Cold food in batter? (6)","Answer":"BUFFET","Explanation":"Definition: Cold foodbatter\nDouble definition \u2013 but buffet meals aren't necessarily cold these days"} {"Clue":"Art set to inspire entertainment aboard ship (9)","Answer":"GARFUNKEL","Explanation":"Definition: Art\nGEL [set] round [to inspire] FUN in ARK [entertainment aboard ship]"} {"Clue":"Electrical device that works like a ducking stool, supposedly (3,6)","Answer":"DIP SWITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Electrical device\nDIPS WITCH \u2013 a reference to the bizarre mediaeval practice of ducking a woman accused of being a witch: if she floated rather than drowned, she was! \u2013 see here"} {"Clue":"Order large yellow blocks (4,3)","Answer":"SORT OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Order\nOR [yellow \u2013 in heraldry] in [blocks] STOUT [large]"} {"Clue":"Imitation stick spearing foot (6)","Answer":"PARODY","Explanation":"Definition: Imitation\nROD [stick] in PAY [foot \u2013 as in 'foot the bill']"} {"Clue":"Sad and cheerless intros: film director cut upbeat music (7)","Answer":"SCHERZO","Explanation":"Definition: upbeat music\nS[ad] and C[heerless] initials [intros] + HERZO[g] [film director cut]"} {"Clue":"Model wants juice served up in aperitif (6)","Answer":"PASTIS","Explanation":"Definition: aperitif\nA reversal [served up] of SIT [model] + SAP [juice] for another favourite of mine: interestingly, whenever we ordered 'bi\u00e8re et pastis' in France, the waiter invariably set the pastis in front of my husband"} {"Clue":"Herb, a healer by the sound of it? (5)","Answer":"THYME","Explanation":"Definition: Herb\nSounds [unequivocally] like 'time', allegedly 'the great healer'"} {"Clue":"across Match point \u2014 shock possible here? (5,6)","Answer":"LIGHT SOCKET","Explanation":"Definition: hock possible here?\nLIGHT [match] + SOCKET [point?] \u2013 a rather weak clue to end with, I thought, but I may be missing something \u2013 I liked the surface, anyway"} {"Clue":"Discovered Maharishi is maintaining particular religious beliefs and practices (6)","Answer":"SHIISM","Explanation":"Definition: particular religious beliefs and practices\nHidden in mahariSHI IS Maintaining"} {"Clue":"Bad state of service? One's incensed! (4,4)","Answer":"HIGH MASS","Explanation":"Definition: service? One's incensed!\nHIGH [bad \u2013 of meat, for instance] + MASS[achusetts] [state] \u2013 incense is a feature of HIGH MASS"} {"Clue":"Metal content of zinc (6)","Answer":"INDIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Metal\nI was at a complete loss here but Gaufrid came to the rescue: IN is the 'content' of zINc and also the chemical symbol for INDIUM"} {"Clue":"Best meal? But it's not b___ cooked! (8)","Answer":"ULTIMATE","Explanation":"Definition: Best\nAn anagram [cooked] of MEAL [b]UT IT [not b]"} {"Clue":"GP goes berserk, having inwardly longed for some breakfast? (7,4)","Answer":"POACHED EGGS","Explanation":"Definition: some breakfast?\nACHED [longed] in [inwardly] an anagram [berserk] of GP GOES"} {"Clue":"Plan to have drunk a dram of Pittyvaich, for starters (4,3)","Answer":"ROAD MAP","Explanation":"Definition: Plan\nAn anagram [drunk] of A DRAM + initial letters [starters] of Of Pittyvaich"} {"Clue":"Tuft of hair that's a neat touch? (7)","Answer":"COWLICK","Explanation":"Definition: Tuft of hair\nCryptic definition, playing on neat = cattle"} {"Clue":"Air bed in square 10 is somehow losing air badly? Have words with oneself (11)","Answer":"SOLILOQUISE","Explanation":"Definition: Have words with oneself\nLILO [air bed] in an anagram [somehow] of SQUARE IO [ten] IS minus an anagram [badly] of air"} {"Clue":"Recommend a solicitor? (8)","Answer":"ADVOCATE","Explanation":"Definition: Recommendsolicitor?\nDouble definition \u2013 though the two are closely connected"} {"Clue":"Seductive dancer's short time gyrating in exchange for money (6)","Answer":"SALOME","Explanation":"Definition: Seductive dancer\nA reversal [gyrating] of MO [short time] in SALE [exchange for money \u2013 as a noun] for the dancer who seduced Herod"} {"Clue":"Playing for USA, has two identical hands in card game (3,5)","Answer":"ALL FOURS","Explanation":"Definition: card game\nAn anagram [playing] of FOR USA + LL [two identical hands] for a game I'd never heard of"} {"Clue":"Ordering of essential bits of cash as foreign capital (6)","Answer":"ATHENS","Explanation":"Definition: foreign capital\nThe middle letters [essential bits] of cASh are A THEN S\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"In that capacity, a fascist group beheaded the Miller's Son (2,4)","Answer":"AS SUCH","Explanation":"Definition: In that capacity\nA SS [a fascist group] + [m]UCH [Much \u2013 the Miller's Son, one of Robin Hood's Merry Men, minus his first letter \u2013 'beheaded']"} {"Clue":"Bad smell stopped by one reasonable sort of detergent (10)","Answer":"BIOLOGICAL","Explanation":"Definition: sort of detergent\nBO [bad smell] round [stopped by] I [one] + LOGICAL [reasonable]"} {"Clue":"Using winch as a cranky tool (8)","Answer":"CHAINSAW","Explanation":"Definition: cranky tool\nAn anagram [using] of WINCH AS A"} {"Clue":"Jumpers displaying small fish (8)","Answer":"SKIPPERS","Explanation":"Definition: Jumpers\nS [small] + KIPPERS [fish]"} {"Clue":"Old woman having meal out in the Old Ship (8)","Answer":"INDIAMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Old Ship\nMA [old woman] in INDIAN [meal]"} {"Clue":"A drink only just opened? (4)","Answer":"AJAR","Explanation":"Definition: only just opened\nA JAR [a drink]"} {"Clue":"Killed a large number (4)","Answer":"SLEW","Explanation":"Definition: Killeda large number\nDouble definition, the second \u2013 a new one for me \u2013 being from the Irish Gaelic sluagh"} {"Clue":"Plead ignorance initially about right sort of hair remover (10)","Answer":"DEPILATORY","Explanation":"Definition: sort of hair remover\nAn anagram [about] of PLEAD I[gnorance] + TORY [right]"} {"Clue":"Bit of a boob, perhaps, if is back on ecstasy (8)","Answer":"SILICONE","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of a boob, perhaps\nAll I could see here was a reversal [back] of IS at the beginning and a final E for ecstasy until Gaufrid pointed out that it's chemical symbols again \u2013 SI = SILICON"} {"Clue":"Trump's 'pesky bugs' giving bum steer to extremely sick European? (8)","Answer":"SKEETERS","Explanation":"Definition: Trump's 'pesky bugs'\nAn anagram [bum] of STEER after the first and last letters [extremely] of SicK + E [European] \u2013 a reference to the fly that was caught in the POTUS' hair during a speech: Trump is in the clue to indicate that SKEETERS is American slang for mosquitoes"} {"Clue":"Bit of a bar fight? It'll play out noisily, unless you keep the lid on it (5,3)","Answer":"MUSIC BOX","Explanation":"Definition: It'll play out noisily, unless you keep the lid on it\nMUSIC [bit of a bar?] + BOX [fight] \u2013 that's the best I can do"} {"Clue":"Mineral primarily a compound of 13, reduced by measure unknown (6)","Answer":"QUARTZ","Explanation":"Definition: Mineral\nQUART [liquid measure] + Z [unknown] \u2013 a compound of silicon [13ac \u2013 SILICON[e], 'reduced' \u2013 I'm not sure what 'primarily' is doing"} {"Clue":"Leading Indian once serving 7up (4)","Answer":"RAJA","Explanation":"Definition: Leading Indian once\nA reversal [up] of AJAR [answer to 7dn] \u2013 clever"} {"Clue":"Like 11 once were, where it's 11 v 11 (4)","Answer":"OVAL","Explanation":"Definition: Like 11 once werewhere it's 11 v 11\nDouble definition, the second being the ground where cricket elevens play each other"} {"Clue":"Senior ministers start to carp somewhat about Tyneside (7)","Answer":"CABINET","Explanation":"Definition: Senior ministers\nC[arp] + A BIT [somewhat] round NE [North East \u2013 Tyneside]"} {"Clue":"American city wife meets businessman for some action (7)","Answer":"LAWSUIT","Explanation":"Definition: action\nLA [Los Angeles \u2013 American city] + W [wife] + SUIT [businessman \u2013 for some?]"} {"Clue":"Hull husband abandons hunt (4)","Answer":"CASE","Explanation":"Definition: Hull\nC[h]ASE [hunt, minus h {husband}]"} {"Clue":"Dynamic, inspiring Conservative states case (10)","Answer":"ACCUSATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: case\nACTIVE [dynamic] round C [Conservative] + USA [states]"} {"Clue":"A drink involving big cups makes sense (4,2)","Answer":"ADDS UP","Explanation":"Definition: makes sense\nA SUP [drink] round DD [big {bra} cups]"} {"Clue":"Northern bloke invested in diamonds, for example (8)","Answer":"INSTANCE","Explanation":"Definition: example\nN [Northern] STAN [bloke] in ICE [diamonds] \u2013 Stan seems a nice blokey kind of name"} {"Clue":"After setback, English teacher made error at Rugby (7,2)","Answer":"KNOCKED ON","Explanation":"Definition: made error at Rugby\nKNOCK [setback] + E [English] DON [teacher]"} {"Clue":"Screen caller, picking out just what's needed (5)","Answer":"VISOR","Explanation":"Definition: Screen\nVIS[it]OR [caller] minus 'it' \u2013 just what's needed"} {"Clue":"Purpose at home? Cutting grass (5)","Answer":"POINT","Explanation":"Definition: Purpose\nIN [at home] in POT [grass \u2013 both slang for cannabis]"} {"Clue":"Smart one from Peebles tracks fraud (9)","Answer":"CHICANERY","Explanation":"Definition: fraud\nCHIC [smart] + ANE [Scottish \u2013 'from Peebles' \u2013 for 'one'] + RY [railway tracks]"} {"Clue":"E-number? Notice it in unpleasant joint (8)","Answer":"ADDITIVE","Explanation":"Definition: E-number?\nAD [notice] + IT in DIVE [unpleasant joint]"} {"Clue":"Idea's impracticable without one (6)","Answer":"NOTION","Explanation":"Definition: Idea\nNOT ON [impracticable] round I [one]"} {"Clue":"Translate an edition about whiskey everywhere (10)","Answer":"NATIONWIDE","Explanation":"Definition: everywhere\nAn anagram [translate] of AN EDITION round W [whiskey \u2013 NATO alphabet]"} {"Clue":"Gang of backsliding yobs arrested, having broken this? (4)","Answer":"ASBO","Explanation":"Definition: this?\nAnother hidden reversal [backsliding] : yOBS Arrested : ASBO = Anti-Social Behaviour Order, which has become something of a crossword stand-by and each time it has appeared I have mentioned the late and still-lamented Linda Smith's remark, which you can find in this amusing article"} {"Clue":"Dickens clink, ordinary version of it holding 500 (3,4)","Answer":"OLD NICK","Explanation":"Definition: Dickens\nO [ordinary] + an anagram [version] of CLINK round D [500]"} {"Clue":"Check power in Beetle perhaps (7)","Answer":"INSPECT","Explanation":"Definition: Check\nP [power] in INSECT [Beetle perhaps]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"A bishop with touching lack of restraint (7)","Answer":"ABANDON","Explanation":"Definition: lack of restraint\nA B [a bishop] + AND [with] + ON [touching]"} {"Clue":"Upset friends met indoors, some of them couples (5)","Answer":"ITEMS","Explanation":"Definition: some of them couples\nA hidden reversal [upset]: friendS MET Indoors"} {"Clue":"13's old enough (7)","Answer":"EXAMPLE","Explanation":"Definition: 13\nEX [old] + AMPLE [enough] \u2013 the answer to 13ac is INSTANCE"} {"Clue":"Judge Jenny? (6)","Answer":"ASSESS","Explanation":"Definition: Judge\nJenny is the name for a female donkey, so, whimsically, an ASSESS"} {"Clue":"No one is controlling tense revolutionary state (9)","Answer":"SITUATION","Explanation":"Definition: state\nA reversal [revolutionary] of NO I [no one] IS round [controlling] TAUT [tense]"} {"Clue":"Where there's nothing to cook coq au vin? No question (2,5)","Answer":"IN VACUO","Explanation":"Definition: Where there's nothing\nAn anagram [to cook] of CO[q] AU VIN, minus q [question]"} {"Clue":"He and I twice wrestled with NHS Prozac complaint (13)","Answer":"SCHIZOPHRENIA","Explanation":"Definition: complaint\nAn anagram [wrestled] of HE + I I + NHS PROZAC"} {"Clue":"Proviso concerning speech about to take precedence (9)","Answer":"CONDITION","Explanation":"Definition: Proviso\nON [concerning] in DICTION [speech] with the C [about] moved to the beginning [to take precedence]"} {"Clue":"Weird old dance captivates daughters (7)","Answer":"ODDBALL","Explanation":"Definition: Weird\nO [old] + BALL [dance] round DD [daughers]"} {"Clue":"New place to start hole in jail's cafeteria (7)","Answer":"CANTEEN","Explanation":"Definition: cafeteria\nN [new] + TEE [place to start hole, in golf] in CAN [jail]"} {"Clue":"Greek character, doctor in charge of lozenge (7)","Answer":"RHOMBIC","Explanation":"Definition: of lozenge\nRHO [Greek character] + MB [doctor] + IC [in charge]"} {"Clue":"Every so often pair can pinch a piece of cake (6)","Answer":"PICNIC","Explanation":"Definition: a piece of cake\nAlternate letters [every so often] of PaIr CaN pInCh"} {"Clue":"March split up crossing mountain top (5)","Answer":"TRAMP","Explanation":"Definition: March\nA reversal [up] of PART [split] round M[ountain]"} {"Clue":"What greedy types have sadly doesn't start to go away \u2014 so, in truth, it's disgusting! (6,2,3,6)","Answer":"SNOUTS IN THE TROUGH","Explanation":"Definition: What greedy types have\nAn anagram [sadly] of [d]OESNT [minus initial letter \u2013 start to go away] SO IN TRUTH + UGH [it's disgusting]"} {"Clue":"Endlessly rebel against exploitation \u2014 calm down! (6)","Answer":"DEFUSE","Explanation":"Definition: calm down\nDEF[y] [endlessly rebel against] + USE [exploitation]"} {"Clue":"Blast out rocks \u2014 not the full amount (8)","Answer":"SUBTOTAL","Explanation":"Definition: not the full amount\nAn anagram [rocks] of BLAST OUT"} {"Clue":"Dives with power to crap \u2014 occasionally gull slightly worried tour leader (9)","Answer":"PLUTOCRAT","Explanation":"Definition: Dives with power\nAn anagram [slightly worried?] of TO CRAP + alternate letters of gUlL + T[our]"} {"Clue":"Be back at bottom (experienced recession) (5)","Answer":"EBBED","Explanation":"Definition: experienced recession\nA reversal [back] of BE + BED [bottom]"} {"Clue":"Businessman with nothing? Judgment needs reversing (3,3)","Answer":"FAT CAT","Explanation":"Definition: Businessman\nA reversal [needs reversing] of TACT [judgment] + FA [nothing]"} {"Clue":"Lines in road, ones round new zone (6)","Answer":"STANZA","Explanation":"Definition: Lines\nST[reet] [road] + A A [ones] round N [new] Z [zone]"} {"Clue":"Began to write in reference book (6)","Answer":"OPENED","Explanation":"Definition: Began\nPEN [write] in Oxford English Dictionary [reference book]"} {"Clue":"Others in work turned over very quickly (6)","Answer":"PRESTO","Explanation":"Definition: very quickly\nREST [others] in a reversal [turned over] of OP [work]"} {"Clue":"Financier (or crook) holding over ten million in Delhi (5)","Answer":"CRORE","Explanation":"Definition: ten million in Delhi\nI had to reveal this: a new word for me, with unhelpful crossers \u2013 and I can't see the wordplay\u00a0* [It's hidden [reversed \u2013 over] in financiER OR Crook \u2013 thanks to Tomsdad and Frankie the cat]"} {"Clue":"Selfish speech involving quarrel over old school subject (9)","Answer":"METALWORK","Explanation":"Definition: old school subject\nME TALK [selfish speech] round a reversal [over] of ROW [quarrel] \u2013 it's part of Design and Technology now"} {"Clue":"Sham! Sick country, one has to conclude (8)","Answer":"ILLUSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Sham\nILL [sick] + US [country] + I'VE [one has]"} {"Clue":"Artist reduced access (6)","Answer":"INGRES","Explanation":"Definition: Artist\nINGRES[s] [access]"} {"Clue":"Fruit harvest originally stops school in Provence (6)","Answer":"LYCHEE","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nH[arvest] in LYC\u00c9E [school in Provence]"} {"Clue":"Politician with reduced brainpower tries to spin (8)","Answer":"MINISTER","Explanation":"Definition: Politician\nMIN[d] [brainpower, reduced] + an anagram [to spin] of TRIES\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Cash needed to keep up a British institution, initially (3)","Answer":"NHS","Explanation":"Definition: a British institution, initially\nHidden reversed [to keep up] in caSH Needed"} {"Clue":"Bright? Not when head's gone (5)","Answer":"UNLIT","Explanation":"Definition: Bright? Not\n[s]UNLIT [bright]"} {"Clue":"Battle of Britain? Let me think (one with many stories to tell) (10)","Answer":"SKYSCRAPER","Explanation":"Definition: one with many stories\nSKY SCRAP [as the Battle of Britain could be described] + ER [let me think] \u2013 'to tell' indicates the homophone of 'storeys'"} {"Clue":"A Sierra! Wrong about Clarkson's last car (6)","Answer":"NISSAN","Explanation":"Definition: car\nA reversal [about] of A S [Sierra in NATO alphabet] + SIN [wrong] + [clarkso]N"} {"Clue":"Leaving university, coming out with this? (4)","Answer":"DEBT","Explanation":"Definition: this\nDEB[u]T [coming out, minus u [university]"} {"Clue":"Shamefully common places giving poor support, essentially (4,5)","Answer":"FOOD BANKS","Explanation":"A particularly incisive definition but I can't see any wordplay *[The consensus \u2013 see comments below \u2013 seems to be that this is a cryptic definition [which was my own conclusion but I was afraid I might be missing something \u2013 again]"} {"Clue":"Effort unrewarded \u2014 left in bar at party (5,6)","Answer":"SLAVE LABOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Effort unrewarded\nL [left] in SAVE [bar] + LABOUR [party]"} {"Clue":"Provided for Ellie splashing out \u2014 why one's very easily led (4,2,5)","Answer":"LIFE OF RILEY","Explanation":"Definition: one's very easily led\nAn anagram [splashing out] of IF [provided] + FOR ELLIE + Y [why?]"} {"Clue":"To save, I grant, was difficult with these (10,5)","Answer":"STARVATION WAGES","Explanation":"Definition: To save, I grant, was difficult with these\nAn anagram [difficult] of TO SAVE I GRANT WAS \u2013 &lit"} {"Clue":"Get back from Uncle Ed's in about eight minutes (tops) (6)","Answer":"REDEEM","Explanation":"Definition: Get back from Uncle\nED in RE [about] + first letters [tops] of Eight Minutes \u2013 Uncle is slang for pawnbroker"} {"Clue":"Has meekly compromised over current British businessman (4,6)","Answer":"MIKE ASHLEY","Explanation":"Definition: British businessman\nAn anagram [compromised] of HAS MEEKLY round I [current] \u2013 here's the latest on him"} {"Clue":"She's always short (3)","Answer":"EVE","Explanation":"Definition: She\nEVE[r] [always]"} {"Clue":"Able to restore compliance at first in central banks (9)","Answer":"MEDICINAL","Explanation":"Definition: Able to restore\nC[ompliance] IN in MEDIAL [central] \u2013 'banks' is the containment indicator"} {"Clue":"House fixed in advance (3-2)","Answer":"PUT-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Housefixed in advance\nDouble definition, the second as in 'a put-up job'"} {"Clue":"Leading Brexiteer Boris ending, unfortunately, ruling people (9,6)","Answer":"GOVERNING BODIES","Explanation":"Definition: ruling people\n[Michael] GOVE [leading Brexiteer] + an anagram [unfortunately] of BORIS ENDING"} {"Clue":"Bet everything Spain makes a mark in football (4,4)","Answer":"GOAL LINE","Explanation":"Definition: a mark in football\nGO ALL IN [bet everything] + E [Spain \u2013 International Vehicle Registration]"} {"Clue":"Amend E sharp bum note covers (8)","Answer":"REPHRASE","Explanation":"Definition: Amend\nRE [note] round [covers] an anagram [bum] of E SHARP"} {"Clue":"Drunkenly outspoken, narcissistic creature in the main (9)","Answer":"SHELLFISH","Explanation":"Definition: creature in the main\nSounds like [outspoken] 'shelfish' \u2013 as 'selfish' [narcissistic] might be drunkenly pronounced"} {"Clue":"Retire, having left new regional capital (5)","Answer":"TURIN","Explanation":"Definition: regional capital\nTUR[n] IN [retire, minus n \u2013 'having left new'] \u2013 Turin is the regional capital of Piedmont"} {"Clue":"Use a description of cider? (5)","Answer":"APPLY","Explanation":"Definition: Use\nCider could be described as apple-y \u2013 tasting of \/ made from apples: Chambers and Collins both give 'apply = [put to] use'"} {"Clue":"Transparent ornaments, say, in some minimalist American music? (9)","Answer":"GLASSWORK","Explanation":"Definition: Transparent ornaments, say\nReferring to the work of Philip Glass, the American minimalist composer"} {"Clue":"Maybe scratch both sides of Hindustani hat (8)","Answer":"HANDICAP","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe scratch\nH AND I [both sides of H[industan]I + CAP [hat] \u2013 a golf term"} {"Clue":"For yours truly, where Trump is certain to create tragedy (10,5)","Answer":"PROMETHEUS BOUND","Explanation":"Definition: tragedy\nPRO [for] ME [yours truly] + THE US [where Trump is] + BOUND [certain] \u2013 to create Aeschylus' tragedy"} {"Clue":"Desire what's finally in butterfly net (5)","Answer":"YEARN","Explanation":"Definition: Desire\n[butterfl]Y + EARN [net]"} {"Clue":"Spy once noting criminal on edge (9)","Answer":"RIMINGTON","Explanation":"Definition: Spy once\nAn anagram [criminal] of NOTING after RIM [edge] \u2013 for the former Director General of MI5"} {"Clue":"Frenchman excited in ungodly place (5)","Answer":"MAGOG","Explanation":"Definition: ungodly place (5)\nM [Frenchman] + AGOG [excited]"} {"Clue":"Climbing, setter's cutting palm tree branch off (7)","Answer":"DEVIATE","Explanation":"Definition: branch off\nA reversal [climbing] of I'VE [setter's] in DATE [palm tree]"} {"Clue":"Caught group in army base (4)","Answer":"CORE","Explanation":"Definition: base\nMy last one in \u2013 and it still took a minute or two to parse: I was fixated on C = caught + OR [group in army] but then where did the E come from? Of course, it's a homophone ['caught'] of 'corps' [group in army]"} {"Clue":"Slowcoach shaking off top cop (4)","Answer":"NAIL","Explanation":"Definition: cop\n[s]NAIL [slowcoach] \u2013 nail and cop are both slang for 'arrest'"} {"Clue":"Feller tricked about European turtle (10)","Answer":"LOGGERHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: turtle\nLOGGER [feller] + HAD [tricked] round E [European]"} {"Clue":"Diviner Wessex girl mounted by forward man (10)","Answer":"PROPHETESS","Explanation":"Definition: Diviner\nPROP [forward, in Rugby] + HE [man] + TESS [of the Durbevilles \u2013 Wessex girl]"} {"Clue":"Cryptic hint on vent into which one disappears (4,3)","Answer":"THIN AIR","Explanation":"Definition: into which one disappears\nAn anagram [cryptic] of HINT + AIR [vent]"} {"Clue":"Boris: leader of party, awful sneak and rat (9)","Answer":"PASTERNAK","Explanation":"Definition: Boris\nP[arty] + an anagram [awful] of SNEAK and RAT \u2013 it's this Boris, of course"} {"Clue":"Ali G follows foreign character, one foolish target (4,6)","Answer":"CLAY PIGEON","Explanation":"Definition: target\n[Cassius] CLAY [original name of Muhammad Ali ] + PI [foreign character] + G + an anagram [foolish] of ONE"} {"Clue":"His sentences add up to life (10)","Answer":"BIOGRAPHER","Explanation":"Definition: His sentences add up to life\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Careless friends lifted very soft grass skirts (4-5)","Answer":"SLAP-HAPPY]","Explanation":"Definition: Careless\nA reversal [lifted] of PALS [friends] + HAY [grass] round [skirts] PP [very soft]"} {"Clue":"Greek First Lady's assistant straddling two gates (7)","Answer":"PANDORA","Explanation":"Definition: Greek First Lady\nPA [Personal Assistant] round [straddling] AND OR [two {logic} gates]"} {"Clue":"Poet cut capers in the tube (7)","Answer":"OVIDUCT","Explanation":"Definition: tube\nOVID [Roman poet] + an anagram [capers] of CUT"} {"Clue":"Turned around in cockney's area of London (3,2)","Answer":"END ON","Explanation":"Definition: Turned around\n[h]ENDON [area of London, as a cockney might say it]"} {"Clue":"Stick around American island (4)","Answer":"GUAM","Explanation":"Definition: island\nGUM [stick] round A [American]"} {"Clue":"About to welcome group flying in port (4)","Answer":"OBAN","Explanation":"Definition: port\nON [about] round BA [British Airways \u2013 group flying [or not, at the time of writing]"} {"Clue":"What might get thrown, if pub's beginning meals with no starter (7)","Answer":"PUNCHES","Explanation":"Definition: What might get thrown\nP[ub] + [l]UNCHES [meals with no starter]"} {"Clue":"Rubbish setter, perhaps, but one with tenacious spirit (7)","Answer":"BULLDOG","Explanation":"Definition: one with tenacious spirit\nBULL [rubbish] + DOG [setter, perhaps]"} {"Clue":"Draw? Point for football team, commonly (4)","Answer":"TOWN","Explanation":"Definition: football team, commonly\nTOW [draw] + N [compass point] \u2013 I thought 'commonly' might refer to the fact that many football teams are called '\u2026Town' \u2013 and found this"} {"Clue":"State of confusion in Salem about first to tour non-European capital (9)","Answer":"MAELSTROM","Explanation":"Definition: State of confusion\nAn anagram [about] of SALEM + T[our] + ROM[e] [capital minus e \u2013 European]"} {"Clue":"This female's working as a flying fish catcher (5)","Answer":"HERON","Explanation":"Definition: flying fish catcher\nHER [this female] + ON [working]"} {"Clue":"Cause to look foolish, if improperly fit and lusty (8)","Answer":"STULTIFY","Explanation":"Definition: Cause to look foolish\nAn anagram [improperly] of FIT and LUSTY"} {"Clue":"Ring road in Belgium, around its capital (4)","Answer":"EURO","Explanation":"Definition: its capital\nA reversal [around] of O [ring] + RUE [road in Belgium]"} {"Clue":"Song originally on release when backing Prince? (5)","Answer":"ROYAL","Explanation":"Definition: Prince?\nA reversal [backing] of LAY [song] + O[n] R[elease] \u2013 the question mark indicates a definition by example"} {"Clue":"Coin about right for one from these shores (4)","Answer":"BRIT","Explanation":"Definition: one from these shores\nBIT [coin] round R [right]"} {"Clue":"PDSA role in treatment for cats (8)","Answer":"LEOPARDS","Explanation":"Definition: cats\nAn anagram [in treatment] of PDSA ROLE"} {"Clue":"Bloody Mary following dance? No harm in it! (5)","Answer":"BALLY","Explanation":"Definition: Bloody\nBALL [dance] + [mar]Y minus mar [harm]"} {"Clue":"Sloth potentially extremely boring? Wrong! (6,3)","Answer":"DEADLY SIN","Explanation":"Definition: Sloth potentially\nDEADLY [extremely boring] + SIN [wrong]"} {"Clue":"Politician after very good solicitor (4)","Answer":"PIMP","Explanation":"Definition: solicitor\nPI [short for pious \u2013 very good] + MP [politician]"} {"Clue":"Beastly European old man replaced by West Indian leader (7)","Answer":"SWINISH","Explanation":"Definition: Beastly\nS[pa]NISH [European] with pa [old man] replaced by W[est] + I [first letter \u2013 leader \u2013 of Indian] \u2013 I nearly doubted Puck here but I should have known better"} {"Clue":"Chap taking the strain? He's a saint (7)","Answer":"PATRICK","Explanation":"Definition: saint\nPAT [chap] + RICK [strain, as in rick one's neck \u2013 also spelt 'wrick']\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Novelist with great love for English (4)","Answer":"HUGO","Explanation":"Definition: Novelist\nHUG[e] [great] with O [love] substituted for e [English]"} {"Clue":"Outline result, if arsenic mixed with oxygen (8)","Answer":"SCENARIO","Explanation":"Definition: Outline\nAn anagram [mixed] of ARSENIC + O [oxygen]"} {"Clue":"Hamburger, say, as part of hunger management? (6)","Answer":"GERMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Hamburger, say\nHidden in hunGER MANagement"} {"Clue":"Eejit is senseless, but no b nutcase? (8)","Answer":"NUMSKULL","Explanation":"Definition: Eejit\nNUM[b] [senseless, with no b] + SKULL [nutcase]"} {"Clue":"Bit of broccoli left over after essential part cut off (6)","Answer":"FLORET","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of broccoli\nAn anagram [off] of LEFT O[ve]R, with the middle [essential part] cut"} {"Clue":"John and Mark seem ominously close (4)","Answer":"LOOM","Explanation":"Definition: seem ominously close\nLOO [John] + M [mark]"} {"Clue":" Lamb, Bacon etc? Try in soups, then stews primarily (9)","Answer":"ESSAYISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Lamb, Bacon etc?\nESSAY [try] + first letters of In Soups Then Stews"} {"Clue":"Put up with uniform, initially, when made to wear stockings (5)","Answer":"HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Put up\nU [uniform initially] in [to wear] HOSE [stockings]"} {"Clue":"Rather lost out as Puck? (5)","Answer":"FAIRY","Explanation":"Definition: Puck?\nFAIR[l]Y [rather, minus l \u2013 lost out]"} {"Clue":"Move to live in the country where river is in swell (8)","Answer":"RURALISE","Explanation":"Definition: Move to live in the country\nURAL [river] in RISE [swell]"} {"Clue":"Approximate Spoonerism of which makes another setter make a beastly noise? (8)","Answer":"BALLPARK","Explanation":"Definition: Approximate\nSpoonerism of Paul [another setter] bark [make a beastly noise \u2013 as setters do!]"} {"Clue":"Obvious time for a legal statement of grievance (6)","Answer":"PLAIN","Explanation":"Definition: legal statement of grievance\nPLAIN [obvious] + T [time]"} {"Clue":"Talk to writer about rubbish setting? (3,3)","Answer":"BIN BAG","Explanation":"Definition: rubbish setting?\nA reversal [about] of GAB [talk] + NIB [writer]"} {"Clue":"Party with odd bits of wine to drink (4)","Answer":"DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nDO [party] + W[i]N[e]"} {"Clue":"Nutmeg's sibling is a symbol of authority in the 12 down (4)","Answer":"MACE","Explanation":"Definition: Nutmeg's siblinga symbol of authority in the 12 down\nDouble definition: I liked the use of 'sibling', especially when I found this"} {"Clue":"Tory Right blocking liberal colleague (8)","Answer":"CONFRERE","Explanation":"CON [Tory] + R [right] in [blocking] FREE [liberal]"} {"Clue":"He'd call regularly, bearing cake (6)","Answer":"ECLAIR","Explanation":"Definition: cake\nAlternate letters [regularly] of [h]E[d] C[a]L[l] + AIR [bearing] \u2013 it's worth repeating Chambers' definition: 'a cake, long in shape but short in duration, with cream filling and *usu* chocolate icing'"} {"Clue":"Cases of Gew\u00fcrztraminer, exceptionally pale (4)","Answer":"GREY","Explanation":"Definition: pale\nOutside letters ['cases'] of G[ew\u00fcrztramine]R and E[xceptionall]Y"} {"Clue":"Destroying terrains of Amazonia, for example (10)","Answer":"RAINFOREST","Explanation":"Definition: Amazonia, for example\nA clever anagram [destroying] of TERRAINS OF"} {"Clue":"Soppy female and sheepish male (6)","Answer":"WETHER","Explanation":"Definition: sheepish male\nWET [soppy] + HER [female]"} {"Clue":"Possibly lacking exercise, topless physique is classically epic (8)","Answer":"RHAPSODY","Explanation":"Definition: classically epic\n[pe]RHAPS [possibly, lacking pe \u2013 exercise] + [b]ODY [topless physique] \u2013 the original definition of rhapsody is 'an epic or instalment of an epic recited at one sitting' [Chambers]"} {"Clue":"Generators died, rotating such a lot (7)","Answer":"DYNAMOS","Explanation":"Definition: Generators\nD [died] + a reversal [rotating] of SO MANY [such a lot]"} {"Clue":"Fixer full of limitless gas and wind (7)","Answer":"MEANDER","Explanation":"Definition: wind\nMENDER [fixer] round [g]A[s]"} {"Clue":"Allowed astronomer to leave Earth, with fatal consequences (8)","Answer":"LETHALLY","Explanation":"Definition: with fatal consequences\nLET [allowed] HALL[e]Y [astronomer, minus e \u2013 earth]"} {"Clue":"Slick lie yielding students a sneaky day off (6)","Answer":"SICKIE","Explanation":"Definition: a sneaky day off\nS[l]ICK [l]IE minus ll \u2013 students"} {"Clue":"Local store fleeced a policeman, according to Spooner (6,4)","Answer":"CORNER SHOP","Explanation":"Definition: Local store\n'Shorn a cop'"} {"Clue":"Run into revolting boozer and belch (4)","Answer":"BURP","Explanation":"Definition: belch\nR [run] in a reversal [revolting] of PUB [boozer]"} {"Clue":"Thinner axes bend, we hear (6)","Answer":"XYLENE","Explanation":"Definition: Thinner\nXY [mathematical axes] + LENE [sounds like \u2013 we hear \u2013 'lean' {bend}]"} {"Clue":"Idle criminal has siestas (3-5)","Answer":"LIE-DOWNS","Explanation":"Definition: siestas\nAn anagram [criminal] of IDLE + OWNS [has]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Boris yet to exercise temperance (8)","Answer":"SOBRIETY","Explanation":"Definition: temperance\nAn anagram [to exercise] of BORIS YET \u2013\u00a0I said I wouldn't name favourites, but \u2026"} {"Clue":"Suspect humming head off (4)","Answer":"IFFY","Explanation":"Definition: Suspect\n[n]IFFY [humming]"} {"Clue":"Tearaway ultimately at fault (6)","Answer":"TERROR","Explanation":"Definition: Tearaway\n[a]T + ERROR [fault]"} {"Clue":"Mischief and deadpan gags having malign influence (7)","Answer":"DEVILRY","Explanation":"Definition: Mischief\nDRY [deadpan] round [gags] EVIL [having malign influence]"} {"Clue":"Identical small females throwing tantrum (8)","Answer":"SELFSAME","Explanation":"Definition: Identical\nS [small] + an anagram [throwing tantrum] of FEMALES"} {"Clue":"Cult's on-air broadcast not heard by us (10)","Answer":"ULTRASONIC","Explanation":"Definition: not heard by us\nAn anagram [broadcast] of CULT'S ON-AIR"} {"Clue":"Serbia sedulously protecting partisan (6)","Answer":"BIASED","Explanation":"Definition: partisan\nHidden in serBIA SEDulously"} {"Clue":"Attila upset retired nut gatherer (10)","Answer":"HEADHUNTER","Explanation":"Definition: nut gatherer\nHEAD HUN [Attila!] + a reversal [upset] of RET [retired] \u2013 with a whimsical definition"} {"Clue":"Where wise creatures gather, spreading wise lore (8)","Answer":"OWLERIES","Explanation":"Definition: Where wise creatures gather\nAn anagram [spreading] of WISE LORE"} {"Clue":"Settler perhaps restraining road rage (8)","Answer":"EMIGRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Settler\nEG [perhaps] round [restraining] MI [road] + RANT [rage]"} {"Clue":"Tree, which reportedly gave girl optimism at last (4,3)","Answer":"WYCH ELM","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\nWYCH [sounds like \u2013 reportedly \u2013 'which' [but not for\u00a0 my Scottish husband or my choirmaster] + last letters [at last] of gavE girL optimisM"} {"Clue":"One turned up clutching \u00a325 for Tom Jones? (6)","Answer":"EPONYM","Explanation":"Definition: Tom Jones?\nA reversal [turned up] of ME [one] round PONY [bookmaking slang for \u00a325] \u2013 'a character who gives a play, etc its title', as in the novel by Henry Fielding\u00a0 \u2013 the question mark indicates definition by example"} {"Clue":"Group of musicians adjust private parts (6)","Answer":"SEPTET","Explanation":"Definition: Group of musicians\nPTE [private] in [parts] SET [adjust]"} {"Clue":"Brahms and Liszt refusing to defect (4)","Answer":"BLOT","Explanation":"Definition: defect\nBLOT[to] \u2013 i.e. refusing 'to' \u2013 two slang terms for 'drunk'"} {"Clue":"Cave in reserve with sunfish (7)","Answer":"SUBSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Cave in\nSUB [reserve] + S [sun] + IDE [fish]"} {"Clue":"Members of artistic movement more than once chucked into ditches (7)","Answer":"CUBISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Members of artistic movement\nBIS [twice \u2013 musical direction] in CUTS [ditches]"} {"Clue":"Different nations meeting (5)","Answer":"RACES","Explanation":"Definition: Different nationsmeeting\nDouble definition, the second referring to horse races"} {"Clue":"Live by river? Look for duck (9)","Answer":"BERGANDER","Explanation":"Definition: duck\nBE [live] + R [river] + GANDER [slang for a quick look] \u2013 another name for the shelduck"} {"Clue":"No room here for a drink (4,6)","Answer":"BEER GARDEN","Explanation":"Definition: No room here for a drink\nCryptic [?] definition"} {"Clue":"Crusades staged for models that have been around a bit (4,4)","Answer":"USED CARS","Explanation":"Definition: models that have been around a bit\nAn anagram [staged?] of CRUSADES"} {"Clue":"A game way of raising money (11)","Answer":"TESTIMONIAL","Explanation":"Definition: A game way of raising money\nCryptic definition: 'a sports match played in order to raise money for a player nearing retirement' [Chambers]"} {"Clue":"Relative almost said 'Neat' (11)","Answer":"UNCLUTTERED","Explanation":"Definition: Neat\nUNCL[e] [relative] + UTTERED [said]"} {"Clue":"Canon's turn to enter form of prayer (10)","Answer":"PREBENDARY","Explanation":"Definition: Canon\nBEND [turn] in an anagram [form of] of PRAYER"} {"Clue":"Conclude a wall covering is sterile (9)","Answer":"INFERTILE","Explanation":"Definition: sterile\nINFER [conclude] + TILE [wall covering]"} {"Clue":"One leaves to throw up a meal (5)","Answer":"LUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: meal\nL[a]UNCH [throw up] minus a [one leaves]"} {"Clue":"Poetic inactivity in Lidl (Essex) (7)","Answer":"IDLESSE","Explanation":"Definition: Poetic inactivity\nHidden in lIDL ESSEx \u2013 a new word for me, but clearly clued and easy to infer, by analogy with noblesse, finesse, etc"} {"Clue":"Acts like a predatory cat, eating small sweets? (7)","Answer":"MOUSSES","Explanation":"Definition: sweets\nMOUSES [acts like a predatory cat] round S [small]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Second eleven starts acquiring game scorer (6)","Answer":"SCRIBE","Explanation":"Definition: scorer\nS [second] E[leven] round CRIB [game] \u2013 'a pointed instrument to mark lines on wood, metal, etc' or, as a verb, 'to mark or score with a scribe'"} {"Clue":"Angel who's retiring? (6)","Answer":"BACKER","Explanation":"Definition: Angel\nCryptic definition \u2013 'angel' in the sense of a financial backer, of theatrical productions, for example"} {"Clue":"Sharp, visible illegal tackle to get rid of ball (10)","Answer":"INSIGHTFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Sharp\nIN SIGHT [visible] + F[o]UL [illegal tackle, minus o {ball}]"} {"Clue":"Wood almost burnt out: the finale for three months (5)","Answer":"EMBER","Explanation":"Definition: Wood almost burnt outthe finale for three months\nDouble definition: septEMBER, novEMBER, decEMBER"} {"Clue":"Firm retires lousy underwear maker (9)","Answer":"CORSETIER","Explanation":"Definition: underwear maker\nCO [firm] + an anagram [lousy] of RETIRES \u2013 more usually in the feminine, I think"} {"Clue":"Stand on branches? Americans do so, rightly (4,4)","Answer":"BEAR ARMS","Explanation":"Definition: Americans do so, rightly\nBEAR [stand] ARMS [branches] \u2013 a play on 'rightly', referring to the Americans' right to bear arms, enshrined in the Second Amendment"} {"Clue":"Cruel, miserable lives and habitual response (8)","Answer":"SADISTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Cruel\nSAD [miserable] + IS [lives] + TIC [habitual response]"} {"Clue":"Celebrated instrument led off \u2014 it's what cellists do (8)","Answer":"STRADDLE","Explanation":"Definition: it's what cellists do\nSTRAD [celebrated instrument] + an anagram [off] of LED"} {"Clue":"Wow academic bishop with currency of very high distinction (6,4)","Answer":"CORDON BLEU","Explanation":"Definition: of very high distinction\nCOR [wow] + DON [academic] + B [bishop] + LEU [currency of Romania]"} {"Clue":"Gloomy, beset by raging sea, surrender (9)","Answer":"SATURNINE","Explanation":"Definition: Gloomy\nTURN IN [surrender] in an anagram [raging] of SEA"} {"Clue":"Vegetable feature found in unknown ICU configuration (8)","Answer":"ZUCCHINI","Explanation":"Definition: Vegetable\nCHIN [feature] in Z [unknown] + an anagram [configuration] of ICU \u2013 this is an Italian plural, of course, but the dictionaries give authority for the singular use"} {"Clue":"Mocking short French consul's dancing (8)","Answer":"SCORNFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Mocking\nAn anagram [dancing] of FR[ench] CONSUL"} {"Clue":"Birches planted round Northern resort (6)","Answer":"CANNES","Explanation":"Definition: resort\nCANES [birches] round N [Northern]"} {"Clue":"Complaint when temperature taken by pushy sort (6)","Answer":"TYPHUS","Explanation":"Definition: Complaint\nT [temperature] + an anagram [sort] of PUSHY"} {"Clue":"Swimmer offers resistance in support of gymnast (5)","Answer":"BREAM","Explanation":"Definition: Swimmer\nR [resistance] in BEAM [support of gymnast]"} {"Clue":"Giving a lift from college with family in car heading towards London (7,2)","Answer":"JACKING UP","Explanation":"Definition: Giving a lift\nC [college] + KIN [family] in JAG [car] + UP [heading towards London]"} {"Clue":"TV company takes in university youngsters (4)","Answer":"CUBS","Explanation":"Definition: youngsters\nCBS [TV company] round U [university]"} {"Clue":"I had an accident with nail gun in the groin (8)","Answer":"INGUINAL","Explanation":"Definition: in the groin\nAn anagram [had an accident] of I + NAIL GUN"} {"Clue":"Learned about a dead (at first unhappy) parrot (4,2)","Answer":"READ UP","Explanation":"Definition: Learned\nRE [about] + A + first letters [at first] of D [ead] U[nhappy] P[arrot] \u2013"} {"Clue":"The way things are, not even a T-shirt fits (2,2,2)","Answer":"AS IT IS","Explanation":"Definition: The way things are\nOdd letters of A t ShIrT fItS"} {"Clue":"No rest for the wicked', I moan, after besetting sin (8)","Answer":"INSOMNIA","Explanation":"Definition: No rest\nAn anagram [wicked] of I MOAN, after an anagram [besetting] of SIN \u2013 'for the' seems redundant in the wordplay"} {"Clue":"Show about America becoming American (6)","Answer":"CIRCUS","Explanation":"Definition: Show\nCIRCa [about] with the a [America] becoming US [American]"} {"Clue":"Greek character goes by bike \u2014 you say this must be changed (8)","Answer":"MUTANDUM","Explanation":"Definition: this must be changed\nMU [Greek character] + TANDUM [sounds like \u2013 you say \u2013 tandem [bike]"} {"Clue":"March sung by a politician in theatrical style (4,4)","Answer":"HIGH CAMP","Explanation":"Definition: theatrical style\nHIGH C [sounds like \u2013 sung? \u2013 'hike' {march}] + A MP [a politician]"} {"Clue":"Deli item left for hotel (6)","Answer":"CLEESE","Explanation":"C[h]EESE [deli item, with h [hotel] replaced by L [left]"} {"Clue":"It looks like our security service's repressed and dissipated (8)","Answer":"MISSPENT","Explanation":"Definition: dissipated\nI first had MI [our security service]'S + PENT [repressed] but we had an extra S to account for and I couldn't see what 'it looks like' was doing. In consultation with Gaufrid, we decided that we have to imagine a scribbled 5 looking like an S, so we have MI5'S [our security service's] + PENT [repressed] : I quite liked this, because just the other day I had a bit of a problem getting my tickets out of the machine at the station for the York S and B, because I'd scrawled the code [a combination of letters and numbers] in my diary and did mistake a 5 for an S \u2013 or vice versa"} {"Clue":"Ionised matter engineered as lamp (6)","Answer":"PLASMA","Explanation":"Definition: Ionised matter\nAn anagram [engineered] of AS LAMP"} {"Clue":"Fellow making things up going on air (6)","Answer":"FLYING","Explanation":"Definition: going on air\nF [fellow] + LYING [making things up]"} {"Clue":"Rothko finally using a mixture of it plain (3,5)","Answer":"OIL PAINT","Explanation":"[rothk]O + an anagram [mixture] of IT PLAIN \u2013 I hadn't heard of this artist\u00a0\u2013 I think it might be an attempt at an &lit: I wasn't sure what to underline as the definition"} {"Clue":"One widely admired vocally (4)","Answer":"IDLE","Explanation":"Sounds like 'idol' [one widely admired]"} {"Clue":"Complaint from hollow, dozy guard about leader of escape (9)","Answer":"DYSENTERY","Explanation":"Definition: Complaint\nD[oz]Y ['hollow'] + SENTRY [guard] round E[scape]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Boatman's led with a knave (5)","Answer":"JONES","Explanation":"ONE'S [Boatman's] after J [Jack \u2013 knave \u2013 in cards]"} {"Clue":"Bitter, unending campaign meets habitual reaction (7)","Answer":"CAUSTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Bitter\nCAUS[e] [campaign] + TIC [habitual reaction]"} {"Clue":"In refrain: Nessun Dorma (5)","Answer":"INNES","Explanation":"Hidden in refraIN NESsun Dorma \u2013 but 'Dorma' is redundant in the wordplay"} {"Clue":"Send off to get free hospitality? Quite the reverse (7)","Answer":"GILLIAM","Explanation":"Definition: Send off to get free hospitality? Quite the reverse (7)\nHidden reversal in MAIL [send off] + LIG [to get free hospitality]"} {"Clue":"Hanging on first article one included in funny script (9)","Answer":"PARASITIC","Explanation":"Definition: Hanging on\nA [first {letter of} Article] in an anagram [funny] of SCRIPT round A [one] \u2013 some people won't like 'first article'"} {"Clue":"A person pursuing another of the same sex (7)","Answer":"CHAPMAN","Explanation":"CHAP + MAN"} {"Clue":"Specialised shops with a couple of bills for Spooner (9)","Answer":"BOUTIQUES","Explanation":"Definition: Specialised shops\nTwo beaks [a couple of bills]"} {"Clue":"Noted agreement in the US: review aid and tie in with end of quarrel (9)","Answer":"INITIALED","Explanation":"Definition: Noted agreement\nAn anagram [review] of AID and TIE IN with [quarre]L \u2013 the American spelling, hence 'in the US'"} {"Clue":"Salvaged point and got even with current leader going ahead (9)","Answer":"SCAVENGED","Explanation":"Definition: Salvaged\nS [point] + AVENGED [got even] with C[urrent] going ahead"} {"Clue":"Opposed by many people, the Spanish Inquisition's first rising (7)","Answer":"HOSTILE","Explanation":"Definition: Opposed\nHOST [many people] + a reversal [rising] of EL [the Spanish] + I[nquisition]"} {"Clue":"Phoney hypnotists? No, it's fatal to be embraced by them! (7)","Answer":"PYTHONS","Explanation":"Definition: Phoney hypnotists? No, it's fatal to be embraced by them! (7)\nAn anagram [phoney] of HYPNOT[ist]S, minus [no] 'it's'"} {"Clue":"Boatman's officer accepts a new start after drug discharge (7)","Answer":"EMANATE","Explanation":"Definition: discharge\nE [drug] + MATE [Boatman's officer] round A N[ew]"} {"Clue":"It's clear one is advanced (5)","Answer":"PALIN","Explanation":"PLAIN [clear] with the A [one] moved up [advanced]"} {"Clue":"Don Carlo, say? (5)","Answer":"MONTY","Explanation":"Definition: Don\nSounds like [say] Monte [Carlo] \u2013 Monty Don is a TV presenter"} {"Clue":"Hat priced badly, going for a song (4,5)","Answer":"DIRT CHEAP","Explanation":"Definition: going for a song\nAn anagram [badly] of HAT PRICED"} {"Clue":"Singer Rod, extremely raunchy male (article by 1 down) (5,7)","Answer":"BARRY MANILOW","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\nBAR [rod] + R[aunch]Y + M [male] + AN [article] + I [1] + LOW [down]"} {"Clue":"Succeed the first time? Don't be ridiculous! (4,3,2)","Answer":"COME OFF IT","Explanation":"Definition: Don't be ridiculous!\nCOME OFF [succeed] + I [the first, as in regnal numbers] + T [time]"} {"Clue":"down Things assumed to be true by singer, actor and model (5,6)","Answer":"ROBIN GIVENS","Explanation":"Definition: actor and model\nROBIN [singer] + GIVENS [things assumed to be true] \u2013 here's the model"} {"Clue":"Working with 10, new 14 15 pens article for the net (5,3)","Answer":"ONION BAG","Explanation":"Definition: the net\nON [working] + IO [10] + N [new] + B [bee \u2013 14] G [gee \u2013 15] round [pens] A [article] \u2013 I didn't know this slang term for a goal net but the wordplay was clear"} {"Clue":"Actor and singer cast in a chimerical revue (7,9)","Answer":"MAURICE CHEVALIER","Explanation":"Definition: Actor and singer\nAn anagram [cast] of A CHIMERICAL REVUE"} {"Clue":"Small booth with Observer and Time Out (4-3)","Answer":"SHUT-EYE","Explanation":"S [small] + HUT [booth] + EYE [observer]"} {"Clue":"Fool clenches fist, knocking out posh Aussie (3,5)","Answer":"NED KELLY","Explanation":"Definition: Aussie\nNELLY [fool] round [clenches] D[u]KE [fist] minus [knocking out] u [posh] \u2013 here's the Aussie"} {"Clue":"Mechanic agrees: roughly \u00a3500 (6,6)","Answer":"GREASE MONKEY","Explanation":"Definition: Mechanic\nAn anagram [roughly] of AGREES + MONKEY [slang for \u00a3500]"} {"Clue":"Search round for small band (5)","Answer":"COMBO","Explanation":"Definition: small band\nCOMB [search] + O [round]"} {"Clue":"Architect from 15 14 repeatedly visiting Iceland (5)","Answer":"GIBBS","Explanation":"Definition: Architect\nG [gee \u2013 answer to 15dn] + BB bee \u2013 answer to 16dn, repeatedly, in IS [Iceland \u2013 International Vehicle Registration] \u2013 here's the architect"} {"Clue":"Party with sister Ruby, perhaps, back in Australia? (4,5)","Answer":"DOWN UNDER","Explanation":"Definition: in Australia\nDO [party] + W [with] + NUN [sister] + a reversal [back] of RED [Ruby, perhaps]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Male paid by performance, not at first unaccompanied (6)","Answer":"GIGOLO","Explanation":"Definition: Male paid\nGIG [performance] + [s]OLO [unaccompanied, minus its first letter]"} {"Clue":"Keen exhibitionist just starting run \u2014 under arrest potentially right away? (8)","Answer":"STREAKER","Explanation":"Initial letters [just starting] of Keen Exhibitionist + R [run] under [in a down clue] an anagram [possibly] of AR[r]EST \u2013 right away: &lit"} {"Clue":"Reticent about two newspapers appearing evasive (6)","Answer":"SHIFTY","Explanation":"Definition: appearing evasive\nSHY [reticent] round I and FT [two newspapers]"} {"Clue":"Desert shade (6)","Answer":"MAROON","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Supply kit, not primarily for a team of 3 15 15s? (6)","Answer":"TROIKA","Explanation":"Definition: a team of 3 15 15s?\nAn anagram [supple-ly] of KIT and [f]OR + A \u2013 a Russian vehicle drawn by three horses [GEE GEEs \u2013 15s]"} {"Clue":"Drink not right for social gathering (3)","Answer":"BEE","Explanation":"Definition: social gathering\nBEE[r] [drink"} {"Clue":"My regular visits to Gateshead (3)","Answer":"GEE","Explanation":"Definition: My\nWe've several times had 'Gateshead' as [slightly controversial] wordplay for G, so I was held up for a few minutes here, where we have to take 'regular' letters of GatEshEad"} {"Clue":"Team raving about fan (3,3)","Answer":"MAN UTD","Explanation":"Definition: Team\nMAD [raving] round NUT [fan]"} {"Clue":"Unemotional person clings, with space needed (4,4)","Answer":"COLD FISH","Explanation":"Definition: Unemotional person\nI'm sorry, I can't parse this at all \u2013 *[It's C [cold] + LINGS [fish]\u00a0 \u2013 thanks to several early posters: [Collins gives lings as an alternative plural]"} {"Clue":"Making threefold part for high voices (mostly home key) (8)","Answer":"TREBLING","Explanation":"Definition: Making threefold\nTREBL[e] [part for high voices \u2013 mostly] + IN [home] + G [key]"} {"Clue":"Happy, oddly, caught up in extremely northern storm (7)","Answer":"TYPHOON","Explanation":"Definition: storm\nOdd letters of HaPpY reversed [caught up] in TOO [extremely] N [northern] \u2013 horribly topical"} {"Clue":"Outlandish point by Times, relating to the Listener (6)","Answer":"EXOTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Outlandish\nE [East \u2013 point] + X [times] + OTIC [relating to the ear \u2013 listener]"} {"Clue":"Fast food from Bake Off? Nonsense! (6)","Answer":"KEBABS","Explanation":"Definition: Fast food\nAn anagram [off] of BAKE + BS [bullshit \u2013 nonsense \u2013 US slang, says Chambers]"} {"Clue":"Notably two-in-one record player (6)","Answer":"STEREO","Explanation":"Definition: record player\nTE RE [two notes in SO [one note]"} {"Clue":"Drifter drew near unsteadily (8)","Answer":"WANDERER","Explanation":"Definition: Drifter\nAn anagram [unsteadily] of DREW NEAR"} {"Clue":"Tory introduced to rewrite proclamation (5)","Answer":"EDICT","Explanation":"Definition: proclamation\nC [Tory] in EDIT [rewrite]"} {"Clue":"Tory takes a long time to shut up (4)","Answer":"CAGE","Explanation":"Definition: shut up\nC [Tory] + AGE [a long time]"} {"Clue":"Girl is after fish causing disease (10)","Answer":"SALMONELLA","Explanation":"Definition: causing disease\nELLA [girl] after SALMON [fish]"} {"Clue":"Wizard often having a stoop (6)","Answer":"MERLIN","Explanation":"Definition: Wizard\nA merlin is a small falcon and a stoop can be 'a downward swoop, especially of a bird of prey'"} {"Clue":"Box for China? (3,5)","Answer":"TEA CADDY","Explanation":"Definition: Box for China?\nCryptic definition \u2013 my first thought was 'chest', ruled out when I got to the down clues"} {"Clue":"Drinks punch! That'll save the knees (7)","Answer":"HASSOCK","Explanation":"Definition: That'll save the knees\nHAS [drinks \u2013 I think it works] + SOCK [punch]"} {"Clue":"Engineer remains in workshop (7)","Answer":"SEMINAR","Explanation":"Definition: workshop\nAn anagram [engineer] of REMAINS"} {"Clue":"Increases subsidy? That's denied! (8)","Answer":"GAINSAID","Explanation":"Definition: denied\nGAINS [increases] + AID [subsidy]"} {"Clue":"African country welcomes great and good (6)","Answer":"BENIGN","Explanation":"Definition: good\nG [great? \u2013 I can't find this, except in GB] in BENIN [African country] \u2013 I'm not over-keen on the definition"} {"Clue":"Endeavour to go in by force (10)","Answer":"ENTERPRISE","Explanation":"Definition: Endeavour\nENTER [go in] + PRISE [force]"} {"Clue":"Fellow's total failure (4)","Answer":"FALL","Explanation":"Definition: failure\nF [fellow] + ALL [total]"} {"Clue":"Get rid of Catholic king in play (5)","Answer":"CLEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Get rid of\nC [Catholic] + LEAR [king in play]"} {"Clue":"Note on an Anglican church shows style (8)","Answer":"ELEGANCE","Explanation":"Definition: style\nE [note] + LEG [on, in cricket] + AN + CE [Church of England]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Goddess keeps a bar for a dance (8)","Answer":"HABANERA","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nHERA [goddess] round A BAN [a bar]"} {"Clue":"Sovereign tucked into fish in lounge (4)","Answer":"IDLE","Explanation":"Definition: lounge\nL [pound \u2013 sovereign] in IDE [fish]"} {"Clue":"Priest is working for porridge (6)","Answer":"PRISON","Explanation":"Definition: porridge\nPR [priest] + IS ON [is working]"} {"Clue":"Senior churchman makes parson sympathise (7)","Answer":"PRELATE","Explanation":"Definition: Senior churchman\nP [parson? \u2013 I can find P for Pastor and Priest \u2013 again \u2013 but not parson] + RELATE [sympathise] \u2013 a handful of ecclesiastical references today"} {"Clue":"Set off for school in time (8)","Answer":"DETONATE","Explanation":"Definition: Set off\nETON [school] in DATE [time] \u2013 I particularly\u00a0 liked this surface"} {"Clue":"Freedom for queen to tuck into drink (10)","Answer":"LIBERATION","Explanation":"Definition: Freedom\nER [queen] in LIBATION [drink \u2013 'usually facetious']"} {"Clue":"Uninspiring Tory leader enters firm (6)","Answer":"STOLID","Explanation":"Definition: Uninspiring\nT[ory] in SOLID [firm] \u2013 Chifonie really has it in for the Tories today"} {"Clue":"Backer misses out in America (3,7)","Answer":"LOS ANGELES","Explanation":"Definition: in America\nLOSES [misses out] round ANGEL [financial backer] \u2013 my fellow-blogger Andrew dislikes this kind of loose definition [and so do I] and has noted that Chifonie is rather fond of it"} {"Clue":"Tongues proverbially said to go quickly (8)","Answer":"CLAPPERS","Explanation":"Definition: Tongues\nCryptic definition \u2013 the clapper is the tongue of a bell and 'to go like the clappers' means to go very fast"} {"Clue":"A nice gal prepared cake decoration (8)","Answer":"ANGELICA","Explanation":"Definition: cake decoration\nAn anagram [prepared] of A NICE GAL \u2013 and, actually, a double definition: I know an Italian lady called ANGELICA"} {"Clue":"African leader drives off in coach (7)","Answer":"ADVISER","Explanation":"Definition: coach\nA[frican] + an anagram [off] of DRIVES"} {"Clue":"A service in charge for a treatment for bruising (6)","Answer":"ARNICA","Explanation":"Definition: treatment for bruising\nA + RN [Royal Navy \u2013 service] + IC [in charge] + [for?] A"} {"Clue":"One makes tea in brown urn (6)","Answer":"BREWER","Explanation":"Definition: One makes tea\nBR [brown? \u2013 it's in Chambers but I can't think of a context where it might be used] + [in?] EWER [urn]"} {"Clue":"Boring place to live (4)","Answer":"FLAT","Explanation":"Definition: Boringplace to live\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Players putting Irish broadcaster in a spot, according to some (7)","Answer":"QUARTET","Explanation":"Definition: Players\nRTE [Raidi\u00f3 Teilif\u00eds \u00c9ireann \u2013 Irish broadcaster] in QUAT [spot] \u2013 I think 'according to some' is there because Chambers says that QUAT [= pimple] is 'now dialect'"} {"Clue":"Southern peninsula, a massive area (7)","Answer":"SIBERIA","Explanation":"Definition: a massive area\nS [Southern] + IBERIA [peninsula]"} {"Clue":"Enthusiast gets to live, say, east of East Span River (5,6)","Answer":"EAGER BEAVER","Explanation":"Definition: Enthusiast\nBE [live] + AVER [say] after [East of, in an across clue] E [east] + AGE [span] + R [river]"} {"Clue":"Obnoxious person was in the van, refusing to bend (9)","Answer":"PIGHEADED","Explanation":"Definition: refusing to bend\nPIG [obnoxious person] + HEADED [was in the van[guard] \u2013 in the lead]"} {"Clue":"Boxing Day fare that might be imposed on trippers? (4,6)","Answer":"COLD TURKEY","Explanation":"Definition: Boxing Day farethat might be imposed on trippers?\nDouble \/ cryptic definition \u2013 referring to the trip of one experiencing the hallucinatory effects of LSD or similar drug"} {"Clue":"No socialiser should be left with a womaniser (4,4)","Answer":"LONE WOLF","Explanation":"Definition: No socialiser\nL [left] + ONE [a] + WOLF [womaniser]"} {"Clue":"Ceremonial dancing: it curtails stifling independence (11)","Answer":"RITUALISTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Ceremonial\nAn anagram [dancing] of IT CURTAILS round I [independence]"} {"Clue":"Nark\u00a0about rifles and stuff, taking a long time (5-6)","Answer":"STOOL-PIGEON","Explanation":"Definition: Nark\nA reversal [about] of LOOTS [rifles] + PIG [stuff \u2013 both as verbs] + EON [a long time] \u2013 nark is a slang term for a police informer"} {"Clue":"Industrious sorts in active communal working parties (4,4)","Answer":"BUSY BEES","Explanation":"Definition: Industrious sorts\nBUSY [active] + BEES [communal working parties]"} {"Clue":"Reprobate Dolly pursues Sooty (5,5)","Answer":"BLACK SHEEP","Explanation":"Definition: Reprobate\nSHEEP [Dolly \u2013 this one] after BLACK [sooty]"} {"Clue":"In vacuous orgy, male smeared sun oil with menace (9)","Answer":"OMINOUSLY","Explanation":"Definition: with menace\nAn anagram [smeared?] of M [male] and SUN OIL in O[rg]Y"} {"Clue":"Block an uncompleted foul (5)","Answer":"ANVIL","Explanation":"Definition: Block\nAN + VIL[e] [foul]"} {"Clue":"Antisemitic affair victim ('Y') Freud treated with very little success (7)","Answer":"DREYFUS","Explanation":"Definition: Antisemitic affair victim\nAn anagram [treated] of Y FREUD + S[uccess] \u2013 for the 'affair', see here"} {"Clue":"Beset by depression, make mistake of only half being a clown (7)","Answer":"PIERROT","Explanation":"Definition: clown\nPIT [depression] round ERR [make mistake] + O [half of Of]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Heartless monarch has church put out (6)","Answer":"QUENCH","Explanation":"Definition: put out\nQU[e]EN + CH [church]"} {"Clue":"Strange Lancastrian housing name (6)","Answer":"ANGELA","Explanation":"Definition: name\nContained in strANGE LAncastrian"} {"Clue":"Act the soup-maker and keel over (4,6)","Answer":"TURN TURTLE","Explanation":"Definition: keel over\nTURN [act] + TURTLE [from which soup may be made]"} {"Clue":"One who records spill (5)","Answer":"TAPER","Explanation":"Definition: One who recordsspill\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Don't join 'Easter Egg' movement (9)","Answer":"SEGREGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Don't join\nAn anagram [movement] of EASTER EGG"} {"Clue":"Old soldiers flushed out a Scot (8)","Answer":"REDCOATS","Explanation":"Definition: Old soldiers\nRED [flushed] + an anagram [out] of A SCOT"} {"Clue":"Induce rehabilitation in hospital department for TV watchers? (8)","Answer":"AUDIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: TV watchers?\nAn anagram [rehabilitation] of INDUCE in A & E [hospital department] \u2013 TV watchers are only one example of an audience, hence the question mark"} {"Clue":"Main part of the rugby team has moved on (5,5)","Answer":"LION\u2019S SHARE","Explanation":"Definition: Main part\nLIONS [British and Irish rugby team] + an anagram [moved] of HAS + RE [on]"} {"Clue":"Indian river ignored by powerful businessmen who hope to become major players (9)","Answer":"TRIALISTS","Explanation":"Definition: who hope to become major players\n[indus]TRIALISTS [powerful businessmen] minus Indus [Indian river] \u2013 one meaning of TRIALIST is 'a competitor or player under consideration for a place in a major team'"} {"Clue":"Hair colour like Henry James, perhaps, cut by Latin? (3,5)","Answer":"ASH BLOND","Explanation":"Definition: Hair colour\nAS [like] + H [Henry \u2013 SI unit] + L [Latin] in [cutting] BOND [James, perhaps] \u2013 more usually seen in the feminine [blonde]"} {"Clue":"An unhappy existence of stick-retrieval etc? (4,4)","Answer":"DOG\u2019S LIFE","Explanation":"Definition: An unhappy existence\nCryptic definition \u2013 this made me smile: I've always wondered how dogs feel about endlessly retrieving a stick, only to have it chucked away again"} {"Clue":"Cooker put on time program? (6)","Answer":"APPLET","Explanation":"Definition: program\nAPPLE [cooker] + T [time] \u2013 the question mark indicates definition by example: an apple could also be an eater"} {"Clue":"Praise miniature railway in container (3,2)","Answer":"CRY UP","Explanation":"Definition: Praise\nRY [abbreviation \u2013 miniature \u2013 of railway] in CUP [container] \u2013 I don't think I'd heard of this expression but I suppose it's the opposite of 'cry down' \u2013 obvious, really"} {"Clue":"Wise to protect head of state after defence department's upgrade (9)","Answer":"MODERNISE","Explanation":"Definition: upgrade\nERNIE [Wise] round S[tate] after MOD [Ministry Of Defence]"} {"Clue":"Garland certain to get relaxation (7)","Answer":"LEISURE","Explanation":"Definition: relaxation\nLEI [garland] + SURE [certain]"} {"Clue":"Outdoor work, starting to expect teeming rain (4-3)","Answer":"OPEN-AIR","Explanation":"Definition: Outdoor\nOP [work] + E[xpect] + an anagram [teeming] of RAIN"} {"Clue":"On this day, man cooked (5)","Answer":"FRIED","Explanation":"Definition: cooked\nFRI [this day] + ED [man]"} {"Clue":"Baker's dozens enter this sack (9)","Answer":"THIRTEENS","Explanation":"Definition: Baker's dozens\nAn anagram [sack] of ENTER THIS"} {"Clue":"Pick rice, oats and skin of rabbit to blend in kitchen appliance (8,7)","Answer":"ELECTRIC TOASTER","Explanation":"Definition: kitchen appliance\nELECT [pick] + an anagram [blend] of RICE OATS and R[abbi]T"} {"Clue":"American space explorer models sun with Kepler (9)","Answer":"SPELUNKER","Explanation":"Definition: American space explorer\nAn anagram [models] of SUN and KEPLER \u2013 I can't find an explanation of the definition"} {"Clue":"Tearing about ousting elected chief (5)","Answer":"GREAT","Explanation":"Definition: chief\nAn anagram [about] of TEAR[in]G minus in [elected]"} {"Clue":"On April Fool's Day, 1,000 and 1 follow the lead of Posh Spice (7)","Answer":"PAPRIKA","Explanation":"Definition: Spice\nAPR I [April Fool's Day] + K [1.000] + I [1] following P[osh]"} {"Clue":"Hurry to steal books? I refuse (7)","Answer":"RUBBISH","Explanation":"Definition: refuse\nRUSH [hurry] round BB [books] + I"} {"Clue":"Swede, perhaps, nets top salmon and perch (5)","Answer":"ROOST","Explanation":"Definition: perch\nROOT [swede, perhaps] round S[almon]"} {"Clue":"Learning to walk, now led gently inside (9)","Answer":"KNOWLEDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Learning\nHidden in kNOW LED GEntly\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"They boost poor families desperately wanting eggs (10)","Answer":"AMPLIFIERS","Explanation":"Definition: They boost\nAn anagram [desperately] of P[ooR] [minus oo \u2013 wanting eggs] FAMILIES"} {"Clue":"Extra time I'd serve up in a disreputable bar (8)","Answer":"ADDITIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Extra\nA reversal [up] of T [time] I'D in A DIVE [a disreputable bar]"} {"Clue":"Foundation of government on all sides (6)","Answer":"GROUND","Explanation":"Definition: Foundation\nG [government] + ROUND [on all sides]"} {"Clue":"Being made of lithium and iron (4)","Answer":"LIFE","Explanation":"Definition: Being\nLI [lithium] + FE [iron]"} {"Clue":"One who bargains on a tiger to be tamed (10)","Answer":"NEGOTIATOR","Explanation":"Definition: One who bargains\nAn anagram [tamed] of ON A TIGER TO"} {"Clue":"Fine English retreat, right with a window (8)","Answer":"FENESTRA","Explanation":"Definition: window\nF [fine] + E [English] + NEST [retreat] + R [right] + A"} {"Clue":"Initially easy to walk up over small flight (6)","Answer":"ESCAPE","Explanation":"Definition: flight\nA reversal [up] of E[asy] + PACE [walk] round S [small]"} {"Clue":"Back massage involving student leads to confused impression (4)","Answer":"BLUR","Explanation":"Definition: confused impression\nA reversal [back] of RUB [massage] round L [student]"} {"Clue":"I'm obliged to drink liquid tea, say, in research groups (5,5)","Answer":"THINK TANKS","Explanation":"Definition: research groups\nTHANKS [I'm obliged] round INK [liquid] T [tea, say]"} {"Clue":"More flexible cat tries to scratch outside (10)","Answer":"STRETCHIER","Explanation":"Definition: More flexible\nRETCH [cat \u2013 which I learned from crosswords] in an anagram [scratch] of TRIES"} {"Clue":"Travellers take children around old city islands (8)","Answer":"TOURISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Travellers\nTOTS [children] round UR [old city] + IS [islands]"} {"Clue":"Hitchcock film is promoted in three parts? (3,5)","Answer":"THE BIRDS","Explanation":"Definition: Hitchcock film\nA reversal [promoted] of BE [is] in THIRDS [three parts]"} {"Clue":"Exploit male pole dancing? Yes! (6)","Answer":"EMPLOY","Explanation":"Definition: Exploit\nAn anagram [dancing] of M [male] POLE + Y [yes]"} {"Clue":"Good ball bowled twice, left England's opener to put away (6)","Answer":"GOBBLE","Explanation":"Definition: put away\nG [good] + O [ball] + BB [bowled twice] + L [left] + E[ngland]"} {"Clue":"Open space for three chess pieces to take one (4)","Answer":"PARK","Explanation":"Definition: Open space\nP [pawn] + R [rook] + K [king] \u2013 three chess pieces] round A [one]"} {"Clue":"Opportunity for newly-weds to get undressed? (4)","Answer":"ROOM","Explanation":"Definition: Opportunity\n[g]ROOM[s] [newly-weds]"} {"Clue":"Tommy's one holding sway over quiet period (4,5)","Answer":"ROCK OPERA","Explanation":"Definition: Tommy's one\nROCK [sway] + O [over \u2013 cricket] + P [quiet] + ERA [period]"} {"Clue":"Stars taking part in noteworthy drama (5)","Answer":"HYDRA","Explanation":"Definition: Stars\nContained in notewortHY DRAma"} {"Clue":"Pygmalion's work put away during social event (7)","Answer":"GALATEA","Explanation":"Definition: Pygmalion's work\nATE [put away] in [during] GALA [social event] \u2013 the story of Pygmalion and Galatea"} {"Clue":"Giant encyclopedias omitting various parts of Aeneid (7)","Answer":"CYCLOPS","Explanation":"Definition: Giant\n[en]CYCLOP[edia]S minus an anagram [various] of aeneid \u2013 a really clever clue, with a great surface, which I must mark as my top favourite, since it also included my favourite Latin work: I think it's bound for my little book of classic clues"} {"Clue":"Hoard cents and yen (5)","Answer":"CACHE","Explanation":"Definition: Hoard\nC [cents] + ACHE [yen]"} {"Clue":"Pale individual in police department put off (9)","Answer":"POSTPONED","Explanation":"Definition: put off\nPOST [pale] + ONE [individual] in PD [US Police Department]"} {"Clue":"Sit in a hot gloomy complex composing tales (15)","Answer":"MYTHOLOGISATION","Explanation":"Definition: composing tales\nAn anagram [complex] of SIT IN A HOT GLOOMY \u2013 not a pretty word but a lovely concept"} {"Clue":"Short piece about fuel returns in old sporting venue (9)","Answer":"COLOSSEUM","Explanation":"Definition: old sporting venue\nCOLUM[n] short piece \u2013 in a newspaper] round a reversal [returns] of ESSO [fuel]"} {"Clue":"Woman's accepting order for old author (5)","Answer":"HOMER","Explanation":"Definition: old author\nHER [woman's] round OM [Order of Merit]"} {"Clue":"Corner used to be hard for bunk (7)","Answer":"HOGWASH","Explanation":"Definition: bunk\nHOG [corner, as a verb ] + WAS [used to be] + H [hard]"} {"Clue":"Film game broadcast over part of Italy once (7)","Answer":"ETRURIA","Explanation":"Definition: part of Italy once\nET [the familiar crossword film] + RU [game \u2013 I solved this a very short time after watching the World Cup Final] + a reversal [over] of AIR [broadcast] \u2013 Josiah Wedgwood named the fourth and penultimate site for his pottery business after the Etruscans, renowned for their artistic products"} {"Clue":"Right way back from waste processors (5)","Answer":"RENAL","Explanation":"Definition: from waste processors\nR [right] + a reversal [back] of LANE [way]"} {"Clue":"Deceptive foreign articles had inspiring name (9)","Answer":"UNDERHAND","Explanation":"Definition: Deceptive\nUN [French] + DER [German] \u2013 foreign articles + HAD round [inspiring] N [name]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Like Beckett's work to Mike, inhaling smoke in retreat (10)","Answer":"TRAGICOMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Like Beckett's work\nTO MIC [Mike] \u2013 both abbreviations of microphone] round [inhaling] a reversal [in retreat] of CIGAR [smoke] \u2013 reference to Samuel Beckett"} {"Clue":"Cecil is crazy, beginning to talk Latin, that is (8)","Answer":"SCILICET","Explanation":"Definition: Latin, that is\nAn anagram [crazy] of CECIL IS + T[o] [or T[alk? \u2013 it matters not, really: it works either way] \u2013 my second top favourite clue"} {"Clue":"Daring copper ignoring melancholy (6)","Answer":"BOTTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Daring\n[blue] BOTTLE \u2013 slang for policeman [copper] minus blue [melancholy]"} {"Clue":"Rhea's product, literally (4)","Answer":"HERA","Explanation":"Definition: Rhea's product, literally\nAn anagram [product] of RHEA \u2013 literally, as Hera was the daughter of RHEA"} {"Clue":"Such vanity, writing about lying under daffodils! (10)","Answer":"NARCISSISM","Explanation":"Definition: Such vanity\nA reversal [about] of MS [writing] after [lying under, in a down clue] NARCISSI [daffodils]"} {"Clue":"Hummus maker, rustic wearing fancy cape (8)","Answer":"CHICKPEA","Explanation":"Definition: Hummus maker\nHICK [rustic] in [wearing] an anagram [fancy] of CAPE"} {"Clue":"Setter's in a tuxedo, performing for neighbour (6)","Answer":"ADJOIN","Explanation":"Definition: neighbour\nI [setter] in A DJ [a tuxedo] ON [performing]"} {"Clue":"Regularly miss receiving a Republican's spoils (4)","Answer":"MARS","Explanation":"Alternate letters [regularly miss] of M[i]S[s] round [receiving] A R [Republican]"} {"Clue":"He was bound to rock expert writer on the Guardian (10)","Answer":"PROMETHEUS","Explanation":"Definition: He was bound to rock\nPRO [expert] + ME [writer] + THE US [Guardian]"} {"Clue":"They're used after passing entrance deck about noon (5,5)","Answer":"DONOR CARDS","Explanation":"Definition: They're used after passing\nDOOR [entrance] round N [noon] + CARDS [deck]"} {"Clue":"Old boys reportedly get to grips with a problem (8)","Answer":"OBSTACLE","Explanation":"Definition: problem\nOBS [old boys] + TACLE [sounds like [reportedly] tackle \u2013 get to grips with? \u2013 hmm \u2026]"} {"Clue":"Evil overcomes leader of Titans, like all the gods (8)","Answer":"IMMORTAL","Explanation":"Definition: like all the gods\nIMMORAL [evil] round T[itan]"} {"Clue":"What banks do about, for instance, celebrity (6)","Answer":"LEGEND","Explanation":"Definition: celebrity\nLEND [what banks do] round EG [for example]"} {"Clue":"Dash to besiege Arab capital (6)","Answer":"HARARE","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nHARE [dash] round [to besiege] AR [Arab]"} {"Clue":"Old king doesn't finish idol (4)","Answer":"HERO","Explanation":"Definition: idol\nHERO[d] [old king \u2013 of the Jews]"} {"Clue":"Collection of old poems mostly summed up (4)","Answer":"EDDA","Explanation":"Definition: Collection of old poems\nA reversal [up] of ADDE[d] [summed]"} {"Clue":"One taking charge of CIA, crudely infiltrating abductor (9)","Answer":"CAPACITOR","Explanation":"Definition: One taking charge\nAn anagram [crudely] of CIA in CAPTOR [abductor]"} {"Clue":"Sally in fight to get round in (5)","Answer":"FORAY","Explanation":"Definition: Sally\nFRAY [fight] round O [round]"} {"Clue":"Engine opening, inertia beaten with a kick-starter (9)","Answer":"AIRINTAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Engine opening\nAn anagram [beaten] of INERTIA + A K[ick] \u2013 there must be a mistake in the clue: it needs a hyphen"} {"Clue":"Fast way to get drunk (5)","Answer":"TIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Fastdrunk\nDouble definition, the first as in 'the door was shut tight \/ fast'"} {"Clue":"Superior ale to drink time after time (6)","Answer":"BETTER","Explanation":"Definition: Superior\nBEER [ale] round T T [time after time]"} {"Clue":"Excited, drunk and available online (8)","Answer":"UPLOADED","Explanation":"Definition: available online\nUP [excited] + LOADED [drunk]"} {"Clue":"Rum ration left as a test (2,5)","Answer":"ON TRIAL","Explanation":"Definition: as a test\nAn anagram [rum] of RATION + L [left] \u2013 I hope the definition is correct: I can't quite make the grammar work"} {"Clue":"Dry? Knock back spirits, raised before going out (7)","Answer":"PARCHED","Explanation":"Definition: Dry\nA reversal [back] of RAP + CHE[ere]D [spirits raised, minus ere \u2013 before]"} {"Clue":"Spooner's underage drinker, a failure with poor attitude (3,5)","Answer":"BAD LOSER","Explanation":"Definition: a failure with poor attitude\nLad boozer [underage drinker]"} {"Clue":"Types of bar in which to get drunk fast on empty stomach (6)","Answer":"SHAFTS","Explanation":"Definition: Types of bar\nAn anagram [drunk] of FAST after S[tomac]H"} {"Clue":"Stale, thus getting a beer (5)","Answer":"STOUT","Explanation":"Definition: beer\nIf we take ST OUT of stale, we get ale [beer]"} {"Clue":"Extreme complication lately affecting more pregnancies \u2014 seek immediate aid at the beginning (9)","Answer":"ECLAMPSIA","Explanation":"Definition: Extreme complication lately affecting more pregnancies\nInitial letters [at the beginning] of Extreme Complication Lately Affecting More Pregnancies Seek Immediate Aid \u2013 a great surface"} {"Clue":"Caught duck, say, in the drink (5)","Answer":"CIDER","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nC [caught] + IDER [sounds like eider \u2013 duck]"} {"Clue":"On sides of bottle, a drop formed of high alcoholic content (4-5)","Answer":"BEAD-PROOF","Explanation":"Definition: high alcoholic content\nB[ottl]E + an anagram [formed] of A DROP + OF \u2013 'of such proof or strength as to carry beads or bubbles, after shaking, in alcoholic liquor' [Chambers]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Pass case of Rioja onto wine producer \u2026 (6)","Answer":"RAVINE","Explanation":"Definition: Pass\nR[ioj]A + VINE [wine producer]"} {"Clue":"case of cold wine brought up (8)","Answer":"CANISTER","Explanation":"Definition: case\nA reversal [brought up] of C [cold] + RETSINA [nasty, in my opinion, wine]"} {"Clue":"British ale or German equivalent overwhelms non-drinker (6)","Answer":"BITTER","Explanation":"Definition: British ale\nBIER [German ale] round TT [non-drinker]"} {"Clue":"Takes in drunk on drink (5,2)","Answer":"SOAKS UP","Explanation":"Definition: Takes in\nSOAK [drunk] + SUP [drink]"} {"Clue":"Bareback rider avoiding flips in exiting (6)","Answer":"GODIVA","Explanation":"Definition: Bareback rider\nAn anagram [flips] of AVOID[in]G minus [exiting] in"} {"Clue":"Old club whiskey's source, that is (6)","Answer":"MASHIE","Explanation":"Definition: Old club\nMASH [whiskey's source] + IE [that is]"} {"Clue":"Tip of foliage creeping up jumper (4)","Answer":"FLEA","Explanation":"Definition: jumper\nLEAF [foliage] with the F [tip] creeping up"} {"Clue":"Note on hospital discharge (3)","Answer":"DOH","Explanation":"DO [note] + H [hospital] \u2013 I don't understand the definition here"} {"Clue":"Prepared ingredients in Bacardi daiquiri (3)","Answer":"DID","Explanation":"Definition: Prepared\nContained in bacarDI Daiquiri \u2013 as in 'Shall I do the potatoes?', perhaps?"} {"Clue":"Boatman's out of drink in a round (3)","Answer":"ORB","Explanation":"Definition: round\n[abs]ORB [drink in] minus ab's [boatman's]"} {"Clue":"Touch the heart of secret admirer (3)","Answer":"TAD","Explanation":"Definition: Touch\nMiddle letters of secreT ADmirer"} {"Clue":"It's further coming back from Yugoslavia (4)","Answer":"ALSO","Explanation":"Definition: It's further\nHidden reversal in yugOSLAvia"} {"Clue":"Drink commonly produces gas and cramp inside (8)","Answer":"CHAMPERS","Explanation":"Definition: Drink commonly\nHAMPER [cramp] in CS [gas]"} {"Clue":"Drunk and disorderly crew landed with doctor missing (7)","Answer":"WRECKED","Explanation":"Definition: Drunk\nAn anagram [disorderly] of CREW + [doc]KED [landed minus doc]"} {"Clue":"Part of regiment loses second line, with nothing to gain (6)","Answer":"ATTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: gain\n[b]ATTA[l]I[o]N] [part of regiment] minus b [second],\u00a0 l [line] and\u00a0 O [nothing]"} {"Clue":"Strange allure of symbol of honour (6)","Answer":"LAUREL","Explanation":"Definition: symbol of honour\nAn anagram [strange] of ALLURE"} {"Clue":"Clue for shy drinker's light refreshment (6)","Answer":"SHANDY","Explanation":"Definition: drinker's light refreshment\nSH AND Y could be a clue for SHY"} {"Clue":"Examination of drunk about rupture inside (6)","Answer":"TRIPOS","Explanation":"Definition: Examination\nA reversal [about] of SOT [drunk] round RIP [rupture]"} {"Clue":"Jack I see rotating tin cans (5)","Answer":"JOHNS","Explanation":"Definition: cans\nJ [ jack] + OH [I see] + a reversal [rotating] of SN [chemical symbol for tin]"} {"Clue":"Integrated socially, head keeps a net spread (3-6)","Answer":"ONE-NATION","Explanation":"Definition: Integrated socially\nONION [slang for head] round an anagram [spread] of A NET"} {"Clue":"Grafting receiver, Eliot's taken to cold castle walls (9)","Answer":"ROOTSTOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Grafting receiver\nROOK [castle, in chess] round [walls] TS [Eliot] + TO + C [cold]"} {"Clue":"Spin intros to traditional Horkstow Grange in the dark (5)","Answer":"NIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: the dark\nT[raditional] H[orkstow] G[range] IN reversed (spin)"} {"Clue":"Live at last in store, say? Boots will probably have it (4,3)","Answer":"SHOE PEG","Explanation":"Definition: Boots will probably have it\nLast letter of livE in SHOP [store] + EG [say]"} {"Clue":"Stomach's odd, almost entirely (7)","Answer":"RUMINAL","Explanation":"Definition: Stomach's\nRUM [odd] + IN AL[l] [almost entirely]"} {"Clue":"Show interest in retro turn recording covers (3,2)","Answer":"EYE UP","Explanation":"Definition: Show interest in\nEP [recording] round [covers] a reversal [retro] of UEY [Australian slang for a U turn] \u2013 it took ages for me to think of looking up this unlikely-looking word, after wondering what to do with the EY"} {"Clue":"Time spent by group playing big city (3)","Answer":"RIO","Explanation":"Definition: big city\n[t]RIO [group minus [spent] t [time]"} {"Clue":"Before arranging the crown of commoners, take strain (5)","Answer":"RETCH","Explanation":"Definition: strain\nR [recipe \u2013 take] before an anagram [arranging] of THE + C[ommoners] \u2013 the album is Commoners Crown"} {"Clue":"Magical cross-country joiner the French resettled in Ely (3,4)","Answer":"LEY-LINE","Explanation":"Definition: Magical cross-country joiner\nLE [the French] + an anagram [resettled] of IN ELY \u2013 see here for the definition"} {"Clue":"The Ruin of Hitler, a parting novel by Stephen (3,4)","Answer":"THE LIAR","Explanation":"Definition: novel by Stephen\nAn anagram [ruin] of HITLER A : novel by Stephen Fry \u2013 I'm not sure what 'parting' is doing here, apart from making the wordplay more complicated [as Enigmatist loves to do!]: A is part of the anagram fodder, as well as 'parting' it"} {"Clue":"Administer punishment using 9-inch ruler? (5)","Answer":"SPANK","Explanation":"Definition: Administer punishment\nSPAN [9 inches \u2013 the width of an expanded hand] + K [king \u2013 ruler]"} {"Clue":"Met types prepared to keep a place for latecomer (5,4)","Answer":"EMPTY SEAT","Explanation":"Definition: a place for latecomer\nAn anagram [prepared] of MET TYPES round [to keep] A"} {"Clue":"Celebrating in pub, I may get this everywhere \u2026 (3,6)","Answer":"ALL AROUND","Explanation":"Definition: everywhere\nWhen celebrating in pub, Enigmatist might get ALL A ROUND \u2013 I look forward to that next October \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"compiler wears this bowler out? Oh, please! (2,3)","Answer":"MY HAT","Explanation":"Definition: Oh, please!\nCompiler wears this bowler out?\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Just to see the king rocket? (4)","Answer":"AJAR","Explanation":"Definition: Just to\nA reversal [rocket, in a down clue] of RAJA [king]"} {"Clue":"Man slammed the cottage's rear door (8)","Answer":"THEODORE","Explanation":"Definition: Man\nTHE + an anagram [slammed] of [cottag]E + DOOR \u2013 Rocket Cottage [see 1dn] is a theme album"} {"Clue":"Status Quo, below the salt, would find a foundation \u2026 (2,2)","Answer":"AS IS","Explanation":"Definition: Status Quo\nPut below ab [Able Seaman, the traditional crossword 'salt'] AS IS gives us a bASIS [a foundation]"} {"Clue":" but not now, failing to exceed 26 down (2,6)","Answer":"NO LONGER","Explanation":"Definition: but not now\nFailing to exceed SPAN [26dn]"} {"Clue":"4 as strong king we are struggling to restrain (6)","Answer":"WEAKER","Explanation":"Definition: 4 as strong\nNO LONGER [4dn] as strong"} {"Clue":"Airman is back in line in bedlam, born to oversee vessels (5-5)","Answer":"BAINS MARIE","Explanation":"Definition: vessels\nB [born] before [to oversee, in a down clue] an anagram [bedlam] of AIRMAN IS + [lin]E: two for the price of one here \u2013 great clue!"} {"Clue":"Six running on the rails in maiden (6)","Answer":"VIRGIN","Explanation":"Definition: maiden\nVI [six] + R[unnin]G [on the rails] + IN"} {"Clue":"Can the last of you set up a group? (4)","Answer":"UNIT","Explanation":"Definition: group\nA reversal [set up] of [yo]U + TIN [can]"} {"Clue":"Treated iron horse left for dead (5)","Answer":"STEEL","Explanation":"Definition: Treated iron\nSTEE[d] [horse] with the d [dead] replaced by L [left]"} {"Clue":"Freeman's listeners once hiding Prince photo in strip, red-hot? (3,7)","Answer":"POP PICKERS","Explanation":"Definition: Freeman's listeners once\nP [prince] + PIC [photo] in POKERS \u2013 two definitions: 'strip' [card game] and 'red-hot' [flower]"} {"Clue":"Composer's husband opens rogue parcel, non-PC (5)","Answer":"LEHAR","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\nH [husband] in [opens] an anagram [rogue] of [p]AR[c]EL [non-PC]"} {"Clue":"Trophy firm raised commotion about army order? (8)","Answer":"OCTOPODA","Explanation":"Definition: order\nA reversal [raised] of POT [trophy] + CO firm + another reversal [about] of ADO [commotion] \u2013 not sure about the 'army'.\u00a0 *D'oh \u2013 I've just seen the pun \u2013 hope I've got there before anyone else!"} {"Clue":"With refreshments to eat, your one-time previous experience bad enough? (5,3)","Answer":"TWICE SHY","Explanation":"Definition: previous experience bad enough?\nTHY [your one-time] round [to eat] W [with] ICES [refreshments] \u2013 a reference to the saying, 'Once bitten, twice shy'"} {"Clue":"When winter comes, sooner than expected, after end of January (6)","Answer":"YEARLY","Explanation":"Definition: When winter comes\n[januar]Y + EARLY [sooner than expected]"} {"Clue":"Stretch team, passing across field (4)","Answer":"SPAN","Explanation":"Definition: Stretchteam, passing across field\nDouble definition: a stretch and a pair of horses or a team of oxen \u2026"} {"Clue":"Work weaving into my upward trek (4)","Answer":"YOMP","Explanation":"Definition: trek\nOP [work] 'weaving into' a reversal [upward] of MY"} {"Clue":"So long tempted and tried avocado for starters (2-2)","Answer":"TA-TA","Explanation":"Definition: So long\nInitial letters [for starters] of Tempted And Tried Avocado\n\n*bridgesong has kindly provided a highlighted grid, my thanks to him."} {"Clue":"Capital doctor, with mostly unpleasant expression (6)","Answer":"MOSCOW","Explanation":"Definition: Capital\nMO [Medical Officer \u2013 doctor] + SCOW[l] [unpleasant expression]"} {"Clue":"Perhaps bank holds a very fragrant plant (8)","Answer":"LAVENDER","Explanation":"Definition: fragrant plant\nLENDER [perhaps bank] round A V [a very]"} {"Clue":"An unexpected pleasure for the books to arrive (4,2)","Answer":"TURN UP","Explanation":"Definition: An unexpected pleasure for the booksarrive\nIt's only when I come to write the comment that I realise that there is a double definition, after all, referring to the expression 'a turn up for the books' \u2013 see here\u00a0 [or is it?]"} {"Clue":"Withdrawn, Edward's back hurt (8)","Answer":"DETACHED","Explanation":"Definition: Withdrawn\nA reversal [back] of TED [Edward] + ACHED [hurt]"} {"Clue":"Under another name, does he produce tales of the supernatural? (11)","Answer":"GHOSTWRITER","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Curled around front of bolster, on this? (4,3)","Answer":"TWIN BED","Explanation":"Definition: this?\nTWINED [curled] round B[olster]"} {"Clue":"Anger me, failing to be relevant (7)","Answer":"GERMANE","Explanation":"Definition: relevant\nAn anagram [failing] of ANGER ME"} {"Clue":"Where soldiers may go after leave is the wrong way round (4,2,5)","Answer":"BACK TO FRONT","Explanation":"Definition: the wrong way round\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"I'm on the phone still (8)","Answer":"IMMOBILE","Explanation":"Definition: still\nI'M + MOBILE [phone]"} {"Clue":"Even smaller than Tim? (6)","Answer":"TINIER","Explanation":"Definition: Even smaller than Tim?\nNot very cryptic reference to Dickens' Tiny Tim"} {"Clue":"Put off professional prankster (8)","Answer":"PROROGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Put off\nPRO [professional] + ROGUE [prankster]"} {"Clue":"Dressed for holiday in France? (2,4)","Answer":"EN F\u00caTE","Explanation":"Definition: Dressed for holiday in France?\nA simple translation of 'dressed for holiday', so not very cryptic\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Vigorous, decline to take public transport (6)","Answer":"ROBUST","Explanation":"Definition: Vigorous\nROT [decline] round BUS [public transport]"} {"Clue":"With target organised, allowing no escape (10)","Answer":"WATERTIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: allowing no escape\nAn anagram [organised] of WITH TARGET"} {"Clue":"Does he fix broken marriages? (8)","Answer":"REPAIRER","Explanation":"Definition: Does he fix broken marriages?\nCryptic definition \u2013 re-pairer"} {"Clue":"Lessen hardness of college entrance \u2014 one gets in (8)","Answer":"MITIGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Lessen hardness of\nMIT [ Massachusetts Institute of Technology \u2013 college {university, actually, as has been pointed out here before}] + GATE [entrance] round I [one]"} {"Clue":"Spaniard in Indian dress attracts constant sneering (8)","Answer":"SARDONIC","Explanation":"Definition: sneering\nDON [Spaniard] in SARI [Indian dress] + C [constant]"} {"Clue":"Children's author had to lift line (4)","Answer":"DAHL","Explanation":"Definition: Children's author\nA reversal [to lift] of HAD + L [line]"} {"Clue":"Travelled: do we hear what on? (4)","Answer":"RODE","Explanation":"Definition: Travelled\nSounds like 'road'"} {"Clue":"Ludicrous? I could be re-interpreted as this (10)","Answer":"RIDICULOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Ludicrous? I could be re-interpreted as this\nAn anagram [re-interpreted] of LUDICROUS I"} {"Clue":"Aliens go mad for fuel (8)","Answer":"GASOLINE","Explanation":"Definition: fuel\nAn anagram [mad] of ALIENS GO"} {"Clue":"No tears, if you get such housing? (4-4)","Answer":"RENT-FREE","Explanation":"Definition: such housing\nCryptic definition \u2013 'tears' rhyming with 'bears'"} {"Clue":"Not very big explosion in births? (4,4)","Answer":"BABY BOOM","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Just before Saturday, get intimate (6)","Answer":"FRIEND","Explanation":"Definition: intimate\nFRI \u2013 END \u2013 just before Saturday"} {"Clue":"Feeble chap's wife a devil (4)","Answer":"WIMP","Explanation":"Definition: Feeble chap\nW [wife] + IMP [devil]"} {"Clue":"I'm fired, found lying in hammock (4)","Answer":"AMMO","Explanation":"Definition: I'm fired\nContained in hAMMOck"} {"Clue":"Less fresh challenger at first one defeated (6)","Answer":"CLOSER","Explanation":"Definition: Less fresh\nC[hallenger] + LOSER [one defeated] \u2013 close in the sense of airless"} {"Clue":"Anti-unionism, note, very high (8)","Answer":"MISOGAMY","Explanation":"Definition: Anti-unionism\nMI [note] + SO [very] + GAMY [high] \u2013 a neat cryptic definition: misogamy is hatred of marriage"} {"Clue":"Other than bums may be contracted in this (2,6)","Answer":"NO TRUMPS","Explanation":"Definition: may be contracted in this\nNOT RUMPS [other than bums] \u2013 a reference to contract bridge"} {"Clue":"Hard to please in house: comfortable outside (6)","Answer":"CHOOSY","Explanation":"Definition: Hard to please\nCOSY [comfortable] outside HO [house]"} {"Clue":"On the fence, not a prison sentence? (3-9)","Answer":"NON-COMMITTAL","Explanation":"Definition: On the fencenot a prison sentence\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Drug smuggler gets cross (4)","Answer":"MULE","Explanation":"Definition: Drug smugglercross\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Ship bearing Republican flag (8)","Answer":"STREAMER","Explanation":"Definition: flag\nSTEAMER [ship] round R [Republican]"} {"Clue":"Needleworker also poked into potato (8)","Answer":"TATTOOER","Explanation":"Definition: Needleworker\nTOO [also] in TATER [slang for potato]"} {"Clue":"Turn over bread (4)","Answer":"ROLL","Explanation":"Definition: Turn overbread\nAnother double definition"} {"Clue":"Naval officer casts losers adrift (5,3,4)","Answer":"FIRST SEA LORD","Explanation":"Definition: Naval officer\nAn anagram [casts? \u2013 surely 'cast' would be a better indicator and just as good for the surface] of LOSERS ADRIFT"} {"Clue":"Tiny packets, as can hide insect (6)","Answer":"QUANTA","Explanation":"Definition: Tiny packets\nQUA [in the capacity of, by virtue of being = as] \u2013 perhaps not so fair as part of the wordplay for a less familiar word] round [can hide] ANT [insect]"} {"Clue":"Running away from such elevated entertainment? (2-6)","Answer":"IN-FLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Running awayuch elevated entertainment\nDouble definition, the first one unhyphenated"} {"Clue":"Empty, Charlie can eat cooked sea creature (8)","Answer":"CETACEAN","Explanation":"Definition: sea creature\nC[harli]E ['empty'] + an anagram [cooked] of CAN EAT"} {"Clue":"Ask a person for leave (6)","Answer":"BEGONE","Explanation":"Definition: leave\nBEG [ask] ONE [a person] \u2013 imperative\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Nothing in set for sale is a result of crime (4)","Answer":"LOOT","Explanation":"Definition: a result of crime\nO [nothing] in LOT [set for sale in an auction]"} {"Clue":"Binding disc inside inserted tube (9)","Answer":"STRINGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Binding\nRING [disc] in STENT [inserted tube]"} {"Clue":"Acts in front of these empire builders (6)","Answer":"ROMANS","Explanation":"Definition: empire builders\nThe book of The Acts of the Apostles comes immediately before the Epistle to the Romans in the New Testament"} {"Clue":"Study of the population's church attendance? (4,11)","Answer":"MASS OBSERVATION","Explanation":"Cryptic definition, which can be seen in two different ways, I think: a study of the attendance at Mass or the observance of the ritual"} {"Clue":"Tree not doing so well, increasing numbers said (8)","Answer":"SYCAMORE","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\nSYCA [sounds like \u2013 said] 'sicker'[not doing so well] + MORE [increasing numbers] \u2013 'said' is rather out of place"} {"Clue":"Attack, capturing large crow (5)","Answer":"GLOAT","Explanation":"Definition: crow\nGO AT [attack] round L [large]"} {"Clue":"Wrongly vague about broken ankle (10)","Answer":"MISTAKENLY","Explanation":"Definition: Wrongly\nMISTY [vague] round an anagram [broken] of ANKLE"} {"Clue":"To look impressive, reduce someone's weight? (3,1,6)","Answer":"CUT A FIGURE","Explanation":"Definition: To look impressive\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Reducing a sort of loan (9)","Answer":"ABRIDGING","Explanation":"Definition: Reducing\nA BRIDGING [sort of loan]"} {"Clue":"You should be embarrassed home's far off (3,5)","Answer":"FOR SHAME","Explanation":"Definition: You should be embarrassed\nAn anagram [off] of HOME'S FAR"} {"Clue":"Chat in party's brilliant (6)","Answer":"CONFAB","Explanation":"Definition: Chat\nCON [party] + FAB [brilliant]"} {"Clue":"Holy Italian who is sacked just before Christmas (5)","Answer":"SANTA","Explanation":"Definition: Holy Italian\nCryptic definition: 'sacked' meaning 'with a sack'"} {"Clue":"Be wrong about hard climb (4)","Answer":"SHIN","Explanation":"Definition: climb\nSIN [be wrong] round H [hard] \u2013 to sin is surely to do wrong"} {"Clue":"Sign wild pig's been shot, daughter notices here (8,5)","Answer":"BULLETIN BOARD","Explanation":"Definition: notices here\na BULLET IN [a] BOAR would be a sign that a wild pig had been shot + D [daughter]"} {"Clue":"Essentially solid competitor's award (7)","Answer":"OLIVIER","Explanation":"Definition: award\nOL [essential letters of sOLId] + VIER [competitor] \u2013 see here\u00a0for the award"} {"Clue":"I'm not sure about diners possibly changing (7)","Answer":"MUTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: possibly changing\nA reversal [about] of UM [I'm not sure] + TABLE [diners] \u2013 decades ago, as a student, I had a holiday job as a waitress and have no difficulty in equating diners with TABLE"} {"Clue":"Grassy area outside of fairway and green (5)","Answer":"LEAFY","Explanation":"Definition: green\nLEA [grassy area \u2013 crossword staple for 'meadow'] + F[airwa]Y \u2013 I know it's necessary for the wordplay but I still winced at 'outside of'!"} {"Clue":"One rejected appeal in parliament, an advocate of regime change? (9)","Answer":"DIETITIAN","Explanation":"Definition: an advocate of regime change?\nI [one] + a reversal [rejected] of IT [sex appeal] in DIET [parliament] + AN"} {"Clue":"Experience one drug, another is junk (5)","Answer":"TRIPE","Explanation":"Definition: junk\nTRIP [appreciate one drug] + E [another drug]"} {"Clue":"Flower flatter round front of calyx (9)","Answer":"BUTTERCUP","Explanation":"Definition: Flower\nBUTTER UP [flatter] round C[alyx]"} {"Clue":"Film star right with popular comic character (3,3,3)","Answer":"RIN TIN TIN","Explanation":"Definition: Film star\nR [right] + IN [popular] + TIN TIN [comic character]"} {"Clue":"Small man defending king for sire (5)","Answer":"SPAWN","Explanation":"Definition: sire\nS [small] + PAWN [man defending king, in chess]"} {"Clue":"Reason to be in bed with nun, if zeal lapses (9)","Answer":"INFLUENZA","Explanation":"Definition: Reason to be in bed\nAn anagram [lapses] of NUN IF ZEAL- this has to be my second favourite clue"} {"Clue":"Release of gas bomb El Chapo carries (5)","Answer":"BELCH","Explanation":"Definition: Release of gas\nContained in [carries] bomB EL CHapo"} {"Clue":"Not even Cartier is at sea (7)","Answer":"ERRATIC","Explanation":"Definition: Not even\nAn anagram [at sea] of CARTIER"} {"Clue":"Trouble rook, one flying round? It's on the wing (7)","Answer":"AILERON","Explanation":"Definition: It's on the wing\nAIL [trouble \u2013 'O what can ail thee, knight at arms \u2026?'] + an anagram [flying] of ONE round R [rook \u2013 chess notation]"} {"Clue":"Hit moves keeping dance modern and trendy, a must for parties (5-4,4)","Answer":"THREE \u2013 LINE WHIP","Explanation":"Definition: a must for parties\nAn anagram [moves] of HIT round [keeping] REEL [dance] + NEW [modern] + HIP [trendy] \u2013 overseas solvers see here"} {"Clue":"Making water sport up, then one on land (9)","Answer":"URINATION","Explanation":"Definition: Making water\nA reversal [up] of RU [Rugby Union \u2013 sport] + I [one] + NATION [land]"} {"Clue":"Vote to Leave behaving carelessly? They're no experts (5)","Answer":"LAITY","Explanation":"Definition: They're no experts\nLA[x]ITY [behaving carelessly] minus x [vote] \u2013 a sublime surface and one of my clues of the year"} {"Clue":"Fed up with banks, head of Exchequer quits (5)","Answer":"TIRED","Explanation":"Definition: Fed up\nTI[e]RED [with banks, minus first letter [head] of exchequer]"} {"Clue":"Where top Tory is less sensitive after tax rises (6,3)","Answer":"NUMBER TEN","Explanation":"Definition: Where top Tory is\nNUMBER [less sensitive] + a reversal [rises] of NET [after tax] \u2013 clever"} {"Clue":"Likely losers having borderline personalities? (9)","Answer":"OUTSIDERS","Explanation":"Definition: Likely losersborderline personalities\nThe definition seemed clear but I looked for a long time at the odd-sounding second part of the clue before deciding to look it up, where I was rather mortified to discover that I didn't know of this disorder \u2013 so it's a double definition"} {"Clue":"Teacher's pet not bottom (5)","Answer":"RABBI","Explanation":"Definition: Teacher\nRABBI[t] \u2013 pet without its final letter [bottom] \u2013 a bit of a chestnut but worth another outing for newer solvers"} {"Clue":"In Paris, you and Latvian showered, able to use bathroom (6-7)","Answer":"TOILET-TRAINED","Explanation":"Definition: able to use bathroom\nTOI [in Paris 'you'] + LETT [Latvian] + RAINED [showered]"} {"Clue":"Girl moving cautiously after parking's tight (5-8)","Answer":"PENNY-PINCHING","Explanation":"Definition: tight\nPENNY [girl] + INCHING [moving cautiously ]after P [parking] \u2013 I liked the surface and definition; there's been a bit of discussion lately about vague cluing of personal names but I think the second part of the clue makes it perfectly clear where we're going here"} {"Clue":"Stripped-off character admits quite bad manners (9)","Answer":"ETIQUETTE","Explanation":"Definition: manners\n[l]ETTE[r] ['stripped off' character] round an anagram [bad] of QUITE"} {"Clue":"Concerned with bloomers, say, ban coital frolics (9)","Answer":"BOTANICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Concerned with bloomers, say\nAn anagram [frolics] of BAN COITAL \u2013 I loved it"} {"Clue":"Cleaner French ruler somewhere in Belgium (9)","Answer":"CHARLEROI","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in Belgium\nCHAR [cleaner] + LE ROI [ French ruler]"} {"Clue":"Scottish runner said to be just out of the medals (5)","Answer":"FORTH","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish runner\nScottish river, sounds like [said to be] 'fourth' \u2013 just out of the medals"} {"Clue":"Something acquired a second time (5)","Answer":"AGAIN","Explanation":"Definition: a second time\nA GAIN \u2013 something acquired"} {"Clue":"Where Long Beach is? West, as a rule (5)","Answer":"BYLAW","Explanation":"Definition: a rule\nLong Beach is BY LA [Los Angeles] + W [west]"} {"Clue":"Mount finest horse (8)","Answer":"BESTRIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Mount\nBEST RIDE [finest horse]"} {"Clue":"Plant kiss on round lips, softly going to hug one (6)","Answer":"OXALIS","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nO [round] + X [kiss] + LI[p]S [minus p \u2013 softly] round [to hug] A [one]"} {"Clue":"Second person to try Apple iPad, a man's content (4)","Answer":"ADAM","Explanation":"Definition: Second person to try Apple\nContained in ipAD AMan's \u2013 clever: we're so used to seeing ADAM clued as 'first person'"} {"Clue":"Bit of trouble cutting grass (10)","Answer":"SMATTERING","Explanation":"Definition: Bit\nMATTER [trouble, as in 'What's the matter?'] in SING [grass \u2013 both slang for to inform]"} {"Clue":"Make love with fellow: let me see thing (6)","Answer":"DOOFER","Explanation":"Definition: thing\nDO [make] + O [love] + F [fellow] + ER [let me see] \u2013 any thing that you don't know or can't remember the name of, like a thingummy"} {"Clue":"National horse is short, can it hit fences? (8)","Answer":"CROATIAN","Explanation":"Definition: National\nAn anagram [hit] of CAN IT round [fences] ROA[n] [horse, short]"} {"Clue":"Sounds hooters, the first person must go inside (6)","Answer":"NOISES","Explanation":"Definition: Sounds\nI [first person] in NOSES [hooters]"} {"Clue":"Chaos from British far-right group before noon (6)","Answer":"BEDLAM","Explanation":"Definition: Chaos\nB [British] + EDL [English Defence League \u2013 far right group + AM [before noon] \u2013 see here for the origin of the word"} {"Clue":"Jade and tire, hen party's starting to get drunk (8)","Answer":"NEPHRITE","Explanation":"Definition: Jade\nAn anagram [drunk] of TIRE HEN P[arty] \u2013 I wondered what this had to do with kidneys: Chambers tells us it's an old charm against kidney disease"} {"Clue":"Neglect daughter, one son gets help (6)","Answer":"DISUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Neglect\nD [daughter] + I S [one son] + USE [help \u2013 as in 'It's no use \u2026]"} {"Clue":"Club member getting birdie? (10)","Answer":"WOODPECKER","Explanation":"Definition: birdie?\nWOOD [golf club] + PECKER [slang for the male member \u2013 *orig US*, Chambers says ]"} {"Clue":"Soldiers stand around for drill (4)","Answer":"BORE","Explanation":"Definition: drill\nBE [stand \u2013 as in A is \/ stands for apple?] round OR [Other Ranks \u2013 soldiers]"} {"Clue":"Switzerland and Italy twice affected (6)","Answer":"CHICHI","Explanation":"Definition: affected\nCH [Switzerland] + I [Italy \u2013 both International Vehicle Registration code] twice"} {"Clue":"Studying for an exam about conception (8)","Answer":"REVISION","Explanation":"Definition: Studying for an exam\nRE [about] + VISION [conception]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Put away drink after drive (4,4)","Answer":"SEND DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Put away\nSEND [drive] + DOWN [drink]"} {"Clue":"Cover of magazine turned over, after sex article (4)","Answer":"ITEM","Explanation":"Definition: article\nIT [sex] + a reversal [turned over] of M[agazin[E"} {"Clue":"Python, perhaps, welcomes second TV series (6)","Answer":"HISSER","Explanation":"Definition: Python, perhaps\nHIS [welcomes] + S [second] + ER [TV series]"} {"Clue":"Pole position at the start, drink put on ice (8)","Answer":"POSTPONE","Explanation":"Definition: put on ice\nPOST [pole] + P[osition] + ONE [drink \u2013 as in 'one for the road'?]"} {"Clue":"Lies lead to Farage, as reality gets distorted (5,5)","Answer":"FAIRY TALES","Explanation":"Definition: Lies\nAn anagram [gets distorted] of AS REALITY + F[arage] \u2013 brilliant!"} {"Clue":"Brown from swimming in sea around noon (6)","Answer":"SIENNA","Explanation":"Definition: Brown\nAn anagram [swimming] of IN SEA round N [noon]"} {"Clue":"Bishop in file at the back by a rook getting check (6)","Answer":"EXARCH","Explanation":"Definition: Bishop\n[fil]E + X [by] + A R [a rook] + CH [check] \u2013 in the Orthodox Church, a bishop lower in rank than a patriarch and having jurisdiction wider than the metropolitan of a diocese \u2013 senior to an eparch, my first thought, which also fits but didn't parse: I liked the way Tramp got in four misleading references to chess [cf 14ac, with three references to horse racing]"} {"Clue":"Following match on ground where captain might be (6,4)","Answer":"FLIGHT DECK","Explanation":"Definition: where captain might be\nF [following] + LIGHT [match] + DECK [ground, as in 'hit the deck']"} {"Clue":"Rash of the skin, not initially red (8)","Answer":"EPIDEMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Rash\nEPIDE[r]MIC [of the skin, minus r{ed}]"} {"Clue":"Snowball in face, fell over (8)","Answer":"MUSHROOM","Explanation":"Definition: Snowball\nMUSH [slang for face] + a reversal [over] of MOOR [fell]"} {"Clue":"A barrel, say, runs out when filling beer container (6)","Answer":"BEAKER","Explanation":"Definition: container\nA K[eg] [barrel, minus eg \u2013 say] in BEER"} {"Clue":"Periods of quiet \u2014 manage to get upset (6)","Answer":"EPOCHS","Explanation":"Definition: Periods\nA reversal [upset] of SH [quiet] + COPE [manage]"} {"Clue":"Take an empty elevator to go down for reception (6)","Answer":"DERIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Take\nE[levato]R in [for reception] DIVE [go down]"} {"Clue":"Broke, mostly get by begging on street (4)","Answer":"BUST","Explanation":"Definition: Broke\nI can't see how this works, I'm afraid \u2013 over to you"} {"Clue":"Ability to buy, until replacing shop contents wore off (8,5)","Answer":"SPENDING POWER","Explanation":"Definition: Ability to buy\nPENDING [until] replacing ho ['contents' of S[ho]P] + an anagram [off] of WORE"} {"Clue":"Why potions get mixed, as instructed in the Old Testament (4,2,4)","Answer":"SHOW NO PITY","Explanation":"Definition: as instructed in the Old Testament\nAN ANAGRAM [get mixed] of WHY POTIONS \u2013 the reference is to Deuteronomy 19:21, setting out the principle of 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth': you can see various translations here"} {"Clue":"Sharp boozer needs a place to sleep (6)","Answer":"BARBED","Explanation":"Definition: Sharp\nBAR [boozer] + BED [place to sleep]"} {"Clue":"Set up an unusual source of protein (7)","Answer":"PEANUTS","Explanation":"Definition: source of protein\nA neat anagram [unusual] of SET UP AN"} {"Clue":"Serious four score at shallow end (7)","Answer":"WEIGHTY","Explanation":"Definition: Serious\n[shallo]W + EIGHTY [four score]"} {"Clue":"Posted filth back inside \u2014 that's harsh (8)","Answer":"STRIDENT","Explanation":"Definition: harsh\nA reversal [back] of DIRT [filth] inside SENT [posted]"} {"Clue":"Take a punt with light shop (6)","Answer":"BETRAY","Explanation":"Definition: shop\nBET [take a punt] + RAY [light]"} {"Clue":"Mostly understanding about old man's body, mortician leads funeral (10)","Answer":"ENTOMBMENT","Explanation":"Definition: funeral\nENTENT[e] [mostly understanding] round the first letters [leads] of Old Man's Body Mortician"} {"Clue":"Right to take a break with cart in river, overturned in a kind of fluid (13)","Answer":"EXTRACELLULAR","Explanation":"Definition: a kind of fluid\nA reversal [overturned] of R [right] + A LULL [a break] + CART in EXE [river] \u2013 for this fluid\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Out of bed to court contemporary (2,2,4)","Answer":"UP TO DATE","Explanation":"Definition: contemporary\nUP [out of bed] + TO DATE [to court]"} {"Clue":"Wild encore drowns second encore (4,4)","Answer":"ONCE MORE","Explanation":"Definition: encore\nAn anagram [wild] of ENCORE round [drowns] MO [second]"} {"Clue":"He boasted about being caught in fog and arrived too late (6,3,4)","Answer":"MISSED THE BOAT","Explanation":"Definition: arrived too late\nAn anagram [about] of HE BOASTED in MIST [fog] \u2013 lovely clue"} {"Clue":"Base soldier comes up with prize for tail twisting (7)","Answer":"IGNOBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Base\nA reversal [comes up] of GI [soldier] + NOBLE [NOBEL \u2013 prize \u2013 with the last two letters reversed {'tail twisting'}]"} {"Clue":"Wild hen parties are missing courage to play this? (4,3,6)","Answer":"SPIN THE BOTTLE","Explanation":"Definition: this?\nAn anagram [wild] of HEN P[ar]TI[e]S minus 'are' + BOTTLE [courage] \u2013 there are several YouTube links illustrating how to play this party game \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"With 22, like this one visible rag? (5,5)","Answer":"SWIPE RIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: With 22, like this one\nWIPER [rag] in SIGHT [therefore visible] \u2013 see here\u00a0 for an explanation of this and the reference in 22dn"} {"Clue":"A left ear \u2014 and ear's sexy! (6)","Answer":"EROTIC","Explanation":"Definition: sexy\nE[a]R [a left ear] + OTIC [ear's \u2013 of the ear] \u2013 my favourite clue"} {"Clue":"Bill's partner imprisoned by outlaws (Australians) (10)","Answer":"BANDICOOTS","Explanation":"Definition: (Australians)\nCOO [Bill's partner, as in 'to bill and coo'] in BANDITS [outlaws]"} {"Clue":"Time to drink and eat? (3,5)","Answer":"TEA BREAK","Explanation":"Definition: Time to drink and eat?\nI'm not sure how this parses: TEA is an anagram [break?] of EAT and tea can be eaten and \/or drunk but I can't quite see how it works"} {"Clue":"Heave supporting stone for a period (7)","Answer":"STRETCH","Explanation":"Definition: period\nST [stone] + RETCH [heave]"} {"Clue":"Kindling for romance? (6)","Answer":"TINDER","Explanation":"Definition: Kindlingfor romance?\nDouble \/cryptic definition \u2013 see 6dn for the explanation"} {"Clue":"across It means happiness for sad creature (8)","Answer":"BLUEBIRD","Explanation":"Definition: It means happiness\nBLUE [sad] + BIRD [creature] \u2013 referring to the 'bluebird of happiness'"} {"Clue":"Change popular stimulant for analgesic (8)","Answer":"MORPHINE","Explanation":"Definition: analgesic\nMORPH [change] + IN [popular] + E [stimulant]"} {"Clue":"Idle, maybe cold-blooded creature (6)","Answer":"PYTHON","Explanation":"Definition: Idle, maybecold-blooded creature\nDouble definition, the first referring to Eric of Monty Python fame"} {"Clue":"Determined chap's going to peak close to Everest (4-4)","Answer":"HELL-BENT","Explanation":"Definition: Determined\nHE'LL [chap's going to] + BEN [peak] + [everes]T"} {"Clue":"Poor sportsman in boozer's back part (6)","Answer":"RABBIT","Explanation":"Definition: Poor sportsman\nA reversal [back] of BAR [boozer] + BIT [part]"} {"Clue":"Is it grave or serious? In dark, I am confused (11,4)","Answer":"DIACRITICAL MARK","Explanation":"Definition: Is it grave\nCRITICAL [serious] in an anagram [confused \u2013 but all the letters are in the right order] of DARK I AM: a grave accent [as in 7dn] is a diacritical mark"} {"Clue":"Anxious for the future, say (5)","Answer":"TENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Anxiousfuture, say\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"London dignitary, proverbially clever fellow with striking fashion (4,11)","Answer":"DICK WHITTINGTON","Explanation":"Definition: London dignitary\nDICK [proverbially clever fellow] + W [with] + HITTING [striking] + TON [fashion]"} {"Clue":"After Salah's header, Aussie player is to dribble (6)","Answer":"SLAVER","Explanation":"Definition: dribble\nS[aleh] + [Rod] LAVER [Aussie tennis player]"} {"Clue":"College member acquiring second language (8)","Answer":"ESTONIAN","Explanation":"Definition: language\nETONIAN [college member] round S [second]"} {"Clue":"Helping one to enter shop (6)","Answer":"RATION","Explanation":"Definition: Helping\nI [one] in RAT ON [to shop]"} {"Clue":"Busts attractive in photo (8)","Answer":"SNAPSHOT","Explanation":"Definition: photo\nSNAPS [busts] + HOT [attractive]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"European means to be heard in argument (7)","Answer":"POLEMIC","Explanation":"Definition: argument\nPOLE [European] + MIC[rophone \u2013 means to be be heard]"} {"Clue":"After bout, stop to see if characters are OK (10)","Answer":"SPELLCHECK","Explanation":"Definition: see if characters are OK\nThree charades in a row: SPELL [bout] + CHECK [stop]"} {"Clue":"This makes MP a deputy leader (4,5)","Answer":"MIKE PENCE","Explanation":"Definition: deputy leader\nIs this just the initials of the American Vice-President or am I missing something?* [Edit: see comment 3 \u2013 thanks, RogerN]"} {"Clue":"Worst family turns up for Allen Ginsberg? (7)","Answer":"BEATNIK","Explanation":"Definition: Allen Ginsberg?\nBEAT [worst, as a verb] plus a reversal [turns up] of KIN [family]"} {"Clue":"Oily stuff: it's about to keep hairdo wonderful (10)","Answer":"SPERMACETI","Explanation":"Definition: Oily stuff\nA reversal [about] of IT'S round PERM [hairdo] + ACE [wonderful]"} {"Clue":"Go crazy the wrong way (4)","Answer":"STAB","Explanation":"Definition: Go\nA reversal [the wrong way] of BATS [crazy]"} {"Clue":"French playmaker again protects position of ball (7)","Answer":"MOLI\u00c8RE","Explanation":"Definition: French playmaker\nMORE [again] round LIE [position of ball \u2013 in golf, I think]"} {"Clue":"Rambling in rocky north-east? Nice! (10)","Answer":"INCOHERENT","Explanation":"Definition: Rambling\nAn anagram [rocky] of NORTH E NICE"} {"Clue":"Sort of pig in soy with MSG in it getting cooked (10)","Answer":"MISOGYNIST","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of pig\nA clever anagram [getting cooked] of SOY MSG IN IT, referring to the expression 'male chauvinist pig'"} {"Clue":"Privates are behind this English flag, if ordered (3,4)","Answer":"FIG LEAF","Explanation":"Definition: Privates are behind this\nAn anagram [ordered] of E FLAG IF"} {"Clue":"Faithless sort cheers up on the job (7)","Answer":"ATHEIST","Explanation":"Definition: Faithless sort\nA reversal [up] of TA [cheers] + HEIST [job \u2013 as in The Italian Job]"} {"Clue":"It turns in either direction (7)","Answer":"ROTATOR","Explanation":"Definition: It turns in either direction\nA palindrome \u2013 &lit]"} {"Clue":"One in vehicle looking in the mirror a lot? (4)","Answer":"VAIN","Explanation":"Definition: looking in the mirror a lot?\nI [one] in VAN [vehicle]"} {"Clue":"What could be an improvement in the weather (4)","Answer":"THAW","Explanation":"Definition: What could be an improvement in the weather\nAn anagram [could be] of WHAT \u2013 another &lit"} {"Clue":"Game one would want to exclude? (8)","Answer":"DRAUGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: Game\nCryptic definition, alluding to draught excluder"} {"Clue":"A gun for everyone? (6)","Answer":"APIECE","Explanation":"Definition: for everyone\nA PIECE [a gun]"} {"Clue":"In Lancaster, for instance, minor road follows bend (8)","Answer":"WARPLANE","Explanation":"Definition: Lancaster, for instance\nLANE [minor road] following WARP [bend]"} {"Clue":"Agin sex law being amended: it used to be applied to the letter (7,3)","Answer":"SEALING WAX","Explanation":"Definition: it used to be applied to the letter\nAn anagram [being amended] of AGIN SEX LAW"} {"Clue":"Be still to sit for another portrait (6)","Answer":"REPOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Be still\nRE-POSE [sit for another portrait]"} {"Clue":"South America captured by less refined warrior (8)","Answer":"CRUSADER","Explanation":"Definition: warrior\nSA [South America] in CRUDER [less refined]"} {"Clue":"Is there no end to such a hint? (3-3)","Answer":"TIP-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: hint\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Tablet halved: centre is deadly (6)","Answer":"LETHAL","Explanation":"Definition: deadly\nThe central letters of tabLET HALved"} {"Clue":"Every possible anagram for 'sweets'? (8)","Answer":"ALLSORTS","Explanation":"Definition: sweets\nALL SORTS = every possible anagram"} {"Clue":"Airmen at sea, or soldier at sea (6)","Answer":"MARINE","Explanation":"Definition: soldier at sea\nAn anagram [at sea] of AIRMEN"} {"Clue":"Revert to original up-and-down course (10)","Answer":"SWITCHBACK","Explanation":"Definition: up-and-down course\nSWITCH BACK [revert to original]"} {"Clue":"Nothing in boat navy finds corrupt (6)","Answer":"SUBORN","Explanation":"Definition: corrupt\nO [nothing] in SUB RN [boat navy]"} {"Clue":"Sullen state, being nursed so badly (8)","Answer":"DOURNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Sullen state\nAn anagram [badly] of NURSED SO\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Most advisable to cross highway at its widest (8)","Answer":"BROADEST","Explanation":"Definition: widest\nBEST [most advisable] round ROAD [highway]"} {"Clue":"Drop fish in doughy dish (8)","Answer":"DUMPLING","Explanation":"Definition: doughy dish\nDUMP [drop] + LING [fish]"} {"Clue":"Pursued, we hear, but not wanting to be caught? (6)","Answer":"CHASTE","Explanation":"Definition: not wanting to be caught\nSounds like [we hear] chased [pursued]"} {"Clue":"In which 90\u00ba is really cold (8)","Answer":"LATITUDE","Explanation":"Definition: In which 90\u00ba is really cold\nLATITUDE 90\u00ba North is the North Pole and LATITUDE 90\u00ba South is the South Pole \u2013 so really cold"} {"Clue":"One may be paid for taking your life (10)","Answer":"BIOGRAPHER","Explanation":"Definition: One may be paid for taking your life\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Write off vehicle in the end? Only a minor accident (6)","Answer":"SCRAPE","Explanation":"Definition: minor accident\nSCRAP [write off] + [vehicl]E"} {"Clue":"Rare sign of damage on church (6)","Answer":"SCARCE","Explanation":"Definition: Rare\nSCAR [sign of injury] + CE [Church of England]"} {"Clue":"Confrontation in workplace? (10)","Answer":"OPPOSITION","Explanation":"Definition: Confrontation\nOP [work] + POSITION [place]"} {"Clue":"Worker's feminine limb \u2014 part of it (8)","Answer":"FARMHAND","Explanation":"Definition: Worker\nF [feminine] + ARM [limb] + HAND [part of arm]"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary line isn't unusual (8)","Answer":"LENINIST","Explanation":"Definition: Revolutionary\nAn anagram [unusual] of LINE ISN'T"} {"Clue":"Man, for example, lives on solid earth (6)","Answer":"ISLAND","Explanation":"Definition: Man, for example\nIS [lives] + LAND [solid earth]"} {"Clue":"Underline 'very bad, but within the rules' (6)","Answer":"LAWFUL","Explanation":"Definition: within the rules'\nAWFUL [very bad] under L [line]"} {"Clue":"Invent face paint? (4,2)","Answer":"MAKE-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Inventface paint\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Sauce I don't know at all, edges of label cut off (7)","Answer":"PASSATA","Explanation":"Definition: Sauce\nPASS [I don't know, as in Mastermind and other quizzes] + AT ALL [minus l l [first and last letters \u2013 edges \u2013 of [l]abe[l]"} {"Clue":"Vegetable container covered in fruit, knocked over (7)","Answer":"SPINACH","Explanation":"Definition: Vegetable\nA reversal [knocked over] of CAN [container] covered in HIPS [fruit]"} {"Clue":"Prefer sugar granulated or in cubes? There is no choice (4,2,2,4,2)","Answer":"LIKE IT OR LUMP IT","Explanation":"Definition: There is no choice\nThe answer is obvious but the wordplay doesn't really work for me: at Paul's invitation, I think I'll choose the latter \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Wooden building rented out by Earl Grey, perhaps? (6)","Answer":"CHALET","Explanation":"Definition: Wooden building\nCHA [tea \u2013 Earl Grey, perhaps?] + LET [rented out]"} {"Clue":"Opposing players in periodical kicking leader under the table (2,3,3)","Answer":"ON THE SLY","Explanation":"Definition: under the table\nES [East South, opposing players, in bridge] in [m]ONTHLY [periodical] minus its first letter [leader]"} {"Clue":"Leader once as PM, less hot around the Palace of Westminster, perhaps? (2,7)","Answer":"JO SWINSON","Explanation":"Definition: Leader once\nJO[h]NSON [current PM, less h [hot] round SWI[1] [postcode of the Houses of Parliament, Palace of Westminster] for the leader of the Liberal Democrats from 22nd July to 13th December 2019"} {"Clue":"What's not true, you see, starts with Boris around, by the look of him? (5,5)","Answer":"FAIRY STORY","Explanation":"Definition: What's not true\nFAIR TORY [Boris, by the look of him \u2013 fair in the sense of fair-haired, of course] round the initial letters [starts] of You See"} {"Clue":"Bully ruing action having lost in battle (9)","Answer":"AGINCOURT","Explanation":"Definition: battle\nAn anagram [bully] of RUING ACTION [minus [having lost] 'in'"} {"Clue":"Where hula dancer might perform, on well after backing singer (8)","Answer":"HONOLULU","Explanation":"Definition: Where hula dancer might perform\nA reversal [backing] of ON + OH [well, I suppose] + LULU [singer]"} {"Clue":"Winning club, positive (6)","Answer":"UPBEAT","Explanation":"Definition: positive\nA simple charade: UP [winning] + BEAT [club]"} {"Clue":"Instrument blown: were only Victoria, Emma, Mel B and Mel C performing? (10)","Answer":"DIDGERIDOO","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument blown\nA typical \u2013 if X then presumbly Y- Paul clue: if only the other four Spice Girls performed, DID GERI DO O [nothing]?"} {"Clue":"A lovely surprise (9)","Answer":"BOMBSHELL","Explanation":"Definition: A lovelysurprise\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Treasure, like US singer? (7)","Answer":"CHERISH","Explanation":"Definition: Treasure\nAnother typical Paul clue, one of his whimsical ones: CHER-ISH [like CHER, the crossword favourite US singer]"} {"Clue":"Into river, pad let down (7)","Answer":"DEFLATE","Explanation":"Definition: let down\nFLAT [pad] in DEE [river]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Quick expulsion, by the sound of it, as a pack of lies reported? (7)","Answer":"ATISHOO","Explanation":"Definition: Quick expulsion, by the sound of it\nSounds like [reported] 'a tissue' \u2013 I've seen a number of versions of this clue and it doesn't quite work for me: tissue by itself doesn't mean 'pack **of lies**'"} {"Clue":"Artist created new romantic hero (7)","Answer":"TRISTAN","Explanation":"Definition: romantic hero\nAn anagram [created] of ARTIST + N [new]"} {"Clue":"Old governor, good and dead (6)","Answer":"PILATE","Explanation":"Definition: Old governor\nPI [good] + LATE [dead] \u2013 I've said a number of times that I think 'Why does PI mean [very] good?' ought to be in our FAQ list: I'll try to forestall queries today by saying that it's in Chambers as short for 'pious'"} {"Clue":"Stool, might one sit beside chair? (6,3)","Answer":"NUMBER TWO","Explanation":"Definition: Stool\n\u2026 and thirdly, an example of the type of clue perhaps most readily associated with Paul: Number Two in an organisation might sit beside the Chair[person] in meetings"} {"Clue":"Scary work in a fridge (7)","Answer":"CHILLER","Explanation":"Definition: fridge\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"As a result, Farah in marathon taking days, oddly \u2014 this chap lasted a week! (7,6)","Answer":"SOLOMON GRUNDY","Explanation":"Definition: this chap lasted a week!\nSO [as a result] MO [Farah] in LONG RUN [marathon] + the odd letters of D[a]Y[s] \u2013 I really liked the construction of this clue: MO in LONG RUN for Farah in Marathon was inspired! \u2013 just a pity that the definition gave it away so soon \u2013 but, if you didn't know it, the nursery rhyme about Solomon Grundy is here"} {"Clue":"Duck under branch gripped by bird, not one for hawk (9)","Answer":"WARMONGER","Explanation":"Definition: hawk\nO [duck, in cricket] under ARM [branch] in [gripped by ] W[i]NGER [bird, minus i \u2013 one]"} {"Clue":"Cut, boil has exploded (7)","Answer":"ABOLISH","Explanation":"Definition: Cut\nAn anagram [exploded] of BOILHAS: not the first synonym I would think of for 'cut' and I can't find any dictionary evidence for it \u2013 any offers for examples?"} {"Clue":"No regret standing between walls of Newgate cell (7)","Answer":"NEURONE","Explanation":"Definition: cell\nA reversal [standing, in a down clue] of NO RUE [no regret] in first and last letters [walls] of N[ewgat]E"} {"Clue":"Welcome again, ma\u00eetre d's bubbly (7)","Answer":"READMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Welcome again\nAn anagram [bubbly] of MA\u00ceTRE D"} {"Clue":"Presumption if heart is about right (6)","Answer":"HUBRIS","Explanation":"Definition: Presumption\nHUB [heart] + IS round R [right]"} {"Clue":"Tiny thing left in place of tower (5)","Answer":"BABEL","Explanation":"Definition: place of tower\nBABE [tiny thing] + L [left] \u2013 I think some may be unhappy with 'in'"} {"Clue":"Member of the force working on a lead? (6,3)","Answer":"POLICE DOG","Explanation":"Definition: Member of the force working on a lead?\nCryptic definition \u2013 play on 'lead'"} {"Clue":"Writer finds way into literary festival (5)","Answer":"HARDY","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\nRD [road \u2013 way] in HAY [literary festival: I'm ashamed to say that I've never been there \u2013 it's still on my bucket list] \u2013 here's the link to the theme"} {"Clue":"Briefest break since son climbs into bed (9)","Answer":"CONCISEST","Explanation":"Definition: Briefest\nAn anagram [break] of SINCE + S [son] in COT [bed]"} {"Clue":"Cooker at home once more (5)","Answer":"AGAIN","Explanation":"Definition: once more\nAGA [cooker] + IN [at home]"} {"Clue":"Newspaper feature generates support (6)","Answer":"COLUMN","Explanation":"Definition: ewspaper featuresupport\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"In revolutionary China, run by Mao, mostly as leader (8)","Answer":"CHAIRMAN","Explanation":"Definition: leader\nAn anagram [revolutionary] of CHINA + R + MA[o], mostly \u2013 with an extended definition"} {"Clue":"Little Boy Blue's triumph (7)","Answer":"VICTORY","Explanation":"Definition: triumph\nVIC [little boy: I know some don't like this device as an abbreviation \u2013 and, on the whole, I agree but it does suit the surface here ] + TORY [blue]"} {"Clue":"Most elevated dizzy heights (7)","Answer":"HIGHEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most elevated\nAn anagram [dizzy] of HEIGHTS"} {"Clue":"Helmsman to steer south-west, carried by third person (8)","Answer":"COXSWAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Helmsman\nOX [steer] + SW [south west] in CAIN [elder son of Adam and Eve, so third person]"} {"Clue":"Small and large specimen (6)","Answer":"SAMPLE","Explanation":"Definition: specimen\nS [small] + AMPLE [large]"} {"Clue":"Judge an American god (5)","Answer":"JANUS","Explanation":"Definition: god\nJ [judge] + AN + US \u2013 I liked this inclusion in my first blog of the new year, Janus being the god of openings and closings, usually depicted as having two faces, looking to the future and the past and giving his name to January \u2013 *and JANUS was one of Nelson's ships \u2013 thanks to commenters @5 and 7 \u2013 highlighted now"} {"Clue":"Battle 4, perhaps, to stop in London (9,6)","Answer":"TRAFALGAR SQUARE","Explanation":"Definition: stop in London\nTRAFALGAR [3 dn's most famous battle] + 4 [square number]"} {"Clue":"The Guardian and Independent read inside out? Strange (5)","Answer":"WEIRD","Explanation":"Definition: Strange\nWE [the Guardian] + I [Independent] + R[ea]D 'inside out'"} {"Clue":"Warship's funny story, invading two rivers (9)","Answer":"DESTROYER","Explanation":"Definition: Warship\nAn anagram [funny] of STORY] in DEE + R [two rivers]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Main chant as cyclist retires \u2014 hard to puncture two tyres (2-2-2)","Answer":"YO-HO-HO","Explanation":"Definition: Main chant\nA reversal [retires] of HOY [cyclist ] + H [hard] in OO [two tyres \u2013 presumably wheels?]"} {"Clue":"Noble is 1, 2, 3, 4, say, after 5? (8)","Answer":"VISCOUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Noble\nIS + COUNT [1,2,3,4, say] after V [five] \u2013 another of Qaos' 'mathematical' clues"} {"Clue":"Finally, when telephone call is on hold (6)","Answer":"NELSON","Explanation":"Definition: hold\nLast letters [finally] of wheN telephonE calL iS\u00a0 + ON, for a hold in wrestling"} {"Clue":"Fabulous bird raised, literally, on an island (7)","Answer":"CORSICA","Explanation":"Definition: island\nA reversal [raised] of ROC [fabulous bird] + SIC [literally] on A [an]"} {"Clue":"Pester animal (6)","Answer":"BADGER","Explanation":"Definition: Pester animal\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Mixed salad around space station leads to butterflies (8)","Answer":"ADMIRALS","Explanation":"Definition: butterflies\nAn anagram [mixed] of SALADS around MIR [space station]"} {"Clue":"Duty on first vehicle (4)","Answer":"TAXI","Explanation":"Definition: vehicle\nTAX [duty] + I [first, as in regnal numbers] \u2013 'duty' perhaps a nod to Nelson's famous 'England expects\u2026'?"} {"Clue":"Setter eats old stew alone (8)","Answer":"ISOLATED","Explanation":"Definition: alone\nI [setter] + an anagram [stew] of EATS OLD}"} {"Clue":"Collect new paper, missing one page (4)","Answer":"REAP","Explanation":"Definition: Collect\nAn anagram [new] of PA[p]ER, minus p [one page]"} {"Clue":"Poet finishes regularly ahead of racing driver (8)","Answer":"HAMILTON","Explanation":"Definition: racing driver\nFor a while, I couldn't see how the wordplay worked but I think it's [John] MILTON [poet] after [finishing] [a]H[e]A[d] for the racing driver LEWIS [and Nelson's 'Lady']"} {"Clue":"Defenceless woman's right by the sea (7)","Answer":"UNARMED","Explanation":"Definition: Defenceless\nUNA [woman] + R [right] + MED[iterranean] [sea] \u2013 a whimsical reference to the theme? It made me smile, anyway"} {"Clue":"Protection, for example, hiding iron shirt (6)","Answer":"SAFETY","Explanation":"Definition: Protection\nSAY [for example] round [hiding] FE [iron] T [shirt]"} {"Clue":"One idly passing time arranging flora around the end of June (6)","Answer":"LOAFER","Explanation":"Definition: One idly passing time\nAn anagram [arranging] of FLORA around [jun]E"} {"Clue":"Plant that may destroy a toilet? (8)","Answer":"LAVENDER","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nLAV[atory] ENDER"} {"Clue":"Chance in card game initially blown (5)","Answer":"EVENS","Explanation":"Definition: Chance\n[s]EVENS [card game] minus its initial letter"} {"Clue":"During safest lap, surprisingly, vehicle at the back crashed out (4,6)","Answer":"FAST ASLEEP","Explanation":"Definition: crashed out\nAn anagram [surprisingly] of SAFEST LAP + [vehicl]E"} {"Clue":"Having broken marriages, you can rely on him for a creepy feeling (3,7)","Answer":"THE WILLIES","Explanation":"Definition: a creepy feeling\nHE WILL [you can rely on him] in [having broken] TIES [marriages]"} {"Clue":"Touch number read as Arabic in church monument (8)","Answer":"CENOTAPH","Explanation":"Definition: monument\nA reversal [as Arabic \u2013 read from right to left] of PAT [touch] + ONE [number] in CH [church]"} {"Clue":"Whip up and turn over US snack (3,4)","Answer":"EGG ROLL","Explanation":"Definition: US snack\nEGG [whip up] + ROLL [turn over] \u2013 is this specifically US?"} {"Clue":"What might secure bottom, but not one side (7)","Answer":"ARSENAL","Explanation":"Definition: side\nAn ARSE NA[i]L [minus i \u2013 one] might secure bottom: this was my penultimate entry and it plumbed the depths for me; for anyone who doesn't know, this is the side"} {"Clue":"Seaside location, sunny and happening (8)","Answer":"BRIGHTON","Explanation":"Definition: Seaside location\nBRIGHT [sunny] + ON [happening]"} {"Clue":"Footballers' exchange covered by radio network (3-3)","Answer":"ONE-TWO","Explanation":"Definition: Footballers' exchange\nHidden in radiO NETWOrk"} {"Clue":"Dear little cuckoo harmed (3-7)","Answer":"ILL-TREATED","Explanation":"Definition: harmed\nAn anagram [cuckoo] of DEAR LITTLE"} {"Clue":"Double locks in attempt to secure new file (4,6)","Answer":"RING BINDER","Explanation":"Definition: file\nRINGER [double] round [locks in] BID [attempt] round [to secure] N [new]"} {"Clue":"Copper river in shade of green? (5)","Answer":"SARGE","Explanation":"Definition: Copper\nR [river] in SAGE [shade of green]"} {"Clue":"French victim of assassination pierced by a single shot \u2014 political target? (8,4)","Answer":"MARGINAL SEAT","Explanation":"Definition: political target?\nMARAT [French victim of assassination]\u00a0 round [pierced by] an anagram [shot] of A SINGLE\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Eg Guardian leader in Guardian has got me, but not you, excited (8,6)","Answer":"MANAGING EDITOR","Explanation":"Definition: Eg Guardian leader\nAN anagram [excited] of IN G[u]ARDIAN GOT ME minus u [you, text speak]"} {"Clue":"Passion in forest, city wanting it (7)","Answer":"ARDENCY","Explanation":"Definition: Passion\nARDEN [forest] + C[it]Y \u2013 I don't think I've ever come across this word"} {"Clue":"Creator does without hint (8)","Answer":"DESIGNER","Explanation":"Definition: Creator\nDEER [does] round SIGN [hint] \u2013 the old crossword trick with 'does'"} {"Clue":"Dreadful experience on different drug for morning or evening, perhaps (5,5)","Answer":"HELLO THERE","Explanation":"Definition: morning or evening, perhaps\nHELL [dreadful experience] + OTHER [different] + E [drug] \u2013 presumably the greeting '[Good] Morning \/ Evening'?"} {"Clue":"A stuck-up politician, rude (10)","Answer":"DEROGATORY","Explanation":"Definition: rude\nA reversal [up] of A GORED [stuck] + TORY [politician]"} {"Clue":"Tool, visibly sore, covered in soap (8)","Answer":"LATHERED","Explanation":"Definition: covered in soap\nLATHE [tool] + RED [visibly sore]"} {"Clue":"Bird entertained by boy in garden, holder of massive flower (5,3)","Answer":"ASWAN DAM","Explanation":"Definition: holder of massive flower\nSWAN [bird] in ADAM [boy{?}] in garden \u2013 the massive 'flower' being the River Nile"} {"Clue":"Science a little bit grisly, ultimately (7)","Answer":"ANATOMY","Explanation":"Definition: Science\nAN ATOM [a little bit] + [grisl]Y"} {"Clue":"Fancy sauce (6)","Answer":"RELISH","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Dropping yellow, German artist unfinished (6)","Answer":"ORDURE","Explanation":"Definition: Dropping\nOR [yellow, in heraldry] + [Albrecht] DURE[r] [German artist, unfinished]"} {"Clue":"Protest about method of travel (4)","Answer":"RAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Protest about\nDouble definition \u2013 though the first is usually 'rail **agains**t'"} {"Clue":"Doctor doesn't start working out inspirational woman (7)","Answer":"EUTERPE","Explanation":"Definition: inspirational woman\n[n]EUTER [doctor, both as verbs] + PE [Physical Education \u2013 working out] \u2013 Euterpe was the Muse of lyric poetry and music"} {"Clue":"Order press to cover key letter from Plato (7)","Answer":"OMICRON","Explanation":"Definition: letter from Plato\nOM [Order of Merit] + IRON [press] round C [key]"} {"Clue":"Periodically fancy that series of old deeds (4)","Answer":"ACTA","Explanation":"Definition: series of old deeds\n[f]A[n]C[y] T[h]A[t] \u2013 ACTA [meaning deeds] was\/were a daily\u00a0government gazette, containing an officially authorized narrative of noteworthy events at Rome, posted in a public place like the Forum"} {"Clue":"Roosevelt settled for Republican surveying device (10)","Answer":"THEODOLITE","Explanation":"Definition: surveying device\nTHEODO[r]E [Roosevelt] with r [Republican] replaced by LIT [settled]"} {"Clue":"Cretan king's mother's contribution to neuropathology (6)","Answer":"EUROPA","Explanation":"Definition: Cretan king's mother\nContained in nEUROPAthology \u2013 mother of King Minos, having been abducted by Zeus, in the form of a bull, who carried her off to Crete"} {"Clue":"Sit papers dealing with main god (8)","Answer":"POSEIDON","Explanation":"Definition: main god\nPOSE [sit] + ID [papers] + ON [dealing with] \u2013 god of the sea, the Greek equivalent of the Roman Neptune"} {"Clue":"Wary bishop is hosting Democrat Eddy near Sicily (9)","Answer":"CHARYBDIS","Explanation":"Definition: Eddy near Sicily\nCHARY [wary] B [bishop] IS round [hosting] D [Democrat] \u2013 a sea monster rationalised as a whirlpool in the Strait of Messina \u2013 I loved the surface!"} {"Clue":"Lots of deities (female) face a setback (5)","Answer":"FATES","Explanation":"Definition: Lots of deities\nF [female] + A + a reversal [back] of SET \u2013 the three weaving goddesses, Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos, who assign individual destinies to mortals at birth, hence the play on 'lots'"} {"Clue":"English lad gathers new wood (5)","Answer":"EBONY","Explanation":"Definition: wood\nE [English] BOY [lad] round N [new]"} {"Clue":"Check claim involving northern dispute (9)","Answer":"CHALLENGE","Explanation":"Definition: dispute\nCH [check, in chess] + ALLEGE [claim] round N [northern]"} {"Clue":"Playwright succeeded with horror story (8)","Answer":"SCHILLER","Explanation":"Definition: Playwright\nS [succeeded] + CHILLER [horror story]"} {"Clue":"Old statesman exercised coercion on leaving (6)","Answer":"CICERO","Explanation":"Definition: Old statesman\nAn anagram [exercised] of COERCI[on]"} {"Clue":"Star characters in Disney film (5,5)","Answer":"WHITE DWARF","Explanation":"Definition: Star\n[Snow] WHITE + DWARF"} {"Clue":"Circus figure's painful back (4)","Answer":"EROS","Explanation":"Definition: Circus figure\nA reversal [back] of SORE [painful] \u2013 reference to the statue of Eros in Piccadilly Circus"} {"Clue":"Ill-fated lover's articles, two of them foreign (7)","Answer":"LEANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Ill-fated lover\nLE AN DER [articles] \u2013 Leander used to swim the Hellespont every night to visit his lover, Hero, priestess of Aphrodite but ultimately drowned"} {"Clue":"One who likes to scorn club first (7)","Answer":"IRONIST","Explanation":"Definition: One who likes to scorn\nIRON [golf club] + IST [1st]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Rustic forbidden to appear in a French church (7)","Answer":"UNCOUTH","Explanation":"Definition: Rustic\nOUT [forbidden] in UN [a French] CH [church] \u2013 I wondered about the definition but Collins and Chambers both give it"} {"Clue":"A long time to muse (5)","Answer":"ERATO","Explanation":"Definition: muse\nERA [a long time] TO \u2013 a more familiar muse [of erotic poetry] in Crosswordland"} {"Clue":"Favourite city medic's future wool supplier (3,4)","Answer":"PET LAMB","Explanation":"Definition: future wool supplier\nPET [favourite] + LA [city] + MB [medic]"} {"Clue":"Coach amused stinging swimmer, one of 21 (6)","Answer":"MEDUSA","Explanation":"Definition: stinging swimmerone of 21\nAn anagram [coach] of AMUSED, with two definitions \u2013 a medusa is a jellyfish and Medusa was the snake-haired Gorgon [one of 21dn] whose gaze turned people to stone; Perseus cut off her head and placed it on Athena's shield"} {"Clue":"Grow crop, last of rye bordering vital ground (9)","Answer":"CULTIVATE","Explanation":"Definition: Grow\nCUT [crop] + [ry]E round [bordering] an anagram [ground] of VITAL"} {"Clue":"Open University book inspires college sequel (7)","Answer":"OUTCOME","Explanation":"Definition: sequel\nOU [Open University] + TOME [book] round C [college]"} {"Clue":"High priest of soul maybe told about dancing (13)","Answer":"TERPSICHOREAN","Explanation":"Definition: about dancing\nAn anagram [high] of PRIEST + CHOREAN [sounds like \u2013 told \u2013 'Korean' = 'of Seoul {another sounds like} maybe' \u2013 I think! \u2013 another Muse: Terpsichore was the Muse of dancing"} {"Clue":"Film dog in colour, one interrupting service (3,3,3)","Answer":"RIN TIN TIN","Explanation":"Definition: Film dog\nIN TINT [colour] + I [one] in RN [Royal Navy \u2013 the Senior Service] \u2013 this dog appeared quite recently in a puzzle I blogged"} {"Clue":"Barman tours clubs with a European bunch of boozers (7)","Answer":"BACCHAE","Explanation":"Definition: bunch of boozers\nBACH [bar man] round C [clubs] + A E [European] \u2013 the female attendants of Bacchus"} {"Clue":"Cryptic clue about providing radical Morning Star (7)","Answer":"LUCIFER","Explanation":"Definition: Morning Star\nAn anagram [cryptic] of CLUE round IF [providing] + R [radical \u2013 I couldn't find this in Collins or Chambers but I found several instances online]"} {"Clue":"Repulsive women try to cuddle up, hugging Romeo (7)","Answer":"GORGONS","Explanation":"Definition: Repulsive women\nGo [try] + a reversal [up] of SNOG [cuddle] round R [Romeo \u2013 NATO phonetic alphabet]"} {"Clue":"Promise place on Fringe (6)","Answer":"PLEDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Promise\nPL [place] + EDGE [fringe]"} {"Clue":"Theban king about to rip off trousers (5)","Answer":"CREON","Explanation":"Definition: Theban king\nCON [rip off] round [trousers] RE [about] \u2013 Creon was king of Thebes after Oedipus: another surface that made me laugh"} {"Clue":"Record mostly minor changes in style of pictures (4,4)","Answer":"FILM NOIR","Explanation":"Definition: style of pictures\nFILM [record] plus an anagram [changes] of MINO[r] \u2013 mostly\u00a0 *\u00a0Edit: or, rather, FIL[e]\u00a0 [record \u2013 mostly] + an anagram [changes] of\u00a0 MINOR\u00a0 [Thank you Quirister @6 and Biggles A @10]"} {"Clue":"Set of nine or ten one had initially cut (an exception to theme among across solutions) (6)","Answer":"ENNEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Set of nine\n[t]EN [o]NE [h]AD, with initial letters cut"} {"Clue":"School activity cancelled? On the contrary (4)","Answer":"NOPE","Explanation":"Definition: On the contrary\nNO PE [school activity cancelled \u2013 I remember not being too sad about that]"} {"Clue":"Knave sharing 25% with top man in his hostile takeovers (10)","Answer":"HIJACKINGS","Explanation":"Definition: hostile takeovers\nJACK [knave] + KING [top man] [the K is common to both \u2013 sharing 25%] in HIS"} {"Clue":"Guard having mainly brave aim (6)","Answer":"DEFEND","Explanation":"Definition: Guard\nDEF[y] [brave, as a verb, mainly] + END [aim]"} {"Clue":"State of what's still left in river and loch (8)","Answer":"CALMNESS","Explanation":"Definition: State of what's still\nL [left] in CAM [Cambridge's river] + NESS [loch]"} {"Clue":"In error, grip is changed for work on magazine, say (7,6)","Answer":"GRAPHIC DESIGN","Explanation":"Definition: work on magazine, say\nAn anagram [in error] of GRIP IS CHANGED"} {"Clue":"Dog and another pet grabbing old white garment (3,4)","Answer":"LAB COAT","Explanation":"Definition: white garment\nLAB[rador] [dog] + CAT [another pet] round O [old]"} {"Clue":"Churned up, as field after one's removed quantity of soil (8)","Answer":"SPADEFUL","Explanation":"Definition: quantity of soil\nAn anagram [churned] of UP AS F[i]ELD, with i [one] removed"} {"Clue":"One acts in emergency ward, finally, with duty nurse needing replacement (10)","Answer":"UNDERSTUDY","Explanation":"Definition: One acts in emergency\n[war]D + an anagram [needing replacement] of DUTY NURSE \u2013 super surface"} {"Clue":"What's at heart of 23, long ago in former times (4)","Answer":"ERST","Explanation":"Definition: in former times\nAt the heart of undERSTudy \u2013 answer to 23: I think I'd only come across this in 'erstwhile' \u2013 Collins says it's archaic, hence 'long ago'"} {"Clue":"Shares taken back by limited company that goes to wall (6)","Answer":"STUCCO","Explanation":"Definition: that goes to wall\nA reversal [taken back] of CUTS [shares] + CO[mpany]"} {"Clue":"Challenging puzzles \u2014 though apart from one hard one, oddly easy (8)","Answer":"TOUGHIES","Explanation":"Definition: Challenging puzzles\nT[h]OUGH minus one h [hard] + I [one] + odd letters of E[a]S[y]: I enjoyed working this one out \u2013 another great surface\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"One is posted during watch, for instance, as helmsman (8)","Answer":"TIMONEER","Explanation":"Definition: helmsman\nONE in TIMER [watch, for instance] \u2013 a new word for me"} {"Clue":"Duck out of business meeting (4)","Answer":"SMEE","Explanation":"Definition: Duck\nContained in businesS MEEting \u2013 an 'erstwhile' favourite crossword duck"} {"Clue":"County discard is hit with club (6)","Answer":"COSHED","Explanation":"Definition: hit with club\nCO [county] + SHED [discard]"} {"Clue":"Plan for fast plane, including maximum speed (7)","Answer":"PROJECT","Explanation":"Definition: Plan\nPRO [for] + JET [fast plane] round C [ c is the symbol for the speed of light]"} {"Clue":"My bad term of Latin (3,5)","Answer":"MEA CULPA","Explanation":"Definition: My bad\nI'm not sure what to call this: it's a straightforward translation \/ double definition \/ &lit?? \u2013 over to you: it's a brilliant surface, anyway!"} {"Clue":"Additions to petrol mix can stink, OK? (10)","Answer":"ANTIKNOCKS","Explanation":"Definition: Additions to petrol\nAn anagram [mix] of CAN STINK OK"} {"Clue":"River in East \u2014 that's crossed by crews (6)","Answer":"GANGES","Explanation":"Definition: River\nGANGS [crews] round E [East]"} {"Clue":"Lose power, protected by coppers no longer? That's convenient (10)","Answer":"EXPEDIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: That's convenient\nEX PENCE [coppers no longer] round DIE [lose power]"} {"Clue":"What's brewing, if unions organised (8)","Answer":"INFUSION","Explanation":"Definition: What's brewing\nAn anagram [organised] of IF UNIONS"} {"Clue":"Sign about journey south for old craft (8)","Answer":"ARGOSIES","Explanation":"Definition: old craft\nARIES [zodiac sign] round GO [journey] S [south]"} {"Clue":"Knowing about relative showing off (7)","Answer":"FLAUNTY","Explanation":"Definition: showing off\nFLY [knowing] round AUNT [relative]"} {"Clue":"Circle in pub drinks certain wines (6)","Answer":"PINOTS","Explanation":"Definition: certain wines\nO [circle] in PINTS [pub drinks]"} {"Clue":"For practice session, fail as well after switching halves (3,3)","Answer":"DRY RUN","Explanation":"Definition: For practice session\nWe need to switch the two halves of RUN DRY [fail as {a} well]"} {"Clue":"Authentic German dramatist affected by Brexit? (4)","Answer":"ECHT","Explanation":"Definition: Authentic\n[br]ECHT [German dramatist] with br having exited"} {"Clue":"Post-hermaphrodite gender reported? (5,4)","Answer":"SNAIL MAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Post\nSNAIL [hermaphrodite] + MAIL [sounds like {reported} male {gender}]"} {"Clue":"Mythological king, one being carried like a baby? (5)","Answer":"PRIAM","Explanation":"Definition: Mythological king\nI [one] in PRAM [carried like a baby] \u2013 Priam was king of Troy when it fell"} {"Clue":"Bare bones revealed rank (7)","Answer":"OUTLINE","Explanation":"Definition: Bare bones\nOUT [revealed] + LINE [rank]"} {"Clue":"Painter gives extremely detailed subject of self-portrait to sovereign (7)","Answer":"VERMEER","Explanation":"Definition: Painter\nVER[y] [extremely 'detailed'] + ME [subject of self-portrait] + ER [sovereign]"} {"Clue":"Resurgent Australian openers batting \u2014 what might stop them? (4)","Answer":"RAIN","Explanation":"Definition: what might stop them\nRA [first letters \u2013 openers \u2013 of Resurgent Australians] + IN [batting]"} {"Clue":"Australian native with overwhelming fear of beard, perhaps? (5,5)","Answer":"HAIRY PANIC","Explanation":"Definition: Australian native\nCryptic definition for this grass that I'd never heard of"} {"Clue":"Allied force at once circling German capital (7)","Answer":"COGNATE","Explanation":"Definition: Allied\nAn anagram [force] of AT ONCE round G[erman]"} {"Clue":"Drop a scam for starters? (7)","Answer":"SOUPCON","Explanation":"Definition: Drop\nSOUP [starter] + CON [scam]"} {"Clue":"Clubs with a three iron shortly exchanged for old driver (10)","Answer":"CHARIOTEER","Explanation":"Definition: old driver\nC [clubs] + an anagram [exchanged] of A THREE IRO[n]"} {"Clue":"Previous character in audition, await your turn (4,1,5)","Answer":"FORM A QUEUE","Explanation":"Definition: await your turn\nSounds like [in audition] former [previous] Q [character]"} {"Clue":"Knocked over, Greek character and singer howl (7)","Answer":"ULULATE","Explanation":"Definition: howl\nA reversal knocked over] of ETA [Greek character] + LULU [singer]"} {"Clue":"Good man fed to unpleasant chap a Mexican dish (7)","Answer":"TOSTADA","Explanation":"Definition: Mexican dish\nST [saint \u2013 good man] in TOAD [unpleasant chap] + A"} {"Clue":"not 9) for seafood (5)","Answer":"SQUID","Explanation":"Definition: seafood\nS[ix] QUID [not ix \u2013 nine] \u2013 shades of the very old joke ending 'Here's that sick squid I owe you'"} {"Clue":"A prophet appearing reflective after dropping trousers (9)","Answer":"DUNGAREES","Explanation":"Definition: trousers\nA + a reversal [reflective] of SEER [prophet] after DUNG [dropping]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"People move quickly south of a European meeting place (5,10)","Answer":"ASCOT RACECOURSE","Explanation":"Definition: meeting place\nRACE [people] COURSE [move quickly] south of [in a down clue] A SCOT [a European] \u2013 I'm too sad to make a comment"} {"Clue":"Fast and loose, by the sound of it? (8)","Answer":"RATTLING","Explanation":"Definition: Fast loose,by the sound of it\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Toy bags in supermarket, very clear (5,2,3)","Answer":"PLAIN AS DAY","Explanation":"Definition: very clear\nPLAY [toy] round IN ASDA [supermarket]"} {"Clue":"Level of interest bishop's shown over a frightful teaser (4,4)","Answer":"BASE RATE","Explanation":"Definition: Level of interest\nB [bishop] + A + an anagram [frightful] of TEASER"} {"Clue":"Bird, parrot's first sweetheart (6)","Answer":"PLOVER","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nP[arrot] + LOVER [sweetheart]"} {"Clue":"Place power in bullet \u2014 that should get things motoring! (5,4)","Answer":"SPARK PLUG","Explanation":"Definition: that should get things motoring\nPARK [place] + P [power] in SLUG [bullet]"} {"Clue":"Cinema of a sort not showing Rambo originally, go for it! (4,2)","Answer":"DIVE IN","Explanation":"Definition: go for it!\nD[r]IVE-IN [sort of cinema] minus [r]ambo"} {"Clue":"Voice in my ear came in preposterous Trump mission? (8,7)","Answer":"AMERICAN EMBASSY","Explanation":"Definition: Trump mission\nBASS [voice] in an anagram [preposterous] of IN MY EAR CAME"} {"Clue":"General appearance supermarket admits indefensible, initially (9)","Answer":"GARIBALDI","Explanation":"Definition: General\nGARB [appearance] + ALDI [another supermarket] round I[ndefensible]"} {"Clue":"Get down in type of dance \u2014 evidently hot? (8)","Answer":"SWEATING","Explanation":"Definition: evidently hot\nEAT [get down] in SWING [type of dance]"} {"Clue":"Scholar wild about English hymn tunes (8)","Answer":"CHORALES","Explanation":"Definition: hymn tunes\nAn anagram [wild] of SCHOLAR round E [English]"} {"Clue":"In tip, taste cans (6)","Answer":"TRENDY","Explanation":"Definition: In\nTRY [taste] round [cans] END [tip]"} {"Clue":"Workshop produces ornament I love (6)","Answer":"STUDIO","Explanation":"Definition: Workshop\nSTUD [ornament] + I O [I love]"} {"Clue":"Diva cries about article (6)","Answer":"CALLAS","Explanation":"Definition: Diva\nCALLS [cries] round A [article]"} {"Clue":"Irish leader disposed of drug for operatic heroine (6)","Answer":"ISOLDE","Explanation":"Definition: operatic heroine\nI[rish] + SOLD [disposed of] E [drug]"} {"Clue":"Was there when a Rechabite expired (8)","Answer":"ATTENDED","Explanation":"Definition: Was there\nA TT [a Rechabite] ENDED [expired] \u2013 Rechabite: a descendant of Jonadab, son of Rechab who 'did not drink wine or dwell in houses' [Jeremiah 35; 6-7] \u2013 hence a total abstainer"} {"Clue":"Repulsive material makes stomachs turn (4)","Answer":"SMUT","Explanation":"Definition: Repulsive material\nA reversal [turn] of TUMS [stomachs] \u2013 we've seen this old favourite more than once very recently"} {"Clue":"See pottery modified to a set form (10)","Answer":"STEREOTYPE","Explanation":"Definition: set form\nAn anagram [modified] of SEE POTTERY"} {"Clue":"Epitome of a popular motor race (11)","Answer":"INCARNATION","Explanation":"Definition: Epitome\nIN [popular] + CAR [motor] + NATION [race]"} {"Clue":"Star at fete produced a sensational finish (10)","Answer":"AFTERTASTE","Explanation":"Definition: a sensational finish\nAn anagram [produced] of STAR AT FETE \u2013 with a play on sensation[al]"} {"Clue":"Small beast is lighter (4)","Answer":"SCOW","Explanation":"Definition: lighter\nS [small] COW [beast]"} {"Clue":"One with gun interrupts seduction of Bond (8)","Answer":"LIGATURE","Explanation":"Definition: Bond\nI [one] + GAT [gun] in LURE [seduction]"} {"Clue":"Serial broadcast in the country (6)","Answer":"ISRAEL","Explanation":"Definition: country\nAn anagram [broadcast] of SERIAL"} {"Clue":"Inability to speak of misshapen summit (6)","Answer":"MUTISM","Explanation":"Definition: Inability to speak\nAn anagram [misshapen] of SUMMIT"} {"Clue":"A mince pie is an art form (6)","Answer":"CINEMA","Explanation":"Definition: art form\nAnother anagram [pie \u2013 as in 'a mixed state or confusion': Chambers] of A MINCE\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Missile covered in report (8)","Answer":"BULLETIN","Explanation":"Definition: report\nBULLET [missile] + IN"} {"Clue":"Twice contracting fungal growth in the arm (6)","Answer":"BICEPS","Explanation":"Definition: in the arm\nBIS [twice] round CEP [fungal growth] \u2013 a loose definition"} {"Clue":"Burglar lashes Tory leader! That's most malicious! (8)","Answer":"CATTIEST","Explanation":"Definition: most malicious\nCAT [usually called a cat burglar] + TIES [lashes, as with a rope] + T[ory]"} {"Clue":"World's energy consumed by factory (6)","Answer":"PLANET","Explanation":"Definition: World\nE [energy] in PLANT [factory]"} {"Clue":"Password for man entering bishopric (6)","Answer":"SESAME","Explanation":"Definition: Password\nSAM ['the man'] in SEE [bishopric]"} {"Clue":"Agent commandeers shelter for dwarf (6)","Answer":"SLEEPY","Explanation":"Definition: dwarf\nSPY [agent] round LEE [shelter]"} {"Clue":"Bill carries a bird in a lift (11)","Answer":"PATERNOSTER","Explanation":"Definition: lift\nPOSTER [bill] round A TERN [a bird]"} {"Clue":"Philanthropy is a liberal axiom (8)","Answer":"ALTRUISM","Explanation":"Definition: Philanthropy\nA L [liberal] + TRUISM [axiom]"} {"Clue":"Reporter of outside broadcast on tennis player (8)","Answer":"OBSERVER","Explanation":"Definition: Reporter\nOB [outside broadcast] + SERVER [tennis player]"} {"Clue":"Endorse Anglo-French compact (6)","Answer":"AFFIRM","Explanation":"Definition: Endorse\nAF [Anglo-French] + FIRM [compact]"} {"Clue":"Drink with Kansas leaders in Kansas (6)","Answer":"TOPEKA","Explanation":"Definition: in Kansas\nTOPE [drink] + KA [first two letters \u2013 leaders \u2013 of Kansas] \u2013 another loose definition: Topeka is the capital of Kansas"} {"Clue":"Demands (and gets) old book (6)","Answer":"EXACTS","Explanation":"Definition: Demands (and gets)\nEX [old] + ACTS [book \u2013 of the Bible]"} {"Clue":"European leader approved extract (6)","Answer":"ELICIT","Explanation":"Definition: extract\nE [European] + LICIT [approved]"} {"Clue":"Romeo donning short wig starts to ridicule senior actors (8)","Answer":"TROUPERS","Explanation":"Definition: actors\nR [Romeo \u2013 NATO alphabet] in [donning] TOUP\u00c9[e] \u2013 short wig \u2013 + initial letters [starts] of Ridicule Senior"} {"Clue":"Small flower stand (5)","Answer":"BROOK","Explanation":"Definition: Small flowerstand\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Food from Jersey maybe, about to be taken from show (4)","Answer":"VEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Food from Jersey maybe\n[re]VEAL [show] minus re [about] \u2013 Jersey as in cow"} {"Clue":"Bone idle Tory, having no alternative, reformed dutifully (10)","Answer":"OBEDIENTLY","Explanation":"Definition: dutifully\nAn anagram [reformed] of BONE IDLE T[or]Y \u2013 minus or [alternative]"} {"Clue":"River bird, one often taking to the air? (6)","Answer":"DEE JAY","Explanation":"Definition: one often taking to the air?\nDEE [river] + JAY [bird] \u2013 disc jockey on the radio"} {"Clue":"Menacing husband on far side of river, energy-charged (8)","Answer":"TIGERISH","Explanation":"Definition: Menacing\nH [husband] on far side of TIGRIS [river] round E [energy]"} {"Clue":"Feel passionate, then unusually good (7)","Answer":"ENTHUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Feel passionate\nAn anagram [unusually] of THEN + USE [good \u2013 as in 'this is no good \/ use']"} {"Clue":"More roguish end to country's Olympic sport (7)","Answer":"ARCHERY","Explanation":"Definition: Olympic sport\nARCHER [more roguish] + [countr]Y"} {"Clue":"Alluring display to stimulate hosts and discontented clientele (3,5)","Answer":"FAN DANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Alluring display\nFAN [stimulate \u2013 as to fan a flame] + C[lentel]E ['discontented'] round [hosts] AND \u2013 brilliant [&lit?]"} {"Clue":"In revolt, blocking head's move to new form (6)","Answer":"PUPATE","Explanation":"Definition: move to new form\nUP [in revolt] in PATE [head]"} {"Clue":"Queen (in hat) reaching mountainous Welsh location (10)","Answer":"CAERPHILLY","Explanation":"Definition: Welsh location\nER [queen] in CAP [hat] + HILLY [mountainous]"} {"Clue":"Prospective water carrier, quarter-pint, she said (4)","Answer":"JILL","Explanation":"Definition: Prospective water carrier\nSounds like [she said] gill [quarter pint, as the back page of our exercise books used to tell us] reference here and 24dn: 'Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water'"} {"Clue":"Where most crops are systematically stored, moving left (5)","Answer":"FIELD","Explanation":"Definition: Where most crops are\nFILED [systematically stored] with the L [left] moved \u2013 to the right!"} {"Clue":"Rarest of indigenous creatures originally in ark? (8)","Answer":"CHOICEST","Explanation":"Definition: Rarest\nInitial letters [originally] of Indigenous Creatures in CHEST [ark]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Big shady plant seabird's seen across ridge (4,4)","Answer":"TREE FERN","Explanation":"Definition: Big shady plant\nTERN [sea bird] round REEF [ridge]"} {"Clue":"Person who's investing gold in 17? (4)","Answer":"BULL","Explanation":"Definition: Person who's investinggold in 17\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Features records written up in sacred book (7)","Answer":"ASPECTS","Explanation":"Definition: Features\nA reversal [written up] of EPS [records] in ACTS [sacred book]"} {"Clue":"Condenser brigadier ordered undergoes singular loss of current (8)","Answer":"ABRIDGER","Explanation":"Definition: Condenser\nAn anagram [ordered] of BR[i]GADIER minus i [current] \u2013 the use of'singular' being an example of Nutmeg's meticulous cluing: only one i is to be deleted"} {"Clue":"Cereal with posher nuts for local business (6,4)","Answer":"CORNER SHOP","Explanation":"Definition: local business\nCORN [[cereal] + an anagram [nuts] of POSHER"} {"Clue":"Expertise shown by butcher on board (6)","Answer":"SKILLS","Explanation":"Definition: Expertise\nKILL [butcher] in SS [ie 'on board' \u2013 one of the oldest crossword devices]"} {"Clue":"Stars kept Julie's last umbrella for summer (8)","Answer":"SUNSHADE","Explanation":"Definition: umbrella for summer\nSUNS [stars] + HAD [kept] + [juli]E"} {"Clue":"Callous orders restricting most of the citizens, ultimately (8)","Answer":"RUTHLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Callous\nRULES [orders] round TH[e] + [citizen]S"} {"Clue":"Joint in ponies and, abroad, in many sheep (7)","Answer":"FETLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Joint in ponies\nET [French 'and' \u2013 abroad] in FLOCK [many sheep]"} {"Clue":"Italian dukes once ruled here, provided priest turned up (6)","Answer":"AMALFI","Explanation":"Definition: Italian dukes once ruled here\nA reversal [turned up] of IF [provided] + LAMA [priest] \u2013 I knew this only as a delightful place to visit but learned about the ducal connection here"} {"Clue":"In game, represent league lacking finance (3,3)","Answer":"PAY FOR","Explanation":"Definition: finance\nP[l]AY FOR [represent, in game] minus l [league]"} {"Clue":"Sailor, 24 across's companion in ascent (4)","Answer":"JACK","Explanation":"Definition: Sailor24 across's companion in ascent\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Strongly anger unionists, being enthusiastic (5,2)","Answer":"FIRED UP","Explanation":"Definition: enthusiastic\nFIRE [strongly anger]* [or, rather \u2013 see comment 2 \u2013 F [strongly] + IRE [anger]* + DUP [Democratic Unionist Party]"} {"Clue":"Not quite have time to cover puzzles, essentially reversing instruction (7)","Answer":"MITZVAH","Explanation":"Definition: instruction\nA reversal [reversing] of HAV[e] TIM[e] round the middle letter [essentially] of puzZles"} {"Clue":"Exceptional grant and a fourth armed man? (9)","Answer":"D\u2019ARTAGNAN","Explanation":"Definition: fourth armed man\nAn anagram [exceptional] of GRANT AND A for Dumas' fourth Musketeer"} {"Clue":"Humanitarian organisation's driver possibly going round in circles (6,4)","Answer":"ROTARY CLUB","Explanation":"Definition: Humanitarian organisation\nROTARY [going round in circles] + [golf] CLUB [driver, possibly]"} {"Clue":"Fortitude may be needed in readiness for real snow and ice (4,4)","Answer":"TRUE GRIT","Explanation":"Definition: Fortitude\nCryptic definition: in readiness for **real** snow and ice you would need **true** grit"} {"Clue":"Is Monet misrepresented in tiny but fundamental matter? (8,4)","Answer":"QUESTION MARK","Explanation":"Definition: ?\nAn anagram [misrepresented] of IS MONET in QUARK [tiny but fundamental matter]"} {"Clue":"Merrymaking composer pens the ultimate in music, rejecting secure articles (12)","Answer":"BACCHANALIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Merrymaking\nBACH [composer] round [musi]C + a reversal [rejecting] of NAIL [secure] + AN A [articles] the first of\u00a0 the epithets derived from the name of a Roman deity"} {"Clue":"Redeem myself, partly to get an award (4)","Answer":"EMMY","Explanation":"Definition: award\nHidden in redeEM MYself"} {"Clue":"Consider purposeful shop reprimand (10)","Answer":"DELIBERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Considerpurposefu\nDELI [shop] + BERATE [reprimand] \u2013 with two definitions"} {"Clue":"Desolate nature's in evolution (9)","Answer":"SATURNINE","Explanation":"Definition: Desolate\nAn anagram [evolution] of NATURE'S IN"} {"Clue":"Bothered bit by bit, as they say (5)","Answer":"FAZED","Explanation":"Definition: Bothered\nSounds like [as they say] 'phased' [bit by bit]"} {"Clue":"Parker cooked hot fish outside (7)","Answer":"DOROTHY","Explanation":"Definition: Parker\nAn anagram [cooked] of HOT in DORY [fish]"} {"Clue":"About marriage, when it turns belligerent (7)","Answer":"MARTIAL","Explanation":"Definition: belligerent\nMARITAL [about marriage] with IT reversed\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Iron rod upon a hat (6)","Answer":"FEDORA","Explanation":"Definition: hat\nFE [iron] + a reversal [up]-on [in a down clue] A"} {"Clue":"Brief script, yet evenly read (6)","Answer":"RECITE","Explanation":"Definition: read\nEven letters of bRiEf sCrIpT yEt"} {"Clue":"First in cold blast to become agitated (10)","Answer":"DISTRAUGHT","Explanation":"Definition: agitated\nIST [1st] in DRAUGHT [cold blast]"} {"Clue":"What could make Cupid easily embarrassed (5)","Answer":"PUDIC","Explanation":"Definition: easily embarrassed\nAn anagram [what could make] of CUPID [who gets a look-in to the theme]"} {"Clue":"In a kind of miracle, they say you are fickle (9)","Answer":"MERCURIAL","Explanation":"Definition: fickle\nUR [you are, they say, in text-speak] in an anagram [a kind of] of MIRACLE"} {"Clue":"One left rusticated arrangement of flowers in grief (4,5)","Answer":"TEAR DUCTS","Explanation":"Definition: flowers in grief\nAn anagram [arrangement] of RUST[i]CATED [one left] \u2013 this made me laugh: for once, the cryptic sense of 'flower' is not a river"} {"Clue":"May be even true of sex (8)","Answer":"VENEREAL","Explanation":"Definition: of sex\nAn anagram [may be] of EVEN + REAL [true] \u2013 echoes of 12,14"} {"Clue":"Write down curse for Spooner's nags (8)","Answer":"HENPECKS","Explanation":"Definition: nags\nPEN [write down] + HEX [curse]"} {"Clue":"Unattended vehicle's broken into in Paris: a damaged Ford (7-3)","Answer":"UNCARED-FOR","Explanation":"Definition: Unattended\nCAR [vehicle] in UNE [in Paris a] + an anagram [damaged] of FORD"} {"Clue":"From the time of Rome, it took years to start with honesty (9)","Answer":"SINCERITY","Explanation":"Definition: honesty\nSINCE [from the time of] + initial letters [to start with] of Rome It Took Years"} {"Clue":"Snob houses closed, only half occupied (8)","Answer":"OBSESSED","Explanation":"Definition: occupied\nHalf of snOB houSES cloSED"} {"Clue":"Weapon of racism (lost without it) (8)","Answer":"SCIMITAR","Explanation":"Definition: Weapon\nAn anagram [lost] of RACISM round [without] IT"} {"Clue":"Long live the Emperor of Zanzibar, unclothed and dancing (6)","Answer":"BANZAI","Explanation":"Definition: Long live the Emperor\nAn anagram [dancing] of [z]ANZIBA[r] \u2013 a new word for me [a Japanese battle-cry and salute to the Emperor] but the wordplay was clear and there were only a couple of possibilities, easily checked \u2013 a good example of fair cluing for a less familiar word"} {"Clue":"Part of Venezuela due for uprising, like most of Europe once (6)","Answer":"FEUDAL","Explanation":"Definition: like most of Europe once\nA reversed hidden [uprising] in venezueLA DUE For"} {"Clue":"Brought up breakfast cereal, bypassing the beginning of stomach and small intestine (5)","Answer":"ILEUM","Explanation":"Definition: small intestine\nA reversal [brought up] of MUE[s]LI [breakfast cereal] minus S[tomach] \u2013 not a pretty picture to end on!"} {"Clue":"Parent briefly next to opening of sett, feeding badger (7)","Answer":"BABYSIT","Explanation":"Definition: Parent briefly\nBY [next to] S[ett] in [feeding] BAIT [badger]"} {"Clue":"Man's man, 1\/100 (7)","Answer":"DOUGLAS","Explanation":"Definition: Man's man\nDouglas is the capital of the Isle of Man \u2013 Kirk Douglas [1916-2020] died earlier this month"} {"Clue":"Skin delicate originally on Queen Mother (5)","Answer":"DERMA","Explanation":"Definition: Skin\nD[elicate] + ER [queen] + MA [mother] \u2013 I think Paul missed a trick here \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Poisoner: one of ten on the way in the distance (9)","Answer":"MISTLETOE","Explanation":"Definition: Poisoner\nTOE [one of ten] after [on] ST [way] in MILE [distance]"} {"Clue":"Structure dropping off eggs, old guest scoffing most of pot (10)","Answer":"OVIPOSITOR","Explanation":"Definition: Structure dropping off eggs\nO [old] + VISITOR [guest] round PO[t]"} {"Clue":"Very nearly new name, 1\/100 (4,4)","Answer":"VERA LYNN","Explanation":"V [very] + an anagram [new] of NEARLY] + N [name] \u2013 Vera Lynn born 1917"} {"Clue":"Chap's heart stolen by nation of demons? 1\/100 (2,9)","Answer":"DE HAVILLAND","Explanation":"[c]HA[p] in DEVIL LAND [nation of demons?] \u2013 Olivia de Havilland \u2013 born 1916"} {"Clue":"Measurer of depth, thus submerged by a nymph (4,7)","Answer":"ECHO SOUNDER","Explanation":"Definition: Measurer of depth\nECHO [a nymph] + SO [thus] + UNDER [submerged]"} {"Clue":"European moves as October Revolution's beginning (5-5)","Answer":"SERBO-CROAT","Explanation":"Definition: European\nAn anagram [moves] of AS OCTOBER R[evolution]"} {"Clue":"Standard loom attached to knitted fabric, briefly (9)","Answer":"TRICOLOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Standard\nTRICO[t] [knitted fabric, briefly] + LOUR [loom]"} {"Clue":"Some other fractions in the end found by relative, 1\/100 (5)","Answer":"MOSES","Explanation":"Definition: found by relative\nAn anagram [other] of SOME + [fraction]S \u2013 the prophet Moses' dates aren't entirely clear but he was well over 100 when he died: I don't understand 'found by relative': he was **hidden** in the bulrushes by his sister, Miriam *[see comments 1 and 4 et al]"} {"Clue":"Place hiding agents for a bit (7)","Answer":"SEGMENT","Explanation":"Definition: bit\nSET [place] round G MEN [agents]"} {"Clue":"Related group that is equipped to see better? (7)","Answer":"SPECIES","Explanation":"Definition: Related group\nIE [that is] in SPECS [therefore equipped to see better?]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Upwardly mobile girl stepping out, bound to sleep around (3-3)","Answer":"BED-HOP","Explanation":"Definition: sleep around\nA reversal [upwardly mobile] of DEB [girl stepping out] + HOP [bound]"} {"Clue":"Capital, 1\/100? (6)","Answer":"BERLIN","Explanation":"Definition: Capital\nIrving Berlin [1888-1989]"} {"Clue":"Amphitrite or Salacia, say, imagine holding back daughters and sons (3,7)","Answer":"SEA GODDESS","Explanation":"Definition: Amphitrite or Salacia, say\nSEE [imagine] round AGO [back] and DD [daughters] + SS [sons]"} {"Clue":"Rates: tiniest payment settled up (5)","Answer":"TEMPI","Explanation":"Definition: Rates\nA reversal [up] of I P [one penny \u2013 tiniest payment] + MET [settled]"} {"Clue":"Terminated: grid ultimately \u2026 has been completed (9)","Answer":"DISSOLVED","Explanation":"Definition: Terminated\n[gri]D = IS SOLVED [has been completed]"} {"Clue":"Plain menu appearing all fancy, finally (4)","Answer":"UGLY","Explanation":"Definition: Plain\nLast letters [finally] of menU appearinG alL fancY"} {"Clue":"Speared by Zulu, the rancorous Protestant (8)","Answer":"LUTHERAN","Explanation":"Definition: Protestant\nHidden in zuLU THE RANcorous"} {"Clue":"Ship's officers tie alien up as stowaway would be? (8)","Answer":"STEWARDS","Explanation":"Definition: Ship's officers\nA reversal [up] of DRAW [tie] + ET [the resident crossword alien] in SS [on board ship \u2013 another crossword staple]"} {"Clue":"A climber of rocks somewhere in Devon (10)","Answer":"ILFRACOMBE","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in Devon\nAn anagram [rocks] of A CLIMBER OF"} {"Clue":"Warm necks make do with scarf \u2014 place on flower? (9)","Answer":"HOUSEBOAT","Explanation":"Definition: place on flower?\nHOT [warm] round [necks] USE [make do with] + BOA [scarf]"} {"Clue":"Issue brought up about tedious contracts (8)","Answer":"DEFLATES","Explanation":"Definition: contracts\nA reversal [brought up] of SEED [issue] round FLAT [tedious]"} {"Clue":"Fine head \u2014 using it? (8)","Answer":"THINKING","Explanation":"Definition: using it?\nTHIN [fine] + KING [head]"} {"Clue":"Eastern tree: not entirely gigantic features on it (6)","Answer":"BONSAI","Explanation":"Definition: Eastern tree\nBI[g] [gigantic \u2013 not entirely] round [features] ON SA [sex appeal \u2013 it]"} {"Clue":"Police officers once last in exams \u2014 still time! (6)","Answer":"STASIS","Explanation":"Definition: still time\nSTASI [police officers once] + [exam]S"} {"Clue":"is painful? (5)","Answer":"BURNS","Explanation":"Definition: is painful\nGeorge Burns [January 1886 \u2013 March 1986 \u2013 **just** over 100**]"} {"Clue":"Optimistic desire, 1\/100? (4)","Answer":"HOPE","Explanation":"Definition: Optimistic desire\nBob Hope [May 1903 \u2013 July 2003 \u2013 he just made it, too]"} {"Clue":"Make less iron, perhaps (8)","Answer":"DECREASE","Explanation":"Definition: Make less\nTo iron is to de-crease \u2013 an easy one start us off"} {"Clue":"One article carried by climbers primarily? (3,3)","Answer":"ICE AXE","Explanation":"I [one] + A [article] in the letter CEE [climbers primarily] \u2013 possibly &lit?"} {"Clue":"Such a tyre goes soft? Extremely likely (5-3)","Answer":"CROSS-PLY","Explanation":"Definition: Such a tyre\nP [soft] + L[ikel]Y \u2013 I don't know enough about this but another possible &lit?"} {"Clue":"A poet caught out, being a bit of a heel? Quite the opposite (6)","Answer":"TOECAP","Explanation":"Definition: a bit of a heel? Quite the opposite\nAn anagram [out] of A POET C [caught]"} {"Clue":"Castrate last of brood \u2014 Siamese not seeing Thailand once (5)","Answer":"DESEX","Explanation":"Definition: Castrate\n[broo]D + [siam]ESE \u2013 minus siam, former name of Thailand"} {"Clue":"Shows respect for lethal weapons (9)","Answer":"CROSSBOWS","Explanation":"Definition: lethal weapons\nBOWS [shows respect]"} {"Clue":"against installing electronic warning light (6)","Answer":"BEACON","Explanation":"Definition: warning light\nBA [British Airways \u2013 fliers {21 dn}] round E [electronic] + CON [against]"} {"Clue":"Refreshingly, very little said against Queen's Counsel (7)","Answer":"ADVISER","Explanation":"Definition: Counsel\nAn anagram [refreshingly] of V [very, little] SAID + ER [Queen]"} {"Clue":"Pongs include body odour in antelopes (7)","Answer":"REEBOKS","Explanation":"Definition: antelopes\nREEKS [pongs] round BO [body odour] : yet more antelopes ! \u2013 with Puck, it's usually anteaters et al \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Far from comfortable, condemned characters in purdah (4,2)","Answer":"HARD UP","Explanation":"Definition: Far from comfortable\nAn anagram [condemned] of [characters in] PURDAH"} {"Clue":"Resigns from pop group Blue (5,4)","Answer":"STEPS DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Resigns\nSTEPS [pop group] + DOWN [blue]"} {"Clue":"Kick out English footballer who's dropped ecstasy once (5)","Answer":"EXPEL","Explanation":"Definition: Kick out\nE [English] + PEL[e] [footballer, minus one e \u2013 ecstasy dropped once : as I said a couple of weeks ago, in my blog of Nutmeg's puzzle, I admire this meticulous style of cluing, as opposed to 'timeless', when there might be two or more Ts to delete]"} {"Clue":"Hobnob, perhaps, as writer that is keeping the big man on board (6)","Answer":"BICKIE","Explanation":"Definition: Hobnob, perhaps\nBIC [writer] + IE [that is] round K [King on chess board] \u2013 see here for hobnobs"} {"Clue":"Point needed after City game\u00a0(8)","Answer":"LACROSSE","Explanation":"Definition: game\nLA [Los Angeles \u2013 city] + E [compass point]"} {"Clue":"Take stock, with unhappy result (6)","Answer":"RUSTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Take stock\nAn anagram [unhappy] of RESULT \u2013 neat definition!\u00a0 [Oops, I honestly didn't see the pun until I proofread the blog \ud83d\ude09 ]"} {"Clue":"Note mistake's third to appear in clues \u2014 they're seldom spotted (8)","Answer":"RECLUSES","Explanation":"Definition: they're seldom spotted\nRE [musical note] + miStake in CLUES\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Went off, you might say, for a number of years (6)","Answer":"DECADE","Explanation":"Definition: a number of years\nWell, some might pronounce this word in the same way as 'decayed' [went off] but I certainly wouldn't \u2013 and, for once, I don't think it's a regional issue"} {"Clue":"Cricket team making opposing players run back and forth (5)","Answer":"ESSEX","Explanation":"Definition: Cricket team\nES SE [opposing players in bridge \u2013 palindromically]"} {"Clue":"Musical's essential element (7)","Answer":"SILICON","Explanation":"Definition: element\nSI [chemical formula for SILICON] is essential [not central \u2013 but it works for me] to muSIcal"} {"Clue":"Combining two different styles shows some balls (9)","Answer":"CROSSOVER","Explanation":"Definition: Combining two different styles\nOVER [some balls, in cricket]"} {"Clue":"Having contrary understanding of what might be a super 19 (2,5,8)","Answer":"AT CROSS PURPOSES","Explanation":"Definition: Having contrary understanding\nAn anagram [what might be] of A SUPER SPOT [19dn] \u2013 super clue!"} {"Clue":"Recording disc certain to generate publicity (8)","Answer":"EXPOSURE","Explanation":"Definition: publicity\nEP [recording] + O [disc] + SURE [certain]"} {"Clue":"Not one of the 21 formerly used for counterirritant (4)","Answer":"MOXA","Explanation":"Definition: counterirritant\nMOA [extinct flightless bird \u2013 so not one of the FLIERS [21dn] formerly]\n\n[Having only ?O??, I initially thought of DODO, as 'a flightless bird formerly': I googled 'dodo, counterirritant' which threw up a quotation from 'Middlemarch' [where Dodo is a nickname for Dorothea] and while trawling through a whole chapter I realised I risked missing the post for a birthday card for the next day and had to dash out. On my return, I immediately saw that 16ac\u00a0 had to be ADVISER, whereupon I remembered the other extinct flightless bird, googled again and found a counterirritant! Together with a Radian puzzle from last week , I feel this means I should reread Middlemarch \ud83d\ude09 ]"} {"Clue":"B___ sick as a parrot? no a\u00a0finch (9)","Answer":"CROSSBILL","Explanation":"Definition: finch\nB [in the clue] + ILL [sick] \u2013 this one made me laugh: for overseas solvers, 'sick as a parrot' is how football managers and fans tradtionally feel when their team loses"} {"Clue":"Returning at first reluctantly, almost becomes part of the woodwork (8)","Answer":"CROSSBAR","Explanation":"Definition: part of the woodwork\nA reversal [returning] of the first letters of Reluctantly Almost Becomes"} {"Clue":"See spinner's over (4)","Answer":"SPOT","Explanation":"Definition: See\nA reversal [over] of TOP'S [spinner's] \u2013 yes, a chestnut but needed for\u00a0 7dn"} {"Clue":"Stone Age tool? Joiner would be in heaven, oddly (7)","Answer":"HAND AXE","Explanation":"Definition: Stone Age tool\nAND [joiner] in the odd letters of HeAvEn"} {"Clue":"Using rifles, shot 15s, say (6)","Answer":"FLIERS","Explanation":"An anagram [shot] of RIFLES \u2013 ref 15d"} {"Clue":"Register as nurse with reduced capacity (5)","Answer":"ENROL","Explanation":"Definition: Register\nEN [enrolled nurse] + ROL[e] [capacity, reduced] \u2013 a real pity that ENROL was in the wordplay as well as the answer"} {"Clue":"Political theory backing strike \u2014 is money after a vote? (7)","Answer":"MARXISM","Explanation":"Definition: Political theory\nA reversal [backing] of RAM [strike] + X [a vote] + IS M [money]"} {"Clue":"Laurel's immersed in international books for a moment (7)","Answer":"INSTANT","Explanation":"Definition: moment\nSTAN [Laurel] in I [international] NT [New Testament \u2013 books]"} {"Clue":"Met over coffee (5)","Answer":"DECAF","Explanation":"Definition: coffee\nA reversal [over] of FACED [met]"} {"Clue":"Brew fierce tea, but not with this! (9)","Answer":"CAFETIERE","Explanation":"Definition: not with this\nAn anagram [brew] of FIERCE TEA"} {"Clue":"Like a good poker player's bad handwriting? (10)","Answer":"UNREADABLE","Explanation":"Double \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Stories of heartless people (4)","Answer":"LIES","Explanation":"Definition: Stories\nI think this is LI[v]ES \u2013 an allusion to a 'life' being a biography of a person"} {"Clue":"Hell, belonging to a firm is immaterial (12)","Answer":"DISCORPORATE","Explanation":"Definition: immaterial\nDIS [Hell] + CORPORATE [belonging to a firm]"} {"Clue":"doctors losing out to medical specialist (12)","Answer":"IMMUNOLOGIST","Explanation":"Definition: medical specialist\nI [1] + MM [200] + an anagram [doctors] of LOSING OUT- Qaos has made today's 'sum' easier, too"} {"Clue":"Anatolian country follows Trump's lead over head of Russia (4)","Answer":"TURK","Explanation":"Definition: Anatolian\nT [Trump's lead] + UK [country] round R[ussia]"} {"Clue":"Muesli prepared with fire and food additive (10)","Answer":"EMULSIFIER","Explanation":"Definition: food additive\nAn anagram [prepared] of MUESLI and FIRE"} {"Clue":"High church member's 'Spiritual Is Theological' piece (9)","Answer":"RITUALIST","Explanation":"Definition: High church member\nHidden in spiRITUAL IS Theological"} {"Clue":"President exchanges vote for new fabric (5)","Answer":"NINON","Explanation":"Definition: fabric\nNIXON [president] witth the X [vote, again] changed to N [new]"} {"Clue":"Appreciate case of red knocked back at home with family (5,2)","Answer":"DRINK IN","Explanation":"Definition: Appreciate\nA reversal [knocked back] of R[e]D + IN [at home] + KIN [family]"} {"Clue":"Hair found in Keith's ale? Yes, it's returned (7)","Answer":"EYELASH","Explanation":"Definition: Hair\nHidden reversed [returned] in keitHS ALE YEs\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Psychic found between Little and Large (6)","Answer":"MEDIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Psychicbetween Little and Large\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Single file (6)","Answer":"RECORD","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Run away from fair lot brawling in pubs, causing swellings (10)","Answer":"INFLATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: swellings\nAn anagram of FAI[r] LOT [minus r \u2013 run away] in INNS [pubs] \u2013 strange to see this in the plural"} {"Clue":"Brown tea, after a second (5)","Answer":"MOCHA","Explanation":"Definition: Brown\nCHA [tea] after MO [second]"} {"Clue":"Independent fun girl, over 50, wearing ceremonial clothes (2,4,3)","Answer":"IN FULL RIG","Explanation":"Definition: wearing ceremonial clothes\nI [independent] + an anagram [indicator?] of FUN GIRL round 50"} {"Clue":"Places alien on board (4)","Answer":"SETS","Explanation":"Definition: Places\nET [the resident crossword alien] in SS ['on board']"} {"Clue":"Queen kidnapped by disturbed maniac, one from abroad? (8)","Answer":"AMERICAN","Explanation":"Definition: one from abroad\nER [queen] in an anagram [disturbed] of MANIAC"} {"Clue":"She hates revision for a series of tests (3,5)","Answer":"THE ASHES","Explanation":"Definition: a series of tests\nAn anagram [revision] of SHE HATES \u2013 lovely surface"} {"Clue":"Discipline at the bottom of Tory superego (10)","Answer":"CONSCIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: superego\nSCIENCE [discipline] under CON [Tory]"} {"Clue":"I'm a cool fan touring Britain, north and south 7 (9)","Answer":"COLOMBIAN","Explanation":"Definition: south 7\nAn anagram [fan?] of I'M A COOL round B [Britain] + N [north]"} {"Clue":"down grasps theory, oddly strained (8)","Answer":"FILTERED","Explanation":"Definition: strained\nFILE [2 down \u2013 RECORD] round the odd letters of ThEoRy + D \u2013 and I can't see where the D comes from, unless it's from '2 down' \u2013 since there isn't a 2 across \u2013 but I can't find it as an abbreviation in Collins or Chambers: see also my problem with 19dn"} {"Clue":"Are they a treat I'm chewing? (8)","Answer":"AMARETTI","Explanation":"Definition: Are they a treat I'm chewing?\nAn anagram [chewing] of A TREAT I'M \u2013 they'd go nicely with the theme"} {"Clue":"Logician grasps 1 across in capital (6)","Answer":"VIENNA","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nVENN [logician \u2013 he of the diagram] round I [1] + A [across? \u2013 again, I can't find this as a recognised abbreviation but some people here do use a for across and d for down when referring to clues]: it would make some sense if Qaos is using the same device in both clues"} {"Clue":"How one might kiss Dawn? (6)","Answer":"FRENCH","Explanation":"Definition: How one might kissDawn\nDouble definition: see here for Dawn\u00a0 \u2013 but she's probably internationally known"} {"Clue":"27 Italy's past includes Tango (5)","Answer":"LATTE","Explanation":"Definition: 27 Italy's past\nLATE [past] round T [Tango \u2013 NATO phonetic alphabet]\u00a0 the clue is DRINK IN Italy: I'm expecting the usual comments"} {"Clue":"Hard to understand when BBC drama axes the first three characters (4)","Answer":"DARK","Explanation":"Definition: Hard to understand\n[pol]DARK \u2013 see here for the BBC drama"} {"Clue":"Divides accommodation (8)","Answer":"QUARTERS","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Scrapes spades on parts of sleeve (6)","Answer":"SCUFFS","Explanation":"Definition: Scrapes\nS [spades] + CUFFS [parts of sleeves]"} {"Clue":"Time for an egg? Extremely likely to give you wind (8)","Answer":"EASTERLY","Explanation":"Definition: wind\nEASTER [time for an egg + L[ikel]Y"} {"Clue":"Notice about pig on the train (6)","Answer":"ABOARD","Explanation":"Definition: on the train\nAD [notice] round BOAR [pig]"} {"Clue":"Free kick routine producing some fireworks? (3,5)","Answer":"SET PIECE","Explanation":"Definition: Free kick routinesome fireworks\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Look again at magazine (6)","Answer":"REVIEW","Explanation":"Definition: Look againmagazine\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Trials here to get dog speaking? (10)","Answer":"LABORATORY","Explanation":"Definition: Trials here\nLAB[rador] [dog] + ORATORY [speaking]"} {"Clue":"One was impressed by an old typewriter (6,4)","Answer":"CARBON COPY","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Bravo \u2014 survives gales (6)","Answer":"BLASTS","Explanation":"Definition: gales\nB [bravo \u2013 NATO phonetic alphabet] + LASTS [survives]"} {"Clue":"It is appealingly drawn on the lid (8)","Answer":"EYELINER","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"In lifeboat, couple busy (2,4)","Answer":"AT WORK","Explanation":"Definition: busy\nTWO [couple] in ARK [lifeboat \u2013 referring to Noah's ark]"} {"Clue":"Finding out alternative to large inn (8)","Answer":"LEARNING","Explanation":"Definition: Finding out\nAn anagram [alternative to] of LARGE INN"} {"Clue":"Not born yesterday? On the contrary (3-3)","Answer":"DAY-OLD","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Make chap smaller, or double (8)","Answer":"STUNTMAN","Explanation":"Definition: double\nSTUNT MAN [make chap smaller]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Queen comfortable, or nauseous? (6)","Answer":"QUEASY","Explanation":"Definition: nauseous\nQU [queen] + EASY [comfortable]"} {"Clue":"Property that could be stripped (6)","Answer":"ASSETS","Explanation":"Cryptic [?] definition"} {"Clue":"He sits composing dissertation (6)","Answer":"THESIS","Explanation":"Definition: dissertation\nAn anagram [composing] of HE SITS"} {"Clue":"Showing unwillingness, enact cruel change (10)","Answer":"RELUCTANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Showing unwillingness\nAn anagram [change] of ENACT CRUEL"} {"Clue":"Mountain transport fitted with television? (5,3)","Answer":"CABLE CAR","Explanation":"Cryptic [?] definition"} {"Clue":"Even heavy metal is smoother (4,4)","Answer":"FLAT IRON","Explanation":"Definition: smoother\nFLAT [even] IRON [heavy metal]"} {"Clue":"Very surprised how one can be knocked (8)","Answer":"SIDEWAYS","Explanation":"Cryptic [?] definition"} {"Clue":"Failing to give penny to man somehow? (3-7)","Answer":"NON-PAYMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Failing to give\nAn anagram [somehow] of PENNY TO MAN"} {"Clue":"As cover for wound, pick up dull-coloured sheath (8)","Answer":"SCABBARD","Explanation":"Definition: sheath\nSCAB [cover for wound] + a reversal [pick up] of DRAB [dull-coloured]"} {"Clue":"Minor thoroughfares with a lot of theatres (8)","Answer":"BROADWAY","Explanation":"Definition: a lot of theatres\nB [minor] ROAD WAY [thoroughfares]"} {"Clue":"Said to have cut exam for this kind of 3? (8)","Answer":"DOCTORAL","Explanation":"Definition: kind of 3\nDOCT [sounds like \u2013 said \u2013 docked {cut}] + ORAL [exam]"} {"Clue":"Bob twice gets this old piece of silver (6)","Answer":"FLORIN","Explanation":"Definition: old piece of silver\nA florin was worth two shillings and a shilling was known colloquially as a bob [bob twice]"} {"Clue":"Feeble, but employed by business (6)","Answer":"INFIRM","Explanation":"Definition: Feeble\nIN FIRM [employed by business]"} {"Clue":"Persist as Welsh symbol (6)","Answer":"DRAGON","Explanation":"Definition: Welsh symbol\nDRAG ON [persist]"} {"Clue":"Taken for a ride by gangster, triumph then fly (10)","Answer":"HOODWINKED","Explanation":"Definition: Taken for a ride\nHOOD [gangster] + WIN [triumph] + KED [the first new word for me \u2013 'a wingless fly that infests sheep']"} {"Clue":"Ring male that's caught in the firing line (4)","Answer":"OCHE","Explanation":"Definition: firing line\nO [ring] + C [caught] + HE [male] \u2013 the line behind which a darts player must stand"} {"Clue":"Good-for-nothing Born to Run live disc is included (4-2-4)","Answer":"NE\u2019ER-DO-WELL","Explanation":"Definition: Good-for-nothing\nN\u00c9E [born] + R [run] + DWELL [live] round O [disc]"} {"Clue":"24\/6? Starting from zero initially, usual reckoning \u2026 (4)","Answer":"FOUR","Explanation":"Definition: 24\/6\nF [starting From] + O [zero] + Usual Reckoning initially \u2013 we're getting used to mathematical clues from Qaos; here's one from Puck"} {"Clue":"involves one adding 24\/6 (9,3)","Answer":"MIDSUMMER DAY","Explanation":"Definition: 24\/6\nMID DAY [12 \u2013 it took a minute or two to see where that came from: it's the number of the clue! \u2013 nice one] round SUMMER [one adding] \u2013 in the UK, 24\/6 is 24th June \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"People praising one of those late goals use it excitedly, without beginning to apologise (9)","Answer":"EULOGISTS","Explanation":"Definition: People praising one of those late\nAn anagram [excitedly] of GO[a]LS USE IT, minus first letter of apologise"} {"Clue":"Partaking of booze killed wrestling champion (5)","Answer":"OZEKI","Explanation":"Definition: wrestling champion\nHidden in bo**OZE KI**lled \u2013 another new word"} {"Clue":"Setter almost flipped \u2014 health resort has no Special Brew (5)","Answer":"CUPPA","Explanation":"Definition: Brew\nA reversal [flipped] of PUC[k] [setter almost] + [s]PA [health resort minus s{special}]"} {"Clue":"Born to Run in tights? Journalist is very drunk (9)","Answer":"BLADDERED","Explanation":"Definition: very drunk\nB [born] + LADDER [run in tights] + ED [journalist]"} {"Clue":"Executive position, brewing cider \u2014 sort drunk with joint (12)","Answer":"DIRECTORSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: Executive position\nAn anagram [brewing] of CIDER + an anagram [drunk] of SORT + HIP [joint]"} {"Clue":"Play instrument, backing \u2026 (4)","Answer":"LOOT","Explanation":"A reversal [backing] of TOOL [instrument] \u2013 LOOT is a play by Joe Orton"} {"Clue":" \u2026 Abba or A-ha? Do-re-mi plan scuppered (10)","Answer":"PALINDROME","Explanation":"Definition: \u2026 Abba or A-ha?\nAn anagram [scuppered] of DO-RE-MI PLAN"} {"Clue":"Newspaper article covering page in dictionary (2-2)","Answer":"OP-ED","Explanation":"Definition: Newspaper article\nP [page] in OED [Oxford English Dictionary] \u2013 another new term for me: 'a newspaper article printed opposite the editorial column, usually expressing the personal views of the writer'"} {"Clue":"Females once carrying a torch for Puck perhaps, rejected after enjoyment outside front of house (10)","Answer":"USHERETTES","Explanation":"Definition: Females once carrying a torch\nUSE [enjoyment] round H[ouse] + a reversal [rejected] of SETTER [Puck perhaps] \u2013 those were the days!\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Result of getting 19 in German city around midnight? (8)","Answer":"HANGOVER","Explanation":"Definition: Result of getting 19\nHANOVER [German city] round niGht"} {"Clue":"Day and date during good month for a bit of Mendelssohn? (7,5)","Answer":"WEDDING MARCH","Explanation":"Definition: a bit of Mendelssohn?\nWED[nesday] [day] + D [date] IN [during] G [good] MARCH [month]"} {"Clue":"Women seen through curtains? They're not the sober type (5)","Answer":"NEWTS","Explanation":"Definition: They're not the sober type\nW [women] in NETS [curtains] \u2013 a reference to the saying 'drunk as a newt'"} {"Clue":"Stupid as one Conservative MP, with ale leading to Labour candidate's complaint (9)","Answer":"ECLAMPSIA","Explanation":"Definition: Labour candidate's complaint\nAn anagram [stupid] of AS I [one] C [Conservative] MP + ALE"} {"Clue":"Fruit of ruby red colour, half gone off (10)","Answer":"CLOUDBERRY","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nAn anagram [off] of RUBY RED COL[our] \u2013 I didn't know this fruit, either"} {"Clue":"Larks with all but topless chicks? (5,5)","Answer":"EARLY BIRDS","Explanation":"Definition: Larks\n[n]EARLY [all but, 'topless'] + BIRDS [chicks]"} {"Clue":"What a sidekick plays, using spare racket (6,6)","Answer":"SECOND FIDDLE","Explanation":"Definition: What a sidekick plays\nSECOND [spare] + FIDDLE [racket]"} {"Clue":"Kiss on the lips? Puck will, getting into trouble for minor misconduct (10)","Answer":"PECCADILLO","Explanation":"Definition: minor misconduct\nPECC [sounds like \u2013 on the lips {I liked that!} \u2013 peck {kiss}] + I'LL [Puck will] in ADO [trouble]"} {"Clue":"Cooking apple, large and sour, useful in many ways (3-7)","Answer":"ALL-PURPOSE","Explanation":"Definition: useful in many ways\nAn anagram [cooking] of APPLE L [large] and SOUR"} {"Clue":"Sandwich and a little drink as well? Not quite in amounts produced in a summer's day (9)","Answer":"SUBTOTALS","Explanation":"Definition: amounts produced in a summer's day\nSUB [sandwich] + TOT [a little drink] + ALS[o] [as well \u2013 not quite]"} {"Clue":"Film buff (5)","Answer":"SHINE","Explanation":"Double definition \u2013 this is the film"} {"Clue":"Lacking support, like the Yard after a third cut (8)","Answer":"FOOTLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Lacking support\nThere are three feet in a yard \u2013 the capital letter is there to misdirect, of course, making a great clue to end with"} {"Clue":"Fake spirit \u2014 rubbish, so returned (8)","Answer":"IMPOSTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Fake\nIMP [spirit] + a reversal [returned] of ROT [rubbish] SO"} {"Clue":"Cold as a bouncer? That's a bit rough (6)","Answer":"CHOPPY","Explanation":"Definition: a bit rough\nC [cold] + HOPPY [as a bouncer]"} {"Clue":"Co-operate with Brand, say, and dance (4,4)","Answer":"PLAY BALL","Explanation":"Definition: Co-operate\nBRAND [play by Ibsen] + BALL [dance]"} {"Clue":"Rabbit's old small home not about to be put on tip (10)","Answer":"COTTONTAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Rabbit\nCOT [archaic \/ poetic word for a small home, short for cottage] + a reversal [about] of NOT + TAIL [tip]"} {"Clue":"Scuttle made from small dish (6)","Answer":"SCURRY","Explanation":"Definition: Scuttle\nS [small] + CURRY [dish]"} {"Clue":"One who's resigned at last \u2014 if sacked? (8)","Answer":"FATALIST","Explanation":"Definition: One who's resigned\nAn anagram [sacked] of AT LAST IF"} {"Clue":"Label from opening of stopwatch? (7)","Answer":"STICKER","Explanation":"Definition: Label\nS[top] + TICKER [watch]"} {"Clue":"See another way to protect cutting \u2014 put in the shade (7)","Answer":"ECLIPSE","Explanation":"Definition: put in the shade\nAn anagram [another way] of SEE round CLIP [cutting]"} {"Clue":"Relentless Danube flows over a treetop (8)","Answer":"UNABATED","Explanation":"Definition: Relentless\nAn anagram [flows] of DANUBE round A T[ree]"} {"Clue":"Hard to get into run-down boat (6)","Answer":"DINGHY","Explanation":"Definition: boat\nH [hard] in DINGY [run-down?]"} {"Clue":"Player paid journalist to admit pamphlet's overlong (10)","Answer":"PROTRACTED","Explanation":"Definition: overlong\nPRO [player paid] + ED [journalist] round TRACT [pamphlet]"} {"Clue":"Creep abandons heroin chic, being noble (6)","Answer":"HEROIC","Explanation":"Definition: noble\nHERO[in ch]IC minus 'inch' [creep]"} {"Clue":"Butcher's ex-partner disposes of veal finally (4-4)","Answer":"ONCE-OVER","Explanation":"Definition: Butcher's\nONCE [l]OVER [ex-partner] minus [vea]l \u2013 Cockney rhyming slang: butcher's hook, a [quick] look\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Understood there are no bounds to simplicity (8)","Answer":"IMPLICIT","Explanation":"Definition: Understood\n[s]IMPLICIT[y]"} {"Clue":"Stiff wind is a serious setback (4,4)","Answer":"BODY BLOW","Explanation":"Definition: serious setback\nBODY [stiff] + BLOW [wind]"} {"Clue":"The blue bed turned up inside squat (6)","Answer":"STOCKY","Explanation":"Definition: squat\nA reversal [turned up] of COT [bed] in SKY [the blue]"} {"Clue":"1,000 seal, please (7)","Answer":"GRATIFY","Explanation":"Definition: please\nG [grand \u2013 1,000] + RATIFY [seal, as in a bargain]"} {"Clue":"Working actor's introductions to Independent's crossword puzzle (8)","Answer":"ACROSTIC","Explanation":"Definition: puzzle\nAn anagram [working] of ACTORS + initial letters of Independent Crossword"} {"Clue":"Drunken sot in passenger seat, traditional victim of a lightning strike? (10)","Answer":"POSTILLION","Explanation":"Definition: victim of a lightning strike?\nAn anagram [drunken] of SOT in PILLION [passenger seat]\u00a0 \u2013 alternative spelling 'postilion': see here for an explanation of the definition \u2013 Dirk Bogarde titled the first volume of his autobiography 'A Postillion Struck by Lightning'"} {"Clue":"Light science work by jerks (6)","Answer":"OPTICS","Explanation":"Definition: Light science\nOP [work] + TICS [jerks]"} {"Clue":"Music genre behind Nadir (4,6)","Answer":"ROCK BOTTOM","Explanation":"Definition: Nadir\nROCK [music genre] + BOTTOM [behind]"} {"Clue":"Transport lobby? (8)","Answer":"ENTRANCE","Explanation":"Double definition, with two different pronunciations"} {"Clue":"Great poet's school gets worse (8)","Answer":"SCHILLER","Explanation":"Definition: Great poet\nSCH [school] + ILLER [worse]"} {"Clue":"With leader gone, political and social agitation is an issue (7)","Answer":"EDITION","Explanation":"Definition: issue\n[s]EDITION [political and social agitation] minus its initial letter \u2013 leader"} {"Clue":"Newton and Drake, sadly, were annoying (6)","Answer":"NARKED","Explanation":"Definition: were annoying\nN [Newton \u2013 SI unit] + an anagram [sadly] of DRAKE"} {"Clue":"French from over Channel take off (6)","Answer":"DEDUCT","Explanation":"Definition: take off\nDE [French from] + DUCT [channel]"} {"Clue":"Girl I see in place of a couple of gentlemen (8)","Answer":"VERONICA","Explanation":"Definition: Girl\nIC [I see, text speak] in VERONA, where Shakespeare's two gentlemen came from"} {"Clue":"A capital in Africa, to the west? (5)","Answer":"ABUJA","Explanation":"Definition: A capital in Africa, to the west?\nThe answer was clear but I just couldn't see how to parse it: 'to the west' usually indicates a reversal in an across clue but that didn't work \u2013 and what was the A at the beginning doing? After long staring, then going away for a while and coming back to it, the penny dropped: The A is part of the wordplay, followed by a reversal [going west] of JUBA, the hitherto unknown to me capital of South Sudan, giving the capital of Nigeria \u2013 in West Africa! Thank you Google \u2013 and nice one, Paul"} {"Clue":"Reportedly contemptible look (4)","Answer":"MIEN","Explanation":"Definition: look\nSounds like [reportedly] mean [contemptible]"} {"Clue":"Make a move for that lady, fit (2,8)","Answer":"GO TOGETHER","Explanation":"Definition: fit\nGO TO GET HER"} {"Clue":"Those are for runners with good reasons to fail (4,4)","Answer":"NOSE RAGS","Explanation":"Definition: Those are for runners\nAN anagram [to fail] of G [good] + REASONS"} {"Clue":"Country in muddle, so thought-provoking (7)","Answer":"LESOTHO","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nHidden in muddLE SO THOught-provoking"} {"Clue":"Tramp banking on sovereign (7)","Answer":"MONARCH","Explanation":"Definition: sovereign\nMARCH [tramp] round [banking] ON"} {"Clue":"Go down, not up initially \u2014 climb with difficulty (8)","Answer":"SCRAMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: climb with difficulty\nI wavered for a long time between SCRAMBLE and SCRABBLE, both fitting the definition but both seemingly unparsable; eventually, I realised I had to separate 'go' and 'down' so it's SCRAM [go] + BL[u]E [the familiar 'down'] minus the initial letter of 'up'"} {"Clue":"Free seat, I say, for adults? (6)","Answer":"STEAMY","Explanation":"Definition: for adults?\nAn anagram [free] of SEAT + MY [I say] \u2013 definition as in 'adult fiction'"} {"Clue":"Depreciating profits evident originally, steps quickly taken to catch old scoundrel (10)","Answer":"PEJORATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Depreciating\nPE [first letters \u2013 originally \u2013 of Profits Evident + JIVE [steps quickly taken] round O [old] RAT [scoundrel]"} {"Clue":"Snake more certain to bite head of firm is one on the board? (10)","Answer":"WINDSURFER","Explanation":"Definition: one on the board\nWIND [snake] + SURER [more certain] round F[irm]"} {"Clue":"Workers feeling miserable easily (5,4)","Answer":"HANDS DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: easily\nA charade of HANDS [workers] + DOWN [miserable]"} {"Clue":"Party intellect, predatory (8)","Answer":"RAVENOUS","Explanation":"Definition: predatory\nAnother charade: RAVE [party] + NOUS [intellect] \u2013 I always think of NOUS as meaning common sense [it always sounds 'Yorkshire' to me \u2013 but I know it's Greek \ud83d\ude09 ] but Chambers gives 'intellect' as the first definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Setter standing in undies, unfortunately \u2014 and not much else! (8)","Answer":"SEMINUDE","Explanation":"Definition: and not much else!\nA reversal [standing, in a down clue] of ME [setter] in an anagram [unfortunately] of UNDIES"} {"Clue":"Quick footballer, swift perhaps? (6)","Answer":"WINGER","Explanation":"Definition: Quick footballerswift perhaps\nDouble definition, 'winger' indicating a bird"} {"Clue":"Halfwit carried by mythical ship beneath southern sea (8)","Answer":"SARGASSO","Explanation":"Definition: sea\nASS [halfwit] in ARGO [Jason's mythical ship] beneath [in a down clue] S [southern]"} {"Clue":"Baked item sounding a pain in the backside? (6,4)","Answer":"BUTTER CAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Baked item\nSounds like buttock ache [pain in the backside] \u2013 I hadn't heard of this cake"} {"Clue":"Villain demanded to ride horse (3,3)","Answer":"BAD EGG","Explanation":"Definition: Villain\nBADE [demanded] on top of [to ride, in a down clue] GG [horse] \u2013 I think the verb should be 'commanded, rather than 'demanded'"} {"Clue":"Trifle, dessert with a roly-poly (4,6)","Answer":"FOOL AROUND","Explanation":"Definition: Trifle\nFOOL [dessert] + A ROUND [roly-poly]"} {"Clue":"Tribe has translated for scholar of ancient language (8)","Answer":"HEBRAIST","Explanation":"Definition: scholar of ancient language\nAn anagram [translated] of TRIBE HAS"} {"Clue":"Imminent revolt constraining dynasty (6,2)","Answer":"COMING UP","Explanation":"Definition: Imminent\nCOUP [revolt??] round MING [dynasty]"} {"Clue":"Reckless behaviour wrong in prohibitionist (7)","Answer":"DEVILRY","Explanation":"Definition: Reckless behaviour\nEVIL [wrong] in DRY [prohibitionist]"} {"Clue":"Shortage of staff with cook finally leaving nursery (6)","Answer":"CR\u00c8CHE","Explanation":"Definition: nursery\nCRE[w] [staff, shortened] + CHE[f] cook minus the final letter \u2013 how many others looked for a word to take 'k' from?"} {"Clue":"Not given ring, female sweetheart put off (6)","Answer":"SHELVE","Explanation":"Definition: put off\nSHE [female] + L[o]VE [sweetheart] minus o [ring] \u2013 is there a hint of a female not given a ring being left on the shelf?"} {"Clue":"Arm grabbing clear, sparkling tipple \u2014 sampling it? (4,7)","Answer":"WINE TASTING","Explanation":"Definition: sampling it\nWING [arm] round NET [clear, as in wages] ASTI [sparkling tipple]"} {"Clue":"Sort of chicken one American dispatched: hard to clean, I suspect (11)","Answer":"CHLORINATED","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of chicken\nAn anagram [suspect] of H[a]RD TO CLEAN I minus one a [one American] \u2013 with an amusingly allusive surface"} {"Clue":"Mother leaves behind the first idealised representations in the unconscious (7)","Answer":"IMAGOES","Explanation":"Definition: representations in the unconscious\nMA [mother] GOES [leaves] after [behind] first letter of Idealised \u2013 when I solved this, I didn't realise what a great clue it was: I only really knew IMAGO as the last stage of an insect's development but when I came to write the blog I consulted Chambers and found 'an elaborated representation of an important or influential person [**esp a parent**] in an individual's life, persisting in the unconscious' \u2013 excellent! *[Edit: thanks to Dansar @22 for pointing out that the I in the answer comes from 'the first', as in regnal numbers, and **not** the first letter of 'idealised'. My apologies to Puck for having doubted him \u2013 I'm just relieved that I didn't make a comment!]"} {"Clue":"Will's night flight flew there, partly travelling west (7)","Answer":"TWELFTH","Explanation":"Definition: Will's night\nHidden reversal [partly travelling west] in flighT FLEW There \u2013 reference to William Shakespeare's 'Twelfth Night'"} {"Clue":"Bloomer by Labour leader once, having upset 62.5% of Scotland first (9)","Answer":"COLTSFOOT","Explanation":"Definition: Bloomer\n[Michael] FOOT [Labour leader once] after an anagram [upset] of 5\/8 of SCOTLand"} {"Clue":"Boring state of affairs, if repackaged Penguin but no PG \u2026 (5)","Answer":"ENNUI","Explanation":"Definition: Boring state of affairs\nAn anagram [repackaged] of [p]EN[g]UIN \u2013 it seems a while since we saw this old favourite"} {"Clue":"Tips from shopping online (service only average) (2-2)","Answer":"SO-SO","Explanation":"Definition: average\nFirst letters [tips] of Shopping Online Service Only \u2013 a neat ellipsis of PG Tips [tea] [remember these ? ] which goes well with a Penguin biscuit \u00a0[sadly so much smaller than they used to be]"} {"Clue":"Note following late small change at the very heart of things (4,6)","Answer":"DEAD CENTRE","Explanation":"Definition: the very heart of things\nRE [note] following DEAD [late] CENT [small change]"} {"Clue":"Plunges steeply, demolishing vicar's shed (5-5)","Answer":"CRASH DIVES","Explanation":"Definition: Plunges steeply\nAn anagram [demolishing] of VICAR'S SHED"} {"Clue":"Airline allegedly a little under 50% at fault (2,2)","Answer":"EL AL","Explanation":"Definition: Airline\nAn anagram [at fault] of ALLE [a little under 50% of ALLEgedly]"} {"Clue":"Cycling hard? This suggests duty or obligation, perhaps (5)","Answer":"OUGHT","Explanation":"Definition: This suggests duty or obligation, perhaps\nTOUGH [hard] with the last letter moved to the beginning [cycling]"} {"Clue":"Somebody that's eaten one midsummer fruit (9)","Answer":"PERSIMMON","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nPERSON [somebody] round I [one] MM [middle letters of suMMer]"} {"Clue":"Scores from shot centre half has left, mistakenly (7)","Answer":"NOTCHES","Explanation":"Definition: Scores\nAn anagram [mistakenly] of SHOT CEN[tre]"} {"Clue":"Critically shocked expression after playing short suit okay (1,3,3)","Answer":"I ASK YOU","Explanation":"Definition: Critically shocked expression\nAn anagram [playing] of SUI[t] OKAY"} {"Clue":"Time to chuck out the old verse? Aye, it might be (3,5,3)","Answer":"NEW YEAR\u2019S EVE","Explanation":"Definition: Time to chuck out the old\nI played around with the familiar YE = the old but couldn't quite make it work: I think it's NEW [indicating an anagram] of VERSE AYE\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Movie star Dance stifles scream (7,8)","Answer":"CHARLES LAUGHTON","Explanation":"Definition: Movie star\nCHARLESTON [dance] round LAUGH [scream] \u2013 amusing misdirection involving movie star Charles Dance"} {"Clue":"Rugby players from Pwllheli on stand-by (5)","Answer":"LIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Rugby players\nHidden in pwlleLI ON Standby \u2013 reference to the British and Ireland Lions"} {"Clue":"Fix resistance in stereo output (7)","Answer":"RESTORE","Explanation":"Definition: Fix\nR [resistance] in an anagram [put out] of STEREO"} {"Clue":"Scored having picked up fellow outside gallery (7)","Answer":"NOTATED","Explanation":"Definition: Scored\nA reversal [picked up] of DON [fellow] round TATE"} {"Clue":"Without hesitation, posted online message, forgetting wife was unstable? (8)","Answer":"TEETERED","Explanation":"Definition: was unstable\nT[w]EETED [posted online message] minus w [wife] round [without] ER [hestitation]"} {"Clue":"Album from Yes, perhaps (10,5)","Answer":"DEFINITELY MAYBE","Explanation":"Definition: Album\nDEFINITELY [yes] + MAYBE [perhaps] \u2013 Oasis' debut studio album"} {"Clue":"Ring jokers writing about contracted setters Sri Lanka has (6,6)","Answer":"CIRCUS CLOWNS","Explanation":"Definition: Ring jokers\nCIRC[a] [about, contracted] + US [setters] + CL [Sri Lanka \u2013 International Vehicle Registration] + OWNS [has]"} {"Clue":"Renovated house with angelic sofa (6,6)","Answer":"CHAISE LONGUE","Explanation":"Definition: sofa\nAn anagram [renovated] of HOUSE ANGELIC"} {"Clue":"TV programme doctors watch outside store, briefly (4,4)","Answer":"CHAT SHOW","Explanation":"Definition: TV programme\nAn anagram [doctors] of WATCH round SHO[p] [store briefly]"} {"Clue":"Puck's old hat? Deadlock ensues \u2026 (7)","Answer":"IMPASSE","Explanation":"Definition: Deadlock\nI'M [Puck's] PASS\u00c9 [old hat]"} {"Clue":"before real ire is dissipated (7)","Answer":"EARLIER","Explanation":"Definition: before\nAn anagram [dissipated] of REAL IRE"} {"Clue":"Question dropping leader from paper (5)","Answer":"ISSUE","Explanation":"Definition: Question\n[t]ISSUE [paper] minus its first letter [leader]"} {"Clue":"French leader fed a starter of Italian pasta (8)","Answer":"MACARONI","Explanation":"Definition: pasta\nMACRON [French leader] round [fed] A + I[talian]"} {"Clue":"Deeply personal feeling in fat cat, perhaps can end in sacking (5,7)","Answer":"HEAVY PETTING","Explanation":"Definition: Deeply personal feeling\nHEAVY [fat] + PET [cat, perhaps] + TIN [can] + [sackin]G"} {"Clue":"Model last seen pocketing a thousand \u2014 sound reasonable? (4,5)","Answer":"TALK SENSE","Explanation":"Definition: sound reasonable\nAn anagram [model] of LAST SEEN round K [a thousand]"} {"Clue":"Where statement made, Wolves' number one is sent off: fight ensuing (7,3)","Answer":"WITNESS BOX","Explanation":"Definition: Where statement made\nW[olves] + an anagram [off] of IS SENT + BOX [fight]"} {"Clue":"After setback, feline and alien join forces (4,2)","Answer":"TEAM UP","Explanation":"Definition: join forces\nA reversal [after setback] of PUMA [feline] + ET [alien]"} {"Clue":"Messy bed vacated, case dismissed (7)","Answer":"UNKEMPT","Explanation":"Definition: Messy\n[b]UNK EMPT[y] [bed vacated] minus first and last letters [case]"} {"Clue":"Skiver ecstatic, a worker claims (8)","Answer":"ABSENTEE","Explanation":"Definition: Skiver\nA BEE [a worker] round [claims] SENT [ecstatic]"} {"Clue":"Come and see smoke (4,2)","Answer":"ROLL UP","Explanation":"Definition: Comesmoke\nDouble definition \u2013 the first could include 'and see'"} {"Clue":"Speculate about reserve, where prices fall (4,6)","Answer":"BEAR MARKET","Explanation":"Definition: where prices fall\nBET [speculate] round EARMARK [reserve]"} {"Clue":"Praise cold weather (4)","Answer":"HAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Praisecold weather\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Lack of warmth sees English Christian back in coat (8)","Answer":"FROIDEUR","Explanation":"Definition: Lack of warmth\nA reversal [back] of E [English] DIOR [[Christian] in FUR [coat]"} {"Clue":"Johnson's initial muddling apt, one's weakened growth adversely affecting house prices? (8,8)","Answer":"JAPANESE KNOTWEED","Explanation":"Definition: growth adversely affecting house prices?\nJ[ohnson] + an anagram [muddling] of APT ONE'S WEAKENED \u2013 not only might this rapidly-growing plant affect house prices but vendors are now required to state whether it is present on their property"} {"Clue":"Standard card (4)","Answer":"JACK","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Court in school upset close harmony of the 1950s (3-3)","Answer":"DOO-WOP","Explanation":"Definition: close harmony of the 1950s\nA reversal [upset] of WOO [court] in POD [school of whales]"} {"Clue":"Going beneath major artery, risk blunder (7)","Answer":"MISTAKE","Explanation":"Definition: blunder\nMI [M1 \u2013 major artery] + STAKE [risk]"} {"Clue":"Ram deprived of fleece, tool having cut it (8)","Answer":"SHOEHORN","Explanation":"Definition: Ram\nHOE [tool] in [having cut] SHORN [deprived of fleece]"} {"Clue":"Old printer component idle say, when not quite turning? (5,5)","Answer":"DAISY WHEEL","Explanation":"Definition: Old printer component\nAn anagram [turning] of IDLE SAY WHE[n]"} {"Clue":"Indian city ruddy uplifting, setter maintains (6)","Answer":"MYSORE","Explanation":"Definition: Indian city\nME [setter] round a reversal [uplifting] of ROSY [ruddy]"} {"Clue":"French leader's work trip underhand? (10)","Answer":"MITTERRAND","Explanation":"Definition: French leader\nERRAND [work trip] under MITT [hand]"} {"Clue":"Compounds idiot considers great (8)","Answer":"NITRATES","Explanation":"Definition: Compounds\nNIT [idiot] RATES [considers great]"} {"Clue":"Wet love, devoted cuddles (8)","Answer":"PLUVIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Wet\nPIOUS [devoted] round LUV [love]"} {"Clue":"Scottish man flu symptom reported, what might the malingerer take? (4,3)","Answer":"WEEK OFF","Explanation":"Definition: what might the malingerer take?\nSounds like [reported] 'wee cough' [{man} flu symptom for a Scot]"} {"Clue":"Animal traps right in front (6)","Answer":"BREAST","Explanation":"Definition: front\nBEAST [animal] round R [right]"} {"Clue":"Hunter blowing top about a time limit (6)","Answer":"RATION","Explanation":"Definition: limit\n[o]RION [hunter] minus initial letter [blowing top, in a down clue] round A T [time]"} {"Clue":"Skin somewhat ticklish, I declare (4)","Answer":"HIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Skin\nHidden in ticklisH I DEclare"} {"Clue":"Cruel dons trashed patriot in last resort? (9)","Answer":"SCOUNDREL","Explanation":"Definition: patriot in last resort\nAn anagram [trashed] of CRUEL DONS \u2013 a reference to Dr Samuel Johnson's famous statement, 'Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel'"} {"Clue":"Eventually rejecting extremes, everything being considered (2,3)","Answer":"IN ALL","Explanation":"Definition: everything being considered\n[f]IN ALL[y]"} {"Clue":"Prepare on course at Cambridge after first part of tripos, say (3,2)","Answer":"TEE UP","Explanation":"Definition: Prepare on course\nUP [at Cambridge, say] after TEE [first letter of Tripos] \u2013 reference to a golf course."} {"Clue":"My reason for being in league to begin with (9)","Answer":"INITIALLY","Explanation":"Definition: to begin with\nIN IT I ALLY \u2013 my reason for being in league"} {"Clue":"Splurge in US city, initially with round of drinks (4,3)","Answer":"LASH OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Splurge\nLA [US city] + SHOUT [round of drinks \u2013 as in 'It's my shout', from the one paying]"} {"Clue":"Initial combination that's familiar in a mass (7)","Answer":"ACRONYM","Explanation":"Definition: Initial combination\nCRONY [familiar] in A M [mass]"} {"Clue":"First characters assembled in military mess (5)","Answer":"SNAFU","Explanation":"Definition: mess\nArmy slang: initial letters of Situation Normal All Fouled Up [bowdlerised version]"} {"Clue":"Charge making sense with pound discounted at the end (3)","Answer":"FEE","Explanation":"Definition: Charge\nFEE[l] sense, minus l [pound]"} {"Clue":"Where shooting happens, for a start (5)","Answer":"ONSET","Explanation":"Definition: start\nA film is shot ON SET"} {"Clue":"Schedule disrupted by old male calling at first light (7)","Answer":"ROOSTER","Explanation":"Definition: male calling at first light\nO [old] in ROSTER [schedule]"} {"Clue":"Pull lass back who's last in line? (7)","Answer":"LAGGARD","Explanation":"Definition: who's last in line?\nA reversal [back] of DRAG [pull] GAL [lass]"} {"Clue":"First in college, learner with highest place \u2014 being this? (9)","Answer":"CLEVEREST","Explanation":"Definition: this?\nC[ollege] + L [learner] + EVEREST [highest place]"} {"Clue":"Like celebrity, observed to end badly (5)","Answer":"NOTED","Explanation":"Definition: Like celebrityobserved\nAn anagram [badly] of TO END, with two definitions"} {"Clue":"Ultimately failing to reach time for world record? (5)","Answer":"ATLAS","Explanation":"Definition: world record\nAT LAS[t] [ultimately] minus t [time]"} {"Clue":"Concluding provocation upset stalwarts (4,5)","Answer":"LAST STRAW","Explanation":"Definition: Concluding provocation\nAn anagram [upset] of STALWARTS\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Starts off puzzle solving slowly, teaser that demands attention (4)","Answer":"PSST","Explanation":"Definition: that demands attention\nInitial letters of Puzzle Solving Slowly Teaser"} {"Clue":"Set of letters found in post, ultimately (6)","Answer":"VOWELS","Explanation":"Definition: Set of letters\nAll five vowels [+Y] are found in pOst UltImAtElY"} {"Clue":"Ponder convoluted tube that's finally manufactured (3,7)","Answer":"END PRODUCT","Explanation":"Definition: that's finally manufactured\nAn anagram [convoluted] of PONDER + DUCT [tube]"} {"Clue":"Initially without force, elevating King David, for example (6)","Answer":"ARTIST","Explanation":"Definition: David, for example\nAT [f]IRST [initially] minus f [force] with the R [king] moved up [elevated] here's the artist"} {"Clue":"Last short epistle used in university, after appropriate period (8)","Answer":"ULTIMATE","Explanation":"Definition: Last\nTIM[othy] [epistle of Paul {in short} in the New Testament] in U [university] LATE [after appropriate period]"} {"Clue":"It's briefly worn by female in dorm, initially (4)","Answer":"MINI","Explanation":"Definition: It's briefly worn by female\nHidden in dorM INItially"} {"Clue":"Is prone to cover up trouble in final sections (4,4)","Answer":"TAIL ENDS","Explanation":"Definition: final sections\nTENDS [is prone] round AIL [trouble]"} {"Clue":"Terminate in small place (4)","Answer":"SLAY","Explanation":"Definition: Terminate\nS [small] + LAY [place]"} {"Clue":" Optical device initially put together, first patented in 1960 (5)","Answer":"LASER","Explanation":"Definition: Optical device initially put together, first patented in 1960\nAn acronym [initially] for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation \u2013 see here"} {"Clue":"Regions are originally subject to new order (10)","Answer":"REORGANISE","Explanation":"Definition: order\nAn anagram [subject to new?] of REGIONS ARE"} {"Clue":"Ship's officer died, finished off on board (5)","Answer":"MATED","Explanation":"Definition: finished off on board\nMate [ship's officer] + D [died] \u2013 reference to a chess board"} {"Clue":"Almost ended within a social function, primarily (5,3)","Answer":"ABOVE ALL","Explanation":"Definition: primarily\nOVE[r] [almost ended] in A BALL [a social function]"} {"Clue":"Once in fashion, near the beginning, but not first of all (8)","Answer":"FORMERLY","Explanation":"Definition: Once\nFORM [fashion] + E[a]RLY [near the beginning] minus the first letter of 'all'"} {"Clue":"Like final person appearing, having left a big game (6)","Answer":"LATEST","Explanation":"Definition: Like final person appearing\nL [left] + A + TEST [big game]"} {"Clue":"Redesigned faster course one finally enjoys (6)","Answer":"AFTERS","Explanation":"Definition: course one finally enjoys\nAn anagram [redesigned] of FASTER"} {"Clue":"First or last word from Italian in Chicago, oddly (4)","Answer":"CIAO","Explanation":"Definition: First or last word from Italian\nOdd letters of ChIcAgO"} {"Clue":"Affluence in some areas, eventually (4)","Answer":"EASE","Explanation":"Definition: Affluence\nHidden in arEAS Eventually"} {"Clue":"Miserable kind of clue this ultimately is (4)","Answer":"DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Miserable\nThis is the last down clue"} {"Clue":"Perhaps chrome is made primarily into very fine material (9)","Answer":"MICROMESH","Explanation":"Definition: very fine material\nAn anagram [perhaps] of CHROME IS M[ade]"} {"Clue":"Perform in between activities (5)","Answer":"ENACT","Explanation":"Definition: Perform\nHidden in betweEN ACTivities"} {"Clue":"Guard Nick gets a new top (5)","Answer":"WATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Guard\n[c]ATCH [nick] with a new first letter"} {"Clue":"Ones who admit having joint possession (9)","Answer":"OWNERSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: possession\nOWNERS [ones who admit having] + HIP [joint]"} {"Clue":"As an old hand, reverse-called on a semiconductor device (7)","Answer":"GNARLED","Explanation":"Definition: As an old hand\nA REVERSAL [reverse] of RANG [called] + LED [Light-Emitting Diode -semi-conductor device]"} {"Clue":"Advance screening of power survey (7)","Answer":"PREVIEW","Explanation":"Definition: Advance screening\nP [power] + REVIEW [survey]"} {"Clue":"Fear inlet is engulfing city (5)","Answer":"ALARM","Explanation":"Definition: Fear\nARM [inlet] round LA [city]"} {"Clue":"Holy Communion finally secure (3)","Answer":"PIN","Explanation":"Definition: secure\nPI [holy \u2013 short for pious] + final letter of communioN"} {"Clue":"Agree with the man entering the Church (5)","Answer":"CHIME","Explanation":"Definition: Agree\nHIM [the man] in CE [Church of England]"} {"Clue":"Net's used to contain short temper (7)","Answer":"SWEETEN","Explanation":"Definition: temper\nAn anagram [used] of NET'S round WEE [short]"} {"Clue":"Regarding union input involved with gangster (7)","Answer":"NUPTIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Regarding union\nAn anagram [involved] of INPUT + AL [Capone \u2013 the crossword gangster]"} {"Clue":"Puma in north America number about a million after a time (9)","Answer":"CATAMOUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Puma in north America\nCOUNT [number] round A M [a million] after A T [a time]: a new one for me \u2013 apparently not now numbering a million \u2013 see here"} {"Clue":"Medium body measurement not good fun (5)","Answer":"MIRTH","Explanation":"Definition: fun\nM [medium] + [g]IRTH [body measurement] minus g [good]"} {"Clue":"Members backing means of corporal punishment (5)","Answer":"STRAP","Explanation":"Definition: means of corporal punishment\nA reversal [backing] of PARTS [members]"} {"Clue":"Indifference of company led by international organisation (9)","Answer":"UNCONCERN","Explanation":"Definition: Indifference\nUN [United Nations \u2013 international organisation] + CONCERN [company]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Diver's back-to-front converted stable area (4)","Answer":"SMEW","Explanation":"Definition: Diver\nMEWS [converted stable area] with the s moved to the beginning [back-to-front]: when I first started doing cryptic crosswords, the smew was a fairly frequent visitor but we don't see them so often now; I can't match the beautiful bird pictures my fellow-blogger Pierre provides but I was chuffed to find these, taken near my home"} {"Clue":"Drink is evil? Not very when taken with old American marijuana (3,3)","Answer":"ICE TEA","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\n[v]ICE [evil, minus v \u2013 very] + TEA, which Chambers tells me is 'old US slang for marijuana' \u2013 a useful drug for crossword setters, since it has so many synonyms [see 13dn]"} {"Clue":"Satellite's lowest orbit \u2014 one's immersed in chlorite mixture (5,5)","Answer":"ROCHE LIMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Satellite's lowest orbit\nI'M [one's] in an anagram [mixture] of CHLORITE \u2013 I hadn't heard of this: see here"} {"Clue":"Used to connect supporter with worker (6-4)","Answer":"SECOND-HAND","Explanation":"Definition: Used\nSECOND [supporter] + HAND [worker]"} {"Clue":"Hint: coarse, initially sexist, joke is finely drawn out (4-4)","Answer":"THIN-SPUN","Explanation":"Definition: finely drawn out\nAn anagram [coarse] of HINT + S[exist] + PUN [joke]"} {"Clue":"Clothes? Good to get attention (4)","Answer":"GEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Clothes?\nG [good] + EAR [attention]"} {"Clue":"Mash somehow gets stuck in opera singer's tongue (8)","Answer":"KASHMIRI","Explanation":"Definition: tongue\nAn anagram [somehow] of MASH in [Dame] KIRI [TE KANAWA \u2013 opera singer]: here she is at the Proms"} {"Clue":"Conclude corporations must be on the rise (4)","Answer":"STOP","Explanation":"Definition: Conclude\nA reversal [on the rise] of POTS [corporations]"} {"Clue":"Cannabis with change of direction makes crystal, perhaps (5)","Answer":"GLASS","Explanation":"Definition: crystal, perhaps\nG[r]ASS [cannabis] with the r [right] changed to L [left]"} {"Clue":"Timing mechanism spacemen utilised when trapped by alien (10)","Answer":"ESCAPEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Timing mechanism\nAn anagram [utilised] of SPACEMEN in ET [the crossword alien]"} {"Clue":"Western baddie circle (5)","Answer":"WHEEL","Explanation":"Definition: circle\nW [western] + HEEL [baddie]"} {"Clue":"It makes a brief appearance when one snaps (8)","Answer":"APERTURE","Explanation":"Definition: It makes a brief appearance when one snaps\nCryptic definition, referring to a camera"} {"Clue":"Swinger's nude antics, getting covered in fruit (8)","Answer":"PENDULUM","Explanation":"Definition: Swinger\nAn anagram [antics] of NUDE in PLUM [fruit]"} {"Clue":"Bill's idiotic definition of steam? (6)","Answer":"NOTICE","Explanation":"Definition: Bill\nNOT ICE \u2013 a different form of water"} {"Clue":"State of old PM, being without police officer's protection (6)","Answer":"ISRAEL","Explanation":"Definition: State\n[d]ISRAEL[i] [Benjamin \u2013 old PM] minus DI [Detective Inspector \u2013 police officer]"} {"Clue":"It's made to hold a medical patient, say (4)","Answer":"CASE","Explanation":"Definition: It's made to holdmedical patient, say\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Pine from lightweight transport with end removed (4)","Answer":"MOPE","Explanation":"Definition: Pine\nMOPE[d] [lightweight transport] minus its final letter"} {"Clue":"Name sewn into footballers' underwear (8)","Answer":"KNICKERS","Explanation":"Definition: underwear\nN [name] in KICKERS [footballers]: only mildly risqu\u00e9 for the first clue in one's first puzzle \u2013 but Paul's putting down a marker here, I think \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Spare time occupied with last letters in mailbox and cabinet (5)","Answer":"EXTRA","Explanation":"Definition: Spare\n[mailbo]X + [cabine]T in ERA [time]"} {"Clue":"One hears the Queen's off fish (4)","Answer":"ORFE","Explanation":"Definition: fish\nHow the Queen might pronounce [one hears] 'off': I remember a tabloid report of Princess Anne telling reporters to 'Naff Orff' in the '70s [but it was revealed much later that what she said was actually ruder]; the ORFE is a popular fish with crossword setters \u2013 Paul clued it fairly recently with 'some alligator fed fish' \u2013 and it's also known as the ide, which is equally popular"} {"Clue":"Jack: knave covered by queen? It's on the way? (10)","Answer":"TARMACADAM","Explanation":"Definition: It's on the way?\nTAR [Jack] + CAD [knave] in MA'AM [the correct way to address the Queen \u2013 but only after she has first addressed you]"} {"Clue":"Smothering people in manure is rational (6,6)","Answer":"COMPOS MENTIS","Explanation":"Definition: rational\nMEN [people] in COMPOST [manure] + IS"} {"Clue":"Activist carrying bomb, bully (8)","Answer":"DOMINEER","Explanation":"Definition: bully\nDOER [activist] round MINE [bomb]"} {"Clue":"Hot inside wide heat-resistant receptacle (7)","Answer":"ASHTRAY","Explanation":"Definition: heat-resistant receptacle\nH [hot] in ASTRAY [wide] [as in cricket, I think]*\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Eccentric return of stuttering Labour Party? (7)","Answer":"ODDBALL","Explanation":"Definition: Eccentric\nA reversal [return] of L-LAB [Labour] D-DO [Party] \u2013 both as said by a stutterer"} {"Clue":"Most bubbly girls drained from glasses, help to drink last of champagne (8)","Answer":"GASSIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most bubbly\nG[lasses] minus lasses [girls] + ASSIST [help] round last letter of [champagn]E"} {"Clue":"Fairly attractive \u2026 (6)","Answer":"PRETTY","Explanation":"Definition: Fairlyattractive\nDouble definition, which has to be combined with WIRE, the first word of the next clue [an ellipsis which makes sense] to form an anagram [broken]"} {"Clue":"Belligerent god in paradise, rather laid back (4)","Answer":"ARES","Explanation":"Definition: Belligerent god\nA hidden reversal [laid back] in paradiSE RAther \u2013 the Greek god of war"} {"Clue":"Scottish town's appearance in news? (5)","Answer":"NAIRN","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish town\nAIR [appearance] in N N [news] \u2013 I liked this one, because it reminded me of a couple of enjoyable breaks here"} {"Clue":"Spruce: tree roughly three feet (8)","Answer":"TRIMETER","Explanation":"Definition: three feet\nTRIM [spruce] + an anagram [roughly] of TREE \u2013 a line of verse consisting of three metrical feet"} {"Clue":"Rising endlessly, Finland's river, one that's vast (8)","Answer":"ENORMOUS","Explanation":"Definition: vast\nA reversal [rising] of SUOM[i] [Finland, endlessly] + R [river] + ONE \u2013 Paul used SUOMI in a clue just a couple of weeks ago and I remembered it from my youthful stamp-collecting days"} {"Clue":"Came by a roundabout route to 24 down (4)","Answer":"ACME","Explanation":"Definition: 24 down\nAn anagram [by a roundabout route] of CAME = APEX [24 down]"} {"Clue":"With a leg either side, sit and read novel (7)","Answer":"ASTRIDE","Explanation":"Definition: With a leg either side\nAn anagram [novel] of SIT and READ"} {"Clue":"Still cold, shivering male tucked in? (8)","Answer":"BECALMED","Explanation":"Definition: Still\nC [cold] + an anagram [shivering] of MALE in BED [ie tucked in] \u2013 another of Paul's hallmark clues"} {"Clue":"Within a board, reform ain't possible (10)","Answer":"ATTAINABLE","Explanation":"Definition: possible\nAn anagram [reform] of AIN'T] in A TABLE [a board]"} {"Clue":"Rolls may be kept here (buns originally removed from trash) (6)","Answer":"GARAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Rolls may be kept here\nGAR[b]AGE [trash] minus the first letter [originally] of buns"} {"Clue":"Shop that's opening, one in mountainous route over lake (10)","Answer":"PATISSERIE","Explanation":"Definition: Shop\nT [first letter \u2013 opening of That] + I [one] in PASS [mountainous route] + ERIE [lake]"} {"Clue":"Jack, queen, king, ace: no trumps anomalous? (8)","Answer":"ABERRANT","Explanation":"Definition: anomalous\nAB [Able Seaman \u2013 Jack] + ER [queen] + R [king] + A [ace] + NT [no trumps] \u2013 both in bridge, I think"} {"Clue":"Educated general quaffing dry wine (8)","Answer":"LETTERED","Explanation":"Definition: Educated\nLEE [the familiar crossword general] round TT [dry] + RED [wine]"} {"Clue":"Giant finally caught by David, say \u2014 that's the law (7)","Answer":"STATUTE","Explanation":"Definition: law\nLast letter [finally] of gianT in STATUE [Michelangelo's David, say]"} {"Clue":"Unspecified individual in company on edge (6)","Answer":"ANYONE","Explanation":"Definition: Unspecified individual\nNeatly hidden in compANY ON Edge"} {"Clue":"Not quite finding a space for oatmeal cake (6)","Answer":"PARKIN","Explanation":"Definition: oatmeal cake\nPARKIN[g] [not quite finding a space]"} {"Clue":"Top secret monkey? (4)","Answer":"APEX","Explanation":"Definition: Top\nAPE [monkey] + X [unknown] \u2013 secret monkey"} {"Clue":"They make good theatre \u2014 broadcast with reprise, even (9)","Answer":"REPAIRERS","Explanation":"Definition: They make good\nREP [theatre] + AIR [broadcast] + even letters of rEpRiSe"} {"Clue":"Books into endless misery at Fawlty Towers? (5)","Answer":"HOTEL","Explanation":"Definition: Fawlty Towers?\nOT [Old Testament \u2013 books] in HEL[l] [endless misery] \u2013 amusing surface"} {"Clue":"Foundations of life on radio \u2014 'diverting, robustly educational, informative' \u2014 that's him (4,5)","Answer":"LORD REITH","Explanation":"Initial letters [foundations] of Life On Radio Diverting Robustly Educational Informative That's Him: &lit \u2013 see here"} {"Clue":"Love is an entry for a sound relationship (5)","Answer":"ADORE","Explanation":"Definition: Love\nSounds like 'a door' [an entry]"} {"Clue":"Petronas and Exxon initially put fish back to get source of oil (6)","Answer":"PEANUT","Explanation":"Definition: source of oil\nInitial letters of Petronas and Exxon + a reversal [put back] of TUNA [fish]"} {"Clue":"Shelves for books (8)","Answer":"RESERVES","Explanation":"Definition: Shelvesbooks\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Documentaries about losing minors' letters in train (7)","Answer":"EDUCATE","Explanation":"Definition: train\nAn anagram [about] of DoCUmEnTAriEs minus 'minors' \u2013 I winced rather at the definition"} {"Clue":"In this way, prose would be got up, daringly exposed (7)","Answer":"TOPLESS","Explanation":"Definition: daringly exposed\n[p]ROSE ['topless' \u2013 got up] \u2013 perhaps better in a down clue but I've no real problem with 'top' meaning 'first'"} {"Clue":"Perhaps annual staff meeting for partners in Reading (4,4)","Answer":"BOOK CLUB","Explanation":"Definition: meetin for partners in Reading\nBOOK [perhaps annual] + CLUB [staff] \u2013 I do have a problem with the synonym here but I like the surface"} {"Clue":"Feminist bishop found in Latin bible, perhaps (6)","Answer":"LIBBER","Explanation":"Definition: Feminist\nB [bishop] in LIBER [Latin for book, so 'bible, perhaps']"} {"Clue":"So long introduction to text, before contents of book, led oddly to Dickens character (6-3)","Answer":"TOODLE PIP","Explanation":"Definition: So long\nT[ext] + [b]OO[k] + an anagram [oddly] of LED + PIP [hero of 'Great Expectations', Dickens character]"} {"Clue":"Grumble: lacking money, say (5)","Answer":"UTTER","Explanation":"Definition: say\n[m]UTTER [grumble] minus m [money]"} {"Clue":"Index in book makes desperate editor cry (9)","Answer":"DIRECTORY","Explanation":"Definition: Index in book\nAn anagram [desperate] of EDITOR CRY"} {"Clue":"Slim volume put back in centre section of bureau (6)","Answer":"REMOTE","Explanation":"Definition: Slim\nA reversal [put back] of TOME [volume] in middle letters of buREau \u2013 as in slim \/ remote chance \/ hope"} {"Clue":"Acerbic novel Conrad's written about Italy (8)","Answer":"SARDONIC","Explanation":"Definition: Acerbic\nAn anagram [novel] of CONRAD'S round I[Italy]"} {"Clue":"Book by Sartre in translation (6)","Answer":"ARREST","Explanation":"Definition: Book\nAn anagram [in translation] of SARTRE"} {"Clue":"Spooner says cad's loud music is why he can't start his book (7,5)","Answer":"WRITER\u2019S BLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: why he can't start his book\nBlighter's [cad's] + ROCK [loud music]"} {"Clue":"Margin of book, its left edge on top (6)","Answer":"BORDER","Explanation":"Definition: Margin\nB is the 'left edge' of Book but I can't see the rest, I'm afraid"} {"Clue":"Bold and loud, not able to listen? (8)","Answer":"FEARLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Bold\nF [loud] + EARLESS [not able to listen]"} {"Clue":"Was book's content order intended to be restrictive? (4)","Answer":"ASBO","Explanation":"Definition: order intended to be restrictive\nHidden in wAS BOok's \u2013 it's a while since we've seen the now defunct ASBO [Anti-Social Behaviour Order]: my cue to quote, yet again, without shame, the much-missed Linda Smith"} {"Clue":"Barely a trickle of prose, a little limited in variation (8)","Answer":"DROPLETS","Explanation":"Definition: Barely a trickle\nAn anagram [in variation] of PROSE + LTD [a little limited]"} {"Clue":"Follow spoken narrative (4)","Answer":"TALE","Explanation":"Definition: narrative\nSounds like 'tail' [follow] \u2013 crossers needed for this: I initially followed the wrong path"} {"Clue":"Book for music: TS Eliot losing special composition about brother (8)","Answer":"LIBRETTO","Explanation":"Definition: Book for music\nAn anagram [composition] of T[s] ELIOT [minus s \u2013 special] round BR [brother] \u2013 I like the surface: TS Eliot's 'Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats' is the basis for the musical 'Cats'"} {"Clue":"Boatman has absurd identity: lost and lifeless (7)","Answer":"ABIOTIC","Explanation":"Definition: lifeless\nAB [Able Seaman \u2013 Boatman] + [id]IOTIC [absurd] minus {lost} id \u2013 identity"} {"Clue":"Unexpected twist in US version of Pound: king taking knight (6)","Answer":"KICKER","Explanation":"Definition: Unexpected twist in US\n[n]ICKER [version of pound] with K [king] replacing N [knight \u2013 chess notation] \u2013 a new meaning for me [Chambers: an unexpected, esp disadvantageous, turn of events {*N AM inf*}]"} {"Clue":"Shelf with foremost of reference books (6)","Answer":"LEDGER","Explanation":"Definition: books\nLEDGE [shelf] + R[eference] \u2013 I queried the plural definition but Chambers gives 'a document containing the principal financial records of a company, in which details of all transactions, assets and liabilities are kept and in which the records in all the other books are entered'"} {"Clue":"Outgoing type of regular mermaid girl, eh? (6)","Answer":"EMIGR\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: Outgoing type\nAlternate letters of mErMaId GiRl Eh"} {"Clue":"Failure to sleep in, as I'm no slacker (8)","Answer":"INSOMNIA","Explanation":"Definition: Failure to sleep\nAn anagram [slacker?] of IN AS I'M NO"} {"Clue":"In public, footballer Brooking is recalled right away (5)","Answer":"OVERT","Explanation":"Definition: In public\nA reversal [recalled] of TREVO[r] [Brooking \u2013 footballer]"} {"Clue":"Not able to hear fade-out? (4)","Answer":"DEAF","Explanation":"Definition: Not able to hear\nAn anagram [out] of FADE"} {"Clue":"Developing late, helping to change (10)","Answer":"ALTERATION","Explanation":"Definition: change\nAn anagram [developing] of LATE + RATION [helping]"} {"Clue":"Harrowing duel stopping rivalry extremely suddenly (6)","Answer":"RUDELY","Explanation":"Definition: suddenly\nAn anagram [harrowing] of DUEL + first and last letters [extremely] of R[ivalr]Y \u2013 [as in 'a rude awakening']"} {"Clue":"Unicycle's ultimate speed involves support over beam (8)","Answer":"ERADIATE","Explanation":"Definition: beam\nLast [ultimate] letter of unicyclE + RATE [speed] round a reversal [over] of AID [support]"} {"Clue":"Not acting still? (7)","Answer":"RESTING","Explanation":"Definition: Not actingstill\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Doctor swallowed tablet first, then consumed umpire\u00a0(7)","Answer":"MEDIATE","Explanation":"Definition: umpire\nMD [doctor] round E [tablet] + I [first, as in regnal numbers] + ATE [consumed]"} {"Clue":"Returning musical includes Dutch princess as extra (8)","Answer":"ADDITIVE","Explanation":"Definition: extra\nA reversal [returning] of EVITA [musical] round D [Dutch] + DI [princess]"} {"Clue":"Entered record horse with energy in old racing (6)","Answer":"LOGGED","Explanation":"Definition: Entered record\nGG [horse] + E [energy] in an anagram [racing] of OLD"} {"Clue":"Declared in France: 'Friend means warmth' (10)","Answer":"AMIABILITY","Explanation":"Definition: warmth\nAMI [French for friend] + ABILITY [means]"} {"Clue":"Spinning basket for bear (4)","Answer":"POOH","Explanation":"Definition: bear\nA reversal [spinning] of HOOP [basket \u2013 in basketball]"} {"Clue":"Orpheus and Eurydice, perhaps, left out divisions of play (5)","Answer":"OVERS","Explanation":"Definition: divisions of play\n[l]OVERS [Orpheus and Eurydice, perhaps] minus l [left]"} {"Clue":"Float worker managed to pick up a paper, Sun and Mail, initially (8)","Answer":"RAFTSMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Float worker\nRAN [managed] round FT [newspaper] + initial letters of Sun and Mail\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Mid-air rescue incredibly keeps top of neck exposed (8)","Answer":"INSECURE","Explanation":"Definition: exposed\nI [the middle letter of aIr] + an anagram [incredibly] of RESCUE round the first letter [top] of Neck"} {"Clue":"Idle l-lout (4)","Answer":"LOAF","Explanation":"Definition: Idle\nL-OAF [lout]"} {"Clue":"Slippery Harry Kane wears sporty clothing (6)","Answer":"SNEAKY","Explanation":"Definition: Slippery\nAn anagram [harry] of KANE in [wears] the first and last letters [clothing] of S[port]Y"} {"Clue":"Supporting actors, the French king moves (7)","Answer":"CASTLES","Explanation":"Definition: king moves\nLES [the French] after [supporting, in a down clue] CAST [actors] for this move in chess"} {"Clue":"In London, stop Heath's scandal? (8)","Answer":"MOORGATE","Explanation":"Definition: In London, stop\nMOOR [heath] + GATE [the now familiar crossword device for scandal [after Watergate] \u2013 which caused some discussion fairly recently:\u00a0 see here for the London stop"} {"Clue":"New painting captures Queen \u2014 that's concerning (10)","Answer":"PERTAINING","Explanation":"Definition: concerning\nAn anagram [new] of PAINTING round ER [Queen]"} {"Clue":"Greatest, but I'm lost without leaders (6)","Answer":"UTMOST","Explanation":"Definition: Greatest\n[b]UT [i]M [l]OST"} {"Clue":"Liberates a secret kiss? It's frisky (10)","Answer":"EXTRICATES","Explanation":"Definition: Liberates\nAn anagram [frisky] of A SECRET X IT"} {"Clue":"Enclosing eye, say, the most prying and most vocal (8)","Answer":"NOISIEST","Explanation":"Definition: most vocal\nNOSIEST [the most prying] round I [eye, say]"} {"Clue":"This comes to 18 on a course that's dry (8)","Answer":"TEETOTAL","Explanation":"Definition: dry\nThe TEE TOTAL on a golf course is 18"} {"Clue":"The address of men in Spain housing international elders (7)","Answer":"SENIORS","Explanation":"Definition: elders\nSENORS [address of men in Spain] round I [international]"} {"Clue":"Emmy award winning actor eats small fruit (6)","Answer":"DAMSON","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\n[Matt] DAMON [Emmy award-winning actor] round S [small]"} {"Clue":"Refrain from redundancy process (3,3)","Answer":"LAY OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Refrainredundancy process\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Suggest being part of strike, so people rise up (4)","Answer":"POSE","Explanation":"Definition: Suggest\nA hidden reversal [up] in strikE SO People"} {"Clue":"Early text dismissing model of Ford Escort (9)","Answer":"CHAPERONE","Explanation":"Definition: Escort\nCHAP[t[ER ONE [early text] minus t [model of Ford]"} {"Clue":"Pink organ pinching (5)","Answer":"THEFT","Explanation":"Definition: pinching\nTHE FT [Financial Times \u2013 the pink newspaper]"} {"Clue":"A pair of animals, or an insect, for instance? (7)","Answer":"ANAGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: an insect, for instance\nA NAG RAM [pair of animals] \u2013 'an insect' is an anagram of 'instance'"} {"Clue":"Jersey etc stolen by a European back in Italian city (7)","Answer":"BRESCIA","Explanation":"Definition: Italian city\nCI [Channel Islands \u2013 Jersey etc] in a reversal [back] of A SERB [ a European]"} {"Clue":"Team boasted (4)","Answer":"CREW","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"I'm ready for anything, so tackle book about origin of crosswords (4,2,2,2)","Answer":"SOCK IT TO ME","Explanation":"Definition: I'm ready for anything\nSO + KIT [tackle] + TOME [book] round C [first letter \u2013 origin \u2013 of Crosswords] \u2013 John Halpern [Paul] has written several books about crosswords, including 'The History of the Crossword' \u2013 great clue"} {"Clue":"Professional performer: I start dancing, beginning to entertain (7)","Answer":"ARTISTE","Explanation":"Definition: Professional performer\nAn anagram [dancing] of I START + E[ntertain]"} {"Clue":"County allied with rose, briefly (7)","Answer":"CUMBRIA","Explanation":"Definition: County\nCUM [allied with] + BRIA[r] [rose, briefly]"} {"Clue":"Composition of red lentils covering offbeat Jamaican-style bread (3,7)","Answer":"DAS KAPITAL","Explanation":"Definition: Composition of red\nDAL [lentils] round SKA [offbeat Jamaican style] + PITA [bread] \u2013 with a neat definition"} {"Clue":"Ending in food, peculiar herb (4)","Answer":"DILL","Explanation":"Definition: herb\n[foo]D + ILL [peculiar]"} {"Clue":"Drink less gin to inspire sheer love (7)","Answer":"NOTHING","Explanation":"Definition: love\nNOG[gin] [drink, less gin] round [to inspire] THIN [sheer]"} {"Clue":"Carried away, rotates? (5,2,5)","Answer":"MOVED TO TEARS","Explanation":"Definition: Carried away\nROTATES is an anagram [moved] of TO TEARS"} {"Clue":"Travel for miles the wrong way in US city (5)","Answer":"FARGO","Explanation":"Definition: US city\nGO FAR [travel for miles]"} {"Clue":"Stupefied, practising social distancing? (6,3)","Answer":"SPACED OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Stupefiedpractising social distancing\nA wittily topical double definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"What dog with fleas and a cold might do, with essence as yet undiscovered? (7,3,5)","Answer":"SCRATCH AND SNIFF","Explanation":"Definition: What dog with fleas and a cold might dowith essence as yet undiscovered\nThe first part is self-explanatory, I think: see here for the second definition"} {"Clue":"A playboy in love \u2014 small pecker? (8)","Answer":"PARAKEET","Explanation":"Definition: small pecker\nA RAKE [a playboy] in PET [love]"} {"Clue":"Sound around shape initially absent in hypothetical tunnel (8)","Answer":"WORMHOLE","Explanation":"Definition: hypothetical tunnel\nWHOLE [sound] round [f]ORM [shape]: 'a hypothetical tunnel in space\/time, serving as a short cut between widely distant parts of it' [Chambers] \u2013 I didn't know that meaning"} {"Clue":"Drink served up, suitable for antelope (6)","Answer":"REEBOK","Explanation":"Definition: antelope\nA reversal [served up] of BEER [drink] + OK [suitable]"} {"Clue":"I don't know what my self-flagellation does (2,5,2)","Answer":"IT BEATS ME","Explanation":"Definition: I don't knowwhat my self-flagellation does\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Trademarked material in novel, cross-referenced (6)","Answer":"VELCRO","Explanation":"Definition: Trademarked material\nHidden in noVEL CROss-referenced"} {"Clue":"Last lot silly? Each to his own (2,5,3,5)","Answer":"IT TAKES ALL SORTS","Explanation":"Definition: Each to his own\nAn anagram [silly] of LAST LOT ASTERISK: we've had a few clues involving punctuation marks lately \u2013 I enjoyed this similar one"} {"Clue":"A country once in centre of stormy peninsula (4,5)","Answer":"ASIA MINOR","Explanation":"Definition: peninsula\nA SIAM [country once \u2013 now Thailand] + IN + [st]OR[my]"} {"Clue":"Fine seafood, bream unfortunately swiped by grimalkin (8)","Answer":"CRABMEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Fine seafood\nAn anagram [unfortunately] of BREAM in CAT [grimalkin]"} {"Clue":"River rapid on fresh bit of water (8)","Answer":"RAINDROP","Explanation":"Definition: bit of water\nR [river] + an anagram [fresh] of RAPID ON"} {"Clue":"Put wrath in provocative writing (6)","Answer":"SATIRE","Explanation":"Definition: provocative writing\nSAT [put] + IRE [wrath]"} {"Clue":"Eat, tongue in cheek by the sound of it? (6)","Answer":"INGEST","Explanation":"Definition: Eat\nSounds like 'in jest' [tongue in cheek]"} {"Clue":"Box 5 in trial upended (2,3)","Answer":"TV SET","Explanation":"Definition: Box\nV [five] in a reversal [upended] of TEST [trial]"} {"Clue":"Tame budgie, preferable to wild ones? (1,4,2,3,4)","Answer":"A BIRD IN THE HAND","Explanation":"Definition: Tame budgie\n'Cryptic' definition, referring to the proverb, 'A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush'"} {"Clue":" Shopkeeper, for example, exchanges staff (9)","Answer":"TRADESMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Shopkeeper, for example\nTRADES [exchanges] + MAN [staff] \u2013 both as verbs"} {"Clue":"Half of us succeeded, including me (5)","Answer":"WOMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Half of us\nWON [succeeded] round ME"} {"Clue":"Initially short period going over issues (5)","Answer":"EMITS","Explanation":"Definition: issues\nA reversal [going over] of S[hort] + TIME [period]"} {"Clue":"Good clean entertainment? Not musical, though (4,5)","Answer":"SOAP OPERA","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"As directed, fires rifles (8)","Answer":"RANSACKS","Explanation":"Definition: rifles\nRAN [directed] + SACKS [fires]"} {"Clue":"Takes plane (American), which lands in the sea (6)","Answer":"JETSAM","Explanation":"Definition: which lands in the sea\nJETS [takes plane ] + AM [American]"} {"Clue":"One may be caught out, losing this (6)","Answer":"WICKET","Explanation":"Definition: this\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Like an open field, not sold illegally? (8)","Answer":"UNFENCED","Explanation":"Definition: Like an open field\nI knew 'fence' as a receiver of stolen goods but I don't think I'd met it as a verb; Chambers gives 'to receive or dispose of [stolen goods]'"} {"Clue":"Marks tool badly in hurry (4,5)","Answer":"LOOK SMART","Explanation":"Definition: hurry\nAn anagram [badly] of MARKS TOOL"} {"Clue":"Top honours cut back in a series of steps (5)","Answer":"POLKA","Explanation":"Definition: a series of steps\nA reversal [back] of A [Ace] + K [King] \u2013 the highest honour cards in bridge + LOP [cut]"} {"Clue":"List of competitors is in lobby (5)","Answer":"ENTRY","Explanation":"Definition: List of competitorslobby\nDouble definition \u2013 to me, in the Midlands, an entry is 'a narrow lane between houses', which Chambers says is dialect, and goes on to give 'a lobby or vestibule' which surprised me"} {"Clue":"Charlie soon with new side: made one of the Saints (9)","Answer":"CANONISED","Explanation":"Definition: made one of the Saints\nC [Charlie \u2013 phonetic alphabet] + ANON [soon] + an anagram [new] of SIDE"} {"Clue":"One's designs appear on flags (8,6)","Answer":"PAVEMENT ARTIST","Explanation":"Definition: One's designs appear on flags\nCryptic definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"See flow chart is repositioned straight (2,3,4,5)","Answer":"AS THE CROW FLIES","Explanation":"Definition: straight\nAn anagram [repositioned] of SEE FLOW CHART IS"} {"Clue":"One translating Latin, a Roman, perhaps (7)","Answer":"ITALIAN","Explanation":"Definition: a Roman, perhaps\nI [one] + an anagram [translating] of LATIN A"} {"Clue":"Over the moon here to have secret room (4,5)","Answer":"DEEP SPACE","Explanation":"Definition: Over the moon here\nDEEP [secret] + SPACE [room]"} {"Clue":"Joint titleholder (8)","Answer":"NAMESAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Joint titleholder\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"A flying shed? (6)","Answer":"HANGAR","Explanation":"Definition: A flying shed?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Instructive sort of book couple picked up in house (3-2)","Answer":"HOW-TO","Explanation":"Definition: Instructive sort of book\nA reversal [picked up, in a down clue] of TWO [couple] in HO [house]"} {"Clue":"Book every anaesthetist will have? (7)","Answer":"NUMBERS","Explanation":"Definition: Book\nCryptic definition, referring to the fourth book of the Old Testament"} {"Clue":"With this you can get a handle on your gambling (3-5,6)","Answer":"ONE-ARMED BANDIT","Explanation":"Definition: With this you can get a handle on your gambling (3-5,6)\nAnother cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Watch next to key, a surprising sight (3-6)","Answer":"EYE-OPENER","Explanation":"Definition: a surprising sight\nEYE [watch] + OPENER [key]"} {"Clue":"Di abandons hazy intuition (8)","Answer":"INSTINCT","Explanation":"Definition: intuition\nIN [di]STINCT [hazy]"} {"Clue":"Small country's boast whole continent listened to (7)","Answer":"CROATIA","Explanation":"Definition: Small country\nSounds like [listened to] 'crow' [boast] + Asia [whole continent]"} {"Clue":"Monsters with poisonous gas defeat one (7)","Answer":"COLOSSI","Explanation":"Definition: Monsters\nCO [carbon monoxide \u2013 poisonous gas] + LOSS [defeat] + I [one, again] \u2013 'monster' in the sense of abnormally large"} {"Clue":"Clumsy\u00a0 French drive on it over here (6)","Answer":"GAUCHE","Explanation":"Definition: ClumsyFrench drive on it over here\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Brief article in Paris Match coming to a point (7)","Answer":"LACONIC","Explanation":"Definition: Brief\nLA [definite article in Paris {Match}] + CONIC [coming to a point]"} {"Clue":"What happens before weekend begins in sitcom (7)","Answer":"FRIENDS","Explanation":"Definition: sitcom\nFRI[day] ENDS before the weekend begins"} {"Clue":"Type of soldiers carrying indefinite number of sacks around (4,5)","Answer":"SANS SERIF","Explanation":"Definition: Type\nSAS [soldiers] round N [indefinite number of] + a reversal [around] of FIRES [sacks] \u2013 wonderful misdirection!"} {"Clue":"United stopping one getting beaten? This may be in the field (5)","Answer":"DURUM","Explanation":"Definition: This may be in the field\nU [united] in DRUM [one beaten]"} {"Clue":"Balm stolen from royal residence as a test (4)","Answer":"ORAL","Explanation":"Definition: a test\n[balm]ORAL [royal residence in Scotland]"} {"Clue":"Vehicle boxed in by Opel and Audi (6)","Answer":"LANDAU","Explanation":"Definition: Vehicle\nHidden in opeL AND AUdi"} {"Clue":"Every 60 minutes, say, screening plug for Madonna (3,4)","Answer":"OUR LADY","Explanation":"Definition: Madonna\nOURLY [sounds like {say} 'hourly' \u2013 every 60 minutes] round [screening] AD [plug] \u2013 'screen' is one of those autantonyms, or Janus words, that were discussed here the other day: here, it's cleverly used in opposite senses in the misleading surface and the wordplay"} {"Clue":"Preserve heart of famous game bird (7)","Answer":"TINAMOU","Explanation":"Definition: game bird\nTIN [preserve] + [f]AMOU[s] \u2013 I didn't know this bird but I'm sure my fellow-blogger Pierre does and he no doubt has a better picture than this ; the surface suggests this famous game bird\u00a0 but I discovered that Chambers describes the TINAMOU as 'a South American partridge-like bird', making it a game bird, too \u2013 [my bird-loving, whisky-addicted husband would have loved this clue]"} {"Clue":"Incompetent way to leave tottering (6)","Answer":"UNABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Incompetent\nUN[st]ABLE [tottering] minus st[reet] [way]"} {"Clue":"Fail to observe Poe character in short story (10)","Answer":"CONTRAVENE","Explanation":"Definition: Fail to observe\nRAVEN [reference to Edgar Allan Poe's poem 'The Raven' \u2013 which is a delight to read aloud \u2013 in CONTE [short story: for once, we're not looking for TAL[e], LI[e] or any abbreviated word for story]"} {"Clue":"Front ripped off sheets in Times (4)","Answer":"AGES","Explanation":"Definition: Times\n[p]AGES [sheets]"} {"Clue":"Equally determined to display strength (5)","Answer":"ASSET","Explanation":"Definition: strength\nAS SET [equally determined]"} {"Clue":"Fury \u2014 it's aroused by what Apple sells (9)","Answer":"TISIPHONE","Explanation":"Definition: Fury\nAn anagram [aroused] of IT'S + iPHONE [what Apple sells] \u2013 the Furies were the Greek deities of vengeance, Tisiphone ['voice of revenge'] being the avenger of murder"} {"Clue":"A partner pocketing \u00a31,000 in contract (7)","Answer":"ABRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: contract\nA BRIDE [partner] round G [a grand \u2013 \u00a31,000]"} {"Clue":"Hide in Greek island's bottom right-hand corner? (7)","Answer":"SECRETE","Explanation":"Definition: Hide\nS[outh] E[ast] [bottom right-hand corner, as here] CRETE [Greek island] \u2013 lovely one to end on here"} {"Clue":"Catch or miss nothing (5)","Answer":"LASSO","Explanation":"Definition: Catch\nLASS {miss] + O [nothing]"} {"Clue":"Prison I'm leaving for work in bars (7)","Answer":"CANTATA","Explanation":"Definition: work in bars\nCAN [prison] + TA TA [I'm leaving!] \u2013 lovely misleading surface"} {"Clue":"I won't keep mum's food (4)","Answer":"NOSH","Explanation":"Definition: food\nNO SH [I won't keep quiet \/ mum]"} {"Clue":"Material studied quickly in French includes a brief biog (10,5)","Answer":"CURRICULUM VITAE","Explanation":"Definition: brief biog\nCURRICULUM [material studied] + VITE [quickly in French] round A: shades of Crucible's Tuesday clue : 'Nurse retains European CV (6)';"} {"Clue":"Subversives located in the right place in this grid? (5,10)","Answer":"FIFTH COLUMNISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Subversives\nCryptic definition: look at the location of the answer"} {"Clue":"River Test developed commercially (10)","Answer":"INDUSTRIAL","Explanation":"Definition: developed commercially\nINDUS [river] + TRIAL [test]"} {"Clue":"New Republican welcomed by Trump is promised land (7)","Answer":"NIRVANA","Explanation":"Definition: promised land\nN [new] + R [republican] in IVANA [the first **Mrs** Trump \u2013 for a change]"} {"Clue":"When dreams come true, perhaps, touring round sea (7)","Answer":"SOMEDAY","Explanation":"Definition: When dreams come true\nSAY [perhaps] round [touring] O [round] + MED[iterranean] [sea]"} {"Clue":"Outlined a foolish form of trade (10)","Answer":"ADUMBRATED","Explanation":"Definition: Outlined\nA DUMB [foolish] + an anagram [form of] of TRADE \u2013 lovely word"} {"Clue":"Two acts composed, penning old baroque work (7)","Answer":"TOCCATA","Explanation":"Definition: baroque work\nTwo anagrams [composed] of ACT round O [old]"} {"Clue":"About to punch nurse, wild person off drugs (3-4)","Answer":"NON-USER","Explanation":"Definition: person off drugs\nON [about] in an anagram [wild] of NURSE"} {"Clue":"One hears something in the bath, topless (7)","Answer":"LUGHOLE","Explanation":"Definition: One hears\n[p]LUGHOLE [something in the bath]"} {"Clue":"Joined in covers of single, one from ABBA? (5)","Answer":"SWEDE","Explanation":"Definition: one from ABBA?\nWED [joined] in S[ingl]E [covers of] \u2013 I could easily be tempted to give you any one of a dozen or more links but I'll leave you to choose your own earworm \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Crude traders manage to bring down leader (4)","Answer":"OPEC","Explanation":"Definition: Crude traders\nCOPE [manage] with the first letter [leader] moved to the end"} {"Clue":"Posture shown by beautifully elevated heads in a square formation (9)","Answer":"ARABESQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Posture\nInitial letters [heads] of Beautifully Elevated in an anagram [formation] of A SQUARE"} {"Clue":"Carmine's watery body? (4)","Answer":"LAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Carminewatery body\nDouble definition \u2013 I remembered 'crimson lake' from my childhood paintbox"} {"Clue":"Potential health risks of tailless camel eating earth (8)","Answer":"BACTERIA","Explanation":"Definition: Potential health risks\nBACTRIA[n] [camel] round E [earth]"} {"Clue":"Smallholders, historically old, residing in the country (6)","Answer":"YEOMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Smallholders, historically\nO [old] in YEMEN [country]"} {"Clue":"Officer's sound heart (6)","Answer":"KERNEL","Explanation":"Definition: heart\nSounds like 'colonel' [officer]"} {"Clue":"Run over on joining head of funeral cortege (8)","Answer":"REHEARSE","Explanation":"Definition: Run over\nRE [on] + HEARSE [head of funeral cortege]"} {"Clue":"Pod formed by like-minded artists? (6)","Answer":"SCHOOL","Explanation":"Definition: Podlike-minded artists\nDouble definition \u2013 school of whales and goup of artists, eg the Newlyn School"} {"Clue":"Vulnerable type of male sadly getting nothing (4,4)","Answer":"LAME DUCK","Explanation":"Definition: Vulnerable type\nAn anagram [sadly] of MALE + DUCK [nothing \u2013 cricket score]"} {"Clue":"Book, or a bishop, or a Pacific island (4,4)","Answer":"BORA BORA","Explanation":"Definition: Pacific island\nB [book] + OR A B [bishop] + ORA \u2013 an island in French Polynesia"} {"Clue":"One's out of time, wearing most unlikely current fashion (6)","Answer":"LATEST","Explanation":"I just can't see this, I'm afraid \u2013* see comments 1 and 2 [thanks to bodycheetah and baerchen]"} {"Clue":"Rips off in authentic vengeful act (8)","Answer":"REPRISAL","Explanation":"Definition: vengeful act\nAn anagram [off] of RIPS in REAL [authentic]"} {"Clue":"Tester needs one to probe ape (6)","Answer":"CANOPY","Explanation":"Definition: Tester\nAN [one] in COPY [ape] \u2013 see here for the definition"} {"Clue":"Very large area of fair dismantled by state (6)","Answer":"AFRICA","Explanation":"Definition: Very large area\nAn anagram [dismantled] of FAIR + CA [state]"} {"Clue":"Gutless gents put out with ladies' controlled descent (8)","Answer":"GLISSADE","Explanation":"Definition: controlled descent\nAn anagram [put out] of G[ent]S + LADIES \u2013"} {"Clue":"Stately creature, top of stairs, looking sickly (4)","Answer":"SWAN","Explanation":"Definition: Stately creature\nS[tairs] + WAN [looking sickly] \u2013 see here for 'stately'"} {"Clue":"Seafront is for crew forced to abandon leader (9)","Answer":"PROMENADE","Explanation":"Definition: Seafront\nPRO [for] + MEN [crew] + [m \/ b \u2013 take your pick]ADE [forced]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Saw road agent removing wings (5)","Answer":"ADAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Saw\n[ro]AD AGE[nt]"} {"Clue":"Vivaldi's first sonata ending in 'not moved by love' (7)","Answer":"ANTONIO","Explanation":"Definition: Vivaldi's first\n[sonat]A + an anagram [moved] of IN NOT + O [love \u2013 tennis score this time]]"} {"Clue":"Register wedged in between rollers (5)","Answer":"ENROL","Explanation":"Definition: Register\nHidden in betweEN ROLlers"} {"Clue":"Scrap arrow (7)","Answer":"QUARREL","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Male with rough leathery sort of skin suffering from redness (9)","Answer":"ERYTHEMAL","Explanation":"Definition: sort of skin suffering from redness\nAn anagram [rough] of M [male] + LEATHERY"} {"Clue":"Habit of dipping injured toe in fat (7)","Answer":"LEOTARD","Explanation":"Definition: Habit\nAn anagram [injured] of TOE in LARD"} {"Clue":"Hose gets kinked, see, when stored in pans (4-5)","Answer":"KNEE-SOCKS","Explanation":"Definition: Hose\nAn anagram [kinked] of SEE in KNOCKS [pans]"} {"Clue":"Elect to fix fences? How? (6,3)","Answer":"CHOSEN FEW","Explanation":"Definition: Elect\nAn anagram [to fix] of FENCES HOW"} {"Clue":"Buck up king with bitter underneath throne (4,5)","Answer":"LOOK SHARP","Explanation":"Definition: Buck up\nLOO [throne] + K [king] + SHARP [bitter] \u2013 just last week, Vulcan gave us 'look smart' and several of you said you were more familiar with this expression"} {"Clue":"A rule cited to make an accusation (7)","Answer":"ARRAIGN","Explanation":"Definition: to make an accusation\nSounds like [cited] 'a reign' [a rule]"} {"Clue":"Pacino goes to stage right, getting round quickly? (7)","Answer":"ALLEGRO","Explanation":"Definition: quickly\nAL [Pacino] + LEG [stage] + R [right] + O [round]"} {"Clue":"Country getting first-class return on its capital (7)","Answer":"TUNISIA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nA reversal [return] of AI [first class] after TUNIS [its capital]"} {"Clue":"It takes cold skin to lecture (5)","Answer":"CHIDE","Explanation":"Definition: to lecture\nC [cold] + HIDE [skin]"} {"Clue":"Hull is supported by good English fat (5)","Answer":"PODGE","Explanation":"Definition: fat\nPOD [this time with another meaning \u2013 hull \u2013 outer covering, ] + G [good] E [English]"} {"Clue":"Good sense to include winter pear in what restaurant may offer (4,4)","Answer":"WINE LIST","Explanation":"Definition: what restaurant may offer\nWIT [good sense] round NELIS [winter pear] \u2013 my first new word learnt today"} {"Clue":"Musical scores for No 1s? (8)","Answer":"HAIRCUTS","Explanation":"Definition: No 1s?\nHAIR [musical] + CUTS [scores] \u2013 'a number 1 haircut length is 1\/8th of your original hair length (almost 3mm)' \u2013 the question mark indicates definition by example"} {"Clue":"South African club has male member that is touring Irish county shortly (10)","Answer":"KNOBKERRIE","Explanation":"Definition: South African club\nKNOB [male member, slang] IE [that is] round [touring] KERR{Y] [Irish county, shortly]"} {"Clue":"Butt of a gendarme's covered (3,3)","Answer":"FAG END","Explanation":"Definition: Butt\nHidden in oF A GENDarme's"} {"Clue":"Musical seen by one lecturer during a month off (8)","Answer":"HAMILTON","Explanation":"Definition: Musical\nI [one] L [lecturer] in an anagram [off] of A MONTH"} {"Clue":"Number clever enough for game show (7)","Answer":"TENABLE","Explanation":"Definition: game show\nTEN [number] + ABLE [clever enough] \u2013 ITV game show"} {"Clue":"Into pieces like a French and German article (7)","Answer":"ASUNDER","Explanation":"Definition: Into pieces\nAS [like] + UN [a French] + DER [German article]"} {"Clue":"Frightfully honest \u2014 extremely lazy in secret (2,3,3)","Answer":"ON THE SLY","Explanation":"Definition: in secret\nAn anagram [frightfully] of HONEST + L[az]Y"} {"Clue":"Number of pills required by queasy sea dog (6)","Answer":"DOSAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Number of pills required\nAn anagram [queasy] of SEA DOG"} {"Clue":"Flooding, with one sister (not Ida) affected (10)","Answer":"INUNDATION","Explanation":"Definition: Flooding\nI NUN [one sister] + an anagram [affected] of NOT IDA"} {"Clue":"Time musical is current (5)","Answer":"TRENT","Explanation":"Definition: current\nT {time] + RENT [musical] \u2013 the current is the River Trent"} {"Clue":"Former flyer reporting dull conversation (5,3)","Answer":"GREAT AUK","Explanation":"Definition: Former flyer\nSounds like grey [dull] talk [conversation] \u2013 this extinct bird\u00a0 \n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Rarely digress from prima donna scandal? (8)","Answer":"DIVAGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Rarely digress\nDIVA [prima donna] + GATE [indicating 'scandal', from Watergate] \u2013 Collins has this word as 'rare', Chambers as 'literary'"} {"Clue":"Making new version of Annie's hard, even a one-off musical (4,4,6)","Answer":"DEAR EVAN HANSEN","Explanation":"Definition: musical\nAn anagram [new version of] ANN[i]E'S HARD EVEN A, minus i [one] \u2013 here's the musical"} {"Clue":"Musical that might be very good or very bad (6)","Answer":"WICKED","Explanation":"Definition: Musica\nDouble definition: I'm not sure whether WICKED is still current slang for 'very good' \u2013 my students used it over twenty years ago"} {"Clue":"Bit of choral singing Hot Press briefly hammered (7)","Answer":"STROPHE","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of choral singing\nAn anagram [hammered] of HOT PRES[s], briefly \u2013 the first part of a choral ode in ancient Greek drama that was performed by the chorus while it moved from one side of the stage to the other."} {"Clue":"Satirise musical overdoing carnal knowledge, for starters (4)","Answer":"MOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Satirise\nInitial letters [starters] of Musical Overdoing Carnal Knowledge"} {"Clue":"Worried less about one newspaper initially concealing Conservative plots (10)","Answer":"STORYLINES","Explanation":"Definition: plots\nAn anagram [worried] of LESS round I [one] N[ewspaper] round TORY [Conservative]"} {"Clue":"Italian singer finally in charge in English opera company (6)","Answer":"ENRICO","Explanation":"Definition: Italian\n[singe]R + IC [in charge] in ENO [English National Opera] \u2013 there's a reference to the opera singer Caruso"} {"Clue":"There's not so much about military intelligence in a musical, commonly (3,3)","Answer":"LES MIS","Explanation":"Definition: musical, commonly\nLESS [not so much] round MI [Military Intelligence] \u2013 a musical that I have seen, several times, in different settings: the first was at a youth theatre production, with my granddaughter playing Little Cosette, right up to the West End production; 'commonly', because the full title is, of course, 'Les Miserables' [dubbed 'The Glums' in the first reviews \u2013 a reference to these characters from the radio show 'Take it from here'"} {"Clue":"Panel show score indicating pretty good musical (5,3,2,3,4)","Answer":"EIGHT OUT OF TEN CATS","Explanation":"Definition: Panel show\nEIGHT OUT OF TEN [score indicating pretty good] + CATS [musical] \u2013 this is the panel show"} {"Clue":"Phone in, say, about making 5 orange or lilac (7)","Answer":"SYRINGA","Explanation":"Definition: orange or lilac\nRING [phone] in an anagram [about] of SAY"} {"Clue":"Somewhat excessive number (6)","Answer":"NINETY","Explanation":"Definition: number\nIt took a while for this penny to drop: XC [90 in Roman numerals] is contained in eXCessive"} {"Clue":"Sleep? Perchance, except those seen in schools in dorm, oddly (6)","Answer":"DANCER","Explanation":"Definition: Sleep?\n[perch]ANCE, minus perch [fish found in schools] in DR [odd letters of DoRm] \u2013 the dancer is Wayne Sleep [question mark for definition by example ]\u2013 and there's a nod to Hamlet's ['To be or not to be' soliloquy: 'To sleep, perchance to dream' \u2013 very clever misdirection and my favourite clue"} {"Clue":"Singer featuring in musical today (4)","Answer":"ALTO","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\nHidden in musicAL TOday"} {"Clue":"Clever person in college once getting most of a subject (8)","Answer":"POLYMATH","Explanation":"Definition: Clever person\nPOLY[technic] [college once] + MATH[s] [most of a subject \u2013 or all of it in the US]"} {"Clue":"Sweet FA, having turned 19 almost (6)","Answer":"AFTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nA reversal [having turned] of FA + TERS[e] [answer to 19ac]"} {"Clue":"Mark tucking into eggs, initially came to one with shell (8)","Answer":"ESCARGOT","Explanation":"Definition: one with shell\nSCAR [mark] in E[ggs] + GOT [came {to}]"} {"Clue":"Thickness of hose from end \u2014 fire's beginning to go out (6)","Answer":"DENIER","Explanation":"Definition: Thickness of hose\nAn anagram [out] of END + [f]IRE \u2013 beginning to go]"} {"Clue":"Clueless Tramp will notify editor (3-8)","Answer":"ILL-INFORMED","Explanation":"Definition: Clueless\nI'LL INFORM [Tramp will notify] ED [editor]"} {"Clue":"Start to put on pair of smalls and hug (5)","Answer":"PRESS","Explanation":"Definition: hug\nP[ut] + RE [on] + SS [pair of smalls]"} {"Clue":"Balls from iron in golf, hit stroke over middle of green (9)","Answer":"GRAPESHOT","Explanation":"Definition: Balls from iron\nG [golf \u2013 phonetic alphabet] + RAP [hit] + SHOT [stroke] round [gr]E[en]"} {"Clue":"Low-pitched noise from this replacement dog (9)","Answer":"SUBWOOFER","Explanation":"Definition: Low-pitched noise from this\nSUB [replacement] + WOOFER [dog]"} {"Clue":"Some after sex that's quick (5)","Answer":"TERSE","Explanation":"Definition: quick\nHidden in afTER SEx"} {"Clue":"Boris Johnson is one in pieces, upset with court (11)","Answer":"EUROSCEPTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Boris Johnson is one\nAn anagram [upset] of PIECES and COURT \u2013 in a 'quick' crossword, with no wordplay, the imagination could have run riot"} {"Clue":"With no scruples, nose goes over line (6)","Answer":"AMORAL","Explanation":"Definition: With no scruples\nA reversal [goes over] of AROMA [nose] + L [line]"} {"Clue":"Shortly go with male and attractive girl to house with land (8)","Answer":"ZIMBABWE","Explanation":"Definition: land\nZI[p] [go, shortly] + M [male] + BABE [attractive girl] round [to house] W [with]"} {"Clue":"Drink shot with slices in (6)","Answer":"SHANDY","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nAND [with] in SHY [shot \u2013 as in coconut shy]"} {"Clue":"One beam, say, brought back to son's old property (8)","Answer":"AGEDNESS","Explanation":"Definition: old property\nA [one] + a reversal [brought back] of SEND [beam \u2013 as in 'Beam me up, Scotty'] and EG [say] + S [son]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Make susceptible drunk sip red with model (10)","Answer":"PREDISPOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Make susceptible\nAn anagram [drunk] of SIP RED + POSE [model]"} {"Clue":"Fixing collar and evening dress, primarily before getting regional tie? (5,5)","Answer":"LOCAL DERBY","Explanation":"Definition: regional tie\nAn anagram [fixing] of COLLAR + E[vening] D[ress] + BY\u00a0 [before, as in 'Be home by midnight']"} {"Clue":"Present behind wrapping paper ultimately for Charlie (5)","Answer":"MORON","Explanation":"Definition: Charlie\nMOON [present behind] round [wrapping] [pape]R"} {"Clue":"Charge after sweeping road (12)","Answer":"THOROUGHFARE","Explanation":"Definition: road\nTHOROUGH [sweeping \u2013 as in sweeping changes] + FARE [charge]"} {"Clue":"Competitors before match experiment in practice (5,4)","Answer":"FIELD TEST","Explanation":"Definition: experiment in practice\nFIELD [competitors \u2013 as in horse racing, for instance] before TEST [match]"} {"Clue":"Polish detective in film (4)","Answer":"EDIT","Explanation":"Definition: Polish\nDI [Detective Inspector] in ET [film]"} {"Clue":"Kind men feeding good person (4)","Answer":"SORT","Explanation":"Definition: Kind\nOR [other ranks \u2013 men] in ST [saint \u2013 good person]"} {"Clue":"Awkward bra, anger miss with fumbling (12)","Answer":"EMBARRASSING","Explanation":"Definition: Awkward\nAn anagram [fumbling] of BRA ANGER MISS"} {"Clue":"Kind of tea written on one board (10)","Answer":"CHARITABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Kind\nCHAR [tea] + I [one] + TABLE [board]"} {"Clue":"Way they might bring up food for Pilates class? (10)","Answer":"STRETCHERS","Explanation":"Definition: Pilates class?\nST [way] + RETCHERS [they might bring up food]"} {"Clue":"A record's for playing around clubs? (9)","Answer":"SCORECARD","Explanation":"An anagram [for playing] of A RECORD'S round C [clubs] \u2013 &littish"} {"Clue":"Space at front of border for plant (5)","Answer":"EMBED","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nEM [space, in printing] + BED [border]"} {"Clue":"Rabbits on film (4)","Answer":"JAWS","Explanation":"Definition: Rabbits onfilm\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Woman is con artist (4)","Answer":"DORA","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\nDO [con] + RA [artist]"} {"Clue":"Rock and roll primarily lacking in training of singers (6)","Answer":"GNEISS","Explanation":"Definition: Rock\nAn anagram [in training] of SINGE[r]S minus initial letter of r[oll]"} {"Clue":"Idiot was troubled, being attacked (8)","Answer":"ASSAILED","Explanation":"Definition: attacked\nASS {idiot] AILED [was troubled]"} {"Clue":"Scottish innovator to record a birdie in flight (5,5)","Answer":"LOGIE BAIRD","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish innovator\nLOG [record] + an anagram [in flight] of A BIRDIE"} {"Clue":"High frequency range, say, penetrating mum \u2014 is sore in the ears (9)","Answer":"MEGAHERTZ","Explanation":"Definition: High frequency range\nEG [say] in MA [mum] + HERTZ [sounds like \u2013 in the ears \u2013 'hurts' {is sore}]"} {"Clue":"Wartime pilot must circumvent something hairy, cause of obstruction (9)","Answer":"BLOCKADER","Explanation":"Definition: cause of obstruction\n[Douglas] BADER [wartime pilot] round LOCK [something hairy]"} {"Clue":"Any number knowing about fine material (5)","Answer":"NINON","Explanation":"Definition: fine material\nN [indefinite \u2013 any \u2013 number] + IN ON [knowing about]"} {"Clue":"Bird is rotten glider in a storm (4,8)","Answer":"RING DOTTEREL","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nAn anagram [in a storm] of ROTTEN GLIDER \u2013 another name for the ringed plover"} {"Clue":"What's awfully tiresome, I get older \u2014 time to enjoy life in France? (9,3)","Answer":"TROISI\u00c8ME AGE","Explanation":"Definition: time to enjoy life in France?\nAn anagram [awfully] of TIRESOME I + AGE [get older] \u2013 lovely surface"} {"Clue":"Like illustration, something set on dining table (5)","Answer":"ASPIC","Explanation":"Definition: something set on dining table\nAS [like] PIC [illustration] \u2013 with a play on 'set'"} {"Clue":"Never to return wearing dress in theatrical space for visitors (5,4)","Answer":"GREEN ROOM","Explanation":"Definition: theatrical space for visitors\nA reversal [to return] of NE'ER [never] in GROOM [dress]"} {"Clue":"What's roguish about Liberal showing no originality? (9)","Answer":"SLAVISHLY","Explanation":"Definition: showing no originality\nSLY [roguish?] round LAVISH [liberal] \u2013 to me, 'sly' is rather nastier than 'roguish' and I was disappointed to find it in Collins [not Chambers]"} {"Clue":"My sonny's ill \u2014 tired and worn out, maybe (8)","Answer":"SYNONYMS","Explanation":"Definition: tired and worn out, maybe\nAn anagram [ill] of MY SONNY'S \u2013 my favourite clue"} {"Clue":"Jockey getting on after race accident (6)","Answer":"FALLON","Explanation":"Definition: Jockey\nFALL [race accident] + ON for jockey Kieren"} {"Clue":"Wealth coming to composer, man of musical variations (8)","Answer":"GOLDBERG","Explanation":"Definition: man of musical variations\nGOLD [wealth] + BERG [composer] \u2013 reference to Bach's Goldberg Variations"} {"Clue":"Bar gets this for beggar that's like a frustrated bird (3-5)","Answer":"EGG-BOUND","Explanation":"Definition: like a frustrated bird\nEGG in BAR gives BEGGAR \u2013 *but the clue seems to suggest BAR in EGG: see comments below"} {"Clue":"Cut made by saw initially on wood (5)","Answer":"STEAK","Explanation":"Definition: Cut\nS[aw] + TEAK [wood]"} {"Clue":"Producer of sweet stuff could make one rise with fury and anger (5,8)","Answer":"SUGAR REFINERY","Explanation":"Definition: Producer of sweet stuff\nAn anagram [could make one] of RISE FURY and ANGER"} {"Clue":"He-men at a dance outside university club in London (9)","Answer":"ATHENAEUM","Explanation":"Definition: club in London\nAn anagram [dance] of HE-MEN AT A round U [university]"} {"Clue":"Where's the sound coming from? Cat getting round a queen (6)","Answer":"LARYNX","Explanation":"Definition: Where's the sound coming from?\nLYNX [cat] round A R [a queen]"} {"Clue":"Lots of celebrations outside Japanese school (6)","Answer":"DOZENS","Explanation":"Definition: Lots\nDOS [celebrations] round ZEN [Japanese school \u2013 the Japanese branch of Buddhism]"} {"Clue":"The mum dashing around got off to a brisk start (4,6,3)","Answer":"MADE THINGS HUM","Explanation":"Definition: got off to a brisk start\nAn anagram [around] of THE MUM DASHING"} {"Clue":"Order without intermediate agent \u2014 something charged (9)","Answer":"DIRECTION","Explanation":"Definition: Order\nDIRECT [without intermediate agent] + ION [something charged]"} {"Clue":"Men probing wild animal on the lord's estate? (8)","Answer":"MANORIAL","Explanation":"Definition: on the lord's estate?\nOR [Other Ranks \u2013 men]in an anagram [wild] of ANIMAL"} {"Clue":"In territory in December mud annoys (8)","Answer":"BERMUDAN","Explanation":"Definition: In territory\nHidden in decemBER MUD ANnoys"} {"Clue":"Dad exercises and stops to draw breath? (6)","Answer":"PAUSES","Explanation":"Definition: stops to draw breath\nPA [dad] + USES [exercises]"} {"Clue":"Damage when river floods country (6)","Answer":"SPRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Damage\nR [river] in SPAIN [country]"} {"Clue":"Triangular symbol composer of 1 down set up (5)","Answer":"NABLA","Explanation":"Definition: Triangular symbol\nA reversal [set up] of ALBAN [first name of BERG, composer of [or in] 1 down]"} {"Clue":"Non-standard spare parts adapted during print-run (2,5)","Answer":"AT PRESS","Explanation":"Definition: during print-run\nAn anagram [adapted] of S[par]E [minus par \u2013 standard] PARTS \u2013 a new expression for me"} {"Clue":"One's after spy leader \u2014 Bill Foot, not Smiley (3,4)","Answer":"SAD FACE","Explanation":"Definition: not Smiley\nS[py] + AD [bill] + F [foot] + ACE [one]"} {"Clue":"Needing a marker to speak out of turn? (6,4,5)","Answer":"FORGET ONE\u2019S PLACE","Explanation":"Definition: speak out of turn\nI'm struggling to explain the cryptic grammar here: you would use \/ need a book mark so as not to forget your place in a book but that's not what it says: 'Need a marker \/ to speak out of turn?' [double definition] or, perhaps, 'Needing a marker, speak out out of turn' [cryptic definition] would make more sense to me"} {"Clue":"Steps taken to make cake half the graduates omitted (5)","Answer":"RUMBA","Explanation":"Definition: Steps taken\nRUM BA[ba] [cake] minus ba [half the graduates]"} {"Clue":"What spaces left I filled with dry food (9)","Answer":"SPAGHETTI","Explanation":"Definition: food\nA reversal [left, in an across clue] of EH [what] GAPS [spaces] + I round TT [dry]"} {"Clue":"No sleeping partners here? (6,3)","Answer":"SINGLE BED","Explanation":"Definition: No sleeping partners here?\nCryptic definition \u2013 I hesitated to enter this initially, as it seemed too easy for Enigmatist"} {"Clue":"Youngster, crack shot of note (5)","Answer":"SPRIG","Explanation":"Definition: Youngster\nSPROG immediately sprang [!] to mind but wouldn't parse: it's SPRI[n]G \u2013 Chambers gives 'spring [of a mast] to crack' \u2013 minus [shot of] n [note]"} {"Clue":"Having notions one passed on (5)","Answer":"IDEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Having notions\nI [one] DEAD [passed on] \u2013 I hesitated for a while to enter this, too, it sounded such an unlikely word, but there it was in Chambers: 'provided with an idea or ideas' [also 'ideaed']"} {"Clue":"Provided for youngster incredibly fast in race (9)","Answer":"BREASTFED","Explanation":"Definition: Provided for youngster\nAn anagram [incredibly] of FAST in BREED [race] \u2013 liked the definition"} {"Clue":"Two will keep on cutting water plant (9)","Answer":"AQUILEGIA","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nI + I [two] round [will keep] LEG [on, in cricket] all in AQUA [water]"} {"Clue":"Pronghorn dodging soldier's bolt (5)","Answer":"ELOPE","Explanation":"Definition: bolt\n[ant]ELOPE [pronghorn] minus 'ant' [soldier]: a new [to me] antelope to add to the crossword list \u2013 although it isn't really one [see here] ; 'to run away or bolt' is one of Chambers' definitions"} {"Clue":"Holdings of business family \u2014 passing time \u2014 runs (6,3,6)","Answer":"STOCKS AND SHARES","Explanation":"Definition: Holdings of business\nSTOCK [family] + SANDS [passing time] + HARES [runs]"} {"Clue":"Equipped outside of river bore (7)","Answer":"ENDURED","Explanation":"Definition: bore\nENDUED [equipped] round R [river] \u2013 I was initially beguiled [not alone?] by my [and crossword's ] favourite Yorkshire river URE"} {"Clue":"Does without iron, ultimately his own (7)","Answer":"CONFESS","Explanation":"Definition: own\nCONS [does] round FE [iron] + [hi]S"} {"Clue":"That's the horizon, to the best of my understanding (2,3,2,1,3,3)","Answer":"AS FAR AS I CAN SEE","Explanation":"Definition: That's the horizono the best of my understanding\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Water-carrying duo entering arena for Ipswich Town telethon? (11,4)","Answer":"PORTMANTEAU WORD","Explanation":"Definition: telethon?\nDefinition by example, hence the question mark: this was another that I didn't enter straightaway \u2013 I just couldn't see the wordplay: I took 'Ipswich Town' as simply an example of a football club [hence the question mark?] but finally persuaded myself to google it and found that their arena is PORTMAN RD, so all that was left to do was insert TWO [duo] round EAU [water] into that \u2013 two foreign words for water today; this ended up as my favourite clue, I think."} {"Clue":"Confronted writer cried noisily (9)","Answer":"EYEBALLED","Explanation":"Definition: Confronted\nSounds like I [writer] bawled [cried] \u2013 I've often meant to query why 'noisily' is such a frequent homophone indicator: it's not the same as 'out loud', is it?"} {"Clue":"This is sentimental issue for sailors (5)","Answer":"SLOPS","Explanation":"Definition: This is sentimentaissue for sailors\nDouble definition, both of them unfamiliar but both in Chambers \u2013 'wishy-washy sentiment' and 'clothes and bedding issued to seamen' [not liquid refuse issuing from a ship, as I'd expected]"} {"Clue":"Not the first put off flight (9)","Answer":"SKEDADDLE","Explanation":"Definition: flight\n[a]SKED [put] minus its initial letter \u2013 not the first + ADDLE [off] \u2013 I didn't know that SKEDADDLE could be a noun as well as a verb, nor that ADDLE [as well as 'addled'] could be an adjective"} {"Clue":"To which sank Section G even lower? (5)","Answer":"DEPTH","Explanation":"Definition: To which sank\nDEPT [department \u2013 section] H [one lower than G]"} {"Clue":"Stewards' enquiry, is it? That's routine (1,6,2,6)","Answer":"A MATTER OF COURSE","Explanation":"Definition: routine\nA stewards' enquiry would be held at a [horse] racing course"} {"Clue":"Entrances 2,4,6 \u2026 admitting degree gowns? (7,7)","Answer":"EVENING DRESSES","Explanation":"Definition: gowns\nEVEN INGRESSES [entrances 2,4,6] round D [degree]"} {"Clue":"In evil times, old woman's instrument (4,5)","Answer":"BABY GRAND","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\nBY [times] + GRAN [old woman] in BAD [evil]"} {"Clue":"Shilling rung through again for one enjoying Boxing Day feast (2,7)","Answer":"ST STEPHEN","Explanation":"Definition: one enjoying Boxing Day feas\nS [shilling] + STEP [rung] in THEN [again] \u2013 to my surprise, Chambers gives 'again' for 'then' but I'm struggling to think of a context: I'd welcome suggestions"} {"Clue":"Superior craft? Superior spinner! (5)","Answer":"LAKER","Explanation":"Double definition, the first a craft that could be used on Lake Superior and the second the legendary spin bowler Jim Laker, who took nineteen Australian wickets in a Test match in 1956"} {"Clue":" Location finder, like the Even Shorter OED? (5)","Answer":"ASDIC","Explanation":"Definition: Location finder\nAS [like] DIC[tionary] \u2013 another new one for me: Anti-Submarine Detection Investigation Committee \u2013 an early form of SONAR"} {"Clue":"Cambridge college admitting sons of old assassin (7)","Answer":"CASSIUS","Explanation":"Definition: old assassin\nCAIUS [Cambridge college] round SS [sons]"} {"Clue":"Foot of water in view (7)","Answer":"SPONDEE","Explanation":"Definition: Foot\nPOND [water] in SEE [view]"} {"Clue":"Rambert's head stopping basic support for dancers (5)","Answer":"BARRE","Explanation":"Definition: support for dancers\nR[ambert] in BARE [basic]"} {"Clue":"Ordering a suspect into river (3,6)","Answer":"RIO GRANDE","Explanation":"Definition: river\nAn anagram [suspect] of ORDERING A"} {"Clue":"End-of-season game still cooked in booze (6,4)","Answer":"SINGLE MALT","Explanation":"Definition: booze\nAn anagram [cooked] of [seaso]N GAME STILL"} {"Clue":"Hot spot found over stake (4)","Answer":"ETNA","Explanation":"Definition: Hot spot\nA reversal [over] of ANTE [stake]"} {"Clue":"Food for drab grooms wandering round Swedish capital (11)","Answer":"SMORGASBORD","Explanation":"Definition: Food\nAn anagram [wandering] of DRAB GROOMS round S[weden]"} {"Clue":"Voice disapproval about setter visiting France with Italian returning for ice cream (5-6)","Answer":"TUTTI-FRUTTI","Explanation":"Definition: ice cream\nTUT TUT [voice disapproval] round I [setter] FR [France] + a reversal [return] of IT [Italian]"} {"Clue":"Insincerity not working in part of Switzerland (4)","Answer":"CANT","Explanation":"Definition: Insincerity\nCANT[on] [part of Switzerland] minus on [working]"} {"Clue":"Females given note in secret without a problem (10)","Answer":"SWIMMINGLY","Explanation":"Definition: without a problem\nWIMMIN [females] + G [note] in SLY [secret]"} {"Clue":"One eating contents of pie with very little fruit (9)","Answer":"PERSIMMON","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nI'm not at all sure of this: I got as far as PERSON [one] round [eating] IMM: [p]I[e] + MM [millimetre \u2013 very little]? \u2013 surely not"} {"Clue":"Silver not returned to South Pacific kingdom (5)","Answer":"TONGA","Explanation":"Definition: South Pacific kingdom\nA reversal [returned] of AG [silver] NOT"} {"Clue":"Tony upset about haul that's worthless (7)","Answer":"TOYTOWN","Explanation":"Definition: worthless\nAn anagram [upset] of TONY round TOW [haul] \u2013 I couldn't find this definition in my Collins or Chambers but there's plenty of online authority for it"} {"Clue":"Come out of aquatic mammal back to front (7)","Answer":"EMANATE","Explanation":"Definition: Come out\nMANATEE [aquatic mammal] with the final letter moved to the beginning"} {"Clue":"Artist twice entering dock (6)","Answer":"CUBIST","Explanation":"Definition: Artist\nBIS [twice \u2013 musical direction] in CUT [dock]"} {"Clue":"Maroon fibre (6)","Answer":"STRAND","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Starry-eyed setter visiting shop stocking article getting endless criticism (10)","Answer":"IDEALISTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Starry-eyed\nI [setter] + DELI [shop] round A [article] + STIC[k] [endless criticism]"} {"Clue":"Go away with stuff after start of sales (5)","Answer":"SCRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Go away\nS[ales] + CRAM [stuff]"} {"Clue":"Snub involving head held up as focus of attention (9)","Answer":"SPOTLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: focus of attention\nSLIGHT [snub] round a reversal [up] of TOP [head]"} {"Clue":"Cook rabbit stuffed with vegetable (4)","Answer":"OKRA","Explanation":"Definition: vegetable\nContained in coOK RAbbit"} {"Clue":"Academic fighting to axe college's voluntary contribution? (8)","Answer":"DONATION","Explanation":"Definition: voluntary contribution\nDON [academic] + A[c]TION [fighting] minus c [college]"} {"Clue":"Journalists welcoming time inside hollow monumental stones (8)","Answer":"EMERALDS","Explanation":"Definition: stones\nEDS [journalists] round ERA [time] in M[onumenta]L"} {"Clue":"Snake destroyed diarist's plant (10)","Answer":"ASPIDISTRA","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nASP [snake] + an anagram [destroyed] of DIARIST"} {"Clue":"Rows erupting over a sultanate's athlete (9)","Answer":"OARSWOMAN","Explanation":"Definition: athlete\nAn anagram [erupting] of ROWS round A + OMAN [sultanate]"} {"Clue":"Keep drug in cook's vessel (8)","Answer":"STOCKPOT","Explanation":"Definition: cook's vessel\nSTOCK [keep] + POT [drug]"} {"Clue":"Fish eggs turned grey, reportedly (8)","Answer":"STINGRAY","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\nA reversal [turned] of NITS [eggs] + GRAY [sounds like \u2013 reportedly \u2013 grey]"} {"Clue":"Plan made by spy without time to meet lawyer (6)","Answer":"AGENDA","Explanation":"Definition: Plan\nAGEN[t] [spy without time] + DA [District Attorney \u2013 lawyer]"} {"Clue":"Spin tail of monkey in metal frame (6)","Answer":"GYRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Spin\n[monke]Y in GRATE [metal frame]"} {"Clue":"Locks guarding entrance to Scottish minister's residence (5)","Answer":"MANSE","Explanation":"Definition: minister's residence\nMANE [locks] round S[cottish]"} {"Clue":"Pastrami sometimes contains paste used in Japanese cookery (4)","Answer":"MISO","Explanation":"Definition: paste used in Japanese cookery\nContained in pastraMI SOmetimes"} {"Clue":"Finish drinks with old fellows (5,3)","Answer":"ROUND OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Finish\nROUND [drinks in a pub] + O [old] + FF [fellows]"} {"Clue":"From space, circling, this can be seen receding (3,3)","Answer":"ICE CAP","Explanation":"Hidden reversal [receding] in sPACE Circling \u2013 great surface, &lit?"} {"Clue":"Tree increasing? Get trimmer (6,2)","Answer":"SPRUCE UP","Explanation":"Definition: Get trimmer\nSPRUCE [tree] + UP [increasing]"} {"Clue":"Woolly garment on child in river (6)","Answer":"PONCHO","Explanation":"Definition: Woolly garment\nON CH [child] in PO [river]"} {"Clue":"Stole first of summer fruit by lake (5)","Answer":"SHAWL","Explanation":"Definition: Stole\nS[ummer] + HAW [fruit] + L [lake]"} {"Clue":"Follow Hearts, maybe training in this? (9)","Answer":"TRACKSUIT","Explanation":"Definition: training in this?\nTRACK [follow] + SUIT [hearts maybe]"} {"Clue":"Not just teeth wobble about when drinking litres (5,3,4)","Answer":"BELOW THE BELT","Explanation":"Definition: Not just\nAn anagram [about] of TEETH WOBBLE round L [litres]"} {"Clue":"Put on film about essential sailor's workwear (6,6)","Answer":"DONKEY JACKET","Explanation":"Definition: workwear\nDON [put on] + ET [film] round KEY [essential] JACK [sailor] \u2013 Michael Foot was pilloried for wearing a donkey jacket at the Cenotaph Remembrance Day service in 1981 \u2013 see here"} {"Clue":"Cruel base swaggering Three Musketeers' cry? (5,4)","Answer":"SACR\u00c9 BLEU","Explanation":"Definition: Three Musketeers' cry?\nAn anagram [swaggering?] of CRUEL BASE \u2013 the Three Musketeers were French"} {"Clue":"Drink demijohn in draught, knocking it all back (5)","Answer":"RIOJA","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nHidden reversal [back] of JO [demi JO{hn}] in AIR [draught]"} {"Clue":"Fold note in suit (6)","Answer":"CREASE","Explanation":"Definition: Fold\nRE [note] in CASE [lawsuit]"} {"Clue":"One wearing gloves turns over private bank (8)","Answer":"PUGILIST","Explanation":"Definition: One wearing gloves\nA reversal [turns] of UP [over \u2013 as in 'Your time's up'?] + GI [private] + LIST [bank]"} {"Clue":" Frames second sporting trophy (6)","Answer":"SASHES","Explanation":"Definition: Frames\nS [second] + ASHES [sporting trophy]"} {"Clue":"After gym, I got into slight brief nightwear (8)","Answer":"PEIGNOIR","Explanation":"Definition: nightwear\nPE [gym] + I in IGNOR[e] [slight, brief]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Stand up to relax one's parts (6)","Answer":"RESIST","Explanation":"Definition: Stand up to\nI'S [one's] in [parts] REST [relax]"} {"Clue":"Major row from union in favour of a recount, initially (6)","Answer":"UPROAR","Explanation":"Definition: Major row\nU [union \u2013 in Maths, Collins says] + PRO [in favour of] + A + initial letter of Recount"} {"Clue":"Officer allowed in river, uncovering parts of jugs (9)","Answer":"D\u00c9COLLET\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: uncovering parts of jugs\nCOL[onel] [officer] + LET [allowed] in DEE [river] \u2013 I'm not sure I knew this meaning of 'jugs' but I guessed right!"} {"Clue":"Clue for Yankee and his big day (6,2,4)","Answer":"FOURTH OF JULY","Explanation":"Definition: his big day\nY [Yankee \u2013 NATO phonetic alphabet] is the fourth letter of July \u2013 big day over here, too, this year [except for us in Leicester]"} {"Clue":"Screen 150 trees (5)","Answer":"CLOAK","Explanation":"Definition: Screen\nCL [150] + OAK [trees]"} {"Clue":"Plants grounds surrounding court (8)","Answer":"CACTUSES","Explanation":"Definition: Plants\nCAUSES [grounds] round CT [court]"} {"Clue":"Men Only organ writing about article in Times (8)","Answer":"PROSTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Men Only organ\nPROSE [writing] round A in T T [times]"} {"Clue":"Cute EU author condemned catwalk display (5,7)","Answer":"HAUTE COUTURE","Explanation":"Definition: catwalk display\nAn anagram [condemned] of CUTE EU AUTHOR"} {"Clue":"In general, possibly it might absorb kids in lockdown (1-8)","Answer":"E-LEARNING","Explanation":"Definition: it might absorb kids in lockdown\nAn anagram [possibly] of IN GENERAL"} {"Clue":"Wacky hits, typical contents of men's drawers? (3,5)","Answer":"ODD SOCKS","Explanation":"Definition: contents of men's drawers?\nODD [wacky] + SOCKS [hits]"} {"Clue":"They give up introducing new underwear (8)","Answer":"KNICKERS","Explanation":"Definition: underwear\nKICKERS [they give up] round N [new]"} {"Clue":"Prepare ward shortly for 6 (6)","Answer":"DOMINO","Explanation":"Definition: 6\nDO [prepare] + MINO[r] [ward, shortly] \u2013 the answer to 6dn is CLOAK"} {"Clue":" Stocking aid supporting artery to some extent (6)","Answer":"GARTER","Explanation":"Definition: Stocking aid\nHidden in supportinG ARTERy"} {"Clue":"Result of guarantee Republican's conceded (5)","Answer":"ENSUE","Explanation":"Definition: Result\nENSU[r]E [guarantee] minus r [republican]"} {"Clue":"Make amends with item reordered previously (2,3,4)","Answer":"AT ONE TIME","Explanation":"Definition: previously\nATONE (make amends) + an anagram (reordered) of ITEM"} {"Clue":"Flap like wings, 22 down (5)","Answer":"ALARM","Explanation":"Definition: Flap\nALAR (like wings) + M (minute \u2013 22dn)"} {"Clue":"Odd instances happening all the time (9)","Answer":"INCESSANT","Explanation":"Definition: happening all the time\nAn anagram (odd) of INSTANCES"} {"Clue":"Back rank chess piece is on (7)","Answer":"WORKING","Explanation":"Definition: on\nA reversal (back) of ROW (rank) + KING (chess piece)"} {"Clue":"Test cricket, for example, filled with pressure (7)","Answer":"INSPECT","Explanation":"Definition: Test\nINSECT (cricket, for example) round P (pressure) \u2013 appropriate surface for today, I believe"} {"Clue":"Drinks for some toast (5)","Answer":"ROUND","Explanation":"Definition: Drinkssome toast\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Article shared by heathen, atheist and others (3)","Answer":"THE","Explanation":"Definition: Article\nTHE appears in heaTHEn, aTHEist and oTHErs"} {"Clue":"Bird ingesting large bean or nut (5)","Answer":"CLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: bean or nut\nCOCK bird) round L (large) \u2013 CLOCK, bean and nut all mean to hit on or with the head"} {"Clue":"Old record sum produced by 13 17 19 20 (7-5)","Answer":"SEVENTY-EIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Old record\nThe sum of the numbers WORKING ROUND THE CLOCK (13 17 19 20) is 78 \u2013 calling to mind, of course, the Bill Haley classic 78"} {"Clue":"Change to hymn, inserting line for publication (7)","Answer":"MONTHLY","Explanation":"Definition: publication\nAn anagram (change) of TO HYMN round L (line)"} {"Clue":"Left behind, eschew tea, as we hear, before bedtime? (9)","Answer":"FORGOTTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Left behind\nFORGO (eschew) T (tea, we hear) + TEN (bedtime)"} {"Clue":"Parts of day shared by Brendan and solvers, so to speak (5)","Answer":"HOURS","Explanation":"Definition: Parts of day\nSounds like (so to speak) OURS (shared by Brendan and solvers)"} {"Clue":"Kind of 15, one often dirty? It could be clean (5)","Answer":"SWEEP","Explanation":"Definition: Kind of 15It could be clean\nDouble definition: 'sweep hand: a long hand that registers seconds or fractions of seconds on the perimeter of the dial' [Collins] \u2013 chimney sweeps were usually dirty *Edit: I should have said 'triple definition' [see comment 1] and underlined 'one often dirty', too"} {"Clue":"Revise rent, I note, or enter into continued possession (9)","Answer":"RETENTION","Explanation":"Definition: continued possession\nAn anagram (revise) of RENT I NOTE or ENTER INTO\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Part of 20 that's fine and dandy (4)","Answer":"FACE","Explanation":"Definition: Part of 20\nF (fine) + ACE (dandy)"} {"Clue":"Solitary man guarding front of goal going into extra time (6)","Answer":"LONGER","Explanation":"Definition: going into extra time\nLONER (solitary man) round G[oal]"} {"Clue":"Like mounted horse, most capably controlled by jockey (10)","Answer":"BESTRIDDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Like mounted horse\nBEST RIDDEN (most capably controlled by jockey)"} {"Clue":"Exciting female and I sound like 10 20 (6)","Answer":"FIRING","Explanation":"Definition: Exciting\nF (female) + I + RING (sounds like ALARM CLOCK \u2013 10 20)"} {"Clue":"Likely to respond and foolishly create about X's opposite number (8)","Answer":"REACTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Likely to respond\nAn anagram (foolishly) of CREATE round IV (opposite X on a clock face)"} {"Clue":"Periods of time read from dial? Yes, oddly (4)","Answer":"DAYS","Explanation":"Definition: Periods of time\nOdd letters of DiAl YeS"} {"Clue":"Hot stuff in a bar swallowed by brave person (8)","Answer":"HABANERO","Explanation":"Definition: Hot stuff\nA BAN (bar) in HERO (brave person) \u2013 my first thought was jalapeno, which fits all the crossers and the definition, but, of course, it wouldn't parse: I knew habanera, the Cuban dance, but not this pepper \u2013 they're both derived from Havana"} {"Clue":"Issue great healer raised (4)","Answer":"EMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Issue\nA reversal (raised) of TIME ('The Great Healer') \u2013 and our theme word"} {"Clue":"Angry exchange using weapons second initially pulled out (5)","Answer":"WORDS","Explanation":"Definition: Angry exchange\n[s]WORDS (weapons) minus s (initial letter of second) \u2013 having words with someone is an angry exchange"} {"Clue":"What moves the middle row in a 22, used when connected (6,4)","Answer":"SECOND HAND","Explanation":"Definition: What moves the middle row in a 22used when connected\nDouble definition: the SECOND HAND moves ROUND THE CLOCK (middle row of the grid) in a MINUTE (22dn) \u2013 and means 'used' when hyphenated"} {"Clue":"Wine that's acceptable, if you lose little time opening it (5)","Answer":"TOKAY","Explanation":"Definition: Wine\n[t]OKAY minus t (little time) = acceptable \u2013 I've only met this wine in crosswords"} {"Clue":"Lacking experience, one's thrown out of everything and departs (8)","Answer":"UNVERSED","Explanation":"Definition: Lacking experience\nUN[i]VERSE (everything) minus i (one) + D (departs)"} {"Clue":"Lovers meeting check out half past nine for this, finally (8)","Answer":"TRYSTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Lovers meeting\nTRY (check out) + half of [pa]ST + last letters (finally) of [nin]E [fo]R [thi]S"} {"Clue":"Mum is going outside home very little (6)","Answer":"MINUTE","Explanation":"Definition: very little\nMUTE (mum) round IN (home) \u2013 certainly true of this mum at the moment\u00a0 \ud83d\ude41"} {"Clue":"Beauties I perceived in answer crossing this one (6)","Answer":"HOURIS","Explanation":"Definition: Beauties\nI in HOURS (26ac)"} {"Clue":"Hand in certain position is shown in paper, daily (4)","Answer":"FIST","Explanation":"Definition: Hand in certain position\nIS in FT (Financial Times \u2013 daily paper)"} {"Clue":"Rings from East London \u2014 10 call? (4)","Answer":"OOPS","Explanation":"Definition: 10 call?\n[h]OOPS (rings, as an East Londoner might say it) \u2013 which you might call in ALARM (10ac)"} {"Clue":"Tiny moving parts visible in old timepiece (4)","Answer":"SAND","Explanation":"Definition: Tiny moving parts visible in old timepiece\nCryptic definition, referring to the sand in an hourglass"} {"Clue":"Island battered in conclusion, briefly (6)","Answer":"TAHITI","Explanation":"Definition: Island\nHIT (battered) in TAI[l] (conclusion, briefly)"} {"Clue":"Old African butcher scraping trimmings from plate (4)","Answer":"AMIN","Explanation":"Definition: Old African butcher\n[l]AMIN[a] (plate, minus the first and last letter \u2013 trimmings)"} {"Clue":"Take a risk entering inexperienced driver in race, evil woman not finishing (4,3,3)","Answer":"BELL THE CAT","Explanation":"Definition: Take a risk\nL (inexperienced driver) in BELT (race) + HECAT[e] (evil woman)"} {"Clue":"Reportedly, Indian drink for 16 (6)","Answer":"LASSIE","Explanation":"Definition: 16\nSounds like (reportedly) lassi (Indian drink) \u2013 the answer to 16 is MAID"} {"Clue":"Pipe blown in cold loo, time to go finally (8)","Answer":"CLARINET","Explanation":"Definition: Pipe blown\nC (cold) + LATRINE (loo \u2013 with the T (time) moved to the end)"} {"Clue":"Pay for rich kid in football game (5-4)","Answer":"KEEPY-UPPY","Explanation":"Definition: football game\nKEEP (pay for) + YUPPY (rich kid) \u2013 here's how to play"} {"Clue":"Girl compelled to speak? (4)","Answer":"MAID","Explanation":"Definition: Girl\nSounds like (to speak) 'made' (compelled)"} {"Clue":"Man in street patient chap records on a Dictaphone? (3,6)","Answer":"JOE BLOGGS","Explanation":"Definition: Man in street\nSounds like (on a Dictaphone) Job (patient chap) + logs (records) for the average man in the street"} {"Clue":"Put out by charm offensive of an amateur critic? (8)","Answer":"ARMCHAIR","Explanation":"Definition: of an amateur critic?\nAIR (put out) by an anagram (offensive) of CHARM"} {"Clue":"Pile of Yorkshire salt sprinkled on what stuffs chicken (6,6)","Answer":"CASTLE HOWARD","Explanation":"Definition: Pile of Yorkshire\nAn anagram (sprinkled) of SALT + EH (what) in COWARD (chicken) \u2013 the 'Yorkshire pile' used as the location for the TV and film adaptations of Evelyn Waugh's 'Brideshead revisited'"} {"Clue":"Very individual model T range, classic automobile originally collectible? (7,3)","Answer":"VINTAGE CAR","Explanation":"V (very) + I (one \u2013 individual) + an anagram (model) of T RANGE + the first letters (originally) of Classic Automobile \u2013 &lit, I think"} {"Clue":"How eggs cooked too much like pie? (4,4)","Answer":"OVER EASY","Explanation":"Definition: How eggs cookedtoo much like pie?\nDouble definition, referring to the expression 'easy as pie'."} {"Clue":"Timely indicators of Trump's inadequacy? (6,5)","Answer":"MINUTE HANDS","Explanation":"Double \/ cryptic definition, exploiting the two pronunciations of MINUTE \u2013 see here for an explanation of the second part"} {"Clue":"Silly in the extreme dressing dog in blue (6)","Answer":"SMUTTY","Explanation":"Definition: blue\nS[ill]Y round MUTT (dog)"} {"Clue":"Turned upside down, issue keeping party dish in a mould (7)","Answer":"TIMBALE","Explanation":"Definition: dish in a mould\nA reversal (turned upside down) of EMIT (issue) round LAB[our] (party)"} {"Clue":"Picture my heart at bottom of list (7)","Answer":"TABLEAU","Explanation":"Definition: Picture\nTABLE (list) + [p]AU[l] (my heart)"} {"Clue":"Criminal on parole perhaps, cut grass (6)","Answer":"OUTLAW","Explanation":"Definition: Criminal\nOUT (on parole perhaps) + LAW[n] (grass, cut)"} {"Clue":"A yarn about accountant that's hot and steamy (9)","Answer":"AMERICANO","Explanation":"Definition: that's hot and steamy\nA MERINO (a yarn) round CA (Chartered Accountant)"} {"Clue":"Curtains for each in cart (7)","Answer":"DRAPERY","Explanation":"Definition: Curtains\nPER (for each) in DRAY (cart)"} {"Clue":"Feeding badger, need pot that's sweet and sticky? (9,4)","Answer":"BLACKPOOL ROCK","Explanation":"Definition: that's sweet and sticky?\nLACK (need) + POOL (pot) in BROCK (badger) for the seaside delicacy"} {"Clue":"University marketing incorporated college (9)","Answer":"PRINCETON","Explanation":"Definition: University\nPR (marketing) + INC[orporated) + ETON (college)"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary thinking taking sheep onto busy road heading north? (7)","Answer":"MARXISM","Explanation":"Definition: Revolutionary thinking\nA reversal (heading north) of M SIX [M6 \u2013 busy road) + RAM (sheep) \u2013 and, of course, the M6 does head north"} {"Clue":"Sign inexperienced journalist's written up coarse material (7)","Answer":"BUCKRAM","Explanation":"Definition: coarse material\nA reversal (written up) of MARK (sign) + CUB (inexperienced reporter) \u2013 I think this is the first time I've seen this word not clued by two animals but Paul had used the RAM in the previous clue"} {"Clue":"Those watching destroyer finally torpedoing boat (7)","Answer":"GALLERY","Explanation":"Definition: Those watching\n[destroye]R in GALLEY (boat)"} {"Clue":"Needing to go at once, way to get out direct (6,5)","Answer":"CAUGHT SHORT","Explanation":"Definition: Needing to go at once\nCAUGHT (way to get out, in cricket) + SHORT (direct \u2013 as in a way of speaking, perhaps?)"} {"Clue":"Mixed doubles interrupted by intro from Rolling Stones (8)","Answer":"BOULDERS","Explanation":"Definition: Stones\nAn anagram (mixed) of DOUBLES round R[olling]"} {"Clue":"Boatman gets into real trouble being productive in the field (6)","Answer":"ARABLE","Explanation":"Definition: productive in the field\nAB (boatman) in an anagram (trouble) of REAL"} {"Clue":"Lose control through unforced error (4)","Answer":"CEDE","Explanation":"Definition: Lose control\nContained in unforCED Error"} {"Clue":"British Miss married a business school type, a snake (5,5)","Answer":"BLACK MAMBA","Explanation":"Definition: a snake\nB (British) + LACK (miss) + M (married) + A + Master of Business Administration (business school type)"} {"Clue":"Frequently found with grass, say, and dismissed (6)","Answer":"CAUGHT","Explanation":"Definition: dismissed\nTo non-rhotic speakers this might sound like (say) 'court' \u2013 please could we take the objections as read this time?"} {"Clue":"New balls \u2014 and ace is not insurmountable (8)","Answer":"SCALABLE","Explanation":"Definition: not insurmountable\nAn anagram (new) of BALLS and ACE"} {"Clue":"Spenser's miscalled on return of serve (7)","Answer":"REVILED","Explanation":"Definition: Spenser's miscalled\nA reversal (on return of) of DELIVER (serve)"} {"Clue":"Dread getting beaten up taking empty subways where one lives (7)","Answer":"ADDRESS","Explanation":"Definition: where one lives\nAn anagram (getting beaten up) of DREAD + S[ubway]S"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Moore curls topspin (8)","Answer":"SCULPTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps Moore\nAn anagram (spin) of CURLS TOP \u2013 reference to Henry Moore,"} {"Clue":"US authority scorned rather than Boatman retreating inside (3,3)","Answer":"THE MAN","Explanation":"Definition: US authority scorned rather\nA reversal (retreating) of ME (Boatman) in THAN"} {"Clue":"First of doubles with quashed serve in it against amateurs (10)","Answer":"DILETTANTI","Explanation":"Definition: amateurs\nD[oubles] + LET (quashed serve) in IT + ANTI (against)"} {"Clue":"Heads out of danger zone, hunting out a beast (4)","Answer":"DZHO","Explanation":"Definition: a beast\nInitial letters (heads) of Danger Zone Hunting Out"} {"Clue":"Emerge as first woman to take on half-volley (6)","Answer":"EVOLVE","Explanation":"Definition: Emerge\nEVE (first woman) round VOL[ley]"} {"Clue":"Kindness at a tense moment in match? (3,5)","Answer":"SET POINT","Explanation":"Definition: a tense moment in match\nSET (kind) + POINT (ness)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"An encounter where one easily won dear hearts, perhaps (4,4)","Answer":"LOVE GAME","Explanation":"Definition: An encounter where one easily won\nLOVE (dear) + GAME (hearts \u2013 card game perhaps) : I'm too ashamed to look at the statistics to see how many times I have played\u00a0 this\u00a0 online in the last few months \u2013 it's still much less than the time spent on crosswords, though \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"This is the solution! (4)","Answer":"CLUE?","Explanation":"I'm still not convinced about this \u2013 I considered GLUE along the way: is it a double ('this' and 'solution') \u2013 or cryptic \u2013 definition? (*Friday afternoon: this time, I remembered to look for the annotated solution, which simply gives 'CLUE cryptic definition' \u2013 not much help)*: I expect someone's soon going to tell me how brilliant this is \u2013 thanks in advance \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Under you once, VAT's raised without full assent (3-3)","Answer":"YES-BUT","Explanation":"Definition: without full assent\nYE (you once) + a reversal (raised) of TUB'S (vat's) \u2013 a welcome relief from inevitable objections about ye = the old \u2013 thanks, Boatman \u2013 but nothing, despite my qualms, will ever oust Crucible's 'He wrote The Ancient\u00a0 Mariner (6)' from my little book"} {"Clue":"Spooner's journo under Prohibition gets a shot (8)","Answer":"BACKHAND","Explanation":"Definition: shot\nHack banned (journo under Prohibition)"} {"Clue":"Prepare pear, eat and pay fruit producer (6,4)","Answer":"PAPAYA TREE","Explanation":"Definition: fruit producer\nAn anagram (prepare) of PEAR, EAT and PAY"} {"Clue":"Young woman takes shot in international (6)","Answer":"GLOBAL","Explanation":"Definition: international\nGAL (young woman) round LOB (shot)"} {"Clue":"After middle age (51), metal on US mobiles affects brain matter (5,5)","Answer":"GLIAL CELLS","Explanation":"Definition: brain matter\n[A]G[E] + LI (51) + AL (aluminium \u2013 metal) + CELLS (US mobiles)"} {"Clue":"Objects to set in tie-break (8)","Answer":"ENTITIES","Explanation":"Definition: Objects\nAn anagram (break) of SET IN TIE: I'm bothered by the 'to' \u2013 obviously needed for the surface but \u2026"} {"Clue":"Great shot in middle of singles (8)","Answer":"SMASHING","Explanation":"Definition: Great\nSMASH (shot) + IN + [sin]G[les]"} {"Clue":"Change ends or states monotonously (6)","Answer":"DRONES","Explanation":"Definition: states monotonously\nAn anagram (change) of ENDS OR"} {"Clue":"Badger cull halted initially as college league takes victory (6)","Answer":"CHIVVY","Explanation":"Definition: Badger\nInitial letters of\u00a0 Cull Halted + IVY (American college league) round V (victory)"} {"Clue":"Match point lost, even as it is creating surprises (6)","Answer":"TWISTS","Explanation":"Definition: surprises\nTWI[n] (match, minus n, north \u2013 pointless) + even letters of aS iT iS"} {"Clue":"Show of emotion, perhaps missing sprint for shot (4)","Answer":"DROP","Explanation":"Definition: shot\n[tear]DROP (show of emotion, perhaps) minus tear (sprint)"} {"Clue":"Fare goes down here, so I hope, when flying, to save a grand (9)","Answer":"OESOPHAGI","Explanation":"Definition: Fare goes down here\nAn anagram (when flying) of SO I HOPE round A G (a grand)"} {"Clue":"International player goes after a French Open (5)","Answer":"UNCAP","Explanation":"Definition: Open\nUN (a French) + CAP (international player)"} {"Clue":"Heavenly body which rises when hot (7)","Answer":"MERCURY","Explanation":"Definition: Heavenly body\nCryptic definition, referring to the mercury in a thermometer"} {"Clue":"He loves to eat more \u2014 gut is wobbling (7)","Answer":"GOURMET","Explanation":"Definition: He loves to eat\nAn anagram (wobbling) of MORE GUT"} {"Clue":"Work for policemen including time in station (5)","Answer":"CASTE","Explanation":"Definition: station\nCASE (work for policeman) round T (time)"} {"Clue":"Cut piece of meat one's ripped off here (4,5)","Answer":"CLIP JOINT","Explanation":"Definition: one's ripped off here\nCLIP (cut) + JOINT (piece of meat)"} {"Clue":"What dreams were for Hamlet, with mad hero about to act decisively (5,3,7)","Answer":"CROSS THE RUBICON","Explanation":"Definition: to act decisively\nCROSS (mad) + ICON (hero) round THE RUB (what dreams were for Hamlet)"} {"Clue":"Cut up diamonds with an adherent of Daesh? (9)","Answer":"DISMEMBER","Explanation":"Definition: Cut up\nD (diamonds) + I S MEMBER (adherent of Daesh \u2013 an acronym of the group's full Arabic name, al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham, translated as \"Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (or the Levant)\""} {"Clue":"A little colour for one idiot pirouetting (5)","Answer":"TINGE","Explanation":"Definition: A little colour\nA reversal (pirouetting) of EG (for one) NIT (idiot)"} {"Clue":"Door's opening, better frantically peer in here? (7)","Answer":"DEBRETT","Explanation":"Definition: peer in here?\nD[00R] + an anagram (frantically) of BETTER\u00a0\u2013 see here"} {"Clue":"River guide to straighten out fool's garment (7)","Answer":"COXCOMB","Explanation":"Definition: fool's garment\nCOX (river guide) + COMB (straighten out) \u2013 a coxcomb is a jester's cap"} {"Clue":"She's very alluring in the first sixty minutes (5)","Answer":"HOURI","Explanation":"Definition: She's very alluring\nThe first sixty minutes could be expressed as HOUR I \u2013 this beauty appeared in a Brendan puzzle I blogged a couple of weeks ago"} {"Clue":"With no match training, one-nil is about average (9)","Answer":"NONPAREIL","Explanation":"Definition: With no match\nAn anagram (training) of ONE NIL round PAR (average)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Corrosive substance in laminate and some coppers (6,4)","Answer":"FORMIC ACID","Explanation":"Definition: Corrosive substance\nFORMICA (laminate) + CID (some coppers) \u2013 I've always wondered what the laminate had to do with ants and at last I've been prompted to find out \u2013 see here"} {"Clue":"English thus repressing urge for drink (8)","Answer":"ESPRESSO","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nE (English) + SO (thus) round PRESS (urge)"} {"Clue":"Favour topless partner (6)","Answer":"SPOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: partner\n[e]SPOUSE (favour)"} {"Clue":"Naughty or extremely angelic, kept in line (4)","Answer":"RACY","Explanation":"Definition: Naughty\nA[ngeli]C in RY (railway line)"} {"Clue":"What driver uses in golf with paper covers (4,6)","Answer":"WING MIRROR","Explanation":"Definition: What driver uses\nW (with) + (Daily) MIRROR (newspaper) round IN G (golf \u2013 NATO phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Fix house, a model of patience (3-2,3)","Answer":"PUT-UP JOB","Explanation":"Definition: Fix\nPUT UP (house) + JOB (the biblical model of patience)"} {"Clue":"Activity of crook detective tails in a restaurant (6)","Answer":"SCAMPI","Explanation":"Definition: tails in a restaurant\nSCAM (activity of crook) + P I (Private Investigator \u2013 detective)"} {"Clue":"Show contempt with clues written up (4)","Answer":"SPIT","Explanation":"Definition: Show contempt\nA reversal (written up) of TIPS (clues)"} {"Clue":"Running a bath in bedclothes for housemate (10)","Answer":"COHABITANT","Explanation":"Definition: housemate\nCOT (bed) round (clothes) an anagram [running] of A BATH IN"} {"Clue":"Flying female monkey call (6,4)","Answer":"TINKER BELL","Explanation":"Definition: Flying female\nTINKER (monkey, as a verb) + CALL (bell) for Peter Pan's fairy friend"} {"Clue":"Sinful lady to abandon sin (3-5)","Answer":"SHE-DEVIL","Explanation":"Definition: Sinful lady\nSHED (abandon) + EVIL (sin)"} {"Clue":"Made allowances for Johnny briefly with Kelly? (8)","Answer":"CONDONED","Explanation":"Definition: Made allowances for\nCONDO[m] (johnny, briefly) + NED (Kelly? \u2013 definition by example, hence the question mark)"} {"Clue":"Advance needing to be paid? Keep quiet (6)","Answer":"SUBDUE","Explanation":"Definition: Keep quiet\nSUB (advance) + DUE (needing to be paid)"} {"Clue":"He demands a contribution from tenor and American guitarist (6)","Answer":"TAXMAN","Explanation":"Definition: He demands a contribution\nT (tenor) + AXMAN (American {spelling}\u00a0 guitarist)"} {"Clue":"Party, I see, raised capital (4)","Answer":"DOHA","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nDO (party) + a reversal (raised) of AH (I see) \u2013 DOHA is the capital of Qatar"} {"Clue":"under 100 could be 99 (4)","Answer":"CONE","Explanation":"Definition: could be 99\nONE under (in a down clue) C (100) \u2013 a real treat to end with"} {"Clue":"After a main course, something to follow? (6)","Answer":"RECIPE","Explanation":"Cryptic definition? I suspect that we are intended to take 'main' as referring to the sea \u2013 the usual ploy \u2013 but, for me, anyway, 'main course' much more readily suggests part of a meal than a sea voyage"} {"Clue":"Child has one on hand for such gentle treatment (3,5)","Answer":"KID GLOVE","Explanation":"Definition: gentle treatment\nKID (child) + GLOVE (one on hand)"} {"Clue":"O for breathable air! (6)","Answer":"OXYGEN","Explanation":"Definition: breathable air\nO is the chemical symbol for oxygen"} {"Clue":"Located by Scottish island, returns and tells a story (8)","Answer":"NARRATES","Explanation":"Definition: tells a story\nA reversal (returns) 0f SET (located) + ARRAN (Scottish island)"} {"Clue":"Not having had a drop in weight, facing chilly grave (5,4,5)","Answer":"STONE COLD SOBER","Explanation":"Definition: Not having had a drop\nSTONE (weight) + COLD (chilly) + SOBER (grave)"} {"Clue":"Another failure on board for ship's officer (6,4)","Answer":"SECOND MATE","Explanation":"Definition: ship's officer\nSECOND (another) + MATE (failure on a chess board)"} {"Clue":"A short trip is dull (4)","Answer":"ARID","Explanation":"Definition: dull\nA RID[e] (trip \u2013 short)"} {"Clue":"Wanting to give opponent a hiding (4)","Answer":"ANTI","Explanation":"Definition: opponent\nANTI (opponent) is hidden in wANTIng"} {"Clue":"Turning, cats maybe run: one could climb this? (10)","Answer":"STEPLADDER","Explanation":"Definition: one could climb this\nA reversal (turning) of PETS (cats maybe) + LADDER (run)"} {"Clue":"Showing regret for an act of self-harm (7,7)","Answer":"KICKING ONESELF","Explanation":"Definition: Showing regretan act of self-harm\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Unworthy, if daring, broadcast (5,3)","Answer":"INFRA DIG","Explanation":"Definition: Unworthy\nAn anagram (broadcast) of IF DARING"} {"Clue":"I have to follow law in force (6)","Answer":"ACTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: in force\nI'VE (I have) following ACT (law)"} {"Clue":"Powder that's rarely valuable (4,4)","Answer":"GOLD DUST","Explanation":"Definition: Powder\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Start on satire, finish making lampoon (4,2)","Answer":"SEND UP","Explanation":"Definition: lampoon\nS[atire] + END UP (finish)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Bird heading off from stream (4)","Answer":"ROOK","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\n[b]ROOK (stream)"} {"Clue":"This crossword is strangely obscure (7)","Answer":"CRYPTIC","Explanation":"Definition: This crossword isstrangely obscure\nDouble \/ cryptic definition, I suppose?"} {"Clue":" Sort of pause, being knocked up (8)","Answer":"PREGNANT","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of pauseknocked up\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Totally flustered where one lives perhaps, nips out (2,1,4,4)","Answer":"IN A FLAT SPIN","Explanation":"Definition: Totally flustered\nIN A FLAT (where one lives perhaps) + an anagram (out) of NIPS"} {"Clue":"Gaudy rig has to be replaced (6)","Answer":"GARISH","Explanation":"Definition: Gaudy\nAn anagram (to be replaced) of RIG HAS"} {"Clue":"When is area of Languedoc to be revisited? (7)","Answer":"OCTOBER","Explanation":"Hidden in languedOC TO BE REvisited"} {"Clue":"Simple addition to contract for film (4,5)","Answer":"EASY RIDER","Explanation":"Definition: film\nEASY (simple + RIDER (addition to contract)"} {"Clue":"Stop crime? Go afresh to tackle seriously (4,2,5)","Answer":"COME TO GRIPS","Explanation":"Definition: tackle seriously\nAn anagram (afresh) of STOP CRIME GO"} {"Clue":"Fastening horse into strap (9)","Answer":"SHACKLING","Explanation":"Definition: Fastening\nHACK (horse) in SLING (strap)"} {"Clue":"Service winner overcomes resistance in overwhelming victory (8)","Answer":"MASSACRE","Explanation":"Definition: overwhelming victory\nMASS (service) + ACE (winner) round R (resistance) \u2013 an ace is also a service winner"} {"Clue":"Discreet, caught in bad fault (7)","Answer":"TACTFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Discreet\nCT (caught \u2013 this is not in Collins or Chambers but I found it online in lists of cricket terms) in an anagram (bad) of FAULT"} {"Clue":"Having wasted time, daughter married (7)","Answer":"DALLIED","Explanation":"Definition: Having wasted time\nD (daughter) + ALLIED (married)"} {"Clue":"Regularly rail, plain coarse (6)","Answer":"RIBALD","Explanation":"Definition: coarse\nR[a]I[l] + BALD (plain)"} {"Clue":"Lament what willows do? (4)","Answer":"WEEP","Explanation":"Definition: Lamentwhat willows do\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Desire confession after tanning naughty boy (7,5)","Answer":"WILLIAM BROWN","Explanation":"Definition: naughty boy\nWILL (desire) + I AM BROWN (confession after tanning) for the hero \u2013 known as Just William \u2013 of Richmal Crompton's books, which I loved as a child \u2013 and still enjoy Martin Jarvis' occasional readings on the radio: I wondered if this was introducing a theme but, apart from 1dn (Chapter One: 'William goes to the pictures') I couldn't see anything"} {"Clue":"New cool shelters additionally for a Great Dane (7)","Answer":"NIELSEN","Explanation":"Definition: a Great Dane\nN (new) + IN (cool) round (shelters) ELSE (additionally)"} {"Clue":"Fresh concern in place with vermin returning (5-2)","Answer":"START-UP","Explanation":"A reversal (returning) of PUT (place) + RATS (vermin)"} {"Clue":"Joining figure that is prancing in fur coats (7)","Answer":"UNIFIER","Explanation":"Definition: Joining figure\nAn anagram (prancing) of IN FUR round (coats) IE (that is)"} {"Clue":"Not failing with rugby goal, side's active (2,3,2)","Answer":"ON THE GO","Explanation":"Definition: active\nAn anagram (failing) of NOT + H (rugby goalpost) + EGO (side \u2013 as in arrogance)"} {"Clue":"Withdraw foreign article by Express (5)","Answer":"UNSAY","Explanation":"Definition: Withdraw\nUN (foreign article) + SAY (express)"} {"Clue":"Sage in meat rejected by a European sending starter back (9)","Answer":"MAHARISHI","Explanation":"Definition: Sage\nA reversal (rejected) of HAM (meat) + A IRISH (European) with the first letter moved to the end \u2013 sending starter back"} {"Clue":"Painter is imprisoned in shock judgment (9)","Answer":"APPRAISAL","Explanation":"Definition: judgment\nRA (painter) IS in APPAL (shock)"} {"Clue":"Philosopher's almost impossible to get into (5)","Answer":"LOCKE","Explanation":"Definition: Philosopher\nLOCKE[d] (impossible to get into \u2013 almost) \u2013 the 17th century philosopher"} {"Clue":"Tasteless mix is in eg hummus from the east (7)","Answer":"INSIPID","Explanation":"Definition: Tasteless\nAn anagram (mix) of IS IN + a reversal (from the east) of DIP (eg hummus)"} {"Clue":"Set free in space with zero repressive force (7)","Answer":"GESTAPO","Explanation":"Definition: repressive force\nAn anagram (free) of SET in GAP (space) + O (zero)"} {"Clue":"Praise cuckoo flying, or leaving north (7)","Answer":"GLORIFY","Explanation":"Definition: Praise\nAn anagram (cuckoo) of FLYI[n]G OR minus n (north)"} {"Clue":"Like 3 down or like 1 and 9 (7)","Answer":"ASININE","Explanation":"Definition: Like 3 down\nAS (like) I (one) and NINE"} {"Clue":"Star of 1 across? (7,5)","Answer":"LEADING LIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Star\n1 across is the first (leading) light in a crossword puzzle\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Little pastries \u2014confections full of corn? (7)","Answer":"WEEPIES","Explanation":"Definition: confections full of corn?\nWEE PIES (little pastries) \u2013 with a cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Hyacinth, say, crossing posh street with vigour (7)","Answer":"LUSTILY","Explanation":"Definition: with vigour\nLILY (hyacinth, say) round U (posh) ST (street)"} {"Clue":"Dropping back, dismiss a total flipping idiot (9)","Answer":"IGNORAMUS","Explanation":"Definition: idiot\nIGNOR[e] (dismiss) minus its final letter (back) + A + a reversal (flipping) of SUM (total)"} {"Clue":"Make a mess of date coated in soya bean paste (5)","Answer":"MISDO","Explanation":"Definition: Make a mess of\nD (date) in MISO (Japanese soya bean paste)"} {"Clue":"Pan with King Edward potato, perhaps (7)","Answer":"ROASTER","Explanation":"Definition: potato, perhaps\nROAST (pan, in the sense of criticise) + ER (Eduardus Rex \u2013 as a change from Elzabetha Regina \u2013 King Edward, to suit the surface)"} {"Clue":"See eg red and white Sierra carrying tonnes (7)","Answer":"WITNESS","Explanation":"Definition: See\nWINES (eg red and white) round T (tonnes) + S (Sierra \u2013 NATO Phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"During summer, what kids' film has swearing in (12)","Answer":"INAUGURATING","Explanation":"Definition: swearing in\nIN AUG[ust] (during summer) + U RATING (what kids' film has)"} {"Clue":"Benefits maintaining online work? Sweet! (12)","Answer":"PROFITEROLES","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nPROFITS (benefits) round E ROLE (online work?)"} {"Clue":"Dancing girl lay behind house, the object of desire (4,5)","Answer":"HOLY GRAIL","Explanation":"Definition: the object of desire\nAn anagram (dancing) of GIRL LAY behind HO (house)"} {"Clue":"Person who investigates pilfered money (7)","Answer":"PISTOLE","Explanation":"Definition: money (\nPI (Private Investigator) + STOLE (pilfered)"} {"Clue":"Tinder, maybe, wasn't reliable or practical (7)","Answer":"APPLIED","Explanation":"Definition: practical\nAPP [Tinder, the dating app maybe) + LIED (wasn't reliable) \u2013 as in Applied as opposed to Pure Maths, I think"} {"Clue":"Doris and Grace going topless (7)","Answer":"LESSING","Explanation":"Definition: Doris\n[b]LESSING (topless grace] for the Nobel Prize-winning author"} {"Clue":"Brew gas for vehicle (7)","Answer":"CHARIOT","Explanation":"Definition: vehicle\nCHA (tea \u2013 brew) + RIOT (gas \u2013 both informal words for an exciting event)"} {"Clue":"Veteran cook given Asian bread (5)","Answer":"DOYEN","Explanation":"Definition: Veteran\nDO (cook) + YEN (Asian bread \u2013 slang for money)"} {"Clue":"Went astray, shortly going round town in County Clare (5)","Answer":"ENNIS","Explanation":"Definition: town in County Clare\nA reversal (going round) of SINNE[d] (went astray, shortly)"} {"Clue":"Report of Conservative party leader no longer thriving (8)","Answer":"BLOOMING","Explanation":"Definition: thriving\nSounds like (report of) blue (Conservative) + MING (Sir Menzies Campbell \u2013 former leader of the Liberal Democrats)"} {"Clue":"Backward-looking philosophy to suit minister being nasty (14)","Answer":"RESTITUTIONISM","Explanation":"Definition: Backward-looking philosophy\nAn anagram (being nasty) of TO SUIT MINISTER"} {"Clue":"Failed to be ready for new phase of agriculture? (8)","Answer":"PLOUGHED","Explanation":"Definition: Failedready for new phase of agriculture?\nDouble definition \u2013 plough is an 'old informal' word for to fail (in an exam}"} {"Clue":"Complete home: perhaps dab on the outside (6)","Answer":"FINISH","Explanation":"Definition: Complete\nFISH (perhaps dab) round IN (home)"} {"Clue":"Unjustifiably claimed an idiot's wrong \u2014 answers finally will get stuck in (3-6)","Answer":"SOI-DISANT","Explanation":"Definition: Unjustifiably claimed\nAn anagram (wrong) of AN IDIOT'S round the last letter of [answer]S"} {"Clue":"Like that woman Jane who went out with Paul? (5)","Answer":"ASHER","Explanation":"Definition: Jane who went out with Paul?\nAS HER (like that woman) \u2013 Jane Asher was Paul McCartney's girlfriend in the 60s"} {"Clue":"International organisation in illustration of old city (5)","Answer":"PUNIC","Explanation":"Definition: of old city\nUN (United Nations) in PIC (illustration) \u2013 of or relating to ancient Carthage or the Carthaginians, derived from Phoenicia"} {"Clue":"Little woman's surprisingly stoical \u2014 that blood pressure's at the lower end (9)","Answer":"DIASTOLIC","Explanation":"Definition: that blood pressure's at the lower end\nDI (little woman) + an anagram (surprisingly) of STOICAL \u2013 the bottom number on a blood pressure reading"} {"Clue":"Engineers left account of progress made? (6)","Answer":"REPORT","Explanation":"Definition: account of progress made?\nRE (Royal Engineers) + PORT (left)"} {"Clue":"Possibly the bed's a place of healing (8)","Answer":"BETHESDA","Explanation":"Definition: place of healing\nAn anagram (possibly) of THE BED'S A, for the pool where Jesus healed a paralysed man"} {"Clue":"Ringers with excellent musical technique (6-8)","Answer":"DOUBLE-STOPPING","Explanation":"Definition: musical technique\nDOUBLES ({dead} ringers) + TOPPING (excellent) for this technique"} {"Clue":"Killer of insects \u2014 one by mechanical process getting any number (8)","Answer":"ROTENONE","Explanation":"Definition: Killer of insects\nROTE (mechanical process)\u00a0 + ONE round N (indefinite number)"} {"Clue":"Bit about your setter being like a pussycat? (5)","Answer":"TAMED","Explanation":"Definition: like a pussycat?\nTAD (bit) round ME (your setter)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Fantastic support arose for what Brexiters will now deny us (12)","Answer":"EUROPASSPORT","Explanation":"Definition: what Brexiters will now deny us\nAn anagram (fantastic) of SUPPORT AROSE"} {"Clue":"Rate no sin bad, being a heretic (9)","Answer":"NESTORIAN","Explanation":"Definition: heretic\nAn anagram (bad) of RATE NO SIN"} {"Clue":"Smart singer (5)","Answer":"STING","Explanation":"Double definition \u2013 lead singer of The Police"} {"Clue":"Street poet outside old university getting money from Bulgaria (9)","Answer":"BOULEVARD","Explanation":"Definition: Street\nBARD (poet) round O (old) U (university) + LEV (Bulgarian currency)"} {"Clue":"Nothing was gripping in news\u00adpaper notice (4)","Answer":"OBIT","Explanation":"Definition: news\u00adpaper notice\nO (nothing) + BIT (was gripping)"} {"Clue":"Tramp? Patch up one with affected piety (9)","Answer":"MENDICANT","Explanation":"Definition: Tramp?\nMEND (patch up) + I (one) + CANT (affected piety)"} {"Clue":"Child of immigrant couple that is beginning to settle in after upheaval? (5)","Answer":"NISEI","Explanation":"Definition: Child of immigrant couple\nA reversal (after upheaval) OF IE (that is) + S[ettle] + IN \u2013 a native-born citizen of the US or Canada whose parents were Japanese immigrants, so an allusive surface"} {"Clue":"Maybe Thor's not given enough bangs for his bucks? (5-7)","Answer":"SHORT-CHANGED","Explanation":"Definition: not given enough bangs for his bucks?\nA reverse anagram: SHORT is THOR'S changed \u2013 I didn't know the expression in the clue"} {"Clue":"Suffer with a bitter feeling, not one that will afflict you for ever (9)","Answer":"INCURABLE","Explanation":"Definition: that will afflict you for ever\nINCUR (suffer) + A + B[i]LE (bitter feeling, minus i \u2013 one)"} {"Clue":"Note a Guardian columnist, one boiling up inside? (9)","Answer":"TEAKETTLE","Explanation":"Definition: one boiling up inside?\nTE (note) + A + (Martin) KETTLE (Guardian columnist)"} {"Clue":"What Scot does in street \u2014 refuses to budge (5,4)","Answer":"HOLDS FIRM","Explanation":"Definition: refuses to budge\nI have no idea how to parse this, I'm afraid \u2013 I've searched glossaries of Scottish expressions without success (no wonder! \u2013 please see comments 1 and 2)"} {"Clue":"Something needed for 1 down recently taken in post office? (5)","Answer":"PHOTO","Explanation":"Definition: Something needed for 1 down\nHOT (recently taken) in PO (Post Office)"} {"Clue":"Leave house and topple over (3,2)","Answer":"HOP IT","Explanation":"Definition: Leave\nHO (house) + a reversal (over) of TIP (topple)"} {"Clue":"Rex and Brian in a gambling centre (4)","Answer":"RENO","Explanation":"Definition: gambling centre\nR (Rex) + (Brian) ENO"} {"Clue":"Point out finally a cause of plague (6)","Answer":"LOCUST","Explanation":"Definition: a cause of plague\nLOCUS (point) + [ou]T \u2013 finally"} {"Clue":"Banter for a badge? (8)","Answer":"BADINAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Banter\nWe have to think of the answer as a clue for A BADGE: BAD IN AGE \u2013 a nice change from the familiar chestnuts along the lines of 'good in youth but \u2026'"} {"Clue":"Man with a cave for a mermaid? (6)","Answer":"FINGAL","Explanation":"Definition: Man with a cave\nOne of my last in \u2013 and I'm not sure why it took so long but it was a real penny-dropping moment: the reference is to Fingal's Cave, which inspired Mendelssohn's 'Hebrides Overture': I always wondered who Fingal was and never bothered to find out \u2013 one of many reasons blogging is good for you \u2013 and found this interesting article, which even includes a link to the music\u00a0 \u2013 one of the first records I bought as a student \u2013 which saves me looking for one"} {"Clue":"US presidential election may be like an old Citro\u00ebn rally (3-5,4)","Answer":"TWO-HORSE RACE","Explanation":"Definition: US presidential election may be\nA clever reference to the Citro\u00ebn 2CV (deux chevaux \u2013 'two-horse'), which might take part in a race (rally)"} {"Clue":"Another effing hot type of ruin? It could be! (3,2,3,6,3,4,3,4)","Answer":"OUT OF THE FRYING PAN INTO THE FIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Another effing hot type of ruin? It could be!\nAn anagram (could be) of ANOTHER EFFING HOT TYPE OF RUIN IT"} {"Clue":"Like including soldiers in welcome deals (10)","Answer":"AGREEMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: deals\nAS (like) round MEN (soldiers) in GREET (welcome)"} {"Clue":"Gaslight (4)","Answer":"NEON","Explanation":"If we separate GAS and LIGHT in the clue, we perhaps get a double definition but does NEON, by itself, mean 'light'? Otherwise, cryptic definition? \u2013 I'm not sure: I'm looking forward to comments"} {"Clue":"A top family's dodgy 'booty' like this? (3,2,5)","Answer":"MAP OF ITALY","Explanation":"Definition: 'booty' like this?\nAn anagram (dodgy) of A TOP FAMILY \u2013 it's funny how some anagrams leap out while others, like this one, for me, at least, are very well hidden; I remember the fun of learning at primary school that Italy was shaped like a boot and looked as if it were about to kick Sicily \u2013 one of my favourite clues, probably because of that"} {"Clue":"Since isolation, forced to find a solution (8,6)","Answer":"ISOTONIC SALINE","Explanation":"Definition: a solution\nAnother well-hidden anagram (forced) of SINCE ISOLATION"} {"Clue":"Potential source of X-rays put on inside stone (8)","Answer":"SARDONYX","Explanation":"Definition: stone\n\u2026 and yet another clever anagram (potential source of) of X RAYS with DON (put on) inside"} {"Clue":"Extremely sick unclean kitchens: they're smelly (6)","Answer":"SKUNKS","Explanation":"Definition: they're smelly\nFirst and last letters (extremely) of S[ic]K U[nclea]N K[itchen]S"} {"Clue":"Lacklustre Labour leader in embarrassing selfies (8)","Answer":"LIFELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Lacklustre\nL[abour] in an anagram (embarrassing) of SELFIES \u2013 great surface"} {"Clue":"Win a couple of these in sound game (7)","Answer":"CONQUER","Explanation":"Definition: Win\nSounds like 'conker' \u2013 and you'd need two of them for this game"} {"Clue":"Followed suit to begin with and was in debt (8)","Answer":"SHADOWED","Explanation":"Definition: Followed\nS[ui]t to begin wth + [HAD OWED] (was in debt) \u2013 if I were to be extremely picky (moi?) I could query the tenses \u2013 but I won't"} {"Clue":"One for cavities? (1,5,5)","Answer":"A SWEET TOOTH","Explanation":"A (not very) cryptic definition \u2013 unless I'm missing something"} {"Clue":"Reside? Yes, but not out there! (6)","Answer":"INHERE","Explanation":"Definition: Reside\nIN HERE = not out there"} {"Clue":"Virgin is one that recedes with time, lacking aspiration (7)","Answer":"AIRLINE","Explanation":"Definition: Virgin is one\n[h]AIRLINE (that recedes with time) minus h (aspiration)"} {"Clue":"Crisis upset both author and leaders of the end of the Georgian era (9)","Answer":"EMERGENCY","Explanation":"Definition: Crisis\nA reversal (upset) of ME (author) + REGENCY (end of the Georgian era) with its first two letters (leaders) reversed"} {"Clue":"Most from age 18 (3,8)","Answer":"THE MAJORITY","Explanation":"Definition: Mostfrom age 18\nDouble definition \u2013 although the second doesn't usually have the definite article"} {"Clue":"Academic top prizes for shrinks (9)","Answer":"ATROPHIES","Explanation":"Definition: shrinks\nA[cademic] (top of, in a down clue) + TROPHIES (prizes)"} {"Clue":"Skip, half-drunk, with this in pocket? (8)","Answer":"HIPFLASK","Explanation":"Definition: this in pocket?\nAn anagram (drunk) of SKIP HALF \u2013 all the dictionaries I've consulted give this as two words"} {"Clue":"Preserve with grim honesty (7)","Answer":"CANDOUR","Explanation":"Definition: honesty\nCAN (preserve) + DOUR (grim)"} {"Clue":"Incriminate a regime in a radio broadcast (7)","Answer":"ARRAIGN","Explanation":"Definition: Incriminate\nSounds like (in a radio broadcast) 'a reign' \u2013 a regime"} {"Clue":"Wholly or partly certain to topple (2,4)","Answer":"IN TOTO","Explanation":"Definition: Wholly\nHidden in certaIN TO TOpple"} {"Clue":"Peacemaking position cut by a reactionary (9)","Answer":"PLACATORY","Explanation":"Definition: Peacemaking\nPLAC[e] (position, cut) + A TORY (a reactionary)"} {"Clue":"King takes courses, becoming great in English verse (5)","Answer":"KEATS","Explanation":"Definition: great in English verse\nK (king) + EATS (takes courses) \u2013 John Keats, one of my favourite poets"} {"Clue":"American's vote for Eliot, initially, as literary prizewinner (5)","Answer":"YEATS","Explanation":"Definition: literary prizewinner\nYEA (American's vote \u2013 US senators vote yea or nay) + T S (Eliot initially) \u2013 William Butler Yeats won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923"} {"Clue":"Namely repaid for collected food (9)","Answer":"SCAVENGED","Explanation":"Definition: collected food\nSC (Latin scilicet \u2013 namely) + AVENGED (repaid)"} {"Clue":"Novel was read as boat goes out of port (7)","Answer":"SEAWARD","Explanation":"Definition: as boat goes out of port\nAn anagram (novel) of WAS READ"} {"Clue":"Fascinated by unfinished story all told (2,5)","Answer":"IN TOTAL","Explanation":"Definition: all told\nINTO (fascinated by) TAL[e] (unfinished story)"} {"Clue":"Person who paints diameter and two lines in circle (5)","Answer":"RADII","Explanation":"Definition: lines in circle\nRA (artist \u2013 person who paints) + D (diameter) + II (two)"} {"Clue":"Being regularly culled is important (3)","Answer":"BIG","Explanation":"Definition: important\nB[e]I[n]G, regularly culled"} {"Clue":"Clear parking in front of drive (5)","Answer":"PURGE","Explanation":"Definition: Clear\nP (parking) + URGE (drive)"} {"Clue":"Blocked piano moved with effort (7)","Answer":"PLUGGED","Explanation":"Definition: Blocked\nP (piano) + LUGGED (moved with effort)"} {"Clue":"Part of educational foundation improperly agreed to alter mark (7)","Answer":"REGRADE","Explanation":"Definition: to alter mark\nR [one of the three Rs \u2013 part of educational foundation) + an anagram (improperly) of AGREED \u2013 a tragically topical clue here in the UK: as I'm writing this, I'm listening to news of yet more appalling exam results chaos"} {"Clue":"Use for microwave that woman put back before having meal (9)","Answer":"REHEATING","Explanation":"Definition: Use for microwave\nA reversal (put back) of HER (that woman) + EATING (having meal)"} {"Clue":"Guardian's singular responsibility for grant (5)","Answer":"AWARD","Explanation":"Definition: grant\nA (one) WARD (guardian's singular responsibility}"} {"Clue":"Blockade, for instance, European is backing (5)","Answer":"SIEGE","Explanation":"Definition: Blockade\nA reversal (backing) of EG (for instance) + E (European) + IS"} {"Clue":"They may be used by poets \u2014 10 and 11, for example, or 1 and 6? (3,6)","Answer":"EYE RHYMES","Explanation":"Definition: They may be used by poets\nKEATS (10) and YEATS (11) are examples of eye rhymes \u2013 and they're both poets! \u2013\u00a0 and SPRY (1) and SKYE (6) both rhyme with 'eye' (but they're not 'eye rhymes') \u2013 brilliant clue!\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Run into agent that's able to move supply (4)","Answer":"SPRY","Explanation":"Definition: able to move supply\nR (run) in SPY (agent) \u2013 'supply' isn't an anagram indicator this time"} {"Clue":"Every year a chap turned up in country (6)","Answer":"PANAMA","Explanation":"Definition: country\nPA (per annum \u2013 every year) + a reversal (turned up) of A MAN (a chap)"} {"Clue":"A university put in new chairs, causing ill-feeling? (10)","Answer":"NAUSEATING","Explanation":"Definition: causing ill-feeling\nA U (a university) in N (new) + SEATING (chairs)"} {"Clue":"Went hunting like queen, perhaps, and thought about nothing (6)","Answer":"MOUSED","Explanation":"Definition: Went hunting like queen, perhaps\nMUSED (thought) round O (nothing) \u2013 a queen is a female cat"} {"Clue":"In revolutionary movement, discordant about Trotsky's end (8)","Answer":"GYRATING","Explanation":"Definition: In revolutionary movement\nGRATING (discordant) round [trotsk]Y"} {"Clue":"Place for flight, followed by English (4)","Answer":"SKYE","Explanation":"SKY (place for flight) + E (English) \u2013 and SKYE was a place for flight for Bonnie Prince Charlie, fleeing from the English \u2013 another great clue"} {"Clue":"What's fatal for many \u2014 not opening best medicine? (8)","Answer":"LAUGHTER","Explanation":"Definition: best medicine?\n[s]LAUGHTER (what's fatal for many) \u2013 a reference to the saying, 'Laughter is the best medicine'"} {"Clue":"Exercised, being intermittently unsteady (4)","Answer":"USED","Explanation":"Definition: Exercised\nAlternate letters of U[n[S[[t]E[a]D[y]"} {"Clue":"Band in performance that's barely finished (5)","Answer":"STRIP","Explanation":"Definition: Bandperformance that's barely finished\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Happy Tory excited about good layout of text (10)","Answer":"TYPOGRAPHY","Explanation":"Definition: layout of text\nAn anagram (excited) of HAPPY TORY round G (good)"} {"Clue":"European city and province, say, in fiction (5)","Answer":"LI\u00c8GE","Explanation":"Definition: European city and province\nEG (say) in LIE (fiction) \u2013 Li\u00e8ge is the capital of the Belgian province of Li\u00e8ge"} {"Clue":"Part of issue the guard sorted (8)","Answer":"DAUGHTER","Explanation":"Definition: Part of issue\nAn anagram (sorted) of THE GUARD"} {"Clue":"Journalist's showing in British daily when people retire (8)","Answer":"BEDTIMES","Explanation":"Definition: when people retire\nED (journalist) in B (Britsh) TIMES (daily newspaper)"} {"Clue":"Rough diamonds supporting hooligans' game, mostly (6)","Answer":"RUGGED","Explanation":"Definition: Rough\nRUGGE[r] (hooligans' game, mostly) + D (diamonds) \u2013 a reference to the maxim that football is a game for gentlemen played by hooligans and rugby is a game for hooligans played by gentlemen"} {"Clue":"Fears nearly all weapons (6)","Answer":"ALARMS","Explanation":"Definition: Fears\nAL[l] + ARMS (weapons)"} {"Clue":"Flower got out of bed (4)","Answer":"ROSE","Explanation":"Definition: Flowergot out of bed\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"A part of dress that's said to require attention (4)","Answer":"AHEM","Explanation":"Definition: that's said to require attention\nA HEM (a part of a dress)"} {"Clue":" Some medicine making us drowsier, oddly (4)","Answer":"DOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Some medicine\nOdd letters of D[r]O[w]S[i]E[r]"} {"Clue":"A friend of 19 in Lincoln, New Zealand prayed for by 22 down 22 (1,8,4)","Answer":"A MERCEDES BENZ","Explanation":"Definition: prayed for by 22 down 22\nMERCEDES (friend of PORSCHE {19dn} \u2013 see here) *(Edit: I made an error in the clue reference: it's 9ac CARMEN, not 18dn PORSCHE: Mercedes was a friend of Carmen in the opera \u2013 my apologies; thanks to Lord Jim and others)* in ABE (Lincoln) + NZ (New Zealand)"} {"Clue":"Epitome of elegance is certainly not turgid prose (6,2,6)","Answer":"POETRY IN MOTION","Explanation":"Definition: Epitome of elegance\nCryptic definition, turgid prose being the opposite of this \u2013 nice link to 1,6 \u2013 see here"} {"Clue":"Finally, who's got the whole world in his hands? Christ, ultimately (2,4)","Answer":"AT LAST","Explanation":"Definition: Finally\nATLAS (the Titan who was compelled to carry the heavens on his shoulders \u2013 and thus the world in his hands? \u2013 for rebelling against Zeus) + [chris]T"} {"Clue":"Ordered, fine and tidy spot (8)","Answer":"IDENTIFY","Explanation":"Definition: spot\nAn anagram (ordered) of FINE and TIDY"} {"Clue":"Joins educational institution before setback (6)","Answer":"UNITES","Explanation":"Definition: Joins\nUNI[versity] (educational institution) + a reversal (back) of SET"} {"Clue":"Dance as Bedouin in his element? (8)","Answer":"SARABAND","Explanation":"Definition: Dance\nARAB (Bedouin) in SAND (his element) \u2013 lovely surface, perhaps my favourite clue"} {"Clue":"Not hotshot for a drop in temperature (4,4)","Answer":"COLD SNAP","Explanation":"Definition: a drop in temperature\nCOLD (not hot} + SHOT (snap \u2013 as in photo)"} {"Clue":"Opera for 6 across 18? (6)","Answer":"CARMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Opera\nMercedes Benz (6ac) and Porsche (18dn) are CAR MEN *Edit: Another mistake, I'm sorry \u2013 I'm not seeing straight today: it's just Benz (6ac) and Porsche (18dn)\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Creature is around, is around and is around no more? (8)","Answer":"DINOSAUR","Explanation":"Definition: Creature\nAn anagram (is around) of IS AROUND \u2013 clever"} {"Clue":"Cool picture leading creative artist restored: Nude Enjoying Dish (6,3,5)","Answer":"CHILLI CON CARNE","Explanation":"Definition: Dish\nCHILL (cool) + ICON (picture) + initial letters (leading) of Creative Artist Restored Nude Enjoying"} {"Clue":"Experts in aerospace science (4)","Answer":"ACES","Explanation":"Definition: Experts\nHidden in aerospACE Science"} {"Clue":"Deliveries held, having exceeded the budget (9)","Answer":"OVERSPENT","Explanation":"Definition: exceeded the budget\nOVERS (deliveries, in cricket) + PENT (held)"} {"Clue":"Take on appropriate accommodation for party (5)","Answer":"ADOPT","Explanation":"Definition: Take on\nAPT (appropriate) round DO (party)"} {"Clue":"Another court passage (7)","Answer":"EXTRACT","Explanation":"Definition: passage\nEXTRA (another) + CT (court)"} {"Clue":"Underground cell like this crossword, mostly (5)","Answer":"CRYPT","Explanation":"Definition: Underground cell\nCRYPT(ic) (like this crossword, mostly)"} {"Clue":"One who's desperate kicks the bucket and swells (7)","Answer":"DANDIES","Explanation":"Definition: swells\nDAN (one who's desperate, in the Dandy comic)\u00a0 + DIES (kicks the bucket)"} {"Clue":"With an evenly balanced disposition, starting to speak your mind as the UK went in 1965 (9)","Answer":"SYMMETRIC","Explanation":"Definition: With an evenly balanced disposition\nInitial letters (starting) of Speak Your Mind + METRIC (as the UK went in 1965)"} {"Clue":"Where might one find bubbles? In a half of bubbly \u2014 fancy that! (7)","Answer":"BATHTUB","Explanation":"Definition: Where might one find bubbles?\nAn anagram (fancy) of THAT in BUB[bly] \u2013 this could be a favourite, too"} {"Clue":"I don't mean to insult you: coffee non-negotiable (2,7)","Answer":"NO OFFENCE","Explanation":"Definition: I don't mean to insult you\nA fairly obvious anagram (negotiable) of COFFEE NON"} {"Clue":"Mostly gas-fired, this Latin period (9)","Answer":"NEOLITHIC","Explanation":"Definition: period\nNEO[n] (mostly gas) + LIT (fired) + HIC (Latin for 'this')"} {"Clue":"No marinas need to be built in a landlocked country (3,6)","Answer":"SAN MARINO","Explanation":"Definition: a landlocked country\nAnother easy anagram (need to be built) of NO MARINAS"} {"Clue":"Start to draw lots for casual artwork (7)","Answer":"DOODLES","Explanation":"Definition: casual artwork\nD[raw] + OODLES (lots)"} {"Clue":"Map or schematic section driven by friends of 22 22 across (7)","Answer":"PORSCHE","Explanation":"Definition: driven by friends of 22 22 across\nHidden in maP OR SCHEmatic ('My friends all drive Porsches' sang 22 22ac)"} {"Clue":"Substitute cr\u00eape filling with something dainty (7)","Answer":"REPLACE","Explanation":"Definition: Substitute\nREP (cREPe filling) + LACE (something dainty)"} {"Clue":"across New Year's Day's link includes place for musician (5,6)","Answer":"JANIS JOPLIN","Explanation":"Definition: musician\nJAN I'S (New Year's Day's) + PL (place) in JOIN (link)"} {"Clue":"Hotel computer equipment is common, is that not the case? (5)","Answer":"INNIT","Explanation":"Definition: common, is that not the case?\nINN (hotel) + IT (computer equipment) \u2013 I love this word, which reminds me of my students, who used it all the time"} {"Clue":"Naughty boy keeping eagle's last brood in an unhealthy condition (7)","Answer":"OBESITY","Explanation":"Definition: an unhealthy condition\nAn anagram (naughty) of BOY round [eagl]E + SIT (brood \u2013 like a hen on eggs)"} {"Clue":"Swaggering hitman accepting promotion (7)","Answer":"BRAVADO","Explanation":"Definition: Swaggering\nBRAVO [hitman \u2013 I didn't know this definition but found it in both Collins and Chambers) round AD (promotion)"} {"Clue":"Monster interrupting progress (4)","Answer":"OGRE","Explanation":"Definition: Monster\nHidden in (interrupting) prOGREss"} {"Clue":"Animal in popular end of cattle market bought by writer (4,6)","Answer":"PINE MARTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\nIN [popular) + [cattl]E + MART (market) in (bought by) PEN (writer)"} {"Clue":"Prince entering capital city of ancient Greece (6)","Answer":"DELPHI","Explanation":"Definition: city of ancient Greece\nP (prince) in DELHI (capital) \u2013 not really a city but certainly one of the most awesome places I have ever been to"} {"Clue":"Enter lab for training that's available for hire (8)","Answer":"RENTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: available for hire\nAn anagram (for training) of ENTER LAB"} {"Clue":"Result during soccer replay causing increase in noise (9)","Answer":"CRESCENDO","Explanation":"Definition: increase in noise\nEND (result) in an anagram (replay) of SOCCER"} {"Clue":"Writer's wife managed deli (5)","Answer":"WILDE","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\nW (wife) + an anagram (managed) of DELI"} {"Clue":"Credit given to adult in charge of a good time (5)","Answer":"CRAIC","Explanation":"Definition: a good time\nCR (credit) + A (adult) + IC (in charge) \u2013 a lovely Irish word, perhaps not familiar to some but very clearly and fairly clued"} {"Clue":"Support saving breadcrumbs for bird (9)","Answer":"REDBREAST","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nREST (support \u2013 as in snooker) round an anagram (crumbs!) of BREAD"} {"Clue":"Almost stop ruler after game? (8)","Answer":"STALKING","Explanation":"Definition: after game?\nSTAL[l] (almost stop) + KING (ruler) \u2013 I smiled at the witty definition"} {"Clue":"Bachelor wearing smart watch chain (6)","Answer":"ALBERT","Explanation":"Definition: watch chain\nB (bachelor in ALERT (smart) \u2013 here's the watch chain"} {"Clue":"Master invited graduate and two lecturers to dance (6,4)","Answer":"MASKED BALL","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nM (master) + ASKED (invited) + BA (graduate) + LL (two lecturers)"} {"Clue":"Old politician's hot in synthetic headgear (4)","Answer":"WHIG","Explanation":"Definition: Old politician\nH (hot) in WIG (synthetic headgear)"} {"Clue":"Nasty round scarlet snake (7)","Answer":"MEANDER","Explanation":"Definition: snake\nMEAN (nasty) + a reversal (round) of RED (scarlet)"} {"Clue":"Correct uniform for sappers (7)","Answer":"REDRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Correct\nRE (Royal Engineers \u2013 sappers) + DRESS (uniform)"} {"Clue":"Insect on animal's a source of annoyance (7)","Answer":"BUGBEAR","Explanation":"Definition: a source of annoyance\nBUG (insect) on (in a down clue)\u00a0 BEAR (animal)"} {"Clue":"Clean close to aisle in upturned seats (5)","Answer":"SWEEP","Explanation":"Definition: Clean\n[aisl]E in a reversal (upturned) of PEWS (seats)"} {"Clue":"Joint favourite team (7)","Answer":"TOPSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Joint\nTOP (favourite) + SIDE (team)"} {"Clue":"Book by Royal Society featuring old fellow (6)","Answer":"ROMANS","Explanation":"Definition: Book\nRS (Royal Society) round O (old) MAN (fellow) for the sixth book of the New Testament"} {"Clue":"All-purpose taser shot into base (9)","Answer":"VERSATILE","Explanation":"Definition: All-purpose\nAn anagram (shot) of TASER in VILE (base)"} {"Clue":"Proper Liberal went first and fought for his honour (7)","Answer":"DUELLED","Explanation":"Definition: fought for his honour\nDUE (proper) + L (Liberal) + LED (went first)"} {"Clue":"Actor's dream bringing trouble (6,7)","Answer":"INGRID BERGMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Actor\nAn anagram (trouble) of DREAM BRINGING"} {"Clue":"Shed on island given to family for Jack Straw? (9)","Answer":"SPILLIKIN","Explanation":"Definition: Jack Straw?\nSPILL (shed) + I (island) + KIN (family) \u2013 a reference to this game"} {"Clue":"Attention surrounding vehicle turning up for daily grind (3,4)","Answer":"RAT RACE","Explanation":"Definition: daily grind\nRATE (attention?) round a reversal (turning up) of CAR (vehicle) \u2013 *or,\u00a0 rather, a reversal of EAR (attention) round CART (vehicle) \u2013 thanks\u00a0 to greensward @4 and Mark @5"} {"Clue":"Liberal translation of writing system (7)","Answer":"BRAILLE","Explanation":"Definition: writing system\nAn anagram (translation) of LIBERAL"} {"Clue":"Schoolmaster's first sign about new items in lunch boxes (7)","Answer":"SARNIES","Explanation":"Definition: items in lunch boxes\nS[choolmaster] + ARIES (sign) round N (new) \u2013 an informal UK word for sandwiches"} {"Clue":"Light cattle eating primarily dandelion leaves (6)","Answer":"KINDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Light\nKINE (cattle) round D[andelion] L[eaves]"} {"Clue":"How to greet the Queen in shady part of garden? (5)","Answer":"BOWER","Explanation":"Definition: shady part of garden\nOne might BOW to greet ER (the Queen)"} {"Clue":"First chapter on one subject (5)","Answer":"TOPIC","Explanation":"Definition: subject\nTOP (first) + I (one) + C (chapter)"} {"Clue":"Broken bones set \u2014 it's done conscientiously (4,4)","Answer":"ONE\u2019S BEST","Explanation":"Definition: it's done conscientiously\nAN anagram (broken) of BONES SET"} {"Clue":"Top man in Hatton Garden included in deal? (4,2,8)","Answer":"KING OF DIAMONDS","Explanation":"Double \/ cryptic definition \u2013 Hatton Garden is the centre of the UK diamond trade and the King of Diamonds would be dealt in a game of cards"} {"Clue":"Credit cuts all the same, flipping cheek! (8)","Answer":"TEMERITY","Explanation":"Definition: cheek\nMERIT (credit) in (cuts) a reversal (flipping) of YET (all the same)"} {"Clue":"Apparently takes action against publisher (6)","Answer":"ISSUER","Explanation":"Definition: publisher\nIS SUER (takes action)"} {"Clue":"Listened in with appreciation, then reprimanded (9)","Answer":"EARWIGGED","Explanation":"Definition: Listened in\nEAR (appreciation \u2013 as in an ear for music) + WIGGED (reprimanded)"} {"Clue":"Line taken by a king that was shot at Agincourt (5)","Answer":"ARROW","Explanation":"Definition: that was shot at Agincourt\nA R ( a king) + ROW (line)"} {"Clue":"Works the land undisturbed, taking spades back (5)","Answer":"TILLS","Explanation":"Definition: Works the land\nSTILL (undisturbed) with the S moved to the end"} {"Clue":"Fixed result condemned by party (7,2)","Answer":"RUSTLED UP","Explanation":"Definition: Fixed\nAn anagram (condemned) of RESULT + DUP (Democratic Unionist Party)"} {"Clue":"Linen salesman returns no outdated clothing (6)","Answer":"NAPERY","Explanation":"Definition: Linen\nA reversal (returns) of REP (salesman) in (clothed by) NAY (outdated word for no) \u2013 both Chambers and Collins give NAPERY (household \/ table linen) as Scottish \/ archaic:\u00a0 cf 'napkin'"} {"Clue":"Dr Spooner's disposed of heart abscess caused by virus (4,4)","Answer":"COLD SORE","Explanation":"Definition: abscess caused by virus\nSOLD CORE (disposed of heart)"} {"Clue":"Pioneering tsar's exotic voyages (14)","Answer":"PEREGRINATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: voyages\nAn anagram (exotic) of PIONEERING TSAR \u2013 lovely word, vying for my favourite clue with 23dn"} {"Clue":"Troubled wife avoids fights with son (8)","Answer":"RESTLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Troubled\n[w]RESTLES ( fights, minus w \u2013 wife) + S (son)"} {"Clue":"Dressing Ayr's latest civic dignitary (5)","Answer":"MAYOR","Explanation":"Definition: civic dignitary\nMAYO[nnaise \u2013 dressing) + [ay]R"} {"Clue":"Prepare to testify to conduct that ends violently (4,3,5)","Answer":"TAKE THE STAND","Explanation":"Definition: Prepare to testify\nI'm afraid I can't work this one out \u2013 over to you! *Edit: it's TAKE (conduct) + an anagram (violently) of THAT ENDS \u2013 thanks to JanW @4, Megan @5 grantinfreo @9 and Phil K @10"} {"Clue":"Semi-dim friend keeps count with mounting energy (9)","Answer":"PENUMBRAL","Explanation":"Definition: Semi-dim\nPAL (friend) round NUMBER (count) with the E (energy) moved up"} {"Clue":"Singers from church knocked back port (5)","Answer":"CHOIR","Explanation":"Definition: Singers\nCH (church) + a reversal (knocked back) of RIO (port)"} {"Clue":"Veteran sent up guns in unopened case (3,6)","Answer":"OLD STAGER","Explanation":"Definition: Veteran\nA reversal (sent up, in a down clue) of GATS (guns) in [h]OLDER\u00a0 or could be [f]OLDER? (case, without its opening letter)"} {"Clue":"Feel anxious, hampering style (4)","Answer":"ELAN","Explanation":"Definition: style\nHidden in feEL Anxious \u2013 an old favourite crossword word"} {"Clue":"Reserves unlikely to find a place where work's paid for (9)","Answer":"BOOKSTALL","Explanation":"Definition: where work's paid for\nBOOKS (reserves) + TALL (unlikely, as in 'a tall story')"} {"Clue":"Unfortunate case of Hindu ascetic begging alms (5)","Answer":"SADHU","Explanation":"Definition: ascetic begging alms\nSAD (unfortunate) + H[ind]U \u2013 with an extended definition"} {"Clue":"Relapsed badly after triumph, resulting in draw (5-7)","Answer":"CROWD-PLEASER","Explanation":"Definition: draw\nCROW (triumph) + an anagram (badly) of RELAPSED"} {"Clue":"Rebel is compelling, knight admitted (9)","Answer":"INSURGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Rebel\nN [knight \u2013 chess notation) in IS URGENT (is compelling)"} {"Clue":"State capital one missed when touring (3,6)","Answer":"DES MOINES","Explanation":"Definition: State capital\nAn anagram (when touring) of ONE MISSED \u2013 state capital of Iowa"} {"Clue":"Set to record unknown cancer therapy (9)","Answer":"RADIOLOGY","Explanation":"Definition: cancer therapy\nRADIO (set) + LOG (record) + Y (mathematical unknown)"} {"Clue":"Bug in water very close to surface (5)","Answer":"PEEVE","Explanation":"Definition: Bug\nPEE (water) + V (very) + [surfac]E"} {"Clue":"Barrier breached by workers' alliance \u2014 it's a fact (5)","Answer":"DATUM","Explanation":"Definition: a fact\nDAM (barrier) round (breached by) Trade Union (workers' alliance)"} {"Clue":"In short, there's no female candidate for board? (4)","Answer":"BRIE","Explanation":"Definition: candidate for board?\nBRIE[f] (short, minus f \u2013 female) \u2013 you might find BRIE on a cheese board \u2013 great surface and my other favourite"} {"Clue":"My good cure (4,5)","Answer":"HOLY SMOKE","Explanation":"Definition: My\nHOLY (good) + SMOKE (cure)"} {"Clue":"Caught up with secretary for tea? (5)","Answer":"CUPPA","Explanation":"Definition: tea?\nC (caught) + UP + PA (Personal Assistant \u2013 secretary) \u2013 question mark,\u00a0 I suppose, because it could be a cup of something else but I've only ever heard it used of tea"} {"Clue":"Fabric is fine to iron later around the edges (7)","Answer":"TAFFETA","Explanation":"Definition: Fabric\nTA-TA (goodbye: Chambers has 'Later' as a (chiefly US) version of 'See you later', goodbye) around the edges of F (fine) + FE (iron)"} {"Clue":"Open supermarket close to village with empty shops (7)","Answer":"LIDLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Open\nLIDL (supermarket) + [villag]E + S[hop]S \u2013 some people don't like product placement in a crossword but I have no objection to it and this one's clever, I think \u2013 and a lovely surface, too: one of my favourites"} {"Clue":"Still time to make meeting (5)","Answer":"EVENT","Explanation":"Definition: meeting\nEVEN (still) + T (time) \u2013 an athletics or race meeting, for instance"} {"Clue":"Crew is behind section in vessel (9)","Answer":"STEAMSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: vessel\nTEAM'S (crew is) after (behind) S (section) + HIP (in)"} {"Clue":"Pitches on this ground, getting delivery that's hard (8,7)","Answer":"BASEBALL DIAMOND","Explanation":"Definition: Pitches on this\nBASE (ground) + BALL (delivery, in cricket) + DIAMOND (that's hard)"} {"Clue":"Rod might drink daughter's tea (9)","Answer":"GUNPOWDER","Explanation":"Definition: tea\nROD (gun \u2013 I didn't know that meaning) + POWER (might) round D (daughter) \u2013 it's a type of green Chinese tea (I didn't know that, either)"} {"Clue":"Polish mum once called round (5)","Answer":"SHEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Polish\nSH (mum) + a reversal (round) of N\u00c9E (called once \u2013 maiden name)"} {"Clue":"American friend, turning over sport, getting armchair (7)","Answer":"AMATEUR","Explanation":"Definition: armchair\nA (American) + MATE (friend) + a reversal (turning over) of Rugby Union (sport) \u2013 'armchair' used adjectivally, as in 'armchair detective'"} {"Clue":"Keeper of dog for men (7)","Answer":"CURATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Keeper\nCUR (dog) + AT (for \u2013 I'd thought of 'aiming at \/ for': Collins gives, for 'at', 'For; in exchange for: *it's selling at four pounds') + *OR (Other Ranks \u2013 men)"} {"Clue":"Figure out one divided by five (5)","Answer":"SOLVE","Explanation":"Definition: Figure out\nV (five) in (dividing) SOLE (one)"} {"Clue":"IT company: one can supply parts for device (9)","Answer":"APPLIANCE","Explanation":"Definition: device\nAPPLE (IT company) round (parted by) I (one) + an anagram (supply \u2013 'supplely': as I've said a couple of times recently, I do love this device!) of CAN \u2013 one of my favourite clues, for its construction and surface"} {"Clue":"One likes to shoot heroin that's pure under small needle (10)","Answer":"SHUTTERBUG","Explanation":"Definition: One likes to shoot\nH (heroin) + UTTER (pure) under S (small) + BUG (needle) \u2013 another new word for me: 'a camera or photographic enthusiast', which was guessable"} {"Clue":"They lie over large cushions (8)","Answer":"BLUFFERS","Explanation":"Definition: They lie\nBUFFERS (cushions) over L (large) \u2013 the word order of the surface is slightly unusual but it does work"} {"Clue":"Getting up one's nose (6)","Answer":"ASCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Getting up\nA (one) + SCENT (nose)"} {"Clue":"Bit of love during sex that's ace (4)","Answer":"IOTA","Explanation":"Definition: Bit\nO (love) in IT (sex) + A (ace)"} {"Clue":"This man will party? (10)","Answer":"HELLBENDER","Explanation":"Definition: This man will party?\nHE'LL (this man will) + BENDER (party? \u2013 Chambers: 'a (drunken) spree') \u2013 and Chambers gives 'HELLBENDER: 'a reckless or debauched person' (as well as 'a large America salamander') \u2013 I'm not sure this quite works"} {"Clue":"Lined up a college to return to adult world of learning (8)","Answer":"ACADEMIA","Explanation":"Definition: world of learning\nA reversal (to return) of AIMED (lined up) + A C (a college) + A (adult)"} {"Clue":"School tackling sport and English language (6)","Answer":"SPEECH","Explanation":"Definition: language\nSCH (school) round (tackling) PE (Physical Education, sport) + E (English)"} {"Clue":"Flyers go up (4)","Answer":"BATS","Explanation":"Definition: Flyers\nA reversal (up) of STAB (go, as in have a stab \/ go at)"} {"Clue":"Dressing a boy in top for Sunday best (5,5)","Answer":"SALAD CREAM","Explanation":"Definition: Dressing\nA LAD (a boy) in S[unday] CREAM (the best) \u2013 another nice surface"} {"Clue":"Nit-pickings of a president that's terrible (10)","Answer":"PEDANTRIES","Explanation":"Definition: Nit-pickings\nAn anagram (terrible) of A PRESIDENT"} {"Clue":"Poor wine settled (8)","Answer":"BROKERED","Explanation":"Definition: settled\nBROKE (poor) + RED (wine)"} {"Clue":"Flavour of plain drink (8)","Answer":"OVERTONE","Explanation":"Definition: Flavour\nOVERT (plain) + ONE (drink, as in 'one for the road' or 'a quick one')"} {"Clue":"As good as new in the morning (6)","Answer":"NEARLY","Explanation":"Definition: As good as\nN (new) + EARLY (in the morning) \u2013 another favourite clue"} {"Clue":"Mark King's cracking melody (6)","Answer":"STRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: melody\nR (king) in STAIN (mark)"} {"Clue":"Prodigal son covers up further (4)","Answer":"ALSO","Explanation":"Definition: further\nHidden in prodigAL SOn"} {"Clue":"See old cover for Playboy issue (4)","Answer":"COPY","Explanation":"Definition: issue\nC (see \u2013 'the third letter of the alphabet', Chambers) + O (old) + P[laybo]Y"} {"Clue":"In Caribbean wood, doctor painted wolves (4,4)","Answer":"WILD DOGS","Explanation":"Definition: painted wolves\nDD (Doctor of Divinity) in WI (West Indies \u2013 Caribbean) LOGS (wood) for these animals"} {"Clue":"Revelation experienced here as cash dispenser appears in post offices (6)","Answer":"PATMOS","Explanation":"Definition: Revelation experienced here\nATM (Automated Teller Machine \u2013 cash dispenser) in POS (post offices): Patmos is the Greek island where St John wrote the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible"} {"Clue":"Force introduced to subdue entire Celtic region (8)","Answer":"CORNWALL","Explanation":"Definition: Celtic region\nRN (Royal Navy \u2013 force) in COW (subdue) + ALL (entire)"} {"Clue":"Lecture from judge creating dread (6)","Answer":"JAWING","Explanation":"Definition: Lecture\nJ (judge) + AWING (creating dread)"} {"Clue":"Be champion no more? (5)","Answer":"EXIST","Explanation":"Definition: Be\nEX (no more) + IST (first \u2013 champion)"} {"Clue":"Breast enhancers I left darling to put back: a mistake (5,4)","Answer":"FALSE STEP","Explanation":"Definition: a mistake\nFALS[i]ES (breast enhancers, minus i) + a reversal (put back) of PET (darling)"} {"Clue":"Animals coming round devour assorted food (4,8)","Answer":"HORS DOEUVRES","Explanation":"Definition: food\nHORSES (animals) round an anagram (assorted) of DEVOUR"} {"Clue":"Capacity to pass on their remarkable skill (12)","Answer":"HERITABILITY","Explanation":"Definition: Capacity to pass on\nAn anagram (remarkable) of THEIR + ABILITY (skill) \u2013 the definition is awry here: 'heritable' means 'able **to be passed on**'"} {"Clue":"Arbutus is not certain to blossom (9)","Answer":"MAYFLOWER","Explanation":"Definition: Arbutus\nMAY (is not certain to) + FLOWER (blossom) : this flower\u00a0 \u2013 and, by coincidence (?), four hundred years ago today, the Mayflower set sail from Plymouth"} {"Clue":"Put to part of cereal plant, can it cut? (5)","Answer":"SHEAR","Explanation":"Definition: cut\nSH (can it \u2013 a less polite way to ask someone to be quiet) + EAR (part of cereal plant) \u2013 not the most elegant of clues"} {"Clue":"Find out what's allowed online? (6)","Answer":"ELICIT","Explanation":"Definition: Find out\nE (online) + LICIT (allowed)"} {"Clue":"Wants to know how paper may be sold (8)","Answer":"INQUIRES","Explanation":"Definition: Wants to know\nPaper may be sold IN QUIRES"} {"Clue":"Structure of speech announcing duty on beer and fags? (6)","Answer":"SYNTAX","Explanation":"Definition: Structure of speech\nSounds like (announcing) 'sin tax'"} {"Clue":"Most demanding fly half following matches on replay (8)","Answer":"STIFFEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most demanding\nA reversal (on replay) of TSE[tse] (fly half) + F (following) + FITS (matches) \u2013 great surface"} {"Clue":"Twigs evil must finally change (6)","Answer":"WICKER","Explanation":"Definition: Twigs\nWICKE[d] (evil, with its final letter changed, with no indication as to how \u2013 a rather unsatisfactory clue)"} {"Clue":"Poet of a popular kind (6)","Answer":"LARKIN","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\nHidden in popuLAR KINd\u00a0 \u2013 Philip Larkin, a popular poet"} {"Clue":"Give up hut \u2014 wood, it appears rotten (2,7)","Answer":"DO WITHOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Give up\nAn anagram (appears rotten) of HUT WOOD IT"} {"Clue":"Swimmer's hi-vis jacket? (8,4)","Answer":"GOLDFISH BOWL","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"An intricate pattern for floor (5)","Answer":"AMAZE","Explanation":"Definition: floor\nA MAZE (an intricate pattern)"} {"Clue":"Suit damaged in extra small amounts of liquid (8)","Answer":"MOISTURE","Explanation":"Definition: small amounts of liquid\nAn anagram (damaged) of SUIT in MORE (extra)"} {"Clue":"Finish one's letters? One may use fingers as a guide (8)","Answer":"SIGNPOST","Explanation":"Definition: One may use fingers as a guide\nSIGN POST (finish one's letters) \u2013 fingerposts are a type of signpost"} {"Clue":"Large altercation brewing \u2014 it's in the wind (4,8)","Answer":"ALTO CLARINET","Explanation":"Definition: it's in the wind\nAn anagram (brewing) of L (large) ALTERCATION \u2013 another favourite surface"} {"Clue":"In good order, until put out (2,2,5)","Answer":"UP TO SNUFF","Explanation":"Definition: In good order\nUP TO (until) SNUFF (put out) \u2013 I remember blogging this expression a couple of years ago; I hadn't heard of it then and I haven't met it since"} {"Clue":"Fizz with impatience, do they? (8)","Answer":"CHAMPERS","Explanation":"Definition: Fizz\nA reference to 'champing at the bit'"} {"Clue":"Granny is out for brief consultation here (5,3)","Answer":"GRAY\u2019S INN","Explanation":"Definition: brief consultation here\nAnagram of GRANNY IS \u2013 one of the Inns of Court,\u00a0 where one might consult one's brief (barrister) \u2013 another favourite surface"} {"Clue":"Man behind slow vehicle (6)","Answer":"HEARSE","Explanation":"Definition: slow vehicle\nHE (man) + ARSE (behind)"} {"Clue":"Top-level sportsmen have the very thing for good health (6)","Answer":"PROSIT","Explanation":"Definition: good health\nPROS (top level sportsmen) + IT (the very thing)"} {"Clue":"Admire a speaking dog from Russia (5)","Answer":"LAIKA","Explanation":"Definition: dog from Russia\nSounds like (speaking) 'like (admire) a' \u2013 LAIKA was the first animal to orbit Earth; 'Space Dogs', a documentary, has just been released"} {"Clue":"It's funny, a gas, millions seen on TV (6)","Answer":"SITCOM","Explanation":"Definition: It's funny, a gas, millions seen on TV (6)\nAn anagram (funny) of IT'S + CO (carbon monoxide, a gas) + M (millions)"} {"Clue":"Direction of Oscar's movement (6)","Answer":"ACROSS","Explanation":"Definition: Direction\nAn anagram (movement) of OSCAR'S"} {"Clue":"Marsupial's trip wants vessel (4)","Answer":"JOEY","Explanation":"Definition: Marsupial\nJO[URN]EY (trip, minus 'urn' \u2013 vessel)"} {"Clue":"Tommy and I caught by investigator (7,3)","Answer":"PRIVATE EYE","Explanation":"Definition: investigator\nPRIVATE (Tommy \u2013 'Tommy Atkins' is the generic name for the private in the British Army) + EYE (sounds like \u2013 'caught' \u2013 'I')"} {"Clue":"Titaness's forlorn hope: to exist (6)","Answer":"PHOEBE","Explanation":"Definition: Titaness\nAn anagram (forlorn) of HOPE + BE (exist) \u2013 here's the titan(ess)"} {"Clue":"Crime writer's chapter, right after name (8)","Answer":"CHANDLER","Explanation":"Definition: Crime writer\nC (chapter) + R (right) after HANDLE (slang for 'name') \u2013 the crime writer is Raymond Chandler"} {"Clue":"Quite accurately (9)","Answer":"PRECISELY","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Jazz fans' musical (4)","Answer":"CATS","Explanation":"Definition: Jazz fansmusical\nAnother double definition"} {"Clue":"Unpleasant bird on the air (4)","Answer":"FOUL","Explanation":"Definition: Unpleasant\nSounds like (on the air) 'fowl' (bird)"} {"Clue":"After theatre, even in coma playing instrument (9)","Answer":"HARMONICA","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\nHAR (even letters of tHeAtRe) + an anagram (playing) of IN COMA"} {"Clue":"Strain to lift off with about a ton inside (8)","Answer":"FILTRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Strain\nAn anagram (off) of LIFT + RE (about) with A T (a ton) inside"} {"Clue":"Function in college produced noise (6)","Answer":"COSINE","Explanation":"Definition: Function\nC (college) + an anagram (produced) of NOISE"} {"Clue":"Free satellite dish here? (2,3,5)","Answer":"ON THE HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Freesatellite dish here?\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Three men inject drug for benefit (4)","Answer":"PERK","Explanation":"Definition: benefit\nP (pawn) R (rook) K (king) (three{chess}men) round E (drug)"} {"Clue":"Special honey extremely likely to be fragrant (6)","Answer":"SMELLY","Explanation":"Definition: fragrant\nS (special) + MEL (honey) + L[ikel]Y"} {"Clue":"Aspect of Trump: e-troll liable to explode, if fired up (6)","Answer":"PETROL","Explanation":"Definition: liable to explode, if fired up\nHidden in trumP E-TROLl"} {"Clue":"Before maiden, first slip joins extra cover (7)","Answer":"SMOTHER","Explanation":"Definition: cover\nS[lip] + M (maiden, in cricket) + OTHER (extra)"} {"Clue":"They say season with herb (5)","Answer":"THYME","Explanation":"Definition: herb\nSounds like (they say) 'time' (season)"} {"Clue":"Legendary musician's old Rush EP is warped (7)","Answer":"ORPHEUS","Explanation":"Definition: Legendary musician\nO (OLD) + an anagram (warped) of RUSH EP"} {"Clue":"New car tax? It's worn out (6)","Answer":"CRAVAT","Explanation":"Definition: It's worn out\nAn anagram (new) of CAR + V[alue] A[dded] T[ax]"} {"Clue":"Pulled too much into the red (9)","Answer":"OVERDRAWN","Explanation":"Definition: into the red\nOVER DRAWN (pulled too much)"} {"Clue":"Reserve hotel with counterfeit yen in three seconds (7)","Answer":"SHYNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Reserve\nH (hotel) + an anagram (counterfeit) of YEN in SSS (three seconds)"} {"Clue":"Shifty mouse is outside small room and without diamonds of several kinds (13)","Answer":"MISCELLANEOUS","Explanation":"Definition: of several kinds\nAn anagram (shifty) of MOUSE IS round CELL (small room) + AN[d] minus d \u2013 diamonds"} {"Clue":"Footwear for Spooner's brief uprising (5,4)","Answer":"COURT SHOE","Explanation":"Definition: Footwear\nShort (brief) coup (uprising), as Spooner might say"} {"Clue":"Mates before Saturday begins? (7)","Answer":"FRIENDS","Explanation":"Definition: Mates\nFRI[day] ENDS before Saturday begins \u2013 a bit of a chestnut but one of those worth reviving for the sake of newer solvers and it's a neat clue to the theme"} {"Clue":"In China, a revolutionary weapon (7)","Answer":"MACHETE","Explanation":"Definition: weapon\nCHE (a revolutionary) in MATE (Cockney rhyming slang \u2013 china plate)"} {"Clue":"Money \u2014 holding krona ultimately in both hands is key (7)","Answer":"CENTRAL","Explanation":"Definition: key\nCENT (money) + [kron]A in R[ight] L[eft]"} {"Clue":"Charles is upset when son leaves for girl (6)","Answer":"RACHEL","Explanation":"Definition: gir\nAn anagram (upset) of CHARLE[s] minus s \u2013 son"} {"Clue":"Wonderful boss (5)","Answer":"SUPER","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Man of God supposedly leaving \u2014 settle on replacement (13)","Answer":"TELEVANGELIST","Explanation":"Definition: Man of God supposedly\nAn anagram (on replacement) of LEAVING SETTLE"} {"Clue":"Senseless getting Serco, you said \u2014 maybe give someone else the job (9)","Answer":"OUTSOURCE","Explanation":"Definition: give someone else the job\nOUT (senseless) + an anagram (maybe) of SERCO + U ('you said'): a brilliant surface \u2013 see here for SERCO"} {"Clue":"Star name following a particular diet (5)","Answer":"VEGAN","Explanation":"Definition: following a particular diet\nVEGA (star) + N (name)"} {"Clue":"Let's wish leader gone (5)","Answer":"LEASE","Explanation":"Definition: Let\n[p]LEASE \u2013 I was struggling to equate wish and please but then thought of 'If you wish \/ please'"} {"Clue":"PM accepts a sign something's wrong following b___ difficult woman (9)","Answer":"BATTLEAXE","Explanation":"Definition: difficult woman\nB + ATTLEE (Prime Minister) round A X (a sign that something's wrong) \u2013 here are some examples of 'difficult women'"} {"Clue":"Trump's around providing a little bit of 'culture'? I kept trying to calm down (7)","Answer":"PACIFIC","Explanation":"Definition: trying to calm down\nA reversal (around) of CAP (trump) + IF (providing) C[ulture] round (kept) I"} {"Clue":"During lecture deliberately overlook deception (7)","Answer":"SLEIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: deception\nSounds like (during lecture) 'slight' (deliberately overlook)"} {"Clue":"Army personnel backing Queen stand around (3,4)","Answer":"RED ANTS","Explanation":"Definition: Army personnel\nA reversal (backing) of ER (queen) + an anagram (around) of STAND"} {"Clue":"Issue 100 in book for adult students? (7)","Answer":"OUTCOME","Explanation":"Definition: Issue\nC (100) in OU (Open University \u2013 for adult students) TOME (book)"} {"Clue":"Dry wit rarely Oscar's way? I shouldn't say this (5,4)","Answer":"DIRTY WORD","Explanation":"Definition: I shouldn't say this\nAn anagram (rarely) of DRY WIT + O (oscar) + RD (way)"} {"Clue":"Submit \u2014 it's Vlad! (5)","Answer":"PUTIN","Explanation":"Definition: Vlad\nPUT IN (submit) \u2013 great clue!"} {"Clue":"What makes music fresh \u2014 it's live, mostly (5)","Answer":"SITAR","Explanation":"Definition: What makes music\nAn anagram (fresh) of IT'S + AR[e] (live \u2013 as in yesterday's Tramp puzzle)"} {"Clue":"Sure can \u2014 fellow returned piano to top of house (9)","Answer":"FOOLPROOF","Explanation":"Definition: Sure\nA reversal (returned) of LOO (can) + F (fellow) + P (piano) + ROOF (top of house)"} {"Clue":"Might relish habitually doing this to impress? (5,8)","Answer":"POWER DRESSING","Explanation":"Definition: habitually doing this to impress?\nPOWER (might) + DRESSING (relish)"} {"Clue":"Bowled over to England openers last month \u2014 new technique picked up (9)","Answer":"ENTRANCED","Explanation":"Definition: Bowled over\nEN (England openers) + a reversal (picked up) of DEC[ember] (last month) + N (new) + ART (technique)"} {"Clue":"Degrade what a Norseman did in speech? (5)","Answer":"ERODE","Explanation":"Definition: Degrade\nI'm not sure of this \u2013 is it sounds like (in speech) 'he rowed'? *Edit: sounds like 'an 'orseman' \u2013 thanks to Peter W, Carthusus and essexboy"} {"Clue":"Writer propping up bar as a kind of exercise (7)","Answer":"AEROBIC","Explanation":"Definition: a kind of exercise\nBIC (writer) after (propping up, in a down clue) AERO (chocolate bar) \u2013 two product placements in one clue!"} {"Clue":"Reach hotel passing through South's traditionally impoverished areas (7)","Answer":"GHETTOS","Explanation":"Definition: traditionally impoverished areas\nH (hotel) in GET TO (reach) + S (South)"} {"Clue":"Footballer previously not inclined to give maximum effort (5,4)","Answer":"LEVEL BEST","Explanation":"Definition: maximum effort\nLEVEL (not inclined) + (George) BEST (footballer) \u2013 'previously' could be doing double duty"} {"Clue":"Letter writer occupied by government flip-flopping (5)","Answer":"SIGMA","Explanation":"Definition: Letter\nG (government) in a reversal (flip-flopping) of AMIS (writer \u2013 Kingsley or Martin)"} {"Clue":"Dodgy polaroids safe? Happiness short-lived (5,8)","Answer":"FOOL\u2019S PARADISE","Explanation":"Definition: Happiness short-lived\nAn anagram (dodgy) of POLAROIDS SAFE"} {"Clue":"Neither funked playing different role in theatre (5,3,5)","Answer":"UNDER THE KNIFE","Explanation":"Definition: different role in theatre\nAn anagram (playing) of NEITHER FUNKED"} {"Clue":"Emotionally detached, as football stadiums this year, completely empty inside (5-4)","Answer":"FANCY-FREE","Explanation":"Definition: Emotionally detached\nC[ompletel]Y in FAN-FREE (as football stadiums this year)"} {"Clue":"Good landlord won't rent \u2014 place now empty (5,4)","Answer":"GHOST TOWN","Explanation":"Definition: place now empty\nG (good) + HOST (landlord) + an anagram (rent) of WON'T"} {"Clue":"Pampered, wanting nightcap initially sent up (7)","Answer":"SPOOFED","Explanation":"Definition: sent up\nSPOO[n]-FED (pampered) minus n[ightcap] initially"} {"Clue":"Look up info about King \u2014 you'll easily get cash for it (3,4)","Answer":"OLD ROPE","Explanation":"Definition: you'll easily get cash for i\nA reversal (up) of LO (look) + DOPE (info) round R (king)"} {"Clue":"One going through most of shop's correspondence (5)","Answer":"RATIO","Explanation":"Definition: correspondence\nI (one) in RAT O[n] (shop, mostly)"} {"Clue":"Immature creatures are protected by others (5)","Answer":"PUPAS","Explanation":"Definition: Immature creatures\nA (abbreviation of are, metric measurement) in PUPS (other immature creatures)"} {"Clue":"Theory that makes a sudden leap (7)","Answer":"QUANTUM","Explanation":"Definition: Theory\nCryptic definition, referring to Max Planck's quantum theory and a quantum leap, as a sudden spectacular advance"} {"Clue":"Spoke quietly, announcing result of family injury? (7)","Answer":"MUMBLED","Explanation":"Definition: Spoke quietly\nMUM BLED (result of family injury)"} {"Clue":"Leaver no longer a soft touch (5)","Answer":"EXPAT","Explanation":"Definition: Leaver\nEX (no longer) + PAT (soft touch)"} {"Clue":"Trick old follower (9)","Answer":"CONFORMER","Explanation":"Definition: follower\nCON (trick) + FORMER (old)"} {"Clue":"From here, the only way is down (5,4)","Answer":"NORTH POLE","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Foreign food makes us hiccup a bit (5)","Answer":"SUSHI","Explanation":"Definition: Foreign food\nHidden in makeS US HIccup"} {"Clue":"My claim to divinity rejected? It can't be questioned (5)","Answer":"DOGMA","Explanation":"Definition: It can't be questioned\nA reversal (rejected) of (I) AM GOD (my claim to divinity)"} {"Clue":"Truss, for example, in place contorted with pain (9)","Answer":"APPLIANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Truss, for example\nAn anagram (contorted) of PLACE and PAIN"} {"Clue":"Pressing aim to welcome relative (9)","Answer":"INSISTENT","Explanation":"Definition: Pressing\nINTENT (aim) round SIS (relative)"} {"Clue":"So much room for jogger? (5)","Answer":"ELBOW","Explanation":"Cryptic definition, referring to 'elbow room' (room to manoeuvre) and the fact that elbow and jog both mean to nudge or jostle"} {"Clue":"Regulator very vigorous? Not I (5)","Answer":"VALVE","Explanation":"Definition: Regulator\nV (very) + AL[i]VE (vigorous, minus I)"} {"Clue":"Missile's explosion leads to wild anger (9)","Answer":"BOOMERANG","Explanation":"Definition: Missile\nBOOM (explosion) + an anagram (wild) of ANGER"} {"Clue":"Sacking is stored at first with poor quality cover (9)","Answer":"DISMISSAL","Explanation":"Definition: Sacking\nIS S[tored] in DISMAL (poor quality \u2013 I raised an eyebrow at this but both Collins and Chambers give that precise definition)"} {"Clue":"Private meal hasn't started (5)","Answer":"INNER","Explanation":"Definition: Private\n[d]INNER"} {"Clue":"Leaves job, or extends contract? (7)","Answer":"RESIGNS","Explanation":"Definition: Leaves jobextends contract\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Left job, about fed up (7)","Answer":"RETIRED","Explanation":"Definition: Left job\nRE (about) + TIRED (fed up)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Man so promoted required sex change? (7)","Answer":"QUEENED","Explanation":"Cryptic definition: in chess, to queen is to convert a pawn (man) into a queen when it reaches the opponent's back rank on the board"} {"Clue":"Plant speared on one's fork (9)","Answer":"ASPARAGUS","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nCryptic definition \u2013 the edible shoots of asparagus are called spears"} {"Clue":"Little chap has temperature and irritation (5)","Answer":"TITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Little chap\nT (temperature) + ITCH (irritation)"} {"Clue":"Cook's unusually warm voice (9)","Answer":"MICROWAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Cook\nAn anagram (unusually) of WARM VOICE"} {"Clue":"Shock about small clergy house (5)","Answer":"MANSE","Explanation":"Definition: clergy house\nMANE (shock \u2013 of hair) round S (small)"} {"Clue":"Staggering, homes in on hooch (9)","Answer":"MOONSHINE","Explanation":"Definition: hooch\nAn anagram (staggering) of HOMES IN ON \u2013 hooch and moonshine are both terms for illicitly distilled spirits\u00a0*\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Fruit semi-liquid, half picked up (5)","Answer":"LIMES","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nA reversal (picked up) of half of SEMI-L[iquid]"} {"Clue":"Rodents party, beginning to munch through cereal (7)","Answer":"DORMICE","Explanation":"Definition: Rodents\nDO (party) + M(unch) in RICE (cereal)"} {"Clue":"Dealing with dire warnings about Spain (9)","Answer":"ANSWERING","Explanation":"Definition: Dealing with\nAn anagram (dire) of WARNINGS round E (Spain)"} {"Clue":"Prize chicken perhaps that's quickly produced for money (9)","Answer":"POTBOILER","Explanation":"Definition: that's quickly produced for money\nPOT (prize) + BOILER (chicken perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Simple question number one hitting you on the head (2-7)","Answer":"NO-BRAINER","Explanation":"Definition: Simple question\nNO (number) + BRAINER (one hitting you on the head)"} {"Clue":"Aggressor is popular villain (7)","Answer":"INVADER","Explanation":"Definition: Aggressor\nIN (popular) + (Darth) VADER (villain)"} {"Clue":"Carry on with bloody bet (7)","Answer":"WAGERED","Explanation":"Definition: bet\nWAGE (carry on) + RED (bloody)"} {"Clue":"Drinking tea, say, girl survives (5)","Answer":"LASTS","Explanation":"Definition: survives\nLASS (girl) round T (tea, say)"} {"Clue":"Like being in British Isles, in principle (5)","Answer":"BASIS","Explanation":"Definition: principle\nAS (like)in B (British) IS (Isles)"} {"Clue":"Throw out badly behaved civet (5)","Answer":"EVICT","Explanation":"Definition: Throw out\nAn anagram (badly behaved) of CIVET"} {"Clue":"Fish in sea given drug, swimming with huge power (12)","Answer":"SUPERCHARGED","Explanation":"Definition: with huge power\nPERCH (fish) in an anagram (swimming) of SEA and DRUG"} {"Clue":"Pack leader of female kangaroos bouncing back (5)","Answer":"AKELA","Explanation":"Definition: Pack leader\nReverse hidden (bouncing back) in femALE KAngaroos \u2013 \u00a0known as The Lone Wolf or Big Wolf in The Jungle Book and adopted by the Scout movement as the name for a Cubmaster \u2013 one held in great awe by my young sons, when they were cub scouts, I remember"} {"Clue":"Probation: message about it breaking through (9)","Answer":"NOVITIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Probation\nNOTE (message) round IT in (breaking) VIA (through)"} {"Clue":"Inebriate, Charlie leaving from the Highlands (7)","Answer":"SOTTISH","Explanation":"Definition: Inebriate\nS[c]OTTISH (from the Highlands) minus c (charlie \u2013 NATO phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"A film trailer for movie (7)","Answer":"AMISTAD","Explanation":"Definition: movie\nA MIST (a film) + AD (trailer) \u2013 I hadn't heard of this film (it looks interesting) but managed to build it from the blocks"} {"Clue":"Beginning of fast: a tad suety, possibly? (3,7)","Answer":"FAT TUESDAY","Explanation":"Definition: Beginning of fast\nF(ast) + an anagram (possibly) of A TAD SUETY \u2013 a clue as definition: I knew that 'Mardi Gras' meant 'Fat Tuesday'\u00a0but I don't think I've actually met the expression"} {"Clue":"Comic actor, film star in audition? (4)","Answer":"IDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Comic actor\nSounds like (in audition) 'idol' (film star)"} {"Clue":"down Survivor cut in Duel gets shiner (9)","Answer":"FIRELIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: shiner\nRELI[c] (survivor, cut \u2013 it could also, I suppose, be RELI[ct], as in Paul's Mudd FT puzzle last week 'Survivor\u00a0fired up again about beginning of challenge (6)' \u2013 in FIGHT (duel); I think the definition's rather loose but Paul has managed to get a film title in both clue and solution"} {"Clue":"Infant school's last break, 1:10 curiously (5,5)","Answer":"ANKLE BITER","Explanation":"Definition: Infant\nAn anagram (curiously) of [schoo]L BREAK I TEN"} {"Clue":"Video devoid of content in things like Gremlins develops (7)","Answer":"EVOLVES","Explanation":"Definition: develops\nV[ide]O (devoid of content) in ELVES (things like Gremlins)"} {"Clue":"Academic gained by working on novel, finally (7)","Answer":"LEARNED","Explanation":"Definition: Academic\n[nove]L + EARNED (gained by working) \u2013 not really convinced by the definition (although I see that Chambers gives 'scholarly' as a definition for both) \u2013 in a rather hackneyed construction"} {"Clue":"Jumper something with hole, back grimy originally (5,4)","Answer":"GREEN FROG","Explanation":"Definition: Jumper\nGREEN (something with hole \u2013 on a golf course) + FRO (back) + G[rimy] \u2013 as I think you know by now, I set a lot of store by surfaces and I often have issues with Paul's: any help with making any meaningful sense of this one would be very welcome \u2013 I'm not very impressed with the definition, either!"} {"Clue":"Opener enthusiastic about collecting runs (5)","Answer":"INTRO","Explanation":"Definition: Opener\nINTO (enthusiastic about) round R (runs)"} {"Clue":"Notes passed on correction of line in Jaws (5,7)","Answer":"CHAIN LETTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Notes passed on\nAn anagram (correction) of LINE in CHATTERS (jaws)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Person watching abridged version of Poltergeist claiming little bit short (9)","Answer":"SPECTATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Person watching\nSPECTR[e] (poltergeist) round ATO[m] (little bit, short) \u2013 again, I take issue with a definition: SPECTRE comes from the same root as SPECTATOR, so, essentially, something seen [if only imaginarily) whereas a poltergeist is, essentially, an invisible spirit"} {"Clue":"Whitish grey, a metal in The Color Purple (8)","Answer":"PLATINUM","Explanation":"Definition: Whitish grey\nA TIN (a metal) in PLUM (the colour purple)"} {"Clue":"American plot has department devoid of leadership (5)","Answer":"RANCH","Explanation":"Definition: American plot\n[b]RANCH (department)"} {"Clue":"Eat everything, including salt, and enjoy yourself (4,1,4)","Answer":"HAVE A BALL","Explanation":"Definition: enjoy yourself\nHAVE ALL (eat everything) round AB (Able Seaman \u2013 salt)"} {"Clue":"Market two films screened by opposite sides (6)","Answer":"RETAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Market\nET AI (two films) in R L (opposite sides) \u2013 neat to manage to squeeze two films within six letters but, again, a dodgy definition: I've been assured by several people in the business(es) that retailing (selling) is not the same as marketing\u00a0 (*Edit \u2013 but see Dr WhatsOn @3)"} {"Clue":"Spot on end of nose needing operation after kiss (5)","Answer":"EXACT","Explanation":"Definition: Spot on\n[nos]E + ACT (operation) after X (kiss)"} {"Clue":"State-provided range (6)","Answer":"MASSIF","Explanation":"Definition: range\nMASS[achusetts] (state) + IF (provided)"} {"Clue":"Sound decoration for fiddle (6)","Answer":"MEDDLE","Explanation":"Definition: fiddle\nSounds like medal (decoration)"} {"Clue":"Following offence, criminal trials left (9)","Answer":"SINISTRAL","Explanation":"Definition: left\nSIN (offence) + an anagram (criminal) of TRIALS"} {"Clue":"School in Close Encounters blows up (9)","Answer":"DETONATES","Explanation":"Definition: blows up\nETON (school) in DATES (close encounters)"} {"Clue":"In Lincoln, key turning up for case (8)","Answer":"ABLATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: case\nIn ABE (Lincoln) a reversal (turning up) of VITAL (key)"} {"Clue":"Get down ridge below peak of Fuji (6)","Answer":"FLEDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Get down\nF[uji] + LEDGE (ridge) \u2013 I liked the definition, but please see my preamble above; I was struggling to equate ridge and ledge but I found that 'ledge' is a geological term for 'a ridge or shelf of rocks' (Chambers); 'a ridge of rock that lies beneath the surface of the sea' (Collins)"} {"Clue":"Poker like this, expected to win (3,3)","Answer":"RED HOT","Explanation":"Definition: Poker like thisexpected to win\nDouble definition \u2013 the first a reference to this plant, the second as in 'red-hot favourite'"} {"Clue":"A vehicle: it rolled forward! (6)","Answer":"AVANTI","Explanation":"Definition: forward!\nA VAN (a vehicle) + a reversal (rolled) of IT"} {"Clue":"Hiding in wardrobe, a handsome Caribbean charmer (5)","Answer":"OBEAH","Explanation":"Definition: Caribbean charmer\nsee here"} {"Clue":"Argue about pound coins (5)","Answer":"CLASH","Explanation":"Definition: Argue\nCASH (coins) round L (pound)"} {"Clue":"Restricted by court, easily clear (5,4)","Answer":"BOUND OVER","Explanation":"Definition: Restricted by courteasily clear\nDouble definition, the first involving the past tense of 'bind', the second as in clearing a hurdle"} {"Clue":"Quarrel following strike call (4,3)","Answer":"FALL OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Quarrel\nF (following) + ALL OUT! (call to go on strike)"} {"Clue":"Caught up with Dynasty and got ahead (7)","Answer":"TANGLED","Explanation":"Definition: Caught up\nTANG (Chinese dynasty) + LED (got ahead)"} {"Clue":"Money bet on gorilla (10)","Answer":"SILVERBACK","Explanation":"Definition: gorilla\nSILVER (money) + BACK (bet on)"} {"Clue":"Question imbibing English dairy product (4)","Answer":"WHEY","Explanation":"Definition: dairy product\nWHY (question) round E (English)"} {"Clue":"Works in bed turning ends of socks (4)","Answer":"HOES","Explanation":"Definition: Works in bed\nHOSE (socks) with the last two letters reversed"} {"Clue":"Has bath just before bed for a fresh start (5,5)","Answer":"CLEAN SLATE","Explanation":"Definition: fresh start\nCLEANS LATE (has bath just before bed)"} {"Clue":"Get pumped up about female behind (7)","Answer":"REFLATE","Explanation":"Definition: Get pumped up\nRE (about) + F (female) + LATE (behind)"} {"Clue":"Twitch is part of villain's complaint (9)","Answer":"CRITICISM","Explanation":"Definition: complaint\nTIC IS (twitch is) in CRIM (slang for criminal \u2013 which I've never seen before but it's in Chambers)"} {"Clue":"One may be clapped into these clubs (5)","Answer":"IRONS","Explanation":"Definition: One may be clapped into theseclubs\nDouble definition, the first meaning chains, the second golf clubs"} {"Clue":"It's obvious I don't think casual dreams need interpretation (2,5,2,3)","Answer":"AS CLEAR AS MUD","Explanation":"Definition: It's obvious I don't think\nAn anagram (need interpretation) of CASUAL DREAMS \u2013 I think the cryptic grammar needs 'needs' but that's probably a quibble"} {"Clue":"across, 1 across Given suggestion to do manual work, I collapse or die, first to suffer really terrible death \u2014 fracas on a foreign street (2,3,4,5,4,3,12)","Answer":"IF ALL ELSE FAILS READ THE INSTRUCTIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Given suggestion to do manual work\nHaving got the answer, I left the parsing to the end, half-expecting an anagram of Araucarian proportions but, in the end, it fell out quite readily, with only one five-letter anagram in the middle:"} {"Clue":"Ship, rather infested with cockroach, cleaned out (8)","Answer":"SCHOONER","Explanation":"Definition: Ship\nSOONER (rather) round C[ockroac]H, cleaned out"} {"Clue":"Programmed factory worker to steal books (5)","Answer":"ROBOT","Explanation":"Definition: Programmed factory worker\nROB (steal) + OT (Old Testament (books)"} {"Clue":"Hardbacks from Sweden in accurate translation (9)","Answer":"CRUSTACEA","Explanation":"Definition: Hardbacks\nS (Sweden \u2013 International Vehicle Registration) in an anagram (translation) of ACCURATE \u2013 my favourite clue,\u00a0*\u00a0*I think"} {"Clue":"I must have bits to eat (6)","Answer":"IODINE","Explanation":"Definition: I\nI've stared at this for ages: I (chemical symbol) is the definition and DINE is to eat but that's as far as I can get;\u00a0* Edit \u2013 please see Daniel @1"} {"Clue":"Scar is sort of orange (5)","Answer":"NAVEL","Explanation":"Definition: Scarsort of orange\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Wears shoes? (6)","Answer":"SCUFFS","Explanation":"Cryptic (?) definition, depending on two senses of 'wear'"} {"Clue":"Period in which I would always support father (6)","Answer":"FRIDAY","Explanation":"Definition: Period\nI'D (I would) + AY (always) after (supporting, in a down clue) FR (father)"} {"Clue":"At work, my partner may give me a lift (9)","Answer":"BALLERINA","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Try a couple of old drawers at first \u2014 trunks hold me in (9)","Answer":"HEARTWOOD","Explanation":"Definition: trunks hold me in\nHEAR (try) + TWO (a couple) + the first letters of Old Drawers \u2013 a new word for me but easy enough to guess: 'the central core of dark hard wood in tree trunks' (Collins)"} {"Clue":"Vault across ship is our aim, ridiculously (8)","Answer":"OSSARIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Vault\nAn anagram (ridiculously) of OUR AIM round SS (ship) \u2013 I had to resort to my Latin dictionary for this, as it's not in my Collins, Chambers or SOED; the more usual form is 'ossuarium', from which we get the more familiar 'ossuary' \u2013 'a container for the burial of human bones, such as a vault or urn' (Collins)"} {"Clue":"Poet in hot competition to secure love (6)","Answer":"HORACE","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\nH (hot) RACE (competition) round O (love) \u2013 the Roman poet and satirist Quintus Horatius Flaccus\u00a0 \u2013 I rather liked this one, too"} {"Clue":"Very eager to start next page after turning (4,2)","Answer":"EVER SO","Explanation":"Definition: Very\nE(ager) + VERSO (next page after turning)"} {"Clue":"Guide round home, a turn up for the book (6)","Answer":"DANIEL","Explanation":"Definition: book\nA reversal (turn up) of LEAD (guide) round IN (home) for a book of the Old Testament"} {"Clue":"In second city, head to the bottom area steps (5)","Answer":"RUMBA","Explanation":"Definition: steps\nBRUM (informal name for Birmingham, England's 'second city') with its initial letter moved to the end \u2013 bottom \u2013 in a down clue + A (area)"} {"Clue":"Cast out from here? (5,4)","Answer":"STAGE DOOR","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 by which the actors leave"} {"Clue":"Play around in floor in Japan (5)","Answer":"KYOTO","Explanation":"Definition: in Japan\nA reversal (around) of TOY (play) in KO (floor)"} {"Clue":"Training with international aristocrat not off to a flyer (5)","Answer":"PEWIT","Explanation":"Definition: flyer\nPE (Physical Education \u2013 training) + W (with) + I (international) + T(off) (aristocrat, minus 'off') \u2013 I'm more familiar with the 'peewit' spelling"} {"Clue":"Dancing, it's linked to being the most gracious (9)","Answer":"KINDLIEST","Explanation":"Definition: most gracious\nAn anagram (dancing) of IT'S LINKED"} {"Clue":"Prime Minister familiarly welcomes northern old city with French greeting (7)","Answer":"BONJOUR","Explanation":"Definition: French greeting\nBOJO (familiar term for Boris Johnson) round N (northern) + UR (old city)"} {"Clue":"Nurse abandons joining up programme (7)","Answer":"LISTING","Explanation":"Definition: programme\n[en]LISTING (joining up) minus EN (Enrolled Nurse) \u2013 with a nod to the theme"} {"Clue":"Informally, we first breakfast over porridge (5)","Answer":"BRITS","Explanation":"Definition: Informally, we\nB[reakfast] (first **letter of**) + a reversal (over) of STIR (porridge \u2013 both slang for prison) \u2013 I foresee some objections to the definition!"} {"Clue":"Without limits, invest in pound (3)","Answer":"PEN","Explanation":"Definition: pound\n[s]PEN[d] (invest)"} {"Clue":"IT company starting to invent new revolutionary clouds (5)","Answer":"NIMBI","Explanation":"Definition: clouds\nA reversal (revolutionary) of IBM (computer company) + initial letters of Invent New"} {"Clue":"Cars having many applications (7)","Answer":"LOTUSES","Explanation":"Definition: Cars\nLOT (many) + USES (applications)"} {"Clue":"Ran away riding a horse that's tired (7)","Answer":"FLAGGED","Explanation":"Definition: tired\nFLED (ran away) round A GG (a horse)"} {"Clue":"One has no trouble getting their kids to eat greens (9)","Answer":"HERBIVORE","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Eats quickly? Not so fast, picking up fine when it's brought back (5)","Answer":"WOLFS","Explanation":"Definition: Eats quickly\nA reversal (brought back) of SLOW (not so fast) round F (fine)"} {"Clue":"Planet Earth's becoming over-\u00adheated \u2014 let's get leaders to retire (5)","Answer":"GLOBE","Explanation":"Definition: Planet\nA reversal (to retire) of the initial letters (leaders) of Earth's Becoming Over-heated Let's Get"} {"Clue":"Some stars spotted in Poundland, Rome? Daring! (9)","Answer":"ANDROMEDA","Explanation":"Definition: Some stars\nHidden in poundlAND ROME DAring\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Republican's second in command, please reply (4)","Answer":"RSVP","Explanation":"Definition: please reply\nR'S (Republican's) VP (Vice President \u2013 second in command)"} {"Clue":"Scientist: rising radical gains success (6)","Answer":"DARWIN","Explanation":"Definition: Scientist\nA reversal (rising) of RAD[ical] + WIN (success)"} {"Clue":"They're on the top floor or shelf? (10)","Answer":"PENTHOUSES","Explanation":"Definition: They're on the top flooror shelf?\nDouble definition, the second referring to the men's magazine"} {"Clue":"Heckle King and Queen's agent (6)","Answer":"BOOKER","Explanation":"Definition: agent\nBOO (heckle) + K (King) + ER (Queen)"} {"Clue":"Founding father's honest, nothing being overturned (8)","Answer":"FRANKLIN","Explanation":"Definition: Founding father\nFRANK (honest) + a reversal (overturned) of NIL (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Glances up, drains third of stout, cheers! (4)","Answer":"SKOL","Explanation":"Definition: cheers!\nA reversal (up) of LO[o]KS (glances) minus o (third letter of stOut)"} {"Clue":"Coward catches bishop's virus regularly on front of mask element (8)","Answer":"NOBELIUM","Explanation":"Definition: element\nNOEL (Coward) round B (bishop) + alternate letters of vIrUs + M(ask)"} {"Clue":"English cricketer is 4 of 16? (4)","Answer":"ROOT","Explanation":"Definition: English cricketer\n4 is the square root of 16"} {"Clue":"Child left scene of confusion (5)","Answer":"BABEL","Explanation":"Definition: scene of confusion\nBABE (child) + L (left)"} {"Clue":"Hospital boy's raised to court daughter with fragrance (10)","Answer":"SANDALWOOD","Explanation":"Definition: fragrance\nSAN[atorium] (hospital) + a reversal (raised) of LAD (boy) + WOO (court) + D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Wear down to earth, as Her Majesty might say (5)","Answer":"GRIND","Explanation":"Definition: Wear down\nAs the Queen might pronounce 'ground' (earth)"} {"Clue":"Organised crime not building telephone system (8)","Answer":"INTERCOM","Explanation":"Definition: building telephone system\nAn anagram (organised) of CRIME NOT"} {"Clue":"After test regarding the country \u2026 (8)","Answer":"PASTORAL","Explanation":"Definition: regarding the country\nPAST (after) + ORAL (test)"} {"Clue":"fellow lied about section's answers (6)","Answer":"FIELDS","Explanation":"Definition: answers\nF (fellow) + an anagram (about) of LIED + S (section) \u2013 definition as in to field a question"} {"Clue":"unlimited menu for anniversary (6)","Answer":"GOLDEN","Explanation":"Definition: anniversary\nG (\u00a31,000) + O + L (50) + D (500) + [m]EN[u]"} {"Clue":"Boss tells Grant to leave (4)","Answer":"HUGO","Explanation":"Definition: Boss\nHU (sounds like \u2013 tells \u2013 'Hugh' {Grant}) + GO (leave)"} {"Clue":"Object displaying kite mark (4)","Answer":"ITEM","Explanation":"Definition: Object\nHidden in kITE Mark"} {"Clue":"Playwright: 'That's a wrap!' Not quite (4)","Answer":"SHAW","Explanation":"Definition: Playwright\nSHAW[l] (wrap)"} {"Clue":"Highland castle, central part opening, we hear? (6)","Answer":"CAWDOR","Explanation":"Definition: Highland castle\nCAW (sounds like \u2013 we hear {but not to anyone who lives there!} 'core', central part) + DOR (sounds like 'door', opening)"} {"Clue":"Caution shown when playing king, fearful scoundrel nicking it? (6,4)","Answer":"YELLOW CARD","Explanation":"Definition: Caution shown when playing\nYELLOW (fearful) + CAD (scoundrel) round R (king) \u2013 the official warning from a referee to a player who has committed an offence"} {"Clue":"Test of right and left, all characters on the far left (4)","Answer":"ORAL","Explanation":"Definition: Test\nInitial letters (on the far left) of Of Right And Left"} {"Clue":"Vale on borders of Cymru, reportedly? (3,3)","Answer":"SEE YOU","Explanation":"Definition: Vale\nSounds like (reportedly) C U ('borders' of Cymru) \u2013 'vale' is the Latin word for 'farewell"} {"Clue":"Square peg moved then to practise intuitive approach quickly, so to speak? (8,2,3,5)","Answer":"NINETEEN TO THE DOZEN","Explanation":"Definition: quickly, so to speak\nNINE (square) + TEE (peg) + an anagram (moved) of THEN TO + DO (practise) + ZEN (intuitive approach)"} {"Clue":"Very old woman said to predict failure in honest spy (9)","Answer":"PYTHONESS","Explanation":"Definition: Very old woman said to predict\nAn anagram (failure in) of HONEST SPY \u2013 the Pythoness was the priestess of the oracle of Apollo at Delphi"} {"Clue":"In Potsdam, I design pots! (4)","Answer":"AMID","Explanation":"Definition: In\nContained in potsdAM I Design"} {"Clue":"Third note, then second note (4)","Answer":"MEMO","Explanation":"Definition: note\nME (third note of the scale) + MO (second)"} {"Clue":"Travesty reversed in perfect game for children (9)","Answer":"MINECRAFT","Explanation":"Definition: game for children\nA reversal (reversed) of FARCE (travesty) in MINT (perfect) \u2013 I didn't know this game but the cluing is perfectly clear"} {"Clue":"After refurbishment, Chinese restaurant at first improves (8)","Answer":"ENRICHES","Explanation":"Definition: improves\nAn anagram (after refurbishment) of Chinese R[estaurant]"} {"Clue":"Bony thing, angle on figure by the sound of it? (6)","Answer":"COCCYX","Explanation":"Definition: Bony thing\nSounds like 'cock' (angle, both as verbs) + 'six' (figure)"} {"Clue":"Biscuit that's new behind unopened sponge cakes, filling hole (6,4)","Answer":"GINGER SNAP","Explanation":"Definition: Biscuit\nN (new) after [f]INGERS (sponge cakes) in GAP (hole) \u2013 I thought we'd had all of Paul's biscuits last Saturday \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Sudden flood of arrivals ruins new hospital (6)","Answer":"INRUSH","Explanation":"Definition: Sudden flood of arrivals\nAn anagram (new) of RUINS + H (hospital)"} {"Clue":"Get back on with success (6)","Answer":"RECOUP","Explanation":"Definition: Get back\nRE (on) + COUP (success)"} {"Clue":"Where servers cut, machine with battery dead (7)","Answer":"CARVERY","Explanation":"Definition: Where servers cut\nCAR (machine with battery) + VERY ('dead' is slang for very) \u2013 I think"} {"Clue":"Amount produced revealed change (7)","Answer":"OUTTURN","Explanation":"Definition: Amount produced\nOUT (revealed) + TURN (change) \u2013 I haven't met this word before"} {"Clue":"Flower and rotten nut they leave on stage (6)","Answer":"EXEUNT","Explanation":"Definition: they leave on stage\n(River \u2013 flower) EXE + an anagram (rotten) of NUT for the stage direction, plural of exit"} {"Clue":"Old trainer in ring made of metal, iron (4-5)","Answer":"LION-TAMER","Explanation":"Definition: Old trainer in ring\nAn anagram (made of) of METAL IRON"} {"Clue":"Shrimpy shrimp went (3-4)","Answer":"WEE-WEED","Explanation":"Definition: went\nOne definition of 'shrimp is 'a very small or puny person' so it's WEE (small \u2013 shrimpy) + WEED ('a weak, ineffectual or unmanly man')"} {"Clue":"Pay cut with last of cheques in post, frantic (2,4,4,3)","Answer":"AT ONE\u2019S WITS\u2019 END","Explanation":"Definition: frantic\nI can't quite see this: I got as far as ATONE (pay) + [cheque]S in SEND (post) but can't see where WIT fits, so I must be on the wrong track \u2013 *Edit: WIT is cut WIT[h]"} {"Clue":"A beauty has boss and I overwhelmed by lust (9)","Answer":"HUMDINGER","Explanation":"Definition: A beauty\nMD (Manager Director \u2013 boss) + I in HUNGER (lust) \u2013 I can't forgive the solecism of I in the surface\u00a0 reading"} {"Clue":"Revealing garment, quick way to dress topless crime writer (7)","Answer":"MANKINI","Explanation":"Definition: Revealing garment,\nI have no idea at all on this one \u2013\u00a0 *Edit; MI (M1 \u2013 quick way) round (Ian) [r]ankin, crime writer"} {"Clue":"Fugitive better protected by witness after heading for Egypt (7)","Answer":"ESCAPEE","Explanation":"Definition: Fugitive\nCAP (better, as a verb) in SEE (witness) after E(gypt) \u2013 this kind of word is one of my pet hates (cf attendee, standee) but I know it's accepted, so I'm not blaming Paul"} {"Clue":"Social life oddly uplifting for life form on Venus? (7)","Answer":"FLYTRAP","Explanation":"Definition: life form on Venus\nA reversal (uplifting) of PARTY (social) + odd letters of LiFe: FLYTRAP after (on) Venus gives the carnivorous plant"} {"Clue":"Picture puzzle endures, did you say, on mural, fancifully? (6,5)","Answer":"WHERE\u2019S WALLY","Explanation":"Definition: Picture puzzle\nWHERE'S (sounds like ) \u2013 did you say?) 'wears '{endures}) + WALLY (mural \u2013 'of the nature of a wall') \u2013 another of Paul's trademark clues see here for the picture puzzle"} {"Clue":"Candies and chocolates and others: source of all of those? (5)","Answer":"CACAO","Explanation":"Initial letters (source \u2013 doing double duty) of Candies And Chocolates And Others"} {"Clue":"Half area ignored by Liberal Party, in effect (5,3,4)","Answer":"FIFTY PER CENT","Explanation":"Definition: Half\nAn anagram (liberal) of P[a]RTY IN EFFECT minus a (area)"} {"Clue":"Female lost to prettier maiden (5)","Answer":"AIRER","Explanation":"Definition: maiden\n[f]AIRER (prettier) minus f (female) \u2013 I didn't know 'maiden' meaning clothes-horse"} {"Clue":"Noted West Indian crop unruly mob gathered (3,6)","Answer":"BOB MARLEY","Explanation":"Definition: Noted West Indian\nBARLEY (crop) round an anagram (unruly) of MOB \u2013 I have ~~'Two\u00a0~~** Three ***(thanks [email\u00a0protected] \ud83d\ude09 ) *little birds' as an earworm now"} {"Clue":"Agreed European parting leaves nothing (5,2)","Answer":"QUITE SO","Explanation":"Definition: Agreed\nE (European) in (parting) QUITS (leaves) + O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Challenged when given the job (5,2)","Answer":"TAKEN ON","Explanation":"Definition: Challengedgiven the job\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"The material placed in cathedral, as if from heaven? (10)","Answer":"ETHEREALLY","Explanation":"Definition: as if from heaven\nTHE REAL (material) in ELY (cathedral)"} {"Clue":"Double clues rejected (4)","Answer":"SPIT","Explanation":"Definition: Double\nA reversal (rejected)of TIPS (clues)"} {"Clue":"Chaps abroad losing the odd schilling (4)","Answer":"BODS","Explanation":"Definition: Chaps\nEven letters of aBrOaD + S (schilling)"} {"Clue":"Chant stopped by goal, poor result of on-field foul? (7-3)","Answer":"SENDING-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: result of on-field foul\nSING (chant) round (stopped by) END (goal) + OFF (poor)"} {"Clue":"Burrowing animal can hide all over the place (7)","Answer":"ECHIDNA","Explanation":"Definition: Burrowing animal\nAn anagram (all over the place) of CAN HIDE"} {"Clue":"Long-distance travellers step right aboard (7)","Answer":"SPACERS","Explanation":"Definition: Long-distance travellers\nPACE (step) R (right) in SS (on board)"} {"Clue":"Pocketing ten quid, retired banker set forth (9)","Answer":"EXPOUNDED","Explanation":"Definition: set forth\nA reversal (retired) of DEE (banker) round X (ten) POUND (quid)"} {"Clue":"African capital city running administration at outset? (5)","Answer":"ACCRA","Explanation":"Definition: African capital\nInitial letters (at outset) of African Capital City Running Administration"} {"Clue":"Pal drops in at random after lunch (12)","Answer":"POSTPRANDIAL","Explanation":"Definition: after lunch\nAn anagram (random) of PAL DROPS IN AT"} {"Clue":"Coat I relinquished keeps last of men supplied (9)","Answer":"FURNISHED","Explanation":"Definition: supplied\nFUR (coat) I SHED (I relinquished) round [me]N"} {"Clue":"Antecedents, one more than Goldilocks had spoken of? (8)","Answer":"FORBEARS","Explanation":"Definition: Antecedents\nSounds like (spoken of) 'four bears' \u2013 one more than Goldilocks had: I was sure there was a spelling mistake here (I should have known better) and was surprised to see that both Collins and Chambers give this as a variant spelling of 'forebears' \u2013 I would pronounce the two (or three, actually) differently, too"} {"Clue":"Contrary lad with personal problem? (5)","Answer":"YOBBO","Explanation":"Definition: Contrary lad with personal problem\nA reversal (contrary) of BOY (lad) + BO (personal problem) &lit"} {"Clue":"Struggling English master played like Bradman, bagging 50 (9)","Answer":"EMBATTLED","Explanation":"Definition: Struggling\nE (English)+ M (master) + BATTED (played like Bradman) round L (50)"} {"Clue":"Offbeat position in city's banks (6)","Answer":"CRANKY","Explanation":"Definition: Offbeat\nRANK (position) in C[it]Y"} {"Clue":"Fabric, unknown line no Parisian's stocking (5)","Answer":"NYLON","Explanation":"Definition: Fabric\nNON (Parisian's no) round (stocking) Y (unknown) L (line)"} {"Clue":"Frustrated participants in superhuman quest (6)","Answer":"MANQU\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: Frustrated\nContained in superhuMAN QUEst"} {"Clue":"Small seal picked up young swimmer (6)","Answer":"CYGNET","Explanation":"Definition: young swimmer\nSounds like (picked up) 'signet' (small seal)"} {"Clue":"A country invaded by former queen, nominally great ruler (9)","Answer":"ALEXANDER","Explanation":"Definition: nominally great ruler\nA LAND (a country) round EX (former) + ER (queen)"} {"Clue":"Established peace, banishing monsieur from a French region (9)","Answer":"PROVEN\u00c7AL","Explanation":"Definition: from a French region\nPROVEN (established) + CAL[m] (peace, minus m \u2013 monsieur)"} {"Clue":"Soccer bosses in working gear in India, taking a break (2,6)","Answer":"ON SAFARI","Explanation":"Definition: taking a break\nFA [Football Association \u2013 football bosses) in ON (working) SARI (Indian gear)"} {"Clue":"Offspring, it's said, turned to drink (6)","Answer":"BREWED","Explanation":"Definition: turned to drink\nSounds like (it's said) brood (offspring) \u2013 the drink could be beer or tea"} {"Clue":"Budgetary control initially fails disastrously (6)","Answer":"FISCAL","Explanation":"Definition: Budgetary\nC[ontrol] + an anagram (disastrously) of FAILS"} {"Clue":"Change bill by a whisker (6)","Answer":"ADJUST","Explanation":"Definition: Change\nAD (bill) + JUST (by a whisker)"} {"Clue":"Native African transported by ship, possibly (5)","Answer":"HIPPO","Explanation":"Definition: Native African\nContained in sHIP POssibly"} {"Clue":"Rising American prosecutor joining northern state (5)","Answer":"SUDAN","Explanation":"Definition: state\nA reversal (rising, in a down clue) of US (American) + DA (District Attorney) + N (northern)"} {"Clue":"Flipping jazzy piece \u2014 it's just a number in musical style (6)","Answer":"GARAGE","Explanation":"Definition: musical style\nA reversal (flipping) of RAG (jazz piece) + AGE (from the saying, 'Age is just a number', which a friend of mine loves to write, reassuringly, on my birthday cards"} {"Clue":"Create division among staff welcoming a teacher back (8)","Answer":"POLARISE","Explanation":"Definition: Create division among\nPOLE (staff) round A + a reversal (back) of SIR (teacher): I love the precision of Picaroon's cluing: it took me a moment to realise that 'among' was part of the definition \u2013 we already have an insertion indicator in 'welcoming'"} {"Clue":"They want specific fare for one boarding vehicles (6)","Answer":"VEGANS","Explanation":"Definition: hey want specific fare\nEG (exempli gratia \u2013 for one) in VANS (vehicles)"} {"Clue":"Lots dare sporting figure-hugging attire (8)","Answer":"LEOTARDS","Explanation":"Definition: figure-hugging attire\nAn anagram (sporting) of LOTS DARE: 'sporting' (= wearing) is often used as an insertion indicator \u2013 I've seen it disputed here as an anagram indicator but, for me, it works perfectly, in the sense of 'playing', which is a very common indicator"} {"Clue":"Rendering standard line in opera I perform (11)","Answer":"NORMALISING","Explanation":"Definition: Rendering standard\nL (line) in NORMA (the familiar crossword opera) I SING (I perform)"} {"Clue":"Engineer hadn't really emptied water supply (7)","Answer":"HYDRANT","Explanation":"Definition: water supply\nAn anagram (engineer) 0f HADN'T R[eall]Y ('emptied')"} {"Clue":"Mondeo car in America has built-in music player (7)","Answer":"OCARINA","Explanation":"Definition: music player\nNeatly hidden in mondeO CAR IN America"} {"Clue":"People seeking money in careers stupidly following crossword setter (11)","Answer":"MERCENARIES","Explanation":"Definition: People seeking money\nME (crossword setter) + an anagram (stupidly) of IN CAREERS (could be part of the definition)"} {"Clue":"Feel dazed, as you can in all these across solutions (3,5)","Answer":"SEE STARS","Explanation":"Definition: Feel dazed,you can in all these across solutions\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Expose buttocks, encasing right one in a bit of armour (6)","Answer":"MORION","Explanation":"Definition: a bit of armour\nMOON (expose buttocks) round R (right) + I (one) \u2013 it's an old Spanish helmet"} {"Clue":"Treats like Italian tomatoes or miscellaneous items (8)","Answer":"SUNDRIES","Explanation":"Definition: Treats like Italian tomatoesmiscellaneous items\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Driver's anger on London-to-Leeds journey? It's not real (6)","Answer":"MIRAGE","Explanation":"Definition: t's not real\nM1 (the London-to-Leeds motorway) + RAGE: a version of road rage (driver's anger)"} {"Clue":"A male, say, picked up an order of business (6)","Answer":"AGENDA","Explanation":"Definition: an order of business\nA GENDA (sounds something like \u2013 ('picked up' \u2013 gender {male say}) \u2013 I think \/ hope the use of 'picked up' as an indicator should forestall objections re dodgy homophones"} {"Clue":"Eagles maybe perfect circling isle on rocks (5,2,3)","Answer":"HOLES IN ONE","Explanation":"Definition: Eagles maybe\nHONE (perfect) round an anagram (rocks) of ISLE ON"} {"Clue":"Italian artist's staff sacked agent (8)","Answer":"MANTEGNA","Explanation":"Definition: Italian artist\nMAN (staff \u2013 a different use from the one in 6dn) + an anagram (sacked) of AGENT \u2013 I'm rather ashamed to say I didn't know this artist"} {"Clue":"Fashion house awarded hot, extremely classy clothes (8)","Answer":"GIVENCHY","Explanation":"Definition: Fashion house\nGIVEN (granted) + C[lass]Y round (clothes) H (hot)"} {"Clue":"Shifting gear keeps career up in this industry (3,5)","Answer":"RAG TRADE","Explanation":"Definition: this industry\nAn anagram (shifting) of GEAR round a reversal (up) of DART (career) \u2013 a very clever surface\u00a0 ('shifting gear'!)"} {"Clue":"Touching up during summer nights (2,2)","Answer":"IN RE","Explanation":"Definition: Touching\nA hidden reversal (up, again) in summER NI[ghts] \u2013 a legal term, meaning 'in the matter of, concerning'"} {"Clue":"Tablets, we hear, providing comfort (4)","Answer":"EASE","Explanation":"Definition: comfort\nSounds like (we hear) 'Es' (ecstasy tablets)"} {"Clue":"Italian footballers on British grass produce a cross (10)","Answer":"INTERBREED","Explanation":"Definition: produce a cross\nINTER (Milan \u2013 Italian footballers) + B (British) + REED (grass)"} {"Clue":"Asian islander assuming rising current in undulating plain (8)","Answer":"FILIPINA","Explanation":"Definition: Asian islander\nA reversal (rising) of IF (providing) + I (current) + an anagram (undulating \u2013 I liked that) of PLAIN"} {"Clue":"The French queen tours American lakeside city (8)","Answer":"LAUSANNE","Explanation":"Definition: akeside city\nLA (the French) + ANNE (queen) round US (American)"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary artist developed modelling framework (8)","Answer":"ARMATURE","Explanation":"Definition: modelling framework\nA reversal (revolutionary) of RA (artist) + MATURE (developed) \u2013 this word was in the back of my mind but I had to check that it's 'an open framework on which a sculpture is moulded with clay or similar material'"} {"Clue":"Last couples in Hampstead beckon this sexy guy (6)","Answer":"ADONIS","Explanation":"Definition: this sexy guy\nLast two letters of hampsteAD beckON thIS: I love the outlandish sentences setters concoct for this kind of clue \u2013 here's the sexy guy"} {"Clue":"Revered figure with multiple lives (4)","Answer":"ISIS","Explanation":"Definition: Revered figure\nIS IS (multiple lives) \u2013 the Egyptian goddess, not the Oxford river, this time"} {"Clue":"Loaf, one maybe baked in a tin (4)","Answer":"BEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Loaf\nDouble definition \u2013 my last one in, as it took a while for the 'baked in a tin' penny to drop (doh!) and then for me to guess and check that BEAN, like 'loaf', is slang for 'head' \u2013 another great surface"} {"Clue":"Dancing on drugs (8)","Answer":"TRIPPING","Explanation":"Definition: Dancingon drugs\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Pungent air envelopes Turkey (6)","Answer":"STRONG","Explanation":"Definition: Pungent\nSONG (air) round TR (Turkey \u2013 International vehicle registration) \u2013 'envelops', surely?"} {"Clue":"Experience being trapped in unsafe elevator (4)","Answer":"FEEL","Explanation":"Definition: Experience\nContained in unsaFE ELevator"} {"Clue":"Church performer who evokes memories? (4,6)","Answer":"BELL RINGER","Explanation":"Definition: Church performer\nCryptic definition \u2013 as in 'That rings a bell'"} {"Clue":"Sharp part they oddly found on bottom of car (6)","Answer":"BITTER","Explanation":"Definition: Sharp\nBIT (part) + odd letters of ThEy + [ca]R \u2013 this would work better in a down clue"} {"Clue":"Cassette unravelled in ground-breaking action (4,4)","Answer":"TEST CASE","Explanation":"Definition: ground-breaking action\nAn anagram (unravelled \u2013 neat) of CASSETTE"} {"Clue":"Return record featuring small exercise book (6)","Answer":"GOSPEL","Explanation":"Definition: book\nA reversal (return) of LOG (record) round S (small) PE (exercise)"} {"Clue":"Failures of devotees accepting second in place of victory (6)","Answer":"LOSERS","Explanation":"Definition: Failures\nLO[v]ERS (devotees) with S (second) in place of v (victory)"} {"Clue":"Poseur failing to hide, for example, unconscious inhibitor (8)","Answer":"SUPEREGO","Explanation":"Definition: unconscious inhibitor\nAn anagram (failing) of POSEUR round EG (for example)"} {"Clue":"Infernal path lacking love and depth (6)","Answer":"CURSED","Explanation":"Definition: Infernal\nC[o]URSE (path, minus o \u2013 love) + D (depth)"} {"Clue":"Note nine mull about for a long time (10)","Answer":"MILLENNIUM","Explanation":"Definition: a long time\nMI (note) + an anagram (about) of NINE MULL"} {"Clue":"Butters ribs (4)","Answer":"KIDS","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Go away and live with American bird (4,2)","Answer":"BEAT IT","Explanation":"Definition: Go away\nBE (live) + A (American) + TIT (bird)"} {"Clue":"Main issue journalist spiced up (8)","Answer":"SEASONED","Explanation":"Definition: spiced up\nSEA (main) + SON (issue) + ED (journalist)"} {"Clue":"Short person from Athens can start to give time of day (8)","Answer":"GREETING","Explanation":"Definition: time of day\nGREE[k] (person from Athens, short) + TIN (can) + G[ive]"} {"Clue":"Stone heads of organisation promoting antiquated laws (4)","Answer":"OPAL","Explanation":"Definition: Stone\nInitial letters of Organisation Promoting Antiquated Laws"} {"Clue":"Expel from court detectives with cake (6)","Answer":"DISBAR","Explanation":"Definition: Expel from court\nDIS (Detective Inspectors) + BAR (cake \u2013 of soap, say)"} {"Clue":"Fuel provider stocking reduced iron drink (8)","Answer":"ESPRESSO","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nESSO (fuel provider) round PRES[s] (reduced iron)"} {"Clue":"Ex cooked with corn, herb and raspberry (5,5)","Answer":"BRONX CHEER","Explanation":"Definition: raspberry\nAn anagram (cooked) of EX CORN HERB: a new one on me \u2013 see here"} {"Clue":"Answer involves revolutionary stage for benefactors (6)","Answer":"ANGELS","Explanation":"Definition: benefactors\nANS (answer) round a reversal (revolutionary) of LEG (stage)"} {"Clue":"Set upon endless path with love \u2014 sweet! (6)","Answer":"GELATO","Explanation":"Definition: sweet\nGEL (set) + [p]AT[h]+ O (love)"} {"Clue":"Others regularly dispose of a hollow tile to fit together without gaps (10)","Answer":"TESSELLATE","Explanation":"Definition: fit together without gaps\nAlternate letters of oThErS + SELL (dispose of) + A T[il]E \u2013 as in making a mosaic pavement, so a neat use of 'tile'"} {"Clue":"Tiny tree flowering forever (8)","Answer":"ETERNITY","Explanation":"Definition: forever\nAn anagram (flowering?) of TINY TREE"} {"Clue":"Fixed second drink and stopped working (8)","Answer":"STEADIED","Explanation":"Definition: Fixed\nS (second) + TEA (drink) + DIED (stopped working)"} {"Clue":"Unfortunate smell passes main parts (6)","Answer":"BODIES","Explanation":"Definition: main parts\nBO (unfortunate smell) + DIES (passes)"} {"Clue":"Performing in duet together (6)","Answer":"UNITED","Explanation":"Definition: together\nAn anagram (performing) of IN DUET"} {"Clue":"Fight doctor in film (6)","Answer":"COMBAT","Explanation":"Definition: Fight\nMB (doctor) in COAT (film)"} {"Clue":"Handle idiot (4)","Answer":"KNOB","Explanation":"Definition: (\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Yearning to forego last tablet (7)","Answer":"ASPIRIN","Explanation":"Definition: tablet\nASPIRIN[g] (yearning, minus its last letter)"} {"Clue":"Cat's in the bag \u2014 start to hunt bear (7)","Answer":"STOMACH","Explanation":"Definition: bear\nTOM (cat) in SAC (bag) + H(unt)"} {"Clue":"Top-class gunmen conserve energy but waste material (4)","Answer":"UREA","Explanation":"Definition: waste material\nU (top-class) + RA (Royal Artillery \u2013 gunmen) round E (energy)"} {"Clue":"Giving heart to sons at university breeding hogs (10)","Answer":"REASSURING","Explanation":"Definition: Giving heart to\nREARING (breeding) round (hogs) SS (sons) + U (University)"} {"Clue":"Zurich banker invests European cell contents (6)","Answer":"GENOME","Explanation":"Definition: cell contents\nGNOME (Zurich banker) round E (European)"} {"Clue":"Groom's job? Running after bride at the start (8)","Answer":"BRUSHING","Explanation":"Definition: Groom's job?\nB[ride] + RUSHING (running)"} {"Clue":"Get a load of Tories to tour British plant (9)","Answer":"EYEBRIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nEYE (get a load of) + RIGHT (Tories) round B (British)"} {"Clue":"Units in temple belt round it perhaps (5)","Answer":"WAIST","Explanation":"Definition: belt round it perhaps\nIS (ones \u2013 units) in WAT (temple)"} {"Clue":"Ailsa Craig, say, has been rented (5)","Answer":"ISLET","Explanation":"Definition: Ailsa Craig, say\nIS LET (has been rented) \u2013 I expect you've looked up Ailsa Craig for yourself: a Scottish island visible from Northern Ireland, being roughly half-way between Glasgow and Belfast \u2013 I remember it well; it's also a variety of tomato but here, I think, following the theme, there's an allusion to the Islets of Langerhans, a name which I remember fascinating me in Biology lessons"} {"Clue":"Daniel ran off, stimulated by this? (9)","Answer":"ADRENALIN","Explanation":"Definition: this\nAn anagram ((off) of DANIEL RAN \u2013 a great surface, since adrenalin triggers the 'fight-or-flight' response"} {"Clue":"Stalin's enforcer concealed routine bugs (8)","Answer":"BACTERIA","Explanation":"Definition: bugs\nBERIA (Stalin's enforcer) round ACT (routine, as in the theatre, say)"} {"Clue":"A spruce shelters posh courtyard (6)","Answer":"ATRIUM","Explanation":"Definition: courtyard\nA TRIM (spruce) round U (posh) \u2013 and, following the theme, it's also one of the chambers of the heart"} {"Clue":"Unicef works with mint, dis\u00adpensing lots of money (10)","Answer":"MUNIFICENT","Explanation":"Definition: dis\u00adpensing lots of money\nAn anagram (works) of UNICEF and MINT"} {"Clue":"Medic with very little cash for drug supplier (4)","Answer":"DRIP","Explanation":"Definition: drug supplier\nDR (medic) + I (one) P (penny) \u2013 very little cash"} {"Clue":"Book season involving censor's cases (7)","Answer":"BAGGAGE","Explanation":"Definition: cases\nB (book) + AGE (season) round GAG (censor)"} {"Clue":"Foreign invader, colonist with current information (7)","Answer":"ANTIGEN","Explanation":"Definition: Foreign invader\nANT (colonist) + I (current) + GEN (information)"} {"Clue":"Work in theatre bound to include good lines (7)","Answer":"SURGERY","Explanation":"Definition: Work in theatre\nSURE (bound) round G (good) + RY (railway \u2013 lines)"} {"Clue":"It's matured and gone off? Initially, yes (5)","Answer":"IMAGO","Explanation":"Definition: It's matured\nInitial letters of It's Matured And Gone Off"} {"Clue":"PM once rebuffs Democrat from an ME country (7)","Answer":"ISRAELI","Explanation":"Definition: from an ME country\n[d]ISRAELI (Benjamin, PM once) minus d (democrat)"} {"Clue":"Time to put out paper (6)","Answer":"TISSUE","Explanation":"Definition: paper\nT (time) + ISSUE (put out)"} {"Clue":"A human staggered, inhaling foul air, the dope! (9)","Answer":"MARIHUANA","Explanation":"Definition: the dope\nAn anagram (staggered) of A HUMAN round an anagram (foul) of AIR"} {"Clue":"Med resort hosts international for Wolves, maybe (7)","Answer":"CANINES","Explanation":"Definition: Wolves, maybe\nCANNES (Med resort) round I (international)"} {"Clue":"Instinctive activity to do with washing clothes (9)","Answer":"BREATHING","Explanation":"Definition: Instinctive activity\nBATHING (washing) round (clothes) RE (to do with)"} {"Clue":"Bone up over in opera house (7)","Answer":"SCAPULA","Explanation":"Definition: Bone\nA reversal (over) of UP in (La) SCALA (opera house)"} {"Clue":"A German consumes final sort of protein (7)","Answer":"ELASTIN","Explanation":"Definition: sort of protein\nEIN (a German) round LAST (final)"} {"Clue":"In university, English Literature's flipping pointless (7)","Answer":"INUTILE","Explanation":"Definition: pointless\nIN U (university) + a reversal (flipping) of E LIT (English Literature)"} {"Clue":"Selection of poetry in Greek requiring effort (6)","Answer":"TRYING","Explanation":"Definition: requiring effort\nContained in poeTRY IN Greek"} {"Clue":"Arm reinforcements organising raid to capture island (5)","Answer":"RADII","Explanation":"Definition: Arm reinforcements\nAN anagram (organising) of RAID round I (island) \u2013 amusing definition"} {"Clue":"Marxist, leaving to secure work, bound to prevent access (5,3)","Answer":"ROPED OFF","Explanation":"Definition: bound to prevent access\nRED (Marxist) + OFF (leaving) round OP (work)"} {"Clue":"Production of Verdi opera ultim\u00adately given new character (6)","Answer":"VARIED","Explanation":"Definition: given new character\nAn anagram (production) of VERDI [oper]A"} {"Clue":"He's instructed to administer late orders (8)","Answer":"EXECUTOR","Explanation":"Definition: He's instructed to administer late orders\nCryptic definition, 'late' referring to one who's dead"} {"Clue":"Dictator's to restrict salary and capital in the Far East (6)","Answer":"TAIPEI","Explanation":"Definition: capital in the Far East\nSounds like (dictator's to) 'tie pay' (restrict salary)"} {"Clue":"Polytheists initially sacrificed their local banker (5)","Answer":"INDUS","Explanation":"Definition: their local banker\n[h]INDUS (polytheists)"} {"Clue":"Whatever's keeping Louis X quaking with nerves? (9)","Answer":"ANXIOUSLY","Explanation":"Definition: with nerves\nANY (whatever) round an anagram (quaking) of LOUIS X"} {"Clue":"Unlimited time to append a few words to biography (4,8)","Answer":"LIFE SENTENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Unlimited time\nSENTENCE (a few words) appended to LIFE (biography)"} {"Clue":"Sampler showing telltale clergy\u00adman, one in aisle seat? (5,7)","Answer":"SNEAK PREVIEW","Explanation":"Definition: Sampler showing\nSNEAK (telltale) + REV (clergyman) + I (one) in PEW (aisle seat)"} {"Clue":"Number one fan? (9)","Answer":"EGOMANIAC","Explanation":"Definition: Number one fan?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Last European quits modest protest (5)","Answer":"DEMUR","Explanation":"Definition: protest\nDEMUR(e) (modest) minus e (European) \u2013 meticulous as ever, Nutmeg indicates that it's the second e that is to be removed"} {"Clue":"Drinks tea within seconds (6)","Answer":"MOCHAS","Explanation":"Definition: Drinks\nCHA (tea) in MOS (seconds)"} {"Clue":"Atmosphere in heart of mine became explosive (8)","Answer":"AMBIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Atmosphere\nAn anagram (explosive) of [m]IN[e] BECAME"} {"Clue":"Quiver, like the elderly duke taking more rum? (6)","Answer":"DODDER","Explanation":"Definition: Quiver, like the elderly\nD (duke) + ODDER (more rum) \u2013 lovely surface"} {"Clue":"Obsessive sibling admitting yen for dissection (8)","Answer":"ANALYSIS","Explanation":"Definition: dissection\nANAL (obsessive) SIS (sibling) round Y (yen)"} {"Clue":"Further change from engineers reversing trend (2-4)","Answer":"RE-EDIT","Explanation":"Definition: Further change\nRE (engineers) + a reversal (reversing) of TIDE (trend)"} {"Clue":"Sham Jerry raking in back payments (6)","Answer":"PSEUDO","Explanation":"Definition: Sham\nPO (Jerry) \u2013 both informal words for chamber pot \u2013 round a reversal (back) of DUES (payments)"} {"Clue":"Those producing tattoos mark right part of leg (9)","Answer":"DRUMSTICK","Explanation":"Definition: part of leg\nDRUMS (those producing tattoos) + TICK (mark right)"} {"Clue":"Resistance rising in markets supporting out of season dairy product (7,5)","Answer":"FROMAGE FRAIS","Explanation":"Definition: dairy product\nI was despairing of ever parsing this and then light dawned at the last minute: it's FAIRS (markets) with the R (resistance) moved up (rising, in a down clue) to give FRAIS, under (supporting, in a down clue) FROM (out of) AGE (season)"} {"Clue":"Part of total amount needed for Texas mission (5)","Answer":"ALAMO","Explanation":"Definition: Texas mission\nContained in totAL AMOunt"} {"Clue":"Awesome rogue has nothing to confess (8)","Answer":"IMPOSING","Explanation":"Definition: Awesome\nIMP (rogue) + O (nothing) + SING (confess)"} {"Clue":"frivolous pieces for food processors (8)","Answer":"DAIRYMEN","Explanation":"Definition: food processors\nD (500) + AIRY (frivolous) + MEN (chess pieces)"} {"Clue":"Marshal receives Manx veteran in US (2-10)","Answer":"EX-SERVICEMAN","Explanation":"Definition: veteran in US\nAn anagram (marshal) of RECEIVES MANX \u2013 for once, Manx doesn't mean 'take off the last letter'"} {"Clue":"Trainer's first to look at factory's exercise equipment (9)","Answer":"TREADMILL","Explanation":"Definition: exercise equipment\nT[rainer] + READ (look at) + MILL (factory)"} {"Clue":"Highly rated Eastern horse Nutmeg's invested in (8)","Answer":"ESTEEMED","Explanation":"Definition: Highly rated\nE (eastern) + STEED (horse) round ME (Nutmeg)"} {"Clue":"Celebrated Irish author said to have florid coat (8)","Answer":"REJOICED","Explanation":"Definition: Celebrated\nJOICE (sounds like \u2013 said) Joyce (Irish author) in RED (florid)"} {"Clue":"Workers with plugs brought about repairs (6)","Answer":"AMENDS","Explanation":"Definition: repairs\nADS (plugs) round MEN (workers)"} {"Clue":"Underwear provided for leaders in action? (6)","Answer":"BRIEFS","Explanation":"Definition: Underwearprovided for leaders in action?\nDouble definition, barristers being the leaders in an action in court *(Second definition amended\u00a0 {'provided for' now included} \u2013 thanks to Jay @31)"} {"Clue":"Dad turned expert at a rate of knots (5)","Answer":"APACE","Explanation":"Definition: at a rate of knots\nA reversal (turned) of PA (dad) + ACE (expert)"} {"Clue":"Lady R may suggest an isolated place (9)","Answer":"BACKWATER","Explanation":"Definition: an isolated place\nA fall at the first hurdle: it seems to be needing a reversal of a word for water but 'Lady R' is not ringing any bells \u2013* Please see comments 1\u00a0 and 2"} {"Clue":"Fraudster may be seen by senior policeman as excellent (5)","Answer":"DUPER","Explanation":"Definition: Fraudster\nSuper(intendent) (senior policeman) + DUPER = excellent"} {"Clue":"Reviled footballer may be Olympic medallist (5)","Answer":"DIVER","Explanation":"Definition: Reviled footballerOlympic medallist\nDouble definition: a footballer who falls, to suggest a foul and Tom Daley, for instance"} {"Clue":"Storehouse once 10% full? (5,4)","Answer":"TITHE BARN","Explanation":"Definition: Storehouse\nCryptic definition, a tithe being one tenth of one's crop, paid to the church in mediaeval times and stored in the tithe barn"} {"Clue":"Endless complaint from one unable to fly (3)","Answer":"MOA","Explanation":"Definition: one unable to fly\nMOA(N) (complaint) \u2013 another extinct flightless bird to file away with the auk"} {"Clue":"Athletic striker to move on without playing (4,7)","Answer":"FAST FORWARD","Explanation":"Definition: move on without playing\nFAST (athletic) + FORWARD (striker)"} {"Clue":"Africans' leaders in no doubt even Britain expects little else (7)","Answer":"NDEBELE","Explanation":"Definition: Africans\nInitial letters of No Doubt Even Britain Expects Little Else \u2013 for the Bantu-speaking people of southwestern Zimbabwe, formerly known as the Matabele"} {"Clue":"Castle nearly losing odd bits in overcrowded area (7)","Answer":"ROOKERY","Explanation":"Definition: overcrowded area\nROOK (castle, in chess) + the even letters of nEaRlY"} {"Clue":"No end of fruit in pub for Simon (7)","Answer":"BOLIVAR","Explanation":"Definition: Simon\nOLIV(e) (fruit) in BAR (pub)"} {"Clue":"Letter read out succeeded after repeat, which you can bet on (3-4)","Answer":"GEE-GEES","Explanation":"Definition: which you can bet on\nGEE (letter G, read out) repeated + S (succeeded)"} {"Clue":"We move home with passion (4,7)","Answer":"HOMO SAPIENS","Explanation":"Definition: We\nA clever anagram of HOME with PASSION"} {"Clue":"Piece trimmed is level (3)","Answer":"PAR","Explanation":"Definition: level\nPAR(t) (piece)"} {"Clue":"Old instrument people, snapping head off, abuse (9)","Answer":"VIOLATION","Explanation":"Definition: abuse\nVIOL (old instrument) + [n]ATION (people)"} {"Clue":"A fellow seizes one violently (5)","Answer":"AMAIN","Explanation":"Definition: violently\nA MAN (a fellow) round I (one) \u2013 I think I've only ever seen this in the last verse of the carol 'I saw three ships': 'Then let us all rejoice amain' \u2013 it means 'exceedingly', as well as violently"} {"Clue":"Hard to leave boat looking shabby (5)","Answer":"DINGY","Explanation":"Definition: shabby\nDING[h]Y (boat, minus H (hard) \u2013 I wouldn't have equated dingy with shabby \u2013 something can be brand new and still dingy \u2013 but 'it's in Chambers'"} {"Clue":"Harshness of way to travel about in state in America (9)","Answer":"STRIDENCY","Explanation":"Definition: Harshness\nST (street \u2013 way) + RIDE (travel) + C (about) in NY (state in America)"} {"Clue":"Unpleasant sign when stomach initially turns over (3,4)","Answer":"BAD OMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Unpleasant sign\nABDOMEN (stomach) with the first two letters interchanged"} {"Clue":"Eggs the Bard said wasted on the general (7)","Answer":"CAVIARE","Explanation":"Definition: Eggs\nCryptic definition \u2013 a quotation from 'Hamlet' (II ii):"} {"Clue":"Campaign of intimidation was forever struggling to encompass the end of Putin (3,2,6)","Answer":"WAR OF NERVES","Explanation":"Definition: Campaign of intimidation\nAnother clever anagram \u2013 of WAS FOREVER round [puti]N"} {"Clue":"Child seat arranged for As You Like It (2,5)","Answer":"TO TASTE","Explanation":"Definition: As You Like It\nTOT (child) + an anagram (arranged) of SEAT"} {"Clue":"Animal wheeling to take exact position between two groups of soldiers retreating (7)","Answer":"ROTIFER","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\nA reversal (wheeling \u2013 neat, because rotifers are commonly called 'wheel animals') of FIT (take exact position) between reversals (retreating) of two groups of soldiers, OR (Other Ranks) and RE (Royal Engineers)"} {"Clue":"American litigant in one of several ministries initially (3)","Answer":"DOE","Explanation":"Definition: American litigant\nJohn Doe is used in the US for an unidentified male character in a court case and DoE stands for Department of Energy and Department of the Environment (and Climate Change)"} {"Clue":"Calm at opening position (7)","Answer":"PLACATE","Explanation":"Definition: Calm\nAT in (opening) PLACE (position)"} {"Clue":"Enters race without water and becomes exhausted (4,3)","Answer":"RUNS DRY","Explanation":"Definition: becomes exhausted\nRUNS (enters race) + DRY (without water)"} {"Clue":"Doctor Arnold hides in state (5,6)","Answer":"RHODE ISLAND","Explanation":"Definition: state\nAnother clever anagram (doctor) of ARNOLD HIDES"} {"Clue":"To be obliged to open sack was good (7)","Answer":"BEHAVED","Explanation":"Definition: was good\nHAVE (be obliged) in (opening, again) BED (sack)"} {"Clue":"Make fun of Frenchman opening part of race naked? (7)","Answer":"LAMPOON","Explanation":"Definition: Make fun of\nM (Frenchman) in (opening, again) LAP (part of race) with\u00a0 O (nothing) ON (naked)"} {"Clue":"Fake news in salesman's returns (7)","Answer":"REPLIES","Explanation":"Definition: returns\nLIE (fake news) in REP'S (salesman's)"} {"Clue":"Having lost weight after golf, one picks up (7)","Answer":"GLEANER","Explanation":"Definition: one picks up\nLEANER (having lost weight) after G (golf \u2013 phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Account for one dumped on prairie (7)","Answer":"EXPLAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Account for\nEX (one dumped) + PLAIN (prairie)"} {"Clue":"Resilient, like May, could one say? (7)","Answer":"SPRINGY","Explanation":"Definition: Resilient\nMay is a spring month"} {"Clue":"From girl, a cry of surprise (3)","Answer":"AMY","Explanation":"Definition: gir\nA MY {cry of surprise)"} {"Clue":"One born to drink in bar, it is dilapidated boozer (9)","Answer":"INEBRIATE","Explanation":"Definition: boozer\nI (one) + N\u00c9E (born) round (to drink in) an anagram (is delapidated) of BAR IT"} {"Clue":"Beloved number, if multiplied by two (5)","Answer":"HONEY","Explanation":"Definition: Beloved\nHONEY (beloved) x 2 gives the first of the ABBA songs HONEY HONEY"} {"Clue":"Room in grid without margins (5)","Answer":"ATTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Room\n[l]ATTIC[e] (grid) minus first and last letters (margins)"} {"Clue":"Given up, having declined to hold information back (9)","Answer":"ABNEGATED","Explanation":"Definition: Given up\nABATED (declined) round a reversal (back) of GEN (information)"} {"Clue":"Leader of Opposition bitten by cook, a 6 (7)","Answer":"GORILLA","Explanation":"Definition: 6\nO[pposition] in (bitten by) GRILL (cook) + A \u2013 the answer to 6dn is THUG"} {"Clue":"Bit of a writer with taste for old club (7)","Answer":"NIBLICK","Explanation":"Definition: old club\nNIB (bit of a writer) + LICK (taste) \u2013 this old golf club, which I learned from crosswords, used to be a setters' standby but I don't remember having seen it for a\u00a0 while"} {"Clue":"Change number, if multiplied by three (5)","Answer":"MONEY","Explanation":"Definition: Change,\nMONEY (change) x 3 for another ABBA song MONEY MONEY MONEY"} {"Clue":"Uniting words: number, if multiplied by five (1,2)","Answer":"I DO","Explanation":"Definition: Uniting words\nI DO (words used in the marriage ceremony \u2013 more usually 'I will') x 5 I DO, I DO, I DO, I DO, I DO"} {"Clue":"Treatment of pore with dye, producing a poetic tear (3-4)","Answer":"EYE-DROP","Explanation":"Definition: a poetic tear\nAn anagram (treatment) of PORE and DYE \u2013 I was familiar with eye-drop only as Optrex et al, so I consulted Chambers, which gave it as Shakespearean; that narrowed it down (just a bit) and I found it in an online list of '98 words coined by Shakespeare' \u2013 it's from Henry IV Part 2, Act IV, Scene iii:"} {"Clue":"Brew on tap is over a barrel (2,1,4)","Answer":"IN A SPOT","Explanation":"Definition: over a barrel\nAn anagram (brew) of ON TAP IS"} {"Clue":"Intellectual Australian language not quite right (5)","Answer":"GREER","Explanation":"Definition: Intellectual Australian\nGREE[k] (language, not quite} + R (right) \u2013 I'm looking forward to comments on this definition"} {"Clue":"Covers I see pulled back, a relative number (5,6)","Answer":"HASTA MA\u00d1ANA","Explanation":"Definition: number\nA reversal (pulled back) of MATS (covers) + AH (I see) then\u00a0 A NANA (a relative) \u2013 this is one of the two I didn't recognise \u2026"} {"Clue":"Six balls each, four more polished off too much (9)","Answer":"OVEREATEN","Explanation":"Definition: polished off too much\nOVER (six balls, in cricket) + EA (each) + TEN (four more)"} {"Clue":"across Number in shower of rain behind a fairly round object, circled by number of muses (4,6,9)","Answer":"NINA PRETTY BALLERINA","Explanation":"Definition: Number\n\u2026 and this is the other"} {"Clue":"Sun dog (6)","Answer":"SETTER","Explanation":"Definition: Sundog\nA rather tired double definition"} {"Clue":"Super chap on film, builder (10)","Answer":"BRICKLAYER","Explanation":"Definition: builder\nBRICK (super chap) + LAYER (film \u2013 of dust, for example)"} {"Clue":"Number also wearing blazer, less fashionable (8)","Answer":"FERNANDO","Explanation":"Definition: Number\nAND (also) in (wearing) [in]FERNO (blazer, less in \u2013 fashionable)"} {"Clue":"Caught by gunshot, huge bully (4)","Answer":"THUG","Explanation":"Definition: bully\nContained in gunshoT HUGe"} {"Clue":"In and facing out (2,6)","Answer":"ON STRIKE","Explanation":"Definition: In and facingout\nDouble definition, the first again from cricket"} {"Clue":"Old scorer, winger by the sound of it? (4)","Answer":"BYRD","Explanation":"Definition: Old scorer\nSounds like 'bird'"} {"Clue":"Simplest of hits: number, if multiplied by three (5)","Answer":"GIMME","Explanation":"Definition: Simplest of hits\nA golf term x 3 to give another ABBA song GIMME GIMME GIMME"} {"Clue":"Untidy and wet, torn blankets left under couch (10)","Answer":"BEDRAGGLED","Explanation":"Definition: Untidy and wet\nRAGGED (torn) round (blankets) L (left) under BED (couch)"} {"Clue":"Groomed male maintained houses (5)","Answer":"KEMPT","Explanation":"Definition: Groomed\nKEPT (maintained) round (houses) M (male)"} {"Clue":"Excessive pointers point (8)","Answer":"NEEDLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Excessive\nNEEDLES (pointers) + S (south \u2013 point) \u2013 another familiar-sounding clue"} {"Clue":"Pen like that entering mark shortly (8)","Answer":"IMPRISON","Explanation":"Definition: Pen\nSO (like that) in IMPRIN[t] (mark, shortly)"} {"Clue":"Speech number (1,4,1,5)","Answer":"I HAVE A DREAM","Explanation":"Definition: Speechnumber\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Strike securing hard currency (4)","Answer":"BAHT","Explanation":"Definition: currency\nBAT (strike) round H (hard) \u2013 the currency of Thailand"} {"Clue":"Style arising in Havana, legendary (4)","Answer":"ELAN","Explanation":"Definition: Style\nA hidden reversal (arising, in a down clue) in havaNA Legendary \u2013 another crossword favourite, almost invariably clued as 'dash'"} {"Clue":"Call number, if multiplied by two (4)","Answer":"RING","Explanation":"Definition: Call\nRING (call) x 2, giving RING RING"} {"Clue":"Contests work against models (7)","Answer":"OPPOSES","Explanation":"Definition: Contests\nOP (work) + POSES (models)"} {"Clue":"Biblical figure's end, after brief record period (7)","Answer":"EPHRAIM","Explanation":"Definition: Biblical figure\nEP (brief record) + HR (hour \u2013 period, briefly) + AIM (end) \u2013 Ephraim was a a son of Joseph"} {"Clue":"Make pro say: 'Making a comeback' (5)","Answer":"FORGE","Explanation":"Definition: Make\nFOR (pro) + a reversal (making a comeback) of EG (say)"} {"Clue":"Where one may put, given time, car on common (4,5)","Answer":"GOLF GREEN","Explanation":"Definition: Where one may put\nGOLF (car) + GREEN (common):\u00a0 I don't know why 'given time' \u2013 is it a golfing reference?\u00a0 *Of course it is \u2013 thanks, copland smith @1 and grantinfreo @3"} {"Clue":"I hang out with Pence, which is demeaning (10)","Answer":"CHEAPENING","Explanation":"Definition: demeaning\nAn anagram (out) of I HANG PENCE"} {"Clue":"Tropical fruits lacking male leaves (4)","Answer":"GOES","Explanation":"Definition: leaves\n[man]GOES"} {"Clue":"Continually add anything different (5,3,3)","Answer":"NIGHT AND DAY","Explanation":"Definition: Continually\nAn anagram (different) of ADD ANYTHING"} {"Clue":"Fancy manors with greens (for an extortionate sum) (6,5)","Answer":"RANSOM MONEY","Explanation":"Definition: an extortionate sum\nAn anagram (fancy) of MANORS + MONEY (greens \u2013 I didn't know this slang word for money) \u2013 with a play on 'extortionate'"} {"Clue":"Possibly settles on giving up southern food (4)","Answer":"EATS","Explanation":"Definition: food\n[s]EATS (possibly settles)"} {"Clue":"Thief, one's partner, say, taking lead from hellraiser (10)","Answer":"SHOPLIFTER","Explanation":"Definition: Thief\nS.O.P. (Significant Other Person \u2013 one's partner, say: it's in Chambers but I was only familiar with 'significant other') round H[ell] + LIFTER (raiser)"} {"Clue":"Turning cool in eg end of temperate epoch (9)","Answer":"OLIGOCENE","Explanation":"Definition: epoch\nAn anagram (turning) of COOL IN EG + {temperat]E see here for the OLIGOCENE epoch"} {"Clue":"Pound backed by a Latin country (5)","Answer":"NEPAL","Explanation":"Definition: country\nA reversal (backed) of PEN (pound) + A L (Latin)"} {"Clue":"Intellect Wren potentially manifested round house's east wing (7)","Answer":"EGGHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Intellect\nEGG (wren, potentially) + HAD (manifested?) round [hous]E"} {"Clue":"Old revolutionary council about to replace five-year community (7)","Answer":"SOCIETY","Explanation":"Definition: community\nSO[v]IET (old revolutionary council) with the v (five) replaced by C (about) + Y (year)"} {"Clue":"Doorman's drink (6)","Answer":"PORTER","Explanation":"Definition: Doormandrink\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Not immediately thinking about ignoring the alarm clock? (8,2)","Answer":"SLEEPING ON","Explanation":"Definition: Not immediately thinking aboutignoring the alarm clock\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Astronomer Newton putting narrative first (5)","Answer":"SAGAN","Explanation":"Definition: Astronomer\nSAGA (narrative) + N (newton) \u2013 Carl Sagan, American astronomer"} {"Clue":"Duke, having lost weight, is a quite different duke (9)","Answer":"ELLINGTON","Explanation":"Definition: a quite different duke\n[w]ELLINGTON (the Iron Duke) minus w (weight) \u2013 I've seen this a few times before, including in the last week in a different paper, but it may be new to some people, who will therefore like it: here's the different duke"} {"Clue":"Penthouse-style work situation coveted by ambitious politicians? (4,6)","Answer":"HIGH OFFICE","Explanation":"Definition: Penthouse-style work situationcoveted by ambitious politicians\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Glandular tissue helps to hide malformed node (8)","Answer":"ADENOIDS","Explanation":"Definition: Glandular tissue\nAIDS (helps) round an anagram (malformed) of NODE"} {"Clue":"Imagine seeing something in yours! (5,3)","Answer":"MIND\u2019S EYE","Explanation":"(not very) cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Insanitary hospital locked up by nice guy in cast (10)","Answer":"UNHYGIENIC","Explanation":"Definition: Insanitary\nH (hospital) in an anagram (cast) of NICE GUY IN"} {"Clue":"Fighter's protection is good, er, to avoid exposure to Covid-19? (9)","Answer":"GUMSHIELD","Explanation":"Definition: Fighter's protection\nG (good) + UM (er) + SHIELD (to avoid exposure to Covid-19)"} {"Clue":"Darling tenor's intro to Regret Nothing (8)","Answer":"TRUELOVE","Explanation":"Definition: Darling\nT (tenor's intro) + RUE (regret) + LOVE (nothing)"} {"Clue":"An obsession about New York, no matter what (8)","Answer":"ANYTHING","Explanation":"Definition: no matter what\nA THING (an obsession) round NY (New York)"} {"Clue":"Test a plexiglass housing key element (6)","Answer":"STAPLE","Explanation":"Definition: key element\nContained in teST A PLExiglass"} {"Clue":"Ruffled father gets mad on losing lead (6)","Answer":"FRILLY","Explanation":"Definition: Ruffled\nFR (father) + [s]ILLY (mad)"} {"Clue":"Crowd downcast with no action outside action (5)","Answer":"PRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Crowd\n[de]PRESS[ed] (downcast, minus deed \u2013 action \u2013 outside)\u00a0 I don't know what the second 'action' is doing"} {"Clue":"A brassica, firm and large with edible tip (4)","Answer":"COLE","Explanation":"Definition: A brassica\nCO (firm) + L (large) + E (first {or last?} letter \u2013 tip \u2013 of edible"} {"Clue":"Lovers of the phonetic alphabet (5,3,6)","Answer":"ROMEO AND JULIET","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 as was pointed out last week, in the phonetic alphabet the spelling is Juliett"} {"Clue":"Not hearing about cold drink (5)","Answer":"DECAF","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nDEAF (not hearing) round C (cold)"} {"Clue":"Cliffhanging sort of account? (8)","Answer":"SUSPENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Cliffhanging sort of account?\nCryptic definition: a suspense account is 'an account in the books of an organization in which items are entered temporarily before allocation to the correct or final account' \u2013 which I didn't know"} {"Clue":"Finally arrived, but out of contention (7)","Answer":"NOWHERE","Explanation":"Definition: out of contention\nNOW HERE (finally arrived)"} {"Clue":"We must hold girl back at first, potential starlet (7)","Answer":"WANNABE","Explanation":"Definition: potential starlet\nWE round ANNA (girl) B[ack]"} {"Clue":"Raise one in army (5)","Answer":"HOIST","Explanation":"Definition: Raise\nI (one) in HOST (army)"} {"Clue":"Object about ill-considered heavy defeat (9)","Answer":"THRASHING","Explanation":"Definition: heavy defeat\nTHING (object) round RASH (ill-considered)"} {"Clue":"The dafter sort of sitcom? (6,3)","Answer":"FATHER TED","Explanation":"Definition: sitcom\nAn anagram (sort of) of THE DAFTER"} {"Clue":"Already told not to delay purchase (2,3)","Answer":"BY NOW","Explanation":"Definition: Already\nSounds like (told) 'Buy now'"} {"Clue":"Care had to be exercised in this absurd pretence (7)","Answer":"CHARADE","Explanation":"Definition: absurd pretence\nAn anagram (to be exercised) of CARE HAD"} {"Clue":"Italian team keeping on leader of chant (7)","Answer":"INTONER","Explanation":"Definition: leader of chant\nINTER (Italian team) round ON"} {"Clue":"Mark that may be one over the 8? (8)","Answer":"ASTERISK","Explanation":"Definition: Mark\nOn a keyboard! \u2013 I liked that"} {"Clue":"Russian author left by such an erotic dancer (5)","Answer":"GOGOL","Explanation":"Definition: Russian author\nGO-GO (an erotic dancer) + L (left)"} {"Clue":"Our narrow separation from the EU (7,2,5)","Answer":"STRAITS OF DOVER","Explanation":"Definition: Our narrow separation from the EU\nCryptic definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Frenetic head, storming around, looks like this? (3,2,3,4)","Answer":"RED IN THE FACE","Explanation":"Definition: this\nAn anagram (storming around) of FRENETIC HEAD"} {"Clue":"Parrot beginning to make a sound like a crow (5)","Answer":"MACAW","Explanation":"Definition: Parrot\nM[ake] + A + CAW (sound like a crow)"} {"Clue":"Misaligned, hence moved to No 1 court? (3-6)","Answer":"OFF-CENTRE","Explanation":"Definition: Misaligned\nCryptic definition, referring to tennis"} {"Clue":"Surprisingly won seat, Labour not being involved (2,5)","Answer":"NO SWEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Labour not being involved\nAn anagram (surprisingly) of WON SEAT \u2013 my favourite clue"} {"Clue":"Military doctrine, merely crude when raised (4,3)","Answer":"JUST WAR","Explanation":"Definition: Military doctrine,\nJUST (merely) + a reversal (raised) of RAW (crude)"} {"Clue":"One twice disturbs Len in this relaxing morning (3-2)","Answer":"LIE-IN","Explanation":"Definition: relaxing morning\nI (one) twice in LEN"} {"Clue":"Korean, for one, eats cooking by a Welsh girl (4,5)","Answer":"EAST ASIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Korean, for one\nAn anagram (cooking) of EATS + A SIAN (a Welsh girl)"} {"Clue":"Tweeter reviewed brewed lagers (5,7)","Answer":"SEDGE WARBLER","Explanation":"Definition: Tweeter\nAn anagram (reviewed) of BREWED LAGERS"} {"Clue":"On the way, carried by Ford? (2,7)","Answer":"IN TRANSIT","Explanation":"Definition: On the way\nIn a Ford Transit van?"} {"Clue":"Clog (old) deliberately ruined (9)","Answer":"SABOTAGED","Explanation":"Definition: deliberately ruined\nSABOT (clog) + AGED {old)"} {"Clue":"Poet's title so unusual (1,1,5)","Answer":"T. S. ELIOT","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\nAn anagram (unusual) of TITLE SO \u2013 which makes a change from TOILETS"} {"Clue":"Doctor to consume fluid and toast (5,2)","Answer":"DRINK TO","Explanation":"Definition: toast\nDR (doctor) TO round INK (fluid)"} {"Clue":"Some virtual example of personal assistant (5)","Answer":"ALEXA","Explanation":"Definition: personal assistant\nHidden in virtuAL EXAmple \u2013 I liked this one, too"} {"Clue":"Never ever green, even vaguely? That's primarily desert (5)","Answer":"NEGEV","Explanation":"Definition: desert\nInitial letters of Never Ever Green Even Vaguely"} {"Clue":"Dog's coat (6)","Answer":"AFGHAN","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Jokes about very strong island birds (7)","Answer":"PUFFINS","Explanation":"Definition: birds\nPUNS (jokes) round FF (very strong) I (island)"} {"Clue":"Spooner's brown dress, it's abandoned (5,4)","Answer":"GHOST TOWN","Explanation":"Definition: it's abandoned\nToast (brown) gown (dress) \u2013 not a satisfying Spoonerism for me, since toast gown is not a meaningful phrase"} {"Clue":"Daughter's keen on Beckham (5)","Answer":"DAVID","Explanation":"Definition: Beckham\nD (daughter) + AVID (keen)"} {"Clue":"Oilfield found in London borough (5)","Answer":"BRENT","Explanation":"Definition: OilfieldLondon borough\nDouble definition \u2013 both of them rather tough for non-UK solvers"} {"Clue":"Oddly, does rhythm lead to corruption? (9)","Answer":"DECADENCE","Explanation":"Definition: corruption\nOdd letters of DoEs + CADENCE (rhythm)"} {"Clue":"Turing secures D-Day and independence with rubber, perhaps (7)","Answer":"ALADDIN","Explanation":"Definition: rubber, perhaps\nALAN (Turing) round D D(day) + I (indepenence) \u2013 reference to Aladdin rubbing the magic lamp"} {"Clue":"Felix, I request sandwiches and potion (6)","Answer":"ELIXIR","Explanation":"Definition: potion\nHidden in fELIX I Request"} {"Clue":"International exams recalled by head of school \u2014 still time? (6)","Answer":"STASIS","Explanation":"Definition: still time\nA reversal (recalled) of I (international) SATS (exams) + S[chool]"} {"Clue":"Grows old, returning to sleep with dreams on vacation (7)","Answer":"EXPANDS","Explanation":"Definition: Grows\nEX (old) + a reversal (returning) of NAP (sleep) + D[ream]S"} {"Clue":"Struggle to cover up torn pants every couple of weeks (9)","Answer":"FORTNIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: couple of weeks\nFIGHT (struggle) round an anagram (pants) of TORN \u2013 I'm not sure what 'every' is doing"} {"Clue":"Harry loves to do what you do (5)","Answer":"SOLVE","Explanation":"Definition: what you do\nAn anagram (harry) of LOVES \u2013 my husband's name was Harry and he did"} {"Clue":"Epic poem before AD 151? (5)","Answer":"ILIAD","Explanation":"Definition: Epic poem\nI + L (fifty) + I before AD \u2013 one of Qaos' trademark 'mathematical' clues"} {"Clue":"Confusing meaning', admits Number 10, over current testing (9)","Answer":"EXAMINING","Explanation":"Definition: testing\nAn anagram (confusing) of MEANING round (admits) X (number ten) and I (current)"} {"Clue":"First lady to settle on a mountain (7)","Answer":"EVEREST","Explanation":"Definition: mountain\nEVE (first lady) + REST (settle)"} {"Clue":"One who prays is good, good adult, right? (6)","Answer":"BEGGAR","Explanation":"Definition: One who prays\nBE (is) + G (good) twice + A (adult) + R (right) \u2013 not my favourite clue\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"A large problem grasping second part of mathematics (7)","Answer":"ALGEBRA","Explanation":"Definition: part of mathematics\nAn anagram (problem) of A LARGE round B (second)"} {"Clue":"Turning up, for example, about to throw ball (5)","Answer":"GLOBE","Explanation":"Definition: ball\nA reversal (turning up) of EG (for example) round LOB (throw)"} {"Clue":"Height, not length, taking time over special views (9)","Answer":"ATTITUDES","Explanation":"Definition: views\nA[l]TITUDE (height) with the l (length) replaced by T (time) + S (special)"} {"Clue":"North American wearing awfully cheap style (7)","Answer":"PANACHE","Explanation":"Definition: style\nN (north) A (American) in an anagram (awfully) of CHEAP"} {"Clue":"Bill starts to expect disaster after fellow disappeared (5)","Answer":"FADED","Explanation":"Definition: disappeared\nF (fellow) + AD (bill) + initial letters of Expect Disaster"} {"Clue":"Roughly, 9 can be divided by both 5 and 0? That's a lie! (9)","Answer":"INVENTION","Explanation":"Definition: a lie\nV (five) in an anagram (roughly) of NINE + O in TIN (can)"} {"Clue":"Theologian, 'e's wearing a red top? That's unexpected (6)","Answer":"SUDDEN","Explanation":"Definition: unexpected\nDD (Doctor of Divinity \u2013 theologian) + E in (wearing) SUN (red top newspaper)"} {"Clue":"Happy anniversary! (6)","Answer":"GOLDEN","Explanation":"A third double definition"} {"Clue":"Touring France, unusual relief at what might happen next? (9)","Answer":"AFTERLIFE","Explanation":"Definition: what might happen next?\nAn anagram (unusual) of RELIEF AT round F (France)"} {"Clue":"Unconcerned, first street gang to gain power (9)","Answer":"IMPASSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Unconcerned\nI thought I was going to have to admit defeat on this one but, after a lot of digging, I discovered that MASSIVE is a street gang, so it's I (first, as in regnal numbers) + MASSIVE round P (power)"} {"Clue":"Recommend way to eat posh scrambled eggs (7)","Answer":"SUGGEST","Explanation":"Definition: Recommend\nST (street \u2013 way) round U (posh) + an anagram (scrambled) of EGGS \u2013 calling to mind the dingbat-style clue that kept Henry from 'Drop the dead donkey' going all day"} {"Clue":"Perhaps bye-bye kiss stops tears flowing? (6)","Answer":"EXTRAS","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps bye-bye\nX ( a kiss) in an anagram (flowing) of TEARS \u2013 a bye in cricket is an extra and here we have two of them"} {"Clue":"One putting off batsmen, by Surrey opener's accounts (7)","Answer":"SLEDGER","Explanation":"Definition: One putting off batsmen\nS[urrey] + LEDGER (accounts) \u2013 another cricketing term, see here"} {"Clue":"Position retired skater might be in (6)","Answer":"OFFICE","Explanation":"Definition: Position\nA retired skater might be said to be OFF ICE"} {"Clue":"Poke fun, you said, pinching wide bottoms (5)","Answer":"NUDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Poke\nU (you) in the last letters (bottoms) of fuN saiD pinchinG widE\u00a0 *\u00a0(Or, rather, simply the last letters of fuN yoU saiD pinchinG widE \u2013 thanks to Jay @32)"} {"Clue":"Dropping introduction to brief is being dishonest (5)","Answer":"LYING","Explanation":"Definition: being dishonest\n[f]LYING \u2013 brief, as in flying visit"} {"Clue":"Royal Prestige's premier dinnerware set out to welcome head of China (6,6)","Answer":"PRINCE ANDREW","Explanation":"Definition: Royal\nP (first letter \u2013 premier) 0f P[restige] + an anagram (set out) of DINNERWARE round C[hina] \u2013 a brilliant clue: Royal Prestige is, in fact, dinnerware \u2013 and what a super surface"} {"Clue":"Being honest, letter written by boy on road is to appear in Telegraph (5,2,3,5)","Answer":"CARDS ON THE TABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Being honest\nRD (road) + SON (boy) + THETA (letter) in CABLE (telegraph)"} {"Clue":"Evidence when watching big game in person? (6)","Answer":"ATTEST","Explanation":"Definition: Evidence\nAT TEST \u2013 watching big game in person (evidence as a verb)"} {"Clue":"Constriction of edges in this? (8)","Answer":"THLIPSIS","Explanation":"Definition: Constriction\nLIPS (edges) in THIS \u2013 a new word for me but the cluing couldn't be clearer"} {"Clue":"Glass sailing ship (8)","Answer":"SCHOONER","Explanation":"Definition: Glasssailing ship\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Mark the end of Athens, perhaps, carrying cross (6)","Answer":"STIGMA","Explanation":"Definition: Mark\nThe Greek letter SIGMA\u00a0 (the end of Athens, perhaps) round T (tau\u00a0-cross)"} {"Clue":"Man, say, (or poetically not), portrayed from the outset in strange light (6)","Answer":"ISLAND","Explanation":"(The Isle of) Man, say, \u2013 or poetically not, as in John Donne's poem:"} {"Clue":"Dorothy's dog, all dressed up for a party, wanting to make the most of it (2,2,4)","Answer":"GO TO TOWN","Explanation":"Definition: make the most of it\nTOTO (Dorothy's dog in 'The Wizard of Oz') in GOWN (i.e. dressed up for a party)"} {"Clue":"Mr Big is right and Dr Gould wrong (4,4)","Answer":"DRUG LORD","Explanation":"Definition: Mr Big\nAn anagram (wrong) of R (right) and DR GOULD"} {"Clue":"Subject to change, bilateral art removed (6)","Answer":"LIABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Subject\nAn anagram (to change) of BIL[at]E[r]AL minus 'art'"} {"Clue":"Have one tot after another? (3,3,5,4)","Answer":"WET THE BABY\u2019S HEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Have one tot after another?\nCryptic definition, relying on two meanings of tot: to celebrate a baby's arrival with a drink \u2013 or two"} {"Clue":"An American song book might include one rough drawing (6,6)","Answer":"YANKEE DOODLE","Explanation":"Definition: An American song book might include one rough drawing\nA sort of double \/ cryptic definition: it's an American song and a doodle is a rough drawing\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Work on features, maybe, captures grisly changes (7,7)","Answer":"PLASTIC SURGERY","Explanation":"Definition: Work on features, maybe\nA clever anagram (changes) of CAPTURES GRISLY, with a lovely (?) surface"} {"Clue":"Trendy end to this music (5)","Answer":"INDIE","Explanation":"Definition: music\nIN (trendy) + DIE (end)"} {"Clue":"Some toast stunning defeat in study (7)","Answer":"CROUTON","Explanation":"Definition: Some toast\nROUT (stunning fedeat) in CON (study)"} {"Clue":"For no good reason sacking frontman of the Family Stone, a Scottish rock group (7)","Answer":"NEEDLES","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish rock group\nNEEDLES[sly] (for no good reason) minus sly"} {"Clue":"Gather cape's put back in position (9)","Answer":"REAPPOINT","Explanation":"Definition: put back in position\nREAP (gather) + POINT (cape)"} {"Clue":"Women suffering introduction from Hadrian, say \u2014 hero of the Scots (7,7)","Answer":"WILLIAM WALLACE","Explanation":"Definition: hero of the Scots\nW (women) + ILL (suffering) + I AM WALL ACE, as Hadrian might introduce himself\u00a0 \u2013William Wallace\u00a0 was the subject of the film 'Braveheart'"} {"Clue":"This coin is ancient, I say (6)","Answer":"STATER","Explanation":"Definition: This coin is ancientI say\nDouble definition \u2013 an ancient Greek coin and a person who says"} {"Clue":"Sounded from belfry? Oscar climbs there with an ape (5-4)","Answer":"ORANG-UTAN","Explanation":"Definition: ape\nRANG OUT (sounded from belfry) with the O (Oscar) moving to the top \u2013 climbing + AN"} {"Clue":"Base cracking intricate codes? I see (7)","Answer":"DIOCESE","Explanation":"Definition: see\nE (base) in an anagram (intricate) of CODES I"} {"Clue":"Accursed Englishman's noonday companion's turned up (6)","Answer":"GODDAM","Explanation":"Definition: Accursed\nA reversal (turned up) of MAD DOG \u2013 in Noel Coward's song, 'Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun'"} {"Clue":"Nevertheless, chum climbs into a four-in-hand (5-2)","Answer":"TALLY-HO","Explanation":"Definition: four-in-hand\nALLY (chum) in THO (nevertheless) \u2013 a four-in-hand carriage, as well as a hunting call"} {"Clue":"In a higher degree Enigmatist may be a pest (5)","Answer":"APHID","Explanation":"Definition: may be a pest\nI (Enigmatist) in A PH.D (a higher degree)"} {"Clue":"What programmer does is computer-generated (6)","Answer":"CODING","Explanation":"Definition: What programmer does\nCG = computer-generated \u2013 ODIN, Norse god of wisdom, poetry, death, divination, magic \u2026"} {"Clue":"Prince with second officers (8)","Answer":"MARSHALS","Explanation":"Definition: officers\nHAL (prince) + S (second) \u2013 MARS, Roman god of war"} {"Clue":"Intelligence one's giving Arabs (6)","Answer":"IRAQIS","Explanation":"Definition: Arabs\nIQ (intelligence) + I'S (one's) \u2013 RA, Egyptian god of the sun"} {"Clue":"Awful quality of discs, regularly scratched (8)","Answer":"DIRENESS","Explanation":"Definition: Awful quality\nAlternate letters (regularly scratched) of DiScS \u2013 IRENE, Greek goddess of peace"} {"Clue":"Dancers rolling cigs around both hands (6,5)","Answer":"CHORUS GIRLS","Explanation":"Definition: Dancers\nAn anagram (rolling) of CIGS round RL (both hands) \u2013 HORUS, Egyptian god of kingship and the sky"} {"Clue":"Old man welcomes card player with poker face (7)","Answer":"DEADPAN","Explanation":"Definition: with poker face\nDAD (old man) round E (East \u2013 bridge player) \u2013 PAN, Roman god of the wild, shepherds, flocks, rustic music \u2026"} {"Clue":"Lacking faith in vessel, do glide westwards (7)","Answer":"GODLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Lacking faith\nReversed hidden in veSSEL DO Glide"} {"Clue":"Crazy investing sadly returning capital (3,2,6)","Answer":"DAR ES SALAAM","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nA reversal (returning) of MAD (crazy) round (investing) ALAS (sadly) \u2013 ARES, Greek god of war; Dar es Salaam is the former capital of Tanzania"} {"Clue":"Turned up clutching one lady's undergarment (8)","Answer":"CAMISOLE","Explanation":"Definition: lady's undergarment\nCAME (turned up) round I (one) \u2013 SOL, Roman god of the sun"} {"Clue":"Person sacrificed sheep the wrong way (6)","Answer":"MARTYR","Explanation":"Definition: Person sacrificed\nA reversal (the wrong way) of RAM (sheep) \u2013 TYR, Norse god of war"} {"Clue":"Feeling of aversion in country, moving south-east (8)","Answer":"DISTASTE","Explanation":"Definition: Feeling of aversion\nSTATE (country) with the S (south) moved to the right (east) \u2013 DIS, Roman god of the Underworld"} {"Clue":"Computer's flipping small parts on screen (6)","Answer":"CAMEOS","Explanation":"Definition: small parts on screen\nA reversal (flipping) of MAC (computer) + EOS \u2013 Greek goddess of the dawn\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Correctly positioned current units on manoeuvres (2,4)","Answer":"IN SITU","Explanation":"Definition: Correctly positioned\nI (current) + an anagram (on manoeuvre) of UNITS"} {"Clue":"Are six fags put out? They may be in bed (10)","Answer":"SAXIFRAGES","Explanation":"Definition: They may be in bed\nAn anagram (put out) of ARE SIX FAGS \u2013 I wondered about the plural but found that there are over 400 species; I'd always wondered about the etymology \u2013 'rock-breaking' \u2013 thinking that it probably referred to the fact that it grows in clefts of rock, but had never looked it up. This does seem to be the most likely explanation but I found that Pliny the Elder, in his Natural History said that he believed it alluded to its medicinal use in (among other things) dissolving kidney stones. I found the relevant passage in this weighty and erudite work on another site but then I lost the link and would have had to pay a considerable number of dollars to pass it on \u2013 some of the other medicinal uses were so bizarre that I was going to add the caveat 'Don't try this at home'"} {"Clue":"Fools Sun journalist given appraisal (8)","Answer":"ASSESSED","Explanation":"Definition: given appraisal\nASSES (fools) + S (sun) + ED (journalist)"} {"Clue":"Mint drink isn't quite finished in match (8)","Answer":"COINCIDE","Explanation":"Definition: match\nCOIN (mint) \u2013 both verbs + CIDE[r] (drink not quite finished)"} {"Clue":"Fancy loading packing area on a slope (8)","Answer":"DIAGONAL","Explanation":"Definition: on a slope\nAn anagram (fancy) of LOADING round (packing) A (area)"} {"Clue":"Top ten introduced by a spinning record (4)","Answer":"APEX","Explanation":"Definition: Top\nA + a reversal (spinning) of EP (record) + X (ten)"} {"Clue":"Band quiet after covers of Sinatra (4)","Answer":"SASH","Explanation":"Definition: Band\nSH (quiet) after S[inatr]A"} {"Clue":"Idea that is sweeping angry elite away (10)","Answer":"GENERALITY","Explanation":"Definition: Idea that is sweeping\nAn anagram (away) of ANGRY ELITE"} {"Clue":"On average, driving aid making a good comeback? (8)","Answer":"REPARTEE","Explanation":"Definition: a good comeback?\nRE (on) + PAR (average) + TEE (golf driving aid)"} {"Clue":"Old German bread Frank's putting away quietly (8)","Answer":"OSTMARKS","Explanation":"Definition: Old German bread\n[p]OSTMARK'S (frank's) minus (putting away) p (quietly), bread being slang for money \u2013 someone else here will like this"} {"Clue":"Set out to break part of bike stand (8)","Answer":"PEDESTAL","Explanation":"Definition: stand\nAn anagram (out) of SET in PEDAL (part of bike)"} {"Clue":"Dave stripped, given a rating for divine figure (6)","Answer":"AVATAR","Explanation":"Definition: divine figure\n[d]AV[e] + A TAR (a naval rating)"} {"Clue":" You'll be sent on a trip by this leader of air force (4)","Answer":"ACID","Explanation":"Definition: You'll be sent on a trip by this\nA[ir] + CID (police force)"} {"Clue":"Adult writing about love in book (4)","Answer":"AMOS","Explanation":"Definition: book\nA (adult) + MS writing) round O (love)"} {"Clue":"Race to eat a hot dog in America? (6)","Answer":"HURRAY","Explanation":"Definition: hot dog in America?\nHURRY (race) round A \u2013 I puzzled over this for ages, looking up 'hurray' in American dictionaries, to see if it meant a snack, then realised that I was looking at it the wrong way round: apparently, a hotdog in America can be 'an interjection erxpressing approval or gratification' (not in Chambers or Collins but I found it online)"} {"Clue":"Prayer an hour after midnight inspiring music, initially (4)","Answer":"IMAM","Explanation":"Definition: Prayer\nI AM (an hour after midnight) round M[usic] \u2013 the definition is to be read as pray-er: the imam leads the prayer in a mosque"} {"Clue":"A picture forged: active safety measure (10)","Answer":"PRECAUTION","Explanation":"Definition: safety measure\nAn anagram (forged) of A PICTURE + ON (active)"} {"Clue":"Alpine rocks from a mountainous country (6)","Answer":"NEPALI","Explanation":"Definition: from a mountainous country\nAn anagram (rocks) of ALPINE"} {"Clue":"Reportedly sudden surge of oil getting pan cleaner? (3,5)","Answer":"LOO BRUSH","Explanation":"Definition: pan cleaner\nSounds like lube rush (sudden surge of oil) \u2013 pan and loo both slang for toilet"} {"Clue":"Determination and spirit after first of defeats \u2014 one's beaten (5,4)","Answer":"STEEL DRUM","Explanation":"Definition: one's beaten\nSTEEL (determination) + D(efeats) + RUM (spirit)"} {"Clue":"Might it be worth an offence in football? (4,5)","Answer":"FOUL THROW","Explanation":"Definition: an offence in football\nA reverse anagram (foul) of WORTH"} {"Clue":"Paramour slightly off-centre? (1,3,2,3,4)","Answer":"A BIT ON THE SIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Paramour\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Present US president's a cow (8)","Answer":"HEREFORD","Explanation":"Definition: cow\nHERE (present) + (Gerald) FORD (US president)"} {"Clue":"Magic of spring, might you say, in table of data? (6)","Answer":"MATRIX","Explanation":"Definition: table of data\nSounds like May tricks (magic of spring)"} {"Clue":"Longest of three years in penthouse, debauched (10)","Answer":"HYPOTENUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Longest of three\nY (years?) in an anagram (debauched) 0f PENTHOUSE"} {"Clue":"Dope accessing superlatively exceptional region under threat (10)","Answer":"RAIN FOREST","Explanation":"Definition: region under threat\nINFO (dope) in RAREST (superlatively exceptional)"} {"Clue":"Inadequate place to go in dirty dwelling (6)","Answer":"SCANTY","Explanation":"Definition: Inadequate\nCAN (place to go \u2013 yet more slang for toilet) in STY (dirty dwelling)"} {"Clue":"Joined in action with mystical characters, those perhaps responsible for movement? (6,6)","Answer":"STEWED PRUNES","Explanation":"Definition: those perhaps responsible for movement?\nWED (joined) in STEP (action) + RUNES (mystical characters)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Start off bit before a dance (5)","Answer":"RUMBA","Explanation":"Definition: dance\n[c]RUMB (bit) + A"} {"Clue":"A page worked in practical (7)","Answer":"APPLIED","Explanation":"Definition: practical\nA P (page) + PLIED (worked) \u2013 definition as in maths"} {"Clue":"Grounds covered by area, so natural (6)","Answer":"REASON","Explanation":"Definition: Grounds\nContained in aREA SO Natural"} {"Clue":"Awfully famous old picture? (9)","Answer":"NOTORIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Awfully famousold picture\nDouble definition, the second referring to the Hitchcock film"} {"Clue":"Upcoming clips about America in union (7)","Answer":"SPOUSAL","Explanation":"Definition: union\nA reversal (upcoming) of LOPS (clips) round USA (America)"} {"Clue":"Spruce in deep hole removed (4-6-3)","Answer":"WELL-TURNED-OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Spruce\nWELL (deep hole) + TURNED OUT (removed)"} {"Clue":"Long way after English, unknown Portuguese greeting French author (5,4)","Answer":"EMILE ZOLA","Explanation":"Definition: French author\nE (English) + MILE (long way) + Z (unknown) + OLA (Portuguese greeting)"} {"Clue":"A couple of affirmatives for primates (3-4)","Answer":"AYE-AYES","Explanation":"Definition: primates\nA couple of affirmatives for these primates."} {"Clue":"Literary villain, one requesting a lift across northern suspension bridge, heading for trouble (7,7)","Answer":"HUMBERT HUMBERT","Explanation":"Definition: Literary villain\nTHUMBER (one requesting a lift) in HUMBER (estuary in Northern England crossed by a suspension bridge) + T(rouble) \u2013 HUMBERT is the villain in 'Lolita'. *Edit: see a better parsing @34 \u2013 thanks, Andrew. I wasn't happy with the 'across' in my version"} {"Clue":"Worshipped, whether bound for heaven or hell? (7)","Answer":"DEIFIED","Explanation":"Definition: Worshipped\nI can't see how this works: there's IF (whether) in there but I can't see the rest of it.* Edit: 'bound for heaven or hell' indicates that it's a palindrome \u2013 thanks to Ivor Flitman, Hovis and Penfold, comments 1-3"} {"Clue":"Order, say, two lots of aluminium with cheap bit thrown in (12)","Answer":"ALPHABETICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Order, say\nAL AL {two lots of aluminium) round an anagram (thrown in) of CHEAP BIT"} {"Clue":"Carried by sea westwards, third of team's missing coats (7)","Answer":"ENROBES","Explanation":"Definition: coats\nA reversal (westwards) of SE[a]BORNE (carried by sea) minus the third letter of [te]a[ms]"} {"Clue":"Abandoned South American stopped ringing (7)","Answer":"DISUSED","Explanation":"Definition: Abandoned\nDIED (stopped) round (ringing) S (South) US (American)"} {"Clue":"Trendy soldier's over visiting, notes swinger outside bar (3,4)","Answer":"INN SIGN","Explanation":"Definition: swinger outside bar\nIN (trendy) round a reversal (over) of GI'S (soldier's) N N (notes) \u2013 I liked the definition and the surface"} {"Clue":"When swimming, plaice swallow gallons of ocean (7)","Answer":"PELAGIC","Explanation":"Definition: of ocean\nAn anagram (when swimming) of PLAICE round G (gallons)"} {"Clue":"Work hard to acquire some essentially sexy allure (5)","Answer":"OOMPH","Explanation":"Definition: sexy allure\nOP (work) + H (hard) round [s]OM[e] essentially"} {"Clue":"Queen once has European hat back to front in part of UK (9)","Answer":"NEFERTITI","Explanation":"Definition: Queen once\nE (European) TITFER (hat) with the two halves exchanged (back to front) in NI (Northern Ireland \u2013 part of UK)"} {"Clue":"Storyteller regularly read books in heart of Paris (9)","Answer":"RACONTEUR","Explanation":"Definition: Storyteller\nAlternate letters (regularly) of ReAd + NT (New Testament \u2013 books) in COEUR (French for \u2013 'of Paris' \u2013 heart"} {"Clue":"Children hand in tin (5)","Answer":"SPAWN","Explanation":"Definition: Children\nPAW (hand) in SN (chemical formula for tin)"} {"Clue":"Our neighbour's front replaced with first of painted struts (7)","Answer":"PRANCES","Explanation":"Definition: struts\n[f[RANCE'S) (our neighbour's) with the first letter (front) replaced by first (letter) of Painted"} {"Clue":"A short distance divides Greek and Arab school (7)","Answer":"GRAMMAR","Explanation":"Definition: school\nA MM (a millimetre \u2013 short distance) in GR (Greek) AR (Arab)"} {"Clue":"Distance covered reversing, say, a cart (7)","Answer":"YARDAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Distance covered\nA reversal of EG (say) A DRAY (a cart)"} {"Clue":"Pen round old popular invention (7)","Answer":"COINAGE","Explanation":"Definition: invention\nCAGE (pen) round O (old) IN (popular)"} {"Clue":"Cynic with dope and ale disrupted source of dope (12)","Answer":"ENCYCLOPEDIA","Explanation":"Definition: source of dope\nAn anagram (disrupted) of CYNIC, DOPE and ALE\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"A chum married Nimby, for one (7)","Answer":"ACRONYM","Explanation":"Definition: Nimby, for one\nA CRONY (a chum) M (married) for Not In My Back Yard"} {"Clue":"Issue one pound raised in merchandise (7)","Answer":"PUBLISH","Explanation":"Definition: Issue\nA reversal (raised, in a down clue ) of I LB (one pound) in PUSH (merchandise, as a verb)"} {"Clue":"Dimwit previously stole 'A New Feature of Poetry' (9)","Answer":"ASSONANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Feature of Poetry\nASS (dimwit) + ONCE (previously) round (stole) A N ( a new)"} {"Clue":"Turn out to be the last to join in eastern party (3,2)","Answer":"END UP","Explanation":"Definition: Turn out\n[joi]N in E (eastern) DUP (Democratic Unionist Party)"} {"Clue":"Remote city in ruins rebuilt (7)","Answer":"INSULAR","Explanation":"Definition: Remote\nLA (Los Angeles \u2013 city) in an anagram (rebuilt) of RUINS"} {"Clue":"African leader is circling a long time, twirling his weapon (7)","Answer":"ASSEGAI","Explanation":"Definition: his weapon\nA (African leader) + a reversal (twirling) of IS round circling AGES (a long time)"} {"Clue":"English team in large firm chart last of May and Johnson's work (12)","Answer":"LEXICOGRAPHY","Explanation":"Definition: Johnson's work\nE (English) XI (eleven \u2013 team, as in football, cricket or hockey) in L (large) CO (company \u2013 firm) + GRAPH (chart) + [ma]Y \u2013 neat use of May and Johnson"} {"Clue":"Some stars support speech, the result of 7 (12)","Answer":"DICTIONARIES","Explanation":"Definition: the result of 7\nARIES (some stars) after (supporting, in a down clue) DICTION (speech)"} {"Clue":"American wears fake top and army headgear (6,3)","Answer":"FORAGE CAP","Explanation":"Definition: army headgear\nA (American) in FORGE (fake) + CAP (top)"} {"Clue":"Series covering last British king's mortification (7)","Answer":"CHAGRIN","Explanation":"Definition: mortification\nCHAIN (series) round GR (George {VI} \u2013 last British king)"} {"Clue":"Workers collect delicious drink from this battered crate in city (7)","Answer":"NECTARY","Explanation":"Definition: Workers collect delicious drink from this\nAn anagram (battered) of CRATE in NY (New York \u2013 city) the workers being bees"} {"Clue":"Flier, black one, blocks main road (7)","Answer":"SEABIRD","Explanation":"Definition: Flier\nB I (black one) in (blocks) SEA (main) RD (road)"} {"Clue":"Motorists in Malta spoiled former capital (4-3)","Answer":"ALMA-ATA","Explanation":"Definition: former capital\nAA (Automobile Association \u2013 motorists) in an anagram (spoiled) of MALTA \u2013 now Almaty"} {"Clue":"Period working out in southern lakes (5)","Answer":"SPELL","Explanation":"Definition: Period\nPE (Physical Education \u2013 working out) in S (southern) LL (lakes)"} {"Clue":"Revealed card is better (6)","Answer":"OUTWIT","Explanation":"Definition: better\nOUT (revealed) + WIT (card \u2013 a comical or eccentric person)"} {"Clue":"Impede bad actor theatre rejected (6)","Answer":"HAMPER","Explanation":"Definition: Impede\nHAM (bad actor) + a reversal (rejected) of REP(ertory) (theatre)"} {"Clue":"Lives with the French on Skye, perhaps (4)","Answer":"ISLE","Explanation":"Definition: Skye, perhaps\nIS (lives) + LE (one of the French words for the)"} {"Clue":"Crib rails gape badly around infant's head (10)","Answer":"PLAGIARISE","Explanation":"Definition: Crib\nAn anagram (badly) of RAILS GAPE round I[nfant] \u2013 a rather alarming surface!"} {"Clue":"Credit goddess for terrible situation (6)","Answer":"CRISIS","Explanation":"Definition: terrible situation\nCR (credit) + ISIS (goddess)"} {"Clue":"Doctor taking fee cut (8)","Answer":"LACERATE","Explanation":"Definition: cut\nLACE (doctor \u2013 as with a drink) + RATE (fee)"} {"Clue":"Submission of plea involving Queen (9)","Answer":"DEFERENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Submission\nDEFENCE (plea, in court) round ER (Queen)"} {"Clue":"Name location on the radio (4)","Answer":"CITE","Explanation":"Definition: Name\nSounds like (on the radio) site (location)"} {"Clue":"Playful piece of music lacking intro (4)","Answer":"ARCH","Explanation":"Definition: Playful\n[m]ARCH (piece of music, minus its initial letter \u2013 intro)"} {"Clue":"Meet religious group to the east of Bury (9)","Answer":"INTERSECT","Explanation":"Definition: Meet\nSECT (religious group) after (to the east of, in an across clue) INTER (bury)"} {"Clue":"Piano and stringed instrument returned by worker complaining (8)","Answer":"PETULANT","Explanation":"Definition: complaining\nP (piano) + a reversal (returned) of LUTE (stringed instrument) + ANT (worker)"} {"Clue":"Go by plant (6)","Answer":"PEPPER","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nPEP (go, as a noun \u2013 energy, spirit) + PER (by)"} {"Clue":"Meticulous firm promises to hide identity (10)","Answer":"FASTIDIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Meticulous\nFAST (firm) + IOUS (promises to pay) round ID (identity)"} {"Clue":"Warning from heads of Ofsted mentioned extra numeracy (4)","Answer":"OMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Warning\nInitial letters (heads) of Ofsted Mentioned Extra Numeracy"} {"Clue":"Lucrative work student left out (6)","Answer":"EARNER","Explanation":"Definition: Lucrative work\n[l]EARNER (student) minus l (left)"} {"Clue":"Agreement from number overwhelmed by strength (6)","Answer":"ASSENT","Explanation":"Definition: Agreement\nASSET (strength) round N (number)"} {"Clue":"Watch old boy wait (7)","Answer":"OBSERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Watch\nOB (old boy) + SERVE (wait)"} {"Clue":"Lock theatre's spare boxes (5)","Answer":"TRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Lock\nContained in (boxes) theaTRE'S Spare"} {"Clue":"Progress hampered by setter repeatedly leading to deadlock (7)","Answer":"IMPASSE","Explanation":"Definition: deadlock\nPASS (progress) in (hampered by) I and ME (setter repeatedly)"} {"Clue":"A dish church gives to each individually (6)","Answer":"APIECE","Explanation":"Definition: to each individually\nA PIE (a dish) + CE (Church of England)"} {"Clue":"Pictures left by artist having oddly deficient vistas (9)","Answer":"PORTRAITS","Explanation":"Definition: Pictures\nPORT (left) + RA (artist) + even (oddly deficient) letters of vIsTaS"} {"Clue":"Prize setter trotting around ring (7)","Answer":"ROSETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Prize\nAn anagram (trotting) of SETTER round O (ring) \u2013 a rather unusual anagram indicator but it fits the surface neatly, as a rosette might be awarded at a gymkhana"} {"Clue":"Lobby people to accept unlimited lucid dream (13)","Answer":"HALLUCINATION","Explanation":"Definition: dream\nHALL (lobby) + NATION (people) round [l]UCI[d]"} {"Clue":"Leaderless troops oppose battle (9)","Answer":"ENCOUNTER","Explanation":"Definition: battle\n[m]EN (troops, minus the initial letter \u2013 leader) + COUNTER (oppose)"} {"Clue":"Over time, state becomes mean (7)","Answer":"AVERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: mean\nAVER (state) + AGE (time)"} {"Clue":"Displays old models (7)","Answer":"EXPOSES","Explanation":"Definition: Displays\nEX (old) + POSES (models)"} {"Clue":"Kind of glue covering bottom of label (7)","Answer":"CLEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Kind\nCEMENT (glue) round [labe]L"} {"Clue":"Worker left European stock (6)","Answer":"HANDLE","Explanation":"Definition: stock\nHAND (worker) + L (left) + E (European) \u2013 stock as the handle of e. g. a whip or fishing rod"} {"Clue":"Press release on individual is lying (5)","Answer":"PRONE","Explanation":"Definition: ying\nPR (press release) + ONE (individual)"} {"Clue":" Legend, very generous sort, Mrs Thatcher \u2014 as if! (6,9)","Answer":"FATHER CHRISTMAS","Explanation":"Definition: Legend, very generous\nA brilliant anagram (sort) of MRS THATCHER AS IF"} {"Clue":"One's appeal right for inspiring artist (8)","Answer":"PISSARRO","Explanation":"Definition: artist\nPRO (for) round (inspiring) I'S (one's) SA (sex appeal) R (right)"} {"Clue":"12 flipping thick, Lewis Hamilton now said (8)","Answer":"MIDNIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: 12\nA reversal (flipping) of DIM (thick) + NIGHT (sounds like \u2013 said \u2013 knight), as Lewis Hamilton now is, since the New Year Honours"} {"Clue":"Not totally wanton, I'm saying about woman (6)","Answer":"YASMIN","Explanation":"Definition: woman\nA hidden reversal (about) in wantoN IM SAYing"} {"Clue":"Initially nervous: when turning to drink, gains a little extra confidence (12)","Answer":"SANGUINENESS","Explanation":"Definition: confidence\nA reversal (when turning) of N[ervous] AS (when) + GUINNESS (drink) round E[xtra]"} {"Clue":"Shock for a criminal (4)","Answer":"AFRO","Explanation":"Definition: Shock\nAn anagram (criminal) of FOR A"} {"Clue":"Idiot's taken in twice about countryman (8)","Answer":"MOROCCAN","Explanation":"Definition: countryman\nMORON (idiot) round C CA (both abbreviations \u2013 twice \u2013 of circa {about})"} {"Clue":"Canister could be smaller (8)","Answer":"SCANTIER","Explanation":"Definition: smaller\nAn anagram (could be) of CANISTER"} {"Clue":"Was sorry about making vulgar sound (4)","Answer":"RUED","Explanation":"Definition: Was sorry about\nSounds like rude (vulgar)"} {"Clue":"Bar staff finally on site dressed as pirates (12)","Answer":"COUNTERFEITS","Explanation":"Definition: pirates\nCOUNTER (bar) + [staf]F + an anagram (dressed) of SITE"} {"Clue":"Lawyer with German's money getting in bother (6)","Answer":"DAMMIT","Explanation":"Definition: bother\nDA (District Attorney \u2013 lawyer) + MIT (German with) round M (money)"} {"Clue":"One being spiteful about letter going too far (1,3,4)","Answer":"A BIT MUCH","Explanation":"Definition: going too far\nA BITCH (one being spiteful) round MU (Greek letter)"} {"Clue":"Associates with right-wing types (8)","Answer":"CONSORTS","Explanation":"Definition: Associates\nCON (right wing) + SORTS (types)"} {"Clue":"Close to rock, gets to swim with a seal (6)","Answer":"GASKET","Explanation":"Definition: seal\nAn anagram (to swim) of [roc]K GETS A\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Insatiable drama queen stood up (4)","Answer":"AVID","Explanation":"Definition: Insatiable\nA reversal (stood up, in a down clue) of DIVA (drama queen)"} {"Clue":"Easily passes with professor coming round (5,4)","Answer":"HANDS DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Easily\nHANDS (passes) + DON (professor) round W (with)"} {"Clue":"Queen's in study endlessly drinking alcohol (6)","Answer":"REGINA","Explanation":"Definition: Queen\nREA[d] (study, endlessly) round GIN (alcohol)"} {"Clue":"Increasingly disconcerted by standards in war novel (in more than one way, some might say) (3,3,4,5)","Answer":"PUT OUT MORE FLAGS","Explanation":"Definition: war novel (in more than one way, some might say)\nPUT OUT MORE (increasingly disconcerted) + FLAGS (standards) \u2013 novel by Evelyn Waugh, set in the second World War, so 'war novel in more than one way, some might say' \u2013 but not those with a rhotic accent of course"} {"Clue":"Declare \u2014 Lara heading off after leg bye (8)","Answer":"SAYONARA","Explanation":"Definition: bye\nSAY (declare) + ON (leg) + [l]ARA \u2013 great cricketing surface"} {"Clue":"Wrongly firing Minister without Portfolio at first (5)","Answer":"ARSON","Explanation":"Definition: Wrongly firing\n[p]ARSON (minister without the first letter of portfolio)"} {"Clue":"Brings back some method of control over Washington? (10)","Answer":"REINSTATES","Explanation":"Definition: Brings back\nREINS (some method of control) round STATE (Washington)"} {"Clue":"An oaf at first implying Covid not very problematic \u2014 nut! (10)","Answer":"AFICIONADO","Explanation":"Definition: nut\nAn anagram (problematic) of AN OAF + I[mplying] + CO[v]ID minus v (very)"} {"Clue":"Awful rubbish! Charlie upset person calling the shots (8)","Answer":"DIRECTOR","Explanation":"Definition: person calling the shots\nDIRE (awful) + a reversal (upset) of ROT (rubbish) + C (Charlie \u2013 NATO phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Weakness with fellow off sick (6)","Answer":"AILING","Explanation":"Definition: sick\n[f]AILING (weakness) minus f (fellow)"} {"Clue":"Labels men as fickle (5)","Answer":"NAMES","Explanation":"Definition: Labels\nAn anagram (fickle) of MEN AS"} {"Clue":"After not much revision, came top (4)","Answer":"ACME","Explanation":"Definition: top\nAn anagram (after not much revision) of CAME"} {"Clue":"For middle of month, put in one unknown soldier, historically (8)","Answer":"JANIZARY","Explanation":"Definition: soldier, historically\nThis was indeed an **unknown soldier** for me, at least, but, as it says on the tin, 'for u' (middle letter of January \u2013 month) 'put in' I (one) Z (unknown); 'middle of month' was slightly misleading \u2013 see 11ac"} {"Clue":"Back a time and a place for events (5)","Answer":"ARENA","Explanation":"Definition: a place for events\nA reversal (back) of AN ERA (a time)"} {"Clue":"Dramatically it follows the winter's end, we hear (4)","Answer":"TALE","Explanation":"Definition: Dramatically it follows the winter's\nTALE follows (dramatically) 'The Winter's \u2026.' in the title of Shakespeare's play and it sounds like 'tail' (end); I'm truly ashamed of how long it took me to see this \u2013 too fixated on R being 'winter's end', as I'm sure was the intention"} {"Clue":"Some February mail \u2014 around middle of month lets naive get excited? (10)","Answer":"VALENTINES","Explanation":"Definition: Some February mail\nAn anagram (excited) of LETS NAIVE round N (it really is the middle letter of 'moNth' this time, after the misdirection in 8ac) and Valentine's Day (14th) is exactly the middle of the month \u2013 neat"} {"Clue":"Springtime festival's call for help (6)","Answer":"MAYDAY","Explanation":"Definition: Springtime festivalcall for help\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"British admitting poet wanting to return in April (8)","Answer":"BROWNING","Explanation":"Definition: poet wanting to return in April\nBR (British) + OWNING (admitting) \u2013 a reference to the opening lines of Robert Browning's poem, 'Home thoughts from abroad':"} {"Clue":"Be scrupulous with slight touch after start of summer (7)","Answer":"STICKLE","Explanation":"Definition: Be scrupulous\nS(ummer) + TICKLE (slight touch) \u2013 I don't think I've met this as a verb but I suppose a stickler must be one who stickles"} {"Clue":"March, perhaps, for international event (7)","Answer":"PROTEST","Explanation":"Definition: March, perhaps\nPRO (for) TEST (international event)"} {"Clue":"Said with relief where royalty goes in summer sometimes (8)","Answer":"BALMORAL","Explanation":"Definition: where royalty goes in summer sometimes\nBALM (relief) + ORAL (said) for **the Queen's holiday cottage"} {"Clue":"Saint seen in one page of annual publication? In a way that's fair (6)","Answer":"JUSTLY","Explanation":"Definition: In a way that's fair\nST (saint) in JULY (one page of annual publication) \u2013 let's hope we'll be needing our calendars more this year than we did in 2020 \u2013 I liked the definition"} {"Clue":"Frantically organises to contain end of spring hostility (10)","Answer":"AGGRESSION","Explanation":"Definition: hostility\nAn anagram (frantically) of ORGANISES round [sprin]G"} {"Clue":"Stretch between spring and end of autumn (4)","Answer":"SPAN","Explanation":"Definition: Stretch\nSPA (spring) + [autum]N \u2013 a little gem, I thought"} {"Clue":"Our group on board? Reduced fare from Japan (5)","Answer":"SUSHI","Explanation":"Definition: fare from Japan\nUS (our group) in SHI[p], reduced \u2013 so 'on board'"} {"Clue":"Specimens one removed from tall buildings after test (8)","Answer":"EXAMPLES","Explanation":"Definition: Specimens\nP[i]LES (tall buildings, minus i \u2013 one removed) after EXAM (test)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Cause of cloudiness that affects visibility in fall (8)","Answer":"CATARACT","Explanation":"Definition: Cause of cloudiness that affects visibilityfall\nDouble definition \u2013 perhaps I'll have fewer typos when I've had mine dealt with but apparently they're not ready for treatment yet"} {"Clue":"Help for speaker that comes before November (4)","Answer":"MIKE","Explanation":"Definition: Help for speaker\nMIKE (help for speaker) comes before November in the NATO phonetic alphabet"} {"Clue":"Heart specialist's trick taking in Republican on the Fourth of July (6)","Answer":"HARVEY","Explanation":"Definition: Heart specialist\nHAVE (trick) round R (republican) + [jul]Y \u2013** here's the heart specialist"} {"Clue":"Information on courses, some tribally set up (7)","Answer":"SYLLABI","Explanation":"Definition: Information on courses\nHidden reversal (up) in trIBALLY Set"} {"Clue":"You can't miss it on board at sea before year's end (4,4)","Answer":"BARN DOOR","Explanation":"Definition: You can't miss it\nAn anagram (at sea) of ON BOARD before [yea]R"} {"Clue":"Names dynasty one's located among offspring being raised (10)","Answer":"DESIGNATES","Explanation":"Definition: Names\nA reversal (raised, in a down clue) of TANG (Chinese dynasty) + I'S (one's) in SEED (offspring)"} {"Clue":"Oktoberfest setting for local by replacing TV, bit by bit, in pub (6)","Answer":"BAYERN","Explanation":"Definition: Oktoberfest setting for local\nBY replaces (bit by bit) TV in TAVERN (pub) for the German (local) name for Bavaria; the Oktoberfest takes place in Munich"} {"Clue":"Russian revolutionary's exceptionally discreet about doctor (10)","Answer":"DECEMBRIST","Explanation":"Definition: Russian revolutionary\nAn anagram ( exceptionally) of DISCREET round MB (doctor)"} {"Clue":"Test ground with it, as rule (8)","Answer":"LORDSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: rule\nLORD'S (test ground) + HIP (with it)"} {"Clue":"Violently attacked about pound being rescued (8)","Answer":"SALVAGED","Explanation":"Definition: rescued\nSAVAGED (violently attacked) round L (pound)"} {"Clue":"Upset last month over mail being misdirected, it's asserted (7)","Answer":"CLAIMED","Explanation":"Definition: asserted\nA reversal (upset) of DEC[ember] (last month) round (over) an anagram (misdirected) of MAIL"} {"Clue":"A flurry about Burmese title that's imposing (6)","Answer":"AUGUST","Explanation":"Definition: imposing\nA GUST ( a flurry] round U (Burmese title)"} {"Clue":"Place in Alaska where gold's found after start of summer (6)","Answer":"JUNEAU","Explanation":"Definition: Place in Alaska\nAU (chemical symbol for gold) found after JUNE (start of summer)"} {"Clue":"Short part of year for some Irish clan (4)","Answer":"SEPT","Explanation":"Definition: Short part of yearIrish clan\nDouble definition: SEPT[ember] short part of year and an **Irish clan"} {"Clue":"Mineral brought down, said Pole (8)","Answer":"FELDSPAR","Explanation":"Definition: Mineral\nFELD (sounds like \u2013 said \u2013 'felled' \u2013 brought down) + SPAR (pole) \u2013 see here"} {"Clue":"Delegate's record in service (6)","Answer":"DEPUTY","Explanation":"Definition: Delegate\nEP (record) in DUTY (service)"} {"Clue":"Faith very receptive to suggestion (6)","Answer":"SHINTO","Explanation":"Definition: Faith\nSO (very) round HINT (suggestion)"} {"Clue":"Selector's remarkable piece of armoury (8)","Answer":"CORSELET","Explanation":"Definition: piece of armoury\nAn anagram (remarkable) of SELECTOR"} {"Clue":"In the last month in college, apply to do lots together (9)","Answer":"MULTITASK","Explanation":"Definition: to do lots together\nULT (in the last month) in MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology \u2013 college) + ASK (apply)"} {"Clue":"Religious celebration fixed around 2nd February (5)","Answer":"FEAST","Explanation":"Definition: Religious celebration\nFAST (fixed) round second letter of fEbruary \u2013 yesterday (2nd February) was the Christian feast of Candlemas"} {"Clue":"Put up with a lecturer from the north (6)","Answer":"BOREAL","Explanation":"Definition: from the north\nBORE (put up with) A L (lecturer)"} {"Clue":"Some may say sex worker has a stout rope (6)","Answer":"HAWSER","Explanation":"Definition: stout rope\nSounds like (to those with non-rhotic accents \u2013 'some') WHORE'S A (sex worker has a )"} {"Clue":"What one may hear from horse thief (6)","Answer":"NICKER","Explanation":"Definition: What one may hear from horsethief\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Owns toboggan, endless bother (6)","Answer":"HASSLE","Explanation":"Definition: bother\nHAS (owns) SLE(d) (toboggan \u2013 endless)"} {"Clue":"Pastry not very short, value doubtful (3-2-4)","Answer":"VOL-AU-VENT","Explanation":"Definition: Pastry\nAn anagram (doubtful) of NOT V (very, short) VALUE"} {"Clue":"In search for compliments maybe, always a bit frenzied (8)","Answer":"FEVERISH","Explanation":"Definition: a bit frenzied\nEVER (always) in FISH (search for compliments maybe)"} {"Clue":"A little fluid, say, not a condition full of it (6)","Answer":"DROPSY","Explanation":"Definition: condition full of it\nDROP (a little fluid) + S[a]Y (not a)"} {"Clue":"Really enjoyed a party, looking flushed (6)","Answer":"ADORED","Explanation":"Definition: Really enjoyed\nA DO (a party) + RED (looking flushed)"} {"Clue":"Death \u2014 by hanging? (8)","Answer":"CURTAINS","Explanation":"Definition: Death\nCryptic definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"An old letter from Goethe (3)","Answer":"ETH","Explanation":"Definition: An old letter\nI think we're less used to seeing ETH than thorn in crosswords"} {"Clue":"Snack one's left to boil over (5)","Answer":"DONUT","Explanation":"Definition: Snack\nDO [one's] NUT (boil over)"} {"Clue":"Racing driver considered to have gone flat out (10)","Answer":"PROSTRATED","Explanation":"Definition: flat out\n(Alain) PROST (racing driver) + RATED (considered)"} {"Clue":"Announce as unsuitable function of playground (6)","Answer":"RECUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Announce as unsuitable\nREC USE (function of playground)"} {"Clue":"Died on boat? That's not fair (4)","Answer":"DARK","Explanation":"Definition: not fair\nD (died) + ARK (boat)"} {"Clue":"Ladies: what one does there, having first taken off clothes (9)","Answer":"PEERESSES","Explanation":"Definition: Ladies\nPEE (what a lady does in the ladies') + [d]RESSES (clothes) minus the first letter"} {"Clue":"Bad steer, to incite one who may go out on a limb (4,7)","Answer":"TREE SURGEON","Explanation":"Definition: one who may go out on a limb\nAn anagram (bad) of STEER + URGE ON (incite)"} {"Clue":"Second-hand story of papal toe? (5,6)","Answer":"URBAN LEGEND","Explanation":"Definition: Second-hand story\nURBAN (there have been eight popes with this name) + LEG END (toe) \u2013 a bit of a chestnut but some newer solvers may not have seen it before and it raises a smile"} {"Clue":"Fiery spirit of monk bringing round power tool (10)","Answer":"SALAMANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Fiery spirit\nSANDER (power tool) round LAMA (monk)"} {"Clue":"After-dinner speaker perhaps disturbs our trance (9)","Answer":"RACONTEUR","Explanation":"Definition: After-dinner speaker perhaps\nAn anagram (disturbs) of OUR TRANCE \u2013 great surface"} {"Clue":"Become endlessly stupid, and like horror stories (6)","Answer":"GOTHIC","Explanation":"Definition: like horror stories\nGO (become) THIC(k) (stupid, endlessly)"} {"Clue":"There you are in France, picking up one instrument (5)","Answer":"VIOLA","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\nVOILA (French for 'There you are') with the I (one) moved up one place"} {"Clue":"Member with independent opinion (4)","Answer":"MIND","Explanation":"Definition: opinion\nM (Member) + IND (Independent)"} {"Clue":"Star students on the way up (3)","Answer":"SUN","Explanation":"Definition: Star\nA reversal (on the way up) of National Union of Students"} {"Clue":"Universal start of sale promotion for Marvel productions? (6)","Answer":"COSMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Universal\nCOMICS (Marvel productions) with the S brought forward \u2013 'promoted'"} {"Clue":"Disadvantage of ward (8)","Answer":"DRAWBACK","Explanation":"Definition: Disadvantage\nDRAW is a reversal (back) of WARD"} {"Clue":"Spin monster's 'going forward' (8)","Answer":"PROGRESS","Explanation":"Definition: 'going forward'\nPR (spin) + OGRESS (monster)"} {"Clue":"Magicians missing trick? There are a dozen in a box (6)","Answer":"JURORS","Explanation":"Definition: There are a dozen in a box\n[con]JURORS (magicians) minus con (trick) \u2013 there are twelve people in a jury box"} {"Clue":"Friendly bug maybe regularly found in fruit (12)","Answer":"APPROACHABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Friendly\nROACH (bug) + alternate letters (regularly) of mAyBe in APPLE (fruit)"} {"Clue":"Hot stuff is awfully ripe \u2014 you can say that again! (4-4)","Answer":"PERI-PERI","Explanation":"Definition: Hot stuff\nAn anagram (awfully) of RIPE \u2013 twice"} {"Clue":"Like fillet? Be grateful for eating one (8)","Answer":"BONELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Like fillet\nBLESS (be grateful for) round ONE"} {"Clue":"Portray one patient for cosmetic treatment (5,3)","Answer":"PAINT JOB","Explanation":"Definition: cosmetic treatment\nPAINT (portray) + JOB (biblical character noted for his patience)"} {"Clue":"Appearing before the Guardian's motley crew: a lot are no oil paintings! (12)","Answer":"WATERCOLOURS","Explanation":"Definition: no oil paintings\nAn anagram (motley) of CREW A LOT before OURS (Guardian's)"} {"Clue":"Cycling mostly with Matilda in minimal attire (6)","Answer":"BIKINI","Explanation":"Definition: minimal attire\nBIKIN[g] (cycling mostly) + I (Matilda)"} {"Clue":"Put at risk X after heart transplant (8)","Answer":"THREATEN","Explanation":"Definition: Put at risk\nTEN (X) after an anagram (transplant) of HEART"} {"Clue":"Suckling a French ewe and failing (8)","Answer":"UNWEANED","Explanation":"Definition: Suckling\nUN (a French) + an anagram (failing) of EWE AND"} {"Clue":"Little backing of one busy in intelligence (3,3)","Answer":"WEE BIT","Explanation":"Definition: Little\nA reversal (backing) of BEE (one busy) in WIT (intelligence)"} {"Clue":"Tips of oversized and really sharp blades (4)","Answer":"OARS","Explanation":"Definition: blades\nInitial letters (tips) of Oversized And Really Sharp"} {"Clue":"Fighter helping movement of the people (9)","Answer":"MIGRATION","Explanation":"Definition: movement of the people\nMIG (Russian fighter plane) + RATION (helping)"} {"Clue":"Tweets leading to crazy speech (6)","Answer":"CHEEPS","Explanation":"Definition: Tweets\nAn anagram (crazy) of SPEECH"} {"Clue":"BBC sold out media broadcast at a loss (15)","Answer":"DISCOMBOBULATED","Explanation":"Definition: at a loss\nAn anagram (broadcast) of BBC SOLD OUT MEDIA \u2013 lovely word: Collins and Chambers give it as North American \u2013 I also found that it was apparently around as 'discomboberate' in the early 1800s"} {"Clue":"Next, a record player? That needs a bit of money (8)","Answer":"ADJACENT","Explanation":"Definition: Next\nA DJ (disc jockey \u2013 record player) + A CENT (a bit of money)"} {"Clue":"Polish up on question and answer \u2014 definitely not a 23! (5)","Answer":"BURQA","Explanation":"Definition: definitely not a 23\nA reversal (up, in a down clue) of RUB (polish) + Q A (question and answer) \u2013 the answer to 23ac is BIKINI"} {"Clue":"In slapdash manner around Gravesend without wheels (10)","Answer":"CARELESSLY","Explanation":"Definition: In slapdash manner\nCARLESSLY (without wheels) round [grav]E"} {"Clue":"Fed up in the morning, Anto is upset about one slur (10)","Answer":"DEFAMATION","Explanation":"Definition: slur\nA reversal (up, in a down clue) of FED + AM (in the morning) + an anagram (upset) of ANTO round I (one)"} {"Clue":"Scene of promontory by the outskirts of Lagos (9)","Answer":"LANDSCAPE","Explanation":"Definition: Scene\nL AND S ('outskirts' of L[ago]S) + CAPE (promontory)"} {"Clue":"Even Johnson's initially working out notice for expulsion (8)","Answer":"EJECTION","Explanation":"Definition: expulsion\nInitial letters of Even Johnson + an anagram (working out) of NOTICE"} {"Clue":"Line from fox or rabbit argument (6)","Answer":"FURROW","Explanation":"Definition: Line\nFUR (fox or rabbit) + ROW (argument)"} {"Clue":"Best of the pre-Raphaelites (5)","Answer":"\u00c9LITE","Explanation":"Definition: Best\nContained in pre-raphaELITEs"} {"Clue":"Laid up in old island state (8)","Answer":"ILLINOIS","Explanation":"Definition: state\nILL (laid up) IN O (old) IS (island)"} {"Clue":"Could be a barnacle's inappropriate prod (5)","Answer":"GOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Could be a barnacleinappropriate prod\nDouble definition \u2013 **here's the barnacle**; Wikipedia says it's not to be confused with the barnacle goose \u2013 **see here**; I think the wordplay could lead to either"} {"Clue":"Stupid person cutting end off sun-dried meat strips (4)","Answer":"JERK","Explanation":"Definition: Stupid personsun-dried meat strips\nDouble definition \u2013 I can't see how 'cutting end off' fits in \u2013 *Edit: please see comments 2, 3* and 7"} {"Clue":"Scandalous secrets revealed to chambermaid (5,5)","Answer":"DIRTY LINEN","Explanation":"Definition: Scandalous secretsrevealed to chambermaid\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Robin playing over intro of boy band (6)","Answer":"RIBBON","Explanation":"Definition: band\nAn anagram (playing) of ROBIN round B[oy]"} {"Clue":"Agent who changes players going round country with no capital (8)","Answer":"CATALYST","Explanation":"Definition: Agent who changes\nCAST (players) round [i]TALY (country minus its initial letter \u2013 capital)"} {"Clue":"A despicable person gets put away in stir (7)","Answer":"AGITATE","Explanation":"Definition: stir\nA GIT (a despicable person) + ATE (put away)"} {"Clue":"The City Beautiful's light surrounded by gold ring (7)","Answer":"ORLANDO","Explanation":"Definition: The City Beautiful\nOR (gold) + O (ring) round LAND (light) \u2013 I didn't know that ORLANDO is called **The City Beautiful"} {"Clue":"Oddball sailor working over marines by a lake (8)","Answer":"ABNORMAL","Explanation":"Definition: Oddball\nAB (sailor) + a reversal (over) of ON (working) + RM (Royal Marines) + A L (lake)"} {"Clue":"Royal broadcast copies (6)","Answer":"PRINCE","Explanation":"Definition: Royal\nSounds something like (broadcast) 'prints' (copies)"} {"Clue":"Seabed and bank rocks that produce wind? (5,5)","Answer":"BAKED BEANS","Explanation":"Definition: that produce wind?\nAn anagram (rocks) of SEABED and BANKS"} {"Clue":"Trips in central Kurdistan initially become unhealthy (4,4)","Answer":"FALL SICK","Explanation":"Definition: become unhealthy\nFALLS (trips) + the initial letters of In Central Kurdistan"} {"Clue":"Area of Northumberland that's handy for suckers? (5)","Answer":"THUMB","Explanation":"Definition: that's handy for suckers\nContained in nortTHUMBerland \u2013 with a play on 'handy'"} {"Clue":"Master knight called Hill (8)","Answer":"SURMOUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Master\nSUR \u2013 sounds like (called) 'sir' (knight) + MOUNT (hill)"} {"Clue":"Scales tipped against popular government leader taking a rest (8)","Answer":"SLEEPING","Explanation":"Definition: taking a rest\nA reversal (tipped, in a down clue) of PEELS (scales) + IN (popular) + G[overnment]"} {"Clue":"Mean to follow this middle course (6)","Answer":"GOLDEN","Explanation":"A reference to the **philosophical Golden Mean"} {"Clue":"No flyer needs oxygen, by the way \u2014 laughable! (7)","Answer":"OSTRICH","Explanation":"Definition: No flyer\nO (oxygen) + ST (street \u2013 way) + RICH (laughable)"} {"Clue":"Like certain sisters said 'fruit' (4)","Answer":"UGLY","Explanation":"Definition: Like certain sisters\nSounds like (said) ugli (fruit) \u2013 reference to Cinderella's stepsisters"} {"Clue":"Short time I'd arranged with ailing artist (10)","Answer":"MODIGLIANI","Explanation":"Definition: artist\nMO (short time) + an anagram (arranged) of I'D AILING"} {"Clue":"Corner the rest of Members of Parliament (6)","Answer":"RECESS","Explanation":"Definition: Cornerrest of Members of Parliament\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Uncommunicative book put out \u2014 end is awful (8,2)","Answer":"BUTTONED UP","Explanation":"Definition: Uncommunicative\nB (book) + an anagram (awful) of PUT OUT END"} {"Clue":"Salt content of tobacco (3)","Answer":"TAR","Explanation":"Definition: Saltcontent of tobacco\nDouble definition \u2013 tar and salt both terms for a sailor"} {"Clue":"Bell's unfinished book (3)","Answer":"TOM","Explanation":"Definition: Bel\nTOM[e] (unfinished book) \u2013 through Google, I found an actor and a politician called Tom Bell but I think the definition is any one of the bells called Great Tom \u2013 **see here"} {"Clue":"Avoid fish and small fowl (8)","Answer":"DUCKLING","Explanation":"Definition: small fowl\nDUCK (dodge) + LING (fish)"} {"Clue":"Canned eels can have a purifying effect (7)","Answer":"CLEANSE","Explanation":"Definition: have a purifying effect\nAs anagram (canned \u2013 as in drunk) of EELS CAN"} {"Clue":"Cracker from a tube, possibly today's last (6)","Answer":"BEAUTY","Explanation":"Definition: Cracker\nAn anagram (possibly) of A TUBE + [toda]Y"} {"Clue":"Danish father's go? (6)","Answer":"PASTRY","Explanation":"Definition: Danish\nPA'S (father's) + TRY (go)"} {"Clue":"Honey bishop hid in tree (4)","Answer":"BABY","Explanation":"Definition: Honey\nB (bishop \u2013 chess notation) in BAY (tree)"} {"Clue":"Bow adjuster changed for good (4)","Answer":"FROG","Explanation":"Definition: Bow adjuster\nAn anagram (changed) of FOR + G (good) \u2013 the frog adjusts the tightness of the hair of the bow of a stringed instrument \u2013 **see here"} {"Clue":"Change after a boxing match, as soldiers may be ordered (5,4)","Answer":"ABOUT TURN","Explanation":"Definition: as soldiers may be ordered\nA BOUT (a boxing match) + TURN (change)"} {"Clue":"Give one's view, nothing long (5)","Answer":"OPINE","Explanation":"Definition: Give one's view\nO (nothing) + PINE (long)"} {"Clue":"Travel protected by explosive weapon (7)","Answer":"TRIDENT","Explanation":"Definition: weapon\nRIDE (travel) in TNT (explosive)"} {"Clue":"With words of acceptance, married: later so alone (7)","Answer":"WIDOWED","Explanation":"Definition: later so alone\nW (with) + I DO (words of acceptance) + WED (married)"} {"Clue":"Needing exercise, one circles a furlong (5)","Answer":"UNFIT","Explanation":"Definition: Needing exercise\nUNIT (one) round F (furlong)"} {"Clue":"Control working and income (9)","Answer":"DOMINANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Control\nAn anagram (working) of AND INCOME"} {"Clue":"Gun shop price war may show value of money (10,5)","Answer":"PURCHASING POWER","Explanation":"Definition: value of money\nAn anagram (may show) of GUN SHOP PRICE WAR"} {"Clue":"Prepare war orders for Flying Squad (3,6)","Answer":"RED ARROWS","Explanation":"Definition: Flying Squad\nAn anagram (prepare) of WAR ORDERS"} {"Clue":"Wait to eat a Malaysian dish (5)","Answer":"SATAY","Explanation":"Definition: Malaysian dish\nSTAY (wait) round A"} {"Clue":"Went for a drive; may it have been clocked? (4,3)","Answer":"USED CAR","Explanation":"Definition: Went for a drivemay it have been clocked?\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Explosion, after which children all fall down? (7)","Answer":"ATISHOO","Explanation":"Definition: Explosion\nA reference to the nursery rhyme, the English version of which is"} {"Clue":"English in clothes for stylish people (5)","Answer":"DUDES","Explanation":"Definition: stylish people\nE (English) in DUDS (clothes)"} {"Clue":"One in a rush to claim riches involved demon girl (4,5)","Answer":"GOLD MINER","Explanation":"Definition: One in a rush to claim riches\nAn anagram (involved) of DEMON GIRL"} {"Clue":"Wall painting survives, higher (4,6)","Answer":"LAST SUPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Wall painting\nLASTS (survives) + UPPER (higher)"} {"Clue":"Work of editor extremely desirable (2,3,3)","Answer":"TO DIE FOR","Explanation":"Definition: extremely desirable\nAn anagram (work) of OF EDITOR"} {"Clue":"Relaxing in an exam covering one of the three basics? (2,4)","Answer":"AT REST","Explanation":"Definition: Relaxing\nA TEST (an exam) round R (one of the basics: the three Rs \u2013 reading, writing and arithmetic)"} {"Clue":"Leave, almost completely (4)","Answer":"QUIT","Explanation":"Definition: Leave\nQUIT[e] (completely)"} {"Clue":"Conflicted, paired off to maintain attention (2,3,5)","Answer":"IN TWO MINDS","Explanation":"Definition: Conflicted\nIN TWOS (paired off) round MIND (attention)"} {"Clue":"Sudden chill: mild illnesses need sleep (4,4)","Answer":"COLD SNAP","Explanation":"Definition: Sudden chill\nCOLDS (minor illnesses) + NAP (sleep)"} {"Clue":"Two bottles unfinished? This situation benefits us both (3-3)","Answer":"WIN-WIN","Explanation":"Definition: This situation benefits us both\nWIN[e] WIN[e] (two bottles)"} {"Clue":"Woman's meeting daughter in crowd (4)","Answer":"HERD","Explanation":"Definition: crowd\nHER (woman's) + D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Record how old we are to dampen enthusiasm (10)","Answer":"DISCOURAGE","Explanation":"Definition: dampen enthusiasm\nDISC (record) + OUR AGE (how old we are) \u2013 I've seen an almost identical clue very recently but it's good"} {"Clue":"Road sorely in need of repair sooner than usual (5,5)","Answer":"EARLY DOORS","Explanation":"Definition: sooner than usual\nAn anagram (in need of repair) of ROAD SORELY"} {"Clue":"Awkward person playing charades (4,4)","Answer":"HARD CASE","Explanation":"Definition: Awkward person\nAn anagram (playing) of CHARADES"} {"Clue":"Sort of brief observation (8)","Answer":"WATCHING","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of briefobservation\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Is very nervous of locks (6)","Answer":"DREADS","Explanation":"Definition: Is very nervous oflocks\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Opening foreign letter with edge of thumb makes bad mark (6)","Answer":"STIGMA","Explanation":"Definition: bad mark\nSIGMA (Greek letter) round T[humb]"} {"Clue":"Tongue's fur due for scraping (4)","Answer":"URDU","Explanation":"Definition: Tongue\n[f]UR DU[e]"} {"Clue":"In the car, I take the wheel (4)","Answer":"AXLE","Explanation":"Definition: In the car, I take the wheel\nCryptic (?) definition"} {"Clue":"teachers might be kind of shy (7)","Answer":"COCONUT","Explanation":"Definition: kind of shy\nC(100) + O + C (100) + O + NUT (National Union of Teachers) \u2013 as a former teacher, just loved it!"} {"Clue":"Labour employs leading economist over article for growth (7)","Answer":"TOENAIL","Explanation":"Definition: growth\nTOIL (labour) round E[conomist] + a reversal (over) of AN (article)"} {"Clue":"Small child's slide? (4)","Answer":"SKID","Explanation":"Definition: slide\nS (small) + KID (child)"} {"Clue":"Old church's financial backers lose pound sterling in trades (9)","Answer":"EXCHANGES","Explanation":"Definition: trades\nEX (old) + CH (church) + ANGE[l]S (financial backers minus l (pound sterling)"} {"Clue":"Break back carrying wife's deposits as security (5)","Answer":"PAWNS","Explanation":"Definition: deposits as security\nA reversal (back) of SNAP (break) round W (wife)"} {"Clue":"They send out Mister Messy to collect note (8)","Answer":"EMITTERS","Explanation":"Definition: They send out\nAn anagram (messy) of MISTER round TE (note)"} {"Clue":"Partners suppress anger with alarm (5)","Answer":"SIREN","Explanation":"Definition: alarm\nS (South) and N (North) \u2013 bridge partners \u2013 round IRE (anger)"} {"Clue":"Remove stolen contents (4)","Answer":"WIPE","Explanation":"Definition: Remove\nInner letters (contents) of [s]WIPE[d] stolen"} {"Clue":"Plant has Ubers manufactured (3,5)","Answer":"SEA SHRUB","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nAn anagram (manufactured) of HAS UBERS"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Shakespeare eats no meals (5)","Answer":"BOARD","Explanation":"Definition: meals\nBARD (perhaps Shakespeare) round O (no) \u2013 as in bed and board\u00a0 or board and lodging"} {"Clue":"Kept, as are exotic birds (9)","Answer":"PARAKEETS","Explanation":"Definition: birds\nAn anagram (exotic) of KEPT AS ARE \u2013 Pierre would give you a beautiful picture here"} {"Clue":"Cricket, maybe, is mega-excited (4)","Answer":"GAME","Explanation":"Definition: Cricket, maybe\nAn anagram (excited) of MEGA"} {"Clue":"Gap garment a third off \u2014 over nine grand! (7)","Answer":"OPENING","Explanation":"Definition: Gap\n[tOP) (garment, missing one of its three letters) + a reversal (over) of NINE + G (grand)"} {"Clue":"Something unusual in books about lovesick Yankee (7)","Answer":"NOVELTY","Explanation":"Definition: Something unusual\nNT (New Testament (books) round an anagram (sick) of LOVE + Y (Yankee in the NATO phonetic alphabet}\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Men bowled over by fine bird \u2026 (4)","Answer":"ROOK","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nA reversal (bowled over) of OR (men) + OK (fine)"} {"Clue":"and more court daughter with slow dancing (4,4)","Answer":"WOOD OWLS","Explanation":"Definition: and more\nWOO (court) + D (daughter) + an anagram (dancing) of SLOW"} {"Clue":"College in Cambridge or in New York? (6)","Answer":"QUEENS","Explanation":"Definition: College in Cambridgein New York?\nDouble definition \u2013 QUEENS' for the Cambridge college founded in 1448 by Margaret of Anjou and refounded in 1465 by the rival queen Elizabeth Woodville and QUEENS for the New York borough"} {"Clue":"Number it: a 100 written up as symbols (8)","Answer":"NOTATION","Explanation":"Definition: symbols\nA reversal (up, in a down clue) of NO (number) IT A TON (100)"} {"Clue":"Champion in utter darkness (6)","Answer":"KNIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Champion\nSounds like (utter) night (darkness)"} {"Clue":"Nails cut up (4)","Answer":"PINS","Explanation":"Definition: Nails\nA reversal (up, in a down clue) of SNIP (cut)"} {"Clue":"Former party leader inherits real mess and can be excused (9)","Answer":"CLEARABLE","Explanation":"Definition: can be excused\n(Vince) CABLE (former Liberal Democrat Party leader) round (inherits) an anagram (mess) of REAL"} {"Clue":"A little bit of quiet on the radio (5)","Answer":"PIECE","Explanation":"Definition: A little bit\nSounds like (on the radio) PEACE (quiet)"} {"Clue":"Even reversing, I would be quick (5)","Answer":"RAPID","Explanation":"Definition: quick\nA reversal (reversing!) of PAR (even) + I'D (I would)"} {"Clue":"It's beautiful out (8)","Answer":"STRIKING","Explanation":"Definition: beautifulout\nDouble definition (out = on strike)"} {"Clue":"Arguments with scientists about fish (8)","Answer":"WRANGLES","Explanation":"Definition: Arguments\nW (with) + RS (Royal Society \u2013 scientists \u2013 we're well used to seeing RA (Royal Academician) for 'artist' but I don't remember seeing this before \u2013 round ANGLE (fish)"} {"Clue":"Holy man to dance around his building (6)","Answer":"BISHOP","Explanation":"Definition: Holy man\nBOP (dance) round an anagram (building) of HIS \u2013\u00a0*\u00a0*I loved this picture"} {"Clue":"Dads drink on Sunday (4)","Answer":"POPS","Explanation":"Definition: Dads\nPOP (fizzy drink) + S (Sunday)"} {"Clue":"Worried to support married couple (4)","Answer":"MATE","Explanation":"Definition: couple\nATE (worried) after (to support, in a down clue) M (married) \u2013 an appropriate clue to end on \u2013 nice one, Qaos \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Very good Austen novel when keeping quiet in the afternoon (3,4)","Answer":"PIP EMMA","Explanation":"Definition: in the afternoon\nPI (short for pious \u2013 very good) + EMMA (Jane Austen novel} round P (quiet) \u2013 I remember meeting this (it's from a World War I phonetic alphabet for PM) in my very early days of blogging and, fortunately, it stuck"} {"Clue":"Bad booze endlessly knocked back as contraband? (7)","Answer":"ILLEGAL","Explanation":"Definition: contraband?\nILL (bad) + a reversal (knocked back) of LAGE[r] (booze endlessly)"} {"Clue":"Charge enemy finally \u2014 viciously attack male beast (5,4)","Answer":"BILLY GOAT","Explanation":"Definition: male beast\nBILL (charge) + [enem]Y + GO AT (viciously attack)"} {"Clue":"Dismiss puzzle \u2014 must pee (5)","Answer":"STUMP","Explanation":"Definition: Dismiss\nAn anagram (puzzle) of MUST + P (pee)\u00a0 **\u00a0Edit: Please see Pasquale @54"} {"Clue":"Chinese city Christian? (4)","Answer":"XIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Chinese cityChristian?\nDouble definition: XIAN is an abbreviation for Christian \u2013 cf Xmas for Christmas \u2013 from the Greek letter chi, which looks like an X"} {"Clue":"An animal sound in outdoor area? One may take note of that (4,6)","Answer":"GAME WARDEN","Explanation":"Definition: One may take note of that\nA MEW (an animal sound) in GARDEN (outdoor area)"} {"Clue":"The woman's covering part of body \u2014 what is that part? (6)","Answer":"HEARER","Explanation":"Definition: what is that part?\nHER (the woman's) round EAR (part of body) which is a hearer \u2013 an odd clue, i thought"} {"Clue":"Being germ-free, is almost passed for work (7)","Answer":"ASEPSIS","Explanation":"Definition: Being germ-free\nAn anagram (for work) of IS PASSE[d]"} {"Clue":"Rodents 'orrible woman has in the open on island (7)","Answer":"AGOUTIS","Explanation":"Definition: Rodents\n'AG ('orrible woman) + OUT (in the open) + IS (island) \u2013 it seems a while since we met these rodents, which used to pop up quite often"} {"Clue":"Get a round going? Drink not available, we hear (3,3)","Answer":"TEE OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Get a round going?\nSounds like (we hear) 'tea off' \u2013 drink not available"} {"Clue":"In Christian Union teach odd chaps \u2014 this convert is still learning (10)","Answer":"CATECHUMEN","Explanation":"Definition: this convert is still learning\nAn anagram (odd) of TEACH in CU (Christian Union) + MEN (chaps)"} {"Clue":"Passes time in classical fashion (4)","Answer":"DIES","Explanation":"Definition: Passestime in classical fashion\nDouble definition, DIES being Latin for day"} {"Clue":"One judge is far from happy (5)","Answer":"IRATE","Explanation":"Definition: far from happy\nI (one) + RATE (judge)"} {"Clue":"Man bitten by dog? One may indicate disease (9)","Answer":"BIOMARKER","Explanation":"Definition: One may indicate disease\nBARKER (dog) round (biting) IOM (Isle of Man)"} {"Clue":"Good student losing heart, one gathers (7)","Answer":"GLEANER","Explanation":"Definition: one gathers\nG (good) + LEA[r]NER (student, losing the middle letter \u2013 heart"} {"Clue":"Taught nothing revolutionary after expression of disapproval (7)","Answer":"TUTORED","Explanation":"Definition: Taught\nTUT (expression of disapproval) + O (nothing) + RED (revolutionary)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Old boy restricted by disease \u2014 one gets lots of letters (2,3)","Answer":"P.O.BOX","Explanation":"Definition: one gets lots of letters\nOB (old boy) in POX (disease) \u2013 I know some may not like the enumeration here"} {"Clue":"Devastation in small community with new leader (7)","Answer":"PILLAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Devastation\n[v]ILLAGE (small community) with the initial letter (leader) changed"} {"Clue":"PM once having a supernatural power? (4)","Answer":"MAYA","Explanation":"Definition: supernatural power\nMAY (Prime Minister once) + A \u2013 the Hindu gddess of illusion"} {"Clue":"Thrown overboard, Magnus \u2014 huge figure (9,6)","Answer":"AVOGADRO\u2019S NUMBER","Explanation":"Definition: huge figure \nAn anagram (thrown) of OVERBOARD MAGNUS \u2013 I confess to having used an anagram finder for this \u2013 way out of my comfort zone"} {"Clue":"Nearing the end of the holiday, everything else having gone wrong? (2,3,4,6)","Answer":"IN THE LAST RESORT","Explanation":"Definition: Nearing the end of the holidayeverything else having gone wrong\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Girl, a female always getting a nasty illness(5,5)","Answer":"LASSA FEVER","Explanation":"Definition: a nasty illness\nLASS (girl) + A F (a female) + EVER (always)"} {"Clue":"Wicked rogues pinching 500 dollars in Haiti (7)","Answer":"GOURDES","Explanation":"Definition: dollars in Haiti\nAn anagram (wicked) of ROGUES round D (500 in Roman numerals)"} {"Clue":"Lake Superior has trees and American flowers (7)","Answer":"LUPINES","Explanation":"Definition: American flowers \nL (lake) + U (superior) + PINES (trees) \u2013 an American species of lupin"} {"Clue":"Bird certain to fly around river and around end of forest (6,4)","Answer":"ARCTIC TERN","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nAn anagram (to fly) of CERTAIN round R (river) + C (around) +[fores]T"} {"Clue":"Bowing as a group around church (7)","Answer":"ARCHING","Explanation":"Definition: Bowing\nA RING (a group) round CH (church)"} {"Clue":"Make faster progress than unfashionable people (7)","Answer":"OUTRACE","Explanation":"Definition: Make faster progress than\nOUT (unfashionable) + RACE (people)"} {"Clue":"Loud user of tongue in a flash (7)","Answer":"FLICKER","Explanation":"Definition: a flash\nF (loud) + LICKER (user of tongue)"} {"Clue":"Instrument with arrows pointing north (5)","Answer":"STRAD","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\nA reversal (pointing north, in a down clue) of DARTS (arrows)"} {"Clue":"Spirit abuse needs to be cut by half (4)","Answer":"MALT","Explanation":"Definition: Spirit\nHalf of MALT[reat] \u2013 abuse"} {"Clue":"Rigid haircut not showing a calm state of mind (6)","Answer":"FROZEN","Explanation":"Definition: Rigid\n[a]FRO (haircut not showing a) + ZEN (calm frame of mind)"} {"Clue":"Loud summer gala (8)","Answer":"FESTIVAL","Explanation":"Definition: gala\nF (loud, in music) + ESTIVAL (pertaining to summer \u2013 perhaps not quite so well known as the corresponding 'hibernal', for 'winter' \u2013 also spelt 'aestival'"} {"Clue":"Make amendments to socialist legislation (6)","Answer":"REDACT","Explanation":"Definition: Make amendments to\nA charade of RED (socialist) + ACT (legislation)"} {"Clue":"Small stand with light showed brilliance (8)","Answer":"SPARKLED","Explanation":"Definition: showed brilliance\nS (small) + PARK (stand) + LED (Light Emitting Diode \u2013 light)"} {"Clue":"Mostly survey something to paint on (6)","Answer":"CANVAS","Explanation":"Definition: something to paint on\nCANVAS[s] (survey)"} {"Clue":" Language of father in tattered jeans? English (8)","Answer":"JAPANESE","Explanation":"Definition: Language\nPA (father) in an anagram (tattered) of JEANS + E (English)"} {"Clue":"Hurrying to take off jewellery (10)","Answer":"SCRAMBLING","Explanation":"Definition: Hurrying\nSCRAM (go away \u2013 take off) + BLING jewellery) \u2013 and scramble, as I know from watching war films, is the military order to take off immediately, so 'to take off' could be part of the definition"} {"Clue":"Like jerks, heartless grey men lead in this sport (10)","Answer":"GYMNASTICS","Explanation":"Definition: sport\nG[re]Y M[e[N minus inner letters ('heartless') + AS (like) + TICS ( jerks)"} {"Clue":"The first to twitch curtain is weirdly antisocial (8)","Answer":"TACITURN","Explanation":"Definition: antisocial\nT \u2013 the first letter of T[witch] + an anagram (weirdly) of CURTAIN \u2013 I wondered about the definition here: I have one or two friends who don't reckon to speak unless they have something useful to say \u2013 but I wouldn't call them anti-social; I liked the picture conjured up by the surface, though"} {"Clue":"Rabbit for breakfast? (6)","Answer":"WAFFLE","Explanation":"Definition: Rabbitbreakfast?\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Sign at first and quibble, usually afterwards, when hybrid car doesn't start (8)","Answer":"AQUARIUS","Explanation":"Definition: Sign\nInitial letters (at first) of And Quibble Usually Afterwards + [p]RIUS (a hybrid car"} {"Clue":"Well or poorly, it's ridiculously brave to go round Land's End (6)","Answer":"ADVERB","Explanation":"Definition: Well or poorly\nAn anagram (ridiculously) of BRAVE round the last letter (end) of lanD"} {"Clue":"Headshot promoting fiery agitators (8)","Answer":"HOTHEADS","Explanation":"Definition: agitators\nHEADSHOT with HOT (fiery) moved to the front \u2013 'promoted'"} {"Clue":"Mark mused wretchedly embracing godhead (6)","Answer":"SMUDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Mark\nAn anagram (wretchedly) of MUSED round G (first letter \u2013 'head') of God\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Predict report of four cats going wild (8)","Answer":"FORECAST","Explanation":"Definition: Predict\nFORE (sounds like \u2013 report of \u2013 four) + an anagram (going wild) of CATS"} {"Clue":"Regular case from October and November in journal (8)","Answer":"ORDINARY","Explanation":"Definition: Regular\nOutside letters (case) of O[ctobe]R + N (November in phonetic alphabet) in DIARY (journal)"} {"Clue":"Calls out for past demands (8)","Answer":"EXCLAIMS","Explanation":"Definition: Calls out\nEX past) + CLAIMS (demands)"} {"Clue":"Justifying previous intention to drink one gin cocktail (10)","Answer":"EXPLAINING","Explanation":"Definition: Justifying\nEX (previous) + PLAN (intention) round (to drink) an anagram (cocktail) of I (one) GIN *Edit; or, rather, EX (previous) + PLAN (intention) round (to drink) I (one) + an anagram (cocktail) of GIN \u2013 thanks, Valentine"} {"Clue":"Mad Hatter's a menace (6)","Answer":"THREAT","Explanation":"Definition: menace\nA neat anagram (mad) of HATTER"} {"Clue":"Victor Lane's depression (6)","Answer":"VALLEY","Explanation":"Definition: depression\nV (Victor \u2013 phonetic alphabet again) + ALLEY (lane)"} {"Clue":"Places to go when laundries run out? (6)","Answer":"LADIES","Explanation":"Definition: Places to go\nAn anagram (out) of LAUNDRIES, minus RUN \u2013 'out' doing double duty, hence the question mark, I think* (Edit, thanks to Shirl @5:\u00a0 it's LA[un]D[r]IES minus the letters of 'run', so no double duty \u2013 my apologies, Matilda)"} {"Clue":"Drop an ugly misbehaving group of children here (10)","Answer":"PLAYGROUND","Explanation":"Definition: children here\nNeat anagram (misbehaving) of DROP AN UGLY"} {"Clue":"First bloke to carry bird across the Nile? (5,3)","Answer":"ASWAN DAM","Explanation":"Definition: across the Nile?\nADAM (first bloke in the bible) round (to carry) SWAN (bird)"} {"Clue":"Runway model failed having initially ignored rules (8)","Answer":"AIRFIELD","Explanation":"Definition: Runway\nAn anagram (model) of FAILED + first letters (initially) of I[gnored] R[ules]"} {"Clue":"Set up and clued up about mess up (8)","Answer":"ASSEMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Set up\nABLE (clued up) round a reversal (up, in a down clue) of MESS"} {"Clue":"Cat returns in funny hat and tie (6)","Answer":"ATTACH","Explanation":"Definition: tie\nA reversal (returns) of CAT in an anagram (funny) of HAT"} {"Clue":"Secret lock uncovered by sect (6)","Answer":"OCCULT","Explanation":"Definition: Secret\nInner leters (uncovered) of [l]OC[k] + CULT (sect)"} {"Clue":"Some superstar vegans have nothing to eat (6)","Answer":"STARVE","Explanation":"Definition: have nothing to eat\nHidden in superSTAR VEgans"} {"Clue":"Tramp's clues, ultimately knocked back: awful feeling (11)","Answer":"SYMPATHETIC","Explanation":"Definition: feeling\nA reversal (knocked back) of MY (Tramp's) [clue]S + PATHETIC (awful)"} {"Clue":"Left hospital department, soldier returns with round mark on skin (7)","Answer":"LENTIGO","Explanation":"Definition: mark on skin\nL (left) + ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat \u2013 hospital department) + a reversal (returns) of GI (soldier) + O (round) \u2013 see here"} {"Clue":"Frantically, peer needs potty (4,3)","Answer":"LIKE MAD","Explanation":"Definition: Frantically\nLIKE (peer) + MAD (potty)"} {"Clue":"Go through take-home pay? Empty purse first (9)","Answer":"PENETRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Go through\nP[urs]E + NET RATE (take-home pay)"} {"Clue":"Tickle the ivories: you perform sonata, finally, when retired (5)","Answer":"AMUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Tickle\nA reversal (when retired) of the last letters (finally) of sonatA perforM yoU ivorieS thE"} {"Clue":"Change the order in a McDonald's (4)","Answer":"PERM","Explanation":"Definition: Change the order in\nPER (a \u2013 as in \u00a310 per kilo) + M (McDonald's, as in the logo); this is getting to be a Tramp trademark \u2013 he's done it several times before; PERM is short for permute or permutate \u2013 to change the order of (Chambers)"} {"Clue":"Briefly watch fashions: they're often imitated (4,6)","Answer":"ROLE MODELS","Explanation":"Definition: they're often imitated\nROLE[x] (watch, briefly) + MODELS (fashions)"} {"Clue":"Sewer in the main street runs with muck outside (10)","Answer":"SEAMSTRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Sewer\nSEA (the main) + MESS (muck) round ST (street) R (runs)"} {"Clue":"Covers not featuring model's first poses (4)","Answer":"ASKS","Explanation":"Definition: poses\n[m]ASKS (covers)"} {"Clue":"Slip outside from fire after smoke retreats (5)","Answer":"GAFFE","Explanation":"Definition: Slip\nOuter letters of F[ir]E after a reversal (retreats) of FAG (smoke)"} {"Clue":"Public appeal put business on strike (3,6)","Answer":"BOX OFFICE","Explanation":"Definition: Public appeal\nBOX (strike) + OFFICE (business)"} {"Clue":"Son having short paddy; it is getting several looks (7)","Answer":"SHUFTIS","Explanation":"Definition: several looks\nS (son) + HUF[f] (short paddy) + 'TIS (it is) \u2013 military slang, from Arabic"} {"Clue":"Perfume's no good: smell at the back is rank (7)","Answer":"COLONEL","Explanation":"Definition: rank\nCOLO[g]ne (perfume minus g \u2013 good) + last letter \u2013 at the back \u2013 ofsmelL"} {"Clue":"On which performers stand out: huge stars performing with the theatre, primarily (6,5)","Answer":"THRUST STAGE","Explanation":"Definition: On which performers stand out\nAn anagram (performing) of HUGE STARS + initial letters (primarily) of T[he] T[heatre] \u2013 a new one for me, see here"} {"Clue":"Shocking and unsafe: LA star moving houses over this? (3,7,5)","Answer":"SAN ANDREAS FAULT","Explanation":"Definition: moving houses over this?\nAn anagram (shocking) of AND UNSAFE LA STAR, with an allusive surface"} {"Clue":"Film bagging Oscar is not dry (5)","Answer":"MOIST","Explanation":"Definition: not dry\nMIST (film) round O (Oscar, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Group of drivers carrying very old clubs make green (7)","Answer":"AVOCADO","Explanation":"Definition: green\nAA (Automobile Association \u2013 group of drivers) round V (very) O (old) C (clubs) + DO (make)"} {"Clue":"A Greek ordeal: English with nightmare after vacation (7)","Answer":"HELLENE","Explanation":"Definition: A Greek\nHELL (ordeal) + E (English) + N[ightmar]E"} {"Clue":"Carry advanced weapon: acknowledge those giving it up for you? (4,1,3)","Answer":"TAKE A BOW","Explanation":"Definition: acknowledge those giving it up for you\nTAKE (carry) + A (Advanced) + BOW (weapon)"} {"Clue":"Unusual crime scene \u2014 PC out to get subject (8,7)","Answer":"COMPUTER SCIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: subject\nA n anagram (unusual) of CRIME SCENE PC OUT"} {"Clue":"Excellent tip from sommelier getting drink (4-2)","Answer":"SLAP-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Excellent\nS[ommelier] + LAP UP (drink)"} {"Clue":"They feed the young and you, we hear, over summers, not initially (6)","Answer":"UDDERS","Explanation":"Definition: They feed the young\nU (you, we hear) + [a]DDERS ('summers', minus the initial letter)"} {"Clue":"One allows donkey to get put down (8)","Answer":"ASSENTER","Explanation":"Definition: One allows\nASS (donkey) + ENTER (put down)"} {"Clue":"It's most wise to decline drugs on start of tour (6)","Answer":"SAGEST","Explanation":"Definition: It's most wise\nSAG (decline) + ES (drugs) + T[our]"} {"Clue":"Cryptic puzzles on transport (7)","Answer":"REBUSES","Explanation":"Definition: Cryptic puzzles\nRE (on) + BUSES (transport)"} {"Clue":"Correct to interrupt senators on both sides: they're involved in Congress (3,4)","Answer":"SEX ACTS","Explanation":"Definition: they're involved in Congress\nEXACT (correct) in S[enator]S"} {"Clue":"Bargains in fantastic sales, opening from Thursday (6)","Answer":"STEALS","Explanation":"Definition: Bargains\nAn anagram (fantastic) of SALES T[hursday] \u2013 steals as a noun"} {"Clue":"Iron everything upside down for man (5)","Answer":"FELLA","Explanation":"Definition: man\nFE (iron) + a reversal (upside down, in a down clue) of ALL (everything)"} {"Clue":"Students read this current old diary in Times (7)","Answer":"BIOLOGY","Explanation":"Definition: Students read this\nI (current) + O (old) + LOG (diary) in BY (times)"} {"Clue":"A short delay in Switzerland leads to complaint (7)","Answer":"CATARRH","Explanation":"Definition: complaint\nA TARR[y] (short delay) in CH (Switzerland \u2013 International Vehicle Registration)"} {"Clue":"Mark awards ceremony, taking sides (4)","Answer":"SCAR","Explanation":"Definition: Mark\n[o]SCAR[s] (award ceremony) minus outside letters \u2013 sides"} {"Clue":"Charlie stops negotiating drugs course (10)","Answer":"MEDICATION","Explanation":"Definition: drugs course\nC (Charlie \u2013 phonetic alphabet) in (stops) MEDIATION (negotiating)"} {"Clue":"Film posh Young Conservative dancing (6)","Answer":"PSYCHO","Explanation":"Definition: Film\nAn anagram (dancing) of POSH YC (Young Conservative)"} {"Clue":"Annual growth margins excluded insulin supplier (8)","Answer":"PANCREAS","Explanation":"Definition: insulin supplier\nPA (per annum \u2013 annual) + [i]NCREAS[e] (growth, minus outside letters \u2013 margins)"} {"Clue":"Very funny rocks lecturer kept in cupboard (9)","Answer":"PRICELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Very funny\nICE (diamonds \u2013 rocks) + L (lecturer) in PRESS (cupboard)"} {"Clue":"Plump person regularly feasts on turkey, apart from innards (5)","Answer":"FATTY","Explanation":"Definition: Plump person\nAlternate letters \u2013 regularly \u2013 of FeAsTs + T[urke]Y"} {"Clue":"A lot of sailors secure firm part of mast (5)","Answer":"ACORN","Explanation":"Definition: part of mast\nA + RN (Royal Navy \u2013 a lot of sailors) round CO (firm); clever surface \u2013 'part of', because mast (used to feed pigs) includes the fruit of other forest trees, as well as oak"} {"Clue":"Check rooms in monastery for controversial sources of therapy (4,5)","Answer":"STEM CELLS","Explanation":"Definition: controversial sources of therapy\nSTEM (check) + CELLS (rooms in monastery)"} {"Clue":"Hero fell among stars (8)","Answer":"ACHILLES","Explanation":"Definition: Hero\nHILL (fell) in ACES (stars) for the Greek hero who fell in the Trojan War"} {"Clue":"Spot the sack that's put on board (6)","Answer":"NOTICE","Explanation":"Definition: Spotthe sackthat's put on board\nTriple definition \u2013 to be given the sack is to be given one's notice"} {"Clue":"Dracula's health indicator? (5,5)","Answer":"BLOOD COUNT","Explanation":"Definition: health indicator\nCryptic definition \u2013 the vampire Dracula could be called a BLOOD COUNT"} {"Clue":"Bring up Republican auditor behind back (4)","Answer":"REAR","Explanation":"Definition: Bring upbehindback\nI think this is another triple definition \u2013 with wordplay R (Republican) + EAR (auditor)"} {"Clue":"Georgia came across art in French cells (7)","Answer":"GAMETES","Explanation":"Definition: cells\nGA (Georgia) + MET (came across) + ES ('art', in French \u2013 an old trick but I do like it)"} {"Clue":"Question odd features of ballet during concert (7)","Answer":"PROBLEM","Explanation":"Definition: Question\nOdd letters of B[a]L[l]E[t] in PROM (concert)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Fake coins found in Ireland \u2014 one's coated in enamel (7)","Answer":"INCISOR","Explanation":"Definition: one's coated in enamel\nAn anagram (fake) of COINS in IR (Ireland)"} {"Clue":"Joely Richardson's helping London theatre (5)","Answer":"LYRIC","Explanation":"Definition: London theatre\nHidden in (a helping of) joeLY RIChardson"} {"Clue":"Tropical plant, one with large swelling on root? (7)","Answer":"GUMBOIL","Explanation":"Definition: swelling on root?\nGUMBO (tropical plant \u2013 another name for okra) + I (one) + L (large)"} {"Clue":"Grave, perhaps, that may reveal one's origins (6)","Answer":"ACCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Grave, perhapsthat may reveal one's origins\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"A fine caterer arranged support, following operation (9)","Answer":"AFTERCARE","Explanation":"Definition: support, following operation\nAn anagram (arranged) of A F (fine) CATERER"} {"Clue":"Old order to disperse rhino at intervals with sensitivity (4,3)","Answer":"RIOT ACT","Explanation":"Definition: Old order to disperse\nAlternate letters (at intervals) of R[h]I[n]O + TACT (sensitivity) \u2013 The Riot Act of 1714 authorised local authorities to declare any group of 12 or more people to be unlawfully assembled and to disperse or face punitive action; nowadays, to read the riot act means 'to give vehement warning that something must stop' (Chambers)"} {"Clue":"Relish opening a huge English paper that's 16 (7,6)","Answer":"ADIPOSE TISSUE","Explanation":"Definition: that's 16\nDIP (relish) in (opening) A OS (outsize \u2013 huge) + E (English) + TISSUE (paper) \u2013 the answer to 16ac is FATTY"} {"Clue":"Steroid is working after short time in heart (9)","Answer":"CORTISONE","Explanation":"Definition: Steroid\nIS ON (is working) after T (short time) in CORE (heart)"} {"Clue":"A 22 ordered article in the Listener? (7)","Answer":"COCHLEA","Explanation":"Definition: article in the Listener\nAn anagram (ordered) of A + CLOCHE (answer to 22dn) \u2013 the cochlea is part of the ear"} {"Clue":"Keep watch on idiot in Othello, for one (7)","Answer":"MONITOR","Explanation":"Definition: Keep watch on\nNIT (idiot) in MOOR (Othello \u2013 the Moor of Venice \u2013 for one)"} {"Clue":"Briefly want sugar magnate to produce food for young (7)","Answer":"LACTATE","Explanation":"Definition: produce food for young\nLAC[k] (briefly want) + TATE (sugar magnate)"} {"Clue":"Protection in bed? That's old hat (6)","Answer":"CLOCHE","Explanation":"Definition: Protection in bedold hat\nDouble definition, the first being a glass or plastic cover for small plants"} {"Clue":"Beat biblical epic, getting shot of the Tablets (5)","Answer":"THROB","Explanation":"Definition: Beat\nTHE ROBE (biblical epic) (film) minus two Es (ecstasy tablets) \u2013 my favourite clue, I think"} {"Clue":"Where prisoners eat CO (9)","Answer":"CONSTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: CO\nPrisoners might eat at the CONS' TABLE"} {"Clue":"CO appearing regularly in Schroedinger style (5)","Answer":"HENRY","Explanation":"Definition: CO\nEvery third letter (regularly) of scHroEdiNgeR stYle"} {"Clue":"He made reptiles vanish, recreating past magic (2,7)","Answer":"ST PATRICK","Explanation":"Definition: He made reptiles vanish\nAn anagram (recreating) of PAST + TRICK (magic) \u2013 referring to the legend that St Patrick drove snakes out of Ireland"} {"Clue":"First seen in Nightingale, undying resilience supporting each CO (5)","Answer":"NURSE","Explanation":"Definition: CO\nInitial letters of Nightingale Undying Resilience Supporting Each"} {"Clue":"Inhale from a smoking thing (6)","Answer":"DRAGON","Explanation":"Definition: a smoking thing\nDRAG ON (inhale from)"} {"Clue":"Strange, strange, strange: ultimately CO (8)","Answer":"SERGEANT","Explanation":"Definition: CO\nAn anagram (strange) of STRANGE + [strang]E"} {"Clue":"Where there's a will there's way? Contest disputed, not won (7)","Answer":"TESTACY","Explanation":"Definition: Where there's a will\nI couldn't see this but, thanks to several early commenters, it's an anagram (disputed) of wAY ConTEST minus won"} {"Clue":"Tories' top minister lacking means to gain goodwill for CO (7)","Answer":"TEACHER","Explanation":"Definition: CO\nT(ories) + [pr]EACHER (minister) minus PR (means to gain goodwill)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Cape Fear, Fahrenheit dropped after cold closes in (8)","Answer":"RAINWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps Cape\n[f]EAR (Fahrenheit dropped) after RAW (cold) round IN"} {"Clue":"Boatman follows core of convoluted book (6)","Answer":"VOLUME","Explanation":"Definition: book\n[con]VOLU[ted] + ME (Boatman)"} {"Clue":"About to tuck into sourdough! (5)","Answer":"BREAD","Explanation":"Definition: dough\nRE (about) in BAD (sour \u2013 like milk, perhaps)"} {"Clue":"CO scaring me in a funny way (9)","Answer":"SCREAMING","Explanation":"Definition: CO\nAnagram (in a funny way) of SCARING ME"} {"Clue":"Bad-tempered Republican leader ejected by CO (5)","Answer":"CABBY","Explanation":"Definition: CO\nC[r]ABBY (bad-tempered) minus first letter (leader) of Republican"} {"Clue":"Even cycling finds unexpected zeal around united country (9)","Answer":"VENEZUELA","Explanation":"Definition: country\nEVEN, with the first letter moved to the end \u2013 cycling + an anagram (unexpected) of ZEAL round U (united)"} {"Clue":"CO allegedly held back with hesitation (6)","Answer":"DOCTOR","Explanation":"Definition: CO\nI'm having problems with this one, unless it's a homophone (allegedly?) of docked (held back?) ER (hesitation) \u2013 but I don't think so!"} {"Clue":"Time for New Yorkers to eat load of French food (8)","Answer":"ESCARGOT","Explanation":"Definition: French food\nEST (Eastern Standard Time \u2013 time for New Yorkers) round CARGO (load)"} {"Clue":"Neither thanks mass uprising for CO (6)","Answer":"MATRON","Explanation":"Definition: CO\nA reversal (uprising, in a down clue) of NOR (neither) + TA (thanks) + M (mass)"} {"Clue":"Stick around a little, because this is sweet (7)","Answer":"GLUCOSE","Explanation":"Definition: this is sweet\nGLUE (stick) round 'COS (a little 'because')"} {"Clue":"Reduce tension in defeat: a tyrant's leadership rejected across America (6)","Answer":"DEFUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Reduce tension\nDEFE[at] minus A T[yrant's] round US (America)"} {"Clue":"Article about riot appeared (6)","Answer":"ARISEN","Explanation":"Definition: appeared\nAN (article) round RISE (riot)"} {"Clue":"Reheats damaged part of wood? (3,4)","Answer":"ASH TREE","Explanation":"Definition: part of wood?\nAn anagram (damaged) of REHEATS"} {"Clue":"Boatman's origins in the arts reassessed (3)","Answer":"TAR","Explanation":"Definition: Boatman\nInitial letters (origins) of The Arts Reassessed \u2013 one of Boatman's customary self-referential clues"} {"Clue":"Admirer of oddly stupid, yet rugged, prominence (6)","Answer":"SUITOR","Explanation":"Definition: Admirer\nOdd letters of StUpId + TOR (prominence) \u2013 I don't really know why 'yet rugged'"} {"Clue":"CO manifested in muscle oxidation (4)","Answer":"CLEO","Explanation":"Definition: CO\nContained in mucCLE Oxidation"} {"Clue":"Anonymous newspaper article uncovered abuse by CO (8)","Answer":"COLUMBUS","Explanation":"Definition: CO\nCOLUM[n] (newspaper article) minus n \u2013 name = anonymous; (we had this device quite recently and some people didn't like it \u2013 but I had no problem with it) + [a]BUS[e]"} {"Clue":" Carry on making endless profits (7)","Answer":"PROCEED","Explanation":"Definition: Carry on\nPROCEED[s] (profits)"} {"Clue":"Not a major route to CO (6)","Answer":"ABROAD","Explanation":"Definition: CO\nA B ROAD (not a major route)"} {"Clue":"Drink coming up with Spooner in the vicinity (6)","Answer":"NEARBY","Explanation":"Definition: in the vicinity\n'Beer nigh' \u2013 drink coming up: one of Boatman's better Spoonerisms"} {"Clue":"Struggle with editor's extremes in the Spectator (6)","Answer":"VIEWER","Explanation":"Definition: Spectator\nVIE (struggle) + W (with) + E[dito]R"} {"Clue":"Sad lament for inherited status (6)","Answer":"MANTLE","Explanation":"Definition: inherited status\nAn anagram (sad) of LAMENT"} {"Clue":"Nick hugs Maria, mostly a good person (9)","Answer":"SAMARITAN","Explanation":"Definition: a good person\nSATAN (Old Nick, the devil) round MARI[a] mostly"} {"Clue":"Chocolate producer from a hundred with a gong in 23? (5,5)","Answer":"CACAO BEANS","Explanation":"Definition: Chocolate producer\nA C (a hundred) + A OBE (a gong) in CANS \u2013 the answer to 23dn is TIN TIN"} {"Clue":"You're a loser, says European partner (9)","Answer":"CHECKMATE","Explanation":"Definition: You're a loser\nSounds like (says) Czech mate (European partner)"} {"Clue":"Underwear market surrounded by paramilitary force (6)","Answer":"SMALLS","Explanation":"Definition: Underwear\nMALL (market) in SS (paramilitary force)"} {"Clue":"Protection from Philistine's beginning to massacre harmony (8)","Answer":"IMMUNITY","Explanation":"Definition: Protection\nI'M (Philistine's) + beginning to M[assacre] + UNITY (harmony)"} {"Clue":"Somewhat reactionary cabinet is bewildered by something in cyberspace (7)","Answer":"WEBSITE","Explanation":"Definition: something in cyberspace\nCleverly hidden reversal (somewhat reactionary) in cabinET IS BEWildered"} {"Clue":"Fish supplement pawned ? (7)","Answer":"HADDOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\nADD (supplement) IN HOCK (pawned) \u2013 one of my favourite clues"} {"Clue":"Motto may be 'to consume a type of fruit' (6)","Answer":"TOMATO","Explanation":"Definition: type of fruit'\nAn anagram (maybe) of MOTTO round A \u2013 and, of course, I'm compelled to quote once more the still much-missed Miles Kington's quip:"} {"Clue":"Anonymous 10 could be in range (5,9)","Answer":"SNOWY MOUNTAINS","Explanation":"Definition: range\nAn anagram (could be) of ANONYMOUS + TWINS (answer to 10ac)"} {"Clue":"Cliff top, with a fair easterly breeze, as a place to eat? (9)","Answer":"CAFETERIA","Explanation":"Definition: a place to eat?\nC[liff] + A F\u00caTE (a fair) + a reversal (from the east) of AIR (breeze) \u2013 there was some discussion last week about the use of 'top' to indicate the first letter of an across answer; it works for me, if we think of top as meaning 'leading', rather than 'highest' or even [from Chambers] 'the earliest part, as in the Irish greeting, top of the morning'"} {"Clue":"Confusion as naughty 11 embraces outgoing youth (6)","Answer":"MAYHEM","Explanation":"Definition: Confusion\nAn anagram (naughty) of EMMA (answer to 6ac) round Y[out]H, minus (going) out \u2013 another favourite clue"} {"Clue":"Functional study shows copper deposit in thick skin (8)","Answer":"CALCULUS","Explanation":"Definition: Functional study\nCU (copper) in CALLUS (thick skin)"} {"Clue":"Decisive assessment essential in disputed titles (6,4)","Answer":"LITMUS TEST","Explanation":"Definition: Decisive assessment\nMUST (essential \u2013 both as nouns) in an anagram (disputed) of TITLES"} {"Clue":"One takes charge of contraceptive method used on Tina Turner (7)","Answer":"CAPTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: One takes charge\nCAP (contraceptive measure) + an anagram (which I originally expected to be a reversal \u2013 turner) of TINA) \u2013 I love these clues where setters construct wordplay from the names of real people"} {"Clue":"Naturalist appearing in calendar \u2014 WI, naturally! (6)","Answer":"DARWIN","Explanation":"Definition: Naturalist\nHidden in calenDAR WI Naturally \u2013 a lovely clue , referring to this lovely story: \u00a0I still have our copy of the original calendar, bought in 1999, in our second home, the glorious Yorkshire Dales\u00a0 \u2013 so perhaps my top favourite"} {"Clue":"It's not gross to be into witchcraft, it's attractive (8)","Answer":"MAGNETIC","Explanation":"Definition: attractive\nNET (not gross, as in pay or profits) in MAGIC (witchcraft)"} {"Clue":"A memo to NHS unusually features politician and actor (4,8)","Answer":"EMMA THOMPSON","Explanation":"Definition: actor\nAn anagram (unusually) of A MEMO TO NHS + MP (politician)"} {"Clue":"Essentially deny the dance being revamped and improved (8)","Answer":"ENHANCED","Explanation":"Definition: improved\nMiddle letters (essentially) of dENy and tHe + an anagram (revamped) of DANCE"} {"Clue":"It's cruel indeed to be humiliated (8)","Answer":"DEMEANED","Explanation":"Definition: humiliated\nMEAN (cruel) in DEED"} {"Clue":"Rabbits OK to evolve into kangaroos (7)","Answer":"ANGORAS","Explanation":"Definition: Rabbits\nA reverse anagram (to evolve): ANGORAS + OK gives kangaroos"} {"Clue":"Cutting room ultimately in the red (6)","Answer":"MOWING","Explanation":"Definition: Cutting\n[roo]M + OWING (in the red)"} {"Clue":"Kind of town Hollywood is giving silent treatment (6)","Answer":"TINSEL","Explanation":"Definition: Kind of town Hollywood is\nAn anagram (treatment) of SILENT"} {"Clue":"Suited worker crossing river (6)","Answer":"BECAME","Explanation":"Definition: Suited\nBEE (worker) round CAM (river)"} {"Clue":"Quiet time\/times embracing old attendant (7)","Answer":"PAGEBOY","Explanation":"Definition: attendant\nP (quiet) + AGE (time) + BY (times) round O (old)"} {"Clue":"Seamstress initially having skill and independence in exam about tailoring (9)","Answer":"SARTORIAL","Explanation":"Definition: about tailoring\nS[eamstress] + ART (skill) + I (independence) in ORAL (exam)"} {"Clue":"Trips over foot barriers, spilling whiskey (5)","Answer":"FALLS","Explanation":"Definition: Trips over\nF (foot) + [w]ALLS (barriers) minus (spilling) w (whiskey \u2013 phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Male employs goddesses (5)","Answer":"MUSES","Explanation":"Definition: goddesses\nM (male) + USES (employs)"} {"Clue":"Close family member the French rejected after a short time (9)","Answer":"SECRETIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Close\nRE[la]TIVE (family member) minus \u2013 rejected \u2013 la (the French) after SEC[ond] (a short time)"} {"Clue":"Party lines a republican originally supports for cash (7)","Answer":"DOLLARS","Explanation":"Definition: cash\nDO (party) + LL (lines) + A R (republican) + S[upports]"} {"Clue":"Son and I can second protests (3-3)","Answer":"SIT-INS","Explanation":"Definition: protests\nS (son) + I + TIN (can) + S (second)"} {"Clue":"Enquires about missing one rook and other pieces (6)","Answer":"QUEENS","Explanation":"Definition: other pieces\nAn anagram (about) of ENQU[ir]ES minus I R (one rook \u2013 chess notation) to give other chess pieces"} {"Clue":"Disagrees with man during teaching session (7)","Answer":"CLASHES","Explanation":"Definition: Disagrees\nHE (man) in CLASS (teaching session)"} {"Clue":"Abstemious office worker's energy and speed (9)","Answer":"TEMPERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Abstemious\nTEMP (office worker) + E (energy) + RATE (speed)"} {"Clue":"Excellent, but half-hearted, meal (5)","Answer":"SUPER","Explanation":"Definition: Excellent\nSU[p]PER (meal, 'half-hearted')"} {"Clue":"Smears heads of business leaving under reprisal-free system (5)","Answer":"BLURS","Explanation":"Definition: Smears\nInitial letters (heads) of Business Leaving Under Reprisal-free System"} {"Clue":"Drove from school with magazine director (9)","Answer":"COMPELLED","Explanation":"Definition: Drove\nCOMP[rehensive] (school) + ELLE (magazine) + D (director)"} {"Clue":"Former partner has hot drinks and puffs (7)","Answer":"EXHALES","Explanation":"Definition: puffs\nEX (former partner) + H (hot) + ALES (drinks)"} {"Clue":"Way a sun exists in a constant state (6)","Answer":"STASIS","Explanation":"Definition: a constant state\nST (street \u2013 way) + A + S (sun) + IS (exists)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Warmly embraced somebody endlessly, improperly (7)","Answer":"BOSOMED","Explanation":"Definition: Warmly embraced\nAn anagram (improperly) of SOMEBOD[y], endlessly"} {"Clue":"Treats dog with drug and a bit of sympathy (5)","Answer":"CURES","Explanation":"Definition: Treats\nCUR (dog) + E (ecstasy) + S[ympathy)"} {"Clue":"Satellite picture of map once so distorted (9)","Answer":"MOONSCAPE","Explanation":"Definition: Satellite picture\nAn anagram (distorted) of MAP ONCE SO"} {"Clue":"Controls parasites in post offices (7)","Answer":"POLICES","Explanation":"Definition: Controls\nLICE (parasites) in P OS (post offices)"} {"Clue":"Blunder made by manager losing final piece (5)","Answer":"GAFFE","Explanation":"Definition: Blunder\nGAFFE[r] (manager)"} {"Clue":"Fraction of hot blini cooked with bit of lox inside (9)","Answer":"BILLIONTH","Explanation":"Definition: Fraction\nAn anagram (cooked) of HOT BLINI round L[ox]"} {"Clue":"Yankee interferes without mass agreements (6)","Answer":"YESSES","Explanation":"Definition: agreements\nY (Yankee \u2013 phonetic alphabet) + [m]ESSES (interferes with) minus m (mass)"} {"Clue":"XXX Ken Loach film about income support and society (6)","Answer":"KISSES","Explanation":"Definition: XXX\nKES (Ken Loach film) round IS (income support) + S (society \u2013 KES was the standard crossword film before ET appeared"} {"Clue":"Braggart's showy entrance (9)","Answer":"LOUDMOUTH","Explanation":"Definition: Braggart\nLOUD (showy) + MOUTH (entrance)"} {"Clue":"Passenger transport crossing space in passing (9)","Answer":"TRANSIENT","Explanation":"Definition: passing\nTRANSIT (passenger transport) round EN (space, in prnting) \u2013 both Collins and Chambers give 'the passage or conveyance of goods or people' for 'transit'"} {"Clue":"Late meetings, as scene changes (7)","Answer":"SEANCES","Explanation":"Definition: Late meetings\nAn anagram (changes) of AS SCENE, with a play on 'late'"} {"Clue":"Beats Charlie a lot (6)","Answer":"CREAMS","Explanation":"Definition: Beats\nC (Charlie \u2013 phonetic alphabet for the third time) + REAMS (a lot) \u2013 I couldn't see cream = beat to begin with but, of course, it's what you do to butter and sugar when making a cake."} {"Clue":"Teams crossing middle of district in steps (7)","Answer":"STRIDES","Explanation":"Definition: steps\nSIDES (teams) round [dis]TR[ict]"} {"Clue":"Balanced knife on head of louche earl (6)","Answer":"STABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Balanced\nSTAB (knife) + L[ouche] + E (earl)"} {"Clue":"Take a selfie, holding frame for support (5)","Answer":"EASEL","Explanation":"Definition: support\nHidden in takE A SELfie"} {"Clue":"Crushes record held by Manx cat (5)","Answer":"PULPS","Explanation":"Definition: Crushes\nLP (record) in PUS[s] ('Manx' cat, without a tail \u2013 last letter)"} {"Clue":"Father about heartless performance: 'It's supposed to be funny' (6)","Answer":"SATIRE","Explanation":"Definition: It's supposed to be funny\nSIRE (father) round A[c]T (performance \u2013 'heartless')"} {"Clue":"More than one mountain creature in the same place gets very cold (6)","Answer":"IBICES","Explanation":"Definition: More than one mountain creature\nIB (short for ibidem \u2013 Latin for in the same place) + ICES (gets very cold): the plural of ibex (a** mountain goat**) \u2013 cf index\/indices"} {"Clue":"He's declared sane after treatment, in a state of being mentally alert (5-10)","Answer":"CLEAR-HEADEDNESS","Explanation":"Definition: a state of being mentally alert\nA clever anagram (after treatment) of HE'S DECLARED SANE"} {"Clue":"More work here, more pleasure here? (6)","Answer":"UTOPIA","Explanation":"Definition: More work heremore pleasure here?\nDouble definition: **'Utopia',** by Sir Thomas More, is a 'More work': not the first time I've seen this but newer solvers may not have met it and I liked the surface"} {"Clue":"Like some roads with bit of confusion \u2014 two traffic lights but only one right! (8)","Answer":"CAMBERED","Explanation":"Definition: Like some roads\nC[onfusion] + AMBER [r]ED (two traffic lights, minus one r \u2013 right)"} {"Clue":"Dense group of trees in which little son hides (8)","Answer":"THICKSET","Explanation":"Definition: Dense\nS (little son) in THICKET (group of trees): I wondered about the definition here, since I think I've only met it as referring to body shape but Collins gives 'densely planted or placed' and Chambers 'closely set or planted'"} {"Clue":"Fellow, one left being given time inside, shown to be this? (6)","Answer":"GUILTY","Explanation":"Definition: this?\nGUY (fellow) round I L (one left) + T (time)"} {"Clue":"Portraying an image of a type of chemical bond involving carbon (6)","Answer":"ICONIC","Explanation":"Definition: Portraying an image\nIONIC (a type of chemical bond) round C (carbon)"} {"Clue":"Trees we'd chopped in small areas of land (8)","Answer":"REDWOODS","Explanation":"Definition: Trees\nAn anagram (chopped) of WE'D in ROODS (small areas of land \u2013 a rood is a quarter of an acre)"} {"Clue":"Roman emperor, hiding in enclosure, secured position (8)","Answer":"FOOTHOLD","Explanation":"Definition: secured position\nOTHO (**Roman emperor** \u2013 for three months \u2013 in 69 AD, the year of the four emperors)"} {"Clue":"Spy on street creating trouble (6)","Answer":"MOLEST","Explanation":"Definition: trouble\nMOLE (spy) + ST (street)"} {"Clue":"Ban duke? Squabble about some rehashed stuff (6,3,6)","Answer":"BUBBLE AND SQUEAK","Explanation":"Definition: some rehashed stuff\nAn anagram (about) of BAN DUKE SQUABBLE for** a dish **I haven't had since I was a child \u2013 great surface"} {"Clue":"Idiots in European port missing an entrance to shipping (6)","Answer":"TWERPS","Explanation":"Definition: Idiots\n[an]TWERP (European port missing an) + S[hipping]"} {"Clue":"Ogle, needing to grab companion? Well he might! (6)","Answer":"LECHER","Explanation":"Definition: Well he might\nLEER (ogle) round CH (Companion of Honour)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Mess made by quiet group in school (7)","Answer":"SPLOTCH","Explanation":"Definition: Mess\nP (quiet) + LOT (group) in SCH (school)"} {"Clue":"Take a walk, parking vehicle first (5)","Answer":"TRAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Take a walk\nTRAM (vehicle) + P (parking)"} {"Clue":"A learner missing from practice picks up again? (7)","Answer":"REHEARS","Explanation":"Definition: picks up again\nREHEARS[al] (practice) minus a l (a learner)"} {"Clue":"Insect and nothing more, Spooner's said, in drinking vessel (4,3)","Answer":"BEER MUG","Explanation":"Definition: drinking vessel\n'Mere bug' (insect and nothing more)"} {"Clue":"New income set to provide a small amount of money (9)","Answer":"CENTESIMO","Explanation":"Definition: a small amount of money\nAn anagram (new) of INCOME SET \u2013 former Italian monetary unit, a hundredth of a lira"} {"Clue":"Half the people looking to catch us have a sneaking feeling (7)","Answer":"SUSPECT","Explanation":"Definition: have a sneaking feeling\nSPECT[ators] (half the people looking) round US"} {"Clue":"Militant Millicent, reportedly one turned on by Americans (6)","Answer":"FAUCET","Explanation":"Definition: one turned on by Americans\nSounds like (reportedly) (Millicent) Fawcett \u2013 I'd query the 'militant', since she was a suffragist, rather than a suffragette \u2013 see** here"} {"Clue":"Officer studies information, schematically presented (9)","Answer":"CONSTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Officer\nCONS (studies) TABLE (information schematically presented)"} {"Clue":"Queen being grabbed by womaniser in court game (7)","Answer":"CROQUET","Explanation":"Definition: game\nQ (queen) in ROU\u00c9 (womaniser) all in CT (court)"} {"Clue":"Draw together as in an intimate photograph (5-2)","Answer":"CLOSE-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Draw togetheran intimate photograph\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"On a bike, one's headed North, East or West? (6)","Answer":"RIDING","Explanation":"Definition: On a bikeone's headed North, East or West\nDouble definition, the second referring to **the three ancient divisions of Yorkshire"} {"Clue":"Some Eden with love gone, abandoned territory (7)","Answer":"DEMESNE","Explanation":"Definition: territory\nAn anagram (abandoned) of S[o]ME EDEN, minus (gone) o [love]"} {"Clue":"Misery of endless want keeping the old man in (7)","Answer":"DESPAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Misery\nDESIR[e] (endless want) round PA (the old man)"} {"Clue":"Irish water in sunless bog (5)","Answer":"LOUGH","Explanation":"Definition: Irish water\n[s]LOUGH (bog, minus s \u2013 sun)"} {"Clue":"Place to make a note of profit (6)","Answer":"MARGIN","Explanation":"Definition: Place to make a noteprofit\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"August and another month almost fun, nice in the middle (8)","Answer":"MAJESTIC","Explanation":"Definition: August\nMA[y] (another month, almost) + JEST (fun) + [n]IC[e]"} {"Clue":"Not so wild about beginning to play fiddle (6)","Answer":"TAMPER","Explanation":"Definition: fiddle\nTAMER (not so wild) round P[lay]"} {"Clue":"Storyteller assembles great universal catalogue (8)","Answer":"FABULIST","Explanation":"Definition: Storyteller\nFAB (great) + U (universal) + LIST (catalogue) I'm rather surprised that Imogen didn't capitalise **Great Universal** \u2013 it had an iconic catalogue"} {"Clue":" 'Hwyl fawr', as they say in the Valleys (11)","Answer":"VALEDICTION","Explanation":"Definition: 'Hwyl fawr', as they say in the Valleys (11)\nVALE DICTION \u2013 Hwyl fawr is Welsh for 'Goodbye'"} {"Clue":"Wooden crown is no good to Peter (7)","Answer":"TREETOP","Explanation":"Definition: Wooden crown\nAn anagram (no good) of TO PETER"} {"Clue":"Country extra worthless to Scots (7)","Answer":"ANDORRA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nAND (extra?) + ORRA (worthless to Scots) \u2013 my husband was Scottish but I don't think I ever heard him use this word"} {"Clue":"Final decree organised area of the EU (3-2-6)","Answer":"\u00ceLE-DE-FRANCE","Explanation":"Definition: area of the EU\nAn anagram (organised) of FINAL DECREE"} {"Clue":"Reaction to jolt in non-upholstered carriage? (8)","Answer":"BAROUCHE","Explanation":"Definition: carriage\nOUCH (reaction to jolt) in BARE (non-upholstered)"} {"Clue":"Strokes substantial ego (6)","Answer":"SOLIDI","Explanation":"Definition: Strokes\nSOLID (substantial) + I (ego) \u2013 a solidus is a stroke \/ slash \/ oblique"} {"Clue":"Choose a path in abstract (4,4)","Answer":"TAKE AWAY","Explanation":"Definition: abstract\nTAKE A WAY (choose a path)"} {"Clue":"Bleed a corrupt minor official (6)","Answer":"BEADLE","Explanation":"Definition: minor official\nAn anagram (corrupt) of BLEED A \u2013 like Mr Bumble in 'Oliver Twist'"} {"Clue":"Incline to keep at home, as wine may be on offer (3,3)","Answer":"BIN END","Explanation":"Definition: as wine may be on offer\nBEND (incline) round IN (at home)"} {"Clue":"Territory's head welcoming a southern European (10)","Answer":"PALATINATE","Explanation":"Definition: Territory\nPATE (head) round A LATIN (a southern European)"} {"Clue":"Horse in stud's outside, glittering (8)","Answer":"SEQUINED","Explanation":"Definition: glittering\nEQUINE (horse, adjectival) in S[tu]D"} {"Clue":"Encourage work on car that is inclusive of tax (8)","Answer":"MOTIVATE","Explanation":"Definition: Encourage\nMOT (work \u2013 test \u2013 on car) + I.E. (id est \u2013 that is) round VAT (value added tax)"} {"Clue":"What goes on in bed repels me, unfortunately (3,5)","Answer":"REM SLEEP","Explanation":"Definition: What goes on in bed\nAn anagram (unfortunately) of REPELS ME"} {"Clue":"Hallucination is no end of nonsense (4)","Answer":"TRIP","Explanation":"Definition: Hallucination\nTRIP[e] (nonsense)"} {"Clue":"Appealing to reduce noise at the back (4)","Answer":"CUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Appealing\nCUT (reduce) + [nois]E"} {"Clue":"Chief constable is a venomous creature (10)","Answer":"COPPERHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: venomous creature\nCOPPER HEAD (chief constable)"} {"Clue":"Dancing in red fez, extremely agitated (8)","Answer":"FRENZIED","Explanation":"Definition: extremely agitated\nAn anagram (dancing) of IN RED FEZ"} {"Clue":"In vehicle, husband once left half-cut: has he gone to Monaco? (3,5)","Answer":"TAX EXILE","Explanation":"Definition: has he gone to Monaco?\nEX (husband once) in TAXI + LE[ft] (half-cut)"} {"Clue":"Tease cracking obsessive up leads to actual laughter in court (8)","Answer":"TRIBUNAL","Explanation":"Definition: court\nRIB (tease) in a reversal (up) of NUT (obsessive) + initial letters (leads) of Actual Laughter"} {"Clue":"Firmly established as England captain? (6)","Answer":"ROOTED","Explanation":"Definition: Firmly established\nJoe Root is the English cricket captain \u2013 I thought this was a rather weak clue"} {"Clue":"Be up against an objection (4)","Answer":"ABUT","Explanation":"Definition: Be up against\nA BUT (an objection)"} {"Clue":"Journey back in seconds from ski resort's train station (4)","Answer":"TREK","Explanation":"Definition: Journey\nA reversal (back) of the second letters of sKi rEsort's tRain sTation"} {"Clue":"Foreign nobleman and ruler on horse (6)","Answer":"JUNKER","Explanation":"Definition: Foreign nobleman\nJUNK (horse \u2013 heroin) + ER (ruler)"} {"Clue":"Attack right back stops posing no threat (6)","Answer":"STRAFE","Explanation":"Definition: Attack\nA reversal (back) of RT (right) in SAFE (posing no threat)"} {"Clue":"Left-wing militants rejected a suit jacket from Norma (6)","Answer":"ANTIFA","Explanation":"Definition: Left-wing militants\nA reversal (rejected) of A FIT (a suit) + N[orm]A see** here"} {"Clue":"Where cars race about madly, dashing at intervals (8)","Answer":"AUTOBAHN","Explanation":"Definition: Where cars race\nAn anagram (madly) of ABOUT + alternate letters (at intervals) of [d]A[s]H[i]N[g]"} {"Clue":"Ironstone in social gathering (4)","Answer":"FEST","Explanation":"Definition: social gathering\nFE (iron) + ST (stone)"} {"Clue":"Overture from Faur\u00e9 playing, then I hear scale (10)","Answer":"FAHRENHEIT","Explanation":"Definition: scale\nInitial letter of (overture from) Faur\u00e9 + an anagram (playing) of THEN I HEAR \u2013 a lovely surface"} {"Clue":"Eager man is in Guardian presses producing a Berliner version? (11)","Answer":"GERMANISING","Explanation":"Definition: producing a Berliner version?\nHidden in (presses) eaGER MAN IS IN Guardian"} {"Clue":"Breed of pet rat eating pork pie wife brought around (10)","Answer":"ROTTWEILER","Explanation":"Definition: Breed of pet\nROTTER (rat) round a reversal (brought around) of LIE (pork pie \u2013 rhyming slang) + W (wife) \u2013 another great surface"} {"Clue":"Genuine article returned broken by Charlie (4)","Answer":"ECHT","Explanation":"Definition: Genuine\nA reversal (returned) of THE (article) round (broken by) C (Charlie \u2013 phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Miss one buried in funeral ground (8)","Answer":"FRAULEIN","Explanation":"Definition: Miss\nI (one) in an anagram (ground \u2013 I always love to see this indicator, used to great effect here) of FUNERAL"} {"Clue":"Half-heartedly mouth entertaining answer for emperor (6)","Answer":"KAISER","Explanation":"Definition: emperor\nKIS[s]ER (mouth, half-heartedly) round A (answer, as in Q&A)"} {"Clue":"Left-leaning parties saving time where men were detained (6)","Answer":"STALAG","Explanation":"Definition: where men were detained\nA reversal (left-leaning, in an across clue) of GALAS (parties) round (saving) time"} {"Clue":"Regime change in places with extremes of temperature (6)","Answer":"PUTSCH","Explanation":"Definition: Regime change\nPUTS (places) + C (cold) H (hot) \u2013 extremes of temperature\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Too inept to move like a ballet dancer, perhaps (2,6)","Answer":"ON TIPTOE","Explanation":"Definition: like a ballet dancer, perhaps\nAn anagram (to move) of TOO INEPT"} {"Clue":"Amount to part of a whole account (6)","Answer":"BEHALF","Explanation":"Definition: account\nBE HALF\u00a0 (amount to part of a whole)"} {"Clue":" Says with stammering tongue, primarily? (8)","Answer":"STUTTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Says with stammering tongue, primarily?\nS[tammering] T[ongue] + UTTERS (says)"} {"Clue":"Money maintains company known for flying fortress in Africa (6)","Answer":"CASBAH","Explanation":"Definition: fortress in Africa\nCASH (money) round BA (British Airways \u2013 company known for flying)"} {"Clue":"Judge present Times journalist to be doomed (6)","Answer":"JINXED","Explanation":"Definition: doomed\nJ (judge) + IN (present) + X (times) + ED (journalist)"} {"Clue":"Code cracked by unspecified number of people in a group (6)","Answer":"ETHNIC","Explanation":"Definition: of people in a group\nETHIC (code) round N (unspecified number)"} {"Clue":"One on board managing rough treatment (11)","Answer":"MANHANDLING","Explanation":"Definition: rough treatment\nMAN (one on a chess board) + HANDLING (managing)"} {"Clue":"Patron Saint oppressed by a menace abroad (8)","Answer":"MAECENAS","Explanation":"Definition: Patron\nS (saint) after \u2013 oppressed by, in a down clue, an anagram (abroad) of A MENACE"} {"Clue":"Most wanting to stop working in tense shifts (8)","Answer":"NEEDIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most wanting\nDIE (stop working) in an anagram (shifts) of TENSE"} {"Clue":"Dangerous creatures in lingerie business, at first (6)","Answer":"COBRAS","Explanation":"Definition: Dangerous creatures\nCO (company \u2013 business) + BRAS (lingerie)"} {"Clue":"Repeatedly say nothing about heartless executive? How exasperating! (6)","Answer":"SHEESH","Explanation":"Definition: How exasperatin!\nSH SH (say nothing, repeatedly) round E[xecutiv]E"} {"Clue":"Brown coats unusual for top Democrat (6)","Answer":"TRUMAN","Explanation":"Definition: top Democrat\nTAN (brown) round (coats) RUM (unusual)"} {"Clue":"Remind people of lecherous fellow getting ahead (4,2)","Answer":"RAKE UP","Explanation":"Definition: Remind people of\nRAKE (lecherous fellow) + UP (ahead)"} {"Clue":"Position of bishop and cardinal making one become angry (3,3)","Answer":"SEE RED","Explanation":"Definition: become angry\nSEE (position of bishop) + RED (cardinal)"} {"Clue":"Act the wrong way, cutting precious tree (6)","Answer":"DEODAR","Explanation":"Definition: tree\nA reversal (the wrong way) of DO (act) in DEAR (precious) for a **tree** I don't remember meeting before, even in crosswords, but it had to be that"} {"Clue":"Leaders in White House the reverse of smart in Washington \u2014 what's the downside? (3,3)","Answer":"WHY NOT?","Explanation":"Definition: what's the downside?\nInitial letters (leaders) of White House + a reversal of TONY \u2013 (Chambers gives TONY as slang for 'high-toned or fashionable', with no indication that it's American, so I don't know why 'in Washington', apart from the surface)"} {"Clue":"Weapon in novel Pale Fire (3,5)","Answer":"PEA RIFLE","Explanation":"Definition: Weapon\nAn anagram (novel) of PALE FIRE"} {"Clue":"Heads off tippler's excessive alcoholic tendency, attachment to bottle (4)","Answer":"TEAT","Explanation":"Definition: attachment to bottle\nInitial letters (heads) of Tippler's Excessive Alcohol Tendency \u2013 great surface and definition"} {"Clue":"Something sailor needs at that point covered by one side of bridge always (7,3)","Answer":"WEATHER EYE","Explanation":"Definition: Something sailor needs\nTHERE (at that point) in W E (one side of bridge partnership) AYE (always)"} {"Clue":"Set piece \u2014 it's spelt out, as you can hear, in the other across solutions (apart from 23) (7,4)","Answer":"CRYPTIC CLUE","Explanation":"Definition: Set piece\nIn the centre of the grid we have the key to the puzzle: homophones (as you can hear) of the letters of CRYPTIC CLUE are spelt out \u2013 in order! \u2013 in all of the other across solutions except 23"} {"Clue":"Leaderless, is deaf \u2014 his thing is what'll diminish schools? (3-7)","Answer":"SEA-FISHING","Explanation":"Definition: what'll diminish schools?\nWe need to take the initial letters (leaderless) from [i]S [d]EAF [h]IS [t]HING \u2013 and the schools, of course, are of fish"} {"Clue":"Quick removal of initial no-no for doctors from pharmacy (4)","Answer":"PACY","Explanation":"Definition: Quick\nP[harm]ACY minus (removal of) harm \u2013 a reference to the **'primum non nocere'** ('first do no harm') principle (initial no-no for doctors)"} {"Clue":"Notice changes after English left democratic process (8)","Answer":"ELECTION","Explanation":"Definition: democratic process\nE (English) L (left) + an anagram (changes) of NOTICE"} {"Clue":"Exactly 50% of disease in one area, part of Europe (6)","Answer":"IBERIA","Explanation":"Definition: part of Europe\nBERI (exactly 50% of BERI-[beri] \u2013 disease) in I (one) A (area) \u2013\u00a0 refreshing to see this word clued without mention of Siberia"} {"Clue":"Live in endless childhood? Certainly! (3,3)","Answer":"YOU BET!","Explanation":"Definition: Certainly!\nBE (live) in YOUT[h] (endless childhood)"} {"Clue":"Anxious, having no time to get Chinese manual (1,5)","Answer":"I CHING","Explanation":"Definition: Chinese manual\nI[t]CHING (anxious, minus t \u2013 time)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Tranche of boodle in sterling for Irish quarter? (8)","Answer":"LEINSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Irish quarter\nHidden in boodLE IN STERling"} {"Clue":"Give in first place with pained expression (6)","Answer":"BESTOW","Explanation":"Definition: Give\nBEST (in first place) + OW (pained expression)"} {"Clue":"Harpies gallivanting about, like other mythical creatures (8)","Answer":"SERAPHIC","Explanation":"Definition: like other mythical creatures\nAn anagram (gallivanting \u2013 lovely word) of HARPIES + C (about) \u2013 I'm not really keen on 'mythical'"} {"Clue":"Less composed editor fighting American over royalty (6)","Answer":"EDGIER","Explanation":"Definition: Less composed\nED (editor) + a reversal (over) of GI (fighting American) + ER (the Queen, royalty personified)"} {"Clue":"That is to say, arranged help for arduous trek (6)","Answer":"SCHLEP","Explanation":"Definition: arduous trek\nSC (short for scilicet \u2013 'that is to say', namely) + an anagram (arranged) of HELP"} {"Clue":"Races one can't complete (6)","Answer":"RELAYS","Explanation":"Definition: Races one can't complete\nCryptic definition: one person alone can't complete a relay race"} {"Clue":"Entering a quiet city, changed into shades (11)","Answer":"APPARITIONS","Explanation":"Definition: shades\nAn anagram (changed) of INTO enters A P (a quiet) PARIS (city)"} {"Clue":"Old man's daily crosswords etc (8)","Answer":"PASTIMES","Explanation":"Definition: crosswords etc\nPA'S (old man's) TIMES (daily newspaper) \u2013 what a lovely clue!"} {"Clue":"Refer to work Greek character turned up that's prosaic (8)","Answer":"UNPOETIC","Explanation":"Definition: prosaic\nA reversal (turned up) of CITE (refer to) + OP (work) + NU (Greek character)"} {"Clue":"In fact, join a new league? (6)","Answer":"REALLY","Explanation":"Definition: In fact\nRE-ALLY (join a new group)"} {"Clue":"Playing in position as substitute (6)","Answer":"ACTING","Explanation":"Definition: Playingin position as substitute\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"If upset, put on such varied neckwear (6)","Answer":"FICHUS","Explanation":"Definition: neckwear\nA reversal (upset, in a down clue) of IF + an anagram (varied) of SUCH"} {"Clue":"Problem with equipment, needing good fruit pruned (6)","Answer":"GLITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Problem with equipment\nG (good) + LITCH[i] (fruit, pruned)"} {"Clue":"Fishy sanctuary for a lot of Americans? (3,4)","Answer":"CAR PARK","Explanation":"Definition: a lot of Americans?\nCARP ARK (sanctuary for fish): Americans call a car park a parking lot \u2013 (why would fish need the ark?)"} {"Clue":"Fishy weapon? (4)","Answer":"PIKE","Explanation":"Definition: Fishweapon\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Where local workers are detained (6,4)","Answer":"BEHIND BARS","Explanation":"Definition: Where local workers are detained\nCryptic definition, a local being a pub"} {"Clue":"Sounding hard, nothing has replaced one chapter in something easy (6)","Answer":"PHONIC","Explanation":"Definition: Sounding\nH (hard) O (nothing) has replaced I (one) C (chapter) in P[ic]NIC (something easy)"} {"Clue":"Soldier on set I look to knock over (4,2,2)","Answer":"KEEP IT UP","Explanation":"Definition: Soldier on\nA reversal (over) of PUT (set) + I + PEEK (look)"} {"Clue":"Bone goes with third of fillets, fishy Italian dish (9)","Answer":"BOLOGNESE","Explanation":"Definition: Italian dish\nAn anagram (fishy) of BONE GOES + fiLlets"} {"Clue":"Middle Eastern city in Doha, I fancy (5)","Answer":"HAIFA","Explanation":"Definition: Middle Eastern city\nContained in doHA I FAncy \u2013 did anyone else look for an anagram of DOHA I?"} {"Clue":"One gliding along, fishy pupil at Eton, say (12)","Answer":"SKATEBOARDER","Explanation":"Definition: One gliding along\nSKATE (fish) + BOARDER (pupil at Eton, say)"} {"Clue":"Targeted by marketing strategy, left shambolic extremists initially in command (9)","Answer":"LEAFLETED","Explanation":"Definition: Targeted by marketing strategy\nAn anagram (shambolic) of LEFT + E{xtremists] in LEAD (command)"} {"Clue":"Fishy water? Helper on the way (2-6)","Answer":"CO-DRIVER","Explanation":"Definition: Helper on the way\nCOD (fish) + RIVER (water)"} {"Clue":"Fishy weapon? (3,3)","Answer":"RAY GUN","Explanation":"Definition: Fishy weapon?\nCryptic definition, ray being a fish"} {"Clue":"Central circles with rings around \u2014 might these be flowers? (10)","Answer":"PERENNIALS","Explanation":"Definition: might these be flowers?\nA reversal (circles) of INNER (central) with PEALS (rings) around"} {"Clue":"Predator catching egg layer (4)","Answer":"COAT","Explanation":"Definition: layer\nCAT (predator) round O (egg)"} {"Clue":"Deception, fishy fizzy drink? (7)","Answer":"CHARADE","Explanation":"Definition: Deception\nA whimsical clue \u2013 CHAR (fish) + ADE, giving a fizzy drink, by analogy with orange or lemonade"} {"Clue":"Mannerly, fishy chap? (7)","Answer":"GENTEEL","Explanation":"Definition: Mannerly\nGENT EEL \u2013 another bit of whimsy\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Reaction, by the sound of it, when apartment evacuated and I go away! (7)","Answer":"ATISHOO","Explanation":"Definition: Reaction, by the sound of it\nA[partmen]T (evacuated) + I + SHOO! (go away!)* but see AlanC's comment @11"} {"Clue":"Tart up, on prodding feather once? (5)","Answer":"PREEN","Explanation":"Definition: Tart up\nRE (on) in (prodding?) PEN (feather once \u2013 reference to quill pens)"} {"Clue":"Second river crossed in heading on \u2014 point of no return? (7)","Answer":"RUBICON","Explanation":"Definition: point of no return?\nRUB[r]IC (heading) with the second r (river) crossed (out) + ON"} {"Clue":"First of orders signed \u2014 sounded like Napoleon? (6)","Answer":"OINKED","Explanation":"Definition: sounded like Napoleon?\nO[rders] + INKED (signed) \u2013 Napoleon is one of the pigs in Orwell's 'Animal Farm'"} {"Clue":"Dump in African capital with English religious job (9)","Answer":"RABBINATE","Explanation":"Definition: religious job\nBIN (dump) in RABAT (African capital) + E (English)"} {"Clue":"Material originally sewn into each frill, one of two pads (7)","Answer":"EARMUFF","Explanation":"Definition: one of two pads\nEA (each) + M[aterial] in RUFF (frill)"} {"Clue":"Dramatic Irishman secreting fishy weapon? (13)","Answer":"SHAKESPEAREAN","Explanation":"Definition: Dramatic\nSEAN (Irishman) round (secreting) HAKE (fish) SPEAR (weapon)"} {"Clue":"27, for example, wife found in location of canal (9)","Answer":"OUTERWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: 27, for example\nW (wife) in OUTER EAR (location of {ear} canal)"} {"Clue":"9 recognises king, these days the vagrant (7)","Answer":"KNOWETH","Explanation":"Definition: 9 recognises\nK (king) + NOW (these days) + an anagram (vagrant) of THE"} {"Clue":"Divine number and letter mentioned? (7)","Answer":"FORESEE","Explanation":"Definition: Divine\nSounds like (mentioned) four (number) + C (letter)"} {"Clue":"Follow fast runner, then slow (7)","Answer":"EMULATE","Explanation":"Definition: Follow\nEMU (fast runner) + LATE (slow)"} {"Clue":"Flattened garden ever rising, to some extent (6)","Answer":"EVENED","Explanation":"Definition: Flattened\nHidden reversal in garDEN EVEr"} {"Clue":"Vessel unknown, number spoken by U-boat crew? (5)","Answer":"YACHT","Explanation":"Definition: Vessel\nY (unknown) + ACHT (German for eight \u2013 number spoken by U-boat crew)"} {"Clue":"It is customary to cook a halibut (8)","Answer":"HABITUAL","Explanation":"Definition: It is customary\nAn anagram (to cook) of A HALIBUT"} {"Clue":"British soldiers capturing East German city (6)","Answer":"BREMEN","Explanation":"Definition: German city\nBR (British) MEN (soldiers) round E (east)"} {"Clue":"Disastrous direction to go (4)","Answer":"WEST","Explanation":"Definition: Disastrous direction to go\nTo go west means to die or to stop working; for a detailed discussion of the origin of the phrase see** here**\u00a0 \u2013 other websites give even more possibilities"} {"Clue":"Language of Castro bore translating (5-5)","Answer":"SERBO-CROAT","Explanation":"Definition: Language\nAn anagram (translating) of CASTRO BORE"} {"Clue":"The next reign after Louis XVI? (6)","Answer":"TERROR","Explanation":"Definition: The next reign after Louis XVI?\nCryptic definition, referring to the **French Revolution\u00a0"} {"Clue":"A very long time to make a ring (8)","Answer":"ETERNITY","Explanation":"Definition: A very long timea ring\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Turned to church as an authority (6)","Answer":"SOURCE","Explanation":"Definition: an authority\nSOUR (turned, as milk could be) + CE (Church of England)"} {"Clue":"In a week or so city goes to ruin (6)","Answer":"DECAYS","Explanation":"Definition: goes to ruin\nEC (the post code of the City of London) in DAYS (a week or so)"} {"Clue":"In serious outbreak criticise bungling medic (8)","Answer":"PANDEMIC","Explanation":"Definition: In serious outbreak\nPAN (criticise) + an anagram (bungling) of MEDIC"} {"Clue":"After good notice obtain appliance (6)","Answer":"GADGET","Explanation":"Definition: appliance\nG (good) + AD (notice) + GET (obtain)"} {"Clue":"Showing acute intelligence after a strop? (5-5)","Answer":"RAZOR-SHARP","Explanation":"Definition: Showing acute intelligence\nCryptic definition, referring to the leather strap (strop) used to sharpen a cut-throat razor \u2013 as a child, I was fascinated to see my grandfather use his; nowadays, it's one of my favourite words as a temper tantrum (as in the surface)"} {"Clue":"Weapon that somehow combines power and lots of energy (4)","Answer":"EPEE","Explanation":"Definition: Weapon\nA combination of P (power) and E E E (lots of energy)"} {"Clue":"Open to bribery, one is held pardonable (6)","Answer":"VENIAL","Explanation":"Definition: pardonable\nI (one) in VENAL (open to bribery)"} {"Clue":"A funny reaction in gales, perhaps (8)","Answer":"LAUGHTER","Explanation":"Definition: A funny reaction\nCryptic definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Slack? If not interested, you couldn't ___ (8)","Answer":"CARELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Slack\nIf not interested, you couldn't CARE LESS"} {"Clue":"Failed to hear the weather (4)","Answer":"MIST","Explanation":"Definition: weather\nSounds like (to hear) 'missed' (failed)"} {"Clue":"What's this on my screen, I hear one swearing (6)","Answer":"CURSOR","Explanation":"Definition: What's this on my screen\nSounds like 'curser' (one swearing)"} {"Clue":"Old boy has a couple of teeth to eat fish that's out of date (8)","Answer":"OBSOLETE","Explanation":"Definition: out of date\nOB (old boy) + TE ('couple of teeth') round SOLE (fish)"} {"Clue":"Nigeria had ordered a sound investment (7,3)","Answer":"HEARING AID","Explanation":"Definition: a sound investment\nAn anagram (ordered) of NIGERIA HAD, with a cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Extremely rude over a meal (6)","Answer":"REPAST","Explanation":"Definition: meal\nR[ud]E + PAST (over)"} {"Clue":"Fat monarch makes room for food (6)","Answer":"LARDER","Explanation":"Definition: room for food\nLARD (fat) + ER (monarch)"} {"Clue":"Where the merry men gathered for a letter? (5,5)","Answer":"ROUND ROBIN","Explanation":"Definition: a letter\nCryptic definition, referring to Robin Hood and his Merry Men"} {"Clue":"I lose mac, awkward thing to wear (8)","Answer":"CAMISOLE","Explanation":"Definition: thing to wear\nAn anagram (awkward) of I LOSE MAC"} {"Clue":"Pinned into wrong desk? Used to be (8)","Answer":"SKEWERED","Explanation":"Definition: Pinned\nWERE (used to be) in an anagram (wrong) of DESK"} {"Clue":"Write badly with small stroke (6)","Answer":"SCRAWL","Explanation":"Definition: Write badly\nS (small) + CRAWL (swimming stroke)"} {"Clue":"Very surprised these days to go round part of Hampton Court gardens (6)","Answer":"AMAZED","Explanation":"Definition: Very surprised\nAD (Anno Domini \u2013 these days) round MAZE **(part of Hampton Court gardens)"} {"Clue":"Turning up in drinking vessel, notice mineral (6)","Answer":"GYPSUM","Explanation":"Definition: mineral\nA reversal (turning up) of SPY (notice) in MUG (drinking vessel)"} {"Clue":"Send back some stale chocolates (4)","Answer":"ECHO","Explanation":"Definition: Send back\nContained in stalE CHOcocolate"} {"Clue":"Fen country wife has dental treatment? (7)","Answer":"WETLAND","Explanation":"Definition: Fen country\nW (wife) + an anagram (treatment) of DENTAL"} {"Clue":"Smelly lout overturned chest of drawers, US fashion (7)","Answer":"HIGHBOY","Explanation":"Definition: chest of drawers, US fashion\nHIGH (smelly) + a reversal (overturned) of YOB (lout) \u2013 the North American term for what in the UK is called a tallboy"} {"Clue":"Opposed to work's quality rating (4)","Answer":"VSOP","Explanation":"Definition: quality rating\nVS (versus \u2013 opposed to) + OP (work) Very Special (or Superior) Old Pale \u2013 used to indicate that a brandy or port is between 20 and 25 years old"} {"Clue":"Rash move to open up someone local shot by an amateur? (4,5)","Answer":"HOME MOVIE","Explanation":"Definition: shot by an amateur\nAn anagram (rash) of MOVE in HOMIE (someone local \u2013 a new word for me)"} {"Clue":"Rocker taking lead in Chicago, the musical? (5)","Answer":"CHAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Rocker\nC[hicago] + HAIR (musical)"} {"Clue":"In which a monarch hid his approval to imprison one? (5,3)","Answer":"ROYAL OAK","Explanation":"Definition: In which a monarch hid\nROYAL OK (a monarch's approval) round A (one)"} {"Clue":"Transported bird of prey \u2014 no alternative (4)","Answer":"RAPT","Explanation":"Definition: Transported\nRAPT[or] (bird of prey) minus or \u2013 alternative"} {"Clue":"Figure submitted an account over the phone (5)","Answer":"BUILD","Explanation":"Definition: Figure\nSounds like (over the phone) 'billed' (submitted an account) \u2013 figure and build both nouns, as in physical form"} {"Clue":"Debut of Gordon Fish, the writer (4)","Answer":"GIDE","Explanation":"Definition: writer\nG[ordon] + IDE (fish) \u2013 the writer Andr\u00e9 Gide"} {"Clue":"'Seat of Government': article by ex-party leader (3,5)","Answer":"THE HAGUE","Explanation":"Definition: 'Seat of Government'\nTHE (article) + (William) HAGUE (former Conservative Party leader) for the seat of government in The Netherlands"} {"Clue":"Boxer's punch that shows something's wrong (5)","Answer":"CROSS","Explanation":"Definition: Boxer's punchthat shows something's wrong\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"One of a poetic host's urns is cast almost sloppily (9)","Answer":"NARCISSUS","Explanation":"Definition: One of a poetic host\nAn anagram (sloppily) of URNS IS CAS[t]"} {"Clue":"Spirit needed by animal trainer (4)","Answer":"MALT","Explanation":"Definition: Spirit\nContained in aniMAL Trainer \u2013 reference to malt whisky"} {"Clue":"Censoring device forced rebel to suppress past record (7)","Answer":"BLEEPER","Explanation":"Definition: Censoring device\nAn anagram (forced) of REBEL round EP (past record)"} {"Clue":"A cold calm way to disappear? (7)","Answer":"ILLNESS","Explanation":"Definition: A cold\nst[ILLNESS] (calm) minus st (street \u2013 way)"} {"Clue":"Stupid people lacking college educator for ABC etc (4)","Answer":"KEYS","Explanation":"Definition: ABC etc\n[don]KEYS (stupid people) lacking don (college educator)"} {"Clue":"The panel rudely ignored occupant of room? (8)","Answer":"ELEPHANT","Explanation":"Definition: ignored occupant of room?\nAn anagram (rudely) of THE PANEL"} {"Clue":"A new job not quite providing security (6)","Answer":"ANCHOR","Explanation":"Definition: security\nA N (new) CHOR[e] (job not quite)"} {"Clue":"Passed round edible tubers wrong way up and caused alarm (8)","Answer":"DISMAYED","Explanation":"Definition: caused alarm\nDIED (passed) round a reversal (wrong way up) of YAMS (edible tubers)"} {"Clue":"Implement obtained from second squalid home (6)","Answer":"SHOVEL","Explanation":"Definition: Implement\nS (second) + HOVEL (squalid home)"} {"Clue":"Old comedian's dance, ending in glide (4)","Answer":"HOPE","Explanation":"Definition: Old comedian\nHOP (dance) + [glid]E \u2013 Bob Hope, old comedian"} {"Clue":"Ration one's expressions of appreciation when abroad? That's barbarous! (9)","Answer":"MERCILESS","Explanation":"Definition: barbarous\nCryptic definition: to ration one's expressions of appreciation in France would be to say 'Merci' less often"} {"Clue":"Greyhound, maybe, in care of a church (5)","Answer":"COACH","Explanation":"Definition: Greyhound, maybe\nCO (care of) + A CH (church) \u2013 reference to the **Greyhound Lines"} {"Clue":"High spot, like going round Windy End (5)","Answer":"ANDES","Explanation":"Definition: High spot\nAS (like) round an anagram (windy \u2013 as in winding) of END"} {"Clue":"Player gets sack \u2014 supporter takes a pee (8)","Answer":"BAGPIPER","Explanation":"Definition: Player\nBAG (sack) + PIER (supporter) round P"} {"Clue":"Look into playing for money after sunset (8)","Answer":"GLOAMING","Explanation":"Definition: after sunset\nLO (look) in GAMING (playing for money) \u2013 a lovely word, meaning twilight, which my Scottish husband used a lot"} {"Clue":"Gym equipment bays (6)","Answer":"HORSES","Explanation":"Definition: Gym equipmentbays\nDouble definition, the second referring to horses"} {"Clue":"Rook \u2014 mouldy thing with loathsome wings (6)","Answer":"CASTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Rook\nCAST ('mouldy', as in a plaster cast, thing) + L[oathsom]E"} {"Clue":"Sentimentality? Head off for boozer! (4)","Answer":"LUSH","Explanation":"Definition: boozer\n[s]LUSH (sentimentality) \u2013 a fitting word to end on \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Old-style language in new daily's newspaper's leader (6)","Answer":"LYDIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Old-style language\nAn anagram (new) of DAILY + N[ewspaper]"} {"Clue":"Priest so funny making snappy replies? (8)","Answer":"RIPOSTES","Explanation":"Definition: snappy replies\nAn anagram (funny) of PRIEST SO"} {"Clue":"Merry Parisian is diving into English river (6)","Answer":"FESTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Merry\nEST (French \u2013 Parisian \u2013 for 'is') in FAL (English river)"} {"Clue":"Russians heading off with Europeans (8)","Answer":"IBERIANS","Explanation":"Definition: Europeans\n[s]IBERIANS (Russians) minus the initial letter (heading off)"} {"Clue":"Unscrupulous man shows degree of speed, wanting evil woman back (11)","Answer":"MACHIAVELLI","Explanation":"Definition: Unscrupulous man\nMACH I (one) (degree of speed) + a reversal (back) of ILL (evil) EVA (woman)"} {"Clue":"Fighter of old in hospital housing ethnic group (7)","Answer":"SARACEN","Explanation":"Definition: Fighter of old\nSAN[atorium] (hospital) round (housing) RACE (ethnic group)"} {"Clue":"Betray guerrilla fighter, then almost make amends (5,2)","Answer":"CHEAT ON","Explanation":"Definition: Betray\nCHE (Guevara \u2013 guerrilla fighter) + ATON[e] (make amends, almost)"} {"Clue":"Require alteration to top line in decorative work (11)","Answer":"NEEDLEPOINT","Explanation":"Definition: decorative work\nNEED (require) + an anagram (alteration to) of TOP LINE"} {"Clue":"Plant to get fossil fuel reportedly? Not entirely raving mad (8)","Answer":"KOHLRABI","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nKOHL (sounds like {reportedly} 'coal' \u2013 fossil fuel) + RABI[d] (not entirely raving mad)"} {"Clue":"Shine in speech? Modesty perhaps evident (6)","Answer":"BLAISE","Explanation":"Definition: Modesty perhaps evident\nSounds like (in speech) 'blaze' (shine) \u2013 reference to **comic strip Modesty Blaise\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Record library with content written out in great detail (8)","Answer":"MINUTELY","Explanation":"Definition: in great detail\nMINUTE (record, as a verb) + L[ibrar]Y, with inner letters \u2013 content \u2013 written out"} {"Clue":"Annoyed being listened to secretly (6)","Answer":"BUGGED","Explanation":"Definition: Annoyedlistened to secretly\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"One cold dish served up with bread in the Gambia (6)","Answer":"DALASI","Explanation":"Definition: bread in the Gambia\nA reversal (served up, in a down clue) of I SALAD (one cold dish) for the currency ('bread') of the Gambia"} {"Clue":"Bad local I repeatedly slammed as hellish (10)","Answer":"DIABOLICAL","Explanation":"Definition: hellish\nAn anagram (slammed) of BAD LOCAL I I"} {"Clue":"Stories about wet girl (8)","Answer":"LORRAINE","Explanation":"Definition: girl\nLORE (stories) round RAIN (wet)"} {"Clue":"Like extreme radical \u2014 maybe had biggest estate at death? (8)","Answer":"LEFTMOST","Explanation":"Definition: Like extreme radical\nSomeone who had the biggest estate at death would have LEFT MOST"} {"Clue":"Street vehicle in task removing what is grotty, ultimately? (8)","Answer":"DUSTCART","Explanation":"I'm afraid I can't see how this works"} {"Clue":"Bird leaves lake (4)","Answer":"TEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nTEA (leaves) + L (lake)"} {"Clue":"Realise social security covers America (4)","Answer":"SUSS","Explanation":"Definition: Realise\nSS (Social Security) round US (America)"} {"Clue":"US financier set up \u2014 keeps playing a blinder (10)","Answer":"VANDERBILT","Explanation":"Definition: US financier\nA reversal (up, in a down clue) Of TV (set) round (keeps) an anagram (playing) of A BLINDER for** this US financier\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Spectacular action of disenchanted workers (8)","Answer":"STRIKING","Explanation":"Definition: Spectacularaction of disenchanted workers\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Last thing park wants \u2014 no running water for plant (8)","Answer":"KNOTWEED","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nK (last letter of [par]K \u2013 last thing park wants) + NO TWEED (no running water, referring to the River Tweed) \u2013 and **knotweed** **is** one of the last things a park would want!"} {"Clue":"Remorseful prisoner \u2014 first one in the religious ceremony (8)","Answer":"CONTRITE","Explanation":"Definition: Remorseful\nCON (prisoner) + first letter of T[he] in RITE (religious ceremony)"} {"Clue":"Stop going up and down (4,2)","Answer":"PULL UP","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\nPULL UP is a palindrome \u2013 going up and down"} {"Clue":"Glide or dash off, not finishing (4)","Answer":"SKIM","Explanation":"Definition: Glide\nSKIM[p] (dash off \u2013 Collins: 'to perform {work, etc} carelessly or with inadequate materials')"} {"Clue":"Avoid newspaper offered around hotel (4)","Answer":"SHUN","Explanation":"Definition: Avoid\nSUN (newspaper) round H (hotel)"} {"Clue":"Prince Andrew's regularly going out after sex, primarily in suit (6)","Answer":"SPADES","Explanation":"Definition: suit\nS[ex] primarily, plus P (prince) + alternate letters (regularly going out) of A[n]D[r]E[w]'S \u2013 not sure what 'in' is doing"} {"Clue":"Depress actors by not working (4,4)","Answer":"CAST DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Depress\nCAST (actors) + DOWN (not working)"} {"Clue":"Token of love: attraction can feature? (4,4)","Answer":"RING-PULL","Explanation":"Definition: can feature?\nRING (token of love) + PULL (attraction) \u2013 great definition"} {"Clue":"Go on run and walk (6)","Answer":"RAMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Go on\nR (run) + AMBLE (walk)"} {"Clue":"Change her nappies with no dread (12)","Answer":"APPREHENSION","Explanation":"Definition: dread\nAn anagram (change) of HER NAPPIES and NO"} {"Clue":"Drop toast, essentially across floor? On the contrary (4)","Answer":"BEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Drop\nBED (floor) round (across) A (middle letter \u2013 essentially \u2013 of [to]A[st]"} {"Clue":"Unusual tempo to maintain one piece of music (4,4)","Answer":"TONE POEM","Explanation":"Definition: piece of music\nAn anagram (unusual) of TEMPO round (to maintain) ONE"} {"Clue":"One sticks with Tramp crossword, initially about to submit (8)","Answer":"CEMENTER","Explanation":"Definition: One sticks\nME (Tramp) + C[rossword] initially, all reversed (about) + ENTER (submit)"} {"Clue":"Rip short hem to denim outfit (4)","Answer":"TEAM","Explanation":"Definition: outfit\nTEA[r] (rip, short) + last letter ('hem') of [deni]M"} {"Clue":"Number two fault: check by pilot (4-8)","Answer":"VICE-CHAIRMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Number two\nVICE (fault) + CH (check \u2013 chess notation) + AIRMAN (pilot)"} {"Clue":"Downed one can at end of month (6)","Answer":"MARTIN","Explanation":"Definition: Downed one\nTIN (can) at end of MAR (month)"} {"Clue":"One might be smiling, feeling cold inside (8)","Answer":"EMOTICON","Explanation":"Definition: One might be smiling\nC (cold) inside EMOTION (feeling) \u2013 lovely! \ud83d\ude42"} {"Clue":"Avoids past graduates (8)","Answer":"BYPASSES","Explanation":"Definition: Avoids\nBY (past \u2013 as in days gone by) + PASSES (graduates)"} {"Clue":"Case in hospital not so young (6)","Answer":"HOLDER","Explanation":"Definition: Case\nH (holder) + OLDER (not so young)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Secretary at work is smart? (4)","Answer":"PAIN","Explanation":"Definition: smart\nPA (personal assistant \u2013 secretary) + IN (at work, as opposed to 'out' \u2013 on strike)"} {"Clue":"Stroke pet on top of paw and go off (3,6)","Answer":"DOG PADDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Stroke\nDOG (pet) + P[aw] (top of) + ADDLE (go off)"} {"Clue":"Shape second album during split (6)","Answer":"SCULPT","Explanation":"Definition: Shape\nS (second) + LP (album) in CUT (split)"} {"Clue":"Cherished ones lose footing away from Strictly Come Dancing (10,5)","Answer":"COLLECTOR\u2019S ITEMS","Explanation":"Definition: Cherished ones\nAn anagram (dancing) of LOSE STRICTL[y] minus its last letter \u2013 'footing away from' + COME"} {"Clue":"Tips Democrat: American to limit Mike Pence (5)","Answer":"DUMPS","Explanation":"Definition: Tips\nD (democrat) + US ( American) round (to limit) M (mike) P (pence)"} {"Clue":"Meow and start to enjoy cat milk, regularly put out: it's placed by front door (7,3)","Answer":"WELCOME MAT","Explanation":"Definition: it's placed by front door\nAn anagram (out) of MEOW + E[njoy] + CAT + M[i]L[k], regularly"} {"Clue":"Criminal mostly and ten guys: Reservoir Dogs might see them? (10,8)","Answer":"VETERINARY SURGEONS","Explanation":"Definition: Dogs might see them\nAnother super anagram (criminal) of AN[d] \u2013 mostly + TEN GUYS RESERVOIR"} {"Clue":"Sort out toilet pan: promise? (9)","Answer":"POTENTIAL","Explanation":"Definition: promise\nAn anagram (sort out) of TOILET PAN"} {"Clue":"What have you put on top of stuff that's not opened? Artwork? (8)","Answer":"ETCHINGS","Explanation":"ETC (et cetera = what have you) + (on top of, in a down clue) [t]HINGS (stuff, minus the initial letter \u2013 not opened)"} {"Clue":"Way to get height to pass over low plane (6)","Answer":"SMOOTH","Explanation":"Definition: plane\nST (street \u2013 way) round MOO (low) + H (height)"} {"Clue":"Another kiss? Tense during important date (5)","Answer":"EXTRA","Explanation":"Definition: Another\nX (kiss) + T (tense) in ERA (important date)"} {"Clue":"Drink and drugs (4)","Answer":"COKE","Explanation":"Definition: Drinkdrugs\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"It preserves energy and oxygen when getting into tight corset (8)","Answer":"CREOSOTE","Explanation":"Definition: It preserves\nE (energy) and O (oxygen) in an anagram (tight) of CORSET"} {"Clue":"Bush, the rock 'n' roll pioneer? (5)","Answer":"HOLLY","Explanation":"Definition: Bushrock 'n' roll pioneer\nDouble definition, the second referring to **Buddy**\u00a0 (humour me, please \ud83d\ude09 )"} {"Clue":"Vegetable seconds with a little dessert (4)","Answer":"SPUD","Explanation":"Definition: Vegetable\nS (seconds) + PUD (a little dessert)"} {"Clue":"Suggestion I'm no Titian is absurd! (10)","Answer":"INTIMATION","Explanation":"Definition: Suggestion\nAn anagram (absurd) of I'M NO TITIAN"} {"Clue":"Bright-coloured ring attached to compass (6)","Answer":"ORANGE","Explanation":"Definition: Bright-coloured\nO (ring) + RANGE (compass)"} {"Clue":"Put off Pole, working to break flipping record! (8)","Answer":"POSTPONE","Explanation":"Definition: Put off\nPOST (pole) + ON (working) in (to break) a reversal (flipping) of EP (record)"} {"Clue":"Extremely young to wear tacky scent and brood? (7)","Answer":"CYGNETS","Explanation":"Definition: brood\nY[oun]G in (to wear) an anagram (tacky) of SCENT"} {"Clue":"Wells gets out of jail (7)","Answer":"SPRINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Wellsgets out of jail\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Grassland has an arrangement to include vehicle (8)","Answer":"SAVANNAH","Explanation":"Definition: Grassland\nAn anagram (arrangement) of HAS AN round VAN (vehicle)"} {"Clue":"Catch first woman not quite backing people on a strict diet (6)","Answer":"VEGANS","Explanation":"Definition: people on a strict diet\nA reversal (backing) of SNAG (catch \u2013 in two senses) + EV[e] (first woman, not quite)"} {"Clue":"Scout, hence improvised shield (10)","Answer":"ESCUTCHEON","Explanation":"Definition: shield\nAn anagram (improvised) of SCOUT HENCE"} {"Clue":"Execute part of a card trick from China, with introduction from magician (4)","Answer":"PALM","Explanation":"Definition: Execute part of a card trick\nPAL (china, Cockney rhyming slang) + M[agician]"} {"Clue":"Without sleep, role in a children's game is unsuitable (5)","Answer":"INAPT","Explanation":"Definition: unsuitable\nIT (role in the chidren's game 'It', also called tig, tag and various other names: here in Leicestershire we played 'tick') round (without) NAP (sleep)"} {"Clue":"Place for a plain-clothes detective: hospital department event (8)","Answer":"INCIDENT","Explanation":"Definition: event\nIN CID (place for a plain-clothes detective) + ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat \u2013 hospital department)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Rightly supporting evasive reply (8)","Answer":"PROPERLY","Explanation":"Definition: Rightly\nPRO (supporting) + an anagram (evasive) of REPLY"} {"Clue":"Conditional will read out in sylvan setting (4)","Answer":"WOOD","Explanation":"Definition: sylvan setting\nSounds like (read out) 'would' (conditional mood of 'will')"} {"Clue":"Handy device, it's suspended in mid-air (6)","Answer":"MOBILE","Explanation":"Definition: Handy deviceit's suspended in mid-air\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Outfit that tried to get people talking of postage fiddle (7)","Answer":"GESTAPO","Explanation":"Definition: Outfit that tried to get people talking\nAn anagram (fiddle) of POSTAGE"} {"Clue":"Tom's on a high, OK? (6,2)","Answer":"THUMBS UP","Explanation":"Definition: OK\nTHUMB'S (**Tom's**) + UP (on a high)"} {"Clue":"Shrewd acknowledgement of service is a criminal act! (3-7)","Answer":"FLY-TIPPING","Explanation":"Definition: a criminal act\nFLY (shrewd) + TIPPING (acknowledgement of service)"} {"Clue":"Extremely tacky company working for fat cat (6)","Answer":"TYCOON","Explanation":"Definition: fat cat\nT[ack]Y + CO (company) + ON (working)"} {"Clue":"Flat possibly made of plastic? (3-7)","Answer":"NON-NATURAL","Explanation":"Definition: Flat possiblymade of plastic?\nDouble definition, the first being a musical reference"} {"Clue":"Figure a place like Damascus shows resolve (8)","Answer":"TENACITY","Explanation":"Definition: resolve\nTEN (figure) + A CITY (a place like Damascus)"} {"Clue":"Come down after party in mobsters' haunt (8)","Answer":"GANGLAND","Explanation":"Definition: mobsters' haunt\nLAND (come down) after GANG (party)"} {"Clue":"Fabulous bird park in Dublin (7)","Answer":"PHOENIX","Explanation":"Definition: Fabulous birdpark in Dublin\nDouble definition \u2013\u00a0I can still see the heading **'Phoenix Park Murders'** in my O Level History notes"} {"Clue":"Article by Guardian on metal car marque (6)","Answer":"AUSTIN","Explanation":"Definition: car marque\nA (indefinite article) + US (Guardian) + TIN (metal)"} {"Clue":"Very early start by Mediterranean city, a major tourist destination (6)","Answer":"VENICE","Explanation":"Definition: a major tourist destination\nV (very) + E[arly] + NICE (Mediterranean city)"} {"Clue":"Homes offering protection for players (4)","Answer":"PADS","Explanation":"Definition: Homesprotection for players\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Walk where mountains crossed by East European to the west (9)","Answer":"ESPLANADE","Explanation":"Definition: Walk\nALPS (mountains) in (crossed by) E (East) + DANE (European) all reversed (to the west)"} {"Clue":"Vessel restricted, contrarily packed with oxygen (1-4)","Answer":"U-BOAT","Explanation":"Definition: Vessel\nA reversal (contrarily) of TABU (I queried 'restricted', rather than 'forbidden' but Collins gives 'ritual restriction or prohibition') round (packed with) O (oxygen)"} {"Clue":"Leather making a comeback with chic designer (5)","Answer":"KLEIN","Explanation":"Definition: designer\nI can't explain this one"} {"Clue":"Very much in the past, occasional ale drunk (1,4,4)","Answer":"A GOOD DEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Very much\nAGO (in the past) + ODD (occasional) + an anagram (drunk) of ALE"} {"Clue":"Degenerate leader on tour of constituency's ending in a number of beds? (7)","Answer":"LAYERED","Explanation":"Definition: in a number of beds\nAn anagram (degenerate) of LEADER + [constituenc]Y"} {"Clue":"Edge on high in wrong position (7)","Answer":"OFFSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: in wrong position\nA double definition? \u2013 but I don't understand the first one"} {"Clue":"Wireless device turned on before interval (5)","Answer":"PAGER","Explanation":"Definition: Wireless device\nI don't understand this one, either"} {"Clue":"Cold drink pumped with gas (5)","Answer":"RHEUM","Explanation":"Definition: Cold\nRUM (drink) round HE (helium \u2013 gas)"} {"Clue":"House in pain detailed on air (7)","Answer":"WINDSOR","Explanation":"Definition: House\nWIND (air) + SOR[e] (in pain, minus its last letter \u2013 de-tailed)"} {"Clue":"Means of communication, 28 (7)","Answer":"TWITTER","Explanation":"Definition: Means of communication28\nDouble definition \u2013 the answer to 28 is CHEEP"} {"Clue":"Part of clock checked when wound back, slow (4,5)","Answer":"DIAL PLATE","Explanation":"Definition: Part of clock\nA reversal (wound back) of PLAID (checked) + LATE (slow)"} {"Clue":"down Flower, not a sausage, for bird (5,4)","Answer":"DAFFY DUCK","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nDAFFY (short for daffodil \u2013 flower) + DUCK (a score of nothing in cricket, so 'not a sausage')"} {"Clue":"Sound from 22 down reasonable, reportedly? (5)","Answer":"CHEEP","Explanation":"Definition: Sound from 22 down\nSounds like (reportedly) 'cheap' (reasonable)"} {"Clue":"and 10 shuffled for switchboard number (9)","Answer":"EXTENSION","Explanation":"Definition: switchboard number\nAn anagram (shuffled) of ONE, SIX and TEN\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Master part of 24, for example (4)","Answer":"BEAK","Explanation":"Definition: Masterpart of 24, for example\nDouble definition, the first being public school slang for a schoolmaster"} {"Clue":"Little Mexican legend with zip, so easy to miss one whizzing about (6,8)","Answer":"SPEEDY GONZALES","Explanation":"Definition: Little Mexican\nSPEEDY (with zip?) \u2013 and the rest escapes me"} {"Clue":"Owners of smart rabbit warren tidied up burrows regularly (also half a dozen others here) (6,4)","Answer":"WARNER BROS","Explanation":"Definition: Owners of smart rabbit\nAn anagram (tidied up) of WARREN + alternate letters (regularly) of BuRrOwS \u2013 the smart rabbit being Bugs Bunny"} {"Clue":"24's tale (6)","Answer":"CANARD","Explanation":"Definition: 24tale\nDouble definition \u2013 canard is French for duck"} {"Clue":"Hole inverted, nothing in squash bottle (8)","Answer":"JEROBOAM","Explanation":"Definition: bottle\nA reversal (inverted) of BORE (hole, as a verb) + O (nothing) in JAM (squash)"} {"Clue":"across Gunslinger certainly before noon holding old competitor of ours up (8,3)","Answer":"YOSEMITE SAM","Explanation":"Definition: Gunslinger\nYES (certainly) + AM (ante meridiem \u2013 literally before noon) round O (old) + a reversal (up) of TIMES (competitor of the Guardian?)"} {"Clue":"Natural opener not opening with the others (2,2)","Answer":"ET AL","Explanation":"Definition: with the others\n[p]ETAL (natural opener?)"} {"Clue":"Supporting offers made hostile (10)","Answer":"FORBIDDING","Explanation":"Definition: hostile\nFOR (supporting) + BIDDING (offers made at an auction)"} {"Clue":"Hunter: feud with me and devious leporine rival originally animated (5,4)","Answer":"ELMER FUDD","Explanation":"Definition: Hunter\nAn anagram (animated) of FEUD ME and initial letters (originally) of Devious Leporine Rival"} {"Clue":"Flagship boarded by king (8)","Answer":"STREAMER","Explanation":"Definition: Flag\nR (king) in STEAMER (ship)"} {"Clue":"Pretty tiny wings for canary (6)","Answer":"TWEETY","Explanation":"Definition: canary\nTWEE (pretty) + outside letters (wings) of TinY"} {"Clue":"Aroma with allure picked up, imperial food (6)","Answer":"TIFFIN","Explanation":"Definition: imperial food\nA reversal (picked up) of NIFF (aroma) + IT (allure) \u2013 a light meal from the British Raj, hence 'imperial food'"} {"Clue":"Noisome Casanova, footballer on page, keen to read up about it (4,2,3)","Answer":"PEPE LE PEW","Explanation":"Definition: Noisome Casanova\nA reversal (up) of WEEP (keen) round PELE (footballer) + P (page)"} {"Clue":"Cosmic principle adopted by sovereign a year after uprising (4)","Answer":"YANG","Explanation":"Definition: Cosmic principle\nHidden reversal (uprising) in sovereiGN A Year"} {"Clue":"For tireless worker, job at last \u2014 engaged by leader for tests (5)","Answer":"ROBOT","Explanation":"Definition: tireless worker\n(Joe) ROOT (English test cricket captain \u2013 leader for tests) round [jo]B"} {"Clue":"A perfect term of French (3,5)","Answer":"MOT JUSTE","Explanation":"Definition: A perfect term of French\nFrench for 'the word which fits the context exactly' (Chambers); 'the appropriate word or expression' (Collins) \u2013 so 'a perfect term of French'"} {"Clue":"Past hates often reviewed as instinctive (4-2-3-5)","Answer":"SEAT-OF-THE-PANTS","Explanation":"Definition: instinctive\nAn anagram (reviewed) of PAST HATES OFTEN"} {"Clue":"Arouse new enthusiasm about reader (8)","Answer":"REKINDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Arouse new enthusiasm\nRE (about) + KINDLE (reader) \u2013 I don't think this definition quite works: the expression would surely be 'rekindle enthusiasm'?"} {"Clue":"News of people passed on in a meeting like this (6)","Answer":"SEANCE","Explanation":"Definition: a meeting like this\nCryptic definition, with a play on 'passed on'"} {"Clue":"Stretches, so elegant when dancing (9)","Answer":"ELONGATES","Explanation":"Definition: Stretches\nAn anagram (when dancing) of SO ELEGANT"} {"Clue":"Put name to excellent port (5)","Answer":"DUBAI","Explanation":"Definition: port\nDUB (put name to) + A1 (excellent)"} {"Clue":"Saucy dance by girl with sex appeal (5)","Answer":"SALSA","Explanation":"Definition: Saucy dance\nSAL (girl) + SA (sex appeal) SALSA is a sauce, as well as a dance"} {"Clue":"In TV show, play with the facts (9)","Answer":"DOCUDRAMA","Explanation":"Definition: TV show\nCryptic definition: a portmanteau word (documentary drama) \u2013 a play with facts"} {"Clue":"Plea to move work back into war-torn city (6)","Answer":"ALEPPO","Explanation":"Definition: war-torn city\nAn anagram (to move) of PLEA + a reversal (back) of OP (work)"} {"Clue":"Shift left, after one's settled in Kansas City (8)","Answer":"DISLODGE","Explanation":"Definition: Shift\nL (left) after I'S in DODGE (City, in Kansas)"} {"Clue":"But it is usually adults who benefit from this nepotism (4,3,3,4)","Answer":"JOBS FOR THE BOYS","Explanation":"Definition: nepotism\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"In teens, I fancied I was a genius (8)","Answer":"EINSTEIN","Explanation":"Definition: a genius\nAn anagram (fancied \u2013 I think we have to take this as 'made fancy') of IN TEENS I"} {"Clue":"Restrict severely, being in the minority (3,2)","Answer":"HEM IN","Explanation":"Definition: Restrict severely\nContained in tHEM INority\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"You shouldn't have to stand being transported in this (8,4)","Answer":"RESERVED SEAT","Explanation":"Definition: this\n(Not very) cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"British have nowhere to swim here? (9)","Answer":"BLACKPOOL","Explanation":"Definition: here\nB (British) LACK POOL (have no place to swim)"} {"Clue":"Open venue, or not, as may be (5)","Answer":"TROON","Explanation":"Definition: Open venue\nAnagram (as may be) of OR NOT \u2013 TROON is one of the venues for the British Open Golf Championship"} {"Clue":"I met adult, badly disfigured (9)","Answer":"MUTILATED","Explanation":"Definition: disfigured\nAn anagram (badly) of I MET ADULT"} {"Clue":"You must have support of course, when husband intrudes (4)","Answer":"THEE","Explanation":"Definition: You\nH (husband) in TEE (support on a golf course)"} {"Clue":"Unaided, people replacing one are still wrong (9)","Answer":"UNAMENDED","Explanation":"Definition: still wrong\nMEN (people) replacing i (one) in UNA[i]DED"} {"Clue":"Giant moon, one missed by artist (5)","Answer":"TITAN","Explanation":"Definition: Giantmoon\nDouble definition: TIT[i]AN (artist) minus one i"} {"Clue":"Newly licensed, eats food here? (12)","Answer":"DELICATESSEN","Explanation":"Definition: food here\nAn anagram (newly) of LICENSED EATS"} {"Clue":"Bar supporters: it would be unfair to move them (9)","Answer":"GOALPOSTS","Explanation":"Definition: Bar supporters\nCryptic definition, plus a reference to the unfair practice of changing the rules of a game or agreement"} {"Clue":"Church official's bag is brown, full of rupees (9)","Answer":"SACRISTAN","Explanation":"Definition: Church official\nSAC (bag) IS TAN (brown) round R (rupees)"} {"Clue":"Directors here said to be fed up with the place (9)","Answer":"BOARDROOM","Explanation":"Definition: Directors here\nSounds like (said to be) bored (fed up) + ROOM (place)"} {"Clue":"Little pictures, each meaningful or just interesting on first inspection (5)","Answer":"EMOJI","Explanation":"Definition: Little pictures\nInitial letters of Each Meaningful Or Just Interesting \u2013 emoji can be singular or plural, I discovered"} {"Clue":"Parasite caught in part of foot when getting up (5)","Answer":"LEECH","Explanation":"Definition: Parasite\nC (caught) in a reversal (when getting up) of HEEL (part of foot)"} {"Clue":"Successfully deal with catch on end of line (4)","Answer":"COPE","Explanation":"Definition: Successfully deal\nCOP (catch) + [lin]E"} {"Clue":"Events with food, involving skill (7)","Answer":"PARTIES","Explanation":"Definition: Events\nPIES (food) round ART (skill)"} {"Clue":"Channel 50: see Doctor Who outside (6)","Answer":"HOLLOW","Explanation":"Definition: Channel\nAn anagram (doctor) of WHO round L (50) LO (see)"} {"Clue":"Around freezing, I talk nonsense to snowball? (8)","Answer":"COCKTAIL","Explanation":"Definition: snowball?\nC (around) + O C (nought degrees Celsius\u00a0 \u2013 freezing) + an anagram (nonsense) of I TALK: the question mark indicates a definition by example"} {"Clue":"Island the French shed tears over (6)","Answer":"LESBOS","Explanation":"Definition: Island\nLES (one of the French words for 'the') + a reversal (over) of SOB (shed tears)"} {"Clue":"Play a trick on, as a chauffeur might do (4,3,1,4)","Answer":"TAKE FOR A RIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Play a trick onas a chauffeur might do\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Halt! Sacred ground where many worship (10)","Answer":"CATHEDRALS","Explanation":"Definition: where many worship\nAn anagram (ground \u2013 I always enjoy this indicator) of HALT SACRED"} {"Clue":"Turkish commander's in range (3)","Answer":"AGA","Explanation":"Definition: Turkish commanderrange\nDouble definition)"} {"Clue":"Relative travels around globe (3)","Answer":"ORB","Explanation":"Definition: globe\nA reversal (travels around) of BRO[ther] (relative)"} {"Clue":"Taught in primary school to recall short father on the box (10)","Answer":"INSTRUCTED","Explanation":"Definition: Taught\nIN + S[chool] + a reversal (to recall) of CURT (short) + TED (**Father on TV** \u2013 the box)"} {"Clue":"Readers of stories? (3,9)","Answer":"LIE DETECTORS","Explanation":"Definition: Readers of stories?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Old ship builder bites tip of tongue, having sworn )(2,4)","Answer":"ON OATH","Explanation":"Definition: having sworn\nO (old) + NOAH (ship builder) round T[ongue]"} {"Clue":"Solve cryptic by working with Guardian's first serenade (4,4)","Answer":"LOVE SONG","Explanation":"Definition: serenade\nAn anagram (cryptic) of SOLVE + ON (working) + G[uardian]"} {"Clue":"Put half your money to begin with on red, returning to make a killing (6)","Answer":"MURDER","Explanation":"Definition: killing\nM (money) + [yo]UR + a reversal (returning) of RED"} {"Clue":"Makes certain to blame son if cocaine goes missing (7)","Answer":"ENSURES","Explanation":"Definition: Makes certain\n[c]ENSURE (blame) minus c (cocaine) + S (son)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Forwards? King's better going backwards (4)","Answer":"PACK","Explanation":"Definition: Forwards\nA reversal (going backwards) of K (king) + CAP (better) \u2013 forwards in a rugby team"} {"Clue":"Marciano to lose his footing and sway from side to side (4)","Answer":"ROCK","Explanation":"Definition: sway from side to side\nROCK[y]** Marciano** minus the last letter (footing)"} {"Clue":"Computer system at home managed to be overloaded with tweets, oddly (8)","Answer":"INTRANET","Explanation":"Definition: Computer system\nIN (at home) + the odd letters of TwEeT round (overloading) RAN (managed)"} {"Clue":"Half of nuclear power plant includes electron capture (5)","Answer":"SEIZE","Explanation":"Definition: capture\nHalf of SIZE[well] (**nuclear plant**)\u00a0 round E (electron)"} {"Clue":"Conclusions of ball games being played (6)","Answer":"OMEGAS","Explanation":"Definition: Conclusions\nO (ball) + an anagram (being played) of GAMES"} {"Clue":"Oils (and even parts of flour) can fill us in the UK (10)","Answer":"LUBRICANTS","Explanation":"Definition: Oils\nEven parts of fLoUr + CAN in BRITS (us in the UK)"} {"Clue":"Temperature was rising for antelopes in desolate areas (10)","Answer":"WASTELANDS","Explanation":"Definition: desolate areas\nI can't quite see how this works: we have WAS + T (temperature) + ELANDS (antelopes) but i don't understand how 'rising' fits in"} {"Clue":"WC Grace finally caught by child \u2014 outstanding 150! (6)","Answer":"TOILET","Explanation":"Definition: WC\nTOT (child) round (catching) [grac]E round (outstanding)\u00a0 I L, which we have to take\u00a0 as 150 \u2013 I think!"} {"Clue":"Pod fell over, perhaps set here? (10)","Answer":"SCHOOLROOM","Explanation":"Definition: here?\nSCHOOL (pod) + a reversal (over) of MOOR (fell)"} {"Clue":"Fit into Dot's building, otherwise it can stop the horses bolting (6,4)","Answer":"STABLE DOOR","Explanation":"Definition: it can stop the horses bolting\nABLE (fit) in an anagram (building) of DOT'S + OR (otherwise)"} {"Clue":"Tolkien's half-elven lord cycles in verse (6)","Answer":"RONDEL","Explanation":"Definition: verse\nThe letters of RONDEL are all here in ELVEN LORD but I can't see just how to 'cycle' them"} {"Clue":"Groups of 4 or 2 pints best drunk without bottle-opener (8)","Answer":"QUARTETS","Explanation":"Definition: Groups of 4\nQUART (two pints) + an anagram (drunk) of [b]EST minus the first letter (opener) of B[ottle]"} {"Clue":"One being advised when workers gain support (6)","Answer":"MENTEE","Explanation":"Definition: One being advised\nWell, if a mentor advises, a MENTEE is the one advised \u2013 nothing wrong with that (unlike my attendee, standee horrors) but I've never actually seen it before"} {"Clue":"Somewhat controversial treasure (5)","Answer":"TROVE","Explanation":"Definition: treasure\nContained in conTROVErsial"} {"Clue":"4 4 in favour of stealing uranium (4)","Answer":"FOUR","Explanation":"Definition: 44\nFOR (in favour of) round U (uranium)"} {"Clue":"For a long time, salaries drop 20% (4)","Answer":"AGES","Explanation":"Definition: For a long time\n80% of [w]AGES"} {"Clue":"Broadcast did test Martin Bashir: did watch show this once? (7,8,4)","Answer":"BRITISH STANDARD TIME","Explanation":"Definition: did watch show this once?\nAn anagram (broadcast) of DID TEST MARTIN BASHIR"} {"Clue":"Meets to talk about the affair, ultimately (7)","Answer":"GATHERS","Explanation":"Definition: Meets\nGAS (talk) round THE + [affai]R"} {"Clue":"Odd couples from Panorama meet: ciao to a basic life form (9)","Answer":"PARAMECIA","Explanation":"Definition: basic life form\nAlternate pairs (odd couples) of letters from PA[no]RA[ma] ME[et] CI[ao] + A"} {"Clue":"Loud singer out of tune at the beginning picked up by 13 (10)","Answer":"STENTORIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Loud\nTENOR (singer) round T[une] inside (picked up by) SIAN (Welshwoman \u2013 answer to 13dn)"} {"Clue":"Horrible person admitting prince is a nerd (4)","Answer":"SPOD","Explanation":"Definition: nerd\nSOD (horrible person) round P (prince) \u2013 quite easy to work out, for an unknown word"} {"Clue":"Prominent figure to first of royal children put up with Queen (11)","Answer":"TORCHBEARER","Explanation":"Definition: Prominent figure\nTO + R[oyal] + CH (children) + BEAR (put up with) + ER (queen)"} {"Clue":"Is Diana extremely suspicious? Does help (4)","Answer":"AIDS","Explanation":"Definition: Does help\nAn anagram (suspicious) of IS + D[ian]A"} {"Clue":"Mostly note how he cheated: left to break up (2,3,5)","Answer":"ON THE WHOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Mostly\nAn anagram (cheated) of NOTE HOW HE with L (left) breaking it up"} {"Clue":"Succeed with sex? Don't be daft! (4,3,2)","Answer":"COME OFF IT!","Explanation":"Definition: Don't be daft!\nCOME OFF (succeed) + IT (sex)"} {"Clue":"Save me: Princess Di worried people with severe mood swings (5-11)","Answer":"MANIC-DEPRESSIVES","Explanation":"Definition: people with severe mood swings\nAn anagram (worried) of SAVE ME PRINCESS DI"} {"Clue":"Claimed for building and home; it could be beside the point (7,5)","Answer":"DECIMAL PLACE","Explanation":"Definition: it could be beside the point\nAn anagram (for building) of CLAIMED + PLACE (home \u2013 as in 'Your place or mine?')"} {"Clue":"Favouring active involvement: hard with child (5-2)","Answer":"HANDS-ON","Explanation":"Definition: Favouring active involvement\nH (hard) + AND (with) + SON (child)"} {"Clue":"Ignore past and go (6)","Answer":"BYPASS","Explanation":"Definition: Ignore\nBY (past) + PASS (go)"} {"Clue":"Pictures, a long time after one gets married (6)","Answer":"IMAGES","Explanation":"Definition: Pictures\nAGES (a long time) after I (one) + M (married)"} {"Clue":"Characters upset princess with things (10)","Answer":"IDENTITIES","Explanation":"Definition: Characters\nA reversal (upset) of DI (princess) + ENTITIES (things)"} {"Clue":"Overexcited from honeymoon: young princess enjoyed romance, initially (5)","Answer":"HYPER","Explanation":"Definition: Overexcited\nInitial letters of Honeymoon Young Princess Enjoyed Romance"} {"Clue":"Good or bad at the start? Hurt very old head of state (9)","Answer":"GORBACHEV","Explanation":"Definition: old head of state\nG (good) + OR + B[ad] + ACHE (hurt) + V (very)"} {"Clue":"They run drugs over points across river (8)","Answer":"ESCAPERS","Explanation":"Definition: They run\nES (drugs) + CAPES (points \u2013 promontories) round R (river)"} {"Clue":"He mows lawn for rolling, getting one from Barry? (10)","Answer":"WELSHWOMAN","Explanation":"Definition: one from Barry?\nAn anagram (for rolling) of HE MOWS LAWN"} {"Clue":"Envious: regularly seen filling up still (9)","Answer":"RESENTFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Envious\nAlternate letters (regularly) of sEeN in RESTFUL (still)"} {"Clue":"Sophisticated? Moved on (8)","Answer":"ADVANCED","Explanation":"Definition: Sophisticated?Moved on\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Disease that's spread on the skin right away (8)","Answer":"EPIDEMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Disease that's spread\nEPIDE[r]MIC (on the skin) minus r (right away)"} {"Clue":"Scraps outside of trendy meeting places (6)","Answer":"JOINTS","Explanation":"Definition: meeting places\nJOTS (scraps) round IN (trendy)"} {"Clue":"Guide to live with a cheat (6)","Answer":"BEACON","Explanation":"Definition: Guide\nBE (live) + A CON (a cheat)"} {"Clue":"Marry husband, having a constant desire (5)","Answer":"HITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Marry\nH (husband) + ITCH (constant desire)"} {"Clue":"Fate to make love with male (4)","Answer":"DOOM","Explanation":"Definition: Fate\nDO (make) + O (love) + M (male)"} {"Clue":"Unable to perform in Cath's bedroom, when nervous (4,2,6)","Answer":"HORS DE COMBAT","Explanation":"Definition: Unable to perform\nAn anagram (when nervous) of CATH'S BEDROOM \u2013 a great start!"} {"Clue":"Kiss man touring Peru, reluctantly engaged (5,2)","Answer":"ROPED IN","Explanation":"Definition: reluctantly engaged\n(Auguste) **RODIN (sculptor of 'The Kiss'**, so 'Kiss man') round (touring) PE (Peru \u2013 international vehicle registration)"} {"Clue":"Expected trouble arose between fellow and wife (7)","Answer":"FORESAW","Explanation":"Definition: Expected\nAn anagram (trouble) of AROSE between F (fellow) and W (wife)"} {"Clue":"Occasionally heard in museum gallery (7)","Answer":"VERANDA","Explanation":"Definition: gallery\nAlternate letters (occasionally) of hEaRd in V AND A (**Victoria and Albert \u2013 museum**)"} {"Clue":"Sign of overconfidence from Surrey opener with tail (7)","Answer":"SWAGGER","Explanation":"Definition: Sign of overconfidence\nS[urrey] + WAGGER (tail \u2013 something that wags)"} {"Clue":"Sailors winning hearts (they're horny) (5)","Answer":"TAHRS","Explanation":"Definition: they're horny\nTARS (sailors) round (winning) H (hearts, in cards) \u2013 I'll add\u00a0 **this** to the list of animals I've learned in over fifty years of solving Guardian crosswords \u2013 but I may well have met it before, memory failing as it is"} {"Clue":"Knives are out for such dishonest practices (9)","Answer":"KNAVERIES","Explanation":"Definition: dishonest practices\nAn anagram (out) of KNIVES ARE"} {"Clue":"Those not wanting friends coming round put on EastEnders? (9)","Answer":"LONDONERS","Explanation":"Definition: EastEnders?\nLONERS (those not wanting friends) round DON (put on), the question mark indicating definition by example \u2013 another surface that made me smile"} {"Clue":"That is wrong about Japanese immigrants' child (5)","Answer":"NISEI","Explanation":"Definition: Japanese immigrants' child\nA reversal (about) of I.E. (that is) + SIN (wrong) \u2013 I blogged this last year in a Pasquale puzzle: 'Child of immigrant couple that is beginning to settle in after upheaval?' \u2013 both beautifully precise clues"} {"Clue":"Exciting but set to backfire? I make 80% being involved (7)","Answer":"VIBRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Exciting\nA reversal (to backfire) of TV (set) round (involving) I + 80% of BRAN[d] (make)"} {"Clue":"Corresponding measure to keep criminal out (2,5)","Answer":"IN TOUCH","Explanation":"Definition: Corresponding\nINCH (measure) round (to keep) an anagram (criminal) of OUT"} {"Clue":"Help victim of trick, for crying out loud (7)","Answer":"SUCCOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Help\nSounds like (for crying out loud!) 'sucker' (victim of trick)"} {"Clue":"Maybe Post Office really apologising (and Vennells) \u2014 from the start IT at fault (7)","Answer":"AVIATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe Post\nAn anagram (at fault) of the initial letters (from the start) of Office Really Apologising And Vennells +IT"} {"Clue":"One responsible for crime wave at store (12)","Answer":"HOUSEBREAKER","Explanation":"Definition: One responsible for crime\nHOUSE (store) + BREAKER (wave)"} {"Clue":"Hotels round Dover maybe making a small contribution (7)","Answer":"HAP\u2019ORTH","Explanation":"Definition: a small contribution\nH H (hotels) round A PORT (Dover maybe)"} {"Clue":"In tears over dead squirrels etc (7)","Answer":"RODENTS","Explanation":"Definition: squirrels etc\nO (over) + D (dead) in RENTS (tears)"} {"Clue":"New job in the O2? Couldn't say (4,3,2)","Answer":"DON\u2019T ASK ME","Explanation":"Definition: Couldn't say\nN (new) TASK (job) in DOME (02? \u2013 the question mark indicates definition by example: O2 = the **Millennium Dome** )"} {"Clue":"See females in America showing restraint (5)","Answer":"CUFFS","Explanation":"Definition: restraint\nC (see) + FF (females) in US (America) \u2013 cuffs is an abbreviation for handcuffs (restraint)"} {"Clue":"Spread around one-time resort (7)","Answer":"MARGATE","Explanation":"Definition: resort\nMARGE (margarine \u2013 spread) round A (one) T (time)"} {"Clue":"Something thrown from carriages safely picked up (7)","Answer":"ASSEGAI","Explanation":"Definition: Something thrown\nA hidden reversal (picked up, in a down clue) in carrIAGES SAfely"} {"Clue":"Drama is rank at the start (7,5)","Answer":"PRIVATE LIVES","Explanation":"Definition: Drama\nPRIVATE (rank in the army) + LIVES (is) \u2013 **play by Noel Coward"} {"Clue":"Rowdy hermits \u2014 ridiculous! That's clever writing? (12)","Answer":"WORDSMITHERY","Explanation":"Definition: clever writing\nAn anagram (ridiculous) of ROWDY HERMITS"} {"Clue":"Spend the summer, when retired, sailing round the Virgin Islands with a lot of drink (9)","Answer":"AESTIVATE","Explanation":"Definition: Spend the summer\nA reversal (when retired) of AT SEA (sailing) round VI (Virgin Islands) + TE[a] (a lot of drink) \u2013 a delightful prospect"} {"Clue":"Firm support for return of National Opera (7)","Answer":"NABUCCO","Explanation":"Definition: Opera\nCO (firm) after (support, in a down clue) a reversal of CUBAN (national) \u2013 I loved the separation of National Opera (cf Post Office at 25ac)"} {"Clue":"Speakers bang to rights, so are locked up (7)","Answer":"ORATORS","Explanation":"Definition: Speakers\nAn anagram (bang) of TO RR (rights) + SO round (locking up) A (abbreviation of are, a measure of area, one-hundredth of a hectare)"} {"Clue":"Be too fussy in jail \u2014 it's punishment, principally (7)","Answer":"NITPICK","Explanation":"Definition: Be too fussy\nIT + P[unishment] in NICK (jail)"} {"Clue":"Player ultimately both managed to beat (5)","Answer":"THROB","Explanation":"Definition: beat\n[playe]R + an anagram (managed) of BOTH"} {"Clue":"Incapable airborne fighter left city in ruins (9)","Answer":"PARALYTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Incapable\nPARA(trooper) (airborne fighter) + L (left) + an anagram (ruined) of CITY \u2013 incapable and paralytic are both terms for helplessly drunk"} {"Clue":"A fine venue for a royal meeting (5)","Answer":"ASCOT","Explanation":"Definition: venue for a royal meeting\nA SCOT (fine) \u2013 I know SCOT as a tax (hence the expression 'scot free'); Chambers has it also as a payment"} {"Clue":"Element of military training an option for doctor? (7,8)","Answer":"PRIVATE PRACTICE","Explanation":"Definition: Element of military trainingan option for doctor?\nA double \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Old money securing peculiar place for urban developers (4,8)","Answer":"TOWN PLANNERS","Explanation":"Definition: urban developers\nTANNERS (slang for sixpenny pieces \u2013 old money) round (securing) OWN (peculiar) + PL {place)"} {"Clue":"Choosy lad unhappy here, perhaps (3,6)","Answer":"DAY SCHOOL","Explanation":"Definition: here, perhaps\nAn anagram (unhappy) of CHOOSY LAD"} {"Clue":"Dictator's a pure and simple ruler in the Gulf (5)","Answer":"AMEER","Explanation":"Definition: ruler in the Gulf\nSounds like ('dictator's) a mere (pure and simple) but Chambers has MEER as an alternative spelling of 'mere' (and AMEER as an alternative spelling of 'amir'!)"} {"Clue":"Docked vessel carrying American fare to the East (5)","Answer":"SUSHI","Explanation":"Definition: fare to the East\nSHI(p) (docked vessel \u2013 neat!) round US (American)"} {"Clue":"Like Nelson's tooth, with lack of metal filling? (9)","Answer":"MONOCULAR","Explanation":"Definition: Like Nelson\nNO CU (no copper \u2013 lack of metal) in (filling) MOLAR (tooth)"} {"Clue":"Limitless homes adopting East European dish (8)","Answer":"OMELETTE","Explanation":"Definition: dish\n[h]OME[s] round E (East) + LETT (European)"} {"Clue":"Dashes back to the front to get bargain (4)","Answer":"SNIP","Explanation":"Definition: bargain\nNIPS (dashes) with the last letter moved to the beginning"} {"Clue":"Announce end of labour for special postal service (7,8)","Answer":"EXPRESS DELIVERY","Explanation":"Definition: special postal service\nEXPRESS (announce) + DELIVERY (end of labour)"} {"Clue":"Conditions in which pupils are taught (5)","Answer":"TERMS","Explanation":"Definition: Conditionsin which pupils are taught\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Reserve player's attitude when facing reality (9)","Answer":"SUBSTANCE","Explanation":"Definition: reality\nSUB (reserve player) + STANCE (attitude when facing \u2013 as in golf or cricket, I think)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Seed, just the thing for bird (5)","Answer":"PIPIT","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nPIP (seed) + IT (just the thing)"} {"Clue":"Basis for tracking transport overnight? (7,7)","Answer":"RAILWAY SLEEPER","Explanation":"Definition: Basis for trackingtransport overnight\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Advance unaccompanied, so to speak (4)","Answer":"LOAN","Explanation":"Definition: Advance\nSounds like (so to speak) 'lone'(unaccompanied)"} {"Clue":"Swarm's come together, moving north (4)","Answer":"TEEM","Explanation":"Definition: Swarm\nA reversal (moving north, in a down clue) of MEET (come together)"} {"Clue":"Part of underground business after revolution (6,4)","Answer":"CIRCLE LINE","Explanation":"Definition: Part of underground\nLINE (business \u2013 as in 'What's my line?') after CIRCLE (revolution)"} {"Clue":"Mastery of various dances, some with constant interruption (10)","Answer":"ASCENDANCY","Explanation":"Definition: Mastery\nAn anagram (various) of DANCES + C (constant) in (interrupting) ANY (some)"} {"Clue":"Central sheen in exotic light source (7,7)","Answer":"CHINESE LANTERN","Explanation":"Definition: light source\nAn anagram (exotic) of CENTRAL SHEEN IN"} {"Clue":"Money man from Tuscany's top firm stuck in lift (9)","Answer":"TREASURER","Explanation":"Definition: Money man\nT[uscany] + SURE (firm) in REAR (lift)"} {"Clue":"They wrote extremely romantic verses in novel (10)","Answer":"SCRIVENERS","Explanation":"Definition: They wrote\nAn anagram (novel) of R[omanti]C + VERSES IN"} {"Clue":"Playwrights go up in artist's place, being assertive types (10)","Answer":"DOGMATISTS","Explanation":"Definition: assertive types\nD[ra]matists (playwrights) with a reversal (up, in a down clue) of GO in place of RA (artist) \u2013 superb clue"} {"Clue":"Bent cops refine superintendent's case (9)","Answer":"DISHONEST","Explanation":"Definition: Bent\nDIS (cops) + HONE (refine) + S[uperintenden]T"} {"Clue":"One getting money from scheme for tax evasion, principally (5)","Answer":"PAYEE","Explanation":"Definition: One getting money\nPAYE (Pay As You Earn (**scheme for tax**)\u00a0 + E[vasion]"} {"Clue":"Cutting from rather bushy aromatic plant (4)","Answer":"HERB","Explanation":"Definition: aromatic plant\nContained in ratHER Bushy"} {"Clue":"Cheers when reversing car (4)","Answer":"FIAT","Explanation":"Definition: car\nA reversal of TA (cheers) + IF (when \u2013 Chambers has 'whenever' for IF)"} {"Clue":"In class this boy when ordered sat, the creep (8,3)","Answer":"TEACHER\u2019S PET","Explanation":"Definition: In class this boy when ordered sat, the creep\nAn anagram (when ordered) of SAT THE CREEP \u2013 I've known plenty of girls who were teacher's pets"} {"Clue":"What makes page dirty? A sort of bonk-lit (3-4)","Answer":"INK-BLOT","Explanation":"Definition: What makes page dirty?\nAn anagram (sort of) of BONK-LIT"} {"Clue":"Swedish scientist is retired tennis champion (7)","Answer":"SIEVERT","Explanation":"Definition: Swedish scientist\nA reversal (retired) of IS + (Chris) EVERT (tennis champion)"} {"Clue":"Wickedness accepted by rich man: time to sell up (9)","Answer":"DISINVEST","Explanation":"Definition: to sell up\nSIN (wickedness) in **DIVES (rich man)** + T (time)"} {"Clue":"A comedy show about to drop pet cat (4)","Answer":"PUMA","Explanation":"Definition: cat\nA reversal (about) of A MUP(pet) (comedy show) \u2013 this doesn't quite work for me: the show was called The Muppet Show but the show was not a muppet"} {"Clue":"Secretive, after spilling cereals without paying attention (10)","Answer":"CARELESSLY","Explanation":"Definition: without paying attention\nSLY (secretive) after an anagram (spilling) of CEREALS"} {"Clue":"Trick ref and get United flying \u2014 on a roll (10)","Answer":"SUBTERFUGE","Explanation":"Definition: Trick\nSUB (roll) + an anagram (flying) of REF, GET and U (united)"} {"Clue":"Buffoons lowering the odds of seeing these? (4)","Answer":"UFOS","Explanation":"Definition: these?\nEven letters of bUfFoOnS"} {"Clue":"Inserting end of chisel, make bigger hole in sphere (5)","Answer":"REALM","Explanation":"Definition: sphere\n(chise)L in REAM (make a bigger hole)"} {"Clue":"Evoke birdsong, not one of the top three we hear (4,5)","Answer":"CALL FORTH","Explanation":"Definition: Evoke\nCALL (birdsong) + FORTH \u2013 sounds like fourth (not one of the top three)"} {"Clue":"Port and cheese nicked, neither finished (7)","Answer":"BRISTOL","Explanation":"Definition: Port\nBRI[e] (cheese) + STOL[e] (nicked)"} {"Clue":"May baby's nature appear at first unusual? (7)","Answer":"TAUREAN","Explanation":"Definition: May baby\nAn anagram (unusual) of NATURE A[ppear] for a baby born between April 20 and May 20, under the sign of Taurus"} {"Clue":"Unequally carve up goose, madly merry tucking in (11)","Answer":"GERRYMANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Unequally carve up\nAn anagram (madly) of MERRY in GANDER (goose): a portmanteau word \u2013 see **here** for the derivation"} {"Clue":"Filthy carpet may eventually appear excellent (4,4,7)","Answer":"TAKE SOME BEATING","Explanation":"Definition: Filthy carpet may eventuallyappear excellent\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Curfew fully obeyed with no extra charges? (3,2)","Answer":"ALL IN","Explanation":"Definition: with no extra charges\nA curfew fully obeyed would mean all were in"} {"Clue":"Greek goddess accepting one of her characters as mistress (7)","Answer":"HETAERA","Explanation":"Definition: mistress\nHERA (Greek goddess \u2013 wife and sister of Zeus) round ETA (Greek character) for an ancient Greek mistress"} {"Clue":"Run over me, stopping short as a favour (7)","Answer":"ROSETTE","Explanation":"Definition: favour\nR (run) + O (over) + SETTE[r] (me, Imogen)"} {"Clue":"Child's hero follows papa as a minister (8)","Answer":"PREACHER","Explanation":"Definition: minister\nP (papa \u2013 phonetic alphabet) + (Jack) REACHER (child's hero, in the books by Lee Child)"} {"Clue":"Suggesting better clothes shouldn't be put on, being drunk (3,5,3,4)","Answer":"THE WORSE FOR WEAR","Explanation":"Definition: drunk\nCryptic(ish) definition: someone commented recently on the wide range of expressions for 'drunk' \u2013 here's another"} {"Clue":"Dessert's up: at last spoon out and get a move on (6)","Answer":"GIDDUP","Explanation":"Definition: get a move on\nA reversal (up) of PUDDI[n]G (dessert) minus the last letter of [spoo]n \u2013 used to urge on a horse or other animal: I only knew 'giddy-up' but Chambers has both, along with 'giddap'"} {"Clue":"Mean to be wasting years? Not altogether (6)","Answer":"STINGY","Explanation":"Definition: Mean\nContained in waSTING Years"} {"Clue":"Newton was to emerge to get into motion (8)","Answer":"GEOMETER","Explanation":"Definition: Newton was\nAn anagram (to get into motion) of TO EMERGE"} {"Clue":"What operators wear in prison? (6)","Answer":"SCRUBS","Explanation":"Definition: What operators wear\nA reference to **Wormwood Scrubs** (prison)"} {"Clue":"University department failing to employ Conservative (7)","Answer":"FACULTY","Explanation":"Definition: University department\nFAULTY (failing) round C (Conservative)"} {"Clue":"Festival \u2014 it lifted a Roman province (7)","Answer":"GALATIA","Explanation":"Definition: Roman province\nGALA (festival) + a reversal (lifted, in a down clue) of IT + A"} {"Clue":"Turn cross, receiving hard riddle from one (6)","Answer":"SPHINX","Explanation":"Definition: riddle from one\nSPIN (turn) + X (cross) round H (hard) \u2013 see **here** for the Sphinx's riddle in the story of Oedipus"} {"Clue":"Establish there's nothing in cash (5)","Answer":"FOUND","Explanation":"Definition: Establish\nO (nothing) in FUND (cash)"} {"Clue":"Place one surrendered to accommodate one novice driver as carriage guide (9)","Answer":"POSTILION","Explanation":"Definition: carriage guide\nPOS[i]TION (place) minus (surrendered) i (one) round I L (one novice driver)"} {"Clue":"This writer's a Greek character, seen in retrospect as having some taste (5)","Answer":"UMAMI","Explanation":"Definition: some taste\nA reversal (seen in retrospect) of I'M (this writer's) A MU (a Greek character)"} {"Clue":"Namely, that female's getting cross in one fast movement (7)","Answer":"SCHERZO","Explanation":"Definition: fast movement\nSC (scilicet, namely) + HER (that female) + ZO (cross \u2013 a hybrid between the yak and domestic cattle)"} {"Clue":"Bringer of news speaks again, wasting little time (7)","Answer":"REUTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Bringer of news\nRE-U[t]TERS (speaks again) minus (wasting) t (little time)"} {"Clue":"Person of recognised art, like Pasquale? I'm hot! (5)","Answer":"RADON","Explanation":"Definition: I'm hot\nRA (person of recognised art) + DON (like Pasquale)"} {"Clue":"Cooked meat's done for worms (9)","Answer":"NEMATODES","Explanation":"Definition: worms\nAn anagram (cooked) of MEAT'S DONE"} {"Clue":"As an activist, could I be inimical at a poll that goes the wrong way? (9,6)","Answer":"POLITICAL ANIMAL","Explanation":"Definition: As an activist\nAn anagram (that goes the wrong way \u2013 or could I be?) of INIMICAL AT A POLL"} {"Clue":"Besotted girl bewailed losing knight (9)","Answer":"ENAMOURED","Explanation":"Definition: Besotted\nENA (girl) + MOUR[n]ED (bewailed) minus n (knight \u2013 chess notation)"} {"Clue":"Shut up!', said the philosopher (5)","Answer":"LOCKE","Explanation":"Definition: philosopher\nSounds like lock (shut up) \u2013 **philosopher John Locke"} {"Clue":"What rowdy republican might do with reservation (7)","Answer":"BOOKING","Explanation":"Definition: reservation\nA rowdy republican might BOO {the} KING"} {"Clue":"Traveller in Russian plane to hold forth (7)","Answer":"MIGRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Traveller\nMIG (Russian plane) + RANT (hold forth)"} {"Clue":"Crime of escaping criminal (5)","Answer":"FENCE","Explanation":"Definition: criminal\n[of]FENCE (crime) minus (escaping) of"} {"Clue":"Word that describes a den that's black inside, cold inside (9)","Answer":"ADJECTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Word that describes\nA DIVE (a den) round JET (black) round C (cold)"} {"Clue":"Mark has a fresh hope \u2014 to restrict bad temper (10)","Answer":"APOSTROPHE","Explanation":"Definition: Mark\nA + an anagram (fresh) of HOPE round STROP (bad temper)"} {"Clue":"Plant deal splashed outside new shop (8)","Answer":"ASPHODEL","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nAn anagram (splashed) of DEAL round an anagram (new) of SHOP"} {"Clue":"Car lacks energy? It may give one a bitter experience (6)","Answer":"CITRON","Explanation":"Definition: It may give one a bitter experience\nCITRO[e]N (car) minus e (energy)"} {"Clue":"Queen cheated, ending with nothing (4)","Answer":"DIDO","Explanation":"Definition: Queen\nDID (cheated) + O (nothing) for the legendary Queen of Carthage"} {"Clue":" Like virgin territory with mud planter managed (10)","Answer":"UNTRAMPLED","Explanation":"Definition: Like virgin territory\nAn anagram (managed) of MUD PLANTER"} {"Clue":"A superior blast associated with a name such as Pope or Swift (8)","Answer":"AUGUSTAN","Explanation":"Definition: such as Pope or Swift\nA U (superior) + GUST (blast) + A N (name) \u2013 referring to the **Augustan period of British literature\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Fine list of items missing the last bit \u2014 the bit that doesn't matter (3,3)","Answer":"FAG END","Explanation":"Definition: the bit that doesn't matter\nF (fine) + AGEND[a] (list of items to be discussed \/ done) missing the last letter"} {"Clue":"Trees beginning to be cut (4)","Answer":"FIRS","Explanation":"Definition: Trees\nFIRS[t] (beginning)\u00a0 \u2013 cut"} {"Clue":"One from Central America rushin' up, pursued by an exotic bird (10)","Answer":"NICARAGUAN","Explanation":"Definition: One from Central America\nA reversal (up, in a down clue) of RACIN (rushin') + A GUAN (an **exotic bird**)"} {"Clue":"Devilish type established in bishop's place, male showing feeling of confidence (4-6)","Answer":"SELF-ESTEEM","Explanation":"Definition: feeling of confidence\nELF (devilish type) + EST (established) in SEE (bishop's place) + M (male)"} {"Clue":"Like a piece of paper that could express a finely balanced argument? (3-5)","Answer":"TWO-SIDED","Explanation":"Definition: Like a piece of paperthat could express a finely balanced argument?\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Maiden having opportunity to discard old slipper (8)","Answer":"MOCCASIN","Explanation":"Definition: slipper\nM (maiden) + OCCASI[o]N (opportunity) minus o [old]"} {"Clue":"Number in a location for biblical sermon (6)","Answer":"AMOUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Number\nA MOUNT \u2013 reference to Jesus' Sermon on the Mount"} {"Clue":"Gift on bill \u2014 pay finally (6)","Answer":"LEGACY","Explanation":"Definition: Gift\nLEG (on, side in cricket) + AC (bill) + [pa]Y"} {"Clue":"Biscuit expert? (4)","Answer":"BUFF","Explanation":"Definition: Biscuitexpert\nDouble definition, the first being the pale brown colour"} {"Clue":"Wizardry of a long-distance runner on run not last! (4)","Answer":"MOJO","Explanation":"Definition: Wizardry\nMO (Farah \u2013 long-distance runner) + JO[g] (run) minus the last letter"} {"Clue":"Alien and ET do lunar dance (9)","Answer":"OUTLANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Alien\nAn anagram (dance) of ET DO LUNAR"} {"Clue":"PC swap in Prime Suspect investigated for this (5)","Answer":"CRIME","Explanation":"Definition: Suspect investigated for this\nThe p in [p]RIME is swapped for C"} {"Clue":"Prime parts of London avoided panelling scandal, exposing negligence (5)","Answer":"LAPSE","Explanation":"Definition: negligence\nThe initial letters (prime parts) of London Avoided Panelling Scandal Exposing"} {"Clue":"It's reported when breaking (hot), going out prime time (4,5)","Answer":"NEWS EVENT","Explanation":"Definition: It's reported\nAn anagram (breaking) of W[h]EN minus (going out) h (hot) + SEVEN (prime number) + T (time)"} {"Clue":"Change Morse and Lewis? (7)","Answer":"COPPERS","Explanation":"Definition: ChangeMorse and Lewis?\nDouble definition \u2013 the question mark indicates definition by example"} {"Clue":"Boatman's seen in image this way: forever young (7)","Answer":"AGELESS","Explanation":"Definition: forever young\nIf we take AGE from image, we're left with I'm (Boatman's)"} {"Clue":"Faith leaders in bedclothes, not judges (5)","Answer":"IMAMS","Explanation":"Definition: Faith leaders\n[j]IM[j]AMS (informal pyjamas \u2013 bedclothes) minus j j (judges)"} {"Clue":"At work, prime cut of animals saved in this (3)","Answer":"ARK","Explanation":"Definition: animals saved in this\nA [t wo) RK minus (cut) two (prime number)"} {"Clue":"Hollow surprise, with new head of squad at end of Prime Suspect (5)","Answer":"SENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Suspect\nS[urpris]E + N (new) S[quad] [prim]E"} {"Clue":"As Saturnalia is to a Roman in prime (7)","Answer":"FESTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: As Saturnalia is to a Roman\nEST ('is' in Latin \u2013 to a Roman) in FIVE (prime number) \u2013 and the Saturnalia was an** ancient Roman festival"} {"Clue":"Prime cut behind pig's head \u2014 remove its skin (7)","Answer":"PREPARE","Explanation":"Definition: Prime\nPARE (cut) behind P(ig) + outside letters (skin) of remove"} {"Clue":"Perhaps cold cuts from an endless easterly \u2014 that's a shame (9)","Answer":"ANTIPASTI","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps cold cuts\nAN + a reversal (easterly \u2013 shouldn't that be 'westerly'? \u2013 *but see npetrikov @7*) of IT'S A PIT[y] (that's a shame, endless)"} {"Clue":"The end of French at the origin of Huguenots (5)","Answer":"DEATH","Explanation":"Definition: The end\nDE (French for 'of') + AT + H[uguenots]"} {"Clue":"Prime-time entertainment genre: could be Pointless for seniors? (5)","Answer":"SOAPS","Explanation":"Definition: Prime-time entertainment genre\nSOAPS minus s (pointless) gives OAPS (seniors) \u2013 as an OAP who enjoys 'Pointless', I smiled at this"} {"Clue":"Russian river has daily alert (9)","Answer":"OBSERVANT","Explanation":"Definition: alert\nOB (Russian river) + SERVANT (daily)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Twist or pass Round One (4)","Answer":"COIL","Explanation":"Definition: Twist\nCOL (pass) round I (one)"} {"Clue":"Drink plugged by prime plug (4,2)","Answer":"STOP UP","Explanation":"Definition: plug\nTOP (prime) in SUP (drink)"} {"Clue":"Pianist prime minister (Poland's first): 'We risked a change' (10)","Answer":"PADEREWSKI","Explanation":"Definition: Pianist prime minister\nP (Poland's first letter) + an anagram (change) of WE RISKED A"} {"Clue":"A fellow's a fine fellow (6)","Answer":"ADONIS","Explanation":"Definition: a fine fellow\nA DON (fellow) IS"} {"Clue":"Clue to minor problem (8)","Answer":"DRAWBACK","Explanation":"Definition: problem\nDRAW BACK could be a clue to a reversal of WARD (minor)"} {"Clue":"Prime Suspect claimed ID left unused (4)","Answer":"ACME","Explanation":"Definition: Prime\nAn anagram (suspect) of C]l]A[i]ME[d] minus (unused) id l (left)"} {"Clue":"Prime entertainment with Mr T and A-team's leader edited out (8)","Answer":"NINETEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Prime\nA similar device: an anagram (out) of ENT[r]R[t]AIN[m]ENT minus (edited) mr t and a t[eam]"} {"Clue":"Prime attraction showing prime cut, perhaps (4)","Answer":"MEAT","Explanation":"Definition: prime cut, perhaps\nHidden in priME ATtraction"} {"Clue":"Prime cut from roach \u2014 ie fillet (5)","Answer":"CHIEF","Explanation":"Definition: Prime\nHidden in roaCH IE Fillet"} {"Clue":"Example of prime-time entertainment: these characters are densest (10)","Answer":"EASTENDERS","Explanation":"Definition: Example of prime-time entertainment\nAn anagram (these characters?) of ARE DENSEST"} {"Clue":"Tablet, which is reportedly very strong (5)","Answer":"STELE","Explanation":"Definition: Tablet\nSounds like (reportedly) 'steely' (very strong)"} {"Clue":"Lianas curled around a treetop: it produces bark (8)","Answer":"ALSATIAN","Explanation":"Definition: it produces bark\nAn anagram (curled) around A T[ree] of LIANAS"} {"Clue":"A rebirth, with prisoner released from loathing (8)","Answer":"AVERSION","Explanation":"Definition: loathing\nA [con]VERSION (rebirth) minus (released) con (prisoner)"} {"Clue":"Extremely short after money taken from prime minister (6)","Answer":"PRIEST","Explanation":"Definition: minister\nS[hor]T after PRI[m]E minus m (money)"} {"Clue":"Boatman, a rear admiral, climbing a mountain (6)","Answer":"ARARAT","Explanation":"Definition: mountain\nA reversal (climbing, in a down clue) of TAR (Boatman) + A + RA (Rear Admiral) for the mountain where the 19ac came to rest"} {"Clue":"Space for transubstantiation, not the front of church (4)","Answer":"APSE","Explanation":"Definition: Space for transubstantiation, not the front of church\nAn anagram (transubstantiation \u2013 I looked sideways at this but Collins gives, as a secondary definition, 'a substantial change') of SPA[c]E minus c(hurch): an apse is 'a domed or vaulted semicircular or polygonal recess, especially at the east end of a church', so not at the front (when you look at the church from outside: once you're inside, the east end is the front) \u2013 and this is where transubstantiation is believed (especially in the Roman Catholic Church) to take place in the Eucharist \u2013 a very clever clue as definition"} {"Clue":"Pale second (4)","Answer":"POST","Explanation":"Definition: Palesecond\nThis was obviously a double definition but it took me a while to see the 'second (!) one: we need to put the stress on the second syllable of second"} {"Clue":"Blockbusters taking prime slots in this TV show (4)","Answer":"HITS","Explanation":"Definition: Blockbusters\nI'm afraid I can't see the parsing of this \u2013 *Please see Fiery Jack @1"} {"Clue":"Taste had been sampled by mate? (6)","Answer":"PALATE","Explanation":"Definition: Taste\nPAL (mate) + ATE (sampled) \u2013 not really sure why 'had been', rather than, simply, 'was'"} {"Clue":"Stoppage in existence after store failing to close (6)","Answer":"STASIS","Explanation":"Definition: Stoppage\nSTAS[h] (store) failing to close + IS \u2013 I'm really struggling to equate this with 'in existence'"} {"Clue":"I travel, did you say? (4)","Answer":"ROME","Explanation":"Definition: I\nSounds like roam (travel)"} {"Clue":"One alarmed by wheels in old scanner (4,6)","Answer":"CARD READER","Explanation":"Definition: old scanner\nA CAR-DREADER would be alarmed by wheels"} {"Clue":"A tease erasing mark on ballot paper, that doesn't apply (6)","Answer":"VIENNA","Explanation":"Definition: A\nVI[x]EN (tease) minus x (mark on ballot paper) + NA (non-applicable \u2013 doesn't apply)"} {"Clue":"A queen filling cups behind vessel (8)","Answer":"CANBERRA","Explanation":"Definition: A\nER (queen) in BRA (cups) after CAN (vessel)"} {"Clue":"I recall religious celebration certainly justified, originally (9)","Answer":"JERUSALEM","Explanation":"Definition: I\nA reversal (recall) of MELA (religious celebration)"} {"Clue":"Gather pen (4)","Answer":"FOLD","Explanation":"Definition: Gatherpen\nDouble definition \u2013 the first a sewing term and the second a sheep pen"} {"Clue":"Some hogwash, so that's flipping nonsense (4)","Answer":"TOSH","Explanation":"Definition: nonsense\nA hidden reversal (flipping) in hogwasH SO That's"} {"Clue":"Meaningful study in a mess with voiding of contract, unfortunately (9)","Answer":"SEMANTICS","Explanation":"Definition: Meaningful study\nAn anagram (unfortunately) of IN A MESS + C[ontrac]T, voided"} {"Clue":"Parrot claiming advantage, having nipped a hand (8)","Answer":"APPLAUSE","Explanation":"Definition: hand\nAPE (parrot) round PLUS (advantage) round A"} {"Clue":"Dark energy familiar, not entirely (6)","Answer":"GOTHIC","Explanation":"Definition: Dark\nGO (energy) + THIC[k] (familiar \u2013 as in 'as thick as thieves')"} {"Clue":"Manipulated figure, one in voice returning to punch comrade (10)","Answer":"MARIONETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Manipulated figure\nI (one) in a reversal (returning) of TENOR (voice) in (punching) MATE (comrade)"} {"Clue":"A A endlessly sozzled? (4)","Answer":"BAKU","Explanation":"Definition: A\nThis took a while to parse; it's extremely clever but a bit sneaky, involving an indirect anagram: the first A is the A from the theme (BAKU is the capital of Azerbaijan) and the second is another, indicating KABU[l] (capital of Afghanistan) without its last letter (endlessly), of which we then have to make an anagram (sozzled) \u2013 a great surface, too, suggesting Alcoholics Anonymous"} {"Clue":"I fluffed the shot (6)","Answer":"TEHRAN","Explanation":"Definition: I\nAn anagram (fluffed) of THE + RAN (shot)"} {"Clue":"A hint that's neither across nor down (6)","Answer":"ASCENT","Explanation":"Definition: neither across nor down\nA misleading A this time: A SCENT (a hint)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Study condition on the rise caught by man in the street (7)","Answer":"PROFILE","Explanation":"Definition: Study\nA reversal (on the rise, in a down clue) of IF (condition) in PROLE (slang for proletarian \u2013 man in the street)"} {"Clue":"Long rest right, I must be snookered? (3-2)","Answer":"LIE-IN","Explanation":"Definition: Long rest\nLIEN (right) round (snookering) I"} {"Clue":"Perfectly framing repeated note, a piece of music (7)","Answer":"TOCCATA","Explanation":"Definition: piece of music\nTO A T (perfectly) round CC (repeated note) + A"} {"Clue":"A nice one bordering country (6)","Answer":"TIRANA","Explanation":"Definition: Acountry\nTA (thank you \u2013 nice one?) round IRAN (country)"} {"Clue":"On a trip, passed in jet (6,3)","Answer":"SPACED OUT","Explanation":"Definition: On a trip\nACED (passed \u2013 as in tennis) in SPOUT (jet)"} {"Clue":"Shaved organ found in ditch (7)","Answer":"SHEARED","Explanation":"Definition: Shaved\nEAR (organ) in SHED (ditch)"} {"Clue":"Fish in whipped cream served in temporary homes, lesser building units? (5,8)","Answer":"TRACE ELEMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: lesser building units?\nEEL (fish) in an anagram (whipped) of CREAM, all inside TENTS (temporary homes)"} {"Clue":"Exploding sun, delicate and magical kind (9)","Answer":"UNSELFISH","Explanation":"Definition: kind\nAn anagram (exploding) of SUN + ELFISH (delicate and magical \u2013 though I think that's more 'elfin': Chambers has 'mischievous, tricky' for 'elfish )"} {"Clue":"Brown keeping Blair perhaps in post? (7)","Answer":"TOPMAST","Explanation":"Definition: post\nTOAST (brown) round PM (Prime Minister, Blair perhaps) \u2013 great surface!"} {"Clue":"A craft is large (7)","Answer":"ALGIERS","Explanation":"Definition: A \nAn anagram (craft) of IS LARGE"} {"Clue":"Where leg is on insect (7)","Answer":"CRICKET","Explanation":"Definition: Where leg is oninsect\nDouble definition: in Crosswordland, leg (cricket side) frequently clues \/ is clued by 'on'"} {"Clue":"A Zulu and African bands (6)","Answer":"LUANDA","Explanation":"Definition: A \nHidden in zuLU AND African"} {"Clue":"Item of furniture fixed, though top is scratched (5)","Answer":"TABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Item of furniture\n(s)TABLE (fixed) minus its first letter (top scratched)"} {"Clue":"Supreme soldier's horse (9)","Answer":"PARAMOUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Supreme\nPARA (soldier) + MOUNT (horse)"} {"Clue":"I leave European city as champ (5)","Answer":"MUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: champ\nMUN(i)CH \u2013 I think this should read 'I must leave'"} {"Clue":"Fruit that might be blown? (9)","Answer":"RASPBERRY","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"What remains after fool picks up high explosive (5)","Answer":"ASHES","Explanation":"Definition: What remains\nASS (fool) round HE (high explosive)"} {"Clue":"Celebrity: extremely risky to like the Sky at Night? (6)","Answer":"STARRY","Explanation":"Definition: like the Sky at Night\nSTAR(celebrity) + R[isk]Y"} {"Clue":"With tail of badger, it helps brew love potions (8)","Answer":"PHILTRES","Explanation":"Definition: love potions\nAn anagram (brew) of [badge]R + IT HELPS"} {"Clue":"Act of avoiding the answer after retirement to 'Do you spend?' (7)","Answer":"EVASION","Explanation":"Definition: Act of avoiding\nA reversal (after retirement) of NO I SAVE (the answer to 'Do you spend?)"} {"Clue":"Spooner's corrupt father on TV makes portable furniture (4,3)","Answer":"TENT BED","Explanation":"Definition: portable furniture\nBENT (corrupt) + TED (**father on TV**)"} {"Clue":"Most sharp statues crumble with time (8)","Answer":"ASTUTEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most sharp\nAn anagram (crumbles) of STATUES + T (time)"} {"Clue":"Country surrounding Reading? Certainly not! (6)","Answer":"NORWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nNO WAY (certainly not) round R (Reading \u2013 as in 'the three Rs')"} {"Clue":"Cove to squeal out loud (5)","Answer":"CREEK","Explanation":"Definition: Cove\nSounds like (out loud) 'creak' (squeal?)"} {"Clue":"17 is not the heart of bingo in afterthought (9)","Answer":"PAINTINGS","Explanation":"Definition: 17\nAINT (is not) + [b]ING[o] in PS (post script \u2013 afterthought) \u2013 the answer to 17dn is ART"} {"Clue":"Play, perhaps, Hamlet, involving Claudius's crown (5)","Answer":"DANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Play\nDANE (perhaps Hamlet) round C[laudius] \u2013 I wondered about the definition, then thought of sunlight dancing \/ playing on water"} {"Clue":"Catches prisoners stealing land (9)","Answer":"CONTRACTS","Explanation":"Definition: Catches\nCONS (prisoners) round TRACT (land) contracts = catches as with 'flu\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Sailor returns with another rock (6)","Answer":"BASALT","Explanation":"Definition: rock\nA reversal (returns) of AB (sailor) + SALT (another sailor)"} {"Clue":"and 1 primes? Wrong \u2014 they're figures of the imagination (8)","Answer":"VAMPIRES","Explanation":"Definition: figures of the imagination\nV (five) + A (one) + an anagram (wrong) of PRIMES"} {"Clue":"close to infinity? That's remote (6)","Answer":"LONELY","Explanation":"Definition: remote\nOne of Qaos' trademark 'mathematical' clues: L (fifty) + L (fifty) divided by ONE + [infinit]Y"} {"Clue":"Seduces sexy partners right away (7)","Answer":"ENTRAPS","Explanation":"Definition: Seduces\nAn anagram (sexy) of PARTNE[r]S minus r (right)"} {"Clue":"Group supports students' uprising at dusk (6)","Answer":"SUNSET","Explanation":"Definition: dusk\nSET (group) after (supports, in a down clue) a reversal (uprising) of National Union of Students"} {"Clue":"Plan the start of school: a little science, then English (6)","Answer":"SCHEME","Explanation":"Definition: Plan\nS (the start of School) + CHEM[istry] (a little science) + E (English)"} {"Clue":"Lithium and iron sparkle (4)","Answer":"LIFE","Explanation":"Definition: sparkle\nLI (lithium) + FE (iron)"} {"Clue":"Polish stone endlessly (3)","Answer":"RUB","Explanation":"Definition: Polish\nRUB[y] (stone)"} {"Clue":"Vicious man's raising hell (3)","Answer":"SID","Explanation":"Definition: Vicious man\nA reversal (raising) of DIS (hell) \u2013 **here's** the vicious man"} {"Clue":"Rent finally collected by each foreign letter (3)","Answer":"ETA","Explanation":"Definition: foreign letter\nEA (each) round [ren]T"} {"Clue":"Knack of regularly slicing carrot (3)","Answer":"ART","Explanation":"Definition: Knack\nAlternate letters of cArRoT"} {"Clue":"My numbers! (4)","Answer":"ONES","Explanation":"Definition: Mynumbers\nDouble definition, the first being ONE'S"} {"Clue":"End trimmed fur being gathered by volunteers online? (8)","Answer":"TERMINAL","Explanation":"Definition: End\nERMIN]e] (trimmed fur) in TA (Territorial Army \u2013 volunteers \u2013 now the Army Reserve) + L (on line, in a down clue)"} {"Clue":"Shabby hotel hides a new drug (7)","Answer":"ETHANOL","Explanation":"Definition: dru\nAn anagram (shabby) of HOTEL round A N (new)"} {"Clue":"Ignoring It, it's the best horror film (6)","Answer":"SCREAM","Explanation":"Definition: horror film\n[it]S + CREAM (the best)"} {"Clue":"In Paris a supermarket removes Tango for major international operation (6)","Answer":"UNESCO","Explanation":"Definition: major international operation\nUN (in Paris 'a') + [t]ESCO (supermarket) minus t (tango)"} {"Clue":"Tiny robot working at nine (6)","Answer":"NANITE","Explanation":"Definition: Tiny robot\nAn anagram (working) of AT NINE"} {"Clue":"Pyongyang's typical contribution to having acute worries about the world (6)","Answer":"ANGSTY","Explanation":"Definition: having acute worries about the world\nHidden in pyongyANGS TYpical"} {"Clue":"Search fine men to date (6)","Answer":"FORAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Search\nF (fine) + OR (Other Ranks \u2013 men) + AGE (date?)"} {"Clue":"American perhaps uses Jimmy Page and gets out of bed (6)","Answer":"PRISES","Explanation":"Definition: American perhaps uses Jimmy\nP(page) + RISES (gets out of bed) \u2013 the 'perhaps' indicates that 'jimmy' is the (chiefly) US spelling of 'jemmy'"} {"Clue":"Furnishes room, like cushions? (4)","Answer":"ARMS","Explanation":"Definition: Furnishes\nAS (like) round (cushioning) RM (room)"} {"Clue":"Bed resident? Son to sleep with horrible woman (10)","Answer":"SNAPDRAGON","Explanation":"Definition: Bed resident?\nS (son) + NAP (sleep) + DRAGON (horrible woman) \u2013 the bed, of course, being a flower-bed"} {"Clue":"Land one flying, over the radio (6)","Answer":"RUSSIA","Explanation":"Definition: Land\nSounds like (over the radio) 'rusher' \u2013 one flying"} {"Clue":"One picks up tip: nurse on medical programme (8)","Answer":"LISTENER","Explanation":"Definition: One picks up\nLIST (tip) + EN (Enrolled Nurse) + ER (medical TV programme)"} {"Clue":"Being out of pocket in short month, drink one beer that's reduced (9)","Answer":"MARSUPIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Being out of pocket\nMAR[ch] (short month) + SUP (drink) + I (one) + AL[e] (beer that's reduced)"} {"Clue":"Stops boozers (4)","Answer":"BARS","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Baby beginning to eat solid (4)","Answer":"CUBE","Explanation":"Definition: solid\nCUB (baby) + E[at]"} {"Clue":"See trophy for playing bingo (3,6)","Answer":"HEY PRESTO","Explanation":"Definition: bingo\nAn anagram (for playing) of SEE TROPHY"} {"Clue":"Clear empty can, one tin drunk (8)","Answer":"INNOCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Clear\nAn anagram (drunk) of C[a]N ('empty') ONE TIN"} {"Clue":"Tesco ultimately wrong: supermarket out of Germany succeeded \u2014 one will open in the spring (6)","Answer":"OXALIS","Explanation":"Definition: one will open in the spring\n[tesc]O + X (wrong) + AL[d]I supermarket minus d (Germany) + S (succeeded)"} {"Clue":"Crack cryptic clues for round on this? (4,6)","Answer":"GOLF COURSE","Explanation":"Definition: round on this?\nGO (crack) + an anagram (cryptic) of CLUES FOR"} {"Clue":"Woods: pro on 24 grabbing member (4)","Answer":"ELMS","Explanation":"Definition: Woods\n(Ernie) ELS (pro[fessional] on GOLF COURSE \u2013 24) round M (member) \u2013 neat use of woods, meaning neither Tiger nor clubs, in this context"} {"Clue":"Also after boob job (6)","Answer":"ERRAND","Explanation":"Definition: job\nAND (also) after ERR (boob)"} {"Clue":"Darn idiot in school (6)","Answer":"STITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Darn\nTIT (idiot) in SCH (school)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Baby milk expression (7)","Answer":"FORMULA","Explanation":"Definition: Baby milkexpression\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Flowers sprung up: start of spring? (5)","Answer":"ROSES","Explanation":"Definition: Flowers\nROSE (sprung up) + S[pring]"} {"Clue":"Light rabbit punch (3,4)","Answer":"GAS LAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Light\nGAS (rabbit \u2013 both slang for talk) + LAMP (slang for punch)"} {"Clue":"Salad ingredient, mostly green on plate (6)","Answer":"RADISH","Explanation":"Definition: Salad ingredient\nRA[w] (mostly green) + DISH (plate)"} {"Clue":"Easel at bottom, artist finally sorted drawing position (9)","Answer":"STALEMATE","Explanation":"Definition: drawing position\nAn anagram (sorted) of EASEL + AT + [botto]M [artis]T"} {"Clue":"Soprano worse off eating hot peppers (7)","Answer":"SHOWERS","Explanation":"Definition: peppers\nS (soprano) + an anagram (off) of WORSE + H (hot) \u2013 as in peppering \/ showering with bullets"} {"Clue":"Change it: MP Angela Rayner at one working on private bills (13,5)","Answer":"PARLIAMENTARY AGENT","Explanation":"Definition: one working on private bills\nAn anagram (change) of IT **MP ANGELA RAYNER** AT"} {"Clue":"Court judge upset supporting deputy speaker (9)","Answer":"SUBWOOFER","Explanation":"Definition: speaker\nWOO (court) + a reversal (upset) of REF (judge) after (supporting, in a down clue) SUB (deputy)"} {"Clue":"Conservative party member that's out of government to express sorrow (7)","Answer":"CONDOLE","Explanation":"Definition: express sorrow\nCON (Conservative) + DO (party) + LE[g] (member) minus g (government)"} {"Clue":"Campaign: Prince with nothing over Jeffrey Epstein primarily must go to court (7)","Answer":"PROJECT","Explanation":"Definition: Campaign\nPR (prince) + O (nothing) + J[effrey] E[pstein] + CT (court) \u2013 great surface"} {"Clue":"President admitting central part of Mexico's hard hit (7)","Answer":"TRIUMPH","Explanation":"Definition: hit\nTRUMP (president) round [mex]I[co's] + H (hard)"} {"Clue":"Husband with pain not originally over hip getting drug (6)","Answer":"HEROIN","Explanation":"Definition: drug\nH (husband) + a reversal (over) of [s]ORE (pain?) + IN (hip) *Edit: drofle @7 suggests [b]ORE for 'pain', which is much better \u2013 sorry, Tramp!"} {"Clue":"Ask one fellow 20 (8)","Answer":"POSEIDON","Explanation":"Definition: 20\nPOSE (ask) I (one) DON (fellow)"} {"Clue":"What about craft for Gaia? (5)","Answer":"EARTH","Explanation":"Definition: Gaia\nEH (what) round ART (craft) \u2013 Gaia is goddess \/ personification of the earth"} {"Clue":"God in bar (4)","Answer":"MARS","Explanation":"Definition: Godbar\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Further cost unfortunately about right for removing devices (10)","Answer":"EXTRACTORS","Explanation":"Definition: removing devices\nEXTRA (further) + an anagram (unfortunately) of COST round R (right)"} {"Clue":"Rash reason 20 uses pressure to force out leader in marathon (6)","Answer":"HERPES","Explanation":"Definition: Rash\nHER[m]ES (Olympian) with the m (initial letter of marathon) replaced by P (pressure) \u2013 I can't see what 'reason' is doing"} {"Clue":"imbibing contents of glass, viscous stuff (8)","Answer":"MOLASSES","Explanation":"Definition: viscous stuff\n**MOSES** round [g]LAS]S"} {"Clue":"Mole, for example, with bad joint, did you say? (7)","Answer":"DIARIST","Explanation":"Definition: Mole, for example\nSounds like (did you say?) dire (bad) wrist (joint) for **Adrian**, creation of our local hero, Sue Townsend"} {"Clue":"Farah and 20, those called upon (7)","Answer":"MOBILES","Explanation":"Definition: those called upon\nMO (Farah) + **BILES"} {"Clue":"Sporting god secured by the rack, or somehow enslaved? (8)","Answer":"OLYMPIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Sporting god\nThe parsing here totally defeats me, I'm afraid \u2013* but fortunately help was soon at hand from Andy Doyle @1; I was glad to see that other regulars were also baffled"} {"Clue":"Bird with 20 in shooting? (6)","Answer":"PIGEON","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nWhen Muhammad Ali won his Olympic gold medal in 1960, his name was Cassius Clay and clay pigeons are used in shooting."} {"Clue":"Frequently found in spring, dead tissue in mouth (4,6)","Answer":"SOFT PALATE","Explanation":"Definition: tissue in mouth\nOFT (frequently) in SPA (spring) + LATE (dead)"} {"Clue":"Reportedly, something green on the table \u2014 trees (4)","Answer":"BAYS","Explanation":"Definition: trees\nSounds like baize, used on snooker tables \u2013 and used by Paul a couple of weeks ago, in his tree-themed puzzle"} {"Clue":"Trunk kept by tenant, or sold (5)","Answer":"TORSO","Explanation":"Definition: Trunk\nContained in tenanT OR SOld"} {"Clue":"Trainer asleep I gathered before start of race (8)","Answer":"ESPALIER","Explanation":"Definition: Trainer\nAn anagram (gathered) of ASLEEP I R[ace]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"20 chap surrounded by 20 British islands (8)","Answer":"COMANECI","Explanation":"Definition: 20\nMAN (chap) in **COE** (20) + CI (Channel Islands)"} {"Clue":"20 in elevated Egyptian city (4)","Answer":"ZEUS","Explanation":"Definition: 20\nA reversal (elevated, in a down clue) of SUEZ (Egyptian city)"} {"Clue":"Bags in stock, those remaining for one with a blocked nose? (6)","Answer":"UDDERS","Explanation":"Definition: Bags in stock\nHow someone with a blocked nose might pronounce 'others' (those remaining)"} {"Clue":"Little bit inspired by some science (7)","Answer":"ANATOMY","Explanation":"Definition: science\nATOM (little bit) in ANY (some)"} {"Clue":"Ogler is a cavalier in place for Muslim women (8)","Answer":"SERAGLIO","Explanation":"Definition: place for Muslim women\nAn anagram (cavalier) of OGLER IS A"} {"Clue":"Dissident in favour of analysis (10)","Answer":"PROTESTING","Explanation":"Definition: Dissident\nPRO (in favour of) TESTING (analysis)"} {"Clue":"20 god exercises (6)","Answer":"THORPE","Explanation":"Definition: 20\nTHOR (god) + PE (exercises)"} {"Clue":"A batter in 20 boundaries (10)","Answer":"PARAMETERS","Explanation":"Definition: boundaries\nA + RAM, as a verb (batter) in **PETERS**\u00a0 \u2013 **Jim Peters** is another possibility"} {"Clue":"Main call by patriots initially welcomed by Muslim 20 (4,4)","Answer":"SHIP AHOY","Explanation":"Definition: Main call\nP[atriot] in SHIA (Muslim) + **HOY"} {"Clue":"Eye Scot about to claim first in pentathlon \u2014 these races adapted? (8)","Answer":"ECOTYPES","Explanation":"Definition: these races adapted\nAn anagram (about) of EYE SCOT round P[entathlon) \u2013 I have discovered\u00a0 that race can mean species"} {"Clue":"Worker, 20 star (7)","Answer":"ANTARES","Explanation":"Definition: star\nANT (worker) + ARES (Olympian god)"} {"Clue":"Depend on cash, having invested thousand on ring (4,2)","Answer":"LOOK TO","Explanation":"Definition: Depend on\nLOOT (cash) round K (a thousand) + O (ring)"} {"Clue":"Power is useful for 20 (6)","Answer":"PHELPS","Explanation":"Definition: 20\nP (power) + HELPS (is useful)"} {"Clue":"run (4)","Answer":"BOLT","Explanation":"Double definition, the first being **Usain"} {"Clue":"Pioneer in surgery, one keeling over? (6)","Answer":"LISTER","Explanation":"Definition: Pioneer in surgery\n**(Joseph) LISTER** (pioneer in sterile surgery)\u00a0 \u2013 one who keels over could be described as a lister"} {"Clue":"Get better business in advance (4-2,4)","Answer":"PICK-UP LINE","Explanation":"Definition: advance\nPICK UP (get better) + line (business) \u2013 I couldn't find this in Collins or Chambers but I found out online that it's also known as a chat-up line, which I'm more familiar with"} {"Clue":"Endangered species with misguided emphasis on saving ourselves, primarily? (4,7)","Answer":"HOMO SAPIENS","Explanation":"Definition: Endangered species\nAn anagram (misguided) of EMPHASIS + ON round (saving) O[urselves] primarily, with an extended definition"} {"Clue":"Quality of chef that divides a country (4,6)","Answer":"COOK STRAIT","Explanation":"Definition: that divides a country\nCOOK'S TRAIT \u2013 quality of chef, for the Strait which separates the North and South Islands of New Zealand"} {"Clue":"Name of organ \u2014 forget it! (2,4)","Answer":"NO FEAR","Explanation":"Definition: forget it!\nN (name) OF (in the clue) + EAR (organ)"} {"Clue":"Pot filled with starter of ratatouille, call for dinner (8)","Answer":"PRANDIAL","Explanation":"Definition: for dinner\nPAN (pot) round R[atatouille] + DIAL (call) \u2013 I wasn't entirely sure whether to include 'for' in the definition: between them, Collins and Chambers have PRANDIAL as a facetious adjective, 'of or relating to a meal \/ dinner'"} {"Clue":"Lean back into serve for gritty and absorbing stuff (3,6)","Answer":"CAT LITTER","Explanation":"Definition: gritty and absorbing stuff\nA reversal (back) of TILT (lean) in CATER (serve)"} {"Clue":"Project ending in failure \u2014 might sacking come from that? (4)","Answer":"JUTE","Explanation":"Definition: might sacking come from that?\nJUT (project, as a verb) + [failur]E"} {"Clue":"Story just in Scandinavian folk literature initially remains alongside novel (9)","Answer":"NEWSFLASH","Explanation":"Definition: Story just in\nNEW (novel) + S[candinavian] F[olk] L[iterature] initially + ASH (remains)"} {"Clue":"Laid to rest, where shoe may have stepped, did you say? (8)","Answer":"INTERRED","Explanation":"Definition: Laid to rest\nSounds like (did you say?) IN TURD (where shoe may have stepped)"} {"Clue":"Forceful and effective church, weak externally (6)","Answer":"PUNCHY","Explanation":"Definition: Forceful and effective\nPUNY (weak) round CH (church)"} {"Clue":"Brown's income, bulky (10)","Answer":"CUMBERSOME","Explanation":"Definition: bulky\nUMBER'S (brown's) 'in COME'; some like these clues, some don't \u2013\u00a0I do"} {"Clue":"Pancake given second prod almost collapsed (4,5)","Answer":"DROP SCONE","Explanation":"Definition: Pancake\nAn anagram (collapsed) of SECOND PRO[d]"} {"Clue":"Carelessness in kiss stolen by ordinary people (6)","Answer":"LAXITY","Explanation":"Definition: Carelessness\nLAITY (ordinary people) round X (kiss) \u2013 ordinary people as opposed to the clergy, or some other professions"} {"Clue":"Value ship upon high seas (6)","Answer":"ASSESS","Explanation":"Definition: Value\nSS (ship) after an anagram (high) of SEAS"} {"Clue":"Operatic heroine alone, or otherwise (7)","Answer":"LEONORA","Explanation":"Definition: Operatic heroine\nAn anagram (otherwise) of ALONE OR"} {"Clue":"Piece right, apart from clasps (7)","Answer":"EXCERPT","Explanation":"Definition: Piece\nEXCEPT (apart from) round (clasps) R (right)"} {"Clue":"Erection of some flats, ninety put in (6)","Answer":"INSTAL","Explanation":"Definition: put in\nA hidden reversal (erection, in a down clue) in fLATS NInety"} {"Clue":"Precautions learnt by the way, training bred into little 'uns in the main? (4,5)","Answer":"KERB DRILL","Explanation":"Definition: Precautions learnt by the way\nAn anagram (training) of BRED in KRILL (little 'uns in the main \u2013 sea) \u2013 as every Primary School child knows, KRILL are small shrimp-like creatures, eaten by whales; as Lord Jim points out, this could be a clue as definition \u2013 great surface, anyway"} {"Clue":"Fish placed between meat and two veg, might taking issue here prove costly? (7,7)","Answer":"PRIVATE SCHOOLS","Explanation":"Definition: might taking issue here prove costly?\nSCHOOL (fish) placed between PRIVATES (meat and two veg \u2013 an expression I didn't know and I couldn't find it any of my dictionaries so it was a guess and google, which I'll leave you to do for yourselves) \u2013 I did like the definition!"} {"Clue":"Total fool playing lotto with epidemic (8,5)","Answer":"COMPLETE IDIOT","Explanation":"Definition: Total fool\nAn anagram (playing) of LOTTO and EPIDEMIC"} {"Clue":"Door opening, Spooner discussing enhanced security system? (6,3)","Answer":"LETTER BOX","Explanation":"Definition: Door opening\n'Better locks' (enhanced security system) \u2013 I'm not a fan of Spoonerisms but this one's fine by me"} {"Clue":"Flower in centre of Beijing adorning bedcover, detailed (7)","Answer":"JONQUIL","Explanation":"Definition: Flower\n[bei]J[ing] + ON (adorning) QUIL[t] (bedcover) minus its last letter \u2013 'detailed'"} {"Clue":"A northern English vale runs up biblical mountain (6)","Answer":"ARARAT","Explanation":"Definition: biblical mountain\nA reversal (up, in a down clue) of TARA (northern English 'vale', in its meaning of farewell \u2013 Collins: TA-RA: *sentence substitute informal, chiefly Northern English*, goodbye, farewell, variant of TA-TA) for the mountain where Noah's ark came to rest"} {"Clue":"Girl's head coming through as newborn appears \u2014 push gently! (5)","Answer":"NUDGE","Explanation":"Definition: push gently\nG[irl] in NUDE (as newborn appears) \u2013 sounds like an extract from an obstetrics manual!"} {"Clue":"Condition of premature baby: wrinkles between sides of head (9)","Answer":"EARLINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Condition of premature baby\nLINES (wrinkles) in EARS (sides of head!)"} {"Clue":"Sailor almost finished in the crow's nest? (5)","Answer":"ABOVE","Explanation":"Definition: in the crow's nest?\nAB (sailor) + OVE[r] (almost finished)"} {"Clue":"Pasta placed on paper shortly (5)","Answer":"PENNE","Explanation":"Definition: Pasta\nPENNE[d] (placed on paper)"} {"Clue":"Rest of the pint for husband? (5,4)","Answer":"OTHER HALF","Explanation":"Definition: Rest of the pinthusband?\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Last up on tour, singular London landmark (2,5)","Answer":"ST PAUL\u2019S","Explanation":"Definition: London landmark\nAn anagram (on tour) of LAST UP + S (singular)"} {"Clue":"Small boy is unable to sing (7)","Answer":"DESCANT","Explanation":"Definition: sing\nDES ('small boy' \u2013 I'm one of those who dislike this device) + CAN'T (is unable to)"} {"Clue":"Musical instrument's horrible groan (5)","Answer":"ORGAN","Explanation":"Definition: Musical instrument\nAn anagram (horrible) of GROAN"} {"Clue":"Turn on hair product (3)","Answer":"GEL","Explanation":"Definition: hair product\nA reversal (turn) of LEG (on, in cricket)"} {"Clue":"Produce new animal and slice it up, say (5)","Answer":"CALVE","Explanation":"Definition: Produce new animal\nSounds like (say \u2013 but not to everyone, of course) 'carve' (slice it up)"} {"Clue":"Prepared to be heavily criticised, drinking litres (7)","Answer":"PLANNED","Explanation":"Definition: Prepared\nPANNED (heavily criticised) round L (litres)"} {"Clue":"Dingy church in French port (7)","Answer":"DUNKIRK","Explanation":"Definition: French port\nDUN (dingy) + KIRK (church)"} {"Clue":"I'm surprised chatty fan collapsed (5,4)","Answer":"FANCY THAT","Explanation":"Definition: I'm surprised\nAn anagram (collapsed) of CHATTY FAN"} {"Clue":"Barbarian companion's irrational feeling (5)","Answer":"HUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: irrational feeling\nHUN (barbarian) + CH (Companion of Honour)"} {"Clue":"Some oaths we are to \u2026 this (5)","Answer":"SWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: this\nContained in oathS WE ARe"} {"Clue":"Stick to these glasses (9)","Answer":"LORGNETTE","Explanation":"Definition: glasses\nCryptic definition: a lorgnette has a handle (stick)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Being the other way up makes water escape slowly (4)","Answer":"SEEP","Explanation":"Definition: escape slowly\nA reversal (the other way up, in a down clue) of PEES (makes water)"} {"Clue":"People recently engaged now use precautions, primarily this? (3-3)","Answer":"PRE-NUP","Explanation":"Definition: this\nThe initial letters (primarily) of People Recently Engaged Now Use PRECAUTIONS, with an extended definition"} {"Clue":"An essential for the Latinist (4,3,3)","Answer":"SINE QUA NON","Explanation":"Definition: An essential for the Latinist\nBarely cryptic definition: a Latin phrase meaning an essential"} {"Clue":"Votes cast about embargo, initially (6)","Answer":"VETOES","Explanation":"An anagram (cast) of VOTES round the initial letter of Embargo \u2013 I can't quite work out what to underline as the definition"} {"Clue":"Funny shape, old Lily (8)","Answer":"ASPHODEL","Explanation":"Definition: Lily\nAn anagram (funny) of SHAPE OLD"} {"Clue":"Piano (broadcast item) (4)","Answer":"PAIR","Explanation":"Definition: item\nP (piano) + AIR (broadcast)"} {"Clue":"Presumably a short deprecatory remark (3,2,3)","Answer":"NOT AT ALL","Explanation":"Definition: deprecatory remark\nNOT A TALL (presumably a short)"} {"Clue":"One giving honey, following meat (4)","Answer":"BEEF","Explanation":"Definition: meat\nBEE (one giving honey) + F (following)"} {"Clue":"Small shop offering large spoon (5)","Answer":"SCOOP","Explanation":"Definition: large spoon\nS (small) + CO-OP (shop)"} {"Clue":"It'll be round in a minute (6,4)","Answer":"SECOND HAND","Explanation":"Definition: It'll be round in a minute\nCryptic definition, referring to a watch or clock"} {"Clue":"Slightly change start of walk in wood (5)","Answer":"TWEAK","Explanation":"Definition: Slightly change\nW[alk] in TEAK (wood)"} {"Clue":"Relatives' extraordinary earnings (8)","Answer":"GRANNIES","Explanation":"Definition: Relatives\nAn anagram (extraordinary) of EARNINGS"} {"Clue":"One has some responsibility for this divine little creature? (8)","Answer":"GODCHILD","Explanation":"Cryptic definition?"} {"Clue":"I'd most hatred, on and off, for old fool (6)","Answer":"DOTARD","Explanation":"Definition: old fool\nAlternate letters (on and off) of i'D mOsT hAtReD"} {"Clue":"Pub brewing tea, as is natural (6)","Answer":"INNATE","Explanation":"Definition: natural\nINN (pub) + an anagram (brewing) of TEA"} {"Clue":"Safety device that may be installed in a bomb (4)","Answer":"FUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Safety devicethat may be installed in a bomb\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Garden in America this short? (4)","Answer":"YARD","Explanation":"Definition: Garden in America\nCryptic definition \u2013 Americans call a garden a yard but presumably most are more than a yard long"} {"Clue":"Told to mend part of sock (4)","Answer":"HEEL","Explanation":"Definition: part of sock\nSounds like (told) 'heal' (mend)"} {"Clue":"In refrain, trombone leads to start of music (5)","Answer":"INTRO","Explanation":"Contained in IN TROmbone \u2013 a nice easy one to start with and appropriate, too"} {"Clue":"Head of conservatoire appearing again on radio, playing instrument (9)","Answer":"ACCORDION","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\nAn anagram (playing) of CC(head of Conservatoire, twice) ON RADIO"} {"Clue":"Outlaws are sent legal IDs, lest these be discovered (9)","Answer":"RENEGADES","Explanation":"Definition: Outlaws\nThis took a fair bit of staring at: it's [a]R[e] [s]EN[t] [l]EGA[l] [i]D[s] [l]ES[t] \u2013 all 'discovered'"} {"Clue":"Boatman's Boatman, you say? I don't agree! (2,3)","Answer":"MY EYE","Explanation":"Definition: I don't agree!\nMY (Boatman's) + EYE, which sounds like \u2013 you say? \u2013 I (Boatman)"} {"Clue":"Liable to have start of music replacing run in trumpet (2,5)","Answer":"TO BLAME","Explanation":"Definition: Liable\nTO (from the clue) + BLA[r]e (trumpet, with M[usic] replacing r (run)"} {"Clue":"Arrive on a higher note? (5,2)","Answer":"PITCH UP","Explanation":"Definition: Arriveon a higher note\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Get wrong note out with this instrument (5)","Answer":"BUGLE","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\nBU[n]GLE (get wrong) minus n (note)"} {"Clue":"Unfashionable dance music causing muscle contraction (3)","Answer":"LAT","Explanation":"Definition: muscle contraction\nShort for (contraction of) latissimus dorsi (a muscle in the lower back, which I knew from Slimnastics) \u2013 I need someone else to explain the dance music, though:**\u00a0please see comments 1-3"} {"Clue":"Elgar composition for portable organ (5)","Answer":"REGAL","Explanation":"Definition: portable organ\nAn anagram (composition) of ELGAR \u2013 here's the organ"} {"Clue":"Get another instrument \u2014 there's a note missing (7)","Answer":"REORDER","Explanation":"Definition: Get another\nRE[c]ORDER (instrument) minus c (note)"} {"Clue":"Instrument's voice, even used with acoustic of large venue (7)","Answer":"OCARINA","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\nOC (even letters of vOiCe) + ARINA \u2013 sounds like (acoustic) 'arena' (large venue)"} {"Clue":"Notes written here in Home Counties about tax return (5)","Answer":"STAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Notes written here\nSE, (South East \u2013 Home Counties) round a reversal (return) of VAT (Value Added Tax)"} {"Clue":"Look after work containing tangle of Mexican fruit (9)","Answer":"TOMATILLO","Explanation":"Definition: Mexican fruit\nLO (look) after TOIL (work) round MAT (tangle) \u2013 here's the fruit"} {"Clue":"Race with turns that are slippery (6,3)","Answer":"CRESTA RUN","Explanation":"An anagram (slippery) of RACE + TURNS"} {"Clue":"How to use veto to get leader from jesting with this instrument? (5)","Answer":"BANJO","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\nBAN O (how to use veto?) round J[esting]"} {"Clue":"One shows little authenticity in sound of instrument (4)","Answer":"LIAR","Explanation":"Definition: One shows little authenticity\nSounds like 'lyre' (instrument)"} {"Clue":"Six-footer humming middle of sestet in key's first error (5,3)","Answer":"STINK BUG","Explanation":"Definition: Six-footer humming\n[se]ST[et] + K[ey] + BUG (error \u2013 I'm not competent to comment on this but see here)\u00a0 \u2013 here's the six-footer humming \u2013 I loved the definition"} {"Clue":"Horse around on instrument (4)","Answer":"GONG","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\nGG (Gee Gee \u2013 horse) round ON"} {"Clue":"Instrument is Spooner's orchestral nightmare (8)","Answer":"HANDBELL","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\nBAND HELL (orchestral nightmare)"} {"Clue":"Speculator, denying role in collapse, causes trouble (4,2)","Answer":"ACTS UP","Explanation":"Definition: causes trouble\nAn anagram (in collapse) of SP[e]CU[l]AT[or] minus the letters of 'role'"} {"Clue":"They satisfy a burning need but their clients always arrive late (10)","Answer":"CREMATORIA","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Cutting-edge music, selling well with City hipsters at first (2-4)","Answer":"HI-TECH","Explanation":"Definition: Cutting-edge\nHIT (music selling well) + EC (City of London) + H[ipsters]"} {"Clue":"Formerly connected with every other member's disappearance (4)","Answer":"ONCE","Explanation":"Definition: Formerly\n[c]O[n]N[e]C[t]E[d]"} {"Clue":"Boatman is into rock (a follower of Yes?) with this instrument (5)","Answer":"TABOR","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\nAB (Boatman) in TOR (rock) \u2013 I don't get the 'follower of Yes' \u2013 **see here \u2013 thanks, KJ @2"} {"Clue":"Changes in speech implied stopping reparation (10)","Answer":"AMENDMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Changes\nMENT (sounds like \u2013 in speech \u2013 'meant' \u2013 implied) in (stopping) AMENDS (reparation)"} {"Clue":"Originating perhaps overseas, like Kathak, as a dance (5)","Answer":"POLKA","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nInitial letters (originating) of Perhaps Overseas Like Kathak As"} {"Clue":"Diverting to marina, which is in Sicily (8)","Answer":"TAORMINA","Explanation":"Definition: which is in Sicily\nAn anagram (diverting) of TO MARINA"} {"Clue":"Questioning start of gig, with band assumed sick (8)","Answer":"GRILLING","Explanation":"Definition: Questioning\nG[ig] + RING (band) round ILL (sick)"} {"Clue":"Ridiculous orange beast (6)","Answer":"ONAGER","Explanation":"Definition: beast\nAn anagram (ridiculous) of ORANGE"} {"Clue":"Three notes with bow out (6)","Answer":"RETIRE","Explanation":"Definition: bow out\nRE TI RE \u2013 three notes"} {"Clue":"Instrument, but missing bag (4)","Answer":"SACK","Explanation":"Definition: bag\nSACK[but] \u2013 this instrument"} {"Clue":"Join up as part of orchestra (4)","Answer":"TUBA","Explanation":"Definition: part of orchestra\nA reversal (up) of ABUT (join)"} {"Clue":"Instrument of empty honour (4)","Answer":"OBOE","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\nOrder of the British Empire (honour) with O (nothing) in it, therefore 'empty'"} {"Clue":"Old university graduate keeps on penning journal (7)","Answer":"BOLOGNA","Explanation":"Definition: Old university\nBA (graduate) round (keeps) ON round (penning) LOG (journal)"} {"Clue":"Problem with a reggae-style drumbeat (3-1-3)","Answer":"RUB-A-DUB","Explanation":"Definition: drumbeat\nRUB (problem: \"To sleep, perchance to dream-"} {"Clue":"With some medicine bottles, seek water (5)","Answer":"DOWSE","Explanation":"Definition: seek water\nDOSE (some medicine) round (bottles) W (with)"} {"Clue":"It ensures well-rounded character votes for Boris? (9)","Answer":"BACKSTORY","Explanation":"Definition: It ensures well-rounded character\nBACKS TORY (votes for Boris, perhaps)"} {"Clue":"What we get called in explosive contest (10)","Answer":"TOURNAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: contest\nOUR NAME (what we get called) in TNT (explosive)"} {"Clue":"Constituent of Britain, say, lives life on the edge (4)","Answer":"ISLE","Explanation":"Definition: Constituent of Britain, say\nIS (lives) + edges of L[if]E"} {"Clue":"Fianc\u00e9 exhibits such intense stress (5,6)","Answer":"ACUTE ACCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Fianc\u00e9 exhibits such\nACUTE (intense) + ACCENT (stress) \u2013 exhibited in fianc**\u00e9"} {"Clue":"Love to enter race, wanting an achievement (4,2,5)","Answer":"TOUR DE FORCE","Explanation":"Definition: achievement\nO (love) in TOUR DE FR[an]CE (race, minus \u2013 wanting \u2013 an)"} {"Clue":"Vessel brewery carries back and forth (4)","Answer":"EWER","Explanation":"Definition: Vessel\nHidden, backwards and forwards, in bREWERy"} {"Clue":"Dog I'm unsure about since barking in pound etc (10)","Answer":"CURRENCIES","Explanation":"Definition: pound etc\nCUR (dog) + a reversal (about) of ER (I'm not sure) + an anagram (barking) of SINCE"} {"Clue":"One jogging without a rest (9)","Answer":"REMAINDER","Explanation":"Definition: rest\nREMINDER (one jogging) round (without) A"} {"Clue":"Beater back from reserve overrun by deer (5)","Answer":"HEART","Explanation":"Definition: Beater\nLast letter of (back from) reversE in HART (deer)"} {"Clue":"Work of satirist failing to secure new agents (7)","Answer":"DUNCIAD","Explanation":"Definition: Work of satirist\nDUD (failing) round N (new) CIA (agents)"} {"Clue":"It helps climbers in large area with dry rocks (7)","Answer":"LATTICE","Explanation":"Definition: It helps climbers\nL (large) + A (area) + TT (dry) + ICE (diamonds \u2013 rocks)"} {"Clue":"They clean behind empty drainpipe in segments (6)","Answer":"BIDETS","Explanation":"Definition: They clean behind\nD[rainpip]E in BITS (segments)"} {"Clue":"Rough clothing ladies perhaps will be revealing (3-3)","Answer":"LOW-CUT","Explanation":"Definition: perhaps will be revealing\nLOUT (rough) round (clothing) WC (ladies', perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Permits daughter aboard vehicles fit for Greta? (5,5)","Answer":"GREEN CARDS","Explanation":"Definition: Permits\nD (daughter) in GREEN CARS (vehicles fit for **Greta Thunberg**)"} {"Clue":"Black-hearted crystalline compound snaps here? (5)","Answer":"ALBUM","Explanation":"Definition: snaps here?\nB (black) in the middle (heart) of ALUM (crystalline compound)"} {"Clue":"Err with count badly, needing to engage a teller (9)","Answer":"RACONTEUR","Explanation":"Definition: teller\nAn anagram (badly) of ERR and COUNT round A"} {"Clue":"Forest's something eliminated by Brazilian president (4)","Answer":"BUSH","Explanation":"Definition: Forestsomething eliminated by Brazilianpresident\nTriple definition"} {"Clue":"Rearing up, tame animals cross threshold (8)","Answer":"DOORSTEP","Explanation":"Definition: threshold\nA reversal (rearing up) of PETS (tame animals) + ROOD (cross)"} {"Clue":"About to dip into novel but Hay Festival's here (8)","Answer":"BAYREUTH","Explanation":"Definition: Festival's here\nRE (about) in an anagram (novel) of BUT HAY"} {"Clue":"PC still checks on description of stolen goods (10)","Answer":"SCREENSHOT","Explanation":"Definition: PC still\nSCREENS (checks) + HOT (description of stolen goods)"} {"Clue":"Spotted in nude, wrong is only alleged (9)","Answer":"UNFOUNDED","Explanation":"Definition: only alleged\nFOUND (spotted) in an anagram (wrong) of NUDE"} {"Clue":"Old king of Spain left in debt-ridden state (8)","Answer":"ETHELRED","Explanation":"Definition: Old king\nE (Spain) + L (left) in THE RED (debt-ridden state) \u2013 see **here** for Ethelred"} {"Clue":"Star's welcoming wave in Barnet, meeting a hero (8)","Answer":"SUPERMAN","Explanation":"Definition: hero\nSUN (star) round PERM (wave in Barnet \u2013 hairstyle) + A"} {"Clue":"Celebration: a wild, crazy one (6)","Answer":"DIWALI","Explanation":"Definition: Celebration\nAn anagram (crazy) of A WILD + I (one)"} {"Clue":"Fly east over the Channel, then again northwards (6)","Answer":"TSETSE","Explanation":"Definition: Fly\nA reversal (northwards) of EST (east in French \u2013 over the Channel) \u2013 then again"} {"Clue":"Game with two sides touring a country (5)","Answer":"RURAL","Explanation":"Definition: country\nRugby Union (game) + L R (two sides) round (touring) A"} {"Clue":"Curtailed ape's role in Italian opera (4)","Answer":"MIMI","Explanation":"Definition: role in Italian opera\nMIMI[c] (ape, as a verb) \u2013 reference to the heroine of 'La Boh\u00e8me'"} {"Clue":"The open road? (6,6)","Answer":"SESAME STREET","Explanation":"Definition: The open road?\nCryptic definition, referring to the magical phrase, 'Open sesame', from 'Ali Baba and the forty thieves'"} {"Clue":"In the end, Orwell's animals were inadequate (7)","Answer":"UNEQUAL","Explanation":"Definition: In the end, Orwell's animals wereinadequate\nDouble \/ cryptic definition, referring to the quotation from Orwell's 'Animal Farm': 'All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others'"} {"Clue":"Newgate, say, one leading hell (3,4)","Answer":"OLD NICK","Explanation":"Definition: Newgate, sayone leading hell\nDouble definition: **Newgate** was a prison ('nick') in the City of London from 1188 to 1902\u00a0 and Old Nick is a nickname (!) for the Devil \u2013 I've seen variations of this clue more than once but it's still good"} {"Clue":"Composer's new look (7)","Answer":"NOVELLO","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\nNOVEL (new) + LO (look) for the composer **Ivor Novello"} {"Clue":"Staff holding stuff to be ropy work (7)","Answer":"MACRAM\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: ropy work\nMACE (staff) round RAM (stuff)"} {"Clue":"No husband for more upper-class model (5)","Answer":"POSER","Explanation":"Definition: model\nPOS[h]ER (more upper class) minus h (husband)"} {"Clue":"Underwater structure needs real force to break (5,4)","Answer":"CORAL REEF","Explanation":"Definition: Underwater structure\nAn anagram (to break) of REAL FORCE"} {"Clue":"Dissident sure to go crazy with knife (9)","Answer":"REFUSENIK","Explanation":"Definition: Dissident\nAn anagram (to go crazy) of SURE and KNIFE"} {"Clue":"Truth about crime finally comes to view (5)","Answer":"FACET","Explanation":"Definition: view\nFACT (truth) round [crim]E"} {"Clue":"Woman not a serious socialist? (7)","Answer":"MILDRED","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\nMILD (not serious, as in an illness) + RED (socialist)"} {"Clue":"In distribution of cards, I'm backing clubs often split (7)","Answer":"DECIMAL","Explanation":"Definition: often split\nI'M following (backing \u2013 I think) C (clubs) in DEAL (distribution of cards) \u2013 a rather loose definition, which appears to be to do with computer programming \u2013 I'd be grateful for some clarification here \u2013 *Please see Michelle @7"} {"Clue":"In senior moment initially thought one may be shot by officer (7)","Answer":"SIDEARM","Explanation":"Definition: one may be shot by officer\nIDEA (thought) in SR (senior) M[oment]"} {"Clue":"Within limits, gives personal service (7)","Answer":"VESPERS","Explanation":"Definition: service\nContained in giVES PERSonal"} {"Clue":"What carries motorway, note, through separate part of mountain (6,6)","Answer":"SEVERN BRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: What carries motorway\nNB (nota bene \u2013 note) in (through) SEVER (separate) + RIDGE (part of mountain) \u2013 the **Severn Bridge** spans the River Severn between England and Wales\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"From small height, here perhaps drop bundles (7)","Answer":"SHEAVES","Explanation":"Definition: bundles\nS (small) + H (height) + EAVES (perhaps drop from here) \u2013 the literal meaning of EAVESDROP: the water that falls from the eaves of a building \u2013 a rather poetic surface"} {"Clue":"One involved in row last to leave washroom (7)","Answer":"SCULLER","Explanation":"Definition: One involved in row\nSCULLER[y] (washroom) minus its last letter"} {"Clue":"Men can support shopping centre for holiday island (9)","Answer":"MALLORCAN","Explanation":"Definition: for holiday island\nOR (Other Ranks \u2013 men) + CAN after (supporting, in a down clue) MALL (shopping centre) \u2013 the only way I can make the parsing work is to include 'for' in the definition but I don't like it \u2013 am I missing something?"} {"Clue":"Special elite force about to take by assault (5)","Answer":"STORM","Explanation":"Definition: take by assault\nI can't see how to parse this, apart from S = special \u2013 *thanks to TerriBlislow @1"} {"Clue":"Thorough review of a card I left (7)","Answer":"RADICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Thorough\nAn anagram (review) of A CARD I + L (left)"} {"Clue":"Eastern governor shows pluck (7)","Answer":"EPILATE","Explanation":"Definition: pluck\nE (Eastern) + PILATE (Roman governor of Judaea) \u2013 a quibble about the definition: Chambers gives 'to remove (hair) **by any method**; it comes from the Latin 'pilus', a hair \u2013 otherwise, this would have been a favourite clue"} {"Clue":"President stuck in part of trousers: ride to the rescue! (4,2,6)","Answer":"TURN UP TRUMPS","Explanation":"Definition: ride to the rescue!\nTRUMP (president) in TURN-UPS (part of trousers)"} {"Clue":"Where one works out how to possess sexy Conservative girl (4-3,5)","Answer":"KEEP-FIT CLASS","Explanation":"Definition: Where one works out\nKEEP (possess) + FIT (sexy) + C (conservative) + LASS (girl)"} {"Clue":"Carefully examined and averred OK to distribute (5,4)","Answer":"RAKED OVER","Explanation":"Definition: Carefully examined\nAn anagram (to distribute) of AVERRED OK"} {"Clue":"Proverbial risk of being too proud to need paying (4,3)","Answer":"FALL DUE","Explanation":"Definition: need paying\nA reference to the saying 'Pride goes before a fall' from Proverbs 16:18; the actual quotation, from the King James Version of the Old Testament, is 'Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall'"} {"Clue":"Get up reliable piece of information, shortly accepted (7)","Answer":"SURFACE","Explanation":"Definition: Get up\nFAC[t] (piece of information, shortly) in SURE (reliable)"} {"Clue":"Made sharp, if coach regularly employed (7)","Answer":"FOCUSED","Explanation":"Definition: Made sharp\nAlternate letters (regularly) of iF cOaCh + USED (employed)"} {"Clue":"One introducing policeman before arresting Mafia head (7)","Answer":"COMP\u00c8RE","Explanation":"Definition: One introducing\nCOP (policeman) round M[afia] + ERE (before)"} {"Clue":"Person of great energy from March to November (5)","Answer":"DEMON","Explanation":"Definition: Person of great energy\nDEMO (march) + N (November in NATO alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Learner occupying seat, virtually sozzled (6)","Answer":"BLOTTO","Explanation":"Definition: sozzled\nL (learner) in (occupying) BOTTO[m] (seat, virtually \u2013 Chambers: 'almost')"} {"Clue":"Jack behind Mark, crawler (6)","Answer":"SCARAB","Explanation":"Definition: crawler\nAB (Able Seaman \u2013 jack) behind SCAR (mark)"} {"Clue":"Donkey jackets heading for incinerator in present condition (2,2)","Answer":"AS IS","Explanation":"Definition: in present condition\nASS (donkey) round (jackets) I[ncinerator]"} {"Clue":"Poet composing myth or saga (6,4)","Answer":"THOMAS GRAY","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\nAn anagram (composing) of MYTH OR SAGA"} {"Clue":"Fruity thing like that wearing knickers (6)","Answer":"DAMSON","Explanation":"Definition: Fruity thing\nSO (like that) in (wearing) DAMN (knickers \u2013 Chambers: 'a mild expression of exasperation')"} {"Clue":"A victory in terpsichorean activity is making progress (9)","Answer":"ADVANCING","Explanation":"Definition: making progress\nA + V (victory) in DANCING (terpsichorean activity) \u2013 in Greek mythology, Terpsichore is the muse of dance"} {"Clue":"Short trousers beginning to unsettle solicitor (4)","Answer":"TOUT","Explanation":"Definition: solicitor\nTOT (short drink) round (trousers) U[nsettle]"} {"Clue":"Legal support protecting teacher (9)","Answer":"STATUTORY","Explanation":"Definition: Legal\nSTAY (support) round (protecting) TUTOR (teacher)"} {"Clue":"Fine wearing jumper, effervescent (8)","Answer":"FROTHING","Explanation":"Definition: effervescent\nTHIN (fine) in (wearing) FROG (jumper)"} {"Clue":"Island where corset abandoned (6)","Answer":"TRESCO","Explanation":"Definition: Island\nAn anagram (abandoned) of CORSET"} {"Clue":"Reject overpaid playboys after vacation abroad (10)","Answer":"DISAPPROVE","Explanation":"Definition: Reject\nAn anagram (abroad) of OVERPAID P[Layboy]s \u2013 I queried the definition, since DISAPPROVE needs to be followed by 'of' but was surprised and disappointed to find disapprove = reject in Chambers"} {"Clue":"Something furry around old garment (4)","Answer":"COAT","Explanation":"Definition: garment\nCAT (something furry) round O (old) \u2013 I initially tried playing around with GOAT\/TOGA but it didn't work as either an anagram or a reversal"} {"Clue":"Where long-term partners are going, yet sad to break up (6)","Answer":"STEADY","Explanation":"Definition: Where long-term partners are going\nAn anagram (to break up) of YET SAD \u2013 I question the use of 'where'"} {"Clue":"Value English sporting events on reflection (6)","Answer":"ESTEEM","Explanation":"Definition: Value\nE (English) + a reversal (on reflection) of MEETS (sporting events)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Scumbag, bigwig wearing pants (7)","Answer":"BASTARD","Explanation":"Definition: Scumbag\nSTAR (bigwig) in (wearing) BAD (pants)"} {"Clue":"A sibling beyond obnoxious originally in band (5)","Answer":"OASIS","Explanation":"Definition: band\nA SIS[ter] (sibling) after O[bnoxious]"} {"Clue":"Giant bird, wild, heading off (7)","Answer":"TITANIC","Explanation":"Definition: Giant\nTIT (bird) + [m]ANIC (wild) minus its initial letter \u2013 heading off"} {"Clue":"Boy wearing fleece in child's drawer (6)","Answer":"CRAYON","Explanation":"Definition: child's drawer\nRAY (boy) in (wearing) CON (fleece)"} {"Clue":"Wearing special clothes, I'd got urge to change (6,3)","Answer":"RIGGED OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Wearing special clothes\nAn anagram (to change) of I'D GOT URGE"} {"Clue":"Clothing combo, most adventurous (7)","Answer":"BRAVEST","Explanation":"Definition: most adventurous\nBRA + VEST (clothing combo)"} {"Clue":"Clueless without clothes? (7,2,2,2)","Answer":"NOTHING TO GO ON","Explanation":"Definition: Cluelesswithout clothes?\nDouble \/ cryptic? definition \u2013 the second rather dodgy"} {"Clue":"American change of direction requires nerve after a fight (5,4)","Answer":"ABOUT FACE","Explanation":"Definition: American change of direction\nFACE (nerve \u2013 Collins gives 'impudence or effrontery' for both) after A BOUT (a fight) \u2013 the American equivalent of the military command 'About turn'"} {"Clue":"Clothing where vehicle conks out (7)","Answer":"CARDIES","Explanation":"Definition: Clothing\nCAR DIES (vehicle conks out) \u2013 a similar quibble for 'where' as in 26ac"} {"Clue":"Start working round hems in those torn rags (7)","Answer":"TATTERS","Explanation":"Definition: torn rags\nAn anagram (working) of START round T[hos]E ('hems' of)"} {"Clue":"Take back embroidered lace in skirt (7)","Answer":"RECLAIM","Explanation":"Definition: Take back\nAn anagram (embroidered) of LACE in RIM (skirt)"} {"Clue":"Little devil wearing top, transparent (6)","Answer":"LIMPID","Explanation":"Definition: transparent\nIMP (little devil) in (wearing) LID (top)"} {"Clue":"Church in Arabian republic out of bounds for host (5)","Answer":"EMCEE","Explanation":"Definition: host\nCE (Church of England) in [y]EME[n] (Arabian republic) minus its outer letters \u2013 out of bounds"} {"Clue":"Emperor tricked, laughing briefly (7)","Answer":"HADRIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Emperor\nHAD (tricked) + RIAN[t] (laughing) \u2013 a new word for me but I guessed it, as the present participle of the French verb 'rire', from the Latin 'ridere', to laugh"} {"Clue":"Felon goes round licking small fried item (7)","Answer":"CROUTON","Explanation":"Definition: small fried item\nCON (felon) round ROUT (licking)"} {"Clue":"International alliance building legacy of co-operation, initially (4)","Answer":"BLOC","Explanation":"Definition: International alliance\nInitial letters of Building Legacy Of CO-operation"} {"Clue":"Mockery made of shortcoming when opener dismissed (9)","Answer":"IMITATION","Explanation":"Definition: Mockery\n[l]IMITATION (shortcoming) minus its initial letter (opener)"} {"Clue":"down,6 Elicit cheers, as might a 2 1? (5,3,5,4)","Answer":"BRING THE HOUSE DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Elicit cheersas might a 2 1?\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Write in figures like 1, first of scores in match (8)","Answer":"DIGITISE","Explanation":"Definition: Write in figures\nDIG (like) + I (one) + S[cores] in TIE (match)"} {"Clue":"Rear pinched in dance \u2014 smack! (4)","Answer":"TANG","Explanation":"Definition: smack\nTANG[o] (dance) minus its last letter (rear pinched)"} {"Clue":"Long time in that Midwest state (5)","Answer":"YONKS","Explanation":"Definition: Long time\nYON (that) + KS (Kansas \u2013 Midwest state)"} {"Clue":"Old picture in ecclesiastical books primarily found in ordinals (3,5)","Answer":"THE BIRDS","Explanation":"Definition: Old picture\nE[cclesiastical] B[ook]S in THIRDS (ordinals)"} {"Clue":"Praise line penned by Elizabeth (5)","Answer":"BLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Praise\nL (line) in BESS (Elizabeth \u2013 a nod to Barrett Browning, perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Stuffing knocked out in four attacks at sea, move on quickly (4-5)","Answer":"FAST-TRACK","Explanation":"Definition: move on quickly\nAn anagram (at sea) of F[ou]R, minus its inner letters (stuffing knocked out) + ATTACKS"} {"Clue":"German composer either pianissimo ___ ? (4)","Answer":"ORFF","Explanation":"Definition: German composer\nOR FF (fortissimo) \u2013 **Carl Orff**, best known for his 'Carmina Burana'"} {"Clue":"Dance note (3,4)","Answer":"GET DOWN","Explanation":"Double definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Ascendant team man joining party \u2014 one of those having a big bash? (8,4)","Answer":"WRECKING BALL","Explanation":"Definition: one of those having a big bash?\nI think this is intended to be a reversal (ascendant) of CREW (team) (which doesn't quite work, unless I'm missing something) + KING (man, in chess) + BALL (party)"} {"Clue":"Charges are almost entirely in rags when labouring (8)","Answer":"ARRAIGNS","Explanation":"Definition: Charges\nAR[e] (almost entirely) + an anagram (when labouring) of IN RAGS"} {"Clue":"Area offering cold bath with undies off? (6,5)","Answer":"NUDIST BEACH","Explanation":"An anagram (off) of C (cold) BATH + UNDIES, with an extended definition"} {"Clue":"Asian country incomplete? Thailand once unfinished (9)","Answer":"INDONESIA","Explanation":"Definition: Asian country\nIN DONE (in complete) + SIA[m] (Thailand once)"} {"Clue":"across Persuasive conversation turning stale, developer of vaccine has admitted (5,4)","Answer":"SALES TALK","Explanation":"Definition: Persuasive conversation\nAn anagram (turning) of STALE in (Jonas)** SALK** (developer of the polio vaccine)"} {"Clue":"King has stopped uprising in besieged city, private location of US siege (8)","Answer":"YORKTOWN","Explanation":"Definition: location of US siege\nK (king) in (has stopped) a reversal (uprising) of TROY (besieged city) + OWN (private) See **here** for the US siege"} {"Clue":"Where own reflection might appear furious (6,7)","Answer":"BESIDE ONESELF","Explanation":"Definition: Where own reflection might appearfurious\nDouble definition, the first one rather odd, I think"} {"Clue":"The making of a Brazilian foot\u00adball team inspired by a win surprisingly in another sporting activity? (6,6)","Answer":"BIKINI WAXING","Explanation":"Definition: The making of a Brazilian\nXI (football team) in (inspired by) an anagram (surprisingly) of A WIN, all inside BIKING (another sporting activity) \u2013 it's only a couple of weeks since I blogged a puzzle involving this process, which I'll leave you to revisit"} {"Clue":"Chaotic worsening situation in underwater system, everything beyond belief, ultimately (4,4)","Answer":"FREE FALL","Explanation":"Definition: Chaotic worsening situation\nREEF (underwater system) + ALL (everything) after [belie]F"} {"Clue":"Cleared for takeoff, launched attack (3,3)","Answer":"LET FLY","Explanation":"Definition: Cleared for takeofflaunched attack\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Put on stone and mellowed (6)","Answer":"STAGED","Explanation":"Definition: Put on\nST (stone) + AGED (mellowed)"} {"Clue":"Quartet appearing in sheikdom and sultanate (4)","Answer":"OMAN","Explanation":"Definition: sultanate\nFour letters (quartet) contained in sheikdOM ANd sultanate"} {"Clue":"Their clocks show when it's time to spread their seeds (10)","Answer":"DANDELIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Their clocks show when it's time to spread their seeds (10)\nCryptic definition: children use the **'clock',** the seedbox of the dandelion, to tell the time"} {"Clue":"African mammal isn't happy going back East (6)","Answer":"DASSIE","Explanation":"Definition: African mammal\nA reversal (going back) of IS SAD (isn't happy) + E (East)"} {"Clue":"Saw guide that might be found in bishop's wardrobe? (5,3)","Answer":"MITRE BOX","Explanation":"Definition: Saw guide\nA wood working appliance used to guide a hand saw for making precise cuts and, fancifully, a hat box for **a bishop's headdress"} {"Clue":"Why slap is out of order \u2014 that's how bad-tempered sort reacts (9)","Answer":"WASPISHLY","Explanation":"Definition: how bad-tempered sort reacts\nAn anagram (out of order) of WHY SLAP IS"} {"Clue":"Recordings \u2014 save time making copies (4)","Answer":"APES","Explanation":"Definition: copies\n[t]APES (recordings) minus t (time)"} {"Clue":"Part of body buried in tropical forest (4)","Answer":"CALF","Explanation":"Definition: Part of body\nContained in tropiCAL Forest"} {"Clue":"Distribution of rho, sigma and tau, initially, in statistical figure (9)","Answer":"HISTOGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: statistical figure\nAn anagram (distribution) of RHO SIGMA T[au] \u2013 this follows hard upon Brendan's recent Greek alphabet puzzle"} {"Clue":"Being rude, in a way, about large singer (8)","Answer":"STARLING","Explanation":"Definition: singer\nSTARING (being rude, in a way \u2013 children are often told that it's rude to stare) round L (large)"} {"Clue":"Beard is something driver will want in part of India (6)","Answer":"GOATEE","Explanation":"Definition: Beard\nA golfer (driver) in Goa (part of India) would want a TEE"} {"Clue":"Classify first of grapes embraced by excited oenophile (10)","Answer":"PIGEONHOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Classify\nG[rapes] in an anagram (excited) of OENOPHILE"} {"Clue":"Small child in danger on icy street (4)","Answer":"SKID","Explanation":"Definition: danger on icy street\nS (small) + KID (child)"} {"Clue":"Piece about wife that's foxy (6)","Answer":"SHREWD","Explanation":"Definition: foxy\nSHRED (piece) round W (wife)"} {"Clue":"Fly from Africa, having set out twice (6)","Answer":"TSETSE","Explanation":"Definition: Fly\nAn anagram (out) of SET, twice"} {"Clue":"Priest or monk restricting awful erotic dancing (7)","Answer":"LAMBADA","Explanation":"Definition: erotic dancing\nLAMA (priest or monk) round BAD (awful) \u2013 another reminder of the Greek alphabet puzzle"} {"Clue":"Various kinds of fish in large cask, as follows (5)","Answer":"TUNAS","Explanation":"Definition: Various kinds of fish\nTUN (large cask) followed by AS"} {"Clue":"Problems with hose or other firefighting equipment (7)","Answer":"LADDERS","Explanation":"Definition: Problems with hoseother firefighting equipment\nDouble definition \u2013 clever surface"} {"Clue":"London newspaper's plagiarisms, for example (6)","Answer":"THEFTS","Explanation":"Definition: plagiarisms, for example\nTHE FT'S (The Financial Times \u2013 London newspaper)"} {"Clue":"Pet subject for experimental scientist (6,3)","Answer":"GUINEA PIG","Explanation":"Definition: Petsubject for experimental scientist\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Hullabaloo over tries for members of Australian pack (7)","Answer":"DINGOES","Explanation":"Definition: members of Australian pack\nDIN (hullabaloo) + GOES (tries)"} {"Clue":"Natural realm, in particular for large varieties of cobra, penguin and prawn? (6,7)","Answer":"ANIMAL KINGDOM","Explanation":"Definition: Natural realm\nThe names of large varieties of cobra, penguin and prawn are all preceded by KING"} {"Clue":"Leaders of parties on left and right support endangered species (5,4)","Answer":"POLAR BEAR","Explanation":"Definition: endangered species\nInitial letters (leaders) of Parties On Left And Right = BEAR (support)"} {"Clue":"Dramatic success involving family tree's production (7)","Answer":"CATKINS","Explanation":"Definition: tree's production\nCATS (hit musical \u2013 dramatic success) round KIN (family)"} {"Clue":"Lock soldier up inside for hunting female (7)","Answer":"TIGRESS","Explanation":"Definition: hunting female\nA reversal of GI (soldier) in TRESS (lock)"} {"Clue":"Fish not a single person wanted after drink (7)","Answer":"ALEWIFE","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\nALE (drink) + WIFE (not a single person)"} {"Clue":"Little one in school present after short time (6)","Answer":"MINNOW","Explanation":"Definition: Little one in school\nNOW (present) after MIN[ute] (short time)"} {"Clue":"Like unedited crossword, a good thing to have (5)","Answer":"ASSET","Explanation":"Definition: a good thing to have\nAS SET"} {"Clue":"Hopeful hellfire ultimately denied in Eve's reluctance to partake of forbidden fruit? (9)","Answer":"APPLICANT","Explanation":"Definition: Hopeful\nI think this is APPL[e] I CAN'T (Eve's reluctance to partake of forbidden fruit?) minus e, the last letter of [hellfir]e"} {"Clue":"Top off, cook (5)","Answer":"OUTDO","Explanation":"Definition: Top\nOUT (off?) + DO (cook)"} {"Clue":"Child, one accommodated in large shed (5)","Answer":"BAIRN","Explanation":"Definition: Child\nI (one) in BARN (large shed)"} {"Clue":"6's vessel on stream (9)","Answer":"STEINBECK","Explanation":"Definition: 6\nSTEIN (drinking vessel) + BECK (stream)"} {"Clue":"Curious tree was top (7)","Answer":"SWEATER","Explanation":"Definition: top\nAn anagram (curious) of TREE WAS"} {"Clue":"Cast of Cats, say? (7)","Answer":"ANAGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Cast of Cats, say?\nSelf-explanatory, I think"} {"Clue":"Characters regularly seen in small-town shop (5)","Answer":"SALON","Explanation":"Definition: shop\nAlternate letters of SmAlLtOwN"} {"Clue":"Cut in refinement, get work by 14 of more than one 6? (3,9)","Answer":"THE WASTELAND","Explanation":"Definition: work by 14 of more than one 6\nHEW (cut) in TASTE (refinement) + LAND (get) \u2013 an anagram of THE WASTELAND: it has long been known in Crosswordland that TOILETS (more than one JOHN \u2013 answer to 6dn) is an anagram of T S ELIOT; Paul gives it a clever new twist \u2013 and a further layer is that the musical CATS is based on Eliot's 'Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats'"} {"Clue":"Lexicographical publication, old, old manuscript (5)","Answer":"CODEX","Explanation":"Definition: old manuscript\nCOD (Concise Oxford Dictionary) + EX (old)- see **here"} {"Clue":"6's blunder, one line back (2,5)","Answer":"LE CARR\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: 6\nA reversal (back) of ERR (blunder) + ACE (one) + L (line)"} {"Clue":"6's brief smile, fake (7)","Answer":"GRISHAM","Explanation":"Definition: 6\nGRI[n] (brief smile) + SHAM (fake)"} {"Clue":"Local worker, margin squeezed in trade (9)","Answer":"BARTENDER","Explanation":"Definition: Local worker\nEND (margin) in BARTER (trade)"} {"Clue":"down Almost having taken head off, order dismissal (5,4)","Answer":"EARLY BATH","Explanation":"Definition: dismissal\n[n]EARLY (almost) minus its first letter (head) + BATH (order \u2013 see here)"} {"Clue":"Straight punch catching back of Fulham supporter (4)","Answer":"JAMB","Explanation":"Definition: supporter\nJAB (straight punch) round [fulha]M"} {"Clue":"6's atop wall? (6)","Answer":"UPDIKE","Explanation":"Definition: 6\nUP (atop) + DIKE (wall)"} {"Clue":"Resident in Mississippi, a not unerringly trained listener (5,5)","Answer":"PIANO TUNER","Explanation":"Definition: trained listener\nCleverly hidden in mississipPI A NOT UNERringly"} {"Clue":"State goes out with a dictator (6)","Answer":"CAESAR","Explanation":"Definition: dictator\nThis took a while: I first tried to do something with CA = state but got nowhere; I finally \u2013 and reluctantly \u2013 guessed that 'state' was a homophone indicator for 'sees' (goes out with) + a \u2013 ouch!"} {"Clue":"Leg across always in cramped quarters (8)","Answer":"STEERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: cramped quarters\nSTAGE (leg) round E'ER (always, poetically)"} {"Clue":"Name Welsh artist and English pop star (4)","Answer":"JOHN","Explanation":"Definition: Name\nDouble definition: Augustus John (Welsh artist), who appeared the other day, when it was pointed out that it could also be his sister, Gwen, and Elton John (English pop star)"} {"Clue":"Ill-prepared monarch sheltered, having lost crown at sea (8)","Answer":"ETHELRED","Explanation":"Definition: Ill-prepared monarch\nAn anagram (at sea) of [s]HELTERED, minus the first letter \u2013 crown; we met Ethelred a couple of weeks ago, when it was pointed out that his nickname 'unready' does **not** mean 'ill-prepared' but comes from the Old English unr\u00e6d meaning 'poorly advised'"} {"Clue":"It, for example, requires change of kit in port on the Mersey (4,5)","Answer":"BOOK TITLE","Explanation":"Definition: It, for example\nAn anagram (change) of KIT in BOOTLE (port on the Mersey)"} {"Clue":"Rough stuff, one caught by filly that's rolled over (5)","Answer":"SISAL","Explanation":"Definition: Rough stuff\nI (one) in a reversal (that's rolled over) of LASS (filly)"} {"Clue":"Mathematician who screwed up? (10)","Answer":"ARCHIMEDES","Explanation":"Definition: Mathematician\nCryptic definition \u2013 see** here"} {"Clue":"Saw long coat, metre (5)","Answer":"MAXIM","Explanation":"Definition: Saw\nMAXI (long coat) + M (metre)"} {"Clue":"Wound cord before judge (8)","Answer":"LACERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Wound\nLACE (cord) + RATE (judge)"} {"Clue":"Drink inferior to sea water reportedly limited (4,4)","Answer":"TIED DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: limited\nDOWN (drink) after (inferior to, in a down clue) TIED (sounds like \u2013 reportedly) 'tide' (sea water)"} {"Clue":"Loud, one needing quiet after kid turned up (6)","Answer":"GARISH","Explanation":"Definition: Loud\nI (one \u2013 for the third time) + SH (quiet) after a reversal (turned up) of RAG (kid \u2013 both as verbs)"} {"Clue":"A zip's caught \u2014 whoopee! (6)","Answer":"HURRAY","Explanation":"Definition: whoopee!\nA caught in HURRY (zip) \u2013 a bit of 27-speak here, which made me smile"} {"Clue":"Blade's ego? (4)","Answer":"EP\u00c9E","Explanation":"Definition: Blade\nI'm afraid I can't see this at all"} {"Clue":"Joy to behold finally, a grandmaster (4)","Answer":"YODA","Explanation":"Definition: grandmaster\nLast letters of joY tO beholD + A"} {"Clue":"I am on time; you sound unprepared (9)","Answer":"IMPROMPTU","Explanation":"Definition: unprepared\nI'M PROMPT (I am on time) + U (sounds like you)"} {"Clue":"Toy with some fish, say? It's not a fish (7)","Answer":"DOLPHIN","Explanation":"Definition: It's not a fish\nSounds like (say?) doll (toy) + fin (some fish)"} {"Clue":"Where to wash at dilapidated hut in temporary accommodation (7)","Answer":"BATHTUB","Explanation":"Definition: Where to wash\nAT + an anagram (dilapidated) of HUT in B and B (bed and breakfast \u2013 temporary accommodation)"} {"Clue":"Excited to take part in advanced gymnastics (4)","Answer":"EDGY","Explanation":"Definition: Excited\nContained in advancED GYmnastics"} {"Clue":"Such sickness and suffering originate with medic, ultimately (10)","Answer":"IATROGENIC","Explanation":"An anagram (suffering) of ORIGINATE + [medi]C"} {"Clue":"Type of truck where one could live and sleep (7)","Answer":"FLATBED","Explanation":"Definition: Type of truck\nFLAT (where one could live\u2026) + BED (\u2026and sleep)"} {"Clue":"Flawed heroic figure's end concealed for so long (7)","Answer":"CHEERIO","Explanation":"Definition: so long\nAn anagram (flawed) of HEROIC + [figur[E"} {"Clue":"Here your panniers\u00a0 get lost (2,4,4)","Answer":"ON YOUR BIKE","Explanation":"Definition: Here your panniersget lost\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Objections rejected in the end (4)","Answer":"STUB","Explanation":"Definition: end\nA reversal (rejected) of BUTS (objections)"} {"Clue":"Greeting composer and setter with a barbecue (7)","Answer":"HIBACHI","Explanation":"Definition: barbecue\nHI (greeting) + BACH (composer) + I (setter)"} {"Clue":"Quality found in an aria or a hymn, when done right (7)","Answer":"HARMONY","Explanation":"Definition: Quality found in an aria\nAn anagram (done right) of OR A HYMN"} {"Clue":"Sit with reformed impostor, having forsaken devil (5)","Answer":"ROOST","Explanation":"Definition: Sit\nAn anagram (reformed) of IMPOSTOR minus (having forsaken) imp (devil)"} {"Clue":"Doling out tea brought in for mayoral decoration (4,5)","Answer":"GOLD CHAIN","Explanation":"Definition: mayoral decoration\nCHA (tea) in an anagram (out) of DOLING"} {"Clue":"Clue for hotel in remote location? (6,2,7)","Answer":"MIDDLE OF NOWHERE","Explanation":"Definition: remote location\nH (hotel) is the middle letter of nowHere \u2013 I have seen a similar device (along with 8dn) before, including from Philistine but it's worthy of a new treatment, as many may not have met it"} {"Clue":"Game soldier entered as defence (8)","Answer":"APOLOGIA","Explanation":"Definition: defence\nPOLO (game) + GI (soldier) in AA (as \u2013 two As: a typical Philistine device)"} {"Clue":"Coffee from Kilmacolm? Och aye! (5)","Answer":"MOCHA","Explanation":"Definition: Coffee\nContained in kilmacolM OCH Aye"} {"Clue":"European resort outlet on the rise (8)","Answer":"SPANIARD","Explanation":"Definition: European\nSPA (resort) + a reversal (on the rise) of DRAIN (outlet)"} {"Clue":"Burger prepared with toppings of Danish bacon, egg mayo, Iberico ham and a spanner (6,6)","Answer":"HUMBER BRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: a spanner\nAn anagram (prepared) of BURGER + the first letters (toppings, in a down clue) of Danish Bacon Egg Mayo Iberico Ham"} {"Clue":"Reveller in some wild orgy taking ecstasy (9)","Answer":"PARTYGOER","Explanation":"Definition: Reveller\nPART (some) + an anagram (wild) of ORGY round E (ecstasy)"} {"Clue":"Loose and weak heavyweight was victorious over soldier (6)","Answer":"WANTON","Explanation":"Definition: Loose\nTwo pieces of wordplay: WAN (weak) + TON (heavyweight) and WON (was victorious) round ANT (soldier)"} {"Clue":"The 1d?(3,4,2,6)","Answer":"THE BACK OF BEYOND","Explanation":"Definition: The 1\nD is the last letter (back) of beyonD"} {"Clue":"Blur and Oasis, Britpop founders, could alienate the establishment at the outset when touring America (9)","Answer":"OBFUSCATE","Explanation":"Definition: Blur\nThe initial letters (at the outset) of Oasis Britpop Founders Could Alienate The Establishment round (when touring) US (America) \u2013 great allusive surface"} {"Clue":"Trap found in a Bundt (8)","Answer":"CAKEHOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Trap\nA Bundt is a ring-shaped cake and trap and cakehole are both slang words for mouth"} {"Clue":"Working in atrial fibrillation is sensible (8)","Answer":"RATIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: sensible\nON (working) in an anagram (fibrillation) of ATRIAL \u2013 a novel anagram indicator, with the whole clue a nod to Philistine's day job"} {"Clue":"Uncouth people discussing why boobs wobble (6)","Answer":"YOBBOS","Explanation":"Definition: Uncouth people\nY (sounds like \u2013 discussing \u2013 why) + an anagram (wobble) of BOOBS"} {"Clue":"Loud music and dress (5)","Answer":"FROCK","Explanation":"Definition: dress\nF (loud) + ROCK (music)"} {"Clue":"Overall, we are mad to cut foreign tour (9)","Answer":"OUTERWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Overall\nAn anagram (mad) of WE ARE inside an anagram (foreign) of TOUR \u2013 there ought really to be an indication that 'overall' is a definition by example"} {"Clue":"Left old university? Not entirely true (5)","Answer":"LOYAL","Explanation":"Definition: true\nL (left) + O (old) + YAL[e] (university, not entirely)"} {"Clue":"Six Counties writer bowled over by Peg in lane (7)","Answer":"NINEPIN","Explanation":"Definition: Peg in lane\nNI (Northern Ireland \u2013 the Six Counties) + a reversal (bowled over) of PEN (writer) + IN (by?)"} {"Clue":"What students want to be studying, having dropped Latin? (7)","Answer":"EARNING","Explanation":"Definition: What students want to be\n[l]EARNING (studying) minus l \u2013 Latin]"} {"Clue":"Wet track limits Asians every so often (5)","Answer":"RAINY","Explanation":"Definition: Wet\nRY (railway track) round alternate letters of AsIaNs"} {"Clue":"Seamen hit rocks, struggling with this? (9)","Answer":"MAINSHEET","Explanation":"Definition: this?\nAn anagram (rocks) of SEAMEN HIT"} {"Clue":"Average salmon caught as menu item? (3,3,3,6)","Answer":"PAR FOR THE COURSE","Explanation":"Definition: Average\nI originally had this as a double \/ cryptic definition, having found 'par' in Chambers as an alternative spelling for 'parr', as the salmon \u2013 then, when writing up the blog, saw the significance of 'caught' in the clue \u2013 doh!"} {"Clue":"Covering spinner for one that's heading off (6,3)","Answer":"BOWLER HAT","Explanation":"Definition: Covering\nBOWLER (in cricket, spinner for one) + [t]HAT, minus its initial letter \u2013 heading off"} {"Clue":"More devoted trustee admits regret (5)","Answer":"TRUER","Explanation":"Definition: More devoted\nTR (trustee) \u2013 this abbreviation is in Chambers \u2013 round RUE (regret)"} {"Clue":"High wind in game cramping current cricket club (7)","Answer":"PICCOLO","Explanation":"Definition: High wind\nPOLO (game) round I (current) + CC (cricket club)"} {"Clue":"PA tried various fliers (7)","Answer":"DIPTERA","Explanation":"Definition: fliers\nAn anagram (various) of PA TRIED"} {"Clue":"It entails taking men on board, ending with mate (5)","Answer":"CHESS","Explanation":"Cryptic definition, describing what happens in a game of chess"} {"Clue":"Magpies making latest move in 24 (9)","Answer":"NEWCASTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Magpies\nNEW (latest) + CASTLE (**move in CHESS**) \u2013 neat juxtaposition with the previous clue\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"State lead over posh bar out of town (7,3)","Answer":"COUNTRY PUB","Explanation":"Definition: bar out of town\nCOUNTRY (state) + PB (lead) round U (posh)"} {"Clue":"Less generous member of Wasps, say, inspires one (8)","Answer":"STINGIER","Explanation":"Definition: Less generous\nStinger (member of Wasps, say) round I (one) \u2013 Wasps are a rugby union team, based in Coventry"} {"Clue":"Work hard in Test to win prize (6)","Answer":"TROPHY","Explanation":"Definition: prize\nOP (work) + H (hard) in TRY (test)"} {"Clue":"Check rule, having lost golf (4)","Answer":"REIN","Explanation":"Definition: Check\nREI[g]N (rule) minus g (golf \u2013 NATO alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Clean medical department, bandaging artery first (3-7)","Answer":"PRE-EMINENT","Explanation":"Definition: first\nPREEN (clean) round MI (M1 \u2013 artery) + ENT (medical department)"} {"Clue":"Amateur regularly left wrong score in the Open (8)","Answer":"ALFRESCO","Explanation":"Definition: in the Open\nA (amateur) + alternate letters (regularly) of LeFt + an anagram (wrong) of SCORE \u2013 a reference to Open golf"} {"Clue":"Nothing's shown up in extra writer's ID (6)","Answer":"BYLINE","Explanation":"Definition: writer's ID\nA reversal (shown up) of NIL (nothing) in BYE (extra, in cricket)"} {"Clue":"Game's up! Sell! (4)","Answer":"FLOG","Explanation":"Definition: Sell\nA reversal (up) of GOLF (game)"} {"Clue":"Dull detail about champion's final exchange? (5,5)","Answer":"MATCH POINT","Explanation":"Definition: final exchange\nMAT (dull) + POINT (detail) round CH (champion \u2013 this abbreviation is in Chambers, as Ch)"} {"Clue":"Secure roller that produces result in court (3-7)","Answer":"TIE-BREAKER","Explanation":"Definition: that produces result in court\nTIE (secure) + BREAKER (roller) \u2013 the court is a tennis court, of course"} {"Clue":"Obscure cricket side, Irish, impresses head office (3-5)","Answer":"ONE-HORSE","Explanation":"Definition: Obscure\nON (cricket side) + ERSE (Irish) round (impresses) HO (head office \u2013 this abbreviation is in Collins)"} {"Clue":"Better game allowed to get in the way (8)","Answer":"ROULETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Better game\nLET (allowed) in ROUTE (way)"} {"Clue":"Opening's briefly unpleasant in rain (6)","Answer":"WICKET","Explanation":"Definition: Opening\nICK[y] (unpleasant, briefly) in WET (rain)"} {"Clue":"Recommend Lion maybe for game once (6)","Answer":"TIPCAT","Explanation":"Definition: game once\nTIP (recommend) + CAT (Lion maybe\u00a0 \u2013 with another reference to rugby union) for\u00a0**this old game****,** which I have met before in crosswords"} {"Clue":"As a unit, Wolves press forwards (4)","Answer":"PACK","Explanation":"Definition: As a unit, Wolvespressforwards\nTriple definition, with reference to soccer team Wolverhampton Wanderers and rugby forwards"} {"Clue":"County academic keeps 20 (4)","Answer":"DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: County\nDON (academic) round W (wicket \u2013 answer to 20dn \u2013 on a cricket score sheet) \u2013 one of the six counties in 11ac"} {"Clue":"Crowd ended exercise (5-2)","Answer":"PRESS-UP","Explanation":"Definition: exercise\nPRESS (crowd) + UP (ended \u2013 as in 'time's up))"} {"Clue":"Live in retreat \u2014 most mean (7)","Answer":"NEAREST","Explanation":"Definition: most mean\nARE (live) in NEST (retreat)"} {"Clue":"Throw-out before a score? Attempt might pay off (5,1,3)","Answer":"WORTH A TRY","Explanation":"Definition: Attempt might pay off\nAn anagram (out) of THROW before TRY (a score in Rugby)"} {"Clue":"Rapture! Fig cultivated as a possible basis for a fad diet (10)","Answer":"GRAPEFRUIT","Explanation":"Definition: a fad diet\nAn anagram (cultivated) of RAPTURE FIG"} {"Clue":"Underwear ultimately unsuitable for a northern hillside (4)","Answer":"BRAE","Explanation":"BRA (underwear) + [unsuitabl]E \u2013 I delayed entering this, because I thought the entry could just\u00a0 possibly be 'bank' (as in Burns' \"Ye banks and braes o' bonnie Doon\", though a bit weak \u2013 sorry, Brummie \u2013 until the Scottish fruit, appropriately, at 8dn put me right"} {"Clue":"Turn right, then Green St and and stay? (12)","Answer":"STRENGTHENER","Explanation":"Definition: stay\nAn anagram (turn) of R (right) THEN GREEN ST"} {"Clue":"Go out of one's way to look after knotted hair on calves (6,4,2)","Answer":"LAVISH CARE ON","Explanation":"Definition: Go out of one's way to look after\nAn anagram (knotted) of HAIR ON CALVES"} {"Clue":"Ubiquitous wife has the lot: two cooks \u2014 everything (4-2-4)","Answer":"WALL-TO-WALL","Explanation":"Definition: Ubiquitous\nW (wife) + ALL (the lot) + an anagram (cooks) of TWO + ALL (everything)"} {"Clue":"Seal accepted a lot of money for getting close and personal (9)","Answer":"CLINCHING","Explanation":"Definition: getting close and personal\nCLINCH (seal, as in a deal) + IN (accepted) + G (grand \u2013 1000 \u2013 a lot of money)"} {"Clue":"Sea snail is more fresh by river (5)","Answer":"ORMER","Explanation":"An anagram (fresh) of MORE + R (river) see here https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Green_ormer"} {"Clue":"France's doomed people carrier? (7)","Answer":"TUMBREL","Explanation":"Cryptic definition for the cart that conveyed victims to the guillotine during the French revolution: that's the way I would spell it but Chambers also gives TUMBRIL \u2013 it's a good job this is not really a Prize puzzle"} {"Clue":"Guarantee place advantage (6)","Answer":"PLEDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Guarantee\nPL (place) + EDGE (advantage)"} {"Clue":"Each year end increase is an obstacle for auditors (6)","Answer":"EARWAX","Explanation":"Definition: obstacle for auditors\nEA (each) + [yea]R + WAX (increase)"} {"Clue":"Protect game \u2014 it could get you on film (6,4)","Answer":"SCREEN TEST","Explanation":"Definition: it could get you on film\nSCREEN (protect) + TEST (a game of cricket)"} {"Clue":"Grand parrot is celebrity (5)","Answer":"GLORY","Explanation":"Definition: celebrity\nG (grand, again) + LORY (parrot)"} {"Clue":"Bachelors hurt inside (4)","Answer":"ACHE","Explanation":"Definition: hurt\nContained in bACHElor"} {"Clue":"Going to pieces on getting into cooking (8)","Answer":"BREAKING","Explanation":"Definition: Going to pieces\nRE (on) in BAKING (cooking)"} {"Clue":"Playing by ear? Try hybrid fruit (8)","Answer":"TAYBERRY","Explanation":"An anagram (playing) of BY EAR TRY"} {"Clue":"Knockout stuff from loch or ground (10)","Answer":"CHLOROFORM","Explanation":"Definition: Knockout stuff\nAn anagram (ground) of FROM LOCH OR"} {"Clue":"Use it for a change to cover burn in a religious ceremony (9)","Answer":"EUCHARIST","Explanation":"Definition: a religious ceremony\nAn anagram (for a change) of USE IT round CHAR (burn)"} {"Clue":"High-flying electronic equipment icon with visa difficulty (8)","Answer":"AVIONICS","Explanation":"Definition: High-flying electronic equipmen\nAn anagram (with difficulty) of ICON and VISA \u2013 a portmanteau word (aviation\/electronics)"} {"Clue":"Rough up the Spanish implement (6)","Answer":"SICKLE","Explanation":"Definition: implement\nSICK (rough) + a reversal (up, in a down clue) of EL (the Spanish)"} {"Clue":"More than one artist in pull-out (6)","Answer":"PLURAL","Explanation":"Definition: More than one\nRA (artist) in an anagram (out) of PULL"} {"Clue":"Hell with back to front relative darkness (5)","Answer":"SHADE","Explanation":"Definition: relative darkness\nHADES (Hell) with its last letter (back) moved to the beginning"} {"Clue":"Odd cure for linen that's unbleached (4)","Answer":"ECRU","Explanation":"Definition: linen that's unbleached\nAn anagram (odd) of CURE"} {"Clue":"Overcrowded relationships lasting? Er \u2026 unlikely (9)","Answer":"TRIANGLES","Explanation":"Definition: Overcrowded relationships\nAn anagram (unlikely) of LASTING ER"} {"Clue":"Employer's cat second to be taken (4)","Answer":"USER","Explanation":"Definition: Employer\n[mo]USER (cat) minus mo (second)"} {"Clue":"Cold drink, one originally left behind (5)","Answer":"LASSI","Explanation":"Definition: Cold drink\nL (left) + ASS (behind \u2013 no indication that this is US usage) + I (one)"} {"Clue":"Cave-dweller looked suspiciously at drunk (9)","Answer":"TROLLEYED","Explanation":"Definition: drunk\nTROLL (cave-dweller) + EYED (looked suspiciously at) \u2013 yet another new word I've learned for 'drunk'"} {"Clue":"Cross mouth of Tay to get to Dundee? (7)","Answer":"TANGELO","Explanation":"Definition: Cross\nT[ay] ('mouth' of) + **ANGELO (Dundee) boxing trainer\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Talks quietly to dogs slipping lead (7)","Answer":"POWWOWS","Explanation":"Definition: Talks\nP (quietly) + [b]OWWOWS (dogs) minus the initial letter (slipping lead)"} {"Clue":"Bloody fantastic job (without catch)! How did you get it? (3,3,7)","Answer":"OLD BOY NETWORK","Explanation":"Definition: How did you get it?\nAn anagram (fantastic) of BLOODY + WORK (job) round (without) NET (catch)"} {"Clue":"Cull in the 18th century perhaps a big step forward (4,3,6)","Answer":"HALF THE BATTLE","Explanation":"Definition: a big step forward\nI know I'm really going to kick myself when this is explained to me"} {"Clue":"Doctor paused taking temperature for latest news (7)","Answer":"UPDATES","Explanation":"Definition: latest news\nAn anagram (doctor) of PAUSED + T (temperature)"} {"Clue":"Catch journalist drinking rum? On the contrary (7)","Answer":"HADDOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Catch\nHACK (journalist) round (drinking) a reversal (on the contrary) of ODD\u00a0 (rum)"} {"Clue":"Forced flier to land finally \u2014 previously arrested (9)","Answer":"DRAGOONED","Explanation":"Definition: Forced\nAGO (previously) in (arrested) DRONE (flier) + [lan]D"} {"Clue":"Going around in the nip, openly intimate (5)","Answer":"OPINE","Explanation":"Definition: intimate\nHidden reversal in thE NIP Openly"} {"Clue":"Live next to a field (4)","Answer":"AREA","Explanation":"Definition: field\nARE (live) + A"} {"Clue":"Shots from above hit destroyer's bow \u2014 lost about six, not nine (4,5)","Answer":"SLAM DUNKS","Explanation":"Definition: Shots from above\nSLAM (HIT) + D[estroyer] \u2013 and then I hit the buffers: UNKS is an anagram (about) of SUNK (lost) but that doesn't account for 'six, not nine'; six minus ix (nine) would give the final s but then what about the UNK? I know it's staring me in the face! \u2013 **please see drofle @9 et al\u00a0**\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Set way of raising money? (8)","Answer":"TELETHON","Explanation":"Definition: Set way of raising money?\nCryptic definition \u2013 raising money via a TV set (a portmanteau word: television\/marathon)"} {"Clue":"Distressing condition initially explored by northern writer (5)","Answer":"IBSEN","Explanation":"Definition: writer\nIBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome \u2013 distressing condition) + E[xplored] + N (northern)"} {"Clue":"Fan opinion \u2014 sell-out sounds annoying (5,9)","Answer":"NOISE POLLUTION","Explanation":"Definition: sounds annoying\nAn anagram (fan?) of OPINION SELL OUT"} {"Clue":"Disappoint old and new sportsmen at the centre \u2014 sorry! (3,4)","Answer":"LET DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Disappoint\nAn anagram (sorry) of OLD and NEW + the middle letter of sporTsmen"} {"Clue":"Round trip extremely boring in the event (4,3)","Answer":"SHOT PUT","Explanation":"Definition: event\nT[ri]P (extremely) in (boring) SHOUT (round, as in a pub \u2013 'It's my shout')"} {"Clue":"Shock permeates island \u2014 without cuts taxes shoot up (9)","Answer":"SKYROCKET","Explanation":"Definition: shoot up\nROCK (shock) in SKYE (island) + T[axes] \u2013 without axes (cuts)"} {"Clue":"Sport I abandoned that is extremely rough (6)","Answer":"RUDEST","Explanation":"Definition: extremely rough\nRU (Rugby Union \u2013 sport) + [i]D EST (that is) minus i (I abandoned)"} {"Clue":"Watch blonde running past it (kept changing her mind) (4,3,3,4)","Answer":"BLEW HOT AND COLD","Explanation":"Definition: (kept changing her mind\nAn anagram (running) of WATCH BLONDE + OLD (past it)"} {"Clue":"Dry day \u2014 ready with the liquid (9)","Answer":"DEHYDRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Dry\nAn anagram (liquid) of D (day) READY THE"} {"Clue":"Fellow coming out in spots, beginning to suspect rash (8)","Answer":"RECKLESS","Explanation":"Definition: rash\n[f]RECKLES (spots) minus f (fellow) + S[uspect]"} {"Clue":"Sit around drinking sensible healthy drinks (7)","Answer":"TISANES","Explanation":"Definition: healthy drinks\nA reversal (around) of SIT round (drinking) SANE (sensible)"} {"Clue":"Creature camouflaged in ball turned over, not dead (7)","Answer":"ECHIDNA","Explanation":"Definition: Creature\nHID (camouflaged) in a reversal (turned over) of [d]ANCE (ball) minus d (dead)"} {"Clue":"EastEnders tough guy is upset \u2014 that's plain (6)","Answer":"TUNDRA","Explanation":"Definition: plain\nA reversal (upset) of 'ARD NUT (tough guy, as an EastEnder might say)"} {"Clue":"Stars from old film genre turned up (5)","Answer":"ORION","Explanation":"Definition: Stars\nO (old) + a reversal (turned up) of NOIR (film genre)"} {"Clue":"Guy in Love Island is a horny bounder (5)","Answer":"ORIBI","Explanation":"Definition: a horny bounder\nRIB (guy) \u2013 both as verbs \u2013 in O (love) I (island)"} {"Clue":"Public figure giving hint (8)","Answer":"OVERTONE","Explanation":"Definition: hint\nOVERT (public) + ONE (figure)"} {"Clue":"Stage direction stops working in theatre play (3,11)","Answer":"THE ENTERTAINER","Explanation":"Definition: play\nENTER (stage direction) in an anagram (working) of IN THEATRE for **this play** by John Osborne"} {"Clue":"Pro card player's inspired about project (8)","Answer":"FORECAST","Explanation":"Definition: project\nFOR (pro) + EAST (card player in bridge) round (inspired) C (about)"} {"Clue":"Happened by chance to ring, interrupted by heavy metal (6)","Answer":"BEFELL","Explanation":"Definition: Happened by chance to\nFE (iron \u2013 heavy metal) in BELL (ring)"} {"Clue":"Pastry crust of canap\u00e9, something consumed in bits (9)","Answer":"PIECEMEAL","Explanation":"Definition: in bits\nPIE (pastry) + C[anap]E + MEAL (something consumed)"} {"Clue":"Traditional motifs in piece of music caught by solver in France (5)","Answer":"TOPOI","Explanation":"Definition: Traditional motifs\nOP (opus \u2013 piece of music) in TOI (you \u2013 solver \u2013 in France)"} {"Clue":"Comparative magnitude of bits east of desert (5)","Answer":"RATIO","Explanation":"Definition: Comparative magnitude\nRAT (desert) with I O \u2013 which \u00a0I think are bits in computing \u2013 'to the east'"} {"Clue":"Less wild path for conquering warrior (9)","Answer":"TAMERLANE","Explanation":"Definition: conquering warrior\nTAMER (less wild) + LANE (path) for **this conquering warrior**,\u00a0 **Marlowe's Tamburlaine"} {"Clue":"Hollow area poor driver ends up in \u2014 he leaves it (6)","Answer":"TROUGH","Explanation":"Definition: Hollow area\nT[he] ROUGH, where a poor driver in golf might end up, minus he"} {"Clue":"Summons a vehicle back across open ground (8)","Answer":"SUBPOENA","Explanation":"Definition: Summons\nA reversal (back) of A BUS (a vehicle) round an anagram (ground \u2013 I keep saying how I love this indicator) of OPEN"} {"Clue":"Poet, reading the Iliad, mostly stunned (5,9)","Answer":"DANTE ALIGHIERI","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\nAn anagram (stunned) of READING THE ILIA[d] mostly"} {"Clue":"Imported copper: high grade, half mended (8)","Answer":"GENDARME","Explanation":"Definition: Imported copper\nAn anagram (high) of GRADE MEN[ded] \u2013 I loved the definition"} {"Clue":"Deity in religious books with pale covering (5)","Answer":"WOTAN","Explanation":"Definition: Deity\nWAN (pale) round (covering) OT (Old Testament \u2013 religious books)"} {"Clue":"Like a pub where all the hard liquor's been drunk\u00a0 down (3,2,7)","Answer":"OUT OF SPIRITS","Explanation":"Definition: Like a pub where all the hard liquor's been drunkdown\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Where birds are devouring corn seriously (2,7)","Answer":"IN EARNEST","Explanation":"Definition: seriously\nIN NEST (where birds are) round EAR (corn)"} {"Clue":"Barring Connery's lead, classic version of Bond (5)","Answer":"IONIC","Explanation":"Definition: version of Bond\nI[c]ONIC classic) minus c[onnery]"} {"Clue":"Tardily, woke Liberal goes on record, boring new voters (9)","Answer":"OVERSLEPT","Explanation":"Definition: Tardily, woke\nL (Liberal) + EP (record) in (boring) an anagram (new) of VOTERS"} {"Clue":"Fare pocketed in voyage at sea (4)","Answer":"EATS","Explanation":"Definition: Fare\nHidden in voyagE AT Sea \u2013 'at sea', for once, is not an anagram indicator"} {"Clue":"Abridge Old Testament book, suppressing hard term (9)","Answer":"TRIMESTER","Explanation":"Definition: term\nTRIM (abridge) + EST[h]ER (Old Testament book) minus (suppressing) h (hard)"} {"Clue":"Subtle, absorbing end of tale one's related (5)","Answer":"NIECE","Explanation":"Definition: one's related\nNICE (subtle) + [tal]E"} {"Clue":"Feature of Love's Labour's Lost nothing but repetition (12)","Answer":"ALLITERATION","Explanation":"Definition: Feature of Love's Labour's Lost\nALL (nothing but) ITERATION (repetition)"} {"Clue":"Rich man from South Africa confined, having been given a stretch? (9)","Answer":"ELONGATED","Explanation":"Definition: having been given a stretch\n**ELON (Musk)** (rich man from South Africa) + GATED (confined, like naughty public schoolboys)"} {"Clue":"English following type of stock car (9)","Answer":"LIMOUSINE","Explanation":"Definition: car\nE (English) following LIMOUSIN (breed of cattle \u2013 stock)"} {"Clue":"Post mountain-climbing setter in building (9)","Answer":"PLACEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Post\nA reversal (climbing, in a down clue) of ALP (mountain) + CEMENT (setter in building) \u2013 hands up those who initially tried to fit 'me' in"} {"Clue":"Amerindian's poetic apostrophe to a wise man (5)","Answer":"OSAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Amerindian\nO SAGE (poetic apostrophe \u2013 from Greek drama: 'a sudden turning away from the ordinary course of a speech to address some person or object present or absent' \u2013 to a wise man"} {"Clue":"It's said to dismiss Poland's No 1 playmaker (5)","Answer":"PSHAW","Explanation":"Definition: It's said to dismiss\nP (initial letter \u2013 No 1) of P[oland] + (George Bernard) SHAW (playmaker)"} {"Clue":"Rolls topped with unwrapped spam or fish (4)","Answer":"PARR","Explanation":"Definition: fish\n[s]PA[m] + RR (Rolls Royce) \u2013 a salmon up to two years of age"} {"Clue":"Fully commit to making a splash? (4,3,6)","Answer":"TAKE THE PLUNGE","Explanation":"Definition: Fully commit\nDouble \/ cryptic? definition"} {"Clue":"Old countryman sick, having broken blood vessel (7)","Answer":"VILLEIN","Explanation":"Definition: Old countryman\nILL (sick) in (having broken) VEIN (blood vessel)"} {"Clue":"Fashionable to travel round a windy city (7)","Answer":"CHICAGO","Explanation":"Definition: windy city\nCHIC (fashionable) + GO (travel) round A"} {"Clue":"Girl caught by colonel lying (5)","Answer":"NELLY","Explanation":"Definition: Girl\nContained in coloNEL LYing"} {"Clue":"Challenge not extremely skilful (9)","Answer":"COMPETENT","Explanation":"Definition: skilful\nCOMPETE (challenge) + N[o]T (outside letters \u2013 extremely)"} {"Clue":"Nothing heard from American prisons (5)","Answer":"NICKS","Explanation":"Definition: prisons\nSounds like (heard from) 'nix' (American for nothing) \u2013 Collins gives it as *US and Canadian informal sentence substitute* but Chambers has (only) 'Colloquial German and Dutch for German *nichts* nothing': I think I've only ever come across it in the 'Oklahoma!' song, 'I'm just a girl who can't say no' ('just when I ought to say nix')"} {"Clue":"Asian pianist playing to entertain a king (9)","Answer":"PAKISTANI","Explanation":"Definition: Asian\nAn anagram (playing) of PIANIST round (entertaining) A K (king)"} {"Clue":"American power breaks transmitter: one hangs up (9)","Answer":"SUSPENDER","Explanation":"Definition: one hangs up\nUS (American) + P (power) in SENDER (transmitter)"} {"Clue":"Copious beer gets right to the heart (5)","Answer":"LARGE","Explanation":"Definition: Copious\nLAGER (beer) with the R (right) moved to the middle (heart)"} {"Clue":"Desperate ham pleads for the bright lights (9)","Answer":"HEADLAMPS","Explanation":"Definition: the bright lights\nAn anagram (desperate) of HAM PLEADS"} {"Clue":"Starters of soup unusually served hot in cold dish (5)","Answer":"SUSHI","Explanation":"Definition: cold dish\nInitial letters (starters) of Soup Unusually Served Hot In"} {"Clue":"Not exact, but so far to travel (2,1,4)","Answer":"OF A SORT","Explanation":"Definition: Not exact\nAn anagram (travel) of SO FAR TO"} {"Clue":"Stowing silver, 1,000kg carrying capacity (7)","Answer":"TONNAGE","Explanation":"Definition: carrying capacity\nTONNE (1,000kg) round AG (silver)"} {"Clue":"Wave to ship for a ride (6,7)","Answer":"ROLLER COASTER","Explanation":"Definition: a ride\nROLLER (wave) + COASTER) (ship)"} {"Clue":"Players need these for maximum clearance (3,6)","Answer":"ALL BLACKS","Explanation":"I think this is a cryptic definition, referring to the end of a chess or draughts game \u2013 and the ALL BLACKS are the New Zealand men's international rugby union team \u2013 but I can't see fully how it works **Edit: please see comment 2: many thanks, Mike"} {"Clue":"Lament for one buried in cathedral (5)","Answer":"ELEGY","Explanation":"Definition: Lament\nEG (for one) in ELY (cathedral \u2013 there have been objections in the past to this style of definition)"} {"Clue":"Pass Charlie what's laid on in the bathroom (1,3,1)","Answer":"H AND C","Explanation":"Definition: what's laid on in the bathroom\nHAND (pass) + C (Charlie \u2013 NATO alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Implant that leads the field (9)","Answer":"PACEMAKER","Explanation":"Definition: Implantthat leads the field\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Remarkably alive, runs all round (9)","Answer":"UNIVERSAL","Explanation":"Definition: all round\nAn anagram (remarkably) of ALIVE RUNS"} {"Clue":"Good to do nothing? Topping (5)","Answer":"GLAZE","Explanation":"Definition: Topping\nG (good) + LAZE (to do nothing)"} {"Clue":"One wouldn't spend a day teaching here (7,6)","Answer":"EVENING SCHOOL","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 I don't remember ever coming across this phrase: both Collins and Chambers have only Night School or Evening Class, both familiar to me"} {"Clue":"Inconsiderate to move freight in this form? (13)","Answer":"CONTAINERISED","Explanation":"Definition: freight in this form?\nAn anagram (to move) of INCONSIDERATE"} {"Clue":"Rustle some sheep, say? You scrubber! (5,4)","Answer":"STEEL WOOL","Explanation":"Definition: You scrubber!\nSounds like steal (rustle) + WOOL (some sheep, say?)"} {"Clue":"One must take steps to activate this (9)","Answer":"PEDOMETER","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Industry arose, organised with speed (9)","Answer":"AEROSPACE","Explanation":"Definition: Industry\nAn anagram (organised) of AROSE + PACE (speed)"} {"Clue":"Site of massacre, Missouri style? (5)","Answer":"ALAMO","Explanation":"Definition: Site of massacre\n\u00c0 LA (in the style of) MO (Missouri)"} {"Clue":"Apply oneself in serious contest (3-2)","Answer":"SET-TO","Explanation":"Definition: Apply oneselfserious contest\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Confesses being no good in MI6 (5)","Answer":"SINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Confesses\nNG (no good) in SIS (Special Intelligence Service \u2013 MI6)"} {"Clue":"Like a shot that's one foot off (5,4)","Answer":"RIGHT AWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Like a shot\nRIGHT (one foot) AWAY (off)"} {"Clue":"I picked up that man (5)","Answer":"ROGER","Explanation":"Definition: I picked up thatman\nDouble definition: in signalling, roger = message received (and understood)"} {"Clue":"Rallies around a year later (7)","Answer":"SOMEDAY","Explanation":"Definition: later\nA reversal (around) of DEMOS (rallies) + A Y (a year)"} {"Clue":"Plant not out by hedge (7)","Answer":"INSTALL","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nIN (not out) + STALL (hedge)"} {"Clue":"Number getting into some trouble (5)","Answer":"ANNOY","Explanation":"Definition: trouble\nNO (number) in ANY (some)"} {"Clue":"Europe perhaps able to control movement (9)","Answer":"CONTINENT","Explanation":"Definition: Europe perhapsable to control movement\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Standard partners getting off with sadists (5,3,7)","Answer":"STARS AND STRIPES","Explanation":"Definition: Standard\nAn anagram of PARTNERS and SADISTS"} {"Clue":"School uniform matches period in history (9)","Answer":"SEVENTIES","Explanation":"Definition: period in history\nS (school \u2013 it's in Collins) + EVEN (uniform) + TIES (matches)"} {"Clue":"Deliver new stock of local vegetables (5)","Answer":"CALVE","Explanation":"Definition: Deliver new stock\nHidden in loCAL VEgetables"} {"Clue":"Secret Service after prince over Virginia (7)","Answer":"PRIVATE","Explanation":"Definition: Secret\nRITE (service) after P (prince) round VA (Virginia)"} {"Clue":"Container with hamper gives protection for food (7)","Answer":"TINFOIL","Explanation":"Definition: protection for food\nTIN (container) + FOIL (hamper \u2013 both as verbs)"} {"Clue":"Knock off bails, ultimately getting duck (5)","Answer":"STEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Knock off\n[bail]S + TEAL (duck)"} {"Clue":"Group of players mostly penning quiet pieces for instruments (9)","Answer":"EQUIPMENT","Explanation":"Definition: instruments\nEQUIT[y] (**the actors' union** \u2013 group of players, mostly) round P (quiet) MEN (pieces, in chess)"} {"Clue":"Sins with time on hands, son admitted (10)","Answer":"TRESPASSES","Explanation":"Definition: Sins\nT (time) + RE (on) + PASSES (hands) round S (son)"} {"Clue":"Obsession with self-image on a shot (8)","Answer":"EGOMANIA","Explanation":"Definition: Obsession with self\nAn anagram (shot) of IMAGE ON A"} {"Clue":"Filling canine with hole at the front, cutting into infected area (6)","Answer":"STODGY","Explanation":"Definition: Filling\nODG (DOG, canine) with the O (hole) moved to the front in STY (infected area) \u2013 initially, I was going with sty = 'any place of gross debauchery' (Chambers) \/ 'any filthy or corrupt place' (Collins) then found that both have sty as an alternative spelling of stye (infected area)"} {"Clue":"Roll cigars at the back with habit (4)","Answer":"SWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Roll\n[cigar]S + WAY (habit)"} {"Clue":"Short underwear is more flashy (8)","Answer":"BRASSIER","Explanation":"Definition: more flashy\nBRASSI\u00c8R[e] (short underwear)"} {"Clue":"Tycoon with no money from a common male ancestor (6)","Answer":"AGNATE","Explanation":"Definition: from a common male ancestor\n[m]AGNATE (tycoon) minus m (money)"} {"Clue":"Tories' lying has extraordinary scale: that's what they do (4,10)","Answer":"ORAL HYGIENISTS","Explanation":"Definition: scale: that's what they do\nAn anagram (extraordinary) of TORIES LYING HAS"} {"Clue":"Brilliant nurses opposed to support from just one side (10)","Answer":"CANTILEVER","Explanation":"Definition: support from just one side\nCLEVER (brilliant) round (nurses) ANTI (opposed to)"} {"Clue":"All settees, when rearranged, fit together (10)","Answer":"TESSELLATE","Explanation":"Definition: fit together\nAn anagram (when rearranged) of ALL SETTEES"} {"Clue":"Bank, embroiled with lies, could go under (8)","Answer":"SINKABLE","Explanation":"Definition: could go under\nAn anagram (embroiled) of BANK and LIES"} {"Clue":"Get sex partner on top (8)","Answer":"PULLOVER","Explanation":"Definition: top\nPULL (get sex partner) + OVER (on)"} {"Clue":"Mentioned bill? Not during date (6)","Answer":"VOICED","Explanation":"Definition: Mentioned\n[in]VOICE (bill) minus in (during) + D (date)"} {"Clue":"Cover one in crib (6)","Answer":"CANOPY","Explanation":"Definition: Cover\nAN (one) in COPY (crib)"} {"Clue":"Upright position (4)","Answer":"POST","Explanation":"Definition: Uprightposition\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Tough husband wearing drag (4)","Answer":"THUG","Explanation":"Definition: Tough\nH (husband) in TUG (drag)"} {"Clue":"Take drink to 6 across merchants (9)","Answer":"SUPPLIERS","Explanation":"Definition: merchants\nSUP (take drink) + PLIERS (tool)"} {"Clue":"Put back the necessary file, for example (4)","Answer":"TOOL","Explanation":"Definition: file, for example\nA reversal (put back) of LOOT (the necessary \u2013 both slang terms for money)"} {"Clue":"Kid evidently hungry as talented ballplayer? (8)","Answer":"DRIBBLER","Explanation":"Definition: Kid evidently hungrytalented ballplayer\nDouble definition \u2013 I've never thought of a baby's dribbling as a sign of hunger, particularly, but dribble is in the dictionaries as a synonym for slaver, which is such a sign"} {"Clue":"Cocktail 6 across (6)","Answer":"GIMLET","Explanation":"Definition: Cocktail6 across\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Description of coils 13 down, loosely speaking? (6)","Answer":"TWIRLY","Explanation":"Definition: Description of coils\nDouble definition, the second being, 'loosely speaking', 'too early' (premature, 13 down) \u2013\u00a0 in the UK, we elderly folk who hopefully proffer our bus passes before 9.30 am are known as Twirlies"} {"Clue":"Spooner's task that's all there for 6 across (8)","Answer":"CHAINSAW","Explanation":"Definition: 6 across\nSpooner's 'sane chore' (task that's all there) \u2013 this is an example of those Spoonerisms I was talking about last week, which don't give a recognisable or meaningful phrase"} {"Clue":"Done, 6 across picked up? (6)","Answer":"SPAYED","Explanation":"Definition: Done\nSounds like (picked up) spade (tool) \u2013 as in, 'Has your cat been 'done'?'"} {"Clue":"Paint two animals, first of sketches framed (8)","Answer":"EMULSION","Explanation":"Definition: Paint\nEMU and LION (two animals) round (framing) S[ketches]"} {"Clue":"Lovely work of art by Frida, originally (8)","Answer":"FETCHING","Explanation":"Definition: Lovely\nF[rida] (Kahlo, perhaps?) + ETCHING (work of art)"} {"Clue":"Shot some thief for thievery (6)","Answer":"EFFORT","Explanation":"Definition: Shot\nHidden in some thiEF FOR Thieving"} {"Clue":"Fit agent welcoming a swim on vacation (8)","Answer":"PAROXYSM","Explanation":"Definition: Fit\nPROXY (agent) round A + S[wi]M"} {"Clue":"6 across in which one may have a hand? (6)","Answer":"PUPPET","Explanation":"Definition: 6 across\nCryptic definition \u2013 and a different kind of TOOL (Chambers: a person, state etc under the control of another)"} {"Clue":"Bali without a leader of course, after Peru sacked country such as Indonesia (8)","Answer":"REPUBLIC","Explanation":"Definition: country such as Indonesia\nAn anagram (sacked) of PERU + B[a]LI minus a + C[ourse]"} {"Clue":"Too high a price to pay for love (4)","Answer":"DEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Too high a price to paylove\nDouble definition \u2013 dear and love both as terms of endearment"} {"Clue":"Show on offer (9)","Answer":"REPRESENT","Explanation":"Definition: Show\nRE (on) + PRESENT (offer)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"across Cocktail 6 across (11)","Answer":"SCREWDRIVER","Explanation":"Definition: Cocktai6 across\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Development of teenager by provocation initially true to form (7)","Answer":"PUBERTY","Explanation":"Definition: Development of teenager\nAn anagram (to form) of BY P[rovocation] TRUE"} {"Clue":"Sweetbread? (5)","Answer":"LOLLY","Explanation":"We have to separate sweet and bread, to give a double definition: lolly and bread are both slang terms for money"} {"Clue":"Pain hard in each competition (7)","Answer":"EARACHE","Explanation":"Definition: Pain\nH (hard) in EA (each) RACE (competition)"} {"Clue":"Air gun set new mark (9)","Answer":"SIGNATURE","Explanation":"Definition: mark\nAn anagram (new) of AIR GUN SET"} {"Clue":"Leader on tour is saving 30 seconds, good for when events happening (7)","Answer":"TIMINGS","Explanation":"Definition: when events happening\nT[our] + IS round half of MIN[ute] (30 seconds) G (good)"} {"Clue":"Old dragon essentially in contemporary music lover (5-4)","Answer":"OPERA-GOER","Explanation":"Definition: music lover\nO (old) + [d]RAGO]n in PEER (contemporary)"} {"Clue":"Impulsive revolutionary less wild in embrace of virgin (9)","Answer":"PREMATURE","Explanation":"Definition: Impulsive\nA reversal (revolutionary) of TAMER (less wild) in PURE (virgin)"} {"Clue":"Newspaper: one invested in art with lady's boobs (5,4)","Answer":"DAILY STAR","Explanation":"Definition: Newspaper\nI (one) in an anagram (boobs) of ART and LADYS"} {"Clue":"Gas absorbed by metal 6 across (7)","Answer":"CHOPPER","Explanation":"Definition: 6 across\nH (hydrogen \u2013 gas) in COPPER (metal)"} {"Clue":"Stick cut off sweet (7)","Answer":"GUMDROP","Explanation":"Definition: sweet\nGUM (stick) + DROP (cut off)"} {"Clue":"Plaything thrown away, is one busy at the end of the working week? (7)","Answer":"FRISBEE","Explanation":"Definition: Plaything thrown\nFR (Friday \u2013 the end of the working week) + IS, from the clue + BEE (one busy) \u2013 this would have taken less time if I'd thought to check whether FR is an abbreviation for Friday \u2013 I'm not keen on the 'away' but it's needed for the surface"} {"Clue":"Twofold, learner's cutting 6 across (5)","Answer":"DUPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Twofold\nL (learner) in DUPE (tool) \u2013 Paul's second use of 'tool' again: Collins gives 'a person who unwittingly serves as the tool of another person or power'"} {"Clue":"Author with fine material written up (5)","Answer":"ELIOT","Explanation":"Definition: Author\nA reversal (written up) of TOILE (fine material)"} {"Clue":"Notes about mollusc one cooked as tribute to sailor (7,6)","Answer":"NELSON\u2019S COLUMN","Explanation":"Definition: tribute to sailor\nI initially thought we were an S short in N N (notes) around an anagram (cooked) of MOLLUSC ONE and wondered if it should be MOLLUSCS or ONE'S but it's not like Nutmeg to make mistakes; I'm pretty sure that we've seen N N cluing 'news' fairly recently, so I think we perhaps have to take 'notes' as indicating NNS \u2013 what did you make of it?\n\n*[I have just looked at the Guardian site before posting the blog and discovered that Nutmeg has posted an apology there]"} {"Clue":"Means of ascending rocky coastal area unveiled (9)","Answer":"ESCALATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Means of ascending\nAn anagram (rocky) of COASTAL [a]RE[a] `"} {"Clue":"Married soldier's sent back a letter from abroad (5)","Answer":"SIGMA","Explanation":"Definition: letter from abroad\nA reversal (sent back) of M (married) GI'S (soldier's) + A for the Greek letter S"} {"Clue":"Oddly priced toy displaying quality brother seeks? (5)","Answer":"PIETY","Explanation":"Definition: quality brother seeks\nOdd letters of PrIcE ToY, the brother being a monk"} {"Clue":"Key step taken by defenders (9)","Answer":"BACKSPACE","Explanation":"Definition: Key\nBACKS (defenders) + PACE (step)"} {"Clue":"Anything in New York inclined to offend (7)","Answer":"NAUGHTY","Explanation":"Definition: inclined to offend\nAUGHT (anything) in NY (New York)"} {"Clue":"Tag describing article found in English mine (7)","Answer":"EPITHET","Explanation":"Definition: Tag describing\nTHE (article) in E (English) PIT (mine)"} {"Clue":"Labour excluded from government training session (7)","Answer":"WORKOUT","Explanation":"Definition: training session\nWORK (labour) + OUT (of office \u2013 excluded from government, I think)"} {"Clue":"Explain inclusion of tragic old man in contest (5,2)","Answer":"CLEAR UP","Explanation":"Definition: Explain\n(King) LEAR (tragic old man) in CUP (contest)"} {"Clue":"Pure ecstasy after flower festival in church (4-5)","Answer":"LILY-WHITE","Explanation":"Definition: Pure\nE (ecstasy) after LILY (flower) WHIT (festival in church, also called Pentecost)"} {"Clue":"Light flickering from fine sparkly fabric (5)","Answer":"FLAME","Explanation":"Definition: Light flickering\nF (fine) + LAM\u00c9 (sparkly fabric)"} {"Clue":"Remote school denied sandwiches (5)","Answer":"OLDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Remote\nContained (sandwiched) in schoOL DENied"} {"Clue":"They review problem with motorway sign (9)","Answer":"SUMMARIES","Explanation":"Definition: They review\nSUM (problem) + M (motorway) + ARIES (sign of the zodiac)"} {"Clue":"Marshal notices seats occupied by 1,000 holders of these? (6,7)","Answer":"SEASON TICKETS","Explanation":"Definition: these\nAn anagram (marshal) of NOTICES SEATS round K (1,000)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Former PM's retreat briefly Chancellor's responsibility (9)","Answer":"EXCHEQUER","Explanation":"Definition: Chancellor's responsibility\nEX (former) + CHEQUER[s] (PM's retreat, briefly)"} {"Clue":"Seasoned officer's penetrating voice (5)","Answer":"SALTY","Explanation":"Definition: Seasoned\nLT (lieutenant) \u2013 officer) in SAY (voice)"} {"Clue":"Particularly large stick raised over boy's bottom (7)","Answer":"NOTABLY","Explanation":"Definition: Particularly\nA reversal (raised) of L (large) BATON (stick) + [bo]Y"} {"Clue":"Initially carry great authority, a typically Welsh craft (7)","Answer":"CORACLE","Explanation":"Definition: typically Welsh craft\nC[arry] + ORACLE (great authority)"} {"Clue":"The Spanish earl gives out tips and is delayed (5,4)","Answer":"LOSES TIME","Explanation":"Definition: is delayed\nLOS (the Spanish) + E (earl) + a reversal (tips) of EMITS (gives out)"} {"Clue":"Hot stuff emerging from company meeting in Massachusetts (5)","Answer":"MAGMA","Explanation":"Definition: Hot stuff\nAGM (annual general meeting) in MA (Massachusetts)"} {"Clue":"Grand growth in garden has Shakespeare in tears \u2014 I'm touched (7,6)","Answer":"WEEPING WILLOW","Explanation":"Definition: Grand growth in garden\nWEEPING WILL (Shakespeare in tears) + OW (I'm touched)"} {"Clue":"Helping with alacrity, agree to settle best rent (5,2,6)","Answer":"EAGER TO PLEASE","Explanation":"Definition: Helping with alacrity\nAn anagram (to settle) of AGREE + TOP (best) LEASE (rent)"} {"Clue":"Deceives with bat, slicing through covers (9)","Answer":"HOODWINKS","Explanation":"Definition: Deceives\nWINK (bat \u2013 an eyelid) in HOODS (covers)"} {"Clue":"Should one mix basil with the last of coriander? (9)","Answer":"HERBALIST","Explanation":"An anagram (mix) of BASIL + THE + [coriande]R"} {"Clue":"As potential purchaser, gets into stonier ground (5,2)","Answer":"TRIES ON","Explanation":"Definition: As potential purchaser, gets into\nAn anagram (ground) of STONIER"} {"Clue":"Man contrarily supporting rebel leader, unknown where I live (4,3)","Answer":"CHEZ MOI","Explanation":"Definition: where I live\nA reversal (contrarily) of IOM (Isle of Man) after (supporting, in a down clue) CHE (rebel leader) + Z (unknown)"} {"Clue":"Youth league disheartened server (5)","Answer":"LADLE","Explanation":"Definition: server\nLAD (youth) + L[eagu]E, disheartened"} {"Clue":"Bottle finally explodes in intense fire (5)","Answer":"FLASK","Explanation":"Definition: Bottle\n[explode]S in FLAK (intense fire)"} {"Clue":"Daisy and Bruce playing with a kid (9)","Answer":"RUDBECKIA","Explanation":"Definition: Daisy\nAn anagram (playing) of BRUCE and A KID for this daisy"} {"Clue":"Old film about tango that shows right amount of spirit (5)","Answer":"OPTIC","Explanation":"Definition: that shows right amount of spirit\nO (old) + PIC (film) round T (Tango \u2013 NATO alphabet)"} {"Clue":"A little nipper trapped between poles (7)","Answer":"SMIDGEN","Explanation":"Definition: A little\nMIDGE (nipper) in N S (poles)"} {"Clue":"Execute dance, with Romeo standing in for Victor (7)","Answer":"GAROTTE","Explanation":"Definition: Execute\nGA[v]OTTE (dance) with R (Romeo) replacing v (Victor) \u2013 more from the NATO alphabet"} {"Clue":"Consider route taken as read (5)","Answer":"WEIGH","Explanation":"Definition: Consider\nSounds like (taken as read out) way (route)"} {"Clue":"My goodness! Typical Ascot gear's time-consuming (5,4)","Answer":"FANCY THAT!","Explanation":"Definition: My goodness!\nFANCY HAT (typical Ascot gear) round (consuming) T (time)"} {"Clue":"Greeting KL native of great height (9)","Answer":"HIMALAYAN","Explanation":"Definition: of great height\nHI (greeting) + MALAYAN (Kuala Lumpur native)"} {"Clue":"One's message of dismay about gripping device? (5)","Answer":"GISMO","Explanation":"Definition: device\nA reversal (about) of OMG (text message of dismay) round (gripping) I'S (one's)"} {"Clue":"Titters infuriated some bars at the end (7)","Answer":"STRETTI","Explanation":"Definition: some bars at the end\nAn anagram (infuriated) of TITTERS \u2013 some bars at the end of a composition"} {"Clue":"Massive flier covers a short distance (7)","Answer":"MAMMOTH","Explanation":"Definition: Massive\nMOTH (flier) round A MM (a millimetre, a short distance)"} {"Clue":"Catch container caught on rock (5)","Answer":"CREEL","Explanation":"Definition: Catch container\nC (caught) + REEL (rock)"} {"Clue":"In stunned state, the Spanish call for leniency (9)","Answer":"TOLERANCE","Explanation":"Definition: leniency\nOL\u00c9 (the Spanish call) in TRANCE (stunned state)"} {"Clue":"Witch with warts transmogrified face with hands here (5,5)","Answer":"WRIST WATCH","Explanation":"Definition: face with hands here\nAn anagram (transmogrified) of WITCH and WARTS"} {"Clue":"Clubs avoid habit-forming E number? (8)","Answer":"ADDITIVE","Explanation":"Definition: E number?\nADDI[c]TIVE (habit-forming) minus c (clubs)"} {"Clue":"Measure litres then stupidly put in gallons (6)","Answer":"LENGTH","Explanation":"Definition: Measure\nL (litres) + G (gallons) put in an anagram (stupidly) of THEN"} {"Clue":"Hide small close relations (4)","Answer":"SKIN","Explanation":"Definition: Hide\nS (small) + KIN (close relations)"} {"Clue":"Huge fan carrying a horsey paper around (10)","Answer":"GARGANTUAN","Explanation":"Definition: Huge\nA reversal (around) of NUT (fan) round (carrying) A + NAG RAG (whimsically, horsey paper)"} {"Clue":"One needing help in looking for EU complex? Definitely (4-4)","Answer":"FOUR-EYES","Explanation":"Definition: One needing help in looking\nAn anagram (complex) of FOR EU + YES (definitely)"} {"Clue":"Output of sewer a running sore? (6)","Answer":"STITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Output of sewera running sore?\nDouble definition, both of them cryptic"} {"Clue":"Area's excellent service stifling resistance (4)","Answer":"ACRE","Explanation":"Definition: Area\nACE (excellent service) round R (resistance)"} {"Clue":"Even in case of forgery one paper appears twice (5-5)","Answer":"FIFTY-FIFTY","Explanation":"Definition: Even\nI (one) FT (Financial Times \u2013 paper) in F[orger]Y \u2013 twice"} {"Clue":"Poet's time? It appears twice daily on one (3,2,5)","Answer":"TEN TO THREE","Explanation":"This time appears twice daily on a WRIST WATCH (one down) and also in the last lines of Rupert Brooke's poem 'The Old Vicarage Grantchester:"} {"Clue":"Revealing some material in Times earlier now and then (8)","Answer":"TELLTALE","Explanation":"Definition: Revealing\nELL (a measure of material) in TT (times) + eArLiEr"} {"Clue":"Six seconds matter for man of the house (8)","Answer":"VISCOUNT","Explanation":"Definition: man of the house\nVI (six) + S (seconds) + COUNT (matter) \u2013 the house being the House of Lords, I think, so perhaps it should have a capital letter"} {"Clue":"Sleuth left very little to get his teeth into (6)","Answer":"MORSEL","Explanation":"Definition: very little to get his teeth into\n(Colin Dexter's Inspector) MORSE (sleuth) + L (left)"} {"Clue":"Players more willing to join society (6)","Answer":"GAMERS","Explanation":"Definition: Players\nGAMER (more willing) + S (society)"} {"Clue":"Ran away from rifle fire (4)","Answer":"SACK","Explanation":"Definition: fire\n(ran)SACK (rifle)"} {"Clue":"Phone old boy missing race once (4)","Answer":"MILE","Explanation":"Definition: race once\nM[ob]ILE (phone) minus ob (old boy) \u2013 I think the 'once' is there because races are now usually metric"} {"Clue":"Within reduced amount, partners are said to provide so-called key arrangement (6)","Answer":"QWERTY","Explanation":"Definition: so-called key arrangement\nW E (west, east \u2013 bridge partners) + R (are said) in Q(uanti)TY (reduced amount)"} {"Clue":"Drunk with added power \u2014 it goes to one's head (6)","Answer":"TOPPER","Explanation":"Definition: it goes to one's head\nTOPER (drunk) with an extra P (added power)"} {"Clue":"In place of carnival, time for something very amusing (4)","Answer":"RIOT","Explanation":"Definition: something very amusing\nRIO (place of carnival) + T (time)"} {"Clue":"Owner, for one, taken in by erroneous report (10)","Answer":"PROPRIETOR","Explanation":"Definition: Owner\nPRO (for) + I (one) in an anagram (erroneous) of REPORT"} {"Clue":"From water, retrieve reversible piece of harness (6)","Answer":"TERRET","Explanation":"Definition: piece of harness\nHidden reversed in waTER RETrieve \u2013 a new word for me"} {"Clue":"Right temperature in car for one controlling the wheel, historically (8)","Answer":"TORTURER","Explanation":"Definition: one controlling the wheel, historically\nR (right) + T (temperature) in TOURER (car)"} {"Clue":"Use keyboard, yet needing revision without piano accurate in sound (9)","Answer":"TYPEWRITE","Explanation":"Definition: Use keyboard\nAn anagram (needing revision) of YET round P (piano) + WRITE (sounds like \u2013 in sound \u2013 right {accurate})"} {"Clue":"Like some humour the writer's penned, surprisingly strong? (4)","Answer":"WIRY","Explanation":"Definition: surprisingly strong?\nI (the writer) in WRY (like some humour)"} {"Clue":"Indian dish for children's author (4)","Answer":"DAHL","Explanation":"Definition: Indian dishchildren's author\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Labour leader making a change, mostly wrong about everything (9)","Answer":"CALLAGHAN","Explanation":"Definition: Labour leader\nAn anagram (wrong) of A CHANG[e], mostly, round ALL (everything) \u2013 James Callaghan, Labour leader (1976-80) and Prime Minister (1976-9)"} {"Clue":"Rugby thug hit male, held by supporter (8)","Answer":"FLASHMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Rugby thug\nLASH (hit) + M (male) in FAN (supporter) for the Rugby School bully in 'Tom Brown's Schooldays'"} {"Clue":"Failing to reach conclusions, made many crazy (6)","Answer":"MADMAN","Explanation":"Definition: crazy\nMAD[e] MAN[y] failing to reach conclusions"} {"Clue":"African city's counterpart of White House? (10)","Answer":"CASABLANCA","Explanation":"Definition: African city\nCASA BLANCA is Spanish for White House"} {"Clue":"A Berliner's affirmative vote, one opposed by people of Paris (4)","Answer":"AJAX","Explanation":"Definition: one opposed by people of Paris\nA + JA (Berliner's affirmative) + X (vote) for the Greek hero who fought against the Trojans (people of Paris, prince of Troy, who abducted Helen, thus causing the Trojan War)"} {"Clue":"Part of the above money, including 50% from bank (6)","Answer":"CASBAH","Explanation":"Definition: Part of the above\nCASH (money) round BA[nk] \u2013 CASABLANCA appears above CASBAH in the grid"} {"Clue":"State that's just north of Washington and New York (6)","Answer":"CANADA","Explanation":"Definition: State\nI don't understand how this works, I'm afraid\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Parisian who, exceptionally, is somewhat shaky (7)","Answer":"QUIVERY","Explanation":"Definition: somewhat shaky\nQUI (Parisian who) + VERY (exceptionally)"} {"Clue":"Key in beginning withheld from tenant (5)","Answer":"ENTER","Explanation":"Definition: Key\n[r]ENTER (tenant)"} {"Clue":"Convert finally changed priest for one offering better advice (7)","Answer":"TIPSTER","Explanation":"Definition: one offering better advice\n[conver]T + an anagram (changed) of PRIEST"} {"Clue":"Astronomer's model in error \u2014 after switching two bits, okay finally (6)","Answer":"ORRERY","Explanation":"Definition: Astronomer's model\nERROR, with the O and E (two bits) switched + [oka]Y"} {"Clue":"If under pressure, get going again (9)","Answer":"PRESUMING","Explanation":"Definition: If\nP (pressure) + RESUMING (going again)"} {"Clue":"New Yorker putting duck in home for birds (7)","Answer":"ROOKERY","Explanation":"Definition: home for birds\nAn anagram (new) of YORKER round O (duck \u2013 score in cricket)"} {"Clue":"Aiming to follow foolish instruction in nursery (5-8)","Answer":"POTTY-TRAINING","Explanation":"Definition: instruction in nursery\nTRAINING (aiming) following POTTY (foolish)"} {"Clue":"Novel I pen as she produces religious book (9)","Answer":"EPHESIANS","Explanation":"Definition: religious book\nAn anagram (novel) of I PEN AS SHE"} {"Clue":"In strange dialect, having big mouth? (7)","Answer":"DELTAIC","Explanation":"Definition: having big mouth?\nAn anagram (strange) of DIALECT"} {"Clue":"Buddhist leader embracing naughty dance (7)","Answer":"LAMBADA","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nLAMA (Buddhist leader) round BAD (naughty)"} {"Clue":"In former president's way, excluding old part of US (7)","Answer":"ALABAMA","Explanation":"Definition: part of US\n\u00c0 LA [o]BAMA (in former president's way) minus o (old)"} {"Clue":"Wife of villain I spotted in a fruit tree, climbing (6)","Answer":"EMILIA","Explanation":"Definition: Wife of villain\nA reversal (climbing) of A LIME (a fruit tree) round I, from the clue \u2013 two weeks ago, in the Saturday puzzle, Brendan gave us 'villain dramatically' for IAGO: EMILIA is Iago's wife in 'Othello'"} {"Clue":"Medic with a degree works in theatre (5)","Answer":"DRAMA","Explanation":"Definition: works in theatre\nDR (medic) + a MA (a degree)"} {"Clue":"Tasty paste from West Asia used all round Britain (6)","Answer":"WASABI","Explanation":"Definition: Tasty paste\nAn anagram (used) of W (west) ASIA round B (Britain)"} {"Clue":"Penny finished with favourite doll (6)","Answer":"PUPPET","Explanation":"Definition: doll\nP (penny) + UP (finished) + PET (favourite)"} {"Clue":"Juliet with nausea spewed over bag for writer (4,6)","Answer":"JANE AUSTEN","Explanation":"Definition: writer\nJ (Juliet {or, as has been pointed out here in the past, Juliett} NATO alphabet) + an anagram (spewed) of NAUSEA + a reversal (over) of NET (bag)"} {"Clue":"Winter vehicle currently parking in Berkshire town (10)","Answer":"SNOWPLOUGH","Explanation":"Definition: Winter vehicle\nNOW (currently) + P (parking) in SLOUGH (Berkshire town)"} {"Clue":"Pitch declared first-class for part of match (6)","Answer":"CHUKKA","Explanation":"Definition: part of match\nCHUKK (sounds like \u2013 declared \u2013 chuck, pitch) + A (first class) \u2013 one of the six periods of play in a polo match"} {"Clue":"Gas put a tiny bit of taste into negroni cocktail (8)","Answer":"NITROGEN","Explanation":"Definition: Gas\nT[aste] in an anagram (cocktail) of NEGRONI"} {"Clue":"Syrup mixed in drink in garden awfully popular at the end of June (9)","Answer":"GRENADINE","Explanation":"Definition: Syrup mixed in drink\nAn anagram (awfully) of GARDEN + IN (popular) + [jun]E"} {"Clue":"Sailor leaving American navy joint (4)","Answer":"SEAM","Explanation":"Definition: joint\nSEAM[an] (sailor) minus A (American) N (navy)"} {"Clue":"Find out about American saints (4)","Answer":"SUSS","Explanation":"Definition: Find out\nA reversal (about) of US (American + S S (saints) \u2013 or it could be S S (saints) round (about) US (American)"} {"Clue":"When sister gets to beat backside of current helper? (9)","Answer":"ASSISTANT","Explanation":"Definition: helper\nAS (when) + SIS (sister) + TAN (beat) + [curren]T"} {"Clue":"Vicar with ale brewed for royalist supporter (8)","Answer":"CAVALIER","Explanation":"Definition: royalist supporter\nAn anagram (brewed) of VICAR and ALE"} {"Clue":"Ukip leader entering vehicle getting a shock (6)","Answer":"TRAUMA","Explanation":"Definition: shock\nU[kip] in TRAM (vehicle) + A"} {"Clue":"Cantankerous old person who's against burying muck in drive (10)","Answer":"CURMUDGEON","Explanation":"Definition: Cantankerous old person\nCON (against) round URGE (drive) round MUD (muck) \u2013 one of my favourite words (and I like 'cantankerous', too), although I'm not sure a CURMUDGEON is necessarily old"} {"Clue":"Lad clutching top of designer group (4)","Answer":"BODY","Explanation":"Definition: group\nBOY (lad) round D[esigner]"} {"Clue":"Rotten secretary hiding introduction to promissory note (6)","Answer":"SEPTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Rotten\nSEC (secretary) round P[romissory] TI (note)"} {"Clue":"Helium in water changing climate (7)","Answer":"WEATHER","Explanation":"Definition: climate\nHE (helium) in an anagram (changing) of WATER: not strictly synonymous, of course \u2013 in fact, under 'weather' Collins has 'Compare *climate*' \u2013 but permissible in a crossword, I think. It has been said that other countries have a climate, Britain has weather"} {"Clue":"Small vegetable is shiny (5)","Answer":"SLEEK","Explanation":"Definition: shiny\nS (small) + LEEK (vegetable)"} {"Clue":"Bird damaged on a road (7)","Answer":"BUSTARD","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nBUST (damaged) + A RD (a road)"} {"Clue":"Increased shame is difficult to control (6)","Answer":"UPPITY","Explanation":"Definition: difficult to control\nUP (increased) + PITY (shame)"} {"Clue":"Champion rugby player working at hospital department (9)","Answer":"PROPONENT","Explanation":"Definition: Champion\nPROP (rugby player) + ON (working) + ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat \u2013 hospital departmemt)"} {"Clue":"Label meat cooked for partners in the ring (3,4)","Answer":"TAG TEAM","Explanation":"Definition: partners in the ring\nTAG (label) + an anagram (cooked) of MEAT"} {"Clue":"Depressed setter with gin drunk in No 10? (7,6)","Answer":"DOWNING STREET","Explanation":"Definition: No 10?\nDOWN (depressed) + an anagram (drunk) of SETTER and GIN"} {"Clue":"Gymnasts upset about source of unusual eye movements (9)","Answer":"NYSTAGMUS","Explanation":"Definition: eye movements\nAn anagram (upset) of GYMNASTS tound U[nusual)"} {"Clue":"Bone with small top joined to bone with no name (7)","Answer":"SCAPULA","Explanation":"Definition: Bone\nS (small) + CAP (top) + UL[n]A (bone) minus n (name)"} {"Clue":"Eager trainee losing end of decider on points (7)","Answer":"INTENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Eager\nINTE[r]N (trainee) minus [decide]r + S E (south east \u2013 points)"} {"Clue":"Mounted police meeting a member about going from place to place (7)","Answer":"NOMADIC","Explanation":"Definition: going from place to place\nA reversal (mounted, in a down clue) of CID (police) + A + M (member) + ON (about)"} {"Clue":"Go round base of col in rocky ridge (6)","Answer":"GIRDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Go round\n[co]L in an anagram (rocky) of RIDGE"} {"Clue":"Graduate set up software program for religious leader (5)","Answer":"ABBOT","Explanation":"Definition: religious leader\nA reversal (set up, in a down clue) of BA (graduate) + BOT (software program)"} {"Clue":"Guzzler of fish swilling ales after lager (4,4)","Answer":"HARP SEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Guzzler of fish\nAn anagram (swilling) of ALES after HARP (**Irish lager**)"} {"Clue":"Twitchy finger's back on the buzzer (6)","Answer":"HORNET","Explanation":"Definition: buzzer\nAn anagram (twitchy) of [finge]R ON THE"} {"Clue":"Slash the odds of unluckier attack (4)","Answer":"NUKE","Explanation":"Definition: attack\nWe need to delete (slash) the odd letters of uNlUcKiEr"} {"Clue":"Alcohol running part of battery in big car (10)","Answer":"LIMONCELLO","Explanation":"Definition: Alcohol\nON (running \u2013 like a tap) + CELL (part of battery) in LIMO (big car)"} {"Clue":"Cross about entering state, old European kingdom (6)","Answer":"SAXONY","Explanation":"Definition: old European kingdom\nX (cross) + ON (about) in SAY (state)"} {"Clue":"Suppliers of fuel and I sport boring pants (3,5)","Answer":"GAS PIPES","Explanation":"Definition: Suppliers of fuel\nI (from the clue) + PE (sport) in (boring) GASPS (pants \u2013 refreshing not to see it as an anagram indicator)"} {"Clue":"City captivated by caber-tossing? That's novel (7)","Answer":"REBECCA","Explanation":"Definition: novel\nEC (postal area of the City of London, not a usual venue for caber-tossing) in an anagram (tossing) of CABER \u2013 great surface"} {"Clue":"Pasta recipe with starter of veal in garlic sauce (7)","Answer":"RAVIOLI","Explanation":"Definition: Pasta\nR (recipe) + V[eal] in AIOLI (garlic sauce)"} {"Clue":"Ballot fixing true? One is making things dirty (8)","Answer":"POLLUTER","Explanation":"Definition: One is making things dirty\nPOLL (ballot) + an anagram (fixing) of TRUE"} {"Clue":"Sea creature's attempt to cut waste (6)","Answer":"DUGONG","Explanation":"Definition: Sea creature\nGO (attempt) in DUNG (waste)"} {"Clue":"Hip play in French theatre's opening \u2014 each across solution has one (10)","Answer":"INSTRUMENT","Explanation":"Definition: each across solution has one\nIN (hip) + STRUM (play the guitar) + EN (French for in) + T[heatre]"} {"Clue":"Ostentatious rain-maker losing face (4)","Answer":"LOUD","Explanation":"Definition: Ostentatious\n[c]LOUD (rainmaker)"} {"Clue":"Native American's adopting Democrat moral codes (6)","Answer":"CREEDS","Explanation":"Definition: moral codes\nCREE'S (native American's) round D (Democrat)"} {"Clue":"Run round hillock, holding horse back (8)","Answer":"ORGANISE","Explanation":"Definition: Run\nO (round) + RISE (hillock) round a reversal (back) of NAG (horse)"} {"Clue":"What model did \u2014 and you heard price is steep (8)","Answer":"SATURATE","Explanation":"Definition: steep\nSAT (what model did) + U (you heard) + RATE (price)"} {"Clue":"It's for fencing sheep enclosure, a little to the north (4)","Answer":"\u00c9P\u00c9E","Explanation":"Definition: It's for fencing\nHidden (a little) reversal (to the north, in a down clue) in shEEP Enclosure"} {"Clue":"Well I never form another union (6)","Answer":"REALLY","Explanation":"Definition: Well I neverform another union\nDouble definition: re-ally = form another union"} {"Clue":"Robin's coat maybe desirable with a fringe of gauze (7)","Answer":"PLUMAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Robin's coat maybe\nPLUM (something desirable \u2013 like that pulled out by Little Jack Horner?) + A (from the clue) + G[auz]E"} {"Clue":"Track round cool area in Asian region (5,3)","Answer":"CHINA SEA","Explanation":"Definition: Asian region\nCHASE (track) round IN (cool) + A (area) \u2013 Collins: 'a part of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of China: divided by Taiwan into the East China Sea in the north and the South China sea in the south'"} {"Clue":"Uninhibited virgin with feel for dancing (4-6)","Answer":"FREE-LIVING","Explanation":"Definition: Uninhibited\nAn anagram (for dancing) of VIRGIN and FEEL"} {"Clue":"You can't trust us, stealing pounds and getting the boot! (6)","Answer":"WELLIE","Explanation":"Definition: boot\nWE LIE (you can't trust us) round L (pounds)"} {"Clue":"Cricketer welcoming European's public remarks (4,6)","Answer":"OPEN LETTER","Explanation":"Definition: public remarks\nOPENER (cricketer) round LETT (European)"} {"Clue":"Old thief's put off, breaking into profanity (8)","Answer":"CUTPURSE","Explanation":"Definition: Old thief'\nAn anagram (off) of PUT in CURSE (profanity)"} {"Clue":"Pine lintel's front being distressed (8)","Answer":"LANGUISH","Explanation":"Definition: Pine\nL[intel + ANGUISH ({the state of} being distressed)"} {"Clue":"Crown of laurel? (7)","Answer":"TREETOP","Explanation":"Definition: Crown of laurel?\nCryptic definition?"} {"Clue":"They have depressing experiences, topless (6)","Answer":"OWNERS","Explanation":"Definition: They have\n[d]OWNERS (depressing experiences) minus the initial letter (topless, in a down clue)"} {"Clue":"Female accepts writing on the wall in later years (6)","Answer":"DOTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: later years\nDOE (a deer, a female deer) round TAG (writing on the wall) \u2013 this puzzled me but Chambers gives 'a symbol or signature used by a graffiti-writer, eg as a message, means of identification, etc (slang)'"} {"Clue":"Fast time, but not for Pierre! (4)","Answer":"LENT","Explanation":"Definition: Fast time\nLENT is French ('for Pierre') for slow!"} {"Clue":"State welcome includes a whiskey \u2014 first class! (6)","Answer":"HAWAII","Explanation":"Definition: State\nHI (welcome) round (includes) A W (whiskey \u2013 NATO alphabet) + AI (first class)"} {"Clue":"Wife's at home, the husband's out and runs when it's cold (6)","Answer":"WINTER","Explanation":"Definition: when it's cold\nW (wife) + IN (at home) + T[h]E minus h (husband) + R (runs)"} {"Clue":"Speed is 1,000 and 100 in reverse (4)","Answer":"KNOT","Explanation":"Definition: Speed\nK (1,000) + a reversal of TON (100)"} {"Clue":"Mother and boy tend to awkwardness (10)","Answer":"MALADDRESS","Explanation":"Definition: awkwardness\nMA (mother) + LAD (boy) + DRESS (tend) \u2013 a new word for me, from the French 'maladroit'"} {"Clue":"Nice lemon in tonic, mixed right inside (6)","Answer":"CITRON","Explanation":"Definition: Nice lemon\nAn anagram (mixed) of TONIC round R (right) for the French (as spoken in Nice) for lemon"} {"Clue":"Stomach problem from avid reader's head going hard (8)","Answer":"HOOKWORM","Explanation":"Definition: Stomach problem\n[b]OOKWORM (avid reader) with the b replaced by H (hard)"} {"Clue":"For example, woman will pack extremely ginormous cases (9)","Answer":"EGGSHELLS","Explanation":"Definition: cases\nEG (for example) + SHE'LL (woman will) inside the outer letters (extremely) of G[inormou]S"} {"Clue":"Old criminal carrying a burden (4)","Answer":"LOAD","Explanation":"Definition: burden\nAn anagram (criminal) of OLD round A"} {"Clue":"Recovering abstainer leaves drink (4)","Answer":"BEER","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nBE[tt]ER (recovering) minus tt (abstainer)"} {"Clue":"Outstanding independent region houses 2,000 people altogether (9)","Answer":"COMMUNITY","Explanation":"Definition: people altogether\nCOUNTY (region) round (outstanding\u00a0 \u2013 standing outside) I (independent) round MM (2,000)"} {"Clue":"Rejecting volunteers, politician's swamped by mock test essays (8)","Answer":"ATTEMPTS","Explanation":"Definition: essays\nA reversal (rejecting) of TA (Territorial Army \u2013 volunteers) + MP (politician) in an anagram (mock) of TEST"} {"Clue":"Missile to stun borders of Egypt (6)","Answer":"ROCKET","Explanation":"Definition: Missile\nROCK (stun) + E[gyp]T"} {"Clue":"Unable to write 49 + 51 three times a quarter? (10)","Answer":"ILLITERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Unable to write\nIL (49) + LI (51) + TER (three times) \u2013 I'm afraid the rest of the parsing (ATE) escapes me\n\n** Edit: forget TER = three times! It's T ERA T (three times) + E (quarter) \u2013 many thanks to KJ @13, Hovis @18 and James\u00a0 @19"} {"Clue":"Second piece of bacon (4)","Answer":"BACK","Explanation":"Definition: Secondpiece of bacon\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Thatcher's revolting for jailing opposition leader and the Queen (6)","Answer":"ROOFER","Explanation":"Definition: Thatcher\nA reversal (revolting) of FOR round O[pposition] + ER (the Queen)"} {"Clue":"Get away with key? (6)","Answer":"ESCAPE","Explanation":"Definition: Get awaykey\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Suspended sentence? (7)","Answer":"HANGING","Explanation":"Definition: Suspendedsentence\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Attendant spills first drink (5)","Answer":"WATER","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nWA[I]TER (attendant) minus I (first)"} {"Clue":"roughly, that's huge (7)","Answer":"IMMENSE","Explanation":"Definition: huge\nI (one) + M (a thousand) + M (a thousand) + an anagram (roughly) of SE[v]EN minus v (five)"} {"Clue":"Cast iron contains note for use within the home (6)","Answer":"INDOOR","Explanation":"Definition: for use within the home\nAn anagram (cast) of IRON round DO (note)"} {"Clue":"Demolish place over hard crossword? (5,4)","Answer":"THROW DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Demolish\nTOWN (place) round H (hard) + an anagram (cross)\u00a0 of WORD"} {"Clue":"Colour of restored building: timeless (4-3)","Answer":"ROSE-RED","Explanation":"Definition: Colour\nAn anagram (building) of RES[t]ORED minus t (timeless) \u2013 referencing Petra, see here : a beautiful clue \u2013 but I'm always, these days, reluctant to say &lit"} {"Clue":"Everybody let son and daughter cut grass on 1\/11 (3,7,3)","Answer":"ALL HALLOWS\u2019 DAY","Explanation":"Definition: 1\/11\nALL (everybody) + ALLOW (let) + S (son) + D (daughter) in (cut) HAY (grass) \u2013 an alternative name for All Saints' Day, celebrated on 1st November"} {"Clue":"Good man and woman's life wins heart of working campaigner against apartheid (5,4)","Answer":"STEVE BIKO","Explanation":"Definition: campaigner against apartheid\nST (saint \u2013 good man) + EVE (woman) + BIO (life) round the middle letter (heart) of worKing"} {"Clue":"One packaging 16 across, but not Courage? (7)","Answer":"BOTTLER","Explanation":"Definition: One packaging 16 across\nCryptic definition: bottler can mean a person who loses his \/ her nerve (interestingly, though, I see that in Australia and New Zealand it's informal for an excellent person) as well as one who bottles BEER (16ac) and Courage is a beer"} {"Clue":"Sells millions on hot streak \u2026 (7)","Answer":"MARKETS","Explanation":"Definition: Sells\nM (millions + an anagram (hot) of STREAK"} {"Clue":"unlimited by 100 pound and English sentimentality (7)","Answer":"TREACLE","Explanation":"Definition: sentimentality\n[s]TREA[k] (from the previous clue \u2013 hurrah for a meaningful ellipsis) + C (100) + L (pound) + E (English)"} {"Clue":"Each master eats pastry (6)","Answer":"APIECE","Explanation":"Definition: Each\nACE (master) round PIE (pastry)"} {"Clue":"Snake about to bite Rob to bits (5)","Answer":"COBRA","Explanation":"Definition: Snake\nCA (circa \u2013 about) round an anagram (to bits) of ROB"} {"Clue":"Sort of tour with topless models (7-4)","Answer":"WHISTLE-STOP","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of tour\nAn anagram (models) of WITH TOPLESS"} {"Clue":"Scrounger, one claiming to pocket pounds (7)","Answer":"BLAGGER","Explanation":"Definition: Scrounger\nBAGGER (one claiming) round L (pounds)"} {"Clue":"Prison visitor's not a Charlie (7)","Answer":"CHAPLIN","Explanation":"Definition: Charlie\nCHAPL[a]IN (prison visitor) minus a \u2013 we need to take the 's as indicating 'has'"} {"Clue":"Receiving a blow isn't a disaster for French islanders (9)","Answer":"TAHITIANS","Explanation":"Definition: French islanders\nAn anagram (disaster) of ISN'T A round A HIT (a blow)"} {"Clue":"Sort of sexual transport? (5)","Answer":"METRO","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of sexualtransport\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Obsessive fiddler died for love (4)","Answer":"NERD","Explanation":"Definition: Obsessive\nNER[o] (the emperor who allegedly fiddled while Rome burned) with the o (love) replaced by D (died)"} {"Clue":"Grand veteran one imprisons: she got several tastes of porridge (10)","Answer":"GOLDILOCKS","Explanation":"Definition: she got several tastes of porridge\nG (grand) + OLD (veteran) + I (one) + LOCKS (imprisons \u2013 this really needs to be followed by 'up')"} {"Clue":"Party almost sounded scornful of the modern state? (10)","Answer":"HOOTENANNY","Explanation":"Definition: Party\nHOOTE[d] (almost sounded scornful) + NANNY (of the modern state?)"} {"Clue":"Lump fish circling loch (4)","Answer":"CLOD","Explanation":"Definition: Lump\nCOD (fish) round L (loch)"} {"Clue":"Nasty accusation given attention by NCO (5)","Answer":"SMEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Nasty accusation\nSM (Sergeant Major \u2013 NCO) + EAR (attention)"} {"Clue":"I'm calling up troops to fight and phone round island reserve to start with (9)","Answer":"MOBILISER","Explanation":"Definition: I'm calling up troops to fight\nMOBILE (phone) round IS (island) + R[eserve]"} {"Clue":"Planner not so sensible, squashing resistance (7)","Answer":"DRAFTER","Explanation":"Definition: Planner\nDAFTER (not so sensible) round R (resistance)"} {"Clue":"Arthur's Seat visited by large number (7)","Answer":"CAMELOT","Explanation":"Definition: Arthur's Seat\nCAME (visited) + LOT (large number) \u2013 **Arthur's Seat** is a peak in Edinburgh and Camelot is the seat of the legendary King Arthur"} {"Clue":"Come to bed and behave inappropriately? (5,6)","Answer":"TOUCH BOTTOM","Explanation":"Definition: Come to bedbehave inappropriately\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Orchestrate a few changes in such a bulletin (7,8)","Answer":"WEATHER FORECAST","Explanation":"Definition: such a bulletin\nAn anagram (changes) of ORCHESTRATE A FEW"} {"Clue":"Fuss about fleet meeting a storm (7)","Answer":"TORNADO","Explanation":"Definition: storm\nTO-DO (fuss) round RN \u2013 Royal Navy \u2013 fleet) + A"} {"Clue":"Old Charlie in employment allowed to leave (7)","Answer":"EXCUSED","Explanation":"Definition: allowed to leave\nEX (old) + C (Charlie \u2013 NATO alphabet) + USED (in employment)"} {"Clue":"Arms met awkwardly, cradling large hampers (8)","Answer":"TRAMMELS","Explanation":"Definition: hampers\nAn anagram (awkwardly) of ARMS MET round L (large)"} {"Clue":"Sort of prisoner left us: may travel for safety abroad (9,6)","Answer":"POLITICAL ASYLUM","Explanation":"Definition: safety abroad\nPOLITICAL (sort of prisoner) + an anagram (travel) of L (left) US MAY"} {"Clue":"Obstinate: hide when given new form mistress (1,3,2,3,4)","Answer":"A BIT ON THE SIDE","Explanation":"Definition: mistress\nAn anagram (when given new form) of OBSTINATE HIDE"} {"Clue":"Without thought, home team slotting into right tempo (13)","Answer":"INCONSIDERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Without thought\nIN (home) + SIDE (team) in CON(servative) (right)\u00a0 + RATE (tempo)"} {"Clue":"Two Labour leaders set to sack head of union for business grouping (8)","Answer":"KEIRETSU","Explanation":"Definition: business grouping\nKEIR (Hardie and Starmer \u2013 strictly, the *name* of two Labour leaders, **Hardie** and **Starmer**, the former the namesake of the latter) + an anagram (to sack) of SET + U(nion)\u00a0\u2013 for a Japanese term for a business grouping see **here\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Cabinet selectively calm IRA hotheads (7)","Answer":"ALMIRAH","Explanation":"Definition: Cabinet\nHidden in cALM IRA Hotheads"} {"Clue":"Opera company puts on 'A Caribbean Rising' (7)","Answer":"NABUCCO","Explanation":"Definition: Opera\nCO (company) after (puts on?) a reversal (rising) of CUBAN (Caribbean) \u2013 the 'a' in the clue seems superfluous and the construction is rather clunky but the surface is lovely"} {"Clue":"Bound in leather, instruction from the top university (5)","Answer":"LIMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Bound\nInitial letters (from the top) of Leather Instruction) + MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology \u2013 university)"} {"Clue":"Statue, for example, friend of 26 across returned (5)","Answer":"IMAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Statue,\nA reversal (returned) of EG (for example) + AMI (French for friend \u2013 RODIN (26 ac) was French)"} {"Clue":"Tours in France, say \u2014 plane came with parts around middle switched (5,4)","Answer":"PLACE NAME","Explanation":"Definition: Tours in France, say\nPLANE CAME with the fourth and sixth letters switched"} {"Clue":"Some travel guides in his language for philosopher (9)","Answer":"DESCARTES","Explanation":"Definition: philosopher\nDES CARTES is French for some maps (travel guides)"} {"Clue":"Savoir faire includes the writer being understood (5)","Answer":"TACIT","Explanation":"Definition: understood\nTACT (savoir faire) round I (the writer)"} {"Clue":"Express statements of resistance in French and English (3-4)","Answer":"NON-STOP","Explanation":"Definition: Express\nNON (French) STOP (English) \u2013 statements of resistance"} {"Clue":"Caught bringing in line put out (7)","Answer":"NETTLED","Explanation":"Definition: put out\nNETTED (caught) round L (line)"} {"Clue":"Has turned over pages, one chapter relating to poetess (7)","Answer":"SAPPHIC","Explanation":"Definition: relating to poetess\nA reversal (turned) of HAS round (over) PP (pages) + I (one) C (chapter)"} {"Clue":"Author understands what 7 had in 1 (7)","Answer":"PENS\u00c9ES","Explanation":"Definition: what 7 had in 1\nPEN (author) + SEES (understands) \u2013 French for thoughts (but it is in Chambers and Collins), so what PASCAL had in MIND \u2013 *and, as several commenters have pointed out, it is the title of a collection of his writings"} {"Clue":"Eg including this artist is superficially damaging (5)","Answer":"RODIN","Explanation":"Definition: this artist\n[e]RODIN[g] (damaging, superficially)"} {"Clue":"Source of information that bears fruit (9)","Answer":"GRAPEVINE","Explanation":"Definition: Source of informationthat bears fruit\nDouble definition \u2013 perhaps giving some of us an **earworm\u00a0"} {"Clue":"One of those points of great danger heroic Frenchman's between (9)","Answer":"EPICENTRE","Explanation":"Definition: One of those points of great danger\nEPIC (heroic) + ENTRE (French for 'between')"} {"Clue":"Dance club we left, returning after band's performance (5)","Answer":"GIGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Dance\nGIG (band's performance) + a reversal (returning) of EU (the 'club' we left in 2016)"} {"Clue":"Pay attention to theme of this puzzle (4)","Answer":"MIND","Explanation":"Definition: Pay attention totheme of this puzzle\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Composer and artist traversing the way from Paris to Marseilles (8)","Answer":"MASSENET","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\nMANET (artist) round SSE (the direction of Marseilles from Paris) \u2013 **this** (M\u00e9ditation from his opera Tha\u00efs) is perhaps one of the best-known of Massenet's works"} {"Clue":"Centre half in home game is fab (4)","Answer":"MEGA","Explanation":"Definition: fab\nThe central four of the eight letters of hoME GAme"} {"Clue":"Grave statements, perhaps wrong (not right) about it (8)","Answer":"EPITAPHS","Explanation":"Definition: Grave statements\nAn anagram (wrong) of PE[r]HAPS minus r (not right) round IT"} {"Clue":"Reformulation of Ren\u00e9's adroit justification for existence (6,5)","Answer":"RAISON D\u2019\u00caTRE","Explanation":"Definition: justification for existence\nAn anagram (reformulation) of REN\u00c9'S ADROIT \u2013 brilliant surface and probably my favourite clue, of many excellent ones"} {"Clue":"Blight on the plant? This needs fencing (10)","Answer":"PENTATHLON","Explanation":"Definition: This needs fencing\nAn anagram (blight) of ON THE PLANT: fencing is the first event in the modern pentathlon\u00a0 \u2013 a\u00a0 neat link with 29dn"} {"Clue":"Mathematician contributing to group as calculator (6)","Answer":"PASCAL","Explanation":"Definition: Mathematician\nHidden in grouP AS CALculator"} {"Clue":"How 7, 11 or 26 across might have announced his resignation? (4,2,3)","Answer":"C\u2019EST LA VIE","Explanation":"Definition: How 7, 11 or 26 across might have announced his resignation?\nMore French, as were PASCAL, DESCARTES and RODIN"} {"Clue":"Uncovered figures like 14 in hundreds \u2014 every second (5)","Answer":"NUDES","Explanation":"Definition: Uncovered figures like 14\nEvery second letter of iN hUnDrEdS"} {"Clue":"Heartless old Tory interrupting man who repairs sculpture (3,7)","Answer":"THE THINKER","Explanation":"Definition: sculpture\n(Edward) HE[a]TH (old Tory, 'heartless') in TINKER (man who repairs) \u2013 sculpted by RODIN at 26ac"} {"Clue":"Drives without a third and second gear (5)","Answer":"DRESS","Explanation":"Definition: gear\nDR[iv]ES, without a third of its letters + S (second)"} {"Clue":"Graphic artist who often shows latitude at work? (8)","Answer":"MAPMAKER","Explanation":"Definition: Graphic artist\nCryptic definition, referring to lines of latitude"} {"Clue":"Compete over parts in theatre \u2014 one gets them in shows (8)","Answer":"VIEWINGS","Explanation":"Definition: one gets them in shows\nVIE (compete) + WINGS (parts in theatre)"} {"Clue":"Kind of speech I had given shortly after power drink (6)","Answer":"PIDGIN","Explanation":"Definition: Kind of speech\nP (power) + I'D (I had, shortly)+ GIN (drink)"} {"Clue":" 5 17 for 11? (6,4,3)","Answer":"COGITO ERGO SUM","Explanation":"Definition: 5 17 for 11?\nDescartes' RAISON D'\u00caTRE: I think, therefore I am"} {"Clue":"Part of friendship that meant nothing to 7, 11, or 26 (4)","Answer":"RIEN","Explanation":"Definition: Part of friendship that meant nothing to 7, 11, or 26 (4)\nContained in fRIENdship \u2013 French for nothing"} {"Clue":"Weapon European repeatedly used, seizing power (4)","Answer":"\u00c9P\u00c9E","Explanation":"Definition: Weapon\nE EE (European repeatedly) round P (power)"} {"Clue":"Goatish creature, one into ladies? (8)","Answer":"LOTHARIO","Explanation":"THAR (goatish creature \u2013 'a rare goat-like antelope'{Collins}, so another one to add to the list) + I (one) in LOO (ladies?) \u2013 definition by example, indicated by the question mark \u2013 with an extended definition (I hesitate to say &lit): having problems with the parsing, I took a long time to think of looking up the unlikely-sounding THAR"} {"Clue":"Horrid type of slip packed by old duchess on vacation? (6)","Answer":"ODIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Horrid\nIOU (type of slip) in O (old) D[uches]S,'on vacation'"} {"Clue":"Note close friend's short, a tiny measure (6)","Answer":"MICRON","Explanation":"Definition: a tiny measure\nMI (note) + CRON[y] (close friend, short)"} {"Clue":"Animal control scarce in report (8)","Answer":"REINDEER","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\nREIN (control) + DEER (sounds like \u2013 in report \u2013 dear {scarce})"} {"Clue":"H-Houston \u2014 half of it's broken \u2014 we have a problem\" (2-2)","Answer":"UH-OH","Explanation":"Definition: we have a problem\nAn anagram (broken) of half of H-HOU[ston]"} {"Clue":"The very thing left by critical attack when the axe drops? (4,3,3)","Answer":"JUST THE JOB","Explanation":"Definition: The very thing\nApart from the definition, I can't see this at all \u2013* Edit: Adam @11: 'I think parses as \"hatchet job\" leaving \"just the job\" when the axe is dropped.'"} {"Clue":"Exceptionally cold and definitively negative (7)","Answer":"SUBZERO","Explanation":"Definition: Exceptionally colddefinitively negative\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Mischievous nibble before meal's announced (7)","Answer":"NAUGHTY","Explanation":"Definition: Mischievous\nSounds like (announced) gnaw (nibble) before tea (meal)"} {"Clue":"By shop's entrance, father catches sick on back of expensive shoe (10)","Answer":"ESPADRILLE","Explanation":"Definition: shoe\nE (back of [expensiv]E) + S (shop's 'entrance') + PADRE (father) round ILL (sick)"} {"Clue":"Look for line expunged in glossy (4)","Answer":"SEEK","Explanation":"Definition: Look for\nS[l]EEK (glossy) minus l (line)"} {"Clue":"Stiff vigil ending in very famous gardens surrounded by water (8)","Answer":"LYKEWAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Stiff vigil\n[ver[Y + KEW (famous garden) in LAKE (water)"} {"Clue":"Bowie number succeeded in the future, 'Tom' having faded out? (6)","Answer":"SORROW","Explanation":"Definition: Bowie number\nS (succeeded) + [tom]ORROW (in the future) (Major?) Tom having faded out \u2013 a choice of two earworms!"} {"Clue":"Cutting deal, regularly handle hard stuff (6)","Answer":"ENAMEL","Explanation":"Definition: hard stuff\nNAME (handle) in dEaL, regularly"} {"Clue":"After leaving Turkey, incisive head of state charms (8)","Answer":"ENCHANTS","Explanation":"Definition: charms\n[tr]ENCHANT (incisive) minus tr (Turkey) + S(tate)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Lack expression to be obvious (2,7,6)","Answer":"GO WITHOUT SAYING","Explanation":"Definition: Lack expressionto be obvious\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"She'll be the cause of the problem \u2014 Czech female and her male crush (8,2,5)","Answer":"CHERCHEZ LA FEMME","Explanation":"Definition: She'll be the cause of the problem\nAn anagram (crush) of CZECH FEMALE HER M (male)"} {"Clue":"Main malt whisky distiller picked up legally empowered US citizen (5,5)","Answer":"GRAND JUROR","Explanation":"Definition: legally empowered US citizen\nGRAND (main) + JUROR ('picked up' from Jura \u2013 malt whisky distiller) but the Scots won't like it!"} {"Clue":"Humorists uncovered cracks through which you might see the world? (7)","Answer":"TOURISM","Explanation":"Definition: through which you might see the world\nAn anagram (cracks) of [h]UMORIST[s] 'uncovered'"} {"Clue":"Government department beginning to catalogue current central points (4)","Answer":"FOCI","Explanation":"Definition: central points\nFO (Foreign Office \u2013 Government department) + C[atalogue] + I (current)"} {"Clue":"Spare tyre limp \u2014 grease added for repair (6-3,6)","Answer":"MIDDLE-AGE SPREAD","Explanation":"Definition: Spare tyre\nAn anagram (for repair) of LIMP GREASE ADDED"} {"Clue":"Group ethos extremely fresh, excitedly welcoming remote team (5,2,3,5)","Answer":"QUEEN OF THE SOUTH","Explanation":"Definition: team\nQUEEN (group) + an anagram (excitedly) of ETHOS + F[res]H round OUT (remote) \u2013** this** is the team"} {"Clue":"Going off, coming down or moving out? (6-4)","Answer":"TRAVEL-SICK","Explanation":"I'm afraid I can't even identify the definition here"} {"Clue":"Swiss-German painter finally taken with English Times, an absorbing paper (7)","Answer":"KLEENEX","Explanation":"Definition: an absorbing paper\n(Paul) KLEE (Swiss-German painter) + [take]N + E (English) + X (times)"} {"Clue":"Side with everybody unknown (4)","Answer":"ALLY","Explanation":"Definition: Side \nALL (everybody) + Y (unknown) \u2013 I wasn't sure whether to underline 'with'"} {"Clue":"Persistent animal gets exercise daily, using leads (6)","Answer":"DOGGED","Explanation":"Definition: Persistent\nDOG (animal) + initial letters (leads) of Gets Exercise Daily"} {"Clue":" A whale of a book (4-4)","Answer":"MOBY-DICK","Explanation":"Definition: A whale of a book (4-4)\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Lets out, or lets out again (8)","Answer":"RELEASES","Explanation":"Definition: Lets outlets out again\nDouble definition, the second being RE-LEASES, depending on two meanings of 'let'"} {"Clue":"Fancy a nut? Go for this sweet (6)","Answer":"NOUGAT","Explanation":"Definition: sweet\nAn anagram (fancy) of A NUT GO"} {"Clue":"Little Bo-Peep is cursory, for one? (7,5)","Answer":"NURSERY RHYME","Explanation":"Definition: Little Bo-Peep\nCursory is a rhyme of NURSERY \u2013 a definition by example, hence 'for one?'"} {"Clue":"Piece of luggage, one for Sherlock? (4)","Answer":"CASE","Explanation":"Definition: Piece of luggageone for Sherlock\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"In the middle, putting very cheap item of jewellery (8)","Answer":"CENTRING","Explanation":"Definition: In the middle, putting\nA CENT RING would be very cheap"} {"Clue":"Move quickly to secure prison (8)","Answer":"DARTMOOR","Explanation":"Definition: prison\nDART (move quickly) + MOOR (secure)"} {"Clue":"Matter hard to press forward (4)","Answer":"PUSH","Explanation":"Definition: press forward\nPUS (matter) + H (hard)"} {"Clue":"Admitted a record holds information (12)","Answer":"ACKNOWLEDGED","Explanation":"Definition: Admitted\nA CD (a record) round KNOWLEDGE (information)"} {"Clue":"Two strips of beach (6)","Answer":"BIKINI","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Stars sit around, no lovers of red revolution (8)","Answer":"TSARISTS","Explanation":"Definition: no lovers of red revolution\nAn anagram (around) of STARS SIT"} {"Clue":"Ruin some poor Frenchman (8)","Answer":"MONSIEUR","Explanation":"Definition: Frenchman\nAn anagram (poor) of RUIN SOME"} {"Clue":"Cut, like a baby? (6)","Answer":"TEETHE","Explanation":"Cryptic definition, as in the expression to cut teeth"} {"Clue":"Old writer is generally accessible (4)","Answer":"OPEN","Explanation":"Definition: generally accessible\nO (old) + PEN (writer)"} {"Clue":"Be gentler when developing this? (5,4)","Answer":"GREEN BELT","Explanation":"Definition: this?\nAn anagram (when developing) of BE GENTLER"} {"Clue":"Want to get rid of Dad? (6)","Answer":"DESIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Want\nTo get rid of dad could whimsically be to DE-SIRE"} {"Clue":"Craftsman sadly cremates partner (6,9)","Answer":"MASTER CARPENTER","Explanation":"Definition: Craftsman\nAn anagram (sadly) of CREMATES PARTNER"} {"Clue":"Discussing informally how to insist on remaining alive (8)","Answer":"BANDYING","Explanation":"Definition: Discussing informally\nTo insist on remaining alive could be to BAN DYING \u2013 BANDY is usually followed by 'words (about)' to mean 'discuss'"} {"Clue":"Money to make; not nice (5)","Answer":"DOUGH","Explanation":"Definition: Money\nDO (make) + UGH (not nice)"} {"Clue":"Unpleasantly damp feeling of tunnels with shellfish about (10)","Answer":"CLAMMINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Unpleasantly damp feeling\nCLAMS (shellfish) round MINES (tunnels)"} {"Clue":"Liqueur seen to spoil a small cloth (10)","Answer":"MARASCHINO","Explanation":"Definition: Liqueur\nMAR (to spoil) + A + S (small) + CHINO (cloth)"} {"Clue":"Such relentless questioning of machine gun's capability (5-4)","Answer":"RAPID-FIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Such relentless questioningmachine gun's capability\nDouble definition, only the first needing a hyphen"} {"Clue":"Nobody accepts a little piece in any colour (3-5)","Answer":"NON-WHITE","Explanation":"Definition: any colour\nNONE (nobody) round WHIT (a little piece)"} {"Clue":"Horrified as a good speed is cut (6)","Answer":"AGHAST","Explanation":"Definition: Horrified\nA G (good) + HAST[e] (speed, cut)"} {"Clue":"Little spikes: personally, I have 20 (5)","Answer":"NAILS","Explanation":"Definition: Little spikes\nCryptic definition \u2013 presumably, the nails on hands and feet"} {"Clue":"Snag: first horse is missing and must be scratched (4)","Answer":"ITCH","Explanation":"Definition: must be scratched\n[h]ITCH (snag) minus the first h (horse)"} {"Clue":"Neptune has been leaking? Hope your trip is safe! (8)","Answer":"GODSPEED","Explanation":"Definition: Hope your trip is safe!\nGOD'S (Neptune has) PEED (been leaking) \u2013 Neptune is an example of a god, hence the question mark"} {"Clue":"Bad habits, clinging to old opinions (6)","Answer":"VOICES","Explanation":"Definition: opinions\nVICES (bad habits) round (clinging to?) O (old)"} {"Clue":"Refuses to play against every international team (3,6)","Answer":"ALL BLACKS","Explanation":"Definition: international team\nThis wordplay seems the wrong way round to me: refuses to play against every = BLACKS ALL? I think I'm missing something"} {"Clue":"Pack round a US resort (5)","Answer":"TAMPA","Explanation":"Definition: US resort\nTAMP (pack round) + A"} {"Clue":"Leave me alone, teacher foolishly bids tutor (2,3,7)","Answer":"DO NOT DISTURB","Explanation":"Definition: Leave me alone\nDON (teacher) + an anagram (foolishly) of BIDS TUTOR"} {"Clue":"One working in bed offers nothing for woman to embrace (4)","Answer":"HOER","Explanation":"Definition: One working in bed\nO (nothing) in HER (woman) \u2013 the bed being a flower bed"} {"Clue":"Indulgent secretary leaves hard copy letter (10)","Answer":"PERMISSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Indulgent\n[pa]PER (hard copy) minus pa (personal assistant \u2013 secretary) + MISSIVE (letter)"} {"Clue":"Titled lady no one associated with a lord, somehow (5,5)","Answer":"LORNA DOONE","Explanation":"Definition: Titled lady\nAn anagram (somehow) of NO ONE and A LORD \u2013 titled lady as in a book title"} {"Clue":"Out loud, not many will be encouraging (4)","Answer":"FUEL","Explanation":"Definition: be encouraging\nSounds something like (out loud) few (not many) 'll (will)"} {"Clue":"Run taken from excellent ball by youngster? That's routine (4,3,5)","Answer":"SONG AND DANCE","Explanation":"Definition: routine\nSON (youngster) + G[r]AND DANCE (excellent ball) minus r (run)"} {"Clue":"Asian native suggesting his phone was silent? (5)","Answer":"ORANG","Explanation":"Definition: Asian native\nO RANG \u2013 I can't quite make this work: O = nothing, not no one"} {"Clue":"Limit on height of church is to stimulate new ideas (9)","Answer":"REINSPIRE","Explanation":"Definition: to stimulate new ideas\nREIN (limit) + SPIRE (height of church)"} {"Clue":"Vital to carry card with name to donate this? (6)","Answer":"KIDNEY","Explanation":"Definition: Vital to carry card with name to donate this?\nKEY (vital) round ID (card) + N (name)"} {"Clue":"O boy! Mink's fantastic for me (2,2,4)","Answer":"IN MY BOOK","Explanation":"Definition: for me\nAn anagram (fantastic) of O BOY MINK"} {"Clue":"Pet jumps up to grab a stick (4)","Answer":"GOAD","Explanation":"Definition: stick\nA reversal (jumps up, in a down clue) of DOG (pet) round A"} {"Clue":"With spirit lacking, heart lost at the expected time (4)","Answer":"DULY","Explanation":"Definition: at the expected time\nDU[l]LY (with spirit lacking) minus the middle letter (heart lost)"} {"Clue":"Whiteness of cloud tipped with gold (6)","Answer":"PALLOR","Explanation":"Definition: Whiteness\nPALL (cloud) + OR (gold)"} {"Clue":"Sealed instruction for some severe brothers (8,5)","Answer":"ENCLOSED ORDER","Explanation":"Definition: some severe brothers\nENCLOSED (sealed) ORDER (instruction) \u2013 an enclosed order is 'a Christian religious order leading an entirely contemplative life, not going out into the world to work' (Chambers)"} {"Clue":"Stub toes carelessly: most stupid (8)","Answer":"OBTUSEST","Explanation":"Definition: most stupid\nAn anagram (carelessly) of STUB TOES"} {"Clue":"Example of punctuation almost unprecedented in official statement (10)","Answer":"COMMUNIQU\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: official statement\nCOMM[a] (example of punctuation, almost) + UNIQUE (unprecedented)"} {"Clue":"One insect, or another with small mark on, let free (4,6)","Answer":"STAG BEETLE","Explanation":"Definition: One insect\nS (small) + TAG (mark) + BEE (another insect) + an anagram (free) of LET"} {"Clue":"Process for making rock, a fatal day used up thinking (13)","Answer":"SEDIMENTATION","Explanation":"Definition: Process for making rock\nA reversal (used up, in a down clue) of IDES (of March, a fatal day for Julius Caesar) + MENTATION (thinking)"} {"Clue":"Hawks wine round hospital showing war damage (5,5)","Answer":"SHELL SHOCK","Explanation":"Definition: war damage\nSELLS HOCK (hawks wine) round H (hospital)"} {"Clue":"Gained hair untidily that's on the side of the head (7,3)","Answer":"HEARING AID","Explanation":"Definition: that's on the side of the head\nAn anagram (untidily) of GAINED HAIR \u2013 a rather bizarre definition"} {"Clue":"Eccentric dispute in delta region (8)","Answer":"CAMARGUE","Explanation":"Definition: delta region\nCAM (eccentric) + ARGUE (dispute) for t**his fascinating region of Southern France"} {"Clue":"Playwright's agreed a firm rise (6)","Answer":"O\u2019CASEY","Explanation":"Definition: Playwright\nA reversal (rise, in a down clue) of YES (agreed) + A CO (a firm)"} {"Clue":"King's imprimatur lends organisation at first a certain weight (4)","Answer":"KILO","Explanation":"Definition: a certain weight\nInitial letters (at first) of King's Imprimatur Lends Organisation"} {"Clue":" Like hens, eat\u00a0 a quantity of grain (4)","Answer":"PECK","Explanation":"Definition: Like hens, eata quantity of grain\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Knight feeding waterbird to queen, say? (8)","Answer":"BEDIVERE","Explanation":"DIVER (water bird) in BEE (queen, perhaps) \u2013** one of King Arthur's most faithful knights"} {"Clue":"A thin peg, originally designed, that's pushed into hair (6)","Answer":"HATPIN","Explanation":"Definition: that's pushed into hair\nAn anagram (designed) of A THIN P[eg]"} {"Clue":"Aged aristo sacked, thank God (3,7)","Answer":"DEO GRATIAS","Explanation":"Definition: thank God\nAn anagram (sacked) of AGED ARISTO"} {"Clue":"Queen behind an old faithful companion, briefly backing high street trader (6)","Answer":"GROCER","Explanation":"Definition: high street trader\nER (queen) after a reversal backing of CORG[i], briefly (one of her old faithful companions)"} {"Clue":"Protection from sunlight certainly possessed in centre of Greece (8)","Answer":"EYESHADE","Explanation":"Definition: Protection from sunlight\nYES (certainly) + HAD (possessed) in grEEce"} {"Clue":"Castles for female player (7,7)","Answer":"BARBARA WINDSOR","Explanation":"Definition: female player\nBARBARA (Castle) \u2013 **long-serving Labour politician"} {"Clue":"King or queen, say, cutting fruit, one might eat it all (8)","Answer":"GOURMAND","Explanation":"Definition: one might eat it all\n(Chess)MAN (king or queen, say) in GOURD (fruit)"} {"Clue":"Place keeping masks etc in pawn (6)","Answer":"PUPPET","Explanation":"Definition: pawn\nPUT (place) round PPE (personal protective equipment \u2013 masks etc)"} {"Clue":"Kings for author (5,5)","Answer":"HENRY JAMES","Explanation":"Definition: author\nTake your pick of the Kings to produce **this author"} {"Clue":"White pawn (4)","Answer":"HOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Whitepawn\nDouble definition, the first a wine, the second as a noun or verb"} {"Clue":"Lovely island castle (6)","Answer":"GLAMIS","Explanation":"Definition: castle\nGLAM (lovely) + IS (island) for **this castle"} {"Clue":"Parsimony has got queen into trouble (8)","Answer":"MEANNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Parsimony\nANNE (queen) in MESS (trouble)"} {"Clue":"Song she sang about bishop where 2 etc found? (8)","Answer":"HERBARIA","Explanation":"Definition: where 2 etc found?\nHER ARIA (song she sang) round B (bishop)"} {"Clue":"Perfect coin (4)","Answer":"MINT","Explanation":"Definition: Perfectcoin\nDouble definition, the second as a verb"} {"Clue":"Audible tunes for king or queen, say (6)","Answer":"LEADER","Explanation":"Definition: king or queen, say\nSounds like (audible) 'lieder' (tunes)"} {"Clue":"Understand cricketing term \u2014 clear (3,4)","Answer":"GET OVER","Explanation":"Definition: clear\nGET (understand) OVER (cricketing term)"} {"Clue":"King Lear, his head in conclusion off? (7,1)","Answer":"CHARLES I","Explanation":"Definition: King\nAn anagram (off) of LEAR HIS + the first letter (head) of C[onclusion] \u2013 Charles I was beheaded in 1649"} {"Clue":"Wrongly accused, as one hopes those leaving theatre have been (8,2)","Answer":"STITCHED UP","Explanation":"Definition: Wrongly accusedas one hopes those leaving theatre have been\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Conspire with saintly bishop, a debt to resolve (3,3,4)","Answer":"AID AND ABET","Explanation":"Definition: Conspire with\nAIDAN (**saintly bishop**)\u00a0 + an anagram (to resolve) of A DEBT"} {"Clue":"Content of computer wiper twice by me, ie foolishly in online fraud? (10)","Answer":"CYBERCRIME","Explanation":"Definition: online fraud\nSurely a typo here (both in my paper and online) \u2013 'wiper' for 'wiped': that's the only way the wordplay and the surface make sense:"} {"Clue":"Register right, make changes again (8)","Answer":"READJUST","Explanation":"Definition: make changes again\nREAD (register) + JUST (right)"} {"Clue":"Number of balls thrown, grey (8)","Answer":"OVERCAST","Explanation":"Definition: grey\nOVER (number of balls, in cricket) + CAST (thrown)"} {"Clue":"Japanese food English lady eats in the morning (7)","Answer":"EDAMAME","Explanation":"Definition: Japanese food\nE English) DAME (lady) round AM (in the morning)"} {"Clue":"Playwright I harm (6)","Answer":"O\u2019NEILL","Explanation":"Definition: Playwright\nONE (I) + ILL (harm) \u2013 it was only last week that O'CASEY, another playwright, appeared in a puzzle that I blogged, so I don't think there is any need for further discussion about the conventional enumeration \u2013 please!"} {"Clue":"Kind of delivery from the east of Germany into China (6)","Answer":"POSTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Kind of delivery\nOST (German for east) in PAL (china, cockney rhyming slang)"} {"Clue":"Clue in Telegraph intractable (4)","Answer":"HINT","Explanation":"Definition: Clue\nHidden in telegrapH INTractable"} {"Clue":"Certain to restrain organised workers in a stitch-up (6)","Answer":"SUTURE","Explanation":"Definition: a stitch-up\nSURE (certain) round TU (Trade Union\u00a0 \u2013 organised workers)"} {"Clue":"Most eccentric groups of soldiers in company dealing with communications (8)","Answer":"BARMIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most eccentric\nARMIES (groups of soldiers) in BT (British Telecom \u2013 company dealing with communications)"} {"Clue":"Like a mansion said to be damp and unhealthy (6)","Answer":"RHEUMY","Explanation":"Definition: damp and unhealthy\nSounds like (said to be) 'roomy' (like a mansion)"} {"Clue":"VIP's report? (3,5)","Answer":"BIG NOISE","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"One has ice cream melting? Eat it! (8,6)","Answer":"MACARONI CHEESE","Explanation":"Definition: Eat it!\nAn anagram (melting) of ONE HAS ICE CREAM"} {"Clue":"Criticism coming with IT? I celebrate converting for use with computers (10)","Answer":"DIGITISING","Explanation":"Definition: converting for use with computers\nDIG (criticism) + IT + I SING (I celebrate)"} {"Clue":"Miscellany in large book needing no introduction (4)","Answer":"OLIO","Explanation":"Definition: Miscellany\n[f]OLIO (large book) minus its initial letter"} {"Clue":"Bank in decline with lake drying up (4)","Answer":"SIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Bank\nS[l]IDE (decline) minus l (lake)"} {"Clue":"Danced, as repeatedly instructed (10)","Answer":"QUADRILLED","Explanation":"Definition: Danced\nQUA (as \u2013 in the capacity of) + DRILLED (repeatedly instructed)"} {"Clue":"Dogs as exceptional sniffers can help, left to go free (14)","Answer":"AFFENPINSCHERS","Explanation":"Definition: Dogs\nAn anagram (exceptional) of SNIFFERS CAN HE[l]P minus (to go free) l (left)"} {"Clue":"Within a month be replaced by six who could lay down law in Rome? (8)","Answer":"DECEMVIR","Explanation":"Definition: who could lay down law in Rome\nDECEM[be]R month, with 'be' replaced by VI (six) \u2013 nicely misleading surface because there were (literally) ten decemviri"} {"Clue":"Dish awful Tories! (6)","Answer":"ROESTI","Explanation":"Definition: Dish\nAn anagram (awful) of TORIES"} {"Clue":"Rubbish prize reported in broadcast (8)","Answer":"DISPERSE","Explanation":"Definition: broadcast\nDIS (rubbish, as a verb) + PERSE (sounds like \u2013 reported \u2013 'purse' {prize})"} {"Clue":"One's admiral slain finally at sea (6)","Answer":"NELSON","Explanation":"Definition: One's admiral slain finally at sea\nAn anagram (at sea) of ONES + [admira]L [slai]N \u2013 &lit"} {"Clue":"Semi-slave, endlessly cheeky revolutionary (4)","Answer":"SERF","Explanation":"Definition: Semi-slave\nA reversal (revolutionary) of FRES[h] (cheeky)"} {"Clue":"Chinese food \u2014 something boring, not much good? (7)","Answer":"TREPANG","Explanation":"Definition: Chinese food\nTREPAN (something boring) + G[ood] (not much)"} {"Clue":"Forces surrounding some fortifications (8)","Answer":"RAMPARTS","Explanation":"Definition: fortifications\nRAMS (forces) round PART (some)"} {"Clue":"Errant Don, I, with a fiasco for the fans? (11)","Answer":"AFICIONADOS","Explanation":"Definition: fans\nAn anagram (errant) of DON I A FIASCO"} {"Clue":"Northern city half filled with superior old people (6)","Answer":"MANCHU","Explanation":"Definition: old people\nMANCH[ester] (half of Northern city) + U (superior)"} {"Clue":"Animal occupying English lea collapsing on the ground (7)","Answer":"EPIGEAL","Explanation":"Definition: on the ground\nPIG (animal) in E (English) plus an anagram (collapsing) of LEA"} {"Clue":"What's to come of shrubby plant that died after short time? (3,6)","Answer":"THE BEYOND","Explanation":"Definition: What's to come\nHEBE (shrubby plant) + YON (that) + D (died) after T (short time)"} {"Clue":"Leader of bloggers is to curse, put out when one's included little-known words? (11)","Answer":"OBSCURITIES","Explanation":"Definition: little-known words\nAn anagram (put out) of B[loggers] + IS TO CURSE + I (one)"} {"Clue":"Daughter is put to bed and kept inside, separated (9)","Answer":"DISBANDED","Explanation":"Definition: separated\nD IS (daughter is) + BED round AND"} {"Clue":"Whine and sob terribly \u2014 can this bring luck to one of couple? (8)","Answer":"WISHBONE","Explanation":"Definition: can this bring luck to one of couple?\nAn anagram (terribly) of WHINE and SOB \u2013 a reference to two people pulling the wishbone"} {"Clue":"Very good stars showing blemishes (7)","Answer":"DEFACES","Explanation":"Definition: blemishes\nDEF (very good) + ACES (stars)"} {"Clue":"More than one wild animal, see, climbs (7)","Answer":"LORISES","Explanation":"Definition: More than one wild animal\nLO (see) + RISES (climbs)"} {"Clue":"Awful moan that is indicating isolation and anxiety (6)","Answer":"ANOMIE","Explanation":"Definition: isolation and anxiety\nAn anagram (awful) of MOAN I E (that is)"} {"Clue":"European or American in book title (4)","Answer":"FINN","Explanation":"Definition: EuropeanAmerican in book title\nDouble definition, the second being Mark Twain's Huckleberry"} {"Clue":"Carelessly forget covering note \u2014 he's for the high jump! (4,4)","Answer":"TREE FROG","Explanation":"Definition: he's for the high jump!\nAn anagram (carelessly) of FORGET round RE (note)"} {"Clue":"Hesitates to dismiss original claims (5)","Answer":"AVERS","Explanation":"Definition: claims\n[h]AVERS (hesitates) minus its original letter"} {"Clue":"Old Charlie's left behind bars (4)","Answer":"AGED","Explanation":"Definition: Old\n[c]AGED (behind bars) minus c (Charlie, NATO alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Stay here and be late, most unexpectedly (5,5)","Answer":"BATES MOTEL","Explanation":"An anagram (unexpectedly) of BE LATE MOST \u2013 &lit \u2013 I assumed that this was a reference to 'Psycho' but I discovered that 'Bates Motel' was a film and TV series: the clue works in either case"} {"Clue":"Writing about previous measures seems suspicious (6)","Answer":"SMELLS","Explanation":"Definition: seems suspicious\nA reversal (about) of MS (writing) + ELLS (previous measures) \u2013 an ELL is an obsolete unit of length, equivalent to 45 inches, the length from elbow to fingertips (**Edit: please see various amusing comments and discussion below re this plainly nonsensical definition, due entirely to my thoughtless misreading of Collins)** (from Latin ulna); another term for this measure is cubit, from Latin cubitum, elbow, derived from the verb recumbere, to recline at table, as the Romans did at dinner, resting on their elbow \/ forearm \u2013 I remember being fascinated when I learned this at school"} {"Clue":"Throw in drink for writer (8)","Answer":"TROLLOPE","Explanation":"Definition: writer\nROLL (throw, as with dice) in TOPE (drink) \u2013 the writer could be either **Anthony **or **Joanna **\u00a0\u2013 take your pick"} {"Clue":"Put on a decent spread (7)","Answer":"ENACTED","Explanation":"Definition: Put on\nAn anagram (spread) of A DECENT"} {"Clue":"Instinctively recognises northern types round town (7)","Answer":"INTUITS","Explanation":"Definition: Instinctively recognises\nINUITS (northern types) round T (town) \u2013 I remember more than one discussion of this in the past: it isn't in Collins or Chambers but it has been justified as an abbreviation in, for instance, football league tables, eg Ipswich T"} {"Clue":"Is no trouble suppressing demand for vegetable (8)","Answer":"SCALLION","Explanation":"Definition: vegetable\nAn anagram (trouble) of IS NO round CALL (demand)"} {"Clue":"Bloke Hearts picked up \u2014 their number 4 \u2014 is top scorer (6)","Answer":"MAHLER","Explanation":"Definition: top scorer\nMALE (bloke) round H (hearts) + R (fourth letter of heaRts) \u2013 great surface! (Since last Saturday, the 'scorers' Mozart and Monteverdi have completed the week's trio of composers)"} {"Clue":"say, is low mark (10)","Answer":"UNDERSCORE","Explanation":"Definition: low mark\n19 is under a score"} {"Clue":"Activity on board \u2014 can money talk? (4)","Answer":"LUDO","Explanation":"Definition: Activity on board\nSounds like (talk) loo (can) + dough (money) \u2013 this took a while but I laughed out loud when I saw it"} {"Clue":"Glower from revolutionary about to receive award (5)","Answer":"EMBER","Explanation":"Definition: Glower\nA reversal (revolutionary) of RE (about) round MBE (award) \u2013 neat misdirection and it's refreshing to see this word clued without any reference to months"} {"Clue":"Conservative sought election as democrat \u2014 that's novel (8)","Answer":"CRANFORD","Explanation":"Definition: novel\nC (Conservative) + RAN FOR (sought election as) + D (democrat) \u2013 **novel** by Elizabeth Gaskell\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Fiery character with degree retained as old guide (8)","Answer":"DRAGOMAN","Explanation":"Definition: old guide\nDRAGON (fiery character) round MA (degree) \u2013 this is one of those words that I'd heard but never really knew the meaning of but **now I do\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Unchaste woman's under control outside (4)","Answer":"LEWD","Explanation":"Definition: Unchaste\nLED (under control) round W (woman) I can find W\/w given as an abbreviation only for Women's or women (or wife): Vlad could have used either of the last two, so there could be a typo \u2013 he's usually more precise"} {"Clue":"Feels a little pretentious what the judges are wearing (6)","Answer":"PROBES","Explanation":"Definition: Feels\nP[retentious] + ROBES (what the judges are wearing)"} {"Clue":"Trouble from a number of spectators (it's been contained) (7)","Answer":"AGITATE","Explanation":"Definition: Trouble\nA GATE (a number of spectators) round IT"} {"Clue":"Money behind you, not outside (though you can't count it). (4,4)","Answer":"MASS NOUN","Explanation":"Definition: you can't count it\nM (money) + ASS (behind) + NON (not) round U (you, text speak) \u2013 I really don't want to re-open the can of worms re one of my pet hates \u2013 the confusion about the difference between number and amount so I'll just raise a mild objection to ASS = behind, which Collins and Chambers both list as chiefly North American \/ Canadian slang \u2013 I just happen to hate the word! Not my favourite clue anyway \u2013 this is the one surface I couldn't make much sense of"} {"Clue":"Old Bill turned up at empty school! It hurts to show efficiency? (2,2,6)","Answer":"BE NO SLOUCH","Explanation":"Definition: to show efficiency\nA reversal (turned up) of O (old) + NEB (bill \u2013 this rang a distant crossword bell and I found that the dictionaries give it as archaic \/ dialect \/ chiefly Scottish \/ N English) + S[choo]L ('emptied') + OUCH (it hurts) \u2013 I didn't know this expression"} {"Clue":"When upset, flake out (6)","Answer":"ASLEEP","Explanation":"Definition: out\nAS (when) + a reversal (upset) of PEEL (flake) \u2013 I couldn't find dictionary justification for flake = PEEL but, thinking of paint, it works for me"} {"Clue":"Race boldly run that's closely contested (5,5)","Answer":"LOCAL DERBY","Explanation":"Definition: that's closely contested\nAn anagram (run? \u2013 I'm struggling a bit here but open to suggestions) of RACE BOLDLY \u2013 a nice play on 'closely'"} {"Clue":"Agent's failure during dodgy year (8)","Answer":"EMISSARY","Explanation":"Definition: Agent\nMISS (failure) in an anagram (dodgy) of YEAR"} {"Clue":"Fuss about arresting that man \u2014 him? (8)","Answer":"THEODORE","Explanation":"Definition: him?\nTO-Do (fuss) + RE (about, again) round HE (that man \u2013 the first word to spring to mind here, for me, was 'him' but that's needed for the definition, of course; some might not like a random man's name here )"} {"Clue":"Home failing to accommodate Oscar or Bill (7)","Answer":"INVOICE","Explanation":"Definition: Bill\nIN (home) + VICE (failing) round O (Oscar, NATO alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Caught on record in middle of America (6)","Answer":"CENTER","Explanation":"Definition: middle of America\nC (caught) + ENTER (record)"} {"Clue":"Female reveller, one in West End dropping a tab (6)","Answer":"MAENAD","Explanation":"Definition: Female reveller\nA (one) in MAE (West) [e]ND minus e (dropping a tab{let}); this took a while, even though I got the answer early, from the definition \u2013 they're usually Maenads or Bacchantes"} {"Clue":"Go climbing in one film (4)","Answer":"LIFE","Explanation":"Definition: Go\nA hidden reversal (climbing) in onE FILm"} {"Clue":"Work for printer \u2014 me? (11)","Answer":"TYPESETTING","Explanation":"Definition: Work for printer\nNot really sure about this \u2013 Enigmatist is a type of setter?"} {"Clue":"Having variations in tune quality (7)","Answer":"UNEQUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Having variations\nHidden in tUN EQUALity"} {"Clue":"Tries on pants off the shelf? (2-5)","Answer":"IN-STORE","Explanation":"Definition: off the shelf?\nAn anagram (pants) of TRIES ON"} {"Clue":"1-1: only in second half is eleven beaten badly (2,4,3)","Answer":"AN EVEN BET","Explanation":"Definition: 1-1\nAn anagram (badly) of BEATEN + [ele]VEN"} {"Clue":"Free hit to leg (3,2)","Answer":"LET GO","Explanation":"Definition: Free\nAn anagram (hit) of TO LEG"} {"Clue":"Initiates of alphabetical jigsaw and Araucaria's Xmas Club (4)","Answer":"AJAX","Explanation":"Definition: Club\nInitial letters of Alphabetical Jigsaw and Araucaria's Xmas for the Dutch football club \u2013 calling to mind, of course, the beloved Rev's Araubetical [\u00a9 Muck, as ever] puzzles, sadly missed"} {"Clue":"Remember what, until her rude awakening, Goldilocks didn't have? (4,2,4)","Answer":"BEAR IN MIND","Explanation":"Definition: Remember\nPresumably, Goldilocks wasn't thinking of bears when she went to sleep"} {"Clue":"Duke, licensed to fly, drops (10)","Answer":"DOWNSWINGS","Explanation":"Definition: drops\nI think this is D (duke) OWNS WINGS (has licence to fly)"} {"Clue":"Pressure applied to a US felon (4)","Answer":"PERP","Explanation":"Definition: US felon\nPER (a \u2013 as in \u00a31 a pound) + P (pressure) \u2013 US informal for the perp(etrator) of a crime"} {"Clue":"One settling on bark after wind (5)","Answer":"PAYER","Explanation":"Definition: One settling\nI'm afraid I can't remember how I parsed this"} {"Clue":"Mark's boy holding onto old record company pass (9)","Answer":"SEMICOLON","Explanation":"Definition: Mark\nSON (boy) round EMI (old record company) + COL (pass)"} {"Clue":"As if this country could be construed to be Afro-Asiatic! (7)","Answer":"CROATIA","Explanation":"Definition: this country\nA composite anagram \u2013 I love them! AS IF CROATIA"} {"Clue":"Misleading, as stationary ship may be? (5,2)","Answer":"LYING TO","Explanation":"Definition: Misleadingas stationary ship may be\nRather topical double definition"} {"Clue":"Dressing job performed in theatre smashes European finals (11)","Answer":"ELASTOPLAST","Explanation":"Definition: Dressing\nI just know I could see this in the early hours!"} {"Clue":"Why we'll never please everybody who neatly erases goofs? (6,6,3)","Answer":"THERE\u2019S ALWAYS ONE","Explanation":"Definition: Why we'll never please everybody\nAn anagram (goofs) of WHO NEATLY ERASES \u2013 the rueful comment of many a 'Pointless' contestant"} {"Clue":"Erstwhile plum duffer (5)","Answer":"PRUNE","Explanation":"Definition: Erstwhile plumduffer\nWitty double definition"} {"Clue":"Is this clue like an Alka-Seltzer? (7)","Answer":"SOLUBLE","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Checker, perhaps, who won't be sticking at twenty-one (7)","Answer":"TWISTER","Explanation":"Definition: Checker, perhapswho won't be sticking at twenty-one\nAnother double definition \u2013 doubly nostalgic for me: **Chubby the twister**\u00a0 and a reminder of my grandpa teaching me how to play pontoon"} {"Clue":"Where each August competitive sailors may be offensive (8)","Answer":"INSOLENT","Explanation":"Definition: offensive\nA reference to **Cowes Week Regatta**,\u00a0 held in the **Solent"} {"Clue":"Broadcast desire to land and soon lose consciousness (2,3,4,1,5)","Answer":"GO OUT LIKE A LIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: soon lose consciousness\nGO OUT (broadcast) + LIKE (desire) + ALIGHT (land)"} {"Clue":"Little girl's make-up case guards PIN, enigmatically (5,3,5)","Answer":"SUGAR AND SPICE","Explanation":"Definition: Little girl's make-up\nAn anagram (enigmatically) of CASE GUARDS PIN \u2013 a reference to the sexist nursery rhyme 'What are little boys made of"} {"Clue":"View from another wing, beneath the lower part (6,7)","Answer":"SECOND OPINION","Explanation":"Definition: View from another\nPINION (wing) beneath SECOND (lower) \u2013 but I can't remember where I got the O from!"} {"Clue":"Empress turned up when cross (8)","Answer":"TSARITSA","Explanation":"Definition: Empress\nAnother memory lapse, I'm afraid: a reversal (turned up) of AS (when) \u2026?"} {"Clue":"Tick brown cans you need to recycle (7)","Answer":"INSTANT","Explanation":"Definition: Tick\nAnd another\u00a0 \ud83d\ude41"} {"Clue":"Girl's top, simply ghastly part of uniform (3,4)","Answer":"GYM SLIP","Explanation":"An anagram (ghastly) of G[irl's] SIMPLY \u2013 weren't they just? \u2013 &lit!"} {"Clue":"Pop's broken tea service (5)","Answer":"CHINA","Explanation":"Another mystery (perhaps it's time I retired) IN (pop?) in CHA (tea)"} {"Clue":"Deserve to operate as a dockside worker (9)","Answer":"STEVEDORE","Explanation":"Definition: dockside worker\nAn anagram (to operate) of DESERVE TO"} {"Clue":"Spanish poet coming from Mallorca (5)","Answer":"LORCA","Explanation":"Definition: Spanish poet\nContained in malLORCA"} {"Clue":"Best alfresco function? (5)","Answer":"OUTDO","Explanation":"Definition: Best\nAn alfresco function could be described as an OUT DO \u2013 an old favourite"} {"Clue":"Scotsman and journalist together working initially in a part of Greece (9)","Answer":"MACEDONIA","Explanation":"Definition: part of Greece\nMAC (Scotsman) + ED (journalist) + ON (working) + I[n] + A"} {"Clue":"Silver coin in tin belonging to someone from Barcelona? (7)","Answer":"CATALAN","Explanation":"Definition: someone from Barcelona\nTALA (silver coin) in CAN (tin)"} {"Clue":"EU slang involved in a Catholic prayer (7)","Answer":"ANGELUS","Explanation":"Definition: Catholic prayer\nAn anagram (involved) of EU SLANG"} {"Clue":"Hornby's construction system missing no place in Saudi Arabia (5)","Answer":"MECCA","Explanation":"Definition: place in Saudi Arabia\nMECCA[no] (Hornby's construction system) missing no"} {"Clue":"Maggot first in beef to turn (3)","Answer":"BOT","Explanation":"Definition: Maggot\nB[eef] + a reversal (to turn) of TO"} {"Clue":"Informers with partners impounding ship (5)","Answer":"NARKS","Explanation":"Definition: Informers\nN S (bridge partners) round ARK (ship)"} {"Clue":"First-class seminar on one chapter (7)","Answer":"CLASSIC","Explanation":"Definition: First-class\nCLASS (seminar) + I (one) C (chapter)"} {"Clue":"Head of urology given endlessly stretchy tool (7)","Answer":"UTENSIL","Explanation":"Definition: tool\nU[rology] + TENSIL[e] (stretchy, endlessly)"} {"Clue":"Advantage gained by Dutch champion during preliminary race (4,5)","Answer":"HEAD START","Explanation":"Definition: Advantage gained\nD (Dutch) STAR (champion) in HEAT (preliminary race)"} {"Clue":"Axe stunted trees (5)","Answer":"SCRUB","Explanation":"Definition: Axestunted trees\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Catholic about to practise set of beliefs (5)","Answer":"CREDO","Explanation":"Definition: set of beliefs\nC (Catholic) + RE (about) + DO (practise)"} {"Clue":"Clumsy model sat for Rembrandt's first great painting (3,6)","Answer":"OLD MASTER","Explanation":"Definition: great painting\nAn anagram (clumsy) of MODEL SAT + R[embrandt)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Impresario slowly taking in capital (4)","Answer":"OSLO","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nContained in impresariO SLOwly"} {"Clue":"Extremely suggestive text sent to musicians (6)","Answer":"SEXTET","Explanation":"Definition: musicians\nS[uggestiv]E + an anagram (sent \u2013 Collins: 'moved to excitement or rapture') of TEXT"} {"Clue":"Millions leaving real snowmen to melt in US city (3,7)","Answer":"NEW ORLEANS","Explanation":"Definition: US city\nAn anagram (to melt) of REAL SNOW[m]EN minus m (millions)"} {"Clue":"Crook caught at end of Ramadan in Asian sultanate (6)","Answer":"CONMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Crook\nC (caught) + [ramada]N in OMAN (Asian sultanate)"} {"Clue":"Dealer charged outside church taken in by cops (8)","Answer":"MERCHANT","Explanation":"Definition: Dealer\nMET (police) round RAN (charged) round CH (church)"} {"Clue":"Fish swallowing large lump of earth (4)","Answer":"CLOD","Explanation":"Definition: lump of earth\nCOD (fish) round L (large)"} {"Clue":"Cambridge mathematician with right approach to resistance (8)","Answer":"WRANGLER","Explanation":"Definition: Cambridge mathematician\nW (with) + R (right) + ANGLE (approach \u2013 'a point of view, a way of looking at something': Chambers) + R (resistance) \u2013 a WRANGLER is a student gaining first-class honours in the final mathematics examinations at Cambridge University"} {"Clue":"Drink from California and Virginia (4)","Answer":"CAVA","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nCA (California) + VA (Virginia)"} {"Clue":"Head of sport leaving great magazine (5)","Answer":"COMIC","Explanation":"Definition: magazine\nCO[s]MIC (great) minus S[port]"} {"Clue":"Snigger about raised surface of biscuit (6,4)","Answer":"GINGER SNAP","Explanation":"Definition: biscuit\nAn anagram (about) of SNIGGER + NAP (raised surface)"} {"Clue":"Fibre taken from new sails (5)","Answer":"SISAL","Explanation":"Definition: Fibre\nAn anagram (new) of SAILS"} {"Clue":"Riddles about Pluto absorbing artist (8)","Answer":"CHARADES","Explanation":"Definition: Riddles\nC (about) + HADES (Pluto) round RA (artist)"} {"Clue":"Cowboy's money put on a jumper (8)","Answer":"BUCKAROO","Explanation":"Definition: Cowboy\nBUCK (money) + A ROO (a jumper)"} {"Clue":"Nudity abroad is out of order (6)","Answer":"UNTIDY","Explanation":"Definition: out of order\nAn anagram (abroad) of NUDITY"} {"Clue":"Southern sailors going north catch first of piranha fish (6)","Answer":"SPRATS","Explanation":"Definition: fish\nS (southern) + a reversal (going north, in a down clue) of TARS (sailors) round P[iranha]"} {"Clue":"Old horse's kick (4)","Answer":"HACK","Explanation":"Definition: Old horsekick\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Boozer drinking hooch finally fired (4)","Answer":"SHOT","Explanation":"Definition: fired\nSOT (boozer) round [hooc]H"} {"Clue":"Bishop put on garment over part of nun's habit (4)","Answer":"BARB","Explanation":"Definition: part of nun's habit\nA reversal (over) of BRA (garment) + B (bishop)"} {"Clue":"Mean to check over cause of exposure on beach (3,4)","Answer":"LOW TIDE","Explanation":"Definition: cause of exposure on beach\nLOW (mean) + a reversal (over) of EDIT (check)"} {"Clue":"A little light from Rigel flickered around 2000 (7)","Answer":"GLIMMER","Explanation":"Definition: A little light\nAn anagram (flickered) of RIGEL) round MM (2000)"} {"Clue":"Authentic German playwright, not British (4)","Answer":"ECHT","Explanation":"Definition: Authentic\n(Bertolt) [br]ECHT (German playwright) minus br (British) \u2013 a word I learned years ago from crosswords"} {"Clue":"Conclusion of amusing MC's blue tale of spooks (5,5)","Answer":"GHOST STORY","Explanation":"Definition: tale of spooks\n[amusin]G + HOSTS (MC's) + TORY (blue)"} {"Clue":"Earth's one source of electricity consumed by factory (6)","Answer":"PLANET","Explanation":"Definition: Earth's one\nE[lectricity] in PLANT (factory)"} {"Clue":"Growth promoter, foreign one, cut imports (8)","Answer":"SUNLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Growth promoter\nSLIGHT (cut \u2013 to snub) round UN (French \u2013 foreign \u2013 'one')"} {"Clue":"Are you in Cannes with stars where bankers end up? (9)","Answer":"ESTUARIES","Explanation":"Definition: where bankers end up\nES TU ('are you' in Cannes, therefore French) + ARIES (stars)"} {"Clue":"They look into wrong mark given to swimmers (1-4)","Answer":"X-RAYS","Explanation":"Definition: They look into\nX (wrong mark) + RAYS (fish \u2013 swimmers)"} {"Clue":"Go round passing remarks about earth's core (5)","Answer":"ORBIT","Explanation":"Definition: Go round\nOBIT(uary) (passing remarks) round eaRth"} {"Clue":"Former star to boycott part of course (5,4)","Answer":"BLACK HOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Former star\nBLACK (boycott) + HOLE (part of golf course)"} {"Clue":"Daily item on sale for scheduled period (4,4)","Answer":"TIME SLOT","Explanation":"Definition: scheduled period\nTIMES (daily newspaper) + LOT (item on sale at an auction)"} {"Clue":"Revolting individual's parting call (6)","Answer":"RISING","Explanation":"Definition: Revolting\nI'S (individual's) in (parting) RING (call)"} {"Clue":"Expert missing home went on cutting rose from Cape? (7,3)","Answer":"BLASTED OFF","Explanation":"Definition: rose from Cape\nLASTED (went on) in (cutting) BOFF[in] (expert) minus in (home): reference to Cape Canaveral \u2013 a definition by example, hence the question mark"} {"Clue":"Got off line in island (4)","Answer":"ALIT","Explanation":"Definition: Got off\nL (line) in AIT (island)"} {"Clue":"Astronauts primarily vote by rating missions (7)","Answer":"APOLLOS","Explanation":"Definition: missions\nA[stronauts] + POLL (vote) + OS (Ordinary Seaman \u2013 rating)"} {"Clue":"Colleague gets over some work aversion (7)","Answer":"ALLERGY","Explanation":"Definition: aversion\nALLY (colleague) round ERG (some work)"} {"Clue":"Old sects screening head of comet's eclipses (7)","Answer":"OCCULTS","Explanation":"Definition: eclipses\nO (old) + CULTS (sects) round C[omet]"} {"Clue":"Artist leaves out one moon of Saturn (5)","Answer":"TITAN","Explanation":"Definition: moon of Saturn\nTIT[i]AN (artist) minus i (one)"} {"Clue":"What sailor may follow follows sailor! (3,4)","Answer":"DOG STAR","Explanation":"Definition: What sailor may follow\nDOGS (follows) TAR (sailor)"} {"Clue":"Hidden talent's wasted (6)","Answer":"LATENT","Explanation":"Definition: Hidden\nAn anagram (wasted) of TALENT"} {"Clue":"Leading lady curtailed test in protest (9)","Answer":"MATRIARCH","Explanation":"Definition: Leading lady\nTRIA[l] (curtailed test) in MARCH (protest)"} {"Clue":"Lieutenant initially laid into lusty corporal (7)","Answer":"EARTHLY","Explanation":"Definition: corporal\nL[ieutenant] in EARTHY (lusty) \u2013 corporal and earthly as opposed to spiritual and heavenly, I think"} {"Clue":"Stars sent bananas during light meal (13)","Answer":"CONSTELLATION","Explanation":"Definition: Stars\nAn anagram (bananas) of SENT in COLLATION (light meal)"} {"Clue":"Catholic sort of joint (9)","Answer":"UNIVERSAL","Explanation":"Definition: Catholicsort of joint\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"London area's one mistake? Chasing game (7)","Answer":"RUISLIP","Explanation":"Definition: London area\nI (one) SLIP after RU (rugby union \u2013 game) \u2013 this may have taxed non-UK solvers"} {"Clue":"Wary load of passengers ingest drug (7)","Answer":"CAREFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Wary\nCARFUL (load of passengers) round E (ecstasy \u2013 drug)"} {"Clue":"End of flight, outdoors and in (7)","Answer":"LANDING","Explanation":"Definition: End of flight\nDouble definition: end of flight of aeroplane or spacecraft (outdoors) or a flight of stairs (indoors)"} {"Clue":"Glow from heavenly body in marital bed occasionally (6)","Answer":"ALBEDO","Explanation":"Definition: Glow from heavenly body\nHidden in maritAL BED Occasionally \u2013 from my dictionary research, I think the definition might arouse discussion but I'm not qualified to initiate it"} {"Clue":"Bath church's room (5)","Answer":"SPACE","Explanation":"Definition: room\nSPA (bath) + CE (Church of England)"} {"Clue":"Part of France's established church (8)","Answer":"PROVENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Part of France\nPROVEN (established) + CE (Church of England)"} {"Clue":"Rereading Proust produces a state of mental inertia (6)","Answer":"STUPOR","Explanation":"Definition: a state of mental inertia\nAn anagram (rereading) of PROUST"} {"Clue":"Cashier lost about five records (8)","Answer":"ARCHIVES","Explanation":"Definition: records\nAn anagram (lost) of CASHIER round V (five)"} {"Clue":"These are black and white under\u00adwear items on non-binary third person (6)","Answer":"ZEBRAS","Explanation":"Definition: These are black and white\nZE (a gender-neutral pronoun {with variations zir, zem, and zeir} that can be used to refer to people who are non-binary + BRAS (underwear)"} {"Clue":"This country is back \u2014 after having an illness \u2014 that's just for starters (5)","Answer":"HAIKU","Explanation":"A reversal of UK (this country) after the initial letters (just for starters) of Having An Illness"} {"Clue":"Try to be seen in reflected light for practice (9)","Answer":"REHEARSAL","Explanation":"Definition: practice\nHEAR (try) in a reversal (reflected) of LASER (light)"} {"Clue":"Rogue nation, if kept under threat (2,10)","Answer":"AT KNIFEPOINT","Explanation":"Definition: under threat\nAn anagram (rogue) of NATION IF KEPT"} {"Clue":"Matador does this extremely elegant manoeuvre to avoid disaster (5,1,6)","Answer":"DODGE A BULLET","Explanation":"Definition: manoeuvre to avoid disaster\nDODGE A BULL (matador does this) + E[legan]T"} {"Clue":"Note Europe's backing Philistine's approval of Matilda? (9)","Answer":"PSEUDONYM","Explanation":"Definition: Matilda?\nPS (postscript \u2013 note) + EU (Europe) + a reversal (backing) of MY NOD (Philistine's approval) \u2013 Matilda is the pseudonym of a Guardian setter (definition by example, hence the question mark), rumoured here to be Mrs Philistine"} {"Clue":"Join university before half-term (5)","Answer":"UNITE","Explanation":"Definition: Join\nUNI (University) before TE[rm]"} {"Clue":"Spain and Portugal start to indict secret police chief (6)","Answer":"IBERIA","Explanation":"Definition: Spain and Portugal\nI[ndict] + (Lavrentiy) BERIA (secret police chief under Stalin) \u2013 I didn't know that"} {"Clue":"Jazz fan appearing in different music show (8)","Answer":"INDICATE","Explanation":"Definition: show\nCAT (jazz fan) in INDIE (different music)"} {"Clue":"One reason to visit the National Gallery would be to write music! (6)","Answer":"NOTATE","Explanation":"Definition: write music\nIf there were NO TATE (gallery), one might go to the National instead"} {"Clue":"Fire, having caught sight of retreat in range (8)","Answer":"PYRENEES","Explanation":"Definition: range\nPYRE (fire) + a reversal (retreat) of SEEN (caught sight of)"} {"Clue":"Splendid, if cheap, shot by Yankee (6)","Answer":"PEACHY","Explanation":"Definition: Splendid\nAn anagram (shot) of CHEAP + Y (Yankee \u2013 NATO alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Officer not content, having criticised a bloomer (6)","Answer":"ORCHID","Explanation":"Definition: bloomer\nO[ffice]R, without its content + CHID (criticised)"} {"Clue":"Procedure for rejecting an antique settee left uncovered outside (9)","Answer":"ETIQUETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Procedure\nI solved the puzzle in the wee small hours and puzzled long and hard over the parsing of this: I could see all the components of the answer in the clue and got as far as [an]TIQUE (antique rejecting an) + [s]ETTE[e] ('uncovered') \u2013 but that left me with an e in the middle when I wanted it to be at the beginning! I finally gave up and hoped that, in time-honoured fashion, after a break \u2013 and some sleep \u2013 during which my subconscious would work on it, all would be clear in the morning. Unfortunately, that didn't happen, so it's over to you\n\n**Edit: please see comments 1 and 2\u00a0 \u2013 many thanks to michelle and Petert et al"} {"Clue":"Open space on riverside for financial institution (8,4)","Answer":"CLEARING BANK","Explanation":"Definition: financial institution\nCLEARING (open space) BANK (riverside)"} {"Clue":"Letter from abroad for volunteer soldiers until recently (5)","Answer":"THETA","Explanation":"Definition: Letter from abroad\nTHE TA (Territorial Army \u2013 volunteer soldiers) as The Army Reserve was known until 2014"} {"Clue":"Mediterranean city's temper is rising. Help! (4,4)","Answer":"PORT SAID","Explanation":"Definition: Mediterranean city\nA reversal (rising, in a down clue) of STROP (temper \u2013 I love that word) + AID (help)"} {"Clue":"Our steel is forged to be firm (8)","Answer":"RESOLUTE","Explanation":"Definition: firm\nAn anagram (forged) of OUR STEEL"} {"Clue":"Everything for Montgomery? (3,4,5)","Answer":"THE FULL MONTY","Explanation":"Definition: Everything\nMonty, in full, is Montgomery"} {"Clue":"Sexism may be regularly sparked by vodka essence in non-alcoholic drink (9)","Answer":"PREJUDICE","Explanation":"Definition: Sexism may be\nsPaRkEd + D (middle letter \u2013 essence \u2013 of voDka in JUICE (non-alcoholic drink)"} {"Clue":"Endorsement of commercial choice (8)","Answer":"ADOPTION","Explanation":"Definition: Endorsement\nAD (commercial) + OPTION (choice)"} {"Clue":"Supporter for the woman in a depression (8)","Answer":"ADHERENT","Explanation":"Definition: Supporter\nHER (the woman) in A DENT (a depression)"} {"Clue":"Stretch and have a long life, it is said (6)","Answer":"DILATE","Explanation":"Definition: Stretch\nSounds like (it is said) 'die late' (have a long life)"} {"Clue":"Reckless to ignore Malaysia's capital for a break (6)","Answer":"RECESS","Explanation":"Definition: break\nREC[kl]ESS minus KL (Kuala Lumpur \u2013 Malaysia's capital)"} {"Clue":"Stop rejecting the heart of Jesus to become a believer (5)","Answer":"DEIST","Explanation":"Definition: believer\nDE[s]IST (stop) minus s (the middle letter \u2013 heart \u2013 of Jesus)"} {"Clue":"Logical source of rubber silicate product (9)","Answer":"REALISTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Logical\nAn anagram (product) of R(ubber) SILICATE \u2013 not entirely convinced about the definition here"} {"Clue":"One wearing jumper to show lover (5)","Answer":"ROMEO","Explanation":"Definition: lover\nME (one) in (wearing) ROO (jumper)"} {"Clue":"Reaction on getting wind of book on topless movie star (5)","Answer":"BELCH","Explanation":"Definition: Reaction on getting wind\nB (BOOK) + (Raquel) [w]ELCH ('topless' movie star)"} {"Clue":"Naval chap makes a tender lover? (9)","Answer":"BOATSWAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Naval chap\nBOAT (tender) + SWAIN (lover)"} {"Clue":"They may produce a spell of levity before the game, cutting Spurs' lead (7)","Answer":"WITCHES","Explanation":"Definition: They may produce a spell\nWIT (levity?) + CHES[s] (game) minus first letter of [s]purs"} {"Clue":"Royal motto: 'One should have church study around one' (3,4)","Answer":"ICH DIEN","Explanation":"Definition: Royal motto\nI (one) + CH (church) + DEN (study) round I (one) \u2013 **the motto of the Prince of Wales"} {"Clue":"Pharaoh's cut-down gold coach (5)","Answer":"TUTOR","Explanation":"TUT(ankhamun) (cut-down Pharaoh) + OR (gold, in heraldry)"} {"Clue":"State's detailed objective (3)","Answer":"GOA","Explanation":"Definition: State\nGOA[l] (objective) 'detailed'"} {"Clue":"The country's back on the drink! (5)","Answer":"NIGER","Explanation":"Definition: The country\nA reversal (back) of RE (on) + GIN (drink)"} {"Clue":"More bloody wrapping round bottom of tree securing animals! (3,4)","Answer":"RED DEER","Explanation":"Definition: animals\nREDDER (more bloody) round E (bottom of \u2013 in an across clue? \u2013 treE) \u2013 the weakest clue, I thought (excused by the exclamation mark?) I might be missing something"} {"Clue":"Support in the air for old military officer (7)","Answer":"TRIBUNE","Explanation":"RIB (support) in TUNE (air)"} {"Clue":"Go on working in local drive to make a record (9)","Answer":"PHONOGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: record\nAn anagram (working) of GO ON in PH (public house \u2013 local) + RAM (drive)"} {"Clue":"Instrument with heavy end grasping female (5)","Answer":"HARPY","Explanation":"Definition: grasping female\nHARP (instrument) + [heav]Y \u2013** here they are** in 'Jason and the Argonauts'"} {"Clue":"Cocaine port's opening (5)","Answer":"CLEFT","Explanation":"Definition: opening\nC (cocaine) + L (left \u2013 port)"} {"Clue":"One sets off to tip over rubbish, one observed (9)","Answer":"DETONATOR","Explanation":"Definition: One sets off\nA reversal (to tip over) of ROT (rubbish) A (one) NOTED (observed)"} {"Clue":"Almost a means of punishment turning up for a game! (4)","Answer":"CRIB","Explanation":"Definition: game\nA reversal (turning up) of BIRC[h] (a means of punishment, almost) \u2013 card game whose full name is cribbage"} {"Clue":"Community tree is back in Derby? (6)","Answer":"HAMLET","Explanation":"Definition: Community\nA reversal (back) of ELM (tree) in HAT (Derby) \u2013 definition by example, hence the question mark"} {"Clue":"Cavalry gets flash gym equipment (5,5)","Answer":"LIGHT HORSE","Explanation":"Definition: Cavalry\nLIGHT (flash) + HORSE (gym equipment)"} {"Clue":"One who studied the horses and broadcast tips (6)","Answer":"STUBBS","Explanation":"Definition: One who studied the horses\nSounds like (broadcast) stubs (tips) \u2013 George Stubbs the artist, who painted horses"} {"Clue":"Act is rudely interrupted by agents, which is a pain (8)","Answer":"SCIATICA","Explanation":"Definition: pain\nAn anagram (rudely) of ACT IS round (interrupted by) CIA (agents)"} {"Clue":"Satirise, not overindulge Murdoch? (4)","Answer":"IRIS","Explanation":"Definition: Murdoch?\n[sat]IRIS[e] minus sate (overindulge) for **this Murdoch"} {"Clue":"Male involved in intense defamatory action (8)","Answer":"SMEARING","Explanation":"Definition: defamatory action\nM (male) in SEARING (intense)"} {"Clue":"Major, say, convenience (4)","Answer":"JOHN","Explanation":"Definition: Major, sayconvenience\nDouble definition, one from each side of the Atlantic"} {"Clue":"Element of a battle, when throne is lost (5)","Answer":"WATER","Explanation":"Definition: Element\nWATER[loo] (battle) minus loo \u2013 throne: two more slang words for convenience"} {"Clue":"Elected to part two workers, closely connected (4,2,4)","Answer":"HAND IN HAND","Explanation":"Definition: closely connected\nIN (elected) parting two HANDs (workers)"} {"Clue":"A sort of shark harbour (5)","Answer":"NURSE","Explanation":"Definition: A sort of sharkharbou\nDouble definition \u2013** here's** the first"} {"Clue":"Help through a period when marine action finished? (4,4)","Answer":"TIDE OVER","Explanation":"Definition: Help through a period\nTIDE (marine action) OVER (finished)"} {"Clue":"Become coarse, taking Rex for a drama queen (8)","Answer":"GERTRUDE","Explanation":"Definition: a drama queen\nGET RUDE (become coarse) round R (Rex)"} {"Clue":"Overly protective of Mother Terry's prime fruit (6)","Answer":"TOMATO","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nTOO (overly) round (protective of) MA (mother) + first letter (prime) of T[erry] \u2013 I couldn't find any reference to a Mother Terry, which was disappointing: I do love it when setters exploit real names, as most of them do \u2013 but I may have missed something"} {"Clue":"Raise the standard of upper class foolish talk (6)","Answer":"UPRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Raise the standard of\nU (upper class) + PRATE (foolish talk)"} {"Clue":"Object of game is getting back the prize, with luck finally (4)","Answer":"PUCK","Explanation":"Definition: Object of game\nA reversal (getting back) of CUP (prize) + [luc]K"} {"Clue":"Bond in limbo? A thought (4)","Answer":"OATH","Explanation":"Definition: Bond\nHidden in limbO A THought \u2013 'My word is my bond'"} {"Clue":"House's character considered by 2, though not in charge (4)","Answer":"YORK","Explanation":"Definition: House\nYOR[ic]K (character considered by HAMLET at 2ac minus ic (in charge)"} {"Clue":"Line nailed by author,\u00a0 only just (6)","Answer":"HARDLY","Explanation":"Definition: only just\nL (line) in (nailed by) (Thomas) HARDY (writer)"} {"Clue":"Curious, Guardian's questionable statement (6)","Answer":"RUMOUR","Explanation":"Definition: questionable statement\nRUM (curious) + OUR (Guardian's)"} {"Clue":"State capital placed within a river (8)","Answer":"ADELAIDE","Explanation":"Definition: State capital\nLAID (placed) within A DEE (a river)"} {"Clue":"People united in hope helping to defend popular front, new adventure's beginning (7,6)","Answer":"RAINBOW NATION","Explanation":"Definition: People united in hope\nRATION (helping) round (to defend) IN (popular) BOW (front) + N[ew] A[dventure's]"} {"Clue":"Probe into criminal intercepting personal ID (7,11)","Answer":"GENETIC FINGERPRINT","Explanation":"Definition: personal ID\nFINGER (probe) in an anagram (criminal) of INTERCEPTING"} {"Clue":"Some words from junior sleigh rider in speech? (11,6)","Answer":"SUBORDINATE CLAUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Some words\nSounds (in speech) like SUBORDINATE CLAUS (junior sleigh rider?) \u2013 I'd have liked a bit more wordplay here and I thought the definition was rather loose"} {"Clue":"Model courted a master (8)","Answer":"EDUCATOR","Explanation":"Definition: master\nAn anagram (model) of COURTED A"} {"Clue":"Soul, after treatment, indeed scratching no more? (8)","Answer":"DELOUSED","Explanation":"Definition: scratching no more?\nAn anagram (after treatment) of SOUL in DEED"} {"Clue":"Was a teaser scruffy? (6)","Answer":"RAGGED","Explanation":"Definition: Was a teaserscruffy\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Twin having fallen from campanile? (4,6)","Answer":"DEAD RINGER","Explanation":"Definition: Twin\nCryptic definition: a ringer who fell from a bell tower might well be dead"} {"Clue":"Lingo, tad barking? (3,5)","Answer":"DOG LATIN","Explanation":"Definition: Lingo\nAn anagram (barking, appropriately) of LINGO TAD"} {"Clue":"Charger available for flat, lead in bedroom plugged in (8,4)","Answer":"HEREFORD BULL","Explanation":"Definition: Charger\nHERE (available) + FOR + DULL (flat) round B[edroom]"} {"Clue":"R for Romeo? (8,4)","Answer":"ROMANTIC LEAD","Explanation":"Definition: R for Romeo?\nDouble \/ cryptic definition? R is the leading letter of ROMANTIC and Romeo = R in the NATO alphabet"} {"Clue":"Bird in Brazil is scarlet, primarily (4)","Answer":"IBIS","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nInitial letters of In Brazil Is Scarlet"} {"Clue":"Ultimately, due process a bit problematic \u2014 much huffing and puffing on the bench? (4,8)","Answer":"STEP AEROBICS","Explanation":"Definition: much huffing and puffing on the bench?\nAn anagram (problematic) of [du]E PROCESS A BIT"} {"Clue":"Uncle, one prodding muscle of Spooner? (10)","Answer":"PAWNBROKER","Explanation":"Definition: Uncle\nBrawn poker \u2013 for Spooner, one prodding muscle"} {"Clue":"Hot crew filling pipe (8)","Answer":"STEAMING","Explanation":"Definition: Hot\nTEAM (crew) in SING (pipe)"} {"Clue":"Loose rocks over elevated cave shown (8)","Answer":"SCREENED","Explanation":"Definition: shown\nSCREE (loose rocks) + a reversal (elevated) of DEN (cave)"} {"Clue":"Tight trousers splitting finally, vehicle held overhead \u2014 strain every sinew (4,1,3)","Answer":"BUST A GUT","Explanation":"Definition: strain every sinew\nTAUT (tight) round (trousers) [splittin]G, with BUS (vehicle) held overhead, in a down clue"} {"Clue":"Back in Newquay, a pasty I served up, as it were (2,1,3)","Answer":"IN A WAY","Explanation":"Definition: as it were\nA reversal (up, in a down clue) of [newqua]Y A WAN (pasty, rhyming with hasty \u2013 not the meat and vegetable pie associated with (Newquay) Cornwall + I"} {"Clue":"Penny-pinching pillager, crooked Frenchman on the fiddle (9)","Answer":"GRAPPELLI","Explanation":"Definition: Frenchman on the fiddle\nAn anagram (crooked) of PILLAGER round (pinching) P (penny) for **this fiddling Frenchman"} {"Clue":"Greeting daughter with extremely emotional call off peak (5)","Answer":"YODEL","Explanation":"Definition: call off peak\nYO (greeting) + D (daughter) + E[motiona]L"} {"Clue":"Where order is kept to release criminal at first (7)","Answer":"CONVENT","Explanation":"Definition: Where order is kept\nVENT (release) with CON (criminal) first"} {"Clue":"Start, as thieves may, to engage with two breaking in (3-4)","Answer":"HOT-WIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Start, as thieves may\nHIRE (engage) round an anagram (breaking) of TWO \u2013 a new one on me: 'to start the engine of a vehicle, usually illegally, without a key, by manipulating the wiring' (Chambers)"} {"Clue":"Places to park behind vehicles from Spain (5)","Answer":"SEATS","Explanation":"Definition: Places to park behindvehicles from Spain\nA neat double definition, which made me laugh"} {"Clue":"Stone to crush \u2014 this is just breaking now! (4,5)","Answer":"STOP PRESS","Explanation":"Definition: this is just breaking now!\nST (stone) + OPPRESS (crush)"} {"Clue":"What mum does, receiving letters about the future for Bill? (3,2,10)","Answer":"ACT OF PARLIAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: future for Bill?\nACT OF PARENT (what mum does) round a reversal (about) of MAIL (letters)"} {"Clue":"Club sandwiches have to be nearer the mouth (9)","Answer":"DOWNRIVER","Explanation":"Definition: nearer the mouth\nDRIVER (golf club) round (sandwiches) OWN (have)"} {"Clue":"More precise haulier ditching fashion label (5)","Answer":"TRUER","Explanation":"Definition: More precise\nTRU[ck]ER (haulier) minus CK (Calvin Klein \u2013 fashion label)"} {"Clue":"Showing a complex palinode, wanting name translated (7)","Answer":"OEDIPAL","Explanation":"Definition: Showing a complex\nAn anagram (translated) of PALI[n]ODE minus n (name)"} {"Clue":"It downplays setter getting eaten by 50 bears (7)","Answer":"LITOTES","Explanation":"Definition: It downplays\nI (setter) in L (fifty) TOTES (bears) \u2013 one of my favourite words"} {"Clue":"Muslim group welcoming very revered Indian (5)","Answer":"SHIVA","Explanation":"Definition: revered Indian\nSHIA (Muslim group) round V (very)"} {"Clue":"Feeling less clear over site of recent parties (6,3)","Answer":"NUMBER TEN","Explanation":"Definition: site of recent parties\nNUMBER (feeling less) + a reversal (over) of NET (clear, as in earnings) \u2013 the gift to setters that goes on giving"} {"Clue":"Urge VIP to tuck into stock food: it's sweet stuff (3,7)","Answer":"EGG CUSTARD","Explanation":"Definition: sweet stuff\nEGG (urge) + STAR (VIP) in CUD (stock {cattle} food)"} {"Clue":"Spar with graduates boxing in street (8)","Answer":"MAINMAST","Explanation":"Definition: Spar\nMA MA (graduates) round (boxing) IN + ST (street)"} {"Clue":"Drugs? Being on these, one would be broke (6)","Answer":"UPPERS","Explanation":"Definition: Drugs?Being on these, one would be broke (6)\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"It's not bubbly in large heavy bottles (4)","Answer":"FLAT","Explanation":"Definition: It's not bubbly\nFAT (heavy) round (bottles) L (large)"} {"Clue":"Better description of a tsunami, possibly (4,6)","Answer":"HIGH ROLLER","Explanation":"Definition: Betterdescription of a tsunami, possibly\nDouble definition, the first being 'a person who spends money extravagantly or bets recklessly', which Collins (not Chambers) has as *chiefly US and Canadian slang *\u2013 new for me"} {"Clue":"Mince pasty I'd stuffed with nothing in awful state (8)","Answer":"DYSTOPIA","Explanation":"Definition: awful state\nAn anagram (mince) of PASTY I'D round (stuffed with) O (nothing) \u2013 the opposite of Utopia"} {"Clue":"Guidance in case of acknowledged wrongdoing (6)","Answer":"ADVICE","Explanation":"Definition: Guidance\nA[cknowledge]D + VICE (wrongdoing)"} {"Clue":"This is one prompt to pen line (4)","Answer":"CLUE","Explanation":"Definition: This is one\nCUE (prompt) round L (line)"} {"Clue":"Girl set out with van, one that's utterly empty (10)","Answer":"STARVELING","Explanation":"Definition: one that's utterly empty\nAn anagram (out) of GIRL SET VAN"} {"Clue":"Taking off coat in Swansea, turning it upward (10)","Answer":"SATIRISING","Explanation":"Definition: Taking off\nS[wanse]A + a reversal (turning) of IT + RISING (upward)"} {"Clue":"It creates excitement on behalf of online work (8)","Answer":"FOREPLAY","Explanation":"Definition: It creates excitement\nFOR (on behalf of) + E-PLAY, which could be an online work"} {"Clue":"Emit gas and perhaps smoke around gallery (8)","Answer":"ERUCTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Emit gas\nA reversal (around) of CURE (smoke) + TATE (gallery)"} {"Clue":"Soldier punching awful weed pulling prank on American (6)","Answer":"WEDGIE","Explanation":"Definition: pulling prank on American\nGI (soldier) in an anagram (awful) of WEED \u2013 another new one for me: you can read about it **here** \u2013 but you probably knew already (I don't know why 'on American' though: Chambers has no such indication"} {"Clue":"Gossip heard in bourgeois magazine (6)","Answer":"TATLER","Explanation":"Definition: bourgeois magazine\nSounds like (heard) tattler (gossip) \u2013 but I think the magazine probably derived its name from the homophone"} {"Clue":"Fight on horseback with no leader to unseat (4)","Answer":"OUST","Explanation":"Definition: unseat\n[j]OUST (fight on horseback)"} {"Clue":"Dancing bishop leaves one stretched out on the road (4)","Answer":"LIMO","Explanation":"Definition: one stretched out on the road\nLIM[b]O (dancing) minus b (bishop)"} {"Clue":"Highly suspicious airman lacking papers (8)","Answer":"PARANOID","Explanation":"Definition: Highly suspicious\nPARA (airman) + NO ID (lacking papers)"} {"Clue":"Son who plays truant (2-4)","Answer":"NO-SHOW","Explanation":"Definition: truant\nAn anagram (plays) of SON WHO"} {"Clue":"Relish is French with zero added (4)","Answer":"ZEST","Explanation":"Definition: Relish\nEST ('is' in French) after Z (zero)"} {"Clue":"Irrelevant alarm I time to go off (10)","Answer":"IMMATERIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Irrelevant\nAn anagram (to go off) of ALARM I TIME"} {"Clue":"Threat from soldiers on crack (6)","Answer":"MENACE","Explanation":"Definition: Threat\nMEN (soldiers) + ACE (crack)"} {"Clue":"Pitiful tale of son of a bitch and Southern politician (3,5)","Answer":"SOB STORY","Explanation":"Definition: Pitiful tale\nSOB (son of a bitch) + S (Southern) + TORY (politician)"} {"Clue":"Throw about rum that's cheap and nasty (6)","Answer":"SHODDY","Explanation":"Definition: cheap and nasty\nSHY (throw) round ODD (rum)"} {"Clue":"Use gin to develop brilliance (6)","Answer":"GENIUS","Explanation":"Definition: brilliance\nAn anagram (to develop) of USE GIN"} {"Clue":"Suspend meetings of professional fraudster? (8)","Answer":"PROROGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Suspend meetings of\nPRO (professional) + ROGUE (fraudster)"} {"Clue":"Small, almost entirely disgusting, bug (6)","Answer":"WEEVIL","Explanation":"Definition: bug\nWEE (small) + VIL[e] (disgusting, almost entirely)"} {"Clue":"Character of intricate particle (10)","Answer":"COMPLEXION","Explanation":"Definition: Character\nCOMPLEX (intricate) + ION (particle)"} {"Clue":"Papers initially banned under ministerial framework (4)","Answer":"BUMF","Explanation":"Definition: Papers\nInitial letters of Banned Under Ministerial Framework"} {"Clue":"Passed a territory containing grave (6)","Answer":"SEDATE","Explanation":"Definition: grave\nContained in pasSED A TErritory"} {"Clue":"Look after European that Parisian conservation group finds persuasive (8)","Answer":"ELOQUENT","Explanation":"Definition: persuasive\nLO (look) after E (European) + QUE (French \u2013 Parisian \u2013 for 'that') + NT (National Trust \u2013 conservation group)"} {"Clue":"Inattentive pedestrian perhaps crosses end of avenue (8)","Answer":"CARELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Inattentive\nCARLESS (pedestrian, perhaps) round [avenu]E"} {"Clue":"It can transport\u00a0 a large number (4)","Answer":"RAFT","Explanation":"Definition: It can transporta large number\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Thick unpleasant smell above climber (6)","Answer":"BOVINE","Explanation":"Definition: Thick\nBO (unpleasant smell) + VINE (climber)"} {"Clue":"Powerless to cross street to get bananas (8)","Answer":"UNSTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: bananas\nUNABLE (powerless) round ST (street)"} {"Clue":"Directories head of department lost when moving desk (10)","Answer":"ESCRITOIRE","Explanation":"Definition: desk\nAn anagram (when moving) of [d]IRECTORIES minus d (head of Department lost)"} {"Clue":"Locks securing books and eyewash (3,3)","Answer":"HOT AIR","Explanation":"Definition: eyewash\nHAIR (locks) round OT (Old Testament \u2013 books)"} {"Clue":"Failure in half of London area? (6)","Answer":"DEMISE","Explanation":"Definition: Failure\nDEMI (half) + SE (London area)"} {"Clue":"Questionable royal chap dancing around front of palace (10)","Answer":"APOCRYPHAL","Explanation":"Definition: Questionable\nAn anagram (dancing) of ROYAL CHAP round P[alace]"} {"Clue":"Good government has merely to disregard outsiders and follow party lines (8)","Answer":"DOGGEREL","Explanation":"Definition: lines\nDO (party) followed by G (good) G (government) + [m]EREL[y], disregarding 'outsiders'"} {"Clue":"Consignment from small trendy chaps with a bit of talent (8)","Answer":"SHIPMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Consignment\nS (small) + HIP (trendy) + MEN (chaps) + T[alent]"} {"Clue":"Iron crease for Tom perhaps (6)","Answer":"FELINE","Explanation":"Definition: Tom perhaps\nFE (iron) + LINE (crease)"} {"Clue":"King in dodgy rodeo cheated (6)","Answer":"ROOKED","Explanation":"Definition: cheated\nK (king) in an anagram (dodgy) of RODEO"} {"Clue":"Secure present for fan (6)","Answer":"WINNOW","Explanation":"Definition: fan\nWIN (secure) + NOW (present)"} {"Clue":"Smear something on back of book obscuring ending (4)","Answer":"BLUR","Explanation":"Definition: Smear\nBLUR[b] (something on back of book) minus its final letter"} {"Clue":"Queen, involved in lousy oil transaction, makes a speech (9)","Answer":"SOLILOQUY","Explanation":"Definition: speech\nAn anagram (involved) of Q (queen) + LOUSY OIL"} {"Clue":"One stands to the right of East Ender's impoverished plant (8)","Answer":"BRASSICA","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nA (one) after (to the right of, in an across clue) BRASSIC \u2013 a slang pronunciation of boracic: Cockney (East End) rhyming slang for boracic lint \u2013 skint (impoverished)"} {"Clue":"Street band, Troy, casually accepting His Eminence's explanation of everything? (6,6)","Answer":"STRING THEORY","Explanation":"Definition: explanation of everything?\nST (street) + RING (band) + an anagram (casually) of TROY round HE (His Eminence)"} {"Clue":"Old-fashioned you, having S&M! (8)","Answer":"THOUSAND","Explanation":"Definition: M!\nTHOU (old-fashioned you) + S AND"} {"Clue":"Restless type of fellow one would become (6)","Answer":"FIDGET","Explanation":"Definition: Restless type\nF (fellow) + I'D (one would) GET (become)"} {"Clue":"Space mission souvenir display behind tip (8)","Answer":"MOONROCK","Explanation":"Definition: Space mission souvenir\nMOON (display behind) + ROCK (tip)"} {"Clue":"Company actor's top covered by plain item of clothing (8)","Answer":"OVERCOAT","Explanation":"Definition: item of clothing\nCO (company) + A[ctor] in OVERT (plain to see)"} {"Clue":"Spotted drugs of different colours (6)","Answer":"ESPIED","Explanation":"Definition: Spotted\nES (drugs) + PIED (of different colours)"} {"Clue":"Sentimentality effected with each brainwave (4,4)","Answer":"GOOD IDEA","Explanation":"Definition: brainwave\nGOO (sentimentality) + DID (effected) + EA (each)"} {"Clue":"Chatter about Dicky's outcome (3-3)","Answer":"PAY-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: outcome\nA reversal (about) of YAP (chatter) + OFF (dicky)"} {"Clue":"End the French tax levied by French king! (6)","Answer":"TAILLE","Explanation":"Definition: tax levied by French king\nTAIL (end) + LE (the French)"} {"Clue":"Accordingly, protecting against a grand capital city (8)","Answer":"SANTIAGO","Explanation":"Definition: capital city\nSO (accordingly) round ANTI (against) A G (a grand)"} {"Clue":"Cut Channel's source for blubber? (4,4)","Answer":"TEAR DUCT","Explanation":"Definition: source for blubber?\nTEAR (cut?) + DUCT (channel)"} {"Clue":"Old player determined to get a ham regional accent (9)","Answer":"MUMMERSET","Explanation":"Definition: ham regional accent\nMUMMER (old player) + SET (determined) \u2013 see **here"} {"Clue":"Parade prop (5)","Answer":"STRUT","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Not so acceptable, being next to good novelist (7)","Answer":"LESSING","Explanation":"Definition: novelist\nLESS 'IN' (not so acceptable) + G (good) \u2013 **the 2007 Nobel Laureate"} {"Clue":"Not standing as a politician, many would assume? (5)","Answer":"LYING","Explanation":"Definition: Not standingas a politician, many would assume?\nDouble definition, politicians, along with estate agents, bankers and journalists et al, being traditionally regarded by the British public as among those least worthy of trust"} {"Clue":"Scientific attempt to formulate fundamental rules of squash \u2014 mutiny, PC involved! (7,7)","Answer":"QUANTUM PHYSICS","Explanation":"Definition: Scientific attempt to formulate fundamental rules\nAn anagram (involved \u2013 again) of SQUASH MUTINY PC"} {"Clue":"Appearing later: coyote, initially tamed, crossed with setter (3,2,4)","Answer":"YET TO COME","Explanation":"Definition: Appearing later\nAn anagram (crossed) of COYOTE T[amed] + ME (setter)"} {"Clue":"One getting ready item of furniture (7)","Answer":"DRESSER","Explanation":"Definition: One getting readyitem of furniture\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Record large number used chlorine (9)","Answer":"CHRONICLE","Explanation":"Definition: Record\nC (100 \u2013 large number) + an anagram (used) of CHLORINE"} {"Clue":"Popular musical instrument, extremely tactile, but untouched? (9)","Answer":"INVIOLATE","Explanation":"Definition: untouched\nIN (popular) + VIOLA (musical instrument) + T[actil]E"} {"Clue":"Organised hen do in smart European port (9)","Answer":"TRONDHEIM","Explanation":"Definition: European port\nAn anagram (organised) of HEN DO in TRIM (smart)"} {"Clue":"Two daughters interrupting irritating type, who poses a problem (7)","Answer":"RIDDLER","Explanation":"Definition: who poses a problem\nDD (two daughters) in RILER (irritating type)"} {"Clue":"Window art over northern entrances to Science and Oceanography Museum (7)","Answer":"TRANSOM","Explanation":"Definition: Window\nA reversal (over) of ART + N (northern) + S[cience] and O[ceanography] M[useum]"} {"Clue":"Is out of low value coins for pasta (5)","Answer":"PENNE","Explanation":"Definition: pasta\nPENN[i]E[s] (low value coins) minus is"} {"Clue":"Fall out! Engage in battle! (5)","Answer":"FIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Fall out!Engage in battle!\nDouble definition? They seem pretty close to me"} {"Clue":"Tiger may be present, circling home of 19 17 (9)","Answer":"CATHERINE","Explanation":"Definition: 19 17\nCAT (tiger, maybe) + HERE (present) round IN (home) \u2013 reference to the **Empress of Russia"} {"Clue":"Dishonest meat ration finally eaten (5)","Answer":"VENAL","Explanation":"Definition: Dishonest\nVEAL (meat) round [ratio]N"} {"Clue":"Drank to excess back in storehouse (5)","Answer":"DEPOT","Explanation":"Definition: storehouse\nA reversal (back) of TOPED (drank too much)"} {"Clue":"Where sailors may gather and attend regularly to get soaked (9)","Answer":"MARINATED","Explanation":"Definition: soaked\nMARINA (where sailors may gather) + alternate letters of aTtEnD"} {"Clue":"Setter's lighter stakeholder? (7)","Answer":"IMPALER","Explanation":"Definition: stakeholder?\nI'M (setter's) + PALER (lighter)"} {"Clue":"Airline perks for our relatives (7)","Answer":"BABOONS","Explanation":"Definition: our relatives\nBA (British Airways \u2013 airline) + BOONS (perks)"} {"Clue":"Massive thanks, work unit from the East (5)","Answer":"GREAT","Explanation":"Definition: Massive\nA reversal (from the East, in an across clue) of TA (thanks) + ERG (work unit)"} {"Clue":"Article used in anaesthesia (3)","Answer":"THE","Explanation":"Definition: Article\nDefinite article contained in anaesTHEsia"} {"Clue":"is safe (5)","Answer":"PETER","Explanation":"Definition: safe\nReference to the **Russian Tsar** \u2013 PETER is (presumably criminal) slang for a safe"} {"Clue":"Mother of Sphinx and an Australian native (7)","Answer":"ECHIDNA","Explanation":"Definition: Mother of Sphinxan Australian native\nDouble definition \u2013 for the first, see **here** ; the second is very well known in Crosswordland!"} {"Clue":"Not prepared and not studied! Why, for crying out loud? (7)","Answer":"UNREADY","Explanation":"Definition: Not prepared\nUNREAD (unstudied) + Y (sounds like \u2013 for crying out loud \u2013 'why')"} {"Clue":"She was never expecting invalid soldier to tour India (9)","Answer":"NULLIPARA","Explanation":"Definition: She was never expecting\nNULL (invalid) + PARA (soldier) round I (India \u2013 NATO alphabet) \u2013 having long ago been described as a primipara, I was able to work out, from the Latin, that this was a word (what I call a 'jorum') \u2013 *but please note comments 4 and 18"} {"Clue":"Compiler had been at the forefront and did nothing (5)","Answer":"IDLED","Explanation":"Definition: did nothing\nI'D (compiler had) + LED (been at the forefront)"} {"Clue":"Fat chance, at the end, to sneak in half-observed (5)","Answer":"OBESE","Explanation":"Definition: Fat\n[chanc]E in OBSE[rved]"} {"Clue":"19 17 relax and start to enjoy mingling (9)","Answer":"ALEXANDER","Explanation":"Definition: 19 17\nAn anagram (mingling) of RELAX AND E[njoy] \u2013 reference to this **Greek king"} {"Clue":"A child, oddly sharp (4)","Answer":"ACID","Explanation":"Definition: sharp\nA + the odd letters of ChIlD"} {"Clue":"Boost for cats and dogs? (4-2)","Answer":"STEP-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Boost\nA reversal (up) of PETS (cats and dogs? \u2013 definition by example, hence the question mark)"} {"Clue":"Attend live performance, catch Covid and possibly end like this (10)","Answer":"VENTILATED","Explanation":"Definition: catch Covid and possibly end like this\nWith the E from Catherine and the T from DEPOT, I thought this was going to start with BE AT (attend): it took a while to see that it was a clever anagram (performance) of ATTEND LIVE"} {"Clue":"Rage quietly when heartless misnomer is used (6)","Answer":"SIMMER","Explanation":"Definition: Rage quietly\nAn anagram (used) of MIS[no]MER ('heartless')"} {"Clue":"Dreadful Isis can somehow be irresistible (8)","Answer":"TERRIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Dreadful\n'Irresistible' is an anagram (can somehow be) of ISIS and TERRIBLE"} {"Clue":"19 across 5 becoming vain when leader demoted (4)","Answer":"IVAN","Explanation":"Definition: 19 across 5\nVAIN with the first letter 'demoted' (moved down in a down clue) \u2013 reference to** the first Tsar of all Russia \u2013 ***or, rather, the other way round: thanks, Robi, @33"} {"Clue":"What does it take to make one count? It's complicated (4,4)","Answer":"UNIT COST","Explanation":"Definition: What does it take to make one\nA neatly misleading definition and anagram of COUNT IT'S"} {"Clue":"and a 500 for 19 across 13 across (4)","Answer":"VLAD","Explanation":"Definition: 19 across 13 across\nV (5) + L (50) + A D (500) for another familiar name in Guardian Crosswordland (I chuckled at the 'setter' in 13ac) who took his pseudonym from **this character\u00a0"} {"Clue":"German leader is welcomed by devious Lenin round fine fireplace (9)","Answer":"INGLENOOK","Explanation":"Definition: fireplace\nG[erman) in an anagram (devious) of LENIN + O (round) + OK (fine)"} {"Clue":"Two-sided supermajor engaging one craftsman (10)","Answer":"BIPARTISAN","Explanation":"Definition: Two-sided\nBP (supermajor \u2013 see** here**\u00a0) round I (one) + ARTISAN (craftsman)"} {"Clue":"Surely dropping cigarette end is rude (5)","Answer":"SURLY","Explanation":"Definition: rude\nSUR[e]LY minus [cigarett]E \u2013 super surface"} {"Clue":"19 across 22 across urge to leave three-legged structure (8)","Answer":"ETHELRED","Explanation":"Definition: 19 across 22\nAn anagram (structure) of THREE-L[egg]ED minus egg (urge) \u2013 reference to **this ill-advised, not unprepared (as any fule kno), king"} {"Clue":"Shakespeare's wife leaving one hospital after a short time: where did she go? (8)","Answer":"THATAWAY","Explanation":"Definition: where did she go?\nT (short time) + (Anne) HAT[h]AWAY (Shakespeare's wife): I gave this one two ticks for its sheer cheek \u2013 and I liked the precision of '**one** hospital'"} {"Clue":"Essentially, scroungers accompanying rising artist mostly like Beaujolais nouveau (6)","Answer":"UNAGED","Explanation":"Definition: ike Beaujolais nouveau\n[scro]UN[gers] + a reversal (rising) of D\u00c9GA[s] (artist, mostly)"} {"Clue":"Reported an indecent hint (6)","Answer":"ALLUDE","Explanation":"Definition: hint\nSounds like 'a lewd' (an indecent)"} {"Clue":"As just mentioned, set up intermediation (4)","Answer":"IDEM","Explanation":"Definition: As just mentioned\nA hidden reversal (set up) in terMEDIation!"} {"Clue":"Blast and mend (4)","Answer":"DARN","Explanation":"Definition: Blastmend\nDouble definition: blast and darn are both mild expletives"} {"Clue":"No fresh watercolours? (9)","Answer":"SEASCAPES","Explanation":"Definition: No fresh watercolours?\nCryptic definition, which doesn't quite work for me"} {"Clue":"6 down or its opposite, with singular interruption (5)","Answer":"BOSOM","Explanation":"Definition: 6 down\nBO[s]OM (opposite of BUST \u2013 6 down) round S (singular)"} {"Clue":"Zealous group from bygone age recalled (5)","Answer":"EAGER","Explanation":"Definition: Zealous\nHidden in bygonE AGE Recalled \u2013 nice misdirection"} {"Clue":"Flurry of snow in top observation post (5,4)","Answer":"CROW\u2019S NEST","Explanation":"Definition: top observation post\nAn anagram (flurry) of SNOW in CREST (top)"} {"Clue":"Silly man perversely pinching church collection (10)","Answer":"MISCELLANY","Explanation":"Definition: collection\nAn anagram (perversely) of SILLY MAN round CE (Church of England)"} {"Clue":"Beam in sports venue back to front (4)","Answer":"GRIN","Explanation":"Definition: Beam\n(Boxing) RING (sports venue) with its last letter moved to the beginning"} {"Clue":"Job-sharing journalist butchered (7)","Answer":"JOINTED","Explanation":"Definition: butchered\nJOINT-ED (job-sharing journalist)"} {"Clue":"Stand in for Republican first lady penning tale (7)","Answer":"RELIEVE","Explanation":"Definition: Stand in for\nR (Republican) + EVE (first lady) round LIE (tale)"} {"Clue":"Father returned superfluous tool (7)","Answer":"FRETSAW","Explanation":"Definition: tool\nFR (father) + a reversal (returned) of WASTE (superfluous)"} {"Clue":"Abandons worried dons when students are away (7)","Answer":"VACATES","Explanation":"Definition: Abandons\nATE (worried) in (dons) VACS (when students are away)"} {"Clue":"Fair where one can no longer go? (4)","Answer":"EXPO","Explanation":"Definition: Fair\nOne could no longer 'go' on an EX PO (chamberpot)"} {"Clue":"Trees flourished, it's said, in leading industrial nations (5,5)","Answer":"FIRST WORLD","Explanation":"Definition: leading industrial nations\nFIRS (trees) + TWORLD \u2013 sounds like (it's said) \u2013 'twirled' (flourished)"} {"Clue":"Nasty puncture \u2014 it's been mended touring Alaska (9)","Answer":"SNAKEBITE","Explanation":"Definition: Nasty puncture\nAn anagram (mended) of IT'S BEEN round AK (Alaska)"} {"Clue":"Stars from Mourinho's last club possibly retiring (5)","Answer":"DRACO","Explanation":"Definition: Stars\nA reversal (retiring) of [mourinh]O +\u00a0 of CARD (club, possibly)"} {"Clue":"Approaching Turkish capital in darkness (5)","Answer":"NIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: darkness\nNIGH (approaching) + T[urkey]"} {"Clue":"Supplies weight to tilt part of mechanism (4,5)","Answer":"GEAR WHEEL","Explanation":"Definition: part of mechanism\nGEAR (supplies) + W (weight) + HEEL (tilt)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Part of pipe introducing a water source (5)","Answer":"STEAM","Explanation":"Definition: water source\nSTE(A)M (part of pipe) round A"} {"Clue":"Founder of monastic order revered in Spain (9)","Answer":"AUGUSTINE","Explanation":"Definition: Founder of monastic order\nAUGUST (revered) + IN + E (Spain \u2013 vehicle registration)"} {"Clue":"Player is entering races on ice (10)","Answer":"CORNETTIST","Explanation":"Definition: Player\nIS in TT (Tourist Trophy motorcycle races) after CORNET (ice)"} {"Clue":"Preserved, though the worse for wear (7)","Answer":"PICKLED","Explanation":"Definition: Preservedthe worse for wear\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Pressure admitted by rather scholarly doctor prone to slips (7)","Answer":"SPOONER","Explanation":"Definition: scholarly doctor prone to slips\nP (pressure) in SOONER (rather)"} {"Clue":"Police raid road transport depot, finally (4)","Answer":"BUST","Explanation":"Definition: Police raid\nBUS (road transport) + [depo]T"} {"Clue":"Cornish listener's promise? (5)","Answer":"SWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: promise\nSW (South Western \u2013 Cornish, perhaps) + EAR (listener)"} {"Clue":"Revolting chaps last to arrive in bustling terminus (9)","Answer":"MUTINEERS","Explanation":"Definition: Revolting chaps\n[arriv]E in an anagram (bustling) of TERMINUS"} {"Clue":"Venomous American chess player opening with sacrifice of knight (5,5)","Answer":"BLACK WIDOW","Explanation":"Definition: Venomous American\nBLACK (chess player) + WI[n]DOW (opening) minus n (knight, in chess notation)"} {"Clue":"President continues to ridicule housing fines (9)","Answer":"JEFFERSON","Explanation":"Definition: President\nJEERS ON (continues to ridicule) round (housing) F F (fines)"} {"Clue":"Get rid of extra tip foolish European added (9)","Answer":"EXTIRPATE","Explanation":"Definition: Get rid of\nAn anagram (foolish) of EXTRA TIP + E (European)"} {"Clue":"Like-minded party people eating battered fish (7)","Answer":"WHITING","Explanation":"Definition: fish\nWING (like-minded party people) round HIT (battered)"} {"Clue":"Guts shown by injured cavers with current coming in (7)","Answer":"VISCERA","Explanation":"Definition: Guts\nAn anagram (injured) of CAVERS round I (current)"} {"Clue":"Provincial leader called for transport strike (5)","Answer":"PRANG","Explanation":"Definition: transport strike\nP[rovincial) + RANG (called)"} {"Clue":"Whimsical Liberal peer sent up (5)","Answer":"DROLL","Explanation":"Definition: Whimsical\nA reversal (sent up) of L (Liberal) + LORD (peer)"} {"Clue":"Top course for bobby (4)","Answer":"BEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Topcourse for bobby\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Car limited by course that's lower (8)","Answer":"DIMINISH","Explanation":"Definition: lower\nMINI (car) in (limited by) DISH (course)"} {"Clue":"Author's latest books inspired by this, but in Latin accent (6)","Answer":"RHOTIC","Explanation":"Definition: accent\n[autho]R + OT (Old Testament \u2013 books) in HIC (this, in Latin) \u2013 a word I learnt through crosswords and one often seen here!"} {"Clue":"Tavern's opening has beer enthusiasts returning \u2014 it's over the road? (6)","Answer":"TARMAC","Explanation":"Definition: it's over the road?\nT[avern] + a reversal (returning) of CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale \u2013 beer enthusiasts)"} {"Clue":"Tango to mimic Diet Coke, regularly finding means of copying pop (4,4)","Answer":"TAPE DECK","Explanation":"Definition: means of copying pop\nT (tango \u2013 NATO alphabet) + APE (mimic) + alternate letters (regularly) of DiEtCoKe"} {"Clue":"Bring back old American guitar (3)","Answer":"AXE","Explanation":"Definition: guitar\nA reversal (bring back) of EX (old) + A (American)"} {"Clue":"Get used to a diet short of stuffing and without gravy (6)","Answer":"ADJUST","Explanation":"Definition: Get used\nA + D[ie]T (short of stuffing) round JUS (gravy)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps limpet mine finally smothered by military unit before capture (3,5)","Answer":"SEA SNAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps limpet\n[min]E in SAS (military unit) + NAIL (capture)"} {"Clue":"Description of Kane, for example \u2014 captain's first in this oddly calm state (7)","Answer":"CITIZEN","Explanation":"Definition: Description of Kane, for example\nC[aptain] + odd letters of In ThIs + ZEN (calm state) \u2013 reference to the classic Orson Welles film"} {"Clue":"Quickly run through dance at a distance (4,3)","Answer":"REEL OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Quickly run through\nREEL (dance) + OFF (at a distance)"} {"Clue":"Will blush given they're all naked \u2014 it's unreal (8)","Answer":"ILLUSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: unreal\nInside letters (they're all naked) of wILl bLUSh gIVEn"} {"Clue":"Make a mess of hairpiece, occasionally sold for sport (6)","Answer":"TOUSLE","Explanation":"Definition: Make a mess of\nTOUP\u00c9E (hairpiece) with alternate letters of SoLd\u00a0replacing PE (sport)"} {"Clue":"Proceed without pause, wanting, for example, to take legal action (3)","Answer":"SUE","Explanation":"Definition: take legal action\nI've stared at this for ages and just can't see it, apart from the definition: so irritating, to be stymied by three letters!"} {"Clue":"Feature of theatre role \u2014 having boob exposed at the start (8)","Answer":"PARTERRE","Explanation":"Definition: Feature of theatre\nPART (role) + ERR (boob) + E[xposed]"} {"Clue":"Reason for acting in new movie, capturing actor's essence (6)","Answer":"MOTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Reason for acting\nMiddle letter (essence) of acTor in an anagram (new) of MOVIE"} {"Clue":"Take away dude misbehaving in front of court (6)","Answer":"DEDUCT","Explanation":"Definition: Take away\nAn anagram (misbehaving) of DUDE + CT (court)"} {"Clue":"Underwear as present \u2014 for the most part found by a student in M&S (8)","Answer":"THERMALS","Explanation":"Definition: Underwear\nTHER[e] (present, mostly) + A L (a student) in M and S\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Cher's in bed, scratching bottom (4)","Answer":"DIVA","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps Cher\nDIVA[n] (bed)"} {"Clue":"Initially fall in love with mass entertainment (4)","Answer":"FILM","Explanation":"Definition: entertainment\nF[all] I[n] L[ove] + M (mass)"} {"Clue":"Flipping focus to watch sailor boxing CGI-produced lion, say (3,3)","Answer":"BIG CAT","Explanation":"Definition: lion, say\nA reversal (flipping) of T (middle letter \u2013 focus \u2013 of waTch) + AB (sailor) round (boxing) CGI"} {"Clue":"Characters in highbrow hit established as brightest (7)","Answer":"WHITEST","Explanation":"Definition: brightest\nHidden in highbroW HIT ESTablished"} {"Clue":"One has wings \u2014 told to taste without seasoning? (8)","Answer":"TRIPLANE","Explanation":"Definition: One has wings\nTRI (sounds like \u2013 told \u2013 'try' {taste} plain {without seasoning})"} {"Clue":"Kettle blew up \u2014 ultimately going off fine dining (6,4)","Answer":"CORDON BLEU","Explanation":"Definition: fine dining\nCORDON (kettle) + BLE[w] U[p]"} {"Clue":"Trouble from school next to motorway \u2014 that is loud (8)","Answer":"MISCHIEF","Explanation":"Definition: Trouble\nSCH (school) next to MI (motorway) + I E (that is) + F (loud)"} {"Clue":"Retrospectively judge a republican government (3)","Answer":"RAJ","Explanation":"Definition: government\nA reversal (retrospectively) of J (judge) + A + R (Republican)"} {"Clue":"Some smear campaigns provide spin (3)","Answer":"ARC","Explanation":"Definition: spin\nContained in smeAR Campaigns \u2013 I'm struggling to equate ARC with spin"} {"Clue":"Stop visiting suspect with diamonds hidden all over the place (10)","Answer":"UBIQUITOUS","Explanation":"Definition: all over the place\nQUIT (stop) in [d]UBIOUS (suspect) minus d (diamonds)"} {"Clue":"Off-colour setter taking bait occasionally \u2014 unlucky (3-5)","Answer":"ILL-FATED","Explanation":"Definition: unlucky\nILL (off-colour) + FED (setter) round alternate letters of bAiT"} {"Clue":"Star announced support for record company's move overseas (8)","Answer":"EMIGRATE","Explanation":"Definition: move overseas\nEMI (record company) + GRATE (sounds like 'great' \u2013 star)"} {"Clue":"Enemy runs away from front \u2026 (3)","Answer":"FOE","Explanation":"Definition: Enemy\nFO[r]E (front) minus R (runs)"} {"Clue":"runs away from case of deplorable valets possibly trashing vehicle (7)","Answer":"DESERTS","Explanation":"Definition: runs away from\nD[eplorabl]E SER[van]TS (valets, possibly) minus (trashing?) VAN (vehicle)"} {"Clue":"Mood tense over missing gold sovereign (6)","Answer":"TEMPER","Explanation":"Definition: Mood\nT (tense) + EMPER[or] (sovereign) minus OR (gold)"} {"Clue":"Unnamed fell runner (3)","Answer":"SKI","Explanation":"Definition: runner\nSKI[n] (fell \u2013 it's there, as the fourth definition, in Chambers) minus n (name)"} {"Clue":"Volunteers and politician forming compact (4)","Answer":"TAMP","Explanation":"Definition: compact\nTA (Territorial Army \u2013 volunteers) + MP (politician) \u2013 compact as a verb"} {"Clue":"Farewell drink served after five (4)","Answer":"VALE","Explanation":"Definition: Farewell\nV (five) + ALE (drink) \u2013 Latin farewell"} {"Clue":"Items batsmen hit in the air for slip (5-2)","Answer":"BALLS-UP","Explanation":"Definition: slip\nBALLS (items batsmen hit) + UP (in the air) \u2013\u00a0 I thought they were called batters these days"} {"Clue":"Some chocolate brought over in perfect case of cocoa beans (7)","Answer":"ARABICA","Explanation":"Definition: beans\nA reversal (brought over) of BAR (some chocolate) in A1 (perfect) + C[oco]A"} {"Clue":"Seems towelling filled with poo, shake a leg! (4,6)","Answer":"LOOK SNAPPY","Explanation":"Definition: shake a leg!\nLOOKS (seems) + NAPPY (towelling filled with poo)"} {"Clue":"Relax, militant carnivore's cry? (3,3)","Answer":"VEG OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Relax\nCryptic definition \u2013 a new one on me"} {"Clue":"It's positively charged, reporting uproar after getting 24 across? (8)","Answer":"AMMONIUM","Explanation":"Definition: It's positively charged\nThe answer to 24ac is PANNED, which Paul is inviting us to put before AMMONIUM, to arrive at what sounds (reportedly) something like 'pandemonium' (uproar)"} {"Clue":"Too sad, the fragments belonging to a nation (9)","Answer":"STATEHOOD","Explanation":"Definition: belonging to a nation\nAn anagram (fragments?) of TOO SAD THE: I'm not entirely happy with the grammar of the definition ('the status \/ condition of being a state') \u2013 I think we need to take 'belonging to' as a gerund but it still doesn't quite work for me"} {"Clue":"Nostalgic memory of Vesuvius (AD79) (5,4,3,4)","Answer":"BLAST FROM THE PAST","Explanation":"Definition: Nostalgic memory\nCryptic (?) definition, referring to the volcanic eruption that destroyed Pompeii"} {"Clue":"Brew drink in fresh coffee, finally (9)","Answer":"PERCOLATE","Explanation":"Definition: Brew\nCOLA (drink) in PERT (fresh) + [coffe]E"} {"Clue":"Being from another planet burrowed into immense surface (8)","Answer":"COSMETIC","Explanation":"Definition: surface\nET (extra-terrestrial \u2013 being from another planet) in COSMIC (immense) \u2013 surface as an adjective"} {"Clue":"Laid back, office siesta criticised (6)","Answer":"PANNED","Explanation":"Definition: criticised\nA reversal (laid back) of DEN (office) + NAP (siesta)"} {"Clue":"Daft trap for one using foul language (5,5)","Answer":"POTTY MOUTH","Explanation":"Definition: one using foul language\nPOTTY (daft) + MOUTH (trap) \u2013 another new one"} {"Clue":"'Stick with knob', one stripping discussed? (4,5)","Answer":"GEAR LEVER","Explanation":"Definition: 'Stick with knob'\nI think this must be a homophone (discussed) of gear-leaver (one stripping, leaving their clothes behind)"} {"Clue":"Initially scratched, attractive print (7)","Answer":"ETCHING","Explanation":"Definition: print\n[f]ETCHING (attractive) minus the initial letter"} {"Clue":"Talk about exercise in run (7)","Answer":"OPERATE","Explanation":"Definition: run\nORATE (talk) round PE (exercise)"} {"Clue":"Opening new tavern, one invited in (3,4)","Answer":"AIR VENT","Explanation":"Definition: Opening\nAn anagram (new) of TAVERN round I (one)"} {"Clue":"Pole dancing doctor lubed after rotation? (5)","Answer":"LIMBO","Explanation":"Definition: Pole dancing\nMB (doctor) covered in a reversal (after rotation) of OIL \u2013 so lubed"} {"Clue":"Free lunch a figment, ultimately fabricated (7)","Answer":"UNLATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Free\nAn anagram (fabricated) of LUNCH A [figmen[T"} {"Clue":"Begin again on problem, last of three (6)","Answer":"RESUME","Explanation":"Definition: Begin again\nRE (on) + SUM (problem) + [thre]E"} {"Clue":"One of billions vacuous buffoon, I recall, wasted? (5,4)","Answer":"BRAIN CELL","Explanation":"Definition: One of billions\nAn anagram (wasted) of B[uffoo]N I RECALL"} {"Clue":"Correct catches fitting trap (7)","Answer":"CAPTURE","Explanation":"Definition: trap\nCURE (correct) round APT (fitting)"} {"Clue":"Condiment male put with hotcake when cooking (6,7)","Answer":"TOMATO KETCHUP","Explanation":"Definition: Condiment\nTOM (male) + an anagram (when cooking) of PUT HOTCAKE"} {"Clue":"Check suit, where kit should be white (4,5)","Answer":"TEST MATCH","Explanation":"Definition: where kit should be white\nTEST (check) + SUIT (match)"} {"Clue":"Sentry found nothing right in hooligan (7)","Answer":"LOOKOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Sentry\nO (nothing) + OK (right) in LOUT (hooligan)"} {"Clue":"Nick grabs dance (3,4)","Answer":"COP SHOP","Explanation":"Definition: Nick\nCOPS (grabs) + HOP (dance) \u2013 nick and copshop are both British slang for police station"} {"Clue":"Poles securing trained part of plant (6)","Answer":"STAMEN","Explanation":"Definition: part of plant\nS N (poles) round TAME (trained)"} {"Clue":"Finish off queen after uprising in African country (5)","Answer":"NIGER","Explanation":"Definition: African country\nA reversal (rising) of REGIN[a] (queen) minus the last letter (finish)"} {"Clue":"Cleaner sort of music created to be listened to (11)","Answer":"CHAMBERMAID","Explanation":"Definition: Cleaner\nCHAMBER (sort of music) + MAID (sounds like \u2013 to be listened to \u2013 'made' \u2013 created)"} {"Clue":"Converting one of blue or green power source (7)","Answer":"BIOFUEL","Explanation":"Definition: green power source\nAn anagram (converting) of I (one) OF BLUE"} {"Clue":"Fencing position needs a brief moment \u2014 and energy (7)","Answer":"SECONDE","Explanation":"Definition: Fencing position\nSECOND (a brief moment) + E (energy)"} {"Clue":"Too many laid into such a pudding? (4-5)","Answer":"OVER-EGGED","Explanation":"Cryptic definition, with a play on 'laid'"} {"Clue":"Satisfying taste of opium a mirage, some found (5)","Answer":"UMAMI","Explanation":"Definition: Satisfying taste\nHidden in opiUM A MIrage"} {"Clue":"Lecturer caught finally in forbidden instruction (4)","Answer":"DON\u2019T","Explanation":"Definition: forbidden instruction\nDON (lecturer) + [caugh]T"} {"Clue":"A promising entertainment? (6,4)","Answer":"TALENT SHOW","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2026"} {"Clue":"In terms of self-promotion, they are crazy (10)","Answer":"EGOMANIACS","Explanation":"\u2026 and another (barely so)"} {"Clue":"A Russian, I turn Republican (4)","Answer":"IGOR","Explanation":"Definition: A Russian\nI + GO (turn) + R (Republican)"} {"Clue":"Cosmetic lotion printer may need (5)","Answer":"TONER","Explanation":"Definition: Cosmetic lotion\nA sort of double \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"In part, suggests more than others spotted (9)","Answer":"PIMPLIEST","Explanation":"Definition: more than others spotted\nIMPLIES (suggests) in PT (part)"} {"Clue":"Otherwise taking tea round pensioners' home (7)","Answer":"CHELSEA","Explanation":"Definition: pensioners' home\nELSE (otherwise) in CHA (tea)"} {"Clue":"After making a show, they may hand in their notice (7)","Answer":"CRITICS","Explanation":"Another cryptic definition \u2026"} {"Clue":"Realise one's mistake, when switched on? (3,3,5)","Answer":"SEE THE LIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Realise one's mistake\n\u2026 and yet another\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Coming across aliens about the cathedral? (5,10)","Answer":"CLOSE ENCOUNTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Coming across aliens\nA sort of cryptic definition, alluding to the precinct of a cathedral, known as the Close"} {"Clue":"Entertain a Greek goddess (5)","Answer":"AMUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Entertain\nA MUSE (Greek goddess)"} {"Clue":"Ban logo devised for saucy city (7)","Answer":"BOLOGNA","Explanation":"Definition: saucy city\nAn anagram (devised) of BAN LOGO \u2013 the sauce being Bolognese, of course: I rather liked this one"} {"Clue":"Dies poor and in regret: what's left? (7)","Answer":"RESIDUE","Explanation":"Definition: what's left?\nAn anagram (poor) of DIES in RUE (regret) \u2013 and this is quite nice, too"} {"Clue":"Heard a foreign nobleman's stories (8)","Answer":"ACCOUNTS","Explanation":"Definition: stories\nA COUNT'S (a foreign nobleman's)"} {"Clue":"NHS worker adapted to intense daylight (6,9)","Answer":"DENTAL HYGIENIST","Explanation":"Definition: NHS worker\nA clever anagram (adapted) of INTENSE DAYLIGHT \u2013 but I question the definition: these days, by no means all of them work for the NHS"} {"Clue":"A minor thoroughfare in another country (6)","Answer":"ABROAD","Explanation":"Definition: in another country\nA B ROAD (a minor thoroughfare)"} {"Clue":"Reconsider former England manager and wife (6)","Answer":"REVIEW","Explanation":"Definition: Reconsider\n(Don) REVIE (former England football manager) + W (wife)"} {"Clue":"In game, City scores broadcast (8)","Answer":"LACROSSE","Explanation":"Definition: game\nLA (city) + an anagram (broadcast) of SCORES"} {"Clue":"Tempt to enter apprenticeship (6)","Answer":"ENTICE","Explanation":"Definition: Tempt\nContained in apprENTICEship"} {"Clue":"Prosecute \u2014 Vulcan is to be an informer (7)","Answer":"IMPEACH","Explanation":"Definition: Prosecute\nI'M (Vulcan is) + PEACH (a new one for me: Chambers gives 'Aphetic form of appeach', which means the same as 'impeach', so a rather poor clue, I think)"} {"Clue":"Funny mineral found in mountain pass (7)","Answer":"COMICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Funny\nMICA (mineral) in COL (mountain pass)"} {"Clue":"Have another check-up, using extra time in relaxation (6)","Answer":"RETEST","Explanation":"Definition: Have another check-up\nET (extra time) in REST (relaxation)"} {"Clue":"Not standing up for the truth? (5)","Answer":"LYING","Explanation":"Definition: Not standing up\nA sort of cryptic definition, I think"} {"Clue":"Took a dip, evenly spread, having too much on one's plate (7)","Answer":"SWAMPED","Explanation":"Definition: having too much on one's plate\nSWAM (took a dip) + even letters of sPrEaD"} {"Clue":"Delicacy could make one fretful (7)","Answer":"TRUFFLE","Explanation":"Definition: Delicacy\nAn anagram (could make one) of FRETFUL"} {"Clue":"Live bear (5)","Answer":"ABIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Livebear\nDouble definition \u2013 bear in the sense of tolerate"} {"Clue":"Media silence about northern recruiters (5,4)","Answer":"PRESS GANG","Explanation":"Definition: recruiters\nPRESS (media) + GAG (silence) round N (northern)"} {"Clue":"Shark H? (10)","Answer":"HAMMERHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Shark\nH is the first letter (head) of HAMMER"} {"Clue":"Last killer leaving America dry (4)","Answer":"BRUT","Explanation":"Definition: dry\nBRUT(US) (minus US \u2013 America, last killer of Julius Caesar, in Shakespeare's version: it was Brutus' treachery {Et tu, Brute?'} that finally killed Caesar:"} {"Clue":"Transience of intrinsic nature said to follow Welshman (11)","Answer":"EVANESCENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Transience\nEVAN (Welshman) + ESCENCE (sounds like \u2013 said \u2013 'essence', intrinsic nature)"} {"Clue":"Digital products without party broadcast documentaries (8,3)","Answer":"MANICURE SET","Explanation":"Definition: Digital products\nAn anagram (broadcast) of [do]CUMENTARIES, minus 'do' (party)"} {"Clue":"Some schoolteacher's suffering (4)","Answer":"ACHE","Explanation":"Definition: suffering\nContained in schoolteACHEr's"} {"Clue":"As a diet of bananas, with a spice (10)","Answer":"ASAFOETIDA","Explanation":"Definition: spice\nAn anagram (bananas) of AS A DIET OF + A \u2013 this word has appeared several times in crosswords"} {"Clue":"Make love in retreat, mostly with one aristocrat (4,2,3)","Answer":"HAVE IT OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Make love\nHAVE[n] (retreat, mostly) + I TOFF (one aristocrat)"} {"Clue":"Serious grant? (5)","Answer":"GRAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Serious\nA favourite trick of Philistine's: we have to separate g from 'rant' and 'rave' \u2013 hence the question mark"} {"Clue":"Nose and ears not a game (7)","Answer":"CONKERS","Explanation":"Definition: game\nCONK (nose) + E[a]RS"} {"Clue":"Americans awfully keen to invade backward state (7)","Answer":"YANKEES","Explanation":"Definition: Americans\nAn anagram (awfully) of KEEN in a reversal (backward) of SAY (state)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Be critical of the woman cuddling pet (6)","Answer":"SCATHE","Explanation":"Definition: Be critical of\nSHE (the woman) round CAT (pet)"} {"Clue":"Rules for Xmas crackers interrupted by vino, regularly (6)","Answer":"AXIOMS","Explanation":"Definition: Rules\nAlternate letters of vInO in an anagram (crackers) of XMAS"} {"Clue":"Cite former vice president's outside choice (10)","Answer":"PREFERENCE","Explanation":"Definition: choice\n(Mike) PENCE (former US vice president) round REFER (cite)"} {"Clue":"Where the pearl diver starts working (5)","Answer":"DEPTH","Explanation":"Definition: Where the pearl diver starts working\nAn anagram (working) of THE + P[earl] D[iver] \u2013 clue as definition"} {"Clue":"Underscore young people, being eager, sent flying (9)","Answer":"TEENAGERS","Explanation":"Definition: Underscore young people\nAn anagram (sent flying) of EAGER SENT: teenagers are young people under twenty (a score)"} {"Clue":"Philanthropist abandons half the Hebridean islands (4)","Answer":"UIST","Explanation":"Definition: Hebridean islands\n[altr]UIST (philanthropist) \u2013 see the islands **here"} {"Clue":"Obvious jingoistic tirade? (8)","Answer":"FLAGRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Obvious\nA jingoistic tirade could be described as a FLAG RANT"} {"Clue":"Nearly seven \u00a0pillar boxes then appeared in London (8,5-4)","Answer":"EIGHTEEN FIFTY-FIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Nearly sevenpillar boxes then appeared in London\nThis took the longest; it's a double definition: 18.55 is nearly 19.00, which is seven o'clock \u2013 see **here** for the pillar boxes"} {"Clue":"Weapon that's not targeted is empty threat \u2013 some work you reported in survey (10)","Answer":"SCATTERGUN","Explanation":"Definition: Weapon that's not targeted\nT[hrea]T + ERG (some work) + U (you reported) in SCAN (survey)"} {"Clue":"An item of underwear sold in outrageous new style initially causes injuries (9)","Answer":"ABRASIONS","Explanation":"Definition: injuries\nA BRA (an item of underwear) + initial letters of Sold In Outrageous New Style"} {"Clue":"Understanding medicine is primarily needed in hepatic transplant (8)","Answer":"EMPATHIC","Explanation":"Definition: Understanding\nM[edicine] in an anagram (transplant) of HEPATIC"} {"Clue":"Hairy sport supporting international organisation (8)","Answer":"UNSHAVEN","Explanation":"Definition: Hairy\nUN (United Nations \u2013 international organisation) + the same device as we saw in 26ac: s(port) = s(haven): in fact, Philistine has used this very example before, which is the first time I saw it ( or, rather, I didn't see it for myself \u2013 and it was my blog!)"} {"Clue":"End of life, an evolution (6)","Answer":"FINALE","Explanation":"Definition: End\nAn anagram (evolution) of LIFE AN"} {"Clue":"DJ's part in city rave ultimately secured by playing LPs (6)","Answer":"LAPELS","Explanation":"Definition: DJ's part\nNot a disc jockey but a dinner jacket: LA (city) + [rav]E in an anagram (playing) of LPS \u2013 see **here** for choice of lapels\n\n*Coming to the end, I now suspect that the repetition of haven, along with rant and rave is deliberate"} {"Clue":"One hat on husband following church party (7)","Answer":"CEILIDH","Explanation":"Definition: party\nCE (Church of England) + I LID (one hat) + H (husband) \u2013 I now have a mnemonic for the spelling of this word"} {"Clue":"Distinguished women collecting silver they're awarded (7)","Answer":"DAMAGES","Explanation":"Definition: they're awarded\nDAMES (distinguished women) round AG (silver)"} {"Clue":"Bridge partners at table drinking pop (4)","Answer":"SPAN","Explanation":"Definition: Bridge\nS N (South North \u2013 partners at table, playing bridge) round PA (pop)"} {"Clue":"Gushing tap at basin for adult inducted in water ceremony? (10)","Answer":"ANABAPTIST","Explanation":"Definition: adult inducted in water ceremony?\nAn anagram (gushing) of TAP AT BASIN"} {"Clue":"Breath-sweetener is something nutty, we hear (6)","Answer":"CACHOU","Explanation":"Definition: Breath-sweetener\nSounds like (we hear) cashew, a nut"} {"Clue":"Finally some money secures protective gear \u2014 so workers are properly this? (8)","Answer":"EQUIPPED","Explanation":"Definition: so workers are properly this?\n[som]E + QUID (money) round PPE (protective gear)"} {"Clue":"Chief leader writer, fiery beast (9)","Answer":"PENDRAGON","Explanation":"Definition: Chief leader\nPEN (writer) + DRAGON (fiery beast) \u2013 the epithet of Uther, father of King Arthur, see** here"} {"Clue":"Hard barriers, old and new, within seats (5,5)","Answer":"STONE WALLS","Explanation":"Definition: Hard barriers\nO (old) + NEW in STALLS (seats)"} {"Clue":"Cook offering horse? Not English, bad! (9)","Answer":"CHARGRILL","Explanation":"Definition: Cook\nCHARG[e]R (horse, minus e \u2013 English) + ILL (bad)"} {"Clue":"Unfinished book in which lad engages with computers etc (8)","Answer":"SANDITON","Explanation":"Definition: Unfinished book\nSON (lad) round AND (with) IT (computers etc) \u2013 an unfinished book by Jane Austen, recently a TV series, see **here"} {"Clue":"Sort of deficiency that brings back bitterness in European Union (6)","Answer":"ULLAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of deficiency\nA reversal (brings back) of GALL (bitterness) in EU (European Union) \u2013 'the quantity by which a vessel is holding less than its full capacity' (Chambers)"} {"Clue":"Language of terrible boaster carrying zero credit (5-5)","Answer":"SERBO-CROAT","Explanation":"Definition: Language\nAn anagram (terrible) of BOASTER round O (zero) CR (credit)"} {"Clue":"Instrument, one featured in short book (4)","Answer":"VIOL","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\nI (one) in VOL[ume] (short book)"} {"Clue":"Decline right away, leading to death (7)","Answer":"DECEASE","Explanation":"Definition: death\nDEC[r]EASE (decline, minus r (right)"} {"Clue":"Savage very dry? Just a bit (7)","Answer":"BRUTISH","Explanation":"Definition: Savage\nBRUT (dry)-ISH (just a bit)"} {"Clue":"English politician on way to board at Heathrow? (7)","Answer":"EMPLANE","Explanation":"Definition: board at Heathrow?\nE (English) + MP (politician) + LANE (way) \u2013 I really dislike this kind of word"} {"Clue":"Maybe one's time to break for this (5)","Answer":"LUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: this\nCryptic definition, referring to the fact that 1.00 pm is a reasonable time for a lunch break"} {"Clue":"A bad, cruel criminal \u2014 be off, wicked nobleman! (7)","Answer":"DRACULA","Explanation":"Definition: wicked nobleman\nAn anagram (criminal) of A [b]AD CRU[e]L minus be"} {"Clue":"Catch a cold in a public vehicle \u2014 you can count on it! (6)","Answer":"ABACUS","Explanation":"Definition: you can count on it!\nA C (a cold) in A BUS (a public vehicle)"} {"Clue":"Macedonian general suffering from Oedipus complex? (9)","Answer":"ANTIPATER","Explanation":"Definition: Macedonian general\nANTI PATER (suffering from Oedipus complex?) \u2013 a general and statesman under Philip II of Macedon and Alexander the Great"} {"Clue":"Worker in 16, genius at home becoming quiet (7)","Answer":"EPSTEIN","Explanation":"Definition: Worker in 16\nE[in]STEIN (genius) with in (home) replaced by P (quiet) \u2013\u00a0sculptor Jacob Epstein"} {"Clue":"Appear in birthday suit and risk boredom? (4,7,2)","Answer":"HAVE NOTHING ON","Explanation":"Definition: Appear in birthday suitrisk boredom\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"What could make adult shortly be led astray? Being this? (9)","Answer":"DELUDABLE","Explanation":"Definition: this?\nAn anagram (astray) of ADUL[t] + BE LED"} {"Clue":"A learner falling short \u2014 the first person to go under in this world? (7)","Answer":"ACADEME","Explanation":"Definition: this world?\nA CADE[t] (a learner falling short) + ME (first person)"} {"Clue":"News agency man needing extra time to speak again (2-5)","Answer":"RE-UTTER","Explanation":"Definition: speak again\n(Paul) REUTER (news agency man) with a second T (extra time)"} {"Clue":"The French fools \u2014 they're cut off and wet (7)","Answer":"LAGOONS","Explanation":"Definition: they're cut off and wet\nLA (the French) + GOONS (fools)"} {"Clue":"Shoddy stuff aboard ship piles up (6)","Answer":"STACKS","Explanation":"Definition: piles up\nTACK (shoddy stuff) in SS (aboard ship)"} {"Clue":"Voltaire exuding anger could become a sort of green (5)","Answer":"LOVAT","Explanation":"Definition: a sort of green\nAn anagram (could become) of VOLTA[ire] (exuding ire \u2013 anger)"} {"Clue":"Bringing forward time of festival causes problem (6)","Answer":"TEASER","Explanation":"Definition: problem\nEASTER (festival) with the T (time) brought forward \u2013 I liked this one, with its nod to the controversy that surrounds the date of Easter: in fact, the date was fixed in 1928 by the Easter Act, which was passed but never brought into force, see **here\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Scientist ordered to abstain initially refused (8)","Answer":"BOTANIST","Explanation":"Definition: Scientist\nAn anagram (ordered) of TO [a]BSTAIN (minus (refused) the initial letter"} {"Clue":"Reflexive pronoun is left out (6)","Answer":"ITSELF","Explanation":"Definition: Reflexive pronoun\nAn anagram (out) of IS LEFT"} {"Clue":"Pub extended primarily behind region of vestibule (5,3)","Answer":"INNER EAR","Explanation":"Definition: region of vestibule\nINN (pub) + E[xtended] + REAR (behind)"} {"Clue":"Stylish sports side eliminated (8,3)","Answer":"POLISHED OFF","Explanation":"Definition: eliminated\nPOLISHED (stylish) + OFF (side, in cricket, for instance)"} {"Clue":"Scraps applications for medical treatment (7)","Answer":"PATCHES","Explanation":"Definition: Scrapsapplications for medical treatment\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Pound secures extravagant type of cheese (7)","Answer":"COTTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: type of cheese\nCAGE (pound) round OTT (Over The Top \u2013 extravagant)"} {"Clue":"Elsinore's philosopher\/statesman possibly becoming rasher? (6,5)","Answer":"DANISH BACON","Explanation":"Definition: rasher?\nCryptic definition: Elsinore's = Danish and **Francis Bacon** was an English philosopher and statesman \u2013 with perhaps just a nod to Hamlet's"} {"Clue":"Public toilets, just half serving men, one gathers (8)","Answer":"CONVENOR","Explanation":"Definition: one gathers\nCONVEN (half of CONVENiences \u2013 public toilets) + OR (Other Ranks in the army \u2013 serving men)"} {"Clue":"Making craft turn, bearing east (6)","Answer":"SEWING","Explanation":"Definition: Making craft\nSWING (turn) round E (east) \u2013 I liked the definition"} {"Clue":"Fluid feeder we left on patio ultimately getting drier (3,5)","Answer":"TEA TOWEL","Explanation":"Definition: drier\nTEAT (fluid feeder) + [pati]O + WE + L (left)"} {"Clue":"Most hesitant mum so far cradling son (6)","Answer":"SHYEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most hesitant\nSH (mum) + YET (so far) round S (son)"} {"Clue":"Sovereign states dealing with charity (6)","Answer":"REALMS","Explanation":"Definition: Sovereign states\nRE (dealing with) ALMS (charity)"} {"Clue":"Press going through borders work together (4,6)","Answer":"JOIN FORCES","Explanation":"Definition: work together\nFORCE (press) in JOINS (borders)"} {"Clue":"Let fly, as good dressmakers should? (4,1,3)","Answer":"HAVE A FIT","Explanation":"Definition: Let flygood dressmakers should\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Exhaust Spooner's dim individual (8)","Answer":"TAIL PIPE","Explanation":"Definition: Exhaust\nSpooner's pale (dim) type (individual)"} {"Clue":"Pure substance dissolved in addition to salt (8)","Answer":"ABSOLUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Pure\nAB (Able Seaman \u2013 salt) + SOLUTE (substance dissolved)"} {"Clue":"Mountain dweller to remain in climbing team (4)","Answer":"IBEX","Explanation":"Definition: Mountain dweller\nBE (remain) in a reversal (climbing,in a down clue) of XI (team, in football or hockey, for instance)"} {"Clue":"National workers' group taking on half of work (4)","Answer":"TURK","Explanation":"Definition: National\nTU (Trade Union \u2013 workers' group) + [wo]RK"} {"Clue":"Ground where one's introducing current US president (10)","Answer":"EISENHOWER","Explanation":"Definition: US president\nAn anagram (ground) of WHERE ONE'S round I (current)"} {"Clue":"Male in scrambled aircrew fighting atrocity? (3,5)","Answer":"WAR CRIME","Explanation":"Definition: fighting atrocity\nM (male) in an anagram (scrambled) of AIRCREW, for a shockingly topical clue \u2013 excellent anagram indicator"} {"Clue":"Exclusive party in extremity adopting new name (3,5)","Answer":"HEN NIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Exclusive party\nHEIGHT (extremity) round N (new)\u00a0 + N (name)"} {"Clue":"Commotion behind boundary where birds may be sheltering (8)","Answer":"HEDGEROW","Explanation":"Definition: where birds may be sheltering\nROW (commotion) after HEDGE (boundary)"} {"Clue":"Playwright's brother with genuine following in his own country (6)","Answer":"BRECHT","Explanation":"Definition: Playwright\nBR (brother) + ECHT (German for genuine, assimilated into English) and the playwright is the German Bertolt Brecht \u2013 wonderful surface"} {"Clue":"Suspicion at first about tenor's singing style (4)","Answer":"SCAT","Explanation":"Definition: singing style\nS[uspicion] + CA (circa \u2013 about) + T (tenor)"} {"Clue":"Freshly made naan bread dropped by Indians (4)","Answer":"ANNA","Explanation":"Definition: bread dropped by Indians\nAN anagram (freshly made) of NAAN; bread is slang for money and the anna is a former Indian currency unit \u2013 a little classic to finish with"} {"Clue":"Bird caught in hail, heading for empty space (8)","Answer":"LATITUDE","Explanation":"Definition: space\nTIT (bird) in LAUD (hail) + E[mpty)"} {"Clue":"Batter in feast containing half of lemon? (6)","Answer":"EYELID","Explanation":"Definition: Batter\nEID (feast) round YEL[low] (lemon) \u2013 reference to '(not) batting an eyelid'"} {"Clue":"Wave altered and hit bluff (4,6)","Answer":"IDLE THREAT","Explanation":"Definition: bluff\nAn anagram (wave) of ALTERED HIT"} {"Clue":"Monk would have sat here quietly, Trappists ultimately needing vice, say? (5,5)","Answer":"PIANO STOOL","Explanation":"Definition: Monk would have sat here\nPIANO (quietly) + [trappist]S + TOOL (vice, say) \u2013 referring to pianist Thelonious Monk"} {"Clue":"A wife in addition for knight (6)","Answer":"GAWAIN","Explanation":"Definition: knight\nA W (a wife) in GAIN (addition)"} {"Clue":"Lost nursing home initially remains here? (7)","Answer":"ASHTRAY","Explanation":"Definition: remains here?\nASTRAY (lost) round H[ome]"} {"Clue":"Scottish town briefly captured by poor country (7)","Answer":"BELGIUM","Explanation":"Definition: country\nELGI[n] (Scottish town, briefly) in BUM (poor)"} {"Clue":"Guide for watch started admin when distracted (8,4)","Answer":"STANDARD TIME","Explanation":"Definition: Guide for watch\nAn anagram (when distracted) of STARTED ADMIN"} {"Clue":"Cocktail: good drink quaffed by sweet Fanny Adams? (4,6)","Answer":"PINA COLADA","Explanation":"Definition: Cocktail\nPI (short for pious \u2013 good) + COLA (drink) in NADA (sweet Fanny Adams)"} {"Clue":"Old dressing on, certainly! (6)","Answer":"AGREED","Explanation":"Definition: certainly!\nAGED (old) round (dressing) RE (on)"} {"Clue":"Old player in cricket team backed by leader of Conservatives \u2014 would one often open for Churchill? (5,3)","Answer":"CIGAR BOX","Explanation":"Definition: would one often open for Churchill?\nGARBO (old player) in a reversal (backed) of XI (cricket team) + C[onservatives]"} {"Clue":"Worker gets peasant etc beaten up \u2014 not much of a fight (8,2,3,5)","Answer":"HANDBAGS AT TEN PACES","Explanation":"Definition: not much of a fight\nHAND (worker) BAGS (gets) + an anagram of PEASANT ETC \u2013 see **here** for some suggestions as to the origin of the saying"} {"Clue":"across Spotted punishment? (7,4)","Answer":"PENALTY KICK","Explanation":"Definition: Spotted punishment?\nCryptic definition, I think, referring to the penalty spot in football"} {"Clue":"Very English trebles, song surprisingly Italian (8)","Answer":"GENOVESE","Explanation":"Definition: Italian\nAn anagram (surprisingly) of V (very) + EEE (English trebles) + SONG"} {"Clue":"Red robin, for example, flew off earlier (4-6)","Answer":"LEFT-WINGER","Explanation":"Definition: Red\nLEFT (flew off) + WINGER (robin, for example)"} {"Clue":"Block of rubbish under potassium and iodine (6)","Answer":"KIBOSH","Explanation":"Definition: Block\nBOSH (rubbish) under, in a down clue, K (potassium) and I (iodine)"} {"Clue":"Reportedly, girl tricked a reptile (8)","Answer":"ANACONDA","Explanation":"Definition: reptile\nSounds like Anna (girl) conned a (tricked a)"} {"Clue":"Prepare to sail vessel, cape appearing in hour at sea (2-6)","Answer":"UP-ANCHOR","Explanation":"Definition: Prepare to sail\nPAN (vessel) + C (Cape) in an anagram (at sea) of HOUR"} {"Clue":"Propose a trip round capital of Vietnam (7)","Answer":"ADVANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Propose\nA DANCE (a trip) round V[ietnam]"} {"Clue":"down, 3, 14 Heads banging on low bedroom ceilings? Those are frightful! (6,4,2,4,2,3,5)","Answer":"THINGS THAT GO BUMP IN THE NIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Those are frightful!\nI spent a long time trying to work out the wordplay here but concluded that it was just a rather weak cryptic definition \u2013 apologies to Paul if it's something really clever"} {"Clue":"Church leader on starship (4)","Answer":"KIRK","Explanation":"Definition: Churchleader on starship\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Look at article, ending back where it started (6)","Answer":"LOOPED","Explanation":"Definition: ending back where it started\nLO (look at) + OP-ED (a newspaper article printed opposite the editorial column, usually expressing the personal opinions of the writer)"} {"Clue":"Meddler last to speak one piece, almost nothing (8)","Answer":"KIBITZER","Explanation":"Definition: Meddler\n[spea]K + I (one) + BIT (piece) + ZER[o] (almost nothing) \u2013 a new one (jorum) for me: Chambers: '(*N Am inf*) an onlooker (at cards, etc) who gives unwanted advice, an interferer (Yiddish)'"} {"Clue":"Girl put on make-up, half for the dog (6)","Answer":"DOUGAL","Explanation":"Definition: the dog\nDO (make) + half of U[p] + GAL(girl)"} {"Clue":"With software installed, organised data can be taken advantage of (8)","Answer":"TAPPABLE","Explanation":"Definition: can be taken advantage of\nAPP (software) in TABLE (organised data)"} {"Clue":"Honest heterosexual a miserable item, oddly (8,2,1,3)","Answer":"STRAIGHT AS A DIE","Explanation":"Definition: Honest\nSTRAIGHT (heterosexual) + A SAD (a miserable) + odd letters of I[t]E[m]"} {"Clue":"Deactivated antibodies \u2014 there are seven of them (6,4)","Answer":"DEADLY SINS","Explanation":"Definition: there are seven of them\nDEAD (deactivated) + LYSINS (antibodies)"} {"Clue":"Divine person in Hard Times (4)","Answer":"HERA","Explanation":"Definition: Divine person\nH (hard) + ERA (times) for the sister \/ wife of Zeus"} {"Clue":"The point of college: competitive advantage (4)","Answer":"CUSP","Explanation":"Definition: The point\nC (college) + USP (Unique Selling Proposition\/Point \u2013 competitive advantage)"} {"Clue":"Ever extremely fresh and impertinent, the cow (10)","Answer":"ERMINTRUDE","Explanation":"Definition: the cow\nE[ve]R, extremely + MINT (fresh) + RUDE (impertinent)"} {"Clue":"Enormous snail keeps doing manoeuvres around black horse (14)","Answer":"BROBDINGNAGIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Enormous\n**BRIAN** (the snail) round an anagram (manoeuvres) of DOING round B (black) NAG (horse)"} {"Clue":"Game's not worth such feeble power (6)","Answer":"CANDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Game's not worth sucheeble power\nA double \/ cryptic definition \u2013 0r even &lit?"} {"Clue":"Girl's surprised expression, breaking barrier (8)","Answer":"FLORENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Girl\nLOR(d) (surprised expression) in FENCE (barrier) \u2013 not a random girl's name this time but one of the themed characters"} {"Clue":"Joker swallows small stone (6)","Answer":"JASPER","Explanation":"Definition: stone\nJAPER (joker) round S (small)"} {"Clue":"Nameless, Dylan's fancy woman (4)","Answer":"LADY","Explanation":"Definition: woman\nAn anagram (fancy) of DYLA[n] (the rabbit) minus n (name)"} {"Clue":"No joke, small island's flipping cactus (7)","Answer":"OPUNTIA","Explanation":"Definition: cactus\nO PUN (no joke) + a reversal (flipping) of AIT (small island)"} {"Clue":"Regularly get real fur? Can be cancelled (8)","Answer":"ERASABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Can be cancelled\nAlternate letters of gEtReAl + SABLE (fur)"} {"Clue":"Daydreaming concealed nervousness, so to speak (11)","Answer":"INATTENTION","Explanation":"Definition: Daydreaming\nSounds like (so to speak) 'inner tension' (concealed nervousness)"} {"Clue":"Tax situation Imogen's on top of (6)","Answer":"IMPOST","Explanation":"Definition: Tax\nI'M (Imogen's) on top of POST (situation)"} {"Clue":"Disciples' dad was like a jack-in-the-box (7)","Answer":"ZEBEDEE","Explanation":"Definition: Disciples' dad\nFather of Jesus' first disciples James and John in the New Testament and this character"} {"Clue":"Leave tree, sick, to pick up again (2-7)","Answer":"RE-ELEVATE","Explanation":"Definition: pick up again\nAn anagram (sick) of LEAVE TREE"} {"Clue":"Front of gut enormous, all to do with fine dining (11)","Answer":"GASTRONOMIC","Explanation":"Definition: all to do with fine dining\nG[ut] + ASTRONOMIC (enormous)"} {"Clue":"Lawyer's task cut short (4,5)","Answer":"DOCK BRIEF","Explanation":"Definition: Lawyer's task\nDOCK (cut) + BRIEF (short)"} {"Clue":"Dump character on carpet with a number of bloody marks (8)","Answer":"STIGMATA","Explanation":"Definition: bloody marks\n'STIG (of the dump') + MAT (carpet) + A \u2013 a reference to **another** **children's** classic"} {"Clue":"Affirmed as shabby, in a way, and old (5,2)","Answer":"SWORN TO","Explanation":"Definition: Affirmed as\nWORN (shabby) in ST (way) + O (old)"} {"Clue":"Making progress on this, say, you criticise party in Ireland (2-3-2)","Answer":"UP-AND-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Making progress on this\nU (sounds like \u2013 say \u2013 you) + PAN (criticise) + DUP (Democratic Unionist Party)"} {"Clue":"Attach instruction for placing notice (6)","Answer":"ADHERE","Explanation":"Definition: Attach\nAD HERE (instruction for placing notice)"} {"Clue":"Next in line making sound impression (4)","Answer":"HEIR","Explanation":"Definition: Next in line\nSounds like (sound) AIR (impression, as in 'an air of authority')"} {"Clue":"Eccentric, but excellent, casserole (8)","Answer":"CRACKPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Eccentric\nCRACK (excellent) + POT (casserole)"} {"Clue":"Intimate request followed by Hardy, quick (4,2)","Answer":"KISS ME","Explanation":"Definition: Intimate request\nA sort of double definition, I think, referring to Admiral Nelson's last words and the seaside novelty 'Kiss me quick' hat"} {"Clue":"In the film I made, nothing short-sighted (6)","Answer":"MYOPIC","Explanation":"Definition: short-sighted\nO (nothing) in MY PIC (the film I made)"} {"Clue":"Peevishly irritable, but Clark not heartless (8)","Answer":"PETULANT","Explanation":"Definition: Peevishly irritable\nPETULA (Clark) \u2013 not a reference to Superman but to **this veteran singer and actress**\u00a0 + N[O]T, heartless"} {"Clue":"Diagnose the problem and criticise (4,5)","Answer":"FIND FAULT","Explanation":"Definition: Diagnose the problemcriticise\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Coil up some rampant wisteria (5)","Answer":"TWIST","Explanation":"Definition: Coil up\nContained in rampanT WISTeria"} {"Clue":"Anti-PC rioting that is irresistible to Tom (6)","Answer":"CATNIP","Explanation":"Definition: that is irresistible to Tom\nAn anagram (rioting) of ANTI PC \u2013 another\u00a0 name for catmint"} {"Clue":"Drink at home to end of bottle, face up on the floor (6)","Answer":"SUPINE","Explanation":"Definition: face up on the floor\nSUP (drink) + IN (at home) + [bottl]E"} {"Clue":"Genuinely concerned with colleague (6)","Answer":"REALLY","Explanation":"Definition: Genuinely\nRE (concerned with) + ALLY (colleague)"} {"Clue":"Work on correspondence after the theatre (4-2)","Answer":"POST-OP","Explanation":"Definition: after the theatre\nOP (work) after POST (correspondence)"} {"Clue":"Planet Earth's last wetland (5)","Answer":"MARSH","Explanation":"Definition: wetland\nMARS (planet) + [eart]H"} {"Clue":"Carry on as salesman, coming back hard (9)","Answer":"PERSEVERE","Explanation":"Definition: Carry on\nA reversal (coming back) of REP (salesman) + SEVERE (hard)"} {"Clue":"Addictive substance reviewed in notice (8)","Answer":"NICOTINE","Explanation":"Definition: Addictive substance\nAn anagram (reviewed) of IN NOTICE"} {"Clue":"Fat Pole carrying cask (6)","Answer":"ROTUND","Explanation":"Definition: Fat\nROD (pole) round TUN (cask)"} {"Clue":"I am interrupting fussily obstinate creature (6)","Answer":"ANIMAL","Explanation":"Definition: creature\nI'M (I am) in ANAL (fussily obstinate)"} {"Clue":"Lonely, fail to go back into romantic meeting (8)","Answer":"DESOLATE","Explanation":"Definition: Lonely\nA reversal (to go back) of LOSE (fail) in DATE (romantic meeting)"} {"Clue":"Little light fish (3)","Answer":"RAY","Explanation":"Definition: Little lightfish\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Managed wearing a vestment (5)","Answer":"COPED","Explanation":"Definition: Managedwearing a vestment\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"In a pickle, choose a flower for hearing (10)","Answer":"PICCALILLI","Explanation":"Definition: a pickle\nSounds like (for hearing) pick a lily (choose a flower)"} {"Clue":"Drink all round the place and fall over (6)","Answer":"TOPPLE","Explanation":"Definition: fall over\nTOPE (drink) round PL (place)"} {"Clue":"Bird that flies without wings (4)","Answer":"KITE","Explanation":"Definition: Birdthat flies without wings\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Very much depressed, man's time in game (4,5)","Answer":"SOLO WHIST","Explanation":"Definition: game\nSO LOW (very much depressed) + HIS (man's) + T (time)"} {"Clue":"Wise Men peer for moving ship (11)","Answer":"MINESWEEPER","Explanation":"Definition: ship\nAn anagram (for moving) of WISE MEN PEER"} {"Clue":"Manifestation in pink (11)","Answer":"INCARNATION","Explanation":"Definition: Manifestation\nIN CARNATION (pink)"} {"Clue":"Feeling poorly, having finished the last anagram? (3,2,5)","Answer":"OUT OF SORTS","Explanation":"Definition: Feeling poorly\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Change exercises after missing one class (9)","Answer":"TRANSFORM","Explanation":"Definition: Change\nTRA[i]NS (exercises) minus i (one) + FORM (class)"} {"Clue":"Rely on expending energy in part of pool (6)","Answer":"DEPEND","Explanation":"Definition: Rely\nDE[e]P END (part of pool) minus e (energy)"} {"Clue":"Take lead off vizsla wagging tail \u2014 essential (5)","Answer":"VITAL","Explanation":"Definition: essential\nV[izsla) + an anagram (wagging) of TAIL"} {"Clue":"Tablet initially prescribed wrongly (4)","Answer":"PILL","Explanation":"Definition: Tablet\nP[rescribed) + ILL (wrongly)"} {"Clue":"Parasite found in genitals (3)","Answer":"NIT","Explanation":"Definition: Parasite\nFound in geNITals"} {"Clue":"Second mate welcoming Republican like Bush (7)","Answer":"SHRUBBY","Explanation":"Definition: like Bush\nS (second) + HUBBY (mate) round R (Republican)"} {"Clue":"Place Franco-German articles in sack (7)","Answer":"PLUNDER","Explanation":"Definition: sack\nPL (place) + UN DER (Franco-German articles)"} {"Clue":"One's rehabilitated a defector to Labour? (2-3)","Answer":"EX-CON","Explanation":"Definition: One's rehabilitateddefector to Labour?\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Stock cut, investing currency from the east (9)","Answer":"HACKNEYED","Explanation":"Definition: Stock\nHACKED (cut) round a reversal (from the east) of YEN (a currency \u2013 from the east)"} {"Clue":"A rejected work proposition includes nothing for great model (10)","Answer":"APOTHEOSIS","Explanation":"Definition: great model\nA + a reversal (rejected) of OP (work) + THESIS (proposition) round O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Setter was in the van, needing return fare from here (4)","Answer":"DELI","Explanation":"Definition: fare from here\nA reversal (needing return) of I (setter) LED (was in the van)"} {"Clue":"How to make techie get conversation going (5,3,3)","Answer":"BREAK THE ICE","Explanation":"Definition: get conversation going\nA reverse anagram: to make TECHIE, break THE ICE"} {"Clue":"Murmur about a strange blemish or rash (5-6)","Answer":"HARUM-SCARUM","Explanation":"Definition: rash\nHUM (murmur) round A RUM (a strange) SCAR (blemish)"} {"Clue":"Like that hotel round Westminster area (4)","Answer":"SOHO","Explanation":"Definition: Westminster area\nSO (like that) + H (hotel) + O (round)"} {"Clue":"Extra time to follow chaps who do yoga? (10)","Answer":"SUPPLEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Extra\nT (time) following SUPPLE MEN (chaps who do yoga?)"} {"Clue":"Made free carpet kept in cover (9)","Answer":"LIBERATED","Explanation":"Definition: Made free\nBERATE (carpet) in LID (cover)"} {"Clue":"Knocked back one's ginger drink (5)","Answer":"PEPSI","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nA reversal (knocked back) of I'S (one's) PEP (ginger \u2013 both as nouns or verbs, as in pep \/ ginger up)"} {"Clue":"Venomous sort of chatterbox losing face (7)","Answer":"RATTLER","Explanation":"Definition: Venomous sort\n[p]RATTLER (chatterbox)"} {"Clue":"Rare element of maturity adult leaves out (7)","Answer":"YTTRIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Rare element\nAn anagram (out) of M[a]TURITY minus a (adult)"} {"Clue":"Yo-yo with ace spots turned up (3-3)","Answer":"SEE-SAW","Explanation":"Definition: Yo-yo\nA reversal (turned up) of W (with) + A (ace) + SEES (spots)"} {"Clue":"Spoil losing weight, getting evenly round figure (6)","Answer":"RECKON","Explanation":"Definition: figure\n[w]RECK (spoil, minus W \u2013 weight) + even letters of rOuNd"} {"Clue":"Theban plays fail to make peaceful appeal (3,3,4)","Answer":"BAN THE BOMB","Explanation":"Definition: peaceful appeal\nAn anagram ( plays) of THEBAN + BOMB (fail) \u2013 reference to **Sophocles' trilogy**, brilliantly produced by the BBC in the 1980s"} {"Clue":"Somewhat rowdy, a hoodlum? (5)","Answer":"YAHOO","Explanation":"Definition: Somewhat rowdy, a hoodlum?\nHidden in rowdY A HOOdlum"} {"Clue":"Small amount of cash turned up (100 pounds) outside diner (9)","Answer":"PICNICKER","Explanation":"Definition: outside diner\nA reversal (turned up) of I P (one penny \u2013 small amount of cash) + C (100) NICKER (pounds)"} {"Clue":"Cricket scores you heard upped for Ashes holders (4)","Answer":"URNS","Explanation":"Definition: Ashes holders\nThis seems to be a reversal (upped) of SNR (cricket scores?) + U (you heard) but that's as far as\u00a0 I could get"} {"Clue":"Wilde, say, could be a poet (3-5)","Answer":"DAY-LEWIS","Explanation":"Definition: a poet\nAn anagram (could be) of WILDE SAY \u2013 a lovely clue for the former Poet Laureate and brilliant translator of Virgil's Aeneid, father of actor Sir Daniel and subject of the play \/ film 'Shadowlands' (**not!!** \u2013 I can't believe I did that: many\u00a0 thanks, Lord Jim @8)"} {"Clue":"River weeds in new ports, perhaps (3,5)","Answer":"RED WINES","Explanation":"Definition: ports, perhaps\nR (river) + an anagram (new) of WEEDS IN"} {"Clue":"Extremely coquettish kind of yellow jumper turned up where one goes at night (7,3)","Answer":"CHAMBER POT","Explanation":"Definition: where one goes at night\nC[oquettis]H + AMBER (kind of yellow) + a reversal (turned up) of TOP (jumper) \u2013 an alternative to yesterday's place to go"} {"Clue":"Rendezvous in French bar (9)","Answer":"ENCOUNTER","Explanation":"Definition: Rendezvous\nEN (French 'in') + COUNTER (bar)"} {"Clue":"American who drew game, with both sides full of energy (8)","Answer":"WHISTLER","Explanation":"Definition: American who drew\nWHIST (game) + L R (both sides) round E (energy) for **this American artist\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Whizz over finale of Bach, needing one piece for bar (8)","Answer":"PROHIBIT","Explanation":"Definition: bar\nPRO (whizz) + [bac]H + I BIT (one piece)"} {"Clue":"Parnassian location's key character there (6)","Answer":"DELPHI","Explanation":"Definition: Parnassian location\nDEL(ete) (key) + PHI (character there \u2013 in Greece) \u2013 for the site of Apollo's oracle, home of the Muses and one of the most awesome places I've ever visited"} {"Clue":"University in Irish district wanting new hall (6)","Answer":"ATRIUM","Explanation":"Definition: hall\nU (university) in A[n]TRIM (Northern Irish county \u2013 another awesome location, with its beautiful coast road and Giant's Causeway) minus n (new)"} {"Clue":"What you get from sweet food and extremes of gluttony? (5)","Answer":"PUDGY","Explanation":"Definition: What you get from sweet food and extremes of gluttony?\nPUD (sweet food) + G[lutton]Y"} {"Clue":"Exam not fine for a learner (4)","Answer":"ORAL","Explanation":"Definition: Exam\n[f]OR A L (learner)"} {"Clue":"Dad on bass held back music of his youth? (7)","Answer":"BRITPOP","Explanation":"Definition: music of his youth?\nB (bass) + RIT (musical direction, short for ritenuto \u2013 Collins: 'held back momentarily') + POP (Dad)"} {"Clue":"Wild flower trail expanded (3,4)","Answer":"DOG ROSE","Explanation":"Definition: Wild flower\nDOG (trail) + ROSE (expanded)"} {"Clue":"Auditor's assessment for variety show (5)","Answer":"REVUE","Explanation":"Definition: variety show\nSounds (unarguably) like (auditor's) review (assessment)"} {"Clue":"Provides commentary for girl leading seaman round gallery (9)","Answer":"ANNOTATES","Explanation":"Definition: Provides commentary for\nANN (girl) + OS (Ordinary Seaman) round TATE (gallery)"} {"Clue":"Select a particular song and walk out (4,3,3)","Answer":"TAKE THE AIR","Explanation":"Definition: Select a particular songwalk out\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Swallow or martin consuming other birds' food? (4)","Answer":"WORM","Explanation":"Definition: other birds' food?\nHidden in swalloW OR Martin"} {"Clue":"Artwork could make attendant blush, were I to go in (11)","Answer":"WATERCOLOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Artwork\nI added to WATER would give waiter (attendant) + COLOUR (blush)"} {"Clue":"Combatant repressing rage left bar, starting ignition (11)","Answer":"FIRELIGHTER","Explanation":"Definition: bar, starting ignition\nFIGHTER (combatant) round IRE (rage) + L (left)"} {"Clue":"Husband roped in to sample traditionally female craft (4)","Answer":"SHIP","Explanation":"Definition: traditionally female craft\nH (husband) in SIP (sample) \u2013 ships are traditionally referred to as she \/ her"} {"Clue":"Tracked down and slaughtered another rat (3,2,5)","Answer":"RAN TO EARTH","Explanation":"Definition: Tracked down\nAn anagram (slaughtered) of ANOTHER RAT"} {"Clue":"Old team showing its age, getting rusty? (9)","Answer":"OXIDATING","Explanation":"Definition: getting rusty\nO (old) + XI (team) + DATING (showing its age)"} {"Clue":"Little doggies carrying master's shoes (5)","Answer":"PUMPS","Explanation":"Definition: shoes\nM (master) in PUPS (little doggies)"} {"Clue":"Screwed up large stopper to protect drum (7)","Answer":"EARPLUG","Explanation":"Definition: stopper to protect drum\nAN anagram (screwed) of UP LARGE"} {"Clue":"Flipping annoyed on backing corrupt fighters in ring (7)","Answer":"TOREROS","Explanation":"Definition: fighters in ring\nA reversal (flipping) of SORE (annoyed) + ROT (corrupt)"} {"Clue":"Blast fellow switching sides during contest (6)","Answer":"BERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Blast\nRAT (fellow changing sides) in BEE (contest) \u2013 I spent too long trying to make some sense of BE[l]ATE"} {"Clue":"Call on president, assuming envoy's content (6)","Answer":"INVOKE","Explanation":"Definition: Call on\nIKE (president) round [e]NVO[y]"} {"Clue":"Attractive means of getting a drink, more or less (6,4)","Answer":"PRETTY WELL","Explanation":"Definition: more or less\nPRETTY (attractive) + WELL (means of getting a drink)"} {"Clue":"Official home for bishop wanting a post (5)","Answer":"PLACE","Explanation":"Definition: post\nP[a]LACE (official home for bishop) minus a"} {"Clue":"Old three-halfpenny comic incomplete, one part damaged (9)","Answer":"DANDIPRAT","Explanation":"Definition: Old three-halfpenny\nDAND[y] (comic, incomplete) + I (one)\u00a0 + an anagram (damaged) of PART \u2013 the crossers led to this word, which was lodged deep in my memory but I think I knew it as 'an insignificant person; a little boy' (Chambers)"} {"Clue":"One way of getting out as match proceeds (4)","Answer":"GATE","Explanation":"Definition: One way of getting outmatch proceeds\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Established novelist links up on air (8)","Answer":"ORTHODOX","Explanation":"Definition: Established\nSounds (something) like (on air) 'author' (novelist) 'docks' (links up)"} {"Clue":"One outcome of simple test for sucker? (4,4)","Answer":"EASY MARK","Explanation":"Definition: sucker\nA simple test might lead to an easy mark"} {"Clue":"Troops look cross mounting guard at entrance (10)","Answer":"DOORKEEPER","Explanation":"Definition: guard at entrance\nA reversal (mounting) of RE (Royal Engineers \u2013 troops) + PEEK (look) + ROOD (cross)"} {"Clue":"Against harsh assessment of some bedding (3,6)","Answer":"TOG RATING","Explanation":"Definition: assessment of some bedding\nTO (against \u2013 as in nose to tail \/ back to back \u2013 or 'the score was three to two') + GRATING (harsh) \u2013 I remember TOG RATING being unfamiliar to our Australian friends last time it appeared: a tog is a unit of measurement of thermal insulation \u2013 of a duvet, for instance"} {"Clue":"Not keen on horse trained overseas (8)","Answer":"OFFSHORE","Explanation":"Definition: overseas\nOFF (not keen on) + an anagram (trained) of HORSE"} {"Clue":"Blustery at first with more showers, becoming brighter (8)","Answer":"BRAINIER","Explanation":"Definition: brighter\nB[lustery) + RAINIER (with more showers)"} {"Clue":"Shock in city rising after treasurer cleared out (6)","Answer":"TREMOR","Explanation":"Definition: Shock\nT[reasure]R + a reversal ( rising) of ROME (city)"} {"Clue":"Asian primate rushes all over the place (6)","Answer":"RHESUS","Explanation":"Definition: Asian primate\nAn anagram (all over the place) of RUSHES"} {"Clue":"Penny-pinching firm (5)","Answer":"TIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Penny-pinchingfirm\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Good time for delivery? (4)","Answer":"BALL","Explanation":"Definition: Good timedelivery?\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"When news is on usually officer listens (7)","Answer":"ATTENDS","Explanation":"Definition: listens\nAT TEN (when news is on usually) + DS (Detective Sergeant \u2013 officer)"} {"Clue":"Check scenery support (7)","Answer":"SETBACK","Explanation":"Definition: Check\nSET (scenery) + BACK (support)"} {"Clue":"Leave Egypt's borders around eleven (4)","Answer":"EXIT","Explanation":"Definition: Leave\nE E[gyp]T round XI (eleven)"} {"Clue":"Xmas missive inspiring old western playwright (4,6)","Answer":"NOEL COWARD","Explanation":"Definition: playwright\nNOEL CARD (Christmas missive) round O (old) W (western)"} {"Clue":"Juliet swung round topless, getting derided (6)","Answer":"JEERED","Explanation":"Definition: derided\nJ (Juliet \u2013 or, strictly, as has been pointed out here more than once, Juliett \u2013 NATO alphabet) + [v]EERED (swung round, 'topless')"} {"Clue":"Woman smuggled documents inside for playwright (8)","Answer":"SHERIDAN","Explanation":"Definition: playwright\nSHE (woman) RAN (smuggled) round ID (documents)"} {"Clue":"Fancy Dorothy scoffing beef as standard practice! (9)","Answer":"ORTHODOXY","Explanation":"Definition: standard practice\nAN anagram (fancy) of DOROTHY round OX (beef)"} {"Clue":"Stainer's notes held by male alto (5)","Answer":"HENNA","Explanation":"Definition: Stainer\nNN (notes) in HE (male) A (alto)"} {"Clue":"Book range in the end but not completely (5)","Answer":"ATLAS","Explanation":"Definition: Bookrange\nDouble definition, the second referring to the Atlas mountains: AT LAS[t] (in the end, not completely)"} {"Clue":"Computer's the way to capture Joe's tricky display (5,4)","Answer":"MAGIC SHOW","Explanation":"Definition: tricky display\nMAC'S (computer's) round GI (Joe) + HOW (the way \u2013 as in 'I'll show you how \/ the way to do it')"} {"Clue":"After spring, darkness reduced, just about (4-4)","Answer":"WELL-NIGH","Explanation":"Definition: just about\nWELL (spring) + NIGH[t] darkness, reduced)"} {"Clue":"Tidy jasmine at entrance, clipping what's choking it (6)","Answer":"NEATEN","Explanation":"Definition: Tidy\nHidden in jasmiNE AT ENtrance"} {"Clue":"Cast hated snags, the ones behind the scenes (10)","Answer":"STAGEHANDS","Explanation":"Definition: the ones behind the scenes\nAn anagram (cast) of HATED SNAGS"} {"Clue":"Squad leaves at start of Macbeth (4)","Answer":"TEAM","Explanation":"Definition: Squad\nTEA (leaves) + M[acbeth]"} {"Clue":"One examines canines first after depression (7)","Answer":"DENTIST","Explanation":"Definition: One examines canines\nIST (first) after DENT (depression)"} {"Clue":"Stuck in woods, Romeo can't help giggling (7)","Answer":"CORPSES","Explanation":"Definition: can't help giggling\nR (Romeo \u2013 NATO aphabet) in COPSES (woods) \u2013 a word we used often as giggling schoolgirls; one of my all-time favourite examples, which I've cited here before, is from\u00a0 'Not only but also', Dud and Pete at the art gallery; (you don't have to watch it again but it corpses me every time I see it); another classic is the Test Match Special radio commentary,\u00a0which has been invoked here several times"} {"Clue":"Demand Yankee auditor's time of reckoning? (3,4)","Answer":"TAX YEAR","Explanation":"Definition: time of reckoning\nTAX (demand) + Y (Yankee \u2013 NATO alphabet again) + EAR (auditor)"} {"Clue":"Record trouble with canal \u2014 it is vanishing (5)","Answer":"ENTER","Explanation":"Definition: Record\nENTER[itis] (trouble with {alimentary} canal)"} {"Clue":"Stripped duke finished hiding uniform (7)","Answer":"DENUDED","Explanation":"Definition: Stripped\nD (duke) ENDED (finished) round U (uniform)"} {"Clue":"Abstain from drug that is cut (6)","Answer":"ESCHEW","Explanation":"Definition: Abstain from\nE (drug) + SC (scilicet \u2013 that is) + HEW (cut)"} {"Clue":"Bachelor eats with son running round? Such vulgarity! (9)","Answer":"BAWDINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Such vulgarity\nBA (Bachelor of Arts) + DINES (eats) with W (with) + S (son) running round"} {"Clue":"Almost cut short new hanging (7)","Answer":"CURTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: hanging\nCURTAI[l] (almost cut short) + N (new)"} {"Clue":"Engineer examined such a dramatic device (4,2,7)","Answer":"DEUS EX MACHINA","Explanation":"Definition: dramatic device\nAn anagram (engineer) of EXAMINED SUCH A"} {"Clue":"One in the pits wears this halo? (9)","Answer":"HEADLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: One in the pits wears thishalo\nDouble definition, the first referring to the lamp on a miner's helmet"} {"Clue":"The Stage article about enthralling atmosphere (7)","Answer":"THEATRE","Explanation":"Definition: The Stage\nTHE (article) RE (about) round AT (atmosphere)"} {"Clue":"Individual is firm about dramatist (7)","Answer":"IONESCO","Explanation":"Definition: dramatist\nIS CO (is firm) round ONE (individual)"} {"Clue":"Note Norma perhaps fronting work in 18 (7)","Answer":"OPERATE","Explanation":"Definition: work in 18\nOPERA (Norma, perhaps) + TE (note)"} {"Clue":"Hose this GT after it's overhauled (6)","Answer":"TIGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: Hose\nAn anagram (overhauled) of THIS GT"} {"Clue":"Behave badly in a time-consuming contest (3,2)","Answer":"ACT UP","Explanation":"Definition: Behave badly\nA CUP (a contest) round T (time)"} {"Clue":"Islander heading for cinema rushed to catch film (6)","Answer":"CRETAN","Explanation":"Definition: Islander\nC[inema] + RAN (rushed) round ET (film)"} {"Clue":"Picked up doughnut for some stars (6)","Answer":"TAURUS","Explanation":"Definition: some stars\nSounds like (picked up) torus (doughnut \u2013 see **here**)"} {"Clue":"Conservative chap's into S&M, creating division (6)","Answer":"SCHISM","Explanation":"Definition: division\nC (Conservative) + HIS (chap's) in S M"} {"Clue":"Oh dear! Is ground in country no longer? (8)","Answer":"RHODESIA","Explanation":"Definition: country no longer\nAn anagram (ground) of OH DEAR IS: Rhodesia is now **Zimbabwe"} {"Clue":"Native American's somewhat faddish opinions (4)","Answer":"HOPI","Explanation":"Definition: Native American\nContained in faddisH OPInions"} {"Clue":"What disciplinarians read has man involved in threesome with delicacy (3,4,3)","Answer":"THE RIOT ACT","Explanation":"Definition: What disciplinarians read\nHE (man) in TRIO (threesome) + TACT (delicacy) \u2013 see **here **for the derivation of 'to read the Riot Act'"} {"Clue":"Some wood covered in fancy polish \u2014 it's for expert in 8s, say (11)","Answer":"PHILOLOGIST","Explanation":"Definition: expert in 8s, say\nLOG (some wood) in an anagram (fancy) of POLISH IT"} {"Clue":"Outdid frames art gallery trialled (4-6)","Answer":"BETA-TESTED","Explanation":"Definition: trialled\nBESTED (outdid) round TATE (art gallery)"} {"Clue":"Going out with partner once having personal charm (4)","Answer":"EXIT","Explanation":"Definition: Going out\nEX (partner once) + IT (personal charm)"} {"Clue":"Ambassador willing to accept honour for England at Wembley, say? (4,4)","Answer":"HOME GAME","Explanation":"Definition: England at Wembley, say?\nHE (His or Her Excellency \u2013 ambassador) + GAME (willing) round OM (Order of Merit \u2013 honour)"} {"Clue":"Nurse only half pens records for medical problem (6)","Answer":"SEPSIS","Explanation":"Definition: medical problem\nSIS[ter] (nurse, only half) round EPS (records)"} {"Clue":"Satisfied about cool ending of Rameau composition (6)","Answer":"MINUET","Explanation":"Definition: composition\nMET (satisfied) round IN (cool) + [ramea]U"} {"Clue":"I'm not sure about small-scale rebellion (6)","Answer":"MUTINY","Explanation":"Definition: rebellion\nA reversal (about) of UM (I'm not sure) + TINY (small-scale)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"One dwelt towards the north, given case of Scotch that's very bad (8)","Answer":"DEVILISH","Explanation":"Definition: very bad\nA reversal (towards the north, in a down clue) of I (one) LIVED (dwelt) + S[cotc]H"} {"Clue":"Rodent raised two male animals (6)","Answer":"MARMOT","Explanation":"Definition: Rodent\nA reversal (raised) of TOM (cat) + RAM (two male animals)"} {"Clue":"Paddling in ocean incredibly good (8)","Answer":"CANOEING","Explanation":"Definition: Paddling\nAn anagram (incredibly) of IN OCEAN + G (good)"} {"Clue":"Primitive fellow's grave (6)","Answer":"URGENT","Explanation":"Definition: grave\nUR (primitive) + GENT (fellow)"} {"Clue":"Firms working to provide protective covering (6)","Answer":"COCOON","Explanation":"Definition: protective covering\nCO CO (firms) + ON (working)"} {"Clue":"Cut treatment for side pain (6)","Answer":"STITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Cut treatmentside pain\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Queen dons anorak, European queen that's one of thirteen characters across here (5,6)","Answer":"GREEK LETTER","Explanation":"Definition: one of thirteen characters across here\nR (queen) in GEEK (anorak) + LETT (European) + ER (another queen) \u2013 and here's the theme"} {"Clue":"Oscillations in air currents or foliage around east and west (3,5)","Answer":"LEE WAVES","Explanation":"Definition: Oscillations in air currents\nLEAVES (foliage) round E and W \u2013 a new term for me but impeccably clued, so it just needed a google \u2013 see **here\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Rogue peed in vessel for disinfectant (5,3)","Answer":"SHEEP DIP","Explanation":"Definition: disinfectant\nAn anagram (rogue) of PEED in SHIP (vessel)"} {"Clue":"Buckle from jacket of fleece turned up in bedroom (6)","Answer":"DEFORM","Explanation":"Definition: Buckle\nA reversal (turned up) of F[leec]E in DORM (bedroom)"} {"Clue":"Energise two classical sextets, faintly disheartened (6)","Answer":"VIVIFY","Explanation":"Definition: Energise\nVI VI (two sixes in Roman \u2013 classical \u2013 numerals) + F[aintl]Y"} {"Clue":"Getting on and being in harmony but not touching (6)","Answer":"AGEING","Explanation":"Definition: Getting on\nAG[re]EING (being in harmony) minus re (touching)"} {"Clue":"Fight you heard on street during party (4-2)","Answer":"DUST-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Fight\nU (you heard) + ST (street) in Democratic Unionist Party)"} {"Clue":"charges to procure exclusive dress for occasion (4,4)","Answer":"BALL GOWN","Explanation":"Definition: dress for occasion (4,4)\nL (fifty) + L (pounds) in (charges \u2013 as in 'charge your glasses) BAG (procure) + OWN (exclusive)"} {"Clue":"Setters like Hollywood productions (6)","Answer":"ASPICS","Explanation":"Definition: Setters\nAS (like) PICS (Hollywood productions)"} {"Clue":"Stone axes with no backs (4)","Answer":"ONYX","Explanation":"Definition: Stone\nA reversal (backs) of XY (axes) + NO"} {"Clue":"A blow within faction, journalist getting shot (10)","Answer":"CATAPULTED","Explanation":"Definition: shot\nA TAP (a blow) in CULT (faction) + ED (journalist)"} {"Clue":"In retro pubs it's a popular liqueur (6)","Answer":"PASTIS","Explanation":"Definition: liqueur\nA hidden reversal (retro) in pubS IT'S A Popular"} {"Clue":"Slip away when queen enters, overcome (8)","Answer":"VANQUISH","Explanation":"Definition: overcome\nQU (queen) in VANISH (slip away)"} {"Clue":"Pointed window essential in theatre (6)","Answer":"LANCET","Explanation":"Definition: Pointed windowessential in theatre\nDouble definition, both derived from a diminutive of 'lance'"} {"Clue":"Strangeness of headless corpse Inspector West finally cracks (6)","Answer":"ODDITY","Explanation":"Definition: Strangeness\nDI (Detective Inspector) + [wes]T in [b]ODY (headless corpse) \u2013 great surface: Inspector West is a fictional detective, created by John Creasey"} {"Clue":"Women's group storing free skater's sports gear (8)","Answer":"WATERSKI","Explanation":"Definition: sports gear\nWI (Women's Institute) round an anagram (free) of SKATER"} {"Clue":"Jumper of sorts sprinted, covering a good length (6)","Answer":"RAGLAN","Explanation":"Definition: Jumper of sorts\nRAN (sprinted) round A G (good) L (length)"} {"Clue":"Disheartened envoy for one misses visual aids (10)","Answer":"EYEGLASSES","Explanation":"Definition: visual aids\nE[nvo]Y + EG (for example, for one) + LASSES (misses)"} {"Clue":"Outcome of evacuating 50% of underground jail cells? (4)","Answer":"DUNG","Explanation":"Definition: Outcome of evacuating\nDUNG[eons] (underground jail cells) \u2013 great definition and surface"} {"Clue":"Indigenous American's uncle? (6)","Answer":"PAWNEE","Explanation":"Definition: Indigenous Americanuncle?\nDouble definition, the second referring to 'Uncle' being slang for a pawnbroker"} {"Clue":"Those traversing south-west state both uncovered prospects (8)","Answer":"HORIZONS","Explanation":"Definition: prospects\n[t]HOS[e] ('uncovered') round (traversing) [a]RIZON[a] (south-west state, also 'uncovered')\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Top-grade partners cutting post one intended to fill on board (8)","Answer":"MAINSAIL","Explanation":"Definition: one intended to fill on board\nAI (top-grade) + N S (bridge partners) in MAIL (post)"} {"Clue":"Ongoing mutation of viral infection a bad sign? (4)","Answer":"FLUX","Explanation":"Definition: Ongoing mutation\nFLU (viral infection) + X (a bad sign \u2013 for something marked as wrong)"} {"Clue":"Those in service favouring church society (6)","Answer":"FORCES","Explanation":"Definition: Those in service\nFOR (favouring) + CE (Church of England) + S (society)"} {"Clue":"Hotel annex in which spectre finally materialised (8)","Answer":"HAPPENED","Explanation":"Definition: materialised\nH (Hotel \u2013 NATO alphabet) + APPEND (annex) round [spectr]E"} {"Clue":"Commending a grand pupil, working right away (10)","Answer":"APPLAUDING","Explanation":"Definition: Commending\nA + an anagram (working) of G[r]AND PUPIL, minus r (right away)"} {"Clue":"Retrieve cards, doubling black suits (6)","Answer":"ACCESS","Explanation":"Definition: Retrieve\nACES (cards) with the C (clubs) and S (spades) \u2013 black suits \u2013 doubled"} {"Clue":"Local agent's ultimate green housing (6)","Answer":"NATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Local\n[agen]T in NA\u00cfVE (green)"} {"Clue":"Doctor Ken with antigen for Thomas? (4,6)","Answer":"TANK ENGINE","Explanation":"Definition: Thomas?\nAn anagram (doctor) of KEN ANTIGEN"} {"Clue":"Harry Andersen caught (8)","Answer":"ENSNARED","Explanation":"Definition: caught\nAn anagram (harry) of ANDERSEN"} {"Clue":"Strong fancy netting required after close of play (8)","Answer":"YEARNING","Explanation":"Definition: Strong fancy\nEARNING (netting) after [pla]Y"} {"Clue":"Pretentious school clothing's in the van (6)","Answer":"KITSCH","Explanation":"Definition: Pretentious\nSCH (school) with KIT in front (in the van)"} {"Clue":"A New York Yankee clinging to Washington come what may (6)","Answer":"ANYWAY","Explanation":"Definition: come what may\nA NY (a New York) + WA (Washington) + Y (Yankee \u2013 NATO alphabet again)"} {"Clue":"Men stopping to relax here? (6)","Answer":"RESORT","Explanation":"Definition: here?\nOR (Other Ranks \u2013 men) in REST (relax)"} {"Clue":"Shock announcement of Times (4)","Answer":"DAZE","Explanation":"Definition: Shock\nSounds like (announcement of) of\u00a0 'days' (times)"} {"Clue":"Wrong call, periodically retracted, is rubbish (5)","Answer":"OFFAL","Explanation":"Definition: rubbish\nOFF (wrong) + [c]A[l]L"} {"Clue":"PM about to persist in being workshy, say (9)","Answer":"MALINGERY","Explanation":"Definition: being workshy, say\n(Theresa) MAY (Prime Minister) round LINGER (persist) \u2013 in both Collins and Chambers (as 'archaic': I liked Picaroon's 'say'!)"} {"Clue":"Getting beaten doing badly in formal attire (5,4)","Answer":"GOING DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Getting beaten\nAn anagram (badly) of DOING in GOWN (formal attire)"} {"Clue":"Aussie 14 champ here? (the completed grid represents one) (5)","Answer":"COURT","Explanation":"Definition: Aussie 14 champ(the completed grid represents one)\nDouble definition, the first referring to **Margaret Court\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Spy cracking lob shot with three players around, a common feature of Wimbledon (7)","Answer":"WOMBLES","Explanation":"Definition: a common feature of Wimbledon\nW E S (three bridge players) round M (spy) in an anagram (shot) of LOB for **these lovable characters"} {"Clue":"States herb covers minced meat item (7)","Answer":"SAUSAGE","Explanation":"Definition: minced meat item\nSAGE (herb) round USA (states"} {"Clue":"Point won, having received ball supply (5)","Answer":"ENDOW","Explanation":"Definition: supply\nI'm not quite sure about this one: it's only a few days since I said I always appreciate 'supply' as an anagram indicator but I failed to do anything with WON and settled for END (point \u2013 as of a pencil) + W (won, in football tables) round O (ball): if that's right, it could be a nifty reference to the suggested derivation of the tennis score 'love' from the French 'l'oeuf' \u2013 Brewer says this is 'unlikely'"} {"Clue":"What's between the players overall (3)","Answer":"NET","Explanation":"Definition: What's between the playersoverall\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Guys with no time for relations (5)","Answer":"AUNTS","Explanation":"Definition: relations\n[t]AUNTS (guys) minus t (time)"} {"Clue":"Possible description of 14 ace at a decisive moment (5,2,2,6)","Answer":"POINT OF NO RETURN","Explanation":"Definition: Possible description of 14 acea decisive moment\nDouble \/ cryptic definition, an ace service being one that cannot be returned"} {"Clue":"Servants keeping cold eggs for one player here (7)","Answer":"MCENROE","Explanation":"Definition: one player here\nMEN (servants) round C (cold) + ROE (eggs)"} {"Clue":"Data about men serving in shade of 14 12 (5)","Answer":"GREEN","Explanation":"Definition: shade of 14 12\nGEN (data) round RE (Royal Engineers \u2013 men)"} {"Clue":"American sports player is best to put on sports clothing (9)","Answer":"SHORTSTOP","Explanation":"Definition: American sports player\nSHORTS (sports clothing) + TOP (best) \u2013 from baseball"} {"Clue":"It's from over the pond or marina with ace waves (9)","Answer":"AMERICANA","Explanation":"Definition: It's from over the pond\nAn anagram (waves) of MARINA ACE"} {"Clue":"Wall hanging concealed in embarrassment (5)","Answer":"ARRAS","Explanation":"Definition: Wall hanging\nHidden in embARRASsment\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Another player, a robotic sort, not extremely cheery (4)","Answer":"BORG","Explanation":"Definition: Another player\n[cy]BORG (robotic sort) minus c[heer]y \u2013 I loved the surface!"} {"Clue":"Swore a lawman will hold steady (8)","Answer":"AFFIRMED","Explanation":"Definition: Swore\nA FED (a lawman) round FIRM (steady)"} {"Clue":"Beginning to serve, drag shot (4)","Answer":"SLUG","Explanation":"Definition: shot\nS[erve] + LUG (drag)"} {"Clue":"Poetically add venom to poems no one trashed (8)","Answer":"EMPOISON","Explanation":"Definition: Poetically add venom to\nAn anagram (trashed) of POEMS NO I (one)"} {"Clue":"More than one plain kid utterly rejected (6)","Answer":"LLANOS","Explanation":"Definition: More than one plain\nA reversal (rejected) of SON (kid) + ALL (utterly)"} {"Clue":"Faulty account penned by fashionable clergyman (10)","Answer":"INACCURATE","Explanation":"Definition: Faulty\nAC (account) in IN (fashionable) CURATE (clergyman)"} {"Clue":"Chilean linesman in underground area (6)","Answer":"NERUDA","Explanation":"Definition: Chilean linesman\nAn anagram (ground \u2013 another favourite indicator of mine) of UNDER + A (area) for **this Chilean poet** (linesman)"} {"Clue":"English play around island (4)","Answer":"EYOT","Explanation":"Definition: island\nE (English) + a reversal (around) of TOY (play)"} {"Clue":"A youthful Barker's serve wide at first (5)","Answer":"WHELP","Explanation":"Definition: A youthful Barker\nW (wide) + HELP (serve), a cryptic definition, with the surface referring to **the wonderful Sue Barker**, presenting her final Wimbledon this year"} {"Clue":"Summertime activity which requires seeding? (4,6)","Answer":"LAWN TENNIS","Explanation":"Definition: Summertime activity\nCryptic definition, referring to two meanings of 'seeding'"} {"Clue":"After a kind of dash, Ms Barker gets result (5)","Answer":"ENSUE","Explanation":"Definition: result\nEN (a kind of dash, in printing) + SUE (Ms Barker again)"} {"Clue":"Work briefly on examination of part of the head (8)","Answer":"TEMPORAL","Explanation":"Definition: of part of the head\nTEMP (work temporarily) + ORAL (examination)"} {"Clue":"Refreshment that is ace, including bananas etc (3,3)","Answer":"ICE TEA","Explanation":"Definition: Refreshment\nAn anagram (bananas) of ACE and ETC"} {"Clue":"Trenches so safe when there's been an upheaval (6)","Answer":"FOSSAE","Explanation":"Definition: Trenches\nAn anagram (when there's been an upheaval) of SO SAFE"} {"Clue":"Swagger when changing ends, creating interest (4)","Answer":"GRAB","Explanation":"Definition: interest\nBRAG (swagger) with the first and last letters swapped"} {"Clue":"National sporting fixture on the radio (4)","Answer":"THAI","Explanation":"Definition: National\nSounds like (on the radio) 'tie' (sporting fixture)"} {"Clue":"US linesman adopting singular position (4)","Answer":"POSE","Explanation":"Definition: position\nPOE (Edgar Allan \u2013 US poet \u2013 linesman) round S (singular)"} {"Clue":"Remainer's regret about answer given in public? (8)","Answer":"EUROPEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Remainer\nA reversal (about) of RUE (regret) + A (answer) in OPEN (public)"} {"Clue":"Important person greeting boring old queen (6)","Answer":"ANYONE","Explanation":"Definition: Important person\nYO (greeting) in (boring) ANNE (old queen)"} {"Clue":"Honest, not rotten sinner in the appropriate place? (2,3,5)","Answer":"ON THE LEVEL","Explanation":"Definition: Honest\nAn anagram (rotten) of NOT + EVE (sinner in Genesis) in HELL (appropriate place for a sinner)"} {"Clue":"Bounder to stop working as a bagman? (6)","Answer":"CADDIE","Explanation":"Definition: bagman?\nCAD (bounder) + DIE (stop working)"} {"Clue":"Main fare from priest boarding vehicle heading for Ipswich (8)","Answer":"CALAMARI","Explanation":"Definition: Main fare\nLAMA (priest) in CAR (vehicle) + I[pswich] \u2013 great surface"} {"Clue":"Finish collecting fresh mud for Shakespeare character, who speaks the 17 10 seen here (6)","Answer":"EDMUND","Explanation":"Definition: Shakespeare character, who speaks the 17 10 seen here\nEND (finish) round an anagram (fresh) of MUD \u2013 this line (which has an almost prophetic ring today) was coined by Shakespeare in 'King Lear' (referenced also in 25ac):"} {"Clue":"Iffy bishop with request to be served some coke? (10)","Answer":"BORDERLINE","Explanation":"Definition: Iffy\nB (bishop) + ORDER (request) LINE (some coke) \u2013 a wonderful surface"} {"Clue":"Lets boxing man off in scraps (8)","Answer":"REMNANTS","Explanation":"Definition: scraps\nRENTS (lets) round an anagram (off) of MAN"} {"Clue":"When protesting, this follows up poet's embraces (6)","Answer":"INARMS","Explanation":"Definition: poet's embraces\n'Up in arms' = protesting: this reminded me of Picaroon's 'empoison' last week"} {"Clue":"Serialised works, those providing rosy depictions (10)","Answer":"IDEALISERS","Explanation":"Definition: those providing rosy depictions\nAn anagram (works) of SERIALISED \u2013 clever anagram and nice surface"} {"Clue":"By the sound of it, go lower in harmony (4)","Answer":"SYNC","Explanation":"Definition: harmony\nSounds like 'sink' (go lower)"} {"Clue":"Authorises king to enter Cyprus on vacation (6)","Answer":"CLEARS","Explanation":"Definition: Authorises\nLEAR (king) in C[ypru]S"} {"Clue":"Duke's opening sherry in a mournful manner (8)","Answer":"DOLOROSO","Explanation":"Definition: in a mournful manner\nD[uke] + OLOROSO (sherry) \u2013 another lovely surface\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Barrel that is holding feline or marine invertebrate (8)","Answer":"TUNICATE","Explanation":"Definition: marine invertebrate\nTUN (barrel) + IE (that is) round CAT (feline) \u2013 a new word for me but very clearly clued"} {"Clue":"Wanting top, picked out legwear (4)","Answer":"HOSE","Explanation":"Definition: legwear\n[c]HOSE (picked out), minus the first letter \u2013 top, in a down clue"} {"Clue":"Essentially deem ancient times a misery! (6)","Answer":"EEYORE","Explanation":"Definition: a misery!\n[d]EE[m] + YORE (ancient times) \u2013 lovely!"} {"Clue":"Downfall of criminal later put in court (8)","Answer":"WATERLOO","Explanation":"Definition: Downfall\nAn anagram (criminal) of LATER in WOO (court) \u2013 another great surface"} {"Clue":"Plug and admire new interactive information system (10)","Answer":"HYPERMEDIA","Explanation":"Definition: interactive information system\nHYPE (plug) + an anagram (new) of ADMIRE"} {"Clue":"Make beloved Eileen disheartened on date with something corny? (6)","Answer":"ENDEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Make beloved\nE[ilee]N + D (date) + EAR (something corny!)"} {"Clue":"Spot books in Mediterranean resort (6)","Answer":"NOTICE","Explanation":"Definition: Spot\nOT (Old Testament -books) in NICE (Mediterranean resort)"} {"Clue":"Maybe possessed lake south of rocky Macedonia (10)","Answer":"DEMONIACAL","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe possessed\nL (lake) after (south of, in a down clue) an anagram (rocky) of MACEDONIA \u2013 neat definition and surface"} {"Clue":"Jason's jacket in suit tailored for martial art (8)","Answer":"NINJITSU","Explanation":"Definition: martial art\nAn anagram (tailored) of J[aso]N IN SUIT \u2013 another new word for me"} {"Clue":"Room to accommodate Arab's Catholic belief (8)","Answer":"ROMANISM","Explanation":"Definition: Catholic belief\nRM (room) round OMANI'S (Arab's)"} {"Clue":"Mount of a leader of cavalry wearing mail (6)","Answer":"ASCEND","Explanation":"Definition: Mount\nA + C[avalry) in SEND (mail) \u2013 another great surface"} {"Clue":" Final goal bagged by tall lad, netting on the spin (3-3)","Answer":"END-ALL","Explanation":"Definition: Final goal\nA well-hidden reversal (on the spin) in talL LAD NEtting"} {"Clue":"Pronoun the writer felt out of place, penning start of sonnet (6)","Answer":"ITSELF","Explanation":"Definition: Pronoun\nI (the writer) + an anagram (out of place) of FELT round S[onnet}"} {"Clue":"Lacking home cover for certain (4)","Answer":"SURE","Explanation":"Definition: certain\n[in]SURE (cover) minus in (home)"} {"Clue":"Onslaught from ethnic group on withdrawal of charity (8)","Answer":"DIATRIBE","Explanation":"Definition: Onslaught\nA reversal (withdrawal) of AID (charity) + TRIBE (ethnic group)"} {"Clue":"Worker in pick-up vehicle achieves academic distinction (6)","Answer":"CANTAB","Explanation":"Definition: academic distinction\nANT (worker) in CAB (pick-up vehicle)"} {"Clue":"Person likely to fall for tourist (7)","Answer":"TRIPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Person likely to falltourist\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"End of public flogging as reprimand (7)","Answer":"CHIDING","Explanation":"Definition: reprimand\n[publi]C + HIDING (flogging)"} {"Clue":"Bone clusters of which human has two, fish one (5)","Answer":"CARPI","Explanation":"Definition: Bone clusters\nCARP (fish) + I (one)"} {"Clue":"We finally totter on two legs, making progress (2,4,3)","Answer":"ON ONE\u2019S WAY","Explanation":"Definition: making progress\nON ON (leg \u2013 side in cricket \u2013 twice) + [w]E + SWAY (totter)"} {"Clue":"Wild apes with penchant for coincidence (12)","Answer":"HAPPENSTANCE","Explanation":"Definition: coincidence\nAn anagram (wild) of APES + PENCHANT \u2013 a lovely word"} {"Clue":"Doctor treats discontented lady here (6,6)","Answer":"HARLEY STREET","Explanation":"An anagram (doctor) of TREATS L[ad]Y HERE"} {"Clue":"Jack leaves wound to harden (5)","Answer":"INURE","Explanation":"Definition: harden\nIN[j]URE (wound) minus j (jack)"} {"Clue":"Obscure cuttings placed in here from time to time (7)","Answer":"ECLIPSE","Explanation":"Definition: Obscure\nCLIPS (cuttings) in alternate letters (from time to time) of hErE"} {"Clue":"Glosses over title held by golfer (7)","Answer":"ENAMELS","Explanation":"Definition: Glosses\nNAME (title) in (Ernie) ELS (golfer \u2013 it seems a long time since we've seen him)"} {"Clue":"Various rooms ultimately somewhat damp? (6)","Answer":"SUNDRY","Explanation":"Definition: Various\n[room]S + UN-DRY (somewhat damp?)"} {"Clue":"Embracing couples heading off at sea around South America (8)","Answer":"ESPOUSAL","Explanation":"Definition: Embracing\nAn anagram (at sea) of [c]OUPLES round SA (South America)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Loathed revolutionary guards about to take off (6)","Answer":"DETACH","Explanation":"Definition: take off\nA reversal (about) of HATED (loathed) round (guards) C (circa -about)"} {"Clue":"Airline's first change involving current restriction for flyers (6)","Answer":"AVIARY","Explanation":"Definition: restriction for flyers\nA[irline] + VARY (change) round I (current)"} {"Clue":"Copy most of answers, admitting woeful act (9)","Answer":"REPLICATE","Explanation":"Definition: Copy\nREPLIE[s] (most of answers) round an anagram (woeful) of ACT"} {"Clue":"Traveller's bid for extraordinary piece of text (4,2,7)","Answer":"BIRD OF PASSAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Traveller\nAn anagram (extraordinary) of BID FOR + PASSAGE (piece of text)"} {"Clue":"Active serviceman's parting drink (5)","Answer":"AGILE","Explanation":"Definition: Active\nGI (US serviceman) in (parting) ALE (drink)"} {"Clue":"Appendage with curl that enhances one's speed (8)","Answer":"TAILWIND","Explanation":"Definition: that enhances one's speed\nTAIL (appendage) + WIND (curl)"} {"Clue":"B\u00eates noires, who score over par on the course? (8)","Answer":"BOGEYMEN","Explanation":"Definition: B\u00eates noires\nCryptic definition \u2013 in golf, a bogey is a stroke above par"} {"Clue":"Top lady in waiting at palace? (5,8)","Answer":"CROWN PRINCESS","Explanation":"Definition: Top lady in waiting at palace?\nI wasn't sure about this one, looking for some wordplay, since CROWN = top, then, late on, for the first time ever, I think, I remembered the annotated solution, which simply has 'cryptic definition'"} {"Clue":"Ignoring Wagner initially, make do with baroque opera (3,6)","Answer":"THE MIKADO","Explanation":"Definition: opera\nAn anagram (baroque) of MAKE DO [w]ITH, minus [w]agner] \u2013 I really liked this one: the misleading 'baroque' as indicator, leading to an (strictly speaking) operetta, which I first experienced when still at school, making me a life-long\u00a0 G and S enthusiast"} {"Clue":"Draughts in US premier's residence spoken of (8)","Answer":"CHECKERS","Explanation":"Definition: Draughts in US\nSounds like (spoken of) Chequers (the **UK** Prime Minister's residence \u2013 originally planned as the scene of a forthcoming wedding anniversary party to end all parties) \u2013 a neat piece of misdirection"} {"Clue":"Early US statesman's free love rejected (8)","Answer":"FRANKLIN","Explanation":"Definition: Early US statesman\nFRANK (free) + a reversal (rejected) of NIL (love)"} {"Clue":"Powerful men on board here in New York? (6)","Answer":"QUEENS","Explanation":"Definition: Powerful men on boardhere in New York\nDouble definition, the first a sneaky reference to chess"} {"Clue":"Ship from Latvia being loaded up (6)","Answer":"VESSEL","Explanation":"Definition: Ship\nA reversal (up) of LV (Latvia) round ESSE (being \u2013 the infinitive of the Latin verb to be)"} {"Clue":"Get thinner and lighter (5)","Answer":"TAPER","Explanation":"Definition: Get thinnerlighter\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Cheapo larch houses extremely cold (5)","Answer":"POLAR","Explanation":"Definition: extremely cold\nHidden in cheaPO LARch"} {"Clue":"English old gold coin one has for giving a lesson (9)","Answer":"EDUCATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: giving a lesson\nE (English) + DUCAT (old gold coin) + I'VE (one has)"} {"Clue":"Block A, location of Paul's dramatic transformation (9)","Answer":"DAMASCENE","Explanation":"Definition: of Paul's dramatic transformation\nDAM (block) + A (from the clue) + SCENE (location)"} {"Clue":"Limits of expansion in dull material (5)","Answer":"DENIM","Explanation":"Definition: material\nE[xpansio]N in DIM (dull)"} {"Clue":"Observe drinks holding temperature with sun (7)","Answer":"WITNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Observe\nWINES (drinks) round T (temperature) + S (sun)"} {"Clue":"Head of the hospital department, Margaret, is a help in securing temporary accommodation (4,3)","Answer":"TENT PEG","Explanation":"Definition: a help in securing temporary accommodation\nT[he] + ENT (Ear, nose and throat \u2013 hospital department) + PEG (Margaret)"} {"Clue":"One sat out after taking top from pot noodle? (5)","Answer":"PASTA","Explanation":"Definition: noodle?\nP[ot] + an anagram (out) of A (one) SAT"} {"Clue":"What cows do with Mark is not nice (3,4)","Answer":"LOW NOTE","Explanation":"Definition: not nice\nLOW (what cows do) + NOTE (mark) \u2013 I couldn't find this phrase in Collins or Chambers and online only in the American Merriam-Webster"} {"Clue":"Drug to be taken after meals \u2014 bother! (5)","Answer":"TEASE","Explanation":"Definition: bother\nTEAS (meals) + E (drug)"} {"Clue":"Holding back name for male leads to cursing (7)","Answer":"DAMNING","Explanation":"Definition: cursing\nDAM[m]ING (holding back) with one m (male) replaced by N (name) \u2013 a pity we've already had DAM at 11ac"} {"Clue":"Rave organised by North American port stuck in routine (3,4)","Answer":"RUN RIOT","Explanation":"Definition: Rave\nAn anagram (organised) of N (North) + RIO (American port) in RUT (routine)"} {"Clue":"Lawyers next to God, here in Scotland! (5)","Answer":"BARRA","Explanation":"Definition: here in Scotland!\nBAR (lawyers) + RA (Egyptian god) for the** Hebridean island\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Get touchy again, bringing rook into centre play (9)","Answer":"RECONNECT","Explanation":"Definition: Get touchy again\nCON (rook \u2013 both slang for swindlle) in an anagram (play) of CENTRE"} {"Clue":"Skill in wangling ten spades? (9)","Answer":"ADEPTNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Skill\nAn anagram (wangling) of TEN SPADES"} {"Clue":"Time to cuddle up to current bedtime companion (5)","Answer":"TEDDY","Explanation":"Definition: bedtime companion\nT (time) + EDDY (current)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Small sweet tuber (4)","Answer":"SPUD","Explanation":"Definition: tuber\nS (small) + PUD (sweet)"} {"Clue":"Climber's cleat is abandoned around mountain top (8)","Answer":"CLEMATIS","Explanation":"Definition: Climber\nCLEAT IS round M[ountain]"} {"Clue":"Mars is missing hydrogen supplies (4)","Answer":"ARMS","Explanation":"Definition: supplies\n[h]ARMS (mars) minus h (hydrogen)"} {"Clue":"Poetry virtually set in concrete \u2014 a change for the worse (8)","Answer":"REVERSAL","Explanation":"Definition: a change for the worse\nVERS[e] (poetry virtually) in REAL (concrete)"} {"Clue":"Brooke, rugby union forward? (6)","Answer":"RUPERT","Explanation":"Definition: Brooke\nRU (Rugby Union) + PERT (forward) for the **WWI poet\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Hot air added to temperature above station (10)","Answer":"PADDINGTON","Explanation":"Definition: station\nPADDING (hot air) + T (temperature) + ON (above)"} {"Clue":"Snatch some sleep after Josh (6)","Answer":"KIDNAP","Explanation":"Definition: Snatch\nNAP (some sleep) after KID (josh)"} {"Clue":"In short, 'ermine' is an expression (4)","Answer":"TERM","Explanation":"Definition: expression\nHidden in shorT ERMine"} {"Clue":"Did sponge with fancy pie and date? (5)","Answer":"WIPED","Explanation":"Definition: Did sponge\nW (with) + an anagram (fancy) of PIE and D (date)"} {"Clue":"Man in Texas making testers (10)","Answer":"EXAMINANTS","Explanation":"Definition: testers\nAn anagram (making) of MAN IN TEXAS"} {"Clue":"Really important to get on someone's nerves on air (5)","Answer":"GREAT","Explanation":"Definition: Really important\nSounds like (on air) 'grate' (get on someone's nerves)"} {"Clue":"About to break two arms badly, making a heap of soil (4,4)","Answer":"WORM CAST","Explanation":"Definition: heap of soil\nC (circa \u2013 about) in (to break) an anagram (badly) of TWO ARMS"} {"Clue":"They produce flavouring aids, seen in a different light (8)","Answer":"ANISEEDS","Explanation":"Definition: They produce flavouring\nAn anagram (in a different light) of AIDS SEEN"} {"Clue":"Formation of timeless dark matter, eg on new area of productive land (6,6)","Answer":"MARKET GARDEN","Explanation":"Definition: area of productive land\nAn anagram (formation) of DARK MA[t]TER (minus only one t (time), so not exactly 'timeless') and EG + N (new)"} {"Clue":"Support end of pipe in watering-hole (4)","Answer":"BEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Support\n[pip]E in BAR (watering hole)"} {"Clue":"Tolstoy's lost, wilfully abandoned plays (4)","Answer":"TOYS","Explanation":"Definition: plays\nT[olst)OY'S minus (abandoned) an anagram (wilfully) of LOST"} {"Clue":"One's phone rings, getting ready for action (8)","Answer":"MOBILISE","Explanation":"Definition: ready for action\nMOBILE (phone) round (rings) I'S (one's) \u2013 'ready' as a verb"} {"Clue":"Like a family with no right to be joyful (6)","Answer":"ELATED","Explanation":"Definition: joyful\n[r]ELATED (like a family) minus r (right)"} {"Clue":"Respecting minister eschewing the extremes (2,2)","Answer":"AS TO","Explanation":"Definition: Respecting\n[p]ASTO[r] (minister)"} {"Clue":"D\u00e9jeuner sur l'herbe in art theft? (10)","Answer":"PICNICKING","Explanation":"Definition: D\u00e9jeuner sur l'herbe\nPIC NICKING (art theft?)"} {"Clue":"Hitchcock's opening shot was with hesitation in Rope (6)","Answer":"HAWSER","Explanation":"Definition: Rope\nH(itchcock) + an anagram (shot) of WAS + ER (hesitation) \u2013 I remember seeing Hitchcock's 'Rope' as a child and learning what suspense was"} {"Clue":"Piano track without least jazzy old instrument (8)","Answer":"PSALTERY","Explanation":"Definition: old instrument\nP (piano) + RY (railway track) round (without) an anagram (jazzy) of LEAST"} {"Clue":"Taking off top the wrong way, hiding Dior pants (7)","Answer":"PARODIC","Explanation":"Definition: Taking off\nA reversal (the wrong way) of CAP (top) round an anagram (pants) of DIOR"} {"Clue":"Spotted entrance to palace that is without locks (7)","Answer":"PIEBALD","Explanation":"Definition: Spotted\nP(alace) + IE (id est \u2013 that is) + BALD (without locks)"} {"Clue":"Socially discriminating type, a reader of, say, Homer I see leaving (8)","Answer":"CLASSIST","Explanation":"Definition: Socially discriminating type\nCLASS[ic]IST (a reader of, say, Homer) minus ic (I see)"} {"Clue":"According to Henri I, English revolutionary scoffed (6)","Answer":"JEERED","Explanation":"Definition: scoffed\nJE (I in French, so according to Henri) + E (English) + RED (revolutionary)"} {"Clue":"Very busy legal expert initially ditched one doing filing? (10)","Answer":"MANICURIST","Explanation":"Definition: one doing filing?\nMANIC (very busy) + [j]URIST (legal expert) minus its initial letter"} {"Clue":"Liberal or Republican in charge (4)","Answer":"FREE","Explanation":"Definition: Liberal\nR (Republican) in FEE (charge)"} {"Clue":"Take exception to unwrapped gifts (6)","Answer":"RESENT","Explanation":"Definition: Take exception to\n[p]RESENT[s]"} {"Clue":"Successful student saving place to study article or error-strewn paper? (8)","Answer":"GRAUNIAD","Explanation":"Definition: error-strewn paper?\nGRAD[uate] (successful student) round UNI (place to study) + A (article)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"After unfinished sweet, also called for Greek dish (8)","Answer":"MOUSSAKA","Explanation":"Definition: Greek dish\nMOUSS[e] (unfinished sweet) + AKA (also known as) for one of my favourite things to cook"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Bordeaux's Number 6 goes up front (4)","Answer":"VINO","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps Bordeaux\nVI (six) + NO (number)"} {"Clue":"In America, maybe fly quicker without one (6)","Answer":"ZIPPER","Explanation":"Definition: In America, maybe fly\nZIPP[i]ER (quicker) minus i (one)"} {"Clue":"Japanese dish I nearly tried out, containing rabbit (8)","Answer":"TERIYAKI","Explanation":"Definition: Japanese dish\nAn anagram (out) of I TRIE[d] (nearly) round YAK (rabbit)"} {"Clue":"Startled at berk punching man suitable for flogging (10)","Answer":"MARKETABLE","Explanation":"Definition: suitable for flogging\nAn anagram (startled) of AT BERK in (punching) MALE (man)"} {"Clue":"A bit of bread or cheese ingredient brought up (6)","Answer":"TENNER","Explanation":"Definition: A bit of bread\nA reversal (brought up, in a down clue) of RENNET (cheese ingredient) \u2013 'bread' is slang for money"} {"Clue":"Be outstanding, putting away litres and pint in bar (6)","Answer":"EXCEPT","Explanation":"Definition: bar\nEXCE[l] (be outstanding) minus l (litres) + PT (pint)"} {"Clue":"Back from morris dances, lubricated and the worse for wear (4-6)","Answer":"SHOP-SOILED","Explanation":"Definition: the worse for wear\n[morri]S + HOPS (dances) + OILED (lubricated)"} {"Clue":"Brief resignation letter penned by Sidney, regularly wrong (8)","Answer":"INIQUITY","Explanation":"Definition: wrong\nI QUIT (brief resignation letter) in alternate letters of sIdNeY"} {"Clue":"Vassal fed, swallowing tablet after pork pie (8)","Answer":"LIEGEMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Vassal\nLIE (pork pie) + G-MAN (fed) round E (ecstasy tablet)"} {"Clue":"Scam banking run for one on the fiddle (6)","Answer":"STRING","Explanation":"Definition: one on the fiddle\nR (run) in STING (scam)"} {"Clue":"Singleton picked up person making advances (6)","Answer":"LOANER","Explanation":"Definition: person making advances\nSounds like (picked up) 'loner' (singleton)"} {"Clue":"Drunk let aboard car? It's a problem for traveller (3,3)","Answer":"JET LAG","Explanation":"Definition: a problem for traveller\nAn anagram (drunk) of LET in JAG[uar] (car)"} {"Clue":"eg Gothic novel not following Frankenstein's lead (4)","Answer":"FONT","Explanation":"Definition: eg Gothic\nF[rankenstein] + an anagram (novel) of NOT"} {"Clue":"Set right line up when cutting grass (9)","Answer":"REDRESSED","Explanation":"Definition: Set right\nDRESS (to bring troops into line \u2013 line up) in (cutting) REED (grass)"} {"Clue":"Transmitting a single short melody (2,3)","Answer":"ON AIR","Explanation":"Definition: Transmitting\nON[e] (a) minus its final letter (short) + AIR (melody)"} {"Clue":"Trendy types, including staff with parts (2-5)","Answer":"IN-CROWD","Explanation":"Definition: Trendy types\nINC (including) + W (with) in (parts) ROD (staff)"} {"Clue":"A foreign bloke inspires classy application (7)","Answer":"UNGUENT","Explanation":"Definition: application\nUN (French \u2013 'foreign' \u2013 for a ) + GENT (bloke) round U (classy)"} {"Clue":"Stroke, McIlroy's last, that seals hole (5)","Answer":"PUTTY","Explanation":"Definition: that seals hole\nPUTT (golf stroke) + last letter of (Rory) McIlroY \u2013 golfer: perhaps my top favourite"} {"Clue":"Sidestep character in arena to buy drinks (3,6)","Answer":"GET AROUND","Explanation":"Definition: Sidestep\nETA (Greek character) in GROUND (arena), with a second piece of wordplay: get a round = to buy drinks"} {"Clue":"Put out call for a new bike \u2014 a good one aids well-being (4-4,7)","Answer":"WORK-LIFE BALANCE","Explanation":"Definition: a good one aids well-being\nAn anagram (put out) of CALL FOR A NEW BIKE"} {"Clue":"Pay back Polish over in French city with tablet (9)","Answer":"REIMBURSE","Explanation":"Definition: Pay back\nA reversal (over) of RUB (polish) in REIMS (French city) + E (ecstasy tablet)"} {"Clue":"Go round collecting hot tubs (5)","Answer":"BATHS","Explanation":"Definition: tubs\nA reversal (round) of STAB (go) round H (hot)"} {"Clue":"Time Team's creative pursuits (3,4)","Answer":"THE ARTS","Explanation":"Definition: creative pursuits\nT (time) + HEARTS **(Heart of Midlothian **\u2013 football team)"} {"Clue":"Son, more incensed, picked up drink (7)","Answer":"SANGRIA","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nS (son) + ANGRIA (sounds like \u2013 but not to those with a rhotic accent, although I think 'picked up' is a fair enough indicator here \u2013 'angrier' \u2013 more incensed) \u2013 I love the drink on Spanish holidays, anyway and I think my legendary Scottish husband, after all these years, might have let this one through"} {"Clue":"Spell seabird's singular shade (5)","Answer":"STINT","Explanation":"Definition: Spellseabird\nDouble definition, with some wordplay: S (singular) + TINT (shade) \u2013 I didn't know the **seabird"} {"Clue":"Current best team thrashed? I'm baffled (2,5,2)","Answer":"IT BEATS ME","Explanation":"Definition: I'm baffled\nI (current) + an anagram (thrashed) of BEST TEAM \u2013 another nice surface\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Mind shower pressure in boudoir (10)","Answer":"BRAINPOWER","Explanation":"Definition: Mind\nRAIN (shower) + P (pressure) in BOWER (boudoir) \u2013 I'd never met this secondary meaning of 'bower' but it's in both Collins and Chambers as literary\/poetic"} {"Clue":"Old orator blocks offensive revolutionary teacher (8)","Answer":"EDUCATOR","Explanation":"Definition: teacher\nCATO (old orator \u2013 could refer to CATO the Elder\/the Censor or his great grandson, Cato the Younger) in (blocks) a reversal (revolutionary) of RUDE (offensive)"} {"Clue":"Store capital raised in motor yacht (6)","Answer":"MEMORY","Explanation":"Definition: Store\nA reversal (raised) of ROME (capital) in MY (motor yacht)"} {"Clue":"Took weed maybe, not mint (4)","Answer":"USED","Explanation":"Definition: Took weed maybenot mint\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Versatile notice for Fair Isle set up (10)","Answer":"ADJUSTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Versatile\nAD (notice) + JUST (fair) + a reversal (set up) of ELBA (isle)"} {"Clue":"Bank on foreign article's drivel? (8)","Answer":"DOGGEREL","Explanation":"Definition: drivel\nDOGGER (**bank**) + EL (Spanish \u2013 'foreign' \u2013 article)"} {"Clue":"Sweet leaves in France once cut (6)","Answer":"GATEAU","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nTEA (leaves) in GAU[l] (loosely, 'France once': Gaul also included Belgium, Luxembourg, most of Switzerland, parts of Northern Italy, and Germany west of the Rhine )"} {"Clue":"Indomitable courage a feature of Educating Rita (4)","Answer":"GRIT","Explanation":"Definition: Indomitable courage\nHidden in EducatinG RITa \u2013 great surface, lovely film"} {"Clue":"Fix gaps in roof, like the other 14? (2,3,1,4)","Answer":"GO FOR A SPIN","Explanation":"Definition: like the other 14?\nAn anagram (fix) of GAPS IN ROOF \u2013 the answer to 14ac is GET AROUND"} {"Clue":" Sewer's darker mess needs shifting (10)","Answer":"DRESSMAKER","Explanation":"Definition: Sewer\nAn anagram (needs shifting) of DARKER MESS"} {"Clue":"Left one carpet free (8)","Answer":"LIBERATE","Explanation":"Definition: free\nL (left) + I (one) + BERATE (carpet)"} {"Clue":"Article about visitor dumping old stripper (8)","Answer":"NATURIST","Explanation":"Definition: stripper\nA reversal (about) of AN (article) + T[o]URIST (visitor) minus O (dumping old)"} {"Clue":"Peninsula's independent Russian butcher (6)","Answer":"IBERIA","Explanation":"Definition: Peninsula\nI (Independent) + BERIA **(Russian butcher****)** \u2013 a nice change from the usual [S]iberia cluing"} {"Clue":"Superior type pulled up perfect plant (6)","Answer":"BONSAI","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nA reversal (pulled up) of SNOB (superior type) + AI (A1 \u2013 perfect)"} {"Clue":"Romantic novelist registered missing work (4)","Answer":"TASK","Explanation":"Definition: Romantic novelistwork\nT[r]ASK (romantic novelist) minus R (registered) \u2013"} {"Clue":"South American bishop's brought in replacements (4)","Answer":"SUBS","Explanation":"Definition: replacements\nS (South) + US (American) round B (bishop)"} {"Clue":"Conservative Party? (4,5)","Answer":"WORK EVENT","Explanation":"Definition: Conservative Party?\nCryptic definition, which I think is self-explanatory by now"} {"Clue":"Old duke, surprisingly, not originally known to sweat (5)","Answer":"EXUDE","Explanation":"Definition: sweat\nEX (old) + an anagram (surprisingly) of DU[k]E, minus the initial letter (not originally) of k[nown] \u2013 a reference to the Duke of York's remark during the interview with Emily Maitlis that he didn't \/ couldn't sweat"} {"Clue":"Platform Four's last at Old Street \u2014 strange (7)","Answer":"ROSTRUM","Explanation":"Definition: Platform\n[fou]R + O (old) + ST (street) + RUM (strange)"} {"Clue":"One day to embellish speech (7)","Answer":"ADDRESS","Explanation":"Definition: speech\nA (one) + D (day) + DRESS (embellish)"} {"Clue":"Some hope at first for English breaking such a law (4)","Answer":"OHM\u2019S","Explanation":"Definition: law\nAn anagram (breaking) of SOM[e] H[ope] with the e (English) replaced by the first letter of Hope \u2013 see **here** for Ohm's Law"} {"Clue":"Drink ruined a grocer at sea \u2014 he does have loads on his mind (10)","Answer":"SUPERCARGO","Explanation":"Definition: at sea \u2014 he does have loads on his mind\nSUP (drink) + an anagram (ruined) of A GROCER \u2013 I thought at first that we had two anagram indicators then realised that, of course, 'at sea' is part of the definition \u2013 clever"} {"Clue":"Having a scholarly manner (like Trump?) (7)","Answer":"DONNISH","Explanation":"Definition: Having a scholarly mannerlike Trump\nDouble \/ cryptic definition \u2013 like DON(ald)"} {"Clue":"Flipping cheek, about to claim win! (7)","Answer":"PREVAIL","Explanation":"Definition: win\nA reversal (flipping) of LIP (cheek) round AVER (claim)"} {"Clue":"Threat of force \u2014 Spooner's spray didn't work (6,4)","Answer":"MAILED FIST","Explanation":"Definition: Threat of force\nFailed mist \u2013 spray didn't work"} {"Clue":"Brief case in flat (4)","Answer":"EVEN","Explanation":"Definition: flat\nEVEN[t] (case, briefly \u2013 as in 'in any event \/ case)"} {"Clue":"Old runner backward about money but a quick learner? (7)","Answer":"CRAMMER","Explanation":"Definition: a quick learner\n**(Steve) CRAM **(old runner) + a reversal (backward) of RE (about) + M (money)"} {"Clue":"Clergy ultimately preach nonsense in diocese? (7)","Answer":"EPARCHY","Explanation":"Definition: diocese\nAn anagram (nonsense) of [clerg]Y PREACH"} {"Clue":"Back in flat, celebrating return (5)","Answer":"ELECT","Explanation":"Definition: return\nHidden reversal (back) in flaT CELEbrating"} {"Clue":"Support going up and down (9)","Answer":"BANNISTER","Explanation":"Definition: Support\nCryptic definition \u2013 I'm always surprised to see this spelling, which, for me, is another old runner!"} {"Clue":"A hang-up that's worrying son \u2014 close to collapse following mother's remark (5,2,8)","Answer":"SWORD OF DAMOCLES","Explanation":"Definition: A hang-up that's worrying\nS (son) + WORD OF DAM (mother's remark) + an anagram (to collapse) of CLOSE \u2013 see **here** for the origin of the phrase"} {"Clue":"Say, the Taoiseach is meeting the Queen in foreign country (8)","Answer":"IRISHMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Say, the Taoiseach\nIS (from the clue) + HM (Her Majesty \u2013 the Queen) in IRAN (foreign country"} {"Clue":"Drunk author emptied the bottle (5)","Answer":"HEART","Explanation":"Definition: bottle\nAn anagram (drunk) of 'emptied' A[utho]R THE"} {"Clue":"Maybe it hurt \u2014 move awkwardly (8)","Answer":"VERMOUTH","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe it\nAn anagram (awkwardly) of HURT MOVE: in the cocktail 'Gin and it', 'It' is short for Italian (Vermouth)"} {"Clue":"Turkey stuffing for Peter's pepper (6)","Answer":"STRAFE","Explanation":"Definition: pepper\nTR (Turkey \u2013 International Vehicle Registration) in SAFE (Peter is criminal slang for a safe \u2013 file it away, if you haven't already: you'll see it again soon)"} {"Clue":"Problems with boss \u2014 hard ones to describe (9)","Answer":"HEADACHES","Explanation":"Definition: Problems\nHEAD (boss) + ACES (ones) round H (hard)"} {"Clue":"Pride march finally banned influential film director (6)","Answer":"AUTEUR","Explanation":"Definition: influential film director\n[h]AUTEUR (pride) minus last letter (finally banned) of [marc]h"} {"Clue":"Clue to dastardly con followed up here? (3,8,4)","Answer":"NEW SCOTLAND YARD","Explanation":"Definition: here?\nAn anagram of DASTARDLY CON with NEW as the indicator"} {"Clue":"Success taking cat (queen, say) up in this? (5,4)","Answer":"TIGER MOTH","Explanation":"Definition: this?\nA reversal (up, in a down clue) of HIT (success) round TOM (cat) + R (queen) + EG (say)"} {"Clue":"Points in support of Bill Gates (8)","Answer":"POSTERNS","Explanation":"Definition: Gates\nNS (points of the compass) after (in support of, in a down clue) POSTER (bill)"} {"Clue":"Recommend making an appointment about case shortly (8)","Answer":"ADVOCATE","Explanation":"Definition: Recommend\nA DATE (an appointment) round VOC[ative] (grammatical case, shortly)"} {"Clue":"Inn for travellers \u2014 it accommodates horse (6)","Answer":"IMARET","Explanation":"Definition: Inn for travellers\nIT round MARE (horse) \u2013 a new word for me (in Turkey, an inn or hospice for travellers) but gettable from the clear wordplay"} {"Clue":"Found close to Merseyside town (6)","Answer":"FORMBY","Explanation":"Definition: Merseyside town\nFORM (found) + BY (close to)"} {"Clue":"French artist composed a video feature (5)","Answer":"DAVID","Explanation":"Definition: French artist\nHidden in composeD A VIDeo"} {"Clue":"Senseless repetition and back trouble after city greeting from Barcelona (9)","Answer":"ECHOLALIA","Explanation":"Definition: Senseless repetition\nA reversal (back) of AIL (trouble) after EC (City \u2013 of London) + HOLA (Spanish greeting \u2013 from Barcelona) \u2013 derived from Greek (echo, repeat) and\u00a0 lali\u00e1\u00a0 (speech or talk)"} {"Clue":"Reichstag group's hostile attitude (5)","Answer":"AGGRO","Explanation":"Definition: hostile attitude\nContained in reichstAG GROup's"} {"Clue":"Show many a true idea starts at birth (7)","Answer":"MATIN\u00c9E","Explanation":"Definition: Show\nInitial letters ('starts') of Many A True Idea + N\u00c9E (referring to a woman's maiden name \u2013 'at birth')"} {"Clue":"Publicity one found in bank right away (7)","Answer":"READILY","Explanation":"Definition: right away\nAD (publicity) + I (one) in RELY (bank)"} {"Clue":"A few capture the start of military battle (5)","Answer":"SOMME","Explanation":"Definition: military battle\nSOME (a few) round M[ilitary]"} {"Clue":"Those who play trade off to get spade, we hear? (9)","Answer":"CASTRATED","Explanation":"Definition: spade, we hear?\nCAST (those who play) + an anagram (off) of TRADE for a homophone (we hear) of 'spayed'"} {"Clue":"Changing linen, parent must dash (10,5)","Answer":"INSTRUMENT PANEL","Explanation":"Definition: dash\nAn anagram (changing) of LINEN PARENT MUST"} {"Clue":"Very happy once with taxi worker (9)","Answer":"EXUBERANT","Explanation":"Definition: Very happy\nEX (once) + UBER (taxi) + ANT (worker)"} {"Clue":"At the end, could anyone joining organised crime leave the ranks? (5)","Answer":"DEMOB","Explanation":"Definition: leave the ranks\nLast letters (at the end) of coulD anyonE + MOB (organised crime)"} {"Clue":"Tower Road, its origin before road works (7)","Answer":"MIRADOR","Explanation":"Definition: Tower\nI think this is MI (road) + R (road's 'origin') + an anagram (works) of ROAD \u2013 a new word for me"} {"Clue":"Looking after visitors to Soho? Bed unmade and trendy joke thrown in (5,1,4,4)","Answer":"BEING A GOOD HOST","Explanation":"Definition: Looking after visitors\nAn anagram (unmade) of TO SOHO BED with an IN GAG (trendy joke) thrown in!\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"across Each letter thus free at last in Birmingham, say, where anything goes (10,7)","Answer":"PERMISSIVE SOCIETY","Explanation":"Definition: where anything goes\nPER (each) + MISSIVE (letter) + SO (thus) + [fre]E in CITY (Birmingham, say)"} {"Clue":"Article by newspaper (3,5)","Answer":"THE TIMES","Explanation":"Definition: newspaper\nTHE (definite) article) + TIMES (by)"} {"Clue":"Butcher's good weapon (6)","Answer":"GLANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Butcher's\nG (good) + LANCE (weapon) for the cockney rhyming slang butcher's hook \/ look"} {"Clue":"It's rare for sad ignoramus to dump Romeo (4,4)","Answer":"BLUE MOON","Explanation":"Definition: It's rare\nBLUE (sad) + MO[r]ON (ignoramus, minus r \u2013 romeo \u2013 NATO alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Holy order across a northern court (10)","Answer":"SACROSANCT","Explanation":"Definition: Holy\nAn anagram (order) of ACROSS A N (Northern) CT (Court)"} {"Clue":"Mrs Dogberry? (8)","Answer":"MALAPROP","Explanation":"A clever literary clue: in my fourth year at secondary school I wasn't really amused by **Mrs Malaprop **and her 'allegory on the banks of the Nile', in Sheridan's 'The Rivals', but, by the time I reached 'Much Ado' at A Level, I could more readily appreciate **Dogberry**'s \"Our watch, sir, have indeed comprehended two auspicious persons.\""} {"Clue":"A spirit from Bavaria showing discrimination (6)","Answer":"AGEIST","Explanation":"Definition: showing discrimination\nA + GEIST (German \u2013 from Bavaria \u2013 for spirit)"} {"Clue":"Corrupt camp crony securing a perk (7,3)","Answer":"COMPANY CAR","Explanation":"Definition: perk\nAn anagram (corrupt) of CAMP CRONY round A"} {"Clue":"Reflect on purpose of shop rebuke (10)","Answer":"DELIBERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Reflecton purpose\nDouble definition: DELI (shop) + BERATE (rebuke)"} {"Clue":"Turn up once more in second half of soiree get together (2-6)","Answer":"RE-EMERGE","Explanation":"Definition: Turn up once more\nREE (second half of soiR\u00c9E + Merge (get together)"} {"Clue":"Pardon me being outrageous boast (8)","Answer":"NAMEDROP","Explanation":"Definition: boast\nAn anagram (being outrageous) of PARDON ME"} {"Clue":"Poor child's letter from abroad found in container (6)","Answer":"URCHIN","Explanation":"Definition: Poor child\nCHI (Greek letter \u2013 from abroad) in URN (container)"} {"Clue":"Make fun of Eddie Redmayne's debut adaptation (6)","Answer":"DERIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Make fun of\nAn anagram (adaptation) of EDDIE R[edmayne]"} {"Clue":"Depressing account of awful boss like Priti Patel (3,5)","Answer":"SOB STORY","Explanation":"Definition: Depressing account\nAn anagram (awful) of BOSS + TORY (like Priti Patel) \u2013 just brilliant"} {"Clue":"Tip of tusk, just about trunk (5)","Answer":"TORSO","Explanation":"Definition: trunk\nT[usk] + OR SO (just about)"} {"Clue":"Guardian's problem with Openreach (9)","Answer":"CHAPERONE","Explanation":"Definition: Guardian\nAn anagram (problem) of OPENREACH"} {"Clue":"Perhaps retreat in blunder, losing knight and corps entirely (5,4)","Answer":"BUGLE CALL","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps retreat\nBU[n]GLE (blunder) minus n (knight, in chess notation) + C (corps) + ALL (entirely)"} {"Clue":"Moving record of old poet taking last of coterie cycling (5)","Answer":"VIDEO","Explanation":"Definition: Moving record\nOVID (old poet) + [coteri]E, with the first letter moved to the end \u2013 'cycling' \u2013 an amusing surface"} {"Clue":"Parts listed discovered for singer, perhaps (7)","Answer":"ARTISTE","Explanation":"Definition: singer, perhaps\nInside letters ('discovered') of [p]ART[s] [l]ISTE[d]"} {"Clue":"Careless manicure, losing one of digits (7)","Answer":"NUMERIC","Explanation":"Definition: of digits\nAn anagram (careless) of M[a]NICURE, minus a (one) \u2013 a gruesome picture, with a neat play on 'digits'"} {"Clue":"Salmon oil, a regular early protection for young vertebrates (5)","Answer":"AMNIA","Explanation":"Definition: early protection for young vertebrates\nAlternate (regular) letters of sAlMoN oIl A"} {"Clue":"Type of rock almost a joke (3)","Answer":"PUN","Explanation":"Definition: joke\nPUN[k]"} {"Clue":"Reports of slate being quarried (5)","Answer":"TALES","Explanation":"Definition: Reports\nAn anagram (quarried?) of SLATE"} {"Clue":"Prickly character criticised nationalist answer on energy (7)","Answer":"ECHIDNA","Explanation":"Definition: Prickly character\nE (energy) + CHID (criticised) + N (nationalist) + A (answer)"} {"Clue":"Tastes juice, returning to drink coffee \u2014 not a tea, say (7)","Answer":"PALATES","Explanation":"Definition: Tastes\nA reversal (returning) of SAP (juice) round (to drink) LAT[t]E (coffee) minus t (tea, say)"} {"Clue":"Cladding of marble: ideally, even, it could be gold (5)","Answer":"MEDAL","Explanation":"Definition: it could be gold\nM[arbl]E + even letters of iDeAlLy"} {"Clue":"Hide rock, one that holds gold? (9)","Answer":"SKINFLINT","Explanation":"Definition: one that holds gold?\nSKIN (hide) + FLINT (rock)"} {"Clue":"Terrible person makes noise about Conservative freedom with no rest (9)","Answer":"SCOUNDREL","Explanation":"Definition: Terrible person\nSOUND (noise) round C (Conservative) + REL[ease] (freedom) minus ease (rest)"} {"Clue":"Society suffering, but they're making record profits (5)","Answer":"SHELL","Explanation":"Definition: they're making record profits\nS (society) + HELL (suffering) \u2013 a sobering reminder, if we needed one"} {"Clue":"Stick of rock? Not one Boatman supports (4)","Answer":"STAB","Explanation":"Definition: Stick\nAB (Able Seaman \u2013 boatman) after ST[one] (rock)"} {"Clue":"Running after light that may be seen through this rock (8)","Answer":"BRIGHTON","Explanation":"Definition: this rock\nON (running) after BRIGHT (light that may be seen) \u2013 referring to the letters running through a stick of seaside rock"} {"Clue":"Make a hole in second rock that may hold gold (4)","Answer":"BORE","Explanation":"Definition: Make a hole in\nB (second) + ORE (rock that may hold gold)"} {"Clue":"Pull together in Cuppers, otherwise one is sunk (6,2)","Answer":"SCRAPE UP","Explanation":"Definition: Pull together\nAn anagram (otherwise) of CUPPERS round (is sunk) A (one)"} {"Clue":"One swims in under rock (6)","Answer":"MARLIN","Explanation":"Definition: One swims\nIN after (under, in a down clue) MARL (rock)"} {"Clue":"Type of rock like lead? (5,5)","Answer":"HEAVY METAL","Explanation":"Definition: Type of rocklike lead\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Having more weight applied to type of rock, say (6)","Answer":"BOLDER","Explanation":"Definition: Having more weight applied to type\nSounds like (say) 'boulder'"} {"Clue":"The Rock screens lead role (4)","Answer":"HERO","Explanation":"Definition: lead role\nContained in tHE ROck"} {"Clue":"It's found in rock \u2014 after support it gets to grow (5)","Answer":"AGATE","Explanation":"Definition: It's found in rock\nIf we add 'prop' (support) we get 'propagate' (grow)"} {"Clue":"Spooner's rocky nation, you might say, is independent (5-5)","Answer":"STAND-ALONE","Explanation":"Definition: independent\nRegular readers will know of my general dislike of Spoonerisms and I'm struggling to make sense of this one: the best I can do is ST AND ALONE (a homophone \u2013 you might say \u2013 of allone) to give Stallone (Rocky) \u2013 but it isn't a Spoonerism, is it? *Edit: please see Petert @2"} {"Clue":"Barrels of rock taken off vessel, leading to questions (5)","Answer":"CASKS","Explanation":"Definition: Barrels\nI think this must be C[rock] (vessel) + ASKS (questions"} {"Clue":"Nobody initially excited over faltering A-list marriage (8)","Answer":"NUPTIALS","Explanation":"Definition: marriage\nN[obody] + UP (excited) + an anagram (faltering) of A-LIST \u2013 great surface"} {"Clue":"Heads learn it's unusual (8)","Answer":"LATRINES","Explanation":"Definition: Heads\nAn anagram (unusual) of LEARN IT': I learned a long time ago \u2013 from crosswords \u2013 that 'heads' is a term for a ship's toilet ( see **here**)"} {"Clue":"River Rock? (6)","Answer":"HUDSON","Explanation":"Definition: RiverRock\nDouble definition, the second referring to the film star Rock Hudson"} {"Clue":"Road's ruined: bumps initially accumulate on the surface (6)","Answer":"ADSORB","Explanation":"Definition: accumulate on the surface\nAn anagram (ruined) of ROAD'S + B[umps]"} {"Clue":"A salty thing, Boatman called 'saint with heart of stone' (4)","Answer":"MISO","Explanation":"Definition: A salty thing\nI stared at this for a while, before seeing the signifcance of 'called', indicating a homophone \u2013 MI \u2013 of 'me' (the usual self-referential 'Boatman') + S (saint) + the middle letter (heart) of stOne"} {"Clue":"Carved from tufa stone, immoveable (4)","Answer":"FAST","Explanation":"Definition: immoveable\nContained in tuFA STone"} {"Clue":"Rock from upper bits of tundra: igneous lava terrain (4)","Answer":"TILT","Explanation":"Definition: Rock\nInitial letters (upper bits) of Tundra Igneous Lava Terrain"} {"Clue":"Support team that's behind (8)","Answer":"BACKSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: behind\nBACK (support) + SIDE (team)"} {"Clue":"Cut to protect small firm's capital (6)","Answer":"MOSCOW","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nMOW (cut) round S (small) CO (firm)"} {"Clue":"Top grub's served up about one here (9)","Answer":"GASTROPUB","Explanation":"An anagram (served up) of TOP GRUB'S round A (one) \u2013 &lit"} {"Clue":"Hang back in bar after time (5)","Answer":"TRAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Hang back\nRAIL (bar) after T (time)"} {"Clue":"Man on train's an old friend (12)","Answer":"SCHOOLFELLOW","Explanation":"Definition: old friend\nSCHOOL (train) + FELLOW (man)"} {"Clue":"Knock down mother reversing out of control (4)","Answer":"AMOK","Explanation":"Definition: out of control\nA reversal (reversing) of KO (knock down) MA (mother)"} {"Clue":"How a user gets sorted by drugs stores (10)","Answer":"WAREHOUSES","Explanation":"Definition: stores\nAn anagram (gets sorted) of HOW A USER + ES (drugs)"} {"Clue":"Dodgy girlfriend's revealing tits, perhaps (5,5)","Answer":"DICKY BIRDS","Explanation":"Definition: tits, perhaps\nDICKY (dodgy) + BIRDS (girlfriend's)"} {"Clue":"Butcher's tip to get ace kind of fillet (4)","Answer":"BONE","Explanation":"Definition: fillet\nB[utcher] + ONE (ace)"} {"Clue":"Did do rumba, in the middle Anton Du Beke messed up (12)","Answer":"MOUNTEBANKED","Explanation":"Definition: Did do\nM (middle letter of ruMba) + an anagram (messed up) of\u00a0 ANTON DU BEKE \u2013 a brilliant spot"} {"Clue":"Line over river blocked by points failure (5)","Answer":"LOSER","Explanation":"Definition: failure\nL (line) + O (over) + R (river) round (blocked by) S E (compass points)"} {"Clue":"Martial artist's naive punch (5,4)","Answer":"GREEN BELT","Explanation":"Definition: Martial artist\nGREEN (naive) + BELT (punch)"} {"Clue":"American market having number joining queue initially outside supermarket (6)","Answer":"NASDAQ","Explanation":"Definition: American market\nN (number) + Q (Queue initially) round ASDA (supermarket)"} {"Clue":"They might give notes for performers in underwear (1-7)","Answer":"G-STRINGS","Explanation":"Definition: They might give notes for performersunderwear\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Toilets: you must replace old taps (4)","Answer":"BUGS","Explanation":"Definition: taps\nBoGS (toilets) with the o changed to U (you) \u2013 I'm beginning to suspect Tramp's been behind the bike sheds with Paul"} {"Clue":"Performers twisting end of musical (4)","Answer":"CAST","Explanation":"Definition: Performers\nCATS (musical) with the last two letters reversed"} {"Clue":"Trim bush (6)","Answer":"SPRUCE","Explanation":"Definition: Trimbush\nDouble definition \u2013 I think a spruce is a tree ***Edit: see bodycheetah's comment @10"} {"Clue":"One might pass through customs in Germany chewing a Big Mac with pilot (10,3)","Answer":"DIPLOMATIC BAG","Explanation":"Definition: One might pass through customs\nD (Germany) + another great anagram (chewing) of A BIG MAC and PILOT"} {"Clue":"Doing it at work? (2,3,3)","Answer":"ON THE JOB","Explanation":"Definition: Doing itat work\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Dance on screen? Tense performing dance (10)","Answer":"CHARLESTON","Explanation":"Definition: dance\n**(Charles) DANCE** (screen actor) + T (tense) + ON (performing)"} {"Clue":"One sympathises with Wills; he falls out with his grandmother (4-6)","Answer":"WELL-WISHER","Explanation":"Definition: One sympathises\nAn anagram (falls out) of WILLS HE + W (with) ER (the Queen \u2013 Prince Wills' grandmother) \u2013 this could be my top favourite"} {"Clue":"Performers changing can't be arsed going over lines (6,7)","Answer":"BALLET DANCERS","Explanation":"Definition: Performers\nAn anagram of CAN'T BE ARSED round LL (lines) \u2013 another possible contender"} {"Clue":"Fit couple on outskirts of Melbourne, mostly stretched out being in Australia (10)","Answer":"PADDYMELON","Explanation":"Definition: being in Australia\nPADDY (fit) + M[elbourn]E + LON[g] (mostly stretched out)"} {"Clue":"Places to meet and study before classes (10)","Answer":"CONCOURSES","Explanation":"Definition: Places to meet\nCON (study) + COURSES (classes)"} {"Clue":"Panic as hairstyle has length cut off (8)","Answer":"HYSTERIA","Explanation":"Definition: Panic\nAn anagram (off) of HAIRSTY[l]E minus l (length)"} {"Clue":"Note from singer on the radio (6)","Answer":"TENNER","Explanation":"Definition: Note\nSounds like (on the radio) tenor (singer)"} {"Clue":"Highly developed knowledge about English (4)","Answer":"KEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Highly developed\nKEN (knowledge) round E (English)"} {"Clue":"Lift firm books onto one shelf at the top (4)","Answer":"OTIS","Explanation":"Definition: Lift firm\nOT (Old Testament (books) + I (one) + S[helf]"} {"Clue":"Tucking into stegt fl\u00e6sk, say, a north Scandinavian (6)","Answer":"DANISH","Explanation":"Definition: Scandinavian\nA N (a north) in DISH (stegt fl\u00e6sk, say: a Danish dish \u2013 see **here**)"} {"Clue":"Worshipper vows another time (8)","Answer":"IDOLATER","Explanation":"Definition: Worshipper\nI DO (vows) LATER (another time) \u2013 but please see comments 19 and 21"} {"Clue":"Tough being cute? (6)","Answer":"SEVERE","Explanation":"Definition: Tough\nSEVER (cut) + E \u2013 crafty!"} {"Clue":"Works and lectures about exercise (8)","Answer":"OPERATES","Explanation":"Definition: Works\nORATES (lectures) round PE (exercise)"} {"Clue":"Make one think of theorem in dispute (6)","Answer":"REMIND","Explanation":"Definition: Make one think\nHidden in theoREM IN Dispute"} {"Clue":"Was judge free to frolic in grass? (8)","Answer":"REFEREED","Explanation":"Definition: Was judge\nAn anagram (to frolic) of FREE in REED (grass)"} {"Clue":"Struggling to inspire praise when nursing a broken heart (10)","Answer":"BREATHLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Struggling to inspire\nBLESS (praise) round an anagram (broken) of HEART"} {"Clue":"Helped firm to get involved in under-age representation (10)","Answer":"ENCOURAGED","Explanation":"Definition: Helped\nCO (firm) in an anagram (re-presentation) of UNDER-AGE"} {"Clue":"Asparagus tip in tempura, battered against the flow (8)","Answer":"UPSTREAM","Explanation":"Definition: against the flow\n[asparagu]S in an anagram (battered) of TEMPURA"} {"Clue":"Cultural and moral frame for new beginning (6)","Answer":"ETHNIC","Explanation":"Definition: Cultural\nETHIC (moral) round N[ew]"} {"Clue":"Source of tuna in salad (8)","Answer":"FOUNTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Source\nAn anagram (salad) of OF TUNA IN"} {"Clue":"Crisp packet's final design showing text (6)","Answer":"SCRIPT","Explanation":"Definition: text\nAn anagram (design) of CRISP + [packe]T"} {"Clue":"Something for Caesar from an address in Gaul (8)","Answer":"DRESSING","Explanation":"Definition: Something for Caesar\nHidden in adDRESS IN Gaul \u2013 a reference to Caesar salad"} {"Clue":"A: winner; B: in a draw; ___ ? Not so far! (6)","Answer":"CLOSER","Explanation":"Definition: Not so far\nNext in the sequence could be C: LOSER\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Convey an image of extremely delicate writer (8)","Answer":"DESCRIBE","Explanation":"Definition: Convey an image of\nD[elicat]E + SCRIBE (writer)"} {"Clue":"Unfinished novel: Gong Ringer's Last Thirty Days (8)","Answer":"NOVEMBER","Explanation":"Definition: Thirty Days\nNOVE[l] + MBE (gong) + [ringe]R"} {"Clue":"Might Ernst & Young watch out at last for corruption? (8)","Answer":"STRENGTH","Explanation":"Definition: Might\nAn anagram (for corruption) of ERNST + last letters of [youn]G [watc[H] [ou]T"} {"Clue":"Feeling down at heart indeed? Iron and iron right away (10)","Answer":"DEPRESSION","Explanation":"Definition: Feeling down\nDE (inDEed at heart, which took a minute or two to work out \u2013 nice misdirection) + PRESS) (iron) + I[r]ON) minus r (right)"} {"Clue":"Half of cellar wine turned up in store (6)","Answer":"LARDER","Explanation":"Definition: store\n[cel]LAR + a reversal (turned up) of RED (wine)"} {"Clue":"One's not into fancy elitist names (6)","Answer":"TITLES","Explanation":"Definition: names\nAn anagram (fancy) of EL[i]TIST minus i (one)"} {"Clue":"Live what's left out of uniform (6)","Answer":"RESIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Live\nRESID[u]E (what's left, minus u (uniform)"} {"Clue":"Farm on plain somehow filled with rubbish (10)","Answer":"PLANTATION","Explanation":"Definition: Farm\nTAT (rubbish) in an anagram (somehow) of ON PLAIN"} {"Clue":"All-important fault-finding (8)","Answer":"CRITICAL","Explanation":"Definition: All-importantfault-finding\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Long time since deregulation for companies (8)","Answer":"AGENCIES","Explanation":"Definition: companies\nAGE (long time) + an anagram (deregulation) of SINCE"} {"Clue":"Teacher said you got into art deco movement (8)","Answer":"EDUCATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Teacher\nU (you said) in an anagram (movement) of ART DECO"} {"Clue":"Turned up fish starter, ate and had a smoke (6)","Answer":"PUFFED","Explanation":"Definition: had a smoke\nA reversal (turned) of UP + F[ish] + FED (ate)"} {"Clue":"Clever being like that, you get somewhere at last (6)","Answer":"ASTUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Clever\nAS (being like) + last letters of [tha]T [yo]U [ge]T [somewher]E"} {"Clue":"Killer groove in public transport (6)","Answer":"BRUTUS","Explanation":"Definition: Killer\nRUT (groove) in BUS (public transport)"} {"Clue":"Big jumper everyone in conflict loves (8)","Answer":"WALLAROO","Explanation":"Definition: Big jumper\nALL (everyone) in WAR (conflict) + O O (loves \u2013 tennis scores)"} {"Clue":"Flights of fancy supremacist leader in organisation conjured up (5,7)","Answer":"SPACE TOURISM","Explanation":"Definition: Flights of fancy\nAn anagram (conjured up) of SUPREMACIST + O[rganisation] \u2013 I liked the definition"} {"Clue":"Python having a snooze? (4)","Answer":"IDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Pythonhaving a snooze?\nDouble \/cryptic definition, the first referring to **Eric Idle"} {"Clue":"Harry: kid returning with barrel, having trapped a monster (10)","Answer":"GARGANTUAN","Explanation":"Definition: monster\nA reversal (returning) of NAG (harry) + RAG (kid) then TUN (barrel) round (having trapped) A"} {"Clue":"Powerful woman, concern of 26's rival in 9? (6)","Answer":"AMAZON","Explanation":"Definition: Powerful womanconcern of 26's rival in 9\nDouble definition, the second being **this man**, of course"} {"Clue":"Battle site a shade outside capital in Oman, inducement required to defend it (5,3)","Answer":"SPION KOP","Explanation":"Definition: Battle site\nSOP (inducement) round (to defend) PINK (a shade) round O[man] \u2013 see **here** for the battle"} {"Clue":"Language student again taken in by a rogue (7)","Answer":"ARABIST","Explanation":"Definition: Language student\nBIS (again \u2013 Latin 'twice': in music scores, an indication to repeat a section) in A RAT (a rogue)"} {"Clue":"Wrinkly earthman is going after final wishes \u2014 did he boldly go? (7,7)","Answer":"WILLIAM SHATNER","Explanation":"WILL (final wishes) + an anagram (wrinkly) of EARTHMAN IS \u2013 another clever anagram and a brilliant surface: I first thought &lit but that seemed rather rude \u2013 I then googled and checked that he's even more wrinkly than I am, so I will stick my neck out for &lit:\u00a0 **here's** his connection to the theme"} {"Clue":"A criminal back into drugs, tried (3,1,4)","Answer":"HAD A BASH","Explanation":"Definition: tried\nA reversal (back) of A BAD (criminal) in HASH (drugs)"} {"Clue":"26's business, better returns in it (6)","Answer":"SPACEX","Explanation":"Definition: 26's business\nA reversal (returns) of CAP (better) in SEX (it \u2013 here 'it' is again, after several comments during the last couple of weeks)"} {"Clue":"Company considered stocking hairpiece marked with parallel folds (10)","Answer":"CORRUGATED","Explanation":"Definition: marked with parallel folds\nCO (company) + RATED (considered) round (stocking) RUG (slang for hairpiece)"} {"Clue":"Ring children's character back (4)","Answer":"HOOP","Explanation":"Definition: Ring\nA reversal (back) of\u00a0 (Winnie the) POOH (children's character)"} {"Clue":"Moisten first of tissues that's poked into bottom (5)","Answer":"BASTE","Explanation":"Definition: Moisten\nT[issues] in BASE (bottom)"} {"Clue":"Rich man investing amount of money in country house after retirement (4,4)","Answer":"ELON MUSK","Explanation":"Definition: Rich man\nA reversal (after retirement) of SUM (amount of money) in KNOLE (**this eminent country house**) \u2013 and **here's the rich man"} {"Clue":"Upset on sea, wretched mostly \u2014 so it is! (3,2,3)","Answer":"MAL DE MER","Explanation":"A reversal (upset) of RE (on) + MED[iterranean] (sea) + LAM[e] (wretched) \u2013 &lit: inexplicably, one of my last entries\u00a0 \u2013\u00a0 so simple really, if you followed the instructions in the first three crossword staple words; I spent a few minutes toying with [w]retched!"} {"Clue":"2,3,,Down payment raised in company owned by 26's rival in 9 (4,6)","Answer":"BLUE ORIGIN","Explanation":"Definition: 2,3,,Down payment raised in company owned by 26's rival in 9\nBLUE (down) + a reversal (raised) of GIRO (payment) + IN \u2013\u00a0 see 12ac"} {"Clue":"Country Spain hit in India (8)","Answer":"ESWATINI","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nE (Spain) + SWAT (hit) + IN + I (India)"} {"Clue":"Constable country, with criminal stealing two articles? (4,6)","Answer":"EAST ANGLIA","Explanation":"Definition: Constable country\nAn anagram (criminal) of STEALING A A (two articles)"} {"Clue":"Flipping old story ending in wedding \u2014 that's sweet (6)","Answer":"GELATO","Explanation":"Definition: sweet\nA reversal (flipping) of O (old) TALE (story) + [weddin]G"} {"Clue":"Lazy as grazers munching top of bush, variegated plant (5,5)","Answer":"ZEBRA GRASS","Explanation":"Definition: variegated plant\nAn anagram (lazy? \u2013 I queried this but found 'lazily' in Chambers' list of indicators, so I'm happy with it, for the great anagram of AS GRAZERS round B[ush] \u2013 well named: **this** is what it looks like"} {"Clue":"Local river south of a lake, did you say, for example (8)","Answer":"ALEHOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Local\nOUSE (river) after (south of, in a down clue) A L (lake) + EH (did you say?)"} {"Clue":"A second US president arising, primitive life form (6)","Answer":"AMOEBA","Explanation":"Definition: primitive life form\nA MO (second) + a reversal (arising) of ABE (US president)"} {"Clue":"I had put in crooked nose, laterally (4-2)","Answer":"SIDE-ON","Explanation":"Definition: laterally\nI'D (I had) in an anagram (crooked) of NOSE"} {"Clue":"It's a song, that man said (4)","Answer":"HYMN","Explanation":"Definition: It's a song\nSounds like (said) 'him' (that man)"} {"Clue":"Leave talk, missing one truthful statement (6)","Answer":"GOSPEL","Explanation":"Definition: truthful statement\nGO (leave) + SP[i]EL (talk, minus i \u2013 one)"} {"Clue":"Nasty leader deposed, as should be the case (8)","Answer":"RIGHTFUL","Explanation":"Definition: as should be the case\n[f]RIGHTFUL (nasty) minus the initial letter (leader)"} {"Clue":"Religious service affecting godliness? Not the first third of it (6)","Answer":"RITUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Religious service\n[spi]RITUAL (affecting godliness) minus the first three letters"} {"Clue":"Urine not analysed for tiny particle (8)","Answer":"NEUTRINO","Explanation":"Definition: tiny particle\nAn anagram (analysed) of URINE NOT"} {"Clue":"I find I am almost nuts, crazy for ever (2,9)","Answer":"AD INFINITUM","Explanation":"Definition: for ever\nAn anagram (crazy) of I FIND I AM NUT[s]"} {"Clue":"Figure in geometry, German expert brought over in care of academic (7)","Answer":"DECAGON","Explanation":"Definition: Figure in geometry\nA reversal (brought over) of G (German) ACE (expert) in DON (academic)"} {"Clue":"Succeed in taking out middle of red target and shout (7)","Answer":"EXCLAIM","Explanation":"Definition: shout\nEXC[e]L (succeed?) minus e (middle letter of red) + AIM (target)"} {"Clue":"Insulting the powerful? Not exactly seemly to include a joke (4,7)","Answer":"LESE MAJESTY","Explanation":"Definition: Insulting the powerful?\nAn anagram (not exactly) of SEEMLY round A JEST (a joke)"} {"Clue":"Carbon and carbonised material? Support monetary incentive (8)","Answer":"CASHBACK","Explanation":"Definition: monetary incentive\nC (carbon) + ASH (carbonised material) + BACK (support)"} {"Clue":"Slender volume bound in steel, unexpectedly (6)","Answer":"SVELTE","Explanation":"Definition: Slender\nV (volume) in an anagram (unexpectedly) of STEEL"} {"Clue":"Very fierce about women using bad language (8)","Answer":"SWEARING","Explanation":"Definition: using bad language\nSEARING (very fierce) round W (women)"} {"Clue":"English navigator recalled wonderful feature of fish (6)","Answer":"BAFFIN","Explanation":"Definition: English navigator\nA reversal (recalled) of FAB (wonderful) + FIN (feature of fish) \u2013 **here**'s the navigator"} {"Clue":"Fellows scored after upsetting drink (6)","Answer":"DECAFF","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nA reversal (after upsetting) of F F (fellows) + ACED (scored)"} {"Clue":"Transmit over the internet stories about five players \u2014 that's about right (4-6)","Answer":"LIVE-STREAM","Explanation":"Definition: Transmit over the internet\nLIES (stories) round V (five) + TEAM (players) round R (right)"} {"Clue":"Rich fools about to accept dodgy myth on a regular basis (8)","Answer":"RHYTHMIC","Explanation":"Definition: on a regular basis\nAn anagram (fools about) of RICH round an anagram (dodgy) of MYTH"} {"Clue":"Lots of flowers are found in Greek territories (8)","Answer":"GARLANDS","Explanation":"Definition: Lots of flowers\nA (are \u2013 a metric unit of land \u2013 100 square metres) in GR (Greek) LANDS (territories)"} {"Clue":"Group taking a bit to produce special item (3,5)","Answer":"SET PIECE","Explanation":"Definition: special item\nSET (group) + PIECE (bit)"} {"Clue":"Airmen soaring, circling Italy, having good weather (4)","Answer":"FAIR","Explanation":"Definition: having good weather\nA reversal (soaring, in a down clue) of RAF (Royal Air Force \u2013 airmen) round I (Italy)"} {"Clue":"Money running short when raised for factory machine (4)","Answer":"LOOM","Explanation":"Definition: factory machine\nA reversal (when raised, in a down clue) of MOOL[a] (slang for money)"} {"Clue":"New promotion about part of plane cut down in next to no time (10)","Answer":"NANOSECOND","Explanation":"Definition: next to no time\nN (new) AD (promotion) round NOSECON[e] (part of plane, cut down)"} {"Clue":"Fool in book almost split symbol with stave (4,4)","Answer":"BASS CLEF","Explanation":"Definition: symbol with stave\nASS (fool) in B (book) CLEF[t] (almost split)"} {"Clue":"Call up about fire in the sky (8)","Answer":"EMPYREAN","Explanation":"Definition: in the sky\nA reversal (up, in a down clue) of NAME (call) round PYRE (fire)"} {"Clue":"Blogger exercised about date and name of variations (8)","Answer":"GOLDBERG","Explanation":"Definition: name of variations\nAn anagram (exercised) of BLOGGER round D (date) \u2013 Lang Lang plays the Bach Variations **here"} {"Clue":"Cheerful judge I found in cricket venue (6)","Answer":"JOVIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Cheerful\nJ (judge) + I in OVAL (cricket venue)"} {"Clue":"With a couple of swaps, group of performers performs (4)","Answer":"ACTS","Explanation":"Definition: performs\nCAST (group of performers) with a couple of letters swapped"} {"Clue":"Small area of land is left reduced by 50% (4)","Answer":"ISLE","Explanation":"Definition: Small area of land\nIS + LE[ft] \u2013 I wondered whether an isle is necessarily a small area but couldn't really think of a large one: Collins has 'an island, esp a small one ' and Chambers 'an island' (with 'islet: a small isle')!"} {"Clue":"It's heard before getting off punishment, caught in plots with politician (7,5)","Answer":"BEDTIME STORY","Explanation":"Definition: It's heard before getting off\nTIME (punishment) in BEDS (plots) + TORY (politician)"} {"Clue":"Behind award for actor's moving finale (5)","Answer":"ABAFT","Explanation":"Definition: Behind\nBAFTA (award for actor) with the last letter (finale) moved to the beginning"} {"Clue":"Maiden needing cool river around part of summer (9)","Answer":"INAUGURAL","Explanation":"Definition: Maiden\nIN (cool) + URAL (river) round AUG[ust] (part of summer)"} {"Clue":"Was busy with a light that needs fixing? (7)","Answer":"BUSTLED","Explanation":"Definition: Was busy\nBUST (needs fixing) LED (light-emitting diode)"} {"Clue":"Understanding there's nothing odd about Lennie drinking wine (7)","Answer":"ENTENTE","Explanation":"Definition: Understanding\nEven letters of lEnNiE round TENT (a Spanish red wine)"} {"Clue":"Challenge for the ambitious governor disheartened by casual staff (6,4)","Answer":"GREASY POLE","Explanation":"Definition: Challenge for the ambitious\nG[overno]R (disheartened) + EASY (casual) + POLE (staff)"} {"Clue":"This is coloured, but not evenly (4)","Answer":"CLUE","Explanation":"Definition: This\nOdd letters of CoLoUrEd"} {"Clue":"Content to leave awful jelly, one often potted (4)","Answer":"ALKY","Explanation":"Definition: one often potted\nA[wfu]L + KY (jelly) \u2013 potted is slang for drunk"} {"Clue":"Route by either end of Warwick? It gets assessed (10)","Answer":"COURSEWORK","Explanation":"Definition: It gets assessed\nCOURSE (route) + W OR K (either end of Warwick)"} {"Clue":"Agreed soldiers got into drugs? One won't appeal (7)","Answer":"EYESORE","Explanation":"Definition: One won't appeal\nYES (agreed) + OR (Other Ranks \u2013 soldiers) in E E (drugs)"} {"Clue":"Artist framing outline of outermost hill is Turner (7)","Answer":"ROTATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Turner\nRA (artist) round O[utermos]T + TOR (hill)"} {"Clue":"Use force on infamous cyclist when cycling (6-3)","Answer":"STRONG-ARM","Explanation":"Definition: Use force on\n[Lance] ARMSTRONG (**this infamous cyclist**) 'cycling'"} {"Clue":"Let into Duke University after good grade (5)","Answer":"ADMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Let into\nA (good grade) + D (duke) + MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology \u2013 University)"} {"Clue":"The best solver gets a biscuit (5,7)","Answer":"CREAM CRACKER","Explanation":"Definition: a biscuit\nCREAM (the best) CRACKER (solver)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Saints clad in undies kiss cheek (5,4)","Answer":"BRASS NECK","Explanation":"Definition: cheek\nS (saints? \u2013 I can't find this abbreviation for the plural) in BRAS (undies) + NECK (kiss)"} {"Clue":"Ever fashionable daughter tried to lose weight (8)","Answer":"DATELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Ever fashionable\nD (daughter) ATE LESS (tried to lose weight)"} {"Clue":"Epic account of parliament newspaper brought up (5)","Answer":"ILIAD","Explanation":"Definition: Epic account\nA reversal (brought up) of DAIL (Irish parliament) + I (newspaper)"} {"Clue":"With hair up, French girl meeting king is one putting on a pretty coat (9)","Answer":"ENAMELLER","Explanation":"Definition: one putting on a pretty coat\nA reversal (up, in a down clue) of MANE (hair) + ELLE (French girl) + R (king)"} {"Clue":"Smashed head of suction hose (6)","Answer":"TIGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: hose\nTIGHT (smashed \u2013 more slang for drunk) + S[uction]"} {"Clue":"Hasten to hide US casualty in screen again (5)","Answer":"RERUN","Explanation":"Definition: screen again\nRUN (hasten) round ER (US Casualty)"} {"Clue":"Chatterbox knocked back six-pack in silence (6)","Answer":"GASBAG","Explanation":"Definition: Chatterbox\nA reversal of ABS (six-pack) in GAG (silence)"} {"Clue":"Rip off Billy or Jacob's coat (6)","Answer":"FLEECE","Explanation":"Definition: Rip offBilly or Jacob's coat\nDouble definition \u2013 the second being the coat of a goat (Billy) or sheep (**Jacob**)"} {"Clue":"Person setting up in coalpit, working with earth in the centre? (9)","Answer":"PTOLEMAIC","Explanation":"Definition: with earth in the centre\nA reversal (up, in a down clue) of ME (person\u00a0 setting \u2013 thanks,\u00a0 greyfox @1) in an anagram (working) of COALPIT \u2013 referring to Ptolemy's geocentric theory of planetary motion"} {"Clue":"One keeps pride in check, changing into more pathetic clothes (4-5)","Answer":"LION-TAMER","Explanation":"Definition: One keeps pride in check\nLAMER (more pathetic) round (clothes) an anagram (changing) of INTO"} {"Clue":"Went to deposit part of capital (4,4)","Answer":"LEFT BANK","Explanation":"Definition: part of capital\nLEFT (went) + BANK (deposit)"} {"Clue":"Discrimination in America is set in stone (6)","Answer":"AGEISM","Explanation":"Definition: Discrimination\nA (American) + IS in GEM (stone)"} {"Clue":"Princess penning a recipe, which may involve chops (6)","Answer":"KARATE","Explanation":"Definition: which may involve chops\nKATE (princess) round A R (recipe)"} {"Clue":"My new beau, naked, is a bit of a looker (6)","Answer":"CORNEA","Explanation":"Definition: a bit of a looker\nCOR (my!) + N (new) + [b]EA[u]"} {"Clue":"Anxiety, when taking off top to show boob (5)","Answer":"ERROR","Explanation":"Definition: boob\n[t]ERROR (anxiety)"} {"Clue":"Cuban piece of cake with no duplicated ingredients? (5)","Answer":"RUMBA","Explanation":"Definition: Cuban piece\nRUM BA[ba] (cake, minus the duplicate ba)"} {"Clue":"Arab will be in Italy tomorrow, dropping off daughter (5)","Answer":"OMANI","Explanation":"Definition: Arab\n[d]OMANI (Italian for tomorrow) minus d (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Poorly, cutting last visit as distasteful (9)","Answer":"UNWELCOME","Explanation":"Definition: distasteful\nUNWEL[l] (poorly) minus (cutting) the last letter + COME (visit)"} {"Clue":"King beginning to attack last rebels in the north (9)","Answer":"ATHELSTAN","Explanation":"Definition: King\nA[ttack] + an anagram (rebels) of LAST in THE N (north) \u2013** here**'s the king"} {"Clue":"Sound of keys rattling in prison (5)","Answer":"CLINK","Explanation":"Definition: Sound of keys rattlingprison\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Can't find source of whisky young lady drinks (7)","Answer":"MISLAYS","Explanation":"Definition: Can't find\nISLAY (**source of whisky** \u2013 one of my late husband's favourites) \u2013 in MS (young \u2013 not necessarily \u2013 lady)"} {"Clue":"In fact, two hands should be replaced by another professional (7)","Answer":"ACTUARY","Explanation":"Definition: professional\nWe have to replace l l (two left hands) in 'actually' (in fact) with r (another hand)"} {"Clue":"Bed's base son breaks (5)","Answer":"ROOST","Explanation":"Definition: Bed\nS (son) in ROOT (base)"} {"Clue":"Joiner featured in a Shakespeare play, though not much at the start (3)","Answer":"AND","Explanation":"Definition: Joiner\nThe play is 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', popularly abbreviated to A[m]ND (not much at the start)"} {"Clue":"A for Aristotle (5)","Answer":"ALPHA","Explanation":"Definition: A for Aristotle\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Does she have half a case against heartless employer? (7)","Answer":"ACCUSER","Explanation":"I still can't quite see this one, beyond USER = employer* \u2013 which, of course, was a red herring: it's ACCUS[ative] (half a grammatical case)\u00a0 + ER (E[mploye]R \u2013 many thanks to Auriga and KVa \u2013 a dead heat!"} {"Clue":"Pagans adding verse to biblical book (7)","Answer":"VIKINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Pagans\nV (verse) + I KINGS (book of\u00a0 the Old Testament)"} {"Clue":"Growth of college power (5)","Answer":"POLYP","Explanation":"Definition: Growth\nPOLY (college) + P (power)"} {"Clue":"Go out of this world, say, in zero visibility (3-6)","Answer":"PEA-SOUPER","Explanation":"Definition: zero visibility\nPEA (sounds like \u2013 say \u2013 'pee' {go} + 'super'\u00a0 {out of this world}) \u2013 a neat link with 'smog' in 2dn \u2013 see an interesting article **here"} {"Clue":"Gang of criminals send a city wild (9)","Answer":"SYNDICATE","Explanation":"Definition: Gang of criminals\nAn anagram (wild) of SEND A CITY"} {"Clue":"Such a screwdriver very attractive? Not quite (5)","Answer":"SONIC","Explanation":"Definition: Such a screwdriver\nSO NIC[e] (very attractive)"} {"Clue":"Sauce like this always served up (4)","Answer":"SOYA","Explanation":"Definition: Sauce\nSO (like this) plus a reversal (served up, in a down clue) of AY (always)"} {"Clue":"Fast speed over endlessly polluted air in a show of swagger (8)","Answer":"MACHISMO","Explanation":"Definition: a show of swagger\nMACH I (fast speed) + SMO[g] (polluted air, endlessly)"} {"Clue":"Face having to use an old phone? (4)","Answer":"DIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Faceuse an old phone\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Chubby lad's bottom almost all visible in cast off (3,2,3)","Answer":"PUT TO SEA","Explanation":"Definition: cast off\nPUTTO (chubby lad) + SEA[t] (bottom, almost)"} {"Clue":"Country recipe with a so-called fish (6)","Answer":"RWANDA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nR (recipe\u00a0 \u2013 Latin for 'take') + WANDA (so-called fish) in **this film"} {"Clue":"Use mouse to follow movement that keeps players together (5,5)","Answer":"CLICK TRACK","Explanation":"Definition: movement that keeps players together\nCLICK (use mouse) + TRACK (to follow) \u2013 I didn't know **this expression"} {"Clue":"Very funny sex with a Dolores (6)","Answer":"LOLITA","Explanation":"Definition: Dolores\nLOL (laugh out loud \u2013 very funny) + IT (sex) + A\u00a0 \u2013 Dolores is Lolita's real name in **Nabokov's novel"} {"Clue":"Widow may have one quick look when speaking (4)","Answer":"PEAK","Explanation":"Definition: Widow may have one\nSounds like (when speaking) 'peek' (quick look)"} {"Clue":"Moony features of musical girl I just met (5)","Answer":"MARIA","Explanation":"Definition: Moony featuresmusical girl I just met\nDouble definition: the 'seas' on the moon \u2013 moony features\u00a0 and 'the girl I just met' in the musical 'West Side Story' \u2013 **here**'s a nice version from the Proms"} {"Clue":"Iodine for one upset (not terminally sick) patient (10)","Answer":"ANTISEPTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Iodine for one\nAn anagram (upset) of PATIENT SIC[k]"} {"Clue":"Don't go to bed, taking in English poet (5)","Answer":"YEATS","Explanation":"Definition: poet\nA reversal (up, in a down clue) of STAY (don't go to bed) \u2013 round E (English) \u2013 neat misdirection: YEATS, of course, was an Irish poet"} {"Clue":"Gone astray, I have picked up old clothes (8)","Answer":"DEVIATED","Explanation":"Definition: Gone astray\nA reversal (picked up) of I'VE (I have) in (clothed by) DATED (old)"} {"Clue":"Being a sport, send quick message to practise at first on golf (4-4)","Answer":"PING-PONG","Explanation":"Definition: Being a sport\nPING (send quick message) + P[ractise] + ON + G (golf \u2013 NATO phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Settlement: the last to pay (6)","Answer":"COLONY","Explanation":"Definition: Settlement\n: (colon) + [pa]Y"} {"Clue":"Bunch adopting affected attitudes? (4)","Answer":"POSY","Explanation":"Definition: Bunchadopting affected attitudes?\nWhimsical double definition"} {"Clue":"Remove section of enormous table (4)","Answer":"OUST","Explanation":"Definition: Remove\nHidden in enormOUS Table"} {"Clue":"Stagger back to the rear as big bird comes over (4)","Answer":"ROCK","Explanation":"Definition: Stagger\nROC (big bird) + [bac]K"} {"Clue":"Write down almost everything? Never (3,2,3)","Answer":"NOT AT ALL","Explanation":"Definition: Never\nNOTAT[e] (write down, almost) + ALL (everything)"} {"Clue":"Money bringing sorrow, we're told (6)","Answer":"DOLLAR","Explanation":"Definition: Money\nSounds like (we're told) 'dolour' (sorrow)"} {"Clue":"European peninsula having its air polluted (6)","Answer":"ISTRIA","Explanation":"Definition: European peninsula\nAn anagram (polluted) of ITS AIR \u2013 nice surface"} {"Clue":"Fly low round southern desert (8)","Answer":"MOSQUITO","Explanation":"Definition: Fly\nMOO (low) round S (southern) QUIT (desert) \u2013 and another"} {"Clue":"Peruvian once driving right away (4)","Answer":"INCA","Explanation":"Definition: Peruvian once\nIN CA[r] (driving) minus r (right)"} {"Clue":"Now listening to Radio 4, say, with it (8,2)","Answer":"SWITCHED ON","Explanation":"Definition: Now listening to Radio 4, saywith it\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Laughed at getting put away (7)","Answer":"SCOFFED","Explanation":"Definition: Laughed atput away\nAnother double definition"} {"Clue":"Spoke of politician with kind of wooden raft (3-4)","Answer":"KON-TIKI","Explanation":"Definition: raft\nSounds like (spoke of) con[servative] (politician) + 'teaky' (kind of wooden) \u2013 see **here** for the story of Kon-Tiki"} {"Clue":"Depressed, fusses about a place for servants (10)","Answer":"DOWNSTAIRS","Explanation":"Definition: place for servants\nDOWN (depressed) + STIRS (fusses) round A"} {"Clue":"Reckless prang \u2014 not chauffeur's first (4)","Answer":"RASH","Explanation":"Definition: Reckless\n[c]RASH (prang) minus c[hauffeur]"} {"Clue":"Degree status of composer with new role (8)","Answer":"BACHELOR","Explanation":"Definition: Degree status\nBACH (composer) + an anagram (new) of ROLE"} {"Clue":"Copies of the City shoe design (6)","Answer":"ECHOES","Explanation":"Definition: Copies\nEC (the City of London) + an anagram (design) of SHOE"} {"Clue":"Five have a good look round fast (6)","Answer":"STARVE","Explanation":"Definition: fast\nSTARE (have a good look) round V (five)"} {"Clue":"Any rest unsettled Maugham, perhaps (8)","Answer":"SOMERSET","Explanation":"Definition: Maugham, perhaps\nSOME (any) + an anagram (unsettled) of REST \u2013 not the county this time but **this writer"} {"Clue":"Dr Rory, a Scotsman, doctored in old county (4,3,8)","Answer":"ROSS AND CROMARTY","Explanation":"Definition: old county\nAn apt anagram (doctored) of DR RORY A SCOTSMAN for **this old county"} {"Clue":"Cornish fare near ruin in old county (15)","Answer":"CAERNARFONSHIRE","Explanation":"Definition: old county\nAn anagram (ruin) of CORNISH FARE NEAR \u2013 see here for **this Welsh historic county"} {"Clue":"Badgering girl brought up with small notebooks (10)","Answer":"HARASSMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Badgering\nA reversal (brought up, in a down clue) of SARAH (girl) + S (small) + ME (note) + NT (New Testament \u2013 books)"} {"Clue":"Spinster's game (3,4)","Answer":"OLD MAID","Explanation":"Definition: Spinstergame\nDouble definition \u2013 see **here** for the game"} {"Clue":"Wild beast's regular date in March, say (4)","Answer":"IDES","Explanation":"Definition: date in March, say\nAlternate (regular) letters of wIlD bEaSt \u2013 all of the Roman months had IDES but March is the most familiar one, from Julius Caesar's fateful failure to beware it"} {"Clue":"Limits of council house register affected county (15)","Answer":"GLOUCESTERSHIRE","Explanation":"Definition: county\nAn anagram (affected) of C[ounci]L + HOUSE REGISTER"} {"Clue":"Roles from Ken Loach film first televised in fact in old division of Lincolnshire (5,2,8)","Answer":"PARTS OF KESTEVEN","Explanation":"Definition: old division of Lincolnshire\nPARTS OF KES (roles from Ken Loach film) + T[elevised] + EVEN (in fact) \u2013 before the arrival of ET in 1982, 'film' in a crossword clue almost invariably referred to **this one"} {"Clue":"X-rays girders (10)","Answer":"CROSSBEAMS","Explanation":"Definition: girders\nCROSS (X) + BEAMS (rays)"} {"Clue":"Sink or swim at first adrift in old borough south of Perth (7)","Answer":"KINROSS","Explanation":"Definition: old borough south of Perth\nAn anagram (adrift) of SINK OR S[wim] \u2013 with the crossers, I was able to guess this, because I remembered the constituency of Kinross and West Perthshire, represented by one-time Prime Minister **Sir Alec Douglas-Home"} {"Clue":"Flee kitchen with food inside (4)","Answer":"LEEK","Explanation":"Definition: food inside\nContained in fLEE Kitchen"} {"Clue":"Lovely lad who may make cannibals soup? (1,5,2,1,3)","Answer":"A BROTH OF A BOY","Explanation":"Definition: Lovely lad\nThis rang a distant bell and I (re)discovered that it was the title of an **old film** \u2013 but I've never seen it and I've never actually heard the expression used; Chambers gives '(Irish) the quintessence of a good fellow' and, having lived in Northern Ireland, I know how folk there love their broth, so it makes sense to me"} {"Clue":"Inserts more bullets: corps has lots (7)","Answer":"RELOADS","Explanation":"Definition: Inserts more bullets\nRE (Royal Engineers \u2013 corps) + LOADS (lots)"} {"Clue":"Beat victim one seizes and sucks (7)","Answer":"LAMPREY","Explanation":"Definition: one seizes and sucks\nLAM (beat) + PREY (victim)"} {"Clue":"Tennis champion, one for a cocktail (7)","Answer":"MARTINI","Explanation":"Definition: cocktail\nMARTIN[a] (Navratilova \u2013 tennis champion) with the second a replaced by I (one)"} {"Clue":"Many a slip by Dr Carter (7)","Answer":"DRAYMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Carter\nDR + an anagram (slip) of MANY A"} {"Clue":"Backed America and abandoned another country (5)","Answer":"SUDAN","Explanation":"Definition: another country\nA reversal (backed) of US (America) + an anagram (abandoned) of AND"} {"Clue":"Frequency of occurrence with small company would be a fluke (9)","Answer":"INCIDENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Frequency of occurrence\n[co] (small company) + INCIDENCE would give COINCIDENCE \u2013 a fluke"} {"Clue":"One getting rid of chemist (9)","Answer":"DISPENSER","Explanation":"Definition: One getting ridchemist\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Made fun of outspoken leader (5)","Answer":"GUYED","Explanation":"Definition: Made fun of\nSounds like (outspoken) 'guide' (leader)"} {"Clue":"Shortly aiming for painkiller (7)","Answer":"ASPIRIN","Explanation":"Definition: painkiller\nASPIRIN[g] (aiming)"} {"Clue":"An annoying person in these two ways? (2-3-2)","Answer":"SO-AND-SO","Explanation":"Definition: An annoying person\nSO (in this way) twice"} {"Clue":"Violent racist reformed by Democrat (7)","Answer":"DRASTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Violent\nD (Democrat) + an anagram (reformed) of RACIST"} {"Clue":"Join a party, but not gregarious (7)","Answer":"ASOCIAL","Explanation":"Definition: not gregarious\nA SOCIAL (a party)"} {"Clue":"Give public recital? What are you playing at? (7,5)","Answer":"CONCERT PITCH","Explanation":"This must be a cryptic definition but I don't quite see how it works \u2013 see **here** for an explanation of concert pitch\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Attracted by United wearing the Liverpool strip (7)","Answer":"ALLURED","Explanation":"Definition: Attracted\nU (United) in (wearing) ALL RED (the Liverpool strip)"} {"Clue":"Once more, let's get this straight (7)","Answer":"REALIGN","Explanation":"I think I'm missing something here \u2013 is it cryptic?"} {"Clue":"Feistiest criminal gives evidence (9)","Answer":"TESTIFIES","Explanation":"Definition: gives evidence\nAn anagram (criminal) of FEISTIEST"} {"Clue":"Stared lasciviously, having found someone online? That's no go (5)","Answer":"OGLED","Explanation":"Definition: Stared lasciviously\n[go]OGLED (found someone online) minus go"} {"Clue":"Buoyancy aid for a team of Marines (7)","Answer":"ARMBAND","Explanation":"Definition: Buoyancy aid\nA + R M (Royal Marines) + BAND (team)"} {"Clue":"A ransom put together for Oxbridge blue, perhaps (7)","Answer":"OARSMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Oxbridge blue, perhaps\nAn anagram (put together) of A RANSOM"} {"Clue":"Heaven swore to come down to earth (8,4)","Answer":"PROMISED LAND","Explanation":"Definition: Heaven\nPROMISED (swore) + LAND (come down to earth)"} {"Clue":"Bet on squiggle representing an American dandy? (6-6)","Answer":"YANKEE-DOODLE","Explanation":"Definition: American dandy\nYANKEE (a multiple bet) + DOODLE (sqiggle)"} {"Clue":"Cheat who works with a pack (4,5)","Answer":"CARD SHARP","Explanation":"Definition: Cheat\nCryptic definition, the pack being a pack of cards"} {"Clue":"American mobster with a high voice? (7)","Answer":"SOPRANO","Explanation":"Definition: American mobstera high voice\nDouble definition, the first referring to the **TV series"} {"Clue":"Wandering, one falls into terrible crater (7)","Answer":"ERRATIC","Explanation":"Definition: Wandering\nI (one) in an anagram (terrible) of CRATER"} {"Clue":"Travel round Indian state, fit (2,5)","Answer":"GO ABOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Travel round\nGOA (Indian state) + BOUT (fit)"} {"Clue":"Homework over some food: tongue (7)","Answer":"YIDDISH","Explanation":"Definition: tongue\nA reversal (over) of DIY ('homework') + DISH (some food)"} {"Clue":"More pleasant to avoid most of volcanic eruption (5)","Answer":"NICER","Explanation":"Definition: More pleasant\nHidden in volcaNIC ERuption"} {"Clue":"Be rude about accepting college recordings (5)","Answer":"DISCS","Explanation":"Definition: recordings\nDISS (be rude about) round C (college)"} {"Clue":"Composer having suspicion about one? Deny cut (8)","Answer":"SIBELIUS","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\nSUS (suspicion) round I (one) + BELI[e] (deny, cut \u2013 minus its last letter)"} {"Clue":"Be in a dodgy situation \u2014 hesitation and neck may be broken (5,2,4,3)","Answer":"SKATE ON THIN ICE","Explanation":"Definition: Be in a dodgy situation\nAn anagram (may be broken) of HESITATION and NECK"} {"Clue":"Agreement about money held by bridge player being an obvious target (4,4)","Answer":"EASY MEAT","Explanation":"Definition: an obvious target\nYEA (agreement) round M (money) all inside EAST (bridge player) \u2013 this was a new expression for me: 'a person or thing that is easy to beat, fool'"} {"Clue":"Military transport heading for Tobruk reversed track with it (9)","Answer":"TROOPSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: Military transport\nT([obruk] + a reversal (reversed) of SPOOR (track) + HIP (with it)"} {"Clue":"Contents of trophy idiot filled with inert gas (5)","Answer":"ASHES","Explanation":"Definition: Contents of trophy\nHE (helium \u2013 inert gas) in ASS (idiot) \u2013 referring to the **cricket trophy"} {"Clue":"Food item not found in the first part of the dictionary? (5)","Answer":"PASTA","Explanation":"Definition: Food item\nPAST A"} {"Clue":"Metallic element, rather odd, gathering attention (4,5)","Answer":"RARE EARTH","Explanation":"Definition: Metallic element\nAn anagram (odd) of RATHER round EAR (attention)"} {"Clue":"Individual with German backing for investment? Not subsequently (2,4)","Answer":"ON TIME","Explanation":"Definition: Not subsequently\nONE (individual) round a reversal (backing) of MIT (German for 'with')"} {"Clue":"City and I separately probing blue material (cheesy stuff) (8)","Answer":"PECORINO","Explanation":"Definition: cheesy stuff\nEC (City of London) and I (separately) in PORNO (blue material)"} {"Clue":"Arrangement of this music could leave creator hanging (9,5)","Answer":"GREGORIAN CHANT","Explanation":"An anagram (arrangement) of CREATOR HANGING \u2013 **here's some to listen to"} {"Clue":"Informed about keeping several colleges together (2,6)","Answer":"IN UNISON","Explanation":"Definition: together\nIN ON (informed about) round UNIS (several colleges)"} {"Clue":"Strain is back with pioneering woman (5)","Answer":"SIEVE","Explanation":"Definition: Strain\nA reversal (back) of IS + EVE (pioneering \u2013 a change from 'first' \u2013 woman)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"No work, agitated, upset? It's best suited for a later course (7,5)","Answer":"DESSERT SPOON","Explanation":"Definition: It's best suited for a later course\nA reversal (upset) of NO OP (no work) + STRESSED (agitated)"} {"Clue":"Pictures likely winners, enthusiastic, on board (9)","Answer":"SNAPSHOTS","Explanation":"Definition: Pictures\nNAPS (likely winners, in a horse race) + HOT (enthusiastic) in SS ('on board')"} {"Clue":"Tense when investing in source of coal power? (5)","Answer":"STEAM","Explanation":"Definition: power\nT (tense) in SEAM (source of coal)"} {"Clue":"Newspaper beginning to blush at woman's figure on the beach (9)","Answer":"SUNBATHER","Explanation":"Definition: figure on the beach\nSUN ('newspaper') + B[lush] + AT + HER (woman's)"} {"Clue":"Physicist, heating element up, runs (4)","Answer":"BOHR","Explanation":"Definition: Physicist\nA reversal (up, in a down clue) of HOB (heating element) + R (runs) \u2013 **here's the physicist"} {"Clue":"Wound can entail cutting (9)","Answer":"LANCINATE","Explanation":"Definition: cutting\nAn anagram (wound, to rhyme with 'found') of CAN ENTAIL"} {"Clue":"International group mostly attractive in its original form? (5)","Answer":"UNCUT","Explanation":"Definition: in its original form\nUN (United Nations \u2013 international group) + CUT[e] (attractive, mostly)"} {"Clue":"Historic accessory for boy's clothes? I'd look almost silly (3,6,3)","Answer":"OLD SCHOOL TIE","Explanation":"Definition: Historic accessory for boy\nAn anagram (silly) of CLOTHES I'D LOO[k]"} {"Clue":"Bird to move across one's view, interrupted by black jet fighter (9)","Answer":"PTARMIGAN","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nPAN (to move across one's view) round TAR (black) MIG (jet fighter)"} {"Clue":"Army without leader entering level ground? It has potential to crack (9)","Answer":"PORCELAIN","Explanation":"Definition: It has potential to crack\n[f]ORCE (army, without initial letter \u2013 leader) in PLAIN (level ground)"} {"Clue":"Museum, either end of which is filled with historic items? On the contrary (9)","Answer":"HERMITAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Museum\nHERITAGE (historic items) round M (either end of MuseuM) \u2013 on the contrary\u00a0 **here's the museum"} {"Clue":"Go round capital of Italy \u2014 and you wouldn't see this! (5)","Answer":"TURIN","Explanation":"TURN (go) round I (capital of Italy \u2013 which is not Turin!)"} {"Clue":"A charitable saint saving her first marine creatures (5)","Answer":"ORCAS","Explanation":"Definition: marine creatures\n[d]ORCAS (charitable saint \u2013 see** here**) \u2013 I remember Dorcas as an apt brand name for bed linen"} {"Clue":"Soldier packing a small collection of weapons? (4)","Answer":"ARMS","Explanation":"Definition: collection of weapons\nRM (Royal Marine \u2013 soldier) in A S (small)"} {"Clue":"Inclined to show stress in hospital, I confess (6)","Answer":"ITALIC","Explanation":"Definition: Inclined to show stress\nHidden in hospITAL I Confess \u2013 see **here"} {"Clue":"Funny guy's agreement secured by another (8)","Answer":"JOKESTER","Explanation":"Definition: Funny guy\nOK (agreement) in JESTER (another funny guy) \u2013 it's only a couple of weeks since I gave a link to **this film**, which used to be a crossword classic"} {"Clue":"Things to take on board or move into road transport (6)","Answer":"CARGOS","Explanation":"Definition: Things to take on board\nGO (move) in CARS (road transport) \u2013 see **here\u00a0"} {"Clue":"It's rocky as result of drop in share (8)","Answer":"DOLOMITE","Explanation":"Definition: It's rocky\nOMIT (drop) in DOLE (share) \u2013 *Edit: the film is IT \u2013 thanks to Alan @2"} {"Clue":"Total including century after start of play, following plan (10)","Answer":"TACTICALLY","Explanation":"Definition: following plan\nTALLY (total) round C (century) after ACT I (start of play) \u2013 *Edit: the film is CAL \u2013 thanks to commenters @2 and 3\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Jazz pianist's arrangement of Waterfalls (4,6)","Answer":"FATS WALLER","Explanation":"Definition: Jazz pianist\nAn anagram (arrangement) of WATERFALLS \u2013 see** here \u2013 ***Edit: the film is WALL \u2013 E: thanks to commenters @ 5,6 and 8"} {"Clue":"Wrote as American essayist, having moved gold to front, followed by diamonds (8)","Answer":"AUTHORED","Explanation":"Definition: Wrote\nTHOREAU (**American essayist**) with AU (gold) moved to the beginning + D (diamonds) \u2013 see **here"} {"Clue":"They help with proof in problem mastery (6)","Answer":"LEMMAS","Explanation":"Hidden in probLEM MAStery &lit, I think \u2013 see **here"} {"Clue":"Outstanding success in strike after strike (5,3)","Answer":"SMASH HIT","Explanation":"Definition: Outstanding success\nTwo words meaning strike \u2013 see** here"} {"Clue":"Cobblers can make a lot of money covering pair of feet (6)","Answer":"PIFFLE","Explanation":"Definition: Cobblers\nPILE (a lot of money) round F F (a pair of feet) \u2013 see **here"} {"Clue":"Entire EP remixed \u2014 it's an evergreen (4,4)","Answer":"PINE TREE","Explanation":"Definition: an evergreen\nAn anagram (remixed) of ENTIRE EP \u2013 see **here\u00a0\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Page in Welsh converted for young English setters, say (6)","Answer":"WHELPS","Explanation":"Definition: young English setters, say\nP (page) in an anagram (converted) of WELSH \u2013 see **here**\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Clips of omissions from a hippie classic? (8)","Answer":"HAIRCUTS","Explanation":"Definition: Clips\nCUTS (omissions) from HAIR (**hippie classic**)"} {"Clue":"Who, for example, is ahead of a film star princess in frantic contest? (4,4)","Answer":"DRAG RACE","Explanation":"Definition: frantic contest\nDR (Doctor \u2013 Who for example) + A\u00a0 + GRACE (Kelly \u2013 film star princess)"} {"Clue":"One nasty guy cutting block\u00adbuster in pieces (8)","Answer":"EPISODIC","Explanation":"Definition: in pieces\nI SOD (one nasty guy) in EPIC (blockbuster)"} {"Clue":"I study old cinema, initially with ultimate critic (10)","Answer":"ICONOCLAST","Explanation":"Definition: critic\nI CON (I study) + O (old) + C[inema] + LAST (ultimate)"} {"Clue":"Dress protecting male and female in horror film (3,3)","Answer":"THE FOG","Explanation":"Definition: horror film\nTOG (dress) round HE (male) + F (female)"} {"Clue":"Give a detailed account of story in trailer that's abbreviated and modified (6)","Answer":"RETAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Give a detailed account of story\nAn anagram (modified) of TRAILE[r] minus its last letter\u00a0 (abbreviated)"} {"Clue":"Child was portrayed by this actress when about 60 (6)","Answer":"STREEP","Explanation":"After a bit of digging, I discovered that, in 2009, Meryl Streep portrayed Julia Child in **'Julie & Julia'**\u00a0 and that she was born in 1949, so 'about 60'"} {"Clue":"Vehicle followed by second in French comedy, treat with superficial sweetness (10)","Answer":"CARAMELISE","Explanation":"Definition: treat with superficial sweetness\nCAR (vehicle) + S (second) in AM\u00c9LIE (French comedy)"} {"Clue":"Giddy fame secured by star from the silent era that one tries to land? (4,4)","Answer":"GAME FISH","Explanation":"Definition: that one tries to land\nAn anagram (giddy) of FAME in [Lilian] GISH (star from the silent era)"} {"Clue":"One's removed from a blue film, oddly culpable (8)","Answer":"BLAMEFUL","Explanation":"Definition: culpable\nAn anagram (oddly) of A BLUE F[i]LM"} {"Clue":"Nonsense about English director cutting one line in scene of The Singing Nun (8)","Answer":"BRUSSELS","Explanation":"Definition: scene of The Singing Nun\nBS (nonsense) round [Ken] RUSSEL[l] minus l (one line)"} {"Clue":"Musical animated movie \u2014 saucy stuff (6)","Answer":"CATSUP","Explanation":"Definition: saucy stuff\nCATS (musical) + UP (animated movie)"} {"Clue":"Sound of music coming from orchestra inside (6)","Answer":"STRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Sound of music\nHidden in orcheSTRA IN"} {"Clue":"Screwball comedy that needs work put into it (3,3)","Answer":"TOP HAT","Explanation":"Definition: Screwball comedy\nOP (work) in THAT"} {"Clue":"Sweet nothing in the sack (7)","Answer":"BELOVED","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nLOVE (nothing \u2013 tennis score) in BED (sack)"} {"Clue":"Last worker, sweet (7)","Answer":"COBBLER","Explanation":"Definition: Last workersweet\nDouble definition \u2013 a cobbler works at a last"} {"Clue":"Deer performs (4)","Answer":"DOES","Explanation":"Definition: Deerperforms\nAnother double definition: an old crossword favourite \u2013 think of 'Do(h) a deer, a female deer'"} {"Clue":"Article, so incomprehensible in parts (9)","Answer":"SECTORIAL","Explanation":"Definition: in parts\nAn anagram (incomprehensible) of ARTICLE SO"} {"Clue":"Every other part of icky sweet (5)","Answer":"CANDY","Explanation":"Definition: sweet\nThe alternate (every other) letters of icky are C AND Y"} {"Clue":"Gap in a lively river (8)","Answer":"APERTURE","Explanation":"Definition: Gap\nA PERT (lively) + URE (my beloved Wensleydale river)"} {"Clue":"Down and dirty (4)","Answer":"BLUE","Explanation":"Definition: Downdirty\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Kiwi's heading beyond valley \u2014 it can't take flight! (5)","Answer":"DALEK","Explanation":"Definition: it can't take flight\nK[iwi] after DALE (valley) *\u2013 please see comment 2 re the definition"} {"Clue":"Sweet stick gathering last of sherbet (4)","Answer":"CUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nCUE (stick) round [sherbe]T"} {"Clue":"Temporarily stop during school period, computer studies (8)","Answer":"INTERMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Temporarily stop\nIN TERM (during school period) + IT (computer studies)"} {"Clue":"Cube in sweet sweets (5,6)","Answer":"AFTER EIGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: sweets\nEIGHT (cube) in AFTERS (sweet)"} {"Clue":"As beer gut wobbles, something sweet in that (5,4)","Answer":"SUGAR BEET","Explanation":"Definition: something sweet in that\nAn anagram (wobbles) of AS BEER GUT"} {"Clue":"Sleuth appearing sweet when spotted? (4)","Answer":"DICK","Explanation":"Definition: Sleuth\nReference to spotted dick, the pudding also known as spotted dog \u2013 see **here**\u00a0 \u2013 and dick is slang for a detective"} {"Clue":"Fudge is wrong after starter of dumplings (7)","Answer":"DISTORT","Explanation":"Definition: Fudge\nIS TORT (a civil wrong or wrongful act) after D[umplings]"} {"Clue":"Sweet, in the style of sweet wine (7)","Answer":"MARSALA","Explanation":"Definition: sweet wine\nMARS (bar) (sweet) + \u00c0 LA (in the style of)"} {"Clue":"Sweet turning up a little more acidic (4)","Answer":"AERO","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nHidden (a little) reversal (up, in a down clue) of [m]ORE A[cidic]"} {"Clue":"Facial feature fed nougat initially, same part spitting out old humbug (8)","Answer":"NONSENSE","Explanation":"Definition: humbug\nNOSE (facial feature) round N[ougat] + N[o]SE again, minus o (old)"} {"Clue":"Top beef? (6)","Answer":"JERSEY","Explanation":"Definition: Topbeef?\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Sweet kiss, warmer? (4,4)","Answer":"POLO NECK","Explanation":"Definition: warmer?\nPOLO (sweet) + NECK (kiss)"} {"Clue":"Player is inspired by emotionless type, but no leader (6)","Answer":"OBOIST","Explanation":"Definition: Player\nIS in [r]OBOT (emotionless type) minus its initial letter (no leader)"} {"Clue":"I say where there's water (4)","Answer":"WELL","Explanation":"Definition: I saywhere there's water\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Sweet line in fresh torte after drink (9)","Answer":"CHARLOTTE","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nL (line) in an anagram (fresh) of TORTE after CHA (drink)"} {"Clue":"Place in Panama : (5)","Answer":"COLON","Explanation":"Definition: Place in Panama:\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Rubbish or Turner? (5)","Answer":"ROTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Turner\nROT (rubbish) + OR \u2013 being a palindrome, ROTOR is a turner in two senses"} {"Clue":"Red Sea rising over a source of sweetness (8)","Answer":"DEMERARA","Explanation":"Definition: source of sweetness\nA reversal (rising, in a down clue) of RARE (red, as in steak) + MED[iterranean] (sea) + A"} {"Clue":"Showboat cancelled, commercial remains (3,1,4)","Answer":"CUT A DASH","Explanation":"Definition: Showboat\nCUT (cancelled) + AD (commercial) + ASH (remains)"} {"Clue":"Cosmic rays primarily penetrating new atlas (6)","Answer":"ASTRAL","Explanation":"Definition: Cosmic\nR[ays] in an anagram (new) of ATLAS \u2013 I'm not entirely convinced of the definition here"} {"Clue":"Executive clubs, for example (4)","Answer":"SUIT","Explanation":"Definition: Executiveclubs, for example\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Part of leg in small 3, say (4)","Answer":"CALF","Explanation":"Definition: Part of legsmall 3, say\nAnother double definition, 3dn being JERSEY"} {"Clue":"Retiring jester, hot and haggard (9)","Answer":"WITHDRAWN","Explanation":"Definition: Retiring\nWIT (jester) + H (hot) + DRAWN (haggard)"} {"Clue":"Returned call by American feller? (6)","Answer":"AXEMAN","Explanation":"Definition: feller\nA reversal (returned) of NAME (call) + X (by) + A (American)"} {"Clue":"Bother to boast after Surrey's opener is a fearsome presence in the field (9)","Answer":"SCARECROW","Explanation":"Definition: a fearsome presence in the field\nCARE (bother) + CROW (boast) after S[urrey]"} {"Clue":"First Hanoverian king meets First Lady in distress (6)","Answer":"GRIEVE","Explanation":"Definition: distress\nThe first Hanoverian king was George I, so it's GR (Georgius Rex) I + EVE, the first lady of crosswords \u2013 grieve can be a transitive verb, as in 'it grieves me \u2026'"} {"Clue":"Such characters unsuitable for bigheads? (5,4)","Answer":"SMALL CAPS","Explanation":"Definition: Such characters\nCryptic definition \u2013 see **here\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Bit of scandal? It taints flipping bellicose ruler (6)","Answer":"ATTILA","Explanation":"Definition: bellicose ruler\nHidden in (a bit of) a reversal (flipping) of scandAL IT TAints **here's Attila"} {"Clue":"French place I left for some European capital (3)","Answer":"LEU","Explanation":"Definition: European capital\nL[i]EU (French for place, used in English, for example, in 'in lieu of') minus i"} {"Clue":"Maybe train, going back and forward in part of badminton match? (7,7)","Answer":"SHUTTLE SERVICE","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe train, going back and forward\nService is part of a badminton match, in which a shuttle would be used"} {"Clue":"Spots knight going for a whizz (3)","Answer":"ACE","Explanation":"Definition: whizz\nAC[n]E (spots) minus n (knight \u2013 chess notation)"} {"Clue":"Europeans punched by awfully grim politically motivated leaver (6)","Answer":"\u00c9MIGR\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: politically motivated leaver \nE E (Europeans) round an anagram (awfully) of GRIM"} {"Clue":"One's driven, say, to interrupt regressing career (6,3)","Answer":"ESTATE CAR","Explanation":"Definition: One's driven\nSTATE (say) in a reversal (regressing) of RACE (career)"} {"Clue":"Board made from elm, oddly its outer part (6)","Answer":"EMBARK","Explanation":"Definition: Board\nEM (odd letters of ELM) + BARK (outer part of a tree)"} {"Clue":"Eating date, gains soft soggy sandwiches \u2014 it's what you get from buffets (9)","Answer":"WINDSWEPT","Explanation":"Definition: it's what you get from buffets (9)\nWINS (gains) round D (date) + WET (soggy) round (sandwiches) P (soft)"} {"Clue":"What gardener may want \u2014 drier clothing right? (6)","Answer":"TROWEL","Explanation":"Definition: What gardener may want\nTOWEL (drier) round (clothing) R (right)"} {"Clue":"Cheap floor (5-4)","Answer":"KNOCK-DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Cheapfloor\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Reward for work in mine, working around toxic gas (6)","Answer":"INCOME","Explanation":"Definition: Reward for work\nAn anagram (working) of MINE round CO (carbon monoxide \u2013 toxic gas) \u2013 but not all income is a reward for work, or am I missing something?"} {"Clue":"Novelist grasps Latin only with real effort (6)","Answer":"HARDLY","Explanation":"Definition: only with real effort\n(Thomas) Hardy (novelist) round L (Latin)"} {"Clue":"Jacket in retro Chanel style (6)","Answer":"ROCOCO","Explanation":"Definition: style\nRO (outside letters \u2013 jacket \u2013 of RetrO) + **COCO (Chanel)** \u2013 I wasn't entirely happy with 'jacket in': I somehow wanted it to be 'of\""} {"Clue":"Cry over nice house ruined, where synthetic gas explosion comes from (7,7)","Answer":"WHOOPEE CUSHION","Explanation":"Definition: where synthetic gas explosion comes from\nWHOOP (cry) + an anagram (ruined) of NICE HOUSE"} {"Clue":"Defector to Labour, say, pens chapter on eliminating waste (9)","Answer":"EXCRETORY","Explanation":"Definition: eliminating waste\nEX-TORY (defector to Labour, say \u2013 s\/he could have defected to any other party, or none, hence the 'say') round (pens) C (chapter) + RE (on)"} {"Clue":"Lacking sense, I climb high across rising rocks (9)","Answer":"IMBECILIC","Explanation":"Definition: Lacking sense\nAn anagram (high \u2013 as in 'drunk') of I CLIMB round a reversal (rising, in a down clue) of ICE (rocks)"} {"Clue":"A French revolutionary accepting revolutionary yarn is off-topic (9)","Answer":"UNRELATED","Explanation":"Definition: off-topic\nUN (a French) + RED (revolutionary) round a reversal (revolutionary) of TALE (yarn)"} {"Clue":"Girl Guide's teeth sure to wobble (9)","Answer":"USHERETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Girl Guide\nAn anagram (to wobble) of TEETH SURE"} {"Clue":"Gold ring probed by policeman with caution in work we hear (9)","Answer":"AUDIOBOOK","Explanation":"Definition: work we hear\nAU (gold) + O (ring) round (probed by) DI (Detective Inspector) \u2013 policeman + BOOK (caution, as a policeman might) \u2013 refreshing to have 'we hear' not introducing a (maybe dodgy)\u00a0 homophone"} {"Clue":"Like chow mein from the can, not new in China (4-5)","Answer":"STIR-FRIED","Explanation":"Definition: Like chow mein\nSTIR (can \u2013 both slang for prison) + FRIE[n]D (China {plate} = mate \u2013 Cockney rhyming slang)"} {"Clue":"Field Australian league's sides, at first (3)","Answer":"LEA","Explanation":"Definition: Field\nI'm not sure of this: A (Australian)\u00a0 with L[eagu]E (sides 0f ) at first? \u2013 I've never seen A = Australian but it's in Chambers; is it to do with cricket?"} {"Clue":"Speculate, losing millions in employment (3)","Answer":"USE","Explanation":"Definition: employment\n[m]USE (speculate) minus m (millions)"} {"Clue":"Save coppers up like Homer? (6)","Answer":"BARDIC","Explanation":"Definition: like Homer?\nBAR (save \u2013 except) + a reversal (up, in a down clue) of CID (coppers)"} {"Clue":"What Persian maybe did in Middle East still to be paid (6)","Answer":"MEOWED","Explanation":"Definition: What Persian maybe did\nME (Middle East) + OWED (still to be paid) \u2013 there are several variations of this spelling"} {"Clue":"Fruit twice yearly gaining weight (6)","Answer":"PAWPAW","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nPA (per annum \u2013 yearly) + W (weight) twice"} {"Clue":"Get into funk? There's jive that's playing (4,3,7)","Answer":"HAVE THE JITTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Get into funk\nAn anagram (playing) of THERE'S JIVE THAT"} {"Clue":"Element of Rastafarianism back in African capital (5)","Answer":"NAIRA","Explanation":"Definition: African capital\nA hidden (element of) reversal (back) in rastafARIANism \u2013 the naira is the basic monetary unit of Nigeria"} {"Clue":"Visit judge, ever the foppish fellow (8)","Answer":"POPINJAY","Explanation":"Definition: foppish fellow\nPOP IN (visit) + J (judge) + AY (ever) \u2013 a lovely word"} {"Clue":"Fizzy tangy energy drinks unknown for long-distance runner (7)","Answer":"YANGTZE","Explanation":"Definition: long-distance runner\nAn anagram (fizzy) of TANGY + E (energy) + Z (unknown)"} {"Clue":"Staff fix round for Spaniard who worked in bars (7)","Answer":"RODRIGO","Explanation":"Definition: Spaniard who worked in bars\nROD (staff) + RIG (fix) + O (round) \u2013 **this** is the best-known work of Spanish composer Joaqu\u00edn Rodrigo,\u00a0which accompanied me when writing the blog"} {"Clue":"Edible mollusc men found by sea abroad (5)","Answer":"ORMER","Explanation":"Definition: Edible mollusc\nOR (Other Ranks \u2013 men) + MER (sea in France \u2013 abroad) \u2013 this used to be a crossword staple but I haven't seen it for a while"} {"Clue":"Queen Victoria maybe is first in shop (9)","Answer":"STATIONER","Explanation":"Definition: shop\nER (Queen) with VICTORIA (station maybe) first"} {"Clue":"Opera with a lot of musical backing using standards (9)","Answer":"NORMATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: using standards\nTwo musical crossword standbys: NORMA (the normal crossword opera) + a reversal (backing) of a lot of the familiar crossword musical EVIT[a]"} {"Clue":"Place for Fielding novel's opening \u2014 love dark twists (3-2)","Answer":"MID-ON","Explanation":"Definition: Place for Fielding\nA reversal (twists) of N[ovel] + O (love) + DIM (dark)"} {"Clue":"Asian dietary staple: jam sandwiches to start with (7)","Answer":"NOODLES","Explanation":"Definition: Asian dietary staple\nThis took a while, with 'sandwiches' being a regular containment indicator, until I thought of looking up other definitions of 'noodle' and found 'to improvise on a musical instrument in a casual or desultory way, especially in jazz' \u2013 or 'to jam', so it's simply NOODLE (jam) + S[andwiches]"} {"Clue":"Prompt about catching one on dope, aiming for a better race? (7)","Answer":"EUGENIC","Explanation":"Definition: aiming for a better race\nA reversal (about) of CUE round GEN (dope) + I (one)"} {"Clue":"Fare from Mexico is wrong \u2014 I'm going to America (8)","Answer":"TORTILLA","Explanation":"Definition: Fare from Mexico\nTORT (a civil wrong) + I'LL (I'm going to) + A (America)"} {"Clue":"What walkers do better stripped off (5)","Answer":"AMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: What walkers do\n[g]AMBLE[r] \u2013 better"} {"Clue":"Lord has to welcome London Transport's founder (2,4,3,5)","Answer":"GO DOWN THE TUBES","Explanation":"Definition: founder\nGOD (Lord) + OWNS (has) round (to welcome) THE TUBE (London Transport)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Figure in clothing for hockey showing cheek in post-match activity (12)","Answer":"HONEYMOONING","Explanation":"Definition: post-match activity\nONE (figure) in 'clothing' for H[ocke]Y + MOONING (showing cheek)"} {"Clue":"Very wrong to drink drop of Glenfiddich, a couple of fingers (1-4)","Answer":"V-SIGN","Explanation":"Definition: a couple of fingers\nV (very) + SIN (wrong) round (to drink) G[lenfiddich] \u2013 and my husband would often use 'two fingers' to define a rough measure of Glenfiddich, one of his favourite malt whiskies"} {"Clue":"Display extravagant pictures around Roman establishment? (9)","Answer":"TRATTORIA","Explanation":"Definition: Roman establishment?\nA reversal (around) of AIR (display) + OTT (over the top \u2013 extravagant) + ART (pictures)"} {"Clue":"Wow, one's usurped by English ruler \u2026 (7)","Answer":"EMPRESS","Explanation":"Definition: ruler\niMPRESS (wow, as a verb) with the i replaced by E (English)"} {"Clue":"whose domains are mostly measured in yards? (7)","Answer":"IMPERIA","Explanation":"Definition: whose domains are mostly measured in yards?\nA reference to imperial measure, an example of which is the yard \u2013 it's good to see a meaningful ellipsis"} {"Clue":"Addressing Kelly with firmness (5)","Answer":"TONED","Explanation":"Definition: with firmness\nTO NED would be a way to address Australian outlaw Ned (Kelly)"} {"Clue":"Soldiers leading manoeuvres given another order (9)","Answer":"REALIGNED","Explanation":"Definition: given another order\nRE (soldiers) + an anagram (manoeuvres) of LEADING"} {"Clue":"Rappers cross about critics (4-8)","Answer":"DOOR-KNOCKERS","Explanation":"Definition: Rappers\nA reversal (about) of ROOD (cross) + KNOCKERS (critics)"} {"Clue":"Traveller's car crashed into second car (5,4)","Answer":"MARCO POLO","Explanation":"Definition: Traveller\nAn anagram (crashed) of CAR in MO (second) + POLO (car)"} {"Clue":"Muslim leader, not a current president, one unfairly scapegoated by tabloids? (9)","Answer":"IMMIGRANT","Explanation":"Definition: one unfairly scapegoated by tabloids?\nIM[a]M (Muslim leader) minus a + I (current) + (Ulysses S) Grant (president) \u2013 I like the definition"} {"Clue":"Almost slight case of indigestion? This affects metabolism (7)","Answer":"INSULIN","Explanation":"Definition: This affects metabolism\nINSUL[t] (almost slight) + I[ndigestio]N"} {"Clue":"Picaroon picked up cat hair (7)","Answer":"EYELASH","Explanation":"Definition: hair\nEYE (sounds like {picked up} I {Picaroon}) + LASH (cat)"} {"Clue":"Races through the smallest room in house (5)","Answer":"LOTTO","Explanation":"Definition: house\nTT (Tourist Trophy \u2013 races) in LOO (smallest room)"} {"Clue":"Dives from a board, initially cracking head (5)","Answer":"NABOB","Explanation":"Definition: Dives\nA B[oard] in NOB (head)"} {"Clue":"Cold capital with extremes of temperature that creates a 19 after change (7)","Answer":"CLIMATE","Explanation":"Definition: that creates a 19 after change\nC (cold) + LIMA (capital) + T[emperatur]E \u2013 the answer to 19ac is EMERGENCY"} {"Clue":"A service that's revolutionary at a distance (4)","Answer":"AFAR","Explanation":"Definition: at a distance\nA + a reversal (revolutionary) of RAF (service)"} {"Clue":"Confine guy's joint and hand (10)","Answer":"PENMANSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: hand\nPEN (confine) + MANS (guy's) + HIP (joint)"} {"Clue":"Endless dirt: it is recurrent, creating baffling problems (6)","Answer":"CRUXES","Explanation":"Definition: baffling problems\nCRU[d] (endless dirt) + a reversal (recurrent) of SEX (it)"} {"Clue":"Cushion Brown left in Oman, possibly (8)","Answer":"INSULATE","Explanation":"Definition: Cushion\nIN SUL[tan]ATE \u2013 in Oman, possibly, minus tan (brown)"} {"Clue":"9 this from recycled plutonium \u2014 guards look back, leaving depleted uranium (9)","Answer":"POLLUTION","Explanation":"Definition: 9 this\nAn anagram (recycled) of PLUTONI[um] minus depleted U[raniu]M round (guards) a reversal (back) of LO (look) \u2013 I liked the use of 'depleted'"} {"Clue":"Expressionist artist's content to get things moving (5)","Answer":"START","Explanation":"Definition: get things moving\nHidden in expressioniST ARTist's"} {"Clue":"Charlotte's discrimination shown in a brief device (5)","Answer":"AGISM","Explanation":"Definition: Charlotte's discrimination\nA GISM[o] (a brief device) \u2013 I don't understand the reference to Charlotte: googling produced only information about a recent lecture on agism at Charlotte University but I don't think that can be it"} {"Clue":"Crisis with English vehicle missing a crossing over French sea (9)","Answer":"EMERGENCY","Explanation":"Definition: Crisis\nE (English) + [a]GENCY (vehicle) minus 'a' round MER (French sea)"} {"Clue":"Fast route from A to B, then regularly dashing around university (8)","Answer":"AUTOBAHN","Explanation":"Definition: Fast route\nA TO B + alternate letters of dAsHiNg round U (university)"} {"Clue":"International, where young woman crosses pitch (6)","Answer":"GLOBAL","Explanation":"Definition: International\nGAL (young woman) round LOB (pitch)"} {"Clue":"Where tourists go to order cava and roast beef starter (5,5)","Answer":"COSTA BRAVA","Explanation":"Definition: Where tourists go\nAn anagram (to order) of CAVA and ROAST B[eef]"} {"Clue":"Book character (4)","Answer":"MARK","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Dispersing a thing full of energy (7)","Answer":"HEATING","Explanation":"Definition: energy\nAn anagram (dispersing) of A THING round E (energy), which is doing double duty"} {"Clue":"Men hate cooking \u2014 it contributes to 24 28 (7)","Answer":"METHANE","Explanation":"Definition: it contributes to 24 28\nAn anagram (cooking) of MEN HATE"} {"Clue":"Brighton ref nit-picking \u2014 hosts raised hell (7)","Answer":"INFERNO","Explanation":"Definition: hell\nA hidden reversal (raised, in a down clue) in brightON REF NIt-picking"} {"Clue":"Copycat is over neat (5)","Answer":"XEROX","Explanation":"Definition: Copy\nA reversal (over) of REX (a breed of cat) + OX (neat)"} {"Clue":"Store outside Santander's affirmative bank (7)","Answer":"DEPOSIT","Explanation":"Definition: bank\nDEPOT (store) round SI (Spanish \u2013 Santander's \u2013 affirmative)"} {"Clue":"Network trouble arising that is hampering society (6)","Answer":"LIAISE","Explanation":"Definition: Network\nA reversal (arising) of AIL (trouble) + IE (that is) round S (society)"} {"Clue":"Film the French on strike, a cover for Christmas activities (9)","Answer":"MISTLETOE","Explanation":"Definition: a cover for Christmas activities\nMIST (film) + LE (the French) + TOE (strike \u2013 with the toe of a golf club)"} {"Clue":"Rogue that creates revolutions (7)","Answer":"TWISTER","Explanation":"Definition: Roguethat creates revolutions\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Male inventor sick about Newton becoming green (13)","Answer":"ENVIRONMENTAL","Explanation":"Definition: green\nA clever anagram (sick) of MALE INVENTOR round N (newton, SI unit)"} {"Clue":"Attack in California city bay, a start to tragedy (4,3,2)","Answer":"LASH OUT AT","Explanation":"Definition: Attack\nLA (Los Angeles \u2013 California city) + SHOUT (bay) + A T[ragedy]"} {"Clue":"Stick lettuce inside something sweet (7)","Answer":"GLUCOSE","Explanation":"Definition: something sweet\nCOS (lettuce) inside GLUE (stick)"} {"Clue":"Again class note German artist of French extraction (7)","Answer":"REGRADE","Explanation":"Definition: Again class\nRE (note) + G (German) + RA (artist) + DE (French for 'from', so extraction)"} {"Clue":"Annoyance of old king hampered by restraint (7)","Answer":"CHAGRIN","Explanation":"Definition: Annoyance\nGR (Georgius Rex \u2013 old king) in CHAIN (restraint)"} {"Clue":"Battered cod boxed in air or gas (6,7)","Answer":"CARBON DIOXIDE","Explanation":"Definition: gas\nAn anagram (battered) of COD BOXED IN AIR"} {"Clue":"Energy zero \u2014 not moving! (5)","Answer":"OOMPH","Explanation":"Definition: Energy\nO (zero) + O MPH (not moving)"} {"Clue":"Cover for the Times entertaining the City (7)","Answer":"PROTECT","Explanation":"Definition: Cover\nPRO (for) + TT (the times) round (entertaining) EC (the City of London)"} {"Clue":"Bar brawl in 60 minutes or 7? (7)","Answer":"HARBOUR","Explanation":"Definition: 7?\nAn anagram (brawl) of BAR in HOUR (60 minutes) \u2013 HARBOUR is a synonym of PROTECT (7ac)"} {"Clue":"Warning soldiers after cry of surprise (4)","Answer":"OMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Warning\nMEN (soldiers) after O (cry of surprise)"} {"Clue":"I left serious old building without perfume (9)","Answer":"ODOURLESS","Explanation":"Definition: without perfume\nAn anagram (building) of SER[i]OUS OLD minus i"} {"Clue":"Colour coding's initial test (5)","Answer":"CORAL","Explanation":"Definition: Colour\nC(oding) + ORAL (test)"} {"Clue":"Standing before holy man, for example, one on retreat (8)","Answer":"PRESTIGE","Explanation":"Definition: Standing\nPRE (before) + ST (saint \u2013 holy man) + a reversal (on retreat) of EG (for example) + I (one)"} {"Clue":"Democrat party leader departing in boat (4)","Answer":"DORY","Explanation":"Definition: boat\nD (democrat) + [t]ORY (party, minus initial letter \u2013 leader)"} {"Clue":"Vehicles honked, first travelling to the rear (5)","Answer":"TANKS","Explanation":"Definition: Vehicles\nSTANK (honked) with the first letter moved to the end"} {"Clue":"Judge impounding European bank (4)","Answer":"REEF","Explanation":"Definition: bank\nREF (judge) round E (European)"} {"Clue":"Popular account: English royal abdicated over a breach (8)","Answer":"INVASION","Explanation":"Definition: breach\nIN (popular) + V[er] SION (account) minus E (English ) R (royal) (or ER for the queen) round A, from the clue"} {"Clue":"Advice rejected about long division (5)","Answer":"SPLIT","Explanation":"Definition: division\nA reversal (rejected) of TIPS (advice) round L (long)"} {"Clue":"Even Daley's twisting and turning is brought to a standstill (9)","Answer":"PARALYSED","Explanation":"Definition: brought to a standstill\nPAR (even) + an anagram (twisting and turning) of DALEY'S \u2013 a reference to diver Tom"} {"Clue":"Two papers follow the Guardian's foremost talent (4)","Answer":"GIFT","Explanation":"Definition: talent\nTwo papers (the I and the FT) follow G(uardian)"} {"Clue":"Discovery of caring female replacing male (7)","Answer":"FINDING","Explanation":"Definition: Discovery\n[m]INDING (caring) with m (male) replaced by F (female)"} {"Clue":"Fitter of crown for the king? (7)","Answer":"DENTIST","Explanation":"Definition: Fitter of crown\nCryptic definition \u2013 but I'm not sure why 'for the king'"} {"Clue":"Debussy's prelude has odd beat (4)","Answer":"DRUM","Explanation":"Definition: beat\nD(ebussy) + RUM (odd)"} {"Clue":"23 mean to eat bread regularly (8)","Answer":"STINGRAY","Explanation":"Definition: 2\nSTINGY (mean) round alternate letters of bReAd \u2013 the answer to 23dn is FISH"} {"Clue":"Teach ladies and gents to climb over church (6)","Answer":"SCHOOL","Explanation":"Definition: Teach\nA reversal (to climb, in a down clue) of LOOS (ladies and gents) round CH (church)"} {"Clue":"Group of prominent scientists support writer's blocks (8)","Answer":"BARRIERS","Explanation":"Definition: blocks\nRS (Royal Society \u2013 prominent scientists) after (support, in a down clue) [J.M.] BARRIE (writer)"} {"Clue":"Missing worker catches mad cow disease (6)","Answer":"ABSENT","Explanation":"Definition: Missing\nANT (worker) round BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy \u2013 mad cow disease) \u2013 do you remember **John Gummer** force-feeding his daughter a beefburger?"} {"Clue":"Swear in debate there's no hell (4)","Answer":"CUSS","Explanation":"Definition: Swear\n[dis]CUSS (debate) minus dis (hell)"} {"Clue":"Before Sunday, no Pope destroyed books of rivals (9)","Answer":"OPPONENTS","Explanation":"Definition: rivals\nBefore S (Sunday) an anagram (destroyed) of NO POPE + NT (New Teatament \u2013 books)"} {"Clue":"Conservative lied at first \u2014 now in trouble, the buffoon (5)","Answer":"CLOWN","Explanation":"Definition: buffoon\nC (Conservative) + L[ied] + an anagram (in trouble) of NOW"} {"Clue":"Super important (5)","Answer":"GREAT","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Small dalliance (8)","Answer":"TRIFLING","Explanation":"Another double definition, the second with 'trifling' as a gerund."} {"Clue":"Demote ambassador backing heartless renegade (8)","Answer":"RELEGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Demote\nLEGATE (ambassador) after (backing ) R[enegad]E"} {"Clue":"A hairdo, say, to wear down (6)","Answer":"ABRADE","Explanation":"Definition: wear down\nA BRADE (sounds like, say) braid, hairstyle"} {"Clue":"Australian city's extremely sorry cartoonist is sacked (6)","Answer":"SYDNEY","Explanation":"Definition: Australian city\nS[orr]Y D[is]NEY ) cartoonist (Walt) minus is"} {"Clue":"One moving into home gets settled (4)","Answer":"PAID","Explanation":"Definition: settled\nI (one) in PAD (home)"} {"Clue":"Fairly loud animal? (4)","Answer":"FISH","Explanation":"Definition: animal\nF-ISH (fairly loud?)"} {"Clue":"Small curl cut back (6)","Answer":"SCRIMP","Explanation":"Definition: cut back\nS (small) + CRIMP (curl)"} {"Clue":"Injuring knee lower, dagger's first to go in \u2014 is that sharp practice? (10)","Answer":"NEEDLEWORK","Explanation":"Definition: is that sharp practice?\nAn anagram (injuring) of KNEE LOWER D[agger] \u2013 a sharp is a long slender needle"} {"Clue":"Look behind outhouse initially for shelter in garden (6)","Answer":"GAZEBO","Explanation":"Definition: shelter in garden\nGAZE (look) + B[ehind] O[uthouse]"} {"Clue":"Spooner's trailing man in protective clothing (4,4)","Answer":"RIOT GEAR","Explanation":"Definition: protective clothing\nGuy at rear = 'trailing man' \u2013 and it even works for rhotic speakers"} {"Clue":"Where virtual reality experienced, not liking New York art museum? (9)","Answer":"METAVERSE","Explanation":"Definition: Where virtual reality experienced\nMET-AVERSE (not liking NY art museum) \u2013 a new word for me"} {"Clue":"Really, really, unexceptional (2-2)","Answer":"SO-SO","Explanation":"Definition: unexceptional\nSelf-explanatory, I think"} {"Clue":"Stick and stone grow (9)","Answer":"PROPAGATE","Explanation":"Definition: grow\nPROP (stick) + AGATE (stone)"} {"Clue":"Turning over place, one wicked party! (4,2,2)","Answer":"LIVE IT UP","Explanation":"Definition: party\nA reversal (turning over) of PUT (place) + I (one) + EVIL (wicked)"} {"Clue":"One ridiculing another drink served by barista, audibly? (6)","Answer":"MOCKER","Explanation":"Definition: One ridiculing another\nA 'homophone' (audibly) of mocha (drink served by barista)"} {"Clue":"Runner accepts cost for getting treatment \u2014 what needs paying? (7,3)","Answer":"DOCTOR\u2019S FEE","Explanation":"Definition: what needs paying?\nDEE (runner) round an anagram (getting treatment) of COST FOR"} {"Clue":"Dali appears surreal in skilful training exercise (4,4)","Answer":"DEAD LIFT","Explanation":"Definition: training exercise\nAn anagram (surreal) of DALI in DEFT (skilful)"} {"Clue":"Bit of a thinker devising a ploy in bed (6,4)","Answer":"PINEAL BODY","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of a thinker\nAn anagram (devising) of A PLOY IN BED \u2013 another term for the **pineal gland"} {"Clue":"Element put away, little one (7)","Answer":"NEONATE","Explanation":"Definition: little one\nNEON (element) + ATE (put away)"} {"Clue":"Plant belonging to you and me (5)","Answer":"THYME","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nTHY (belonging to you) + ME"} {"Clue":"Published remarkable children's author (7)","Answer":"RANSOME","Explanation":"Definition: children's author\nRAN (published) + SOME (remarkable) \u2013 Arthur Ransome, author of 'Swallows and Amazons' et al"} {"Clue":"Slice passed round if a terribly cold dessert (7)","Answer":"PARFAIT","Explanation":"Definition: cold dessert\nPART (slice) round an anagram (terribly) of IF A"} {"Clue":"Indication of sorrow as holiday cancelled \u2014 blast! (4,1,5,3)","Answer":"TEAR A STRIP OFF","Explanation":"Definition: blast\nTEAR (indication of sorrow) + AS + TRIP OFF (holiday cancelled)"} {"Clue":"across Go and howl back? (6,3,4,2,6)","Answer":"ANSWER THE CALL OF NATURE","Explanation":"Definition: Gohowl back?\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Thick-soled shoe, it's said to shock in burlesque (3,4)","Answer":"SKI BOOT","Explanation":"Definition: Thick-soled shoe\nBOO (it's said to shock) in SKIT (burlesque)"} {"Clue":"Ancient city, show one that is knocked over (7)","Answer":"POMPEII","Explanation":"Definition: Ancient city\nPOMP (show) + a reversal (knocked over) of I (one) IE (that is)"} {"Clue":"Where leader seemingly subservient, lightweight agent said 'go to work' (3,4,2,7,3,3)","Answer":"THE TAIL IS WAGGING THE DOG","Explanation":"Definition: Where leader seemingly subservient\nAn anagram (to work) of LIGHTWEIGHT AGENT SAID GO"} {"Clue":"Always at the top, superior team evidently rested excellent offensive player (6)","Answer":"STEREO","Explanation":"Definition: player\nInitial letters (always at the top) of S[uperior] T[eam] E[vidently] R[ested] O[ffensive]"} {"Clue":"Rake, for example, up bum (5)","Answer":"CADGE","Explanation":"Definition: bum\nCAD (rake) + a reversal (up, in a down clue) of EG (for example)"} {"Clue":"Letters from first eleven taken wrongly (8)","Answer":"HIJACKED","Explanation":"Definition: taken wrongly\nAn anagram of A C D E H I J K (from the first eleven letters of the alphabet) \u2013 I had to come back to this one after solving: it seems we have to read 'taken wrongly' also as the anagram indicator but I decided I'm comfortable with that"} {"Clue":"Unyielding in charge, like the Screwtape Letters? (6)","Answer":"IRONIC","Explanation":"Definition: like the Screwtape Letters\nIRON (unyielding) + IC (in charge) \u2013 referring to a perhaps lesser-known (satirical) **novel of C.S.Lewis"} {"Clue":"Nymph's letter for the radio (4)","Answer":"ECHO","Explanation":"Definition: Nymphletter for the radio\nDouble definition: ECHO is the nymph who was spurned by Narcissus and pined away until only her voice remained and represents the letter E in the NATO alphabet"} {"Clue":"Leaders in the Economist repeated, repeated within as paired discussions (4-1-5)","Answer":"T\u00caTE-\u00c0-T\u00caTES","Explanation":"Definition: paired discussions\nTETE (initial letters (leaders) of The Economist repeated, then repeated again, within AS \u2013 I was a bit surprised to find this plural but it's there"} {"Clue":"Hustle confused seeker of purloined letter, for example (6)","Answer":"SLEUTH","Explanation":"Definition: seeker of purloined letter, for example\nAn anagram (confused) of HUSTLE \u2013 a reference to **Edgar Allan Poe's short story**\u00a0 \u2013 great clue!"} {"Clue":"Open University letter, moving right to left, that gives better options (8)","Answer":"ROULETTE","Explanation":"Definition: that gives better options\nOU (Open University) LETTER, with the R (right) moving to the left"} {"Clue":"Submit page on Oscar in ordinary language (7)","Answer":"PROPOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Submit\nP (page) + O (Oscar \u2013 NATO alphabet) in PROSE (ordinary language)"} {"Clue":"Letters rewritten for newcomer (7)","Answer":"SETTLER","Explanation":"Definition: newcomer\nAn anagram (rewritten) of LETTERS"} {"Clue":"Our object, discarding hearts and starting with clubs, is trying to win hand (8)","Answer":"COURTING","Explanation":"Definition: trying to win hand\nOUR T[h]ING (object) minus h (hearts) with C (clubs) at the beginning"} {"Clue":"Ministerial assistant's uniform in box (6)","Answer":"CURATE","Explanation":"Definition: Ministerial assistant\nU (uniform) in CRATE (box)"} {"Clue":"Dave, having misplaced vowels, said to be very upset (10)","Answer":"DEVASTATED","Explanation":"Definition: very upset\nDEVA \u2013 DAVE with the vowels interchanged + STATED (said)"} {"Clue":"Letter's demand producing tear (4)","Answer":"RENT","Explanation":"Definition: Letter's demandtear\nClever double definition"} {"Clue":"Car model's sound \u2014 G, J, P or R, initially (6)","Answer":"BEATLE","Explanation":"Definition: G, J, P or R, initially\nSounds like 'beetle' (car model) \u2013 the initial letters of George, John, Paul and Ringo \u2013 not the usual order of listing but this time in alphabetical order"} {"Clue":"It scores at least 14 in itself (8)","Answer":"SCRABBLE","Explanation":"Definition: It scores at least 14 in itself\nThe letter scores in Scrabble \u2013 S, R, A, E, L (1 each) + B and C (3 each) add up to at least 14 \u2013 more if they're played on bonus squares"} {"Clue":"Like letter in Dombey and Son that a lot of people get (8)","Answer":"CIRCULAR","Explanation":"Definition: Like letter in Dombey and Sona lot of people get\nDouble definition: no knowledge of Dickens' novel required: dOmbey and s[O] both contain O (circular letter) and a circular letter is one received by a lot of people"} {"Clue":"A couple of letters said to deliver final blow (4)","Answer":"KAYO","Explanation":"Definition: A couple of letters saidfinal blow\nSounds like (said to deliver) a couple of letters \u2013 K O (knock out \u2013 final blow)"} {"Clue":"Outline of character, say, son inscribed on boat (6)","Answer":"SKETCH","Explanation":"Definition: Outline of character, say\nS (son) + KETCH (boat)"} {"Clue":"Recipients of letters I sorted wrongly (7)","Answer":"EDITORS","Explanation":"Definition: Recipients of letters\nAn anagram (wrongly) of I SORTED"} {"Clue":"Section of literature replaced by one letter that links two of them (8)","Answer":"LIGATURE","Explanation":"Definition: that links two of them\nLI[ter]ATURE with ter (one section) replaced by G (one letter)"} {"Clue":"Something warm that may be used to press a suit (4,6)","Answer":"LOVE LETTER","Explanation":"Double \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Is uplifting part of Christian year, like parts of hymn and psalm (6)","Answer":"SILENT","Explanation":"Definition: like parts of hymn and psalm\nA reversal (uplifting, in a down clue) of IS + LENT (part of Christian year) \u2013 hym[n] and [p]salm both have silent letters"} {"Clue":"Like parts of eg UK, over time, for ruling class (5,5)","Answer":"UPPER CASTE","Explanation":"Definition: ruling class\nUPPER CASE (like parts of eg UK) round T (time)"} {"Clue":"Spell of work on island that makes capital (5,3)","Answer":"SHIFT KEY","Explanation":"Definition: that makes capital\nSHIFT (spell of work) + KEY (island)"} {"Clue":"Snarl from figure in world of magic not opening letter (8)","Answer":"ENTANGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Snarl\n[p]ENTANGLE (figure in world of magic) minus its opening letter"} {"Clue":"Person overusing one vowel \u2014 so get it changed (7)","Answer":"EGOTIST","Explanation":"Definition: Person overusing one vowel\nAn anagram (changed) of SO GET IT, for a person who overuses 'I' \u2013 a great clue, inevitably reminding me of the Enigmatist classic 'I say nothing, 3'"} {"Clue":"Dish included in some letters, as Americans serve it (6)","Answer":"OMELET","Explanation":"Definition: Dish\nContained in sOME LETters, with the American spelling: 'omelette', of course, is also there"} {"Clue":"They work on transforming characters, reforming credos (6)","Answer":"CODERS","Explanation":"An anagram (transforming) of CREDOS"} {"Clue":"Are you followed by bee and why? It's said to make you red (4)","Answer":"RUBY","Explanation":"Definition: red\nSounds like (it's said) R (are) U (you) + B (bee) and Y (why)"} {"Clue":"Shambles! No good Queen covering up final note from Freddie Mercury (9)","Answer":"MESSENGER","Explanation":"Definition: Mercury\nMESS (shambles) + NG (no good) ER (queen) all round [freddi]E"} {"Clue":"Match of variable quality (5)","Answer":"EQUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Match\nContained in variablE QUALity"} {"Clue":"Brass still coating rupees from the east (5)","Answer":"NERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Brass\nA reversal (from the east) of EVEN (still) round R (rupees)"} {"Clue":"Breaking law, even US journalists must consider this (4,5)","Answer":"NEWS VALUE","Explanation":"Definition: journalists must consider this\nAn anagram (breaking) of LAW EVEN US"} {"Clue":"Silver and such like? One investigates prices (7)","Answer":"PIRATES","Explanation":"Definition: Silver and such like?\nPI (Private Investigator \u2013 one investigates) + RATES (prices) \u2013 reference to Long John Silver in 'Treasure Island'"} {"Clue":"Look, I'm visibly happy to get picked up (7)","Answer":"EYEBEAM","Explanation":"Definition: Look\nSounds like (to get picked up) 'I beam' (I'm visibly happy)"} {"Clue":"Summon a naked malefactor to accept fine (5)","Answer":"EVOKE","Explanation":"Definition: Summon\nEVE (a naked malefactor in Genesis) round OK (fine)"} {"Clue":"Grunts from pigs quietly going out (3)","Answer":"GIS","Explanation":"Definition: Grunts\nAn anagram (out) of [p]IGS minus p (quietly going) \u2013 grunt is slang for a common soldier (GI)"} {"Clue":"German you sent west pocketing pound for tip (5)","Answer":"UPEND","Explanation":"Definition: tip\nA reversal (sent west) of DU (German 'you') round PEN (pound)"} {"Clue":"King, when retiring, strokes bird (7)","Answer":"STEPHEN","Explanation":"Definition: King\nA reversal (when retiring) of PETS (strokes) + HEN (bird) \u2013 this could refer to the writer or the English king"} {"Clue":"Steel, say, was shown by artist beset by defamation (7)","Answer":"LIBERAL","Explanation":"Definition: Steel, say\nLIBEL (defamation) round RA (artist) \u2013 **David Steel** was the final leader of the Liberal Party from !976 to 1988, when it became Liberal Democrat"} {"Clue":"Palladium rejected because screw contains iron (9)","Answer":"SAFEGUARD","Explanation":"Definition: Palladium\nA reversal (rejected) of AS (because) + GUARD (screw) round FE (iron) \u2013 the Palladium was **a wooden statue of Pallas**, on which the safety of Troy depended, hence any type of safeguard"} {"Clue":"Left over fag rolled \u2014 it helps me think clearly (5)","Answer":"LOGIC","Explanation":"Definition: it helps me think clearly\nL (left) + O (over) + a reversal (rolled) of CIG (fag)"} {"Clue":"Moving spades, detect components of nickel (5)","Answer":"CENTS","Explanation":"Definition: components of nickel\nSCENT (detect) with the S (spades) moved to the end"} {"Clue":"Gag staff must keep wearing? This is irregular (9)","Answer":"MINUTEMAN","Explanation":"Definition: irregular\nMUTE (gag) + MAN (staff) round IN (wearing) \u2013 see **here** for Minuteman"} {"Clue":"Indication submariner is surfacing (4)","Answer":"OMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Indication\nA reversal (surfacing) of (Captain) NEMO (submariner)"} {"Clue":"Raducanu's back, more confident one wants high returns (6)","Answer":"USURER","Explanation":"Definition: one wants high returns\n[raducanu]U + SURER (more confident)"} {"Clue":"Around opening, one hammered sheet for platinum? (10)","Answer":"SEVENTIETH","Explanation":"Definition: platinum?\nAn anagram (hammered) of SHEET round VENT (opening) I (one)"} {"Clue":"Spies a place where men go (6)","Answer":"AGENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Spies\nA + GENTS (place where men go)"} {"Clue":"Chrome etc with a lot of rust on Sierras, oddly (8)","Answer":"BROWSERS","Explanation":"Definition: Chrome etc\nBROW[n] (a lot of rust) + odd letters of SiErRaS"} {"Clue":"Clap about engineers turning up fuel (4)","Answer":"DERV","Explanation":"Definition: fuel\nA reversal (turning up) of VD (clap) round Royal Engineers \u2013 'the clap' is slang for gonorrhoea"} {"Clue":"Speculators loudly vote for gold (5-3)","Answer":"BULLS-EYE","Explanation":"Definition: gold\nBULLS (speculators) + EYE (sounds like \u2013 loudly \u2013 'aye', vote for)"} {"Clue":"Large pole's covered in lead (4)","Answer":"CLUE","Explanation":"Definition: lead\nCUE (pole) round L (large)"} {"Clue":"Leaders removing one dent in iron (5)","Answer":"PRESS","Explanation":"Definition: iron\nPRES[ident]S (leaders, minus one dent)"} {"Clue":"European queen with talent for being calm (10)","Answer":"EQUABILITY","Explanation":"Definition: being calm\nE (European) + QU (queen) + ABILITY (talent)"} {"Clue":"Made to run by header from Lucy Bronze? (5)","Answer":"MEDAL","Explanation":"Definition: Bronze?\nAn anagram (to run) of MADE + L(ucy)"} {"Clue":"Start to lose heart after fan rejects intro from Lady Gaga (8)","Answer":"OVERFOND","Explanation":"Definition: Gaga\nFO[u]ND (start) after [l]OVER (fan, minus [l]ady)"} {"Clue":"Copper Age road men rebuilt (8)","Answer":"GENDARME","Explanation":"Definition: Copper\nAn anagram (rebuilt) of AGE RD MEN"} {"Clue":"Criminal admitting racket in transported goods (6)","Answer":"LADING","Explanation":"Definition: transported goods\nLAG (criminal) round DIN (racket)"} {"Clue":"Government, say, blocking revolutionary ruler (6)","Answer":"R\u00c9GIME","Explanation":"Definition: Government\nEG (say) in a reversal (revolutionary) of EMIR (ruler)"} {"Clue":"Rifle butt might contain this (4)","Answer":"SACK","Explanation":"Definition: Riflebutt might contain this\nDouble definition \u2013 sack is an old name for various dry white wines"} {"Clue":"Zest to put away doughnut or substantial puff (4)","Answer":"GUST","Explanation":"Definition: substantial puff\nGUST[o] (zest) minus O (doughnut)"} {"Clue":"More than one tin article in case of canvas (4)","Answer":"CANS","Explanation":"Definition: More than one tin\nAN (indefinite article) in C[anva]S"} {"Clue":"Family almost broken by contrary leader in unscrupulous monster, Roman emperor (8)","Answer":"CALIGULA","Explanation":"Definition: Roman emperor\nI can see CLA[n] (family almost) broken by ALIG (Ali G?) and leader in Unscrupulous but can't make sense of it, I'm afraid. *I knew it wouldn't take long: please see comments 1 and 2"} {"Clue":"Religious scholar's brief chat (5)","Answer":"RABBI","Explanation":"Definition: Religious scholar\nRABBI[t] brief chat \u2013 I've seen this one a few times, in different guises"} {"Clue":"Grand 7 club (4)","Answer":"MACE","Explanation":"Definition: club\nM (a thousand \u2013 grand) + ACE (wizard \u2013 7dn)"} {"Clue":"President with a new flat (10)","Answer":"PEDESTRIAN","Explanation":"Definition: flat\nAn anagram (new) of PRESIDENT + A"} {"Clue":"Foreign children less savage (6)","Answer":"KINDER","Explanation":"Definition: Foreign childrenless savage\nDouble definition \u2013 interesting, after yesterday's discussion re WELT: I never learned German but this should be familiar through kindergarten"} {"Clue":"To the sheltered side, fighting evident between Yorkshiremen? (8)","Answer":"LEEWARDS","Explanation":"Definition: To the sheltered side\nWAR (fighting) in LEEDS (Yorkshire city)"} {"Clue":"Insect in tree it damaged, feeding on elm, ultimately (7)","Answer":"TERMITE","Explanation":"Definition: Insect\nAn anagram (damaged) of TREE IT round [el]M"} {"Clue":"Unknown acid so misrepresented in circular diagrams (7)","Answer":"ZODIACS","Explanation":"Definition: circular diagrams\nZ (unknown) + an anagram (misrepresented) of ACID SO"} {"Clue":"Only in sacred mantra, I love traditional Neapolitan song (1,4,3)","Answer":"O SOLE MIO","Explanation":"Definition: traditional Neapolitan song\nSOLE (only) in OM (sacred mantra) + I + O (love) \u2013 an earworm you don't need a link for"} {"Clue":"Old Greek king perhaps banking on one retiring (6)","Answer":"MINOAN","Explanation":"Definition: Old Greek\nMAN (king \u2013 chess piece \u2013 perhaps) round a reversal (retiring) of ON I (one)"} {"Clue":"Smooth American painter in small jumper (10)","Answer":"SANDHOPPER","Explanation":"Definition: small jumper\nSAND (smooth, as a verb) + HOPPER (**American painter**)"} {"Clue":"Good Japanese drink (4)","Answer":"SAKE","Explanation":"Definition: GoodJapanese drink\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Fault in hinge worsening finally, noise coming from behind stable door? (8)","Answer":"NEIGHING","Explanation":"Definition: noise coming from behind stable door?\nAn anagram (fault) of IN HINGE + [worsenin]G\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Nirvana is featured in show (8)","Answer":"PARADISE","Explanation":"Definition: Nirvana\nIS in PARADE (show)"} {"Clue":"Pass around clockwise initially, always the other way (4,5)","Answer":"VICE VERSA","Explanation":"Definition: the other way\nVISA (pass) round C[lockwise]\u00a0 EVER (always)"} {"Clue":"Penny swallowed by 7 \u2014 that's eaten at the end of the day (6)","Answer":"SUPPER","Explanation":"Definition: that's eaten at the end of the day\nP (penny) in SUPER (wizard)"} {"Clue":" 7 for good measure robed in uplifting colours (7)","Answer":"GANDALF","Explanation":"Definition: 7\nAND (for good measure) in a reversal (uplifting, in a down clue) of FLAG (colours) \u2013 **Tolkien's wizard"} {"Clue":"Grow old, as 7\u00a0(8)","Answer":"PROSPERO","Explanation":"Definition: 7\nPROSPER (grow) + O (old) \u2013 **Shakespeare's wizard"} {"Clue":"As bouncers edged, rubbish openers helping slip (10)","Answer":"ABERRATION","Explanation":"Definition: slip\nInitial letters (openers) of As Bouncers Edged Rubbish) + RATION (helping)"} {"Clue":"Great reptile with different head (6)","Answer":"WIZARD","Explanation":"Definition: Great\n[l]IZARD (reptile) with a different initial letter"} {"Clue":" 7 \u00a0insect of old (10)","Answer":"DUMBLEDORE","Explanation":"Definition: 7insect of old\nDouble definition: dialect (of old?) word for bumblebee and **J. K. Rowling's wizard"} {"Clue":"Wicked romp, tale limited in time (8)","Answer":"TEMPORAL","Explanation":"Definition: limited in time\nAn anagram (wicked) of ROMP TALE"} {"Clue":" 7 \u00a0solving crossword? (8)","Answer":"CRACKING","Explanation":"Definition: 7solving crossword?\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":" 7 \u00a0anchovies, for example? (7)","Answer":"TOPPING","Explanation":"Definition: 7anchovies, for example?\nAnother double definition"} {"Clue":"Don't eat in bar round front of restaurant (6)","Answer":"STARVE","Explanation":"Definition: Don't eat\nSTAVE (bar) round R[estaurant]"} {"Clue":" 7\u00a0 bird (6)","Answer":"MERLIN","Explanation":"Definition: 7bird\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Part of two hospitals taken up in London area (4)","Answer":"SOHO","Explanation":"Definition: London area\nA hidden reversal (taken up, in a down clue) in twO HOSpitals"} {"Clue":"In compartment stand opposite, looking humourless (2-5)","Answer":"PO-FACED","Explanation":"Definition: looking humourless\nFACE (stand opposite) in POD (compartment)"} {"Clue":"Pass round the port, my man? (7)","Answer":"HUSBAND","Explanation":"Definition: my man?\nHAND (pass) round USB (port)"} {"Clue":"A hairpin bend in seven reconstructed roads (7)","Answer":"AVENUES","Explanation":"Definition: roads\nA + U ( hairpin bend) in an anagram (reconstructed) of SEVEN"} {"Clue":"Quietly divide up onion (7)","Answer":"SHALLOT","Explanation":"Definition: onion\nSH (quietly) + ALLOT (divide up)"} {"Clue":"Party at son's place, a cheap lodging (9)","Answer":"DOSSHOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: cheap lodging\nDO (party) + S'S (son's) + HOUSE (place)"} {"Clue":"Take car and leave it here overnight? (5)","Answer":"DRIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Take carleave it here overnight?\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Sort of seat: dog needs it back (3-2)","Answer":"TIP-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of seat\nA reversal (back) of PUP (dog) + IT"} {"Clue":"Flourishing growth of company that's hard to enter (9)","Answer":"BUSHINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Flourishing growth\nH (hard) entering BUSINESS (company)"} {"Clue":"Others endlessly mull over; I have an answer (9)","Answer":"RESPONDER","Explanation":"Definition: I have an answer\nRES[t] (others, endlessly) + PONDER (mull over)"} {"Clue":"President leaves a drop of red wine (5)","Answer":"MACON","Explanation":"Definition: wine\nMAC[r]ON (President) minus r (drop of [r]ed)"} {"Clue":"Fine fabric in reddish-yellow (5)","Answer":"FLAME","Explanation":"Definition: reddish-yellow\nF (fine) + LAM\u00c9 (fabric)"} {"Clue":"Insignificant person, ruthlessly squeezed for money? (9)","Answer":"PIPSQUEAK","Explanation":"Definition: Insignificant person\nThere's quite a lot in here: I dimly remembered, from my childhood, a cartoon strip, 'Pip, Squeak and Wilfred' and discovered **here"} {"Clue":"Permitted not to pay anything yet? (7)","Answer":"ALLOWED","Explanation":"Definition: Permitted\nIf ALL is OWED, nothing has been paid yet"} {"Clue":"Put straight crooked dealing (7)","Answer":"ALIGNED","Explanation":"Definition: Put straight\nAn anagram (crooked) of DEALING"} {"Clue":"This selection produced all sorts of creatures (7)","Answer":"NATURAL","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Ruin of the French city sacked by Greeks (7)","Answer":"DESTROY","Explanation":"Definition: Ruin\nDES (of the, French) + TROY (city sacked by Greeks)"} {"Clue":"Place at examination brings praise (7)","Answer":"PLAUDIT","Explanation":"Definition: praise\nPL (place) + AUDIT (examination)"} {"Clue":"Makes available broadcast of icy conditions (5,2)","Answer":"FREES UP","Explanation":"Definition: Makes available\nSounds like (broadcast) 'freeze-up' (icy conditions)"} {"Clue":"Bed cold: that's painful (5)","Answer":"COUCH","Explanation":"Definition: Bed\nC (cold) + OUCH (that's painful)"} {"Clue":"Birds' duet rudely interrupted (9)","Answer":"DISTURBED","Explanation":"Definition: interrupted\nAn anagram (rudely) of BIRDS' DUET"} {"Clue":"Have you energy? Hurry! (5)","Answer":"HASTE","Explanation":"Definition: Hurry!\nHAST (have you?) + E (energy)"} {"Clue":"Bear company and don't be swayed (5,4)","Answer":"STAND FIRM","Explanation":"Definition: don't be swayed\nSTAND (bear) + FIRM (company)"} {"Clue":"A couple of lines on paper briefly make such a record (3-4)","Answer":"ALL-TIME","Explanation":"Definition: such a record\nA LL (a couple of lines) + TIME[s] (paper briefly)"} {"Clue":"Takes ages going to pot this red (7)","Answer":"DITHERS","Explanation":"Definition: Takes ages\nAn anagram (going to pot \u2013 nice!) of THIS RED"} {"Clue":"Struggle of telecoms companies in 1939\/40? (6,3)","Answer":"PHONEY WAR","Explanation":"Groan-worthy cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Call to use metric in recycling centre (9)","Answer":"SCRAPYARD","Explanation":"Definition: Call to use metric\nSCRAP YARD (call to use metric)"} {"Clue":"Don't be a burden (7)","Answer":"REFRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Don'tburden\nDouble definition, the second as in 'the burden of my song'"} {"Clue":"Result of wound allowed to become a sort of fever (7)","Answer":"SCARLET","Explanation":"Definition: a sort of fever\nSCAR (result of wound) + LET (allowed)"} {"Clue":"Daily, Charlie gets thinner (7)","Answer":"CLEANER","Explanation":"Definition: Daily\nC (Charlie \u2013 phonetic alphabet) + LEANER (thinner)"} {"Clue":"Having no cover led Yank astray (7)","Answer":"NAKEDLY","Explanation":"Definition: Having no cover\nAn anagram (astray) of LED YANK"} {"Clue":"On your bike \u2014 get moving! (5)","Answer":"PEDAL","Explanation":"Definition: On your bike \u2014 get moving!\nStraightforward definition"} {"Clue":"Leaves with a double alternative (5)","Answer":"QUITS","Explanation":"Definition: Leavesa double alternative\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Gently scuffed mat fills home \u2014 this one's in mine (6)","Answer":"PITMAN","Explanation":"Definition: this one's in mine\nP (gently) + an anagram (scuffed) of MAT in IN (home)"} {"Clue":"Old guy provided backing for servant getting married (6)","Answer":"FIGARO","Explanation":"Definition: servant getting married\nA reversal (backing) of O (old) + RAG (guy) + IF (provided) \u2013 a reference to 'The Marriage of Figaro', a play by Beaumarchais and an opera by Mozart"} {"Clue":"Plot by Jack introducing primarily unjustified smear (6)","Answer":"BEDAUB","Explanation":"Definition: smear\nBED (plot) + AB (able-bodied seaman \u2013 Jack) round U[njustified]"} {"Clue":"Not a hope, unfortunately, to get grape for wine (8)","Answer":"HANEPOOT","Explanation":"Definition: grape for wine\nAn anagram (unfortunately) of NOT A HOPE \u2013 a South African grape variety, a new one on me"} {"Clue":"Reversal of fate, which may be indicative (4)","Answer":"MOOD","Explanation":"Definition: which may be indicative\nA reversal of DOOM (fate), referring to the grammatical mood of a verb (indicative, imperative or subjunctive)"} {"Clue":"Parisian in silence lying sprawled in charming manner (10)","Answer":"ENGAGINGLY","Explanation":"Definition: in charming manner\nEN (Parisian 'in') + GAG (silence) + an anagram (sprawled) of LYING"} {"Clue":"Rogue calmed a politician being bombastic (11)","Answer":"DECLAMATORY","Explanation":"Definition: bombastic\nAn anagram (rogue) of CALMED + A TORY (a politician)"} {"Clue":"South American postman working in Barking again (10)","Answer":"PATAGONIAN","Explanation":"Definition: South American\n**PAT (postman)** + ON (working) in an anagram (barking) of AGAIN"} {"Clue":"It's used when serving starter of tinned fish (4)","Answer":"TRAY","Explanation":"Definition: It's used when serving\nT[inned] + RAY (fish)"} {"Clue":"Sweet male I dressed in tailored suit (8)","Answer":"TIRAMISU","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nRAM (male) + I in an anagram (tailored) of SUIT"} {"Clue":"More than one play area swarmed by tots (6)","Answer":"DRAMAS","Explanation":"Definition: More than one play\nA (area) in DRAMS (tots)"} {"Clue":"Stupefied American enjoys tucking into G&T (6)","Answer":"AGHAST","Explanation":"Definition: Stupefied\nA (American) + HAS (enjoys) in G T"} {"Clue":"Learner in Morgan gripping implement (6)","Answer":"PLIERS","Explanation":"Definition: gripping implement\nL (learner) in **PIERS (Morgan)**\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Sit around frame of timber, cutting lumber (8)","Answer":"STRADDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Sit around\nT[imbe]R in SADDLE (lumber) \u2013 both as verbs"} {"Clue":"Butler in film concealing right jumble (6)","Answer":"GARBLE","Explanation":"Definition: jumble\n(Clark) GABLE, who played Rhett Butler in 'Gone with the Wind' round R (right)"} {"Clue":"During May, one day before November 12? (8)","Answer":"MIDNIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: 12?\nI D (one day) + N (November \u2013 phonetic alphabet) in MIGHT (may)"} {"Clue":"Small boat, early in the day, going through bridge (6)","Answer":"SAMPAN","Explanation":"Definition: Small boat\nAM (early in the day) in SPAN (bridge)"} {"Clue":"Glutton penning poem about stray animal in Asia (3-3)","Answer":"PIE-DOG","Explanation":"Definition: stray animal in Asia\nPIG (glutton) round a reversal (about) of ODE (poem) \u2013 see **here"} {"Clue":"Stooge in love with English stage and screen actor (6)","Answer":"O\u2019TOOLE","Explanation":"Definition: stage and screen actor\nTOOL (stooge) in O (love) E (English) \u2013 in my student days, I saw **Peter O'Toole **a number of times, most memorably as Hamlet, at the Bristol Old Vic, just before his West End d\u00e9but"} {"Clue":"As you can see, in each other down solution your plans have been thwarted! (3,4,2,2)","Answer":"THE GAME IS UP","Explanation":"Definition: your plans have been thwarted!\nBy the time I arrived at this, I had enough crossers to guess the key to the theme: each down solution, apart from this one, has a game of some kind hidden in reverse"} {"Clue":"Most bananas in pastries kept in sack (8)","Answer":"LOOPIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most bananas\nPIES (pastries) in LOOT (sack)"} {"Clue":"Went back over hint, tucking into wine (8)","Answer":"RETRACED","Explanation":"Definition: Went back over\nTRACE (hint) in RED (wine)"} {"Clue":"Priest has installed hot plate (6)","Answer":"LAMINA","Explanation":"Definition: plate\nLAMA (priest) round IN (hot)\n\n***Edit**: the game seems to be **NIM \u2013 **please see comment 5"} {"Clue":"Varnishes Otto's agreed to put on slates (6)","Answer":"JAPANS","Explanation":"Definition: Varnishes\nJA (Otto's 'agreed', Otto being a typical German name) + PANS (slates)"} {"Clue":"Christie's starts to auction goods, I see, over time (6)","Answer":"AGATHA","Explanation":"Definition: Christie\nAG (initial letters \u2013 starts \u2013 of Auction Goods) + AHA (I see) round T (time)"} {"Clue":"Not one prearranged fight has European later showing swelling (6)","Answer":"NODULE","Explanation":"Definition: swelling\nNO (not one) + DULE (DUEL \u2013 prearranged fight \u2013 with the E (European) coming later"} {"Clue":"Commercial lines are damaging \u2026 (7)","Answer":"ADVERSE","Explanation":"Definition: damaging\nAD (commercial) + VERSE (lines)"} {"Clue":"determined to provide late fix (4,3)","Answer":"DEAD SET","Explanation":"Definition: determined\nDEAD (late) + SET (fix) \u2013 I can't see any significance in the ellipses"} {"Clue":"Reservation about navy being toasted (5)","Answer":"BURNT","Explanation":"Definition: toasted\nBUT (reservation) round R[oyal] N[avy]"} {"Clue":"Complain about health group creating a drug production facility (4,5)","Answer":"GROW HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: a drug production facility\nGROUSE (complain) round WHO (World Health Organisation): a new one on me \u2013 see **here"} {"Clue":"College let head show some inexperience (10)","Answer":"CALLOWNESS","Explanation":"Definition: inexperience\nC (college) + ALLOW (let) + NESS (head)"} {"Clue":"It reveals excitement as we pick up ambassador (4)","Answer":"WHEE","Explanation":"Definition: It reveals excitement\nWE round His\/Her Excellency (ambassador)"} {"Clue":"Junior executive position often advertised in the back window (4,2,5)","Answer":"BABY ON BOARD","Explanation":"Definition: Junior executive positionoften advertised in the back window\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Goethe's gift wasted? You really don't know, not having it (3,8)","Answer":"THE FOGGIEST","Explanation":"Definition: You really don't know, not having it\nAn anagram (wasted) of GOETHE'S GIFT"} {"Clue":"Techie type emerging when the power died finally (4)","Answer":"NERD","Explanation":"Definition: Techie type\nFinal letters of wheN thE poweR dieD"} {"Clue":"US gunman is surprisingly modest (10)","Answer":"UNASSUMING","Explanation":"Definition: modest\nAn anagram (surprisingly) of US GUNMAN IS"} {"Clue":"Head onto secondary route \u2014 it's showing green (5,4)","Answer":"BROAD BEAN","Explanation":"Definition: it's showing green\nB ROAD (secondary route) + BEAN (slang for head)"} {"Clue":"Local loses name when backing musical (5)","Answer":"EVITA","Explanation":"Definition: musical\nA reversal (backing) of [n]ATIVE (local) minus n (name) for Crosswordland's favourite musical"} {"Clue":"Book is on what make us who we are (7)","Answer":"GENESIS","Explanation":"Definition: Book\nGENES (what make us who we are) + IS"} {"Clue":"Move DIY into section that shows profit (3,4)","Answer":"PAY DIRT","Explanation":"Definition: that shows profit\nAn anagram (move) of DIY in PART (section) \u2013 another new term for me: 'gravel or sand containing enough gold to be worth working'"} {"Clue":"Group vacated Coventry to establish religious office (6)","Answer":"ABBACY","Explanation":"Definition: religious office\nABBA (group) + C[oventr]Y"} {"Clue":"Stout caring heart needed in unpleasant surroundings (6)","Answer":"VIRILE","Explanation":"Definition: Stout\nMiddle letters (heart) of caRIng in VILE (unpleasant)"} {"Clue":"Helping reserve to create means for allocating scarce resources (6,4)","Answer":"RATION BOOK","Explanation":"Definition: means for allocating scarce resources\nRATION (helping) + BOOK (reserve)"} {"Clue":"Nigel gets beaten up \u2014 he nicked someone's marbles (5)","Answer":"ELGIN","Explanation":"Definition: he nicked someone's marbles\nAn anagram (beaten up) of NIGEL \u2013 reference to **Lord Elgin"} {"Clue":"Let's shape go if you eat too many like this (4,5)","Answer":"DROP SCONE","Explanation":"Definition: too many like this\nDROPS (lets go) CONE (shape) \u2013 I'm presuming that the apostrophe (in both online and paper versions) is a typo, as it makes no sense at all in either form of grammar"} {"Clue":"Long to be a revolutionary (4)","Answer":"ACHE","Explanation":"Definition: Long\nA CHE (Guevara \u2013 revolutionary)"} {"Clue":"Left leader in a fight (5,3)","Answer":"SOUTH PAW","Explanation":"Definition: Left leader in a fight\nCryptic definition: Chambers 'a left-handed person; a boxer who leads with his (sic) **right** hand' (?)"} {"Clue":"Half of find submerged in ancient city gives diver problem (3,5)","Answer":"THE BENDS","Explanation":"Definition: gives diver problem\n[fi]ND in THEBES (ancient city), which could be the chief city of Boeotia, in ancient Greece, destroyed by Alexander the Great or, in ancient Egypt, a city on the Nile, at various times the capital of Upper Egypt or the entire country"} {"Clue":"It's peculiar, butler says, in a complicated sort of way (10)","Answer":"ABSTRUSELY","Explanation":"Definition: in a complicated sort of way\nAn anagram (peculiar) of BUTLER SAYS"} {"Clue":"Distribute green bins \u2014 they're very green (9)","Answer":"BEGINNERS","Explanation":"Definition: they're very green\nAn anagram (distribute) of GREEN BINS"} {"Clue":"Links up over wire to capture unpleasant insect (5,3)","Answer":"STINK BUG","Explanation":"Definition: unpleasant insect\nA reversal (up) of KNITS (links) + BUG (wire)"} {"Clue":"It starts breaking up communication in the US (4,4)","Answer":"DEAR JOHN","Explanation":"Definition: It starts breaking up communication in the US\nCryptic definition, referring to a 'Dear John' letter: I wasn't aware that this was an Americanism but **this** suggests that it originated in the US"} {"Clue":"Coastal resort that has some edge in India (6)","Answer":"RIMINI","Explanation":"Definition: Coastal resort\nRIM (edge) IN I (India \u2013 NATO phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Shocked as top lawyer suffers with tension (6)","Answer":"AGHAST","Explanation":"Definition: Shocked\nI'm not entirely sure of this: AG (Attorney General \u2013 top lawyer) + HAS (suffers with) T (an abbreviation for surface tension)"} {"Clue":"Put nuts back, having no time when night's over (3,2)","Answer":"SUN UP","Explanation":"Definition: when night's over\nA reversal (back) of PU[t] NU[t]S minus t t (having no time)"} {"Clue":"Supplements found in coating of acid drops (4)","Answer":"ADDS","Explanation":"Definition: Supplements\nA[ci]D D[rop]S"} {"Clue":"Credit card company with stock to purchase, including wine (7)","Answer":"PLASTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Credit card\nPLC (Public Limited Company \u2013 company with stock to purchase) round ASTI (wine)"} {"Clue":"Hopper's earliest form? Piece in American bar (7)","Answer":"TADPOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Hopper's earliest form?\nTAD (piece) + POLE (bar) \u2013 I wasn't aware that TAD was American but both Collins and Chambers give it as such."} {"Clue":"Tailless parrot and one cuckoo returning with a nut (9)","Answer":"MACADAMIA","Explanation":"Definition: nut\nMACA[w] (tailless parrot) + a reversal (returning) of I MAD (one cuckoo) + A"} {"Clue":"Boxer considering that nickname (5)","Answer":"ALIAS","Explanation":"Definition: nickname\n(Muhammad) ALI (boxer) + AS (considering that)"} {"Clue":"Bring up latest information with centre for news (4)","Answer":"SPEW","Explanation":"Definition: Bring up\nSP (Starting Price \u2013 latest information, in horse racing) + nEWs"} {"Clue":"Going through here travelling: breakdown having missed parking sign (10)","Answer":"REHEARSING","Explanation":"Definition: Going through\nAn anagram (travelling) of HERE + [p]ARSING (breakdown) minus p (parking sign)"} {"Clue":"Still crackling on vinyl record (6)","Answer":"STATIC","Explanation":"Definition: Stillcrackling on vinyl record\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Time on strike proceeds with week out (7)","Answer":"INNINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Time on strike\n[w]INNINGS (proceeds) minus w (week) \u2013 'on strike' refers to a batter facing the bowling"} {"Clue":"Place for holiday transfer, ultimately \u2014 livid here, say, having lost all cases? (7)","Answer":"RIVIERA","Explanation":"Definition: Place for holiday\n[transfe]R + [l]IVI[d] [h]ER[e] [s]A[y] minus the outside letters \u2013 cases"} {"Clue":"Upset cricketer with small, silly thing? (6)","Answer":"SLEDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Upset cricketer\nS (small) + LEDGE = sill \u2013 so a 'silly thing' \u2013 Chambers 'sledge: to seek to upset the batsman's concentration by making offensive remarks'"} {"Clue":"Waste time with lover \u2014 buoyant when excited \u2026 (5,5)","Answer":"FANNY ABOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Waste time\nFAN (lover) + an anagram (when excited) of BUOYANT (great spot)"} {"Clue":"loving male, naked in retreat (4)","Answer":"WARM","Explanation":"Definition: loving male\nA reversal (in retreat) of M (male) + RAW (naked)"} {"Clue":"Very large pair regularly exposed in the Sun (5)","Answer":"SOLAR","Explanation":"Definition: in the Sun\nSO (very) + L (large) + [p]A[i]R \u2013 with a cheeky surface"} {"Clue":"Wine is used in this saut\u00e9 with rich cooking (9)","Answer":"EUCHARIST","Explanation":"Definition: Wine is used in this\nAn anagram (cooking) of SAUT\u00c9 RICH"} {"Clue":"Order and ask about hot curry (7)","Answer":"DHANSAK","Explanation":"Definition: curry\nAn anagram (order) of AND ASK round H (hot) \u2013 I was completely bamboozled by this when I solved the puzzle in the early hours: I had DAN (order in martial arts) + an anagram of ASK round H but couldn't fit it together because of the seeming double duty of 'about'; I saw it immediately when I woke up this morning"} {"Clue":"English team up before Germany came out (7)","Answer":"EMERGED","Explanation":"Definition: came out\nE (English) + MERGE (team up) + D (Germany)\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Interrogates politician involved in matter (5)","Answer":"PUMPS","Explanation":"Definition: Interrogates\nMP (politician) in PUS (matter)"} {"Clue":"Skill to take in short game that's extremely cunning (7)","Answer":"ARCHEST","Explanation":"Definition: extremely cunning\nART (skill) round CHES[s] (short game)"} {"Clue":"Smart pass is needed to enter banks from today (4)","Answer":"TIDY","Explanation":"Definition: Smart\nID (pass) in T[oda]Y"} {"Clue":"Remarkable comic performing feature during TV show (10,5)","Answer":"COMMERCIAL BREAK","Explanation":"Definition: feature during TV show\nAn anagram (performing) of REMARKABLE COMIC"} {"Clue":"Ace PM, Liz Truss, fighting with EU member might be lifted by this? (9,6)","Answer":"TRAPEZIUS MUSCLE","Explanation":"Definition: member might be lifted by this?\nAnother clever anagram (fighting) of ACE PM LIZ TRUSS EU"} {"Clue":"Clone broken phone? (4,6)","Answer":"DEAD RINGER","Explanation":"Definition: Clone\nA broken phone might be called a dead ringer"} {"Clue":"Views hole: golf club's not right to tackle flag (7)","Answer":"OPINION","Explanation":"Definition: Views\nO (hole) + I[r]ON (golf club) minus R (right) round PIN (the flag that marks where the hole is) \u2013 I think"} {"Clue":"Jacks drunk Guinness when out of uniform (7)","Answer":"ENSIGNS","Explanation":"Definition: Jacks\nAn anagram (drunk) of G[u]INNESS minus u (uniform)"} {"Clue":"Balances more than one pound; needs nerve at the start (10)","Answer":"STEELYARDS","Explanation":"Definition: Balances\nYARDS (more than one pound \u2013 enclosure) with STEEL (nerve) at the start \u2013 **this** is a STEELYARD, a new one on me"} {"Clue":"Turned down rubbish date (7)","Answer":"REFUSED","Explanation":"Definition: Turned down\nREFUSE (rubbish) + D (date)"} {"Clue":"Plain holiday home providing accommodation for one (7)","Answer":"VANILLA","Explanation":"Definition: Plain\nVILLA (holiday home) round AN (one)"} {"Clue":"End of teaching assessment is harsh (7)","Answer":"GRATING","Explanation":"Definition: harsh\n[teachin[G + RATING (assessment)"} {"Clue":"Money put away: daughter to get married (5)","Answer":"MATED","Explanation":"Definition: married\nM (money) + ATE (put away) + D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Do up home after power cut (4)","Answer":"LACE","Explanation":"Definition: Do up\n[p]LACE (home) minus p (power)"} {"Clue":"Hormone? My mood is being restricted (9)","Answer":"CORTISONE","Explanation":"Definition: Hormone\nIS inside (being restricted) COR (my) TONE (mood); I think it was Lord Jim who said that every time he sees 'my' in a clue these days, he thinks 'cor' \u2013 I still like it and there may be some who have not met it before"} {"Clue":"Doing brilliantly, confronting leader to be deposed (5)","Answer":"ACING","Explanation":"Definition: Doing brilliantly\n[f]ACING (confronting) minus the initial letter (leader)"} {"Clue":"Man given new life to be idle, mostly before a short dash (7)","Answer":"LAZARUS","Explanation":"Definition: Man given new life\nLAZ[e] (to be idle, mostly) before A RUS[h] (a short dash) \u2013 Lazarus, brother of Martha and Mary, was raised from the dead by Jesus"} {"Clue":"Philosopher bites back, cross about article (7)","Answer":"SPINOZA","Explanation":"Definition: Philosopher\nA reversal (back) of NIPS (bites) + a reversal (about) of ZO (a Tibetan breed of cattle, developed by crossing the yak with common cattle \u2013 worth filing away if you haven't met it before, also spelt zho, dzo, dzho) + A (article) \u2013 **here**'s the philosopher"} {"Clue":"Welsh town's fashion, not posh (4)","Answer":"MOLD","Explanation":"Definition: Welsh town\nMO[u]LD (fashion) minus u (posh)"} {"Clue":"Defeated female, corrosive influence getting told off (10)","Answer":"FRUSTRATED","Explanation":"Definition: Defeated\nF (female) + RUST (corrosive influence) + RATED (told off)"} {"Clue":"It's dull outside, terribly (7)","Answer":"TEDIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: It's dull\nA neat anagram (terribly) of OUTSIDE"} {"Clue":"Stones number one track changes here (3,4)","Answer":"PIT STOP","Explanation":"Definition: track changes here\nPITS (stones) + TOP (number one) \u2013 I liked the surface"} {"Clue":"Awfully cosy when meeting power, hard workers who toady (10)","Answer":"SYCOPHANTS","Explanation":"Definition: who toady\nAn anagram (awfully) of COSY + P (power) + H (hard) + ANTS (workers)"} {"Clue":"Old flyers going round in game (4)","Answer":"FARO","Explanation":"Definition: game\nA reversal (going round) of O (old) RAF (Royal Air Force \u2013 flyers) \u2013 a gambling card game"} {"Clue":"Sightseer: gentleman about to be taken in by spiv? (7)","Answer":"TOURIST","Explanation":"Definition: Sightseer\nA reversal (about) of SIR (gentleman) in TOUT (spiv)"} {"Clue":"First woman almost to register as competitive rider (7)","Answer":"EVENTER","Explanation":"Definition: competitive rider\nEV[e] (first woman, almost) + ENTER (register)"} {"Clue":"Love to examine old language (5)","Answer":"OSCAN","Explanation":"Definition: old language\nO (love) + SCAN (examine) \u2013 an extinct language of Southern Italy"} {"Clue":"Incomer by ground that has yet to be developed (9)","Answer":"EMBRYONIC","Explanation":"Definition: that has yet to be developed\nAn anagram (ground) of INCOMER BY"} {"Clue":"Yours truly's limited by nasty antisocial act is getting used to things (15)","Answer":"ACCLIMATISATION","Explanation":"Definition: getting used to things\nI'M (yours truly's) in an anagram (nasty) of ANTISOCIAL ACT"} {"Clue":"Having received audible jeer, escaped totally exhausted (8)","Answer":"FRAZZLED","Explanation":"Definition: totally exhausted\nFLED (escaped) round RAZZ (audible jeer \u2013 I didn't know this word (short for 'raspberry, apparently) so I was initially looking for a homophone) \u2013 I use the word FRAZZLED quite a lot"} {"Clue":"Record year with help having been set up (5)","Answer":"DIARY","Explanation":"Definition: Record\nA reversal (set up, in a down clue) of YR (year) + AID (help)"} {"Clue":"Prisoners, kind to get locked in as mates (8)","Answer":"CONSORTS","Explanation":"Definition: mates\nSORT (kind) in CONS (prisoners)"} {"Clue":"Sends up meals to two opponents at table (6)","Answer":"TEASES","Explanation":"Definition: Sends up\nTEAS (meals) + E (east) S (south) (opponents at a bridge table)"} {"Clue":"Graduate makes a case, penning short excuse (9)","Answer":"CALIBRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Graduate\nCRATE (case) round ALIB[i] (short excuse)"} {"Clue":"I travel into place to have a hearty meal (3,3)","Answer":"PIG OUT","Explanation":"Definition: have a hearty meal\nI GO (I travel) in PUT (place)"} {"Clue":"Wild gang proceeds on a run hampered by stuff carried (3-3-5,4)","Answer":"EGG-AND-SPOON RACE","Explanation":"Definition: run hampered by stuff carried\nAn anagram (wild) of GANG PROCEEDS ON A"} {"Clue":"Illness? One must get up minimally, obeying instructions (9)","Answer":"COMPLIANT","Explanation":"Definition: obeying instructions\nCOMPLAINT (illness) with the I moved up one place \u2013 minimally"} {"Clue":"What garden centres sell? There's fuss over British Standards (8)","Answer":"POTHERBS","Explanation":"Definition: What garden centres sell\nPOTHER (fuss) + BS (British Standards)"} {"Clue":"Old garment no good? Smart and hot! (8)","Answer":"TOASTING","Explanation":"Definition: hot\nTO[g]A (old garment) minus g (good) + STING (smart)"} {"Clue":"Two companions outside historic city chapel? (6)","Answer":"CHURCH","Explanation":"Definition: chapel?\nCH + CH (two Companions of Honour) round UR (evergreen historic city)"} {"Clue":"One bit of a plant another duck's destroyed (6)","Answer":"ANTHER","Explanation":"Definition: One bit of a plant\nAN[o]THER minus o (duck)"} {"Clue":"writer? Yes, working through pages (5)","Answer":"PEPYS","Explanation":"An anagram (working) of YES PP (pages) for this DIARY (3dn) writer"} {"Clue":"Co-pilot moans when swimming in drink (12)","Answer":"COSMOPOLITAN","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nAn anagram ((when swimming) of CO-PILOT MOANS"} {"Clue":"Raise in plain environment, initially (7)","Answer":"INFLATE","Explanation":"Definition: Raise\nIN FLAT (plain) E{nvironment]"} {"Clue":"Became aware of episode involving tense director (7)","Answer":"SCENTED","Explanation":"Definition: Became aware of\nT (tense) in SCENE (episode) + D (director)"} {"Clue":"Grows swans by river (7)","Answer":"DEEPENS","Explanation":"Definition: Grows\nDEE (river) + PENS (female swans)"} {"Clue":"Senator arranged\u00a0a serious crime (7)","Answer":"TREASON","Explanation":"Definition: a serious crime\nAn anagram (arranged) of SENATOR"} {"Clue":"Try perhaps to follow Eastern society (5)","Answer":"ESSAY","Explanation":"Definition: Try\nSAY (perhaps) following E (Eastern) + S (society)"} {"Clue":"Orange car involved in Pride (9)","Answer":"ARROGANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Pride\nAn anagram (involved) of ORANGE CAR"} {"Clue":"Vogue featuring answer about eclipse (9)","Answer":"TRANSCEND","Explanation":"Definition: eclipse\nTREND (vogue) round ANS (answer) + C (about)"} {"Clue":"Cries second after onion flipped? (5)","Answer":"BLUBS","Explanation":"Definition: Cries\nS (second) after a reversal (flipped) of BULB (onion) \u2013 the question mark indicates a definition by example"} {"Clue":"Head of clearing house freezes options (7)","Answer":"CHOICES","Explanation":"Definition: options\nC[learing] + HO (house) + ICES (freezes)"} {"Clue":"Shorten a game (7)","Answer":"ABRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Shorten\nA BRIDGE (game)"} {"Clue":"Figure having limited time to act (7)","Answer":"STATUTE","Explanation":"Definition: act\nSTATUE (figure) round T (time)"} {"Clue":"Large dish of coffee in empty percolator (7)","Answer":"PLATTER","Explanation":"Definition: Large dish\nLATTE (coffee) in P[ercolato]R"} {"Clue":"Roughly prepares pitches for paving materials (12)","Answer":"COBBLESTONES","Explanation":"Definition: paving materials\nCOBBLES (roughly prepares) + TONES (pitches)"} {"Clue":"Chests included in fantastic offer, supposedly (7)","Answer":"COFFERS","Explanation":"Definition: Chests\nHidden in fantastiC OFFER Supposedly"} {"Clue":"Well-proportioned primate left wearing throw (7)","Answer":"SHAPELY","Explanation":"Definition: Well-proportioned\nAPE (primate) + L (left) in SHY (throw)"} {"Clue":"Magnify balls in front of art gallery (9)","Answer":"OVERSTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Magnify\nOVERS (balls, in cricket) + TATE (art gallery)"} {"Clue":"Attack on filming location (5)","Answer":"ONSET","Explanation":"Definition: Attack\nON SET (filming location)"} {"Clue":"I caught bird flipping over salad ingredient (7)","Answer":"ICEBERG","Explanation":"Definition: salad ingredient\nI + C (caught) + a reversal (flipping \u2013 again) of GREBE (bird)"} {"Clue":"Tsarina cultivated a craftswoman (7)","Answer":"ARTISAN","Explanation":"Definition: a craftswoman\nAn anagram (cultivated) of TSARINA"} {"Clue":"Frauds involving bear? That's nonsense! (12)","Answer":"FIDDLESTICKS","Explanation":"Definition: nonsense\nFIDDLES (frauds) round STICK (bear)"} {"Clue":"Karen joining odyssey travelling for a long time (7,5)","Answer":"DONKEY\u2019S YEARS","Explanation":"Definition: a long time\nAn anagram (travelling \u2013 a neat indicator, making for a great surface) of KAREN and ODYSSEY"} {"Clue":"Left reprimand VIP facility (3,6)","Answer":"RED CARPET","Explanation":"Definition: VIP facility\nRED (left) + CARPET (reprimand)"} {"Clue":"Fruit from V&A rejected by grocery deliverers (7)","Answer":"AVOCADO","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nA reversal (rejected) of V A + OCADO (grocery deliverers) \u2013 a bit hard on non- UK solvers (see **here**)"} {"Clue":"Give way, as vehicle reverses around cricket club with sign of hesitation (7)","Answer":"SUCCUMB","Explanation":"Definition: Give way\nA reversal reverses) of BUS (vehicle) round CC (cricket club) + UM (sign of hesitation)"} {"Clue":"Barristers reach good deal (7)","Answer":"BARGAIN","Explanation":"Definition: good deal\nBAR (barristers) + GAIN (reach)"} {"Clue":"Latest news of happy times (7)","Answer":"UPDATES","Explanation":"Definition: Latest news\nUP (happy) + DATES (times)"} {"Clue":"Leather moved to and fro loudly (5)","Answer":"SUEDE","Explanation":"Definition: Leather\nSounds like 'swayed' (moved to and fro) \u2013 I'm not keen on 'loudly' as a homophone indicator"} {"Clue":"Very round coin placed on back of bureau quickly (6)","Answer":"SUBITO","Explanation":"Definition: quickly\nSO (very) round [burea]U + BIT (coin)"} {"Clue":"Old scorer with a header for Chelsea hugged by a coach (6)","Answer":"ABACUS","Explanation":"Definition: Old scorer\nA + C[helsea] in A BUS (a coach) \u2013 I was expecting to find a composer, so quite liked this"} {"Clue":"A peak around Northern Cheyenne, say (10)","Answer":"AMERINDIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Cheyenne, say\nA MERIDIAN (a peak: Chambers gives 'culmination or highest point, as of success, splendour, power, etc' and Collins 'the peak, zenith, *the meridian of his achievements*' round N (Northern)"} {"Clue":"In conversation, I see cunning pattern (6)","Answer":"ARGYLE","Explanation":"Definition: pattern\nSounds like (in {non-rhotic} conversation) 'Ah' (I see) 'guile' (cunning)"} {"Clue":"Ire with steed unbridled \u2014 most likely to bend? (8)","Answer":"REEDIEST","Explanation":"Definition: most likely to bend?\nAn anagram (unbridled) of IRE and STEED \u2013 I'd associate 'reedy' with 'voice' (Collins 'having a tone like a reed instrument, *a reedy voice'*) but it also has 'of or like a reed' and we do have the expression 'bend like a reed', although the use of the superlative is rather pushing it for me"} {"Clue":"New arrival, baby infant finally grabbing spiritual leader's attention? (4,2,3,6)","Answer":"YEAR OF THE RABBIT","Explanation":"Definition: New arrival\n[bab]Y [infan]T round EAR OF THE RABBI (spiritual leader's attention)"} {"Clue":"Non-starter, particular offensive (4)","Answer":"ICKY","Explanation":"Definition: offensive\n[p]ICKY (particular), not starting"} {"Clue":"Fix direction (4)","Answer":"TACK","Explanation":"Definition: Fixdirection\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Trendy opening weakens book (9,4)","Answer":"WATERSHIP DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: book\nHIP (trendy) in WATERS DOWN (weakens) \u2013 I remember enjoying reading **this book** to my four children\u00a0 on a camping holiday \u2013 again, I liked the construction and surface"} {"Clue":"Fuddy-duddy had been observed by epicurean, we hear? (8)","Answer":"DINOSAUR","Explanation":"Definition: Fuddy-duddy\nSounds like (we hear?) 'diner saw' (had been observed by epicurean) \u2013 I wouldn't equate 'diner' (without '-out', perhaps?) with epicurean"} {"Clue":"Amateur joins theatre for show again (6)","Answer":"REPLAY","Explanation":"Definition: show again\nREP (theatre) + LAY (amateur)"} {"Clue":"Mashed blend, asset for bangers? (5,5)","Answer":"STEEL BANDS","Explanation":"Definition: bangers\nAn anagram (mashed) of BLEND ASSET \u2013 as in banging on the drum, I suppose"} {"Clue":"Ass that is kicking out duck (4)","Answer":"TWIT","Explanation":"Definition: Ass\nT[o] WIT (that is) minus o (duck)"} {"Clue":"Actor reporting telecommunications provider on the underground network? (6,6)","Answer":"WARREN BEATTY","Explanation":"Definition: Actor\nA whimsical 'sounds like' (reporting): WARREN (underground network) + B T (**telecommunications provider**)"} {"Clue":"Curse company that's invested in sudden increase (7)","Answer":"SCOURGE","Explanation":"Definition: Curse\nCO (company) in SURGE (sudden increase)"} {"Clue":"Like a cake with old chicken for a vixen (5,6)","Answer":"BUNNY BOILER","Explanation":"Definition: vixen\nBUN-NY (like a cake) \u2013 a characteristic Pauline device + BOILER (old chicken) \u2013 again, I'm questioning the definition: Collins gives, for BUNNY BOILER, 'slang \u2013 a person, especially a woman, who is considered to be unstable and likely to be dangerously vengeful, from the 1987 film *Fatal Attraction*, in which a female character boils a pet rabbit to terrorise the family of the lover who spurns her' and Chambers 'slang \u2013 a woman who is likely to behave in a deranged and vindictive manner when spurned' \u2013 without the derivation;"} {"Clue":"Is this East End criminal strained? (3,4)","Answer":"TEA LEAF","Explanation":"Definition: Is this East End criminal strained?\nCryptic definition: TEA LEAF is Cockney rhyming slang for 'thief'"} {"Clue":"Bits of fish in Elizabethan containers (9)","Answer":"CODPIECES","Explanation":"Definition: Elizabethan containers\nAnother typical Paul clue: bits of fish = pieces of cod: see **here** for the Elizabethan container"} {"Clue":"Old detective whose partner was in smaller residence than 27? (7)","Answer":"STARSKY","Explanation":"Definition: Old detective\nA cryptic definition (bordering on the unfair?), referring to the '70s (hence 'old') TV detectives STARSKY and hutch \u2013 a hutch is a smaller residence for a rabbit than a WARREN (27)"} {"Clue":"Police document conflict in NHS, rat race ghastly (6,7)","Answer":"SEARCH WARRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Police document\nWAR (conflict) in an anagram (ghastly) of \u00a0NHS RAT RACE"} {"Clue":"Pre-cook fresh crab essentially for Tommy, say (4,5)","Answer":"ROCK OPERA","Explanation":"Definition: Tommy, say\nAn anagram (fresh) of PRE-COOK + [c]RA[b] \u2013 see **here"} {"Clue":"Get to load part of gun up \u2014 a revolver? (4-3)","Answer":"TWIN-TUB","Explanation":"Definition: a revolver?\nWIN (get) in (to load) a reversal ('up', in a down clue) of BUTT (part of gun)"} {"Clue":"Vast region, area is spread round capital in Uzbekistan (7)","Answer":"EURASIA","Explanation":"Definition: Vast region\nAn anagram (spread) of AREA IS round U[zbekistan]"} {"Clue":"European boxer punches giant after wiping brow (7)","Answer":"ITALIAN","Explanation":"Definition: European\nALI (boxer) in [t]ITAN (giant) minus its initial letter (wiping brow)"} {"Clue":"Diminish 20 (5)","Answer":"PETER","Explanation":"Definition: Diminish20\nDouble definition: I'd expect 'peter out \/ away' (as in Collins) for the first \u2013 **here**'s the second"} {"Clue":"Winning spirit with just defeat and a tie \u2014 a draw in 17? (7,6)","Answer":"TOPKAPI PALACE","Explanation":"Definition: a draw in 17?\nTOP (winning) + KA (ancient Egyptian spirit) + PIP (just defeat \u2013 as in pip at the post) + A LACE (a tie) \u2013 I'm lucky enough to have visited **this museum**, a major tourist attraction in ISTANBUL (17dn)"} {"Clue":"God, one with a magic bullet? (7)","Answer":"PANACEA","Explanation":"Definition: magic bullet\nPAN (god) + ACE (one) + A"} {"Clue":"Conceal a capital city on island (5)","Answer":"PALMA","Explanation":"Definition: capital city on island\nPALM (conceal, as magicians do) + A \u2013 the capital of Mallorca"} {"Clue":"Separation of state and religion curses Mali after Reformation (10)","Answer":"SECULARISM","Explanation":"Definition: Separation of state and religion\nAN anagram (after reformation) of CURSES MALI"} {"Clue":"A law committed to memory by 1st of October for test (4,4)","Answer":"ORAL EXAM","Explanation":"Definition: test\nO[ctober] + A LEX (a law) in RAM (computer memory)"} {"Clue":"Allergic reaction having taken LSD, perhaps: expression of support welcomed (11)","Answer":"INTOLERANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Allergic reaction\nOL\u00c9 (expression of support) in IN TRANCE (having taken LSD perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Appalling? It's impossible to say (11)","Answer":"UNSPEAKABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Appallingimpossible to say\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Those carrying lots of money in shops act stupid (10)","Answer":"CASHPOINTS","Explanation":"Definition: Those carrying lots of money\nAn anagram (stupid) of IN SHOPS ACT"} {"Clue":"Delicious salami in the soup, sibling tucking in (9)","Answer":"AMBROSIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Delicious\nBRO (sibling) tucking into an anagram (in the soup) of SALAMI \u2013 I liked the indicator"} {"Clue":"Tree in lime, leaning backwards (5)","Answer":"ELEMI","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\nHidden reversal in lIME LEaning \u2013 an old crosword favourite, usually defined as 'resin'"} {"Clue":"Cocktail fruit dropping on needle shortly (7)","Answer":"MELANGE","Explanation":"Definition: Cocktail\nMEL[on] (fruit) + ANGE[r] (needle, shortly)"} {"Clue":"Boris playing intellectual game, heavens above, admitting 'I haven't a clue' (7)","Answer":"SPASSKY","Explanation":"Definition: Boris\nSKY (heavens above) round PASS (I haven't a clue) \u2013 the 'intellectual game' being either chess or Mastermind, perhaps \u2013 thank heavens above for a different Boris"} {"Clue":"Key worker is involved in exercise after Tuesday's vacation (6)","Answer":"TYPIST","Explanation":"Definition: Key worker\nIS in PT (exercise) after T[uesda]Y"} {"Clue":"A huge organ, always (2,3,5)","Answer":"AT ALL TIMES","Explanation":"Definition: always\nA TALL (a huge) TIMES (newspaper \u2013 organ)"} {"Clue":"Cap removed from playwright put in grave (5)","Answer":"INTER","Explanation":"Definition: put in grave\n(Harold) [p]INTER (playwright)"} {"Clue":"Where reporters meet with two irons? (5,4)","Answer":"PRESS CLUB","Explanation":"Definition: Where reporters meet\nSelf-explanatory, I think"} {"Clue":"Gas in 7 only (4)","Answer":"NEON","Explanation":"Definition: Gas\nI think this is [chlori]NE(7) ON[ly]"} {"Clue":"Backbone injected with liquid initially, or gas (8)","Answer":"CHLORINE","Explanation":"Definition: gas\nL[iquid] OR in CHINE (backbone)"} {"Clue":"Contra gets deal after revolution in Caribbean islands (8)","Answer":"ANTILLES","Explanation":"Definition: Caribbean islands\nANTI (contra) + a reversal (after revolution) of SELL (deal)"} {"Clue":"Hashemite city rising up on account of a creative movement in Italy (4,6)","Answer":"ARTE POVERA","Explanation":"Definition: creative movement in Italy\nA reversal (rising up, in a down clue) of PETRA (Hashemite city) + OVER (on account of) + A \u2013 I didn't know **this creative movement"} {"Clue":"Go rambling and get lost! (4,1,4)","Answer":"TAKE A HIKE","Explanation":"Definition: Go ramblingget lost!\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Evangelist affable? Not that interested (8)","Answer":"LUKEWARM","Explanation":"Definition: Not that interested\nLUKE (evangelist, writer of the third Gospel) + WARM (affable)"} {"Clue":"O constant plecity? (8)","Answer":"ISTANBUL","Explanation":"I'm sure this is very clever and probably staring me in the face but I can't see beyond TAN (constant) and 'city'; I'm pretty sure that, as soon as I've posted this, the first half dozen or so comments will put me right \u2013 thanks in advance"} {"Clue":"Harden, if held captive by authoritarian, blowing top (6)","Answer":"OSSIFY","Explanation":"Definition: Harden\nIF in [b]OSSY (authoritarian)"} {"Clue":"Are they riding up and down? (5,6)","Answer":"HELL\u2019S ANGELS","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Irish county where one goes, in a failed state (4,3,6)","Answer":"DOWN THE TOILET","Explanation":"Definition: in a failed state\nDOWN (Irish county, where I lived for ten years) + THE TOILET (where one goes)"} {"Clue":"Hose with tear needing repair? (5)","Answer":"WATER","Explanation":"Definition: Hose\nW (with) + an anagram (needing repair) of TEAR"} {"Clue":"You'll have got ready to settle thus (3,2,4)","Answer":"PAY IN CASH","Explanation":"Definition: You'll have got ready to settle thus\nCryptic definition \u2013 a play on 'ready' meaning cash"} {"Clue":"Unable to meet the challenge in bed, turn over one time (3,2,2,2)","Answer":"NOT UP TO IT","Explanation":"Definition: Unable to meet the challenge\nNOT UP (in bed) + T (turn \u2013 as in PTO? I can't find it otherwise) + O (over) + I (one) + T (time)"} {"Clue":"Blinking fast Italian's short despatch\u00a0 (5)","Answer":"REMIT","Explanation":"Definition: despatch\nREM (Rapid Eye Movement \u2013 blinking fast) + IT[alian] (short \u2013 or 'short' could be part of the definition?)"} {"Clue":"Entering a quiet sea, one's sheepish (7)","Answer":"ASHAMED","Explanation":"Definition: sheepish\nA (one) entering A SH (quiet) MED(iterranean) (sea)"} {"Clue":"Accounts ultimately for energy drinks (7)","Answer":"REPORTS","Explanation":"Definition: Accounts\n[fo]R + E (energy) + PORTS (drinks)"} {"Clue":"English artist who can decorate cakes (5)","Answer":"PIPER","Explanation":"Definition: English artistwho can decorate cakes\nDouble definition \u2013 a choice of two English artists: **John** or **Edward"} {"Clue":"Deer's on loose \u2014 evidence of cold? (3,4)","Answer":"RED NOSE","Explanation":"Definition: evidence of cold?\nAn anagram (loose) of DEER'S ON"} {"Clue":"Under a misapprehension, take two days off and escape (5)","Answer":"ELUDE","Explanation":"Definition: escape\n[d]ELUDE[d] (under a misapprehension) minus two d[ay]s"} {"Clue":"Detention is like the topping on a dessert, you might say! (7)","Answer":"CUSTODY","Explanation":"Definition: Detention\nSounds something like (you might say) 'custardy'"} {"Clue":"Pop singer's after whip for a player (7)","Answer":"CATCHER","Explanation":"Definition: player\nCHER (Crosswordland's favourite singer) after CAT (whip) \u2013 a player in baseball, for instance"} {"Clue":"Beryl from south-east, gaining weight? (5)","Answer":"STONE","Explanation":"Definition: Beryl\nSE (south-east) round TON (weight) \u2013 beryl is a mineral sometimes used as a gemstone (and my middle name) \u2013 definition by example, hence the question mark"} {"Clue":"Plant damaged \u2014 blame me on replacing 'earth' with 'live' (5,4)","Answer":"LEMON BALM","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nAn anagram (damaged) of BLAME ME ON, with one e (earth) replaced by L (live)"} {"Clue":"Almost grand, wearing community robe (9)","Answer":"NIGHTGOWN","Explanation":"Definition: robe\nNIGH (almost) + G (grand) in (wearing) TOWN (community)"} {"Clue":"In short, possible Banksy work is set up (5)","Answer":"START","Explanation":"Definition: set up\nA Banksy work could be described as ST[reet] ART"} {"Clue":"Trumpeter's one was back to front and short (4)","Answer":"SWAN","Explanation":"Definition: Trumpeter's one\nWAS, with the last letter moved to the front + 'N (and, short, as in fish 'n chips"} {"Clue":"Make good operational cuts, as bent police officer might (6,2)","Answer":"STITCH UP","Explanation":"Definition: Make good operational cutsbent police officer might\nDouble\u00a0 definition"} {"Clue":"Nick accepts barber's final cut (4)","Answer":"CROP","Explanation":"Definition: cut\nCOP (nick \u2013 both as verbs) round [barbe]R"} {"Clue":"Supporter of triumphant Wimbledon winner removing top? (8)","Answer":"UPHOLDER","Explanation":"Definition: Supporter\n[c]UPHOLDER (triumphant Wimbledon winner of the men's singles championship) minus the top (in a down clue) letter"} {"Clue":"Aphrodisiac found in bed? (6)","Answer":"OYSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Aphrodisiac found in bed?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"After ten rounds men part, resorting to an underhand tactic (10)","Answer":"ENTRAPMENT","Explanation":"Definition: an underhand tactic\nAn anagram (rounds = goes round) of TEN + an anagram (resorting) of MEN PART"} {"Clue":"A twice-married woman's outside clobber (6)","Answer":"HAMMER","Explanation":"Definition: clobber\nA MM (twice married) in HER (woman) \u2013 another of those clues that seem to be the wrong way round but it does work if you read it carefully"} {"Clue":"Rabbit caught by deerstalker? (4)","Answer":"CHAT","Explanation":"Definition: Rabbit\nC (caught) + HAT (an example of which is a deerstalker) \u2013 I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one to have initially entered 'talk'"} {"Clue":"Mouldy stuff, when applied to reduced image (5)","Answer":"ASPIC","Explanation":"Definition: Mouldy stuff\nAS (when) + PIC[ture] \u2013 'mouldy' as in 'set in a mould'"} {"Clue":"It comes with strings: in short, that is no matter, maybe (10)","Answer":"MARIONETTE","Explanation":"Definition: It comes with strings\nAn anagram (maybe) of IE (that is, in short) + NO MATTER"} {"Clue":"Clip of second try (5)","Answer":"SHEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Clip\nS (second) + HEAR (try)"} {"Clue":"Write down: 'Desist from wrapping snooker rod round mate's head' (8)","Answer":"DOCUMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Write down\nDON'T (desist from) round CUE (snooker rod) round M[ate]"} {"Clue":"Alpha male's last UV treatment is chaos (8)","Answer":"UPHEAVAL","Explanation":"Definition: chaos\nAn anagram (treatment) of ALPHA mal[E] UV"} {"Clue":"Wipe bum (6)","Answer":"SPONGE","Explanation":"Definition: Wipebum\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Cry over old Welsh chicken (6)","Answer":"YELLOW","Explanation":"Definition: chicken\nYELL (cry) + O (old) + W (Welsh)"} {"Clue":"Grains needing sun also (4)","Answer":"SAND","Explanation":"Definition: Grains\nS (sun) + AND (also)"} {"Clue":"Corporation backed energy that makes no noise (4)","Answer":"MUTE","Explanation":"Definition: that makes no noise\nA reversal (backed) of TUM (corporation) + E (energy \u2013 again)"} {"Clue":"Minister backed intervening in harbour subject to tremors (7)","Answer":"QUAVERY","Explanation":"Definition: subject to tremors\nA reversal (backed) of REV (minister) in QUAY (harbour)"} {"Clue":"Leading measure when considering steam? (5,2)","Answer":"AHEAD\u00a0 OF","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\nA HEAD OF \u2013 referring to the expression 'a head of steam': 'the force produced by a large amount of steam in a closed space; a situation in which a person or an activity starts to become very active or successful'"} {"Clue":"Nut, losing head, with shift of active enthusiasm (4)","Answer":"ZEAL","Explanation":"Definition: enthusiasm\n[h]AZEL (nut) minus its initial letter (losing head) with the A (active \u2013 it's in Chambers: I think it must be grammatical, referring to the voice of a verb) changing its position"} {"Clue":"Take a long time consuming a lot of pretty drinks (9)","Answer":"BEVERAGES","Explanation":"Definition: drinks\nBE AGES (take a long time) round a lot of VER[y] (pretty)"} {"Clue":"Limitations on soup \u2014 cold or hot? (5)","Answer":"SPICY","Explanation":"Definition: hot\nS[ou]P + ICY (cold)"} {"Clue":"On the off chance, accepting second note in additional amount (8)","Answer":"INCREASE","Explanation":"Definition: additional amount\nIN CASE (on the off chance) round RE (second note)"} {"Clue":"Beam and grate left unfinished (4)","Answer":"GRIN","Explanation":"Definition: Beam\nGRIN[d] (grate)"} {"Clue":"A new outburst dismissing universal apprehension (5)","Answer":"ANGST","Explanation":"Definition: apprehension\nA N (new) + G[u]ST (outburst) minus u (universal)"} {"Clue":"It's coming now \u2014 a lot of odd ideas about oneself (4,4)","Answer":"HERE GOES","Explanation":"Definition: It's coming now\nA lot of HERES[y] (odd ideas) round EGO (oneself)"} {"Clue":"Also (according to report) Times not open about women in couples (3,2,3)","Answer":"TWO BY TWO","Explanation":"Definition: in couples\nI'm missing somethig here: we have TWO \u2013 sounds like (according to report) 'too', (also) twice, round W (women) twice, round BY (Times) \u2013 but I can't see how it fits together (not open?)"} {"Clue":"Key point rejected, as far as celebrity is concerned (5)","Answer":"PIVOT","Explanation":"Definition: Key point\nA reversal (rejected) of TO VIP (as far as celebrity is concerned: under 'to', Chambers has 'in accordance, comparison, proportion or relation with, which I think works here)"} {"Clue":"One eliminating small old city in type of game (9)","Answer":"DESTROYER","Explanation":"Definition: One eliminating\nS (small) TROY (old city) in DEER (type of game)"} {"Clue":"Against accepting defeat? One's in the soup (7)","Answer":"CROUTON","Explanation":"Definition: One's in the soup\nCON (against) round ROUT (defeat)"} {"Clue":"Quick to carry a blade (7)","Answer":"CLEAVER","Explanation":"Definition: blade\nCLEVER (quick) round A"} {"Clue":"Musician's accessories lacking colour, getting the bird (4,4)","Answer":"MUTE SWAN","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nMUTES (musician's accessories) + WAN (lacking colour)"} {"Clue":"Visual adjustment subject to forcible separation (8)","Answer":"AVULSION","Explanation":"Definition: forcible separation\nAn anagram (adjustment) of VISUAL + ON (subject to, i.e. under, in a down clue)"} {"Clue":"Ill-mannered clamour about pop group curtailed (6)","Answer":"CRABBY","Explanation":"Definition: Ill-mannered\nCRY (clamour) round ABB[a] (pop group) curtailed \u2013 I think of 'crabby' as meaning irritable (Collins: 'bad-tempered'), rather than ill-mannered \u2013 Chambers has simply 'crablike'"} {"Clue":"Right about blocking call for a quicker approach (5,3)","Answer":"SHORT CUT","Explanation":"Definition: a quicker approach\nRT (right) + C (about) in SHOUT (call)"} {"Clue":"Accessory, Louis Vuitton article, containing new item of jewellery (6)","Answer":"BANGLE","Explanation":"Definition: item of jewellery\nBAG (accessory) round N (new) + LE (Louis Vuitton \u2013 i.e. French \u2013 article) \u2013 and **Louis Vuitton** sells accessories \u2013 clever clue"} {"Clue":"One in leading group savage about Liberal boasting (9)","Answer":"VAINGLORY","Explanation":"Definition: boasting\nI (one) in VAN (leading group) + GORY (savage) round L (Liberal)"} {"Clue":"Mammal calculating tail not needed (5)","Answer":"SHREW","Explanation":"Definition: Mammal\nSHREW[d] (calculating)"} {"Clue":"Argument about recipe: he and his wife had very varying dietary tastes (5)","Answer":"SPRAT","Explanation":"Definition: he and his wife had very varying dietary tastes\nSPAT (argument) round R (recipe) \u2013 Jack Sprat, according to the nursery rhyme, could eat no fat while his wife could eat no lean"} {"Clue":"Former area far from the coast, not island (8)","Answer":"ANTERIOR","Explanation":"Definition: Former\nA (area) + [i]NTERIOR (far from the coast) minus i (island)"} {"Clue":"Jilted bride experiencing losing no-good fraud (8)","Answer":"HAVISHAM","Explanation":"Definition: Jilted bride\nHAVI[ng] (experiencing) minus ng (no-good) + SHAM (fraud) \u2013 Miss Havisham was the jilted bride in 'Great Expectations'"} {"Clue":"Soup book is rather lacking in sex appeal (6)","Answer":"BISQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Soup\nB (book) + IS + QU[it]E (rather) minus it (sex appeal)"} {"Clue":"Turned up literary detective (not the old woman) \u2014 such writing is over the top (6)","Answer":"PURPLE","Explanation":"Definition: such writing is over the top\nA reversal (turned) of UP + (Miss) [ma]ARPLE (Agatha Christie's detective) minus 'ma' (the old woman)"} {"Clue":"Knight getting silver, engaged in challenges in times long ago (4,4)","Answer":"DARK AGES","Explanation":"Definition: times long ago\nK (knight \u2013 chess notation\u00a0 + AG (silver) in DARES (challenges)"} {"Clue":"Graduate, Master of Music, taking position after retirement (8)","Answer":"BACHELOR","Explanation":"Definition: Graduate\nBACH (a master of music) + a reversal (after retirement) of ROLE (position)"} {"Clue":"Well-known where yours truly pointed (6)","Answer":"ICONIC","Explanation":"Definition: Well-known\nI (yours truly) + CONIC (pointed) \u2013\u00a0 I don't think 'll be the only one to query the definition"} {"Clue":"Buzzing about only bees do \u2014 only them! (6,4)","Answer":"NOBODY ELSE","Explanation":"Definition: only them!\nAn anagram (buzzing about) of ONLY BEES DO"} {"Clue":"Improvise, serving some chicken with vermouth (4,2)","Answer":"WING IT","Explanation":"Definition: Improvise\nWING (some chIcken) + IT (vermouth)"} {"Clue":"Delicacy brought first of tummy upsets (8)","Answer":"TRUFFLES","Explanation":"Definition: Delicacy\nT[ummy] RUFFLES (upsets)"} {"Clue":"Rare kiss for hillbilly (7)","Answer":"REDNECK","Explanation":"Definition: hillbilly\nRED (rare) + NECK (kiss)"} {"Clue":"A sharp funny line in a few words (7)","Answer":"PHRASAL","Explanation":"Definition: in a few words\nAn anagram (funny) of A SHARP + L (line)"} {"Clue":"Timeworn stratagem in English county not entirely backed (8)","Answer":"OVERUSED","Explanation":"Definition: Timeworn\nRUSE (stratagem) in a reversal (backed) of DEVO[n] (English county, not entirely)"} {"Clue":"Supervisor in military office? (6)","Answer":"WARDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Supervisor\nWAR DEN (military office)"} {"Clue":"Opt for crucible? (7,3)","Answer":"MELTING POT","Explanation":"Definition: crucible\nA reverse anagram (melting) of POT"} {"Clue":"Top evidence initially disregarded (4)","Answer":"ROOF","Explanation":"Definition: Top\n[p]ROOF (evidence)"} {"Clue":"Oxygenated 3 in de-oxygenated channels? (6)","Answer":"VENOUS","Explanation":"Definition: in de-oxygenated channels\nO (oxygen) in VENUS (3dn PLANET)"} {"Clue":"Start with boy admitting bad speller? (6,2)","Answer":"SWITCH ON","Explanation":"Definition: Start\nSON (boy) round WITCH (bad speller)"} {"Clue":"A point south of friend on a hill (8)","Answer":"PALATINE","Explanation":"Definition: hill\nA TINE (a point) after PAL (friend) \u2013 one of the seven hills of Rome"} {"Clue":"NASA's possible question to lost space probe \u2014 seriously? (4,6,3,3,2)","Answer":"WHAT PLANET ARE YOU ON?","Explanation":"Definition: seriously?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Paean, book for all to see in stock (7)","Answer":"TRIBUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Paean\nB (book) + U (for all to see \u2013 film classification) in TRITE (stock)"} {"Clue":"It produces sustainable power with immigration of race for these scandalously treated people (8,10)","Answer":"WINDRUSH GENERATION","Explanation":"Definition: these scandalously treated people\nWIND GENERATION (it produces sustainable power) round RUSH (race)"} {"Clue":"Intellect welcoming valentine's lips, just romance (4,6)","Answer":"LOVE AFFAIR","Explanation":"Definition: romance\nLOAF (intellect \u2013 Cockney rhyming slang: loaf of bread = head) round v[alentin]E + FAIR (just)"} {"Clue":"Confidentially intimate feeling in functions with Boris, ultimately (8)","Answer":"COSINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Confidentially intimate feeling\nCOSINES (functions} + [bori]S"} {"Clue":"Fat deposit a tricky matter (7,6)","Answer":"ADIPOSE TISSUE","Explanation":"Definition: Fat\nAn anagram (tricky) of DEPOSIT A + ISSUE (matter) \u2013 a somewhat **tricky matter** this week!"} {"Clue":"Mae West's sheepish part in film is seen (6)","Answer":"VIEWED","Explanation":"Definition: seen\n[ma]E WE[st] (sheepish part) in VID (film)"} {"Clue":"Cool joker beaten (4,2)","Answer":"WITH IT","Explanation":"Definition: Cool\nWIT (joker) HIT (beaten)"} {"Clue":"Make last possible contents of cellar? (4,4)","Answer":"ROCK SALT","Explanation":"Definition: possible contents of cellar?\nAnother reverse anagram (rock) of LAST \u2013 ingenious, but I don't think you would put rock salt in a salt cellar"} {"Clue":"I don't know times to go round (4,2)","Answer":"PASS BY","Explanation":"Definition: go round\nPASS (I don't know) + BY (times)"} {"Clue":"Commotion from Spare by Prince (6)","Answer":"POTHER","Explanation":"Definition: Commotion\nP (Prince) + OTHER (spare) \u2013 I don't think this needs any further explanation, does it?"} {"Clue":"Frank washes hands (8,7)","Answer":"STRAIGHT FLUSHES","Explanation":"Definition: hands\nSTRAIGHT (Frank) + FLUSHES (washes) \u2013 hands in poker"} {"Clue":"Lucky escape for one after virus (6)","Answer":"FLUKEY","Explanation":"Definition: Lucky\nKEY (escape, for one) after FLU (virus)"} {"Clue":"Stirring drinks in pub: large one re-ordered in litres (8)","Answer":"PHILTRES","Explanation":"Definition: Stirring drinks\nPH (public house) + LITRES with the L (large) and I (one) re-ordered \/ reversed"} {"Clue":"Land in trouble, British and American bank providing protection (8)","Answer":"BARBADOS","Explanation":"Definition: Land\nB A (British and American) + RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland) round (providing protection) ADO (trouble) \u2013 when I had ?A?B?D?? (not yet having the pesky 8dn) my only thought was Cambodia but, of course, I couldn't parse it"} {"Clue":"You might see irony in this bore chasing it (6)","Answer":"SATIRE","Explanation":"Definition: You might see irony in this\nSA (sex appeal \u2013 it) + TIRE (bore)"} {"Clue":"Artist bent over, inspired by unopened magic mushroom (6)","Answer":"AGARIC","Explanation":"Definition: mushroom\nA reversal (bent over) of RA (artist) in (inspired by \u2013 this was discussed last Wednesday) [m]AGIC, 'unopened'"} {"Clue":"Home team to shoot first (8)","Answer":"FIRESIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Home\nFIRE (shoot) + SIDE (team)"} {"Clue":"Throughout the last month, hospital department is close to the bone (8)","Answer":"INDECENT","Explanation":"Definition: close to the bone\nIN DEC[ember] (throughout the last month) + Ear, Nose and Throat (hospital department)"} {"Clue":"Wooden trough at the front blocking stable (6)","Answer":"STOLID","Explanation":"Definition: Wooden\nT[rough] in SOLID (stable)"} {"Clue":"Reward for going in kennel has had dog barking (6,9)","Answer":"GOLDEN HANDSHAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Reward for going\nAn anagram (barking \u2013 I always enjoy this indicator and it's, of course, especially apt here) of KENNEL HAS HAD DOG"} {"Clue":"Short skirts in August? Bachelor extremely excited to be introduced (6)","Answer":"ABRUPT","Explanation":"Definition: Short\nB[achelo]R, extremely + UP (excited) inside A[ugus]T (skirts in)"} {"Clue":"Seller of cooker missing ring to con rector (6)","Answer":"VENDOR","Explanation":"Definition: Seller\n[o]VEN (cooker) minus o (ring) + DO (con) + R (rector)"} {"Clue":"Secretary to reveal a bit of leg (7)","Answer":"PATELLA","Explanation":"Definition: bit of leg\nPA (secretary) + TELL (reveal) + A"} {"Clue":"Fire blankets left hanging (5)","Answer":"SLACK","Explanation":"Definition: hanging\nSACK (fire) round (blankets) L (left)"} {"Clue":"Mostly stiff around golf hole: dropped a shot (7)","Answer":"BOGEYED","Explanation":"Definition: dropped a shot\nBOD[y] (stiff) mostly round G (golf \u2013 NATO alphabet) + EYE (hole, in a needle for example) \u2013 a bogey is a score of one stroke over par on a golf hole"} {"Clue":"Hey! Girls going out, they might be boring (3,4)","Answer":"OIL RIGS","Explanation":"Definition: they might be boring\nOI (Hey) + an anagram (going out) of GIRLS"} {"Clue":"Stalls his estate after turning around (9)","Answer":"HESITATES","Explanation":"Definition: Stalls\nAn anagram (after turning round) of HIS ESTATE"} {"Clue":"We hear row with love being stuck in a rut? (3,4)","Answer":"ROE DEER","Explanation":"Definition: being stuck in a rut?\nSounds like (we hear) row + dear (love)"} {"Clue":"Listener has one song's intro on both sides of cassette (6)","Answer":"STAPES","Explanation":"Definition: Listener has one\nS[ong] + TAPE (cassette) + S[ong] \u2013 this entry held out the longest \u2013 seemed to be crying out for a homophone \u2013 until I suddenly remembered it being the answer in a TV quiz very recently: one of the bones, more familiar to me, at least, as the stirrup, of the middle ear (listener) (which I had assumed indicated a homophone \u2013 clever Tramp!)"} {"Clue":"Celebrate with clothes removed during heavy session: one serves alcohol (9)","Answer":"BARTENDER","Explanation":"Definition: one serves alcohol\n[p]ART[y] (celebrate) in BENDER (heavy session)"} {"Clue":"Boat to travel north: see the sights of city (7)","Answer":"GONDOLA","Explanation":"Definition: Boat\nGO (travel) + N (north) + DO (see the sights of) + Los Angeles (city) \u2013 with an allusive surface"} {"Clue":"Bank in competition to win a lot of money (5,2)","Answer":"CLEAN UP","Explanation":"Definition: win a lot of money\nLEAN (bank, like an aircraft?) in CUP (competition)"} {"Clue":"Fine for Conservative primarily avoiding tax: greedy so-and-so (3,3)","Answer":"FAT CAT","Explanation":"Definition: greedy so-and-so\nThis took ages, until I dimly remembered seeing 'for' = 'at' in a crossword years ago and found, in Collins (but not Chambers), under 'at', 'for; in exchange for: it's selling at four pounds', so it's F (fine) + AT (for) + C (Conservative) + primarily A[voiding] T[ax] primarily"} {"Clue":"Novelist to go after press (7)","Answer":"RUSHDIE","Explanation":"Definition: Novelist\nDIE (go) after RUSH (press)"} {"Clue":"Sponge outline from designer tattooist (7)","Answer":"DRINKER","Explanation":"Definition: Sponge\nD[esigne]R+ INKER (tattooist)"} {"Clue":"Expressed satisfaction with loves: that man would (5)","Answer":"OOHED","Explanation":"Definition: Expressed satisfaction\nO O (loves) + HE'D (that man would)"} {"Clue":"Get down from there and stop pulling my leg (4,3,2)","Answer":"COME OFF IT","Explanation":"Definition: Get down from therestop pulling my leg\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Farm animal to lower head in river bend (5)","Answer":"OXBOW","Explanation":"Definition: river bend\nOX (farm animal) + BOW (lower head)"} {"Clue":"Gore beginning to drop into tube (5)","Answer":"VIDAL","Explanation":"Definition: Gore\nD[rop] in VIAL (tube)"} {"Clue":"Vigour I am contributing to a country (9)","Answer":"ANIMATION","Explanation":"Definition: Vigour\nI'M in A NATION (a country)"} {"Clue":"Detect person's elastic slipping, a source of optimistic views (4-6,10)","Answer":"ROSE-TINTED SPECTACLES","Explanation":"Definition: a source of optimistic views\nAn anagram (slipping) of DETECT PERSON'S ELASTIC"} {"Clue":"Sounds from cat in fashionable street (4)","Answer":"MEWS","Explanation":"Definition: Sounds from catfashionable street\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Numbers of species left common (7)","Answer":"GENERAL","Explanation":"Definition: common\nGENERA (numbers of species) + L (left)"} {"Clue":"Grouse distractedly about Conservative whip (7)","Answer":"SCOURGE","Explanation":"Definition: whip\nAn anagram (distractedly) of GROUSE + C (Conservative)"} {"Clue":"An improved partner in crime? (7)","Answer":"ABETTER","Explanation":"Definition: partner in crime\nA BETTER (an improved)"} {"Clue":"Not yet in bed, drunk and unable to relax (7)","Answer":"UPTIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: unable to relax\nUP (not yet in bed) + TIGHT (drunk)"} {"Clue":"The besetting sin of the Greens? (4)","Answer":"ENVY","Explanation":"Definition: The besetting sin of the Greens?\nCryptic definition, alluding to envy being the 'green-eyed monster' ('Othello')"} {"Clue":"Exhausting journey to get computer equipment (4,5)","Answer":"HARD DRIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Exhausting journeycomputer equipment\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Name of songbird, extremely large (5)","Answer":"TITLE","Explanation":"Definition: Name\nTIT (songbird) + L[arg]E"} {"Clue":"Being tense, ramble about buried valuables (5)","Answer":"TROVE","Explanation":"Definition: buried valuables\nT (tense) + ROVE (ramble about)"} {"Clue":"Big rodent on the loose in Kentish Town (9)","Answer":"TONBRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Kentish Town\nAn anagram (on the loose) of BIG RODENT"} {"Clue":"Substitute fielder? (5)","Answer":"COVER","Explanation":"Definition: Substitutefielder\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Crazy set of directions were rational (4,5)","Answer":"MADE SENSE","Explanation":"Definition: were rational\nMAD (crazy) + E S E N S E (directions)"} {"Clue":"Demolish old book, well read (10)","Answer":"OBLITERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Demolish\nO (old) + B (book) + LITERATE (well read)"} {"Clue":"Evasive talk from the cloth (7)","Answer":"FLANNEL","Explanation":"Definition: Evasive talkcloth\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Tours round church build muscle (7)","Answer":"TRICEPS","Explanation":"Definition: muscle\nTRIPS (tours) round CE (Church of England)"} {"Clue":"Only women in emirate? (4)","Answer":"OMAN","Explanation":"Definition: emirate\nO MAN (only women)"} {"Clue":"Wait around altar finally for her? (5)","Answer":"BRIDE","Explanation":"Definition: her?\nBIDE (wait) round [alta]R"} {"Clue":"Dishevelled, after a series of blows (9)","Answer":"WINDSWEPT","Explanation":"Definition: Dishevelled\nCryptic (?) definition"} {"Clue":"Swindle over farm machinery one is engaged to supply\u00a0 (10)","Answer":"CONTRACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: one is engaged to supply\nCON (swindle) + TRACTOR (farm machinery)"} {"Clue":"Fruit cooked? It used to be fired (9)","Answer":"GRAPESHOT","Explanation":"Definition: It used to be fired\nGRAPES HOT (fruit cooked?)"} {"Clue":"Great duel contested under formal rules (9)","Answer":"REGULATED","Explanation":"Definition: under formal rules\nAn anagram (contested) of GREAT DUEL"} {"Clue":"Salesman isn't commonly going to change decor (7)","Answer":"REPAINT","Explanation":"Definition: change decor\nREP (salesman) + AIN'T (isn't, commonly) \u2013 the wordplay doesn't quite work here: 'going to' is\u00a0 superfluous"} {"Clue":"Pawnbroker has a name like muck (7)","Answer":"UNCLEAN","Explanation":"Definition: like muck\nUNCLE (slang for pawnbroker) + A N (a name)"} {"Clue":"In Spanish port, a Republican sign (5)","Answer":"VIRGO","Explanation":"Definition: sign\nR (Republican) in VIGO (Spanish port)"} {"Clue":"Part of play understood when listening (5)","Answer":"SCENE","Explanation":"Definition: Part of play\nSounds like (when listening) SEEN (understood) \u2013 there's no issue with using 'homophone' here but, for the record, I've promised to refer to it as 'aural wordplay' (see the last few comments on Saturday's Tramp blog"} {"Clue":"Slacking, paid less \u2014 only half (4)","Answer":"IDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Slacking\n[pa]ID LE[ss]"} {"Clue":"Indulge in drink, losing head (6)","Answer":"WALLOW","Explanation":"Definition: Indulge\n[s]WALLOW (drink)"} {"Clue":"Increases in inflation, as young take on politicians before university (5,2)","Answer":"PUMPS UP","Explanation":"Definition: Increases in inflation\nPUP (young) round MPS (politicians) + U (university) \u2013 there seems to be a singular \/ plural discrepancy here (should be 'young takes'?)"} {"Clue":"Party? Good! Know direction of line for setter's home? (3,6)","Answer":"DOG KENNEL","Explanation":"Definition: setter's home?\nDO (party) + G (good) + KEN (know) + NE (direction) + L (line) \u2013 'of' seems rather awkward"} {"Clue":"Consummate non-consumer consumed by contents of query (5)","Answer":"UTTER","Explanation":"Definition: Consummate\nTT (teetotaller \u2013 non-consumer) in [q]UER[y]"} {"Clue":"Alcoholic drink flavoured with fruit and rose, perhaps (5)","Answer":"SHRUB","Explanation":"Definition: Alcoholic drink flavoured with fruitrose, perhaps\nDouble definition \u2013 I didn't know the first: a mixed drink of lemon or other citrus fruit juice, sugar, spices and a spirit, especially rum"} {"Clue":"Concentrated in core of listeners' riddle, say (9)","Answer":"INTENSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Concentrated\nIN (from the clue) + [lis]TEN[ers] + SIVE ( 'sieve', say = riddle)"} {"Clue":"Falls in Arsenal's initial profit reversed by the Gunners (7)","Answer":"NIAGARA","Explanation":"Definition: Falls\nA reversal of\u00a0 A[rsenal] + GAIN (profit) + RA (Royal Artillery\u00a0 \u2013 Gunners \u2013 Arsenal's nickname)"} {"Clue":"Put an end to drink (6)","Answer":"SCOTCH","Explanation":"Definition: Put an end todrink\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Troops drop GI, taking odds for leader (3,3)","Answer":"TOP DOG","Explanation":"Definition: leader\nOdd letters of TrOoPs DrOp Gi"} {"Clue":"Lubricates drunken serenade, endlessly filling empty glass (7)","Answer":"GREASES","Explanation":"Definition: Lubricates\nAn anagram (drunken) of SER[en]A[d]E minus 'end' in G[las]S"} {"Clue":"Lacking will to use US highway, cutting out middle of journey (9)","Answer":"INTESTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Lacking will\nINTE[r]STATE (US highway) minus middle of jou[r]ney"} {"Clue":"Boatman's last to provide a new start to illuminate the dark (5)","Answer":"NIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: the dark\n[boatma]N + [l]IGHT (illuminate) with a new initial letter"} {"Clue":"American cold drink initially stirred then drunk (5)","Answer":"SLUSH","Explanation":"Definition: American cold drink\nS[tirred] + LUSH (drunk)"} {"Clue":"Vampire beaten by sides of ricotta with fresh vegetables (9)","Answer":"PRIMAVERA","Explanation":"Definition: with fresh vegetables\nAn anagram (beaten) of VAMPIRE + R[icott]A"} {"Clue":"Quietly removing wrappers from fancy baked food (7)","Answer":"PANCAKE","Explanation":"Definition: food\nP (quietly) + [f]ANC[y] + [b]AKE[d]"} {"Clue":"Contend this would produce a drink when legless (6)","Answer":"ALLEGE","Explanation":"Definition: Contend\nAL[leg]E, legless, gives ALE (drink)"} {"Clue":"A lot of money perhaps leads to embezzlement \u2014 special investigator now joins fray (5,2)","Answer":"WADES IN","Explanation":"Definition: joins fray\nWAD (a lot of money, perhaps) + initial letters of Embezzlement Special Investigator Now"} {"Clue":"Drink contents of jug instead of a shot potentially from this (5)","Answer":"LUGER","Explanation":"Definition: shot potentially from this\nL[a]GER (drink) with the 'a' replaced by [j]U[G] \u2013 a luger is a type of pistol"} {"Clue":"Too much in the drink? (9)","Answer":"OVERBOARD","Explanation":"Definition: Too muchin the drink?\nDouble \/ cryptic definition, referring to the expression to go overboard, with excessive enthusiasm"} {"Clue":"Boatman's enemies changing direction in exercise (7)","Answer":"PILATES","Explanation":"Definition: exercise\nPI[r]ATES (boatman's enemies) with r (right) changing to L (left)"} {"Clue":"Regret being drunk on rum (5)","Answer":"MOURN","Explanation":"Definition: Regret\nAn anagram (drunk) of ON RUM"} {"Clue":"Regulate misuse of pesticide \u2014 it'd cut corners etc (3,6)","Answer":"SET PIECES","Explanation":"Definition: corners etc\nSET (regulate) + an anagram (misuse) of PES[ti]CI[d]E minus it'd \u2013 a set piece, in football, is 'a carefully planned and executed piece of teamwork at a corner or free kick'"} {"Clue":"Trouble initially stopping, cut back and left (6)","Answer":"PARTED","Explanation":"Definition: left\nT[rouble] in PARED (cut back)"} {"Clue":"Article on drink: a cause of pain (6)","Answer":"ANGINA","Explanation":"Definition: cause of pain\nAN (article) + GIN (drink) + A"} {"Clue":"Reversal in clue to react? (5,4)","Answer":"ABOUT TURN","Explanation":"Definition: Reversal\nREACT could be clued as RE (about) + ACT (turn)"} {"Clue":"Everyone in this land alone, confused (3,3,3)","Answer":"ONE AND ALL","Explanation":"Definition: Everyone in this\nAn anagram (confused) of LAND ALONE"} {"Clue":"Struggle with drink, its source concealing painful extremes (7)","Answer":"GRAPPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Struggle\nGRAPE (source of drink) round P[ainfu]L"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Irish saga elicits something occult (6)","Answer":"GAELIC","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps Irish\nHidden (occult \u2013 nice) in saGA ELICits"} {"Clue":"Surfeit starts to show at one over eight, say (7)","Answer":"SATIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Surfeit\nS[how] + AT + I (one) + (over, in a down clue) ATE (eight, say)"} {"Clue":"Raise drink! Another drink! A lot of drinking (4-2)","Answer":"PISS-UP","Explanation":"Definition: A lot of drinking\nA reversal (raise) of SIP (drink) + SUP (another drink)"} {"Clue":"Sound like a faulty chainsaw, cutting out first in \u2026 (5)","Answer":"SCHWA","Explanation":"Definition: Sound\nAn anagram (faulty) of CH[ain]SAW minus 'a' (first \u2013 I think) and 'in'"} {"Clue":"murder of bargee, not a diver (5)","Answer":"GREBE","Explanation":"Definition: diver\nAn anagram (murder) of B[a]RGEE"} {"Clue":"Immediately suggestive of boater going down? (2,3,4,2,1,3)","Answer":"AT THE DROP OF A HAT","Explanation":"Definition: Immediately\nCryptic definition, a boater being a kind of hat, the question mark indicating definition by example"} {"Clue":"Fail in attempt to maintain break? (2,2,3)","Answer":"GO TO POT","Explanation":"Definition: Fail\nGO (attempt) TO POT (to maintain break \u2013 snooker, I presume?)"} {"Clue":"Be enough for holding popular strike (3,4)","Answer":"RUN INTO","Explanation":"Definition: strike\nRUN TO (be enough for) round IN (popular)"} {"Clue":"Certain to miss holiday handout on island (3)","Answer":"LEI","Explanation":"Definition: handout on island\nLEI[sure] (holiday) minus 'sure' (certain): a garland given as a gift to visitors to Hawaii \u2013 see **here\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Energy discharging around wharf, making a racket (3-8)","Answer":"EAR-PIERCING","Explanation":"Definition: making a racket\nE (energy) + ARCING (discharging) round PIER (wharf)"} {"Clue":"Bland caper occurring around start of month (10)","Answer":"ANTISEPTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Bland\nANTIC (caper) round SEPT I (start of month)"} {"Clue":"A lot of cane turned into a cot (4)","Answer":"CRIB","Explanation":"Definition: cot\nA reversal (turned into) of (a lot of) BIRC[h] (cane)"} {"Clue":"Eat out: get Chinese (just a serving thereof) (4)","Answer":"ETCH","Explanation":"Definition: Eat out\nHidden in gET CHinese"} {"Clue":"Significant eccentricity observed in bloke in Gulf working (10)","Answer":"MEANINGFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Significant\nE (eccentricity) in MAN (bloke) + an anagram (working) of IN GULF"} {"Clue":"Informal market offering mostly crap, perhaps: footwear, booze (3,4,4)","Answer":"CAR BOOT SALE","Explanation":"Definition: Informal market\nAn anagram (perhaps) of CRA[p] + BOOTS (footwear) + ALE (drink)"} {"Clue":"Live backing group appearing in later audition \u2014 an historic time (3)","Answer":"ERA","Explanation":"Definition: an historic time\nA reversal (backing) of ARE (live) \u2013 also hidden in [latER A[udition]"} {"Clue":"Soprano wrong to interrupt French king and composer (7)","Answer":"ROSSINI","Explanation":"Definition: composer\nS (soprano) + SIN (wrong) in ROI (French king)"} {"Clue":"Unruly Second Sex recalled in French fantasy? (7)","Answer":"RESTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Unruly\nS (second) + a reversal (recalled) of IT (sex) in R\u00caVE (French for dream, fantasy)"} {"Clue":"Off-colour article repeatedly found amongst lingerie? (5,3,7)","Answer":"UNDER THE WEATHER","Explanation":"Definition: Off-colour\nTHE (article) repeated in UNDER (THE) WEA(THE)R (lingerie)"} {"Clue":"Pin-up about to tuck into a lot of raw food (5,4)","Answer":"ANGEL CAKE","Explanation":"Definition: food\nApart from a reversal (up) of LEG (pin) + C(A?) (about), I can't make anything of this"} {"Clue":"Old left-winger is in grip of drink after upholding the very thing (7)","Answer":"TITOIST","Explanation":"Definition: Old left-winger\nIS in TOT (drink) after a reversal (upholding) of IT (the very thing)"} {"Clue":"Crowd in rear of brasserie getting very good coffee (8)","Answer":"ESPRESSO","Explanation":"Definition: coffee\nPRESS (crowd) in [brasseri]E + SO (very good?)"} {"Clue":"I will avoid disturbance, or location of revolution (5)","Answer":"ROTOR","Explanation":"Definition: location of revolution\nR[i]OT (disturbance) minus i + OR \u2013 and ROTOR is a palindrome"} {"Clue":"I follow it through first bit, but not the last section (9)","Answer":"PARTITION","Explanation":"Definition: section\nI after IT in PART ON[e] (first bit)"} {"Clue":"Good things to be put on penalty lines (6)","Answer":"FINERY","Explanation":"Definition: Good things to be put on\nFINE (penalty) + RY (railway lines)"} {"Clue":"More convenient, that is, with Chinese doctor coming round (7)","Answer":"HANDIER","Explanation":"Definition: More convenient\nHAN (Chinese) + DR (doctor) round IE (id est \u2013 that is)"} {"Clue":"Skimpy swimsuit: object I discarded in favour of nothing (5)","Answer":"THONG","Explanation":"Definition: Skimpy swimsuit\nTH[i]NG (object) with the i discarded in favour of O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Crews hit out after pressure from Glasgow airport (9)","Answer":"PRESTWICH","Explanation":"Definition: Glasgow airport\nAn anagram (out) of CREWS HIT after P (pressure) \u2013 but the Glasgow Airport is **Prestwick**:"} {"Clue":"Singer, a large guy, tucking into booze (9)","Answer":"BALLADEER","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\nA L (large) LAD (guy) in BEER (booze)"} {"Clue":"Submarine dunes are dispersed (8)","Answer":"UNDERSEA","Explanation":"Definition: Submarine\nAn anagram (dispersed) of DUNES ARE"} {"Clue":"Large body of French turned up, collapsed in laughter (7)","Answer":"CORPSED","Explanation":"Definition: collapsed in laughter\nCORPS (large body) + a reversal (turned up, in a down clue) of DE (of French) \u2013 I remember **this definition** being unfamiliar to some solvers in previous blogs: it's a word we used often used at school"} {"Clue":"Belgian? Flaw sees Belgium replaced by France (7)","Answer":"FLEMISH","Explanation":"Definition: Belgian?\n[b]LEMISH (flaw) with the b (Belgium) replaced by F (France)"} {"Clue":"One repeats surprised comment about dessert (6)","Answer":"COPIER","Explanation":"Definition: One repeats\nCOR (surprised comment) round PIE (dessert)"} {"Clue":"Chapter Four about the Durrells' home? (5)","Answer":"CORFU","Explanation":"Definition: the Durrells' home?\nC (chapter) + an anagram (about) of FOUR \u2013 I have happy memories of visiting **these delightful locations** (worth a look) on a holiday in Corfu"} {"Clue":"It delivers arrival that hurts! (5)","Answer":"ARROW","Explanation":"Definition: It delivers\nARR (arrival) + OW (that hurts!) \u2013 I think this is a reference to the Global Delivery Service"} {"Clue":"Church without members is low on appeal (9)","Answer":"CHARMLESS","Explanation":"Definition: low on appeal\nCH (church) + ARMLESS (without members)"} {"Clue":"Large city is withdrawing source of power (5)","Answer":"SINEW","Explanation":"Definition: source of power\nA reversal (withdrawing) of WEN (large, overcrowded city) + IS"} {"Clue":"Pub fight getting heated, we hear, in seaside town (6-2-7)","Answer":"BARROW-IN-FURNESS","Explanation":"Definition: seaside town\nBAR ROW (pub fight) + IN FURNESS (sounds like \u2013 we hear) 'in furnace' (getting heated) \u2013 **here's **the seaside town"} {"Clue":"Rule adopted by a very old Aussie PM (4)","Answer":"ARVO","Explanation":"Definition: Aussie PM\nR (rule) in A V (a very) O (old) \u2013 no need to consult lists of former Australian premiers: this is Aussie slang for afternoon (post meridiem)"} {"Clue":" Something painter does in society: hits the bottle! (8)","Answer":"STIPPLES","Explanation":"Definition: Something painter does\nS (society) + TIPPLES (hits the bottle)"} {"Clue":"Sporty or Scary Spice \u2014 awful or nice to listen to? (9)","Answer":"MELODIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: nice to listen to\nMEL (C \u2013 Sporty Spice) or Mel (B \u2013 Scary Spice) + ODIOUS (awful)"} {"Clue":"Result of case of extradition ending with appeal (5)","Answer":"ENSUE","Explanation":"Definition: Result\nE[xtraditio]N + SUE (appeal)"} {"Clue":"Labour henchman holds back prime minister (5)","Answer":"NEHRU","Explanation":"Definition: prime minister\nHidden reversal in laboUR HENchman \u2013 very old Indian Prime Minister!"} {"Clue":"Advocate of social hierarchy in battle with big stars (9)","Answer":"FEUDALIST","Explanation":"Definition: Advocate of social hierarchy\nFEUD (battle) + A-LIST (big stars)"} {"Clue":"Making bubbly adult limit energy at first (8)","Answer":"AERATION","Explanation":"Definition: Making bubbly\nA (adult) + RATION (limit) with E (energy) first"} {"Clue":"Mix porridge (4)","Answer":"STIR","Explanation":"Definition: Mixporridge\nDouble definition: porridge and stir are both slang for prison"} {"Clue":"Peter is thus made peer in a demoralising way (15)","Answer":"DISHEARTENINGLY","Explanation":"Definition: in a demoralising way\nWe need to take the middle letter (heart) from pe[t]er to make peer"} {"Clue":"Perfect law that's been revoked (5)","Answer":"EXACT","Explanation":"Definition: Perfect\nA law that's been revoked could be thought of as an EX ACT"} {"Clue":"Turn up without car on eastern sector of Amazon? (1-8)","Answer":"E-COMMERCE","Explanation":"Definition: sector of Amazon?\nE (eastern) + COME (turn up) round (without) MERC (car)"} {"Clue":"Male with pen, artist that's a cold-blooded sort (5)","Answer":"COBRA","Explanation":"Definition: a cold-blooded sort\nCOB (male swan: a female swan is a pen) + RA (artist)"} {"Clue":"Coming from a Republican, how s\/he sees a Democrat? (7)","Answer":"ARRIVAL","Explanation":"Definition: Coming\nA R (a Republican) + RIVAL (how a Republican would see a Democrat)"} {"Clue":"Reportedly produced a low morose feeling (4)","Answer":"MOOD","Explanation":"Definition: morose feeling\nSounds like mooed (produced a low sound)"} {"Clue":"Lamb starter taken from celebrity chef (4)","Answer":"ELIA","Explanation":"Definition: Lamb\n[d]ELIA (Smith \u2013** celebrity chef)** minus the first letter (starter)"} {"Clue":"Paper probes drunkard with problem, which is yielding material (4,6)","Answer":"SOFT TISSUE","Explanation":"Definition: yielding material\nFT (Financial Times \u2013 newspaper) in SOT (drunkard) + ISSUE (problem)"} {"Clue":"Fight with police and a large old copper, perhaps (5,5)","Answer":"SCRAP METAL","Explanation":"Definition: old copper, perhaps\nSCRAP (fight) + (the) MET (discredited London Police Force) + A L (a large)"} {"Clue":"Gets to be more ascetic? Not quite (7)","Answer":"NEEDLES","Explanation":"Definition: Gets to\nNEED LES[s] (be more ascetic, not quite)"} {"Clue":"Sets pawns out in area dominated by queen (5,4)","Answer":"WASPS\u2019 NEST","Explanation":"Definition: area dominated by queen\nAn anagram (out) of SETS PAWNS \u2013 neat misdirection"} {"Clue":"Tad confused about excluding women in accommodation (10)","Answer":"ADJUSTMENT","Explanation":"Definition: accommodation\nAn anagram (confused) of TAD round JUST MEN (excluding women)"} {"Clue":"Good learner naturally has admitted driving's done here (4,6)","Answer":"GOLF COURSE","Explanation":"Definition: driving's done here\nG (good) + OF COURSE (naturally) round L (learner)"} {"Clue":"Roughly grasp piece by composer on the radio (9)","Answer":"MANHANDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Roughly grasp\nMAN (chess piece) + HANDLE: sounds like \u2013 on the radio \u2013 HANDEL (composer)"} {"Clue":"One's embraced by Sarah friskily \u2014 this is spicy stuff (7)","Answer":"HARISSA","Explanation":"Definition: this is spicy stuff\nI'S (one's) in an anagram (friskily) of SARAH"} {"Clue":"Bury shrouds for one, two or three? (7)","Answer":"INTEGER","Explanation":"Definition: two or three?\nINTER (bury) round (shrouds) EG (for one)"} {"Clue":"Recital of Frost's poetry (5)","Answer":"RHYME","Explanation":"Definition: poetry\nSounds like (recital of) 'rime' (frost) \u2013 I've seen this before but it's rather lovely"} {"Clue":"What may make models flipping love haircare product (4)","Answer":"LEGO","Explanation":"Definition: What may make models\nA reversal (flipping) of O (love) + GEL (haircare product)"} {"Clue":"Forceful flick, using the other hand (4)","Answer":"FIRM","Explanation":"Definition: Forceful\nFI[l]M (flick, with the l replaced by R \u2013 the other hand)"} {"Clue":"Pay graduate \u00a350, getting light fixture (8,5)","Answer":"FOOTBALL MATCH","Explanation":"Definition: fixture\nFOOT (pay, as in 'foot the bill') + BA (graduate) + L (fifty) + L (pounds) + MATCH (light \u2013 as in 'Have you got a light?') \u2013 neat 'lift and separate'"} {"Clue":"Live well in Cap d'Antibes, back in pleasant surrounding (7)","Answer":"AMBIENT","Explanation":"Definition: surrounding\nAM (live) + BIEN (French \u2013 so, 'in Cap d'Antibes' \u2013 for 'well') + [pleasan]T"} {"Clue":"Defeat of king going around with authority (7)","Answer":"MANDATE","Explanation":"Definition: authority\nMATE (defeat of king, in chess) going round AND (with)"} {"Clue":"Liquid waste, you heard, hard to be extracted from river (5)","Answer":"URINE","Explanation":"Definition: Liquid waste\nU ('you' heard) + R[h]INE (river) minus h (hard)"} {"Clue":"Learn about officer with hurry to get fitter (9)","Answer":"HEALTHIER","Explanation":"Definition: fitter\nHEAR (learn) round LT (lieutenant \u2013 officer) + HIE (hurry)"} {"Clue":"Field only half a top European team (5)","Answer":"REALM","Explanation":"Definition: Field\nHalf of REAL M[adrid] (top European football team)"} {"Clue":"Wake when US students may have English or science? (9)","Answer":"AFTERMATH","Explanation":"Definition: Wake\nAFTER MATH[ematics] as US students might say"} {"Clue":"Given a stretch in gaol, need criminal to accept time (9)","Answer":"ELONGATED","Explanation":"Definition: Given a stretch\nAn anagram (criminal) of GAOL NEED round T (time)"} {"Clue":"Material that is found at the end of a sonnet? (5)","Answer":"LINEN","Explanation":"Definition: Material\nA sonnet has fourteen lines, so it could be said to end at LINE N"} {"Clue":"Got up and dressed (6,3)","Answer":"TURNED OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Got updressed\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"According to Picaroon, for example, Spaniard's agreed (4,1)","Answer":"SAYS I","Explanation":"Definition: According to Picaroon\nSAY (for example) SI (Spanish for yes, agreed)"} {"Clue":"Jewel you picked up in place you often go (7)","Answer":"PURLIEU","Explanation":"Definition: place you often go\nPURL IEU (sounds like (picked up) pearl (jewel) + you \u2013 lovely word"} {"Clue":"Party member blamed for crime is suitable for gardening leave? (5-8)","Answer":"GREEN-FINGERED","Explanation":"Definition: suitable for gardening leave?\nGREEN (party member) FINGERED (blamed for crime)"} {"Clue":"Stink over goal, bit dubious, forming part of score (9)","Answer":"OBBLIGATO","Explanation":"Definition: part of score\nA reversal (over) of BO (stink) + an anagram (dubious) of GOAL BIT"} {"Clue":"Idea which reappears with a lot of force in London (5)","Answer":"THEME","Explanation":"Definition: Idea which reappears\nTHE ME[t] (currently discredited, as I said on Thursday \u2013 see here \u00a0(police) force in London) \u2013 but there's no theme here, as far as I can see"} {"Clue":"Answer with irritation a character missing in EastEnders? (5)","Answer":"AITCH","Explanation":"Definition: a character missing in EastEnders?\nA (answer) + ITCH (irritation)"} {"Clue":"Meat wife leaves potted or roasted (9)","Answer":"LAMBASTED","Explanation":"Definition: roasted\nLAMB (meat) + [w]ASTED (potted \u2013 drunk) minus w (wife)"} {"Clue":"Aunt swimming in bay, topless \u2014 and bottomless, too? (2,7)","Answer":"AU NATUREL","Explanation":"Definition: and bottomless, too?\nAn anagram (swimming) of AUNT in [l]AUREL (bay) minus its initial letter (topless, in a down clue)"} {"Clue":"Nurturing love, maybe pet one furry animal (5)","Answer":"COATI","Explanation":"Definition: furry animal\nCAT (maybe pet) round O (love) + I (one)"} {"Clue":"Argue deep Tory reforms will be old-fashioned still (13)","Answer":"DAGUERREOTYPE","Explanation":"Definition: old-fashioned still\nAn anagram (reforms) of ARGUE DEEP TORY"} {"Clue":"Wrong about gripping, entertaining book (13)","Answer":"REPREHENSIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Wrong\nRE (about) + PREHENSILE (gripping) round B (book)"} {"Clue":"Painter is drinking gallons with energy to draw (9)","Answer":"MAGNETISE","Explanation":"Definition: draw\nMANET (painter) IS round G (gallons) + E (energy)"} {"Clue":"Synthetic material, red like fancy fur coats (9)","Answer":"ASTROTURF","Explanation":"Definition: Synthetic material\nAS (like) + an anagram (fancy) of FUR round (coats) \u2013 another nice 'lift and separate' \u2013 TROT (red)"} {"Clue":"Speaker, losing head, dances naked: this causes irritation (9)","Answer":"ANNOYANCE","Explanation":"Definition: this causes irritation\n[t]ANNOY (speaker) + [d]ANCE[s]"} {"Clue":"End up admitting reading is less well done (5)","Answer":"RARER","Explanation":"Definition: less well done\nA reversal (up, in a down clue) of REAR (end) round R (reading, as in the three Rs)"} {"Clue":"Projection of scoreline showing victory by nine goals, almost (5)","Answer":"TENON","Explanation":"Definition: Projection\nThe score in a victory by nine goals could be TEN ON[e], almost"} {"Clue":"Department store regularly invests millions upon millions (5)","Answer":"SOMME","Explanation":"Definition: Department\nS[t]O[r]E (regularly) round M M (millions upon, in a down clue, millions) for a department in the Hauts-de-France region\n\n0"} {"Clue":"Complicated kind of relationship the Oval Office finally sorted out (4-4)","Answer":"LOVE-HATE","Explanation":"Definition: Complicated kind of relationship\nAn anagram (sorted out) of THE OVAL [offic]E"} {"Clue":"Nothing in striking description that's solid? (3-3)","Answer":"ALL-OUT","Explanation":"Definition: solid?\nThe opposite of 'nothing in' \u2013 and, in the description of a strike, 'all-out' could be defined as 'solid' (Chambers: 'unanimous'"} {"Clue":"Fly, perhaps, one swallowed by nocturnal insectivore (4)","Answer":"BAIT","Explanation":"Definition: Fly, perhaps\nI (one) in BAT (nocturnal insectivore)"} {"Clue":"10 in river shortened with stick (10)","Answer":"INDUCEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: 10\nINDU[s] (river, shortened) + CEMENT (stick) \u2013 definition BAIT (10ac)"} {"Clue":"Show or conceal (6)","Answer":"SCREEN","Explanation":"Definition: Showconceal\nDouble definition \u2013 and an autantonym, often used as a classic example"} {"Clue":"Removing or securing piece of paper (8)","Answer":"CLIPPING","Explanation":"Definition: Removingsecuring piece of paper\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"My son, crazy about Big Apple either way? It means the same (7)","Answer":"SYNONYM","Explanation":"Definition: It means the same\nAn anagram (crazy) of MY SON round YN** or** NY (New York \u2013 Big Apple) either way"} {"Clue":"This, of itself, is 15 (7)","Answer":"ANTONYM","Explanation":"Definition: 15\nThe opposite of ANTONYM (itself) is SYNONYM (15ac)"} {"Clue":"The end of some extinct creatures shown in useful reference books (8)","Answer":"THESAURI","Explanation":"Definition: useful reference books\nTHE + SAURI (end of some extinct creatures, eg dinoSAURI)"} {"Clue":"Provided with food taken back to consume \u2014 best or worst (6)","Answer":"DEFEAT","Explanation":"Definition: best or worst\nA reversal (taken back) of FED (provided with food) + EAT (to consume) \u2013 best or worst can both mean DEFEAT"} {"Clue":"Prone to be standing up to with determination (6,4)","Answer":"FACING DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Pronestanding up to with determination\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Common complaint about antique (4)","Answer":"COLD","Explanation":"Definition: Common complaint\nC (about) + OLD (antique)"} {"Clue":"Slander American woman, European female intervening (6)","Answer":"DEFAME","Explanation":"Definition: Slander\nE (European) + F (female) in DAME (American woman)"} {"Clue":"One that's not part of 1, not so unusual (8)","Answer":"COMMONER","Explanation":"Definition: One that's not part of 1not so unusual\nDouble definition \u2013 the answer to 1dn is MONARCHY"} {"Clue":"Month and year in which to take on one kind of state (8)","Answer":"MONARCHY","Explanation":"Definition: one kind of state\nMARCH (month) + Y (year) round ON"} {"Clue":"Intensity of feeling produced by race (4)","Answer":"HEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Intensity of feelingrace\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Guinea inferior to former French colony? That's slander (6)","Answer":"MALIGN","Explanation":"Definition: slander\nGN (guinea \u2013 internet domain name) below (inferior to, in a down clue) MALI (former French colony)"} {"Clue":"Something needed before formulating sentence, found in whatever dictionary (7)","Answer":"VERDICT","Explanation":"Definition: Something needed before formulating sentence\nHidden in whateVER DICTionary"} {"Clue":"Permit, or punitively deter, second name appearing in deed (8)","Answer":"SANCTION","Explanation":"Definition: Permitpunitively deter\nS (second) + N (name) in ACTION (deed) \u2013 another classic example of an autantonym,"} {"Clue":"Following explosion initially in light on ceiling, not flammable or inflammable (10)","Answer":"FLAMEPROOF","Explanation":"Definition: not flammable or inflammable\nF (following) + E[xplosion] in LAMP (light) + ROOF (ceiling); flammable and inflammable mean virtually the same but Collins notes under 'flammable': 'USAGE *flammable* and *inflammable*\u00a0 are interchangeable when used of the properties of materials. *Flammable*\u00a0 is, however, preferred for warning labels as there is less likelihood of misunderstanding *(inflammable* being sometimes taken to mean *not flammable.*\u00a0 *Inflammable* is preferred in figurative contexts: *this could prove to be an inflammable situation*'"} {"Clue":"Get excited, start \u00a0attack (4,2)","Answer":"TURN ON","Explanation":"Definition: Get excitedstartattack\nTriple definition"} {"Clue":"Self-absorbed \u2014 extra time in first half would make very little difference (10)","Answer":"EGOISTICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Self-absorbed\nAnother t (extra time) in the first half of the word would give ego**t**istical, which means much the same"} {"Clue":"Between the two of us, locate no good new striplings (5,3)","Answer":"YOUNG MEN","Explanation":"Definition: striplings\nNG (no good) between YOU and ME (the two of us) + N (new)"} {"Clue":"Regular but infrequent publications from unknown, first abridged (8)","Answer":"YEARLIES","Explanation":"Definition: Regular but infrequent publications\nY (unknown) + EARLIES[t] (first, abridged)"} {"Clue":"One of 16, more or less, in island (7)","Answer":"MINORCA","Explanation":"Definition: island\nMINOR (one of YOUNG MEN \u2013 16 dn) + CA (around \u2013 more or less)"} {"Clue":"Rise and fall before noon? Hell, no (6)","Answer":"HEAVEN","Explanation":"Definition: Hell, no\nHEAVE (rise and fall) before N (noon)"} {"Clue":"Person who's active in so many directions? Just the opposite (6)","Answer":"DYNAMO","Explanation":"Definition: Person who's active\nReversed and hidden in sO MANY Directions"} {"Clue":"Fashionable, but not hot (4)","Answer":"COOL","Explanation":"Definition: Fashionablenot hot\nDouble definition \u2013 and a final autantonym"} {"Clue":"Arrival into major road bound to result in an accident (12)","Answer":"MISADVENTURE","Explanation":"Definition: accident\nADVENT (arrival) in MI (major road) SURE (bound)"} {"Clue":"Medium may take daughter in for time to create relationship? (5)","Answer":"RADIO","Explanation":"Definition: Medium\nRA[t]IO (relationship) with t (time) replaced by D (daughter) \u2013 but the clue seems the wrong way round?"} {"Clue":"Understanding provided by home schooling (9)","Answer":"INTUITION","Explanation":"Definition: Understanding\nIN (home) + TUITION (schooling)"} {"Clue":"Chaos if chief absconds \u2014 any left? (7)","Answer":"ANARCHY","Explanation":"Definition: Chaos\nIf we take ARCH (chief) from AN[ARCH]Y, ANY is left"} {"Clue":"Incompetent tennis ace divides America (7)","Answer":"USELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Incompetent\n(Monica) SELES (tennis ace) in US (America)"} {"Clue":"Redesigned a Mister Man to be more conventional (10)","Answer":"MAINSTREAM","Explanation":"Definition: more conventional\nAn anagram (redesigned) of A MISTER MAN"} {"Clue":"Noble expected to shelter monarch (4)","Answer":"DUKE","Explanation":"Definition: Noble\nDUE (expected) round K (king \u2013 monarch)"} {"Clue":"Mark seen regularly in serpents with just a silvery appearance (4)","Answer":"EPNS","Explanation":"Definition: Mark\nAlternate letters of sErPeNtS"} {"Clue":"Pigs soiled ground? It's hardly earth-shattering news (4,6)","Answer":"IDLE GOSSIP","Explanation":"Definition: hardly earth-shattering news\nAn anagram (ground) of PIGS SOILED"} {"Clue":"International award cheers popular officer (7)","Answer":"CAPTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: officer\nCAP (international award) + TA (cheers) + IN (popular)"} {"Clue":"First-class umpire confused start of match (7)","Answer":"PREMIUM","Explanation":"Definition: First-class\nAn anagram (confused) of UMPIRE M[atch]"} {"Clue":"Tosses around doubtful drinks (9)","Answer":"SMOOTHIES","Explanation":"Definition: drinks\nSHIES (tosses) round MOOT (which means debatable \u2013 not quite the same as 'doubtful')"} {"Clue":"Break down when director is lost for answer (5)","Answer":"SOLVE","Explanation":"Definition: answer\n[dis]SOLVE (break down) minus d (director) is"} {"Clue":"Focussed on a misleading description of homeopathic product? (12)","Answer":"CONCENTRATED","Explanation":"Definition: Focussed\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Press coverage suspended at ten for negotiation (9)","Answer":"MEDIATION","Explanation":"Definition: negotiation\nMEDIA [atten]TION (press coverage) minus (suspended) at ten)"} {"Clue":"Philosophy is part of unusual sitcom (8)","Answer":"STOICISM","Explanation":"Definition: Philosophy\nIS in an anagram (unusual) of SITCOM"} {"Clue":"Tandem ride awaits her, if she is willing (5)","Answer":"DAISY","Explanation":"Definition: Tandem ride awaits her, if she is willing\nCryptic definition, referring to the old song:"} {"Clue":"Train shortened trip in anger (9)","Answer":"ENTOURAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Train\nTOU[r] (shortened trip) in ENRAGE (anger)"} {"Clue":"Can rising poet reject society? (6)","Answer":"TOILET","Explanation":"Definition: Can\nA reversal (rising) of T [s] ELIOT (poet) minus s (society) \u2013 a new slant on the classic anagram"} {"Clue":"Pick up artist is European (5)","Answer":"RAISE","Explanation":"Definition: Pick up\nRA (artist) IS E (European)"} {"Clue":"Parts of camphor gas mixture can be explosive! (6)","Answer":"ORGASM","Explanation":"Definition: can be explosive!\nHidden in camphOR GAS Mixture"} {"Clue":"United side lacking depth \u2014 it looks silly to some (6)","Answer":"ONESIE","Explanation":"Definition: it looks silly to some\nONE (united) + SI[d]El lacking d (depth)"} {"Clue":"Embarrassed by junior officer seen waving on a British vessel (3,6)","Answer":"RED ENSIGN","Explanation":"Definition: seen waving on a British vessel\nRED (embarrassed) + ENSIGN (junior officer) \u2013 the flag flown by British merchant or passenger ships"} {"Clue":"Retrained in Elba? (9)","Answer":"UPSKILLED","Explanation":"Definition: Retrained\nA reversal 'up', in a down clue, of ELBA gives ABLE (skilled) \u2013 easier if you know the classic palindrome"} {"Clue":"Bath Rome's set out in this place (8)","Answer":"SOMERSET","Explanation":"An anagram (out) of ROMES SET \u2013 the order is rather awkward but it's another clever clue: the reference is to the Somerset town of Bath, (which the Romans founded and called Aquae Sulis) and its **baths"} {"Clue":"Remove old volume being talked about (6)","Answer":"EXCISE","Explanation":"Definition: Remove\nEX (old) + CISE (sounds like \u2013 being talked about \u2013 'size' {volume})"} {"Clue":"Spoil plan agent has to make a comeback (6)","Answer":"PAMPER","Explanation":"Definition: Spoil\nA reversal (to make a comeback) of REP (agent) + MAP (plan) \u2013 *again, the clue seems the wrong way round \u2013 thanks, Janet @1"} {"Clue":"Plan to adapt attic to store clubs (6)","Answer":"TACTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Plan\nAn anagram (to adapt) of ATTIC round C (clubs)"} {"Clue":"One paid to have second puff (5)","Answer":"PROMO","Explanation":"Definition: puff\nPRO (one paid) + MO (second)"} {"Clue":"Model initiated by party of socialist economic radicals (5)","Answer":"POSER","Explanation":"Definition: Model\nInitial letters (initiated by?) of Party Of Socialist Economic Radicals"} {"Clue":"No 1 story from part of India (6)","Answer":"GOALIE","Explanation":"Definition: No 1\nGOA (Part of India) LIE (story) \u2013 the goalkeeper in a football team has No 1 on his shirt"} {"Clue":"Samurai sword found in trunk at an armoury (6)","Answer":"KATANA","Explanation":"Definition: Samurai sword\nHidden in trunK AT AN Armoury"} {"Clue":"Rage after husband produces something unwearable from wardrobe (6)","Answer":"HANGER","Explanation":"Definition: something unwearable from wardrobe\nH (husband) + ANGER (rage)"} {"Clue":"Ponder, as referee, about extra time (8)","Answer":"MEDITATE","Explanation":"Definition: Ponder\nMEDIATE (referee) round another T\u00a0 (extra time)"} {"Clue":"Part of range seen after symphonist's fifth? (4)","Answer":"OVEN","Explanation":"Definition: Part of range\n[beet**h**]OVEN (symphonist, with a reference to his most famous symphony)"} {"Clue":"Satire, oddly, about stable employee in secure accommodation (10)","Answer":"STRONGROOM","Explanation":"Definition: secure accommodation\nOdd letters of SaTiRe + ON (about) + GROOM (stable employee)"} {"Clue":"Duel as result of rant or challenges like this, with second intervening (5,6)","Answer":"CROSS SWORDS","Explanation":"Definition: Duel\nS (second) in CROSS WORDS (rant) or CROSSWORDS (challenges like this)"} {"Clue":"The box containing novelties I repacked (10)","Answer":"TELEVISION","Explanation":"Definition: The box\nAn anagram (repacked) of NOVELTIES I"} {"Clue":"Call to stop article by multinational medical group (4)","Answer":"WHOA","Explanation":"Definition: Call to stop\nA (article) after WHO (World Health Organisation \u2013 multinational medical group)"} {"Clue":"Predator concealing most of his weapon (8)","Answer":"FALCHION","Explanation":"Definition: weapon\nFALCON (predator) round HI[s]"} {"Clue":"Repair broken fencing tool (6)","Answer":"RAPIER","Explanation":"Definition: fencing tool\nAn anagram (broken) of REPAIR"} {"Clue":"Highly formal attire that's used outside work (3,3)","Answer":"TOP HAT","Explanation":"Definition: Highly formal attire\nTHAT round OP (work) \u2013 with a play on 'highly' \u2013 *I originally carelessly wrote 'anagram of THAT'"} {"Clue":"American people taking old islander from East to West (6)","Answer":"NAVAJO","Explanation":"Definition: American people\nA reversal (from East to West) of O (old) JAVAN (islander)"} {"Clue":"Driver and creator of great cycle rounding turn (8)","Answer":"WAGGONER","Explanation":"Definition: Driver\n(Richard) WAGNER (creator of The Ring Cycle) round GO (turn)"} {"Clue":"Asian animal, not European, is seen in river (6)","Answer":"TIGRIS","Explanation":"Definition: river\nTIG[e]R (Asian animal) minus e (European) + IS"} {"Clue":"Supporter joining tribe before match in lively dance (8)","Answer":"FANDANGO","Explanation":"Definition: lively dance\nFAN (supporter) + DAN (one of the tribes of Israel) + GO (match)"} {"Clue":"Prodigal son immersed? (6)","Answer":"WASTER","Explanation":"Definition: Prodigal\nS (son) in WATER \u2013 so 'immersed': a good example of 'lift and separate'"} {"Clue":"Evil overthrown, with good getting on top, holding a sword (6)","Answer":"GLAIVE","Explanation":"Definition: sword\nG (good) on top, in a down clue plus a reversal (overthrown) of EVIL round A"} {"Clue":"Rearrange coat in either half of suitcase (6)","Answer":"ACTION","Explanation":"Definition: either half of suitcase\nAn anagram (rearrange) of COAT IN: suit and case are both words for a legal action \u2013 another good 'lift and separate'"} {"Clue":"Feelings silly person is hiding in one unpublished work (11)","Answer":"IMPRESSIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Feelings\nAn anagram (silly) of PERSON IS in I (one) MS (manuscript \u2013 unpublished work)"} {"Clue":"Curved weapon \u2014 I'm covering it in something left after battle (8)","Answer":"SCIMITAR","Explanation":"Definition: Curved weapon\nI'M IT in SCAR (something left after battle)"} {"Clue":"Make light of being out of order and try to land (8)","Answer":"DOWNPLAY","Explanation":"Definition: Make light of\nDOWN (being out of order, as a computer system, perhaps) + PLAY (try to land, as in angling)"} {"Clue":"For legal reasons, conceal bloody deed (6)","Answer":"REDACT","Explanation":"Definition: For legal reasons, conceal\nRED (bloody) + ACT (deed)"} {"Clue":"Spanish article raised in kerfuffle? Sword and where it's made (6)","Answer":"TOLEDO","Explanation":"Definition: Sword and where it's made\nA reversal (raised, in a down clue) Of EL (Spanish article) in TO-DO (kerfuffle)"} {"Clue":"Run out of passage in bar (6)","Answer":"EXCEPT","Explanation":"Definition: bar\nEXCE[r]PT (passage) minus r (run)"} {"Clue":"Kingdom certainly not without king (6)","Answer":"NORWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Kingdom\nNO WAY (certainly not) round (without) R (king)"} {"Clue":"They know a lot about IT in depth: two conceal great cunning (8)","Answer":"DIGERATI","Explanation":"Definition: They know a lot about IT\nD (depth) + I I (two) round an anagram (cunning) of GREAT \u2013 a new (for me) portmanteau word from digital \/ literati"} {"Clue":"Landmark shows one particular curve (6)","Answer":"ICONIC","Explanation":"Definition: Landmark\nI (one) + CONIC (particular curve)"} {"Clue":"Honour resistance blocking onset of climate change (6)","Answer":"CREDIT","Explanation":"Definition: Honour\nR (resistance) in C[limate] EDIT (change)"} {"Clue":"Want special vehicle to visit Hull, for one (8)","Answer":"SCARCITY","Explanation":"Definition: Want\nS (special) + CAR (vehicle) + CITY (Hull, for one)"} {"Clue":"Israelite priest's relief, released from judge's clutches (3)","Answer":"ELI","Explanation":"Definition: Israelite priest\nContained in REF (judge)"} {"Clue":"Rapid movement inside hill, a result of fracking? (6)","Answer":"TREMOR","Explanation":"REM (Rapid Eye Movement) in TOR (hill) \u2013 &lit"} {"Clue":"Spiteful half-dozen are ruined (8)","Answer":"VIPERISH","Explanation":"Definition: Spiteful\nVI (half-dozen) + PERISH (are ruined)"} {"Clue":"Make a fuss of head of lab having to remove an electron (7)","Answer":"LIONISE","Explanation":"Definition: Make a fuss of\nL[ab] + IONISE (remove an electron)"} {"Clue":"Wants one to enter nice house (7)","Answer":"DESIRES","Explanation":"Definition: Wants\nI (one) in DES(irable) RES(idence) \u2013 estate-agent-speak for 'nice house'"} {"Clue":"Murderer maybe near the stern in rescue float (4,4)","Answer":"LIFE RAFT","Explanation":"Definition: rescue float\nLIFER (murderer, maybe) + AFT (near the stern)"} {"Clue":"'Pointy-headed'? 'Sharp' is about right (6)","Answer":"HORNED","Explanation":"Definition: 'Pointy-headed'?\nHONED (sharp) round R (right)"} {"Clue":"Strike fear into a game partnership (3)","Answer":"AWE","Explanation":"Definition: Strike fear into\nA + W[est] E[ast] (partnership in bridge)"} {"Clue":"Church, roused excitedly, sang together (8)","Answer":"CHORUSED","Explanation":"Definition: sang together\nCH (church) + an anagram (excitedly) of ROUSED"} {"Clue":"How to alter hem to here, as an improvement? (6)","Answer":"REFORM","Explanation":"I'm afraid I can't quite work this one out \u2013 over to you"} {"Clue":"Provides refreshment as serving staff ignore one (6)","Answer":"WATERS","Explanation":"Definition: Provides refreshment\nWA[i]TERS (serving staff) minus i (one)"} {"Clue":"Too difficult, this clue will be (8)","Answer":"UNSOLVED","Explanation":"Definition: this clue will be\nCryptic (?) definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Christian Aid \u2014 I organised a little (4)","Answer":"DIOR","Explanation":"Definition: Christian\nHidden in aiD I ORganised \u2013 as the Christian Aid rep for our church, I enjoyed this 'lift and separate'"} {"Clue":"Studied article in colour (4)","Answer":"READ","Explanation":"Definition: Studied\nA (indefinite article) in RED (colour)"} {"Clue":"Get on top of Daisy, married earlier (6)","Answer":"MASTER","Explanation":"Definition: Get on top of\nM )Master) + ASTER (Daisy)"} {"Clue":"Letter from Mr Ive's young daughter? (7)","Answer":"MISSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Letter\nMISS IVE (Mr Ive's young daughter)"} {"Clue":"Monster corporation in US city (3,5)","Answer":"BIG APPLE","Explanation":"Definition: US city\nBIG (monster) + APPLE (corporation)"} {"Clue":"Building site worker tramples rare orchid (3,7)","Answer":"HOD CARRIER","Explanation":"Definition: Building site worker\nAn anagram (tramples) of RARE ORCHID"} {"Clue":"Eight heartless school assess\u00adments: papers turned over with mild revulsion (8)","Answer":"DISTASTE","Explanation":"Definition: mild revulsion\nA reversal (turned over) of E[igh]T + SATS (school assessments) + ID (papers)"} {"Clue":" How would you say I\u00a0look? (3)","Answer":"EYE","Explanation":"Definition: How would you say Ilook\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Chess champion's short story (3)","Answer":"TAL","Explanation":"Definition: Chess champion\nTAL[e] (story)"} {"Clue":"Mishearing the day to receive new academic award (10)","Answer":"MONDEGREEN","Explanation":"Definition: Mishearing\nMON (day) round N (new) + DEGREE (academic award)\n\nThe Philistine puzzle is** here** \u2013 worth a look; I was surprised, as always, to find that it was four years ago"} {"Clue":"European flag being ignored by unionist (8)","Answer":"IRISHMAN","Explanation":"Definition: European\nIRIS (flag \u2013 the flower, definition 4 in Chambers) + H[u]MAN (being) minus u (unionist)"} {"Clue":"Damaging trespass is most infrequent (8)","Answer":"SPARSEST","Explanation":"Definition: most infrequent\nAn anagram (damaging) of TRESPASS"} {"Clue":"Turf very damp at first (3)","Answer":"SOD","Explanation":"Definition: Turf\nSOD[den] (very damp) \u2013 *or, better, SO (very) + D[amp] \u2013 thanks, TonyM @15"} {"Clue":"I am dust, having decayed in the ground (7)","Answer":"STADIUM","Explanation":"Definition: ground\nAn anagram (having decayed) of I AM DUST"} {"Clue":"This idea unacceptable, let me show you and say why (6)","Answer":"HERESY","Explanation":"Definition: This idea unacceptable\nHERE'S (let me show you) + Y (sounds like 'why')"} {"Clue":"A new prefix, one I prepared earlier? (3)","Answer":"NEO","Explanation":"Definition: A new prefix\nAn anagram (I prepared earlier) of ONE"} {"Clue":"Starts in field attacking linseed by sickle-shaped weapon (4)","Answer":"FALX","Explanation":"Definition: sickle-shaped weapon\nInitial letters of Field Attacking Linseed + X (by)"} {"Clue":"Grass some ruminants pulled up (4)","Answer":"REED","Explanation":"Definition: Grass\nA reversal (pulled up) of DEER (some ruminants)"} {"Clue":"Criminal warrant you truncated for a pest (6,3)","Answer":"NORWAY RAT","Explanation":"Definition: a pest\nAn anagram (criminal) of WARRANT YO[u]"} {"Clue":"Blackbirds in 16 activity (5)","Answer":"BOWLS","Explanation":"Definition: 16 activity\nB (black) + OWLS (birds) \u2013 **bowls** is played on a green"} {"Clue":"Brewer leaves brewery with direction for what goes in beer (5)","Answer":"YEAST","Explanation":"Definition: what goes in beer\n[brewer]Y + EAST (direction)"} {"Clue":"Kind of water around promontory being 16 (9)","Answer":"NAIVENESS","Explanation":"Definition: being 16\nA reversal (around) of EVIAN (kind of water) + NESS (promontary)"} {"Clue":"Chaps in parties, 16s (7)","Answer":"SPINACH","Explanation":"Definition: 16s\nAn anagram (parties) of CHAPS IN"} {"Clue":"Speaking without hesitation on gentle 16 activity (7)","Answer":"PUTTING","Explanation":"Definition: 16 activity\nP (gentle) + UTT[er]ING (speaking) without er (hesitation)"} {"Clue":"Rotter abandoning home, getting another one (5)","Answer":"VILLA","Explanation":"Definition: another one\nVILLA[in] rotter, minus in (home) to give another home"} {"Clue":"Dined perhaps, delaying a possibly 16 drink (3)","Answer":"TEA","Explanation":"Definition: possibly 16 drink\nATE (dined, perhaps) with the A delayed until the end"} {"Clue":"Beer bottles Gloria drained? These may be in the drink (5)","Answer":"ALGAE","Explanation":"Definition: These may be in the drink\nALE (beer) round (bottles) G[lori]A \u2013 reference to the expression 'in the drink', meaning any body of water"} {"Clue":"Dog in his hut, with spitz's tail wagging (4-3)","Answer":"SHIH-TZU","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\nAn anagram (wagging) of HIS HUT + [spit]Z"} {"Clue":"Train robbery (5-2)","Answer":"BREAK-IN","Explanation":"Definition: Trainrobbery\nDouble definition \u2013 the first doesn't need a hyphen"} {"Clue":"Socialised in hotel with old pupil, toff and qualified teacher (9)","Answer":"HOBNOBBED","Explanation":"Definition: Socialised\nH (hotel) + OB (old boy\/pupil) + NOB (toff) + B.ED. ( Bachelor of Education \u2013 qualified teacher)"} {"Clue":"Cry after sacking one famous 16 figure (5)","Answer":"SHREK","Explanation":"Definition: famous 16 figure\nSHR[i]EK (cry) minus I (one) \u2013 **definitely green\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Famous 16 figure left, you heard, with a lot of money (5)","Answer":"LUCAS","Explanation":"Definition: Famous 16\nL (left + + U (you heard) + CAS[h] (a lot of money)"} {"Clue":"16 activity on 16 activity (9)","Answer":"RECYCLING","Explanation":"Definition: 16 activity\nRE (on) CYCLING (another green activity)"} {"Clue":"English sailors deprived of a feeling making you 16 (4)","Answer":"ENVY","Explanation":"Definition: feeling making you 16\nE (English) + N[a]VY (sailors) minus (deprived of) a"} {"Clue":"A princess investing millions in Italian company (6)","Answer":"ARMANI","Explanation":"Definition: Italian company\nA RANI (a princess) round M (millions)"} {"Clue":"Method for scrapping upturned vehicle, running a trial (7,3)","Answer":"MARTIAL ART","Explanation":"Definition: Method for scrapping\nA reversal (upturned, in a down clue) of TRAM (vehicle) + an anagram (running, as colours sometimes do in the wash) of A TRIAL \u2013 scrapping as in fighting"} {"Clue":"Famous 16 figure's smile about goal in rugby (6)","Answer":"GRINCH","Explanation":"Definition: Famous 16 figure\nGRIN (smile) + C (about) + H (rugby goalpost)"} {"Clue":"Land in Haiti, a lot of open ground (8)","Answer":"ETHIOPIA","Explanation":"Definition: Land\nAn anagram (ground \u2013 one of my favourite indicators) of HAITI + OPE[n]"} {"Clue":"Instrument: gong ringing out at first (4)","Answer":"OBOE","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\nOBE (Order of the British Empire \u2013 medal \/ gong) round (ringing) O[ut] \u2013 I've seen many clues for OBOE: this must be one of the best"} {"Clue":"Comprehensive school's head in distress (8)","Answer":"SWEEPING","Explanation":"Definition: Comprehensive\nS[chool] + WEEPING (in distress)"} {"Clue":"Poses while eating Special K (4)","Answer":"ASKS","Explanation":"Definition: Poses\nAS (while) round S (special) K"} {"Clue":"Husbands heading for swingers' bar at first (5)","Answer":"SAVES","Explanation":"Definition: Husbands\nS[wingers') after SAVE (bar)"} {"Clue":"Way in which vagrant lives poorly on the road (6-4)","Answer":"TRAVEL-SICK","Explanation":"Definition: poorly on the road\nTRACK (way) round an anagram (vagrant) of LIVES"} {"Clue":"Alternative energy, mostly, may be so? (5)","Answer":"GREEN","Explanation":"An anagram (may be so) of ENERG[y] &lit"} {"Clue":"Cool kid without current support (4-4)","Answer":"LAID-BACK","Explanation":"Definition: Cool\nLAD (kid) round I (current) + BACK (support)"} {"Clue":"Hunt out composer, a famous 16 figure (8)","Answer":"THUNBERG","Explanation":"Definition: a famous 16 figure\nAn anagram (out) of HUNT + (Alban) BERG (composer)"} {"Clue":"Problem when refusing to wash and cut part of dress (6)","Answer":"BODICE","Explanation":"Definition: part of dress\nBO (problem when refusing to wash) + DICE (cut \u2013 vegetables, for instance)"} {"Clue":" Famous 16 figure I'm not sure is dressed in clothing \u00a0(6)","Answer":"KERMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Famous 16 figure\nERM (I'm not sure) in KIT (clothing) \u2013** another undeniably green figure"} {"Clue":"Famous 16 figure's hard luck, wanting cold bananas (4)","Answer":"HULK","Explanation":"Definition: Famous 16 figure'\nH (hard) + an anagram (bananas) of LU[c]K minus c (cold) \u2013 and **another"} {"Clue":"Send packing case for outfit around America (4)","Answer":"OUST","Explanation":"Definition: Send packing\nO[utfi]T round US (America)"} {"Clue":"Whence we get beer from cask, eg Stella (4)","Answer":"KEGS","Explanation":"Definition: Whence we get beer\nHidden in casK EG Stella"} {"Clue":"Monarch, politician and British parliament in sport (5,5,5)","Answer":"CROWN GREEN BOWLS","Explanation":"Definition: sport\nCROWN (monarch) + GREEN (politician) + B (British) + OWLS (parliament is a collective noun for owls) \u2013 I have discovered today why the sport is so-called"} {"Clue":"Intense feeling I don't know in suppressing love (7)","Answer":"PASSION","Explanation":"Definition: Intense feeling\nPASS (I don't know) + IN round O (love)"} {"Clue":"Last of all, Ivan the Terrible born (3)","Answer":"N\u00c9E","Explanation":"Definition: born\nLast letters of ivaN thE terriblE"} {"Clue":"Brilliant (as a scandalous headline?) (11)","Answer":"SENSATIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: Brilliantas a scandalous headline?\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Something sugary on dish, honey (7,3)","Answer":"SWEETIE PIE","Explanation":"Definition: honey\nSWEETIE (something sugary) + PIE (dish)"} {"Clue":"Band blew their own trumpets? (4)","Answer":"CREW","Explanation":"Definition: Bandblew their own trumpets?\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Sensible characters, we hear? (4)","Answer":"WISE","Explanation":"Definition: Sensible\nSounds like 'Ys' (characters)"} {"Clue":"Crack, where stuff in fluid bleeds (10)","Answer":"DESCRAMBLES","Explanation":"Definition: Crack\nCRAM (stuff) in an anagram (fluid) of BLEEDS"} {"Clue":"Tools locked in alongside spring, stopping mechanism (5,6)","Answer":"BRAKE SYSTEM","Explanation":"Definition: stopping mechanism\nRAKES (tools) in BY (alongside) + STEM (spring)"} {"Clue":"Chicken dripping (3)","Answer":"WET","Explanation":"Definition: Chickendripping\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Sexual practice with an after-dark visitor (7)","Answer":"SANDMAN","Explanation":"Definition: after-dark visitor\nS AND M (sexual practice) + AN"} {"Clue":"Board showing pasty as lacking in taste (7)","Answer":"PALETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Board\nPALE (pasty) + T[as]TE"} {"Clue":"Opera something painful and irritating, amateur collection for the average Joe? (3,2,3,7,7)","Answer":"MAN ON THE CLAPHAM OMNIBUS","Explanation":"Definition: the average Joe?\nMANON (opera by Massenet) + THE CLAP (slang for gonorrhoea \u2013 something painful and irritating) + HAM (amateur) + OMNIBUS (collection)"} {"Clue":"Tool grasped under peg in wheel (6,3)","Answer":"COPING SAW","Explanation":"Definition: Tool\nSAW (grasped) under PIN (peg) in COG (wheel)"} {"Clue":"Person bagging degree, Cambridge's ultimate blue (7)","Answer":"OBSCENE","Explanation":"Definition: blue\nONE (person) round BSC (degree) + [cambridg]E"} {"Clue":"Punches ain't less brutal (4,4)","Answer":"NAIL SETS","Explanation":"Definition: Punches\nAn anagram (brutal) of AIN'T LESS"} {"Clue":"Approach argument (3-2)","Answer":"RUN-IN","Explanation":"Definition: Approachargument\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Braggart again has come dancing (9)","Answer":"EGOMANIAC","Explanation":"Definition: Braggart\nAn anagram of AGAIN + COME"} {"Clue":"Criminal within touch? (6)","Answer":"BANDIT","Explanation":"Definition: Criminal\nAND (with) in BIT (touch)"} {"Clue":"Basket in sport for discussion online (7)","Answer":"WEBINAR","Explanation":"Definition: discussion online\nBIN (basket \u2013 eg for waste paper) in WEAR (sport)"} {"Clue":"Piece of floss is a long fibre (5)","Answer":"SISAL","Explanation":"Definition: fibre\nHidden in flosS IS A Long"} {"Clue":"Quite so in a German church (5,4)","Answer":"EVERY INCH","Explanation":"Definition: Quite\nVERY (so) in EIN (German for a) + CH (Church)"} {"Clue":"Elastic we gather, medium floury foodstuff (9)","Answer":"WHEATGERM","Explanation":"Definition: foodstuff\nAn anagram (elastic) of WE GATHER + M (medium, as in clothing labels)"} {"Clue":"Mother throttles fighter in our class (8)","Answer":"MAMMALIA","Explanation":"Definition: our class\nMAMMA (Mother) round (Muhammad) ALI (fighter)"} {"Clue":"River shut up in year before opening of Nile (7)","Answer":"SHANNON","Explanation":"Definition: River\nSH (shut up) + ANNO (in {the} year, as in anno Domini, in the year of our Lord) + N[ile]"} {"Clue":"Date encapsulating cold charm (7)","Answer":"BEWITCH","Explanation":"Definition: charm\nBE WITH (date) round C (cold)"} {"Clue":"Crew, ultimate of those names at sea (6)","Answer":"SEAMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Crew\nAn anagram (at sea) of [thos]E NAMES: a pity about 'sea' in both clue and answer \u2013 and that CREW is the answer at 15ac"} {"Clue":"Literary heart beats finally in resonating sound (5)","Answer":"BOSOM","Explanation":"Definition: Literary heart\n[beat[S in BOOM (resonating sound)"} {"Clue":"Area of interest to film (5)","Answer":"TOPIC","Explanation":"Definition: Area of interest\nTO + PIC (film)"} {"Clue":"Sleep over: in the morning getting a cover on top? (6)","Answer":"PANAMA","Explanation":"Definition: cover on top?\nA reversal (over) of NAP (sleep) + AM (in the morning) + A"} {"Clue":"Field runs across river: it's outstanding (6)","Answer":"ARREAR","Explanation":"Definition: it's outstanding\nAREA (field) + R (runs) round R (river) \u2013 more usually seen in the plural but both Collins and Chambers have it"} {"Clue":"Its union meets regularly with working group (6,9)","Answer":"WOMEN\u2019S INSTITUTE","Explanation":"Definition: roup\nAn anagram (working) of ITS UNION MEETS + W[i[T[h] (regularly) \u2013 it took a few minutes to uncover the fodder, with the misleading 'meets regularly': a wonderfully allusive surface"} {"Clue":"Party: go to one to consume drugs (6)","Answer":"FIESTA","Explanation":"Definition: Party\nFIT (GO \u2013 I couldn't see this immediately, then thought about doing a jigsaw puzzle: 'this piece must fit \/ go there') + A (one) round ES (drugs)"} {"Clue":"Boozer stands and jeers (8)","Answer":"BARRACKS","Explanation":"Definition: jeers\nBAR (boozer) + RACKS (stands)"} {"Clue":"Cover for work by old master (8)","Answer":"TEMPLATE","Explanation":"Definition: master\nTEMP (cover for work) + LATE (old?) \u2013 another one to ponder: in my much younger days, someone introduced me as 'my old Latin teacher';\u00a0 Collins has, under 'late', 'USAGE: Since *late* can mean *deceased*\u00a0 many people think it is better to avoid using this word to refer to a person who held a post or position before its present holder' \u2013 see also here"} {"Clue":"As one Grand National horse at the back is well-groomed (6)","Answer":"SOIGN\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: well-groomed\nSO (as) + I (one) + GN (Grand National) \u2013 not in the dictionaries but I found it online *(and, of course, as Jay @24 points out, G (grand) and N (national) are both in Chambers as separate entries) +\u00a0*[hors]E"} {"Clue":"Concerned with stars describing film that's superficial (8)","Answer":"COSMETIC","Explanation":"Definition: superficial\nCOSMIC (concerned with stars) round ET (film)"} {"Clue":"Well, look, hero is back in bed, getting end away (8)","Answer":"BOREHOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Well\nA reversal (back) of LO (look) HERO in BE[d], getting end away!"} {"Clue":"Relating to one in school that's unfriendly? (6)","Answer":"OFFISH","Explanation":"Definition: unfriendly\nOF (relating to) FISH (one in school)"} {"Clue":"Hit green in place for birdie (9,6)","Answer":"PEREGRINE FALCON","Explanation":"Definition: birdie\nAn anagram (hit) of GREEN IN PLACE FOR, with a golf reference in the surface"} {"Clue":"Supplier of escort to follow prince (6)","Answer":"PUSHER","Explanation":"Definition: Supplier\nP (prince) + USHER (escort)"} {"Clue":"Shot down pilot (3,3)","Answer":"TRY OUT","Explanation":"Definition: pilot\nTRY (shot) + OUT (down? \u2013 I'm thinking of the hendiadys 'down and out' and would welcome other suggestions)"} {"Clue":"Outline for dossier (7)","Answer":"PROFILE","Explanation":"Definition: Outline\nPRO (for) + FILE (dossier)"} {"Clue":"Wants dress with inside taken out before wedding begins (5)","Answer":"NEEDS","Explanation":"Definition: Wants\nN\u00c9E ({name} before wedding) + D[res]S"} {"Clue":"Christmas card nearly missing kiss on one 18 across (7)","Answer":"MASCARA","Explanation":"Definition: 18 across\n[X]MAS (missing X \u2013 kiss) + CAR[d] (nearly) + A (one)"} {"Clue":"Comes back on with performers (7)","Answer":"RETURNS","Explanation":"Definition: Comes back\nRE (on) + TURNS (performers)"} {"Clue":"Hand over one tenner initially during uninitiated prostitution (9)","Answer":"EXTRADITE","Explanation":"Definition: Hand over\nI (one) T[enner], initially, in [s]EX TRADE (prostitution, minus its initial letter\u00a0 \u2013 uninitiated)"} {"Clue":"Some line Kate rehearsed in recess is filmed again (7)","Answer":"RETAKEN","Explanation":"Definition: filmed again\nHidden reversal (in recess) in liNE KATE Rehearsed"} {"Clue":"Let bachelor nurse beer, getting round (6)","Answer":"ENABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Let\nEN (nurse) + ALE (beer) round B (bachelor)"} {"Clue":"Bent police, ultimately: head is out of prison first (9)","Answer":"PRONENESS","Explanation":"Definition: Bent\nPR[is]ON + [polic]E + NESS (head)"} {"Clue":"Draw together detailed picture (5-2)","Answer":"CLOSE-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Draw togetherdetailed picture\nDouble definition, the first not needing a hyphen"} {"Clue":"Flog small bottle, no adult present (7)","Answer":"SCOURGE","Explanation":"Definition: Flog\nS [small] + COUR[a]GE (bottle, minus a \u2013 adult)"} {"Clue":"Rubs clue out essentially going with answer (6)","Answer":"CLEANS","Explanation":"Definition: Rubs\nCL[u]E minus 'u' (middle letter \u2013 essentially \u2013 of 'out' + ANS (answer)"} {"Clue":"One teases, initially showing chest (7)","Answer":"SCOFFER","Explanation":"Definition: One teases\nS{howing] + COFFER (Chest)"} {"Clue":"Briefly at home, separate to get over husband (2,5)","Answer":"IN SHORT","Explanation":"Definition: Briefly\nIN (at home) + SORT (separate) round H (husband)"} {"Clue":"Request for light haircut is in slightly bad taste (1,3,3)","Answer":"A BIT OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Request for light haircutin slightly bad taste\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"In middle of day poor horse is an unusual shape (7)","Answer":"NONAGON","Explanation":"Definition: an unusual shape\nNAG (poor horse) in NOON (middle of day)"} {"Clue":"One may be snapping on the phone (6)","Answer":"CAMERA","Explanation":"Cryptic (?) definition"} {"Clue":"Church having had steeple replaced showed a sign of life (8)","Answer":"RESPIRED","Explanation":"Definition: showed a sign of life\nA church having had its steeple replaced could be said to have been re-spired"} {"Clue":"A threatening alternative (2,4)","Answer":"OR ELSE","Explanation":"A cryptic kind of double definition"} {"Clue":"Spirit of the theatre? (8)","Answer":"SURGICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Spirit of the theatre?\nCryptic definition: surgical spirit might be used in an operating theatre"} {"Clue":"Rascal that can beat ten? (5)","Answer":"KNAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Rascalthat can beat ten?\nDouble definition, the second referring to the knave \/ jack in a pack of cards and so to a score in card games"} {"Clue":"Curious boy tracks what happened before start of film (9)","Answer":"BACKSTORY","Explanation":"Definition: what happened before start of film\nAn anagram (curious) of BOY TRACKS"} {"Clue":"These toadies produce feeling of revulsion (3,6)","Answer":"THE CREEPS","Explanation":"Definition: These toadiesfeeling of revulsion\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Extremely sick and ailing, get expertise (5)","Answer":"SKILL","Explanation":"Definition: expertise\nS[ic]K + ILL (ailing)"} {"Clue":"Avalanche made by returning crew (8)","Answer":"LANDFALL","Explanation":"Definition: made by returning crew\nAn avalanche is a fall of land and LANDFALL is 'the act of sighting or nearing land, especially from the sea' (Collins)"} {"Clue":"Careless sort of work (6)","Answer":"CASUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Carelesssort of work\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Such a seal disguising the crime (8)","Answer":"HERMETIC","Explanation":"Definition: Such a seal\nAn anagram (disguising) of THE CRIME"} {"Clue":"Acres certain to be plentiful (6)","Answer":"ABOUND","Explanation":"Definition: be plentiful\nA (acres) + BOUND (certain)"} {"Clue":"One attending royalty has no time for messenger (7)","Answer":"COURIER","Explanation":"Definition: messenger\nCOUR[t]IER (one attending royalty) minus t (time)"} {"Clue":"Shortly get money for church in Borders town (7)","Answer":"SELKIRK","Explanation":"Definition: Borders town\nSEL[l] (get money for, shortly) + KIRK (aptly, a Scottish church)"} {"Clue":"West African spun a fib and fled (7)","Answer":"BIAFRAN","Explanation":"Definition: West African\nAn anagram (spun) of A FIB + RAN (fled)"} {"Clue":"Theatre using those ancient Roman numerals (3,3,3)","Answer":"THE OLD VIC","Explanation":"Definition: Theatre\nTHE OLD (those ancient) + V I C (ancient Roman numerals)"} {"Clue":"Said by some to be confused, having weaknesses (6)","Answer":"FLAWED","Explanation":"Definition: having weaknesses\nSaid by some \u2013 those with non-rhotic accents \u2013 to be 'floored' (confused)"} {"Clue":"Preparing to face bowler \u2014 out! (2,6)","Answer":"ON STRIKE","Explanation":"Definition: Preparing to face bowlerout!\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Some criminal I bill for this defence (5)","Answer":"ALIBI","Explanation":"Definition: defence\nHidden in criminAL I BIll"} {"Clue":"Start a song where one is in the garden (4,3)","Answer":"OPEN AIR","Explanation":"Definition: where one is in the garden\nOPEN (start) AIR (song)"} {"Clue":"Glass to position around a side (7,6)","Answer":"CRYSTAL PALACE","Explanation":"Definition: side\nCRYSTAL (glass) + PLACE (position) round A for the London soccer team"} {"Clue":"Review what shoplifter did (4,5)","Answer":"TAKE STOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Reviewwhat shoplifter did\nDouble definition: this form of clue often raises discussion, as to some it seems to point to a past tense in the answer but I think either response makes sense: the shoplifter did take stock"} {"Clue":"Witty speech when replanting pear tree (8)","Answer":"REPARTEE","Explanation":"Definition: Witty speech\nAn anagram (replanting) of PEAR TREE"} {"Clue":"Keep pulling the sack (5-2)","Answer":"HEAVE-HO","Explanation":"Definition: Keep pullingthe sack\nDouble definition \u2013 a sailors' cry, as when hoisting anchor and, informally, dismissal from a job"} {"Clue":"Right to feed more underweight student (7)","Answer":"LEARNER","Explanation":"Definition: student\nR (right) in LEANER (more underweight)"} {"Clue":"Group of eight moving to cave (6)","Answer":"OCTAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Group of eight\nAn anagram (moving) of TO CAVE"} {"Clue":"Refuse to be less than modest (5)","Answer":"DEMUR","Explanation":"Definition: Refuse\nDEMUR[e] (modest)"} {"Clue":"Fish the deep bay? (8)","Answer":"SEAHORSE","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\nSEA (the deep) + HORSE (bay \u2013 definition by example, hence the question mark)"} {"Clue":"Stop measure by lawyers (5)","Answer":"EMBAR","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\nEM (a measurement\u00a0 in printing) + BAR (lawyers)"} {"Clue":"Unity's lost diary in tatters outside institute (10)","Answer":"SOLIDARITY","Explanation":"Definition: Unity\nAn anagram (in tatters) of LOST DIARY round I (institute)"} {"Clue":"Old compact Danish city (6)","Answer":"ODENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Danish city\nO (old) + DENSE (compact)"} {"Clue":"Material about eastern Mediterranean area (8)","Answer":"RELEVANT","Explanation":"Definition: Material\nRE (about) + LEVANT (eastern Mediterranean area)"} {"Clue":"Famous silent film character left before last of the crush (7)","Answer":"TRAMPLE","Explanation":"Definition: crush\nTRAMP (famous silent film character, as portrayed by Charlie Chaplin) + L (left) + [th]E"} {"Clue":"Labour on retrospective cover-up (7)","Answer":"SWEATER","Explanation":"Definition: cover-up\nSWEAT (labour) + a reversal (retrospective) of RE (on)"} {"Clue":"Beautify, being fairly excited (6,2)","Answer":"PRETTY UP","Explanation":"Definition: Beautify\nPRETTY (fairly) + UP (excited)"} {"Clue":"Intertwine branches of fruit around line (6)","Answer":"PLEACH","Explanation":"Definition: Intertwine branches of\nPEACH (fruit) round L (line) \u2013 a new word for me"} {"Clue":"One who endures sees signs of ageing (5,5)","Answer":"LIVER SPOTS","Explanation":"Definition: signs of ageing\nLIVER (one who endures) + SPOTS (sees)"} {"Clue":"Little dear for an essayist? (4)","Answer":"LAMB","Explanation":"Definition: Little dearessayist\nDouble definition, the first referring, I think, to the expression 'pet lamb' and the second to essayist Charles Lamb, aka Elia in Crosswordland"} {"Clue":"Take by force? Nice! (5)","Answer":"EXACT","Explanation":"Definition: Take by forceNice\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Water runs through this county estate with ultimately little resistance (8)","Answer":"COLANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Water runs through this\nCO (county) + LAND (estate) + [littl]E + R (resistance)"} {"Clue":"One who progresses the motion of drones circling London's financial centre (8)","Answer":"SECONDER","Explanation":"An anagram of DRONES round EC (London's financial centre) \u2013 I originally had 'motion' as the anagram indicator but I want that to be part of the definition; can 'circling' indicate more than just 'going round'? \u2013 suggestions welcome"} {"Clue":"Don't embrace husband when star's around (4)","Answer":"SHUN","Explanation":"Definition: Don't embrace\nSUN (star) round H (husband)"} {"Clue":"Swears to move main residents (6)","Answer":"WRASSE","Explanation":"Definition: main residents\nAn anagram (to move) of SWEARS \u2013 the second fish we've had but I can't see any others"} {"Clue":"Disapprove of Democrat research to do away with vote (7)","Answer":"DEPLORE","Explanation":"Definition: Disapprove of\nD (Democrat) + E[x]PLORE (research) minus x (vote)"} {"Clue":"Censored dodgy assets for the generation of future profit (4,4)","Answer":"SEED CORN","Explanation":"Definition: assets for the generation of future profit\nAn anagram (dodgy) of CENSORED"} {"Clue":"Precis of two books about dissecting fly (10)","Answer":"ABBREVIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Precis\nBB (two books) + RE (about) in (dissecting) AVIATE (fly)"} {"Clue":"Surrealist Bront\u00eb novel (6)","Answer":"BRETON","Explanation":"Definition: Surrealist\nAn anagram (novel) of Bront\u00eb\u00a0 \u2013 here's the surrealist"} {"Clue":"Variation on a Haydn theme: Hearts Neglected to Set a Match Date (4,3,3)","Answer":"NAME THE DAY","Explanation":"Definition: Set a Match Date\nAn anagram (variation) of A [H]AYDN T[H]EME \u2013 minus either of the Hs (hearts neglected) \u2013 great surface"} {"Clue":"Top song base (3,3)","Answer":"LAY LOW","Explanation":"Definition: Top\nLAY (song) LOW (base) \u2013 top as slang for to kill"} {"Clue":"Eastern US state linked to brown hamper (8)","Answer":"ENCUMBER","Explanation":"Definition: hamper\nE (eastern) + NC (North Carolina \u2013 US state) + UMBER (brown)"} {"Clue":"Mark's parcel accepted by school (7)","Answer":"SPLOTCH","Explanation":"Definition: Mark\nPLOT (parcel, as of land) in SCH (school) \u2013 a lovely word"} {"Clue":"Forced into bankruptcy, one breaks under review (6)","Answer":"RUINED","Explanation":"Definition: Forced into bankruptcy\nI (one) in an anagram (review) of UNDER"} {"Clue":"Cheapest leather covers grinding tool (6)","Answer":"PESTLE","Explanation":"Definition: grinding tool\nHidden in cheaPEST LEather"} {"Clue":"Was an MP with ecstasy supply too much? (4)","Answer":"SATE","Explanation":"Definition: supply too much\nSat (was an MP) + E (ecstasy)"} {"Clue":"Cat joints can be heard (4)","Answer":"LYNX","Explanation":"Definition: Cat\nSounds unequivocally like 'links' (joints)"} {"Clue":"Philanderer's ruse to steal Yankee in embrace of sailor (7)","Answer":"PLAYBOY","Explanation":"Definition: Philanderer\nPLOY (ruse) round Y in AB (sailor)"} {"Clue":"Marvellous money (7)","Answer":"CAPITAL","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Seat one lost from 8 (4)","Answer":"SOFA","Explanation":"Definition: Seat\nSOF[i]A (capital \u2013 answer to 8ac) minus i (one)"} {"Clue":"Invalidate city freed after revolution (9)","Answer":"DECERTIFY","Explanation":"Definition: Invalidate\nAn anagram (after revolution) of CITY FREED"} {"Clue":"Reversal of a little thing I effortlessly put on (5)","Answer":"FEIGN","Explanation":"Definition: put on\nHidden reversal in thiNG I EFfortlessly put on"} {"Clue":"Bum moon (5)","Answer":"MOOCH","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Pursue payment (4)","Answer":"WAGE","Explanation":"And another \u2013 the first as in to wage war"} {"Clue":"Song second daughter extracted from se\u00f1orita? (8)","Answer":"MADRIGAL","Explanation":"Definition: Song\nWe need to take the **second** d (daughter) from MADRI[d) GAL (se\u00f1orita \u2013 definition by example, hence the question mark)"} {"Clue":"Star with heart of gold at the Moulin Rouge, say? (7)","Answer":"POLARIS","Explanation":"Definition: Star\nOL (heart of gOLd) in PARIS (at the Moulin Rouge, say) \u2013 a neat change from AU or OR for 'gold'"} {"Clue":"Too informal, some clothes (4)","Answer":"ALSO","Explanation":"Definition: Too\nHidden (clothes) in informAL SOme"} {"Clue":"Wild bestiary for 7 (8)","Answer":"SYBARITE","Explanation":"Definition: 7\nAn anagram (wild) of BESTIARY \u2013 the answer for 7 is PLAYBOY"} {"Clue":"Players 1 without 8? (6,8,9)","Answer":"LONDON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA","Explanation":"Definition: Players\nThe answer to 1ac is ALSO and if we take away its first letter (CAPITAL, the answer to 8), we're left with LSO, the abbreviation for the answer \u2013 I can't believe how long I stared at this!"} {"Clue":"Disapproving expression heard as renovation starts behind hospital (8)","Answer":"HARRUMPH","Explanation":"Definition: Disapproving expression\nInitial letters (starts) of Heard As Renovation + RUMP (behind) + H (hospital)"} {"Clue":"Wrap up and put on top coat (6)","Answer":"FINISH","Explanation":"Definition: Wrap upput on top coat\nDouble definition \u2013 though they seem rather close"} {"Clue":"Queen like a horse, could you say? (4)","Answer":"MARY","Explanation":"Definition: Queen\nA characteristic Paul clue: sounds like (could you say?) 'mare-y' (like a horse)"} {"Clue":"As clue to 'stew' initially forms \u2014 this is it! (9)","Answer":"CASSOULET","Explanation":"Definition: this is it!\nAn anagram (forms) of AS CLUE TO S[tew] \u2013 neatly allusive"} {"Clue":"Old coin's forgotten in a growing collection? (5)","Answer":"FLORA","Explanation":"Definition: growing collection\nFLOR[in] (old coin) minus (forgotten) 'in' + A \u2013 a florin was a coin worth two shillings (one tenth of a pound) pre 1971"} {"Clue":"Short stay at hotel man hasn't begun (5)","Answer":"NIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Short stay at hotel\n[k]NIGHT (chess man) \u2013 one night at a hotel would be a short stay"} {"Clue":"Drawing in style of French artist? Good to invest in that (8)","Answer":"MAGNETIC","Explanation":"Definition: Drawing\nMANET-IC (somewhat whimsically,'in the style of French artist Manet': Chambers does give, for IC, 'adjectival suffix denoting belonging or relating to' \u2013 not quite the same thing) round G {good}) \u2013 not the best clue of the puzzle, I think"} {"Clue":"Carry off method that's suffocated a playwright (4,4)","Answer":"WASH AWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Carry off\nWAY (method) round A (George Bernard) SHAW (playwright)"} {"Clue":"Summon cord to connect two sides up (6)","Answer":"RECALL","Explanation":"Definition: Summon\nA reversal (up) of L R (two sides) round LACE (cord)"} {"Clue":"Standing, unable to sit having caught pike, say? (6)","Answer":"WEAPON","Explanation":"Definition: pike, say?\nA reversal (standing) of NO PEW (unable to sit) round (having caught) A\u00a0 \u2013 [wicked] misdirection, which had me guessing for a while\n\n**My apologies: the 'a 'before pike in the clue was somehow lost in translation \u2013 thanks to KVa @ 14 for pointing it out"} {"Clue":"Creative work, On Purulence? (4)","Answer":"OPUS","Explanation":"Definition: Creative work\nO (on \u2013 another puzzle: Chambers gives 'o \u2013 Shortened form of of and on', although I can't think of an example of the latter) + PUS (purulence)"} {"Clue":"Line: a boundary drawn up (4)","Answer":"AXIS","Explanation":"Definition: Line\nA + A REVERSAL (drawn up) of six (boundary, in cricket)"} {"Clue":"Show agent round when back working (9)","Answer":"OPERATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: working\nA reversal (when back) of EVITA (show) + REP (agent) + O (round)"} {"Clue":"Reward for man once incarcerated in Reading? (5)","Answer":"OSCAR","Explanation":"Definition: Rewardman once incarcerated in Reading\nDouble definition, the second referring to Oscar Wilde, who wrote The Ballad of Reading Gaol, after being imprisoned there"} {"Clue":"Minor ruler and knight sat around fireplace (7)","Answer":"KINGLET","Explanation":"Definition: Minor ruler\nKT (knight) round INGLE (fireplace) \u2013 Collins gives, as well as 'the king of a small or insignificant state', '*US or Canadian, *any of various small warblers of the genus *Regulus'"} {"Clue":"Minister returning to probe murder and wicked exploitation (7)","Answer":"SLAVERY","Explanation":"Definition: wicked exploitation\nA reversal (returning) of REV[erend] (minister) in SLAY (murder)"} {"Clue":"Polish cad attending social event (8)","Answer":"HEELBALL","Explanation":"Definition: Polish\nHEEL (cad) + BALL (social event) \u2013 'a black waxy substance, used by shoemakers to blacken the edges of heels and soles; a similar substance used to take rubbings, esp. brass rubbings' (Collins) \u2013 see here"} {"Clue":"Christian Union chaps grabbing converted cheat, one preparing for baptism (10)","Answer":"CATECHUMEN","Explanation":"Definition: one preparing for baptism\nCU MEN (Christian Union chaps) round an anagram (converted) of CHEAT \u2013 from the Greek katekhein, to catechise"} {"Clue":"Fighter in hospital holding people (7)","Answer":"SARACEN","Explanation":"Definition: Fighter\nSAN (hospital) round RACE (people"} {"Clue":"Stuff disappearing \u2014 discarded old meat (7)","Answer":"GINGHAM","Explanation":"Definition: Stuff\nG[o]ING (disappearing) minus o (old) + HAM (meat)"} {"Clue":"You'll be sat puzzling, no question! (10)","Answer":"ABSOLUTELY","Explanation":"Definition: no question!\nAn anagram (puzzling) of YOU'LL BE SAT"} {"Clue":"Examination of vessel after end of voyages (4)","Answer":"SCAN","Explanation":"Definition: Examination\nCAN (vessel) after [voyage]S"} {"Clue":"Number looking smart going round bottom part of ship (7)","Answer":"KEELSON","Explanation":"The definition (Collins) is 'a longitudinal beam fastened to the keel of a vessel for strength and stiffness' but I can't see how it works"} {"Clue":"A person with a seat in vehicle gets one drink (7)","Answer":"CAMPARI","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nA MP (person with a seat) in CAR (vehicle) + I (one)"} {"Clue":"She's not quite what you'd expect! (5)","Answer":"NORMA","Explanation":"Definition: She\nNORMA[l] (what you'd expect)"} {"Clue":"Asians primarily in East, we fancy! (9)","Answer":"TAIWANESE","Explanation":"Definition: Asians\nAn anagram (fancy) of A[sians] IN EAST WE"} {"Clue":"Awful know-all hogs it \u2014 OK, there may be accusation of hypocrisy (4,4,7)","Answer":"LOOK WHO\u2019S TALKING","Explanation":"Definition: there may be accusation of hypocrisy\nAn anagram (awful) of KNOW ALL HOGS IT OK"} {"Clue":"Restraint on beloved, heard to be a beast (8)","Answer":"REINDEER","Explanation":"Definition: beast\nREIN (restraint) + DEER (sounds like \u2013 heard \u2013 'dear' \u2013 beloved"} {"Clue":"Seize part of royal bride's dress (8)","Answer":"DISTRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Seize\nDI'S (royal bride's) TRAIN, which was 25 ft long \u2013 see here \u2013 I didn't think I had met this word before but (cf restrain(t) as above and constrain(t)), I remembered, from my A Level History, the old law Distraint of Knighthood, resurrected by Charles I to raise money during his Personal Rule without recalling Parliament"} {"Clue":"Monster that is appearing with head on top (6)","Answer":"NESSIE","Explanation":"Definition: Monster\nNESS (head) + IE (that is)"} {"Clue":"What starts temptation in unlucky OT man \u2014 an apple (8)","Answer":"JONATHAN","Explanation":"Definition: apple\nT[emptation] in JONAH (unlucky OT man) + AN \u2013 a neat reference to two Old Testament stories"} {"Clue":"Second best? Protest audibly (6)","Answer":"SCREAM","Explanation":"Definition: Protest audibly\nS (second) + CREAM (best)"} {"Clue":"Insects possibly mate in spring, say? (7,8)","Answer":"PRAYING MANTISES","Explanation":"Definition: Insects\nAn anagram (possibly) of MATE IN SPRING SAY"} {"Clue":"Sudden chilly weather brings diseases \u2014 sleep! (4,4)","Answer":"COLD SNAP","Explanation":"Definition: Sudden chilly weather\nCOLDS (diseases) + NAP (sleep)"} {"Clue":"Girl in charge of gripping performance of many stars (8)","Answer":"GALACTIC","Explanation":"Definition: of many stars\nGAL (girl) + IC (in charge) round ACT (performance)"} {"Clue":"Diplomat worries about government's latest measures (8)","Answer":"HECTARES","Explanation":"Definition: measures\nHE (His\/Her Excellency \u2013 diplomat) + CARES (worries) round [govermen]T"} {"Clue":"Go wrong penetrating a blue island (6)","Answer":"SKERRY","Explanation":"Definition: island\nERR (go wrong) in SKY (blue)"} {"Clue":"Educational paper full of clear beliefs (6)","Answer":"TENETS","Explanation":"Definition: beliefs\nTES (Times Educational Supplement \u2013 educational paper) round NET (clear, as in salary or profit)"} {"Clue":"Chap eating duck and beef (4)","Answer":"MOAN","Explanation":"Definition: beef\nMAN (chap \u2013 again) round O (duck)"} {"Clue":"Joint in which sophisticated parents get seasonable snow (5,9)","Answer":"WHITE CHRISTMAS","Explanation":"WRIST (joint) in which you will find HI TECH (sophisticated) then MAS (mothers, parents)"} {"Clue":"Carnivore of little weight (5)","Answer":"OUNCE","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 a type of cat"} {"Clue":"Whistleblower at home with female of course (9)","Answer":"REFRESHER","Explanation":"REF (whistleblower) at (next to) RES (residence, home) with HER (female) \u2013 a type of course"} {"Clue":"Give hell to girl then give her P45 (7)","Answer":"DISMISS","Explanation":"DIS (hell) given to MISS (girl)"} {"Clue":"P45 made of hessian? (7)","Answer":"SACKING","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Welsh town not on top (5)","Answer":"NEATH","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Austria, say, turned right out of churchyard (9)","Answer":"ARCHDUCHY","Explanation":"CHURCHYArD* (anagram=turned) with R=right taken out"} {"Clue":"Wine helps to blur the effect of skidding (5,4)","Answer":"WHEEL SPIN","Explanation":"(WINE HELPS)* anagam=to blur"} {"Clue":"City slicker's little friend with his tail for his head (5)","Answer":"YUPPY","Explanation":"pUPPY (little friend) with Y (its tail) replacing its head"} {"Clue":"Type of acid for people with a lot of rodents (7)","Answer":"RACEMIC","Explanation":"RACE (people) with MICe (rodents, most of) \u2013 a form of tartaric acid"} {"Clue":"Student, supposing him to be posh, has a flying start (4-3)","Answer":"LIFT OFF","Explanation":"L (student) IF TOFF (supposing to be posh)"} {"Clue":"Common insect keeps debt collector from getting P45? (9)","Answer":"REDUNDANT","Explanation":"DUN (a debt collector) in RED ANT (common insect)"} {"Clue":"Lakeland water from river for female reactionary (5)","Answer":"RYDAL","Explanation":"R (river) LADY (female) reversed (reactionary) \u2013 Rydal Water is a lake in the Lake District"} {"Clue":"\"Halt!\" \"Left wheel!\" etc, with P45? (8,6)","Answer":"MARCHING ORDERS","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":". . . . in Rome and 6 in Rome, fowing in Rome (5)","Answer":"TREVI","Explanation":"TRE (3 in Italian, the clue number) VI (six, Roman numerals) \u2013 the Trevi Fountain flows in Rome"} {"Clue":"P45, instrument for cheat (9)","Answer":"CARDSHARP","Explanation":"CARDS (P45) HARP (instrument)"} {"Clue":"William in America, under cover with backing (5)","Answer":"RUFUS","Explanation":"US (America) under FUR (cover) backing \u2013 William Rufus, William II king of England"} {"Clue":"Dispatch always covers church school occasion (6,3)","Answer":"SPEECH DAY","Explanation":"CH (church) in SPEED (dispatch) AY (always)"} {"Clue":"Muslim leader, no leader for Jihad possibly (5)","Answer":"MAHDI","Explanation":"M (leading letter of muslim) and jIHAD* (anagram=possibly) with no leading letter \u2013 the definition is &lit. I looked up Mahdi in Wikipedia, but was unable to conclude if he was\/is\/will be a Jihadi leader or the person to end all Jihads. Great clue whatever."} {"Clue":"Scout leader, rugged but too thin (7)","Answer":"SCRAGGY","Explanation":"S (leading letter of scout) CRAGGY (rugged)"} {"Clue":"Improved P45 with information about former employees and fish (6,9)","Answer":"GOLDEN HANDSHAKE","Explanation":"OLD (former) in GEN (information) then HANDS (employees) and HAKE (fish) \u2013 definition is 'improved P45'"} {"Clue":"Aspirations about half the games not playing in Ramadan (4,5)","Answer":"HOLY MONTH","Explanation":"OLYMpics (the games, half of) and NOT* (playing=anagram) in HH (two aspirations, letter H)"} {"Clue":"Prison first allowed to painter (9)","Answer":"CANALETTO","Explanation":"CAN (prison) A (first) LET (allowed) TO \u2013 Giovanni Antonio Canal, Italian painter better known as Canaletto"} {"Clue":"Saucer successful last year? (9)","Answer":"CUPHOLDER","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Rooms for naval officers and Yorkshiremen, say, beaten in battle? (3,4)","Answer":"WAR DRUM","Explanation":"sound like 'ward room', a room for naval officers \u2013 definition is 'beaten in battle'. Why it is not plural and what it has to do with Yorkshiremen I don't know. A 'ward' is a northern and Scottish dialect word for a division of a county, which hints vaguely that it could be a 'room for Yorkshiremen', but this seems very vague and adds nothing to the clear naval reference. *There are two subsidiary homophone clues here: \"a room for officers\" and \"a room for Yorkshiremen\". In the written clue they are combined into \"rooms\", the (alleged) Yorkshire pronunciation applying to both. Considering this is Cinephile, we\u00a0have a plausible explanation to a convoluted clue. Alternatively, the 's' could just be a misprint. Thanks to all the contributors for suggestions."} {"Clue":"Fairies raised by tree surgeon? (6)","Answer":"YAFFLE","Explanation":"ELF and FAY (two fairies) reversed (raised) \u2013 the yaffle is the green woodpecker, nature's tree surgeon"} {"Clue":"Disgraced artist's tree (5)","Answer":"CEDAR","Explanation":"found inside disgraCED ARTist's"} {"Clue":"Part of cycle unwelcome to house seeker (5)","Answer":"CHAIN","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 bicycles and house purchases"} {"Clue":"Encouraged with P45? (5)","Answer":"FIRED","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Ned, joining pals assembling inside, looks for stairs in east London (6,3,5)","Answer":"APPLES AND PEARS","Explanation":"(NED PALS)* assembling=anagram in APPEARS (looks) \u2013 Cockney rhyming slang"} {"Clue":"Had particular boundaries in England (5)","Answer":"OWNED","Explanation":"OWN (particular) EnglanD (bounding letters of) \u2013 definition is 'had'"} {"Clue":"Second-in-command, no good against Spain, shows stress (9)","Answer":"UNDERLINE","Explanation":"UNDERLINg (second-in-command) missing g=good and E (Espagne, Spain)"} {"Clue":"American allowed to wear the jumper? (7)","Answer":"ATHLETE","Explanation":"A (American) and\u00a0LET (allowed)\u00a0inside (wearing)\u00a0THE \u2013 a high jumper possibly"} {"Clue":"Completely remove bounder seen by all in shot (4,3)","Answer":"ROOT OUT","Explanation":"ROO (kangeroo, bounder) and U (seen by all, cinema rating) in TOT (shot, of drink)"} {"Clue":"\"Poorly\" mainly coming across to patient (5)","Answer":"STOIC","Explanation":"TO inside SICk (poorly) mainly=most of"} {"Clue":"Single figure picks up crate to distribute fruit (9)","Answer":"NECTARINE","Explanation":"NINE (single figure) holds (picks up) CRATE* (anagram=to distribute)"} {"Clue":"Antipodeans around here heard parrot flapping in sea (9)","Answer":"POLYNESIA","Explanation":"POLY (sounds like \"polly\", parrot) and (IN SEA)* flapping=anagram \u2013 a region\u00a0of the Antipodes"} {"Clue":"Free invite excludes frst year (5)","Answer":"EMPTY","Explanation":"tEMPT (invite) missing first letter then Y (year)"} {"Clue":"Meadow and wood keep end of village more rural (7)","Answer":"LEAFIER","Explanation":"LEA (meadow) and E (last letter of village) in FIR (wood)"} {"Clue":"Some claret almost knocked over sideways (7)","Answer":"LATERAL","Explanation":"some of cLARET ALmost reversed (knocked over)"} {"Clue":"Mother, prepared when travelling, cut out page for navigator (3-6)","Answer":"MAP READER","Explanation":"MA (mother) then\u00a0pREPARED* (anagram=travelling) missing p=page"} {"Clue":"Greek character carries home animal (5)","Answer":"RHINO","Explanation":"IN (home) in RHO (Greek character)"} {"Clue":"Fixed work, in building line, means capital no longer used (14)","Answer":"CONSTANTINOPLE","Explanation":"CONSTANT (fixed) then OP (work) in LINE* (building=anagram) \u2013 former caprital of Turkey"} {"Clue":"Judy's partner at front of ship, left vessel (5,4)","Answer":"PUNCH BOWL","Explanation":"PUNCH (Judy's partner) at (next to) BOW (front of ship) L (left)"} {"Clue":"Say party line, upsetting group of masons (5)","Answer":"LODGE","Explanation":"EG (say) DO (party) L (line) reversed (upsetting)"} {"Clue":"One leaves sandwiches to grab auntie regularly distributing wine (9)","Answer":"SAUTERNES","Explanation":"aUnTiE (regulaly, every other letter) in (grabbed by) SARNiES (sandwiches) missing I (one, Roman numeral) \u2013 definition is wine. Apart from helping the surface reading I can't see how 'distributing' fits in the clue at all."} {"Clue":"Bottom drain repaired (5)","Answer":"NADIR","Explanation":"DRAIN* repaired=anagram"} {"Clue":"Strain spread around royal column (9)","Answer":"PERCOLATE","Explanation":"PATE (spread) around ER (royal) COL (column) \u2013 definition is 'strain'. *Thanks to AID."} {"Clue":"China's major highway blocked earlier (5)","Answer":"AMIGO","Explanation":"MI (M1, major highway) in AGO (earlier) \u2013 defintion is 'china' (china plate) rhyming slang for 'mate', friend. I don't like M1 = MI. I know it is very common in crosswords but it does not work for me. I=1 as a Roman numeral is fine, and in the context of abbreviations where Roman numerals are commonly used (eg\u00a0IV for 'fourth') then this is OK too, but I have never seen UK road numbers written in Roman numerals."} {"Clue":"Staff threat, as numbers two and four are exchanged (7)","Answer":"SCEPTRE","Explanation":"SPECTRE (threat) with second and fourth letters exchanged"} {"Clue":"Horses attract the eye of bookmaker, making new book (6)","Answer":"ROMANS","Explanation":"bookMaker (eye of = middle of) in\u00a0ROANS (horses) \u2013 Romans is a book of the New Testament. *Thanks to flashling."} {"Clue":"Ketchup perhaps appearing thick inside American bread (9)","Answer":"CONDIMENT","Explanation":"ON (appearing) DIM (thick) in CENT (US money, bread)"} {"Clue":"Domestic garland coated gold, boosting Belgian place (9)","Answer":"CHARLEROI","Explanation":"CHAR (domestic) and LEI (garland) going round (coating) OR (gold) reversed (boosting, being sent up) \u2013 a place in Belgium"} {"Clue":"One quietly gatecrashes military fair (9)","Answer":"IMPARTIAL","Explanation":"I (one) and then P (quietly) in MARTIAL (military) \u2013 definition is 'fair'"} {"Clue":"Controversial photo captures expression of victory by metres (7)","Answer":"POLEMIC","Explanation":"PIC (photo)\u00a0contains (captures)\u00a0OLE (expression of victory) with (by) M (metres)"} {"Clue":"Snooker ball forming line, see, in wooden frame (6)","Answer":"YELLOW","Explanation":"L (line) LO (see) in (framed by) YEW (made of yew, wooden)"} {"Clue":"Tree ring follows annual succession, primarily (5)","Answer":"ASPEN","Explanation":"PEN (ring) following Annual Ssucession (first letters of)"} {"Clue":"Bar popular French artist manually (5)","Answer":"RODIN","Explanation":"ROD (bar) IN (popular) \u2013 Auguste Rodin was a French sculptor (an artist who works with his hands, manually)"} {"Clue":"Body fat's latest reading \u2013 approximately (5)","Answer":"TORSO","Explanation":"faT (latest reading=last letter of) OR SO (approximately)"} {"Clue":"It's brought back to eat with a fish (9)","Answer":"BARRACUDA","Explanation":"BARRA (Scottish Island) and CUD (something brought back to eat) with A"} {"Clue":"Soil quietly removed from worm's head (4)","Answer":"MUCK","Explanation":"SHMUCK (worm, unpleasant person) with SH (quietly) removed from the front (head). For no good reason I decided early on that this was going to be SKYE and then spent an unreasoanble amount of time failing to find an explanation."} {"Clue":"Fried food is wasteful (8)","Answer":"FRITTERS","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 as noun and verb"} {"Clue":"Tawny owl scratching tail (6)","Answer":"YELLOW","Explanation":"YELL (Scottish Isle) and OWl (missing the tail)"} {"Clue":"In the manner of a loud disturbance (6)","Answer":"ALARUM","Explanation":"A LA (in the manner of) and RUM (Scottish Island)"} {"Clue":"Survived Communist state intervention (8)","Answer":"REMAINED","Explanation":"MAINE (state) in RED (communist)"} {"Clue":"Gas is not entirely fresh (6)","Answer":"BUTENE","Explanation":"BUTE (Scottish Island) and NEw (fresh) not finished"} {"Clue":"Kiss Japanese people returning small flowers (8)","Answer":"PETUNIAS","Explanation":"PET (kiss) then AINU (Japanese people) reversed and S (small)"} {"Clue":"Irregular code is broken with constant input (8)","Answer":"EPISODIC","Explanation":"(CODE IS)* broken=anagram containing PI (a constant, maths) \u2013 definition is 'irregular'"} {"Clue":"Talk excitedly with civil war fighter on horseback (6)","Answer":"YABBER","Explanation":"REB (rebel, civil war fighter) on BAY (horse) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Final eliminator involved 10 being knocked out (8)","Answer":"TERMINAL","Explanation":"ELIMINATOR* (involved=anagram) missing IO (10, ten)"} {"Clue":"He directs agents to lose (6)","Answer":"MISLAY","Explanation":"M (code name for spymaster) and ISLAY (Scottish Island)"} {"Clue":"Nervous individual doesn't give everyone introductions (2,4)","Answer":"ON EDGE","Explanation":"ONE (individual) Doesn't Give Everyone (first letters of)"} {"Clue":"Agreed to drop odds, when they're lined up (8)","Answer":"ARRANGED","Explanation":"ARRAN (Scottish Island) and aGrEeD (odd letters dropped)"} {"Clue":"Midday hail at sea (4)","Answer":"AHOY","Explanation":"dAy (middle of) and HOY (Scottish Island)"} {"Clue":"Take turns to restrict entrance (9)","Answer":"SPELLBIND","Explanation":"SPELL (to take turns at, of a job of work) and BIND (restrict)"} {"Clue":"Bass instrument over a stone (5)","Answer":"BERYL","Explanation":"B (bass) LYRE (instrument) reversed (over)"} {"Clue":"Extremely rare \u2014 a lady of leisure (7)","Answer":"RETIREE","Explanation":"RarE (extremes of) and TIREE (Scottish Island)"} {"Clue":"Elite soldiers each punched through a hole in the wall (1-4)","Answer":"A-TEAM","Explanation":"EA (each) in (punched through) ATM (hole in the wall cash machine)"} {"Clue":"Loosen tie and cuff (7)","Answer":"UNSTRAP","Explanation":"UNST (Scottish Island) and RAP (cuff)"} {"Clue":"Inequality? Bars for women display this (9)","Answer":"ASYMMETRY","Explanation":"definition and cryptic definition \u2013 the Asymmetric Bars\u00a0is a gymnastic even for women only"} {"Clue":"One working in bar with glass on either side (7)","Answer":"MULLION","Explanation":"MULL (Scottish Island) with I (one) ON (working) \u2013 a glazing bar in a window"} {"Clue":"Entertainment in bed \u2014 stroke bottom, then pull together (2-7)","Answer":"COOPERATE","Explanation":"OPERA (entertainment) in COT (bed) then strokE (bottom of)"} {"Clue":"The last of many put the men in a spin (9)","Answer":"UMPTEENTH","Explanation":"(PUT THE MEN)* anagram=in a spin"} {"Clue":"Threatens to throw grenades around noon (9)","Answer":"ENDANGERS","Explanation":"GRENADES* (anagram=to throw) around N (noon)"} {"Clue":"African boxer to leave later on (7)","Answer":"SOMEDAY","Explanation":"SOMali (African) missing boxer then EDAY (Scottish Island)"} {"Clue":"Gather and put away (7)","Answer":"COLLATE","Explanation":"COLL (Scottish Island) and ATE (put away)"} {"Clue":"Dog's foot a state \u2014 iodine applied (7)","Answer":"BASENJI","Explanation":"BASE (foot) NJ (New Jersey, a state) with I (iodine) applied \u2013 a type of hunting dog"} {"Clue":"Half-heartedly bite a fungus (5)","Answer":"MOREL","Explanation":"MORsEL (a bite) missing half of its middle (heart) \u2013 a mushroom"} {"Clue":"Student leaving dock collars me for change (5)","Answer":"AMEND","Explanation":"ME in (collared by) LAND (dock) missing L=student"} {"Clue":"Free love over in London college (5)","Answer":"LOOSE","Explanation":"O (zero, love) O (over) in LSE (London college)"} {"Clue":"Victor runs away from unusually revolting freckles (7)","Answer":"LENTIGO","Explanation":"rEvOLTING* (anagram=unusually) missing V (victor) and R (runs)"} {"Clue":"Letters missing in this post offce mail delivered around Greece (8)","Answer":"LIPOGRAM","Explanation":"anagram (delivered) of PO (post office) and MAIL around GR (Greece) \u2013 a poem where all words containing a certain letter are omitted"} {"Clue":"Green Man pub sheltering graduate cleaned out by university (6)","Answer":"INGENU","Explanation":"INN (pub) containing (sheltereing) GraduatE (cleaned out=nothing inside) by U (university)"} {"Clue":"Available after swapping partner that's impotent (6)","Answer":"UNABLE","Explanation":"UsABLE (available) with S replaced N (bridge partners)"} {"Clue":"Starts to console injured suitor after single maiden's gaffe (8)","Answer":"SOLECISM","Explanation":"Console Injured Suitor (starting letters of) following SOLE (single) then M (maiden)"} {"Clue":"Bighead, finally undone, is caught out (6)","Answer":"EGOIST","Explanation":"undonE (final letter) and IS all has GOT (caught) on the outside"} {"Clue":"Rule about addict that once made a dash? (6)","Answer":"WALNUT","Explanation":"LAW (rule) reversed (about) NUT (addict) \u2013 traditionally used to made dashboards for cars"} {"Clue":"With this hammered, you'd secure water-line (8)","Answer":"TREENAIL","Explanation":"literally a nail used to fix the planking to the frame of a ship, hence securing the waterline \u2013 ~~I can't see much of a cryptic definition here, can anyone spot something I have missed? (this is not Dante here!)~~ *An anagram (hammered) of W (with)\u00a0TREENAIL (this) will give (secure you)\u00a0WATER-LINE. Thanks to Thomas99."} {"Clue":"Capital of Ethiopia having no house refurbished (6)","Answer":"TAIPEI","Explanation":"EThIoPIA* (refurbished = anagram) missing HO (house) \u2013 capital of Taiwan"} {"Clue":"King, one occupying podium with hands on hips? (6)","Answer":"AKIMBO","Explanation":"K (king) I (one) in AMBO (podium, early Christian pulpit)"} {"Clue":"Shadow cast by cape on front of decorative chest (8)","Answer":"DARKNESS","Explanation":"NESS (cape, headland) on Decorative (front letter of) ARK (chest)"} {"Clue":"Unexpected conflict dividing unknown number in middle- eastern states (7)","Answer":"UNAWARE","Explanation":"WAR (conflict) inside (dividing) UAE (middle-eastern states) containing N (unknown number) \u2013 definition is 'unexpected'. I can't yet come up with an example where the tenses for the definition and the solution match, but I expect that is just my lack of imagination."} {"Clue":"Bang up following nonsense after one's dismissal (5)","Answer":"SHTUP","Explanation":"UP following SHiT (nonesense) with I (one) removed \u2013 a 'bang' is sexual intercouse, from Jewish"} {"Clue":"Union leader ousted in delay (8)","Answer":"ALLIANCE","Explanation":"dALLIANCE (delay) witht he leader removed"} {"Clue":"Risk everything to attack man that's changed sides (2,3,5)","Answer":"GO FOR BROKE","Explanation":"GO FOR (to attack) BLOKE (man) with L (left) replaced by R (right)"} {"Clue":"She succeeded to hold line without any issue (8)","Answer":"HEIRLESS","Explanation":"L (line) in HEIRESS (she succeeded)"} {"Clue":"Mark needing book on language, skipping the introduction (7)","Answer":"BLEMISH","Explanation":"B (book) on fLEMISH (language) missing the first letter"} {"Clue":"Essentially hallucinated about work involving curvaceous characters? (6)","Answer":"UNCIAL","Explanation":"anagram of halLUCINAted (sessentials=inner parts) about=anagram, moving about \u2013 a form of script using rounded letters"} {"Clue":"Call sign of union? (4)","Answer":"RING","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 'call' and 'sign of union'"} {"Clue":"My unknown dog's not hard (6)","Answer":"ZOUNDS","Explanation":"Z (unknown, maths) hOUND'S (dog's) missing H=hard \u2013 definition is 'my', an exclamation"} {"Clue":"Supreme commander, mostly instinctive, presiding over one US city (10)","Answer":"CINCINNATI","Explanation":"C-IN-C (commander-in-chief) INNATe (instinctive, mostly) in front of (presiding over) I (one)"} {"Clue":"If emptied sample went missing, this star would be at risk (8)","Answer":"ASTERISK","Explanation":"if SamplE (emptied=nothing inside) is removed from AsTeRISK (this star) we get 'at risk'"} {"Clue":"Believer in divine wisdom hopes to convert hearts (8)","Answer":"THEOSOPH","Explanation":"(HOPES TO) convert=anagram and H (hearts)"} {"Clue":"Black snake's left inside bag (7)","Answer":"BLADDER","Explanation":"B (black) ADDER (snake) containing L (left)"} {"Clue":"Bring to light amoral chap's past (4,2)","Answer":"RAKE UP","Explanation":"RAKE (amoral chap) has UP (past, over)"} {"Clue":"Lord to some, a noble European's excellent (6)","Answer":"ADONAI","Explanation":"A DON (European noble) AI (A1, excellent) \u2013 a Hebrew name for god, the Lord"} {"Clue":"HRH regularly snubbed Michael Barrymore (4)","Answer":"MAAM","Explanation":"MichAel bArriMore (regularly snubbed=pieces removed in a regular pattern, pick one drop three\u2026)"} {"Clue":"Mark's scheme to infltrate school (7)","Answer":"SPLOTCH","Explanation":"PLOT (scheme) in SCH (school)"} {"Clue":"Ungentlemanly prayer for the dead recited (7)","Answer":"CADDISH","Explanation":"sounds like (recited) \"kaddish\", Jewish prayers for the dead"} {"Clue":"Fiend producing half of weekend article (5)","Answer":"SATAN","Explanation":"SAT (Saturday, half the weekend) AN (indefinite article)"} {"Clue":"Gemini (perhaps) carrying Taurus's head to Scorpio's (for sure) (9)","Answer":"DOUBTLESS","Explanation":"DOUBLES (twins, Gemini perhaps) carrying T (head of Taurus) then S (head of Scorpio) \u2013 definition is 'for sure'"} {"Clue":"Joyous beaux rent asunder (9)","Answer":"EXUBERANT","Explanation":"(BEAUX RENT)* asunder=anagram"} {"Clue":"Guru adopted by Paris Hilton? (5)","Answer":"RISHI","Explanation":"part of (adopted by) paRIS HIlton \u2013 Indian mystic"} {"Clue":"Gripping device for getting Newton clothed? (5)","Answer":"TONGS","Explanation":"N (newton) in TOGS (clothes)"} {"Clue":"Over-large herb is malformed? Nonsense! (9)","Answer":"GIBBERISH","Explanation":"BIG (large) reversed (over) and (HERB IS)* malformed=anagram"} {"Clue":"Sauce packed with energy fnding a way to fnal destination (9)","Answer":"GRAVEYARD","Explanation":"GRAVY (sauce) packed with E (enrgy) the A RD (road, a way) \u2013 the final resting place. A very nice clue!"} {"Clue":"Subject to supreme one hundred (5)","Answer":"TOPIC","Explanation":"TOP (supreme) I (one) C (hundred) Roman numerals"} {"Clue":"Kidney's true name concealed? (5)","Answer":"RENAL","Explanation":"N (name) concealed in REAL (true) \u2013 definition is kidney's, of the kidney"} {"Clue":"A place for experimenting with plant and mineral (9)","Answer":"ALABASTER","Explanation":"A LAB (place for experimenting) with ASTER (plant)"} {"Clue":"Play with cutie cultivating trees (9)","Answer":"EUCALYPTI","Explanation":"(PLAY CUTIE)* anagram=cultivating"} {"Clue":"Promiscuous Pole in Cornish resort (5)","Answer":"LOOSE","Explanation":"S (south, pole) in LOOE (Cornish resort)"} {"Clue":"Pedal let out outside study (7)","Answer":"TREADLE","Explanation":"LET* (anagram=out) outside READ (study)"} {"Clue":"Oriental setter's catching fsh in diplomatic premises (7)","Answer":"EMBASSY","Explanation":"BASS (fish) caught by E (eastern, oriental) MY (setter's)"} {"Clue":"Dubious cult holding distinctive appeal (7)","Answer":"SUSPECT","Explanation":"SECT (cult) holding USP (unique selling point, distinctive appeal)"} {"Clue":"Land to which Nahuatl 11 moved (9)","Answer":"LITHUANIA","Explanation":"anagram (moved) of NAHUATL and I I (1, Roman numeral, twice)"} {"Clue":"Maybe past being uptight (5)","Answer":"TENSE","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Flower found in garden, haymaking? (9)","Answer":"HYDRANGEA","Explanation":"(GARDEN HAY)* anagram=making"} {"Clue":"Tell Dracula, say (5)","Answer":"COUNT","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Nuclear weapons allegedly go astray during curtailed cessation of hostilities (9)","Answer":"DETERRENT","Explanation":"ERR (go astray) during DETENT (cessation of hostilities)"} {"Clue":"Bowel problem that's keeping trainee in America (5)","Answer":"ILEUS","Explanation":"IE (that is) keeping\u00a0L (learner, trainee) then US (in America) \u2013 blockage of the bowel"} {"Clue":"Man's in mess with drug (7)","Answer":"HASHISH","Explanation":"HIS (man's) in HASH (mess)"} {"Clue":"Armoured horse receiving garbled call (5-4)","Answer":"STEEL CLAD","Explanation":"CALL* (garbled=anagram) in STEED (horse)"} {"Clue":"Old lunatic's snack involves cheese getting left inside (9)","Answer":"BEDLAMITE","Explanation":"BITE (snack) contains (involves, gets mixed up with) EDAM (cheese) with L (left) inside"} {"Clue":"Headstrong compiler's sweethearts cradling heads of ugly old uncles (9)","Answer":"IMPETUOUS","Explanation":"I'M (compiler's = the compiler is) and PETS (sweethearts) containing heads of Ugly Old Uncles"} {"Clue":"Decent sort of chap holding member's coat, for instance (7)","Answer":"GARMENT","Explanation":"GENT (decent chap) holding ARM (member)"} {"Clue":"Type of light vehicle on top of food outlet (7)","Answer":"CARVERY","Explanation":"VERY (type of light) with CAR (vehicle) on the top"} {"Clue":"Hospital in pleasant, suitable location (5)","Answer":"NICHE","Explanation":"H (hospital) in NICE (pleasant)"} {"Clue":"Topless taster is quite enough (5)","Answer":"AMPLE","Explanation":"sAMPLE (taster) topless"} {"Clue":"Improvise a German tabloid's come-uppance? (2,3)","Answer":"AD LIB","Explanation":"A BILD (German tabloid) reversed (come-uppance)"} {"Clue":"Bradford car firm which produced the Javelin and developed Jet2 (6)","Answer":"JOWETT","Explanation":"(JET TWO)* anagram=developed \u2013 The Jowett Javelin. Jet2 is a UK budget airline based at Leeds-Bradford airport. Funnily enough I travelled to Bradford only yesterday to pick up another car, sadly not a Jowett though."} {"Clue":"Welshman with bowler from Russia at oldest Japanese car firm (8)","Answer":"DAIHATSU","Explanation":"DAI (Welshman) with HAT (bowler) SU (Soviet Union, Russia) \u2013 the Daihatsu Motor Company"} {"Clue":"Having lost odds, navvy is entitled to glider (7)","Answer":"AVIETTE","Explanation":"nAvVy Is EnTiTlEd with the odd numbered letters removed"} {"Clue":"BL model's speed (7)","Answer":"ALLEGRO","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 the Austin Allegro from British Leyland \u2013 innovation ahead of its time, or just plain wrong? You decide."} {"Clue":"Work with the Spanish car firm (4)","Answer":"OPEL","Explanation":"OP (opus, work) EL (the, in Spanish) \u2013 a very old German automobile firm, now part of General Motors"} {"Clue":"Dam leading offcer left and caught rough boat to cushioned transport (10)","Answer":"HOVERCRAFT","Explanation":"HOoVER (dam) with O (leading letter of officer) removed, C (caught) and RAFT (rough boat)"} {"Clue":"Bass, say, at Coventry car firm (6)","Answer":"SINGER","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 Singer Motors Limited, originally a bicycle manufacturer"} {"Clue":"Hairdresser under sail (7)","Answer":"CLIPPER","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Transport Ian Botham, initially into take-away (7)","Answer":"MINIBUS","Explanation":"IB (Ian Botham's initials) in MINUS (take away)"} {"Clue":"Say! Ringo has a bug (6)","Answer":"BEETLE","Explanation":"Ringo Starr is a Beatle (sounds like \"beetle\", say) \u2013 the Volkswagen Beetle"} {"Clue":"Henry Langridge lashed out at large kite (4-6)","Answer":"HANG GLIDER","Explanation":"H (henry) LANGRIDGE (lashed out = anagram) \u2013 I'm not wholly at \"lashed out\" as an anagram indicator here"} {"Clue":"Leading transport running round Moscow (4)","Answer":"TRAM","Explanation":"Transport Running Around Moscow (leading letters of) \u2013 I think this clue has a misprint in the online version"} {"Clue":"Roofless Stanhope rebuilt as this? (7)","Answer":"PHAETON","Explanation":"sTANHOPE* anagram=rebuilt \u2013 a style of car body, also various car models from Buick, Mercury and Volkswagon"} {"Clue":"Liner \u2013 1 it can't crash (7)","Answer":"TITANIC","Explanation":"anagram (crash) of I (one, Roman numeral) IT CAN'T"} {"Clue":"Obstacle to progress that's almost serious for Santa Pod racer (8)","Answer":"DRAGSTER","Explanation":"DRAG (obstacle to progress) STERn (serious, almost) \u2013 Santa Pod in Northamptonshire was Europe's first drag racing circuit. Named after Santa Anna, a track in California, and Poddington the local village."} {"Clue":"Points out very different 1950s Vauxhall model (6)","Answer":"WYVERN","Explanation":"VERY* (different=anagram) with NS (points of the compass) outside \u2013 the Vauxhall Wyvern"} {"Clue":"Envy shown by nameless girl feeling bad (8)","Answer":"JEALOUSY","Explanation":"JEAn (girl) missing N (name) LOUSY (feeling bad)"} {"Clue":"Standard variation of nine weights (5,6)","Answer":"WHITE ENSIGN","Explanation":"(NINE WEIGHTS)* variation=anagram \u2013 a British naval flag (standard)"} {"Clue":"Archbishop's dress (4)","Answer":"TUTU","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Girl's graceful horse turned up at heart of valley (8)","Answer":"ARABELLA","Explanation":"ARAB (graceful horse) and vALLEy (heart of) reversed (turned up)"} {"Clue":"The police broke rule for a Chinook (10)","Answer":"HELICOPTER","Explanation":"(THE POLICE)* anagram=broke R (rule, law) \u2013 a military helicopter"} {"Clue":"Stagecoach's label (3)","Answer":"TAG","Explanation":"sTAGecoach"} {"Clue":"They're fitted to a sub! (1-5)","Answer":"U-BOATS","Explanation":"U-boats are subs, the definition is &lit since the letters of 'u-boats' can be fitted into 'to a sub'"} {"Clue":"French bike on cross for 31's 1950s partner (5)","Answer":"VELOX","Explanation":"VELO (French bike) on X (cross) \u2013 the Vauxhall Velox\u00a0based on the same body shell as the Wyvern (31 across)"} {"Clue":"Amateur getting info for 28 that's poisonous (5,6)","Answer":"AGENT ORANGE","Explanation":"A (amateur) getting GEN (info) TO (for) RANGE (cooker, an Aga for instance)"} {"Clue":"Illness of US soldier having to sit out under gate in Ypres (10)","Answer":"MENINGITIS","Explanation":"GI (US soldier) having SIT* (anagram=out) under the MENIN gate war memorial in Ypres"} {"Clue":"They hear German car in French church (8)","Answer":"AUDIENCE","Explanation":"AUDI (German car) EN (in, French) CE (church, of England) \u2013 definition is 'they hear'"} {"Clue":"Emergency rations bringing out the camp in me (8)","Answer":"PEMMICAN","Explanation":"(CAMP IN ME)* anagram=out, bringing=you will get from this\u2026 \u2013 dried meat used as emergency rations"} {"Clue":"Formed from diamonds under loose heaps (6)","Answer":"SHAPED","Explanation":"D (diamonds, cards) following HEAPS* (anagram=loose)"} {"Clue":"Pier for plane on outskirts of Tobermory (5)","Answer":"JETTY","Explanation":"JET (plane) on TobermorY (outskirts of)"} {"Clue":"Support will last (4)","Answer":"STAY","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Chief offcer from Alvis gains approval at first (3)","Answer":"AGA","Explanation":"Alvis Gains Approval (first letters of) \u2013 an important ottoman military officer or official"} {"Clue":"Set aside for being hopelessly ecstasy-addicted (9)","Answer":"DEDICATED","Explanation":"anagram (hopelessly) of E (ecstacy) and ADDICTED"} {"Clue":"Dominant sort of chap attaining high altitude, initially, on mountain (5)","Answer":"ALPHA","Explanation":"High Altitude (initial letters of) on ALP mountain \u2013 an alpha male"} {"Clue":"Turned green, receiving a message (5)","Answer":"EMAIL","Explanation":"LIME (green) reversed containing (receiving) A"} {"Clue":"Simple question aristocrat put to top 23, reportedly (2-7)","Answer":"NO-BRAINER","Explanation":"NOB (aristocrat) and RAINER sounds like (reportedly) reigner, the one who reigns, the top royal \u2013\u00a0toyed with Prince Rainier of Monaco for\u00a0a while but I think reigner is better"} {"Clue":"A rat coming out on an unequal social footing (10)","Answer":"MORGANATIC","Explanation":"(A RAT COMING)* \u2013 a new word for me"} {"Clue":"Intend to get tight (4)","Answer":"MEAN","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Carry on with fabulous bird in receding ocean (7)","Answer":"PROCEED","Explanation":"ROC (fabled bird) in DEEP (ocean) reversed (receding, going backwards)"} {"Clue":"Get into trouble with sibling in heartless 9 (7)","Answer":"EMBROIL","Explanation":"BRO (sibling) in EMaIL (heartless, missing centre)"} {"Clue":"Backward spooks damage a tongue (7)","Answer":"ARAMAIC","Explanation":"CIA (spooks) MAR (damage) A all reversed (backward)"} {"Clue":"Way of learning to crack code for dietary essential (7)","Answer":"PROTEIN","Explanation":"ROTE in (cracking open) PIN (code)"} {"Clue":"Well able to dump odd characters in river (4)","Answer":"ELBE","Explanation":"wElL aBlE (odd charracters missing)"} {"Clue":"Versatile player getting chubbier everywhere? (3-7)","Answer":"ALL ROUNDER","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Recipient of 9 from dead seers, weirdly (9)","Answer":"ADDRESSEE","Explanation":"(DEAD SEERS)* anagram=weirdly"} {"Clue":"Land one left in flower (5)","Answer":"ITALY","Explanation":"I (one, Roman numeral) then L (left) in the river TAY (something that flows)"} {"Clue":"What happened in the seventies? (5)","Answer":"EVENT","Explanation":"found inside the sEVENTies"} {"Clue":"An aquatic bird absorbing backbeat before birth (9)","Answer":"ANTENATAL","Explanation":"AN then TEAL (aquatic bird) containing (absorbing) TAN (beat) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Vision of 500 sheets (5)","Answer":"DREAM","Explanation":"D (500, Roman numeral) REAM (sheet paper measure)"} {"Clue":"Medical problem said to make a bird change colour (9)","Answer":"DIARRHOEA","Explanation":"sounds like \"dye a rhea\", make bird change colour"} {"Clue":"Security subsequently left over amid black stuff (10)","Answer":"COLLATERAL","Explanation":"LATER with L (left) on top (over) in COAL (black stuff)"} {"Clue":"Vessel finding capital curtailed within borders of Thailand (7)","Answer":"TANKARD","Explanation":"ANKARa (capital, not finished) in ThailanD (borders=outsides of)"} {"Clue":"Express contempt about bedhead being clean (7)","Answer":"DEBRIDE","Explanation":"B (head of bed) in DERIDE (express contempt) \u2013 to clean a wound"} {"Clue":"A passage out (4)","Answer":"AWAY","Explanation":"A WAY (passage) \u2013 definition is 'out'"} {"Clue":"Almost wrote \"Noodles\" (5)","Answer":"PENNE","Explanation":"PENNEd (wrote, almost) \u2013 penne pasta"} {"Clue":"A racket involving kidneys' secretion (9)","Answer":"ADRENALIN","Explanation":"A DIN (racket) containing (involving) RENAL (kidney's, of the kidney)"} {"Clue":"So into cleaning and clearing! (10)","Answer":"ABSOLUTION","Explanation":"SO in ABLUTION (cleaning)"} {"Clue":"Toponym constituting source of \"Love and peace, man\" (5,4)","Answer":"PLACE NAME","Explanation":"anagram of L (source,first letter of love) and PEACE MAN"} {"Clue":"Unduly foolish to cover banker's last debt (9)","Answer":"OVERDRAFT","Explanation":"OVER (unduly) DAFT (foolish) containing (covering) R (last letter of of banker)"} {"Clue":"Instrument for brewing ales etc (7)","Answer":"CELESTA","Explanation":"(ALES ETC)* anagram=brewing \u2013 a keyboard operated xylophone or glockenspeil"} {"Clue":"Sign left carrying 10 (7)","Answer":"PORTENT","Explanation":"PORT (left side) containing (carrying) TEN"} {"Clue":"Show 19 involving good or bad workmanship (5)","Answer":"BODGE","Explanation":"BODE (show portent) including G (good)"} {"Clue":"Go to bed with common soldiers; get up with VIP (5)","Answer":"ROYAL","Explanation":"LAY (go to bed with) OR (other ranks, common soldiers) all reversed (got up)"} {"Clue":"Hide pepper (4)","Answer":"PELT","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 skin and throw at"} {"Clue":"Throbs wildly holding club's top dish (7)","Answer":"BORSCHT","Explanation":"C (top of club) in THROBS* anagram=wildly"} {"Clue":"Investigator heard when choir are content (8)","Answer":"ENQUIRER","Explanation":"sound like \"in choir are\" meaning that 'the choir are the content of something' \u2013 might also be 'enquirer' with part of (content of) whEN CHOIR ARe sounding like 'enquirer', maybe I have missed something. It seems a pretty vague clue whichever. *Gaufrid suggests a reverse homophone device: a homohpone of the solution componnents\u00a0EN QUIRE R gives\u00a0N CHOIR ARE which is found embedded in the clue, 'content' indicating that not all the phrase is used. This the best solution I think."} {"Clue":"Physio lavishly hosts return of 21's in-laws (6)","Answer":"VALOIS","Explanation":"hidden in (hosted by) phySIO LAVishly \u2013 Henry marries Catherine of Valois"} {"Clue":"Knowing chief (4)","Answer":"ARCH","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Turn pulse into lovely starter (6,4)","Answer":"LENTIL SOUP","Explanation":"anagram (turned) of PULSE LENTIL and L (start of lovely) \u2013 definition is &lit, as an instruction to the solver to find the solution"} {"Clue":"Ordered night fiers to cover unsatisfactory smears (9)","Answer":"BADMOUTHS","Explanation":"BAD (bade, ordered) MOTHS (night fliers) containing (covering) U (unsatisfactory?) \u2013 I can't explain why u=unsatisfactory, it is not in Chambers *See verbose @10"} {"Clue":"Quiz showmen, maybe, from board tables (10)","Answer":"PANELLISTS","Explanation":"PANEL (board) LISTS (tables)"} {"Clue":"A million? A grand? Almost worthless! (3,1,5)","Answer":"TEN A PENNY","Explanation":"A double\/triple definition with 'a million' and 'a thousand' being examples of 'lots', the cryptic element coming from a misdirection to monetary amounts. ~~This explanation seems a bit weak to me~~.\u00a0* Better, if you get ten pounds for every penny \u00a31,000 becomes \u00a31,000,000."} {"Clue":"Splitter of wood on heavenly drink, we hear (1-9)","Answer":"T-CONNECTOR","Explanation":"~~My best atttempt is sounds like \"Wyke on nectar\" Wyke Wood (a woodland in Dorset)~~ sounds like \"teak on\u00a0nectar\" (wood on heavenly drink) \u2013 definition is 'splitter'. ~~Wyke Wood seems a bit obscure to me. Wych is a wood, but I have never heard of this being pronounced anything other than \"witch\", as in Witch Hazel. Anyone have any better ideas? ~~ *Thanks to luke for this."} {"Clue":"Two Germans ache (6)","Answer":"HUNGER","Explanation":"HUN (a German) GER (German)"} {"Clue":"Loses control of scud missile successfully (4,4)","Answer":"RUNS AMOK","Explanation":"RUN (scud) SAM (surface-to-air missile) OK (successfully)"} {"Clue":"Italian martyr's to live, apparently (2,5)","Answer":"ST OLIVE","Explanation":"~~anagram (apparently, in a way) of 'S TO LIVE~~\u00a0*hidden in martyr'S TO LIVE, I am overcomplicating things here*\u00a0\u2013 St Olive of Palermo"} {"Clue":"Judge who should determine penalty (7)","Answer":"REFEREE","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 football"} {"Clue":"He has one win \u2013 no-one explained racing starts (5)","Answer":"OWNER","Explanation":"(ONE WiN)* (anagram=explained, worked out) missing I (one, Roman numeral) and R (start of racing) \u2013 definition is 'he has' \u2013 *or more simply One Win No-one Explained Racing (starting letters of)"} {"Clue":"Where 21 might have ended up if he hadn't uncovered it? (11,4)","Answer":"SOUTHAMPTON PLOT","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 Henry V uncovered this plot to kill him at Southampton, so may have ended up in a graveyard plot there if he had failed"} {"Clue":"Ben waving fare in 21's conquest (8)","Answer":"HARFLEUR","Explanation":"FLARE* (anagram=waving) in Ben HUR \u2013 town captured by Henry V"} {"Clue":"18, 5 for example, told to treasure ecstasy (6)","Answer":"LUVVIE","Explanation":"sounds like \"love e\" \u2013 an actor"} {"Clue":"Winged symbol in small space (3)","Answer":"VOL","Explanation":"VOLume (space) cut short (small) \u2013 heraldic symbol"} {"Clue":"A nice pure stew for gourmet (9)","Answer":"EPICUREAN","Explanation":"(A NICE PURE)* anagram=stew"} {"Clue":"Those sent after 16 would have been miserable protection (6,7)","Answer":"FRENCH LETTERS","Explanation":"definition \/cryptic definition \u2013 letters home from the french soldiers after Agincourt would have been miserable, definition is 'protection', condoms"} {"Clue":"\"Drab get-up\", wrote 21 (11)","Answer":"SHAKESPEARE","Explanation":"DRAB reversed (got up) is 'bard' \u2013 Shakespeare wrote a play entitled Henry V"} {"Clue":"Our acting reproduced 21's triumph . . . . (9)","Answer":"AGINCOURT","Explanation":"(OUR ACTING)* anagram=reproduced \u2013 famous battle won by Henry V against the odds"} {"Clue":". . . . his acting of 21 was one (8,7)","Answer":"LAURENCE OLIVIER","Explanation":"cryptic(ish) definition \u2013 Laurence Olivier's film Henry V was hailed as a 'triumph' by the critics at the time"} {"Clue":"Inductance with volts DC \u2013 years since his power start-up (5,1)","Answer":"HENRY V","Explanation":"HENRY (SI unit of inductance) with V (volts) \u2013 Henry IV, Henry V's father died on 20th March 1413, exactly 600 (DC) years ago today. Though not his coronation, this could be regarded as the start of his time in power"} {"Clue":"Protection round area (5)","Answer":"OZONE","Explanation":"O (round) ZONE (area) \u2013 the ozone layer in the atmoshpere protects us from ultraviolet rays"} {"Clue":"Hair treatment evens out greyly (3)","Answer":"GEL","Explanation":"GrEyLy \u2013 even numbered letters missing (out)"} {"Clue":"Backing for climb from degree taking short time to being in the House (4,4)","Answer":"BASE CAMP","Explanation":"BA (degree) with SEC (short time) A MP (a Member of Parliament, being in the house) \u2013 definition is 'backing for camp'"} {"Clue":"Shiner to be a Tory? (6)","Answer":"BEACON","Explanation":"BE A CON (Conservative, Tory)"} {"Clue":"So someone borrows California's Roman date? (7)","Answer":"CALENDS","Explanation":"if CA (California) LENDS then (so) someone borrows \u2013 the first days of each month in the Roman calendar"} {"Clue":"Venetian lover takes Italian actor to Australia another way (7)","Answer":"LORENZO","Explanation":"Sophia LOREN (Italian actor) has OZ (Australia) reversed (another way) \u2013 character from The Merchant of Venice in love with Jessica"} {"Clue":"Guide to too good a fate (5)","Answer":"PILOT","Explanation":"PI (pious, too good) LOT (a fate)"} {"Clue":"Bird, fish, and so-called beetle (9)","Answer":"COCKROACH","Explanation":"COCK (bird) ROACH (fish) \u2013 apparently cockroaches are not actually beetles. I found the difference succinctly described on the web as \"cockroaches are paurometablous, whereas beetles are holometabolous\". There you go."} {"Clue":"I'm uncle, due to poor Goldwyn's refusal to take part (7,2,3)","Answer":"INCLUDE ME OUT","Explanation":"(I'M UNCLE DUE TO)* anagram=poor \u2013 Samuel Goldwyn the film producer was famous for malopropisms and condtradictory phrases, this being a famous example."} {"Clue":"Providers for the youthful stomach, possibly \u2013 indies (6,6)","Answer":"DINNER LADIES","Explanation":"INNER LAD (the youthful stomach) in DIES \u2013 definition is 'providers' and partly &lit"} {"Clue":"Artists back fuel all consisting of seaweed (9)","Answer":"SARGASSUM","Explanation":"RAS (Royal Academician=artist, plural) reversed (back) then GAS (fuel) SUM (all) will give (consists of) \u2013 a type of seaweed"} {"Clue":"Garden mollusc's second fx (5)","Answer":"SNAIL","Explanation":"S (second) NAIL (fix)"} {"Clue":"Former partner with more than suffcient specimen (7)","Answer":"EXAMPLE","Explanation":"EX (former partner) AMPLE (more then sufficient)"} {"Clue":"Direction and skill needed to spell church portico (7)","Answer":"NARTHEX","Explanation":"N (North, direction) ART (skill) HEX (to cast a spell) \u2013 a vestibule in a churh between the porch and the nave"} {"Clue":"Southern pub, home to unknown puzzler (6)","Answer":"SPHINX","Explanation":"S (southern) PH (pub) IN (home) X (an unknown) \u2013 in Greek mythology a fearsome creature that kills those who cannot answer her riddles"} {"Clue":"No royal arrival to embrace Scotsman (8)","Answer":"COMMONER","Explanation":"COMER (arrival, one who arrives) containing (embracing) MON (man, Scottish)"} {"Clue":"Sexually ambiguous mushrooms with muscle (6)","Answer":"BICEPS","Explanation":"BI (sexually ambiguous) CEPS (mushrooms)"} {"Clue":"Sun on cathedral and nowhere else? (6)","Answer":"SOLELY","Explanation":"SOL (the sun) on ELY (a cathedral)"} {"Clue":"Lady of the Lake with attitude (9)","Answer":"CONSTANCE","Explanation":"CON (with) STANCE (attitude) \u2013 girls name and Lake Constance in the Alps"} {"Clue":"Show good girls the harmonica (7,7)","Answer":"MUSICAL GLASSES","Explanation":"MUSICAL (show) G (good) LASSES (girls) \u2013 a type of musical instrument"} {"Clue":"Panic doesn't start by mistake (5)","Answer":"ERROR","Explanation":"tERROR (panic) not starting"} {"Clue":"Something spicy to read about pub in the morning (8)","Answer":"CINNAMON","Explanation":"CON (to read) containing (about) INN (pub) AM (in the morning) \u2013 a spice"} {"Clue":"Novice making a mess of one contest, say (8)","Answer":"NEOPHYTE","Explanation":"ONE* (anagram=making mess of) and PHYTE sounds like \"fight\" (contest)"} {"Clue":"Singer finding the spot for love protects one old bird getting married (7,7)","Answer":"PLACIDO DOMINGO","Explanation":"PLACING (finding spot for) O (love, zero tennis score) contains (protects) I (one)\u00a0DODO (old bird) with M (married) \u2013 opera singer"} {"Clue":"Major confusion of other mortals with me (9)","Answer":"MAELSTROM","Explanation":"anagram (other) of MORTALS with ME \u2013 definition is 'major confusion'"} {"Clue":"Greek hero's headless corpse on ship with headless god (8)","Answer":"ODYSSEUS","Explanation":"bODY (headless corpse) on SS (ship) with zEUS (headless god)"} {"Clue":"Intrude upon that beetle's better 'alf? (8)","Answer":"ENCROACH","Explanation":"The mate (bettr half) of a cockroach could be a hencroach, missing the h. Hum."} {"Clue":"Whither good news was brought in article about persistent pain (6)","Answer":"AACHEN","Explanation":"AN (indefinite article) containing (about) ACHE (persistent pain) \u2013 modern name for the town of Aix-La-Chapelle which features in the Robert Browning poem \"How They Brought the Good News from Aix to Ghent\""} {"Clue":"Magic potion: 'as garden mollusc got one right? (6)","Answer":"ELIXIR","Explanation":"'ELIX (helix, a snail 'as one) then I (one) R (right)"} {"Clue":"Trembler causing broken panes (5)","Answer":"ASPEN","Explanation":"PANES* (anagram=broken) \u2013 *populus tremuloides*, the trembling aspen"} {"Clue":"Log producer demands area on new wharf (6)","Answer":"NAPIER","Explanation":"A (area) on N (new) PIER (wharf) \u2013 John Napier, produced the first book of logarithms"} {"Clue":"Beginning to edge away when introduced to dull man (8)","Answer":"GEOFFREY","Explanation":"E (beginning of edge) OFF (away) inside (introduced to) GREY (dull) \u2013 man's name"} {"Clue":"Adorn famous books with gold facing (8)","Answer":"ORNAMENT","Explanation":"NAME (of name, famous) NT (books of bible) with OR (gold) in front (facing)"} {"Clue":"Multinational republic welcoming army regulators? (6)","Answer":"EMPIRE","Explanation":"EIRE (repulic of) incuding (welcoming) MP (militay polics, army regulators)"} {"Clue":"Backer of the Big Issue is into wrestling after getting in uniform (12)","Answer":"INFLATIONIST","Explanation":"(IS INTO)* wrestling=anagram following (getting after) IN FLAT (uniform) \u2013 a monetary theorist proposing devaluation by printing currency. Might it have something to do with the Big Bang?"} {"Clue":"Declines to skip following exercises yet again (6)","Answer":"REUSES","Explanation":"REfUSES (declines) skipping F (following) \u2013 to exercise is to use"} {"Clue":"Press returned having learnt about commotion (6)","Answer":"TISWAS","Explanation":"SIT (press) reversed (returned) and SAW (learnt) reversed (about) \u2013 definition is 'commotion'. ~~I'm not sure why press=sit~~"} {"Clue":"Transported round Chinese port through two channels (12)","Answer":"STEREOPHONIC","Explanation":"anagram (transported) of O (round) CHINESE PORT"} {"Clue":"Almost get off on too much capital (6)","Answer":"OTTAWA","Explanation":"AWAy (off, almost) on OTT (too much) \u2013 capital of Canada"} {"Clue":"Reportedly beats a neighbouring republic (8)","Answer":"TANZANIA","Explanation":"TANZ A NIA sounds like (reportedly) \"tans a near\" (beats a neighbouring)"} {"Clue":"One exposed truants, I fancy (8)","Answer":"NATURIST","Explanation":"(TRUANTS I)* anagram=fancy"} {"Clue":"Famous dry spot in Sahara? Rather (6)","Answer":"ARARAT","Explanation":"in sahARA RATher \u2013 ~~a desert area~~ Mount Ararat where Noah's came to rest after the flood (famous dry spot)"} {"Clue":"Dodgy claims re law-breaking events? (8)","Answer":"MIRACLES","Explanation":"(CLAIMS RE)* anagram=dodgy \u2013 breaking the laws of nature"} {"Clue":"Obtain the bearing of sunrise (6)","Answer":"ORIENT","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 the sun rises in the East, Orient"} {"Clue":"After half a month, tip author (8)","Answer":"NOVELIST","Explanation":"NOVEmber (half a month) LIST (tip, lean)"} {"Clue":"Not wanting a stroke remembered (3,3)","Answer":"OFF PAT","Explanation":"OFF (not wanting, eg 'off my food') PAT (a stroke)"} {"Clue":"After Universal's departure, debated about Kurosawa flm set (8)","Answer":"ARRANGED","Explanation":"ARGuED (debated) missing U (universal) about RAN (Kurasawa film) \u2013 definition is 'set'"} {"Clue":"What might give you endless fit and diarrhoea, almost? (6)","Answer":"GUTROT","Explanation":"aGUe (endless fit) TROTs (diarrhoea, almost) \u2013 definition is &lit. ~~I'm not sure about GU bit, could be Give yoU, but this the opposite of endless really.~~"} {"Clue":"Old book for a pound? (4)","Answer":"EZRA","Explanation":"double definition, book of The Bible and Ezra Pound the writer"} {"Clue":"Man about to tour frst Roman cardinal's church (8)","Answer":"BASILICA","Explanation":"BASIL (man) CA (about) going round (to tour) I (first)"} {"Clue":"Outline of a semicircle one's represented (8)","Answer":"SCENARIO","Explanation":"anagram (representation) of A CIRcle (semi=half of) and ONE'S \u2013 definition is 'outline'"} {"Clue":"One in a hold ultimately has to pull continuously (8)","Answer":"STOWAWAY","Explanation":"S (ultimate letter of has) TOW AWAY (to pull continuously) \u2013 one in a ship's hold"} {"Clue":"Three couples want it before start of a festival (6)","Answer":"SEXTET","Explanation":"SEX (it) before TET (start of festival, the Vietnamese new year) \u2013 three twos are six. Start refers to either new year's day being the start of a holiday period, or else a shortened form of the full name Tet Nguyen Dan."} {"Clue":"Eagerly purchase bowls, perhaps? (4,2)","Answer":"SNAP UP","Explanation":"PANS (bowls) UP (reversed) \u2013 bowls and pans refering to lavatories?"} {"Clue":"Stall China's foreign correspondent? (3,3)","Answer":"PEN PAL","Explanation":"PEN (stall) PAL (china plate, mate, rhyming slang)"} {"Clue":"Mountain petunias in prime locations (4)","Answer":"ETNA","Explanation":"pETuNiAs (2nd, 3rd, 5th and 7th letters) \u2013 the prime numbered locations"} {"Clue":"Kind heart of Malaysian getting warmer? (6)","Answer":"BRANDY","Explanation":"BRAND (kind) malaYsian (heart=middle letter) \u2013 a warming drink"} {"Clue":"Seal broken by force at first, before I look (6)","Answer":"SHUFTI","Explanation":"SHUT (seal) including (broken by) F (force) before I \u2013 definitoin is 'look'"} {"Clue":"Criminal prevailed before ending in slammer, one going down for a long time (5,5)","Answer":"PEARL DIVER","Explanation":"PREVAILED* (criminal=anagram) then slammeR (ending of)"} {"Clue":"Take gold and go cold (6)","Answer":"WINTRY","Explanation":"WIN (take gold) then TRY (go)"} {"Clue":"Annus mirabilis for the rubber man (8)","Answer":"GOODYEAR","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"6's pretty flaky character? (4,5)","Answer":"SNOW WHITE","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 pretty since the mirror declares Snow White to be 'the fairest of them all', flaky because of snow flakes"} {"Clue":"Comedian, one in a suit? (4)","Answer":"CARD","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Bit of fun with possible role to impress partner, initially \u2014 later a 23 26? (8)","Answer":"FOREPLAY","Explanation":"F (bit of fun, first letter) then ROLE* (possible=anagram) including P (first of partner) followed by (later) A happY (ending of) \u2013 definition is a cheeky &lit"} {"Clue":"How often what needs translating into another language not entirely okay in the end (9)","Answer":"FREQUENCY","Explanation":"QUE (what, translated) into FRENCh (another language, not entirely) okaY (end of) \u2013 definition is 'how often'"} {"Clue":"With sound method pack it in roof (8)","Answer":"HOUSETOP","Explanation":"sounds like \"how stop\" (method, pack it in) \u2013 definition is 'roof'"} {"Clue":"In a book, heroic opening captured (2,4)","Answer":"AT HOME","Explanation":"A TOME (book) including H (first letter of heroic) \u2013 definition is 'in'"} {"Clue":"Creator of life inspiring Irishman in assembly (10)","Answer":"PARLIAMENT","Explanation":"PARENT (creator of life) including (inspiring, breathing in) LIAM (Irishman's name)"} {"Clue":"Hot stuff seen in photograph album (4)","Answer":"PHAL","Explanation":"seen in photograPH ALbum \u2013 a very hot curry"} {"Clue":"Remained proper, by the sound of it (6)","Answer":"STAYED","Explanation":"sounds like \"staid\" (proper)"} {"Clue":"Sax was being almost all jazzy? (7)","Answer":"BELGIAN","Explanation":"anagram (jazzy) of BEING and AL (almost all) \u2013 the inventor of the saxophone (Adolphe Sax) was Belgian"} {"Clue":"So far away several yetis entering Tibet's most westerly extremes (2,3)","Answer":"AS YET","Explanation":"Away Several Yetis Entering Tibet (first, most westerly letters of) \u2013 definition is 'so far'"} {"Clue":"Drop tray, emptied onto church's work of art (7)","Answer":"DIPTYCH","Explanation":"DIP (drop) TraY (emptied out, no middle letters) then CH (church)"} {"Clue":"Earth: then what rises? The Sun! (6)","Answer":"HELIOS","Explanation":"SOIL (earth) EH (what) reversed (rises)"} {"Clue":"This in fact not half a distortion of reality? (5,4)","Answer":"FAIRY TALE","Explanation":"FAct (not half) REALITY* \u2013 I can't quite put my finger on the definition, sort of &lit-ish"} {"Clue":"Where you may see reindeer I see antelope (7)","Answer":"ICELAND","Explanation":"I C (see) ELAND (antelope) \u2013 where you may see reindeer"} {"Clue":"Upset tabloid concealing dread, rubbished paper as aggressive performer (7,6)","Answer":"GANGSTA RAPPER","Explanation":"RAG (tabloid) reversed (upset) including (concealing)ANGST (dread) then PAPER* (anagram=rubbished)"} {"Clue":"Incoherent speech, so a drawl collapsed and died (4,5)","Answer":"WORD SALAD","Explanation":"(SO A DRAWL)* collapsed=anagram then D (died)"} {"Clue":"Pay on time for some film (7)","Answer":"FOOTAGE","Explanation":"FOOT (pay, the bill) on AGE (time)"} {"Clue":"In which 16 9, say? (7)","Answer":"QUARTET","Explanation":"\"foreplay\" sounds like \"four play\", a quartet"} {"Clue":"Order, no doubt for starters (7)","Answer":"COMMAND","Explanation":"COMMA (,) No Doubt (first letters of, starters)"} {"Clue":"Tension in the air (6)","Answer":"STRAIN","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"13 has one, as a friend of hers is dying (5,6)","Answer":"HAPPY ENDING","Explanation":"HAPPY (one of the seven dwarfs, friend of Snow White) ENDING (is dying) \u2013 Snow White the fairy tale has a happy ending"} {"Clue":"OT character before road accepted by most returning pilgrims (8)","Answer":"JEREMIAH","Explanation":"ERE (before) MI (M1, a road) inside HAJi (pilgrims) unfinished (most of) and reversed (returning) \u2013 from the Old Testament"} {"Clue":"Second group takes to getting drunk (6)","Answer":"BLOTTO","Explanation":"B (second) LOT (group) with TO"} {"Clue":"OT character made 7 guard fret (6,6)","Answer":"ARTFUL DODGER","Explanation":"anagram (made by) of OLD GUARD FRET \u2013 from Oliver Twist"} {"Clue":"Boastful setter's way on street (8)","Answer":"IMMODEST","Explanation":"I'M (setter is) MODE (way) on ST (street)"} {"Clue":"Lunatic's turn to astonish (4)","Answer":"STUN","Explanation":"NUTS (lunatic's) reversed (turn)"} {"Clue":"Size of paper for princeling? (5,5)","Answer":"SMALL ROYAL","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition \u2013 an old imperial paper size 24\u2033x19\u2033"} {"Clue":"Has changed number held by fictional agent almost beyond the pale (3,5)","Answer":"ASH BLOND","Explanation":"HAS* (changed=anagram) L (fifty, number) in (held by) James BOND (fictional agent) \u2013 a pale hair colour, that still counts as blond"} {"Clue":"One or two? (4)","Answer":"ITEM","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 a romantic pairing"} {"Clue":"OT character to rise at the Tate? (4)","Answer":"LEVI","Explanation":"LEVI + Tate = levitate (to rise) \u2013 Old Testament character"} {"Clue":"I make crosswords before going round with liqueur (8)","Answer":"ANISETTE","Explanation":"ANTE (before) going round I SET (make crosswords)"} {"Clue":"Competitive version of private conversation? (4-2-4)","Answer":"HEAD-TO-HEAD","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 I think 'version' might indicate that this is an alternative\/translated version of tete-a-tete"} {"Clue":"Meal missing in row (4)","Answer":"TIFF","Explanation":"TIFFin (meal) missing 'in'"} {"Clue":"Dispute following river to delta in France (8)","Answer":"CAMARGUE","Explanation":"The River CAM then ARGUE (dispute) \u2013 a river Delta in southern France"} {"Clue":"Sing or dance with seals (1-5)","Answer":"O-RINGS","Explanation":"(SING OR)* anagram=dance"} {"Clue":"Go and mend (6)","Answer":"REPAIR","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 eg 'the Ladies repair to the drawing room'"} {"Clue":"Visual aids obtained with few pounds in Gateshead (8)","Answer":"LIGHTING","Explanation":"LIGHT (a few pounds) IN G (first letter of gate) \u2013 definition is 'visual aids'"} {"Clue":"Bird removed top of rue (5)","Answer":"EGRET","Explanation":"rEGRET (rue) with top removed"} {"Clue":"The badly fed, including supporter that isn't perceptive, utter obscenities (3,3,5)","Answer":"EFF AND BLIND","Explanation":"FAN (supporter) in FED* (badly=anagram) BLIND (isn't perceptive)"} {"Clue":"Mirage left America in Troy (8)","Answer":"ILLUSION","Explanation":"L (left) US (America) in Ilion (old name for Troy)"} {"Clue":"Quick visit causes leaderless country to prosper (4,3,8)","Answer":"HAIL AND FAREWELL","Explanation":"tHAILAND (country) missing leading letter FARE WELL (prosper) \u2013 definition is 'quick visit'"} {"Clue":"OT character with a buzz (6)","Answer":"BUMBLE","Explanation":"Mr Bumble from Oliver Twist and bumble bee"} {"Clue":"OT sprayed Dettol over part of fower (3,9)","Answer":"OLD TESTAMENT","Explanation":"DETTOL* (anagram=sprayed) including (going over) STAMEN (paort of flower)"} {"Clue":"Look up \"green\" (I knew about it) in OT (6,5)","Answer":"OLIVER TWIST","Explanation":"LO (look) reversed (up) and then I WIST (knew) about VERT (green)"} {"Clue":"Flat held by coach of League One club (9)","Answer":"STEVENAGE","Explanation":"EVEN (flat) in (held by) STAGE (coach) \u2013 Englisg League One football club"} {"Clue":"Airs from the air? (8)","Answer":"BIRDSONG","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"OT character's hard work at home (5)","Answer":"FAGIN","Explanation":"FAG (hard work) IN (at home) \u2013 character from Oliver Twist"} {"Clue":"OT character of similes (3)","Answer":"ASA","Explanation":"as something AS A something (found in similies) \u2013 character from the Old Testament, the third King of Judah"} {"Clue":"Complain against being put in boat (6)","Answer":"KVETCH","Explanation":"V (versus, against) put in KETCH (boat)"} {"Clue":"One has letters missing in returned post, only half of programs distributed (8)","Answer":"LIPOGRAM","Explanation":"anagram (distributed) of PROGrams (half of) in MAIL (post) reversed (returned) \u2013 a peice of writing in which all words containing a certain letter have been omitted"} {"Clue":"Most of gross income shaped bioengineering (10)","Answer":"ERGONOMICS","Explanation":"anagram (shaped) of GROSs (most of) and INCOME"} {"Clue":"Folded back type of collar to reveal mark (4)","Answer":"NOTE","Explanation":"ETON (type of collar) reversed (folded back)"} {"Clue":"Natural to accept, say, veto (8)","Answer":"NEGATIVE","Explanation":"NATIVE (natural) including (accepting) EG (say)"} {"Clue":"State's no-go area essentially rebuilt (6)","Answer":"OREGON","Explanation":"anagram (rebuilt) of NO GO and aREa (essentially=core of)"} {"Clue":"Ultimately malevolent scoundrel, a bit of a swine (7)","Answer":"TROTTER","Explanation":"malevolenT (ultimate letter of) ROTTER (scoundrel) \u2013 a pig's foot"} {"Clue":"Regularly used only North or South Korea's first language (7)","Answer":"NYNORSK","Explanation":"oNlY (using every other letter) N (north) OR S (south) K (first letter of Korea) \u2013 a Norwegian language"} {"Clue":"Extra without name interrupted by old film star (6)","Answer":"MONROE","Explanation":"MORE (extra) going outside (without) N (name) including (interrupted by) O (old) \u2013 Marylin Monroe"} {"Clue":"One wears lingerie, one with average clothing (8)","Answer":"ABRASIVE","Explanation":"BRAS (lingerie) I (one, Roman numeral) inside (clothed by) AVE (average) \u2013 something that wears"} {"Clue":"Issue bond in recession, embracing the ultimate in infationism (4)","Answer":"EMIT","Explanation":"TIE (bond) reversed (in recession) containing (embracing) infantilisM (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Left following depression, having worked notice to get whip-round (10)","Answer":"COLLECTION","Explanation":"L (left) following COL (depression) with NOTICE* (anagram=worked)"} {"Clue":"An iris starts to seed cultivated hybrid fowers (8)","Answer":"NARCISSI","Explanation":"anagram (hybrid) of AN IRIS with SC (starting letters of seed and cultivated)"} {"Clue":"Partner once left strong brown beer (6)","Answer":"EXPORT","Explanation":"EX (partner, once) PORT (left)"} {"Clue":"Earwig is close to me, in my ear? (8)","Answer":"OVERHEAR","Explanation":"sounds like (in my ear) \"over here\" (close to me)"} {"Clue":"Exposed bum that smells quite nice (4)","Answer":"OTTO","Explanation":"bOTTOm (bum) exposed=outer layer removed \u2013 a fragrant oil"} {"Clue":"In which Gandhi's lower half's also wrapped up? (6)","Answer":"DHOOTI","Explanation":"ganDHI (lower half of) includes (wraps) TOO (also) reversed (up) \u2013 definition is &lit, a loin cloth"} {"Clue":"Called for medical to be reviewed (7)","Answer":"CLAIMED","Explanation":"MEDICAL* (reviewed=anagram)"} {"Clue":"Notice suppressing source of smutty blue literary genre (3,5)","Answer":"SPY STORY","Explanation":"SPY (notice) S (source of smutty) TORY (Conservative, blue). I can't figure out how 'suppressing' fits in. It could just mean 'sits on top of', but the clue would make sense without it, so it seems odd to include a redundant word just for the sake of it."} {"Clue":"These are green lemons, having gone off (4,6)","Answer":"OGEN MELONS","Explanation":"anagram (off) of LEMONS and GONE \u2013 a variety of melon with green skin"} {"Clue":"Make lace and, in addition, hide design? (6)","Answer":"TATTOO","Explanation":"TAT (lace) with TOO (in addition) \u2013 a design on the skin (hide)"} {"Clue":"Social worker caught in lorry north of a cold place (10)","Answer":"ANTARCTICA","Explanation":"ANT (social worker, lives in colonies) and C (caught) in ARTIC (lorry) above (north of, on a map) A \u2013 definition is 'cold place'"} {"Clue":"Wield drill (8)","Answer":"EXCERCISE","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"They protect one, stopping smells (8)","Answer":"SAVIOURS","Explanation":"I (one) inside (stopping, like a cork) SAVOURS (smells)"} {"Clue":"\"Ambushed\" means one grabbed by youth (7)","Answer":"WAYLAID","Explanation":"WAY (means) and I (one) inside (grabbed by) LAD (youth)"} {"Clue":"Enthusiasm about a particular version of \"Sound of Music\"? (6)","Answer":"OOMPAH","Explanation":"OOMPH (enthusiasm) going round (about) A \u2013 an onomatopoeic description of a variety of music"} {"Clue":"Joint courses may be reduced by one (6)","Answer":"REEFER","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition \u2013\u00a0a course sail a type of\u00a0sail that can be partly rolled up or\u00a0'reefed', so a reefer is a person performing this action. The definition is 'joint'. *Thanks to paulweaver for this."} {"Clue":"Literal Teletubby disheartened one of them? (4)","Answer":"TYPO","Explanation":"TeletubbY (disheartened=no middle) and PO (a Teletubby) \u2013 definition is 'literal', in printing"} {"Clue":"Bridge books returned by rail, perhaps (6)","Answer":"RIALTO","Explanation":"OT (Old Testamant, books) reversed following RAIL* \u2013 a bridge in Venice"} {"Clue":"Prayer books changing non- Conservative America (3,5)","Answer":"AVE MARIA","Explanation":"AV (Authorised Version, the Bible, books, again) AMERIcA* missing C=Conservative \u2013 definition is 'prayer'"} {"Clue":"The advantage of backing, say, given to editor (4)","Answer":"EDGE","Explanation":"EG (say) reversed then ED (editor)"} {"Clue":"He nicks your stuff if he's taken off (5,5)","Answer":"SNEAK THIEF","Explanation":"(IF HE'S TAKEN)* off=anagram"} {"Clue":"Ditch hotel with a scornful expression (2-2)","Answer":"HA-HA","Explanation":"H (hotel) with A then HA (scornful expression) \u2013 a ditch acting as a hidden wall or fence."} {"Clue":"Make like a robot when A-team is out for change (10)","Answer":"AUTOMATISE","Explanation":"(A TEAM IS OUT)* anagram=for a change"} {"Clue":"Broadcast link with eastern language (4)","Answer":"THAI","Explanation":"sounds like (broadcast) \"tie\" (link)"} {"Clue":"Clear source of tension after lover's executed (5)","Answer":"OVERT","Explanation":"T (first lettter of tension) following lOVER (executed=head chopped off)"} {"Clue":"English theologian has a couple of books in Norse (4)","Answer":"EDDA","Explanation":"E (English) DD (theologian) has A \u2013 books of Norse folklore"} {"Clue":"Simple part of postman's job offering financial security (4,6)","Answer":"EASY STREET","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Slow very nearly becomes fast (4)","Answer":"LENT","Explanation":"LENTo (slow, nearly completed) \u2013 period of fasting"} {"Clue":"A person who maintains objectives and always tries to save (10)","Answer":"GOALKEEPER","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Money from accident runs out (4)","Answer":"CASH","Explanation":"CrASH (accident) missing R=runs"} {"Clue":"Approaching China, for example by working with firm (8)","Answer":"ONCOMING","Explanation":"MING (an example of china, pottery) following (by) ON (working) with CO (company, firm)"} {"Clue":"The approach one takes to a meeting place? (6)","Answer":"AVENUE","Explanation":"A with VENUE (meeting place)"} {"Clue":"Bad arrangement in Genesis for avian facility (8)","Answer":"BIRDBATH","Explanation":"BAD* (arrangement=anagram) in BIRTH (genesis)"} {"Clue":"Sick, before rising maturity cast light on unknown law-breaking (10)","Answer":"ILLEGALITY","Explanation":"ILL (sick) before AGE (maturity) reversed (rising) LIT (cast light on) Y (unknown, maths)"} {"Clue":"Oil worker tours around, getting sailor dismissed (10)","Answer":"ROUSTABOUT","Explanation":"TOURS* (anagram=around) getting AB (sailor) OUT (dismissed) \u2013 a labourer on a rig"} {"Clue":"For example, sell by appointment? (4)","Answer":"DATE","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 a 'sell by date' is an example of a date"} {"Clue":"Try to fnd and understand source of knowledge (4)","Answer":"SEEK","Explanation":"SEE (understand) with K (first letter of knowledge)"} {"Clue":"Curse course showing love for power (4)","Answer":"OATH","Explanation":"pATH (course) with O (love) replacing P (power)"} {"Clue":"People arranging things for Russian leader beset by problems (6)","Answer":"FIXERS","Explanation":"R (leading letter of Russian) surrounded by FIXES (problems)"} {"Clue":"Subject of note crossing border (5)","Answer":"THEME","Explanation":"TE (musical note) going around (crossing) HEM (border)"} {"Clue":"Thanks sailors during dinner, say, for a bone (10)","Answer":"METATARSAL","Explanation":"TA (thanks) TARS (sailors) in (during) MEAL (dinner say)"} {"Clue":"Flat pitch \u2013 triple century left unfnished (6,4)","Answer":"TREBLE CLEF","Explanation":"TREBLE (triple) C (century) LEFt (unfinished) \u2013 I'm guessing that 'flat pitch' is another name for the treble clef, but I can't find references anywhere"} {"Clue":"Earth's ruler no longer is around, unfortunately (8)","Answer":"DINOSAUR","Explanation":"(IS AROUND)* anagram=unfortunately \u2013 dinosaurs no longer rule the Earth"} {"Clue":"Sum of money for doctor kidnapped by relation (6)","Answer":"AMOUNT","Explanation":"MO (doctor) in AUNT (relation)"} {"Clue":"Ladies finally check appearance (4)","Answer":"LOOK","Explanation":"LOO (Ladies, toilet) K (final letter of check)"} {"Clue":"Large-scale source of power in melting ice (4)","Answer":"EPIC","Explanation":"P (first letter of power) in ICE* (anagram=melting)"} {"Clue":"Stick plough on unevenly (4)","Answer":"POGO","Explanation":"PlOuGh On (missing the even letters) \u2013 a pogo stick"} {"Clue":"Problem for one who repeatedly fghts about university existence, covering vulgar arse (11,3)","Answer":"CAULIFLOWER EAR","Explanation":"CA (circa,about) U (university) and LIFE (existence) covering LOW (vulgar) then REAR (arse)"} {"Clue":"Turning out river runs through English city (5)","Answer":"TRURO","Explanation":"R (river) and R (runs) inserted into (through) OUT reversed \u2013 a city in Cornwall, England"} {"Clue":"Kindergarten Cop left horse rocking (9)","Answer":"PRESCHOOL","Explanation":"anagram (rocking) of COP L (left) and HORSE"} {"Clue":"Exaggerate, so the Queen rules on, say (9)","Answer":"OVERSTATE","Explanation":"definition and cryptic definition \u2013 the Queen rules over the state"} {"Clue":"Material any longer in stock? (5)","Answer":"NYLON","Explanation":"found inside (stocked by) aNY LONger"} {"Clue":"Making public obsessive about annual golf tournament (4,3,4)","Answer":"INTO THE OPEN","Explanation":"INTO (obsessive about) THE OPEN (annual golf tournament)"} {"Clue":"Space-traveller has initially turbulent progress (4,7)","Answer":"COME THROUGH","Explanation":"COMET (space traveller) H (intial letter of has) ROUGH (turbulent) \u2013 definition is 'progress'"} {"Clue":"Insiders here chose an aged bookmaker (5)","Answer":"HOSEA","Explanation":"found inside cHOSE An \u2013 definition is 'aged bookmaker', Hosea is a biblical character who wrote a book of prophecies"} {"Clue":"Knock, then step inside chippy (9)","Answer":"CARPENTER","Explanation":"CARP (knock, criticise) ENTER (step inside) \u2013 a chippy is a knickname for a carpenter"} {"Clue":"Shot last Rambo, cut at the weekend (5,4)","Answer":"ROAST LAMB","Explanation":"(LAST RAMBO)* anagram=shot, a cut of meat for Sunday lunch"} {"Clue":"Publication taken in by moon's level of perfection (5)","Answer":"IMAGO","Explanation":"MAG (publication) inside IO (moon of Jupiter) \u2013 quoting from Chambers: 'the last or perfect stage of an insect's development'"} {"Clue":"New articulation in theatre \u2013 lecturer's a bind (3,11)","Answer":"HIP REPLACEMENT","Explanation":"HIP (in) REP (theatre) L (lecturer) has A CEMENT (bind) \u2013 definition is 'new articulation'"} {"Clue":"Institution of Crouch Hill almost completely collapsing in strike (8,6)","Answer":"CATHOLIC CHURCH","Explanation":"anagram (collapsing) of CROUCH HIL (not completed) inside CATCH (strike)"} {"Clue":"Not being familiar with peacekeepers, practised (6,2)","Answer":"UNUSED TO","Explanation":"UN (peacekeepers) USED TO (practised)"} {"Clue":"We're for clapping Men Behaving Badly actor (5)","Answer":"IRONS","Explanation":"definition and cryptic definition, actor Jeremy Irons and cryptically if men behaved badly they could be clapped in irons. For the benefit of foreign solvers, Men Behaving Badly was a long-running UK sitcom."} {"Clue":"Mathematician's chum stuck up on spike (7)","Answer":"LAPLACE","Explanation":"PAL (chum) reversed (stuck up) on LACE (spice) \u2013 Pierre Simon, Marquis de Laplace French astronomer and mathematician."} {"Clue":"Heading for which he wrote novel (7)","Answer":"WHERETO","Explanation":"(HE WROTE)* anagram=novel \u2013 definition is 'heading for which'"} {"Clue":"After-dinner speaker, maybe, to run race for kicks? (9)","Answer":"RACONTEUR","Explanation":"(TO RUN RACE)* for kicks=anagram \u2013 in a funny way? are the letters are kicked about?"} {"Clue":"A star trapped in the toilets (6)","Answer":"ETOILE","Explanation":"trapped inside thE TOILEts \u2013 for some reason the name George Michael immediately sprang to mind"} {"Clue":"English tutor not heading for schools in complete control (6,3,5)","Answer":"RULING THE ROOST","Explanation":"anagram (schools, is instructed?) of ENGLISH TUTOR fOR (not heading) \u2013 definition is 'in complete control'. Not 100% sure about this one."} {"Clue":"Craft sample with vertically cut inset (3-6)","Answer":"TWO-MASTER","Explanation":"MOW (cut) reversed (vertically) in TASTER (sample) \u2013 definition is 'craft'"} {"Clue":"Essential to think outside the box: hard one gets inserted (4-4)","Answer":"MUST-HAVE","Explanation":"MUSE (to think) outside TV (the box) with H (hard) A (one) inserted \u2013 definition is 'essential'"} {"Clue":"Literally wrap lens cap up (7)","Answer":"ENCLASP","Explanation":"(LENS CAP)* anagram=up (excited)\u00a0\u2013 definition is 'literally wrap'\u00a0~~ I'm not sure of the rest. Definition could be 'literally wrap' and 'up' could be an anagram indicator? Possible 'wrap up' could be an anagram indicator, but then where is the definition? The clue is not really an &lit.~~"} {"Clue":"It's an old bore returning to live in the earth (7)","Answer":"TEREBRA","Explanation":"BE (to live) reversed in TERRA (the earth) \u2013 an old Roman drilling device"} {"Clue":"Slope \"vehicle\", in an unusual sense (6)","Answer":"ESCARP","Explanation":"CAR (vehicle) in ESP (an unusual sense) \u2013 definition is 'slope'"} {"Clue":"The frst to eat lo-cal cream? (5)","Answer":"ELITE","Explanation":"Eat (first letter of) LITE (lo-cal) \u2013 definition is 'cream'"} {"Clue":"At last censors see cutting of material (6)","Answer":"SWATCH","Explanation":"censorS (last letter of) WATCH (see)"} {"Clue":"One scheming Darth Vader primarily is ruler over empire on either side (7)","Answer":"DEVISER","Explanation":"Darth Vader (first letters of) IS ER (the Queen, ruler) containing (over) E (either end of empire)"} {"Clue":"Han Solo flying around close to Jedi \u2014 good fighters in crowd (9)","Answer":"HOOLIGANS","Explanation":"(HAN SOLO)* flying=anagram around jedI (last letter of) and G (good)"} {"Clue":"Simpson is captured by broadcast turning round for drink (5)","Answer":"RIOJA","Explanation":"OJ (Simpson, American actor) in AIR (broadcast) ~~all~~ reversed"} {"Clue":"Swimmer in film, returning at end of Jaws, giving warnings (5)","Answer":"OMENS","Explanation":"NEMO (fish in film) reversed then S (end of Jaws)"} {"Clue":"Toilet breaks with old Higgins: subject of his bet during play? (9)","Answer":"DOOLITTLE","Explanation":"(TOILET OLD)* breaks=anagram \u2013 Eliza Doolitle from Pygmalion"} {"Clue":"Originally, Star Wars has Yoda struggling on the dark side? (7)","Answer":"SHADOWY","Explanation":"anagram of SWH (starts of star, wars and has) and YODA"} {"Clue":"Flintoff to Ponting, perhaps after line \"one Australian Fat Lump\" (6)","Answer":"LIPOMA","Explanation":"POM (an Englishman to an Australian) following L (line) I (one) then A (Australian) \u2013 a fatty growth"} {"Clue":"Star from opening sequence of picture \u2014 unusually Luke Skywalker at rest (6)","Answer":"PULSAR","Explanation":"starts of Picture Unusually Luke Skywalker At Rest"} {"Clue":"Football manager (European) gets inside Ulrika's head with quiet drink (5,2)","Answer":"SEVEN UP","Explanation":"E (European) inside SVEN (Eriksson, football manager) U (first letter of Ulrika) with P (piano, quiet) \u2013 a fizzy drink"} {"Clue":"James Bond's superior said what she's doing getting a rise? (9)","Answer":"EMBOSSING","Explanation":"EM (sounds like M, Bond's boss) and BOSSING (what she does) \u2013 a raised pattern"} {"Clue":"Repeat crackle regularly in early inspection (5)","Answer":"RECCE","Explanation":"RepEatCraCklE (every third letter)"} {"Clue":"Picture that is providing cover for Vogue, perhaps (5)","Answer":"IMAGE","Explanation":"IE (that is) covering MAG (Vogue for example)"} {"Clue":"Respites in rehab: rest drunk (9)","Answer":"BREATHERS","Explanation":"(REHAB REST)* drunk=anagram"} {"Clue":"Supervised a midwife in the middle after deliveries (7)","Answer":"OVERSAW","Explanation":"A midWife (middle letter of) following OVERS (deliveries, cricket)"} {"Clue":"Chinese letter translator: \"Good New Year at home\" (6)","Answer":"PINYIN","Explanation":"PI (good) N (new) Y (year) IN (at home) \u2013 a way of writing Chinese characters using the Latin alphabet"} {"Clue":"Trains in small church \u2014 Holland having lost leader (7)","Answer":"SCHOOLS","Explanation":"S (small) CH (church) jOOLS (Holland, pianist and presenter) losing leading letter"} {"Clue":"Repent immediately, caught out (5)","Answer":"ATONE","Explanation":"AT ONcE (immediately) missing C=caught"} {"Clue":"Workers here might batter police in quiet part (4,5)","Answer":"CHIP SHOPS","Explanation":"HIP (in) SH (quiet) sepatates (parts) COPS (police) \u2013 they fry fish in batter"} {"Clue":"Director George Lucas ultimately turning cheek, taking Oscar loot (7)","Answer":"DESPOIL","Explanation":"D (director) georgE lucaS (last letters of) then O (oscar, phonetic alphabet) in LIP (cheek) reversed (turning)"} {"Clue":"Court missing from its decision, he noted (5)","Answer":"VERDI","Explanation":"VERDIct (decision) missing CT=court \u2013 a composer, he wrote notes"} {"Clue":"Tramp's son playing like Borg? (9)","Answer":"SPORTSMAN","Explanation":"(TRAMP'S SON)* anagram=playing"} {"Clue":"Wanderer picked up in Italian capital (6)","Answer":"ROAMER","Explanation":"sounds like (picked up) ROMA, capital of Italy"} {"Clue":"Hot over river \u2014 what it did? (3,3)","Answer":"RAN DRY","Explanation":"RANDY (hot) going over R (river)"} {"Clue":"Outline of a silent figure (9)","Answer":"ADUMBRATE","Explanation":"A DUMB (silent) RATE (figure, calculate) \u2013 to create a shadowy outline"} {"Clue":"Father against shortened Nessun Dorma, <\/i>perhaps too much butting in for singer (9)","Answer":"PAVAROTTI","Explanation":"PA (father) V (versus, against) ARIa (Nessun Dorma perhaps, shortened) containing OTT (too much)"} {"Clue":"Coloured beam from lightsaber finally destroying Obi-Wan (7)","Answer":"RAINBOW","Explanation":"anagram (destroying) of R (last letter of lightsaber) and OBI-WAN"} {"Clue":"Dropped something laid up covered in down (6)","Answer":"SAGGED","Explanation":"EGG (something laid) reversed (up) in SAD (down)"} {"Clue":"Princess not included \u2014 acceptable to continue (5,2)","Answer":"PRESS ON","Explanation":"PRincESS missing inc (included) then ON (acceptable)"} {"Clue":"Actor and daughter, topless pair of writers (2,4)","Answer":"DE NIRO","Explanation":"D (daughter) with pEN and bIRO (writers, topless)"} {"Clue":"Throws up seat on board (5)","Answer":"SPEWS","Explanation":"PEW (seat) in a SS (steam ship, on board)"} {"Clue":"Like toffee cut inside edges of candy (5)","Answer":"CHEWY","Explanation":"HEW (cut) in CandY (edges of)"} {"Clue":"Abrasive rocks cropped wild cat earlier (6)","Answer":"PUMICE","Explanation":"PUMa (wild cat, cropped)\u00a0coming before\u00a0ICE (rocks, diamonds)"} {"Clue":"Bill attends Kasbah regularly, along with an expert (1,3,4)","Answer":"A DAB HAND","Explanation":"AD (advert, bill) with (attends) kAsBaH (regularly) AND (along with)"} {"Clue":"Switch to goods connected with the French (6)","Answer":"TOGGLE","Explanation":"TO GG (good, twice) with (connected with) LE (the, French)"} {"Clue":"A friend snubbed custom here in Middle East (3,5)","Answer":"ABU DHABI","Explanation":"A BUD (friend) HABIt (custom) snubbed=shortened"} {"Clue":"Quite modern Tyneside institute mum joins (6)","Answer":"NEWISH","Explanation":"NE (Tyneside, the North East) WI (Womens Institute)\u00a0with (joined by) SH (mum)"} {"Clue":"Grey borders in extension covered by dearest architectural feature (8)","Answer":"PEDIMENT","Explanation":"DIM (grey) ExtensioN (borders of) in (covered by) PET (dearest)"} {"Clue":"Fine characters half involved in road rage (3)","Answer":"FAD","Explanation":"F (fine) AD (half the characters in road) \u2013 definition is 'rage'"} {"Clue":"Worker retires into Crown for rest (6)","Answer":"CATNAP","Explanation":"ANT (worker) reversed in CAP (crown)"} {"Clue":"Get married, restricting gold frills to shirt material (7)","Answer":"WORSTED","Explanation":"WED (get married) containing (restricting) OR (gold) ShirT (frills=edges) \u2013 definition is 'material'"} {"Clue":"Shake, when squandering a thousand for this bet? (6)","Answer":"TREBLE","Explanation":"TREmBLE (shake) losing (squandering) M=thousand"} {"Clue":"Peg leg (3)","Answer":"PIN","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Confectionery supply, including lozenge, handed back (8)","Answer":"LOLLIPOP","Explanation":"POOL (supply) including PILL (lozenge) all reversed (handed back)"} {"Clue":"Pronounced pleats \u2013 the latest in fashionable party jacket (6)","Answer":"TUXEDO","Explanation":"TUX (pronounced 'tucks') fashionablE (last letter of) DO (party)"} {"Clue":"Landowner grabbing right and left \u2013 typical hoarder (8)","Answer":"SQUIRREL","Explanation":"SQUIRE (landowner) containing (grabbing) R (right) then L (left)"} {"Clue":"He's munching nothing except duck, that's put aside (6)","Answer":"SHELVE","Explanation":"HE'S* munching=anagram LoVE (nothing, tennis) missing (except) O (zero, duck) \u2013 that is (will give) 'put aside' definition"} {"Clue":"Salt and medical soap require taking back here in Scotland (8)","Answer":"ABERDEEN","Explanation":"AB (sailor, salt) ER (TV program, medical soap) NEED (require) recversed (takining back)"} {"Clue":"Huge nose entertains English bird (6)","Answer":"OSPREY","Explanation":"OS (huge, out size) PRY (nose) including (entertains) E (English)"} {"Clue":"Delay travelling north, up to French city (3,2,3)","Answer":"PUT ON ICE","Explanation":"UP reversed (upwards, travelling north on a map) TO NICE (French city)"} {"Clue":"Amount of power needed to cook game was endless \u2013 temperature doubled (8)","Answer":"MEGAWATT","Explanation":"GAME* (anagram=cook) WAs (with no end letter) TT (temperature, twice)"} {"Clue":"Old King's order \u2013 salad (8)","Answer":"COLESLAW","Explanation":"COLE'S (old king is) LAW (order)"} {"Clue":"Called companion about accommodation (6)","Answer":"DUBBED","Explanation":"BUD (buddy, companion) reversed (about) BED (accomodation)"} {"Clue":"Smell blood after duke produces punch (6)","Answer":"BODKIN","Explanation":"BO (body odour, smell) KIN (blood) following D (duke) \u2013 a tool for punching holes"} {"Clue":"Plant extremists attached to a meadow (6)","Answer":"AZALEA","Explanation":"AZ (extreme letters) with (attached to) A LEA (meadow)"} {"Clue":"Wed perhaps outside \u2013 one books small cake? (6)","Answer":"DAINTY","Explanation":"DAY (Wednesday perhaps) incuding (outside) I (one) NT (books, of the Bible) \u2013 a small iced cake"} {"Clue":"Churchman, out of love, meets Greek character turning over veg (7)","Answer":"PARSNIP","Explanation":"PARSoN (churchman) missing (out of) O (love) with (meets) PI (Greek character) reversed (turning over)"} {"Clue":"School party pedal back (3)","Answer":"POD","Explanation":"DO (party) P (pedal, music) reversed (back) \u2013 a school of dolphins, whales etc"} {"Clue":"Rush ballet leap, stubbing toe (3)","Answer":"JET","Explanation":"JETe (a leap in ballet) missing (stubbing, shortened by last letter, toe)"} {"Clue":"Shout of annoyance interrupts another, before end of this game (8)","Answer":"DRAUGHTS","Explanation":"UGH (shout of annoyance) inside (interrupts) DRAT (another shout of annoyance) before thiS (end of) \u2013 definition 'game'"} {"Clue":"Seaman, then another, reported one clinging to cliff-face? (8)","Answer":"ABSEILER","Explanation":"AB (seaman) then SEILER sounds like (reported) 'sailor' (another seaman)"} {"Clue":"City embraced by traveller joining unknown rally (8)","Answer":"RECOVERY","Explanation":"EC (East Central, the City of London postal area) in (embraced by) ROVER (traveller) with (joining) Y (unknown, maths)"} {"Clue":"State entered between Arizona and Hawaii (6)","Answer":"ALASKA","Explanation":"cryptic (ish)\u00a0definition \u2013 the 49th state of the USA, entered the union between Arizona (48th) and Hawaii (50th)"} {"Clue":"Legal section periodically call at practice (6)","Answer":"CLAUSE","Explanation":"CaLl At (periodically) USE (practice)"} {"Clue":"Aircraft noise envelops old commandos ascending (6)","Answer":"NIMROD","Explanation":"DIN (noise) contains (envelops) O (old) RM (marines, commandos) reversed (ascending) \u2013\u00a0one of several\u00a0former RAF aircraft"} {"Clue":"Try and see cartoon character (6)","Answer":"POPEYE","Explanation":"POP (try, as a noun) and EYE (see)"} {"Clue":"At heart, girl is an auxiliary (4)","Answer":"AIDE","Explanation":"mAIDEn (girl, heart of) \u2013 definition is 'auxilliary'"} {"Clue":"Introducing bible to populate devilish old country (5,5)","Answer":"UPPER VOLTA","Explanation":"RV (revised version, bible) in POPULATE* anagram=devellish"} {"Clue":"King on grand carriage abroad (6)","Answer":"GHARRY","Explanation":"HARRY (King Henry V) on G (grand) \u2013 an Indian carriage"} {"Clue":"Straight line separating smooth sort of sheep (8)","Answer":"SHETLAND","Explanation":"HET (hetrosexual, straight) L (line) in (separating) SAND (smooth) \u2013 a breed of sheep"} {"Clue":"Departed by main route? (4)","Answer":"AWAY","Explanation":"A WAY (main route, cf A road)"} {"Clue":"Heavy blow given by drunk regimental soldier (10)","Answer":"HIGHLANDER","Explanation":"LANDER (heavy blow) by HIGH drunk \u2013 a member of one of the Highland Regiments"} {"Clue":"Reviled sailor no longer employed (4)","Answer":"USED","Explanation":"abUSED (reviled) missing (no longer)\u00a0AB (Able Seaman, sailor)"} {"Clue":"State of a female prostitute (5)","Answer":"IDAHO","Explanation":"IDA (female name) HO (prostitute, slang)"} {"Clue":"Redundancy means \"go into retirement\", only initially (4)","Answer":"GIRO","Explanation":"initial letters of Go Into Retirement Only \u2013 a benefit payment, means of support when made redundant"} {"Clue":"Scrape by, blessed by church network that links all (10)","Answer":"CYBERSPACE","Explanation":"(SCRAPE BY)* anagram=blessed (confounded) then CE (Chuch of England)"} {"Clue":"Some Wiltshire dialect used in 14 (4)","Answer":"TSHI","Explanation":"some of wilTSHIre \u2013 a Ghanaian language"} {"Clue":"Blocked a unit with heavy-duty fencing (8)","Answer":"HAMPERED","Explanation":"AMPERE (unit of current) in (fenced by)\u00a0HD (heavy-duty)"} {"Clue":"Waste away, wounded (6)","Answer":"OFFCUT","Explanation":"OFF (away) CUT (wounded)"} {"Clue":"Delayed by us, came undone missing tackle? (10)","Answer":"EMASCULATE","Explanation":"LATE (delayed) by (US CAME)* anagram=undone \u2013 having to tackle (genitals)"} {"Clue":"Mere holiday up north (4)","Answer":"LAKE","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 body of water and a break from something (northern dialect)"} {"Clue":"Feeble question repeated about divided tax-free accounts (5-5)","Answer":"WISHY-WASHY","Explanation":"IS AS (tax free accounts, divided) inserted into WHY WHY (question, repeated)"} {"Clue":"Unintentionally showed live TV, only half ready to be broadcast (8)","Answer":"BETRAYED","Explanation":"BE (live, exist) Tv (only half of) READY* broadcast=anagram \u2013 eg to betray an emotion"} {"Clue":"Therapeutic movement that could make him curtsey (10)","Answer":"EURYTHMICS","Explanation":"(HIM CURTSEY)* \u2013 Eurythmics is\u00a0one of two music\/dance education and therapy techniques by either Rudolf Seiner or Jaque Dalcroze. I'm guessing at the Steiner option."} {"Clue":"Slippery character missing a month's work (4)","Answer":"OPUS","Explanation":"octOPUS (slippery character) missing a month (oct) \u2013 a musical work. I'm not sure why an octopus would be\u00a0particularly slippery."} {"Clue":"Corrected last section of paper in a day (4)","Answer":"TRUE","Explanation":"papeR (last letter of) in TUE (day) \u2013 definition is 'corrected'. This seems a strange definition, maybe I have got this one wrong."} {"Clue":"Singer\/songwriter's place in annex (6)","Answer":"JOPLIN","Explanation":"PL (place) in JOIN (annex) \u2013 either Janis or Scott Joplin, singer\/songwriters"} {"Clue":"Succeeded to get barrel underneath foor (4)","Answer":"STUN","Explanation":"S (succeeded) with TUN (barrel) underneath \u2013 definition is 'floor' as a verb"} {"Clue":"Finally building hospital east of banana republic (5)","Answer":"GHANA","Explanation":"buildinG (final letter) banANA (right part, east on a map)"} {"Clue":"Wife feeding insecure, threatening character old stews (5,5)","Answer":"LOOSE WOMEN","Explanation":"W (wife) in (being fed into) LOOSE (insecure) OMEN (threatening character) \u2013 a stew is an old word for a prostitute"} {"Clue":"Unpredictable mover and shaker (10)","Answer":"EARTHQUAKE","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Where you might enter (with pen) bent item in book? (8)","Answer":"GATEFOLD","Explanation":"GATE (where you might enter) FOLD (pen) \u2013 an oversize page in a book that has to be folded (bent) when\u00a0the book is closed"} {"Clue":"Abandon former attitude (6)","Answer":"EXPOSE","Explanation":"EX (former) POSE (attitude) \u2013 to expose is to abandon a child or animal"} {"Clue":"Host with many branches? (4)","Answer":"ARMY","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition \u2013 having lots of arms (branches)"} {"Clue":"Unlimited group sex \u2013 at last, something saucy (4)","Answer":"ROUX","Explanation":"gROUp (with no limits) seX (last letter of) \u2013 a flour paste used to make a sauce"} {"Clue":"Old explorer, one in endless bewilderment (4)","Answer":"DIAZ","Explanation":"I (one) in DAZe (bewilderment) missing the end \u2013 Bartolomeu Diaz, Portugese explorer"} {"Clue":"Trauma about Welshman nearly getting official transport (5,3)","Answer":"STAFF CAR","Explanation":"SCAR (trauma) about TAFFy (\"Taffy was a a Welshman\u2026\" nursery rhyme) nearly complete. I think 'nearly' is unnecessary, Taff is a name for a Welshman anyway."} {"Clue":"Capital built in vane (6)","Answer":"VIENNA","Explanation":"(IN VANE)"} {"Clue":"One breaking rule of protection against fire or collision (8)","Answer":"OFFENDER","Explanation":"OF and FENDER (protection against fire or collision)"} {"Clue":"King, queen and prince of the cloth? (8)","Answer":"KERCHIEF","Explanation":"K (king) ER (The Queen) and CHIEF (prince of) \u2013 a pice of cloth. I think prince=chief is a little iffy but it makes for a nice clue so\u00a0forgiven."} {"Clue":"Jack Point's funny on fsh or bone (3,3,3,3)","Answer":"ONE FOR HIS NOB","Explanation":"(ON FISH OR BONE)* funny=anagram \u2013 a point in cribbage for holding the jack."} {"Clue":"Tune of sophisticated nature \u2013 work without radiator (3-4)","Answer":"AIR-COOL","Explanation":"AIR (tune) COOL (of spophisticated nature) \u2013 as opposed to water cool say (of an engine)"} {"Clue":"Sheep or goat to squash superior type of nose with hard sweet (12,6)","Answer":"BUTTERSCOTCH TOFFEE","Explanation":"BUTTER (sheep or goat, head-but) SCOTCH (squash) TOFFEE-nosed (superior, posh)"} {"Clue":"Ghost writer for dramatist with admirer in currency (8,2,4)","Answer":"SHERIDAN LE FANU","Explanation":"Richard Brinley SHERIDAN (Irish playwright) with FAN (admirer) in LEU (currency of Moldova) \u2013 writer of ghost stories"} {"Clue":"China incites the underworld (8)","Answer":"EGGSHELL","Explanation":"EGGS (incites) HELL (the underworld)"} {"Clue":"Favourite article in last month's cross (8)","Answer":"PETULANT","Explanation":"PET (favourite) AN (indefinite article) in ULT (last month)"} {"Clue":"Catalyst in a frenzy, methinks (6)","Answer":"ENZYME","Explanation":"found in a frENZY MEthinks"} {"Clue":"Sword without point to cover novel \u2013 that's novel cover (8)","Answer":"ENVELOPE","Explanation":"NOVEL* (novel=anagram) in (covered by) EPEe (sword) misssing E (east, point fo the compass) \u2013 definition is 'cover'"} {"Clue":"Flying start with knot complete before parachute opens (4,4)","Answer":"FREE FALL","Explanation":"F (first letter of of flying) with REEF (knot) ALL (complete)"} {"Clue":"Foreign lady to study former savings scheme (8)","Answer":"CONTESSA","Explanation":"CON (to study) TESSSA (former Tax Exempt Special Savings Account)"} {"Clue":"Double European gloss? (6,6)","Answer":"FRENCH POLISH","Explanation":"FRENCH ( a european) POLISH (another european)"} {"Clue":"Immature swimmer, no end ungentlemanly (6)","Answer":"CADDIS","Explanation":"CADDISh (ungentlemanly) missing the end \u2013 water-bourne larva of the caddis fly"} {"Clue":"Refine (or about half refine) the light? (6)","Answer":"RAREFY","Explanation":"RAY (light) about REF (half the letters from refine) \u2013 definition is 'refine'. I put in 'verify' at first (from Very light), but didn't think it through properly."} {"Clue":"Criticise one very noisy shock treatment, as with dominoes (5-2,6)","Answer":"KNOCK-ON EFFECT","Explanation":"KNOCK (criticise) ONE FF (very loud) ECT (shock treatment)"} {"Clue":"Trotsky entertaining a foreign companion to a meal (8)","Answer":"LUNCHEON","Explanation":"LEON (Trotsky) containing (entertaining) UN (a, French) CH (companion, of Honour)"} {"Clue":"Berbers missing for example in visit with sculptures (8)","Answer":"STATUARY","Explanation":"TUAReg (Berbers) missing EG (for example) in STAY (visit)"} {"Clue":"Old solvers in live uncommercial cinema (3,5)","Answer":"ART HOUSE","Explanation":"THOUS (thou=you, archaic and S added for plural) in ARE (live, to be). Initially I thought this was going to be ART=is\/are archaic, an old Cinephile\/Araucaria favourite, but it was not to be."} {"Clue":"Remain as told for the paper in situation by river in atlas? (12)","Answer":"WEIGHT LIFTER","Explanation":"WEIGHT sounds like (as told) 'wait' (remain) then FT (the paper) in LIE (situation) and then R (river) \u2013 Atlas holds up the world"} {"Clue":"Half we know it half as well (6)","Answer":"WITHAL","Explanation":"we knoW\u00a0IT HALf (half the letter of) \u2013 definition is 'as well'"} {"Clue":"Run away without Barbara or Lily equally quiet having dropped off (6,6)","Answer":"FALLEN ASLEEP","Explanation":"FLEE (run away) outside (without) ALLEN (Barbara or Lily Allen) AS (equally) then\u00a0P (quiet)"} {"Clue":"Boy's entertaining run down wood (6)","Answer":"WILLOW","Explanation":"WOW (exclamation, oh boy!) including (entertaining) ILL (run down)"} {"Clue":"Runner satisfed injured leg getting right (8)","Answer":"SMUGGLER","Explanation":"SMUG (satisfied) LEG* (injured=anagram) with R (right) \u2013 a runner of contreband"} {"Clue":"US elite soldier gathers information about republic (7)","Answer":"SENEGAL","Explanation":"GEN (information) reversed (about) in (gathered by) SEAL (US special forces soldier)"} {"Clue":"Current newsman touring Spain was invited on show (7)","Answer":"GUESTED","Explanation":"GUST (current) ED (editor, newsman) going around (touring) E (Espana, Spain) \u2013 to have appeared as a guest on a show. For some reason this word (not the clue) really rubs me up the wrong way."} {"Clue":"Style of journalese that's revolutionary (4)","Answer":"ELAN","Explanation":"part of jouNALEse reversed (revolutionary)"} {"Clue":"Possibly nip to get kitchen implement (7,3)","Answer":"ROLLING PIN","Explanation":"the letters PIN could make NIP if they are reversed (rolled)"} {"Clue":"Ancient tribe briefy consume writer making archaeological discoveries? (6)","Answer":"ICEMEN","Explanation":"ME (the writer) in (consumed by) ICENe (ancient tribe) briefly=unfinished \u2013 definition is 'archeological discovery'"} {"Clue":"Castle rejected bare piece of candle (7)","Answer":"WARWICK","Explanation":"RAW (bare) reversed (rejected, sent back) WICK (part of candle) \u2013 Warwick Castle in England"} {"Clue":"Sentimental attempt to take up lace embroidering (7)","Answer":"TREACLY","Explanation":"TRY (attempt) containing (take up) LACE* embroidering=anagram"} {"Clue":"Recording level loud, refecting booze (6)","Answer":"FRAPPE","Explanation":"EP (extended play recording) PAR (level) F (forte, loud) reversed (reflected) \u2013 an alcoholic drink made with liqueur poured over cracked ice"} {"Clue":"Peaceful 'ound with foreign bread heading for doghouse (10)","Answer":"UNTROUBLED","Explanation":"UNT ('ound, hunt missing h) ROUBLE (foreign money, bread) D (first letter of doghouse)"} {"Clue":"Load old paper back-to-front (4)","Answer":"ONUS","Explanation":"O (old) SUN (paper) reversed"} {"Clue":"Stuffed agent authorised end of barbecue (7)","Answer":"REPLETE","Explanation":"REP (agent) LET (authorised) E (last letter of barbeque)"} {"Clue":"High-pitched broadcaster defends that French article (7)","Answer":"SQUEAKY","Explanation":"SKY (broadcaster) contains (defends) QUE (that, French) A (indefinite article)"} {"Clue":"Over there \u2013 amongst fruit \u2013 the ancient festival site (3-2-3)","Answer":"HAY-ON-WYE","Explanation":"YON (over there) inside (amonst) HAW (fruit of the hawthorn) YE (the, ancient=archaic) \u2013 site of the Hay Festival of Literature and Arts"} {"Clue":"Bird misdirected staff on party (6)","Answer":"CONDOR","Explanation":"ROD (staff) reversed (misdirected, going the wrong way) on CON (Conservative Party)"} {"Clue":"Female group on settee regularly boosted dry fower (8)","Answer":"WISTERIA","Explanation":"WI (Womens Institute) on SeTtEe (regular selection from) AIR (dry) reversed (boosted, sent up) \u2013 definition is 'flower'"} {"Clue":"Conservationists in pastureland close by, listened (4,2,3)","Answer":"LENT AN EAR","Explanation":"NT (National Trust, conservationists) in LEA (pastureland) NEAR (close by)"} {"Clue":"Russian skimmed river there? (4)","Answer":"OLGA","Explanation":"vOLGA (river) missing top (skimmed) \u2013 Olga is probably (hence question mark) a Russian"} {"Clue":"Publication number 12's about lecturer and explorer (8)","Answer":"MAGELLAN","Explanation":"MAG (publication) ELAN (number 12 across) containing (is about) L (lecturer) \u2013 Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese explorer"} {"Clue":"Amount of work raised by wardens ordering turf (10)","Answer":"GREENSWARD","Explanation":"ERG (measure of energy, work) reversed (raised) by WARDENS* (anagram=ordering)"} {"Clue":"Pause, as the Parisian put on something woolly (3-2)","Answer":"LET-UP","Explanation":"LE (the, as said in Paris) put on TUP (sheep, something woolly)"} {"Clue":"Some of county documents seized by criminal gang (6)","Answer":"RIDING","Explanation":"ID (documents) in (seized by) RING (criminal gang) \u2013 a division of a county, most noteably Yorkshire"} {"Clue":"Flower beginning to limp in thunder (5)","Answer":"BLOOM","Explanation":"L (beginning of limp) in BOOM (thunder)"} {"Clue":"Tory politician welcomes partner back working shift (3,1,4,2)","Answer":"GET A MOVE ON","Explanation":"GOVE (Michael Gove, Tory politician) includes (welcomes) MATE (partner) reversed (back) then ON (working) \u2013 definition is 'shift'. I thought the definition was nicely\u00a0disguised here."} {"Clue":"Accountant to attach guide, in a respectful way (3,2,4)","Answer":"CAP IN HAND","Explanation":"CA (chartered accountant) PIN (to attach) HAND (guide, help)"} {"Clue":"Rotund Oxbridge sportsperson coming over books transport (8)","Answer":"BLUBBERY","Explanation":"BLUE (Oxbridge sportsperson) containing (coming over) B B (book, two of) RY (railway, transport)"} {"Clue":"Sycophant easy to unravel in time (3-5)","Answer":"YEA SAYER","Explanation":"EASY* (anagram=unravel) in YEAR (time)"} {"Clue":"Actor's last performance perhaps given a cry of approval (6)","Answer":"HURRAH","Explanation":"a double definition \u2013 a 'last hurrah' is a final appearance or effort, especially at the end of a career (from the novel The Last Hurrah by Edwin O'Connor). The two definitions are a bit too closely related for this clue to work well for me."} {"Clue":"Britain's peak 90 degrees \u2013 it's savage (5)","Answer":"BEAST","Explanation":"B (peak of Britain, first letter) EAST (bearing 90 degrees)"} {"Clue":"Unstable coastal tract upset journey's end (5)","Answer":"TIPSY","Explanation":"SPIT (a tract of land along a coast) reversed (upset) Y (last letter of journey)"} {"Clue":"Grappling maths problem with Oscar (4)","Answer":"SUMO","Explanation":"SUM (maths problem) O (Oscar, phonetic alphabet) \u2013 definition is 'grappling', sumo wresting"} {"Clue":"Flash back (6)","Answer":"SECOND","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Nobody carries scar around like a bachelor (2,6)","Answer":"EN GARCON","Explanation":"CRAG (scar) in NONE (nobody) all reversed (around)"} {"Clue":"Clothing's slightly hot at first (5)","Answer":"HABIT","Explanation":"A BIT (slightly) with H (hot) at first"} {"Clue":"Moving? What, moving walls? (9)","Answer":"REHOUSING","Explanation":"EH (what?) inside (walled by) ROUSING (moving) \u2013 definition is 'moving' (first of the two)"} {"Clue":"The stars associated with \"trendy\" Indian city (7)","Answer":"LUCKNOW","Explanation":"LUCK (the stars) NOW (trendy) \u2013 city in northern India."} {"Clue":"Actress from Australia rejected lover of Jessica (7)","Answer":"LORENZO","Explanation":"Sophia LOREN (actress) OZ (from Australia) reversed (rejected) \u2013 lover of Jessica in The Merchant of Venice"} {"Clue":"Crew executed \u2013 induces change (4,4,4)","Answer":"MEND ONES WAYS","Explanation":"MEN (crew) DONE (executed) SWAYS (induces)"} {"Clue":"Wicket taken by present bowler? Well? (4,4)","Answer":"HOWS THAT","Explanation":"W (wicket) in HOST (present, as a verb) HAT (bowler) \u2013 definition is 'well', vaguely &lit too"} {"Clue":"On end of the platform, old fair (4)","Answer":"EXPO","Explanation":"~~EX (on the end of?) P (platform?) O (old)~~ \u2013 definition is fair. ~~Not sure about P=platform or\u00a0EX=on the end of.~~ E (end of the) XP (platform, Windows operating system) O (old) *thanks to Gaufrid for this"} {"Clue":"The royal baby's extremities (7)","Answer":"TERMINI","Explanation":"T' (the) ER (The Queen, a royal) MINI (baby)"} {"Clue":"I note circular shape in cold weather feature (7)","Answer":"RAINBOW","Explanation":"I NB (note) O (circular shape) in RAW (cold)"} {"Clue":"Separate line to appear in school (9)","Answer":"POLARISED","Explanation":"L (line) ARISE (to appear) in POD (school)"} {"Clue":"Ultimately, what's next in line of them (5)","Answer":"THEIR","Explanation":"T (last letter of what) HEIR (next in line) \u2013 definition is 'of them'"} {"Clue":"Plug ftted in upright base? (8)","Answer":"DECADENT","Explanation":"AD (advert, plug) inside (fitted into) DECENT (upright) \u2013 base=debauched, wanton"} {"Clue":"Free shop welcomed by US soldiers (6)","Answer":"GRATIS","Explanation":"RAT (shop, confess) in (welcomed by) GIS (US soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Entering temple, hostage turns as I swear (2,4,2)","Answer":"SO HELP ME","Explanation":"part of (entering) tEMPLE HOStage reversed (turns)"} {"Clue":"Not a huge amount in this starter \u2013 one piece of cake (5,4)","Answer":"CUBIC INCH","Explanation":"CUB (starter) I (one) CINCH (piece of cake)"} {"Clue":"What bather wants again revolves around swimming (6)","Answer":"NATANT","Explanation":"TAN (what sun-bather wants) inside (around)\u00a0TAN (again) reversed (revolves) \u2013 definition is 'swimming'"} {"Clue":"Fully open as any lock can be picked? (2-5-6)","Answer":"NO HOLDS BARRED","Explanation":"definition is 'fully open', I am not sure about the rest, something cryptic to do with a lock being a type of wrestling hold?\u00a0* I have just seen the light on this one \u2013\u00a0any lock (wrestling hold) can be picked (selected) \u2013 very nice!"} {"Clue":"Air's kept in mostly square tanks (7)","Answer":"AQUARIA","Explanation":"~~not sure about this,~~ definition is either 'tanks' ~~or 'square tanks'~~ \u2013\u00a0ARIA could be air that contains (keeps in)\u00a0~~QUA\u00a0half (most?) of SQUARE\u00a0~~ QUAd (square, most of)"} {"Clue":"Pile of stones one loaded into vehicle heading north (5)","Answer":"CAIRN","Explanation":"I (one) in (loaded into) CAR (vehicle) N (heading for north)"} {"Clue":"Agree to keep stickiness in pants (2,4)","Answer":"NO GOOD","Explanation":"NOD (agree) to keep GOO (stickiness) \u2013 definition is 'pants', useless"} {"Clue":"Actor's arguments about swimming in a tank televised (5,8)","Answer":"ROWN ATKINSON","Explanation":"ROWS (arguments) containing (IN A TANK)* swimming=anagram ON (televised) \u2013 British actor"} {"Clue":"Perhaps stripper, fighting back, has to get rid of going topless (3,6)","Answer":"SEX OBJECT","Explanation":"BOXES (is fighting) reversed has eJECT (get rid of) topless"} {"Clue":"In honour of fighting, games console is on (8)","Answer":"FORWARDS","Explanation":"FOR (in honour of) WAR (fighting) DS (Nintendo games console) \u2013 definition is 'on'"} {"Clue":"One might say the conversation was humming (7)","Answer":"WHIRRED","Explanation":"sounds like (one might say)\u00a0'word' (the conversation) \u2013 definition is 'was humming'"} {"Clue":"Apparently raises kid to not use first potty (6)","Answer":"STUPID","Explanation":"Definition is 'potty' \u2013 ~~PUTS (apparently, why?)~~ STUP\u00a0is\u00a0'puts up' which is 'raises', apparently (in appearance)\u00a0then\u00a0kID (not using first)\u00a0*thanks to Gaufrid for this devious explanation"} {"Clue":"Almost failing to take (per doctor's orders) whisky after this (6)","Answer":"VICTOR","Explanation":"VICe (failing, almost) TO R (recipe, take in a prescription) \u2013 precedes 'whisky' in phonetic alphabet"} {"Clue":"On left I start to count what's left (5)","Answer":"RELIC","Explanation":"RE (regarding, on) L (left) I C (first letter of count)"} {"Clue":"Lover gives a stuff about rain? On the contrary (8)","Answer":"PARAMOUR","Explanation":"POUR (rain) about A RAM (stuff) \u2013 definition is 'lover'"} {"Clue":"Work and overwork for European Union entry (6)","Answer":"OEUVRE","Explanation":"OVER* (over work, anagram=work) with EU (European) entering \u2013 definition is 'work'"} {"Clue":"One contributing to lunch, effortlessly (4)","Answer":"CHEF","Explanation":"part of luCH EFfortlessly"} {"Clue":"Barely in, left to express the appropriate term (2,3,5)","Answer":"LE MOT JUSTE","Explanation":"JUST (barely) in L (left) EMOTE (to express)"} {"Clue":"Half-bloods end badly \u2014 that's fair (6)","Answer":"BLONDE","Explanation":"BLOods (half of) END* badly=anagram"} {"Clue":"Prince has no right to upset Buddhist spectacles (5-3)","Answer":"PINCE NEZ","Explanation":"PrINCE missing R=right and ZEN (Buddhist) reversed (upset)"} {"Clue":"2 \u2014 master together with criminal (7)","Answer":"BRIGAND","Explanation":"BRIG (two-masted vessel) AND (together with)"} {"Clue":"Moore's city is rather sweet (7)","Answer":"DEMISEC","Explanation":"DEMI'S (Moore's, actress) EC (City of London, postal code) \u2013 sweet wine"} {"Clue":"It's cheap reproduction (8)","Answer":"PASTICHE","Explanation":"(IT'S CHEAP)* reproduction=anagram\u00a0\u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Graceful and selective when mixed with crushed ice (6)","Answer":"SVELTE","Explanation":"SELEcTiVe* (mixed=anagram) ICE\u00a0removed (crushed)"} {"Clue":"It could be the outline's forgotten name (10)","Answer":"SILHOUETTE","Explanation":"(THE OUTLInE'S)* with N=name removed (anagram=could be) \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Transcribe author's 8 (4)","Answer":"BEAU","Explanation":"transcriBE AUthor (apostrophe indicates possession, contained by)"} {"Clue":"I've sworn academic men fry bananas dry on the outside (6,2,6)","Answer":"PARDON MY FRENCH","Explanation":"DON (academic) (MEN FRY)* bananas=anagram inside PARCH (dry)"} {"Clue":"Single composer's part is on the rise (8)","Answer":"BACHELOR","Explanation":"BACH (composer) ROLE (part) reversed (on the rise)"} {"Clue":"Youngster's muscles are essential to physical fitness (4)","Answer":"CALF","Explanation":"in\u00a0the centre\u00a0of (essential to) phisiCAL Fitness \u2013 *there is a double definition:\u00a0'youngster' (eg young cow) and 'muscles' (a group of muscles at the back of the leg). The apostrophe in youngster's muscles doesn't quite make sense to me."} {"Clue":"Perhaps one from the border, with railway leading to mine (6)","Answer":"COLLIE","Explanation":"possibly a border collie dog, add RY (railway) to get colliery (mine)"} {"Clue":"Cleaner pines for tool of the trade, or so it's said (3,4)","Answer":"MRS MOPP","Explanation":"sounds like \"misses mop\" \u2013 definition is 'cleaner', character from the 1940s radio show Its That Man Again"} {"Clue":"Last unit once used (8)","Answer":"CONTINUE","Explanation":"(UNIT ONCE)* used=anagram"} {"Clue":"Reincarnation of alternative culture does not begin in part of Scotland (6,4)","Answer":"FUTURE LIFE","Explanation":"cULTURE* not beginning (alternative=anagram) in FIFE (part of Scotland)"} {"Clue":"Legal document served on the man makes us squirm (6)","Answer":"WRITHE","Explanation":"WRIT (legal document) on HE (the man)"} {"Clue":"Eight and awfully quiet in there (could be deadly) \u2026 (10)","Answer":"NIGHTSHADE","Explanation":"(EIGHT AND)* awfully=anagram containing (in there) SH (quiet) \u2013 deadly nightshade is\u00a0a plant"} {"Clue":"\u2026 having lost colour, the source of such music (8)","Answer":"NOCTURNE","Explanation":"music for the night (nightshade missing shade=colour)"} {"Clue":"Charm of arrival (8)","Answer":"ENTRANCE","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Dark type of story (7)","Answer":"BEDTIME","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 'dark' and 'type of story'"} {"Clue":"A difficulty reported at the top (6)","Answer":"APICAL","Explanation":"A PICAL sounds like (reproted) \"pickle\" (difficulty) \u2013 definition is 'at the top'"} {"Clue":"Witness the departure of defeat (3,3)","Answer":"SEE OFF","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Buzzer with quiet warning sound (4)","Answer":"BEEP","Explanation":"BEE (buzzer) P (piano, quiet)"} {"Clue":"Cool part of seafood exhibition? (11)","Answer":"STANDOFFISH","Explanation":"a STAND OF FISH might be\u00a0found at a seafoood\u00a0exhibition!"} {"Clue":"It's good to give (3)","Answer":"SAG","Explanation":"SA (it, sex appeal) has (apostrophe s) G (good) \u2013 definition is 'to give'"} {"Clue":"A pub in Alabama (5)","Answer":"ALPHA","Explanation":"PH (public house) in ALA (Alabama) \u2013 definition is 'A'"} {"Clue":"Nasty murder \u2013 thinking \"beheaded\" (9)","Answer":"OFFENSIVE","Explanation":"OFF (to murder) pENSIVE (thinking, beheaded)"} {"Clue":"Author was wrong about novel (9)","Answer":"PENDENNIS","Explanation":"PEN (author) SINNED (was wrong) reversed (about) \u2013 novel by William Makepeace Thackeray"} {"Clue":"Deep well (5)","Answer":"SOUND","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 'sea' and 'robust'"} {"Clue":"Tile \u2013 tight one? (7)","Answer":"SHINGLE","Explanation":"\"shingle\" is single (one) slurred like a drunk (tight person) \u2013 definition is 'tile'"} {"Clue":"Walk away from doctor's surgery (4)","Answer":"DROP","Explanation":"DR (doctor) has OP (surgery) \u2013 definition is 'walk away from'"} {"Clue":"Weakling died \u2013 these letters prove it (4)","Answer":"DRIP","Explanation":"D (died) RIP (rest in peace, letters indicating death) \u2013 definition is 'weakling'"} {"Clue":"Foreign money, once exchanged, includes returned tax (7)","Answer":"CENTAVO","Explanation":"VAT (tax) reversed in ONCE* exchanged=anagram \u2013 a 'penny' in one of\u00a0several Spanish or Portuguese speaking countries"} {"Clue":"Made-up German newspaper article backfres (2-3)","Answer":"AD-LIB","Explanation":"BILD (German newspaper) A (article, indefinite) reversed (backfires) \u2013 definition is 'made-up'"} {"Clue":"Rope knotted, in a way, for crate? (9)","Answer":"AEROPLANE","Explanation":"ROPE* knotted=anagram in A LANE (way) \u2013 definition is 'crate', old RAF slang"} {"Clue":"Fiddle, primarily one hired for opera (9)","Answer":"RIGOLETTO","Explanation":"RIG (fiddle) O (first letter of one) LET (hired) TO (for) \u2013 opera by Verdi"} {"Clue":"Pressure, as in wasted effort (5)","Answer":"PAINS","Explanation":"P (pressure) (AS IN)* anagram=wasted"} {"Clue":"Sickly staff given day off (3)","Answer":"WAN","Explanation":"WANd (staff) missing D=day"} {"Clue":"Unexpectedly going home, and happy about that (11)","Answer":"INCONTINENT","Explanation":"IN (home) and CONTENT (happy) about IN (that, home again) \u2013 definition is 'unexpectedly going'. Ha ha!"} {"Clue":"Sulphur's abrasive \u2013 must protect eye immediately (8)","Answer":"SHARPISH","Explanation":"S (sulphur) has HARSH (abrasive) containing (protecting) PI (private investigator, eye)"} {"Clue":"A couple of pages before index, perhaps? (8)","Answer":"APPENDIX","Explanation":"A PP (page, two of) before INDEX* perhaps=anagram \u2013 definition is &lit. A super clue."} {"Clue":"Daughter supported by dissolute explorer (5)","Answer":"DRAKE","Explanation":"D (daughter) on top of (supported by) RAKE (dissolute)"} {"Clue":"Stamp showing 1\/20 pint? (7)","Answer":"FLOUNCE","Explanation":"FL OUNCE (fluid ounce, liquid measure) \u2013 definition is 'stamp', to move abruptly or impatiently"} {"Clue":"News, mostly secondhand, poured in (7)","Answer":"INFUSED","Explanation":"INFo (news, mostly) and USED (secondhand)"} {"Clue":"Easily producing sentences? (5,4)","Answer":"HANDS DOWN","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 a judge hands down a sentence"} {"Clue":"Alpine course seen in flm about sport (3,3)","Answer":"SKI RUN","Explanation":"SKIN (film) about RU (rugby union)"} {"Clue":"Starving journalist drably attired? (6)","Answer":"GREEDY","Explanation":"ED (editor, journalist) in GREY (drably attired) \u2013 definition is 'starving'"} {"Clue":"A rude soldier captures patriot (9)","Answer":"GARIBALDI","Explanation":"A RIBALD (rude) is contained (captured) by GI (soldier) \u2013 definition is 'patriot', Garibaldi was an Italian politician and\u00a0general instrumental in the unification of Italy"} {"Clue":"When it penetrates skin it sucks blood (8)","Answer":"PARASITE","Explanation":"AS (when) IT goes into (penetrates) PARE (skin) \u2013 definition is 'it sucks blood', also &lit"} {"Clue":"Street location situated beyond unnamed river (8)","Answer":"SOMERSET","Explanation":"SET (situated) following (betond) SOME R (unmaned river) \u2013 definition is 'street location',\u00a0the town of Street is located in Somerset"} {"Clue":"Cards most unlikely to be used in snap (7)","Answer":"PLASTIC","Explanation":"LAST (most unlikely) in (to be used in) PIC (picture, snap) \u2013 credit cards etc"} {"Clue":"Councillor adopting a Newcastle strip? (7)","Answer":"CARTOON","Explanation":"CR (councillor) containing (adopting) A then TOON (nickname for Newcastle United football club) \u2013 definition is 'strip', as in comics"} {"Clue":"Last part of anagram indicator in essence (6)","Answer":"MARROW","Explanation":"anagraM (last part of) ARROW (indicator) \u2013 definition is 'essence'"} {"Clue":"Keep sinking a vessel (6)","Answer":"FLAGON","Explanation":"FLAG ON (keep sinking) \u2013 definition is 'vessel'"} {"Clue":"After training, is about to quaff soft drink (5)","Answer":"PEPSI","Explanation":"IS reversed (about) following PE (training) all containing P (piano, soft) \u2013 definition is 'drink'"} {"Clue":"Brand that's well-known without needing statement of quality (9)","Answer":"EXCALIBUR","Explanation":"EX (without) and CALIBUR sounds like (stated) calibre (quality) \u2013 a famous sword (brand)"} {"Clue":"Plant one well-versed in service at front of church (5)","Answer":"VETCH","Explanation":"VET (an old soldier, long time in the services) in front of CH (chuch) \u2013 a plant"} {"Clue":"Low-down volunteers holding one's broom (7)","Answer":"GENISTA","Explanation":"GEN (low-down, information) TA (Territorial Army, volunteers) containing I'S (one's) \u2013 the genus of plants containing brooms"} {"Clue":"Old girl wants silver included in endowment (7)","Answer":"DOWAGER","Explanation":"AG (silver) in DOWER (endowment) \u2013 an old woman"} {"Clue":"Concise section of chapter seven (5)","Answer":"TERSE","Explanation":"a section of chapTER SEven"} {"Clue":"Transport found in slip roads (9)","Answer":"TRIPLANES","Explanation":"TRIP (slip) LANES (roads)"} {"Clue":"Voice of wheelwright? (9)","Answer":"SPOKESMAN","Explanation":"definition and cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"HQ quashing end of wildcat strike (5)","Answer":"BASTE","Explanation":"BASE (HQ) covering (quashing) T (end of wildcat) \u2013 to beat with a stick"} {"Clue":"Assists dealer, say, as stakes come in (5)","Answer":"ABETS","Explanation":"BET (stakes) come in AS \u2013 definition is 'assists'. I think a 'dealer' is an example of a criminal, so could be 'aiding and abetting'?"} {"Clue":"Hours slip away for old unionist? (9)","Answer":"RUSSOPHIL","Explanation":"(HOURS SLIP)* away=anagram \u2013 an admirer of the Soviet Union (old name for Russia)"} {"Clue":"Doing time post criminal activity (6,3)","Answer":"INSIDE JOB","Explanation":"INSIDE (doing time) JOB (post)"} {"Clue":"He wrote in edge of notes off and on (5)","Answer":"DEFOE","Explanation":"eDgE oF nOtEs off and on (every other letter)- Daniel Defoe"} {"Clue":"State prisoner I treated on the inside (7)","Answer":"ERITREA","Explanation":"found inside prisonER I TREAted"} {"Clue":"Drinks in gallons \u2013 that's worrying (7)","Answer":"TEASING","Explanation":"TEAS (drinks) IN G (gallons)"} {"Clue":"Inclined to yield, rugged husband's gone (5)","Answer":"SAGGY","Explanation":"SHAGGY (rugged) missing H=husband"} {"Clue":"Touch wood, I'm no 4, 15 across, 16, 22 criminal (5,4)","Answer":"ABSIT OMEN","Explanation":"(I'M NO BEAST)* criminal=anagram \u2013 Latin for\u00a0'may the omen be absent', ie may what is said not come true"} {"Clue":"A number reportedly put away (5)","Answer":"EIGHT","Explanation":"sounds like ATE (put away)"} {"Clue":"Having spirit found in bars (3,4)","Answer":"CON BRIO","Explanation":"literally 'with spirit',\u00a0musical term\u00a0(found in bars)"} {"Clue":"They follow advice of Frenchman elevated in heels (9)","Answer":"LISTENERS","Explanation":"RENE (Frenchman) reversed (elevated) in LISTS (heels)"} {"Clue":"Savage opinion about uneven arse (5)","Answer":"BEAST","Explanation":"BET (opinion) about ArSe uneven=no even numbered letters"} {"Clue":"Dr 7, 9, 17 or 26 treated stars (3,6)","Answer":"RED GIANTS","Explanation":"(DR TAGINES)* treated=anagram"} {"Clue":"Facetiously puts one \u2013 and others like it \u2013 in order (5)","Answer":"VOWEL","Explanation":"the vowels A,E,I,O, and U are found in order in the word facetiously"} {"Clue":"Having silver forks, partly eating stews (7)","Answer":"TAGINES","Explanation":"AG (silver) in (eaten by) TINES (part of a fork, a prong) \u2013 a mediterranean stew"} {"Clue":"Uncompromising, aggressive advertising that's hard to stop (9)","Answer":"HARDSHELL","Explanation":"HARD SELL (agressive advertising) that has H (hard) inside (stopped by,\u00a0blocked by, eg by a cork) \u2013 definition is uncompromising"} {"Clue":"Has caged cattle on board, trembling (9)","Answer":"SHAKINESS","Explanation":"HAS (containing (caging) KINE (cattle) in SS (on board a steamship)"} {"Clue":"Spanish woman has Spanish man in grass (9)","Answer":"MARIJUANA","Explanation":"JUAN in MARIA"} {"Clue":"Programme made by outspoken actors (9)","Answer":"BROADCAST","Explanation":"BROAD (outspoken) CAST (actors)"} {"Clue":"Buffet fnally served in relaxing oriental course? (7)","Answer":"EASTING","Explanation":"bufffeT (last letter) in EASING (relaxing) \u2013 an easterly course"} {"Clue":"Central characters in The Fifth Element (7)","Answer":"HAFNIUM","Explanation":"The central characters of tHe fiFth are Hf, symbol for the element Hafnium \u2013 thanks to Gaufrid et al"} {"Clue":"Team race (5)","Answer":"DERBY","Explanation":"double definition, football team and horserace"} {"Clue":"Mad about European moderates (5)","Answer":"BATES","Explanation":"BATS (mad) about E (European) \u2013 to bate is to moderate"} {"Clue":"Prod mine and proceed! (3,2)","Answer":"EGG ON","Explanation":"EGG (mine, bomb) ON (proceed) \u2013 definition is PROD. Originally I had DIG IN: triple definition \u2013 to prod, to dig into something, to proceed (to eat a meal)"} {"Clue":"14, 17 (3,3,3,7,5)","Answer":"ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL","Explanation":"\"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.\""} {"Clue":"Bergamot is an essential ingredient for herbal teas (7)","Answer":"TISANES","Explanation":"an ingredient of bergamoT IS AN ESsential"} {"Clue":"Civilisation ended \u2013 always in denial (3)","Answer":"NAY","Explanation":"civilisatioN (last letter) AY (always)"} {"Clue":"New feld events not requiring demonstration (4-7)","Answer":"SELF EVIDENT","Explanation":"(FIELD EVENTS)"} {"Clue":"Babe follows the frst gospel (5)","Answer":"TRUTH","Explanation":"T (first letter of the) and Babe RUTH (baseball player)"} {"Clue":"Small number allowed to return (3)","Answer":"TEL","Explanation":"LET (allowed) reversed \u2013 telephone number, abbreviated (small)"} {"Clue":"1 started leading demonstration (5)","Answer":"MARCH","Explanation":"M (first letter of Martin) ARCH (leading)"} {"Clue":"Hero is proven sabre-rattler (5,6)","Answer":"BRAVE PERSON","Explanation":"(PROVEN SABRE)* rattler = anagram"} {"Clue":"Withdraw heartless barb after emotional outbreak (3)","Answer":"EBB","Explanation":"BarB (heartless=no middle) following E (first letter of emotional)"} {"Clue":"Approval on woman roughly abandoned (7)","Answer":"FORSOOK","Explanation":"OK (approval) on F (female, woman) OR SO (roughly )"} {"Clue":"City memorial site for . . . . (7)","Answer":"LINCOLN","Explanation":"The Lincoln Memorial in Washington"} {"Clue":". . . . Abba's number 20 (1,4,1,5)","Answer":"I HAVE A DREAM","Explanation":"Abba song and stiring lines (rhetoric) from MLK's speech"} {"Clue":"Trifes with fresh relationships (9)","Answer":"NOVELTIES","Explanation":"NOVEL (fresh) TIES (relationships)"} {"Clue":"Composer has hand in infatuation involving royal couple's disobedient preacher (6,6,4)","Answer":"MARTIN LUTHER KING","Explanation":"Bohuslav MARTINU (composer) has L (left, hand) inside (in) and THING (infatuation) including (involving) ER and K (royal couple) \u2013 definition is 'disobedient preacher'"} {"Clue":"Mystifed by Seoul's response to expulsion (5,3)","Answer":"BLESS YOU","Explanation":"(BY SEOUL'S)* anagram=mystified \u2013 response to a sneeze (expulsion)"} {"Clue":"Jessica wears those loosely for trainer? (6,4)","Answer":"TENNIS SHOE","Explanation":"Jessica ENNIS is surrounded by (wears) THOSE* losely=anagram"} {"Clue":"Approve advance (4)","Answer":"PASS","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Spots cover chief in mostly golden islands (10)","Answer":"SEYCHELLES","Explanation":"SEES (spots) surround (cover) CH (chief) in YELLow (mostly golden)"} {"Clue":"Meeting to decide teams' progress (3,3)","Answer":"CUP TIE","Explanation":"cryptic-ish definition"} {"Clue":"Converts nearly cuddle hot Londoner's wife (3,5)","Answer":"OLD DUTCH","Explanation":"(CUDDLe HOT)* nearly=not finished \u2013 East-End slang for wife"} {"Clue":"2009 disaster in heartless country soon (10)","Answer":"IMMINENTLY","Explanation":"MM (two thousand) and NINE* (anagram=disaster) in ITaLY (counrty, heartless). Naughty but nice!"} {"Clue":"Meaningless qualifcation is requirement for judge (2,2,4)","Answer":"TO BE FAIR","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 one of those meaningless things people say when stalling for time"} {"Clue":"Relocate to richer address (8)","Answer":"RHETORIC","Explanation":"(TO RICHER)* \u2013 definition is 'address'"} {"Clue":"Sound annoyed about return to villainy for outlaw (6)","Answer":"BANISH","Explanation":"BAH (sound annoyed) about SIN (villainy) reversed (returned)"} {"Clue":"Where US troops were 20 years earlier with money and libido (4,4)","Answer":"OVER HERE","Explanation":"\"over paid, over sexed and over here\u2026\""} {"Clue":"Be active (4)","Answer":"LIVE","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 'exist' and 'working'"} {"Clue":"Question put to most reluctant occupants of bar (7)","Answer":"QUAVERS","Explanation":"QU (question) AVERSe (reluctant, most of) \u2013 found in bars of music"} {"Clue":"Bowel movement involving soft, unstable motion (6)","Answer":"WOBBLE","Explanation":"B (soft, pencil) in BOWEL* anagram=movement"} {"Clue":"Conceit from playing organ in new care home? (9)","Answer":"ARROGANCE","Explanation":"ORGAN* playing=anagram contained by (in home of) CARE* new=anagram"} {"Clue":"Loose bits of coal (5)","Answer":"SLACK","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Wield axe endlessly to cut tree back (5)","Answer":"EXERT","Explanation":"aXe (no ends) in TREE reversed"} {"Clue":"Is VIP plied with more jam? (9)","Answer":"IMPROVISE","Explanation":"anagram (plied) of IS VIP and MORE \u2013 musical jamming"} {"Clue":"Wrongly reckon: fy around second half of June (8)","Answer":"MISJUDGE","Explanation":"MIDGE (fly) round S (second) JUne (half of)"} {"Clue":"Toast for model (6)","Answer":"PROSIT","Explanation":"PRO (for) SIT (model) \u2013 cheers!"} {"Clue":"It creeps and crawls about, I wager (6)","Answer":"EARWIG","Explanation":"(I WAGER)* about=anagram"} {"Clue":"Vehicle from UK not found in tricky clue (8)","Answer":"TRICYCLE","Explanation":"TRICkY CLuE missing U and K"} {"Clue":"Among desires \"When We Were Very Young\" (9)","Answer":"INFANCIES","Explanation":"IN (among) FANCIES (desires)"} {"Clue":"Going straight up and down chimney cased in lead (5)","Answer":"PLUMB","Explanation":"LUM (chimney) in PB (lead, chemical symbol)"} {"Clue":"Female with large rear end wobbling? (5)","Answer":"GRETA","Explanation":"GREAT (large) with last two letters moving \u2013 girl's name"} {"Clue":"Fruit is stewed pear, with mostly black pudding for starters (4,5)","Answer":"CRAB APPLE","Explanation":"anagram (stewed) of PEAR with BLACk (mostly) and P (start of pudding)"} {"Clue":"Singer has shocked family, initially succeeding totally against the odds (6,7)","Answer":"SHAKIN STEVENS","Explanation":"HAS* anagram=shocked KIN (family) Succeeding Totally (first letters of) with (against) EVENS (the odds) \u2013 top selling UK singles artist of the 1980s"} {"Clue":"Friends having a get-together (6,7)","Answer":"QUAKER MEETING","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 this is bordering on non-cryptic to me"} {"Clue":"Stuffy sort of serials (7)","Answer":"AIRLESS","Explanation":"SERIALS"} {"Clue":"Where arrogance is needed in rowing team (5)","Answer":"EIGHT","Explanation":"arrogance is needed for 8 across \u2013 eight rowers in a team (yes, there could be other numbers too but thats OK with me)"} {"Clue":"Dine out in Cereal City (3,5)","Answer":"SAN DIEGO","Explanation":"DINE* in SAGO (cereal)"} {"Clue":"Being a bitch, drops litter? (6)","Answer":"WHELPS","Explanation":"cryptic defition \u2013 to have pups. Another not very cryptic definition."} {"Clue":"Opening bits of long editorials appearing drearily in New Statesman? (4-3)","Answer":"LEAD-INS","Explanation":"Long Editorials Appearing Drearily \u2013 In New Statesman (bits of = leading letters) \u2013 definition is 'opening'. There is an &lit-ish feel about this clue too, though no reason why lead-ins should be dreary."} {"Clue":"N. Berks elm tree surprisingly featuring in stand-up acts (4-9)","Answer":"KNEE-TREMBLERS","Explanation":"(N. BERKS ELM TREE)* anagram=surprisingly \u2013 brief sexual encounters with prostitues in alleyways while standing up"} {"Clue":"Standard wedding card (5,4)","Answer":"UNION JACK","Explanation":"UNION (wedding) JACK (card) \u2013 definition is 'standard', flag"} {"Clue":"Enter the Forbidden Land in very old hat, dropping ecstasy (8)","Answer":"TRESSPASS","Explanation":"TRES PASSe (very old hat) missing E=ecstasy"} {"Clue":"Immersed in baths, 'er ferrets fipping get like new again! (7)","Answer":"REFRESH","Explanation":"found in batHS 'ER FERrets reversed (flipping)"} {"Clue":"Caught taking short run by umpire, having left for current run to crease (7)","Answer":"CRUMPLE","Explanation":"C (caught) with R (run, short=abbrev) by UMPirE with I (current) and R (run) replaced by L (left)"} {"Clue":"Mineral Catholic found in Jerusalem (6)","Answer":"ZIRCON","Explanation":"RC (catholic) in ZION (Jerusalem) \u2013 diamond-like mineral"} {"Clue":"Parking on street level (5)","Answer":"PLANE","Explanation":"P (parking) on LANE (street) \u2013 definition is 'level', to make flat"} {"Clue":"Dancer coming from behind tree (4)","Answer":"AMLA","Explanation":"ALMA (Egyptian dancing girl) reversed (coming from behind) \u2013 an Indian tree"} {"Clue":"Left tucking into extra, not finished, enjoyable (4)","Answer":"WILD","Explanation":"L (left) in WIDe (extra, not finished)"} {"Clue":"Clamour about split power \u2013 it enlarges the breach (8)","Answer":"DRIFTPIN","Explanation":"DIN (clamour) about RIFT (split) P (power)"} {"Clue":"Fluctuate irregularly in grotesque gyrations (5)","Answer":"SQUEG","Explanation":"found in groteSQUE Gyrations \u2013 irregular electrical oscillation"} {"Clue":"Second drink leading to a bit of flirting (5)","Answer":"SPORT","Explanation":"S (second) PORT (drink)"} {"Clue":"Rotter blushing about career in retirement (7)","Answer":"DEFILER","Explanation":"RED (blushing) about LIFE (career) reversed (in retirement)"} {"Clue":"Dry-eyed aristo given run-around by tragic heroine (8)","Answer":"TEARLESS","Explanation":"EARL (aristo) with TESS (tragic heroine) outside (running around)"} {"Clue":"Copper's excited with end of beat in sight (8)","Answer":"PROSPECT","Explanation":"(COPPER'S)* anagram=excited containing beaT (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Slight strain shown by porcelain getting 'eated inside (7)","Answer":"ARIETTA","Explanation":"ARITA (Japanese porcelain) containing 'ET (het, hot) \u2013 a small (slight) song (strain)"} {"Clue":"Instruction activating others buried in conundrum (a crossword?) (5)","Answer":"MACRO","Explanation":"found in a conundruM A CROssword \u2013 an executable list of computer instructions"} {"Clue":"Something attractive in old gallery (5)","Answer":"ALURE","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Aussie cowboys using nets with 1,000 head of cattle, OK? Not OK (8)","Answer":"STOCKMEN","Explanation":"anagram (not OK) of NETS with M (1,000) C (first letter of cattle) and OK"} {"Clue":"Like gunslinger's pistol, murder round its muzzle? (4)","Answer":"HIPT","Explanation":"HIT (murder) round P (head of pistol) \u2013 worn on the hip"} {"Clue":"Old age indicating an end of hygiene? (4)","Answer":"HORE","Explanation":"~~I think this is a definition and cryptic definition \u2013 HORE is an Spenserian (old?) spelling of HOAR meaning 1) age 2) mouldy (obsolete, old again?), so no longer hygienic~~ H OR E is at\u00a0the end\u00a0of HygienE \u2013 *thanks to sidey"} {"Clue":"Alternative to bridge shows signs of wear \u2013 more than one period of origin (8)","Answer":"VINTAGES","Explanation":"VINT (Russian card game, similar to bridge) AGES (shows signs of wear)"} {"Clue":"Emirates unusually caught by rigged vote \u2013 it errs on the high side (12)","Answer":"OVERESTIMATE","Explanation":"EMIRATES* anagram=unusually in VOTE* anagram=rigged"} {"Clue":"Early artistic ornament from Turkey quite bamboozled artist (9)","Answer":"TRIQUETRA","Explanation":"TR (Turkey) QUITE* anagram=bamboozled by RA (artist) \u2013 trefoil design ornament found in early Northern European art"} {"Clue":"Dullness evident in current fashion, European (6)","Answer":"FADEUR","Explanation":"FAD (current fashion) EUR (European)"} {"Clue":"Nonsense from the past dug out in post-school learning (5)","Answer":"FUDGE","Explanation":"DUG* in FE (further education) \u2013 nonesense, archaic (from the past)"} {"Clue":"Frozen granules of a kind forming diamonds on small branches (5)","Answer":"DRICE","Explanation":"D (diamonds) on RICE (small branches) \u2013 frozen granules of a kind (of carbon dioxide)"} {"Clue":"'Crazy' path through what fixes cloche's position? (6)","Answer":"HATPIN","Explanation":"PATH* anagram=crazy IN (though) \u2013 a cloche is a type of hat"} {"Clue":"Reclaim difficult child gaining in years (8)","Answer":"IMPOLDER","Explanation":"IMP (difficult child) OLDER (gaining in years) \u2013 to reclaim land from the sea"} {"Clue":"Religious instruction received by militant Rajputs (6)","Answer":"TANTRA","Explanation":"found in miliTANT RAjputs"} {"Clue":"Indiaman summoning up colourful pictures? (6)","Answer":"TRADER","Explanation":"RED (colourful) ART (pictures) \u2013 a ship"} {"Clue":"Siren, one in devious chorale (8)","Answer":"HALICORE","Explanation":"I (one) in CHORALE* anagram=devious \u2013 a sea maiden"} {"Clue":"Son's heading for wood, rarely drenched (6)","Answer":"SOAKEN","Explanation":"S (heading of son) oaken (wood\/wooden) \u2013 rarer version of soaked"} {"Clue":"Jock's disfigured his slates covering house (6)","Answer":"CAMSHO","Explanation":"CAMS (slates, Scots) on top of (covering) HO (house) \u2013 disfigured, Scots (of a jock)"} {"Clue":"Ten of a kind taking part in summer ceremony (6)","Answer":"MERCER","Explanation":"found in sumMER CERemony \u2013 a trader in cloth (10 down)"} {"Clue":"Gym learner clumsy? A bit (6)","Answer":"PELHAM","Explanation":"PE (gym lesson) L (learner) HAM (clumsy) \u2013 a horse's bit"} {"Clue":"Does it give one temperature, with dissipated zest and energy? (6)","Answer":"TZETSE","Explanation":"T (temperature) with ZEST* dissipated=anagram and E (energy) \u2013 definition is &lit, the tzetse fly could give you a diease"} {"Clue":"Wool stuff, one found in Scots headgear (5)","Answer":"TAMIS","Explanation":"I (one) found in TAMS (Tam O' Shanters, Scots headgear) \u2013 wollen fabric (stuff)"} {"Clue":"France opposed to some Ghanaians (5)","Answer":"FANTI","Explanation":"F (France) ANTI (opposed to) \u2013 Akan people, from\u00a0Ghana"} {"Clue":"Work list transposed in margins of the novelist (8)","Answer":"TROLLOPE","Explanation":"ROLL (list) OP (work) swapping places (transposed) in ThE (margins of) \u2013 Anthony Trollope, 19th centrury novelist"} {"Clue":"Pitcher on sink emptied for part of barbecue (6)","Answer":"SKEWER","Explanation":"EWR (pitcher) on SinK (emptied=no middle)"} {"Clue":"Second time European country fails to open fast route for drivers (8)","Answer":"MOTORWAY","Explanation":"MO (second) T (time) nORWAY (not opening letter)"} {"Clue":"Reading perhaps by soprano performing concert (6)","Answer":"UNISON","Explanation":"UNI (univeristy, Reading perhaps) by S (soprano)\u00a0ON (performing) \u2013 definition is 'concert'"} {"Clue":"Devilish animal there causing terrier's frenzy (8)","Answer":"TASMANIA","Explanation":"TA'S (Territorial Army's, nickname terriers) MANIA (frenzy) \u2013 home of the Tasmanian Devil"} {"Clue":"Joint money abroad returned by hotel chap (6)","Answer":"JOSEPH","Explanation":"J (joint, of marijuana) PESO (foreign money) reversed (returned) by H (hotel) \u2013\u00a0man's name"} {"Clue":"Female vocalist, minor hits nicely arranged (5,5)","Answer":"PATSY CLINE","Explanation":"PATS (minor hits) NICELY"} {"Clue":"Criticise reformed boy band (2 missing) embracing adult music (4,1,3,2)","Answer":"TAKE A POP AT","Explanation":"TAKE thAT (boy band, two letters missing) containing (embracing) A (adult) POP (music)"} {"Clue":"Policeman on duty, initially covering (6)","Answer":"REDCAP","Explanation":"RE (on) D (initial letter of duty) CAP (covering) \u2013 a military policeman"} {"Clue":"51 feeing Limoges building barricade street there \u2013 it's horrifc (8)","Answer":"GRUESOME","Explanation":"liMOGES* (missing LI, 51 Roman numerals) anagram=building contain (barricade) RUE (street in Limoges)"} {"Clue":"Beautiful duck by banks of Liffey (6)","Answer":"LOVELY","Explanation":"LOVE (duck, sporting term for zero) by LiffeY (sides, banks\u00a0of)"} {"Clue":"Military offcer nurses John outside to lance part of shoulder (8)","Answer":"CLAVICLE","Explanation":"CIC (military offficer) contains (nurses) LAV (John, toilet) in LancE (outside letters of) \u2013 the shoulder bone"} {"Clue":"Constitutional amendment to sort extreme left? (6)","Answer":"STROLL","Explanation":"SORT* amendment=anagram to LL (left, extreme=doublely so) \u2013 definition is 'constitutional', an after-dinner stroll maybe"} {"Clue":"Creature quietly inhabits ground (8)","Answer":"TERRAPIN","Explanation":"P (piano, quietly) inside (inhabits) TERRAIN (ground)"} {"Clue":"Spot a moth camoufaged around fruit (6)","Answer":"TOMATO","Explanation":"hidden (camouflaged) in spOTA MOTh reversed (around)"} {"Clue":"Communications company in current accommodation is dim (6)","Answer":"OBTUSE","Explanation":"BT (British Telecom) in (accommodated by) OUSE (river, a current)"} {"Clue":"Tiny creatures run inside volcanic rock before start of eruption (6)","Answer":"LARVAE","Explanation":"R (run) in LAVA (volcanic rock) before E (first letter of eruption)"} {"Clue":"Twins that are seen on the allotment? (4,2,1,3)","Answer":"PEAS IN A POD","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition \u2013 \"as like as two peas in a pod\""} {"Clue":"Film director shown appreciation by school member? (3,5)","Answer":"KEN LOACH","Explanation":"KEN (knowledge, appreciation) by LOACH (a fish, so member of a school?) \u2013 British film director known for 'gritty realism'."} {"Clue":"Climber frst comes across a wire that's dangling (8)","Answer":"WISTERIA","Explanation":"IST (1st, first) inside (comes across, splits up) (A WIRE)* anagram=dangling"} {"Clue":"Farmers in US altered manner circulating church (8)","Answer":"RANCHMEN","Explanation":"MANNER* altered=anagram going round (circulating) CH (church)"} {"Clue":"Footwear beginning to encumber digger around stream (10)","Answer":"ESPADRILLE","Explanation":"E (first letter of encumber) SPADE (digger) around RILL (stream) \u2013 rope sole sandal"} {"Clue":"Alarms let off in the care of Leo perhaps (8)","Answer":"STARTLES","Explanation":"LET* off=anagram in STARS (constellation of Leo perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Aerial operative, one evading duty around yard (8)","Answer":"SKYDIVER","Explanation":"SKIVER (one evading duty) around YD (yard)"} {"Clue":"Soldier pounds alongside the Spanish match (8)","Answer":"PARALLEL","Explanation":"PARA (soldier) LL (pound, two of) by (along side) EL (the, Spanish) \u2013 definition is 'match'"} {"Clue":"Work hard to remain a clergyman up north (6)","Answer":"BEAVER","Explanation":"BE (remain, continue to exist) A and REV reversed (going up, northwards)"} {"Clue":"Pilot in grass, lifted part of footwear (6)","Answer":"TOECAP","Explanation":"ACE (pilot) in POT (grass) reversed (lifted)"} {"Clue":"Flower always tethered by poles (6)","Answer":"SEVERN","Explanation":"EVER (always) in (tethered by) S and N (poles) \u2013 the River Severn is a flower, something that flows"} {"Clue":"Saying that you've seen worse might be, if grant-maintained whips get organised (7,4,5,6)","Answer":"DAMNING WITH FAINT PRAISE","Explanation":"(IF GRANT MAINTAINED WHIPS)* organised=anagram"} {"Clue":"Conditions female to disrupt lives (3)","Answer":"IFS","Explanation":"F (female) inside (disrupting) IS (lives, exists)"} {"Clue":"Mother twice a formidable woman (5)","Answer":"MADAM","Explanation":"MA and DAM (two mothers)"} {"Clue":"One depressed on board, looking for a way out (6,3)","Answer":"ESCAPE KEY","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition \u2013 a key on a computer keyboard"} {"Clue":"Hugh's doctor conceals love for fower girl in bet (9)","Answer":"DOOLITTLE","Explanation":"Doctor DOLITTLE (hero of books by Hugh Lofting) contains (conceals) O (love, zero) \u2013 Eliza Doolittle, flower girl and\u00a0subject of bet by Professor Higgins in Pygmalion by Bernard Shaw"} {"Clue":"As tied by Charles and Camilla? (7,4)","Answer":"WINDSOR KNOT","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 style of knot for necktie and Camilla Cushess of Cornwall is wife of Charles Windsor, Prince of Wales"} {"Clue":"One who sneakily employs sex-drive? (4-7)","Answer":"KERB CRAWLER","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Director gets saga from Haley about his tree and plants (10)","Answer":"ARROW ROOTS","Explanation":"ARROW (director, sign) and ROOTS, novel by American writer Alex Haley about his roots (his family tree) \u2013 a plant (pluralised). ~~I'm not sure what the 'his tree' bit is about yet, I will keep looking. Presumeably there is an American tree with this name.~~"} {"Clue":"Bravely go in with no cover (6-3)","Answer":"SKINNY DIP","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"To perform several jobs I must talk rubbish (9)","Answer":"MULTITASK","Explanation":"(I MUST TALK)* rubbish=anagram. Easy to solve but a very nice clue, probably my favourite."} {"Clue":"One that's played a character in Twelfth Night (5)","Answer":"VIOLA","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 musical instrument and character in play"} {"Clue":"Ulster Times makes nothing (3)","Answer":"NIX","Explanation":"NI (Northern Island, Ulster) X (times, multiplication) \u2013 definition is 'nothing'. I remeber from a previous blog someone complaining that NI=Ulster is offensive as\u00a0'Ulster' is politically a devisive term (for those\u00a0caught up\u00a0in NI politics)."} {"Clue":"Have to be under doctor in failure to make things simpler (4,4)","Answer":"DUMB DOWN","Explanation":"OWN (have) following (to be under) MB (doctor) all in DUD (failure)"} {"Clue":"Half-way house, establishment making money \u2013 new i-pod in stock (3-5)","Answer":"MID-POINT","Explanation":"MINT (establishment making money) containing (in stock) I-POD* anagram=new"} {"Clue":"Feet the setter swings both ways? (5)","Answer":"IAMBI","Explanation":"I (the setter) AM BI (swings both ways) \u2013 metrical feet"} {"Clue":"More on, going through Gate no 18? (7)","Answer":"GREATER","Explanation":"RE (on, regarding) in (going through) GATE and R (18th letter of the alphabet) \u2013 definition is 'more'"} {"Clue":"Attacked writer describing Cech as \"woeful\" (2,5)","Answer":"IN CHECK","Explanation":"INK (writer) containing (describing, going round) CECH* anagram=as woeful \u2013 definition is 'attacked'"} {"Clue":"Section One pushes a shot up (9)","Answer":"HYPERBOLA","Explanation":"HPYER (one who hypes, pushes) A LOB (shot) reversed (up) \u2013 a conic section"} {"Clue":"Topper-up for old writer, having drunk pint OK (6)","Answer":"INKPOT","Explanation":"(PINT OK)* anagram=drunk"} {"Clue":"A little introvert's kebab's taken apart by Yard (6)","Answer":"SHYISH","Explanation":"SHISH (type of kebab) icontains (is taken apart by) Y (yard)"} {"Clue":"South London bridge, a little awry (4-5)","Answer":"SKEW WHIFF","Explanation":"S (south) KEW (bridge in London) WHIFF (a little) \u2013 definition is 'awry'"} {"Clue":"Happy setter gets 51 fowers (8)","Answer":"GLADIOLI","Explanation":"GLAD (happy) IO (setter) get LI (51, Roman numerals)"} {"Clue":"Following rout, goalie had this opportunity to gamble (4,4)","Answer":"CRAP GAME","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition \u2013 a gambling game with dice"} {"Clue":"Bootless 21 is ordering rice (7)","Answer":"BASMATI","Explanation":"anagram (ordering) of BATMAn (21, bootless=no last letter) and IS \u2013 a variety of rice"} {"Clue":"Jumper that's seen here from April to September . . . . (7)","Answer":"CRICKET","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition \u2013 jumping insect and cricket is typically\u00a0played in the UK (here) from April to September"} {"Clue":". . . . player number 4's out to get the Saviour of Gotham (6)","Answer":"BATMAN","Explanation":"BATsMAN (cricket player) missing 4th letter \u2013 'Saviour of Gotham' seemd a bit too obvious to me, but maybe not to other people?"} {"Clue":"Using many words for \"59\"? (6)","Answer":"PROLIX","Explanation":"PRO (for) LIX (59, Roman numerals again)"} {"Clue":"You don't say when parallel lines meet (5)","Answer":"NEVER","Explanation":"double definition, \"well I never\" and\u00a0parallel lines never meet (in a Euclidean geometry)"} {"Clue":"Footwork was practised here for many terms (4,4)","Answer":"EBBW VALE","Explanation":"~~I can't explain this and I certainly can't think of anything else that would fit. Maybe\u00a0footwork has something to do with rugby? Ebbw Vale had a Rugby Union club that switched to Rugby League. This hardly seems enough to confidently enter a solution.~~ *Cryptic definition \u2013 Michael Foot was an MP here for many parliamentary terms, thanks to Conrad Cork for this"} {"Clue":"Area for those deprived of hospital within reach (6)","Answer":"GHETTO","Explanation":"H (hospital) in GET TO (reach)"} {"Clue":"Broke into cask and retrieved last of claret inside (6)","Answer":"STAVED","Explanation":"clareT (last letter of) inside SAVED (retrieved) \u2013\u00a0to brake the stave of a barrel"} {"Clue":"Dandy online maybe keeps on being viable (8)","Answer":"ECONOMIC","Explanation":"E COMIC (online version of The Dandy maybe) containing (keeps) ON"} {"Clue":"Record of quivering produced by semi-orgasm (10)","Answer":"SEISMOGRAM","Explanation":"(SEMI_ORGASM)* anagram=produced by \u2013 definition is 'record of quivering'"} {"Clue":"Large sail may flap with wind for expert in light airs (4,8)","Answer":"ANDY WILLIAMS","Explanation":"anagram of L (large) SAIL MAY\u00a0and WIND, flap=anargam \u2013 popular singer, airs=songs"} {"Clue":"Spent like a woman without the least bit of anxiety (6)","Answer":"EFFETE","Explanation":"EFFEminaTE (like a woman) missing MIN (least) and A (bit of anxiety) \u2013 definition is 'spent'. A very tricky clue."} {"Clue":"Rundown relation's holding \u00a325 back (8)","Answer":"SYNOPSIS","Explanation":"SIS'S (sister's, relation's) holding PONY (\u00a325) reversed \u2013 definition is 'rundown'. I liked this one, at first glance it seems very unlikely that PONY reversed is going to be part of a word."} {"Clue":"Champion of civic Tories (6)","Answer":"VICTOR","Explanation":"hidden in ciVIC TORies"} {"Clue":"Asian speech of allegiance (4)","Answer":"THAI","Explanation":"sounds like\u00a0(in speech) \"tie\" (allegiance)"} {"Clue":"Edge is said to be dread part of the world (10)","Answer":"HEMISPHERE","Explanation":"HEM (edge) and 'IS SPHERE' sounds like (said) \"is fear\" (to be dread)"} {"Clue":"Flowing cape's not mine (4,4)","Answer":"OPEN CAST","Explanation":"(CAPE'S NOT)* anagram=flowing \u2013 definition is mine, as a verb pehaps"} {"Clue":"No warning about time of interval (6)","Answer":"OCTAVE","Explanation":"O (zero, no) CAVE (warning) about T (time) \u2013 musical interval"} {"Clue":"Means of securing study grant (6)","Answer":"EYELET","Explanation":"EYE (study) LET (grant)"} {"Clue":"To some degree disastrous start to Happy New Year (8)","Answer":"ANYWHERE","Explanation":"anagram (disasterous) of H (start of happy) NEW YEAR \u2013 definition is 'to some degree'"} {"Clue":"12, 15's royal stock led to career (9)","Answer":"BUTTERFLY","Explanation":"BUTT (stock, of a gun) ER (royal) FLY (career) \u2013 Andy Williams song. I think 'led' indicates that stock was in front of royal."} {"Clue":"12, 15's mates with inept solver (5,3,6)","Answer":"WIVES AND LOVERS","Explanation":"WIVES (mates) AND (with) SOLVER* inept=anagram \u2013 Andy Williams song"} {"Clue":"Feature report on East End's intellectual (7)","Answer":"EYEBROW","Explanation":"sounds like (reported) 'ighbrow (intellectual) in East End Londoner's accent \u2013 a facial feature"} {"Clue":"One who brushes up on his speech? (5)","Answer":"GROOM","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Passionate believer in everything about him (9)","Answer":"EGOMANIAC","Explanation":"cryptic definiton \u2013 does not seem very cryptic to me, maybe I have missed something?"} {"Clue":"Could be major gang (5)","Answer":"TRIAD","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 musical terms and chinese gangsters"} {"Clue":"Loo inmate may cause gushing (9)","Answer":"EMOTIONAL","Explanation":"(LOO INMATE)* anagram=may cause (may be arranged to make\u2026) \u2013 definition is 'gushing'. I spent a long while attempting to parse\u00a0'emotional' as the answer to 7dn, so it was a shoo-in for me here."} {"Clue":"12, 15's enamoured of Cameron? (4,5)","Answer":"LOVE STORY","Explanation":"LOVES (enamoured of) TORY (David Cameron) \u2013 song by Andy Williams"} {"Clue":"12, 15's display of cheek to banker (4,5)","Answer":"MOON RIVER","Explanation":"MOON (show one's cheeks, buttocks) to RIVER (something with banks) \u2013 Andy Williams song"} {"Clue":"Start a musical turn featuring island (7)","Answer":"SUMATRA","Explanation":"featured in stART A MUSical reversed (turn)"} {"Clue":"12, 15's started having alternative physio-therapy treatment (5,5)","Answer":"HAPPY HEART","Explanation":"Having Alternative Physio (starting letters\u00a0of) THERAPY* anagram=treatment \u2013 Andy Williams song"} {"Clue":"Make fast interruption (5)","Answer":"HITCH","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Cut through mole, being careless (6)","Answer":"SLOPPY","Explanation":"LOP (cut) in SPY (mole)"} {"Clue":"Goat and mouse 23 (6,7)","Answer":"BUTTER CHICKEN","Explanation":"BUTTER (goat, something that butts) and MOUSE (chicken, timid person) \u2013 a curry"} {"Clue":"Swallowed by frog, left eye (4)","Answer":"OGLE","Explanation":"found in frOG LEft \u2013 definition is 'eye'"} {"Clue":"Meat in Indian less hot, dish recalled as 23 starter (5,5)","Answer":"SHAMI KEBAB","Explanation":"HAM (meat) in SIKh (Indian) missing H=hot BABE (dish) reversed (recalled) \u2013 a starter for a curry meal"} {"Clue":"Instrument cutting grain husks, finding substance in wheat (6)","Answer":"GLUTEN","Explanation":"LUTE (instrument) inside (cutting) GraiN (husks=outer parts)"} {"Clue":"Give a little, as winning (8)","Answer":"HANDSOME","Explanation":"HAND (give) SOME (a little)"} {"Clue":"Excellent tie stolen by drunk (3,6)","Answer":"TOP DRAWER","Explanation":"DRAW (tie) in (stolen by) TOPER (a drunk)"} {"Clue":"Resolution, coarse stuff (4)","Answer":"GRIT","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"23, as in pot scoffed by Greek character (4,7)","Answer":"LAMB PASANDA","Explanation":"AS in PAN (pot) in (scoffed by) LAMBDA (Greek character) \u2013 another curry"} {"Clue":"This served with 23 that's yellow in heap (5,4)","Answer":"PILAU RICE","Explanation":"AURIC (yellow) in PILE (heap) \u2013 accompaniment to curry"} {"Clue":"Orderly present, man finally tucked into bed (8)","Answer":"COHERENT","Explanation":"HERE (present) maN (final letter) tucked into COT (bed)"} {"Clue":"Ultimately, project cold, not the right plan (6)","Answer":"TACTIC","Explanation":"projecT and ArCTIC (cold) missing R=right"} {"Clue":"Evidence of BSE with half of bacon 23 (4,6)","Answer":"BEEF MADRAS","Explanation":"BEEF MAD (evidence of BSE, mad cow disease) with RASher (half of bacon) \u2013 a curry"} {"Clue":"Scoundrel leaves, one gathers (4)","Answer":"RAKE","Explanation":"double definition, roue and tool for gathering leaves"} {"Clue":"Saw always dividing pipe (6)","Answer":"SAYING","Explanation":"AY (always) in (dividing) SING (pipe) \u2013 definition is 'saw'"} {"Clue":"Understanding shown by any sort of African (6)","Answer":"KENYAN","Explanation":"KEN (understanding) and (shown by) ANY* anagram=sort of"} {"Clue":"Epic place to go for a 23 (3,4)","Answer":"SAG ALOO","Explanation":"SAGA (epic) LOO (place to go) \u2013 a curry"} {"Clue":"Patent done before end of contract (5)","Answer":"OVERT","Explanation":"OVER (done) before contracT (end of)"} {"Clue":"Lacking leadership, trouble afoot for traditional Labour allies (6)","Answer":"UNIONS","Explanation":"bUNIONS (foot problem) missing leading letter"} {"Clue":"Fixed rate more reliable for the one with the money (9)","Answer":"TREASURER","Explanation":"RATE* fixed=anagram SURER (more reliable)"} {"Clue":"Once more welcome to postpone commercial breaks (7)","Answer":"READMIT","Explanation":"REMIT (postpone) containing (broken by) AD (commercial). I am not convinced 'remit' means\u00a0'postpone', Chambers does not list this as a meaning."} {"Clue":"Shop assistants resist charges for renovation (4,9)","Answer":"CASH REGISTERS","Explanation":"(RESIST CHANGES) anagram=for renovation \u2013 things that are useful (assit the staff) in shops"} {"Clue":"Male ego in Lady Gaga, one's flighty but delicate (9)","Answer":"DAMSELFLY","Explanation":"M (male) SELF (ego) in LADY* anagram=gaga \u2013 a dragonfly. Good to see Lady G back again, not long ago she was appearing in one or other of the cryptics every week."} {"Clue":"One in ecstasy after heading off prowler (7)","Answer":"LIONESS","Explanation":"ONE in bLISS (ecstacy, headless) \u2013 definition is 'prowler'"} {"Clue":"Entertainer performing satire about the end of Marat (7)","Answer":"ARTISTE","Explanation":"SATIRE* anagram=performing about maraT (end of)"} {"Clue":"Keep film in water (6)","Answer":"RETAIN","Explanation":"ET (film) in RAIN (water)"} {"Clue":"Treat skin that's hot (5)","Answer":"CURRY","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 'to tan leather' and 'spicy'"} {"Clue":"Brother's reportedly drunk on gin (8)","Answer":"TRAPPIST","Explanation":"PIST sounds like \"pissed\" (drunk) in TRAP (gin), a brother is a monk"} {"Clue":"Fancy man ultimately stopping harangue (6)","Answer":"ORNATE","Explanation":"N in ORATE (harangue)"} {"Clue":"Striking folk, for example, that may be arranged to back up action (10,5)","Answer":"INCIDENTAL MUSIC","Explanation":"INCIDENTAL (striking) FOLK (type of music) \u2013 background music for a play or film"} {"Clue":"Net geek endlessly farts about with Windows (10)","Answer":"FENESTRATE","Explanation":"anagram (about, moving about) of NET gEEk (endlessly) and FARTS \u2013 definition is 'with windows'"} {"Clue":"Girl, last one on earth, found in seconds?(4)","Answer":"ANNA","Explanation":"lAst oNe oNe eArth (second letters)"} {"Clue":"Port\/schnapps essentially passed to the left by idiot (7)","Answer":"ANTWERP","Explanation":"schNApps (essentially, centre of) reversed (passed to the left) by TWERP (idiot)"} {"Clue":"Top actors essentially get moved away from the audience (7)","Answer":"UPSTAGE","Explanation":"UP (top) STAGE (actors) \u2013 definition is 'moved away from the audience'. I am not sure about 'essentially' here. Possibly the 'up stage' is where the top actors play (so they can face the audience). This is basically\u00a0the same meaning as 'upstage', just changed form noun to verb, not far enough away for a cryptic clue IMO."} {"Clue":"Flapper associated with the proms? (7)","Answer":"SEAGULL","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 a prom is a sea-front walk"} {"Clue":"Nearly exact (4)","Answer":"EVEN","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Reserve I put forward to secure good entry on record? (10)","Answer":"REGISTRANT","Explanation":"RESTRAINT with the I moved towars the front containing (securing) G (good) \u2013 definition is either 'entry on record' or just 'on record'. Chambers gives 'a person who registers, or has registered' which doesn't quite fit either deinition."} {"Clue":"One with a liking for ink might also spit it out (15)","Answer":"STIGMATOPHILIST","Explanation":"(MIGHT ALSO SPIT IT)* anagram=out \u2013 a person with a liking for tattoos"} {"Clue":"Do not start gossip that causes agitation (6)","Answer":"LATHER","Explanation":"bLATHER (gossip) not starting"} {"Clue":"Announced opening competitors (8)","Answer":"ENTRANTS","Explanation":"sounds like (announced)\u00a0\"entrance\" (opening) \u2013 not an exact homophone"} {"Clue":"Brilliant out-of-this-world plant died off with cold (7)","Answer":"TRIFFIC","Explanation":"TRIFFId (alien plant\u00a0from sci-fi novel) with C (cold)"} {"Clue":"We climb the odd bits of Tibet, for example (9)","Answer":"ASCENDERS","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 ascenders are the upper parts of letters such as t and b, i an e do not have ascenders"} {"Clue":"Churned out repeats in D flat (10)","Answer":"PEDESTRIAN","Explanation":"(REPEATS IN D)* ~~flat=anagram~~ churned=anagram \u2013 definition is 'flat'\u00a0~~I think 'flat' is pushing it a little for an anagram indicator~~"} {"Clue":"Means of detecting nitrogen in fly (5)","Answer":"SONAR","Explanation":"N (nitrogen) in SOAR (fly)"} {"Clue":"Behind topless dowdy woman (4)","Answer":"RUMP","Explanation":"fRUMP (dowdy woman) topless"} {"Clue":"Burning desire (5)","Answer":"ARSON","Explanation":"cryptic definition. First I entered FLAME, then changed it to TORCH before finally arriving at ARSON"} {"Clue":"Lock lens cap after snapping (7)","Answer":"ENCLASP","Explanation":"(LENS CAP)* snapping=anagram"} {"Clue":"Individual parts stirred by these? (8)","Answer":"MANTRAPS","Explanation":"MAN (individual) PARTS* anagram=stirred \u2013 a mantrap (predatory woman) could stir up your parts (genitalia)"} {"Clue":"More secret theft pinned on burglar \u2013 almost right (10)","Answer":"STEALTHIER","Explanation":"STEAL (theft, as a noun) with (pinned on) THIEf (burglar, almost) R (right)"} {"Clue":"Work that's noted to be light? (8)","Answer":"OPERETTA","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Drilling area protected by exhaust (9)","Answer":"EDUCATION","Explanation":"A (area) in EDUCTION (exhaust) \u2013 definition is 'drilling'"} {"Clue":"Bend with short stretching tool (7)","Answer":"UTENSIL","Explanation":"U (bend) with TENSILe (stretching, short)"} {"Clue":"Child captivated by stories in which not a little is a lot? (7)","Answer":"LITOTES","Explanation":"TOT (child) in LIES (stories) \u2013 litotes means understatement"} {"Clue":"Live or die without son (5)","Answer":"EXIST","Explanation":"EXIT (die) containing (without, outside) S (son)"} {"Clue":"Championship ponies bag a winning score (5)","Answer":"IPPON","Explanation":"found in (bagged by) champiionshIP PONies \u2013 a winning score in sumo wrestling"} {"Clue":"Became half-cut, grabbing one's mistress (4)","Answer":"AMIE","Explanation":"becAME (half cut) containing I (one) \u2013 definition is 'mistress'"} {"Clue":"Poke one's nose into group of servicemen with a candid humour, leading to hospital (4,6,4)","Answer":"MESS AROUND WITH","Explanation":"MESS (group of servicemen) with A ROUND (candid) WIT (humour) and H (leading letter of hospital)"} {"Clue":"Action that doesn't take place in Union St (7)","Answer":"NONSUIT","Explanation":"(UNION ST)* \u2013 a legal term for the stopping of a suit (action)"} {"Clue":"Robin's mate's second in one increase? (7)","Answer":"BATSMAN","Explanation":"S (second) in BATMAN (Robin's mate) \u2013 on2 \"in the crease\", batting at cricket"} {"Clue":"Give up the harvest (5)","Answer":"YIELD","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Transporter (not car) in chart designed by ship's captain (9)","Answer":"TRIERARCH","Explanation":"carRIER (transporter, missing car) in CHART* designed=anagram \u2013 the commander of a trireme (ancient ship)"} {"Clue":"Mention of a mechanical piece in the isthmus (9)","Answer":"NAMECHECK","Explanation":"A MECHanical (piece of) in NECK (isthmus) \u2013 definition is 'mention'"} {"Clue":"Norman ruler starts to be added to the jackpot (5)","Answer":"ROLLO","Explanation":"starting letters of ROLLOver (to be added to the jackpot) \u2013 Viking nobleman and first ruler of Normandy"} {"Clue":"Complaint as of the \"murmuring of innumerable bees\"? (5)","Answer":"HIVES","Explanation":"definition and cryptic definition? Hives is a name for nettlerash or laryngitis, so is a complaint.\u00a0Bees live in hives\u00a0(obviously) and\u00a0\"And murmering of innumerable bees\" is a line from the\u00a0Tennyson poem *Come Down, O Maid* but apart form being generally bee-related I can't see how this helps."} {"Clue":"Reduce status of dog warden? (9)","Answer":"DOWNGRADE","Explanation":"(DOG WARDEN)* the question mark is an anagram indicator"} {"Clue":"Indian city's veto on quantity (9)","Answer":"BANGALORE","Explanation":"BAN (veto) on GALORE (a lot, quantity)"} {"Clue":"Compare plant with symbiotic fungus, say (5)","Answer":"LIKEN","Explanation":"sounds like (say) lichen (plant with symbiotic fungus) \u2013 definition is 'compare'"} {"Clue":"Sort of box for little gentlemen in trouble (7)","Answer":"NESTING","Explanation":"anagram (trouble)\u00a0of GENTS (little gentlemen) and IN \u2013 a nesting box for birds. This is too close to an indirect anagram for my comfort."} {"Clue":"An island at back of Russian girl (7)","Answer":"TATIANA","Explanation":"AN AIT (island) AT all reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"What generates interest is Araucaria's home hosting one old Greek king (5,2,3,4)","Answer":"MONEY IN THE BANK","Explanation":"MY (Araucaria's) IN (home) containing (hosting) ONE then THEBAN (old Greek) K\u00a0(king)"} {"Clue":"Ray to be replacing Rhode Island in Dutch Guiana (7)","Answer":"SUNBEAM","Explanation":"SUriNAM (modern day Dutch Guiana) with RI (Rhode Island) removed and BE (to be) inserted \u2013 definition is 'ray'. I don't like the word 'replacing' here as the removal and insertion are at different placins in the solution."} {"Clue":"Awfully cute little quadruplets that hold 6 (9)","Answer":"AQUEDUCTS","Explanation":"andgram (awfully) of CUTE and QUADS (little quadruplets). Again I think this is straying into indirect anagram territory."} {"Clue":"6 animal loses tail and so on turning up inside with a group (7)","Answer":"OCTETTE","Explanation":"OTTEr (water animal missing tail) aith ETC (and so on) reversed inside"} {"Clue":"Get a taste of ink in the club? (7)","Answer":"NIBLICK","Explanation":"definition\/cryptic definition \u2013 a niblick is a golf club"} {"Clue":"Deterrent rebid, Waugh's work for passing time? (5,5,3,6)","Answer":"WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE","Explanation":"(DETERRENT\u00a0REBID WAUGH)* work=anagram"} {"Clue":"Vehicle submerged in a sea of lost umbrellas (7)","Answer":"TUMBREL","Explanation":"found in (submerged in a sea of) losT UMBRELlas \u2013 a cart"} {"Clue":"Cycle of duty with pistol has backing (of body?) (9)","Answer":"REGULATOR","Explanation":"ROTA (cycle of duty) with LUGER (pistol) reversed (backing) \u2013 a regulator is often referred to as a 'regulatory body'. I think 'of' and 'has' are left a bit stranded in this clue."} {"Clue":"Meat in the oven is only half cooked (7)","Answer":"VENISON","Explanation":"found in oVEN IS ONly \u2013 definition is 'meat'. I can't make much sense of 'half cooked', there is no anagram and it does not use only half the letters. 'The' also seems redundant, though this\u00a0could be overlooked as some padding\u00a0to make the clue read better. Possibly the original idea was an anagram of OVEN IS ON (half of only)?"} {"Clue":"Medicine man should be here as rainmaker? (7)","Answer":"DROUGHT","Explanation":"DR (medicine man) OUGHT (should be) \u2013 the definition of the solution is self-referential"} {"Clue":"Fight with the French after peace (7)","Answer":"WRESTLE","Explanation":"W (with) LE (the, French) following REST (peace)"} {"Clue":"Embarrassed by prize that contains little power (7)","Answer":"AWKWARD","Explanation":"AWARD (prize) containing KW (kilo-watt, little power, abbreviation).\u00a0~~ I don't see why a KW would be a 'little' power. It could be a very small or very large amount of power depening on the context~~."} {"Clue":"Freefone between Alison and Theodore, a new arrangement in the first home to which the marines marched (1,4,2,3,5,4)","Answer":"A LIFE ON THE OCEAN WAVE","Explanation":"FONE* (free=anagram)\u00a0between ALI and THEO then\u00a0(A NEW)* in CAVE (man's first home) \u2013 a march and song from the mid 1800s popular with Marine bands in both the US and the UK ever since."} {"Clue":"This cryptic obsession (6)","Answer":"FETISH","Explanation":"FE (Iron) THIS* cryptic=anagram"} {"Clue":"Juliet's fying dancer (8)","Answer":"NIJINSKY","Explanation":"NI (Nickel) J (Juliet, phonetic alphabet) IN SKY (flying)"} {"Clue":"What Nadal would use within court (7)","Answer":"RACQUET","Explanation":"RA (Radium) QUE (what in Spanish, as Nadal would say) in CT (court) \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Is \"humping\" an understatement? (7)","Answer":"LITOTES","Explanation":"LI (Lithium) TOTES (carries, is humping)"} {"Clue":"Extremely nice spots (4)","Answer":"ACNE","Explanation":"AC (Actinum) NicE (extremes of)"} {"Clue":"Proof in non-smoker's possession? (10)","Answer":"MONSTRANCE","Explanation":"MO (Molybdenum) NS (non-smoker) TRANCE (posession) \u2013 according to Chambers\u00a0a monstrance is \"a\u00a0recepticle in which the consectated host is exposed in Roman Catholic churches for the adoration of the people\", so presumeably\u00a0this is a proof? *See Pelham Barton @5 for an explanation."} {"Clue":"Charlie's most important servant (6)","Answer":"LACKEY","Explanation":"LA (Lanthanum) C (charlie, phonetc alphabet) has KEY (most important)"} {"Clue":"Device used to fix electric light (3,4)","Answer":"ARC LAMP","Explanation":"AR (Argon) CLAMP (device used to fix)"} {"Clue":"Absolute mess (7)","Answer":"CLUTTER","Explanation":"CL (Chlorine) UTTER (absolute)"} {"Clue":"Horse offcer's riding to the front (6)","Answer":"BRONCO","Explanation":"BR (Bromine) ON (riding) CO (commanding officer)"} {"Clue":"Sign language that article appears in (10)","Answer":"INDICATION","Explanation":"IN (Indium) DICTION (language) containing A (indefinite article)"} {"Clue":"Beatles single and album (4)","Answer":"HELP","Explanation":"HE (Helium) LP (album) \u2013 definition is 'Beatles single'"} {"Clue":"Religious ceremony's point is initially made (7)","Answer":"BAPTISM","Explanation":"BA (Barium) PT (point) IS M (initial letter of made)"} {"Clue":"Cookery's single function (7)","Answer":"CUISINE","Explanation":"CU (Copper) I (one, single) SINE (function, maths)"} {"Clue":"Small house almost rejected big girl (8)","Answer":"TITANESS","Explanation":"TI (Titanium) then S (small) SENATe (house, almost)\u00a0both reversed (rejected) \u2013 a female giant"} {"Clue":"Verses certainly should encompass metre (6)","Answer":"RHYMES","Explanation":"RH (Rhodium) YES (certainly) containing (encompassing) M (metre)"} {"Clue":"Make a friend without ceremony (8)","Answer":"FORMALLY","Explanation":"FORM (make) ALLY (a friend) \u2013 seriously, without a fuss"} {"Clue":"Expert starts to turn left, negotiating awkward chicane (9)","Answer":"TECHNICAL","Explanation":"T L (starting letters\u00a0of turn and left) going round (negotiating) CHICANE* anagram=awkward"} {"Clue":"Perhaps starter's really wrong? (4)","Answer":"SOUP","Explanation":"definition and cryptic definition \u2013 to be 'in the soup' is to have gone badly wrong. *A better suggestion\u00a0is SO (really) and UP (wrong) \u2013 thanks to ernie"} {"Clue":"Well, no, yours may be fancied (8)","Answer":"ILLUSORY","Explanation":"ILL (well, no) YOURS* anagram=may be \u2013 definition is 'fancied'"} {"Clue":"High Street shop one refurbished for rental (10)","Answer":"INTERFLORA","Explanation":"anagram (refurbished) of I (one) and FOR RENTAL"} {"Clue":"Smooth material \u2013 it's metal (5)","Answer":"SATIN","Explanation":"SA (it, sex appeal) has TIN (metal)"} {"Clue":"Society embraced by country they obey (3-3)","Answer":"YES-MEN","Explanation":"S (society) in (embraced by) YEMEN (country)"} {"Clue":"Motion that results in rifes being raised (5)","Answer":"STOOL","Explanation":"LOOTS (rifles) reversed (raised) \u2013 definition is 'motion'"} {"Clue":"Know how to enjoy food without a US resident (10)","Answer":"KENTUCKIAN","Explanation":"KEN (know how) TUCK IN (enjoy food) going round (without) A"} {"Clue":"Peculiarity of bloke's alarm over maiden (9)","Answer":"MANNERISM","Explanation":"MAN (bloke) SIREN (alarm) reversed (over) M (maiden)"} {"Clue":"Charges brought up about Pastor Timothy Harding (8)","Answer":"SEPTIMUS","Explanation":"SUES (charges) reversed (brought up) going round (about) P (pastor) TIM (Timothy) \u2013 Septimus Harding was a character in Anthony Trollope's Barsetshire Chronicles"} {"Clue":"Crush about 1,000 rotten corpses (8)","Answer":"COMPRESS","Explanation":"CORPSES* (rotten=anagram) containing M (1,000, Roman numeral)"} {"Clue":"The rope major lifted is put on back (6)","Answer":"GIBBET","Explanation":"BIG (major) reversed (lifted) is put on BET (back) \u2013 the hangman's rope"} {"Clue":"Author's delight over cruise, needing vacation (5)","Answer":"JOYCE","Explanation":"JOY (delight) on (over) CruisE (empty, having been vacated) \u2013 author James Joyce"} {"Clue":"Remove grass from garage (5)","Answer":"DEPOT","Explanation":"DE-POT (remove grass)"} {"Clue":"Reason husband gets by (4)","Answer":"WITH","Explanation":"WIT (reason) H (husband) \u2013 definition is 'by'"} {"Clue":"S takes part of Semiramis in familiar French address (8)","Answer":"TIRAMISU","Explanation":"semIRAMIS (part of) in TU (you, French familiar address) \u2013 a sweet"} {"Clue":"Local holding for example? No (8)","Answer":"NEGATIVE","Explanation":"NATIVE (local) holding EG (for example)"} {"Clue":"Note \u2013 ut, possibly \u2013 kept going for longer (6)","Answer":"TENUTO","Explanation":"(NOTE UT)* anagram=possibly \u2013 sustained, musical"} {"Clue":"Threat to little boy in mutual trouble (9)","Answer":"ULTIMATUM","Explanation":"TIM (boy, little=abbrev) in MUTUAL* anagram=trouble"} {"Clue":"S kid counted fifty pegs wrongly (6,6,7)","Answer":"STICKY TOFFEE PUDDING","Explanation":"(KID COUNTED FIFTY PEGS)* anagram=wrongly"} {"Clue":"Maybe seeing's beginning (7)","Answer":"GENESIS","Explanation":"(SEEING'S)* anagram=maybe"} {"Clue":"Tress twice, first time with dropped letter forming obstruction (7)","Answer":"AIRLOCK","Explanation":"hAIR LOCK (two tressees) the first missing one letter"} {"Clue":"Female part, said to be drunk and sick? (6)","Answer":"PISTIL","Explanation":"PIST sounds like (said) \"pissed\" (drunk) and IL sounds like \"ill\" (sick) \u2013 a part of a female flower"} {"Clue":"Relieved French nobleman getting about for daughter (9)","Answer":"COMFORTED","Explanation":"COMTE (French nobleman) containing (getting about) FOR then D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Vision could be jolly (5)","Answer":"SIGHT","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition \u2013 it could be a jolly sight. Unless I have missed something this seems a\u00a0weak clue to me."} {"Clue":"S of the day, say (6)","Answer":"SUNDAE","Explanation":"~~sounds like \"sundae\", a dessert~~ sounds like \"Sunday\", a day"} {"Clue":"Unimportant affair at a fair (8)","Answer":"SIDESHOW","Explanation":"cryptic\/double definition"} {"Clue":"Mathematician S with 21 down (6)","Answer":"SUMMER","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition \u2013 one who does sums and a summer pudding"} {"Clue":"A fool and a 1950s boy are shaken (8)","Answer":"AGITATED","Explanation":"A GIT (fool) and A TED (1950s boy). I wasted some time here trying to make something of 1950 in Roman numerals."} {"Clue":"Sort of Celtic crown prince removing odour from plant expert (6)","Answer":"TANIST","Explanation":"boTANIST (plant expert) removing BO (odour) \u2013 an heir elect to a Celtic chief"} {"Clue":"Of body, list of duties with automatic weapon coming up (9)","Answer":"REGULATOR","Explanation":"ROTA (list of duties) with LUGER (automatic weapon) all reversed (coming up) \u2013 definition is 'Of body'. Cinephile (as Araucaria)\u00a0used this same clue in the Guardian\u00a0a couple of weeks ago Guardian 26,083\u00a0. As I failed to understand it back then he has kindly let me have another go. Of is an abbreviation for 'Office', as in Ofcom, Ofsted, Ofgen etc which are all regulatory bodies or \"regulators\"."} {"Clue":"Kept quiet when bad name included the heartless (5)","Answer":"MUTED","Explanation":"MUD (bad name, expression \"one's name is mud\")\u00a0including ThE (heartless)"} {"Clue":"Pleasant but not S (7)","Answer":"SAVOURY","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Frank has a problem with those receptive to new ideas (4,5)","Answer":"OPEN MINDS","Explanation":"OPEN (frank) MINDS (has a problem with)"} {"Clue":"S, possibly first about turn for a boy (5,5)","Answer":"FRUIT SALAD","Explanation":"FIRST* (anagram=possibly) about U (turn) then A LAD (boy)"} {"Clue":"S for school services' social centre (4,4)","Answer":"ETON MESS","Explanation":"ETON (school) MESS (armed services social centre)"} {"Clue":"Party animal? (4)","Answer":"STAG","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"S ingredient \u2013 inchoate depression (9)","Answer":"CHOCOLATE","Explanation":"COL (depression) in CHOATE \u2013 definition is 'sweet ingredient'. I like this type of split word clue is one of my favourites, though I know they are not for everyone."} {"Clue":"S alcoholic drinks, heated, fatal to Goliath (9)","Answer":"SLINGSHOT","Explanation":"SLINGS (sweetened cocktails) and HOT (heated)"} {"Clue":"White range? (8)","Answer":"CAUCASUS","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 a range of mountains. Caucasian is used to denote white people in racial classifications."} {"Clue":"Raptor on a string? (4)","Answer":"KITE","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"S, as it may be, died, as it may be (6)","Answer":"STEWED","Explanation":"A\u00a0sweet may be stewed. ~~I am not sure about 'died, as it may be'. According to Chambers stewed means drunk, agitated or in a mess but not actually dead. Can anyone shed any more light on this?~~ *Stewed is an anagram of SWEET + D (died), thanks to GeorgeA.\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Reversible note or dose (5)","Answer":"MINIM","Explanation":"double definition and a pailindrome"} {"Clue":"FT in group S, basically (5)","Answer":"SWEET","Explanation":"WE (the FT) in SET (group) \u2013 S basically=literally"} {"Clue":"Doomed love to satisfy topless mistresses (2,3,4)","Answer":"OF ILL OMEN","Explanation":"O (love, zero score) FILL (to satisfy) wOMEN (mistresses, topless)"} {"Clue":"Time to hoax firm \u2013 and time for fruit (7)","Answer":"APRICOT","Explanation":"APR I (April fools day, time to hoax) CO (company, firm) and T (time)"} {"Clue":"Disregard ode written in Chaucerian style? (7)","Answer":"OVERSEE","Explanation":"VERSE in OE (old English, Chaucerian style). Very clever! I like the way IO has chosen a definition for OVERSEE that is the converse of its more common meaning 'to supervise' too. Just a little quibble but didn't\u00a0Chaucer write in Middle English?\u00a0I take 'old English' to mean 'in old style',\u00a0I suppose well known writers of Old English are hard to find."} {"Clue":"Oscar, no German solver that was anticipating the old rebuff (3,2,3,3)","Answer":"ONE IN THE EYE","Explanation":"O (Oscar, phonetic alphabet) NEIN (no, German) THEE (solver, that was=archaic) coming before (anticipating) YE (the, old=archaic)"} {"Clue":"Cutting returning velocity down, one saves energy in the main (4,4,3)","Answer":"DEEP BLUE SEA","Explanation":"BLUE (down) in (cutting) SPEED (velocity) reversed (returning) and A (one) all containing (saving) E (energy) \u2013 the 'main' is the sea"} {"Clue":"Resistance breaking, badly need hit and OD (2,3,3)","Answer":"IN THE RED","Explanation":"R (resistance) in (breaking) (NEED HIT)* anagram=badly \u2013 overdrawn"} {"Clue":"Over 80ft, fully extended, not opposing pop song (3,2,3,5)","Answer":"EYE OF THE TIGER","Explanation":"Anagram of OVER EIGHTY FEET (80ft fully extended) without (not) V (opposing) \u2013 1980's pop song by Survivor"} {"Clue":"Cross Top Gear's attracts legitimate appeal? Precisely what I was getting at (5,4,2)","Answer":"THATS JUST IT","Explanation":"T (a Tau cross) HAT'S (top gear's) has (attracts) JUST (legitimate) IT (sex appeal)"} {"Clue":"Overnight fight for American swimmer (3-3)","Answer":"RED EYE","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 overnight flight in US and the rudd"} {"Clue":"Logical refutations arising from NE Chile (7)","Answer":"ELENCHI","Explanation":"(NE CHILE)* anagram=arising from"} {"Clue":"Mrs Capp's freed a state (7)","Answer":"FLORIDA","Explanation":"FLO (Andy Capp's wife, cartoon strip charcter) RID (freed) A. Unrelated to the clue, but many tens of years after first reading this cartoon it has just dawned on me that Andy Capp is a homopone of 'handicap'. Doh! How dim could I be?"} {"Clue":"Vessel that roads carry westward (5)","Answer":"AORTA","Explanation":"found in (carried by) thAT ROAds reversed (westward) \u2013 a blood vessel"} {"Clue":"Our wayward German, gone without a trace (9)","Answer":"NEUROGRAM","Explanation":"GERMAN* (anagram=gone)\u00a0having\u00a0OUR* (anagram=wayward) outside (without) \u2013 a memory trace"} {"Clue":"Section of WI also the reverse of 17 down? (6)","Answer":"TOBAGO","Explanation":"TO BAG O is 'to bag nothing', opposite of 17dn \u2013 part of the West Indies. *OzMark has an ingenious suggestion which I suspect is also Io's intended parsing: TOO (also) with BAG in (the reverse of 'in the bag')"} {"Clue":"In French, that's repeatedly savage \u2013 no more! (8)","Answer":"FIERCEST","Explanation":"~~I'm not sure of this.~~ IE (that is) in FR (French) CEST (that is in French, repeated) \u2013 definition is 'savage \u2013 no more'. Think \"Savage? No, more!\" \u2013 not just any old savage but the most savage."} {"Clue":"Is it dark, for \"evening out\"? On the surface it may be backless, promoting figure (5,5)","Answer":"BLACK DRESS","Explanation":"BACKLESS with L (a figure, Roman numeral) moving higher up around DaRk (even letters out) \u2013\u00a0definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"In sado-masochism, utter obscenity (4)","Answer":"SMUT","Explanation":"in sado-masochiSM UTter"} {"Clue":"Mom Bennett has this burial ground (10)","Answer":"ENTOMBMENT","Explanation":"(MOM BENNET)* anagram='has this\u2026ground', contains the letters of entombment mixed up \u2013 definition is 'burial'"} {"Clue":"Nasty eye infection (4)","Answer":"STYE","Explanation":"found in (infected by) naSTY Eye \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Charges, when the main point's taken in (6)","Answer":"AGISTS","Explanation":"GIST (the main point) in (taken in by) AS (when) \u2013 agist means 'to charge with a public burden'"} {"Clue":"Body of worthies going after a pinch of rock salt (8)","Answer":"ARSENATE","Explanation":"SENTAE (body of worthies) going after A R (first letter of rock, pinch of) \u2013 definition is 'salt'"} {"Clue":"Mme La Guillotine's function \u2013 to chop one in old times (10)","Answer":"EXECUTIONS","Explanation":"CUT (to chop) I (one) in EX (old) EONS (times)"} {"Clue":"Nonconformist PM's turn to open function protected by strongman (10)","Answer":"UNORTHODOX","Explanation":"NORTH (Frederick North, Prime Minister from 1770 \u2013 1782) has U (turn) before (to open, coming first) then DO (function) in (protected by) OX (strongman)"} {"Clue":"Sacked, as job is secured? (2,3,3)","Answer":"IN THE BAG","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Soldiers make mistakes between the lines (8)","Answer":"TERRIERS","Explanation":"ERR (make mistakes) in (between) TIERS (the lines) \u2013 nickname of the Territorial Army"} {"Clue":"Occupiers of eastern thrones, accepting right, appear active on ascending (6)","Answer":"AMEERS","Explanation":"SEEM (appear) A (active) containing (accepting) R (right) reversed (on ascending)"} {"Clue":"In Russia, I agree it hurts breaking the law (6)","Answer":"DHARMA","Explanation":"HARM (it hurts) in DA (yes in Russian) \u2013 religious law in Indian religions"} {"Clue":"Bird's flirtatious talk (4)","Answer":"CHAT","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Hot air it conveys moved very quickly to the audience! (4)","Answer":"FLUE","Explanation":"sounds like (to the audience) \"flew\" (moved very quickly)"} {"Clue":"Unrealistic hopes of seeing rooks flying? (7,2,3,3)","Answer":"CASTLES IN THE AIR","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Whole canine statue carried by attendant (7)","Answer":"PACKAGE","Explanation":"C (canine, abbrev) KA (Egyptian statue) in (carried by) PAGE (attendant) \u2013 definition is 'whole'"} {"Clue":"Scotsman circles islands finding metal (7)","Answer":"CALCIUM","Explanation":"CALUM (Scotsman) going round (circling) CI (Channel Islands)"} {"Clue":"French wine, having tea out, close to religious ecstasy (5)","Answer":"BLISS","Explanation":"chaBLIS (French wine) missing CHA=tea with religiouS (closing letter of)"} {"Clue":"Old tenor composed, taking week off somewhere in Canaries (9)","Answer":"LANZAROTE","Explanation":"Mario LANZA (old tenor) wROTE (composed) missing W=week \u2013 one of the Canary Islands"} {"Clue":"Swimmer got us exercising in channel (9)","Answer":"LANGOUSTE","Explanation":"(GOT US)* anagram=excercising in LANE (channel) \u2013 the rock lobster"} {"Clue":"Idiot traverses near depths of sea (5)","Answer":"ABYSS","Explanation":"ASS goes across (traverses) BY (near)"} {"Clue":"Now, daughter's advancing to crawl (5)","Answer":"TOADY","Explanation":"TODAY (now) with D (daughter) moving one letter forwards (advancing)"} {"Clue":"Italian singer produces note, very soft one, fronted by African people (4,5)","Answer":"TITO GOBBI","Explanation":"TOGO\u00a0(African nation, people) in front if\u00a0TI (note) BB (very soft, pencil lead) I (one) \u2013 Italian baritone 1913 \u2013 1984"} {"Clue":"Reject the Netherlands map during drill (4,5)","Answer":"BORN LOSER","Explanation":"NL (Netherlands)\u00a0OS (map, Ordnance Survey)\u00a0in (during) BORER (drill) \u2013 definition is 'reject'. I'm not convinced OS=map, a type of map yes, but not a map itself."} {"Clue":"Retrospective part of joint musical piece (5)","Answer":"NONET","Explanation":"TENON (part of mortice and tenon joint) reversed (retrospective) \u2013 a nine-part piece of music"} {"Clue":"Excused from work, operating educational chiefs have half (2,5)","Answer":"ON LEAVE","Explanation":"ON (operating) LEA (Local Educational Authority) haVE (half of)"} {"Clue":"Brush and pump \u2013 equipment needed in Cortina? (3,4)","Answer":"SKI MASK","Explanation":"SKIM (brush) ASK (pump, question) \u2013 Cortina is a ski resort in Italy"} {"Clue":"Anthony and Mark wore pants for race around boroughs (3,4,8)","Answer":"NEW YORK MARATHON","Explanation":"anagram (pants) of ANTHONY\u00a0and\u00a0MARK\u00a0WORE"} {"Clue":"Gardener's headwear means forehead ultimately unseen (10,5)","Answer":"CAPABILITY BROWN","Explanation":"CAP (headwear) ABILITY (means) BROWN (forrehead) unseeN (ultimate letter of) \u2013\u00a0Lancelot Brown, English landscape architect 1716-1783"} {"Clue":"Notices rotten branch (7)","Answer":"SECTION","Explanation":"NOTICES* rotten=anagram"} {"Clue":"Article influences rightwinger (4,5)","Answer":"LEAD STORY","Explanation":"LEADS (influences) TORY (rightwinger)"} {"Clue":"Balloon's brilliant in America (5)","Answer":"SWELL","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Criminal in Totnes changed plea (2,7)","Answer":"NO CONTEST","Explanation":"CON (criminal) in TOTNES* (changed=anagram) \u2013 in US courts a plea neither admitting guilt nor denying the charges"} {"Clue":"Woman regularly thrilled by Austria (5)","Answer":"HILDA","Explanation":"tHrIlLeD (regularly) A (Austria, IVR plate)"} {"Clue":"Rolls Royce punctured \u2013 some support from spouse needed (7)","Answer":"ALIMONY","Explanation":"LIMO (RR for example) in (puncturing) ANY (some)"} {"Clue":"Fairy tale character remains on the Spanish circus apparatus with family (15)","Answer":"RUMPELSTILTSKIN","Explanation":"RUMP (remains) EL (the, Spanish) STILTS (circus apparatus) KIN (family)"} {"Clue":"Pesto mixture left in marinade, as it were (2,2,5)","Answer":"SO TO SPEAK","Explanation":"PESTO* (mixture=anagram) inside (left in) SOAK (marinade)"} {"Clue":"Country fellow in harbour first to leave (9)","Answer":"ARGENTINA","Explanation":"GENT (fellow) in mARINA (harbour) first letter missing"} {"Clue":"Fan provides such voice alongside footballer initially down (7)","Answer":"AIRFLOW","Explanation":"AIR (voice) Footballer (first letter of) LOW (down) \u2013 provided by a ceiling fan for example"} {"Clue":"Under order to keep tidy hospital (7)","Answer":"BENEATH","Explanation":"BE NEAT (order to keep tidy) H (hospital) \u2013 definition is 'under'"} {"Clue":"Allison is missing, touring South American plain (5)","Answer":"LLANO","Explanation":"ALLisON missing IS \u2013 Los Llanos is an area of plains in South America"} {"Clue":"Disciple backing an emperor (5)","Answer":"RASTA","Explanation":"A TSAR (an emporer) reversed (backing) \u2013 a Rastafarian, a disciple of Haile Selassie"} {"Clue":"A cock bird no friend to Israel (9)","Answer":"AMALEKITE","Explanation":"A MALE KITE (cock bird) \u2013 the Amalek were a biblical people at war with the Hebrews (in Genesis)"} {"Clue":"Dove's top notes recited poem (5)","Answer":"HAIKU","Explanation":"sounds like (recited) \"high coo\" (dove's top notes) \u2013 a Japanese poem"} {"Clue":"False god to love, love therefore not true? (3,4)","Answer":"TOO GOOD","Explanation":"anagram (false) of GOD TO O O (love, love) \u2013 too good to be true"} {"Clue":"First to end play at an abstinent time (7)","Answer":"RAMADAN","Explanation":"DRAMA (play) first letter moved to the end with (at) AN"} {"Clue":"Early days in return of half-hearted TV city (5)","Answer":"SALAD","Explanation":"DALlAS (old US TV series) reversed missing one of the middle letters (half-hearted) \u2013 one's salad days are one's youth"} {"Clue":"Remove island prey of 8s' devil (9)","Answer":"EXCISEMAN","Explanation":"EXCISE (remove) MAN (Isle of Man) \u2013 Burns poem The Deil's Awa Wi' The Exciseman"} {"Clue":"Obsolete institution: Act I \u2014 the goalpost must be moved (7,8)","Answer":"COTTAGE HOSPITAL","Explanation":"(ACT I THE GOALPOST)* moved=anagram \u2013 once a type of small local hospital in England"} {"Clue":"Say pears and apple in tandem? (3-6)","Answer":"TWO-SEATER","Explanation":"TWOS (say pears, sounds like \"pairs\") and EATER (apple) \u2013 a two-seater bicyle for example"} {"Clue":"Herb left by soldier at ease (5)","Answer":"COMFY","Explanation":"COMFreY (herb) with RE (Royal Engineer, soldier) missing \u2013 definition is 'at ease'"} {"Clue":"Upset one in the dam (7)","Answer":"MOITHER","Explanation":"I (one) in MOTHER (dam) \u2013 variant spelling of mither, moider, to annoy"} {"Clue":"Title given back to archduke, being a dish (7)","Answer":"RISOTTO","Explanation":"SIR (title) reversed (given back) to OTTO (Archduke Otto of Austria)"} {"Clue":"Strap used by blacksmith on grey mare (5)","Answer":"THONG","Explanation":"found in (used by) blacksmiTH ON Grey \u2013 definition is 'strap', mare is superflous (to my thinking)"} {"Clue":"Elite Spooner's drunk after fiasco (3,6)","Answer":"TOP FLIGHT","Explanation":"Spoonerism of \"flop tight\", drunk after fiaso"} {"Clue":"Kipling's pony, a cross beast, playing 21 and 22 down (7,3)","Answer":"MALTESE CAT","Explanation":"(CASTLE MATE)* playing=anagram \u2013 polo pony from Kipling short story of the same name. I think 'a cross beast' is thrown in as bonus material: a cat that is a pony (pony\/cat cross) and\/or\u00a0a MALTESE cross and CAT=beast. I don't think either of these is quite enough to stand on its own as the subsidiary part of the clue."} {"Clue":"Long wait on the cards for sleeper over sleepers (5-3)","Answer":"WAGON-LIT","Explanation":"(LONG WAIT)* \u2013 definition is 'for sleeper over sleepers'. I presume that 'on the cards' is an anagram indicator, but apart from a very general indication of something about to happen I can't really see it."} {"Clue":"Time to set clock and get breath back (6,4)","Answer":"SECOND WIND","Explanation":"SECOND (time) WIND (to set clock) \u2013 definition is 'get breath back'"} {"Clue":"Nameless impressionist with foot (errors excepted) put inside part of cathedral (10)","Answer":"RETROCHOIR","Explanation":"TROCHee (metric foot) missing E E (two errors) put inside REnOIR (impressionist) missing N=name \u2013 the area behind the high altar in a large church or cathedral"} {"Clue":"Encouragement to beat about the bush, almost wildly (6,2)","Answer":"THUMBS UP","Explanation":"THUMP (to beat) about the BUSh* (almost, wildly=anagram)"} {"Clue":"Extra to set in the comic sense (6)","Answer":"WISDOM","Explanation":"triple\/cryptic definition \u2013 wisdom teeth are extra to one's set of teeth, comic actor Norman Wisdom and wisdom=sense"} {"Clue":"Get very hot water (4)","Answer":"BURN","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Give boost to surrounding vulgar-sounding bully who has the franchise (10)","Answer":"ELECTORATE","Explanation":"ELATE (give boost to) surrounding 'ECTOR (hecotr, bully, in vulgar speech) \u2013 the electorate is enfranchised"} {"Clue":"Swap larger numbers in protest from Lincolnshire town: no wind farm! no swallows! (3,2,5)","Answer":"NIL BY MOUTH","Explanation":"NIMBY\u00a0(not in my back yard protester, no wind farm) from\u00a0LOUTH (Lincolnshire town) with M and L (larger numbers, in Roman numerals) swapped \u2013 definition is 'no swallows'. A certain grim humour from Araucaria here and at 16 across. Insect-hunting creatures such as bats, swallows and swifts are sometimes killed by hunting close to wind turbines."} {"Clue":"Don't talk up soldier in Indonesian region, as pack is normally used (4,4)","Answer":"ACES HIGH","Explanation":"SH (don't talk) GI (soldier) reversed (up) in ACEH (Indonesian region)"} {"Clue":"Warning not to outstay welcome I encountered in African country (4,2,2)","Answer":"TIME TO GO","Explanation":"I MET (encountered) in TOGO (African country)"} {"Clue":"8s' Mary's lost head in prayer (6)","Answer":"ORISON","Explanation":"Mary MORISON missing first letter (losing her head) \u2013 a prayer. From the poem Mary Morison by Robert Burns"} {"Clue":"Move at chess where players lose side pieces (6)","Answer":"CASTLE","Explanation":"CAST (players) and LoseE (side pieces, end letters only)"} {"Clue":"Move at chess, first of moves at the end (4)","Answer":"MATE","Explanation":"Moves (first letter of) AT theE (end of) \u2013 *alternatively Moves At The End (first letters of), thanks to RichardY for this"} {"Clue":"Awestruck, as is right and proper (4)","Answer":"RAPT","Explanation":"R (right) and APT (proper) \u2013 very nice!"} {"Clue":"City in East Asia backs political party, overwhelmed by rage (10)","Answer":"FAISALABAD","Explanation":"ASIA reversed (backs) LAB (political party) in (overwhelmed by) FAD (rage) \u2013 definition is 'city in East'"} {"Clue":"Blow your nose! (4)","Answer":"CONK","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 to conk out is to fail, to blow"} {"Clue":"Artist's work always getting rejected (4)","Answer":"GOYA","Explanation":"GO (work) AY (always) reversed (rejected)"} {"Clue":"What healer may do when in a rush? That's risky (5,3,2)","Answer":"TOUCH AND GO","Explanation":"cryptic\/double definition"} {"Clue":"Place in Middle East will succeed I reckon (6)","Answer":"IMPUTE","Explanation":"PUT (place) in ME (Middle East) following (will succeed) I \u2013 definition is 'reckon'"} {"Clue":"Knife fight takes place around time I left (8)","Answer":"STILETTO","Explanation":"T (time) I L (left) in SET TO (fight) \u2013 an Italian thin bladed knife"} {"Clue":"Unable to meet standard, female's sent back by lecturer at first (8)","Answer":"PARALLEL","Explanation":"PAR (standard) ELLA (female) reversed (sent back) by L (first of lecturer)"} {"Clue":"Sick son needs a seat (4)","Answer":"SPEW","Explanation":"S (son) with PEW (a seat)"} {"Clue":"Osteopath regularly visited clan (4)","Answer":"SEPT","Explanation":"oStEoPaTh (regulaly visited) \u2013 a division of a family, a Scottish or Irish clan"} {"Clue":"Pattern of actions showing ecclesiastical council's out of love with Catholic Church (8)","Answer":"SYNDROME","Explanation":"SYNoD (ecclesiastical council) missing O=love with ROME (Catholic Church)"} {"Clue":"Beat black and blue, or get beaten around the head in assault? (8)","Answer":"BELABOUR","Explanation":"anagram (get beaten) of B BLUE OR containing (around) A (first letter of assault) \u2013 definition is 'beat'"} {"Clue":"Somewhat flustered hotelier gets highly emotional (3-3)","Answer":"RED-HOT","Explanation":"part of (somewhat) flusteRED HOTelier"} {"Clue":"Food and drink from the east is found around the Scandinavian city (10)","Answer":"GOTHENBURG","Explanation":"GRUB NOG (food and drink) reversed (from the east) around THE"} {"Clue":"Scholar's written about middle part of Pride and Prejudice (4)","Answer":"BIAS","Explanation":"BA'S (scholar is) about prIde (middle of) \u2013 definition is 'predudice'"} {"Clue":"Woman in short trousers (4)","Answer":"JEAN","Explanation":"JEANs (trousers) shortened"} {"Clue":"English eccentric, say, acquires second plane? To a T, this describe his financial situation (4,6)","Answer":"EASY STREET","Explanation":"E (English) SAY* (eccentric=anagram) with (aquires) S (second) TREE (plane tree, for example) with (to a) T"} {"Clue":"A bouquet not all there \u2013 am I suffering from this? (7)","Answer":"ANOSMIA","Explanation":"A NOSe (bouquet, not all there) with (AM I)* anagram=suffering \u2013 the lack of a sense of smell"} {"Clue":"United supporters turned up in confusion (5)","Answer":"SNAFU","Explanation":"U (united) FANS (supporters) reversed (turned up) \u2013 military slang, Situation Normal All F****ed Up"} {"Clue":"Of late, Times cryptic really absorbs (8)","Answer":"LATTERLY","Explanation":"REALLY* (anagram=cryptic) contains (absorbs) TT (time, two of)"} {"Clue":"Chap wearing motley sports blues and greens (8,7)","Answer":"BRUSSELS SPROUTS","Explanation":"RUSS (Russel, chap) in (wearing) (SPORTS\u00a0BLUES)* anagram=motley"} {"Clue":"One acre needed to support pea plant (6)","Answer":"DAHLIA","Explanation":"I (one) A (acre) below (supporting) DAHL (pea) \u2013 definition is 'plant'"} {"Clue":"Deprecates monarch, getting month away in cooler? (9)","Answer":"CONDENSER","Explanation":"~~CONdecENDS (deprecates) missing dec=month~~ CONDEmNS (deprecates) missing M=month with ER (month) \u2013 a condenser may work by cooling gas"} {"Clue":"Close match for garment (7)","Answer":"NIGHTIE","Explanation":"NIGH (close) TIE (match)"} {"Clue":"Academician shrank at raunchy material (9)","Answer":"ASTRAKHAN","Explanation":"anagram (raunchy) of A (academician) SHRANK AT \u2013 a rough fabric imitating lamskin"} {"Clue":"He perhaps has run away from arresting criminal (5,3)","Answer":"INERT GAS","Explanation":"ARrESTING* (anagram=criminal) missing R=run \u2013 definition is 'He perhaps' (Helium)"} {"Clue":"You will keep girl back after end of lecture? It's not fair (7)","Answer":"EYESORE","Explanation":"YE (you) containing (keeps) ROSE (girl) reversed (back) after lecturE (end of) \u2013 its not pretty (fair)"} {"Clue":"Cost of anchoring boats creating anger in Cowes, we're told? (7)","Answer":"MOORAGE","Explanation":"MOO RAGE, \"Cowes\" sounds (we are told) like \"cows\""} {"Clue":"Bump start for Jag (that's a Jaguar) (6)","Answer":"JOUNCE","Explanation":"~~B (start of bump) for OUNCE (Jag, Jaguar the snow leopard not the car) \u2013 to bounce a car (eg a Jaguar) is to bump start it~~ J (start for Jag) OUNCE ( a snow leopard, Jaguar) \u2013 definition is 'bump'*. Thanks to Sil."} {"Clue":"Pet bites bishop so gets shut out (5)","Answer":"DEBAR","Explanation":"DEAR (pet) contains (bites) B (bishop)"} {"Clue":"German behind refined melody given to new film (6,3,3)","Answer":"GRUMPY OLD MEN","Explanation":"G (German) RUMP (behind) MELODY* with (given to) N (new) \u2013 1993 film with Jack Lemon and Walter Matthau"} {"Clue":"Empty vehicle on run up to bend (7)","Answer":"INCURVE","Explanation":"VehiclE (empty, no middle letters) on INCUR (run up) \u2013 to bend inwards"} {"Clue":"Meat we're ready to cook? Leave the starter (7)","Answer":"VENISON","Explanation":"oVEN IS ON (we are ready to cook) missing starting letter"} {"Clue":"Bolt's partner initially two yards round the bend (5)","Answer":"NUTTY","Explanation":"NUT (partner of bolt) T (initial letter of two) ~~Y~~Y (~~two~~ yards) *\u2013 thanks Eileen!"} {"Clue":"House in Monaco next to ghastly supermarket (8)","Answer":"GRIMALDI","Explanation":"GRIM (ghastly) ALDI (supermarket) \u2013 The House of Grimaldi is the family of the rulers of Monaco"} {"Clue":"Wanting one bent and parallel (10)","Answer":"INADEQUATE","Explanation":"I (one) AND* bent=anagram EQUATE (parallel, as a verb?) \u2013 definition is wanting"} {"Clue":"A promoter of mushy peas? (4)","Answer":"HYPE","Explanation":"found in musHY PEas \u2013 I'm not sure about the definition. Obviously a promoters hypes, but I can't finish this to my satisfaction."} {"Clue":"Oriental, say, out for a walk in the park (4)","Answer":"EASY","Explanation":"E (oriental) SAY* anagram=out"} {"Clue":"Chinese food for one? No \u2013 kids about to tuck into horse (3,3,4)","Answer":"EGG FOO YONG","Explanation":"EG (for one, for example) NO YOOF (no youth?, no kids) reversed (about) inside (to tuck into) GG (horse) \u2013 a chinese dish. I'm not sure about YOOF=youth, there is no indication of slang or homphone I can see. Have I missed something more obvious?"} {"Clue":"A load of fashionable pieces in stone (8)","Answer":"SHIPMENT","Explanation":"HIP (fashionable) MEN (pieces, chess) in ST (stone)"} {"Clue":"F1 circuit in location of Estoril (5)","Answer":"SPAIN","Explanation":"SPA (F1 circuit in Belgium) IN \u2013 Estoril is a city in ~~Spain~~ Portugal!\u00a0(also an F1 location) *Either Loroso or I has taken a wrong turn here I suspect\u00a0it is me. Does nyone have any ideas?"} {"Clue":"Corpse in one rotten state (7)","Answer":"CADAVER","Explanation":"CAD (one rotten) AVER (state)"} {"Clue":"River with pub in the middle? Nonsense! (7)","Answer":"RHUBARB","Explanation":"R (river) with BAR (pub) in HUB (the middle)"} {"Clue":"Engineer making cycle with wood (5,3,4)","Answer":"WHEEL AND DEAL","Explanation":"WHEEL (cycle) AND (with) DEAL (wood) \u2013 to engineer is cause to come about."} {"Clue":"One soft cheese and one firm in flaky tart (7)","Answer":"RICOTTA","Explanation":"I (one) CO (company, firm) in TART* anagram=flaky \u2013 definition is 'One soft cheese'"} {"Clue":"Fish certainly found in another lake (5,3)","Answer":"MORAY EEL","Explanation":"AYE (certainly) in MORE (another) L (lake)"} {"Clue":"One girl said he may be French (4)","Answer":"YVES","Explanation":"YVE sounds like 'Eve' (girl, number one=the first?) \u2013 a French man's name"} {"Clue":"Words, perhaps 50 more than 26 (6,4)","Answer":"LOVERS TIFF","Explanation":"L (fifty) OVER (more than) STIFF (26) \u2013 definition is 'words'"} {"Clue":"Note, note, note, note \u2013 put that up (5)","Answer":"MINIM","Explanation":"MI (note) N (note)\u00a0MI (note) reversed (put that up) \u2013 definition is 'Note', the first of the four."} {"Clue":"\"Repelled an attack\" pronounced in a certain way (7)","Answer":"NASALLY","Explanation":"AN reversed (repelled) SALLY (an attack)"} {"Clue":"Private celebrations? House has gone for top fashion designer (6,7)","Answer":"GIANNI VERSACE","Explanation":"GI (private, soldier) ANNIVERSaries (celebrations) missing ARIES (house, of the zodiac) with (for) ACE (top) \u2013 Italian fashion designer"} {"Clue":"Once ninety, some big changes (2,5,4,2)","Answer":"IN TIMES GONE BY","Explanation":"(NINETY SOME BIG)* anagram=changes"} {"Clue":"Old Elgar tune's enigmatic beat? (10)","Answer":"OUTGENERAL","Explanation":"anagram (enigmatic) of O (old) ELAGR TUNE \u2013 definition is 'beat'."} {"Clue":"Religious group's work extremely dubious, supported by muscle (3,5)","Answer":"GOD SQUAD","Explanation":"GO (work) then DubiouS (extremes of) in (supported by) QUAD (muscle)"} {"Clue":"Roll over after small child fell (7)","Answer":"SKIDDAW","Explanation":"WAD (roll) reversed (over) after S (small) KID (child) \u2013 a fell (hill) in Cumbria"} {"Clue":"National anthem is nothing about nothing (1,6)","Answer":"O CANADA","Explanation":"O (nothing) CA (circa, about) NADA (nothing) \u2013 the Canadian national anthem"} {"Clue":"Doctor's struggle to produce film (5)","Answer":"MOVIE","Explanation":"MO (doctor) VIE (struggle)"} {"Clue":"Mostly smooth beam (4)","Answer":"GRIN","Explanation":"GRINd (smooth, mostly) \u2013 definition is beam. I'm not 100% sure of this, there could be other words that fit?"} {"Clue":"One could make it fundamentally snappy (7,6)","Answer":"PINHOLE CAMERA","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 a basic (fundamental) camera to take snaps with"} {"Clue":"Love bitterly, mostly lost for words (8)","Answer":"LIBRETTO","Explanation":"anagram (lost) of O (love) and BITTERLy (most of) \u2013 the words for an opera"} {"Clue":"My report is blocked by old president (6)","Answer":"CRIKEY","Explanation":"CRY (report) contains (is blocked by) IKE (Dwight D Eisenhower, old president) i- definition is 'my', an exclamation"} {"Clue":"Regular contributors to quiz game developed figure of speech (6)","Answer":"ZEUGMA","Explanation":"anagram (developed) of qUiZ (regular selection from) and GAME* \u2013 a figure of speech where a word or phrase links two parts of a sentence"} {"Clue":"Fast car in Gerard Street crashed (8)","Answer":"DRAGSTER","Explanation":"(GERARD ST)* anagram=crashed"} {"Clue":"Scientist, an idiot, runs ahead into terribly hot igloos (13)","Answer":"ORNITHOLOGIST","Explanation":"R (runs) ahead of NIT (idiot) in (HOT IGLOOS)* anagram=terribly"} {"Clue":"Hold door? (8)","Answer":"ENTRANCE","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 to hold is to spellbind?"} {"Clue":"About to fill up HGV that fails to start \u2013 it turns like clockwork (6)","Answer":"ORRERY","Explanation":"RE (regarding, about) in lORRY (HGV missing first letter) \u2013 a clockwork model of the solar system"} {"Clue":"Old leader wants endless commercial oil (6)","Answer":"CASTRO","Explanation":"CASTROl (brand of oil, endless)"} {"Clue":"Keep isn't commonly toured by chief (8)","Answer":"MAINTAIN","Explanation":"AINT (isn't, commonly) in MAIN (chief)"} {"Clue":"One might attract a screw or two when turned on (13)","Answer":"ELECTROMAGNET","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 screws are typically steel"} {"Clue":"Snub? (6-4,5)","Answer":"UPSIDE-DOWN CAKES","Explanation":"BUNS reversed (upside down)"} {"Clue":"Groaned about new hormone (8)","Answer":"ANDROGEN","Explanation":"GROANED* (about=anagram) then N (new) \u2013 a hormone controlling the development of male characteristics"} {"Clue":"Withdrawing shrink because of complaint (11,3)","Answer":"CONTRACTING OUT","Explanation":"CONTRACT (shrink) IN (because of?) GOUT (complaint) \u2013 definition is withdrawing. Not 100% sure of this explanation."} {"Clue":"Romantic break to encourage sweetheart to drop pants? (6,9)","Answer":"SECOND HONEYMOON","Explanation":"SECOND (to encourage, to back up) HONEY (sweetheart) and MOON (to drop one's pants)"} {"Clue":"Trap nearly catches police lifting some bones (6)","Answer":"MEDICS","Explanation":"MESh (trap, nearly) contains (catches) CID (police) reversed (lifting) \u2013 'bones' is slang for'doctor'"} {"Clue":"Those with flagging inspiration for their work (8,7)","Answer":"PAVEMENT ARTISTS","Explanation":"cryptic definition, flags are paving stones"} {"Clue":"Good area alcoholic ruined in digs? (14)","Answer":"ARCHAEOLOGICAL","Explanation":"anagram (ruined) of G (good) AREA and ALCOHOLIC \u2013 a type of dig, question mark indicates 'perhaps', an example of"} {"Clue":"Trouble girl to fill in Tax Office books (8)","Answer":"IRRITANT","Explanation":"RITA (girl) in IR (Inland Revenue, tax office) NT (books) \u2013 definition is 'trouble', as a noun"} {"Clue":"Pig runs with another animal (6)","Answer":"ROTTER","Explanation":"R (runs) with OTHER (another animal)"} {"Clue":"Sound warning to fly-tippers in central strip (9)","Answer":"WAISTBAND","Explanation":"sound like \"waste banned\" (warning to fly tippers)"} {"Clue":"A shoe back to front, unacceptable (5)","Answer":"TABOO","Explanation":"A BOOT (shoe) with back letter at the front"} {"Clue":"Pointless northern river (2,3)","Answer":"NO USE","Explanation":"N (northern) OUSE (river)"} {"Clue":"Was implausibly perfect individual wearing underwear backwards charged? (10)","Answer":"AIRBRUSHED","Explanation":"I (one, individual) in (wearing) BRA (underwear) reversed (backwards) then RUSHED (charged)"} {"Clue":"Change, as turner turns (4)","Answer":"EDIT","Explanation":"TIDE (a turner, something that turns) reversed (turns)"} {"Clue":"Stop the music (7)","Answer":"REFRAIN","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Space rock \u2014 sensible to pass round it (7)","Answer":"STORAGE","Explanation":"SAGE (sensible) around TOR (rock) \u2013 definition is 'space'"} {"Clue":"Crazy lovers? (7)","Answer":"BONKERS","Explanation":"double definition!"} {"Clue":"Variety of techniques allowed in head (7)","Answer":"PALETTE","Explanation":"LET (allowed) in PATE (head)"} {"Clue":"One's overlooked one's ground (4)","Answer":"NOSE","Explanation":"ONES* ground=anagram"} {"Clue":"People are rude about nothing \u2014 you can bet on it! (10)","Answer":"RACECOURSE","Explanation":"RACE (people) CURSE (are rude) about O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Start cycling to Nigeria (9)","Answer":"ORIGINATE","Explanation":"(TO NIGERIA)* cycling=anagram"} {"Clue":"Tommy Cooper? (1,4,2,7,4)","Answer":"A NAME TO CONJURE WITH","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 Tommy Cooper was a comedian and magician. I checked and it seems that Thomas Cooper was indeed his real name, a shame as if it were merely a stage name then it would have fitted the clue even better."} {"Clue":"Desert channel (5)","Answer":"DITCH","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Plant drug effectively (9)","Answer":"SPEEDWELL","Explanation":"SPEED (drug) WELL (effectively) \u2013 blue-flowering plant"} {"Clue":"Moneylender protected by law on gambling (5)","Answer":"WONGA","Explanation":"found in (protetced by) laW ON GAmbling \u2013 an Internet 'payday lender' in the UK"} {"Clue":"Hangover cure, medicine for pub, if somewhat contrary? (9)","Answer":"IBUPROFEN","Explanation":"found inside (somewhat) mediciNE FOR PUB If reversed (contrary) \u2013 a medicine and a hangover cure"} {"Clue":"Final point speaks of wave crashing on a Phuket beach? (10)","Answer":"TIEBREAKER","Explanation":"sounds like (speaks of) \"Thai breaker\" (wave on Phuket beach)"} {"Clue":"Someone initially abducted by alien, heading off to see the master (7)","Answer":"ARTISAN","Explanation":"S (initial letter of someone) in (abducted by) mARTIAN (alien) missing head"} {"Clue":"Noblewoman expected short game (7)","Answer":"DUCHESS","Explanation":"DUe (expected, short) CHESS (game)"} {"Clue":"252 gallons for a fish (4)","Answer":"TUNA","Explanation":"TUN (a wine cask measure, holding 252 gallons) wtih A"} {"Clue":"Sure to jump (5)","Answer":"BOUND","Explanation":"double defiition \u2013 'sure to' and 'jump'"} {"Clue":"Open present where I'm pointing? (4,5)","Answer":"OVER THERE","Explanation":"OVERT (open) HERE (present)"} {"Clue":"Author, a turkey playing chicken? (4,6)","Answer":"NOEL COWARD","Explanation":"definition and cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Thug overcome by bird, his men drunk? (5,4)","Answer":"ROBIN HOOD","Explanation":"HOOD (thug) behind (overcome by) ROBIN (bird) \u2013 Robin Hood's men were 'merry', drunk"} {"Clue":"Take turns to make neat? (9)","Answer":"ALTERNATE","Explanation":"if you ALTER NATE you get 'neat'"} {"Clue":"Great Olympian catching leader in aquatics, American behind swimmer (3,4)","Answer":"SEA BASS","Explanation":"SEB (Sebastian Coe, multiple Olympic medallist) containing (catching) A (leading letter of aquatics) with ASS (behind, American)"} {"Clue":"Come before partner only starting to withdraw (7)","Answer":"PRECEDE","Explanation":"P (partner, only first letter of) with RECEDE (withdraw)"} {"Clue":"Author like Usain Bolt? (5)","Answer":"SWIFT","Explanation":"Jonathan Swift author, whodse name suggests a fast runner."} {"Clue":"Top author in part of Surrey (5)","Answer":"EWELL","Explanation":"sEWELL (author, one of several) missing top letter \u2013 a borough in Surrey"} {"Clue":"Hand over, say, a tray after hour dipped in lead (7,4)","Answer":"PHRASAL VERB","Explanation":"A SALVER (tray) after HR (hour) in (dipped in) PB (lead, chem symbol) \u2013 words interpreted together as a verb which do not convey the meaning individually, 'hand over' for example"} {"Clue":"Watch the drink during conversation (3)","Answer":"SEE","Explanation":"sounds like (in conversation) \"sea\" (the drink)"} {"Clue":"Horse given last of syrup (maple) (5)","Answer":"PACER","Explanation":"P (last letter of of syrup) and ACER (the maple genus) \u2013 a horse that paces (lifts both left or right legs together) or a pace-setting horse"} {"Clue":"Relative amount, one claimed, impressive (9)","Answer":"GRANDIOSE","Explanation":"GRAN (relative) DOSE (amount) containing (claiming) I (one)"} {"Clue":"In home, value's heading to the bottom \u2013 that's the point (5-4)","Answer":"NORTH WEST","Explanation":"WORTH (value) with W (heading of) moving to the end in NEST (home) \u2013 point of the compass"} {"Clue":"One's a woman? It's debatable! (5)","Answer":"ISSUE","Explanation":"I'S (one's) SUE (a woman, example of)"} {"Clue":"Like Peter Pan found in stage lessons (7)","Answer":"AGELESS","Explanation":"found in stAGE LESSons"} {"Clue":"Sound place to mention (4)","Answer":"CITE","Explanation":"sounds like (to sound) site (place) \u2013 definition is 'to mention'"} {"Clue":"Stuff remains at the vineyard to be knocked back (4)","Answer":"CRAM","Explanation":"MARC (grape solids after pressing) reversed (knocked back)"} {"Clue":"Doctor's cutting instrument beginning to extract bodily substance (7)","Answer":"HORMONE","Explanation":"MO (doctor) in (cutting) HORN (instrument) with E (beginning of extract)"} {"Clue":"Lead short, short, 60% off lead (5)","Answer":"LEASH","Explanation":"LEAd (shortened) SHort (60% letters removed) \u2013 definition is lead, e.g. a dog's lead"} {"Clue":"Again I let out the privates (9)","Answer":"GENITALIA","Explanation":"(AGAIN I LET)* out=anagram"} {"Clue":"Instrument's drone inspiring A minor fantasia (9)","Answer":"HARMONIUM","Explanation":"HUM (drone) containing (inspiring, breathing in) A MINOR* fantasia=anagram"} {"Clue":"Part through an African country (5)","Answer":"GHANA","Explanation":"part of throuGH AN African \u2013 definition is 'country'"} {"Clue":"Figure after tax returns (3)","Answer":"TEN","Explanation":"NET (after tax) reversed (returns) \u2013 a figure is a number"} {"Clue":"French defence a long time in manoeuvres (7,4)","Answer":"MAGINOT LINE","Explanation":"(A LONG TIME IN)* manoeuvres=anagram \u2013 a line of fortifications built by France following WWI"} {"Clue":"Fop gets to drop by on bird (8)","Answer":"POPINJAY","Explanation":"POP IN (to drop by) on JAY (bird) \u2013 definition is 'fop'"} {"Clue":"It's an instrument \u2013 that's official (8)","Answer":"RECORDER","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Girl owns up about artist (5)","Answer":"SARAH","Explanation":"HAS (owns) reversed (up) including (about) RA (artist)"} {"Clue":"25 as a 14? (7)","Answer":"LEGLESS","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Design of castile adaptable (7)","Answer":"ELASTIC","Explanation":"CASTILE* anagram=design of"} {"Clue":"Accommodation that's little improved, housing daughter, is shown up (9)","Answer":"BEDSITTER","Explanation":"BETTER (improved) containing (housing) D (daughter) IS reversed (shown up) \u2013 definition is 'accomodation that's little'"} {"Clue":"Partner puts first of pants in to soak (6)","Answer":"SPOUSE","Explanation":"P (first of pants) in SOUSE (to soak)"} {"Clue":"Box you upended, opening for seamstress (6)","Answer":"EYELET","Explanation":"TELE (the box) YE (you) all reversed (upended)"} {"Clue":"Pink thing getting warmer, hot after a thrashing (9)","Answer":"EARTHWORM","Explanation":"(WARMER HOT)* anagram=thrashing \u2013 definition is 'a pink thing'"} {"Clue":"Old chancellor and Jewish teacher deprived of a British vegetable (8)","Answer":"KOHLRABI","Explanation":"Helmut KOHL (former chancellor of Germany) and RABbI missing B=British \u2013 a type of cabbage"} {"Clue":"State of which East End boy has knowledge (8)","Answer":"DELAWARE","Explanation":"DEL (Del Boy, ~~character from Only Fools and Horses~~ cockney abbreviation for Derek) AWARE (has Knowledge)"} {"Clue":"Face trap, heading for gaol for criminal act (7)","Answer":"MUGGING","Explanation":"MUG (face) GIN (trap) G (heading of gaol)"} {"Clue":"Game where drawing may lead to suspension? (7)","Answer":"HANGMAN","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 a scaffold is drawn"} {"Clue":"Dahl novel among books, stale (3,3)","Answer":"OLD HAT","Explanation":"DAHL* anagram=novel in OT (books, of the Bible)"} {"Clue":"Senior nurse takes temperature, feeding a month later (6)","Answer":"MATRON","Explanation":"T (temperature) inside (feeding) MAR (March, a month) ON (later)"} {"Clue":"Drunk in snug (5)","Answer":"TIGHT","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Threads through remote attacks (7)","Answer":"OUTFITS","Explanation":"OUT (remote) FITS (attacks) \u2013 definition is 'threads', slang for clothes"} {"Clue":"Brief journey in Arran, perhaps with relations? (2,5)","Answer":"IN TOUCH","Explanation":"TOUr (journey, brief=shortened) in INCH (island, Scottish, Arran perhaps) \u2013 definition is '~~perhaps~~ with relations?', one could be in touch with relations. The definition seems a bit vague to me, unless there is some cryptic meaning that I have overlooked of course. Also, I always thought of an inch as being specifically a small island in a river or loch (unlike Arran), but that may be just me."} {"Clue":"Dippy labrador with heavier, solid jaw? (6,9)","Answer":"VERBAL DIARRHOEA","Explanation":"anagram (dippy) of LABRADOR with HEAVIER \u2013 definition is solid (non-stop) jaw (talk)"} {"Clue":"Exotic event horizon, idyllic on the outside (6)","Answer":"ETHNIC","Explanation":"EvenT HorizoN IdylliC (outside letter of) \u2013 definition is 'exotic'"} {"Clue":"Distant traveller, expert male, tucked into spread (8)","Answer":"SPACE MAN","Explanation":"ACE (expert) M (male) in SPAN (spread)"} {"Clue":"Greedy landlord without name who takes stock? (8)","Answer":"RANCHMAN","Explanation":"N (name) in RACHMAN (notorious London landlord) \u2013 he takes cattle (stock)"} {"Clue":"Mostly noble anti-royalist once reported a flatterer (6)","Answer":"EARWIG","Explanation":"EARl (noble, mostly) WIG sounds like \"Whig\" (anti-royalist once) \u2013 someone who ingratiates themselves to gain one's confidence"} {"Clue":"Thrashing in secret (6)","Answer":"HIDING","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Exiled king needs to get on well, having nothing (8)","Answer":"PROSPERO","Explanation":"PROSPER (get on well) with O (nothing) \u2013 character from Shakespeare's *The Tempest"} {"Clue":"Endearing half-hearted mob following a party (8)","Answer":"ADORABLE","Explanation":"RABbLE (mob, half-hearted) following A DO (party)"} {"Clue":"Chase cut short, final blow stopping dramatist (6)","Answer":"CHEKOV","Explanation":"KO (final blow) in (stopping, like a cork) CHEVy (Chevy Chase, actor cut short)"} {"Clue":"Reduced fare that's only natural? (8,7)","Answer":"NOUVELLE CUISINE","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 a style of French cookery that emphasises on smaller portions, fewer courses and very fresh ingredients lightly cooked"} {"Clue":"Leer about extremely short girl's top and thong (1-6)","Answer":"G-STRING","Explanation":"GRIN (leer) containing (going about) ShotT (extremes of) then G (top of girl)"} {"Clue":"One commiting traffic offences? (7)","Answer":"PEDDLER","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 someone who peddles stolen goods, like a bicycle for instance"} {"Clue":"Burning for attention \u2013 that's no good (5)","Answer":"URENT","Explanation":"URgENT (for attention) missing G (no good) \u2013 definition is 'burning'"} {"Clue":"Mathematician's lie about half-chance (9)","Answer":"FIBONACCI","Explanation":"FIB (lie) ON (about) ACCIdent (chance, half of) \u2013 the Middle Ages mathematician Leonardo Pisaro Bigollo"} {"Clue":"Information system's permit revoked by European committee (7)","Answer":"TELECOM","Explanation":"LET (permit) reversed (revoked, taken back) by E (European) COM (committee)"} {"Clue":"Tore up estimate to get recount (7)","Answer":"NARRATE","Explanation":"RAN (tore) reversed (up) RATE (estimate)"} {"Clue":"Enoch reproachful about colour (5)","Answer":"OCHRE","Explanation":"found in enOCH REproachful"} {"Clue":"A vile lunatic interrupting rock star that's gallant (9)","Answer":"CHEVALIER","Explanation":"(A VILE)* anagram=lunatic in (interrupting) CHER (rock star)"} {"Clue":"Ban pesticides sprayed round miscellanea (4,3,6)","Answer":"BITS AND PIECES","Explanation":"(BAN PESTICIDES)* anagram=sprayed around"} {"Clue":"Get spots after biting sweets (4,5)","Answer":"ACID DROPS","Explanation":"DROPS (spots, of rain) after ACID (biting) \u2013 sweet-and-sour confection"} {"Clue":"About to get media journalist withdrawn (9)","Answer":"REPRESSED","Explanation":"RE (regarding, about) with ~~TRACT~~ PRESS (media) ED (editor, journalist) \u2013 definition is 'withdrawn'"} {"Clue":"Foreign Legion guarding entrance to Bayeau Tapestry (7)","Answer":"GOBELIN","Explanation":"LEGION* anagram=foreign including (guarding) B (first letter of Bayeau) \u2013 a tapestry from the Gobelin factory in Paris"} {"Clue":"Climate on vacation changed with cloud cover (7)","Answer":"OCCLUDE","Explanation":"anagram (changed) of ClimatE (on vacation=being vacated, emptied) with CLOUD \u2013 definition is 'cover'"} {"Clue":"Runs across wanderer (5)","Answer":"ROVER","Explanation":"R (run) OVER (across)"} {"Clue":"Turn out non-black cat (5)","Answer":"OUNCE","Explanation":"bOUNCE (turn out, of a nightclub say) missing B=black \u2013 definition is 'cat'"} {"Clue":"King of Albania, putatively learning French? (6,6)","Answer":"NORMAN WISDOM","Explanation":"NORMAN WISDOM is cryptically 'learning, French' and Norman Wisdom was a big celebrity (putative king)\u00a0in Albania. In a Stalinist dictatorship largely cut off from Western culture, Norman Wisdom's shows were screened because the official view was that Wisdom's hapless character portrayed \"proletarian Norman's ultimately victorious struggles against capitalism\"."} {"Clue":"Not casseroled in oven, like beans? (2,5)","Answer":"ON TOAST","Explanation":"NOT* anagram=casseroled in OAST (oven)"} {"Clue":"Rifle paintings, etc stashed in car (7)","Answer":"MARTINI","Explanation":"ART (paintings etc) in (stashed by) MINI (car) \u2013 a make of rifle, possibly the Martini-Enfield or the Martini-Henry"} {"Clue":"The craft of cricket champions (5)","Answer":"KETCH","Explanation":"found in cricKET CHampions \u2013 a two masted yacht"} {"Clue":"Bonkers at it again, locked in embrace? (8)","Answer":"AMORETTI","Explanation":"AT IT with MORE (again) inside (locked in embrace) ~~definition is 'bonkers', lovers. I can't give a good reason how AT IT becomes AT TI though, unless locked is an anagram indicator, which seems doubtful.~~*Update: I think this is an &lit, with (AT IT)* anagram=bonkers and 'locked in embrace' the inclusion indicator for MORE (again)"} {"Clue":"Mademoiselle, say, moving into monsieur's holiday home? (4-1-5)","Answer":"PIED-A-TERRE","Explanation":"DATE (Madamoiselle say, a lady partner) in (moving into) PIERRE (monsieur, a Frenchman) \u2013 definition is 'is a holiday home'"} {"Clue":"Cross tucked away by Tutankhamun, thank heavens \u2013 and Imran Khan (4)","Answer":"ANKH","Explanation":"found in tutANKHamun, thANK Heavens \u2013 and ImrAN KHan (at various locations) \u2013 the Egyptian hieroglyph for 'life', cross-shaped"} {"Clue":"Far from top quality work across the tracks (4)","Answer":"ROPY","Explanation":"OP (opus, work) in (across, is crossing) RY (railway, the tracks)"} {"Clue":"Staff being overwhelmed by stag on occasion? (3,3,4)","Answer":"NOW AND THEN","Explanation":"WAND (staff) in (overwhelmed by) NOT HEN (stag)"} {"Clue":"Scots deny backing for everyone to see in academically poor reading? (8)","Answer":"REDARGUE","Explanation":"U (for everyone to see, film classification) in E GRADE (academically poor) R (reading, one of the 'three Rs') all reversed (backing) \u2013 definition is 'Scots deny', Scottish word meaning to refute by argument. ~~I can't explain why R=reading.~~"} {"Clue":"About to drop glamour girl adjusting top (2,3)","Answer":"IN PUP","Explanation":"PIN UP (glamour girl) with P moved (top adjusted)"} {"Clue":"Lower parts do, in woeful side . . . . (7)","Answer":"SECONDI","Explanation":"CON (do,swindle) in SIDE* anagram=woeful \u2013 plural of secondo, the lower part in a piano duet"} {"Clue":". . . . stupid manager's action, having had to change ends (7)","Answer":"GUBBINS","Explanation":"SUBBING (action of a manager, football say) with S and G (ends of) swapping places \u2013 a stupid person"} {"Clue":"We Londoners know that The Congestion Charge was not a radio show (6,3,3)","Answer":"BEYOND OUR KEN","Explanation":"Beyond Our Ken was a late fiftys\/early sixties radio program starring Kenneth Home and Kenneth Williams. The Congestion Charge is a clean-air tax on vehicles entering the centre of London, successfully introduced by the Mayor of London, Ken Livingston (against opposition)."} {"Clue":"Group races alien across green, all turning up (7)","Answer":"OCTETTE","Explanation":"TT (races) ET (alien) in (across, going between) ECO (green) \u2013 definition is 'group'"} {"Clue":"Dope crossword compiler \u2013 he's slightly overwhelming! (8)","Answer":"MEATHEAD","Explanation":"ME (crossword compiler) with HE in (overwhelmed by) A TAD (slightly) \u2013 definition is 'dope'"} {"Clue":"Thought about missing Jekyll's Hyde (3-1)","Answer":"NOT-I","Explanation":"NOTIon (thought) missing ON (about)"} {"Clue":"Emin's dreadful second run writer's not forgetting! (2,8)","Answer":"IN MEMORIAM","Explanation":"EMIN* anagram=dreadful MO (second) R (run) I AM (the writer is)"} {"Clue":"Old master, halfway through procedure, recaps (5)","Answer":"DURER","Explanation":"in the middle of (half way through) proceDURE Recaps"} {"Clue":"Young Maureen has a birthday wet (7)","Answer":"MOISTEN","Explanation":"MO (young Maureen, nickname) IS TEN (has a birthday) \u2013 ha! great stuff!"} {"Clue":"Tap Tottenham about Gross playing onfield \"attacker\" (8,5)","Answer":"COCKSPUR GRASS","Explanation":"COCK (tap) SPURS (Tottenham Hotspur, UK football team) containing (going about) GR (gross) AS (playing, in role of) \u2013 definition is 'onfield attacker', a weed that is a major problem for farmers"} {"Clue":"Stranger in gift shop is taking first of nude photos here! (9,4)","Answer":"FINISHING POST","Explanation":"anagram (stranger) of IN GIFT SHOP IS and N (first of nude) \u2013 photo finishes"} {"Clue":"Temperature university aficionado raised spinning number one Beatles hit (10)","Answer":"REVOLUTION","Explanation":"T (temperature) U (university) LOVER (afficionado) all reversed (raised) then No I (number one) reversed (spinning) \u2013 definition is 'Beatles hit'"} {"Clue":"This ham may have dried up, coming out in a dribble (2-6)","Answer":"AD-LIBBER","Explanation":"(A DRIBBLE)* anagram=coming out \u2013 a ham is an actor, drying up is forgeting lines"} {"Clue":"Hire-vehicle picking up baron with drug record (7)","Answer":"PEDICAB","Explanation":"B (baron) ACID (drug) EP (extended play, record) \u2013 a cycle rickshaw"} {"Clue":"Soldier's something to make beer lo-cal (7)","Answer":"HOPLITE","Explanation":"a HOP LITE could be a low-calorie ingredient of beer \u2013 a citizen soldier of Ancient Greece"} {"Clue":"I'm partial to affair and you're up for it . . . . (5)","Answer":"RANDY","Explanation":"found in (partial to, part of) affaiR AND You're \u2013 definition is 'up for it'"} {"Clue":". . . . what would you give to exchange something precious with me? (4)","Answer":"AGIO","Explanation":"AG (silver, chem symbol, something precious) with IO (me, the setter) \u2013 definition is \"what would you give to exchange something\", or to quote from the OED: The percentage charged on the exchange of one currency, or one form of money, into another that is more valuable; (hence) the excess value of one currency over another. Now chiefly hist. 23 25 together are brilliant!"} {"Clue":"Watch present and past entertainment for children (6)","Answer":"SEESAW","Explanation":"SEE (watch, present) SAW (watch, past)"} {"Clue":"Management is very relaxed about bribes, on reflection? (8)","Answer":"DISPOSAL","Explanation":"DIAL (laid back, very relaxed) containing (about) SOPS (bribes) reversed (on reflection) \u2013 definition is 'management'"} {"Clue":"Break out and run round building (7)","Answer":"ROTUNDA","Explanation":"anagram (break) of OUT AND R (run) \u2013 a round building"} {"Clue":"Apply pressure and confident opener's dismissed (7)","Answer":"PERTAIN","Explanation":"P (pressure) and cERTAIN (confident) missing opener \u2013 definition is 'apply'"} {"Clue":"Custody of daughter obtained after fighting (4)","Answer":"WARD","Explanation":"D (daughter) following WAR (fighting)"} {"Clue":"Soldier, perhaps, one with decoration, said to offer protection in the cooler (10)","Answer":"ANTIFREEZE","Explanation":"ANT (soldier, perhaps) I with FREEZE sounds like (said) \"frieze\" (decoration)"} {"Clue":"Tartar's beginning to drink like a fish? (6)","Answer":"SCALED","Explanation":"SCALE (tartar) and D (first letter of drink)"} {"Clue":"Tourist outside left in distress becomes annoyed (7)","Answer":"NETTLED","Explanation":"TouristT (outside letters of) L (left) in NEED (distress)"} {"Clue":"Influential and revolutionary style of animation penned by Lowry? (7)","Answer":"SEMINAL","Explanation":"ANIME (style of animation) in (penned by) LS Lowry all reversed (revolutionary) \u2013 definition is 'influential'"} {"Clue":"Hat, one going in the junk? (6)","Answer":"BOATER","Explanation":"definition\/cryptic definition \u2013 a junk is a Chinese boat"} {"Clue":"Church dignitary maintaining firm support at first for another (10)","Answer":"ARCHDEACON","Explanation":"DEAN (church dignitary) containing (maintaining)\u00a0CO (firm) with ARCH (support) in front (at first) \u2013 definition is 'another' (church dignitary)"} {"Clue":"It is used to grate fruit (4)","Answer":"RASP","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 a handtool and a raspberry"} {"Clue":"Two Europeans may be closely related (7)","Answer":"GERMANE","Explanation":"GERMAN (European)\u00a0and E (European) \u2013 definition is 'closely related', to the subject under discussion"} {"Clue":"Scouser regularly eats one's home cooking (7)","Answer":"CUISINE","Explanation":"sCoUsEr (regular letter of) contains (eats) I'S (one's) IN (home)"} {"Clue":"Pardon me being disposed to show off (4-4)","Answer":"NAME DROP","Explanation":"(PARDON ME)* anagram=disposed"} {"Clue":"Yankee's after cent off angel cake bought here? (6)","Answer":"BAKERY","Explanation":"Y (yankee, phonetic alphabet) following BAcKER (angel) missing C=cent"} {"Clue":"Like Kate Moss, ultimately having desire to take her out? (8)","Answer":"SHREWISH","Explanation":"S (last letter of\u00a0Moss) having WISH (desire) including (to take) HER* out=anagram \u2013 Kate is the main character from The Taming of the Shrew"} {"Clue":"To root out dodgy extremists in Tunisia I exert power (9)","Answer":"EXTIRPATE","Explanation":"anagram (dodgy) of TunisiA (extremes of) and I EXERT and P (power) \u2013 definition is 'to root out'"} {"Clue":"A cordon cleared out last of trouble spots (4)","Answer":"ACNE","Explanation":"A CordoN (no middle letters, cleared out) troublE (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Admission by married person caused damage (8)","Answer":"IMPAIRED","Explanation":"I'M PAIRED (admission by married person) \u2013 definition is 'caused damage'"} {"Clue":"Fellow avoids boring, long speech (10)","Answer":"PERORATION","Explanation":"PERfORATION (boring) missing F=fellow \u2013 definition is 'long speech'"} {"Clue":"Blade Runner to a large extent's a retro film (5)","Answer":"SKATE","Explanation":"SKi (runner, to a large extent) A ET (film) reversed (retro) \u2013 definition is 'blade'"} {"Clue":"Soldier needs a way out of northern city (6)","Answer":"LANCER","Explanation":"LANCastER (northern city) missing A ST (street, way)"} {"Clue":"Trip is all but cheerful (5)","Answer":"JAUNT","Explanation":"JAUNTy (cheerful, all but the last letter)"} {"Clue":"Polite way to cough? That's out of date (10)","Answer":"BEHINDHAND","Explanation":"definition\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"English criminal tried at last in Bordeaux? Hand him over. (9)","Answer":"EXTRADITE","Explanation":"E (English) and anagram (criminal) of TRIED AT bordeauX (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Jana pole dancing is something really hot (8)","Answer":"JALAPENO","Explanation":"(JANA POLE)* anagram=dancing"} {"Clue":"Jack's dressed in extremely fancy but tawdry finery (8)","Answer":"FRIPPERY","Explanation":"RIPPER (Jack the Ripper) inside (dressed in) FancY (extremes of)"} {"Clue":"Talk at length? Absolutely right! (4,2)","Answer":"BANG ON","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Mark gives up Latin as a bad job (5)","Answer":"BOTCH","Explanation":"BLOTCH (mark) missing L=latin"} {"Clue":"After century, a branch of the fighting forces retains old cannon (5)","Answer":"CAROM","Explanation":"C (century) followed by (after) ARM ( a branch of the fighting forces) containing (retains) O (old) \u2013 a cannon, a billiards shot"} {"Clue":"For example Sutherland (Donald) is versatile actor, taking leading parts (4)","Answer":"DIVA","Explanation":"first letters of Donald Is Versatile Actor \u2013 for example Dame Joan Sutherland, Australian soprano"} {"Clue":"His Excellency has brother about town on the West Bank (6)","Answer":"HEBRON","Explanation":"HE (His Excellency) has BR (brother) ON (about)"} {"Clue":"Welsh university town uprooted palm- tree (8)","Answer":"LAMPETER","Explanation":"(palm-tree)* anagram=uprooted \u2013 the smallest university town in Wales, founded 1822"} {"Clue":"Grand galleries (not square) rebuilt in South Wales town (9)","Answer":"GELLIGAER","Explanation":"G (grand) GALLERIEs* (anagram=rebuilt) missing s=square \u2013 town near Caerphilly"} {"Clue":"Wretched miser in French city (5)","Answer":"REIMS","Explanation":"MISER* anagram=wretched"} {"Clue":"Male singer lacking harmony at Adriatic seaport (4)","Answer":"BARI","Explanation":"BARItone (singer) missing tone=harmony"} {"Clue":"Bread and wine and a drop of oil in US city (10)","Answer":"SACRAMENTO","Explanation":"SACRAMENT (bread and wine) with O (first letter, drop of, oil)"} {"Clue":"I arrive looking seedy on the Mediterranean (7)","Answer":"RIVIERA","Explanation":"(I ARRIVE)* anagram=looking seedy"} {"Clue":"Shout about headless fish and medicinal plant in county seat in 23 (6)","Answer":"EUREKA","Explanation":"hAKE (fish, headless) RUE (medicinal plant) all reversed (about) \u2013 Eureka! is a famous shout from Archimedes and also the county seat of Humboldt County in California."} {"Clue":"Stately home by a motorway in Nick Clegg's Sheffield constituency (and shire) (6)","Answer":"HALLAM","Explanation":"HALL (stately home) by A M (motorway) \u2013 Hallamshire was an area of Yorkshire, the name surviving in various modern terms"} {"Clue":"Country's prohibition among other things (7)","Answer":"ALBANIA","Explanation":"BAN (prohibition) in ALIA (other things, c.f. *inter alia*)"} {"Clue":"State of eastern potentate worried on air (10)","Answer":"CALIFORNIA","Explanation":"CALIF (eastern potentate) and (ON AIR)* anagram=worried"} {"Clue":"Island mountains (4)","Answer":"JURA","Explanation":"Scottish island and alpine mountains"} {"Clue":"Some popular neighbours in port in Co. Antrim (5)","Answer":"LARNE","Explanation":"found in (some of) popuLAR NEighbours \u2013 town in Northern Ireland"} {"Clue":"State of a number on headland mid- week (9)","Answer":"TENNESSEE","Explanation":"TEN ( a number) on NESS (headland) wEEk (middle of week)"} {"Clue":"Land pigs turn over in Lincolnshire (8)","Answer":"SPALDING","Explanation":"(LAND PIGS)* anagram=turn over"} {"Clue":"Emails spammed on Malta (6)","Answer":"SLIEMA","Explanation":"EMAILS* anagram=spammed (mashed up like spam) \u2013 town on Malta"} {"Clue":"Old football ground in London for eminent Lancashire team (8)","Answer":"HIGHBURY","Explanation":"HIGH (eminent) BURY (Lancashire football team) \u2013 old name for Arsenal's ground, the Emirates Stadium"} {"Clue":"Fashionable part of the capital \u2013 three- quarters of another is by Roman road (9)","Answer":"BELGRAVIA","Explanation":"BELGRAde (another capital, three quarters of) and VIA (road, Latin)"} {"Clue":"State of leading healthy industrialists in spectacles (4)","Answer":"OHIO","Explanation":"HI (leading letters of healthy industrialists) in OO (looks like a pair of glasses)"} {"Clue":"North Lanarkshire town's salon equipment without covers (7)","Answer":"AIRDRIE","Explanation":"hAIR DRIEr (salon equioment) missing outside letters (without covers)"} {"Clue":"Standard president raised about state capital of Surinam (10)","Answer":"PARAMARIBO","Explanation":"PAR (standard) OBAMA (president)\u00a0reversed (raised)\u00a0including (about) RI (Rhode Island, state)\u00a0\u2013 the capital of Suriname"} {"Clue":"Tumble-down gite on North Devon river (5)","Answer":"TEIGN","Explanation":"GITE* anagram=tumble-down on N (north) \u2013 river in Devon"} {"Clue":"Count on Don in Russia! (6)","Answer":"ROSTOV","Explanation":"Count Nikolai Rostov, character from War and Peace. I'm not quite sure about the exact definition. Rostov Oblast is a fedaral district of Russia, containing the city Rostov-on-don. There is another city just called Rostov that is not on the Don."} {"Clue":"A Native American turned up without love in Caribbean capital (6)","Answer":"HAVANA","Explanation":"A NAVAHo (Native American) reversed (turned up) missing O=love"} {"Clue":"Receive money for a piece of land in Cumbria (10)","Answer":"SELLAFIELD","Explanation":"SELL A FIELD (receive money for a piece of land) \u2013 town in Cumbria"} {"Clue":"Speyside town where Sue, ski-ing, crashes (9)","Answer":"KINGUSSIE","Explanation":"(SUE SKI-ING)* anagram=crashes \u2013 Scottish town"} {"Clue":"Dad with downcast girl in city in 23 (8)","Answer":"PASADENA","Explanation":"PA (dad) with SAD (downcast) ENA (girl)"} {"Clue":"Extra weight in town on the Wirral (7)","Answer":"MORETON","Explanation":"MORE (extra) TON (weight)"} {"Clue":"French friend with sense, at heart, in the capital of Picardy (6)","Answer":"AMIENS","Explanation":"AMI (friend, French) with sENSe (heart of)"} {"Clue":"Goon's cake in town in Greater Manchester (6)","Answer":"ECCLES","Explanation":"triple definition \u2013 Manchester Town, Eccles cakes and character in The Goon Show"} {"Clue":"Spanish poet rewrote carol in Murcia (5)","Answer":"LORCA","Explanation":"Federico Garcia Lorca, (CAROL* anagram=rewrote and town in Murcia, Spain"} {"Clue":"Shetland isle up in the valleys (4)","Answer":"YELL","Explanation":"found in the vaLLEYs (reversed) \u2013 the second largest of the Shetland islands"} {"Clue":"Tennis match is repeated on compound (5,7)","Answer":"MIXED DOUBLES","Explanation":"DOUBLES (is repeated) following (on) MIXED (compound)"} {"Clue":"Posh auntie regularly in company of peculiar element (7)","Answer":"URANIUM","Explanation":"U (posh) and AuNtIe (regular selection of) in RUM (odd)"} {"Clue":"Articles on lust involved mistress abroad (7)","Answer":"SULTANA","Explanation":"AN A (articles) on LUST* anagram=involved- a sultan's concubine"} {"Clue":"Noisily demolish hoist (5)","Answer":"RAISE","Explanation":"sounds like (noisily) raze (demolish)"} {"Clue":"Retired British middle-distance runner belonging to section of body (8)","Answer":"FORELIMB","Explanation":"B (British) MILER (middle distance runner) OF (belonging to) all reversed (retired)"} {"Clue":"Yankee's large plant in the Orient offers financial security (4,6)","Answer":"EASY STREET","Explanation":"Y'S (yankee's, phonetic alphabet) and TREE (large plant) in EAST (the Orient)"} {"Clue":"Wooden border finally completed with difficulty (4)","Answer":"DADO","Explanation":"D (final letter of completed) with ADO (difficulty) \u2013 a decorative wooden border"} {"Clue":"Fertiliser left on soil (4)","Answer":"MARL","Explanation":"L (left) following (on) MAR (soil)"} {"Clue":"Official day one enters porridge? (10)","Answer":"CEREMONIAL","Explanation":"MON (day) I (one) in (enters) CEREAL (porridge)"} {"Clue":"Occasional trailer one's seen among produce being brought back (8)","Answer":"SPORADIC","Explanation":"AD (tailer) I (one) in (seen among) CROPS reversed"} {"Clue":"Proposal emerged to ring-fence American capital (5)","Answer":"SALEM","Explanation":"in (ringfenced by) propoSAL EMerged \u2013 capital of Oregon"} {"Clue":"Dicky ignored eating away (7)","Answer":"ERODING","Explanation":"IGNORED* anagram=dicky`"} {"Clue":"In Scotland, they carry heavy fish miles into hideaway (7)","Answer":"DRAYMEN","Explanation":"RAY (fish) M (miles) in DEN (hideaway) \u2013 drivers of Brewery wagons, possibly carrying Heavy (70 shilling ale in Scotland)"} {"Clue":"Musician and tenor drink with beloved prime minister earlier (7,5)","Answer":"TRUMPET MAJOR","Explanation":"T (tenor) RUM (drink) with PET (beloved) MAJOR (John, former PM)"} {"Clue":"Characters that lean, showing stress (7)","Answer":"ITALICS","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Lots to enter recording Sandy's disheartening medical condition (8)","Answer":"EPILEPSY","Explanation":"PILE (lots) in (to enter) EP (extended play, recording) then SandY (disheartened, no middle letters)"} {"Clue":"Stupid name, admits head of marketing (4)","Answer":"DUMB","Explanation":"M (first letter of marketing) in DUB (name)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps dirty appearance evident in a French claret (10)","Answer":"UNSHOWERED","Explanation":"SHOW (appearance) inside (evedent in) UNE (a, French) RED (claret)"} {"Clue":"European city, centre of excellence in fabrication (5)","Answer":"LILLE","Explanation":"exceLLence (centre of) in LIE (fabrication)"} {"Clue":"Upstairs, a rug's caught in the legs (7)","Answer":"STAMINA","Explanation":"A MAT'S (rug's) reversed (upstairs) containing (caught) IN \u2013 definition is 'the legs'. I am not convinced 'upstairs' means 'upside-down'. ~~Can anyone provide a useage that demonstrates this? ~~Upstairs indicates 'going from the bottom to the top'"} {"Clue":"Naval officer bearing defeat (13)","Answer":"QUARTERMASTER","Explanation":"QUARTER (bearing, of compass) MASTER (defeat)"} {"Clue":"Tree unknown, first leaving mild confusion (13)","Answer":"BAMBOOZLEMENT","Explanation":"BAMBOO (tree) Z (unknown, often used in maths) cLEMENT (mild) missing first letter"} {"Clue":"Native American to restrain upset dog, advancing slowly (8,2)","Answer":"CREEPING UP","Explanation":"CREE (Native American) PIN (to restrain) PUG (dog) reversed (upset)"} {"Clue":"Snake stifles source of trouble, aquatic bird in south Africa (8)","Answer":"BOTSWANA","Explanation":"BOA (snake) contains (stifles) T (first letter of trouble) SWAN (aquatic bird)"} {"Clue":"Eradicate bounder who trades aggressively (4,3)","Answer":"ROOT OUT","Explanation":"ROO (kangaroo, bounder) TOUT (aggressive trader)"} {"Clue":"At home, bones put in cooking fat, turning on the back burner (2,5)","Answer":"IN LIMBO","Explanation":"IN (at home) then MB (doctor, bones) in OIL (cooking fat) reversed (turning)"} {"Clue":"The German's covered in gold for farewell (5)","Answer":"ADIEU","Explanation":"DIE (the, German) in AU (gold, chem symbol)"} {"Clue":"Correct time showed up (4)","Answer":"EDIT","Explanation":"TIDE (time) reversed (showed up)"} {"Clue":"Second best's hilarious (6)","Answer":"SCREAM","Explanation":"S (second) CREAM (best)"} {"Clue":"Woeful first aid is struck off course (6)","Answer":"ADRIFT","Explanation":"(FiRsT AID)* anagram=woeful with IS\u00a0removed (struck)- definition is 'off course'"} {"Clue":"Go over old sad event (7)","Answer":"TRAGEDY","Explanation":"TRY (go) containing (over) AGED (old)"} {"Clue":"Duty men return, a tad frustrated and cross (4,3)","Answer":"ROAD TAX","Explanation":"OR (other ranks, men) reversed (return) with (A TAD)* anagram=frustrated and X (cross) \u2013 definition is 'duty'"} {"Clue":"Indulge in trips round Yankee firm (10)","Answer":"UNYIELDING","Explanation":"(INDULGE IN)* anagram=trips containing (round) Y (yankee, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"US writer holds page for poet (4)","Answer":"POPE","Explanation":"Edgar Alan POE holds P (page) \u2013 for Alexander Pope"} {"Clue":"Not all quaff retsina in little bars (5)","Answer":"FRETS","Explanation":"found inside (not all of) quaF RETSina \u2013 little bars on a guitar"} {"Clue":"Aberdonian knows about long galleys (8)","Answer":"KITCHENS","Explanation":"ITCH (long) in KENS (knows, Scots)"} {"Clue":"Slug left hole in one decorative band (8)","Answer":"NECKLACE","Explanation":"NECK (drink, slug) L (left) ACE (hole in one, golf)"} {"Clue":"Small prize money cut incentives (5)","Answer":"SPURS","Explanation":"S (small) PURSe (prize money, cut short)"} {"Clue":"Spot cryptic clue for Burgess? (4)","Answer":"ESPY","Explanation":"Why? I know Guy Burgess was a spy \u2013 definition is 'spot'"} {"Clue":"No-frills shopping made in high dudgeon (7,3)","Answer":"HOPPING MAD","Explanation":"sHOPPING MADe (missing edges, frills). Neat."} {"Clue":"Extremely dirty and unpleasant TV series (7)","Answer":"DYNASTY","Explanation":"DirtY (extremes of) NASTY (unpleasant) \u2013 1980s TV show"} {"Clue":"Nice novel, very old, recalled one of 23 (7)","Answer":"ROMANOV","Explanation":"ROMAN (novel, French, as read in Nice) V (very) O (old) reversed (recalled) \u2013 one of the House of Romanov,\u00a0last of the Russian Imperial rulers"} {"Clue":"Midshipman drinks one litre, no problem (6)","Answer":"EASILY","Explanation":"EASY (Midshipman Easy, 1935 film) contains (drinks) I L (one litre)"} {"Clue":"Heraldic device with very strange name (6)","Answer":"WYVERN","Explanation":"W (with) VERY* anagram=strange N (name) \u2013 a heraldic dragon"} {"Clue":"Alluring woman is upset about note (5)","Answer":"SIREN","Explanation":"IS reversed (upset) RE (about) N (note)"} {"Clue":"Two contrasting organs' endless piano music (7)","Answer":"RAGTIME","Explanation":"RAG (a cheap newspaper) TIMES (a quality newspaper), two contrasting organs, missing final S (endless) \u2013 definition is 'piano music'"} {"Clue":"Spanish region, also a large one in the States (9)","Answer":"ANDALUSIA","Explanation":"AND (also) A L (large) I (one) in USA (the States)"} {"Clue":"Leave old road going up to see Burgess' Russian \"friend\" (5)","Answer":"DROOG","Explanation":"GO (leave) O (old) RD (road) reversed (going up) \u2013 a word\u00a0meaning 'friend' invented by Anthony Burgess in his novel A Clockwork Orange"} {"Clue":"Thorough training of pathfinder may get you this far (2-5)","Answer":"IN-DEPTH","Explanation":"one anagram of PATHFINDER is (will get you) IN-DEPTH (this) FAR"} {"Clue":"Split up police seizing new office equipment (9)","Answer":"TRAPPINGS","Explanation":"PART (split) reversed (up) PIGS (police, slang) containing (seizing) N new \u2013 definition is 'office equipment' ~~. I can't fully explain the definition.~~ the 'trappings of office\""} {"Clue":"Elect Euro politicians tackling top- class medicines (4-2-3)","Answer":"PICK-ME-UPS","Explanation":"PICK (elect)\u00a0MEPS (Euro politicians) containing (tackling) U (top-class)"} {"Clue":"Stroke loosens part of roof, say (9)","Answer":"FREESTYLE","Explanation":"FREES (loosens) TYLE sounds like (say) tile (part of roof)"} {"Clue":"Blair concealed controversial items in evidence (9)","Answer":"TESTIMONY","Explanation":"TONY Blair contains (conceals) ITEMS* anagram=controversial"} {"Clue":"Lily leaves behind Caribbean isle's TV controllers (7)","Answer":"KEYPADS","Explanation":"PADS (lily leaves) following (behind) KEY (Caribbean island) \u2013 definition is 'TV controllers'"} {"Clue":"Promote film ratings and read novel (7)","Answer":"UPGRADE","Explanation":"U PG (film ratings) and READ* anagram=novel"} {"Clue":"Stolen article from 3 stays here (5)","Answer":"HOTEL","Explanation":"HOT (stolen) EL (definite article, Spanish) \u2013 stays in hotel. ~~People stay in hotels for sure, but do stolen articles really stay in hotels? I don't\u00a0get the definition.~~ a stay is a night away, so there are 'stays here' in a hotel."} {"Clue":"American sailors take care of mast (5)","Answer":"ACORN","Explanation":"A (American) RN (sailors) contain (take) CO (care of) \u2013 mast is the fruit of forest trees such as oak, beech etc"} {"Clue":"Somewhat takes a shine to dress with a scarf (4)","Answer":"SASH","Explanation":"found inside takeS A SHine"} {"Clue":"Is mace ground with a bit of nutmeg? I can't recall (8)","Answer":"AMNESIAC","Explanation":"anagram (ground) of IS MACE with A and N (bit of nutmeg, first letter)"} {"Clue":"Ashes left-hander got out, exhibiting weakness (4-11)","Answer":"HALF-HEARTEDNESS","Explanation":"(ASHES LEFT HANDER)* anagram=got out"} {"Clue":"Strange lady holding leads of broken mower \u2013 might he fix it? (3-3,3)","Answer":"ODD JOB MAN","Explanation":"ODD (strange) JOAN (lady) holds BM (first letters of broken mower)"} {"Clue":"Resistance by nude? Topless is excellent (4)","Answer":"RARE","Explanation":"R (resistance) by bARE (nude, topless)"} {"Clue":"High spirits from daughter-in-law, say, after Queen departs (7)","Answer":"ELATION","Explanation":"rELATION (daughter-in-law, perhaps) missing R (regina, queen)"} {"Clue":"Catch lover returning scratching bottom (6)","Answer":"ENTRAP","Explanation":"PARTNEr (lover) reversed (returning) missing (scratching) last letter (bottom)"} {"Clue":"Determined setter, perhaps, good with editor (6)","Answer":"DOGGED","Explanation":"DOG (setter perhaps) G (good) with ED (editer)"} {"Clue":"Corrupt place worried E Fry (7)","Answer":"PUTREFY","Explanation":"PUT (place) and (E FRY)* anagram=worried"} {"Clue":"One from Dallas has time for an electronic message (4)","Answer":"TEXT","Explanation":"TEX (Texan, one from Dallas) has T (time)"} {"Clue":"Bad news: motor's lacking energy \u2013 that could cause drifts (9)","Answer":"SNOWSTORM","Explanation":"(NEWS MOTORS)* anagram=bad missing E=energy"} {"Clue":"Annoyed with a cat \u2013 all about cold meat, whatever it is (15)","Answer":"WHATCHAMACALLIT","Explanation":"(WITH A CAT ALL)* anagram=annoyed\u00a0containing (about) C (cold) HAM (meat)"} {"Clue":"Rudeness irritated consumers (3,5)","Answer":"END USERS","Explanation":"RUDENESS* anagram=irritated"} {"Clue":"Hendry regularly potting nothing, finally getting irritable (4)","Answer":"EDGY","Explanation":"hEnDrY (regular letters of) containing (potting) nothinG (final letter of)"} {"Clue":"It's suitable for the drink (8)","Answer":"SCHOONER","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 both the boat and the glass are suitable for the drink (sea\/beverage)"} {"Clue":"Sound from one getting pushed around (5)","Answer":"SOLID","Explanation":"I (one) in SOLD (pushed)"} {"Clue":"Pal held in bondage finally for an early \"performance\" (7)","Answer":"MATINEE","Explanation":"MATE (pal) contains (held) IN bondagE (final letter)"} {"Clue":"Pants smelt \u2013 ran and teased John Major? (5,9)","Answer":"ELDER STATESMAN","Explanation":"anagram (pants) of SMELT RAN and TEASED"} {"Clue":"Possibly be irate in this drunken state (9)","Answer":"INEBRIATE","Explanation":"(BE IRATE IN)*anagram=possibly"} {"Clue":"Time to leave order, for example (4)","Answer":"CASE","Explanation":"CAStE (order) missing T=time \u2013 definition is 'for example'"} {"Clue":"Remains after snapping spectators' seats (8,6)","Answer":"SHOOTING STICKS","Explanation":"STICKS (remains) after SHOOTING (snapping, photography)"} {"Clue":"Outlaw grabbing weapon \u2013 he might be responsible for you getting shot (6)","Answer":"BARMAN","Explanation":"BAN (outlaw) containing (grabbing) ARM (weapon)"} {"Clue":"Ida's upset after a shout from a driver earlier (9)","Answer":"AFORESAID","Explanation":"IDAS* anagram=upset following A FORE (shout from a driver, golf)"} {"Clue":"Strange mystery with Master put in proportion (8)","Answer":"SYMMETRY","Explanation":"anagram (strange) of\u00a0MYSTERY with M (master) put in"} {"Clue":"Hopelessness from French couple (7)","Answer":"DESPAIR","Explanation":"DES (from, French) PAIR (couple)"} {"Clue":"Drug for unknown aches he's left (6)","Answer":"PROZAC","Explanation":"PRO (for) Z (unknown, maths) AChes missing HE'S"} {"Clue":"Tipsy old priest's thrown up on daughter (5)","Answer":"OILED","Explanation":"O (old) ELI (priest) reversed (thrown up) on D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Quaint sound of a bird with no tail (4)","Answer":"TWEE","Explanation":"TWEEt (sound of a bird) missing tail letter"} {"Clue":"Strikes a blow (8)","Answer":"ASTERISK","Explanation":"(STRIKES A)* anagram=blow"} {"Clue":"Still in command after brief panic (6)","Answer":"STATIC","Explanation":"IC (in command) following STATe (panic, briefly)"} {"Clue":"Bodyguard on East Asian boat is post no-one wants (4,4)","Answer":"JUNK MAIL","Explanation":"MAIL (something that protects or guards the body) on JUNK (East Asian boat)"} {"Clue":"Union reps and relatives eat heartily (4,2)","Answer":"TUCK IN","Explanation":"TUC (Trades Union Congress, union reps) and KIN (relatives)"} {"Clue":"Char performing aerobics round pole (9)","Answer":"CARBONISE","Explanation":"AEROBICS* performing=anagram contains (round) N (pole)"} {"Clue":"Pursue Charles I of England (5)","Answer":"CHASE","Explanation":"CHAS (Charles, abbrev) then E (first of England)"} {"Clue":"Revise parts of OED itself (4)","Answer":"EDIT","Explanation":"part of oED ITself"} {"Clue":"Person associated with bust and boom in business (7)","Answer":"SHEBANG","Explanation":"SHE (person associated with bust, someone with a bosom) and BANG (boom) \u2013 definition is 'business', the matter in hand"} {"Clue":"Present or former currency (7)","Answer":"EXPOUND","Explanation":"EX (former) POUND (currency) \u2013 definition is 'present', as a verb"} {"Clue":"Call round (4)","Answer":"RING","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Seriousness of actor Johnny's lisping (5)","Answer":"DEPTH","Explanation":"sounds like Depp's (actor Johnny's) spoken with a lisp"} {"Clue":"Vigorously administer a chest rub in Balkan city (9)","Answer":"BUCHAREST","Explanation":"(A CHEST RUB)* anagram=vigorously administer"} {"Clue":"Saw a lost paradise in Scandinavian country (6)","Answer":"SWEDEN","Explanation":"SaW (a missing, lost) EDEN (paradise)"} {"Clue":"Bra size that is transfixing Oregon resident (8)","Answer":"OCCUPIER","Explanation":"C CUP (bra size) IE (that is) inside (transfixing, cutting through) OR (Oregon)"} {"Clue":"Most reluctant, I agree to get into bed (6)","Answer":"COYEST","Explanation":"YES (I agree) in COT (bed)"} {"Clue":"Free intermingling of our genes (8)","Answer":"GENEROUS","Explanation":"(OUR GENES)* anagram=intermingling of"} {"Clue":"Bachelor in Paris, I engaged in deed of lowest kind (6)","Answer":"ABJECT","Explanation":"B (bachelor) contains (engages) JE (I in French) in ACT (deed)"} {"Clue":"East End thug turned up in northern waste (6)","Answer":"TUNDRA","Explanation":"'ARD NUT (thug, spoken like an East-ender) reversed (turned up)"} {"Clue":"Starts skipping from me to lover (5)","Answer":"ROMEO","Explanation":"fROM mE tO missing starting letters"} {"Clue":"Way to the top is ultimately perilous when wearing skirt (3,4)","Answer":"SKI LIFT","Explanation":"S (last of perilous) then IF (when) in (wearing) KILT (a skirt)"} {"Clue":"Chunter on about staff (9)","Answer":"TRUNCHEON","Explanation":"(CHUNTER ON)* anagram=about"} {"Clue":"Minus view on holiday (4,4)","Answer":"TAKE AWAY","Explanation":"TAKE (view, opinion) then AWAY (on holiday)"} {"Clue":"Meet Charlie by side of road (8)","Answer":"CONVERGE","Explanation":"C (Charlie, phonetic alphabet) ON (by) VERGE (side of road)"} {"Clue":"Pickle, stew or jam (4)","Answer":"MESS","Explanation":"triple definition"} {"Clue":"Daddy has three such offspring (9)","Answer":"DAUGHTERS","Explanation":"the letter D (daughter, abbrev) occurs three times in daddy"} {"Clue":"Setting out 1 Dec, goes shortest way from A to B (8)","Answer":"GEODESIC","Explanation":"anagram (setting out) of I (1, Roman numeral) DEC and GOES \u2013 a geodesic is a generalisation of a straight line (shortest way from A to B) on a curved space or surface, eg the globe"} {"Clue":"Fury as fruit tree is split by old axes (8)","Answer":"APOPLEXY","Explanation":"APPLE (fruit tree) contains (split by) O (old) then X and Y (axes, on a graph)"} {"Clue":"Knights head of dynamic Swiss bank (4)","Answer":"DUBS","Explanation":"D (head of dynamic) UBS (Swiss financial services company) \u2013 definition is 'knights'"} {"Clue":"What Greens do on bike (7)","Answer":"RECYCLE","Explanation":"RE (on) CYCLE (bike)"} {"Clue":"Ireland is besieged by diminutive female sheep (6)","Answer":"MERINO","Explanation":"ERIN (Ireland) in (besieged by) MO (woman's name, diminutive of) \u2013 a breed of sheep"} {"Clue":"Thumps heartless jerks (6)","Answer":"STARTS","Explanation":"STAR (*) ThumpS (heartless, no middle)"} {"Clue":"Pleasantly occupy morning with exercise (5)","Answer":"AMUSE","Explanation":"AM (morning) with USE (exercise)"} {"Clue":"T who's jumping on one foot (6)","Answer":"HOPPER","Explanation":"someone who hops \u2013 Dennis Hopper, American actor."} {"Clue":"T remains on highland farm (8)","Answer":"ASHCROFT","Explanation":"ASH (remains) on CROFT (highland farm) \u2013 Dame Peggy Ashcroft, English actress"} {"Clue":"T, man or child here, tipsy (7,7)","Answer":"MICHAEL HORDERN","Explanation":"(MAN OR CHILD HERE)* anagram=tipsy \u2013 Sir Michael Hordern, English actor"} {"Clue":"Seen mail returned close to T (4,6)","Answer":"LIAM NEESON","Explanation":"SEEN MAIL reversed (returned) and ON (close to) \u2013 Irish actor"} {"Clue":"T hailed drunk in flowing dress (6,4)","Answer":"GOLDIE HAWN","Explanation":"HAILED* anagram=drunk in GOWN (flowing dress)"} {"Clue":"Ts (Gould or Denholm) measure ten times (7)","Answer":"ELLIOTT","Explanation":"ELL (measure, of distance) IO (ten) T T (two Ts, times) \u2013 actors Elliott Gould and Denholm Elliott"} {"Clue":"Relative under canvas, as T (7)","Answer":"TENNANT","Explanation":"NAN (relative) in TENT (under canvass) \u2013 David Tennant, known mostly in our house as Dr Who"} {"Clue":"Holy man has to look back at T (6)","Answer":"STREEP","Explanation":"ST (saint, hold man) as PEER (to look) reversed (back) \u2013 actress Meryl Streep"} {"Clue":"T (amateur detective) accepting books by Queen (5,5)","Answer":"ELLEN TERRY","Explanation":"ELLERY (Ellery Queen, detective) contains (accepts) NT (books, of bible) by ER (The Queen) \u2013 Dame Ellen Terry was the leading Shakespearean actress of her day"} {"Clue":"T Reid comes before November (4)","Answer":"MIKE","Explanation":"MIKE comes before November in the Nato phonetic alphabet \u2013 actor Mike Reid"} {"Clue":"One garment for T (7)","Answer":"ANDRESS","Explanation":"AN (one) DRESS (garment) \u2013 Ursula Andress, the iconic Bond girl. There is something &lit-ish about this as in Dr No we see Ursula Andress famously emerge from the sea wearing only a bikini. Unfortunately this is really two garments?"} {"Clue":"Offspring holding a coin for T (8)","Answer":"SARANDON","Explanation":"~~SON and SON (offspring, plural) holding ORE (a coin) \u2013 Paul Sorenson? There are several other actors and actresses with this surname.~~ SON (offspring) holding A RAND (coin) \u2013 Susan Sarandon, academy award winning actress."} {"Clue":"T at small house with drawback (6)","Answer":"HOWARD","Explanation":"HO (house) small= abbrev and WARD (draw back) \u2013 Trevor Howard, British actor."} {"Clue":"It stars Brody in Bantustan (8)","Answer":"HOMELAND","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 a Bantustan, also known as a homeland, was a territory set aside for black inhabitants of South Africa under the Apartheid regieme. Nicholas Brody stars in Homeland, an American television series."} {"Clue":"Offer to tourists in group having time at port (7,4)","Answer":"PACKAGE DEAL","Explanation":"PACK (group) having AGE (time) by (at) DEAL (former port in Kent)"} {"Clue":"Test once before noon (4)","Answer":"EXAM","Explanation":"EX (once) AM (before noon)"} {"Clue":"Inventory from editor in German school (8)","Answer":"SCHEDULE","Explanation":"ED (editor) in SCHULE (school, German)"} {"Clue":"They are keen to advance, coming first in rushes (10)","Answer":"CAREERISTS","Explanation":"IST (coming first) in CAREERS (rushes)"} {"Clue":"Money for old rope. Easy \u2013 at first (3)","Answer":"ORE","Explanation":"first letters of Old Rope Easy"} {"Clue":"20's heartless flat dweller, say (6)","Answer":"TENANT","Explanation":"TENnANT (20 across) missing heart \u2013 someone who rents a flat possibly"} {"Clue":"Old car firm on outskirts of Orlando on motorway to Orlando (5)","Answer":"BLOOM","Explanation":"BL (British Leyland, old car firm) on OrlandO (outer letters of) on M (motorway) \u2013 Orlando Bloom, English actor. I wonder why he is not a T?"} {"Clue":"Arranged matinee chat \u2013 here? (2,3,6)","Answer":"AT THE CINEMA","Explanation":"(MATINEE CHAT)* arranged=anagram"} {"Clue":"Grieving relative, we're told, bright early on (7,3)","Answer":"MORNING SUN","Explanation":"sounds like (we're told) mourning son"} {"Clue":"Mean and keen to embrace minister (6,2)","Answer":"INTEND TO","Explanation":"INTO (keen) contains (embraces) TEND (minister)"} {"Clue":"Placated and imitated, eating vegetables (8)","Answer":"APPEASED","Explanation":"APED (imitated) containing (eating) PEAS (vegetables)"} {"Clue":"The French head drops point on Greek island (6)","Answer":"LESBOS","Explanation":"LES (the, French) BOSs (head) dropping S=South (point)"} {"Clue":"T mountaineer turning in bed, bra-less (5,7)","Answer":"BRIAN BLESSED","Explanation":"(IN BED BRA-LESS)* anagram=turning \u2013 actor Brian Blessed was an amateur mountaineer, atttempting to climb Everest three times."} {"Clue":"Earl turned over strange taro tuber (4)","Answer":"EDDO","Explanation":"E (earl) ODD (strange) reversed (turned over) \u2013 a root vegetable"} {"Clue":"Listener of The Archers (3)","Answer":"EAR","Explanation":"found in thE ARchers"} {"Clue":"Peculiar records of the people both given a spin (7)","Answer":"SPECIAL","Explanation":"EPS (extended play records) and LAIC (of the people) both reversed (given a spin)"} {"Clue":"Fell on young man's digit, neglecting to drive up the wall (7)","Answer":"SCALADE","Explanation":"SCA (fell, Sca Fell in Cumbria) on LAD (young man) has toE (digit) missing (neglecting) TO \u2013 definition is '~~to~~ drive up the wall', ~~to~~ an attack a fortress using ladders"} {"Clue":"Clue, hint and key turn out charmless Rugby League team? (7,8)","Answer":"UNLUCKY THIRTEEN","Explanation":"anagram (out) of CLUE, HINT and KEY TURN \u2013 definition is 'charmles Rugby League team', a cryptic definition rather than a literal one"} {"Clue":"Time taken by horribly messy method (6)","Answer":"SYSTEM","Explanation":"T (time) following (taken by) MESSY* anagram=horribly"} {"Clue":"Pence in my pockets one example of it? (3-5)","Answer":"PIN-MONEY","Explanation":"P (pence) IN then MY contains (pockets) ONE \u2013 small sum of money for spending on non-essentials, originally from buying pins for ladies hats and dresses"} {"Clue":"Unit charged to the customer's current account? (8)","Answer":"KILOWATT","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"What you make during business goes to me (6)","Answer":"INCOME","Explanation":"IN (during) CO (companjy, business) with (goes to) ME \u2013 definition is 'what you make'. This can also be read as an &lit with 'what you make' read as an instruction to the solver to create a word from the following items\u2026"} {"Clue":"Policeman that was given to love and vigour (6)","Answer":"STINGO","Explanation":"STING (policeman that was) with (given to) O (love, zero tennis) \u2013 definition is 'vigour'. Sting is the stage name of Gordon Sumner, former leader of the band The Police."} {"Clue":"Choose to accept P-A-N as rival? (8)","Answer":"OPPONENT","Explanation":"OPT (choose) contains (to accept) P ONE (A) N \u2013 definition is 'rival'. The dashes indicate that the P,A and N have to be treated separately."} {"Clue":"Remains after cremation to talk about Welsh popinjay (4,4)","Answer":"BEAU NASH","Explanation":"sounds like (to talk about) \"bone ash\" (remains after cremation) \u2013 Beau Nash was a celebrated 18th century dandy, born in Swansea, Wales"} {"Clue":"In cycling tourists do NY state councils (6)","Answer":"SYNODS","Explanation":"found in touristS DO NY State reversed (cycling, going round)"} {"Clue":"Awkwardly careless telephone bidding may leave you this (1,3,2,6,3)","Answer":"A LOT TO ANSWER FOR","Explanation":"Definition could be 'bidding may leave you this', possibly 'telephone bidding\u2026' or 'careless telephone bidding\u2026' but I can't explain the rest."} {"Clue":"Ignorant, badly off again, say (7)","Answer":"ITERATE","Explanation":"ILLITERATE with ILL (badly) missing (off) \u2013 definition is 'again say'"} {"Clue":"Edge maintained by the head churchman (7)","Answer":"PRIMATE","Explanation":"RIM (edge) in (maintained by) PATE (the head)"} {"Clue":"Coin-operated \"split\"? (5- 2-3-4)","Answer":"PENNY-IN-THE-SLOT","Explanation":"\"split\" is P (penny) in SLIT (the slot) \u2013 a clue in reverse"} {"Clue":"New arrangement required for end of show that may be crucial (9,9)","Answer":"COUNTDOWN CONUNDRUM","Explanation":"COUNTDOWN CONUNDRUM \u2013 the *Countdown Conundrum* is an anagram puzzle (new arrangement required) at the end of the TV show Countdown. I cant explain 'that maybe crucial'. Crucial could refer to a cross, but I can't see how this helps. It could be that crucial refers to the possibility that the Countdown Conundrum could decide the winner if the scores are close, but this does not seem cryptic in any way, just some verbiage at the end of the clue.* (see Eileen's comment @1)"} {"Clue":"Baking cake, mum's wasted a morning at army base (3,4)","Answer":"ACK EMMA","Explanation":"CAKE* anagram=baking MaMA (mum) has\u00a0A\u00a0missing (wasted a) \u2013 army slang for AM (morning)."} {"Clue":"Red 19 of X? (7)","Answer":"CHIANTI","Explanation":"ANTI (opponent of) CHI (Greek letter *shaped like an* X) \u2013 an Italian wine, typically red"} {"Clue":"Give up what requires reserve energy (3,2)","Answer":"LET GO","Explanation":"LET (re-serve, in tennis) GO (energy)"} {"Clue":"Part of the Queen's Arms routine \u2013 odd item out? (4,2,3,5)","Answer":"DIEU ET MON DROIT","Explanation":"(ROUTINE \u2013 ODD ITEM)* out=anagram \u2013 written on The Queen's coat of arms"} {"Clue":"3 will be ruthless (4,2,7)","Answer":"STOP AT NOTHING","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 'countdown will' and 'be ruthless'"} {"Clue":"Inferior sofas or tables? 7 in a row (2,1,4)","Answer":"OF A SORT","Explanation":"found in (~~inferior, only part of~~ a row of seven letters of) sOFAS OR Tables \u2013 definition is 'inferior' ~~I can't explain the definition. 'let go in a row' or 'seven in a row' ? ~~"} {"Clue":"The norm to accept couples swapping halves after engagement (4-3)","Answer":"POST-WAR","Explanation":"PAR (the norm) cinains (to accept) TWOS (couples) with front and back hlaves swapped \u2013 definition is 'after engagement'. I think of an engagement as a battle rather than a war, but I'm not complaining."} {"Clue":"Extreme state (5)","Answer":"UTTER","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Offensive type poking face using fingers (7)","Answer":"DIGITAL","Explanation":"GIT (offensive type) in (poking) DIAL (face)"} {"Clue":"Fool with photo that's captured hot lesbian (7)","Answer":"SAPPHIC","Explanation":"SAP (fool) with PIC (photo) containing (captured) H (hot)"} {"Clue":"Couple behind attack, one disappearing as more than one spoke (5)","Answer":"RADII","Explanation":"II (two, a couple) following RAiD (attack) missing I (one)"} {"Clue":"Knowledge about bartending finally clear, these glasses handled (9)","Answer":"LORGNETTE","Explanation":"LORE (knowledge) containing bartendinG (final letter of) NETT (clear) \u2013 a pair of glasses with a handle"} {"Clue":"Juvenile presidential candidate once in anything but decline (10)","Answer":"ADOLESCENT","Explanation":"Bob DOLE (presidential candidtate 1996) in ASCENT (anything but decline) \u2013 strictly speaking ascent is not 'anything but decline', but I don't really care."} {"Clue":"Round piece of meat with its ends trimmed (4)","Answer":"AMMO","Explanation":"gAMMOn (piece of meat) missing the ends \u2013 a round of amunition"} {"Clue":"Tommy musical making a comeback \u2014 that's helpful (2-9)","Answer":"CO-OPERATIVE","Explanation":"Tommy COOPER and EVITA (musical) reversed (making a comeback)"} {"Clue":"Israeli leader needing Russian vehicle for programme of reforms (11)","Answer":"PERESTROIKA","Explanation":"Shimon PERES (Israeli leader) with (needing) TROIKA (Russian three horse carriage)"} {"Clue":"Total class (4)","Answer":"RANK","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"People on the left with kipper for fish (3,7)","Answer":"RED SNAPPER","Explanation":"REDS (people on the left) with NAPPER (one who kips, sleeps)"} {"Clue":"Freeze put on very ordinary commentary (5-4)","Answer":"VOICE OVER","Explanation":"ICE OVER (freeze) following (put on) V (very) O (ordinary)"} {"Clue":"Drink given to right-wingers on the ball (5)","Answer":"ALERT","Explanation":"ALE (drink) with RighT (wingers, outside letters of)"} {"Clue":"Labour leader, joining Tories after a reshuffle, acts suspiciously (7)","Answer":"LOITERS","Explanation":"L (leading letter of labour) with TORIES* anagram=reshuffle"} {"Clue":"Inspiring love, witch mounted soldier (7)","Answer":"DRAGOON","Explanation":"DRAGON (witch) containing (inspiring, breathing in) O (love)"} {"Clue":"Foreign port, city south of Germany (6)","Answer":"DURBAN","Explanation":"URBAN (city, adj) following (south of, below) D (Germany)"} {"Clue":"Boy sponsored thug to catch policeman (6)","Answer":"GODSON","Explanation":"GOON (~~sponsored~~ thug) containing (to catch) DS (detective sergeant, policeman) \u2013 definition is 'sponsored boy' (S*ee Eileen @6)"} {"Clue":"Bag in gents, for example, that's round in a testicle, possibly? (6,4)","Answer":"TOILET CASE","Explanation":"O (round) in (A TESTICLE)* anagram=possibly"} {"Clue":"Initial of Iris in name that's come up for flower (5)","Answer":"LILAC","Explanation":"I (initial of Iris) in CALL (name) reversed (come up)"} {"Clue":"Quiet houses good, it's contrarily plain (9)","Answer":"SERENGETI","Explanation":"SERENE (quiet) contains (houses) G (good) with IT reversed (is contrarily, back to front)"} {"Clue":"A boat to boot! (4)","Answer":"PUNT","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"The aim, almost all letters noxious \u2014 with this? (4,4)","Answer":"HATE MAIL","Explanation":"anagram (letters noxious) of THE AIM and AL (almost all, not finished)"} {"Clue":"Brave, brave man passing through outskirts of Cannock with ease, they say? (8)","Answer":"CHEROKEE","Explanation":"HERO (brave man) in (passing through) CannocK (outskirts of) with EE (Es, sounds like ease)"} {"Clue":"Stoker penning three articles on a group of girls (10)","Answer":"BANANARAMA","Explanation":"BRAM Stoker contains (pens) AN AN A (three indefinite articles) on A \u2013 a 1980s girl band"} {"Clue":"On reflection, the Guardian sure loves to appear inept (9)","Answer":"OURSELVES","Explanation":"(SURE LOVES)* anagram=to appear inept \u2013 The Guardian referring to themselves (on reflection)"} {"Clue":"Month eating first of poached eggs like this, OK (8)","Answer":"APPROVAL","Explanation":"APR (month) containing (eating) P (first of poached) OVAL (eggs are like this)"} {"Clue":"Questionably, RC naif to install existing pope (7,1)","Answer":"FRANCIS I","Explanation":"(RC NAIF)* anagram=questionably contains IS (existing) \u2013 the current pope is Francis I"} {"Clue":"Meter fitted to car went in thus (6)","Answer":"SPEEDO","Explanation":"PEED (went, to the toilet) in SO (thus) \u2013 this one is my pick of the bunch"} {"Clue":"Greek restraint regularly seen, when overcome by credit (6)","Answer":"CRETAN","Explanation":"rEsTrAiNt (regular letters of) ~~in~~ under (overcome by) CR (credit)"} {"Clue":"Read about a game one's played (5)","Answer":"STRAD","Explanation":"DARTS (a game) reversed (read about, read backwards) \u2013 a violin"} {"Clue":"Place for the Guardian Crossword in further education (4)","Answer":"HERE","Explanation":"found in furtHER Education \u2013 the crossword is here (in the newspaper)"} {"Clue":"Joint chiefs of staff put life into freedom fighters (6)","Answer":"SPLIFF","Explanation":"first letters (chiefs) of Staff Put Life Into Freedon Fighters \u2013 definition is 'joint'"} {"Clue":"Died in place of wife in distant unit (7)","Answer":"FARADAY","Explanation":"FARAwAY (distant) with D (died) replacing W (wife) \u2013 a unit of capacitance"} {"Clue":"One deviant heard to clean down rubber (8)","Answer":"NEOPRENE","Explanation":"ONE* anagram=deviant and PRENE sounds like \"preen\" (to clean down, feathers) \u2013 artificial rubber"} {"Clue":"Certainly grumpy with European invasion? (6)","Answer":"SURELY","Explanation":"SURLY (grumpy) with E (European) inside (invading)"} {"Clue":"Woman runs into usual suspect (6)","Answer":"URSULA","Explanation":"R (runs) in USUAL* anagram=suspect"} {"Clue":"Without question, not shaken by injurious influence (2,5)","Answer":"ON TRUST","Explanation":"NOT* anagram=shaken by RUST (injurous influence)"} {"Clue":"Fail to pick up single female in a month (7)","Answer":"MISHEAR","Explanation":"I (single) SHE (a female) in MAR (March, a month)"} {"Clue":"Plays mother, up-front for something hot? (6)","Answer":"MADRAS","Explanation":"DRAMAS (plays) with MA (mother) moving to the front \u2013 a spicy curry"} {"Clue":"Entire part of play on one set of books (6)","Answer":"INTACT","Explanation":"ACT (part of play) following (on) I (one) NT (set of books, of the Bible)"} {"Clue":"Fellow artist ignoring duke, a muck spreader (7)","Answer":"MANURER","Explanation":"MAN (fellow) dURER (artist) ignoring D (duke)"} {"Clue":"Make fun of essentially unworthy weed (7)","Answer":"RIBWORT","Explanation":"~~RAG~~ RIB (make fun of) unWORThy (middle, essence of) \u2013 ~~Jacobaea vulgaris~~\u00a0ribwort plantain, a weed."} {"Clue":"One may do a runner very, very heartlessly (6)","Answer":"SKIVVY","Explanation":"SKI (a runner) V (very) VerY (heartless, no middle) \u2013 definition is 'one may do'"} {"Clue":"Falsely imprisoned con went above warden, in seconds changing cell (6)","Answer":"AMOEBA","Explanation":"solution found in the second letters of (in seconds) fAlsely iMprisoned cOn wEnt aBove wArden \u2013 definition is 'changing cell'. Amobea is a genus of microorganisms that do not have a definite shape, its name derived from the Greek amoibe meaning 'to change'"} {"Clue":"More than one boxer scurries about (8)","Answer":"CRUISERS","Explanation":"SCURRIES* about=anagram \u2013 cruiser weight is a weight class in boxing"} {"Clue":"Gave up, swapped sides, attacked (4,3)","Answer":"WENT FOR","Explanation":"FORWENT (gave up) swapping sides (words reversed) \u2013 definition is 'attacked'"} {"Clue":"One turns back in streams when current is beginning to eddy (6)","Answer":"REVERS","Explanation":"RiVERS (streams) with I (current) is replaced by E (beginning of eddy) \u2013 part of a garment turned back to show the lining"} {"Clue":"One at the helm, a potential cowboy? (9)","Answer":"STEERSMAN","Explanation":"definition and cryptic definition \u2013 steers are cows"} {"Clue":"Scoops about quite short material covering thighs? (7)","Answer":"LAPFULS","Explanation":"LAPS (scoops) containing (about) FULl (quite, completely) short=not finished \u2013 definition is 'material covering thighs?', what you have in your lap"} {"Clue":"Following split, severe cut is introduced, one that's unconstrained (4,5)","Answer":"FREE AGENT","Explanation":"F (following) RENT (split) contains (introduced to) F RE EAGE NT"} {"Clue":"Fool teacher's head about introduction of eleven plus (5)","Answer":"ASSET","Explanation":"ASS (fool) T (first letter, head, of teacher) containing (about) E (first letter of eleven) definition is 'plus'"} {"Clue":"Stranded party lacks power, also having to go about (7)","Answer":"AGROUND","Explanation":"GROUp (party) missing P=power in (haing to go about) AND (also)"} {"Clue":"British dropped out of vote for deal (5)","Answer":"ALLOT","Explanation":"bALLOT (vote) missing B (British)"} {"Clue":"Far too much ham (13)","Answer":"MELODRAMATICS","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 a ham is a bad actor"} {"Clue":"Oddly camp aunties knitted something for young Jacob? (4,5)","Answer":"MINT SAUCE","Explanation":"anagram (knitted) of CaMp (odd letters) and AUNTIES \u2013 something for lamb, a Jacob is a breed of sheep"} {"Clue":"Animals run in a drive, loaded into old vessels (9)","Answer":"AARDVARKS","Explanation":"Definition is 'animals'. I can't fully explain the rest. My best guess is R (run) in A DV (drive) all inside ARKS (old vessels). This does not account for one A."} {"Clue":"Hollande's well on time to succeed in the morning air (7)","Answer":"AMBIENT","Explanation":"~~AUGMNENT Just a guess, I can't explain~~\u00a0BIEN (well, French) on T (time) to follow (succeed) AM (in the morning) \u2013 definition is 'air' (as a noun)"} {"Clue":"Put out old material concerning kids (7)","Answer":"REISSUE","Explanation":"RE (concerning) ISSUE (kids)"} {"Clue":"Room with sheath of electrical cable insulating core of glass fibre (5)","Answer":"RAMEE","Explanation":"RM (room) with Electrical cablE (sheath, outer letters of) containing (insulating) glAss (core of glass) \u2013 a fibre from the nettle plant"} {"Clue":"Where kiwis are found using label held by rings (5)","Answer":"OTAGO","Explanation":"TAG (label) in (held by) OO (two rings) \u2013 a region of New Zealand"} {"Clue":"Mother admitting son is controlling (6)","Answer":"MASTER","Explanation":"S (son) in MATER (mother)"} {"Clue":"That may be seen as almost suitable by mother (8)","Answer":"APPARENT","Explanation":"APt (suitable, almost) by PARENT (mother) \u2013 definition is 'that may be seen'"} {"Clue":"Fellow stashing wine on board \u2013 it's of great concern (9)","Answer":"IMPORTANT","Explanation":"MAN (fellow) containing (stashing) PORT (wine) all in (on board) IT"} {"Clue":"Humble when introduced to Lincoln (5)","Answer":"ABASE","Explanation":"AS (when) in (introduced to) ABE (Abraham Lincoln)"} {"Clue":"Lie in shadow say (4)","Answer":"TALE","Explanation":"sounds like \"tail\" (shadow) \u2013 definition is 'lie'"} {"Clue":"Keep steadfast and carry on (10)","Answer":"STRONGHOLD","Explanation":"STRONG (steadfast) and HOLD (carry on) \u2013 definition is 'keep'"} {"Clue":"Language barrier eventually overcome by one Scotsman then another (7)","Answer":"IRANIAN","Explanation":"barrieR (last, eventual letter of) in (overcome by) IAN (Scotsman) than IAN (another)"} {"Clue":"Count powerless to act against the Queen (6)","Answer":"NUMBER","Explanation":"NUMB (powerless to act) by (against) ER (the Queen) \u2013 definition is 'count'"} {"Clue":"Witness acts oddly before trial (6)","Answer":"ATTEST","Explanation":"AcTS (odd letters of) before TEST (trial)"} {"Clue":"It occupies stylish poet (7)","Answer":"SITWELL","Explanation":"IT in (occupies) SWELL (stylish) \u2013 one of the Sitwell siblings, Edith Osbert or Sacheverell"} {"Clue":"Andre ultimately overwhelmed by poor Spurs failing to become successful (10)","Answer":"PROSPEROUS","Explanation":"andrE (last letter of) in (ovewhelmed by) (POOR SPURS)* anagram=failing"} {"Clue":"Quarrel with old man in street (4)","Answer":"SPAT","Explanation":"PA (old man) in ST (street)"} {"Clue":"Row with Naomi initially carried by Vogue (5)","Answer":"RANGE","Explanation":"N (first of Naomi) in (carried by) RAGE (vogue)"} {"Clue":"Adjusted undies to hide the German's bottom (9)","Answer":"UNDERSIDE","Explanation":"DER (the, German) in UNDIES* anagram=adjusted"} {"Clue":"Live right by river running through the centre of Japanese city (8)","Answer":"ABERDEEN","Explanation":"BE (live) R (right) by DEE (river in (running through) japANese (centre of) \u2013 definition is 'city'"} {"Clue":"Learn about girl finding a weapon (6)","Answer":"CANNON","Explanation":"CON (learn) containing (about) ANN (girl)"} {"Clue":"Continue when principal trace of contamination's finally removed (8)","Answer":"MAINTAIN","Explanation":"MAIN (principal) TAINt (trace of contamination) final letter removed"} {"Clue":"Asking earnestly to take over from boxing instructor at the outset (9)","Answer":"SUPPLIANT","Explanation":"SUPPLANT (take over from) containing (boxing) I (first letter of instructor)"} {"Clue":"Deserve to be informed after commencement (4)","Answer":"EARN","Explanation":"LEARN (to be informed) not 1st letter (after comencement)"} {"Clue":"Record defeat (3,4)","Answer":"PUT DOWN","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Combine to form new team after Alma's replaced by Georgia (10)","Answer":"AMALGAMATE","Explanation":"TEAM* anagram='to form new' following (after) ALMA* anagram=replaced then (by) G (Georgia) \u2013 definition is 'combine'"} {"Clue":"Muse for a time after hesitation over love (5)","Answer":"ERATO","Explanation":"A T (time) follows (after) ER (hesitation) on (over) O (love)"} {"Clue":"Attempt to cover tip with it (6)","Answer":"TRENDY","Explanation":"TRY (attempt) contains (to cover) END (tip) \u2013 definition is 'with it'"} {"Clue":"Is unable to get tolerable port in China (6)","Answer":"CANTON","Explanation":"CAN'T (is unable) with (to get) ON (tolerable, cf 'not on')"} {"Clue":"Lax padres sadly found in many places (10)","Answer":"WIDESPREAD","Explanation":"WIDE (lax) PADRES* anagram=sadly"} {"Clue":"Immunity for English politician after former partner gets into trouble (9)","Answer":"EXEMPTION","Explanation":"E (English) MP (politician) following (after) EX (former partner) INTO* anagram=trouble"} {"Clue":"Drab grey colour worn by Thessaly's earliest sailors (8)","Answer":"SLATTERN","Explanation":"SLATE (grey colour) contains (worn by) T (first letter, earliest of Thessaly) and RN (sailors) \u2013 definition is 'drab', a slovenly woman or prostitute"} {"Clue":"Anguish of French priest caught out after a wrongful act (7)","Answer":"TORTURE","Explanation":"cURE (French priest) missing C=caught following (after) TORT (wrongful act)"} {"Clue":"Contemplate drinking last of Oyster Stout (6)","Answer":"STURDY","Explanation":"STUDY (contemplate) containing (drinking) R (last letter of oyster)"} {"Clue":"Volunteers holding up box found in Ancient Greek location (6)","Answer":"SPARTA","Explanation":"TA (Territirial Army, volunteers) following (supporting) SPAR (box)"} {"Clue":"Cat edges away from ball (5)","Answer":"OUNCE","Explanation":"bOUNCEr (ball) missing end letters (edges) \u2013 the snow leopard"} {"Clue":"Part of answer found after time's up (4)","Answer":"AREA","Explanation":"A (answer) following ERA (time) reversed (up) \u2013 definition is 'part of'"} {"Clue":"Boy nurses poorly bat (6)","Answer":"WILLOW","Explanation":"WOW (boy, exclamation) contains (nurses) ILL (poorly) \u2013 a cricket bat"} {"Clue":"Wrong lock used to secure health centre (8)","Answer":"TRESPASS","Explanation":"TRESS (lock, of hair) contains (used to secure) SPA (health centre)"} {"Clue":"Newspaper gossip read over salad (6)","Answer":"RAGBAG","Explanation":"RAG (newspaper) GAB (gossip) reversed (over) \u2013 a salad is a diverse and confused mixture"} {"Clue":"One's blown millions pursuing stardom, regularly revealing part of body (8)","Answer":"TROMBONE","Explanation":"M (millions) following (persuing) sTaRdOm (regularly revealing, alternate letters of) BONE (part of body) \u2013 a trombone is something blown."} {"Clue":"When retiring, not one left fruit wine (8)","Answer":"SEMILLON","Explanation":"NO (not one) L (left) LIMES (fruit) all reversed (when retiring) \u2013 a type of grape and wine. I'm not convinced that 'no' is the same as 'not one'."} {"Clue":"School member who gets bullied? (6)","Answer":"SHRIMP","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 a school of fish"} {"Clue":"What farmer hears coming from radio in kitchen? (4)","Answer":"OINK","Explanation":"found in radiO IN Kitchen \u2013 noise of a pig"} {"Clue":"Cricket side that's played in headwear (7)","Answer":"LEGHORN","Explanation":"LEG (cricket side) HORN (something played) \u2013 a straw hat"} {"Clue":"Head off excited into Norwich's outskirts after seeing museum's artist (3,4)","Answer":"VAN GOGH","Explanation":"aGOG (excited, missing head) in NorwicH (outskirts of) following V and A (Victoria and Albert Museum)"} {"Clue":"Scoff endlessly before parking vehicle (4)","Answer":"JEEP","Explanation":"JEEr (scoff, endless) before P (parking)"} {"Clue":"Football team originally called back, as foreign brass introduced (6)","Answer":"ELEVEN","Explanation":"NEE (originally called) reversed (back) including (as introduced) LEV (money, brass, of Bulgaria)"} {"Clue":"River's island seen on the turn into motorway (8)","Answer":"MISSOURI","Explanation":"IS (island) with SOUR (on the turn) in MI (M1 motorway) \u2013 definition is 'river'. I can't see how 'seen' fits in."} {"Clue":"Dramatist's giant novel available at back of shop (8)","Answer":"RATTIGAN","Explanation":"GIANT* anagram=novel following (available at back of) RAT (shop) \u2013 Terrence Rattigan"} {"Clue":"Used to model clothes against an academic (6)","Answer":"SAVANT","Explanation":"SAT (used to model) contains (clothes) V (against) AN \u2013 definition is 'academic'"} {"Clue":"Phoebe, say, crossing over street,inhales French cigarettes untipped? (8)","Answer":"TITANESS","Explanation":"ST (street) reversed (crossing over, swapped) contains (inhales) gITANES (French cigarettes) missing first letter (untipped). Phoebe was one of the Titans in Greek Mythology."} {"Clue":"One sharply scores three after moving around clubs (6)","Answer":"ETCHER","Explanation":"THREE* anagarm=moving contains (around) C=clubs"} {"Clue":"Photographer latterly inside pans dance studio (8)","Answer":"WORKSHOP","Explanation":"photographeR (last letter of) inside WOKS (pans) then HOP (dance) \u2013 definition is 'studio'"} {"Clue":"Joiner's brave wearing bandage (8)","Answer":"LIGAMENT","Explanation":"GAME (brave) in (wearing) LINT (bandage) \u2013 ligament joins bones"} {"Clue":"Adviser's contributing line to ancient poet failing to start (6)","Answer":"ORACLE","Explanation":"L (line) in (contributing to) hORACE (anciant poet) missing first letter"} {"Clue":"Underdone cheese dish not chewed (4)","Answer":"RARE","Explanation":"RAREbit (cheese dish) missing bit (chewed). Is chew really the same as bite?"} {"Clue":"Maritime plant providing booster in county (8)","Answer":"SAMPHIRE","Explanation":"AMP (amplifier, booster) in SHIRE (county) \u2013 a coastal plant"} {"Clue":"Beauty queen avoids kebab when among high-class society (6)","Answer":"ADONIS","Explanation":"DONer (kebab) missing ER=queen in (when among) AI (high class) S (society) \u2013 definition is 'beauty'"} {"Clue":"Dwarf plant getting shelter inside (6)","Answer":"SLEEPY","Explanation":"SPY (plant) containing LEE (shelter) \u2013 one of the Seven Dwarfs"} {"Clue":"Religious school fills in register with electronic tablet (7)","Answer":"LOZENGE","Explanation":"ZEN (religious school) inside (fills in) LOG (register) with E (electronic) \u2013 definition is 'tablet'"} {"Clue":"Not middling grubber delivered into cricket wicket causes irritation? (7)","Answer":"CHAGRIN","Explanation":"GrubbeR (middle missing) in (delivered into) CHAIN (length of a cricket wicket)"} {"Clue":"Crowd gathering in east mostly like a certain US writer (8)","Answer":"JAMESIAN","Explanation":"JAM (crowd) then anagram (gathering) of IN EASt (mostly) \u2013 in the manner of Henry James"} {"Clue":"Will from church avoids payment, as vessel goes round (8)","Answer":"BEQUEATH","Explanation":"chEQUE (payment) missing CH=church in (as \u2026 goes round) BATH (vessel) \u2013 definition is 'will'"} {"Clue":"Athlete they copy, moving second to first (8)","Answer":"SPRINTER","Explanation":"PRINTERS (they copy) moving S (second) to the front (first)"} {"Clue":"Clergyman joins walkers in search (6)","Answer":"FERRET","Explanation":"RR (clergyman) inside (joins) FEET (walkers) \u2013 definition is 'search'"} {"Clue":"Musicians start to study scale (not new) (6)","Answer":"SEXTET","Explanation":"S (first letter of study) EXTEnT (scale) missing N=new"} {"Clue":"Leaning six-footer circumvents lowest of ceilings, note (6)","Answer":"ASLANT","Explanation":"ANT (six-footer) contains (circumvents) ceilingS (lowest, last letter of) LA (note, music)"} {"Clue":"Approve assistant bodyguard (4)","Answer":"PASS","Explanation":"PA (assistant) SS (Nazi bodygiuard) \u2013 definition is 'approve'"} {"Clue":"Carey burnt inaccurate stories about a pilgrimage (10,5)","Answer":"CANTERBURY TALES","Explanation":"(CARY BURNT)* anagram=innacurate TALES (stories) \u2013 definition is 'a pilgrimage'? I'm not convinced about the definition, seems to have something missing to me. *Definition is 'about a pilgrimage' as the 'The Canterbury Tales ***is*** about a pilgrimage'"} {"Clue":"Universal credit was halved before housing academic (7)","Answer":"ERUDITE","Explanation":"U (universal) creDIT (halved) in (housed by) ERE (before) \u2013 definition is 'academic', learned"} {"Clue":"A company one might knock back for food (7)","Answer":"TAPIOCA","Explanation":"A CO (company) I PAT (~~Postman Pat might play postman's knock~~ knock gently) all reversed (back) \u2013 definition is 'food'. ~~I'm not sure of this explanation, it seems quite obscure compared to the rest of the puzzle. Alternatively TAP could be 'knock', but this should not be reversed.~~"} {"Clue":"Valley where nothing is contributed to hunt (5)","Answer":"COOMB","Explanation":"O (nothing) in (contributing to) COMB (hunt) \u2013 a valley in the West Country"} {"Clue":"Deserters who forecasted losing a retrial (9)","Answer":"DEFECTORS","Explanation":"FORCaSTED* anagram=retrial (re-tried) missing A"} {"Clue":"Hated administrator gains most of farmland (9)","Answer":"EXECRABLE","Explanation":"EXEC (administrator) with (gains) aRABLE (farmland, most of the letters)"} {"Clue":"Stayed home to get material (5)","Answer":"SATIN","Explanation":"SAT IN (stayed at home)"} {"Clue":"Mutable echinoderm afflicted by parasite (5)","Answer":"LEECH","Explanation":"found in mtabLE ECHinoderm \u2013 'mutable echinoderm' has caught (is afflicted by) a parasite (LEECH)"} {"Clue":"Mysteries coming back to haunt opponents of old money (9)","Answer":"SESTERCES","Explanation":"SECRETS reversed (coming back) contains (haunts, is often around) S and E (opponents in bridge) \u2013 old Roman coins"} {"Clue":"Doctors provided breast enhancements to cover it! (9)","Answer":"FALSIFIES","Explanation":"IF (provided) inside (is covered by) FALSIES (breast enhancements) \u2013 definition is 'doctors'"} {"Clue":"Singers about to go round the house (5)","Answer":"CHOIR","Explanation":"CIR (circa, about) to go round HO (house)"} {"Clue":"Mother's announced a Louisiana sweet wine (7)","Answer":"MARSALA","Explanation":"MARS sounds like (admitted) ma's (mother's) A LA (Louisiana)"} {"Clue":"Platform in the circus tent? (7)","Answer":"MAINTOP","Explanation":"I'm guessing that a 'big top' (circus tent) is a 'main top' \u2013 the definition is 'platform', at the top of the main mast on a sailing vessel. If I have this explanation correct then I don't like it!"} {"Clue":"Are those for whom it is intended possibly considered least? (8,7)","Answer":"ELECTION ADDRESS","Explanation":"(CONSIDERED LEAST)* anagram=possibly \u2013 I don't understand the definition, I would have thought the voters were very high in politicians' conciousness, during the election at least."} {"Clue":"Actress, a foreign woman, and Hazel caught inside playing \"Chase the Lady\" (8,2,5)","Answer":"CHERCHEZ LA FEMME","Explanation":"CHER (actress) FEMME (a foreigh woman) containing (and \u2026 inside) an anagram (playing) of HAZEL and C (caught)"} {"Clue":"Not one European found in the cell (7)","Answer":"NEURONE","Explanation":"NONE (not one) with EUR (European) found inside \u2013 a nerve cell"} {"Clue":"City reporter batting for town (9)","Answer":"EDINBURGH","Explanation":"ED (editor, reporter) IN (batting, or batting for?) BURGH (town) \u2013 definition is 'city'"} {"Clue":"Blumenthal began to study food (5)","Answer":"BREAD","Explanation":"B (beginning of Blumenthal) READ (to study)"} {"Clue":"Those who sanction arrest, maybe, if I am included (9)","Answer":"RATIFIERS","Explanation":"ARREST* anagram=maybe containing (am included) IF I"} {"Clue":"Question of work in a short time (5)","Answer":"TOPIC","Explanation":"OP (opus, work) in TICk (short time)"} {"Clue":"Spooner is surprised by oaf on guard (7)","Answer":"LOOKOUT","Explanation":"Spoonerism of 'something lout', but I can't figure out what \u2013 definition is 'guard'. *I suppose if you pronounce lookout as LUKE OUT then the Spoonerism would be 'coo, lout', but to me lookout is pronounced LUCK OUT.\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Flag up traders' past sins (5,3,7)","Answer":"STARS AND STRIPES","Explanation":"(TRADER'S PAST SINS)* anagram=up"} {"Clue":"Fortress partially in trouble; gets a beating (9)","Answer":"BASTINADO","Explanation":"BASTion (fortress, partly) IN ADO (trouble) \u2013 punsishment by beating the soles of the feet"} {"Clue":"One might come into new family surroundings (9)","Answer":"STEPCHILD","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 I can't quite see the difference between the cryptic and literal readings here."} {"Clue":"Design general increase (7)","Answer":"ENLARGE","Explanation":"GENERAL* anagram=enlarge"} {"Clue":"23 without one let out a laugh! (7)","Answer":"CHORTLE","Explanation":"CHOiR (23 missing I=one) LET* anagram=out"} {"Clue":"Lumpy paint is not fit for purpose (5)","Answer":"INAPT","Explanation":"PAINT* anagram=lumpy"} {"Clue":"Salvation Army leads graduate on a merry dance! (5)","Answer":"SAMBA","Explanation":"SA (Salvation Army) in front of (leads) MB (graduate) on A \u2013 definition is 'merry dance', a Brazilian carnival dance"} {"Clue":"Fat animals going round edges of rotting floors (12)","Answer":"FLABBERGASTS","Explanation":"FLAB (fat) BEASTS (animals) containing (going round) RottinG (edges of) \u2013 definition is 'floors'"} {"Clue":"Second fiddle is no easy thing (7)","Answer":"STINKER","Explanation":"S (second) TINKER (fiddle) \u2013 a difficult problem"} {"Clue":"Old island retreats, overwhelmed by European charm (7)","Answer":"ENAMOUR","Explanation":"O (old) MAN (island) all reversed in (overwhelmed by) EUR (european)"} {"Clue":"Shining silver-blue (5)","Answer":"AGLOW","Explanation":"AG (silver, chem symbol) LOW (blue)"} {"Clue":"Setter's shattered umpire's absolute sovereignty (8)","Answer":"IMPERIUM","Explanation":"I'M (setter's) UMPIRE* shattered=anagram \u2013 definition is 'absolute sovereignty'"} {"Clue":"Lacking publicity, of little value for papers (3,7)","Answer":"LOW PROFILE","Explanation":"LOW (of litttle value) PRO (for) FILE (papers)"} {"Clue":"Worry about where editor puts this puzzle? (4)","Answer":"FRET","Explanation":"RE (regarding, about) in the FT (where editor puts this puzzle)"} {"Clue":"Bolt posed, hugging Olympic finalist (4)","Answer":"SCAT","Explanation":"SAT (posed) containing olympiC (final letter of) \u2013 to scat is to bolt, dart away"} {"Clue":"Some sailors dance aboard ship, they're not all there (10)","Answer":"SCREWBALLS","Explanation":"CREW (some sailors) BALL (dance) inside SS (aboard a steam ship)"} {"Clue":"Go-between made trio resolved (8)","Answer":"MEDIATOR","Explanation":"(MADE TRIO)* anagram=resolved"} {"Clue":"Not all felicitations acceptable (5)","Answer":"LICIT","Explanation":"found inside (not all of) feLICITations"} {"Clue":"Blissful state, entering vehicle in driving rain (7)","Answer":"NIRVANA","Explanation":"VAN (vehicle) inside (entered into) RAIN* driving=anagram. I can't think of a clear example where driving indicates 'rearranged'. It feels right but I can't justify this with an actual example."} {"Clue":"Having lost leader, art union arranged meet unexpectedly (3,4)","Answer":"RUN INTO","Explanation":"anagram (arranged) of aRT (losing leading letter) and UNION"} {"Clue":"Fool coming over almost ill after award for science (12)","Answer":"ASTROPHYSICS","Explanation":"ASS (fool) containing (coming over) SICk (ill, almost) following TROPHY (award)"} {"Clue":"Hid away directive repressing former international uprising (4,3)","Answer":"LAID LOW","Explanation":"LAW (directive) containing (repressing) OLD (formaer) I (international) reversed (uprising) \u2013 definition is 'hid away'"} {"Clue":"Cooking equipment a king's brought into cave (8)","Answer":"BAKEWARE","Explanation":"A K (king) in BEWARE (cave)"} {"Clue":"Drunk going topless is strangely frightening (4)","Answer":"EERY","Explanation":"lEERY (drunk) topless. *Sil suggests bEERY which is better I think."} {"Clue":"Dull hairstyle for swimmer (4,6)","Answer":"GREY MULLET","Explanation":"GREY (dull) MULLET (hairstyle, slang)"} {"Clue":"Girl, around morning-time, to show up (5)","Answer":"SHAME","Explanation":"SHE (a girl) contains (around) AM (morning time)"} {"Clue":"Flasher, one getting wet? (7)","Answer":"SHOWIER","Explanation":"I in SHOWER (one getting wet, in the rain)"} {"Clue":"Extravagant man's belt is the business (13)","Answer":"ESTABLISHMENT","Explanation":"(MAN'S BELT IS THE)* anagram=extravagant"} {"Clue":"A way to lift one after dull day, I love new version of story (13)","Answer":"DRAMATISATION","Explanation":"A RD (road, way) reversed (to lift) I (one) after MAT (dull) then SAT (day) I O (love) N (new) \u2013 definition is 'version of story'. Phew!"} {"Clue":"A heartless falsehood, difficulty for ardent follower (10)","Answer":"AFICIONADO","Explanation":"A FICtION (falsehood, heartless) with ADO (difficulty)"} {"Clue":"A fish with tail removed, sole's filling seafood (8)","Answer":"ABALONES","Explanation":"A BASs (fish, missing tail) contains (is filled by) ~~SOLE~~ LONE \u2013 abalone is a type of shellfish"} {"Clue":"Country a nationalist party runs with soldiers (7)","Answer":"ANDORRA","Explanation":"A N (nationalist) DO (party) R (runs) with RA (Royal Artillery, soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Extremely elusive black icon dancing with little expression (7)","Answer":"LACONIC","Explanation":"bLACk (missing extremes) ICON* dancing=anagram"} {"Clue":"Look out for quintet central to Brit award broadcast (5)","Answer":"AWAIT","Explanation":"anagram (broadcast) of the five central letters of brITA WArd \u2013 definition is 'look out for'. A difficult clue."} {"Clue":"Chief scrapping first half of investigation (4)","Answer":"ARCH","Explanation":"reseARCH (investigation) missing the first half"} {"Clue":"Swerve to avoid this 9 25 window? (8)","Answer":"PORTHOLE","Explanation":"POTHOLE (swerve to avoid this) about (9) R (right, 25)"} {"Clue":"Rounds around (5)","Answer":"ABOUT","Explanation":"A BOUT (rounds, boxing) \u2013 definition is 'around'"} {"Clue":"Blanditia in amore might be Latin for it (10)","Answer":"FLIRTATION","Explanation":"(LATIN FOR IT)* anagram=might be \u2013 from what I can figure 'blanditia in amore' seems to mean something along the lines of 'to coax into love'. Perhaps someone with a knowledge of Latin can explain?"} {"Clue":"In the Middle East, a bleeding Arab here (6)","Answer":"STABLE","Explanation":"found in the middle of eaST A BLEeding \u2013 an Arab is a breed of horse"} {"Clue":"Lines in seafood 9 25 (8)","Answer":"WRINKLES","Explanation":"WINKLES (seafood) about (9) R (right, 25)"} {"Clue":"Animal's 9 25 or bust (7)","Answer":"BREASTS","Explanation":"BEASTS about (9) R (right, 25)"} {"Clue":"East German wealthy person not facing reality (7)","Answer":"OSTRICH","Explanation":"OST (East, German) RICH (wealthy) \u2013 definition is 'person not facing reality'"} {"Clue":"Romance 9 25 leads to chafing (8)","Answer":"FRICTION","Explanation":"FICTION about (9) R (right, 25)"} {"Clue":"Want the end 9 25 (6)","Answer":"DEARTH","Explanation":"DEATH (the end) about (9) R (right, 25) \u2013 definition is 'want'"} {"Clue":"From artists, I get art sent back \u2014 I plan ahead (10)","Answer":"STRATEGIST","Explanation":"found inside (from) artisTS I GET ART Sent reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Twice stole 9 25 to get resort (4,4)","Answer":"BORA BORA","Explanation":"BOA (stole, neckwear) about (9) R (right, 25) repeated (twice) \u2013 island and tourist resort in the Pacific"} {"Clue":"Rabbi bordering on homosexual \u2014 what's wrong in that, now? (5,4)","Answer":"RIGHT AWAY","Explanation":"RabbI (borders, first and last letters of) on GAY (homosexual) with WHAT* anagram=wrong inside (in that) \u2013 definition is 'now'"} {"Clue":"Shrink from touch 9 25 (8)","Answer":"CONTRACT","Explanation":"CONTACT (touch) about (9) R (right, 25)"} {"Clue":"Trouble on tap? (3,5)","Answer":"HOT WATER","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Keep still or wander 25 10 (4)","Answer":"STAY","Explanation":"STrAY (wander) with right taken away (25 10) \u2013 definition is 'keep still'"} {"Clue":"Feet of jelly can be sticky (6)","Answer":"TOFFEE","Explanation":"(FEET OF)* anagram=jelly"} {"Clue":"Critiques on the subject of desperate wives (7)","Answer":"REVIEWS","Explanation":"RE (on the subject of) WIVES* anagram=desperate"} {"Clue":"Stores for knickers 9 25 (8)","Answer":"PANTRIES","Explanation":"PANTIES (knickers) about (9) R (right, 25)"} {"Clue":"Knock out 25 in another dodgy state (5,5)","Answer":"NORTH KOREA","Explanation":"anagram (dodgy) of KO (knock out) R (right, 25) and ANOTHER\u00a0\u2013 definition is 'state'"} {"Clue":"Tried range 9 25 (6)","Answer":"STROVE","Explanation":"STOVE (range) about (9) R (right, 25)"} {"Clue":"Raymond prend le dessert (10)","Answer":"BLANCMANGE","Explanation":"BLANC (Raymond, chef) MANGE (eats, prend=takes) \u2013 definition is 'le dessert'. This clue is written and solved in French. Nice one Philistine, but better not do it too often or people will get upset \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Free camping with forks? (8)","Answer":"TRIDENTS","Explanation":"RID in TENTS (free has gone camping) \u2013 definition is 'forks'. A well used trick but I still like it."} {"Clue":"Downpour makes it hard to see (8)","Answer":"CATARACT","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"China to build historic city (7)","Answer":"ANTIOCH","Explanation":"(CHINA TO)* anagram=build \u2013 ancient city now ruined, located in present day Turkey"} {"Clue":"Delay 25, firework softly dropped (6)","Answer":"RETARD","Explanation":"R (right) pETARD (a bomb, firework) missing P (piano, softly)"} {"Clue":"An item rushing 25 10 (6)","Answer":"DATING","Explanation":"DArTING (rushing) with R (right, 25) missing (away, 10) \u2013 definition is 'an item'"} {"Clue":"French writer presenting emperor's empire in novel form (7,7)","Answer":"PROSPER MERIMEE","Explanation":"(EMPEROR'S EMPIRE)* anagram=in novel form \u2013 French writer who's short story Carmen became the basis for Bizet's opera"} {"Clue":"Invest with last dollar finally spent (5)","Answer":"ENDUE","Explanation":"ENDUrE (last) with R (last or final letter of dollar) missing (spent) \u2013 definition is 'invest'. ~~I think either 'last' or 'final' should not be in this clue.~~ *Doh, please ignore that last bit."} {"Clue":"Forcefulness shown by macho types overwhelming centre of European city (9)","Answer":"VEHEMENCE","Explanation":"HE-MEN (macho types) replacing (overwhelming) the NI (centre of) in VEniCE (European city)"} {"Clue":"Historian can be understood by you and me (7)","Answer":"TACITUS","Explanation":"TACIT (understood) by US (you and me) \u2013 Publius Cornelius Tacitus, Roman historian"} {"Clue":"Harrow's wrong to take on older boys (7)","Answer":"TORMENT","Explanation":"TORT (wrong) contains (takes on) MEN (older boys) \u2013 definition is 'harrow'"} {"Clue":"From bustling airport take off at \u2013 at an earlier time (5)","Answer":"PRIOR","Explanation":"aIRPORt* anagram=bustling with AT removed"} {"Clue":"Dog expert vows initially to stop terrier barking (9)","Answer":"RETRIEVER","Explanation":"EV (inital lettters of expert vows) inside (stops, like a cork) TERRIER* anagram=barking"} {"Clue":"Flyer's first person booted out by aircrew, primarily for rough stuff (9)","Answer":"SANDPAPER","Explanation":"SANDPiPER (bird, flyer) with I (first person) replaced (booted out) by A (first letter, primarily, of aircrew)"} {"Clue":"Cancel loan, needing to secure credit (5)","Answer":"SCRUB","Explanation":"SUB (loan) contains (needing to secure) CR (credit)"} {"Clue":"\"Play gooseberry\" perhaps has no name in foreign language (7)","Answer":"TAGALOG","Explanation":"TAG ALOnG (play gooseberry perhaps) missing N (name) \u2013 language of the Philippines"} {"Clue":"Vexed, in rage that's greater, ultimately (7)","Answer":"ANGRIER","Explanation":"(IN RAGE)* anagram=vexed with (that has) greateR (ultimate letter) \u2013 definition is &lit. The writer is angrier because in the end his vexation and rage gets greater."} {"Clue":"Moving book about uninitated woman with little learning (9)","Answer":"EMOTIONAL","Explanation":"TOME (book) reversed (about) fIONA (woman, uninitiated) with L (first letter, a little, of learning) \u2013 definition is 'moving'"} {"Clue":"Somewhat vulgar Bollywood film star? Yes and no (5)","Answer":"GARBO","Explanation":"found in (somewhat) vulGAR BOllywood \u2013 Greta Garbo. 'Yes and no' indicates (I think) that yes Garbo is part of the string of characters but no, she is not a vulgar Bollywood star."} {"Clue":"My slant, say, set out to incorporate streamlining first of all? (7,7)","Answer":"SYSTEMS ANALYST","Explanation":"(MY SLANT SAY SET)* out=anagram contains (to incorporate) S (first letter of, first of all, streamlining) \u2013 definition is &lit. A systems analyst is an IT worker who investigates computer and business systems to produce new or improved system designs. I suppose that simplification (streamlining) would be among his or her first approaches. Unless I have misread this it seems an obscure and overly contived definition. Better to have just stuck to a standard clue format here?"} {"Clue":"Discount, third off? Er, could be (9)","Answer":"REDUCTION","Explanation":"anagram (could be) of DIsCOUNT (third letter missing) and ER \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Ready to grab guy rope (5)","Answer":"SHEET","Explanation":"SET (ready) contains (grabs) HE (guy) \u2013 a rope on a boat"} {"Clue":"First off, in autumn this happens to bug (9)","Answer":"EAVESDROP","Explanation":"LEAVES DROP (this happens in autumn) with first letter missing \u2013 definition is 'to bug'"} {"Clue":"Maiden's heart regularly broken by Yankee? I don't believe it! (2,3)","Answer":"MY HAT","Explanation":"M (maiden) has HeArT (regular letter of) containing (broken by) Y (yankee, phonetic alphabet) \u2013 exclamation 'my hat', I don't believe it"} {"Clue":"Gets new Dutch residence to house girl around west end of Rotterdam (9)","Answer":"REMARRIES","Explanation":"RES (residence) contains (to house) MARIE (girl) containing (around) R (west end, left-most letter, of Rotterdam) \u2013 definition is 'gets new Dutch'"} {"Clue":"Fruit mostly heading off endemic skin disease (5)","Answer":"MANGE","Explanation":"MANGo (fruit, mostly) E (the first letter of, heading off, endemic) \u2013 skin disease in animals"} {"Clue":"Rider's still on time to meet royal (7)","Answer":"EVENTER","Explanation":"EVEN (still) on T (time) with (to meet) ER (royal, The Queen) \u2013 someone who rides in horse trials"} {"Clue":"Mirror perhaps reflects earthenware article, one from Dresden? (3-3)","Answer":"RED-TOP","Explanation":"POT (earthenware ~~article~~) DER (~~one~~\u00a0definite article, ~~article or pronoun,~~ in German, one from Dresden) \u2013 The Mirror is one of a number of UK tabloid newspapers with a red masthead, collectively known as the red-tops. I'm not sure about DER, could a German speaker help me out please?"} {"Clue":"Note, drip's captivated by heart- throb \u2013 that's disgusting! (9)","Answer":"REPULSIVE","Explanation":"RE (note, music) with IV (intravenous drip) in (captured by) PULSE (the throb of the heart)"} {"Clue":"Man batting after Jack gets 3 (9)","Answer":"TARPAULIN","Explanation":"PAUL (man) IN (batting, cricket) after TAR (jack, sailor) \u2013 a sheet"} {"Clue":"Composer firmly holds piano should go \u2013 it may affect the brass (9)","Answer":"VERDIGRIS","Explanation":"VERDI (composer) GRIpS (firmly holds) missing P (piano)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps The Sun's for people like me (7)","Answer":"SETTERS","Explanation":"the sun sets, so is a setter"} {"Clue":"Pub brawl in northern town (6)","Answer":"BARROW","Explanation":"BAR (pub) ROW (brawl) \u2013 one of a number of towns in the North of England, most probably referring to Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria"} {"Clue":"On ship clog dancing's avoided by Charlie Sheen (5)","Answer":"GLOSS","Explanation":"cLOG* anagram=dancing missing C (charlie, phonetic alphabet) on SS (steam ship) \u2013 definition is 'sheen'"} {"Clue":"Note is included in contracts for convenience (5)","Answer":"GENTS","Explanation":"N (note) in GETS (contracts, a disease for example) \u2013 public conveniences, toilets"} {"Clue":"An enormous number denied a love for this Russian writer (5)","Answer":"GOGOL","Explanation":"GOoGOL (an enoumous number with over 100 digits) missing (denied) O (a love, a= only one of the three) \u2013 Nikolai Gogol. ~~I think this clue would be better without the 'a', possibly a typo?~~"} {"Clue":"Fashionable to quote aloud what psychoanalysts hope to gain (7)","Answer":"INSIGHT","Explanation":"IN (fashionable) and SIGHT sounds like (aloud) \"cite\" (to quote)"} {"Clue":"Male, 26, left out being introduced to Irish chap at the bar (7)","Answer":"IMBIBER","Explanation":"M (male) BIBlE missing L (left) in (being introduced to) IR (Irish) \u2013 definition is 'chap at the bar'"} {"Clue":"Fine before 6 of the 26 flounder (5)","Answer":"FLUKE","Explanation":"F (fine) before LUKE (book of bible) \u2013 a flatfish"} {"Clue":"Plain girl getting embarrassed over bit of naughtiness after party (9)","Answer":"UNADORNED","Explanation":"UNA (girl) getting RED (embarrassed) containing (over) N (bit of naughtiness) both following DO (party)"} {"Clue":"A carrier employing Poles and Danes flying tea to Iran (5,5)","Answer":"SEDAN CHAIR","Explanation":"DANES* flying=anagram CHA (tea) to IR (Iran) \u2013 a chair carried on poles"} {"Clue":"Target 6 of the 26 (4)","Answer":"MARK","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"An article on former favourite hedging at trial (11)","Answer":"EXAMINATION","Explanation":"A (an article) following (on)\u00a0EX (former) then MINION (favourite) containing (hedging)\u00a0AT \u2013 definition is 'trial'"} {"Clue":"What Northern Rock was about to reveal at the beginning of December (11)","Answer":"OVEREXPOSED","Explanation":"OVER (about, reversed) EXPOSE (to reveal) at (with) D (beginning of December) \u2013 Northern Rock is a UK bank that had to be rescued from excess debt"} {"Clue":"Arrogance in part (4)","Answer":"SIDE","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Records treat with contempt earlier Nonconformists (10)","Answer":"DISSENTERS","Explanation":"ENTERS (records) with DISS (treat with contempt) in front (earlier)"} {"Clue":"Bakunin advocated it in March as revolutionary (9)","Answer":"ANARCHISM","Explanation":"(IN MARCH AS)* revolutionary=anagram \u2013 Mikhail Bakunin was a Russian anarchist"} {"Clue":"An authoritative text from the French on child protection (5)","Answer":"BIBLE","Explanation":"LE (the, French) on BIB (child protection)"} {"Clue":"The recipient of goods sold as scrap by a junkie (3,4)","Answer":"END USER","Explanation":"END (scrap) by USER (a junkie)"} {"Clue":"Hard centre of hump is bone (7)","Answer":"STERNUM","Explanation":"STERN (hard) hUMp (centre of)"} {"Clue":"Isn't mistaken about the borders of France being overrun (6)","Answer":"INFEST","Explanation":"ISN'T* anagram=mistaken containing (about) FrancE (borders of) \u2013 definition is 'overrun' as a verb"} {"Clue":"Music society financially secure at first (6)","Answer":"SOUNDS","Explanation":"S (society) with SOUND (financially secure) at first \u2013 definition is 'music'"} {"Clue":"Young Bertie, lacking initiative at the outset, surprisingly becomes a soldier (5,5)","Answer":"GREEN BERET","Explanation":"GREEN (young) BERTiE* (anagram=surprisingly) missing I (start of initiative) \u2013 a British commando"} {"Clue":"The first 6 of the 26 are known facts (5)","Answer":"TRUTH","Explanation":"T (first letter of the) RUTH (book of Bible)"} {"Clue":"They're lacking in ideas at home since holding Northern Ireland to a draw (9)","Answer":"INANITIES","Explanation":"IN (at home) AS (since) holding NI (Northern Ireland) with (to) TIE (a draw)"} {"Clue":"Reserve bank's head allowed to keep nothing (4)","Answer":"BOOK","Explanation":"B (head of bank) OK (allowed) holding O (nothing) \u2013 definition is 'reserve'"} {"Clue":"Gum resin making 6 of the 26 pointless in an African country (8)","Answer":"BENJAMIN","Explanation":"JAMes (book of bible) missing SE (point of the compass) in BENIN (African country) \u2013 'gum benjamin' is benzoin, a balsamic resin obtained from bark"} {"Clue":"Fleece in colours of an American football team (8)","Answer":"REDSKINS","Explanation":"SKIN (fleece) in REDS (colours) \u2013 the Washington Redskins football team"} {"Clue":"That may be forgiven in a story involving a Mafia boss (10)","Answer":"PARDONABLE","Explanation":"PARABLE (a stroy) contains (involves) DON (a Mafia boss)"} {"Clue":"What certain artists need to reach a wider audience? (9)","Answer":"AMPLIFIER","Explanation":"Cryptic definition? The play on words is where 'wider' is used metaphorically and literally just about makes it cryptic."} {"Clue":"Some part-timers do it to participate in supporting 6 of the 26 (3-5)","Answer":"JOB-SHARE","Explanation":"SHARE (participate in) follows (supporting, underneath) JOB (book of Bible)"} {"Clue":"Bill makes metal body part for Spooner (8)","Answer":"HEADLAND","Explanation":"HEAD LAND is a Spoonerism of \"lead hand\" (metal body part) \u2013 definition is 'bill', eg Portland Bill or Selsey Bill"} {"Clue":"About to take place inside a French one found in the first 6 of the 26 (6)","Answer":"REUBEN","Explanation":"RE (about) then BE (to take place) inside UN (a, French) \u2013 character from Genesis"} {"Clue":"High regard helping to make Feste embarrassed (6)","Answer":"ESTEEM","Explanation":"found in (helping to make) fESTE EMbarrassed"} {"Clue":"6 of the 26 discovered near South Island (5)","Answer":"SAMOS","Explanation":"AMOS (book of bible) with (discovered near) S (south) \u2013 Greek island"} {"Clue":"Insists upon taking off without 6 of the 26 (4)","Answer":"ACTS","Explanation":"exACTS (insists upon) missing (taking of) EX (without) \u2013 book of the bible"} {"Clue":"Aces? (6,2,2,6)","Answer":"POINTS OF NO RETURN","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 in tennis a serve completely missed by the returner. I like this one, very nice!"} {"Clue":"Pub commotion interrupts beloved visionary writer (6,6)","Answer":"JOSEPH HELLER","Explanation":"PH (pub) HELL (commotion) inside (interrupts) JO (beloved) SEER (visionary) \u2013 American writer"} {"Clue":"I say, with pretence, \"fine chopper!\" (6)","Answer":"MINCER","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 'to mince words' and kitchen implement"} {"Clue":"Peppered back of setter during out-of-control rave-up (2,6)","Answer":"AU POIVRE","Explanation":"IO (setter) reversed (back of, a reversal of) in (during) RAVE-UP* anagram=out of control"} {"Clue":"Book a series of requiem masses (4)","Answer":"EMMA","Explanation":"found inside ( a series of letters of) requiEM MAsses \u2013 book by Jane Austen"} {"Clue":"Spiritually, the very following envisaged for openers (10)","Answer":"ETHEREALLY","Explanation":"THE REALLY (very) following\u00a0E (for openers, to begin, envisiaged) \u2013 definition is 'spiritually'. ~~I'm not convinced that 'openers' should be plural. I suppose one could imagine that 'openers', people or things that open, would get E from envisiaged, but this seems a bit stretched to me.~~ *Thanks to ernie for clearing this one up."} {"Clue":"Sawyer's mate finally runs through board's conclusion (8)","Answer":"FINDINGS","Explanation":"Huckleberry FINN (Sawyer's mate) with the last letter N inside (running through) DIGS (board) \u2013 definition is 'conclusion'. The apostrophe on board's denotes 'is', the definition follows\u2026"} {"Clue":"Fixed quick (4)","Answer":"FAST","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"On holiday with a top man in Mercia (4)","Answer":"OFFA","Explanation":"OFF (on holiday) with A \u2013 ancient king (top man) of Mercia"} {"Clue":"Analysed sample on nasty new growth (8)","Answer":"NEOPLASM","Explanation":"(SAMPLE ON)* anagram=analysed \u2013 definition is 'nasty new growth', a tumour"} {"Clue":"Artist with cycling crusade (4,6)","Answer":"ANDY WARHOL","Explanation":"AND (with) HOLY WAR (crusade) with the first three letters cycled (moving in a loop, off the front and onto the back)"} {"Clue":"Stand at funeral to speak about porter? (4)","Answer":"BIER","Explanation":"sounds like (to speak about) beer (porter)"} {"Clue":"Speedy measure: Hamilton on pole gets through motor racing circuit, breaking old record (5,3)","Answer":"LINDY HOP","Explanation":"I'm not sure of this one, something along the lines of\u2026 INDY (Indianapolis, motor racing circuit) H (Hamilton on pole, first letter of) O (old) LP (record) \u2013 the Lindy Hop was an energetic dance, a 'speedy measure'\n *H (letter in first position, on pole, of Hamilton) in (through) INDY (motor racing) O (a circuit) all inside (breaking)\u00a0LP (old record) \u2013 thanks to Gaufrid"} {"Clue":"Orient going through years of upheaval (6)","Answer":"YEASTY","Explanation":"EAST (orient) in (going through) YY (year, twice) \u2013 definition is 'of upheaval', swelling. I had to look in the OED to justify this one."} {"Clue":"Accepting hollow defence in any case is criminal (what does it every time!) (4,3,4)","Answer":"NICE AND EASY","Explanation":"DefencE (hollow, no middle) in (accepted by) (IN ANY CASE)* anagram=is criminal \u2013 \"nice and easy does it, every time\", from Frank Sinatra song"} {"Clue":"Eleven years older, very badly lacking energy, he doesn't want return in court (5-3-8)","Answer":"SERVE-AND-VOLLEYER","Explanation":"anagram of (badly) of eLEVEN YEARS OLDER V (very) missing E=energy \u2013 a tennis player who attacks the net"} {"Clue":"Freddie's not leaving without the urn: he has bowl \u2013 and unusual successes! (7,2,3,3)","Answer":"FLASHES IN THE PAN","Explanation":"I'm a bit stuck on this one. The best I can do is Freddie FLINTstonE (with S NOT leaving) contains (outside, without) ASHES (the urn) then HE with (has) PAN (bowl). This explanation has an extra E. Alternatively, ASHES IN THE PAN could cryptically be 'leaving without the urn, he has a bowl', but you would have to explain Freddie's=FL.\n *Freddy FLINToff missing\u00a0OFF (not leaving) containing (without) ASHES (the urn) then HE and PAN (bowl). Thanks to Eileen."} {"Clue":"Bird dressing for a pantomime (6)","Answer":"JAPERY","Explanation":"JAY (bird) contains (dressing, clothing) PER (for a) \u2013 definition is 'pantomime'"} {"Clue":"Runner, not quite at full pelt? (3)","Answer":"SKI","Explanation":"SKIn (pelt) unfinished=not quite at full \u2013 definition is runner"} {"Clue":"Finally traps French toreador's target, heading back very quickly (2,4,5)","Answer":"AT FULL BLAST","Explanation":"AT LAST (finally) contains (traps) F (French) BULL (toreador's target) with heading (first letter) moved to the back"} {"Clue":"Palestinian's fairly battle-worn condition (9,9)","Answer":"INFANTILE PARALYSIS","Explanation":"(PALESTINIAN'S\u00a0FAIRLY)* anagram=battle-worn \u2013 definition is 'condition'"} {"Clue":"Rather foolhardy, and a little streaky? (6)","Answer":"RASHER","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition \u2013 a slice of streaky bacon"} {"Clue":"Pulse the stableman's raised (3)","Answer":"DAL","Explanation":"LAD (stableman) reversed (raised) \u2013 definition is 'pulse', a lentil"} {"Clue":"Necktie one's found in river going over province (4,6)","Answer":"NOVA SCOTIA","Explanation":"I (one) has ASCOT (necktie) in AVON (river) reversed (going over)"} {"Clue":"Frame Mike leaving accident (4)","Answer":"SASH","Explanation":"SmASH (accident) missing M (mike, phonetic alphabet) \u2013 definition is 'frame', as in a sash window"} {"Clue":"Long receipt, second half seen first (4)","Answer":"ITCH","Explanation":"CHIT (receipt) with IT (the second half) moved to the front (seen first)"} {"Clue":"Two food items go astray when returning to accommodation (4-1-5)","Answer":"PIED-A-TERRE","Explanation":"PIE DATE (two food items) ERR (go astray) reversed (returning)"} {"Clue":"Spirit that's seen in half of French dance clubs knocked back? (6)","Answer":"COGNAC","Explanation":"GO (spirit) that is seen in* CAN-can (French dance, half of) ~~GO (?)~~ C (clubs) all reversed \u2013 definition is ~~'spirit'~~ &lit. ~~I can't explain where GO comes from.~~ *Thanks to Gaufrid for this."} {"Clue":"Short story regularly haunted Dorothy in church (8)","Answer":"ANECDOTE","Explanation":"hAuNtEd (regularly, every other letter) then DOT (Dorothy) in CE (Church, of England)"} {"Clue":"Type of academic institution associated with mortarboards? (8)","Answer":"REDBRICK","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Some cargo slavishly taken back to boot (4)","Answer":"ALSO","Explanation":"found in (some of) cargO SLAvishly reversed (taken back) \u2013 definition is 'to boot'"} {"Clue":"Studious type draws when retired (4)","Answer":"SWOT","Explanation":"TOWS (draws) reversed (when retied)"} {"Clue":"City criminal penetrates centre for solid gold? On the contrary (8)","Answer":"FLORENCE","Explanation":"soLid (centre of) OR (gold) in (penetrates) FENCE (criminal) \u2013 definition is 'city'"} {"Clue":"Period building incomplete without medieval tapestries, principally (8)","Answer":"PLIOCENE","Explanation":"(INCOMPLETE)* anagram=building missing MT (principal, first, letters of medieval tapestries) \u2013 a geological period"} {"Clue":"Brightness from bait attracts sprat at both ends (6)","Answer":"LUSTRE","Explanation":"LURE (bait) contains (attracts, catches) SpraT (both ends of)"} {"Clue":"Look repeatedly around Switzerland by day, always missing lake (4,6)","Answer":"LOCH LOMOND","Explanation":"LO LO (look, repeatedly) contains (around) CH (Switzerland, IVR code) by MONDay (day) missing AY (always)"} {"Clue":"Extend student's penultimate term in law (4)","Answer":"LIEN","Explanation":"LIE (extend, stretch out) studeNt (penultimate letter of) \u2013 a legal term denoting a form of security (on a debt)"} {"Clue":"Fifty pounds given with notes for ring (4)","Answer":"BELL","Explanation":"L (fifty, Roman numeral) L (pounds) following (given with) B E (two notes of the scale) \u2013 definition is 'ring'"} {"Clue":"Extremely lame horse struggling in sanctuary, pants (10)","Answer":"LEDERHOSEN","Explanation":"LamE (extremes of) then HORSE* anagram=struggling in DEN (sanctuary) \u2013 leather trousers, pants"} {"Clue":"Asleep alone in part of Oxford? (7)","Answer":"OUTSOLE","Explanation":"OUT (asleep) SOLE (alone) \u2013 an Oxford is a type of shoe"} {"Clue":"Sickly-looking 'otpot Edwin emptied (5)","Answer":"ASHEN","Explanation":"'ASH (hash, hotpot) and EdwiN (emptied, missing middle)"} {"Clue":"Religious person beat scamp flouting rule (8)","Answer":"CAPUCHIN","Explanation":"CAP (beat) UrCHIN (scamp) missing (flouting) R=rule \u2013 a Franciscan monk"} {"Clue":"Finding this remote area might need a plan D? (3,4,2,6)","Answer":"THE BACK OF BEYOND","Explanation":"D is the final (back) letter of 'beyond' \u2013 definition is 'finding this area might need plan'. This is the reversal of the norm where the construction would be longer than the definition. Here the definition is very long and the construction is only a single letter!"} {"Clue":"Surprised river's bypassed on vacation in England (6)","Answer":"AMAZED","Explanation":"AMAZon (river) missing (bypassed) ON then EnglanD (with middle letters evacuated, in vacation)"} {"Clue":"Bird did some gardening presumably with son (9)","Answer":"SHELDRAKE","Explanation":"HELD RAKE (did some gardening presumeably) following (with) S (son) \u2013 a type of duck"} {"Clue":"Street shoppers maybe interrupted by opening of umbrellas \u2013 sign of rain? (7)","Answer":"STRATUS","Explanation":"ST (street) RATS (shoppers maybe, informers) containing (interrupted by) U (opening of umbrella) \u2013 clouds that might bring rain"} {"Clue":"Rector with religious text joins Elizabeth and Henry after this? (9)","Answer":"BETROTHAL","Explanation":"R (rector) with OT (religious text) inside (joins together) BET (Elizabeth) and HAL (Henry) \u2013 the marriage follows the betrothal"} {"Clue":"Olympic athlete runs around flat from the back \u2013 his plot? (8)","Answer":"COLLUDER","Explanation":"COE (Olympic athelete) R (runs) containing (around) DULL (flat) reversed (from the back) \u2013 definition is 'his plot'. I can't figure out the definition, maybe I have a mistake here?"} {"Clue":"Hail clearly heard on plane, as temperature dropped (7)","Answer":"WELCOME","Explanation":"WEL sounds like\u00a0(heard) \"well\" (clearly) on COMEt (De Havilland Comet, plane) missing T (temperature) \u2013 definition is 'hail'"} {"Clue":"Fabulous bird returning, say, splits case in tube train (7)","Answer":"CORTEGE","Explanation":"ROC (fabulous bird) reversed (returning) then EG (say) contains (splits) TubE (case in, end letters of) \u2013 definition is 'train'"} {"Clue":"Stagger back from Red Cow ill, repeating \"one too many\" (6)","Answer":"RECOIL","Explanation":"REd COw ILl where each word has one too many letters (omissions repeating) \u2013 definition is 'stagger back'"} {"Clue":"Daring leap from seaman second in command (5)","Answer":"SALTO","Explanation":"SALT (seaman) cOmmand (second letter of) \u2013 definition is 'daring leap', a somersault"} {"Clue":"Flower girl from the glen (4,2,3,6)","Answer":"LILY OF THE VALLEY","Explanation":"LILY (girl) OF THE VALLEY (from the glen)"} {"Clue":"She commands state to cede southern territory (5)","Answer":"QUEEN","Explanation":"QUEENsland (state) missing (to cede) S (southern) LAND (territory)"} {"Clue":"Dear me! Linda's starting to turn green! (7)","Answer":"EMERALD","Explanation":"anagram (to turn) of DEAR ME and L (start of Linda)"} {"Clue":"Tailors working for deaf teacher (7)","Answer":"ORALIST","Explanation":"TAILORS* anagram=working"} {"Clue":"May be a heartless trainee (4)","Answer":"TREE","Explanation":"TRainEE (heartless, no middle letters) \u2013 definition is 'May', the Hawthorne tree. Good clue!"} {"Clue":"Contest the aspiration of the Maastricht Treaty? (10)","Answer":"EUROVISION","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition \u2013 the Eurovision Song Contest; the Maastricht Treaty created of the European Union"} {"Clue":"Strength of evidence (5)","Answer":"PROOF","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 alcohol measure and objective fact"} {"Clue":"Even in Almeria there is floral decoration (3)","Answer":"LEI","Explanation":"even letters of aLmErIa \u2013 a Hawaiian flower necklace"} {"Clue":"Relative is muddled, leaving Arkansas behind (5)","Answer":"UNCLE","Explanation":"UNCLEar (muddled) missing AR (Arkansas)"} {"Clue":"Romantic actor heard he'd got the bird on May 3rd! (5-5)","Answer":"LOVEY-DOVEY","Explanation":"LOVEY sounds like (heard) 'luvvie' (actor) has got the DOVE (bird) on maY (third letter of) \u2013 definition is 'romantic'"} {"Clue":"Limit of support (4)","Answer":"POLE","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Web-footed friend joins struggling team (7)","Answer":"PALMATE","Explanation":"PAL (friend) joins TEAM* anagram=struggling \u2013 definition is 'web-footed'"} {"Clue":"Mature crowd return to accept defeat (7)","Answer":"BLOSSOM","Explanation":"MOB (crowd) reversed (return) including (to accept) LOSS (defeat) \u2013 definition is 'mature'"} {"Clue":"Wherein he now ensured gold medal status (5)","Answer":"OWENS","Explanation":"found in (wherein) nOW ENSured \u2013 definition is sort of &lit, Jesse Owens former Olympic gold medallist. This clue doesn't work well for me as the &lit reading doesn't really indicate Owens. Wherein what, in his name?"} {"Clue":"Is the internet a means to divert? (9)","Answer":"ENTERTAIN","Explanation":"anagram (is \u2026 a means to make \u2026) of INTERNET A \u2013 definition is 'to divert'"} {"Clue":"Competent books on orally transmitted infection (6)","Answer":"FLUENT","Explanation":"NT (books of bible) follows (on) FLUE sounds like (orally transmitted) 'flu' infection"} {"Clue":"Close friend is badly late for The King and I (5,3)","Answer":"ALTER EGO","Explanation":"LATE* anagram=badly R (rex, king) and EGO (I)"} {"Clue":"Confined to the pub (5)","Answer":"LOCAL","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Would foremost stallions train under duress here? (4)","Answer":"STUD","Explanation":"first letters of (foremost) Stallions Train Under Duress \u2013 definition is 'here', where foremost stallions train\u2026etc"} {"Clue":"People again soldier on, taking officer to east Iceland first (10)","Answer":"RECOLONISE","Explanation":"RE (soldier, Royal Engineer) ON containing (taking) COL (officer) to E (east) with IS (Iceland) before (first) \u2013 definition is 'people again'"} {"Clue":"Question for motoring organisation about water (4)","Answer":"AQUA","Explanation":"QU (question) inside (for \u2026 about) AA (motoring organisation) \u2013 definition is 'water'. Does 'for\u2026 about' really mean inside? 'Question motoring organisation about water' works just as well without 'for'."} {"Clue":"A sign that 11 is in India (6)","Answer":"GEMINI","Explanation":"GEM (emerald is) IN I (India) \u2013 definition is 'a sign'"} {"Clue":"This month, a northern church, for example (8)","Answer":"INSTANCE","Explanation":"INST (this month) A N (northern) CE (Church, of England)"} {"Clue":"Released a French degenerate before coming to a sticky end (10)","Answer":"UNLOOSENED","Explanation":"UN (a French) LOOSE (degenerate) with (before coming to a) END* anagram=sticky. Unloosened is an odd word as it means more or less the same as loosened, theoretically its opposite."} {"Clue":"What's outstanding when contents become contentious? (1,1,1)","Answer":"IOU","Explanation":"add IOU to contents to get contentious"} {"Clue":"Musical instrument sounds like a parrot's call \u2013 almost! (8)","Answer":"POLYPHON","Explanation":"sounds like POLLY PHONe (parrot's call) almost (not finished) \u2013 an early mechanical music player"} {"Clue":"Hurry, knowing about trap (3)","Answer":"FLY","Explanation":"I'm guessing at a triple definition \u2013 *hurry*, *knowing* and *trap* with *about* in there as filler. I think trap may be in the sense of a flap, but I'm not sure. It could be 'knowing about' rather than just 'knowing' but I think this changes the meaning to knowledgeable rather than arch or sly. Trap could go with fly to make fly-trap but I can't see any indication we should do that. *A fly and a trap are both horse-drawn vehicles. Thanks to Eileen."} {"Clue":"Is part of goal to frustrate counsel? (8)","Answer":"CROSSBAR","Explanation":"CROSS (frustrate) BAR (counsel, lawyers)"} {"Clue":"Hesitate before admitting one owns fur! (6)","Answer":"ERMINE","Explanation":"ER (hesitate) before MINE (admission one owns)"} {"Clue":"Short's got nothing in enclosure (5)","Answer":"COURT","Explanation":"CURT (short) has O (nothing) inside \u2013 definition is 'enclosure'"} {"Clue":"Heartless beast is a bit solitary too (4)","Answer":"ALSO","Explanation":"AnimaL (beast, heartless is) with SO (a bit of solitary) \u2013 definition is 'too'. I think this is the correct reading. The clue requires us to remove an arbitrary number of letters from one (unspecified) word and then take an arbitrary number of letters from another, so other explanations\u00a0may be possible?"} {"Clue":"Gamble on getting best mark in second grade (4)","Answer":"BETA","Explanation":"BET (gamble on) with (getting) A (best mark) \u2013 definition is 'second grade'"} {"Clue":"Unable to catch director \u2014 fade out (5,4)","Answer":"STONE DEAF","Explanation":"Oliver Stone (director) and FADE* out=anagram \u2013 definition is 'unable to catch'. A neat bit of misdirection with 'catch' here."} {"Clue":"Slate one on Cape Fear (5)","Answer":"PANIC","Explanation":"PAN (slate, criticise) I (one) on C (cape)"} {"Clue":"Hastily produced and directed Pixar film (3,2)","Answer":"RAN UP","Explanation":"RAN (directed) UP (film by Pixar)"} {"Clue":"They follow workers entertaining director in this place (9)","Answer":"ADHERENTS","Explanation":"ANTS (workers) containing (entertaining) D (director) HERE (in this place) \u2013 definition is 'they follow'. More misdirection here with 'follow' and 'in' masquerading as position indicators."} {"Clue":"Harry Potter film attaches this: not for film (3,4,10,2,6)","Answer":"THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST","Explanation":"(POTTER\u00a0FILM\u00a0ATTACHES THIS NOT)* anagram=harry, disturb \u2013 a film by Martin Scorsese. Cracking anagram and well hidden, but the word count gave it away long before I figured out why."} {"Clue":"Satellite delayed, screening start of Shutter Island (7)","Answer":"ISOLATE","Explanation":"IO (satellite, a moon of Jupiter) LATE (delayed) containing (screening) S (start of shutter) \u2013 definition is 'island' as a verb"} {"Clue":"Italian artist in Italy after Hollywood actor (5)","Answer":"PENNI","Explanation":"I (Italy) following Sean PENN (Hollywood actor) \u2013 Gianfrancesco Penni, Italian painter"} {"Clue":"Second film shot here? (3)","Answer":"SET","Explanation":"S (second) ET (film) \u2013 shot on an set"} {"Clue":"Characters in scene making medical treatment (5)","Answer":"ENEMA","Explanation":"found inside (characters in) scENE MAking"} {"Clue":"To quarrel before hit (3,4)","Answer":"RUN INTO","Explanation":"TO with RUN IN (quarrel) before \u2013 definition is 'hit'"} {"Clue":"Green taxi driver's short days (7)","Answer":"CABBAGE","Explanation":"CABBie (taxi driver, short) AGE (days) \u2013 definition is 'green'. I only know cabbage as greens (plural)."} {"Clue":"Hot stuff within these threesomes, having stolen one tablet to perform? (9)","Answer":"THERMOSES","Explanation":"THREESOMES* anagram=to perform missing E (a tablet, ecstasy) \u2013 definition is 'hot stuff within these'"} {"Clue":"Oscar parts for The Departed scripts? (5)","Answer":"OBITS","Explanation":"O (oscar, phonetic alphabet) BITS (parts) \u2013 obituaries, scripts for the departed."} {"Clue":"Gives parts to son in show (5)","Answer":"CASTS","Explanation":"S (son) in CATS (show)"} {"Clue":"Decisions of 10 cutting bad scenes (9)","Answer":"SENTENCES","Explanation":"TEN (10) in (cutting) SCENES* anagram=bad \u2013 definition is 'decisions'"} {"Clue":"One drawing on film without restriction on series (4)","Answer":"USER","Explanation":"U (film without restriction) on SER (series) \u2013 definition is 'one drawing on'"} {"Clue":"Urban one in common TV programme about north (6)","Answer":"TOWNIE","Explanation":"TOWIE (The Only Way Is Essex) containing (about) N (north) \u2013 definition is 'urban one'. My wife is from Essex so I'm afraid I cannot comment any further on this clue\u2026"} {"Clue":"A number in group function (6)","Answer":"SECANT","Explanation":"A N (number) in SECT (group) \u2013 mathematical function"} {"Clue":"Box blows up (4)","Answer":"SPAR","Explanation":"RAPS (blows) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Sister on time after second part of film's overrun (8)","Answer":"INUNDATE","Explanation":"NUN (sister) on DATE (time) after I (second letter of film)"} {"Clue":"Works parts of a drama (4)","Answer":"ACTS","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Listen in to TV show one records (5)","Answer":"TAPER","Explanation":"TAP (listen in) to ER (TV show)"} {"Clue":"Gave away too much space? Left love to give approval in bed (10)","Answer":"OVERBOOKED","Explanation":"OVER (left) then O (love, zero tennis) OK (to give approval) in BED \u2013 definition refers to hotel rooms, plane seats etc."} {"Clue":"Turning over English TV channel for escape (5)","Answer":"EVADE","Explanation":"E (English) DAVE (TV channel) all reversed (turning over)"} {"Clue":"Initially going in, son's seen Raging Bull (8)","Answer":"NONSENSE","Explanation":"N (the inital letter of nonsense) going in anagram (raging) of SON and SEEN ('s=has, with) \u2013 definition is 'bull'. I'm not sure if I like the solution being used as part of the construction like this. Part of me thinks it is a neat trick and part of me thinks that there is something unfair about it. I can't decide. Upate 1:\u00a0*A simpler and better way to parse this is (iN SON's SEEN )* missing I (initial letter going), thanks to all who\u00a0help on this one. Update 2: Tramp has kindly dropped by to say that the intended parsing is an anagram of iN\u00a0sON'S (initial letters going) SEEN \u2013 the prize goes to [email\u00a0protected]."} {"Clue":"Film man processes topless shot (8)","Answer":"SCORSESE","Explanation":"pROCESSES* (topless) anagram=shot \u2013 Martin Scorsese, film man"} {"Clue":"Film about crime ring (6)","Answer":"CASINO","Explanation":"CA (cica, about) SIN (crime) O (ring) \u2013 a Martin Scorsese fIlm"} {"Clue":"Each star hugs tart (6)","Answer":"APIECE","Explanation":"ACE (star) contains (hugs) PIE (tart)"} {"Clue":"Gather food (4)","Answer":"TUCK","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Film not heard by audience \u2026 (4)","Answer":"MIST","Explanation":"sounds like (by audience) 'missed' (not heard) \u2013 definition is 'film', on a damp window for example"} {"Clue":"\u2026 while in quiet frame (4)","Answer":"SASH","Explanation":"AS (while) in SH (quiet) \u2013 definition is 'frame'"} {"Clue":"Play recording back to new parent (5,3)","Answer":"PETER PAN","Explanation":"EP (Extended Play, recording) reversed (back) to PARENT* anagram=new \u2013 definition is 'play'"} {"Clue":"Grab one by the lapels? (6)","Answer":"COLLAR","Explanation":"cryptic\/double definition \u2013 'grab one' and 'by the lapels', a collar\u00a0is next to the lapels. A daring pairing here of a Peter Pan Collar across the shoulders\u00a0with French Knickers on the bottom."} {"Clue":"Raincoat, British, worn by the Queen in northern town (8)","Answer":"BURBERRY","Explanation":"BR (British) ~~in~~ surrounds (worn by) ER (the Queen) in BURY (Northern town) \u2013 an iconic brand of raincoat, origianlly designed by company founder Thomas Burberry"} {"Clue":"Lines created as result of sunbathing in southern South Africa (6)","Answer":"STANZA","Explanation":"TAN (result of sunbathing) in S (southern) ZA (South Africa) \u2013 lines in a poem"} {"Clue":"Journalist in the French city (5)","Answer":"LEEDS","Explanation":"ED (editor, journalist) in LES (the, French)"} {"Clue":"Slip found in Room at the Top, not initially an element in fuel added to the fire (9)","Answer":"PETTICOAT","Explanation":"aTTIC (room at the top) missing first letter (not initially) O (oxygen, an element) in PEAT (fuel added to the fire) \u2013 definition is 'slip'"} {"Clue":"Set fire to a city catalogue (6)","Answer":"LITANY","Explanation":"LIT (set fire to, past tense) A NY (city)"} {"Clue":"Somewhat resembles a dog appearing around temples (7)","Answer":"PAGODAS","Explanation":"found reversed (around) in (somewhat) resembleS A DOG APpearing"} {"Clue":"Found small animal in large dictionary (7)","Answer":"LOCATED","Explanation":"CAT (small animal) in L (large) OED (dictionary) \u2013 definition is 'found'"} {"Clue":"Bed a woman (6)","Answer":"BERTHA","Explanation":"BERTH (bed) A"} {"Clue":"One that supports stocking revolutionary American poet (9)","Answer":"SUSPENDER","Explanation":"US (American) reversed (revolutionary) Stephen SPENDER (poet)"} {"Clue":"Drought results in English river primarily being this? (5)","Answer":"DRIER","Explanation":"initial letters (primarily) of Drought Results In English River \u2013 drought makes the river drier"} {"Clue":"Drug ring \u2013 very good one, note (6)","Answer":"OPIATE","Explanation":"O (ring) PI (pious, very good) A (one) TE (note, of scale)"} {"Clue":"Obsessive barking routine by Crufts beginner (8)","Answer":"NEUROTIC","Explanation":"ROUTINE* anagram=barking with C (beginning of Crufts)"} {"Clue":"European to pull female for wife (6)","Answer":"FRENCH","Explanation":"wRENCH (to pull) with F (female) in place of (for) W (wife)"} {"Clue":"Heard robbers? Drat! (8)","Answer":"KNICKERS","Explanation":"sounds like 'nickers' (robbers)"} {"Clue":"Post about a King Lear character (6)","Answer":"POBBLE","Explanation":"POLE (post) contains (about) BB (King, blues guitarist) \u2013 The Pobble Who Has No Toes, character from Edward Lear poem"} {"Clue":"Smart clothing draped over back of the seats (5-5,5)","Answer":"THREE PIECE SUITE","Explanation":"THREE PIECE SUIT (smart clothing) on (draped over) thE (back of, last letter) \u2013 definition is 'seats'"} {"Clue":"Smells Europeans first off (5)","Answer":"REEKS","Explanation":"gREEKS (Europeans) missing first letter"} {"Clue":"Wasting an award (7)","Answer":"ATROPHY","Explanation":"A TROPHY (award)"} {"Clue":"Where Parisian set off in boat (9)","Answer":"OUTRIGGER","Explanation":"OU (where, as spoken in Paris) TRIGGER (set off)"} {"Clue":"Man with lunchbox dressed in filthier cords (7,8)","Answer":"LINFORD CHRISTIE","Explanation":"(IN FILTHIER CORDS)* anagram=dressed \u2013 former sprinter and wearer of skin-tight lycra suits leading to the Sun newspaper suggesting that *Linford's lunchbox* was clearly visible inside."} {"Clue":"Notice put up during rubbish motor trial (4,4)","Answer":"ROAD TEST","Explanation":"AD (notice) SET (put) reversed (up) in (during) ROT (rubbish)"} {"Clue":"Organist's choice of second jumper? (4)","Answer":"STOP","Explanation":"S (second) TOP (a jumper perhaps) \u2013 stops are controls that activate or deactivate pipes on an organ, to be chosen by the organist"} {"Clue":"Genuine description of some nautical characters (9)","Answer":"AUTHENTIC","Explanation":"AU THEN TIC describes some of the characters of nAUTICal \u2013 definition is genuine"} {"Clue":"Foremost of boats certainly not first to go to be launched (5,3)","Answer":"BLAST OFF","Explanation":"B (first letter of boats) LAST (certainly not first) OFF (to go) \u2013 definition is 'to be launched'"} {"Clue":"Queen singer was an idler? (4)","Answer":"DIDO","Explanation":"DID O (nothing), was an idler \u2013 Dido\u00a0was Queen of Carthage, and more recently name of British singer-songwriter Dido Florian Cloud de Bounevialle O'Malley\u00a0Armstrong, known simply as 'Dido'."} {"Clue":"Boy's first impulse regarding snowball (7)","Answer":"BURGEON","Explanation":"B (first letter of boy) URGE (impulse) ON (regarding)"} {"Clue":"Couples put a little cash in Scottish banks (6)","Answer":"BRACES","Explanation":"C (a little, first letter, of cash) in BRAES (banks, Scottish)"} {"Clue":"Physicist sporting cardi (5)","Answer":"DIRAC","Explanation":"CARDI* anagram=sporting \u2013 Paul Dirac, physicist"} {"Clue":"Dogged by ill luck when second store card's lost (4-7)","Answer":"STAR-CROSSED","Explanation":"anagram (lost) of S (second) and STORE CARD"} {"Clue":"Fairy queen taken aback by hoax (3)","Answer":"BAM","Explanation":"~~BAM (hoax)~~ MAB (fairy queen) reversed, definition is 'hoax'"} {"Clue":"Against having reserve kept in readiness (2,3)","Answer":"ON ICE","Explanation":"ON (against) with ICE (reserve)"} {"Clue":"Seedy head of Interpol to arrest wife within 24 hours (2,1,3,3)","Answer":"IN A BAD WAY","Explanation":"I (head, first letter, of Interpol) NAB (to arrest) W (wife) in A DAY (24 hours)"} {"Clue":"Conservative fools accommodating outspoken clergymen (9)","Answer":"CHAPLAINS","Explanation":"C (conservative) then HAS (fools) containing (accomodating) PLAIN (outspoken)"} {"Clue":"Abandon in open country on the outskirts of Val-d'Oise (5)","Answer":"LEAVE","Explanation":"LEA (meadow, open country) on Val-d'oisE (ouskirts, first and last letters of)"} {"Clue":"Feeble is a Shakespearean character (7)","Answer":"SLENDER","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 character for Merchant of Venice"} {"Clue":"Remains a follower of northern poet (4)","Answer":"NASH","Explanation":"ASH (remains) follows N (northern) \u2013 any one of several poets of that name, most probably Ogden Nash"} {"Clue":"Contemplates missing start of exercises (4)","Answer":"USES","Explanation":"mUSES (contemplates) missing starting letter"} {"Clue":"Helping to make Vermont a naturist state (7)","Answer":"MONTANA","Explanation":"found in (helping to make) verMONT A NAturist \u2013 definition is 'state'"} {"Clue":"A wee cut (5)","Answer":"SLASH","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Bishop taking note during local's story (9)","Answer":"NARRATIVE","Explanation":"RR (right reverend, bishop) with A (note, of scale) in NATIVE (local)"} {"Clue":"When being without one leads to a disparaging remark (9)","Answer":"ASPERSION","Explanation":"AS (when) PERSON (being) contains (without) I (one)"} {"Clue":"Record books kept by a fellow needing no introduction (5)","Answer":"ENTER","Explanation":"NT (books, of Bible) in (kept by) pEER (a fellow) missing first letter (needing no introduction)"} {"Clue":"Extremely insightful about English fiction (3)","Answer":"LIE","Explanation":"InsightfuL (extreme letters of) reversed (about) then E (English)"} {"Clue":"Foreign leader lies about close of firm in Ireland (7,4)","Answer":"EMERALD ISLE","Explanation":"(LEADER LIES)* anagram=foreign containing (lies about) firM (close of, last letter)"} {"Clue":"Indicate condition of exhibit (8)","Answer":"SHOWCASE","Explanation":"SHOW (indicate) CASE (condition)"} {"Clue":"Full of excitement about Ian getting married (8)","Answer":"ANIMATED","Explanation":"IAN* anagram=about with MATED (married)"} {"Clue":"Native American lad's beginning to make a basket (5)","Answer":"CREEL","Explanation":"CREE (native American) L (beginning of lad)"} {"Clue":"Old instrument originally kept by organ player (7)","Answer":"OLIVIER","Explanation":"O (old) then I (origin, first letter, of instrument) in LIVER (organ)"} {"Clue":"Starts to search Wikipedia to get answer about old film star (7)","Answer":"SWANSON","Explanation":"S W (starts of Search Wikipedia) with ANS (answer) ON (about) = Gloria Swanson"} {"Clue":"Pride, for instance, evident in Underwood's batting (6,3)","Answer":"DEADLY SIN","Explanation":"DEADLY (nickname for Derek Underwood, cricketer) 'S IN (batting)"} {"Clue":"Tell for instance of British women detained in an Arab country (6)","Answer":"BOWMAN","Explanation":"B (British) then W (women) in in (detained in) OMAN (Arab country) \u2013 William Tell, archer"} {"Clue":"Mother on edge after Yolanda's debut causes chaos (6)","Answer":"MAYHEM","Explanation":"MA (mother) on HEM (edge) after Y (debut, first letter, of Yolanda)"} {"Clue":"Princess finally gives order to fire (9)","Answer":"DISCHARGE","Explanation":"DI (princess) giveS (final letter of) CHARGE (order)"} {"Clue":"What The Sun does to help over cutting costs (8)","Answer":"RADIATES","Explanation":"AID (help) reversed (over) in (cutting) RATES (costs)"} {"Clue":"Unconcerned when soldiers turn up in church to take Frank (8)","Answer":"CAREFREE","Explanation":"RA (Royal Artillery, soldiers) reversed (turn up) in CE (Church, of England) with FREE (frank)"} {"Clue":"Dawn's boy heard at the beginning (7)","Answer":"SUNRISE","Explanation":"SUN sounds like (heard) 'son' (boy) with (at) RISE (the beginning)"} {"Clue":"Girl collapsing in Drama (7)","Answer":"MIRANDA","Explanation":"(IN DRAMA)* anagram=collapsing"} {"Clue":"Be indisposed after animal attack (6)","Answer":"ASSAIL","Explanation":"AIL (be indisposed) after ASS (animal)"} {"Clue":"Small enough to try out (6)","Answer":"SAMPLE","Explanation":"S (small) AMPLE (enough)"} {"Clue":"Self-possession shown by amateur in the lead (5)","Answer":"AHEAD","Explanation":"HEAD (self possession) following (shown by) A (amateur)"} {"Clue":"Group of journalists gets ready to surround cross suspect (5,5)","Answer":"PRESS CORPS","Explanation":"PREPS (gets ready) contains (to urround) CROSS* anagram=suspect"} {"Clue":"Spots expert pilot bearing north (4)","Answer":"ACNE","Explanation":"ACE (expert) contaning (bearing) N (North)"} {"Clue":"Rich vocal broadcast accompanying daughter's musical instrument (10)","Answer":"CLAVICHORD","Explanation":"(RICH VOCAL)* anagram=broadcast then D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Sack's thread pulled at the centre (4)","Answer":"FIRE","Explanation":"FIbRE (thread) with centre missing (pulled)"} {"Clue":"Rest day, important for climber (6,6)","Answer":"SPIDER MONKEY","Explanation":"SPIDER (rest, snooker) MON (day) KEY (important)"} {"Clue":"Account about old lady being bitten by insect causes outrage (9)","Answer":"FLAGRANCY","Explanation":"AC (account) contains (about) GRAN (old lady) all in (bitten by) FLY (insect)"} {"Clue":"Swirly Artex is more than necessary (5)","Answer":"EXTRA","Explanation":"ARTEX* anagram=swirly"} {"Clue":"One now unrestrained in sex conversation (2-3)","Answer":"EX-CON","Explanation":"found in sEX CONversation"} {"Clue":"Music shop stocking only vinyl would do this sticker (9)","Answer":"SELLOTAPE","Explanation":"the shop would sell no (zero) tape"} {"Clue":"One of setter's is in tears, disposing of previous setting work (12)","Answer":"MINESWEEPING","Explanation":"MINE'S (one of setters is) WEEPING (in tears) \u2013 unsetting mines"} {"Clue":"King with posh skirt (4)","Answer":"TUTU","Explanation":"TUT (King Tutankhamun, abbrev) with U (posh)"} {"Clue":"Disinfect the oil-can adapted to contain last of beer (10)","Answer":"CHLORINATE","Explanation":"anagram (adapted) of THE OIL CAN containing beeR (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Foam starts to unsettle deckhand aboard ship (4)","Answer":"SUDS","Explanation":"Unsettle Deckhand (starts, first letters, of) in SS (aboad a steam ship)"} {"Clue":"Fit for employment after crushing a libel suit (10)","Answer":"UTILISABLE","Explanation":"(A LIBEL SUIT)* anagram=crushing"} {"Clue":"Piano expert politely expressing disagreement (4)","Answer":"PACE","Explanation":"P (piano) ACE (expert) \u2013 a word used to express polite disagreement. ACE=expert was also used in 6 across."} {"Clue":"Biblical man's son entering Arab state from the south (4)","Answer":"ESAU","Explanation":"S (son) entering UAE (Arab state) reversed (from the south) \u2013 definition is (biblical man)"} {"Clue":"Nipples rise when fondled by saint: may be sign of a rascal (12)","Answer":"SLIPPERINESS","Explanation":"(NIPPLES RISE)* anagram=when fondled then S (saint)"} {"Clue":"That man embraced by topless dish showed pleasure (5)","Answer":"OOHED","Explanation":"HE (that man) in (embraced by) fOOD (dish) topless \u2013 an unusual but rather pleasing word"} {"Clue":"Study's doorway letting in column of light (9)","Answer":"PORTRAYAL","Explanation":"PORTAL (doorway) containing (letting in) RAY (column of light)"} {"Clue":"One used for hitting creature that flies under hopper (7,3)","Answer":"CRICKET BAT","Explanation":"BAT (creature that flies) under CRICKET (hopping insect)"} {"Clue":"Abrasive material damaged prepay meter, after scrubbing centrepiece (5,5)","Answer":"EMERY PAPER","Explanation":"anagram (damaged) of (PREPAY METER)* missing (scrubbing) T\u00a0(centre, middle letter, of meter)"} {"Clue":"Nobleman that is in possession of properties and land around London (4,8)","Answer":"HOME COUNTIES","Explanation":"COUNT (nobleman) IE (that is) inside (in possession of) HOMES (properties)"} {"Clue":"Wakes too late for algebra lesson? (10)","Answer":"AFTERMATHS","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition \u2013 'wakes' and 'to late for algebra lesson?'. An excellent clue!"} {"Clue":"Immunised cleaner can't die sweeping (10)","Answer":"VACCINATED","Explanation":"VAC (cleaner) then (CAN'T DIE)* anagram=sweeping"} {"Clue":"Put up popular nurse in secure metal shelter (6,3)","Answer":"NISSEN HUT","Explanation":"IN (popular) reversed (put up) SEN (nurse) \u2013 a prefabricated building designed in World War I"} {"Clue":"Restlessly move around area of boat on lake (5)","Answer":"PROWL","Explanation":"PROW (area of boat) on L (lake)"} {"Clue":"Give a poke to keep me partly upright (4)","Answer":"JAMB","Explanation":"JAB (give a poke) containing Me (first letter, part of) \u2013 a door upright"} {"Clue":"What? Given up on final clue? (4)","Answer":"HERE","Explanation":"EH (what) reversed (given up) RE (regarding, on) \u2013 the final clue is here. I nearly did give up on this one!"} {"Clue":"Tragic ruin, almost destroyed by pick axe (8,6)","Answer":"ELECTRIC GUITAR","Explanation":"anagram (destroyed) of TRAGIC and RUIn missing last letter (almost) following (by) ELECT (pick) \u2013 definition is 'axe'. Excellent clue! The solution seems to be completely unrelated to the clue."} {"Clue":"Spare pen is able to be slipped in (6)","Answer":"SCANTY","Explanation":"STY (pen) with CAN (is able) inside (to be slipped in)"} {"Clue":"A compiler from Ulster not quite drunk in Provence (8)","Answer":"ANISETTE","Explanation":"A NI SETTEr ( a Northern Irish setter, a setter from Ulster perhaps) missing final letter \u2013 definition is 'drunk in Provence', a typical drink of southern France"} {"Clue":"Born in a bad year after the end of the Raj, settled on Rochester (4,4)","Answer":"JANE AYRE","Explanation":"NEE (born) in YEAR* bad=anagram following raJ (end letter of) \u2013 I think 'settled' means Jane chose Edward Rochester for her husband, though I am not sure."} {"Clue":"The police operation needs right transport (10)","Answer":"HELICOPTER","Explanation":"(THE POLICE)* anagram=operation with R (right)"} {"Clue":"Appropriate alternative to flight in store? (8)","Answer":"SHOPLIFT","Explanation":"definition and* cryptic definition \u2013 *appropriate=steal and* an alternative to a flight of stairs in a shop. ~~This doesn't do much for me as the surface reading is basically nonsense, or contrived at the very least. A good cryptic def should start from some sort of well known or at least meaningful phrase.~~ *Thanks to Eileen for this."} {"Clue":"What makes Tom feel a bit irritated? (4,4)","Answer":"FLEA BITE","Explanation":"(FEEL A BIT)* anagram=irritated \u2013 definition is sort of &lit. Another one that does not work for me. For this to be truly &lit the anagram would have to be (TOM FEEL A BIT) or similar. If this is a standard clue then the definition will be 'What makes Tom'."} {"Clue":"One of two sound producers, each about right on Beethoven's third (8)","Answer":"EAR PIECE","Explanation":"APIECE (each) containing (about) R (right) all before (on) beEthoven (third letter of) \u2013 definition is 'One of two sound producers'. *Beethoven's third* is now very hackneyed, but I am glad that setters still use these old chestnuts from time to time as it would be a shame if newer solvers never get to see them."} {"Clue":"Somehow bear externally chirpy disposition under great pressure (10)","Answer":"HYPERBARIC","Explanation":"BEAR* anagram=somehow inside (with \u2026 externally) CHIRPY* anagram=disposition \u2013 definition is 'under great pressure'. This could have been clued as a single anagram (BEAR CHIRPY), but breaking it up makes the clue much trickier to parse. It didn't make the solution difficult to find though as BEAR CHIRPY still jumped out out as an obvious anagram, even if I couldn't explain why at the time."} {"Clue":"O for a holiday as career! (8)","Answer":"VOCATION","Explanation":"VaCATION with O replacing (for) A"} {"Clue":"Instead of a threat (2,4)","Answer":"OR ELSE","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 a bit too straightforward as the meanings of the words in two definitions are essentially the same"} {"Clue":"Stick notice in this location (6)","Answer":"ADHERE","Explanation":"AD (notice) HERE (in this location)"} {"Clue":"A challenging report can be educational (8)","Answer":"EDIFYING","Explanation":"sounds like (reported) \"a defying\" (a challenging). We have 'reported' as a homophone indicator in 8dn too. Another one that doesn't quite work for me as I would pronounce these \"eh-defying\" and \"ah-defying\" (as in \"bed\" vs \"bad\")."} {"Clue":"Some silly craze for skin-tight garments (5)","Answer":"LYCRA","Explanation":"found inside (some ) silLY CRAze. A nice surface."} {"Clue":"Think about Tory blueprint (11)","Answer":"CONTEMPLATE","Explanation":"CON (Conservative, Tory) TEMPLATE (blueprint) \u2013 definition is 'think about'"} {"Clue":"Regular myth, rich in variety (8)","Answer":"RHYTHMIC","Explanation":"(RICH MYTH)* anagram=in variety \u2013 definition is 'regular'"} {"Clue":"Writer's dramatic end with fallen woman having no better alternative (9,6)","Answer":"CHARLOTTE BRONTE","Explanation":"dramatiC (end letter of) with HRLOT (fallen woman) having (NO BETTER)* anagram=alternative \u2013 author of 11,22."} {"Clue":"Fault of girl's heartless longing (6)","Answer":"GLITCH","Explanation":"GirL (heartless, no middle letters) with ITCH (longing). 'Heartless longing' seems to be a bit of a contradiction in terms; this isn't a complaint, just a random thought on my part."} {"Clue":"Police agent's chill-out time? (3,3)","Answer":"ICE AGE","Explanation":"found in ('s, belonging to) polICE AGEnt. Well disguised, it took me a while to spot this."} {"Clue":"Real gold with next credit report (9)","Answer":"AUTHENTIC","Explanation":"AU (gold) with THEN (next) and TIC sounds like (reported as) 'tick' (credit) \u2013 definition is 'real'"} {"Clue":"Local infestation by unknown people raised a threat to all (6,5)","Answer":"PUBLIC ENEMY","Explanation":"PUB (local) LICE (infestation) with Y (unknown) MEN (people) reversed (raised)"} {"Clue":"Buddy has a club in Tinseltown (9)","Answer":"HOLLYWOOD","Explanation":"Buddy HOLLY has WOOD (a club). Easy but nice."} {"Clue":"Green Bond producer (8)","Answer":"BROCCOLI","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 vegetable and Albert Broccoli, producer of the James Bond films"} {"Clue":"Accommodate force (6)","Answer":"OBLIGE","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"About 1 in 7 deadly ones is a plant extract (5)","Answer":"RESIN","Explanation":"RE (regarding, about) SIN (1 in 7 deadly ones, one of the deadly sins). Bizzarely I found this the hardest clue of all. My first guess was RICIN, a deadly plant extract. I then adjusted this to RESIN, pronounced \"ree- sin\" as a possible alternative spelling that I was unable to find anywhere. I was unable to make the mental jump from long vowel to short. So I guess this counts as excellent misdirection!"} {"Clue":"A scolding? Please explain (4,3)","Answer":"WHAT FOR","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 \"I'll give you what for!\""} {"Clue":"Effect of insecticide for plant? (7)","Answer":"BUGLOSS","Explanation":"cryptic\/double definiion \u2013 bugloss is a plant"} {"Clue":"House party into the groove, looking back (5)","Answer":"TUDOR","Explanation":"DO (party) in RUT (the grove) reversed (looking back) \u2013 definition is 'house', royal one"} {"Clue":"Fish a bit strange ultimately, a bit odd (9)","Answer":"WHITEBAIT","Explanation":"WHIT (a bit) strangE (ultimate letter of) with (A BIT)* anagram=odd"} {"Clue":"One climbing plant in gallery \u2014 Romanesque, say? (10)","Answer":"ITALIANATE","Explanation":"I (one) then LIANA (climbing plant) in TATE (gallery)"} {"Clue":"Hooter's 'oot (3)","Answer":"OWL","Explanation":"hOWL (hoot, missing leading letter) \u2013 definition is 'hooter'"} {"Clue":"I run batsman out, playing a blinder (12)","Answer":"MASTURBATION","Explanation":"anagram (playing) of I RUN BATSMAN and OUT \u2013 proverbially it makes you blind. Great stuff!"} {"Clue":"A lot behind, hard to forget unfortunately, after retirement of Brown \u2014 this much still left behind (8,4)","Answer":"NATIONAL DEBT","Explanation":"(A LOT BEhIND)* missing H=hard (anagram=unfortunately) following TAN (brown) reversed (retirement of)"} {"Clue":"Time to get some therapy (3)","Answer":"ERA","Explanation":"found in (some) thERApy"} {"Clue":"Looking to catch egg running backwards \u2014 extraordinary! (10)","Answer":"STAGGERING","Explanation":"STARING (looking) conatins (to catch) EGG reversed (looking backwards)"} {"Clue":"Creep silently at first, then hop past tree (9)","Answer":"SLIMEBALL","Explanation":"Silently (first letter of) then BALL (hop, dance) following (past) LIME (tree)"} {"Clue":"Pigment taps into mineral deposit (5)","Answer":"OCHRE","Explanation":"C H (hot and cold taps) in ORE (mineral deposit)"} {"Clue":"Well-placed construction boy reported (7)","Answer":"DERRICK","Explanation":"sounds like (reported) Derek (boy) \u2013 a construction found on an oil well"} {"Clue":"Spread out, saw around centre of pile (7)","Answer":"DILATED","Explanation":"DATED (saw) containing (around) pILe (centre of)"} {"Clue":"In as gin can be? (4,2)","Answer":"WITH IT","Explanation":"could be Gin WITH IT (gin and Italian vermouth) \u2013 definition is 'in', trendy"} {"Clue":"An Anglican clergyman peaking in South America? (6)","Answer":"ANDEAN","Explanation":"AN then DEAN (Anglican clergyman)"} {"Clue":"One sinning in fact, or doubly wicked (10)","Answer":"FORNICATOR","Explanation":"anagram (wicked) of In FACT and OR OR (or twice, doubly)"} {"Clue":"Two yews, say, in bay tree (5)","Answer":"ROWAN","Explanation":"W (double U, said) in ROAN (bay)"} {"Clue":"Surgical pioneer pokes bottom that's covered in sores (9)","Answer":"BLISTERED","Explanation":"LISTER (surgical pioneer) in (pokes) BED (bottom)"} {"Clue":"Sexy woman found in a state in India, say? (4)","Answer":"GOER","Explanation":"sounds like (say) Goa (state in India)"} {"Clue":"Needing no introduction, sexist Kazakh loves to adopt religious teachings as The Messiah, perhaps? (8)","Answer":"ORATORIO","Explanation":"bORAT (sexist Kazakh, Baron-Cohen character) then O O (love, tennis score, twice) containing (to adopt) RI (religious instruction)"} {"Clue":"Making one's home, landlord's first to enter the scene (8)","Answer":"SETTLING","Explanation":"Landlord (first letter of) in SETTING (scene)"} {"Clue":"Toy with Ken Livingstone's last bill, bad or otherwise (6,4)","Answer":"BARBIE DOLL","Explanation":"anagram (otherwise) of livingstonE (last letter of) and BILL BAD OR \u2013 the plastic girlfriend of Ken"} {"Clue":"Spooner's cooked nail, metal item at breakfast? (5,4)","Answer":"TOAST RACK","Explanation":"Spoonerism of \"roast tack\" (cooked nail)"} {"Clue":"Furious as a thurible? (8)","Answer":"INCENSED","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition \u2013 a thurible is an incense burner on a chain waved about in chuch services"} {"Clue":"After a storm, Emirates hotter (8)","Answer":"STEAMIER","Explanation":"EMIRATES* anagram=after a storm"} {"Clue":"Headgear other than this keeps fashionable (3,3)","Answer":"TIN HAT","Explanation":"THAT (other than this) contains (keeps) IN (fashionable)"} {"Clue":"Granted, old houses are roofless (6)","Answer":"AGREED","Explanation":"AGED (old) contains (houses) aRE (roofless, no top)"} {"Clue":"Very cold bottoms on freezing ice cap (5)","Answer":"GELID","Explanation":"freezinG icE (bottoms on, last letters of) then LID\u00a0(cap) \u2013 definition is 'very cold'"} {"Clue":"Heads of King Edward's people in military headgear (4)","Answer":"KEPI","Explanation":"King Edwards People In (heads, first letters, of) \u2013 military cap with peak, typically a French style"} {"Clue":"She could control said male lover on the job (12)","Answer":"POSTMISTRESS","Explanation":"Definition: She could control said male\nMISTRESS (lover) on POST (job) she could control the mail (sounds like male) \u2013 a cryptic definition?"} {"Clue":"Almost certain to come through second best (7)","Answer":"SURPASS","Explanation":"Definition: best\nSURe (certain, almost) PASS (to come through) follows (second)"} {"Clue":"Father finally confused, showing signs of age (7)","Answer":"RADDLED","Explanation":"Definition: showing signs of age \nfatheR (final letter of) and ADDLED (confused)"} {"Clue":"On about English child, a small one who's on his tod? (7)","Answer":"EREMITE","Explanation":"Definition: who's on his tod\nRE (regarding, on) reversed (about) E (English) MITE (small child) \u2013 a hermit"} {"Clue":"Pair of back-to-back houses has collapsed, causing disturbances (3-4)","Answer":"HOO-HAHS","Explanation":"Definition: disturbances\nHO OH (house twice, back-to-back) and HAS* anagram=collapsed"} {"Clue":"Afterthought primarily said to subdue interjections (5)","Answer":"PSSTS","Explanation":"Definition: interjections\nPS (afterthought) Said To Subdue (primarily, first letters of)"} {"Clue":"Negotiator went in, having been cut badly (2-7)","Answer":"IN-BETWEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Negotiator\nanagram (badly) of WENT IN\u00a0and BEEn (cut)"} {"Clue":"Revive right to build housing for certain \u2013 not quite (9)","Answer":"RESURRECT","Explanation":"Definition: Revive\nR (right) ERECT (to build) contains (housing) SURe (for cerrtain) unfinished (not quite)"} {"Clue":"Comp\u00e8re regularly managed by head of events? (5)","Answer":"EMCEE","Explanation":"Definition: Comp\u00e8re regularly managed by head of events\nanagram (managed) of CoMpErE (regularly, every other letter) and Events (head, first letter of) \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Deepest liquid gets you wet (7)","Answer":"STEEPED","Explanation":"Definition: wet\nDEEPEST* anagram=liquid"} {"Clue":"King John going ahead during search (4,3)","Answer":"LOOK FOR","Explanation":"Definition: search \nK (king) with LOO (john) before (ahead) FOR (during)"} {"Clue":"Law taking time to stop representation (7)","Answer":"STATUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Law\nT (time) in STATUE (representation)"} {"Clue":"Old punk musician's set (7)","Answer":"ADAMANT","Explanation":"Definition: set \nADAM ANT (former punk musician)"} {"Clue":"Still revel excitedly about article seized by head (12)","Answer":"NEVERTHELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Still\nREVEL* anagram=excitedly contains (about) THE (article) all in (seized by) NESS (head)"} {"Clue":"Press almost overwhelms Gaelic hero (7)","Answer":"PERSEUS","Explanation":"Definition: hero\nPUSh (press, almost) contains (overwhelms) ERSE (Gaelic) \u2013 greek hero"} {"Clue":"Scoundrel that is sure to initiate a rash complaint? (7)","Answer":"SCABIES","Explanation":"Definition: a rash complaint\nSCAB (scoundrel) IE (that is) Sure (initial letter of)"} {"Clue":"Fascinate setter, repeatedly catching small fly? (9)","Answer":"MESMERISE","Explanation":"Definition: Fascinate\nME ME (setter, repeatedly) containing (catching) S (small) rise (fly)"} {"Clue":"Do not open trashy bottled wine (5)","Answer":"SYRAH","Explanation":"Definition: wine\ntRASHY* (not opening) anagram=bottled"} {"Clue":"One employed to entertain old soldier (7)","Answer":"REDCOAT","Explanation":"Definition: One employed to entertain\ndouble definition \u2013 reference to Butlins staff"} {"Clue":"Rescue wild animal whose tail has been trapped (7)","Answer":"SALVAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Rescue\nSAVAGE (wild)\u00a0containing (has been trapped)\u00a0animaL (tail of)"} {"Clue":"Nasty condition persists painfully when oxygen is frequently administered (12)","Answer":"OSTEOPOROSIS","Explanation":"Definition: Nasty condition\nPERSISTS* anagram=painfully contains (when administered) OOOO (oxygen, frequently) \u2013 definition is 'nasty condition'. ~~My explanation here is missing one E.~~\u00a0Out of interest, this could be either O (elemental oxygen) four times or O2 (molecular oxygen) twice."} {"Clue":"Unexpectedly ingest dirt with crust of apple crumble (12)","Answer":"DISINTEGRATE","Explanation":"Definition: crumble\nanagram (unexpectedly) of INGEST DIRT and ApplE (crust of)"} {"Clue":"British prime minister outside Number Ten holding a bill (6-3)","Answer":"BATTLE AXE","Explanation":"Definition: bill \nB (British) ATTLEE (former Prime Minister) containing X (number ten) all containing (again!) A"} {"Clue":"Leak instruction to look elsewhere? (7)","Answer":"SEEPAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Leak\nSEE PAGE\u2026 (instructions to look elsewhere)"} {"Clue":"After a change of heart, underrate public transport (7)","Answer":"RAPTURE","Explanation":"Definition: transport\nanagram of the heart of undERRATE PUblic"} {"Clue":"Call up European, about to divide opinion (7)","Answer":"EVOCATE","Explanation":"Definition: Call up\nE (European) then CA (circa, about) in (to divide) VOTE (opinion)"} {"Clue":"Long clothes cover behind in toilets (7)","Answer":"CAFTANS","Explanation":"Definition: Long clothes \nAFT (behind) inside (covered in)\u00a0CANS (toilets)"} {"Clue":"Focused anxiously on opening of deep scar (5)","Answer":"DWELT","Explanation":"Definition: Focused anxiously on\nDeep (opening letter of) WELT (scar)"} {"Clue":"Rod's intelligence evident in school (6)","Answer":"SWITCH","Explanation":"WIT (intelligence) in SCH (school)"} {"Clue":"A suitable place for curtains? (8)","Answer":"DEATHBED","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 nice clue!"} {"Clue":"Part of Arafat's evaluation backed by religious texts (6)","Answer":"AVESTA","Explanation":"found in arafATS EVAluation reversed (backed)"} {"Clue":"Uncovers debris so spread out (8)","Answer":"DISROBES","Explanation":"(DEBRIS SO)* anagram=spread out"} {"Clue":"Mistaken about girl's top (8)","Answer":"OUTCLASS","Explanation":"OUT (mistaken) C (about) LASS (a girl) \u2013 definition is 'top'"} {"Clue":"Servant girl's back after only a short time (6)","Answer":"BUTLER","Explanation":"girL (last, back, letter of) after BUT (only) ERa (time) short=not finished"} {"Clue":"What Scrooge had to replace with compassion (6,2,5)","Answer":"CHANGE OF HEART","Explanation":"CHANGE (to replace) OF (with) HEART (compassion) \u2013 definition is 'what Scrooge had'"} {"Clue":"May, for instance, abridge article on swindle involving corrupt alderman (8,5)","Answer":"CALENDAR MONTH","Explanation":"THe (article, abridges) follows (on) CON (swindle) contains (involving) ALDERMAN* anagram=corrupt"} {"Clue":"Appears as girl's holding court (6)","Answer":"ENACTS","Explanation":"ENA'S (girl's) holding CT (court) \u2013 appears in a play for example"} {"Clue":"Continued to hedge about following a girl in the dark (8)","Answer":"UNAWARES","Explanation":"WAS (continued) contains (to hedge) RE (about) following UNA (a girl)"} {"Clue":"Power to seize key American bank (4,4)","Answer":"SALT AWAY","Explanation":"SWAY (power) contains (to seize) ALT (key) A (American) \u2013 definition is 'bank'"} {"Clue":"Cell door breached by writer (6)","Answer":"GAMETE","Explanation":"GATE (door) contains (breached by) ME (the writer)"} {"Clue":"Failure of Worcestershire's opener caught by Bradman at slip (8)","Answer":"DOWNFALL","Explanation":"W (opeing letter of Worcestershire) in (caught by) DON Bradman\u00a0and FALL (slip) \u2013 definition is failure"} {"Clue":"Best to have sex and leave (4,2)","Answer":"BEAT IT","Explanation":"BEAT (best) IT (sex)"} {"Clue":"Ghost to appear without notice (6)","Answer":"SHADOW","Explanation":"SHOW (appear) inside (with\u2026out) AD (notice)"} {"Clue":"Indistinguishable from variously indelicate expressions originally deleted (9)","Answer":"IDENTICAL","Explanation":"INDELICATe* anagram=variously missing start of Expressions"} {"Clue":"Tree pipit eventually spotted near a mountain in Central America (7)","Answer":"CATALPA","Explanation":"pipiT (final letter of) following (spotted near) A and ALP (mountain) in CA (Central America) \u2013 a tree"} {"Clue":"Extremely unpleasant dust storm beginning to die away (4)","Answer":"EVIL","Explanation":"dEVIL (dust storm) mising (away) D (beginning of die)"} {"Clue":"Done when a couple of them get agitated (7)","Answer":"THROUGH","Explanation":"THem (two letters of) with ROUGH (agitated)"} {"Clue":"Run out of fish causing confusion (5)","Answer":"BABEL","Explanation":"BArBEL (fish) missing (out of) R (run) \u2013 definition is confusion"} {"Clue":"Unattached princess has dreadful secret (8)","Answer":"DISCRETE","Explanation":"DI (princess) with SECRET* anagram=dreadful"} {"Clue":"Remarkable note penned by novelist (6)","Answer":"SIGNAL","Explanation":"I'm not sure about this one. Could be N (note) in Clancy SIGAL (novelist) but why does signal=remarkable?"} {"Clue":"Familiar sound of birds circling a short distance above Nelson's head (6)","Answer":"COMMON","Explanation":"COO (sound of birds) contains (circling) MM (short distance) over Nelson (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"A tendency over time to keep soldiers from revolting (9)","Answer":"ABHORRENT","Explanation":"A BENT (tendency) contains (over) HR (hour, time) containing (to keep) OR (other ranks, soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Entered with authority to go around tax department (8)","Answer":"ACCESSED","Explanation":"ACE (authority) contains (to go around) CESS (tax) then D (department)"} {"Clue":"Very hard to stop Matt getting upset after a refusal (3,4)","Answer":"NOT HALF","Explanation":"H (hard) in (to sop, like a cork) FLAT (matt) reversed (getting upset) following NO (a refusal) \u2013 definition is 'very'"} {"Clue":"Deny grabbing women from a London street (7)","Answer":"NEWGATE","Explanation":"NEGATE (deny) contains (grabbing) W (women) \u2013 Newgate Street in London"} {"Clue":"Insist upon getting activists' leader to lock up (6)","Answer":"ASSERT","Explanation":"Activist (leaing letter of) with TRESS (lock) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Acknowledge everyone without rising (5)","Answer":"ALLOW","Explanation":"ALL (everyone) then WO (without) reversed (rising)"} {"Clue":"Heard beast's cry (4)","Answer":"WAIL","Explanation":"sounds like (heard) whale (beast) \u2013 definition is cry"} {"Clue":"Not having object in van gets one very embarrassed at first (12)","Answer":"INTRANSITIVE","Explanation":"IN TRANSIT (van) gets I (one) V (very) Embarrassed (first letter of) \u2013 definition is 'not having object'"} {"Clue":"Article's a classic, capturing ultimate character of computer geeks (7)","Answer":"ANORAKS","Explanation":"AN (indefinite article) than OAKS (classic, horse race) containing computeR (last letter of) \u2013 definition is 'geeks'"} {"Clue":"Making good time, fielder didn't get to catch (3,4)","Answer":"LET SLIP","Explanation":"~~I'm not sure about this one \u2013~~ LEg SLIP (fielder) with G (good) changing to (being made) T (time) \u2013 definition is \"didn't get to catch\" *Thanks to Gaufrid for this."} {"Clue":"Vaguely hint about leader in private education turning comprehensive (2-5)","Answer":"IN-DEPTH","Explanation":"Private (first letter) in ED (education) all reversed (turning) in HINT"} {"Clue":"Dash it, timber is partly made of wood! (7)","Answer":"SHITTIM","Explanation":"found in (partly made of) daSH IT TIMber \u2013 Hebrew word for the acacia tree"} {"Clue":"Reportedly hides in shrub (5)","Answer":"FURZE","Explanation":"sounds like (reportedly) furs (hides)"} {"Clue":"No burial at sea for German nobleman? (9)","Answer":"LANDGRAVE","Explanation":"doouble\/cryptic definition \u2013 landgrave is a title for a nobleman, equivalent of the German *landgraf"} {"Clue":"Displaced Rentokil, oddly, as top eliminator of pests (3-6)","Answer":"RAT POISON","Explanation":"anagram of ReNtOkIl (odd letters) with AS TOP"} {"Clue":"One's incredibly minute, for a start (5)","Answer":"MESON","Explanation":"ONE'S* anagram=incredibly with M (minute) in front (for a start) \u2013 definition is &lit."} {"Clue":"Strike force to join navy? (7)","Answer":"IMPRESS","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 'strike' and 'force to join the navy?'"} {"Clue":"Person in charge conceals note relating to secret order (7)","Answer":"MASONIC","Explanation":"MAN (person) IC (in charge) contains (conceals) SO (note, musical)"} {"Clue":"Goodies originally fed to the French? (7)","Answer":"GATEAUX","Explanation":"Goodies (first letter of) ATE (fed) AUX (to the, French) \u2013 definition is &lit. Chapeau!"} {"Clue":"Kelvin, a debauched fellow, harbours love for pub entertainment (7)","Answer":"KARAOKE","Explanation":"K (Kelvin) A RAKE (debauched fellow) contains (harbours) O (love)"} {"Clue":"Extremely cute but heartless little child hides in quarry repeatedly (6-6)","Answer":"PRETTY-PRETTY","Explanation":"ToT (little child, heartless) in PREY (quarry) all repeated"} {"Clue":"Brother may be so suitable (2,5)","Answer":"IN ORDER","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 of a monk"} {"Clue":"Dodgy arrest right away starts to implicate PC Plod (7)","Answer":"TRAIPSE","Explanation":"anagram (dodgy) of ARrEST with R=right missing (away) and IP (starting letters of implicate and PC) \u2013 definition is 'plod'"} {"Clue":"Classical writer's character that's old, extremely hearty and mostly drunk (9)","Answer":"AESCHYLUS","Explanation":"AESC (a runic, old, character) with HeartY (extremes of) and LUSh \u2013 ancient Greek writer"} {"Clue":"This tennis player's form can be up and down (5)","Answer":"SELES","Explanation":"Monica SELES, a palindrome (can be up and down)"} {"Clue":"Showing disapproval, for the whole band's no good (7)","Answer":"TUTTING","Explanation":"TUTTI (all together, for a band, musicians) with N (no) G (good)"} {"Clue":"To clean motor, sailor docked in island capital (7)","Answer":"VALETTA","Explanation":"VALET (to clean motor) TAr (sailor) shortened (docked last letter) \u2013 capital of Malta"} {"Clue":"Couturier's job is hard to quit (5-7)","Answer":"HABIT-FORMING","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Fireman perhaps needs a little money for something to eat (12)","Answer":"PUMPERNICKEL","Explanation":"PUMPER (fireman perhaps) with (needs) NICKEL (a little money) \u2013 rye bread"} {"Clue":"One has no need to pick up the tab (3-6)","Answer":"NON-SMOKER","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Row about parking on street? He'll give better advice (7)","Answer":"TIPSTER","Explanation":"TIER (row) contains (about) P (parking) on ST (street)"} {"Clue":"Ham and eggs to absorb half of beer before court (7)","Answer":"OVERACT","Explanation":"OVA (eggs) contains (to absorb) beER (half of) then CT (court)"} {"Clue":"Rodent problem arising before otter briefly turned up (7)","Answer":"MUSKRAT","Explanation":"SUM (problem) reveresed (arising) before TARKa (otter, briefly) reversed (turned up)"} {"Clue":"Senior Tory finally admits one's out of touch, perhaps (7)","Answer":"SENSORY","Explanation":"SR (senior) torY (final letter of) contains (admits) ONE'S* anagram=out \u2013 definition is 'of touch, perhaps'. An anagram of ONE'S is also used at 19 across (I'm not complaining here, just mentioning it out of interest)."} {"Clue":"Team's backed to get boundaries in Twenty Twenty and double score (5)","Answer":"SIXTY","Explanation":"XI'S (team's, eleven's) reversed (backed) with TwentY (boundaries of) \u2013 definition is 'twenty and double score) 20 + (20 + 20) = 60"} {"Clue":"Sly hero follows start of cricket game (6)","Answer":"CRAMBO","Explanation":"Definition: game\nRAMBO (Sly hero, played Sylvester \"Sly\" Stallone) follows C (start, first letter, of cricket) \u2013 a rhyming game"} {"Clue":"Site of dome by youth centre and a poor lodging (6)","Answer":"XANADU","Explanation":"Definition: Site of dome\nX (by, multiplication) yoUth (centre of) contains (lodging) (AND A)* anagram=poor \u2013 *In Xanadu did Kubla Khan a stately pleasure-dome decree\u2026"} {"Clue":"The reason he was axed? (7)","Answer":"TREASON","Explanation":"Definition: The reason he was axed\nT' (the) REASON \u2013 definition is sort of &lit. A super clue! Normally I don't like these not-quite-&lit not-quite-standard clues, but this one just works brilliantly."} {"Clue":"Give up trick to potential winner, say (7)","Answer":"CONCEDE","Explanation":"Definition: Give up\nCON (trick) with (to) SEED sounds like (say) SEED (potential winner)"} {"Clue":"A Catholic had once represented senior cleric (10)","Answer":"ARCHDEACON","Explanation":"Definition: senior cleric\nanagram (represented) of A RC (Catholic) HAD ONCE"} {"Clue":"People who do it are trained normally at the start (4)","Answer":"EARN","Explanation":"Definition: People who do it are trained normally at the start\nARE* anagram=trained then Normally (at the start, first letter of) \u2013 definition is sort of &lit"} {"Clue":"Law's absolute in West Bank area (5)","Answer":"JUDEA","Explanation":"Definition: West Bank area\nJUDE Law (actor) then A (absolute)"} {"Clue":"Grass could be a little taller, except for trail (8)","Answer":"TELLTALE","Explanation":"Definition: Grass\n(a litTLE TALLEr)* anagram='could be' missing (except for) T R A I L"} {"Clue":"Swimmer's first goal, winning tight finish comprehensively (2,6)","Answer":"AT LENGTH","Explanation":"Definition: comprehensively\nA LENGTH (swimemr's first goal) contains (winning) tighT (finish of)"} {"Clue":"Relaxed but shy around both sexes (5)","Answer":"COMFY","Explanation":"Definition: Relaxed\nCOY (shy) contains (around) M F (both sexes)"} {"Clue":"Close down early, having trimmed margins (4)","Answer":"NEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Close\nfound inside\u00a0(having margins trimmed)\u00a0dowN EARly"} {"Clue":"Got rule in a mess, so made another one (10)","Answer":"REGULATION","Explanation":"Definition: another one\n(GOT RULE IN A)* anagram=mess \u2013 definition is 'another rule'"} {"Clue":"Implement updated iTunes on laptop (7)","Answer":"UTENSIL","Explanation":"Definition: Implement\nITUNES* anagram=updated on L (top of lap)"} {"Clue":"Disney's kid? No, Roman's (7)","Answer":"BAMBINO","Explanation":"Definition: Roman's\nBAMBI (disney kid) NO \u2013 a kid in Italy (Roman)"} {"Clue":"Don passes it and runs over small empty box (6)","Answer":"ROSTOV","Explanation":"Definition: Don passes it\nR (runs) O (over) S (small) then O in TV (box with nothing inside) \u2013 Rostov-on-Don in Russia. A fine clue!"} {"Clue":"Tool providers ban drink (6)","Answer":"PLIERS","Explanation":"Definition: Tool\nsupPLIERS (providers) missing (banning) SUP (drink)"} {"Clue":"Nurse's CV doesn't cover athlete's foot (5)","Answer":"CARER","Explanation":"Definition: Nurse\nCAREeR (CV) missing (not covering) E (last letter of athelete)"} {"Clue":"Disturbed remains in a plot (7)","Answer":"ABASHED","Explanation":"Definition: Disturbed\nASH (remains) in A BED (plot)"} {"Clue":"Orange mob scattered, returning missile (9)","Answer":"BOOMERANG","Explanation":"Definition: returning missile\n(ORANGE MOB)* anagram=scattered"} {"Clue":"A party on service deck (5)","Answer":"ADORN","Explanation":"Definition: deck\nA DO (party) on RN (Royal Navy, servcie)"} {"Clue":"Very old, worked with son for instance (7)","Answer":"ANCIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Very old\nANCIENT S (son) is an anagram (worked) of INSTANCE"} {"Clue":"Lower tone \u2013 felt piano intruding (9)","Answer":"UNDERPLAY","Explanation":"Definition: Lower tone\nUNDERLAY (felt) containing (with \u2026 intruding) P (piano)"} {"Clue":"East Germans ruin first snack (6,3)","Answer":"SCOTCH EGG","Explanation":"Definition: snack\nE (east) G G (German, two of) following (with \u2026 first) SCOTCH (ruin)"} {"Clue":"Stone me! He gets around a bit! (3-6)","Answer":"JET SETTER","Explanation":"Definition: He gets around a bit!\nJET (stone) ~~ME (setter)~~ SETTER (me)"} {"Clue":"It's cheap to make alco pops roughly in 3 lines (5,4)","Answer":"LOCAL CALL","Explanation":"Definition: It's cheap to make\nALCO* (anagram=pops) CA (circa, roughly) in L L L (3 lines) \u2013 a phone call"} {"Clue":"Royal artist stops receiving messages (7)","Answer":"ERRANDS","Explanation":"Definition: messages \nR (royal) RA (Royal Academician, artist) inside (received by) ENDS (stops)"} {"Clue":"Bill invested in footwear that's tending to change (7)","Answer":"MUTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: tending to change\nTAB (bill) in (invested in) MULE (footware)"} {"Clue":"One's protected by ferocious horn (5)","Answer":"RHINO","Explanation":"Definition: One's protected by ferocious horn\nI (one) in (protected by) HORN* anagram=ferocious \u2013 defnition is &lit. I think ferocious is stretching it a bit as an anagram indicator but it makes for a good &lit."} {"Clue":"They emerge from what's in pens, very big pens (5)","Answer":"OINKS","Explanation":"Definition: They emerge from what's in pens\nINK (whats in pens) in (penned by) OS (outsize, very big) \u2013 noises emerging from pigs, found in pig pens (which are therefore very big, or bigger than a biro?). Yet another of these not-quite-&lit definitions. This time I think Redshank has gone a bit too far and the definition is too contrived for the clue to work. For me 'whats in pens' is really doing double duty in both the construction and the definition."} {"Clue":"What to watch for the score! (6)","Answer":"BIRDIE","Explanation":"Definition: What to watch\ndouble\/cryptic definition \u2013 photographers' catchprase and score at golf"} {"Clue":"Worker at dance is a sport (8)","Answer":"HANDBALL","Explanation":"Definition: a sport \nHAND (worker) at BALL (dance)"} {"Clue":"Game spinster (3,4)","Answer":"OLD MAID","Explanation":"Definition: Game\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Game bird abandoned railway station (7)","Answer":"CANASTA","Explanation":"Definition: Game\nCANAry (bird) missing (abandoned) RY (railway) then STA (station)"} {"Clue":"Fit for the hunt? (4)","Answer":"MEET","Explanation":"Definition: Fit for\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Wants linen mangled at court? (4,6)","Answer":"LAWN TENNIS","Explanation":"Definition: at court?\n(WANTS LINEN)* anagram=mangled"} {"Clue":"Agent, amateur, at match after draw (6)","Answer":"REPLAY","Explanation":"Definition: match after draw\nREP (agent) LAY (amateur)"} {"Clue":"Wooden barriers guarding sport (7)","Answer":"FENCING","Explanation":"Definition: Wooden barriers guarding\ndouble definition, possibly triple definition if 'guarding' is considered separately"} {"Clue":"Poet supports card-games (7)","Answer":"BRIDGES","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\ntriple definition \u2013 poet Robert Bridges"} {"Clue":"Cheese's not for stroke (6)","Answer":"ROQUET","Explanation":"Definition: stroke\nROQUEforT (cheese) missing FOR \u2013 a type of shot in the game of croquet"} {"Clue":"Five shillings and singular dollar bills for 29? (5,5)","Answer":"CROWN GREEN","Explanation":"Definition: 29\nCROWN (five shillings) and GREENs (dollar bills, singular) \u2013 type of bowls game"} {"Clue":"Fruit gets cored for car sport (4)","Answer":"POLO","Explanation":"Definition: car\nPOmeLO (fruit) missing middle letters (gets cored) \u2013 a Volskwagon car and a game"} {"Clue":"Sport baroque instruments making noises (7)","Answer":"RACKETS","Explanation":"Definition: Sport\nsounds like (making noises) racketts (baroque musical instruments)"} {"Clue":"Bird in Crosby delivering tenpins? (7)","Answer":"BOWLING","Explanation":"Definition: tenpins\nOWL (bird) in BING Crosby"} {"Clue":"Wade off into Scottish river for sport (8)","Answer":"SPEEDWAY","Explanation":"Definition: sport\nWADE* anagram=off in SPEY (Scottish river)"} {"Clue":"Island top on tour? (6)","Answer":"JERSEY","Explanation":"Definition: Island\ndouble\/cryptic definition \u2013 one of the Tour de France race leaders \u2013 Yellow, Green or Polka-dot Jerseys"} {"Clue":"Errors at the bakery (8)","Answer":"BLOOMERS","Explanation":"Definition: Errors\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Stop and go for each vegetable (3,6)","Answer":"RED PEPPER","Explanation":"Definition: vegetable\nRED (stop, traffic light) and PEP (go) PER (for each)"} {"Clue":"One's always expressing surprise (1,3)","Answer":"I SAY","Explanation":"Definition: expressing surprise\nI'S (one) has AY (always)"} {"Clue":"Rose cut cells and stopped (8)","Answer":"ASCENDED","Explanation":"Definition: Rose\nASCi (cells, cut short) ENDED (Stopped)"} {"Clue":"Waving hand and turning neck. So, thanks! (5,5)","Answer":"DANKE SCHON","Explanation":"Definition: thanks!\nanagram (waving and turning) of HAND and NECK SO"} {"Clue":"Clergyman is topped for crime (5)","Answer":"ARSON","Explanation":"Definition: crime\npARSON (clergyman) missing first letter (topped)"} {"Clue":"I sail out east to get in touch (6)","Answer":"LIAISE","Explanation":"Definition: to get in touch\n(I SAIL)* anagram=out with E (east)"} {"Clue":"How I start 11 is standard (5)","Answer":"IDEAL","Explanation":"Definition: standard\nI DEAL (how I start a card game)"} {"Clue":"No runs scored by chief at Berkshire town (10)","Answer":"MAIDENHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Berkshire town\nMAIDEN (over with no runs scored, cricket) by HEAD (chief)"} {"Clue":"Countries affected nervous folk (9)","Answer":"NEUROTICS","Explanation":"Definition: nervous folk\nCOUNTRIES* anagram=affected"} {"Clue":"State having Tyneside support about request (8)","Answer":"NEBRASKA","Explanation":"Definition: State\nNE (Tyneside) having BRA (support) containing (about) ASK (request)"} {"Clue":"I left Tony cavorting with girls vigorously (8)","Answer":"STRONGLY","Explanation":"Definition: vigorously\nI removed from (left) anagram (cavorting) of TONY and GIRLS"} {"Clue":"What the batsmen make; 20s (6)","Answer":"SCORES","Explanation":"Definition: What the batsmen make\ndouble definition \u2013 20 is a score"} {"Clue":"Joan's partner at the races (5)","Answer":"DERBY","Explanation":"Definition: Joan's partner\ndouble definition. *Tom_I points out that DERBY (horse race) and DARBY (Darby and Joan) have different spellings."} {"Clue":"A certain copper entered at the right moment (2,3)","Answer":"ON CUE","Explanation":"Definition: at the right moment\nCU (copper) in (entering) ONE (a certain)"} {"Clue":"Affected the way engineers exercised for starters (4)","Answer":"TWEE","Explanation":"Definition: Affected\nstarting letters of The Way Engineers Excrcised"} {"Clue":"Good and early, mist dissipated, getting hot (9)","Answer":"GOLDSMITH","Explanation":"G (good) and OLD (early) then MIST* anagram=dissipated with H (hot)"} {"Clue":"Way to embrace partner, kicking back (5)","Answer":"SWIFT","Explanation":"ST (street, way) contains (to embrace) WIFe (wife, partner) missing (kicking out) the\u00a0last letter"} {"Clue":"Perform opera on the radio (5)","Answer":"SYNGE","Explanation":"sounds like (on the radio) \"sing\" (perform opera)"} {"Clue":"Don't stop the games \u2014 run hard (9)","Answer":"PERSEVERE","Explanation":"Definition: Don't stop\nPE (games) R (run) SEVERE (hard)"} {"Clue":"German sportsman losing his last races (7)","Answer":"BECKETT","Explanation":"Boris BECKEr (german sportsman) losing his last letter with TT (races)"} {"Clue":"Disgraces from French capital (7)","Answer":"DEMEANS","Explanation":"Definition: Disgraces\nDE (from, French) MEANS (capital, money)"} {"Clue":"Adult put on old tights in part of Bible (5)","Answer":"HOSEA","Explanation":"Definition: part of Bible \nA (adult) on HOSE (tights, archaic) \u2013 one of the books of the Hebrew bible"} {"Clue":"Second home's function (3)","Answer":"SIN","Explanation":"Definition: function\nS (second) IN (home) \u2013 mathematical function"} {"Clue":"Transport covers for cycle (5)","Answer":"JOYCE","Explanation":"JOY (transport) CyclE (covering letters of)"} {"Clue":"Running around, university fellows needing answer for unknowable things (7)","Answer":"NOUMENA","Explanation":"Definition: unknowable things \nON (running) reversed (around) U (university) MEN (fellows) with A (answer)"} {"Clue":"Tory bigwig's heir on throne (7)","Answer":"JOHNSON","Explanation":"Definition: Tory bigwig\nSON (heir) on JOHN (throne, toilet) \u2013 Boris Johnson"} {"Clue":"Paparazzo stalking the Royal Family might get this condemnation (9)","Answer":"PHILIPPIC","Explanation":"Definition: condemnation\na\u00a0royal photographer may get a Prince PHILIP PIC"} {"Clue":"M's successor put back in Bond film with English warplane (5)","Answer":"DRONE","Explanation":"Definition: warplane\nDR NO (Bond film) with N (M's successor) moved (put back) with E (english)"} {"Clue":"Rather large \u2014 and large in the middle! (5)","Answer":"WILDE","Explanation":"L (large) in the middle of WIDE (rather large)"} {"Clue":"Work to bestow titles like Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary? (9)","Answer":"DUBLINERS","Explanation":"Definition: Work\nDUB (~~work~~ to bestow titles) LINERS (like Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary).\u00a0~~ I'm not sure if this has a definition or not. The preamble suggests it should have, but I can't really see one~~ *Thanks to Bryan for the missing definition."} {"Clue":"Military leaders having fun (4)","Answer":"AGAS","Explanation":"Definition: Military leaders\nhaving A GAS (fun)"} {"Clue":"Up 1-0, Celtic's wingers coming round for treatment here (6)","Answer":"CLINIC","Explanation":"Definition: treatment here \nI NIL (1-0) reversed (up) in (with \u2026 coming round)\u00a0CeltiC (wingers, outside letters\u00a0of)"} {"Clue":"State in US behind judge imprisoning the First Lady (10)","Answer":"ASSEVERATE","Explanation":"Definition: State\nASS (behind, in\u00a0US English) and RATE (judge) containing EVE (the first lady)"} {"Clue":"Crown to go with favourite fur cape (6)","Answer":"TIPPET","Explanation":"Definition: fur cape \nTIP (crown) with PET (favourite)"} {"Clue":"Woman pushing up bottom (8)","Answer":"SHERIDAN","Explanation":"SHE (woman) with NADIR (bottom) reversed (pushing up)"} {"Clue":"Key passage without its opening note (4)","Answer":"ISLE","Explanation":"Definition: Key\naISLE (passage) without its opening letter A (a note of the scale?)"} {"Clue":"With illumination, English artist's given lines of poetry, say (8)","Answer":"LITERARY","Explanation":"Definition: of poetry, say \nLIT (with illumination) E (English) RA (Royal Academician, artist) gigen RY (railway, lines)"} {"Clue":"One leaving yeast to cook \u2014 it's swelling (4)","Answer":"STYE","Explanation":"Definition: swelling\nYEaST* (anagram=to cook) missing A (one)"} {"Clue":"What breaks censorship? (5)","Answer":"BEHAN","Explanation":"EH (what) in (breaks) BAN (censorship)"} {"Clue":"Guerrillas mostly leap about, cracking head with loud noise (10)","Answer":"MUJAHEDDIN","Explanation":"Definition: Guerrillas\nJUMp (leap, mostly) reversed (about) then HEAD* (anagram=cracking)\u00a0and DIN (loud noise). MUJEHADDIN is another possibility. This is a bit of a nightmare to research as almost any combination of likely looking letters\u00a0seems to be a\u00a0possible spelling."} {"Clue":"Member of acting family observed when drunk (5)","Answer":"SHEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Member of acting family\nsounds like \"seen\" (observed) when slurred (as when drunk)"} {"Clue":"Performing duty, slip in an embarrassing manner (8)","Answer":"STUPIDLY","Explanation":"Definition: in an embarrassing manner \n(DUTY SLIP)* anagram=performing"} {"Clue":"Take flight that's packed in the Kent area (8)","Answer":"STAMPEDE","Explanation":"Definition: Take flight\nTAMPED (packed) in SE (Kent area)"} {"Clue":"Actor's business and current account's broken into (6)","Answer":"JACOBI","Explanation":"Definition: Actor\n~~I'm not sure\u00a0of this one. Possibly an anagram (broken) of C\/A (current account)\u00a0inside (into)\u00a0JOBS\u00a0(business)? I don't know who the actor is either. Possibly David Jacobs, but he is known as\u00a0a presenter not an actor.~~ JOB (business) and I (current) containing (broken into) AC (account) \u2013 the actor\u00a0Derek Jacobi. *Thanks to Sil."} {"Clue":"Perhaps crawl right to the bottom (6)","Answer":"STOKER","Explanation":"STROKE (crawl, perhaps) with R (right) moving to the bottom"} {"Clue":"Man and wife tucking into roast (4)","Answer":"PAWN","Explanation":"Definition: Man\nW (wife) inside (tucking into) PAN (roast, criticize)"} {"Clue":"Like some cakes rising at the start of a month (4)","Answer":"ICED","Explanation":"Definition: Like some cakes \nDEC I (1st Decemebr) reversed (rising)"} {"Clue":"7 composition not beginning in language of 29? (4)","Answer":"ERSE","Explanation":"Definition: in language of 29?\nvERSE (literary compostiion) not beginning"} {"Clue":"Valve's copper ring kept in store (8)","Answer":"STOPCOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Valve\nPC (copper) O (ring) in STOCK (store)"} {"Clue":"Bar where French dance returns endlessly (6)","Answer":"OUTLAW","Explanation":"Definition: Bar\nOU (where, French) WALtz (dance, endless) reversed (returns)"} {"Clue":"Gender politics eschewing good, then bad, tastes (13)","Answer":"PREDILECTIONS","Explanation":"Definition: tastes\n(gENDER POLITICS)* missing G (good) anagram=bad- read as 'first remove good then make it bad'"} {"Clue":"Zinc is, effectively, partially cut into (6)","Answer":"INCISE","Explanation":"Definition: cut into\npart of zINC IS Effectively"} {"Clue":"Perhaps carp about close one that's extremely cruel (8)","Answer":"FIENDISH","Explanation":"Definition: extremely cruel\nFISH (perhaps carp) contains (about) END (close) I (one)"} {"Clue":"Where you might find vacation so unusual? (4,6)","Answer":"NOVA SCOTIA","Explanation":"Definition: Where you might find vacation so unusual?\n(VACATION SO)* anagram=unusual \u2013 definition is &lit. The Nova Scotia tourist board beg to differ!"} {"Clue":"Into backing both sides in semi final? Not at all (4)","Answer":"NISI","Explanation":"Definition: final? Not at all\nIN (into) reversed (backing) SemI (both sides of) \u2013 not to take effect immediately"} {"Clue":"Medical unit contributing to hostage negotiations (4)","Answer":"GENE","Explanation":"Definition: Medical unit\nfound in hostaGE NEgotiations"} {"Clue":"Measurements taken by country almost stopping rude gestures (5,5)","Answer":"VITAL SIGNS","Explanation":"Definition: Measurements\nITALy (country, almost) inside (stopping, like a cork) V-SIGNS (rude gestures)"} {"Clue":"Bacterium found in roll \u2013 a type of killer is uncovered (8)","Answer":"LISTERIA","Explanation":"Definition: Bacterium\nLIST (a roll) sERIAl (a type of killer) without exterior letters (uncovered)"} {"Clue":"Complain just about having to leave work (6)","Answer":"SQUAWK","Explanation":"Definition: Complain\nSQUAre (just) with RE (about) missing (to leave) then WK (work)"} {"Clue":"Heady folk tale's naughty poem (4,2,3,4)","Answer":"LADY OF THE LAKE","Explanation":"Definition: poem\n(HEADY FOLK TALE)* anagram=is naughty \u2013 poem by Sir Walter Scott"} {"Clue":"Compounds in which bullocks shifted a little bit (6)","Answer":"ESTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Compounds\nSTEERS (bullocks) with one letter (a little bit of) moved (shifted)"} {"Clue":"Request to dine in doorway (8)","Answer":"ENTREATY","Explanation":"Definition: Request\nEAT (to dine) in ENTRY (doorway)"} {"Clue":"Take advantage of a tinpot criminal (3,4)","Answer":"TAP INTO","Explanation":"Definition: Take advantage of\n(A TINPOT)* anagram=criminal"} {"Clue":"Spot decrepit man becoming unstable (11)","Answer":"PREDICAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Spot\n(DECREPIT MAN)* anagram=becoming unstable"} {"Clue":"Sheepish individual must cuddle a girl (5)","Answer":"OVINE","Explanation":"Definition: Sheepish\nONE (individual) contains (must cuddle) VI (a girl)"} {"Clue":"Look up suitable exercises (4,3)","Answer":"KEEP FIT","Explanation":"Definition: exercises\nPEEK (look) reversed (up) then FIT (suitable)"} {"Clue":"Where dance promoter might be alert (2,3,4)","Answer":"ON THE BALL","Explanation":"Definition: Where dance promoter might be\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Pair up anything in the north (3)","Answer":"TWO","Explanation":"Definition: Pair\nOWT (anything, in the north) reversed (up). I entered ~~TWO~~ OWT intitally which made the top right corner impossible for a long time."} {"Clue":"Helps to assemble films with censored introductions (7)","Answer":"ASSISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Helps\nmASS (assemble, of a crowd) mISTS (films) missing first letters (with censored introductions)"} {"Clue":"Following depression, one copper recently nicked? (11)","Answer":"DENTICULATE","Explanation":"Definition: nicked\nDENT (depression) then (following) I (one) CU (copper) LATE (recently)"} {"Clue":"Dark sort of explorer suppresses common sense (9)","Answer":"CAVERNOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Dark\nCAVER (sort of explorer) on top of (suppresses) NOUS (common sense)- Chambers gives 'huge and dark' for cavernous. I'm not convinced that 'dark' works just on its own, but I'm not complaining."} {"Clue":"Wait around, getting not as much unfinished food (7)","Answer":"EDIBLES","Explanation":"Definition: food\nBIDE (wait) reversed (around) with LESs (not as much) unfinished"} {"Clue":"Runs from cook having endless row about fast food (7)","Answer":"TOASTIE","Explanation":"Definition: fast food\nrOAST (cook) with R (runs) removed (from) inside TIEr (row) endless"} {"Clue":"Radicals felt as this? (3,4)","Answer":"NEW LEFT","Explanation":"Definition: Radicals\nan anagram (NEW) of LEFT would make 'felt'. I originally had NEO LEFT here, which made the bottom right corner a struggle"} {"Clue":"Searched son, greeted north of the border (5)","Answer":"SWEPT","Explanation":"Definition: Searched\nS (son) WEPT (greeted, cried Scottish)"} {"Clue":"Tribute left out at the end of a fight (3)","Answer":"DUE","Explanation":"Definition: Tribute\nDUEl (a fight) with L (left) missing at the end"} {"Clue":"Ask forimpeachment (6)","Answer":"CHARGE","Explanation":"Definition: Ask for\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Rude but not initially wrong over interrupting fellow tenor (8)","Answer":"IGNORANT","Explanation":"Definition: Rude\nwRONG (not initially) ~~O (over)~~ reversed (over) in (interrupting)\u00a0IAN (fellow) T (tenor) *Thanks to Geebs"} {"Clue":"Sweet stuff brought back earlier by old traveller (5,4)","Answer":"MARCO POLO","Explanation":"Definition: traveller\nPOLO (sweet) with CRAM (stuff) reversed (brought back) in front (ealier) by O (old)"} {"Clue":"Leave work box outside (3,2)","Answer":"HOP IT","Explanation":"Definition: Leave\nOP (work) with HIT (box) outside"} {"Clue":"Try to protect every plant (7)","Answer":"SHALLOT","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nSHOT (try) contains (to protect) ALL (every)"} {"Clue":"Fine at present after soldiers get pardon (7)","Answer":"FORGIVE","Explanation":"Definition: pardon\nF (fine) with (at) GIVE (present) following (after) OR (other ranks, soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Allow to travel free (3,2)","Answer":"LET GO","Explanation":"Definition: free \nLET (allow) GO (to travel)"} {"Clue":"Assume this northern location needs no introduction (8)","Answer":"ARROGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Assume\nhARROGATE (location in Northern England) missing first letter (needs no introduction)"} {"Clue":"Voice objections at first after ludicrous tales appear in paper (8)","Answer":"FALSETTO","Explanation":"Definition: Voice\nO (first letter of objections) following (after) TALES* anagram=ludicrous in FT (paper)"} {"Clue":"Soldiers burying silver to the east of Brazil's capital city (5)","Answer":"BRAGA","Explanation":"Definition: city\nRA (soldiers) contains (burying) AG (silver) following (to the east of) B (capital, first letter of, Brazil) \u2013 city in Portugal"} {"Clue":"A tip for a horse (7)","Answer":"POINTER","Explanation":"Definition: A tip\ndouble definition \u2013 a horse ridden in point-to-point races"} {"Clue":"Stolen seconds after a rascal performs tricks in New York (3-4)","Answer":"HOT DOGS","Explanation":"Definition: performs tricks in New York \nHOT (stolen) with S (seconds) following (after) DOG (a rascal) \u2013 Americanism for 'performs tricks'"} {"Clue":"Courage to try it at last (5)","Answer":"HEART","Explanation":"Definition: Courage\nHEAR (to try) then iT (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Groans due to mangle becoming unsafe (9)","Answer":"DANGEROUS","Explanation":"Definition: unsafe\n(GROANS DUE)* anagram=to mangle"} {"Clue":"The German retired after support by them oddly wavered (8)","Answer":"TEETERED","Explanation":"Definition: wavered\nDER (the, German) reversed (retired) following (after) TEE (support) by ThEm (odd letters of)"} {"Clue":"Trainer's first to depart from City subject to agreement (6)","Answer":"UNISON","Explanation":"Definition: agreement \ntUNIS (city) missing T (first letter of Trainer) with ON (subject to)"} {"Clue":"Underwear from one person reportedly found by river (8)","Answer":"CAMISOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Underwear\nI (one) SOLE sounds like (reportedly) SOUL (person) following (found by) CAM (river)"} {"Clue":"Familiar with area to the north of Bristol (7)","Answer":"ABREAST","Explanation":"Definition: Familiar with\nA (area) before (to the North of) BREAST (bristol)"} {"Clue":"Merchandise to maintain gander's attractive appearance (4,5)","Answer":"GOOD LOOKS","Explanation":"Definition: attractive appearance \nGOODS (merchandise) contains (to maintain) LOOK (gander)"} {"Clue":"Virtuous in spite of making a remark about Henry's bum (4-3-7)","Answer":"GOOD-FOR-NOTHING","Explanation":"Definition: bum\nGOOD (virtuous) FOR (in spite of)\u00a0NOTING (making a remark) contains (about) H (Henry)"} {"Clue":"Further commotion after Penny leaves (5)","Answer":"OTHER","Explanation":"Definition: Further\npOTHER (commotion) missing P (penny)"} {"Clue":"Father's returning by train from Settle (7)","Answer":"APPOINT","Explanation":"Definition: Settle\nPA (father) reversed (returning) with (by) POINT (train, as of a telescope)"} {"Clue":"Laugh about getting upset by it during races (6)","Answer":"TITTER","Explanation":"Definition: Laugh\nRE (regarding, about) reversed (getting upset) following (by) IT in (during) TT (races)"} {"Clue":"Batting record broken by Cheshire's opener in this game (8,6)","Answer":"CONTRACT BRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: game \n(BATTING RECORD)* broken=anagram following (by) C (opening letter of Chelsea)"} {"Clue":"Factor in small number supporting an attempt to speculate (2-7)","Answer":"GO BETWEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Factor\nWEE (small) N (number) under (supporting) GO (an attempt) BET (to speculate)"} {"Clue":"Proceeds from working with graduates (6,2)","Answer":"PASSES ON","Explanation":"Definition: graduates\nPASSES (proceeds from) ON (working) \u2013 *see Eileen @1 for another interpretation"} {"Clue":"Spirited Northern Ireland team hammered by Austria (7)","Answer":"ANIMATE","Explanation":"Definition: Spirited\nNI (Northern Ireland) TEAM* anagram=hammered following (by) A (Austria)"} {"Clue":"A Moor's distraught over hint of unfaithfulness in love (7)","Answer":"AMOROUS","Explanation":"Definition: love \nA MOOR'S* anagram=distraught contains (over) U (a hint, first letter, of unfaithfulness)"} {"Clue":"A consequence of Amiss standing on ball (6)","Answer":"UPSHOT","Explanation":"Definition: A consequence\nUP\u00a0(amiss) on (standing on) SHOT (ball, in a musket perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Article covering extremely inefficient tax (5)","Answer":"TITHE","Explanation":"Definition: tax\nTHE (definite article) contains (covering) InefficienT (extremes of)"} {"Clue":"As fit as outside pool features (8)","Answer":"AQUATICS","Explanation":"Definition: pool features\nQUA (as, in the capacity of) TIC (fit, involuntary movement) with AS\u00a0outside\u00a0\u2013 more sports"} {"Clue":"Wine old solvers knocked back with bully (6)","Answer":"HOCKEY","Explanation":"Definition: with bully\nHOCK (wine) YE (solvers, old) reversed (knocked back) \u2013 hockey has a bully (aka\u00a0bully-off)"} {"Clue":"Note bird is protected by legislation, not Crown (4,5)","Answer":"LAWN BOWLS","Explanation":"Definition: not Crown\nNB (note) OWL (bird) in (protected by) LAWS (legislation) \u2013 alternative to Crown Green bowling"} {"Clue":"Act sings my medley with a beam (10)","Answer":"GYMNASTICS","Explanation":"Definition: with a beam\n(ACT SINGS MY)* anagram=medley \u2013 the beam is a gymnastic discipline"} {"Clue":"Turns to really extreme deception (9)","Answer":"CHICANERY","Explanation":"Definition: deception\nCHICANE (turns) to ReallY (extremes of)"} {"Clue":"Batty one from 21 is after medicine (5,6)","Answer":"TABLE TENNIS","Explanation":"Definition: Batty one\nJessica ENNIS (one from athletics) following (is after) TABLET \u2013 if 'one' is used to clue ENNIS then wouldn't this leave the definition as just 'batty'?"} {"Clue":"Malign when by itself (7)","Answer":"ASPERSE","Explanation":"Definition: Malign\nAS (when) PER SE (by itself)"} {"Clue":"Repeating pursuit for example (7)","Answer":"CYCLING","Explanation":"Definition: pursuit for example\ndouble definition \u2013 the persuit is a track cycling event"} {"Clue":"Partly track shameful cheat list (9)","Answer":"ATHLETICS","Explanation":"Definition: Partly track\n(CHEAT LIST)* anagram=shameful \u2013 atheletics is composed of track and field events"} {"Clue":"Amaze with dangerous ball shot in billiards (4,6)","Answer":"STUN CANNON","Explanation":"Definition: shot in billiards\nSTUN (amaze) CANNON (dangerous ball). I can't quite equate 'cannon' with 'dangerous ball'."} {"Clue":"Not used to work I get led away (4)","Answer":"IDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Not used to work\nanagram (away) of I with LED"} {"Clue":"Bless new nation (6)","Answer":"ANOINT","Explanation":"Definition: Bless\nNATION* anagram=new"} {"Clue":"Admission of bad character by one of today's pessimists? (2,2,4)","Answer":"IM NO GOOD","Explanation":"Definition: Admission of bad character\ndefinition and cryptic definition? double definition? Any ideas? Could also be IS NO GOOD? Is 'today' a reference to the games somehow?"} {"Clue":"Fruit behind glass (6)","Answer":"SQUASH","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\ndouble definition \u2013 a sport played behind a glass wall (in spectator venues)"} {"Clue":"Hanger-on may be stalked (8)","Answer":"BARNACLE","Explanation":"Definition: Hanger-on\nthe Stalked Barncale is another name for the Goose Barnacle"} {"Clue":"Untidy den is sign of murky character (9)","Answer":"DINGINESS","Explanation":"Definition: murky character\n(DEN IS SIGN)* anagram=untidy"} {"Clue":"Compound interest originally an amount at either end (6)","Answer":"ISOMER","Explanation":"Definition: Compound\nI (first letter of interest) SOME (an amount) with (at) eitheR (end of)"} {"Clue":"Second-rate bird impression? (5)","Answer":"CHEAP","Explanation":"Definition: Second-rate\nsounds like \"cheep\" (a bird impression). The homophone is implied rather than explicitly stated."} {"Clue":"Decoration of column from old country (6)","Answer":"SCOTIA","Explanation":"Definition: Decoration of column\nRoman anme for Ireland and a decoration at the base of an Ionic column"} {"Clue":"No connection to timescale in trip this induces (8)","Answer":"MESCALIN","Explanation":"Definition: trip this induces\ntiMESCALe IN\u00a0with TIE (connection) removed"} {"Clue":"Nothing held back watching face painting (3,6)","Answer":"EYE LINING","Explanation":"Definition: face painting\nNIL (nothing) reversed (back) in (held by) EYEING (watching)"} {"Clue":"Producing growth on target (8)","Answer":"SHOOTING","Explanation":"Definition: Producing growth\ndefinition\/cryptic definition \u2013\u00a0a buch of arrows stuck in a target would make the target grow bigger?"} {"Clue":"Forgets\u00a0it's what child does to toy when wound up (4,2,2)","Answer":"LETS IT GO","Explanation":"Definition: Forgets\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Inert, he'll take her erratic pulse (6)","Answer":"LENTIL","Explanation":"Definition: pulse\nI've no idea about this one. ~~Might also be LENTIC, definition 'inert'?\u00a0~~ *Can't be LENTIC as that would conflict with GLASGOW. Anagram (erratic) of INERT HE'LL with HER removed (taken). Thanks to passerby and ceva."} {"Clue":"Inexperienced reaction to pain (6)","Answer":"CALLOW","Explanation":"Definition: Inexperienced\nCALL OW (a reaction to pain)"} {"Clue":"Ray Charles maybe volunteers (5)","Answer":"MANTA","Explanation":"Definition: Ray\nMAN (Charles, maybe) TA (Territorial Army, volunteers)"} {"Clue":"Fail company, heartless menace right to be arrested by a policeman (4,1,7)","Answer":"COME A CROPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Fail\nCO (company) MenacE (heartless, no middle letters) then R (right) in (arrested by) COPPER (policeman)"} {"Clue":"Dry salesman backtracking causes worry (7)","Answer":"PERTURB","Explanation":"Definition: worry\nBRUT (dry) REP (salesman) all reversed"} {"Clue":"Penny, bent over and gasping (7)","Answer":"PARCHED","Explanation":"Definition: gasping\nP (penny) ARCHED (bent over)"} {"Clue":"Cowboy dear to Frenchwoman goes after drove (7)","Answer":"RANCHER","Explanation":"Definition: Cowboy\nCHER (dear, french) following (goes after) RAN (drove). I think Artexlen chooses Frenchwoman rather than Frenchman so she will speak of her beloved as CHER (masculine) rather than CHERE (feminine)"} {"Clue":"Lively game, Andy Murray primarily in charge (7)","Answer":"DYNAMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Lively\nANDY* anagram=game (deformed) Murray (first letter of) IC (in charge)"} {"Clue":"Was anxious about punching bounder (5)","Answer":"CARED","Explanation":"Definition: Was anxious\nRE (regarding, about) in (punching) CAD (bounder)"} {"Clue":"False bottom in cuddly toy ahead (7-2)","Answer":"TRUMPED-UP","Explanation":"Definition: False\nRUMP (bottom) in TED (cuddly toy) then UP (ahead)"} {"Clue":"Noted a cold, arranged medical (9)","Answer":"ACCLAIMED","Explanation":"Definition: Noted\nA C (cold) MEDICAL* anagram=arranged"} {"Clue":"Advance after crossing India (5)","Answer":"POSIT","Explanation":"Definition: Advance\nPOST (after) contains (crossing) I (India)"} {"Clue":"One politician leaving impersonal, sprawling French city (7)","Answer":"ORLEANS","Explanation":"Definition: French city\nimpERSONAL* anagram=swarming missing I MP (one politician)"} {"Clue":"Ban hooligan swallowing ecstasy after sport (4,3)","Answer":"RULE OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Ban\nLOUT (hooligan) contains (swallows) E (ecstasy) following RU"} {"Clue":"Longer period of time with northern ruler (7)","Answer":"YEARNER","Explanation":"Definition: Longer\nYEAR (period of time) with N (northern) R (ruler)"} {"Clue":"Protein drink's repellent small container (7)","Answer":"ELASTIN","Explanation":"Definition: Protein\nALE (drink) reversed (is repellent) then S (small) TIN (container)"} {"Clue":"Conventions to understand, greet host when partying (3,9)","Answer":"GET TOGETHERS","Explanation":"Definition: Conventions\nGET (to understand) (GREET HOST)* anagram=partying"} {"Clue":"Medical practitioner working, in essence, on radius (7)","Answer":"CORONER","Explanation":"Definition: Medical practitioner\nON (working) in CORE (essence) on R (radius)"} {"Clue":"Surreptitiously conveyed money revealed, after heroin's seized (7)","Answer":"MOUTHED","Explanation":"Definition: Surreptitiously conveyed\nM (money) OUTED (revealed) containing (seized) H (heroin)"} {"Clue":"Adult tolerated temperature surrounded by odd collection of plants (9)","Answer":"ARBORETUM","Explanation":"Definition: collection of plants\nA (adult) BORE (tolerated) in (surrounded by) RUM (odd)"} {"Clue":"Express rebuke? I would (5)","Answer":"RAPID","Explanation":"Definition: Express\nRAP (rebuke) I'D (I would)"} {"Clue":"Standard sticks erected for plant (7)","Answer":"PARSNIP","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nPAR (standard) PINS (sticks) reversed (erected)"} {"Clue":"Variable smell in Scottish river going north brought up (7)","Answer":"EXHUMED","Explanation":"Definition: brought up\nX (variable, maths) HUM (smell) in DEE (Scottish River) reversed (going north)"} {"Clue":"Obliged secretary to look up price for corrupting a rightwinger (12)","Answer":"APPRECIATORY","Explanation":"Definition: Obliged\nPA (secretary) reversed (to look up) PRICE* (anagram=for corrupting) A TORY (rightwinger)"} {"Clue":"Decisively cutting off a pedantic git in flow (12)","Answer":"DECAPITATING","Explanation":"Definition: Decisively cutting off\n(A PEDANTIC GIT)* anagram=in flow"} {"Clue":"Experienced, one over the Channel on lake (9)","Answer":"UNDERWENT","Explanation":"Definition: Experienced\nUN (one, French, over the channel) on DERWENT (Derwent Water, lake)"} {"Clue":"Departed under army officer's order (7)","Answer":"COLLATE","Explanation":"Definition: order\nLATE (departed, dead) under COL (army officer)"} {"Clue":"Con proceeds, following a head of tourism (7)","Answer":"AGAINST","Explanation":"Definition: Con\nGAINS (proceeds) follwing A then T (head, first letter, of tourism)"} {"Clue":"Sack attendant, feeling bad inside (7)","Answer":"PILLAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Sack\nILL (feeling bad) in PAGE (atttendant)"} {"Clue":"Irons bizarrely hot in three seconds (7)","Answer":"SMOOTHS","Explanation":"Definition: Irons\nHOT* anagram=bizarrely in S MO S (second, three times)"} {"Clue":"Beginning to smile for good child (5)","Answer":"SPROG","Explanation":"Definition: child\nS (beginning to, first letter of, smile) PRO (for) G (good)"} {"Clue":"Rising priest meets old officer (6)","Answer":"REVOLT","Explanation":"Definition: Rising\nREV (reverend, priest) with (meets) O (old) LT (officer)"} {"Clue":"Prank ceased possibly with intervention of old man (8)","Answer":"ESCAPADE","Explanation":"Definition: Prank\nCEASED* anagram=possibly contains (with intervention of) PA (old man)"} {"Clue":"US writer snubbed single academic fellow (6)","Answer":"LONDON","Explanation":"Definition: US writer\nLONe (single, snubbed=shortened) DON (academic fellow) \u2013 Jack London"} {"Clue":"Rubbish I trusted to be shifted (8)","Answer":"DETRITUS","Explanation":"Definition: Rubbish\n(I TRUSTED)* anagram=shifted"} {"Clue":"Almost offensive\u00a0like an intense osteologist? (5,2,3,4)","Answer":"CLOSE TO THE BONE","Explanation":"Definition: Almost offensive\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Jumper, say, left among articles, extremely threadbare (7)","Answer":"ATHLETE","Explanation":"Definition: Jumper, say\nL (left) among A and THE (two articles) then ThreadbrE (extremes of)"} {"Clue":"Withdraw spiritual booklet? (7)","Answer":"RETRACT","Explanation":"Definition: Withdraw\nRE TRACT (religious eduction tract, spiritual booklet)"} {"Clue":"Cafe's beginning observable line mostly in foreign meat (7)","Answer":"CHORIZO","Explanation":"Definition: foreign meat\nCafe (beginning, first letter of) HORIZOn (observeable line, mostly)"} {"Clue":"Recourse for those with complaints? (4,3)","Answer":"SICK BAY","Explanation":"Definition: Recourse for those with complaints\ncryptic-ish definition"} {"Clue":"Long-standing envoy, say, represented maladroit creep (6,8)","Answer":"CAREER DIPLOMAT","Explanation":"Definition: Long-standing envoy, say\n(MALADROIT CREEP)* anagram=represented"} {"Clue":"Artistic work, popular element in retrospective opening (8)","Answer":"PAINTING","Explanation":"Definition: Artistic work\nIN (popular) TIN (element) in GAP (opening) reversed (retrospective)"} {"Clue":"Daft\u00a0flier? (6)","Answer":"CUCKOO","Explanation":"Definition: Daft\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Knight from county set with son going to Spain (8)","Answer":"LANCELOT","Explanation":"Definition: Knight\nLANCs (county) LOT (set, film studio) with S (son) becoming E (Espana, Spain)"} {"Clue":"What's turning point after Western protest? (6)","Answer":"WHINGE","Explanation":"Definition: protest\nHINGE (turning point) following (after) W (western)"} {"Clue":"Wariness about African politicians in unusual cult close to questionable (10)","Answer":"RELUCTANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Wariness\nRE (about) ANC (African politicians) in CULT* anagram=unusual questionablE (close to, last letter)"} {"Clue":"Artist showing fruit without marks in very good hotel (3,4)","Answer":"VAN GOGH","Explanation":"Definition: Artist\nmANGO (fruit) missing M (marks) in VG (very good) H (hotel)"} {"Clue":"Liberal sun in Cornish resort (5)","Answer":"LOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Liberal\nS (sun) in LOOE (Cornish Resort)"} {"Clue":"One with crook viewed endless food (9,3)","Answer":"SHEPHERDS PIE","Explanation":"Definition: food\nSHEPHERD (one with crook) SPIEd (viewed, endless)"} {"Clue":"A bachelor blocking Balkan in charge of a circus performer? (9)","Answer":"ACROBATIC","Explanation":"Definition: of a circus performer\nA BA (bachelor) inside (blocking) CROAT (Balkan) then IC (in charge)"} {"Clue":"Feature of dish enabling woman to retain figure? (7)","Answer":"ANTENNA","Explanation":"Definition: Feature of dish\nANNA (woman) contains (to retain) TEN (figure) \u2013 a satellite dish"} {"Clue":"Comfort in coffee as expected (4)","Answer":"EASE","Explanation":"Definition: Comfort\nfound in coffeE AS Expected"} {"Clue":"Manager in juniors' home ground gathering ball (4,8)","Answer":"JOSE MOURINHO","Explanation":"Definition: Manager\n(JUNIORS HOME)* anagram=ground containing O (a ball) \u2013 manager of Chelsea"} {"Clue":"Unadventurous talk almost in host team before playing (4-2-4)","Answer":"STAY AT HOME","Explanation":"Definition: Unadventurous\nsAY, YAp or YAk (talk, almost) in (HOST TEAM)* anagram=before playing"} {"Clue":"Marker of collapsed crust? (9)","Answer":"EPICENTRE","Explanation":"Definition: Marker\ncryptic definition \u2013 a collapsed crust could be an earthquake"} {"Clue":"New policy in North thrown out? There's great applause (7)","Answer":"OVATION","Explanation":"Definition: great applause\ninnOVATION (new policy) missing (thrown out) IN N (north)"} {"Clue":"Rustic fruit given different cover (7)","Answer":"BUMPKIN","Explanation":"Definition: Rustic\npUMPKIN (fruit) with new first letter (given different cover)"} {"Clue":"Scream in US city, repugnant sound (5)","Answer":"LAUGH","Explanation":"Definition: Scream\nLA (US city) UGH (repugnant sound) \u2013 it was a laugh, it was a scream"} {"Clue":"Precious stuff round china (4)","Answer":"OPAL","Explanation":"Definition: Precious stuff\nO (somerhing round) PAL (china, rhyming slang)"} {"Clue":"Beetles rising, according to poet, twice on wings (9)","Answer":"BUPRESTIS","Explanation":"Definition: Beetles\nUPREST (uprist=rising, spelling by Shelly) in BIS (twice) \u2013 a genus of beetles"} {"Clue":"Institute added to a Turner annexe (5)","Answer":"LANAI","Explanation":"Definition: annexe\nI (institute) added to LANA Turner (actress) \u2013 a Hawaiian annexe to a house"} {"Clue":"Cake, sort of millet, speciality of Naples (7)","Answer":"PANDURA","Explanation":"Definition: speciality of Naples\nPAN (cake, with mud) DURA (sort of millet) \u2013 a Neapolitan musical instrument"} {"Clue":"One's encapsulated by 'crate' (5)","Answer":"TAUBE","Explanation":"Definition: crate\nA (one) in a TUBE (encapsulated) \u2013 a WWI German monoplane"} {"Clue":"Rustic installation for chic kitchen (4)","Answer":"HICK","Explanation":"Definition: Rustic\nfound inside cHIC Kitchen"} {"Clue":"Lace? See good chamber group clad in very small amount (10)","Answer":"MIGNONETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Lace\nG (good) NONET (chamber group) inside (clad in) MITE (very small amount) \u2013 a kind of fine lace"} {"Clue":"One in grip of depression, nuts maybe (4)","Answer":"COAL","Explanation":"Definition: nuts maybe\nA (one) inside COL (depression) \u2013 a grade of house coal"} {"Clue":"Records? Swinging dive has nothing special (6)","Answer":"VIDEOS","Explanation":"Definition: Records\nDIVE* anagram=swinging has O (nothing) S (special)"} {"Clue":"Makeshift device lord used to plug damaged keg (6)","Answer":"KLUDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Makeshift device\nLUD (lord, used to address a judge) in KEG* anagram=damaged"} {"Clue":"So-and-so won trick (4)","Answer":"WART","Explanation":"Definition: So-and-so\nW (won) ART (trick)"} {"Clue":"Death- burns disfigured Reichstag's 'other place'? (10)","Answer":"BUNDESRATH","Explanation":"Definition: Reichstag's 'other place'\n(DEATH BURNS)* anagram=disfigured \u2013 the main German legislative body, meeting in the Reichstag building. Equivalent of the House of Commons in the UK, which is referred to as the 'other place' by ~~MPs in~~ members of the House of Lords."} {"Clue":"What's dhobi connected with? Clothing's long involved with one (4)","Answer":"ITCH","Explanation":"Definition: What's dhobi connected with?\nan anagram of LONG ITCH gives CLOTHING \u2013 dhobi is connected with ITCH to get 'dhobi itch', tropical dermatitis"} {"Clue":"Earliest bit of Elgar in concert overture? (5)","Answer":"PROEM","Explanation":"Definition: overture\nE (earliest bit of Elgar) in PROM (concert)"} {"Clue":"Amateur one is taken in by such Scottish magic? (8)","Answer":"SHAMANIC","Explanation":"Definition: magic\nHAM (amateur) AN (one) inside (taken in by) SIC (such, Scottish)"} {"Clue":"Healing of fracture? Love coming in for baby (7)","Answer":"POROSIS","Explanation":"Definition: Healing of fracture\nO (love) inside (coming in) PRO (for) SIS (baby) \u2013 the knitting together of broken bones"} {"Clue":"Make a mess of paste for flavouring \u2013 little density in it (5)","Answer":"MISDO","Explanation":"Definition: Make a mess of\nD (density, abbrev) in MISO (paste for flavouring)"} {"Clue":"Last one dismissed, test result's awful beyond words (9)","Answer":"UTTERLESS","Explanation":"Definition: beyond words\n(TEST RESULt) anagram=awful missing last letter"} {"Clue":"Temporary adhesive as of old restricted by ban (7)","Answer":"BLUTACK","Explanation":"Definition: Temporary adhesive\nUT (as, of old=Latin) in (restricted by) BLACK (ban)"} {"Clue":"Muddled up with name for spirit (6)","Answer":"PNEUMA","Explanation":"Definition: spirit\nanagram (muddled) of UP with NAME \u2013 the life spirit"} {"Clue":"Doctor of law, mostly one offering little opposition in a court? (5)","Answer":"RABBI","Explanation":"Definition: Doctor of law\nRABBIt (one offering little opposition, on a tennis court say) mostly=unfinished \u2013 a doctor of scripture (law)"} {"Clue":"Gins: press drunkenly imbibing one of them in cocktail (8)","Answer":"SPRINGERS","Explanation":"Definition: Gins\nPRESS* anagram=drunkenly contains (imbibes) GIN* (one of them) anagram=in a cocktail \u2013 a gin is a trap, something that springs"} {"Clue":"Catholic (label with a dash of inimicality in it) (4)","Answer":"TAIG","Explanation":"Definition: Catholic\nTAG (label) containing I (a dash, first letter, of inimicality) \u2013 offensive slang for a Catholic"} {"Clue":"Folie as some have suggested making one oddly asinine (7)","Answer":"INSANIE","Explanation":"Definition: Folie\nASININE* anagram=oddly \u2013 Shakespearean form (as some have suggested) of infamie, folie or madness"} {"Clue":"Everything inside handbag, inverted, is plastic (6)","Answer":"LUCITE","Explanation":"Definition: plastic\ninterior letters of (everything inside) rETICULe (handbag) is reversed (inverted) \u2013 a plastic used as artificial glass"} {"Clue":"After conflict king's given safe-conduct pass no longer (4)","Answer":"JARK","Explanation":"Definition: safe-conduct pass no longer\nK (king) after JAR (conflict) \u2013 a safe conduct (old slang)"} {"Clue":"Solecism of a kind? Oh, nounal 'act' misused (11)","Answer":"ANACOLUTHON","Explanation":"Definition: Solecism of a kind\n(OH NOUNAL ACT)* anagram=misused \u2013 a grammatical misconstruction where the latter part of a sentence, the beginning does not match the end."} {"Clue":"Love poem, weak one penned? Typical of clever clogs (8)","Answer":"OVERWISE","Explanation":"Definition: Typical of clever clogs\nO (love) VERSE (poem) contains (pens) W (weak) I (one)"} {"Clue":"To stay young longest, nothing's a laughing matter for me (7)","Answer":"AGELAST","Explanation":"Definition: nothing's a laughing matter for me\nAGE LAST (stay young longest) \u2013 a person who never laughs"} {"Clue":"Jar man drunk \u2013 more than one drunk up round (7)","Answer":"STAMNOS","Explanation":"Definition: Jar\nSOTS (more than one drunk) contains (round) MAN* anagram=drunk \u2013 an ancient Greek short-necked jar"} {"Clue":"To detach trailer from damaged nut rings driving club up (6)","Answer":"UNCART","Explanation":"Definition: To detach trailer \nNUT* anagram=damaged contains (rings) RAC (Royal Automobile Club, club for drivers"} {"Clue":"Husky, third moved to head once ready to ride (6)","Answer":"AHORSE","Explanation":"Definition: once ready to ride\nHOARSE (husky) third letter moved to the top (head)"} {"Clue":"Be behind in quiz (5)","Answer":"TRAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Be behind\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Wordgame, slight, lacking weight from the start (4)","Answer":"ISPY","Explanation":"Definition: Wordgame\nwISPY (slight )lacking W=weight at the start"} {"Clue":"Housewife maybe accepting new contract (4)","Answer":"KNIT","Explanation":"Definition: contract\nKIT (housewife maybe, a sewing kit) contains (accepts) N (new)"} {"Clue":"Wine companion knocked back one over the eight with top chef (6,5)","Answer":"CHENIN BLANC","Explanation":"Definition: Wine\nCH (Companion of Honour) NINE (one over the eight) reversed (knocked back) with Raymond BLANC (top chef)"} {"Clue":"Head of Wimbledon circles court (3)","Answer":"WOO","Explanation":"Definition: court\nWimbledon (head, first letter of) O O (two circles)"} {"Clue":"Some of US drama in evening partly missed (5)","Answer":"MAINE","Explanation":"Definition: Some of US\nfound inside draMA IN Evening \u2013 only some of the letters (partly missed). I like the way Aardvark misdirects here with the false indicator 'some of'"} {"Clue":"Songwriter's fan recalled times when touring hard (9)","Answer":"TUNESMITH","Explanation":"Definition: Songwriter\nNUT (fan) reversed (recalled) TIMES* anagram=when touring then H (hard)"} {"Clue":"Sentimental book about Loch on Scottish island (9)","Answer":"EMOTIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: Sentimental\nTOME (book) reversed (about) L (loch) following IONA (Scottish island)"} {"Clue":"Tree snake, left for dead at first (5)","Answer":"ALDER","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\nAdDER (snake) with L (left) replacing (for) D (dead, abbrev) \u2013 I think 'at first' probably indicates that only one of the two Ds is to be repaced, though it could just mean 'the first letter of dead'."} {"Clue":"Soap maker from Australia twitches nervously during concluding part (7,4)","Answer":"CAUSTIC SODA","Explanation":"Definition: Soap maker\nAUS (Australia) TICS (twitches nervously) inside (during) CODA (concluding part) \u2013 chemical used in the production of soap"} {"Clue":"Group of ministers stiffen tone (4,7)","Answer":"STAR CHAMBER","Explanation":"Definition: Group of ministers\nSTARCH (stiffen) AMBER (tone, colour)"} {"Clue":"Draw time after time in little room (5)","Answer":"LOTTO","Explanation":"Definition: Draw\nT T (time after time) in LOO (little room)"} {"Clue":"Single university memory returned when in diner, wandering (9)","Answer":"UNMARRIED","Explanation":"Definition: Single\nU (university) RAM (computer memory) reversed (returned) when in DINER* anagram=wandering"} {"Clue":"Bird supplies new technology around festival (9)","Answer":"KITTIWAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nKIT (supplies) IT (new technology) reversed (around) then WAKE (festival)"} {"Clue":"Some cats curiously examined via the mouth (5)","Answer":"PRIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Some cats\nsounds like (via the mouth) \"pried\", curiously examined"} {"Clue":"That Scottish play's ultimate character performing (3)","Answer":"YON","Explanation":"Definition: That Scottish\nplaY (last letter of) ON (performing)"} {"Clue":"Olympic athlete appears on computer game (5,6)","Answer":"TABLE TENNIS","Explanation":"Definition: game\nJessica ENNIS (olympic athelete) TABLET (computer). I have seen variations on this clue at least twice before, but I'm not bored of it yet. It still puts a smile on my face!"} {"Clue":"As Parisian, start to recognise rising city traffic (8)","Answer":"COMMERCE","Explanation":"Definition: traffic\nCOMME (as in French, in Paris) R (start of regognise) EC (the City of London, from the postcode area)"} {"Clue":"In final speech, low-class cheek's conjured up by rascal, right to be rejected (8)","Answer":"EPILOGUE","Explanation":"Definition: final speech\nE (low class, as of exam grade) LIP (cheek) reversed (conjured up) by rOGUE (rascal) missing R=right"} {"Clue":"Frostiness rearing in old Brits (5)","Answer":"ICENI","Explanation":"Definition: old Brits\nICE (frostiness) with IN reversed (rearing)"} {"Clue":"I can't ramble alongside unpleasant smell of plants (7)","Answer":"BOTANIC","Explanation":"Definition: of plants\n(I CAN'T)* anagram=ramble following (alongside) BO (unpleasant smell)"} {"Clue":"Growing every year, adult avoided American doughnut say (7)","Answer":"ANNULUS","Explanation":"Definition: doughnut say\nANNUaL (growing every year) missing (avoided) A (adult) then US (American)"} {"Clue":"She predicted when hospital doctor would settle in California (9)","Answer":"CASSANDRA","Explanation":"Definition: She predicted\nAS (when) SAN (sanitorium, hospital) DR (doctor) inside (would settle in) CA (California) \u2013 character in Greek mythology who was given the gift of prophesy but also that people would not believe her"} {"Clue":"Fish out of water? It's caught here possibly by cook (6)","Answer":"WEIRDO","Explanation":"Definition: Fish out of water\nWEIR (a place a fish may be caught) by DO (cook)"} {"Clue":"T-shirts seen centrally in unit, available temporarily (2,4)","Answer":"ON HIRE","Explanation":"Definition: available temporarily\nt-sHIRts (seen centrally, middle of) in ONE (unit)"} {"Clue":"Artist whose work is barely shown? (9)","Answer":"TATTOOIST","Explanation":"Definition: Artist whose work is barely shown\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Volcanic glass is picked up by investigator in Scottish town (8)","Answer":"OBSIDIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Volcanic glass\nIS reversed (picked up) by DI (investigator) in OBAN (Scottish town)"} {"Clue":"Mohave shows this small equine, describing journey around north (8)","Answer":"ARIDNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Mohave shows this\nASS (small equine) contains (describing) RIDE (journey) around N (north) \u2013 as of the Mohave Desert"} {"Clue":"Fruit\u00a0rot (7)","Answer":"RHUBARB","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"TV presenter, hard to miss, who's chewing over programme's finale (7)","Answer":"COMPERE","Explanation":"Definition: TV presenter\nChOMPER (who is chewing) missing H (hard) with (over) programmE (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Talk frantically, extremely drained, as one's hard pressed at the desk? (3,3)","Answer":"ALT KEY","Explanation":"Definition: one's hard pressed at the desk\nTALK* anagram=frantically ExtremelY (drained, no middle) \u2013 I'm not sure where 'hard' fits in, the alt key is not pressed any harder than any other key. Perhaps it is just there to make \"one's pressed at the desk\" read better, perhaps there is something cryptic in here that I can't see."} {"Clue":"Drug crime involving cheap items (6)","Answer":"STATIN","Explanation":"Definition: Drug\nSIN (crime) contains (involving) TAT (cheap items)"} {"Clue":"Are you texting a letter to get money abroad? (5)","Answer":"RUPEE","Explanation":"Definition: money abroad\nRU (are you, textspeak) PEE (P, a letter)"} {"Clue":"Hospital cover up that may provide a costly lesson (7,6)","Answer":"PRIVATE SCHOOL","Explanation":"Definition: that may provide a costly lesson\n(HOSPITAL COVER)* anagram=up"} {"Clue":"Marx perhaps worries about Right (8)","Answer":"BROTHERS","Explanation":"Definition: Marx perhaps\nBOTHERS (worries) about R (right)"} {"Clue":"Write down impression about volunteers (6)","Answer":"NOTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Write down\nNOTE (impression) contains (about) TA (Territorial Army, volunteers)"} {"Clue":"Obvious, but not very busy (6)","Answer":"EIDENT","Explanation":"Definition: busy\nEvIDENT (obvious) missing (but not) V (very)"} {"Clue":"Receive deliveries earlier than planned? (6-2)","Answer":"FOLLOW-ON","Explanation":"Definition: Receive deliveries earlier than planned\ncryptic definition (cricket)"} {"Clue":"Almost reach to grab coarse biscuit (9)","Answer":"GARIBALDI","Explanation":"Definition: biscuit\nGAIn (reach, almost) contains (to grab) RIBALD (coarse)"} {"Clue":"Find oneself Liberal, even if nothing else! (4)","Answer":"LAND","Explanation":"Definition: Find oneself\nL (liberal) AND (even if nothing else, an interjection) \u2013 \"to find oneself or end up being\" (Chambers)"} {"Clue":"Regularly pay for top coiffure (4)","Answer":"AFRO","Explanation":"Definition: coiffure\npAy FoR tOp (regularly)"} {"Clue":"Grinding, hard victory in, say, competition when touring (7,2)","Answer":"CHEWING UP","Explanation":"Definition: Grinding\nH (hard) WIN (victory) in EG (say) all inside (when touring) CUP (competition)"} {"Clue":"Half-hearted conflict found in gospel (Mark) (8)","Answer":"LUKEWARM","Explanation":"Definition: Half-hearted\nWAR (conflict) in LUKE (gospel) M (mark)"} {"Clue":"Note it's to be worn by mafia boss over cape (6)","Answer":"DOMINO","Explanation":"Definition: cape\nMI (note, of scale) inside (its to be worn by) DON (mafia boss) O (over) \u2013 a hooded cape worn by priests"} {"Clue":"Beginning to lose patience, having recently passed? Not according to this (1-5)","Answer":"L-PLATE","Explanation":"Definition: Not according to this\nLose Patience (beginning to, first letters of) LATE (having recently passed)"} {"Clue":"Boy wanting to tarry, having run away in German city (8)","Answer":"SOLINGEN","Explanation":"Definition: German city\nSON containing (wanting \u2026 in) LINGEr (to tarry) missing (away) R=run \u2013 a city on the Rhine"} {"Clue":"Totters non-stop, getting teased awfully (7,3,3)","Answer":"STEPTOE AND SON","Explanation":"Definition: Totters\nanagram (awfully) of NON-STOP and TEASED \u2013 totters are rag-and-bone men, characters from classic TV series"} {"Clue":"Clear passage in Barnet? (7)","Answer":"PARTING","Explanation":"Definition: Clear passage in Barnet\ncryptic definition \u2013 a barnet is rhyming slang for hair\/haircut (Barnet Fair)"} {"Clue":"Up-to-date training given to hero (2,3,6)","Answer":"IN THE GROOVE","Explanation":"Definition: Up-to-date\n(GIVEN TO HERO)* anagram=training \u2013 an out-of-date expression for up-to-date. There must be a linguistic term for expressions that contradict themselves like this, does anyone know what it is?"} {"Clue":"Prevent State Department's closure (5)","Answer":"AVERT","Explanation":"Definition: Prevent\nAVER (state) departmenT (closure of, last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Quiet Cockney's well-fed, reportedly (7)","Answer":"EASEFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Quiet\nsounds like (reportedly) 'e's full (he is full, well-fed) unaspirated (Cockney)"} {"Clue":"Tin endlessly filled up with cool round beans (9)","Answer":"CANELLINI","Explanation":"Definition: beans\nCAN (tin) fILLEd (endlessly) reversed (up) with IN (cool) reversed (round)"} {"Clue":"Choose to back first of 26, dropping odds (3)","Answer":"OPT","Explanation":"Definition: Choose to\nsTePtOe (first word of 26) missing odd letters and reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Extend\u00a0disappointment (3-4)","Answer":"LET-DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Extend\ndouble definition \u2013 initially I wrote in SET-BACK for this which caused me problems, but as it shouldn't be hyphenated I only had myself to blame"} {"Clue":"Favours meetings to be arranged after a series of problems (11)","Answer":"OBLIGEMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Favours\nMEETINGS* anagram=arranged following prOBlems (a series of letters of)"} {"Clue":"First to provide housing for initially Utopian, cleaner city (9)","Answer":"BUCHAREST","Explanation":"Definition: city\nBEST (first) contains (to provide housing for)\u00a0Utopian (initial letter of) CHAR (cleaner)"} {"Clue":"Message about posh idiot's retracted mistake (4,3)","Answer":"FAUX PAS","Explanation":"Definition: mistake\nFAX (message) contains (about) U (posh) than SAP (idiot) reversed (retracted)"} {"Clue":"Unititiated soldiers gathered briefly in a group (2,5)","Answer":"EN MASSE","Explanation":"Definition: in a group\nmEN (soldiers, uninitiated=not beginning) MASSEd (gathered, briefly)"} {"Clue":"Move camera around valley of the piper? (7)","Answer":"PANDEAN","Explanation":"Definition: of the piper\nPAN (move camera around) DEAN (valley of, Gloucestershire)"} {"Clue":"Element of body language used by musician (5)","Answer":"DYLAN","Explanation":"Definition: musician\nfound inside (element of \u2026 used by) boDY LANguage"} {"Clue":"Dismiss progressive elements of an extreme crew (3)","Answer":"AXE","Explanation":"Definition: Dismiss\nAn eXtreme crEw (progressive letters of, 1st, 2nd, 3rd)"} {"Clue":"Recall a small measure taken by a firm with fine bread (8)","Answer":"FOCACCIA","Explanation":"Definition: bread\nA ICC (1cc, small measure) with (taken by) A CO (firm) with F (fine) all reversed (recall)"} {"Clue":"Right-winger in international body beginning to trouble green activist (6)","Answer":"ECONUT","Explanation":"Definition: green activist\nCON (Conservative, right winger) in EU (international body) then T (begiining of trouble)"} {"Clue":"Reveal rear\u00a0drummer? (4)","Answer":"MOON","Explanation":"Definition: Reveal rear\ndouble definition \u2013 Keith Moon, drummer of The Who"} {"Clue":"Fan, a man's best friend touring cold Scottish island (10)","Answer":"AFICIONADO","Explanation":"Definition: Fan\nA FIDO (dog, man's best friend) contains (touring) C (cold) IONA (Scottish island)"} {"Clue":"Owns winter equipment endlessly producing bother (6)","Answer":"HASSLE","Explanation":"Definition: bother\nHAS (owns) SLEd (winter equipment, endlessly)"} {"Clue":"Hurried into makeshift tents in field? (8)","Answer":"ENTRANTS","Explanation":"Definition: field\nRAN (hurried) in TENTS* anagram=makeshift \u2013 entrants in a race, for example"} {"Clue":"Replacement of bizarre mentor to foreign manager (7,8)","Answer":"ROBERTO MARTINEZ","Explanation":"Definition: foreign manager\n(BIZZARE MENTOR TO)* anagram=replacement \u2013 Spanish footballer and current manager of Everton"} {"Clue":"Local's first in dazzling habit performing in winter sports event (8)","Answer":"BIATHLON","Explanation":"Definition: winter sports event\nL (first of local) in between HABIT* (anagram=dazzling) and ON (performing)"} {"Clue":"Threat from tear gas enveloping pair in encounter (6)","Answer":"MENACE","Explanation":"Definition: Threat\nMACE (tear gas) contains (enveloping) ENcounter (pair of letters of)"} {"Clue":"Fiddling practice? (10)","Answer":"DISHONESTY","Explanation":"Definition: Fiddling practice\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Wading bird abandoning time in river deposit (4)","Answer":"SILT","Explanation":"Definition: river deposit\nStILT (wading bird) missing T (time)"} {"Clue":"Cartoonist showing headwear, we hear (6)","Answer":"SCARFE","Explanation":"Definition: Cartoonist\nGerald Scarfe, sounds like (we hear) \"scarf\" (headgear)"} {"Clue":"Detest top businessman with wig (8)","Answer":"EXECRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Detest\nEXEC (top businessman) with RATE (wig, to scold)"} {"Clue":"Bill's partner retaining surprised expression round a state (8)","Answer":"COLORADO","Explanation":"Definition: state\nCOO (bill's partner, bill-and-coo) contains (retaining) LORD (surprised expression) in (round) A"} {"Clue":"Admonish cricketer being vocal (4)","Answer":"WARN","Explanation":"Definition: Admonish\nsounds like (being vocal) Warne (Shane Warne, cricketer)"} {"Clue":"What violinist does in predicament? (6)","Answer":"SCRAPE","Explanation":"Definition: What violinist does\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Wild time in bars etc in May perhaps (7,8)","Answer":"CABINET MINISTER","Explanation":"Definition: May perhaps\n(TIME IN BARS ETC)* anagram=wild \u2013 Theresa May for example"} {"Clue":"List, say, is kept with note in posh car (8)","Answer":"REGISTER","Explanation":"Definition: List\nEG (say) IS and (kept with) TE (note, of scale) in RR (Rolls Royce, posh car)"} {"Clue":"Establishment offering cosmetic aid? (10)","Answer":"FOUNDATION","Explanation":"Definition: Establishment\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Expert spoke in French with verbal humour foremost (6)","Answer":"PUNDIT","Explanation":"Definition: Expert\nDIT (spoke, French) with PUN (verbal humour) in front (foremost)"} {"Clue":"This wear's sported over front of torso? (10)","Answer":"SWEATSHIRT","Explanation":"Definition: This wear's sported over front of torso\n(THIS WEAR'S)* anagram=sported on (over) T (front, first letter, of torso) \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"A fast time embraced by rebellious youth being skilful? (8)","Answer":"TALENTED","Explanation":"Definition: skilful\nLENT (a fast time) in (embraced by) TED (teddy boy, rebellious youth)"} {"Clue":"Awkward case behind schedule to mount in tension (8)","Answer":"ESCALATE","Explanation":"Definition: mount in tension\nCASE* anagram=awkward LATE (behind schedule)"} {"Clue":"Old Conservative engaged in independent activity at home? That's folly (6)","Answer":"IDIOCY","Explanation":"Definition: folly\nO (old) C (conservative) inside (engaged in) I (independent) DIY (activity at home)"} {"Clue":"Master reserved term about yard in chaos (6)","Answer":"MAYHEM","Explanation":"Definition: chaos\nM (master) AHEM (term expressing a reservation about something) containing (about) Y (yard)"} {"Clue":"Nimble mole bordering river (4)","Answer":"SPRY","Explanation":"Definition: Nimble\nSPY (mole) containing (bordering) R (river)"} {"Clue":"Leap and dance endlessly in 19's film (7)","Answer":"JUMANJI","Explanation":"Definition: 19's film\nJUMp ANd JIg (leap and dance, endlessly)"} {"Clue":"Boy gets into a row in 19's film (7)","Answer":"ALADDIN","Explanation":"Definition: 19's film\nLAD (boy) in A DIN (row) \u2013 Robin Williams film"} {"Clue":"New spare parts gentleman gradually reduces (6,3)","Answer":"TAPERS OFF","Explanation":"Definition: gradually reduces \nSPARE* anagram=new inside (parts) TOFF (gentleman)"} {"Clue":"The responsibility of doing (2,2)","Answer":"UP TO","Explanation":"Definition: The responsibility of\nit's up to you\u2026* and what are you up to? Thanks to JH for clearing this up."} {"Clue":"Ill-natured? It's not like a zebra! (10)","Answer":"UNSTRIATED","Explanation":"Definition: It's not like a zebra\n(NATURED IT'S)* ill=anagram"} {"Clue":"Perfectly done brown bread's not square (2,1,1)","Answer":"TO A T","Explanation":"Definition: Perfectly done\nTOAsT (bread, browned) missing (not) S (square)"} {"Clue":"Take in flier (5)","Answer":"ROBIN","Explanation":"Definition: flier\nROB (take) IN"} {"Clue":"19's film shot at Lord's (4)","Answer":"HOOK","Explanation":"Definition: 19's film\na HOOK cricket shot (at the Lords ground)"} {"Clue":"I'm let loose to license stores in this record basement? (3-4,3)","Answer":"ALL-TIME LOW","Explanation":"Definition: this record basement\n(I'm LET)* anagram=loose in (stored by)\u00a0ALLOW (license)"} {"Clue":"In fable it sings extremely sadly \u2013 and wing broken (5,4)","Answer":"DYING SWAN","Explanation":"Definition: In fable it sings \nanagram (broken) of SadlY (extremes of)with AND WING"} {"Clue":"Wasted: did the reverse of drink at home? (3,4)","Answer":"ATE AWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Wasted\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Choice of thousands with DMY in 19's show (4,3,5)","Answer":"MORK AND MINDY","Explanation":"Definition: 19's show \nM OR K (choice of thousands)\u00a0AND (with) (DMY IN)* anagram not explicitly\u00a0indicated"} {"Clue":"19's viewer of the world sees river in space (4)","Answer":"GARP","Explanation":"Definition: 19's viewer of the world\nR (river) in GAP (space) \u2013 The World According to Garp, a Robin Williams film"} {"Clue":"Open \u2013 the pickled onions? (4)","Answer":"AJAR","Explanation":"Definition: Open\ndouble definitions \u2013\u00a0a jar of picked onions perhaps"} {"Clue":"Staved character off finally, after one's left in church (4)","Answer":"CLEF","Explanation":"Definition: Staved character\nfinallY (final latter of) following L (one's left) in CE (church) \u2013 symbol on the musical stave"} {"Clue":"The art of musical discrimination \u2013 or the reverse? (3)","Answer":"EAR","Explanation":"Definition: The art of musical discrimination\nI'm not sure about this, could \"the reverse\" indicate\u00a0that is could also\u00a0be \"the musical discrimination of art\", or \"the discrimination of the art of musical\" or something similar? *Reversing \"The art of musical discrimination\" gives \"musical discrimination of the art\" \u2013 musical discrimination (the definition) found inside (of) thE ARt. Thanks to AID and JS for this."} {"Clue":"Devices of Man, perhaps, might be star-like, I fancy (9)","Answer":"TRISKELIA","Explanation":"Definition: Devices of Man, perhaps\n(STAR-LIKE I)* anagram=fancy \u2013\u00a0symbols conststing of three ams (or legs) radiating from a centre point, an example being the flag of the Isle of Man"} {"Clue":"I radioed home help, heading north (5)","Answer":"INDIA","Explanation":"Definition: I radioed\nIN (home) AID (help) reversed (heading north, up the grid) \u2013 the letter I in the Nato Phonetic Alphabet, used in radio communication"} {"Clue":"Hampshire's opener clashing with new ODI captain of 15 (5)","Answer":"DHONI","Explanation":"Definition: captain of 15 \nanagram (clashing) of Hampshire (opening letter of) and N (new) ODI \u2013 Mahendra Dhoni, captain of the Indian national cricket team"} {"Clue":"Exhausted sergeant-major's order's not loud (3,2)","Answer":"ALL IN","Explanation":"Definition: Exhausted\nfALL IN (SM's order) missing F (loud)"} {"Clue":"Nuts disturb me for 19's film (3,9)","Answer":"MRS DOUBTFIRE","Explanation":"Definition: 19's film\n~~(NUTS DISTURB ME)*~~ (DISTURB ME FOR)* anagram=nuts"} {"Clue":"Late post's collected outside European community for 19's film (4,5,7)","Answer":"DEAD POETS SOCIETY","Explanation":"Definition: 19's film\nDEAD (late) POST* (is collected) containing (outside) E (European) SOCIETY (community)"} {"Clue":"About to ring doctor after medical accident, sailors go to restrain one liable to blow top in 19's film (4,7,7)","Answer":"GOOD MORNING VIETNAM","Explanation":"Definition: 19's film\nGOING (about, on the go)\u00a0contains (to ring)\u00a0MO (doctor) following OD\u00a0(medical accident) RN (Royal Navy, sailors) then\u00a0VIM (go) containing (to restrain)\u00a0ETNA (one likely to blow top)"} {"Clue":"Looking for benevolence in 19's film (4,4,7)","Answer":"GOOD WILL HUNTING","Explanation":"Definition: Looking for benevolence\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Come to funeral party, as do patients in 19's film (4)","Answer":"WAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Come to\n*triple*\u00a0definition \u2013 Awakenings is a Robin Williams film \u2013 *thanks to ernie"} {"Clue":"Sweet\u00a0sort of complexion (7,3,5)","Answer":"PEACHES AND CREAM","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Fresh green veg chopped into cold dish, ideally (7)","Answer":"REVENGE","Explanation":"Definition: cold dish, ideally\nGREEN* anagram=fresh VEg (chopped=cut short) \u2013 revenge is a dish best served cold"} {"Clue":"Key element of decent rallies (7)","Answer":"CENTRAL","Explanation":"Definition: Key\nfound in deCENT RALlies"} {"Clue":"Blood group like one son's group (5)","Answer":"OASIS","Explanation":"Definition: group\nO (blood group) AS (like) I (one) S (SON) \u2013 I tried BASIS here first"} {"Clue":"Suffering nerves in northern Europe, ruler having left country (9)","Answer":"NEURALGIA","Explanation":"Definition: Suffering nerves\nN (northern) EUR (Europe) ALGerIA (country) missing ER (The Queen, a ruler)"} {"Clue":"Greed possibly shown as roast lamb starter demolished in 30 seconds? (6,3)","Answer":"MORTAL SIN","Explanation":"Definition: Greed possibly\nanagram (demolished) of ROAST L (starter of lamb) in MINute (half a minute)"} {"Clue":"Artist fellow is a gas (5)","Answer":"RADON","Explanation":"Definition: a gas\nRA (artist) DON (fellow)"} {"Clue":"Fool about making some gunpowder (5)","Answer":"NITRE","Explanation":"Definition: some gunpowder\nNIT (fool) RE (about)"} {"Clue":"Moved house while having to declare otherwise (9)","Answer":"RELOCATED","Explanation":"Definition: Moved house\n(TO DECLARE)* anagram=otherwise"} {"Clue":"Item used when cooking fish at home? Doctor has one (6,3)","Answer":"FRYING PAN","Explanation":"Definition: Item used when cooking\nFRY (fish) IN (at home) GP (doctor) has AN (one)"} {"Clue":"Over-excited and somewhat pushy person (5)","Answer":"HYPER","Explanation":"Definition: Over-excited\nsome of pusHY PERson"} {"Clue":"Penetrate even bits of wall in the gut (7)","Answer":"ENTERAL","Explanation":"Definition: in the gut\nENTER (penetrate) wAlL (even letter of)"} {"Clue":"Heard working girl lament one cause of sexual arousal (7)","Answer":"HORMONE","Explanation":"Definition: one cause of sexual arousal\nsounds like (heard) \"whore moan\""} {"Clue":"Worried as volunteers dub film (6,9)","Answer":"SUNSET BOULEVARD","Explanation":"Definition: film\n(AS VOLUNTEERS DUB)* anagram=worried"} {"Clue":"Show-jumpers take lead from Princess Royal before making a self-adjustment (10,5)","Answer":"PERFORMING FLEAS","Explanation":"Definition: Show-jumpers\nP (lead letter of princess) ER (a royal) FORMING (making) A (SELF)* anagram=adjustment"} {"Clue":"Drives a touring coach (7)","Answer":"ADVISER","Explanation":"Definition: coach\n(DRIVES A)* anagram=touring"} {"Clue":"Greeting from ship's crew to fish (9)","Answer":"HANDSHAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Greeting\nHANDS (ships crew) to HAKE (fish)"} {"Clue":"Rump of small bird (5)","Answer":"STERN","Explanation":"Definition: Rump\nS (small) TERN (bird)"} {"Clue":"Go into new topless pub like the Red Fox? (9)","Answer":"NOCTURNAL","Explanation":"Definition: like the Red Fox\nTURN (g) in\u00a0N(new) lOCAL (pub, topless)"} {"Clue":"In Roman times, one who conspired to report wrongdoer (5)","Answer":"CINNA","Explanation":"Definition: In Roman times, one who conspired\nsounds like (to report) sinner (wrongdoer) \u2013 this chap?"} {"Clue":"Livid gardener sacked after finishing early (7)","Answer":"ENRAGED","Explanation":"Definition: Livid\nGARDENEr* anagram=sacked"} {"Clue":"Address for solicitor nearly lost in sea to north of China (2,7,6)","Answer":"MY LEARNED FRIEND","Explanation":"Definition: Address for solicitor\nNEARLY* anagram=lost in MED (sea) before (to teh north of) FRIEND (china)"} {"Clue":"Where clip is undone, with bust revealed initially? (5,4)","Answer":"STRIP CLUB","Explanation":"Definition: Where clip is undone, with bust revealed initially\nanagram (undone) of CLIP with BUST and R (intial letter of revealed) \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"People on heroin? You can bet on it (9)","Answer":"RACEHORSE","Explanation":"Definition: You can bet on i\nRACE (people) HORSE (heroin, slang)"} {"Clue":"Go in to riot, to see what one can get away with (3,2,2)","Answer":"TRY IT ON","Explanation":"Definition: to see what one can get away with\nTRY (go) (IN TO)* anagram=riot"} {"Clue":"Pudding recipe leaving apricot out? Ace! (7)","Answer":"TAPIOCA","Explanation":"Definition: Pudding\nAPrICOT* (anagram=out) with R (recipe) leaving, then A (ace)"} {"Clue":"Sauce\u00a0bottle (5)","Answer":"NERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Sauce\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Famous Indian female only up on sport (5)","Answer":"NEHRU","Explanation":"Definition: Famous Indian\nHEN (female only) reversed (~~only~~ up) on RU (sport)"} {"Clue":"Singer of inferior quality say\u00a0(4)","Answer":"BASS","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\n sounds like (say) base (of inferior quality)"} {"Clue":"Vogue article featuring northern Italian city\u00a0(6)","Answer":"MODENA","Explanation":"Definition: Italian city\u00a0\n MODE (vogue) A (article) contains (featuring) N (northern)"} {"Clue":"Excited by Gone Girl's opening\u00a0(4)","Answer":"AGOG","Explanation":"Definition: Excited\n AGO (gone) Girl (opening letter of)"} {"Clue":"Firmness of purpose shown by Will\u00a0(13)","Answer":"DETERMINATION","Explanation":"Definition: Firmness of purpose\n double definition"} {"Clue":"Wrong to retain workers from Harrow\u00a0(7)","Answer":"TORMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Harrow\u00a0\n TORT (wrong) to contain MEN (workers)"} {"Clue":"Practice needed after Bangladesh's opener gets an edge\u00a0(6)","Answer":"BORDER","Explanation":"Definition: Practice\n ORDER (practice) following Bangladesh (opening letter of)"} {"Clue":"Titian's greed stupidly causing break up\u00a0(12)","Answer":"DISINTEGRATE","Explanation":"Definition: break up\u00a0\n anagram (stupidly) of TITIAN'S GREED"} {"Clue":"Guardiola communicates confidence boosters\u00a0(3,5)","Answer":"PEP TALKS","Explanation":"Definition: confidence booster\n PEP Guardiola and TALKS (communicates)"} {"Clue":"Swelling with pride ultimately after last one's left\u00a0(4)","Answer":"STYE","Explanation":"Definition: Swelling\n pridE (ultimate letter of) follows (after) STaY (last) missing A (one)"} {"Clue":"Dread holding the light thing (7)","Answer":"FEATHER","Explanation":"Definition: light thing \nFEAR (dread) holding THE"} {"Clue":"Soldiers look westward (it keeps the light off) (7)","Answer":"PARASOL","Explanation":"Definition: (it keeps the light off\nPARAS (soldiers) and LO (look) revesed (westward, right-to-left as on a map)"} {"Clue":"Blue car in crash can only get worse (9)","Answer":"INCURABLE","Explanation":"Definition: can only get worse\nanagram (crash) of BLUE CAR IN"} {"Clue":"Prize includes modish grape (5)","Answer":"PINOT","Explanation":"Definition: grape\nPOT (prize) includes IN (modish)"} {"Clue":"Painful choice of direction (4)","Answer":"SORE","Explanation":"Definition: Painful\nS OR E (choce of direction)"} {"Clue":"One will carefully consider dropping resistance to light (10)","Answer":"ILLUMINATE","Explanation":"Definition: to light\n~~ILLUMINATEr (one who will carefully consider)~~\u00a0I'LL (one will) and rUMINATE (carefully consider)\u00a0missing R (resistance)"} {"Clue":"Not very cunning about window (8)","Answer":"SLIGHTLY","Explanation":"Definition: Not very\nSLY (cunning) contains (about) LIGHT (window)"} {"Clue":"Film of Tensing and Hillary (6)","Answer":"GANDHI","Explanation":"Definition: Film\nfound inside (of) tensinG AND HIlary"} {"Clue":"Musical style of a tug in distress (6)","Answer":"FUGATO","Explanation":"Definition: Musical style\n(OF A TUG)* anagram=in distress"} {"Clue":"For openers, Farming Gazette features anger at supporter of compost burning (8)","Answer":"FIREFANG","Explanation":"Definition: compost burning\nFarmimg Gazette (for openers, first letter of) contain (feature) IRE (anger) and FAN (supporter) \u2013 excessive dryness caused by the decomposition of organic matter"} {"Clue":"It's very funny topping God in argument about source of brightness (10)","Answer":"FLOODLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: source of brightness\nLOL (it's very funny) contains (with\u2026in) gOD (topped, no first letter) all inside (with\u2026about) FIGHT (argument)"} {"Clue":"Second vehicle one you probably shouldn't pick (4)","Answer":"SCAB","Explanation":"Definition: one you probably shouldn't pick\nS (second) CAB (vehicle) \u2013 I had SCAR (S + CAR) at my first attempt"} {"Clue":"\"Eyelashes\" sounds less sensible (5)","Answer":"CILIA","Explanation":"Definition: Eyelashes\nsounds like \"sillier\" (less sensible)"} {"Clue":"Light in battery burners (9)","Answer":"BLOWLAMPS","Explanation":"Definition: burners \nLAMP (light) in BLOWS (battery)"} {"Clue":"Unreliable friends have nothing for one to request (4,3)","Answer":"SEND FOR","Explanation":"Definition: to request\nanagram (unreliable) of FRiENDS with O (nothing) replacing I (one)"} {"Clue":"Discoverer of polarised light almost complimentary backing optical instrument (7)","Answer":"FRESNEL","Explanation":"Definition: Discoverer of polarised light\nFREe (complimentary, almost) and LENS (optical instrument) reversed (backing) \u2013 Augustin Fresnel, one of a whole line of discoverers of polarised light"} {"Clue":"Force with light weapons finally moves quickly (5)","Answer":"FLITS","Explanation":"Definition: moves quickly\nF (force) LIT (with light?) and weaponS (final letter of). I wanted \"force with light weapons\" to be Jedi or similar, but it was not to be."} {"Clue":"Working doctor placing article as expected (9,2,4)","Answer":"ACCORDING TO PLAN","Explanation":"Definition: as expected\nanagram (working) of DOCTOR PLACING with AN (article)"} {"Clue":"Crowd tried to be heartless (4)","Answer":"HERD","Explanation":"Definition: Crowd\nHEaRD (tried, heartless)"} {"Clue":"Poke fun at director, embraced by friend in bawdy fashion (8)","Answer":"RIBALDLY","Explanation":"Definition: in bawdy fashion\nRIB (poke fun at) D (director) inside (embraced by) ALLY (friend)"} {"Clue":"Meeting nurse in a sort of jam (6)","Answer":"PLENUM","Explanation":"Definition: Meeting\nEN (enrolled nurse) in PLUM (sort of jam)"} {"Clue":"Copies medical scan into answers (10)","Answer":"REPLICATES","Explanation":"Definition: Copies\nCAT (computer tomography, medical scan) inside REPLIES (answers)"} {"Clue":"Fuss over island's light entertainer (4-3-5,3)","Answer":"SONG-AND-DANCE-MAN","Explanation":"Definition: entertainer\nSONG AND DANCE (fuss) on MAN (island)"} {"Clue":"Forming bubbles bursting near light (9)","Answer":"LATHERING","Explanation":"Definition: Forming bubbles\n(NEAR LIGHT)* anagram=bursting"} {"Clue":"A smash in 24 hours, fans begin supporting inexperienced rising star (5,5)","Answer":"WHITE DWARF","Explanation":"Definition: star\nHIT (a smash) in WED (24 hours) then Fan (beginning, first letter of) underneath (supporting) RAW (inexperienced) reversed (rising)"} {"Clue":"Photographic technique cuts off so badly (4,5)","Answer":"SOFT FOCUS","Explanation":"Definition: Photographic technique\n(CUTS OFF SO)* anagram=badly"} {"Clue":"Possibly evening out near Lord Snooty? (5,3)","Answer":"NIGHT OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Possibly evening out\nNIGH (near) TOFF (Lord Snooty perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Black Watch goes round wood (6)","Answer":"TIMBER","Explanation":"Definition: wood\nB (black) contains (with\u2026round) TIMER (watch)"} {"Clue":"Male graduate says ichthyosaurs lacked heads (5)","Answer":"BASIL","Explanation":"Definition: Male\nBA (graduate) and first letters (heads) of Ichthyosaurus Says Lacked"} {"Clue":"Run away from cheat, avoiding city district (4)","Answer":"FLEE","Explanation":"Definition: Run away\nFLEecE (cheat) missing EC (the City of London postal code)"} {"Clue":"In binary numbers, go and shape new tubes (9)","Answer":"OESOPHAGI","Explanation":"Definition: tubes\nO and I (0 and 1, binary numbers) contain (in..) anagram (new) of GO and SHAPE"} {"Clue":"Sailing\u00a0all over the place (2,3)","Answer":"AT SEA","Explanation":"Definition: Sailing\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Always 111? (7)","Answer":"EVERTON","Explanation":"Definition: 11\nEVER (always) TON (100) \u2013 Everton are a football team, an eleven. One has to read this clue as \"always 100 and 11\""} {"Clue":"Sauce in vessel, finished (7)","Answer":"KETCHUP","Explanation":"Definition: Sauce\nKETCH (vessel) and UP (finished)"} {"Clue":"Smelt so\u00a0suspicious? (5)","Answer":"FISHY","Explanation":"Definition: Smelt so\ndouble definition \u2013 a smelt is a young salmon"} {"Clue":"Measure of insulation wrapping effectively in bathroom robe material (9)","Answer":"TOWELLING","Explanation":"Definition: bathroom robe material\nTOG (measure of insulation) contains WELL (effectively) and IN"} {"Clue":"23 \u2014 24 or 25, perhaps? (8,7)","Answer":"CARDINAL NUMBERS","Explanation":"Definition: 24 or 25, perhaps\nCARDINAL (red) NUMBERS (book, of The Bible) \u2013 red book is the solution to 23 across"} {"Clue":"Music genre really a breakthrough (9)","Answer":"DISCOVERY","Explanation":"Definition: a breakthrough\nDISCO (music genre) and VERY (really)"} {"Clue":"With zero following, tended to dismiss a belief (5)","Answer":"CREDO","Explanation":"Definition: belie\nO (zero) following CaRED (tended) missing (to dismiss) A"} {"Clue":"Header missed in game after trial for Roman defence (7)","Answer":"TESTUDO","Explanation":"Definition: Roman defence\nlUDO (game, missing header, first letter) following TEST (trial)"} {"Clue":"Untidy bed in castle, work of the former chairman? (3,4)","Answer":"RED BOOK","Explanation":"Definition: work of the former chairman\nBED* anagram=untidy in ROOK (castle)"} {"Clue":"Russian food left discarded? Italy going after it (5)","Answer":"BLINI","Explanation":"Definition: Russian food\nL in BIN (left in bin, discarded) then (going after it) I (Italy)"} {"Clue":"Wife into estate, or funny small car perhaps? (3-6)","Answer":"TWO SEATER","Explanation":"Definition: small car perhaps\nW (wife) in (ESTATE OR) anagram=funny"} {"Clue":"Bag containing pig, hurried to secure first of farrow, giving nothing away (5-5)","Answer":"POKER-FACED","Explanation":"Definition: giving nothing away\nPOKE (bag containing pig) then RACED (hurried) containing (to secure) Farrow (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Judge fools and you're dropping the odds (8)","Answer":"ASSESSOR","Explanation":"Definition: Judge\nASSES (fools) and yOu'Re (dropping odd letters) \u2013 I have an S missing from this explanation. Where have I gone wrong?"} {"Clue":"Inconsistent ceiling in shrine, cracked (6)","Answer":"SPOTTY","Explanation":"Definition: Inconsistent\nShrine( ceiling, top letter of) POTTY (cracked, mad)"} {"Clue":"Darn Madam Nefertiti's stocking (4)","Answer":"DAMN","Explanation":"Definition: Darn\nfound inside (stocked by) maDAM Nefertiti"} {"Clue":"Black bat carried by tiny wings, a triangular antenna on his head (5-5)","Answer":"TINKY WINKY","Explanation":"Definition: a triangular antenna on his head\nINKY (black) WINK (bat, as an eyelid) insode (carried by) TinY (wings of) \u2013 one of the Teletubbies childrens TV characters. In real life TinkyWinky looks this this, I'm not joking."} {"Clue":"Rare metal in brown and white powder, not carbon (8)","Answer":"TANTALUM","Explanation":"Definition: Rare metal\nTAN (brown) and TALcUM (white powder) missing C (carbon)"} {"Clue":"Connecting areas, this diverse motorway (6)","Answer":"ISTHMI","Explanation":"Definition: Connecting areas\nTHIS* anagram=diverse and MI (the M1, a motorway in England)"} {"Clue":"Some jazz\u00a0siren? (4)","Answer":"VAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Some jazz\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Avenue for traffic in diverted road, utter catastrophe, ultimately (5,5)","Answer":"TRADE ROUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Avenue for traffic\nanagram (diverted) of ROAD UTTER and catastrophE (ultimate letter of)"} {"Clue":"Kitchen equipment creaks, so go for a refit (3,7)","Answer":"GAS COOKERS","Explanation":"Definition: Kitchen equipment\n(CREAKS SO GO)* anagram=for a refit"} {"Clue":"Native American goddess touring old capital, then leaving it (8)","Answer":"IROQUOIS","Explanation":"Definition: Native American\nIRIS (goddess) contains (touring) O (old) QUitO (capital) missing (then leaving) IT"} {"Clue":"Solvers overly protected by the barking canine (3,5)","Answer":"EYE TOOTH","Explanation":"Definition: canine\nYE (solvers) TOO (overly) inside (protected by) THE* anagram=barking"} {"Clue":"Finch is in hide (6)","Answer":"SISKIN","Explanation":"Definition: Finch\nIS in SKIN (hide)"} {"Clue":"Club member, French nobleman ascendant (6)","Answer":"CUDGEL","Explanation":"Definition: Club\nLEG (member) DUC (French nobleman) reversed (ascendant)"} {"Clue":"Name on jug for sale, less posh (4)","Answer":"TOBY","Explanation":"Definition: Name on jug\nTO BuY (for sale) missing U (posh)"} {"Clue":"Hiding in bunk, I scream (4)","Answer":"RIOT","Explanation":"Definition: scream\nI inside (hiding in\u2026) ROT (bunk)"} {"Clue":"Tumble from branch (4)","Answer":"TWIG","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Tearful outside practice, try to turn back a best friend? (7-3)","Answer":"SAUSAGE-DOG","Explanation":"SAD (tearful) contains (outside) USEAGE then GO (try) reversed (to turn back) \u2013 a dog is a man's best friend"} {"Clue":"Bother about Spain beginning to analyse what it once spent (6)","Answer":"PESETA","Explanation":"PEST (bother) contains (about) E (Spain) and Analyse (beginning letter of)"} {"Clue":"Shrub requiring exceptional drainage (8)","Answer":"GARDENIA","Explanation":"DRAINAGE* anagram=exceptional"} {"Clue":"Destroyed small mollusc, flattened at last (8)","Answer":"SCUTTLED","Explanation":"S (small) CUTTLE (mollusc) and flatteneD (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Antagonise Liberal MP running English town (10,3)","Answer":"LEAMINGTON SPA","Explanation":"anagram (running) of ANTAGONISE L (Liberal) and MP"} {"Clue":"Series about lawsuit that is self- sustaining once started (5,8)","Answer":"CHAIN REACTION","Explanation":"CHAIN (series) RE (regarding, about) ACTION (lawsuit)"} {"Clue":"Incorporate muscle, getting brothers to retreat (6)","Answer":"ABSORB","Explanation":"AB (abdominal muscle, usually plural abs) with BROS (brothers) reversed (in retreat)"} {"Clue":"Calling by scene of shooting with a new opening (8)","Answer":"VOCATION","Explanation":"LOCATION (scene of shooting) with V for L (with new opening letter)"} {"Clue":"Manx cat, as it were, beside monument (8)","Answer":"PANTHEON","Explanation":"PANTHEr (manx cat as it were, a cat with no tail) then ON (beside)"} {"Clue":"Judge, initially under pressure, in a fix (6)","Answer":"UMPIRE","Explanation":"Under (initial letter of) then P (pressure) in MIRE (a fix)"} {"Clue":"Depression round recruit that's delaying mass battle action (10)","Answer":"DEPLOYMENT","Explanation":"DENT (depression) containing (round) EMPLOY (recruit) with M (mass) moved to the back (delayed)"} {"Clue":"Zulu champion relinquishing crown for nothing (4)","Answer":"ZERO","Explanation":"Z (zulu, phonetic alphabet) and hERO (champion) with no first letter (relinquishing crown)"} {"Clue":"Wife has to vomit, poor devil (6)","Answer":"WRETCH","Explanation":"W (wife) has RETCH (to vomit)"} {"Clue":"Bring to bear and retry a terribly well-known job (5,5,7)","Answer":"GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY","Explanation":"anagram (terribly) of BRING TO BEAR and RETRY A"} {"Clue":"One place to settle travelling circus \u2013 almost outside shopping centre (5,6,5)","Answer":"SMALL CLAIMS COURT","Explanation":"(CIRCUS ALMOST)* anagram=travelling containing (outside) MALL (shopping centre)"} {"Clue":"Rose going topless gets prodded (5)","Answer":"URGED","Explanation":"sURGED (rose, topless)"} {"Clue":"A soft cheese? No thanks \u2013 some fruit (7)","Answer":"APRICOT","Explanation":"A P (piano, soft) RICOTta (cheese) missing TA (thanks)"} {"Clue":"Blokes in hospital department turning up for fundamental procedure? (5)","Answer":"ENEMA","Explanation":"MEN (blokes) in A & E (Accident and Emergency, hospital department) all reversed (turning up) \u2013 a medical procedure of the bottom (fundament)"} {"Clue":"Press endlessly going after good girl with weak feature (5,3)","Answer":"GLASS JAW","Explanation":"JAm (press, endlessly) following G (good) LASS (girl) then W (with)"} {"Clue":"Deport European team with luggage on vacation (5)","Answer":"EXILE","Explanation":"E (European) XI (eleven, team) with LuggagE (on vacation, removing middle letters)"} {"Clue":"Rising English author with no time for Scandinavian one (5)","Answer":"IBSEN","Explanation":"NESBIt (English author) missing T (time)"} {"Clue":"One entertained by mostly fat, small, porky narrators (5)","Answer":"LIARS","Explanation":"I (one) inside (entertained by) LARd (fat, mostly) and S (small) \u2013 people who tell \"pork pies\" (lies, rhyming slang)"} {"Clue":"Getting up, say, about to flatten lizard (5)","Answer":"GECKO","Explanation":"EG (say) reversed (getting up) C (circa, about) and KO (to flatten)"} {"Clue":"Board needing agreement from EU neighbours (5)","Answer":"OUIJA","Explanation":"OUI and JA (agreements) in French and German (from EU neighbours)"} {"Clue":"Rushed to collect rubbish that's thrown away (8)","Answer":"SCRAPPED","Explanation":"SPED (rushed) containing (to collect) CRAP (rubbish)"} {"Clue":"Fear of unlimited pain stopping workforce (6)","Answer":"HORROR","Explanation":"sORROw (pain) with no outside letters (unlimited) inside (stopping, like a cork) HR (human resources, workforce)"} {"Clue":"Centrally allocated in pieces of eight (5)","Answer":"OCTAL","Explanation":"anagram (in pieces) of teh centre of alLOCATed"} {"Clue":"Without introduction, approach rendezvous (5)","Answer":"VENUE","Explanation":"aVENUE (approach) missing first letter (without introduction)"} {"Clue":"Destroy ring with opening for tiny round gemstone (5)","Answer":"TOPAZ","Explanation":"ZAP (destroy) O (a ring) with Tiny (opening letter of) all revesed (round)"} {"Clue":"Top methods becoming pronounced in Chinese artist (2,6)","Answer":"AI WEIWEI","Explanation":"AI (A1, top) and WEI WEI sounds like (pronounced) way way (methods)"} {"Clue":"Plant left in part of field (6)","Answer":"CLOVER","Explanation":"L (left) in COVER (part of field, cricket)"} {"Clue":"Note end of summer sport in traditional area of ground (9)","Answer":"TERRACING","Explanation":"TE (note) summeR (end of) and RACING (sport)"} {"Clue":"Source of music in Purcell opera (5)","Answer":"CELLO","Explanation":"found in purCELL Opera"} {"Clue":"Fool curtailed trade in confection (7)","Answer":"PRALINE","Explanation":"PRAt (fool) and LINE (trade)"} {"Clue":"Dim old boy certain to tour college (7)","Answer":"OBSCURE","Explanation":"OB (old boy) and SURE (certain) contains C (college)"} {"Clue":"Piano? It stuck out as quiet (3,1,4,2,2)","Answer":"PUT A SOCK IN IT","Explanation":"(PIANO IT STUCK)* anagram=out"} {"Clue":"Torpor from two drinks taken round quiet English ship (12)","Answer":"SLUGGISHNESS","Explanation":"SLUG and GIN (two drinks) contain (taken round) SH (quiet) then E (English) SS (ship)"} {"Clue":"Greek character opposing Italian wine (7)","Answer":"CHIANTI","Explanation":"CHI (Greek Character) ANTI (opposing)"} {"Clue":"Commend two pages in a range (7)","Answer":"APPROVE","Explanation":"P P (two pages) in A ROVE (range)"} {"Clue":"Remove fault almost kept in film (5)","Answer":"EVICT","Explanation":"VICe (fault, almost) in ET (film)"} {"Clue":"Aisle I trod awkwardly with second gone to get view of organ? (9)","Answer":"EDITORIAL","Explanation":"anagram (awkwardly) of AIsLE I TROD missing S (second) \u2013 an organ is a newspaper"} {"Clue":"Ditch fish in river? The opposite (6)","Answer":"TRENCH","Explanation":"R (river) in TENCH (fish)"} {"Clue":"A French scout mistakenly embracing unionist that's smarmy (8)","Answer":"UNCTUOUS","Explanation":"UN (a, French) and SCOUT* anagram=mistakenly contains U (unionist)"} {"Clue":"A refusal to accept advice in rival religious authority (8)","Answer":"ANTIPOPE","Explanation":"A NPOE (refusal) contains TIP (advice)"} {"Clue":"Desire to defend a bishop close to holy covenant (8)","Answer":"WARRANTY","Explanation":"WANT (desire) contains (to defend) A RR (Right Reverend, bishop) with holY (closing letter of)"} {"Clue":"Beginnings of international rejection are quite injurious for Saddam, say (5)","Answer":"IRAQI","Explanation":"first letters (beginnings) of International Rejection Are Quite Injurous"} {"Clue":"Shadowy official activated in emergencies (8,5)","Answer":"EMINENCE GRISE","Explanation":"(In EMERGENCIES)* anagram=activated"} {"Clue":"Specialist in stopping admissions? (9)","Answer":"LOCKSMITH","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Stomach a very uppity threatening look (6)","Answer":"VALOUR","Explanation":"A V (very) reversed (uppity) with LOUR (threatening look)"} {"Clue":"Routes mentioned in Greek island (6)","Answer":"RHODES","Explanation":"sounds like (mentioned) roads (routes)"} {"Clue":"With day fading, idol facing riot breaking out in festivity (13)","Answer":"GLORIFICATION","Explanation":"anagram (breaking out) of IdOL FACTING RIOT missing (with\u2026fading) D (day)"} {"Clue":"Irritable writer, around 50, among names raised (9)","Answer":"SPLENETIC","Explanation":"PEN (writer) contains (around) L (fifty) in (among) CITES (names) reversed (raised)"} {"Clue":"Brave leader upset over child, say (8)","Answer":"GERONIMO","Explanation":"O (over) MINOR (child) EG (say) all reversed (upset) \u2013 a brave is a Native American"} {"Clue":"In addition to a sign of inflation, a sign of slump (2,4,2)","Answer":"AS WELL AS","Explanation":"A SWELL (sign of inflation) and A Slump (sign of=just one letter?) \u2013 I'm not sure about this"} {"Clue":"Here's, maybe, a grave\u00a0intensity (6)","Answer":"ACCENT","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 I think here's is just an introduction to the clue"} {"Clue":"To make and maintain contact in Australia is essential (6)","Answer":"LIAISE","Explanation":"found in austraLIA IS Essential"} {"Clue":"French writer ignoring posh sporting compatriot (5)","Answer":"PROST","Explanation":"PROuST (French writer) missing U (posh)"} {"Clue":"Made it so terrible to be nuked (8)","Answer":"ATOMISED","Explanation":"Definition: nuked\n(MADE IT SO)* anagram=terrible"} {"Clue":"Killing time, just about (6)","Answer":"MORTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Killing\nT (time) inside (with\u2026about) MORAL (just)"} {"Clue":"Call only child a poet (6)","Answer":"BELLOC","Explanation":"Definition: a poet \nBELL (call) O (only) C (child)"} {"Clue":"A politician into drink \u2013 Scotch (5,3)","Answer":"STAMP OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Scotch\nA MP (politician) in STOUT (drink)"} {"Clue":"Agents from Spain fail to seize house (10)","Answer":"EMISSARIES","Explanation":"Definition: Agents\nE (Spain) MISS (fail to seize) ARIES (house, of the zodiac)"} {"Clue":"Motorsport almost dying out (4)","Answer":"INDY","Explanation":"Definition: Motorsport\namagram (out) of DYINg (almost)"} {"Clue":"Natural part of 8, say (6)","Answer":"INNATE","Explanation":"Definition: Natural\nsounds (say) like \"in eight\" (part of 8)"} {"Clue":"I'll take lead in small plastic trap preparations (3,5)","Answer":"LIP BALMS","Explanation":"Definition: trap \nI with PB (Pb, lead) in SMALL*\u00a0anagram=plastic"} {"Clue":"China police turn over plant (8)","Answer":"PALMETTO","Explanation":"Definition: plant \nPAL (china, rhyming slang)\u00a0MET (police) T (turn) O (over)"} {"Clue":"Instant retreat to a part of Italy (6)","Answer":"MODENA","Explanation":"Definition: part of Italy \nMO (instant) DEN (retreat) with A"} {"Clue":"Mostly cheating wife (4)","Answer":"FRAU","Explanation":"Definition: wife\nFRAUd (cheating, mostly)"} {"Clue":"This FT clue troubles user of black ink? (10)","Answer":"CUTTLEFISH","Explanation":"Definition: user of black ink\nanagram (troubles) of THIS FT CLUE"} {"Clue":"One from the set menu? (2,6)","Answer":"TV DINNER","Explanation":"Definition: One from the set menu\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Failure to drop one off results in 7 (6)","Answer":"EARFUL","Explanation":"Definition: 7\nanagram (results in) of FAiLURE missing I (one)"} {"Clue":"Fine soil covering a pair of spades (6)","Answer":"CLASSY","Explanation":"Definition: Fine\nCLAY (soil) contains (covering) S S (Spades, twice)"} {"Clue":"Old info on way to produce virus (8)","Answer":"PATHOGEN","Explanation":"Definition: virus\nO (old) GEN (info)\u00a0following (on) PATH (way)"} {"Clue":"Religious extremism of the Middle Eastern area (9)","Answer":"THEOMANIA","Explanation":"Definition: Religious extremism\nTHE with OMANI (middle eastern) and\u00a0A (area)"} {"Clue":"Very much energy put into little climbing (5)","Answer":"MILES","Explanation":"Definition: Very much\nE (energy) in SLIM (little) reversed (climbing)"} {"Clue":"Order issued to restrain a crowd (9)","Answer":"SACRAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Order\nSENT (issued) contains (to restrain) A CRAM (crowd)"} {"Clue":"Initially, don't insert but extract (7)","Answer":"DISTILL","Explanation":"Definition: extract\nDon't Insert (initial letters of) and STILL (but)"} {"Clue":"Income is important (5)","Answer":"MEANS","Explanation":"Definition: Income\n~~I can't explain this~~ *double definition"} {"Clue":"Space station for one going up with rocket? (9)","Answer":"REPRIMAND","Explanation":"Definition: rocket\nMIR (space station) PER (for one) reversed then AND (with)"} {"Clue":"Shivering in old nursing uniform (5)","Answer":"AGUED","Explanation":"Definition: Shivering\nAGED (old) contains (nursing) U (uniform)"} {"Clue":"They supply our occupying forces (9)","Answer":"ARMOURIES","Explanation":"Definition: They supply\nOUR inside (occupying) ARMIES (forces)"} {"Clue":"Most spotted point that suggests cuts (9)","Answer":"PIMPLIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most spotted\nPT (point) contains (that\u2026cuts) IMPLIES (suggests)"} {"Clue":"Wee \u2013 awful clue (9)","Answer":"MINUSCULE","Explanation":"Definition: Wee\nMINUS (-) and CLUE* anagram=awful"} {"Clue":"Edge of flowering fruits? (7)","Answer":"OUTCROP","Explanation":"Definition: Edge \nOUT (flowering) CROP (fruits)"} {"Clue":"Fight against entering Iranian capital (5)","Answer":"RIVAL","Explanation":"Definition: Fight\nV (versus, against) in RIAL (Iranian capital, currency)"} {"Clue":"Sweet tin deliberately emptied (5)","Answer":"CANDY","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nCAN (tin) DeliberatelY (emptied, no middle letters)"} {"Clue":"US city provides much work (5)","Answer":"FARGO","Explanation":"Definition: US city\nFAR (much) and GO (work)"} {"Clue":"Sound like pet with no tail and carry out action for dog (6)","Answer":"PURSUE","Explanation":"Definition: dog\nPURr (sound like a pet) missing end letter (with no tail) and SUE (carry out action)"} {"Clue":"Behind bars after arrest, ultimately (8)","Answer":"TRAILING","Explanation":"Definition: Behind\nRAILING (bars) following arresT (last letter of, ultimately)"} {"Clue":"Show signs of enjoying comedy\u00a0pair (6,2)","Answer":"DOUBLE UP","Explanation":"Definition: Show signs of enjoying comedy\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Castings? When penniless, opt to appear in half of them (6)","Answer":"INGOTS","Explanation":"Definition: Castings\nOpT (penniless, P=penny) inside (to appear in) castINGS (half of them)"} {"Clue":"Vocal vendor introducing unknown vegetable (6)","Answer":"CELERY","Explanation":"Definition: vegetable\nCELER sounds like (vocal) seller (vendor) coming before (introducing) Y (an unknown, maths)"} {"Clue":"Maintained tidiness after having a shift around (8)","Answer":"INSISTED","Explanation":"Definition: Maintained\nTIDINESS* anagram=after having a shift around"} {"Clue":"Experimental noodle chef possesses nothing very like goat (6-6)","Answer":"CLOVEN HOOFED","Explanation":"Definition: like goat\nanagram (experimental) of NOODLE CHEF contains (possesses) O (nothing) and V (very)"} {"Clue":"Sort of angry about knight, princess returned former lover's share of property (6,6)","Answer":"GRANNY ANNEXE","Explanation":"Definition: share of property\nANGRY* anagram=sort of contains (about) N (knight, chess) then ANNE (princess) and EX (former lover) reversed (returned)"} {"Clue":"Zero information on course for virus, say (8)","Answer":"PATHOGEN","Explanation":"Definition: virus, say\nO (zero) GEN (information) on PATH (course)"} {"Clue":"Bishop in a hurry makes you jump (6)","Answer":"AMBUSH","Explanation":"Definition: jump\nB (bishop) in A MUSH (hurry) \u2013 \"makes you\" is an instruction to the solver, \"and you will find\u2026\""} {"Clue":"Name covering a north European river (6)","Answer":"DANUBE","Explanation":"Definition: river\nDUB (name) contains (covering) N (northern) then E (European)"} {"Clue":"Refresher on origins of this exotic crockery, like some plates (8)","Answer":"TECTONIC","Explanation":"Definition: like some plates\nTONIC (refresher) following (on) first letters (origins) of This Exotic Crockery"} {"Clue":"Retired copper hugs unmarried girl some time after crashing (3,5)","Answer":"REM SLEEP","Explanation":"Definition: some time after crashing\nPEELER (copper) reversed (retiring) contains (hugs) MS (Ms \u2013 unmarried girl) \u2013 to crash is to fall asleep. I always understood Ms to avoid indicating either married or unmarried, that was the point of its coinage."} {"Clue":"American wrench inside of jeep (6)","Answer":"YANKEE","Explanation":"Definition: American\nYANK (wrench) then jEEp (inside letters of)"} {"Clue":"After change in direction, tennis competition is closed (6)","Answer":"UNOPEN","Explanation":"Definition: closed\nUS OPEN (tennis competition) with S replaced by N (change of direction)"} {"Clue":"Minister used bacon in a strange way (9)","Answer":"SUBDEACON","Explanation":"Definition: Minister\nanagram (in a strange way) of USED BACON"} {"Clue":"All English, mighty lot (9)","Answer":"EVERYBODY","Explanation":"Definition: All\nE (English) VERY (mighty) BODY (lot)"} {"Clue":"Cut some weed, is pothead around? (7)","Answer":"TOPSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Cut\nfound reversed (around) inside (some of) weED IS POThead \u2013 a cut of beef"} {"Clue":"Up in the morning, snog toplessly (5)","Answer":"AMISS","Explanation":"Definition: Up\nAM (in teh morning) and kISS (snog, topless)"} {"Clue":"1,000 in Asian country reaching African port (5)","Answer":"LAGOS","Explanation":"Definition: African port\nG (grand, 1,000) in LAOS (Asian country) \u2013 'reaching' is another instruction to the solver, 'you will arrive at the answer\u2026'"} {"Clue":"Gassed wine inferior to coffee that's new for line (8)","Answer":"NATTERED","Explanation":"Definition: Gassed\nRED (wine) below (inferior to) LATTE (coffee) with N (new) replacing L (line)"} {"Clue":"Making hay, richer can get up this (9)","Answer":"HIERARCHY","Explanation":"Definition: richer can get up this\nanagram (making) of HAY RICHER. Possibly the definition is 'can get up this' or just 'up this' \u2013 take your pick."} {"Clue":"Working to pen part of speech, mean to be pompous (9)","Answer":"OVERBLOWN","Explanation":"Definition: pompous\nON (working) contains VERB (part of speech) LOW (mean)"} {"Clue":"Opportunity to get on Casualty (8)","Answer":"BREAKAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Casualty\nBREAK (opportunity) with AGE (to get on)"} {"Clue":"Constant work to support regulars in ongoing way (7)","Answer":"NONSTOP","Explanation":"Definition: Constant\nOP (opus, work) underneath (to support) oNgOiNg (regular selection from) ST (street, way)"} {"Clue":"Aim spear high to pierce first person? On the contrary (6)","Answer":"ASPIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Aim\nI (first person) inside (to pierce) anagram (high, drunk) of SPEAR"} {"Clue":"Egyptian god's heart sinks for some time (5)","Answer":"HOURS","Explanation":"Definition: some time\nHORUS (Egyptian god) with R (heart, middle letter of) moving down the word (sinks)"} {"Clue":"Go without duck, mostly one revolting bird (5)","Answer":"GREBE","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nGo missing O (duck, zero score) then REBEl (one revolting, mostly)"} {"Clue":"A corresponding housing area that's sweet (9)","Answer":"ASPARTAME","Explanation":"Definition: that's sweet\nA then SAME (corresponding) containing (housing) PART (area) \u2013 an artificial sweetener, something that's sweet"} {"Clue":"Jumbo's end jumbo's end! (5)","Answer":"OMEGA","Explanation":"Definition: end\njumbO (end of) and MEGA (jumbo) \u2013 last letter of the Greek alphabet"} {"Clue":"Reel composer, heading off, leaves (7)","Answer":"SPINACH","Explanation":"Definition: leaves\nSPIN (reel) and bACH (composer, missing head)"} {"Clue":"Musical soldiers (4)","Answer":"GIGI","Explanation":"Definition: Musical\nGI (soldier) twice"} {"Clue":"Wood with incense right for skin condition (6,4)","Answer":"NETTLE RASH","Explanation":"Definition: skin condition\nASH (wood) following (with) NETTLE (incense) and R (right)"} {"Clue":"Song left for John Lennon, perhaps (7)","Answer":"AIRPORT","Explanation":"Definition: John Lennon, perhaps\nAIR (song) and PORT (left) \u2013 John Lennon Airport at Liverpool"} {"Clue":"Easy in gold and bronze positions, one speaking as a trier (7)","Answer":"ESSAYER","Explanation":"Definition: a trier\nEaSy (1st and 3rd letter, gold and bronze) with SAYER (one speaking)"} {"Clue":"Clever man, butcher slices bird (10)","Answer":"DICKCISSEL","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nDICK (clever man) and SLICES* anagram=butcher \u2013 a small migratory bird from North America"} {"Clue":"Car check unfinished (4)","Answer":"AUDI","Explanation":"Definition: Car\nAUDIt (check) unfinished"} {"Clue":"Measure of land close to allotment in concern for men? (7)","Answer":"HECTARE","Explanation":"Definition: Measure of land\nallotmenT (closing letter of) in HE CARE (concern for men)"} {"Clue":"Wed, married, I had wife \u2014 yikes! (3-4)","Answer":"MID-WEEK","Explanation":"Definition: Wed\nM (married) I'D (I had) W (wife) EEK (yikes)"} {"Clue":"Source of communication that's acidic? (5)","Answer":"PHONE","Explanation":"Definition: Source of communication\nPH ONE (pH 1 \u2013 strongly acidic on the pH scale)"} {"Clue":"Besmirch business, VW, in The Merchant of Venice (5,4)","Answer":"MARCO POLO","Explanation":"Definition: The Merchant of Venice\nMAR (besmirch) CO (company, business) with POLO (a VW car) \u2013 a travelling salesman from Venice"} {"Clue":"Practice of biltong eaters died in invention of 11 dish (7,3,5)","Answer":"SAUSAGE AND CHIPS","Explanation":"Definition: dish\nSA USAGE is the practice (usage) of South Africans (eaters of biltong) then D (died) inside SPINACH* anagram=invention of"} {"Clue":"Spot not half, double the dog! (8)","Answer":"SPRINGER","Explanation":"Definition: the dog\nSPot (not half) and RINGER (double)"} {"Clue":"One enthralled by conventional chord (5)","Answer":"TRIAD","Explanation":"Definition: chord\nI (one) inside (enthralled by) TRAD (conventional)"} {"Clue":"Capital city in county right under one's nose? (8)","Answer":"TASHKENT","Explanation":"Definition: Capital city\nI suppose a TASH KENT could be a county used as a moustache? Seems improbable!"} {"Clue":"Number theorem ends in stunt, as mathematician (6)","Answer":"FERMAT","Explanation":"Definition: mathematician\nnumbeR theoreM (end letter of) in FEAT (stunt)"} {"Clue":"Point made another way (5-4)","Answer":"NORTH-EAST","Explanation":"Definition: Point\nANOTHER* and ST (street, way) \u2013 made is anagram indicator, or maybe just an instruction to the solver"} {"Clue":"Nero's tutor offering brief kiss in the main (6)","Answer":"SENECA","Explanation":"Definition: Nero's tutor\nNECk (kiss,briefly) in SEA (the main)"} {"Clue":"Jerk from Ikea has lock to screw up (4,1,8,2)","Answer":"MAKE A HORLICKS OF","Explanation":"Definition: to screw up\nanagram (jerk) of FROM IKEA HAS LOCK"} {"Clue":"Not seen in public once ale downed (9)","Answer":"CONCEALED","Explanation":"Definition: Not seen\nfound inside publiC ONCE ALE Downed"} {"Clue":"Minister in eastern capital travelling north, always (8)","Answer":"EVERMORE","Explanation":"Definition: always\nREV (minister) in E (eastern) ROME (capital) reversed (travelling north, up the grid)"} {"Clue":"I don't know the answer that's in vogue, yet theorem fashionable (5,3,2,5)","Answer":"YOU\u2019VE GOT ME THERE","Explanation":"Definition: I don't know the answer\nanagram (fashionable) of VOGUE YET THEOREM"} {"Clue":"Out of one's tree\u00a0one flies (6)","Answer":"CUCKOO","Explanation":"Definition: Out of one's tree\ndouble definition \u2013 to be mad"} {"Clue":"Second drink well hot (6)","Answer":"STEAMY","Explanation":"Definition: hot\nS (second) TEA (drink) MY (well, exclamation)"} {"Clue":"Thus I depart after initially turning up \u2014 toodle-oo! (5)","Answer":"ADIOS","Explanation":"Definition: toodle-oo\nSO (thus) I with D (depart) and After (initial letter of) reversed (turning up)"} {"Clue":"Large estate? Worried about name given to one (7)","Answer":"FAZENDA","Explanation":"Definition: Large estate\nFAZED (worried) contains N (name) then A (one)"} {"Clue":"Fish, quite long, head and tail removed (5)","Answer":"ALLIS","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\ntALLISh (quite long) missing head and tail"} {"Clue":"Ear and head maybe revealing musical tones? (10)","Answer":"ORGANPOINT","Explanation":"Definition: musical tones\nORGAN (ear) and POINT (head)"} {"Clue":"Edible grub: duck in beer given to local marsupial (8)","Answer":"GROO-GROO","Explanation":"Definition: Edible grub\nO (duck) in GROG (beer) with ROO (marsupial, coll)"} {"Clue":"Outlaw's end \u2013 did wrong, with yen for hangman's rope (5)","Answer":"WIDDY","Explanation":"Definition: hangman's rope\noutlaW (end letter of) DID* anag=wrong then Y (yen)"} {"Clue":"Piggery, rank, old, deserted (5)","Answer":"GREED","Explanation":"Definition: Piggery\nGREE (rank, arch) and D (deserted)"} {"Clue":"Periods without a dad leading to your old-fashioned repugnance (8)","Answer":"DYSPATHY","Explanation":"Definition: old-fashioned repugnance\nDaYS (periods) missing A then PA (dad) with Your (leading letter of)"} {"Clue":"What's this in Estonia, including little pence? (5)","Answer":"SPENT","Explanation":"SENT (Estonian coin, what is spent in Estonia) including\u00a0P (pence, little=abbr)\u00a0\u2013\u00a0I\u00a0don't think\u00a0this clue has an explicit definition.\u00a0The definition and and subsidiary are intertwined, but not as a traditional &lit."} {"Clue":"What trawlermen 'aul in? Wrong (6)","Answer":"ERRING","Explanation":"Definition: Wrong\nhERRING is what they catch"} {"Clue":"Subject taken round private office, rarely modest (6)","Answer":"PUDENT","Explanation":"Definition: rarely modest\nPUT (subject to) contains DEN (private office)"} {"Clue":"Over-excited pushy person must contain this (5)","Answer":"HYPER","Explanation":"Definition: Over-excited\nfoud in pusHY PERson"} {"Clue":"Special loving touch that's left inside unmarked (8)","Answer":"SCARLESS","Explanation":"Definition: unmarked\nS (special) CARESS (loving touch) contains L (left)"} {"Clue":"Highland mountaineers do, constant in diet? (5)","Answer":"SCLIM","Explanation":"Definition: Highland mountaineers do\nC (constant) in SLIM (diet) \u2013 to climb, Scots"} {"Clue":"Stage director strangely makes actor \u2014\u2014 set (5)","Answer":"DERIG","Explanation":"STAGE DIRECTOR is an anagram of ACTOR DERIG SET \u2013 definition is in the context of the clue rather than explicitly stated"} {"Clue":"Reprimand, unfriendly \u2013 tell about it (8)","Answer":"SCOLDING","Explanation":"Definition: Reprimand\nCOLD (unfriendly) in SING (tell)"} {"Clue":"Chaps going in not anti being slathered in embrocation (10)","Answer":"ANOINTMENT","Explanation":"Definition: embrocation\nMEN (chaps) inside (NOT ANTI)* anagram=being slathered"} {"Clue":"Unconventional trumpet? Concentrated hard (5)","Answer":"CONCH","Explanation":"Definition: Unconventional trumpet\nCONC (concentrated) and H (hard)"} {"Clue":"Leather processing plant: some immersed in salt added to density (7)","Answer":"TANYARD","Explanation":"Definition: Leather processing plant\nANY (some) inside TAR (salt, sailor) then D (density)"} {"Clue":"Gourmet that is following cook by turning up (6)","Answer":"FOODIE","Explanation":"Definition: Gourmet\nIE (that is) following DO (cook) and OF (by) reversed (turning up)"} {"Clue":"Stick in middle of speech, making one fret ? (5)","Answer":"ERODE","Explanation":"Definition: fret\nROD (stick) in spEEch (middle of)"} {"Clue":"Religious Brother, beardy excited about it (8)","Answer":"DARBYITE","Explanation":"Definition: Religious Brother\nBEARDY* anagram=excited contains IT"} {"Clue":"Churchmen releasing cry about 'coming'? (4)","Answer":"ANON","Explanation":"Definition: 'coming'\ncANONry (churchmen) missing CRY (about=on the outside) \u2013 said in response to a summons"} {"Clue":"Sign on railway? It can be circulating (7)","Answer":"LIBRARY","Explanation":"Definition: It can be circulating\nLIBRA (sign, of zodiac) then RY (railway)"} {"Clue":"Composer I understand to be occupying Delius's heart (6)","Answer":"LIGETI","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\nI GET (understand) inside deLIus (heart of)"} {"Clue":"Deadly hospital worker caught in viewers once (11)","Answer":"INTERNECINE","Explanation":"Definition: Deadly\nINTERN (hospital worker) then C (caught) in EINE (eyes, obs)"} {"Clue":"Part of the weekend one RA separately set aside for reverie (5)","Answer":"STUDY","Explanation":"Definition: reverie\nSaTUrDaY (part of the weekend) missing A (one) R and A"} {"Clue":"After parking composer I dropped in for a whipped caf\u00e9 'special' (11)","Answer":"FRAPPUCCINO","Explanation":"Definition: caf\u00e9 'special'\nPUCCINi (composer, missing I) follows P (parking) inside (FOR A)* anagram=whipped"} {"Clue":"State without all feeling? Commies organized one (8)","Answer":"SEMICOMA","Explanation":"Definition: State without all feeling\nCOMMIES* anagram=organised and A (one)"} {"Clue":"Like shallow waters? Try swimming in Crete (7)","Answer":"NERITIC","Explanation":"Definition: Like shallow waters\nI think this was supposed to be an anagram of IN CRETE"} {"Clue":"Got eel and pike (7)","Answer":"GRIGGED","Explanation":"Definition: Got\nGRIG (eel) and GED (pike) \u2013 got at, irritated"} {"Clue":"Cannon left loaded, the French way (6)","Answer":"FALCON","Explanation":"Definition: Cannon\nL (left) in FACON (way, French)"} {"Clue":"Theological consultants, Italian, in grip of spirit? (6)","Answer":"PERITI","Explanation":"Definition: Theological consultants\nIT (Italian) inside PERI (spirit) \u2013 Roman Catholic theological consultants"} {"Clue":"Tree Albert's climbing? (5)","Answer":"SUMAC","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\nAlbert CAMUS reversed (climbing)"} {"Clue":"Reverse of modern city, huge and congested? (5)","Answer":"WENNY","Explanation":"Definition: huge and congested\nNEW (modern) reversed then NY (city) \u2013 cf London: the Great Wen"} {"Clue":"Genuine playwright, not British (4)","Answer":"ECHT","Explanation":"Definition: Genuine\nBerthold brECHT (playwright) missing BR (British)"} {"Clue":"Small company with odd characters from banquet (6)","Answer":"COBNUT","Explanation":"CO (company, small=abbr) with BuNqUeT (odd letters from) \u2013 a hazelnut"} {"Clue":"Politician by river (8)","Answer":"CONSOMME","Explanation":"CON (Conservative, politician) with SOMME (river) \u2013 clear French soup"} {"Clue":"Returning from the States \u2013 surely? (6)","Answer":"RUSSET","Explanation":"found reversed (returning) inside staTES SURely \u2013 an apple"} {"Clue":"Gumere, cryptically (8)","Answer":"MERINGUE","Explanation":"\"gumere\" cryptically is MER IN GUE \u2013 with whipped cream and strawberries"} {"Clue":"Hacks' U-turn, down under (4,4)","Answer":"CHOP SUEY","Explanation":"CHOPS (hacks) with UEY (U-turn, Australian) \u2013 chinese takeaway special"} {"Clue":"The tenancy is signed \u2013 could be last he arranged (6)","Answer":"HASLET","Explanation":"HAS LET (the tennacy is signed) and also (LAST HE)* anaram = arranged \u2013 a pork meatloaf"} {"Clue":"Regular sex. Dear me! (4)","Answer":"EDAM","Explanation":"sEx DeAr Me (regular selection from) \u2013 cheese"} {"Clue":"Hate Bovril in a stew (4,6)","Answer":"BATH OLIVER","Explanation":"anagram (in a stew) of HATE BOVRIL \u2013 cullinary companion of 14dn"} {"Clue":"Investor in new deals (5,5)","Answer":"SALSA VERDE","Explanation":"SAVER (investor) in DEALS* anagram=new \u2013 food for saucy Mexicans"} {"Clue":"Cut short (4)","Answer":"BRIE","Explanation":"BRIEf (short) cut short (cut) \u2013 cheese that always tastes better when eaten in France"} {"Clue":"Go out with aunt (6)","Answer":"NOUGAT","Explanation":"anagram (out) of GO with AUNT"} {"Clue":"Irrigate reserve (5,3)","Answer":"WATER ICE","Explanation":"WATER (irrigate) and ICE (reserve) \u2013 sorbet"} {"Clue":"One doctor sounds more cheerful (8)","Answer":"AMBROSIA","Explanation":"A (one) MB (doctor) with ROSIER sounds like \"rosier\" (more cheerful) \u2013 food for the gods"} {"Clue":"Run to cooked meat shop that's not opened and be quiet! (6)","Answer":"RELISH","Explanation":"R (run) with dELI (cooked meat shop) miisng forst letter (not opened) and SH (be quiet) \u2013 often seen with 14 and 16"} {"Clue":"Broken grip-rod on end of staircase (8)","Answer":"PORRIDGE","Explanation":"anagram (broken) of GRIP ROD with staircasE (end letter of) \u2013 food for prisoners"} {"Clue":"Bank note returned (6)","Answer":"RENNET","Explanation":"TENNER (bank note) reversed (returned) \u2013 used to make 14"} {"Clue":"Chelsea tractor could shatter this boat (7)","Answer":"CORACLE","Explanation":"CHELSEA TRACTOR is an anagram of (could be) SHATTER CORACLE (this, the answer)"} {"Clue":"Especially fortunate football star on round trip (4,2,3)","Answer":"BEST OF ALL","Explanation":"George BEST (football star) on O (something round) and FALL (trip)"} {"Clue":"Trouble most of the month for centre of Basel (6)","Answer":"UNEASE","Explanation":"jUNE (the month, most of) with bASEl (centre letters of)"} {"Clue":"Lack of data, apparently (4)","Answer":"OGEN","Explanation":"O GEN (zero gen, lack of information apparently) \u2013 a melon from Israel"} {"Clue":"Outfit that's fit and fit (8)","Answer":"SUITABLE","Explanation":"SUIT (outfit) with ABLE (fit)"} {"Clue":"Wealthy businessman with a moment to pull up (5)","Answer":"MOGUL","Explanation":"MO (a moment) and LUG (to pull) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Horseman always around hospital department (7)","Answer":"EVENTER","Explanation":"EVER (apways) contains (around) ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat, hospital department)"} {"Clue":"Turn left twice (NOT two times!) round main road (7)","Answer":"FELAFEL","Explanation":"LEFt missing T (time) reversed (turn), twice, containing A (A road, main road) \u2013 filling for flatbreads"} {"Clue":"Dramatic heroine in outskirts of Colmar (7)","Answer":"CHEDDAR","Explanation":"HEDDA Gabler (eponymous heroine of Ibsen play) inside ColmaR (outside letters of)\u00a0\u2013 cullinary companion of 16 ac"} {"Clue":"Minister, upset, losing pound from 1,000,000, goes red (9)","Answer":"VERMILION","Explanation":"REV (minister) reversed (upset) with MILLION missing L (libra, pound)"} {"Clue":"1 ac. \u2013 Roman version (8)","Answer":"MACARONI","Explanation":"anagram (version) of I (1, Roman numeral) AC ROMAN \u2013 food for Italians"} {"Clue":"Light for a tanner (7)","Answer":"SUNLAMP","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Private detective gunned down within seeing distance (7)","Answer":"EYESHOT","Explanation":"EYE (private detective) with SHOT (gunned down)"} {"Clue":"Unrelenting Spanish golfer on St Andrews' 6th and 7th (6)","Answer":"SEVERE","Explanation":"SEVE (Seve Ballesteros, Spanish golfer) on standREws (6th and 7th letters of)"} {"Clue":"Pigment from 'ull's river (5)","Answer":"UMBER","Explanation":"the river hUMBER flows past hULL"} {"Clue":"Cheap jewellery (not black) for Heather (4)","Answer":"LING","Explanation":"bLING (cheap jewelry) missing B (black)"} {"Clue":"Hoskins takes ecstasy in extra small undies (8)","Answer":"FRILLIES","Explanation":"Definition: undies\nI (Hoskins, the setter) with E (ecstacy) in FRILL (extra) and S (small)"} {"Clue":"A place to race an F1 Ferrari? (6)","Answer":"REDCAR","Explanation":"Definition: A place to race\nRED CAR F1 Ferrari cars are red \u2013 a horseracing venue in England"} {"Clue":"Second drink left by Phil's missus (9)","Answer":"SUPPORTER","Explanation":"Definition: Second\nSUP (drink) with PORT (left) and ER (The Queen, wife of Price Phillip)"} {"Clue":"Hipsters hanging around square models (5)","Answer":"CASTS","Explanation":"Definition: models\nCATS (hipsters) containing S (square)"} {"Clue":"Prepare to polish off fine cheese (4)","Answer":"BRIE","Explanation":"Definition: cheese\nBRIEf (prepare) missing (to polish off) F (fine)"} {"Clue":"Old African in a shed or building (9)","Answer":"RHODESIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Old African\nanagram (building) of IN A SHED OR"} {"Clue":"Fab to floor former Shadow Chancellor? (10)","Answer":"AMAZEBALLS","Explanation":"Definition: Fab\nAMAZE (to floor) BALLS (Ed Balls, shadow chancellor) \u2013 a\u00a0recent arrived\u00a0word, and one that I would not miss if it were to fade away again"} {"Clue":"Month or day with an O in it? (4)","Answer":"MOON","Explanation":"Definition: Month\nMON (day) containing O"} {"Clue":"Last love's lost by lover boy in this city (4)","Answer":"ROME","Explanation":"Definition: city\nROMEo lover boy) missing the last O (love, zero tennis)"} {"Clue":"One ringing to inform of a loss? (5,5)","Answer":"DEATH KNELL","Explanation":"Definition: One ringing to inform of a loss\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Large institute with faculty debt (9)","Answer":"LIABILITY","Explanation":"Definition: debt\nL (large) I (institute) with ABILITY (faculty)"} {"Clue":"Temperature put out by chimney fire (4)","Answer":"SACK","Explanation":"Definition: fire\nStACK (chimney) missing T (temperature)"} {"Clue":"Wasted occupants of sauna tucking into G&T (5)","Answer":"GAUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Wasted\nsAUNa (occupants, middle letters of) inside G and T"} {"Clue":"One cutting a mutated man to section bone-type? (9)","Answer":"ANATOMIST","Explanation":"Definition: One cutting a mutated man to section bone-type\nI (one) inside (cutting) A with (MAN TO)* anagram=mutated then S (section) and T (bone-type) \u2013 definition is &lit, the whole clue is both construction and definition"} {"Clue":"Butt-clenching attempt to get 'with it' (6)","Answer":"TRENDY","Explanation":"Definition: with it\nTRY (attempt) contains (clenching) END (butt)"} {"Clue":"Posh nerd excited by regular vest and pants? (8)","Answer":"UNDERSET","Explanation":"Definition: vest and pants\nU (posh) with NERD* anagram=excited by SET (regular)"} {"Clue":"Able to pocket second bunch of fives (4)","Answer":"FIST","Explanation":"Definition: bunch of fives\nFIT (able) contains (to pocket) S (second)"} {"Clue":"Premium ale rise going to be around a pound? (8,7)","Answer":"IMPERIAL MEASURE","Explanation":"Definition: pound\nanagram of PREMIUM ALE RISE contains (to be around) A"} {"Clue":"Relaxed cooking the last of Chinese noodles (8)","Answer":"LOOSENED","Explanation":"Definition: Relaxed\nanagram (cooking) chinesE (last letter of) and NOODLES"} {"Clue":"Consumer society rejected by holy festival (5)","Answer":"EATER","Explanation":"Definition: Consumer\nEAsTER (holy festival) missing (rejected by) S (society)"} {"Clue":"Outdo formerly ranked player, say? (6)","Answer":"EXCEED","Explanation":"Definition: Outdo\nEX (formerly) and CEED sounds like (say) seed (ranked player)"} {"Clue":"Die \u2013 result of till explosion in Harry Ramsden's? (4,2,4,5)","Answer":"CASH IN ONES CHIPS","Explanation":"Definition: Harry Ramsden\n~~anagram (explosion) of DIE RESULT OF TILL~~ definition and cryptic definition \u2013 a chain of fish and chip shops, originating in Guiseley, Yorkshire"} {"Clue":"New royal sent up in a resounding manner (10)","Answer":"RESONANTLY","Explanation":"Definition: a resounding manner\nanagram (up) of N (new) ROYAL and SENT"} {"Clue":"Brochure about river and very small stream (8)","Answer":"BROOKLET","Explanation":"Definition: very small stream\nBOOKLET (brochure) contains (about) R (river)"} {"Clue":"Tree decoration, not very heavy, just one left (5,5)","Answer":"FAIRY LIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Tree decoration\nFAIRlY LIGHT (not very heavy) missing an L (with only one left)"} {"Clue":"US toilet sat on by dodgy aimer (8)","Answer":"AMERICAN","Explanation":"Definition: US\nCAN (toilet) on AIMER* anagram=dodgy"} {"Clue":"Runner crop in small English nursery? (3,5)","Answer":"SKI SLOPE","Explanation":"Definition: nursery\nSKI (runner) then LOP (crop) in S (small) and E (English) \u2013 a nursery slope perhaps"} {"Clue":"Rich kind of sauce date put on earl's bottom (6)","Answer":"MINTED","Explanation":"Definition: Rich\nMINT (kind of sauce) on then D (date) following (put on \u2026's bottom) E (earl)"} {"Clue":"Long story describing the end of empire (5)","Answer":"YEARN","Explanation":"Definition: Long\nYARN (story) contains (describing) empirE (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"Tantrist regularly in flagrante delicto (2,2)","Answer":"AT IT","Explanation":"Definition: in flagrante delicto\ntAnTrIsT (regular selection from)"} {"Clue":"Strike breaker goes back to achieve objective (6)","Answer":"TARGET","Explanation":"RAT (strike breaker) reversed (goes back) and GET (to achieve)"} {"Clue":"A strike in the heart of London causes disaster (8)","Answer":"CALAMITY","Explanation":"A LAM (strike) in CITY (heart of London) \u2013 the City of London (or just the City) is the name for the original historical city at the centre of the greater London metropolis, now almost exclusively a financial centre and business district."} {"Clue":"Europe centrally has influence over high risk betting system (4,2)","Answer":"ROLL-UP","Explanation":"euROpe (centre of) and PULL (influence) reversed (over)"} {"Clue":"Forgiving about foul crime after nothing is lost (8)","Answer":"MERCIFUL","Explanation":"anagram (about, moving around) of FoUL CRIME missing O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"During performance I have to be quiet (8)","Answer":"INACTIVE","Explanation":"IN (during) ACT (performance) and I'VE (I have)"} {"Clue":"Rare for solver initially to work out breakdown of clue (6)","Answer":"SPARSE","Explanation":"Solver (initail letter of) and PARSE (to work out breakdown of clue) \u2013 I remeber some discussions on this site whether 'parse' could be used to describe the activity of explaining a clue or not. I couldn't see the problem myself."} {"Clue":"Nasty judge regularly gets extremely lonely (4)","Answer":"UGLY","Explanation":"jUdGe (regular selection from) and LonelY (extreme letters of)"} {"Clue":"Slip through as a visitor (7)","Answer":"TRIPPER","Explanation":"TRIP (slip) and PER (through)"} {"Clue":"Set including outrageous gag is wasted (7)","Answer":"HAGGARD","Explanation":"GAG* anagram=outrageous inside HARD (set)"} {"Clue":"Shock arrest after model goes missing (4)","Answer":"STUN","Explanation":"STUNt (arrest) missing T (model T Ford)"} {"Clue":"Take to task about UK invading the outskirts of Belgrade (6)","Answer":"REBUKE","Explanation":"RE (regarding, about) tehn UK inside (invading) BelgradE (outskirts of)"} {"Clue":"Loyal supporter resolved last conflict with Tory leader (8)","Answer":"STALWART","Explanation":"LAST* anagram=resolved then WAR (conflict) and Tory (leading letter of)"} {"Clue":"Panel of judges bother about the point retrospectively (8)","Answer":"TRIBUNAL","Explanation":"TRIAL (bother) contains (about) NUB (the point) reversed (retrospectively)"} {"Clue":"Starts to mount armed resistance against soldier on northern border (6)","Answer":"MARGIN","Explanation":"Mount Armed Resistance (starting letters of) teh GI (soldier) and N (northern)"} {"Clue":"Watch police state collapse after oil disappears (8)","Answer":"SPECTATE","Explanation":"anagram (collapse) of PoliCE STATE missing OIL"} {"Clue":"Army corps goes in to restore highway (6)","Answer":"STREET","Explanation":"RE (royal Engineers, army corps) inside (goes in to) STET (restore, printing and proof-reading)"} {"Clue":"End of the road for miners involved with trade union (8)","Answer":"TERMINUS","Explanation":"anagram (involved) of MINERS and TU (trade union)"} {"Clue":"Trustworthy person who stops boat sinking after capsize on deserted lake (8)","Answer":"RELIABLE","Explanation":"BAILER (person who stops boat sinking) reversed (after capsize) on LakE (deserted, empty, no middle letters)"} {"Clue":"Right for the old to be upset over surrender (6)","Answer":"EQUITY","Explanation":"YE (the, old) reversed (to be upset) containing (over) QUIT (surrender)"} {"Clue":"Engaged in insane warfare again (4)","Answer":"ANEW","Explanation":"found inside (engaged in) insANE Warfare"} {"Clue":"Usual to say yes to newspaper boss (8)","Answer":"ACCEPTED","Explanation":"ACCEPT (say yes to) and ED (editor, newspaper boss)"} {"Clue":"Failing business goes under at home (6)","Answer":"INFIRM","Explanation":"FIRM (business) under IN (at home)"} {"Clue":"Unknown 50% misspelled \"screamed\" (6)","Answer":"YELLED","Explanation":"Y (unknown, maths) then misspELLED (50% of the letters)"} {"Clue":"Mean to declare how old you are (7)","Answer":"AVERAGE","Explanation":"AVER AGE (to declare how old you are)"} {"Clue":"Post Office raised online price of work (7)","Answer":"OPERATE","Explanation":"PO (post office) reversed (raised) then E (online, e-commrce etc) and RATE (price of)"} {"Clue":"Broke embargo on Scandinavian currency over time (8)","Answer":"BANKRUPT","Explanation":"BAN (embargo) on KR (krone, Scandinavian currency) UP (over) T (time)"} {"Clue":"Kill foreigner with the other hand finally pushed slightly forward (8)","Answer":"STRANGLE","Explanation":"STRANGEr (foreigner) with L replacing R (with the other hand) and the last letter moved up one place (finally pushed slightly forward)"} {"Clue":"Gut reaction isn't out of place in court (8)","Answer":"INSTINCT","Explanation":"anagram (out of place) of ISN'T then IN CT (court)"} {"Clue":"Is a composer of liturgies we hear (6)","Answer":"WRITES","Explanation":"sounds like (we hear) rites (liturgies)"} {"Clue":"Make the first pair of obsolescent lichens germinate (6)","Answer":"OBLIGE","Explanation":"the first pair of letters of OBsolescent LIchens GErminate"} {"Clue":"Easy to manage first person in position (6)","Answer":"PLIANT","Explanation":"I (first person) in PLANT (position)"} {"Clue":"Cop ultimately gets to do a deal (4)","Answer":"PACT","Explanation":"coP (ultimate letter of) with ACT (to do)"} {"Clue":"Wise king therefore left daughter on loch (6)","Answer":"LOMOND","Explanation":"soLOMON (wise king) missing SO (therefore) then D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Healing ointment spoken of at castle (8)","Answer":"BALMORAL","Explanation":"BALM (healing ointment) and ORAL (spoken of)"} {"Clue":"Remain around township near Wrexham (6)","Answer":"MINERA","Explanation":"REMAIN* anagram=around"} {"Clue":"Island off Senegal, unknown (8)","Answer":"ANGLESEY","Explanation":"anagram (off) of SENEGAL and Y (unknown, maths)"} {"Clue":"Posh car came in. Yes! Reversed into coach in county (6)","Answer":"SURREY","Explanation":"U (posh) RR (Rolls Royce, posh car) inside (came in) YES reversed \u2013 two definitions"} {"Clue":"Pressure to take measure against bankrupt Welsh market town (8)","Answer":"PEMBROKE","Explanation":"P (presure) with EM (measure, printing) then BROKE (bankrupt)"} {"Clue":"Call back in Shropshire town (3)","Answer":"WEM","Explanation":"MEW (call) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Oil refiner backed race in Yorkshire market town (6)","Answer":"OSSETT","Explanation":"ESSO (oil refiner) reversed (backed) then TT (race)"} {"Clue":"Meat and food generally brought back to German port (7)","Answer":"HAMBURG","Explanation":"HAM (meat) and GRUB (food, generally=slang) reversed (brought back)"} {"Clue":"Lands a part in amateur opera (6)","Answer":"EUROPE","Explanation":"found in amatEUR OPEra"} {"Clue":"Tailless stag on celebrated salmon-fishing river (3)","Answer":"DEE","Explanation":"DEEr (stag, tailless)"} {"Clue":"Two states having parties for department (8)","Answer":"CALVADOS","Explanation":"CAL (california) and VA (Virginia) having DOS (parties) \u2013 department of France"} {"Clue":"Little brother, initially uncertain, gets time off in Belgian city (6)","Answer":"BRUGES","Explanation":"BR (brother, little=abbr) then Uncertain\u00a0(initial letter of)\u00a0and GEtS missing T (time)"} {"Clue":"Tin reels sorted in province (8)","Answer":"LEINSTER","Explanation":"anagram (srted) of TIN RELS \u2013 provice of Ireland"} {"Clue":"Eastender's murder in village on Loch 15 (6)","Answer":"KILLIN","Explanation":"KILLIN' (murder, east London accent)"} {"Clue":"Grant's returned to employment at Sicilian port (8)","Answer":"SYRACUSE","Explanation":"CARY'S (Grant's) reversed with USE (employment)"} {"Clue":"Note about a statute in African country (6)","Answer":"MALAWI","Explanation":"MI (note, music) contains (about) A LAW (statute)"} {"Clue":"Capital's got the sun in Cyprus (8)","Answer":"LIMASSOL","Explanation":"LIMA'S (capital's) with SOL (the sun) \u2013 city in Cyprus"} {"Clue":"Royal burgh and resort churlish about conservationists (8)","Answer":"MONTROSE","Explanation":"MOROSE (churlish) containing (about) NT (National Trust, conservationists)"} {"Clue":"Runs into the barn, drunk, in 12's county (8)","Answer":"NARBERTH","Explanation":"R (runs) inside (THE BARN)* anagram=drunk \u2013 a town in Pembrokeshire (12's county)"} {"Clue":"Ran around edge of Dutch city (6)","Answer":"ARNHEM","Explanation":"RAN* anagram=around then HEM (edge)"} {"Clue":"Amateur politician blocking letter in West Coast resort (6)","Answer":"MALIBU","Explanation":"A (amateur) LIB (Liberal, politician) inside (blocking) MU (Greek letter)"} {"Clue":"Russian town having roots around Volga, originally (6)","Answer":"ROSTOV","Explanation":"ROOTS* anagram=around and Volga (originally, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Field study in Dutch city (6)","Answer":"LEYDEN","Explanation":"LEY (field) and DEN (study)"} {"Clue":"Bleepers haven't started ringing out in another royal burgh (7)","Answer":"PEEBLES","Explanation":"anagram (out) of BLEEPErS missing Ringing (starting letter of)"} {"Clue":"Another noted salmon river in west Ayrshire (3)","Answer":"TAY","Explanation":"found inside wesT AYrshire"} {"Clue":"Quartet regularly at Wensleydale river (3)","Answer":"URE","Explanation":"qUaRtEt (regular selection from)"} {"Clue":"Oil painting of first and last halves of islands and Basque city (8)","Answer":"GUERNICA","Explanation":"GUERnsey (island, first half) and domiNICA (island, last half) \u2013 two definitions"} {"Clue":"Marks on top-class trademark raised around new country (8)","Answer":"MONGOLIA","Explanation":"M (marks) then AI (A1, top class) LOGO (trademark) both reversed (raised) containing (around) N (new)"} {"Clue":"Chap left to abandon one capital (8)","Answer":"HELSINKI","Explanation":"HE (chap) L (left) SINK (to abandon) I (one)"} {"Clue":"Book sliced in half Greater Manchester (6)","Answer":"ECCLES","Explanation":"ECCLESiastes (book, of Bible) cut in half \u2013 town in Greater Manchester. This might have benefitted from an indication that only part of Greater Manchester is required."} {"Clue":"Department one has to go round in France (6)","Answer":"ALLIER","Explanation":"I (one) inside (with\u2026round) ALLER (to go, French) \u2013 department of France"} {"Clue":"British, current holders of Rome's art in wine-making region (6)","Answer":"BARSAC","Explanation":"B (British) AC (current) contianing (holders of) ARS (art in Latin, Rome's art)"} {"Clue":"7's river set around river in Ukraine (6)","Answer":"DONETS","Explanation":"DON (Rostov's river) and SET* anagram=around"} {"Clue":"Badger changes hands in capital (6)","Answer":"PRAGUE \/ PLAGUE","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nPLAGUE (badger) with L replacing R (changing hands). I think the answer could be PRAGUE or PLAGUE \u2013 they both fit."} {"Clue":"Did judge, gutted, get told? (8)","Answer":"APPRISED","Explanation":"Definition: told\nAPPRaISED (did judge) with centre removed (gutted)"} {"Clue":"Place where horse is docked (6)","Answer":"INSTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Place\nIN STALL (where horse is) shortened (docked) \u2013 variant spelling of install"} {"Clue":"Polish worker crosses over in hair-raising style (8)","Answer":"BOUFFANT","Explanation":"Definition: hair-raising style\nBUFF (polish) ANT (worker) contains (crosses) O (over)"} {"Clue":"Article describes cattle margins dropping as a result (9)","Answer":"THEREFORE","Explanation":"Definition: as a result\nTHE (definite article) contains (describes, goes round) hEREFORd (breed of cattle) missing teh outside letters (margins)"} {"Clue":"Big flower in her novel (5)","Answer":"RHINE","Explanation":"Definition: Big flower\nanagram (novel) of IN HER \u2013 a river is something that flows"} {"Clue":"Bet on it endlessly and dream, going bust (3-5,6)","Answer":"ONE-ARMED BANDIT","Explanation":"Definition: Bet on it endlessly and dream, going bust\nanagram (going bust) of BET ON It (endless) AND DREAM \u2013 definition is &lit (the whole clue is both construction and definition)"} {"Clue":"Explain unknown round container that sits on coffee table (6,8)","Answer":"GLOSSY MAGAZINE","Explanation":"Definition: that sits on coffee table\nGLOSS (explain) Y (unknown) MAGAZINE (round container, a round is a bullet or shell)"} {"Clue":"US block or unfinished one elsewhere? (5)","Answer":"CONDO","Explanation":"Definition: US block\nI can't explain this. My guesses are that 'one' is slang for a CODOm somewhere in the world or that condominium is only abbreviated to condo in the US? Neither seem likely to me."} {"Clue":"Brief answer to clue in eastern river flowing west (9)","Answer":"ENLIGHTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Brief\nLIGHT (answer to clue) in NENE (river in the east of England) reversed (flowing west, right to left on a map). In a crossword grid the 'lights' are the unshaded squares into which the solutions can be written."} {"Clue":"Some possess crest, possibly revealing this? (8)","Answer":"ANCESTRY","Explanation":"Definition: this\nANY (some) contains (posses) CREST* anagram=possibly"} {"Clue":"Not just dodgems etc don't start (6)","Answer":"UNFAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Not just\nfUN fAIR (dodgem etc) missing first letters (don't start)"} {"Clue":"Coaches keep time in books? Nothing's more witless (8)","Answer":"OBTUSEST","Explanation":"Definition: Nothing's more witless\nBUSES (coaches) contain T (time) all inside OT (books, of Bible)"} {"Clue":"Notice a knock occasionally interrupting this? (6)","Answer":"SEANCE","Explanation":"Definition: this\nSEE (notice) containing (with\u2026interrupting) A kNoCk (occaisional letterrs from)"} {"Clue":"Before 10, quietly obtain mixed blocks of colour here (8)","Answer":"PAINTBOX","Explanation":"Definition: blocks of colour here\nP (quietly) OBTAIN* anaram=mixed following X (10, Roman numeral)"} {"Clue":"Cold lecturer left overcoat in hospital department (7)","Answer":"AUSTERE","Explanation":"Definition: Cold\nULSTER (overcoat) missing L (lecturer) in A & E (hospital department)"} {"Clue":"Edict from the Kremlin: \"Employ Ford parts\" (5)","Answer":"UKASE","Explanation":"Definition: Edict from the Kremlin\nUSE (emply) contains (parted by) KA (Ford car) \u2013 an edict from a Tsar, former resident of the Kremlin"} {"Clue":"Saw supporter holding one, so tradition has it (12)","Answer":"PROVERBIALLY","Explanation":"Definition: so tradition has it\nPROVERB (saw) ALLY (supporter) containing I (one)"} {"Clue":"Polls are free for a change around North Dakota (9)","Answer":"REFERENDA","Explanation":"Definition: Polls\nanagran (for a change) of\u00a0ARE FREE contining (around) ND (North Dakota)"} {"Clue":"Hailstorm in Belgravia area heard in parts of Africa (7)","Answer":"SWAHILI","Explanation":"Definition: heard in parts of Africa\nHAIL* anagram=storm in SWI (SW1, Belgravia area, London postal code)"} {"Clue":"Like small eyes, say, in the form of ellipses (6)","Answer":"DOTTED","Explanation":"Definition: in the form of ellipses\nlike i (eye, by the sound of it, small=lower case) and \u2026 (ellipsis) \u2013 plurals of"} {"Clue":"They need dates in 51 Harley St to get treatment (6,6)","Answer":"LONELY HEARTS","Explanation":"Definition: hey need dates\nanagram (get treatment) of L ONE (51, 50 and 1, Roman numeral) HARLEY ST"} {"Clue":"Answers concerning partners when letter turns up (9)","Answer":"RESPONSES","Explanation":"Definition: Answers\nRE (regarding, concerning) SPOuSES (partners) with N replacing U (when letter turns up, u -> n)"} {"Clue":"She feeds bouncy wee runts (3,5)","Answer":"WET NURSE","Explanation":"Definition: She feeds\nanagram (bouncy) of WEE RUNTS"} {"Clue":"Groovy artwork, old copper wrapped in cotton (7)","Answer":"LINOCUT","Explanation":"Definition: Groovy artwork\nO (old) CU (copper) inside LINT (cotton)"} {"Clue":"In the shower he gets scrubbed, making progress (2,5)","Answer":"IN TRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: making progress\nIN The RAIN (in the shower) missing (getting scrubbed) HE"} {"Clue":"Old tax firm's revolutionary book (6)","Answer":"OCTAVO","Explanation":"Definition: book\nO (old) VAT (tax) CO (company, firm) all reversed (revolutionary)"} {"Clue":"Nasty material's begun getting seized (5)","Answer":"GUNGE","Explanation":"Definition: Nasty material\nfound inside (siezed by) beGUN GEtting"} {"Clue":"Recording of Logical Song (10)","Answer":"SOUNDTRACK","Explanation":"Definition: Recording\nSOUND (logical) TRACK (song)"} {"Clue":"Taking long way home \u2014 good theatrical closure? (9)","Answer":"STITCHING","Explanation":"Definition: theatrical closure\nST (wa) with (taken by) ITCH (long) then IN (home) and G (good) \u2013 in an opertaing theatre"} {"Clue":"Makes new recording with band, while mixing rest (9)","Answer":"REMASTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Makes new recording\nREM (band) AS (while) and REST* anagram=mixing"} {"Clue":"Makes number listeners must take in (5)","Answer":"EARNS","Explanation":"Definition: Makes\nN (number) inside EARS (listeners)"} {"Clue":"Precise playing parts later (7)","Answer":"TONIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: later\nON (playing) inside (parts) TIGHT (precise)"} {"Clue":"Well excited \u2014 do Give a Little Bit (7)","Answer":"SOUPCON","Explanation":"Definition: a Little Bit\nSO (well) UP (excited) and CON (do)"} {"Clue":"As discussed, mostly very musical (5)","Answer":"ASSAI","Explanation":"Definition: very musical\nAS SAId (discussed, mostly) \u2013 very, in musical notation"} {"Clue":"Bloody right? Not politically (3)","Answer":"RED","Explanation":"Definition: Bloody\nred would be on the political left, not the right"} {"Clue":"Announce Tramp to return with start of Crime? (5)","Answer":"EMCEE","Explanation":"Definition: Announce\nME (Tramp) reversed (to erturn) with CEE (the letter C, start of crime)"} {"Clue":"Two stupid people contracted wise guy? (4-3)","Answer":"KNOW-ALL","Explanation":"Definition: wise guy\nKNOb and WALLy (to stupid people) contracted=shortened"} {"Clue":"London stages finale with set arranged first (4,3)","Answer":"WEST END","Explanation":"Definition: London stages\nEND (finale) following W (with) and SET* anagram=arranged"} {"Clue":"Muslims surrounded by students revolting (5)","Answer":"SUNNI","Explanation":"Definition: Muslims\nIN (surrounded by) and NUS (students) all reversed (revolting)"} {"Clue":"Turned out bad, didn't do School? (9)","Answer":"UNTUTORED","Explanation":"Definition: didn't do School\nanagram (bad) of TURNED OUT"} {"Clue":"Man with another man's woman is kinky later (and rude) (9)","Answer":"ADULTERER","Explanation":"Definition: Man with another man's woman\nanagram (kinky) if LATER and RUDE"} {"Clue":"Run off with band to record backing (5)","Answer":"ELOPE","Explanation":"Definition: Run off\nELO (Electric Light Orchestra, band) with EP (record) reversed (backing)"} {"Clue":"One takes in American show (4)","Answer":"USER","Explanation":"Definition: One takes\nUS (American) and ER (TV show)"} {"Clue":"Amplifies first half of number, stage rocks (8)","Answer":"AUGMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Amplifies\nanagram (rocks) of NUMber (first half of) and STAGE"} {"Clue":"Fusses over big promotion (4)","Answer":"ADOS","Explanation":"Definition: Fusses\nAD (promotion) on (is over) OS (out-size, big)"} {"Clue":"One agrees American's behind record (8)","Answer":"ASSENTER","Explanation":"Definition: One agrees\nASS (behind, american) and ENTER (record)"} {"Clue":"Partner to want me? (6)","Answer":"MISSUS","Explanation":"Definition: Partner\nMISS (want) US (me, with partner?)"} {"Clue":"Those planning school education changing rules (10)","Answer":"SCHEDULERS","Explanation":"Definition: Those planning\nSCH (school) ED (education) and RULES* anagram=changing"} {"Clue":"Relating to an element from piece Rick picked up (6)","Answer":"NITRIC","Explanation":"Definition: Relating to an element\nNIT RIC sounds like (picked up) Knight (chess piece) Rick \u2013 relating to Nitrogen"} {"Clue":"Emerging from backstage: Supertramp Forever (4)","Answer":"AGES","Explanation":"Definition: Forever\nfound inside (emerging from) backstAGE Supertramp"} {"Clue":"Sugar's stirred with it twice for musicians (10)","Answer":"GUITARISTS","Explanation":"Definition: musicians\nanagram (stirred) of SUGAR'S and IT IT"} {"Clue":"Very much turned on before climax (2,3)","Answer":"NO END","Explanation":"Definition: Very much\nON reversed (turned) before END (climax)"} {"Clue":"Decline drink before performance (8)","Answer":"DOWNTURN","Explanation":"Definition: Decline\nDOWN (drink) and TURN (performance)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps, Breakfast in America's Goodbye Stranger at the start (8)","Answer":"CHEERIOS","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps, Breakfast in America\nCHEERIO (goodbye) with Stranger (starting letter of)"} {"Clue":"Comes clean with personal statement, primarily in court (4,2)","Answer":"OWNS UP","Explanation":"Definition: Comes clean\nOWN (personal) Statement (primarily, first letter of) and UP (in court)"} {"Clue":"Look at coloured light on gallery (6)","Answer":"LOUVRE","Explanation":"Definition: gallery\nLO (look) UV (light) and RE (on) \u2013 I'm not sure about 'coloured', UV is invisible"} {"Clue":"Show clue for Supertramp? (4,4)","Answer":"STAR TREK","Explanation":"Definition: Show\nSTAR (super) TREK (tramp)"} {"Clue":"Enough time for song (4)","Answer":"DUET","Explanation":"Definition: song\nDUE (enough) T (time)"} {"Clue":"Appendix to amend in sacred work (7)","Answer":"PSALTER","Explanation":"Definition: sacred work\nPS (appendix) with ALTER (amend)"} {"Clue":"British issue forged pounds (7)","Answer":"BRUISES","Explanation":"Definition: pounds\nBR (British) ISSUE* anagram=forged"} {"Clue":"Red-channel order that's easily decided? (4-3-4,4)","Answer":"OPEN-AND-SHUT CASE","Explanation":"Definition: easily decided\ncryptic definition \u2013 what one will be ordered to do when entering the red channel (items to declare) at customs"} {"Clue":"Struggles, heading to the end, beside eastern edge on this (8)","Answer":"OILSTONE","Explanation":"Definition: edge on this\nTOILS (struggles) with T (heading of) moved to the end then TO (beside) and E (eastern)"} {"Clue":"13 cheeky authority (6)","Answer":"EXPERT","Explanation":"Definition: authority\nEX (once) and PERT (cheeky)"} {"Clue":"Joke going round clubs at any time (4)","Answer":"ONCE","Explanation":"Definition: at any time\nONE (joke, the one about\u2026) containing C (clubs)"} {"Clue":"Slanderous column is initially axed, unapologetic following upset (10)","Answer":"CALUMNIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Slanderous\nanagram (following upset) of COLUMN IS and Axed Unapologetic (initial letters of)"} {"Clue":"Stupid racist in Gulf aroused complaint (7,3)","Answer":"GASTRIC FLU","Explanation":"Definition: complaint\nRACIST* anagram=stupid in GULF* anagram=aroused"} {"Clue":"Fashion line is cut \u2013 a problem for the viewer (4)","Answer":"STYE","Explanation":"Definition: a problem for the viewer\nL (line) is cut from STYLE (fashion)"} {"Clue":"Wasted too much in short online journal (6)","Answer":"BLO","Explanation":"Definition: Wasted \nOTT (too much) in BLOg (online journal, shortened)"} {"Clue":"1cc drink made by poet? (8)","Answer":"MILTONIC","Explanation":"Definition: made by poet\nMIL (millilitre, 1cc) and TONIC (drink)"} {"Clue":"You can't object to this austerity \u2013 confer freely (3,1,4,7)","Answer":"IT\u2019S A FREE COUNTRY","Explanation":"Definition: You can't object to this\nanagram (freely) of AUSTERITY CONFER"} {"Clue":"Extra confident, positive European will get deported (7)","Answer":"SURPLUS","Explanation":"Definition: Extra\nSURe (confident) and PLUS (positive) missing (getting deported) E (European)"} {"Clue":"Quickest first two to split top position? (7)","Answer":"EVEREST","Explanation":"Definition: top position\nclEVEREST (quickest) missing first two letters (first two to split)"} {"Clue":"Professional singer performed for public benefit (3,4)","Answer":"PRO BONO","Explanation":"Definition: performed for public benefit\nPRO (professional) and BONO (singer)"} {"Clue":"Head of ancient kingdom that's short of space (5)","Answer":"AREAL","Explanation":"Definition: of space\nArea (frirst letter, head of) and REALm (kingdom, shortened)"} {"Clue":"Warm to extremely audacious tearaway (6)","Answer":"TOASTY","Explanation":"Definition: Warm\nTO then AudaciouS and TearawaY (extremes of)"} {"Clue":"Notice incredibly rude daughter interrupting woman (10)","Answer":"REDUNDANCY","Explanation":"Definition: Notice\nRUDE* anagram=incredibly then D (daughter) in (interrupting) NANCY (a woman)"} {"Clue":"Physicist reported pain (4)","Answer":"BOHR","Explanation":"Definition: Physicist\nsounds like \"bore\" (pain) \u2013 Neils Bohr"} {"Clue":"Giving a rebate? Simple (8)","Answer":"UNTAXING","Explanation":"Definition: Simple\ndefinition and cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Can carrier attack vigorously, south of small headland? (9)","Answer":"SCAPEGOAT","Explanation":"Definition: Can carrier\nGO AT (attack vigorously) following (south of, on a map) S (small) and CAPE (headland)"} {"Clue":"Shadows playing lutes \u2013 Hank's gutted (7)","Answer":"SLEUTHS","Explanation":"Definition: Shadows\nanagram (playing) of LUTES and Hank'S (gutted, no middle letters)"} {"Clue":"No more seats up here, back where we started? (4,6)","Answer":"FULL CIRCLE","Explanation":"Definition: back where we started\ndefinition and cryptic definition \u2013 theatre seats"} {"Clue":"Jointly support new society in company trail (9)","Answer":"COSPONSOR","Explanation":"Definition: Jointly support\nN (new) S (society) in CO (compnay) and SPOOR (trail)"} {"Clue":"Straight talk, at first sad (8)","Answer":"TRUTHFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Straight\nTalk (first letter of) then RUTHFUL (sad)"} {"Clue":"Catch disease, turning whatchamacallit (7)","Answer":"GUBBINS","Explanation":"Definition: whatchamacallit\nSNIB (catch) and BUG (desiease) all reversed (turning)"} {"Clue":"Ultimately hide in cellar in disguise (7)","Answer":"ENCRYPT","Explanation":"Definition: disguise\nhidE iN (ultimately, last letters of) then CRYPT (cellar)"} {"Clue":"Adjust large radio without casing (6)","Answer":"ATTUNE","Explanation":"Definition: Adjust\nfAT TUNEr (large radio) missing outside letters (without casing)"} {"Clue":"Somewhat disconcerting, turning up what goes into bangers (5)","Answer":"NITRE","Explanation":"Definition: what goes into bangers\nfound inside (somewhat) disconcERTINg reversed (turning up) \u2013 bangers are fireworks"} {"Clue":"Unknown petition backing god (4)","Answer":"ZEUS","Explanation":"Definition: god \nZ (unknown) then SUE (petition) reversed (backing)"} {"Clue":"Some beer not originally for bird (7)","Answer":"BITTERN","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nBITTER (some beer) with Not (first letter of, originally)"} {"Clue":"Trace deep source of pain (7)","Answer":"WHITLOW","Explanation":"Definition: source of pain\nWHIT (trace) LOW (deep) \u2013 an abcess on a finger or toe"} {"Clue":"Anything about the Italian winger? (5)","Answer":"OWLET","Explanation":"Definition: winger\nOWT (anything) containing (about) LE (the, in Italian)"} {"Clue":"TV programme could get cavorting lad in debt (5,4)","Answer":"BLIND DATE","Explanation":"Definition: TV programme\n(LAD IN DEBT)* anagram=cavorting"} {"Clue":"Proceeds without a pause to accommodate house guests \u2013 on the contrary (6)","Answer":"SEGUES","Explanation":"Definition: Proceeds without a pause\nfounds inside (to accomodate) houSE GUESts"} {"Clue":"Teaches about property reverting to the Crown (7)","Answer":"ESCHEAT","Explanation":"Definition: property reverting to the Crown\nTEACHES* anagram=about"} {"Clue":"African leader abridged books about British mathematician (10)","Answer":"MANDELBROT","Explanation":"Definition: mathematician\nMANDELa (African leader, abridged) with OT (books) containing BR (British)"} {"Clue":"Hit heartless drip (4)","Answer":"SWAT","Explanation":"Definition: Hit\nSWeAT (drop, heartless)"} {"Clue":"Commune excluded from brief treaty (4)","Answer":"PACT","Explanation":"Definition: treaty\ncomPACT (brief) missing COM (commune)"} {"Clue":"Stupidly fail to dust apartment (6,4)","Answer":"STUDIO FLAT","Explanation":"Definition: apartment\n(FAIL TO DUST)* anagram=stupidly"} {"Clue":"After end of Act 1, playwright enters with ice cream (7)","Answer":"TORTONI","Explanation":"Definition: ice cream\nI (1) following (after) acT (end of) containing (\u2026enters) ORTON (Joe Orton, playwright)"} {"Clue":"Change divinity lesson? (6)","Answer":"REWORK","Explanation":"Definition: Change\nRE (Religious Education, divinity) and WORK (lesson)"} {"Clue":"Analysts finding measure of radiation in old chemicals (9)","Answer":"EXAMINERS","Explanation":"Definition: Analysts\nR (Rontgen, measure of radiation) in EX (old) AMINES (chemicals)"} {"Clue":"Cook's haircut interrupted by old priest (5)","Answer":"DELIA","Explanation":"Definition: Cook\nDA (duck's ass, haircut) contains (interrupted by) ELI (old priest)"} {"Clue":"Former Conservative minister's servants (7)","Answer":"BUTLERS","Explanation":"Definition: servants\nRab BUTLER'S (former Consrvative minister 1941-64)"} {"Clue":"Regularly force feed tommy with permission (7)","Answer":"FREEDOM","Explanation":"Definition: permission\nFoRcE fE D tOmMy (regular selection of letters)"} {"Clue":"Growth of deficit in endless pots of money (7)","Answer":"BLOSSOM","Explanation":"Definition: Growth\nLOSS (deficit) in BOMb (pots of money, endless)"} {"Clue":"Set fair? (9)","Answer":"TELEGENIC","Explanation":"Definition: Set fair\ncryptic definition \u2013 having character that suite being on television. I am impressed if anyone got this without the crossers."} {"Clue":"End of unlimited messages associated with army engineers (7)","Answer":"EXTREME","Explanation":"Definition: End\ntEXTs (messages) missing end letters (unlimited) with REME (army engineers)"} {"Clue":"Catches North American deceptive humbug over the pond (4)","Answer":"NABS","Explanation":"Definition: Catches\nN (North) A (American) with BS (bullshit, deceptive humbug, American)"} {"Clue":"Wished to go mad with domestic appliances? (5,5)","Answer":"WHITE GOODS","Explanation":"Definition: domestic appliances\nanagram (mad) of WISHED TO GO"} {"Clue":"Admit to where wires may go? (6)","Answer":"INDUCT","Explanation":"Definition: Admit to\nIN DUCT (where wires may go)"} {"Clue":"Permission\u00a0to abandon\u00a0farewell\u00a0holiday (5)","Answer":"LEAVE","Explanation":"Definition: ermission\nquadruple definition"} {"Clue":"Flier with report of what to do with vacant property? (4,3)","Answer":"WREN TIT","Explanation":"Definition: Flier\nsounds like (report of) \"rent it\" (what do do with vacant property)"} {"Clue":"Saint bears tipsy Rechabites \u2026 (10)","Answer":"ABSTAINERS","Explanation":"Definition: Rechabites\n(SAINT BEARS)* anagram=tipsy"} {"Clue":"\u2026 drunk\u00a0as they might be after much practice (4-5)","Answer":"WELL OILED","Explanation":"Definition: drunk\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Plymouth Brethren consuming different plant (3,4)","Answer":"POTHERB","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nPB (Plymouth Brethren) contains (consumes) OTHER (different)"} {"Clue":"Old greenery rector removed behind schedule (7)","Answer":"OVERDUE","Explanation":"Definition: behind schedule\nO (old) VERDUrE (greenery) missing R (rector)"} {"Clue":"Potentially make it a target (4,3)","Answer":"TAKE AIM","Explanation":"Definition: target\nanagram (potentially) of MAKE IT A"} {"Clue":"Spot\u00a0bulletin (6)","Answer":"NOTICE","Explanation":"Definition: Spot\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Bake rhubarb containing a dash of sugar (5)","Answer":"ROAST","Explanation":"Definition: Bake\nROT (rhubarb) containing A and Sugar (a dash of, one letter)"} {"Clue":"Italy has to replace the French in union? Really! (2,2)","Answer":"AS IF","Explanation":"Definition: Really\nASLEF (trade union) with I (Italy) replacing LE (the, French)"} {"Clue":"Comedian's outside broadcast hard work, live screening (3,4)","Answer":"BOB HOPE","Explanation":"Definition: Comedian\nOB (outside broadcast) H (hard) OP (work) all inside (screened by) BE (live)"} {"Clue":"City Road, near which one's pulled into greasy spoon (7)","Answer":"CARDIFF","Explanation":"Definition: City\nRD (road) with (near which\u2026is) I (one) inside CAFF (greasy spoon)"} {"Clue":"Great rockers on stage introducing woman forbidding everything! (3,5,7)","Answer":"THE WHOLE SHEBANG","Explanation":"Definition: everything\nTHE WHO (great rockers) on LEG (stage) containing (introducing) SHE (woman) BAN (forbidding)"} {"Clue":"Smear campaign initially BBC denied, due a wrangle (6)","Answer":"BEDAUB","Explanation":"Definition: Smear\nanagram (wrangle) of BBc missing (denied) C (initial letter of campaign) and DUE A"} {"Clue":"Blind drunk in event one's opening? (8)","Answer":"VENETIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Blind\nA (one) inside (opening) anagram of(drunk) IN EVENT"} {"Clue":"No way in hell that's funny \u2013 it's repellent comedy (4,4,1,5)","Answer":"ONLY WHEN I LAUGH","Explanation":"Definition: comedy\nanagram (thats funny) of NO WAY IN HELL then UGH (its repellent) \u2013 definition is sort of &lit too"} {"Clue":"Quiet old inn (not yet closed) girl somehow means to preserve (6,8)","Answer":"LIQUID NITROGEN","Explanation":"Definition: means to preserve\nanagram (somehow) of QUIET OLD INN with GIRl (not yet closed, missing last letter)"} {"Clue":"Dorsally, Maeve's heart contains almost completely empty vessel (4,4)","Answer":"VENA CAVA","Explanation":"Definition: vessel\nmAEVe (heart of) contains VACANt (completely empty, almost) all reversed (dorsally, in a back-like way)"} {"Clue":"Fake tigers at zoo limits (6)","Answer":"ERSATZ","Explanation":"Definition: Fake\nfoud inside (de-limited by) tigERS AT Zoo"} {"Clue":"Mah-jonggathon\u00a0for drunken stopouts? (5,2,3,5)","Answer":"NIGHT ON THE TILES","Explanation":"Definition: Mah-jonggathon\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Emphatically, compiler does not like a set in line (7)","Answer":"ISODONT","Explanation":"Definition: like a set in line\nI SO DON'T (the compiler emphatically does not) \u2013 having straight and even teeth (a set)"} {"Clue":"Something that eases section off with increased regularity (7)","Answer":"OFTENER","Explanation":"Definition: with increased regularity\nsOFTENER (something that eases) missing (with\u2026off) S (section)"} {"Clue":"Brown is right in the firing line (5)","Answer":"OCHRE","Explanation":"Definition: Brown\nR (right) in OCHE (the firing line, marker for throwing position in darts)"} {"Clue":"This foreman may be asked to store gold for auditor? (3,3,3)","Answer":"HOW SAY YOU","Explanation":"Definition: This foreman may be asked\nsounds like (for the auditor) house Au (store gold. chem symbol) \u2013 what the foreman of the jury may be asked"} {"Clue":"Character at Savoy I'm surprised to see in lead? That is a surprise! (4-3)","Answer":"POOH-BAH","Explanation":"Definition: Character at Savoy\nOOH (I'm surprised) inside (to see in) PB (lead, chem symbol) than AH (that is a surprise) \u2013 character from The Mikado, a Savoy Opera"} {"Clue":"With a will not one African (7)","Answer":"ASHANTI","Explanation":"Definition: African\nSHAN'T (will not) following (with) A then I (one) \u2013 people from Ghana"} {"Clue":"Cryptically take a little sum out of a bank account? (5)","Answer":"DEBIT","Explanation":"Definition: sum out of a bank account\nDE-BIT (take a little, cryptically)"} {"Clue":"What comes after me with New England accessory? (9)","Answer":"FANDANGLE","Explanation":"Definition: accessory\nFA (what come after me, music) with ENGLAND* anagram=new"} {"Clue":"\"Effort to pull not at all cunning\" \u2013 the essence of Anthony Eden (6,2,5)","Answer":"HEAVEN ON EARTH","Explanation":"Definition: Eden\nHEAVE (effort to pull) NONE (not at all) ART (cunning) with antHony (essence of, centre letter)"} {"Clue":"Artless states of North America with which I'm associated? (9)","Answer":"NAIVETIES","Explanation":"Definition: Artless states\nNA (North America) with which I'VE TIES (I have ties, am associated)"} {"Clue":"Notice son of Paris swelling ego up, being miserable (1,4,4)","Answer":"A DOG\u2019S LIFE","Explanation":"Definition: being miserable\nAD (notice) with FILS (son in French, of Paris) inside (swelling) EGO reversed up"} {"Clue":"By force, make GP continue suppressing onset of asthma (7)","Answer":"DRAGOON","Explanation":"Definition: By force, make\nDR (doctor, GP) GO ON (continue) contains (suppressing) Asthma (onset of, first letter)"} {"Clue":"I left force, subdued by aforementioned individuals (3,4)","Answer":"THE SELF","Explanation":"Definition: I\nL (left) F (force) following (by) THESE (the aforementioned individuals)"} {"Clue":"A sucker, I enrolled for a doctorate? (5)","Answer":"APHID","Explanation":"Definition: A sucker\nI entered (enrolled for) A PHD (doctorate)"} {"Clue":"Topic 20? (5)","Answer":"THEME","Explanation":"Definition: Topic\nTHE ME (self)"} {"Clue":"Producing silly smile about nothing, 'e'll be this? (10)","Answer":"ILESOME","Explanation":"Definition: this\nG**I**GG**LESOME** omitting G three times \u2013 SMILE* anagram=silly contains (about) O (nothing) and E"} {"Clue":"Frenzy affected Ayrshire, river escaping (8)","Answer":"HYSERIA","Explanation":"Definition: Frenzy\n**HYS**T**ERIA** omitting T \u2013 anagram (affected) of AYrSHIRE missing R (river)"} {"Clue":"Palpitating, that is when surrounded by mocking (8)","Answer":"WIERY","Explanation":"Definition: Palpitating\nT**WI**TT**ERY** missing T three times \u2013 IE (that is) inside (surrounded by) WRY (mocking)"} {"Clue":"Botanist's angle, very large in a side sepal (6)","Answer":"AXLLA","Explanation":"Definition: Botanist's angle\n**AX**I**LLA** missing I \u2013 XL (very large) in ALA (side sepal)"} {"Clue":"Supply commentary on foreign state on account of reverse (8)","Answer":"AOTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Supply commentary on\n**A**NN**OTATE** missing N twice \u2013 ETAT (state, in French, foreign) OA (on account of) all reversed"} {"Clue":"Hurrah for ecstasy maid recalled, staring wildly? (10)","Answer":"OLEEYED","Explanation":"Definition: staring wildly\nG**O**GG**LE-EYED**\u00a0omitting G three times \u2013 OLE (hurrah for) E (ecstasy) and DEY (maid) reversed (recalled)"} {"Clue":"Soft metallic sheen (6)","Answer":"PTIN","Explanation":"Definition: sheen\n**P**A**TIN**A missing A twice \u2013 P (soft) and TIN (metallic)"} {"Clue":"One against following guys in gym? No longer inclined (10)","Answer":"PROPESIVE","Explanation":"Definition: No longer inclined\n**PROPE**N**SIVE** missing N \u2013 I (one) V (against) following ROPES (guys) all inside PE (gym)"} {"Clue":"Opossums, phyla i.e. doubly hybridized (12)","Answer":"IELPHYIAE","Explanation":"Definition: Opossums\nD**I**D**ELPHYI**D**AE** missing D three times \u2013 anagram (hybridised) of PHYLA and IE IE (doubly so)"} {"Clue":"Girdle section in nice tulle (6)","Answer":"CETU","Explanation":"Definition: Girdle\n**CE**S**TU**S missing S twice \u2013 found inside (section of) niCE TUlle"} {"Clue":"Queen Empress Maria excited: she' s about to have her first (9)","Answer":"RIMIARA","Explanation":"Definition: she' s about to have her first\nP**RIMI**P**ARA** missing P twice \u2013 RI (Queen Empress) and MARIA* anagram=excited"} {"Clue":"Finely constructed lines penned by William (Bill) (8)","Answer":"WLLMAD","Explanation":"Definition: Finely constructed\n**W**E**LL-MAD**E missing E twice \u2013 LL (line, two of) inside (penned by) WM (William) and AD (bill, poster)"} {"Clue":"Rotating aerial broadcast races (7)","Answer":"SCAER","Explanation":"Definition: Rotating aerial\n**SCA**NN**ER** missing N twice \u2013 RACES* anagram=broadcast"} {"Clue":"Given a shot? Second mostly consumed (7)","Answer":"SEATE","Explanation":"Definition: Given a shot\n**SE**D**ATE**D missing D (twice) \u2013 ~~SEc (second, mostly) ATE (consumed)~~ S (second) with EATEn (consumed, mostly)"} {"Clue":"Forming questions, and so on, about discourse repetitively (8)","Answer":"EROTETC","Explanation":"Definition: Forming questions\n**EROTET**I**C** omitting I \u2013 ETC (and so on) contains (about) ROTE (discourse repetitively)"} {"Clue":"Maiden in love, yes love, awfully hurtful as of old (7)","Answer":"OYSOME","Explanation":"Definition: hurtful as of old\nN**OYSOME** omitting N \u2013 M (maiden) inside anagram (awfully) of O (love) YES O (love)"} {"Clue":"Love in the environs of Limoges is bewitching, as of old (8)","Answer":"LAMOURS","Explanation":"Definition: bewitching, as of old\nG**LAMOURS** omitting G \u2013 AMOUR (love) in LimogeS (the environs of, surrounding letters)"} {"Clue":"Palm tree? First person introducing a couple in Scotland (3)","Answer":"ITWA","Explanation":"Definition: Palm tree\n**ITA** adding W \u2013 I (first person) in front of (introducing) TWA (a couple in Scotland)"} {"Clue":"German state getting into oil yet oddly creating no waves on top! (10)","Answer":"LEIOTREICHY","Explanation":"Definition: creating no waves on top\n**LEIOTRICHY** adding E -REICH (German state) inside anagram (oddly) of OIL YET \u2013 having staight hair, no waves"} {"Clue":"Money pocketed old uncle left \u2013 it's sickening (6)","Answer":"EMETICL","Explanation":"Definition: it's sickening\n**EMETIC** adding L \u2013 TIC (money) inside (pocketing, filling a pocket) EME (old uncle) and L (left)"} {"Clue":"To intrude in Scotland like this went about freely (4)","Answer":"SORAN","Explanation":"Definition: To intrude in Scotland\n**SORN** adding A \u2013 SO (like this) and RAN (went about freely)"} {"Clue":"My circle age \u2013 it's fate (5)","Answer":"MYOERA","Explanation":"Definition: fate\n**MOERA** adding Y \u2013 MY O (circle) and ERA (age) \u2013 any one of the three fates in classical mythology"} {"Clue":"Very small lake fish (3)","Answer":"WEEL","Explanation":"Definition: fish\n**EEL** adding W \u2013 WEE (very small) and L (lake)"} {"Clue":"Like forest land river craft must be taken up (5)","Answer":"TRAEED","Explanation":"Definition: Like forest land\n**TREED** adding A \u2013 DEE (river) and ART (craft) reversed (must be taken up)"} {"Clue":"Element of computer image I sex up in programming language (5)","Answer":"PIXESL","Explanation":"Definition: Element of computer image\n**PIXEL** adding S \u2013 I with SEX reversed (up) inside PL (programming language)"} {"Clue":"One mollifies everyone rolling up (10)","Answer":"ALLEVITATOR","Explanation":"Definition: One mollifies\n**ALLEVIATOR** adding T \u2013 ALL (everyone) and ROTATIVE (rolling) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Lackey for a pasha in old Algiers (5)","Answer":"TOADEY","Explanation":"Definition: Lackey\n**TOADY** adding E \u2013 TO (for) A DEY (pashia in old Algiers)"} {"Clue":"Climbing vents in castle walls, one devoured plunder (8)","Answer":"SPOOLIATE","Explanation":"Definition: plunder\n**SPOLIATE** adding O \u2013 LOOPS (vents in castle walls) reversed (climbing) than I (one) and ATE (devoured)"} {"Clue":"Dance club I run, namely with party around (5)","Answer":"DIRSCO","Explanation":"Definition: Dance club\n**DISCO** adding R \u2013 I R (run) SC (namely) inside (with\u2026around) DO (party)"} {"Clue":"Classical tyrant, Greek character imprisoned by demigod (5)","Answer":"HPIERO","Explanation":"Definition: Classical tyrant\n**HEIRO** adding P \u2013 PI (Greek character) insdie (imprisoned by) HERO (demigod)"} {"Clue":"Delight daily with order given to few (5)","Answer":"CHAROM","Explanation":"Definition: Delight\n**CHARM** adding O \u2013 CHAR (daily) with OM (Order of Merit, awarded to a few)"} {"Clue":"Regular trat dish, bits of seafood tossed in a shell(5)","Answer":"PAWSTA","Explanation":"Definition: Regular trat dish\n**PASTA** adding W \u2013 Seafood Tossed (bits of, first letters of) in PAWA (a shell)"} {"Clue":"Whale's food, e.g. shells garlanded in company (4)","Answer":"CLEIO","Explanation":"Definition: Whale's food\n**CLIO** adding E \u2013 LEI (e.g. shells garlanded, Hawaiian necklace) in CO (company)"} {"Clue":"Road left by old lorry (3)","Answer":"RUTE","Explanation":"Definition: lorry\n**UTE** adding R \u2013 RoUTE (road) missing (left by) O (old)"} {"Clue":"Extract from Codex Sinaiticus \u2013 it's very stimulating (3)","Answer":"DEXS","Explanation":"Definition: it's very stimulating\n**DEX** adding S \u2013 found inside (extract from) coDEX Sinaiticus \u2013 Dexedrine, an amphetamine"} {"Clue":"Mostly sad about doctor, so bubbly (8)","Answer":"ESPUMOSO","Explanation":"Definition: bubbly\nUPSEt (sad, mostly) reversed than MO (doctor) and SO"} {"Clue":"Stunned adult is forced into luxury car (6)","Answer":"AGHAST","Explanation":"Definition: Stunned\nA (adult) then HAS (is forced) into GT (luxury car)"} {"Clue":"Quiz show (if you take it you leave it) (5,2,7)","Answer":"BRAIN OF BRITAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Quiz show\nif you take IT from BRitAIN you get BRAIN \u2013 a radio quiz show"} {"Clue":"Accompanied by clever guards duke gets across (9)","Answer":"WIDTHWISE","Explanation":"Definition: across\nWITH (accompanied by) WISE (clever) contians (guards) D (duke)"} {"Clue":"Way to go back over the top (5)","Answer":"STEEP","Explanation":"Definition: over the top\nST (street, a way) and PEE (to go, to the toilet) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Invest foreign money to back bridge location (6)","Answer":"PUTNEY","Explanation":"Definition: bridge location\nPUT (invest) YEN (foreign money) reversed (back) \u2013 Putney Bridge, a locaion in London"} {"Clue":"Point given about conflict can matter? (7)","Answer":"TINWARE","Explanation":"Definition: can matter\nTINE (point) contains (given about) WAR (conflict) \u2013 what cans are made of"} {"Clue":"Play centre in Tots magazine (7)","Answer":"OTHELLO","Explanation":"Definition: Play\ntOTs (centre of) and HELLO (magazine)"} {"Clue":"R&B featured in poor sitcom (2,4)","Answer":"MR BEAN","Explanation":"Definition: sitcom\nR and B inside MEAN (poor) \u2013 UK TV character and program"} {"Clue":"Free run we decided to keep (5)","Answer":"UNWED","Explanation":"Definition: Free\nfound inside (to keep) rUN WE Decided"} {"Clue":"Marine guide for island tours (6,3)","Answer":"DORSAL FIN","Explanation":"Definition: Marine guide\nanagram (tours) of FOR ISLAND"} {"Clue":"Separating bottles or cracking mirrors to make cocktail (9,5)","Answer":"SINGAPORE SLING","Explanation":"Definition: cocktail\nSINGLING (separating) contains (bottles) OR inside (cracking) APES (mirrors, copies)"} {"Clue":"One way to get variable interest? No (6)","Answer":"APATHY","Explanation":"Definition: interest? No\nA (one) PATH (way) with Y (variable)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps queen conceals problem in discussion (8)","Answer":"CHITCHAT","Explanation":"Definition: discussion\nCAT (queen perhaps, a female cat) contains (conceals) HITCH (problem)"} {"Clue":"Negotiating bend, other short barges (6)","Answer":"ELBOWS","Explanation":"Definition: barges\nBOW (bend) inside (with\u2026negotiating, going round) ELSe (other, short)"} {"Clue":"Quietly produce 23's fashionable toy (9)","Answer":"PLAYDOUGH","Explanation":"Definition: fashionable toy\np (quietly) LAY (produce) DOUGH (wonga, cash) \u2013 a toy that can be fashioned, moulded"} {"Clue":"Streamer? See about unravelling of it (7)","Answer":"SPOTIFY","Explanation":"Definition: Streamer\nSPY (see) contains (about) anagram (unravelling) of OF IT \u2013 a streaming music serveice"} {"Clue":"Soldiers on beach in trainers \u2013 big manoeuvres (5,3,5,2)","Answer":"GRINS AND BEARS IT","Explanation":"Definition: Soldiers on\nSAND (beach) in anagram (manoeuvres) of TRAINERS BIG"} {"Clue":"Secretary put into service quickly (5)","Answer":"APACE","Explanation":"Definition: quickly\nPA (secretary) inside ACE (service, tennis)"} {"Clue":"To rejected author, free verse (4,4)","Answer":"TONE POEM","Explanation":"Definition: verse\n~~just a guess, I don't understand this clue~~ TO then\u00a0ME (the author) and OPEN (free) reversed (rejected)"} {"Clue":"Stand in opposition's in goal (6)","Answer":"OBJECT","Explanation":"Definition: Stand in opposition\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Singer's dependence on following commercial radio format (4,5)","Answer":"ADAM FAITH","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\nFAITH (dependence of) following AD (commercial) AM (radio format)"} {"Clue":"Brian Clough's son made moves \u2013 he composed German team (8,15)","Answer":"BORUSSIA MONCHENGLADBACH","Explanation":"Definition: German team\nanagram (moves) of BRIAN CLOGH'S SON MADE then BACH (he composed)"} {"Clue":"A pensioner gets bloody angry (3,3)","Answer":"OLD BOY","Explanation":"Definition: A pensioner\nanagram (angry) of BLOODY"} {"Clue":"Change shape of France and north-east town (7)","Answer":"MORPETH","Explanation":"Definition: north-east town\nMORPH (change shape) contains (why?) ET (and, of France)"} {"Clue":"Man's contract to wall good hotel (6)","Answer":"KNIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Man\nKNIT (contract) contains (to wall) G (good) and H (hotel) \u2013 a chess man"} {"Clue":"Rhino runs away from bad area (5)","Answer":"WONGA","Explanation":"Definition: Rhino\nWrONG (bad) missing (with\u2026away from) R (runs) than A (area) \u2013 tso slang terms for cash"} {"Clue":"Old brown sherry will corrupt fish, on reflection (6)","Answer":"DOCTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Old brown sherry\nROT (corrupt) COD (fish) all reversed (on reflection) \u2013 old slang term for brown sherry"} {"Clue":"Sensible case for brewing true wine (8)","Answer":"SAUTERNE","Explanation":"Definition: wine\nSANE (sensible) containing (case for) TRUE* anagram=brewing"} {"Clue":"Cocktail taken in one swallow for starters (7)","Answer":"MARTINI","Explanation":"Definition: Cocktail\nI (one) following (with\u2026for starters) MARTIN (a swallow)"} {"Clue":"Somewhat rich, a blissful Burgundy (7)","Answer":"CHABLIS","Explanation":"Definition: Burgundy\nfound inside (somewhat) riCH A BLISsful"} {"Clue":"Written work, page missing on table wine (4)","Answer":"ROSE","Explanation":"Definition: table wine\npROSE (written work) missing P (page)"} {"Clue":"Liquor in safe? Teachers demand (5-3-2)","Answer":"PETER-SEE-ME","Explanation":"Definition: Liquor\nPETER (safe) with SEE ME (teacher's demand) \u2013 a Spanish wine jokingly named after the grape variety Pedro Ximenez"} {"Clue":"A red blouse shortened, taken to literal extremes (6)","Answer":"SHIRAZ","Explanation":"Definition: A red\nSHIRt (blouse, shortened) with A and Z (taken to literal extremes, the most extreme letters of the alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Poor Cressida dropped small cocktail (7)","Answer":"SIDECAR","Explanation":"Definition: cocktail\nanagram (poor) of CRESsIDA missing S (small)"} {"Clue":"Cheese being rejected, Gershwin produced wine (7)","Answer":"MADEIRA","Explanation":"Definition: wine\nEDAM (cheese) reversed (being rejected) than IRA (Ira Gershwin)"} {"Clue":"Old airline with a French wine (6)","Answer":"BEAUNE","Explanation":"Definition: wine\nBEA (British European Airways, old airline) with UNE (a, French)"} {"Clue":"Liqueur exemplified by environmentally friendly map- readers? (10)","Answer":"CHARTREUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Liqueur\nCHART RE-USE \u2013 environmentally friendly map readers reuse their charts"} {"Clue":"Arranged shock treatment \u2013 no Montrachet \u2013 another wine (4)","Answer":"SEKT","Explanation":"Definition: another wine\nanagram (arranged) of SHOCK TREATMENT missing MONTRACHET"} {"Clue":"All are drunk on English beer (4,3)","Answer":"REAL ALE","Explanation":"Definition: beer\n(ALL ARE)* anagram=drunk then E (English)"} {"Clue":"A custom imbibing the French and choice German wine (7)","Answer":"AUSLESE","Explanation":"Definition: choice German wine\nA USE (custom) contains (imbibing) LES (the, French)"} {"Clue":"Chips topped with fish and white wine (8)","Answer":"RIESLING","Explanation":"Definition: white wine\nfRIES (chips, topped) with LING (a fish)"} {"Clue":"While in training is given alcoholic drink (6)","Answer":"PASTIS","Explanation":"Definition: alcoholic drink\nAS (while) in PT (physical training) then IS"} {"Clue":"Most sober dissent is coming from Paris (8)","Answer":"DEMUREST","Explanation":"Definition: Most sober\nDEMUR (dissent) with EST (is, French, from Paris)"} {"Clue":"Rich satin fashioned for popstar Aguilera (9)","Answer":"CHRISTINA","Explanation":"(RICH SATIN)* anagram=fashioned \u2013 singer Christina Aguilera"} {"Clue":"Apparently quiet god (4)","Answer":"ODIN","Explanation":"Definition: god\nO DIN (zero noise, apparenltly quiet)"} {"Clue":"Attribute good character to a church leader (8)","Answer":"ACCREDIT","Explanation":"Definition: Attribute\nCREDIT (good character) following (to) A Church (leading letter of)"} {"Clue":"Fees involved with errant one being moved? (10)","Answer":"TRANSFEREE","Explanation":"Definition: one being moved\nanagram (involved) of FEES with ERRANT"} {"Clue":"German poet may show anger about ending of limerick (5)","Answer":"RILKE","Explanation":"Definition: German poet\nRILE (anger) caontains (about) limericK (ending of)"} {"Clue":"Served up Greek wine, but not in European festival (6)","Answer":"EASTER","Explanation":"Definition: festival\nRETSinA (Greek wine) missing IN then E (European) all\u00a0reversed (served up)"} {"Clue":"Drink police presented to royalty (5)","Answer":"CIDER","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nCID (police) with ER (The Queen, royalty)"} {"Clue":"Documentation making office assistant get saucy and protest (5,5)","Answer":"PAPER TRAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Documentation\nPA (office assistant) with PERT (saucy) and RAIL (protest)"} {"Clue":"Fun as a goddess intended? (9)","Answer":"AMUSEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Fun\nA MUSE (goddess) MENT (intended ?) \u2013 not sure why MENT is intended"} {"Clue":"Arrive casually, light wind having gathered? (6,2)","Answer":"BREEZE IN","Explanation":"Definition: Arrive casually,\nBREEZE (light wind) with IN (gathered)"} {"Clue":"Worries about the birds' protection (8)","Answer":"FEATHERS","Explanation":"Definition: birds' protection\nFEARS (worries) caontaining (about) THE"} {"Clue":"Scratch player or statistician? (6)","Answer":"SCORER","Explanation":"Definition: Scratch player\ndefinition\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Sort of tea service aristocrats initially rejected (5)","Answer":"ASSAM","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of tea\nMASS (service) and Aristocrats (initial letter of) both reversed (rejected)"} {"Clue":"Saw girl, huge, being cut in half (5)","Answer":"ADAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Saw\nADA (girl) then huGE (half of)"} {"Clue":"Article detailed Thailand and its location (4)","Answer":"ASIA","Explanation":"Definition: its location\nA (indefinite article) and SIAm (Thailand) missing last letter (detailed)"} {"Clue":"Casts, securing fish within seconds (6)","Answer":"SLINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Casts\nLING (fish) in S S (second, two of)"} {"Clue":"Ace shot wading bird, then rook (6)","Answer":"SNIPER","Explanation":"Definition: Ace shot\nSNIPE (wading bird) then R (rook)"} {"Clue":"Whiten\u00a0part of fence (4)","Answer":"PALE","Explanation":"Definition: Whiten\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Expert on 8 etc seeing maid put on weight (10)","Answer":"GRAMMARIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Expert on 8 etc\nMARIAN (maid from Robin Hood) on GRAM (weight)"} {"Clue":"Socrates, for example, put little time into lesson (6)","Answer":"MORTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Socrates, for example\nT (time, little=abbrev) put into MORAL (lesson) \u2013 \"All men are mortal: Socrates is a man therefore Socrates is mortal\""} {"Clue":"Huge blunder in cape I piece together the wrong way (8)","Answer":"TERRIFIC","Explanation":"Definition: Huge\nERR (blunder) in C (cape) I FIT (piece togehter) reversed (the wrong way)"} {"Clue":"Right to enter\u00a0acknowledgment of guilt (9)","Answer":"ADMISSION","Explanation":"Definition: ight to enter\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Health problems as medication's losing initial power (4)","Answer":"ILLS","Explanation":"Definition: Health problems\npILLS (medication) missing Power (initial letter of), or missing P (power) at the start (initially). I know some people get very het up over this sort of thing, but either way works just fine for me."} {"Clue":"Pitch\u00a0players\u00a0rejected (4)","Answer":"CAST","Explanation":"Definition: Pitch\ntriple definition"} {"Clue":"English journalists in emergency call for strong drinks (9)","Answer":"ESPRESSOS","Explanation":"Definition: strong drinks\nE (English) PRESS (journalists) in SOS (emergency call)"} {"Clue":"Outside shopping centre, deal in weak drink (5,3)","Answer":"SMALL ALE","Explanation":"Definition: weak drink\nSALE (deal) outside MALL (shopping centre)"} {"Clue":"Tolerate litigant being interrupted by loud fellow (6)","Answer":"SUFFER","Explanation":"Definition: Tolerate\nSUER (litigant) contains (interrupted by) F (loud) F (fellow)"} {"Clue":"Noticeable, it's said (10)","Answer":"PRONOUNCED","Explanation":"Definition: Noticeable\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Island centre for steel bands (4)","Answer":"ELBA","Explanation":"Definition: Island\ncentre of steEL BAnds"} {"Clue":"Sounds from clutch perturbed 8 (6)","Answer":"CHEEPS","Explanation":"Definition: Sounds from clutch\nanagram (perturbed) of SPEECH (parts of 8)"} {"Clue":"Style of acting\u00a0characteristic of princely madness (6)","Answer":"METHOD","Explanation":"Definition: Style of acting\ndouble definition \u2013 acting tequnique by Lee Strasburg and a reference to Hamlet, Prince of Denmark: Polonius says of Hamlet's speech \"Though this be madness, yet there is method in't\"."} {"Clue":"Including a fine duck, serves up main courses? (7)","Answer":"SEAFOOD","Explanation":"Definition: main courses\nA F (fine) O (duck, zero score) inside (with\u2026including) DOES (serves, fulfils a purpose) reversed (up) \u2013 food from the main (the sea)"} {"Clue":"Part of inside story that is translated (2,3)","Answer":"ID EST","Explanation":"Definition: that is translated\nfound inside (part of) insIDE STory \u2013 i.e. \"that is\" in Latin"} {"Clue":"Laughs with endless delight during group's performances (7)","Answer":"GIGGLES","Explanation":"Definition: Laughs\nGLEe (delight, endless) inside (during) GIGS (group's performances)"} {"Clue":"What's in name? Romeo tragically passed away (2,4)","Answer":"NO MORE","Explanation":"Definition: passed away\nN (name) and ROMEO* anagram=tragically"} {"Clue":"Page with pieces, very small ones (9)","Answer":"PARTICLES","Explanation":"Definition: very small ones\nP (page) with ARTICLES (pieces)"} {"Clue":"Prepares interpretations about 2 (7)","Answer":"READIES","Explanation":"Definition: Prepares\nREADS (interpretations) containing (about) IE (id est, 2)"} {"Clue":"Kinds of words found variously in other solutions (5,2,6)","Answer":"PARTS OF SPEECH","Explanation":"Definition: Kinds of words\nsome parts of speech are found embedded in other solutions: VERB in 19dn, NOUN and PRONOUN in 24 ac, ARTICLE in 6dn. *Also various\u00a0other solutions are\u00a0words (parts) from Hamlet's most famous soliloquy (speech). Thanks to rf3435 for pointing this out."} {"Clue":"Cheekiness or laziness involving son rather than daughter (9)","Answer":"INSOLENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Cheekiness\nINdOLENCE (laziness) with S (son) replacing D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"With no end in sight, came by rich material (7)","Answer":"CAMBRIC","Explanation":"Definition: material\n~~CAME with (by) RICh~~ CAMe By RICh (with no end in sight)"} {"Clue":"All that's left is to have occupation outside university (7)","Answer":"RESIDUE","Explanation":"Definition: All that's left\nRESIDE (to have occupation, of a house maybe) containing U (university)"} {"Clue":"Part of proverb identifying possible reason for buyer's remorse (7)","Answer":"OVERBID","Explanation":"Definition: possible reason for buyer's remorse\nfound inside (part of) prOVERB IDentifying"} {"Clue":"Endless scrutiny you reported over politician's deal as unscrupulous seller (6)","Answer":"GAZUMP","Explanation":"Definition: deal as unscrupulous seller\nGAZe (scrutiny, endless) U sounds like (reported) \"you\" then MP (politician)"} {"Clue":"Husband with ego upset family (5)","Answer":"FLESH","Explanation":"Definition: family\nH (husband) and SELF (ego) all reversed (upset)"} {"Clue":"Assistant's experiment to make cake (6)","Answer":"PASTRY","Explanation":"Definition: cake\nPA'S (assistant's) + TRY (attempt)"} {"Clue":"Expression of reservation about armed fleet in battle (6)","Answer":"ARNHEM","Explanation":"Definition: battle \nAHEM (expression of reservation) contains (about) RN (Royal Navy, armed fleet)"} {"Clue":"Look frantically in bird's place for files, clippers etc (7)","Answer":"TOOLKIT","Explanation":"Definition: place for files, clippers etc\nLOOK* anagram=frantically in TIT (bird)"} {"Clue":"Notice displaying vehicle described by youngster after parking (7)","Answer":"PLACARD","Explanation":"Definition: Notice\nCAR (vehicle) inside (described by) LAD (youngster) following P (parking)"} {"Clue":"Rash children pick one novel by unknown (7,3)","Answer":"CHICKEN POX","Explanation":"Definition: Rash\nCH (children) then anagram (novel) of PICK ONE followed by X (unknown)"} {"Clue":"Article about sport, portraying English runner (4)","Answer":"ARUN","Explanation":"Definition: English runner\nAN (indefinite article) contains (about) RU (Rugby Union, sport) \u2013 a river, something htat runs"} {"Clue":"Project written before 1st of April about new military government (5)","Answer":"JUNTA","Explanation":"Definition: military government \nJUT (project) then April (first letter of) containing N (new)"} {"Clue":"Piece of meat buttery in the middle, with crackling perhaps (8)","Answer":"NOISETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Piece of meat\nbuTTEry (middle of) following (with) NOISE (crackling perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Small table, pick of the bunch, mostly stays around office zone (8)","Answer":"CREDENZA","Explanation":"Definition: Small table\nCREAm (pick of the bunch, mostly) contains (stays around) DEN (office) and Z (zone)"} {"Clue":"Type of tooth woman wanted, with gold filling (5)","Answer":"IVORY","Explanation":"Definition: Type of tooth\nIVY (woman) containing OR (gold)"} {"Clue":"Bones revealed by map-makers when travelling west (4)","Answer":"OSSA","Explanation":"Definition: Bones\nOS (Ordonance Survey, map makers) with AS (then) reversed (travelling wets, right to left on a map)"} {"Clue":"Old pop group\u00a0avoiding the spotlight here? (3,7)","Answer":"THE SHADOWS","Explanation":"Definition: Old pop group\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Sudden eruption faculty reported at college (5-2)","Answer":"FLARE-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Sudden eruption\nFLARE sounds like (reported) \"flair\" (faculty) then UP (at college)"} {"Clue":"Play pontoon regularly, attracting the underworld (7)","Answer":"OTHELLO","Explanation":"Definition: Play\npOnToOn (regular selection from) containing (attracting?) HELL (the underworld)"} {"Clue":"Recall missing sappers, part of army unit? (6)","Answer":"MEMBER","Explanation":"Definition: part of army unit?\nreMEMBER (recall) missing RE (sappers)"} {"Clue":"Left winger's disguising sudden pain (6)","Answer":"TWINGE","Explanation":"Definition: sudden pain\nfound inside (disguised by) lefT WINGEr"} {"Clue":"Dog loves constant resident in pub (5)","Answer":"POOCH","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\nOO (love, twice) C (constant) in PH (pub)"} {"Clue":"Sort of chip is thrown over, cold, eaten by cat (7)","Answer":"SILICON","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of chip\nIS reversed (thrown over) then C (cold) inside LION (cat)"} {"Clue":"Being fine and dry inside, showers hit the roof (5,4)","Answer":"RAISE CAIN","Explanation":"Definition: hit the roof\nAI (A1, fine) and SEC (dry) inside RAIN (showers)"} {"Clue":"King welcomes the French moderate (5)","Answer":"RELAX","Explanation":"Definition: moderate \nREX (king) contains (welcomes) LA (the, French)"} {"Clue":"Amount of land at this point keeping to Reform Act? (7)","Answer":"HECTARE","Explanation":"Definition: Amount of land \nHERE (at this point) containing ACT* anagram=reform"} {"Clue":"Decorative work to get spliced outside still lacking centrepiece (9)","Answer":"MARQUETRY","Explanation":"Definition: Decorative work\nMARRY (to get spliced) containing (outside) QUiET (still) missing middle letter (lacking centrepiece)"} {"Clue":"Jack handles this type of bowler maintaining attack at both ends (9)","Answer":"SPINNAKER","Explanation":"Definition: ack handles this\nSPINNER (type of bowler) contains (maintaining) AttacK (letter from each end) \u2013 a jack is a sailor"} {"Clue":"Japanese certain to knock back meal when roaming ancient city (9)","Answer":"JERUSALEM","Explanation":"Definition: ancient city\nJ (Japanese) SURE (certain) reversed (to knock back) then MEAL* anagram=roaming"} {"Clue":"Murdoch, on strike, obtains street food for Paddy? (5,4)","Answer":"IRISH STEW","Explanation":"Definition: food for Paddy\nIRIS (Iris Murdoch) on H EW (strike) contains (obtains) ST (street)"} {"Clue":"Plan shows Indian city with simple housing (7)","Answer":"DIAGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Plan\nAGRA (Indian city) inside (housed by) DIM (simple)"} {"Clue":"Character in Marathon training in shade (5)","Answer":"TAUPE","Explanation":"Definition: shade\nTAU (Greek character, as written in Marathon) then PE (training) \u2013 a dark brown colour"} {"Clue":"Writer of Dublin's expansive about mouth of Liffey (5)","Answer":"WILDE","Explanation":"Definition: Writer of Dublin\nWIDE (expansive) contains (about) Liffy (first letter, mouth of)"} {"Clue":"Is it furnishing Tracy with aid? (7,4-7)","Answer":"CHARITY FUND-RAISING","Explanation":"Definition: Is it furnishing Tracy with aid\nanagram (is it) of FURNISHING TRACY with AID \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Clothing stolen from the lingerie department? (3,5)","Answer":"HOT PANTS","Explanation":"Definition: Clothing stolen from the lingerie department\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Girl returns and picks up early Renaissance tapestry (5)","Answer":"ARRAS","Explanation":"Definition: tapestry \nSARA (girl) reversed containing Renaissance (first letter of, early part)"} {"Clue":"Service provider Mark is so grammatically particular (9)","Answer":"KISSOGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Service provider\nfound inside (particular parts of) marK IS SO GRAMmatically"} {"Clue":"Olympic venue accounted for in bill coming later (9)","Answer":"POSTERIOR","Explanation":"Definition: coming later\nRIO (Olympic venue) inside (accounted for in)\u00a0POSTER (bill)"} {"Clue":"Assistant referee was not Sam \u2013 somehow that's material (5)","Answer":"LINEN","Explanation":"Definition: material\nLINEsmaN (assistant referee) missing SAM* anagram=somehow"} {"Clue":"Runs away from boarding house in El Salvador (4)","Answer":"EBBS","Explanation":"Definition: Runs away from\nB\u00a0and B (boarding house) in ES (El Salvador)"} {"Clue":"Leaving with Tom and Di inside struggling to get suitable rhythm (4,6)","Answer":"GOOD TIMING","Explanation":"Definition: suitable rhythm \nGOING (leaving) contains anagram (struggling) of TOM and DI"} {"Clue":"Swell agents pile into vehicle without Oscar (7)","Answer":"AUGMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Swell\nG-MEN (agents) inside (pile into) AUTo (vehicle) missing O (oscar)"} {"Clue":"Frozen wastes wherein for lots of Eskimos safety is paramount (5)","Answer":"FLOES","Explanation":"Definition: Frozen wastes\nfirst letters (is paramount) of For Lots Of Eskimos Safety"} {"Clue":"Introduce unfortunate cutback (9)","Answer":"REDUCTION","Explanation":"Definition: cutback\nINTRODUCE* anagram=unfortunate"} {"Clue":"Changing the order, I'd pee next as it's in my best interests (9)","Answer":"EXPEDIENT","Explanation":"Definition: it's in my best interests\nanagram (changing the order) of I'D PEE NEXT"} {"Clue":"Partners seek opening for elegant Cotswold female (3)","Answer":"EWE","Explanation":"Definition: Cotswold female\nE and W (partners in bridge) then Elegant (opening letter for) \u2013 Cotswold is a breed of sheep"} {"Clue":"Frenchman covered in glory as renewable power supplier (5,6)","Answer":"SOLAR ENERGY","Explanation":"Definition: power supplier\nRENE (a frenchman) inside (covered in) anagram (renewable) of GLORY AS"} {"Clue":"Certain holidaymakers accept hot drink (8)","Answer":"CHAMPERS","Explanation":"Definition: drink \nCAMPERS (certain holidaymakers) contain (accept) H (hot)"} {"Clue":"Poem describing half this puzzle at a stroke! (8)","Answer":"ACROSTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Poem\n~~I can't explain this. Something along the lines of ACROSs (half this puzzle) and TIC (stroke) ?~~ *half of A CROSsword (this puzzle) and TICkle (a stroke)"} {"Clue":"Send out\u00a0the children (5)","Answer":"ISSUE","Explanation":"Definition: Send out\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Regal animal going on interminably? (7)","Answer":"YAKKING","Explanation":"Definition: going on interminably\nYAK KING (regal animal)"} {"Clue":"Happy starting serious drive for big increase (7)","Answer":"UPSURGE","Explanation":"Definition: big increase \nUP (happy) Serious (starting letter of) and URGE (drive)"} {"Clue":"Could it be a street artist making a bomb? (9)","Answer":"DOODLEBUG","Explanation":"Definition: a bomb\nAnother I can't explain. Perhaps a reference to Michael Barnes-Wynters? Seems unlikely to me."} {"Clue":"Bothering to change temperature in taking flight (6)","Answer":"HARING","Explanation":"Definition: taking flight \n~~HATING (bothering?) changing T (temperature). I'm not sure about this: you might be hating something, but that something is bothering you. The two do not seem interchangeable.~~ *cARING (bothering) changing\u00a0C to H (cold to hot, changing temperature)"} {"Clue":"Cavalry slammed in dossier (9)","Answer":"IRONSIDES","Explanation":"Definition: Cavalry\nanagram (slammed) of IN DOSSIER"} {"Clue":"Gender is not relevant to the inventor (8)","Answer":"DESIGNER","Explanation":"Definition: inventor\nanagram (not relevant?) if GENDER IS"} {"Clue":"Waits next to the terraces at first (6,2)","Answer":"STANDS BY","Explanation":"Definition: Waits\nBY (next to) following STANDS (the terraces)"} {"Clue":"Naturalist Murray may not be found in valley (7)","Answer":"DURRELL","Explanation":"Definition: Naturalist\nmURRay missing MAY found in DELL (valley) \u2013 Gerald Durrell"} {"Clue":"The Listener (7)","Answer":"AUDITOR","Explanation":"Definition: The Listener\nAnother I can't explain. Could it be a cryptic definition? It seems to me that there should be someting more to this."} {"Clue":"Swear that summer in Provence is precious (6)","Answer":"EFFETE","Explanation":"Definition: precious\nEFF (swear, eff and blind) with ETE (summer in French, in Provence)"} {"Clue":"Fall about when company needs final cue (6)","Answer":"CORPSE","Explanation":"Definition: Fall\n~~Another I can't explain~~. CORPS (company) with cuE (final letter of) \u2013 to forget one's lines or to be unable to speak them due to hysterical laughter\u00a0\u2013\u00a0to *fall about* with laughter. The\u00a0definition is a bit vague on its own, but the\u00a0surface reading of the construction part directs us to the stage (company of actors and requiring a cue) so fair enough."} {"Clue":"\"Got your head covered, cock?\" (5)","Answer":"CAPON","Explanation":"Definition: cock\nCAP ON (got your head covered)"} {"Clue":"7 of almost rotten quartz (8)","Answer":"BASILICA","Explanation":"Definition: 7\nBAd (rotten, almost) and SILICA (quartz)"} {"Clue":"Withdraw note about American English (6)","Answer":"RECUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Withdraw\n~~I'm not sure of this one. To me the definition suggests EXCUSE (withdraw) but the wordplay suggests RECUSE (refuse~~) \u2013 RE (note, music) C (circa, about) US (American) and E (English)"} {"Clue":"Mother gets money back for starch (6)","Answer":"MANIOC","Explanation":"Definition: starch\nMA (mother) get COIN (money) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Cruel joke I see breaking restraint (8)","Answer":"PUNITIVE","Explanation":"PUN (joke) I then V (see) inside TIE (restraint)"} {"Clue":"Swirling sand yields bad 7 (6,4)","Answer":"DEADLY SINS","Explanation":"Definition: bad 7\nanagram (swirling) of SAND YIELDS"} {"Clue":"Times reflected in odd parts of San Jose (4)","Answer":"EONS","Explanation":"Definition: Times\nfound reversed (reflected) in SaN jOsE (odd parts of, every other letter)"} {"Clue":"Suddenly stop Poles hiding French evidence of disease (6)","Answer":"SNEEZE","Explanation":"Definition: evidence of disease\nfrEEZE (suddenly stop) underneath (hidden by) S and N (poles)"} {"Clue":"Adult teacher, back in class, took a chance (3,1,4)","Answer":"RAN A RISK","Explanation":"Definition: took a chance\nA (adult) SIR (teacher) both reversed (back) in RANK (class)"} {"Clue":"Less than 2 went round swimming hazard (8)","Answer":"UNDERTOW","Explanation":"Definition: swimming hazard\nUNDER (less than) and TWO* anagram=wnet round"} {"Clue":"These blooming sheep ate fruit without me! (6)","Answer":"TULIPS","Explanation":"Definition: These blooming\nTUPS (sheep) contains (ate) LIme (fruit) missing ME"} {"Clue":"Sweden very popular? Go! (4)","Answer":"SHOT","Explanation":"Definition: Go\nS (Sweden) and HOT (very popular)"} {"Clue":"Easily run and hide 7 (10)","Answer":"CANTERBURY","Explanation":"Definition: 7\nCANTER (easily run) and BURY (hide)"} {"Clue":"Look right through barrier at site of Brunelleschi's 7 (8)","Answer":"FLORENCE","Explanation":"Definition: site of Brunelleschi's 7 \nLO (look) R (right) inside (thorugh) FENCE (barrier)"} {"Clue":"Fly worried about going through (6)","Answer":"AVIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Fly\nATE (worried) contains VIA (going through)"} {"Clue":"Hands round singular songs (6)","Answer":"PSALMS","Explanation":"Definition: songs\nPALMS (hands) contain S (singular)"} {"Clue":"7 Ephesian martyrs\u00a0which are found under railway lines (8)","Answer":"SLEEPERS","Explanation":"Definition: Ephesian martyrs\ndouble definition \u2013 Ephesian Martyrs are known as the Seven Sleepers"} {"Clue":"Enthusiastic male lead in unknown writer's tragedy (9)","Answer":"AGAMEMNON","Explanation":"Definition: tragedy\nGAME (enthusiastic) Male (leading letter of) in ANON (unknown writer)"} {"Clue":"One competed among climbers (5)","Answer":"IVIED","Explanation":"Definition: among climbers\nI (one) VIED (competed)"} {"Clue":"Wish to move long distances over a year (5,4)","Answer":"ITCHY FEET","Explanation":"Definition: Wish to move\nITCH (long) FEET (distances, plural of foot) containing (over) Y (a year)"} {"Clue":"He asks for a quiet position with very little responsibility (7)","Answer":"APPLIER","Explanation":"Definition: He asks for\nA PP (pianissimo, quiet) LIE (position) with Responsibility (first letter, very little of) \u2013* could also be \u2026\u00a0P (quiet) with PLIE (ballet position)\u2026"} {"Clue":"7 dwarves had weightless violins? (5)","Answer":"RINGS","Explanation":"~~I have no idea about this~~ stRINGS (violins) missing ST\u00a0(stone, a weight) \u2013 in *The Lord of the Rings* each of seven Dwarf-lords are given\u00a0one of The Seven rings"} {"Clue":"Cat gets rid of fish in four-sided place of worship (9)","Answer":"CATHEDRAL","Explanation":"Definition: place of worship\nCAT and tetraHEDRAL (four-sided) missing TETRA (fish)"} {"Clue":"Film Victor watched outside (5)","Answer":"SEVEN","Explanation":"Definition: Film\nV (victor, phonetic alphabet) inside SEEN (watched) \u2013 1995 film with a rather gruesome plot"} {"Clue":"Online reader has a line about votes (9)","Answer":"ELECTORAL","Explanation":"Definition: about votes\nE (online) LECTOR (reader) has A L (line)"} {"Clue":"Mark swallows last bit of cheddar cheese in 7 (5,4)","Answer":"NOTRE DAME","Explanation":"Definition: 7\nNOTE (mark) contains (swallows) cheddaR (last bit of) and EDAM (cheese)"} {"Clue":"Senior policeman grasses up George Clooney, for one (9)","Answer":"SUPERSTAR","Explanation":"Definition: George Clooney, for one\nSUPER (senior policeman) with RATS (grasses, snitches) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Would red snow melting be one of these 7? (7)","Answer":"WONDERS","Explanation":"Definition: 7\nanagram (melting) of RED SNOW \u2013 the 7 wonders of the world. I don't think this quite works. A wonder (singular) would be one of the 7."} {"Clue":"Roman 7 sick in quiet retreat (5)","Answer":"HILLS","Explanation":"Definition: Roman 7\nILL (sick) in SH (quiet) reversed (retreat) \u2013 the Seven Hills of Rome"} {"Clue":"Naive people missing in no small change abroad (5)","Answer":"CENTS","Explanation":"Definition: small change abroad\ninnoCENTS (naive people) missing IN NO"} {"Clue":"Airship this person's used to break British record (5)","Answer":"BLIMP","Explanation":"Definition: Airship\nI'M (this person is) inside (used to break) B (British) LP (record)"} {"Clue":"Queen possibly grasping simple form of entertainment (7)","Answer":"CABARET","Explanation":"Definition: form of entertainment\nCAT (queen possibly, a female) containing BARE (simple)"} {"Clue":"Drawings, quite a few on back of card (7)","Answer":"DOODLES","Explanation":"Definition: Drawings\nOODLES (quite a few) following (on) carD (back of)"} {"Clue":"Gesture of defiance contrary for artist (5)","Answer":"KOONS","Explanation":"Definition: artist\nSNOOK (gesture of defiance) reversed (contrary) \u2013 Jeff Koons"} {"Clue":"Prison reforms attributed to figure in racketeer? (6,3)","Answer":"TENNIS PRO","Explanation":"Definition: racketeer\nPRISON* anagram=reforms follows (attached to) TEN (a figure, number)"} {"Clue":"A word of gratitude in the peerage for eminence (10)","Answer":"NOTABILITY","Explanation":"Definition: eminence\nTA (word if gratitude) in NOBILITY (the peerage)"} {"Clue":"Builder's trough \u2014 oops, it's fallen over! (3)","Answer":"HOD","Explanation":"Definition: Builder's trough\nD'OH (oops) reversed (fallen over)"} {"Clue":"Fish joining stream after swimming instructor (12)","Answer":"SCHOOLMASTER","Explanation":"Definition: instructor\nSCHOOL (fish) with STREAM* anagram= swimming"} {"Clue":"Each clue needs one dog trained to find the scent (3,2,7)","Answer":"EAU DE COLOGNE","Explanation":"Definition: scent\nEA (each) with anagram (trained) of CLUE with ONE DOG"} {"Clue":"Card and cut (3)","Answer":"WIT","Explanation":"Definition: Card\nWITh (and, cut)"} {"Clue":"Meeting of Ford and British colonialist reported as a turning point (10)","Answer":"CROSSROADS","Explanation":"Definition: a turning point\nCROSS (ford, cross a river) and ROADS sounds like (reported) Rhodes (British colonialist)"} {"Clue":"Time when You'll Never Walk Alone was sung by legendary giant in musical show (4,5)","Answer":"ROCK OPERA","Explanation":"Definition: musical show\nROC KOP ERA \u2013 the\u00a0Roc is a legendary giant bird, *You'll Never Walk Alone* is sung by the KOP (supporters of Liverpool Football Club) and the ERA is the time it would have been singing it. Clear as Mudd. *Update: thanks to Tony for pointing out that a rock opera is\u00a0\"a work in rock\" which is what sculptors traditionally do. This passed me by completely."} {"Clue":"Dock strike's ending for artist (5)","Answer":"MOORE","Explanation":"Definition: artist\nMOOR (dock) and strikE (end of)"} {"Clue":"Old cavalrymen back in South America, a hundred escaping injuries (7)","Answer":"HUSSARS","Explanation":"Definition: Old cavalrymen\nsoutH (final letter, back in)) US (America) then ScARS (injuries) missing C (a hundred)"} {"Clue":"Meanwhile, waste time in middle of performance (7)","Answer":"INTERIM","Explanation":"Definition: Meanwhile\nanagram (waste) of TIME IN and perfoRmance (middle of)"} {"Clue":"A man under roof of chapel is plastering (6)","Answer":"CAKING","Explanation":"Definition: plastering\nA KING (chess man) under Chapel (first letter, roof of)"} {"Clue":"Brahms and Liszt for starters, German is sozzled (6)","Answer":"BLOTTO","Explanation":"Definition: sozzled\nfirst letters (for starters) of Brahms and Liszt then OTTO (a German)"} {"Clue":"Vessel beneath reddish-brown banger (4,6)","Answer":"RUST BUCKET","Explanation":"Definition: banger\nRUST (reddish-brown) and BUCKET (vessel)"} {"Clue":"Complete\u00a0wreck (5)","Answer":"TOTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Complete\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Give pair of lines love as an artist (9)","Answer":"DONATELLO","Explanation":"Definition: an artist\nDONATE (give) LL (line, pair of) and O (love, tennis score)"} {"Clue":"Artist shaving head for god (4)","Answer":"ODIN","Explanation":"Definition: god\nrODIN (artist) missing first letter (shaving head)"} {"Clue":"Note zigzagging lines under rim, as artist (8)","Answer":"LIPCHITZ","Explanation":"Definition: artist\nCHIT (note) then Z (zigzagging lines) following (under) LIP (rim)"} {"Clue":"Classic marks arising for artist (8)","Answer":"STODDART","Explanation":"Definition: artist \nTRAD (classic) and DOTS (marks) all reversed (arising)"} {"Clue":"Slotting in money initially, turn a load around \u2014 here? (10)","Answer":"LAUNDROMAT","Explanation":"Definition: here\nanagram (around) of TURN A LOAD containing Money (initial letter of)"} {"Clue":"Short of bees, audibly, lob rosebuds away \u2014 as not humming? (9)","Answer":"ODOURLESS","Explanation":"Definition: not humming\nanagram (away) of LOb ROSEbUDS missing BB (sounds like bees)"} {"Clue":"The value of cool artist (8)","Answer":"HEPWORTH","Explanation":"Definition: artist\nthe WORTH (value) of HEP (cool) \u2013 Barbara Hepworth"} {"Clue":"Too much to raise in dollars for the seated area (8)","Answer":"BUTTOCKS","Explanation":"Definition: the seated area\nOTT (too much) reversed (to raise) in BUCKS (dollars)"} {"Clue":"Kandinsky originally a substandard artist (6)","Answer":"KAPOOR","Explanation":"Definition: artist\nKadinsky (first letter of, originally) A and POOR (substandard)"} {"Clue":"Judge is introduced to magistrate finally, when standing (6)","Answer":"ESTEEM","Explanation":"Definition: Judge\nMEETS (is introduced to) with magistratE all reversed (when standing)"} {"Clue":"African lover endlessly cuddles Zambian leader (5)","Answer":"SWAZI","Explanation":"Definition: African\nSWAIn (lover, endless) contains Zambian (leading letter of)"} {"Clue":"Comfortable seat, up until now, finally lost (4)","Answer":"SOFA","Explanation":"Definition: Comfortable seat\nSO FAr (up till now) missing final letter"} {"Clue":"With holidays imminent, the bad weather is moving, sad (7)","Answer":"OUTHIRE","Explanation":"With holidays imminent, the bad weather is moving, s**OUTH I RE**ad (7)"} {"Clue":"This remote landscape and hill fort a few will enjoy (5)","Answer":"MAVIS","Explanation":"This remote landscape and hill for**M A VIS**ta few will enjoy (5)"} {"Clue":"Where they're not permitted to, bold, they must move on (9)","Answer":"EGAREMENT","Explanation":"Where they're not permitted to b**EG, ARE MEN T**old they must move on**?** (9)"} {"Clue":"To show that they have rhythm, mime on the pub tables (6)","Answer":"ENRAPT","Explanation":"To show that they have rhythm, m**EN RAP T**ime on the pub tables (6)"} {"Clue":"This is a policy the opposition would relish a bit (6)","Answer":"GRANTA","Explanation":"This is a policy the opposition would relish a bi**G RANT A**t (6)"} {"Clue":"What's a stay? Whatever is starting toss-up (8)","Answer":"AGITPROP","Explanation":"What's a stay? Whatever is starting to s**AG IT PROP**s up (8)"} {"Clue":"You may ask sows that, to do with me (5)","Answer":"HATHA","Explanation":"You may ask so w**HAT HA**s that to do with me"} {"Clue":"Rumours of business malpractice make me read, 'Likely to fail' (5)","Answer":"GERAH","Explanation":"Rumours of business malpractice make mer**GER AH**ead likely to fail (5)"} {"Clue":"This group of WI members ring for a cuppa themselves (8)","Answer":"UNSTEADY","Explanation":"This group of WI members r**UNS TEA DY**ing for a cuppa themselves (8)"} {"Clue":"Reviewer wanting an interview gives aula (this house) (8)","Answer":"THORACAL","Explanation":"Reviewer wanting an interview gives au**THOR A CAL**l at his house (8)"} {"Clue":"Such birds have become race targeted by hunters (5)","Answer":"RESIN","Explanation":"Such birds have become ra**RE SIN**ce targeted by hunters (5)"} {"Clue":"An editor will always maintain that his pries to get at the truth (5)","Answer":"APERT","Explanation":"An editor will always maintain that his p**APER T**ries to get at the truth (5)"} {"Clue":"The haruspex must sacrifice: the beans can be read (8)","Answer":"STEREOME","Explanation":"The haruspex must sacrifice: the bea**ST ERE OME**ns can be read (8)"} {"Clue":"He needs do no vacation work though we've lots to give him time (6)","Answer":"MINTER","Explanation":"He needs do no vacation work though we've lots to give hi**M IN TER**m time (6)"} {"Clue":"Food (canine) on the supermarket shelf (6)","Answer":"~~SANDAL~~\u00a0SENDAL","Explanation":"~~Food can**S AND A L**ine on the supermarket shelf (6) \u2013 Doesn't really make sense to me, have I got this right?\u00a0~~Food can**S END A L**ine on the supermarket shelf (6)"} {"Clue":"Being concerned about my health, has met every week (9)","Answer":"ANTIDOTES","Explanation":"Being concerned about my health, has me**ANT I DO TES**t every week (9)"} {"Clue":"Is that your maturing? It's time for you to go (5)","Answer":"EGEST","Explanation":"Is that your mat**E GEST**uring? It's time for you to go (5)"} {"Clue":"We've assigned prisoners coming to teach (7)","Answer":"NACELLE","Explanation":"We've assigned prisoners coming to te**N A CELL E**ach (7)"} {"Clue":"As a shrewd investment I bought this tome for my children (5)","Answer":"OBEAH","Explanation":"As a shrewd investment I bought this t**O BE A H**ome for my children (5)"} {"Clue":"Is she the lass there, another yet to arrive? (4)","Answer":"TORI","Explanation":"Is she the las**T OR I**s there another yet to arrive? (4)"} {"Clue":"Do rascally buyers, cringers when catches are landed? (7)","Answer":"HEATHER","Explanation":"Do rascally buyers, c**HEAT HER**ringers when catches are landed? (7)"} {"Clue":"In olden days porters were often summoned to beak (6)","Answer":"RATRUN","Explanation":"In olden days porters were often summoned to bea**R A TRUN**k (6)"} {"Clue":"He began his career in London but, latent, abroad (6)","Answer":"ERGOTS","Explanation":"He began his career in London but lat**ER GOT S**ent abroad (6)"} {"Clue":"Show argand? He may get interested! (5)","Answer":"AMATE","Explanation":"Show a r**AM A TE**g and he may get interested! (5) \u2013 a teg is a sheep"} {"Clue":"Breaking the law, gives the contrasting case to answer (8)","Answer":"VENERATE","Explanation":"Breaking the law, gives the contra**VENER A TE**sting case to answer (8)"} {"Clue":"For any, gratis, a key end-product (11)","Answer":"INTRADERMAL","Explanation":"For any gra**IN TRADER MAL**t is a key end-product (11)"} {"Clue":"After a bad fall I felt mood \u2013 I'd no exercise for a while (7)","Answer":"STACHYS","Explanation":"After a bad fall I felt mo**ST ACHY S**o did no exercise for a while (7)"} {"Clue":"Her gold hoard gave her such a thrill I often saw her chuck lots (11)","Answer":"INGATHERING","Explanation":"Her gold hoard gave her such a thrill I often saw her chuckl**ING AT HER ING**ots (11)"} {"Clue":"The RSPB would surely never, let loose, burn sanctuaries (8)","Answer":"TEOSINTE","Explanation":"The RSPB would surely never, let loose, bu**TEOS IN TE**rn sanctuaries (8) \u2013 buteos are buzzards"} {"Clue":"Fine spirits with soda? You surely don't like drinking berated (7)","Answer":"STRUMAE","Explanation":"Fine spirits with soda? You surely don't like drinking be**ST RUM AE**rated (7)"} {"Clue":"He's a literary giant at his career apt to gain yet higher honours (7)","Answer":"EXPENSE","Explanation":"He's a literary giant at his career ap**EX, PEN SE**t to gain yet higher honours (7)"} {"Clue":"I'm looking to solid Els, wanting harmonious rounds! (6)","Answer":"CITRON","Explanation":"I'm looking to soli**CIT RON**dels wanting harmonious rounds! (6)"} {"Clue":"Zoroastrian scripture (6)","Answer":"AVESTA","Explanation":"competition entry"} {"Clue":"This is the muck to cleanse my breath (5)","Answer":"INTIS","Explanation":"This is the m**INT I S**uck to cleanse my breath (5)"} {"Clue":"Anyone wanting to planish as a ready-made source of oil (5)","Answer":"TELAE","Explanation":"Anyone wanting to plan**T ELAE**is has a ready-made source of oil (5)"} {"Clue":"Haute cuisine is a keen passion I like \u2013 my foot! (4)","Answer":"ODAL","Explanation":"Haute cuisine is a keen passion I like \u2013 my fo**OD A L**ot! (4)"} {"Clue":"England's a member of European power source (6)","Answer":"ENGINE","Explanation":"Definition: power source\nENG (England) IN (is a member of) E (European)"} {"Clue":"Outstanding leader in Eastern Levant perhaps (8)","Answer":"EMBOSSED","Explanation":"Definition: Outstanding\nBOSS (leader) in E MED (Eastern Mediterranean, The Levant perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Dreadful old magazine (5)","Answer":"HELLO","Explanation":"Definition: magazine\nHELL (dreadful) O (old)"} {"Clue":"Strangers in scrap about university (3,3,3)","Answer":"ODD MEN OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Strangers\nODDMENT (scrap) contains U (university)"} {"Clue":"True part of a film we hear (4)","Answer":"REAL","Explanation":"Definition: True\nsounds like (we hear) REEL (part of film)"} {"Clue":"Spring's great when son goes (4)","Answer":"WELL","Explanation":"Definition: Spring\nsWELL (great) missing S (son)"} {"Clue":"Gets rid of\u00a0outbuildings (5)","Answer":"SHEDS","Explanation":"Definition: Gets rid of\ndoublke definition"} {"Clue":"Becomes acclimatised to tetanus after injury (7)","Answer":"ATTUNES","Explanation":"Definition: Becomes acclimatised to\nTETANUS* anagram=after injury"} {"Clue":"Always cut top off (4)","Answer":"EVER","Explanation":"Definition: Always\nsEVER (cut) with top missing"} {"Clue":"Notes a passenger (4)","Answer":"FARE","Explanation":"Definition: a passenger\nFA and RE are notes of the scale"} {"Clue":"Second\u00a0truss? (7)","Answer":"SUPPORT","Explanation":"Definition: Second\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Disciple held back by Deuteronomist (5)","Answer":"SIMON","Explanation":"Definition: Disciple\nfound reversed inside deuteroNOMISt"} {"Clue":"Find out one leaves valley (4)","Answer":"GLEN","Explanation":"Definition: valley\nGLEaN (find out) missing A (one)"} {"Clue":"Go away with vocal trainer? (4)","Answer":"SHOO","Explanation":"Definition: Go away\nsounds like (vocal) shoe (trainer)"} {"Clue":"\"Fear not\", no unorthodox form of greeting? (9)","Answer":"AFTERNOON","Explanation":"Definition: form of greeting\nanagram (unorthodox) of FEAR NOT NO"} {"Clue":"Strip of a continental dress (5)","Answer":"UNRIG","Explanation":"Definition: Strip\nUN (a French, continental) and RIG (dress)"} {"Clue":"One writing cryptic says, \"I set\" (8)","Answer":"ESSAYIST","Explanation":"Definition: One writing\nanagram (cryptic) of SAYS I SET"} {"Clue":"Brief film entertains wife (6)","Answer":"LAWYER","Explanation":"Definition: Brief\nLAYER (film) contains (entertains) W (wife)"} {"Clue":"Spiritual and other things surrounding this place (8)","Answer":"ETHEREAL","Explanation":"Definition: Spiritual\nET AL (and other things) containing HERE (this place)"} {"Clue":"Young men irritate soldiers (8)","Answer":"GALLANTS","Explanation":"Definition: Young men\nGALL (irritate) ANTS (soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Physicist's weightless gas (4)","Answer":"NEON","Explanation":"Definition: gas\nNEwtON (physicist) missing WT (weight)"} {"Clue":"Musical note found in Czech and Greek Opera! (6,1)","Answer":"MIDDLE E","Explanation":"Definition: Musical note\nczEch, grEek and opEra all have E as the middle letter"} {"Clue":"Cleric in Somalia set up lots of deliveries (5)","Answer":"OVERS","Explanation":"Definition: lots of deliveries\nREV (cleric) in SO (Somalia) all reversed (set up)"} {"Clue":"Cured magazine boss after return of illness (6)","Answer":"SMOKED","Explanation":"Definition: Cured\nOK (magazine) ED (boss) following MS (illness) reversed (return of)"} {"Clue":"Deplore Edward turning up on estate (6)","Answer":"DETEST","Explanation":"Definition: Deplore\nTED (Edard) reversed (turning up) on EST (estate)"} {"Clue":"Signs over \"Gents'\" (5)","Answer":"OMENS","Explanation":"Definition: Signs\nO (over) and MEN'S (gent's)"} {"Clue":"South American picnics regularly with Australian (4)","Answer":"INCA","Explanation":"Definition: South American\npIcNiCs (regularly) and A (Australian)"} {"Clue":"See opponents start to play hockey at last (4)","Answer":"ESPY","Explanation":"Definition: See\nE S (East and South, opponents at bridge) Play (start of) then hockeY (end of)"} {"Clue":"Kind of myth confused with lore (8)","Answer":"MOTHERLY","Explanation":"Definition: Kind\nanagram (confused) of MYTH and LORE"} {"Clue":"Patience maybe on about being more determined (8)","Answer":"STRONGER","Explanation":"Definition: more determined\nPatience STRONG (poet) then RE (on, regarding) reversed (about)"} {"Clue":"Monopolise congress after its leader goes mad (7)","Answer":"ENGROSS","Explanation":"Definition: Monopolise\nanagram (mad) of cONGRESS missing leading letter"} {"Clue":"Rigid\u00a0back (5)","Answer":"STERN","Explanation":"Definition: Rigid\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Rank\u00a0group of houses (6)","Answer":"ESTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Rank\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Band hits heroin instead of ecstasy (6)","Answer":"SMITHS","Explanation":"Definition: Band\nSMITeS (hits) with E (ecstacy) replaced by H (heroin)"} {"Clue":"Socially inept duke invested in Tyneside railway (5)","Answer":"NERDY","Explanation":"Definition: Socially inept\nD (duke) inside NE (North-East, Tyneside perhaps) RY (railway)"} {"Clue":"Instrument seen in Frankfurt U-Bahn (4)","Answer":"TUBA","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\nfound inside frankfurT U-BAhn"} {"Clue":"Head from frozen residence with heavens overcast (6)","Answer":"GLOOMY","Explanation":"Definition: overcast\niGLOO (frozen residence) missing head then MY (heavens!)"} {"Clue":"Gary, chap cooking old Spanish dish (8)","Answer":"GAZPACHO","Explanation":"Definition: Spanish dish \nGAZ (Gary, nickname) then CHAP* anagram=cooking and O (old)"} {"Clue":"Noisily pursued gold vehicle (7)","Answer":"TRACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: vehicle\nTRACT sounds like (noisily) \"tracked\" (pursued) then OR (gold)"} {"Clue":"Unruly port, in our view (7)","Answer":"RIOTOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Unruly\nRIO (port) then TO US (in our view)"} {"Clue":"Ceremony ignores social worker who attends (4)","Answer":"PAGE","Explanation":"Definition: who attends\nPAGEant (ceremony) missing ANT (social worker)"} {"Clue":"Recommend dessert which includes berrylike fruit \u2013 it's passed over (3,2,1,4)","Answer":"PUT IN A WORD","Explanation":"Definition: Recommend\nPUD (dessert) containing (which includes) ROWAN (berrylike fruit) and IT both reversed (passed over)"} {"Clue":"Big guns regularly brought in to view player being transferred? (6)","Answer":"SIGNEE","Explanation":"Definition: player being transferred\ngIg GuNs (regular selection from) inside SEE (view)"} {"Clue":"Explain a blackout encompassing retired community in the Balkans (7)","Answer":"ALBANIA","Explanation":"Definition: community in the Balkans\nfound reversed (retired) inside (encompassed by) explAIN A BLAckout"} {"Clue":"Female dignitary outside in Oxford returned punt (7)","Answer":"DOWAGER","Explanation":"Definition: Female dignitary\nOxforD (outside letters) reversed (returned) then WAGER (punt)"} {"Clue":"Daughter, covered in hail and disheartened, not coming (6)","Answer":"ADVENT","Explanation":"Definition: coming\nD (daughter) inside (covered in) AVE (hail) then NoT (disheartened, no middle letter)"} {"Clue":"Unexpected bonus attracts English runner at sports event (3,7)","Answer":"ICE SKATING","Explanation":"Definition: sports event\nICING (unexpected bonus) contains (attracts) ~~E (English)~~ ESK (English river, something that runs) and AT"} {"Clue":"Stage favourites reflected (4)","Answer":"STEP","Explanation":"Definition: Stage\nPETS (favourites) reversed (reflected)"} {"Clue":"Hoffman defends minor movie that's full of rubbish (7)","Answer":"DUSTBIN","Explanation":"Definition: that's full of rubbish \nDUSTIN Hoffman contains (defends) B (minor movie)"} {"Clue":"23 constructed on European boarding-house (7)","Answer":"PENSION","Explanation":"Definition: European boarding-house\nanagram (constructed) of SNIPE (23) then ON"} {"Clue":"Biblical figure produces very acidic fruit (8)","Answer":"PHILEMON","Explanation":"Definition: Biblical figure\nPHI (pH1 \u2013 very acidic) LEMON (fruit)"} {"Clue":"Piece of cloth beginning to scour hands and face? (6)","Answer":"SWATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Piece of cloth\nScour (first letter, beginning to) WATCH (something with hands and face)"} {"Clue":"One that's privy to secret tapes, got distributing? (8)","Answer":"GATEPOST","Explanation":"Definition: One that's privy to secret\nanagram (distributing) of TAPES GOT \u2013 \"just between you, me and the gatepost\u2026\""} {"Clue":"Dutch house, with grand building over plantation (6,5)","Answer":"ORANGE GROVE","Explanation":"Definition: plantation\nORANGE (Dutch house) with G (grand) and OVER* anagram=building"} {"Clue":"Hint from this writer about new techonology (4)","Answer":"MITE","Explanation":"Definition: Hint\nME (this writer) contains (about) ~~N (new) and T (Technology)~~ *IT (new technology)\u00a0*\u2013 a very small amount"} {"Clue":"One's fired successor mentioning loot (3,5)","Answer":"AIR RIFLE","Explanation":"Definition: One's fired\nAIR sounds like (mentioning) heir (successor) then RIFLE (loot)"} {"Clue":"Religious information perhaps for heathen lawyer (10)","Answer":"PROPAGANDA","Explanation":"Definition: Religious information perhaps\nPRO (for) PAGAN (heathen) DA (lawyer)"} {"Clue":"Constant old pair speak lovingly (3)","Answer":"COO","Explanation":"Definition: speak lovingly\nC (constant) O O (old, pair of)"} {"Clue":"Seaman catches new fish in position where netting's permitted (6)","Answer":"ONSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: position where netting's permitted\nOS (ordinary seaman) contains (catches) N (new) then IDE (fish) \u2013 football reference"} {"Clue":"Grumpy type voiced disapproval about run out (5)","Answer":"TROUT","Explanation":"Definition: Grumpy type\nTUT (voiced disapproval) containing (about) RO (run out, cricket)"} {"Clue":"Novel food embraced by two cooking originally (6,5)","Answer":"OLIVER TWIST","Explanation":"Definition: Novel\nLIVER (food) inside (embraced by) TWO* anagram=cooking then IST (1st, originally)"} {"Clue":"Can be checked again by teacher? It's important (10)","Answer":"REMARKABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Can be checked again by teacher\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Discussed uplifting green colour on roof of office (4,4)","Answer":"WENT INTO","Explanation":"Definition: Discussed\nNEW (green) reversed (uplifting) on TINT (colour) and Office (first letter, roof of)"} {"Clue":"Fancy chain can obtain bathroom feature, if absolutely necessary (2,1,5)","Answer":"AT A PINCH","Explanation":"Definition: if absolutely necessary\nanagram (fancy) of CHAIN contains (can obtain) TAP (bathroom feature)"} {"Clue":"Finish\u00a0joke (4-2)","Answer":"WIND-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Finish\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Discount store's last gamebird (5)","Answer":"SNIPE","Explanation":"Definition: gamebird\nSNIP (discount) storE (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Weather feature broadcast about six in evening (4)","Answer":"SNOW","Explanation":"Definition: Weather feature\n~~Jon SNOW, journalist and TV presenter who broadcast Channel 4 news about six pm~~ \u2013 *SOW (broadcast) contains about eveniNg (sixth letter of). Very nice clue!"} {"Clue":"Core section of huskies run on 26 (3)","Answer":"SKI","Explanation":"Definition: run on 26\ncentre (core section) of hiSKIes"} {"Clue":"Malicious Head of State examines checks that could assess how much benefit one receives (5,5)","Answer":"MEANS TESTS","Explanation":"MEAN (malicious) State (head letter of) and TESTS (checks)"} {"Clue":"Right time to grieve (4)","Answer":"TRUE","Explanation":"T (time) with RUE (to grieve)"} {"Clue":"Talk about a long story! (4)","Answer":"SAGA","Explanation":"GAS (talk) reversed (about) then A"} {"Clue":"Twix and KitKat? Mars banned, unfortunately (5,5)","Answer":"BRAND NAMES","Explanation":"anagram (unfortunately) of MARS BANNED"} {"Clue":"Cheer very quietly, leaving location (6)","Answer":"SOLACE","Explanation":"SO (very) pLACE (location) missing P (piano, quietly)"} {"Clue":"They put clothes on\u00a0chests of drawers (8)","Answer":"DRESSERS","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"One leaves string of invectives with rotten type of compromise (5-3)","Answer":"TRADE OFF","Explanation":"TiRADE (string of invectives) missing I (one) then OFF (rotten)"} {"Clue":"Italian novelist grabbing hard copy (4)","Answer":"ECHO","Explanation":"Umberto ECO (Italian novellist) contains (grabbing) H (hard)"} {"Clue":"Work over, returning to drink (4)","Answer":"OPUS","Explanation":"O (over) and SUP (to drink) reversed (returning)"} {"Clue":"Something for writers involved with end of book to put up with (8)","Answer":"INKSTAND","Explanation":"IN (involved with) booK (end of) then STAND (put up with)"} {"Clue":"Model rubs hair and gets spray (8)","Answer":"AIRBRUSH","Explanation":"anagram (model) of RUBS HAIR"} {"Clue":"Adore purchasing a good salad plant (6)","Answer":"LOVAGE","Explanation":"LOVE (adore) contains (purchasing) A G (good)"} {"Clue":"At Territorial Army in time to capture soldiers, showing talent (10)","Answer":"ATTAINMENT","Explanation":"AT TA (Territorial Army) then IN T (time) contains (capturing) MEN (soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Slap following second argument (4)","Answer":"SPAT","Explanation":"PAT (slap) following S (second)"} {"Clue":"Starts to test rules? Our dad put his foot down! (4)","Answer":"TROD","Explanation":"starting letters of Test Rules Our Dad"} {"Clue":"Incoming water \u2013 desiring it at sea? (6,4)","Answer":"RISING TIDE","Explanation":"anagram (at sea) of DESIRING IT"} {"Clue":"European chap upset by our charm (7)","Answer":"ENAMOUR","Explanation":"E (European) MAN (chap) reversed (upset) then OUR"} {"Clue":"Antelope set to be raised in North America (5)","Answer":"NYALA","Explanation":"LAY (set) in NA (North America)"} {"Clue":"Servant able to polish concealed part of furniture (5,3)","Answer":"TABLE TOP","Explanation":"concealed inside servanT ABLE TO Polish"} {"Clue":"Unhappily sniff assent with dosh being withdrawn (15)","Answer":"STANDOFFISHNESS","Explanation":"anagram (unhappily) of SNIFF ASSENT with DOSH"} {"Clue":"Creeps after small flies (6)","Answer":"SEDGES","Explanation":"EDGES (creeps) following S (small)"} {"Clue":"Passing shot at tennis captivating Queen (9)","Answer":"TRANSIENT","Explanation":"anagram (shot) of AT TENNIS contains R (regina, queen)"} {"Clue":"Discover uranium on new planet (7)","Answer":"UNEARTH","Explanation":"U (Uranium) on N (new) and EARTH (planet)"} {"Clue":"Wild animal died after smash against car's instrument panel (9)","Answer":"DASHBOARD","Explanation":"BOAR (wild animal) D (died) following (after) DASH (smash against)"} {"Clue":"Doctor lost knee bones! (8)","Answer":"SKELETON","Explanation":"anagram (doctor) of LOST KNEE"} {"Clue":"Professional lacking heart to bury dog (7)","Answer":"POINTER","Explanation":"PrO (professional) missing middle letter (lacking heart) then INTER (bury)"} {"Clue":"Yank with alcohol keeled over \u2013 one's tight (7)","Answer":"NIGGARD","Explanation":"DRAG (yank) with GIN (alcohol) both reversed (keeled over)"} {"Clue":"Something attached to a sledge? Bolt, perhaps (6)","Answer":"RUNNER","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Suffering rejection by relatives joins husband for Islamic wedding (5)","Answer":"NIKAH","Explanation":"Definition: Islamic wedding\nA (by) KIN (relatives) both reversed (suffering rejection) with H (husband)"} {"Clue":"Stars I bet he'll treat suspiciously (3,6,4)","Answer":"THE LITTLE BEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Stars\nanagram (suspiciously) of I BET HE'LL TREAT"} {"Clue":"Elegant, refined male accepted by nobility at the outset (9)","Answer":"GENTLEMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Elegant, refined male accepted by nobility at the outset \nELEGANT anagram=refined contains (accepted) M (male) following (by) Nobility( first letter of, at the outset) \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Hitmen shot outside Exeter rehabilitated, remarkably (2,3,7)","Answer":"IN THE EXTREME","Explanation":"Definition: remarkably\nHITMEN* anagram=shot contains (outside) EXETER* anagram rehabilitated"} {"Clue":"East End journo's split level TV ruined by bloody drink (5,6)","Answer":"BLACK VELVET","Explanation":"Definition: drink\n'ACK (hack, journalist in East London accent) goes inside (splits) anagram (ruined) of LEVEL TV all following (by) B (bloody)"} {"Clue":"Winding in and out of Ascot Henry covered up with a garment (9)","Answer":"WAISTCOAT","Explanation":"Definition: garment\n~~I can't explain this~~ *anagram (winding in and out) of ASCOT and WITh A missing (covered up) H (Henry)"} {"Clue":"Orang-utan? It's being bellicose (5)","Answer":"SATYR","Explanation":"Definition: Orang-utan\n~~just a guess \u2013 an orang-utan is \"man of the forest\" and a satyr is a \"god of the forest\", but neither is a warlike being as far as I know~~ *SA (sex appeal, it) has TYR (Norse war god, bellicose being)"} {"Clue":"Something fruity you've the good sense to remove from wine-list (5)","Answer":"NELIS","Explanation":"Definition: Something fruity\nwiNELISt with WIT (good sense) removed \u2013 a type of pear"} {"Clue":"Those excluded from adult learning facility getting into a scrap (3,3,3)","Answer":"ODD MEN OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Those excluded\nOU (Open University, adult learning facilit) inside ODDMENT (scrap)"} {"Clue":"\"Fat\" Alban canonised? Blow me down! (11)","Answer":"FLABBERGAST","Explanation":"Definition: Blow me down\nif you canonise a fat Alban Berg then you make FLAB BERG\u00a0A ST"} {"Clue":"On top of ventail is alternative protection (5)","Answer":"VISOR","Explanation":"Definition: protection\nVentail (top of) with IS and OR (alternative)"} {"Clue":"What asthmatic carries about drug in the interest of hepatologist? (9)","Answer":"RELIEVERS","Explanation":"Definition: What asthmatic carries about\nRE (regarding, about) then E (ecstasy) in LIVERS (the interest of hepatologist)"} {"Clue":"Period Poles span in merging organs? (4,5)","Answer":"NINE YEARS","Explanation":"Definition: Period\nN and S (poles) contain (span) IN EYEAR (EYE and EAR, two organs, merged)"} {"Clue":"Like bird enjoying breakfast in the garden, not quite topless (5)","Answer":"EARLY","Explanation":"Definition: Like bird enjoying breakfast in the garden\nnEARLY (not quite, topless) \u2013 the early bird catches the worm"} {"Clue":"Hopeless faux pas by player in eastern drama (2,2)","Answer":"NOGO","Explanation":"Definition: Hopeless\nOG (own goal, faux pas by player) in NO (Japanese drama)"} {"Clue":"A big piece of luck in golf (4)","Answer":"KING","Explanation":"Definition: A big piece\nfound inside lucK IN Golf \u2013 a big chess piece"} {"Clue":"Occupants of sea shanty having a little party (7)","Answer":"HALIBUT","Explanation":"Definition: Occupants of sea\nHUT (shanty) contains (having) A LIB (Liberal, political party, ltttle=abbreviated)"} {"Clue":"In Florida resort to work corruptly for auditor (5)","Answer":"TAMPA","Explanation":"Definition: In Florida resort\nsounds like (for auditor) \"tamper\" (to work corruptly)"} {"Clue":"A long time in the past a gambling game, never ever forgotten (3)","Answer":"EON","Explanation":"Definition: A long time\nEO (gambling game, in the past=obsolete) and Never (missing ever)"} {"Clue":"Movie-cameras one's keeping cool (7)","Answer":"ICINESS","Explanation":"Definition: cool \nCINES (movie-cameras) inside (kept by) I'S (one's)"} {"Clue":"Smartening it up, repeatedly given a hand but no head (10)","Answer":"TITIVATION","Explanation":"Definition: Smartening\nIT IT (it repeated) reversed (up) with oVATION (a hand, missing head)"} {"Clue":"Teacher's briefly taken lunch outside \u2013 they're on roll (10)","Answer":"ELECTORATE","Explanation":"Definition: they're on roll\n~~another I can't explain~~ *LECTOR (teacher) inside (with\u2026outside) EATEn (taken lunch, briefly)"} {"Clue":"Flew alien over in hoax (5)","Answer":"KITED","Explanation":"Definition: Flew\nET (alien) reversed (over) in KID (hoax)"} {"Clue":"Bard, looking sickly in Seat 5, willing to participate (4,2,4)","Answer":"SWAN OF AVON","Explanation":"Definition: Bard\nWAN (looking sickly) in SOFA (seat) V (five) and ON (willing to participate) \u2013 Ben Jonson's nickname for Shakespeare"} {"Clue":"Claim from hypochondriac's won round writer (10)","Answer":"WILLIAMSON","Explanation":"Definition: writer\nILL I AM (claim from hypochondriac) inside (with\u2026round) WON \u2013 writer David (?) Williamson. There are other possibilities too."} {"Clue":"Work at expanding crossword compilers' repute (5)","Answer":"ODOUR","Explanation":"Definition: repute\nDO (work at) inside (expanding) OUR (crossword compilers')"} {"Clue":"How judge operates? Utterly British, and not a minute too soon? (7)","Answer":"SOBERLY","Explanation":"Definition: How judge operates\nSO (utterly) B (British) and EaRLY (minute too soon) missing A (not a) \u2013 as sober as a judge"} {"Clue":"Finally reducing support for the head (5)","Answer":"ATLAS","Explanation":"Definition: support for the head\nAT LASt (finally) cut short (reducing) \u2013 the top vertebra"} {"Clue":"Given the odds, it's easy for old Gordon Bennett! (1,3)","Answer":"I SAY","Explanation":"Definition: old Gordon Bennett\nIt'S eAsY (odd letters from)"} {"Clue":"Completely dry up? Unlikely for this feature (3)","Answer":"RIA","Explanation":"Definition: Unlikely for this feature\nAIR (completely dry) reversed (up) \u2013 a flooded valley"} {"Clue":"Pound loss with a new drop in ounces (4,8)","Answer":"SNOW LEOPARDS","Explanation":"Definition: ounces\nanagram (pound, beat up) of LOSS with A NEW DROP"} {"Clue":"Article, pretty sharp (5)","Answer":"ACUTE","Explanation":"Definition: sharp\nA (indefinite article) and CUTE (pretty)"} {"Clue":"Drinking loads, fish has a drink (5,4)","Answer":"CREAM SODA","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nREAMS (loads, lots of something) inside (drunk by) COD has A"} {"Clue":"University central to artier Bohemian region of old Italy (7)","Answer":"ETRURIA","Explanation":"Definition: region of old Italy\nU (university) in the middle of (central to) an anagram (bohemian, unconventional) of ARTIER"} {"Clue":"Is in the past defining present, however? (7)","Answer":"WHEREAS","Explanation":"Definition: however\nWAS (is in the past) contains (defining) HERE (present) \u2013 \"defining\" can mean \"to set the bounds or limits of\""} {"Clue":"Skiing gear for Shropshire dance troupe? (10)","Answer":"SALOPETTES","Explanation":"Definition: Skiing gear\nSALOP is an old name for Shropshire, so \"The Salopettes\" could be a whimsical dance group from Shropshire, or from Shrewsbury School perhaps"} {"Clue":"Test period complete (4)","Answer":"OVER","Explanation":"Definition: complete\nan over is period (six deliveries) in a Test Match"} {"Clue":"Feeling party heading for government, politician not beginning to embrace it (4)","Answer":"ORGY","Explanation":"Definition: Feeling party\nGovernment (heading for, first letter) inside (embraced by) tORY (politician, not beginning)"} {"Clue":"Old actions right after western in American broadcast (7,3)","Answer":"CRIMEAN WAR","Explanation":"Definition: Old actions\nR (right) follows W (western) inside AMERICAN* anagram=broadcast"} {"Clue":"Confused mixture coming from newspaper published in the Algarve? (7)","Answer":"FARRAGO","Explanation":"Definition: Confused mixture\nRAG (newspaper) inside (published in) FARO (somewhere in the Algarve)"} {"Clue":"Double agent finally caught by spy, then daughter spotted (7)","Answer":"MOTTLED","Explanation":"Definition: spotted\nT T (agenT finally, doubled) inside (caught by) MOLE (spy) then D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Scrooge broke banks in US state (9)","Answer":"SKINFLINT","Explanation":"Definition: Scrooge\nSKINT (broke) contains (banks) IN FL (US state)"} {"Clue":"Firm\u00a0rear (5)","Answer":"STERN","Explanation":"Definition: Firm\ndouble definition \u2013 nicely understated by Paul"} {"Clue":"Large mammals eating duck, bloody little one, less than excited (5,2,5)","Answer":"BORED TO TEARS","Explanation":"Definition: less than excited\nBEARS (large mammals) contain (eating) O (duck) RED (Bloody) TOT (little one)"} {"Clue":"Position dinosaur's taken on stage (6,3)","Answer":"SQUARE LEG","Explanation":"Definition: Position\nSQUARE (dinosaur, someone old-fashioned) on LEG (stage) \u2013 cricket fielding position"} {"Clue":"I reprove wrinkly, as going to seed (8)","Answer":"OVERRIPE","Explanation":"Definition: going to seed\nanagram (wrinkly) of I REPROVE"} {"Clue":"Material heading for comet in small constellation (5)","Answer":"LYCRA","Explanation":"Definition: Material\nComet (heading for, first letter) in LYRA (small constellation)"} {"Clue":"However unlikely, lame odds for defeat (9)","Answer":"OVERWHELM","Explanation":"Definition: defeat\nanagram (unlikely) of HOWEVER on LaMe (odd letters of)"} {"Clue":"After uprising, I'm inspired by belligerent god, fighting multitudes (6)","Answer":"ARMIES","Explanation":"Definition: fighting multitudes\nI'M reversed (after uprising) inside (inspired by) ARES (belligerent god, Greek god of war)"} {"Clue":"Queen's partner cooked outstanding royal starter (5)","Answer":"DRONE","Explanation":"Definition: Queen's partner\nDONE (cooked) contains (outstanding) Royal (starter, first letter of) \u2013 partner of a queen bee"} {"Clue":"Light touch for a lady driver? (6)","Answer":"CARESS","Explanation":"Definition: Light touch\ndefinition and cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Egyptian leader participating in revolution, as serene (6)","Answer":"NASSER","Explanation":"Definition: Egyptian leader\nfound inside (participating in) revolutioN AS SERene"} {"Clue":"Sin is in midst of battle, as enemy of freedom? (9)","Answer":"TERRORIST","Explanation":"Definition: enemy of freedom\nERROR IS in baTTle (midst, middle letters of)"} {"Clue":"Myth is so very old, old actor beginning to slumber (9)","Answer":"VOWELLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Myth is so\nV (very) O (old) WELLES (Orson Welles, old actor) and Slumber (beginning letter of)"} {"Clue":"Wonderful work ending for magician in land of huge, huge proportions? (8)","Answer":"FANTASIA","Explanation":"Definition: Wonderful work\nmagiciaN (ending for) in FAT ASIA (land of huge, huge proportions). My take is that AISA is a land of huge proportions, so FAT ASIA would be a huge land of huge proportions. Sort of works, but not quite?"} {"Clue":"Stupid remark after online discovery? (6)","Answer":"OAFISH","Explanation":"Definition: Stupid\n\"Oh a fish!\" \u2013 what one might say after discovering a fish on the end of one's line. I was sidetracked for a while into looking for fishplates on railway lines, but then realised the error of my ways."} {"Clue":"Unpleasant noise breaking gear on a bike (6)","Answer":"RIDING","Explanation":"Definition: on a bike\nDIN (unpleasant noise) inside (breaking) RIG (gear)"} {"Clue":"Spirit phenomenal, when up for puzzle (6)","Answer":"BAFFLE","Explanation":"Definition: puzzle\nELF (spirit) and FAB (phenomenal) both reversed (when up)"} {"Clue":"Greek character welcoming home a pachyderm (5)","Answer":"RHINO","Explanation":"Definition: a pachyderm\nRHO (Greek character) contains (welcoming) IN (home)"} {"Clue":"Ultimate in excitement in bubbly composition (5)","Answer":"MOTET","Explanation":"Definition: composition\nexcitemenT (ultimate, last letter of) in MOET (bubbly)"} {"Clue":"Legendary bowler gets duck (5)","Answer":"DRAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Legendary bowler\ndouble definition \u2013 Sir Francis Drake who according to legend went bowling as the Spanish Armada approached. This made me smile \u2013 nothing to do with cricket for a change!"} {"Clue":"Lively movement in Spooner's beer glass (9)","Answer":"JITTERBUG","Explanation":"Definition: Lively movement\na BITTER JUG for the Reverend Spooner"} {"Clue":"It charts the highs and lows of English film drama \u2013 gather round (6,3)","Answer":"RELIEF MAP","Explanation":"Definition: It charts the highs and lows\nanagram (drama) of E (English) and FILM inside (with\u2026round) REAP (gather)"} {"Clue":"Material that's hard to see in space? On the contrary (5)","Answer":"DENIM","Explanation":"Definition: Material\nEN (space in printing) in DIM (hard to see)"} {"Clue":"Money's short, unable to be spent frequently \u2013 that's careless (6)","Answer":"CASUAL","Explanation":"Definition: careless\nCASh (money, short) with UnAbLe (missing every other letter, spent frequently)"} {"Clue":"Country park mostly indistinct, having no boundaries \u2013 area unknown (8)","Answer":"PARAGUAY","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nPARk (mostly) vAGUe (indistinct) missing outside letters (having no boundaries) then A (area) and Y (unknown)"} {"Clue":"Looking ahead, Essex Police cut administration, continually being decentralised (10)","Answer":"EXPECTANCY","Explanation":"Definition: Looking ahead\nthe outside letters (being decentralised) EsseX PolicE CuT AadministrationN ContinuallY"} {"Clue":"Character not the first to get urge (4)","Answer":"ITCH","Explanation":"Definition: urge\naITCH (H, character) missing the first letter"} {"Clue":"Leaving jacket, nipped out for a smoke? (4)","Answer":"PIPE","Explanation":"Definition: a smoke\nanagram (out) of nIPPEd missing outide letters (leaving jacket)"} {"Clue":"They may come across a school where truants hide in the back of cupboard (4-6)","Answer":"SKIN DIVERS","Explanation":"Definition: They may come across a school\nSKIVERS (truants) contain (hide) IN and cupboarD (the back letter of) \u2013 they may come across a school of fish"} {"Clue":"Sort of material found in corset \u2013 needing to be used regularly, having put on weight (8)","Answer":"CRETONNE","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of material\nCoRsEt (needing to be used regularly, every other letter) with (having put on) TONNE (weight)"} {"Clue":"Creature's droppings mostly deposited in middle of aviary (6)","Answer":"IGUANA","Explanation":"Definition: Creature\nGUANo (droppings. mostly) inside avIAry (middle letters of)"} {"Clue":"Being old and moody, one might hit you in the nose (5)","Answer":"ODOUR","Explanation":"Definition: one might hit you in the nose\nO (old) and DOUR (moody)"} {"Clue":"Current delay is over \u2013 without it having started (9)","Answer":"INITIATED","Explanation":"Definition: having started\nI (symbol for electric current) then DETAIN (delay) reversed (is over) containing (without) IT"} {"Clue":"Soaps go in for dramatising unseen killer (6,3)","Answer":"POISON GAS","Explanation":"Definition: unseen killer\nanagram (dramatised) of SOAPS GO IN"} {"Clue":"First? Almost not the first (5)","Answer":"EARLY","Explanation":"Definition: First\nnEARLY (not the first) \u2013 a nice reversal of 2dn AT LASt (not the last)"} {"Clue":"Tired chap works for peanuts (4,5)","Answer":"DIRT CHEAP","Explanation":"Definition: for peanuts\nanagram (works) of TIRED CHAP"} {"Clue":"You'll find 12 in this, ultimately detailed? (5)","Answer":"ATLAS","Explanation":"Definition: You'll find 12 in this\nAT LASt (ultimately, without a tail letter)"} {"Clue":"Key Stage One accommodates new class (8)","Answer":"ELEGANCE","Explanation":"Definition: class \nE (key, music) LEG (stage) then ACE (one) contains (accomodates) N (new)"} {"Clue":"Show surprise when Judd Trump misses middle pocket (4)","Answer":"JUMP","Explanation":"Definition: Show surprise\nJUdd trMP missing central letters (middle pcoket)"} {"Clue":"Recording includes Daniel Craig's first steps (10)","Answer":"TAPDANCING","Explanation":"Definition: steps\nTAPING (recording) contains DAN (Daniel) Craig (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Tail deteriorate after losing wicket and appeal (6)","Answer":"ENDEAR","Explanation":"Definition: appeal\nEND (tail) and wEAR (deteriorate) missing W (wicket)"} {"Clue":"Type of seat found in bar perhaps, and in Paris, on reflection \u2013 without question (9)","Answer":"BANQUETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Type of seat\nBAN (bar, perhaps) ~~ET (perhaps?)~~ ET (and, in Paris) *and the ET again but this time* reversed (on reflection) contains QU (question). ~~I can't explain why ET is \"perhaps\". Perhaps I have got this wrong altogether.~~"} {"Clue":"Good morning \u2013 I say, how's your bad leg? (5)","Answer":"GAMMY","Explanation":"Definition: how's your bad leg\nG (good) AM (morning) and MY (I say!) \u2013 how a bad leg is"} {"Clue":"Appearing at last, chicken tikka's pink when cooked \u2013 call for a bit of service? (6,4)","Answer":"NAPKIN RING","Explanation":"Definition: a bit of service\nanagram (when cooked) of chikeN tikkA (appearing at last, last letters of) and PINK followed by RING (call) \u2013 a bit of a dinner service"} {"Clue":"With vigour, I consumed Argentine food (9)","Answer":"PEPPERONI","Explanation":"Definition: food\nPEP (vigour) I contains (consumed) PERON (an Argentine)"} {"Clue":"Extremes of Australian bush unfortunately not the best for dairy farming (9)","Answer":"HUSBANDRY","Explanation":"Definition: farming\nanagram (unfortunately) of AustraliaN (extreme letters of) and BUSH then ~~DRY (not the best?)~~ DaiRY missing AI (A1, the best) \u2013 I'm not sure why dry would mean \"not the best\". The only contrived explanation I can come up with is that dry beer is brewed to remove the bitter taste, so it could not be \"best bitter\"."} {"Clue":"Where you'll get seconds \u2013 doughnuts one 21 picked up (8)","Answer":"RINGSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Where you'll get seconds\nRINGS (doughnuts) I (one) then ED (editor, journo) reversed (picked up) \u2013 seconds in boxing"} {"Clue":"Girl taking pot with old hack (6)","Answer":"JOURNO","Explanation":"Definition: hack\nJO (girl's name) and URN (pot) with O (old)"} {"Clue":"Piece of meat that's medium on the inside \u2013 one needs to chew hard (5)","Answer":"CHOMP","Explanation":"Definition: to chew hard\nCHOP (piece of meat) contains (that has\u2026on the inside) M (medium)"} {"Clue":"Looking for a publication on climbing (5)","Answer":"AFTER","Explanation":"Definition: Looking for\nA FT (publication) then RE (on, regarding) reversed (climbing)"} {"Clue":"Prejudice shown when in support of substantial cut (4)","Answer":"BIAS","Explanation":"Definition: Prejudice\nAS (when) underneath (in support of) BIg (substantial, cut short)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps school member only returning a musical instrument (4,4)","Answer":"BASS TUBA","Explanation":"Definition: musical instrument\nBASS (fish, member of a school pehaps) with BUT (only) reversed and A"} {"Clue":"Writer, when shaving, coins fundamental word in Italian (6)","Answer":"PENCIL","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\nPENCe (coins, missing bottom letter, when shaved fundamantally) and IL (an italian word). I think I have this right. Perhaps il could be a \"fundamental word in Italian\"? Either way to just pick a single word from another language without a more explicit indication of which word is required does not seem in keeping with the tight clueing style of the rest of the crossword."} {"Clue":"In full gear suffering after attending opening of library (2,5)","Answer":"AT LARGE","Explanation":"Definition: In full\nanagram (suffering) of GEAR following AT (attending) and Library (opening letter of)"} {"Clue":"Most complicated threads to embroider (7)","Answer":"HARDEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most complicated\nanagram (to embroider) of THREADS"} {"Clue":"Desert bar as one male enters rolling about (5)","Answer":"NAMIB","Explanation":"Definition: Desert \nBAN (bar) contians (as\u2026enters) I (one) M (male) all reversed (rolling about)"} {"Clue":"Novelist who grasps poetry with practice (9)","Answer":"WODEHOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Novelist\nWHO contains (grasps) ODE (poetry) with USE (practice)"} {"Clue":"Talented creator, born for hairdressing (12)","Answer":"BRILLIANTINE","Explanation":"Definition: hairdressing\nBRILLIANT (talented) I (the creator of this crossword) and NE (born) \u2013 a dressing for the hair"} {"Clue":"Film director using uncut material by Shakespeare, good for opening (5,7)","Answer":"TERRY GILLIAM","Explanation":"Definition: Film director\nTERRY (uncut material) and wILLIAM (Shakespeare) with G (good) as the opening letter\u00a0\u2013 the pile on terry cloth is uncut, leaving it as loops rather than strands"} {"Clue":"Game bird training horse to turn after limb originally injured (9)","Answer":"PTARMIGAN","Explanation":"Definition: Game bird\nPT (physical training) NAG (horse) reversed (to turn) following (after) ARM (limb) and Injured (originally, initial letter)"} {"Clue":"Line delineates a piece of field abounding with trees (5)","Answer":"LEAFY","Explanation":"Definition: abounding with trees\nLEY (line) contains (delineates) A Field (first letter, a piece of)"} {"Clue":"Stars accepted arrangement of host nation (7)","Answer":"LESOTHO","Explanation":"Definition: nation\nLEO (stars) contain (accepted) HOST* anagram=arrangement of"} {"Clue":"Academy paintings captivate minister for defence (7)","Answer":"RAMPART","Explanation":"Definition: defence\nRA (Royal Academy) ART (paintings) contain (captivate) MP (minister)"} {"Clue":"Fancy gentleman diving into British river (6)","Answer":"DESIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Fancy\nSIR (gentleman) inside (diving into) DEE (a British river)"} {"Clue":"Toothless thing in rubbish eaten by garden creature ultimately (8)","Answer":"EDENTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Toothless thing\nTAT (rubbish) inside (eaten by) EDEN (garden) and creaturE (ultimately, last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Busybody keeps relative half- cut with wine (6)","Answer":"BEAUNE","Explanation":"Definition: wine\nBEE (busy body) contains (keeps) AUNtie (relative, half cut)"} {"Clue":"Crux of plot appears in similar opera (6)","Answer":"SALOME","Explanation":"Definition: opera\npLOt (crux, essential part, middle letters of) in SAME (similar)"} {"Clue":"Landscape painter touring Britain tracks course in Scotland (9)","Answer":"TURNBERRY","Explanation":"Definition: course in Scotland\nTURNER (landscape painter) contains (touring) B (Britain) then RY (railway, tracks)"} {"Clue":"Hefty fare that man contested at Waterloo after gripe (4,10)","Answer":"BEEF WELLINGTON","Explanation":"Definition: Hefty fare\nWELLING (man who contested at Waterloo) following BEEF (gripe)"} {"Clue":"Land near the houses (5)","Answer":"EARTH","Explanation":"Definition: Land\nfound inside (housed by) nEAR THe"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary spirit attracts two angelic-looking people (8)","Answer":"CHERUBIM","Explanation":"Definition: angelic-looking people\nCHE (revolutionary) RUM (spirit) contains (attracts) BI (two)"} {"Clue":"Academic's landlord extended after vacation (8)","Answer":"LETTERED","Explanation":"Definition: Academic's\nLETTER (landlord) with ExtendeD (after vaction, vacant=empty) \u2013 what an academic is"} {"Clue":"Chicken dish Leonard cooked with ginger (5,6,3)","Answer":"RHODE ISLAND RED","Explanation":"Definition: Chicken\nanagram (cooked) of DISH LEONARD followed by RED (ginger)"} {"Clue":"Composer Michael wanted to embrace aristocrat \u2013 he almost reaches (6,3)","Answer":"NEARLY MAN","Explanation":"Definition: he almost reache\nMichael NYMAN contains (to embrace) EARL (aristocrat)"} {"Clue":"Dotty taking alcoholic drink in outskirts of Stroud (8)","Answer":"STIPPLED","Explanation":"Definition: Dotty\nTIPPLE (alcoholic drink) in StrouD (outskirts of)"} {"Clue":"River boat, one with elite soldiers (8)","Answer":"ARKANSAS","Explanation":"Definition: River\nARK (boat) AN (one) with SAS (elite soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Father having to cough up a tropical fruit (6)","Answer":"PAPAYA","Explanation":"Definition: tropical fruit\nPA (father) with PAY (to cough up) then A"} {"Clue":"Attempt to penetrate wood to uproot evergreen shrub (6)","Answer":"MYRTLE","Explanation":"Definition: evergreen shrub\nTRY (attempt) inside (to penetrate) ELM (wood) all reversed (to uproot)"} {"Clue":"Drive doctor to river (5)","Answer":"MOTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Drive\nMO (doctor) TO and R (river)"} {"Clue":"Protective cover on sides of settee when painting (8)","Answer":"SEASCAPE","Explanation":"Definition: painting\nCAPE (protective cover) on SetteE (side letters from) and AS (when)"} {"Clue":"Running ahead, look around (6)","Answer":"UPKEEP","Explanation":"Definition: Running\nUP (ahead) PEEK (look) reversed (around)"} {"Clue":"Oil wasted on voyage to get to port city (7)","Answer":"TRIPOLI","Explanation":"Definition: port city\nOIL* anagram=wasted following (on) TRIP (voyage)"} {"Clue":"One stopping athlete becoming more fluid (7)","Answer":"RUNNIER","Explanation":"Definition: more fluid\nI (one) inside (stopping, like a cork) RUNNER (athlete)"} {"Clue":"Pressure acceptable when gripping learner beginning to acquire dance (5)","Answer":"POLKA","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nP (pressure) then OK (acceptable) containing (when gripping) L (learner) followed by Aquire (beginning letter of)"} {"Clue":"Blue bonnet for US baby has not got there yet (9)","Answer":"ADULTHOOD","Explanation":"Definition: baby has not got there ye\nADULT (blue, as of a film) and HOOD (bonnet for US)"} {"Clue":"Line of South American people once enraged (12)","Answer":"INCANDESCENT","Explanation":"Definition: enraged \npeople of INCAN DESCENT are a line of South American people once"} {"Clue":"Clamp left in odd place in ship (12)","Answer":"STRANGLEHOLD","Explanation":"Definition: Clamp\nL (left) in STRANGE (odd) then HOLD (place in ship)"} {"Clue":"A bit daft carrying around US money in Morecambe, perhaps (9)","Answer":"ECCENTRIC","Explanation":"Definition: A bit daft\nC (circa, around) CENT (US money) in ERIC (Eric Morcambe perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Tribe from Nice nice? Not totally (5)","Answer":"ICENI","Explanation":"Definition: Tribe\nfound inside (not totally) nICE NIce"} {"Clue":"Rock emits no water (7)","Answer":"MOISTEN","Explanation":"Definition: water\nanagram (rock) of EMITS NO"} {"Clue":"Turn back on one's husband being ghastly (7)","Answer":"OGREISH","Explanation":"Definition: ghastly\nGO (turn) reversed (back) then RE (regarding, on) I'S (one's) H (husband)"} {"Clue":"Heard long joke's synopsis (6)","Answer":"DIGEST","Explanation":"Definition: synopsis\nsounds like (heard) \"die jest\" (long and joke)"} {"Clue":"Sort inside leak that's superficial (4-4)","Answer":"SKIN-DEEP","Explanation":"Definition: superficial\nKIND (sort) inside SEEP (leak)"} {"Clue":"Traps ahead buried in batches (3-3)","Answer":"SET-UPS","Explanation":"Definition: Traps\nUP (ahead) inside (buried in) SETS (batches)"} {"Clue":"In modern times, life is thrown away (6)","Answer":"AFIELD","Explanation":"Definition: away\nanagram (is thrown) of LIFE in AD (modern times)"} {"Clue":"Monsieur invested in exotic cargo, Frenchman's no primitive (3-6)","Answer":"CRO-MAGNON","Explanation":"Definition: primitive\nM (monsieur) inside CARGO* anagram=exotic then NON (no, in French)"} {"Clue":"A dance in textbook popular with a lead dancer (5,9)","Answer":"PRIMA BALLERINA","Explanation":"Definition: lead dancer\nA BALL (dance) in PRIMER (textbook) then IN with A"} {"Clue":"Wine glass containing nothing (5)","Answer":"PINOT","Explanation":"Definition: Wine\nPINT (glass) contains O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Eastern spies do overcome incidents (8)","Answer":"EPISODES","Explanation":"Definition: incidents\nE (eastern) then anagram (overcome) of SPIES DO"} {"Clue":"Greek character capturing monarch spots jewels (8)","Answer":"PERIDOTS","Explanation":"Definition: jewel\nPI (Greek character) contains (captures) ER (Elizabeth Regina, monarch) then DOTS (spots)"} {"Clue":"Liquid chocolate drunk all the time (6-3-5)","Answer":"AROUND-THE-CLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: all the time\nanagram (liquid) of CHOCOLATE DRUNK"} {"Clue":"Relative bearing granddad with resistance to continue (7,2)","Answer":"SOLDIER ON","Explanation":"Definition: to continue\nSON (relative) contains (bearing) OLDIE (granddad) with R (resistance)"} {"Clue":"Half of bees swarmed? Well judged (8)","Answer":"ESTEEMED","Explanation":"Definition: Well judged\nbeES (half of) then TEEMED (swarmed)"} {"Clue":"Very fast\u00a0making a witticism (8)","Answer":"CRACKING","Explanation":"Definition: Very fast\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Father about to enter church for shade (6)","Answer":"CERISE","Explanation":"Definition: shade\nSIRE (father) reversed (about) inside CE (Church of England)"} {"Clue":"Man on board second-rate ship uneasy with old interior (6)","Answer":"BISHOP","Explanation":"Definition: Man on board\nB (second rate) SHIP* anagram=uneasy contains (with\u2026interior) O (old) \u2013 man on a chess board"} {"Clue":"Determined to write up records (5)","Answer":"NOTES","Explanation":"Definition: records\nSET ON (determined) reversed (to write up)"} {"Clue":"Black girl between two pairs in popular dance (8)","Answer":"BOOGALOO","Explanation":"Definition: popular dance\nB (black) then GAL (girl) between OO and OO (two pairs)- a pair in cricket is a failure to score in either innings, so two zeros"} {"Clue":"Nail poster, ill trimmed, on pole (4)","Answer":"BROD","Explanation":"Definition: Nail\nBill (poster, missing ill) on ROD (pole) \u2013 I wasted a lot of time trying to make this be BRAD (another nail)"} {"Clue":"Stand-in to declare being old, worse than mediocre? (10)","Answer":"SUBAVERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: worse than mediocre\nSUB (stand-in) AVER AGE (to declare being old)"} {"Clue":"Fish and boiled tater (5)","Answer":"TETRA","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\nTATER* anagram=boiled"} {"Clue":"One Mexican speciality or another company polished off before sickness (5)","Answer":"TAMAL","Explanation":"Definition: One Mexican speciality\nTAco (another Mexican speciality) missing CO (company) before MAL (sickness)"} {"Clue":"Tarry as once in highland valley, heading to eastward? (4)","Answer":"LENG","Explanation":"Definition: Tarry as once\nGLEN (highland valley) with first letter moved to the right (eastern end)"} {"Clue":"Pre-lunch period in international, extremely dull (6)","Answer":"TAMEST","Explanation":"Definition: extremely dull\nAM (pre-lunch period) in TEST (international, cricket match)"} {"Clue":"Senior servant once wildly eager for anti-sun protection (8)","Answer":"PUGGAREE","Explanation":"Definition: anti-sun protection\nPUG (senior civil servant, obsolete) with EAGRE* anagram=wildly"} {"Clue":"Keeping constant, watch grand musical beat indicator? (8)","Answer":"SPHYGMUS","Explanation":"Definition: beat indicator\nSPY (watch) contains (keeping) H (h, Planck'sconstant) then G (grand) and MUS (musical) \u2013 the pulse, heartbeat indicator"} {"Clue":"Primitive latrine, we hear , burst in the bothie? (6)","Answer":"LOUPIT","Explanation":"Definition: burst in the bothie\nLOU PIT sounds like (we hear) \"loo pit\" (primitive latrine) \u2013 definition is 'burst', 'in the bothie' indicates Scottish usage"} {"Clue":"Showing (not losing) what early Olympian competed with (4)","Answer":"DISC","Explanation":"Definition: what early Olympian competed with\nDISClosing (showing) missing LOSING"} {"Clue":"Unpaired accessory soon trashed with old blockhead around (8)","Answer":"MONOSOME","Explanation":"Definition: Unpaired accessory\nSOON* anagram=trashed inside MOME (blockhead, old=Spenserian) \u2013 the unpaired accessory or X chromasome. I didn't quite understand this definition from Chambers, and looking up \"accessory chromasome\" in Wikipedia just left memore confused."} {"Clue":"Hand maybe drops in, about to dry out? (5)","Answer":"DETOX","Explanation":"Definition: dry out\ninDEX (hand, on a scale maybe) missing IN containing (about) TO"} {"Clue":"Lover of Paris \u2013 Sainte-Chapelle? Place she is at, excited (5)","Answer":"HELEN","Explanation":"Definition: Lover of Paris\nSAINT-CHAPELLE is an anagram (excited) of PLACE HELEN (she) IS AT"} {"Clue":"Draw: opener of exhibition mostly for adults only inveigling teen wrongly (10)","Answer":"EXENTERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Draw\nExhibition (opening letter of) X-RATEd (for adults only, mostly) containing (inveigling) TEEN* anagram=wrongly"} {"Clue":"What John Peel did in day listener retains, looking back? (4)","Answer":"RADE","Explanation":"Definition: What John Peel did\nD (day) inside (retained by) EAR (listener) reversed (looking back) \u2013 an old Northern English spelling for ride, John Peel was a Cumbrian fox hunter imortalised in the folk song: *D'ye ken John Peel with his coat so gray?*\n *D'ye ken John Peel at the break o' day?*\n *D'ye ken John Peel when he's far, far a-way.*\n *With his hounds and his horn in the morning?"} {"Clue":"Mangle battered linen fabric, not fine (8)","Answer":"DRABETTE","Explanation":"Definition: linen fabric, not fine\nBATTERED* anagram=mangle \u2013 a coarse linen fabric"} {"Clue":"Decanter tray I'd let circulate with lobster (12)","Answer":"BOTTLESLIDER","Explanation":"Definition: Decanter tray\nanagram (circulate) of I'D LET and LOBSTER"} {"Clue":"Give too much publicity to pooves jostling round English king (10)","Answer":"OVEREXPOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Give too much publicity to\nPOOVES* anagram=jostling containing E (English) REX (king)"} {"Clue":"Extra-large canvas making appearance in Shakespeare (6)","Answer":"OSTENT","Explanation":"Definition: appearance in Shakespeare\nOS (out-size, extra large) TENT (canvas)"} {"Clue":"Coming out on top is one trailing in award, i.e. behind (5)","Answer":"ABAFT","Explanation":"Definition: behind\nBAFTA (award) with the trailing A now on the top"} {"Clue":"Moral guide, one surrounded by lip (7)","Answer":"LABARUM","Explanation":"Definition: Moral guide\nA (one) inside LABRUM (lip)"} {"Clue":"Too much time in public (5)","Answer":"OVERT","Explanation":"Definition: in public\nOVER (too much) and T (time)"} {"Clue":"Cheer accepted by baron fellow, one's who's socially superior (7)","Answer":"BRAHMAN","Explanation":"Definition: one's who's socially superior\nRAH (cheer) inside B (baron) and MAN (fellow)"} {"Clue":"One to hustle and back up politician getting in (6)","Answer":"RAMPER","Explanation":"Definition: One to hustle\nREAR (back) reversed (up) containing MP (politician)"} {"Clue":"Remaining dormant, duke leads select group, conservative in view (12)","Answer":"DELITESCENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Remaining dormant\nD (duke) in front of (leads) ELITE (select group) then C (conservative) in SCENE (view) \u2013 I notice that Azed has clued conservative all lower case, though the abbreviation is for Conservative (a proper noun). Can any long-time Azed followers tell me if ignoring capitalisation is Azed's usual style? I'm not complaining about the clue, just curious to know."} {"Clue":"Tax to be paid twits posted, money included (10)","Answer":"ASSESSMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Tax to be paid\nASSES (twits) SENT (posted) containing M (money)"} {"Clue":"Aromatic soporific phony flogged undiluted, at disappearing? (7)","Answer":"HYPNONE","Explanation":"Definition: Aromatic soporific\nPHONY* anagram=flogged with NEat (undiluted) missing AT"} {"Clue":"Bloomer made by artilleryman, amateur (7)","Answer":"GUNNERA","Explanation":"Definition: Bloomer\nGUNNER (artilleryman) and A (amateur)"} {"Clue":"Barbarian yob, a victim of venery? (6)","Answer":"HUNTED","Explanation":"Definition: a victim of venery\nHUN (barbarian) and TED (teddy boy, yob)"} {"Clue":"Love, extremes of love, admitted by Vita endlessly \u2013 for me? (6)","Answer":"VIOLET","Explanation":"Definition: for me\nO (love) LovE (extreme letters of) inside VITa (endlessly) \u2013 Violet Trefusis, lover of Vita Sackville-West"} {"Clue":"Skin lotion treatment's beginning with a dab (5)","Answer":"TONER","Explanation":"Definition: Skin lotion\nTreatment (beginning letter of) with ONER (dab, an expert)"} {"Clue":"Bach., deliriously in love? The opposite \u2013 one shares digs, though (5)","Answer":"COHAB","Explanation":"Definition: one shares digs, though\nO (love) in BACH* anagram=deliriously"} {"Clue":"High-flier finally trading in gold to cut deal (7)","Answer":"SEAGULL","Explanation":"Definition: High-flier\ntradinG (final letter) in AU (gold, chem symbol) inside (to cut) SEAL (deal)"} {"Clue":"Death came back, area wiped out by a single plague (7)","Answer":"ENDEMIC","Explanation":"Definition: plague\nEND (death) then CaME reversed (back) with A (area) replaced by (wiped out by) I (one, a single)"} {"Clue":"Author of the 1 across spoken language, only half finished (7)","Answer":"CHEKHOV","Explanation":"Definition: Author of the 1 across\nCHEKH sounds like (spoken) Czech (language) with OVer (finished, only half of)"} {"Clue":"One contributing to cutting, ironic works about head of state (7)","Answer":"INCISOR","Explanation":"Definition: One contributing to cutting\nIRONIC* anagram=works inside (about)State (first letter, head of)"} {"Clue":"Plus fours finally donned by a clique (5)","Answer":"ASSET","Explanation":"Definition: Plus\nfourS (final letter) inside (donned by) A SET (clique)"} {"Clue":"Mainly question ladies and gents about new and old money (9)","Answer":"DOUBLOONS","Explanation":"Definition: old money\nDOUBt (question, mainly=unfinished) then LOOS (ladies and gents) containing (about) N (new)"} {"Clue":"Free record mostly difficult, say, to turn (9)","Answer":"DISCHARGE","Explanation":"Definition: Free\nDISC (record) HARd (difficult, mostly) then EG (say) reversed (to turn)"} {"Clue":"Material essential to Sudden Impact (5)","Answer":"DENIM","Explanation":"Definition: Material\nfound inside (essential to) sudDEN IMpact"} {"Clue":"Beware of reported laid explosives (5)","Answer":"MINED","Explanation":"Definition: laid explosives\nsounds like (reported) \"mind\" (beware of)"} {"Clue":"Bring nuts buried by pigs for a lark or two? (9)","Answer":"SONGBIRDS","Explanation":"Definition: a lark or two\nBRING* anagram=nuts inside (buried by) SODS (pigs)"} {"Clue":"Company contained, not getting one over (9)","Answer":"CONCLUDED","Explanation":"Definition: over\nCO (company) then iNCLUDED (contained) missing I (one)"} {"Clue":"Noble Italian ignoring prisoner's former account (5)","Answer":"TESSA","Explanation":"Definition: former account\nconTESSA (noble Italian) missing CON (prisoner) \u2013 a former tax-exempt savings account"} {"Clue":"Chap against pursuing a place in France (7)","Answer":"ALENCON","Explanation":"Definition: place in France\nLEN (chap, man's name) and CON (against)\u00a0following (pursuing) A"} {"Clue":"Animated tirade on origins of violence inside borstals (7)","Answer":"VIBRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Animated\nRANT (tirade) following first letters (origins) of Violence Inside Borstals"} {"Clue":"Indefinitely adjourned by English following inside manoeuvring (4,3)","Answer":"SINE DIE","Explanation":"Definition: Indefinitely adjourned\nE (English) following INSIDE* anagram=manoeuvring"} {"Clue":"Classical father arranged authentic backing (7)","Answer":"LAERTES","Explanation":"Definition: Classical father\nSET (arranged) REAL (authentic) all reversed (backing) \u2013 the father of Odysseus and Ctimene. I presume the \"father\" element relates to the Greek myth where Laertes is dying from grief for his lost son Odysseus, who returns to him first in disguise and ultimately reveals his true identity."} {"Clue":"Sarcastic old model ruined party? (6,9)","Answer":"SOCIAL DEMOCRATS","Explanation":"Definition: party\nanagram (ruined) of SARCATSIC, O (old) and MODEL"} {"Clue":"Sterility of clot injected with unlimited enzyme (7)","Answer":"ASEPSIS","Explanation":"Definition: Sterility\nASS (clot) contains (injected with) pEPSIn (enzyme, unlimited=no end letters)"} {"Clue":"Released single (9)","Answer":"UNHITCHED","Explanation":"Definition: Released\ndefinition, cryptic definition \u2013 not married"} {"Clue":"Dwelt, as it happens, with daughter (5)","Answer":"LIVED","Explanation":"Definition: Dwelt\nLIVE (as it happens) with D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Gourmet's timeless photo following European article (9)","Answer":"EPICUREAN","Explanation":"Definition: Gourmet\nPICtURE (photo) missing T (time) following E (European) then AN (indefinite article)"} {"Clue":"Transfer 25% of cash in transaction (5)","Answer":"DECAL","Explanation":"Definition: Transfer\nCash (first letter, first 25% of) in DEAL (transaction)"} {"Clue":"Fail to connect using crude jingoism that's no good (7)","Answer":"MISJOIN","Explanation":"Definition: Fail to connect\nanagram (crude) of JINgOISM missing G (good)"} {"Clue":"What might be best cultivated around the present time? (9,6)","Answer":"CHRISTMAS CACTUS","Explanation":"Definition: What might be best cultivated around the present time\nsomething that is growing at Christmas (the time for giving presents) \u2013 I can't see what this should be a cactus rather than any other plant. \"Because it fits the crossing letters\" seems a weak reason to give."} {"Clue":"Possibly flat surface in new unopened screen (9)","Answer":"RESIDENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Possibly flat\nSIDE (surface) in anagram (new) of sCREEN (unopened)"} {"Clue":"Contentious society girl presently dining in Paris? (9)","Answer":"DEBATABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Contentious\nDEB (society girl) then \u00c0 TABLE (presently dining, \"at the table\" in French)"} {"Clue":"Babushka eager for fabric (7)","Answer":"NANKEEN","Explanation":"Definition: fabric\nNAN (babushka, grandmother) then KEEN (eager)"} {"Clue":"Resume method following break (7)","Answer":"RESTART","Explanation":"Definition: Resume\nART (method) following REST (break)"} {"Clue":"Secured position in Oxford? (5)","Answer":"LACED","Explanation":"Definition: Secured position in Oxford\ncryptic definition \u2013 an Oxford is a type of shoe"} {"Clue":"Was about to season highly and cook (5)","Answer":"DEVIL","Explanation":"Definition: to season highly and cook\nLIVED (was) reversed (about)"} {"Clue":"Turning up in woman's top I borrowed from 14 21 Inn? (6,5)","Answer":"PUBLIC HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Inn\nUP reversed (turning) then\u00a0ICH (I in German, borrowed from Prince Albert) in BLOUSE (woman's top)"} {"Clue":"A general rule, exceptions show (3)","Answer":"LEE","Explanation":"Definition: A general\nfound inside (shown by) ruLE Exceptions"} {"Clue":"Essentially better without officer, company's individually prepared for service (2,7)","Answer":"EN COCOTTE","Explanation":"Definition: prepared for service\nbETTEr (essentially, inside letters) contain (without) NCO (officer) and CO (company) \u2013 food individually prepared for service in a restaurant"} {"Clue":"Terribly bad advice to spend a thousand on amateur footballer (5,7)","Answer":"DAVID BECKHAM","Explanation":"Definition: footballer\nanagram (terribly) of BaD ADVICE missing (to spend) A then M (thousand) following on HAM (amateur"} {"Clue":"You are inclined to take in when and where Krays operated (3,4,3)","Answer":"THE EAST END","Explanation":"Definition: where Krays operated\nTHEE (you) TEND (are inclined) contains (to take in) AS (when) \u2013 the Kray twins were notorious London gangsters"} {"Clue":"A ring through the 24's frock- coat (6,6)","Answer":"PRINCE ALBERT","Explanation":"Definition: A ring through the 24\n~~no idea about parsing this~~ *double definition \u2013 a frock coat and a ring through the penis (the old man)"} {"Clue":"Eastern porter that's infused with a malt (5)","Answer":"HAMAL","Explanation":"Definition: astern porter \nfound inside (has infused) witH A MALt"} {"Clue":"Number three's number two drama (3)","Answer":"NOH","Explanation":"Definition: drama\nNO (No. number) and tHree (number two, second letter of)"} {"Clue":"The elderly view Vatican City will (5)","Answer":"VISTO","Explanation":"Definition: The elderly view\nV (Vatican City) then IS TO \u2013 an old word for view or prospect"} {"Clue":"By chance, affliction heading to 12 30 address that's familiar (3,4)","Answer":"OLD CHAP","Explanation":"Definition: address that's familiar\nCOLD (affliction) with C (the heading) moved to the right (the east end) by HAP (chance)"} {"Clue":"The Sage of Cricklewood read about pricks (5)","Answer":"COREN","Explanation":"Definition: The Sage of Cricklewood\nCON (read) contains (is pricked by) RE (regarding, about) \u2013 nickname for humorist and broadcaster Alan Coren"} {"Clue":"Working metal, soldier's Going West, Young Man (9)","Answer":"SIGNORINO","Explanation":"Definition: Young Man\nON (working) IRON (metal) GI'S (soldier's) all reversed (going west, right to left on a map)"} {"Clue":"Wound up in Detroit after private secretary split (11)","Answer":"PARTITIONED","Explanation":"Definition: split\nanagram (wound up) of IN DETROIT following PA (personal assistant, private secretary)"} {"Clue":"Union out of line waiting to get new and powerful man on board (5)","Answer":"QUEEN","Explanation":"Definition: powerful man on board\nQUEuE (line) missing U (union) then N (new) \u2013 a chess man"} {"Clue":"Pathetic\u00a0offer (6)","Answer":"TENDER","Explanation":"Definition: Pathetic\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"What's essential to little Constance is extended split (6)","Answer":"CLOVEN","Explanation":"Definition: split\nI can't explain this \u2013 something about O (love) in CN?"} {"Clue":"A little tipple (as in gallon) will be agreeable (8)","Answer":"PLEASING","Explanation":"Definition: agreeable\nfound inside (a little of) tipPLE AS IN Gallon"} {"Clue":"Court of Appeal's run out of soap we hear (3,6)","Answer":"THE ARCHES","Explanation":"Definition: Court of Appeal\nTHE ARCHErS (radio soap opera, one we hear) missing R (run) \u2013 an ecclesiastical court"} {"Clue":"Character from TV movie \u2013 reportedly it's about the world of Dickens (4,8)","Answer":"PHIL MITCHELL","Explanation":"Definition: haracter from TV\nPHILM sounds like \"film\" (movie) then IT has C (circa, about) and HELL (the world of Dickens?) \u2013 character from the Eastenders soap opera. ~~I'm just guessing about the world of Dickens being hell.~~ *Dickens is a euphemism for The Devil, so the world of Dickens is hell.\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Oddly 5 and 31 sprinter-turned- chaser (8,9)","Answer":"VICTORIA PENDLETON","Explanation":"Definition: sprinter-turned- chaser\nanagram (odly) of CLOVEN (5 down) and PARTITIONED (31 across) \u2013 Victoria was a very successful sprinter in track cycling later rode as a steeplechase jockey"} {"Clue":"Train's stopping point is not at Barking (7)","Answer":"STATION","Explanation":"Definition: Train's stopping point\nanagram (barking ma) of IS NOT AT"} {"Clue":"To mug up on detailed plan B is part of the formula for it (6)","Answer":"BORIDE","Explanation":"Definition: B is part of the formula for it\nROM (mug) reversed (up) on IDEa (plan, de-tailed)- B is the chemical symbol for Boron"} {"Clue":"Approaches Navy to get involved . . . . (3-3)","Answer":"RUN-UPS","Explanation":"Definition: Approaches\n~~another I can't explain~~ N (Navy) to get involved USURP (the following solution\u2026) \u2013 I think adding 'with' would make this explanation\u00a0clearer,\u00a0there is no indication that Navy should be\u00a0inside USURP"} {"Clue":". . . . to unjustly take pedalo \u2013 this might be dual-purpose (5)","Answer":"USURP","Explanation":"Definition: to unjustly take\nPEDALO + USURP is an anagram of DUAL-PURPOSE"} {"Clue":"Bird said \". . . . no time to stop for a natter . . . .\"? (8)","Answer":"WOODCHAT","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nsounds like (said) \"would chat\" \u2013 the implication being one can't because one has not enough time"} {"Clue":"Miss Bergman is missing in this 15\u00d715 space? (4)","Answer":"GRID","Explanation":"Definition: this 15\u00d715 space\ninGRID (Miss Bergman) missing IN"} {"Clue":"Drink in a pub not entirely cold sent back by military commander (4-4)","Answer":"COCA-COLA","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nA LOCAl (pub, not entirely) revresed (sent back) and C (cold) all following (by) OC (officer in charge, military commander)"} {"Clue":"Delight in the morning milk (5)","Answer":"AMUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Delight\nAM (in the morning) and USE (milk)"} {"Clue":"Weapon observed during the peepshow (4)","Answer":"EPEE","Explanation":"Definition: Weapon\nfound inside (observed during) thE PEEpshow"} {"Clue":"Very deep saying recalled, amid praise (10)","Answer":"BOTTOMLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Very deep\nMOTTO (saying) reversed (recalled) inside BLESS (praise)"} {"Clue":"One's emptied volume into river, the entire works (6)","Answer":"OEUVRE","Explanation":"Definition: the entire works\nOnE (emptied, no middle letters) then V (volume) in URE (Yorkshire river)"} {"Clue":"Member, in being welcomed by leaders in Chinese government, on the up (8)","Answer":"CLIMBING","Explanation":"Definition: on the up\nLIMB (member) IN inside (being welcomed by) first letters (leaders) of Chinese and Government"} {"Clue":"Infatuated with food, boy guzzles (5,2)","Answer":"STUCK ON","Explanation":"Definition: Infatuated with\nTUCK (food) inside (guzzled by) SON (boy)"} {"Clue":"Within walls of park, a bitter brought over for one of those on the gate? (7)","Answer":"PADLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: one of those on the gate\nParK (outer letters, walls of) contains (with\u2026within) A and COLD (bitter) reversed (brought over)"} {"Clue":"Drinking stout, the highlight of sainthood Brendan finally put on some weight! (4,1,3)","Answer":"HALF A TON","Explanation":"Definition: some weight\nFAT (stout) inside (drunk by) HALO (the highlight of sainthood) with brendoN (final letter of)"} {"Clue":"Drug for case of zoophobia, heading for cage (6)","Answer":"PROZAC","Explanation":"Definition: Drug\nPRO (for) then ZoophobiA (case of, outer letters) and Cage (heading, first letter)"} {"Clue":"City, capital city, one becoming nothing in endless chaos (10)","Answer":"METROPOLIS","Explanation":"Definition: City\nTRiPOLI (capital city) with I (one) becoming O (nothing) in MESs (chaos, endless)"} {"Clue":"Scotch is a weapon (4)","Answer":"FOIL","Explanation":"Definition: Scotch\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"It's rich to serve rum and coke up! (5,4)","Answer":"POUND CAKE","Explanation":"Definition: It's rich\nanagram (to serve rum) AND COKE UP"} {"Clue":"One beyond twelve brewing green tea (8)","Answer":"TEENAGER","Explanation":"Definition: One beyond twelve\nanagram (brewing) of GREEN TEA"} {"Clue":"Alcoholic drinking Pepsi sadly, most sentimental (8)","Answer":"SOPPIEST","Explanation":"Definition: most sentimental\nSOT (alcoholic) contains (drinks) PEPSI* anagram=sadly"} {"Clue":"One drink or two taking effect on blue fluid (6)","Answer":"DOUBLE","Explanation":"Definition: One drink\nDO (effect) on BLUE* anagram=fluid"} {"Clue":"Framework I see in coffee (7)","Answer":"LATTICE","Explanation":"Definition: Framework\nI C (see, name of letter) in LATTE (coffee)"} {"Clue":"Pottery, a jar cut in isinglass (8)","Answer":"MAJOLICA","Explanation":"Definition: Pottery\nA JOLt (jat, cut short) inside MICA (isinglass)"} {"Clue":"A singing bear going after port \u2014 uproar! (10)","Answer":"HULLABALOO","Explanation":"Definition: uproar\nA then BALOO (a singing bear, from Disney's Jungle Book) following HULL (port)"} {"Clue":"Those seven sailed, one short, one of four (6)","Answer":"SEASON","Explanation":"Definition: one of four\nSEAS (those seven sailed) and ONe (shortened)"} {"Clue":"Loud, very boisterous of course, one must be restrained (10)","Answer":"VOCIFEROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Loud\nV (very) then anagram (boisterous) of OF COURSE containing (with\u2026restrained) I (one)"} {"Clue":"In middle of moss, fish eating finest molluscs (8)","Answer":"OCTOPODS","Explanation":"Definition: molluscs\nmOSs (middle of) contains (with\u2026in) COD (fish) containing (eating) TOP (finest)"} {"Clue":"Notes produced by this wine to drink at home (8)","Answer":"CLARINET","Explanation":"Definition: Notes produced by this\nCLARET (wine) contains (to drink) IN (at home)"} {"Clue":"Behind the door of condominium, indulgence ultimately swell (7)","Answer":"INFLATE","Explanation":"Definition: swell\nIN FLAT (behind the door of condominium) then indulgencE (ultimately, last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Drink fizzy pop in Levantine city (6)","Answer":"ALEPPO","Explanation":"Definition: Levantine city\nALE (drink) and POP* anagram=fizzy"} {"Clue":"Curdled drink, sweetener served up like jelly (6)","Answer":"POSSET","Explanation":"Definition: Curdled drink\nSOP (bribe, sweetener) reversed (served up) and SET (like jelly) \u2013 a spiced drink made with hot milk curdled with ale"} {"Clue":"Colours of spectral phenomena fading, each one's ending (4)","Answer":"FLAG","Explanation":"Definition: Colours\nending letters of oF spectraL phenomenA FadinG"} {"Clue":"Judgment dispatched from this place, husband in absentia (8)","Answer":"SENTENCE","Explanation":"SENT (dispatched) and hENCE (from this place) missing H (husband)"} {"Clue":"Self-catering slashes IOUs of a form (6)","Answer":"SCRIPS","Explanation":"SC (self catering) and RIPS (slashes) \u2013 same as a chit, a note representing money"} {"Clue":"Leaving college in third place could be thrilling (8)","Answer":"EXCITING","Explanation":"EXITING (leaving) with C (college) as the third letter"} {"Clue":"More theatrical\u00a0holidaymaker? (6)","Answer":"CAMPER","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Lean priest with cool recommendation? (4,5)","Answer":"LIST PRICE","Explanation":"LIST (lean) and PR (priest) with ICE (cool)"} {"Clue":"Naughty son is not commonly a \u2014\u2013 (5)","Answer":"SAINT","Explanation":"S (son) and AINT (is not, commonly). The definition is not a traditional &lit, so how would you describe it?"} {"Clue":"Junk heads to some port around Macao (4)","Answer":"SPAM","Explanation":"first letters (heads) of Some Port Around Macao"} {"Clue":"Place of piers, donkeys and kiss- me-quick hats is English alone (7)","Answer":"SEASIDE","Explanation":"'S (is) E (English) ASIDE (alone)"} {"Clue":"Ring to supply address (7)","Answer":"ORATION","Explanation":"O (ring) with RATION (supply)"} {"Clue":"I've new wife making an appearance (4)","Answer":"VIEW","Explanation":"anagram (new) of I'VE then W (wife)"} {"Clue":"Two bits of Indian bread, one cut, for relative (5)","Answer":"NANNA","Explanation":"NAN and NAn (two bits of Indian bread) second is cut short"} {"Clue":"A part of shoe relies on fixing name within (9)","Answer":"INNERSOLE","Explanation":"anagram (fixing) of RELIES ON containing N (name)"} {"Clue":"Slate\u00a0covering (6)","Answer":"CARPET","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 to reprimand and floor covering"} {"Clue":"Pub baron troubles island (8)","Answer":"BARBADOS","Explanation":"BAR (pub) and B (baron) with ADOS (troubles)"} {"Clue":"Direct from cheeky specialist (6)","Answer":"EXPERT","Explanation":"EX (direct from) and PERT (cheeky)"} {"Clue":"Breathe new life into Bible studies by reading app? (8)","Answer":"REKINDLE","Explanation":"RE (Religious Education, Bible studies) by KINDLE (reading app from Amazon)"} {"Clue":"Stints which Harry's teachers taught? (6)","Answer":"SPELLS","Explanation":"taught to Harry Potter"} {"Clue":"Most agreeable lollies, say, in New Territories (6)","Answer":"NICEST","Explanation":"ICES (lollies say) in NT (New Territories)"} {"Clue":"Finish\u00a0relish (3,2)","Answer":"EAT UP","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Establish cheat over company (7)","Answer":"CONFIRM","Explanation":"CON (cheat) over FIRM (company)"} {"Clue":"Quality game's ending for kid from your lessons? (9)","Answer":"CLASSMATE","Explanation":"CLASS (quality) and MATE (end of chess game)"} {"Clue":"Absolute urchin acknowledged (8)","Answer":"IMPLICIT","Explanation":"IMP (urchin) and LICIT (acknowledged)"} {"Clue":"Special hotel pressing monarch's drink (8)","Answer":"SPRITZER","Explanation":"SP (special) RITZ (hotel) on top of (pressing) ER (Elizabeth Regina, monarch)"} {"Clue":"Place to eat\u00a0pickle (4)","Answer":"MESS","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"I pervert a sailing vessel (9)","Answer":"PRIVATEER","Explanation":"anagram (sailing) of I PERVERT A"} {"Clue":"Roller? Once rich, in another way (8)","Answer":"CORNICHE","Explanation":"anagram (in another way) of ONCE RICH \u2013 a model of Rolls Royce car"} {"Clue":"This falls in shower and sink (8)","Answer":"RAINDROP","Explanation":"RAIN (shower) and DROP (sink)"} {"Clue":"Pin down nothing about adult (4)","Answer":"NAIL","Explanation":"NIL (nothing) inside (about) A (adult)"} {"Clue":"Old French wine with time to mature (7)","Answer":"VINTAGE","Explanation":"VIN (French wine) with T (time) and AGE (to mature) \u2013 a smooth clue"} {"Clue":"Seedy type finally slipped off, cheated (6)","Answer":"SORDID","Explanation":"SORt (type) missing final letter then DID (cheated)"} {"Clue":"Reclusive Scot is seen photoshopped (6)","Answer":"NESSIE","Explanation":"anagram (photoshopped) of IS SEEN \u2013 the Loch Ness monster"} {"Clue":"Teacher's interminable blather (5)","Answer":"RABBI","Explanation":"RABBIt (blather) missing final letter (interminable)"} {"Clue":"Dressed in her party best, daughter welcomed gift (8,7)","Answer":"BIRTHDAY PRESENT","Explanation":"anagram (dressed) of IN HER PARTY BEST contains (welcomes) D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Make a deduction? Hell, no! No! (5)","Answer":"INFER","Explanation":"INFERno (hell) missing NO"} {"Clue":"Oh I caused chaos in the 80s Chicago music scene! (4,5)","Answer":"ACID HOUSE","Explanation":"anagram (chaos) of OH I CAUSED. Did anyone alse see DISCO in there first?"} {"Clue":"Corrupt Greeks borrow half upfront; lose it completely (2,7)","Answer":"GO BERSERK","Explanation":"anagram (corrupt) of GREEKS and BORrow (the front half)"} {"Clue":"Army tender out of control (5)","Answer":"RABID","Explanation":"RA (either Regular Army or Royal Artillery) then BID (tender)"} {"Clue":"A shock to the system, working car wash around edges of Liverpool road (4,6,5)","Answer":"WALL STREET CRASH","Explanation":"anagram (working) of CAR WASH contains (around) LiverpooL (edges of) STREET (road)"} {"Clue":"That knighthood's taken a long time! (5)","Answer":"YONKS","Explanation":"YON (that) and K'S (knighthood's)"} {"Clue":"Having paused to listen, welcomes Jacques' return (9)","Answer":"HESITATED","Explanation":"HEED (to listen) contains Jacques TATI'S reversed (return)"} {"Clue":"Stop Bury game for a pint (9)","Answer":"INTERRUPT","Explanation":"INTER (bury) RU (Rugby Union, game) and PT (pint)"} {"Clue":"Say hello to old Corrie character (she's good for a laugh) (5)","Answer":"HYENA","Explanation":"HY sounds like (say) hi (hello) then ENA Sharples (Coronation Street character)"} {"Clue":"Animated row; England lack energy, penetration (6,9)","Answer":"CARNAL KNOWLEDGE","Explanation":"anagram (animated) of ROW ENGLAND LACK and E (energy)"} {"Clue":"Dying English poet in Irish city left neglected (6,4)","Answer":"EBBIBG AWAY","Explanation":"EBB (Elizabeth Barret Browning, English poet) then IN GALWAY (Irish city) missing L (left)"} {"Clue":"Ready for assembly, lead carrying notes (6)","Answer":"PREFAB","Explanation":"PB (lead, chem symbol) contains RE and FA (notes of the scale)"} {"Clue":"Beautiful cathedral, clean, very French (8)","Answer":"CHARTRES","Explanation":"CHAR (clean, for someone) and TRES (very in French)"} {"Clue":"Have Ms Gardner and Jack over for coffee (4)","Answer":"JAVA","Explanation":"AVA Garnder and J (jack) reversed (over)"} {"Clue":"They supply water for brewing Kronenbourg's top Pilsner's recipe (10)","Answer":"SPRINKLERS","Explanation":"anagram (brewing) of Kronenbourg (first letter of), PILSNER'S and R (recipe)"} {"Clue":"Meze Phyrgian ate gives wind (6)","Answer":"ZEPHYR","Explanation":"found inside (eaten by) meZE PHYRgian"} {"Clue":"Unfeeling, a salesman comes back round; shady character! (8)","Answer":"PENUMBRA","Explanation":"NUMB (unfeeling)\u00a0reversed (comes back) inside (with\u2026round) A REP (salesman)"} {"Clue":"Oddly set type is something not easy on the eye (4)","Answer":"STYE","Explanation":"SeT tYpE (odd letters of)"} {"Clue":"Underground movement at fault, delivering shock? (10)","Answer":"EARTHQUAKE","Explanation":"QUAKE (movement) under EARTH (ground)"} {"Clue":"Some rude, tardy hedonist turned up dying for a drink (10)","Answer":"DEHYDRATED","Explanation":"found inside (some of) ruDE TARDY HEDonist reversed (turned up)"} {"Clue":"Coined neologism for academic period (4,4)","Answer":"","Explanation":"I don't know this. Could be LENT TERM or LONG TERM?"} {"Clue":"Boo Henry in The Kitchen Sink? (5-3)","Answer":"CATCH-ALL","Explanation":"CAT CALL (boo) contains (with\u2026in) H (Henry)"} {"Clue":"Soul label, having original content, demanded premium charge (6)","Answer":"SURTAX","Explanation":"STAX (Stax Records, soul label) contains UR (??) \u2013 I can't fully explain this"} {"Clue":"In goal, attempt to get out (6)","Answer":"TRENDY","Explanation":"END (goal) inside (to get\u2026out) TRY (attempt)"} {"Clue":"Batting first, Switzerland make slow progress (4)","Answer":"INCH","Explanation":"IN (batting) and CH (Confederation Helvetica, Switzerland)"} {"Clue":"Old city Conservative upset his constituents! (4)","Answer":"TROY","Explanation":"TORY (Conservative) with the middle letters (his constituents) reversed (upset)"} {"Clue":"Instant ocean's made out around front of planet \u2013 familiar sight for astronauts? (9)","Answer":"MOONSCAPE","Explanation":"MO (moment, instant) with anagram (made out) of OCEAN'S containing Planet (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Understand\u00a0concealed difficulty (5)","Answer":"CATCH","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"What lead can do is to lead players? (7)","Answer":"CONDUCT","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Indian dish served back in a yard by guy (7)","Answer":"BIRYANI","Explanation":"IN A Y (yard) by RIB (guy, to make fun of) allreversed (served back)"} {"Clue":"Savour European river when cycling (5)","Answer":"ODOUR","Explanation":"DOURO (European river) with the letters rotated one place (last letter moves to the front)"} {"Clue":"Inventive poet's near universal language (9)","Answer":"ESPERANTO","Explanation":"anagram (inventive) of POET'S NEAR"} {"Clue":"Boring instrument everyone mentioned (3)","Answer":"AWL","Explanation":"sounds like (mentioned) all (everyone)"} {"Clue":"Old lecturer probing part of body and learning about source of blockage? (11)","Answer":"CHOLESTEROL","Explanation":"O (old) L (lecturer) inside (probing) CHEST (part of body) and LORE (learning) reversed (about)"} {"Clue":"Police beside old British base in island start fighting (4,2,5)","Answer":"COME TO BLOWS","Explanation":"MET (Metropolitain Police) with O (old) B (British) LOW (base) in COS (an island)"} {"Clue":"I approve in retirement exotic fish (3)","Answer":"KOI","Explanation":"I OK (approve) reversed (in retirement)"} {"Clue":"TV staple provided by a poet and artist (4,5)","Answer":"SOAP OPERA","Explanation":"SO (provided) by A POPE (Alexander Pope, poet) and RA (Royal Academician, artist)"} {"Clue":"Acknowledge daughter in unending friendship (5)","Answer":"ADMIT","Explanation":"D (daughter) in AMITy (friendship, unending)"} {"Clue":"Element in profligate that's unvarying (7)","Answer":"ROUTINE","Explanation":"TIN (element) in ROUE (profligate)"} {"Clue":"Unclear tax since modified with no end of fuss (7)","Answer":"INEXACT","Explanation":"anagram (modified) of TAX sINCE missing S (end letter of fuss)"} {"Clue":"Extended period for kippers? (3-2)","Answer":"LIE-IN","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Liberal economic tenet that could be rated? (4,5)","Answer":"FREE TRADE","Explanation":"an anagram (FREE) of TRADE could be \"rated\"."} {"Clue":"Very aggressive companion restrained by chairman (5)","Answer":"MACHO","Explanation":"CH (Companion of Honour) inside MAO (chairman)"} {"Clue":"No-go law to be scrapped \u2013 self- inflicted mistake (3,4)","Answer":"OWN GOAL","Explanation":"anagram (to be scrapped) od NO-GO LAW"} {"Clue":"Old-fashioned copper on time with a strong jaw? (6-3)","Answer":"SQUARE-CUT","Explanation":"SQUARE (old fashioned) CU (copper) on T (time)"} {"Clue":"Erratic tube loathed very quickly (2,3,6)","Answer":"AT THE DOUBLE","Explanation":"anagram (erratic) of TUBE LOATHED"} {"Clue":"Some web businesses in decline (3)","Answer":"EBB","Explanation":"found inside wEB Business"} {"Clue":"Rush with energy once depleted to get aid for the vulnerable (5)","Answer":"CARER","Explanation":"CAREeR (rush) missing E (energy, only once)"} {"Clue":"Pitman, say, with skill put up with pitman initially deficient (7)","Answer":"TRAINER","Explanation":"ART (skill) reversed (put up) with mINER (pitman) missing first letter \u2013 the Pitman training company was established in 1886 by Sir Isaac Pitman"} {"Clue":"Mass in Athens? (3,6)","Answer":"HOI POLLOI","Explanation":"cryptic definition?"} {"Clue":"Right in power with right backing Argentinian and US politician (11)","Answer":"PREROGATIVE","Explanation":"P (power) and R (right) reversed (backing) EVITA (Argentinian) and GORE (US Politician) \u2013 I am interested to learn that I have been mis-hearing this word as PEROGATIVE for years."} {"Clue":"A new claret's ordered \u2013 typical of some stately homes? (9)","Answer":"ANCESTRAL","Explanation":"anagram (ordered) of A N (new) and CLARET'S"} {"Clue":"Match last word and last letter in bequest in will (9)","Answer":"TESTAMENT","Explanation":"TEST (cricket match) AMEN (last word) bequesT (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Complaint with a certain length? (7)","Answer":"MEASURE","Explanation":"ME (complain, illness) with A SURE (certain)"} {"Clue":"Knight, a scholar entertaining friend in capital (7)","Answer":"KAMPALA","Explanation":"K (knight) with A MA (scholar) containing (entertaining) PAL (friend)"} {"Clue":"Hunter among Maori onlookers (5)","Answer":"ORION","Explanation":"found inside maORI ONlookers"} {"Clue":"Noble feature in book (5)","Answer":"TITLE","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Unlimited pottery showing supernatural being (3)","Answer":"ELF","Explanation":"dELFt (pottery) with no end letters (unlimited)"} {"Clue":"Female on record wearing fleece, a large number \u2014 here? (5,4)","Answer":"SHEEP FARM","Explanation":"Definition: here\nF (female) following (on) EP (Extended Play record) inside (wearing) SHEAR (fleece) then M (one thousand, a large number)"} {"Clue":"Miles 14 to 26, heading for glory that's brief! (5)","Answer":"THONG","Explanation":"Definition: brief\nmaraTHON (second half of, miles 14 to 26) then Glory (heading letter of)"} {"Clue":"How a bird goes for a song that's audible (5)","Answer":"CHEEP","Explanation":"Definition: How a bird goe\nCHEEP sounds like (that's audible) \"cheap\" (for a song)"} {"Clue":"Academy acting to separate two points, literarily, for American statesman (9)","Answer":"COLORADAN","Explanation":"Definition: American statesman\nRADA (acting academy, or maybe just academy?) inside (to separate, or acting to separate?) COLON ( : two points). I think \"literarily\" is a general indication that the two points are to do with literature, but it is an adverb\u00a0so what verb does it qualify? Also, are not colons more to do with the orthography of a language than its literature?"} {"Clue":"Cold seafood bedecked stall? (11)","Answer":"STANDOFFISH","Explanation":"Definition: Cold\na STAND OF FISH is a stall bedecked with seafood"} {"Clue":"Fit little time between function and drink (7)","Answer":"TANTRUM","Explanation":"Definition: Fit\nT (time, little=abbrev) between TAN (function) and RUM (drink)"} {"Clue":"Two animals, one taken to the middle (7,3)","Answer":"CRICKET BAT","Explanation":"Definition: one taken to the middle\nCRICKET and BAT are two animals \u2013 something taken to the middle of the pitch"} {"Clue":"Don't talk about cryptic clue that's beyond question \u2014 sounds like that sucks? (7)","Answer":"SQUELCH","Explanation":"Definition: sounds like that sucks\nSH (don't talk) contains (about) CLUE* anagram=cryptic following Q (question)"} {"Clue":"Without family, around a hundred spies (7)","Answer":"NOTICES","Explanation":"Definition: spies\nNO TIES (without family) contains C (a hundred)"} {"Clue":"Newspapers covering second of February, last month, or the one before (11)","Answer":"PREDECESSOR","Explanation":"Definition: the one before \nPRESS (newspapers) contain (covering) fEbruary (second letter of) and DEC (December, the last month) then OR"} {"Clue":"Conscious element ending in grudge match (3)","Answer":"EGO","Explanation":"Definition: Conscious element\ngrudgE (ending of) then GO (match, a handbag might go with a dress)"} {"Clue":"Just English left, island heading backwards (9)","Answer":"EQUITABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Just\nE (English) QUIT (left) then ELBA (island) reversed (backwards)"} {"Clue":"15 is no more, I should add (5)","Answer":"WASPS","Explanation":"Definition: 15\nWAS (is no more) and PS (I should add) \u2013 Wasps are a Rugby Union side, 15 players"} {"Clue":"Match\u00a0score (5)","Answer":"TALLY","Explanation":"Definition: Match\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"School prom that's a throwback? (5,4)","Answer":"RUGBY BALL","Explanation":"Definition: a throwback\nRUGBY (an old school) BALL (prom) \u2013 in the game of rugby forward passes are not allowed"} {"Clue":"Lute heard, however, as an old trombone (7)","Answer":"SACKBUT","Explanation":"Definition: an old trombone\nSACK (loot, sounds like lute) and BUT (however)"} {"Clue":"Tennis player and 15 side 11 (7)","Answer":"EVERTON","Explanation":"Definition: 11\nChris EVERT (tennis player) and ON (side of the field in cricket, leg side) \u2013 English football team, eleven players"} {"Clue":"Source of fruit is lemon, say, with yellow centre to feed 11 (11)","Answer":"PIPISTRELLE","Explanation":"Definition: 11\nPIP (source of fruit) IS TREE (lemon say) containing (with\u2026to feed) yeLLow (centre of) \u2013 a type of bat"} {"Clue":"Applaud a goal, hugging Celtic's outside left (7)","Answer":"ACCLAIM","Explanation":"Definition: Applaud\nA AIM (goal) contains (hugging) CeltiC (outside letters of) and L (left)"} {"Clue":"Musical doctor covering ligatures and operatic overtures (7)","Answer":"MELODIC","Explanation":"Definition: Musical\nMEDIC (doctor) contains (covering) Ligatures and Operatic (opening letters of, overtures)"} {"Clue":"Jack \u2014 knave put another way (3)","Answer":"TAR","Explanation":"Definition: Jack\nRAT (knave) reversed (put another way) \u2013 a Jack Tar is a sailor"} {"Clue":"Diabolical brute getting on collar (3,4)","Answer":"OLD NICK","Explanation":"Definition: Diabolical brute\nOLD (getting on) and NICK (collar)"} {"Clue":"Warm up, then cool bullet (7)","Answer":"GUNSHOT","Explanation":"Definition: bullet\nSNUG (warm) reversed (up) then HOT (cool, trendy) \u2013 I'm not convinced that \"hot\" and \"cool\" are really synonymous, but \"close enough for jazz\" as it were."} {"Clue":"Waste water redirected into river after a day (7,4)","Answer":"FRITTER AWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Waste\nWATER* anagram=redirected in TAY (river) following FRI (a day)"} {"Clue":"Sage in fancy panties (7)","Answer":"SAPIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Sage\nanagram (fancy) of PANTIES"} {"Clue":"Different passage of tune, quality (7)","Answer":"UNEQUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Different\nfound inside (passage of) tUNE QUALity"} {"Clue":"After taking a spin, driver finally qualified \u2014 what? Cobblers! (4,3)","Answer":"HEEL BAR","Explanation":"Definition: Cobblers\ndriveR (final letter of) and ABLE (fully qualified) then EH (what?) all reversed (after taking a spin)"} {"Clue":"Savings banked in the branches? (4,3)","Answer":"NEST EGG","Explanation":"Definition: Savings banked in the branches\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"11 more in the drink (7)","Answer":"CHELSEA","Explanation":"Definition: 11\nELSE (more) in CHA (tea, a drink) \u2013 Chelsea football club, 11 players"} {"Clue":"Marriage beginning to unravel, work to patch girl up (7)","Answer":"SPOUSAL","Explanation":"Definition: Marriage\nUnravel (beginning of) and OP (opus, work) inside (to patch) LASS (girl) all reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Test\u00a0score (3)","Answer":"TRY","Explanation":"Definition: Test\ndouble definition, also &lit"} {"Clue":"Inn dear, with little left to put to the test (8)","Answer":"CHOULTRY","Explanation":"Definition: Inn\nCHOU (dear) with L (left, little=abbrev) with TRY (test)"} {"Clue":"Alpine period in winter is superb (4)","Answer":"RISS","Explanation":"Definition: Alpine period\nfound inside winteR IS Superb"} {"Clue":"Nurse lost in Iran? I'll provide cover (7)","Answer":"INSURER","Explanation":"Definition: I'll provide cover\nNURSE* anagram=lost in IR (Iran)"} {"Clue":"Tail-ender dismissed by spinner, familiarly \u2013 'wally'? (5)","Answer":"MURAL","Explanation":"Definition: wally\nMURALi (nickname for\u00a0Muttiah Muralitharan, spin bowler) missing last letter (tail-ender) \u2013 definition is \"like a wall\""} {"Clue":"Marine, girl's lost love? (5)","Answer":"BRINY","Explanation":"Definition: Marine\nBRIoNY (girl) missing O (love)"} {"Clue":"Southern weakling describing bitter wind in the Cairngorms (6)","Answer":"SNELLY","Explanation":"Definition: describing bitter wind in the Cairngorms\nS (southern) and NELLY (weakling)"} {"Clue":"Old auxiliary, second person attacked with debilitating gas, we hear? (5)","Answer":"MAYST","Explanation":"Definition: Old auxiliary, second person \nsounds like (we hear) maced (attacked with debilitating gas) \u2013 an example of an obsolete auxiliary verb in the second person"} {"Clue":"Non-travellers rabbit on about beloved in Scotland (5)","Answer":"GAJOS","Explanation":"Definition: Non-travellers\nGAS (rabbit on) containing (about) JO (beloved, scots)"} {"Clue":"Opening's beginning to appear in e.g. tin (6)","Answer":"MEATAL","Explanation":"Definition: Opening\nAppear (beginning to, first letter of) in METAL (eg tin)"} {"Clue":"District magistrate in ME capital (5)","Answer":"AMMAN","Explanation":"Definition: District magistrate\ndouble definition \u2013 ME=Middle Eastern"} {"Clue":"Pancake black inside \u2013 no good? Scrap it (5)","Answer":"BLINI","Explanation":"Definition: Pancake\nB (black) LINIng (inside) missing (scrap it) NG (no good)"} {"Clue":"Happiness shown in sign of assent, totally fooled (7)","Answer":"NOSE-LED","Explanation":"Definition: totally fooled\nSELE (happiness) inside NOD (sign of assent)"} {"Clue":"Cynic possibly, 'nice' god I rubbished (8)","Answer":"DIOGENIC","Explanation":"Definition: Cynic possibly\nanagram (rubbished) of NICE GOD I"} {"Clue":"The old enemies? One recalled big hit (4)","Answer":"AXIS","Explanation":"Definition: The old enemies\nA (one) then SIX (big hit, cricket) reversed"} {"Clue":"Pasta, chopped fine, appropriate shop stocked? (8)","Answer":"FEDELINI","Explanation":"Definition: Pasta\nFINE* anagram=chopped contains (stocks) DELI (appropriate shop for pasta)"} {"Clue":"Affections replaced threats with marks of devotion (12)","Answer":"HEARTSTRINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Affections\nTHREATS with RINGS (marks of devotion, wedding rings perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Villain on board near? It may occupy tar's spare time (11)","Answer":"SCRIMSHANDY","Explanation":"Definition: It may occupy tar's spare time\nCRIM (criminal, villain) inside SS (on board a steam ship) then HANDY (near)"} {"Clue":"Struggle, we hear, that involves hacking? (6)","Answer":"TUSSAL","Explanation":"Definition: involves hacking\nsounds like (we hear) tussle (struggle) \u2013 a hacking cough perhaps"} {"Clue":"Stick or carrot's first to lead one falling behind (6)","Answer":"CLAG","Explanation":"Definition: Stick\nCarrot (first letter of) in front of (to lead) LAG (one falling behind)"} {"Clue":"Ligament damaged, ref mostly unfeeling (6)","Answer":"FRENUM","Explanation":"Definition: Ligament\nREF* anagram=damaged then NUMb (unfeeling, mostly)"} {"Clue":"Squad of old soldiers to blame when urbs initially is captured (6)","Answer":"DECURY","Explanation":"Definition: Squad of old soldiers\nDECRY (to blame) containing (captures) Urbs (initial letter of)"} {"Clue":"Defining designer is habitual reponse (9)","Answer":"DIORISTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Defining\nDIOR (designer) IS then TIC (habitual response)"} {"Clue":"Waterproof material? Get that to cover private office (5)","Answer":"LODEN","Explanation":"Definition: Waterproof material\nLO (explamation, get that) on (to cover) DEN (private office)"} {"Clue":"Worthless mixture of types turned up in test (5)","Answer":"TRIPY","Explanation":"Definition: Worthless\nPI (mixture of types) reversed in TRY (test)"} {"Clue":"Boris yells wildly about independence \u2013 it damages lungs (11)","Answer":"BERYLLIOSIS","Explanation":"Definition: it damages lungs\nanagram of BORIS YELLS about I (independence)"} {"Clue":"Defeat family occupying Chinese dynasty (7)","Answer":"TANKING","Explanation":"Definition: Defeat \nKIN (family) inside TANG (Chinese dynasty)"} {"Clue":"German sharpshooter, to his countrymen certainly a bore (6)","Answer":"JAEGER","Explanation":"Definition: German sharpshooter\nJA (certainly, yes in German) and EGER (a bore, on a river)"} {"Clue":"Roman dramatist's cutting one up for parts of his work? (6)","Answer":"SCENES","Explanation":"Definition: parts of his work\nSENECa'S (Roman dramatist) missing A (one) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Like soggy pud mum cooked (5)","Answer":"MADID","Explanation":"Definition: Like soggy pud\nMA (mum) DID (cooked)"} {"Clue":"Base crucial for walk, a lighthouse (6)","Answer":"ALKALI","Explanation":"Definition: Base\nfound inside (crucial for) wALK A LIghthouse"} {"Clue":"Type of silk Arab removed from wardrobe (5)","Answer":"MOIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Type of silk\narMOIRE (wardrobe) missing AR (Arab)"} {"Clue":"Plant genus runner bean is not part of (4)","Answer":"ACER","Explanation":"Definition: Plant genus\nrACER (runner) missing Runner (first letter of) \u2013 'bean' means 'head'"} {"Clue":"Perhaps look at white dwarf grasses around summerhouse, smell leaves (8)","Answer":"STAR GAZE","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps look at white dwarf\nRATS (grasses) reversed (around) then GAZEbo missing BO (smell)"} {"Clue":"Spades forced in damage group of trees (5)","Answer":"HURST","Explanation":"Definition: group of trees\nS (spades) in HURT (damage)"} {"Clue":"Through short upland tract, carry grand piano (6)","Answer":"FLUGEL","Explanation":"Definition: grand piano\nLUG (carry) in FELL (upland tract) missing last letter (short)"} {"Clue":"Did arm crack, training in middle of Sweden? (8)","Answer":"EQUIPPED","Explanation":"Definition: Did arm\nQUIP (crack) and PE (training) in swEDen (middle of)"} {"Clue":"Pop star regularly eats starter of spare ribs, say (4)","Answer":"OSSA","Explanation":"Definition: ribs, say\npOpStAr (regularly)contains (eats) Spare (first letter, start of)"} {"Clue":"Film about graduates recalling construction of canal (10)","Answer":"CASABLANCA","Explanation":"Definition: Film\nCA (circa, about) then BAS (graduates) reversed (recalling) and CANAL* anagram=constructionof"} {"Clue":"Nervous wife brought in miniature (7)","Answer":"TWITCHY","Explanation":"Definition: Nervous\nW (wife) in TITCHY (miniature)"} {"Clue":"Harmed native American cut and bloody (7)","Answer":"INJURED","Explanation":"Definition: Harmed\nINJUn (native American) cut short and RED (bloody)"} {"Clue":"English pals spread litter around walking areas (10)","Answer":"ESPLANADES","Explanation":"Definition: walking areas\nE (English) PALS* anagram=spread and SEDAN (litter) reversed (around)"} {"Clue":"Dog lead for Newfoundland kept in shed (4)","Answer":"HUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\nNewfoundland (leading letter of) in HUT (shed)"} {"Clue":"Daily officer serving London district (8)","Answer":"CHARLTON","Explanation":"Definition: London district\nCHAR (daily, cleaner) LT (officer) and ON (serving)"} {"Clue":"Left-winger dominating victory embraces players (6)","Answer":"WILSON","Explanation":"Definition: Left-winger \nWIN (victory) contains (embraces) LSO (London Symphony Orchestra, players) \u2013 Harold Wilson, former PM"} {"Clue":"Sculptor's way of working with brass abroad (5)","Answer":"MOORE","Explanation":"Definition: Sculptor\nMO (modus operandi, way of working) with ORE (foreign money, brass abroad)"} {"Clue":"A loft towards the front stores meat primarily (5,3)","Answer":"ABOVE ALL","Explanation":"Definition: primarily\nA then LOB (loft) reversed (reading towards the front) contains VEAL (meat)"} {"Clue":"Features of a country walk perhaps lit up in three directions (6)","Answer":"STILES","Explanation":"Definition: Features of a country walk perhaps\nLIT reversed in SES (south east south, three directions)"} {"Clue":"Cologne can be so loud, with student festivity and shouting (8)","Answer":"FRAGRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Cologne can be so\nF (loud) RAG (student festivity) and RANT shouting"} {"Clue":"Left party upset, but another one's found (4)","Answer":"BALL","Explanation":"Definition: another one's found\nL (left) and LAB (Labour, political party) reversed (upset)"} {"Clue":"Tills continually annoy latest of customers moving to the end (6)","Answer":"PETERS","Explanation":"Definition: Tills\nPESTER (continually annoy) with customerS (last letter of) at the end of the word"} {"Clue":"Bun hairstyle, unfamiliar on celebrity, turning heads (4)","Answer":"CHOU","Explanation":"Definition: Bun\nanagram (turning) of the first letters of Hairstyle Unfamiliar On Celebrity \u2013 a difficult clue"} {"Clue":"Good music (pop) is something Italians devour? (6)","Answer":"GRAPPA","Explanation":"Definition: something Italians devour\nG (good) RAP (music) and PA (pop)"} {"Clue":"Intolerable sentimentality that becomes Electra? (7)","Answer":"TREACLE","Explanation":"Definition: Intolerable sentimentality\nanagram (that becomes) of ELECTRA"} {"Clue":"A pair of hecklers entering deceive Canadian singer-songwriter (5)","Answer":"COHEN","Explanation":"Definition: Canadian singer-songwriter\nHEcklers (pair of letters from) in CON (deceive)"} {"Clue":"Contemporary artist dismissing unknown moneylenders (5)","Answer":"BANKS","Explanation":"Definition: moneylenders\nBANKSy (contemporary artist) missing Y (unknown, algebra)"} {"Clue":"Football team of 4, 8 and 27 saw the millions being mishandled (4,3)","Answer":"WEST HAM","Explanation":"Definition: Football team of 4, 8 and 27\nanagram (mishandled) of SAW THE and M (millions) \u2013 players in former West Ham sides"} {"Clue":"One supports high-class pub with more senior following (8)","Answer":"UPHOLDER","Explanation":"Definition: One supports\nU (high class) PH (pub) then OLDER (more senior)"} {"Clue":"Regular donations include a piece of bacon (6)","Answer":"LARDON","Explanation":"Definition: a piece of bacon\nfoundinside reguLAR Donations"} {"Clue":"No telephone boxes \u2013 little space (6)","Answer":"DENIAL","Explanation":"Definition: No\nDIAL (telephone) contains (boxes) EN (little space, printing)"} {"Clue":"Given dope, play jazz aimlessly (6)","Answer":"NOODLE","Explanation":"Definition: dope\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Character introducing The King, a musical act ending in 1977 (1,3)","Answer":"T REX","Explanation":"Definition: a musical act ending in 1977\nThe (first letter, character introducing) and REX (king)"} {"Clue":"Material John Wayne originally rejected (4)","Answer":"WOOL","Explanation":"Definition: Material\nLOO (john) and Wayne (first letter, originally) reversed (rejected)"} {"Clue":"It flies in very large quarry (6)","Answer":"OSPREY","Explanation":"OS (out-size, very large) and PREY (quarry)"} {"Clue":"Beginning to tune, say, four small instruments (1-7)","Answer":"T-SQUARES","Explanation":"Tune (first letter of) SQUARE (four say, a square number) and S (small)"} {"Clue":"Vulnerable\u00a0offer (6)","Answer":"TENDER","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Maybe Christmas fairy's touring dates adjusted (5-3)","Answer":"FEAST DAY","Explanation":"FAY (fairy) contains (touring) DATES* anagram=adjusted"} {"Clue":"Not a thing to wrap extremely excellent cheese (4)","Answer":"FETA","Explanation":"FA (sweet Fanny Adams, not a thing) contains ExcellenT (extremes of)"} {"Clue":"Islanders, drooping in rain, set out in ship (3,7)","Answer":"SRI LANKANS","Explanation":"LANK (drooping) in RAIN* anagram=set out all inside SS (steam ship)"} {"Clue":"Wasted head start? See superior (7,5)","Answer":"STREETS AHEAD","Explanation":"anagram (wasted) of HEAD START SEE"} {"Clue":"Perfume department in France stocking English and German port (3-2-7)","Answer":"EAU-DE-COLOGNE","Explanation":"AUDE (department in France) inside (stocking) E (English) and COLOGNE (German port)"} {"Clue":"Promptly on about curtailed employment continually repressing north (3,2,5)","Answer":"NOW OR NEVER","Explanation":"ON reversed (about) WORk (employment, curtailed) EVER (continually) containing N (north)"} {"Clue":"What might carry ultimately dormant fish (4)","Answer":"TIDE","Explanation":"dormanT (ultimately, last letter) and IDE (fish)"} {"Clue":"Smack steams to the Orient, as far as it goes? (8)","Answer":"EASTMOST","Explanation":"anagram (smack) of STEAMS TO"} {"Clue":"Quartet from Rome in setback, following split, west of one Italian town (6)","Answer":"TIVOLI","Explanation":"IV (quartet from Rome) in LOT (set) reversed (back) reversed before (to the west of) I (one) \u2013 \"following split\" indicates that setback has to be split into \"set\" and \"back\". A difficult clue."} {"Clue":"Hybrid transplant by artery (8)","Answer":"TAYBERRY","Explanation":"anagram (transplant) of BY ARTERY"} {"Clue":"Frank introducing vital broadcast \u2013 very odd (6)","Answer":"FREAKY","Explanation":"FREAKY sounds like (broadcast) free (frank) key (vital)"} {"Clue":"Public joining our European unemployed (3,2,3)","Answer":"OUT OF USE","Explanation":"OUT (public) with OF US (our) and E (European)"} {"Clue":"Pressure on union judge to leave flat (8)","Answer":"PUNCTURE","Explanation":"P (pressure) on jUNCTION (union) missing J (judge to leave)"} {"Clue":"Cotswold female on river vessel (4)","Answer":"EWER","Explanation":"EWE (female Cotswold, sheep) on R (river)"} {"Clue":"Might one be confused by form from\u00a0Dumbledore, for example (12)","Answer":"SPELLCHECKER","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Buoyant United Kingdom clever to welcome Poles in (10)","Answer":"UNSINKABLE","Explanation":"UK ABLE (clever) contains (to welcome) N and S (poles) IN"} {"Clue":"Example of MP inflamed over EU farming system? (6)","Answer":"REDCAP","Explanation":"RED (inflamed) on CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) \u2013 a military policeman"} {"Clue":"Somewhat cautious, boy finally tucked into type of kebab (6)","Answer":"SHYISH","Explanation":"boY (final letter) inside SHISH (type of kebab)"} {"Clue":"TV put out on furniture (5-7)","Answer":"CROSS-DRESSER","Explanation":"CROSS (put out) on DRESSER (furniture) \u2013 a transvestite"} {"Clue":"Cadge fresh butter \u2013 yours truly finds a third of an ounce or so (10)","Answer":"DECAGRAMME","Explanation":"anagram (fresh) of CADGE then RAM (a goat, somthing that butts) and ME (yours truly)"} {"Clue":"Indian city hosting one colonel and a general (8)","Answer":"AGRICOLA","Explanation":"AGRA (Indian city) contains (hosting) I (one) and COL (colonel) \u2013 a Roman general"} {"Clue":"Heartless name for speed (8)","Answer":"CELERITY","Explanation":"CELEbRITY (name, heartless)"} {"Clue":"Bee caught in little picture (6)","Answer":"INSECT","Explanation":"C (caught) in INSET (little picture)"} {"Clue":"At first sight, typical weather in Scotland, temperate yet windy (6)","Answer":"TWISTY","Explanation":"first letters (at first sight) of Typical Weather In Scotland Temperate Yet"} {"Clue":"Fence turning up \u2013 one's worse than a thief (4)","Answer":"LIAR","Explanation":"RAIL (fence) reversed (turning up) \u2013 I presume the definition references some famous quotation but I don't know which"} {"Clue":"Glaze a special ice cream for starters (5)","Answer":"ASPIC","Explanation":"Definition: Glaze\nA S (special) and Ice Cream (for starters, first letters of)"} {"Clue":"Ex-PM flying to JFK second last in economy, going for a pound (4,5)","Answer":"TONY BLAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Ex-PM\nTO NY By AIR (flying to JFK) with L (libra, a pound) replacing\u00a0economY (last letter of) \u2013 ~~I'm not sure what \"second\" is doing in there~~ *\"second\" tells us to replace only the second occurrence of Y in \"to ny\u00a0by air\""} {"Clue":"Endless gutrot claims sick Montmartre painter (7)","Answer":"UTRILLO","Explanation":"Definition: Montmartre painter\ngUTROt (endless) contains (claims) ILL (sick) \u2013 Maurice Utrillo, born in Montmartre"} {"Clue":"Leading Brexiteer \"entertaining comedian\" \u2013 papers (2,5)","Answer":"ID CARDS","Explanation":"Definition: papers\nIDS (Ian Duncan Smith) contains (entertaining) CARD (comedian)"} {"Clue":"EU \"falsities\" so besmirched much of the campaign rhetoric (1,6,2,4)","Answer":"A TISSUE OF LIES","Explanation":"Definition: much of the campaign rhetoric\nanagram (besmirched) of EU FALSITIES SO"} {"Clue":"Key section of Article 50 (4)","Answer":"CLEF","Explanation":"Definition: Key\nfound inside (section of) artiCLE Fifty"} {"Clue":"Old forerunner of the Euro made Toni a killing (9)","Answer":"EXECUTION","Explanation":"Definition: a killing\nEX (old) ECU (European Currency Unit, forerunner of the euro) then TONI anagram=made"} {"Clue":"Has nothing on international hard drug expert (2,3,4)","Answer":"IN THE BUFF","Explanation":"Definition: Has nothing on\nINT (international) H (hard) E (ecstasy, drug) and BUFF (expert)"} {"Clue":"Easy Rider's direction? (4)","Answer":"WHOA","Explanation":"Definition: Easy Rider's direction\ncryptic definition \u2013 a horse rider's call (direction) to slow, or \"easy\""} {"Clue":"Regret at having made investment purchase; error seems careless (6,7)","Answer":"BUYERS REMORSE","Explanation":"Definition: Regret at having made investment\nBUY (purchase) then anagram (careless) of ERROR SEEMS"} {"Clue":"People determined to leave his glen ravaged? (7)","Answer":"ENGLISH","Explanation":"Definition: People determined to leave\nanagram (ravished) of HIS GLEN"} {"Clue":"Nigel, losing his head, over-the- top, barking? Time to move on (3,2,2)","Answer":"LET IT GO","Explanation":"Definition: Time to move on\nanagram (barking) of nIGEL (missing head) and OTT (over-the-top)"} {"Clue":"Half-hearted crowd follows famous golfer, vulnerable to the cut? (9)","Answer":"SEVERABLE","Explanation":"Definition: vulnerable to the cut\nRABbLE (crowd, half hearted) follows SEVE ballesteros (famous golfer)"} {"Clue":"Dashes back to get precious instrument (5)","Answer":"STRAD","Explanation":"Definition: precious instrument\nDARTS (dashes) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Punishing repayment loan; contents lost forever (11)","Answer":"PERMANENTLY","Explanation":"Definition: forever\nanagram (punishing) of REPYMENT and LoaN (no middle, contents lost)"} {"Clue":"Held up in Tunisia, lacking port (6)","Answer":"CALAIS","Explanation":"Definition: port\nfound reversed inside (held up in) tuniSIA LACking"} {"Clue":"Where bride drops her underwear in 3? (9)","Answer":"TROUSSEAU","Explanation":"Definition: Where bride drops her underwear in 3\ncryptic definition \u2013 a bride might drop her underwear into her wedding dress (trousseau)\u00a0on her\u00a0wedding night. This seems a bit tenuous to me, can someone do any better?"} {"Clue":"Top of the charts is Adele's latest cacophony (5)","Answer":"NOISE","Explanation":"Definition: acophony\nNO I (number one, top of the charts) then iS adelE (last letters of, latest)"} {"Clue":"Defence of a ruck developing under Boris's leadership (4,4)","Answer":"BACK FOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Defence\nOF A RUCK* anagram=developing following Boris (leading letter of) \u2013 defenders in football team"} {"Clue":"A number left outskirts of Egyptian capital (3)","Answer":"AIR","Explanation":"Definition: A number\ncAIRo (Egyptian capital) missing outside letters (outskirts left). at first I mistakenly entered YEN:\u00a0Y (a number, in an equation) before (to the left of) EgyptiaN (outside letters) \u2013 Japanese money, capital"} {"Clue":"Pink paper takes 24hrs; that's fast! (4,6)","Answer":"ROSE SUNDAY","Explanation":"Definition: fast\nROSE (pink) SUN (newspaper) and DAY (24 hours) \u2013 the fourth Sunday in Lent and the third Sunday in Advent. Splitting hairs here, but according to Wikipedia\u00a0these are the days when the fast can be broken, so technically not actual fast days?"} {"Clue":"I support Hibernian; I must be barking (5,6)","Answer":"IRISH SETTER","Explanation":"Definition: I must be barking\nSETTER (I, the setter of this puzzle) follows (supports in the grid) IRISH (Hibernian)"} {"Clue":"Self-catering rooms vacant, water included, for hacks (10)","Answer":"SCRIBBLERS","Explanation":"Definition: hacks\nSC (self catering) and RoomS (vacant, no middle letters) contain (with\u2026included) RIBBLE (water, a UK river)"} {"Clue":"At home, relatively speaking, in 3 (2,7)","Answer":"EN FAMILLE","Explanation":"Definition: At home, relatively speaking, in 3\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Try Thai-sounding recipe that's more wholesome (8)","Answer":"HEARTIER","Explanation":"Definition: more wholesome\nHEAR (try) then TIE sounds like Thai and R (recipe)"} {"Clue":"Dry American who helped to finish me off? (6)","Answer":"BRUTUS","Explanation":"Definition: who helped to finish me off\nBRUT (dry) and US (American) \u2013 helped to kill Julius (me) Caesar"} {"Clue":"How some cure habit? (5)","Answer":"REHAB","Explanation":"Definition: How some cure habit\nfound inside (some of) cuRE HABit"} {"Clue":"Retiree, inviting Liberal Democrat out for drink, is mugged (4,1,3)","Answer":"SOLD A PUP","Explanation":"Definition: mugged\nOAP (retiree) contains (inviting) LD (Liberal Democrat) all inside (out for?) SUP (drink) \u2013 I'm not sure about \"out for\""} {"Clue":"Leading Brexiteer \"pointless, common politician\" (3)","Answer":"GOV","Explanation":"Definition: common politicia\nGOVe (leading Brexiteer) missing E (east, a point of the compass)"} {"Clue":"Boycott with his Test debut award (8)","Answer":"BLACKCAP","Explanation":"BLACK (boycott) with CAP (Geoffey Boycott's test debut award)"} {"Clue":"Divinity showing humour (6)","Answer":"GODWIT","Explanation":"GOD (divinity) and WIT (humour)"} {"Clue":"Fool's cap by church (8)","Answer":"NUTHATCH","Explanation":"NUT (fool) has HAT (cap) by CH (church)"} {"Clue":"Raptor isn't one (6)","Answer":"PARROT","Explanation":"anagram of RAPTOR"} {"Clue":"Top German detective taking in past film (9)","Answer":"GOLDENEYE","Explanation":"Definition: film\nGerman (top, first letter of) and EYE (detective) contains OLDEN (past) \u2013 we have a bonus definiton"} {"Clue":"Go mostly around capital of Belgium (5)","Answer":"GREBE","Explanation":"GREE? (go, mostly) containing Belgium (capital, first letter). ~~I can't think what word fits the definition or \"go\" \u2013 GREED GREEK GREEN GREER or GREET? Perhaps I have this completely wrong.~~ Green as in traffic lights \u2013 D'oh!"} {"Clue":"No baby sleeping here, apparently (4)","Answer":"COOT","Explanation":"O (nothing) in COT \u2013 no baby sleeping here"} {"Clue":"Not much go reportedly (7)","Answer":"BITTERN","Explanation":"BIT (not much) and TERN sounds like (reportedly) \"turn\" (go)"} {"Clue":"Mark Rylance character's empty list (7)","Answer":"ROOSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Mark Rylance character\nO (nothing) in ROSTER (list) \u2013 an empty list, and another bonus definition: Johnny \"Rooster\" Byron in the play Jerusalem played by Mark Rylance"} {"Clue":"Observed during 1627? (4)","Answer":"ERNE","Explanation":"found inside (observed during) bittERN Evejar (solutions to 16 and 27)"} {"Clue":"Turning over during sleep; insomnious? (5)","Answer":"SNIPE","Explanation":"found reversed (turning over) inside (during) sleEP INSomnious"} {"Clue":"Picnic food? (9)","Answer":"FIELDFARE","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"German's agreement always around (6)","Answer":"EVEJAR","Explanation":"JA (yes, German's agreement) inside EVER (always) \u2013 another name for the Nightjar"} {"Clue":"Instrument on account (8)","Answer":"HORNBILL","Explanation":"HORN (instrument) on BILL (account)"} {"Clue":"Female drinking blackcurrant drink back (6)","Answer":"SHRIKE","Explanation":"SHE (female) contains KIR (blackcurrant drink) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Yeoman drops bit of food (3,5)","Answer":"BEE EATER","Explanation":"BEEfEATER (yeoman) missing Food (first letter, bit of)"} {"Clue":"Kind and good in African republic (6)","Answer":"BENIGN","Explanation":"Definition: Kind\nG (good) in BENIN (African republic)"} {"Clue":"Leader of tribe taking the helm, we hear (6)","Answer":"ATTILA","Explanation":"Definition: Leader of tribe\nAT TILA sounds like (we hear) \"at tiller\" (taking the helm)"} {"Clue":"Jack's vehicle turned up in outskirts of Knightsbridge (5)","Answer":"KNAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Jack\nVAN (vehicle) reversed (turns up) in KnighsbridgE (outskirts of)"} {"Clue":"Old worker circling new French company (7)","Answer":"ANCIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Old\nANT (worker) contains N (new) and CIE (company, French abbreviation)"} {"Clue":"Ape cut fruit and chewed a nut (5-4)","Answer":"ORANG-UTAN","Explanation":"Definition: Ape\nORANGe (fruit, cut) and anagram (chewed) of A NUT"} {"Clue":"We snored awfully \u2013 it's no better (8)","Answer":"WORSENED","Explanation":"Definition: it's no better\nanagram (awfully) of WE SNORED"} {"Clue":"Tenth ode composed finally? (2,3,3)","Answer":"TO THE END","Explanation":"Definition: finally\nanagram (composed) of TENTH ODE"} {"Clue":"Basil or Rosemary having three ribs. Not odd! (4)","Answer":"HERB","Explanation":"Definition: Basil or Rosemary\neven letters (not odd) of tHrEe RiBs"} {"Clue":"Extremely distressed \u2013 this could be around the clock (2,3,4)","Answer":"ON THE RACK","Explanation":"Definition: Extremely distressed\non a mantelpiece (around the clcok) \u2013 a rack is a shelf for miscellaneous items. I am not 100% sure about this explanation."} {"Clue":"Kitchen furniture\u00a0in the make- up rooms (8)","Answer":"DRESSERS","Explanation":"Definition: Kitchen furniture\ndouble definition \u2013 actors' dressers in theatres"} {"Clue":"Tower over action man holding explosive (8)","Answer":"DOMINEER","Explanation":"Definition: Tower over\nDOER (action man) contains MINE (explosive)"} {"Clue":"Collar by the fairway, say (4)","Answer":"RUFF","Explanation":"Definition: Collar\nRUFF sounds like (we say) rough (what is by the fairway)"} {"Clue":"The carbuncle was seen by me, reportedly (7)","Answer":"EYESORE","Explanation":"Definition: carbuncle\nEYE SORE sounds like (reportedly) \"I saw\" (was seen by me)"} {"Clue":"Tom is a potential supporter of the chairman! (6)","Answer":"MAOIST","Explanation":"Definition: supporter of the chairman\nanagram (potentially) of TOM IS A"} {"Clue":"That lumberjack\u00a0chap (6)","Answer":"FELLER","Explanation":"Definition: That lumberjack\ncryptic\/double definition"} {"Clue":"Author initially nervous during meeting (5)","Answer":"DANTE","Explanation":"Definition: Author\nNervous (initial letter of) in DATE (meeting)"} {"Clue":"Quick easy victory, something precious about it (6)","Answer":"PROMPT","Explanation":"Definition: Quick\nROMP (easy victory) inside PT (platinum, something precious)"} {"Clue":"Creative mind taking an age to orbit Pluto (6)","Answer":"EDISON","Explanation":"Definition: Creative mind\nEON (an age) containing (to orbit) DIS (Pluto, hell)"} {"Clue":"Golden fur is a euro \u2014 that's fake? (10)","Answer":"AURIFEROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Golden\nanagram (fake) of FUR IS A EURO"} {"Clue":"Bum soaked, last of water going in with both taps (6)","Answer":"WRETCH","Explanation":"Definition: Bum\nWET (soaked) contains wateR (last letter of) with C and H (hot and cold, both taps)"} {"Clue":"Growth of many branches as US retailer backs Scandinavian currency (8)","Answer":"SYCAMORE","Explanation":"Definition: Growth of many branches\nMACY'S (US retailer) reversed (backs) then ORE (Scandinavian currency)"} {"Clue":"Threw good 9s like this? Some initially getting caught (9)","Answer":"UNSADDLED","Explanation":"Definition: Threw\nUN-ADDLED (like good eggs) containing Some (initial letter of) \u2013 I think Paul meant to write good 9 rather than good 9s"} {"Clue":"Pastry dish for lunch about noon, originally (4)","Answer":"FLAN","Explanation":"Definition: Pastry dish\nfirst letters (originally) of For Lunch About Noon"} {"Clue":"Where tools may be\u00a0dropped (4)","Answer":"SHED","Explanation":"Definition: Where tools may be\ndouble definition \u2013 excellent!"} {"Clue":"Hearing nothing, notes fade badly (5,4)","Answer":"STONE DEAF","Explanation":"Definition: Hearing nothing\nanagram (badly) of NOTES FADE"} {"Clue":"Weapon \u2014 but isn't Jerry a pacifist? (8)","Answer":"TOMAHAWK","Explanation":"Definition: Weapon\nin Tom and Jerry cartoons if TOM A HAWK then Jerry a pacfist \u2013 it seemed they each gave as good as they got to me."} {"Clue":"Pure way to cut meat (6)","Answer":"VESTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Pure\nST (street, way) inside (to cut) VEAL (meat)"} {"Clue":"Cold\u00a0as 9? (4-6)","Answer":"HARD-BOILED","Explanation":"Definition: Cold\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Deep fried successor for Nietzsche? (4)","Answer":"RICH","Explanation":"Definition: Deep\nas a successor to fried we get friedRICH (Nietzsche) \u2013 bravo!"} {"Clue":"Not entirely leporine animal, an equine badger! (6)","Answer":"HARASS","Explanation":"Definition: badger\nHARe ( a leporine animal, not entirely) and ASS (an equine)"} {"Clue":"Smart putting waste collector behind skip for a start (6)","Answer":"SNAPPY","Explanation":"Definition: Smart\nNAPPY (baby waste collector) following Skip (starting letter of)"} {"Clue":"Secure banking payment, crude stuff (3,4)","Answer":"PIG IRON","Explanation":"Definition: crude stuff \nPIN (secure) contins (banking) GIRO (payment)"} {"Clue":"Start acting? (5)","Answer":"ONSET","Explanation":"Definition: Start\nON SET (acting)"} {"Clue":"Slovakia and Jamaica (via Romania) both have breakfast (7,4)","Answer":"POACHED EGGS","Explanation":"Definition: breakfast\n\"slOVAkia\" and \"jamaiCA VIA Romania\" both contain (have poached) eggs *See egg smugglers and comments below for some topical info on this clue"} {"Clue":"Bored, it's suggested, with one in ruin (6)","Answer":"DEFACE","Explanation":"Definition: ruin\nDEF is \"fed up\" with ACE (one)"} {"Clue":"Run off and drained like 9? (9)","Answer":"SCRAMBLED","Explanation":"Definition: like 9\nSCRAM (run off) and BLED (drained) \u2013 like eggs"} {"Clue":"News about diversion of route \u2014 no charge for it (7)","Answer":"NEUTRON","Explanation":"Definition: no charge for it\nN and N (news, N=new plural) contains (about) anagram (diversion) of ROUTE"} {"Clue":"Smart\u00a0as a cyanide-laced salad? (7,2,4)","Answer":"DRESSED TO KILL","Explanation":"Definition: Smart\ndouble\/cryptic definition \u2013 I wasted a lot of time trying to find ananagram of A CYANIDE-LACED"} {"Clue":"A law together with sovereign pontiff (9)","Answer":"ALEXANDER","Explanation":"Definition: pontiff\nA LEX (law) AND (together with) ER (Elizabeth Regina, sovereign) \u2013 definition is one of the various Pope Alexanders or perhaps Alexander Pope?"} {"Clue":"Bear most upset over a chimp, no little monkey (7)","Answer":"STOMACH","Explanation":"Definition: Bear\nanagram (upset) of MOST then A CHimp missing IMP (little monkey)"} {"Clue":"Nothing very exciting nearby, both heading northward from Reno, say? (7)","Answer":"NEVADAN","Explanation":"Definition: from Reno, say\nNADA and V (very) with Exciting Nearby (heading letters of both) reversed (northward)"} {"Clue":"Some boxing leading to riot (7)","Answer":"ANARCHY","Explanation":"Definition: riot\nANY (some) contains (boxing) ARCH (leading)"} {"Clue":"Little time in short tragedy, it's noted (6)","Answer":"FAMOUS","Explanation":"Definition: noted\nMO (litttle time) in FAUSt (tragedy, short)"} {"Clue":"Bind bits up (5)","Answer":"STRAP","Explanation":"Definition: Bind\nPARTS (bits) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Special present is a ball (6)","Answer":"SPHERE","Explanation":"Definition: a ball\nSP (special) HERE (present) \u2013 the setter shows admirable restraint here"} {"Clue":"Conflict at sea hotted up (6)","Answer":"WARMED","Explanation":"Definition: hotted up\nWAR (conflict) with MED (sea)"} {"Clue":"Drove close to black cabs' waiting area (4)","Answer":"RANK","Explanation":"Definition: cabs' waiting area\nRAN (drove) and blacK (closing letter of)"} {"Clue":"Fine wine topped with fruit (10)","Answer":"CLEMENTINE","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nCLEMENT (fine) and wINE (topped, no first letter)"} {"Clue":"Filthy place found by setter carrying pig's guts in hamper (6)","Answer":"STYMIE","Explanation":"Definition: hamper\nSTY (filthy place) then ME (the setter) containing pIg (guts, centre of)"} {"Clue":"Popular street ruined by diversion (8)","Answer":"INTEREST","Explanation":"Definition: diversion\nIN (popular) and STREET* anagram=ruined"} {"Clue":"Media taken in by 'terribly poor' tyrant (9)","Answer":"OPPRESSOR","Explanation":"Definition: tyrant\nPRESS (media) in POOR* anagram=terribly"} {"Clue":"Tree is home to blackbird's first chick (4)","Answer":"BABY","Explanation":"Definition: chick\nBAY (tree) contains (is home to) Blackbird (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Egalitarian retail outlet in which to find chickens? (4)","Answer":"COOP","Explanation":"Definition: in which to find chickens\nCO-OP (Cooperative Society, egalitarian retail outlet)"} {"Clue":"One helping with the horses in farm area containing strong smell (9)","Answer":"STABLEBOY","Explanation":"Definition: One helping with the horses\nSTY (farm area) contains ABLE (strong) and BO (smell)"} {"Clue":"Trace son mistreated by forebear (8)","Answer":"ANCESTOR","Explanation":"Definition: forebear\nanagram (mistreated) od TRACE SON"} {"Clue":"Liberal side of personality associated with essential part of boy's sex drive (6)","Answer":"LIBIDO","Explanation":"Definition: sex drive\nLIB (Liberal) ID (side of personality) with bOy (essential part, centre of)"} {"Clue":"Foreman with smashing shield (10)","Answer":"SUPERVISOR","Explanation":"Definition: Foreman\nSUPER (smashing) and VISOR (shiled)"} {"Clue":"Catch leaders of new administration in Lahore (4)","Answer":"NAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Catch\nleading letters of New Administration In Lahore"} {"Clue":"Posed wearing Selfridges' ultimate fabrics (6)","Answer":"SATINS","Explanation":"Definition: fabrics\nSAT (posed) IN (wearing) selfridgeS (ultimate letter of)"} {"Clue":"Head of science meeting husband in trendy educational establishment (6)","Answer":"SCHOOL","Explanation":"Definition: educational establishment\nScience (first letter, head of) then H (husband) in COOL (trendy)"} {"Clue":"New business involving fabulous sheep? (5-2)","Answer":"START-UP","Explanation":"Definition: New business\nSTAR (fabulous) TUP (a sheep)"} {"Clue":"Buzz round satisfactory bunk (5)","Answer":"HOKUM","Explanation":"Definition: bunk\nHUM (buzz) contains OK (satisfactory)"} {"Clue":"Decapitated insects with disease (7)","Answer":"RICKETS","Explanation":"Definition: disease\ncRICKETS (insects, decapitated)"} {"Clue":"Save stamps featuring a collection of Zoroastrian texts (6)","Answer":"AVESTA","Explanation":"Definition: a collection of Zoroastrian texts\nfound inside sAVE STAmps"} {"Clue":"Forced to carry old metal band in procession of vehicles (9)","Answer":"MOTORCADE","Explanation":"Definition: procession of vehicles\nMADE (forced) contains O (old) TORC (metal band)"} {"Clue":"Extremely dirty and unpleasant house (7)","Answer":"DYNASTY","Explanation":"Definition: house\nDirtY (extreme letters of) and NASTY (unpleasant)"} {"Clue":"Editor's tipple mixed by natural historian (13)","Answer":"LEPIDOPTERIST","Explanation":"Definition: natural historian\nanagram (mixed) of EDITOR'S TIPPLE"} {"Clue":"Lose voter upset by former president (9)","Answer":"ROOSEVELT","Explanation":"Definition: former president\nanagram (upset) of LOSE VOTER"} {"Clue":"Knock out Tory before central part of discussion (7)","Answer":"CONCUSS","Explanation":"Definition: Knock out\nCON (Conservative, Tory) then disCUSSion (central part of)"} {"Clue":"Smooth end drops off magnificent belt (7)","Answer":"BALDRIC","Explanation":"Definition: belt\nBALD (smooth) and RICh (magnificent) missing end letter"} {"Clue":"Police using out of date legislation? (3,4)","Answer":"OLD BILL","Explanation":"Definition: Police\nOLD (out of date) and BILL (legislation)"} {"Clue":"Saint still a man (6)","Answer":"STEVEN","Explanation":"Definition: a man\nST (saint) and EVEN (yet)"} {"Clue":"Drum and pipe given to leader of Orangemen (5)","Answer":"BONGO","Explanation":"Definition: Drum\nBONG (pipe) with Orangemen (leading letter of)"} {"Clue":"Man presses to contain European anger about bishop's sacred work (4,5,5)","Answer":"KING JAMES BIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: sacred work\nKING (man, on a chessboard) then JAMS (presses) containing E (European) and then BILE (anger) containing B (bishop)"} {"Clue":"Former Private Eye editor, for the most part, was ignorant (6)","Answer":"INGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: was ignorant\nRichard\u00a0INGRAMs (former editor of Private Eye) shortened (for he most part) \u2013 \"was\" indicates the word is obsolete"} {"Clue":"What sounds like vacuous publicity row (4,4)","Answer":"LEAD-LINE","Explanation":"Definition: What sounds\nLikE (vacuous, no middle) AD (publicity) and LINE (row) \u2013 a plumb-line used for sounding depths at sea"} {"Clue":"Ultimately, courteous partners at table stop one shouting for more crackers (8)","Answer":"SCREWIER","Explanation":"Definition: more crackers\ncourteouS (ultimately) then EW (partners, at bridge) inside (to stop, like a cork) CRIER (one calling)"} {"Clue":"Radical old German engineer extremely lucky to make a comeback (6)","Answer":"BENZYL","Explanation":"Definition: Radical\nBENZ (old German engineer) then LuckY (extreme letters of) reversed (to make a comeback)"} {"Clue":"Mix DNA sequence a lot in movement of the young (4,10)","Answer":"BEAT GENERATION","Explanation":"Definition: movement of the young\nBEAT (mix) GENE (DNA sequence) and RATION (a lot) \u2013 movement as in a cult"} {"Clue":"Indication of which station to stop at (5-9)","Answer":"RADIO-FREQUENCY","Explanation":"Definition: Indication of which station to stop at\ncryptic definition \u2013 in the days when radios had dials"} {"Clue":"Wife excited about fair English rose (4,2)","Answer":"WOKE UP","Explanation":"Definition: rose\nW (wife) UP (excited) contains (about) OK (fair) and E (English)"} {"Clue":"Unexpected afterthought to include children's drink (8)","Answer":"SCHNAPPS","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nSNAP (unexpected, eg snap decision) PS (afterthought) contains CH (children)"} {"Clue":"Eggless sex organs external to stout, round 22 (8)","Answer":"SELADANG","Explanation":"Definition: 22\nGoNADS (sex organs) missing O (an egg, something round) containing ALE (stout) all reversed (round) \u2013 the Malaysian Tapir. I wasted some time trying to fit ovaRIES (eggless sex organs) in here somewhere."} {"Clue":"Sensual setter's obsessively obstinate exterior (6)","Answer":"ANIMAL","Explanation":"Definition: Sensual\nI'M (setter is) inside ANAL (excessively obstinate)"} {"Clue":"Religious collection of disused crosses, all damaged (4,3,7)","Answer":"DEAD SEA SCROLLS","Explanation":"Definition: Religious collection\nDEAD (disused) then anagram (damaged) of CROSSES ALL"} {"Clue":"Venomous sort caught wearing half-torn item of hosiery over lingerie (4,5)","Answer":"KING COBRA","Explanation":"Definition: Venomous sort\nC (caught) inside stocKING (item of hosiery, half torn way) with O (over) and then BRA (lingerie)"} {"Clue":"Bottle opener verger keeps hidden (5)","Answer":"NERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Bottle\nfound inside (hidden by) opeNER VErger"} {"Clue":"Starting rotten fish, but not one in extreme condition (7-3-5)","Answer":"JUMPING-OFF-PLACE","Explanation":"Definition: extreme condition\nJUMPING (starting) OFF (rotten) and PLAiCE (fish) missing I (one)"} {"Clue":"Male getting sick prior to track race (7)","Answer":"MILLRUN","Explanation":"Definition: race\nM (male) with ILL (sick) then RUN (track)"} {"Clue":"Song made by Cliff just after personal problem \u2013 nasty (11,4)","Answer":"SCARBOROUGH FAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Song\nSCAR (cliff) then FAIR (just) following BO (personal probem) and ROUGH (nasty)"} {"Clue":"Literally, none here forced into swallowing alcoholic drink (9)","Answer":"ISLINGTON","Explanation":"Definition: Literally, none here\nINTO* anagram=forced containing SLING (alcoholic drink) \u2013 I'm making a guess that the definition refers to *Diary of a Nobody*, set in Islington. If so then I'm not convinced \"literally\" is the same as \"literarily\", which I think is the word required here. *Update: stuartr explains the definition as\u00a0N1 the Islington postcode. N1 written as letters (literally) would be\u00a0N ONE. Much better I think, and more Monkish. Pretty clever in fact."} {"Clue":"Miss having article translated from English into French in Channel Island (5)","Answer":"LUNDY","Explanation":"Definition: Channel Island\nLaDY (miss) with A (indefinite article) replaced with UN (a in French) \u2013 an island in the Bristol Channel, a channel island. Cheeky capitalisation in the definition."} {"Clue":"One cutting frayed cable, even if it partially insulates shock? (5,4)","Answer":"ALICE BAND","Explanation":"Definition: it partially insulates shock\nI (one) inside CABLE* anagram=frayed then AND (even if) \u2013 it partly covers (insulates) hair (a shock of)"} {"Clue":"Gods need power to stop old slowcoach holding Jesus up (9)","Answer":"OLYMPIANS","Explanation":"Definition: Gods\nP (power) inside (to stop, like a cork) O (old) SNAIL (slowcoach) containing MY (Jesus, exclamation)\u00a0reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Bottom halves of paving stones damaged square flags (7)","Answer":"ENSIGNS","Explanation":"Definition: flags\nanagram (damaged) of pavING stoNES (bottom halves of) then S (square)"} {"Clue":"Daisy steers mostly around east Germany on vacation (5)","Answer":"OXEYE","Explanation":"Definition: Daisy\nOXEn (steers, mostly) contains (around) East germanY (on vacation, the middle letters vacated)"} {"Clue":"Spirit of fictional princess about to embrace lover at last (5)","Answer":"ARIEL","Explanation":"Definition: Spirit\nLEIA (fiction princess, Star Wars) reversed (about) contains loveR (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"British old school painter (5)","Answer":"BOSCH","Explanation":"Definition: painter\nB (British) O (old) and SCH (school)"} {"Clue":"Grouped together, making lots of noise between the sheets! (9)","Answer":"BRACKETED","Explanation":"Definition: Grouped together\nRACKET (lots of noise) inside BED (between the sheets)"} {"Clue":"It guards quiet flat with fashionable interior (4,3)","Answer":"SHIN PAD","Explanation":"Definition: It guards\nSH (quiet) PAD (flat) containing IN (fashionable)"} {"Clue":"Chap enters, to be announced in charge of ancient Egyptian city (7)","Answer":"THEBAIC","Explanation":"Definition: of ancient Egyptian city\nHE (a chap) inside TBA (to be announced) than IC (in charge) \u2013 relating to Thebes. Incidentally, I had not realized there were two Thebes, one in Egypt and one in Greece."} {"Clue":"Provides filler for tricky game; St. Helens' first appearance on back page (7,3,3)","Answer":"BRIDGES THE GAP","Explanation":"Definition: Provides filler for\nBRIDGE (tricky game, in which one wins tricks) ST then Helen (first letter of) on PAGE reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Infielder regularly carries 10 water (4)","Answer":"NILE","Explanation":"Definition: 10 water\nregular selection of letters from iNfIeLdEr"} {"Clue":"Made one's mark, reportedly, in skin transplant (9)","Answer":"AUTOGRAFT","Explanation":"Definition: skin transplant\nsounds like (reportedly) autographed (made one's mark)"} {"Clue":"Left oddly situated? These will help you find your bearings (9)","Answer":"LATITUDES","Explanation":"Definition: These will help you find your bearings\nL (left) and SITUATED* anagram=oddly"} {"Clue":"Knock back teaspoonful of sulphur? I say! (4)","Answer":"PSST","Explanation":"Definition: I say\na TSP (teaspoon) full of S (sulphur) all reversed (knocked back)"} {"Clue":"He'll give you the lowdown on British Airways' soundproof design (5,8)","Answer":"BASSO PROFUNDO","Explanation":"Definition: He'll give you the lowdown\nanagram (design) of BA'S SOUNDPROOF \u2013 someone who will give you the low notes"} {"Clue":"Purchase storage on ship heading eastbound (7)","Answer":"TOEHOLD","Explanation":"Definition: Purchase\nHOLD (storage on shp) following (with\u2026at the head) TO E (eastbound)"} {"Clue":"Made manual key corrections in Jaguar E-type drivetrain (7)","Answer":"RETYPED","Explanation":"Definition: Made manual key corrections\nfound inside jaguaR E-TYPE Drivetrain"} {"Clue":"Fought to oust unionist creating disturbance outside \u2013 it might kick off! (5,4)","Answer":"RIGHT FOOT","Explanation":"Definition: it might kick off\nanagram (creating) of FOuGHT missing Unionist (leading letter of) inside RIOT (disturbance)"} {"Clue":"High-level programming language has one in danger (5)","Answer":"PERIL","Explanation":"Definition: danger\nPERL (high-level computer programming language) contains I (one)"} {"Clue":"Violent blow following blunder (by 1 across, as the saying goes?) (4)","Answer":"BASH","Explanation":"Definition: Violent blow\nBASH following BISH (blunder) by BOSCH (1 across) gives the saying \"bish-bash-bosh\", a job quickly and efficiently done. I wanted this to be blunderBUSS, but it was not to be."} {"Clue":"Allowed in using \"bish bosh\" \u2013 the group passwords (11)","Answer":"SHIBBOLETHS","Explanation":"Definition: the group passwords \nLET (allowed) inside anagram (using) of BISH-BOSH"} {"Clue":"Drop-out seen in fast-food joints (6)","Answer":"HIPPIE","Explanation":"Definition: Drop-out\nthe answer will be seen inside cHIIPPEs (fast food joints)"} {"Clue":"Playing rugby, dad wears nothing for protection (9)","Answer":"BODYGUARD","Explanation":"Definition: protection\nanagram (playing) of RUGBY DAD contains (wears) O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"They're against 8; one who prays? (5)","Answer":"ANTIS","Explanation":"Definition: They're against\nmANTIS (one who prays, decapitated)"} {"Clue":"Partially developed blurred photograph enrages Sheik (4,4,2,1,11)","Answer":"KNEE HIGH TO A GRASSHOPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Partially developed\nanagram (blurred) of PHOTOGRAPH ENRAGES SHEIK \u2013 marvellous!"} {"Clue":"Top secret (a tip ace detective comes up with) (10)","Answer":"DECAPITATE","Explanation":"Definition: Top\nfound reversed inside (comes up with) secrET A TIP ACE Detective \u2013 a super clue!"} {"Clue":"Bleak winter hasn't started to trouble little 'un (5-5)","Answer":"ANKLE BITER","Explanation":"Definition: little 'un\nanagram (to trouble) BLEAK and wINTER (not started)"} {"Clue":"Call for heads, possibly, to roll with trouble in store (4,3,2)","Answer":"TOSS FOR IT","Explanation":"Definition: Call for heads, possibly\nTOSS (to roll, like a ship) and FOR IT (with touble in store)"} {"Clue":"Well-built, wearing spectacles, Penny was easy to spot (5,3)","Answer":"STOOD OUT","Explanation":"Definition: was easy to spot\nSTOUT (well-built) containing (wearing) OO (looks like a pair of spectacles)\u00a0*with D (penny)*\u00a0\u2013 normally I would question \"wearing\" indicating the container rather than the contained, but in this case the visual image works well"} {"Clue":"This month's record ball striker (6)","Answer":"INSTEP","Explanation":"Definition: ball striker\nINST (this month) and EP (extended-play record) \u2013 part of the foot that hits a football"} {"Clue":"Part of the media, Bill's in the Olympic venue (5)","Answer":"RADIO","Explanation":"Definition: Part of the media\nAD (advertisment, bill) in RIO (the Olympic venue)"} {"Clue":"One much admired, Labour leader supports union agreement (4)","Answer":"IDOL","Explanation":"Definition: One much admired\nLabour (leading letter of) following (supports, underneath in a down clue) I DO (union agrement, a marriage vow)"} {"Clue":"It hit Prescott, ex-deputy PM, leaving Sri Lanka (3)","Answer":"EGG","Explanation":"Definition: It hit Prescott\nNick clEGG (ex-deputy PM) missing (leaving) CL (Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon) \u2013 John Prescott, like many politicians, was once hit by an egg. Unlike many politicians he punched the egg thrower in the head."} {"Clue":"World traveller (12)","Answer":"GLOBETROTTER","Explanation":"Definition: World traveller\nGLOBE (world) TROTTER (traveller) \u2013 definition is &lit. Just kidding."} {"Clue":"Lilting airs filling old space in special garden (8)","Answer":"ROSARIUM","Explanation":"Definition: special garden\nAIRS* anagram=lifting in ROUM (room, old spelling)"} {"Clue":"Son mixed up with crime? Such types are new to the area (8)","Answer":"INCOMERS","Explanation":"Definition: Such types are new to the area\nanagram of SON and CRIME"} {"Clue":"Old buck: in other words a disreputable fellow (5)","Answer":"SCRIP","Explanation":"Definition: Old buck\nSC (in other words) and RIP (a disreputeable fellow) \u2013 an American banknote of sorts"} {"Clue":"Environmentalist down under that is behind grand waterway (7)","Answer":"GREENIE","Explanation":"Definition: Environmentalist down under\nIE (that is) following G (grand) and REEN (waterway)"} {"Clue":"Rain tree from South Africa? I am surprised (5)","Answer":"ZAMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Rain tree\nZA (South Africa) and MAN (I am surprised!) \u2013 I mistakenly entered ZAMIA at first, which is another tree."} {"Clue":"Old-style footwear shone when reconditioned (5)","Answer":"HOSEN","Explanation":"Definition: Old-style footwear\nSHONE"} {"Clue":"Chump trailing behind people missing 50%? Common in Shakespeare (7)","Answer":"PLEBEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Common in Shakespeare\nBEAN (chump) following peoPLE (50% of)"} {"Clue":"What'll provide lashings first put away in jet? (5)","Answer":"QUIRT","Explanation":"Definition: What'll provide lashings\nsQUIRT (jet) missing first letter"} {"Clue":"Part of chronicles, one read both ways, Latin (5)","Answer":"ANNAL","Explanation":"Definition: Part of chronicles\nANNA (a chronicle and palindrome) then L (Latin)"} {"Clue":"Arches, among the characteristics of Greece? (7)","Answer":"INSTEPS","Explanation":"Definition: Arches\nIN STEPS \u2013 greece (uncapitalised) are steps"} {"Clue":"Waxy stuff to take over on the floor? (5)","Answer":"CUTIN","Explanation":"Definition: Waxy stuff\nCUT IN (take over on dance floor)"} {"Clue":"Lands of poesy wherein Caffir roams (not very strong) (5)","Answer":"AFRIC","Explanation":"Definition: Lands of poesy\nanagram (roams) of CAfFIR missing one F (forte, very strong)"} {"Clue":"One on a zebra, not so good-tempered? (7)","Answer":"CROSSER","Explanation":"Definition: One on a zebra\ndouble definition \u2013 a zebra crossing on a road"} {"Clue":"Attend college, not top \u2013 Little Rock (5)","Answer":"GOOLY","Explanation":"Definition: Little Rock\nGO (attend) and pOLY (college) missing top"} {"Clue":"Lamb maybe sits easy in a stew (8)","Answer":"ESSAYIST","Explanation":"Definition: Lamb maybe\n(SIT EASY)"} {"Clue":"Platform regular practises with craftsman (12)","Answer":"TRAINSPOTTER","Explanation":"Definition: Platform regular\nTRAINS (practises) with POTTER (craftsman)"} {"Clue":"Grain initially sold in ounces \u2013 one doesn't buy much in Warsaw (5)","Answer":"GROSZ","Explanation":"Definition: one doesn't buy much in Warsaw\nGR (grain) then Sold (initial letter) in OZ (ounces)"} {"Clue":"Women in the pub attractive to slimmers (6)","Answer":"LOWCAL","Explanation":"Definition: attractive to slimmers\nW (women) in LOCAL (the pub)"} {"Clue":"Financier making name in Mumbai, one abandoned by mother initially (5)","Answer":"BANIA","Explanation":"Definition: Financier\nN (name) in mumBAI missing MUM (mother) at the beginning (initially)then A"} {"Clue":"Colour round aitu fashioned in rock (9)","Answer":"TINGUAITE","Explanation":"Definition: rock\nTINGE (colour) contains AITU"} {"Clue":"Legendary bird giving scoundrel a lift (3)","Answer":"RUC","Explanation":"Definition: Legendary bird\nCUR (scoundrel) reversed"} {"Clue":"Test when attached to end of rope, part of mountaineer's kit (6)","Answer":"ETRIER","Explanation":"Definition: part of mountaineer's kit\nTRIER (test, a difficult problem) following ropE (end of)"} {"Clue":"Take ill? Doctor enters (6)","Answer":"RESENT","Explanation":"Definition: Take ill\nENTERS"} {"Clue":"Creeping mare's poorly, bit of tackle stuck in muzzle? (10)","Answer":"SARMENTOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Creeping\nMARE'S* then Tackle (first letter, bit of) in NOSE (muzzle)"} {"Clue":"Love in boarding house curtailed, making one glum (10)","Answer":"PENSIEROSO","Explanation":"Definition: one glum\nEROS (love) in PENSIOn (boarding house) cut short"} {"Clue":"Beans a success? Seconds called for (9)","Answer":"RUNNERS-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Seconds called for\nRUNNERS (beans) UP (a success)"} {"Clue":"Sakia activated in big but not grand Indian festival (7)","Answer":"BAISAKI","Explanation":"Definition: Indian festival \nSAKIA* in BIg missing G (grand)"} {"Clue":"Highlight a double-headed coin (6)","Answer":"ACCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Highlight\nA C-CENT (coin, two first letters)"} {"Clue":"Reruns given a pasting, making one tender (6)","Answer":"NURSER","Explanation":"Definition: one tender\nRERUNS"} {"Clue":"What's downy after start of pogonotomy I fail to keep (6)","Answer":"PILOSE","Explanation":"Definition: downy\nPogonotomy (first letter) then I LOSE (fail to keep)"} {"Clue":"Spring, time to follow love in frivolity (5)","Answer":"FOUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Spring\nT (time) following O (love) in FUN (frivolity)"} {"Clue":"One heading left or right, we hear, for strong drink (beware second!) (5)","Answer":"CYDER","Explanation":"Definition: strong drink\nsounds like (we hear) \"sider\" (one taking a side, left or right) \u2013 beware the alternative spelling (second letter)"} {"Clue":"Governing party? Pity when leader takes a tumble (3)","Answer":"INS","Explanation":"Definition: Governing party\nSIN (pity) with S moving to the bottom (taking a tumble)"} {"Clue":"Makes prisoner cold with stiff walks outside (10)","Answer":"CONSTRUCTS","Explanation":"Definition: Makes\nCON (prisoner) then C (cold) in STRUTS (stiff walks)"} {"Clue":"Deer eating second amount (4)","Answer":"DOSE","Explanation":"Definition: amount\nDOE (deer) contains S (second)"} {"Clue":"Stimulate gentleman? About time (4)","Answer":"STIR","Explanation":"Definition: Stimulate\nSIR (gentleman) contains T (time)"} {"Clue":"Government heard lies about weapons at heart? (10)","Answer":"LEADERSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: Government\nanagram (about) of HEARD LIES and weaPons (heart, centre of)"} {"Clue":"Two people left in sports car (6)","Answer":"COUPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Two people\nL (left) in COUPE (sports car)"} {"Clue":"Suddenly a Liberal enters pub \u2013 try mixing (8)","Answer":"ABRUPTLY","Explanation":"Definition: Suddenly\nA then L (liberal in (PUB TRY)* anagram=mixing"} {"Clue":"Regular\u00a0visit (8)","Answer":"FREQUENT","Explanation":"Definition: Regular\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Stops regular withdrawals from teen's dosh (4)","Answer":"ENDS","Explanation":"Definition: Stops\nregular selection from tEeNs DoSh"} {"Clue":"Useless object of worship? Sounds like it (4)","Answer":"IDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Useless\nsounds like idol (object of worship)"} {"Clue":"26 about to become elected (8)","Answer":"RETURNED","Explanation":"Definition: elected\nREED (26 across) contains TURN (to become)"} {"Clue":"Father's attempts to get small cakes (8)","Answer":"PASTRIES","Explanation":"Definition: small cakes\nPA'S (fathers) TRIES (attempts)"} {"Clue":"Help when nurse drops the Queen (6)","Answer":"ASSIST","Explanation":"Definition: Help\nAS (when) SISTer (nurse) missing ER (the Queen)"} {"Clue":"Red coating applied when doing this? (10)","Answer":"DECORATING","Explanation":"Definition: when doing this\nanagram (applied) of RED COATING \u2013 very nice!"} {"Clue":"Animal coming over to get grass (4)","Answer":"REED","Explanation":"Definition: grass\nDEER (animal) reversed (coming over)"} {"Clue":"Considers abandoning masculine exercises (4)","Answer":"USES","Explanation":"Definition: exercises\nmUSES (considers) missing M (male, masculine)"} {"Clue":"Explaining writing after editor returns (10)","Answer":"DESCRIBING","Explanation":"Definition: Explaining\nSCRIBING (writing) following ED (editor) reversed"} {"Clue":"Unfashionable party with soldiers al fresco (7)","Answer":"OUTDOOR","Explanation":"Definition: al fresco \nOUT (unfashionable) DO (party) with OR (other ranks, soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Peel off\u00a0football kit (5)","Answer":"STRIP","Explanation":"Definition: Peel off\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Glad about first lady wearing top (8)","Answer":"RELIEVED","Explanation":"Definition: Glad\nRE (regarding, about) then EVE (first lady) inside LID (top)"} {"Clue":"Cleaner cries: attic is spoilt after one leaves marks (15)","Answer":"CHARACTERISTICS","Explanation":"Definition: marks\nCHAR (cleaner) then anagram (spoilt) of CRIES ATTIC iS missing I (one leaves)"} {"Clue":"Be wrong in wanting alcohol (6)","Answer":"SHERRY","Explanation":"Definition: alcohol\nERR (be wrong) in SHY (wanting, short of)"} {"Clue":"Leave daughter one type of fruit with juice on (9)","Answer":"DISAPPEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Leave\nD (daughter) I (one) then PEAR (type of fruit) following SAP (juice)"} {"Clue":"Conclusion of Brexiteers defeated expert (7)","Answer":"SKILLED","Explanation":"Definition: exper\nbrexiteerS (concluding letter of) and KILLED (defeated)"} {"Clue":"Doubts search is carrying on (9)","Answer":"QUESTIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Doubts\nQUEST (search) then IS containing ON"} {"Clue":"Rest getting drunk outside called for more rum (8)","Answer":"STRANGER","Explanation":"Definition: more rum\nREST* anagram=drunk contains RANG (called)"} {"Clue":"Lifting small purse to reveal underwear (7)","Answer":"DRAWERS","Explanation":"Definition: underwear\nS (small) REWARD (purse) reversed (lifting)"} {"Clue":"Beginning to explain a small bird's direction (7)","Answer":"EASTERN","Explanation":"Definition: direction\nExplain (beginning, first letter of) and A S (small) TERN (bird)"} {"Clue":"Blue bird flying around everyone with no tail (6)","Answer":"RIBALD","Explanation":"Definition: Blue\nBIRD contains (flying around) ALL (everyone) missing last letter (with no tail)"} {"Clue":"Variety of bush, right? (5)","Answer":"SHRUB","Explanation":"Definition: Variety of bush, right\nanagram (variety) of BUSH and R (right) \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Establishing report is being held back (6)","Answer":"BASING","Explanation":"Definition: Establishing\nBANG (report) containing IS reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"End this is when 30 is given naturally (2,6)","Answer":"OF COURSE","Explanation":"Definition: naturally\na degree is given at the end OF COURSE"} {"Clue":"30 down to reject European card company (9)","Answer":"DOCTORATE","Explanation":"Definition: 30\nD (down) then E (European) TAROT (card) CO (company) reversed (to reject)"} {"Clue":"Catalogue includes Zurich's first composer (5)","Answer":"LISZT","Explanation":"Definition: composer\nLIST (catalogue) includes Zurich (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Smelly\u00a030 (4)","Answer":"RANK","Explanation":"Definition: Smelly\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"30 welcomes you finally leaving with 30 (10)","Answer":"GRADUATION","Explanation":"Definition: leaving with 30\nGRADATION (degree) contains (welcomes) yoU (final letter of)"} {"Clue":"30 Poles on ship, without hesitation (7)","Answer":"MASTERS","Explanation":"Definition: 30\nMASTS (poles on ship) contains (without) ER (hesitation"} {"Clue":"Backing horse a crime sometimes after first 30 (6)","Answer":"MURDER","Explanation":"Definition: a crime sometimes after first 30\nRED RUM (racehorse) reversed (backing)"} {"Clue":"Remaining aid to navigation has not succeeded (6)","Answer":"EXTANT","Explanation":"Definition: Remaining\nsEXTANT (aid to navigation) missing S (succeeded)"} {"Clue":"30 sluices flushed (7)","Answer":"CELSIUS","Explanation":"Definition: 30\nanagram (flushed) of SLUICES"} {"Clue":"Wobble engulfs public transport line (10)","Answer":"TETRAMETER","Explanation":"Definition: line\nTEETER (wobble) contains (engulfs) TRAM (public transport)"} {"Clue":"They carry possibly jacketless potatoes (4)","Answer":"UBER","Explanation":"Definition: They carry possibly\ntUBERs (potatoes) missing outside letters (jacketless) \u2013 Internet taxi broker"} {"Clue":"Asian primate getting rid of queen's bones (5)","Answer":"TARSI","Explanation":"Definition: bones\nTARSIer (Asian primate) missing ER (The Queen)"} {"Clue":"Volunteers come in before popular host (9)","Answer":"ENTERTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: host\nTA (Territorial Army, volunteers) following (with\u2026before) ENTER (come in) then IN (popular)"} {"Clue":"Ship carrying barrels around Tyneside reaches port a bit further south (8)","Answer":"SKEGNESS","Explanation":"Definition: port a bit further south\nSS (ship) contains (carrying) KEGS (barrels) containing (around) NE (Tyneside, NE England)"} {"Clue":"BA possibly came out backing millions being excluded (6)","Answer":"DEGREE","Explanation":"Definition: BA possibly\nEmERGED (came out) reversed (backing) missing M (millions)"} {"Clue":"What Judi Dench for one does about French furniture (8)","Answer":"BEDFRAME","Explanation":"Definition: furniture\nBE DAME (what Judi Dench for one does) contains FR (French)"} {"Clue":"Woman and another helping divorcee (6,3)","Answer":"SECOND SEX","Explanation":"Definition: Woman \nSECONDS (another helping) and EX (divorcee)"} {"Clue":"Shelter set up satisfactorily (4)","Answer":"NOOK","Explanation":"Definition: Shelter\nON (set) reversed (up) and OK (satisfactorily)"} {"Clue":"Note about fashion turnover's flexibility (7)","Answer":"FREEDOM","Explanation":"Definition: flexibility\nF (note, of the scale) RE (regarding, about) and MODE (fashion) reversed (turnover)"} {"Clue":"What comes out of Iraq? Blair's role is complicated (3,7)","Answer":"OIL BARRELS","Explanation":"Definition: What comes out of Iraq\nanagram (is complicated) of BLAIR'S ROLE"} {"Clue":"Dish of bistro's tiramisu (5)","Answer":"ROSTI","Explanation":"Definition: Dish\nfound inside (of) bistRO'S TIramisu"} {"Clue":"Former Camp 30 (6)","Answer":"EXTENT","Explanation":"Definition: 30\nEX TENT (former camp). The surface reading doesn't make much sense to me."} {"Clue":"30 days up just like that without cars (6)","Answer":"CAPRIS","Explanation":"Definition: cars\nAPR (April, 30 days) contains (with\u2026without) SIC (just like that)"} {"Clue":"Parties on a roll split (10)","Answer":"SEPARATION","Explanation":"Definition: split\nanagram (roll) of PARTIES ON A"} {"Clue":"George Orwell, irascible, contrary \u2013 no saint, right? (4,5)","Answer":"ERIC BLAIR","Explanation":"Definition: George Orwell\nanagram (contrary) of IRAsCIBLE missing S (saint) then R (right)"} {"Clue":"Is French fury about Norway to sour relations? (8)","Answer":"ESTRANGE","Explanation":"Definition: to sour relations\nEST (is, French) then RAGE containing N (Norway)"} {"Clue":"Draw fewer being informal (7)","Answer":"TIELESS","Explanation":"Definition: informal\nTIE (draw) and LESS (fewer)"} {"Clue":"Does a hundred preliminary events (6)","Answer":"CHEATS","Explanation":"Definition: Does \nC (a hundred) and HEATS (preliminary events)"} {"Clue":"Empty suit busy with American 30 (6)","Answer":"STATUS","Explanation":"Definition: 30\nSuiT (empty, no middle letters) AT (busy with) and US (American)"} {"Clue":"This 30s group (5)","Answer":"THREE","Explanation":"Definition: group\n~~O in superscript represents degrees, so 30s could be Three Degrees. I'm not sure how \"this\" fits in, it just puts 3 in there twice. A super idea but the execution is a bit muddled?~~ *THREE (this, the solution) and DEGREES (30s)"} {"Clue":"Plane maybe 24 hours lost (4)","Answer":"TREE","Explanation":"Definition: Plane maybe\nThREE (24 down) missing H (hours)"} {"Clue":"A \"thank you\" in tribe's language (7)","Answer":"CATALAN","Explanation":"Definition: language\nA TA (thank you) in CLAN (tribe)"} {"Clue":"Born 14 part 1, though overdue (7)","Answer":"BELATED","Explanation":"Definition: overdue\nB (born ) and ELATED (happy, 14 part 1)"} {"Clue":"Beginning to snuff candle, having turned round meal (6)","Answer":"REPAST","Explanation":"Definition: meal\nSnuff (beginning letter of) inside (\u2026round) TAPER (candle) reversed (turned)"} {"Clue":"Drinks hired out by circle (8)","Answer":"ROUNDLET","Explanation":"Definition: circle\nROUND (drinks) LET (hired out)"} {"Clue":"Apostasy, oddly, rejected in colonnade (4)","Answer":"STOA","Explanation":"Definition: colonnade\nApOsTaSy (odd letters of) reversed (rejected)"} {"Clue":"Buy one Dali \u2014 it's surreal \u2014 having potential to be picked up (10)","Answer":"AUDIBILITY","Explanation":"Definition: potential to be picked up\nanagram (is surreal) of BUY I (one) DALI IT"} {"Clue":"Evangelical dwarf, given potter's material, keeping very quiet (5-6)","Answer":"HAPPY-CLAPPY","Explanation":"Definition: Evangelical\nHAPPY (dwarf, in Snow White) with CLAY (potter's material) containing PP (very quiet)"} {"Clue":"Barmy Army entering number and name of fellow citizen (10)","Answer":"COUNTRYMAN","Explanation":"Definition: fellow citizen\nARMY* anagram=barmy in COUNT (number) and N (name)"} {"Clue":"Arbiter securing Spain's chain (4)","Answer":"REEF","Explanation":"Definition: chain\nREF (arbiter) containing E (Espana, Spain) \u2013 a chain of rocks near the surface of the sea"} {"Clue":"Relieve outrageously rude bunny, almost (8)","Answer":"UNBURDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Relieve\nanagram (outrageously) of RUDE BUNNy"} {"Clue":"Setter: one sneaky and skimpy? (6)","Answer":"MEASLY","Explanation":"Definition: skimpy\nME (the setter) A (one) and SLY (sneaky)"} {"Clue":"Pill box containing philosophy (7)","Answer":"LOZENGE","Explanation":"Definition: Pill\nLOGE (box, at the theatre) contains ZEN (philosophy)"} {"Clue":"Far from 14 part 1 choice between France, Luxembourg and Norway? (7)","Answer":"FORLORN","Explanation":"Definition: Far from 14 part 1\nF (France) OR L (Luxembourg) OR N (Norway)"} {"Clue":"Spread round permitted colour range (7)","Answer":"PALETTE","Explanation":"Definition: colour range\nPATE (spread) containing LET (pemitted)"} {"Clue":"Graduate's tree: commander's witch (4,4)","Answer":"BABA YAGA","Explanation":"Definition: witch\nBA (graduate) has BAY (tree) and AGA (commander)"} {"Clue":"Tool up, receiving insect's incantation (6)","Answer":"MANTRA","Explanation":"Definition: incantation\nARM (tool, a weapon) reversed (up) contains ANT (insect)"} {"Clue":"Insensitive, entering pear-shaped partial shadow (8)","Answer":"PENUMBRA","Explanation":"Definition: partial shadow\nNUMB (insensetive) inside PEAR* anagram=shaped"} {"Clue":"Wrecker of vehicle boy overturned (6)","Answer":"VANDAL","Explanation":"Definition: Wrecker\nVAN (vehicle) and LAD (boy) reversed"} {"Clue":"Happening to interrupt Shirley's heartless number (7)","Answer":"SEVENTY","Explanation":"Definition: number\nEVENT (happening) inside ShirleY (heartless, no middle letters)"} {"Clue":"Quandary generated by last word in forecast (11)","Answer":"PREDICAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Quandary\nAMEN (last word) in PREDICT (forecast)"} {"Clue":"Prototype map with a grid redesigned (8)","Answer":"PARADIGM","Explanation":"Definition: Prototype\nanagram (redesigned) of MAP with A GRID"} {"Clue":"Lightweight boxer's last to enter, fit for consumption (8)","Answer":"PORTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Lightweight\nboxeR (last letter of) inside POTABLE (fit for consumption)"} {"Clue":"Cowboy's head, squashed by bucking bronco, reveals inside of ear (7)","Answer":"CORNCOB","Explanation":"Definition: inside of ear\nCowboy (head, first letter of) inside (squashed by) BRONCO* anagram=bucking"} {"Clue":"Assert period was first to keep 100 up (7)","Answer":"DECLARE","Explanation":"Definition: Assert\nERA (period) LED (was first) contains C (100) all reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Sodium securing a purpose \u2014 disgust? (6)","Answer":"NAUSEA","Explanation":"Definition: disgust\nNA (sodium, chem symbol) contains A USE (purpose)"} {"Clue":"Hunter to beat troops up, on reflection (6)","Answer":"NIMROD","Explanation":"Definition: Hunter\nDO RM IN (do Royal Marines in, beat up troops) reversed (on reflection)"} {"Clue":"Group of around 50 states regret over wish to leave here, initially? (6)","Answer":"EUROPE","Explanation":"Definition: Group of around 50 states\nRUE (regret) reversed (over) then hOPE (wish) inital letter leaving"} {"Clue":"About to return money? Editor's stressed (8)","Answer":"ACCENTED","Explanation":"Definition: stressed\nCA (circa, about) reversed (to return) and CENT (money) ED (editor)"} {"Clue":"Paleness from friend left in front of soldiers (6)","Answer":"PALLOR","Explanation":"Definition: Paleness\nPAL (friend) L (left) then OR (other ranks, soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Batting posture, for example (8)","Answer":"INSTANCE","Explanation":"Definition: for example\nIN (batting) and STANCE (posture)"} {"Clue":"Come to a king in terror (5)","Answer":"AWAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Come to\nA K (king) in AWE (terror)"} {"Clue":"Promotion? No \u2013 leave it out! (9)","Answer":"ELEVATION","Explanation":"Definition: Promotion\nanagram (out) of NO LEAVE IT"} {"Clue":"Shows poorly American costs after start of treatment (11)","Answer":"ILLUSTRATES","Explanation":"Definition: Shows\nILL (poorly) US (American) then RATES (costs) following Treatment (starting letter of)"} {"Clue":"Unrest as art's circulated, where you'll find plenty of scoffing (11)","Answer":"RESTAURANTS","Explanation":"Definition: where you'll find plenty of scoffing\n(UNREST AS ART)"} {"Clue":"Host a ball after food (9)","Answer":"ABUNDANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Host\nA then DANCE (ball) following BUN (food)"} {"Clue":"Pilot's path \u2013 one moving west (5)","Answer":"TRIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Pilot\nTRAIL (path) with I (one) moved to teh left (west, on a map)"} {"Clue":"Harry cried \u2013 pet's old and feeble (8)","Answer":"DECREPIT","Explanation":"Definition: old and feeble \nanagram (harry) of CRIED PET"} {"Clue":"Warning from nurse outside hospital (6)","Answer":"THREAT","Explanation":"Definition: Warning\nTREAT (nurse) contains H (hospital)"} {"Clue":"Time to follow groom? Horse is prepared for it (8)","Answer":"DRESSAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Horse is prepared for it\nAGE (time) following DRESS (groom)"} {"Clue":"Look after piano, Edward's implored (6)","Answer":"PRAYED","Explanation":"Definition: implored\nRAY (look) following P (piano) then ED (Edward) \u2013 I was not familiar with ray meaning a glance"} {"Clue":"Stress as he is worried about rise of Theresa May (8)","Answer":"EMPHASIS","Explanation":"Definition: Stress\n(AS HE IS)* anagram=worried contains PM (Teresa May) reversed"} {"Clue":"Religious Education likely to be well grounded (8)","Answer":"RELIABLE","Explanation":"Definition: to be well grounded\nRE (religious education) LIABLE (likely)"} {"Clue":"One's given a chair for female \u2013 terribly sore, clutching bottom in distress (9)","Answer":"PROFESSOR","Explanation":"Definition: One's given a chair\nPRO (for) F (female) and SORE* containing distesS (bottom letter of)"} {"Clue":"Caught dace on Trent when spinning intensified (12)","Answer":"CONCENTRATED","Explanation":"Definition: intensified\nC (caught) and (DACE ON TRENT)"} {"Clue":"Former lover capsizing craft, unusually (5)","Answer":"EXTRA","Explanation":"Definition: unusually\nEX (former lover) and ART (craft) reversed"} {"Clue":"Sport journalists in Netherlands locked up? (6)","Answer":"TENNIS","Explanation":"Definition: Sport\nfound inside journalistS IN NETherlands reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Colouring's fading, it's reported (6)","Answer":"DYEING","Explanation":"Definition: Colouring\nsounds like (reported) dying (fading)"} {"Clue":"Salesman feeling bitter about exhibiting (12)","Answer":"REPRESENTING","Explanation":"Definition: exhibiting\nREP (salesman) RESENTING (feeling bitter)"} {"Clue":"Reach hospital department on this? (9)","Answer":"STRETCHER","Explanation":"Definition: on this?\nSTRETCH (reach) ER (hospital department)"} {"Clue":"Fully entitled to leave 50% with bank (8)","Answer":"ENTIRELY","Explanation":"Definition: Fully\nENTItled (50% of) and RELY (bank)"} {"Clue":"Remote island \u2013 nothing to get criticised about (8)","Answer":"ISOLATED","Explanation":"Definition: Remote\nI (island) then O (nothing) inside SLATED (criticised)"} {"Clue":"Frank regularly warned when caught by detectives (6)","Answer":"CANDID","Explanation":"Definition: Frank\nwArNeD (regularly) inside CID (detectives)"} {"Clue":"Might heads of security come to be taken in by drug smuggler? (6)","Answer":"MUSCLE","Explanation":"Definition: Might\nSecurity Come (heads, first letters of) inside MULE (drug smuggler)"} {"Clue":"What's at the bottom of the bottle, for example, doctor's swallowed (5)","Answer":"DREGS","Explanation":"Definition: What's at the bottom of the bottle\nEG (for example) swallowed by DR'S (doctor's)"} {"Clue":"That day you put in down below a pointer to eventual success (3,5,2,3,3,2,3,6)","Answer":"THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL","Explanation":"Definition: a pointer to eventual success\nI don't understand this one. Something cryptic about putting in a day's work in a mine? *MONDAY is the day you entered into the\u00a0grid under THE MERSEY (look at the grid above). So this is the light (grid entry)\u00a0at the end of the tunnel (below The Mersey). Thanks to Dis for this\u00a0explanation.\u00a0*\n *An improved version: MONDAYMORNING pictorially represents the Mersey Tunnel, written under THE\u00a0MERSEY (in contrast the\u00a0FERRY CROSS is written across\u00a0THE\u00a0MERSEY). So MONDAY is the light at the end of this (the tunnel)."} {"Clue":"It's rumoured to be the way in which sailors approach to land (4)","Answer":"QUAY","Explanation":"Definition: which sailors approach to land\nsounds like (rumoured) \"key\" (the way in)"} {"Clue":"Social group's distribution of z-scores hospital medic's found boring (10)","Answer":"SCHMOOZERS","Explanation":"Definition: Social group\nH (hospital) and MO (medic) inside (found boring) Z-SCORES* anagram=distribution of"} {"Clue":"Little things written about Queen singer-songwriter (5)","Answer":"FERRY","Explanation":"Definition: singer-songwriter\nFRY (little things) containing ER (The Queen) \u2013 Bryan Ferry, Mr Cool"} {"Clue":"Get over\u00a0upset (5)","Answer":"CROSS","Explanation":"Definition: Get over\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Literary giant has worried women (4)","Answer":"SHAW","Explanation":"Definition: Literary giant\nHAS* anagram=worried then W (women) \u2013 George Bernard Shaw. I was hoping to find some Sandie Shaw reference somewhere in the puzzle but failed."} {"Clue":"Ignore symptom reported by Spooner, the reason for 19 (8)","Answer":"SUNSHINE","Explanation":"Definition: the reason for 19\nSpoonerism of \"shun sign\" (ignore symptom)"} {"Clue":"I'll take leave of mon ami to represent the week's 19 (6,7)","Answer":"MONDAY MORNING","Explanation":"Definition: the week's 19\nMON AMi is Monday morning missing (taking leave of) I"} {"Clue":"Concoct watered-down drink we hear (5,2)","Answer":"THINK UP","Explanation":"Definition: Concoct\nsounds like (we hear) \"thin cup\" (watered-down drink)"} {"Clue":"Extremely\u00a0cruel (6)","Answer":"BLOODY","Explanation":"Definition: Extremely\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Bosses in store took eons to mark items for restoration (4)","Answer":"STET","Explanation":"Definition: mark items for restoration\nfirst leters (bosses) of Store Took Eons To"} {"Clue":"\"Glazed cottons\" (compiler's first clue, written with much enthusiasm) (8)","Answer":"CHINTZES","Explanation":"Definition: Glazed cottons\nCompiler (first letter of) HINT (clue) with ZESt (enthusiasm, much of)"} {"Clue":"Playing a game, touch up ass (3)","Answer":"GIT","Explanation":"Definition: ass\nTIG (to touch, when playing a game) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"To begin cutting a set from timesheets, miss out (6)","Answer":"TEETHE","Explanation":"Definition: To begin cutting a set\nanagram (from, implied not explicitly indicated) of TimEsHEETs missing (out) MISS"} {"Clue":"For us, hit here may diffuse with dark centre \"gap\" square (5,3,3,10)","Answer":"GERRY AND THE PACEMKERS","Explanation":"Definition: For us, hit\nanagram (diffuse) of HERE MAY with DARK CENTRE GAP then\u00a0S (square) \u2013 writers of Ferry Cross The Mersey"} {"Clue":"Astronomer's given up this troubled country (5)","Answer":"SYRIA","Explanation":"Definition: this troubled country\nAIRY'S (astronomer's, Sir George Biddel Airy, astronomer Royal 1835-1881) reversed"} {"Clue":"Traditional dancing master's taken root (5)","Answer":"ORRIS","Explanation":"Definition: root \nmORRIS (traditional dancing) with M (master) taken away"} {"Clue":"Discharge jet with bubbly on ice (8)","Answer":"EJECTION","Explanation":"Definition: Discharge\nanagram (bubbly) of JET with ON ICE. Just a teensy point, but this does not suggest to me that JET is part of the anagram, only ON ICE is bubbly."} {"Clue":"Boast of very sympathetic woman (5)","Answer":"VAUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Boast\nV (very) with AUNT (sympathetic woman, agony aunt)"} {"Clue":"The writer's stalling old Irish runner heading for Irish Sea (6)","Answer":"MERSEY","Explanation":"Definition: runner heading for Irish Sea\nMY (the writer's) contains (stalling, like a horse) ERSE (old Irish) \u2013 the River Mersey, somethng that runs"} {"Clue":"Corruption of Wig and Gown \u2013 at last, the realisation (7)","Answer":"DAWNING","Explanation":"Definition: the realisation\nanagram (corruption) of WIG AND gowN (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Someone enigmatic setting puzzles (hard) for beginners in Times (6)","Answer":"SPHINX","Explanation":"Definition: Someone enigmatic\nfirst letters (for beginners) of Setting Puzzles Hard then IN X (times)"} {"Clue":"Grant\u00a0Nelson\u00a0a spiritual healer for 3? (4)","Answer":"EDDY","Explanation":"Definition: Grant\na triple definition (for three, three examples of) Eddy Grant, Nelson Eddy and Mary Baker Eddy (founder of Christian Scientists). My three fantasy dinner party guests:"} {"Clue":"I refuse to accept base words from Arturo Alfandari (3)","Answer":"NEO","Explanation":"Definition: words from Arturo Alfandari\nNO (I refuse) containing E (base, of natural logarithm) \u2013 a language created by Belgian diplomat Arturo Alfandari"} {"Clue":"Foundation degree awarded to little sister(5)","Answer":"BASIS","Explanation":"Definition: Foundation\nBA (degree) and SIS (sister)"} {"Clue":"They offer wise words: inshore boats a non-starter (7)","Answer":"ORACLES","Explanation":"Definition: They offer wise words\ncORACLES (inshore boats) not starting"} {"Clue":"The palaver of hand luggage on American Airlines? (5-2)","Answer":"CARRY-ON","Explanation":"Definition: palaver\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Let a greenhorn develop into role behind the mask (3,4,6)","Answer":"THE LONE RANGER","Explanation":"Definition: role behind the mask\nanagram (develop) of LET A GREENHORN"} {"Clue":"American women forever travelling (4)","Answer":"AWAY","Explanation":"Definition: travelling\nA (American) W (women) AY (forever)"} {"Clue":"Name for special old piece of charcoal (9)","Answer":"SOBRIQUET","Explanation":"Definition: Name\nS (special) O (old) BRIQUET (piece of charcoal)"} {"Clue":"She's using precautions; no need for private investigator (9)","Answer":"COURTESAN","Explanation":"Definition: She\nanagram PRECAUTIONS missing PI (private investigator)"} {"Clue":"23's hit sound of 11's cry before 14 added material (2,2,6,6)","Answer":"HI HO SILVER LINING","Explanation":"Definition: 23's hit\nHI HO SILVER away! (The Lone Ranger's cry) LINING (added material) \u2013 song made famous by Jeff Beck"} {"Clue":"Piercing revealing stud I ostentatiously set (6,7)","Answer":"EALING STUDIOS","Explanation":"Definition: set\nfound inside (piercing) revEALING STUD I OStentatiously \u2013 bravo!"} {"Clue":"Glacial cliff face unstable? I'll go round (3,4)","Answer":"ICE FALL","Explanation":"Definition: Glacial cliff\nFACE* anagram=unstable inside I'LL"} {"Clue":"Vocal campaign to prosecute Blair coming after a long interval? (7)","Answer":"TRITONE","Explanation":"Definition: a long interval\nsounds like (vocal) \"try\" (campaign to prosecute) followed by (with\u2026coming after) TONE (Tony Blair)"} {"Clue":"Something needed for flat\u00a0stomach? (5,4)","Answer":"SPARE TYRE","Explanation":"Definition: Something needed for flat\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Attic's first signs of giant rodent; I'm scared! (5)","Answer":"GREEK","Explanation":"Definition: Attic\nfirst letters (signs) of Giant Rodent then EEK (I'm scared)"} {"Clue":"Quick work to follow 3 20 22! (4)","Answer":"BOOK","Explanation":"~~I'm stuck on this. I think the solution is probably BIOG (a quick, living, work). \"sILVER lining splay\" could be an anagram for LIVE. How to put all this together into a coherent whole is beyond me.~~ *Silver Linings Playbook (SILVER LINING SPLAY\u00a0BOOK) is a novel\u00a0written by Matthew Quick, a \"quick work\". Thanks to Eileen for this gem."} {"Clue":"Savvy contract worker: \"no need for ties\" (5,6)","Answer":"SMART CASUAL","Explanation":"Definition: no need for ties\nSMART (savvy) and CASUAL (contract worker)"} {"Clue":"Virgin's undertaking change to telephone night shift (6,4,5)","Answer":"SILVER RING THING","Explanation":"Definition: Virgin's undertaking\nSILVER (loose change) RING (to telephone) anf NIGHT* anagram=shift \u2013 a US movement to promote no-sex before marriage"} {"Clue":"Penny, working in topless dresses, gets plenty of feedback! (9)","Answer":"RESPONSES","Explanation":"Definition: plenty of feedback\nP (penny) ON (working) inside dRESSES (topless)"} {"Clue":"Special location for hotel in Riviera city (5)","Answer":"NICHE","Explanation":"Definition: Special location\nH (hotel) in NICE (Riviera city)"} {"Clue":"To some extent, gangster rap influenced one of The Turtles (8)","Answer":"TERRAPIN","Explanation":"Definition: one of The Turtles\nfound inside (to some extent) gangsTER RAP INfluenced"} {"Clue":"Merchant's partner stripping away gold wall covering (3)","Answer":"IVY","Explanation":"Definition: wall covering\nIVorY (Ismail Merchant's partner) missing OR (gold)"} {"Clue":"I shunned bottled spirit allowance for about 30 years (10)","Answer":"GENERATION","Explanation":"Definition: about 30 years\nGENiE (bottled spirit) missing I then RATION (allowance)"} {"Clue":"Pokemon's Graphical User Interface reboot to crash and burn? (2,2,2,5)","Answer":"GO UP IN SMOKE","Explanation":"Definition: to crash and burn\nanagram (reboot) of POKEMON'S and GUI (Graphical User Interface)"} {"Clue":"Fiscal loosening created by drastic external shock? (3,7)","Answer":"TAX CREDITS","Explanation":"Definition: Fiscal loosening\nanagram (shock) of DRASTIC and EXT (external)"} {"Clue":"Seated here at dinner, uninvited guest fails to finish half of omelette (9)","Answer":"BANQUETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Seated here at dinner\nBANQo (uninvited guest in Macbeth, failing to finish) and omlETTE (half of)"} {"Clue":"Eton Mess with a herb crust 25 (5,3)","Answer":"STONE AGE","Explanation":"Definition: 25\nETON* anagram=mess inside (with a \u2026.crust) SAGE (herb)"} {"Clue":"Heather is wearing fashionable vintage drawers (6)","Answer":"LINING","Explanation":"Definition: vintage drawers\nLING contains (is wearing) IN (fashionable) \u2013 obsolete term for underclothing, drawers"} {"Clue":"Slope to climb; last of snowy peaks? (5)","Answer":"SPLAY","Explanation":"Definition: Slope\nreversal (to climb) of snowY (last letter) and ALPS (peaks)"} {"Clue":"Give the nod to Miss Sharp, Thackeray's ultimate failure (4)","Answer":"BECK","Explanation":"Definition: Give the nod to\nBECKy Sharp (character form Vanity Fair) missing (failure of) thackeraY (ultimate, last letter of)"} {"Clue":"The age of regular appearances of tear gas? (3)","Answer":"ERA","Explanation":"Definition: The age\nregular selection from tEaR gAs"} {"Clue":"In poor condition morning after run, explorer's lost weight (10)","Answer":"RAMSHACKLE","Explanation":"Definition: In poor condition\nAM (morning) following R (run) then SHAKLEton (explorer) missing TON (weight)"} {"Clue":"Closed second building (4)","Answer":"SHUT","Explanation":"Definition: Closed\nS (second) and HUT (building)"} {"Clue":"Plastered wine set? Yes, I saw what happened (3-7)","Answer":"EYE-WITNESS","Explanation":"Definition: I saw what happened\nanagram (plastered) of WINE SET YES"} {"Clue":"Group turn it on regularly (4)","Answer":"TRIO","Explanation":"Definition: Group\nregular selection from TuRn It On"} {"Clue":"Hale \u2013 if a thing works? This? (5,7)","Answer":"FAITH HEALING","Explanation":"Definition: This\nanagram (works) of HALE IF A THING"} {"Clue":"Queen at beginning criticises stars seen with glib artist (9)","Answer":"CLEOPATRA","Explanation":"Definition: Queen\nCriticises (beginnig letter of) LEO (stars) and PAT (glib) RA (Royal Academician, artist)"} {"Clue":"Allowed tenfold reduction in restriction at centre? (5)","Answer":"LICIT","Explanation":"Definition: Allowed\nI can't explain this. *LIMIT (restriction) with M (one thousand) reduced tenfold to C (one hundred) \u2013 very nice! Thanks to muffyword for this."} {"Clue":"Complete, say (5)","Answer":"UTTER","Explanation":"Definition: Complete\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Politician using web \u2013 some expression of surprise at university (9)","Answer":"NETENYAHU","Explanation":"Definition: Politician\nNET (web) ANY (some) AH (expression of surprise) and U (university)"} {"Clue":"Inevitable consequences \u2013 sad end? Come off it! (6,6)","Answer":"DOMINO EFFECT","Explanation":"Definition: Inevitable consequences\nanagram (sad) of END COME OFF IT"} {"Clue":"Takes in achievements, scratching head (4)","Answer":"EATS","Explanation":"Definition: Takes in\nfEATS (achievements) missing (sctratching) first letter (head)"} {"Clue":"Central American seeing his leaders run again unexpectedly (10)","Answer":"NICARAGUAN","Explanation":"Definition: Central American\nleading letters of Central American (his, the definition's) then an anagram (unexpecttedly) of RUN AGAIN"} {"Clue":"Difficult situation political moderates recalled (4)","Answer":"STEW","Explanation":"Definition: Difficult situation\nWETS (political moderates) reversed (recalled)"} {"Clue":"By sound of it, notices working partner at certain times only (10)","Answer":"SEASONALLY","Explanation":"Definition: at certain times only\nSEAS sound like \"sees\" (notices) ON (working) and ALLY (partner)"} {"Clue":"Needing lift, look for dance (4)","Answer":"REEL","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nLEER (look) reversed (needing lift)"} {"Clue":"Appearance of middle of Amiens (4)","Answer":"MIEN","Explanation":"Definition: Appearance \nmiddle letters of aMIENs"} {"Clue":"Attitude, as you say, supported by a quiet father perhaps \u2013 he should succeed (4-8)","Answer":"HEIR-APPARENT","Explanation":"Definition: he should succeed\nHEIR sounds like (as you say) \"air\" (attitude) followed by (supported by) A P (piano, quiet) and PARENT (father perhaps)"} {"Clue":"In US stop complaining after notice is taken initially (3,2)","Answer":"CAN IT","Explanation":"Definition: In US stop\ninitial letters of Complaining After Notice Is Taken"} {"Clue":"Crustacean her guy's served up \u2013 grumble follows (6,4)","Answer":"HERMIT CRAB","Explanation":"Definition: Crustacean\nHER then TIM (a guy) reversed (served up) and CRAB (grumble)"} {"Clue":"Considerate but ultimately stringent if you fail (10)","Answer":"THOUGHTFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Considerate\nTHOUGH (but) then stringenT iF yoU faiL (ultimate letters of)"} {"Clue":"Doctor in ban call had means to restrict movement (4,3,5)","Answer":"BALL AND CHAIN","Explanation":"Definition: means to restrict movement\nanagram (doctor) of IN BAD CALL HAD \u2013 nicely obscured anagram"} {"Clue":"Worthless people's scorn led us astray (10)","Answer":"SCOUNDRELS","Explanation":"Definition: Worthless people\nanagram (astray) SCORN LED US"} {"Clue":"Getting measure of adolescent I met recently? (10)","Answer":"CENTIMETRE","Explanation":"Definition: measure\nfound inside adolesCENT I MET REcently"} {"Clue":"Man from North African city supplying fruit (9)","Answer":"TANGERINE","Explanation":"Definition: Man from North African city\ndouble definition \u2013 a native of Tangiers"} {"Clue":"Accommodation units, dull, small (5)","Answer":"FLATS","Explanation":"Definition: Accommodation units\nFLAT (dull) and S (small)"} {"Clue":"Fool\u00a0flier (4)","Answer":"GULL","Explanation":"Definition: Fool\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Extremely open and largely just (4)","Answer":"ONLY","Explanation":"Definition: just\noutside letters (extremes) of OpeN and LargelY"} {"Clue":"Tabloid \u2014 it goes downhill (3,3)","Answer":"SKI RUN","Explanation":"Definition: it goes downhill\nS\u00a0**kir\u00a0**UN \u2013 tabloid newspaper"} {"Clue":"The Guardian's unsubstantiated comments (6)","Answer":"RUMOUR","Explanation":"Definition: unsubstantiated comments \n**rum** OUR (The Guardian's)"} {"Clue":"Doctor's devices producing spin (6)","Answer":"DRYERS","Explanation":"Definition: devices producing spin\nD **rye** RS (doctor's)"} {"Clue":"In nursery, train to speak lovingly (4-4)","Answer":"CHOO-CHOO","Explanation":"Definition: In nursery, train\nC **hooch** OO (to speak lovingly)"} {"Clue":"Time is something you can tell (4)","Answer":"TALE","Explanation":"Definition: something you can tell\nT **ale\u00a0**(time)"} {"Clue":"Bound to protect conservationists, being idealistic? (4-6)","Answer":"ROSE-TINTED","Explanation":"Definition: idealistic\n**rose** TIED (bound) contains NT (National Trust, conservationists)"} {"Clue":"Everyone complimentary about salmon that's dry (7-4)","Answer":"ALCOHOL-FREE","Explanation":"Definition: dry\nALL (everyone) FREE (complimentary) containing COHO (type of Salmon)"} {"Clue":"Like a devoted man working on calm (10)","Answer":"MONASTICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Like a devoted man\nMON **asti** CAL \u2013 anagram of ON CALM"} {"Clue":"Scot's opposed to answer (4)","Answer":"AGIN","Explanation":"Definition: Scot's opposed to\nA **gin** (answer)"} {"Clue":"Final contests of the French (8)","Answer":"DECIDERS","Explanation":"Definition: Final contests\nDE **cider** S (of the, in French)"} {"Clue":"Wound's taped around the edges (6)","Answer":"TWINED","Explanation":"Definition: Wound\nT **wine** D \u2013 edge letters of TapeD"} {"Clue":"Church's origin (6)","Answer":"SOURCE","Explanation":"Definition: origin\n**sour** CE (Church of England)"} {"Clue":"Stout lady's clothing (6)","Answer":"PORTLY","Explanation":"Definition: Stout\n**port** LY \u2013 outside letters (clothing) of LadY"} {"Clue":"Team leading Spanish team of stars (8)","Answer":"SIDEREAL","Explanation":"Definition: of stars\nSIDE (team) in front of (leading) REAL (Real Madrid\/Sociadad\/Betis, a Spanish team) \u2013 Atletico Madrid are currently leading La Liga, though Real Madrid could still be regarded as a leading Spanish team if you prefer."} {"Clue":"On-screen presence who swears aloud (6)","Answer":"CURSOR","Explanation":"Definition: On-screen presence\nsounds like (aloud) curser (someone who swears)"} {"Clue":"Fully exhaust and dismiss old fellow (3,3,2)","Answer":"RUN OUT OF","Explanation":"Definition: Fully exhaust\nRUN OUT (dismiss, in cricket) than O (old) F (fellow)"} {"Clue":"Withdrawing cents from account recklessly, one has a hefty bill (6)","Answer":"TOUCAN","Explanation":"Definition: one has a hefty bill\nanagram (reckless) of AcCOUNT missing C(cents)"} {"Clue":"Rush in the raw meat that's wrapped right (6)","Answer":"STREAK","Explanation":"Definition: Rush\nSTEAK (meat) containing (that has wrapped) R (right)"} {"Clue":"Rocky shore skirts deserted island (6)","Answer":"RHODES","Explanation":"Definition: island\nanagram (rocky) of SHORE contains (skirts) D (deserted)"} {"Clue":"Tailor is cross with suit cutter's pouch (7,4)","Answer":"SCISSOR CASE","Explanation":"Definition: cutter's pouch\nanagram (tailor) of IS CROSS then CASE (suit, in court)"} {"Clue":"Oxford University tutor embraces reading work in community (8)","Answer":"OUTREACH","Explanation":"Definition: work in community\nOU (Oxford University) TEACH (tutor) contains (embraces) R (reading?) \u2013 I'm guessing that R is reading in the three R's (reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic)."} {"Clue":"Weaken English spies infiltrating China (8)","Answer":"EMACIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Weaken\nE (English) then CIA (spies) inside MATE (china plate, rhyming slang)"} {"Clue":"Screens 600 balls? (6)","Answer":"COVERS","Explanation":"Definition: Screens\nC OVERS would be one hundred overs,\u00a0six\u00a0hundred balls in cricket"} {"Clue":"Light infantry put on sort of light uniform (6)","Answer":"LIVERY","Explanation":"Definition: uniform\nLI (light infantry) on VERY (sort of light)"} {"Clue":"Problem present with America's rising hostility (6)","Answer":"ANIMUS","Explanation":"Definition: hostility\nSUM (problem, maths) IN (present) and A\u00a0(America) all reversed (rising)"} {"Clue":"Great deal no one rejected for cosmetic product (6)","Answer":"LOTION","Explanation":"Definition: cosmetic product\nLOT (great deal) then NO I (one) reversed (rejected)"} {"Clue":"Technique following IVF? Spot female's inside (4)","Answer":"ZIFT","Explanation":"Definition: Technique following IVF\nF (female) inside ZIT (spot) \u2013 my first one in. I was more than a little surprised when this speculative guess turned out to be correct."} {"Clue":"Chewy sweets showing that special magic, almost tops (7)","Answer":"JUJUBES","Explanation":"Definition: Chewy sweets\nJUJU (that special magic) and BESt (tops, almost)"} {"Clue":"Oil-yielding plants pounded in ritual, see (9)","Answer":"ALEURITES","Explanation":"Definition: Oil-yielding plants\nanagram of RITUAL SEE"} {"Clue":"Standard nonsense from one of the polls? (6)","Answer":"PARROT","Explanation":"Definition: one of the polls\nPAR (standard) and ROT (nonsense) \u2013 Polly or Poll is the archetypal name for a pet parrot"} {"Clue":"Dashing Romeo, one taken in as fellow lodger (6)","Answer":"ROOMIE","Explanation":"Definition: fellow lodger\nI (one) in ROMEO"} {"Clue":"Sheet of wadding required by combat troops (4)","Answer":"BATT","Explanation":"Definition: Sheet of wadding\nfound inside comBAT Troops"} {"Clue":"Story about keel Kate steered, in pidgin? (12)","Answer":"TALKEE-TALKEE","Explanation":"Definition: pidgin\nTALE containing anagram of KEEL KATE"} {"Clue":"Entry for Cambridge housed in mixed yard \u2013 Fitzwilliam? (5)","Answer":"DARCY","Explanation":"Definition: Fitzwilliam\nCambridge (entry for, first letter of) in YARD* \u2013 Fitzwilliam Darcy from the novel Pride and Prejudice perhaps"} {"Clue":"Peers deciding cases involving their fellows rule in groups of three (6)","Answer":"TRIORS","Explanation":"Definition: Peers deciding cases involving their fellows\nR (rule) in TRIOS (groups of three)"} {"Clue":"Poisonous plant I stayed away from, in case? More than one of them (6)","Answer":"CICUTA","Explanation":"Definition: Poisonous plant\nI CUT (stayed away from) in CA (abbreviation for cases, more than one case) \u2013 thanks to Frogman and his correspondent Steve for clearing this up for me"} {"Clue":"The old spurn successive characters in trendies' day nursery (5)","Answer":"SDAYN","Explanation":"Definition: The old spurn\nfound inside trendieS DAY Nursery"} {"Clue":"Caliph is excited about peeler with nothing on? Such'll turn one on (12)","Answer":"SCOPOPHILIAC","Explanation":"Definition: Such'll turn one on\nanagram of CALIPH IS containing COP (peeler) with O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"US yacht is daunting, stem to bow (4)","Answer":"SCOW","Explanation":"Definition: US yacht\nCOWS (is daunting) with later letter moved to front"} {"Clue":"Timid person boarding e.g. Berlin plane (6)","Answer":"CHENAR","Explanation":"Definition: plane\nHEN (timid person) in (boarding) CAR (Berlin, type of coach body)"} {"Clue":"Place to tuck into excellent ice cream? (6)","Answer":"RIPPLE","Explanation":"Definition: ice cream\nPL (place) inside RIPE (excellent)"} {"Clue":"Unlikely to miss wine in vat, i.e. blended (9)","Answer":"ATTENTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Unlikely to miss \nTENT (wine) anagram of VAT IE"} {"Clue":"Doctor taking in obese golfer? There are four of them (7)","Answer":"GOSPELS","Explanation":"Definition: There are four of them\nOS (obese, out-size) in ELS (Ernie Els, golfer)"} {"Clue":"Consult date for issue (4)","Answer":"SEED","Explanation":"Definition: issue\nSEE (consult) and D (date)"} {"Clue":"Sleuth going after vitality, old, of early Mexican (7)","Answer":"ZAPOTEC","Explanation":"Definition: of early Mexican\nTEC (sleuth) following ZAP (vitality) O (old)"} {"Clue":"Commander's staff following former walk behind battlements up (6)","Answer":"FERULA","Explanation":"Definition: Commander's staff\nF (following) then ALURE (walk behind battlements) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Offspring once raised, I vacated territory (4)","Answer":"TURF","Explanation":"Definition: territory\nFRUiT (offsrpring, archaic) reversed (raised) missing (vacating) I"} {"Clue":"Wretched rotter O. C. interrupting crown? That was it! (12)","Answer":"PROTECTORATE","Explanation":"Definition: That was it\nanagram of ROTTER OC in PATE (crown) \u2013 O.C. here is Oliver Cromwell who briefly interrupted the line of succession"} {"Clue":"Whizzing in jet has reduced yen for cheap bus (6)","Answer":"JITNEY","Explanation":"Definition: cheap bus\nanagram of IN JET then Yen (reduced)"} {"Clue":"Risking damage to Jag I rode, spin out of control (12)","Answer":"JEOPARDISING","Explanation":"Definition: Risking damage to\nanagram of JAG I RODE SPIN"} {"Clue":"Capital hoax, a stunner (6)","Answer":"BAMAKO","Explanation":"Definition: Capital\nBAM (hoax) A KO (knock out, stunner) \u2013 capital city of Mali"} {"Clue":"Timeless depravity? Bird one found trapped by that (9)","Answer":"EVITERNAL","Explanation":"Definition: Timeless\nEVIL (depravity) contains (traps) TERN (bird) A (one)"} {"Clue":"Gob (in local parlance) ready to swallow a piece of pizza \u2026 (4)","Answer":"SPET","Explanation":"Definition: Gob (in local parlance)\nSET (ready) contains Pizza (first letter, piece of)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 Herein? It's dry with upturned artificial topping (5)","Answer":"TRATT","Explanation":"Definition: \u2026 Herein\nTT dry following (with\u2026topping) ART (artificial) reversed (upturned) \u2013 a trattoria, which presumably sells pizza, has a watertight roof, clumsy waiters and customers\u00a0with no table\u00a0manners."} {"Clue":"Salad veg chic cooks featured in broadcast? (9)","Answer":"RADICCHIO","Explanation":"Definition: Salad veg\nanagram (cooks) of CHIC in RADIO (broadcast)"} {"Clue":"Cricket club in tailored suede turn out well (7)","Answer":"SUCCEED","Explanation":"Definition: turn out well\nCC (cricket club) in anagram (tailored) of SUEDE"} {"Clue":"Unplaced twice? Syce troubled about that calls for attention (6)","Answer":"COOEYS","Explanation":"Definition: calls for attention\nO (unplaced, of a racehorse) twice in anagram (troubled) of SYCE"} {"Clue":"A post-prandial tipple showing the way it should go (5)","Answer":"APORT","Explanation":"Definition: the way it should go\nA PORT (post-prandial tipple) \u2013 to the left, the way the port should be passed"} {"Clue":"Rations go quickly on board ship (6)","Answer":"SHARES","Explanation":"Definition: Rations\nHARE (go quickly) in SS (on board a ship)"} {"Clue":"Radical squeal over confused state (6)","Answer":"YIPPIE","Explanation":"Definition: Radical\nYIP (squeal) on PIE (confused state)"} {"Clue":"Junk clubs in bag (4)","Answer":"SCAG","Explanation":"Definition: Junk\nC (clubs) in SAG (bag)"} {"Clue":"Wales to Scotland, post redirected (4)","Answer":"OPTS","Explanation":"Definition: Wales to Scotland\nanagram of POST \u2013 wale is a Scottish word meaning choice or choose"} {"Clue":"Popular wine put behind bars (2,4)","Answer":"IN HOCK","Explanation":"Definition: put behind bars\nIN (popular) and HOCK (wine)"} {"Clue":"Element in rugby mostly getting negligible examination (8)","Answer":"SCRUTINY","Explanation":"Definition: xamination\nSCRUm (element in Rugby, mostly) with TINY (negligible)"} {"Clue":"Hollywood star captivated by sudden irony (2,4)","Answer":"DE NIRO","Explanation":"Definition: Hollywood star\nfound inside sudDEN IROny"} {"Clue":"Body of rules confused poor clot (8)","Answer":"PROTOCOL","Explanation":"Definition: Body of rules\nanagram of POOR CLOT"} {"Clue":"Model exuding energy and bit of chic I love in free work? (9)","Answer":"CAPRICCIO","Explanation":"Definition: free work\nCAPRICe (Caprice Bourret, model) missing E (energy) then Chic (first letter, bit of) and I O (love, zero in tennis)"} {"Clue":"Love of old Corsica among natives \u2013 it marked out Napoleon? (5)","Answer":"EXILE","Explanation":"Definition: it marked out Napoleon\nEX (love of old) and ILE (island in French, Corsica for example in the native language)"} {"Clue":"Rider's condition key perhaps with loss of energy later (4,7)","Answer":"NICK SKELTON","Explanation":"Definition: Rider\nNICK (condition) SKELeTON (key perhaps) missing the second (later) E (enegry) \u2013 this defeated me. My wife has a cousin called Nick Skelton and this was the first thing that came into my head when I read the clue, which I promptly discarded as obviously not being a realistic solution."} {"Clue":"Meaty item found in list following South African custom (7,4)","Answer":"SAUSAGE ROLL","Explanation":"Definition: Meaty item\nROLL (list) following SA (South African) USAGE (custom)"} {"Clue":"Come to a train (5)","Answer":"AWAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Come to\nA and WAKE (train)"} {"Clue":"Writer, maybe, chap with a lot of sense in article (5,4)","Answer":"AGENT NOUN","Explanation":"Definition: Writer, maybe\nGENT (chap) with NOUs (sense, a lot of) in AN (article) \u2013 a noun that denotes someone or something that performs the action for a verb"} {"Clue":"Awful choir off-key imbibing religious instruction by fellow (8)","Answer":"HORRIFIC","Explanation":"Definition: Awful\nanagram (off-key) of CHOIR contains RI (religious instruction) then F (fellow)"} {"Clue":"Note limited group that's divided city as a whole (2,4)","Answer":"EN BLOC","Explanation":"Definition: as a whole\nNB (note) and LOt (group, limited) inside EC (city, City of London postcode)"} {"Clue":"Old artist in collection ultimately kept by loaded magnate (8)","Answer":"MANTEGNA","Explanation":"Definition: Old artist\ncollectioN (ultimate letter of) inside anagram (loaded, drunk) of MAGNATE"} {"Clue":"Inhuman routine in scientific establishment retracted (6)","Answer":"BRUTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Inhuman\nRUT (routine) in LAB (scientific establishment) reversed (retracted)"} {"Clue":"Blue recess housing this in Notre Dame (8)","Answer":"INDECENT","Explanation":"Definition: Blue\nINDENT (recess) contains CE (this, French, as spoken in Notre Dame)"} {"Clue":"Carefully select some bananas and cream (4-4)","Answer":"HAND-PICK","Explanation":"Definition: Carefully select\nHAND (some bananas) and PICK (cream, of the bunch)"} {"Clue":"Queen's favourite decor, gilded walls (5)","Answer":"CORGI","Explanation":"Definition: Queen's favourite\nfaound inside (walled by)"} {"Clue":"October alas misjudged for popular form of retail? (3,4,4)","Answer":"CAR BOOT SALE","Explanation":"Definition: popular form of retail\nanagram (misjudged) of OCTOBER ALAS \u2013 does misjudged really mean rearranged?"} {"Clue":"Rising heat with ten playing to magnify the risk (2,3,4)","Answer":"UP THE ANTE","Explanation":"Definition: to magnify the risk\nUP (rising) then anagram (playing) of HEAT with TEN"} {"Clue":"Is friend boycotting Northern island? (6)","Answer":"ISCHIA","Explanation":"Definition: island\nIS CHInA (friend) missing N (northern) \u2013 I'm not sure why Northern is capitalised in the clue"} {"Clue":"Emitting painful expression, sensational journalist made loud noise (6)","Answer":"YELLED","Explanation":"Definition: made loud noise\nYELLow (sensational, of journalism) missing OW (painful expression) and ED (editor, journalist) \u2013 one could also read YELLOW ED as a sensational journalist"} {"Clue":"Minor training with no gender bias? (11)","Answer":"COEDUCATION","Explanation":"Definition: Minor training with no gender bias\n(barely) cryptic definition, a minor is a child. \"training with no geneder bias\" is a literal and unambigous defintion for coeducation, so how does adding \"minor\" at the front make it cryptic? Perhaps I am missing something here."} {"Clue":"Rearrange messy site and impose order (9)","Answer":"SYSTEMISE","Explanation":"Definition: impose order\nanagram (rerrange) of MESSY SITE"} {"Clue":"No good line occupying discussion \u2013 that's characteristic of the English? (8)","Answer":"MONOGLOT","Explanation":"Definition: that's characteristic of the English\nNO G (good) L (line) in MOOT (discussion)"} {"Clue":"Plain\u00a0like some medicine? (8)","Answer":"CLINICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Plain\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"PM put on edge in chaos (6)","Answer":"MAYHEM","Explanation":"Definition: chaos\nMAY (Theresa May, PM) on HEM (edge)"} {"Clue":"Country singer switching centre for proprietor (6)","Answer":"PATRON","Explanation":"Definition: proprietor\nDolly PARTON switching the middle letters"} {"Clue":"Pavarotti, say, vocalised note (5)","Answer":"TENOR","Explanation":"Definition: Pavarotti, say\nsounds like (vocalised) \"tenner\" (note)"} {"Clue":"Battle later set off in court (8)","Answer":"WATERLOO","Explanation":"Definition: Battle\nanagram (set off) of LATER in WOO (court)"} {"Clue":"Raw youngster entertains academic element (6)","Answer":"COBALT","Explanation":"Definition: element \nCOLT (raw youngster) contains BA (academic)"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary records in French involving electronic organ (6)","Answer":"SPLEEN","Explanation":"Definition: organ\nLPS (records) reversed (revolutionary) and EN (in, French) containing (involving) E (electronic) \u2013 an organ of the body"} {"Clue":"Prickly plant is unable to flourish latterly in Australia (8)","Answer":"ACANTHUS","Explanation":"Definition: Prickly plant\nCAN'T (is unable) with fourisH (latterly, last letter) in AUS (Australia)"} {"Clue":"Gala rarely captivating around foreign waters (4)","Answer":"ARAL","Explanation":"Definition: foreign waters\nfound reversed (around) inside (captivated by) gaLA RArely \u2013 the Aral Sea"} {"Clue":"Split appeared in this\u00a0old country (10)","Answer":"YUGOSLAVIA","Explanation":"Definition: Split appeared in this\ndouble\/cryptic definition \u2013 Split is a town in Croatia, split from the former Yugoslavia"} {"Clue":"Intellectual, not popular, accepting career rejection (5-3)","Answer":"BRUSH OFF","Explanation":"Definition: rejection\nBOFFin (intellectual) missing IN (popular) containing RUSH (career)"} {"Clue":"\"Ten\" given by the Parisian after ballerina's final pivot (4)","Answer":"AXLE","Explanation":"Definition: pivot\nX (ten) with (given by) LE (the, in Paris) following ballerinA (final letter of)"} {"Clue":"Cheers football team vehicle (4)","Answer":"TAXI","Explanation":"Definition: vehicle\nTA (cheers) and XI (eleven, football team)"} {"Clue":"Given small space, managed using type of wallpaper? (8)","Answer":"EMBOSSED","Explanation":"Definition: type of wallpaper\nEM (small space, printing) then BOSSED (managed)"} {"Clue":"Bob's crying upset his Hollywood partner? (4,6)","Answer":"BING CROSBY","Explanation":"Definition: his Hollywood partner\nanagram (upset) of BOB'S CRYING"} {"Clue":"English flower close to the office (4)","Answer":"EDEN","Explanation":"Definition: English flower\nthE (closing letter of) and DEN (office) \u2013 the River Eden, something that flows in England"} {"Clue":"Aide moving outside intended to avoid a complaint (8)","Answer":"DEMENTIA","Explanation":"Definition: complaint \nanagram (moving) of AIDE contains (outside) MEaNT missing A"} {"Clue":"Appreciation shown by bishop in US state neighbouring (6)","Answer":"NEARBY","Explanation":"Definition: neighbouring\nEAR (appreciation) with B (bishop) in NY (New York, US state)"} {"Clue":"Best man perhaps comes through role having inebriated groom (6)","Answer":"OSTLER","Explanation":"Definition: groom\nST (saint, best man perhaps) inside (comes through) anagram (having inebriated) of ROLE"} {"Clue":"Media chief screening agreed particular order for contestants (4,4)","Answer":"EYES DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: order for contestants\nED (editor, media chief) contains (screening) YES (agreed) then OWN (particular) \u2013 marks the start of a bingo game"} {"Clue":"According to Edgar after vacation, a lethal snake's encountered (2,3)","Answer":"AS PER","Explanation":"Definition: According to\nEdgaR (after vacation, emptied) following (having encountered) ASP (a lethal snake)"} {"Clue":"Dotty reveals metallic sound that doesn't stop (11)","Answer":"EVERLASTING","Explanation":"Definition: doesn't stop\nanagram (dotty) of REVEALS then TING (metallic sound)"} {"Clue":"Topless oblivious youth, unoccupied at work, displays dance (5,3)","Answer":"LINDY HOP","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nbLIND (oblivious, topless) then YoutH (unoccupied) and OP (opus, work) \u2013 dance named for Charles Lindbergh's flight across the Atlantic"} {"Clue":"Fruit with loose stone consumed in old African territory (6,4,5)","Answer":"ORANGE FREE STATE","Explanation":"Definition: old African territory\nORANGE (free) with FREE (loose) ST (stone) ATE (consumed)"} {"Clue":"A few words nipper's read aloud (6)","Answer":"CLAUSE","Explanation":"Definition: A few words\nsounds like (read aloud) claw's (nipper's)"} {"Clue":"Gripped\u00a0coin (3)","Answer":"BIT","Explanation":"Definition: Gripped\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Author that is taking shelter by meandering Ural (6,3)","Answer":"LAURIE LEE","Explanation":"Definition: Author\nIE (that is) with LEE (shelter) following (by) anagram (meandering) of URAL"} {"Clue":"Nasa help to develop a way for this pioneer to explore (4,7)","Answer":"ALAN SHEPARD","Explanation":"Definition: this pioneer\nanagram (to develop) of NASA HELP then A RD (road, way) \u2013 the first American in space. \"to explore\" seems a bit out of place to me, the clue still makes sense without it"} {"Clue":"Facility's head tracks study on island (9)","Answer":"READINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Facility\nNESS (head) follows (tracks) READ (study) on I (island)"} {"Clue":"Expert checks runner perhaps over one year \u2013 suspension's given (8)","Answer":"ABEYANCE","Explanation":"Definition: suspension\nACE (expert) contains (checks) BEAN (runner bean perhaps) containing (over) Y (one year). ~~Y is an abbreviation for the word \"year\" or \"years\", but is that really the same as \"one year\"?~~"} {"Clue":"Bowl from opening pair of cricketers maintaining speed (6)","Answer":"CRATER","Explanation":"Definition: Bowl\nCRicketers (opening pair of letters) contain (maintaining) RATE (speed)"} {"Clue":"The Andalusian's seen bending part of body (5)","Answer":"ELBOW","Explanation":"Definition: part of body\nEL (the in Spanish, as seen in Adalusia) with BOW (bending)"} {"Clue":"Fish Beverly regularly rejected (3)","Answer":"EEL","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\nbEvErLy missing letters regularly"} {"Clue":"Broadcast invocation to Shakespeare (6)","Answer":"AUBADE","Explanation":"sounds like (broadcast) \"Oh Bard\" (invocation to Shakespeare) \u2013 a morning song. I have seen this word written many times but did not know it verbally and naively assumed it to be pronounced \"oh bade\", the opposite of serenade."} {"Clue":"Go in once, out and about (8)","Answer":"NOCTURNE","Explanation":"TURN (go) in anagram (out and about) of ONCE"} {"Clue":"Youth leader will not precede worker in experiment (6)","Answer":"SHANTY","Explanation":"Youth (leading letter of) following (with\u2026preceding) SHAN'T (will not) and also ANT (worker) in SHY (try, experiment) \u2013 a sailor's song"} {"Clue":"Middle Easterner in desert surroundings (8)","Answer":"SARABAND","Explanation":"ARAB (Middle Easterner) in SAND (in desert surroundings) \u2013 a lively Spanish-colonial dance"} {"Clue":"Capital and festivity both cut (8)","Answer":"MADRIGAL","Explanation":"MADRId (capital) and GALa (festival) both cut short \u2013 secular and unaccompanied choral song"} {"Clue":"Sheet of glass in museum? Quite the opposite (6)","Answer":"PAVANE","Explanation":"VA (the Victoria and Albert museum) in PANE (sheet of glass) \u2013 a slow processional dance from the Renaissance"} {"Clue":"Listened outside (4)","Answer":"LIED","Explanation":"LIstenED (outside letters from) \u2013 German song, poetry sung to music"} {"Clue":"Donated \u2013 far too much accepted (7)","Answer":"GAVOTTE","Explanation":"GAVE (donated) contains (accepted) OTT (far too much) \u2013 French folk dance"} {"Clue":"Jazz fan in Puccini opera without soprano . . . . (7)","Answer":"TOCCATA","Explanation":"CAT (jazz fan) inside TOsCA (Puccini opera) missing S (soprano) \u2013 a virtuoso piece for solo keyboard player"} {"Clue":". . . . Frenchman left Callas (4)","Answer":"ARIA","Explanation":"mARIA Callas missing M (monsieur, frenchman) \u2013 an expressive and melodic piece for solo voice"} {"Clue":"Thirty seconds with Rupert's not odd (6)","Answer":"MINUET","Explanation":"MINute (half a minute, 30 seconds) with rUpErT (not odd letters) \u2013 French social dance for couples"} {"Clue":"Lass departs, embracing deceiver (8)","Answer":"GALLIARD","Explanation":"GAL (lass) and D (departs) contains (embracing) LIAR (deceiver) \u2013 an energetic and structured Renaissance dance"} {"Clue":"Twisted tree-top \u2013 top of ash (8)","Answer":"OPERETTA","Explanation":"anagram (twisted) of TREE-TOP then Ash (top letter of) \u2013 light opera"} {"Clue":"An article by the master (6)","Answer":"ANTHEM","Explanation":"AN (an article) by THE and M (master) \u2013 a celebratory composition often symbolising an entity or group. I am struck how both AN and THE appear in the clue. Unusual for a cryptic, and unusual in that both words appear in their own definition: \"The is the definite article\" and \"An is an indefinite article\". I wonder if this is done deliberately to confuse us, hiding things in plain sight?"} {"Clue":"Not worried about sales device (8)","Answer":"SERENADE","Explanation":"SERENE (not worried) containing AD (sales device) \u2013 an evening song"} {"Clue":"Game in cape and short stockings (6)","Answer":"CHORUS","Explanation":"RU (Rugby Union, game) in C (cape) and HOSe (stockings, short) \u2013 a work for voices, the same melody repeated for each verse"} {"Clue":"Bless me! Head of art arranged get together (8)","Answer":"ASSEMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: get together\nanagram (arranged) of BLESS ME and Art (head, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Fresh fibre at start of diet gets three points (5-3)","Answer":"BRAND-NEW","Explanation":"Definition: Fresh\nBRAN (fibre) with Diet( start of, first letter) with N, E and W (three points of the compass)"} {"Clue":"Outcry over nationalist group's arrest (6)","Answer":"DETAIN","Explanation":"Definition: arrest \nDIN (outcry) contains (over) ETA (nationalist group)"} {"Clue":"Exam on Beethoven's Sixth's not over (4)","Answer":"ORAL","Explanation":"Definition: Exam\npastORAL (Pastoral Symphony, Beethoven's sixth) missing PAST (over)"} {"Clue":"Alcoholics Anonymous pretty upset about social drinking (3,5)","Answer":"TEA PARTY","Explanation":"Definition: social drinking\nanagram (upset) of AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) and PRETTY"} {"Clue":"Western star on a horse falling over (6)","Answer":"REAGAN","Explanation":"Definition: Western star\nRE (regarding, on) then A NAG (horse) reversed (falling over) \u2013 Ronald Reagan"} {"Clue":"Spins ends of cribbage board with pegs out (6)","Answer":"EDDIES","Explanation":"Definition: Spins\ncribbagE boarD (end letters of) then DIES (pegs out). Nice misdirection \u2013 this clue had me looking for anagrams of PEGS +\u2026 for ages."} {"Clue":"Preserve area of land, reportedly, on isle (7)","Answer":"JAMAICA","Explanation":"Definition: isle\nJAM (preserve) and AICA sounds like (reportedly) \"acre\" (area of land)"} {"Clue":"Royal household member who wouldn't take an inch? (7)","Answer":"FOOTMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Royal household member\ncryptic definition, this guy only takes feet"} {"Clue":"Expected warnings over Aegean, regularly (8)","Answer":"FORESEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Expected\nFORES (warnings, on a golf course) on aEgEaN (regularly selected)"} {"Clue":"There's a rest in bar three, stupid! (8)","Answer":"BREATHER","Explanation":"Definition: a rest\nanagram (stupid) of BAR THREE"} {"Clue":"Fellow to block The FT with legal order (8)","Answer":"MANDAMUS","Explanation":"Definition: legal order\nMAN (fellow) DAM (to block) US (the FT) \u2013 a judicial writ issued as a command to an inferior court or ordering a person to perform a public or statutory duty"} {"Clue":"Do an outstanding job? (6)","Answer":"EMBOSS","Explanation":"Definition: Do an outstanding job\ncryptic definition \u2013 to work at embossing items"} {"Clue":"Popular equipment when driving (2,4)","Answer":"IN GEAR","Explanation":"Definition: when driving\nIN (popular) GEAR (equipment)"} {"Clue":"Pub glass contains line with height from base (6)","Answer":"PLINTH","Explanation":"Definition: base\nPINT (pub glass) contains L (line) then H (height)"} {"Clue":"The horse breeding\u00a0boss (4)","Answer":"STUD","Explanation":"Definition: horse breeding\ndouble definition\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Nothing whatsoever in 1 down. suggests Cuban character (8)","Answer":"SCARFACE","Explanation":"Definition: Cuban character\nFA (nothing whatsoever) in SCARCE (1 down) \u2013 Tony Montana, Cuban refugee and gangster in the film Scarface"} {"Clue":"Modernise the vicar's sermon distribution system (6)","Answer":"REVAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Modernise\nREV (the vicar) has AMP (distribution system, of a sound system)"} {"Clue":"One playing for a measure of gold (5)","Answer":"ACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: One playing\nA CT (carat, measure) OR (golden, of gold)"} {"Clue":"Wretched poor built dachas for them? (9)","Answer":"POLITBURO","Explanation":"Definition: dachas for them\nanagram (wretched) of POOR BUILT"} {"Clue":"Cocky-looking prop can be the nucleus of rugby (9)","Answer":"STRUTTING","Explanation":"Definition: Cocky-looking\nSTRUT (prop) then TIN (can) and ruGby (middle letter, be the nucleus of)"} {"Clue":"Similar to \"Gadzooks!\", a revolting saying (5)","Answer":"ADAGE","Explanation":"Definition: saying\nEGAD (similar to gadzooks) then A all reversed (revolting)"} {"Clue":"Beef dish from Paris fed One Direction (6)","Answer":"PLAINT","Explanation":"Definition: Beef\nPLAT (dish in French, from Paris) contains (is fed) I (one) N (north, direction)"} {"Clue":"The unions and others rejected last-minute strike at Old Trafford (4,3)","Answer":"LATE CUT","Explanation":"Definition: last-minute strike at Old Trafford\nTUC (Trade Union Congress) and ET AL (the rest) reversed (rejected) \u2013 a cricket shot played behind the body, Old Trafford is a cricket ground"} {"Clue":"Premiere of Whisky Galore! broadcast first or second (3,4)","Answer":"LOW GEAR","Explanation":"Definition: first or second\nanagram (broadcast) of W (whisky, phonetic alphabet) and GALORE"} {"Clue":"Chancellor of the Exchequer defends boom\/bust as a \"natural feature\" (6)","Answer":"COOMBE","Explanation":"Definition: a \"natural feature\nCE (Chancellor of the Exchequer) contains (defends) anagram (bust) of BOOM \u2013 this clue is misnumbered in the PDF version as 0 across"} {"Clue":"Blimey! Phew! I gather summer's hot here! (5)","Answer":"CORFU","Explanation":"Definition: summer's hot here\nCOR (blimey) and FU sounds like (I gather) \"phew\" \u2013 cue cor-fu or cor-few debate\u2026"} {"Clue":"Creation of Hilton hotel, drizzled with fruity Spanish wine, containing hint of limoncello (7-2)","Answer":"SHANGRI-LA","Explanation":"Definition: Creation of Hilton\nH (hotel) inside (drizzled with) SANGRIA (fruity Spanish wine) containing Limoncello (first letter, hint of) \u2013 a fictional place in the novel *Lost Horizon* by James Hilton"} {"Clue":"\"He inspired the Aztec two-step\" (Graun piece) (9)","Answer":"MONTEZUMA","Explanation":"Definition: \"He inspired the Aztec two-step\"\ndouble definition \u2013 Montezuma's Revenge and opera by Carl Graun"} {"Clue":"Moved off slowly, though not at first; the engine wasn't in gear! (5)","Answer":"IDLED","Explanation":"Definition: the engine wasn't in gear\nsIDLED (moved off slowly) missing first letter"} {"Clue":"Protected by Christ; He is my religion (6)","Answer":"THEISM","Explanation":"Definition: religion\nfound inside (protected by) chrisT HE IS My"} {"Clue":"Despot finally read out riot act (8)","Answer":"DICTATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Despot\nreaD (final letter) and anagram (out) of RIOT ACT"} {"Clue":"Pretty thin odds on The Gunners losing their last three (6)","Answer":"SPARSE","Explanation":"Definition: Pretty thin\nSP (starting price, odd) on ARSEnal (The Gunners) losing last three letters"} {"Clue":"In which to bask where H comes down? (9)","Answer":"AFTERGLOW","Explanation":"Definition: In which to bask\nAFTER G (where H comes) then LOW (down)"} {"Clue":"Jiggling my bust terrifies those trying to get on board the 8 21 (5-4,6)","Answer":"FIRST-TIME BUYERS","Explanation":"Definition: those trying to get on board the 8 21\nanagram (jiggling) of MY BUST TERRIFIES"} {"Clue":"One imitating policeman is detained by Yard team leader (7)","Answer":"COPYIST","Explanation":"Definition: One imitating\nCOP (policeman) then IS inside Y (yard) and Team (leading letter of)"} {"Clue":"Mouth-watering titbit for former Time, Morning Star foreign correspondent finally! (5,6,4)","Answer":"EXTRA STRONG MINT","Explanation":"Definition: Mouth-watering titbit\nEX (former) T (time) then anagram (foreign) of MORNING STAR and correspondenT (finally)"} {"Clue":"Caribbean island where the visitors go Dutch? (5)","Answer":"ARUBA","Explanation":"Definition: Caribbean island where the visitors go Dutch\ncould be a cryptic definition? \u2013 Aruba is part of the Dutch Caribbean. The locals would be Dutch but not the visitors. Perhaps I am missing something here."} {"Clue":"For many, it leads to castles in the air! (8,6)","Answer":"PROPERTY LADDER","Explanation":"Definition: For many, it leads to castles in the air\ncryptic definition \u2013 if you can't afford to buy you have only a dream, and you will need a ladder to get to your floating property"} {"Clue":"In Liechtenstein, winter sport's grand for Germans (6)","Answer":"FLUGEL","Explanation":"Definition: grand for Germans\nLUGE (winter sport) in FL (Liechenstein IVR) \u2013 \"grand piano\" in German"} {"Clue":"Convertible taxi hired to take in the city (9)","Answer":"CABRIOLET","Explanation":"Definition: Convertible\nCAB (taxi) LET (hired) contains RIO (city)"} {"Clue":"Flatfish sounds dull \u2013 I'll leave that on the table (5,3)","Answer":"PLACE MAT","Explanation":"Definition: I'll leave that on the table\nPLACE sounds like \"plaice\" (flatfish) then MAT (dull)"} {"Clue":"Free\u00a0delivery? (6)","Answer":"RESCUE","Explanation":"Definition: Free\ndouble definition \u2013 the two meanings are close but it provides an excellent surface reading so fair enough"} {"Clue":"Tea featuring some butter and bread (7)","Answer":"CHAPATI","Explanation":"Definition: bread\nCHAI (tea) contains PAT (some butter)"} {"Clue":"Unusual route off the mountains (5)","Answer":"RANGE","Explanation":"Definition: the mountains\nstRANGE (unusual) missing ST (street, a way)"} {"Clue":"Rubbish stuffed, say, by recess when heading off (12)","Answer":"GOBBLEDEGOOK","Explanation":"Definition: Rubbish\nGOBBLED (stuffed) EG (say) and nOOK (recess) missing first letter (heading off)"} {"Clue":"Planned helper to intercept thug (4,3)","Answer":"LAID OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Planned\nAID (helper) inside (to intercept) LOUT (thug)"} {"Clue":"How food may be available to consumers\u00a0experiencing continued fortune (2,1,4)","Answer":"ON A ROLL","Explanation":"Definition: How food may be available to consumers\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"In Algeria now, revolutionary's being broadcast (2,3)","Answer":"ON AIR","Explanation":"Definition: being broadcast\nfound reversed (revolutionary) inside algeRIA NOw"} {"Clue":"Puts an end to European board game that's not finished (8)","Answer":"SCOTCHES","Explanation":"Definition: Puts an end to\nSCOT (European, and hoping to remain so!) with CHESs (board game, unfinished)"} {"Clue":"Commoner brought about heist, building old hideaway (6-4)","Answer":"PRIEST-HOLE","Explanation":"Definition: old hideaway\nPROLE (commoner) contains (brought about) anagram (building) of HEIST"} {"Clue":"Amount of power by main road Asian runner's showing (4)","Answer":"KWAI","Explanation":"Definition: Asian runner\nKW (amount of power) by AI (A1, main road) \u2013 the River Kwai, something that runs in Asia"} {"Clue":"Son goes inside to devour course (4)","Answer":"EAST","Explanation":"Definition: course\nS (son) in EAT (to devour)"} {"Clue":"Place to buy a group of boats, including American vessel (4,6)","Answer":"FLEA MARKET","Explanation":"Definition: Place to buy\nAM (american) ARK (vesseL) in FLEET (a group of boats)"} {"Clue":"Celestial matter beginning to appear around South of France, westwards (8)","Answer":"STARDUST","Explanation":"Definition: Celestial matter\nSTART (beginning) containing (to appear around) SUD (south, in French) reversed (westards, to the left on a map)"} {"Clue":"Clay slab covers edge of road sign in Spanish (5)","Answer":"TILDE","Explanation":"Definition: sign in Spanish\nTILE (clay slab) contains (covers) roaD (egde of) \u2013 an accent (sign) in the\u00a0Spanish language"} {"Clue":"Five biros laid regularly on artist's Italian table (7)","Answer":"RAVIOLI","Explanation":"Definition: Italian table\nV (five) and bIrOs LaId (regular selection from) follows (on) RA (Royal Academician, artist) \u2013 Italian food"} {"Clue":"Island emigre's half-eaten duck (7)","Answer":"GRENADA","Explanation":"Definition: Island\nemiGRE (half missing, eaten) then NADA (nothing, zero, a duck)"} {"Clue":"Double act by two priests good in general, touring (12)","Answer":"DOPPELGANGER","Explanation":"Definition: Double\nDO (act) by PP (priest, two of) then G (good) in anagram (touring) of GENERAL"} {"Clue":"Doctor in the morning enters old institute folding paper (7)","Answer":"ORIGAMI","Explanation":"Definition: folding paper\nRIG (doctor) and AM (in the morning) inside (enters) O (old) I (institute)"} {"Clue":"This might help when reading bank balance (nothing in it, repeatedly) (8)","Answer":"BOOKREST","Explanation":"Definition: This might help when reading\nBK (bank, abbrev) and REST (balance) contains O O (nothing, repeated)"} {"Clue":"18 munching food (4)","Answer":"EATS","Explanation":"Definition: food\nanagram (munching) of EAST (18 across)"} {"Clue":"Functioning senior officer during alert damaged part of shirt (4,6)","Answer":"ETON COLLAR","Explanation":"Definition: part of shirt\nON (functioning) COL (colonel, senior officer) in anagram (damaged) of ALERT"} {"Clue":"Abstract school character, ordinary initially (2,3)","Answer":"OP ART","Explanation":"Definition: Abstract school\nPART (character, in a play) following (with\u2026initially) O (ordinarily)"} {"Clue":"Ken's one thousand pounds present goes on house and wife (4-3)","Answer":"KNOW-HOW","Explanation":"Definition: Ken\nK (one thousand pounds) NOW (present) on HO (house) and W (wife). I don't get whyK is one thousand pounds. One tousand yes, but why pounds?"} {"Clue":"Family tension that a doctor might observe (5,8)","Answer":"BLOOD PRESSURE","Explanation":"Definition: a doctor might observe\nBLOOD (family) and PRESSURE (tension)"} {"Clue":"Ray and I then repaired toilet \u2013 a brief success (5,2,3,3)","Answer":"FLASH IN THE PAN","Explanation":"Definition: a brief success\nFLASH (ray, of inspiration) with anagram (repaired) of I THEN followed by PAN (toilet)"} {"Clue":"Unrefined report of horses current in north-east (10)","Answer":"PHILISTINE","Explanation":"Definition: Unrefined\nPHILIS TINE sounds like (reported) \"fillies\" (horses)\u00a0and \"Tyne\" (current, river in north-east England)"} {"Clue":"Long to see cardinal running religious building (8)","Answer":"PANTHEON","Explanation":"Definition: religious building\nPANT (long to see) HE (His ~~excellency~~ Eminence, cardinal) and ON (running)"} {"Clue":"Revd. jittery at station without fare? (7)","Answer":"STARVED","Explanation":"Definition: without fare\nanagram (jittery) of REVD following\u00a0(at) STA (station)"} {"Clue":"Artist returning inside liked interpreting Irish territory (7)","Answer":"KILDARE","Explanation":"Definition: Irish territory\nRA (artist, that Royal Academician again) reversed (returning) inside anagram (interpreting) of LIKED"} {"Clue":"Soldiers in school raised flag (5)","Answer":"DROOP","Explanation":"Definition: flag\nOR (other ranks, soldiers) in POD (school, of dolphins perhaps) reversed (raised)"} {"Clue":"An element travel up in excited eagerness (4)","Answer":"AGOG","Explanation":"Definition: in excited eagerness\nAG (silver, an element) then\u00a0GO (to travel) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Type of 25 cross, not entirely rejected (8)","Answer":"TRAPDOOR","Explanation":"Definition: Type of 25\nROOD (cross) and PART (not entirely) all reversed (rejected)"} {"Clue":"Scrub over a regular report (6)","Answer":"ANNUAL","Explanation":"Definition: regular report\nANNUL (scrub) ~~reversed~~\u00a0containing (over) ~~then~~ A"} {"Clue":"Time\u00a0that flies (4)","Answer":"BIRD","Explanation":"Definition: Time\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"East End houses don't have the credentials to accommodate white 25 (5,5)","Answer":"BLACK WIDOW","Explanation":"Definition: 25\nBOW (the East End of London) contains (houses) LACK (don't have) ID (credentials) containing (to accommodate) W (white) \u2013 who else tried to fit 'OMES in here somewhere?"} {"Clue":"Disaster \u2014 \"failure\" is another synonym, completely obvious for starters (6)","Answer":"FIASCO","Explanation":"Definition: Disaster\nstarting letters of Failure Is Another Synonym Completely Obvious"} {"Clue":"Fine man for philosophy (8)","Answer":"THINKING","Explanation":"Definition: philosophy\nTHIN (fine) KING (man, on chessboard)"} {"Clue":"Eternal fool poked by stick with malice in the end (7)","Answer":"AGELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Eterna\nASS (foll) contains GEL (stick, as in \"old stick\", best friend *\u2013\u00a0or stick as in congeal*) and malicE (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"25, left defender? (7)","Answer":"REDBACK","Explanation":"Definition: 25\nRED (left, in British politics) and BACK (defender)"} {"Clue":"Start reviewing it with caveat (8)","Answer":"ACTIVATE","Explanation":"Definition: Start\nanagram (reviewing) of IT with CAVEAT"} {"Clue":"In goal, attempt catches (6)","Answer":"TRENDY","Explanation":"Definition: In\nEND (goal) inside (\u2026catches) TRY (attempt)"} {"Clue":"One going down for a long time, a reviled criminal in prison, is on for release (5,5)","Answer":"PEARL DIVER","Explanation":"Definition: One going down for a long time\nanagram (criminal) of A REVILED in PRison missing (for release) IS ON"} {"Clue":"A type of 25 in ebbing stream (4)","Answer":"WOLF","Explanation":"Definition: A type of 25\nFLOW (stream) reversed (ebbing)"} {"Clue":"Do what you do endlessly, 17? That's you! (6)","Answer":"SPIDER","Explanation":"Definition: That's you\nSPIn (what a spider does, endlessly) DER (red back, 17 across)"} {"Clue":"25 hasn't uncoiled, moth initially trapped (8)","Answer":"HUNTSMAN","Explanation":"Definition: trapped\nanagram (coiled) of HASN'T UN containing Moth (initial letter of)"} {"Clue":"Behind barrier, little time to go over it (8)","Answer":"TRAILING","Explanation":"Definition: Behind\nRAILING (barrier) following (with\u2026to go over it) T (little time)"} {"Clue":"One perhaps eyed second dessert (4)","Answer":"SPUD","Explanation":"Definition: One perhaps eyed\nS (second) PUD (dessert)"} {"Clue":"Cutting reserves, a mistake (3-3)","Answer":"BOO-BOO","Explanation":"Definition: a mistake\nBOOk (reserve, cut) twice (plural)"} {"Clue":"Distance across doorstep, perhaps, that's halved (7)","Answer":"BREADTH","Explanation":"Definition: Distance across\nBREAD (doorstep perhaps) THat (half of)"} {"Clue":"Bet party gets seat (8)","Answer":"BACKSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: seat\nBACK (bet) SIDE (party) \u2013 one of Paul's bum clues"} {"Clue":"Unspecified number, crime in the Spanish capital going up, never going down? (10)","Answer":"UNSINKABLE","Explanation":"Definition: never going down\nN (unspecified number) SIN (crime) all inside EL (the, Spanish) BAKU (capital of Azerbaijan) reversed"} {"Clue":"Bloke captures Aussie native in desert (6)","Answer":"MAROON","Explanation":"Definition: desert\nMAN (bloke) contains (captures) ROO (kangaroo, Aussie native)"} {"Clue":"25 that can jump \u2014 rating one degree (10)","Answer":"SALTIGRADE","Explanation":"Definition: 25 that can jump\nSALT (sailor, rating) I and GRADE (degree)"} {"Clue":"Model son to give father a thrashing? That's about right! (8)","Answer":"STANDARD","Explanation":"Definition: Model\nS (son) with (to) TAN DAD (give father a thrashing) containing (about) R (right)"} {"Clue":"Scoundrel I summon up in US car (8)","Answer":"CADILLAC","Explanation":"Definition: US car\nCAD (scoundrel) I and CALL (summon) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Lift tool, say, the axe (5-2)","Answer":"HEAVE-HO","Explanation":"Definition: the axe\nHEAVE (lift) then HO sounds like (say) \"hoe\" (tool)"} {"Clue":"Keen to bury leak, head-er deleted as sinister (6)","Answer":"CREEPY","Explanation":"Definition: sinister\nCRY (keen) contains (to bury) sEEP (leak) missing first letter (header deleted)"} {"Clue":"Bottom disappearing, the king is upon one! (6)","Answer":"THRONE","Explanation":"Definition: Bottom disappearing, the king is upon one\nTHe missing last letter (bottom disappearing) then R (king) is upon ONE \u2013 definition is &lit. A throne is a kings seat (or a toilet)."} {"Clue":"Innermost part of bowel remains clean (4)","Answer":"WASH","Explanation":"Definition: clean\nboWel (innermost part) and ASH (remains)"} {"Clue":"Frenchwoman taking credit for daughter's handiwork (7)","Answer":"MACRAME","Explanation":"Definition: handiwork\nMAdAME (French woman) with D (daughter) replaced by CR (credit)"} {"Clue":"Clerics' disciples hit back first (7)","Answer":"PARSONS","Explanation":"Definition: Clerics\nSONS (disciples) follows (with\u2026first) RAP (hit) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Old ale she brewed is something a landlord sells? (9)","Answer":"LEASEHOLD","Explanation":"Definition: something a landlord sells\nanagram (brewed) of OLD ALE SHE"} {"Clue":"Quickly take out sauce (5)","Answer":"PESTO","Explanation":"Definition: sauce \nPrESTO (quickly) missing (out) R (recipe, take)"} {"Clue":"Policeman captured by revolutionary reveals location of workers? (6)","Answer":"STUDIO","Explanation":"Definition: location of workers\nDI (detective inspector, policeman) inside (captured by) OUTS (reveals) reversed (revolutionary)"} {"Clue":"Cheering new development getting rid of pub (7)","Answer":"OVATION","Explanation":"Definition: Cheering\ninnOVATION (new development) missing INN (pub)"} {"Clue":"Idle talk of sentry regularly carried by oxen (6-3)","Answer":"YAKETY-YAK","Explanation":"Definition: Idle talk\nsEnTrY (regularly) inside (carried by) YAK YAK (two ox, oxen)"} {"Clue":"Standard piece of rock salmon (4)","Answer":"PARR","Explanation":"Definition: salmon\nPAR (standard) and Rock (first letter, a piece of)"} {"Clue":"Time to include final character in book (4)","Answer":"EZRA","Explanation":"Definition: book\nERA (time) includes Z (final character) \u2013 book of The Bible"} {"Clue":"Means of state execution (5,4)","Answer":"GREAT SEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Means of state execution\ncryptic definition \u2013 sorry but this one passed right over my head. Can someone knowledgeable explain what execution refers to here? Is an act of parliament \"executed\" when it is sealed by the monarch? If execution is a technical\/legal term what does it\u00a0mean\u00a0in this context?"} {"Clue":"Give back foreign currency after holiday (7)","Answer":"RESTORE","Explanation":"Definition: Give back\nORE (foreign currency) following REST (holiday)"} {"Clue":"Commander's working routine (6)","Answer":"COMMON","Explanation":"Definition: routine\nCOMM (commander) with ON (working)"} {"Clue":"Group of people, left eating nothing, retired (5)","Answer":"TROOP","Explanation":"Definition: Group of people\nPORT (left) containing (eating) O (nothing) reversed (retired)"} {"Clue":"Horses' loins rubbed with salt (9)","Answer":"STALLIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Horses\nanagram (rubbed) of LOINS and SALT"} {"Clue":"Jackets for midshipmen (7)","Answer":"REEFERS","Explanation":"Definition: Jackets\ndouble\/triple definition \u2013 \"jackets\", \"midshipmen\" and also \"jackets for midshipmen\""} {"Clue":"Folly of head on stop over (7)","Answer":"MADNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Folly\nNESS (head) following (on) DAM (stop) reversed (over)"} {"Clue":"Exploit of Mark touring Israel (4)","Answer":"MILK","Explanation":"Definition: Exploit \nMK (mark, currency or brand of car) contains (touring) IL (Israel, IVR code)"} {"Clue":"Map out church mural? (5)","Answer":"CHART","Explanation":"Definition: Map out\nCH (church) and ART (mural perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Worried about party supporting Birmingham Centre's story (8)","Answer":"ANECDOTE","Explanation":"Definition: story\nATE (worried) contains (about) DO (party) under (supporting) NEC (National Exhibition Centre, located in Birmingham)"} {"Clue":"Scientific study of European settlement's good for Norway (7)","Answer":"ECOLOGY","Explanation":"Definition: Scientific study\nE (European) and COLOnY (settlement) with G (good) replacing N (Norway)"} {"Clue":"Something to secure flat piece of hair (7)","Answer":"PADLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Something to secure\nPAD (flat) and LOCK (piece of hair)"} {"Clue":"Tool to copy digital data was returned (6)","Answer":"RIPSAW","Explanation":"Definition: Tool\nRIP (to copy digital data) then WAS reversed (returned)"} {"Clue":"Nation defending imperial measure after old boy becomes stubborn (9)","Answer":"OBSTINATE","Explanation":"Definition: stubborn\nSTATE (nation) contains (defending) IN (inch, imperial measure) following OB (old boy)"} {"Clue":"Cold nurses agitated disreputable men (10)","Answer":"SCOUNDRELS","Explanation":"Definition: disreputable men\nanagram (agitated) of COLD NURSES"} {"Clue":"It may have been used by Mark Twain? (10)","Answer":"TYPEWRITER","Explanation":"Definition: It may have been used by\nI think this is MARK (type) and TWAIN (writer) \u2013 the writer is Mark Twain himself. At first I just thought this was a bit odd, but on reflection the clue is soundly put together: the misdirection is to fail to recognise that Tawin is still a writer without his forename."} {"Clue":"Reportedly stops quality roadside fixture (9)","Answer":"KERBSTONE","Explanation":"Definition: roadside fixture\nKERBS sounds like \"curbs\" (stops) and TONE (quality)"} {"Clue":"Look \u2013 sloth runs (3)","Answer":"AIR","Explanation":"Definition: Look\nAI (sloth) and R (runs) \u2013 to have the manner of"} {"Clue":"Lusted fancifully when embracing Doctor Fell (8)","Answer":"STUMBLED","Explanation":"Definition: Fell\nanagram (fancifully) of LUSTED containing MB (doctor)"} {"Clue":"Legal documents in which old king replaces sovereign's bribes (7)","Answer":"GREASES","Explanation":"Definition: bribes\nLEASES (legal documents) in which GR (old king) replaces L (pound, a sovereign)"} {"Clue":"Call without entitlement (7)","Answer":"EXCLAIM","Explanation":"Definition: Call\nEX (without) CLAIM (entitlement)"} {"Clue":"Body of rector found in wood (6)","Answer":"CORPSE","Explanation":"Definition: Body\nR (rector) found in COPSE (wood)"} {"Clue":"Joke about hybrid is a gas (5)","Answer":"OZONE","Explanation":"Definition: a gas\nONE (joke, \"have you heard the one\u2026\") contains (about) ZO (Tibetan hybrid of a cow and a yak)"} {"Clue":"Requests to sunbathe topless on square (4)","Answer":"ASKS","Explanation":"Definition: Requests\nbASK (sunbathe, topless) on S (square)"} {"Clue":"Rainforest dweller promised to develop new island (6,6)","Answer":"SPIDER MONKEY","Explanation":"Definition: Rainforest dweller\nanagram (to develop) of PROMISED and KEY (island)"} {"Clue":"Took on mature engineer (7)","Answer":"ENGAGED","Explanation":"Definition: Took\nAGED (mature) following (on) ENG (engineer) \u2013 possibly ON is part of the definition rather than the wordplay"} {"Clue":"Missing recipe: apricot crumble (a pudding) (7)","Answer":"TAPIOCA","Explanation":"Definition: pudding\nanagram (crumble) of APrICOT missing R (recipe) then A"} {"Clue":"Flipping online crossword \u2013 its bars are revealed very slowly! (5)","Answer":"DIRGE","Explanation":"Definition: its bars are revealed very slowly\nE (online) and GRID (crossword) swapping places (flipping) \u2013 a slow piece of music"} {"Clue":"It calculates city investment in Danish currency after upfront swap (8)","Answer":"RECKONER","Explanation":"Definition: It calculates\nEC (The City of London, postcode) in KRONER (Danish currency) with first two letters swapped"} {"Clue":"Seaman (ordinary) vacated Llandovery unexpectedly (10)","Answer":"ABNORMALLY","Explanation":"Definition: unexpectedly\nAB (able seaman) NORMAL (ordinary) and LlandoverY (vacated=emptied, no middle)"} {"Clue":"Elegant\u00a0descendant of 19 (4)","Answer":"NEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Elegant\ndouble definition \u2013 neat is cattle"} {"Clue":"Animal's stomach or shoulder? (4)","Answer":"BEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\ntriple definition"} {"Clue":"Adapting an unusually temperamental Chinese import (5,5)","Answer":"GIANT PANDA","Explanation":"Definition: temperamental Chinese import\nanagram (unusually) of ADAPTING AN \u2013 I think the definition suggests the difficulty of getting pandas to breed in foreign zoos"} {"Clue":"Removal of leading England batsman, having a half century (8)","Answer":"UPROOTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Removal\nUP (leading) ROOT (England batsman) with A and L (50, half a centiry)"} {"Clue":"Old-fashioned trust to run hotel (5)","Answer":"TROTH","Explanation":"Definition: Old-fashioned\nTROT (to run) and H (hotel)"} {"Clue":"Increasingly bumptious dog mounts setter (7)","Answer":"COCKIER","Explanation":"Definition: Increasingly bumptious\nCOCKER (dog, cocker spaniel) contains (mounts) I (the setter)"} {"Clue":"A windy place, Karachi; cagoule is essential (7)","Answer":"CHICAGO","Explanation":"Definition: A windy place\nfound inside (essential to) karaCHI CAGOule \u2013 nicknamed The Windy City"} {"Clue":"Embarrassed expression of one about to get fleeced? (8,4)","Answer":"SHEEPISH GRIN","Explanation":"Definition: Embarrassed expression of one about to get fleeced\ndefinition\/cryptic definition \u2013 this could have been sheepish look or sheepish grin, both seemed equally plausible to me. I think clues should contain at least a hint to which answer the setter requires."} {"Clue":"Metal bars, secure code protecting bank payment (3,4)","Answer":"PIG IRON","Explanation":"Definition: Metal bars\nPIN (secure code) contains GIRO (bank payment)"} {"Clue":"A muddle-headed character to follow Chuck (8)","Answer":"DOGBERRY","Explanation":"Definition: A muddle-headed character\nDOG (to follow) and Chuck BERRY \u2013 character from Shakespeare's *Much Ado About Nothing,* a bit of an ass"} {"Clue":"Oddly rounded fish (4)","Answer":"RUDD","Explanation":"Definition: fish\nodd letters od RoUnDeD"} {"Clue":"Ninth bloke out getting poor reception (2,3,5)","Answer":"ON THE BLINK","Explanation":"Definition: getting poor reception\nanagram (out) of NINTH BLOKE"} {"Clue":"Earmark a Pokemon as stocking filler (5)","Answer":"KAPOK","Explanation":"Definition: filler\nfound inside (stocked by) earmarK A POKamon"} {"Clue":"About to eliminate resistance in the old African capital (7)","Answer":"YAOUNDE","Explanation":"Definition: African capital\nArOUND (about) missing (to eliminate) R (resistance) inside YE (the, old)"} {"Clue":"Weak stock market rally came too late for Tom! (4,3,6)","Answer":"DEAD CAT BOUNCE","Explanation":"Definition: Weak stock market rally\ndefinition\/cryptic definition \u2013 a tom is a cat, for whom things failed to improve quickly enough"} {"Clue":"Sporting rainproof hats, trot out this way! (6,7)","Answer":"PARROT FASHION","Explanation":"Definition: trot out this way\nanagram (sporting) of RAINPROOF HATS"} {"Clue":"Carrying protective 'eadgear, gunners' charge ensnared pest (3,2,1,4)","Answer":"RAT IN A TRAP","Explanation":"Definition: ensnared pest\nTIN hAT (protective 'eadgear) inside (with\u2026carrying) RA (Royel Artillery, gunners) and RAP (charge)"} {"Clue":"With rain in the air, Silverstone leader's going for new tyres (8)","Answer":"SPITTING","Explanation":"Definition: With rain in the air\nSilverstone (leader, first letter of) and PITTING (going for new tyres in a race)"} {"Clue":"An extinct creature, gold fabulous bird has wings! (7)","Answer":"AUROCHS","Explanation":"Definition: An extinct creature\nAU (gold, chem symbol) ROC (fabulous bird) and HaS (wings, outside letters of)"} {"Clue":"Part of the revolution of Syriza, no endorsement for Golden Dawn member? (3-4)","Answer":"NEO NAZI","Explanation":"Definition: Golden Dawn member\nfound reversed (revolution) inside (part of the) syrIZA NO ENdorsement \u2013 far right political party in Greece"} {"Clue":"1\/6 = 2\/3 of 28? (5)","Answer":"OVINE","Explanation":"Definition: 2\/3 of 28\n1\/6 is \"one over six\" = ONE containing (over) VI (six) \u2013 definition is sheepish, 2\/3 of 28 across"} {"Clue":"They're at the back of the menu (nicest part!) (4)","Answer":"ICES","Explanation":"Definition: They're at the back of the menu\nfound inside (part) nICESt"} {"Clue":"Second person with barrels full of powerful acid for teen hangouts (5,5)","Answer":"YOUTH CLUBS","Explanation":"Definition: teen hangout\nYOU (second person) with TUBS (barrels) full of HCL (HCl, hydrochloric acid)"} {"Clue":"In addition, silver reflects breath (4)","Answer":"GASP","Explanation":"Definition: breath\nPS (in addition) with AG (silver) returned (reflects)"} {"Clue":"Restraint hurts inmate 10 (10)","Answer":"MODERATION","Explanation":"Definition: Restraint\nanagram (hurts) of INMATE and DOOR (ten across)"} {"Clue":"Learned man carrying ducks is Jim Morrison? (4)","Answer":"DOOR","Explanation":"Definition: Jim Morrison\nDR (learned man) contains OO (ducks, two zero scores in cricket) \u2013 cryptic definition, one of the members of the rock band *The Doors"} {"Clue":"Back heavyweight against a nonpareil (6,2,4)","Answer":"SECOND TO NONE","Explanation":"Definition: nonpareil\nSECOND (back) TON (heavy weight) with ONE (a)"} {"Clue":"Be relaxed about article on extensive site being announced for care facilities (9)","Answer":"SANITARIA","Explanation":"Definition: care facilities\nSIT (be relaxed) containing (about) AN (indefinite article) on ARIA sounds like (announced) area (extensive site)"} {"Clue":"German stag's returning appetite (5)","Answer":"GREED","Explanation":"Definition: appetite\nG (German and DEER (stag) reversed (returning)"} {"Clue":"Asia Minor's acid (5)","Answer":"AMINO","Explanation":"Definition: acid\nfound inside ('s, belonging to) asiA MINOr"} {"Clue":"Food expert, occasional follower of 10, notes spies coming in (9)","Answer":"DIETICIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Food expert\nDIE (occasional follower of 10, in the phrase *do or die*) then TI and N (two notes) containing (with\u2026coming in) CIA (spies)"} {"Clue":"Puerile prats ruin day out (8,4)","Answer":"PLEASURE TRIP","Explanation":"Definition: day out\nanagram (ruin) of PUERILE PRATS"} {"Clue":"Film about 11:10? (4)","Answer":"EXIT","Explanation":"Definition: 10\nET (film) contains (about) XI (11) \u2013 a door can be an exit"} {"Clue":"To leave traitor confused entails regularly following 10 nuts (10)","Answer":"IRRATIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: nuts\nanagram (confused) of TRAItoR missing (leave) TO then eNtAiLs following IO (looks like 10)"} {"Clue":"Plays closed Yankee Stadium's opening (4)","Answer":"TOYS","Explanation":"Definition: Plays\nTO (closed, like a door) with Y (yankee) and Stadium (opening letter of)"} {"Clue":"Such as 1D and 10 perhaps born unconscious (7,3)","Answer":"OPENING BID","Explanation":"Definition: Such as 1D\nOPENING (door perhaps) B (born) and ID (unconscious) \u2013 one diamond, a bid in contract bridge. I wasted a lot of time thinking this was OPENING OUT (like a door)."} {"Clue":"Turn over small can of vegetables (4)","Answer":"YAMS","Explanation":"Definition: vegetables\nreversal (turnover) of S (small) MAY (can)"} {"Clue":"Language needed to tour Dusseldorf (4)","Answer":"URDU","Explanation":"Definition: Language\nfound inside (needed for\u2026) toUR DUsseldorf"} {"Clue":"Underwear worn incorrectly in home of rural resident (7,5)","Answer":"HARVEST MOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: rural resident \nI think this is a VEST in ARM (underwear worn incorrectly) all inside (in) HOUSE (home). If I have this right then I think this clue is pushing the boundaries a little, straying into \"clever for the sake of it\" territory. I am not saying that that the device is a bad idea in itself but it goes beyond what can be solved naturally. It is a an insiders clue; it relies on the solvers being at a level where cryptic feels normal and then the setter can make makes it cryptic some more. One for the advanced cryptics at the weekend? Perhaps I have got this completely wrong."} {"Clue":"Drunk misses Bournemouth's first game (5)","Answer":"LOTTO","Explanation":"Definition: game\nbLOTTO (drunk) missing Bournemouth (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Stuff 10 up, punching live horse (5,4)","Answer":"BROOD MARE","Explanation":"Definition: horse\nRAM (stuff) with DOOR (10 across) all reversed (up) inside (punching) BE (live)"} {"Clue":"Sorry Australian sensitive about record (10)","Answer":"APOLOGETIC","Explanation":"Definition: Sorry\nA (Australian) and POETIC (sensetive) contain (about) LOG (record)"} {"Clue":"Showing signs of drink running out (10)","Answer":"PORTENDING","Explanation":"Definition: Showing signs of\nPORT (drink) ENDING (running out)"} {"Clue":"Arithmetic I do in solving puzzle (4,8)","Answer":"LONG DIVISION","Explanation":"Definition: Arithmetic\nanagram (puzzle) of I DO IN SOLVING"} {"Clue":"Ten campers go over cliff (10)","Answer":"ESCARPMENT","Explanation":"Definition: cliff\nanagram (go over) of TEN CAMPERS"} {"Clue":"Italy get appalling tiny field playing away (10)","Answer":"INFIDELITY","Explanation":"Definition: playing away\nI (Italy) with anagram (appalling) of TINY FIELD"} {"Clue":"BBC possibly lose 10 pictures and blame enforcement mechanism (5,4)","Answer":"RADAR TRAP","Explanation":"Definition: enforcement mechanism\nRADio (BBC possibly) missing IO (10) then ART and RAP (blame)"} {"Clue":"A writer or two (5)","Answer":"TWAIN","Explanation":"Definition: A writer\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Cut singular raised hairstyle (4)","Answer":"SNUB","Explanation":"Definition: Cut\nS (singular) and BUN (Hairstyle) raised (reversed)"} {"Clue":"Drained out, though it doesn't hurt any more (4)","Answer":"BLED","Explanation":"Definition: Drained\n~~I can't explain this. The best I can come up with is that an archaic (not any more) use of bled is \"to have died in battle\", so I suppose you would not hurt. Pretty tenuous.~~ *BowLED (out, in cricket) missing (not any more) OW (that hurts)"} {"Clue":"Ruthless financier when placed before one revealing all (13)","Answer":"ASSET STRIPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Ruthless financier\nAS (when) SET (placed before) STRIPPER (one revealing all)"} {"Clue":"Scottish person\u00a0asked for by name? (4)","Answer":"SAUL","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish person\ndouble definition \u2013 Scots form of soul (person) and Hebrew name meaning \"asked for\""} {"Clue":"Words in verse on occupant of rank? (5)","Answer":"VOCAB","Explanation":"Definition: Words\nV (verse) O (on) and CAB (occupant of rank)"} {"Clue":"Bit of shoulder armour lord damaged in clinch (7)","Answer":"PULDRON","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of shoulder armour\nnagram (damaged) of LORD in PUN (clinch)"} {"Clue":"One carries flowers as once to throw possibly(4)","Answer":"TRUG","Explanation":"Definition: One carries flowers\nT (to, obsolete=as once) and RUG (throw possibly)"} {"Clue":"A Rechabite ceremony making one repentant through fear (7)","Answer":"ATTRITE","Explanation":"Definition: repentant through fear\nA TT RITE, a teetotal ceremony such as the Rechabites might have."} {"Clue":"One aiming for pass probably, quite steep in part (6)","Answer":"TESTEE","Explanation":"Definition: One aiming for pass probably\npart of quiTE STEEp"} {"Clue":"After turning fat almost stop sugar source (6)","Answer":"SORGHO","Explanation":"Definition: sugar source\nGROSs (fat, almost) reversed (after turning) then HO (stop)"} {"Clue":"Melon fool put in handbag (7)","Answer":"CASSABA","Explanation":"Definition: Melon\nASS (fool) put in CABA (handbag)"} {"Clue":"Journeyman, one in trains off the rails? (7)","Answer":"ARTISAN","Explanation":"Definition: Journeyman\nA (one) in\u00a0anagram (off the rails) of TRAINS"} {"Clue":"Brazier, innermost part hot (6)","Answer":"HEARTH","Explanation":"Definition: Brazier\nHEART (innermost part) and H (hot)"} {"Clue":"Old English division wary about start of war (6)","Answer":"TWENTY","Explanation":"Definition: Old English division\nTENTY (wary) contains (about) War (starting letter of)"} {"Clue":"Tense when confronting mysterious goddess, sheathed (7)","Answer":"THECATE","Explanation":"Definition: sheathed\nT (tense) then (confronting) HECATE (goddess of mystery)"} {"Clue":"Alme dancing in festival abroad (4)","Answer":"MELA","Explanation":"Definition: festival abroad\nanagram (dancing) of ALME"} {"Clue":"First-class beer making comeback in the Big Smoke (7)","Answer":"REGALIA","Explanation":"Definition: the Big Smoke\nAI (A1, first class) LAGER (beer) reversed (making a comeback) \u2013 a cigar"} {"Clue":"Small cup and saucer one dropped, shattered (5)","Answer":"CRUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Small cup\nanagram (shattered) of SaUCER missing A (one)"} {"Clue":"What was the time (or so it's said) to get hitched? (4)","Answer":"TIED","Explanation":"Definition: to get hitched\nTIED sounds like (or so it's said) tide (the time, season formerly)"} {"Clue":"Necklace gentleman takes in car (7)","Answer":"SAUTOIR","Explanation":"Definition: Necklace\nSIR (gentleman) contains (takes in) AUTO (car)"} {"Clue":"Sweltering despot, tan yielding to effort? (6)","Answer":"SULTRY","Explanation":"Definition: Sweltering\nSULtan (despot) with TAN being replaced by (yielding to) TRY (effort)"} {"Clue":"Plant receptacles gobbled in rotavator incident (4)","Answer":"TORI","Explanation":"Definition: Plant receptacles\nfound inside (gobbled in) rotavaTOR Incident"} {"Clue":"Blind spot exhibited by e.g. Jock over parent? (7)","Answer":"SCOTOMA","Explanation":"Definition: Blind spot\nSCOT (e.g. Jock) O (over) MA (parent)"} {"Clue":"Murrayfield score: half time try almost converted (4)","Answer":"RITT","Explanation":"Definition: Murrayfield score\nanagram (converted) of TIme (half of) and TRy (almost) \u2013 Murrayfield is a stadium in Scotland, indicates Scots word"} {"Clue":"Result of Paris student's binge, having left off his books on banks of Seine? (7)","Answer":"IVRESSE","Explanation":"Definition: Result of Paris student's binge\nLIVRES (books, in Paris) missing L (left) then SeinE (banks of) \u2013 drunkenness"} {"Clue":"Get our lot in place for meal of old legumes (6)","Answer":"POUSSE","Explanation":"Definition: meal of old legumes\nUS (our lot) in POSE (place) \u2013 an old variant of pease, itself now replaced by the modern peas. A meal could be pease pudding perhaps? Chambers does not give pease on its own a a meal. Maybe there are two definitions: \"meal of old\" and \"legumes\"?"} {"Clue":"Move very slowly when entering centre of reef (4)","Answer":"EASE","Explanation":"Definition: Move very slowly\nAS (when) in rEEf (centre of)"} {"Clue":"Special rice, first off cold, rarely moving jerkily (9)","Answer":"SPASMATIC","Explanation":"Definition: rarely moving jerkily\nSP (special) bASMATI (rice, missing first letter) then C (cold)"} {"Clue":"Bass, one in ginger? Dough is all I really care about (9)","Answer":"BREADHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Dough is all I really care about\nB (bass) then A (one) in REDHEAD (ginger)"} {"Clue":"Trull, she? Possibly, when given latitude (7)","Answer":"HUSTLER","Explanation":"Definition: Trull\nTRULL SHE is an agagram (possibly) of HUSTLER and L (latitude)"} {"Clue":"Remains of pyre \u2013 death of Cleo \u2013 packed with African timber? (7)","Answer":"ASH-HEAP","Explanation":"Definition: Remains of pyre\n~~Anagram (packed with) of ASP (the death of Cleopatra) and SHEA (African timber). This explanation is an indirect anagram, not something I would expect from Azed. The more obvious reading of~~ ASP containing SHEA leads to ASS-HEAP which looks like a mistake."} {"Clue":"Non-drinker that is entering pub, more than simply crazy (7)","Answer":"BATTIER","Explanation":"Definition: more than simply crazy\nTT (non-drinker) IE (that is) inside BAR (pub) \u2013 a super surface"} {"Clue":"Like the nation's elite if sent abroad (6)","Answer":"FINEST","Explanation":"Definition: ike the nation's elite\nanagram (abroad) of IF SENT"} {"Clue":"Decorative plant from ME region showing length not breadth (6)","Answer":"ARALIA","Explanation":"Definition: Decorative plant\nARAbIA (ME region) with L (length) replacing B (breadth)"} {"Clue":"Jam specialists concerned with dip (4)","Answer":"WIRE","Explanation":"Definition: dip\nWI (Women's Institute, aka \"Jam and Jerusalem\") and RE (regarding, concerned with) \u2013 definition is pickpocket"} {"Clue":"Representation of mortality featuring in many a mass (4)","Answer":"YAMA","Explanation":"Definition: Representation of mortality\nfound inside manY A MAss"} {"Clue":"Ignorant neologism getting reporter stripped of 'Liberal' name (4)","Answer":"EGMA","Explanation":"Definition: Ignorant neologism\nLEGMAN (newspaper reporter) missing L (Liberal) and N (name) \u2013 a mispronunciation of enigma, originally from the rather stupid *Costard* in *A Midsummer Night's Dream*. I would have expected some indication of the word \"enigma\" in the definition. Just stating that the solution is an ignorantly coined word does not seem to be a definition to me."} {"Clue":"Difficult to overcome South Africa in this game (6)","Answer":"HAZARD","Explanation":"HARD (fifficult) contains (to overcome) ZA (South Africa)"} {"Clue":"Writer of inflammatory online post to manage without a hint of conscience (8)","Answer":"TROLLOPE","Explanation":"TROLL (writer of inflamatory online post) and cOPE (to manage) missing Concience (first letter, a hint of) \u2013 Anthony Trollope, writer. Writer is part of both the the definition and the wordplay which is unusual in a crossword. The defintion is clearly not &lit because of the obvious anachonism. To parse this clue work I have to peform some contorted mental gymnastics with the word \"of\"."} {"Clue":"Scholarly people in Italy largely doing an about face to admit it's by Queen (8)","Answer":"LITERATI","Explanation":"ITALy (largely) reversed (doing an about face) containing (to admit) IT is by ER (The Queen)"} {"Clue":"Pay no heed to a passage from Greer on girls from the east (6)","Answer":"IGNORE","Explanation":"found inside (a passage from) greER ON GIrls reversed (from the East, right-to-left on a map)"} {"Clue":"Well known retailer in Northern Queensland's first to get a computerised trading system (6)","Answer":"NASDAQ","Explanation":"ASDA (well known retailer) in N (north) Queensland (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"State of Oman failing to maintain key production of oil (8)","Answer":"MONGOLIA","Explanation":"anagram (failing) of OMAN contains (to maintain) G (key, music) and anagram (production) of OIL"} {"Clue":"What about the French head of police standing by workers at an organ-making plant? (9,3)","Answer":"ELEPHANTS EAR","Explanation":"EH (what?) contains (about) LE (the, French) and Police (first letter, head of) then (standing by) ANTS (workers) and EAR (organ)"} {"Clue":"Enough, it seems, to lose son slaughtered in a place of worship (7,5)","Answer":"MEETING HOUSE","Explanation":"anagram (slaughtered) of ENOUGH IT SEEMs missing (to lose) S (son)"} {"Clue":"Call back to find odds on Bill becoming an astronaut (8)","Answer":"SPACEMAN","Explanation":"NAME (call) reversed (back) coming before (to find\u2026?) SP (starting price, odds) on AC (account, bill)"} {"Clue":"Nonsense poet regularly appearing in musical (3,3)","Answer":"HOT AIR","Explanation":"pOeT (regualr selection) in HAIR (the musical)"} {"Clue":"Sculptor of Tin Eggs (6)","Answer":"CANOVA","Explanation":"CAN (tin) and OVA (eggs)"} {"Clue":"Tear into fellow salesman over a bit of youthful showiness (8)","Answer":"FRIPPERY","Explanation":"RIP (tear) inside F (fellow) REP (salesman) on Youthful (first letter, a bit of)"} {"Clue":"With reference to verse representation of Lear's adverse change of fortune (8)","Answer":"REVERSAL","Explanation":"RE (with reference to) V (verse) and anagram (representation) of LEAR'S"} {"Clue":"Decaying rubbish starts to turn even nastier (6)","Answer":"ROTTEN","Explanation":"ROT (rubbish) and first letters of (starts to) Turn Even Nastier"} {"Clue":"I'm gripped by a couple of articles on Leicestershire's opening bat for instance (6)","Answer":"ANIMAL","Explanation":"I'M inside (gripped by) AN and A (a couple of articles of speech) then Leicestershire (opening letter of)"} {"Clue":"Alteration to document's last point accepted by American soldiers over time (9)","Answer":"AMENDMENT","Explanation":"END (last point) inside (accepted by) AM (Americam) MEN (soldiers) on T (time)"} {"Clue":"Newspaper piece on daughter of female impersonator (4,5)","Answer":"DRAG QUEEN","Explanation":"RAG (newspaper) QUEEN (piece, on chessboard) on D (daughter of)"} {"Clue":"Cap worn by Peto before Henry's victory (7)","Answer":"TRIUMPH","Explanation":"TRUMP (cap) containing (worn by) I (Peto, the setter) then H (Henry)"} {"Clue":"Hunter's moon not massive at first over Rhode Island (5)","Answer":"ORION","Explanation":"mOON missing (not) Massive (first letter of) contains (over) RI (Rhode Island)"} {"Clue":"Heather's love of language (5)","Answer":"LINGO","Explanation":"LING (heather) and O (love, tennis score)"} {"Clue":"Irregular soldier's weapon (8)","Answer":"PARTISAN","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Caught game against Thailand (3)","Answer":"GOT","Explanation":"GO (game) with (against) T (Thailand)"} {"Clue":"Nothing that's essentially moral is more titillating (9)","Answer":"NAUGHTIER","Explanation":"NAUGHT (nothing) IE (that is) and moRal (essentially, centre letter of)"} {"Clue":"Confectionery and drugs providing an optimum combination of qualities (5,4)","Answer":"SWEET SPOT","Explanation":"SWEETS (confectionary) and POT (drugs, plural?)"} {"Clue":"A reminder to delay having something to drink (8)","Answer":"KEEPSAKE","Explanation":"KEEP (to delay) with SAKE (something to drink, in Japan)"} {"Clue":"Character in morality play heading off with diamonds (3)","Answer":"ICE","Explanation":"vICE (character in morality play) missing first letter (heading off)"} {"Clue":"Had fun going off to Luxembourg with children that are difficult to control (7)","Answer":"HANDFUL","Explanation":"anagram (going off) of HAD FUN then L (Luxembourg)"} {"Clue":"Enter to find fellow talking to a couple from Cephalonia (6)","Answer":"PIERCE","Explanation":"PIER sounds like (talking) \"peer\" (fellow) with CEphalonia (a couple of letters from)"} {"Clue":"End\u00a0on very affectionate terms (5)","Answer":"CLOSE","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Intends to create wealth (5)","Answer":"MEANS","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Lad collects sort of amber for scientific study (6)","Answer":"BOTANY","Explanation":"Definition: scientific study\nBOY (lad) contains TAN (sort of amber)"} {"Clue":"Year 8 heading off into empty bus properly (2,6)","Answer":"BY RIGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: properly\nYR (year) eIGHT (8, missing head) inside BuS (empty)"} {"Clue":"Daughter brought in particular saw for part of joint (6)","Answer":"TENDON","Explanation":"Definition: part of joint\nD (daughter) inside (brought in) TENON (particular saw, type of saw)"} {"Clue":"Whitish wild cat mostly eating tongue (8)","Answer":"PLATINUM","Explanation":"Definition: Whitish\nPUMa (wild cat, mostly) contains (eating) LATIN (tongue, language)"} {"Clue":"Plague grips ordinary ancient city (4)","Answer":"TROY","Explanation":"Definition: ancient city\nTRY (plague, irritate continually) contains (drips) O (ordinary)"} {"Clue":"Time of year mum meets retired newsman \u2013 about half five (10)","Answer":"SHROVETIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Time of year\nSH (mum, quiet) with (meets) EDITOR (newsman) reversed (retired) containing (about) fiVE (half of)"} {"Clue":"Nuts stop and stare endlessly at this place, somewhere in the sky (12)","Answer":"STRATOSPHERE","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in the sky\nanagram (nuts) of STOP and STARe (endlessly) then HERE (at this place)"} {"Clue":"When redesigned, lass names funky craft in the market (12)","Answer":"SALESMANSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: craft in the market\nanagram (when redesigned) of LASS NAMES and then HIP (funky)"} {"Clue":"Given small selection of food, bite muffin into pieces (4-6)","Answer":"MINI-BUFFET","Explanation":"Definition: small selection of food\nanagram (into pieces) of BITE MUFFIN"} {"Clue":"Some symbols of withdrawn capital (4)","Answer":"OSLO","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nfound inside (some of) symbOLS Of reversed (withdrawn)"} {"Clue":"Having spare time, it's OK in deli to have a wander (8)","Answer":"LEISURED","Explanation":"Definition: Having spare time\nSURE (it's OK) in anagram (to have a wander) of DELI"} {"Clue":"Corporation, at regular intervals, pulls in with barrows (6)","Answer":"TUMULI","Explanation":"Definition: barrows \nTUM (corporation, stomach) and pUlLs In (regular selection from)"} {"Clue":"Frenchman stifles oath seeing rat (8)","Answer":"RENEGADE","Explanation":"Definition: rat\nRENE (Frenchman, typical name) contains (Stifles) EGAD (oath)"} {"Clue":"Flash American store's wrapping dish (6)","Answer":"MOUSSE","Explanation":"Definition: dish\nMO (flash, an instant) US (American) and StorE (wrapping, outside letters of)"} {"Clue":"Gallery's participating in chance experiment (4,4)","Answer":"BETA TEST","Explanation":"Definition: experiment\nTATE'S (gallery is) in BET (chance). I am nitpicking here, but is a beta test really an experiment? An alpha test might be thought of as an experiment, seeing if something works. The beta test is more about polishing and refining in a production environment."} {"Clue":"Cook, wearing brown and gold, beginning to indicate style of cuisine (8)","Answer":"TANDOORI","Explanation":"Definition: style of cuisine\nDO (cook, as fraud) inside (wearing) TAN (brown, also in 1 across) and OR (gold) then Indicate (beginning letter of)"} {"Clue":"Nicole's outside playing, in element (4)","Answer":"NEON","Explanation":"Definition: element\nNicolE (outside letters of) and ON (playing)"} {"Clue":"Bird with timorous amateur at sea in France (12)","Answer":"YELLOWHAMMER","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nYELLOW (timourous) HAM (amateur) with (at) MER (the sea in France)"} {"Clue":"Driving with no reg, unknown's caught \u2013 guilty (2,3,5)","Answer":"IN THE WRONG","Explanation":"Definition: guilty\nanagram (driving) of WITH NO REG containing (with\u2026caught) N (unknown, maths)"} {"Clue":"Ghana's inner spirit to continue steadfastly (4,2)","Answer":"HANG IN","Explanation":"Definition: to continue steadfastly\ngHANAa (inner part of) and GIN (spirit)"} {"Clue":"Maths teacher's period for lessons outdoors? (6)","Answer":"SUMMER","Explanation":"Definition: Maths teacher\ndouble definition. I don't quite get this one, is \"summer\" recognised slang for a maths teacher? I can see that a summer is someone who adds, but why does that make them a teacher?"} {"Clue":"Sofa where money maybe stored given to Comic Relief fund ultimately (12)","Answer":"CHESTERFIELD","Explanation":"Definition: Sofa\nCHEST (where money may be stored) with anagram (comic) of RELIEF and funD (last letter of, ultimately)"} {"Clue":"Street artist needing grub so desperately in European city (10)","Answer":"STRASBOURG","Explanation":"Definition: European city\nST (street) RA (artist) with anagram (desperately) of GRUB SO"} {"Clue":"Corny jokes which go round at Christmas? (8)","Answer":"CHESNUTS","Explanation":"~~I can't solve this. I wonder if Aardvark meant CHESTNUTS?~~ I originally had CRACKERS written in here which seemed like a good answer and held up solving the SE corner for a long time. *Double\/cryptic definition \u2013 an old spelling of chestnuts"} {"Clue":"Excited child writer's meeting back in house promptly (2,2,4)","Answer":"UP TO TIME","Explanation":"Definition: promptly\nUP (excited) TOT (child) I'M (the writer is) and housE (back letter in)"} {"Clue":"One who's 24 perhaps more fit, covering miles (6)","Answer":"AMBLER","Explanation":"Definition: One who's 24 perhaps\nABLER (more fit) containing (covering) miles"} {"Clue":"Race to boost charity held in pub (6)","Answer":"INDIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Race\nAID (charity) reversed (to boost, send upwards) inside (held in) INN (pub)"} {"Clue":"Board game clue uncovered cheat (4)","Answer":"LUDO","Explanation":"Definition: Board game\ncLUe (uncovered, no outside letters) and DO (cheat)"} {"Clue":"Abusive remark getting clubs plenty excited (5,4)","Answer":"CHEAP SHOT","Explanation":"Definition: Abusive remark\nC (clubs) HEAPS (plenty) HOT (excited)"} {"Clue":"Money raised orally (5)","Answer":"BREAD","Explanation":"Definition: Money\nBREAD sounds like (orally) \"bred\" (raised)"} {"Clue":"24 across player, joining 2, 16, 22 down and 27 (5)","Answer":"DYLAN","Explanation":"Definition: 24 across player, joining 2, 16, 22 down and 27\nBob Dylan (harmonica player) has recently joined the list of Nobel Laureates already including Saul Bellow, Gunter Grass, Anatole France and Thomas Mann"} {"Clue":"Mention as altered state 11 was in initially (9)","Answer":"MINNESOTA","Explanation":"Definition: state 11 was in initially\nanagram (altered) of MENTION AS \u2013 birthplace of Bob Dylan"} {"Clue":"How too many people have died \u2014 sad words finally taken to heart (7)","Answer":"INWARDS","Explanation":"Definition: taken to heart\nIN WAR (how too many people have died) then final lettrs of saD wordS"} {"Clue":"Member of rock group, like one of which 11 performed (7,5)","Answer":"ROLLING STONE","Explanation":"Definition: Member of rock group\ndouble definition \u2013 the Bob Dylan song *Like a Rolling Stone"} {"Clue":"Issues in changing times (5)","Answer":"EMITS","Explanation":"Definition: Issues\nanother anagram (changing) of TIMES"} {"Clue":"Withdrawn from famous Swedish ceremony, ultimately (3)","Answer":"SHY","Explanation":"Definition: Withdrawn\nlast letters (ultimately) of famouS swedisH ceremonY"} {"Clue":"Backed a time and place for big event (5)","Answer":"ARENA","Explanation":"Definition: place for big event\nAN ERA (a time) reversed (backed)"} {"Clue":"Awful act, a sin that's diabolical (7)","Answer":"SATANIC","Explanation":"Definition: diabolical\nanagram (awful) of ACT A SIN. You could switch the roles of \"awful\" and \"diabolical\" here and it still works well."} {"Clue":"Energy put into hit since holidays (7)","Answer":"FIESTAS","Explanation":"Definition: holidays\nE (energy) in FIST (hit) then AS (since)"} {"Clue":"Saintly female on instrument, not piano \u2014 much smaller one (9)","Answer":"HARMONICA","Explanation":"Definition: much smaller one\nMONICA (Monica of Hippo, saintly female) following (on) HARp (instrument) missing P (piano)"} {"Clue":"Play guitar in odd way? Just the opposite (5)","Answer":"STRUM","Explanation":"Definition: Play guitar\nRUM (odd) and ST (street, way) with order reversed (just the opposite) \u2013 which makes the normal way to play the guitar."} {"Clue":"Diplomacy I preserve, hiding one master of war? (9)","Answer":"TACTICIAN","Explanation":"Definition: master of war\nTACT (diplomacy) I then CAN (preserve) containing (hiding) I (one)"} {"Clue":"A record I included in stuff for trip (4)","Answer":"ACID","Explanation":"Definition: stuff for trip\nA CD (record) including I"} {"Clue":"Shout in line put in further down (6)","Answer":"BELLOW","Explanation":"Definition: Shout\nL (line) put in BELOW (further down)"} {"Clue":"Work composed in person, wherein sentences aren't rigidly controlled (4,6)","Answer":"OPEN PRISON","Explanation":"Definition: wherein sentences aren't rigidly controlled\nOP (work) then anagram (composed) of IN PERSON"} {"Clue":"One writer after 11, another before 27 (6)","Answer":"THOMAS","Explanation":"Definition: One writer after 11\nwriters Dylan THOMAS and THOMAS Mann"} {"Clue":"Artist tucked into cheap fish (8)","Answer":"STINGRAY","Explanation":"Definition: fish\nRA (Royal Academician, artist) inside STINGY (cheap)"} {"Clue":"Band, live, including old instrument for blowing in the wind (4)","Answer":"OBOE","Explanation":"Definition: instrument for blowing in the wind\nO (band, something round) then BE (live) including O (old) \u2013 instrument played in the wind section of the orchestra"} {"Clue":"Writer is brought into rock band to make music (8)","Answer":"MELODISE","Explanation":"Definition: to make music\nME (the writer) then IS inside LODE (rock band)"} {"Clue":"Mixed-up confusion of aide's plan (4)","Answer":"IDEA","Explanation":"Definition: plan\nanagram (mixed-up confusion) of AIDE"} {"Clue":"Times changing articles (5)","Answer":"ITEMS","Explanation":"Definition: articles\nanagram (changing) of TIMES \u2013 *several commenters point out that this is\u00a0the second time TIMES has been used in an anagram: the times they are a-changin'. Brilliant!"} {"Clue":"Management has numbers of Germans reportedly on board? (10)","Answer":"LEADERSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: Management\nLEADER sounds like (reportedly) \"lieder\" (numbers, songs in German) on SHIP (on board)"} {"Clue":"Collaborator with the law, possibly bent (5)","Answer":"GRASS","Explanation":"Definition: Collaborator with the law\ndouble definition \u2013 bent is a type of grass"} {"Clue":"Middle part of winter I originally selected (8)","Answer":"INTERIOR","Explanation":"Definition: Middle part\nfound inside (selected from) of wINTER I ORiginally"} {"Clue":"Place for minister it's scary to switch (8)","Answer":"SACRISTY","Explanation":"Definition: Place for minister\nanagram (to switch) of IT'S SCARY"} {"Clue":"State of departments dictator cut, note (6)","Answer":"FRANCE","Explanation":"Definition: State\nFRANCo (dictator, cut short) and E (note, of the scale)"} {"Clue":"High point of rock, clear and passionate (6)","Answer":"TORRID","Explanation":"Definition: passionate\nTOR (high point of rock) RID (clear)"} {"Clue":"Crowd\u00a0entertainer (4)","Answer":"HOST","Explanation":"Definition: Crowd\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Eg sound of a thunder heard in moment (4)","Answer":"OMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Eg sound of a thunder heard\nfound in mOMENt"} {"Clue":"Part of literary award, we hear, for novelist (4)","Answer":"MANN","Explanation":"Definition: novelist\nMANN sounds like (we hear) \"Man\", part of The Man Booker Prize (literary award)"} {"Clue":"Magnum, perhaps, hard to charge with a litre bottle (5)","Answer":"PHIAL","Explanation":"Definition: bottl\nPI (private investigator, Magnum perhaps) containing (with\u2026to charge) H (hard) then I (one) and L (litre). ~~I can't explain PI for magnum. A P1 is a model of gun but it does not use the .44 magnum cartridge.~~ *Reference to\u00a0the\u00a01980s TV series Magnum P.I."} {"Clue":"The old man on intermission (7)","Answer":"PAUSING","Explanation":"Definition: intermission\nPA (the old man) and USING (on, eg drugs)"} {"Clue":"Not much to write about a parliamentarian collar (6)","Answer":"JAMPOT","Explanation":"Definition: collar\nJOT (not much) containing (to write about) A MP (parliamentarian) \u2013 a high collar, as worn by clergymen"} {"Clue":"In error, leave to escape\u00a0the onset of war? (8)","Answer":"OUTBREAK","Explanation":"Definition: scape\nOUT (in error) BREAK (leave) \u2013 two definitions"} {"Clue":"Someone covering Aintree? It's routine (1,6,2,6)","Answer":"A MATTER OF COURSE","Explanation":"Definition: routine\ncryptic\/double definition \u2013 someone who covers a racecourse (Aintree) with mats perhaps"} {"Clue":"I doubt\u00a0he eats very quickly (7)","Answer":"SCOFFER","Explanation":"Definition: I doubt\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Topless online business service made permanent selection? (5,2)","Answer":"INKED IN","Explanation":"Definition: made permanent selection\nLINKEDIN (online business service) missing top letter"} {"Clue":"Unbalanced, so not in for a bit \u2026 (3,2,10)","Answer":"OUT OF PROPORTION","Explanation":"Definition: Unbalanced\nOUT (not in) OF (for) PROPORTION (a bit)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 -1 after the round, the number for the next round? (8)","Answer":"NINETEEN","Explanation":"Definition: after the round, the number for the next round\nNINETEEN is 20 -1 (\u2026 indicates the preceding item, the clue number) \u2013 the nineteenth hole, where one goes after a round of golf and buys a round of drinks"} {"Clue":"Japanese duty officer's crucial manoeuvre (6)","Answer":"JOCKEY","Explanation":"Definition: manoeuvre\nJ (Japanese) OC (officer in charge, duty officer) and KEY (crucial)"} {"Clue":"Make sure noisette has no trace of nuts before distributing (3,2,2)","Answer":"SEE TO IT","Explanation":"Definition: Make sure\nanagram (distributing) of nOISETTE missing Nuts (first letter, trace of)"} {"Clue":"It's played on board ship by chemical engineer (5)","Answer":"CHESS","Explanation":"Definition: It's played on board\nSS (steam ship) following (by) CHE (ChE, Chemical Engineer)"} {"Clue":"Back of car missing special sticker? (6)","Answer":"LIMPET","Explanation":"Definition: sticker\nLIMo (car, back missing) and PET (special)"} {"Clue":"Nothing unaccounted for\u00a0on one's trolley, presumably? (3,5)","Answer":"ALL THERE","Explanation":"Definition: Nothing unaccounted for\ndouble definition \u2013 all present and sane. To be \"off one's trolley\" is to be insane, an old coal mining expression I think."} {"Clue":"Discovered two \u2013 not put about so far (2,2,3)","Answer":"UP TO NOW","Explanation":"Definition: so far\nfound inside (discovered, without covering letters) tWO NOT PUt reversed (about)"} {"Clue":"It's chewed by dog after picking up clodhopper (6)","Answer":"RUSTIC","Explanation":"Definition: clodhopper\nITS inside CUR (dog) all reversed (after being picked up by)"} {"Clue":"Flight-path modified heading off to Etruria (3,5)","Answer":"AIR ROUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Flight-path\nanagram (modified) of tO ETRUIA (heading off)"} {"Clue":"Chairs put out around club in preparation for patients (13)","Answer":"PHARMACEUTICS","Explanation":"Definition: preparation for patients\nanagram (out) of CHAIRS PUT containing (around) MACE (club) \u2013 the discipline of\u00a0pharmacy\u00a0that deals with the process of turning chemicals or old drugs into a new medication, so \"preparation for patients\""} {"Clue":"Lonely husbands not fully understanding wise words, unfortunately (5,8)","Answer":"GRASS WIDOWERS","Explanation":"Definition: Lonely husbands\nGRASp (understanding, not fully) then anagram (unfortunately) of WISE WORDS"} {"Clue":"Some cauliflower cheese, 75% reduced in store (8)","Answer":"FLOWERET","Explanation":"Definition: Some cauliflower\nFETa (cheese, 75% of) containing (with\u2026in store) LOWER (reduced) \u2013\u00a0a floret, especially of cauliflower or broccoli"} {"Clue":"\"Gift\" turning up on aircraft containing cocaine considered unimportant? (2,6)","Answer":"NO OBJECT","Explanation":"Definition: considered unimportant\nBOON (gift) reversed (turning up) on JET (aircraft) containing C (cocaine, slang)"} {"Clue":"Under legal obligation regarding invalid no doubt (5,2)","Answer":"BOUND TO","Explanation":"Definition: Under legal obligation regarding\nanagram (invalid) of NO DOUBT"} {"Clue":"In spin, Lion's caught by Hammer (6)","Answer":"PLEXOR","Explanation":"Definition: Hammer\nPR (public relations, spin) contains (with\u2026in) LEO (lion) containing (has caught) X (by, as in 2cm x 4cm for example) \u2013 a small hammer used for testing reflexes"} {"Clue":"What to do if criterion is satisfied in sound test? Pass (6)","Answer":"TICKET","Explanation":"Definition: Pass\nTICKET sounds like (in sound) \"tick it\" (what to do if criterion is satisfied). Apart from being part of the surface reading I can't see how \"test\" fits in here, it does not seem be part of the wordplay or the definition."} {"Clue":"Open University hired teaching labour to provide this (6,9)","Answer":"HIGHER EDUCATION","Explanation":"Definition: this\nanagram (labour) of OU (open University) and HIRED TEACHING \u2013 the definition \"to provide this\" refers back to the clue: what is provided by the Open University etc\u2026"} {"Clue":"Indian side rejecting a pitch hosting international (5)","Answer":"RAITA","Explanation":"Definition: Indian side\nA TAR (pitch) reversed (rejecting) and containing (hosting) I (international) \u2013 a side dish"} {"Clue":"Going round playing Even Stevens (3,6)","Answer":"ALL SQUARE","Explanation":"Definition: Even Stevens\nI can't explain this one."} {"Clue":"Outstripping ET, Macbeth's on a roll; it's just below Taxi Driver (6,3)","Answer":"HANSOM CAB","Explanation":"Definition: it's just below Taxi Driver\nanagram (roll) of MACBetH'S ON A missing (outstripping) ET"} {"Clue":"Flaubert's Emma goes topless for female part (5)","Answer":"OVARY","Explanation":"Definition: female par\nMadamme bOVARY (Flaubert's Emma, topless)"} {"Clue":"If they're being honest, they've never seen a ghost in their lives (15)","Answer":"AUTOBIOGRAPHERS","Explanation":"Definition: If they're being honest, they've never seen a ghost in their lives\ncryptic definition \u2013 if someone honestly writes an autobiography (their life) then the book has not seen a ghost writer"} {"Clue":"Scot assumes Scotland's crown, lifeless (5)","Answer":"DUSTY","Explanation":"Definition: lifeless\nDUTY (scot, tax) contains (assumes) Scotland (first letter, crown of) \u2013\u00a0*And all our yesterdays have lighted fools\u00a0**the way to dusty death\u2026 (also 15 down)"} {"Clue":"Twain's hero's 'unter reportedly served in Asian restaurant (4,5)","Answer":"SOYA SAUCE","Explanation":"Definition: served in Asian restauran\nSOYA'S AUCE sounds like (reportedly) Sawyer's 'orse (Twain's hero and his hunter=horse)"} {"Clue":"I wore my mink at dinner to provoke anger (9)","Answer":"INFURIATE","Explanation":"Definition: to provoke anger\nIN FUR I ATE could be read as \"I wore mink at dinner\""} {"Clue":"Put in position, I have a qualification to work in 9 (5)","Answer":"IMBED","Explanation":"Definition: Put in position\nI'M BED \u2013 I am a Bachelor of Education, I have a qualification to work in Higher Education"} {"Clue":"Heads of Tottenham Hotspur and Everton join City to splash out for second title (3,8,4)","Answer":"THE SCOTTISH PLAY","Explanation":"Definition: second title\nfirst letters (heads) of Tottenham Hotspur and Everton with anagram (out) of CITY TO SPLASH \u2013 alternative name for Macbeth. In acting tradition it is considered unlucky to mention the name Macbeth inside a theatre, so the play is referred to as *The Scottish Play"} {"Clue":"Ashes to Ashes plot overlooked by 7? (10)","Answer":"CHURCHYARD","Explanation":"Definition: Ashes to Ashes plot overlooked by 7?\ncryptic definition \u2013 where people are buried. Is this really all there is to it? I feel like I must have missed something. *UPDATE: Ashes to Ashes was a British TV program aired 2008-2010, so had a plot."} {"Clue":"As some Europeans withdraw advertisement, Grauniad goes bust (6)","Answer":"UGRIAN","Explanation":"Definition: As some Europeans\nanagram (goes bust) of GRAUNIad missing (withdraw) AD (adverisement) \u2013 a division of European language and culture"} {"Clue":"Macbeth cast, clutching Oscar: \"it was quite a sacrifice\" (8)","Answer":"HECATOMB","Explanation":"Definition: it was quite a sacrifice\nanagram (cast) of MACBETH and O (oscar, from phonetic alphabet) \u2013 originally a Roman sacrifice of a hundred oxen"} {"Clue":"Goddess glimpsed in the raw (4)","Answer":"HERA","Explanation":"Definition: Goddess\nfound inside (glimpsed in) tHE RAw"} {"Clue":"Tumultuous, sturdy support for Chuck Yeager's debut (5-5)","Answer":"HURLY-BURLY","Explanation":"Definition: Tumultuous\nBURLY (sturdy) below (support ofr) HURL (chuck) and Yeager (debut, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"RBS misery allegedly finished off old Scottish general (6)","Answer":"BANQUO","Explanation":"Definition: finished off old Scottish general\nBANQUO sounds like (allegedly) \"bank woe\" \u2013 in Macbeth Banquo is a general in the king's army who is murdered (finished off) on Macbeth's orders. RBS is the Royal Bank of Scotland."} {"Clue":"Served up some vinegar? A civilised house! (8)","Answer":"VICARAGE","Explanation":"Definition: house\nfound reversed inside (served up some) vinEGAR A CIVilised"} {"Clue":"On a poetic evening, knight rolled a joint (4)","Answer":"KNEE","Explanation":"Definition: a joint\nE'EN (evening, poetical) and K (knight) all reversed (rolled, turned over)"} {"Clue":"Angry workers hold Julius hostage; they're quite flaky (10)","Answer":"CROISSANTS","Explanation":"Definition: they're quite flaky\nCROSS ANTS (angry workers) contains I (Julius, the setter)"} {"Clue":"The old way The Queen's received Sir Robin in the recent past (10)","Answer":"YESTERDAYS","Explanation":"Definition: the recent past\nYE (the, old fashioned) ST (street) then ER'S (The Queen's) contains (received) DAY (Sir Robin Day, broadcaster)"} {"Clue":"Exam passed quickly (as did Chuck Yeager) (4-4)","Answer":"TEST-FLEW","Explanation":"Definition: as did Chuck Yeager\nTEST (exam) and FLEW (passed quickly) \u2013 American Test Pilot who broke the sound barrier in 1947"} {"Clue":"In Bonn, I get taken in by fake diamond; it's an imitation (8)","Answer":"PASTICHE","Explanation":"Definition: it's an imitation\nICH (I in German, as poken in Bonn) inside (get taken by) PASTE (fake diamond)"} {"Clue":"Jester informally greeting Little Richard (6)","Answer":"YORICK","Explanation":"Definition: Jester\nYO (informally greeting) RICK (little Richard, nickname) \u2013 jester from Hamlet"} {"Clue":"Open champion from Jamaica knocks out South Africa and Italy (6)","Answer":"UNBOLT","Explanation":"Definition: Open\nUsaiN BOLT (champion from Jamaica) missing (knocks out) SA (South Africa) and I (Italy)"} {"Clue":"Enthusiastic about International Open (4)","Answer":"INTO","Explanation":"Definition: Enthusiastic about\nINT (international) and O (open)"} {"Clue":"The death of old technology? (4)","Answer":"EXIT","Explanation":"Definition: death\nEX (old) IT (example of technology)"} {"Clue":"\"Ratty\" making sure a knot can be undone? (12)","Answer":"CANTANKEROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Ratty\nanagram (making\u2026be undone) of SURE A KNOT CAN"} {"Clue":"Said to have issued currency (7)","Answer":"UTTERED","Explanation":"Definition: Said\ndouble definition \u2013 to speak and to put money into circulation"} {"Clue":"Involved with a classic style of architecture \u2013 as a monk will be (2,5)","Answer":"IN ORDER","Explanation":"Definition: as a monk will be\nIN (involved with) ORDER (a classic style of architecture)"} {"Clue":"Kind of diamond\u00a0not reduced in price (5)","Answer":"UNCUT","Explanation":"Definition: Kind of diamond\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Full of despair, he takes not as much work in (8)","Answer":"HOPELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Full of despair\nHE with (takes) LESS (not as much) containing (with\u2026in) OP (work)"} {"Clue":"Seer? (3-7)","Answer":"EYE-WITNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Seer\ndefinition \u2013 I can't bring myself to write \"cryptic\" here"} {"Clue":"The capital is very large to behold! (4)","Answer":"OSLO","Explanation":"Definition: The capital\nOS (out-size, is very large) with (to) LO (behold)"} {"Clue":"Arm offensively thrust out (4)","Answer":"EPEE","Explanation":"Definition: Arm offensively thrust out \ncryptic definition \u2013 a thrusting weapon"} {"Clue":"Cheese of unusual hue is bland (6,4)","Answer":"DANISH BLUE","Explanation":"Definition: Cheese\nanagram (unusual) of HUE IS BLAND"} {"Clue":"US treasury base had struggle with pounds, say (4,4)","Answer":"FORT KNOX","Explanation":"Definition: US treasury base\nsounds like (say() \"fought knocks\""} {"Clue":"Has plans to make money (5)","Answer":"MEANS","Explanation":"Definition: Has plans to\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Coming from China, it is bottled in Italy (7)","Answer":"CHIANTI","Explanation":"Definition: is bottled in Italy\nanagram (coming from) of CHINA IT"} {"Clue":"Find fee appropriate to Turkish official (7)","Answer":"EFFENDI","Explanation":"Definition: Turkish official\nanagram (appropriate to) of FIND FEE. I think the anagram indicator is stretching it a bit, but that is the way with anagram indicators in cryptic crosswords, anything goes."} {"Clue":"Shakespeare's playhouse in the round? (5,7)","Answer":"GLOBE THEATRE","Explanation":"Definition: Shakespeare's playhouse in the round\ncryptic definition? \u2013 a globe is round, Shakespeare's The Globe is round, plays there are performed \"in the round\". Not what I would think of as cryptic but the best I can do I'm afraid."} {"Clue":"Recital review seen in the paper (7)","Answer":"ARTICLE","Explanation":"Definition: seen in the paper\nanagram (review) of RECITAL"} {"Clue":"Reveal oneself to be a beastly coward (4,4)","Answer":"TURN TAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Reveal oneself to be a beastly coward\ncryptic definition \u2013 one discovers the coward is a beast when they turn and reveal their tail. \"Beast\" might refer to the The Devil or an animal."} {"Clue":"Agrees to one result of decimal coinage (4)","Answer":"NODS","Explanation":"Definition: Agrees to\nNO DS is \"no old pennies\" (D was the pre-decimalisation symbol for pence)"} {"Clue":"So I'd tip her for an important post in journalism (10)","Answer":"EDITORSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: an important post in journalism\nanagram (not explicitly indicated) of SO I'D TIP HER"} {"Clue":"Gas \u2013 a lightweight one (5)","Answer":"OZONE","Explanation":"Definition: Gas\nOZ (ounce, a light weight) and ONE"} {"Clue":"Gloomy studies makes one blue (7)","Answer":"SADDENS","Explanation":"Definition: makes one blue\nSAD (gloomy) DENS (studies)"} {"Clue":"It's tense, but what's ahead couldn't be better (6,7)","Answer":"FUTURE PERFECT","Explanation":"Definition: tense\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Try to look smart in order to go courting? (5,4,4)","Answer":"PRESS ONES SUIT","Explanation":"Definition: Try to look smart\ndouble\/cryptic definition \u2013 a suit of clothes and a law suit (in court)"} {"Clue":"Could be one against change (10)","Answer":"ANTAGONISE","Explanation":"anagram (could be\u2026change) of ONE AGAINST. I can't find the definition here."} {"Clue":"Those in Italian society who break the rules (3,5)","Answer":"THE MAFIA","Explanation":"Definition: hose in Italian society who break the rules\ncryptic definition \u2013 members of a criminal society rather than society as a whole"} {"Clue":"Getting in range, perhaps (7)","Answer":"EARNING","Explanation":"Definition: Getting\nanagram (perhaps) of IN RANGE. My first answer was NEARING, which gave a nice combination of anagram and &lit definition. The actual solution came as a slight disappointment."} {"Clue":"Apprentice who is paid under a pound? (7)","Answer":"LEARNER","Explanation":"Definition: Apprentice\nEARNER (one who is paid) under L (a pound)"} {"Clue":"Oriental bamboo fencing (5)","Answer":"KENDO","Explanation":"Definition: Oriental bamboo fencing\ncryptic definition \u2013 martial arts rather than gardening"} {"Clue":"One of the first people named in Somerset House? (4)","Answer":"SETH","Explanation":"Definition: One of the first people named\nfound inside (in) somerSET House \u2013 named in The Bible"} {"Clue":"Is having to reflect about poor treatment (6)","Answer":"MISUSE","Explanation":"IS inside (with\u2026about) MUSE (to reflect)"} {"Clue":"Secret drinker last to rise in Morecambe? (8)","Answer":"ESOTERIC","Explanation":"SOT (drinker) with risE (lest letter of) in ERIC (Eric Morcambe perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Gangster in New York area is beast (5)","Answer":"NYALA","Explanation":"AL (Al Capone, gangster) in NY (New York) and A (area) \u2013 a spiral-horned antelope"} {"Clue":"Lead shield surrounds Uranium City in 21 (9)","Answer":"VANCOUVER","Explanation":"VAN (lead) COVER (shield) contains U (Uranium)"} {"Clue":"Old boy, in tight trio, cold like mechanical man (7)","Answer":"ROBOTIC","Explanation":"OB (old boy) in anagram (tight, drunk) of TRIO then C (cold)"} {"Clue":"Lone Ranger's companion entertains men in state capital (7)","Answer":"TORONTO","Explanation":"TONTO (Lone Ranger's companion) contains (entertains) OR (men, other ranks)"} {"Clue":"Sharp Conservative to cut help for developing countries? (4)","Answer":"ACID","Explanation":"C (Conservative) inside (to cut) AID (help for developing countries)"} {"Clue":"Incoherent and lacking class? (8)","Answer":"FORMLESS","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Fuel GT carrying Scotsman's massive body (3,5)","Answer":"GAS GIANT","Explanation":"GAS (fuel) than GT containing IAN (typical Scottish name)"} {"Clue":"Political opponent one seen by social worker (4)","Answer":"ANTI","Explanation":"I (one) following ANT (social worker)"} {"Clue":"Extremely large attic in for conversion (7)","Answer":"TITANIC","Explanation":"anagram (for conversion) of ATTIC IN"} {"Clue":"Formal speech on about relationship (7)","Answer":"ORATION","Explanation":"ON contains (about) RATIO (relationship)"} {"Clue":"Baggage southern family brought back to Scotland (9)","Answer":"ALBATROSS","Explanation":"S (southern) with SORT (family) reversed (brought back) following (to) ALBA (Scotland)"} {"Clue":"Fabulist initially allowed revolutionary attitude (5)","Answer":"AESOP","Explanation":"Allowed (initial letter of) then POSE (attitude) reversed (revolutionary) \u2013 writer of fables"} {"Clue":"Song book with which rockers from 12 improve image (8)","Answer":"AIRBRUSH","Explanation":"AIR (song) B (book) with RUSH (rock band form Toronto)"} {"Clue":"Sycophant in Californian force taking westbound journey (6)","Answer":"LAPDOG","Explanation":"LAPD (Californian police force) with GO (journey) reversed (westbound, right-to-left on a map)"} {"Clue":"Day and time no illusion in city in 21 (8)","Answer":"MONTREAL","Explanation":"MON (day) and T (time) with REAL (no illusion)"} {"Clue":"Going about clumsily in fake jewellery (9)","Answer":"SHAMBLING","Explanation":"SHAM (fake) and BLING (jewellery)"} {"Clue":"Constituent in South Africa's ancient city (6)","Answer":"SPARTA","Explanation":"PART (constituent) in SA (South Africa)"} {"Clue":"No to musicians becoming self- righteous (13)","Answer":"SANCTIMONIOUS","Explanation":"anagram of NO TO MUSICIANS"} {"Clue":"Use horn on French street? Yes indeed! (3,4)","Answer":"TOO TRUE","Explanation":"TOOT (use horn) on RUE (French street)"} {"Clue":"Headless chicken or blackbird? (5)","Answer":"RAVEN","Explanation":"cRAVEN (chicken, headless) \u2013 a black bird"} {"Clue":"We're made up with this vehicle, good in Paris (6)","Answer":"CARBON","Explanation":"CAR (vehicle) then BON (good, as written in Paris)"} {"Clue":"Award winner \u2013 first clue in the puzzle! (8,5)","Answer":"VICTORIA CROSS","Explanation":"VICTOR (winner) then I ACROSS (1 across, first clue in the puzzle)"} {"Clue":"Duskiness developing? Here's why! (3-6)","Answer":"SUN-KISSED","Explanation":"anagram (developing) of DUSKINESS"} {"Clue":"Hybrid pig new in state capital (8)","Answer":"WINNIPEG","Explanation":"anagram (hybrid) of PIG IN NEW \u2013 capital city of Manitoba"} {"Clue":"Guy from Barcelona maybe clutching at politician (7)","Answer":"SENATOR","Explanation":"SENOR (guy from Barcelona maybe) contains AT"} {"Clue":"Ring up a Scottish engineer in 21's capital (6)","Answer":"OTTAWA","Explanation":"O (ring) then A WATT (James Watt, Scottish engineer)"} {"Clue":"Country's miraculous place diaspora vacated (6)","Answer":"CANADA","Explanation":"CANA (location of Jesus's first mitacle) and DiasporA (vacated, empty inside)"} {"Clue":"Roman banker and bishop involved in row (5)","Answer":"TIBER","Explanation":"B (bishop) in TIER (row) \u2013 the river Tiber, something with banks in Rome"} {"Clue":"Mass in church on Jan 1st makes us cleaner (1-5)","Answer":"J-CLOTH","Explanation":"Definition: cleaner\nLOT (mass) in CH (church) following (on) J (first letter of Jan)"} {"Clue":"Writer suffered a little bit (7)","Answer":"NIBBLED","Explanation":"Definition: bit\nNIB (writer) and BLED (suffered a little)"} {"Clue":"Maybe taken to be working during comic turn (5,5)","Answer":"WAGON WHEEL","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe taken\nON (working) in WAG (comic) WHEEL (turn)"} {"Clue":"Crowned head cut from murdered Scottish king in Skye (5)","Answer":"DUNAN","Explanation":"Definition: in Skye\nDUNcAN (~~fictional~~ Scottish king, murdered in Macbeth) missing Crowned (head, first letter of) \u2013 a truly tiny place on the Isle of Skye. Possibly the most esoteric word I have ever seen used in a crossword."} {"Clue":"Carrot tops in rocket may be taken (8)","Answer":"MACAROON","Explanation":"Definition: may be taken\nCArrot (tops of) in MAROON (rocket) \u2013 biscuit"} {"Clue":"Means to extract what soldiers cannot reach (3-5)","Answer":"EGG-SPOON","Explanation":"Definition: Means to extract what soldiers cannot reach\ncryptic definition \u2013 soldiers are strips of buttered bread to be dipped into the yolk of a boiled egg"} {"Clue":"Offering roughly equal odds, sometimes heads may be taken (5)","Answer":"OREOS","Explanation":"Definition: may be taken\nfirst letters (heads) of Offering Roughly Equal Odds Sometimes \u2013 bisuits"} {"Clue":"Restraint regular fans abhor (4)","Answer":"ASBO","Explanation":"Definition: Restraint\nregular selection from fAnS aBhOr \u2013 antisocial behaviour restraining order"} {"Clue":"City Cromwell's maybe taken (4,6)","Answer":"BATH OLIVER","Explanation":"Definition: maybe taken\nBATH (city) and OLIVER (Cromwell perhaps) \u2013 a biscuit"} {"Clue":"Loaded bags often may be taken (4,3)","Answer":"RICH TEA","Explanation":"Definition: may be taken\nRICH (loaded) with TEA (in bags often) \u2013 a biscuit"} {"Clue":"Luck we heard windscreen may be taken (4,3)","Answer":"JAMMIE DODGER","Explanation":"Definition: may be taken\nJAMMIE sounds like (we heard) \"jammy\" (lucky) with DODGER (windscreen) \u2013 a biscuit"} {"Clue":"Call for displacement of ancient Greek (6)","Answer":"EUREKA","Explanation":"Definition: Call for displacement of ancient Greek\ncryptic definition \u2013 as called by Archimedes on discovering a method for measuring density using displacement of water"} {"Clue":"Marriage is happily content \u2013 but it's not for her (6)","Answer":"GEISHA","Explanation":"Definition: but it's not for her\n~~I'm stuck on this one. Maybe FEISTY or MEASLY?~~ *found inside (content of) marriaGE IS HAppily \u2013 one who entertains married men rather than marries herself. Thanks to rick for this."} {"Clue":"It may be taken that European agreement on fraud contains a lot of truth (5,4)","Answer":"JAFFA CAKE","Explanation":"Definition: It may be taken\nJA (yes in German, European agreement) on FAKE (fraud) that contains FACt (truth, a lot of) \u2013 biscuit"} {"Clue":"Doomed theatregoer may be taken (7)","Answer":"LINCOLN","Explanation":"Definition: may be taken\nAbraham Lincoln was shot at a theatre"} {"Clue":"Restless and woke to fighting (3,4,2)","Answer":"TAE KWON DO","Explanation":"Definition: fighting\nanagram (restless) of AND WOKE TO"} {"Clue":"Montessori elongated feature window (5)","Answer":"ORIEL","Explanation":"Definition: window\nfound inside (feature of) montessORI ELongated"} {"Clue":"Drive back risque Slough (2,2,3)","Answer":"GO BY CAR","Explanation":"Definition: Drive\nRACY (risque) and BOG (slough) all reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Complicated arrangements made for short sail (4,5)","Answer":"REEF KNOTS","Explanation":"Definition: Complicated arrangements made for short sail\nsome sort of cryptic definition involving yachting?"} {"Clue":"Develop a metering problem (9)","Answer":"GERMINATE","Explanation":"Definition: Develop\nanagram (problem) of A METERING"} {"Clue":"It may be taken that mine is in Paris, Gaff has added (9)","Answer":"DIGESTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: It may be taken\nDIG (mine) EST (is French, in Paris) with I'VE (Gaff has) \u2013 biscuit"} {"Clue":"Maybe taken to produce a lot of headless screeching (9,6)","Answer":"CHOCOLATE FINGER","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe taken\nanagram (to produce) of A LOT OF sCREECHING (headless, not first letter) \u2013 a biscuit"} {"Clue":"Ring out for more regular snuff (7)","Answer":"SMOTHER","Explanation":"Definition: snuff\nSMOOTHER (more regular) missing O (a ring)"} {"Clue":"Problems arise for twin holding drink (7)","Answer":"ENIGMAS","Explanation":"Definition: Problems\nSAME (twin) containing GIN (drink) all reversed (arise)"} {"Clue":"Told to slow down and rest (5)","Answer":"BREAK","Explanation":"Definition: rest\nBREAK sounds like (told to) \"brake\" (slow down)"} {"Clue":"Introduction to slow movement? The opposite! (5)","Answer":"ENEMA","Explanation":"Definition: Introduction to slow movement? The opposite\n~~ELEGY cryptic definition \u2013 just a guess. An elegy is a post-script to a life (a *quick* movement)\u00a0~~ *cryptic definition \u2013 inducement of a quick bowel movement"} {"Clue":"Conclude with army's opening invasion of Holland \u2014 hellish (8)","Answer":"INFERNAL","Explanation":"Definition: hellish\nINFER (conclude) with Army (opening, first letter of) in NL (Nederlands, Holland to the English)"} {"Clue":"Atmospheric phenomenon or boomer sound? (6)","Answer":"AURORA","Explanation":"Definition: Atmospheric phenomenon\nsounds like (sound) \"or roarer\""} {"Clue":"Given the law about dropping electric current, it might span two peaks (10)","Answer":"WAVELENGTH","Explanation":"Definition: , it might span two peaks\nanagram (about) of GIVEN THE LAW missing I (symbol for electric current)"} {"Clue":"Phone\u00a0a spendthrift (6)","Answer":"BLOWER","Explanation":"Definition: Phone\ndouble definition \u2013 slang for telephone and one who blows money"} {"Clue":"Bird from Brazil? Mark with fine lines (8)","Answer":"NUTHATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nNUT (Brazil perhaps) then HATCH (mark with fine lines)"} {"Clue":"Sort of dash into Ring dismissal (6)","Answer":"DENIAL","Explanation":"Definition: dismissal\nEN (sort of dash, printing) in DIAL (ring, on the phone)"} {"Clue":"Small creature has cold, rather than hot, stint (6)","Answer":"SCRIMP","Explanation":"Definition: stint\nShRIMP (small creature) with C (cold) replacing H (hot)"} {"Clue":"United, Poulenc incited divorce (8)","Answer":"UNCOUPLE","Explanation":"Definition: divorce\nU (united) then anagram (incited) of POULENC"} {"Clue":"Bar with two articles by tramp? It bears fruit (6,4)","Answer":"BANANA BOAT","Explanation":"Definition: It bears fruit\nBAN (bar) with AN and A (two articles) then TRAMP (tramp steamer, a boat)"} {"Clue":"Agent's message, maybe: \"Try to come back between chapel and drive\" (10)","Answer":"CRYPTOGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Agent's message\nGO reversed (to come back) between CRYPT (chapel) and RAM (RAM drive computing or to impel)"} {"Clue":"Laurel's sound, having a few lines? (6)","Answer":"STANZA","Explanation":"Definition: few lines\nSTANZ sounds like Stan's (Stan Laurel's) with A"} {"Clue":"Supervise \"rag lion\" housing for Muslim quarters (8)","Answer":"SERAGLIO","Explanation":"Definition: Muslim quarters\nfound inside (housed by) superviSE RAG LIOn"} {"Clue":"Dignified death, hoarding old money (8)","Answer":"ENNOBLED","Explanation":"Definition: Dignified\nEND (death) contains NOBLE (old coin)"} {"Clue":"Junk TV harm: people wait to gain acceptance (4,4,8)","Answer":"MEET WITH APPROVAL","Explanation":"Definition: to gain acceptance\nanagram (junk) of TV HARM PEOPLE WAIT"} {"Clue":"Solution offered by Australian state: cutting a rate of interest (6)","Answer":"ANSWER","Explanation":"Definition: Solution\nNSW (Australian state) inside (cutting) AER (Annual Equivalent Rate)"} {"Clue":"Writer takes every blockbuster film as movingly graceful (8)","Answer":"BALLETIC","Explanation":"Definition: movingly graceful\nBIC (writer, ballpoint pen) contains (takes) ALL (every) ET (a blockbuster film)"} {"Clue":"Shortening time before work on ground action (10)","Answer":"TRUNCATION","Explanation":"Definition: Shortening\nT (time) then RUN (work) on anagram (ground) of ACTION"} {"Clue":"\"Extremely cold chest\", Mark said (6)","Answer":"ARCTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Extremely cold\nARC TIC sounds like (said) \"ark\" (chest) and \"tick\" (mark)"} {"Clue":"Which should keep a worker from leaving wig off (6,4)","Answer":"LIVING WAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Which should keep a worker\nanagram (off) of LEAVING WIG"} {"Clue":"Light weapon exploded after blast (10)","Answer":"WINDOWPANE","Explanation":"Definition: Light \nanagram (exploded) of WEAPON following WIND (blast)"} {"Clue":"\u00a325 tip that could go to one's head (8)","Answer":"PONYTAIL","Explanation":"Definition: could go to one's head\nPONY (\u00a325, slang) and TAIL (tip)"} {"Clue":"Teacher Patch turned over remains (6)","Answer":"DEBRIS","Explanation":"Definition: remains\nSIR (teacher) and BED (patch, in garden all reversed (turned over))"} {"Clue":"Retina mistaken for group of sea snails (6)","Answer":"NERITA","Explanation":"Definition: group of sea snails\nanagram (mistaken) of RETINA"} {"Clue":"Insect straddling overturned border soil (6)","Answer":"BEMIRE","Explanation":"Definition: soil\nBEE (insect) contains (straddling RIM (border) reversed (overturned)"} {"Clue":"Drug mother knocked back direct (6)","Answer":"MUMMIA","Explanation":"Definition: Drug\nMUM (mother) and AIM (direct) reversed"} {"Clue":"HM has left fellow for stay in Scotland (4)","Answer":"SIST","Explanation":"Definition: stay in Scotland\nSISTer (fellow, female) missing ER (Her Majesty, Elizabeth Regina)"} {"Clue":"What can describe voyage that's over \u2013 can ice drifting? (7)","Answer":"OCEANIC","Explanation":"Definition: What can describe voyage\nO (over) with anagram of CAN ICE"} {"Clue":"What measures lowness of pressure \u2013 or height? (4)","Answer":"TORR","Explanation":"Definition: What measures lowness of pressure\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Small openings for an Asiatic bird (8)","Answer":"FORAMINA","Explanation":"Definition: Small openings\nFOR A MINA (Asiatic bird)"} {"Clue":"Well, well! Ancient getting to grips (5)","Answer":"AHOLD","Explanation":"Definition: getting to grips\nAH (well, well) and OLD (ancient)"} {"Clue":"Bug head of church secreted in mitre? (6)","Answer":"INSECT","Explanation":"Definition: Bug\nChurch (head, first letter of) in INSET (mitre)"} {"Clue":"To make sovereign smile I played round EP air, funny (11)","Answer":"IMPERIALISE","Explanation":"Definition: To make sovereign\nanagram (played) of I SMILE contains anagram (funny) of EP AIR"} {"Clue":"An involuntary agitation almost reverses code of silence (6)","Answer":"OMERTA","Explanation":"Definition: code of silence\nA TREMOr (involuntary agitation, almost) reversed"} {"Clue":"One named for a rock star's No. 1 getting into trouble with one (5)","Answer":"AILSA","Explanation":"Definition: One named for a rock\nStar (no 1, first letter of) in AIL (trouble) with A (one) \u2013 someone named for the rocky island Ailsa Craig"} {"Clue":"Deviates when taking in Georgia ramblings (8)","Answer":"VAGARIES","Explanation":"Definition: ramblings\nVARIES (deviates) containing GA (Georgia)"} {"Clue":"Year after a palm's rotted badly \u2013 grafting required? (13)","Answer":"DERMATOPLASTY","Explanation":"Definition: grafting required\nY (year) following anagram of A PALM'S ROTTED"} {"Clue":"Member of plant family from Ireland I had clipped (4)","Answer":"IRID","Explanation":"Definition: Member of plant family\nIR (Ireland) and I'D (I had, clipped)"} {"Clue":"Head of fortifications erects palisades (7)","Answer":"FRAISES","Explanation":"Definition: palisades\nFortifications (head, first letter of) and RAISES (erects)"} {"Clue":"Throw up noisily at rear of saloon (4)","Answer":"BARF","Explanation":"Definition: Throw up\nF (forte, noisily) following BAR (saloon)"} {"Clue":"Misshapen bust secured by bits of old elastic, not pointed (6)","Answer":"OBTUSE","Explanation":"Definition: not pointed\nanagram of BUST inside first lettters (bits) of Old Elastic"} {"Clue":"Tutor cut short Jamaican song and dance (5)","Answer":"MENTO","Explanation":"Definition: Jamaican song and dance\nMENTOr (tutor) cut short"} {"Clue":"Infatuation, a muddle (4)","Answer":"MASH","Explanation":"Definition: Infatuation\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Section from province deployed to follow royal procession? Rarely (6)","Answer":"INCEDE","Explanation":"Definition: to follow royal procession? Rarely\nfound inside provINCE Deployed"} {"Clue":"Small fish boiled the old way, with odd bits of corn in (5)","Answer":"SCROD","Explanation":"Definition: Small fish\nSOD (boiled obs, cfs seethed) containing CoRn (odd bits of)"} {"Clue":"Georgian once favoured, seen round former Russian strong man (7)","Answer":"IBERIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Georgian once\nN (favoured) containing (seen round) BERIA (Lavrenity Beria, one of Stalin's henchmen) \u2013 Iberia was an area of Transcaucasia, now Georgia"} {"Clue":"Muscle relaxant, nuclear war's chemical agent (5)","Answer":"SOMAN","Explanation":"Definition: war's chemical agent\nSOMA (drug, muscle relaxant) and N (nuclear)"} {"Clue":"In mixing with some lawyers use this term for cash (6)","Answer":"MONIES","Explanation":"Definition: lawyers use this term for cash\nanagram (mixing) of IN with SOME"} {"Clue":"Deluxe model: with new interior cost's special (8)","Answer":"PRINCESS","Explanation":"Definition: Deluxe model\nN (new) inside PRICES (cost's) and S (special)"} {"Clue":"Halts a beery drunk \u2013 to test thus? (11)","Answer":"BREATHALYSE","Explanation":"Definition: to test thus\nanagram of HALTS A BEERY"} {"Clue":"Wild fancy about embracing unnamed male goes on a long time? (8)","Answer":"CHIMAERA","Explanation":"Definition: Wild fancy\nCA (circa, about) contains HIM (unnamed male) on ERA (a long time)"} {"Clue":"Form of rat, I, corrupt, switching sides? (7)","Answer":"TRAITOR","Explanation":"Definition: Form of rat, I, corrupt, switching sides\nanagram (form) of RAT I and ROT (corrupt) switching sides \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Stone lifted on edge, revealing sort of sole (6)","Answer":"MEGRIM","Explanation":"Definition: sort of sole\nGEM (stone) reversed on RIM (edge)"} {"Clue":"Tropical bean, little length, one to give away (6)","Answer":"LABLAB","Explanation":"Definition: Tropical bean\nL (length, little=abbr) A (one) and BLAB (to give away)"} {"Clue":"Forgotten the words? Use this bit of neutral articulation (5)","Answer":"TRALA","Explanation":"Definition: Forgotten the words\nfound in neuTRAL Articulation"} {"Clue":"Slow movement, last (second) omitted from Renaissance composer (5)","Answer":"LASSU","Explanation":"Definition: Slow movement\nLASSUs (Renaissance composer) missing the last letter S (second)"} {"Clue":"Deportment I intrinsically follow being brought up (4)","Answer":"GAIT","Explanation":"Definition: Deportment\nI inside (intrisic to) TAG (follow) reversed"} {"Clue":"Takes off for journey aboard ship (6)","Answer":"STRIPS","Explanation":"Definition: Takes off\nTRIP (journey) in SS (on board a Steam Ship). There can't be may steam ships still afloat. But perhaps by the time SS finally becomes obsolete the Star Ship will have arrived so the \"on board ship\" tradition may yet be continued."} {"Clue":"Gooey Greek starters served in retro purple\u00a0tableware (3,3)","Answer":"EGG CUP","Explanation":"Definition: e\nstarting leters of Gooey Greek inside PUCE (purple) reversed (retro)"} {"Clue":"Sailor close to mountain lake \u2026 (4)","Answer":"TARN","Explanation":"Definition: lake\nTAR (sailor) and mountaiN (closing letter of)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 Calls about more unusual bodily secretions (10)","Answer":"PHEROMONES","Explanation":"Definition: bodily secretions\nPHONES (calls) containing anagram (unusual) of MORE"} {"Clue":"10 entertained by duet playing close to disco's DJ (6)","Answer":"TUXEDO","Explanation":"Definition: DJ\nX (ten) in (entertained by) anagram (playing) of DUET then discO (closing letter of)"} {"Clue":"Entertainer and press taken in by scam (8)","Answer":"COMEDIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Entertainer\nMEDIA (press) in CON (scam)"} {"Clue":"Push graduate to meet new so-called composer (9)","Answer":"MANHANDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Push\nMA (graduate) with (to meet) N (new) HANDLE sounds like (so-called) \"Handel\" (composer)"} {"Clue":"Stake poked into malignant effigy (4)","Answer":"ANTE","Explanation":"Definition: Stake\nfound in (poked into) malignANT Effigy"} {"Clue":"Cold and uncooked crop (4)","Answer":"CRAW","Explanation":"Definition: crop\nC (cold) and RAW (uncooked)"} {"Clue":"A pass key is in circulation around Delaware's last illicit bar (9)","Answer":"SPEAKEASY","Explanation":"Definition: illicit bar\nanagram (in circulation) of A PASS KEY containing delawarE (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Collapse after endless torture by one in European capital (8)","Answer":"HELSINKI","Explanation":"Definition: European capital \nSINK (collapse) following HELL (torture) missing last letter (endless) then I (one)"} {"Clue":"Hot meal prepared by Troy's prince (6)","Answer":"HAMLET","Explanation":"Definition: prince\nH (hot) then anagram (prepared) of MEAL followed by T (troy ounce)"} {"Clue":"Working with Old Master, returned to church somewhere in Italy to produce black and white picture (10)","Answer":"MONOCHROME","Explanation":"Definition: black and white picture\nON (working) with O (old) M (master) all reversed (returned) then CH (church) and ROME (somewhere in Italy)"} {"Clue":"Tenor leaving coffee behind (4)","Answer":"LATE","Explanation":"Definition: behind\nLATtE (coffee) missing T (tenor)"} {"Clue":"Other people accepting central elements of informed speculation (6)","Answer":"THEORY","Explanation":"Definition: speculation\nTHEY (other people) contains infORmed (centre of)"} {"Clue":"Fragments of screen found in ceremonial vessel (6)","Answer":"CENSER","Explanation":"Definition: ceremonial vessel\nanagram (fragments of) SCREEN"} {"Clue":"Blade used in argument over filling of\u00a0roulade (7)","Answer":"SPATULA","Explanation":"Definition: Blade\nSPAT (argument) on roULAde (middle, filling of)"} {"Clue":"Assortment of goods originally stolen from country house (5)","Answer":"RANGE","Explanation":"Definition: Assortment\ngRANGE (country house) missing Goods (first letter of, origin)"} {"Clue":"Popular trick involving Russia's foremost snack (7)","Answer":"POPCORN","Explanation":"Definition: snack\nPOP (popular) CON (trick) containing Russia (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Setter leaving cold building with masonry walls is blue! (6)","Answer":"GLOOMY","Explanation":"Definition: blue\niGLOO (cold building) missing I (the setter) then MasonrY (walls, outside letters of)"} {"Clue":"Start to carry weapon to protect dog mistreated in noisy performance (4,5)","Answer":"CLOG DANCE","Explanation":"Definition: noisy performance\nCarry (starting letter of) LANCE (weapon) containing (to protect) anagram (mistreated) of DOG"} {"Clue":"Section of book containing research forecast (7)","Answer":"PRESAGE","Explanation":"Definition: forecast \nPAGE (section of book) containing RES (research)"} {"Clue":"Hotel croupier misdealt to famous Belgian (7,6)","Answer":"HERCULE POIROT","Explanation":"Definition: famous Belgian\nanagram (misdealt) of HOTEL CROUPIER \u2013 fictional Belgian from Agatha Christie novels"} {"Clue":"Dates carved into Polish memorial (9)","Answer":"HEADSTONE","Explanation":"Definition: memorial\nanagram (carved) of DATES in HONE (polish)"} {"Clue":"Cigar found by biblical king scratching backside in bed (7)","Answer":"CHEROOT","Explanation":"Definition: Cigar\nHEROd (biblical king) missing last letter (scratching backside) in COT (bed)"} {"Clue":"Sportsman attending hospital allowed to get drug (7)","Answer":"ATHLETE","Explanation":"Definition: Sportsman\nAT (attending) H (hospital) with LET (allowed) and E (drug)"} {"Clue":"Curse about outer layer of Terylene garment (7)","Answer":"SWEATER","Explanation":"Definition: garment\nSWEAR (curse) contains (about) TerylenE (outer letters of)"} {"Clue":"Anglican chorister's tie? (6)","Answer":"ANCHOR","Explanation":"Definition: tie\nfound inside anglicAN CHORister"} {"Clue":"Slight uprising over length of factories (5)","Answer":"MILLS","Explanation":"Definition: factories\nSLIM (slight) reversed (uprising) contains L (length)"} {"Clue":"Air likely to get the frigid 12 23 across to 21? (4,4,4,2,6)","Answer":"YOUR TINY HAND IS FROZEN","Explanation":"Definition: Air\nan aria from ~~Madame Butterfly~~ La Boh\u00e8me, but what has this got to do with Trump? *Update: Apparently Trump once bragged about having \"big hands\u2026\", which was later shown to be untrue (unlike all the rest of his comments of course)."} {"Clue":"Dishonest, a bit like Jack? (7)","Answer":"KNAVISH","Explanation":"Definition: Dishonest\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Gaelic party no good for Lawrence, likely to get plastered (7)","Answer":"CEILING","Explanation":"Definition: likely to get plastered\nCEILIdh (gaelic party) with NG (no good) replacing DH (DH Lawrence). I have never been able to spell ceilidh, so now I have a mnemonic to help me."} {"Clue":"I'm buried in part of church green (5)","Answer":"NAIVE","Explanation":"Definition: green\nI inside (buried in) NAVE (part of church)"} {"Clue":"Spin doctor needs it for the boss (9)","Answer":"PRESIDENT","Explanation":"Definition: the boss\nPR (spin) then anagram (doctor) of NEEDS IT"} {"Clue":"Narrowly defeated Democrat in nick, having been caught! (5,3)","Answer":"EDGED OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Narrowly defeated\nD (democrat) in EDGE (nick) OUT (caught, in cricket)"} {"Clue":"Cherish sinner he converted (8)","Answer":"ENSHRINE","Explanation":"Definition: Cherish\nanagram (converted) of SINNER HE"} {"Clue":"Was shot, captured by familiar killer (6)","Answer":"OSWALD","Explanation":"Definition: killer\nanagram (shot) of WAS inside (captured by) OLD (familiar) \u2013 Lee Harvey Oswald, killer of JFK. Or was he?"} {"Clue":"Lose the plot, as Beowulf gets complicated (4,1,4)","Answer":"BLOW A FUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Lose the plot\nanagram (gets complicated) of AS BEOWULF"} {"Clue":"Vote in some revolting bankrupt celebrity (5)","Answer":"ELECT","Explanation":"Definition: Vote\nfound reversed (revolting) inside (in some) bankrupT CELEbrity"} {"Clue":"Warped, sick Australian newspaperman (7)","Answer":"CROOKED","Explanation":"Definition: Warped\n~~CROCK~~ CROOK (sick, Australian) and ED (editor, newspaperman)"} {"Clue":"Legendary climber\u00a0unable to break the glass 10? (7)","Answer":"HILLARY","Explanation":"Definition: Legendary climber\ndouble definition \u2013 mountaineer Sir Edmund Hillary and Hillary Clinton (a woman unable to make it to the very top in politics)"} {"Clue":"Delaying tactics ordered by JFK? (7,7)","Answer":"HOLDING PATTERN","Explanation":"Definition: Delaying tactics ordered by JFK\ncryptic definition \u2013 at an airport"} {"Clue":"North American territory that welcomes Britain (5)","Answer":"YUKON","Explanation":"Definition: North American territory\nYON (that) contains (welcomes) UK (Britain). Are the UK and Britain really the same thing?"} {"Clue":"UN article given Finnish backing without dissent (9)","Answer":"UNANIMOUS","Explanation":"Definition: without dissent\nUN AN (indefinite article) with SUOMI (Finnish) reversed (backing)"} {"Clue":"Ready to support Trump's leadership? Rubbish! (5)","Answer":"TRIPE","Explanation":"Definition: Rubbish\nRIPE (read) underneath (to support) Trump (leadership, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"A state of despair for Crosby, having lost his partner (2,4)","Answer":"NO HOPE","Explanation":"Definition: A state of despair\nBing Crosby would have NO HOPE if he lost his partner (Bob Hope)"} {"Clue":"This house could require a Mexican wall! (8)","Answer":"HACIENDA","Explanation":"Definition: This house could require a Mexican wall\ncryptic definition?"} {"Clue":"Decibel reading of jam session featuring One Direction (9)","Answer":"NOISINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Decibel reading\nanagram (jam) of SESSION containing (featuring) I (one) and N (north, direction)"} {"Clue":"1,000 fish in organic compound (5)","Answer":"IMIDE","Explanation":"Definition: organic compound\nI M (one thousand) and IDE (fish). I made things hard for myself by writing AMIDE in here as my first attempt."} {"Clue":"Distressed about not being allowed out to eat Italian (8)","Answer":"AGITATED","Explanation":"Definition: Distressed\nA (about) GATED (not being allowed to go out) containing (to eat) IT (Italian)"} {"Clue":"Criticism voiced in guitarist's technique (8)","Answer":"FEEDBACK","Explanation":"Definition: Criticism\ndouble definition \u2013 I'm not sure what to do with \"voiced\""} {"Clue":"Carefully chosen Demerara rum to entertain the King (9)","Answer":"EARMARKED","Explanation":"Definition: Carefully chosen\nanagram (rum) of DEMERARA contains K (king)"} {"Clue":"Working time involving state, typically speaking (2,7)","Answer":"ON AVERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: typically speaking\nON (working) AGE (time) contains (involving) AVER (state)"} {"Clue":"To unwind, going topless, sunburn covers Demi's upper half (8)","Answer":"UNBURDEN","Explanation":"Definition: To unwind\nsUNBURN (going topless) contains (covers) DEmi (upper half of)"} {"Clue":"Swing a part in Rising Damp? Oh, Deborah! (3-3)","Answer":"BED-HOP","Explanation":"Definition: Swing\nfound reversed (rising) inside (a part) in damP OH DEBorah!"} {"Clue":"Architectural moulding for stocky cube having capacity to replace x (5)","Answer":"OVOLO","Explanation":"Definition: Architectural moulding\nOXO ( a stock cube) with VOL (capacity) replacing X"} {"Clue":"Leaders of European Commission lukewarm about Trump's swagger (5)","Answer":"ECLAT","Explanation":"Definition: swagger\nfirst letters (leaders) of European Commission Lukewarm About Trump"} {"Clue":"Fitting\u00a0attempt to sneak an advantage? (3-2)","Answer":"TRY-ON","Explanation":"Definition: Fitting\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Shellfish's not left with time (6)","Answer":"MUSSET","Explanation":"MUSSEl (shelfish) missing L (left) with T (time) \u2013 Alfred de Musset"} {"Clue":"Second freezer (8)","Answer":"SCHILLER","Explanation":"S (second) and CHILLER (freezer) \u2013 Friedrich Schiller"} {"Clue":"Revised novel Tom initially rewrote (9)","Answer":"LERMONTOV","Explanation":"anagram (revised) of NOVEL TOM and Rewrote (initial letter of) \u2013 Mikhail Lermontov"} {"Clue":"Balding doesn't finish the wine (5)","Answer":"CLARE","Explanation":"Definition: Balding\nCLAREt (the wine, not finished) and Clare Balding (sports presenter) \u2013 John Clare"} {"Clue":"Friends abroad are almost wrong (4)","Answer":"AMIS","Explanation":"Definition: Friends abroad\nAMISs (wrong, almost) \u2013 Kingsley (or son Martin) Amis"} {"Clue":"Post office in country valley \u2013 just the opposite! (10)","Answer":"PIRANDELLO","Explanation":"IRAN (country) and DELL (valley) in PO (post office) \u2013 Luigi Pirandello"} {"Clue":"It's disgusting having Her Majesty's address outside (7)","Answer":"MAUGHAM","Explanation":"UGH (it's disgusting) inside (having\u2026outside) MA'AM (Her Majesty's address) \u2013 Somerset Maughm"} {"Clue":"Forlorn scene at end of opera (6)","Answer":"SENECA","Explanation":"anagram (forlorn) of SCENE with operA (end of) \u2013 Marcus Seneca or his son Lucius Seneca"} {"Clue":"Warwickshire and England batsman's duck \u2013 caught (6)","Answer":"BELLOC","Explanation":"BELL (Warwickshire and England batsman) with O (duck, zero score) and C (caught) \u2013 Hilaire Belloc"} {"Clue":"Writers appearing in half the series (7)","Answer":"SPENSER","Explanation":"PENS (writers) in SERies (half of) \u2013 Edmund Spenser"} {"Clue":"Writing to king and queen, gaining initial support (4,6)","Answer":"BRAM STOKER","Explanation":"MS (manuscript, writing) TO K (king) and ER (The Queen) following (gaining initial\u2026) BRA (a support) \u2013 Bram Stoker"} {"Clue":"I ask about monkey (4)","Answer":"SAKI","Explanation":"Definition: monkey\nanagram (about) of I ask \u2013 Hector Hugh Monro, aka Saki"} {"Clue":"River and waters ebbing (5)","Answer":"AESOP","Explanation":"PO (river in Italy) and SEA (waters) all reversed (ebbing) \u2013 classical storyteller"} {"Clue":"Cooked heart of yellow maize (5,4)","Answer":"EMILE ZOLA","Explanation":"anagram (cooked) of yELLOw (heart of) and MAIZE \u2013 Emile Zola"} {"Clue":"Rewrote sonnet about New Year (8)","Answer":"TENNYSON","Explanation":"anagram (rewrote) of SONNET containing (about) N (new) and Y (year) \u2013 Alfred, Lord Tennyson"} {"Clue":"14 down's A.J. on board (6)","Answer":"SAYERS","Explanation":"AYER (AJ Ayer philosopher) inside SS (on board a steam ship, SS) \u2013 Dorothy L Sayers"} {"Clue":"Tailless duck, note (8)","Answer":"MALLARME","Explanation":"MALLARd (duck, tailless) and ME (note, music) \u2013 Stephane Mallarme"} {"Clue":"Wild misadventure drops man into compulsory labour (9)","Answer":"SERVITUDE","Explanation":"Definition: compulsory labour\namangram (wild) of mISaDVEnTURE missing MAN"} {"Clue":"God's painful rear (4)","Answer":"EROS","Explanation":"Definition: God\nSORE (painful) reversed (rear)"} {"Clue":"Warnings to reservists climbing into grottoes (7)","Answer":"CAVEATS","Explanation":"Definition: Warnings\nTA (Territoral Army, former reservists) reversed (climbing) in CAVES (grottoes)"} {"Clue":"More than one falling with frequency? (10)","Answer":"INCIDENCES","Explanation":"Definition: More than one falling\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Sounds like cotton yarn among two political friends (5)","Answer":"LYALL","Explanation":"I'm not sure about this one, I can't explain \"among two political friends\". LYALL sounds like \"lisle\" (cotton yarn) \u2013 Either Gavin Lyall writer of espionage thrillers or Alfred Comyn Lyall\u00a0\u2013 civil servant and writer. *\u00a0Update: his name is found among alLY ALLy (two allies, political friends)"} {"Clue":"Antelope broke loose, full of energy (6)","Answer":"REEBOK","Explanation":"Definition: Antelope\nanagram (loose) of BROKE containing E (energy)"} {"Clue":"A half-successful Roman courtyard (6)","Answer":"ATRIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Roman courtyard\nA TRIUMphant (success, half of)"} {"Clue":"Prince editing his holy work in pursuit of wisdom (10)","Answer":"PHILOSOPHY","Explanation":"Definition: pursuit of wisdom\nP (prince) then anagram (editing) of HIS HOLY and OP (work) \u2013 alternatively \"in\" could be regarded as an inclusion indicator for OP"} {"Clue":"Changes to 5 when in the booth? (4,1,4)","Answer":"CAST A VOTE","Explanation":"Definition: when in the booth\nanagram (changes) TO CAVEATS \u2013 a polling booth"} {"Clue":"Skill is half the solution for them (8)","Answer":"ARTISANS","Explanation":"Definition: for them\nART (skill) IS ANSwer (half the solution)"} {"Clue":"Near the looo! (5,2)","Answer":"CLOSE TO","Explanation":"Definition: Near\nCLOSET (loo) + O"} {"Clue":"Charming diocesan prison, reportedly (6)","Answer":"SCENIC","Explanation":"Definition: Charming\nsounds like (reportedly) \"See nick\", a prison in the dioscese perhaps"} {"Clue":"Russian district's outside broadcast to keep going (6)","Answer":"OBLAST","Explanation":"Definition: Russian district\nOB (outside broadcast) and LAST (to keep going)"} {"Clue":"It's a crime that the clergyman has lost his head (5)","Answer":"ARSON","Explanation":"Definition: It's a crime\npARSON (clergyman) losing his head (first letter)"} {"Clue":"Some wide variety in Roman Chester (4)","Answer":"DEVA","Explanation":"Definition: Roman Chester\nfound inside (some of) wiDE VAriety"} {"Clue":"John, for one, a powerless former president (7)","Answer":"BATISTA","Explanation":"Definition: former president\nBApTIST (John, for one) missing P (power) then A"} {"Clue":"Butts or tails? (3-4)","Answer":"DOG-ENDS","Explanation":"Definition: Butts\ndefinition and cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"It expanded into hate mail with virtue \u2013 oddly perverse (7,8)","Answer":"ITALIAN VERMOUTH","Explanation":"Definition: It expanded\nanagram (perverse) of INTO HATE MAIL with ViRtUe (oddly) \u2013 'It' is short for for Italian Vermouth, as in the drink Gin and It. Expanded indicates that we have to write the full name not the abbreviation. A well concealed definition!"} {"Clue":"Profits from paper when leader is cut (5)","Answer":"ISSUE","Explanation":"Definition: Profits\ntISSUE (paper) missing first letter (leader)"} {"Clue":"Drunken old coves keeping too much aside (5,4)","Answer":"SOTTO VOCE","Explanation":"Definition: aside\nanagram (drunken) of O (old) and COVES containing OTT (too much)"} {"Clue":"It will disappoint very little wife in large chair (5,4)","Answer":"FALSE DAWN","Explanation":"Definition: It will disappoint\nFA (sweet FA, very little) then W (wife) inside L (large) SEDAN (chair)"} {"Clue":"Fibre glass one broke \u2013 that's no good (5)","Answer":"SISAL","Explanation":"Definition: Fibre\nanagram (broke) of gLASS and I (one) missing G (good)"} {"Clue":"Tired bishop's obstinate and obsessive (5)","Answer":"BANAL","Explanation":"Definition: Tired\nB (bishop) has ANAL (obstinate and obsessive)"} {"Clue":"Southern critters chewed hampers (9)","Answer":"RESTRICTS","Explanation":"Definition: hampers\nanagram (chewed) of S (southern) and CRITTERS"} {"Clue":"Ligature getting caught damaged part of sight (9)","Answer":"GRATICULE","Explanation":"Definition: part of sight\nanagram (getting damaged) of LIGAURE and C (caught) \u2013 the cross-hairs in a gun sight perhaps"} {"Clue":"Call up first lady to accept fine (5)","Answer":"EVOKE","Explanation":"Definition: Call up\nEVE (the first lady) contains OK (fine)"} {"Clue":"Pets commonly on lead caught in sheet (4,4,3,4)","Answer":"RAIN CATS AND DOGS","Explanation":"Definition: sheet\nCATS AND DOGS (common pets) on RAIN sounds like \"rein\" (lead) \u2013 to \"rain cats and dogs\" is to rain very heavily, to sheet"} {"Clue":"One teasing old queen, perhaps, about obesity in a heartless manner (7)","Answer":"ANNOYER","Explanation":"Definition: One teasing\nANNE R (Anne Regina perhaps, old queen) contains (about) ObesitY missing middle letters (in a heartless manner)"} {"Clue":"After not much time, noble French city joined by commoner? (5,2)","Answer":"EARLY ON","Explanation":"Definition: After not much time\nEARL (noble) and LYON (French city) joined together by their common letter, L"} {"Clue":"Bond \u2013 finish off dodgy agent (7)","Answer":"BAILIFF","Explanation":"Definition: agent\nBAIL (bond) and IFFy (dodgy) missing last letter (finish off)"} {"Clue":"Operation tails one having left estate (15)","Answer":"TRANSPLANTATION","Explanation":"Definition: Operation\nTRAiNS (tails) missing I (one) then PLANTATION (estate)"} {"Clue":"Second fish stabbed with hard stiletto (5,4)","Answer":"SPIKE HEEL","Explanation":"Definition: stiletto\nS (second) PIKE EEL (fish) contains (tabbed with) H (hard)"} {"Clue":"Disengaged, to some extent, about girl (5)","Answer":"AGNES","Explanation":"Definition: girl\nfound inside (to some extent) diSENGAged reversed (about)"} {"Clue":"Simple performances, not duties made complex (9)","Answer":"DUETTINOS","Explanation":"Definition: Simple performances\nanagram (made complex) of NOT DUTIES \u2013 a duettino is an unpretentious duet with a concise form"} {"Clue":"Stick with barrel of Irish stew (5)","Answer":"GUMBO","Explanation":"Definition: stew\nGUM (stick) with B (barrel) and O (of). I can't explain Irish here, gumbo comes from Louisiana. *Update: see BillyK @6 and declan @7"} {"Clue":"Study nervous matter when astride potty (15)","Answer":"NEUROPSYCHOLOGY","Explanation":"Definition: Study\nNEUROLOGY (nervous matter) containing (when astride) PSYCHO (potty, insane)"} {"Clue":"In a way, schoolgirl's quick in Germany (7)","Answer":"SCHNELL","Explanation":"Definition: quick in Germany\nSCH (school) and NELL (girl). I think \"in a way\u2026\" indicates that schoolgirl has to be split in two"} {"Clue":"Whereon plucky action occurs in one's mind (3,6)","Answer":"AIR GUITAR","Explanation":"Definition: Whereon plucky action occurs in one's mind\ncryptic definition \u2013 this made me smile. One could be a pedant and point out that the essence of air guitar is that the plucking action is performed physically rather than just mentally, albeit missing an actual guitar. But I won't do that\u2026"} {"Clue":"More certain to secure split yield (9)","Answer":"SURRENDER","Explanation":"Definition: yield\nSURER (more certain) contains REND (to split)"} {"Clue":"Ask for brief pointer about god! (7)","Answer":"BEGORRA","Explanation":"Definition: god\nBEG (ask for) then ARROw (a pointer, briefly) reversed (about)"} {"Clue":"Small offensive boy in hat (7)","Answer":"STETSON","Explanation":"Definition: hat \nS (small) TET (the Tet Offensive in the Vietnam war) and SON (boy)"} {"Clue":"Restless and malicious, blowing cover (5)","Answer":"ITCHY","Explanation":"Definition: Restless\nbITCHY (malicious) missing first letter (blowing cover)"} {"Clue":"Regularly serve Audrey's duck (5)","Answer":"EVADE","Explanation":"Definition: duck\nregular selection from sErVe AuDrEy"} {"Clue":"Container I ask you to fill in medical examination (5,3)","Answer":"SPRAY CAN","Explanation":"Definition: Container\nPRAY ( ask you) in SCAN (medical examination)"} {"Clue":"Nasty irritation, according to nurses (6)","Answer":"BITCHY","Explanation":"Definition: Nasty\nITCH (irritation) inside (nursed by) BY (according to)"} {"Clue":"Broadcaster apparently bagged small job? (3,3)","Answer":"SIT VAC","Explanation":"~~I can't solve this. Something to do with a VAC being a bagged thing? Is there such thing as an air vac?~~ *ITV (broadcaster) in a SAC (bagged, apparently) \u2013 abbreviation for situation vacant, a small job"} {"Clue":"Rosberg can finally see something in smoke (8)","Answer":"NICOTINE","Explanation":"Definition: something in smoke\nNICO (Nico Rosenberg, F1 driver) then TIN (can) and seeE (final letter of)"} {"Clue":"Spiritual piece that man heard (4)","Answer":"HYMN","Explanation":"Definition: Spiritual piece\nsounds like (heard) \"him\" (that man)"} {"Clue":"She is a sort to go flying (3,7)","Answer":"AIR HOSTESS","Explanation":"Definition: She is a sort to go flying\nanagram (to go flying) of SHE IS A SORT \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"People come out in retreat, finding monster (8)","Answer":"WEREWOLF","Explanation":"Definition: monster\nWE (the people) and FLOWER (come out) reversed (in retreat)"} {"Clue":"What cows go through, initially open (4)","Answer":"MOOT","Explanation":"Definition: open\nMOO (what cows go) and Through (initial letter of) \u2013 e.g. an open question"} {"Clue":"Magnificent\u00a0ground (4)","Answer":"FINE","Explanation":"Definition: Magnificent\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Pen a final ditty? (4,4)","Answer":"SWAN SONG","Explanation":"Definition: Pen a final ditty\ncryptic definition? A pen is a swan. I can't quite get thios to work. It feels to me that it should be \"Pen's final ditty\""} {"Clue":"Order tank to carry spies (10)","Answer":"CISTERCIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Order\nCISTERN (tank) contains CIA (spies)"} {"Clue":"Stop rather short (4)","Answer":"QUIT","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\nQUITe (rather, short)"} {"Clue":"Murderer, about 25, liquidated (6,2)","Answer":"CASHED IN","Explanation":"Definition: liquidated\nCAIN (murderer, in Bible) contains SHED (hut)"} {"Clue":"A new cook made fillet (6)","Answer":"ANADEM","Explanation":"Definition: fillet\nA N (new) and anagram (cooked) of MADE"} {"Clue":"Sister loves talent shows (6)","Answer":"VESTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Sister\nfound inside (shown by) loVES TALent"} {"Clue":"Underwear that is put on last? (8)","Answer":"LINGERIE","Explanation":"Definition: Underwear that is put on last\ncryptic definition. Lingerie is nightwear, what one puts on last. I spent a long time trying to make this something to do with shoes: worn under one's feet and put on a cobbler's last. *UPDATE: another (and better) explanation is: IE (that is) following LINGER (last) \u2013 definition is \"underwear\""} {"Clue":"Roman author's home on board ferry? (5)","Answer":"PLINY","Explanation":"Definition: Roman author\nIN (home) inside (on board) PLY (to ferry)"} {"Clue":"Plug lead \u2013 something to fix in upgrade (11)","Answer":"ADVANCEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: upgrade\nAD (plug) VAN (lead) and CEMENT (something to fix)"} {"Clue":"Heartlessly ensnare many a whale (8)","Answer":"CACHALOT","Explanation":"Definition: a whale\nCAtCH (ensnare, heartlessly) and A LOT (many)"} {"Clue":"Spooner's \"inn loaf\" must be cooked ham (3-12)","Answer":"NON-PROFESSIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: ham\nanagram (cooked) of SPOONER'S INN LOAF \u2013 an anagram masquerading as a Spoonerism"} {"Clue":"Call a stream \"flowing\" (6)","Answer":"BECKON","Explanation":"Definition: Call\nBECK (a stream) and ON (flowing)"} {"Clue":"The only thing monogrammed for baby (3)","Answer":"TOT","Explanation":"Definition: baby\n(first letters (monogrammed) of The Only Thing"} {"Clue":"Simply\u00a0leaves (5,4)","Answer":"HANDS DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Simply\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"XXXX part of Manhattan (5,6)","Answer":"TIMES SQUARE","Explanation":"Definition: part of Manhattan\nX is \"times\", but I can't see why XXXX is \"times square\""} {"Clue":"Murder sounds good to me in lift (9)","Answer":"ELIMINATE","Explanation":"Definition: Murder\nI'M IN (sounds good to me) in ELATE (lift)"} {"Clue":"State\u00a0finance (8)","Answer":"MAINTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: State\ndouble definition \u2013 to speak and to pay for"} {"Clue":"Through speech, control wedding (6)","Answer":"BRIDAL","Explanation":"Definition: wedding\nsounds like (through speech) \"bridle\" (control) \u2013 as an adjective e.g. bridal gown vs wedding dress"} {"Clue":"Kill province's rebellious tribe (5)","Answer":"ICENI","Explanation":"Definition: tribe\nICE (kill) and NI (Northern Ireland, province)"} {"Clue":"Heading off to cabin (3)","Answer":"HUT","Explanation":"Definition: cabin\nsHUT (to, of a door) missing first letter (heading off)"} {"Clue":"French that's grasped by dull artist's model (8)","Answer":"MAQUETTE","Explanation":"Definition: artist's model\nQUE (whay, French) in MATTE (dull)"} {"Clue":"Greek or Roman one found in island heading north (6)","Answer":"IONIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Greek\nI (Roman one) in IONA (island) and N (north) \u2013 I'm not sure of \"heading\" indicates first letter or a direction on a compass"} {"Clue":"Ammunition centre for platoon, say (4)","Answer":"UNIT","Explanation":"Definition: platoon, say \ncentre of ammUNITion"} {"Clue":"Short charge by furry animal turning quite quickly (10)","Answer":"ALLEGRETTO","Explanation":"Definition: quite quickly\nALLEGe (charge, short) then OTTER (furry animal) reversed"} {"Clue":"Make safe and secure at sea (6)","Answer":"RESCUE","Explanation":"Definition: Make safe\nanagram (at sea) of secure"} {"Clue":"Relieving pressure, going outside (8)","Answer":"SPELLING","Explanation":"Definition: Relieving\nSELLING (going. eg \"going cheap\") containing P (pressure)"} {"Clue":"Divers, after second, wet? (6)","Answer":"SUNDRY","Explanation":"Definition: Divers\nUN-DRY (wet) following S (second)"} {"Clue":"Finally agreed bowling area's reason to halt cricket (6)","Answer":"DRINKS","Explanation":"Definition: reason to halt cricket\nagreeD (final letter of) then RINK'S (bowling area's)"} {"Clue":"Comprehensive in which a couple of learners do run amok (3-5)","Answer":"ALL-ROUND","Explanation":"Definition: Comprehensive\nanagram (amok) of A LL (couple of learners) and DO RUN"} {"Clue":"Sweet girl, initially sound as a bell, becoming pale (6)","Answer":"FADING","Explanation":"Definition: becoming pale\nFA (Fanny Adams, sweet girl, initial letters) then DING (sound as a bell)"} {"Clue":"Employing number in East before the revolt (10)","Answer":"ETHERISING","Explanation":"Definition: Employing number\nE (east) then THE RISING (revolt) \u2013 making one numb"} {"Clue":"Facility for communication either way in show, if I want (2-2)","Answer":"WIFI","Explanation":"Definition: Facility for communication\nfound inside shoW IF I want, and also show IF I Want reversed"} {"Clue":"Team leader filmed, that's full of beans, perhaps (3,3)","Answer":"TINCAN","Explanation":"Definition: that's full of beans, perhaps\nTeam (leading letter of) then IN CAN (filmed)"} {"Clue":"Mad Hatter and neighbours at table are menacing (8)","Answer":"THREATEN","Explanation":"Definition: are menacing\nanagram of HATTER then E and N (neighbours at the bridge table)"} {"Clue":"Dry and dull, first off (8)","Answer":"RAINLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Dry\nbRAINLESS (dull) missing first letter"} {"Clue":"Why you are, before tea, announced in tent (4)","Answer":"YURT","Explanation":"Definition: tent\nsounds (announced) like Y, U, R before T"} {"Clue":"Stupidly heat neon or other gas (6)","Answer":"ETHANE","Explanation":"Definition: other gas\nanagram (stupidly) of HEAT then NE (neon)"} {"Clue":"Awful regal family's on top in this tragedy (4,4)","Answer":"KINGLEAR","Explanation":"Definition: tragedy\nanagram (awful) of REGAL following KIN (family)"} {"Clue":"Shut up about learner, one absorbed in text (10)","Answer":"INTERLINED","Explanation":"Definition: absorbed in text\nINTERNED (shut up) contains L (learner) and I (one)"} {"Clue":"Cane despicable chap \u2014 beat on bottom (6)","Answer":"RATTAN","Explanation":"Definition: Cane\nRAT (dispicable chap) on top of TAN (beat)"} {"Clue":"Join forces with soldiers wanting leader on border (6)","Answer":"ENLIST","Explanation":"Definition: Join forces with\nmEN (soldiers) missing leading etter then LIST (border, a hem etc). list=border was new to me, apparently also the derivation of list=joust, along border posts"} {"Clue":"Huge concern, husband being missing, ruined match (10)","Answer":"CONGRUENCE","Explanation":"Definition: match\nanagram (ruined) of hUGE CONCERN missing H (husband)"} {"Clue":"Meetings one ruins, being out of order (8)","Answer":"REUNIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Meetings \nanagram (out of order) of ONE RUINS"} {"Clue":"Jumper found on beach, also key left nearby? (4,4)","Answer":"SAND FLEA","Explanation":"Definition: Jumper found on beach\nAND (also) F (key, music) L (left) in SEA (nearby, to the aformentioned beach)"} {"Clue":"Little change once in a definitive work abridged for user (6)","Answer":"ADDICT","Explanation":"Definition: user\nD (a penny pre-1971, little change once) in A DICT (dictionary, work containing definitions, abridged)"} {"Clue":"Endlessly delayed travelling through part of EU (6)","Answer":"LATVIA","Explanation":"Definition: part of EU\nLATe (deleayed, endless) then VIA (travelling through)"} {"Clue":"Work out, in shape (6)","Answer":"FIGURE","Explanation":"Definition: Work out\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Set up regulation about drug producing mark on skin (4)","Answer":"WEAL","Explanation":"Definition: mark on skin\nLAW (regulation) contains E (drug) reversed (set up)"} {"Clue":"Medic bandages male American sea creature (7)","Answer":"GRAMPUS","Explanation":"Definition: sea creature\nGP (medic) contains (bandages) RAM (male) then US (American)"} {"Clue":"Old lady tiring of dog (7)","Answer":"MASTIFF","Explanation":"Definition: dog\nMA (old lady) and STIFF (tiring)"} {"Clue":"Tradesman's bill finally set in order (5)","Answer":"TILER","Explanation":"Definition: Tradesman\nbilL (final letter) in TIER (order)"} {"Clue":"Insubstantial fabulous creature heading off with another (4-5)","Answer":"AIRY-FAIRY","Explanation":"Definition: Insubstantial\nfAIRY (fabulous creature, missing head) and FAIRY (another fabulous creature)"} {"Clue":"Australian disputed point with college fellow from New Zealand (10)","Answer":"ANTIPODEAN","Explanation":"Definition: from New Zealand\nA (Australian) with anagram (disputed) of POINT then DEAN (college fellow)"} {"Clue":"Scrap a musical genre (4)","Answer":"RAGA","Explanation":"Definition: musical genre\nRAG (scrap) and A"} {"Clue":"Hero singles out traditional beauty (7,4)","Answer":"ENGLISH ROSE","Explanation":"Definition: traditional beauty\nanagram (out) of HERO SINGLES"} {"Clue":"Work in association with colonel, having left sailor to speak (11)","Answer":"COLLABORATE","Explanation":"Definition: Work in association with\nCOL (colonel) with L (left) having AB (sailor) and ORATE (to speak)"} {"Clue":"No-win situation involving black neighbour of Black Beauty? (10)","Answer":"STABLEMATE","Explanation":"Definition: neighbour of Black Beauty\nSTALEMATE (no win situation) containing B (black)"} {"Clue":"Find place to store luggage close to hand in Ipswich, say (5,4)","Answer":"TRACK DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Find\nRACK (place to store luggage) with hanD (close to, last letter of) in TOWN (Ipswich, say)"} {"Clue":"Old king rejected communist's command (5)","Answer":"ORDER","Explanation":"Definition: command\nO (old) R (rex, king) and RED (communist) reversed"} {"Clue":"Almost finish study of city (7)","Answer":"DRESDEN","Explanation":"Definition: city\nDRESs (finish, almost) and DEN (study)"} {"Clue":"Popular taste for period of innocence? (7)","Answer":"INFANCY","Explanation":"Definition: period of innocence\nIN (popular) FANCY (taste)"} {"Clue":"German consumed half of relative's cake (6)","Answer":"GATEAU","Explanation":"Definition: cake\nG (german) ATE (consumed) and AUnt (relative, half of)"} {"Clue":"Surgically remove a belt twisted round bottom of tibia (6)","Answer":"ABLATE","Explanation":"Definition: Surgically remove\nanagram (twisted) of A BELT containing tibiA (bottom letter of)"} {"Clue":"Minor fairy meeting pantheon's foremost goddess by lake (10)","Answer":"PERIPHERAL","Explanation":"Definition: Minor\nPERI (fairy) with Pantheon (first letter of) then HERA (goddes) by L (lake)"} {"Clue":"Turf small part of hospital site (5)","Answer":"SWARD","Explanation":"Definition: Turf\nS (smal) an WARD (part of hospital site)"} {"Clue":"Spoil good American girl with cocktail (9)","Answer":"MARGARITA","Explanation":"Definition: cocktail\nMAR (soil) G (good) A (American) with RITA (girl)"} {"Clue":"Retired thief asked to steal money box (4)","Answer":"SAFE","Explanation":"Definition: money box\nhidden inside (to steal?) thiEF ASked reversed (retired)"} {"Clue":"Setter going to university before new art eclipses old impressionist (8)","Answer":"IMITATOR","Explanation":"Definition: impressionist\nI (the setter) with MIT (university) before anagram (new) of ART contining (eclipses) O (old)"} {"Clue":"Trap set by crafty secretary upset salesman (8)","Answer":"FLYPAPER","Explanation":"Definition: Trap\nFLY (crafty) PA (seretary) and REP (saesman) reversed (upset)"} {"Clue":"Cook holding Defoe's novel is annoyed and disappointed (7,3)","Answer":"CHEESED OFF","Explanation":"Definition: annoyed and disappointed\nCHEF (cook) contains (holding) anagram (novel) of DEFOE"} {"Clue":"Landlady hiding first part of takings in dress in rundown area (5,4)","Answer":"GHOST TOWN","Explanation":"Definition: rundown area\nHOST (landlady) contains (hiding) Takings (first letter of) all inside GOWN (dress)"} {"Clue":"Stopped to question editor after expense account's reverse engineered (8)","Answer":"ACCOSTED","Explanation":"Definition: Stopped to question\nED (editor) following (after) COST (expense) AC (account) in reverse order (reverse engineered)"} {"Clue":"Turn away from boxer with neat manoeuvre close to rope (8)","Answer":"ALIENATE","Explanation":"Definition: Turn away from\nALI (Muhammad Ali, boxer) then anagram (manoeuvre) of NEAT and ropE (closing letter of)"} {"Clue":"Chaps receiving help recovered from unproductive bowling spell (6,4)","Answer":"MAIDEN OVER","Explanation":"Definition: unproductive bowling spell \nMEN (chaps) contain (receiving) AID (help) then OVER (recovered from)"} {"Clue":"Boisterous girls on a night out ignoring new prince (6)","Answer":"HEARTY","Explanation":"Definition: Boisterous\nHEn pARTY (girls on a night out) missing N (new) and P (prince)"} {"Clue":"Snub Indian bearing facial decoration (5)","Answer":"BINDI","Explanation":"Definition: facial decoration\nfound inside (bearing) snuB INDIan"} {"Clue":"Slide for special child (4)","Answer":"SKID","Explanation":"Definition: Slide\nS (special) and KID (child)"} {"Clue":"Gardener's assistant allowed to turn over outside tier (6)","Answer":"TROWEL","Explanation":"LET (allowed) reversed containing (outside) ROW (tiet)"} {"Clue":"Represent top Foreign Office in summer, after vacation (5,3)","Answer":"SPEAK FOR","Explanation":"PEAK (top) FO (Foreign Office) all inside SummeR (after vacation, evacuated)"} {"Clue":"Author's line used in course had misdirected learner (5,4)","Answer":"ROALD DAHL","Explanation":"L (line) in ROAD (course) then amagram (misdirected) of HAD and L (learner)"} {"Clue":"Youngster relaxed, with the Parisian gone (5)","Answer":"CHILD","Explanation":"CHILLED (relaxed) missing LE (the, in Paris)"} {"Clue":"Major gymkhana involves exuberant festivity (4)","Answer":"ORGY","Explanation":"found inside (involved in) majOR GYmkhana"} {"Clue":"Group of travellers, some heading to York by train (5,5)","Answer":"COACH PARTY","Explanation":"PART (some) with korK (heading to) following (by) COACH (train, as a verb)"} {"Clue":"All regularly observing Easter Day in Asian island (7)","Answer":"SUMATRA","Explanation":"SUM (all) hen eAsTeR dAy (regularly observed, seeing every other letter)"} {"Clue":"Bit of pain in match, say, twisting (6)","Answer":"TWINGE","Explanation":"TWIN (match) then EG (say) reversed (twisting)"} {"Clue":"Animated dog, prying (6)","Answer":"SNOOPY","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Bear from South America ain't moving (7)","Answer":"SUSTAIN","Explanation":"S (south) US (America) then anagram (moving) of AIN'T"} {"Clue":"European water \u2013 meeting place of Veronica, Vincent and Virginia? (4,6)","Answer":"LAKE GENEVA","Explanation":"LAKE (actress Veronica Lake perhaps) meeting with GENE (singer Gene Vincent) and VA (Virginia, US state). I read in Wikipedia that Gene Vincent's real name was Vincent Gene Craddock. Not surprising which of these monikers he chose to drop."} {"Clue":"Beginner at Ayr, so no first-places (4)","Answer":"TYRO","Explanation":"aT aYR sO missing first letters"} {"Clue":"Tiny quantity old relative left out (5)","Answer":"OUNCE","Explanation":"O (old) and UNClE (relative) missing L (left)"} {"Clue":"Niche markets' essential element? Go online to analyse first (9)","Answer":"INGLENOOK","Explanation":"marKets (middle letter, essential element) following (with\u2026first) anagram (to analyse??) of GO ONLINE"} {"Clue":"Want mum to get mineral \u2013 label's described (8)","Answer":"SHORTAGE","Explanation":"SH (mum, quiet!) with ORE (mineral) containing (describing, going around) TAG (label)"} {"Clue":"List of names initially dismissed when catching unknown shellfish (6)","Answer":"OYSTER","Explanation":"rOSTER (list of names, missing initial letter) containing Y (unknown, in equations)"} {"Clue":"Slow one is arriving in the end, after hill (8)","Answer":"TORTOISE","Explanation":"IS inside (arriving in) TOE (the end) following TOR (hill)"} {"Clue":"Religious types called on energy to penetrate sign (9)","Answer":"ORANGEMEN","Explanation":"RANG (called) on E (energy) inside (to penetrate) OMEN (sign) \u2013 Protestants"} {"Clue":"Newsman who presents case with ancient books (4)","Answer":"EDDA","Explanation":"ED (editor, newsman) and DA (District Attorney, one who presents a case)"} {"Clue":"Smelly animal's head discussed \u2013 about time (7)","Answer":"POLECAT","Explanation":"POLE sounds like \"poll\" (head) with CA (circa, about) and T (time). POLE also means \"head\" literally (eg pole position), which confused me for a while."} {"Clue":"Clergyman most cunning circling quiet religious class (4-6)","Answer":"ARCH-PRIEST","Explanation":"ARCHEST (most cunning) contains (circling) P (piano, quiet) and RI (religious class in school)"} {"Clue":"Bill\u00a0the postman might deliver this (5)","Answer":"FLIER","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 both definitions are very closely related"} {"Clue":"Warning light by shutter showing photographic error (3-3)","Answer":"RED-EYE","Explanation":"RED (warning light) by EYE (something that shuts)"} {"Clue":"Charity workers repeatedly grabbing instant spicy food (6)","Answer":"SAMOSA","Explanation":"SA SA (Salvation Army, repeatedly) contains (grabbing) MO (instant)"} {"Clue":"Dicky endlessly tags monster that arouses fear (6,4)","Answer":"STRONG MEAT","Explanation":"anagram (dicky) of TAGs (endlessly) and MONSTER. This expression is new to me, my last one in."} {"Clue":"Money packet, say, that's seen on kitchen table? (5,4)","Answer":"GRAVY BOAT","Explanation":"GRAVY (money) and BOAT ( a packet steamer perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Engaged pair of royals needing witness (8)","Answer":"ONLOOKER","Explanation":"ON LOO (engaged, euphemism) with K and ER (king and The Queen, a pair for royals)"} {"Clue":"Any crackers wanted by family, good for pulling? (7)","Answer":"YANKING","Explanation":"anagram (crackers) of ANY with KIN (family) and G (good)"} {"Clue":"Primitive Bible kept by wise person (6)","Answer":"SAVAGE","Explanation":"AV (Authorised Version, Bible) inside (kept by) SAGE (wise person)"} {"Clue":"Chris's outside carrying stolen goods \u2013 the devil (6)","Answer":"CLOOTS","Explanation":"ChriS (outside letters of) contains (carrying) LOOT (stolen goods) \u2013 the devil, from cloot meaning a cloven hoof"} {"Clue":"Armed combat has to finish in decisive blow (5)","Answer":"KENDO","Explanation":"END (to finish) in KO (decisive blow) \u2013 fighting with bamboo swords"} {"Clue":"Refuse centre in modern state (4)","Answer":"DENY","Explanation":"moDErn (crntre of) and NY (a state)"} {"Clue":"Reservists with one Latin model (6)","Answer":"TAUNUS","Explanation":"TA (Territorial Army, former reservists) with UNUS (one in Latin) \u2013 The Ford Taunus and a mountain range in Germany."} {"Clue":"When exchanged, he pulls seasonal novelty, reportedly (8)","Answer":"KRAKATOA","Explanation":"sounds like (reportedly) TOA (tower, he pulls) and KRAKA (cracker, seasonal novelty) in reverse order (when exchanged) \u2013 scene of huge volcanic explosion in 1883, shown here making a small \"phut\""} {"Clue":"Burl Ives lost four bananas (6)","Answer":"ELBRUS","Explanation":"anagram (bananas) of BURL ivES missing IV (four) \u2013 a mountain in the south of Russia."} {"Clue":"Points out Reggie (8)","Answer":"SPERRINS","Explanation":"S S (south twice, point of compass) contains (out, outside of) PERRIN (Reggie Perrin, character in TV series)"} {"Clue":"Carl Davis appearing regularly (4)","Answer":"ALAI","Explanation":"cArL dAvIs (regular selection from) \u2013 Alai or Alay Mountains in Kyrgyzstan"} {"Clue":"Minor crag? No! (5,4)","Answer":"CAIRN GORM","Explanation":"anagram of MINOR CRAG, but actually a large crag \u2013 the name means Green Hill."} {"Clue":"Strange wording lacking review, initially, by novelist (6,6)","Answer":"GODWIN AUSTEN","Explanation":"anagram (strange) of WOrDING missing Review (initial letter of) then AUSTEN (novelist) \u2013 remote Himalayan mountain more commonly known as K2. It appears not to have a traditional local name as it is so remote it is not visible form any permanent habitation."} {"Clue":"Dad with broken toe-cap let off (12)","Answer":"POPOCATEPETL","Explanation":"POP (dad) with anagrams (broken, off) of TOE-CAP and LET \u2013 volcano in Mexico"} {"Clue":"Estonia, oddly (4)","Answer":"ETNA","Explanation":"EsToNiA (odd letetrs from)"} {"Clue":"Joiner with bridge opponents (5)","Answer":"ANDES","Explanation":"AND (joiner) with E and S (opponents in the game of Bridge)"} {"Clue":"Island panellist is heard (4)","Answer":"JURA","Explanation":"sounds lie (is heard) juror (panellist) \u2013 also island in Scotland and part of The Alps"} {"Clue":"French vineyard by a church on outskirts of Avignon (8)","Answer":"CRUACHAN","Explanation":"CRU (French vineyard) with A CH (church) on AvignoN (outskirts of) \u2013 a mountain in western Scotland, housing a large underground pump-storage power station"} {"Clue":"Painting medium includes church (6)","Answer":"OCHILS","Explanation":"OILS (painting medium) including CH (church). I took much too long to get this considering I could see the Ochils out of my window as I was attempting to solve the clue."} {"Clue":"Poorly French novelist's dropped English (8)","Answer":"MALVERNS","Explanation":"MAL (poorly, French) and VERNe'S (novelist's) missing E (English)"} {"Clue":"Touch of violet gesso, daubed (6)","Answer":"VOSGES","Explanation":"Violet (touch of, first letter) than anagram (daubed) of GESSO"} {"Clue":"Greek character heading non- governmental organisation for trip (3,5)","Answer":"THE TANGO","Explanation":"Definition: trip\nTHETA (Greek character) in front of (heading) NGO (non-governmental organisation)"} {"Clue":"Chides, having organised pub attacks (8)","Answer":"UPBRAIDS","Explanation":"Definition: Chides\nanagram (organised) of PUB with RAIDS (attacks)"} {"Clue":"Wild ox seen during tour usually (4)","Answer":"URUS","Explanation":"Definition: Wild ox\nfound inside toUR USually"} {"Clue":"Old coaches following sound of gunshot \u2013 they await the outcome (6,6)","Answer":"REPORT STAGES","Explanation":"Definition: they await the outcome\nSTAGES (old coaches) following REPORT (sound of gunshot). I'm not sure about the definition, probably something to do with government procedures. Perhaps someone knowledgeable in this are can explain."} {"Clue":"Stop, you say, at the pavement edge (4)","Answer":"KERB","Explanation":"Definition: the pavement edg\nsounds like (you say) curb (stop)"} {"Clue":"Stumble over small exam (6)","Answer":"TRIPOS","Explanation":"Definition: exam\nTRIP (stumble) O (over) and S (small)"} {"Clue":"Don amuses, clowning about (6)","Answer":"ASSUME","Explanation":"Definition: Don\nanagram (clowning about) of AMUSES"} {"Clue":"Puma, an old killer, grabbing at a horse (12)","Answer":"CATAMOUNTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Puma\nCAIN (an old killer, from The Bible) containing AT A MOUNT (horse)"} {"Clue":"Apostle more in step with devilry (5,5)","Answer":"SIMON PETER","Explanation":"Definition: Apostle\nanagram (with devilry) of MORE IN STEP"} {"Clue":"Continuing to think, standing in arena (8)","Answer":"RESUMING","Explanation":"Definition: Continuing\nMUSE (to think) reversed (standing) in RING (arena)"} {"Clue":"Sees clan moving to Scrubs (8)","Answer":"CLEANSES","Explanation":"Definition: Scrubs\nanagram (moving) of SEES CLAN"} {"Clue":"Wife caught entering moving beam in PC's device (6)","Answer":"WEBCAM","Explanation":"Definition: PC's device\nW (wife) then C (caught) in anagram (moving) of BEAM"} {"Clue":"Could be Wisden\u00a0for the nursery (6)","Answer":"ANNUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Could be Wisden\ndouble definition \u2013 Wisden Cricketers' Almanack and a plant grown in a nursery"} {"Clue":"Plot of land, one that's about right (4)","Answer":"ACRE","Explanation":"Definition: Plot of land\nACE (one) containing (that is about) R (right)"} {"Clue":"Sound from the choir (4)","Answer":"ECHO","Explanation":"Definition: Sound\nfound inside thE CHOir"} {"Clue":"Divorced dad getting into e.g. painting (5)","Answer":"APART","Explanation":"Definition: Divorced\nPA (dad) in ART (eg painting)"} {"Clue":"Part of trawler's catch seamen mostly scrapped? (5)","Answer":"MEASE","Explanation":"Definition: Part of trawler's catch\nanagram (scrapped) of SEAMEn (mostly)"} {"Clue":"Persona non grata bound to return letter at end of imprisonment (8)","Answer":"DEPORTEE","Explanation":"Definition: Persona non grata\nROPED (bound) reversed with TEE (the letter T, found at the end of imprisonmenT)"} {"Clue":"US marine translated cuneiform script (8)","Answer":"SUMERIAN","Explanation":"Definition: cuneiform script\nanagram of US MARINE \u2013 what a good anagram!"} {"Clue":"I'm held back in a nasty spot \u2013 falling foul of one? (6)","Answer":"STYMIE","Explanation":"Definition: falling foul of one\nI'M reversed in STYE (nasty spot) \u2013 one nearly blind, because of a stye perhaps"} {"Clue":"Silly old fellow person turned away (5)","Answer":"DOBBY","Explanation":"Definition: Silly old fellow\nBOD (person) reversed then BY (away, as adverb)"} {"Clue":"Monotonous piece of music? Easy \u2013 turn it off (5)","Answer":"SAMEY","Explanation":"Definition: Monotonous\nanagram (turn it off) of Music (first letter, piece of) and EASY"} {"Clue":"Brave chap has some electric current introduced for this pretty old lamp? (7)","Answer":"LAMPION","Explanation":"Definition: pretty old lamp\nLION (brave chap) contains AMP (some electric current) \u2013 \"lampion\" and \"lamp\" are very similar"} {"Clue":"Stone on rocky road ending in money and fame (7)","Answer":"STARDOM","Explanation":"Definition: fame\nST (stone) on anagram (rocky) of ROAD and then (ending in) M\u00a0(money)"} {"Clue":"More than one sweet spot in Rome at springtime (5)","Answer":"MEATS","Explanation":"Definition: More than one sweet spot\nfound inside roME AT Springtime"} {"Clue":"None is gripped by former pestilence receding in capital (5)","Answer":"SEOUL","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nO (none) inside LUES\u00a0(pestilence, archaic) reversed"} {"Clue":"Latest bulletin due, apt to be revised (6)","Answer":"UPDATE","Explanation":"Definition: Latest bulletin\nanagram of DUE APT"} {"Clue":"Indian dish, not so hot? Sounds a bit like that \u2013 trap of a kind (8)","Answer":"CURRICLE","Explanation":"Definition: trap of a kind\nCURRI CLE sounds a bit like \"curry cool\" (Indian dish, not so hot). Can this be right? If so then it is the most tenuous homophone I have ever heard."} {"Clue":"Low country reclaimed new lines replacing old lager (8)","Answer":"PILSENER","Explanation":"Definition: lager\nPoldER (low country reclaimed) with OLD replaced by an anagram (new) of LINES"} {"Clue":"Henry taken in by five fivers, counterfeit (5)","Answer":"PHONY","Explanation":"Definition: counterfeit\nH (Henry) in PONY (\u00a325, five fivers)"} {"Clue":"Ballerina's dancing \u2013 demonstrating this an' all? (5)","Answer":"BRISE","Explanation":"Definition: Ballerina's dancing\nBALLERINA'S is an anagram of BRISE (this) AN ALL"} {"Clue":"Violinist-poet admitting love for scratchy artwork (12)","Answer":"SCRAPERBOARD","Explanation":"Definition: scratchy artwork\nSCRAPER (violinist) and BARD (poet) contains O (love)"} {"Clue":"Difficult guy, notice, going in deep (6)","Answer":"BADASS","Explanation":"Definition: Difficult guy\nAD (notice) in BASS (deep)"} {"Clue":"Parish priest gets playful about describing sermon with bits missing? (5)","Answer":"GAPPY","Explanation":"Definition: describing sermon with bits missing\nPP (parish priest) inside GAY (palyful)"} {"Clue":"Do I stand for the music? Present memory largely faulty (7)","Answer":"PROMMER","Explanation":"Definition: Do I stand for the music\nPR (present) and anagram (faulty) of MEMORy (largely) \u2013\u00a0one attending a promenade concert, where the audience can stand or walk around whist listening to the music."} {"Clue":"Tote workhouse fare, less grey on top? Stomach turns over it (6)","Answer":"MUTUEL","Explanation":"Definition: Tote\ngrUEL (workhouse fare) missing GR\u00a0at the start following TUM (stomach) reversed"} {"Clue":"I'm a rep (irregular) getting bonuses only rarely (6)","Answer":"PREMIA","Explanation":"Definition: bonuses only rarely\nanagram (irregular) of I'M A REP"} {"Clue":"Rotor terminal partly reversed \u2013 it slows spacecraft (5)","Answer":"RETRO","Explanation":"Definition: it slows spacecraft\nfound reversed inside rotOR TERminal"} {"Clue":"Country friend consigned to a bin (improperly put) (7)","Answer":"NAMIBIA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nAMI (friend) in anagram (improperly put) of A BIN. I wasted a lot of time looking for rural dialect (country) words for friend."} {"Clue":"Poet's unproductive, open country no longer near (5)","Answer":"LEANY","Explanation":"Definition: Poet's unproductive\nLEA (open country) and NY (near, obsolete) \u2013 the poet is Edmund Spenser"} {"Clue":"Author that strangely holds queue up for early books (10)","Answer":"PENTATEUCH","Explanation":"Definition: early books\nPAN (author) then anagram (strangely) of THAT containing CUE (queue) reversed. Both cue and queue are listed independently in Chambers as a twist\/braid of hair hanging down the back of the neck but they are not shown as linked, which seems odd to me."} {"Clue":"Decides about sailor with love for bits of bladderwrack (10)","Answer":"SEABOTTLES","Explanation":"Definition: bits of bladderwrack\nSETTLES (decides) containing AB\u00a0with O (love)"} {"Clue":"Chief steward, once? A couple of gypsies holding one up (7)","Answer":"MAORMOR","Explanation":"Definition: Chief steward, once\nROM ROM (gypsy, twice) containing A (one) reversed"} {"Clue":"Old-style blunderbuss, clumsily repro-ed (7)","Answer":"PEDRERO","Explanation":"Definition: Old-style blunderbuss\nanagram (clumsy) of REPRO-ED"} {"Clue":"Science briefly used to cut open first of songbirds (albeit faultily) (6)","Answer":"OSCINE","Explanation":"Definition: of songbirds (albeit faultily)\nSCI (science, briefly) inside (used to cut open) ONE (first) \u2013 adjective meaning of the Oscines (songbirds). Faulty since it is incorrectly formed, it should be written oscinine."} {"Clue":"One producing e.g. gl\u00fchwein, or wallop? (6)","Answer":"MULLER","Explanation":"Definition: One producing e.g. gl\u00fchwein\ndouble definition \u2013 one who mulls wine and to beat heavily"} {"Clue":"Dried up parts of big marine inlet repositioned (6)","Answer":"SEARED","Explanation":"Definition: Dried up\nRED SEA (big marine inlet) with the words reversed (repositioned)"} {"Clue":"Special awards for sea swimmers (5)","Answer":"SCUPS","Explanation":"Definition: sea swimmers\nS (special) and CUPS (awards)"} {"Clue":"Tropical plant earl kept in Roman vase (5)","Answer":"URENA","Explanation":"Definition: Tropical plant\nE (earl) in URNA (vase, latin)"} {"Clue":"Inner membranes not left in butchered animal (5)","Answer":"AMNIA","Explanation":"Definition: Inner membranes\nanagram (butchered) of ANIMAL missing L (left)"} {"Clue":"President's rash iron shot (8)","Answer":"HARRISON","Explanation":"Definition: President\nanagram (shot) of RASH IRON \u2013 either William or Benjamin Harrison"} {"Clue":"Loosens\u00a0trousers (6)","Answer":"SLACKS","Explanation":"Definition: Loosens\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Natural division of family leads to extremely good order (7)","Answer":"KINGDOM","Explanation":"Definition: Natural division\nKIN (family) and (leads to) GooD (extremes of) and OM (Order of Merit) \u2013 in taxonomy"} {"Clue":"State like queen overwhelmed by booze (7)","Answer":"KASHMIR","Explanation":"Definition: State\nAS (like) HM (Her Majesty, queen) inside (overwhelmed by) KIR (booze, wine and cassis). Splitting hairs, but is Kashmir really a state? I thought it was division of the State of Jammu and Kashmir."} {"Clue":"Denials valid, so was flummoxed (10)","Answer":"DISAVOWALS","Explanation":"Definition: Denials\nanagram (flummoxed) of VALID SO WAS"} {"Clue":"Turn to humour a lot (4)","Answer":"DOOM","Explanation":"Definition: a lot\nMOOD (humour) reversed (turn to) \u2013 a fate or destiny"} {"Clue":"Batman in flash car's unmasking pirates (7)","Answer":"RAIDERS","Explanation":"Definition: pirates\nAIDE (batman) in RR'S (Rolls Royce's, posh car's) \u2013 unmasking is just a link word"} {"Clue":"Stand in the French shrine (6)","Answer":"TEMPLE","Explanation":"Definition: shrine\nTEMP (stand in) and LE (the, French)"} {"Clue":"Spreading money about these days (6)","Answer":"RADIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Spreading\nRIAL (money) contains (about) AD (these days) \u2013 spreading out from the centre"} {"Clue":"Team leader in lycra's cycling clear (7)","Answer":"CRYSTAL","Explanation":"Definition: clear\nTeam (leading letter of) in anagram (cycling) of LYCRA'S"} {"Clue":"Cross diplomats' path (4)","Answer":"FORD","Explanation":"Definition: Cross\n~~I can't explain this. Diplomats Peter Ford and Robert Ford were both Ambassadors to Syria, but why \"path\"?~~ FO (Foreign Office, diplomats) and RD (road, path) \u2013 thanks to Nick"} {"Clue":"Get company representative inflamed about poultry (10)","Answer":"COMPREHEND","Explanation":"Definition: Get\nCO (company) MP (representative) and then RED (inflamed) containing HEN (poultry)"} {"Clue":"Campaign pressing South Africa on damage limitation (7)","Answer":"CRUSADE","Explanation":"Definition: Campaign\nCRU (pressing, of grapes) SA (South Africa) on DamagE (limitation, outer limits of)"} {"Clue":"Butcher and I in a state (7)","Answer":"INDIANA","Explanation":"Definition: state\nanagram (butcher) of AND I IN A"} {"Clue":"Collected boyfriend from London area (6)","Answer":"SEDATE","Explanation":"Definition: Collected\nAn SE DATE would be a boyfriend form the South East"} {"Clue":"Hide injured skier in cave (8)","Answer":"DEERSKIN","Explanation":"Definition: Hide\nanagram (injured) of SKIER in DEN (cave)"} {"Clue":"Put up with high-resolution image of president? (5)","Answer":"HIKED","Explanation":"Definition: Put up\nA high resolution image of President Eisenhower would be IKE in HD"} {"Clue":"The single thing that ruins a maiden (3)","Answer":"RUN","Explanation":"Definition: The single thing that ruins a maiden\ncryptic definition \u2013 in cricket a maiden over is one in which no runs are scored"} {"Clue":"Liked division : half double is single (10)","Answer":"INDIVIDUAL","Explanation":"Definition: single\nIN (liked) DIVIsion (half of) then DUAL (double)"} {"Clue":"Really not up, I promise (2,2,4)","Answer":"ON MY WORD","Explanation":"Definition: I promise\nupON MY WORD (really, interjection) missing UP"} {"Clue":"Misplaced loyalty often sustains tyrannical leaders (4)","Answer":"LOST","Explanation":"Definition: Misplaced\nleading letters of Loyalty Often Sustains Tyrannical"} {"Clue":"Ealing is unremarkable (11)","Answer":"COMMONPLACE","Explanation":"Definition: unremarkable\nEaling is a place with a common, Ealing Common"} {"Clue":"Tool to cut edges on blades? The opposite! (8)","Answer":"STRIMMER","Explanation":"Definition: Tool to cut edges on blades? The opposite\na tool to cut the grass (blades) on the edges of your lawn"} {"Clue":"Hear row in your head (5)","Answer":"SKULL","Explanation":"Definition: your head\nSKULL sounds like (hear) \"scull\" (row)"} {"Clue":"Have nothing to do with Spooner's currency surprise (5,6)","Answer":"STAND AROUND","Explanation":"Definition: Have nothing to do with\na spoonerism of the well known phrase RAND ASTOUND (currency surprise)"} {"Clue":"Maybe one anchoring near sewer died horribly (10)","Answer":"NEWSREADER","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe one anchoring\nanagram (horribly) of NEAR SEWER and D (died)"} {"Clue":"Monitors\u00a0old 23s (8)","Answer":"PREFECTS","Explanation":"Definition: Monitors\ndouble definition \u2013 school prefects and the Ford Prefect car"} {"Clue":"Lead character in scrape (8)","Answer":"GRAPHITE","Explanation":"Definition: Lead\nPHI (Greek character) in GRATE (scrape) \u2013 the lead in a modern pencil"} {"Clue":"Welshman gets jump start on opponents (5)","Answer":"JONES","Explanation":"Definition: Welshman\nJump (starting letter of) ON and then E and S (opponents in the card game bridge)"} {"Clue":"A lot of people from Barcelona may be raised in the gutter (5)","Answer":"DRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: the gutter\nfound inside (part of, a lot of) spaNIARDs (people form Barcelona maybe) reversed (raised)"} {"Clue":"Survive to the final (4)","Answer":"LAST","Explanation":"Definition: Survive\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Old pairs' refuge left high and dry (3)","Answer":"ARK","Explanation":"Definition: Old pairs' refuge left high and dry\ncryptic definition \u2013 in Noah's Ark the animals went in two-by-two, in pairs"} {"Clue":"Many a duck fed crackers in past week (1,4,3)","Answer":"A GOOD FEW","Explanation":"Definition: Many\nO (a duck, cricket score) with anagram (crackers) of FED inside AGO (past) W (week)"} {"Clue":"Blocked airline stops car (6)","Answer":"FORBAD","Explanation":"Definition: Blocked\nBA (British Airways) inside (stops, like a cork) FORD (car)"} {"Clue":"10, describing sentiment, gets ironic encouragement (2,2,2)","Answer":"DO GO ON","Explanation":"Definition: ironic encouragement\nDON (educator) contains (describing) GOO (sentiment)"} {"Clue":"Academic turned dirty without censor (8)","Answer":"EDUCATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Academic\nRUDE (dirty) reversed contains (without) CATO (censor)"} {"Clue":"Basically, like rambler without company (10)","Answer":"INHERENTLY","Explanation":"Definition: Basically\nINcoHERENTLY (like a ramble) missing CO (company)"} {"Clue":"What ultimately welcomes the caller? (4)","Answer":"THIS","Explanation":"Definition: the caller\nwhaT (ultimately, last letter) and HIS (hi plural, welcomes) \u2013 the person calling on a telephone"} {"Clue":"Balance in the dressing room? (6)","Answer":"OFFSET","Explanation":"Definition: Balance\nif an actor is OFF SET they may be in their dressing room"} {"Clue":"Sweet seems strangely out of fashion (4,4)","Answer":"ETON MESS","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nanagram (strangely) of SEEMS contains (out of) TON (fashion)"} {"Clue":"Spooner's baby-size bubbly stuff? (4,4)","Answer":"FROG SPIT","Explanation":"Definition: bubbly stuff\nSpoonerism of SPROG FIT (baby-sized)"} {"Clue":"Milk and old cake unfinished (6)","Answer":"EXTORT","Explanation":"Definition: Milk\nEX (old) and TORTe (cake, unfinished)"} {"Clue":"End of message cut short in public (4)","Answer":"OVER","Explanation":"Definition: End of message\nOVERt (in public, cut short)"} {"Clue":"Extremely tough guards cooked dinner (10)","Answer":"THUNDERING","Explanation":"Definition: Extremely\nTHUG (tough) contains (guards) anagram (cooked) of DINNER"} {"Clue":"Silly idea about animals in prayer (5,3)","Answer":"AGNUS DEI","Explanation":"Definition: prayer \nanagram (silly) of IDEA contains GNUS (animals) \u2013 nice to see the Gnu is getting an outing again. Can I be the only person who has a compulsive desire to write this as Angus Dei?"} {"Clue":"Country air on part of colony's border (6)","Answer":"ANTHEM","Explanation":"Definition: Country air\nANT (part of colony) on HEM (border). I was distracted by the erroneous ANTRIM for a long time."} {"Clue":"Nothing earned, I'll keep working (2,4)","Answer":"IN GEAR","Explanation":"Definition: working\nfound inside (I'll keep) nothING EARned"} {"Clue":"Welsh town's second university in about 30 days (8)","Answer":"MONMOUTH","Explanation":"Definition: Welsh town\nM( (second) U (university) in MONTH (about 30 days)"} {"Clue":"Moss pulverised with shortened axe (6,3)","Answer":"GROUND FIR","Explanation":"Definition: Moss\nGROUND (pulverised) with FIRe (axe, shortened)"} {"Clue":"Australian joke a breath of fresh air? (5)","Answer":"OZONE","Explanation":"Definition: a breath of\nOZ (Australian) ONE (joke, have you heard the one about\u2026) \u2013 once thought to be a healthy component of bracing and fresh sea air, though actually fairly poisonous"} {"Clue":"Delicate \u2013 and more so \u2013 about good clue (9)","Answer":"FINGERTIP","Explanation":"Definition: Delicate\nFINER (more delicate) contains G (good) then TIP (clue)"} {"Clue":"Fight with others, being gutless, like (7)","Answer":"WRESTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Fight\nW (with) REST (others) and LikE (outside letters only, being gutless)"} {"Clue":"Chance to escape to border country (5)","Answer":"FLUKY","Explanation":"Definition: Chance\nFLY (to escape) contains (to border) UK (country)"} {"Clue":"Fine header's off \u2013 invite another shot (9)","Answer":"REATTEMPT","Explanation":"Definition: another shot\ngREAT (fine) missing first letter (header is off) then TEMPT (invite)"} {"Clue":"Clay pots I love for mayonnaise (5)","Answer":"AIOLI","Explanation":"Definition: mayonnaise\nALI (former Cassius Clay) contains (pots) I O (love)"} {"Clue":"Die from something added to drink (5-4)","Answer":"SUGAR-CUBE","Explanation":"Definition: Die\ndouble definition? cryptic definition? \u2013 a sugar lump is a small cube, a die, that is added to a drink. I had SUGAR-LUMP written in here for a while which caused me problems later on."} {"Clue":"On twisting road, new RV in red (9)","Answer":"OVERDRAWN","Explanation":"Definition: in red\nanagram )on twisting) of ROAD NEW RV"} {"Clue":"Tough line over one area of treatment (9)","Answer":"STRINGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Tough\nSTRING (line) on ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat, one area of treatment)"} {"Clue":"At sea, mist encompasses our travel concerns? (7)","Answer":"TOURISM","Explanation":"Definition: travel concerns\nanagram (at sea) of MIST contains OUR"} {"Clue":"Particular eater of Dutch sandwiches for example (5)","Answer":"VEGAN","Explanation":"Definition: Particular eater\nVAN (of, in Dutch) contains (sandwiches) EG (for example)"} {"Clue":"Royal house staff heading off but returning (5)","Answer":"TUDOR","Explanation":"Definition: Royal house\nROD (staff) and bUT (missing head) all reversed (returning)"} {"Clue":"Old car with alien passenger, 21 (5)","Answer":"RETRO","Explanation":"Definition: Old\nRR (car, Rolls Royce) contains (with passenger) ET (alien) then O (over)"} {"Clue":"Complaint from city over labyrinth half back to front (6)","Answer":"ECZEMA","Explanation":"Definition: Complaint\nEC (East Central, The City of London postcode) on MAZe (labyrinth) with Ze (half of the back part\u00a0) moved to the front"} {"Clue":"Anxiously think back about difficulty that's in the frame (8)","Answer":"DOORJAMB","Explanation":"Definition: the frame\nBROOD (anxiously think) reversed (back) containing JAM (difficulty)"} {"Clue":"It makes one sick to refer to Philistine coming up (6)","Answer":"EMETIC","Explanation":"Definition: It makes one sick\nCITE (refer to) ME (Philistine, the setter) reversed (coming up)"} {"Clue":"Taking peeps, possibly predisposed to get sleazy (6)","Answer":"SORDID","Explanation":"Definition: sleazy\nSORDID with PEEPS gives an anagram (possibly) of PREDISPOSED"} {"Clue":"Voters thrill about East End bully (10)","Answer":"ELECTORATE","Explanation":"Definition: Voters\nELATE (thrill) contains (about) 'ECTOR (bully, hector in East End accent)"} {"Clue":"After losing heart, shake and almost crack the symbol (6,4)","Answer":"TREBLE CLEF","Explanation":"Definition: the symbol \nTREmBLE (shake, losing heart) then CLEFt (crack, almost)"} {"Clue":"Season\u00a0well (6)","Answer":"SPRING","Explanation":"Definition: Season\ndouble definition \u2013 nice!"} {"Clue":"Starts to feel at home after toilet cleaner (6)","Answer":"LOOFAH","Explanation":"Definition: cleaner \nstarting letters of Feel At Home following LOO (toilet)"} {"Clue":"Heard of compiler's link with drink (3,3)","Answer":"MAI TAI","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nsounds like (heard of) my tie (compiler's link)"} {"Clue":"Camp sitcom to conceal greeting (2-2-2)","Answer":"HI-DE-HI","Explanation":"Definition: Camp sitcom\nHIDE (to conceal) and HI (greeting)"} {"Clue":"English adjective describing act of worship (4)","Answer":"HADJ","Explanation":"Definition: act of worship\nfound inside (described by) englisH ADJective"} {"Clue":"Reject agreement to kiss for a coin (6)","Answer":"KOPECK","Explanation":"Definition: a coin\nOK (agreement) rejected then PECK (kiss)"} {"Clue":"Syndicate permitted drivers to reverse (6)","Answer":"CARTEL","Explanation":"Definition: Syndicate\nLET (permitted) and RAC (Royal Automobile Club, drivers) reversed"} {"Clue":"Fruit in a can? The opposite element (8)","Answer":"PLATINUM","Explanation":"Definition: element\nTIN (can) in PLUM (fruit)"} {"Clue":"King of Borneo is corrupt (6)","Answer":"OBERON","Explanation":"Definition: King\nanagram (corrupt) of BORNEO"} {"Clue":"For example, Blair's licit activity in motion (8)","Answer":"POLITICO","Explanation":"Definition: For example, Blair\nanagram (activity of) LICIT in POO (motion)"} {"Clue":"Pull sack out to find hat (8)","Answer":"SKULLCAP","Explanation":"Definition: hat\nanagram (out) of PULL SACK"} {"Clue":"Republicans start to question republic (4)","Answer":"IRAQ","Explanation":"Definition: republic\nIRA (republicans) then Question (starting letter of)"} {"Clue":"Across the water, five reportedly went under (4)","Answer":"CINQ","Explanation":"Definition: Across the water, five\nsounds like (reportedly) sank (went under)"} {"Clue":"Report of us being kinky in bed (4-6)","Answer":"FOUR POSTER","Explanation":"Definition: bed\nanagram (being kinky) of REPORT OF US"} {"Clue":"Now playing: Love Amongst Girls for self-harm (3,5)","Answer":"OWN GOALS","Explanation":"Definition: self-harm\nanagram (playing) of NOW then O (love) in GALS (girls)"} {"Clue":"Soup extremely cold? Minimal amounts of Tabasco will, if stirred thoroughly, give it this (5,5)","Answer":"SPICY TWIST","Explanation":"Definition: this\nSouP (extremely, outside letters of) ICY (cold) then first letters (minimal amounts) of Tabasco Will If Stirred Thoroughly"} {"Clue":"During car crash, I left to get wine (5,3)","Answer":"GRAND CRU","Explanation":"Definition: wine\nanagram (crash) of DURiNG CAR missing I"} {"Clue":"Posed with vehicle going the wrong way without this? (6)","Answer":"SATNAV","Explanation":"Definition: this\nSAT (posed) with VAN (vehicle) reversed (going the wrong way)"} {"Clue":"\"Farewell, love and war\" starts the rule (6)","Answer":"BYELAW","Explanation":"Definition: the rule\nBYE (farewell) then starting lettes of Love AndWar"} {"Clue":"The kind of joke that rhymes with more than one? (4)","Answer":"HOAX","Explanation":"Definition: kind of joke\nHOAX rhymes with \"jokes\" (more than one joke)"} {"Clue":"It's courtesy to weep about high values, when half is wiped out (8)","Answer":"CHIVALRY","Explanation":"Definition: It's courtesy\nCRY (to weep) contains HIgh VALues (half missing)"} {"Clue":"Male ice bath craze uncovered in prison (8)","Answer":"ALCATRAZ","Explanation":"Definition: prison\n~~AL (male, man's name) then~~ mALe iCe bATh cRAZe (no outside letters, uncovered)"} {"Clue":"Excessively bulky when including everything (5)","Answer":"GROSS","Explanation":"Definition: Excessively\ndouble definition. My mistaken first attempt was FATAL: FAT (bulky) AL (all, including everything)"} {"Clue":"Fish with a rod and something once used by soldiers at the front (9)","Answer":"PIKE-PERCH","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\nPERCH (a rod) following (with\u2026at the front) PIKE (something once used by soldiers) \u2013 my first attempt was PIKE STAFF (fish + rod)"} {"Clue":"Consider giving up a bit of territory to bring about agreement (7)","Answer":"MEDIATE","Explanation":"Definition: to bring about agreement \nMEDItATE (consider) missing Territory(first letter, a bit of)"} {"Clue":"Neglected in spite of Newton embracing traditional learning endlessly (7)","Answer":"FORLORN","Explanation":"Definition: Neglected\nFOR (in spite of) N (newton) contains LORe (traditional learning, endlessly)"} {"Clue":"Abandoned team-mates tie without Henry nevertheless (2,3,4,4)","Answer":"AT THE SAME TIME","Explanation":"Definition: nevertheless\nanagram (abandoned) of TEAM-MATES TIE containing (without) H (henry)"} {"Clue":"Cover over swimming pool (4)","Answer":"LIDO","Explanation":"Definition: swimming pool\nLID (cover) and O (over)"} {"Clue":"Based on experience of English politician in charge during rail reorganisation (9)","Answer":"EMPIRICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Based on experience\nE (English) MP (politician) then IC (in charge) inside anagram (reorganisation) of RAIL"} {"Clue":"What Kathleen Ferrier was right about after working in California before (9)","Answer":"CONTRALTO","Explanation":"Definition: What Kathleen Ferrier was\nRT (right) reversed (about) following (after) ON (working) in CAL (California) then TO (before)"} {"Clue":"Country fellow in pursuit of love (4)","Answer":"OMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nMAN (fellow) following (in pursuit of) O (love, zero tennis score)"} {"Clue":"Dicky posits an idea about opening of summer fair (13)","Answer":"DISPASSIONATE","Explanation":"Definition: fair\nanagram (dicky) of POSITS AN IDEA containing Summer (opening letter of)"} {"Clue":"Complain about foreigners essentially occupying a Scottish island (7)","Answer":"ARRAIGN","Explanation":"Definition: Complain about\nforeIGners (essentially, middle letters of) inside ARRAN (Scottish island)"} {"Clue":"Look into the start of professionalism in cricket for example (7)","Answer":"INSPECT","Explanation":"Definition: Look into\nProfessionalism (starting letter of) in INSECT (cricket for example)"} {"Clue":"Remain doubtful about arresting the Queen's sycophantic followers (7-2)","Answer":"HANGERS-ON","Explanation":"Definition: sycophantic followers\nHANG ON (remain doubtful about?) contains ER'S (The Queen's)"} {"Clue":"Increase\u00a0offer (3,2)","Answer":"PUT UP","Explanation":"Definition: Increase\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Plucky in sport of any kind (4)","Answer":"GAME","Explanation":"Definition: Plucky \ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Eccentric novelist destroys miscellaneous articles (4,3,4)","Answer":"ODDS AND ENDS","Explanation":"Definition: miscellaneous articles\nODD (eccentric) George SAND (novellist) with ENDS (destroys)"} {"Clue":"Revealing to find heartless spy full of sanctimonious talk (6)","Answer":"SCANTY","Explanation":"Definition: Revealing\nSpY (heartless) contains (full of) CANT (sanctimonious talk)"} {"Clue":"Example of a man finally moving up bit by bit (9)","Answer":"PIECEMEAL","Explanation":"Definition: bit by bit\nPIECE (example) MALE (of a man) with final letter moved up the word"} {"Clue":"Writer from France possessed by spirits (5)","Answer":"KAFKA","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\nF (France) inside (possessed by) KA KA (spirit, twice)"} {"Clue":"Leave before taking in rector's formal garden (8)","Answer":"PARTERRE","Explanation":"Definition: formal garden\nPART (leave) then ERE (before) containing R (rector)"} {"Clue":"Girl ignoring lawyer's letter (3)","Answer":"RHO","Explanation":"Definition: letter\nRHOda (girl's name, meaning rose) missing DA (lawyer)"} {"Clue":"Departs with ninth earl to ramble in remote area (10)","Answer":"HINTERLAND","Explanation":"Definition: remote area\nanagram (to ramble) of D (departs) with NINTH EARL"} {"Clue":"Foolishly in contempt over the introduction of evidence when not legally qualified (11)","Answer":"INCOMPETENT","Explanation":"Definition: not legally qualified\nanagram (foolishly) of IN CONTEMPT containing (over) Evidence (introduction of, first letter)"} {"Clue":"Help to frame first of lectures on the end of disease (5,5)","Answer":"BLACK DEATH","Explanation":"Definition: disease\nBACK (help) contains (to frame) Lectures (first letter of) on DEATH (the end of)"} {"Clue":"In favour of poet's publicity campaign (9)","Answer":"PROMOTION","Explanation":"Definition: publicity campaign\nPRO (in favour of) and Andrew MOTION (poet)"} {"Clue":"Discuss the earliest of explorations around Iceland in a written composition (8)","Answer":"TREATISE","Explanation":"Definition: a written composition\nTREAT (discuss) Explorations (first, earliest letter of) contains (around) I (Iceland)"} {"Clue":"Let go by Bottom after pressure to get out of bed (4,2)","Answer":"PASS UP","Explanation":"Definition: Let go\nASS (bottom) following P (pressure) with (to get) UP (out of bed)"} {"Clue":"Popular in the London area at society functions (5)","Answer":"SINES","Explanation":"Definition: functions\nIN (popular) in SE (London area) with S (society \u2013 mathematical functions"} {"Clue":"Desist from temper tantrum right away (4)","Answer":"STOP","Explanation":"Definition: Desist\nSTrOP (temper tantrum) missing R (right)"} {"Clue":"Manage to find a ladder (3)","Answer":"RUN","Explanation":"Definition: Manage\ndouble definition \u2013 ladder in a pair of tights for example"} {"Clue":"Emphatically bad \u2013 no plaice available in town on the Fylde (6)","Answer":"LYTHAM","Explanation":"Definition: town on the Fylde\nanagram (bad) of eMpHaTiCALlY missing PLAICE"} {"Clue":"Work-room setback subsequently at Deeside resort (8)","Answer":"BALLATER","Explanation":"Definition: Deeside resort\nLAB (work-room) reversed (set back) then LATER (subsequently)"} {"Clue":"Determined grandma knocked back French port (6)","Answer":"NANTES","Explanation":"Definition: French port\nSET (determined) NAN (grandma) all reversed (knocked back)"} {"Clue":"Host and family call round endlessly on mountain (8)","Answer":"MCKINLEY","Explanation":"Definition: mountain\nMC (host) and KIN inside (with\u2026round) YELL (call, missing last letter)"} {"Clue":"Competed wearing spectacles, in Spanish city (6)","Answer":"OVIEDO","Explanation":"Definition: Spanish city\nVIED (competed) in OO (wearing spectacles)"} {"Clue":"Present way to cross breed of cattle (8)","Answer":"HEREFORD","Explanation":"Definition: breed of cattle\nHERE (present) FORD (way to cross)"} {"Clue":"Turkish town and lake in the savannah (3)","Answer":"VAN","Explanation":"Definition: Turkish town and lake\nfound in saVANnah"} {"Clue":"Might it be Brest, a capital of Bigorre (6)","Answer":"TARBES","Explanation":"Definition: capital of Bigorre\nanagram of BREST A"} {"Clue":"Dejected after All Saints' Day in Serbian city (4,3)","Answer":"NOVI SAD","Explanation":"Definition: Serbian city\nSAD (dejected) following NOV I (1st November, All Saints' Day)"} {"Clue":"Come round about eleven in country (6)","Answer":"MEXICO","Explanation":"Definition: country\nanagram (round) of COME contains XI (eleven)"} {"Clue":"Marble from Devonshire river (3)","Answer":"TAW","Explanation":"Definition: Devonshire river\na marble in the game of Marbles"} {"Clue":"Carried money, reportedly for wine (8)","Answer":"BORDEAUX","Explanation":"Definition: wine\nBOR DEAUX sounds like (reportedly) \"bore dough\" (carried money)"} {"Clue":"Village near Loch Lomond of shooting star \u2013 Bethlehem? (6)","Answer":"TARBET","Explanation":"Definition: Village near Loch Lomond\nfound inside sTARBEThlehem \u2013 I'm not sure about \"shooting\""} {"Clue":"Royal burgh charges keeping firm in trouble (8)","Answer":"DUMFRIES","Explanation":"Definition: Royal burgh\nDUES (charges) contains anagram (in trouble) of FIRM"} {"Clue":"South coast river through the heart of York's historic street (6)","Answer":"HAMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: South coast river\nsHAMBLEs (York's historic street), middle letters (heart of)"} {"Clue":"The food's untouched, we're told, in Warwickshire town (8)","Answer":"NUNEATON","Explanation":"Definition: Warwickshire town\nNUN EATON sounds like (we are told) \"none eaten\" (food's untouched)"} {"Clue":"North-east, towards French capital of department (6)","Answer":"NEVERS","Explanation":"Definition: capital of department\nNE (north-east) then VERS (towards, French)"} {"Clue":"Monthly tours include university in Devonshire resort (8)","Answer":"LYNMOUTH","Explanation":"Definition: Devonshire resort\nanagram (tours) of MONTHLY includes U (universirty)"} {"Clue":"What could be angriest city in Africa (8)","Answer":"TANGIERS","Explanation":"Definition: city in Africa\nanagram of ANGRIEST"} {"Clue":"Two rivers shielded by a mountain city at Royal burgh (8)","Answer":"ABERDEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Royal burgh\nR (river) and DEE (another river) inside (shielded by) A BEN (mountain)"} {"Clue":"A long name for German city (6)","Answer":"AACHEN","Explanation":"Definition: German city\nA ACHE (long) N (name) \u2013 superb!"} {"Clue":"Wreath on earth in Dutch city (6)","Answer":"LEIDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Dutch city\nLEI (wreath) on DEN (earth)"} {"Clue":"Drag act includes topless drag act in town in Co. Carlow (6)","Answer":"TULLOW","Explanation":"Definition: town in Co. Carlow\nTOW (an act of dragging) contains pULL (an act of dragging, topless)"} {"Clue":"Arabian capital investment originally in Hardy novel (6)","Answer":"RIYADH","Explanation":"Definition: Arabian capital\nInvestment (originally, first letter) in anagram (novel) of HARDY"} {"Clue":"Prince provided a cross for Canadian city (7)","Answer":"HALIFAX","Explanation":"Definition: Canadian city\nHAL (prince, Henry) IF (provided) A X (cross)"} {"Clue":"Female to prepare for future growth in Stafford's river (3)","Answer":"SOW","Explanation":"Definition: Stafford's river\nthe same word used as a noun and verb: a sow is a female, to sow is to prepare for future growth"} {"Clue":"Engine part nearly arrived on university river (3)","Answer":"CAM","Explanation":"Definition: university river\nCAM (engine part) and also CAMe (arrived, nearly)"} {"Clue":"Brought back to conscious state in America (8)","Answer":"DELAWARE","Explanation":"Definition: state in America\nLED (brought) reversed (back) with AWARE (concious)"} {"Clue":"It's unknown I'm with child outside in the country (8)","Answer":"ZIMBABWE","Explanation":"Definition: country\nZ (unknown, in equations) I'M then W (with) inside BABE (child)"} {"Clue":"People feeling regret about old battle in 1356 (8)","Answer":"POITIERS","Explanation":"Definition: battle in 1356\nPITIERS (people feeling regret) contains O (old)"} {"Clue":"Rankin going round wicked Nigerian state capital (6)","Answer":"IBADAN","Explanation":"Definition: Nigerian state capital\nIAN (Ian Rankin, author) contains (going round) BAD (wicked)"} {"Clue":"City centre of Leibnitz occupied by army corps (6)","Answer":"BREMEN","Explanation":"Definition: City\nleiBNitz (centre of) contains (occupied by) REME (army corps)"} {"Clue":"Exercise with oxygen with fresh air at Illinois port (6)","Answer":"PEORIA","Explanation":"Definition: Illinois port\nPE (exercise) with O (oxygen) with anagram (fresh) of AIR"} {"Clue":"Formal dress in town in Orange County (6)","Answer":"TUXEDO","Explanation":"Definition: ormal dress\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"This male uses a liquid on your back (7)","Answer":"MASSEUR","Explanation":"Definition: This\nanagram (liquid) of M (male) USES a on youR (back, last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Excellent clue to start of puzzle (6)","Answer":"TIPTOP","Explanation":"Definition: Excellent\nTIP (clue) with TO and then Puzzle (starting letter of)"} {"Clue":"Dissolve a granule with iodine for this? (9)","Answer":"NEURALGIA","Explanation":"Definition: this\nanagram (dissolve) of A GRANULE with I (iodine) \u2013 a quick glance through some Google results shows neuralgia is linked to iodine, though as a cure or side-effect of treatment is not immediately clear."} {"Clue":"Bloody Chambers! It's an endless nuisance (5)","Answer":"ATRIA","Explanation":"Definition: Bloody Chambers\nA TRIAl (nuisance, endless) \u2013 blood-filled chambers in the heart"} {"Clue":"Lie on wool for one (5)","Answer":"FIBRE","Explanation":"Definition: for one\nFIB (lie) and RE (regarding, on) \u2013 for one type of fibre"} {"Clue":"Attractive woman hires a daily nurse (4,5)","Answer":"LOOK AFTER","Explanation":"Definition: nurse\nLOOKER (attractive woman) contains (hires) A FT (daily, newspaper)"} {"Clue":"They walk out\u00a0forwards typically (8)","Answer":"STRIKERS","Explanation":"Definition: They walk out\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Coach said to welcome volunteers in grounds (6)","Answer":"STADIA","Explanation":"Definition: grounds\nanagram (coach) of SAID contains (to welcome) TA (Territorial Army, volunteers)"} {"Clue":"Buried weapons here in sweater? (6)","Answer":"ARMPIT","Explanation":"Definition: Buried weapons here\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Big hack chops joint that's raw (8)","Answer":"UNEDITED","Explanation":"Definition: raw\nED (editor, big hack) inside (chops) UNITED (joint)"} {"Clue":"Expecting chic lech to misbehave in bath? (2,3,4)","Answer":"IN THE CLUB","Explanation":"Definition: Expecting\nIN (chic) then anagram of LECH in TUB (bath)"} {"Clue":"Solicitor neglects wife in bed (5)","Answer":"LAYER","Explanation":"Definition: bed \nLAwYER missing W (wife)"} {"Clue":"Bottle last of gin the day before hosting royal (5)","Answer":"NERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Bottle\ngiN (last letter of) then EVE (the day before) containing R (royal)"} {"Clue":"Putin came out, all puffed up (9)","Answer":"PNEUMATIC","Explanation":"Definition: all puffed up\nanagram (out) of PUTIN CAME"} {"Clue":"What worms do with their cast (6)","Answer":"WRITHE","Explanation":"Definition: What worms do\nW (with) and anagram (cast) of THEIR"} {"Clue":"Yankee Republican faces guards, keepers of crown jewels (1-6)","Answer":"Y-FRONTS","Explanation":"Definition: keepers of crown jewels\nY (yankee) then R (republican) inside (with\u2026guarding) FONTS (type faces)"} {"Clue":"A sign famine ran riot at Waterloo, say? (13)","Answer":"MANIFESTATION","Explanation":"Definition: A sign\nanagram (ran riot) of FAMINE the STATION (Waterloo say)"} {"Clue":"Sleep soundly at first like logs (7)","Answer":"SLUMBER","Explanation":"Definition: Sleep\nSoundly (first letter of) and LUMBER (like logs)"} {"Clue":"Deliver a sermon, some of it cut (5)","Answer":"ERASE","Explanation":"Definition: cut\nfound inside (some of it) delivER A SErmon"} {"Clue":"Force members to become frequent customers (8)","Answer":"REGULARS","Explanation":"Definition: Force members\ndouble definition. The two meaning seem very closely related to me."} {"Clue":"Milk supplier, crossing river, leaves container (6)","Answer":"TEA POT","Explanation":"Definition: leaves container\nTEAT (milk supplier) contains (crossing) PO (river in Italy)"} {"Clue":"Pretended place amateur sailed lacks harbour (4-5)","Answer":"PLAY-ACTED","Explanation":"Definition: Pretended\nPL (place) A (amateur) and YATChED (sailed) missing H (harbour)"} {"Clue":"Field measure long ago appeared in dictionary (7)","Answer":"OERSTED","Explanation":"Definition: Field measure\nERST (formerly, long ago) in OED (Oxford English Dictionary) \u2013 a measure of magnetic field strength"} {"Clue":"Cardigans are knitted by son \u2013 snobs put them on (4,3,6)","Answer":"AIRS AND GRACES","Explanation":"Definition: snobs put them on\nanagram (knitted) of CARDIGANS ARE then (son)"} {"Clue":"Cook tinkers, installing iron piece in carvery (5,4)","Answer":"KNIFE REST","Explanation":"Definition: piece in carvery\nanagram (cook) of TINKERS contains FE (iron)"} {"Clue":"B. Bryson works about English snootiness (8)","Answer":"SNOBBERY","Explanation":"Definition: snootiness\nanagram (works) of B BRYSON containing (about) E (English)"} {"Clue":"More red or less green? (7)","Answer":"MATURER","Explanation":"Definition: More red\ncould be more red like a tomato, or less green like an experienced person"} {"Clue":"He leaves 31 swimming to do what sharks do (3,2,2)","Answer":"TRY IT ON","Explanation":"Definition: to do what sharks do\nanagram (swimming) of ThIRTY ONe missing HE"} {"Clue":"Go by circuits connecting tablets (6)","Answer":"ELAPSE","Explanation":"Definition: Go by\nLAPS (circuits) between (connecting) E and E (tablets, of ecstasy)"} {"Clue":"Primate violates rule about Mass (5)","Answer":"LEMUR","Explanation":"Definition: Primate\nanagram (violates) of RULE containing (about) M (mass)"} {"Clue":"Appoint new European leader based in Avignon, perhaps (8)","Answer":"ANTIPOPE","Explanation":"Definition: leader based in Avignon, perhaps\nanagram (new) of APPOINT then E (European) \u2013 Pope Clement VII and subsequents who opposed the election of Pope Urban VI in Rome. Leader could also be part of the wordplay."} {"Clue":"Broadcast endless spite; see if I care! (2,4)","Answer":"SO WHAT","Explanation":"Definition: see if I care\nSOW (broadcast) and HATe (spite, endless)"} {"Clue":"Palestinian community in Texas famous for producing raspberries (3,5)","Answer":"THE BRONX","Explanation":"Definition: famous for producing raspberries\nHEBRON (Palestinian community) in TX (Texas) \u2013 to blow a raspberrry is also know as to make a Bronx cheer"} {"Clue":"A Red Sea department, where everything's French? (6)","Answer":"MERLOT","Explanation":"Definition: A Red\nMER and LOT are \"sea\" (in French) and a department (of France) \u2013 a red wine"} {"Clue":"Covent Garden welcomes a contralto, one with plenty of scales! (5)","Answer":"ROACH","Explanation":"Definition: one with plenty of scales\nROH (Royal Opera House, aka Covent Garden) contains A C (contralto) \u2013 a fish"} {"Clue":"Not being rational, I tamper with international call log (9)","Answer":"ILLOGICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Not being rational\nI then anagram (tamper with) of I (international) CALL LOG"} {"Clue":"Blackthorns cover Portugal hillsides (6)","Answer":"SLOPES","Explanation":"Definition: hillsides \nSLOES (blackthorns) containing P (Portugal)"} {"Clue":"Constable arrests Henry The Mad Axeman (7)","Answer":"CHOPPER","Explanation":"Definition: The Mad Axeman\nCOPPER (constable) contains H (henry)"} {"Clue":"Avignon had one across \u2013 if loud \u2013 he opposed the one across in Avignon! (7)","Answer":"PONTIFF","Explanation":"Definition: he opposed the one across in Avignon\nPONT (Avignon had one across, Sur le Pont D'Avignon\u2026) with IF F (forte, loud)"} {"Clue":"Chap \u2013 no earplugs \u2013 part of the problem in sleeping? (6)","Answer":"APNOEA","Explanation":"Definition: the problem in sleeping\nfound inside (part of) chAP NO EArplugs"} {"Clue":"That time when one's spirits are low? (5,4)","Answer":"HAPPY HOUR","Explanation":"Definition: That time when one's spirits are low\ncryptic definition \u2013 when the price of spirits is low. What an excellent and contrary definition!"} {"Clue":"Dessert that may go off, we're told (5)","Answer":"BOMBE","Explanation":"Definition: Dessert\nsounds like (we're told) \"bomb\" (something that may go off)"} {"Clue":"He's taking interest in United, growing more confident (6)","Answer":"USURER","Explanation":"Definition: He's taking interest\nU (united) with SURER (growing more confident)"} {"Clue":"Cold war Russian bishop never wanders outside Z\u00fcrich's boundaries (8)","Answer":"BREZHNEV","Explanation":"Definition: Cold war Russian\nB (bishop) then anagram (wanders) of NEVER containing ZuricH (boundaries, outside letters)"} {"Clue":"Drunk neat (about 100ml) (6)","Answer":"TIDDLY","Explanation":"Definition: Drunk\nTIDY (neat) contains DL (100ml)"} {"Clue":"He destroyed an election over there (8)","Answer":"APOLLYON","Explanation":"Definition: He destroyed\nA POLL (election) YON (over there) \u2013 Greek name for Abaddon, bringer of destruction"} {"Clue":"It's behind a leading German magazine (6)","Answer":"ASTERN","Explanation":"Definition: It's behind\nA with STERN (leading German magazine). A simple clue, but difficult to see the wood for the trees."} {"Clue":"Pole halting fund transfer as a result of Brexit? (3,7,5)","Answer":"THE FALLING POUND","Explanation":"Definition: as a result of Brexit\nanagram (transfer) of POLE HALTING FUND"} {"Clue":"One living with 12, might have 27 (5)","Answer":"PERCH","Explanation":"Definition: One living with 12\nyou might find A POLLY (parrot) ON a perch"} {"Clue":"Potter's musical girl is a gift from God, I'm told (2 or 7?) (7,4,6)","Answer":"PENNIES FROM HEAVEN","Explanation":"Definition: Potter's musical\nPENNIES sounds like (I'm told) \"Penny's from heaven\" (girl is a gift from God) \u2013 musical by Dennis Potter and two bonus cryptic definitions"} {"Clue":"Balls' audible whinge, having put on weight (9)","Answer":"OVERGROWN","Explanation":"Definition: having put on weight\nOVER (six balls, cricket) with GROWN sounds like (audible) \"groan\" (whinge)"} {"Clue":"It's thrown overboard to relieve peril the economy is suffering (10,5)","Answer":"HELICOPTER MONEY","Explanation":"Definition: It's thrown overboard to relieve\nanagram (is sufferinf) of PERIL THE ECONOMY \u2013 a form of quantative easing. I don't really understand what Helcopter Money is but you can read about it yourself here\u2026"} {"Clue":"Acting as guardian for boy king, knocking off early (8)","Answer":"TUTELARY","Explanation":"Definition: Acting as guardian for\nTUT (Tutankhamun, boy king) with anagram (knocking off) EARLY"} {"Clue":"Say the EU say \"stop\"? (4)","Answer":"BLOC","Explanation":"Definition: Say the EU\nsounds like (say) \"block\" (stop)"} {"Clue":"Loo to close \u2013 it's official (5,4)","Answer":"PRIVY SEAL","Explanation":"Definition: official\nPRIVY (loo) with SEAL (to close)"} {"Clue":"Lift\u00a0required by 16? (8)","Answer":"UPTHRUST","Explanation":"Definition: Lift\ndouble definition? cryptic definition? Just a definition?"} {"Clue":"Charity work from Sky using 16 perhaps? (7)","Answer":"AIRDROP","Explanation":"Definition: Charity work from Sky using 16 perhaps\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Maybe Zelda features this setting (5)","Answer":"BEZEL","Explanation":"Definition: setting\nfound inside (features in) mayBE ZELda"} {"Clue":"Hat she lost in open spaces (6)","Answer":"HEATHS","Explanation":"Definition: open spaces\nanagram (lost) of HAT SHE"} {"Clue":"Silly smile welcomes Henry King, the beach forager (8)","Answer":"SHRIMPER","Explanation":"Definition: beach forager\nSIMPER (silly smile) contains H (henry) and R (rex, king)"} {"Clue":"Stylish ceremony cut short with axes (5)","Answer":"RITZY","Explanation":"Definition: Stylish\nRITe (ceremony) and YZ (axes, on a graph). It took me ages to see the alternative meaning of \"axes\"."} {"Clue":"As an example, Magritte comes back with policeman holding a new household tool (3-6)","Answer":"CAN-OPENER","Explanation":"Definition: household tool\nRENE (Rene Magritte for example) reversed (comes back) following (with) COP (policeman) containing A N (new)"} {"Clue":"Complain about Brussels after very unfair distribution (5-2)","Answer":"CARVE-UP","Explanation":"Definition: unfair distribution\nCARP (complain) containing (about) EU (European Union, aka \"Brussels\") following V (very)"} {"Clue":"P for one is copper in part (7)","Answer":"BISCUIT","Explanation":"Definition: P\nIS CU (copper) in BIT (part) \u2013 a Penguin Bar is a chocolate coated biscuit"} {"Clue":"One going across wasted hours and hours getting food (4)","Answer":"EATS","Explanation":"Definition: food\nhEAThS (1ac, one going across) missing H and H (hours and hours)"} {"Clue":"African capital needing North American club host to call round before (8)","Answer":"NDJAMENA","Explanation":"Definition: African capital\nN (north) A (American) following (needing\u2026before) DJ (club host) inside (with\u2026round) NAME (to call)"} {"Clue":"Complaints of sailor in terrible crash (8)","Answer":"CATARRHS","Explanation":"Definition: Complaints\nTAR (sailor) in anagram (terrible) CRASH"} {"Clue":"P possibly seen in clubs? (4)","Answer":"SUIT","Explanation":"Definition: P possibly\ndouble definition \u2013 a penguin suit is dinner dress or Tuxedo"} {"Clue":"British Library surrounded by spaces with special signs (7)","Answer":"EMBLEMS","Explanation":"Definition: signs\nB (British) L (library) inside EM EM (two spaces, printing) with S (special)"} {"Clue":"A capital back outside P (7)","Answer":"EMPEROR","Explanation":"Definition: P\nA (per, two-a-penny) inside (with\u2026outside) ROME (capital) reversed (back) \u2013 a type of penguin"} {"Clue":"Spooner says which person made hay like Zaphod Beeblebrox (3-6)","Answer":"TWO-HEADED","Explanation":"Definition: like Zaphod Beeblebrox\na Spoonerism of \"who tedded?\" (which person made hay?)"} {"Clue":"Endless records to play by the fireside (5)","Answer":"INGLE","Explanation":"Definition: by the fireside\nsINGLEs (records, endless). I'm not sure about \"to play\", it seems a but redundant."} {"Clue":"Looking for game supported by browser (2,6)","Answer":"ON SAFARI","Explanation":"Definition: Looking for game\nON (supported by) SAFARI (web browser by Apple)"} {"Clue":"Books on old soldiers still around (6)","Answer":"EXTANT","Explanation":"Definition: still around\nNT (books, of Bible) following (on) EX (old) TA (Territorial Army, soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Woman's companion, the Spanish astronomer (8)","Answer":"HERSCHEL","Explanation":"Definition: astronomer\nHERS (woman's) CH (Companion of Honour) and EL (the, Spanish)"} {"Clue":"About to get into pictures, caper around P's domain (9)","Answer":"ANTARCTIC","Explanation":"Definition: P's domain\nC (circa, about) in ART (pictures) all inside (with\u2026getting round) ANTIC (caper)"} {"Clue":"Cyclist's short impression of a tomboy (6)","Answer":"HOYDEN","Explanation":"Definition: a tomboy\nHOY (Sir Chris Hoy, cyclist) and DENt (impression, short)"} {"Clue":"The bun Gary had prepared barely survived (4,2,1,6)","Answer":"HUNG BY A THREAD","Explanation":"Definition: barely survived\nanagram (prepared) of THE BUN GARY HAD"} {"Clue":"Mostly drive round fool in a standoff (7)","Answer":"IMPASSE","Explanation":"Definition: a standoff\nIMPEl (drive, mostly) contains ASS (fool)"} {"Clue":"Children's P found in bookshop in Guildford (5)","Answer":"PINGU","Explanation":"Definition: Children's P\nfound inside bookshoP IN GUilford"} {"Clue":"Artist's artistry oddly not an uncommon thing (6)","Answer":"RARITY","Explanation":"Definition: uncommon thing\nRA (Royal Academician, artist) then aRtIsTrY (oddly, every other letter of)"} {"Clue":"Limit on red card use irritated P's opponent (5,8)","Answer":"CAPED CRUSADER","Explanation":"Definition: P's opponent\nCAP (linit) on anagram (irritated) of RED CARD USE"} {"Clue":"Very strong acid, say, kept in fish tanks (4,5)","Answer":"AQUA REGIA","Explanation":"Definition: Very strong acid\nEG (say) in AQUARIA (fish tanks)"} {"Clue":"Most inhospitable small boat in river (8)","Answer":"STARKEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most inhospitable\nS (small) then ARK (boat) in TEST (river, in south of England)"} {"Clue":"Article about ring following from it (7)","Answer":"THEREOF","Explanation":"Definition: from it\nTHE (article) RE (regarding, about) O (a ring) and F (following)"} {"Clue":"Officer, also P (6)","Answer":"GENTOO","Explanation":"Definition: P\nGEN (general, officer) and TOO (also) \u2013 a type of Penguin"} {"Clue":"P's first to break bone by ancient statue (6)","Answer":"SPHINX","Explanation":"Definition: ancient statue\nPenguin (first letter of) inside SHIN (bone) then X (by, eg 3 x 2 or three-by-two). \"P's first\" looks a bit odd as P stands for penguin, whose first letter is just P again."} {"Clue":"Black birds not right for product of P? (5)","Answer":"BOOKS","Explanation":"Definition: product of P\nB (black) and rOOKS (birds) missing R (right) \u2013 Penguin is a publishing company"} {"Clue":"Adulterous cavalier lax with two redheads at a time (12)","Answer":"EXTRAMARITAL","Explanation":"Definition: Adulterous\nanagram (cavalier) of LAX R R (red head, twice) and AT A TIME"} {"Clue":"Since it needs milk, sort leaves for tea (5)","Answer":"ASSAM","Explanation":"Definition: tea\nAS (since) SA (sex appeal, it) and Milk missing ILK (sort)"} {"Clue":"Move towards Virginia holding that thing in jar (9)","Answer":"GRAVITATE","Explanation":"Definition: Move towards\nVA (Virginia) contains IT (that thing) in GRATE (jar)"} {"Clue":"Old focus of a student's attention, daughter's after filthy swine (10)","Answer":"BLACKBOARD","Explanation":"Definition: Old focus of a student's attention\nD (daughter) follows BLACK (filthy) BOAR (swine)"} {"Clue":"Ace in hearts, possibly, a king (diamonds) \u2014 and queen, perhaps? (4,4)","Answer":"FACE CARD","Explanation":"Definition: queen, perhaps\nACE in FC (football club, Hearts possibly) then A R (rex, king) D (diamonds)"} {"Clue":"Hand in the air, it's true! (8,2)","Answer":"STRAIGHT UP","Explanation":"Definition: it's true\nSTRAIGHT (hand, of Poker) and UP (in the air)"} {"Clue":"Metal content of mug or cup, perhaps? (7)","Answer":"URANIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Metal\nchemical symbol U, centre of mUg or cUp"} {"Clue":"Wise guy, king with open access? (4-3)","Answer":"KNOW-ALL","Explanation":"Definition: Wise guy\nK (king) with NO WALL (so open access)"} {"Clue":"They're taken to court (commercial name in China)? (9,7)","Answer":"BADMINTON RACKETS","Explanation":"Definition: They're taken to court\nAD (commercial) MINTON (Thomas Minton ceramics manufacturer, name in China) IN BRACKETS"} {"Clue":"Author, possibly K or M \u2014 S is wrong (5)","Answer":"AMISS","Explanation":"Definition: wrong\nAMIS (author, Kingsley or Martin Amis) then S"} {"Clue":"Exuberant man jumped on plaything (6,6)","Answer":"BOUNCY CASTLE","Explanation":"Definition: jumped on plaything\nBOUNCY (exuberant) and CASTLE (man, on chessboard)"} {"Clue":"Hollow story in every song that's designed for relaxation (4,5)","Answer":"EASY CHAIR","Explanation":"Definition: that's designed for relaxation\nStorY (hollow) in EACH (every) then AIR (song)"} {"Clue":"Top features in magazine for British high-flyer (3,5)","Answer":"TIM PEAKE","Explanation":"Definition: British high-flyer\nPEAK (top) features in TIME (magazine) \u2013 British astronaut"} {"Clue":"A real giant for starters, the Guardian \u2026 (5)","Answer":"ARGUS","Explanation":"Definition: A real giant for starters, the Guardian\nfirst letters (for starters) of A Real Giant then US (The Guardian) \u2013 in Greek mythology Argus was both \"a giant\" and \"a guardian\""} {"Clue":"\u2026 Guardian giant, artist, utterly charming, initially breaking into a song (9)","Answer":"ARAUCARIA","Explanation":"Definition: Guardian giant\nRA (Royal Academician, artist) and initial letters of Utterly Charming in ARIA (a song) \u2013 pseudo name of Reverend John Graham, a giant in the field of cryptic crosswords who used to set puzzles for The Guardian"} {"Clue":"One stands up as a Van Gogh painting (6)","Answer":"IRISES","Explanation":"Definition: Van Gogh painting\nI (one) RISES (stands up)"} {"Clue":"A second taken by surprise (5)","Answer":"ABACK","Explanation":"Definition: taken by surprise\nA BACK (second)"} {"Clue":"Orb nicked from the famous Greek composer raised in European capital (6)","Answer":"ZAGREB","Explanation":"Definition: European capital\nZorbA (the famous Greek) missing (nicked from) ORB then BERG (Alban Berg, composer) reversed (raised)"} {"Clue":"Last of twelve, always standing in order (6)","Answer":"DECREE","Explanation":"Definition: order\nDEC (December, last of twelve months) then E'ER (ever, always) reversed (standing)"} {"Clue":"Essay under workbook for healthcare profession (9)","Answer":"OPTOMETRY","Explanation":"Definition: healthcare profession\nTRY (essay) following (under) OP (opus, work) and TOME (book)"} {"Clue":"Engineer casual with tie loose (9)","Answer":"ACTUALISE","Explanation":"Definition: Engineer\nanagram (loose) of CASUAL with TIE"} {"Clue":"Knight abducted by prince, soldier unaware (8)","Answer":"IGNORANT","Explanation":"Definition: unaware\nN (knight, on chessboard) inside (abducted by) IGOR (Prince Igor) then NT (soldier ant)"} {"Clue":"Old singer-songwriter caught private detective hired by wife? (6,7)","Answer":"CHUBBY CHECKER","Explanation":"Definition: Old singer-songwriter\nC (caught) by HUBBY CHECKER (private detective hired by wife possibly)"} {"Clue":"European resembling pond life, if a tad over the top? (6)","Answer":"POLISH","Explanation":"Definition: European\nPOLISH would be tadpolish (resembling pond life) with TAD on the top"} {"Clue":"Is man one, perhaps? (6)","Answer":"SIMIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Is man one, perhaps\nanagram (perhaps) of IS MAN and I (one)"} {"Clue":"Sound car going over circuit (5)","Answer":"AUDIO","Explanation":"Definition: Sound\nAUDI (car) on (going over) O (circuit, a circle)"} {"Clue":"Sort of dark, in darkest passage (5)","Answer":"KINDA","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of\nfound inside (a passage from) darK IN DArkest"} {"Clue":"Is missing this knees-up for a good number locally (6)","Answer":"THRAVE","Explanation":"Definition: a good number locally\nTHis missing IS then RAVE (knees-up)"} {"Clue":"Recurrent failure? I interposed observation (6)","Answer":"ESPIAL","Explanation":"Definition: observation\nLAPSE (failure) reversed (recurrent) contains I"} {"Clue":"Antibody the treated regain (6)","Answer":"REAGIN","Explanation":"Definition: Antibody\nanagram of REGAIN"} {"Clue":"Difficulty fitting 'gazunder' into song (6)","Answer":"APORIA","Explanation":"Definition: Difficulty\nPO (?) in ARIA (song). I have no idea how gazunder fits in."} {"Clue":"Communications system: pen lots transcribed in it (9)","Answer":"INTELPOST","Explanation":"Definition: Communications system\nanagram of PEN LOTS in IT"} {"Clue":"Hybrid citrus served by hotel in Maine, Ohio and California city (8)","Answer":"MINNEOLA","Explanation":"Definition: Hybrid citrus \nINN (hotel) in ME (Maine) O (Ohio) and LA (city in California)"} {"Clue":"Post office company, not big in Italy (4)","Answer":"POCO","Explanation":"Definition: not big in Italy\nPO (post office) CO (company)"} {"Clue":"Pig, one replaced by English farmer? (4)","Answer":"BOER","Explanation":"Definition: farmer\nBOaR (pig) with A (one) replaced by E (English)"} {"Clue":"Mental health affliction: disturbed at action gripping one (9)","Answer":"CATATONIA","Explanation":"Definition: Mental health affliction\nanagram of AT ACTION containing I (one)"} {"Clue":"Reckoned one type of wine is bottled or became 'rusty' (9)","Answer":"MADERISED","Explanation":"Definition: became 'rusty'\nMADE (reckoned) RED (one type of wine) contains (bottles) IS"} {"Clue":"Overseer follows the flock? (4)","Answer":"BAAS","Explanation":"Definition: Overseer\nBBAS follow a flock of sheep"} {"Clue":"One doing work taken in by parliamentarian (4)","Answer":"MOPP","Explanation":"Definition: One doing\nOP (work) in MP (parliamentarian)"} {"Clue":"Judge's early opinion, namely one given in commercial, with hesitation (9)","Answer":"AVIZANDUM","Explanation":"Definition: Judge's early opinion\nVIZ (namely) AN (one) in AD (commercial) then UM (hesitation)"} {"Clue":"Stokes quits one form of popular sport (6)","Answer":"SEVENS","Explanation":"Definition: one form of popular sport\ns (stokes) EVENS (quits). Does anyone know in what context s stands for stokes?"} {"Clue":"Followed last point round court, as before (6)","Answer":"ENSUED","Explanation":"Definition: Followed\nEND (last point) contains SUE (court, archaic)"} {"Clue":"Mawkish bits of Trump speak? (6)","Answer":"TWEETS","Explanation":"Definition: Mawkish bits of Trump speak\nTWEE (mawkish) and Trump Speak (first letters, bits of)"} {"Clue":"Grace e.g. after start of supper, cockeyed to Jock (6)","Answer":"SKELLY","Explanation":"Definition: cockeyed to Jock \nKELLY (eg Grace Kelly) following Supper (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Old card game (5)","Answer":"TRUMP","Explanation":"Definition: Old card game\ncompetition clue"} {"Clue":"Either of two intervals I love in composition of Mahler (endless) (7)","Answer":"HEMIOLA","Explanation":"Definition: Either of two intervals\nI O (love) in anagram of MAHLEr (endless)"} {"Clue":"Coarseness universal in a farm (6)","Answer":"RAUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: Coarseness\nU (universal) in RANCH (farm)"} {"Clue":"Fermenting agent given when mixed with skill involving design (12)","Answer":"VINEGAR-PLANT","Explanation":"Definition: Fermenting agent\nanagram of GIVEN then ART (skill) containing PLAN (design)"} {"Clue":"Like pupil, say, first among ten struggling, I see (8)","Answer":"ENTOPTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Like pupil, say\nTOP (first) in anagram of TEN then I C (see)"} {"Clue":"Collapsed when taking in dish on page in extra-violent genre (12)","Answer":"SPLATTERPUNK","Explanation":"Definition: extra-violent genre\nSUNK (collapsed) containing PLATTER (dish) on P (page)"} {"Clue":"The old man\u00a0is bursting (4)","Answer":"POPS","Explanation":"Definition: The old man\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"One strip of cloth, new in, requiring no needle and thread (6)","Answer":"IRON-ON","Explanation":"Definition: requiring no needle and thread\nI (one) ROON (strip of cloth) containing N (new)"} {"Clue":"Part of cabin aft is remaining when \u2014\u2014? (5)","Answer":"AISLE","Explanation":"Definition: Part of cabin\naft is left (remaining) when A IS LE"} {"Clue":"NFL player may pass one, not yet one on left (7)","Answer":"LATERAL","Explanation":"Definition: NFL player may pass one\nLATER (not yet) A (one) on L (left)"} {"Clue":"Falls about a lot in rough sea (8)","Answer":"CASCADES","Explanation":"Definition: Falls\nCA (circa, about) SCAD (a lot) in anagram of SEA"} {"Clue":"Old poet's included iambs, sort not so complex (7)","Answer":"IMBRAST","Explanation":"Definition: Old poet's included\nanagram of IAMBS soRT missing SO"} {"Clue":"Pick out from list one entering drive (7)","Answer":"IMPANEL","Explanation":"Definition: Pick out from list\nAN (one) in IMPEL (drive)"} {"Clue":"Case providing idea TV exploited (6)","Answer":"DATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Case\nanagram of IDEA TV"} {"Clue":"Wretched, being without fuel, cast adrift (6)","Answer":"WOEFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Wretched\nWO (without) then anagram of FUEl"} {"Clue":"Scan (in Spenser) verse enveloped in an early freshness (5)","Answer":"ADVEW","Explanation":"Definition: Scan (in Spenser)\nV (verse) in A DEW (an early freshness)"} {"Clue":"Once cleared for action, quarry's primed with head of detonator (5)","Answer":"PREDY","Explanation":"Definition: Once cleared for action\nPREY (quarry) contains Detonator (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Old fellow's last letter (to some) after onset of malaria (4)","Answer":"MZEE","Explanation":"Definition: Old fellow\nZEE (last letter, to some=Americanism) following Malaria (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Discover the whereabouts of mean talking girl (6)","Answer":"LOCATE","Explanation":"Definition: Discover the whereabouts of\nLO sounds like (talking) low (mean) then CATE (Cate, girl)"} {"Clue":"Roman observers primarily unhappy with the Italian transport system (8)","Answer":"MONORAIL","Explanation":"Definition: transport system\nanagram (unhappy) of ROMAN Observers (primarily, first letter of) then IL (the, Italian)"} {"Clue":"Girl, not quite eight, reportedly in charge (7)","Answer":"MANDATE","Explanation":"Definition: charge\nMANDy (girl, not quite) and ATE sounds like (reportedly) eight"} {"Clue":"Theologian retaining support for the most part in French city (7)","Answer":"DRESDEN","Explanation":"Definition: city\nDD (Doctor of Divinity, theologian) contains RESt (support, for the most part) then EN (in, French)"} {"Clue":"Enthusiastic writer of sacred songs needing no introduction (4)","Answer":"AVID","Explanation":"Definition: Enthusiastic\ndAVID (psalm writer) missing first letter (needing no introduction)"} {"Clue":"King on record over letter granting liberty (10)","Answer":"PERMISSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: granting liberty\nR (rex, king) on EP (extended-play record) reversed (over) then MISSIVE (letter)"} {"Clue":"Everything left ultimately to a Spartan serf (3,3)","Answer":"THE LOT","Explanation":"Definition: Everything\nlefT (ultimately, last letter of) then HELOT (Spartan serf)"} {"Clue":"A French girl stripping off to reveal \u2026 (7)","Answer":"UNEARTH","Explanation":"Definition: to reveal\nUNE (a, French) then mARTHa (girl) missing covering letters (stripping off)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 middle of chest right after rock star's painful blow (7)","Answer":"STINGER","Explanation":"Definition: painful blow\nchEst (middle letter) R (right) following STING (rock star)"} {"Clue":"Rough track by the sound of it (6)","Answer":"COARSE","Explanation":"Definition: Rough\nsounds like course (track)"} {"Clue":"Filled in after a fashion by chap in woolly (3-7)","Answer":"ILL-DEFINED","Explanation":"Definition: woolly\nanagram (after a fashion) of FILLED IN by ED (chap, Edward perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Artist unknown in part of India (4)","Answer":"GOYA","Explanation":"Definition: Artist \nY (an unknown, maths) in GOA (part of India)"} {"Clue":"Firm employing a horse and rider for example (7)","Answer":"HAGGARD","Explanation":"Definition: rider for example\nHAGGARD HARD (firm) contains A GG (horse) \u2013 author Rider Haggard for example. Super definition!"} {"Clue":"Plant disease checked by English fellow's universal remedy (4-3)","Answer":"CURE-ALL","Explanation":"Definition: universal remedy\nCURL (plant disease) contains (checked by) E (English) AL (fellow, Alan perhaps)"} {"Clue":"A right-wing piece about coming first is of little value (8)","Answer":"NUGATORY","Explanation":"Definition: of little va\nA TORY (right-wing) following (with\u2026coming first) GUN (piece) reversed (about)"} {"Clue":"Concerned with finding time to object to plan (6)","Answer":"INTEND","Explanation":"Definition: to plan\nIN (concerned with) with (finding) T (time) and END (object)"} {"Clue":"Beat poet finally sharing blame as broadcast (8)","Answer":"LAMBASTE","Explanation":"Definition: Beat\nanagram (broadcast) of poeT (final letter) and BLAME AS. I had not seen this spelling before."} {"Clue":"European intent on jogging in California (11)","Answer":"CONTINENTAL","Explanation":"Definition: European\nanagram (jogging) of INTENT ON in CAL (California)"} {"Clue":"Child framing answer perfectly (2,1,1)","Answer":"TO A T","Explanation":"Definition: perfectly\nTOT (child) contains A (answer)"} {"Clue":"Against getting called back to Germany whenever required (2,6)","Answer":"ON DEMAND","Explanation":"Definition: whenever required\nON (against) with NAMED (called) reversed (back) then D (Deutschland, Germany)"} {"Clue":"Appear more important than one of Falstaff's recruits on account of earlier (10)","Answer":"OVERSHADOW","Explanation":"Definition: Appear more important than\nSHADOW (one of Falstaff's recruits in Henry IV) following OVER (on account of)"} {"Clue":"Help to get young girl married off (3)","Answer":"AID","Explanation":"Definition: Help\nmAID (young girl) missing M (married)"} {"Clue":"Delay departure of ship carrying German leader (6)","Answer":"LINGER","Explanation":"Definition: Delay departure of\nLINER (ship) contains German (leading letter of)"} {"Clue":"Well-balanced whichever way you look at it (5)","Answer":"LEVEL","Explanation":"Definition: Well-balanced whichever way you look at it\ncryptic definition and a palindrome"} {"Clue":"Irate tenor embarrassed over Goossens' opening question (11)","Answer":"INTERROGATE","Explanation":"Definition: question\nAnagram (embarrassed) of IRATE TENOR contains (over) Goossen (opening letter of)"} {"Clue":"Check for something done in opposition before (10)","Answer":"COUNTERACT","Explanation":"Definition: Check\nACT (something done) with COUNTER (in opposition) before"} {"Clue":"Angrier after extremely bizarre puzzle (8)","Answer":"BEWILDER","Explanation":"Definition: puzzle\nWILDER (angrier) following BizzarE (extreme letters of)"} {"Clue":"Giving full particulars of a notable achievement involving the weaker batsmen (8)","Answer":"DETAILED","Explanation":"Definition: Giving full particulars of\nDEED (notable achievement) contains (involving) TAIL (the weaker batsmen, cricket)"} {"Clue":"Complain endlessly maintaining it's not outside (6)","Answer":"WITHIN","Explanation":"Definition: not outside\nWHINe (complain, endlessly) containing (maintaining) IT"} {"Clue":"Somewhere to sit and fish (5)","Answer":"PERCH","Explanation":"Definition: Somewhere to sit\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Starts to write report exonerating northern architect (4)","Answer":"WREN","Explanation":"Definition: architect\nstarting letters of Write Report Exonerating Northern"} {"Clue":"Musical abridged for a single performance (3)","Answer":"GIG","Explanation":"Definition: a single performance \nGIGi (musical, abridged)"} {"Clue":"Unbelievable talk of kids given beer (10)","Answer":"CODSWALLOP","Explanation":"Definition: Unbelievable talk\nCODS (kids, deceives) with WALLOP (beer)"} {"Clue":"Boom\u00a0box (4)","Answer":"SPAR","Explanation":"Definition: Boom\ndouble definition \u2013 sailing and boxing"} {"Clue":"X L L, possibly (7)","Answer":"MALCOLM","Explanation":"Definition: X\n~~Just a guess, I can't figure this out. Maybe something to to with the American black-rights activist Malcom X, born Malcom Little?~~ Anagram (possibly) of L L and COMMA \u2013 brilliant!"} {"Clue":"Placename found by satnav with 50% off \u2013 about \u00a325 (7)","Answer":"TOPONYM","Explanation":"Definition: Placename\nTOMtom (make of satnav) missing 50% contains (about) PONY (\u00a325)"} {"Clue":"Stay in South American B&B? (10)","Answer":"SUSPENSION","Explanation":"Definition: Stay\nS (south) US (American) PENSION (B&B)"} {"Clue":"Pilot's fleece (3)","Answer":"CON","Explanation":"Definition: Pilot\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"In reality, old aircraft name (6)","Answer":"BOEING","Explanation":"Definition: aircraft name\nO (old) in BEING (reality)"} {"Clue":"Join guards when finding Irish nationalist (8)","Answer":"CASEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Irish nationalist\nCEMENT (join) contains (guards) AS (when) \u2013 Roger Casement (1864-1916) Irish Nationalist"} {"Clue":"Car crime duo repeatedly caught in Golf (8)","Answer":"TWOCCING","Explanation":"Definition: Car crime\nTWO (duo) C C (caught, repeatedly) IN G (golf, phonetic alphabet) \u2013 twoc is to steal a car, from the legal expression Taking Without Owner's Consent"} {"Clue":"Part of WI also around corner (6)","Answer":"TOBAGO","Explanation":"Definition: Part of WI\nTOO (also) contains BAG (to corner) \u2013 part of West Indies"} {"Clue":"Being terrestrial, force captured by extra-terrestrial (3)","Answer":"EFT","Explanation":"Definition: Being terrestrial\nF (force) inside (captured by) ET (extra-terrestrial) \u2013 a newt, a terrestrial being"} {"Clue":"Sporting a suit, I'll be practical (10)","Answer":"UTILISABLE","Explanation":"Definition: practical\nanagram (sporting) of A SUIT I'LL BE"} {"Clue":"Somebody racist, perhaps, should keep quiet (3,4)","Answer":"BIG SHOT","Explanation":"Definition: Somebody\nBIGOT (racist) contains SH (quiet)"} {"Clue":"Launch a ship on time (7)","Answer":"TRIGGER","Explanation":"Definition: Launch\nRIGGER (a ship) following (on) T (time)"} {"Clue":"Spectacularly fail to find reservoir (4)","Answer":"TANK","Explanation":"Definition: Spectacularly fail\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Criminal ruled out as deceitful (10)","Answer":"ADULTEROUS","Explanation":"Definition: deceitful\nanagram (criminal) of RULED OUT AS"} {"Clue":"Groom wants jazz band to finish early (4)","Answer":"COMB","Explanation":"Definition: Groom\nCOMBo (jazz band) shortened (finish early)"} {"Clue":"Escorted over river free of parasites (7)","Answer":"DELOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: free of parasites\nLED (escorted) reversed (over) and OUSE (river)"} {"Clue":"Potentially dangerous baby's rattle (8,5)","Answer":"WHOOPING COUGH","Explanation":"Definition: Potentially dangerous baby's rattle\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Film Buddhist monk outside home (6)","Answer":"LAMINA","Explanation":"Definition: Film\nLAMA (Buddhist monk) contains IN (home)"} {"Clue":"S African chap, one out in flimsy top (8)","Answer":"OUTRIVAL","Explanation":"Definition: top\nOU (chap, South African) then TRIViAL (flimsy) missing (out) I (one)"} {"Clue":"Criticise and hurt spirit (7)","Answer":"PANACHE","Explanation":"Definition: spirit\nPAN (criticise) and ACHE (hurt)"} {"Clue":"During fall, man's first thought (10)","Answer":"RUMINATION","Explanation":"Definition: thought \nRUINATION (fall) containing Man (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Weigh old sap in English tree (9,4)","Answer":"PONDEROSA PINE","Explanation":"Definition: tree\nPONDER (weigh) O (od) SAP IN E (English)"} {"Clue":"More likely one will encourage Lizzie (1,6,3)","Answer":"A BETTER BET","Explanation":"Definition: More likely\nABTTER (one who will encourage) with BET (Elizabeth)"} {"Clue":"Put oil on it and one slips (8)","Answer":"ANOINTED","Explanation":"Definition: Put oil on\nanagram (slips) of IT AND ONE"} {"Clue":"One month before getting new figure (7)","Answer":"OCTAGON","Explanation":"Definition: figure\nOCT (October, one month) AGO (before) with N (new)"} {"Clue":"Only I will cross river quickly (7)","Answer":"ALLEGRO","Explanation":"Definition: quickly\nALL (only) then EGO (I) contains (will go across) R (river)"} {"Clue":"Cut up about first one of 25 (6)","Answer":"PISTOL","Explanation":"Definition: one of 25\nLOP (cut) reversed (up) contains (about) IST (1st, first)"} {"Clue":"Outfits and why they have sleeves (4)","Answer":"ARMS","Explanation":"Definition: Outfits\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Can glib radio broadcast grab primarily enthusiastic TV man? (4,5,5)","Answer":"JOHN LOGIE BAIRD","Explanation":"Definition: TV man\nJOHN (can, toilet) then anagram (broadcast) of GLIB RADIO containing Enthusiastic (primarily, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Courtyard piano \u2013 8PM, here (5)","Answer":"PATIO","Explanation":"Definition: Courtyard\nJust a guess. Something to do with P (piano) AT IO (ten?). Patio is a Spanish word, they are one hour ahead. Piano is Italian and in the same timezone as Spain."} {"Clue":"Where you might find worms in skylight after sunset? (9)","Answer":"AFTERGLOW","Explanation":"Definition: skylight after sunset\nyou might find worms after glow in the word glow-worms. A shame that \"after\" is used both in the definition and the solution."} {"Clue":"Hint: using Star Trek language's not on (7)","Answer":"INKLING","Explanation":"Definition: Hint\nIN KLINGon (using Star Trek language) missing ON"} {"Clue":"Fantastic riches, penning first of zither movements (7)","Answer":"SCHERZI","Explanation":"Definition: movements\nanagram (fantastic) of RICHES containing (penning) Zither (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Liverpool player after own goal, about . . . . to do this? (2,3)","Answer":"GO RED","Explanation":"Definition: to do this\nRED (Liverpool player) following OG (own goal) reversed (about)"} {"Clue":"When Prince upset singer, making false accusations (9)","Answer":"ASPERSING","Explanation":"Definition: making false accusations\nAS (when) P (prince) then anagram (upset) of SINGER"} {"Clue":"Service receivers never to be found in the wrong court, with mess unfolding (9)","Answer":"CUSTOMERS","Explanation":"Definition: Service receivers never to be found in the wrong\nanagram (unfolding) of COURT with MESS \u2013 the customer is always right"} {"Clue":"Drinks with lawyer, in cry for help (5)","Answer":"SODAS","Explanation":"Definition: Drinks\nDA (lawyer) in SOS (cry for help)"} {"Clue":"What journo might say in print? (7)","Answer":"IMPRESS","Explanation":"Definition: print\na journalist might say I'M PRESS"} {"Clue":"Seductress flirting in Crete (7)","Answer":"ENTICER","Explanation":"Definition: Seductress\nanagram (flirting) of IN CRETE"} {"Clue":"Rum showing in biscuit, said Prohibition agent (9)","Answer":"KOOKINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Rum showing\nKOOKI sounds like (said) cookie (biscuit) then NESS (Eliot Ness, prohibition agent)"} {"Clue":"Rear light units, say (5)","Answer":"RAISE","Explanation":"Definition: Rear\nsounds like (say) rays (light units)"} {"Clue":"Son with gripe about ceremonial song (5,9)","Answer":"NEGRO SPIRITUAL","Explanation":"Definition: song\nanagram (about) of SON with GRIPE then RITUAL (ceremonial)"} {"Clue":"Fringes on women's clothing no longer in fashion (9)","Answer":"OUTSKIRTS","Explanation":"Definition: Fringes\nOUT SKIRTS would be clothing no longer in fashion"} {"Clue":"Ruth's mother-in-law has complaint about setter (5)","Answer":"NAOMI","Explanation":"Definition: Ruth's mother-in-law\nMOAN (complaint) reversed (about) then I (the setter)"} {"Clue":"Drink soda? Not initially, with a green rum (9)","Answer":"ORANGEADE","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nanagram (rum) of sODA (missing initial letter) and A GREEN"} {"Clue":"Very small bits of moon visible before day is over (5)","Answer":"IOTAS","Explanation":"Definition: Very small bits\nIO (moon, of Jupiter) seen before SAT (day) reversed (is over)"} {"Clue":"Representations of data portal used in London hospital (3,6)","Answer":"BAR CHARTS","Explanation":"Definition: Representations of data\nARCH (portal) inside BARTS (St Bartholomew's, London Hospital)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Eric Morecambe's third appearance as layabout (5)","Answer":"IDLER","Explanation":"Definition: layabout\nIDLE (Eric Idle perhaps) then moRecambe (third letter of)"} {"Clue":"Drinking on the way home? Yes, if May (7,6)","Answer":"DOWNING STREET","Explanation":"Definition: home? Yes, if May\nDOWNING (drinking) on STREET (the way) \u2013 home to Theresa May, Prime Minister of the UK"} {"Clue":"One of the Young Ones heading up Coward season (6,7)","Answer":"SPRING CHICKEN","Explanation":"Definition: One of the Young Ones\nCOWARD following (with\u2026heading up) SPRING (season)"} {"Clue":"Pair playing dice more, having forgotten about writing a book (9)","Answer":"DUODECIMO","Explanation":"Definition: a book\nDUO (pair) then anagram of DICEMOre missing (having forgotten) RE (about)"} {"Clue":"Someone that has other ranks to support sheriff's men on ship (9)","Answer":"POSSESSOR","Explanation":"Definition: Someone that has\nOR (other ranks) following (to support) POSSE (sheriffs men) on SS (steam ship)"} {"Clue":"Feature among distribution of aid on Asian peninsula (9)","Answer":"INDOCHINA","Explanation":"Definition: Asian peninsula\nCHIN (facial feature) inside anagram (distribution) of AID ON"} {"Clue":"Tooth with nasty smell round top of root (5)","Answer":"PRONG","Explanation":"Definition: Tooth\nPONG (nasty small) contains Root (top letter of)"} {"Clue":"Puppet that's small? Small and quiet (5)","Answer":"SWEEP","Explanation":"Definition: Puppet\nS (small) WEE (small) and P (piano, quiet) \u2013 Sooty and Sweep puppet characters"} {"Clue":"Pitch first of tents below middle of scout pack (5)","Answer":"TAROT","Explanation":"Definition: pack\nTAR (pitch) then Tents (first letter of) following scOut (middle letter of)"} {"Clue":"Strong novelist of Bunthorne's Bride (8)","Answer":"PATIENCE","Explanation":"Patience Strong perhaps (listed as a poet rather than a novelist in Wikipedia), also Bunthorne's Bride, alternative title for the G&S operetta Patience \u2013 the herb patience dock"} {"Clue":"Fine save, knocking away header (6)","Answer":"FESCUE","Explanation":"F (fine) and rESCUE (save) missing first letter (away header)"} {"Clue":"Avalanche? (8)","Answer":"SNOWDROP","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Adore silver inset (6)","Answer":"LOVAGE","Explanation":"LOVE (adore) contains (inset) AG (silver, chem symbol)"} {"Clue":"Singular paper and pencil game with tec, a neat looker! (5)","Answer":"OXEYE","Explanation":"O and X is singular version of \"noughts and crosses\" (paper and pencil game) with EYE (tec, detective), also OX (cow, neat) EYE (looker) \u2013 the oxeye daisy perhaps"} {"Clue":"Please go and fetch old instrument hidden inside (3,6)","Answer":"DOG VIOLET","Explanation":"DO GET (please go and fetch) contains (with\u2026hidden inside) VIOL (old instrument)"} {"Clue":"Film musical setback (6)","Answer":"STACTE","Explanation":"ET (film) and CATS (musical) all reversed (set back) \u2013 a herb extract mentioned in The Bible. This word is listed in Chambers but not in the OED. No-one knows for sure what plant stacte came from, but possibly from myrrh, extract of the gum tree"} {"Clue":"Gets in a mess (7)","Answer":"GENISTA","Explanation":"anagram (mess) of GETS IN A"} {"Clue":"Poorly watered (7)","Answer":"TARWEED","Explanation":"anagram (poorly) of WATERED"} {"Clue":"Everyone has cut out town in Co. Cork (6)","Answer":"MALLOW","Explanation":"Definition: town in Co. Cork\nALL (everyone) inside (has\u2026 out) MOW (cut) \u2013 the marshmallow perhaps"} {"Clue":"European with his article (9)","Answer":"GERMANDER","Explanation":"GERMAN (European) with DER (the, definite article in German)"} {"Clue":"Reduced to tears, as festival fails to start (5)","Answer":"ASTER","Explanation":"anagram (reduced) of TEARS and also eASTER (festival) missing first letter (fails to start)"} {"Clue":"3A's cross-country international, initially, rerranged on a cold continent, reportedly (6)","Answer":"ACACIA","Explanation":"anagram (rearranged) of AAA (3A) with initial letters of Country International, or A C (cold) ACIA sounds like (reportedly) \"Asia\" (continent)"} {"Clue":"Good manure spread around 1 (8)","Answer":"GERANIUM","Explanation":"anagram (spread) of G (good) and MANURE containing I (1)"} {"Clue":"Last of Beatle drummer's sounds (6)","Answer":"ERYNGO","Explanation":"beatlE (last letter of) with RYNGO sounds like \"Ringo\" (Ringo Starr, drummer)"} {"Clue":"Is after cold meal served on time (8)","Answer":"CLEMATIS","Explanation":"IS following C (cold) with anagram (served) of MEAL on T (time)"} {"Clue":"Clergyman too old to row, we hear (6)","Answer":"PASTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Clergyman\nPAST (tool old) with OR sounds like \"oar\" (to row)"} {"Clue":"Company car? (3-6)","Answer":"TWO-SEATER","Explanation":"Definition: Company car\ncryptic definition \u2013 two's company"} {"Clue":"Provide clothing to nude dancing before entertainment begins (5)","Answer":"ENDUE","Explanation":"Definition: Provide clothing to\nanagram (dancing) of NUDE following Entertainment (begins, first letter of) \u2013 Chambers and OED list endue as providing a quality or ability rather than clothing"} {"Clue":"Boast of cube of Scottish cheese (7)","Answer":"CROWDIE","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish cheese\nCROW (boast) and DIE (cube)"} {"Clue":"Fantastic oil, a Monet, arousing feeling (9)","Answer":"EMOTIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: arousing feeling\nanagram (fantastic) of OIL A MONET"} {"Clue":"But it's the fastest stroke! (5)","Answer":"CRAWL","Explanation":"Definition: But it's the fastest stroke\ncryptic definition, implied double definition"} {"Clue":"Final net value worked out (8)","Answer":"EVENTUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Final\nanagram of NET VALUE"} {"Clue":"Bursting, and past caring finally (4)","Answer":"AGOG","Explanation":"Definition: Bursting\nAGO (past) with carinG (final letter of)"} {"Clue":"Corrupt tragic men burning (9)","Answer":"CREMATING","Explanation":"Definition: burning\nanagram (corrupt) of TRAGIC MEN"} {"Clue":"There's little shopping to do for the final candidates (5,4)","Answer":"SHORT LIST","Explanation":"Definition: There's little shopping to do\ncryptic\/double definition"} {"Clue":"Keep still, by the way, and relatively close (8)","Answer":"STAGNATE","Explanation":"Definition: Keep still\nST (street, a way) with AGNATE ( a close male relative)"} {"Clue":"Double act that's no longer seen (4)","Answer":"DODO","Explanation":"Definition: no longer seen\nDO (act) twice (double)"} {"Clue":"Poet adding extra line in wonder (7)","Answer":"MARVELL","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\nMARVEL (wonder) with additional L (line)"} {"Clue":"Donald's\u00a0superior suit (6)","Answer":"TRUMPS","Explanation":"Definition: Donald's\ndouble definition, possibly triple definition"} {"Clue":"Quick sapper at daybreak (5)","Answer":"READY","Explanation":"Definition: Quick\nRE (Royal Engineer, sapper) with anagram (break) of DAY"} {"Clue":"Startle some nocturnal armadillos (5)","Answer":"ALARM","Explanation":"Definition: Startle\nfound inside (some of) nocturnAL ARMadillos"} {"Clue":"Boss retiring with state aid, ultimately hit hard (6)","Answer":"TONKED","Explanation":"Definition: hit hard\nKNOT (boss) reversed (retiring) with statE aiD (ultimately, last letters). I originally had BONKED with KNOB for boss."} {"Clue":"Harsh banking system backed and put in action shortly (8)","Answer":"SCABROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Harsh\nBACS (banking system) reversed (backing) then ROUSe (put in action, shortly)"} {"Clue":"Business representative with bow- tie oddly missed dessert (7)","Answer":"COMPOTE","Explanation":"Definition: dessert\nCO (business) MP (representative, in Parliament) than bOw-TiE (odd letters missing)"} {"Clue":"Country lane at the end more rocky, it's said (7)","Answer":"ESTONIA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nlanE (end letter of) and STONIA sounds like (it's said) stonyer (more rocky). Is that how to spell stonyer? It looks wrong to me, but stonier does not look much better."} {"Clue":"Unknown in play gets US award (4)","Answer":"TONY","Explanation":"Definition: US award\nN (unknown number, maths) in TOY (play)"} {"Clue":"Humdrum type of recording given to intellect (10)","Answer":"MONOTONOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Humdrum\nMONO (type of recording) with TO and NOUS (intellect)"} {"Clue":"Jazz fan and companion close to sixty like certain tunes? (6)","Answer":"CATCHY","Explanation":"Definition: like certain tunes\nCAT (jazz fan) with CH (Companion of Honour) and sixtY (closing letter of)"} {"Clue":"It's a bugbear training with half of team around Derby perhaps (3,4)","Answer":"PET HATE","Explanation":"Definition: It's a bugbear\nPE (training) with TEam (half of) containing (around) HAT (Derby perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Sheep eating round lair westwards became healthier (5,2)","Answer":"TONED UP","Explanation":"Definition: became healthier\nTUP (sheep) contains (eating) O (something round) and DEN (lair) reversed (westwards, right-to-left on a map)"} {"Clue":"Clip opens beer from Germany, Austria etc (6)","Answer":"ALPINE","Explanation":"Definition: from Germany, Austria etc\n~~Just a guess. Any ideas?~~ PIN (clip) inside ALE (beer) \u2013 *thanks to AID for this"} {"Clue":"Wild bronco found around street by Jack that's held in the ring (6,4)","Answer":"BOSTON CRAB","Explanation":"Definition: that's held in the ring\nanagram (wild) of BRONCO contains (found around) ST (street) by AB (able seaman, jack tar) \u2013 a wrestling hold, something that's held in the ring"} {"Clue":"Dance manoeuvre in France I tackle peripherally (4)","Answer":"JETE","Explanation":"Definition: Dance manoeuvre\nJE (I in French) with TacklE (peripherally, outside letters of)"} {"Clue":"Dated individual in part of Oxford? (7)","Answer":"OUTSOLE","Explanation":"Definition: part of Oxford\nOUT (dated) and SOLE (individual) \u2013 an Oxford is a shoe"} {"Clue":"Type of grass occupied by English churchman turning pig out (7)","Answer":"OVEREAT","Explanation":"Definition: pig out\nOAT (type of grass) contains (occupied by) E (English) REV (churchman) reversed (turning)"} {"Clue":"Bachelor swirling given farewell and place to sleep (5-3)","Answer":"BEDDY-BYE","Explanation":"Definition: place to sleep\nB (bachelor) and EDDY (swirling) with BYE (farewell) \u2013 I have only ever heard this in plural beddy-byes"} {"Clue":"Slate housing unknown to English architect (6)","Answer":"PAXTON","Explanation":"Definition: English architect\nPAN (slate) contains (housing) X (unknown) TO \u2013 Joseph Paxton (1803 \u2013 1865)"} {"Clue":"Communication system gets sign of approval by board (4-4)","Answer":"TICK-TACK","Explanation":"Definition: Communication system\nTICK (sign of approval) by TACK (board) \u2013 in sailing the tack or board is the distance travelled between turns when sailing to windward"} {"Clue":"Those in the running races circulate medal at home (11)","Answer":"NOMINATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Those in the running\nNATIONS (races) contain (circulate) OM (Order of Merit, medal) IN (at home)"} {"Clue":"Partly manage to name academic institution (4)","Answer":"ETON","Explanation":"Definition: academic institution\nfound inside (part of) managE TO Name"} {"Clue":"Ponder extent of Waterloo victory during celebratory meal? (4,4)","Answer":"CHEW OVER","Explanation":"WaterloO (extent of, outside letters of, really?) V (victory) inside CHEER (celebratory meal). Why is CHEER celebratory meal?"} {"Clue":"Collar and lapel containing this (10)","Answer":"BUTTONHOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Collar\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Private given old quarters (3)","Answer":"OWN","Explanation":"Definition: Private\nO (old) W N (quarters, of the compass)"} {"Clue":"Meagre box someone emptied (6)","Answer":"SPARSE","Explanation":"Definition: Meagre\nSPAR (box) with SomeonE (emptied, no middle letters)"} {"Clue":"Agree to entering details (3,2)","Answer":"GET ON","Explanation":"Definition: Agree\nTO inside GEN (information, details)"} {"Clue":"Position of old footballer \u2013 finished on field, set for transfer (7,4)","Answer":"OUTSIDE LEFT","Explanation":"Definition: Position of old footballer\nOUT (finished) with anagram (for transfer) of FIELD SET \u2013 in modern football tactics outside lefts have become either forwards or midfielders"} {"Clue":"Fanciful science guidebooks originally brought in help Roy on broadcast (10)","Answer":"PHRENOLOGY","Explanation":"Definition: Fanciful science\nGuidebooks (originally, first letter of) in anagram (broadcast) of HELP ROY ON"} {"Clue":"Mallard's sound on English railway \u2013 it's a racket (8)","Answer":"QUACKERY","Explanation":"Definition: a racket\nQUACK (sound a mallard makes) on E (English) RY (railway)"} {"Clue":"Novelist's book number 3 inspired by Deighton, in hindsight (3,5)","Answer":"BEN ELTON","Explanation":"Definition: Novelist\nB (book) then ETON (clue number 3) contains (inspired by???) LEN (Len Deighton) reversed (in hindsight). I can't see how \"inspired by\" means \"contains\", nor how \"by Deighton\" could mean \"len\"."} {"Clue":"Take in seaman and siblings briefly wanting lift (6)","Answer":"ABSORB","Explanation":"Definition: Take in\nAB (able seaman again) and BROS (siblings, briefly) reversed (wanting lift)"} {"Clue":"Academic heavyweight one's passed in athletics event (5)","Answer":"BATON","Explanation":"Definition: one's passed in athletics event\nBA (academic) with TON (heavy weight)"} {"Clue":"Greek character showing much enthusiasm about tenor (4)","Answer":"ZETA","Explanation":"Definition: Greek character\nZEAl (enthusiasm, much of) containing (about) T (tenor)"} {"Clue":"Touch top of telephone plug (3)","Answer":"TAD","Explanation":"Definition: Touch\nTelephone (top letter of) and AD (plug)"} {"Clue":"Light, don't go straight? (6)","Answer":"BEACON","Explanation":"Definition: Light\nBE A CON (so don't go straight)"} {"Clue":"Fighters \u2014 not setters! (6)","Answer":"BOXERS","Explanation":"Definition: Fighters\nby dog breed, boxers will not be setters"} {"Clue":"Promise to donate a little money found on the shelf (6)","Answer":"PLEDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Promise to donate\nP (pence, a little money) on LEDGE (shelf)"} {"Clue":"Boy sounded in pain, as went like the wind? (8)","Answer":"BILLOWED","Explanation":"Definition: went like the wind\nBILL (a boy) OWED (made an ow sound, in pain)"} {"Clue":"Report taking some dumb angle (4)","Answer":"BANG","Explanation":"Definition: Report\nfound inside (some of) dumB ANGle"} {"Clue":"4 down, time to work? (4,2,4)","Answer":"NINE TO FIVE","Explanation":"Definition: time to work\nNINE TO FIVE is counting four down from nine (1 down is 8, 2 down is 7, 3 down is 6, 4 down is 5)"} {"Clue":"Soldier in cooler \u2014 persevere dude! (11)","Answer":"INFANTRYMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Soldier\nIN FAN (cooler) TRY (persevere) MAN (dude)"} {"Clue":"The devil's home, where you might give a jot? (10)","Answer":"SCRATCHPAD","Explanation":"Definition: where you might give a jot\nSCRATCH (Mr Scratch, the devil) and PAD (home)"} {"Clue":"Space where mini-Australian marathon's beginning (4)","Answer":"ROOM","Explanation":"Definition: Space\nROO (small kangeroo, mini Australian) with Marathon (beginning letter of)"} {"Clue":"Cruel getting double the stick, I see (8)","Answer":"BARBARIC","Explanation":"Definition: Cruel\nBAR BAR (stick, doubled) then I C (see, name of the letter C)"} {"Clue":"Little movement from fool and companion (6)","Answer":"TWITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Little movement\nTWIT (fool) and CH (Companion of Honour)"} {"Clue":"Place elsewhere, on seeing through the ears? (6)","Answer":"RESITE","Explanation":"Definition: Place elsewhere\nsounds like (through the ears) Re Sight (on seeing)"} {"Clue":"Here there's success with that girl (6)","Answer":"HITHER","Explanation":"Definition: Here\nHIT (success) with HER (that girl)"} {"Clue":"Top\u00a0Welsh town (8)","Answer":"CARDIGAN","Explanation":"Definition: Top\ndouble definition \u2013 town and knitted top"} {"Clue":"Break or mend, so new (6)","Answer":"MODERN","Explanation":"Definition: new\nanagram (break) of OR MEND"} {"Clue":"John on track, getting cleaner (8)","Answer":"TOILETRY","Explanation":"Definition: cleaner\nTOILET (John) on RY (railway, track)"} {"Clue":"Start\u00a0to complement (3,3)","Answer":"SET OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Start\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Everyone's into tuneless song (6)","Answer":"BALLAD","Explanation":"Definition: song\nALL (everyone) in BAD (tuneless?). I'm not convinced about tuneless for bad."} {"Clue":"Some puckish elves put aside (6)","Answer":"SHELVE","Explanation":"Definition: put aside\nfound inside puckiSH ELVEs"} {"Clue":"Remains of roast to share \u2014 beef? (1,4,2,4)","Answer":"A BONE TO PICK","Explanation":"Definition: Remains of roast to share\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"True account with clergyman (8)","Answer":"ACCURATE","Explanation":"Definition: True\nAC (account) with CURATE (clergyman)"} {"Clue":"Flawless atmosphere and mean (8)","Answer":"AIRTIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Flawless\nAIR (atmosphere) and TIGHT (mean)"} {"Clue":"I race madly round capital in London \u2014 it's long and bad for you (6)","Answer":"ECLAIR","Explanation":"Definition: it's long and bad for you\nanagram (madly) of I RACE containing London (capital, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Dog doing tricks? Agree (6)","Answer":"CONCUR","Explanation":"Definition: Agree\na dog doing tricks might be cur that cons, a CON-CUR"} {"Clue":"A challenge inspiring British no more (2,4)","Answer":"AT BEST","Explanation":"Definition: no more\nA TEST (challenge) containing (inspiring, breathing in) B (British) \u2013 no more than"} {"Clue":"Particular\u00a0dock? (6)","Answer":"DETAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Particular\ndouble definition \u2013 read detail as de-tail"} {"Clue":"Instrument playing in middle of county shows (5)","Answer":"SYNTH","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\nanagram (playing) of letter found in the middle of couNTYSHows"} {"Clue":"Primarily\u00a0seaborne? (2,3,4)","Answer":"IN THE MAIN","Explanation":"Definition: rimarily\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Illicitly picked up unopened equipment under rug (9)","Answer":"EARWIGGED","Explanation":"Definition: Illicitly picked up\ngEAR (equipment, unopened) then WIGGED (wearing a wig, under rug)"} {"Clue":"Abandon shelter, clutching books (5)","Answer":"LEAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Abandon\nLEE (shelter) contains AV (Authorised Version, the Bible, books)"} {"Clue":"People requiring answer in clue? (5)","Answer":"THAIS","Explanation":"Definition: People\nA (answer) inside THIS (the clue)"} {"Clue":"Brexit maybe upset solemn one about self-inflicted setback (9)","Answer":"NEOLOGISM","Explanation":"Definition: Brexit maybe\nanagram (upset) of SOLEMN I (one) containing (about) OG (own goal, self inflicted setback)"} {"Clue":"Suitability of testimony with revised introduction (7)","Answer":"FITNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Suitability\nwITNESS (testimony) with F as starting letter (with revised introduction)"} {"Clue":"Mostly sensitive friend, when all is said and done (7)","Answer":"FINALLY","Explanation":"Definition: when all is said and done\nFINe (sensitive, mostly) then ALLY (friend)"} {"Clue":"Dump\u00a0deputy (6,3)","Answer":"NUMBER TWO","Explanation":"Definition: Dump\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Refuse to kill old gangster (5)","Answer":"OFFAL","Explanation":"Definition: Refuse\nOFF (to kill) AL (Al Capone, old gangster)"} {"Clue":"What runs repeatedly in story, oddly so (5)","Answer":"SORRY","Explanation":"Definition: What\nR R (runs, repeatedly) in StOrY (odd letters of)"} {"Clue":"Scapegoat stealthily follows topless friend (4,5)","Answer":"AUNT SALLY","Explanation":"Definition: Scapegoat\nhAUNTS (stealthily follows, topless) then ALLY (friend, again)"} {"Clue":"Combination of unmentionables, please, following marriage (5,4)","Answer":"UNION SUIT","Explanation":"Definition: Combination of unmentionables\nSUIT (please) following UNION (marriage) \u2013 underwear"} {"Clue":"University invested in several directions to get result (5)","Answer":"ENSUE","Explanation":"Definition: result \nU (university) in E N S E (several directions)"} {"Clue":"Swear in fool with bible, under arrest at last (6)","Answer":"ASSERT","Explanation":"Definition: Swear\nASS (fool) with last letters of biblE undeR arresT"} {"Clue":"Infallible, unmoving about brief row (8)","Answer":"INERRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Infallible\nINERT (unmoving) contains RANk (row, briefly)"} {"Clue":"Taps in when going round links (6)","Answer":"CHAINS","Explanation":"Definition: link\nC and H (hot and cold, taps) then AS containing (going round) IN"} {"Clue":"Fixing small ropes 10? (8)","Answer":"RIGGINGS","Explanation":"Definition: ropes 10\nRIGGING (fixing) S (small) \u2013 ropes at sea"} {"Clue":"Workplace boss receiving and transmitting data? (6)","Answer":"STUDIO","Explanation":"Definition: Workplace\nSTUD (boss) with IO (input\/output, receiving and transmitting data)"} {"Clue":"Stock Orwell novel bound by twine at regular intervals (4-4)","Answer":"WELL-WORN","Explanation":"Definition: Stock\nanagram (novel) of ORWELL inside (bound by) tWiNe (at regular intervals)"} {"Clue":"Rules stopping crooked triad in Weimar Republic (6)","Answer":"MALAWI","Explanation":"Definition: Republic\nLAW (rules) inside anagram (crooked) of three letters (triad) from weIMAr"} {"Clue":"Disreputable yes-men, extremely unethical when working (8)","Answer":"UNSEEMLY","Explanation":"Definition: Disreputable\nanagram (when working) of YES-MEN and UnethicaL (extremes of)"} {"Clue":"Over-subtle amusement involving trendy mind-reading? (8)","Answer":"FINESPUN","Explanation":"Definition: Over-subtle\nFUN (amusement) contains (involving) IN (trendy) ESP (mind-reading perhaps)"} {"Clue":"All musical brothers getting left off single (8)","Answer":"EVERYONE","Explanation":"Definition: All\nEVERlY (musical brothers) missing L (left) then ONE (single)"} {"Clue":"Minor reference often wrong besides being raised internally (8)","Answer":"FOOTNOTE","Explanation":"Definition: Minor reference\nanagram (wrong) of OFTEN containing (with\u2026internally) TOO (besides) reversed (being raised)"} {"Clue":"Passive sentence, to a smaller extent (8)","Answer":"LIFELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Passive\nLIFE (gaol sentence) and LESS (to a smaller extent)"} {"Clue":"Gentleman having memory about Victorian craftsman (6)","Answer":"MORRIS","Explanation":"Definition: Victorian craftsman\nSIR (gentleman) having ROM (computer memory) all reversed (about) \u2013 William Morris"} {"Clue":"Join\u00a0Brighton and Hove Albion following promotion? (4,2)","Answer":"TEAM UP","Explanation":"Definition: Join\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Schoolboy's terrapins eating food 10? (6)","Answer":"OYSTER","Explanation":"Definition: food 10\nfound inside (eaten by) schoolbOY'S TERrapins"} {"Clue":"Finally, sabbatical year in paradise in foreign city (6)","Answer":"LEYDEN","Explanation":"Definition: foreign city\nsabaticaL (finally) Y (year) inside EDEN (paradise)"} {"Clue":"Nuts and bolts \u2013 they support a lot (5,5)","Answer":"BRASS TACKS","Explanation":"Definition: Nuts and bolts\n~~double definition. I'm not sure what \"a lot\" refers t~~o. *BRAS (things that support) and STACKS (a lot) \u2013 thanks to Muffyword for this"} {"Clue":"Gravy for these vegetables? (4,4)","Answer":"CASH CROP","Explanation":"Definition: Gravy\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Like a pig's snout, light but muddy (10)","Answer":"GLUTTONISH","Explanation":"Definition: Like a pig\nanagram (but muddy) of SNOUT LIGHT"} {"Clue":"Thrash (I think) (6)","Answer":"MULLER","Explanation":"Definition: Thrash\ndefinition and cryptic definition \u2013 one who mulls (thinks)"} {"Clue":"Slated, as floor may be (8)","Answer":"CARPETED","Explanation":"Definition: Slated\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Clears off, almost thrown out (8)","Answer":"ALFRESCO","Explanation":"Definition: out\nanagram (thrown) of CLEARS OFf (almost)"} {"Clue":"Singer may ultimately choke in Russian car (4,4)","Answer":"LADY GAGA","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\nmaY (ultimately, last letter of) GAG (choke0 inside LADA (Russian car)"} {"Clue":"Through education, of course, private house call? (4,4)","Answer":"EYES DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: house call\nYES (of course) inside (through) ED (education) then OWN (private) \u2013 a call to announce the start of a game of bingo (house)"} {"Clue":"Right jargon to describe US crime report (4-4)","Answer":"SLAP-BANG","Explanation":"Definition: Right\nSLANG (jargon) contains (to describe, go around) APB (all-points bulletin, US crime report)"} {"Clue":"Victim put back in railway vehicle (6)","Answer":"MARTYR","Explanation":"Definition: Victim\nRY (railway) TRAM (vehicle) reversed (put back)"} {"Clue":"Drink \u2013 very good drink with nothing to drink (4,6)","Answer":"PINA COLADA","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nPI (pious, very good) COLA (drink) inside NADA (nothing) containing (with\u2026to drink, being drunk by \u2026)"} {"Clue":"Gospel song we do badly (4,4)","Answer":"GOOD NEWS","Explanation":"Definition: Gospel\nanagram (badly) of SONG WE DO"} {"Clue":"John's other half? (6,4)","Answer":"LADIES ROOM","Explanation":"Definition: John's other half\ncryptic definition? Does \"the John\" have to be a gents toilet for some reason?"} {"Clue":"Swimmer in river, or bird avoiding one (7)","Answer":"RORQUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Swimmer\nR (river) OR QUAiL (bird) missing I (one) \u2013 a type of whale"} {"Clue":"Leaf or some empty bud (5)","Answer":"SEPAL","Explanation":"Definition: Leaf\nSomE (empty, no middle letters) and PAL (bud, buddy)"} {"Clue":"Fierce game \u2013 die without starting (8)","Answer":"TIGERISH","Explanation":"Definition: Fierce\nTIG (game) pERISH (die, not starting)"} {"Clue":"Religion briefly embraced by Federico Fellini (6,2,7)","Answer":"CHURCH OF ENGLAND","Explanation":"Definition: Religion\nan abbreviation (briefly) of Curch of England is \"C of E\", found inside (embraced by) frederiCO FEllini"} {"Clue":"It's become a planet (6)","Answer":"SATURN","Explanation":"Definition: a planet\nSA (it, sex appeal) with TURN (become)"} {"Clue":"Group that invades beaten off (9)","Answer":"CANCELLED","Explanation":"Definition: off\nCELL (group) inside (that invades) CANED (beaten)"} {"Clue":"Hang American, kill guards (7)","Answer":"SUSPEND","Explanation":"Definition: Hang\nUS (American) inside SPEND (kill)"} {"Clue":"Comes back to harvest fruit (9)","Answer":"REAPPEARS","Explanation":"Definition: Comes back\nREAP (to harvest) PEARS (fruit)"} {"Clue":"Pass through a substance then echo (8)","Answer":"PERMEATE","Explanation":"Definition: Pass through\nPER (a, two-a-penny) MEAT (substance) then E (echo, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Supreme answer \u2013 it will upset me (3-4)","Answer":"ALL-TIME","Explanation":"Definition: Supreme\nA (answer) IT'LL (it will) reversed (upset) then ME"} {"Clue":"\"Congratulations\" the right track? (3,2,2)","Answer":"WAY TO GO","Explanation":"Definition: ongratulations\ncryptic\/double definition"} {"Clue":"Good \u2013 a dirty fuel (3,3)","Answer":"GAS OIL","Explanation":"Definition: fuel\nG (good) A then SOIL (dirty)"} {"Clue":"Got it right about work being rejected (5)","Answer":"ROGER","Explanation":"Definition: Got it\nR (right) then RE (about) GO (work) reversed (rejected)"} {"Clue":"Tattered Flodden flag, foot missing, as museum piece (10)","Answer":"OLDFANGLED","Explanation":"Definition: museum piece\nanagram (tattered) of fLODDEN FLAG missing F (foot)"} {"Clue":"Time out from sentry-go, describing evidence verbally (5)","Answer":"PAROL","Explanation":"Definition: evidence verbally\nPAtROL (sentry-go, in instruction to patrol) missing T (time)"} {"Clue":"Buzzer, one interrupting doss-house (not quiet), making you cross (7)","Answer":"BEEFALO","Explanation":"Definition: cross\nBEE (buzzer) then A (one) inside FLOp (doss-house) missing P (quiet)"} {"Clue":"Fluellen's dust-up: Welsh parlance shows this clan he's upset (6)","Answer":"PRAWLE","Explanation":"Definition: Fluellen's dust-up\nWELSH PARLANCE shows anagram (upset) of PRAWLE (this) CLAN HE'S \u2013 Shakespearean term, Fluellen is a (Welsh) character in Henry V"} {"Clue":"Name former racing driver I missed in modern version of his sport (6)","Answer":"NASCAR","Explanation":"Definition: modern version of his sport\nN (name) then Alberto ASCARI (former racing driver) missing I"} {"Clue":"Secret society garment, coating number (4)","Answer":"TONG","Explanation":"Definition: Secret society\nTOG (garment) containing (coating) N (number)"} {"Clue":"Young pig is briefly getting warmed up, tail removed (6)","Answer":"SHOTTE","Explanation":"Definition: Young pig\n'S (is, briefly) with HOTTEr (warmed up, missing tail)"} {"Clue":"Ecstatic about unfolding scene getting on (9)","Answer":"SENESCENT","Explanation":"Definition: getting on\nSENT (ecstatic) containing anagram (unfolding) of SCENE"} {"Clue":"In jug, wretchedly poor, new inside \u2013 advocate required (9)","Answer":"PROPONENT","Explanation":"Definition: advocate\nPENT (in jug, prison) contains anagram (wretchedly) of POOR N (new)"} {"Clue":"Grand chap (not low) appearing in drag? The opposite (6)","Answer":"FLUGEL","Explanation":"Definition: Grand\nLUG (drag) in FELlow (chap) missing LOW \u2013 grand piano"} {"Clue":"Committed, even when having to keep silence (6)","Answer":"ENGAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Committed\nENE (even) containing GAG (silence) ~~\u2013 the tenses of the definition and my answer don't seem to match here~~. *The solution needs to be read as ENGAG\u00c9."} {"Clue":"Cob\u00a0nut? (4)","Answer":"LOAF","Explanation":"Definition: Cob\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Religious devotee, twice deceased (6)","Answer":"OBLATE","Explanation":"Definition: Religious devotee\nOB and LATE (deceased, twice)"} {"Clue":"Caravan-owner? Lots going on right-hand side (6)","Answer":"ROMANY","Explanation":"Definition: Caravan-owner\nMANY (lots) on RO (recto, on right hand side)"} {"Clue":"Jack in steamrollers (only half working) for aero engines (7)","Answer":"RAMJETS","Explanation":"Definition: aero engines\nJ (jack) in anagram (working) of STEAMRollers (half of)"} {"Clue":"Earth burrows in a core of turf? This bores holes (5)","Answer":"AUGER","Explanation":"Definition: This bores holes\nGE (germanium, a rare earth) in A with tURf (core of) *better: Ge is Gaea, god of the Earth"} {"Clue":"Possible start of film career \u2013 secret's blown about part in Hospital? (10)","Answer":"SCREEN-TEST","Explanation":"Definition: Possible start of film career\nanagram Blown) of SECRET'S containing ENT (part in hospital)"} {"Clue":"Rare piny variety of chenar below lake (7)","Answer":"LARCHEN","Explanation":"Definition: Rare piny\nanagram (variety) of CHENAR following L (lake)"} {"Clue":"Acrylic fabric in drawer cut lengthwise (not good) (6)","Answer":"DRALON","Explanation":"Definition: Acrylic fabric\n~~DRAg (drawer?) cut short then LONg (lengthwise) missing G (good)~~ *DR (drawer, abbreviation, cut short) then ALONg (lengthwise) missing G (good)"} {"Clue":"Female bird? Not necessarily (4)","Answer":"FOWL","Explanation":"Definition: Not necessarily\nF (female) OWL (bird)"} {"Clue":"Is rationing so far limiting rising tax? (6)","Answer":"ALLOTS","Explanation":"Definition: Is rationing \nAS (so far) containing TOLL (tax) reversed (rising)"} {"Clue":"It'll excite change in general and cause end of inaction (6)","Answer":"LEAVEN","Explanation":"Definition: It'll excite change in general\nLEAVE (cause) with inactioN (end of)"} {"Clue":"I do act criminally (6)","Answer":"DACOIT","Explanation":"Definition: I do act criminally\nanagram (criminally) of I DO ACT"} {"Clue":"Dull lecturer accepted by group (5)","Answer":"BLAND","Explanation":"Definition: Dull\nL (lecturer) in BAND (group)"} {"Clue":"Odd bits of statue missing in counterfeit? That's absent- mindedness (10)","Answer":"FORGETTERY","Explanation":"Definition: absent- mindedness\nsTaTuE (odd bits missing) in FORGERY (counterfeit)"} {"Clue":"Flowering climber flaps so, air becoming agitated (10)","Answer":"PASSIFLORA","Explanation":"Definition: Flowering climber\nanagram (becoming agitated) of FLAPS SO AIR"} {"Clue":"Like art given licence in French article \u2013 quite revealing! (9)","Answer":"DECOLLETE","Explanation":"Definition: quite revealing\nDECO (like art, art deco) then LET (given licence) in LE (definite article, French)"} {"Clue":"English ensign at sea, more than one with tender behind? (7)","Answer":"ENGINES","Explanation":"Definition: more than one with tender behind\nanagram (at sea) of E (English) and ENSIGN \u2013 steam engines"} {"Clue":"Relief following Queen's feelings of sickliness (6)","Answer":"QUALMS","Explanation":"Definition: feelings of sickliness\nALMS (relief) following QU (queen)"} {"Clue":"One seen on cavalry horse \u2013 could be a hack, we hear? (6)","Answer":"REITER","Explanation":"Definition: One seen on cavalry horse\nsounds like (we hear) writer (hack)"} {"Clue":"A label stuck in middle of cheese: 'It's right to tuck in' (6)","Answer":"EATAGE","Explanation":"Definition: It's right to tuck in\nA TAG (label) in chEEse (middle of)"} {"Clue":"Easier high-jump challenge (women excluded) affecting anatomical part? (5)","Answer":"LOBAR","Explanation":"Definition: affecting anatomical part\nLOw BAR (easier high-jump challenge) missing W (women)"} {"Clue":"Cereal disease, part of fungus mutating (4)","Answer":"SMUT","Explanation":"Definition: Cereal disease\nfound inside funguS MUTating"} {"Clue":"Anxiety around heath, nothing less (8)","Answer":"ANGSTROM","Explanation":"ANGST (anxiety) then MOoR (heath) reversed (around) missing O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Sound, you understand (6)","Answer":"FATHOM","Explanation":"Definition: Sound\ndouble defintion and cryptic definiton"} {"Clue":"Sesame oil spilt \u2013 nothing lost (3,5)","Answer":"SEA MILES","Explanation":"anagram (split) of SESAME oIL missing O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Capacity of old vessel reduced by one quarter (6)","Answer":"GALLON","Explanation":"Definition: Capacity\nGALLeON (old vessel) reduced by E (a quarter of the compass)"} {"Clue":"Land on time from long distance (5,4)","Answer":"LIGHT YEAR","Explanation":"Definition: long distance\nLIGHT (land) on YEAR (time)"} {"Clue":"A creature caught with a rod \u2013 a rod (5)","Answer":"PERCH","Explanation":"Definition: A creature caught with a rod\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Cloth to dispose of first to last (4)","Answer":"ELLS","Explanation":"Definition: Cloth\nSELL (dispose of) with first letter at the end \u2013 a measure of cloth"} {"Clue":"A lot of explosive too unstable in oven (7)","Answer":"KILOTON","Explanation":"Definition: A lot of explosive\nanagram (unstable) of TOO in KILN (oven)"} {"Clue":"Area about to be bordered by a goal (7)","Answer":"ACREAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Area\nRE (regarding, about) inside A CAGE (goal, eg in ice-hockey)"} {"Clue":"Fish caught and smuggled (4)","Answer":"CRAN","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\nC (caught) and RAN (smuggled) \u2013 a unit of measurement for uncleaned herring. Fascinating!"} {"Clue":"Left Italian red, not finishing contents of carafe? (5)","Answer":"LITRE","Explanation":"Definition: contents of carafe\nL (left) IT (Italian) and REd (not finishing)"} {"Clue":"German tennis player suggested Nadal's article (9)","Answer":"BECQUEREL","Explanation":"BECQUER sounds like (suggested) Becker (German tennis player) and EL (the, definite article in Spanish, for Nadal)"} {"Clue":"Lengths to which they move slowly when placed on high ground (6)","Answer":"TOISES","Explanation":"Definition: Lengths\nTOISES placed on TOR (high ground) becomes Tortoises (they move slowly) \u2013 an old French measure of length, about 2 metres"} {"Clue":"Monopolises the principal (8)","Answer":"HOGSGEAD","Explanation":"HOGS (monopolises) and HEAD (the princial)"} {"Clue":"To an extent, it denotes education (6)","Answer":"DEGREE","Explanation":"Definition: To an extent\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Meg left corrupt race meeting (8)","Answer":"CENTIARE","Explanation":"anagram (corrupt) of RACE meETINg missing MEG \u2013 one hundredth of an ARE, one square metre"} {"Clue":"Holy man coming from Le Mans (6)","Answer":"ANSELM","Explanation":"Definition: Holy man\nanagram (not explicitly indicated) of LE MANS \u2013 Saint Anselm of Aosta"} {"Clue":"Country house's grand spread (6)","Answer":"GRANGE","Explanation":"Definition: Country house\nG (grand) RANGE (spread)"} {"Clue":"Stigma, albeit isn't common (5)","Answer":"TAINT","Explanation":"Definition: Stigma\n'T 'AINT (isn't, common speak)"} {"Clue":"Batsmen 1 and 2 in key roles (7)","Answer":"OPENERS","Explanation":"Definition: Batsmen 1 and 2\ncryptic double definition \u2013 think cricket and locks"} {"Clue":"Unaccompanied singing in palace \u2013 and lap dancing! (1,8)","Answer":"A CAPPELLA","Explanation":"Definition: Unaccompanied singing\nanagram (dancing) of PALACE and LAP"} {"Clue":"Fun having vermouth during Oxford term (8)","Answer":"HILARITY","Explanation":"Definition: Fun\nIT (Italian, vermouth) in HILARY (Oxfoed term)"} {"Clue":"Artist in German capital filling his face (8)","Answer":"MUNCHING","Explanation":"Definition: filling his face\nMUNCH (artist) IN German (capital, fitst letter of)"} {"Clue":"Viking Red explorer, terribly heartsick but chats away (4)","Answer":"ERIK","Explanation":"Definition: Viking Red explorer\nanagram (terribly) of hEaRtsIcK missing CHATS \u2013 Erik the Red who founded the first Norse settlement on Greenland"} {"Clue":"Merkel's description of broken reed in unproductive bit of enterprise (9)","Answer":"LEADERENE","Explanation":"Definition: Merkel's description\nanagram (broken) of REED in LEAN (unproductive) and Enterprise (first letter, bit of) \u2013 a domineering female leader"} {"Clue":"Voted to assign shares in plot (8)","Answer":"BALLOTED","Explanation":"Definition: Voted\nALLOT (to assign shares) in BED (plot)"} {"Clue":"Worrying about ornamenting (8)","Answer":"FRETTING","Explanation":"Definition: Worrying\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Expert returns to exile location (4)","Answer":"ELBA","Explanation":"Definition: exile location\nABLE (expert) reversed (returns)"} {"Clue":"Bowling during series creates storm in Sri Lanka (7)","Answer":"CYCLONE","Explanation":"Definition: storm in Sri Lanka\nON (bowling, cricket?) in CYCLE (series). I am just guessing about on=bowling in cricket. I can't find it in the dictionary."} {"Clue":"President no longer \u2013 disgusting toerag? (6)","Answer":"ORTEGA","Explanation":"Definition: President no longer\nanagram (disgusting) of TOE RAG \u2013 I assume this refers to the President of Nicaragua Daniel Ortega, but he is still serving"} {"Clue":"Santa likely, initially, to move cautiously on it? (6)","Answer":"SLEDGE","Explanation":"Definition: on it\nSanta Likely (initially, first letters of) with EDGE (to move cautiously)"} {"Clue":"Disconcerted \u2013 but following increase, hardened (5)","Answer":"UPSET","Explanation":"Definition: Disconcerted \nUP (increase) followed by SET (hardened)"} {"Clue":"Brush back soiled tiles, most sturdy (8)","Answer":"BURLIEST","Explanation":"Definition: most sturdy\nRUB (brush) reversed (back) then anagram (soiled) of TILES"} {"Clue":"Writer might use this current fund, when banking royalty? (6)","Answer":"INKPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Writer might use this\nIN (current) and POT (fund) contains K (king, royalty)"} {"Clue":"Old marketplaces give out rejects temporarily (3,1,4)","Answer":"FOR A TIME","Explanation":"Definition: temporarily\nFORA (old marketplaces) then EMIT (give out) reversed (rejects)"} {"Clue":"Full-body garment from store is enormous \u2013 it must be returned (6)","Answer":"ONESIE","Explanation":"Definition: Full-body garment\nfound inside storE IS ENOrmous reversed (it must be returned)"} {"Clue":"Dignity, regularly with writer, retired together (2,6)","Answer":"IN TANDEM","Explanation":"Definition: together\ndIgNiTy (regularly) AND (with) ME (the writer) reversed (retired)"} {"Clue":"Comparatively simple puzzle, with time to spend, one cracks (6)","Answer":"EASIER","Explanation":"Definition: Comparatively simple\ntEASER (puzzle) missing (with\u2026to spend) T (time) containing (craked by) I (one)"} {"Clue":"Post of journalist in this period varies (10)","Answer":"EDITORSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: Post of journalist\nanagram (varies) of THIS PERIOD"} {"Clue":"Film of the King in sad state (4,6)","Answer":"BLUE HAWAII","Explanation":"Definition: Film of the King\nBLUE (sad) and HAWAII (state) \u2013 the King is Elvis Presly"} {"Clue":"Spontaneous performance mostly better (6)","Answer":"IMPROV","Explanation":"Definition: Spontaneous performance\nIMPROVe (better, mostly)"} {"Clue":"General once overturned places in Indian city (8)","Answer":"AGRICOLA","Explanation":"Definition: General once\nLOCI (places) reversed (overturned) in AGRA (Indian city) \u2013 a Roman general"} {"Clue":"Chilling territory 'oodlum recalled? (6)","Answer":"TUNDRA","Explanation":"Definition: Chilling territory\n'ARD NUT ('oodlum) reversed (recalled)"} {"Clue":"Jasmine maybe stirred by such a top one's knitted (8)","Answer":"TEASPOON","Explanation":"Definition: Jasmine maybe stirred by such\nanagram (knitted) of A TOP ONE'S"} {"Clue":"Go from work unit into English city (6)","Answer":"~~EMERGE~~ ENERGY","Explanation":"Definition: Go\n~~I can't explain this, my best attempt is ERG (work unit) inside E (English) ME (city??)~~ *ERG (work unit) inside E (English) and NY (city)"} {"Clue":"An easy putt can be shown alongside clubhouse, if really necessary (2,1,5)","Answer":"AT A PINCH","Explanation":"Definition: if really necessary\nA TAP IN (an easy putt) with CH (clubhouse)"} {"Clue":"Poorly in chest? Expert's needed (6)","Answer":"BOFFIN","Explanation":"Definition: Expert\nOFF (poorly) in BIN (chest)"} {"Clue":"Artist trains to obtain that special quality, making masterpiece? (6)","Answer":"RARITY","Explanation":"Definition: making masterpiece\nRA (Royal Academician, artist) and RY (railway, trains) containing IT (that special quality)"} {"Clue":"Design stylish portable shelter (6)","Answer":"INTENT","Explanation":"Definition: Design\nIN (stylish) and TENT (portable shelter)"} {"Clue":"Fish, with whale initially disappearing below, become calmer (6,4)","Answer":"SIMMER DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: become calmer\nSwIMMER (fish) missing (with\u2026disappearing) Whale (first letter, initially) then DOWN (below)"} {"Clue":"Type of diet that's fine in alcoholic surroundings? (3-5)","Answer":"NON-DAIRY","Explanation":"Definition: Type of diet\nAI (A1, fine) inside (surrounded by) NON-DRY (alcoholic)"} {"Clue":"Jumble by hospital put in reserve (8)","Answer":"PASTICHE","Explanation":"Definition: Jumble\nPAST (by) then H (hospital) put inside ICE (reserve)"} {"Clue":"Gareth excitedly drained prune wine (3,5)","Answer":"THE GRAPE","Explanation":"Definition: wine\nanagram (exciteldy) of GARETH then PrunE (drained, no insides)"} {"Clue":"Street band leader in Southall wears check undergarment (6,4)","Answer":"STRING VEST","Explanation":"Definition: undergarment\nST (street) RING (band) Southall (first, leading letter of) inside (wearing) VET (check)"} {"Clue":"Six-pack perhaps taken home, and they endlessly booze (8)","Answer":"ABSINTHE","Explanation":"Definition: booze\nABS (six-pack perhaps) with (taken) IN (home) and THEy (endless)"} {"Clue":"Half-sure Elizabethan writer curtailed feature of plot? (8)","Answer":"SUSPENSE","Explanation":"Definition: feature of plot\nSUre (half of) and SPENSEr (English writer, curtailed)"} {"Clue":"Worth playing sport on good floor covering (5,3)","Answer":"THROW RUG","Explanation":"Definition: floor covering\nanagram (playing) of THROW on RU (Rugby Union, sport) and G (good)"} {"Clue":"Supplies suit sample (4,2)","Answer":"FITS UP","Explanation":"Definition: Supplies\nFIT (suit) and SUP (drink, sample)"} {"Clue":"Two businesses operating secure site (6)","Answer":"COCOON","Explanation":"Definition: secure site\nCO CO (company twice, two businesses) with ON (operating)"} {"Clue":"Ate midday meal? Daughter left out piece of meat (6)","Answer":"HAUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: piece of meat\nHAd LUNCH (ate midday meal) missing D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Finishes with a Damien, Desmond or Douglas? (9)","Answer":"GRADUATES","Explanation":"Definition: Finishes with a Damien, Desmond or Douglas\ncryptic definition \u2013 rhyming slang for First, 2:2 and Third degrees"} {"Clue":"Default version of green energy (6)","Answer":"RENEGE","Explanation":"Definition: Default\nanagram (version) oF GREEN and E (energy)"} {"Clue":"Good person to cruelly put down late offering from 30? (4,5)","Answer":"STOP PRESS","Explanation":"Definition: late offering from 30\nST (saint, good person) OPPRESS (to cruelly put down)"} {"Clue":"Satellite dish rented out, without Sky having the deal, initially (6)","Answer":"NEREID","Explanation":"Definition: Satellite\nanagram (out) of DIsh RENtEd missing first letters of Sky Having The Deal \u2013 a moon of Neptune"} {"Clue":"Like our canines, can get bored? (9)","Answer":"DRILLABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Like our canines\ncryptic, or maybe double definition"} {"Clue":"Slight oscillation of 4 in Queens (6)","Answer":"QUIVER","Explanation":"Definition: Slight oscillation\nIV (four) in QU and ER (two queens). My first attempt was SHE and R to get SHIVER."} {"Clue":"Intake of Peruvian tamanduas? (3)","Answer":"ANT","Explanation":"Definition: Intake of Peruvian tamanduas\nfound inside (taken in by) periviAN Tamanduas \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Parts after Scotsman does, perhaps (7)","Answer":"RABBITS","Explanation":"Definition: does, perhaps\nBITS (parts) following RAB (a Scottish man's name) \u2013 does are female rabbits. A well disguised definition. *UPDATE: rabbits feature in the Teletubbies, and also \"rabbit ears\" is a term for a V-shaped dipole antenna*."} {"Clue":"Goes off trade bans by state boards (7)","Answer":"EMBARKS","Explanation":"Definition: boards\nEMBARgoes (trade bans) missing GOES then KS (Kansas, state)"} {"Clue":"Girl with a heartless sister (3)","Answer":"ANN","Explanation":"Definition: Girl\nA and NuN (sister, heartless). The first solution that came to mind was girl A + SiS, as in \"a piece of ass\", and I was a little shocked that the Guardian would print such before realising my mistake."} {"Clue":"Either half of 6's rhyme, providing colour that is part of a hand (6)","Answer":"PINKIE","Explanation":"Definition: part of a hand\nPINKIE rhymes with both Tinky and Winky (Tinky Wink, Teletubby) and also PINK (colour) and IE (that is)"} {"Clue":"One to kill 17 acrosses around 4am? Tiger, with no hesitation (9)","Answer":"FUMIGATOR","Explanation":"Definition: One to kill 17 acrosses\nanagram (around) of FOUR AN and TIGer missing ER (hesitation)"} {"Clue":"It's mad, backing this president! (6)","Answer":"HOOVER","Explanation":"Definition: president\nMAD backing (reversed) is DAM, the Hoover Dam for example"} {"Clue":"Like the ref, Heather closely follows game (9)","Answer":"WHISTLING","Explanation":"Definition: Like the ref\nLING (heather) following WHIST (game)"} {"Clue":"Enthusiastic? Missing second half, lost rag (3,3)","Answer":"THE SUN","Explanation":"Definition: rag\nanagram (lost) of ENTHUSiastic missing second half \u2013 a rag is a newspaper. *The Sun is another feature of the Teletubbies, portrayed as a baby's face at the start and end of each episode."} {"Clue":"Look at dog's make-up (9)","Answer":"EYESHADOW","Explanation":"Definition: make-up\nEYE (look at) and SHADOW (dog, to follow)"} {"Clue":"Going round\u00a0club \u2026 (6)","Answer":"ROTARY","Explanation":"Definition: Going round\ndouble definition \u2013 the Rotary Club is a club organising charitable events. See also 4 down."} {"Clue":"\u2026 wrongly lied about 6 \u2026 (6)","Answer":"DIPOLE","Explanation":"anagram (wrongly) of LIED containing (about) PO (a Teletubby) \u2013 definition bundled in with 4 down"} {"Clue":"\u2026 sporting a real one (one of those looped round the middle) (6)","Answer":"AERIAL","Explanation":"Definition: one of those looped round the middle\nanagram (sporting) of A REAL I (one) \u2013 definition includes 2 down and 3 down. *UPDATE: A rotary dipole aerial is a round aerial, typically for FM reception. Also the letters of the four 3-letter words around the centre of the grid spell ANTENNAS, so providing another definition, one of these."} {"Clue":"Letter the writer left in printer? (7)","Answer":"EPSILON","Explanation":"Definition: Letter\nI (the writer) L (left) inside EPSON (make of printer)"} {"Clue":"Model fashion magazine left out \u2014 fat character recently back on TV (9)","Answer":"TELETUBBY","Explanation":"Definition: character recently back on TV\nT (Model T Ford) and ELLE (fashion magazine) missing L (left) then TUBBY (fat)"} {"Clue":"Currents flowing round sides and top of electric fences (9)","Answer":"RECEIVERS","Explanation":"Definition: fences\nRIVERS (currents) containing (flowing round) ElectriC (side letters of) and Electric (top letter of)"} {"Clue":"Explosive speech in The Mitre? (9)","Answer":"HEADDRESS","Explanation":"Definition: The Mitre\nHE (high explosive) ADDRESS (speech)"} {"Clue":"Sip alcoholic drinks, some of Andy Murray's favourites (4,5)","Answer":"DROP SHOTS","Explanation":"Definition: some of Andy Murray's favourites \nDROP (sip) SHOTS (alcoholic drinks)"} {"Clue":"Quit a group supported by One Direction, originally (9)","Answer":"ABANDONED","Explanation":"Definition: Quit\nA BAND (group) on (supported by) ONE Direction (originally, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"I'd turned up to see dessert served up and shared out (7,2)","Answer":"DIVIDED UP","Explanation":"Definition: shared out\nI'D reversed (turned up) VIDE (to see) and PUD (dessert) reversed (served up)"} {"Clue":"Leica stated old film rating (3)","Answer":"ASA","Explanation":"Definition: old film rating\nAS A (like a) sounds like (stated) Leica"} {"Clue":"Number of lions eaten by 19, contrarily (3)","Answer":"TEN","Explanation":"Definition: Number of lions eaten\nfound reversed (contrarily) inside niNETeen \u2013 the number of lions (not?) eaten in the Chinese tongue-twister Lion-eating Poet in the Stone Den. *UPDATE: ten is also contained in (of) lIOns, so definition is just \"number\". I know this is Puck's intended parsing, but I still prefer the less prosaic Chinese poet definition*."} {"Clue":"Timeless \"toy\" that's blue, like 26 (7)","Answer":"NAUGHTY","Explanation":"Definition: like 26\nNAUGHT and Y give tOY (missing time) \u2013 Noo-Noo has a minor misdemeanour each episode"} {"Clue":"Drunkards after almost 6 rounds? (6)","Answer":"DIPSOS","Explanation":"Definition: Drunkards\nDIPSy (Teletubby, almost) the OS (O, something round, plural)"} {"Clue":"City in the style of a 6 (3-3)","Answer":"LAA-LAA","Explanation":"Definition: a 6 \nLA (city) A\u00a0LA (in the style of) A \u2013 one of the Teletubbies"} {"Clue":"12 holes for the 6s' 28 (3-3)","Answer":"NOO-NOO","Explanation":"Definition: the 6s' 28\nNOON (12) then O O (two holes) \u2013 Noo-Noo is the Teletubbies' housekeeper, portrayed as a vacuum cleaner"} {"Clue":"Drive away from party around half nine (6)","Answer":"BANISH","Explanation":"Definition: Drive away\nBASH (party) containing NIne (half of)"} {"Clue":"Handy to keep foreign article on computer programming language becoming obsolete (7)","Answer":"DEFUNCT","Explanation":"Definition: obsolete\nDEFT (handy) contains (to keep) UN (the French, foreign article) on C (computer programming language)"} {"Clue":"Stress caused by row with subordinate (9)","Answer":"UNDERLINE","Explanation":"Definition: Stress\nLINE (row) following (with) UNDER (subordinate)"} {"Clue":"Days after, wife is snatched by one possessed (5)","Answer":"OWNED","Explanation":"Definition: possessed\nD (days) following (after) W (wife) inside (is snatched by) ONE"} {"Clue":"Disappear\u00a0completely (5)","Answer":"CLEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Disappear\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Become despondent as Bethany would if husband left (4,5)","Answer":"LOSE HEART","Explanation":"Definition: Become despondent\nH (husband) is the middle letter (heart) of betHany"} {"Clue":"Enlists most of the others without work at home (5,2)","Answer":"ROPES IN","Explanation":"Definition: Enlists\nRESt (the others, most of) containing (without) OP (opus, work) then IN (at home)"} {"Clue":"Kind\u00a0offer (6)","Answer":"TENDER","Explanation":"Definition: Kind\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Piece of inexpensive padding surprisingly stops condition affecting eyelid (6)","Answer":"PTOSIS","Explanation":"Definition: condition affecting eyelid\nInexpensive (piece of, first letter) inside (padding) anagram (surprisingly) STOPS"} {"Clue":"Pull over into a position behind according to established practice (7)","Answer":"REGULAR","Explanation":"Definition: according to established practice\nLUG (pull) reversed (over) inside REAR (a position behind)"} {"Clue":"About to find Juliet's suitor against rich clothing and ornaments generally (9)","Answer":"CAPARISON","Explanation":"Definition: rich clothing and ornaments generally\nCA (circa, about) PARIS (Juliet's suitor) then ON (against)"} {"Clue":"Opening line in popular film (5)","Answer":"INLET","Explanation":"Definition: Opening\nL (line) in IN (popular) ET (film)"} {"Clue":"Having ample space for my little bounder at first (5)","Answer":"ROOMY","Explanation":"Definition: Having ample space\nMY following (with\u2026at first) ROO ~~(young kangaroo, little bounder)~~ (bounder, little=abbreviation)"} {"Clue":"Highly specialised publications in German removed from various categories (9)","Answer":"ESOTERICA","Explanation":"Definition: Highly specialised publications\nanagram (various) of CATEgORIES missing G (German)"} {"Clue":"Penniless pickpockets are inclined to exaggerate (7)","Answer":"DISTEND","Explanation":"Definition: to exaggerate\nDIpS (pickpockets) missing P (penniless) then TEND (are inclined)"} {"Clue":"Where cricket fans may be seen to demonstrate (6)","Answer":"ATTEST","Explanation":"Definition: to demonstrate\nAT TEST (where cricket fans may be seen)"} {"Clue":"Working on Bruce's delivery (7)","Answer":"BOUNCER","Explanation":"Definition: delivery\nanagram (working) of ON BRUCE"} {"Clue":"Gentle reminder from Georgia after horse gets upset (5)","Answer":"NUDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Gentle reminder\nGE (Georgia) following DUN (a horse) reversed (upset)"} {"Clue":"Astonishing events almost certain to have rebels coming under pressure (9)","Answer":"SURPRISES","Explanation":"Definition: Astonishing events\nSURe (certain, almost) then RISES (rebels) under P (pressure)"} {"Clue":"Went back to find plant embedded firmly (4-3)","Answer":"DEEP-SET","Explanation":"Definition: embedded firmly\nPEED (went back) with SET (plant)"} {"Clue":"Fellow novelist's worthless ideas (5)","Answer":"FROTH","Explanation":"Definition: worthless ideas\nF (fellow) and ROTH (Philip Roth, novelist)"} {"Clue":"Sarkozy's denial about being in trouble after opening of proceedings is without equal (9)","Answer":"NONPAREIL","Explanation":"Definition: without equal\nNON (Sarkozy's denial, no in French) then RE (regarding, about) inside (being in) AIL (trouble) following Proceedings (opening letter of)"} {"Clue":"The aim of Flirtbox members\u00a0until now (2,4)","Answer":"TO DATE","Explanation":"Definition: The aim of Flirtbox members\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Occupy one's spare time making punch (4,2)","Answer":"FILL IN","Explanation":"Definition: Occupy one's spare time\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Submit posts revealing prearranged conspiracies (3-2,4)","Answer":"PUT-UP JOBS","Explanation":"Definition: prearranged conspiracies\nPUT UP (submit) and JOBS (posts)"} {"Clue":"Inattentive when seconds away from breaking linnet's egg (9)","Answer":"NEGLIGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Inattentive\nanagram (breaking) of LINNET's EGG missing S (seconds)"} {"Clue":"Stay with American writer in South Dakota (7)","Answer":"SUSPEND","Explanation":"Definition: Stay\nUS (American) PEN (writer) in SD (South Dakota)"} {"Clue":"Managed to meet months after party by chance (6)","Answer":"RANDOM","Explanation":"Definition: by chance\nRAN (managed) with (to meet) M (months) following DO (party)"} {"Clue":"Go back on rickety crate carrying rebel leader to Thailand (7)","Answer":"RETRACT","Explanation":"Definition: Go back on\nanagram (rickety) of CRATE containing Rebel (leading letter) and T (Thailand)"} {"Clue":"Help to accommodate retired motorists with tick for example (6)","Answer":"ACARID","Explanation":"Definition: tick for example\nAID (help) contains (to accommodate) RAC (motorists) reversed (retired)"} {"Clue":"A feature of sonnets by Frost say (5)","Answer":"RHYME","Explanation":"Definition: A feature of sonnets\nsounds like (say) rime (frost)"} {"Clue":"Learning about Italy's principal river (5)","Answer":"LOIRE","Explanation":"Definition: river\nLORE (learning) contains (about\u2026is) Italy (first letter, principal)"} {"Clue":"Cheese, a little green one, with nothing at all for wrapping (4)","Answer":"FETA","Explanation":"Definition: Cheese\nET (ET, little green man) inside (with\u2026for wrapping) FA (nothing at all)"} {"Clue":"International ministry adding English folio in double index (10)","Answer":"FOREFINGER","Explanation":"Definition: index\nFO (Foreign Office, international ministry) then E (English) F (folio) in RINGER (double)"} {"Clue":"Will I get indemnified covering this musician? (6)","Answer":"LIGETI","Explanation":"Definition: musician\nfound inside (covered by) wilL I GET Indemnified \u2013 Gyorgy Ligeti, Hungarian composer"} {"Clue":"Intense academic, old, turned on and off (8)","Answer":"PROFOUND","Explanation":"Definition: Intense\nPROF (academic) O (old) tUrNeD (every other letter, on and off)"} {"Clue":"Result of straining pro overturned in report (8)","Answer":"FILTRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Result of straining\nTART (prostitute, pro) reversed (overturned) in FILE (report)"} {"Clue":"Approve traitor on condition that morality is finally observed (6)","Answer":"RATIFY","Explanation":"Definition: Approve\nRAT (traitor) IF (on condition that) moralitY (last letter of, finally observed)"} {"Clue":"New direction for stopping bad reaction and rash (13)","Answer":"INCONSIDERATE","Explanation":"Definition: rash\nN (new) SIDE (direction) inside (for stopping, like a cork) anagram (bad) of REACTION"} {"Clue":"Thoroughly investigate bishop for breaking plates in Lambeth? (6)","Answer":"FERRET","Explanation":"Definition: Thoroughly investigate\nRR (Right Reverend, bishop) inside (for breaking) FEET (\"plates of meat\", rhyming slang, in Lambeth perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Tree god, sporting beard, on horse (8)","Answer":"HAWTHORN","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\nTHOR (god) inside (sporting, wearing) AWN (beard, of barley) following (on) H (horse)"} {"Clue":"Some brass rubbings orginally pinched by grave individual (8)","Answer":"TROMBONE","Explanation":"Definition: Some brass\nRubbings (first letter, originally) inside (pincvhed by) TOMB (grave) and ONE (individual)"} {"Clue":"Port wine, a quarter of it, consumed by bum (6)","Answer":"NANTES","Explanation":"Definition: Port\nA wiNe (one letter, a quarter of) inside (consumed by) NATES (bum). \"A quarter of could also\" mean N (North), a quarter of the compass."} {"Clue":"Warning man on board in crew's quarters (10)","Answer":"FORECASTLE","Explanation":"Definition: crew's quarters\nFORE (warning, in golf) CASTLE (man on a chess board)"} {"Clue":"Seeing that limitless existence \u2013 pull the other one (2,2)","Answer":"AS IF","Explanation":"Definition: pull the other one\nAS (seeing that) then LIFE (existence) missing the outside letters (with no limits)"} {"Clue":"Final Indie and FT vie for circulation (10)","Answer":"DEFINITIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Final\nanagram (for circulation) of INDIE and FT VIE"} {"Clue":"Sublime joke not good for charming? (8)","Answer":"MAJESTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Sublime\nJEST (joke) replacing (for) G (good) in MAgIC (charming)"} {"Clue":"Several countries collectively deploy force in republic, ignoring cost (6)","Answer":"AFRICA","Explanation":"Definition: Several countries collectively\nF (force) into costA RICA (republic) missing COST"} {"Clue":"In Troon, take out good new driver by all means (2,6)","Answer":"OF COURSE","Explanation":"Definition: by all means\ngoLF COURSE (Troon perhaps) missing G (good) and L (learner, new driver)"} {"Clue":"Running against former Labour leader (2,4)","Answer":"ON FOOT","Explanation":"Definition: Running\nON (against) and Michael FOOT (former Labour Leader) \u2013 might also have been BY FOOT"} {"Clue":"Youngster clear about English uprising (4)","Answer":"TEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Youngster\n~~NEW~~ NET (clear) containing (about) E (English) reversed (uprising)"} {"Clue":"Renewal of Pilsner \u2013 the men are blotto (13)","Answer":"REPLENISHMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Renewal\nanagram (blotto, drunk) of PILSNER THE MEN"} {"Clue":"Desire full bust? \u2013 here's Iris (5-2-3)","Answer":"FLEUR-DE-LIS","Explanation":"Definition: Iris\nanagram (bust) of DESIRE FULL"} {"Clue":"Answer for nothing in hypothetical subject (8)","Answer":"NATIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: subject\nNoTIONAL (hypothetical) with A (answer) replacing O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"After that, avifauna regularly circulating about capital (8)","Answer":"ATHENIAN","Explanation":"Definition: about capital\nTHEN (after that) inside (with\u2026circulating, going round) AvIfAuNa (regularly)"} {"Clue":"Propulsion unit black following crash (3-3)","Answer":"RAM-JET","Explanation":"Definition: Propulsion unit\nJET (black) following RAM (crash)"} {"Clue":"Season with berry, reportedly (6)","Answer":"WINTER","Explanation":"Definition: Season\nW (with) then INTER (bury) sounds like (reportedly) berry"} {"Clue":"Fight island to stop corruption (4)","Answer":"RIOT","Explanation":"Definition: Fight\nI (island) inside (to stop, like a cork) ROT (corruption)"} {"Clue":"Try and catch fish with special instrument (9)","Answer":"CASTANETS","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\nCAST A NET (try and catch fish) with S (special)"} {"Clue":"Shrink\u00a0bird (5)","Answer":"QUAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Shrink\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Cat club official takes off clothes (5)","Answer":"OUNCE","Explanation":"Definition: Cat\nbOUNCEr (club official) missing outer letters (taking off clothes) \u2013 a snow leopard, cat"} {"Clue":"Heading for Oklahoma, war god's chariot finally broke (4,1,4)","Answer":"TOOK A REST","Explanation":"Definition: broke\nTO (heading for) O (Oaklahoma) ARES (war god) and charioT (final letter of). I get the feeling that \"took a rest\" is included here only so that it helps the pangram. It feels to me a bit of a non-phrase, like \"ate a biscuit\" or \"had a drink\". Correct English certainly, but not really an expression in its own right."} {"Clue":"Slain director yearned to go round resort (10)","Answer":"DISPATCHED","Explanation":"Definition: Slain\nD (director) ITCHED(yearned) containing SPA (resort)"} {"Clue":"Cooking medium gas found in Georgia (4)","Answer":"GHEE","Explanation":"Definition: Cooking medium\nHE (Helium, a gas) found in GE (Georgia, IVR code)"} {"Clue":"Animal killer a bit overwhelmed by recovered memory (7)","Answer":"MATADOR","Explanation":"Definition: Animal killer\nA TAD (bit) inside (overwhelmed by) ROM (computer memory) reversed (recovered)"} {"Clue":"Attempt to deceive\u00a0ski instructor? (4,3)","Answer":"SNOW JOB","Explanation":"Definition: Attempt to deceive\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Just touching American statesman once gets rid of I don't know what (7)","Answer":"KISSING","Explanation":"Definition: Just touching\nKISSINGer (American statesman) missing ER (I don't know what)"} {"Clue":"Congress holds on to power with elastic fibre (7)","Answer":"SPANDEX","Explanation":"Definition: elastic fibre\nSEX (congress) contains (holds on to) P (power) AND (with). A nice clue."} {"Clue":"Left in the middle of this (4)","Answer":"WENT","Explanation":"Definition: Left\nfound in the middle of tWENTy (20, the clue number)"} {"Clue":"Empty gasometer under zoo damaged where the bomb went off (6,4)","Answer":"GROUND ZERO","Explanation":"Definition: where the bomb went off\nGasometeR (empty, no middle letters) than anagram (damaged) of UNDER ZOO"} {"Clue":"Flare less than one 9? (4,5)","Answer":"VERY LIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Flare\nVERY LIGHT (less tha one ounce perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Fancy tiepin I lost being clumsy (5)","Answer":"INEPT","Explanation":"Definition: clumsy\nanagram (fancy) of TiE PIN missing I"} {"Clue":"Avenger's way to get river flowing backwards (5)","Answer":"STEED","Explanation":"Definition: Avenger\nST (street, a way) with DEE (river) reversed (flowing backwards) \u2013 John Steed, character fro The Avengers TV series"} {"Clue":"Scattered fruit seed filled to bursting (9)","Answer":"SURFEITED","Explanation":"Definition: filled to bursting \nanagram (scattered) of FRUIT SEED"} {"Clue":"Recording includes noise of gate (5)","Answer":"CROWD","Explanation":"Definition: gate\nCD (recording) contains ROW (noise)"} {"Clue":"Complaint that wrong American protest is cut short and rejected\u00a0(9)","Answer":"SINUSITIS","Explanation":"Definition: Complaint\nSIN (wrong) US (American) SIT In (protest, cut short) reversed (and rejected)"} {"Clue":"London palace covers current library site (10)","Answer":"ALEXANDRIA","Explanation":"Definition: library site\nALEXANDRA (Alexandra Palace, London) contains I (current, electrical symbol) \u2013 site of famous ancient library, in Egypt"} {"Clue":"Building in Crete a dubious attraction (7)","Answer":"ENTICER","Explanation":"Definition: a dubious attraction\nanagram (building) of IN CRETE"} {"Clue":"Exhibitors' point accepted by blacksmiths (7)","Answer":"SHOWERS","Explanation":"Definition: Exhibitors\nW (west, point of compass) inside SHOERS (blacksmiths)"} {"Clue":"Four-footer throws away fruit, stoned in courtyard (4)","Answer":"QUAD","Explanation":"Definition: courtyard\nI don't understand this one. Something to do with QUADruped missing RUPED? *QUAdrupeD missing DRUPE (botanical term for fleshy fruit containing a central stone, e.g peaches or plums)"} {"Clue":"Hebrew character's beer bar (5)","Answer":"ALEPH","Explanation":"Definition: Hebrew character\nALE (beer) and PH (public house, bar)"} {"Clue":"Post office facility gets improved security from Spooner (6,3)","Answer":"LETTER BOX","Explanation":"Definition: Post office facility\nSpoonerism of \"better locks\", improved security. Nice to see a proper Spoonerism that actually means something."} {"Clue":"Put pressure on about handling uncovered fishing equipment (3,3,4)","Answer":"ROD AND LINE","Explanation":"Definition: fishing equipment\nRODE (put pressure on) containing (about) hANDLINg (uncovered)"} {"Clue":"Cause trouble for mother with garden birds (4,5)","Answer":"MAKE WAVES","Explanation":"Definition: Cause trouble\nMA (mother) with KEW (botanical garden in London) AVES (birds)"} {"Clue":"Bench-warmer people ultimately exhibit good sense (9)","Answer":"JUDGEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: good sense\nJUDGE (bench warmer, someone who sits on The Bench) MEN (people) and exhibiT (ultimately, last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Mechanics here a long time after fish (7)","Answer":"GARAGES","Explanation":"Definition: Mechanics here\nAGES (a long time) following GAR (fish)"} {"Clue":"Drops come out of second golf club (7)","Answer":"SPUTTER","Explanation":"Definition: Drops come out\nS (second) and PUTTER (golf club). I'm a bit hazy on the definition, I take it as a noun \u2013 drops (that have) come out (of something)."} {"Clue":"Shark runs around on earth (5)","Answer":"NURSE","Explanation":"Definition: Shark\nanagram (around) of RUNS then E (Earth) \u2013 a type of shark. I like the apparently contradictory definition."} {"Clue":"Youth body journalist exposed (5)","Answer":"OUTED","Explanation":"Definition: exposed\nyOUTh (body, inside letters of) than ED (editor, journalist)"} {"Clue":"Missed target as sloth escaped and ran away (4)","Answer":"FLED","Explanation":"Definition: ran away \nFaiLED (missed target) missing AI (a sloth)"} {"Clue":"\"Scrambled Eggs\" Beatles Paul initially hit on over plateful .. . . ? (9,9)","Answer":"SPAGHETTI BOLOGNESE","Explanation":"Definition: plateful\nanagram (scrambled) of EGGS BEATLES\u00a0Paul (initial letter of) and HIT ON O (over)"} {"Clue":". . . Yesterday's covers for Romans to impress? (5)","Answer":"TOGAS","Explanation":"Definition: Yesterday's covers for Romans\nTO and GAS (to impress, US slang)"} {"Clue":"Top performers not providing us with a roundabout? So we hear (5)","Answer":"CIRCA","Explanation":"Definition: roundabout\nCIRCus (performers in the Big Top) missing (not providing) US then A. \"so we hear\" indicates the definition is a homophone, roundabout (a fairground ride) sounds like round about (circa)"} {"Clue":"Crack A-Team carrying TNT pounded three times on walls for operational support (9,5)","Answer":"TREATMENT TABLE","Explanation":"Definition: operational support \nanagram (crack) of A-TEAM containing anagram (pounded) of TNT all inside (is walled by) TREBLE (three times)"} {"Clue":"Curious coastal lily is, I see, in a way to the left (15)","Answer":"SOCIALISTICALLY","Explanation":"Definition: in a way to the left\nanagram (curious) of COASTAL LILY IS I C (see, the letter c)"} {"Clue":"Where girl may be involved with cheese tours? (15)","Answer":"GLOUCESTERSHIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Where girl may be involved with cheese tours\nanagram Involved) of GIRL with CHEESE TOURS \u2013 home of Gloucester Cheese"} {"Clue":"\"An England Captain in Defeat\" interpreted on TMS as \"Very Embarrassed\"? (3,2,1,8)","Answer":"RED AS A BEETROOT","Explanation":"Definition: Very Embarrassed\nRED AS A BEETROOT sounds like (on TMS as, on Test Match Special, as heard in a radio program) \"Read as a beat Root\" which is interpreted (read as) An England Captain in Defeat (a beat Root). I think."} {"Clue":"A bit of money I bet friend in Barcelona (5)","Answer":"AMIGO","Explanation":"Definition: friend in Barcelona\nA then Money (bit, first letter of) I and GO (to bet)"} {"Clue":"What about singer plugging remix of KeyNote chart topper? (3,6,2,3,4)","Answer":"THE CHERRY ON THE CAKE","Explanation":"Definition: topper\nEH (what?) reversed (about) then CHER (singer) inside (plugging) inside anagram (remix) of KEYNOTE CHART"} {"Clue":"Square number (second last) (5)","Answer":"EVENS","Explanation":"Definition: Square\nSEVEN (number) with S (seconds) moved to last place"} {"Clue":"One kicked off premises by Smollett's upwardly-mobile clog! (5)","Answer":"SABOT","Explanation":"Definition: clog\nTOBiAS Smollet (author) missing (kicked of premises) I (one) reversed (upwardly-mobile)"} {"Clue":"Fish Hollywood location up the garden path (5)","Answer":"ALLEE","Explanation":"Definition: garden path\nEEL (fish) LA (Hollywood location) all reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Misdirected ball in box rapidly put away (3,2)","Answer":"HOG IT","Explanation":"Definition: rapidly put away\nOG (own goal, misdirected ball) in HIT (box)"} {"Clue":"Distracted drumming? Cozy Powell's dancing partner's rubbish as well (3,6,6)","Answer":"THE DEVILS TATTOO","Explanation":"Definition: Distracted drumming\nTHE DEVIL'S (Cozy Powell's dancing partner's, see see\u00a0Dance with The Devil) with TAT (rubbish) TOO (as well) \u2013 to drum with one's fingers"} {"Clue":"I make an impression on title wrestling with enemy, but it won't change things (8,7)","Answer":"IDENTITY ELEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: but it won't change things\nI DENT (make an impression) then anagram (wrestling) of TITLE with ENEMY"} {"Clue":"Dick Fox with these timekeepers in nursery\u00a0rhymes (4-5)","Answer":"TICK-TOCKS","Explanation":"Definition: timekeepers in nursery\nTICK TOCKS rhymes with Dick Fox. An unusual definition-in-the-middle clue, very rare to see these."} {"Clue":"A foul-mouthed soldier's taking the biscuit (9)","Answer":"GARIBALDI","Explanation":"Definition: biscuit\nRIBALD (foul-mouthed) inside (is taken by) GI (soldier)"} {"Clue":"Earl visiting society do's on an unwanted roll (5,4)","Answer":"SPARE TYRE","Explanation":"Definition: unwanted rol\nE (earl) inside (visiting) S (society) PARTY then RE (regarding, on) \u2013 an unwanted roll of fat around the middle"} {"Clue":"Rising American government's secret plant (5,4)","Answer":"SUGAR CANE","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nUS (American) reversed (rising) G (government) then ARCANE (secret)"} {"Clue":"A couple up on seventh heaven? (5,4)","Answer":"CLOUD NINE","Explanation":"Definition: heaven\nA couple up from the seventh cloud (seventh heaven) would be CLOUD NINE. I'm not sure how one would categorise this clue."} {"Clue":"Line from Socrates (new translation) (9)","Answer":"ANCESTORS","Explanation":"Definition: Line\nanagram (translation) of SOCRATES and N (new)"} {"Clue":"Divers he's taking to a lake resort (5)","Answer":"TAHOE","Explanation":"Definition: lake resort\nanagram (diverse) of HE and TO A. I was stumped for a long time by misreading divers as drivers."} {"Clue":"Sheath that stops procreation (5)","Answer":"OCREA","Explanation":"Definition: Sheath\nfound inside (stopping, like a cork) prOCREAtion \u2013 a sheath-like structure in a plant"} {"Clue":"Something fragrant from your local setter (5)","Answer":"THYME","Explanation":"Definition: Something fragrant\nTHY (your, local=dialect) ME (the setter)"} {"Clue":"Independent's caught during recess (6)","Answer":"BISCAY","Explanation":"I'S (independent's) and C (caught) inside BAY (recess)"} {"Clue":"Loud porter holding flag (4,4)","Answer":"FAIR ISLE","Explanation":"F (loud) ALE (porter) containing IRIS (flag, flower)"} {"Clue":"Morning in the sticks, for starters (6)","Answer":"THAMES","Explanation":"AM (morning) in THE and Sticks (for starters, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"About to marry anew (8)","Answer":"CROMARTY","Explanation":"C (circa, about) with anagram (anew) of TO MARRY"} {"Clue":"Man's surroundings (5,3)","Answer":"IRISH SEA","Explanation":"cryptic definition, The Isle of Man"} {"Clue":"Woman in tree (6)","Answer":"FISHER","Explanation":"SHE (woman) in FIR (a tree)"} {"Clue":"Extract from the County News (4)","Answer":"TYNE","Explanation":"found inside counTY NEws"} {"Clue":"Supporting links (7)","Answer":"FORTIES","Explanation":"FOR (supporting) TIES (links)"} {"Clue":"Sporting body backing marquees (7)","Answer":"FASTNET","Explanation":"FA (sporting body) then TENTS (marquees) reversed (backing)"} {"Clue":"Could be Dover \u2013 or not! (4)","Answer":"SOLE","Explanation":"could be a Dover SOLE (a fish) or not"} {"Clue":"Primary element \u2013 brown earth (6)","Answer":"HUMBER","Explanation":"H (Hydrogen, the first element, primary element) then UMBER (brown earth)"} {"Clue":"Jews out west admitting identity (8)","Answer":"HEBRIDES","Explanation":"HEBREwS (jews) missing W (west) containing ID (identity)"} {"Clue":"Left! Left as well! (8)","Answer":"PORTLAND","Explanation":"PORT (left) L (left) AND (as well)"} {"Clue":"Very good hosting one family (6)","Answer":"VIKING","Explanation":"VG (very good) containing I (one) KIN (family)"} {"Clue":"Lumpy, hot concoction (8)","Answer":"PLYMOUTH","Explanation":"anagram (concoction) of HOT LUMPY"} {"Clue":"Poor quality verses the Spanish lacked (6)","Answer":"DOGGER","Explanation":"DOGGERel (poor quality verses) missing EL (the, Spanish)"} {"Clue":"Poor obstetrician with cars abandoned \u2013 crunch! (4,4)","Answer":"BITE INTO","Explanation":"Definition: crunch\nanagram (poor) of OBsTETrIcIaN missing CARS"} {"Clue":"HQs of TV channels \u2013 17 is one (8)","Answer":"STATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: HQs\ntriple definition"} {"Clue":"Letters left in poor shape (6)","Answer":"ALEPHS","Explanation":"Definition: Letters\nL (left) in anagram (poor) of SHAPE"} {"Clue":"Dover-Calais' back-up port (4)","Answer":"ACRE","Explanation":"Definition: port\nfound inside ('s, belonging to) dovER-CAlais reversed (back up) \u2013 a port in Israel. I guess this definition is chosen over the more obvious unit of area to fit in with the maritime theme."} {"Clue":"Principal in rush didn't move (8)","Answer":"REMAINED","Explanation":"Definition: didn't move\nMAIN (principle) in REED (rush)"} {"Clue":"Breaking hearts in the department (6)","Answer":"SARTHE","Explanation":"Definition: department\nanagram (breaking) of HEARTS \u2013 a department of France"} {"Clue":"Rises up, upsetting canonised paramour (7)","Answer":"REVOLTS","Explanation":"Definition: Rises up\nST LOVER (cryptically a canonised paramour) reversed (upsetting)"} {"Clue":"Said a word or two \u2013 indistinctly, but not for starters (7)","Answer":"UTTERED","Explanation":"Definition: Said a word or two\nmUTTERED (said indistinctly) missing M (not for starters)"} {"Clue":"Crushing defeat later, perhaps, in court (8)","Answer":"WATERLOO","Explanation":"Definition: Crushing defeat \nanagram (perhaps) of LATER in WOO (court)"} {"Clue":"Gently cooking apple or fish stuffed with bit of dill (8)","Answer":"CODDLING","Explanation":"Definition: Gently cooking\nCODLING (an apple or small fish) contains Dill (first letter, a bit of)"} {"Clue":"Communication that's right for composer of Les Deux Pigeons (8)","Answer":"MESSAGER","Explanation":"Definition: composer of Les Deux Pigeons\nMESSAGE (communication) with R (right) \u2013 Andr\u00e9\u00a0Messager, French composer"} {"Clue":"Small tailless Chinese dog, apparently, cut to pieces (4,2)","Answer":"CHOP UP","Explanation":"Definition: cut to pieces\nCHOw PUP (small Chinese dog) the dog missing its last letter (tailless)"} {"Clue":"Ingratiating school-mistress in borders of Surrey (6)","Answer":"SMARMY","Explanation":"Definition: Ingratiating\nMARM (school mistress) in SurrY (borders of)"} {"Clue":"Role of some actors in Othello (6)","Answer":"ORSINO","Explanation":"Definition: Role\nfound inside (some of) actORS IN Othello \u2013 Duke Orsino, a role in Twelfth Night or What You Will"} {"Clue":"Naval rating's bird (4)","Answer":"KNOT","Explanation":"Definition: Naval rating\ndouble definition \u2013 a knot is a naval speed rating"} {"Clue":"Criminal must lie, covering up a sham (8)","Answer":"SIMULATE","Explanation":"Definition: sham\nanagram (criminal) of MUST LIE containing A"} {"Clue":"Broadcast Mass in French for people in service (6)","Answer":"AIRMEN","Explanation":"Definition: people in service\nAIR (broadcast) M (mass) and EN (in, French)"} {"Clue":"Axes keep paint evenly off the wall (4)","Answer":"ZANY","Explanation":"Definition: off the wall\nZ and Y (two axes on a graph) containing pAiNt (even letters of)"} {"Clue":"Look after water supply in Scottish club (10)","Answer":"MOTHERWELL","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish club\nMOTHER (look after) WELL (water supply) \u2013 Scottish football club"} {"Clue":"Orca about 45 inches back in the drink (6)","Answer":"KILLER","Explanation":"Definition: Orca\nELL (measurement, about 45 inches) reversed (back) in KIR (a drink) \u2013 a killer whale"} {"Clue":"Way to march forwards on pitch, then sulk on the way back (8)","Answer":"LOCKSTEP","Explanation":"Definition: Way to march\nLOCKS (forwards on a rugby pitch) then PET (sulk) reversed (on the way back)"} {"Clue":"Not in wrong camp (7)","Answer":"OUTSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Not in\nOUT (wrong) and SIDE (camp, eg opposing side\/camp)"} {"Clue":"Criticise lightweight's characterful text (7)","Answer":"PANGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: characterful text\nPAN (criticise) and GRAM (a light weight) \u2013 some text containing every letter of the alphabet, so a full set of characters. Like this puzzle."} {"Clue":"Literary captain stores record and French letters (8)","Answer":"ALPHABET","Explanation":"Definition: letters\nAHAB (literary captain, Moby Dick) contains LP (record) then ET (and, in French)"} {"Clue":"Edging in front of brown Fiat (6)","Answer":"BORDER","Explanation":"Definition: Edging\nBrown (front of, first letter) then ORDER (fiat)"} {"Clue":"Disobeying one far-right group going around (10)","Answer":"INFRINGING","Explanation":"Definition: Disobeying\nI (one) NF (National Front, far right group) RINGING (going round)"} {"Clue":"Herb said to make basis for sauce (4)","Answer":"ROUX","Explanation":"Definition: basis for sauce\nROUX sounds like \"rue\" (a herb)"} {"Clue":"Nice one! Pro on lake is to remove bindings (6)","Answer":"UNLACE","Explanation":"Definition: to remove bindings\nUN (one in French, in Nice perhaps) then ACE (pro) following (on) L (lake)"} {"Clue":"Artist very cutting in short farce (8)","Answer":"TRAVESTY","Explanation":"Definition: farce\nRA (Royal Academician, artist) inside (cutting in) TESTY (short, bad tempered)"} {"Clue":"Sweet farm animal I dressed in fancy suit (8)","Answer":"TIRAMISU","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nRAM (farm animal) I inside anagram (fancy) of SUIT"} {"Clue":"Platform by the sea's as rickety in the end (4)","Answer":"QUAY","Explanation":"Definition: Platform by the sea\nQUA (as) and ricketY (the end letter of)"} {"Clue":"Jack's replaced head of tool: it blocks signals (6)","Answer":"JAMMER","Explanation":"Definition: it blocks signals\nJ (jack) replacing first letter (head) of hAMMER (tool)"} {"Clue":"Knight, south of sunken area, spies Spanish city (8)","Answer":"VALENCIA","Explanation":"Definition: city\nN (knight, chess) underneath (south of) VALE (sunken area) then CIA (spies)"} {"Clue":"Brother returning sauce bottles has sweetener (5,5)","Answer":"BROWN SUGAR","Explanation":"Definition: sweetener\nBR (brother) RAGU (sauce) reversed (returning) contains (bottles) OWNS (has)"} {"Clue":"Vigour of compilers primarily liking deception (6)","Answer":"WELLIE","Explanation":"Definition: Vigour\nWE (crossword compilers) Liking (primarily, first letter of) and LIE (deception)"} {"Clue":"Praises sex changes, receiving flipping good deal (6)","Answer":"EXTOLS","Explanation":"Definition: Praises\nanagram (changes) of SEX containing (receiving) LOT (good deal) reversed (flipping)"} {"Clue":"Ultra harsh, after trashing final performance (4,6)","Answer":"LAST HURRAH","Explanation":"Definition: final performance\nanagram (after trashing) of ULTRA HARSH"} {"Clue":"Drivel in legal document is shown to be wrong (8)","Answer":"DEBUNKED","Explanation":"Definition: shown to be wrong\nBUNK (drivel) in DEED (legal document)"} {"Clue":"Decent English queen caught in a tryst (8)","Answer":"ADEQUATE","Explanation":"Definition: Decent\nE (English) QU (queen) inside (caught in) A DATE (tryst)"} {"Clue":"Severe Conservative dismissed by press (6)","Answer":"STRICT","Explanation":"Definition: Severe\nconSTRICT (press) missing (dismissed by) CON (Conservative)"} {"Clue":"Bit of muslin in glove? (6)","Answer":"LINING","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of muslin in glove\nfound inside musLIN IN Glove \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Super computer's menu choice (3,3)","Answer":"BIG MAC","Explanation":"Definition: menu choice \nBIG (super) MAC (computer)"} {"Clue":"Run and charge around in rocky area (4)","Answer":"REEF","Explanation":"Definition: rocky area\nR (run) and FEE (charge) reversed (around)"} {"Clue":"Ghost, first to last, in Hell (5)","Answer":"HADES","Explanation":"Definition: Hell\nSHADE (ghost) first letter to last place"} {"Clue":"Ruler's adapted Roman style (9)","Answer":"MONARCHIC","Explanation":"Definition: Ruler's\nanagram (adapted) of ROMAN then CHIC (style)"} {"Clue":"What could make House go mad, involving Liberal politician of the past (7-4)","Answer":"DOUGLAS-HOME","Explanation":"Definition: politician of the past\nanagram (what could make) HOUSE GO MAD containing L (Liberal)"} {"Clue":"Religious reformer organised millions in church, right? (7)","Answer":"CRANMER","Explanation":"Definition: Religious reformer\nRAN (organised) M (millions) in CE (Church of England) R (right)"} {"Clue":"Term to typify \"Troubled toenail trial\"? (12)","Answer":"ALLITERATION","Explanation":"Definition: Term to typify\nanagram (troubled) of TOENAIL TRIAL"} {"Clue":"Like memorial words daughter inscribed in large beehive? (8)","Answer":"LAPIDARY","Explanation":"Definition: Like memorial words\nD (daughter) in L (large) APIARY (beehive)"} {"Clue":"Big user of ammo, live \u2013 artillerymen accepting that (not half) (6)","Answer":"BERTHA","Explanation":"Definition: Big user of ammo\nBE (live) RA (artillerymen) containing THat (not half) \u2013 Big Bertha, a WWI gun"} {"Clue":"Character, fashionable? That's fashion guru (6)","Answer":"CARDIN","Explanation":"Definition: fashion guru \nCARD (character) and IN (fashionable) \u2013 Pierre Cardin"} {"Clue":"Girl's lines added to exercise put down wrongly (8)","Answer":"MISSPELL","Explanation":"Definition: put down wrongly\nMISS (girl) has L L (two lines) following (added to) PE (exercise)"} {"Clue":"How star's seen \u2013 touring pretty places? (8,4)","Answer":"SPECTRAL TYPE","Explanation":"Definition: How star's seen\nanagram (touring) of PRETTY PLACE"} {"Clue":"Company's acquired by recently successful tennis player (7)","Answer":"LACOSTE","Explanation":"Definition: successful tennis player\nCO'S (company's) in LATE (recently)"} {"Clue":"Theatrical director, instinctive, to move quickly to secure run (7)","Answer":"GUTHRIE","Explanation":"Definition: Theatrical director\nGUT (instinctive) HIE (to move quickly) containing (to secure) R (run) \u2013 Sir William Guthrie"} {"Clue":"Very like some fairies to cover shirt in soft fabric (9)","Answer":"VELVETEEN","Explanation":"Definition: soft fabric\nV (very) ELVEN (like some fairies) contains (to cover) TEE (shirt)"} {"Clue":"German writer pinches several bottles (5)","Answer":"HESSE","Explanation":"Definition: German writer\nfound inside (bottled by) pincHES SEveral \u2013 Hermann Hesse"} {"Clue":"Study of waterworks beginning to help lady's uric failing (10)","Answer":"HYDRAULICS","Explanation":"Definition: Study of waterworks\nanagram (failing) of Help (first letter of) and LADY'S URIC"} {"Clue":"Two fairish holes, say, by end of work help to block the road (6-4)","Answer":"DOUBLE-PARK","Explanation":"Definition: help to block the road\nDOUBLE (two) PAR (a fairish hole) by worK (end of)"} {"Clue":"Paid tribute to having the blues involving stringed instrument (7)","Answer":"SALUTED","Explanation":"Definition: Paid tribute to\nLUTE (stringed instrument) in SAD (having the blues)"} {"Clue":"Church music is covered by simple scripture lesson (8)","Answer":"MISERERE","Explanation":"Definition: Church music\nIS inside (covered by) MERE (simple) RE (Religious Education, scripture lesson)"} {"Clue":"Scottish one engaging detective showing rise in distinction (6)","Answer":"NICETY","Explanation":"Definition: distinction\nYIN (Scottish one) containing (engaging) TEC (detective) reversed (showing rise)"} {"Clue":"Are bubbling pan and casserole finally getting stirred again? (7)","Answer":"REAWOKE","Explanation":"Definition: stirred again\nanagram (bubbling) of ARE then WOK (pan) and casserolE (final letter of)"} {"Clue":"Irish city's two-word reinterpretation of shamrock? (4)","Answer":"CORK","Explanation":"Definition: Irish city\nshamrock in two words is sham rock, anagram of rock"} {"Clue":"They weigh horses, restraining flanks of lively Arab (10)","Answer":"STEELYARDS","Explanation":"Definition: They weigh\nSTEEDS (horses) containing LivelY (flanks of) AR (Arab)"} {"Clue":"Patriot's worship given to Biblical figure (4,6)","Answer":"PAUL REVERE","Explanation":"Definition: Patriot\nREVERE (worship) following (given to) PAUL (Biblical figure)"} {"Clue":"Gold metal picked up with information indicating another element (8)","Answer":"NITROGEN","Explanation":"Definition: another element\nOR (gold) TIN (metal) reversed (picked up) then GEN (information)"} {"Clue":"Here's me behind the times, showing inability to move forward (7)","Answer":"IMPASSE","Explanation":"Definition: inability to move forward\nI'M PASSE (here's me behind the times)"} {"Clue":"Plan in school making a mark (7)","Answer":"SPLOTCH","Explanation":"Definition: a mark\nPLOT (plan) in SCH (school)"} {"Clue":"Plan in school: English supported by the writer (6)","Answer":"SCHEME","Explanation":"Definition: Plan\nSCH (school) and E (English) on (supported by) ME (the writer)"} {"Clue":"Southern gents possibly doing for East European (4)","Answer":"SLAV","Explanation":"Definition: East European\nS (southern) LAV (gents possibly)"} {"Clue":"Bridge system, all but nearby to the North (4)","Answer":"ACOL","Explanation":"Definition: Bridge system\nLOCAL (nearby) missing last letter (all but) reversed (to the north, up on a map)"} {"Clue":"Nurse once covering right leg (6)","Answer":"MATRON","Explanation":"Definition: Nurse\nMAT (covering) R (right) and ON (leg-side, cricket)"} {"Clue":"Type of bread (includes nuts) (8)","Answer":"UNSLICED","Explanation":"Definition: Type of bread\nanagram (nuts) of INCLUDES"} {"Clue":"Require licence to drain sewer? (6)","Answer":"NEEDLE","Explanation":"Definition: sewer\nNEED (require) LicencE (to drain, no middle letters) \u2013 something that sews"} {"Clue":"Article probes rather cool kitchen utensil (8)","Answer":"COLANDER","Explanation":"Definition: kitchen utensil\nAN (indefinite article) inside (probes) COLDER (rather cool)"} {"Clue":"Which person assumes headwear for hail? (4,2)","Answer":"WHAT HO","Explanation":"Definition: hail\nWHO (which person) contains (assumes) HAT (headwear)"} {"Clue":"Small space contains advert backing dairy product (4)","Answer":"EDAM","Explanation":"Definition: airy product\nEM (small space, printing) contains AD (advert) reversed (backing)"} {"Clue":"I feel terrible regularly, wrote tipsy writer (3,2,2)","Answer":"WOE IS ME","Explanation":"Definition: I feel terrible\nWrOtE tIpSy (regularly, every other letter) and ME (the writer)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps West End's premier gains money for performance (7)","Answer":"MATINEE","Explanation":"Definition: performanc\nMAE (Mae West perhaps) and End (first letter, premier of) contains (gains) TIN (money)"} {"Clue":"Sort of cup both hands for cake (4)","Answer":"FARL","Explanation":"Definition: cake\nFA (sort of cup, football) then R and L (both hands)"} {"Clue":"Repeatedly attach clothing accessory (6)","Answer":"TIEPIN","Explanation":"Definition: clothing accessory\nTIE (attach) and PIn (attach, repeated)"} {"Clue":"After month, seaman's back at home displaying culinary style (2,6)","Answer":"AU GRATIN","Explanation":"Definition: culinary style\nAUG (August, month) then TAR (seaman) reversed) (back) and IN (at home)"} {"Clue":"Fine prospect, to act with two lines at theatrical show, runs out (5,3)","Answer":"BELLE VUE","Explanation":"Definition: Fine prospect\nBE (to act, take on a role) with L L (line, twice) and rEVUE (theatrical show) missing R (runs)"} {"Clue":"French novelist, wanting son primarily to develop (6)","Answer":"SPROUT","Explanation":"Definition: to develo\nPROUST (French novelist) with S (son) moving to the front (primarily)"} {"Clue":"In periphery of skillet, mushroom turned unusual range of colours (8)","Answer":"SPECTRUM","Explanation":"Definition: range of colours\nCEP (mushroom) reversed (turned) in SkilleT (periphery of) then RUM (unusual)"} {"Clue":"Exactly right to use tee when restricted by old golfing club (4-2)","Answer":"SPOT ON","Explanation":"Definition: Exactly right\nT (tee, name of letter) inside (restricted by) SPOON (old golf club)"} {"Clue":"Name Nicholas abbreviated during more editing (8)","Answer":"MONICKER","Explanation":"Definition: Name\nNCIK (Nicholas abbreviated) in anagram (editing) of MORE"} {"Clue":"Extremely thorough Welshman to tell stories about ancient text (3,5)","Answer":"THE ILIAD","Explanation":"Definition: ancient text\nThourougH (extremes of) ten DAI (a Welshman) and LIE (tell tales) reversed (about)"} {"Clue":"Old couple extended oriental tea (6)","Answer":"OOLONG","Explanation":"Definition: oriental tea\nO O (old, a couple of) and LONG (extended)"} {"Clue":"Child and I leaving native American retreat (4)","Answer":"NOOK","Explanation":"Definition: retreat\nchiNOOK (native American) missing CH (child) and I"} {"Clue":"Hum with male during weak opera (2,6)","Answer":"LA BOHEME","Explanation":"Definition: opera\nBO (body odour, hum) with M (male) inside (during) LAME (weak)"} {"Clue":"Clergyman attending, has smoke perhaps outside? (6)","Answer":"CURATE","Explanation":"Definition: Clergyman\nAT (attending) inside (with\u2026outside) CURE (smoke perhaps, like bacon)"} {"Clue":"Hazel's problem maybe needing doctor to track back (3,3)","Answer":"DRY ROT","Explanation":"Definition: Hazel's problem maybe\nDR (doctor) TO then RY (railway, track) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Go away shortly, vacation in Ibiza, seeing colourful flower (7)","Answer":"BEGONIA","Explanation":"Definition: colourful flower\nBE GONe (go away, shortly) then IbizA (vacation in, being vacated)"} {"Clue":"Sweet victory against Spain, cup being lifted (4,3)","Answer":"WINE GUM","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nWIN (victory) with (against) E (Espania, Spain) then MUG (cup) reversed (lifted)"} {"Clue":"Taxi ordered by Geordie non- drinker after one German wine (8)","Answer":"KABINETT","Explanation":"Definition: German wine\nKAB sounds like (ordered, as on the phone) cab (taxi) then NE (north eastern, Geordie) TT (non-drinker) following (after) I (one). I'm not keen on ordered as a homophone indicator, to me there is nothing specifically verbal about an order, it could just as easily be written."} {"Clue":"Stay after ceremonial piece of music (4,4)","Answer":"LAST POST","Explanation":"Definition: ceremonial piece of music\nLAST (stay) POST (after)"} {"Clue":"Chart written by banks of Kennet on aquatic organisms (8)","Answer":"PLANKTON","Explanation":"Definition: aquatic organisms\nPLAN (chart) with KenneT (banks of, side letters) and ON"} {"Clue":"English painter finding stone guest-house in America (6)","Answer":"STUBBS","Explanation":"Definition: English painter\nST (stone) BB (B&B, guest house) in US (America)"} {"Clue":"It's 50:50 one will fit into small boot (6)","Answer":"WELLIE","Explanation":"Definition: boot\nL L I (fifty, fifty and one as Roman numerals) in WEE (small)"} {"Clue":"Keep warm with gunner and dog (4,2)","Answer":"WRAP UP","Explanation":"Definition: Keep warm\nW (with) RA (Royal Artillery, a gunner) and PUP (dod)"} {"Clue":"Disapproving utterance over posh skirt (4)","Answer":"TUTU","Explanation":"Definition: skirt\nTUT (disapproving utterance) on U (posh)"} {"Clue":"Unyielding, extremely intimidating in purge (5)","Answer":"RIGID","Explanation":"Definition: Unyielding\nIntimidatinG (extremes of) in RID (purge)"} {"Clue":"Miscellanea of drugs including a large amount of grass? (7)","Answer":"MEDLEYS","Explanation":"Definition: Miscellanea\nMEDS (drugs) contains LEY (pasture, a large amount of grass)"} {"Clue":"Laugh about missing the first three traps (4)","Answer":"GINS","Explanation":"Definition: traps\nSNIGger reversed (about) missing first three letters"} {"Clue":"Graph, say, to change theorem by this guy (10)","Answer":"PYTHAGORAS","Explanation":"Definition: theorem by this guy\nanagram (to change) of GRAPH TO SAY"} {"Clue":"Noted chubby, short, tailless little creature (6)","Answer":"FAMOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Noted\nFAT (short) and MOUSe (little creature, tailess)"} {"Clue":"Raised wildly without house in former republic (8)","Answer":"RHODESIA","Explanation":"Definition: former republic \nanagram (wildly) of RAISED containing (without) HO (house)"} {"Clue":"Cut complaints associated with take-out (9)","Answer":"BEEFSTEAK","Explanation":"Definition: Cut\nBEEFS (complaints) with anagram (out) of TAKE"} {"Clue":"Family putting last of coal in oven (4)","Answer":"KILN","Explanation":"Definition: oven\ncoaL (last letter of) in KIN (family)"} {"Clue":"Dog\u00a0food (4)","Answer":"CHOW","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Endgame involving agents in rescue bid finally wasted (9)","Answer":"EMACIATED","Explanation":"Definition: wasted\nMATE (end game) contains CIA (agents) in final letters of rescuE biD"} {"Clue":"Illegally distributed goods finally robbed outside pound (8)","Answer":"SMUGGLED","Explanation":"Definition: llegally distributed\ngoodS (finally) then MUGGED (robbed) containing L (pound)"} {"Clue":"Reprinted tabula showing vowel gradation (6)","Answer":"ABLAUT","Explanation":"Definition: showing vowel gradation\nanagram of TABULA"} {"Clue":"In which techie aims to get his level best? (10)","Answer":"SOUNDCHECK","Explanation":"Definition: In which techie aims to get his level best\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Not quite regretting collapse (4)","Answer":"RUIN","Explanation":"Definition: collapse\nRUINg (regretting, not quite)"} {"Clue":"Those examined in science finally breaking rocks (7)","Answer":"TESTEES","Explanation":"Definition: Those examined\nsciencE (final letter of) in TESTES (rocks)"} {"Clue":"Beneficiary certainly into school sports (5)","Answer":"PAYEE","Explanation":"Definition: Beneficiary\nAYE (certainly) in PE (school sports)"} {"Clue":"Home counties town reported whiskey scandal? (7)","Answer":"RIEGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Home counties town\nRIEGATE sounds like (reportedly) \"Rye Gate\" could be a whiskey scandal perhaps"} {"Clue":"In essence, time taken over minute device (5)","Answer":"GISMO","Explanation":"Definition: device\nGISt (essence) missing T (time, taken) on MO (minute)"} {"Clue":"Plant is back in warehouse (7)","Answer":"DEPOSIT","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nIS reveresed (back) in DEPOT (warehouse)"} {"Clue":"Means to get into awful moments associated with roads (8,7)","Answer":"MOTORWAY MADNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Means to get into awful moments associated with roads\nWAY (means) inside (to get into) anagram (awful) of MOMENTS with ROADS \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Battle-axe to continue (6)","Answer":"DRAGON","Explanation":"Definition: Battle-axe\nDRAG ON (to continue)"} {"Clue":"Finally, unreliable alcoholic girl reveals secrets to a few (9)","Answer":"ESOTERICA","Explanation":"Definition: secrets to a few \nunreliablE (finally) SOT (alcoholic) ERICA (girl)"} {"Clue":"Stop or start iron right away \u2013 and again (7)","Answer":"STATION","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\nSTArT IrON missing the letter R (right away), and again means R is missed twice"} {"Clue":"Force bringing down plane, perhaps small means of punishment (9)","Answer":"FLOGGINGS","Explanation":"Definition: means of punishment\nF (force) LOGGING (means to bring down Plane tree perhaps) then S (small)"} {"Clue":"Company minutes intended to reach head of trading's console (7)","Answer":"COMFORT","Explanation":"Definition: console\nCO (company) M (minutes) FOR (intended) Trading (head of)"} {"Clue":"Increase level in competition (5,2)","Answer":"CRANK UP","Explanation":"Definition: ncrease\nRANK (level) in CUP (competition)"} {"Clue":"Learned sport in correct English (7)","Answer":"ERUDITE","Explanation":"Definition: Learned\nRU (Rugby Union) in EDIT (correct) E (English)"} {"Clue":"Long, perhaps, to feed disheartened cattle, giving protection for young stock? (6)","Answer":"CLOCHE","Explanation":"Definition: protection for young stock\nLOCH (Loch Long perhaps) in CattleE (disheartened)"} {"Clue":"HGV in Ayr, rolling up (5)","Answer":"LORRY","Explanation":"Definition: HGV\nfound reversed in aYR ROLling"} {"Clue":"Harvester's absence from work not welcome (6)","Answer":"SICKLE","Explanation":"Definition: Harvester\nSICK LEave (absence from work) missing AVE (welcome)"} {"Clue":"Son tucked into mushroom after duck that's out of date (8)","Answer":"OBSOLETE","Explanation":"Definition: out of date\nS (son) in BOLETE (mushroom) following O (duck, zero score at cricket)"} {"Clue":"Throw a meal outdoors (6)","Answer":"LAUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: Throw\nA inside (with\u2026outdoors) LUNCH (a meal)"} {"Clue":"What used to be on special kit carried by Sturmabteilung (8)","Answer":"SWASTIKA","Explanation":"Definition: What\nWAS (used to be) on anagram (special) of KIT inside (carried by) SA (Sturmabteilung) \u2013 extended definition, to be read What\u2026"} {"Clue":"Crawl over dales, distraught when promise is unfulfilled (5,4)","Answer":"FALSE DAWN","Explanation":"Definition: when promise is unfulfilled\nFAWN (crawl) containing (going over) anagram (distraught) of DALES"} {"Clue":"I'm involved with this battle site in Belgium (5)","Answer":"BULGE","Explanation":"Definition: battle site in Belgium\nan anagram (involved) of I'M and BULGE (this) gives BELGIUM"} {"Clue":"He looks heavenwards when cup is returned to box (14)","Answer":"ASTROPHYSICIST","Explanation":"Definition: He looks heavenwards\nAS (when) TROPHY (cup) IS reversed (returned) to CIST (box)"} {"Clue":"Pens of warriors designed for them? (9,2,3)","Answer":"PRISONERS OF WAR","Explanation":"Definition: them\nanagram (designed) of PENS OF WARRIORS"} {"Clue":"Many cherish origin of Ulster lily (5)","Answer":"LOTUS","Explanation":"Definition: lily\nLOTS (many) conatin (cherish) Ulster (origin, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Source of love's arrow that's alluringly made up (6,3)","Answer":"CUPIDS BOW","Explanation":"Definition: Source of love's arrow\ndouble definition. The aluringly made up definition is new to me, see Wikipedia."} {"Clue":"More pungent special port (8)","Answer":"TANGIERS","Explanation":"Definition: port \nTANGIER (more pungent) and S (special). I came across this in a blog a few months ago and someone pointed out that this is an Anglicised version, the actual name of the port is TANGIER. This was something that until then I had not realised. I must have seen the correct name written on maps hundreds of times and mentally added the extra S without ever knowing."} {"Clue":"Bruised crania? This is said to help (6)","Answer":"ARNICA","Explanation":"Definition: This is said to help\nanagram (bruised) of CRANIA \u2013 Arnica is reputed to cure bruising"} {"Clue":"Posies one's arranged? They're not straight (8)","Answer":"NOSEGAYS","Explanation":"Definition: Posies\nanagram (arranged) of ONE'S then GAYS (they are not straight)"} {"Clue":"Limped everywhere, hiding shackle (6)","Answer":"IMPEDE","Explanation":"Definition: shackle\nfound inside (hidden by) lIMPED Everywhere"} {"Clue":"Feature of Bonneville, where old sailor lives? (4,4)","Answer":"SALT FLAT","Explanation":"Definition: Feature of Bonneville\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Item at end of sonnet (7)","Answer":"COUPLET","Explanation":"Definition: Item at end of sonnet\nCOUPLE with (at) sonneT (end letter of) \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Clubs open attraction to make money (5)","Answer":"LUCRE","Explanation":"Definition: money\nC (clubs) inside (to open) LURE (attraction)"} {"Clue":"What poor strings do makes you cringe (3,3,6)","Answer":"BOW AND SCRAPE","Explanation":"Definition: What poor strings do\ncryptic\/double definition"} {"Clue":"Dish copper stud mounted in old firm (4,5)","Answer":"OSSO BUCCO","Explanation":"Definition: Dish\nCU (copper) BOSS (stud) reversed (mounted) in O (old) CO (company, firm)"} {"Clue":"Food left beside battered cans (7)","Answer":"EDIBLES","Explanation":"Definition: ood\nL (left) inside (canned by) anagram (battered) of BESIDE"} {"Clue":"Madrid article defends VIP as Crown Protector (6)","Answer":"ENAMEL","Explanation":"Definition: Crown Protector\nEL (the Spanish, as in Madrid) contains (defends) NAME (VIP) \u2013 protects the crowns of your teeth"} {"Clue":"Store keen to stock wood with vehicle (4-3-5)","Answer":"CASH AND CARRY","Explanation":"Definition: Store\nCRY (keen) containing ASH (wood) with CAR (vehicle)"} {"Clue":"Haunting old boy sings badly, swallowing tablets (9)","Answer":"OBSESSING","Explanation":"Definition: Haunting\nOB (old boy) then anagram (badly) of SINGS containing ES (ecstasy tablets)"} {"Clue":"Barn owl interpreted echo as something to drink (5,3)","Answer":"BROWN ALE","Explanation":"Definition: something to drink\nanagram (interpreted) of BARN OWL then E (echo, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Ordinary seamen\u00a0viewing figures (7)","Answer":"RATINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Ordinary seamen\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Various bits occupying tiny pages here (7)","Answer":"WEBSITE","Explanation":"Definition: pages here\nanagram (various) of BITS inside WEE (tiny)"} {"Clue":"Protein surplus approaching European margins (6)","Answer":"GLUTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Protein\nGLUT (surplus) with (approaching) EuropeaN (margins, outside letters of)"} {"Clue":"Pasta ingredient university kept in barrel (5)","Answer":"DURUM","Explanation":"Definition: Pasta ingredient\nU (university) in DRUM (barrel)"} {"Clue":"A shade over the pond, a complete state (8)","Answer":"COLORADO","Explanation":"Definition: state\nCOLOR (a shade, American, over the pond) A then DO (complete)"} {"Clue":"European city left in the midst of floods (6)","Answer":"OPORTO","Explanation":"Definition: European city\nPORT (left) in flOOds (middle of)"} {"Clue":"Oddly, blonde is turning heads in story of life after death (4)","Answer":"OBIT","Explanation":"Definition: story of life after death\nfirst letters (heads) of Odly Blonde Is Turning"} {"Clue":"Setter describing a clanger, perhaps, as owner of large corporation (5,5)","Answer":"JELLY BELLY","Explanation":"Definition: owner of large corporation\nJELLY (setter, something that sets) and BELLY (like a bell, describing a clanger perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Friendly and unfriendly types confused (6-6)","Answer":"HUGGER-MUGGER","Explanation":"Definition: confused\nHUGGER (friendly type) and MUGGER (unfriendly type)"} {"Clue":"Close relationship with British and Italian church (8)","Answer":"BROMANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Close relationship\nB (British) with ROMAN (an Italian) CE (church, of England) \u2013 a new word for me, but guessable"} {"Clue":"Convert yearned for clerical office (7)","Answer":"DEANERY","Explanation":"Definition: clerical office\nanagram (convert) of YEARNED \u2013 very nice surface"} {"Clue":"Sharp instrument, point getting round to puncture you (7)","Answer":"SYRINGE","Explanation":"Definition: Sharp instrument\nS (point, of the compass) with RING (something round) inside (to puncture) YE (you)"} {"Clue":"Mother does the housework? That's attractive! (8)","Answer":"CHARISMA","Explanation":"Definition: That's attractive\nCAHR IS MA (mother is a char, does the housework)"} {"Clue":"Reportedly, actress Elizabeth with strapping figure producing commotion (5-5)","Answer":"HURLY-BURLY","Explanation":"Definition: commotion\nHURLY sounds like (reportedly) HURLEY (Elizabeth Hurley, actress) with BURLY (with strapping figure)"} {"Clue":"Entrance, one admitting first of crew on ship (6)","Answer":"ACCESS","Explanation":"Definition: Entrance\nACE (one) containing (admitting) Crew (first letter of) on SS (steam ship)"} {"Clue":"Democrat in flying US party (8)","Answer":"WINGDING","Explanation":"Definition: US party\nD (democrat) in WINGING (flying)"} {"Clue":"Still slip to lift over top of elasticated garment that's tight (4,4)","Answer":"BOOB TUBE","Explanation":"Definition: garment that's tight\nBUT (still) BOOB (slip) reversed (to lift) on Elasticated (top letter of)"} {"Clue":"Caged bird, perhaps, holding us up, 1940s' style (4,4)","Answer":"ZOOT SUIT","Explanation":"Definition: 1940s' style\nZOO TIT (caged bird perhaps) contains US reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Vessel in difficult situ\u00adation, conflict (3,3)","Answer":"JAM JAR","Explanation":"Definition: Vessel\nJAM (difficult situation) and JAR (conflict)"} {"Clue":"Potential wife, double trouble! (5-2)","Answer":"WOULD BE","Explanation":"Definition: Potential\nanagram (trouble) of W (wife) and DOUBLE"} {"Clue":"Sweet, short and round (4-4)","Answer":"ROLY-POLY","Explanation":"Definition: short and round\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Go with man like mad, embracing very intimate experience (4-6)","Answer":"LOVE-MAKING","Explanation":"Definition: intimate experience\nanagram (mad) of GO with MAN LIKE containing (embracing) V (very)"} {"Clue":"Last characters in ski lift, almost every one I see on the slope (6)","Answer":"ITALIC","Explanation":"Definition: on the slope\nskI lifT (last characters of) ALl (every, almost) I C (see, name of letter)"} {"Clue":"Hero of the South, broadly speaking? (7,3)","Answer":"GENERAL LEE","Explanation":"Definition: Hero of the South\nsounds like (speaking) \"generally\" (broadly)"} {"Clue":"Cultivate shrubs with one hollow plant (8)","Answer":"ROSEBUSH","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nanagram (cultivate) of SHRUBS with OnE (hollow, no middle letter)"} {"Clue":"Europeans creasing pants (8)","Answer":"GRECIANS","Explanation":"Definition: Europeans\nanagram (pants) of CREASING"} {"Clue":"More than one grave line in some music (7)","Answer":"BARROWS","Explanation":"Definition: More than one grave\nROW (line) in BARS (some music)"} {"Clue":"Feeling around a buttock and thigh (6)","Answer":"HAUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: buttock and \n~~HAUNCH (feeling) contains (goes around) U (a buttock). I'm guessing that U=a buttock is a visual indication, the full set being UU~~. HUNCH (feeling) contains A."} {"Clue":"Old people won't necessarily answer (6)","Answer":"MAYANS","Explanation":"Definition: Old people\nMAY (won't necessarily) ANS (answer)"} {"Clue":"Face among images I deleted (4)","Answer":"SIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Face\nfound among imageS I DEleted"} {"Clue":"Song by girl after drink (8)","Answer":"CAVATINA","Explanation":"Definition: Song\nTINA (a girl) following CAVA (a drink)"} {"Clue":"Poet's first poem is excellent (5)","Answer":"PRIME","Explanation":"Definition: excellent\nPoet (first letter of) then RIME (poem, archaic)"} {"Clue":"Bonus for each \u00a31000? (4)","Answer":"PERK","Explanation":"Definition: Bonus\nPER (for each) K (\u00a31,000)"} {"Clue":"Malfunctioning toilets contain animal's body part (10)","Answer":"EPIGLOTTIS","Explanation":"Definition: body part\nanagram (malfunctioning) of TOILETS contains PIG (an animal)"} {"Clue":"Policeman close to adversary like Scrooge? (6)","Answer":"STINGY","Explanation":"Definition: like Scrooge\nSING (policeman, member of the band The Police) and adversarY (closing letter of)"} {"Clue":"Setter leaving threesome in awfully macho forum (8)","Answer":"CHATROOM","Explanation":"Definition: forum\nTRiO missing I (the setter) in anagram (awfully) of MACHO"} {"Clue":"Running stitches protect top of pocket (7)","Answer":"SPEWING","Explanation":"Definition: Running\nSEWING (stitches) contains Pocket (top letter of)"} {"Clue":"Knight following sign outside bar to Asian republic (7)","Answer":"LEBANON","Explanation":"Definition: Asian republic\nN (knight, chess) follows LEO (sign, of he zodiac) containing BAN (bar)"} {"Clue":"Moulds made by retired sailors involved in horrible crimes (8)","Answer":"MATRICES","Explanation":"Definition: Moulds\nTA (sailors???) reversed (retired) in anagram (horrible) of CRIMES. Does Peter mean soldiers rather than sailors here?"} {"Clue":"Duke and duchess kept in line by cook (6)","Answer":"FIDDLE","Explanation":"Definition: cook\nD (duke) and D (duchess) in FILE (line)"} {"Clue":"Something finally finished by new people with time to rule (10)","Answer":"GOVERNMENT","Explanation":"Definition: rule\nsomethinG (final letter of) OVER (finished) by N (new) MEN (people) and T (time)"} {"Clue":"Oboist originally leaving instrument in part of prison (4)","Answer":"CELL","Explanation":"Definition: part of prison\nCELLo (instrument) missing Oboeist (originally, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Fellows losing money in dark fabric (5)","Answer":"DENIM","Explanation":"Definition: fabric\nmEN (fellows) missing M (money) in DIM (dark)"} {"Clue":"Intoxicated leaders can set bad example (8)","Answer":"INSTANCE","Explanation":"Definition: example\nINtoxicated (leading letters of) then anagram (bad) of CAN SET"} {"Clue":"Drink somehow got paler (5,3)","Answer":"LAGER TOP","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nanagram (somehow) of GOT PALER"} {"Clue":"Grotty\u00a0station (4)","Answer":"RANK","Explanation":"Definition: Grotty\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Historian accepting queen's badge (6)","Answer":"LIVERY","Explanation":"Definition: badge\nLIVY (Titus Livius, historian) contains ER (The Queen)"} {"Clue":"Officer drinking a French wine with catholic artist (2,5)","Answer":"DA VINCI","Explanation":"Definition: artist\nDI (detective inspector, officer) contains (drinking) VIN (wine, French) and C (catholic)"} {"Clue":"Wise man taking medicine for problem with waterworks? (8)","Answer":"SPILLAGE","Explanation":"Definition: problem with waterworks\nSAGE (wise man) contains (taking) PILL (medicine)"} {"Clue":"Trace antelope roaming Ecuador's last remote area (10)","Answer":"HINTERLAND","Explanation":"Definition: remote area\nHINT (trace) then ELAND (antelope) containing (roaming, going around) ecuadoR (last letter of). I'm not keen on wordplay that requires one to chain meanings to get to the result: \"roaming\" means \"going around\" which means \"contains\"; therefore \"roaming\" means \"contains\". How about \"carpet\" means \"roast\" which means \"cook in the oven\": I'm going to carpet the chicken for dinner. I know lots of setters do this but it makes me feel uneasy."} {"Clue":"Fine yarn spun in Rome (6)","Answer":"MERINO","Explanation":"Definition: Fine yarn\nanagram (spun) of IN ROME"} {"Clue":"Nuclear engineer swore about list in US city (3,7)","Answer":"NEW ORLEANS","Explanation":"Definition: US city\nN (nuclear) then anagram (engineer) of SWORE containing LEAN (list)"} {"Clue":"After prison chap returned with Eastern alias (8)","Answer":"NICKNAME","Explanation":"Definition: alias\nMAN (chap) reversed (returned) following NICK (prison) then E (eastern)"} {"Clue":"Soil treated to beat risk to wildlife (3,5)","Answer":"OIL SLICK","Explanation":"Definition: risk to wildlife\nanagram (treated) of SOIL then LICK (to beat)"} {"Clue":"Gaul finds upturned Greek letter under flower (7)","Answer":"ASTERIX","Explanation":"Definition: Gaul \nXI (Greek letter) reversed (upturned) under ASTER (flower)"} {"Clue":"Steers clear of space in hollow asbestos (6)","Answer":"AVOIDS","Explanation":"Definition: Steers clear of\nVOID (space) in AsbestoS (hollow, no middle letters)"} {"Clue":"Place turning up in extremely foolish fixation (6)","Answer":"FETISH","Explanation":"Definition: fixation\nSITE (place) reversed (turning up) in FoolisH (extreme letters of)"} {"Clue":"Compiler's first music is rubbish! (4)","Answer":"CRAP","Explanation":"Definition: rubbish\nCompiler (first letter of) and RAP (music)"} {"Clue":"Carlo, Charlie take over American carmaker (7)","Answer":"PONTIAC","Explanation":"Definition: carmaker\nCarlo PONTI and C (Charlie, phonetic alphabet) contains A (American). Didn't know Carlo Ponti but there are three listed in Wikipedia)."} {"Clue":"Regularly solve, upload the clue for \"produce an egg\" (7)","Answer":"OVULATE","Explanation":"Definition: produce an egg\nregular selection from sOlVe UpLoAd ThE"} {"Clue":"Sledge Somerset's square short leg (5)","Answer":"TAUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Sledge\nI can't explain this. My best guess is: TAUNTon (a place in Somerset) missing (short of) ON (leg, side in cricket). I can't explain \"square\". *TAUNTon (Somerset's cricket ground, where their square is) missing ON\u00a0(short of) ON (leg, side in cricket). Thanks to James for this."} {"Clue":"Naturally magnetic, Rock Hudson finally visited Leeds; too wild! (9)","Answer":"LODESTONE","Explanation":"Definition: Naturally magnetic, Rock\nhudsoN (last letter of) in anagram (wild) of LEEDS TOO"} {"Clue":"Shaffer's main work decried as \"a bit of fun\" (9)","Answer":"HORSEPLAY","Explanation":"Definition: a bit of fun\nPeter Schaffer wrote Equus, a play about a horse"} {"Clue":"Central African resident to approve a 22\/7, more or less (5)","Answer":"OKAPI","Explanation":"Definition: Central African resident\nOK (approve) A PI (22\/7 approximately)"} {"Clue":"Man Mountain accommodated in Queen's Hotel (5)","Answer":"RALPH","Explanation":"Definition: Man\nALP (maountain) in R (regina, queen) and H (hotel)"} {"Clue":"Greek petitioning Yankee to quit wrestling (9)","Answer":"GRAPPLING","Explanation":"Definition: wrestling\nGR (Greek) then APPLyING (petitioning) missing (to quit) Y (Yankee)"} {"Clue":"Francis Pym: a sterling host for the head of 6? (9)","Answer":"SPYMASTER","Explanation":"Definition: the head of 6\nfound inside (hosted in) franciS PYM A STERling \u2013 I presume 6 is MI6, The Secret Intelligence Service."} {"Clue":"Corporation chases US lawyer for a piece of information (5)","Answer":"DATUM","Explanation":"Definition: a piece of information\nTUM (corporation) follows DA (US lawyer)"} {"Clue":"Has the ability to switch head office chip production line unit (5)","Answer":"NACHO","Explanation":"Definition: chip production line unit\nCAN (has the ability) reversed (to switch) then HO (head office) \u2013 a nacho is a chip, so would be a unit in a chip production line. This is a bit of a meaningless as an XYZ is a unit in an XZY production line for anything."} {"Clue":"Out-of-the-ordinary Aberdonian shot legendary Kenyan (5,4)","Answer":"NANDI BEAR","Explanation":"Definition: legendary Kenyan\nanagram (shot) of ABERDoNIAN missing O (ordinary) \u2013 mythological animal of Eastern Africa. Never heard of this!"} {"Clue":"Barking dog alerts senior citizen (3,6)","Answer":"OLD STAGER","Explanation":"Definition: senior citizen\nanagram (barking) of DOG ALERTS"} {"Clue":"He was instrumental in Cremona's development (5)","Answer":"AMATI","Explanation":"Definition: He was instrumental in Cremona's development\ncryptic definition \u2013 Nicolo Amati (and others of the same family), violin makers in Cremona."} {"Clue":"Sounds like Fido's been using Bob Martin's tablets; simples! (2,5)","Answer":"NO SWEAT","Explanation":"Definition: simples\nsounds like \"nose wet\", sign of a healthy dog"} {"Clue":"Late stage impact injury (4,3)","Answer":"DEAD LEG","Explanation":"Definition: impact injury\nDEAD (late) LEG (stage)"} {"Clue":"Tip up diva's beer mug (7)","Answer":"PITCHER","Explanation":"Definition: beer mug\nTIP reversed (up) then CHER (diva, singer)"} {"Clue":"Without taking sides, protest Gingrich demo (9)","Answer":"NEUTRALLY","Explanation":"Definition: Without taking sides\nNEUT sounds like (protested) NEWT (Newt Gingrich) then RALLY (demo)"} {"Clue":"Film fans welcome during this dark period . . . . (2,3,4,2,3,5)","Answer":"IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Film\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":". . . . as opposed to this, a time for sober reflection (2,3,4,5,2,3)","Answer":"IN THE COLD LIGHT OF DAY","Explanation":"Definition: a time for sober reflection\nmore cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Opened a bottle, put out nuts, old Johnny's turned up! (9)","Answer":"UNSTOPPED","Explanation":"Definition: Opened a bottle\nanagram (put out) of NUTS then Johnny DEPP reversed (turned up)"} {"Clue":"Welcome to be found in two consecutive light rings? (5)","Answer":"ALOHA","Explanation":"Definition: Welcome\nfound inside hALO HAlo (two halos, light rings)"} {"Clue":"Still elected government, at the end of the day (7)","Answer":"EVENING","Explanation":"Definition: at the end of the day\nEVEN (still) IN (elected) G (government)"} {"Clue":"Novel sonar invention embraced by rising, precocious female explorer (6,3)","Answer":"AARON\u2019S ROD","Explanation":"Definition: Novel\nanagram (invention) inside (embraced by) DORA (Dora the Explorer, precocious female explorer, children's TV program) \u2013 novel by DH Lawrence"} {"Clue":"Posted\u00a0plenty of rightwing comment here . . . . (2,3,4)","Answer":"IN THE MAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Posted\ndouble definition \u2013 the Daily Mail is a right-wing newspaper"} {"Clue":". . . . and in Germany broadcast round about 8 (7)","Answer":"SUNDOWN","Explanation":"Definition: round about 8\nUND (and, in German) inside (with\u2026round) SOWN (broadcast) \u2013 8 is evening"} {"Clue":"Menzies briefly entertained head of Omani navy before lunch (7)","Answer":"MORNING","Explanation":"Definition: before lunch\nMING (short for Menzies, Scottish name) contains Omani (head, first letter of) and RN (the navy). Menzies is a Gaelic name pronounced as \"mingis\", the z being a stand-in for the letter yogh not found in the Latin alphabet."} {"Clue":"Gives way to those rumoured to be tipped for court success (5)","Answer":"CEDES","Explanation":"Definition: Gives way to\nsounds like (rumoured) SEEDS (those tipped for court success)"} {"Clue":"First daughter saved 1,000 for her mum (5)","Answer":"IVANA","Explanation":"Definition: her mum\nIVANkA (Ivanka Trump, first daughter, cf First Lady) missing K (1,000) \u2013 Ivanka Trump, Ivana's mother."} {"Clue":"Arabic wife stopping money for cleaner of estate? (3-4)","Answer":"CAR-WASH","Explanation":"Definition: cleaner of estate\nAR (Arabic) W (wife) inside (stopping, like a cork) CASH (money) \u2013 an estate car perhaps"} {"Clue":"Aggressive fool pursuing thrill (4-3)","Answer":"KICK-ASS","Explanation":"Definition: Aggressive\nASS (fool) following KICK (thrill)"} {"Clue":"When solvers start to waver before getting back to normal (2,3,4)","Answer":"AS YOU WERE","Explanation":"Definition: back to normal\nAS (when) YOU (the solvers) Waver (starting letter of) ERE (before)"} {"Clue":"Fawn that's new in Sri Lanka (5)","Answer":"CRAWL","Explanation":"Definition: awn\nRAW (new) in CL (Ceylon, now Sri Lanka)"} {"Clue":"Close society elite working to carry women to and fro (11)","Answer":"SHUTTLEWISE","Explanation":"Definition: to and fro\nSHUT (close) then anagram (working) of S (society) ELITE containing (to carry) W (women)"} {"Clue":"Instrument of torture finally taken on by monarchy (3)","Answer":"UKE","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\ntorturE (final letter of) on the end of UK (United Kingdom, a monarchy)"} {"Clue":"Quits appearing in terribly amateurish film (3,5,7)","Answer":"THE SEVEN SAMURAI","Explanation":"Definition: film\nEVENS (quits) in anagram (terribly) of AMATEURISH"} {"Clue":"Awful element of British Guiana in revolt (3)","Answer":"UGH","Explanation":"Definition: Awful\nfound inside (element of) britisH GUiana reversed (in revolt, uprising)"} {"Clue":"Low-grade, gooey slimy fungi making colloid (11)","Answer":"EMULSIFYING","Explanation":"Definition: making colloid\nE (low grade, in an exam) than anagram (gooey) of SLIMY FUNGI"} {"Clue":"Beef \u2013 good cut of beef (5)","Answer":"GRUMP","Explanation":"Definition: Beef\nG (good) RUMP (cut of beef)"} {"Clue":"Foreigner, one taking heavy blow outside church (9)","Answer":"ICELANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Foreigner\nI (one) with LANDER (heavy blow) containing (outside) CH (church)"} {"Clue":"Subject having son ousted by cold, isolated group (7)","Answer":"ENCLAVE","Explanation":"Definition: isolated group\nENsLAVE (subject) with S (son) being replaced by C (cold)"} {"Clue":"Recognised that boy taking book inside \u2013 still here? (7)","Answer":"SHEBEEN","Explanation":"Definition: still here\nSEEN (recognised) containing (with\u2026inside) HE (that boy) with B (book) \u2013 an unlicensed Irish distillery"} {"Clue":"Buy extra naughty see- through accessory? (1-3,4)","Answer":"X-RAY TUBE","Explanation":"Definition: see- through accessory\nanagram (naughty) of BUY EXTRA. Shuffling off into pedants corner briefly: I would say this had to be a component rather than an accessory, one would not see through much without it."} {"Clue":"Cook biting one expensive big cheese (5,9)","Answer":"CHIEF EXECUTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: big cheese\nCHEF (cook) containing (biting) I (one) EXECUTIVE (expensive)"} {"Clue":"Having run out of grains, pick dessert (3,5)","Answer":"ICE CREAM","Explanation":"Definition: dessert\nrICE (grains) missing R (run) then CREAM (pick)"} {"Clue":"Times article on top 60% of 6 in idyllic place (6)","Answer":"XANADU","Explanation":"Definition: idyllic place\nX (times) AN (indefinite article) on ADUlt (top 60% of)"} {"Clue":"Pupils encounter idea of marks in report? (5,8)","Answer":"CLASS STRUGGLE","Explanation":"Definition: idea of marks in report\nCLASS (pupils) STRUGGLE (encounter) \u2013 a cryptic definition: this was an idea of Karl Marx, sounds like (reportedly) marks"} {"Clue":"Developed area in the last month, freehold finally being accepted (5)","Answer":"ADULT","Explanation":"Definition: Developed\nA (area) ULT (in the last month) containing (\u2026being accepted) freeholD (finally, last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Look back, concerned with American president dividing opinion to cause uncertainty (4,2,8)","Answer":"KEEP IN SUSPENSE","Explanation":"Definition: to cause uncertainty\nPEEK (look) reversed (back) IN (concerned with) then US (American) P (president) inside (dividing) SENSE (opinion)"} {"Clue":"Persevering to lower current when holding right tool (9-4)","Answer":"SOLDERING-IRON","Explanation":"Definition: ool\nSOLDIERING ON (persevering) with I (current, electrical symbol) lowered to a new position and containing (holding) R (right)"} {"Clue":"Former knight with no time for model (8)","Answer":"EXEMPLAR","Explanation":"Definition: model\nEX (former) tEMPLAR (knight) missing T (time)"} {"Clue":"Vixen perhaps using control that's excessive you say? (8)","Answer":"REINDEER","Explanation":"Definition: Vixen perhaps\nREIN (control) and DEER sounds like (you say) \"dear\" (excessive) \u2013 one of Santa's reindeer as named in the poem A Visit from St Nicholas"} {"Clue":"Leg and loin in hot pot without lid (6)","Answer":"HAUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: Leg and loin\nH (hot) and pAUNCH (pot belly) missing top letter (lid)"} {"Clue":"Scrap metal's ending in forge (5)","Answer":"FLAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Scrap\nmetaL (ending of) in FAKE (forge)"} {"Clue":"Former queen constraining Gaul, unruly, unrefined (6)","Answer":"VULGAR","Explanation":"Definition: unrefined\nVR (Victoria Regina, former queen) contains anagram (unruly) of GAUL"} {"Clue":"Screen male holding singular charm (6)","Answer":"TELESM","Explanation":"Definition: charm\nTELE (screen) M (male) contains S (singular) \u2013 variant of talisman"} {"Clue":"Caribbean religion, one gripping millions (8)","Answer":"BAHAMIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Caribbean\nBAHAI (religion) AN (one) contains M (millions). I wasted a lot of time convinced that this was going to br JAMAICAN (JAIN or JANIAN the religion) which fitted all the crossers I had at the time."} {"Clue":"Wife in tow starts to rear offspring, thickening (4)","Answer":"ROUX","Explanation":"Definition: thickening\nUX (wife) following (in tow) starting letters of Rear Offspring"} {"Clue":"Rear of heifer? Person's holding that goad (4)","Answer":"BROD","Explanation":"Definition: goad\nfeifeR (rear, last letter of) inside (that is held by) BOD (person)"} {"Clue":"Stall serving liquor for the troops: result, drunken yen (7)","Answer":"SUTLERY","Explanation":"Definition: Stall serving liquor for the troops\nanagram (drunken) of RESULT then Y (Yen)"} {"Clue":"Missile launcher: face backwards a long time (6)","Answer":"WOMERA","Explanation":"Definition: Missile launcher\nMOW (face) reversed (backwards) then ERA (a long time)"} {"Clue":"I'll be hidden in second hearing, at the back (6)","Answer":"RETRAL","Explanation":"Definition: at the back\nRETRiAL (second hearing) missing (hiding) I"} {"Clue":"Head maybe curtailed cane in the house? (8)","Answer":"DOMESTIC","Explanation":"Definition: in the house\nDOME (head maybe) and STICk (cane, curtailed)"} {"Clue":"Muse required for small passage (4)","Answer":"PORE","Explanation":"Definition: Muse\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Piece of meat, a long way away from R. Blanc? (4)","Answer":"LOIN","Explanation":"Definition: Piece of meat\nLOIN is far in French (as spoken by Raymond Blanc)"} {"Clue":"One that's taken on a range of Lancashire lingerie (8)","Answer":"HIRELING","Explanation":"found inside (a range of letters from) lancasHIRE LINGerire"} {"Clue":"A beer bottled with oxygen in \u2013 what'll need that? (6)","Answer":"AEROBE","Explanation":"Definition: what'll need that\nanagram (bottled, shaken up with?) of A BEER containing (with\u2026in) O (oxygen)"} {"Clue":"Foreign bed in foreign house, making one fume (7)","Answer":"HALITUS","Explanation":"Definition: fume\nLIT (bed in French, foreign) in HAUS (house in German, foreign)"} {"Clue":"Old-fashioned musket, a feature of Plassey assuredly (4)","Answer":"EYAS","Explanation":"Definition: Old-fashioned musket\nfound inside plassEY ASsuredly \u2013 a musket is an old word for a male hawk"} {"Clue":"Clubs getting serious about making a lot of dough (4)","Answer":"SCAD","Explanation":"Definition: a lot of dough\nC (clubs) inside (getting\u2026about) SAD (serious)"} {"Clue":"Coaches in running shoes (8)","Answer":"TRAINERS","Explanation":"Definition: oaches\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"The main honorific going round in the upper house (6)","Answer":"SEANAD","Explanation":"Definition: the upper house\nSEA (the main) then DAN (honorific) reversed (going round) Irish Parliament"} {"Clue":"Drunk near TV in hostelry (6)","Answer":"TAVERN","Explanation":"Definition: hostelry\nanagram (drunk) of NEAR TV"} {"Clue":"Hush before undressed female drops bloomers (12)","Answer":"STRAWFLOWERS","Explanation":"Definition: bloomers\nST (hush!) before RAW (undressed) then F (female) LOWERS (drops)"} {"Clue":"Regular masonry one place of ill repute has in progress (8)","Answer":"ISODOMON","Explanation":"Definition: Regular masonry\nI (one) SODOM (place of ill repute) with ON (in progress)"} {"Clue":"Discharge includes pounds, an advantage (4)","Answer":"PLUS","Explanation":"Definition: an advantage\nPUS (discharge) contains L (pounds)"} {"Clue":"Skill cutting into spreading red skin disease (6)","Answer":"DARTRE","Explanation":"Definition: skin disease\nART (skill) inside (cutting into) anagram (spreading) of RED"} {"Clue":"Pass in India which a landslide has blocked? (6)","Answer":"CHALAN","Explanation":"Definition: Pass in India\nfound inside (a block of) whiCH A LANdslide"} {"Clue":"Scottish rag, number taken from pub (5)","Answer":"TAVER","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish rag\nTAVERn (pub) missing N (number)"} {"Clue":"It's proper to leave off start of dialogue and shut up for Shakespeare (5)","Answer":"EMURE","Explanation":"Definition: shut up for Shakespeare\ndEMURE (proper) missing (to leave off) Dialogue (starting letter of)"} {"Clue":"Pendant doctor's concealed in comic opera (7)","Answer":"EARDROP","Explanation":"Definition: Pendant\nDR (doctor) inside anagram (comic) of OPERA"} {"Clue":"Second drink leading to a bit of nooky (4)","Answer":"SNOG","Explanation":"Definition: a bit of nooky\nS (second) NOG (drink)"} {"Clue":"Not thinking straight: \u2014\u2014 to get dead, eh? (12)","Answer":"MUDDLEHEADED","Explanation":"Definition: Not thinking straight\nif you MUDDLE the letters of HEADED you get DEAD EH"} {"Clue":"The old make middle of screw centred in nut (4)","Answer":"ERN","Explanation":"Definition: The old make\nscRew (middle of) inside (centered in) EN (nut, printing term) old spelling of earn"} {"Clue":"Horses Scot maybe stabled in Basra strangely (8)","Answer":"ARABIANS","Explanation":"Definition: Horses \nIAN (Scot maybe) inside (stabbed into) anagram (strangely) of BASRA"} {"Clue":"A cheer goes up after one stringed instrument or another (7)","Answer":"KITHARA","Explanation":"Definition: another\nA RAH (cheer) reversed (goes up) following KIT (a stringed instrument) \u2013 a kithara (or cithara) is a stringed instrument"} {"Clue":"Religious title, one accepted by priest (3)","Answer":"PIR","Explanation":"Definition: Religious title\nI (one) inside PR (priest)"} {"Clue":"Once in disguise a devil runs amok (6)","Answer":"VAILED","Explanation":"Definition: Once in disguise\nanagram (disguised) of A DEVIL \u2013 old spelling of veiled"} {"Clue":"Investor hopes for a good one \u2026 and ace defies one (6)","Answer":"RETURN","Explanation":"Definition: Investor hopes for a good one\ndouble definition \u2013 finance and tennis"} {"Clue":"Personal prestige involving ego, an abnormal fixation (5)","Answer":"MANIA","Explanation":"Definition: an abnormal fixation\nMANA (personal prestige) contains (involving) I (the ego)"} {"Clue":"Wild creature making two varieties of earth? (5)","Answer":"ELAND","Explanation":"Definition: Wild creature\nE (earth) and LAND (earth)"} {"Clue":"Washing solution needing time inside to settle (4)","Answer":"LYTE","Explanation":"Definition: to settle\nLYE (washing solution) contains (needs\u2026inside) T (time) variant spelling of light"} {"Clue":"Bits of sea coral are rapidly forming reef (4)","Answer":"SCAR","Explanation":"Definition: reef\nfirst letters (bits) of Sea Coral Are Rapidly"} {"Clue":"A number released air (9,6)","Answer":"UNCHAINED MELODY","Explanation":"Definition: A number\nUNCHAINED (released) MELODY (air)"} {"Clue":"Number seven Luigi's \"Did I foul?\" (5,2,8)","Answer":"DEVIL IN DISGUISE","Explanation":"Definition: Number\nanagram (foul) of SEVEN LUIGIS DID I \u2013 musical number"} {"Clue":"Unwelcome elements in unstirred mixture (9)","Answer":"INTRUDERS","Explanation":"Definition: Unwelcome elements\nanagram of UNSTIRRED"} {"Clue":"Harder to predict\u00a0having more lines (9)","Answer":"STREAKIER","Explanation":"Definition: Harder to predict\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Holiday destination in Ionian I'd risk (5)","Answer":"NIDRI","Explanation":"Definition: Holiday destination\nfound inside ioniaN ID RIsk \u2013 town in Greece"} {"Clue":"A great place for polar bears? (2,3,2,3,5)","Answer":"ON TOP OF THE WORLD","Explanation":"Definition: A great place for polar bears\ncryptic def"} {"Clue":"Patsy takes credit for discard (5)","Answer":"SCRAP","Explanation":"Definition: discard\nCR (credit) in SAP (patsy)"} {"Clue":"Secure in cream of society's climbers (9)","Answer":"ALPINISTS","Explanation":"Definition: climbers\nPIN (secure) in A-LIST"} {"Clue":"Sharpen by turning round semi-combat drill (9)","Answer":"HONEYCOMB","Explanation":"Definition: drill\nHONE (sharpen) then BY reversed (turning) containing (round) COMbat (half of)"} {"Clue":"Starts to harness an idealistic karma understandably (5)","Answer":"HAIKU","Explanation":"Definition: Starts to harness an idealistic karma understandably\nfirst letters (starts) of Harness An Idealistic Karma Understandably. Presumably the definition is &lit, but if so then it is too cunning for me to understand."} {"Clue":"Notes brains, after Stallone's first American movie, are number (10,5)","Answer":"SUSPICIOUS MINDS","Explanation":"Definition: number\nIOUS (notes) MINDS (brains) following Stallone (first letter of) US (american) PIC (movie)"} {"Clue":"Register strength of current round a warning light (4,4)","Answer":"TAIL LAMP","Explanation":"Definition: warning light\nTILL (cash register) AMP (strength of electrical current) contains (round) A"} {"Clue":"Not consenting to finish off caper (4)","Answer":"ANTI","Explanation":"Definition: Not consenting to\nANTIc (caper) missing finishing letter"} {"Clue":"Tories confused about bad end to joint press office (10)","Answer":"EDITORSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: press office\nanagram of TORIES containing baD (end of) then HIP )joint)"} {"Clue":"Number ten to surrender abjectly (6,2,6)","Answer":"RETURN TO SENDER","Explanation":"Definition: Number\nanagram (abjectly) of TEN TO SURRENDER \u2013 a musical number"} {"Clue":"Number following Spanish studies (4)","Answer":"EYES","Explanation":"Definition: studies\nSpanish Eyes is an Elvis number. My first attempt was CONS: C (Roman numeral, number) ON (following) S (Spanish)"} {"Clue":"Top\u00a0version of number (5)","Answer":"COVER","Explanation":"Definition: Top\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Low frequency of cairns in wild (10)","Answer":"INFRASONIC","Explanation":"Definition: Low frequency\nanagram (wild) OF CAIRNS WILD"} {"Clue":"Wretched transients lost in acidity (8)","Answer":"TARTNESS","Explanation":"Definition: acidity\nanagram of TRANSIENTS missing IN"} {"Clue":"More, over half, covering the final after City returned to own ground (4,4)","Answer":"WENT HOME","Explanation":"Definition: returned to own ground\nI can't quite explain this. My best effort is: MOre reversed and halved inside THE after WEN (London, the Great Wen)"} {"Clue":"Medicine is singular subject (6)","Answer":"PHYSIC","Explanation":"Definition: Medicine\nPHYSICs (subject) missing S (cryptically made singular)"} {"Clue":"Loses heart with civic leaders over issue (5)","Answer":"SCION","Explanation":"Definition: issue\nloSes (middle letter, heart of) with CIvic (leading letters of) and ON (over)"} {"Clue":"Crush\u00a0server with anchor (4)","Answer":"HOST","Explanation":"Definition: Crush\ntriple definition"} {"Clue":"A number of the audience whistled and affected alarms (4,5,5)","Answer":"BLUE SUEDE SHOES","Explanation":"Definition: A number\nBLUE SUEDE SHOES sounds like (of the audience) blew swayed shoos (whistled, effected and alarms)"} {"Clue":"Lead, one keeping hot, causes problem (8)","Answer":"HEADACHE","Explanation":"Definition: problem\nHEAD (lead) ACE (one) containing H (hot)"} {"Clue":"Note Russian craft coming west containing unknown devices (6)","Answer":"GIZMOS","Explanation":"Definition: devices\nSO (note) MIG (Russian aircraft) reversed (to the west, R to L on a map) containing Z (unknown, maths)"} {"Clue":"Pass up a street in Bahrain, but not the centre (7)","Answer":"ABSTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Pass up\nA then ST (street) in BArhaIN (missing some letters from the centre)"} {"Clue":"Scrambled over fences \u2013 not half loco (7)","Answer":"ENCODED","Explanation":"Definition: Scrambled\nloCO (not half) inside (fenced by) ENDED (over)"} {"Clue":"Small group of animals combined power (5)","Answer":"STEAM","Explanation":"Definition: power\nS (small) and (combined with) TEAM (group of animals)"} {"Clue":"Change to subsidy for womenswear (9)","Answer":"BODYSUITS","Explanation":"Definition: womenswear\nanagram (change) of TO SUBSIDY"} {"Clue":"Advance made by experimental Fiat engineer (9,3)","Answer":"RETAINING FEE","Explanation":"Definition: Advance\nanagram (experimental) of FIAT ENGINEER"} {"Clue":"Accept new books with English information for readers (8,4)","Answer":"SHOULDER NOTE","Explanation":"Definition: information for readers\nSHOULDER (accept) and N (new) OT (old Testament, books of the Bible) and E (English) \u2013 a new word for me, a printer's note at the side of the page level with the first line of text"} {"Clue":"Horses displaying revolutionary tricks going backwards (9)","Answer":"CHESTNUTS","Explanation":"Definition: Horses\nCHE (Che Guevara, revolutionary) STUNTS (tricks) reversed (going backwards)"} {"Clue":"National flower on side of hotel (5)","Answer":"IRISH","Explanation":"Definition: National\nIRIS (flower) on Hotel (first letter, one side of)"} {"Clue":"Storm\u00a0to last longer than expected (7)","Answer":"OVERRUN","Explanation":"Definition: Storm\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Engineer let boy in front of end of lathe to make fastener (7)","Answer":"EYEBOLT","Explanation":"Definition: fastener\nanagram of LET BOY following (in front of ???) lathE (end letter of). This explanation doesn't quite work but is the best I can do."} {"Clue":"Succeeded to displace cold, stuffed like a walrus (6)","Answer":"TUSKED","Explanation":"Definition: like a walrus\nTUCKED (stuffed) with S (succeeded) replacing C (cold)"} {"Clue":"Boys penning rubbish, primarily internet posts (8)","Answer":"STATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: posts\nSONS (boys) containing TAT (rubbish) Internet (primarily, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Long vehicle picks up second of celebrities (6)","Answer":"HEARSE","Explanation":"Definition: Long vehicle\nHEARS (picks up) then cElebrities (second letter of)"} {"Clue":"Result of plans we remade (6)","Answer":"ANSWER","Explanation":"Definition: Result\nfound inside plANS WE Remade"} {"Clue":"Warning everyone about cracking marble (5,4)","Answer":"ALARM BELL","Explanation":"Definition: Warning\nALL (everyone) containing (about) anagram (cracking) of MARBLE"} {"Clue":"Playing darts, Hank and Ruben getting 180s (9,5)","Answer":"HANDBRAKE TURNS","Explanation":"Definition: 180s\nanagram (playing) of DARTS HANK and RUBEN"} {"Clue":"Small bone found in pin cushion (5)","Answer":"INCUS","Explanation":"Definition: Small bone\nfound inside pIN CUSion"} {"Clue":"Erect Sci-Fi plant with indistinct body parts (8)","Answer":"MIDRIFFS","Explanation":"Definition: body parts\nSF (Science Fiction, Sci-fi) FIR (a plant) with DIM (indistinct) all reversed (erect)"} {"Clue":"Duck's wing pest irritated (8)","Answer":"SIDESTEP","Explanation":"Definition: Duck\nSIDE (wing) then anagram (irritated) of PEST"} {"Clue":"Exactly an hour after mid- day, fete's turned very weary (4,2,4,4)","Answer":"DEAD ON ONES FEET","Explanation":"Definition: very weary\nDEAN ON ONE (exactly an hour after mid-day) than anagram (turned) of FETE'S"} {"Clue":"Intent to get drunk with rum as sustenance (9)","Answer":"NUTRIMENT","Explanation":"Definition: sustenance\nanagram (to get drunk) of INTENT with RUM"} {"Clue":"Like light retrospective involving fine actress of old (8)","Answer":"ASHCROFT","Explanation":"Definition: actress of old\nAS (like) TORCH (light) reversed (retrospective) containing (involving) F (fine) \u2013 Dame \"Peggy\" Ashcroft"} {"Clue":"I should be relieved \u2013 silent without organ (8)","Answer":"NOSELESS","Explanation":"Definition: without organ\nNOiSELESS (silent) missing I (i.e. I should be relieved)"} {"Clue":"Dictator familiarly attached to old apparel (6)","Answer":"KIMONO","Explanation":"Definition: apparel \nKIM (dictator) ON (attached to) O (old)"} {"Clue":"Slides from modelling sessions discussed (6)","Answer":"CHUTES","Explanation":"Definition: Slides\nCHUTES sounds like (discussed) \"shoots\" (modelling sessions)"} {"Clue":"Dashed to grab last bit of carrot cake (5)","Answer":"TORTE","Explanation":"Definition: cake\nTORE (dashed) contains carroT (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Wanting to keep buzzing off, English leaving part of the 12 20 (7)","Answer":"ANTIBES","Explanation":"Definition: part of the 12 20\nANTI BEeS (wanting to keep buzzing off) missing (leaving) E (English)"} {"Clue":"Living in caravan, I'm a tearaway (7)","Answer":"ANIMATE","Explanation":"Definition: Living\nfound inside caravAN I'M A TEaraway"} {"Clue":"Pay doesn't start for years and years (4)","Answer":"AGES","Explanation":"Definition: years and years\nwAGES (pay, not starting)"} {"Clue":"Retailer taking morning or start of evening off (10)","Answer":"IRONMONGER","Explanation":"Definition: Retailer\nanagram (off) of MORNING OR and Evening (starting letter of)"} {"Clue":"Island insane, might some say? A holiday destination (6,7)","Answer":"FRENCH RIVIERA","Explanation":"Definition: holiday destination\nI (island) in FRENCH RIVER (Seine) then A \u2013 read the clue with \"insane\" sounding like (some say) \"in Seine\""} {"Clue":"With investment of company, go towards Judas? (8)","Answer":"TURNCOAT","Explanation":"Definition: Judas\nTURN (go) AT (towards) containing (with investment of) CO (company)"} {"Clue":"One's spotted fiddle involving Labour leader in Mr Brown (9)","Answer":"DALMATIAN","Explanation":"Definition: One's spotted\nAMATI (make of violin, fiddle) containing (involving) Labour (leading letter of) all inside (in) DAN (author Dan Brown, Mr Brown)"} {"Clue":"Flexible athlete's back after a short breather (5)","Answer":"AGILE","Explanation":"Definition: Flexible\nathletE (last letter, back of) following A GILl (a breather, short)"} {"Clue":"Goodbye to hello in past narrative (5)","Answer":"STORY","Explanation":"Definition: narrative\nhiSTORY (past) missing (saying goodbye to) HI (hello)"} {"Clue":"Flat carrier, individual pockets for shopping (9)","Answer":"BETRAYING","Explanation":"Definition: shopping\nTRAY (flat carrier) inside (with\u2026pocketing) BEING (an individual)"} {"Clue":"Drink in trailer for cow, perhaps? (8)","Answer":"RUMINANT","Explanation":"Definition: cow, perhaps\nRUM (drink) IN ANT (trailer) \u2013 I'm guessing that as ants can make trails then an ant is a trailer"} {"Clue":"Struggle to eat animal product for plant eater (6)","Answer":"VEGGIE","Explanation":"Definition: plant eater\nVIE (struggle) contains (to eat) EGG (animal product)"} {"Clue":"Characterise type of camera, capturing nothing, say, the wrong way round (10)","Answer":"PIGEONHOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Characterise\nPINHOLE (type of camera) contains (captures) O (nothing) and EG (say) reversed (the wrong way round)"} {"Clue":"Line drawn for missile launcher, old hero in Cuba (4)","Answer":"OCHE","Explanation":"Definition: Line drawn for missile launcher\nO (old) CHE (Che Guevara, hero in Cuba) \u2013 in darts the line behind which the players must stand"} {"Clue":"Last relative tackled by forward (7)","Answer":"PERSIST","Explanation":"Definition: Last\nSIS (sister, a relative) inside (tackled by) PERT (forward)"} {"Clue":"Matelots close to feckless so 12, one gathered (7)","Answer":"SAILORS","Explanation":"Definition: Matelots\nfecklesS (closing letter of) then ALORS (so, in French) containing (gathering) I (one)"} {"Clue":"Country, one with capital in Abuja (7)","Answer":"NIGERIA","Explanation":"Definition: Country, one with capital in Abuja\nNIGER (country) I (one) with Abuja (capital, first letter of) \u2013 definition is &lit, Abuja is the capital of Nigeria"} {"Clue":"Serious issue with stock stolen by popular author (5)","Answer":"IBSEN","Explanation":"Definition: author \nBSE (a serious disease for cattle, stock) inside (stolen by) IN (popular)"} {"Clue":"European PM embracing male nickname (7)","Answer":"EPITHET","Explanation":"Definition: nickname\nE (European) PITT (William Pitt, one of two former Prime Ministers with that name) containing (embracing) HE (a male)"} {"Clue":"\"Now I shall become mean\", having croaked, monsieur? (2,4,2,4,3)","Answer":"NO MORE MR NICE GUY","Explanation":"Definition: Now I shall become mean\nMR NICE GUY might be a guy from Nice in France , so a monsieur. When he dies (having croaked) he will be NO MORE MR NICE GUY"} {"Clue":"Something afoot, follow around one that's sus\u00adpicious (7)","Answer":"TOENAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Something afoot\nTAIL (follow) containing (around) anagram (suspicious) of ONE"} {"Clue":"Safety practice, case of choice blocking device (13)","Answer":"CONTRACEPTION","Explanation":"Definition: Safety practice\nChoicE (outside letters, case of) in CONTRAPTION (device)"} {"Clue":"Cruel, no thanks to the 12? (9)","Answer":"MERCILESS","Explanation":"Definition: Cruel\nMERCI (thanks, to the French) LESS (no\u2026, without)"} {"Clue":"Territorials waste bully? (7)","Answer":"TAURINE","Explanation":"Definition: bully\nTA (Territorial Army) and URINE (waste) \u2013 like a bull"} {"Clue":"One going in lower, not both (7)","Answer":"NEITHER","Explanation":"Definition: not both\nI (one) in NETHER (lower)"} {"Clue":"Part of the 12 20 film confined to it, we hear? (6)","Answer":"CANNES","Explanation":"Definition: Part of the 12 20\nCANNES sounds like \"can\" (where reel of film is stored)"} {"Clue":"Show hostility, having to wax lyrical initially (5)","Answer":"GROWL","Explanation":"Definition: Show hostility\nGROW (to wax) Lyrical (initially, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Family noise \u2013 not good! (4)","Answer":"CLAN","Explanation":"Definition: Family\nCLANg (noise) missing G (good)"} {"Clue":"In Bergman film taxi crosses a small canal, exotic (10)","Answer":"CASABLANCA","Explanation":"Definition: Bergman film\nCAB (taxi) contains (crosses) A S (small) then anagram (exotic) of canal"} {"Clue":"Provide food for Oscar \u2013 in rush unfortunately (7)","Answer":"NOURISH","Explanation":"Definition: Provide food for\nanagram (Oscar, phonetic alphabet) of IN RUSH"} {"Clue":"In Clare never ending contest for musical instrument (7)","Answer":"CLAVIER","Explanation":"Definition: musical instrument \nVIE (contest) inside CLARe (not ending)"} {"Clue":"Ultimately fat-free with few calories \u2013 the best (5)","Answer":"ELITE","Explanation":"Definition: the best\nfat-freE (ultimately, last letter of) and LITE (with few calories)"} {"Clue":"Gives new form to Religious Education, quietly introducing man's ancestors? (8)","Answer":"RESHAPES","Explanation":"Definition: Gives new form to\nRE (religious Education) SH (quietly) before (introducing) APES (man's ancestors)"} {"Clue":"Refugee possibly in English plane encountering tirade (8)","Answer":"EMIGRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Refugee possibly\nE (English) MIG (plane) with (encountering) RANT (tirade)"} {"Clue":"Moving earth near new capital (6)","Answer":"TEHRAN","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nanagram (moving) of EARTH with (near) N (new)"} {"Clue":"Say World War II search area, tense (6)","Answer":"COMBAT","Explanation":"Definition: Say World War II\nCOMB (search) A (area) T (tense)"} {"Clue":"Piano or other furniture item easily carried (8)","Answer":"PORTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: easily carried\nP (piano) OR then TABLE (other furniture item)"} {"Clue":"Card game money impressing captain, oddly withdrawn (8)","Answer":"PATIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Card game\nPENCE (money) containing (impressing) cApTaIn (odd letters withdrawn)"} {"Clue":"Just starting, you ask likely travellers about Black Sea resort (5)","Answer":"YALTA","Explanation":"Definition: Black Sea resort\njust the starting letters of You Ask Likely Travellers About"} {"Clue":"Trophies female parent displayed in German city (7)","Answer":"POTSDAM","Explanation":"Definition: German city\nPOTS (trophies) DAM (female parent)"} {"Clue":"He provided unconfined entertainment? (7)","Answer":"HOUDINI","Explanation":"Definition: He provided unconfined entertainment\ncryptic definition. I can't quite explain this, surely he provided confined entertainment if anything."} {"Clue":"Trinity's centre \u2013 this figure? (10)","Answer":"THREESCORE","Explanation":"Definition: this figure\nTHREE'S CORE (trinity's centre)"} {"Clue":"Aware of current refusal from Paris (2,2)","Answer":"IN ON","Explanation":"Definition: Aware of\nI (current, electrical symbol) and NON (a refusal in French, from Paris)"} {"Clue":"Group of sports clubs opposed to barrier restricting soldiers (10)","Answer":"CONFERENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Group of sports clubs\nCON (opposed to) FENCE (barrier) contains (restricting) RE (Royal Engineers, soldiers)"} {"Clue":"A large classy car: I hesitate to say it's elementary (9)","Answer":"ALUMINIUM","Explanation":"Definition: elementary\nA L (large) U (upper class, classy) MINI (car) UM (I hesitate to say)"} {"Clue":"Fan's poster in this place extremely neat (8)","Answer":"ADHERENT","Explanation":"Definition: Fan\nAD (advertisement, poster) HERE (in this place) then NeaT (extremes of)"} {"Clue":"Maybe approach in hostile way in move to seize lettuce (6)","Answer":"ACCOST","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe approach in hostile way\nACT (move) containing (to seize) COS (lettuce)"} {"Clue":"Greenery in meadow fine over time (7)","Answer":"LEAFAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Greenery\nLEA (meadow) F (fine) on AGE (time)"} {"Clue":"Too trusting of source of mineral water from South? (5)","Answer":"NAIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Too trusting\nEVIAN (mineral water) reversed (from the south, going upwards on a map)"} {"Clue":"Fanciful? Indeed, about Irish (4)","Answer":"AIRY","Explanation":"Definition: Fanciful\nAY (indeed) containing (about) IR (Irish)"} {"Clue":"One-dimensional person giving false information touring northeast (6)","Answer":"LINEAR","Explanation":"Definition: One-dimensional\nLIAR (person giving false information) containing (touring, going round) NE (northeast)"} {"Clue":"Inane tax, criminal, on Austria \u2013 its fate in 1938 (10)","Answer":"ANNEXATION","Explanation":"Definition: Austria \u2013 its fate in 1938\nanagram (criminal) of INANE TAX then ON. I can't properly explain the definition, particularly as \"Austria\" is not part of the wordplay. Clearly what it means is \"Austria's fate in 1938\" but after that I come to a stop."} {"Clue":"Dissent about call upset chief (9)","Answer":"REBELLION","Explanation":"Definition: Dissent\nRE (about) BELL (call) NO I (No.1, number one, chief) reversed (upset)"} {"Clue":"Got over there cycling at the same time (8)","Answer":"TOGETHER","Explanation":"Definition: at the same time\nGOT reversed (over) and anagram (cycling) of THERE"} {"Clue":"Greek opera feature perhaps done \u2013 nothing missing (7)","Answer":"ARIADNE","Explanation":"Definition: Greek\nARIA (feature of an opera, perhaps) and DoNE missing O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Test fish over year (3,3)","Answer":"TRY OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Test\nTROUT (fish) containing (over) Y (year)"} {"Clue":"Coming fashioned like a pithy saying (6)","Answer":"GNOMIC","Explanation":"Definition: like a pithy saying\nanagram (fashioned) of COMING"} {"Clue":"Following redraft, erase selectively (5)","Answer":"AFTER","Explanation":"Definition: Following\nfound inside (a selection from) redrAFT ERase"} {"Clue":"Dad in street quarrel (4)","Answer":"SPAT","Explanation":"Definition: quarrel\nPA (dad) in ST (street)"} {"Clue":"Chest sound of annoying concertgoer (6)","Answer":"COFFER","Explanation":"Definition: Chest\nsounds like cougher (annoying concert goer)"} {"Clue":"Immature person carrying weapon to port (8)","Answer":"YARMOUTH","Explanation":"Definition: port\nYOUTH (immature person) containing ARM (weapon)"} {"Clue":"A US compound's inverted membrane (6)","Answer":"RETINA","Explanation":"Definition: membrane\nA NITER (North American spelling of nitre, a compound) reversed (inverted)"} {"Clue":"Shakespearean animals (black and white) adopting sport (8)","Answer":"PANDARUS","Explanation":"Definition: Shakespearean\nPANDAS (animals, black and white) containing (adopting) RU (Rugby Union, a sport) \u2013 Pandarus is a character is Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida"} {"Clue":"Spies eating idiot's treacle (8)","Answer":"MOLASSES","Explanation":"Definition: treacle\nMOLES (spies) containing (eating) ASS (idiot)"} {"Clue":"Ramble resulting in introduction to school bully (6)","Answer":"STROLL","Explanation":"Definition: Ramble\nSchool (introduction to, first letter) TROLL (bully)"} {"Clue":"Pretty snub nose, finally (4)","Answer":"CUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Pretty\nCUT (snub) and nosE (final letter of)"} {"Clue":"Place in wrong side of argument (7)","Answer":"DISPUTE","Explanation":"Definition: argument\nPUT (place) in anagram (wrong) of SIDE"} {"Clue":"Exemplar to knock back old sporting event (7)","Answer":"PARAGON","Explanation":"Definition: Exemplar\nRAP (to knock) reversed (back) AGON (old sporting event, in ancient Greece)"} {"Clue":"Flower power popular with king (4)","Answer":"PINK","Explanation":"Definition: Flower\nP (power) IN (popular) with K (king)"} {"Clue":"Fidelity, once \u2013 yet all go astray (6)","Answer":"LEALTY","Explanation":"Definition: Fidelity, once\nanagram (go astray) of YET ALL \u2013 once indicates the word is archaic"} {"Clue":"Composer's examination covers smell with note (8)","Answer":"SCHUMANN","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\nSCAN (examination) contains (covers) HUM (smell) then N (note)"} {"Clue":"Don't pull hard enough for submerged current? (8)","Answer":"UNDERTOW","Explanation":"Definition: submerged current\nUNDER TOW (don't pull hard enough)"} {"Clue":"Calm song after sunset needing publicity (6)","Answer":"SERENE","Explanation":"Definition: Calm\nSERENadE (song after sunset) missing (needing) AD (advertisement, publicity)"} {"Clue":"Ample range wasting energy in domicile (8)","Answer":"HANDSOME","Explanation":"Definition: Ample\nANDeS (range) missing (wasting) E (energy, symbol in equations) in HOME (domicile)"} {"Clue":"Beatle to choose to interrupt cleaner? (6)","Answer":"MOPTOP","Explanation":"Definition: Beatle\nOPT (to choose) inside (inerrupting) MOP (cleaner) \u2013 The Beatles trademark haircut in their early days"} {"Clue":"Time for love in works of graphic art or pottery (8)","Answer":"CERAMICS","Explanation":"Definition: pottery\nCoMICS (workd of graphic art) with ERA (time) replacing O (love, zero in tennis)"} {"Clue":"The Greatest adipose coating causing death (8)","Answer":"FATALITY","Explanation":"Definition: death\nALI (Muhammad Ali, \"The Greatest\") inside (with\u2026coating) FATTY (adipose) \u2013 causing is a link word, what the wordplay will generate"} {"Clue":"Man discovering bird's nest, finally (6)","Answer":"ERNEST","Explanation":"Definition: Man\nERNE'S (bird's, the Sea Eagle) then nesT (final letter of) \u2013 discovering is also a link word, \"this definition reveals this wordplay\". In this case I would have preferred the wordplay to have revealed the definition."} {"Clue":"Save a rising Semite (4)","Answer":"ARAB","Explanation":"Definition: Semite\nBAR (save) A"} {"Clue":"Think to behave dipomatically? About time! (8)","Answer":"MEDITATE","Explanation":"Definition: Think\nMEDIATE (to behave diplomatically) containing T (time)"} {"Clue":"Eradicate, or put round about (6)","Answer":"UPROOT","Explanation":"Definition: Eradicate\nanagram (about) of OUR PUT O (round)"} {"Clue":"Scam leaves saint and student in shade (6)","Answer":"HUSTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Scam\nST (saint) and L (learner, student) in HUE (shade)"} {"Clue":"Academic gathering returning artist to French city (7)","Answer":"SEMINAR","Explanation":"Definition: Academic gathering\nRA (Royal Academician) to NIMES (French city) all reversed (returning)"} {"Clue":"Plan to plug school with messy mark (7)","Answer":"SPLOTCH","Explanation":"Definition: messy mark\nPLOT (plan) inside (to plug) SCH (school)"} {"Clue":"Underworld scotched a Stuart monarch (8)","Answer":"TARTARUS","Explanation":"Definition: Underworld\nanagram (scotched) of A STUART and R (rex, a monarch)"} {"Clue":"Wire one on limping nag, initially, into this paper (8)","Answer":"FILAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Wire\nI (one) LAME (limping) Nag initial letter of) in FT (this paper)"} {"Clue":"Ooze involving sort of beauty, say (4-4)","Answer":"SKIN DEEP","Explanation":"Definition: of beauty, say\nSEEP (ooze) contains (involving) KIND (sort)"} {"Clue":"Detective's dodgy 8 (6)","Answer":"SLEUTH","Explanation":"Definition: Detective\nanagram (dodgy) of HUSTLE"} {"Clue":"What average Spanish gent? (6)","Answer":"PARDON","Explanation":"Definition: What\nPAR (average) DON (Spanish gent)"} {"Clue":"Kiss during love duet damaged waistcoat (6)","Answer":"TUXEDO","Explanation":"Definition: waistcoat\nX (kiss) inside (during) anagram (damaged) of O (love, zero tennis) and DUET"} {"Clue":"Class\u00a0with prior convictions (4)","Answer":"FORM","Explanation":"Definition: Class\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"One who's swotted excessively, back to front in schools (4)","Answer":"SPOD","Explanation":"Definition: One who's swotted excessively\nPODS (schools, of dolphins) with S (the back letter) at the front"} {"Clue":"Scramble for Scotch? Positive shake after second (8)","Answer":"SPRATTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Scramble for Scotch\nP (positive) RATTLE (shake) following S (seconds)"} {"Clue":"Dealer: publisher has one calling round (8)","Answer":"CROUPIER","Explanation":"Definition: Dealer\nOUP (Oxford University Press, publisher) inside (with\u2026around) CRIER (one calling)"} {"Clue":"Cleared nappy from behind (6)","Answer":"REPAID","Explanation":"Definition: Cleared\nDIAPER (nappy) reversed (from behind)"} {"Clue":"Like leaves with respect to limiting return of indisposition (6)","Answer":"FOLIAR","Explanation":"Definition: Like leaves\nFOR (with respect to) containing (limiting) AIL (indisposition) reversed (return of)"} {"Clue":"Oxygen respirators will include this kind (5)","Answer":"GENRE","Explanation":"Definition: kind\nfound inside (will be included in) oxyGEN REspirators"} {"Clue":"Paying court to fix wig on? Nothing included (6)","Answer":"WOOING","Explanation":"Definition: Paying court to\nanagram (fix) of WIG ON including O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Grandma and family in cotton cloth (6)","Answer":"NANKIN","Explanation":"Definition: cotton cloth\nNAN (grandma) and KIN (family)"} {"Clue":"Small wired petticoat French girl put round centre of midriff, fashionable (10)","Answer":"CRINOLETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Small wired petticoat\nCOLETTE (French girl) containing (put round) midRiff (centre of) and IN (fashionable)"} {"Clue":"Ruins god imposed on nations (10)","Answer":"DEVASTATES","Explanation":"Definition: Ruins\nDEVA (god) on STATES (nations)"} {"Clue":"Short letter (epistolary): I help when unravelling marks (6)","Answer":"PHILEM","Explanation":"Definition: Short letter (epistolary)\nanagram (when unraveling) of I HELP then M (marks) \u2013 short for The Epistle to Philamon"} {"Clue":"Wood for furniture one's replaced by copy in auction (6)","Answer":"SAPELE","Explanation":"Definition: Wood for furniture\nSaLE (auction) with A (one) replaced by APE (copy)"} {"Clue":"Festival holds record turns (5)","Answer":"PESAH","Explanation":"Definition: Festival\nHAS (holds) EP (extended play, record) all reversed (turns)"} {"Clue":"Fling: second in tangle moving back a bit? (6)","Answer":"ELANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Fling\nENLACE (tangle) with N (the second letter of enlace) moving further back. Thanks to Gaufrid for helping me out on this explanation."} {"Clue":"Project that's managed in taking oath (6)","Answer":"JURANT","Explanation":"Definition: taking oath\nJUT (project) containing (that has \u2026 in) RAN (managed)"} {"Clue":"Equestrian event: leading character in show has grade adjusted going round (8)","Answer":"DRESSAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Equestrian event\nESS (the letter S, leading character in show) inside anagram (adjusted) of GRADE"} {"Clue":"Heraldic figures elaborated in Scot's tie (8)","Answer":"COTTISES","Explanation":"Definition: Heraldic figures\nanagram (elaborated in) of SCOTS TIE"} {"Clue":"Jug: regret once having to go back after end of sentence (4)","Answer":"EWER","Explanation":"Definition: Jug\nREW (regret once, old spelling of rue) reversed (to go back) following sentencE (end of)"} {"Clue":"Exhausted, rowers caught tucking in like much of what's in larder (11)","Answer":"SCREW-CAPPED","Explanation":"Definition: like much of what's in larder\nSAPPED (exhausted) containing (with \u2026 tucking in) CREW (rowers) C (caught)"} {"Clue":"Shape in advance head of putter, capital club (7)","Answer":"PREFORM","Explanation":"Definition: Shape in advance\nPutter (head, first letter of) and REFORM (The Reform Club in London, the capital)"} {"Clue":"Explosive number I eulogize, given a lift (6)","Answer":"DUALIN","Explanation":"Definition: Explosive\nN (number) I LAUD (eulogise) all reversed (given a lift)"} {"Clue":"Very good tin rings for plough (4)","Answer":"SPIN","Explanation":"Definition: plough\nPI (pious very good) in (ringed by) SN (tin, chem symbol). I can't find plough in the dictionary as a definition for spin. Have I been missing something? *Update: plough and spin can both mean \"to reject at an examination\". Thanks to Matthew for this."} {"Clue":"Party nipped by farm animal, a pariah (5)","Answer":"PIDOG","Explanation":"Definition: a pariah\nDO (party) inside (nipped by) PIG (farm animal)"} {"Clue":"Purifies, sin-free, with conversion (7)","Answer":"REFINES","Explanation":"Definition: Purifies\nanagram (with conversion) of SIN-FREE. A very easy clue compared to the rest here. I like the way that Azed writes his clues seemingly irrespective of the obscurity of the vocabulary, it gives his puzzles a formal quality."} {"Clue":"Red wine, one litre bottled, a gift (6)","Answer":"TALENT","Explanation":"Definition: a gift\nTENT (red wine) containing (botttling) A (one) L (litre)"} {"Clue":"Head round racecourse with useless ruse one plotted (9)","Answer":"TRINKETER","Explanation":"Definition: one plotted\nTETE (head) containing (round) RINK (racecourse) with Ruse (without use, use-less)"} {"Clue":"Bit of money in island state (a rial's different) (5)","Answer":"LAARI","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of money\nanagram (different) of A RIAL \u2013 a monetary unit of the Maldives, island state"} {"Clue":"Dog having to t-tear away in the lead, one ahead of the pack? (11)","Answer":"TRENDSETTER","Explanation":"Definition: one ahead of the pack\nSETTER (dog) following (with\u2026in the lead) T- REND (tear)"} {"Clue":"Financially sound but left out, is model of industry nominal? (9)","Answer":"SOI-DISANT","Explanation":"Definition: nominal\nSOLID (finacially sound) missing L (left) then IS and ANT (hard worker, a model of industry)"} {"Clue":"Bad news in the stables to clobber somebody (not on) (7)","Answer":"LAMPERS","Explanation":"Definition: Bad news in the stables\nLAM (clobber) PERSon (somebody) missing ON \u2013 a disease of horses"} {"Clue":"You may find gleeman in one (7)","Answer":"MELANGE","Explanation":"Definition: You may find gleeman in one\nanagram (melange) of GLEEMAN \u2013 the definition is a sort of self-referential &lit"} {"Clue":"Line cast in river to catch predator (6)","Answer":"ELANET","Explanation":"Definition: predator\nL (line) inside (cast in) EA (river, especially in fenlands) with NET (to catch)"} {"Clue":"A blue achieving something unique in excellence (6)","Answer":"A-PER-SE","Explanation":"Definition: something unique in excellence\nA PERSE (blue)"} {"Clue":"I do declare there's nothing lower than the underworld (5)","Answer":"HELLO","Explanation":"Definition: I do declare\nO (nothing) following (lower than) HELL (the underworld) \u2013 definition is an exclamation"} {"Clue":"Deck cleaner, the first person from Marseille appearing in court (5)","Answer":"SUJEE","Explanation":"Definition: Deck cleaner\nJE (the first person in French, from Marseille) inside SUE (court). Later printings of The Chambers Dictionary (2014) edition have the missing entry mentioned in the postscript restored."} {"Clue":"Moggy\u00a0mush (4)","Answer":"PUSS","Explanation":"Definition: Moggy\ndouble definition \u2013 cat and the face"} {"Clue":"Possibly the best part of Rheingold? Note, Wagner wrote it (9)","Answer":"LOHENGRIN","Explanation":"Definition: Wagner wrote it\nanagram (possibly) of RHEINGOLd (nearly all, the best part of) then N (note). Noting this clue comes at 1-across I am curious to know whether the near-anagram of Rheingold and Lohengrin was Alberich's starting point for this puzzle or if it came by chance during the grid-fill and clue writing process."} {"Clue":"Lizard Point's 100 kilometres into journey (5)","Answer":"GECKO","Explanation":"Definition: Lizard\nE (East, point of compass) C (100) K (kilometres) in GO (journey)"} {"Clue":"Remove skin from mottled fruit (5)","Answer":"APPLE","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\ndAPPLEd (mottles) missing outer letters (remove skin from). A fine surface for the clue."} {"Clue":"Gut clenching one gets close to terror \u2013 it's a mad axeman! (9)","Answer":"GUITARIST","Explanation":"Definition: axeman\nGUT contains (clenching) I (one) then anagram (mad) of terroR (closing letter) with IT'S A"} {"Clue":"Chance to receive Oscar for a Western (10)","Answer":"OCCIDENTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Western\naCCIDENTAL (chance) with O (Oscar, phonetic alphabet) replacing (for) A"} {"Clue":"Choice of extremes for drunk idiot (4)","Answer":"DORK","Explanation":"Definition: idiot\nD OR K offers a choice of the first or last letters (extremes) of drunk"} {"Clue":"Revile women having vacated assembly line (7)","Answer":"RAILWAY","Explanation":"Definition: line\nRAIL (revile) W (women) and AssemblY (vacated, no middle letters)"} {"Clue":"Hero's beloved captain conceals name (7)","Answer":"LEANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Hero's beloved\nLEADER (captain) contains (conceals) N (name) \u2013 Leander was the lover of Hero in classical mythology"} {"Clue":"Owed a couple of pounds, journalist fought for honour (7)","Answer":"DUELLED","Explanation":"Definition: fought for honour\nDUE (owed) L (pound, twice) then ED (editor, journalist)"} {"Clue":"Does the vocals for around 501 short tracks (7)","Answer":"SIDINGS","Explanation":"Definition: short tracks\nSINGS (does the vocals for) containing (around) DI (501 in Roman numerals)"} {"Clue":"Surrounded by bedlam, I distract guards (4)","Answer":"AMID","Explanation":"Definition: Surrounded by\nfound inside (guarded by) bedlAM I Distract"} {"Clue":"Prim woman is indifferent about husband wearing fawn (10)","Answer":"SCHOOLMARM","Explanation":"Definition: Prim woman\nCOOL (indiferent) containing (about) H (husband) all inside (wearing) SMARM (fawn)"} {"Clue":"Australian native in rage after very hot curry (9)","Answer":"PHALANGER","Explanation":"Definition: Australian native\nANGER (rage) following PHAL (very hot curry). Both Phalanger and Phal were new words to me."} {"Clue":"With Charlie gone, angel cakes are made by him (5)","Answer":"BAKER","Explanation":"Definition: cakes are made by him\nBAcKER (angel) missing C (charlie, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Heading off, endeavoured to find some treasure (5)","Answer":"TROVE","Explanation":"Definition: some treasure\nsTROVE (endeavoured) missing first letter (heading off)"} {"Clue":"Confectionery that's modelled on praline (9)","Answer":"NONPAREIL","Explanation":"Definition: Confectionery\nanagram (modelled) of ON PRALINE \u2013 a chocolate button covered in sugar"} {"Clue":"Upset about everything, that's plain (5)","Answer":"LLANO","Explanation":"Definition: plain\nON (about) ALL (everything) all reversed (upset) \u2013 one of the vast plains forming Los LLanos in South America"} {"Clue":"False piety or holiness common primarily for him? (9)","Answer":"HYPOCRITE","Explanation":"Definition: him\nanagram (false) of PIETY OR and Common Primarily (first letters of, primarily)"} {"Clue":"Holding pin, Ren\u00e9 repaired left loafer (4-2-4)","Answer":"NE\u2019ER-DO-WELL","Explanation":"Definition: loafer\nanagram (repaired) of RENE then DOWEL (pin) and L (left)"} {"Clue":"Rule in operation without a monarch ascending, previously? (7)","Answer":"REGENCY","Explanation":"Definition: Rule in operation without a monarch ascending, previously\nI'm not sure how to categorise this one. It is a long and literal definition of \"regency\" that disguises itself as a cryptic clue. It fooled me for a while. *UPDATE: aGENCY (operation) missing A following ER (Elizabeth Regina, monarch) reversed (ascending) \u2013 definition is rule. Thanks to Hovis for this improved explanation."} {"Clue":"Chap turns up with another writer (7)","Answer":"NAIPAUL","Explanation":"Definition: writer\nIAN (man's name, chap) reversed (turns up) with PAUL (another chap)"} {"Clue":"Attack a lecherous person (4)","Answer":"GOAT","Explanation":"Definition: a lecherous person\nGO AT (attack)"} {"Clue":"Henry's popular, cracking officer material (5)","Answer":"CHINO","Explanation":"Definition: material\nH (Henry) IN (popular) inside (cracking) CO (commanding officer)"} {"Clue":"More than others, avoids suburbs? (9)","Answer":"OUTSKIRTS","Explanation":"Definition: suburbs\none who OUTSKIRTS will skirt (avoid) more than others"} {"Clue":"Let off a ballet dancer breaking lampholders (10)","Answer":"CANDELABRA","Explanation":"Definition: lampholders\nanagram (breaking) of A BALlet DANCER missing (off) LET"} {"Clue":"Racecourse favourite gets VIP treatment (3,6)","Answer":"RED CARPET","Explanation":"Definition: VIP treatment \nREDCAR (racecourse) thn PET (favourite)"} {"Clue":"Head accepts new job? I haven't the foggiest! (4,3,2)","Answer":"DONT ASK ME","Explanation":"Definition: I haven't the foggiest\nDOME (head) contains (accepts) N (new) TASK (job)"} {"Clue":"Figure suffering not unknown after Christmas period (7)","Answer":"DECAGON","Explanation":"Definition: Figure\nAGONy (suffering) missing Y (unknown, maths equations) following DEC (December, the Christmas period)"} {"Clue":"Artist stuffs dirty pictures under small pouch (7)","Answer":"SPORRAN","Explanation":"Definition: pouch\nRA (Royal Academician) inside (stuffs) PORN (dirty pictures) following (under) S (small)"} {"Clue":"Setter's gone for adult version of cricket? (5)","Answer":"IMAGO","Explanation":"Definition: adult version of cricket\nI'M (setter is) AGO (gone) \u2013 in an insect the adult form, following metamorhosis"} {"Clue":"Rather large mushroom (5)","Answer":"MOREL","Explanation":"Definition: mushroom\nMORE (rather) L (large)"} {"Clue":"Alfred regularly follows Saint Peter (4)","Answer":"SAFE","Explanation":"Definition: Peter\nAlFrEd (regular selection from) following S (saint)"} {"Clue":"Boris heard right inside (4,4)","Answer":"CARL ORFF","Explanation":"CARLOFF sounds like (heard) \"Karloff\" (boris Karloff, actor) containing R (right)"} {"Clue":"Turning out as ever (6)","Answer":"VARESE","Explanation":"anagram (turning out) of AS EVER \u2013 Edgar Varese, pioneer of music as \"organised sound\""} {"Clue":"Academic examination entered by leading Greek independent (8)","Answer":"MASCAGNI","Explanation":"MA (academic) SCAN (academic) containing (entered by) G (Greek) then I (independent) \u2013 Pietro Mascagni, composer of Cavalleria Rusticana"} {"Clue":"Beginner has to get into team (6)","Answer":"LIGETI","Explanation":"L (learner, beginner) with GET inside II (eleven, a team) \u2013 Gyorgy Ligeti, modern avant-garde composer"} {"Clue":"Old car firm \u2013 Mini designer starts there! (5)","Answer":"BLISS","Explanation":"~~E.W. Bliss was an old car maker circa 1900, but after that I have no idea~~. *BL (British Leyland, old car firm) and starting letters of ISSigonis (Alec Issigonis, designer of the Mini)"} {"Clue":"Rear forge worker changes direction for starters (9)","Answer":"HINDEMITH","Explanation":"HIND (rear) and sMITH (forge worker) with S (south) changed to E (east) \u2013 German composer Paul Hindermith"} {"Clue":"Girl seen with American? (6)","Answer":"LASSUS","Explanation":"LASS (girl) with US (American) \u2013 Orlande de Lassus, 16th century Flemish composer"} {"Clue":"Put in words, but black, not white initially (7)","Answer":"BRITTEN","Explanation":"wRITTEN (put in words) with W (white) replacing B (black) \u2013 Benjamin Britten"} {"Clue":"Cross-country invader gutted antelope (7)","Answer":"IRELAND","Explanation":"InvadeR (gutted, no middle letters)then ELAND (an antelope) \u2013 John Ireland, English composer of songs and pieces for piano. ~~I'm not sure about the Cross-country bit, perhaps it is a reference to a Celtic cross~~. *A cross country would be a land of ire, or Ireland*."} {"Clue":"Close involvement with the Czech Republic (6)","Answer":"SCHUTZ","Explanation":"SHUT (close) mingled with (involvement with) CZ (Czech Republic) \u2013 Heinrich Schutz 17th century German composer"} {"Clue":"Distraught at articles neglecting European (9)","Answer":"SCARLATTI","Explanation":"anagram (distraught) of AT ARTICLeS missing E (Europe) \u2013 Allessandro Scarlatti, founder of the Neapolitian school of opera. He had two sons Dominico and Pietro who were also composers."} {"Clue":"Half of Shropshire is affected (5)","Answer":"SPOHR","Explanation":"anagram (affected) of SHROPshire (half of) \u2013 Louis Spohr 19th century German violinist and composer"} {"Clue":"Sit back and absorb everything (6)","Answer":"TALLIS","Explanation":"SIT reversed (back) contains (to absorb) ALL (everything) \u2013 Thomas Tallis, composer of early English choral music"} {"Clue":"Encore rejected \u2013 missing start of another theme word (8)","Answer":"SIBELIUS","Explanation":"BIS (encore) reversed (rejected) then dELIUS (another composer, theme word) missing starting letter of \u2013 Finnish composer Jean Sibelius, someone that everyone has heard of!"} {"Clue":"Queen touring Barra? (6)","Answer":"EISLER","Explanation":"ER (Elizabeth Regina, The Queen) contains (touring) ISLE (Barra for instance) \u2013 Hanns Eisler, composer of the GDR national anthem"} {"Clue":"Brief note to ring-leader (8)","Answer":"MESSAGER","Explanation":"MESSAGE (brief note) with Ring (leading letter of) \u2013 Andre Messager composer of ballet and comic opera"} {"Clue":"Call sacked FBI chief about initial broadcast (4,2)","Answer":"COME BY","Explanation":"Definition: Call\nCOMEY (FBI chief sacked by Trump) containing Broadcast (initial letter of)"} {"Clue":"Ban from college game, one about to take place in New York, say (9)","Answer":"RUSTICATE","Explanation":"Definition: Ban from college\nRU (ugby Union, game) then I (one) C (circa, about) inside (to take place in) STATE (New York say)"} {"Clue":"Gems from Salop (5)","Answer":"OPALS","Explanation":"Definition: Gems\nanagram of SALOP"} {"Clue":"Birds on top of fence in small county (7)","Answer":"FINCHES","Explanation":"Definition: Birds\nFence (topletter of) IN CHES (Cheshire, abbreviated=small)"} {"Clue":"What! Evil one turned out, accompanied by many parasites (5,4)","Answer":"ALIVE WITH","Explanation":"Definition: accompanied by many parasites\nanagram (turned out) of WHAT EVIL and I (one)"} {"Clue":"Priest keeps space for fragrant resin (5)","Answer":"ELEMI","Explanation":"Definition: fragrant resin\nELI (priest in OT) contains EM (a space, printing)"} {"Clue":"Husband with tube upset on some festival date (8)","Answer":"EPIPHANY","Explanation":"Definition: festival date\nH (husband) followed by (with\u2026on) PIPE (tube) revered (upset) than ANY (some)"} {"Clue":"Turned up\u00a0to check (4)","Answer":"SNUB","Explanation":"Definition: Turned up\ndouble definition \u2013 \"of a nose\" and \"to restrain movement of a rope\""} {"Clue":"Unimportant being second? (5- 4)","Answer":"SMALL-TIME","Explanation":"Definition: Unimportant\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Art form of circles enclosed by lacework (9)","Answer":"TATTOOING","Explanation":"Definition: Art form\nOO (circles) inside TATTING (lacework)"} {"Clue":"The start, of course! (5,3)","Answer":"FIRST TEE","Explanation":"Definition: The start, of course\ncryptic definition \u2013 of a golf course"} {"Clue":"Info included a tabulated section (4)","Answer":"DATA","Explanation":"Definition: Info\nfound inside ( a section of) includeD A TAbulated"} {"Clue":"Finish without help (7)","Answer":"SUICIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Finish without help\ncryptic definition \u2013 die without the help of outside influences"} {"Clue":"Stationery item from Times Editor outside (6)","Answer":"ERASER","Explanation":"Definition: Stationery item\nERAS (times) then EditoR (outside letters of)"} {"Clue":"Jumble sale including spot marker for vehicle parts (5)","Answer":"AXLES","Explanation":"Definition: vehicle parts \nanagram (jumble) of SALE including X (X marks the spot)"} {"Clue":"Flight interrupted by landing? (5)","Answer":"STEPS","Explanation":"Definition: Flight interrupted by landing\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Illustrate key opening prison after revolution with touch of euphoria (8)","Answer":"DESCRIBE","Explanation":"Definition: Illustrate\nESC (key, on computer) inside (opening) BIRD (prison) reversed (after revolution) then Euphoria (first letter, a touch of)"} {"Clue":"Destroy vessel, carve into it (4,2)","Answer":"CHEW UP","Explanation":"Definition: Destroy\nCUP (vessel) containing (with\u2026into it) HEW (carve)"} {"Clue":"Brief title recalled in trade (9)","Answer":"BARRISTER","Explanation":"Definition: Brief\nSIR (title) reversed (recalled) in BARTER (trade)"} {"Clue":"Reported feline relationships (5)","Answer":"LINKS","Explanation":"Definition: relationships\nsounds like (reportedly) LYNX (a feline)"} {"Clue":"Choice of camels, husband exchanged for fifty \u2014 how sweet? (3,4,2,3)","Answer":"ONE LUMP OR TWO","Explanation":"Definition: how sweet\nONE HUMP OR TWO (choice of camels) with H (husband) exchanged for L (fifty)"} {"Clue":"I see you on old Hawaiian island (4)","Answer":"OAHU","Explanation":"Definition: Hawaiian island\nAH (I see) U (you) on (following) O (old)"} {"Clue":"Green no Scrooge, a saver (10)","Answer":"ECONOMISER","Explanation":"Definition: a saver\nECO (green) NO MISER (Scrooge)"} {"Clue":"Certain\u00a0fact (10)","Answer":"PARTICULAR","Explanation":"Definition: ertain\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Youth getting through cigarette ends (4)","Answer":"TEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Youth\nfound inside (getting through) cigaretTE ENds"} {"Clue":"Celebs so unrecognisable in previously outmoded state (12)","Answer":"OBSOLESCENCE","Explanation":"Definition: outmoded state\nanagram (unrecognisable) of CELEBS SO in ONCE (previously)"} {"Clue":"Idiot, a blend of parents? (5)","Answer":"DUMMY","Explanation":"Definition: Idiot\nsquash together Daddy and mUMMY you get DUMMY"} {"Clue":"Fish me, dorsal fin at the back, swimming (3,6)","Answer":"RED SALMON","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\nANAGRAM (swimming) of ME DORSAL and fiN (back letter of)"} {"Clue":"Eliminate gold counters, as sovereigns (6)","Answer":"ROYALS","Explanation":"Definition: sovereigns\nSLAY (eliminate) OR (gold) reversed (counters, going in the opposite way)"} {"Clue":"A blast from the past, one pulled by puller, we hear? (8)","Answer":"KRAKATOA","Explanation":"Definition: A blast from the past\nKRAKA TOA sounds like (we hear) \"cracker, tower\" (one pulled, puller) \u2013 scene of huge volcanic explosion in 1883"} {"Clue":"Obligation to lift bottom onto end of seat (4)","Answer":"DEBT","Explanation":"Definition: Obligation\nBED (bottom) reversed (to lift) on seaT (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"Sound of the seaside? Yes! (4)","Answer":"SURE","Explanation":"Definition: Yes\nsounds like \"shore\" (seaside)"} {"Clue":"Singer breaking rules (6)","Answer":"REIGNS","Explanation":"Definition: rules\nanagram (breaking) of SINGER"} {"Clue":"Large ship, huge fighter transporting stock, heading for the bottom (13)","Answer":"BATTLECRUISER","Explanation":"Definition: Large ship\nBRUISER (huge fighter) contains (transporting) CATTLE (stock) with first letters moved to the end"} {"Clue":"Introduction to a Persian poet not right \u2014 it's cheese (8)","Answer":"HALLOUMI","Explanation":"Definition: it's cheese\nHALLO rUMI (introduction to a Persian poet) missing R (right) \u2013 Jala ad-Din Muhammad Rumi"} {"Clue":"Someone enjoying alcohol, one not saving water in Newcastle, says Spooner? (4,6)","Answer":"WINE TASTER","Explanation":"Definition: Someone enjoying alcohol\na Spoonerism of TYNE WASTER (one not saving water in Newcastle)"} {"Clue":"Good cord that binds on engine component (6,4)","Answer":"PISTON RING","Explanation":"Definition: engine component\nPI (pious, good) STRING (cord) containing (that binds) ON"} {"Clue":"Almost everything in book and novel runs an old dated system? (5,8)","Answer":"ROMAN CALENDAR","Explanation":"Definition: an old dated system\nALl (everything, almost) in ROMANCE (book) then anagram (novel) of AND followed by R (runs)"} {"Clue":"Held by communists after uprising, veteran prisoner getting ground cleaner (4,6)","Answer":"SOAP POWDER","Explanation":"Definition: ground cleaner\nOAP (veteran) POW (prisoner) inside (held by\u2026) REDS (communists) reversed (after uprising)"} {"Clue":"Told you so! Cameron always PM! (7,3)","Answer":"THERESA MAY","Explanation":"Definition: PM\nTHERE (told you so) SAM (Samantha Cameron) AY (always). Normally I would say that SAM for Cameron is tenuous but the context of the surface reading makes it quite clear who Paul is referring to."} {"Clue":"Daily Mail ultimately so shabby, not to be trusted? (8)","Answer":"DISLOYAL","Explanation":"Definition: not to be trusted\nanagram (shabby) of DAILY maiL (ultimately, last letter) and SO"} {"Clue":"Two groups without leadership getting flak (3-3)","Answer":"ACK-ACK","Explanation":"Definition: flak\npACK pACK (two groups) missing leading letters"} {"Clue":"Filth seems moderate under Tories for starters (4)","Answer":"SMUT","Explanation":"Definition: Filth\nstarting letters of Seems Moderate Under Tories"} {"Clue":"Girl who may turn up? (4)","Answer":"ANNA","Explanation":"Definition: Girl\na palindrome (reads the same when turned up)"} {"Clue":"One getting around, hard and urgent \u2013 feature of US election campaign (13)","Answer":"FLESH-PRESSING","Explanation":"Definition: feature of US election campaign\nSELF (one) reversed (getting around) H (hard) and PRESSING (urgent)"} {"Clue":"Love before work? Honor exercising reproductive gland (8)","Answer":"OOPHORON","Explanation":"Definition: reproductive gland\nO (love) then OP (opus, work) then anagram of HONOR. I really didn't expect this to be a word when I looked it up in Chambers!"} {"Clue":"US bumpkin having to get by (just) with little English (4)","Answer":"RUBE","Explanation":"Definition: US bumpkin\nRUB (to get by, just) then E (Enlish, little=abbrev)"} {"Clue":"Cordial advance? I arrange to be accepted (8)","Answer":"ANISETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Cordial\nANTE (advance) containing (to be accepted) I SET"} {"Clue":"Religious decoration once created by Parvati and Lakshmi jointly (5)","Answer":"TILAK","Explanation":"Definition: Religious decoration once\ncreated by joining pararoTI LAKshmi"} {"Clue":"Zoroastrians will have form of this Buddhist aim at heart (6)","Answer":"SATORI","Explanation":"Definition: Buddhist aim\nanagram (form of this) zorOASTRIans (heart of, in the middle)"} {"Clue":"Such singers e.g. are deployed in opera songs (8)","Answer":"SOPRANOS","Explanation":"Definition: singers\nan anagram (are deployed in) of EG SPORANOS (such singers) might be OPERA SONGS"} {"Clue":"Poet's lofty look, with little support within (6)","Answer":"STEEPY","Explanation":"Definition: Poet's lofty\nSPY (look) containing TEE (little support)"} {"Clue":"For instance, getting on back is easy (6)","Answer":"DEGAGE","Explanation":"Definition: easy\nEG (for instance) with AGED (getting on) all reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Beer maker: soak's plot is holding recipe back (8)","Answer":"BREWSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Beer maker\nRET'S (soak's) WEB (plot) containing R (recipe) all reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Dior-esque typically? Braggart may shoot it (5)","Answer":"A-LINE","Explanation":"Definition: Dior-esque typically\na braggart may shoot A LINE (describe something in an exaggerated or untruthful way)"} {"Clue":"Merriment? Term restricts it (8)","Answer":"HILARITY","Explanation":"Definition: Merriment\nHILARY (term, at Oxford) contains IT"} {"Clue":"Making one like gossip aplenty? (4)","Answer":"ANAS","Explanation":"Definition: gossip aplenty\nAN (one) AS (like)"} {"Clue":"Fertilizer scattered on bed, unserviceable with time (8)","Answer":"BONEDUST","Explanation":"Definition: Fertilizer\nanagram (scattered) of ON BED then US (unserviceable) and T (time)"} {"Clue":"What's strongly articulated with respect to rearing brood? (6)","Answer":"FORTIS","Explanation":"Definition: What's strongly articulated\nFOR (with respect to) then SIT (brood) reversed (raising)"} {"Clue":"Outsize, le roi omits nothing in fashioning of his period possibly (11)","Answer":"LOUIS-TREIZE","Explanation":"Definition: of his period possibly\nanagram (fashioning) of OUTSIZE LE RoI missing O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Second upward effort producing slice (6)","Answer":"SHEAVE","Explanation":"Definition: slice\nS (second) HEAVE (upward effort)"} {"Clue":"Nothing mediocre in broadcast push for linked transmissions (7)","Answer":"HOOK-UPS","Explanation":"Definition: linked transmissions\nO (nothing) OK (mediocre) in anagram (broadcast) of PUSH"} {"Clue":"Malay vessels after prize ring Australia (5)","Answer":"PRAUS","Explanation":"Definition: Malay vessels\nPR (prize ring) then AUS (Australia)"} {"Clue":"Short compositions, sort not played when nursing melancholy (11)","Answer":"RONDOLETTOS","Explanation":"Definition: Short compositions\nanagram (played) of SORT NOT containing DOLE"} {"Clue":"It features experimental music \u2013 no Latin involved (7)","Answer":"INTONAL","Explanation":"Definition: It features experimental music\nanagram (involved) of NO LATIN \u2013 Intonal is an experimental music festival held in Malmo, Sweden"} {"Clue":"Enzyme complex that's modified generations (11)","Answer":"NITROGENASE","Explanation":"Definition: Enzyme complex\nanagram (modified) of GENERATIONS"} {"Clue":"Sticky clay forming g-garland (4)","Answer":"GLEI","Explanation":"Definition: Sticky clay\nG- LEI (garland)"} {"Clue":"Not quite scholarship grade in French and interrupting degree (4)","Answer":"BETA","Explanation":"Definition: Not quite scholarship grade\nET (and, French) inside BA (degree)"} {"Clue":"Sower's basket: 'ave a care in cast (7)","Answer":"SEEDLIP","Explanation":"Definition: Sower's basket\n'EED ('ave a care) in SLIP (cast)"} {"Clue":"Part of the family, as is told (7)","Answer":"RELATED","Explanation":"Definition: Part of the family\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Shaggy monkey hiding in a glade (6)","Answer":"GELADA","Explanation":"Definition: Shaggy monkey\nanagram (hiding in) A GLADE"} {"Clue":"Body waste gets dispersed in running water (6)","Answer":"EGESTA","Explanation":"Definition: Body waste\nANAGRAM (dispersed) of GETS in EA (a stream, running water)"} {"Clue":"Sounds like springtime in Scotland for such clothes (4)","Answer":"WEAR","Explanation":"Definition: clothes\nsounds like \"ware\" (springtime in Scots)"} {"Clue":"Yearn misguidedly for old-style rule (5)","Answer":"RAYNE","Explanation":"Definition: old-style rule\nanagram of YEARN"} {"Clue":"It's often dull, day after day (4)","Answer":"THUD","Explanation":"Definition: It's often dull\nD (day) following THU (Thursday, day)"} {"Clue":"Press to clarify dropping opening page (4)","Answer":"URGE","Explanation":"Definition: Press\npURGE (clarify) missing Page (opening letter of)"} {"Clue":"Old cat eating head of ornamental Chinese duck (7)","Answer":"POCHARD","Explanation":"Definition: duck\nPARD (old cat, leopard archaic) containing Ornamental (head, first letter of) and CH (chinese)"} {"Clue":"Extremely tender animal's foot (7)","Answer":"TROTTER","Explanation":"Definition: foot\nTendeR (extremes of) then OTTER (animal)"} {"Clue":"Hermit taking first instalment of annuity from mortgage provider? (5)","Answer":"LONER","Explanation":"Definition: Hermit\nLOaNER (mortgage provider) missing Annuity (first letter, instalment of)"} {"Clue":"Fighting faction holding line after period of inactivity (9)","Answer":"WRESTLING","Explanation":"Definition: Fighting\nWING (faction) containing L (line) following REST (period of inactivity)"} {"Clue":"Conservative slants overdue a fresh start (5,5)","Answer":"CLEAN SLATE","Explanation":"Definition: a fresh start\nC (Conservative) LEANS (slants) LATE (overdue)"} {"Clue":"'Plant' in security service denied promotion (4)","Answer":"MOSS","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nMOSSad (security servcie) missing AD (advertisement, promotion)"} {"Clue":"Ten boys learn about part of Irish folklore (7,5)","Answer":"BLARNEY STONE","Explanation":"Definition: part of Irish folklore\nanagram (about) of TEN BOYS LEARN"} {"Clue":"Tipsy cops pile in the local with less conspicuous colleagues (5,7,6)","Answer":"PLAIN CLOTHES POLICE","Explanation":"Definition: less conspicuous colleagues\nanagram (tipsy) of COPS PILE IN THE LOCAL"} {"Clue":"Cypriot agreeing to carry letter from Greece (4)","Answer":"IOTA","Explanation":"Definition: letter from Greece\nfound inside (to carry) cyprIOT Agreeing"} {"Clue":"In a prom bible bashing is unlikely (10)","Answer":"IMPROBABLE","Explanation":"Definition: unlikely\nANAGAM (bashing) of A PROM BIBLE"} {"Clue":"Carriage returned with saddle for bird (9)","Answer":"PARTRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nTRAP (carriage) reversed (returned) with RIDGE (saddle). Is a saddle really the same as a ridge? The area between to peaks on a mountain could be either a ridge or a saddle, but being one precludes it from being the other."} {"Clue":"Estranged parent returning pictures (5)","Answer":"APART","Explanation":"Definition: stranged\nPA (parent) reversed (returning) then ART (pictures)"} {"Clue":"Letter almost mailed to a liberal magazine (7)","Answer":"ARSENAL","Explanation":"Definition: magazine\nAR (the letter R, name of) then SENt (mailed, almost) with A L (Liberal)"} {"Clue":"Slight winds from the east returning over centre of London (7)","Answer":"SLENDER","Explanation":"Definition: Slight\nREELS (winds) reversed (from the east, right-to-left on a map) containing (over) loNDon (centre of). I can't see what part \"returning\" plays in this clue."} {"Clue":"Outgoing figure claiming virgin's first kiss (6)","Answer":"CONVEX","Explanation":"Definition: Outgoing\nCONE (figure) contains (claiming) Virgin (first letter of) then X (a kiss)"} {"Clue":"Medic (female) wearing type of garment is something to get the pulse racing! (10)","Answer":"ADRENALINE","Explanation":"Definition: something to get the pulse racing\nDR (medic) ENA ( a female name) containing (wearing) A-LINE (type of garment)"} {"Clue":"Cope admirably without large pin (5)","Answer":"DOWEL","Explanation":"Definition: pin\nDO WELL (cope admirably) missing L (large)"} {"Clue":"Care for leader of rugby team forced into temporary accommodation (9)","Answer":"TREATMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Care\nRugby (leading letter of) anagram (forced) of TEAM in TENT (temporary accommodation)"} {"Clue":"German leaving animals out to grass (4)","Answer":"OATS","Explanation":"Definition: grass\nG (German) leaving gOATS. I'm not sure what part \"out to\" plays."} {"Clue":"Colonel stopping riot waving republican flag (8)","Answer":"TRICOLOR","Explanation":"Definition: flag\nCOL (colonel) inside (stopping, like a cork) anagram (waving) of RIOT then R (republican)"} {"Clue":"List of soldiers from different countries with incomplete time served (8)","Answer":"REGISTER","Explanation":"Definition: List\nRE GIS (soldiers from different countries) with TERm (time, incomplete)"} {"Clue":"Garbled message about British Library getting article for collection (10)","Answer":"ASSEMBLAGE","Explanation":"Definition: collection\nanagram (garbled) of MESSAGE containing B (British) L (library) all following (getting) A (indefinite article)"} {"Clue":"Revolution declared by maiden joining the French party held up as guide to good behaviour (4,5)","Answer":"ROLE MODEL","Explanation":"Definition: guide to good behaviour\nROLE sounds like (declared) \"roll\" (revolution) M (maiden) then LE (the, French) DO (party) reversed (held up)"} {"Clue":"Beetroot and apple is cooked with legume (5,3)","Answer":"SPLIT PEA","Explanation":"Definition: legume\nanagram (cooked) of beeT (root of) and APPLE IS"} {"Clue":"Grassland beyond old city on the banks of Euphrates (8)","Answer":"PASTURES","Explanation":"Definition: Grassland\nPAST (beyond) UR (old city) on EuphrateS (banks, side letters of)"} {"Clue":"Publicity surrounding animal on ark? (6)","Answer":"ABOARD","Explanation":"Definition: on ark\nAD (publicity) containing BOAR (animal)"} {"Clue":"Almost swallow sticky stuff in drink (6)","Answer":"NECTAR","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nNECk (swallow, almost) TAR (sticky stuff)"} {"Clue":"Ginger squirrels principally eating English plants (5)","Answer":"REEDS","Explanation":"Definition: plants\nRED (ginger) Squirrels (principally, first letter of) containing E (English)"} {"Clue":"Boycott involving recipe for breakfast cereal (4)","Answer":"BRAN","Explanation":"Definition: breakfast cereal\nBAN (boycott) contains (involving) R (recipe)"} {"Clue":"Horologer put out by a tendency to verbosity (10)","Answer":"LOGORRHOEA","Explanation":"Definition: tendency to verbosity\nanagram (put out) of HOROLOGER then A"} {"Clue":"Excellent results at risk, even when \"firsts\" are considered (4)","Answer":"RARE","Explanation":"Definition: xcellent\nfirst letters of Results At Risk Even"} {"Clue":"Chap getting short tart to go round Roman building (8)","Answer":"BASILICA","Explanation":"Definition: Roman building\nBASIL (chap, man's name) the ACId (tart, short) reversed (to go round)"} {"Clue":"Retaliate about relocating grand European city (6)","Answer":"GENEVA","Explanation":"Definition: European city\nAVENGE reversed (about) with G E (grand, European) moved to the front (reallocated)"} {"Clue":"Culmination of self-inflicted damage in a slash? (6)","Answer":"APOGEE","Explanation":"Definition: Culmination\nOG (own goal, self inflicted damage) in A PEE (slash, urinate)"} {"Clue":"Difficult to believe credit will be cut, or hard to swallow? (8)","Answer":"INEDIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: hard to swallow\nINcrEDIBLE (difficult to believe) missing CR (credit)"} {"Clue":"Now dating, Ian's heady, all in a flutter (2,4,3,3,3)","Answer":"IN THIS DAY AND AGE","Explanation":"Definition: Now\nanagram (all in a flutter) of DATING IAN'S HEADY"} {"Clue":"Duke standing by national PM (8)","Answer":"DISRAELI","Explanation":"Definition: PM\nD (duke) with ISRAELI (national)"} {"Clue":"Very little gun clip? (6)","Answer":"FASTEN","Explanation":"Definition: clip\nFA (sweet FA, very little) and STEN (gun)"} {"Clue":"Whipped top off and proceeded with caution (6)","Answer":"INCHED","Explanation":"Definition: proceeded with caution\npINCHED (whipped) missing top letter"} {"Clue":"Gratuitous enmity, extremely seditious (8)","Answer":"NEEDLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Gratuitous\nNEEDLE (enmity) and SeditiouS (extremes of)"} {"Clue":"With which dials can be fine- tuned on screen (1-3)","Answer":"E-FIT","Explanation":"~~I can't even guess this one.~~ *cryptic definition \u2013\u00a0E-FIT is a form of identikit in which faces (dials) can be fine-tuned on a computer screen. Thanks to Hovis for this."} {"Clue":"Hung out with old spies tailing fool they'd regularly missed (10)","Answer":"ASSOCIATED","Explanation":"Definition: Hung out with\nO (old) CIA (spies) following (tailing) ASS (fool) then ThEy'd missing every other letter (regularly missed)"} {"Clue":"Area south of an island state (4)","Answer":"IOWA","Explanation":"Definition: state\nA (area) underneath (south of, on a map) IOW (Isle of Wight)"} {"Clue":"Loves to have energy flowing slowly (6)","Answer":"OOZING","Explanation":"Definition: flowing slowly\nO O (love, zero tennis score) twice then ZING (energy)"} {"Clue":"Is Robert recycling space junk? (8)","Answer":"ORBITERS","Explanation":"Definition: space junk\nanagram (recycling) of IS ROBERT"} {"Clue":"Ordered militants to adopt song in advocacy of tyranny (15)","Answer":"TOTALITARIANISM","Explanation":"Definition: advocacy of tyranny\nanagram (ordered) of MILITANTS TO containing (to adopt) ARIA (song)"} {"Clue":"Wrangle over goods with robust packaging (6)","Answer":"HAGGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Wrangle over\nG G (goods, twice) inside (with\u2026packaging) HALE (robust)"} {"Clue":"Mad extremist interrupting Liberal Democrat, missing answer (8)","Answer":"FRENZIED","Explanation":"Definition: Mad\nNaZI (extremist) missing A (answer) inside (interrupting) FREE (liberal) and D (democrat)"} {"Clue":"Somehow alter Vogue article re passage (10)","Answer":"TRAVELOGUE","Explanation":"Definition: article re passage\nanagram (somehow) of ALTER VOGUE"} {"Clue":"Writers backed chief out to retire with deal? (7,3)","Answer":"PENSION OFF","Explanation":"Definition: to retire with deal\nPENS (writers) NO I (No 1, chief) reversed (backed) then OFF (out)"} {"Clue":"Almost let US state host Tokyo's first emperor (8)","Answer":"HIROHITO","Explanation":"Definition: emperor\nHIRe (let, almost) then OHIO (US state) contains (hosts) Tokyo (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Escape into fresh flora in the open air (8)","Answer":"ALFRESCO","Explanation":"Definition: in the open air\nESC (escape, on keyboard) in anagram (fresh) of FLORA"} {"Clue":"Please destroy organ (6)","Answer":"ENDEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Please\nEND (destroy) EAR (organ, of the body)"} {"Clue":"Tree-lined part of Dracula's birthplace (6)","Answer":"SYLVAN","Explanation":"Definition: Tree-lined\nfound inside (part of) tranSYLVANia (Dracula's birthplace)"} {"Clue":"Left out of stylish attempt (4)","Answer":"SEEK","Explanation":"Definition: attempt\nSLEEK (stylish) missing L (left)"} {"Clue":"Arsenal Gooner half-heartedly teased Chelsea toff (6,6)","Answer":"SLOANE RANGER","Explanation":"Definition: Chelsea toff\nanagram (teased) of ARSENAL GOoNER (half-heartedly, half middle letters)"} {"Clue":"That's funny, taking Owen back on board; fellow's hardly a team player! (4,4)","Answer":"LONE WOLF","Explanation":"Definition: hardly a team player\nLOL (laugh out loud, that's funny) containing (taking on board) OWEN reversed (back) then F (fellow)"} {"Clue":"Applying Koran, lash usurer (4,5)","Answer":"LOAN SHARK","Explanation":"Definition: usurer\nanagram (applying) of KORAN LASH. If you are new to crosswords you might be wondering how \"applying\" is obviously an anagram indicator meaning \"rearranged\". The answer is that anagram indicators have been part of cryptic crosswords for over 80 years and by now setters are running out of ways to indicate an anagram that solvers have not seen 100s of times before. Hence there is an informal understanding that definitions of anagram indicators do not need to be as tight as other definitions in the puzzle. Anything that\u00a0hints at\u00a0rearrangement, however obliquely, will do. In this case I think \"applying\" indicates \"using these letters you can get\u2026\"."} {"Clue":"Bitter, working in solitary (5)","Answer":"ALONE","Explanation":"Definition: solitary\nALE (bitter) contains (with\u2026in) ON (working)"} {"Clue":"In America, plenty\u00a0swing (4)","Answer":"SLEW","Explanation":"Definition: n America, plenty\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Machine designed to attract uninhibited women for private entertainment (4,6)","Answer":"HOME CINEMA","Explanation":"Definition: private entertainment\nanagram (designed) of MACHINE contains (to attract) wOMEn missing outer letters (uninhibited, no bounds)"} {"Clue":"A poison coating Lake Ontario's premier shellfish (7)","Answer":"ABALONE","Explanation":"Definition: shellfish\nA BANE\u00a0(poison) containing L (lake) Ontario (premier, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Absolutely lovely empty apartment at the front (6)","Answer":"FLATLY","Explanation":"Definition: Absolutely\nLovelY (empty, no middle letters) following (with\u2026at the front) FLAT (apartment)"} {"Clue":"On the first of the month, Charlie got infected (6)","Answer":"SEPTIC","Explanation":"Definition: infected\nSEPT I (1st of the month) then C (charlie, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"American cobblers' links traceable back to Emilia Romagna? (7)","Answer":"BALONEY","Explanation":"Definition: American cobblers\ncryptic definition. The word BALONEY meaning \"rubbish\" derives from the Bologna Sausage (links) originating in Bologna in the Italian region Emilia Romagna."} {"Clue":"Smug, being able to have lake in Provence for most of summer there (10)","Answer":"COMPLACENT","Explanation":"Definition: Smug\nCOMPetENT (able) with LAC (lake in French, in Provence) replacing ETe (summer, French, there in Provence)"} {"Clue":"Swapped sides of stupid boy's hat (4)","Answer":"KEPI","Explanation":"Definition: hat\nPIKE (stupid boy) with PI swapping sides with KE. I think Pike refers to the Dad's army character Private Pike who was referred to by\u00a0Captain Mainwearing as \"You stupid boy!\"."} {"Clue":"They connected a line in motel corridor (5)","Answer":"TELCO","Explanation":"Definition: They connected a line\nfound inside moTEL COrridor"} {"Clue":"One ignorant of sibling behaviour merely told off detained student (4,5)","Answer":"ONLY CHILD","Explanation":"Definition: One ignorant of sibling behaviour\nONLY (merely) CHID (told off) contains (detains) L (learner, student)"} {"Clue":"Play\u00a0causing discomfort for the viewers? (3,5)","Answer":"HAY FEVER","Explanation":"Definition: Play\ndouble\/cryptic definition \u2013 Hay Fever is a play by Noel Coward"} {"Clue":"One whose death was staged in rep? (8)","Answer":"SALESMAN","Explanation":"Definition: One whose death was staged\ndouble\/cryptic definition \u2013 sales representative and Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller (staged in rep, Repertory Theatre, established works)"} {"Clue":"Reagan vote took time to build, as expected (2,7)","Answer":"ON AVERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: as expected\nanagram (to build) missing T (time, taken away)"} {"Clue":"Lad's thrown up hotel food (4)","Answer":"NOSH","Explanation":"Definition: food\nSON (lad) reversed (thrown up) H (hotel)"} {"Clue":"Part of a cluster used in decoration (3,4)","Answer":"OAK LEAF","Explanation":"Definition: Part of a cluster used in decoration\nI'm guessing this is a cryptic definition that refers to an\u00a0Oak Leaf Cluster on a medal"} {"Clue":"Able to get rubbed out any time, Italian island detectives are in revolution (10)","Answer":"ERADICABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Able to get rubbed out\nELBA (Italian island) CID (detectives) ARE all reversed (in revolution). A shame that ABLE is also in the definition, gives the game away a little."} {"Clue":"Regular intake of booze own men described as potentially toxic (5)","Answer":"OZONE","Explanation":"Definition: described as potentially toxic\nregular selection from bOoZe OwN mEn \u2013 something that may be toxic"} {"Clue":"Boris Johnson's department title repelled warring opponent (6)","Answer":"FOEMAN","Explanation":"Definition: warring opponent\nFO (Foreign Office, Boris Johnson's apartment) then NAME (title) reversed (repelled)"} {"Clue":"Pal scooted round to help with delivery (6,4)","Answer":"POSTAL CODE","Explanation":"Definition: to help with deliver\nanagram (round) of PAL SCOOTED"} {"Clue":"Unfinished underwear no good for hanging around (9)","Answer":"LINGERING","Explanation":"Definition: hanging around\nLINGERIe (underwear, unfinished) then N (no) G (good)"} {"Clue":"Curry containers left in the German tube (8)","Answer":"CYLINDER","Explanation":"Definition: tube\nCurrY (outside letters, containers of) L (left) IN DER (the, German)"} {"Clue":"Storm over replica Twombly (7)","Answer":"CYCLONE","Explanation":"Definition: Storm\nCLONE (replica) under (with\u2026over) CY (Cy Twombly, artist)"} {"Clue":"British view gets slapped on the wrist! (6)","Answer":"BANGLE","Explanation":"Definition: gets slapped on the wrist\nB (British) and ANGLE (view) \u2013 something worn on the wrist"} {"Clue":"Crush the spirit (6)","Answer":"SCOTCH","Explanation":"Definition: Crush\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Lonely ol' mam working with Meals on Wheels? (5,6)","Answer":"MOLLY MALONE","Explanation":"Definition: Meals on Wheels\nanagram (working) of LONELY OL' MAM \u2013 in the song sweet Molly Malone sold cockles and mussels alive, alive-oh from her wheelbarrow."} {"Clue":"Shell tycoon upset for a few minutes (4)","Answer":"ACTA","Explanation":"Definition: a few minutes\nfAT CAt (tycoon) with no outer letters (shelled) reversed (upset) \u2013 a record (minutes) of a public event"} {"Clue":"Being a showman, this person's flaunting spare port (10)","Answer":"IMPRESARIO","Explanation":"Definition: a showman\nI'M (this person is) then anagram (flaunting) of SPARE and RIO (port)"} {"Clue":"Time of day nobleman mainly collects son (4)","Answer":"DUSK","Explanation":"Definition: Time of day\nDUKe (nobleman, mainly) contains S (son)"} {"Clue":"Scotsmen to do a turn, using fiddle (4)","Answer":"SCAM","Explanation":"Definition: fiddle\nMAC'S (Scotsman's) reversed (to do a turn)"} {"Clue":"Inventive guy adapted meals to accommodate superior horse (6,4)","Answer":"SAMUEL COLT","Explanation":"Definition: Inventive guy\nanagram (adapted) of MEALS containing U (superior) then COLT (horse) \u2013 American businessman and inventor"} {"Clue":"Type of seed mother's found back in York perhaps (6)","Answer":"SESAME","Explanation":"Definition: Type of seed\nMA'S (mother's) reversed (back) in SEE (a diocese, York perhaps)"} {"Clue":"European brought in manuscripts on college course latterly? (4,4)","Answer":"ETON MESS","Explanation":"Definition: latterly?\nE (European) in MS (manuscript) following (on) ETON (college) then S (southerly, a course) \u2013 a dessert, the last course served"} {"Clue":"Staff talk about trimming outside piece of cartilage (8)","Answer":"MENISCUS","Explanation":"Definition: piece of cartilage\nMEN (staff) then dISCUSs (talk about) missing (trimming) outside letters"} {"Clue":"Lady heading off somewhere in Middle East (4)","Answer":"OMAN","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in Middle East\nwOMAN (lady, no heading)"} {"Clue":"Mark goes inside to drink punch (4)","Answer":"LAMP","Explanation":"Definition: punch\nLAP (to drink) contains M (mark)"} {"Clue":"Sort of naivet\u00e9, some might say (2,1,5)","Answer":"IN A SENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of\nsounds like (as some may say) innocence (naivete)"} {"Clue":"Left one to lie in grass, painting? (8)","Answer":"PORTRAIT","Explanation":"Definition: painting\nPORT (left) then I (one) inside (to lie in) RA T (grass, informer)"} {"Clue":"Hamper, comprising small spongy dessert, Roger removed (6)","Answer":"STIFLE","Explanation":"Definition: Hamper\nS (small) then TrIFLE (spongy dessert) missing R (Roger)"} {"Clue":"Maybe rib bartender's bike (10)","Answer":"BONESHAKER","Explanation":"Definition: bike \nBONE (may be rib) SHAKER (bartender)"} {"Clue":"Particular hairstyle wanted each month (4)","Answer":"PERM","Explanation":"Definition: Particular hairstyle\nPER (each) M (month)"} {"Clue":"Linesman possibly starts to puff over extra time (4)","Answer":"POET","Explanation":"Definition: Linesman possibly\nstarting letters of Puff Over Extra Time \u2013 someone who writes in lines"} {"Clue":"Tall chap, 27 (10)","Answer":"LONGFELLOW","Explanation":"Definition: 27\nLONG (tall) FELLOW (chap)"} {"Clue":"Spice coats the carving knife (7)","Answer":"MACHETE","Explanation":"Definition: knife\nMACE (spice) contains (coats) anagram (carving) of THE"} {"Clue":"Male's in difficulty with a dance (5)","Answer":"RUMBA","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nM (male) in RUB (difficulty) then A"} {"Clue":"Secrets escaped when ringing about ancient coin (8)","Answer":"SESTERCE","Explanation":"Definition: ancient coin\nI'm not sure about this. Best I can do is: anagram (escaped) of SECRETS containing (when ringing) RE (about). My explanation gives a superfluous R."} {"Clue":"In children's story, strange pets still disturbed family (15)","Answer":"RUMPELSTILTSKIN","Explanation":"Definition: children's story\nRUM (strange) with anagram (disturbed) of PETS STILL then KIN (family)"} {"Clue":"Fortune accompanies old church cat (6)","Answer":"OCELOT","Explanation":"Definition: cat\nLOT (fortune) follows (accompanying) O (old) CE (Church of England)"} {"Clue":"Withdraw from office, committee being content to break up (9)","Answer":"DECOMPOSE","Explanation":"Definition: to break up\nDEPOSE (withdraw from office) containing (with\u2026being the content of) COM (committee)"} {"Clue":"Ale is repeatedly drunk in European region once (7)","Answer":"SILESIA","Explanation":"Definition: European region once\nanagram (drunk) of ALE IS IS (is is repeated)"} {"Clue":"Fretful introduction by Irishman perhaps, one on hospital department (9)","Answer":"IMPATIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Fretful\nI'M PAT (introduction by Irishman perhaps) on I (one) ENT (hospital department)"} {"Clue":"Health resort rouses retired type (8)","Answer":"SANSERIF","Explanation":"Definition: type \nSAN (sanatorium, health resort) then FIRES (rouses) reversed (retired)"} {"Clue":"A married woman, followed by Oscar at separate intervals \u2013 that's sweet (7)","Answer":"AMOROSO","Explanation":"Definition: sweet\nA the MRS (married woman) with each letter followed by O"} {"Clue":"Italian city market \u2013 northwards near roundabout? (7)","Answer":"SALERNO","Explanation":"Definition: Italian city\nSALE (market) NR (near) reversed (northwards, going up on a map) then O (roundabout, something round)"} {"Clue":"Pop artist fights against everything, audibly (6)","Answer":"WARHOL","Explanation":"Definition: Pop artist\nWAR (fights) with HOL sounds like (audibly) everything (whole)"} {"Clue":"Drive Sprite, bearing left (5)","Answer":"IMPEL","Explanation":"Definition: Drive\nIMP (sprite) E (East, a bearing) and L (left)"} {"Clue":"Short aria Tina omitted, sparkling stuff (4)","Answer":"CAVA","Explanation":"Definition: sparkling stuff\nCAVAtina (short aria) missing TINA"} {"Clue":"Astronomer turning regulars from star lot on (4)","Answer":"OORT","Explanation":"Definition: Astronomer\nregular selection form sTaR lOt On reversed (turning) \u2013 Jan Oort, proposer of the Oort Cloud"} {"Clue":"Dice game? Numbers will include zero and 5 (5)","Answer":"NOVUM","Explanation":"Definition: Dice game\nNUM (Numbers, book of Bible) including O (zero) and V (5) \u2013 a dice game, sadly the significant throws in the game are 9 and 5"} {"Clue":"Knot curtain material, fine dark woollen stuff (6)","Answer":"BURNET","Explanation":"Definition: fine dark woollen stuff\nBUR (knot) and NET (curtain material)"} {"Clue":"Put clock back and relax (5)","Answer":"REMIT","Explanation":"Definition: relax\nTIMER (clock) reversed (put back)"} {"Clue":"Many-celled creatures yielding meat when butchered, including a hybrid (7)","Answer":"METAZOA","Explanation":"Definition: Many-celled creatures\nanagram (when butchered) of MEAT containing A ZO (hybrid yak)"} {"Clue":"Network heads for employing regular standard SI units (6)","Answer":"WEBERS","Explanation":"Definition: SI units\nWEB (network) then first letters (heads) of Employing Regular Standard"} {"Clue":"Yaps like a Scottie, any let loose, very loud, given seconds (6)","Answer":"NYAFFS","Explanation":"Definition: Yaps like a Scottie\nanagram (let loose) of ANY then FF (very loud) with S (seconds)"} {"Clue":"Means of reckoning wages once upset tea-lady (7)","Answer":"DAYTALE","Explanation":"Definition: Means of reckoning wages once\nanagram (upset) of TEA-LADY"} {"Clue":"Family emblem, end of motto changed to English in translation (5)","Answer":"TOTEM","Explanation":"Definition: Family emblem\nanagram (in translation) of MOTTO with end letter changed to E (English)"} {"Clue":"Open chaise, mostly spiced up, going round Sri Lanka (8)","Answer":"CURRICLE","Explanation":"Definition: Open chaise\nCURRIEd (spiced up, mostly) containing CL (Sri Lanka, IVR code)"} {"Clue":"Let off hot bath, and what it could make you! (6)","Answer":"SPARED","Explanation":"Definition: Let off\nSPA (hot bath) and RED (what it could make you)"} {"Clue":"Deposit distributed third to last (5)","Answer":"DELTA","Explanation":"Definition: Deposit\nDEALT (distributed) with A (third letter of) moved to last place"} {"Clue":"Branch of religion has diversified round Italy (4)","Answer":"SHIA","Explanation":"Definition: Branch of religion\nanagram (diversified) of HAS containing I (Italy)"} {"Clue":"Advantage retained by landed gentry (4)","Answer":"EDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Advantage\nfound inside (retained by) landED GEntry"} {"Clue":"Issue involving club re crooked provider of raw material for sculpture? (12)","Answer":"MARBLECUTTER","Explanation":"Definition: provider of raw material for sculpture\nMATTER (issue) containing (involving) anagram (crooked) of CLUB RE"} {"Clue":"Gliding runs in musical piece \u2013 nod off (9)","Answer":"SCORRENDO","Explanation":"Definition: Gliding\nR (runs) in SCORE (musical piece) then anagram (off) of NOD"} {"Clue":"Crumbly cheese, one for break in match? (6)","Answer":"PANEER","Explanation":"Definition: Crumbly cheese\nAN (one) inside (for break in) PEER (match). I'm not totally sure about this explanation."} {"Clue":"Gadget to assist pilot? It gets one in bed up (6)","Answer":"NAVAID","Explanation":"Definition: Gadget to assist pilot\nA (one) in DIVAN (bed) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Rule repeated in semi semi (meaning unit that's irreducible) (6)","Answer":"SEMEME","Explanation":"Definition: unit that's irreducible\nEM (rule, in printing) twice (repeated) in SEmi (semi, half of)"} {"Clue":"Language \u2013 explosive concoction (6)","Answer":"HEBREW","Explanation":"Definition: Language\nHE (high explosive) BREW (concoction)"} {"Clue":"Dance music for singing, without limits (4)","Answer":"HORA","Explanation":"Definition: Dance\ncHORAl (music for singing) with no end letters (without limits)"} {"Clue":"Given charges, one on one, that's me losing my first! (7)","Answer":"IONIZED","Explanation":"Definition: Given charges\nI (one) ON I (one) with aZED (me, the setter) missing first letter"} {"Clue":"Thrill provided by old rock band in rubbish served up (6)","Answer":"TREMOR","Explanation":"Definition: Thrill\nR.E.M. (old rock band) in ROT (rubbish) reversed (served up)"} {"Clue":"Fault medic sorted out, often disguised? (10)","Answer":"MULTIFACED","Explanation":"Definition: often disguised\nanagram (sorted out) of FAULT MEDIC"} {"Clue":"Caryocar possibly, only strangely terete round radius (10)","Answer":"BUTTERTREE","Explanation":"Definition: Caryocar possibly\nBUT (only) then anagram (strangely) of TERETE containing R (radius)"} {"Clue":"Fuel storage tank? Great cracks round a few (9)","Answer":"GASOMETER","Explanation":"Definition: Fuel storage tank\nanagram (cracks) of GREAT containing SOME (a few)"} {"Clue":"Old maid, prosperous, in smart address (7)","Answer":"MAYFAIR","Explanation":"Definition: smart address\nMAY (maid, old=obsolete) then FAIR (prosperous)"} {"Clue":"Some sun coming up will limit measure of acidity in peaty soil (6)","Answer":"YARPHA","Explanation":"Definition: peaty soil\nA RAY (some sun) reversed (coming up) containing (will limit) PH (measure of acidity)"} {"Clue":"What'll get luges struggling round start of downhill? (6)","Answer":"SLUDGE","Explanation":"Definition: What'll get\nanagram (struggling) of LUGES containing Downhill (starting letter of) \u2013 implicitly extended definition, \"What will get\u2026\""} {"Clue":"Rabble in cold carriage, low-slung (6)","Answer":"HERDIC","Explanation":"Definition: carriage, low-slung\nHERD (rabble) I' (in) C (cold)"} {"Clue":"Office available to tenants I installed (6)","Answer":"TOILET","Explanation":"Definition: Office\nTO LET (available to tenants) containing (with\u2026installed) I"} {"Clue":"Get left behind in water? Woolly coat's what you'll need (6)","Answer":"PELAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Woolly coat\nLAG (get left behind) in PEE (water)"} {"Clue":"Get hands on\u00a0eastern coaster to chatter about river (4)","Answer":"GRAB","Explanation":"Definition: Get hands on\nGAB (to chatter) containing (about) R (river) \u2013 two definitions"} {"Clue":"Island man's hiding a posh car (6)","Answer":"HARRIS","Explanation":"Definition: Island\nHIS (man's) containing (hiding) A RR (Rolls Royce, posh car). I think *Isle* would be a better definition than\u00a0*Island*. There is an *Isle of Harris* but the *Isle of\u00a0Harris* is not actually an island, it is attached to Lewis."} {"Clue":"Diver turns regularly in case coming across shipping hazards (8)","Answer":"ICEBERGS","Explanation":"Definition: shipping hazards\nGREBE (diver) reversed (turns) inside (with\u2026coming across) regular selection from In CaSe"} {"Clue":"Shrink round collar of postulant (7)","Answer":"WANNABE","Explanation":"Definition: postulant \nWANE (shrink) containing (round) NAB (collar)"} {"Clue":"Listen to story line as a reader (4,3)","Answer":"LIKE YOU","Explanation":"Definition: as a reader\nsounds like (listened to) LIE (story) QUEUE (line) \u2013 like you the solver reading this"} {"Clue":"Support for Paddington? (4)","Answer":"BEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Support \ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Woman from Capri, mad on narcissism (5,5)","Answer":"PRIMA DONNA","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\n~~anagram (narcissism?) of CAPRI MAD ON~~ *found inside caPRI MAD ON NArcissism"} {"Clue":"Problem with stocking large computer (6)","Answer":"LADDER","Explanation":"Definition: Problem with stocking\nL (large) and ADDER (computer)"} {"Clue":"Extend sentence (7)","Answer":"STRETCH","Explanation":"Definition: Extend sentence \ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"They're used to smooth introduction to sex with Swede (7)","Answer":"SANDERS","Explanation":"Definition: They're used to smooth\nSex (introduction, first letter of) and ANDERS (Swedish name)"} {"Clue":"Indifferent style\u00a0enjoyed by students? (6)","Answer":"UNISEX","Explanation":"Definition: Indifferent style\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Exceptional friend covers bird sign (10)","Answer":"PHENOMENAL","Explanation":"Definition: Exceptional \nPAL (friend) contains (covers) HEN (bird) OMEN (sign)"} {"Clue":"Stock food store (4)","Answer":"SILO","Explanation":"Definition: Stock food store\ncryptic definition \u2013 stock is cattle"} {"Clue":"Graceful sweetheart has attachment to foot soldier, perhaps (7)","Answer":"ELEGANT","Explanation":"Definition: Graceful \nswEet (heart, middle letter) has LEG (attachment to foot) then ANT ( a soldier ant perhaps)"} {"Clue":"On which cover is placed\u00a0in an illegal position (7)","Answer":"OFFSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: On which cover is placed\ndouble definition \u2013 cricket and football."} {"Clue":"Prison empty for ever (8)","Answer":"HOLLOWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Prison \nHOLLOW (empty) AY (ever)"} {"Clue":"Constraint on corporate expansion (6)","Answer":"CORSET","Explanation":"Definition: Constraint on corporate expansion\ncryptic definition. My first attempt was GIRDLE which caused me problems later."} {"Clue":"Used to find hobby could be a case of work born in purgatory (4,4)","Answer":"HAWK BELL","Explanation":"Definition: Used to find hobby\nA WorK (outer letters, case of) B (born) all inside HELL (purgatory) \u2013 a hobby is a falcon"} {"Clue":"Curse wretched darn taverna (4,3,4)","Answer":"RANT AND RAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Curse \nanagram (wretched) of DARN TAVERNA"} {"Clue":"State of aspirant (4)","Answer":"IRAN","Explanation":"Definition: State \nfound inside (of) aspIRANt"} {"Clue":"A measure of warmth and friendship for Jane, maybe (8)","Answer":"CALAMITY","Explanation":"Definition: Jane, maybe\nCAL (measure of warmth) then AMITY \u2013 Calamity Jane perhaps. I would have said that a calorie is a measure of heat not warmth. Warmth is an indication of temperature."} {"Clue":"Pulses of hotheads? (5,5)","Answer":"BAKED BEANS","Explanation":"Definition: Pulses \na BEAN is a head, baked would be hot"} {"Clue":"Fish for Charles, perhaps (3)","Answer":"RAY","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\nRay Charles perhaps"} {"Clue":"Sing and shout (6)","Answer":"SQUEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Sing\ndouble definition. My first attempt was SCREAM which caused problems later."} {"Clue":"Long time, no loveless (5)","Answer":"YEARN","Explanation":"Definition: Long\nYEAR (time) No missing O (love, tennis score)"} {"Clue":"Needs iciest sense of fashion (11)","Answer":"NECESSITIES","Explanation":"Definition: Needs \nanagram (of fashion) of ICIEST SENSE"} {"Clue":"Eyed starter of chips (4,6)","Answer":"SEED POTATO","Explanation":"Definition: Eyed starter of chips\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Generate fantastically healthy drink (5,3)","Answer":"GREEN TEA","Explanation":"Definition: healthy drink\nanagram (fantastically) of GENERATE"} {"Clue":"Advocate\u00a0symbol of power (8)","Answer":"EXPONENT","Explanation":"Definition: Advocate\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Number 1 in School Close is missing address (6)","Answer":"SPEECH","Explanation":"Definition: address\nPEE (number 1, a wee wee) in SCH (school). I'm not sure what the \"close is missing\" bit is about."} {"Clue":"Explorers of America \u2013 both parts (5)","Answer":"CABOT","Explanation":"Definition: Explorers of America\nI think this is referring to father and son John and Sebastian Cabot who both made explorations of the American coast. The definition *Explorers* is plural so I would have expected the solution to be plural too, *Cabots*. *Update: Cabot is found inside (parts of) ameriCA BOTh"} {"Clue":"Style of architecture from Renaissance often represented in capitals (4)","Answer":"AFRO","Explanation":"Definition: Style \nfirst letters (represented in capital) of Architecture From Renaissance Often \u2013 a hair style"} {"Clue":"General backing for fish (3)","Answer":"EEL","Explanation":"Definition: fish \nGeneral LEE reversed (backing)"} {"Clue":"Style said to be warped by traditionalists for a start, anti-bourgeois (7)","Answer":"DADAIST","Explanation":"Definition: anti-bourgeois\nDA (duck's arse, hairstyle) anagram (warped) of SAID then Traditionalists (starting letter of)"} {"Clue":"Soft item with no end to flatten, not this then? (4,3)","Answer":"FELT HAT","Explanation":"Definition: Soft item\nFELL (to flatten, missing last letter) and THAT (not this then)"} {"Clue":"Person in book group (5)","Answer":"NONET","Explanation":"Definition: group \nONE (person) in NT (New Testament, a book)"} {"Clue":"Desolate scene where love in poems can degenerate (9)","Answer":"MOONSCAPE","Explanation":"Definition: Desolate scene\nanagram (degenerate) of O (love) POEMS CAN"} {"Clue":"Machinations of Belgian in Poirot ultimately impossible to grasp (10)","Answer":"INTANGIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: impossible to grasp \nanagram (machinations) of BELGIAN IN and poiroT (ultimately, last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Knee higher\u00a0\u2013\u00a0this lower? (4)","Answer":"CALF","Explanation":"Definition: Knee higher\ncryptic\/double definition \u2013 lower than a knee and an animal that lows"} {"Clue":"Step by entrance, we hear? (4)","Answer":"GAIT","Explanation":"Definition: Step \nsounds like (we hear) gate (entrance)"} {"Clue":"Daydreaming male catching end of member on a zip (10)","Answer":"STARGAZING","Explanation":"Definition: Daydreaming \nSTAG (male) containing (catching) membeR (end of) on A ZING (zip)"} {"Clue":"Deduce how to make a square? (3,3,3,3,8)","Answer":"PUT TWO AND TWO TOGETHER","Explanation":"Definition: Deduce\n2 and 2 = 4 (a square number)"} {"Clue":"Indian garment pinned back by pandit \u2013 oh dear (5)","Answer":"DHOTI","Explanation":"Definition: Indian garment\nDHOTI found (pinned) reversed (back) inside pandIT \u2013 OH Dear"} {"Clue":"Material in bread, sharp (7)","Answer":"NANKEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Material \nNAN (bread) and KEEN (sharp)"} {"Clue":"Part of house in need of refurbishment? It could be better (4,3,11)","Answer":"ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Part of house in need of refurbishment\ncryptic\/double definition"} {"Clue":"Idiotic supporting cruel feeding swindle in fast food chain (6,6)","Answer":"DUNKIN DONUTS","Explanation":"Definition: fast food chain\nNUTS (idiotic) following UNKIND inside (feeding) DO (swindle)"} {"Clue":"Enthusiastic about country's rise and fall? (10)","Answer":"INTONATION","Explanation":"Definition: rise and fall\nINTO (enthusiastic about) then NATION (country)"} {"Clue":"After a rise, police on good rates (5)","Answer":"TEMPI","Explanation":"Definition: rates \nMET (police) reversed on PI (pious, good)"} {"Clue":"Moving freely, ankle screws removed? (9)","Answer":"FOOTLOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Moving freely\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Sumptuous\u00a0boozer (4)","Answer":"LUSH","Explanation":"Definition: Sumptuous\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"A bounder stood up amid laughter \u2013\u00a0why no sex tonight? (8)","Answer":"HEADACHE","Explanation":"Definition: why no sex tonight?\nA CAD (bounder) reversed (stood up) in HE HE (laughter)"} {"Clue":"Bird circling ridge to find tropical plant (4,4)","Answer":"TREE FERN","Explanation":"Definition: tropical plant \nTERN (bird) contains (circles) REEF (ridge)"} {"Clue":"A marked village showed wart, unfortunately (8,2)","Answer":"WESTWARD HO!","Explanation":"Definition: A marked village\nanagram (unfortunately) of SHOWED WART. The name contains an exclamation mark, which invites debate as to whether the definition still stands as the exclamation mark is not part of the wordplay or the entered solution."} {"Clue":"Plain wet to practise excessively (9)","Answer":"OVERTRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: practise excessively\nOVERt (plain) and RAIN (wet)"} {"Clue":"For example, tit measurement spawning novel (8)","Answer":"WINGSPAN","Explanation":"Definition: For example, tit measurement\nanagram (novel) of SPAWNING"} {"Clue":"Bread \u2013\u00a0Croatian money? (5,3)","Answer":"SPLIT TIN","Explanation":"Definition: Bread \u2013\nSPLIT TIN might be money from Split, so Croatian money"} {"Clue":"Hint \u2013\u00a0problem with cue? (3-3)","Answer":"TIP-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Hint \u2013\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"One tucks into revolting gruel, less appealing (6)","Answer":"UGLIER","Explanation":"Definition: less appealing\nI (one) inside anagram (revolting) GRUEL"} {"Clue":"Qualification for Bellerophon, say? (5)","Answer":"RIDER","Explanation":"Definition: Qualification\ndouble definition \u2013 rider of Pegasus in Greek mythology"} {"Clue":"Precious little deeper than bottom of pit (4)","Answer":"TWEE","Explanation":"Definition: Precious \nWEE (little) underneath (deeper than) piT (bottom of)"} {"Clue":"Hands pointing to text in square after cubes (7)","Answer":"INDICES","Explanation":"Definition: Hands pointing to text\nIN then S (Square) following DICE (cubes)"} {"Clue":"Ancient building may drip fluid (7)","Answer":"PYRAMID","Explanation":"Definition: Ancient building\nanagram (fluid) of MAY DRIP"} {"Clue":"Grand space for curry? (5)","Answer":"GROOM","Explanation":"Definition: curry\nG (grand) and ROOM (space)"} {"Clue":"European slipping spirit into fermented cider (9)","Answer":"ICELANDER","Explanation":"Definition: European \nELAN (spirit) inside (slipping into) anagram (fermented) of CIDER"} {"Clue":"Head of state visiting America given funds for stay (10)","Answer":"SUSPENSION","Explanation":"Definition: stay\nState (head of, first letter) with US (America) with PENSION (funds)"} {"Clue":"Old nurse squeezing opening of wound to be stitched (4)","Answer":"SEWN","Explanation":"Definition: stitched \nSEN (State Enrolled Nurse, former qualification) contains (squeezing) Wound (opening letter of)"} {"Clue":"Writer drinks fruit smoothie at last (11)","Answer":"SHAKESPEARE","Explanation":"Definition: Writer \nSHAKES (drinks) PEAR (fruit) then smoothiE (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Brief dispatch by independent fellow before clash on old mountain (11)","Answer":"KILIMANJARO","Explanation":"Definition: mountain\nKILL (dispatch) missing last letter (brief) then I (independent) MAN (fellow) JAR (clash) on O (old)"} {"Clue":"Colourful\u00a0mixed type (4)","Answer":"PIED","Explanation":"Definition: Colourful\ndouble definition. I always thought pied meant patched rather than colourful, indicating the presence of patches rather than the presence of colours."} {"Clue":"Blockheads dispatched to take first part of maths test (10)","Answer":"ASSESSMENT","Explanation":"Definition: test \nASSES (blockheads) SENT (dispatched) containing (to take) Maths (first letter, first part of)"} {"Clue":"Animal and a plant enveloped by strange aroma (9)","Answer":"ARMADILLO","Explanation":"Definition: Animal \nDILL (plant) in anagram (strange) of AROMA"} {"Clue":"Uniform that's reversible? (5)","Answer":"LEVEL","Explanation":"Definition: Uniform \nLEVEL, a palindrome (reversible)"} {"Clue":"Clue about points awarded to Democratic president (7)","Answer":"KENNEDY","Explanation":"Definition: president\nKEY (clue) containing (about) N NE (points of the compass) with (awarded to) D (democratic"} {"Clue":"Letter from Poles in translation (7)","Answer":"EPSILON","Explanation":"Definition: Letter \nanagram (translation) of POLES IN"} {"Clue":"Swallow nesting in charming estuary (6)","Answer":"INGEST","Explanation":"Definition: Swallow \nfound inside (nesting in) charmING ESTuary"} {"Clue":"Medic leading operation on extremely squidgy swelling (6)","Answer":"DROPSY","Explanation":"Definition: swelling \nDR (medic) then OP (operation) in SqudgY (extreme letters of)"} {"Clue":"Come across mineral with spiky tip that's awkward to handle (10)","Answer":"CUMBERSOME","Explanation":"Definition: awkward to handle\nCOME containing (across) UMBER (mineral) with Spiky (tip, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Small fruit on small vessels (5)","Answer":"SHIPS","Explanation":"Definition: vessels \nS (small) HIP (fruit) in S (small)"} {"Clue":"Heads of physics turned sea creature into remarkable things (9)","Answer":"PHENOMENA","Explanation":"Definition: remarkable things\nPHysics (heads of, first two letters) then ANEMONE (sea creature) reversed (turned)"} {"Clue":"Bachelor leaving food in study (4)","Answer":"READ","Explanation":"Definition: study\nbREAD (food) missing B (bachelor)"} {"Clue":"Very old stamp given to five tucking into food (8)","Answer":"MEDIEVAL","Explanation":"Definition: Very old\nDIE (stamp) with V (five) inside MEAL (food)"} {"Clue":"Cuckoo seen in borders of desolate wild garden (8)","Answer":"DERANGED","Explanation":"Definition: Cuckoo \nDesolatE (borders, outside letters of) the anagram (wild) of GARDEN"} {"Clue":"Purgatives sorted out males with spots (5,5)","Answer":"EPSOM SALTS","Explanation":"Definition: Purgatives \nanagram (sorted out) of MALES with SPOTS"} {"Clue":"Target for abuse torments topless partner (4,5)","Answer":"AUNT SALLY","Explanation":"Definition: Target for abuse\ntAUNTS (torments, topless) then ALLY (partner)"} {"Clue":"Fish with small sharp extremity almost turned on sailor (8)","Answer":"SKIPJACK","Explanation":"Definition: Fish \nS (small) PIKe (sharp extremity, almost) reversed (turned) on JACK (sailor)"} {"Clue":"Suspect alarmed by new public official (8)","Answer":"ALDERMAN","Explanation":"Definition: public official \nanagram (suspect) of ALARMED then N (new)"} {"Clue":"Whale gutted by nasty insect (6)","Answer":"WEEVIL","Explanation":"Definition: insect\nWhalE (gutted, no middle letters) then EVIL (nasty)"} {"Clue":"Lecturer stopping scruffy notes being plagiarised (6)","Answer":"STOLEN","Explanation":"Definition: plagiarised \nL (lecturer) inside anagram (scruffy) of NOTES"} {"Clue":"English book about a way to show one's feelings (5)","Answer":"EMOTE","Explanation":"Definition: a way to show one's feelings\nE (English) then TOME (book) reversed (about)"} {"Clue":"Lazy brother abandoning check (4)","Answer":"IDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Lazy\nbrIDLE (check) missing (abandoned by) BR (brother)"} {"Clue":"Hounds having no time for singers (6)","Answer":"BASSES","Explanation":"BASSEtS (hounds) missing T (time), singers is bonus definition. In this case fish is plural."} {"Clue":"Cut-back that's unfeeling (8)","Answer":"PILCHARD","Explanation":"CLIP (cut) reversed (back) then HARD (unfeeling)"} {"Clue":"Leading academic's endless nonsense (7)","Answer":"ABALONE","Explanation":"Academic (leading letter of) then BALONEy (nonsense, endless) \u2013 in this case a shellfish"} {"Clue":"Secretary circling country hospital (7)","Answer":"PIRANHA","Explanation":"PA (secretary) contains (circling) IRAN (country) H (hospital)"} {"Clue":"4 having tea (4)","Answer":"CHAR","Explanation":"tea found inside (having) pilCHARd (4 across) \u2013 various types of fish including the trout shown here"} {"Clue":"Done for. Leg broken (6,4)","Answer":"GOLDEN ORFE","Explanation":"anagram (broken) of DONE FOR LEG. Also known as the Ide, a favourite word of crossword setters."} {"Clue":"High-powered tourer starts (6)","Answer":"TURBOT","Explanation":"TURBO (high-powered) the Tourer (starting letter of)"} {"Clue":"Some children love verses inside (7)","Answer":"ANCHOVY","Explanation":"ANY (some) containing (with\u2026inside) CH (children) O (love) V (verses)"} {"Clue":"Left hat outside (7)","Answer":"BLOATER","Explanation":"L (left) inside (with\u2026outside) BOATER (hat) \u2013 a North American freshwater fish. Also the name of a smoked herring dish."} {"Clue":"Both sides in principal (6)","Answer":"MARLIN","Explanation":"R and L (both side) in MAIN (principal)"} {"Clue":"Diamonds and nut cut (4,6)","Answer":"ROCK SALMON","Explanation":"ROCKS (diamonds) and ALMONd (nut, cut short)"} {"Clue":"Heads of department always claim exemption (4)","Answer":"DACE","Explanation":"first letters (heads) of Department Always Claim Exemption"} {"Clue":"Arnside review of biblical precious stone (7)","Answer":"SARDINE","Explanation":"anagram (review) od ARNSIDE \u2013 also the Sardine Stone from Revelations. Another name for the Pilchard."} {"Clue":"What fiancee wears for operatic Albert (7)","Answer":"HERRING","Explanation":"a fiancee wears HER RING \u2013 Albert Herring is an opera by Benjamin Britten. A lover of opera Gozo cannot resist adding a definition for this clue."} {"Clue":"Soviet corporation (3,5)","Answer":"RED BELLY","Explanation":"RED (soviet) and BELLY (corporation) \u2013 one of several fish, showing here the Arctic Char"} {"Clue":"Pleasure boat with top helmsman away at Exmouth (6)","Answer":"LAUNCE","Explanation":"LAUNCh (pleasure boat) missing Helmsman (top letter of) then Ex (opening letter, mouth of) \u2013 aka the Sand Eel"} {"Clue":"A Catholic hits out at red pandas (8)","Answer":"BEARCATS","Explanation":"Definition: red pandas\nA RC (Roman Catholic) inside (with\u2026out) BEATS (hits)"} {"Clue":"Red marine plant as a rule culitvated by the Spanish (3,6)","Answer":"SEA LAUREL","Explanation":"Definition: Red marine plant\nanagram (cultivated) of AS A RULE then EL (the, Spanish) \u2013 there is a minor typo in the clue: \"culitvated\""} {"Clue":"Sentamu's signature on dress lifted (4)","Answer":"EBOR","Explanation":"Definition: Sentamu's signature\nROBE (dress) reversed (lifted) \u2013 meaning \"of York\", such as John Sentamu the Archbishop of York"} {"Clue":"Disrespectful and lacking foresight dropping top of reins (8)","Answer":"IMPUDENT","Explanation":"Definition: Disrespectful \nIMPrUDENT (lacking foresight) missing Reins (top letter of)"} {"Clue":"Amateur sportsman is a rakish fop (10)","Answer":"CORINTHIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Amateur sportsman\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Saul's cousin brought up some children badly (5)","Answer":"ABNER","Explanation":"Definition: Saul's cousin\nfound reversed (brought up inside (some of) childREN BAdly"} {"Clue":"Artist who gets pulled? (6)","Answer":"DRAWER","Explanation":"Definition: Artist\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Drank up at store (5)","Answer":"DEPOT","Explanation":"Definition: store\nTOPED (drank) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Some hairy redhead wandering in old county (10)","Answer":"MORAYSHIRE","Explanation":"Definition: old county\nanagram (wandering) of SOME HAIRY Red (head, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Estimate of price with or without a touch of expertise (9)","Answer":"VALUATION","Explanation":"Definition: Estimate of price\ncould be valuation or evaluation, with or without a E, first letter (a touch) of Expertise"} {"Clue":"Hand-to hand fight on helter- skelter (4-4)","Answer":"PELL-MELL","Explanation":"Definition: Hand-to hand fight\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Cajole and flatter mid-week, living wildly (8)","Answer":"INVEIGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Cajole and flatter\nanagram (wildly) of wEEk (middle of) and LIVING"} {"Clue":"Applying this, expect a blank look (6)","Answer":"ERASER","Explanation":"Definition: Applying this, expect a blank look\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Waters from pass up on borders of Himalayas (5)","Answer":"LOCHS","Explanation":"Definition: Waters\nCOL (pass) reversed (up) on HimalayaS (borders of)"} {"Clue":"Headless chicken thought it mattered (5)","Answer":"CARED","Explanation":"Definition: thought it mattered\nsCARED (chciken) missing first letter (headless)"} {"Clue":"Some air-mass that was destructive during September (4)","Answer":"IRMA","Explanation":"Definition: was destructive during September\nfound inside (some of) aIR-MAss \u2013 name of a Hurricane"} {"Clue":"Bought furniture to hold kid (6)","Answer":"BRIBED","Explanation":"Definition: Bought \nBED (furniture) contains (to hold) RIB (kid)"} {"Clue":"Poodle is going nuts near water (8)","Answer":"POOLSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: near water\nanagram (going nuts) of POODLE IS"} {"Clue":"Aware of Cockney's ambition, yen to stop inadequacy (4-4)","Answer":"OPEN-EYED","Explanation":"Definition: Aware of\n'OPE (hope, ambition in Cockney accent) then Y (yen) inside (to stop, like a cork) NEED (inadequacy)"} {"Clue":"Roughly take down revolutionary leader (6)","Answer":"CAESAR","Explanation":"Definition: leader \nCA (circa, roughly) then RASE (take down) reversed (revolutionary)"} {"Clue":"Not in show, dame discontented (6)","Answer":"DEMODE","Explanation":"Definition: Not in\nDEMO (show) than DamE (outer letters of, discontented, with no contents) \u2013 not in, out of fashion"} {"Clue":"Bust heaving very brazen (8)","Answer":"INSOLENT","Explanation":"Definition: brazen\nINSOLvENT (bust) missing (heaving out) V (very)"} {"Clue":"Plant hybrid more are using (4,8)","Answer":"ROSE GERANIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nanagram (hybrid) of MORE ARE USING"} {"Clue":"Note, after slaughter, reduced countries for final stages (12)","Answer":"CULMINATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: final stages\nCULL (slaughter) missing final letter (reduced) then MI (note) and NATIONS (countries)"} {"Clue":"Best lute I am playing with time inside (8)","Answer":"ULTIMATE","Explanation":"Definition: Best\nanagram (playing) of LUTE I AM containing T (time)"} {"Clue":"Coveted object receives bid (6)","Answer":"ENVIED","Explanation":"Definition: Coveted\nEND (object) contains (receives) VIE (bid)"} {"Clue":"Fibre to remain rigid, having internal resistance (6)","Answer":"STRAND","Explanation":"Definition: Fibre\nSTAND (remain rigid) containing (having internal\u2026) R (resistance)"} {"Clue":"Spooner's minor road excavation on major route (8)","Answer":"MAINLINE","Explanation":"Definition: on major route\nSpoonerism of \"lane mine\" (minor road, excavation)"} {"Clue":"Popular plant, very big, for hostile locations (8)","Answer":"INFERNOS","Explanation":"Definition: hostile locations\nIN (popular) FERN (plant) OS (out-size, very big)"} {"Clue":"Kebab comes from this dirty place around end of block (6)","Answer":"SKEWER","Explanation":"Definition: Kebab comes from this\nSEWER (dirty place) contains (round) blocK (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"Back up when pierced by Greek character's sword (6)","Answer":"RAPIER","Explanation":"Definition: sword \nREAR (back) reversed (up) containing (when pierced by) PI (Greek character)"} {"Clue":"Musical instrument carried by idol in Birmingham (5,4)","Answer":"BONGO DRUM","Explanation":"Definition: Musical instrument\nON (carried by) GOD (idol) in BRUM (Birmingham)"} {"Clue":"One's yard's tidied for period of bright weather (3,6)","Answer":"DRY SEASON","Explanation":"Definition: period of bright weather\nanagram (tidied) of ONE'S YARD'S"} {"Clue":"Waffle not turnover taken from London station (7)","Answer":"PADDING","Explanation":"Definition: Waffle\nPADDINGton (London station) missing NOT reversed (turnover)"} {"Clue":"Main residents of Windsor Castle (5)","Answer":"ORCAS","Explanation":"Definition: Main residents\nfound inside (residents of) windsOR CAStle \u2013 the main is the ocean"} {"Clue":"Second place containing oil to blow up (5)","Answer":"SWELL","Explanation":"Definition: to blow up\nS (second) WELL (place containing oil)"} {"Clue":"Dragging around two short jockeys (5-3)","Answer":"DRAWN OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Dragging\nanagram (jockeys) of AROUND and TWo (shortened)"} {"Clue":"Men on board circling lake to find breeding-places (9)","Answer":"ROOKERIES","Explanation":"Definition: breeding-places\nROOKS (men on chess board) contain (circling) ERIE (lake)"} {"Clue":"Van is hell travelling round US city (9)","Answer":"NASHVILLE","Explanation":"Definition: US city\nanagram (travelling around) of VAN IS HELL"} {"Clue":"Shot home for some news (8)","Answer":"BULLETIN","Explanation":"Definition: some news\nBULLET (shot) and IN (home)"} {"Clue":"Minute drops in parent's drinks container (7)","Answer":"THERMOS","Explanation":"Definition: drinks container\nMOTHERS (parents) with MO (minute) dropping down the word"} {"Clue":"This writer disheartened orphan, the rotter (6)","Answer":"MEANIE","Explanation":"Definition: rotter\nME (this writer) then ANnIE (orphan) missing middle letter (disheartened)"} {"Clue":"Very angry buccaneer heading off (5)","Answer":"IRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Very angry\npIRATE (buccaneer) missing first letter (heading)"} {"Clue":"Top praise \u2013 People's Poet (5)","Answer":"AUDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\nlAUD mEN (praise, people) missing first letters (topped)"} {"Clue":"Blue flag to rustle aloft? (7)","Answer":"SKYJACK","Explanation":"Definition: to rustle aloft\nSKY (blue) JACK (flag)"} {"Clue":"US chemist may measure liquid in it, yet holds on (5)","Answer":"BURET","Explanation":"Definition: US chemist may measure liquid in it\nBUT (yet) contains RE (regarding, on)"} {"Clue":"British driver's left \u2013 after collision he rides unsteadily (10)","Answer":"HITHERSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: British driver's left\nHIT (collision) then anagram (unsteadily) of HE RIDES"} {"Clue":"Aussie talked about Gower's first that's cut wide bowling (7)","Answer":"WONGIED","Explanation":"Definition: Aussie talked\nON (about) Gower (first letter of) inside (that has cut) anagram (bowling) of WIDE"} {"Clue":"Elevation bringing back almost all 1960s music style (5)","Answer":"AGGER","Explanation":"Definition: Elevation\nREGGAe (1960s music style, almost) reversed (bringing back)"} {"Clue":"Gifted adolescent (unruly) trailing sweetheart (7)","Answer":"DONATED","Explanation":"Definition: Gifted\nTED (unruly adolescent) following DONA (sweetheart)"} {"Clue":"Life in rags changed, gaining importance (8)","Answer":"GRAVITAS","Explanation":"Definition: importance\nVITA (life) inside anagram (changed) of RAGS"} {"Clue":"Thin sod, unhealthily thin, leaving New York (5)","Answer":"SCRAW","Explanation":"Definition: Thin sod\nSCRWny (unhealthily thin) missing NY (new York)"} {"Clue":"Part of equipment for surveying Romans (5)","Answer":"GROMA","Explanation":"Definition: Part of equipment for surveying Romans\nfound inside (part of) surveyinG ROMAns \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Start of hike in rent \u2013 it can be painful (5)","Answer":"THORN","Explanation":"Definition: it can be painful\nHike (starting letter of) in TORN (rent). A thorn can cause pain but can it be painful?"} {"Clue":"Practitioner producing good art on the Rive Gauche? (5)","Answer":"BONES","Explanation":"Definition: Practitioner\nBON (good) ES (art, to be 2nd person sing) in French (as spoken on the Rive Gauche) \u2013 bones is nickname for a doctor"} {"Clue":"Malingerer maybe transported when a hard worker's around (8)","Answer":"ABSENTEE","Explanation":"Definition: Malingerer maybe\nSENT (transported) inside (when\u2026is around) A BEE (hard worker)"} {"Clue":"Precious stone set crookedly in song (7)","Answer":"ASTERIA","Explanation":"Definition: Precious stone\nanagram (crookedly) of SET in ARIA (song)"} {"Clue":"Former king and president informally meeting in deep gorge (5)","Answer":"GRIKE","Explanation":"Definition: deep gorge\nmeeting of GR (George Rex, former king) and IKE (Eisenhower, president)"} {"Clue":"Dig in prospecting caught a stone that's friable (7)","Answer":"COSTEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Dig in prospecting\nC (caught) thenanagram (firable) of A STONE"} {"Clue":"Herald opposed to including sister, worried (10)","Answer":"ANNUNTIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Herald\nANTI (opposed to) incuding NUN (sister) then ATE (worried). Chambers lists this spelling of annunciate as \"now obsolete\". Two observations here: firstly it is unusual for Azed not to indicate obsolescence in the definition and secondly what does it mean for something to be obsolete *now*? That it wasn't obsolete previously? How could it be otherwise?"} {"Clue":"Economize just in time? Several outsiders lost (5)","Answer":"STINT","Explanation":"Definition: Economize\nfound inside (several outsiders lost) juST IN Time"} {"Clue":"Obsessive about small number forming agreement (7)","Answer":"ENTENTE","Explanation":"Definition: agreement\nENT\u00caT\u00c9 (obsessive) containing N (number, small=abbrev)"} {"Clue":"Studs adjusted, a wicket captured \u2013 did it help bowler's run- up? (7)","Answer":"SAWDUST","Explanation":"Definition: did it help bowler's run- up\nanagram (adjusted) of STUDS containing (captured) A W (wicket) \u2013 sawdust may be used in cricket to prevent slipping in damp conditions"} {"Clue":"Wife of brave weaving cloth, OK? (7)","Answer":"KLOOTCH","Explanation":"Definition: Wife of brave\nanagram (weaving) of CLOTH OK"} {"Clue":"Gadget, one good when entering tight spot, an enclosure (9)","Answer":"JIGAMAREE","Explanation":"Definition: Gadget\nI (one) G (good) inside (when entering) JAM (tight spot) then A REE (an enclosure)"} {"Clue":"Genial man, head of enterprise getting to call round (6)","Answer":"CHEERY","Explanation":"Definition: Genial\nHE (man) with Enterprise, first letter, head of) inside (getting\u2026round) CRY (to call)"} {"Clue":"Catching a jumbo, fly? One not taking off, held up (6)","Answer":"KEDDAH","Explanation":"Definition: Catching a jumbo\nKED (fly, one not taking off) then HAD (held) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Support yen or pound (4)","Answer":"BRAY","Explanation":"Definition: pound \nBRA (support) Y (yen)"} {"Clue":"Pasta: half of parmigiano's sprinkled with it, right? (8)","Answer":"RIGATONI","Explanation":"Definition: Pasta\nanagram (sprinkled) of parmaGIANO (half of) with IT R (right)"} {"Clue":"River swelled by rising sea, unhealthy accumulation of fluid (5)","Answer":"EDEMA","Explanation":"Definition: accumulation of fluid\nEA (river) contains (swelled by) MED (sea) reversed (rising)"} {"Clue":"Time ages grotesque creature (5)","Answer":"TERAS","Explanation":"Definition: grotesque creature\nT (time) ERAS (ages)"} {"Clue":"Endlessly stoned debauchee's in spin (9)","Answer":"PIROUETTE","Explanation":"Definition: spin\nPITTEd (stoned, endlessly) containing (with\u2026in) ROUE (debauchee)"} {"Clue":"Crunchy finger food, cold potato dish in filling (8)","Answer":"CROSTINI","Explanation":"Definition: Crunchy finger food\nC (old) ROSTI (potato dish) contains (with\u2026filling) IN"} {"Clue":"Middling tone observed in BBC etc, not clipped (7)","Answer":"MEDIANT","Explanation":"Definition: Middling tone\nMEDIA (BBC etc) and N'T (not, clipped: isn't for example)"} {"Clue":"Like a neck that's skewed sideways (7)","Answer":"ASKANCE","Explanation":"Definition: sideways\nAS (like) than anagram (skewed) of A NECK"} {"Clue":"Content of thurible cloudy in condition (6)","Answer":"STACTE","Explanation":"Definition: Content of thurible\nC (cloudy) in STATE (condition)"} {"Clue":"One in 24 struggling in need (6)","Answer":"BESOIN","Explanation":"Definition: need \nI (one) in anagram (struggling) of BONES (24 across)"} {"Clue":"Refined petroleum, volume stored by ME leaders (5)","Answer":"AVGAS","Explanation":"Definition: Refined petroleum\nV (volume) in AGAS (middle eastern leaders)"} {"Clue":"Lancaster encompasses what ends in Dresden being this (5)","Answer":"BURNT","Explanation":"Definition: being this\nBURT (Burt Lancaster) contains dresdeN (ending of)"} {"Clue":"Contemporary poet not on crack (4)","Answer":"FENT","Explanation":"Definition: crack\nFENTon (contemporary poet, James Fenton) missing ON. One might also have the lesser known contemporary poet Ellen Renton giving RENT."} {"Clue":"Counted on priest dressed as cardinal? (6)","Answer":"RELIED","Explanation":"Definition: Counted on\nELI (priest) in RED (dressed as cardinal)"} {"Clue":"Doctrinaire Gingrich backing part of country (8)","Answer":"NIGERIAN","Explanation":"Definition: of country\nfound inside (part) of doctriNAIRE GINgrich reversed (backing)"} {"Clue":"Twisting and turning script impresses Henry (8)","Answer":"WRITHING","Explanation":"Definition: Twisting and turning\nWRITING (script) contains (impresses, like a press gang) H (Henry)"} {"Clue":"Going round Europe, horrible daughter has face covered (6)","Answer":"VEILED","Explanation":"Definition: covered\nE (Europe) inside (with\u2026going round) VILE (horribe) then D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Very much depressed in the end, getting old (6)","Answer":"DEARLY","Explanation":"Definition: Very much\ndepressseD (in the end) with EARLY (old)"} {"Clue":"City still very happy (8)","Answer":"ECSTATIC","Explanation":"Definition: very happy\nEC (City of London, postal code) then STATIC (still)"} {"Clue":"Beating regularly ahead, so tries to stick around (12)","Answer":"CHASTISEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Beating\nevery other letter (regularly) of aHeAd So TrIeS inside (with\u2026around) CEMENT (to stick)"} {"Clue":"Hints May's ego ruined by reply! (3,9)","Answer":"SAY SOMETHING","Explanation":"Definition: reply!\nanagram (ruined) of HINTS MAYS EGO"} {"Clue":"Mad drugs (8)","Answer":"CRACKPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Mad\nCRACK and POT are two drugs \u2013 a nice clue!"} {"Clue":"Frees cricket teams to part ways with business (6)","Answer":"UNTIES","Explanation":"Definition: Frees\ncoUNTIES (cricket teams) missing (to part ways with) CO (company, business)"} {"Clue":"Are new chums the same? (2,4)","Answer":"AS MUCH","Explanation":"Definition: the same\nA (are) then anagram (new) of CHUMS"} {"Clue":"Don't mention what could be caught on holiday (5,3)","Answer":"LEAVE OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Don't mention\nOUT (what could be caught, in cricket) following (on) LEAVE (holiday)"} {"Clue":"Worrying why no tea is coming (2,3,3)","Answer":"ON THE WAY","Explanation":"Definition: coming\nanagram (worrying) of WHY NO TEA"} {"Clue":"Book describes the Royal Guards (6)","Answer":"ESTHER","Explanation":"Definition: Book\nfound inside (guarded by) describES THE Royal \u2013 book of The Bible"} {"Clue":"End in doubt after attention was paid (6)","Answer":"EARNED","Explanation":"Definition: was paid\nanagram (in doubt) of END following EAR (attention)"} {"Clue":"Deals for certain work emptying tanks (9)","Answer":"INTERACTS","Explanation":"Definition: Deals\nanagram (work) of CERTAIN then TankS (emptying, no middle letters)"} {"Clue":"A large number hold service up for food supplier (5,4)","Answer":"DAIRY FARM","Explanation":"Definition: food supplier\nMYRIAD (a large number) contains (hold) RAF (one of the armed sevices) all reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Regularly inveigh against the French court's indifference (7)","Answer":"NEGLECT","Explanation":"Definition: indifference\niNvEiGh (regularly) with LE (the, French) and CT (court)"} {"Clue":"Heads for generous investor, vaguely expecting some presents (5)","Answer":"GIVES","Explanation":"Definition: presents\nfirst letters (heads) of Generous Investor Vaguely Expecting Some"} {"Clue":"God one thanks for yoghurt dish (5)","Answer":"RAITA","Explanation":"Definition: yoghurt dish\nRA (good, exclamation) I (one) TA (thanks)"} {"Clue":"Son of Welsh queen that's initially nervous taking laxative (8)","Answer":"APERIENT","Explanation":"Definition: laxative\nAP (son of, Welsh) ER (Elizabeth Regina, queen) IE (that is) then first letters (initially) of Nervous Taking"} {"Clue":"Sensitive appendage regularly stroked (3)","Answer":"TOE","Explanation":"Definition: Sensitive appendage\nregular selection from sTrOkEd"} {"Clue":"Lay down tulips, frantically worried (9)","Answer":"STIPULATE","Explanation":"Definition: ay down\nanagram (frantically) of TULIPS then ATE (worried)"} {"Clue":"\"Could\" draws in the most powerful (9)","Answer":"MIGHTIEST","Explanation":"Definition: the most powerfu\nMIGHT (could) contains (with\u2026in) TIES (draws)"} {"Clue":"Ford salesman's negative reply \u2013 breathe evenly turning it all over (8)","Answer":"HARRISON","Explanation":"Definition: Ford\nNO SIR (negative reply) then every other letter (evenly) of bReAtHe \u2013 Harrison Ford, actor"} {"Clue":"Allowed one to enter wood (3)","Answer":"OAK","Explanation":"Definition: wood\nOK (allowed) contains (with\u2026to enter) A (one)"} {"Clue":"Quite short friend (7)","Answer":"TOTALLY","Explanation":"Definition: Quite\nTOT (short, drink) then ALLY (friend)"} {"Clue":"Watch keeps dog safe (6)","Answer":"SECURE","Explanation":"Definition: safe\nSEE (watch) contains (keeps) CUR (dog)"} {"Clue":"Complaint about ring \u2013 I hate it (5)","Answer":"COUGH","Explanation":"Definition: Complaint\nC (circa, about) O (a ring) then UGH (I hate it)"} {"Clue":"Rubbish quiet playwright (5)","Answer":"PSHAW","Explanation":"Definition: Rubbish\nP (piano, quiet) SHAW (George Bernard Shaw, playwright)"} {"Clue":"Device offering speed of sound on military aircraft between Kent and Tyneside? (6,7)","Answer":"SEWING MACHINE","Explanation":"Definition: Device\nMACH I (speed of sound) following (on) WING (military aircraft) inside (between) SE (South East, Kent) and NE (North East, Tyneside)"} {"Clue":"Before end of rally, keep score \u2013 and again? (5)","Answer":"FORTY","Explanation":"Definition: score \u2013 and again\nrallY (end letter of) following (with\u2026before)\u00a0FORT (keep) \u2013 a score is 20, so score and again is forty, a tennis score"} {"Clue":"Egomaniac sent out what? (4,5)","Answer":"COME AGAIN","Explanation":"Definition: what\nanagram (sent out) of EGOMANIAC"} {"Clue":"Sensitive old US vice-president backed English common sense (9)","Answer":"EROGENOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Sensitive\nE (English) GORE (old US vice-president) reversed (backed) then NOUS (common sense)"} {"Clue":"Certainly welcoming retired artist for a long time (5)","Answer":"YEARS","Explanation":"Definition: a long time\nYES (certainly) contains (welcoming) RA (Royal Academician, artist) reversed (retired)"} {"Clue":"Searches for doctor by borders (7)","Answer":"DREDGES","Explanation":"Definition: earches\nDR (doctor) with EDGES (borders)"} {"Clue":"Lunatic half-responds with air raids (7)","Answer":"INROADS","Explanation":"Definition: raids\nanagram (lunatic) of respONDS (half of) with AIR"} {"Clue":"Holding office, handle questions where slips normally appear (7)","Answer":"INFIELD","Explanation":"Definition: where slips normally appear\nIN (holding office) then FIELD (handle questions) \u2013 slips are fielders in cricket"} {"Clue":"Clean up extremely volatile isolated territory (7)","Answer":"ENCLAVE","Explanation":"Definition: isolated territory\nanagram (up) of CLEAN then VolatilE (extremes of)"} {"Clue":"Bloke who's more than half- knackered following retirement (5)","Answer":"DEREK","Explanation":"Definition: Bloke\nfound inside (more than half of) knaKERED reversed (following retirement)"} {"Clue":"Supports base in plant (5,4)","Answer":"BEARS FOOT","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nBEARS (supports) BASE (foot)"} {"Clue":"What requires volume limit to ease stress? (9)","Answer":"BOOKSHELF","Explanation":"Definition: What requires volume limit to ease stress\nI'm not sure about this, maybe a cryptic definition \u2013 too many volumes would stress the shelf?"} {"Clue":"General once caught in operation (5)","Answer":"CLIVE","Explanation":"Definition: General once\nC (caught) LIVE (in operation) \u2013 Clive of India, former general"} {"Clue":"Girl briefly returns, calling for seasoning (5,8)","Answer":"SALAD DRESSING","Explanation":"Definition: seasoning\nLASs (girl, briefly=shortened) then ADDRESSING (calling)"} {"Clue":"Lug noble European around house (3-4)","Answer":"EAR-HOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Lug\nEARL (noble) E (European) contains (around) HO (house)"} {"Clue":"College group about three miles south of climber (3,6)","Answer":"IVY LEAGUE","Explanation":"Definition: College group\nLEAGUE (about three miles) underneath (south of, on a map) IVY (climber)"} {"Clue":"Turning maybe, about to flatten lizard (5)","Answer":"GECKO","Explanation":"Definition: lizard\nreversal (turning) of EG (maybe) then C (circa, about) KO (to flatten)"} {"Clue":"This stops fire using spray I found in unwrapped package (9)","Answer":"ARMISTICE","Explanation":"Definition: This stops fire\nMIST (spray) I inside (found in) pARCEl (package) missing outer lettters (unwrapped)"} {"Clue":"Serious\u00a0actor playing villainous roles (5)","Answer":"HEAVY","Explanation":"Definition: erious\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Almost gets up on docked horse, so falls (7)","Answer":"NIAGARA","Explanation":"Definition: falls\nGAINs (gets, almost) reversed (up) on ARAb (horse, docked one letter)"} {"Clue":"Hurt leg to begin with? Wrong on both counts (6)","Answer":"OFFEND","Explanation":"Definition: Hurt\nin cricket leg is the ON side, and \"to begin\" is START \u2013 so if ON START is wrong on both counts we have OFF END"} {"Clue":"Air about one's spiritual knowledge (6)","Answer":"GNOSIS","Explanation":"Definition: spiritual knowledge\nSONG (air) reversed (about) then I'S (one's)"} {"Clue":"Food presented by expert in painful promotion (4,5)","Answer":"SODA BREAD","Explanation":"Definition: Food\nDAB (expert) in SORE (painful) AD (advertisement, promotion)"} {"Clue":"Fight fires in items of camping gear (9)","Answer":"RUCKSACKS","Explanation":"Definition: items of camping gear\nRUCK (fight) SACKS (fires)"} {"Clue":"Gone under twin bed when wife's gone out (2,4)","Answer":"IN DEBT","Explanation":"Definition: Gone under\nanagram (out) of TwIN BED missing W (wife)"} {"Clue":"Island ceremony needing very large area (7)","Answer":"FORMOSA","Explanation":"Definition: Island\nFORM (ceremony) with OS (out-size, very large) A (area"} {"Clue":"Greek cop regularly foresaw uprising (7)","Answer":"AEOLIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Greek\nNAIL (cop) fOrEsAw (every other letter, regularly) reversed (uprising) \u2013 an ancient Greek from Aeolia"} {"Clue":"Puzzle setters finally encounter mounting respect (6)","Answer":"ESTEEM","Explanation":"Definition: respect\nlast letters (finally) of puzzlE setterS then MEET (encounter) reversed (mounting"} {"Clue":"Some babushkas hate their porridge (5)","Answer":"KASHA","Explanation":"Definition: their porridge\nfound inside (some of) babusKAS HAte \u2013 Russian porridge"} {"Clue":"Man buried in local field (5)","Answer":"ALFIE","Explanation":"Definition: Man\nfound inside (buried in) locAL FIEld"} {"Clue":"Parasite was a parliamentary leader, said Spooner? (4,5)","Answer":"HEAD LOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Parasite\nSpoonerism of \"\"lead house\" (was a parliamentary leader)"} {"Clue":"Minister detailed one side of the story? (5)","Answer":"RECTO","Explanation":"Definition: one side of the story\nRECTOr (minister, detailed) \u2013 the front side of a printed page, of a story in a book perhaps"} {"Clue":"Trouble brewing at first, plant in a stew perhaps? (7)","Answer":"POTHERB","Explanation":"Definition: plant in a stew perhaps\nPOTHER (trouble) then Brewing (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Point covered by this or otherwise, to be concise (2,5)","Answer":"IN SHORT","Explanation":"Definition: to be concise\nN (north, point of the compass)in anagram (otherwise) of THIS OR"} {"Clue":"Season as seasona, it's reported? (4)","Answer":"NOEL","Explanation":"Definition: Season\nseasona is seasonal with NO EL \u2013 el is the name of the letter L. I'm not sure why \"it's reported\" needs to be there."} {"Clue":"Poor character recalled in rogue (10)","Answer":"CINDERELLA","Explanation":"Definition: Poor character\nanagram (rogue) of RECALLED IN"} {"Clue":"Trying jerks in family \u2013 something positive about it? (7)","Answer":"YANKING","Explanation":"Definition: Trying jerks\nKIN (family) inside (with\u2026about it) YANG (something positive)"} {"Clue":"Where one may be taught a lesson with ice down jockstrap, might you say? (7,6)","Answer":"PRIVATE SCHOOL","Explanation":"Definition: Where one may be taught a lesson\nPRIVATES COOL (with ice down jockstrap perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Plaything Aladdin, perhaps, has to avoid (6,4)","Answer":"RUBBER DUCK","Explanation":"Definition: Plaything\nRUBBER (Aladdin perhaps, rubbed his lamp) and DUCK (avoid)"} {"Clue":"Film Keith clued cryptically? (4,4,2,3)","Answer":"SOME LIKE IT HOT","Explanation":"Definition: Film\n*Some Like it Hot*\u00a0is cryptically KEITH \u2013 found inside (some) liKE IT Hot"} {"Clue":"Whitish gallery hasn't a range of colours (7)","Answer":"PALETTE","Explanation":"Definition: range of colours\nPALE (whitish) and TaTE (gallery) missing A"} {"Clue":"Model I love in performance (7)","Answer":"DIORAMA","Explanation":"Definition: Model\nI O (love, tennis score) in DRAMA (performance)"} {"Clue":"Muse of Homer, a touch inspiring? (5)","Answer":"ERATO","Explanation":"Definition: Muse\nfound inside (inspired by) monER A TOuch"} {"Clue":"Impressive\u00a0responsibility of the police (9)","Answer":"ARRESTING","Explanation":"Definition: Impressive\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"It became apparent, then it became a mother or a father? (3,5,7)","Answer":"THE PENNY DROPPED","Explanation":"Definition: It became apparent\nif one takes the definition IT BECAME APPARENT and drops the first P (a penny) it becomes IT BECAME A PARENT (a mother or a father)"} {"Clue":"Pub's opening, soon to host the nation's heroes (8)","Answer":"PANTHEON","Explanation":"Definition: nation's heroes \nPb (opening letter of) ANON (soon) contains (to host) THE"} {"Clue":"Awkward adding jewels to one's booty (8)","Answer":"BUMBLING","Explanation":"Definition: Awkward\nBUM BLING would be jewels for one's booty (bum). Hee hee."} {"Clue":"Losing\u00a0seat (6)","Answer":"BEHIND","Explanation":"Definition: Losing\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Padding delicate area, knotted rags \u2013 ribbed fabric (9)","Answer":"GROSGRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: ribbed fabric\nGROIN (delicate area) containing (with\u2026padding) anagram (knotted) of RAGS"} {"Clue":"In money, pound taken to entertain maiden fair? Absolutely not! (4,4,2,5)","Answer":"DON\u2019T MAKE ME LAUGH","Explanation":"Definition: Absolutely not!\nDOUGH containing (with\u2026in) anagram (pound) of TAKEN containing (to entertain) M (maiden) then MELA (fair, in India)"} {"Clue":"Best honours, we hear, for Spanish fighters (8)","Answer":"PICADORS","Explanation":"Definition: Spanish fighters\nPIC ADORS sounds like \"pick\" (best) \"adores\" (honours)"} {"Clue":"Perfumed lorry carrying odorous muck around, initially (8)","Answer":"AROMATIC","Explanation":"Definition: P\nARTIC (articulated lorry) contains first letters (initially) of Odorous Muck Around"} {"Clue":"Note in plain song (6)","Answer":"BALLAD","Explanation":"Definition: song\nLA (note, of the scale) in BALD (plain)"} {"Clue":"Track player, runner and winger (6)","Answer":"DEEJAY","Explanation":"Definition: Track\nDEE (river, something that runs) and JAY (winger)"} {"Clue":"Swimming fish, or else biting insects (10)","Answer":"HORSEFLIES","Explanation":"Definition: biting insects\nanagram (swimming) of FISH OR ELSE"} {"Clue":"Spirit shown by bishop in the mood for it (6)","Answer":"BRANDY","Explanation":"Definition: Spirit\nB (bishop) and RANDY (in the mood for it)"} {"Clue":"Got a partner changing diaper? Winning! (6,2)","Answer":"PAIRED UP","Explanation":"Definition: Got a partner\nanagram (changing) of DIAPER then UP (winning)"} {"Clue":"Colleagues criminal releases without right (9)","Answer":"CONFRERES","Explanation":"Definition: Colleagues\nCON (criminal) then FREES (releases) containing (without, going outside) R (right)"} {"Clue":"TV drama's earliest part reviewed as such? (5)","Answer":"DEBUT","Explanation":"Definition: as such\nTUBE (TV) and Drama (first letter, earliest part) reversed (reviewed)"} {"Clue":"Simple song Dutch cat cut originally (5)","Answer":"DITTY","Explanation":"Definition: Simple song\nD (Dutch) then kITTY (cat) missing forst letter (cut originally)"} {"Clue":"A pair of reports going into local story (9)","Answer":"NARRATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: story\nA RR (report, pair of) in NATIVE (local)"} {"Clue":"Sex? Hell yeah! (7)","Answer":"WHOOPEE","Explanation":"Definition: Sex\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Unlimited gin punches left Hoskins green (4)","Answer":"LIME","Explanation":"Definition: green\ngIn (unlimited, no outside letters) inside (punches) L (left) then ME (Hoskins)"} {"Clue":"Fell sick with Scotch finally going to head (4)","Answer":"HILL","Explanation":"Definition: Fell\nILL (sick) following (with\u2026going to head) scotcH (final letter of)"} {"Clue":"Genuine (because wine almost finished) (7)","Answer":"SINCERE","Explanation":"Definition: Genuine\nSINCE (because) then REd (wine, almost finished)"} {"Clue":"Telex lady sent off in a dignified way (9)","Answer":"EXALTEDLY","Explanation":"Definition: in a dignified way\nanagram (sent off) of TELEX LADY"} {"Clue":"Briefly show yourself to be ostentatious (5)","Answer":"FLASH","Explanation":"Definition: Briefly show yourself\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"It seems plod regularly takes speed (5)","Answer":"TEMPO","Explanation":"Definition: speed\nevery other letter (regularly taken) of iT sEeMs PlOd"} {"Clue":"New pear tree sliced by hard scytheman (3,6)","Answer":"THE REAPER","Explanation":"Definition: scytheman\nanagram (new) of PEAR TREE contains (sliced by) H (hard)"} {"Clue":"Is a trier mixed up in unusual things? (8)","Answer":"RARITIES","Explanation":"Definition: unusual things\nanagram (mixed up) of IS A TRIER"} {"Clue":"Slice of spotted dick unfinished? It's filling stuff! (6)","Answer":"STODGE","Explanation":"Definition: It's filling stuff\nSlice (first letter, slice of) then TODGEr (dick, unfinished)"} {"Clue":"Support taking depressed chicken out? (4,4)","Answer":"BACK DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: chicken out\nBACK (support) with DOWN (depressed)"} {"Clue":"Line of male descent corrupted \u2013 not again! (8)","Answer":"AGNATION","Explanation":"Definition: Line of male descent\nanagram (corrupted) of NOT AGAIN"} {"Clue":"Free up time, having yen to get X-rated (5)","Answer":"DIRTY","Explanation":"Definition: X-rated\nRID (free) reversed (up) then T (time) with Y (yen)"} {"Clue":"Southern area with ultras all over the place (7)","Answer":"AUSTRAL","Explanation":"Definition: Southern\nA (area) with anagram (all over the place) of ULTRAS"} {"Clue":"Swimmer embarrassed (singular shrunken nut) (3,6)","Answer":"RED SALMON","Explanation":"Definition: Swimmer\nRED (emnbarrassed) S (singular) then ALMONd (nut, shrunken)"} {"Clue":"Girl that's after revolutionary British futon? (6)","Answer":"DEBBIE","Explanation":"Definition: Girl\nIE (that is) following (after) B (British) BED (futon) reversed (revolutionary)"} {"Clue":"A bit much to be hugged by a pool player? (6)","Answer":"POTTER","Explanation":"Definition: player\nOTT (a bit too much) inside (to be hugged by) PER (a, sixpence a bag)"} {"Clue":"Cost to bury northern singer (deceased) (6)","Answer":"PRINCE","Explanation":"Definition: singer (deceased)\nPRICE (cost) contains (to bury) N (northern)"} {"Clue":"Terrible options heartless unit identifies (6,3)","Answer":"POINTS OUT","Explanation":"Definition: identifies\nanagram (terrible) of OPTIONS then UniT (heartless, no middle letters)"} {"Clue":"Grass-skirted femme fatale given a makeover (8)","Answer":"REVAMPED","Explanation":"Definition: given a makeover\nVAMP (femme fatale) inside (skirted by) REED (grass)"} {"Clue":"Swimmer heading for airboat in Kent bay? (8)","Answer":"SEAHORSE","Explanation":"Definition: Swimmer\nAirboat(first letter, heading for) in SE (the South East, Kent perhaps) HORSE (bay)"} {"Clue":"Lager lass and editor upended into coffee (7)","Answer":"LADETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Lager lass\nED (editor) reversed (upended) in LATTE (coffee)"} {"Clue":"Swine dwelling on The French fashions (6)","Answer":"STYLES","Explanation":"Definition: fashions\nSTY (swine dwelling) on LES (the, French)"} {"Clue":"You might say yours truly is a dog (6)","Answer":"SETTER","Explanation":"Definition: a dog\nyours truly in this case is the setter of the puzzle"} {"Clue":"Pilgrim papal mercifulness has saved (6)","Answer":"PALMER","Explanation":"Definition: Pilgrim\nfound inside (saved by) paPAL MERcifulness"} {"Clue":"Having gone over time, run off quick (5)","Answer":"FLEET","Explanation":"Definition: quick\nFLEE (run off) on (having gone over) T (time)"} {"Clue":"Rebel Jagger perhaps hogging road, meets resistance (8)","Answer":"MAVERICK","Explanation":"Definition: Rebel\nMICK (Jagger perhaps) contains (hogging) AVE (avenue, a road) with R (resistance)"} {"Clue":"Wine one drinks here with cool box regularly (6)","Answer":"BAROLO","Explanation":"Definition: Wine\nBAR (one drinks here) with every other letter (regularly) of cOoL bOx"} {"Clue":"High-flyer's dentures kept here when asleep? (8)","Answer":"NIGHT JAR","Explanation":"Definition: High-flyer\ndouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Greatly respect a Frenchman confined in awful surroundings (6)","Answer":"ADMIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Greatly respect\nA then M (Monsieur, Frenchman) inside (confined in\u2026surroundings) DIRE (awful)"} {"Clue":"Large nail found inside piano, later rejected (5)","Answer":"TALON","Explanation":"Definition: Large nail\nfound inside piaNO LATer reversed (rejected)"} {"Clue":"Author left, reportedly destined for Australian city (9)","Answer":"MELBOURNE","Explanation":"Definition: Australian city\nME (the author) L (left) BOURNE sounds like (reportedly) \"born\" (destined for)"} {"Clue":"One maybe wants bass note to fill large complex (6)","Answer":"ANGLER","Explanation":"Definition: One maybe wants bass\nN (note) inside (to fill) anagram (complex) of LARGE \u2013 a Bass is a fish"} {"Clue":"Initially, diabetic expert Pete's at work describing particular eyes (4-3)","Answer":"DEEP-SET","Explanation":"Definition: describing particular eyes\nDiabetic Expert (first letters of, initially) then anagram (at work) of PETE'S"} {"Clue":"Salt cellar emptied by European lady, missing nothing (7)","Answer":"CREWMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Salt\nCellaR (emptied, no middle letters) by E (Europen) and WoMAN (lady) missing O (nothing) \u2013 a sailor"} {"Clue":"Family's tree might show this\u00a0type of knot (6)","Answer":"GRANNY","Explanation":"Definition: Family's tree might show this\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"System pyramid seller uses perhaps, as protection (5,4)","Answer":"CHAIN MAIL","Explanation":"Definition: System pyramid seller uses perhaps\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Italian fashion label popular primarily with drama group (5)","Answer":"PRADA","Explanation":"Definition: Italian fashion label\nPopular (first letter of, primarily) with RADA (Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, drama group)"} {"Clue":"Conservationists in Ireland unqualified (6)","Answer":"ENTIRE","Explanation":"Definition: unqualified\nNT (National Trust, conservationists) in EIRE (Ireland)"} {"Clue":"Each lad playing drinks constant water in Africa (4,4)","Answer":"LAKE CHAD","Explanation":"Definition: water in Africa\nanagram (playing) of EACH LAD contains (drinks) K (the Boltzmann constant)"} {"Clue":"Motorway's keeping wrong sign overhead, causing lots of confusion (3-3)","Answer":"MIX-UPS","Explanation":"Definition: lots of confusion\nMI'S (M1's, motorway's) contains (keeping) X (wrong) UP (overhead)"} {"Clue":"Woman training over managed farmland? (5,3)","Answer":"SHEEP RUN","Explanation":"Definition: farmland\nSHE (the woman) then PE (physical exercise, training) reversed (over) and RUN (managed)"} {"Clue":"Note slow dance, last couple switching (6)","Answer":"MINUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Note\nMINUET (slow dance) with last couple of letters switched"} {"Clue":"Protector unofficially left when grabbed by colossus during fight (9)","Answer":"VIGILANTE","Explanation":"Definition: Protector unofficially\nL (left) inside (when grabbed by) GIANT (colossus) inside (during) VIE (fight)"} {"Clue":"Hurried round to shop (3,2)","Answer":"RAT ON","Explanation":"Definition: shop\nRAN (hurried) contains (round) TO"} {"Clue":"Person seducing American songstress reserves a room (7)","Answer":"CHARMER","Explanation":"Definition: Person seducing\nCHER (American songstress) contains (reserves) A RM (room)"} {"Clue":"Group of stars with overseas capital accompanied by lawyer (9)","Answer":"ANDROMEDA","Explanation":"Definition: Group of stars\nAND (with) ROME (overseas capital) with DA (lawyer)"} {"Clue":"Basket-maker possibly more comfortable avoiding attic's floor (5)","Answer":"OSIER","Explanation":"Definition: Basket-maker possibly\ncOSIER (more comfortable) missing attiC (floor, the bottom, the last letter of)"} {"Clue":"In Paris, father delving into old books appreciated musical drama (8)","Answer":"OPERETTA","Explanation":"Definition: musical drama\nPERE (French father, in Paris) going inside (delving into) OT (Old Testament, old books) then TA (thanks, appreciated)"} {"Clue":"Rookie driver, to be arrested by US lawman, ran off (4)","Answer":"FLED","Explanation":"Definition: ran off\nL (learner, rookie driver) inside (to be arrested by) FED (US lawman)"} {"Clue":"Sweet fruit put by sink (5,4)","Answer":"LEMON DROP","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nLEMON (fruit) with DROP (sink)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps beach attendant told lad to take breath when swimming (9)","Answer":"SUNBATHER","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps beach attendant\nSUN sounds like (told) \"son\" (lad) then anagram (when swimming) of BREATH"} {"Clue":"Cold board in charge of City paper (3,5)","Answer":"ICE CREAM","Explanation":"Definition: Cold board\nIC (in charge) EC (East Central, of The City of London, its postcode) then REAM (paper). ~~I have never heard of a cold board before and it isn't in Chambers. Is it a companion to a cheese board perhaps? Can anyone explain?~~ Update: I think *cold board* means *cold food*, as in \"room and board\"."} {"Clue":"Third of pint to consume undiluted (4)","Answer":"NEAT","Explanation":"Definition: undiluted\npiNt (third letter of) then EAT (consume)"} {"Clue":"Monster dog disturbs pig, rising (7)","Answer":"GOLIATH","Explanation":"Definition: Monster\nTAIL (dog, to follow) inside (disturbs) HOG(pig) all reversed (rising)"} {"Clue":"Young lady and chap catching freshwater fish (6)","Answer":"MAIDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Young lady\nMAN (chap) contains (catching) IDE (freshwater fish)"} {"Clue":"Plaster in sculpture maybe old (5)","Answer":"ARTEX","Explanation":"Definition: Plaster\nART (sculpture maybe) EX (old)"} {"Clue":"Annoy first lady recording towards the back (5)","Answer":"PEEVE","Explanation":"Definition: Annoy\nEVE (the first lady) with EP (extended play, recording) all reversed (towards the back)"} {"Clue":"Critical commentary's making one irritated when bound in sticky stuff (10)","Answer":"MASSORETIC","Explanation":"Definition: Critical commentary\nSORE (irritated) inside (when bound by) MASTIC (sticky stuff)"} {"Clue":"Shoddy item from school cupboard (9)","Answer":"SCHLOCKER","Explanation":"Definition: Shoddy item\nSCH (school) LOCKER (cupboard)"} {"Clue":"Test with probe initially revealing parasite (4)","Answer":"TRYP","Explanation":"Definition: parasite \nTRY (test) with Probe (initial letter of)"} {"Clue":"International banker invested in anonymous label? (7)","Answer":"AGNOMEN","Explanation":"Definition: label\nGNOME (international banker) inside AN (anonymous)"} {"Clue":"A real challenge for climbers, reversing government monopoly (5)","Answer":"REGIE","Explanation":"Definition: government monopoly\nEIGER (a real challenge for climbers) reversed"} {"Clue":"Titania's swain? Only a bit (3)","Answer":"ASS","Explanation":"Definition: Titania's swain\nfound inside (only a bit of) titaniA'S Swain \u2013 in *A Midsummer Night's Dream*\u00a0a magic potion caused Titania to fall in love with an ass"} {"Clue":"Combines school latrine with built-in gym? (7)","Answer":"REAPERS","Explanation":"Definition: Combines\nREARS (school latrine) contains (with built-in) PE (gym) \u2013 combine harvesters"} {"Clue":"Fellow drinker putting money into copper dish (6)","Answer":"CUPMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Fellow drinker\nM (money) inside CU (copper) PAN (dish)"} {"Clue":"University sportswear let out for exercising (5)","Answer":"USING","Explanation":"Definition: exercising\nU (university) SINGlet (sportswear) missing LET"} {"Clue":"Hardwood tree does when peeled \u2013 go inside (5)","Answer":"OPEPE","Explanation":"Definition: Hardwood tree\ndOEs (peeled, no outer letters) contains PEP (go)"} {"Clue":"Shifting ooze covering ancient fossil possibly (6)","Answer":"EOZOON","Explanation":"Definition: ancient fossil possibly\nanagram (shifting) of OOZE then ON (covering)"} {"Clue":"Skittish lassies, reprehensible with Scots kids around (7)","Answer":"GILLETS","Explanation":"Definition: Skittish lassies\nILL (reprehensible) inside GETS (kids, Scots)"} {"Clue":"Action course avoided by sage (3)","Answer":"PAS","Explanation":"Definition: Action\nPASsage (course) missing SAGE"} {"Clue":"Mask concealing final character in affair (5)","Answer":"MATTE","Explanation":"Definition: Mask\nMATTEr (affair) with final letter missing (concealed)"} {"Clue":"Mushroom? Sounds a bit like one chaps should avoid! (7)","Answer":"AMANITA","Explanation":"Definition: Mushroom\nsounds like \"a man eater\""} {"Clue":"Article given number immediately (4)","Answer":"THEN","Explanation":"Definition: immediately\nTHE (definite article) with N (number)"} {"Clue":"Plant yielding soda salt grows wild (9)","Answer":"GLASSWORT","Explanation":"Definition: Plant \nanagram (wild) of SALT GROWS"} {"Clue":"Direction finder in the sky as part shifts with cosmos (12)","Answer":"ASTROCOMPASS","Explanation":"Definition: Direction finder in the sky\nanagram (shifts) of AS PART with COSMOS"} {"Clue":"Get tight, creating a mess (7)","Answer":"SCREW-UP","Explanation":"Definition: a mess\nto SCREW UP is to get something tight"} {"Clue":"Blended sherry casks are inverted under sun (6)","Answer":"SOLERA","Explanation":"Definition: Blended sherry casks\nARE reversed (inverted) following SOL (sun)"} {"Clue":"Followers of the rest in your arcane religion many renounce, as of old (4)","Answer":"RENY","Explanation":"Definition: renounce, as of old\nlast letters (followers of the rest in) of youR arcanE religioN maY"} {"Clue":"Is etching of Parisian in love? (6)","Answer":"ERODES","Explanation":"Definition: Is etching\nDE (of, French, in Paris) inside EROS (love)"} {"Clue":"Old militiaman, game character embraced by girl (8)","Answer":"TIMARIOT","Explanation":"Definition: Old militiaman\nMARIO (Super Mario, computer game character) inside TIT (girl)"} {"Clue":"Deliveries, costings worked out, number fellows packed (12)","Answer":"CONSIGNMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Deliveries\nanagram (worked out) of COSTINGS containing (packed with) N (number) MEN (fellows)"} {"Clue":"Restraining strap from timeless jokes (4)","Answer":"JESS","Explanation":"Definition: Restraining strap \nJEStS (jokes) missing T (time)"} {"Clue":"Plantation refuse, a difficulty in economic collapse (9)","Answer":"CANE-TRASH","Explanation":"Definition: Plantation refuse\nA NET (difficulty) in CRASH (economic collapse)"} {"Clue":"Old soldier with no lance in section poorly paid, see (8)","Answer":"SPEISADE","Explanation":"Definition: Old soldier with no lance\nS (section) then anagram (poorly) of PAID SEE"} {"Clue":"Former vacation, not something you'd find in Oxford's vocabulary? (7)","Answer":"NON-TERM","Explanation":"Definition: Former vacation\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Old-fashioned dive, for some time closed by police, empty (6)","Answer":"PLONGE","Explanation":"Definition: Old-fashioned dive\nLONG (for some time) inside (closed by) PolicE (empty)"} {"Clue":"Become absorbed in bit of marrow in two bones, carcase's last (6)","Answer":"OSMOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Become absorbed in\nMarrow (a bit of, first letter) in OS OS (two bones) then carcasE (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"High whatsit, but not thin (4)","Answer":"GAMY","Explanation":"Definition: High\nthinGAMY (whatsit) missing THIN"} {"Clue":"Judicial decision, mostly deadly when woman's involved (5)","Answer":"FATWA","Explanation":"Definition: Judicial decision\nFATAl (deadly, mostly) containing (when\u2026's involved) W (woman)"} {"Clue":"Seaweed one's left dug into bed (4)","Answer":"KILP","Explanation":"Definition: Seaweed\nL (left) inside (dug into) KIP (bed)"} {"Clue":"Keep mum in shape (6)","Answer":"FORMAT","Explanation":"Definition: shape\nFORT (keep) contains (with\u2026in) MA (mum)"} {"Clue":"East German army medic sent back crustacean (8)","Answer":"OSTRACOD","Explanation":"Definition: crustacean\nOST (east, German) RA (army?) then DOC (medic) reversed (sent back). RA is royal Artillery, but this on its own doesn't mean \"army\". RA DOC as \"army medic\" reversed would be CODAR not RACOD. Any other ideas?"} {"Clue":"Fine sculpture featuring Queen with bird; she has a magnificent bust (9)","Answer":"NEFERTITI","Explanation":"Definition: she has a magnificent bust\nanagram (sculptured) of FINE containing (featuring) ER (queen) and TIT (bird) \u2013 see the bust of Nefertiti"} {"Clue":"Narrowly defeat Daesh rebels (5)","Answer":"SHADE","Explanation":"Definition: Narrowly defeat\nanagram (rebels) of DAESH"} {"Clue":"Silver god's mausoleum site (4)","Answer":"AGRA","Explanation":"Definition: mausoleum site\nAG (silver) and RA (Egyptian god)"} {"Clue":"Rewrite item on Pep Guardiola's first undercover scout (7,3)","Answer":"PEEPING TOM","Explanation":"Definition: undercover scout\nanagram (rewrite) of ITEM ON PEP and Guardiola (first letter of) \u2013 a cryptic definition for a man who tried to look at women under their clothes (covers)"} {"Clue":"Smirk, dishing dirt about a Conservative (7)","Answer":"GRIMACE","Explanation":"Definition: Smirk\nGRIME (dirt) containing (dishing about) A C (Conservative)"} {"Clue":"Separate bidet (a chamberpot included) (6)","Answer":"DETACH","Explanation":"Definition: Separate\nfound inside (included) biDET A CHamberpot"} {"Clue":"More innocent, you and I run nursing strike (6)","Answer":"WHITER","Explanation":"Definition: More innocent\nWE (you and I ) R (run) containing (nursing) HIT (strike)"} {"Clue":"He abandoned worried, shivering maidens (7)","Answer":"VIRGINS","Explanation":"Definition: maidens\nanagram (worried) of ShIVeRING missing (abandoned by) HE"} {"Clue":"Farewell\u00a0Greatest Hits album? (3,3,4)","Answer":"ALL THE BEST","Explanation":"Definition: Farewell\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Sickly-looking, call out for bucket (4)","Answer":"PALE","Explanation":"Definition: Sickly-looking\nsounds like (called out for) \"pail\" (bucket)"} {"Clue":"Such a pain to get knight out of king's seat (5)","Answer":"THROE","Explanation":"Definition: Such a pain\nTHROnE (king's seat) missing N (knight, chess)"} {"Clue":"Train left Poland, regularly dropping off those on board (9)","Answer":"COACHLOAD","Explanation":"Definition: those on board\nCOACH (train) L (left) then pOlAnD (every other letter, regularly dropping off)"} {"Clue":"Sting possibly shocks sailor (4,4)","Answer":"ROCK STAR","Explanation":"Definition: Sting possibly\nROCKS (shocks) TAR (sailor)"} {"Clue":"Googled successfully \"Dexter holds The Ashes\" (6)","Answer":"TURNED","Explanation":"Definition: Googled successfully\nTED (Ted Dexter perhaps) contains (holds) URN (the ashes) \u2013 ~~I can't explain the definition. I can see \"turned up\" is \"found\", but \"turned\" on its own does not mean found. Chambers didn't help either~~. Bowled with a googly in cricket."} {"Clue":"Measure supporter for ruptured gonad (8)","Answer":"FANDANGO","Explanation":"Definition: Measure\nFAN (supporter for) then anagram (ruptured) of GONAD"} {"Clue":"Make good match official's original blunder (9)","Answer":"REFURBISH","Explanation":"Definition: Make good\nREF (match official) has UR (original, a prefix) BISH (blunder)"} {"Clue":"What's buried in holy plot? (4)","Answer":"ACRE","Explanation":"Definition: plot\nfound inside sACREd (holy) \u2013 a plot of land"} {"Clue":"Avoided science first thing; had a nap (7)","Answer":"SKIPPED","Explanation":"Definition: Avoided\nScience (first letter of, first thing) then KIPPED (had a nap)"} {"Clue":"Instrument parts used to create sound in Good Vibrations? (10)","Answer":"RESONATORS","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument parts used to create sound\ncryptic definition maybe?"} {"Clue":"Since bed-ridden, take it easy (5)","Answer":"COAST","Explanation":"Definition: take it eas\nAS (since) inside COT (bed-ridden)"} {"Clue":"Looking lovely, Miss West turned up wrapped in towel (6)","Answer":"DREAMY","Explanation":"Definition: Looking lovely\nMAE (Miss West, actress) reversed (turned up) inside DRY (to towel)"} {"Clue":"Bribe Yemeni to smuggle item for carnivore (6)","Answer":"RIBEYE","Explanation":"Definition: item for carnivore\nfound inside (smuggled by) bRIBE YEmeni"} {"Clue":"Were they vitally important to the agricultural revolution? (10)","Answer":"CARTWHEELS","Explanation":"Definition: Were they vitally important to the agricultural revolution\ncryptic definition \u2013 cartwheels revolve, so are in revolution"} {"Clue":"Nowt wrong supporting mate from London in the immigrant community (9)","Answer":"CHINATOWN","Explanation":"Definition: immigrant community\nanagram (wrong) of NOWT underneath (supporting) CHINA (mate, Cockney rhyming slang)"} {"Clue":"A daughter garlanded by fragrant, timeless rose (8)","Answer":"ASCENDED","Explanation":"Definition: rose\nA then D (daughter) inside (garlanded by) SCENtED missing T (timeless)"} {"Clue":"Cyberspace spy killed off in novel (7)","Answer":"REBECCA","Explanation":"Definition: novel\nanagram (off) of CyBERspACE mising (killed off) SPY"} {"Clue":"Underwear model's bottom is round; a goddess-like quality! (6)","Answer":"VESTAL","Explanation":"Definition: goddess-like quality\nVEST (underwear) modeL (bottom letter of) contains (is round) A"} {"Clue":"In conflict, I note he takes orders (6)","Answer":"WAITER","Explanation":"Definition: he takes orders\nWAR (conflict) contains (in\u2026) I TE (note, music)"} {"Clue":"Players itch every second to perform here (5)","Answer":"LYRIC","Explanation":"Definition: perform here\nevery other letter (every second) of pLaYeRs ItCh \u2013 the Lyric Theatre in London"} {"Clue":"You, once, one in a thousand (4)","Answer":"THOU","Explanation":"Definition: You, once\nfound inside (one in a) THOUsand"} {"Clue":"Primate's satellite missing nothing important (6)","Answer":"MONKEY","Explanation":"Definition: Primate\nMOoN (satellite) missing O (zero, nothing) then KEY (important)"} {"Clue":"Helped fool original journalist (8)","Answer":"ASSISTED","Explanation":"Definition: Helped\nASS (fool) IST (1st. original) ED (journalist)"} {"Clue":"Corbyn finally had to tidy up (6)","Answer":"NEATEN","Explanation":"Definition: to tidy up\ncorbyN (final letter of) with EATEN (had)"} {"Clue":"Comparatively odd murderer drops pound (8)","Answer":"STRANGER","Explanation":"Definition: Comparatively odd\nSTRANGLER (murderer) missing L (libra, pound)"} {"Clue":"Estuary with tree (4)","Answer":"WASH","Explanation":"Definition: Estuary\nW (with) ASH (tree)"} {"Clue":"Loud note gets quiet in an instant (5)","Answer":"FLASH","Explanation":"Definition: an instant\nF (loud) LA (note) with SH (quiet)"} {"Clue":"Loud, colourful bloke (4)","Answer":"FRED","Explanation":"Definition: bloke\nF (forte, loud) RED (colourful)"} {"Clue":"Really great chap's Irish cannibal dish? (1,5,2,1,3)","Answer":"A BROTH OF A BOY","Explanation":"Definition: Really great chap\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Spread out a tune while in lead, say (6,6)","Answer":"PEANUT BUTTER","Explanation":"Definition: Spread\nanagram (out) of A TUNE) in PB (lead) then UTTER (say)"} {"Clue":"American blocking communist study (4)","Answer":"READ","Explanation":"Definition: study\nA (American) inside (blocking) RED (communist)"} {"Clue":"Opening, headline act drops container (5)","Answer":"START","Explanation":"Definition: Opening\nSTAR Turn (headline act) missing URN (container)"} {"Clue":"Catch small horse (4)","Answer":"SNAG","Explanation":"Definition: Catch\nS(small) NAG (horse)"} {"Clue":"Led, possibly, very quiet priest into Buddhist sect (8)","Answer":"ZEPPELIN","Explanation":"Definition: Led, possibly\nPP (pianissimo, very quiet) ELI (priest) inside ZEN (Buddhist sect) \u2013 rock band Led Zeppelin perhaps"} {"Clue":"Liberal Independent enters club, causing ill-will (6)","Answer":"MALICE","Explanation":"Definition: ill-wil\nL (liberal) I (independent) inside MACE (club)"} {"Clue":"Flight ends with elected government coming in last, oddly (8)","Answer":"LANDINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Flight ends\nAND (with) IN (elected) G (government) in LaSt (odd letters of)"} {"Clue":"Difficult position short on pressure (6)","Answer":"PLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Difficult position\nLIGHT (short) following (on) P (pressure)"} {"Clue":"Bishops possibly curse suits and ties? (8)","Answer":"MENSWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: suits and ties\nMEN (chess pieces, bishops perhaps) SWEAR (curse)"} {"Clue":"Island weighed down by drama about advanced flood protection system (5,3)","Answer":"NOAH\u2019S ARK","Explanation":"Definition: flood protection system\nSARK (island, in Channel Isles) underneath (weighed down by) NOH (drama, Japanese theatre) containing (about) A (advanced)"} {"Clue":"Reportedly employ farm animals (4)","Answer":"EWES","Explanation":"Definition: farm animals\nsounds like (reportedly) USE (employ)"} {"Clue":"Adequate soldiers receive note on plant (12)","Answer":"SATISFACTORY","Explanation":"Definition: Adequate\nSAS (soldiers) contain TI (note, music) on FACTORY (plant)"} {"Clue":"One managed what's around Tehran (4)","Answer":"IRAN","Explanation":"Definition: what's around Tehran\nI (one) RAN (managed)"} {"Clue":"Predators put a thousand dollars in banks (6)","Answer":"TIGERS","Explanation":"Definition: Predators\nG (grand, a thousand dollars) inside TIERS (banks)"} {"Clue":"Make fun \u2013 remove dodgems? (6)","Answer":"DERIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Make fun\nI'm not sure about this. DE (remove, de- prefix) RIDE (dodgems perhaps, a fairground ride). I think the definition of \"deride\" has to be \"make fun of\". To \"make fun\" is not the same thing. Perhaps I am barking up the wrong tree."} {"Clue":"Desperate effort \u2013 hang on or it'll explode (3-2-7)","Answer":"ALL-OR-NOTHING","Explanation":"Definition: Desperate effort\nanagram (explode) of HANG ON OR IT'LL"} {"Clue":"Different monk leaving Brazil (5)","Answer":"OTHER","Explanation":"Definition: Different \nbrOTHER (different) missing (leaving) BR (Brazil)"} {"Clue":"Discussion class welcomes you at last (5)","Answer":"FORUM","Explanation":"Definition: Discussion\nFORM (class) contains (welcomes) yoU (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Deputy has key right to sue (8)","Answer":"STANDING","Explanation":"Definition: right to sue\nSTAND-IN (deputy) has G (key, music)"} {"Clue":"Make fun of people in newspaper piece (8)","Answer":"FRAGMENT","Explanation":"Definition: piec\nRAG (male fun of) MEN (people) in FT (this newspaper)"} {"Clue":"British artist meets Russian car nut (6)","Answer":"BRAZIL","Explanation":"Definition: nut\nB (British) RA (Royal Academician, artist) ZIL (Russian car)"} {"Clue":"Make wet writer stop first (6)","Answer":"DAMPEN","Explanation":"Definition: Make wet\nPEN (writer) following (with\u2026first) DAM (stop)"} {"Clue":"Shop in Adelaide licensed (4)","Answer":"DELI","Explanation":"Definition: Shop\nfound inside adelaiDE LIcensed"} {"Clue":"Wader right to be sick (4)","Answer":"RAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Wader\nR (right) and AIL (to be sick)"} {"Clue":"Plumber, eg, is terrified to hold sink in (8)","Answer":"REGISTER","Explanation":"Definition: sink in\nfound inside (is held by) plumbeR EG IS TERrified"} {"Clue":"Cold in the morning for each person in tent (6)","Answer":"CAMPER","Explanation":"Definition: person in tent\nC (cold) AM (in the morning) PER (for each)"} {"Clue":"Son kept muscles firm on a trip (6)","Answer":"STONED","Explanation":"Definition: on a trip\nS (son) TONED (kept muscles firm)"} {"Clue":"Skirts with 50% off \u2013 politician's cut back (5)","Answer":"SKIMP","Explanation":"Definition: cut back\nSKIrts (missing 50%) then MP (politician)"} {"Clue":"Strange mice pair \u2013 conclusion from pupil derived from observation (9)","Answer":"EMPIRICAL","Explanation":"Definition: derived from observation\nanagram (strange) of MICE PAIR then pupiL (last letter, conclusion from)"} {"Clue":"A trial limits time to give evidence (6)","Answer":"ATTEST","Explanation":"Definition: to give evidence\nA TEST (trial) contains (limits) T (time)"} {"Clue":"Mark by yellow snake in the grass (7)","Answer":"TRAITOR","Explanation":"Definition: snake in the grass\nTRAIT (mark) with OR (yellow)"} {"Clue":"For a trip, flying, female leaves from here? (7)","Answer":"AIRPORT","Explanation":"Definition: from here\nanagram (flying) of fOR A TRIP missing F (female leaves)"} {"Clue":"Smart Conservative backed party (6)","Answer":"CLEVER","Explanation":"Definition: Smart\nC (Conservative) then REVEL (party) reversed (backed)"} {"Clue":"American can drink after this has been said? (7,2)","Answer":"BOTTOMS UP","Explanation":"Definition: after this has been said\nBOTTOM (can, N. American slang) SUP (drink)"} {"Clue":"Toilet with child lock (5)","Answer":"LATCH","Explanation":"Definition: lock\nLAT (latrine, toilet) with CH (child)"} {"Clue":"High\u00a0rank was in charge of police department (6)","Answer":"RANCID","Explanation":"Definition: High\nRAN (was in charge of) CID (police department) \u2013 two definitions"} {"Clue":"Mends spa to regenerate humidity (8)","Answer":"DAMPNESS","Explanation":"Definition: humidity\nanagram (to regenerate) of MENDS SPA"} {"Clue":"Brought in sage \u2013 first leaves (6)","Answer":"EARNED","Explanation":"Definition: Brought in\nLEARNED (sage) missing first letter"} {"Clue":"A Parisian somewhere in North Yorkshire is upset (8)","Answer":"UNSETTLE","Explanation":"Definition: upset\nUN (a in French, as poken in paris) then SETTLE (town, somewhere in North Yorkshire)"} {"Clue":"Weather is restricting holiday? On the contrary (6)","Answer":"RESIST","Explanation":"Definition: Weather\nREST (holiday) contains (restricting) IS \u2013 well concealed definition"} {"Clue":"Wagging tail, a dog's put on lead \u2013 in reality one's a fierce fighter (9)","Answer":"GLADIATOR","Explanation":"Definition: one's a fierce fighter\nanagram (wagging) of TAIL A DOG then (is put on) Reality (leading letter of)"} {"Clue":"Founded Times Educational Supplement? (3,2)","Answer":"SET UP","Explanation":"Definition: Founded\nTES (Times Educational supplement) reversed (up) \u2013 nice surface reading"} {"Clue":"Chaps in television rejected part (7)","Answer":"ELEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: part\nMEN (chaps) in TELE (television) reversed (rejected)"} {"Clue":"These letters from Scot could be so different (9)","Answer":"ALTERNATE","Explanation":"Definition: different\nALTERNATE letters form ScOt could be SO"} {"Clue":"Criticise one about to worry (5)","Answer":"PANIC","Explanation":"Definition: to worry\nPAN (criticise) I (one) C (circa, about)"} {"Clue":"State of readiness for crisis, right after wine and beer (3,5)","Answer":"RED ALERT","Explanation":"Definition: State of readiness for crisis\nRT (right) following RED (wine) and ALE (beer)"} {"Clue":"Mark's small belly (4)","Answer":"SPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Mark\nS (small) POT (belly)"} {"Clue":"Euro's beginning to affect income, so cut expenditure (9)","Answer":"ECONOMISE","Explanation":"Definition: cut expenditure\nEuro (first letter, beginning of) then anagram (to affect) of INCOME SO"} {"Clue":"Present a bit of money and hospital department provides medical care (9)","Answer":"TREATMENT","Explanation":"Definition: medical care\nTREAT (present) Money (a bit of, first letter) then ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat hospital department)"} {"Clue":"Conserve energy after tedious person's party (8)","Answer":"JAMBOREE","Explanation":"Definition: party\nJAM (conserve) then E (energy) following BORE (tedious person)"} {"Clue":"Labour leader in tremendous demand (4)","Answer":"TASK","Explanation":"Definition: Labour\nTremendous (leading letter of) then ASK (demand)"} {"Clue":"Smack head? (7)","Answer":"CAPTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Smack head\ncryptic definition \u2013 a smack is a fishing boat"} {"Clue":"Criminal act? He's free of sin! (6)","Answer":"CHASTE","Explanation":"Definition: free of sin\nanagram (criminal) of ACT HE'S"} {"Clue":"Singer's note heard (5)","Answer":"TENOR","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\nsounds like (heard) \"tenner\" (\u00a310 note)"} {"Clue":"Left part of church to decay (5)","Answer":"LAPSE","Explanation":"Definition: to decay\nL (left) and APSE (part of church)"} {"Clue":"Hopelessly busk in sparse industrial area (8,4)","Answer":"BUSINESS PARK","Explanation":"Definition: industrial area\nanagram (hopelessly) of BUSK IN SPARSE"} {"Clue":"Sale of uniform needed in armed conflict (7)","Answer":"AUCTION","Explanation":"Definition: Sale\nU (uniform) in ACTION (armed conflict)"} {"Clue":"Stretcher, only one left in the city? (7)","Answer":"ELASTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Stretcher\nLAST I (last one, only one left) in EC (The City of London, from postal code)"} {"Clue":"Not so clever comparing blood to water (7)","Answer":"THICKER","Explanation":"Definition: Not so clever\nblood is THICKER than water"} {"Clue":"Contraceptive best on back seat (7)","Answer":"PILLION","Explanation":"Definition: back seat\nPILL (contraceptive) I (1st, best) then ON"} {"Clue":"Contributor to obesity, odd portions of soup and fish (5)","Answer":"SUGAR","Explanation":"Definition: Contributor to obesity\nSoUp (odd letters of) and GAR (a fish)"} {"Clue":"Just nip back east for such ethical products (4,5)","Answer":"FAIR TRADE","Explanation":"Definition: ethical products\nFAIR (just) DART (nip) reversed (back) then E (east)"} {"Clue":"Carefully nurtured in island, amusing priest (9)","Answer":"INCUBATED","Explanation":"Definition: Carefully nurtured\nIN then CUBA (island) and TED (Father Ted, amusing priest)"} {"Clue":"Daughter curious about manufacturer (5)","Answer":"DYSON","Explanation":"Definition: manufacturer\nD (daughter) then NOSY (curious) reversed (about)"} {"Clue":"Reflects\u00a0what is deceptive with smoke (7)","Answer":"MIRRORS","Explanation":"Definition: Reflects\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"He takes a risk, flipping over side of ulcer (7)","Answer":"CHANCER","Explanation":"Definition: He takes a risk\n~~CHANCE (flipping, a coin) on (over) ulceR (side letter of). I'm not convinced about this, I may have it wrong~~. *CHANCRE (ulcer) with one side (\u2026RE) reversed (flipped over)"} {"Clue":"Succeeded with computer access, quaffing energy drink (4,3)","Answer":"SLOE GIN","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nS (succeeded) with LOGIN (computer access) containing (quaffing) E (energy)"} {"Clue":"Rooms regularly needed in good condition, where visitors reportedly crashed (7)","Answer":"ROSWELL","Explanation":"Definition: where visitors reportedly crashed \nRoOmS (regularly needed) then WELL (in good condition) \u2013 site of supposed alien landing"} {"Clue":"Leaves\u00a0one supplying components (5,7)","Answer":"PARTS COMPANY","Explanation":"Definition: Leaves\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Support\u00a0going counterclockwise (7)","Answer":"BACKING","Explanation":"Definition: Support\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Quiet pest not pulling his weight (7)","Answer":"SHIRKER","Explanation":"Definition: not pulling his weight\nSH (quiet) IRKER (pest, one who irks)"} {"Clue":"No fool engages acad\u00ademic for charity (3-6)","Answer":"NON-PROFIT","Explanation":"Definition: for charity\nNO NIT (fool) contains (engages) PROF (academic)"} {"Clue":"Creature, small crawler (5)","Answer":"SHEEP","Explanation":"Definition: Creature\nS (small) HEEP (Uriah Heep, crawler)"} {"Clue":"Small drama in resolution of tennis controversy? (7)","Answer":"PLAYLET","Explanation":"Definition: Small drama\nto PLAY LET is to resolve a tennis controversy"} {"Clue":"A white stair rail is put up, not black (7)","Answer":"RETSINA","Explanation":"Definition: A white\nbANISTER (stair rail) reversed (is put up) missing B (black) \u2013 a white wine"} {"Clue":"Hypocrisy over partnership in the Americas, a persistent theme (6,6)","Answer":"CANTUS FIRMUS","Explanation":"Definition: a persistent theme\nCANT (hypocrisy) on FIRM (partnership) inside US US (the Americas, America twice)"} {"Clue":"Dishonest sympathiser new in gig, with something on the drums? (7,5)","Answer":"CONCERN TROLL","Explanation":"Definition: Dishonest sympathiser\nN (new) in CONCERT (gig) then ROLL (something on the drums)"} {"Clue":"Popular sort of art leads to weird bad behaviour (9)","Answer":"INDECORUM","Explanation":"Definition: bad behaviour\nIN (popular) DECO (sort of art) then (that leads to) RUM(weird)"} {"Clue":"Wow! Take undergrad\u00aduate course in Spanish city (7)","Answer":"CORDOBA","Explanation":"Definition: Spanish city\nCOR (wow!) then DO BA (take undergraduate course)"} {"Clue":"Transported, am out of carriage on time (7)","Answer":"BROUGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Transported\nBROUGHam (carriage) missing AM on T (time)"} {"Clue":"Directly observe in sound a body of water (4,3)","Answer":"DEAD SEA","Explanation":"Definition: a body of water\nDEAD (directly) then SEA sounds like (in sound) \"see\"(observe)"} {"Clue":"Coy, I set out for the fashionable world (7)","Answer":"SOCIETY","Explanation":"Definition: the fashionable world\nanagram (out) of COY I SET"} {"Clue":"Really pleasant, endless sort of boom (5)","Answer":"SONIC","Explanation":"Definition: sort of boom\nSO (really) NICe (pleasant, endless)"} {"Clue":"Departs pub game that's over, tucked into beer, ready for the off? (9)","Answer":"ASTRADDLE","Explanation":"Definition: ready for the off\nD (departs) DARTS (pub game) reversed (that's over) inside (tucked into) ALE (beer)"} {"Clue":"Synagogue elder, male brought in to teach formerly (5)","Answer":"COHEN","Explanation":"Definition: Synagogue elder\nHE (a male) inside CON (to teach, formerly)"} {"Clue":"Tear manufactured with lie? Once the opposite thereof (7)","Answer":"REALTIE","Explanation":"Definition: Once the opposite thereof\nanagram (manufactured) of TEAR with LIE"} {"Clue":"Nameless malady right inside ear \u2013 iodine applied (5)","Answer":"LURGI","Explanation":"Definition: Nameless malady\nR (right) in LUG (ear) with I (iodine)"} {"Clue":"Attendant offloading minis to peddle (5)","Answer":"TRANT","Explanation":"Definition: to peddle\nminisTRANT (attendant) missing MINIS"} {"Clue":"Polymath of yore, one attending college in European capital (8)","Answer":"AVICENNA","Explanation":"Definition: Polymath of yore\nA (one) with (attending) C (college) in VIENNA (European capital)"} {"Clue":"Paint Pollock-style, singular, modern? (7)","Answer":"SLATTER","Explanation":"Definition: Paint Pollock-style\nS (singular) LATTER (modern)"} {"Clue":"Barley of a kind? Granary displays one but not garden (4)","Answer":"BIGG","Explanation":"Definition: Barley of a kind\n***G***ranary has a BIG G but ***g***arden does not"} {"Clue":"Mediterranean vessel departs in distinctive colours (8)","Answer":"TARTANED","Explanation":"Definition: in distinctive colours\nTARTANE (Mediterranean vessel) then D (departs)"} {"Clue":"Nail damaged after injury? Caper derivative required (8)","Answer":"HARMALIN","Explanation":"Definition: Caper derivative\nanagram (damaged) of NAIL following HARM (injury)"} {"Clue":"What, we hear, does it dread getting from disgruntled guests? (4)","Answer":"RITZ","Explanation":"I think this refers to the Ritz hotel, whose management may dread getting *writs* (we hear=homophone) from disgruntled guests. I can't figure out what to underline as the definition here."} {"Clue":"Bank, stony? One requiring injection of cash ultimately (7)","Answer":"SHINGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Bank, stony\nSINGLE (one) containing casH (ultimately)"} {"Clue":"Boil maybe GP treated with hot lemon (8)","Answer":"PHLEGMON","Explanation":"Definition: Boil maybe\nanagram (treated) of GP with LEMON"} {"Clue":"Martial art I practise, ideal inside (5)","Answer":"IAI-DO","Explanation":"Definition: Martial art\nI DO (practice) containing AI (A1, ideal)"} {"Clue":"French university degree, one in French certainly (5)","Answer":"DOUAI","Explanation":"Definition: French university\nD (degree) A (one) in OUI (certainly in French)"} {"Clue":"Uniting much of the ME, a prince back in lead (7)","Answer":"PAN-ARAB","Explanation":"Definition: Uniting much of the ME\nA RANA (prince) reversed (back) in PB (Pb, lead)"} {"Clue":"Dictionary university's not allowed in? They'll have passed finals (5)","Answer":"GRADS","Explanation":"Definition: They'll have passed finals \nGRADuS (dictionary) missing U (university)"} {"Clue":"Like many a vessel from Central America in trade at sea (9)","Answer":"CARINATED","Explanation":"Definition: Like many a vessel\nanagram (at sea) of CA (central America) with IN TRADE"} {"Clue":"Losing run, valour wasted, runner admits, 'One's skewered' (8)","Answer":"SOUVLAKI","Explanation":"Definition: 'One's skewered'\nanagram (wasted) of VALOUr missing R (run) inside (\u2026admits) SKI (runner)"} {"Clue":"Add as free extra, sacrificing win all the way (4)","Answer":"THRO","Explanation":"Definition: all the way\nTHROw in (add as free extra) missing WIN"} {"Clue":"Race meeting producing great reverberating cheers (7)","Answer":"REGATTA","Explanation":"Definition: Race meeting\nanagram (reverberating) of GREAT then TA (cheers)"} {"Clue":"Ambitious Verdi composed opening for Nabucco (6)","Answer":"DRIVEN","Explanation":"Definition: Ambitious\nanagram (composed) of VERDI then Nabucco (opening letter of)"} {"Clue":"Longing I'll have to be housed in nice home (but not special) (6)","Answer":"DESIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Longing\nI inside (will have to be housed in) DES REs (nice home) missing S (special)"} {"Clue":"Part of the furniture in hall at Chequers? (5)","Answer":"LATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Chequers\nfound inside (in) halL AT CHequers \u2013 part of the door furniture perhaps"} {"Clue":"You may find elanet, first off, is mistaken for one (7)","Answer":"STANIEL","Explanation":"Definition: You may find\nanagram (mistaken) eLANET (missing first letter) and IS \u2013 you may find an elanet is mistaken for a staniel"} {"Clue":"Head of force, local or national (4)","Answer":"FINN","Explanation":"Definition: national \nForce (first letter, head of) then INN (local)"} {"Clue":"Alternation of generations? Teen miss is upset about one of them (11)","Answer":"METAGENESIS","Explanation":"Definition: Alternation of generations\nanagram (is upset) of TEEN MISS containing (about) AGE (one of the generations)"} {"Clue":"Scots tell tales about dodgy priest \u2013 it aids fundamental cleansing (11)","Answer":"CLYSTER-PIPE","Explanation":"Definition: it aids fundamental cleansing\nCLYPE (tell tales, Scots) containing anagram (dodgy) of PRIEST"} {"Clue":"Old BBQ stuff, rank? One gets sick inside (8)","Answer":"GRILLADE","Explanation":"Definition: Old BBQ stuff\nGRADE (rank) contains ILL (sick)"} {"Clue":"Crewman grasping end of taffrail \u2013 it helped him climb aloft (7)","Answer":"RATLING","Explanation":"Definition: it helped him climb aloft\nRATING (crewman) contains (grasping) taffraiL (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"Chap with a stick for measuring up early instrument (7)","Answer":"MANDORA","Explanation":"Definition: early instrument\nMAN (chap) with A ROD (stick for measuring) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Once coated in oily stuff, a brand has head of match inserted (6)","Answer":"ASMEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Once coated in oily stuff\nA SEAR (brand) contains (has\u2026inserted) MAtch (head of)"} {"Clue":"Geometrical figures transforming hob rim (6)","Answer":"RHOMBI","Explanation":"Definition: Geometrical figures\nanagram (transforming) of HOB RIM"} {"Clue":"Market forming circle in Indian city \u2013see a white man there? (5)","Answer":"AGORA","Explanation":"Definition: Market\nO (circle) in AGRA (Indian city), and also A GORA (white man in India)"} {"Clue":"Where trawler is heading back when it's replaced line (4)","Answer":"HAAF","Explanation":"Definition: Where trawler is heading\nHALF (back, position in rugby) with L (line) being replace by A *(it, dialectical)*. ~~It fits but I'm not totally convinced by my explanation.~~ *Thanks to trenodia for clearing up the uncertainty*."} {"Clue":"Stanza missing second half, Milton's botch (4)","Answer":"QUAT","Explanation":"Definition: Milton's botch\nQUATrain (verse) missing second half"} {"Clue":"Set out to accept concessions brought back from management (8)","Answer":"DISPOSAL","Explanation":"Definition: management\nLID (set out) contains (to accept) SOPS (concessions) all reversed (brought back)"} {"Clue":"Act nervously when Jack Bishop leaves full of anger (6)","Answer":"JITTER","Explanation":"Definition: Act nervously\nJ (jack) then bITTER (full of anger) missing B (bishop)"} {"Clue":"Board standing by increase in maintenance costs (6)","Answer":"UPKEEP","Explanation":"Definition: maintenance costs\nKEEP (board) following (standing by) UP (increase)"} {"Clue":"Game plan surprisingly holding over time (8)","Answer":"NAPOLEON","Explanation":"Definition: Game\nanagram (surprisingly) of PLAN contains O (over) then EON (time)"} {"Clue":"Letter signed by many on all sides seen by 4's partner (5,5)","Answer":"ROUND ROBIN","Explanation":"Definition: Letter signed by many\nROUND (on all sides) with ROBIN (superhero Batman's partner)"} {"Clue":"Begin with Frank (4)","Answer":"OPEN","Explanation":"Definition: Begin\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Boxes with fasteners essentially in short supply (6)","Answer":"SPARSE","Explanation":"Definition: in short supply\nSPARS (boxes) with fastEners (essentially, middle letter of)"} {"Clue":"Renovation of old newel is carried out successfully (4,4)","Answer":"WELL DONE","Explanation":"Definition: carried out successfully\nanagram (renovation) of OLD NEWEL"} {"Clue":"Opening of match factory at last after self-contradictory statement from head of finance (5,3)","Answer":"BULLY OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Opening of match\nfactorY (last letter of) following BULL (self-contradictory statement) OF (from) and Finance (first letter, head of)"} {"Clue":"Extremely gripping \u2013 it's a fact (6)","Answer":"VERITY","Explanation":"Definition: fact\nVERY (extremely) containing (gripping) IT"} {"Clue":"The same as marks primarily found on fish (4)","Answer":"IDEM","Explanation":"Definition: The same as\nMarks (first letter of, primarily) on IDE (fish)"} {"Clue":"Guardiola hedging about debut of Moroccan right-winger in final (10)","Answer":"PEREMPTORY","Explanation":"Definition: final\nPEP (Pep Guardiola) contains (hedging) RE (about) Moroccan (debut, first letter of) then TORY (right-winger)"} {"Clue":"Coin collection's original solid silvery-grey boxes (4,4)","Answer":"HARD CASH","Explanation":"Definition: Coin\nCollection (first letter of, original) HARD (solid) contains (\u2026is boxed by) ASH (silvery-grey)"} {"Clue":"Legendary hero working in shop (4,2)","Answer":"TELL ON","Explanation":"Definition: shop\nTELL (William Tell, legendary hero) and ON (working)"} {"Clue":"Name attached to oddly ignored offer to bury everyone killed in battle (6)","Answer":"FALLEN","Explanation":"Definition: killed in battle\nN (name) following (attached to) oFfEo (oddly ignored) containing (to bury) ALL (everyone)"} {"Clue":"Try to stop soldiers seconds before earl gets run through (8)","Answer":"REHEARSE","Explanation":"Definition: run through\nHEAR (try, in court) inside (to stop, like a cork) RE (Royal Engineers, soldiers) and S (seconds) E (earl)"} {"Clue":"Poins is quick to respond to unionist's extempore speech (9)","Answer":"IMPROMPTU","Explanation":"Definition: extempore speech\nI'M (Poins is) PROMPT (quick to respond) with U (unionist)"} {"Clue":"Each god receives enthusiastic praise (5)","Answer":"PAEAN","Explanation":"Definition: enthusiastic praise\nEA (each) inside (received by) PAN (god)"} {"Clue":"His Excellency held captive by crazy purser on old hulk for instance (9)","Answer":"SUPERHERO","Explanation":"Definition: hulk for instance\nHE (His Excellency) inside (held captive by) anagram (crazy) of PURSER then O (old) \u2013 The Incredible Hulk"} {"Clue":"Weapon having greater than average range seen on front of ship (7)","Answer":"LONGBOW","Explanation":"Definition: Weapon\nLONG (having greater than average range) seen on BOW (front of ship"} {"Clue":"Stuff mostly found on a container of varnish (5)","Answer":"JAPAN","Explanation":"Definition: varnish\nJAm (stuff, mostly) on PAN (a container)"} {"Clue":"Incredible to authorise an unreasonably difficult assignment (4,5)","Answer":"TALL ORDER","Explanation":"Definition: an unreasonably difficult assignment\nTALL (incredible) with ORDER (to authorise)"} {"Clue":"Behave theatrically becoming faint right away (5)","Answer":"EMOTE","Explanation":"Definition: Behave theatrically\nrEMOTE (faint) when missing R (right)"} {"Clue":"A poem by me about parting to move ahead is a good example to imitate (4,5)","Answer":"ROLE MODEL","Explanation":"Definition: a good example to imitate\nODE (a poem) following (by) ME reversed (about) inside (parting) ROLL (to move ahead)"} {"Clue":"What Romeo and Juliet made of the vocal Mercutio's initial rollicking (4,5)","Answer":"LOVE MATCH","Explanation":"Definition: What Romeo and Juliet made\nanagram (rollicking) of THE VOCAL and Mercutio (initial letter of)"} {"Clue":"Infamous denial by Conservative largely over promises to pay (9)","Answer":"NOTORIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Infamous\nNO (denial) TORy (Conservative, largely) on IOUS (promises to pay)"} {"Clue":"Rex overwhelmed by dad becomes more distant (7)","Answer":"FARTHER","Explanation":"Definition: more distant\nR (rex) inside (overwhelmed by) FATHER (dad)"} {"Clue":"Play God ultimately obliterating half of a Palestinian city (5)","Answer":"DRAMA","Explanation":"Definition: Play\ngoD (last letter, ultimately) then RAMAllah (Palestinian city) half missing (obliterated)"} {"Clue":"No show\u00a0flat? (5)","Answer":"PLAIN","Explanation":"Definition: No show\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Turned around drab Australian city (5)","Answer":"TULSA","Explanation":"Definition: city\nSLUT (drab, slovenly woman) reversed (around) then A (Australian)"} {"Clue":"Narrowly defeat Italian for a lark (5)","Answer":"PIPIT","Explanation":"Definition: a lark\nPIP (narrowly defeat) IT (Italian)"} {"Clue":"Name short boy trapped inside smoke (9)","Answer":"CIGARETTE","Explanation":"Definition: smoke\nCITE (name) contains (with\u2026traped inside) GARETh (boy, short)"} {"Clue":"Same or different in dialect (9)","Answer":"IDENTICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Same\nanagram (different) of IN DIALECT"} {"Clue":"Agree to include dealer's third heroin conviction (5)","Answer":"FAITH","Explanation":"Definition: conviction\nFIT (agree) contains (to include) deAler (third letter of) and H (heroin)"} {"Clue":"Uniform worn by one extremely statuesque queen? (7)","Answer":"SIAMESE","Explanation":"Definition: queen\nSAME (unifoem) contains (is worn by) I (on) then StatuesquE \u2013 a queen is a female cat"} {"Clue":"Greek god told to remove lining on a cloud? (7)","Answer":"AEROSOL","Explanation":"Definition: cloud\nEROS (Greek god) woth tOLd (with lining removed) all following (on) A"} {"Clue":"Look unfavourably on refund with remorse after penny has dropped (14)","Answer":"DISCOUNTENANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Look unfavourably on\nDISCOUNT (refund) with pENNANCE (remorse) missing P (penny)"} {"Clue":"Dreadful hang-up, imagine, about university's experimental subject (5,6,3)","Answer":"HUMAN GUINEA PIG","Explanation":"Definition: experimental subject\nanagram (dreadful) of HANG-UP IMAGINE cintaining (about) U (university)"} {"Clue":"Plant originally found on Iceland kept in box (7)","Answer":"MILFOIL","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nfirst letters (originally) of Found On Iceland inside (kept in) MILL (box, either a snuff box or to beat severely)"} {"Clue":"Aim to extend break or become ruined (2,2,3)","Answer":"GO TO POT","Explanation":"Definition: Aim to extend break \ncryptic\/double definition \u2013 extend a break in snooker"} {"Clue":"Run inside to inspect food (5)","Answer":"SCRAN","Explanation":"Definition: food\nR (run) inside SCAN (to inspect)"} {"Clue":"Female singer backing way to restrict right of society men? (9)","Answer":"FRATERNAL","Explanation":"Definition: of society men\nF (female) RAT (singer, one talks to police) LANE (way) reversed (backing) contains (to restrict) R (right)"} {"Clue":"Do maidens get aroused or unsettled? (9)","Answer":"NOMADISED","Explanation":"Definition: unsettled\nanagram (get aroused) of DO MAIDENS"} {"Clue":"Swift creature loves to go on grass, rolling over (5)","Answer":"YAHOO","Explanation":"Definition: Swift creature\nO O (loves, zero tennis scores) on HAY (grass) all reversed (rolling over) \u2013 Jonathan Swift character"} {"Clue":"Father Ted at first undermining peers (6)","Answer":"PRIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Father\nTed (first letter of) under (undermining) PRIES (peers)"} {"Clue":"Episcopacy founded by Templar is unorthodox (9)","Answer":"PRELATISM","Explanation":"Definition: Episcopacy\nanagram (unorthodox) of TEMPLAR IS"} {"Clue":"Chief regularly putting idiot on duty (5)","Answer":"TITHE","Explanation":"Definition: duty\ncHiEf (regular selection) following (putting on, with\u2026on top) TIT (idiot)"} {"Clue":"Film maker once picked up bird, on pull (7)","Answer":"COCTEAU","Explanation":"Definition: Film maker once\nCOC TEAU sounds like (picked up) \"cock tow\" (bird on pull) \u2013 Jean Cocteau, French film maker"} {"Clue":"Cavalier ill-will shown over worker (7)","Answer":"GALLANT","Explanation":"Definition: Cavalie\nGALL (ill-will) on (shown over) ANT (a worker ant herhaps)"} {"Clue":"Whistle-blower perhaps stopped early and tampered with votes (9)","Answer":"REFERENDA","Explanation":"Definition: vote\nREFEREe (whistle blower perhaps) missing final letter (stopped early) then anagram (tampered with) of AND"} {"Clue":"Can circumventing wife lead to sneaky doubles (5)","Answer":"TWINS","Explanation":"Definition: doubles\nTIN (can) contains (circumventing, going around) W (wife) Sneaky (leading letter of)"} {"Clue":"Woman concerned about daughter who avoided confrontation? (8)","Answer":"ETHELRED","Explanation":"Definition: who avoided confrontation\nETHEL (a woman) RE (regarding, concerned about) D (daughter). I can't explain the definition, unless it refers to \"Ethelred the Unready\". As far as I know he didn't avoid confrontation and his name means Ethelread the \"ill advised\", a pun on the actual meaning of his name which is \"well advised\". Can anyone help out with any confrontation avoiders?"} {"Clue":"United deceived judge over one on the inside (9)","Answer":"CONJOINED","Explanation":"Definition: United\nCONNED (deceived) contains (with\u2026on eh inside) J (judge) O (over) I (one)"} {"Clue":"Secure mixed drink \u2013 one will get hammered (4,5)","Answer":"NAIL PUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: one will get hammered\nNAIL (secure) PUNCH (mixed drink)"} {"Clue":"Actress not caught in time bites leg (7)","Answer":"THOMPSON","Explanation":"Definition: Actress \nT (time) cHOMPS (bites) ON (leg side, in cricket) missing C (caught) \u2013 Emma Thompson"} {"Clue":"Picks up setter's employer in posh fancy slip (7)","Answer":"UPLIFTS","Explanation":"Definition: Picks up\nFT (the setter's employer) in U (posh) with anagram (fancy) of SLIP"} {"Clue":"Almost pulling up tightwad (7)","Answer":"NIGGARD","Explanation":"Definition: tightwad\nDRAGGINg (pulling almost) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Follow old Irish vagrant (6)","Answer":"STALKO","Explanation":"Definition: Irish vagrant\nSTALK (follow) O (old)"} {"Clue":"Warning \u2013 adult rook trapped in local chimney (5)","Answer":"LARUM","Explanation":"Definition: Warning\nA (adult) R (rook, chess) inside (trapped in) LUM (chimney, local = in dialect)"} {"Clue":"Very small state overwhelmed by support (5)","Answer":"TEENY","Explanation":"Definition: Very small\nNY (New York, state) under (overwhelmed by) TEE (support)"} {"Clue":"Repeated phrase always employed by human traffickers (6)","Answer":"MANTRA","Explanation":"found inside (employed by) huMAN TRAffickers"} {"Clue":"Plain flat? Small play on words (8)","Answer":"HOMESPUN","Explanation":"HOME (a flat perhaps) S (small) and PUN (play on words)"} {"Clue":"A politician in public house allowed to give handout (8)","Answer":"PAMPHLET","Explanation":"A MP (politician) in PH (public house) then LET (allowed)"} {"Clue":"Become aware of\u00a0warning (6)","Answer":"NOTICE","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Garbo, wickedly, beginning to tease famous actor (6)","Answer":"BOGART","Explanation":"anagram (wickedly) of GARBO then Tease (beginning letter of)"} {"Clue":"Mountain range, extremely pretty and uncommonly serene (8)","Answer":"PYRENEES","Explanation":"PrettY (extreme letters of) then anagram (uncommonly) of SERENE"} {"Clue":"Changed frock later on for one like Svengali? (7,5)","Answer":"CONTROL FREAK","Explanation":"anagram (charged) of FROCK LATER ON"} {"Clue":"Opera singer had unfortunately aged (3,9)","Answer":"DAS RHEINGOLD","Explanation":"anagram (unfortunately) of SINGER HAD then OLD (aged)"} {"Clue":"Heartless article about party animals makes one cross (8)","Answer":"TRAVERSE","Explanation":"ThE (the definite article) contains (about) RAVERS (party animals)"} {"Clue":"Area to decorate round university's central hall (6)","Answer":"ATRIUM","Explanation":"A (area) then TRIM (to decorate) contains U (university)"} {"Clue":"Leave name on pot in specialist language (6)","Answer":"JARGON","Explanation":"GO (leave) N (name) following (on) JAR (pot)"} {"Clue":"Learned line to say again (8)","Answer":"LITERATE","Explanation":"L (line) and ITERATE (to say again)"} {"Clue":"Member of the clergy never terribly overdrawn? (8)","Answer":"REVEREND","Explanation":"anagram (terribly) of VENER in RED (in the red=overdrawn)"} {"Clue":"Rumour about harbour (6)","Answer":"REPORT","Explanation":"RE (regarding, about) PORT (harbour)"} {"Clue":"Model heading off for Spanish region (6)","Answer":"ARAGON","Explanation":"pARAGON (model) missing first letter (hreading)"} {"Clue":"Astaire, say, departs having broken cane in silly part (3-6)","Answer":"TAP-DANCER","Explanation":"D (departs) with anagram (broken) of CANE in anagram (silly) of PART"} {"Clue":"Everyone agreed about carbon, suddenly (3,2,4)","Answer":"ALL AT ONCE","Explanation":"ALL (everyone) AT ONE (agreed) contains (about) C (carbon)"} {"Clue":"Fiery type in Proust novel going after husband (7)","Answer":"HOTSPUR","Explanation":"anagram (novel) of PROUST following H (husband)"} {"Clue":"Landed estate's custom, reportedly (5)","Answer":"MANOR","Explanation":"sounds like (reportedly) \"manner\" (custom)"} {"Clue":"Fool is up for a form of protest (3-2)","Answer":"SIT-IN","Explanation":"NIT (fool) IS all reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Relatives, American, in the US government (5,3)","Answer":"UNCLE SAM","Explanation":"UNCLES (relatives) AM (American)"} {"Clue":"Supernatural being appearing in Angel Falls (3)","Answer":"ELF","Explanation":"found inside nngEL Falls"} {"Clue":"Guard to see later (4,5)","Answer":"LOOK AFTER","Explanation":"LOOK (see) AFTER (later)"} {"Clue":"A system set up by the police may show two artists parking without charge (5,4)","Answer":"RADAR TRAP","Explanation":"RA RA (Royal Academician, artist twice) and P (parking) containing without, going outside) DART (charge)"} {"Clue":"Surrey\u00a0air? (8)","Answer":"CARRIAGE","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Gardening tool in meadow initially overlooked (3)","Answer":"HOE","Explanation":"HOmE (in) missing (overlooking) Meadow (initial letter of)"} {"Clue":"Irritated \u2013 wanted to catch learner driver (7)","Answer":"NEEDLED","Explanation":"NEEDED (wanted) contains (to catch) L (learner driver)"} {"Clue":"Speak, after end of championship, in golf club (6)","Answer":"PUTTER","Explanation":"UTTER (speak) following championshiP (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"Ill-defined fever following first of vaccinations (5)","Answer":"VAGUE","Explanation":"AGUE (fever) following Vaccinations (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Citrus fruit, not round variety (5)","Answer":"RANGE","Explanation":"oRANGE (citrus fruit) missing O (something round)"} {"Clue":"Seed playing can read about golf club competition (3,3,5,4)","Answer":"EGG AND SPOON RACE","Explanation":"Definition: competition\nEGG (seed) then anagram (playing) of CAN READ containing (about) SPOON (golf club)"} {"Clue":"Harry's blocked by a police force wanting ID (4,3)","Answer":"NAME TAG","Explanation":"Definition: ID\nNAG (harry) contains (blocked by) A MET (police force)"} {"Clue":"English runner takes leg number six in college leisure activity (7)","Answer":"CAMPING","Explanation":"Definition: leisure activity\nCAM (the River Cam, something that runs in England) with PIN (leg) and colleGe (number six in, sixth letter of)"} {"Clue":"Constable aims to do such sketches of local views \u2013 Essex firstly (5)","Answer":"SOLVE","Explanation":"Definition: Constable aims to do such\nfirst letters of Sketches Of Local Views Essex"} {"Clue":"Italian serving special crackers at eight (9)","Answer":"SPAGHETTI","Explanation":"Definition: Italian serving\nS (special) then anagram (crackers) of AT EIGHT \u2013 something served in Italy"} {"Clue":"Short water pipe, say, is placed over a shrubby plant (9)","Answer":"HYDRANGEA","Explanation":"Definition: shrubby plant\nHYDRANt (water pipe, short) then EG (say) reversed (placed over) and A"} {"Clue":"Size of waist perhaps taking cook aback (disheartening truth) (5)","Answer":"GIRTH","Explanation":"Definition: Size of waist perhaps\nRIG (cook) reversed (taken aback) then TrutH (disheartened, no middle)"} {"Clue":"Film second contest (5)","Answer":"MOVIE","Explanation":"Definition: Film\nMO (moment, second) VIE (contest)"} {"Clue":"Country health farm signior regularly attended after damage (3,6)","Answer":"SAN MARINO","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nSAN (health farm) then sIgNiOr (regularly, every other letter) following MAR (damage)"} {"Clue":"Visor on ground restricts team game \u2013 there's trouble catching (9)","Answer":"NOROVIRUS","Explanation":"Definition: there's trouble catching\nanagram (ground) of VISOR ON contains (restricts) RU (Rugby Union, a team game) \u2013 if you catch this you are in trouble"} {"Clue":"Maybe change fleece that's awful (5)","Answer":"DOUGH","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe change\nDO (fleece, swindle) and UGH (that's awful) \u2013 dough is money, small change perhaps"} {"Clue":"Injury intensified having pulled someone's leg (5,2)","Answer":"WOUND UP","Explanation":"Definition: pulled someone's leg\nWOUND (injury) UP (intensified). I can't quite get the definition to work \u2013 \"wound up\" is \"pulled leg\", not \"pulled someone's leg\"."} {"Clue":"New type of light seen during Christmas, mostly gold (7)","Answer":"NOUVEAU","Explanation":"Definition: New\nUV (type of light) inside (seen during) NOEL (Christmas) missing last letter (mostly) and AU (gold)"} {"Clue":"A way to get rich? Fearful woman in US describes twist (6,5,4)","Answer":"YELLOW BRICK ROAD","Explanation":"Definition: A way to get rich\nYELLOW (fearful) BROAD (woman, US slang) contains (describes, makes a line around) RICK (twist)"} {"Clue":"Novelist's grave edging, reportedly, covers passage (6,9)","Answer":"ERNEST HEMINGWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Novelist\nERNEST HEMING sounds like (reportedly) earnest hemming (grave edging) on (covers, goes over) WAY (passage)"} {"Clue":"Took a punt from graduate, on left-hand bank, and drifted (7)","Answer":"GAMBLED","Explanation":"Definition: Took a punt\nGraduate (on left bank, left-hand letter of) and AMBLED (drifted)"} {"Clue":"Celebrity touring switched to glowing religious building (5,4)","Answer":"NOTRE DAME","Explanation":"Definition: religious building\nNAME (celebrity) contains (touring, going around) TO reversed (switched) and RED (glowing). As an aside: I have never liked \"touring\" as an inclusion indicator. If I tour a country I \"go round\" that country in the sense of going inside it, not outside. You ask me what I did on holiday and I say I toured Austria. When you ask where in Austria I went you don't expect me to say that I didn't visit Austria, I went to Germany, France and Italy."} {"Clue":"Upset quiet soldier's expressions of dejection (5)","Answer":"SIGHS","Explanation":"Definition: expressions of dejection\nSH (quiet) GIS (soldiers) all reversed (upset)"} {"Clue":"Performing outside in concrete area, earn encore (4,5)","Answer":"ONCE AGAIN","Explanation":"Definition: encore\nON (performing) ConcretE (outside in, outer letters of) A (area) GAIN (earn)"} {"Clue":"Spirit Nicky drained with speed? (5)","Answer":"NYMPH","Explanation":"Definition: Spirit\nNickY (drained, empty inside) with MPH (speed)"} {"Clue":"Flier originally appears through Tim's front door half missing (7)","Answer":"AVIATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Flier\nAppears (originally, first letter of) VIA (through) Tim (front letter of) and doOR (half missing)"} {"Clue":"Dog discovered outside wrong house by people here (7,8)","Answer":"ENGLISH FOXHOUND","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\nFOUND (discovered) containing (outside) X (cross mark=wrong) HO (house) all following (by) ENGLISH (the people here, the home of the FT)"} {"Clue":"Place to eat and chat about Proust novel (9)","Answer":"GASTROPUB","Explanation":"Definition: Place to eat\nGAB (chat) containing (about) anagram (novel) of PROUST"} {"Clue":"Old ruler has two thousand pounds to entertain brothers on river (5,4)","Answer":"GRAND TURK","Explanation":"Definition: Old ruler\nGRAND K (a thousand pounds, twice) contains (to entertain) TU (trade union, brothers) on R (rivers). TU=brothers is a guess, there maybe some other explanation."} {"Clue":"Practical workers united in repairing rail, after five (7)","Answer":"VIRTUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Practical\nTU (trade union, workers united) inside anagram (repairing) of RAIL all following V (five) \u2013 meaning almost"} {"Clue":"Embryonic design of iron enthrals university type extremely (2,5)","Answer":"IN UTERO","Explanation":"Definition: Embryonic\nanagram (design) of IRON contains U (university) and TypE (extremes of)"} {"Clue":"Recording number six: poem, start to finish (5)","Answer":"VIDEO","Explanation":"Definition: Recording\nVI (number six) then ODE with O (the start) moved to the end"} {"Clue":"Sloth perhaps displayed excellent mount (5)","Answer":"SINAI","Explanation":"Definition: mount\nSIN (sloth perhaps) then (displayed by) AI (A1, excellent)"} {"Clue":"Get to work, entering one by one in subservient fashion? (10)","Answer":"STOOPINGLY","Explanation":"Definition: in subservient fashion\nTO OP (work) in SINGLY (one by one)"} {"Clue":"Crosby's first on list for Jock \u2026 of those that do? (5)","Answer":"CROON","Explanation":"Definition: of those that do\nCrosby (first letter of) and ROON (list, for Jock=Scottish) \u2013 Bing Crosby would be first on any list of crooners"} {"Clue":"Junction? Went fast round it in spite (6)","Answer":"HATRED","Explanation":"Definition: spite\nT (junction) inside HARED (went fast)"} {"Clue":"Benzene derivative, or nearest the same (6)","Answer":"KINONE","Explanation":"Definition: Benzene derivative\nKIN (nearest, and dearest) ONE (the same)"} {"Clue":"Deeply engrossed, was picking brambles, we hear? (6)","Answer":"BURIED","Explanation":"Definition: Deeply engrossed\nsounds like (we hear) berried (was picking brambles)"} {"Clue":"Use malt for distilling in magic potions? (7)","Answer":"AMULETS","Explanation":"Definition: magic potions\nanagram (for distilling) of USE MALT"} {"Clue":"Sound of a bump making wife jump (4)","Answer":"WHOP","Explanation":"Definition: Sound of a bump\nW (wife) HOP (jump)"} {"Clue":"Imprisoned on being captured in early western (6)","Answer":"PONENT","Explanation":"Definition: early western\nPENT (imprisoned) containing (with\u2026being captured) ON \u2013 early usage by Milton"} {"Clue":"Apply fresh acid to eastern river flowing west (6)","Answer":"REBITE","Explanation":"Definition: Apply fresh acid to\nE (Eastern) TIBER (river) all reversed (flowing west, right-to-left on a map)"} {"Clue":"Second one of seven \u2013 or any one (4)","Answer":"SAGE","Explanation":"Definition: or any one\nS (second) and AGE (one of seven, seven ages of man, Shakespeare) \u2013 any one of the Seven Sages of India, Greece, Mesopotamia, Rome or the Chinese Bamboo Grove. Take your pick."} {"Clue":"Flightless birds speed round palm tree (7)","Answer":"RATITAE","Explanation":"Definition: Flightless birds\nRATE (speed) contains ITA (palm tree)"} {"Clue":"Rarely dry during late tropical misty rain (6)","Answer":"SEREIN","Explanation":"Definition: late tropical misty rain\nSERE (dry, rare) IN (during)"} {"Clue":"Gouty, poorly, accepting recipe for healthy food? (6)","Answer":"YOGURT","Explanation":"Definition: healthy food\nanagram (poorly) of GOUTY containing R (recipe)"} {"Clue":"Radio set working \u2013 as this valve appears? (6)","Answer":"TRIODE","Explanation":"Definition: valve\nan anagram (working) of RADIO SET gives AS TRIODE (this valve)"} {"Clue":"Bard's beginning to pen Lear (first half) in place where it's calm for him (5)","Answer":"BELEE","Explanation":"Definition: place where it's calm for him\nBEE (the letter B, beginning of Bard) contains pens) LEar (first half of)"} {"Clue":"Dose of corporal punishment in Fettes or Oundle administered by clique (10)","Answer":"LOUNDERING","Explanation":"Definition: Dose of corporal punishment in Fettes\nanagram (administered) of OUNDLE then RING \u2013 Fettes is a public school, a system once know for its ritual beatings *UPDATE: Fettes is a Scottish school so any beatings there, for whatever reason, might be be described using a Scots word."} {"Clue":"Big fish: I'll make way for group among willows (8)","Answer":"OSSETERS","Explanation":"Definition: Big fish\nOSIERS (willows) with I replaced by (making way for) SET (group)"} {"Clue":"Gloucester's opener on nought, first dismissed \u2013 certainly won't appeal! (4)","Answer":"GUCK","Explanation":"Definition: certainly won't appeal!\nGloucester (opening letter of) then dUCK (nought, zero score in cricket) missing first letter"} {"Clue":"Mihrab mostly reconstructed in Muslim holy place (5)","Answer":"HARIM","Explanation":"Definition: Muslim holy place\nanagram (reconstructed) of MIHRAb (mostly)"} {"Clue":"One gets ecstatic about number lifting these weights (6)","Answer":"TONNES","Explanation":"Definition: weights\nSENT (ecstatic) containing (about) NO (number) all reversed (lifting)"} {"Clue":"I'll be on the way up in great territory \u2013 I know what I want (8)","Answer":"GO-GETTER","Explanation":"Definition: I know what I want\nEGI (I) reversed (on the way up) in GT (great) TER (territory)"} {"Clue":"Tom's sound, if not strong, in heaving mass of forwards (5)","Answer":"MIAUL","Explanation":"Definition: Tom's sound,\nIf (missing F, strong) in MAUL (heaving mass of forwards, in Rugby)"} {"Clue":"Is gran wavering in purpose? Far from it (12)","Answer":"INTRANSIGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Far from it\nanagram (wavering) of IS GRAN in INTENT (purpose)"} {"Clue":"The old scare, endless increase in years (6)","Answer":"AGRISE","Explanation":"Definition: The old scare\nRISe (increase, endless) in AGE (years)"} {"Clue":"Limits of exuberance in brief affair evaporating (7)","Answer":"FLEEING","Explanation":"Definition: evaporating\nExuberancE (extreme letters of) in FLING (brief affair)"} {"Clue":"HE, tiddley, tottering (7)","Answer":"LYDDITE","Explanation":"Definition: HE\nanagram (tottering) of TIDDLEY \u2013 high explosive"} {"Clue":"Sabbath churchgoers? They may be seen playing on the lawn (8)","Answer":"SPRAYERS","Explanation":"Definition: They may be seen playing on the lawn\nS (sabbath) PARYERS (churchgoers)"} {"Clue":"Clinch? Women, fidgety, avoiding final coupling (7)","Answer":"WRESTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Clinch\nW (women) RESTLEss (fidgety) missing SS (coupling?). I don't understand coupling here, unless it refers to an S&S coupling on a bicycle. This seems unlikely to me."} {"Clue":"Boys turned on by girls, say, impassioned over love (7)","Answer":"HETEROS","Explanation":"Definition: Boys turned on by girls, say\nHET (impassioned) on EROS (love)"} {"Clue":"Ingredient of meal often, mostly dry, fed to hobo (6)","Answer":"BARIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Ingredient of meal often\nARId (dry,mostly) inside (fed to) BUM (hobo) \u2013 a Barium Meal is taken in hospital to aid x-ray photography"} {"Clue":"Name given to poles supporting wires is to be changed (6)","Answer":"STOBIE","Explanation":"Definition: Name given to poles supporting wires\nanagram (changed) of IS TO BE"} {"Clue":"Son I had, dead captivated by stunner? (5)","Answer":"KIDDO","Explanation":"Definition: Son\nI'D (I had) D (dead) inside (captivated by) KO (stunner)"} {"Clue":"Once behind in space race, having lost expert airman? (5)","Answer":"AREAR","Explanation":"Definition: Once behind\nAREA (space) then Race missing ACE (expert airman)"} {"Clue":"Riddle: what shows sides but no centre? (4)","Answer":"TEMS","Explanation":"Definition: Riddle\nTEaMS (side) missing centre letter"} {"Clue":"Snug in little tunic (6)","Answer":"TABARD","Explanation":"Definition: tunic\nBAR (snug) in TAD (little)"} {"Clue":"High-ranking Italian with Spanish help going west (8)","Answer":"CONTESSA","Explanation":"Definition: High-ranking Italian\nCON (with, Spanish) then ASSET (helP reversed (going west, right-to-left on a map)"} {"Clue":"Interrupts that man in church, not a good thing (6,2)","Answer":"CHIMES IN","Explanation":"Definition: Interrupts\nHIM (that man) in CE (Church of England) then SIN (not a good thing)"} {"Clue":"Horse riding clubs acquired by sibling (6)","Answer":"BRONCO","Explanation":"Definition: Horse\nON (riding) C (clubs) inside (acquired by) BRO (brother, sibling)"} {"Clue":"Cat runs after short time to exercise (6)","Answer":"MOUSER","Explanation":"Definition: Cat\nR (runs) following MO (short time) and USE (to exercise)"} {"Clue":"Leaving Religious Education out of courses to update students (8)","Answer":"FRESHERS","Explanation":"Definition: students\nreFRESHERS (courses to update) missing RE (religious education)"} {"Clue":"Maybe cockroach one time found in tavern drunk with beer (12)","Answer":"INVERTEBRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe cockroach\nI (one) T (time) in anagram (drunk) of TAVERN with BEER"} {"Clue":"Firm with hideous monster, no good to behave aggressively (4,2,6)","Answer":"COME ON STRONG","Explanation":"Definition: to behave aggressively\nCO (company, firm) with anagram (hideous) of MONSTER NO G"} {"Clue":"Officer Bill overwhelmed by great praise (8)","Answer":"ACCOLADE","Explanation":"Definition: praise\nCOL (colonel, officer) AD (advertisement, bill) inside (overwhelmed by) ACE (great)"} {"Clue":"Craftsman's son making section for basilica, Russia (6)","Answer":"ICARUS","Explanation":"Definition: Craftsman's son\nfound inside (making section for) basilICA RUSsia \u2013 son of Daedalus, craftsman and inventor in Greek myth"} {"Clue":"Club hosts second concert (6)","Answer":"UNISON","Explanation":"Definition: concert\nUNION (club) contains (hosts) S (second)"} {"Clue":"Do start puzzle (8)","Answer":"CONFOUND","Explanation":"Definition: puzzl\nCON (do) FOUND (start)"} {"Clue":"Tough article stuck in meadow track (8)","Answer":"LEATHERY","Explanation":"Definition: Tough\nTHE (definite article) in LEA (meadow) RY (railway, track)"} {"Clue":"Room of Spooner's small place (6)","Answer":"LEEWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Room\nSpoonerism of \"wee lay\" (small place)"} {"Clue":"A mostly shy beginner in band is drumming (6)","Answer":"ATHROB","Explanation":"Definition: is drumming\nA THROw (shy, mostly) then Band (beginner, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"End of hostilities from division cities sorted out (9)","Answer":"ARMISTICE","Explanation":"Definition: End of hostilities\nARM (division, of a company) then anagram (sorted out) of CITIES"} {"Clue":"Criminal provides name shown to be false (9)","Answer":"DISPROVEN","Explanation":"Definition: shown to be false\nanagram (criminal) of PROVIDES N (name)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps pine after one's broken award (7)","Answer":"CONIFER","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps pine\nI (one) inside (after\u2026has broken) CONFER (award)"} {"Clue":"Illustrious inventor's left to go north (5)","Answer":"NOBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Illustrious\nNOBEL (Alfred Nobel, inventor) with L (left) moving up one place (to go north, as on a map)"} {"Clue":"Hard to carry on lifting for some time (5)","Answer":"EPOCH","Explanation":"Definition: some time\nH (hard) COPE (to carry on) all reversed (lifting)"} {"Clue":"Guarantee cruise at sea ends in Turkey (8)","Answer":"SECURITY","Explanation":"Definition: Guarantee\nanagram (at sea) of CRUISE then TurkeY (end letters of)"} {"Clue":"Moving book about Scottish island lake (9)","Answer":"EMOTIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: Moving\nTOME (book) reversed (about) IONA (Scottish island) L (lake)"} {"Clue":"To set up mother with acting part is hassle (9)","Answer":"RIGMAROLE","Explanation":"Definition: hassle\nRIG (to set up) MA (mother) with ROLE (acting part)"} {"Clue":"Whizz round Cologne with a primitive mode of transport (3,5)","Answer":"LOG CANOE","Explanation":"Definition: primitive mode of transport\nanagram (whiz round) of COLOGNE with A"} {"Clue":"Very sweet lady disheartened, stuck under collapsed crate (7)","Answer":"TREACLY","Explanation":"Definition: Very sweet\nLadY (disheartened, no middle) under anagram (collapsed) of CRATE"} {"Clue":"Almost gag, about to bring up a food crop (6)","Answer":"QUINOA","Explanation":"Definition: food crop\nQUIp (gag. almost) then ON (about) reversed (to bring up) A"} {"Clue":"Start running group (5)","Answer":"ONSET","Explanation":"Definition: Start\nON (running) SET (group)"} {"Clue":"Musical people like Mary Poppins limitlessly (5)","Answer":"ANNIE","Explanation":"Definition: Musical\nnANNIEs (people like Mary Poppins) missing end letters (limitlessly)"} {"Clue":"Nurse to show soldiers tablet to arouse (8)","Answer":"ENERGISE","Explanation":"Definition: to arouse\nEN (Enrolled Nurse) ER (television show) GIS (soldiers) E (ecstasy, a tablet)"} {"Clue":"In retirement, some staff offering to go away (3,3)","Answer":"EFF OFF","Explanation":"Definition: to go away\nfound inside (some of) staFF OFFEring reversed (in retirement)"} {"Clue":"Girl in group to follow one trained to lead (5,3)","Answer":"GUIDE DOG","Explanation":"Definition: one trained to lead\nGUIDE (girl in group, The Girl Guides) and DOG (to follow)"} {"Clue":"Disheartened one in mixed school called for attention (6)","Answer":"COOEED","Explanation":"Definition: called for attention\nOnE (disheartened, no middle) in COED (mixed school)"} {"Clue":"Sweep in the morning, empty bags (5)","Answer":"GAMUT","Explanation":"Definition: Sweep\nAM (in the morning) inside (bagged by) GUT (to empty)"} {"Clue":"Timber 24? (3-2-4)","Answer":"TWO-BY-FOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Timber\n24 is TWO (2) BY FOUR (4)"} {"Clue":"Brainless act breaking bit of wind (4,8)","Answer":"BASS CLARINET","Explanation":"Definition: bit of wind\nanagram (breaking) of BRAINLESS ACT \u2013 part of the wind section in an orchestra"} {"Clue":"Lying bums hide beneath their disguise (5,7)","Answer":"FALSE BOTTOMS","Explanation":"Definition: hide beneath their disguise\nFALSE (lying) BUMS (bottoms). I can't properly explain the definition beyond a general \"it's about places to hide things\""} {"Clue":"Indian being place with hot produce (5,4)","Answer":"SLOTH BEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Indian being\nSLOT (place) with H (hot) BEAR (produce)"} {"Clue":"6 oddly died on film (5)","Answer":"VIDEO","Explanation":"Definition: film\nVI (6, Roman numerals) then DiEd On (odd letters of)"} {"Clue":"Boxer twice making excuses for failure (6)","Answer":"ALIBIS","Explanation":"Definition: excuses for failure\nALI (Muhammad Ali, boxer) with BIS (twice)"} {"Clue":"Strike pay condition making it hard to walk? (4,4)","Answer":"CLUB FOOT","Explanation":"Definition: condition making it hard to walk\nCLUB (strike) with FOOT (pay, foot the bill)"} {"Clue":"Attempts\u00a0papers (6)","Answer":"ESSAYS","Explanation":"Definition: Attempts\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"PC getting off cocaine drunk beers in unknown numbers (8)","Answer":"CYBERSEX","Explanation":"Definition: PC getting off\nC (cocaine) then anagram (drunk) of BEERS in YX (two unknown numbers, in equations) \u2013 getting off (having sex) via a PC (personal computer)"} {"Clue":"Take on English date (6)","Answer":"ENGAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Take on\nENG (English) and AGE (date, as a verb)"} {"Clue":"Mystery Machine's case, again leader lost Shaggy? (6)","Answer":"ENIGMA","Explanation":"Definition: Mystery\nanagram (shaggy) of MachinE (case of, outside letters) and aGAIN (losing leading letter)"} {"Clue":"Serious Daphne essentially missing Scooby-Doo? (5,4)","Answer":"GREAT DANE","Explanation":"Definition: Scooby-Doo\nGREAT (serious) then DApNE (essentially missing, no middle)"} {"Clue":"Meddling kids initially snoop, eh? Most plausible (6-6)","Answer":"SMOOTH-SPOKEN","Explanation":"Definition: plausible\nanagram (meddling) of Kids (initial letter of) with SNOOP EH MOST"} {"Clue":"Rear characters in Scooby-Doo following one that likes to eat (5)","Answer":"FOODY","Explanation":"Definition: one that likes to eat\nfound inside (characters in) scoobY DOO Following reversed (rear)"} {"Clue":"Private 11? (3-2-3)","Answer":"ONE-TO-ONE","Explanation":"Definition: Private\n11 is ONE (1) TO (with) ONE (1)"} {"Clue":"Ally of Freddie regularly dropped charge (8)","Answer":"FEDERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Ally of\nFrEdDiE (regulaly dropped, every other letter) then RATE (charge)"} {"Clue":"Firm left recent meeting in a way that's subsidiary (12)","Answer":"COLLATERALLY","Explanation":"Definition: in a way that's subsidiary\nCO (company, firm) L (left) LATE (recent) RALLY (meeting)"} {"Clue":"Terrible bore, Velma can be detached (9)","Answer":"REMOVABLE","Explanation":"Definition: can be detached\nanagram (terrible) of BORE VELMA"} {"Clue":"Bad leg not visible during play (8)","Answer":"OFFSTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: not visible during play\nOFF (bad) STAGE (leg)"} {"Clue":"They could be vacant females taking debauched one inside? (8)","Answer":"FLOOSIES","Explanation":"Definition: They could be\nFemaleS (vacant, nothing inside) containing (taking) LOOSE (debauched) containing (with\u2026inside) I (one)- read the definition as \"They could be\u2026\""} {"Clue":"Horrid Scrappy-Doo is taking a turn (6)","Answer":"ODIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Horrid\nanagram (scrappy) of DOO IS containing U (a turn). In case you were wondering Scrappy-Doo is the nephew of Scooby-Doo."} {"Clue":"Top layer runs into bed with old lover (6)","Answer":"CORTEX","Explanation":"Definition: Top layer\nR (runs) in COT (bed) with EX (old lover) \u2013 the outer (top) layer of brain tissue"} {"Clue":"Terrifying\u00a0Shaggy (5)","Answer":"HAIRY","Explanation":"Definition: Terrifying\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"I played tennis like one with trapped wind (6)","Answer":"AGASSI","Explanation":"Definition: I played tennis\nAS I (one) containing (having trapped) GAS (wind)"} {"Clue":"Talking aggressively, Trump finally enters meeting (8)","Answer":"SPITTING","Explanation":"Definition: Talking aggressively\ntrumP (final letter of) in SITTING (meeting)"} {"Clue":"Where a house's spotlights might be\u00a0going off (2,3,4)","Answer":"ON THE TURN","Explanation":"Definition: Where a house's spotlights might be\ndouble definition \u2013 lights in a cabaret and going rotten"} {"Clue":"I go out for a bit and sweat, ultimately unfit? (5)","Answer":"INAPT","Explanation":"Definition: unfit\nI then NAP (short sleep, go out for a bit) and sweaT (ultimately, last letter)"} {"Clue":"Old bit of ceremony the Spanish do very well (5)","Answer":"EXCEL","Explanation":"Definition: do very well\nEX (old) Ceremony (first letter, a bit of) then EL (the, Spanish)"} {"Clue":"Sadly it's agreed they're awfully sad (9)","Answer":"TRAGEDIES","Explanation":"Definition: they're awfully sad\nanagram (sadly) of ITS AGREED"} {"Clue":"Rambling tirade against one who wears the crown? (6)","Answer":"ERRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Rambling\nRANT (tirade) following (against, next to) ER (Elizabeth Regina, one who wears the crown)"} {"Clue":"Refrain from annoying short worker on holiday (5,2)","Answer":"LEAVE BE","Explanation":"Definition: Refrain from annoying\nBEe (worker bee perhaps, short) following (on) LEAVE (holiday)"} {"Clue":"I show a bit of bum to make first grand (in old money) (7)","Answer":"GUILDER","Explanation":"Definition: old money\nbUILDER (one who shows a bit of bum, see builder's bum) with first letter replaced by G (grand)"} {"Clue":"Flaming city backing out-of-head Tory? (6)","Answer":"ALIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Flaming\nLA (city) reversed (backing) then rIGHT (Tory) missing first letter (head out of)"} {"Clue":"Old criteria to be reworked by head of government (9)","Answer":"GERIATRIC","Explanation":"Definition: Old\nanagram (reworked) of CRITERIA following (by) Government (first letter, head of)"} {"Clue":"What leads Hoskins astray is the cold ham starters (5)","Answer":"AITCH","Explanation":"Definition: What leads Hoskins\nfirst letters (starters) of Astray Is The Cold Ham \u2013 H is the first letter (what leads) of Hoskins"} {"Clue":"Nebraskan city has a bloody coastal beach?! (5)","Answer":"OMAHA","Explanation":"Definition: Nebraskan city\ndouble definition \u2013 city and codename of D-Day landing beach"} {"Clue":"It's bad on a bust and torture on the soles of the feet (9)","Answer":"BASTINADO","Explanation":"Definition: torture on the soles of the feet\nanagram (bust) if IT'S BAD ON A"} {"Clue":"Possibly mark payment for next month in office appointment (8)","Answer":"POSTDATE","Explanation":"Definition: Possibly mark payment for next month\nPOST (office) DATE (appointment)"} {"Clue":"Lively back to harass crap keeper? (6)","Answer":"SNAPPY","Explanation":"Definition: Lively\nharraS (last letter, back to) then NAPPY (something to keep the crap in)"} {"Clue":"High point of copy that Self must turn in (6)","Answer":"APOGEE","Explanation":"Definition: High point\nAPE (copy) contains (having\u2026in) EGO (self) reversed (must turn)"} {"Clue":"Tax rate is to be cut periodically with skill (3)","Answer":"ART","Explanation":"Definition: skill\ntAx RaTe (every other letter, cut periodically)"} {"Clue":"A group of West Indians making various bongs? (5,4)","Answer":"STEEL BAND","Explanation":"Definition: A group of West Indians making various bongs\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Dog stealthily getting leg over duck (7)","Answer":"PINTAIL","Explanation":"Definition: duck\nTAIL (dog stealthily) underneath (getting \u2026over) PIN (leg)"} {"Clue":"Rubbish hallucinogenic experience on MDMA (5)","Answer":"TRIPE","Explanation":"Definition: Rubbish\nTRIP (hallucinogenic experience) on E (ecstasy, MDMA)"} {"Clue":"Fancy Hoskins is eating hat, being wrong (7,4)","Answer":"IMAGINE THAT","Explanation":"Definition: Fancy\nI'M (Hoskins is) then anagram (being wrong) of EATING HAT"} {"Clue":"Visit Bill, but not a degenerate (2,2,4)","Answer":"GO TO SEED","Explanation":"Definition: degenerate\nGO TO SEE (visit) then aD (advertisement, bill) missing (but not) A"} {"Clue":"Tenor splits ballet dress over time, that's bad (3-3)","Answer":"TUT-TUT","Explanation":"Definition: that's bad\nT (tenor) inside (splits) TUTU (ballet dress) on T (time)"} {"Clue":"Vessels full of beer and groceries primarily (7,4)","Answer":"CARRIER BAGS","Explanation":"Definition: Vessels full of beer and groceries primarily\nCARRIERS (vessels) containing first letters (primarily) of Beer And Groceries \u2013 definition is &lit. I'm not sure I would call a carrier bag a vessel, but I get the idea."} {"Clue":"I am not in Barking to save a life (9)","Answer":"ANIMATION","Explanation":"Definition: life\nanagram (barking mad) of I AM NOT IN contains (to save) A"} {"Clue":"A half-cut geek linked to Club 18-30? (3,5)","Answer":"AGE GROUP","Explanation":"Definition: 18-30?\nA GEek (half cut) with (linked to) GROUP (club)"} {"Clue":"Bloody bishop will have sex with Welsh rabbit! (7)","Answer":"RAREBIT","Explanation":"Definition: Welsh rabbit\nRARE (bloody) B (bishop) with IT (sex)"} {"Clue":"Speak to first-class brief (because commonly in court) (6)","Answer":"ACCOST","Explanation":"Definition: Speak to\nA (first class) then COS (because, commonly) in CT (court)"} {"Clue":"Idea for less capital divides people in general (6)","Answer":"THEORY","Explanation":"Definition: Idea\nfOR missing first letter (les capital) then THEY (people in general)"} {"Clue":"In a way, one who jokes lacks good judgement (5)","Answer":"AWARD","Explanation":"Definition: judgement \nA RD (road, way) contains (in\u2026you will find) WAg (one who jokes) missing (lacks) G (good)"} {"Clue":"To some extent, ideas perplex Serpent (3)","Answer":"ASP","Explanation":"Definition: Serpent\nfound inside (to some extent) ideAS Perplexed"} {"Clue":"What you might do with a fruit stand (6)","Answer":"PULPIT","Explanation":"Definition: stand\nPULP IT (what you might do with a fruit)"} {"Clue":"This is made for chef, oddly to stuff turkey (8)","Answer":"PRODUCED","Explanation":"Definition: This is made\nPRO (for) then ChEf (odd letters) inside (to stuff) DUD (turkey)"} {"Clue":"Old bag of bones (6)","Answer":"OSTEAL","Explanation":"Definition: of bones\nO (old) STEAL (bag, as verb)"} {"Clue":"Washer, one on right of blade (8)","Answer":"SCULLION","Explanation":"Definition: Washer\nI (one) ON following (to the right of) SCULL (blade)"} {"Clue":"Is consumer in trouble at Selfridges? (4)","Answer":"EATS","Explanation":"Definition: s consumer\nfound inside troublE AT Selfridges"} {"Clue":"Sweet idea embodying \"see you never upset\" (10)","Answer":"HONEYBUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nHUNCH (idea) contains (embodying) BYE (see you) NO (never) reversed (upset)"} {"Clue":"Pillow talk possibly part of plot by Conservative (7,5)","Answer":"BEDTIME STORY","Explanation":"Definition: Pillow talk possibly\nBED (plot) TIMES (by, multiplication) TORY (Conservative)"} {"Clue":"New Northfleet nursing home is a war zone (3,5,4)","Answer":"THE FRONT LINE","Explanation":"Definition: a war zone\nanagram (new) of NORTHFLEET including IN (at home)"} {"Clue":"Vehicle route in a rocky mountain range (10)","Answer":"CARPATHIAN","Explanation":"Definition: mountain range\nCAR (vehicle) PATH (route) then anagram (rocky) of IN A"} {"Clue":"How to address officer, with time in prison (4)","Answer":"STIR","Explanation":"Definition: prison\nSIR (how to address officer) including T (time)"} {"Clue":"Full works, full of info (8)","Answer":"PLANGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Full\nPLANT (works) contains (full of) GEN (info) \u2013 a full sound"} {"Clue":"A header for Vardy against Italian forward (6)","Answer":"AVANTI","Explanation":"Definition: Italian forward\nA Vardy (fist letter, header for) ANTI (against)"} {"Clue":"500 is essentially split up (8)","Answer":"DISPERSE","Explanation":"Definition: split up\nD (500, Roman numeral) IS then PER SE (essentially)"} {"Clue":"The swine ordered goods (3,3)","Answer":"BAD EGG","Explanation":"Definition: The swine\nBADE (ordered) G G (good, twice)"} {"Clue":"Book show supported by bank (8)","Answer":"PROVERBS","Explanation":"Definition: Book\nPROVE (show) on top of (supported by) RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland) \u2013 a book of The Bible"} {"Clue":"Freedom to take top off chestnut (8)","Answer":"LATITUDE","Explanation":"Definition: Freedom\npLATITUDE (chestnut, overused saying) missing top letter"} {"Clue":"I had to leave the country (4)","Answer":"IRAN","Explanation":"Definition: country\nI with RAN (had to leave)"} {"Clue":"Right to keep making fun (12)","Answer":"RECREATIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: fun\nREAL (right) contains CREATION (making)"} {"Clue":"Think about jail? (10)","Answer":"DELIBERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Think about\nto DE-LIBERATE might be to remove liberty, to jail"} {"Clue":"Mr Eastwood secures his first computer (6)","Answer":"CLIENT","Explanation":"Definition: computer\nCLINT (Mr Clint Eastwood) contains (secures) Eastwood (first letter of, his first) \u2013 as in client-server architecture"} {"Clue":"Horse on board run-down boat (6)","Answer":"DINGHY","Explanation":"Definition: boat\nH (horse, heroin) on DINGY (run-down)"} {"Clue":"A way to recognise\u00a0a tax break? (4,2,6)","Answer":"VOTE OF THANKS","Explanation":"Definition: A way to recognise\ndouble\/cryptic definition \u2013 an electoral bribe *UPDATE: TAX broken is TA + X (thanks and a vote, mark on a ballot paper) \u2013 see comments below"} {"Clue":"Product of 1 across\/1 down is just fish (5,5)","Answer":"RIGHT ANGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Product of 1 across\/1 down\nRIGHT (just) ANGLE (fish)"} {"Clue":"Education for classless society? (8,8)","Answer":"DISTANCE LEARNING","Explanation":"Definition: Education for classless society\ncryptic definition \u2013 there are no classrooms"} {"Clue":"Viz article in newspaper is checked (6)","Answer":"SCOPED","Explanation":"Definition: checke\nSC (viz) then OP-ED (opposite editorial page, article in newspaper)"} {"Clue":"Part of Norfolk where local traffic is found? (6)","Answer":"BROADS","Explanation":"Definition: Part of Norfolk\nB ROADS are where local traffic is found"} {"Clue":"Radiation on each part of the eye (4)","Answer":"UVEA","Explanation":"Definition: part of the eye\nUV (radiation) on EA (each)"} {"Clue":"Nuisance heard of at competition (6)","Answer":"BAWBEE","Explanation":"BAW sounds like (heard of) \"bore\" (nuisance) then BEE (competition) \u2013 an old Scottish coin of little value"} {"Clue":"Manx impersonator with nothing on (8)","Answer":"DOUBLOON","Explanation":"DOUBLe (impersonator) missing last letter (like a Manx cat, missing tail) with O (nothing) and ON"} {"Clue":"Round, large pill (6)","Answer":"OBOLUS","Explanation":"O (something round) then BOLUS (a large pill) \u2013 an ancient Greek silver coin"} {"Clue":"Sir Rowland's in prison. Not half! (8)","Answer":"SHILLING","Explanation":"HILL (Sir Rowland Hill, inventor of the postage stamp) in SING (half of Sing Sing, a prison in USA)"} {"Clue":"Deconsecrates? No can do, sadly (8)","Answer":"SESTERCE","Explanation":"anagram (sadly) of dEConSEcRaTES missing CAN DO \u2013 an ancient Roman coin"} {"Clue":"Supporting trendy leading team (6)","Answer":"FORINT","Explanation":"FOR (supporting) IN (trendy) Team (leading letter of) \u2013 currency of Hungary"} {"Clue":"Rehearsal outside \u2013 in pairs! (4)","Answer":"REAL","Explanation":"REhearsAL (first and last pairs of letters) \u2013 Brazilian currency"} {"Clue":"Pointers about deliveries to earl (10)","Answer":"SOVEREIGNS","Explanation":"SIGNS (pointers) containing (about) OVER (six deliveries, in cricket) with E (earl)"} {"Clue":"Twice bet on changes (3,3,4)","Answer":"TEN BOB NOTE","Explanation":"anagram (changes) of BET ON BET ON (twice) \u2013 an old UK bank note"} {"Clue":"Church and some of its books (4)","Answer":"CENT","Explanation":"CE (Church of England) and NT (New Testament, its books)"} {"Clue":"Ruffle hair up (6)","Answer":"RUPIAH","Explanation":"anagram (ruffle) of HAIR UP \u2013 Indonesian currency"} {"Clue":"Toddlers returned, looking very black, we're told (8)","Answer":"STOTINKI","Explanation":"TOTS (toddlers) reversed (returned) then INKI sounds like (we're told) inky (very black) \u2013 Bulgarian cents"} {"Clue":"Reform of trade union's not missing (8)","Answer":"DENARIUS","Explanation":"anagram (reform) of tRADE UNIonS missing NOT \u2013 an ancient Roman silver coin"} {"Clue":"Takes pity on taking exercise inside (6)","Answer":"RUPEES","Explanation":"RUES (takes pity on) containing PE (exercise)"} {"Clue":"Ten girls dancing (8)","Answer":"STERLING","Explanation":"anagram (dancing) of TEN GIRLS"} {"Clue":"Parking permit outside \u2013 that's feasible! (6)","Answer":"LEPTON","Explanation":"P (parking) inside (with\u2026outside) LET (permit) with (that has) ON (feasible) \u2013 the Greek cent"} {"Clue":"Computing software for the casual reader (7)","Answer":"BROWSER","Explanation":"Definition: Computing software\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Clubs ain't preparing varnish (4- 5)","Answer":"WOOD-STAIN","Explanation":"Definition: varnish\nWOODS (clubs) anagram (preparing) of AIN'T"} {"Clue":"Compositions \u2013 last of Faure's duets arranged (6)","Answer":"ETUDES","Explanation":"Definition: Compositions\nfaurE (last letter of) then anagram (arranged) of DUETS"} {"Clue":"From where to throw sport in the East End (4)","Answer":"OCHE","Explanation":"Definition: From where to throw\nsounds like (as spoken in the Easy End) 'ockey (hockey, sport) \u2013 the line form which darts are thrown"} {"Clue":"Voted to assign shares in plot (8)","Answer":"BALLOTED","Explanation":"Definition: Voted to\nALLOT (to assign shares) in BED (plot)"} {"Clue":"One pen erected for antelope (5)","Answer":"ORIBI","Explanation":"Definition: antelope\nI (one) BIRO (pen) all reversed (erected)"} {"Clue":"Cancels out name on electronic entrances (7)","Answer":"NEGATES","Explanation":"Definition: Cancels out\nN (name) on E (electronic) GATES (entrances)"} {"Clue":"Report a n-nobleman (7)","Answer":"ACCOUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Report\nA C-COUNT (n-nobleman)"} {"Clue":"Having a will with notes on gallery (7)","Answer":"TESTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Having a will\nTES (te, note in music, plural) with TATE (gallery)"} {"Clue":"Fourth grade judo award which will not attract development (5,4)","Answer":"GREEN BELT","Explanation":"Definition: Fourth grade judo award\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Half of the painting on mountains using one channel (8)","Answer":"MONAURAL","Explanation":"Definition: using one channel\nMONA lisa (painting, half of) then URAL (mountains)"} {"Clue":"Siamese attacks reported, bringing strings of invectives (7)","Answer":"TIRADES","Explanation":"Definition: strings of invectives \nsounds like (reported) \"Thai raids\" (Siamese attacks)"} {"Clue":"Uses the fitting room in store, maybe (5,2)","Answer":"TRIES ON","Explanation":"Definition: Uses the fitting room\nanagram (maybe) of IN STORE \u2013 a apt anagram"} {"Clue":"Acclimatise to one-time melody (6)","Answer":"ATTUNE","Explanation":"Definition: Acclimatise\nA (one) T (time) then TUNE (melody)"} {"Clue":"Third variable article removed from Cornish town (5)","Answer":"PENCE","Explanation":"PENzanCE missing Z (a variable, in equations) and AN (indefinite article) \u2013 unit of currency"} {"Clue":"Odd letters from your aunt (4)","Answer":"YUAN","Explanation":"YoUr AuNt (the odd letters) \u2013 the unit of Chinese currency"} {"Clue":"One's prepared for flood and put in substantive mound (10)","Answer":"SANDBAGGER","Explanation":"Definition: One's prepared for flood\nAND inside (put in) SB (substantive) then AGGER (mound)"} {"Clue":"Bit of a hunk, I'm tedious \u2013 ring off (5)","Answer":"HIMBO","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of a hunk\nHunk (first letter, bit of) then I'm BOring (tedious) missing RING"} {"Clue":"Strong ledge? Most kitchens'll have one (6)","Answer":"FRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Most kitchens'll have one\nF (forte, strong) RIDGE (ledge)"} {"Clue":"Myself and friend mum's enveloped in fantastic jumper (6)","Answer":"IMPALA","Explanation":"Definition: fantastic jumper\nI (myself) then PAL (friend) inside (enveloped by) MA (mum)"} {"Clue":"What's your poison? First off, spoon it out (6)","Answer":"POTION","Explanation":"Definition: poison\nanagram (out) of sPOON IT missing first letter"} {"Clue":"Gelato? Sam's turned up for one, numero uno (7)","Answer":"SPUMONE","Explanation":"Definition: Gelato\nSaM has UP reversed (turned) replacing (for) A (one) then\u00a0~~ NO I\u00a0~~ ONE (numero uno). ~~This explanation is incorrect as it has ON reversed, but is the best I can do.~~"} {"Clue":"Nut\u00a0paste, savvy? (4)","Answer":"PATE","Explanation":"Definition: Nut\ndouble definition \u2013 I can't explain \"savvy\" *See Matthew's comment @1 below."} {"Clue":"Folder made of PVC fabric, not hard inside (7)","Answer":"PLEATER","Explanation":"Definition: Folder\nPLEAThER (a PVC fabric) missing H (hard)"} {"Clue":"Part of terrible ordeal once? One could get frailer with it (9)","Answer":"TRIAL-FIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Part of terrible ordeal once\nanagram (one could get) of FRAILER with IT"} {"Clue":"River edge circling round damaged tree \u2013 this gauges current (9)","Answer":"RHEOMETER","Explanation":"Definition: this gauges current\nR (river) HEM (edge) containing (circling) O (something round) then anagram (damaged) of TREE"} {"Clue":"Love of this corrupted? Possibly (7)","Answer":"OOFTISH","Explanation":"Definition: Possibly\nO (love) with OF then anagram (corrupted) of THIS \u2013 money corrupts"} {"Clue":"Move to one side parking military vehicle (4)","Answer":"JEEP","Explanation":"Definition: military vehicle\nJEE (move to one side) then P (parking)"} {"Clue":"Part of pedestal inscribed for despot (6)","Answer":"STALIN","Explanation":"Definition: despot\nfound inside pedeSTAL INscribed"} {"Clue":"Language group from former protectorate in north-east (6)","Answer":"NA-DENE","Explanation":"Definition: Language group\nADEN (former protectorate) in NE (north-east)"} {"Clue":"Member of large US minority group making money in SE Asian country (6)","Answer":"LATINO","Explanation":"Definition: Member of large US minority group\nTIN (money) in LAO (SE Asian country)"} {"Clue":"A metal that turns irrigation device (5)","Answer":"NORIA","Explanation":"Definition: irrigation device\nA IRON (metal) all reversed (turns)"} {"Clue":"Fringe, funny and direct \u2013 it's out on a limb (10)","Answer":"FINGER\u2019S-END","Explanation":"Definition: it's out on a limb\nanagram (funny) of FRINGE and SEND (direct)"} {"Clue":"Why lips user curls about love, sotto voce? (12)","Answer":"WHISPEROUSLY","Explanation":"Definition: sotto voce\nanagram (curls) of WHY LIPS USER containing (about) O (love)"} {"Clue":"One monkey or another grabbed by a third (6)","Answer":"SIMPAI","Explanation":"Definition: One monkey\nIMP (a cheeky monkey) inside SAI (a capuchin monkey) \u2013 a type of monkey"} {"Clue":"Morning place with limitless beer? I may be legless (7)","Answer":"AMPUTEE","Explanation":"Definition: I may be legless\nAM (morning) PUT (place) with bEEr (missing end letters, no limits)"} {"Clue":"What sounds like buck in pain (6)","Answer":"DOLOUR","Explanation":"Definition: pain\nsounds like \"dollar\" (buck)"} {"Clue":"Old-style lucky dip offering one penny cheese wraps (7)","Answer":"BRANPIE","Explanation":"Definition: Old-style lucky dip\nAN (one) P (penny) in BRIE (cheese)"} {"Clue":"Crawl: good swimming over length (6)","Answer":"GROVEL","Explanation":"Definition: Crawl\nG (good) then anagram (swimming) of OVER and L (length)"} {"Clue":"Holiday let supplying indescribable quality in borders of Gironde (4)","Answer":"GITE","Explanation":"Definition: Holiday let\nIT (inscrutable quality) in GitE (border letters of)"} {"Clue":"Bull heading for cows, gripped by rising surge (5)","Answer":"EDICT","Explanation":"Definition: Bull\nCows (heading, first letter of) in TIDE (surge) reversed (rising)"} {"Clue":"Angler's third dab, a late one (5)","Answer":"GONER","Explanation":"Definition: a late one\nanGler (third letter of) ONER (dab, an expert)- one who has died"} {"Clue":"Old furnace routine coming up, hot one to be stoked (7)","Answer":"ATHANOR","Explanation":"Definition: Old furnace\nROTA (routine) reversed (coming up) containing (to be stoked with) H (hot) AN (one)"} {"Clue":"Perennial landlord, absent (5)","Answer":"HOSTA","Explanation":"Definition: Perennial\nHOST (landlord) and A (absent)"} {"Clue":"Major industry like pottery, core doubled (6)","Answer":"MINING","Explanation":"Definition: Major industry\nMING (pottery) with its middle letters (core) doubled"} {"Clue":"Those devoted to Charles as involved with line (6)","Answer":"ELIANS","Explanation":"Definition: Those devoted to Charles\nanagram (involved) of AS with LINE \u2013 those devoted to Charles Lamb, aka Elia"} {"Clue":"Celestial phenomenon I had seen after Christmas looking up (6)","Answer":"LEONID","Explanation":"Definition: Celestial phenomenon\nI'D (I had) following (after) NOEL (Christmas) all reversed (looking up)"} {"Clue":"A portion of half rations for mendicant monks (5)","Answer":"FRATI","Explanation":"Definition: mendicant monks\nfound inside (a portion of) halF RATIons"} {"Clue":"Unending carousal, past ceasing (4)","Answer":"BLIN","Explanation":"Definition: past ceasing\nBLINd (carousal) no ending letter \u2013 past meaning obsolete"} {"Clue":"Traveller gets help about pad in US (6)","Answer":"DIAPER","Explanation":"Definition: pad in US\nREP (traveller) and AID (help) all reversed (about)"} {"Clue":"A setter is normally this shabby (3-5)","Answer":"DOG-EARED","Explanation":"Definition: shabby\ndouble\/cryptic definition \u2013 a setter is a dog, and normally has dogs ears?"} {"Clue":"Fence complains bitterly about criminals having run away (8)","Answer":"RAILINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Fence\nRAILS (complains bitterly) containing (about) rING (criminals) missing R (run)"} {"Clue":"Inflammation left one in situ, being withdrawn (6)","Answer":"ULITIS","Explanation":"Definition: Inflammation\nL (left) I (one) in SITU reversed (being withdrawn) \u2013 an inflammation of the gums"} {"Clue":"English Literature initially taken by person following verse (8)","Answer":"DOGGEREL","Explanation":"Definition: verse \nE (English) Literature (initial letter of) following (taken by) DOGGER (person following)"} {"Clue":"Artist's pay rejected (6)","Answer":"DRAWER","Explanation":"Definition: Artist\nREWARD (pay) reversed (rejected)"} {"Clue":"Turns partner back on when wearing tight suit (11)","Answer":"REVOLUTIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Turns\nLOVER (partner) reversed (back) then ON inside (wearing) anagram (tight, drunk) of SUIT"} {"Clue":"Hostility stopping Labour gain (6)","Answer":"REWARD","Explanation":"Definition: gain\nWAR (hostility) inside (stopping, like a cork) red (Labour, party colour)"} {"Clue":"Green activist on vacation shut up housing (8)","Answer":"IMMATURE","Explanation":"Definition: Green\nActivisT (no middle, vacated) inside (housed by) IMMURE (shut up)"} {"Clue":"Drive courageous type almost to accept offer (6)","Answer":"LIBIDO","Explanation":"Definition: Drive\nLIOn (courageous type, almost) contains (to accept) BID (offer)"} {"Clue":"Retreating soldiers save \"a line\" for sedative (8)","Answer":"NEMBUTAL","Explanation":"Definition: sedative\nMEN (soldiers) reversed (retreating) BUT (save) A L (line)"} {"Clue":"Kind of support English f\u00eate in top (5,3)","Answer":"LEGAL AID","Explanation":"Definition: Kind of support\nE (English) GALA (fete) in LID (top)"} {"Clue":"Settled record when in charge? (6)","Answer":"REPAID","Explanation":"Definition: Settled\nEP (extended play record) in RAID (charge)"} {"Clue":"Detective on estate arresting party who's cruel to animals (7)","Answer":"PICADOR","Explanation":"Definition: who's cruel to animals\nPI (private investigator, detective) on CAR (estate car perhaps) containing (arresting) DO (party)"} {"Clue":"In conclusion, town's first Republican leaving elite group unsettled (8)","Answer":"EPILOGUE","Explanation":"Definition: conclusion\nanagram (unsettled) of ELItE GrOUP missing T (first letter of town) and R (Republican)"} {"Clue":"King and queen welcoming run on foreign currency (6)","Answer":"KRONER","Explanation":"Definition: foreign currency\nK (king) and ER (Elizabeth Regina, queen) contains (welcoming) R (run) ON"} {"Clue":"A genius worked round finale of Lord's prayer (5,3)","Answer":"AGNUS DEI","Explanation":"Definition: prayer\nanagram (worked) of A GENIUS containing (round) lorD (finale, last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Plate of meat almost held up by topless girl (6)","Answer":"LAMINA","Explanation":"Definition: Plate\n~~PATe (meat, almost) on (held up by) tINA (a girl, topless). I'm not convinced about this, it might also be LAMINA.~~ *LAMb (meat, almost) then tINA (topless girl). Thanks to Hovis."} {"Clue":"Trot around base is hated (7)","Answer":"REVILED","Explanation":"Definition: hated\nRED (Trot, Trotskyist, red) containing (around) EVIL (base)"} {"Clue":"Fail to include son \u2013 fancy daughter being let down (13)","Answer":"DISILLUSIONED","Explanation":"Definition: let down\nDIE (fail) then S (son) ILLUSION (fancy) and D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Damn wool irritated great- granny? (3,5)","Answer":"OLD WOMAN","Explanation":"Definition: great- granny\nanagram (irritated) of DAMN WOOL"} {"Clue":"Contract manuscript torn-up in error (2-6)","Answer":"NO-TRUMPS","Explanation":"Definition: Contract\nanagram (in error) of MS (manuscript) and TORN-UP"} {"Clue":"Free one who is oppressed by dues on a regular basis (7)","Answer":"DELIVER","Explanation":"Definition: Free\nLIVER (one who is, who lives) underneath (oppressed by) DuEs (regular letters from)"} {"Clue":"Burglary becoming known before it finishes (5-2)","Answer":"BREAK-IN","Explanation":"Definition: Burglary\nBREAKINg (becoming known, breaking news) unfinished"} {"Clue":"Brutal change Stalin made after repeated shelling (6)","Answer":"ANIMAL","Explanation":"Definition: Brutal\nanagram (change) of stALIN MAde missing first and last letter (shelled) twice (repeated)"} {"Clue":"For example, access bank loss after this recollection (6)","Answer":"MEMORY","Explanation":"Definition: recollection\nI'm not sure about this. I think access, bank and loss might all follow MEMORY in compound words. I think the clue needs commas for the words to to be considered in a list. Ignoring punctuation is normal but having to insert it to get the clue to work feels wrong to me."} {"Clue":"Writer wary about being in difficulty (10)","Answer":"PLAYWRIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\nanagram (about) of WARY in PLIGHT (difficulty)"} {"Clue":"Kills rotten saint (4)","Answer":"OFFS","Explanation":"Definition: Kills\nOFF (rotten) and S (saint)"} {"Clue":"European formed union in the home counties (5)","Answer":"SWEDE","Explanation":"Definition: European\nWED (formed union) in SE (the Home Counties)"} {"Clue":"Unexpected help as bills come for bald men (9)","Answer":"SLAPHEADS","Explanation":"Definition: bald men\nanagram (unexpected) of HELP AS then ADS (advertisements, bills)"} {"Clue":"Do better than average in southern Germany (8)","Answer":"STOPPARD","Explanation":"TOP (do better than) PAR (average) in S (southern) D (Deutschland, Germany) \u2013 a PLAYWRIGHT"} {"Clue":"Climb over pole to wash (5)","Answer":"RINSE","Explanation":"Definition: to wash\nRISE (climb) containing (over) N (north, a pole)"} {"Clue":"Recent disturbances have a point (7)","Answer":"TERENCE","Explanation":"anagram (disturbances) of RECENT with E (a point, of the compass) \u2013 a PLAYWRIGHT"} {"Clue":"Gunners returning talked about new angular measurements (7)","Answer":"RADIANS","Explanation":"Definition: angular measurements\nRA (Royal Artillery, gunners) then SAID (talked) containing N (new). I can't see \"said\" and \"talked\" as synonyms: say takes an object (what you say) but talk does not."} {"Clue":"Look over current book containing design (7)","Answer":"INSPECT","Explanation":"Definition: Look over\nI (current, electrical symbol) NT (New Testament, a book) containing SPEC (design)"} {"Clue":"Tortellini one's cousin swallows (7)","Answer":"IONESCO","Explanation":"found inside (swallowed by) tortellinI ONE'S COUsin \u2013 a PLAYWRIGHT"} {"Clue":"Sort of column found in Gondor, I confirm (5)","Answer":"DORIC","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of column\nfound inside gonDOR I Confirm"} {"Clue":"Classy shotgun goes off, though it wasn't ordered (8)","Answer":"UNSOUGHT","Explanation":"Definition: it wasn't ordered\nU (classy) then anagram (goes off) of SHOTGUN"} {"Clue":"Brussels detective travels around (9)","Answer":"EURIPIDES","Explanation":"EU (European Union, aka \"Brussels\") then PI (private investigator, detective) inside (with\u2026around) RIDES (travels) \u2013 a PLAYWRIGHT"} {"Clue":"Misrepresent ideology, ignoring final part (5)","Answer":"BELIE","Explanation":"Definition: Misrepresent\nBELIEf (ideology) missing last letter (final part)"} {"Clue":"Breathing apparatus is good \u2013 and bad (4)","Answer":"GILL","Explanation":"Definition: Breathing apparatus\nG (good) and ILL (bad)"} {"Clue":"Illegally enters health resort protected by locks (10)","Answer":"TRESPASSES","Explanation":"Definition: Illegally enters\nSPA (health resort) inside TRESSES (locks, hair)"} {"Clue":"Apes Sky's devious means of getting in (8)","Answer":"PASS KEYS","Explanation":"Definition: means of getting in\nanagram (devious) of APES SKY'S"} {"Clue":"Openings like to be filled with fresh flower (9)","Answer":"APERTURES","Explanation":"Definition: Opening\nAS (like) contains (to be filled with) PERT (fresh) URE (the River Ure, something that flows)"} {"Clue":"Give birth with assistance (5)","Answer":"WHELP","Explanation":"Definition: Give birth\nW (with) HELP (assistance)"} {"Clue":"Establish where some people lie about being late (7)","Answer":"INSTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Establish\ndead people (who are late) lie IN STATE"} {"Clue":"Ring more difficult to keep for collector (7)","Answer":"HOARDER","Explanation":"Definition: collector\nO (a ring) inside (with\u2026to keep) HARDER (more difficult)"} {"Clue":"Fighting over the last bit of bacon (5)","Answer":"FRAYN","Explanation":"FRAY (fighting) then bacoN (last bit of) \u2013 a PLAYWRIGHT"} {"Clue":"Enforced break in South American hotel (10)","Answer":"SUSPENSION","Explanation":"Definition: Enforced break\nS (south) US (American) PENSION (hotel)"} {"Clue":"Woman's passport maybe found in hospital (8)","Answer":"SHERIDAN","Explanation":"SHE (woman) ID (passport) inside SAN (sanatorium, hospital) \u2013 a PLAYWRIGHT"} {"Clue":"Series about city space being demolished in December (10)","Answer":"STRINDBERG","Explanation":"STRING (series) contains (about) DecemBER missing (with\u2026demolished) EC (The City, from the City of London postal code) and EM (space, printing) \u2013 a PLAYWRIGHT"} {"Clue":"Can't get out votes against head (2,6)","Answer":"NO ESCAPE","Explanation":"Definition: Can't get out\nNOES (votes against) and CAPE (head)"} {"Clue":"Clue \"shy\" as anagram (9)","Answer":"AESCHYLUS","Explanation":"anagram (anagram!) of CLUE SHY AS \u2013 a PLAYWRIGHT"} {"Clue":"Tom Hanks initially sedated by loud noise (7)","Answer":"THUNDER","Explanation":"Definition: loud noise \ninitial letters of Tom Hanks then UNDER (sedated)"} {"Clue":"Is definite hot relative is out of the way (7)","Answer":"INSISTS","Explanation":"IN (fashionable, hot) SIS (sister, relative) contains (is out of, outside of) ST (street, the way)"} {"Clue":"Country's rare flower (5)","Answer":"RURAL","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nR (rare) and URAL (a river, something that flows)"} {"Clue":"Pass British artist in shade (5)","Answer":"UMBRA","Explanation":"Definition: shade\nUM (pass, \"I don't know\") then BR (British) RA (Royal Academician, artist)"} {"Clue":"Dire Straits appearing in Cairo, Lichtenstein and Monaco, among others (7)","Answer":"ARTISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Cairo, Lichtenstein and Monaco, among others\nanagram (dire) of STRAITS \u2013 Roy Lichenstein, Lorenzo Monaco and Francesco Cairo are artists"} {"Clue":"Ultimately, the swollen thyroid may be in a state (7)","Answer":"ENGLAND","Explanation":"Definition: a state\nlast letters (ultimately) of thE swolleN then GLAND (thyroid perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Erotica in a little drama you finally produced (5,8)","Answer":"ADULT MATERIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Erotica\nanagram (produced) of A LITTLE DRAMA and yoU (final letter of)"} {"Clue":"Anger about half-cousin getting boost (9)","Answer":"ENCOURAGE","Explanation":"Definition: boost\nENRAGE (anger) containing (about) COUsin (half of)"} {"Clue":"An Arab sultan, ignoring northern borders, turns a clean slate (6,4)","Answer":"TABULA RASA","Explanation":"Definition: a clean slate\nanagram (turns) of An ARAB SULTAn missing NortherN (bordering letters of)"} {"Clue":"Viewers at last safe and all right (4)","Answer":"EYES","Explanation":"Definition: Viewers\nsafE (last letter of) and YES (all right)"} {"Clue":"Disk tribute in one endless spread (12)","Answer":"DISTRIBUTION","Explanation":"Definition: spread\nDISk TRIBUTe In ONe (all endless)"} {"Clue":"Even a chemist falsified results (12)","Answer":"ACHIEVEMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: results\nanagram (falsified) of EVEN A CHEMIST"} {"Clue":"Woman right at all times (4)","Answer":"EVER","Explanation":"Definition: at all times\nEVE (a woman) and R (right)"} {"Clue":"Skipping the introduction, brief look into past rewritten manuscript (10)","Answer":"PALIMPSEST","Explanation":"Definition: rewritten manuscript\ngLIMPSE (brief look) missing first letter (skipping the introduction) inside PAST"} {"Clue":"Get involved with gross revenue unit? Not us! (9)","Answer":"INTERVENE","Explanation":"Definition: Get involved\nanagram (gross) of REVENuE uNIT missing U U (us, two Us)"} {"Clue":"Perfect trader declaration (5)","Answer":"IDEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Perfect\na trader may declare \"I DEAL\""} {"Clue":"Soft option, finally, that is stopping fast (7)","Answer":"LENIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Soft\noptioN (final letter) IE (that is) inside (stopping) LENT (fast)"} {"Clue":"Barber and clerk stripped youngster (7)","Answer":"TODDLER","Explanation":"Definition: youngster\nTODD (Sweeny Todd, barber) and cLERk (stripped, not outer letters)"} {"Clue":"Makes adjustments to suitable cutting plugs (6)","Answer":"ADAPTS","Explanation":"Definition: Makes adjustments to\nAPT (suitable) inside ADS (plugs)"} {"Clue":"Tom's\u00a0hitches, when all clumsy (6)","Answer":"THUMBS","Explanation":"Definition: Tom's\ntriple definition \u2013 Tom Thumb's, hitch hikes and \"all thumbs\""} {"Clue":"They go round the globe finding little trouble in rising oceans (10)","Answer":"SATELLITES","Explanation":"Definition: They go round the globe\nanagram (trouble) of LITTLE in SEAS (oceans) reversed (rising)"} {"Clue":"Cattle\u00a0drive (5)","Answer":"STEER","Explanation":"Definition: Cattle\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Too much sex service right away is wrong (9)","Answer":"EXCESSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Too much\nanagram (is wrong) of SEX SErVICE missing R (right)"} {"Clue":"Bitterness expressed in France once (4)","Answer":"GAUL","Explanation":"Definition: France once\nsounds like (expressed) \"gall\" (bitterness)"} {"Clue":"Obsessive on why they say relative having breakdown (8)","Answer":"ANALYSIS","Explanation":"Definition: breakdown\nANAL (obsessive) on Y sounds like (they say) why and then SIS (relative)"} {"Clue":"Putting on clothes \u2014 something saucy? (8)","Answer":"DRESSING","Explanation":"Definition: Putting on clothes\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Cross, nearly deceived over clue that's reproduced (10)","Answer":"MULTIPLIED","Explanation":"Definition: reproduced\nMULe (cross, nearly) LIED (deceived) containing (over) TIP (clue)"} {"Clue":"News of athletes running around junction (3,6)","Answer":"THE LATEST","Explanation":"Definition: News\nanagram (running) of ATHLETES containing (around) T (junction)"} {"Clue":"Use intimidation in theatre with rising right national leader (8)","Answer":"THREATEN","Explanation":"Definition: Use intimidation\nTHEATRE with R (right) moved up the way then National (leading letter of)"} {"Clue":"Once again, ring to cancel (6)","Answer":"REPEAL","Explanation":"Definition: to cancel\nRE (once again,as prefix) PEAL (ring)"} {"Clue":"Winter's Tale remake's not as fresh (6)","Answer":"STALER","Explanation":"Definition: not as fresh\nfound inside ('s, belonging to) winterS TALE Remake"} {"Clue":"Awkward patient not at fault (5)","Answer":"INEPT","Explanation":"Definition: Awkward\nanagram (fault) of PatIENT missing AT"} {"Clue":"With nothing to do\u00a0for love (4)","Answer":"FREE","Explanation":"Definition: With nothing to do\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Praising Our Lady at Barking (9)","Answer":"LAUDATORY","Explanation":"Definition: Praising\nanagram (barking) of OUR LADY AT"} {"Clue":"Not the time before Christ in traditional saying (5)","Answer":"ADAGE","Explanation":"Definition: traditional saying\nAD AGE (so not BC, before Christ)"} {"Clue":"Artist Coleridge upset after losing identity (2,5)","Answer":"EL GRECO","Explanation":"Definition: Artist\nanagram (upset) of COLERidGE missing ID (identity)"} {"Clue":"Stop doctor boarding E-boat (7)","Answer":"EMBARGO","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\nMB (doctor) inside (boarding) E ARGO (boat in myth)"} {"Clue":"Letter from Eliot answered (4)","Answer":"IOTA","Explanation":"Definition: Letter\nfound inside elIOT Answered"} {"Clue":"Still one creates another name for such a snowman (10)","Answer":"ABOMINABLE","Explanation":"Definition: such a snowman\nYET (still) I (one) makes YETI, another name for the ABOMINABLE Snowman"} {"Clue":"Transport moved along accepting fare (7)","Answer":"GONDOLA","Explanation":"Definition: Transport\nanagram (moved) of ALONG containing DO (fare)"} {"Clue":"Tees backing interference over article he saves (7)","Answer":"MESSIAH","Explanation":"Definition: he saves\nME (Tees) reversed then HISS (interference) reversed (backing) containing (over) A (article)"} {"Clue":"Payment about to arrive with enclosures inside (10)","Answer":"RECOMPENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Payment\nRE (about) COME (to arrive)containing PENS (enclosures)"} {"Clue":"Member returned flanked by two warriors? (4)","Answer":"IMPI","Explanation":"Definition: warriors\nMP (member of parliament) ~~reversed (returned)~~ in II (two, Roman numerals) *Oops \u2013 I bunged in the reversed bit by force of habit. A constituency \"returns\" the winning candidate to Parliament."} {"Clue":"Posh little piano with note added shows rising curve (7)","Answer":"UPSWEEP","Explanation":"Definition: rising curve\nU (posh) WEE (little) P (piano) contains (with\u2026added) PS (note)"} {"Clue":"Cooked in oven with wine marinade? (7)","Answer":"ROASTED","Explanation":"Definition: Cooked\nOAST (oven) inside (with\u2026marinade) RED (wine)"} {"Clue":"For this reason chicken vacated cage (5)","Answer":"HENCE","Explanation":"Definition: For this reason\nHEN (chicken) and CagE (vacated, nothing inside)"} {"Clue":"Singular boast about keeping pest controller (9)","Answer":"SCARECROW","Explanation":"Definition: pest controller\nS (singular) CROW (boast) contains (about) CARE (keeping)"} {"Clue":"Dormant man on board wants aid to peaceful retirement (8,7)","Answer":"SLEEPING DRAUGHT","Explanation":"Definition: aid to peaceful retirement\nSLEEPING (dormant) DRAUGHT (man on board, in game)"} {"Clue":"Element in languages discerned by cardinal (8)","Answer":"TUNGSTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Element\nTUNGS sounds like (discerned) \"tongues\" (languages) by TEN (cardinal, a number)"} {"Clue":"Stoop that's pronounced in Hamlet? (4)","Answer":"DANE","Explanation":"Definition: Hamlet\nsounds like (pronounced) deign (stoop)"} {"Clue":"Country agents to seize wandering Bloom (8)","Answer":"COLOMBIA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nCIA (agents) contains anagram (wandering) of BLOOM"} {"Clue":"Lecture-hall chimney lined by unknown engineer (6)","Answer":"LYCEUM","Explanation":"Definition: Lecture-hall\nLUM (chimney) contains (lined by) Y (unknown, maths) CE (Chartered Engineer)"} {"Clue":"Doctor consulted surgeon about individual (8)","Answer":"SAWBONES","Explanation":"Definition: Doctor\nSAW (consulted) BS (surgeon) containing ONE (individual)"} {"Clue":"Capital retrospective series in November Gazette (6)","Answer":"ZAGREB","Explanation":"Definition: Capital\nfound reversed inside novemBER GAZette"} {"Clue":"Where old nations reassembled to act without reserve (3,4,4,4)","Answer":"LET ONES HAIR DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: to act without reserve\nanagram (reassembled) of WHERE OLD NATIONS"} {"Clue":"Measure of resistance encountered in amending Homer (8)","Answer":"OHMMETER","Explanation":"Definition: Measure of resistance\nMET (encountered) in anagram (amending) of HOMER"} {"Clue":"Endlessly go without nice surprise? That's abuse! (8)","Answer":"MISTREAT","Explanation":"Definition: That's abuse\nMISs (go without, endlessly) then TREAT (nice surprise)"} {"Clue":"Green wall up protecting revolutionary army (8)","Answer":"IMMATURE","Explanation":"Definition: Green\nIMMURE (wall up) containing TA (Territorial Army) reversed (revolutionary)"} {"Clue":"Card game gamblers found here (6)","Answer":"CASINO","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 casino is a card game"} {"Clue":"Reveal river's swelling another? (6)","Answer":"EXPOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Reveal\nPO'S (river is) inside (swelling) EXE (another river)"} {"Clue":"President after James B murdered second son! (4)","Answer":"ABEL","Explanation":"Definition: murdered second son\nthe US president who followed James B as ABE L \u2013 James Buchanan and Abraham Lincoln"} {"Clue":"French president's two little boys (6)","Answer":"MACRON","Explanation":"Definition: French president\nMAC and RON (two little boys)"} {"Clue":"Gun-dog and terrier wandering round the outskirts of Venice (9)","Answer":"RETRIEVER","Explanation":"Definition: Gun-dog\nanagram (wandering) of TERRIER containing VenicE (outskirts of)"} {"Clue":"Some fear a chest infection (7)","Answer":"EARACHE","Explanation":"Definition: infection \nfound inside (some) fEAR A CHEst"} {"Clue":"Suggests that fish's essential for massage (5)","Answer":"REIKI","Explanation":"Definition: massage\nsounds like (suggests that) \"ray key\" (fish essential)"} {"Clue":"Early morning activity with mayonnaise (8)","Answer":"DRESSING","Explanation":"Definition: Early morning activity\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"The States adopts our navy's vessels (4)","Answer":"URNS","Explanation":"Definition: vessels\nUS (The States) contains (adopts) RN (Royal Navy, the UK's navy)"} {"Clue":"Could be 2's or Labrador's depression (5,3)","Answer":"BLACK DOG","Explanation":"Definition: Could be 2's or Labrador's depression (5,3)\ncryptic\/double definition"} {"Clue":"Morning on a Welsh lake, up- state (7)","Answer":"ALABAMA","Explanation":"Definition: state\nAM (morning) on A BALA (Lake Bala, Welsh lake) all reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Scouser's snack that's small, given to little 21 across (6)","Answer":"SARNIE","Explanation":"Definition: Scouser's snack\nS (small) with ARNIE (little ARNOLD) \u2013 I wrote RONALD in first time which caused me problems later"} {"Clue":"Of use to, initially, sailors operating new Arctic routes (5)","Answer":"SONAR","Explanation":"Definition: Of use to\ninitial letters of Sailors Operating New Arctic Routes \u2013 definition is of use to\u2026 (sailors)"} {"Clue":"Sit over half emaciated, ill, to wit confined? That's self-denial (10)","Answer":"ASCETICISM","Explanation":"Definition: self-denial\nanagram (ill) of SIT and EMACIated (over half of) containing (confining) SC (to wit)"} {"Clue":"Refuse truck on the move, turning pungent inside (9)","Answer":"HONEY-CART","Explanation":"Definition: Refuse truck\nanagram (move) of ON THE containing RACY (pungent) reversed (turning)"} {"Clue":"Fresh runny butter, we hear, for trifles (5)","Answer":"NUGAE","Explanation":"Definition: trifles\nNU GAE sounds like (we hear) new (fresh) ghee (runny butter)"} {"Clue":"Like months one's taken in Cal. City, end of summer (5)","Answer":"LUNAR","Explanation":"Definition: Like months\nUN (one) in LA (Cal city) then summeR (end of)"} {"Clue":"Shelter for Jock, cold, in deluge (4)","Answer":"SCOG","Explanation":"Definition: Shelter for Jock\nC (cold) in SOG (deluge)"} {"Clue":"Show of amusement about wowser that's infectious (7)","Answer":"SMITTLE","Explanation":"Definition: infectious\nSMILE (show of amusement) contains TT (teetotal, wowser)"} {"Clue":"Norwegian mineral \u2013 it's found in very remote location (7)","Answer":"THULITE","Explanation":"Definition: Norwegian mineral\nIT inside THULE (remote location)"} {"Clue":"Eggs stuffed with a bit of lox for function (4)","Answer":"ROLE","Explanation":"Definition: function\nROE (eggs) contains Lox (first letter, bit of)"} {"Clue":"Outer layer of cell core acts differently (8)","Answer":"ECTOSARC","Explanation":"Definition: Outer layer of cell\nanagram (differently) of CORE ACTS"} {"Clue":"One early front runner lapping last of pack \u2013 does he empty his all? (8)","Answer":"UNPACKER","Explanation":"Definition: does he empty his all\nUN (one) PACER (early front runner) contains (lapping) pacK (last letter of). I can't explain the definition. He could be unpacking his hold-all, but an all is not a bag. Any takers?"} {"Clue":"Call from Scottish dairymaid, over-modest? Sid's turned away (4)","Answer":"PRUH","Explanation":"Definition: Call from Scottish dairymaid\nPRUdisH (over-modest) missing (away) SID reversed (turned)"} {"Clue":"Display cabinet I invert, cracked (7)","Answer":"VITRINE","Explanation":"Definition: Display cabinet\nanagram (cracked) of I INVERT"} {"Clue":"Marine hunter, line cast in form of turret (7)","Answer":"TURTLER","Explanation":"Definition: Marine hunter\nL (line) inside (cast in) anagram (form) of TURRET"} {"Clue":"Drug to inhale? In plain talk it must be restricted (5)","Answer":"INTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Drug to inhale\nfound inside (restricted by) plaIN TALk"} {"Clue":"Gown that's lifted is alluring back to front (5)","Answer":"STOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Gown\nTOLES (is alluring) with back letter to the front \u2013 two definitions"} {"Clue":"Pained cry rends the air: 'Tea wanted!' (8)","Answer":"SOUCHONG","Explanation":"Definition: Tea\nOUCH (pained cry) inside (rends) SONG (the air)"} {"Clue":"Waterproof covering for the head? Travel in that (6)","Answer":"CAGOUL","Explanation":"Definition: Waterproof\nGO (travel) inside CAUL (covering for the head)"} {"Clue":"Front of boot accounting for damaged picotee, English (8)","Answer":"TOEPIECE","Explanation":"Definition: Front of boot\nanagram (damaged) of PICOTEE and E (English)"} {"Clue":"Meadowland to celebrate, first to last (4)","Answer":"INGS","Explanation":"Definition: Meadowland\nSING (celebrate) first letter to last"} {"Clue":"Electronic resistor? A safe bet having me installed (6)","Answer":"CERMET","Explanation":"Definition: Electronic resistor\nCERT (a safe bet) containing ME"} {"Clue":"Bits of old armour providing toy for kids, we hear (5)","Answer":"SCUTA","Explanation":"Definition: Bits of old armour\nsounds like (we hear) scooter (toy for kids)"} {"Clue":"Mother dressed aunt in a loose gown (6)","Answer":"MANTUA","Explanation":"Definition: a loose gown\nMA (mother) then anagram (dressed) of AUNT"} {"Clue":"River that's guardable with regular detachments (4)","Answer":"URAL","Explanation":"Definition: River\ngUaRdAbLe with every other letter detached"} {"Clue":"Like casualties requiring care formerly in desert, injured (11)","Answer":"STRETCHERED","Explanation":"Definition: Like casualties\nRETCH (care, formerly=archaic) inside anagram (injured) of DESERT"} {"Clue":"Isn't it involved with curve, educational? (11)","Answer":"INSTRUCTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: educational\nanagram (involved) of ISN'T IT with CURVE"} {"Clue":"One working on joint, tight one with fragment in (8)","Answer":"MORTISER","Explanation":"Definition: One working on joint\nMISER (tight one) containing ORT (fragment)"} {"Clue":"Old treatment for sore throat? Ring about course one's following (8)","Answer":"BRUNELLA","Explanation":"Definition: Old treatment for sore throat\nBELL (ring) containing NE (North East, a course) followed by A (one)"} {"Clue":"What's pastor carried about? (6)","Answer":"PORTAS","Explanation":"Definition: What's pastor carried about\nanagram (carried about) of PASTOR \u2013 definition is &lit, a portable breviary that a pastor may carry about"} {"Clue":"Five aboard sailing vessel developing complaint (6)","Answer":"KVETCH","Explanation":"Definition: complaint\nV (five) inside (on board) KETCH (sailing vessel)"} {"Clue":"Crazed doctor's cutting response when angry? (6)","Answer":"RIMOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Crazed\nMO (doctor) inside RISE (a response when angry)"} {"Clue":"What do you call this? A translation not to be confused with the Vulgate (5)","Answer":"ITALA","Explanation":"Definition: translation not to be confused with the Vulgate\nITAL. (italic, what you call *this*) then A \u2013 a translation of the Bible"} {"Clue":"You marry (or so it's said) as an individual (4)","Answer":"UNIT","Explanation":"Definition: an individual\nU NIT sounds like (or so its said) you knit (marry)"} {"Clue":"A slice of carrot inside a wrap (4)","Answer":"ROTI","Explanation":"Definition: a wrap\nfound inside (a slice of) carROT Inside"} {"Clue":"Choice fish almost completely selling out (8)","Answer":"BETRAYAL","Explanation":"Definition: selling out\nBET (choice) RAY (fish) ALL (completely, almost all the letters of)"} {"Clue":"Soup for one on counter (6)","Answer":"POTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Soup\n~~I can't really explain this. Here is my best guess:~~ EG (for one, example of) and ATOP (on) ~~A POT (in snooker if a ball is \"on\" then it can be potted, so is \"a pot\")~~ all reversed (counter)"} {"Clue":"Main reason for distress? (3,2,8)","Answer":"SEA OF TROUBLES","Explanation":"Definition: Main reason for distress\ncryptic definition \u2013 the *main* is the ocean"} {"Clue":"Avoid eating left-over cut of meat (8)","Answer":"ESCALOPE","Explanation":"Definition: ut of meat\nESCAPE (avoid) contains (eating) L (left) O (over)"} {"Clue":"Good and hot, wrapped in a warmer blanket (6)","Answer":"AFGHAN","Explanation":"Definition: blanket\nG (good) and H (hot) in A FAN (warmer). I would say a fan is something that cools, not something that warms. Can anyone explain this?"} {"Clue":"Of opposite meaning, one thing or a couple (4)","Answer":"ITEM","Explanation":"Definition: one thing\nfound inside (of) opposITE Meaning \u2013 double definition"} {"Clue":"Collecting waste, odd people join forces (5,5)","Answer":"CLOSE RANKS","Explanation":"Definition: join forces\nCRANKS (odd people) contain (collect) LOSE (waste)"} {"Clue":"Overweight, unfit, I'm there to get an hourglass figure (6,4)","Answer":"FATHER TIME","Explanation":"Definition: an hourglass figure\nFAT (overweight) then anagram (unfit) of I'M THERE"} {"Clue":"Next in line on radio broadcast (4)","Answer":"HEIR","Explanation":"Definition: Next in line\nsounds like (as heard on the radio) \"air\" (broadcast)"} {"Clue":"Very light as, ultimately, 70s fashion (6)","Answer":"FLARES","Explanation":"Definition: 70s fashion\nFLARE (Very Light, a WWI flare) then aS (ultimately, last letter). I still cringe with embarrassment at the memory."} {"Clue":"Approximate deposit on social event (8)","Answer":"BALLPARK","Explanation":"Definition: Approximate\nPARK (deposit) on BALL (social event)"} {"Clue":"Space age communication difficulty (10,3)","Answer":"GENERATION GAP","Explanation":"Definition: communication difficulty\ncryptically a GENERATION GAP could be the *space* between *ages"} {"Clue":"Returned gift. Problem? Dead (6)","Answer":"POSSUM","Explanation":"Definition: Dead\nSOP (gift) reversed (returned) then SUM (problem, in arithmetic) \u2013 playing possum is to feign death"} {"Clue":"Potty \u2013 toilet \u2013 turned into toy (8)","Answer":"DOOLALLY","Explanation":"Definition: Potty\nLOO (toilet) reversed (turned) inside DALLY (toy, as a verb)"} {"Clue":"A sculpture as an instruction to take in faith (3,6)","Answer":"BAS RELIEF","Explanation":"Definition: A sculpture\nAS R (recipe, an instruction to take, medicine) in BELIEF (faith)"} {"Clue":"Dream about hotel block (7)","Answer":"TRANCHE","Explanation":"Definition: block\nTRANCE (dream) contains (about) H (hotel)"} {"Clue":"Greek god of love \u2013 following a vote (6)","Answer":"APOLLO","Explanation":"Definition: Greek god\nO (love, zero in tennis) following A POLL (vote)"} {"Clue":"George in paradise, almost opening a parcel (9)","Answer":"AUTOPILOT","Explanation":"Definition: George\nUTOPIa (paradise, almost) inside (opening) A LOT (parcel) \u2013 nickname for the autopilot in an aircraft"} {"Clue":"Mature fruit's first down (7)","Answer":"PLUMAGE","Explanation":"Definition: down\nAGE (mature) following (with\u2026first) PLUM (fruit)"} {"Clue":"What about stage talk after time signal? (9)","Answer":"TELEGRAPH","Explanation":"Definition: signal\nEH (what) containing (about) LAG (stage) RAP (talk) all following T (time)"} {"Clue":"Crumbs ward off troublesome bird (7)","Answer":"GOSHAWK","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nGOSH (crumbs) then AWKward (troublesome) missing WARD"} {"Clue":"Airman has upset Indian royalty (9)","Answer":"MAHARANIS","Explanation":"Definition: Indian royalty\nanagram (upset) of AIRMAN HAS"} {"Clue":"I'm a cop \u2013 it's not right to be friendly (9)","Answer":"SIMPATICO","Explanation":"Definition: friendly\nanagram (not right) of I'M A COP IT'S"} {"Clue":"Ready for action (6,3)","Answer":"STRIKE PAY","Explanation":"Definition: Ready for action\ncryptic definition \u2013 ready is cash"} {"Clue":"Following everyone, I will cross river quickly (7)","Answer":"ALLEGRO","Explanation":"Definition: quickly\nEGO (I) contains (will cross) R (river) following ALL (everyone)"} {"Clue":"Stand up or play guitar (7)","Answer":"ROSTRUM","Explanation":"Definition: Stand\nOR reversed (up) then STRUM (play guitar)"} {"Clue":"Raised on one area of church gospel (7)","Answer":"EVANGEL","Explanation":"Definition: gospel\nLEG (on, side in cricket) NAVE (one area of church) all reversed (raised)"} {"Clue":"Sexless, having no call for excitement (6)","Answer":"CLONAL","Explanation":"Definition: Sexless\nanagram (for excitement) of NO CALL \u2013 of a clone, having been reproduced without sex"} {"Clue":"They've stopped working on island with spades (8)","Answer":"RETIREES","Explanation":"Definition: They've stopped working \nRE (regarding, on) TIREE (an island) and S (spades)"} {"Clue":"Thoracic adaptation partly identifies insect (6)","Answer":"CICADA","Explanation":"Definition: insect\nfound inside (partly) thoraCIC ADAptation"} {"Clue":"Officer in charge gets stomach pain (5)","Answer":"COLIC","Explanation":"Definition: stomach pain\nCOL (colonel, officer) IC (in charge)"} {"Clue":"A bad egg dish for starter served with a medium port (9)","Answer":"ROTTERDAM","Explanation":"Definition: port\nROTTER (a bad egg) then starting letter of Dish with A M (medium)"} {"Clue":"Stand-up comic that may be required to clean up (7)","Answer":"DUSTPAN","Explanation":"Definition: that may be required to clean up\nanagram (comic) of STAND-UP"} {"Clue":"Disparage\u00a0weak\u00a0summary (3,4)","Answer":"RUN DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Disparage\ntriple definition"} {"Clue":"Very quickly approve of appreciative audience? (4,3,8)","Answer":"LIKE THE CLAPPERS","Explanation":"Definition: Very quickly\nLIKE (approve of) and CLAPPERS (appreciative audience)"} {"Clue":"Be hesitant about watts needed for loudspeaker (7)","Answer":"TWEETER","Explanation":"Definition: loudspeaker\nTEETER (be hesitant) containing (about) W (watts)"} {"Clue":"Retiring salesman's eating fish, a kipper (7)","Answer":"SLEEPER","Explanation":"Definition: a kipper \nREP'S (salesman's) containing EEL (fish) all\u00a0reversed (retiring) \u2013 a kip is a sleep"} {"Clue":"She advises social worker to house a young criminal (5,4)","Answer":"AGONY AUNT","Explanation":"Definition: She advises\nANT (social worker, a worker ant, lives in colonies) contains (to house) anagram (criminal) of YOUNG"} {"Clue":"Engaged in a fight (5)","Answer":"ABOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Engaged in\nA BOUT (fight)"} {"Clue":"One is packing guns? That's for mugs (6)","Answer":"STEINS","Explanation":"Definition: mugs\nI (one) inside (is packing) STENS (guns)"} {"Clue":"He composed Ring, resulting in pitched battle (8)","Answer":"BORODINO","Explanation":"Definition: pitched battle\nBORODIN (he composed) and O (ring)"} {"Clue":"Playing role, cad cries to fake grief (9,5)","Answer":"CROCODILE TEARS","Explanation":"Definition: cries to fake grief\nanagram (playing) of ROLE CAD CRIES"} {"Clue":"Second on pitch, son means to walk tall? (6)","Answer":"STILTS","Explanation":"Definition: means to walk tall\nS (second) on TILT (pitch) then S (son)"} {"Clue":"Expert flipping lid becomes crazy (8)","Answer":"CRACKPOT","Explanation":"Definition: crazy\nCRACK (expert) then TOP (lid) reversed (flipping)"} {"Clue":"With tedious repetition suggesting clue for a rye, a rye? (4,2,4,3)","Answer":"YEAR IN YEAR OUT","Explanation":"Definition: With tedious repetition\nYEAR IN YEAR OUT would be a clue for \"a rye, a rye\" (year in anagram (out) of year)"} {"Clue":"One bird or another needing weight, not power (6)","Answer":"~~PIGEON~~ WIGEON","Explanation":"Definition: One bird\nPIGEON (another bird) needing W (weight) not P (power)"} {"Clue":"Liberal Democrat consumed by shame? No, sadly (8)","Answer":"HANDSOME","Explanation":"Definition: Liberal\nD (democrat) inside (consumed by) anagram (sadly) of SHAME NO"} {"Clue":"Notice car on street before helping management (14)","Answer":"ADMINISTRATION","Explanation":"Definition: management\nAD (notice) MINI (car) on ST (street) then (before) RATION (helping)"} {"Clue":"Cleansing procedure riles one swimming in Channel (13)","Answer":"STERILISATION","Explanation":"Definition: Cleansing procedure\nanagram (swimming) of RILES I (one) in STATION (channel)"} {"Clue":"Almost prevent sweetheart's collapse (4,4)","Answer":"KEEL OVER","Explanation":"Definition: collapse\nKEEp (prevent, almost) and LOVER (sweetheart)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps wolf prowled, striking bird on a hill (8)","Answer":"PREDATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps wolf\nPRowlED missing (striked) OWL (bird) on A TOR (hill)"} {"Clue":"Tiresome scribbler finally stops drawing (6)","Answer":"TRYING","Explanation":"Definition: Tiresome\nscribbleR (finally) inside (stops, like a cork) TYING (drawing, closing with string)"} {"Clue":"Tom has healthy advantage (6)","Answer":"PROFIT","Explanation":"Definition: advantage\nPRO (tom, prostitute) and FIT (healthy)"} {"Clue":"Reviewed bistrot\/cafe La Maison: sandwiches \"criminal\" (10)","Answer":"MALEFACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: criminal\nfound reversed (reviewed) inside (sandwiched by) bistROT CAFE LA Maison"} {"Clue":"Steer clear of wildcat general strike; it's a tragedy eerst (4,4)","Answer":"KING LEAR","Explanation":"Definition: it's a tragedy\nanagram (wildcat) of GENeRAL strIKe missing (clear of) STEER. I've no idea about \"eerst\", all I can gather is that it is Dutch word meaning *before* and an anagram of* steer. *Maybe another typo?"} {"Clue":"New salary caps not introduced at work; it gets up my nose (5,5)","Answer":"NASAL SPRAY","Explanation":"Definition: it gets up my nose \n(new) then anagram (at work) of sALARY cAPS missing first letters (not introduced)"} {"Clue":"Live like a king with dad in castles in far-flung places (7,5)","Answer":"FOREIGN PARTS","Explanation":"Definition: far-flung places\nREIGN (live like a king) with PA (dad) in FORTS (castles)"} {"Clue":"Got up and prepared the pizza base (6,3)","Answer":"ROLLED OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Got up\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"She's an inspiration for occasionally weird author (5)","Answer":"ERATO","Explanation":"Definition: She's an inspiration\nevery other letter (occasionally) of wEiRd AuThOr \u2013 one of the Muses"} {"Clue":"Heads of Foreign Office committee unusually struggle to concentrate . . . . (5)","Answer":"FOCUS","Explanation":"Definition: to concentrate\nfirst letters (heads) of Foreign Office Committee Unusually Struggle"} {"Clue":". . . . as multiple channels stream Tory with excellent oratory skills (9)","Answer":"CONFLUENT","Explanation":"Definition: as multiple channels stream\nCON (Conservative, Tory) and FLUENT (with excellent oratory skills)"} {"Clue":"Design squalid sites as means to raise quick cash? (6,6)","Answer":"LIQUID ASSETS","Explanation":"Definition: means to raise quick cash\nanagram (design) of SQUALID SITES"} {"Clue":"Suites arranged to suit Norwegian's booking? (4,4)","Answer":"PEER GYNT","Explanation":"Definition: Suites\nPeer Gynt suites by Grieg, but I can't explain the rest. My guess is that it s some sort of cryptic definition about *Hall of the Mountain King* or something. Peer Gynt was not a king and and the suites were for a play, so not the king of a book either. Can anyone explain this?"} {"Clue":"Like the tale of bird fencing Romeo's mate's stolen car? (10)","Answer":"CAUTIONARY","Explanation":"Definition: Like the tale\nCANARY (bird) contains (fencing) mercUTIO (Romeo's mate) missing (stolen) MERC (Mercedes, car) \u2013 like a Cautionary Tale, one of Hilaire Belloc's perhaps"} {"Clue":"Fake uni degrees heavily attacked (5,5)","Answer":"UNDER SIEGE","Explanation":"Definition: heavily attacked\nanagram (fake) of UNI DEGREES"} {"Clue":"Somewhat hormonal, Isabella is an enigmatic figure (4,4)","Answer":"MONA LISA","Explanation":"Definition: enigmatic figure\nfound inside (somewhat) horMONAL ISAbella"} {"Clue":"Didn't Trump go after journalist with court case? (8,4)","Answer":"FOLLOWED SUIT","Explanation":"Definition: Didn't Trump\nFOLLOW (go after) ED (journalist) with SUIT (court case) \u2013 a super bit of misdirection in the definition!"} {"Clue":"Old Bill gathered wood (5)","Answer":"COPSE","Explanation":"Definition: wood\nsounds like (gathered) \"cops\" (Old Bill)"} {"Clue":"Hirsute character in Oxford University called Brown (9)","Answer":"ORANGUTAN","Explanation":"Definition: Hirsute character\nOU (Oxford University) contains (in OU\u2026you will find) RANG (called) TAN (Brown)"} {"Clue":"In European empty bar I had dinner date resembling Edna (10)","Answer":"INEBRIATED","Explanation":"Definition: resembling Edna\nIN E (European) BaR (empty, no middle letter) I ATE (had dinner) D (date) \u2013 drunk. I can't explain the definition. The best I can come up with is *Edna, the Inebriate Woman*, a 1970s TV episode of\u00a0*Play for Today* which seems a little obscure for a weekday puzzle in 2018. *See Eileen's comment @3."} {"Clue":"Rustic logs chopped for those making camp fire? (4,6)","Answer":"GIRL SCOUTS","Explanation":"Definition: those making camp fire\nanagram (chopped) of RUSTIC LOGS"} {"Clue":"Names US mountains as stated by Yankee (12)","Answer":"APPELLATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Names\nsounds like (as stated) Appalachians (US Mountains)"} {"Clue":"Let rip guff; foul smell gets up one's nose! (7-3)","Answer":"TRUFFLE-PIG","Explanation":"Definition: smell gets up one's nose\nanagram (foul) of LET RIP GUFF"} {"Clue":"Piece of ebony ruler? (5,5)","Answer":"BLACK QUEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Piece\nBLACK (ebony) QUEEN (ruler) \u2013 a chess piece"} {"Clue":"Not for the first time, falls over, leaving artist to support old morthern church (4,5)","Answer":"ONCE AGAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Not for the first time\nNIAGAra (falls) reversed (over) missing RA (artist) all under (to support) O (old) N (northern) CE (church) \u2013 I assume *morthern* is a misprint"} {"Clue":"Composer putting note in envelope (no stamp required) (5)","Answer":"SATIE","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\nTI (note, of music) in SAE (stamped and addressed envelope)"} {"Clue":"Book a month to take over from glum donkey (4,4)","Answer":"JANE EYRE","Explanation":"Definition: Book\nJAN (a month) EEYoRE (glum donkey, in Winnie the Pooh) missing (to take from) O (over)"} {"Clue":"With minimal change, criticise becoming fundamentally different (9)","Answer":"DISPARATE","Explanation":"Definition: undamentally different\nDISPARAgE (criticise) with a small (minimal) change to the ~~spelling~~ With a minimal change to the pronunciation:\u00a0*Phonetics. Of a pair or (less commonly) a set of forms: differing in only one irreducible phonological segment.*\n *Bravo Philistine!*\n Thanks to geoff @59 for the enlightenment."} {"Clue":"Tedium seen in music regulars (5)","Answer":"ENNUI","Explanation":"Definition: Tedium\nregular letters from sEeN iN mUsIc"} {"Clue":"Warning of danger to sailors (5)","Answer":"SIREN","Explanation":"Definition: Warning\nthere are at least four possible definitions here \u2013 I have picked two for starters"} {"Clue":"Local Arab may say this about art without borders (9)","Answer":"NEIGHBOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Local\nNEIGH (what an Arab may say, a horse) then aBOUt aRt missing borders (outside letters)"} {"Clue":"Unique identifier seen when naked takes doctor aback (3,4)","Answer":"BAR CODE","Explanation":"Definition: Unique identifier\nBARE (naked) contains (takes) DOC (doctor) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Cat and dog or cat and dog (7)","Answer":"WHIPPET","Explanation":"Definition: dog\nWHIP (cat) and PET (dog or cat perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Guide for objective pronouns (5)","Answer":"USHER","Explanation":"Definition: Guide\nUS and HER (two objective pronouns) \u2013 used as objects rather than subjects of a sentence"} {"Clue":"What some of these eggs could turn into? (5)","Answer":"GEESE","Explanation":"Definition: What some of these eggs could turn into\nfound inside (some of) thESE EGgs reversed (could turn) \u2013 definition is more or less &lit"} {"Clue":"Sad lover's essentially missing you (7)","Answer":"SOLVERS","Explanation":"Definition: you\nanagram (sad) of LOVER'S and misSing (essentially, middle of)"} {"Clue":"Shifting wet spot moves from Texas (3-4)","Answer":"TWO-STEP","Explanation":"Definition: moves from Texas\nanagram (shifting) of WET SPOT"} {"Clue":"Skinhead excluded from essential part of arithmetic schedule \u2026 (9)","Answer":"TIMETABLE","Explanation":"Definition: schedule\nTIMEs TABLE (essential part of arithmetic) missing S (skin head, first letter of skin)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 and from standard type of phone (5-4)","Answer":"TOUCH-TONE","Explanation":"Definition: type of phone\nTOUCHsTONE (standard) missing S (\u2026 see previous clue)"} {"Clue":"Expert in an exposed section of the stage (5)","Answer":"APRON","Explanation":"Definition: exposed section of the stage\nPRO (expert) in AN"} {"Clue":"Move around in secure romantic alliance (4,5)","Answer":"LOVE MATCH","Explanation":"Definition: romantic alliance\nanagram (around) of MOVE in LATCH (secure, as a verb)"} {"Clue":"A date from the Gobi Desert (4)","Answer":"IDES","Explanation":"Definition: A date\nfound inside gobI DESert \u2013 the middle day of March in the Ancient Roman calendar"} {"Clue":"More confident after last item on menu is shark \u2026 (6)","Answer":"USURER","Explanation":"Definition: shark\nSURER (more confident) following menU (last item on, last letter of) \u2013 a loan shark"} {"Clue":"\u2026 and principal one in shipping lane? (4,6)","Answer":"MAIN COURSE","Explanation":"Definition: principal one\ndouble\/cryptic definition \u2013 main item on the menu and a lane on the sea (main)"} {"Clue":"11 may be eating a sandwich (6)","Answer":"SARNIE","Explanation":"Definition: sandwich\nanagram (maybe) of SIREN (11 across) containing (eating) A"} {"Clue":"One who criticises right to compete in vessel (8)","Answer":"REVIEWER","Explanation":"Definition: One who criticises\nR (right) then VIE (to compete) in EWER (vessel)"} {"Clue":"The limits of Maggie Smith's network (4)","Answer":"MESH","Explanation":"Definition: network\nthe outer letters (limits) of MaggiE SmitH"} {"Clue":"Divorce de Monsieur et Madame? (8)","Answer":"UNCOUPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Divorce\nUN COUPLE (Monsieur et Madame, a French couple)"} {"Clue":"Primarily lacking integrity as reporter (4)","Answer":"LIAR","Explanation":"Definition: Primarily lacking integrity as reporter\nfirst letters (primarily) of Lacking Integrity As Reporter"} {"Clue":"Early home fun (2,4,4)","Answer":"IN GOOD TIME","Explanation":"Definition: Early\nIN (home) and GOOD TIME (fun)"} {"Clue":"Port deserted by an idiot (5)","Answer":"TWERP","Explanation":"Definition: idiot\nanTWERP (port) missing (deserted by) AN"} {"Clue":"Stamp from Hong Kong having left in false alarm (8)","Answer":"HALLMARK","Explanation":"Definition: Stamp\nHK (Hong Kong) containing (having) L (left) inside anagram (false) of ALARM"} {"Clue":"Game brawl regularly takes place in Swiss city (8)","Answer":"BASEBALL","Explanation":"Definition: Game\nBrAwL (regularly) inside (takes place in) BASEL (Swiss city)"} {"Clue":"Music for depression after pub crawl? (6-3,5)","Answer":"TWELVE-BAR BLUES","Explanation":"Definition: Music\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"T-tarnished but reliable (6)","Answer":"TRUSTY","Explanation":"Definition: reliable\nT- RUSTY (tarnished)"} {"Clue":"Some contraption that catches one unawares (4)","Answer":"TRAP","Explanation":"Definition: that catches one unawares\nfound inside (some of) conTRAPtion"} {"Clue":"Wall of laughter (2-2)","Answer":"HA-HA","Explanation":"Definition: Wall\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Sect is devious about owning up to fault, mostly expert in wriggling free (12)","Answer":"ESCAPOLOGIST","Explanation":"Definition: expert in wriggling free\nanagram (devious) of SECT IS contains (about) APOLOGy (owning up to a fault, mostly)"} {"Clue":"Old coin: pure gold, half missing, it's damaged (8)","Answer":"PORTIGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Old coin\nanagram (damaged) of PURE GOld (half missing) and IT"} {"Clue":"Exotic party, a humdinger, one replacing start of Lent (4)","Answer":"LUAU","Explanation":"Definition: Exotic party\nLULU (a humdinger) with A (one) replacing Lent (start of)"} {"Clue":"Port-dweller, one writing off hard-wearing garments (5)","Answer":"ADENI","Explanation":"Definition: Port-dweller\nA (one) then DENIms (hard-wearing garments) missing MS (manuscript, writing)"} {"Clue":"Short trips round about leg with good extracts from press (9)","Answer":"SNIPPINGS","Explanation":"Definition: extracts from press\nSPINS (trips) reversed (round) contains (about) PIN (leg) with G (good)"} {"Clue":"Being sullen, pair row, in a muddle (9)","Answer":"MOODINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Being sullen\nOO ( a pair, a zero score in each innings in cricket) DIN (row) in MESS (a muddle)"} {"Clue":"Rodent from small island \u2013 is it not seen in excursion therein? (4)","Answer":"CAVY","Explanation":"Definition: Rodent\nCAY (small island) containing (with\u2026therein) Visit (excursion) missing IS IT"} {"Clue":"What's on in Paris? It's big in California (3)","Answer":"SUR","Explanation":"Definition: What's on in Paris\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"What a surprise! Cathedral city backing welfare of \u2026 (5)","Answer":"HAYLE","Explanation":"Definition: welfare of \u2026\nHA (what a surprise!) then ELY (cathedral city) reversed (backing) \u2013 \"of poet\" indicates Spenserean word"} {"Clue":"\u2026 Poet: one kept in food is thrilled (5)","Answer":"ODIST","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\nfound inside (kept in) foOD IS Thrilled"} {"Clue":"Love letter lost in the mail, something from attention-seeker (3)","Answer":"PST","Explanation":"Definition: something from attention-seeker\nO (a letter representing zero, love in tennis) lost from POST (mail). ~~I'm not convinced that the letter O represents zero. The digit 0 represents zero; this is not a letter.\u00a0~~ *See DRC @8"} {"Clue":"Layer of quilting, not quite enough for crackers (4)","Answer":"BATT","Explanation":"Definition: Layer of quilting\nBATTy (crackers) with not quite enough letters"} {"Clue":"I've got the Queen behind on tow? I'm only joking! (9)","Answer":"LEGPULLER","Explanation":"Definition: I'm only joking\nER (the Queen) following (behind) LEG (on, in cricket) PULL (tow)"} {"Clue":"Type of recorder or harp blended with song about love (9)","Answer":"SONOGRAPH","Explanation":"Definition: Type of recorder\nanagram (blended) of HARP with SONG containing O (love)"} {"Clue":"PC operating system: wife follows nothing, being backward (5)","Answer":"LINUX","Explanation":"Definition: PC operating system\nUX (wife) following NIL (nothing) reversed (being backward)"} {"Clue":"Among fauna (unusual) one's slightly better off than the Pobble (4)","Answer":"UNAU","Explanation":"Definition: one's slightly better off than the Pobble\nfound inside faUNA Unusual \u2013 the Pobble has no toes, this sloth has two"} {"Clue":"Sin filling lives with almost endless wrong (8)","Answer":"IDLENESS","Explanation":"Definition: Sin\nIS (lives) containing (field with) anagram (wrong) of ENDLESs (almost)"} {"Clue":"We ride into the ring about Tom the Voice, and love being included? (12)","Answer":"REJONEADORES","Explanation":"Definition: We ride into the ring\nRE (about) JONES (Tom Jones, \"The Voice\") containing (\u2026being included) ADORE (love) mounted bullfighters"} {"Clue":"Very good boom time for developer (4)","Answer":"SOUP","Explanation":"Definition: developer \nSO (very good) UP (boom time) \u2013 photographic developer"} {"Clue":"Dance, one vicar organized with number in Church (11)","Answer":"CRACOVIENNE","Explanation":"Definition: Dance\nanagram (organized) of ONE VICAR with N (number) inside CE (Church of England)"} {"Clue":"Accompanist maybe Bostridge used in track for Winterreise? (8)","Answer":"PIANISTE","Explanation":"Definition: Accompanist\nIAN (Ian Bostridge maybe, a tenor) in PISTE (track for Winterreisse) \u2013 Winterreise means \"winter journey\""} {"Clue":"Greedily devourin' what 'ost offers in the main (5)","Answer":"OGGIN","Explanation":"Definition: the main\nDefinition is the main, the sea. ~~I'm not sure about the wordplay. Probably hOGGIN' (greedily devourin') missing the H. Might this be because 'OST offs the H? Maybe because the spelling of 'OST offers no H the preceding should also offer no H? Maybe a host offers a noggin so\u2026etc? None of this sounds very convincing to me. I can't really explain it.~~ *cruciverbophile @6 explains this well \u2013*\u00a0*imagine a cockney explains what 'oggin' means: it means greedily devourin' what 'ost offers"} {"Clue":"Clyde funnel, individual, not on for dockers (7)","Answer":"LUMPERS","Explanation":"Definition: dockers\nLUM (chimney, Scots; Clyde funnel) and PERSon (individual) missing ON"} {"Clue":"Part for Gunga Din in historical siege? (4)","Answer":"GADI","Explanation":"Definition: historical siege\nfound inside (part for) gunGA DIn"} {"Clue":"Sad sound from gnu struggling in the mud? (7)","Answer":"SINGULT","Explanation":"Definition: Sad sound\nanagram (struggling) of GNU in SILT (mud) \u2013 a sob, archaic"} {"Clue":"Bream or perch rising around afternoon (4)","Answer":"TAIS","Explanation":"Definition: Bream\nSIT (perch) reversed (rising) contains (around) A (afternoon)"} {"Clue":"Hybrid culm sown in garden container (7)","Answer":"PLUMCOT","Explanation":"Definition: Hybrid\nanagram (sown) of CULM in POT (garden container)"} {"Clue":"Hack writer (11)","Answer":"PENNY-A-LINER","Explanation":"Definition: Hack writer\ncompetition clue"} {"Clue":"S-set going up, cast in the wings had a bit of nooky (8)","Answer":"SHTUPPED","Explanation":"Definition: had a bit of nooky\nP-PUT (s-set) reversed (going up) inside (with\u2026in the wings, as of a stage) SHED (cast)"} {"Clue":"Puncture's opening on routes becoming rocky or stony (7)","Answer":"PETROUS","Explanation":"Definition: rocky or stony\nPuncture (opening letter of) on anagram (rocky) of ROUTES"} {"Clue":"Nice surprise for traveller, i.e. all's arranged with this in Paris De Gaulle (7)","Answer":"UPGRADE","Explanation":"Definition: Nice surprise for traveller\nan anagram (arranged) of IE ALL'S with UPDGRADE (this) is PARIS DE GAULLE"} {"Clue":"Wrap for Julia, say, soft one enveloping everything (5)","Answer":"PALLA","Explanation":"Definition: Wrap for Julia, say\nP (soft) A (one) contains (enveloping) ALL (everything)- Julia indicating a Roman name"} {"Clue":"Slight hint of 'blot' wiped from run-down outskirt (4)","Answer":"SLUR","Explanation":"Definition: Slight\nSLURb (run-down suburb) missing (wiped out) Blot (hint, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Liqueur universal in Mediterranean isle? Not good! (4)","Answer":"OUZO","Explanation":"Definition: Liqueur\nU (universal) in gOZO (Mediterranean isle) missing G (good)"} {"Clue":"Mum gets special bit of electronics to improve microwave (4)","Answer":"MASE","Explanation":"Definition: to improve microwave\nMA (mum) with S (special) and Electronics (first letter, bit of) \u2013 microwave signal amplification"} {"Clue":"Pauper getting jab in popular hospital department (8)","Answer":"INDIGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Pauper \nDIG (jab) in IN (popular) ENT (*Ear, Nose and Throat* hospital department)"} {"Clue":"Friends of writer eating game (6)","Answer":"AMIGOS","Explanation":"Definition: Friends\nAMIS (writer, Kingsley or Martin) containing (eating) GO (game)"} {"Clue":"Blemish in crown of Victorian diamonds (4)","Answer":"VICE","Explanation":"Definition: Blemish\nfirst letter (crown) of Victorian then ICE (diamonds)"} {"Clue":"Climbing without ropes in unusual double circle (10)","Answer":"BOULDERING","Explanation":"Definition: Climbing without ropes\nanagram (unusual) of DOUBLE then RING (circle)"} {"Clue":"Start of coalface straddled by collier with cutting tool (6)","Answer":"MINCER","Explanation":"Definition: cutting tool\nCoalface (start, first letter of)inside (straddled by) MINER (collier)"} {"Clue":"Fellow in Hull getting queen container for perfume (8)","Answer":"POMANDER","Explanation":"Definition: container for perfume\nMAN (fellow) in POD (hull) then ER (the Queen)"} {"Clue":"Like wearing colour that's flattering (6)","Answer":"GREASY","Explanation":"Definition: flattering\nAS (like) inside (wearing) GREY (colour)"} {"Clue":"Flakes found in special cold drinks (6)","Answer":"SCALES","Explanation":"Definition: Flakes\nS (special) C (cold) ALES (drinks)"} {"Clue":"Chuck fish into ball of dough (8)","Answer":"DUMPLING","Explanation":"Definition: ball of dough\nDUMP (chuck) LING (a fish)"} {"Clue":"Trick involving light colour (6)","Answer":"CRAYON","Explanation":"Definition: colour\nCON (trick) contains (involving) RAY (light)"} {"Clue":"Keen artist joining band got back to leader of Orchestra (6,2,2)","Answer":"RARING TO GO","Explanation":"Definition: Keen\nRA (Royal Academician, artist) with (joining) RING (band) then GOT reversed (back) and Orchestra (leading letter of)"} {"Clue":"Shelter for animals in Ascot enclosure (4)","Answer":"COTE","Explanation":"Definition: Shelter for animals\nfound inside asCOT Enclosure"} {"Clue":"Brother carrying lute playing for servant (6)","Answer":"BUTLER","Explanation":"Definition: servant\nBR (brother) contains (carrying) anagram (playing) of LUTE"} {"Clue":"Uniform given to relative before German prayers (8)","Answer":"EVENSONG","Explanation":"Definition: prayers\nEVEN (uniform) with SON (relative) before G (German)"} {"Clue":"Drawing of ten bananas on top of cake? (8)","Answer":"ENTICING","Explanation":"Definition: Drawing\nanagram (bananas) of TEN on ICING (top of cake)"} {"Clue":"Fish dish containing haddock tail (4)","Answer":"PIKE","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\nPIE (dish) contains haddocK (tail, last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Setter right to accept award \u2013 one with a sense of belonging (6)","Answer":"MEMBER","Explanation":"Definition: one with a sense of belonging\nME (the setter) R (right) contains (to accept) MBE (award)"} {"Clue":"God afflicted medic with common disease (8)","Answer":"PANDEMIC","Explanation":"Definition: common disease\nPAN (god) then anagram (afflicted) of MEDIC"} {"Clue":"Woman holding edges of tender single plant (10)","Answer":"CITRONELLA","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nCILLA (a woman) containing (holding) TendeR (edges of) ONE (single)"} {"Clue":"Start to prepare small amount of powder (6)","Answer":"POUNCE","Explanation":"Definition: powder\nPrepare (starting letter of) then OUNCE (small amount) \u2013 a powder used with inks"} {"Clue":"Politician in charge detailed caps (6)","Answer":"TRUMPS","Explanation":"Definition: caps\nMP (politician) in TRUSt (charge, detailed)"} {"Clue":"Cheese and new pear put in cold storage (10)","Answer":"CAERPHILLY","Explanation":"Definition: Cheese\nanagram (new) of PEAR inside (put in\u2026storage) CHILLY (cold)"} {"Clue":"People prepared to swap partners with women in choir (8)","Answer":"SWINGERS","Explanation":"Definition: People prepared to swap partners\nW (women) in SINGERS (choir)"} {"Clue":"50% of Tories entering smart European parliament (8)","Answer":"STORTING","Explanation":"Definition: European parliament\nTORies (50% of) inside STING (smart) \u2013 the Norwegian parliament"} {"Clue":"Cut groin badly on end of tightrope (6)","Answer":"IGNORE","Explanation":"Definition: Cut\nanagram (badly) of GROIN on tightropE (end of)"} {"Clue":"North American following a sport returned with heavenly body (6)","Answer":"URANUS","Explanation":"Definition: heavenly body\nN (north) US (American) following A RU (Rugby Union, sport) reversed (returned)"} {"Clue":"Blokes eating large pieces of garlic (6)","Answer":"CLOVES","Explanation":"Definition: pieces of garlic\nCOVES (blokes) eating L (large)"} {"Clue":"Trophy defining second division? (4)","Answer":"CUSP","Explanation":"Definition: division\nCUP (trophy) contains (defining, as an outline) S (second)"} {"Clue":"Collected and drank tequila shot left by dike (8)","Answer":"TRANQUIL","Explanation":"Definition: Collected\nHum. This looks to me like an anagram (shot) of DRANK TEQUILA\u00a0missing DAKE, but that's not what the clue states. Was Gaff originally thinking of *DRINK TEQUILA left by dike* perhaps? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?"} {"Clue":"Hammerstein's ceremony? (6)","Answer":"OSCARS","Explanation":"Definition: Hammerstein\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Reaction to cooking chic meal (8)","Answer":"CHEMICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Reaction\nanagram (cooking) of CHIC MEAL \u2013 definition is by example, a type of reaction"} {"Clue":"In favour of appropriate gains (6)","Answer":"PROFIT","Explanation":"Definition: gains\nPRO (in favour of) FIT (appropriate)"} {"Clue":"Old theatre constrained by extremely exuberant turn out (5)","Answer":"EVICT","Explanation":"Definition: turn out\nVIC (The Old Vic, theatre) inside (constrained by) ExuberanT (extreme letters of)"} {"Clue":"Basque maybe one of French woman's first in the end (9)","Answer":"UNDERWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Basque maybe\nUN DE (one and of, in French) then Woman (first letter of) in REAR (the end)"} {"Clue":"Daryl or Gordon? Either way (6)","Answer":"HANNAH","Explanation":"Definition: Daryl\nDaryl Hannah (US actress) or Hannah Gordon (UK actress) \u2013 \"either way\" indicates the name comes either first or second, and also that it is a palindrome read either way round."} {"Clue":"Family members that may be kept in order (7)","Answer":"SISTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Family members\ndouble\/cryptic definition \u2013 a religious order"} {"Clue":"Opportunist ultimately lost in court (7)","Answer":"CHANCER","Explanation":"Definition: Opportunist\nCHANCERy (a court) missing last letter (ultimately lost)"} {"Clue":"Cut short debate about event (6)","Answer":"DISCUS","Explanation":"Definition: event\nDISCUSs (debate) cut short"} {"Clue":"Drawing catechism out (9)","Answer":"SCHEMATIC","Explanation":"Definition: Drawing\nanagram (out) of CATECHISM"} {"Clue":"Get to quarter final without exception (5)","Answer":"REACH","Explanation":"Definition: Get to\nquarteR (final letter of) and EACH (without exception)"} {"Clue":"Works round application in footnote (6)","Answer":"OPUSES","Explanation":"Definition: Work\nO (something round) then USE (application) in PS (footnote)"} {"Clue":"Singer retains support in southern capital (8)","Answer":"ADELAIDE","Explanation":"Definition: southern capital\nADELE (singer) contains (retains) AID (support)"} {"Clue":"Hustle danced in Marple, maybe (6)","Answer":"SLEUTH","Explanation":"Definition: Marple, maybe\nanagram (danced) of HUSTLE \u2013 Miss Marple, solver of crimes"} {"Clue":"Foresaw heart of supreme artist returning (8)","Answer":"PRESAGED","Explanation":"Definition: Foresaw\nsuPREme (heart, middle letters of) then DEGAS (artist) reversed (returning)"} {"Clue":"Check visitor's pass (6)","Answer":"TICKET","Explanation":"Definition: pass\nTICK (check) and ET (Extra Terrestrial, a visitor)"} {"Clue":"Yank collection of kids away from maniac \u2013 risked a beating (9)","Answer":"AMERICANA","Explanation":"Definition: Yank collection\nanagram (beating) of MANIAC rISKeD A missing KIDS"} {"Clue":"Stop holding end of note for piano (5)","Answer":"QUIET","Explanation":"Definition: piano\nQUIT (stop) contains (holding) notE (end of)"} {"Clue":"Pressed uniform's hard after rain storm (2,1,4)","Answer":"IN A RUSH","Explanation":"Definition: Pressed\nU (uniform) then 'S H (hard) all following anagram (storm) of RAIN"} {"Clue":"Starts over with levers (9)","Answer":"SURPRISES","Explanation":"Definition: Starts\nSUR (over, as prefix) with PRISES (levers)"} {"Clue":"Boy from the coalfields (5)","Answer":"ALFIE","Explanation":"Definition: Boy\nfound inside (from) coALFIElds \u2013 nice!"} {"Clue":"Deriding writer who's posed with flower on table top (8)","Answer":"SATIRIST","Explanation":"Definition: Deriding writer\nSAT (posed) with IRIS (flower) on Top (top letter of)"} {"Clue":"Possibility of directing dramatic society's leading characters (4)","Answer":"ODDS","Explanation":"Definition: Possibility\nfirst letters (leading characters) of Of Directing Dramatic Society"} {"Clue":"Refusal to answer memo cannot avoid a disaster (2,7)","Answer":"NO COMMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Refusal to answer\nanagram (disaster) of MEMO CaNNOT missing A"} {"Clue":"Increasing knowledge of consumption overwhelms French noble (9)","Answer":"EDUCATING","Explanation":"Definition: Increasing knowledge of\neating (consumption) contains (overwhelms) DUC (French noble)"} {"Clue":"Implement\u00a0move on horse (8)","Answer":"SCISSORS","Explanation":"Definition: Implement\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Woman's inheritance (4)","Answer":"RITA","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\nfound inside inheRITAnce \u2013 a nice companion for Alfie"} {"Clue":"Does holding 28s create a point to settle? (7)","Answer":"DECIDER","Explanation":"Definition: a point to settle\nDEER (does) containing CID (sleuths) \u2013 the decider will settle the matter"} {"Clue":"Tamed Kate with daughter's cunning (6)","Answer":"SHREWD","Explanation":"Definition: cunnin\nSHREW (tamed Kate, from The Taming of the Shrew) with D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Put up with bend in pipe (5)","Answer":"HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Put up\nU (a bend) in HOSE (pipe)"} {"Clue":"Decides\u00a0code (5)","Answer":"RULES","Explanation":"Definition: Decides\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Article in Le Monde dividing chaotic Arabic region (8)","Answer":"CALABRIA","Explanation":"Definition: region\nLA (the in French, the definite article as written in Le Monde) in (dividing) anagram (chaotic) of ARABIC"} {"Clue":"Extra VIP going ahead of everybody (2-4)","Answer":"NO-BALL","Explanation":"Definition: Extra\nNOB (VIP) then ALL (everybody) \u2013 and *extra* in cricket"} {"Clue":"Country beginning to accept former labour leader (6)","Answer":"WALESA","Explanation":"Definition: former labour leader \nWALES (country) then Accept (beginning letter of) \u2013 Lech Walesa, Polish labour leader"} {"Clue":"Trained end user with a submarine (8)","Answer":"UNDERSEA","Explanation":"Definition: submarine\nanagram (trained) of END USER with A"} {"Clue":"Hold below this scarf, taking time to dress (4,4)","Answer":"BOAT DECK","Explanation":"Definition: Hold below this\nBOA (scarf) taking T (time) and DECK (to dress)"} {"Clue":"Inferior cast accepting rejected work (6)","Answer":"TINPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Inferior\nTINT (cast, of colour) contains (accepting) OP (opus, work) reversed (rejected)"} {"Clue":"Saw book by good mathematician? (7)","Answer":"PROVERB","Explanation":"Definition: Saw\nB (book) following (by) PROVER (good mathematician, someone who proves conjectures)"} {"Clue":"Set by 80s post-punk musician (7)","Answer":"ADAMANT","Explanation":"Definition: Set\n1980s post-punk musician ADAM ANT"} {"Clue":"Monster, in seconds, caught friend from behind (6)","Answer":"SCYLLA","Explanation":"Definition: Monster\nS (seconds) C (caught) then ALLY (friend) reversed (from behind)"} {"Clue":"Former number one in the chart following remix (8)","Answer":"THATCHER","Explanation":"Definition: Former number one\nanagram (following remix) of THE CHART \u2013 Margaret Thatcher, former number one in the UK government"} {"Clue":"Announced check on drug problem for the environment? (4,4)","Answer":"ACID RAIN","Explanation":"Definition: roblem for the environment\nRAIN sounds like (announced) rein (check) following (on) ACID (drug)"} {"Clue":"Keep stopping to oblige non- student (6)","Answer":"TOWNIE","Explanation":"Definition: non- student\nOWN (keep) inside (stopping, like a cork) TIE (to oblige)"} {"Clue":"Half of unnecessary workers maybe cut as a necessity (4-2)","Answer":"NEED-BE","Explanation":"Definition: a necessity\nNEEDless BEes (unnecessary workers) when half of the letters may be cut"} {"Clue":"Mysterious sea-scouts regularly spotted west of Morecambe (8)","Answer":"ESOTERIC","Explanation":"Definition: Mysterious\nsEa ScOuTs (regularly selected) before (see left of, spotted west of) ERIC (Eric Morcambe)"} {"Clue":"Native American turned up, working round island (6)","Answer":"NAVAJO","Explanation":"Definition: Native American\nON (working) containing (around) JAVA (island)"} {"Clue":"Complex officer getting over very good luck (8)","Answer":"MAZELTOV","Explanation":"Definition: good luck\nMAZE (complex) LT (lieutenant, officer) O (over) V (very)"} {"Clue":"Porsche finally stopping old car design (6)","Answer":"CREATE","Explanation":"Definition: design\nporchE (final letter of) inside (stopping like a cork again) CRATE (old car)"} {"Clue":"Note sent round unknown university before a dance (7)","Answer":"MAZURKA","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nMARK (note) containing (sent round) Z (unknown) U (university) then A"} {"Clue":"Entire football team extremely excited to be included (8)","Answer":"UNEDITED","Explanation":"Definition: Entire\nUNITED (football team) containing (\u2026to be included) ExciteD (extreme letters of)"} {"Clue":"Medal possibly trendy for king of literature (6)","Answer":"OBERON","Explanation":"Definition: king of literature\nOBE (medal) with RON (?) \u2013 Oberon is a king in A Midsummer Night's Dream.\u00a0~~ I can't explain where RON comes from~~. *R ON (right on, trendy), thanks to James for this."} {"Clue":"Dismal exhibit behind rare event (4,4)","Answer":"BLUE MOON","Explanation":"Definition: rare event\nBLUE (dismal) with MOON (exhibit one's behind)"} {"Clue":"Company cutting almost all wealth needing time to bounce back (8)","Answer":"RICOCHET","Explanation":"Definition: to bounce back\nCO (company) inside (cutting) RICHEs (wealth, almost all of) then T (time)"} {"Clue":"What might confuse AA seller? (4,4)","Answer":"REAL ALES","Explanation":"Definition: What might confuse AA seller\nanagram (what might confuse) of AA SELLER \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Wife born in America almost changed character (8)","Answer":"MICAWBER","Explanation":"Definition: character\nW (wife) and B (Born) in anagram (changed) of AMERICa (almost all of) \u2013 character from Dickens"} {"Clue":"Traveller's type of knife (7)","Answer":"STANLEY","Explanation":"Definition: Traveller\ndouble definition \u2013 colonial explorer and make of craft knife"} {"Clue":"Snooty boy and girl (2-2-2)","Answer":"LA-DIDA","Explanation":"Definition: Snooty\nLAD (boy) and IDA (girl)"} {"Clue":"Lawsuit in France taken out of proportion (6)","Answer":"ACTION","Explanation":"Definition: Lawsuit\nfrACTION (proportion) missing (with\u2026taken out of) FR (France)"} {"Clue":"Obtain delight when naked (6)","Answer":"ELICIT","Explanation":"Definition: Obtain\nfELICITy (delight) missing outside letters (naked)"} {"Clue":"Minister of religion caught out, having cut verse (8)","Answer":"CLERIHEW","Explanation":"Definition: verse\nCLERIc (minister of religion) missing (out) C (caught) then HEW (cut) \u2013 a type of short biographical poem invented by Edmund Clerihew Bentley. An example clerihew of his: *Although Don Bradman*\n *Screamed and fought like a madman*\n *And condemned the procedings in toto*\n *They insisted on taking his photo"} {"Clue":"Engineer is terrible when brought before court (6)","Answer":"DIRECT","Explanation":"Definition: Engineer\nDIRE (terrible) in front of (when brought before) CT (court) \u2013 definition read as a verb"} {"Clue":"Agree as one opposing scoundrel (6)","Answer":"CONCUR","Explanation":"Definition: Agree\nCON (one opposing) and CUR (scoundrel)"} {"Clue":"A protein is extractable from this poison (8)","Answer":"ATROPINE","Explanation":"Definition: poison\nanagram (is extractable from this) A PROTEIN"} {"Clue":"Maybe a man will carry this light (4)","Answer":"BEAM","Explanation":"Definition: light\nfound inside (will carry this) mayBE A Man"} {"Clue":"Film-maker starts to seem excited, enthralled by genius (10)","Answer":"EISENSTEIN","Explanation":"Definition: Film-maker\nstarting letters of Seem Excited inside (enthralled by) EINSTEIN (a genius) \u2013 Sergei Eisenstein, director of many landmark black-and-white films such as *Battleship Potemkin* and *Ivan the Terrible"} {"Clue":"Eager lot moved by close friend (5,3)","Answer":"ALTER EGO","Explanation":"Definition: close friend\nanagram (moved) of EAGER LOT"} {"Clue":"Keen OT king, first to emerge (4)","Answer":"AVID","Explanation":"Definition: Keen\ndAVID (OT king) missing first letter (to emerge, come out)"} {"Clue":"Drink making one agitated mostly (4)","Answer":"ASTI","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nASTIr (agitated, mostly) \u2013 \"making one\" is to be read ans an instruction to the solver, \"doing this will make\u00a0that\""} {"Clue":"Stopping in the race, but joining again? (8)","Answer":"REFUSING","Explanation":"Definition: Stopping in the race\nRE-FUSING (joining again)"} {"Clue":"One provides water for diner \u2013 awful binger that's tucked into chicken? (6,4)","Answer":"FINGER BOWL","Explanation":"Definition: One provides water for diner\nanagram (awful) of BINGER inside (tucked into) FOWL (a chicken perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Fellow in place of worship, English learner getting put off (4)","Answer":"CHAP","Explanation":"Definition: Fellow\nCHAPel (place of worship) missing (getting off) E (English) and L (learner)"} {"Clue":"Girl not so unmerciful (8)","Answer":"RUTHLESS","Explanation":"Definition: unmerciful\nRUTH (girl) then LESS (not so)"} {"Clue":"Stuff offered by fine grammar school (6)","Answer":"THINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Stuff\nTHIN (fine) GS (grammar school)"} {"Clue":"Backward-looking newspaper boss, see, is an autocrat (6)","Answer":"DESPOT","Explanation":"Definition: an autocrat\nED (editor, newspaper boss) reversed (backward looking) then SPOT (see)"} {"Clue":"One boy about to go to the head for snooping (8)","Answer":"NOSINESS","Explanation":"Definition: snooping\nI (one) SON (boy) reversed (about) then (to go to) NESS (head)"} {"Clue":"Like one with pride leaving home to make money in Africa (5)","Answer":"LEONE","Explanation":"Definition: money in Africa\nLEONinE (like a lion, one with a pride) missing IN (home) \u2013 the currency of Sierra Leone"} {"Clue":"Ace regiment in special display for sporting event (4,7)","Answer":"RACE MEETING","Explanation":"Definition: sporting event\nanagram (in special display) of ACE REGIMENT"} {"Clue":"Put outside haunt moved quickly, no longer a softie (8)","Answer":"HARDENED","Explanation":"Definition: no longer a softie\nDEN (haunt) inside (with\u2026put outside) HARED (moved quickly). I'm digressing here but I'm not a big fan of back-to-front inclusion indicators. I understand this is common practice and I'm not suggesting they shouldn't ever be used (that is for Bradman to decide) but to my ear they stretch the English language close to breaking point. For example a phrase such as \"put outside house bag\" sounds to me like a tourist having his first go at speaking English to a taxi driver. Perhaps there is a more natural usage that I have overlooked."} {"Clue":"Why ration soup so absurdly? A question in the pub (5,4,6)","Answer":"WHAT\u2019S YOUR POISON","Explanation":"Definition: A question in the pub\nanagram (absurdly) of WHY RATION SOUP SO"} {"Clue":"Bold lad finally coming with a token of love (6)","Answer":"DARING","Explanation":"Definition: Bold\nlaD (final letter of) then (coming with) A and RING (token of love)"} {"Clue":"Final message \u2013 one delivered in acceptable accent? (3)","Answer":"RIP","Explanation":"Definition: Final message\nI (one, Roman numeral) inside (delivered in) RP (received pronunciation, \"acceptable\" accent) \u2013 Rest In Peace"} {"Clue":"Prisoner, silly idiot getting on noon train (9)","Answer":"CONDITION","Explanation":"Definition: train\nCON (prisoner) than anagram (silly) of IDIOT on N (noon) \u2013 definition read as a verb again"} {"Clue":"A constraint wrecked deal (11)","Answer":"TRANSACTION","Explanation":"Definition: deal\nanagram (wrecked) of A CONSTRAINT"} {"Clue":"Troubling us with details leads to lethargy (9)","Answer":"LASSITUDE","Explanation":"Definition: lethargy\nanagram (troubling) of US with DETAILS"} {"Clue":"A fine American, inwardly depressed, gets divine inspiration (8)","Answer":"AFFLATUS","Explanation":"Definition: divine inspiration\nA F (fine) FLAT US (American) contains (inwardly) FLAT (depressed) \u2013 a new word for me"} {"Clue":"Passionate daughter trapped in a fissure (6)","Answer":"ARDENT","Explanation":"Definition: Passionate\nD (daughter) inside (trapped in) A RENT (fissure)"} {"Clue":"Scot showing some Caledonian gusto (5)","Answer":"ANGUS","Explanation":"Definition: Scot\nfound inside (some of) caledoniAN GUSto \u2013 a Scottish man's name"} {"Clue":"Fashionable\u00a0joint (3)","Answer":"HIP","Explanation":"Definition: Fashionable\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Venomous snake's seen here, by and by? (10)","Answer":"BANDYBANDY","Explanation":"Definition: Venomous snake\nB AND Y and B AND BY (by and by) \u2013 marvellous!"} {"Clue":"Cape Town boss, old, one in a bus unusually (6)","Answer":"OUBAAS","Explanation":"Definition: Cape Town boss\nO (old) A (one) in anagram (unusually) of A BUS"} {"Clue":"Scot known for fiction giving his lesson about English (5)","Answer":"LEEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Scot known for fiction\nLEAR (lesson, Scots) containing E (English) \u2013 a liar, known for fictions"} {"Clue":"Rarely seen herb all over local barge (4)","Answer":"TROW","Explanation":"Definition: local barge\nWORT (herb, rarely) reversed (all over)"} {"Clue":"OT text, part of chronicle almost complete, God be praised (7)","Answer":"HOSANNA","Explanation":"Definition: God be praised\nHOS (Hosea, OT text) ANNAL (part of a chronicle) missing last letter (almost complete)"} {"Clue":"Tired? Cha well brewed acts as a sedative (8)","Answer":"THRIDACE","Explanation":"Definition: a sedative\nanagram (brewed) of TIRED CHA"} {"Clue":"NE European making appearance in ballet tights (4)","Answer":"LETT","Explanation":"Definition: NE European\nfound inside lalLET Tights"} {"Clue":"Aggressive seabird turning like this with cake around? (5)","Answer":"BOSUN","Explanation":"Definition: Aggressive seabird\nSO (like this) reversed (turning) inside (with\u2026around) BUN (cake) \u2013 the Bosun Bird or Skua"} {"Clue":"After cold, I lie fretting with this? Salve may help it (9)","Answer":"CHEILITIS","Explanation":"Definition: Salve may help it \nC (cold) then anagram (fretting) of I LIE with THIS"} {"Clue":"Took a gamble with vicar installed having a special rank (9)","Answer":"BREVETTED","Explanation":"Definition: having a special rank\nBETTED (took a gamble) containing REV (reverend, vicar)"} {"Clue":"Gaining access with code, rascal grabs 1000 (5)","Answer":"LOGON","Explanation":"Definition: Gaining access with code\nLOON (rascal) contains G (1,000) \u2013 spelled with or without hyphen, take your pick"} {"Clue":"Pen made of bone turned round (4)","Answer":"BIRO","Explanation":"Definition: Pen\nRIB (bone) reversed (turned) then O (something round)"} {"Clue":"By which noose is tightened and top link's broken (8)","Answer":"SLIPKNOT","Explanation":"Definition: By which noose is tightened\nanagram (broken) of TOP LINK'S"} {"Clue":"Head-over-heels in love, head for weepy? (7)","Answer":"NIOBEAN","Explanation":"Definition: weepy\nIN reversed (head-over-heels) then O (love) and BEAN (head)"} {"Clue":"Second outfit required for sudden shower (4)","Answer":"SKIT","Explanation":"Definition: sudden shower\nS (second) KIT (outfit)"} {"Clue":"Part of regiment left behind got drunk when returning (5)","Answer":"DEPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Part of regiment left behind\nTOPED (got drunk) reversed (when returning)"} {"Clue":"Passive\u00a0infinitive in use wrongly, split by participle (6)","Answer":"SUPINE","Explanation":"Definition: Passive\nanagram (wrongly) of IN USE containing (split by) P (participle). I think there are two definitions, Chambers gives \"supine\" as both \"passive\" and \"the English infinitive with to\". I hope someone knowledgeable in grammar can shed more light on this."} {"Clue":"Looking back, good advice for sluggards? (10)","Answer":"RESPECTANT","Explanation":"Definition: Looking back\nRESPECT ANT (good advice for sluggards) \u2013 an ant is a worker, at least in crosswordland. *See DRC @4 and Brian-with-an-eye @8 in the comments below"} {"Clue":"My hair is dyed: don't tell Bob, 'e'll be upset! (12)","Answer":"BOTTLE BLONDE","Explanation":"Definition: My hair is dyed\nanagram (will be upset) of DON'T TELL BOB E"} {"Clue":"My coat is blue: could be bluer with a bit of heliotrope in (6)","Answer":"BURHEL","Explanation":"Definition: My coat is blue\nanagram (could be) of BLUER containing Heliotrope (first letter, bit of) \u2013 the Himalayan Blue Sheep. I'm not convinced these actually have blue coats."} {"Clue":"End of rot in an acacia, one undergoing termination (7)","Answer":"ABORTEE","Explanation":"Definition: one undergoing termination\nroT (end letter of) on A (an) BOREE (acacia)"} {"Clue":"Deny hand needing to work, as one of the smaller farmyard specimens? (8)","Answer":"DANDY-HEN","Explanation":"Definition: one of the smaller farmyard specimens\nanagram (needing to work) of DENY HAND"} {"Clue":"Black and White (Scotch): sway after tucking into just a little (7)","Answer":"BROCKIT","Explanation":"Definition: Black and White (Scotch)\nROCK (sway) inside BIT (just a little)"} {"Clue":"The opposite of spring, now early autumn proceeds initially (4)","Answer":"NEAP","Explanation":"Definition: The opposite of spring\ninitial letters of Now Early Autumn Proceeds \u2013 spring and neap tides"} {"Clue":"Studies incorporating one Roman and one French saint (5)","Answer":"DENIS","Explanation":"Definition: one French saint\nDENS (studies) containing I (one, Roman numeral)"} {"Clue":"N. American abroad, in point of fact looking up French relative (6)","Answer":"YANQUI","Explanation":"Definition: N. American abroad\nNAY (in point of fact) reversed (looking up) QUI (French relative pronoun)"} {"Clue":"Series proceed at too leisurely a pace for nerdy enthusiast? (12)","Answer":"TRAINSPOTTER","Explanation":"Definition: nerdy enthusiast\nTRAINS (series) POTTER (proceed at too leisurely a pace)"} {"Clue":"Fish or fruit leaving dock (4)","Answer":"SHAD","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\nSHADdock (fruit) missing DOCK"} {"Clue":"Great occasion coming up in summer abroad for shop display (7)","Answer":"ETALAGE","Explanation":"Definition: shop display\nGALA (great occasion) reversed (coming up) in ETE (summer in French, abroad)"} {"Clue":"Depleted family meeting to discuss ideas (7)","Answer":"THINK-IN","Explanation":"Definition: meeting to discuss ideas\nTHIN (depleted) KIN (family)"} {"Clue":"Looking up may identify this garden bush (6)","Answer":"ROSIER","Explanation":"Definition: Looking up\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Old scare off with distribution of ration (6)","Answer":"AROINT","Explanation":"Definition: Old scare off\nanagram (with distribution of) RATION"} {"Clue":"Bit of sexual harassment, goat's first lunge? (5)","Answer":"GROPE","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of sexual harassment\nGoat (first letter of) then ROPE (lunge)"} {"Clue":"Pitches cut up (4)","Answer":"PINS","Explanation":"Definition: Pitches\nSNIP (cut) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Giants in the main died, being exceptionally large (4)","Answer":"OBOS","Explanation":"Definition: Giants in the main\nOB (died) OS (out-size, being exceptionally large) \u2013 large bulk cargo ships, the main is the sea"} {"Clue":"James embracing that French character in AYLI (6)","Answer":"JAQUES","Explanation":"Definition: character in AYLI\nJAS (James, book of Bible) containing (embracing) QUE (that, in French) \u2013 a melancholy character in Shakespeare's As You Like It"} {"Clue":"Small wife trembled outside and complained loudly (8)","Answer":"SQUAWKED","Explanation":"Definition: complained loudly\nS (small) then W (wife) inside (with\u2026outside) QUAKED (trembled)"} {"Clue":"9lb wrecked for private letter container (7)","Answer":"MAILBOX","Explanation":"Definition: private letter container\nanagram (wrecked) of AXION (clue number 9) and LB \u2013 very nice!"} {"Clue":"Make things better for one member having turned over (7)","Answer":"IMPROVE","Explanation":"Definition: Make things better\nI (one) MP (member, of parliament) having anagram (turned) of OVER"} {"Clue":"Apple providing music (4)","Answer":"JAZZ","Explanation":"Definition: Apple\ndouble definition \u2013 a variety of apple"} {"Clue":"Scotsman confused by clue for commercial horse-racing group (6,4)","Answer":"JOCKEY CLUB","Explanation":"Definition: commercial horse-racing group\nJOCK (Scotsman) with anagram (confused) of BY CLUE"} {"Clue":"Magnate from outskirts of Torbay gets company working (6)","Answer":"TYCOON","Explanation":"Definition: Magnate\nTorbaY (outskirts of) with CO (company) and ON (working)"} {"Clue":"Provided backward judge is covering an island race (7)","Answer":"FIJIANS","Explanation":"Definition: island race\nIF (provided) reversed (backward) J (judge) then IS containing (covering) AN \u2013 the people of Fiji"} {"Clue":"One fruit and some others for workman (7)","Answer":"PLUMBER","Explanation":"Definition: workman\nPLUM (one fruit) and BERries (other fruit, some of)"} {"Clue":"All the employees by a Hebridean isle (6)","Answer":"STAFFA","Explanation":"Definition: Hebridean isle\nSTAFF (all the employees) with A"} {"Clue":"Novel making editor turn cross (5,5)","Answer":"EDWIN DROOD","Explanation":"Definition: Novel\nED (editor) WIND (turn) and ROOD (cross) \u2013 a novel by Dickens, unfinished at the time of his death"} {"Clue":"Party leader's inner strong desire (4)","Answer":"URGE","Explanation":"Definition: strong desire\nI can't explain this. Possibly _URGE_ is the name of\u00a0the leader of a political party? *UPDATE:* *Nicola stURGEon, leader of the Scottish National Party"} {"Clue":"Auction item \u2013 one that's quite odd (7)","Answer":"ANTIQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Auction item\nAN (one) with anagram (that's odd) of QUITE"} {"Clue":"\"Kiss and Love\" in a quote about strange things (7)","Answer":"EXOTICA","Explanation":"Definition: strange things\nX (a kiss) and O (love) in A CITE (quote) reversed (about)"} {"Clue":"Screamed \"Quiet!\" and \"It smelt bad\", we're told (8)","Answer":"SHRIEKED","Explanation":"Definition: Screamed\nSH (quiet!) and RIEKED sounds like (we are told) \"reeked\" (it smelled bad)"} {"Clue":"Differs showing V-sign (6)","Answer":"VARIES","Explanation":"Definition: Differs\nV and ARIES (sign, of the zodiac)"} {"Clue":"Harriers bound to fountains (4,4)","Answer":"JUMP JETS","Explanation":"Definition: Harriers\nJUMP (bound) with JETS (fountains)"} {"Clue":"Mildly amused Jack left jacuzzi with half the liquor spilt (9)","Answer":"QUIZZICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Mildly amused\nanagram (split) of jACUZZI missing J (jack) with LIQuor (half of)"} {"Clue":"Declines, as Stanley and Beatrice lose their head (4)","Answer":"EBBS","Explanation":"Definition: Declines\nStanley and Beatrice\u00a0Webb losing their head would be 'EBBS (two Webbs). I can find Beatrice and *Sidney* Webb, economists and social reformers, but I can't find any Stanley Webb who would be well enough known to appear in a puzzle. Is this just a\u00a0typo or is there\u00a0a Stanley Webb that\u00a0I don't know about?"} {"Clue":"Tenderest feelings shot as temporary solution (5,3)","Answer":"QUICK FIX","Explanation":"Definition: temporary solution\nQUICK (tenerest feelings, eg cut to the quick) with FIX (shot, of drugs)"} {"Clue":"Wrecked taxi, he pays for throttle (10)","Answer":"ASPHYXIATE","Explanation":"Definition: throttle\nanagram (wrecked) of TAXI HE PAYS \u2013 words like this must be a\u00a0pangramist's dream"} {"Clue":"Hillock appearing when returning from stroll on Kerrera (5)","Answer":"KNOLL","Explanation":"Definition: Hillock\nfound reversed inside stroLL ON Kerrera"} {"Clue":"Fools society girls around half the week (6)","Answer":"DWEEBS","Explanation":"Definition: Fools\nDEBS (society girls) containing (around) WEek (half of)"} {"Clue":"An accepted truth that amateur team receives award (5)","Answer":"AXIOM","Explanation":"Definition: An accepted truth\nA (amateur) XI (eleven, a team in cricket or football for example) with OM (Order of Merit, award)"} {"Clue":"Official bulletin about love with gents in France. That's a one-off (10)","Answer":"COMMUNIQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Official bulletin\nC (circa, about) O (zero, love in tennis) M M (gents in France, two monsieurs) with (that's, that has) UNIQUE (one off)"} {"Clue":"First lieutenant drops sultan for Pharaoh queen (9)","Answer":"NEFERTITI","Explanation":"Definition: Pharaoh queen\nanagram (implied, not indicated) of FIRst lIEuTENanT missing SULTAN"} {"Clue":"Delay execution of agent, always up about one (8)","Answer":"REPRIEVE","Explanation":"Definition: Delay execution of\nREP (agent) then EVER (always) reversed (up) containing I (one)"} {"Clue":"Imposing portals off-stage \u2013 way in (8)","Answer":"GATEWAYS","Explanation":"Definition: Imposing portals\nanagram (off) of STAGE containing (with\u2026in) WAY"} {"Clue":"Strict consumers putting half the eggs in vehicles (6)","Answer":"VEGANS","Explanation":"Definition: Strict consumers\nEGgs (half of) in VANS (vehicles)"} {"Clue":"Over-sentimental Cockney song and dance. Not half! (5)","Answer":"~~GOOEY~~ HOKEY","Explanation":"Definition: Over-sentimental\n~~I'm not sure about this. Possibly anagram (dance) of cOcknEY sOnG missing just over half the letters~~. *UPDATE: half of the HOKEY COKEY (Cockney song and dance)"} {"Clue":"Restaurant employee drops one drink (5)","Answer":"WATER","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nWAiTER (restaurant employee) missing I (one)"} {"Clue":"Half a lozenge upset French novelist (4)","Answer":"ZOLA","Explanation":"Definition: French novelist\nA LOZenge (half of) reversed (upset)"} {"Clue":"Supply account of beers I'd drunk around clubs (8)","Answer":"DESCRIBE","Explanation":"Definition: Supply account of\nanagram (drunk) of BEERS I'D containing (around) C (clubs)"} {"Clue":"Piece of wood male found in river (6)","Answer":"TIMBER","Explanation":"Definition: Piece of wood\nM (male) in TIBER (river)"} {"Clue":"Become excited by daily end to broadcast \u2013 part of a presentation? (4,5)","Answer":"FLIP CHART","Explanation":"Definition: part of a presentation\nFLIP (become excited) by CHAR (daily, a housekeeper) and broadcasT (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"Church body straightaway after vacation to show approval (5)","Answer":"SYNOD","Explanation":"Definition: Church body\nStraightawaY (after vacation, having the middle letters vacated) then NOD (show approval)"} {"Clue":"It's mixed among relation's sandwiches (7)","Answer":"MONGREL","Explanation":"Definition: It's mixed\nfound inside (sanwiched by) aMONG RELations"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary car retaining part of wheel, one that's top in fleet? (7)","Answer":"ADMIRAL","Explanation":"Definition: one that's top in fleet\nLADA (car) contains (retaining) RIM (part of wheel)\u00a0all reversed (revolutionary)"} {"Clue":"Large spidery petal's not alien possibly in an orchid (5,7)","Answer":"LADY\u2019S SLIPPER","Explanation":"Definition: an orchid\nanagram (possibly) of L (large) SPIDERY PetAL missing ET (an alien)"} {"Clue":"Book by absolutely correct and sure type, a classic thriller (8,4)","Answer":"BRIGHTON ROCK","Explanation":"Definition: a classic thriller\nB (book) by RIGHT ON (absolutely correct) with ROCK (sure type) \u2013 book by Graham Greene"} {"Clue":"Duke meets party I arranged for short excursion (3,4)","Answer":"DAY TRIP","Explanation":"Definition: short excursion\nD (duke) with anagram (arranged) of PARTY I"} {"Clue":"Very powerful backing for soul singer (7)","Answer":"SUPREME","Explanation":"Definition: Very powerfu\ndouble definition \u2013 Diana Ross and the Supremes"} {"Clue":"A jar right off for semiprecious stone (5)","Answer":"AGATE","Explanation":"Definition: semiprecious stone\nA GrATE (jar) missing R (right)"} {"Clue":"Commend oil company removing leaders \u2013 and cause a lot of trouble (5,4)","Answer":"RAISE HELL","Explanation":"Definition: cause a lot of trouble\npRAISE sHELL (commend oil company) removing leading letters"} {"Clue":"Fashionable rental properties in coastal features (6)","Answer":"INLETS","Explanation":"Definition: coastal features\nIN (fashionable) LETS (rental properties)"} {"Clue":"Flag poem reviewed as a huge failure (8)","Answer":"MEGAFLOP","Explanation":"Definition: a huge failure\nanagram (reviewed) of FLAG POEM"} {"Clue":"Damage reputation of French musical (6)","Answer":"DEFAME","Explanation":"Definition: Damage reputation of\nDE (of, French) then FAME (musical)"} {"Clue":"Short of muscle and short of money having spent time by US city (6)","Answer":"SKINNY","Explanation":"Definition: Short of muscle\nSKINt (short of money) missing (having spent) T (time) then NY (New York, US city)"} {"Clue":"Speedy driver, one in luxury car (5)","Answer":"RACER","Explanation":"Definition: Speedy driver\nACE (one) in RR (Rolls Royce, luxury car)"} {"Clue":"After being cast, replace broody actor (7,6)","Answer":"BRADLEY COOPER","Explanation":"Definition: actor\nanagram (after being cast) of REPLACE BROODY"} {"Clue":"One that's unable to be out? (9)","Answer":"INSOMNIAC","Explanation":"Definition: One that's unable to be out\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Diverting prank but devoid of substance (8)","Answer":"BANKRUPT","Explanation":"Definition: devoid of substance\nanagram (diverting) of PRANK BUT"} {"Clue":"Auditor's studied skill about the French in a crisis situation (3,5)","Answer":"RED ALERT","Explanation":"Definition: a crisis situation\nRED sounds like (for the auditor) \"read\" (studied) then ART (skill) containing (about) LE (the, French)"} {"Clue":"Gangsters without good right vie furiously about end of heists \u2013 typical of them? (13)","Answer":"TRANSGRESSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: typical of them\nanagram (furiously) of gANGSTErS missing G (good) with R (right) and VIE containing heistS (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"A criminal besetting men within hour is loathsome (9)","Answer":"ABHORRENT","Explanation":"Definition: loathsome\nA BENT (criminal) containing (besetting) OR (other ranks, men) inside HR (hour)"} {"Clue":"Rating given to hotel in resort of Dubai \u2013 or Dubai's neighbour (3,5)","Answer":"ABU DHABI","Explanation":"Definition: Dubai's neighbour\nAB (able seaman, rating) with H (hotel) inside anagram (resort) of DUBAI"} {"Clue":"Financial district with pull, we hear, in local US administration (4,4)","Answer":"CITY HALL","Explanation":"Definition: local US administration\nCITY (financial district) with HALL sounds like (we hear) \"haul\" (pull)"} {"Clue":"Show noted tennis player getting up infused with energy (6)","Answer":"REVEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Show\nLAVER (Rod Laver, noted tennis player) reversed (getting up) containing (infused with) E (energy)"} {"Clue":"Outsiders in some level at college to cancel debt (4,2)","Answer":"SELL UP","Explanation":"Definition: to cancel debt\noutside letters of SomE LeveL then UP (at college)"} {"Clue":"Two Greek characters in religious depiction (5)","Answer":"PIETA","Explanation":"Definition: religious depiction\nPI and ETA (two Greek characters)"} {"Clue":"Regularly furnish item of furniture that's wobbly (8)","Answer":"UNSTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: wobbly\nfUrNiSh (regular selection from) then TABLE (item of furniture)"} {"Clue":"Type of theatre doctor visits in the morning twice (2-4)","Answer":"AM-DRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Type of theatre\nDR (doctor) inside (visits) AM AM (in the morning, twice) \u2013 amateur dramatics"} {"Clue":"Formidable second row (5)","Answer":"STIFF","Explanation":"Definition: Formidable\nS (second) TIFF (row)"} {"Clue":"American turned through arch and left big sports event (5,4)","Answer":"SUPER BOWL","Explanation":"Definition: big sports event\nUS (American) reversed (turned) PER (through) BOW (arch) and L (left)"} {"Clue":"In emotionless situation, agents brought over old criminal (9)","Answer":"DESPERADO","Explanation":"Definition: criminal\nREPS (agents) reversed (brought over) inside (in\u2026situation) DEAD (emotionless) then O"} {"Clue":"Expert's appropriate clothing outside in deluge (5)","Answer":"ADEPT","Explanation":"Definition: Expert\nAPT (appropriate) contains (clothing) DelugE (outside letters of)"} {"Clue":"Tease superior with a religious book (6)","Answer":"JOSHUA","Explanation":"Definition: religious book\nJOSH (tease) U (superior, socially) with A \u2013 book of The Bible"} {"Clue":"View from east certainly popular (7)","Answer":"EYESHOT","Explanation":"Definition: View\nE (east) YES (certainly) HOT (popular)"} {"Clue":"Artist might use this rented property within The Crown? (7)","Answer":"PALETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Artist might use this\nLET (rented property) inside PATE (head, the crown)"} {"Clue":"Grave site peripherally showing when person died, say (6)","Answer":"SEDATE","Explanation":"Definition: Grave\nSitE (peripherally, outside letters of) then DATE (showing when person died, say)"} {"Clue":"Pass priest leaving to deliver sermon (5)","Answer":"REACH","Explanation":"Definition: Pass\npREACH (to deliver sermon) missing (with\u2026leaving) P (priest) \u2013 definition as a verb, to hand over"} {"Clue":"Englishman abroad every year with dreary old hairstyle (9)","Answer":"POMPADOUR","Explanation":"Definition: old hairstyle\nPOM (Englishman abroad, in Australia) PA (per annum, every year) with DOUR (dreary)"} {"Clue":"Number ten, Lotus, crashed inside track without restraint (9)","Answer":"RIOTOUSLY","Explanation":"Definition: without restraint\nIO (number ten) then anagram (crashed) of\u00a0LOTUS all inside RY (railway, track)"} {"Clue":"Tone up, caber-tossing (5)","Answer":"BRACE","Explanation":"Definition: Tone up\nanagram (tossing) of CABER"} {"Clue":"War poet without money, without love (6)","Answer":"BROOKE","Explanation":"Definition: War poet\nBROKE (without money) containing (without, outside) O (love, tennis score)"} {"Clue":"Gradually removed newsman, then another, putting in complaint (5,3)","Answer":"EDGED OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Gradually removed\nED (editor, newsman) then ED (another newsman) inside (putting in) GOUT (complaint). Did Aardvark intend to write \"put in complaint\" here? A typo perhaps?"} {"Clue":"Positive aspect of promoted football team (6)","Answer":"UPSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Positive aspect\nUP (promoted) SIDE (football team)"} {"Clue":"Cake makes tongue register (5,4)","Answer":"SWISS ROLL","Explanation":"Definition: Cake\nSWISS (tongue, a language) and ROLL (register, a list)"} {"Clue":"Film director's flared pants snag on part of gun (6,9)","Answer":"ALFRED HITCHCOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Film director\nanagram (pants, in a rubbish manner) of FLARED then HITCH (snag) and COCK (part of a gun)"} {"Clue":"The French, extremely sycophantic, like opera house (2,5)","Answer":"LA SCALA","Explanation":"Definition: opera house\nLA (the, French) then SycophantiC (extreme letters of) A LA (\u00e0 la ,like)"} {"Clue":"Female novelist organised trade crowd, spread at the front (8,7)","Answer":"MARGARET DRABBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Female novelist\nanagram (organised) of TRADE then RABBLE (crowd) all following (with\u2026at the front) MARG (spread)"} {"Clue":"Character in Marathon on Tyneside's a European runner (5)","Answer":"RHONE","Explanation":"Definition: European runner\nRHO (character in Greek, a written in Marathon) on NE (the North East, Tyneside) \u2013 the River Rhone, a river is something that runs"} {"Clue":"One ignited in company of friend to fight for a cause (8)","Answer":"MILITATE","Explanation":"Definition: to fight for a cause\nI (one) LIT (ignited) inside (in company of) MATE (friend). I would say \"in company of\" indicates being with rather than inside, but this is a tiny quibble."} {"Clue":"Work on model's face (6)","Answer":"OPPOSE","Explanation":"Definition: face\nOP (opus, work) on POSE (model)"} {"Clue":"One might be in a stew, given tricky problem (3,6)","Answer":"HOT POTATO","Explanation":"Definition: One might be in a stew\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Relative keeping trim on runs gets minimal Chinese meal? (5,3)","Answer":"SPARE RIB","Explanation":"Definition: minimal Chinese meal?\nSIB (sibling, a relative) contains (keeping) PARE (trim) on R (runs)"} {"Clue":"Repeatedly showing heart, helps Jason somewhere in Texas (2,4)","Answer":"EL PASO","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in Texas\nthe middle letters (repeatedly showing heart) of hELPs jASOn"} {"Clue":"Unhappy to involve doctor with the old dog (7)","Answer":"SAMOYED","Explanation":"Definition: dog\nSAD (unhappy) contains (to involve) MO (medical officer, doctor) with YE (the, old). I had never heard of this dog before, my first guess was SAMBYED but Wikipedia put me right"} {"Clue":"Skill needed to include details in silver on shield? (6)","Answer":"ARGENT","Explanation":"Definition: silver on shield\nART (skill) contains (to include) GEN (details, information generally) \u2013 silver in heraldry"} {"Clue":"Eagerly excited, Olga's opening in spades (1,4)","Answer":"A GOGO","Explanation":"Definition: in spades\nAGOG (eagerly excited) then Olga (opening letter of)"} {"Clue":"Measure all your trousers without cheating (6)","Answer":"REALLY","Explanation":"Definition: without cheating\nfound inside (trousered by, pocketed) measuRE ALL Your \u2013 to really do something"} {"Clue":"Versatile old lunar module (3-5)","Answer":"ALL-ROUND","Explanation":"Definition: Versatile\nanagram (module?) of OLD LUNAR. Why is module an anagram indicator?"} {"Clue":"American guy inviting nurse to strip (6)","Answer":"DENUDE","Explanation":"Definition: to strip\nDUDE (guy, American) contains (inviting in) EN (Enrolled Nurse)"} {"Clue":"Special, tricky puzzle for pernickety individual (8)","Answer":"STICKLER","Explanation":"Definition: pernickety individual\nS (special) and TICKLER (tricky puzzle)"} {"Clue":"Upload photos here; losing a tiny bit of weight this month! (4)","Answer":"INST","Explanation":"Definition: this month\nINSTagram (place to upload photos) missing A GRAM (a tiny bit of weight)"} {"Clue":"He gave us \"bitter sweet\" Christmas chicken (4,6)","Answer":"NOEL COWARD","Explanation":"Definition: He gave us \"bitter sweet\"\nNOEL (Christmas) and COWARD (chicken) \u2013 *Bitter Sweet* is an operetta by Noel Coward"} {"Clue":"Unambiguous, like early telephonist's sound quality? (5,2,1,4)","Answer":"CLEAR AS A BELL","Explanation":"Definition: Unambiguous\ndouble\/cryptic definition \u2013 the early telephonist would sound \"clear as Alexander Bell\", producer of the first commercial telephone"} {"Clue":"Putin's mates relaxed over a bottle of bubbly (4,8)","Answer":"ASTI SPUMANTE","Explanation":"Definition: bottle of bubbly\nanagram (relaxed) of PUTIN'S MATES containing (over) A"} {"Clue":"Sues 18's competitor company, having withdrawn Australian SUVs (10)","Answer":"PROSECUTES","Explanation":"Definition: Sues\nPROSECco (Asti Spumanti's competitor) missing (having withdrawn) CO (company) then UTES (Australian SUVs)"} {"Clue":"Composer dropped in for a bite to eat (4)","Answer":"CHOP","Explanation":"Definition: a bite to eat\nCHOPin (composer) missing (dropped) IN"} {"Clue":"Woman's naked frolic? Stick around! (8)","Answer":"CAROLINE","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\nfROLIc (naked, missing clothing of outside letters) inside (with\u2026around) CANE (stick)"} {"Clue":"One attacking art lecturer attached to London museum (6)","Answer":"VANDAL","Explanation":"Definition: One attacking art\nL (lecturer) following (attached to) V AND A (Victoria and Albert museum)"} {"Clue":"Wipes out a contingent of Palamedes' Troy soldiers (8)","Answer":"DESTROYS","Explanation":"Definition: Wipes out\nfound inside (a contingent of) palameDES TROY Soldiers"} {"Clue":"Dog leg \u2013 a meat benefitting from slow cooking (6)","Answer":"MUTTON","Explanation":"Definition: a meat benefitting from slow cooking\nMUTT (a dog) with ON (leg, the leg-side or on-side in cricket)"} {"Clue":"Embarrassed to crash-land somewhere in Worcestershire (8)","Answer":"REDDITCH","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in Worcestershire\nRED (embarrassed) and DITCH (to crash-land)"} {"Clue":"I sang duet (not tenor part) arranged for the liturgy (5,3)","Answer":"AGNUS DEI","Explanation":"Definition: liturgy\nanagram (arranged) missing I SANG DUEt missing T (tenor). For some reason I have a long-standing compulsion to mistype this as Angus Dei. It buggers up my grid fill every time."} {"Clue":"Woman, overweight, has heart failure (4)","Answer":"LADY","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\nLArDY (overweight) missing middle letter (heart fails)"} {"Clue":"Incompetent shepherdess left Tibet people struggling (6,2,4)","Answer":"LITTLE BO PEEP","Explanation":"Definition: Incompetent shepherdess\nanagram (struggling) of L (left) with TIBET PEOPLE \u2013 she who lost her sheep and didn't know where to find them"} {"Clue":"Spooner mentions failing memory; could it be the joint? (4,2,4)","Answer":"RACK OF LAMB","Explanation":"Definition: the joint\nA Spoonerism of \"lack of RAM\" (failing memory). I would say that a lack of RAM is a loss of memory rather than a failure of memory. A very minor point, said as an observation not a criticism."} {"Clue":"Puppy Leonard regularly starved put on eBay (6)","Answer":"UPLOAD","Explanation":"Definition: put on eBay\npUpPy LeOnArD with every other letter dropped (regularly starved) \u2013 eBay here is just intended as an example of a Internet site to which something may be uploaded"} {"Clue":"Mock the German papers' English (6)","Answer":"DERIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Mock\nDER (the, German) ID (papers) and E (English)"} {"Clue":"Which votes Bucks nicest county? (12)","Answer":"CONSTITUENCY","Explanation":"Definition: Which votes\nanagram (bucks) of NICEST COUNTY"} {"Clue":"Naughty Esmeralda, resistance gun-runner (4,6)","Answer":"ARMS DEALER","Explanation":"Definition: gun-runner\nanagram (naughty) of ESMARELDA then R (resistance)"} {"Clue":"Month we'd got starters out punctually (2,3,3)","Answer":"ON THE DOT","Explanation":"Definition: punctually\nfound inside mONTH w'ED gOT missing starting letters"} {"Clue":"Inflatable craft evacuating Zaire past president on rising river (8)","Answer":"ZEPPELIN","Explanation":"Definition: Inflatable craft\nZairE (evacuated, with nothing inside) P (past) P (president) in NILE (a river) reversed (rising)"} {"Clue":"Spread better's odds on a hole- in-one on the 1st at Dornoch (6)","Answer":"SPACED","Explanation":"Definition: Spread\nSP (starting price, better's odds) on ACE (a hole-in-one) on first Dornoch (the 1st letter of)"} {"Clue":"Firms maintaining support for those striking when angry? (6)","Answer":"COBRAS","Explanation":"Definition: those striking when angry\nCOS (company plural, firms) contains (maintaining) BRA (something that supports)"} {"Clue":"Leaders of United Kingdom antagonised Brussels over capital (4)","Answer":"BAKU","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nfirst letters (leaders) of United Kingdom Antagonised Brussels reversed (over) \u2013 capital of Azerbaijan"} {"Clue":"Scottish simpleton is annoying, having switched sides (5)","Answer":"SUMPH","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish simpleton\nHUMPS (is annoying) with side letters switched"} {"Clue":"Uniformed collaborateurs, not quite benign reserve (6)","Answer":"MILICE","Explanation":"Definition: Uniformed collaborateurs\nMILd (benign, not quite) and ICE (reserve)"} {"Clue":"Untidy altar with pile belonging to senior churchman (9)","Answer":"PRELATIAL","Explanation":"Definition: belonging to senior churchman\nanagram (untidy) of ALTAR with PILE"} {"Clue":"Precocious minx indeed, accepting love bed in Paris (6)","Answer":"LOLITA","Explanation":"Definition: Precocious minx\nLA (indeed) containing LIT (bed, French, as written in Paris)"} {"Clue":"Search in Glasgow: a \u2014\u2014 is one posing questions (4)","Answer":"SKER","Explanation":"Definition: Search in Glasgow\naSKER is one posing questions"} {"Clue":"Advertising ideas man turning life around among Native Americans (8)","Answer":"CREATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Advertising ideas man\nVITA (life) reversed inside (among) CREE (Native Americans)"} {"Clue":"Trouble in the Gorbals has dispersed following fine (4)","Answer":"FASH","Explanation":"Definition: Trouble in the Gorbals\nanagram (dispersed) following F (fine)"} {"Clue":"Lively dance, very merry? (5)","Answer":"CANED","Explanation":"Definition: very merry\nanagram (lively) of DANCE \u2013 very drunk"} {"Clue":"Downright excited to receive HM, with much sweet talk? (12)","Answer":"FLATTERINGLY","Explanation":"Definition: with much sweet talk\nFLAT (downright) TINGLY (excited) contains ER (HM, Her Majesty, Elizabeth Regina)"} {"Clue":"Flashy costumier crazed with ire (12)","Answer":"MERETRICIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Flashy\nanagram (crazed) of COSTUMIER with IRE"} {"Clue":"Muscle fragment left, come to nought (5)","Answer":"ABORT","Explanation":"Definition: come to nought\nAB (abdominal muscle) with ORT (a leftover fragment)"} {"Clue":"Toddy mat exported from Indonesian island (4)","Answer":"SURA","Explanation":"Definition: Toddy\nSUmatRA (Indonesian island) missing MAT \u2013 fermented palm juice"} {"Clue":"Move from place to place? It's crazy to me, moving (8)","Answer":"LOCOMOTE","Explanation":"Definition: Move from place to place\nLOCO (it's crazy) then anagram (moving) of TO ME"} {"Clue":"Dipso, voluble once first polished off (4)","Answer":"ALKY","Explanation":"Definition: Dipso\ntALKY (voluable) missing first letter (once first is polished off)"} {"Clue":"Car permit run out I'll get after month (shortly) (6)","Answer":"OCTROI","Explanation":"Definition: Car permit\nRO (run out) I following (will get after) OCT (month, shortly)"} {"Clue":"English Pinot Noir bottled? Not I \u2013 early idea without basis (9)","Answer":"PRENOTION","Explanation":"Definition: early idea without basis\nanagram (bottled) of E (English) PINOT NOiR missing I"} {"Clue":"Various elements in what we eat, time included (6)","Answer":"METALS","Explanation":"Definition: Various elements\nMEALS (what we eat) including T (time)"} {"Clue":"Kilkenny's refuse dumped in Nore nightly? (5)","Answer":"RENIG","Explanation":"Definition: Kilkenny's refuse\nfound inside noRE NIGhtly \u2013 the Nore is a river in Ireland flowing through Kilkenny"} {"Clue":"Lecturer housed in smart joint (6)","Answer":"SPLIFF","Explanation":"Definition: join\nL (lecturer) in SPIFF (smart)"} {"Clue":"Homeland forms setting for this Hindu festival (4)","Answer":"MELA","Explanation":"Definition: Hindu festival\nfound inside hoMELAnds"} {"Clue":"How does Welsh so-and-so sound? He might have been promising (8)","Answer":"PLIGHTER","Explanation":"Definition: He might have been promising\nI'm stumped on this one. Surely this isn't supposed to be\u00a0\"blighter\" in a Welsh accent?. *UPDATE: this is a reference to characters such as Fluellen in Shakespeare's Henry V who mispronounce pronounce some B as P, for comic effect."} {"Clue":"It's very hard taking in wild cat breed (5)","Answer":"HATCH","Explanation":"Definition: breed\nHH (very hard, of a pencil) including anagram (wild) of CAT"} {"Clue":"If prime suffers and concretion follows, this can cause termination (12)","Answer":"MIFEPRISTONE","Explanation":"Definition: this can cause termination\nanagram (suffers) of IF PRIME follwed by STONE (concretion)"} {"Clue":"Part of what airline's taken up, organization of major carriers (4)","Answer":"IATA","Explanation":"Definition: organization of major carriers\nfound reversed (taken up) inside whAT AIrline \u2013 the International Air Transport Association"} {"Clue":"Blackening appearance (say) of popular ruler (6)","Answer":"INKING","Explanation":"Definition: Blackening appearance (say) of\nIN (popular) KING (ruler)"} {"Clue":"Hairpiece in Shakespeare I put over velvety stuff (9)","Answer":"CHEVELURE","Explanation":"Definition: Hairpiece\nCHE (I, dialectical use by Shakespeare) on (put over) VELURE (velvety stuff)"} {"Clue":"King in grip of old injury returning went off the rails (5)","Answer":"ERRED","Explanation":"Definition: went off the rails\nR (king) in DERE (injury, obsolete)"} {"Clue":"Man circling the earth turned up hellish place (9)","Answer":"MALEBOLGE","Explanation":"Definition: hellish place\nMALE (man) containing (circling) GLOBE (the Earth) reversed (turned up) \u2013 the Eighth Circle of Hell, Dante"} {"Clue":"Cordial group one leads in climbing volcano (8)","Answer":"ANISETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Cordial\nI (one) SET (group) inside ETNA (volcano) reversed (climbing)"} {"Clue":"Cork replaced with bits of early Turkish carpeting (6)","Answer":"ROCKET","Explanation":"Definition: carpeting\nanagram (repalced) of CORK) with first letters (bits) of Early Turkish \u2013 a severe repremand"} {"Clue":"Expression always appearing in chorus (6)","Answer":"SAYING","Explanation":"Definition: Expression\nAY (ever) inside SING (chorus)"} {"Clue":"Siren maybe, cheeky first to last (5)","Answer":"ALARM","Explanation":"Definition: Siren maybe\nMALAR (cheeky, of the cheek) with first letter moved to end"} {"Clue":"Half of showbiz duo in front of yellow scenery (5)","Answer":"DECOR","Explanation":"Definition: scenery\nDEC (half of Ant and Dec, showbiz duo) then OR (yellow)"} {"Clue":"Crumble in places, like a wall lacking minimum of attention (4)","Answer":"MURL","Explanation":"Definition: Crumble in places\nMURaL (like a wall) missing first letter (a minumum) of Attention \u2013 in places indicates Scots, not spoken everywhere in the UK"} {"Clue":"Feeling vexed when cha's off? Don't look so miserable (4)","Answer":"GRIN","Explanation":"Definition: Don't look so miserable\nchaGRIN (feeling vexed) missing CHA"} {"Clue":"Revolting course of action, stealing two amulets (8)","Answer":"PERIAPTS","Explanation":"STEP (course of action) contains (stealing) PAIR (two) all\u00a0reversed (revolting) \u2013 a new word for me"} {"Clue":"Starts to follow then support Nottingham? (6)","Answer":"FOREST","Explanation":"FOllow (starts to, first letters of) then REST (support) \u2013 Nottingham Forest perhaps, definition by example"} {"Clue":"Writer wants way to open restaurant (6)","Answer":"BISTRO","Explanation":"BIRO (a pen, writer) contains (wants\u2026to open) ST (street, a way)"} {"Clue":"Flee from single bloke turning into judge (3,1,4)","Answer":"RUN A MILE","Explanation":"I (a single) MAN (bloke) reversed (turning) all inside (into) RULE (judge)"} {"Clue":"Brilliant opening, but not closing (4)","Answer":"STAR","Explanation":"STARt (opening) missing last letter (but not closing)"} {"Clue":"Are its pies fancy? (10)","Answer":"PATISSERIE","Explanation":"anagram (fancy) of ARE ITS PIES"} {"Clue":"If he's drawn to light he's a monster (8)","Answer":"BEHEMOTH","Explanation":"BE HE MOTH (if he is a moth, if he is drawn to light)"} {"Clue":"Unlikely to give money? (4,4)","Answer":"HARD CASH","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 if this money is hard it will not bend (give)"} {"Clue":"More than one dance show done badly (8)","Answer":"HOEDOWNS","Explanation":"anagram (badly) of SHOW DONE"} {"Clue":"Postal item not delivered late? (4,6)","Answer":"DEAD LETTER","Explanation":"if something is dead then it can be spoken of as \"late\""} {"Clue":"Love's a \u2013 mostly the \u2013 four- letter word (4)","Answer":"OATH","Explanation":"O (love zero score) has A and THe (mostly)"} {"Clue":"Following short, weak lover, held torch (8)","Answer":"FLAMBEAU","Explanation":"F (following) LAMe (weak, short) and BEAU (lover)"} {"Clue":"Seeing problem with current British clearing banks (6)","Answer":"IRITIS","Explanation":"I (current, electrical symbol) and rRITISh missing the outside letters (clearing banks, sides of)"} {"Clue":"One officer occupying self- assembly folly (6)","Answer":"IDIOCY","Explanation":"I (one) then OC (officer in charge) inside (occupying) DIY (self-assembly)"} {"Clue":"Past I identify in present (8)","Answer":"HERITAGE","Explanation":"I TAG (identify) in HERE (present)"} {"Clue":"English detective wants court order (5)","Answer":"EDICT","Explanation":"E (English) DI (Detective Inspector) with CT (court)"} {"Clue":"From denim, there's pants woven together (11)","Answer":"INTERMESHED","Explanation":"anagram (pants, in a bad way) DEMIN THERE'S"} {"Clue":"Rubbish baskets overturned (4-4)","Answer":"POOH-POOH","Explanation":"HOOP (basket, in basketball) twice, reversed (overturned)"} {"Clue":"Colour in drawing? (7,3,5)","Answer":"STRETCH THE TRUTH","Explanation":"to draw is to pull, change the truth by drawing it"} {"Clue":"Curtains sort of OK? (6)","Answer":"FINISH","Explanation":"FINISH read as fine-ish (sort of OK)"} {"Clue":"Pack your amazing sandwiches (3)","Answer":"RAM","Explanation":"found inside (sandwiched by) youR AMazing"} {"Clue":"Wise man, about to snuff it, right to persevere (7,2)","Answer":"SOLDIER ON","Explanation":"SOLON a wise man) contains (about) DIE (to snuff it) R (right)"} {"Clue":"I study people on the move \u2013 see the idea? (11)","Answer":"ETHNOLOGIST","Explanation":"anagram (move) of ON THE then LO (see) and GIST (the idea)"} {"Clue":"Protected online identity beginning to look a little light (9)","Answer":"ENAMELLED","Explanation":"E (online, eg e-commerce) NAME (identity) Look (beginning, first letter of) and LED (light emitting diode, a little light) \u2013 LEDs are typically much smaller than the equivalent traditional lamp"} {"Clue":"On stage, try to be more enthusiastic (8)","Answer":"HEARTIER","Explanation":"TIER (stage) underneath (having\u2026on) HEAR (try, in court)"} {"Clue":"I give you a variable sort of free-thinking (6)","Answer":"HERESY","Explanation":"HERE'S (I give you) and Y (a variable, maths)"} {"Clue":"Feeble good deed? (5)","Answer":"THING","Explanation":"THIN (feeble) G (good) \u2013 Chambers has \"action\" as one definition for thing, which is close enough to deed IMO"} {"Clue":"Without river, raised piece of land is low (3)","Answer":"MOO","Explanation":"MOOr (raised piece of land) missing R (river) \u2013 moo like a cow"} {"Clue":"During journeys, muse on Conservative dinosaur (11)","Answer":"TRICERATOPS","Explanation":"Definition: dinosaur\nTRIPS (journeys) contains (during\u2026) ERATO (a Muse) following (on) C (Conservative)"} {"Clue":"I don't like three-quarters of novel (3)","Answer":"BOO","Explanation":"Definition: I don't like\nthree-quarters of BOOk (novel)"} {"Clue":"Agent bringing round gold copy, shortly (5)","Answer":"REPRO","Explanation":"Definition: copy, shortly\nREP (agent) then OR (gold) reversed (bringing round) \u2013 shortly indicates the definition is an abbreviation"} {"Clue":"School member's ginger hairstyle (3,6)","Answer":"RED MULLET","Explanation":"Definition: School member\nRED (ginger, of hair) and MULLET (hairstyle) \u2013 schools of fish"} {"Clue":"Yellow flower, say, seen in black container (9)","Answer":"BUTTERCUP","Explanation":"Definition: Yellow flower\nUTTER (say) inside (seen in) B (black) CUP (container)"} {"Clue":"Group of women are enthralled by leading royal (5)","Answer":"HAREM","Explanation":"Definition: Group of women\nARE inside (enthralled by) HM (Her Majesty, the leading royal)"} {"Clue":"Brothers, having fast car around, stole aquatic craft (7)","Answer":"TUGBOAT","Explanation":"Definition: aquatic craft\nTU (trade union, brothers) then BOA (stole) inside (having\u2026around) GT (fast car)"} {"Clue":"Coming back, try starters in motorway services \u2013 pea soup? (4)","Answer":"SMOG","Explanation":"Definition: pea soup\nGO (try) in first letters (starters) of Motorway Services all reversed (coming back)"} {"Clue":"European flower's pronounced smell (4)","Answer":"ODER","Explanation":"Definition: European flower\nsounds like (pronounced) \"odour\" (smell) \u2013 a river, something that flows"} {"Clue":"Maybe referee part of tennis match, misapplying \"let\" rule (7)","Answer":"SETTLER","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe referee\nSET (part of tennis match) than anagram (misapplying) LET and R (rule) \u2013 one who settles disputes"} {"Clue":"Very clever people amend mosaic, keeping central elements (5)","Answer":"MENSA","Explanation":"Definition: Very clever people\nmiddle letters (central elements) of aMENd moSAic"} {"Clue":"Pointer in animal home thinner than the others (9)","Answer":"NARROWEST","Explanation":"Definition: thinner than the others\nARROW (pointer) in NEST (animal home)"} {"Clue":"Retired soprano perhaps entertains the ancient king (9)","Answer":"ETHELBERT","Explanation":"Definition: ancient king\nTREBLE (soprano perhaps) reversed (retired) contains (entertains) THE"} {"Clue":"Reserved a turkey from the back (5)","Answer":"ALOOF","Explanation":"Definition: Reserved\nA then FOOL (turkey) reversed (from the back)"} {"Clue":"Deirdre regularly avoided sin (3)","Answer":"ERR","Explanation":"Definition: sin\nevery other letter (regularly avoided) of dEiRdRe"} {"Clue":"Second person to entertain in the large building for itinerants (5,6)","Answer":"YOUTH HOSTEL","Explanation":"Definition: building for itinerants\nYOU (second person) then HOST (to entertain) in THE L (large)"} {"Clue":"French head secures drawer maybe, alongside storage unit (8)","Answer":"TERABYTE","Explanation":"Definition: storage unit\nTETE (head, French) contains (secures) RA (Royal Academician, someone who draws maybe) BY (alongside)."} {"Clue":"Current GP with time to treat ordinary skin problem (8)","Answer":"IMPETIGO","Explanation":"Definition: skin problem\nI (current, electrical symbol) then anagram (to treat) of GP with TIME and O (ordinary)"} {"Clue":"Cat returned, tucking into middle of cheese and ham? (5)","Answer":"EMOTE","Explanation":"Definition: ham\nTOM (cat) reversed (returned) inside chEEse (middle letters of) \u2013 to overact"} {"Clue":"Fruit that's tropical, endlessly cooked (7)","Answer":"APRICOT","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nanagram (cooked) of APRICOt"} {"Clue":"Legendary Greek newsman, one engrossed in work (7)","Answer":"OEDIPUS","Explanation":"Definition: Legendary Greek\nED (editor, newsman) and I (one) inside (engrossed in) OPUS (work)"} {"Clue":"Lancashire town found, bearing left (9)","Answer":"SOUTHPORT","Explanation":"Definition: Lancashire town\nSOUTH (bearing) and PORT (left)"} {"Clue":"Expressed approval during relative's dance (6)","Answer":"BOLERO","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nOLE (expressed approval, approval that is expressed out loud) in (during) BRO (relative)"} {"Clue":"Sharp mint munched in periphery of office (2,4)","Answer":"ON TIME","Explanation":"Definition: Sharp\nanagram (munched) of MINT in OfficE (periphery of)"} {"Clue":"Where people are given time over ad-lib, having fluffed line (3,6)","Answer":"OLD BAILEY","Explanation":"Definition: Where people are given time\nO (old) then anagram (having fluffed) AD LIB and LEY (line, mystical Earth line) \u2013 the Criminal Court of England and Wales, time is a prison sentence"} {"Clue":"Serviceman once grief-stricken by sound of animal shelter (8)","Answer":"BLUECOAT","Explanation":"Definition: Serviceman once\nBLUE (grief-stricken) bt COAT sounds like (sound of) \"cote\" (animal shelter)"} {"Clue":"Appreciative, given mince and almost bursting (8)","Answer":"GRATEFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Appreciative\nGRATE (mince) and FULL (bursting, almost all of)"} {"Clue":"Initially read out stirring Auden poem (7)","Answer":"RONDEAU","Explanation":"Definition: poem\nRead (first letter of, initially) O (out) then anagram (stirring) of AUDEN"} {"Clue":"School presses rogue clubs to withdraw from competition (7)","Answer":"SCRATCH","Explanation":"Definition: to withdraw from competition\nSCH (school) contains (presses) RAT (rogue) C (clubs)"} {"Clue":"French scientist in the morning training with engineers (6)","Answer":"AMPERE","Explanation":"Definition: French scientist\nAM (in the morning) PE (Physical Exercise, training) with RE (Royal Engineers)"} {"Clue":"Equestrian chore involving stable person (6)","Answer":"ANCHOR","Explanation":"Definition: stable person\nfound inside (involved by) equestriAN CHORe"} {"Clue":"Mark visiting loves Antipodean city (5)","Answer":"OTAGO","Explanation":"Definition: Antipodean city\nTAG (mark) inside (visiting) O O (love, zero score, twice). *UPDATE: compus @1 points out that Otago is not a city but a region of New Zealand. Wikipedia does state there is a suburb of Hobart named Otago but with a population of 554 this can't really be considered a city."} {"Clue":"Empty nest and no memories \u2014 bad time for OAP? (6,6)","Answer":"SENIOR MOMENT","Explanation":"Definition: bad time for OAP\nanagram of NesT (empty, no middle letters) and NO MEMORIES \u2013 an embarrassing lapse in the mental faculties by an older person. I think you could regard \"bad\" either as an anagram indicator or as part of the definition."} {"Clue":"As part of time-sharing, taking turn in house (4)","Answer":"SEMI","Explanation":"Definition: house\nfound inside (part of) tIME Sharing reversed (taking turn)"} {"Clue":"Horrify a mate, forgetting name for mountain area (10)","Answer":"APPALACHIA","Explanation":"Definition: mountain area\nAPPAL (horrify) A CHInA (mate, rhyming slang) missing N (name)"} {"Clue":"Pensioner cycling by checkpoint made from shoddy material (6)","Answer":"CHEAPO","Explanation":"Definition: made from shoddy material\nOAP (pensioner) with letters cycling (to become apo) following (by) CH (check) and E (a point of the compass)"} {"Clue":"Out of power, allowed to be smutty? (8)","Answer":"EXPLICIT","Explanation":"Definition: smutty\nEX (out of) P (power) and LICIT (allowed)"} {"Clue":"Rest of Italian team's smutty, reportedly (9)","Answer":"INTERLUDE","Explanation":"Definition: Rest\nINTER (Inter Milan, Italian team) has LUDE sounds like (reportedly) \"lewd\" (smutty)"} {"Clue":"Tory wearing light blue (4)","Answer":"RACY","Explanation":"Definition: blue\nC (Conservative, Tory) inside (wearing) RAY (a light)"} {"Clue":"A Christian GP, say, covering 10 (4)","Answer":"DIOR","Explanation":"Definition: A Christian\nDR (doctor, GP say) contains (covering) IO (ten) \u2013 Christian Dior, an example of a Christian"} {"Clue":"Remote possibility of bad luck (3,6)","Answer":"OFF CHANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Remote possibility\nOFF (bad) and CHANCE (luck)"} {"Clue":"One performing unprepared, left holding a hole-boring tool? On the contrary (2-6)","Answer":"AD-LIBBER","Explanation":"Definition: One performing unprepared\nA DIBBER (hole-boring tool) containing (holding) L (left) \u2013 the contrary of left holding boring tool"} {"Clue":"Definitely happening \u2014 keep waiting to be connected (2,4)","Answer":"ON HOLD","Explanation":"Definition: waiting to be connected\nON (definitely happening) then HOLD (keep)"} {"Clue":"Abundance of fast sex between dessert and coffee, ultimately (10)","Answer":"PLENTITUDE","Explanation":"Definition: Abundance\nLENT (a fast) IT (sex) between PUD (dessert) and coffeE (ultimately, last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Sign new back for present season (4)","Answer":"NOEL","Explanation":"Definition: present season\nLEO (a sign, of the zodiac) and N (new) reversed (back) \u2013 the season for giving presents"} {"Clue":"Photographic chemical uncovering magic (6,6)","Answer":"SILVER IODIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Photographic chemical\nmAGIc (uncovered, no outside letters) \u2013 AgI is the chemical formula for Silver Iodide, a highly photosensitive chemical used in photography"} {"Clue":"Joyce's alter ego, in phase with male name (\"boy raised in God\") (7,7)","Answer":"STEPHEN DEDALUS","Explanation":"Definition: Joyce's alter ego\nSTEP (phase) with HE (male) N (name) LAD (boy) reversed (raised) inside DEUS (a god) \u2013 character in *Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man* and *Ulysses"} {"Clue":"Writing up article about show in African capital (5)","Answer":"NAIRA","Explanation":"Definition: African capital\nAN (indefinite article) reversed (about) containing (about) AIR (show) \u2013 the currency (capital, money) of Nigeria"} {"Clue":"Having prolonged good luck, film here once? (2,1,4)","Answer":"ON A ROLL","Explanation":"Definition: Having prolonged good luck\ndouble definition \u2013 a film is more likely to be found on digital storage these days"} {"Clue":"Kiss one of two kissers wearing very large bloomers (6)","Answer":"OXLIPS","Explanation":"Definition: bloomers\nX (a kiss) LIP (one of two kissers, lips) inside (wearing) OS (very large)"} {"Clue":"Woman with adopted youngster eating a Mexican dish (9)","Answer":"ENCHILADA","Explanation":"Definition: Mexican dish\nENA (a woman) contains (adopted) CHILD (youngster) containing (eating) A"} {"Clue":"Reticently, I log off site that's educational (7,7)","Answer":"TRINITY COLLEGE","Explanation":"Definition: site that's educational\nanagram (off) of RETICENTLY I LOG"} {"Clue":"Fantastically fine and super, so extremely delightful? (13)","Answer":"SPLENDIFEROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Fantastically fine and super, so extremely delightful\nanagram (fantastically) of FINE, SUPER, SO and DelightfuL (extremely, outside letters of)"} {"Clue":"Moving in Puck's direction, turned up on island, then left (9)","Answer":"EMOTIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: Moving\nTO ME (in Puck's direction) reversed (turning up) on IONA (an island) then L (left)"} {"Clue":"On the point of cupboard love (5,2)","Answer":"CLOSE TO","Explanation":"Definition: On the point of\nCLOSET (cupboard) and O (love, zero score)"} {"Clue":"Make former pupil tell story about the origin of greed (6)","Answer":"OBLIGE","Explanation":"Definition: Make\nOB (old boy, former pupil) LIE (tell story) containing (about) Greed (origin of, first letter)"} {"Clue":"Language coming from noisy party after stripper's act (5)","Answer":"HINDI","Explanation":"Definition: Language\nsHINDIg (noisy party) removing outside letters (after having acted like a stripper)"} {"Clue":"A kiss in church for religious leader (6)","Answer":"CALIPH","Explanation":"Definition: religious leader\nA LIP (kiss) in CH (church)"} {"Clue":"Whilst tight, laugh about hot pants (8)","Answer":"ALTHOUGH","Explanation":"Definition: Whilst\nanagram (tight, drunk) of LAUGH contains (about) anagram (pants, bad) of HOT"} {"Clue":"Soldiers rejected rubbish advisor (6)","Answer":"MENTOR","Explanation":"Definition: advisor\nMEN (soldiers) then ROT (rubbish) reversed (rejected)"} {"Clue":"Rotten goal leads to Everton's dramatic upset (8)","Answer":"OFFENDED","Explanation":"Definition: upset\nOFF (rotten) END (goal) then first letters (leads to) of Everton's Dramatic"} {"Clue":"Plant from stall is about to be returned (5)","Answer":"BASIL","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nfound inside (from) staL IS ABout reversed (to be returned)"} {"Clue":"Hairstyles with first cut and comb for free (9)","Answer":"UNSHACKLE","Explanation":"Definition: free\nbUNS (hairstyles) missing first letter (with first cut) then HACKLE (comb)"} {"Clue":"House seen renovated \u2013 good judgement (6,5)","Answer":"COMMON SENSE","Explanation":"Definition: good judgement\nCOMMONS (The House of Commons) then anagram (renovated) of SEEN"} {"Clue":"Fan of dimmer switches to create mood (5,2,4)","Answer":"FRAME OF MIND","Explanation":"Definition: mood\nanagram (switches) of FAN OF DIMMER"} {"Clue":"Wonderful soft drink \u2013 it's flipping cold (9)","Answer":"FANTASTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Wonderful\nFANTA ( a soft drink) IT'S reversed (flipping) and then C (cold)"} {"Clue":"Conservative with a capacity to ignore conclusion? Thatcher, perhaps (5)","Answer":"CAROL","Explanation":"Definition: Thatcher, perhaps\nC (conservative) with A ROLe (capacity, of a job) missing last letter (ignoring conclusion) \u2013 Carol Thatcher perhaps, daughter of former PM Margaret Thatcher"} {"Clue":"Above\u00a0average (8)","Answer":"OVERHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Above\ndouble definition \u2013 I have not come across overhead meaning average before"} {"Clue":"Characters in Australia I seldom get in touch with (6)","Answer":"LIAISE","Explanation":"Definition: get in touch with\nfound inside (characters in) austraLIA I Seldom"} {"Clue":"Story about hospital department? Daughter's gifted (8)","Answer":"TALENTED","Explanation":"Definition: gifted\nTALE (story) contains (about) ENT (Ear Nose and Throat, hospital department) then D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Just two lakes, yes? (6)","Answer":"MERELY","Explanation":"Definition: Just\nMERE and L (two lakes) then Y (yes)"} {"Clue":"Sally's heavenly body almost touching rugby player (8)","Answer":"COMEBACK","Explanation":"Definition: Sally\nCOMEt (heavenly body, almost) then BACK (rugby player)"} {"Clue":"Left with drink, therefore this writer's feeling isolated (8)","Answer":"LONESOME","Explanation":"Definition: feeling isolated\nL (left) with ONE (a drink, one for the road) SO (therefore) ME (this writer)"} {"Clue":"Having short bread? (6,3)","Answer":"POORLY OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Having short bread\ncryptic definition? Bread is money but I don't get the wording here. I can imagine someone saying \"short of bread\" or \"money is short\" but saying \"having short bread\" doesn't make any sense, unless you are actually carrying some truncated baguettes or something."} {"Clue":"Feel intense cold when out? Stay inside for a long time (4,8)","Answer":"LIFE SENTENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Stay inside for a long time\nanagram (out) of FEEL INTENSE with C (cold)"} {"Clue":"Animal has almost contained hunger (5)","Answer":"HYENA","Explanation":"Definition: Anima\nHAs (almost) contains YEN (hunger)"} {"Clue":"United Press ditch writer (6)","Answer":"UPDIKE","Explanation":"Definition: writer\nUP (United Press) and DIKE (ditch)"} {"Clue":"Girl keeping identification card ultimately concealed (6)","Answer":"HIDDEN","Explanation":"Definition: concealed\nHEN (girl) contains (keeping) ID (identification) and carD (ultimately, last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Prove aunt is best at rambling (12)","Answer":"SUBSTANTIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Prove\nanagram (rambling) of AUNT IS BEST AT"} {"Clue":"Powerful canine welcomed by vet if fee's high (9)","Answer":"EFFECTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Powerful\nC (canine, abbreviation in dentistry) inside (welcomed by) anagram (high) of VET IF FEE"} {"Clue":"Pain in the head teacher's rear? Imagine rioting (8)","Answer":"MIGRAINE","Explanation":"Definition: Pain in the head\nanagram (rioting) of teacheR (rear, last letter of) and IMAGINE"} {"Clue":"How's your father not with my wife? (8)","Answer":"ADULTERY","Explanation":"Definition: How's your father not with my wife\ncryptic definition \u2013 \"how's your father\" is a euphemism for sex. Originally the phrase was from a music hall act and simply denoted a meaningless or unidentified thing such as \"thing\", \"it\" or \"a bit of something\". Like most such phrases it ended up with sexual connotations."} {"Clue":"A launch at sea (6)","Answer":"AFLOAT","Explanation":"Definition: at sea\nA and FLOAT (launch)"} {"Clue":"Funny upper-class name? Considerably (6)","Answer":"UNWELL","Explanation":"Definition: Funny\nU (upper class) and N (name)and WELL (considerably)"} {"Clue":"White bird follows a second (5)","Answer":"ASHEN","Explanation":"Definition: White\nHEN (a bird) follows A S (second)"} {"Clue":"Conservative cult around, bizarrely, a bloke never featured in The Mirror (5,7)","Answer":"COUNT DRACULA","Explanation":"Definition: bloke never featured in The Mirror\nC (Conservative) then anagram (bizarrely) of CULT AROUND and then A"} {"Clue":"Herb, going past Ohio, turned his ass around (7)","Answer":"OREGANO","Explanation":"Definition: Herb\nO'ER (over, going past) O (Ohio) contains (turned???) NAG (a horse, his ass) all reversed (around). Not a very convincing explanation, can anyone do better?"} {"Clue":"\"Back up, bub\" clutching good recipe for chicken in a basket (3,4)","Answer":"PUB GRUB","Explanation":"Definition: chicken in a basket\nUP reversed (back) then BUB containing G (good) R (recipe)"} {"Clue":"One featured in president Hoover's first victory (7)","Answer":"TRIUMPH","Explanation":"Definition: victory\nI (one) in TRUMP (president) then Hoover (first letter of). For a change, Trump is not one of the villains today."} {"Clue":"Totally rejected ruthenium, hydrogen + another element (7)","Answer":"SULPHUR","Explanation":"Definition: another element\nRU (Ru, Ruthenium) H (Hydrogen) and PLUS (+) all reversed (totally rejected)"} {"Clue":"Breastfeeds regularly, yet is criticised! (5)","Answer":"RATED","Explanation":"Definition: criticised\nbReAsTfEeDs (every other letter, regularly)"} {"Clue":"With which Charlie's blowing head off game bird? (9)","Answer":"CARTRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: With which\nC (charlie, phonetic alphabet) then pARTRIDGE (game bird) with first letter (head) missing \u2013 read definition as \"with which\u2026\""} {"Clue":"I resolved to transform characters like the 25s (9)","Answer":"EVIL-DOERS","Explanation":"Definition: characters like the 25s\nanagram (to transform) of I RESOLVED \u2013 character like those lying in the outer part of the grid"} {"Clue":"One refusing to accept meat in transit, say? (5)","Answer":"VEGAN","Explanation":"Definition: One refusing to accept meat\nVAN (a Transit perhaps) contains (in\u2026) EG (say)"} {"Clue":"Somewhat revolting, Margaret spayed dog (7)","Answer":"YAPSTER","Explanation":"Definition: dog\nfound inside (somewhat) margaRET SPAYed reversed (revolting)"} {"Clue":"Stop silly aunt visiting school (7)","Answer":"STAUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\nanagram (silly) of AUNT inside (visiting) SCH (school)"} {"Clue":"The King and I actor invites dance ensemble round for a song (7)","Answer":"LULLABY","Explanation":"Definition: a song\nYUL (Yul Brynner, actor in The King and I) contains (invites) BALL (dance ensemble) reversed (round)"} {"Clue":"A peripheral figure to unmask reputedly dishonest character (7)","Answer":"OUTLIER","Explanation":"Definition: A peripheral figure\nOUT (to unmask) and LIER sounds like (reputedly) \"liar\"(dishonest character)"} {"Clue":"Honest, intense work by Shelley (12)","Answer":"FRANKENSTEIN","Explanation":"Definition: by Shelley\nFRANK (honest) then anagram (work) of INTENSE \u2013 novel by Mary Shelly"} {"Clue":"I've served up stuffing for cold and hot lamb (7)","Answer":"CHEVIOT","Explanation":"Definition: lamb\nI'VE reversed (served up) inside (stuffing for) C (cold) and HOT \u2013 a breed of sheep"} {"Clue":"Lacking a piece (like Milos's Aphrodite) (7)","Answer":"UNARMED","Explanation":"Definition: Lacking a piece\na piece is a gun, the statue has no arms"} {"Clue":"Honk horn, at first long- suffering (9)","Answer":"TOOTHACHE","Explanation":"Definition: suffering\nTOOT (honk) Horn (first letter of) then ACHE (long)"} {"Clue":"Experts know these\u00a0guys (5)","Answer":"ROPES","Explanation":"Definition: Experts know these\ndouble definition \u2013 to \"know the ropes\""} {"Clue":"Sole trader in fruity drink (7)","Answer":"COBBLER","Explanation":"Definition: Sole trader\ndouble\/cryptic definition \u2013 the sole of a shoe"} {"Clue":"Having suddenly changed direction, enticed to take in Switzerland (7)","Answer":"LURCHED","Explanation":"Definition: Having suddenly changed direction\nLURED (enticed) contains (to take in) CH (Confederation Helvetica, Switzerland)"} {"Clue":"Lab engineer of histamide prescribed orally by Spooner (6,6)","Answer":"DOCTOR JEKYLL","Explanation":"Definition: Lab engineer\n\"histamide\" is a Spoonerism (prescribed orally by Spooner) of Mister Hyde, an alter ego of Dr Jekyll. Hyde was created (engineered) by Jekyll in his lab. I can't find \"histamide\" in the dictionary, is it a real word?"} {"Clue":"Massage upset involved naked seraglio getting bottom pinched; such wicked men! (5,3,4)","Answer":"BURKE AND HARE","Explanation":"Definition: such wicked men\nRUB (massage) reversed (upset) then anagram (involved) of NAKED and HAREm (seraglio) missing final letter (getting bottom pinched) \u2013 pair who murdered their lodgers to sell the corpses"} {"Clue":"Engineer on route sees northbound services (4,5)","Answer":"REST STOPS","Explanation":"Definition: services\nRE (one serving in the Royal Engineers) on ST (street, a route) then SPOTS (sees) reversed (northbound, upwards on a map)"} {"Clue":"Evacuate carriage, finding alien in tube (7)","Answer":"DETRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Evacuate carriage\nET (alien) in DRAIN (tube, medical)"} {"Clue":"He introduced fifty to grisly primeval death (4,3,7)","Answer":"VLAD THE IMPALER","Explanation":"Definition: He\nL (fifty) inside (introduced to) anagram (grisly) of PRIMEVAL DEATH- read the definition as \"he who introduced\u2026\""} {"Clue":"For information, Italian turned over an alpine flower (7)","Answer":"GENTIAN","Explanation":"Definition: alpine flower\nGEN (information) then IT (Italian) reversed (turned over) and AN"} {"Clue":"Frost Report seen at 9? (5)","Answer":"RHYME","Explanation":"Definition: seen at 9\nsounds like (report) of \"rime\" (frost) \u2013 PUB GRUB is an example of a rhyme"} {"Clue":"Mineshaft device, the one that's burst at the edges (10)","Answer":"POPPETHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Mineshaft device\nTHE A (one) inside (that has\u2026at the edges) POPPED (burst)"} {"Clue":"After remixing, had bruiser removed from the record (10)","Answer":"AIRBRUSHED","Explanation":"Definition: removed from the record\nanagram (after remixing) of HAD BRUISER"} {"Clue":"Column shafts concealed in bulbous capitals (5)","Answer":"SCAPI","Explanation":"Definition: Column shaft\nfound inside bulbouS CAPItals"} {"Clue":"Shortish distance in India that is cut from trunks (4)","Answer":"COSS","Explanation":"Definition: Shortish distance in India\nCOSSie (trunks, swimming costume) missing (\u2026cut from) IE \u2013 an Indian measure of 1 3\/4 miles, so shortish?"} {"Clue":"Women collectively (in sexist terms) enjoying a boost? The reverse (6)","Answer":"PUNANI","Explanation":"Definition: Women collectively (in sexist terms)\nIN AN UP (enjoying a boost) reversed (the reverse)"} {"Clue":"Steep edge to cut routinely? (6)","Answer":"RETRIM","Explanation":"Definition: to cut routinely\nRET (steep) RIM (edge)"} {"Clue":"Earthenware statuette, horse in bracken (7)","Answer":"TANAGRA","Explanation":"Definition: Earthenware statuette\nNAG (horse) in TARA (bracken)"} {"Clue":"Keep exercising, taking in nothing for tea (5)","Answer":"PEKOE","Explanation":"Definition: tea\nanagram (exercising) of KEEP contains O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Fine fabric often associated with royals (6)","Answer":"JERSEY","Explanation":"Definition: Fine fabri\ndouble definition \u2013 Jersey Royals are potatoes"} {"Clue":"Turkey included in spread \u2013 made to go a long way? (6)","Answer":"STROWN","Explanation":"Definition: made to go a long way\nTR (Turkey) inside SOWN (spread) \u2013 spread thinly, made to go a long way"} {"Clue":"Receiver, brave, missing ace, clutching nut! (5)","Answer":"FENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Receiver\nFaCE (brave)missing A (ace) containing EN (nut, printing)"} {"Clue":"Worker in a jiffy endlessly recalling Buddhist ritual? (7)","Answer":"TANTRIC","Explanation":"Definition: recalling Buddhist ritual\nANT (worker) in TRICe (a jiffy, endless) \u2013 recalling indicates an adjective"} {"Clue":"Points of view, no good with drinks circulating (6)","Answer":"ANGLES","Explanation":"Definition: Points of view\nNG (no good) inside (with\u2026circulating) ALES (drinks)"} {"Clue":"Meant for a spin with Daisy initially on board? It was (6)","Answer":"TANDEM","Explanation":"Definition: It was\nanagram (for a spin) of MEANT contains (with\u2026on board) Daisy (initially, first letter) \u2013 old song about Daisy and \"a bicycle made for two\""} {"Clue":"Close friend losing mate \u2013 it had value in Lima once (4)","Answer":"INTI","Explanation":"Definition: it had value in Lima onc\nINTImate (close friend) missing MATE \u2013 a former currency of Peru"} {"Clue":"Boss introduces lines for member of ensemble (5)","Answer":"CELLO","Explanation":"Definition: member of ensemble\nCEO (boss) contains (introduces) L L (line, twice)"} {"Clue":"Tiny sorrel, unusual in the manner of centre-facing anthers (10)","Answer":"INTRORSELY","Explanation":"Definition: in the manner of centre-facing anthers\nanagram (unusual) of TINY SORREL"} {"Clue":"Second frivolous point showing lack of significance (10)","Answer":"SLIGHTNESS","Explanation":"Definition: lack of significance\nS (second) and LIGHT (frivolous) and NESS (point, headland)"} {"Clue":"Kink in pedal below what driver may step on (4)","Answer":"GASP","Explanation":"Definition: Kink\nP (pedal, in music) following (below) GAS (what driver may step on)"} {"Clue":"Woody's 'cousin' having line in funny picture, not right? (7)","Answer":"PICULET","Explanation":"Definition: Woody's 'cousin'\nL (line) in anagram (funny) of PICTUrE missing R (right) \u2013 a woodpecker, cousin of Woody Woodpecker perhaps"} {"Clue":"Essential life force, as replaced by priest in yogic pose (5)","Answer":"PRANA","Explanation":"Definition: Essential life force\nP (priest) replacing AS in asANA (yogic pose)"} {"Clue":"Wills e.g. featuring name in quotation maybe (6)","Answer":"PRINCE","Explanation":"Definition: Wills e.g\nN (name) in PRICE (quotation) \u2013 Wills is a nickname of Prince William"} {"Clue":"Strict morality (10)","Answer":"PURITANISM","Explanation":"Definition: Strict morality\ncompetition clue"} {"Clue":"Trio incorporating new poetic lamentation (6)","Answer":"THRENE","Explanation":"Definition: poetic lamentation\nTHREE (trio) contains N (new)"} {"Clue":"Land measures one's seen in redevelopment of Chester (8)","Answer":"HECTARES","Explanation":"Definition: Land measures\nA (one) insdie (is seen in) anagram (redevelopment) of CHESTER"} {"Clue":"More than one as 's' in e.g. 'Greensleeves'? (5)","Answer":"AESIR","Explanation":"Definition: More than one as\nES (s, name of the letter) in AIR (eg Greensleeves) \u2013 the plural of \"as\" (in the sense of a Norse god)"} {"Clue":"Confounded tubers coming up, passed round (8)","Answer":"DISMAYED","Explanation":"Definition: Confounded\nYAMS (tubers) inside (having\u2026round) DIED (passed)"} {"Clue":"Join tar etc at sea crossing (10)","Answer":"TRAJECTION","Explanation":"Definition: crossing\nanagram (at sea) of JOIN TAR ETC"} {"Clue":"Mentally puts off with displays of affectation (8)","Answer":"UPSTAIRS","Explanation":"Definition: Mentally\nanagram (off) of PUTS then AIRS (displays of affection)"} {"Clue":"Rank occupied by lecturer of minor importance (8)","Answer":"FOOTLING","Explanation":"Definition: of minor importance\nFOOTING (rank) contains (occupied by) L (lecturer)"} {"Clue":"Nameless Parisienne coming round prompt for her bowl of potage (7)","Answer":"ECUELLE","Explanation":"Definition: her bowl of potage\nELLE (her, a nameless woman, in French) contains (coming round) CUE (prompt) \u2013 a French soup bowl"} {"Clue":"On being ushered in thaw melted snowdrift (6)","Answer":"WREATH","Explanation":"Definition: snowdrift\nRE (on, regarding) inside (being ushered in) THAW (melted)"} {"Clue":"At some distance regularly giving way to hail cab (6)","Answer":"FIACRE","Explanation":"Definition: cab\nFAR (at some distance) with with every other letter followed by (regularly giving way to) ICE (hail)"} {"Clue":"Cashier American finally quitting ring? (5)","Answer":"ANNUL","Explanation":"Definition: Cashier\nANNULus (ring) with US (American) missing at the end (finally quitting)"} {"Clue":"Daughter taken in by devious lies stays unengaged (5)","Answer":"IDLES","Explanation":"Definition: stays unengaged\nD (daughter) inside anagram (devious) of LIES"} {"Clue":"Mud in crater, none ingested by molluscs (4)","Answer":"MOYA","Explanation":"Definition: Mud in crater\nO (zero, none) inside (ingested by) MYA (a genus of molluscs) \u2013 volcanic mud. I think moya refers to a mud flow down the side of a volcano caused by volcanic ash mixing with water, so probably mud outside the crater rather than in the crater."} {"Clue":"Campaign medal pinned on extremely dapper clothes (8)","Answer":"WARDROBE","Explanation":"Definition: clothes\nWAR (campaign) OBE (Order of the British Empire, medal) containing (pinned on) DappeR (extremely, outside letters of)"} {"Clue":"Without question, Qatar ruling is amended with several points? (10)","Answer":"TRIANGULAR","Explanation":"Definition: with several points\nanagram (is amended) of qATAR RULING missing Q (question)"} {"Clue":"Hostile characters from Burghley regularly allowed to go out (4)","Answer":"UGLY","Explanation":"Definition: Hostile\nbUrGhLeY missing every other letter (regularly allowed to go out)"} {"Clue":"Congress fanatic, a state member appearing before House (6)","Answer":"NYMPHO","Explanation":"Definition: Congress fanatic\nNY (New York, a state) MP (member of parliament) then (appearing before) HO (house) \u2013 sexual congress"} {"Clue":"Reportedly weak man upset one with an eternal uphill struggle (8)","Answer":"SISYPHUS","Explanation":"Definition: one with an eternal uphill struggle\nSISY PHUS sounds like (reportedly) \"sissy fuss\" (weak man, upset) \u2013 character condemned by the Gods eternally carry a rock up a hill only for it to fall again at the last moment"} {"Clue":"Grass \u2013 druggies partook just some of it (7)","Answer":"ESPARTO","Explanation":"Definition: Grass\nfound inside druggiES PARTOok \u2013 a stiff grass used in paper making and craft work"} {"Clue":"Old hat on single male in cul de sac (7)","Answer":"IMPASSE","Explanation":"Definition: cul de sac\nPASSE (old hat) following (on) I (single) M (male)"} {"Clue":"Feelings generated by online crap, perhaps? (8)","Answer":"EMOTIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Feelings\nE (online, as a prefix) and MOTIONS (a motion, a crap, plural)"} {"Clue":"Tiny little bird taps busily, using tail (6)","Answer":"TITCHY","Explanation":"Definition: Tiny\nTIT (little bird) then C and H (taps, cold and hot) followed by busilY (using tail, last letter of)"} {"Clue":"The last word in army communications (4)","Answer":"ZULU","Explanation":"Definition: The last word in army communications\ncryptic definition \u2013 in army radio communications words are used to represent letters, ZULU is the last of these words (representing Z)"} {"Clue":"Points for catching blue sheep (10)","Answer":"SOUTHDOWNS","Explanation":"Definition: sheep\nSOUTH and S (points of the compass) contains (catches) DOWN (blue)"} {"Clue":"Native American tool, extremely effective (6)","Answer":"PAWNEE","Explanation":"Definition: Native American\nPAWN (tool) hen EffectivE (extremes of)"} {"Clue":"Jocular, greedy journalist promises to pay on account (8)","Answer":"EDACIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Jocular, greedy\nED (editor, journalist) then IOUS (promises to pay) following (on) AC (account) \u2013 definition is greedy, used chiefly in a jocular manner"} {"Clue":"An old snapper or a large, sinister fish? No thanks (3,3)","Answer":"MAN RAY","Explanation":"Definition: An old snapper\nMANta RAY (a large sinister fish) missing TA (thanks) \u2013 Man Ray, American\/French photographer (a snapper). Manta Rays were traditionally considered \"devilish\" because of the horn-shaped fins at the front."} {"Clue":"Dame Elizabeth on source of Genesis? (4)","Answer":"EDNA","Explanation":"Definition: Dame\nE (Elizabeth) on DNA (source of genesis, what creates life) \u2013 fictional character Dame Edna Everage"} {"Clue":"Missing marathon, set to tour Sweden (4-4)","Answer":"LONG LOST","Explanation":"Definition: Missing\nLONG (marathon) LOT (set, in film) contains (to tour) S (Sweden). I have never been able to see why \"tour\" indicates \"contains\". If I tour Austria I travel inside Austria, not outside it."} {"Clue":"Neither male nor female looks around forty something when seen from the front (7)","Answer":"SEXLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Neither male nor female\nSEES (looks) contains (around) XL (forty) then Something ( first letter of, when seen from the front)"} {"Clue":"He famously bombed\u00a0southern part of an island (6)","Answer":"HARRIS","Explanation":"Definition: He famously bombed\nSir Arthur \"Bomber\" Harris, architect of WWII bombing strategy and southern part of the island of Lewis and Harris. Nice to see a setter recognise that Harris is not an island!"} {"Clue":"Worker pursuing old car, first to be waved by chequered flag? (10)","Answer":"TRIUMPHANT","Explanation":"Definition: first to be waved by chequered flag\nANT (a worker) following (pursuing) TRIUMPH (old car) \u2013 the triumphant car is the one that won the race"} {"Clue":"US city boxer isn't ignoring the odds up-front (2,5)","Answer":"ST LOUIS","Explanation":"Definition: US city\nLOUIS (Joe Louis, boxer) following (with\u2026up-front) iSn'T (ignoring odd letters)"} {"Clue":"Act so, being out of form (4,6)","Answer":"PLAY TRUANT","Explanation":"Definition: Act so, being out of form\ncryptic definition \u2013 to be out of your class (form) at school"} {"Clue":"Liqueur served by small maiden in a northern Caribbean island (7)","Answer":"SAMBUCA","Explanation":"Definition: Liqueur\nS (small) then M (maiden) inside A CUBA (Caribbean island) reversed (northern, upwards on a map)"} {"Clue":"Mostly asthmatic, wretched apostle (8)","Answer":"MATTHIAS","Explanation":"Definition: apostle\nanagram (wretched) of ATHSMATIc (most of) \u2013 disciple chosen to replace Judas Iscariot"} {"Clue":"When coach lectured to make you cleverer (7)","Answer":"ASTUTER","Explanation":"Definition: cleverer\nAS (when) then TUTER sounds like (lectured) \"tutor\" (coach)"} {"Clue":"Fought, knocking out judge, getting expelled (6)","Answer":"OUSTED","Explanation":"Definition: expelled\njOUSTED (fought) missing J (judge)"} {"Clue":"In time, working to gain distinction (6)","Answer":"HONOUR","Explanation":"Definition: distinction\nON (working) in HOUR (time)"} {"Clue":"Poet separated when half upset (4)","Answer":"OVID","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\n~~VOID (separated?) with VO (half the letters) reversed (upset). I don't know why void means separated, I might not have the right explanation here.~~ *You get OVID when half of DIVOrced (separated) is reversed (upset) \u2013 thanks to Hovis for this explanation."} {"Clue":"A trace of rococo on dark hat (8)","Answer":"SOMBRERO","Explanation":"Definition: hat\nROcoco (a trace of, a couple of letters from) on SOMBRE (dark)"} {"Clue":"National explosion of anger about opening of motorway (6)","Answer":"GERMAN","Explanation":"Definition: National\nanagram (explosion) of ANGER contains (about) Motorway (opening letter of)"} {"Clue":"Quality of 14's stomach is morbidly displayed (8)","Answer":"MACHISMO","Explanation":"Definition: Quality of 14\nfound inside (displayed by) stoMACH IS MObidly \u2013 a quality of James Bond (14 across)"} {"Clue":"State of ornateness is partly about self (6)","Answer":"OREGON","Explanation":"Definition: State\nORNateness (partly) contains (about) EGO (the self)"} {"Clue":"Love popular bouquet returned with thanks (9)","Answer":"INAMORATA","Explanation":"Definition: Love\nIN (popular) AROMA (bouquet) reversed (returned) with TA (thanks)"} {"Clue":"US can ignite even one with great patience (5)","Answer":"SAINT","Explanation":"Definition: one with great patience\neven letters of uS cAn IgNiTe"} {"Clue":"Make fast\u00a0bargain (4)","Answer":"BOND","Explanation":"Definition: Make fast\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Short cut in bad English (7)","Answer":"SHINGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Short cut\nanagram (bad) of ENGLISH \u2013 a short haircut"} {"Clue":"Novel idea to start vehicle with digger (7)","Answer":"IVANHOE","Explanation":"Definition: Novel\nIdea (starting letter) VAN (vehicle) with HOE (something that digs)"} {"Clue":"Produce notes\u00a0to inform (4)","Answer":"SING","Explanation":"Definition: Produce notes\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Free\u00a0pass (5)","Answer":"CLEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Free\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Clever leaders target mine opening to be filled in after accident (5,4)","Answer":"CLAIM FORM","Explanation":"Definition: to be filled in after accident\nCLever (leading letters of) AIM FOR (target) then Mine (opening letter of)"} {"Clue":"Becoming occupant of centre of reshuffled minor agency (6)","Answer":"UNICEF","Explanation":"Definition: minor agenc\nNICE (becoming) inside (occupant of) reshUFfled (centre of) \u2013 an agency for children (minors)"} {"Clue":"Seeing red hole in injury (8)","Answer":"~~SPOTTING~~\u00a0SPITTING","Explanation":"Definition: Seeing\n~~POT~~ PIT (hole) in STING (injury)"} {"Clue":"Job middle class left repeatedly for shame (3,3)","Answer":"TSK TSK","Explanation":"Definition: for shame\nTaSK (job) missing (having left) clAss (middle of), repeatedly"} {"Clue":"Sugar's overwhelming question for statesmen (8)","Answer":"ALASKANS","Explanation":"Definition: statesmen\nALAN'S (Alan Sugar's) contains (overwhelming) ASK (question) \u2013 men from the state of Alaska"} {"Clue":"Clubs maybe filled with two thousand at peak (6)","Answer":"SUMMIT","Explanation":"Definition: peak\nSUIT (Clubs maybe) containing (filled with) M M (thousand, twice)"} {"Clue":"From 9 I'm missing blended coffees (6)","Answer":"MOCHAS","Explanation":"Definition: coffees\nanagram (blended) of MACHiSmO missing I'M"} {"Clue":"Beast of a nose (5)","Answer":"RHINO","Explanation":"Definition: Beast\nRHINO- as a prefix denotes \"of a nose\""} {"Clue":"Driver's break in window shopping? (3-4)","Answer":"RAM-RAID","Explanation":"Definition: Driver's break in window shopping\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Going out with a bit of meagre snogging in back row (9)","Answer":"EGRESSION","Explanation":"Definition: Going out\na bit of meaGRE Snogging in NOISE (row) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Fool restricts goalmouth attacks (8)","Answer":"MUGGINGS","Explanation":"Definition: attacks\nMUGGINS (fool) contains (restricts) Goal (opening letter, mouth of)"} {"Clue":"Nervous time may spoil intense first innings (8)","Answer":"NINETIES","Explanation":"Definition: Nervous time\nanagram (to spoil) of INTENSE with Innings (first letter of) \u2013 the \"nervous nineties\" in cricket is the psychological pressure of nearing a century (100 runs)"} {"Clue":"Parts of vice film (4)","Answer":"JAWS","Explanation":"Definition: Parts of vic\ndouble definition \u2013 1975 rubber shark movie"} {"Clue":"Model her stones with distinction (9)","Answer":"OTHERNESS","Explanation":"Definition: distinction\nanagram (model) of HER STONES"} {"Clue":"Ignore loud dance with fashionable land owner (8)","Answer":"DISCOUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Ignore\nDISCO (loud dance) with U (fashionable) and NT (National Trust, a landowner)"} {"Clue":"Radical state in a bit of gimmickry (8)","Answer":"MAVERICK","Explanation":"Definition: Radical\nAVER (state) in gimMICKry (a bit of)"} {"Clue":"Cut top off forage plant (4)","Answer":"ETCH","Explanation":"Definition: Cut\nvETCH (forage plant) missing top letter"} {"Clue":"Cut top off end of steel instrument (7)","Answer":"SCALPEL","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\nSCALP (cut top off) then steEL (end letters of)"} {"Clue":"Mirth in text appeal to a temptress (6)","Answer":"LOLITA","Explanation":"Definition: temptress\nLOL (mirth, laugh-out-loud abbreviation in text messages) then IT (appeal) and A"} {"Clue":"Semi-final games played by counterparts (6)","Answer":"~~IMAGOS~~ IMAGES","Explanation":"Definition: counterparts\n~~ultIMA (final, half of) the GOS (games played)~~ *anagram (played) of semI (final letter of) and GAMES"} {"Clue":"Covering extremely hazardous subject (5)","Answer":"MATHS","Explanation":"Definition: subject\nMAT (a covering) then HazardouS (extremes of)"} {"Clue":"How could I be Doc? (6)","Answer":"BODICE","Explanation":"anagram (how could\u2026) of I BE DOC"} {"Clue":"Confused college student dismissed legend (8)","Answer":"CULOTTES","Explanation":"anagram (confused) of COLlege STUdEnTS missing LEGEND"} {"Clue":"Hare's partner's swapping notes (6)","Answer":"BURKAS","Explanation":"BURKE'S (murderous partner of Hare) swapping E (a note of the scale) for A (another note)"} {"Clue":"Gloomy gold returned (8)","Answer":"SOMBRERO","Explanation":"SOMBRE (gloomy) then OR (gold) reversed (returned)"} {"Clue":"Cornwall \u2013 I first managed clubs, say (8)","Answer":"SWIMSUIT","Explanation":"SW (The Southwest, Cornwall perhaps) with I then Managed (first letter of) and SUIT (clubs say)"} {"Clue":"Poor Ann left Leningrad in a whirl (6)","Answer":"GIRDLE","Explanation":"anagram (in a whirl) of LEnInGRaD missing (left) ANN (poor indicates letters of Ann are not in order)"} {"Clue":"Singular clothing article (4)","Answer":"TOGA","Explanation":"TOG (an item of clothing) and A (indefinite article)"} {"Clue":"Demanding, swapping partners around five (6,4)","Answer":"STRING VEST","Explanation":"STRINGEnT (demanding) swapping N for S (partners at Bridge) containing (around) V (five)"} {"Clue":"Charles Aznavour first has to arrange part-song (5,5)","Answer":"CARGO PANTS","Explanation":"first letters of Charles Aznavour then anagram (to arrange) of PART-SONG"} {"Clue":"Some exact likeness reflected (4)","Answer":"KILT","Explanation":"found reversed (reflected) inside exacT LIKeness"} {"Clue":"Black family in team (6)","Answer":"BIKINI","Explanation":"B (black) then KIN (family) in II (eleven, a team)"} {"Clue":"Minor error with some of the personnel (8)","Answer":"SLIPPERS","Explanation":"SLIP (minor error) with PERSonel (some of the letters, the first four)"} {"Clue":"Old county town's corgi (8)","Answer":"CARDIGAN","Explanation":"a Cardigan Corgi is a breed of dog, from the Welsh town of Cardigan, formally the county town of Cardiganshire"} {"Clue":"Stardust persona holding court, finally (3,3)","Answer":"BOW TIE","Explanation":"BOWIE (Ziggy Stardust, David Bowie persona) contains courT (final letter of)"} {"Clue":"I waited outside as daughter left (8)","Answer":"LINGERIE","Explanation":"I inside (with\u2026outside) LINGEREd (waited) missing D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Gives details of legal instructions (6)","Answer":"BRIEFS","Explanation":"cryptic definition ?"} {"Clue":"Act as minder for a small charge? (7)","Answer":"BABYSIT","Explanation":"Definition: Act as minder for a small charge\ncryptic definition \u2013 two meaning of \"charge\", fee and ward"} {"Clue":"The German campanologist's short arm (9)","Answer":"DERRINGER","Explanation":"Definition: short arm\nDER (the, German) then RINGER (campanologist) \u2013 a type of pistol"} {"Clue":"Section of a will for Santa, we're told (6)","Answer":"CLAUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Section of a will\nsounds like (we are told) \"Claus\" (Santa)"} {"Clue":"They are, originally, unknowns from outer space (4)","Answer":"UFOS","Explanation":"Definition: They are, originally, unknowns from outer space\nfirst letters (originally) of Unknowns From Outer Space"} {"Clue":"Light and dark blue cattle crossing (8)","Answer":"OXBRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Light and dark blue\nOX (cattle) and BRIDGE (cattle)"} {"Clue":"Walk three yards regularly (5)","Answer":"TREAD","Explanation":"Definition: Walk\nThReE yArDs (regularly selected)"} {"Clue":"This competitor is running in the race after all (7)","Answer":"SLOWEST","Explanation":"Definition: This competitor is running in the race after all\ncryptic definition \u2013 the competitor coming after all the others"} {"Clue":"Violent, dry wind, haze, some rain and finally a lull (7)","Answer":"MISTRAL","Explanation":"Definition: Violent, dry wind\nMIST (haze) then Rain (first letter, some of) and A lulL (final letter)"} {"Clue":"Private Investigator purloined gold coin (7)","Answer":"PISTOLE","Explanation":"Definition: gold coin\nPI (private investigator) then STOLE (purloined)"} {"Clue":"Record in Crete possibly a focal point (9)","Answer":"EPICENTRE","Explanation":"Definition: a focal point\nEP (Extended Play, record) then anagram (possibly) of IN CRETE"} {"Clue":"Casually pop in with her to dance (8)","Answer":"HORNPIPE","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nanagram (casually) of POP IN with HER"} {"Clue":"Square all round young animal I don't quite sedate (7)","Answer":"CUBICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Square all round\nCUB (young animal) I then CALm (sedate, almost)"} {"Clue":"Frilly attachments are awfully tasteless \u2013 no note included (7)","Answer":"TASSELS","Explanation":"Definition: Frilly attachments\nanagram (awfully) of TASTELESS missing TE (a note)"} {"Clue":"He's paid for working in former Middle Eastern union. It's an outrage (6)","Answer":"UPROAR","Explanation":"Definition: an outrage\nPRO (he is paid for working) in UAR (the former United Arab Republic)"} {"Clue":"Unanswerable Buddhist question about religious leader in Holy Book (5)","Answer":"KORAN","Explanation":"Definition: Holy Book\nKOAN (unanswerable Buddhist question) contains (around) Religious (leader, first letter)"} {"Clue":"From Amritsar, an Indian princess (4)","Answer":"RANI","Explanation":"Definition: princess\nfound inside amritsaR AN Indian"} {"Clue":"Show individual and organisation, both concerned with public health (6,3)","Answer":"DOCTOR WHO","Explanation":"Definition: Show\nDOCTOR (individual) and WHO (organizational) public health concerns"} {"Clue":"Eighth vehicle in the outback? (4)","Answer":"BUSH","Explanation":"Definition: the outback\nBUS H (eighth vehicle) \u2013 bus A, bus B, bus C\u2026"} {"Clue":"Temperature in fish ending in oven, hot (6)","Answer":"STOLEN","Explanation":"Definition: hot\nT (temperature) in SOLE (fish) then oveN (ending letter of)"} {"Clue":"Daughter wearing Lincoln green, no good for the city (8)","Answer":"ABERDEEN","Explanation":"Definition: city\nD (daughter) inside (wearing) ABE (Abraham Lincoln) gREEN missing G (good)"} {"Clue":"Small parcels dark, all together (3,3)","Answer":"DIM SUM","Explanation":"Definition: Small parcels\nDIM (dark) and SUM (all together). I can't think of an example sentence where I could replace \"sum\" with \"all\" or \"all together\"."} {"Clue":"Keeping healthy ultimately, fruit on field for a longer time? (4,4)","Answer":"LEAP YEAR","Explanation":"Definition: a longer time\nhealthY (ultimately, last letter) inside (keeping\u2026is\u2026) PEAR (fruit) all following (on) LEA (field) \u2013 a longer year than usual"} {"Clue":"I'm always missing wife, travelling round a country (8)","Answer":"MALAYSIA","Explanation":"Definition: country\nanagram (travelling) of I'M ALwAYS missing W (wife) containing (round) A"} {"Clue":"Wearing whites, one pulls hard (6)","Answer":"HOICKS","Explanation":"Definition: pulls hard\nI (one) inside (wearing\u2026is\u2026) HOCKS (whites, wines)"} {"Clue":"Messenger bagging last of post for royal attendant (8)","Answer":"COURTIER","Explanation":"Definition: royal attendant\nCOURIER (messenger) contains (is bagging) posT (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Fifth primate in the shade? (6)","Answer":"ORANGE","Explanation":"Definition: shade\nORANG E (fifth primate) \u2013 orang A, orang B, orang C\u2026"} {"Clue":"One on the table, perhaps in the middle? (8)","Answer":"HYDROGEN","Explanation":"Definition: One on the table, perhaps in the middle\nelement number one in the Periodic Table, sometimes shown in the middle of the table in a group of its own. *H is also the middle letter of perHaps, well done to all who spotted that. Perhaps it is the H in the middle of tHe too."} {"Clue":"In which gorgeous trailer in red and 22 across hybridised? (4,6)","Answer":"ROSE GARDEN","Explanation":"Definition: In which\nanagram (hybridised) of gorgeouS (trailing letter) with RED and ORANGE \u2013 definition to be read as \"In which you might find\u2026\""} {"Clue":"Black coat on the counter, top edge a kind of blue? (9)","Answer":"CAMBRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: a kind of blue\nB (black) MAC (coat) reversed (on the counter) then RIDGE (top edge)"} {"Clue":"Storehouse where drunk turned up (5)","Answer":"DEPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Storehouse\nTOPED (drunk) reversed (turned up)"} {"Clue":"Prince having to do his own cleaning, for the most part? (7)","Answer":"CHARLES","Explanation":"Definition: Prince\nCHARLESs (having no cleaning worker) unfinished (for the most part)"} {"Clue":"Tear-jerker doubly touching, I assumed (5)","Answer":"ONION","Explanation":"Definition: Tear-jerker\nON ON (touching, twice) containing (assumed by) I (one)"} {"Clue":"Bird narrating story of Footballers' Wives? (7)","Answer":"WAGTAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nWAG TAIL sounds like \"wag tale\" (story of Footballers' Wives) \u2013 WAGs are footballers' partners, derived from \"wives and girlfriends\""} {"Clue":"Phrase initially described by \"by and large\" is OK, loosely (7,8)","Answer":"BROADLY SPEAKING","Explanation":"Definition: Phrase initially described by \"by and large\" is OK, loosely\nPhrase (initially, first letter of) inside (described by) inside anagram (loosely) of BY AND LARGE IS OK"} {"Clue":"Cerium injected into hand, virologist admits, an experience requiring a lifeline? (9)","Answer":"SPACEWALK","Explanation":"Definition: an experience requiring a lifeline\nCE (Cerium) inside (injected into) PAW (hand) all inside (admitted by) SALK (Jonas Salk, virologist) \u2013 sticklers for detail may wish to discuss whether a lifeline is actually required for a spacewalk"} {"Clue":"Lover upended in chariot, a Roman imperialist (9)","Answer":"INAMORATO","Explanation":"Definition: Lover\nfound reversed (upended) in chariOT A ROMAN Imperialist"} {"Clue":"Passionate, a miss with nice pants (9)","Answer":"MESSIANIC","Explanation":"Definition: Passionate\nanagram (pants, in a bad way) of A MISS with NICE"} {"Clue":"War film cut excessively? (1,6,3,3)","Answer":"A BRIDGE TOO FAR","Explanation":"Definition: War film\nABRIDGE (cut) TOO FAR (excessively)"} {"Clue":"Support of women cut under a patriarch (7)","Answer":"ABRAHAM","Explanation":"Definition: patriarch\nBRA (support of women) HAM (cut, of meat) all following (under) A"} {"Clue":"Cross old country from the south, taking passport, say, around? (2,1,4)","Answer":"IN A MOOD","Explanation":"Definition: Cross\nO (old) OMAN (country) reversed (from the south, upwards on a map) inside (taking\u2026around) ID (passport say)"} {"Clue":"\"Wash behind your ears?\" It's an honour! (5,2,3,4)","Answer":"ORDER OF THE BATH","Explanation":"Definition: It's an honour\ndefinition and cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Bird in 24, bees every second buzzing off (5)","Answer":"GREBE","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nevery other letter omitted (buzzing off) in GaRdEn BeEs"} {"Clue":"Locks leg after bend (7)","Answer":"HAIRPIN","Explanation":"Definition: bend\nHAIR (locks) then (with\u2026after) PIN (leg)"} {"Clue":"Lady that's spare, and not old (6)","Answer":"LEANNE","Explanation":"Definition: Lady\nLEAN (spare) and NE (not, old=obsolete)"} {"Clue":"Hint isn't in a clue that's half missing, faulty (9)","Answer":"INSINUATE","Explanation":"Definition: Hint\nanagram (faulty) of ISN'T IN A and clUE (half missing)"} {"Clue":"One's kept in chest or box (Scottish) (5)","Answer":"BUIST","Explanation":"Definition: box (Scottish)\nI (one) in BUST (chest)"} {"Clue":"Nigel's troubled about outside broadcast that's inferior (7)","Answer":"IGNOBLE","Explanation":"Definition: inferior\nanagram (troubled) of NIGEL contains OB (outside broadcast)"} {"Clue":"Interior design, one inspired by Dutch look! (6)","Answer":"DECCIE","Explanation":"Definition: Interior design\nI (one) inside (inspired by) D (Dutch) ECCE (look, Latin)"} {"Clue":"Headless ghost holding lute, initially it twangs the strings (7)","Answer":"PLECTRE","Explanation":"Definition: it twangs the strings\nsPECTRE (ghost, headless) contains Lute (initial letter of)"} {"Clue":"Duck during basic education, being caught in 's' for slips (6)","Answer":"ERRORS","Explanation":"Definition: slips\nO (duck, zero score) inside (during\u2026being caught in) RRR (the three Rs, basic education) all inside (being caught in) \"S (the letter 's')"} {"Clue":"Loveless tough worked out tantrum in ritualistic crime (7)","Answer":"THUGGEE","Explanation":"Definition: ritualistic crime\nanagram (worked out) of ToUGH (loveless, missing O) then GEE (tantrum)"} {"Clue":"Pollen gatherer getting work in southern California (5)","Answer":"SCOPA","Explanation":"Definition: Pollen gatherer\nOP (opus, work) in S (southern) CA (California)"} {"Clue":"Hermit community offering minimum of luxurious mystique (5)","Answer":"LAURA","Explanation":"Definition: Hermit community\nLuxurious (first letter, minimum of) then AURA (mystique)"} {"Clue":"Claim fees wrongly for past crimes (9)","Answer":"MALEFICES","Explanation":"Definition: past crimes\nanagram (wrongly) of CLAIM FEES"} {"Clue":"Rocky outcrop, one overlooking meandering R. Nile (6)","Answer":"INLIER","Explanation":"Definition: Rocky outcrop\nI (one) on (overlooking) anagram (meandering) of R NILE"} {"Clue":"Cooked meal completely over \u2013 not a substantial plate (7)","Answer":"LAMELLA","Explanation":"Definition: not a substantial plate\nanagram (cooked) of MEAL then ALL (completely) reversed (over)"} {"Clue":"Eating mess with red bananas, Poles are rendered inactive by them? (13)","Answer":"DEMAGNETISERS","Explanation":"Definition: Poles are rendered inactive by them\nanagram (bananas) of EATING MESS with RED"} {"Clue":"Fish, rather plump, passing by (4)","Answer":"CHUB","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\nCHUBby (rather plump) missing BY"} {"Clue":"Toxic substance secreted by prehistoric insects (5)","Answer":"RICIN","Explanation":"Definition: Toxic substance\nfound inside (secreted by) prehistoRIC INsects"} {"Clue":"Personification from love poet in non-verse writing mostly I accepted (11)","Answer":"PROSOPOPEIA","Explanation":"Definition: Personification\nO (love) POPE (a poet) in PROSe (non-verse writing, mostly) I and A (accepted)"} {"Clue":"Thrill for Jock racket led astray (6)","Answer":"DINDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Thrill for Jock\nDIN (racket) then anagram (astray) of LED \u2013 Jock indicates a Scottish word"} {"Clue":"Smashed\u00a0bust, obscure (5)","Answer":"BLIND","Explanation":"Definition: Smashed\ntriple definition"} {"Clue":"Old spears: a lunge directed catches cadet, one certainly following behind (11)","Answer":"LAUNCEGAYES","Explanation":"Definition: Old spears\nanagram (directed) of A LUNGE contains (catches) C (cadet?) then (following behind) A (one) YES (certainly). I didn't find C for cadet in Chambers."} {"Clue":"They make settlements creating trouble in records (9)","Answer":"ENTAILERS","Explanation":"Definition: They make settlements\nAIL (trouble) in ENTERS (records)"} {"Clue":"Township in short suggests this temporary accommodation (6)","Answer":"TEEPEE","Explanation":"Definition: temporary accommodation\nTEE PEE or tp in short, a township"} {"Clue":"Seat required for dance performance, of course (5)","Answer":"NATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Seat\ntriple definition"} {"Clue":"Get a gun and scare bats in plantation crop (9)","Answer":"SUGAR CANE","Explanation":"Definition: plantation crop\nanagram (pants) of A GUN and SCARE"} {"Clue":"One of algae group that invades mid-sea environs (6)","Answer":"DESMID","Explanation":"Definition: One of algae group\nfound inside (in the environs of) invaDES MID-sea"} {"Clue":"Ventriloquist's prop, about right for making us laugh (5)","Answer":"DROLL","Explanation":"Definition: making us laugh\nDOLL (ventriloquist's prop) contains R (right)"} {"Clue":"What looms pass yarn through mostly on time (6)","Answer":"THREAT","Explanation":"Definition: What looms\nTHREAd (pass yarn through, mostly) on T (time)"} {"Clue":"Merkel's brow isn't furrowed when Right gets in (5)","Answer":"STIRN","Explanation":"Definition: Merkel's brow\nanagram (furrowed) of ISN'T containing R (right) \u2013 the German word not in Chambers"} {"Clue":"Cunning dab escapes subject to control (5)","Answer":"GUILE","Explanation":"Definition: Cunning\nGUIdabLE (subject to control) missing DAB"} {"Clue":"Deipnosophist's gems appearing regularly in annuals? (4)","Answer":"ANAS","Explanation":"Definition: Deipnosophist's gems\nevery other letter of AnNuAlS \u2013 a dinner speaker's anecdotes"} {"Clue":"To die from contents of hamper is horrendous (6)","Answer":"PERISH","Explanation":"Definition: To die\nfound inside hamPER IS Horrendous"} {"Clue":"Indignant when Dicky ruins map (2,2,4)","Answer":"UP IN ARMS","Explanation":"Definition: Indignant\nanagram (dicky) of RUINS MAP"} {"Clue":"Popular film about holding Massachusetts' fellow in prison (6)","Answer":"INMATE","Explanation":"Definition: fellow in prison\nIN (popular) ET (a film) reversed (about) contains (holding) MA (Massachusetts)"} {"Clue":"Spooner's to come across kind-hearted energy supplier (4,4)","Answer":"WIND FARM","Explanation":"Definition: energy supplier\nWIND FARM is a written Spoonerism of \"find warm\" (come across kind-hearted)"} {"Clue":"Head over to Spain by air (4)","Answer":"TUNE","Explanation":"Definition: air\nNUT (head) reversed (over) by E (Espana, Spain)"} {"Clue":"Is able to proceed with church decree (5)","Answer":"CANON","Explanation":"Definition: church decree\nCAN ON (is able to proceed)"} {"Clue":"Start to check everyone's name (4)","Answer":"CALL","Explanation":"Definition: name\nCheck (starting letter of) then ALL (everyone)"} {"Clue":"The basic facts revealed by demented novelist and playwright found inside (4,3,5)","Answer":"NUTS AND BOLTS","Explanation":"Definition: The basic facts\nNUTS (demented) contains (with\u2026found inside) SAND (George Sand, novelist) and BOLT (Robert Bolt, playwright)"} {"Clue":"Round of applause after preferred fellow becomes chief assistant (5-4,3)","Answer":"RIGHT-HAND MAN","Explanation":"Definition: chief assistant\nHAND (round of applause) following RIGHT (preferred) then MAN (fellow)"} {"Clue":"Vigour and style exhibited by the French in Parisian houses (4)","Answer":"ELAN","Explanation":"Definition: Vigour and style\nLA (the, French) inside (housed by) EN (in, French again, as spoken in Paris)"} {"Clue":"Tend to manage in recession with a couple of servants (5)","Answer":"NURSE","Explanation":"Definition: Tend\nRUN (to manage) reversed (in recession) with SErvants (a couple of letters of)"} {"Clue":"Symbol for 'Gentlemen' primarily seen outside toilet? Just the opposite (4)","Answer":"LOGO","Explanation":"Definition: Symbol\nLOO (toilet) contains (seen outside) Gentlemen (first letter, primarily)"} {"Clue":"Foreign order I've set aside (8)","Answer":"OVERRIDE","Explanation":"Definition: set aside\nanagram (foreign) of ORDER I'VE"} {"Clue":"An exclamation of mild disapprobation whichever way you look at it (3-3)","Answer":"TUT-TUT","Explanation":"Definition: An exclamation of mild disapprobation\ntut-tut is a palindrome (whichever way you look at it)"} {"Clue":"Skilful Manoeuvring's a book by a former Labour leader (8)","Answer":"FOOTWORK","Explanation":"Definition: Skilful Manoeuvring\nWORK (a book perhaps) by FOOT (Michael Foot, former Labour Leader)"} {"Clue":"John's back in good time? Not quite (6)","Answer":"NEARLY","Explanation":"Definition: Not quite\njohN (back, last letter of) then EARLY (in good time)"} {"Clue":"Original reward for victory said to include money (8)","Answer":"PRISTINE","Explanation":"Definition: Original\nPRISE sounds like (said) prize (reward) contains (to include) TIN (money)"} {"Clue":"Ponder upon team in trouble after game (8)","Answer":"RUMINATE","Explanation":"Definition: Ponder upon\nanagram (trouble) of TEAM IN following (after) RU (rugby union, a game)"} {"Clue":"Locate it in the middle of Ossett (4)","Answer":"SITE","Explanation":"Definition: Locate\nIT inside osSEtt (middle letters of)"} {"Clue":"Caught out of school with hippies struggling to reason like Kant (12)","Answer":"PHILOSOPHISE","Explanation":"Definition: to reason like Kant\nanagram (struggling) of ScHOOL missing C (caught) and HIPPIES"} {"Clue":"Growth of new type of poem (4)","Answer":"NODE","Explanation":"Definition: Growth\nN (new) ODE (type of poem)"} {"Clue":"President from Georgia featured in article supporting soldiers (6)","Answer":"REAGAN","Explanation":"Definition: President\nGA (Georgia) in AN (indefinite article) on (supporting) RE (Royal Engineers, soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Note on West African country's language (6)","Answer":"SOMALI","Explanation":"Definition: language\nSO (note, of the scale) on MALI (West African country)"} {"Clue":"Carry with difficulty from edge of motorway (4,8)","Answer":"HARD SHOULDER","Explanation":"Definition: edge of motorway\nSHOULDER (carry) HARD (with difficulty) \u2013 I don't see why these are reversed"} {"Clue":"Freak out as Spanish-speaker's husband is taken away (5)","Answer":"PANIC","Explanation":"Definition: Freak out\nhisPANIC (a Spanish speaker) missing H (husband) IS"} {"Clue":"Son died going after brown bear (5)","Answer":"STAND","Explanation":"Definition: bear\nS (son) then D (died) following TAN (brown)"} {"Clue":"A kind of merchant is how Cole introduced himself (8)","Answer":"IMPORTER","Explanation":"Definition: A kind of merchant\nI'M PORTER (how Cole Porter introduced himself)"} {"Clue":"Why tour rearranged to take in Norway is not acceptable (8)","Answer":"UNWORTHY","Explanation":"Definition: not acceptable\nanagram (rearranged) of WHY TOUR contains (to take in) N (Norway)"} {"Clue":"Began to remove loose ends at first (3,3)","Answer":"LED OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Began\nDOFF (to remove) follows (with\u2026at first) LoosE (end letters of)"} {"Clue":"Managed with what was available when appointed by Rob (4,2)","Answer":"MADE DO","Explanation":"Definition: Managed with what was available\nMADE (appointed) by DO (rob)"} {"Clue":"Conflict with Germany sent up in sketch (4)","Answer":"DRAW","Explanation":"Definition: sketch\nWAR (conflict) with D (Deutschland, Germany) all reversed (set up)"} {"Clue":"Sheer power shown by river (4)","Answer":"PURE","Explanation":"Definition: Sheer\nP (power) by URE (river)"} {"Clue":"Gather Julius confesses to being an idiot (5)","Answer":"AMASS","Explanation":"Definition: Gather\nAM ASS (the writer confesses to being an idiot)"} {"Clue":"According to Spooner, Barcelona superstar \"past it\", reduced by 10% (9)","Answer":"DECIMATED","Explanation":"Definition: reduced by 10%\nDECI MATED is a Spoonerism of \"Messi dated\" (Barcelona superstar, past it)"} {"Clue":"Sun, French wine \u2013 good for doing a crossword! (7)","Answer":"SOLVING","Explanation":"Definition: doing a crossword\nSOL (sun) VIN (French wine) and G (good)"} {"Clue":"Outstrip coach to London (7)","Answer":"UPSTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Outstrip\nUP (going to the city) STAGE (coach)"} {"Clue":"Beguiling women apply henna to locks of hair, introducing a hint of colour (13)","Answer":"ENCHANTRESSES","Explanation":"Definition: Beguiling women\nanagram (apply) of HENNA then TRESSES (locks of hair) contains (introduces) Colour (first letter, a hint of)"} {"Clue":"He saved animals without hesitation (4)","Answer":"NOAH","Explanation":"Definition: He saved animals\nNO AH (without hesitation, not to um and ah)"} {"Clue":"Bury the greatest American among the others (5,4)","Answer":"INTER ALIA","Explanation":"Definition: among the others\nINTER (bury) ALI (Muhammad Ali, The Greatest) then A (American)"} {"Clue":"As van Helsing (as van Winkel)? (3,3,3,5)","Answer":"OUT FOR THE COUNT","Explanation":"Definition: As van Helsing\ndouble cryptic definition \u2013 Professor Abraham Van Helsing chases Count Dracula in Bram Stoker's book, Rip Van Winkle was asleep for 20 years in the short story by Washington Irving"} {"Clue":"Hook's bo'sun regularly simpered (4)","Answer":"SMEE","Explanation":"Definition: Hook's bo'sun\nevery other letter (regularly) of SiMpErEd \u2013 the bo'sun on Captain Hook's ship in Peter Pan"} {"Clue":"That's a perfunctory item; ITN doesn't hang about! (3-5,5)","Answer":"ONE-NIGHT STAND","Explanation":"Definition: That's a perfunctory item\nanagram (about) of ITN DOESN'T HANG \u2013 an item is a couple in a relationship, in this case a very short one"} {"Clue":"This month's universal download (7)","Answer":"INSTALL","Explanation":"Definition: download\nINST (this month) ALL (universal)"} {"Clue":"Camera in Manchester loaded with film (4,3)","Answer":"RAIN MAN","Explanation":"Definition: film\nfound inside (loaded by) cameRA IN MANchester"} {"Clue":"Where Kane reportedly wandered, having been sent off? (2,3,4,2,3)","Answer":"IN THE LAND OF NOD","Explanation":"Definition: Where Kane reportedly wandered\nKANE sounds like (reportedly) \"Cain\" \u2013 to be in the land of nod is to be asleep (sent off), in the book of Genesis Cain was exiled to the Land of Nod after he murdered his brother"} {"Clue":"Endless errors of judgment in Recess (4)","Answer":"APSE","Explanation":"Definition: Recess\nlAPSEs (errors of judgement) missing the end letters"} {"Clue":"Radical Caliphate? The West's not paying attention! (6,2,3,6)","Answer":"ASLEEP AT THE SWITCH","Explanation":"Definition: not paying attention\nanagram (radical) of CALIPHATE THE WEST'S"} {"Clue":"Doctrinaire character to pursue Mike at first (9)","Answer":"DOGMATIST","Explanation":"Definition: Doctrinaire character\nDOG (to pursue) M (mike, phonetic alphabet) AT then IST (1st, first)"} {"Clue":"Guns shot tusker in the outskirts of Mandalay (8)","Answer":"MUSKETRY","Explanation":"Definition: Guns\nanagram (shot) of TUSKER in MandalaY (outskirts of)"} {"Clue":"After extra time upset in the cup! (3)","Answer":"TEA","Explanation":"Definition: in the cup\nAET (after extra time, football result) reversed (upset)"} {"Clue":"Shift worker tailoring seams in darker environment getting afternoon off (10)","Answer":"DRESSMAKER","Explanation":"Definition: Shift worker\nanagram (tailoring) of SEAMS inside (in\u2026environment) DaRKER missing A (afternoon) \u2013 a shift is a long shirt or dress"} {"Clue":"Female damns crude arriviste (4-4,3)","Answer":"SELF-MADE MAN","Explanation":"Definition: arriviste\nanagram (crude) of FEMALE DAMNS"} {"Clue":"Herculean? No; do minimum accepted in our time (4,6)","Answer":"ANNO DOMINI","Explanation":"Definition: in our time\nfound inside (accepted by) herculeAN NO DO MINImum"} {"Clue":"Much-loved, Trump's leadership restored confidence having abandoned the centre (9)","Answer":"TREASURED","Explanation":"Definition: Much-loved\nTrump (leading letter of) REASsURED (restored confidence) missing the central letter"} {"Clue":"Ponder a time in century-old French cottage (8)","Answer":"COGITATE","Explanation":"Definition: Ponder\nA T (time) inside C (century) O (old) GITE (French cottage)"} {"Clue":"Turning up on 1ac. round the back of Julius Caesar's Palace? (6)","Answer":"CASINO","Explanation":"Definition: Caesar's Palace?\nON IAC (1ac) reversed (turning up) containing (round) juliuS (final letter, the back of)"} {"Clue":"For starters: hummus, artichoke, labneh, vinaigrette; afters: semolina carrot cake . . . . (5)","Answer":"HALVA","Explanation":"Definition: semolina carrot cake\nfirst letters (for starters) of Hummus Artichoke Labneh Vinaigrette Afters \u2013 a semolina cake, sometimes made with carrot"} {"Clue":". . . . eat up, madam (4)","Answer":"ENID","Explanation":"Definition: madam\nDINE (eat) reversed (up) \u2013 a woman's name. Is there a further connection between Enid and madam?"} {"Clue":"Tosspot tossing tosspot tossing away tops (3)","Answer":"SOT","Explanation":"Definition: Tosspot\nanagram (tossing) of TOSspot missing (tossing away) TOPS"} {"Clue":"Preferred getting temperature inside pastry dish, using measuring device (7)","Answer":"PIPETTE","Explanation":"Definition: measuring device\nPET (preferred) with T (temperature) inside PIE (pastry dish)"} {"Clue":"Cry from group of players rejecting latest stage work (6)","Answer":"SQUAWK","Explanation":"Definition: Cry\nSQUAd (group of players) missing last letter (rejecting latest stage) then WK (work)"} {"Clue":"Vegetarian food fanatic given mullet? It's allowed (3,6)","Answer":"NUT CUTLET","Explanation":"Definition: Vegetarian food\nNUT (fanatic) with CUT (mullet, a haircut) then LET (it's allowed)"} {"Clue":"Religious art that is displayed in exercise area (5)","Answer":"PIETA","Explanation":"Definition: Religious art\nIE (that is) in PT (Physical Training, exercise) and A (area)"} {"Clue":"Delicious yoghurt Ursula made originally? I'm surprised (5)","Answer":"YUMMY","Explanation":"Definition: Delicious\nfirst letters (originally) of Yoghurt Ursula Made originally then MY (gosh, I'm surprised)"} {"Clue":"Type of march, unpopular in France, is described by holiday guide (5-4)","Answer":"ROUTE-STEP","Explanation":"Definition: Type of march\nOUT (unpopular) EST (is, in French) inside (is described by) REP (holiday guide)"} {"Clue":"New cashier wraps first piece of vinyl in record store (8)","Answer":"ARCHIVES","Explanation":"Definition: record store\nanagram (new) of CASHIER contains Vinyl (first piece, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Footballers' move, say, went wrong in goalless match? (3-3)","Answer":"ONE-TWO","Explanation":"Definition: Footballers' move, say\nanagram (wrong) of WENT in O O (nil-nil, goalless match as seen on scoreboard)"} {"Clue":"Material which covered houses primarily (6)","Answer":"THATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Material\nTHAT (which) then first letters (primarily) of Covered Houses \u2013 not &lit but the wordplay certainly elaborates the definition"} {"Clue":"Bird and man audibly clash (8)","Answer":"NIGHTJAR","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nNIGHT sounds like (audibly) \"knight\" (man, on a chessboard) then JAR (clash)"} {"Clue":"One maybe needing number and coins, frantically, to ring Mina abroad (9)","Answer":"INSOMNIAC","Explanation":"Definition: One maybe needing number\nanagram (frantically) of COINS contains (to ring) anagram (abroad) of MINA \u2013 something that numbs you"} {"Clue":"It is retro gear, only half a crown (5)","Answer":"TIARA","Explanation":"Definition: crown\nIT reversed (is retro) then geAR (only half) and A"} {"Clue":"Characters outside on Glenlivet, an alcoholic drink (1,3,1)","Answer":"G AND T","Explanation":"Definition: an alcoholic drink\nG AND T are the outside characters of GlenliveT"} {"Clue":"Basil perhaps sustains yelp peripherally, a cry of approval for rhetorical figure (9)","Answer":"HYPERBOLE","Explanation":"Definition: rhetorical figure\nHERB (basil perhaps) contains (sustains) YelP (peripherally) then OLE (a cry of approval)"} {"Clue":"About 59, semi-pro regularly appeared, needing invigorating substance (6)","Answer":"ELIXIR","Explanation":"Definition: invigorating substance\nLIX (59, Roman numerals) inside (with\u2026about) sEmI-pRo (regularly appeared, every other letter)"} {"Clue":"Diplomatic office getting space \u2013 it could be fishy (7)","Answer":"EMBASSY","Explanation":"Definition: Diplomatic office\nEM (a space, printing) then BASSY (like a bass, it could be fishy)"} {"Clue":"Cycle a bit, over a great distance, before night comes round (5,8)","Answer":"PENNY FARTHING","Explanation":"Definition: Cycle\nPENNY (a bit, coin) on (over) FAR (a great distance) then anagram (comes round) of NIGHT"} {"Clue":"European river leads to another river, northwards, and another river (7)","Answer":"POTOMAC","Explanation":"Definition: another river\nPO (a European river) then (in front of, leads) TO and CAM (another river) reversed (northwards, upwards as on a map)"} {"Clue":"In fact, make an effort to tour centre of Toulon (5)","Answer":"TRULY","Explanation":"Definition: In fact\nTRY (make an effort) contains (tours) toULon (centre letters of). To \"tour\" means \"to go *inside* somewhere\" not to go \"to go *outside* somewhere\", I don't get why setters use it."} {"Clue":"Regal ground, during design, became bigger (8)","Answer":"ENLARGED","Explanation":"Definition: became bigger\nanagram (ground) of REGAL inside (during) END (design, a plan or goal)"} {"Clue":"Outstay, when retired, one's time away (3,3)","Answer":"SIT OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Outstay\nI'S (one's) reversed (when retired) then T (time) OUT (away)"} {"Clue":"Hesitating private then breaks free \u2013 the last of many (9)","Answer":"UMPTEENTH","Explanation":"Definition: the last of many\nUM (hesitating) PTE (private) and anagram (breaks free) of THEN"} {"Clue":"American bird's torn into comic (4,3)","Answer":"WREN TIT","Explanation":"Definition: American bird\nRENT (torn) in WIT (comic)"} {"Clue":"Nick vacated lavatory in the correct way (13)","Answer":"APPROPRIATELY","Explanation":"Definition: in the correct way\nAPPROPRIATE (nick, to steal) hen LavatorY (vacated, no middle letters)"} {"Clue":"Contribution from workers present on jet and chopper in US (6,3)","Answer":"INCOME TAX","Explanation":"Definition: Contribution from workers\nIN (present) on COMET (de Havilland Comet, jet) and AX (US spelling of axe, chopper)"} {"Clue":"Mushroom I found during dig that will be eaten at Christmas? (5,3)","Answer":"MINCE PIE","Explanation":"Definition: that will be eaten at Christmas\nCEP (mushroom) I inside (found during) MINE (dig)"} {"Clue":"Football club\u00a0magazine (7)","Answer":"ARSENAL","Explanation":"Definition: Football club\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"First person in France seeing an insect, mostly green (7)","Answer":"JEALOUS","Explanation":"Definition: green\nJE (first person singular, in France) with (seeing) LOUSe (insect, mostly)"} {"Clue":"Spot that woman's musical instrument (6)","Answer":"ZITHER","Explanation":"Definition: musical instrument\nZIT (spot) HER (that woman)"} {"Clue":"Pound found in bath robe (5)","Answer":"THROB","Explanation":"Definition: Pound\nfound inside baTH ROBe"} {"Clue":"Perform display around north of ancient Greece? (6)","Answer":"DORIAN","Explanation":"Definition: of ancient Greece\nDO (perform) then AIR (display) reversed (around) and N (north)"} {"Clue":"Sign almost marks where submerged activity may be seen (8)","Answer":"AQUARIUM","Explanation":"Definition: where submerged activity may be seen\nAQUARIUs (sign of the zodiac, almost) then M (marks)"} {"Clue":"Tax charge on deliveries (8)","Answer":"OVERLOAD","Explanation":"Definition: Tax\nLOAD (charge) following (on) OVER (six deliveries, in Cricket)"} {"Clue":"ID carried by former fighter in high-up troops (6)","Answer":"ALPINI","Explanation":"Definition: high-up troops\nPIN (personal identification number, id) inside (carried by) ALI (Muhammad Ali, former fighter) \u2013 Italian mountain troops"} {"Clue":"Young English Catholic novelist (6)","Answer":"GREENE","Explanation":"Definition: Catholic novelist\nGREEN (young) and E (English) \u2013 author Graham Greene"} {"Clue":"Supremacist response curtailed in airline article (8)","Answer":"KLANSMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Supremacis\nANS (answer, response curtailed=abbreviation) in KLM (airline) AN (article)"} {"Clue":"Daughter stops dating, sorting out better players (7)","Answer":"SEEDING","Explanation":"Definition: sorting out better players\nD (daughter) inside (stops, like a cork) SEEING (dating, seeing someone)"} {"Clue":"Using post, distribute tights (7)","Answer":"MAILLOT","Explanation":"Definition: tights\nMAIL (post) LOT (distribute)"} {"Clue":"Valve that's half dry in part (8)","Answer":"THROTTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Valve\nTHat (half of) TT (teetotal, dry) in ROLE (part)"} {"Clue":"Inability to read law stopping excellent start for 17 (6)","Answer":"ALEXIA","Explanation":"Definition: Inability to read\nLEX (law) inside (stopping, like a cork) AI (A1, excellent) then \u2026"} {"Clue":"Dominant group in area left stage briefly (6)","Answer":"ALPHAS","Explanation":"Definition: Dominant group\nA (area) L (left) by PHASe (stage, briefly)"} {"Clue":"Said dismal king trapping foreign character, one who was grounded (5,3)","Answer":"GREAT AUK","Explanation":"Definition: one who was grounded\nGREA sounds like (said) \"dismal\" K (king) contains (trapping) TAU (foreign character) \u2013 an extinct flightless (grounded) bird"} {"Clue":"Scoff on the way (8)","Answer":"ROADKILL","Explanation":"Definition: Scoff on the way\ncryptic definition \u2013 something to eat found on the road (way)"} {"Clue":"The beast of Blenheim Palace? (6)","Answer":"IMPALA","Explanation":"Definition: beast\nfound inside blenheIM PALAce"} {"Clue":"Approach criminal on the brink (8)","Answer":"CONVERGE","Explanation":"Definition: Approach\nCON (criminal) on VERGE (the brink)"} {"Clue":"Savage, caustic old author taking new lead (6)","Answer":"FIERCE","Explanation":"Definition: Savage\nBIERCE (Ambrose Bierce, caustic satirical US writer) with a new first letter (F replaces B)"} {"Clue":"Lacking gravity, funny man regularly touring alone (8)","Answer":"UNSOLEMN","Explanation":"Definition: Lacking gravity\nevery other letter (regularly) of fUnNy MaN contains (touring) SOLE. \"touring\" as a containment indicator again, one of my pet dislikes"} {"Clue":"Warhol sunk, finally arrested by extremely vindictive sort of fuzz? (7)","Answer":"VANDYKE","Explanation":"Definition: sort of fuzz\nANDY (Andy Warhol) and sunK (final letter of) inside (arrested by) VindictivE (outside letters, extremes of) \u2013 a sort of beard (fuzz)"} {"Clue":"Republic overturned denial in one month (6)","Answer":"GUYANA","Explanation":"Definition: Republic\nNAY (denial) in AUG (one month) all reversed (overturned)"} {"Clue":"Criminal also undermining support plan (8)","Answer":"PROPOSAL","Explanation":"Definition: plan\nanagram (criminal) of ALSO following (undermining, in the grid) PROP (support)"} {"Clue":"Governess expected girl to turn up (6)","Answer":"DUENNA","Explanation":"Definition: Governess\nDUE (expected) then ANN (girl) reversed (to turn up)"} {"Clue":"Heard dog barking in a port (8)","Answer":"DROGHEDA","Explanation":"Definition: a port\nanagram (barking, mad) of HEARD DOG \u2013 a port in Ireland"} {"Clue":"Don's half cutting bills (8)","Answer":"ACADEMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Don\nDEMI (half) inside (cutting) AC AC (account, bill, twice)"} {"Clue":"You and I sold out in a hateful way (8)","Answer":"ODIOUSLY","Explanation":"Definition: in a hateful way\nanagram (out) of YOU and I SOLD"} {"Clue":"For each climbing record, a climber may climb this (7)","Answer":"PERGOLA","Explanation":"Definition: climber may climb this\nPER (for each) then LOG (record) reversed (climbing) and A \u2013 a frame for climbing plants"} {"Clue":"Hungry hippo, extremely large and depressed (6)","Answer":"HOLLOW","Explanation":"Definition: Hungry\nHippO (outer letters, extremely) L (large) and LOW (depressed)"} {"Clue":"Kids regularly chasing match ball (6)","Answer":"TESTIS","Explanation":"Definition: ball\nvery other letter (regularly) of kIdS following (chasing) TEST (match)"} {"Clue":"Legally precludes unnamed stepson for beating (6)","Answer":"ESTOPS","Explanation":"Definition: Legally precludes\nanagram (for beating) of STEPSOn missing N (name, so un-named)"} {"Clue":"Holst worried nervously before opening of his \u2013 such as Planets? (13)","Answer":"OTHERWORLDISH","Explanation":"Definition: such as Planets\nanagram (nervously) of HOLST WORRIED then His (opening letter of)"} {"Clue":"Stacks of discs, good, with Prince on (5)","Answer":"GRANA","Explanation":"Definition: Stacks of discs\nG (good) and RANA (prince)"} {"Clue":"Wherein you'll see houris are dancing, with time off? (5)","Answer":"SERAI","Explanation":"Definition: Wherein you'll see\nanagram (dancing) of hourIS ARE missing hour (time)"} {"Clue":"Nae one's ain gyte? Lead on one's held by t' reins, cruelly (9)","Answer":"STEPBAIRN","Explanation":"Definition: Nae one's ain gyte\nPB (lead) on A inside anagram (cruelly) of T'REINS"} {"Clue":"Place for used cars, American? One wouldn't be seen there (5)","Answer":"LOTUS","Explanation":"Definition: One wouldn't be seen there\nLOT (place for used cars) and US (American) \u2013 perhaps a Lotus, being a European car, might not be seen in an American lot"} {"Clue":"Prop, second sent off \u2013 team\u00a0was cock-a-hoop (4)","Answer":"CREW","Explanation":"Definition: team\nsCREW (prop, propeller) missing S (second) \u2013 two definitions"} {"Clue":"Wearing old headcloth, one's tense beside costly French cook (9)","Answer":"CHERCHEF\u2019T","Explanation":"Definition: Wearing old headcloth\nT (tense) following (beside) CHER (costly, French) CHEF (cook) \u2013 wearning a headcloth, old=archaic"} {"Clue":"Foreign soldier heading off short-sighted ones retreating (5)","Answer":"SEPOY","Explanation":"Definition: Foreign soldier\nmYOPES (short-sighted ones) missing heading and reversed (retreating)"} {"Clue":"Sort of salmon active in freshwater algae (5)","Answer":"CHARA","Explanation":"Definition: freshwater algae\nCHAR (sort of salmon) then A (active)"} {"Clue":"Church candle in middle of holiday rector lit (9)","Answer":"TRICERION","Explanation":"Definition: Church candle\nanagram (lit, drunk) of IN with holIday (middle letter of) and RECTOR"} {"Clue":"Start of bidding resting with south? More than one club's crazy (4)","Answer":"BATS","Explanation":"Definition: More than one club\nBidding (start of) AT (resting with) and S (south) \u2013 two definitions"} {"Clue":"Something to extend sail, right in light rainfall (5)","Answer":"SPRIT","Explanation":"Definition: Something to extend sail\nR (right) in SPIT (light rainfall)"} {"Clue":"Box lined with wooden strip, lattice-like (9)","Answer":"CLATHRATE","Explanation":"Definition: lattice-like\nCRATE (box) containing (lined with) LATH (wooden strip)"} {"Clue":"Food that's dry inside, about 500g in China (5)","Answer":"KATTI","Explanation":"Definition: about 500g in China\nKAI (food) containing (that has\u2026inside) TT (teetotal, dry)"} {"Clue":"Not old, captivated by fashion on the decline (5)","Answer":"WANEY","Explanation":"Definition: on the decline\nNE (not old=archaic) inside (captivated by) WAY (fashion)"} {"Clue":"Foul-mouthed one maybe bringing up rumour with nothing in it (7)","Answer":"TROOPER","Explanation":"Definition: Foul-mouthed one maybe\nREPORT (rumour) containing O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"One panting for the psalmodist in the spirit of Spenser? (4)","Answer":"HART","Explanation":"Definition: the spirit of Spenser\n*As the hart panteth after the water* from psalm 42 \u2013 Spenserean spelling of heart"} {"Clue":"Long-distance race that requires energy staggering round (6)","Answer":"ENDURO","Explanation":"Definition: Long-distance race\nE (energy) then anagram (staggering) of ROUND"} {"Clue":"Pull up, dear \u2013'ow yer doin'? (7)","Answer":"WOTCHER","Explanation":"Definition: ow yer doin\nTOW (pull) reversed (up) then CHER (dear)"} {"Clue":"Linked climbing party, thorough, outer pair removed (4)","Answer":"ROPE","Explanation":"Definition: Linked climbing party\npROPEr (thorough) missing outer letters"} {"Clue":"A hound's tail wagging with the hunt's climax (5)","Answer":"DEATH","Explanation":"Definition: the hunt's climax\nanagram (wagging) of A hounD (tail of) with THE"} {"Clue":"I'm up on almost everything relating to flower family (7)","Answer":"IRIDEAL","Explanation":"Definition: relating to flower family\nI RIDE (I'm up) on ALL (everything, almost all the letters of)"} {"Clue":"Cutting short a shirt in the Scottish style (4)","Answer":"SARK","Explanation":"Definition: a shirt in the Scottish style\nSARKy (cutting, short)"} {"Clue":"Colonel in cavalry regiment, familiar in G & S whimsy (9)","Answer":"GOLDSTICK","Explanation":"Definition: Colonel in cavalry regiment\nOLD (familiar) inside GS (G & S) then tick (whimsy)"} {"Clue":"During visit takes in odd features of Natal at once (9)","Answer":"INSTANTLY","Explanation":"Definition: at once\nIN (during) STAY (visit) contains (takes in) nAtAl (every other letter, odd features of)"} {"Clue":"Shave bit off fitness regime after start of exercises? (7)","Answer":"EPILATE","Explanation":"Definition: Shave\nPILATEs (fitness regime) missing last letter (with a bit off) following Exercises (starting letter of)"} {"Clue":"His is wake-up call, old, in duty list? (7)","Answer":"ROOSTER","Explanation":"Definition: His is wake-up call\nO (old) in ROSTER (duty list)"} {"Clue":"One of many in orchard: true fir? Wrong (7)","Answer":"FRUITER","Explanation":"Definition: One of many in orchard\nanagram (wrong) of TRYE FIR"} {"Clue":"Pages replacing bishop in cheer for wedding ceremony (6)","Answer":"HUPPAH","Explanation":"Definition: wedding ceremony\nHUrrAH (cheer) with PP (pages) replacing RR (Right Reverend, bishop)"} {"Clue":"Short vestment, excessive one with cape on top (5)","Answer":"COTTA","Explanation":"Definition: Short vestment\nOTT (excessive) A (one) following (with\u2026on top) C (cape)"} {"Clue":"Chemical once used by e.g. 20 scare curtailed (4)","Answer":"ALAR","Explanation":"Definition: Chemical once used by e.g. 20\nALARm (scare, cutailed) \u2013 a pesticide once used on apple trees"} {"Clue":"Like distinctive woollies, knitted angora \u2013 bargain struck (4)","Answer":"ARAN","Explanation":"Definition: Like distinctive woollies\nanagram (knitted) of ANgoRA missing (struck) GO (bargain) \u2013 like an Aran wooly jumper"} {"Clue":"Work on English for Finnish song (4)","Answer":"RUNE","Explanation":"Definition: Finnish song\nRUN (work) on E (English)"} {"Clue":"Exercise covers getting more on station (10)","Answer":"PADDINGTON","Explanation":"Definition: station\nPT (physical training, exercise) includes (covers) ADDING (getting more) then ON"} {"Clue":"Suffer being spectacled, maybe (4)","Answer":"BEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Suffer\na Spectacled Bear maybe (the Andean Short-faced Bear), a being that is spectacled"} {"Clue":"Heel of topless shoe (5)","Answer":"ROGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Heel\nbROUGE (shoe, topless)"} {"Clue":"Call round at ten with new restriction on what we eat (9)","Answer":"RATIONING","Explanation":"Definition: restriction on what we eat \nRING (call) contains (round) AT IO (10, ten) with N (new)"} {"Clue":"What poor witch may do\u00a0to display bad character? (8)","Answer":"MISSPELL","Explanation":"Definition: What poor witch may do\ndouble cryptic definition \u2013 a character is a letter"} {"Clue":"Starts\u00a0fires (5)","Answer":"BOOTS","Explanation":"Definition: Starts\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Grant could be for returning hero (7)","Answer":"ULYSSES","Explanation":"Definition: Grant could be\nAmerican General Ulysses S Grant and the Greek hero returning after the fall of Troy"} {"Clue":"Green\u00a0family\u00a0tie knot (7)","Answer":"WINDSOR","Explanation":"Definition: Green\ntriple definition \u2013 colour, royal family and a knot for a tie."} {"Clue":"Finish off bird on fire (7)","Answer":"FLAMING","Explanation":"Definition: on fire\nFLAMINGo (bird) with finishing letter missing (off)"} {"Clue":"Unsettled by deliveries delayed until Easter initially (7)","Answer":"OVERDUE","Explanation":"Definition: Unsettled\nOVER (six deliveries, in cricket) then initial letters of Delayed Until Easter \u2013 an account that has not been settled"} {"Clue":"Values some Elizabeth I coins (5)","Answer":"ETHIC","Explanation":"Definition: Values\nfound inside (some of) elizabETH I Coins"} {"Clue":"Sea trout floundering face down (8)","Answer":"OUTSTARE","Explanation":"Definition: face dow\nanagram (floundering) of SEA TROUT"} {"Clue":"Duck born inside shell, say, may be forgotten (9)","Answer":"OMISSIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: may be forgotten\nO (duck, zero score in cricket) then B (born) inside MISSILE (shell say)"} {"Clue":"Prepare to pray for king born at finishing school (5)","Answer":"KNEEL","Explanation":"Definition: Prepare to pray\nK (king) NEE (born) and schooL (finishing letter of)"} {"Clue":"Disapprove of posh prelate (4)","Answer":"TUTU","Explanation":"Definition: prelat\nTUT (disapprove of) and U (posh) \u2013 Bishop Desmond Tutu"} {"Clue":"Dish of beef wound round fish covering (10)","Answer":"WELLINGTON","Explanation":"Definition: Dish of beef\nWELT (wound) contains (round) LING (a fish) then ON (covering)"} {"Clue":"Land according to turn (4)","Answer":"PERU","Explanation":"Definition: Land\nPER (according to) and U (a turn)"} {"Clue":"Worth tidying mess (7)","Answer":"DIGNITY","Explanation":"Definition: Worth\nanagram (mess) of TIDYING"} {"Clue":"Obstruction is about money (5)","Answer":"ILEUS","Explanation":"Definition: Obstruction\nIS containing (about) LEU (Romanian money) \u2013 an obstruction in the bowel"} {"Clue":"Plots to scrap uprising and retreats (7)","Answer":"GARDENS","Explanation":"Definition: Plots\nRAG (a scrap) reversed (uprising) and DENS (retreats)"} {"Clue":"Place of learning turned us down for discharge (7)","Answer":"OUTFLOW","Explanation":"Definition: discharge\nOU (Open University, place of learning) then FT (us, this newspaper) reversed (turned) and LOW (down)"} {"Clue":"Hacks at top of perm leaving misreported mess (7)","Answer":"EDITORS","Explanation":"Definition: Hacks at top\nanagram (perm, permutation) of mISreORTED missing MESS \u2013 hacks are journalists, editors are top journalists"} {"Clue":"Records Bognor perhaps with essays (10)","Answer":"REGISTRIES","Explanation":"Definition: Records\nREGIS (Bognor Regis perhaps) with TRIES (essays)"} {"Clue":"Right to cry out before One Direction entered university (8)","Answer":"SORBONNE","Explanation":"Definition: university\nR (right) inside (with\u2026out) SOB (cry) then ONE containing (\u2026entered) N (north, a direction)"} {"Clue":"Arrangement to cut off deal for personal cover (6,4)","Answer":"DUFFLE COAT","Explanation":"Definition: personal cover\nanagram (arrangement to) CUT OFF DEAL"} {"Clue":"Possibly carry on with fit specimen (8)","Answer":"SUITCASE","Explanation":"Definition: Possibly carry on\nSUIT (fit) and CASE (specimen) \u2013 a carry-on item, a cabin bag on an aeroplane"} {"Clue":"He's unconvinced that he is taking part (7)","Answer":"ATHEIST","Explanation":"Definition: He's unconvinced\nfound inside (part of) thAT HE IS Taking"} {"Clue":"Take off close in poem \u2013 it's so long (7)","Answer":"GOODBYE","Explanation":"Definition: so long\nGO (take off) then BY (close) inside ODE (poem)"} {"Clue":"Leading part in Porridge? (7)","Answer":"OATMEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Porridge\nthis might be a cryptic definition \u2013 the leading part in porridge is played by oatmeal (as the leading part in Porridge is played by Ronnie Barker)"} {"Clue":"Most gloomy braves hold end of tomahawk with a bit of trepidation (7)","Answer":"DARKEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most gloomy\nDARES (braves) contains (holds) tomahawK (end of) then the first letter (a bit) of Trepidation"} {"Clue":"Number of commandments describing approval for remembrance (5)","Answer":"TOKEN","Explanation":"Definition: remembrance\nTEN (the number of commandments) contains (describing) OK (approval)"} {"Clue":"Design most of factory (4)","Answer":"PLAN","Explanation":"Definition: Design\nPLANt (factory, most of)"} {"Clue":"City physicist finally splitting subatomic particle (6)","Answer":"BOSTON","Explanation":"Definition: City\nphysicisT (final letter of) inside (splitting) BOSON (subatomic particle)"} {"Clue":"City speed is beyond me (7)","Answer":"MEMPHIS","Explanation":"Definition: City\nMPH (speed) IS following (beyond) ME"} {"Clue":"One with great desire going after detailed stuff, delicately formed (9)","Answer":"FILIGREED","Explanation":"Definition: delicately formed\nI (one) with GREED (great desire) following (going after) FILL (stuff) missing last letter (detailed)"} {"Clue":"Bloke spending nought, ultimately? (5)","Answer":"MISER","Explanation":"Definition: Bloke spending nought, ultimately\nMIStER (bloke) missing (spending) noughT (ultimately, last letter)"} {"Clue":"A racket inspiring head of mafia organisation (5)","Answer":"ADMIN","Explanation":"Definition: organisatio\nA DIN (racket) contains (inspiring, breathing in) Mafia (head, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Surgery ends in the clinic with extensive bandaging \u2014 gosh! (9)","Answer":"VASECTOMY","Explanation":"Definition: Surgery\nending letters of thE cliniC inside (with\u2026bandaging) VAST (extensive) then O MY (Oh my, gosh)"} {"Clue":"Open-air better, on the other hand (7)","Answer":"OUTDOOR","Explanation":"Definition: Open-air\nOUTDO (better) OR (on the other hand)"} {"Clue":"Strange chest for city (6)","Answer":"NEWARK","Explanation":"Definition: city\nNEW (strange) ARK (chest)"} {"Clue":"City a dollar? (6)","Answer":"AUSTIN","Explanation":"Definition: a dollar\nA US TIN (an American money, a dollar)"} {"Clue":"Lady hunter aims, their odds not looking good? (7)","Answer":"ARTEMIS","Explanation":"Definition: Lady hunter\nanagram (not looking good) of AIMS and odd letters of ThEiR \u2013 goddess of hunting"} {"Clue":"Ball player from 1966 about to block star (9)","Answer":"ALDEBARAN","Explanation":"Definition: star\nALAN (Alan Ball, footballer in 1966 England team) contains (about) DEBAR (to block)"} {"Clue":"Doctor behind huge beast dropping in lozenge (5)","Answer":"RHOMB","Explanation":"Definition: lozenge\nMB (doctor) following (behind) RHinO (huge beast) missing IN"} {"Clue":"First on back row missing capital city (5)","Answer":"BOISE","Explanation":"Definition: city\nBack (first letter of) then nOISE (row) missing first letter (the capital)"} {"Clue":"Silver in an assignment for city (9)","Answer":"ANCHORAGE","Explanation":"Definition: city\nAG (silver) in AN CHORE (assignment)"} {"Clue":"Great, a city (7)","Answer":"AUGUSTA","Explanation":"Definition: city\nAUGUST (great) A"} {"Clue":"City in Laos, a pleasure to recall (2,4)","Answer":"EL PASO","Explanation":"Definition: City\nfound inside laOS A PLEasure reversed (to recall)"} {"Clue":"City auditor's cushion on the ground? (7)","Answer":"BUFFALO","Explanation":"Definition: City\nBUFFA LO sounds like (for the auditor) \"buffer\" (cushion) \"low\" (on the ground)"} {"Clue":"City festivals coming up (5)","Answer":"SALEM","Explanation":"Definition: City\nMELAS (festivals) reversed (coming up)"} {"Clue":"Part of church lost for a long time (5,4)","Answer":"ORGAN LOFT","Explanation":"Definition: Part of church\nanagram (lost) of FAR A LONG and T (time)"} {"Clue":"Nice house around back of cardboard city (7)","Answer":"MADISON","Explanation":"Definition: city\nMAISON (house, as written in Nice) contains (around) cardboarD (back of)"} {"Clue":"Take off soprano part on opening of Carmen (5)","Answer":"MIMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Take off\nMIMI (part for soprano) on Carmen (opening letter of)"} {"Clue":"Chart right, so wrong in the morning (9)","Answer":"HISTOGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Chart\nanagram (wring) of RIGHT SO then AM (in the morning)"} {"Clue":"Guys about right as drifters? (6)","Answer":"STRAYS","Explanation":"Definition: drifters\nSTAYS (guys) containing (about) R (right)"} {"Clue":"City\u00a0singer (6)","Answer":"DENVER","Explanation":"Definition: City\ndouble definition \u2013 singer John Denver"} {"Clue":"Initially, terrible judgement about state moving slowly (9)","Answer":"TRUNDLING","Explanation":"Definition: moving slowly\nTerrible (initially, first letter of) then RULING (judgement) containing (about) ND (North Dakota, state)"} {"Clue":"Formerly outstanding openers going in , two wickets later out for ducks? (9)","Answer":"WATERFOWL","Explanation":"Definition: ducks\nfirst letters (openers) of Formerly Outstanding inside (going in) anagram (out) of W W (wicket, twice) and LATER"} {"Clue":"Irish victory accepted by relative leader in Anthony Eden (7)","Answer":"NIRVANA","Explanation":"Definition: Eden\nIR (Irish) V (victory) inside (accepted by) NAN (grandmother, a relative) then Anthony (leading letter of)"} {"Clue":"Daisy wants me out of the country, ban finally secured (6)","Answer":"ARNICA","Explanation":"Definition: Daisy\nAmeRICA (country) missing ME containing (with\u2026secured) baN (finally, last letter) \u2013 a member of the daisy family"} {"Clue":"Last letter required to fill old puzzle, flipping bitter! (7)","Answer":"SUBZERO","Explanation":"Definition: bitter\nZ (the last letter of the alphabet) inside (required to fill) O (old) REBUS (puzzle) all reversed (flipping) \u2013 bitterly cold"} {"Clue":"Brief tactic to overcome a state (6)","Answer":"GAMBIA","Explanation":"Definition: state\nGAMBIt (tactic, briefly)\u00a0before (on top of, in a down answer) A"} {"Clue":"Pronounced blemish develops (5)","Answer":"BREWS","Explanation":"Definition: develops\nsounds like (pronounced) \"bruise\" (blemish)"} {"Clue":"City centres in Hoboken, Bamako and Peshawar (5)","Answer":"OMAHA","Explanation":"Definition: City\ncentre letters of hobOken baMAko ans pesHAwar"} {"Clue":"A guitarist's shot archer? (11)","Answer":"SAGITTARIUS","Explanation":"Definition: archer\nanagram (shot) of A GUITARIST'S"} {"Clue":"Piece of germanium (3)","Answer":"MAN","Explanation":"Definition: Piece\nfound inside gerMANium \u2013 a chess piece"} {"Clue":"Anger about Government's rubbish (5)","Answer":"BILGE","Explanation":"Definition: Anger\nBILE (anger) contains (about) G (government)"} {"Clue":"Department coming up with small houses (9)","Answer":"DWELLINGS","Explanation":"Definition: houses\nD (department) WELLING (coming up) with S (small)"} {"Clue":"Drudge has wrap with heroin (9)","Answer":"PACKHORSE","Explanation":"Definition: Drudge\nPACK (wrap) with HORSE (heroin)"} {"Clue":"Put on\u00a0coach (5)","Answer":"STAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Put on\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Bloody politician touring Borders (7)","Answer":"CRIMSON","Explanation":"Definition: Bloody\nCON (Conservative, politician) contains (touring) RIMS (borders)"} {"Clue":"King George alas is dull in America (4)","Answer":"GRAY","Explanation":"Definition: dull in America\nGR (George Rex) and AY (alas)"} {"Clue":"Maybe Goodman's means of seeing\u00a0French town (4)","Answer":"LENS","Explanation":"Definition: means of seeing\nLEN'S (Len Goodman's, ballroom dancer \u2013 two definitions"} {"Clue":"TV presenter briefly in Channel Island with bird (7)","Answer":"SKYLARK","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nKYLe (Jeremy Kyle TV presenter, briefly) in SARK (Channel Island)"} {"Clue":"Welsh politician's objective to improve (5)","Answer":"AMEND","Explanation":"Definition: to improve\nAM (Assembly Member, of the Welsh Parliament) has END (objective)"} {"Clue":"Scouts \u2013 opportunists using Republican for sex (9)","Answer":"EXPLORERS","Explanation":"Definition: Scouts\nEXPLOitERS (opportunists) with R (republican) replacing (sed for) IT (sex)"} {"Clue":"Ordering reconstruction around American border with Mexico (3,6)","Answer":"RIO GRANDE","Explanation":"Definition: border with Mexico\nanagram (reconstruction) of ORDERING containing (around) A (American)"} {"Clue":"Doctor's operation involves part of the body (5)","Answer":"TORSO","Explanation":"Definition: part of the body\nfound inside docTOR'S Operation"} {"Clue":"Knight leaves country boy (3)","Answer":"LAD","Explanation":"Definition: boy\nLAnD (county) missing N (knight)"} {"Clue":"Point gun in Arms and the Man? (6,5)","Answer":"PERIOD PIECE","Explanation":"Definition: Arms and the Man\nPERIOD (point, full stop) and PIECE (gun) \u2013 play by Bernard Shaw, an example of a period piece if staged today?"} {"Clue":"Part of a matrix shown by u-boat's speed (8)","Answer":"SUBSPACE","Explanation":"Definition: Part of a matrix\nSUB'S (u-boat's) PACE (speed) \u2013 I can't find this definition anywhere. For some reason\u00a0*subspace* is not listed in Chambers, I would have expected it to be."} {"Clue":"Heavenly festival chief's entertaining tango (8)","Answer":"GALACTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Heavenly\nGALA (festival) then CIC (commander-in-charge, chief) contains (entertaining) T (tango, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Support half of those people with force (5)","Answer":"TEETH","Explanation":"Definition: force\nTEE (a support) and THem (those people, half of)"} {"Clue":"Joiner's smooth in bar (7)","Answer":"ANDIRON","Explanation":"Definition: bar\nAND (a joiner) has IRON (smooth) \u2013 an iron bar used in a fireplace"} {"Clue":"I reportedly see bird coming back with lettuce (7)","Answer":"ICEBERG","Explanation":"Definition: lettuce\nI then C sounds like (reportedly) \"see\" and GREBE (bird) reversed (coming back)"} {"Clue":"One selling special beer to youth in Seychelles (9)","Answer":"SALESLADY","Explanation":"Definition: One selling\nS (special) ALE (beer) then LAD (youth) in SY (Seychelles)"} {"Clue":"Side on a large keyboard (6)","Answer":"MANUAL","Explanation":"Definition: keyboard\nMAN U (Manchester United, a football side) on A L (large) \u2013 an organ keyboard"} {"Clue":"Eats without lady and son (6)","Answer":"NOSHES","Explanation":"Definition: Eats\nNO (without) SHE (lady) and S (son)"} {"Clue":"Police equipment motormouth's split up (5,4)","Answer":"SPEED TRAP","Explanation":"Definition: Police equipment\nSPEED (motor) and TRAP (mouth) \u2013 motormouth split up is motor mouth"} {"Clue":"Unlikely offer from private nursing home is nonchalant (8)","Answer":"CAREFREE","Explanation":"Definition: nonchalant\nCARE is unlikely to be FREE in a private nursing home"} {"Clue":"One may be slightly inclined to be Green (3,5)","Answer":"SKI SLOPE","Explanation":"Definition: One may be slightly inclined to be Green\ncryptic definition \u2013 a green ski slope is an easy one, with only a slight slope (incline)"} {"Clue":"Author's right to be more authoritarian (7)","Answer":"STERNER","Explanation":"Definition: more authoritarian\nSTERE (author) had R (right)"} {"Clue":"Boss promoting European involved in wrestling (7)","Answer":"SUPREMO","Explanation":"Definition: Boss\nPR (public relations, promoting things?) E (European) inside (involved in) SUMO (wrestling)"} {"Clue":"Guards touch up regimental officers' ladies initially (6)","Answer":"PATROL","Explanation":"Definition: Guards\nTAP (to touch) reversed (up) then first letters (initially) of Regimental Officers' Ladies"} {"Clue":"Transfer\u00a0back (6)","Answer":"SECOND","Explanation":"Definition: Transfer\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Elderly person keeps books to hand (2,3)","Answer":"ON TAP","Explanation":"Definition: to hand\nOAP (elderly person) contains (keeps) NT (New Testament, books of the Bible)"} {"Clue":"Drops to the floor, as does Spooner's limbo dancer (4,2)","Answer":"LETS GO","Explanation":"Definition: Drops to the floor\na Spoonerism of \"gets low\" (what a limbo dancer does)"} {"Clue":"Issue an unsecured cheque\u00a0to test the water (3,1,4)","Answer":"FLY A KITE","Explanation":"Definition: Issue an unsecured cheque\ndouble definition \u2013 and a mixed metaphor"} {"Clue":"Eddy breaks Ishmael's trombone (9)","Answer":"MAELSTROM","Explanation":"Definition: Eddy\nfound inside (breaks) isMAEL'S TROMbone"} {"Clue":"Before 19, 21 down regularly gets squiffy (5)","Answer":"TIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: squiffy\nsTrInG (21 down regularly, every other letter) before HT (height, 19 across)"} {"Clue":"PM Theresa struggling to get to grips with ordinary mood of the party (10)","Answer":"ATMOSPHERE","Explanation":"Definition: mood of the party\nanagram (struggling) of PM THERESA contains (to get to grips with) O (ordinary)"} {"Clue":"Top shopping centre accepts rouble at last (7)","Answer":"HIGHEST","Explanation":"Definition: Top\nHIGH ST (shopping centre) contains (accepts) roublE (at last, final letter of)"} {"Clue":"Fall asleep with cap on? (3,3)","Answer":"NOD OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Fall asleep\nNO DOFF (so keeping one's cap on)"} {"Clue":"In 1545, the king's diminished stature (6)","Answer":"HEIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: stature\nH EIGHTh (diminished, unfinished), Henry VIII king of England in 1545"} {"Clue":"Sticks oar in, grouching somewhat, going through the roof! (7)","Answer":"SOARING","Explanation":"Definition: going through the roof\nfound inside (somewhat) stickS OAR IN Grouching"} {"Clue":"Theoretical problem's missing a measurement of volume (10)","Answer":"HECTOLITRE","Explanation":"Definition: measurement of volume\nanagram (problem) of THERORETICaL missing A"} {"Clue":"Duke is featured in newspaper (4)","Answer":"FIST","Explanation":"Definition: Duke\nIS inside (featured in) FT (newspaper)"} {"Clue":"Almost nothing in the main road from Baku? (5)","Answer":"AZERI","Explanation":"Definition: from Baku\nZERo (nothing, almost) in AI (A1, main road)"} {"Clue":"Trojan family doctor treating Amir (4,5)","Answer":"KING PRIAM","Explanation":"Definition: Trojan\nKIN (family) GP (doctor) then anagram (treating) of AMIR"} {"Clue":"Russia's principal river, it winds up finally in bucolic location (8)","Answer":"RURALITY","Explanation":"Definition: bucolic location\nfirst letter (principal) of Russia then URAL (river) IT and last letter (winds up, finishes) of finallY"} {"Clue":"Fletcher's partner creating material for The Archers? (6)","Answer":"BOWYER","Explanation":"Definition: Fletcher's partner creating material for The Archers\ncryptic definition \u2013 someone who makes bows (partner to a fletcher who makes arrows)"} {"Clue":"Spanish region's alternately lean, mean, nice head (2,6)","Answer":"LA MANCHA","Explanation":"Definition: Spanish region\nalternate letters of LeAm MeAn NiCe HeAd"} {"Clue":"Armstrong's fifth huge leap turned out a disaster for mankind! (3,6)","Answer":"THE PLAGUE","Explanation":"Definition: a disaster for mankind!\narmsTrong (fifth letter of) then anagram (turned out) of HUGE LEAP"} {"Clue":"American in fast car, possibly a Zephyr (4)","Answer":"GUST","Explanation":"Definition: possibly a Zephyr\nUS (American) in GT (a fast car)"} {"Clue":"Boone's content to support light satire (7)","Answer":"LAMPOON","Explanation":"Definition: satire\nbONe (content, middle letters of) underneath (to support, in a down solution) LAMP (light)"} {"Clue":"Design painted on a digger? (10)","Answer":"ANTIPODEAN","Explanation":"Definition: digger\nanagram (design) of PAINTED ON A \u2013 someone form Australia"} {"Clue":"\"Fire elected government!\" \u2013 Liberal Earl (5)","Answer":"INGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Fire\nIN (elected) G (government) L (liberal) E (earl)"} {"Clue":"English conservationists note European introduction (6)","Answer":"ENTREE","Explanation":"Definition: introduction\nE (English) NT (National Trust, conservationists) RE (note, of the scale) and E (European)"} {"Clue":"Worry, being overweight about to be retired (4,2)","Answer":"FRET AT","Explanation":"Definition: Worry\nFAT (being overweight) contains (about) RET (retired)"} {"Clue":"Lordly seal concealing foreign origin (10)","Answer":"SEIGNORIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Lordly\nSEAL contains (concealing) anagram (foreign) of ORIGIN"} {"Clue":"France firm; Italian, Yankee exhibiting coldness (9)","Answer":"FRIGIDITY","Explanation":"Definition: coldness\nF (France) RIGID (firm) IT (Italian) and Y (yankee, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"It's a feature of kitchen cabinet to incite send-up (3,5)","Answer":"EGG TIMER","Explanation":"Definition: It's a feature of kitchen\nEGG (to incite) hen REMIT (send) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Voucher admitting Henry Wood (7)","Answer":"THICKET","Explanation":"Definition: Wood\nTICKET (voucher) contains (admitting) H (henry)"} {"Clue":"Way to call some horses? (6)","Answer":"STRING","Explanation":"Definition: some horses\nST (street, a way) and RING (to call)"} {"Clue":"Girl orbiting earth twice to settle a dispute (5,3,3)","Answer":"CLEAR THE AIR","Explanation":"Definition: to settle a dispute\nCLAIR (a girl) contains (orbiting) EARTH and E (earth, twice)"} {"Clue":"As much as leaders of United paid trainer Mourinho in the end? (2,2)","Answer":"UP TO","Explanation":"Definition: As much as\nfirst letters (leaders) of United Paid TRAINER then the last letter (in the end) of mourinhO"} {"Clue":"Creative type's extremely cautious boxing marine structure for each relative (12)","Answer":"CRAFTSPERSON","Explanation":"Definition: Creative type\nCautiouS (extremes of) contains (boxing) RAFT (a marine structure) then PER (for each) and SON (a relative)"} {"Clue":"Wise co-owner regularly keeps butcher back (3-4)","Answer":"OWL-LIKE","Explanation":"Definition: Wis\nevery other letter (regularly) of cO-oWnEr contains KILL (butcher) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Flash Romeo, one piercing heart of Juanita, using expressions of love (7)","Answer":"AMORINI","Explanation":"MO (moment, flash) R (romeo, phonetic alphabet) I (one) inside (piercing) juANIta (heart of, middle letters) \u2013 amorini are cupids, but I can't see how this definition works. *UPDATE:\u00a0amorini are paintings of cupids, so they are \"representations of love\" \u2013 thanks to Bruce for this"} {"Clue":"Controversial closure of some grounds (7)","Answer":"EMOTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Controversial\nsomE (closure of, last letter) then MOTIVE (grounds, reason)"} {"Clue":"Suspect fence might be so old, with hole in middle, rattlin' badly (2,5)","Answer":"ON TRIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Suspect fence might be so\nO (old) then anagram (badly) RATtLIN missing middle letter (with hole in the middle) \u2013 a fence is a dealer in stolen goods"} {"Clue":"Esteemed Line of Duty loses half of its characters (5)","Answer":"LOFTY","Explanation":"Definition: Esteemed\nLineOF duTY missing half of the letters (characters)"} {"Clue":"Mark, with training excessive, switched climbing boot (9)","Answer":"SCARPETTO","Explanation":"Definition: climbing boot\nSCAR (mark) with PE (physical exercise, training) then OTT (excessive) reversed (switched)"} {"Clue":"Rogue German woman cleaner not universally accepted (9)","Answer":"FRAUDSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Rogue\nFRAU (woman, German) then DuSTER (a cleaner) missing U (universal)"} {"Clue":"Guided around periphery of flat displaying earthenware (5)","Answer":"DELFT","Explanation":"Definition: earthenware\nLED (guided) reversed (around) then FlaT (outside letters, periphery of)"} {"Clue":"Welshman that is sticking with second teeth? (7)","Answer":"IVORIES","Explanation":"Definition: teeth\nIVOR (a Welshman) IE (that is) with S (second)"} {"Clue":"Irish photographer leaned over model in Ford showroom? Hot stuff (7)","Answer":"PAPRIKA","Explanation":"Definition: Hot stuff\nIR (Irish) PAP (photographer) reversed (leaned over) then KA (a model in a ford showroom)"} {"Clue":"Awful sports car outside has limitations for Lenny (7)","Answer":"GHASTLY","Explanation":"Definition: Awful\nGT (sportscar) contains (outside) HAS then LennY (limitations for, outside letters)"} {"Clue":"Old government department, weary of discussion, relocated to Defra (5,2,5)","Answer":"BOARD OF TRADE","Explanation":"Definition: Old government department\nBOARD sounds like (in discussion) \"bored\" (weary of) then anagram (relocated) of TO DEFRA"} {"Clue":"Scrub surface of levels left with ring in informal coffee house (4,3)","Answer":"CALL OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Scrub\nfirst letters (surface) of Levels Left with O (a ring) inside CAFF (coffee house, informal)"} {"Clue":"Being parched, fresh air's needed by detective on case in Tenby (7)","Answer":"ARIDITY","Explanation":"Definition: Being parched\nanagram (fresh) of AIR then DI (detective inspector) on TenbY (case in, outside letters of)"} {"Clue":"Group of fashionistas\u00a0that maybe on runway, ready (3,3,3)","Answer":"THE JET SET","Explanation":"Definition: Group of fashionistas\ndefinition\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Bounder, with clinical job, daily breaking in \u2013 from up here? (7)","Answer":"ROOFTOP","Explanation":"Definition: from up here\nROO (kangaroo, something that bounds) OP (operation, a job done in a clinic) contains (with\u2026breaking in) FT (daily, a newspaper)"} {"Clue":"Scandinavian disciple, big noise, is engrossed in religious text (7)","Answer":"ODINIST","Explanation":"Definition: Scandinavian disciple\nDIN (big noise) IS inside (engrossed in) OT (Old Testament, religious text)"} {"Clue":"Might one newspaper put in Heather's effort raising many pounds? (12)","Answer":"POWERLIFTING","Explanation":"Definition: effort raising many pounds\nPOWER (might) then I (one) FT (newspaper) LING inside (put in) LING (heather)"} {"Clue":"Some say writer adores Geordie resident in that part of Kent (4,2,6)","Answer":"ISLE OF THANET","Explanation":"Definition: part of Kent\nISLE OF sounds like (some say) \"I love\" (the writer adores) then NE (of the North East, Geordie) inside (resident in) THAT"} {"Clue":"Top classes are texting at university exam \u2013 it's most unexpected (9)","Answer":"ABRUPTEST","Explanation":"Definition: it's most unexpected\nA and B (the top classes) R (are, abbreviation in texting) UP (at university) TEST (exam)"} {"Clue":"Fruity thing endlessly talkative after a party (7)","Answer":"AVOCADO","Explanation":"Definition: Fruity thing\nVOCAL (talkative) missing last letter (endlessly) following A then DO (party)"} {"Clue":"Fissure splits the German fishing boat (7)","Answer":"DRIFTER","Explanation":"Definition: fishing boat\nRIFT (fissure) inside (splits) DER (the, German)"} {"Clue":"Go down and see graduate getting award (7)","Answer":"DIPLOMA","Explanation":"Definition: award\nDIP (go down) and LO (see) MA (graduate)"} {"Clue":"Ilse relaxed by English river, given free time (7)","Answer":"LEISURE","Explanation":"Definition: free time\nanagram (relaxed) of ISLE then URE (an English river)"} {"Clue":"Pen, reduced in size, is where pigs live, on left overs? (5)","Answer":"STYLO","Explanation":"Definition: Pen, reduced in size\nSTY (where pigs live) on L (left) and O (overs) \u2013 reduced in size indicates an abbreviation"} {"Clue":"Moses initially is found beside biblical river \u2013 did it involve some gambling? (9)","Answer":"MISTIGRIS","Explanation":"Definition: did it involve some gambling\nMoses (initial letter of) IS then TIGRIS (biblical river)"} {"Clue":"Rich cake, new, with a part that's thickly iced on (8)","Answer":"NAPOLEON","Explanation":"Definition: Rich cake\nN (new) with POLE (a part of the Earth thickly iced) and ON"} {"Clue":"What'll form link, physically? Name certain circles (4)","Answer":"PONS","Explanation":"Definition: What'll form link, physically\nN (name) inside (circled by) POS (positive, certain)"} {"Clue":"Poet's spun line in earth recalled (5)","Answer":"TRILD","Explanation":"Definition: Poet's spun\nL (line) in DIRT (earth) reversed (recalled) \u2013 the poet is Spenser"} {"Clue":"Peacock's name (not the first) for duck (4)","Answer":"LOVE","Explanation":"Definition: duck\nThomas Love Peackock's second name (not the first). Is equating *duck* with *love* mixing terminology from different sports? Do the uses overlap anywhere?"} {"Clue":"Callow youth at home with related group mostly (6)","Answer":"INGENU","Explanation":"Definition: Callow youth\nIN (at home) with GENUs (related group, mostly)"} {"Clue":"One who's posed\u00a0a simple task (6)","Answer":"SITTER","Explanation":"Definition: One who's posed\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"H. Corbett? 'E junked bit of kitchen metalware (9)","Answer":"BROCHETTE","Explanation":"Definition: bit of kitchen metalware\nanagram (junked) of H. CORBETT E"} {"Clue":"Delilah learning how to finish off 'knight' cut coiffure (7)","Answer":"LORETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Delilah\nLORE (learning) then last letters (how to finish off) of kinghT cuT coiffurE"} {"Clue":"Contact sport is about number united falling down (7)","Answer":"RUINOUS","Explanation":"Definition: falling down\nRU (contact sport) IS contains (about) NO (number) and U (united)"} {"Clue":"Upset, tad worried? Not I \u2013 this may counter venomous attack (9)","Answer":"ADDERWORT","Explanation":"Definition: this may counter venomous attack\nanagram (upset) of TAD WORRiED missing I"} {"Clue":"Poet's displaying shock, making haste to grab attention (6)","Answer":"HEARIE","Explanation":"Definition: Poet's displaying shock\nHIE (haste) contains (to grab) EAR (attention) \u2013 the poet is Spenser again. *See comment by DRC @10 regarding \"making\" as a link word."} {"Clue":"County clubs (rather on the thin side?) (6)","Answer":"STAFFS","Explanation":"Definition: County\nMaybe staff is a thin club? I don't think this is the full explanation."} {"Clue":"Bring in plant shoot before end of autumn (4)","Answer":"EARN","Explanation":"Definition: Bring in\nEAR (plant shoot) then autumN (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"Stagger after Scotch? Add this to get fit (5)","Answer":"STOIT","Explanation":"Definition: Stagger after Scotch\n~~I can't explain this~~ *add S TO IT (this) to get SIT (fit) \u2013 if something sits well it fits, like a jacket for example"} {"Clue":"NZ hooter curtailed score twice (4)","Answer":"RURU","Explanation":"Definition: NZ hooter\nRUn (score, curtailed) twice"} {"Clue":"Chlorate damaged opening for tendon maybe (8)","Answer":"TROCHLEA","Explanation":"Definition: opening for tendon maybe\nanagram (damaged) of CHLORATE"} {"Clue":"Like demanding demoiselle, former flame eating out with end of affaire (9)","Answer":"EXIGEANTE","Explanation":"Definition: Like demanding demoiselle\nEX (former flame) anagram (out) of EATING then affairE (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"Old secessionist, I burnt with rage, festering, hot inside (11)","Answer":"ANTIBURGHER","Explanation":"Definition: Old secessionist\nanagram (festering) of I BURNT with RAGE containing H (hot)"} {"Clue":"Former skipper but opener for Notts (4)","Answer":"BARN","Explanation":"Definition: Former skipper\nBAR (but) and Notts (opening letter of)"} {"Clue":"Lesser followers? Homer's fourth taking the lead I'll follow (7)","Answer":"EPIGONI","Explanation":"Definition: Lesser followers\n~~I'm not sure about this, maybe homEr (fourth letter of) taking PIG (the lead, a lead ingot?) ON I (on I, so I will follow?)~~ *PIGEON (a homer) with the fourth letter moved to the front (taking the lead) then I"} {"Clue":"Grim deity showing want to dominate church (6)","Answer":"MOLECH","Explanation":"Definition: Grim deity\nMOLE (want) on (to dominate) CH (church)"} {"Clue":"Suite surrounding queen with happiness (6)","Answer":"SEQUEL","Explanation":"Definition: Suite\nQU (queen) inside SEEL (hapiness)"} {"Clue":"One's usually drunk when tucking into snifter (5)","Answer":"TOAST","Explanation":"Definition: One's usually drunk\nAS (when) inside TOT (snifter)"} {"Clue":"Basic food for soldiers identified by rank (5)","Answer":"ROOTY","Explanation":"Definition: Basic food for soldiers\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Where some Vectian folk may be found leaving out note for artificer? (8)","Answer":"INVENTOR","Explanation":"Definition: artificer\nIN VENTnOR (where some Vectian folk may be found) missing N (note) \u2013 Ventnor is a town on the Isle of Wight"} {"Clue":"Marine echinoderm exhibiting wiggly pertness sailor's after (11)","Answer":"SERPENT STAR","Explanation":"Definition: Marine echinoderm\nanagram (wiggly) of PERTNESS then TAR (a sailor)"} {"Clue":"At Le Gavroche, the water used in thickening for rolls (8)","Answer":"ROULEAUX","Explanation":"Definition: rolls\nEAU (water) inside ROUX (thickening) in French (as spoken in a French restaurant, Le Gavroche)"} {"Clue":"Smart (?) milliner fashioned items for clothing on demand (7)","Answer":"MODISTE","Explanation":"Definition: Smart (?) milliner\nanagram (fashioned) of ITEMS contains (clothing) OD (on demand)"} {"Clue":"Twice as much ordered with twice coming in (7)","Answer":"TWOFOLD","Explanation":"Definition: Twice as much\nTOLD (ordered) contains (\u2026coming in) W (with) OF (with)"} {"Clue":"Tiny marine organism hiding in stones (6)","Answer":"SESTON","Explanation":"Definition: Tiny marine organism\nanagram (hidden inside) of STONES"} {"Clue":"Heavy blow accompanying explosive? Bandage required (6)","Answer":"SWATHE","Explanation":"Definition: Bandage required\nSWAT (heavy blow) and HE (explosive)"} {"Clue":"Bear by the sound of it in Aussie eucalypt (5)","Answer":"KARRI","Explanation":"Definition: Aussie eucalypt\nsounds like \"carry\" (bear)"} {"Clue":"Government department pay, year short (5)","Answer":"DEFRA","Explanation":"Definition: Government department\nDEFRAy (pay) missing Y (year)"} {"Clue":"Made it, that is entering one's personal area of control (4)","Answer":"FIEF","Explanation":"Definition: one's personal area of control\nFF (fecerunt, made it) contains (with\u2026entering) IE (that is)"} {"Clue":"Mike holds very large area for marbled work (6)","Answer":"MOSAIC","Explanation":"Definition: marbled work\nMIC (mike) contains (holds) OS (out-size, very large) A (area)"} {"Clue":"Lad touring Dutch clubs, maybe, in close-fitting garment (8)","Answer":"BODYSUIT","Explanation":"Definition: close-fitting garment\nBOY (lad) containing (touring) D (Dutch) then SUIT (clubs maybe)"} {"Clue":"Incisive and largely reliable soldier about 50 (8)","Answer":"SURGICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Incisive\nSURe (reliable, mostly) GI (soldier) CA (about) L (fifty)"} {"Clue":"Figure that's important dismissing Welsh (6)","Answer":"EIGHTY","Explanation":"Definition: Figure\nwEIGHTY (important) missing W (Welsh) \u2013 a figure is a number"} {"Clue":"Singer with note left in service, say (6)","Answer":"TREBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\nB (note, of the scale in music) L (left) in TREE ( a Service tree perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Working language among Poles displayed televisually (2-6)","Answer":"ON-SCREEN","Explanation":"Definition: displayed televisually\nON (working) CREE (a language) inside (among) S and N (poles)"} {"Clue":"Being unrestrainedly enthusiastic, adoring ships at sea (12)","Answer":"RHAPSODISING","Explanation":"Definition: Being unrestrainedly enthusiastic\nanagram (at sea) of ADORING SHIPS"} {"Clue":"Pass article with company executives and meet disaster? (2,2,3,5)","Answer":"GO BY THE BOARD","Explanation":"Definition: meet disaster\nBO BY (pass) THE (the definite article) with BOARD (company executives)"} {"Clue":"Music company once given sum of money for expat (8)","Answer":"EMIGRANT","Explanation":"Definition: expat\nEMI (music company once) with GRANT (sum of money)"} {"Clue":"Made looser \u2013 or made one with minimal alteration? (6)","Answer":"UNTIED","Explanation":"Definition: Made looser\nUNITED (made one) with I and T swapping places (a minimal alteration)"} {"Clue":"Body of water studied on visit, we hear (3,3)","Answer":"RED SEA","Explanation":"Definition: Body of water\nsounds like (we head) \"read see\" (studied and visit)"} {"Clue":"Top official in drama cast around north (8)","Answer":"MANDARIN","Explanation":"Definition: Top official\nanagram (cast) of IN DRAMA containing (around) N (north)"} {"Clue":"Old school figure embracing southern and eastern European (8)","Answer":"ESTONIAN","Explanation":"Definition: eastern European\nETONIAN (old school figure) contains (embracing) S (southern)"} {"Clue":"Jaunty king is beset by joyful cry (6)","Answer":"RAKISH","Explanation":"Definition: Jaunty\nK (king) IS inside (beset by) RAH (joyful cry)"} {"Clue":"Stratagem to conceal staff work (6)","Answer":"OEUVRE","Explanation":"Definition: work\nmanOEUVRE (stratagem) missing (to conceal) MAN (staff, as a verb)"} {"Clue":"Arab drinking haunt in good yard twice in a lively dispute (4-5)","Answer":"ARGY-BARGY","Explanation":"Definition: a lively dispute\nAR (Arab) then BAR (drinking haunt) in G Y (good, yard) twice"} {"Clue":"Chap, Celt that's transported round back of city in route forbidden to drivers (9)","Answer":"CYCLEPATH","Explanation":"Definition: route forbidden to drivers\nanagram (transported) of CHAP CELT containing (round) citY (back of)"} {"Clue":"Swollen source of light over American (7)","Answer":"BULBOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Swollen\nBULB (source of light) O (over) US (American)"} {"Clue":"Arrange\u00a0woman's clothing (5)","Answer":"DRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Arrange\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Term of endearment for British tycoon (5)","Answer":"SUGAR","Explanation":"Definition: Term of endearment\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Dine then having cooked at last (2,3,3)","Answer":"IN THE END","Explanation":"Definition: at last\nanagram (having cooked) of DINE THEN"} {"Clue":"Foreign letter from Chinese island (3)","Answer":"CHI","Explanation":"Definition: Foreign letter\nCH (Chinese) and I (island)"} {"Clue":"Round near ground, leave without paying (2,1,6)","Answer":"DO A RUNNER","Explanation":"Definition: leave without paying\nanagram (ground) of ROUND NEAR"} {"Clue":"Shelve recorded music supporting team (9)","Answer":"SIDETRACK","Explanation":"Definition: Shelve\nTRACK (recorded music) following (supporting, in a down solution) SIDE (team)"} {"Clue":"Stay more presumably around marine that's vacant (8)","Answer":"GORMLESS","Explanation":"Definition: vacant\nGO LESS (so stay more, presumably) contains (around) RM (Royal Marine)"} {"Clue":"Appreciative expression, it's said, in seaman (3)","Answer":"TAR","Explanation":"Definition: seaman\nsounds like (it's said) \"ta\" (thanks, appreciative expression)"} {"Clue":"Piece on menu represented element to surface? (7)","Answer":"BITUMEN","Explanation":"Definition: element to surface\nBIT (piece) on anagram (represented) of MENU \u2013 used to surface roads"} {"Clue":"Views capturing Rhode Island in long-running TV show (6)","Answer":"SERIES","Explanation":"Definition: long-running TV show\nSEES (views) contains (capturing) RI (Rhode Island)"} {"Clue":"Gadget offering game in theory? The opposite (5)","Answer":"GISMO","Explanation":"Definition: Gadget\nISM (theory) in GO (a game)"} {"Clue":"It receives scrape among team at inspection (5)","Answer":"AMATI","Explanation":"Definition: It receives scrape\nfound inside (among) teAM AT Inspection \u2013 to scrape is to play a violin"} {"Clue":"Novelist Roald's 23as narrated by Spooner (7,7)","Answer":"CHARLES DICKENS","Explanation":"Definition: Novelist\na Spoonerism of Dahl's Chickens (Roald's 23 acrosses) \u2013 23as isn't a misprint of 23ac, it is to be read as the plural of 23a. Brilliant!"} {"Clue":"PhD returned during day to the French fort city (7)","Answer":"JODHPUR","Explanation":"Definition: fort city\nPHD reversed (returned) inside JOUR (day, to the French) \u2013 a city in India with its famous fort"} {"Clue":"Retired sailor using LSD a lot (3,4)","Answer":"OLD SALT","Explanation":"Definition: Retired sailor\nanagram (using the letters of) LSD A LOT\n \n *Quartermaster Dick Libby, USN, an Old Salt: \"Twenty years in the Navy. Never drunk on duty \u2013 never sober on liberty.\""} {"Clue":"Norwegian King garlanded with bouquet (5)","Answer":"NORSE","Explanation":"Definition: Norwegian\nR (rex, king) inside (garlanded with) NOSE (bouquet)"} {"Clue":"Skive off with Alec and claim this? (4,5)","Answer":"SICK LEAVE","Explanation":"Definition: claim thi\nanagram (off) of SKIVE with ALEC"} {"Clue":"Washed up silver 11 coin (6)","Answer":"ASHORE","Explanation":"Definition: Washed up\nASH (silver colour) ORE (Norse coin)"} {"Clue":"Mr Klein drops in, sending back soda for something stronger (8)","Answer":"CALVADOS","Explanation":"Definition: something stronger\nCALVin (Mr Calvin Klein) missing (drops) IN then SODA reversed (sending back)"} {"Clue":"Corner\u00a0section of theatrical scenery (3,5)","Answer":"SET PIECE","Explanation":"Definition: Corner\ndouble definition \u2013 football and theatre"} {"Clue":"Caught sight of Elvis's fringes, of various colours (6)","Answer":"ESPIED","Explanation":"Definition: Caught sight of\nElviS (outside letters, fringes of) and PIED (of various colours)"} {"Clue":"In adulthood now, Keats rejected combat (3,4,2)","Answer":"TAE KWON DO","Explanation":"Definition: combat\nfound reversed (rejected) inside adulthoOD NOW KEATs"} {"Clue":"He's taking bets for both sides about a \"yes\" vote (5)","Answer":"LAYER","Explanation":"Definition: He's taking bets\nL R (left and right, both sides) contains (about) AYE (a yes vote)"} {"Clue":"A daughter of Mnemosyne, right one to provide inspiration! (7)","Answer":"AERATOR","Explanation":"Definition: one to provide inspiration\nA ERATO (daughter of Mnemosyne) and R (right) \u2013 to inspire is to breath"} {"Clue":"Slavery of the debt era? (7)","Answer":"BONDAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Slavery\nBOND (debt) AGE (era)"} {"Clue":"Head of History in Merkel's school developed an enquiring mind (8,6)","Answer":"SHERLOCK HOLMES","Explanation":"Definition: an enquiring mind\nanagram (developed) of History (first letter, head of) and MERKEL'S SCHOOL"} {"Clue":"Boca Juniors holding player from Baton Rouge (5)","Answer":"CAJUN","Explanation":"Definition: player from Baton Rouge\nfound inside (holding) boCA JUNiors \u2013 a player of Cajun music perhaps?"} {"Clue":"Sold 22 off for garrison town (9)","Answer":"ALDERSHOT","Explanation":"Definition: garrison town\nanagram (off) of SOLD EARTH"} {"Clue":"11 people reported oversight (5)","Answer":"LAPSE","Explanation":"sounds like (reported) \"Lapps\" (Norwegian people)"} {"Clue":"Pain at its worst, therefore lie down (6)","Answer":"SOREST","Explanation":"Definition: Pain at its worst\nSO (therefore) REST (lie down)"} {"Clue":"Press college boy for battleship (8)","Answer":"IRON-CLAD","Explanation":"Definition: battleship\nIRON (press) C (college) LAD (boy)"} {"Clue":"Con government, nothing special, treated by the media with these? (3,6)","Answer":"KID GLOVES","Explanation":"Definition: treated by the media with these\nKID (con) G (government) LOVE (nothing, zero score in tennis) S (special) \u2013 presumably the current Conservative government is getting lenient treatment from the media"} {"Clue":"Southern African American stuck between US coastal cities (5)","Answer":"NYALA","Explanation":"Definition: Southern African\nA (American) inside (stuck between) NY and LA (US coastal cities) \u2013 an antelope, native of South Africa"} {"Clue":"Placed emphasis on turnover of sweets (8)","Answer":"STRESSED","Explanation":"Definition: Placed emphasis on\nDESSERTS (sweets) reversed (turnover)"} {"Clue":"German shepherd posed being embraced by a pin-up (8)","Answer":"ALSATIAN","Explanation":"Definition: German shepherd\nSAT (posed) inside (being embraced by) A NAIL (pin) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Berlin chap takes in Buddhist temple, it's heaven-sent! (9)","Answer":"RAINWATER","Explanation":"Definition: it's heaven-sent\nRAINER (chap from Berlin perhaps) contains (takes) WAT (Buddhist temple)"} {"Clue":"RAF turns up in limitless number circling Cheshire factory (5,4)","Answer":"DAIRY FARM","Explanation":"Definition: Cheshire factory \nRAF reversed (turns up) inside MYRIAD (limitless number) reversed (circling, going round) \u2013 a factory where Cheshire cheese might be made"} {"Clue":"11 involved with wicked CIA plot (8)","Answer":"SCENARIO","Explanation":"Definition: plot\nanagram (involved and wicked) of NORSE with CIA"} {"Clue":"Look about for vacant minicab in Indonesian island (6)","Answer":"LOMBOK","Explanation":"Definition: Indonesian island\nLOOK contains (about) MinicaB (vacant, no inside letters)"} {"Clue":"Scratch top of fireside clay (5)","Answer":"EARTH","Explanation":"Definition: cla\nhEARTH (fireside) missing first letter (scratching top)"} {"Clue":"An opponent of Spock's stripped-down language (5)","Answer":"LINGO","Explanation":"Definition: language\nkLINGOn (an opponent of Spock in Star Trek) missing outside letters (stripped down)"} {"Clue":"Foul smells left opening of Scotsman's trousers (5)","Answer":"REEKS","Explanation":"Definition: Foul smells\nbREEKS (Scotman's trousers) missing first letter (left opening of)"} {"Clue":"Shed for dog (6)","Answer":"SETTER","Explanation":"Definition: She\ndouble definition \u2013 the setter of this crossword"} {"Clue":"Prince sheltering insurrectionary flower (8)","Answer":"HAREBELL","Explanation":"Definition: flower\nHAL (prince) contains (sheltering) REBEL (insurresctionary)"} {"Clue":"Rope has number in Lithuania (6)","Answer":"LARIAT","Explanation":"Definition: Rope\nARIA (number, a song) in LT (Lithuania)"} {"Clue":"Lovely, fit woman included (8)","Answer":"ADORABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Lovely\nABLE (fit) contains (with\u2026included) DORA (a wonan's name)"} {"Clue":"Magician's impulse to follow short article on gold carpet (11)","Answer":"THAUMATURGE","Explanation":"Definition: Magician\nURGE (impulse) follows THe (the definite article, short) on AU (gold) MAT (carpet)"} {"Clue":"Musician's introduction to dark stranger (7)","Answer":"DRUMMER","Explanation":"Definition: Musician\nDark (introduction to, first letter) then RUMMER (stranger)"} {"Clue":"Desire to drink for five years (7)","Answer":"LUSTRUM","Explanation":"Definition: five years\nLUST (desire) with RUM (a drink) a five-year period in Ancient Rome"} {"Clue":"Braggadocio's to traumatise a 4 across, stifling cry of pain (11)","Answer":"SCARAMOUCHE","Explanation":"Definition: Braggadocio\nSCAR (traumatise) A and ME (the setter) contains OUCH (cry of pain)"} {"Clue":"Map-maker finding flashy car on a hill (8)","Answer":"MERCATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Map-maker\nMERC (flashy car) on A TOR (hill)"} {"Clue":"Sign of stone in Italy (6)","Answer":"GEMINI","Explanation":"Definition: Sign\nGEM (stone) with IN then I (Italy)"} {"Clue":"Girl from Spain retrospectively makes amends, receiving religious instruction (8)","Answer":"SENORITA","Explanation":"Definition: Girl from Spain\nATONES (maes amends) reversed (retrospectively) containing (receiving) RI (religious instruction)"} {"Clue":"Garment for old flame back in house, mostly (6)","Answer":"TUXEDO","Explanation":"Definition: Garment\nEX (old flame) reversed (back) inside TUDOr (royal house, briefly)"} {"Clue":"Salve keeping City still (6)","Answer":"BECALM","Explanation":"Definition: still\nBALM (salve) contains (keeping) EC (city, postcode of the City of London)"} {"Clue":"Players, each flanking very small River Dart (10)","Answer":"BANDERILLA","Explanation":"Definition: Dart\nBAND (players) EA (each) contains (flanking) RIL (very small river)"} {"Clue":"Bold Proven\u00e7al city piercing confessor's heart (8)","Answer":"FEARLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Bold\nARLES (Provencal city) inside (piercing) conFESsor (heart, middle letters of)"} {"Clue":"Sidle out drunk to get freedom from company (8)","Answer":"SOLITUDE","Explanation":"Definition: freedom from company\nanagram (drunk) of SIDLE OUT"} {"Clue":"American sailors on top in underworld (8)","Answer":"TARTARUS","Explanation":"Definition: underworld\nUS (American) following (with\u2026on top) TAR TAR (a sailor, twice)"} {"Clue":"Part of cartel banished to island (4)","Answer":"ELBA","Explanation":"Definition: island\nfound inside (part of) cartEL BAnished"} {"Clue":"Vegetable that's not initially glossy (4)","Answer":"LEEK","Explanation":"Definition: Vegetable\nsLEEK (glossy) missing initial letter"} {"Clue":"Tat creator created from clay (10)","Answer":"TERRACOTTA","Explanation":"Definition: clay\nanagram (created) of TAT CREATOR"} {"Clue":"Training to put turn in charge (8)","Answer":"PRACTICE","Explanation":"Definition: Training\nACT (a turn, on stage) inside PRICE (charge)"} {"Clue":"4 across's 4 across, perhaps, 4 across to leave skin infection (8)","Answer":"IMPETIGO","Explanation":"Definition: skin infection\nI'M (I am, the setter is) PET ( a setter dog perhaps) I (the setter in person again) and GO (leave)"} {"Clue":"Tie knot round record, getting head wiped, and go badly wrong (8)","Answer":"MISCARRY","Explanation":"Definition: go badly wrong\nMARRY (tie knot) contains (round) dISC (record) missing first letter (getting head wiped)"} {"Clue":"Blouse shredded by dagger (6)","Answer":"OBELUS","Explanation":"Definition: dagger\nanagram (shredded) of BLOUSE"} {"Clue":"Prophet giving drug up (4)","Answer":"AMOS","Explanation":"Definition: Prophet\nSOMA (a fictional hallucinogenic drug, from Huxley's *Brave New World*, also a modern brand name for Carisoprodol) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Make incomplete husks (4)","Answer":"BRAN","Explanation":"Definition: husks\nBRANd (make, tradename) incomplete"} {"Clue":"Type of chart following tech company's typically American product (5,3)","Answer":"APPLE PIE","Explanation":"Definition: typically American product\nPIE (type of chart) following APPLE (tech company)"} {"Clue":"Scoundrel getting berth in secret service. It's just not cricket? (6)","Answer":"CICADA","Explanation":"Definition: It's just not cricket?\nCAD (scoundrel) inside CIA (secret service) \u2013 a Cicada is almost (just) a Cricket, but not quite the same"} {"Clue":"One who outlaws\u00a0hanging (6)","Answer":"BANNER","Explanation":"Definition: ne who outlaws\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Senator removes hat to make goodbyes (4-4)","Answer":"SEND-OFFS","Explanation":"Definition: goodbyes\nSEN (senator) and DOFFS (removes hat)"} {"Clue":"All-powerful men opt into corruption (10)","Answer":"OMNIPOTENT","Explanation":"Definition: All-powerful\nanagram (corruption) of MEN OPT INTO"} {"Clue":"Score and more, getting husband (4)","Answer":"ETCH","Explanation":"Definition: Score\nETC (more) with H (husband)"} {"Clue":"Underworld set alight (8)","Answer":"GANGLAND","Explanation":"Definition: Underworld\nGANG (set) LAND (alight). My first entry was DISMOUNT \u2013 DIS (underworld) MOUNT (set) definition \"alight\""} {"Clue":"International organisation's emergency relief not conveyed (6)","Answer":"UNSAID","Explanation":"Definition: not conveyed\nUN'S (international organisation's) AID (emergency relief)"} {"Clue":"Cocktail giving Italian a veneer of sexual attraction (6)","Answer":"MOJITO","Explanation":"Definition: Cocktail\nIT (Italian) inside (given a veneer of\u2026) MOJO (sexual attraction)"} {"Clue":"Bear traps in place, secured with rope (8)","Answer":"TETHERED","Explanation":"Definition: secured with rope\nTED (teddy bear) contains (traps) THERE (in place)"} {"Clue":"Going through litre bottle (4)","Answer":"VIAL","Explanation":"Definition: bottle\nVIA (going through) L (litre)"} {"Clue":"Spirit involved in delusional state (3,7)","Answer":"GOD COMPLEX","Explanation":"Definition: delusional state\nGOD (spirit) COMPLEX (involved)"} {"Clue":"Put up picture with tack, getting finger injury (8)","Answer":"HANGNAIL","Explanation":"Definition: finger injury\nHANG (put up picture) with NAIL (tack)"} {"Clue":"Realist curtailed reforms in Middle East country (6)","Answer":"ISRAEL","Explanation":"Definition: Middle East country\nanagram (reforms) of REALISt (curtailed)"} {"Clue":"Remove parasites from ale-fed vagrant (6)","Answer":"DEFLEA","Explanation":"Definition: Remove parasites\nanagram (vagrant, wandering about) of ALE-FED"} {"Clue":"Children round at yard in chirpy jumpers (8)","Answer":"KATYDIDS","Explanation":"Definition: chirpy jumpers\nKIDS (children) contains (round) AT YD (yard)"} {"Clue":"Snake upped and left maiden in Bible verse (5)","Answer":"PSALM","Explanation":"Definition: Bible verse\nASP (snake) reversed (upped) with L (left) M (maiden)"} {"Clue":"Breather during girl's gymnastic exercising (7)","Answer":"LUNGING","Explanation":"Definition: gymnastic exercising\nLUNG (breather) IN (during) G (girl)"} {"Clue":"Unwelcome presence of stranger, OAP off to hide soon (7,3,5)","Answer":"PERSONA NON GRATA","Explanation":"Definition: Unwelcome presence\nanagram (off) of STRANGER OAP containing (to hide) ANON (soon)"} {"Clue":"Result of being soused regularly (5)","Answer":"ENSUE","Explanation":"Definition: Result\nevery other letter (regularly) of bEiNg SoUsEd"} {"Clue":"Could be builder or interpreter, legally speaking, in America (15)","Answer":"CONSTRUCTIONIST","Explanation":"Definition: Could be builde\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Deal makers meeting roughly with failures (7)","Answer":"CLOSERS","Explanation":"Definition: Deal makers\nC (circa, roughly) with LOSERS (failures)"} {"Clue":"Flawed policeman brings in female and removes shirt (9)","Answer":"DEFECTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Flawed\nDEtECTIVE (policeman) missing T (removes shirt, a tee perhaps) and brings in F (female)"} {"Clue":"Despise a failure (but not another 7, by the sound of it) (9)","Answer":"ABOMINATE","Explanation":"Definition: Despise\nsounds like (by the sound of it) A BOMB IN EIGHT \u2013 something along the lines of a bomb (failure) in 8 down is not another loser (failure) in 7 down. You try and make sense of it! *If you were are producer and had put on 1 failure (a bomb) and 7 hits (not another 7 bombs) then you would have have a failure rate of A BOMB IN EIGHT. "} {"Clue":"It goes with a dash of pepper (3)","Answer":"DOT","Explanation":"Definition: It goes with a dash\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Diseased bird expressly prohibited (7)","Answer":"ILLEGAL","Explanation":"Definition: prohibited\nILL (diseased) and EGAL sounds like (expressly, as expressed verbally) \"eagle\" (bird)"} {"Clue":"Finished with old flame before pride damaged (7)","Answer":"EXPIRED","Explanation":"Definition: Finished\nEX (old flame) then anagram (damaged) of PRIDE"} {"Clue":"Who's enemy of the king beyond the valley? (5)","Answer":"DALEK","Explanation":"Definition: Who's enemy\nK (king) following (beyond) DALE (valley) \u2013 the enemy of Doctor Who in the BBC TV series"} {"Clue":"People employed by editor to edit (5)","Answer":"EMEND","Explanation":"Definition: to edit\nMEN (people) inside (employed by) ED (editor)"} {"Clue":"Take the mickey out of leading model (4-2)","Answer":"MOCK-UP","Explanation":"Definition: model\nMOCK (take the mickey out of) and UP (leading)"} {"Clue":"Shapes of tailored coats go with necklaces primarily (8)","Answer":"OCTAGONS","Explanation":"Definition: Shapes\nanagram (tailored) of GOATS GO with Necklaces (primarily, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Belittle yours and my appearance (9)","Answer":"DEMEANOUR","Explanation":"Definition: appearanc\nDEMEAN (belittle) OUR (yours and my)"} {"Clue":"Detective crossing Republican's path (5)","Answer":"TRAIL","Explanation":"Definition: path\nTAIL (detective) contains (crossing) R (republican) \u2013 I'm not convinced a tail is a detectective"} {"Clue":"Chilly prison cell Her Majesty escapes (4)","Answer":"COOL","Explanation":"Definition: Chilly\nCOOLer (prison cell) missing (escapes) ER (Elizabeth Regina, her majesty)"} {"Clue":"Concerning answer to a problem decision (10)","Answer":"RESOLUTION","Explanation":"Definition: decision\nRE (regarding, concerning) SOLUTION (answer to a problem)"} {"Clue":"Hard workers heading for Tunbridge Wells (7)","Answer":"TOILERS","Explanation":"Definition: Hard workers\nTunbridge (heading for, first letter) then OILERS (wells) \u2013 very nice!"} {"Clue":"Female with central part, but not lead, in play (6)","Answer":"FIDDLE","Explanation":"Definition: play\nF (female) with mIDDLE (central part, but not leading letter)"} {"Clue":"Socialist theatre backers making a turn irate ultimately (6)","Answer":"ENGELS","Explanation":"Definition: Socialist\naNGELS (theatre backers) with A made into E (last letter, ultimately, of iratE)"} {"Clue":"Puzzle put together by firm close to London (7)","Answer":"CONFUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Puzzle\nFUSE (put together) following (by) CO (firm) and londoN (last letter, close to)"} {"Clue":"Your melons wobbled around to a huge extent (10)","Answer":"ENORMOUSLY","Explanation":"Definition: to a huge extent\nanagram (wobbled around) of YOUR MELONS"} {"Clue":"Slormgorm put on a stone, having this? (4)","Answer":"ASTI","Explanation":"Definition: having this\nI (slormgorm) following (put on) A ST (stone) \u2013 drinking too much Asti wine will make you fat"} {"Clue":"Small German chap in pants (5)","Answer":"KLEIN","Explanation":"Definition: Small German\nCalvin Klein is an underwear manufacturer (a chap in pants)"} {"Clue":"What did you say? Egomaniac needs a beating? (4,5)","Answer":"COME AGAIN","Explanation":"Definition: What did you say\nanagram (needs a beating) of EGOMANIAC"} {"Clue":"Nice drop of lager drunk by country labourer (8)","Answer":"PLEASANT","Explanation":"Definition: Nice\nLager (first letter, a drop of) inside (drunk by) PEASANT (labourer)"} {"Clue":"Relaxed kid on end of sofa (2,4)","Answer":"AT EASE","Explanation":"Definition: Relaxed\nTEASE (kid) following (on) sofA (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"Give drugs to referee full of cold (8)","Answer":"MEDICATE","Explanation":"Definition: Give drugs to\nMEDIATE (referee) containing (full of) C (cold)"} {"Clue":"Maiden blocking joint proposal creates a stir (9)","Answer":"COMMOTION","Explanation":"Definition: a stir\nM (maiden) inside (blocking) CO (joint) MOTION (proposal)"} {"Clue":"State leaders to unite, then abolish hanging (4)","Answer":"UTAH","Explanation":"Definition: State\nleading letters from Unite Then Abolish Hanging"} {"Clue":"Forcibly remove aristocrat's vehicle at summit (4,3)","Answer":"CART OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Forcibly remove\nTOFF (aristocrat) underneath (with\u2026at summit) CAR (vehicle)"} {"Clue":"Amazing outings and trips (10)","Answer":"ASTOUNDING","Explanation":"Definition: Amazing\nanagram (trips) of OUTINGS AND"} {"Clue":"Old fellow, one from Muscat? (5)","Answer":"OMANI","Explanation":"Definition: from Muscat\nO (old) MAN (fellow) I (one) \u2013 Muscat is the capital city of Oman, the question mark acknowledges that Muscat is only one possible origin for something from Oman"} {"Clue":"Tune incorporating final parts of Hello Goodbye (2,4)","Answer":"SO LONG","Explanation":"Definition: Goodby\nSONG (tune) contains (incorporating) helLO (final parts of)"} {"Clue":"People who fight\u00a0dogs (6)","Answer":"BOXERS","Explanation":"Definition: People who fight\n(double definition)"} {"Clue":"Decides merits need to be redistributed (10)","Answer":"DETERMINES","Explanation":"Definition: Decides\nanagram (to be redistributed) of MERITS NEEDS"} {"Clue":"I must feed a soul in a terrible state (9)","Answer":"LOUISIANA","Explanation":"Definition: state\nI inside (must feed) anagram (terrible) of A SOUL IN A"} {"Clue":"Male intended to support contrary editor's challenge (8)","Answer":"DEFIANCE","Explanation":"Definition: challenge\nFIANCE (male intended) following (underneath in a down solution, to support) ED (editor) reversed (contrary)"} {"Clue":"A little conservative to have starter first (7)","Answer":"SOUPCON","Explanation":"Definition: A little\nCON (conservative) following (to have\u2026first) SOUP (a starter)"} {"Clue":"Post\u00a0regular feature by a correspondant (6)","Answer":"COLUMN","Explanation":"Definition: Post\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Become more excited for every tournament broadcast (4,2)","Answer":"PERK UP","Explanation":"Definition: Become more excited\nsounds like (broadcast) \"per cup\" (for every tournament)"} {"Clue":"Porky old boy sent up son gripped by drugs (5)","Answer":"OBESE","Explanation":"Definition: Porky\nOB (old boy) ~~reversed (sent up)~~ then S (son) inside (gripped by) E E (ecstasy drug, twice) \u2013 \"*sent up\" might apply to ESE, but is redundant in that case"} {"Clue":"Undies with bottom cut out can make you this (4)","Answer":"PANT","Explanation":"Definition: can make you this\nPANTs (undies) missing last letter (bottom cut out) \u2013 you can guess the type of undies slormgorm is talking about here\u2026"} {"Clue":"Narrow path, fast, about one week on return journey (7)","Answer":"~~PACEWAY~~ PACKWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Narrow path\n~~PACEY~~ *PACY* (fast) contains A ~~W~~ *WK* (week) reversed (on return journey) ~~\u2013 the only definitions for PACEWAY I can find are for a horse racing course in Australian English~~"} {"Clue":"Group talk, activity dissecting pictures etc (5)","Answer":"ARGOT","Explanation":"Definition: Group talk\nGO (activity) inside ART (pictures etc)"} {"Clue":"Sort of twang produced by rough hallion in rolling voice (10)","Answer":"RHINOLALIA","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of twang\nanagram (rough) of HALLION in AIR (voice) reversed (rolling over)"} {"Clue":"Disciple restrains one going round place of worship (4)","Answer":"NAOS","Explanation":"Definition: place of worship\nSON (disciple) contains (restrains) A (one) reversed (going round)"} {"Clue":"Millions pursuing deplorable lives in perverted practice (6)","Answer":"SADISM","Explanation":"Definition: perverted practice\nM (millions) follows SAD (deplorable) and IS (lives)"} {"Clue":"Rift valley reduced breadth cleaving rocky range (6)","Answer":"GRABEN","Explanation":"Definition: Rift valley\nB (breadth, reduced as abbreviation) inside (cleaving) anagram (rocky) of RANGE"} {"Clue":"Timber: antique pine found in Canadian province (5)","Answer":"OAKEN","Explanation":"Definition: Timber\nAKE (ache, pine; antique indicates old spelling) in ON (Ontario, Canadian province). I attempted this immediately following the crossing 3 down and was surprised to find OAK as wood in both clues and solutions"} {"Clue":"Bog-plant rooted in pond rose rapidly (7)","Answer":"DROSERA","Explanation":"Definition: Bog-plant\nfound inside (rooted in) ponD ROSE RApidly"} {"Clue":"Parachute for spacecraft \u2013 holes are left when it crashes (9)","Answer":"AEROSHELL","Explanation":"Definition: Parachute for spacecraft\nanagram (crashing) of HOLES ARE L (left)"} {"Clue":"Drinks available on tap, also bottled \u2013 they're exceptional (9)","Answer":"STANDOUTS","Explanation":"Definition: they're exceptional\nSTOUTS (drinks available on tap) contains (with\u2026bottled) AND (also)"} {"Clue":"Termini busy? This must be involved (7)","Answer":"MINIBUS","Explanation":"Definition: Termini busy? This must be involved\nfound inside (involved in) terMINI BUSy \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Gaucho's must-have? One educated dramatically grips one (5)","Answer":"RIATA","Explanation":"Definition: Gaucho's must-have\nRITA (one educated dramatically, *Educating Rita* play) contains A (one) \u2013 a lariat, used by a gaucho"} {"Clue":"Old tramp, a long time getting into piece of clothing (6)","Answer":"TOERAG","Explanation":"Definition: Old tramp\nERA (long time) inside TOG (piece of clothing)"} {"Clue":"Like followers of genetic theorist abandoned by men from Aegean isle (6)","Answer":"DELIAN","Explanation":"Definition: from Aegean isle\nmenDELIAN (like followers of generic theorist) missing MEN \u2013 from Delos"} {"Clue":"One that can't stand returning for amino acid? (4)","Answer":"DOPA","Explanation":"Definition: amino acid\nAPOD (a footless animal, one that can't stand) reversed (returning)"} {"Clue":"College feature: such a place the converted, entering New, will show you (10)","Answer":"ANTECHAPEL","Explanation":"Definition: College feature\nanagram (converted) of A PLACE THE contains (with\u2026entering) N (new)"} {"Clue":"Once given the heave-ho, yen to stick around ay rejected (5)","Answer":"YTOST","Explanation":"Definition: Once given the heave-ho\nY (yen) TO then STay (stick around) missing (rejected) AY"} {"Clue":"I'll be captivated by Wayne's playing, no matter how (7)","Answer":"ANYWISE","Explanation":"Definition: no matter how\nI inside (will be captivated by) anagram (playing) of WAYNE'S"} {"Clue":"Portion of topping on ice cone (5)","Answer":"PINGO","Explanation":"Definition: ice cone\nfound inside topPING On"} {"Clue":"Everlasting tirade when one's in a state (10)","Answer":"AMARANTINE","Explanation":"Definition: Everlasting\nRANT (tirade) inside A MAINE (state)"} {"Clue":"Call going round wood that sounds like frogs? (6)","Answer":"CROAKY","Explanation":"Definition: sounds like frogs\nCRY (call) contains (going round) OAK (wood)"} {"Clue":"NZ weed I zapped, all shrivelled up (7)","Answer":"WIZENED","Explanation":"Definition: all shrivelled up\nanagram (zapped) of NZ WEED I"} {"Clue":"Lacking stamina staggered around san (9)","Answer":"ANANDROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Lacking stamina\nanagram (staggered) of AROUND SAN"} {"Clue":"All lost after Mexican offensive? Leaders therein (5)","Answer":"ALAMO","Explanation":"Definition: All lost after Mexican offensive\nleading letters of All Lost After Mexican Offensive"} {"Clue":"Artistic creation by the chef, maybe something veggie (6)","Answer":"RADISH","Explanation":"Definition: something veggie\nan RA DISH may be a dish created by a particularly artistic chef (who was a Royal Academician)"} {"Clue":"Almost all the waste turns up slippery in parts (4)","Answer":"GLIB","Explanation":"Definition: slippery in parts\nBILGe (waste, almost all of) reversed (turns up) \u2013 \"in parts\" indicates dialectical use"} {"Clue":"Some African money erecting what a scientist's equipment rests on? (7)","Answer":"TAMBALA","Explanation":"Definition: Some African money\nA LAB MAT (what scientist's equipment rests on) reversed (erecting)"} {"Clue":"Marcel style? Joanna has nothing trimmed, about to create a stir (9)","Answer":"PROUSTIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Marcel style\nPIANo (joanna, trimmed) contains ROUST (to create a stir)"} {"Clue":"I'm full of malice, e.g. on first day back at work, not third? (7)","Answer":"ASMODAY","Explanation":"Definition: I'm full of malice\nAS (for instance, eg) on MOnDAY (first day back at work) missing third letter \u2013 an evil god"} {"Clue":"Turning left? See peripheral, awkward to deal with (7)","Answer":"STROPPY","Explanation":"Definition: awkward to deal with\nPORT (left) reversed (turning) inside (with\u2026peripheral) SPY (see)"} {"Clue":"Spiteful nymphs, wanton in sex? I'll be drawn in (6)","Answer":"NIXIES","Explanation":"Definition: Spiteful nymphs\nanagram (wanton) of IN SEX containing (will be drawn in) I"} {"Clue":"Motor oil exchanged for some old gold (6)","Answer":"CAROLI","Explanation":"Definition: some old gold\nCAR (motor) then anagram (exchanged) of OIL \u2013 a gold coin from the reign of King Charles (any of)"} {"Clue":"Sort of leaf that's abbreviated our former rail performance? (5)","Answer":"BRACT","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of leaf\nBR (British Rail, former rail network abbreviated) ACT (performance)"} {"Clue":"Stone showing vital date, first and last for ancient interred (5)","Answer":"AGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Stone\nAGE (vital date) contains (with\u2026interred) AncienT (first and last letters)"} {"Clue":"Voice part central for Sir William, say (4)","Answer":"ALTO","Explanation":"Definition: Voice part\ncentral letters of Sir William wALTOn say"} {"Clue":"Working out when most tourists come; there's wave after wave here (4,4)","Answer":"HIGH SEAS","Explanation":"Definition: there's wave after wave here\nHIGH SEASon (when most tourists come) missing (out) ON (working)"} {"Clue":"Heavens! Cristiano Ronaldo is perfection (especially scoring headers) (6)","Answer":"CRIPES","Explanation":"Definition: Heavens!\nfirst letters (headers) of Christan Ronaldo Is Perfection Especially Scoring"} {"Clue":"Excited, having 7 in neutral (6,2)","Answer":"REVVED UP","Explanation":"Definition: Excited, having 7 in neutral\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Father carries folding seat (6)","Answer":"FASTER","Explanation":"FR (father) contains (carries) anagram (folding) of SEAT"} {"Clue":"Lord Lucan \"acted irrationally, ran, disappeared\" \u2013 initial findings (5)","Answer":"LAIRD","Explanation":"Definition: Lord\nfirst letters (initial findings) of Lucan Acted Irrationally Ran Disappeared"} {"Clue":"Victor embraced by Matthew in Nervi (3,6)","Answer":"THE WINNER","Explanation":"Definition: Victor\nfound inside (embraced by) matTHEW IN NERvi"} {"Clue":"Job followed when her book was finished (6)","Answer":"ESTHER","Explanation":"Definition: Job followed when her book was finished\nbooks of the Bible in order"} {"Clue":"What followed Percy taking heroin into, like, the pits? (7)","Answer":"ABYSSES","Explanation":"Definition: the pits\nBYSShE (what followed Percy is Bysshe Shelly) missing (taking) H (heroine) in AS (like)"} {"Clue":"Man, d'oh! Reversed over little car! (7)","Answer":"HOMINID","Explanation":"Definition: Man\nD'OH reversed containing (over) MINI (little car)"} {"Clue":"On vacation Nadine went out, taking in pub in London (3,6)","Answer":"NEW BARNET","Explanation":"Definition: in London\nNadinE (on vacation, vacation is emptying) then anagram (out) of WENT containing (taking in) BAR (pub) \u2013 a place in London"} {"Clue":"One gorgeous looking chop, that is (5)","Answer":"CUTIE","Explanation":"Definition: One gorgeous looking\nCUT (chop) IE (that is)"} {"Clue":"Above average height, overweight (fat) (6)","Answer":"TALLOW","Explanation":"Definition: fat\nTALL (above average height) then O (over) and W (weight)"} {"Clue":"Splash out, putting dress on Dorothy's dog . . . . (2,2,4)","Answer":"GO TO TOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Splash out\nGOWN (dress) on TOTO (Dorothy's dog in Wizard of Oz)"} {"Clue":". . . . Charlie, old English biting, revolting toy dog (6)","Answer":"COYOTE","Explanation":"Definition: dog\nC (charlie, phonetic alphabet) then OE (Old English) contains (biting) TOY reversed (revolting)"} {"Clue":"Parking on one? Let it stand outside (4,2,2)","Answer":"STEP ON IT","Explanation":"P (parking) on ON I (one) inside (with\u2026outside) STET (let it stand, printers note)"} {"Clue":"Damaged lecturer's European career (6)","Answer":"HURTLE","Explanation":"Definition: career\nHURT (damage) L (lecturer) has E (European)"} {"Clue":"I visit US soldier (retd.); we'll mosey around (4,2,4,5)","Answer":"GIVE IT SOME WELLY","Explanation":"I inside (visits) GI VET (US soldier, retired) then WE'LL containing (with\u2026around) MOSEY"} {"Clue":"Drug\u00a0pushed a fair bit here? (5)","Answer":"SPEED","Explanation":"Definition: Drug\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Great aunt got rid of a new Spinning Jenny (7)","Answer":"AGUTTER","Explanation":"Definition: Jenny\nanagram (spinning) of GREAT aUnT missing (got rid of) A N (new) \u2013 actress Jenny Agutter"} {"Clue":"Vicar touring Italy, with time to make fact-based programme (7,2)","Answer":"REALITY TV","Explanation":"Definition: fact-based programme\nREV contains (touring) anagram (around) of ITALY with T (time) \u2013 a very flattering definition!"} {"Clue":"Display the stamp of authority? (3,4,4,4)","Answer":"PUT ONES FOOT DOWN","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Certainly, spin is bound to shock (8)","Answer":"SURPRISE","Explanation":"Definition: to shock\nSURE (certainly) contains (\u2026bound) PR (spin) IS"} {"Clue":"Friend retires during Gove's appearance (3,1,4,2)","Answer":"GET A MOVE ON","Explanation":"MATE (friend) reversed (retires) inside (during) GOVE ON (Gove's appearance)"} {"Clue":"Chopin composition, showcasing French and representative of the language (8)","Answer":"PHONETIC","Explanation":"Definition: representative of the language\nanagram (composition) of CHOPIN contains (showcasing) ET (and, French)"} {"Clue":"Order to stop before German Autobahn crash (4,4,5)","Answer":"DON\u2019T HANG ABOUT","Explanation":"DON'T (order to stop) then anagram (crash) of G (German) and AUTOBAHN"} {"Clue":"Julius, English solicitor, about to dispense justice? (7)","Answer":"METE OUT","Explanation":"Definition: to dispense justice\nME (Julius) E (English) and TOUT (solicitor) \u2013 I suspect there is a misprint in the letter count here"} {"Clue":"Gym rat guzzles a source of protein (6)","Answer":"PEANUT","Explanation":"Definition: source of protein\nPE NUT (gym rat) contains (guzzles) A"} {"Clue":"Tory back-bencher going outside House for a bite (5)","Answer":"CHOMP","Explanation":"Definition: a bite\nCO (Conservative) MP (back bencher perhaps) contains (outside) H (house)"} {"Clue":"Party platform given by chairman defending Ulster party? (9)","Answer":"MANIFESTO","Explanation":"Definition: Party platform\nMAO (chairman) contains (defending) NI (Ulster, loosely speaking) and FEST (party)"} {"Clue":"Crash arose with sun obscured (5)","Answer":"PRANG","Explanation":"Definition: Crash\nsPRANG (arose) missing (obscured) S (sun)"} {"Clue":"Solitary figure still on errand partly (5)","Answer":"LONER","Explanation":"Definition: Solitary figure\nfound inside (partly) stilL ON ERrand"} {"Clue":"Word of sympathy supporting European consequently (9)","Answer":"THEREFORE","Explanation":"Definition: consequently\nTHERE (word of sympathy) FOR (supporting) E (European)"} {"Clue":"It's foolish to rank hero in Asian country (5,5)","Answer":"NORTH KOREA","Explanation":"Definition: Asian country\nanagram (foolish) of TO RANK HERO"} {"Clue":"Prison\u00a0disturbance (4)","Answer":"STIR","Explanation":"Definition: Prison\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Cousin abroad entertaining fellow with a clear outline (2,5)","Answer":"IN FOCUS","Explanation":"Definition: with a clear outline\nanagram (abroad) of COUSIN containing (entertaining) F (fellow)"} {"Clue":"Clio sat composed and uncomplaining (7)","Answer":"STOICAL","Explanation":"Definition: uncomplaining\nanagram (composed) of CLIO SAT"} {"Clue":"Rich university attracting old American that's stupid (7)","Answer":"FATUOUS","Explanation":"Definition: stupid\nFAT (rich) U (university) with O (old) US (American)"} {"Clue":"Tax reversed near exotic restaurant (7)","Answer":"TAVERNA","Explanation":"Definition: restaurant\nVAT (a tax) reversed then anagram (exotic) of NEAR"} {"Clue":"Observe\u00a0bit of music (4)","Answer":"NOTE","Explanation":"Definition: Observe\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Dessert in a carrier left by one in area (10)","Answer":"ZABAGLIONE","Explanation":"Definition: Dessert\nBAG (carrier) L (left) by I (one) in ZONE (area)"} {"Clue":"Form of reasoning in prelude (9)","Answer":"INDUCTION","Explanation":"Definition: Form of reasoning\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Hobo getting little money on public transport (5)","Answer":"TRAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Hobo\nP (penny, a little money) following (on) TRAM (public transport)"} {"Clue":"Troublesome child overlooking initial mistake (5)","Answer":"ERROR","Explanation":"Definition: mistake\ntERROR (troublesome child) missing first letter (overlooking initial)"} {"Clue":"Loan cadet arranged, based on hearsay (9)","Answer":"ANECDOTAL","Explanation":"Definition: based on hearsay\nanagram (arranged) of LOAN CADET"} {"Clue":"Fruit found in some London markets (5)","Answer":"MELON","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nfound inside soME LONdon markets"} {"Clue":"Poor Finn treated before time \u2013 it's typical of a charity? (3-6)","Answer":"NON-PROFIT","Explanation":"Definition: it's typical of a charity\nanagram (treated) of POOR FINN then T (time)"} {"Clue":"Repetitive element in river parking soon to be scrapped (3,3,4)","Answer":"FOR THE CHOP","Explanation":"Definition: soon to be scrapped\nECHO (repetitive element) in FORTH (river) P (parking)"} {"Clue":"Model with male in Greek island \u2013 a TV staple? (7)","Answer":"SIT-COMS","Explanation":"Definition: a TV staple\nSIT (model) with M (male) in COS (Greek island). it looks like there might be a singular\/plural mismatch here but I think \"Sitcoms are a TV staple\" reads well enough"} {"Clue":"Son seen to fragment unity (7)","Answer":"ONENESS","Explanation":"Definition: unity\nanagram (to fragment) of SON SEEM"} {"Clue":"Take a look at food on way up (4)","Answer":"PEEK","Explanation":"Definition: Take a look at\nKEEP (food, room and keep) reversed (on way up)"} {"Clue":"Current pair featuring in a paper (5)","Answer":"AFOOT","Explanation":"Definition: Current\nOO (pair, two zero scores in cricket) inside A FT (paper)"} {"Clue":"Bandit, familiar figure in jungle reportedly (9)","Answer":"GUERRILLA","Explanation":"Definition: Bandit\nsounds like (reportedly) of \"gorilla\" (a familiar figure in jungle)"} {"Clue":"Complex book kept by enthusiast in school (10)","Answer":"CONVOLUTED","Explanation":"Definition: Complex\nVOL (volume, book) inside (kept by) NUT inside (in) COED (a school~~, in US~~)"} {"Clue":"Home supporter with headwear is childish (9)","Answer":"INFANTILE","Explanation":"Definition: childish\nIN (home) FAN (supporter) TILE (a hat, headwear)"} {"Clue":"Roman and Croat at sea missing a seabird (9)","Answer":"CORMORANT","Explanation":"Definition: seabird\nanagram (at sea) of ROMAN and CROaT missing A"} {"Clue":"A route fringed by revolutionary workers showing endurance (7)","Answer":"STAMINA","Explanation":"Definition: endurance\nA MI (M1 motorway, a route) inside (fringed by) reversed (revolutionary) ANTS (workers)"} {"Clue":"Elder, say, protecting first class new novice (7)","Answer":"TRAINEE","Explanation":"Definition: novice\nTREE (elder, say) contains (protecting) AI (A1, first class) N (new)"} {"Clue":"Tour planned to cover Dutch house (5)","Answer":"TUDOR","Explanation":"Definition: house\nanagram (planned) of TOUR containing (including) D (Dutch)"} {"Clue":"Get rid of first of pollution in river and lake (5)","Answer":"EXPEL","Explanation":"Definition: Get rid\nPollution (first letter of) in EXE (the River Exe) and L (lake)"} {"Clue":"Mark award, nothing less (4)","Answer":"SCAR","Explanation":"Definition: Mark\noSCAR (award) missing O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"A very old sect trilled diapasons (7)","Answer":"AVOCETS","Explanation":"Definition: diapasons\nA V (very) O (old) then anagram (trilled) of SECT \u2013 definition **OCTAVES"} {"Clue":"Essential for process to manufacture tiny things (5)","Answer":"STOMA","Explanation":"Definition: tiny things\nfound inside (essential to) procesS TO MAnufacture \u2013 definition **ATOMS"} {"Clue":"Cleanse father's name (5)","Answer":"SIREN","Explanation":"Definition: Cleanse\nSIRE (father) has N (name) \u2013 definition **RINSE"} {"Clue":"Landlord maybe shut local \u2013 slip inside (7)","Answer":"TERRINE","Explanation":"Definition: Landlord maybe\nTINE (shut, local=dialect) containing ERR (slip) \u2013 definition **RENTIER"} {"Clue":"Palm, wherein big cat conceals its head (6)","Answer":"ANTHER","Explanation":"Definition: Palm\npANTHER (big cat) missing first letter (concealing head) \u2013 definition **THENAR"} {"Clue":"Spat, look, returning? Get agitated about that (6)","Answer":"TRIAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Spat\nAIR (look) reversed (returning) inside (with\u2026about that) anagram (agitated) of GET \u2013 definition **GAITER"} {"Clue":"Log, see, returning one of several plant communities (7)","Answer":"ENTERAL","Explanation":"Definition: one of several plant communities\nENTER (log) then LA (look) reversed (returning) \u2013 definition **ALTERNE"} {"Clue":"Egg on salt, French style? One supplies condiment (6)","Answer":"TARSEL","Explanation":"Definition: One supplies condiment\nTAR (egg on, incite) SEL (salt, in French) \u2013 definition **SALTER"} {"Clue":"Mum's captivated by narrative of canal opening (6)","Answer":"TAMALE","Explanation":"Definition: of canal opening\nMA (mum) inside TALE (narrative) \u2013 definition **MEATAL"} {"Clue":"Gutsy bird tucked into ale, tiddly (7)","Answer":"ETERNAL","Explanation":"Definition: Gutsy\nTERN (bird) inside anagram (tiddly) of ALE \u2013 definition **ENTERAL"} {"Clue":"Hymns ancient god in Greek island(6)","Answer":"CLAROS","Explanation":"Definition: Hymns\nLAR (ancient god) in COS (Greek island)- definition **CAROLS"} {"Clue":"Nun relaxes around middle of confiteor (6)","Answer":"RESITS","Explanation":"Definition: Nun\nRESTS (relaxes) containing confIteor (middle letter of) \u2013 definition **SISTER"} {"Clue":"Lampoonery: after orgy I misled backward boy (8)","Answer":"GYROIDAL","Explanation":"Definition: Lampoonery\nanagram (misled) of ORGY I then LAD (boy) reversed (backward) \u2013 **GOLIARDY"} {"Clue":"Delicate, ingesting odds and ends causing nasty spasms (7)","Answer":"NICTATE","Explanation":"Definition: nasty spasms\nNICE (delicate) contains (ingesting) TAT (odds and ends) \u2013 definition **TETANIC"} {"Clue":"Time in drama portraying particular character? (5)","Answer":"PLATY","Explanation":"Definition: portraying particular character\nT (time) in PLAY (drama) \u2013 definition **TYPAL"} {"Clue":"Second pork pie, minimal (5)","Answer":"STALE","Explanation":"Definition: minimal\nS (second) TALE (pork pie, lie) \u2013 definition **LEAST"} {"Clue":"Chap takes turn cutting grass \u2013 far from straight course (7)","Answer":"RENAMED","Explanation":"Definition: far from straight course\nMAN (chap) reversed (takes turn) inside (cutting) REED (grass) \u2013 definition **MEANDER"} {"Clue":"Sex aid? A person who's worn out has six! (6)","Answer":"VIAGRA","Explanation":"Definition: Sex aid\n**ARAGVI** \u2013 A RAG (person who's worn out) has VI (six). One of the two proper names not in Chambers (geographical) \u2013 a river in Georgia."} {"Clue":"Worthless Scotch run out? Letter from head of restaurant follows (4)","Answer":"ORRA","Explanation":"Definition: Worthless Scotch\n**ROAR** \u2013 RO (run out) then RA (the letter R, head of *R*estaurant)"} {"Clue":"St Peter hopes a church will accommodate this (6)","Answer":"CEPHAS","Explanation":"Definition: St Peter\n**PESACH** \u2013 found inside (accommodated by) hoPES A Church. The other of of the two proper names not in Chambers (biblical)."} {"Clue":"Present time short \u2013 little support around (5)","Answer":"THERE","Explanation":"Definition: Present\n**THREE** \u2013 HT (time, short=abbreviated) inside (with\u2026around) TEE (little support)"} {"Clue":"Piano introducing timely computer supremo, one treading the boards (11)","Answer":"STAGE-PLAYER","Explanation":"Definition: one treading the boards\n**PEARLY GATES** \u2013 P (piano) coming before (introducing) EARLY (timely) GATES (Bill Gates, computer supremo)"} {"Clue":"What's modern, in tin? Masses and masses (8)","Answer":"TRENTALS","Explanation":"Definition: Masses and masses\n**SLATTERN** \u2013 LATTER (what is modern) in SN (tin, chemical symbol). A *trental* is series of thirty requiem masses."} {"Clue":"Declaim love in class (5)","Answer":"ORATE","Explanation":"Definition: Declaim\n**ROATE** \u2013 O (love) in RATE (class, of seamen)"} {"Clue":"God of old: meditation takes in pelt(6)","Answer":"MITHRA","Explanation":"Definition: God of old\n**THAIRM**\u2013 TM (transcendental meditation) contains HAIR (pelt)"} {"Clue":"Advance payment, part of fine (a third) (4)","Answer":"ANTE","Explanation":"Definition: Advance payment\n**NEAT** \u2013 found inside (part of) fiNE A Third"} {"Clue":"Mischievous little one aboard ship on course, dreadnought style? (10)","Answer":"FEARLESSLY","Explanation":"Definition: dreadnought style\n**SELF-SLAYER** \u2013 ELF (mischievous little one) in SS (aboard ship, in a Steam Ship) on LAYER (course)"} {"Clue":"Very upsetting, gun wings a girth badly (10)","Answer":"SHATTERING","Explanation":"Definition: Very upsetting\n**STRAIGHTEN** \u2013 STEN (gun) contains (wings) anagram (badly) of A GIRTH"} {"Clue":"Regarding representatives, one behind the clock imbibes liquor (8)","Answer":"AGENTIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Regarding representatives,\n**ALGINATE** \u2013 A (one) LATE (behind the clock) contains (imbibes) GIN (liquor)"} {"Clue":"Partly cut off, dry before soak (6)","Answer":"RESECT","Explanation":"Definition: Partly cut off\n**SECRET** \u2013 SEC (dry) before RET (soak)"} {"Clue":"Cigar, short length, exceedingly round (6)","Answer":"MANILA","Explanation":"Definition: Cigar\n**ALMAIN** \u2013 L (length, short=abbreviation) inside (with\u2026round) AMAIN (exceedingly)"} {"Clue":"Segmented pipe stuck into thorny tree (6)","Answer":"LOBATE","Explanation":"Definition: Segmented\n**BOATEL** \u2013 OAT (a reed pipe) inside BEL (thorny tree)"} {"Clue":"A court case ends early \u2013 rope called for (5)","Answer":"RIATA","Explanation":"Definition: rope called for\n**ATRIA** \u2013 A TRIAL (court case) missing last letter (ends early)"} {"Clue":"Poet's cadaver beginning to crumble, very much on the outside (5)","Answer":"CORSE","Explanation":"Definition: Poet's cadaver\n**SCORE** \u2013 Crumble (first letter, beginning to) inside (with\u2026on the outside) SORE (very much, as an adverb)"} {"Clue":"US rankers putting on eastern judo kit (4)","Answer":"EGIS","Explanation":"Definition: judo kit\n**GIES** \u2013 GIS (GI plural, US rankers, cf other ranks) containing (putting on) E (Eastern). I think Azed has mistakenly created an across-style clue for a down light. By the instructions GIES should be the grid entry here."} {"Clue":"Cheese centre in Ilchester coated with nuts (4)","Answer":"EDAM","Explanation":"Definition: Cheese\n**MEAD** \u2013 ilchEster (centre letter of) inside (coated with) MAD (nuts)"} {"Clue":"Game to tuck into ale can drunk immediately (2,1,6)","Answer":"AT A GLANCE","Explanation":"Definition: immediately\nTAG (game) inside (to tuck into) anagram (drunk) of ALE CAN"} {"Clue":"Miss America film bags Oscar (5)","Answer":"AVOID","Explanation":"Definition: Miss\nA (America) VID (video, film) contains (bags) O (oscar, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Inflates price, in the main the wrong way (7)","Answer":"AERATES","Explanation":"Definition: Inflates\nRATE (price) in SEA (the main) reversed (the wrong way)"} {"Clue":"British monarch fed film director (7)","Answer":"BERGMAN","Explanation":"Definition: film director\nB (British) ER (Elizabeth Regina, the monarch) then G-MAN (fed, Federal Agent)"} {"Clue":"Bluer Sierra leaves in summer (5)","Answer":"ADDER","Explanation":"Definition: summer\nsADDER (bluer) missing (\u2026leaves) S (sierra, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Bad taste of old booze after hot month (9)","Answer":"INDECORUM","Explanation":"Definition: Bad taste\nO (old) RUM (booze) follows (after) IN (hot, popular) DEC (December, month)"} {"Clue":"Pretty, inspiring love and cheers, twirling with care (15)","Answer":"COMPASSIONATELY","Explanation":"Definition: with care\nCOMELY (pretty) contains (inspiring, breathing in) PASSION (love) and TA (thanks, cheers) reversed (twirling)"} {"Clue":"Reliable music gets son really humming (4,5)","Answer":"ROCK SOLID","Explanation":"Definition: Reliable\nROCK (music)with S (son) and OLID (bad smelling, really humming)"} {"Clue":"In river, you might well see one! (5)","Answer":"HIPPO","Explanation":"Definition: you might well see one\nHIP (in, fashionable) PO (the River Po in Italy)"} {"Clue":"Singer's live, unknown in the past (7)","Answer":"BEYONCE","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\nBE (live, as a verb) then Y (unknown in equations) and ONCE (in the past)"} {"Clue":"A good deal of lawyers make money (7)","Answer":"BARGAIN","Explanation":"Definition: A good deal\nBAR (lawyers) and GAIN (make money)"} {"Clue":"Feeds girl from the right society (5)","Answer":"DINES","Explanation":"Definition: Feeds\nENID (a girl) reversed (read from the right) then S (society)"} {"Clue":"Pagans first and then \u2026 a US actor? (9,6)","Answer":"CHRISTIAN SLATER","Explanation":"Definition: a US actor\nPagans first then CHRISTIANS LATER"} {"Clue":"What gets crazed Turkish bigshot around the island (10)","Answer":"MADAGASCAR","Explanation":"Definition: the island\na \"mad Aga\" (a crazed Turkish bigshot) might get around in a MAD AGA'S CAR \u2013 excellent!"} {"Clue":"Winged creatures in this realm of myriad bats (8)","Answer":"FAIRYDOM","Explanation":"Definition: Winged creatures in this realm\nanagram (bats) of OF MYRIAD"} {"Clue":"Skin prepared for tattoos (4)","Answer":"INKS","Explanation":"Definition: tattoos\nanagram (prepared) of SKIN"} {"Clue":"Novel to get across entertaining plot in US city (3,7)","Answer":"NEW BEDFORD","Explanation":"Definition: US city\nNEW (novel) FORD (to get across) contains (entertaining) BED (plot, for flowers perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Aristocrat wanting name for girl (8)","Answer":"PATRICIA","Explanation":"Definition: girl\nPATRICIAn (aristocrat) missing (wanting) N (name)"} {"Clue":"Pupils, before English, run late (6)","Answer":"FORMER","Explanation":"Definition: late\nFORM (pupils in a school) before E (English) R (run)"} {"Clue":"Planned economy holds back ideal state (4)","Answer":"EDEN","Explanation":"Definition: ideal state\nfound reversed inside (holds back) planNED Economy"} {"Clue":"Lacking funds, you do this in hostelry, clearly gutted (10)","Answer":"INSOLVENCY","Explanation":"Definition: Lacking funds\nSOLVE (you do this) in INN (hostelry) then ClearlY (gutted, no middle letters)"} {"Clue":"Leader loudly lamenting Oxford revels (3,7)","Answer":"MAY MORNING","Explanation":"Definition: Oxford revels\nMAY (Theresa May, leader of UK Government) then MORNING sounds like (loudly) \"mourning\" (lamenting)"} {"Clue":"Possible danger with lighter fluid on stairs (8)","Answer":"ARSONIST","Explanation":"Definition: Possible danger with lighter\nanagram (fluid) of ON STAIRS"} {"Clue":"What besets politician currently could be stress (8)","Answer":"EMPHASIS","Explanation":"Definition: stress\nEH (what?) contains (besets) MP (politician) then AS IS (currently)"} {"Clue":"Showing sadness in bearing, a queen departs (6)","Answer":"CRYING","Explanation":"Definition: Showing sadness\nCarRYING (bearing) missing (\u2026departs) A R (regina, queen)"} {"Clue":"Badger to maul tailless equine (6)","Answer":"HARASS","Explanation":"Definition: Badger\nHARm (to maul, tailless) ASS (an equine)"} {"Clue":"Ordered something from dodgy drug dealer? (4)","Answer":"BADE","Explanation":"Definition: Ordered\na dodgy drug dealer might supply BAD E (ecstasy)"} {"Clue":"English composer's time for recital (4)","Answer":"BYRD","Explanation":"Definition: English composer\nsounds like (for recital) \"bird\" (time in prison)"} {"Clue":"County side's opening game (5)","Answer":"CHESS","Explanation":"Definition: game\nCHES (abbreviation for Cheshire, a county) then Side (opening letter of)"} {"Clue":"Initially misleading Poor Tom with Lear's confused state (9)","Answer":"MAELSTROM","Explanation":"Definition: confused state\nMisleading (initially, first letter of) then anagram (poor) of TOM with LEAR'S"} {"Clue":"Accept without protest and remain in adversity (3,4)","Answer":"LIE DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Accept without protest\nLIE (remain) and DOWN (in adversity)"} {"Clue":"Caves in over occupying the centre of Abbotsford following something very unpleasant (7)","Answer":"GROTTOS","Explanation":"Definition: Caves\nO (over) inside (occupying) abboTSford (centre of) following GROT (something very unpleasant)"} {"Clue":"Untiring when debating life travelling round America (13)","Answer":"INDEFATIGABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Untiring\nanagram (travelling) of DEBATING LIFE contains A (America)"} {"Clue":"Idle talk about head of engineering plant (4)","Answer":"SAGE","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nGAS (idle talk) reversed (about) then Engineering (first letter, head of)"} {"Clue":"We object over having fish with fruit for sweet (9)","Answer":"SUGARPLUM","Explanation":"Definition: sweet\nUS (we, as the object of a sentence) reversed (over) with GAR (a fish) and PLUM (fruit)"} {"Clue":"Win only against those without a goal? Not quite (2,3,4)","Answer":"ON THE NOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Win only\nON (against) then THOSE containing (without) ENd (a goal, not quite finished) \u2013 a horse racing term for a bet to win only"} {"Clue":"Look for 'ROAD' in French (4)","Answer":"MIEN","Explanation":"Definition: Look\nMI (M1 motorway, a road) and EN (in, French)"} {"Clue":"Deliberately disregard innately rude bishop's rambling (4,1,5,3)","Answer":"TURN A BLIND EYE","Explanation":"Definition: Deliberately disregard\nanagram (rambling) of INNATELY RUDE and B (bishop)"} {"Clue":"Within which one may be heard having a go on an organ (7)","Answer":"EARSHOT","Explanation":"Definition: Within which one may be heard\nSHOT (a go) following (on) EAR (an organ)"} {"Clue":"Extremely rare to have name removed from novelist's grave (7)","Answer":"AUSTERE","Explanation":"Definition: grave\nRarE (outer letters, extremely) following (to have) AUSTEn (novelist) missing N (name)"} {"Clue":"Tribal symbol of tailless cat encountered on the way back by European (5,4)","Answer":"TOTEM POLE","Explanation":"Definition: Tribal symbol\nTOm (cat, tailless) then MET (encountered) reversed (on the way back) by POLE (a European)"} {"Clue":"Explosive constituent found in container brought back by soldiers (5)","Answer":"NITRE","Explanation":"Definition: Explosive constituent\nTIN (container) reversed (brought back) then RE (Royal Engineers, soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Was able to dismiss unionist as indifferent (4)","Answer":"COLD","Explanation":"Definition: indifferent\nCOuLD (was able to) missing (to dismiss) U (unionist)"} {"Clue":"Venus Williams finally overwhelmed by German veteran in Split (7,4)","Answer":"EVENING STAR","Explanation":"Definition: Venus\nwilliamS (final letter) in (overcome by) anagram (split) of G (German) and VETERAN IN"} {"Clue":"Warily reluctant to drink rum of poor quality (6)","Answer":"SHODDY","Explanation":"Definition: of poor quality\nSHY (warily reluctant) contains (to drink) ODD (rum)"} {"Clue":"Plain old declaration of intent (9)","Answer":"MANIFESTO","Explanation":"Definition: declaration of intent\nMANIFEST (plain) O (old)"} {"Clue":"A struggle with English for fellow in crew (5)","Answer":"EIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: crew\nfIGHT (a struggle) with E (English) replacing F (fellow) \u2013 the crew of a rowing boat"} {"Clue":"Work gear brought up on line by quiet retail assistant (4,4)","Answer":"SHOP GIRL","Explanation":"Definition: retail assistant\nOP (opus, work) RIG (gear) reversed (brought up) on L (line) all following (by) SH (quiet)"} {"Clue":"It's difficult to get out of game against Thailand (3)","Answer":"RUT","Explanation":"Definition: It's difficult to get out of\nRU (Rugby Union, game) with (against) T (Thailand)"} {"Clue":"Monty's first thoughts about a flower show on TV (10)","Answer":"MASTERMIND","Explanation":"Definition: show on TV\nMonty (first letter of) and MIND (thoughts) contain (about) ASTER (a flower)"} {"Clue":"Aggressive tendency to grab before taking a breather on the way up (11)","Answer":"BELLIGERENT","Explanation":"Definition: Aggressive\nBENT (tendency) contains (to grab) ERE (before) and GILL (a breather) reversed (on the way up)"} {"Clue":"A variety of omens? Start worrying! (10)","Answer":"ASSORTMENT","Explanation":"Definition: A variety\nanagram (worrying) of OMENS START"} {"Clue":"German book about packing fruit (9)","Answer":"GREENGAGE","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nG German) ENGAGE (book) contains (with\u2026packing) RE (about)"} {"Clue":"Film oddly ignored pursuing charge admitted by London area leader of Hell's Angels (8)","Answer":"SERAPHIM","Explanation":"Definition: Angels\nfIlM (ignoring odd letters) follows (pursuing)RAP (charge) inside (admitted by) SE (London postal area) then Hell (fist letter, leader of)"} {"Clue":"Writer includes an afterthought on current digestive aid (6)","Answer":"PEPSIN","Explanation":"Definition: digestive aid\nPEN (writer) contains PS (an afterthought) on I (current)"} {"Clue":"Place to go to suppress tension before start of the game (5)","Answer":"LOTTO","Explanation":"Definition: game\nLOO (a place to go, to the toilet) contains (to suppress) T (tension) and (before) The (first letter, start of)"} {"Clue":"Give way in the beginning by the sound of it (4)","Answer":"CEDE","Explanation":"Definition: Give way\nsounds like \"seed\" (the beginning)"} {"Clue":"Nonsense coming from revolutionary needing no introduction (3)","Answer":"ROT","Explanation":"Definition: Nonsense\ntROT revolutionary) missing first letter (needing no introduction)"} {"Clue":"Left with son, breaking promise to find tracksuit? (10)","Answer":"SPORTSWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: tracksuit?\nPORT (left) with S (son) inside (breaking) SWEAR (promise) \u2013 the question mark indicates the definition is an example of sportswear e.g. \"tracksuit perhaps?\""} {"Clue":"Detailed national flag (4)","Answer":"IRIS","Explanation":"Definition: flag\nIRISh (national, of Ireland) missing last letter (de-tailed) \u2013 a flower"} {"Clue":"Interested in joint ownership? Not entirely (4)","Answer":"INTO","Explanation":"Definition: Interested\nfound inside (not entirely) joINT Ownership"} {"Clue":"In private I finally milked cow (10)","Answer":"INTIMIDATE","Explanation":"Definition: cow\nI milkeD (last letter, finally) inside\u00a0INTIMATE (private) \u2013 the clue is to be read \"in \u2026 you will find\u2026 \""} {"Clue":"False rumour about duke spread around (6)","Answer":"CANARD","Explanation":"Definition: False rumour\nCA (circa, about) then D RAN (spread) reversed (around)"} {"Clue":"A young bird, linnet's flying gets good (8)","Answer":"NESTLING","Explanation":"Definition: A young bird\nanagram (flying) of LINNET'S with G (good)"} {"Clue":"Set fewer crosswords? That's stupid (8)","Answer":"CLUELESS","Explanation":"Definition: That's stupid\nso write fewer clues\u2026"} {"Clue":"With one absent, sound hooter (4)","Answer":"NOSE","Explanation":"Definition: hooter\nNOiSE (sound) missing (with\u2026absent) I (one)"} {"Clue":"Workers' organisation's turned tail (4)","Answer":"SCUT","Explanation":"Definition: tail\nTUC'S (workers' organisation's) reversed (turned)"} {"Clue":"Height of barrier missing foot around pit (8)","Answer":"EMINENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Height\nfENCE (barrier) missing F (foot) contains (around) MINE (pit)"} {"Clue":"Dog carries along mobile making ringing sound (8)","Answer":"CLANGOUR","Explanation":"Definition: ringing sound\nCUR (dog) contains (carries) anagram (mobile) of ALONG"} {"Clue":"Oddly caring about Greek character \u2013 this one? (6)","Answer":"CRETAN","Explanation":"Definition: this one?\nCaRiNg (every other letter, oddly) contains (about) ETA (Greek character) \u2013 the definition is \"another Greek character\""} {"Clue":"For example if I had a hi-fi, I'd plan more dances (10)","Answer":"PALINDROME","Explanation":"Definition: For example if I had a hi-fi\nanagram (dances) of I'D PLAN MORE \u2013 \"if I had a hi-fi\" is a palindrome. Very nice!"} {"Clue":"Delay set back a celebration (4)","Answer":"GALA","Explanation":"Definition: celebration\nLAG (delay) reversed (set back) then A"} {"Clue":"We're told to try to get present (4)","Answer":"HERE","Explanation":"Definition: present\nsounds like (we are told) \"hear\" (to try in court)"} {"Clue":"Husband often is screwed by hotel \u2013 that's out of order (2,3,5)","Answer":"ON THE FRITZ","Explanation":"Definition: out of order\nanagram (screwed) of H (husband) OFTEN then RITZ (hotel)"} {"Clue":"Lead everybody outside during game (7)","Answer":"PINBALL","Explanation":"Definition: game\nPB (lead) ALL (everybody) contains (outside) IN (during)"} {"Clue":"Jana's half-cut after port wine (5)","Answer":"RIOJA","Explanation":"Definition: wine\nJAna (half cut) following RIO (Rio De Janeiro, a port)"} {"Clue":"Superficial and benign cuts bleed (4-4)","Answer":"SKIN-DEEP","Explanation":"Definition: Superficial\nKIND (benign) inside (cuts) SEEP (bleed)"} {"Clue":"English solicitor accepting pay cut is to suffer with longing (3,4,5,3)","Answer":"EAT ONES HEART OUT","Explanation":"Definition: suffer with longing\nE (English) TOUT (solicitor) contains ATONE (pay) SHEAR (cut) \u2013 a very natural combination of surface and wordplay"} {"Clue":"Fail again, presumably, being negligent (6)","Answer":"REMISS","Explanation":"Definition: negligent\nRE-MISS (fail again, presumably)"} {"Clue":"Daughter eclipses son in rudeness and laziness (9)","Answer":"INDOLENCE","Explanation":"Definition: laziness\nINsOLENCE (rudeness) with D (daughter) replacing (eclipsing) S (son)"} {"Clue":"Elected cardinal by extremely dubious means (7)","Answer":"INTENDS","Explanation":"Definition: mean\nIN (elected) TEN (a number, a cardinal) with DubiouS (outer letters, extremely)"} {"Clue":"Sporting event is to support former comprehensive (9)","Answer":"EXTENSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: comprehensive\nanagram (sporting) of EVENT IS follows (supports, holds up in a down clue) EX (former)"} {"Clue":"Individual is tactful on the phone (8)","Answer":"DISCRETE","Explanation":"Definition: Individual\nsounds like (on the phone) \"discreet\" (tactful)"} {"Clue":"Neck beer, having run off to make artwork (7)","Answer":"COLLAGE","Explanation":"Definition: artwork\nCOL (neck) LAGEr (beer) missing (having\u2026off) R (run)"} {"Clue":"Leaves poor service after quietly producing wreath (7)","Answer":"CHAPLET","Explanation":"Definition: wreath\nCHA (leaves, tea) then LET (a poor service in tennis) following P (quietly)"} {"Clue":"Gangster rings? That's bad luck (6)","Answer":"HOODOO","Explanation":"Definition: bad luck\nHOOD (gangster) then O O (rings)"} {"Clue":"Article in Spanish newspaper about composer (5)","Answer":"ELGAR","Explanation":"Definition: composer\nEL (the, article in Spanish) then RAG (newspaper) reversed (about)"} {"Clue":"Boxers perhaps below weight getting some cereal (9)","Answer":"UNDERWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Boxers perhap\nUNDER (below) W (weight) with EAR (some cereal)"} {"Clue":"In excited eagerness, Owen's opening in spades (1,4)","Answer":"A GOGO","Explanation":"Definition: in spades\nAGOG (in excited eagerness)\u00a0Owen (opening letter of)"} {"Clue":"Army man's isolated during depression (7)","Answer":"COLONEL","Explanation":"Definition: Army man\nLONE (isolated) inside (during) COL (depression)"} {"Clue":"One, say, attracted by type of film that symbolises springtime (4,3)","Answer":"PACE EGG","Explanation":"Definition: that symbolises springtime\nACE (one) EG (for example, say) inside (attracted by) PG (type of film, UK content rating) \u2013 a traditional play performed at Easter"} {"Clue":"Organ composer discussed (3)","Answer":"EYE","Explanation":"Definition: Organ\nsounds like (discussed) I (Aardvark, the composer of this crossword)"} {"Clue":"Having weapon, extremists in Hamburg neared building (4,7)","Answer":"HAND GRENADE","Explanation":"Definition: weapon\nH AND G are the outers letters (extremists) in Hamburg, then anagram (building) of NEARED"} {"Clue":"Approval from nosy assistant misdirected (3-2)","Answer":"SAY-SO","Explanation":"Definition: Approval\nfound inside (from) nOSY ASsistant reversed (misdirected, going the wrong way)"} {"Clue":"Party making a racket (3)","Answer":"CON","Explanation":"Definition: Party\ndouble definition \u2013 the Conservative party"} {"Clue":"Hollywood actress, back to obtain Oscar after vacation (5)","Answer":"GABOR","Explanation":"Definition: Hollywood actress\nBAG (to obtain) reversed (back) then OscaR (on vacation, having emptied the middle letters out) \u2013 one of the Gabor sisters: Magda, Za Za or Eva. The Gabor sisters were also famous for their husbands, between them having 20 marriages to 19 men (George Sanders married more than one sister)."} {"Clue":"Honour university helper freely occupying role (6,5)","Answer":"PURPLE HEART","Explanation":"Definition: Honour\nU (university) and anagram (freely) of HELPER inside (occupy) PART (role)"} {"Clue":"European runner's long dashes (3)","Answer":"EMS","Explanation":"Definition: European runner\ndouble definition \u2013 river in Germany (something that runs in Europe) and printer's name for a long dash (plural)"} {"Clue":"Comparatively wide jumper I'm returning with reluctance (7)","Answer":"ROOMIER","Explanation":"Definition: Comparatively wide\nROO (kangaroo, something that jumps) them I'M reversed (returning) with ER (reluctance?)"} {"Clue":"Constant hair dye one's seen in Asian city (7)","Answer":"CHENNAI","Explanation":"Definition: Asian city\nC (constant) HENNA (hair dye) and I (one)"} {"Clue":"Skilful and fit recruits extremely dependable (5)","Answer":"ADEPT","Explanation":"Definition: Skilful\nAPT (fit) contains (recruits) DependablE (extremes of)"} {"Clue":"Bill and John in Welsh lake needing head protection (9)","Answer":"BALACLAVA","Explanation":"Definition: head protection\nAC (account, bill) and LAV (the John, a toilet) inside BALA (Lake Bala, in Wales)"} {"Clue":"In Paris, who joined head cook, reducing egg-based dish? (6)","Answer":"QUICHE","Explanation":"Definition: egg-based dish\nQUI (who French, as said in Paris) with CHEf (head cook) missing last letter (shortening)"} {"Clue":"He forbade such playing of lute during promotion track (8)","Answer":"ADULTERY","Explanation":"Definition: He forbade such\nanagram (playing) of LUTE inside AD (promotion) RY (railway, track) \u2013 He with a capital H is God, who's 10 commandments forbid adultery"} {"Clue":"Tongue sandwich that a hairdresser finishes off? (6,4)","Answer":"FRENCH ROLL","Explanation":"Definition: that a hairdresser finishes off\nFRENCH (tongue, a language) then ROLL (sandwich)"} {"Clue":"Son's not seen in appropriate colour (4)","Answer":"TEAL","Explanation":"Definition: colour\nsTEAL (appropriate) missing (not seen) S (son)"} {"Clue":"Potentially influential information for non-believing prosecutor (10)","Answer":"PROPAGANDA","Explanation":"Definition: Potentially influential information\nPRO (for) PAGAN (non-believing) DA (prosecutor, in US)"} {"Clue":"Blight beginning to cover fruit waste (4)","Answer":"MARC","Explanation":"Definition: fruit waste\nMAR (blight) then Cover (first letter, beginning to)"} {"Clue":"Excessively drink spirit in US capital (6)","Answer":"TOPEKA","Explanation":"Definition: US capital\nTOPE (excessively drink) and KA (spirit) \u2013 capital of Kansas"} {"Clue":"Wandering minstrel, Jack, excited lounge spectator finally (8)","Answer":"JONGLEUR","Explanation":"Definition: Wandering minstrel\nJ (jack) then anagram (excited) of LOUNGE and then spectatoR (final letter of)"} {"Clue":"Novelist can house seamen in reserve (4,6)","Answer":"NICK HORNBY","Explanation":"Definition: Novelist\nNICK (can, prison) HO (house) RN (Royal Navy, seamen) BY (in reserve) \u2013 an easy one for me as I bought a book of his yesterday"} {"Clue":"Rowing team snacked regularly after training \u2013 little change? (10)","Answer":"EIGHTPENCE","Explanation":"Definition: little change\nEIGHT (rowing team) then sNaCkEd following PE (physical exercise, training)"} {"Clue":"Gulp, having extra to lay out, such as this? (8)","Answer":"SUPERTAX","Explanation":"Definition: such as this\nSUP (gulp) with anagram (to lay out) of EXTRA \u2013 the definition hints at the dismay of having to lay out extra cash on additional taxes"} {"Clue":"Type of plant one's seen occupying mountain peak, positioned northwards (8)","Answer":"BIENNIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Type of plant\nI (one) inside (seen occupying) BEN (mountain peak) then LAIN (positioned) reversed (backwards)"} {"Clue":"Horace's work maybe fenced by body of gardeners somewhere in Greece (6)","Answer":"RHODES","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in Greece\nODE (Horace's work maybe) inside (fenced by) RHS (Royal Horticultrual Society, body of gardeners)"} {"Clue":"Short county guide map showing produce of some vineyards (6)","Answer":"SHIRAZ","Explanation":"Definition: produce of some vineyards\nSHIRe (county, short) then AZ (A to Z, a guide map)"} {"Clue":"Central couple in priory returning at Whit (4)","Answer":"IOTA","Explanation":"Definition: Whit\nprIOry (central couple of letters) then AT reversed (returning)"} {"Clue":"Youngster left in coffee house refusing drug (4)","Answer":"CALF","Explanation":"Definition: Youngster\nL (left) inside CAFe (coffee house) missing (refusing) E (drug)"} {"Clue":"Monument path once repaired (8)","Answer":"CENOTAPH","Explanation":"Definition: Monument\nanagram (repaired) of PATH ONCE"} {"Clue":"Sufficient in The Noughties (6)","Answer":"ENOUGH","Explanation":"Definition: Sufficien\nfound inside thE NOUGHties"} {"Clue":"Government department axes cunning (4)","Answer":"FOXY","Explanation":"Definition: cunnin\nFO (Foreign Office, government department) then X and Y (axes, on a graph)"} {"Clue":"Lowering standards, show respect (3,3,4)","Answer":"DIP THE FLAG","Explanation":"Definition: show respect\nDIP (lowering, as a noun) then THE FLAG (standard?) \u2013 I'm not sure why \"the flag\" is singular but \"standards\" is plural, perhaps this is a cryptic definition clue?"} {"Clue":"Gave price in marks? (6)","Answer":"QUOTED","Explanation":"Definition: Gave price\nsomething quoted\u00a0put into \"quotation marks\""} {"Clue":"Cheese measure's ridiculous (8)","Answer":"EMMENTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Cheese\nEM (printer's measure) MENTAL (ridiculous). I wasted a lot of time\u00a0looking for an anagram of MEASURE'S."} {"Clue":"Show cast clears up act (11)","Answer":"SPECTACULAR","Explanation":"Definition: Show\nanagram (cast) of CLEARS UP ACT"} {"Clue":"Thick domestic maid finally grasped (8)","Answer":"FATHOMED","Explanation":"Definition: grasped\nFAT (thick) HOME (domestic) and maiD (final letter of)"} {"Clue":"Narrow connector on protective goggle (10)","Answer":"RUBBERNECK","Explanation":"Definition: goggle\nNECK (narrow connector) following (on) RUBBER (protective)"} {"Clue":"Fire fanatic for censoring books (4)","Answer":"ZEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Fire\nZEALot (fanatic) missing (censoring) OT (books, of The Bible)"} {"Clue":"Retreat back beside a bridge (6)","Answer":"RIALTO","Explanation":"Definition: a bridge\nLAIR (retreat) reversed (back) with TO (beside) \u2013 a famous bridge in Venice"} {"Clue":"Fish holding short rod in biannual event (8)","Answer":"SOLSTICE","Explanation":"Definition: biannual event\nSOLE (fish) contains STICk (rod, short)"} {"Clue":"Look \u2013 reportedly odd propriety (7)","Answer":"DECORUM","Explanation":"Definition: propriety\nDECO sounds like (reportedly) \"decko\" (a look) then RUM (odd)"} {"Clue":"Amusing panel disheartened about fine (4)","Answer":"JOKY","Explanation":"Definition: Amusing\nJurY (panel) with no middle (dis-heartened, without heart) contains (about) OK (fine)"} {"Clue":"Frank performed after John (6)","Answer":"CANDID","Explanation":"Definition: Frank\nDID (performed) following CAN (John, a toilet)"} {"Clue":"Branch badly served by an exact authority (7,3,5)","Answer":"CHAPTER AND VERSE","Explanation":"Definition: exact authority\nCHAPTER (branch) then anagram (badly) of SERVED following (by) AN"} {"Clue":"Bit of meat under odd bits of paella (6)","Answer":"PELHAM","Explanation":"Definition: Bit\nHAM (meat) following (under, in a down clue) PaElLa (odd letters of) \u2013 a horse's bit"} {"Clue":"Snout names corrupt official externally (6,4)","Answer":"COFFIN NAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Snout\nN N (name, twice) inside (with\u2026externally) anagram (corrupt) of OFFICIAL \u2013 two names for a cigarette"} {"Clue":"Leave Indian resort on street (2,4)","Answer":"GO AWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Leave\nGOA (Indian resort) on WAY (street)"} {"Clue":"Kill police head? (3,3,4)","Answer":"TOP THE BILL","Explanation":"Definition: head\nTOP (kill) THE BILL (police, slang)"} {"Clue":"Former PM framed over republic (8)","Answer":"CAMEROON","Explanation":"Definition: republic\nCAMERON (David Cameron, former PM) contains (framed) O (over)"} {"Clue":"Improbable form of energy in a French plant (8)","Answer":"UNLIKELY","Explanation":"Definition: Improbable\nKE (kinetic energy, a form of energy) in UN (a, French) LILY (plant)"} {"Clue":"British ousting American sausage dog (6)","Answer":"SALUKI","Explanation":"Definition: dog\nSALaMI (sausage) with UK (British) replacing (ousting) A (American) \u2013 a breed of dog"} {"Clue":"Plant treated cocoa seeds in big tub (7)","Answer":"TOBACCO","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nanagram (treated) of COCOA and the first letters (seeds, beginnings) of Big Tub"} {"Clue":"Character in bronze tabard (4)","Answer":"ZETA","Explanation":"Definition: Character\nfound inside bronZE TAbard"} {"Clue":"With sub-zero temperatures around, start of winter unpleasantly close (7)","Answer":"FROWSTY","Explanation":"Definition: unpleasantly close\nFROST (sub-zero temperatures) contains (with\u2026around) Winter (starting letter of)"} {"Clue":"One bit of wreckage, wood floating helplessly (5)","Answer":"AWASH","Explanation":"Definition: floating helplessly\nA (one) Wreckage (first letter, bit of) then ASH (wood)"} {"Clue":"One sort of tart or another, and the rest doing a turn outside (9)","Answer":"CHARLOTTE","Explanation":"Definition: One sort of tart\nHARLOT (another sort of tart) inside (with\u2026outside) ETC (and the rest) reversed (doing a turn)"} {"Clue":"Stop the race (4)","Answer":"STEM","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Something to revive libido by way of innate character dropping in (6)","Answer":"VIAGRA","Explanation":"Definition: Something to revive libido\nVIA (by way of) GRAin (innate character) missing IN"} {"Clue":"Crafty fellow making troublesome woman stamp (8)","Answer":"SHREWDIE","Explanation":"Definition: Crafty fellow\nSHREW (troublesome woman) and DIE (stamp)"} {"Clue":"Something for the sandwiches went steadily? Sounds like it (5)","Answer":"PASTE","Explanation":"Definition: Something for the sandwiches\nsounds like PACED (went steadily)"} {"Clue":"Move unsteadily, following drunk (4)","Answer":"FLIT","Explanation":"Definition: Move unsteadily\nF (following) LIT (drunk)"} {"Clue":"Time is pressing with red swelling (10)","Answer":"TURGESCENT","Explanation":"Definition: swelling\nT (time) URGES (is pressing) with CENT (red, a red cent)"} {"Clue":"Like French flag, splendid, held by trim CO, fluttering (10)","Answer":"TRICHROMATIC","Explanation":"Definition: Like French flag\nRICH (splendid) inside (held by) anagram (fluttering) of TRIM CO"} {"Clue":"Hit the jackpot with 1,000 a second? (4)","Answer":"WINK","Explanation":"Definition: a second\nWIN (hit the jackpot) with K (1,000)"} {"Clue":"Former magistrate brought back hanging, hard at heart (5)","Answer":"EPHOR","Explanation":"Definition: Former magistrate\nROPE (hanging) containing (with\u2026at heart) H (hard)"} {"Clue":"With year gone, I dye frizzy hair? Brown perhaps (8)","Answer":"EDITRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Brown perhaps\nanagram (frizzy) of I DyE missing Y (year) then TRESS (hair) \u2013 Tina Brown former editor of Vanity Fair, The New Yorker and other publications"} {"Clue":"Ditsy teen, with another one only half besotted (6)","Answer":"ENTETE","Explanation":"Definition: besotted\nanagram (ditsy) of TEEN with TEen (another one, only half)"} {"Clue":"Old-fashioned pen starts to splash the ink everywhere (4)","Answer":"STIE","Explanation":"Definition: Old-fashioned pen\nstarting letters of Splash The Ink Everywhere. ~~Chambers shows STIE as an obsolete spelling of STY in the sense of to mount, rise or climb not in the sense of an enclosure or pen~~."} {"Clue":"Fine quartz crystal suggesting Cupid's dart (9)","Answer":"LOVE-ARROW","Explanation":"Definition: Fine quartz crystal\na love arrow might be a dart from Cupid. According to Chambers love-arrow is a thin crystal of rutile (titanium oxide) embedded in quartz, not a quartz crystal."} {"Clue":"King with royal mistress? This marks one's passing (5)","Answer":"KNELL","Explanation":"Definition: This marks one's passing\nK (king) with NELL (Nell Gwyn, royal mistress)"} {"Clue":"Shakespeare's skill, an inexplicable phenomenon (7)","Answer":"MYSTERY","Explanation":"Definition: Shakespeare's skill\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Old woman creating mouldy smell that holds operations up (7)","Answer":"FUSSPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Old woman\nFUST (mouldy smell) contianing OPS (operations) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Carriage that's damaged in hartal left abandoned (5)","Answer":"RATHA","Explanation":"Definition: Carriage\nanagram (damaged) of HARTAL missing L (left)"} {"Clue":"Smell worse than what pigs produce, volume formerly inside (9)","Answer":"OVERSTINK","Explanation":"Definition: Smell worse than\nOINK (what pigs make) containing V (volume) ERST (formerly)"} {"Clue":"One demonstrating bathroom appliance? (6)","Answer":"SHOWER","Explanation":"Definition: One demonstratin\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Sluggish business receiving a right taunt (10)","Answer":"TARDIGRADE","Explanation":"Definition: Sluggish\nTRADE (business) contains (receiving) A R (right) DIG (taunt)"} {"Clue":"Immigrants when receiving legal right (6)","Answer":"ALIENS","Explanation":"Definition: Immigrants\nAS (when) contains LIEN (legal right)"} {"Clue":"Pad soaking in old dyestuff (4)","Answer":"WOAD","Explanation":"Definition: dyestuff\nPAD contains (soaking in, absorbing something) O (old)"} {"Clue":"Steamer you'll find isn't under pressure as formerly (7)","Answer":"STRAINT","Explanation":"Definition: pressure as formerl\nSTR (steamer) then (you'll find\u2026under) AINT (isn't)"} {"Clue":"Old vow \u2013 see me freed from the same when it's broken (5)","Answer":"HEAST","Explanation":"Definition: Old vow\nanagram (broken) of THE SAme missing (freed from) ME"} {"Clue":"Dart fired to wound etc he felt being smitten (9)","Answer":"FLECHETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Dart fired to wound\nanagram (being smitten) of ETC HE FELT"} {"Clue":"'Grand' French palace: king will be seen in it when erected, shortly (7)","Answer":"TRIANON","Explanation":"Definition: 'Grand' French palace\nR (rex, king) inside IT reversed (when erected) then ANON (shortly) the Grand Trianon palace near Versailles"} {"Clue":"Without mincing words, group gathered in enters Elysium (7)","Answer":"TERSELY","Explanation":"Definition: Without mincing words\nfound inside (group gathered in) enTERS ELYsium"} {"Clue":"Rainy day spent in deathly rambling (6)","Answer":"HYETAL","Explanation":"Definition: Rainy\nanagram (rambling) of dEATHLY missing (having spent) D (day)"} {"Clue":"Subway systems: put 'em in order, from below (6)","Answer":"METROS","Explanation":"Definition: Subway systems\nSORT 'EM (put 'em in order) reversed (from below)"} {"Clue":"Pimple, what the most incompetent will fail to shift? (5)","Answer":"WHELK","Explanation":"Definition: Pimple\ndouble definition \u2013 from the saying \"couldn't run a whelk stall\", couldn't even shift (sell) a whelk"} {"Clue":"'E mebbe deals in knitwear, such as goes into a basket (5)","Answer":"OSIER","Explanation":"Definition: such as goes into a basket\nhOSIER (a dealer in woollen goods) unaspirated \u2013 willow used for making baskets"} {"Clue":"Scottish set creating stir locally on loch (4)","Answer":"JEEL","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish set\nJEE (stir, Scottish) on L (loch) \u2013 I think locally indicates Scottish by meaning \"local to a loch\""} {"Clue":"Australian university returns bags (6)","Answer":"AUSTEN","Explanation":"A (Australian) U (university) then NETS (bags) \u2013 Jane Austen"} {"Clue":"In the slips, say, but competitors playing golf (8)","Answer":"FIELDING","Explanation":"FIELDING (the slips are fielding positions in cricket) , also FIELD (competitors) IN (playing) and G (golf, phonetic alphabet) \u2013 Henry Fielding"} {"Clue":"Like one film that is forgotten (6)","Answer":"ASIMOV","Explanation":"AS I (one) MOVie (film) missing (forgotten) IE (that is) \u2013 Isaac Asimov"} {"Clue":"From Northern Algiers (8)","Answer":"SALINGER","Explanation":"anagram (from the letters of) N (northern) and ALGIERS \u2013 JD Salinger"} {"Clue":"Boss of a fashion company! (4)","Answer":"HUGO","Explanation":"cryptic definition, Hugo Boss fashion brand \u2013 Victor Hugo"} {"Clue":"Way round lake with boy returning holding hands, at first (5,4)","Answer":"ROALD DAHL","Explanation":"ROAD (way) contains (round) L (lake) then LAD (boy) reversed (returning) containing Hands (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Injure Scot, holding professional American (6,6)","Answer":"MARCEL PROUST","Explanation":"MAR (injure) CELT (Scot) contains PRO (professional) US (American)"} {"Clue":"Key in ravine or shaft (6,6)","Answer":"GEORGE ORWELL","Explanation":"E (a key, in music) in GORGE (ravine) then OR WELL (shaft)"} {"Clue":"Old tanner? (4)","Answer":"OVID","Explanation":"O (old) VI D (six pence, a tanner)"} {"Clue":"Buried in Stoke, at Shelton (5)","Answer":"KEATS","Explanation":"found (buried) inside stoKE AT Shelton \u2013 John Keats"} {"Clue":"Near \u2013 bent on trouble (4,6)","Answer":"ANNE BRONTE","Explanation":"anagram (trouble) of NEAR BENT ON"} {"Clue":"Girl with hood entering Brock's place (8)","Answer":"SMOLLETT","Explanation":"MOLL (girl with hood, a gangster's moll) inside SETT (the home of a brock, a badger) \u2013 Tobias Smollett"} {"Clue":"Sounds alright by the waters (6)","Answer":"O\u2019CASEY","Explanation":"sounds like \"OK sea\" (all right by the waters) \u2013 Sean O'Casey"} {"Clue":"In France, you never go wild about German (8)","Answer":"TURGENEV","Explanation":"TU (you, in France) then anagram (go wild) of NEVER containing (about) G (German)- Ivan Turgenev"} {"Clue":"Alto in choral work \u2013 a thing one can't stand (8)","Answer":"ANATHEMA","Explanation":"Definition: thing one can't stand\nA (alto) in ANTHEM (choral work) then A"} {"Clue":"Choristers, including tenor \u2013 they can be painful (8)","Answer":"STINGERS","Explanation":"Definition: they can be painful\nSINGERS (choristers) containing T (tenor)"} {"Clue":"Collection of poems composed without metre (4)","Answer":"EPOS","Explanation":"Definition: Collection of poems\nanagram (composed) missing M (metre)"} {"Clue":"Then I'll say \"No!\" for a change, without a word of a lie (2,3,7)","Answer":"IN ALL HONESTY","Explanation":"Definition: without a word of a lie\nanagram (for a change) of THEN I'LL SAY NO"} {"Clue":"Set down face up (4)","Answer":"LAID","Explanation":"Definition: Set down\nDIAL (face) reversed (up) \u2013 a super clue!"} {"Clue":"Dressed and ready to move (2,4)","Answer":"IN GEAR","Explanation":"Definition: ready to move\nif you are IN GEAR you have your gear (clothes) on"} {"Clue":"Good length in drive making drain sound (6)","Answer":"GURGLE","Explanation":"Definition: drain sound\nG (good) then L (length) in URGE (drive)"} {"Clue":"Constable with heated singer found in Victorian kitchen (6,6)","Answer":"COPPER KETTLE","Explanation":"Definition: found in Victorian kitchen\nCOPPER (constable, policeman) and KETTLE (heated singer, a heated kettle \"sings\") \u2013 something found in a Victorian kitchen"} {"Clue":"One composer cut another (5)","Answer":"WEBER","Explanation":"Definition: One composer\nWEBERn (another composer, cut)"} {"Clue":"Leaders take some advice. Reduce staff, initially (5)","Answer":"TSARS","Explanation":"Definition: Leaders\nfirst letters (initially) of Tale Some Advice Reduce Staff"} {"Clue":"Announcing play at Roland Garros (8)","Answer":"TENNYSON","Explanation":"TENNYSON sounds (announcing) like \"tennis on\", play is underway at the French Open (Roland Garros) \u2013 Alfred, Lord Tennyson"} {"Clue":"He worked with deadly chemical (8)","Answer":"ALDEHYDE","Explanation":"Definition: chemical\nanagram (worked) of HE with DEADLY"} {"Clue":"County Down's top store bombed (6)","Answer":"DORSET","Explanation":"Definition: County\nDown (top letter of) then anagram (bombed) of STORE"} {"Clue":"Stiffness affected Igor \u2013 game's upset (6)","Answer":"RIGOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Stiffness\nanagram (affected) of IGOR then RU (Rugby Union, game) reversed (upset)"} {"Clue":"Depressed? Spend, spend, spend! (4)","Answer":"BLUE","Explanation":"Definition: Depressed\ndouble definition \u2013 sad and to squander"} {"Clue":"Mark from outside edges of scimitar (4)","Answer":"SCAR","Explanation":"Definition: Mark\nfound on the outside edges of SCimitAR"} {"Clue":"Demons in head of crying baby breaking most of hearts, say? (7)","Answer":"SUCCUBI","Explanation":"Definition: Demons\nCrying (first letter, head of) CUB (baby) in SUIt (hearts perhaps, most of)"} {"Clue":"Impetus lost, now stop (5,2)","Answer":"TIME\u2019S UP","Explanation":"Definition: now stop\nanagram (lost) of IMPETUS"} {"Clue":"Somewhat distant, a gull returning (5)","Answer":"ALOOF","Explanation":"Definition: Somewhat distant\nA then FOOL (gull) reversed (returning)"} {"Clue":"Lizard finding pleasure ultimately in fruit, after drink (9)","Answer":"CHAMELEON","Explanation":"Definition: Lizard\npleasurE (ultimately, last letter of) in MELON (fruit) following CHA (tea, a drink)"} {"Clue":"Mature, go in for work that's engaging (4-6)","Answer":"PAGE TURNER","Explanation":"Definition: work that's engaging\nAGE (mature) TURN (go) inside PER (for)"} {"Clue":"One has trouble turning over bones (4)","Answer":"ILIA","Explanation":"Definition: bones\nI (one) with AIL (trouble) reversed (turning over)"} {"Clue":"No centrality and no eccentricity? (9,3)","Answer":"CERTAINLY NOT","Explanation":"Definition: No\nanagram (eccentricity) of CENTRALITY and NO"} {"Clue":"Dialogue as yet unmentioned in paper, nurturing quality (12)","Answer":"MOTHERLINESS","Explanation":"Definition: nurturing quality\nOTHER LINES (dialogue as yet unmentioned) in MS (manuscript, paper)"} {"Clue":"Odd\u00a0choice (4)","Answer":"RARE","Explanation":"Definition: Odd\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Ladies and gentlemen in Florence possibly missing New York, a US city (10)","Answer":"TUSCALOOSA","Explanation":"Definition: US city\nLOOS (toilets, ladies and gentlemen) in TUSCAny (Florence perhaps) missing NY (New York) then A"} {"Clue":"Hack put on airs as lover of French writing (9)","Answer":"PROUSTIAN","Explanation":"Definition: lover of French writing\nanagram (hack) of PUT ON AIRS \u2013 definition by example"} {"Clue":"Kind politician, on having shifted to the far right (5)","Answer":"GENRE","Explanation":"Definition: Kind\nGREEN (politician, a member of the Green Party) with RE (on) having moved to the far right-hand end of the word"} {"Clue":"Quietly consider when judge allowed to detain criminal, originally (7)","Answer":"REFLECT","Explanation":"Definition: Quietly consider\nREF (judge) LET (allowed) contains (to detain) Criminal (first letter, originally)"} {"Clue":"Stated floppy storing a digital file (4,3)","Answer":"DATA SET","Explanation":"Definition: digital file\nanagram (floppy) of STATED containing (storing) A. A beginner might reasonably ask how \"floppy\" can indicate a rearrangement: if something is floppy its body parts are not in a different order. The answer is that there are only so many direct anagram indicators and they were all used up a long time ago. To keep things fresh anagrams and inclusion indicators get a special leniency not granted to other definitions."} {"Clue":"Hawk gripping tail of mynah bird (6)","Answer":"CHOUGH","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nCOUGH (hawk) contains (gripping) mynaH (tail of, last letter)"} {"Clue":"Free, served without cheese, might you say? (10)","Answer":"UNFETTERED","Explanation":"Definition: Free\nsounds like (might you say) un-feta'd (served without feta cheese)"} {"Clue":"Acquire lead-free metal, sure for shelling (5)","Answer":"INCUR","Explanation":"Definition: Acquire\nzINC (metal, free of its leading letter) then sURe (shelled, no outer letters)"} {"Clue":"Player was furious, I having taken bronze on the outside (9)","Answer":"TRAGEDIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Player\nRAGED (was furious) I inside (having taken\u2026on the outside) TAN (bronze)"} {"Clue":"Happen upon rabbit and duck etc in conversation? (4)","Answer":"MEET","Explanation":"Definition: Happen upon\nsounds like (in conversation) \"meat\" (rabbit and duck etc)"} {"Clue":"Items hanging down, butt appropriately covered? (8)","Answer":"PENDANTS","Explanation":"Definition: Items hanging down\nEND (butt) in PANTS (wearing trousers, appropriately covered)"} {"Clue":"Keeping strike, escape beamer (10)","Answer":"FLASHLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: beamer\nFLIGHT (escape) contains (keeping\u2026) LASH (strike) \u2013 something that gives a beam"} {"Clue":"I appreciate that defamatory accusations put in register for student of religious law (9)","Answer":"TALMUDIST","Explanation":"Definition: student of religious law\nTA (thanks, I appreciate that) then MUD (defamatory accusations) inside (put in) LIST (register)"} {"Clue":"Unsuitable one tying up the little devil? (8)","Answer":"IMPROPER","Explanation":"Definition: Unsuitable\nan IMP ROPER is one who ties up an imp (little devil)"} {"Clue":"Polaris, say, swell for launch (5,3)","Answer":"START OFF","Explanation":"Definition: launc\nSTAR (Polaris say) and TOFF (swell)"} {"Clue":"Tender thumps magnificent (6,8)","Answer":"POUNDS STERLING","Explanation":"Definition: Tender\nPOUNDS (thumps) STERLING (splendid)"} {"Clue":"Encourage crocodile, please \u2014 and quickly! (4,2,6)","Answer":"MAKE IT SNAPPY","Explanation":"Definition: Encourage crocodile, please\ndefinition and cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Setter possibly making appearance in public, an idiot (5)","Answer":"CANID","Explanation":"Definition: Setter possibly\nfound inside (making an appearance in) publiC AN IDiot \u2013 a setter is a breed of dog"} {"Clue":"Dogs, say, insulted every so often (4)","Answer":"ISLE","Explanation":"Definition: Dogs, say\nInSuLtEd (every other letter, every so often) \u2013 the Isle of Dogs in London for example (say)"} {"Clue":"Drunk with hat getting very quietly half cut (5)","Answer":"TOPER","Explanation":"Definition: Drunk\nTOPpER (hat) with its PP (very quietly) halved"} {"Clue":"American spies suppress account by field officer finding food (8)","Answer":"FOCACCIA","Explanation":"Definition: food\nCIA (American spies) CONTAINS (SUPPRESS) ACC (account) following (by) FO (field officer)"} {"Clue":"What a landlady uses by implication involves one litre in a deception (7,8)","Answer":"OPTICAL ILLUSION","Explanation":"Definition: a deception\nOPTIC (what a landlady uses to dispense spirits) then ALLUSION (implication) including (involves) I (one) L (litre)"} {"Clue":"Old boy supplants artist in heart of country girl (6)","Answer":"ISOBEL","Explanation":"Definition: girl\nOB replaces RA (artist) in centre (heart) of ISraEL (country) \u2013 my daughter's name"} {"Clue":"Unusual play with Act 1 rewritten (8)","Answer":"ATYPICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Unusual\nanagram (rewritten) of PLAY with ACT I"} {"Clue":"Parliamentary procedures that maybe passed before breakfast! (5,3,7)","Answer":"EARLY DAY MOTIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Parliamentary procedures\nparliamentary toilet humour!"} {"Clue":"Plants that can make you smart? (8,7)","Answer":"STINGING NETTLES","Explanation":"Definition: Plants that can make you smart\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Salve for state burial the Queen discarded (8)","Answer":"OINTMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Salve\nO (Ohio, state) and INTerMENT (burial) missing ER (Elizabeth Regina, the Queen)"} {"Clue":"Dick has to check over rector's hedge (6)","Answer":"PRIVET","Explanation":"Definition: hedge\nPI (private investigator, Dick) with VET (to check) containing (over) R (rector)"} {"Clue":"Son comes in to reform illegal veto in electoral system (11,4)","Answer":"ALTERNATIVE VOTE","Explanation":"Definition: electoral system\nNATIVE (son) inside (comes in) ALTER (to reform) then anagram (illegal) of VETO"} {"Clue":"Good-natured pollster embraces birds (8)","Answer":"REDPOLLS","Explanation":"Definition: birds\nfound inside (embraced by) good-natuRED POLLSter"} {"Clue":"Examines balls after dropping second base (5)","Answer":"TESTS","Explanation":"Definition: Examines\nTESTeS (balls) missing the second E (base, of the natural logarithm)"} {"Clue":"Downtime Alison arranged in flat (3-11)","Answer":"TWO-DIMENSIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: flat\nanagram (arranged) of DOWNTIME ALISON"} {"Clue":"Medley in grass serve Rafael inspired originally (9)","Answer":"POTPOURRI","Explanation":"Definition: Medley\nPOT (grass) POUR (serve) then initial letters (originally) of Rafael Inspired"} {"Clue":"Musician with yen to make garden feature (7)","Answer":"ROCKERY","Explanation":"Definition: garden feature\nROCKER (musician) with Y (yen)"} {"Clue":"Report of small glass bottle in papers (4)","Answer":"FILE","Explanation":"Definition: papers\nsounds like (report of) \"phial\" (small glass bottle)"} {"Clue":"Remember what a baby sitter does (4,2,4)","Answer":"CALL TO MIND","Explanation":"Definition: Remember\na baby sitter calls in to mind the child"} {"Clue":"Head is an attractive woman (7)","Answer":"CRUMPET","Explanation":"Definition: Head\ndouble definition \u2013 two slang expressions"} {"Clue":"Trojan arrested in Brasilia Cathedral (5)","Answer":"ILIAC","Explanation":"Definition: Trojan\nfound inside (arrested in) brasILIA Cathedral \u2013 a native of Troy"} {"Clue":"Hounds your tormentors after lesson (7,7)","Answer":"ENGLISH SETTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Hounds\nSETTERS (your tormentors) following ENGLISH (one of the lessons at school)"} {"Clue":"Heard cleric cry loudly in quick service (10)","Answer":"CANNONBALL","Explanation":"Definition: quick service\nCANNON BALL sounds like (heard) \"canon bawl\" (cleric, cry loudly)"} {"Clue":"Unaware of patent involving light metal (9)","Answer":"OBLIVIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Unaware\nOBVIOUS (patent) including LI (Li, Lithium a light metal)"} {"Clue":"Doctor's operation after face-lift for Candy? (7)","Answer":"GUMDROP","Explanation":"Definition: Candy\nDR (doctor) has OP (operation) following (after) MUG (face) reversed (lift)"} {"Clue":"Spooner's call for additional wine creates distress (7)","Answer":"TORMENT","Explanation":"Definition: distress\na Spoonerism of \"more tent\" \u2013 tent is a red wine"} {"Clue":"Chemical on egg \u2013 quite the reverse (5)","Answer":"NITRE","Explanation":"Definition: Chemical\nNIT (egg) RE (regarding, on) \u2013 the reverse of \"on egg\""} {"Clue":"Troubles racialist oddly ignored (4)","Answer":"AILS","Explanation":"Definition: Troubles\nrAcIaLiSt ignoring odd letters"} {"Clue":"Rejecting argument monarch is effective (7)","Answer":"WORKING","Explanation":"Definition: effectiv\nROW (argument) reversed (rejected) then KING (monarch)"} {"Clue":"Desalinated production abandoning troubled int'l waters (4,3)","Answer":"DEAD SEA","Explanation":"Definition: waters\nanagram (production) of DESAlinAtED missing LIN and T (anagram, troubled, of int'l)"} {"Clue":"Transfer about to be tied up (5)","Answer":"DECAL","Explanation":"Definition: Transfer\nLACED (to be tied up) reversed (about)"} {"Clue":"22 down's simply-cooked tuna served in bay leaf starter is off the menu (2,7)","Answer":"AU NATUREL","Explanation":"Definition: 22 dow\nanagram (~~simply~~ served) of TUNA inside (in) LAUREL (bay) missing (is off the menu) Leaf (starter, first letter) \u2013 22 down's indicates in French, as cooked by Raymond Blanc"} {"Clue":"This WWI mess sounds like a grim tale (4,5)","Answer":"SNOW WHITE","Explanation":"Definition: sounds like a grim tale\nANAGRAM (mess) of THIS WW ONE \u2013 grim sounds like Grimm, a Brothers Grimm tale"} {"Clue":"Current bishop to exclude retired religious scholar (5)","Answer":"RABBI","Explanation":"Definition: religious scholar\nI (current, electrical symbol) B (bishop) BAR (to exclude) all reversed (retired)"} {"Clue":"Bolingbroke contracted HIV (5,3,6)","Answer":"HENRY THE FOURTH","Explanation":"Definition: Bolingbroke\nH IV is a contracted version of Henry IV (known as Henry Bolingbroke)"} {"Clue":"Egyptians relax at work in an infuriating manner (14)","Answer":"EXASPERATINGLY","Explanation":"Definition: in an infuriating manner\nanagram (at work) of EGYPTIANS RELAX"} {"Clue":"Yogi's morning in Belgravia (5)","Answer":"SWAMI","Explanation":"Definition: Yogi\nAM (morning) in SWI (SW1, postcode of Belgravia)"} {"Clue":"Meal of lean chicken meat featuring American Kentucky- fried prime cuts (9)","Answer":"BREAKFAST","Explanation":"Definition: Meal\nBREAST (lean chicken meat) contains (featuring) first letters (prime cuts) of American Kentucky Fried"} {"Clue":"Compulsory exercise for the players (9)","Answer":"OBBLIGATO","Explanation":"Definition: Compulsory exercise for the players\ncryptic definition \u2013 players of music"} {"Clue":"One gets stoned in Napoli, Ventimiglia (5)","Answer":"OLIVE","Explanation":"Definition: One gets stoned\nfound inside napOLI VEntimigia"} {"Clue":"Devilish oriental appetiser left unfinished, though mostly agreeable (7)","Answer":"SATANIC","Explanation":"Definition: Devilish\nSATAy (oriental appetiser, unfinished) then NICe (agreable, mostly)"} {"Clue":"Old Nigel's retiring, going out for a drink (4,3)","Answer":"SLOE GIN","Explanation":"Definition: a drink\nO (old) inside (with\u2026going out) NIGEL'S reversed (retiring)"} {"Clue":"Broad stumped; most difficult for the wicket-keeper? (6)","Answer":"WIDEST","Explanation":"Definition: most difficult for the wicket-keeper?\nWIDE (broad) and ST (stumped, abbreviation in cricket)"} {"Clue":"Tommy could be playing poker with Cora (4,5)","Answer":"ROCK OPERA","Explanation":"Definition: Tommy\nanagram (playing) of POKER with CORA"} {"Clue":"Find flaws essentially in partner's mother? (2-3)","Answer":"IN-LAW","Explanation":"Definition: partner's mother\nthe middle parts (essentially) of fINd fLAWs"} {"Clue":"Small alligator eats boy, one brave fighter (9)","Answer":"GLADIATOR","Explanation":"Definition: brave fighter\nGATOR (small alligator) contains (eats) LAD (boy) I (one)"} {"Clue":"Dutch pawnbroker ripped off lecturer; he's a slow learner! (5)","Answer":"DUNCE","Explanation":"Definition: he's a slow learner\nD (Dutch) then UNCLE (pawn broker) missing (ripped off) L (lecturer)"} {"Clue":"PM joins the US attorney- general for long liquid lunches (9,8)","Answer":"AFTERNOON SESSIONS","Explanation":"Definition: long liquid lunches\nAFTERNOON (PM) with SESSIONS (Jeff Sessions, US Attorney General)"} {"Clue":"Quiet massage for Rosemary? (5)","Answer":"SHRUB","Explanation":"Definition: Rosemary?\nSH (quiet) RUB (massage) \u2013 the question mark indicates definition by example"} {"Clue":"No-one's left, OK? (3,5)","Answer":"ALL RIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: OK\nif they are ALL RIGHT then not one of them is left"} {"Clue":"Contemptible salesman turning up drunk with Scotsman (9)","Answer":"REPTILIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Contemptible\nREP (salesman) LIT (drunk) reversed (turning up) then IAN (Scotsman, traditional Scottish name)"} {"Clue":"Fumbling encounters taking cocaine in Paris kept between ourselves (5,4)","Answer":"ENTRE NOUS","Explanation":"Definition: in Paris kept between ourselves\nanagram (fumbling) of ENCOUNTERS missing (taking) C (cocaine)"} {"Clue":"It's liberating, signing a new tenancy agreement! (9)","Answer":"RELEASING","Explanation":"Definition: liberating\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Broadcast troubling news about Turkey (6)","Answer":"STREWN","Explanation":"Definition: Broadcast\nanagram (troubling) of NEWS containing TR (Turkey)"} {"Clue":"Strategic move leaving government scope (5)","Answer":"AMBIT","Explanation":"Definition: scope\ngAMBIT (strategic move) missing G (government)"} {"Clue":"Mel Brooks's debut on Network of the Century? (5)","Answer":"BLANC","Explanation":"Definition: Mel\nfirst letter (debut) of Brooks on LAN (network) C (of the century) \u2013 Mel Blanc, actor and the voice of Bugs Bunny and a host of other cartoon characters"} {"Clue":"1,000 yen over? Time for old Japanese city! (5)","Answer":"KYOTO","Explanation":"Definition: Japanese city\nK (1,000) Y (yen) O (over) T (time) O (old)"} {"Clue":"Writing round the border (8)","Answer":"PRIMROSE","Explanation":"PROSE (writing) contains (round) RIM (the border)"} {"Clue":"Unrestrained number left (6)","Answer":"VIOLET","Explanation":"VIOLEnT (unrestrained) missing (left) N (number)"} {"Clue":"Huns leaving White Russian bewildered (8)","Answer":"WISTERIA","Explanation":"anagram (bewildered) of WhITE RusSIAn missing HUNS"} {"Clue":"Caught you and me in the act? No! (6)","Answer":"CACTUS","Explanation":"C (caught) then US (you and me) contains ACT \u2013 the opposite (no!) of US in C ACT"} {"Clue":"Partners playing bridge in river (5)","Answer":"TANSY","Explanation":"N and S (partners in bridge) in TAY (the River Tay)"} {"Clue":"New history about the Football Association. Quite the opposite (9)","Answer":"FORSYTHIA","Explanation":"FA (the Football Association) contains (about) an anagram (new) of HISTORY \u2013 the opposite of HISTORY containing FA"} {"Clue":"Oddly, they answer to Liberal leader (6)","Answer":"TEASEL","Explanation":"odd letters of ThE AnSwEr then Liberal (leading letter of)"} {"Clue":"Got up after meal (3,4)","Answer":"TEA ROSE","Explanation":"ROSE (got up) following (after) TEA (meal)"} {"Clue":"Individual taking new name first (7)","Answer":"ANEMONE","Explanation":"ONE (individual) follows (taking\u2026first) anagram (new) of NAME"} {"Clue":"Dog's heart. Certainly (6)","Answer":"OXEYES","Explanation":"the middle letters (heart) of bOXEr (a dog) then YES (certainly)"} {"Clue":"Daughter vetted on-line ad (9)","Answer":"DANDELION","Explanation":"D (daughter) then anagram (vetted) of ON-LINE AD"} {"Clue":"Blue and golden odd bits (5)","Answer":"BUGLE","Explanation":"the odd letters of BlUe and GoLdEn"} {"Clue":"Old king and offspring reported (6)","Answer":"ORCHID","Explanation":"O (old) R (rex, king) then CHID sounds like (reported) \"kid\" (offspring)"} {"Clue":"If returned without hesitation to party member (8)","Answer":"FUMITORY","Explanation":"IF reversed (returned) contains (without) UM (hesitation) then TORY ( a member of the Conservative party)"} {"Clue":"Steamroller dismantled, metal components thrown out (6)","Answer":"SORREL","Explanation":"anagram (dismantled) of StEamROLleR with the letters (components) of METAL removed (thrown out)"} {"Clue":"Renegotiated Hall's fee (8)","Answer":"SELFHEAL","Explanation":"anagram (renegotiated) of HALL'S FEE"} {"Clue":"Birds taking exercise with humorists (6)","Answer":"PEWITS","Explanation":"Definition: Birds\nPE (physical exercise) with WITS (humorists)"} {"Clue":"Elected because half were fake (9)","Answer":"INSINCERE","Explanation":"Definition: fake\nIN (elected) SINCE (because) weRE (half of)"} {"Clue":"Eyes bigger than stomach, missing starter to get thin (5)","Answer":"REEDY","Explanation":"Definition: thin\ngREEDY (eyes bigger than stomach) missing starting letter"} {"Clue":"Capable Silk led astray. Corrupted, nothing less (7)","Answer":"SKILFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Capable\nanagram (astray) of SILK them FoUL (corrupted) missing (less) O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"No matter where and how you pack \u2013 whatever! (2,3,4)","Answer":"IN ANY CASE","Explanation":"Definition: No matter where and how you pack\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Lock for a door left at church (5)","Answer":"LATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Lock for a door\nL (left) AT CH (church)"} {"Clue":"Note declares they have a will (8)","Answer":"TESTATES","Explanation":"Definition: they have a will\nTE (note, music) then STATES (declares)"} {"Clue":"Worry about appearing in here? (4)","Answer":"FRET","Explanation":"Definition: Worry\nRE (regarding, about) in FT (here, the newspaper)"} {"Clue":"High priest, derided endlessly about result (9)","Answer":"SCORELINE","Explanation":"Definition: result\nELI (high priest) inside (with\u2026about) SCORNEd (derided, endlessly)"} {"Clue":"Kitchener may have had a hand in this (4,5)","Answer":"OVEN GLOVE","Explanation":"Definition: Kitchener may have had a hand in this\ncryptic definition \u2013 a \"kitchener\" might be someone who works in a kitchen"} {"Clue":"Timeless indicators of crying that may relieve any listener (8)","Answer":"EARDROPS","Explanation":"Definition: that may relieve any listener\ntEARDROPS (indicators of crying) missing T (time)"} {"Clue":"Muslim ruler mentioned in the Mirror (4)","Answer":"EMIR","Explanation":"Definition: Muslim ruler\nfound inside (mentioned in) thE MIRror"} {"Clue":"Unemployable boffin regularly on river (2,2,3)","Answer":"OF NO USE","Explanation":"Definition: Unemployable\nevery other letter (regularly) of bOfFiN on OUSE (the River Ouse)"} {"Clue":"Horticulturist's literary counterpart (6)","Answer":"JEKYLL","Explanation":"Definition: Horticulturist\nthe alter ego (literary counterpart) in the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde \u2013 Gertrude Jekyll garden designer"} {"Clue":"More pleasant at French city with a drop of red (5)","Answer":"NICER","Explanation":"Definition: More pleasant\nNICE (French city) with Red (first letter, a drop of)"} {"Clue":"Short letter for Fritz (5)","Answer":"BRIEF","Explanation":"Definition: Short\nBRIEF means \"letter\" in German (for Fritz)"} {"Clue":"Edible lizard providing food to fortify one (10)","Answer":"CHUCKWALLA","Explanation":"Definition: Edible lizard\nCHUCK (food) WALL (to fortify) A (one)"} {"Clue":"Cretan maybe I vilify (8)","Answer":"ISLANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Cretan maybe\nI SLANDER (vilify)"} {"Clue":"Like a caricature Paddy, rather dark (name withheld) (6)","Answer":"OIRISH","Explanation":"Definition: Like a caricature Paddy\nnOIRISH (rather dark) missing N (name)"} {"Clue":"Cargo of contraband unnoticed? Search me (5)","Answer":"DUNNO","Explanation":"Definition: Search me\nfound inside (cargo of) contrabanD UNNOticed"} {"Clue":"What's possibly in maize (cropping early summertime in France)? (4)","Answer":"ZEIN","Explanation":"Definition: What's possibly in maize (cropping early summertime in France)\nanagram (possibly) of IN maiZE missing (cropping) MAI (May, early summertime in France) \u2013 I think the definition is &lit, though I imagine one finds zein in the earlier and later harvests too"} {"Clue":"Feature of Struwwelpeter to outrage principal? (9)","Answer":"SHOCKHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Feature of Struwwelpeter\nSHOCK (outrage) HEAD (principal) \u2013 the frizzy-haired character from German folklore"} {"Clue":"What'll provide cover for travellers lodged in Arab tavern? (4)","Answer":"ABTA","Explanation":"Definition: What'll provide cover for travellers\nfound (lodged) inside arAB TAvern \u2013 originally the Association of British Travel Agents"} {"Clue":"One's often seen in cathedral \u2013 or e.g. Luxemburg Church? (6)","Answer":"ROSACE","Explanation":"Definition: One's often seen in cathedral\nROSA (e.g. Rosa Luxemburg, political activist) then CE (Church of England)"} {"Clue":"Ordinary lives confined to farm shelter (6)","Answer":"COTISE","Explanation":"Definition: Ordinary\nIS (lives) inside COTE (farm shelter)"} {"Clue":"Hotel chain in Italy, to be repeated (4)","Answer":"IBIS","Explanation":"Definition: Hotel chain\nI (Italy) BIS (repeated)"} {"Clue":"Perinatal set-to, crib damaged (9)","Answer":"OBSTETRIC","Explanation":"Definition: Perinatal\nanagram (damaged) of SET-TO CRIB"} {"Clue":"Jack's about heading for Russia in Baltic vessel (4)","Answer":"PRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Baltic vessel\nPAM (Jack, in cards) containing Russia (first letter, heading for)"} {"Clue":"Short piece of prose on valley wild cat (7)","Answer":"PARDALE","Explanation":"Definition: wild cat\nPAR (paragraph, short piece of prose) on DALE (valley)"} {"Clue":"Poet producing love poem once, second penned (5)","Answer":"ODIST","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\nO (love) DIT (poem, once) containing (penning) S (second)"} {"Clue":"Not married, curse for a girl (6)","Answer":"ALISON","Explanation":"Definition: a girl\nmALISON (curse) missing M (married)"} {"Clue":"A pianist without piano, I changed round on short composition (8)","Answer":"SONATINA","Explanation":"Definition: short composition\nanagram (changed round) of A pIANIST missing P (piano) I containing (round) ON"} {"Clue":"Sheriff's messenger, a Scot upset about uproar, end of city (10)","Answer":"SHELLYCOAT","Explanation":"Definition: heriff's messenger\nanagram (upset) of A SCOT containing HELL (uproar) and citY (end of)"} {"Clue":"Jock's oath: it interrupts expression of surprise? (5)","Answer":"HAITH","Explanation":"Definition: Jock's oath\nIT inside (interrupts) HAH (expression of surprise)"} {"Clue":"Weed wrenched out? In favour of digging in (6)","Answer":"UPROOT","Explanation":"Definition: Weed\nanagram (wrenched) of OUT containing (with\u2026digging in) PRO (in favour of)"} {"Clue":"Approach in which I persevere (4)","Answer":"CHIP","Explanation":"Definition: Approach\nfound inside whiCH I Persevere \u2013 a chip-shot in golf to approach the green"} {"Clue":"His keks becoming tight, guts revealed (7)","Answer":"KISHKES","Explanation":"Definition: guts\nanagram (becoming tight, drunk) of HIS KEKS"} {"Clue":"Headers from left and right are including hint of deception, Gazza-like? (5)","Answer":"LADRA","Explanation":"Definition: Gazza-like\nfirst letters (headers) of Left And Right Are containing Deception (first letter, hint of) \u2013 a thief. Ladra is the Italian for thief and gazza is the Italian for magpie (a thieving bird)."} {"Clue":"Organs attached to others, chopped and cut up (6)","Answer":"ADNEXA","Explanation":"Definition: Organs attached to others\nanagram (chopped) of AND then AXE (cut) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Lenses created by some Yemeni scientists working together (7)","Answer":"MENISCI","Explanation":"Definition: Lenses\nfound inside (created by some\u2026working together) yeMENI SCIentists"} {"Clue":"Rebels with a whiff of developing from early growth (11)","Answer":"FRONDESCENT","Explanation":"Definition: of developing from early growth\nFRONDE (rebels, in 17th century France) and SCENT (a whiff)"} {"Clue":"Organ stop to work at within limit, as before (7)","Answer":"BOURDON","Explanation":"Definition: Organ stop\nDO (to work at) inside BOURN (limit, as before=archaic)"} {"Clue":"Sack, oddly lopsided, cut short (7)","Answer":"DESPOIL","Explanation":"Definition: Sack\nanagram (oddly) of LOPSIDEd (cut short)"} {"Clue":"Milton's span on narrative poem (7)","Answer":"OVERLAY","Explanation":"Definition: Milton's span\nOVER (on) LAY (narrative poem)"} {"Clue":"Works out anagram of 'instar' (6)","Answer":"TRAINS","Explanation":"Definition: Works out\nanagram (anagram) of INSTAR \u2013 considering how simple the explanation is this clue took me an inordinately long time to solve!"} {"Clue":"Fool caught in one eye, looking up? It could produce a real shiner (6)","Answer":"BRASSO","Explanation":"Definition: It could produce a real shiner\nASS (fool) inside (caught in) ORB (one eye) reversed (looking up) \u2013 a make of metal polish that could produce a shiny object"} {"Clue":"Sword thrust left out of drinking bout (5)","Answer":"BOTTE","Explanation":"Definition: Sword thrust\nL (left) removed form BOTTLE (drinking bout)"} {"Clue":"Girl from Budapest, first of lots set- tling in northern isle (5)","Answer":"ILONA","Explanation":"Definition: Girl from Budapest\nLots (first letter of) inside (settling in) IONA (a northern isle, an island in Scotland) \u2013 the foreign word not in Chambers"} {"Clue":"Over gone, find out what's known to slip (4)","Answer":"DISC","Explanation":"Definition: known to slip\nDISCover (find out) missing (with\u2026gone) OVER"} {"Clue":"Presence of character (6)","Answer":"SPIRIT","Explanation":"Definition: Presence \ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Gripping wheel, daughters treasure fairground ride (6)","Answer":"DODGEM","Explanation":"Definition: fairground ride\nDD (daughter, two of) contains (gripping) O (wheel, something round) then GEM (treasure) \u2013 I have not seen this singular before now"} {"Clue":"Deceit's back in anagram of \"a hazy mirage\" (4,7)","Answer":"FATA MORGANA","Explanation":"Definition: mirage\nDeceiT (back letter of) in\u00a0anagram (hazy) of ANAGRAM OF A"} {"Clue":"Commercial establishment isn't entertaining head of staff in routine job (5,5)","Answer":"CHAIN STORE","Explanation":"Definition: Commercial establishment\nAINT (isn't) contains (entertaining) Staff (first letter, head of) in CHORE (routine job)"} {"Clue":"National sport in Green Park initially rejected (8)","Answer":"PERUVIAN","Explanation":"Definition: National\nRU (Rugby Union, a sport) inside NAIVE (green) P (park) reversed (rejected) a national of Peru"} {"Clue":"Savagery in pubs, it ending in affray (9)","Answer":"BARBARITY","Explanation":"Definition: Savagery\nBAR BAR (pub, twice) then IT and affraY (ending letter of)"} {"Clue":"Bear fur, say, skinned (4)","Answer":"URSA","Explanation":"Definition: Bear\nfUR SAy with no outside letters (skinned)"} {"Clue":"New country with its old player (4,6)","Answer":"TONY CURTIS","Explanation":"Definition: old player\nanagram (new) of COUNTRY with ITS \u2013 an old actor"} {"Clue":"Wearing dress, emcee beginning to tremble as place emptied (5,4)","Answer":"GHOST TOWN","Explanation":"Definition: place emptied\nHOST (emcee) Tremble (beginning letter to) inside (wearing) GOWN (dress)"} {"Clue":"Rare earth element cut out with impure rocks (8)","Answer":"EUROPIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Rare earth element\nanagram (rocks) of OUt (cut short) with IMPURE"} {"Clue":"What feeds ill-considered second use of an idea? (6)","Answer":"REHASH","Explanation":"Definition: second use of an idea\nEH (what) inside (feeds) RASH (ill-considered)"} {"Clue":"Work of Maupassant, perhaps in schoolboy attire, blue (5,5)","Answer":"SHORT STORY","Explanation":"Definition: Work of Maupassant, perhaps\nSHORTS (schoolboy attire) then TORY (blue, a Conservative)"} {"Clue":"Book doesn't start to cover a state (4)","Answer":"UTAH","Explanation":"Definition: state\nrUTH (book of the Bible, not starting) contains (to cover) A"} {"Clue":"No great effort to produce wind (6)","Answer":"BREEZE","Explanation":"Definition: No great effort\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Implement \u2014 it is inspiring me to collect last of fondant? (7)","Answer":"SPATULA","Explanation":"Definition: Implement\nSA (sex appeal, it) contains (inspiring) PAUL (me, the setter) and fondanT (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"It's hard to accept that\u00a0my pants keep getting caught on the stile? (1,4,3,4,2)","Answer":"I CAN\u2019T GET OVER IT","Explanation":"Definition: It's hard to accept that\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Icons at sea in Irish cutter (7)","Answer":"INCISOR","Explanation":"Definition: cutter\nanagram (at sea) of ICONS in IR (Irish)"} {"Clue":"Those in debt stuffed by new landlords, say? (6)","Answer":"OWNERS","Explanation":"Definition: landlords, say\nOWERS (those in debt) contains (stuffed by) N (new)"} {"Clue":"Beetle, dog, cat, budgie and pig manure cleaner (6,7)","Answer":"CARPET SHAMPOO","Explanation":"Definition: cleaner\nCAR (a Beetle perhaps) PETS (dog, cat, budgie perhaps) HAM (pig) then POO (manure)"} {"Clue":"Try to break stick on unusual percussion instrument (5,4)","Answer":"BONGO DRUM","Explanation":"Definition: percussion instrument\nGO (try) inside (to break) BOND (stick) then RUM (odd)"} {"Clue":"Reinforce huge churns in vast weight (7)","Answer":"TOUGHEN","Explanation":"Definition: Reinforce\nanagram (churns) of HUGE in TON (vast weight)"} {"Clue":"Can of deodorant, say, close to armpits on monk, perhaps? (7)","Answer":"SPRAYER","Explanation":"Definition: Can of deodorant, say\narmpitS (closing letter of) on PRAYER (someone who prays, a monk perhaps) \u2013 something that sprays"} {"Clue":"A rutter in the Guardian \u2014 how much lost? (7)","Answer":"WASTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: how much lost\nA STAG (something that ruts) in WE (The Guardian)"} {"Clue":"Broadsheet ultimately put out weak paper (6)","Answer":"TISSUE","Explanation":"Definition: weak paper\nbroadsheeT (ultimately, last letter) then ISSUE (put out)"} {"Clue":"One river carrying another over neighbour's head, how might property be located? (5,6)","Answer":"HOUSE NUMBER","Explanation":"Definition: how might property be located\nHUMBER (one river) contains (carrying) OUSE (another river) all containing (over) Neighbour (first letter, head of)"} {"Clue":"A search goes after Tom, perhaps into cave (8)","Answer":"CATACOMB","Explanation":"Definition: cave\nA COMB (search) following (goes after) CAT (a tom perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Burn or watch online (6)","Answer":"STREAM","Explanation":"Definition: Burn\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Was transported and heaved breast, say, or shoulder (8)","Answer":"ROADSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: shoulder\nROAD SIDE sounds like (say) \"rode\" (was transported) and \"sighed\" (heaved breast)"} {"Clue":"Engineers, takes part in drama, changes chemistry (6)","Answer":"REACTS","Explanation":"Definition: changes chemistry\nRE (Royal Engineers) then ACTS (takes part in drama)"} {"Clue":"Start to exfoliate after hassle shaving (5)","Answer":"FLAKE","Explanation":"Definition: shaving\nExfoliate (starting letter of) following FLAK (hassle)"} {"Clue":"Animal that finds itself nuts in spring? (5,4)","Answer":"MARCH HARE","Explanation":"Definition: Animal that finds itself nuts in spring\ncryptic definition \u2013 a mad March hare"} {"Clue":"Brave amount of money put towards dream return \u2013 no cooling off period (6,6)","Answer":"INDIAN SUMMER","Explanation":"Definition: no cooling off period\nINDIAN (brave) SUM (amount of money) then (put towards) REM (dream sleep) reversed (returning)"} {"Clue":"Command the spirits by name (4,3,5)","Answer":"CALL THE SHOTS","Explanation":"Definition: Command\nTHE SHOTS (spirits) following (by) CALL (name)"} {"Clue":"Chaotic drama and love sheltering sick animal (9)","Answer":"ARMADILLO","Explanation":"Definition: animal\nanagram (chaotic) of DRAMA and O (love) contains (sheltering) ILL (sick)"} {"Clue":"Siren at sea to finish washing (5)","Answer":"RINSE","Explanation":"Definition: to finish washing\nanagram (at sea) of SIREN"} {"Clue":"Packing in sport (6)","Answer":"BOXING","Explanation":"Definition: Packing\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"One of the oldest animals around is evolving (8)","Answer":"DINOSAUR","Explanation":"Definition: One of the oldest animals\nanagram (evolving) of AROUND IS"} {"Clue":"Stand nude sculpture next to religious study (6)","Answer":"ENDURE","Explanation":"Definition: Stand\nanagram (sculpture) of NUDE then RE (religious education, study)"} {"Clue":"Grand words spoken as Gable's iconic character or Bogart's (8)","Answer":"RHETORIC","Explanation":"Definition: Grand words\nsounds like (spoken as) \"Rhett or Rick\" (Gable's iconic character or Bogart's) \u2013 Rhett Butler from *Gone With the Wind* and Rick Blaine from *Casablanca"} {"Clue":"Bottle in restaurant, catching the sun (6)","Answer":"CARAFE","Explanation":"Definition: Bottle\nCAFE (restaurant) contains (catching) RA (the sun, god)"} {"Clue":"Ate a bagel, somewhat in preparation for drink (6)","Answer":"TEABAG","Explanation":"Definition: preparation for drink\nfound inside (somewhat) aTE A BAGel"} {"Clue":"Drunken aunt chews snack item (6,3)","Answer":"CASHEW NUT","Explanation":"Definition: snack item\nanagram (drunken) of AUNT CHEWS"} {"Clue":"Young lady compelled doctor, single, to peddle drug (12)","Answer":"MADEMOISELLE","Explanation":"Definition: Young lady\nMADE (compelled) MO (medical officer, doctor) I (one, single) SELL (to peddle) E (ecstasy, drug)"} {"Clue":"The 'beat the odds' projections (5)","Answer":"TEETH","Explanation":"Definition: projections\nevery other letter (odds) of ThE bEaT tHe"} {"Clue":"Cries at divorce settlement demands? (8)","Answer":"EXCLAIMS","Explanation":"Definition: Cries\nEX CLAIMS (divorce settlement demands)"} {"Clue":"Smell shot, catching echo of old-fashioned gunfire (8)","Answer":"MUSKETRY","Explanation":"Definition: old-fashioned gunfire\nMUSK (smell) TRY (shot) contains (catching) E (echo, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Like Marie Curie's treatment (6,6)","Answer":"FRENCH POLISH","Explanation":"Definition: Like Marie Curie\ndouble definition \u2013 Marie Curie was born Polish but adopted French nationality later in life"} {"Clue":"Extreme talk supported by a majority (9)","Answer":"UTTERMOST","Explanation":"Definition: Extreme\nUTTER (talk) by MOST (a majority)"} {"Clue":"Special constable, tailed by mob, in scrape (8)","Answer":"SCRABBLE","Explanation":"Definition: scrape\nSC (special constable) then (tailed by) RABBLE (mob)"} {"Clue":"Increase reported, then cut came (8)","Answer":"CLIMAXED","Explanation":"Definition: came\nCLIM sounds like (reported) \"climb\" (increase) then AXED (cut)"} {"Clue":"Discriminatory amusements, excluding female (6)","Answer":"UNFAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Discriminatory\nfUNFAIR (amusements) missing F (female)"} {"Clue":"System to help lose pounds and inches? (6)","Answer":"METRIC","Explanation":"Definition: System to help lose pounds and inches\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Currency setter invested in rising currency (5)","Answer":"DINAR","Explanation":"Definition: Currency\nI (the setter) in RAND (currency) reversed (rising)"} {"Clue":"Fellow Republican steals books for dealer in exchange (6)","Answer":"JOBBER","Explanation":"Definition: dealer in exchange\nJOE (fellow) R (republican) contains (steals) B B (book, twice)"} {"Clue":"Thrash with a fan round front of kisser (4,4)","Answer":"WALK OVER","Explanation":"Definition: Thrash\nW (with) A LOVER (fan) contains (round) Kisser (first letter, front of)"} {"Clue":"It depends on stock we'd returned with drink (6)","Answer":"DEWLAP","Explanation":"Definition: It depends on stock\nWE'D reversed (returns) with LAP (drink) \u2013 an area of skin that hangs down (depends) from cattle (stock)"} {"Clue":"Harry Smith loves European drink (8)","Answer":"SMOOTHIE","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nanagram (harry) of SMITH and O O (love, zero tennis score) then E (European)"} {"Clue":"Swimmers trapped in Ocala marina (8)","Answer":"CALAMARI","Explanation":"Definition: Swimmers\nfound (trapped) inside oCALA MARIna \u2013 does Ocala have a marina?"} {"Clue":"Lecture from retired Scottish university lecturer (6)","Answer":"EARFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Lecture\nFRAE (from, Scottish) reversed (retired) then U (university) and L (lecturer)"} {"Clue":"Nymph appearing just beyond delta (4)","Answer":"ECHO","Explanation":"Definition: Nymph\nECHO is the letter E in the phonetic alphabet, just beyond delta"} {"Clue":"Greek chose counterfeit note and coin in Vienna (8)","Answer":"GROSCHEN","Explanation":"Definition: and coin in Vienna\nGR (Greek) then anagram (counterfeit) of CHOSE and N (note)"} {"Clue":"Dragged out Jack with superior redcap for event (4,4)","Answer":"LONG JUMP","Explanation":"Definition: event\nLONG (dragged out) J (jack) with U (superior, upper class) MP (event)"} {"Clue":"Golden koi primarily kept here? (4)","Answer":"TANK","Explanation":"Definition: kept here\nTAN (golden) Koi (first letter, primarily)"} {"Clue":"South Korean leaders chase rough (6)","Answer":"SKETCH","Explanation":"Definition: rough\nSouth Korean (leaders, first letters) then ETCH (chase)"} {"Clue":"Mingle in session 9 (8)","Answer":"INTERMIX","Explanation":"Definition: Mingle\nIN TERM (session) IX (9)"} {"Clue":"Sweet French husband returns wearing shabby suit (8)","Answer":"TIRAMISU","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nMARI (husband, in French) reversed (returns) inside (wearing) anagram (shabby) of SUIT"} {"Clue":"Golfing body controlling wife's place in Africa (6)","Answer":"RWANDA","Explanation":"Definition: place in Africa\nR AND A (Royal and Ancient, golfing body) contains (controlling) W (wife)"} {"Clue":"Learned about appearing in prosperous commercial (4-4)","Answer":"WELL-READ","Explanation":"Definition: Learned\nRE (regarding, about) inside (appearing in) WELL (prosperous) AD (advertisement, commercial)"} {"Clue":"Rich couple in Paris house liberal earl (2,4)","Answer":"DE-LUXE","Explanation":"Definition: Rich\nDEUX (couple, 2 in French, in Paris) contains (house) L (liberal) then E (earl)"} {"Clue":"Take part in some games, last in a series (5)","Answer":"OMEGA","Explanation":"Definition: last in a serie\nfound inside (taking part in) sOME GAmEs \u2013 the last letter in the Greek alphabet"} {"Clue":"Illegal delivery over in major Victorian backwater (9)","Answer":"BILLABONG","Explanation":"Definition: Victorian backwater\nNO BALL (illegal delivery) reversed (over) inside BIG (major) \u2013 an Australian word, in Victoria"} {"Clue":"Repeat overture to Patience during broadcast (6)","Answer":"REPLAY","Explanation":"Definition: Repeat\nPatience (overture to, first letter) inside RELAY (broadcast)"} {"Clue":"Cleaner whips a gun out, initially lifting \u00a31 (7-2,6)","Answer":"WASHING-UP LIQUID","Explanation":"Definition: Cleaner\nanagram (out) of WHIPS A GUN and Lifting (first letter, initially) then I L (1 pound,\u00a31)"} {"Clue":"Witness stunner performing (6-2)","Answer":"LOOKER-ON","Explanation":"Definition: Witness\nLOOKER (stunner) and ON (performing)"} {"Clue":"More remote troops steal truck (5)","Answer":"OUTER","Explanation":"Definition: More remote\nOR (other ranks, troops) contains (steal) UTE (utility vehicle, truck)"} {"Clue":"Ultimately love timeless portrait: \"An Old Voluptuary\" (9)","Answer":"EPICUREAN","Explanation":"Definition: Old Voluptuary\nlovE (ultimately, last letter) with PICtURE (portrait) missing T (time) then AN"} {"Clue":"Notice women's institute's energy as their hands move? (9)","Answer":"CLOCKWISE","Explanation":"Definition: as their hands move\nCLOCK (notice) WI (Women's Institute) with E (energy) \u2013 the hands on their watches perhaps"} {"Clue":"Sound of two queens with an unsated lust primarily (9)","Answer":"CATERWAUL","Explanation":"Definition: Sound\nCAT (a female, queen perhaps) ER (Elizabeth Regina, another queen) then first letters (primarily) of With An Unsated Lust"} {"Clue":"Could it be put out by 3? (8)","Answer":"BUSHFIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Could it be put out by 3\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Took a long look and began to forget time (6)","Answer":"STARED","Explanation":"Definition: Took a long look\nSTARtED (began) missing T (time)"} {"Clue":"Officer brought up to eat uncooked fish (5)","Answer":"TRAWL","Explanation":"Definition: fish\nLT (lieutenant, officer) reversed (brought up) contains (to eat) RAW (uncooked) \u2013 I managed to restrain myself from writing in an unparsed SUSHI here!"} {"Clue":"It may consist of cards in packs for auditor (5)","Answer":"INDEX","Explanation":"Definition: It may consist of cards\nIN then DEX sounds like (for auditor) \"decks\" (packs)"} {"Clue":"Mineral causing variegated rue with pink fleck (12)","Answer":"KUPFERNICKEL","Explanation":"Definition: Mineral\nanagram (variegated) of RUE with PINK FLECK"} {"Clue":"Once cooled down day's not active wandering round mere (7)","Answer":"YSLAKED","Explanation":"Definition: Once cooled down\nanagram (wandering) of DaY'S missing A (active) containing (around) LAKE (mere)"} {"Clue":"Swell? Droopy, last to take the lead (4)","Answer":"PLIM","Explanation":"Definition: Swell\nLIMP (droopy) with the last letter in the lead"} {"Clue":"Sailor in anguish \u2013 his views were heretical (7)","Answer":"PATARIN","Explanation":"Definition: his views were heretical\nTAR (sailor) in PAIN (anguish)"} {"Clue":"Cheat that contains nothing? Send it back (5)","Answer":"HOCUS","Explanation":"Definition: Cheat\nSUCH (that) contains O (nothing) reversed (send it back)"} {"Clue":"Jester alternating with fool \u2013 they're often belted (6)","Answer":"WAISTS","Explanation":"Definition: they're often belted\nWIT (jester) intertwined with ASS (fool), one letter form each in turn (alternating)"} {"Clue":"Crown of pelican not moving beak at the top? (9)","Answer":"STILL-HEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Crown of pelican\nSTILL (not moving) HEAD (beak, a head teacher or at the top) \u2013 a pelican is a type of still"} {"Clue":"Stew of left-overs Islam's thrown out (5)","Answer":"SALMI","Explanation":"Definition: Stew of left-overs\nanagram (thrown out) of ISLAM"} {"Clue":"Two-up, around second in Masters, showing dominance (4)","Answer":"SWAY","Explanation":"Definition: dominance\nSWY (two up, card game) contains (around) mAsters (second letter in)"} {"Clue":"Paint that's blue or green \u2013 or black, introducing formality (4)","Answer":"BICE","Explanation":"Definition: Paint that's blue or green\nB Black) coming before (introducing) ICE (formality)"} {"Clue":"This is missing in essence, also towards bottom of chart? (9)","Answer":"SOUTHLAND","Explanation":"Definition: towards bottom of chart\nTHis missing IS in SOUL (essence) then AND (also)"} {"Clue":"Face Her Majesty like a smart sailor (6)","Answer":"PUSSER","Explanation":"Definition: like a smart sailor\nPUSS (face) then ER (her majesty)"} {"Clue":"Approaches calling for attention between bridge partners (5)","Answer":"NEARS","Explanation":"Definition: Approaches\nEAR (attention) inside (between) N ans S (bridge partners)"} {"Clue":"Bind in leather, not i.e. for distribution (7)","Answer":"ENTHRAL","Explanation":"Definition: Bind\nanagram (for distribution) of iN LeATHER missing IE"} {"Clue":"Slimy stuff from end of slug, legless? (4)","Answer":"GLIT","Explanation":"Definition: Slimy stuff\nsluG (end letter of) and LIT (legless)"} {"Clue":"Scorn, especially when received by side hammered (7)","Answer":"DESPISE","Explanation":"Definition: Scorn\nESP (especially) inside (when received by) anagram (hammered) of SIDE"} {"Clue":"Booster making gents err wildly, subsequently restrained (12)","Answer":"STRENGTHENER","Explanation":"Definition: Booster\nanagram (wildly) of GENTS ERR containing (with\u2026restrained) THEN (subsequently)"} {"Clue":"One aboard turbulent sky-hops in hunched condition (8)","Answer":"KYPHOSIS","Explanation":"Definition: hunched condition\nI (one) inside (aboard) anagram (turbulent) of SKY-HOPS"} {"Clue":"Magpies grabbing end of frill left folded fan-wise (6)","Answer":"PLICAL","Explanation":"Definition: folded fan-wise\nPICA (magpie genus) contains frilL (end letter of) then L (left)"} {"Clue":"Coffin I found in Ecuador indicating human settlement (7)","Answer":"EKISTIC","Explanation":"Definition: indicating human settlement\nKIST (coffin) I inside EC (Ecuador)"} {"Clue":"Salesman given pay increase or yearly deduction (7)","Answer":"REPRISE","Explanation":"Definition: yearly deduction\nREP (salesman) with RISE (pay increase)"} {"Clue":"Some medic talking about epilepsy? (5)","Answer":"ICTAL","Explanation":"Definition: about epilepsy\nfound inside (some of) medIC TALking"} {"Clue":"Tea dance? I'll replace second half (same as first) (4)","Answer":"CHAI","Explanation":"Definition: Tea\nCHA CHA (dance) with I replacing the second half (cha, which is the same as the first half)"} {"Clue":"Locker containing a king's WC (6)","Answer":"KARSEY","Explanation":"Definition: WC\nKEY (something that locks) contains A R'S (rex's, king's)"} {"Clue":"Rakes clearing central area for legumes (4)","Answer":"LENS","Explanation":"Definition: legumes\nLEaNS (rakes) missing the middle letter A (area, centrally positioned)"} {"Clue":"Place for dead flower? A tragedy (8)","Answer":"DISASTER","Explanation":"Definition: A tragedy\nDIS (hell, a place for the dead) then ASTER (a flower)"} {"Clue":"Being miscast rattles Hollywood wannabe? (7)","Answer":"STARLET","Explanation":"Definition: Hollywood wannabe\nanagram (being miscast) of RATTLES"} {"Clue":"Rather pale girl in grip of longing (7)","Answer":"WANNISH","Explanation":"Definition: Rather pale\nANN (girl) inside WISH (longing)"} {"Clue":"Strong wind, a biggy, in storm striking Luxembourg (6)","Answer":"BUSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Strong wind\nBLUSTER (storm) missing (striking) L (Luxembourg) \u2013 two definitions"} {"Clue":"Do blasting with this? It can make a loud din (6)","Answer":"DUALIN","Explanation":"Definition: Do blasting with this? It can make a loud din\nanagram (blasting) of DO with DUALIN (this, the solution) can be A LOUD DIN \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Bird? Bird hopes boyfriend will turn this (5)","Answer":"HERON","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nbird (girl) hopes boyfriend will turn HER ON (this, the solution)"} {"Clue":"Doubt lifted, sis having gone off muscles (4)","Answer":"PECS","Explanation":"Definition: muscles\nSCEPsis (doubt) reversed (lifted) missing (having gone off) SIS"} {"Clue":"Gardens, last coming to the fore in Oxford, say (4)","Answer":"SHOE","Explanation":"Definition: Oxford, say\nHOES (gardens) with last letter to the front"} {"Clue":"Retiring young woman follows secretary everywhere (6)","Answer":"PASSIM","Explanation":"Definition: everywhere\nMISS (young woman) reversed (retiring) follows PA (secretary)"} {"Clue":"Star is beset by heartless stalker, possibly (8)","Answer":"ASTERISK","Explanation":"Definition: Star\nIS inside (beset by) anagram (possibly) of STALKER missing middle letter (heartless)"} {"Clue":"Look gross, wearing trendy item for shock? (8)","Answer":"HAIRGRIP","Explanation":"Definition: item for shock\nAIR (look) GR (gross) inside (wearing) HIP (trendy) \u2013 an item for a shock of hair"} {"Clue":"I will have ten to lunch? (6)","Answer":"IODINE","Explanation":"Definition: I\nIO (10, ten) with (to) DINE (lunch?) \u2013 I is chemical symbol for Iodine"} {"Clue":"Blue suit keeps one extremely happy (6)","Answer":"","Explanation":"I think this is probably FILTHY (blue) \u2013 FIT (suit) contains (keeps) L (one ?) then HappY (extremes of)"} {"Clue":"Running or a diet's producing a heavenly body (8)","Answer":"ASTEROID","Explanation":"Definition: a heavenly body\nanagram (running) of OR A DIET'S"} {"Clue":"Town hall's beginning to deal with surrounding parts of Ayrshire? (12)","Answer":"HUDDERSFIELD","Explanation":"Definition: Town\nHall (first letter, beginning) FIELD (to deal with, eg field a question) contain UDDERS (parts of Ayrshire, a breed of cow)"} {"Clue":"Playing possum on air to trap one? That's mean (12)","Answer":"PARSIMONIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: mean\nanagram (playing) of POSSUM ON AIR contains (to trap) I (one)"} {"Clue":"What makes shape gradually terminate? (5,3)","Answer":"PHASE OUT","Explanation":"Definition: radually terminate\na reverse clue: anagram (OUT) of PHASE makes \"shape\""} {"Clue":"Washington backed vote to strike (6)","Answer":"WALLOP","Explanation":"Definition: to strike\nWA (Washington) then POLL (vote) reversed (backed)"} {"Clue":"Stop thinking about fashion trends, for a start (6)","Answer":"FORGET","Explanation":"Definition: Stop thinking about\nFORGE (fashion) then first letter (for a start) of Trends"} {"Clue":"Lamentable way to quote revolutionary (8)","Answer":"PATHETIC","Explanation":"Definition: Lamentable\nPATH (way) them CITE (to quote) reversed (revolutionary)"} {"Clue":"Challenged self-description of one who's married? (8)","Answer":"IMPAIRED","Explanation":"Definition: Challenged\nI'M PAIRED is a self-description of one who's married"} {"Clue":"Success gets the woman to this place (6)","Answer":"HITHER","Explanation":"Definition: to this place\nHIT (success) with HER (the woman)"} {"Clue":"Slowly a soldier gets into trouble (6)","Answer":"ADAGIO","Explanation":"Definition: Slowly\nA GI (soldier) inside ADO (trouble)"} {"Clue":"Scores runs, restrained by first of several dismissals (9)","Answer":"SCRATCHES","Explanation":"Definition: Scores\nR (runs) inside (restrained by) Several (first letter of) CATCHES (dismissals, in cricket)"} {"Clue":"Suffering from advanced dry rot? That's sorted in minutes (9)","Answer":"MARTYRDOM","Explanation":"Definition: Suffering\nA (advanced) and anagram (that;s sorted) of DRY ROT inside M M (minute, twice)"} {"Clue":"Calm primate eats seeds (7)","Answer":"APPEASE","Explanation":"Definition: Calm\nAPE (primate) contains (eats) PEAS (seeds)"} {"Clue":"It is not\u00a0pollution (5)","Answer":"TAINT","Explanation":"Definition: It is not\ndouble definition \u2013 'TAINT (it is not)"} {"Clue":"One up on gossip shortly returned (5)","Answer":"RIDER","Explanation":"Definition: One up\nRE (on) DIRt (gossip, shortly) all reversed (returned) \u2013 up on a horse"} {"Clue":"Left bins out in sight? That's wise (8)","Answer":"SENSIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: wis\nanagram (out) of L (left) BINS inside SEE (sight)"} {"Clue":"Periodically tell off mischievous creature (3)","Answer":"ELF","Explanation":"Definition: mischievous creature\nevery other letter (periodically) of tElL oFf"} {"Clue":"Sample sandwiches Kitty served up? This'll give you time (9)","Answer":"STOPWATCH","Explanation":"Definition: This'll give you time\nSWATCH (sample) contains (sandwiches) POT (kitty) reversed (served up)"} {"Clue":"Having brass around versus having no brass? (9)","Answer":"INSOLVENT","Explanation":"Definition: having no brass\nINSOLENT (having brass) contains (around) V (versus)"} {"Clue":"Place for washing cleaner clothes at hospital (8)","Answer":"BATHROOM","Explanation":"Definition: Place for washing\nBROOM (a cleaner) contains (clothes) AT H (hospital)"} {"Clue":"Reserve majestic Edwardian houses (3)","Answer":"ICE","Explanation":"Definition: Reserve\nfound inside (housed by) majestIC Edwardian"} {"Clue":"To pen a novel, initially defeat writer's block? (7)","Answer":"NOTEPAD","Explanation":"Definition: writer's block\nanagram (novel) of TO PEN A then Defeat (first letter of, initially) \u2013 a block of paper"} {"Clue":"Persuade to keep it up, offering inducement (6)","Answer":"MOTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: inducement\nMOVE (persuade) contains (to keep) IT reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Mark has no time to produce letter (5)","Answer":"SIGMA","Explanation":"Definition: letter\nStIGMA (mark) missing T (time)"} {"Clue":"Rock decapitated aquatic creature (5)","Answer":"OTTER","Explanation":"Definition: aquatic creature\ntOTTER (rock) missing first letter (decapitated)"} {"Clue":"Look at what's carried by strong type (6)","Answer":"BEHOLD","Explanation":"Definition: Look at\nEH (what?) inside (carried by) BOLD (strong type)"} {"Clue":"In love, Amber's all for going topless for a month (8)","Answer":"NOVEMBER","Explanation":"Definition: a month\niN lOVE aMBER missing first letters (all going topless)"} {"Clue":"Old-time engineers like making it up as they go along (9)","Answer":"EXTEMPORE","Explanation":"Definition: like making it up as they go along\nEX (old) TEMPO (time) then RE (Royal Engineers) \u2013 \"like\" here indicates the definition is an adjective"} {"Clue":"Reversing a long way in sports car is hard work (5)","Answer":"GRAFT","Explanation":"Definition: hard work\nFAR (a long way) reversed in GT (sports car)"} {"Clue":"Almost murder Oscar, arch-enemy of the metric martyr? (4)","Answer":"KILO","Explanation":"Definition: arch-enemy of the metric martyr\nKIL (murder, kill almost) then O (Oscar, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Triumphant as Sid embracing the symbol of Glastonbury? (10)","Answer":"VICTORIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Triumphant\nVICIOUS (Sid Vicious, of the Sex Pistols) contains (embracing) TOR (Glastonbury Tor, a prominent landmark by Glastonbury)"} {"Clue":"Regular college student group (7)","Answer":"UNIFORM","Explanation":"Definition: Regular\nUNI (college) FORM (student group)"} {"Clue":"I wander off course in South American mountain range (6)","Answer":"SIERRA","Explanation":"Definition: mountain range\nI ERR (wander off course) in SA (South American)"} {"Clue":"Visiting Martinique, because French is spoken there (6)","Answer":"QUEBEC","Explanation":"Definition: French is spoken there\nfound inside (visiting) martiniQUE BECause"} {"Clue":"Snow, ice spread around fish in Scotland (7)","Answer":"CHARLIE","Explanation":"Definition: Snow\nanagram (spread) of ICE contains (around) HARL (to fish, Scottish) \u2013 cocaine"} {"Clue":"Mother-in-law's drunk; I'm leaving for Gwynedd's home (5,5)","Answer":"NORTH WALES","Explanation":"Definition: Gwynedd's home\nanagram (drunk) of mOTHER iN LAW'S missing (leaving) I'M \u2013 Gwynedd is a county in North Wales"} {"Clue":"Far eastern island regularly ignored V-J Day, V-Day (4)","Answer":"JAVA","Explanation":"Definition: Far eastern island\nevery other letter (regularly ignored) of vJ dAy V dAy"} {"Clue":"Madagascar resident throttling bird with both hands (5)","Answer":"LEMUR","Explanation":"Definition: Madagascar resident\nEMU (bird) inside (throttled by) L R (left and right, both hands)"} {"Clue":"I arrest one sozzled Yankee; it's a lack of control (9)","Answer":"INABILITY","Explanation":"Definition: a lack of control\nI NAB (arrest) I (one) LIT (sozzled) then Y (Yankee)"} {"Clue":"Little George encountered the Head of Rugby, having a yen for some mathematics (8)","Answer":"GEOMETRY","Explanation":"Definition: some mathematics\nGEO (Geo. George, little) MET (encountered) Rugby (head of, first letter) having Y (a Yen)"} {"Clue":"Nothing escapes Russian egg producer, new in the city (6)","Answer":"BERGEN","Explanation":"Definition: city\nfaBERGE (Russian egg producer) missing (escapes from) FA (nothing) then N (new)"} {"Clue":"Escape from jail for a holiday abroad? (8)","Answer":"BREAKOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Escape from jail\nBREAK (a holiday) OUT (abroad)"} {"Clue":"Old Paris hospital building with rooms due for renovation about 4th. of April (5-4)","Answer":"HOTEL-DIEU","Explanation":"Definition: Old Paris hospital\nHOTEL (building with rooms) then anagram (for renovation) of DUE containing (about) aprIl (4th letter of)"} {"Clue":"Julius is visiting the Spanish capital (4)","Answer":"LIMA","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nI'M (Julius is) inside (visiting) LA (the, Spanish)"} {"Clue":"Forest escapade featuring Electra's brother (7)","Answer":"ORESTES","Explanation":"Definition: Electra's brother\nfound inside (featured by) fOREST EScapades"} {"Clue":"Totally revolting green transvestite clothing of French artist? (5,5)","Answer":"EDGAR DEGAS","Explanation":"Definition: artist\nSAGE (green) DRAG (transvestite clothing) and DE (of, French) all reversed (totally revolting)"} {"Clue":"Supporter: \"Five nil? Good!\" (5)","Answer":"BRAVO","Explanation":"Definition: Good\nBRA (something that supports) V (five) O (nil)"} {"Clue":"On further examination, setter comes unstuck (6)","Answer":"RETEST","Explanation":"Definition: further examination\nanagram (comes unstuck) of SETTER"} {"Clue":"Stage Unionist Independence Party uprising in May? (6)","Answer":"PODIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Stage\nU (unionist) I (independence) DO (party) all reversed (uprising) in PM (Theresa May)"} {"Clue":"Laugh about baby dropping a coarse, half-eaten toy (10)","Answer":"HOBBYHORSE","Explanation":"Definition: toy\nHO-HO (laugh) contains BaBY missing (dropping) A then coaRSE (half missing, eaten)"} {"Clue":"Rev. Al Green is putting out a new record (9)","Answer":"RELEASING","Explanation":"Definition: putting out a new record\nanagram (rev. \u2013 revision) of AL GREEN IS"} {"Clue":"National treasure very nearly upset navy (4,4)","Answer":"VERA LYNN","Explanation":"Definition: National treasure\nanagram (upset) of V (very) and NEARLY then N (navy)"} {"Clue":"Extra: Barking Herald with street map insert (7)","Answer":"CRAZIER","Explanation":"Definition: Extra: Barking\nCRIER (herald) contains (with\u2026insert) AZ (A to Z, a street map) \u2013 extra barking mad"} {"Clue":"Like the Minotaur coming out of trance? (6)","Answer":"CRETAN","Explanation":"Definition: Like the Minotaur\nanagram (coming out of) TRANCE"} {"Clue":"Free up diary following endless lunch (6)","Answer":"UNCLOG","Explanation":"Definition: Free up\nLOG (diary) following lUNCh (endless, no first or last letter)"} {"Clue":"Read Ovid's Metamorphoses, essentially outlining first appearances of tragic scion (5)","Answer":"ROMEO","Explanation":"Definition: tragic scion\nfirst letters (first appearances) of Read Ovid Metamorphoses Essentially Outlining"} {"Clue":"Korean leader turned on English chap (4)","Answer":"MIKE","Explanation":"Definition: chap\nKIM (Korean leader) reversed (turned) on E (English) \u2013 a man's name"} {"Clue":"Confuse medical department, showing an abnormal leg (8)","Answer":"ENTANGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Confuse\nENT (Ear Nose and Throat, medical department) then AN followed by anagram (abnormal) of LEG"} {"Clue":"Progressively raise setter, regularly clipping dog (4,2)","Answer":"STEP UP","Explanation":"Definition: Progressively raise\nevery other letter (regularly clipping) of SeTtEr then PUP (dug)"} {"Clue":"Plant kiss on female, given ring that's put on hand (8)","Answer":"FOXGLOVE","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nX (a kiss) following (on) F (female) with O (a ring) then GLOVE (something that's put on hand)"} {"Clue":"Some rabbis question fish dish (6)","Answer":"BISQUE","Explanation":"Definition: fish dish\nfound inside (some of) rabBIS QUEstion"} {"Clue":"Obsessive about tablets perhaps, European runs off, back to pharmacy (5)","Answer":"GEEKY","Explanation":"Definition: Obsessive about tablets perhaps\nGrEEK (a European) missing (runs off) R (runs) then pharmacY (last letter of, back to)"} {"Clue":"Runners once seen here bend and stretch, leaving clubhouse, conserving energy (3,6)","Answer":"BOW STREET","Explanation":"Definition: Runners once seen here\nBOW (bend) then STRETch missing (leaving) CH (clubhouse) containing E (energy) \u2013 the Bow Street Runners were the first official police force in London"} {"Clue":"Clergyman's worried by scoundrel (6)","Answer":"CURATE","Explanation":"Definition: Clergyman\nATE (worried) following (by) CUR (scoundrel)"} {"Clue":"Command Father to reject symbol of this country (7)","Answer":"BULLDOG","Explanation":"Definition: symbol of this country\nBULL (command) then GOD (Father) reversed (to reject)"} {"Clue":"Pine crook that was used as a weapon (7)","Answer":"LONGBOW","Explanation":"Definition: that was used as a weapon\nLONG (pine) BOW (crook)"} {"Clue":"Language that's evident in butcher's? (6)","Answer":"TONGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Language\ntongue is a cut of meat that might be evident in a butchers"} {"Clue":"Sun possibly caught brass item on office desk? (5,4)","Answer":"PAPER CLIP","Explanation":"Definition: item on office desk\nPAPER (The Sun possibly) then C (caught) LIP (brass, cheek)"} {"Clue":"Classical character's publication diverted graduate (5)","Answer":"GAMMA","Explanation":"Definition: Classical character\nanagram (diverted) of MAG (publication) then MA (graduate)"} {"Clue":"Difficult to restrain extremists displaying menace (6)","Answer":"HAZARD","Explanation":"Definition: menace\nHARD (difficult) contains (to restrain) A Z (extremists, of the alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Dandy to go off with fashionable bird (8)","Answer":"POPINJAY","Explanation":"Definition: Dandy\nPOP (to go off, pop to the shops) with IN (fashionable) and JAY (bird)"} {"Clue":"What flock might do to breed with tup finally (6)","Answer":"PRAISE","Explanation":"Definition: What flock might do\nRAISE (to breed) following (with) tuP (final letter of)"} {"Clue":"Outsiders in media almost ring high-ranking official (8)","Answer":"MANDARIN","Explanation":"Definition: high-ranking official\nM AND A (the outside letters in MediA) then RINg (almost all of)"} {"Clue":"Upright soldier appearing very strong in the old image (6)","Answer":"EFFIGY","Explanation":"Definition: image\nGI (soldier) with FF (fortissimo, very strong) in YE (the, old) all reversed (upright)"} {"Clue":"Working extra shift, financial statement's needed (3,6)","Answer":"TAX RETURN","Explanation":"Definition: financial statement's needed\nanagram (working) of EXTRA then TURN (shift)"} {"Clue":"Once called associate when stripping a turkey (5)","Answer":"NELLY","Explanation":"Definition: turkey\nNE (once called, maiden name) then aLLY (associate) missing A \u2013 a fool"} {"Clue":"Test about half of them on sport (9)","Answer":"TRIATHLON","Explanation":"Definition: sport\nTRIAL (test) contains THem (half of) then ON"} {"Clue":"Crown hearing for offence (5)","Answer":"PIQUE","Explanation":"Definition: offence\nsounds like (hearing) \"peak\" (crown)"} {"Clue":"Standing near French cat that's tailless (8)","Answer":"PRESTIGE","Explanation":"Definition: Standing\nPRES (near, in French) then TIGEr (a cat) missing last letter (tailless)"} {"Clue":"Cornish sailor's mop on board (4)","Answer":"SWAB","Explanation":"Definition: mop on board\na Cornish sailor might be a SW AB, an Able Seaman form the South West"} {"Clue":"Some of perfume, a shade over one thousand dollars, upset gent (9)","Answer":"AMBERGRIS","Explanation":"Definition: Some of perfume\nAMBER (a shade, colour) on (over) G (grand, one thousand dollars) then SIR (gent) reversed (upset) \u2013 an ingredient for making perfumes"} {"Clue":"Doctor hides odd contrary crush on old band leader (4-5)","Answer":"DRUM-MAJOR","Explanation":"Definition: band leader\nDR (doctor) contains (hides) RUM (odd) JAM (crush) reversed (contrary) on O (old)"} {"Clue":"Clothing outlet overflows ahead of spring (8)","Answer":"SLOPSHOP","Explanation":"Definition: Clothing outlet\nSLOPS (overflows) then HOP (spring)"} {"Clue":"Trick the Italian into playing partners at bridge (4)","Answer":"WILE","Explanation":"Definition: Trick\nIL (the, Italian) in WE (East and West, playing partners in the game of Bridge)"} {"Clue":"Spanish cuisine sustains one business which elevates dessert (7)","Answer":"TAPIOCA","Explanation":"Definition: dessert\nTAPA (Spanish cuisine) contains (sustains) I (one) CO (company, business) all reversed (which elevates, goes upwards in a down solution)"} {"Clue":"Sort of camera capturing variable geological feature (6)","Answer":"CANYON","Explanation":"Definition: geological feature\nCANON (a brand, sort, of camera) contains (capturing) Y (variable, in equations)"} {"Clue":"Dash back, halfway into Penzance, for takeaway at Luigi's? (5)","Answer":"PIZZA","Explanation":"Definition: takeaway at Luigi's\nZIP (dash) reversed (back) then penZAnce (halfway into)"} {"Clue":"Crunch good bit of bacon (5)","Answer":"GRIND","Explanation":"Definition: Crunch\nG (good) RIND (a bit of bacon)"} {"Clue":"Social climber: posh, I forgot to say, and caustic (7)","Answer":"UPSTART","Explanation":"Definition: Social climber\nU (posh) PST (exclamation, I forgot to say) than TART (caustic)"} {"Clue":"V range isn't varied (7)","Answer":"AGAINST","Explanation":"Definition: V\nAGA (a range, cooker) then anagram (varied) of ISN'T"} {"Clue":"Something sharp, chilled starter fed to vegetarian? (4,7)","Answer":"MEAT CLEAVER","Explanation":"Definition: Something sharp\nChilled (starting letter of) inside (fed to) MEAT LEAVER (a vegetarian)"} {"Clue":"Old people in love, I gathered, something in it for a performer? (6,4)","Answer":"VIOLIN CASE","Explanation":"Definition: something in it for a performer\nINCAS (some Inca, old people) in anagram (gathered) of LOVE I"} {"Clue":"Doctor eating a dish that sounds moreish? (6)","Answer":"TAGINE","Explanation":"Definition: a dish that sounds moreish\nanagram (doctor) of EATING \u2013 a Moorish dish, that sounds moreish"} {"Clue":"Change poles in reversal of Whistler painting (8)","Answer":"TRANSFER","Explanation":"Definition: Change\nN S (north and south poles) in REF (referee, someone who whistles) and ART (painting) reversed"} {"Clue":"Not natural, headless youth I see on horseback? (9)","Answer":"INORGANIC","Explanation":"Definition: Not natural\nmINOR (youth, headless) then I C (see, name of letter) on NAG (horse) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Brief second coffee (5)","Answer":"LATTE","Explanation":"Definition: coffee\nLATTEr (second, of two) unfinished (brief)"} {"Clue":"Utilise drag to play \u2014 this? (5,6)","Answer":"SLIDE GUITAR","Explanation":"Definition: this\nanagram (to play) of SLIDE GUITAR \u2013 this is what you might play"} {"Clue":"Surrounded by ladies, rowing team steps up (9)","Answer":"HEIGHTENS","Explanation":"Definition: steps up\nEIGHT (a rowing team) surrounded by HENS (ladies)"} {"Clue":"Hurried, having to walk, perhaps, round capital in Estonia (8)","Answer":"CARELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Hurried\nCARLESS (no car, having to walk) contains (round) Estonia (first letter, capital in)"} {"Clue":"Suddenly nothing is beyond Bangladesh's opener in match (6)","Answer":"SUBITO","Explanation":"Definition: Suddenly\nO (nothing) follows Bangladesh (first letter of, opener) in SUIT (match)"} {"Clue":"Climber glaring, appearing quite sour (10)","Answer":"VINEGARISH","Explanation":"Definition: appearing quite sour\nVINE (climber) GARISH (glaring)"} {"Clue":"Cerebral part lost on British electorate originally (4)","Answer":"LOBE","Explanation":"Definition: Cerebral part\nfirst letters (originally) of Lost On British Electorate"} {"Clue":"Fast train's ending somewhere in Lancashire (7)","Answer":"PRESTON","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in Lancashire\nPRESTO (fast) then traiN (last letter, ending)"} {"Clue":"Very early man, bloody cuts (7)","Answer":"PREDAWN","Explanation":"Definition: Very early\nPAWN (man, on a chess board) contains (\u2026cuts) RED"} {"Clue":"African in classicist, utterly upstanding (5)","Answer":"TUTSI","Explanation":"Definition: African\nfound reversed (upstanding) in classicIST UTerly"} {"Clue":"One contest in road race always starts in resort area (7)","Answer":"RIVIERA","Explanation":"Definition: resort area\nI (one) VIE (contest) in first letters (starts) of Road Race Always"} {"Clue":"Trendy twit rolling in money, never stopping (9)","Answer":"INCESSANT","Explanation":"Definition: never stopping\nIN (trendy) then ASS (twit) reversed (rolling over) in CENT (money)"} {"Clue":"Special marketing feature in cult, dubious (7)","Answer":"SUSPECT","Explanation":"Definition: dubious\nUSP (unique selling point, special marketing feature) in SECT (cult)"} {"Clue":"Large vessel, or this pinnace at sea (9,4)","Answer":"CONTAINER SHIP","Explanation":"Definition: Large vessel\nanagram (at sea) of OR THIS PINNACE"} {"Clue":"Paras brazen initially in beating up of deserter (3,6)","Answer":"RED BERETS","Explanation":"Definition: Paras\nBrazen (initial letter of) in anagram (beating up) of DESERTER"} {"Clue":"More green, apple finally borne by tree below meadow (7)","Answer":"LEAFIER","Explanation":"Definition: More green\napplE (final letter of) inside (borne by) FIR (tree) following LEA (meadow)"} {"Clue":"Fuel very hot, cooler outside (7)","Answer":"GASOHOL","Explanation":"Definition: Fuel\nSO (very) H (hot) inside (with\u2026outside)\u00a0GAOL (cooler)"} {"Clue":"Celebrity so listless? (7)","Answer":"NOTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Celebrity so\nNOT ABLE (listless)"} {"Clue":"Try to catch lift that's not closed \u2014 it will disappear at a lick! (6)","Answer":"GELATO","Explanation":"Definition: it will disappear at a lick\nGO (try) contains (to catch) ELATe (lift) missing last letter (that's not closed)"} {"Clue":"Wood \u2014 a large part being uprooted (5)","Answer":"BALSA","Explanation":"Definition: Wood\nA SLAB (large part) reversed (uprooted)"} {"Clue":"Girl with pullover should keep mom's toddler happy (10)","Answer":"BABY-JUMPER","Explanation":"Definition: should keep mom's toddler happy\nBABY (girl) with JUMPER (pullover) \u2013 *mom's* toddler indicates this is the US version of the device, a UK mum would use a baby-bouncer"} {"Clue":"Rubber substitute causing uncontrollable movement in bearing (7)","Answer":"FACTICE","Explanation":"Definition: Rubber substitute\nTIC (uncontrollable movement) in FACE (bearing)"} {"Clue":"Bridge player having void in hearts, capturing a third of tricks in turn (5)","Answer":"NORTH","Explanation":"Definition: Bridge player\nNO H (void in hearts, no hearts) contains (capturing) TRicks (one thid of) reversed (in turn)"} {"Clue":"Fragments machine repairer has left inside (7)","Answer":"FLITTER","Explanation":"Definition: Fragments\nFITTER (machine repairer) contains L (left)"} {"Clue":"Native American chief, no more? It's a long story (4)","Answer":"SAGA","Explanation":"Definition: It's a long story\nSAGAmore (Native American chief) missing MORE"} {"Clue":"Female prisoner, unruly teen put inside directly (7)","Answer":"DETENUE","Explanation":"Definition: Female prisoner\nanagram (unruly) of TEEN inside DUE (directly)"} {"Clue":"Dig up old \u2013 front of wording missing \u2013 battered 'RIP' follows (6)","Answer":"EXTIRP","Explanation":"Definition: Dig up old\ntEXT (wording, front letter missing) then anagram (battered) of RIP \u2013 Chambers gives extirp as Shakespearan or Spenserian extirpate but only in the sense of exterminate, not in the sense of dig up"} {"Clue":"Timeless carouser, one Falstaff, say? (5)","Answer":"OPERA","Explanation":"Definition: Falstaff, say\ntOPER (carouser) missing T (time) then A (one)"} {"Clue":"Who isn't irritated by parking in conurbation? (8)","Answer":"TOWNSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: conurbation\nanagram (irritated) of WHO ISN'T then P (parking) \u2013 my favoruite of the clues today"} {"Clue":"Form of argot a semi-polyglot rubbished and binned? (8)","Answer":"BOG-LATIN","Explanation":"Definition: Form of argot\nanagram (rubbished) of A polyGLOT (semi, half of) in the BIN (binned)"} {"Clue":"Old poet's immediately energized after book (5)","Answer":"BLIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Old poet's immediately\nLIVE (energized) follows B (book) the old poet is Spenser"} {"Clue":"Grasp without hearing lecturer repaid toiling(7)","Answer":"LIP READ","Explanation":"Definition: Grasp without hearing\nL (lecturer) then anagram (toiling) of REPAID"} {"Clue":"It keeps mill-wheel turning \u2013 hindrance restricts one (4)","Answer":"LEAT","Explanation":"Definition: It keeps mill-wheel turning\nLET (hinderance) contains (restricts) A (one)"} {"Clue":"Free camping? Sort of fork provided (7)","Answer":"TRIDENT","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of fork\nRID (free) in TENT (camping)"} {"Clue":"Property of the same value, first to last (5)","Answer":"QUALE","Explanation":"Definition: Property\nEQUAL (of the same value) first letter to the end"} {"Clue":"Upmarket resort, rooms in \u2014\u2014? Torremolinos is wrong (7)","Answer":"ESTORIL","Explanation":"Definition: Upmarket resort\nROOMS IN ESTORIL (_____, the solution) is an anagram (wrong) of TORREMOLINOS IS"} {"Clue":"After workout, short, old uncle goes for a wine (10)","Answer":"PETER-SEE-ME","Explanation":"Definition: a wine\nPE (physical exercise, workout) then TERSE (short) EME (uncle, old=obsolete)"} {"Clue":"Love story involving fine group as a possible compensation (10)","Answer":"OFFSETABLE","Explanation":"Definition: as a possible compensation\nO (love) FABLE (story) contains (involving) F (fine) SET (group)"} {"Clue":"Soften by kneading, careless when following mum (5)","Answer":"MALAX","Explanation":"Definition: Soften by kneading\nLAX (careless) following) MA (mum)"} {"Clue":"Old convict: one with time doubled isn't common (7)","Answer":"ATTAINT","Explanation":"Definition: Old convict\nA (one) with T T (time, doubled) than AIN'T (isn't, common)"} {"Clue":"Snack bar's opening: cut piece from the press? (4)","Answer":"BITE","Explanation":"Definition: Snack\nBar (opening letter of) then ITEm (piece from the press, cut short)"} {"Clue":"Sweet wine Jock's beloved imbibes before pork (8)","Answer":"JEREPIGO","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet wine\nJO (beloved, Jock's=Scots) contains (imbibes) ERE (before) PIG (pork)"} {"Clue":"Clear passage through part of runs to pasture (6)","Answer":"UNSTOP","Explanation":"Definition: Clear passage through\nfound inside rUNS TO Pasture"} {"Clue":"Versatile jazzman? He makes money, certainly (4)","Answer":"MOKE","Explanation":"Definition: Versatile jazzman?\nM (money) OKE (OK, certainly)"} {"Clue":"Ancient homily on saint, most apt (7)","Answer":"PRONEST","Explanation":"Definition: most apt\nPRONE (homily, obsolete) on ST (saint)"} {"Clue":"Our diet needs adapting to become frivolous, \u00e0 la fran\u00e7aise (7)","Answer":"ETOURDI","Explanation":"Definition: frivolous, \u00e0 la fran\u00e7aise\nanagram (needs adapting) of OUR DIET"} {"Clue":"The misguided need Dettol (nothing less), grasping one? (10)","Answer":"DEAD-NETTLE","Explanation":"Definition: The misguided need Dettol (nothing less), grasping one\nanagram (misguided) of NEED DEToL missing O (nothing) containing A (one) \u2013 definition is &lit implying that only a misguided person would apply Dettol after grasping a non-stinging nettle"} {"Clue":"Pronounces oriental soup 'bum' (8)","Answer":"PHONATES","Explanation":"Definition: Pronounces\nPHON (an oriental soup) then NATES (the bum)"} {"Clue":"By the way, more than half of strong drinks make you slash (7)","Answer":"OBLIQUE","Explanation":"Definition: slash\nOB (by the way?) LIQUEurs (strong drinks, more than half the letters) \u2013 I don't really understand OB. *OB is obiter dicta \u2013 something said by the way."} {"Clue":"He stitched cap with frills (7)","Answer":"WHIPCAT","Explanation":"Definition: He stitched\nanagram (frills) of CAP WITH"} {"Clue":"What could make me a lord? (7)","Answer":"EARLDOM","Explanation":"Definition: What could make me a lord\nanagram (what could make) of ME A LORD \u2013 definiton is &lit"} {"Clue":"You require a horn or buzzer for each (6)","Answer":"BEEPER","Explanation":"Definition: a horn\nBEE (something that buzzes) then PER (for each)"} {"Clue":"Cook making case for exotic bird or tropical fish (5)","Answer":"DANIO","Explanation":"Definition: tropical fish\nDO (cook, defaud as in cook the books) contains (making case ofr) ANI (exotic bird)"} {"Clue":"Indication of lung disease? MO lost confidence (4)","Answer":"RALE","Explanation":"Definition: Indication of lung disease\nmoRALE (confidence) missing MO"} {"Clue":"Formerly straight, slewed by the sound of it (4)","Answer":"TITE","Explanation":"Definition: Formerly straight\nsounds like (by the sound of it) \"tight\" (slewed, drunk)"} {"Clue":"Lonely day spent without a break (7)","Answer":"ENDLESS","Explanation":"Definition: without a break\nfriENDLESS (lonely) missing (spent) FRI (day)"} {"Clue":"Perfect example of soldier working to defend head of Government (7)","Answer":"PARAGON","Explanation":"Definition: Perfect example\nPARA (soldier) ON (working) contains (to defend) Government (head of, first letter)"} {"Clue":"Pessimist occasionally crying is melancholic at heart (5)","Answer":"CYNIC","Explanation":"Definition: Pessimist\nCrYiNg Is (occasionally, every other letter) then melanCholic (at heart, middle letter)"} {"Clue":"Start of uncontrolled emigration seeing millions leave (9)","Answer":"ORIGINATE","Explanation":"Definition: Start\nanagram (uncontrolled) of EmIGRATION missing M (millions)"} {"Clue":"They're vital for those who model\u00a0data (10)","Answer":"STATISTICS","Explanation":"Definition: They're vital for those who model\ncryptic definition\/definition (and &lit too)"} {"Clue":"Influence university lecturer to visit public library (4)","Answer":"PULL","Explanation":"Definition: Influence\nU (university) L (lecturer) inside (visits) PL (public library)"} {"Clue":"Sophisticated\u00a0cocktail (12)","Answer":"COSMOPOLITAN","Explanation":"Definition: Sophisticated\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Northerner's meat pie left in bagging area (12)","Answer":"LIVERPUDLIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Northerner\nLIVER (meat) PUD (pudding, pie) L (left) then IN containing (bagging) A (area)"} {"Clue":"Gunners drew after dismissal of both wingers. Extraordinary! (4)","Answer":"RARE","Explanation":"Definition: Extraordinary\nRA (Royal Artillery, gunners) then dREw missing outside letters (after dismissal of both wingers)"} {"Clue":"Inactivity of Ugandan oddly disregarded when filling position (10)","Answer":"STAGNATION","Explanation":"Definition: Inactivity\nuGaNdAn (oddly disregarded) inside STATION (position)"} {"Clue":"Disrespect a cleric hosting exhibition (9)","Answer":"SPECTACLE","Explanation":"Definition: exhibition\nfound inside (hosted by) disreSPECT A CLEric"} {"Clue":"Summit of tall chimney having opening at the back (5)","Answer":"TALKS","Explanation":"Definition: Summit\nSTALK (tall chimney) with opening letter moved to the back"} {"Clue":"During power cut there is right indignation (7)","Answer":"OUTRAGE","Explanation":"Definition: indignation\nOUTAGE (power cut) contains R (right)"} {"Clue":"Attempt to deceive in how to choose particular suit? (3,2,2)","Answer":"TRY IT ON","Explanation":"Definition: Attempt to deceive\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Cut out for duty (6)","Answer":"EXCISE","Explanation":"Definition: Cut out\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Losing heirloom ultimately for duke, servant gets dismissal (6)","Answer":"DENIAL","Explanation":"Definition: dismissa\nmENIAL (servant) losing M (last letter of heirlooM) and gaining (D (duke)"} {"Clue":"Piece of furniture Eric's damaged before suppressing anger (10)","Answer":"ESCRITOIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Piece of furniture\nanagram (damaged) of ERIC'S then TO (before, e.g. ten to eight) on top of (suppressing) IRE (anger)"} {"Clue":"Stone put on, blooming beer! (5)","Answer":"STOUT","Explanation":"Definition: beer\nST (stone) put on OUT (blooming)"} {"Clue":"Essential broadcast for leading actor (9)","Answer":"PRINCIPAL","Explanation":"Definition: leading actor\nsounds like \"principle\" (essential)"} {"Clue":"Attack personal record briefly in review (4)","Answer":"RAID","Explanation":"Definition: Attack\nDIARy (personal record, briefly) reversed (in review)"} {"Clue":"Present from eccentric artist guy shunned by society (8)","Answer":"GRATUITY","Explanation":"Definition: Present\nanagram (eccentric) of ARTIsT GUY missing (shunned by) S (society)"} {"Clue":"Extremely loud backfiring inside reconditioned engine, it's irritating (8)","Answer":"NEEDLING","Explanation":"Definition: irritating\nLouD (extremes of) reversed (backfiring) inside anagram (reconditioned) of ENGINE"} {"Clue":"Jocularity of agricultural working class, welcoming introduction from landowner (10)","Answer":"PLEASANTRY","Explanation":"Definition: Jocularity\nPEASANTRY (agricultural working class) contains (welcoming) Landowner (introduction from, first letter)"} {"Clue":"Walrus, typically floppy stomach gathering mud, discovered close to shore (9)","Answer":"MOUSTACHE","Explanation":"Definition: Walrus\nanagram (floppy) of STOMACH contains (gathering) mUd (discovered, no covering letters) then shorE (closing letter of)"} {"Clue":"Learner pursues first in Art painting outdoors (8)","Answer":"ALFRESCO","Explanation":"Definition: outdoors\nL (learner) follows Art (first letter of) then FRESCO (a painting)"} {"Clue":"Become agitated about race (8)","Answer":"OVERHEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Become agitated\nOVER (about) HEAT (race)"} {"Clue":"No end of affection for intense colour (6)","Answer":"VIOLET","Explanation":"Definition: colour\nVIOLEnT (intense) missing (no\u2026for) affectioN (end of)"} {"Clue":"Complete agreement from offspring studying for degree? (6)","Answer":"UNISON","Explanation":"Definition: Complete agreement\na UNI-SON might be a son at university, offspring studying for a degree"} {"Clue":"Visitor, supposed to be announced (5)","Answer":"GUEST","Explanation":"Definition: Visitor\nsounds like (to be announced) of \"guessed\" (supposed)"} {"Clue":"Starts to stroll through ornate ancient colonnade (4)","Answer":"STOA","Explanation":"Definition: colonnade\nfirst letters (starts) of Stroll Through Ornate Ancient"} {"Clue":"Prehistoric flyers possibly worm-catchers (5,5)","Answer":"EARLY BIRDS","Explanation":"Definition: possibly worm-catchers\nEARLY (prehistoric) ad BIRDS (flyers)"} {"Clue":"Pitch holds second-rate Winter Sport Aid (1-3)","Answer":"T-BAR","Explanation":"Definition: Winter Sport Aid\nTAR (pitch) contains B (second rate)"} {"Clue":"Felt elated after going round, having distributed flyers (some say incorrectly) (10)","Answer":"LEAFLETTED","Explanation":"Definition: having distributed flyers (some say incorrectly)\nanagram (after going around) of FELT ELATED \u2013 the primary spelling has only one T"} {"Clue":"Pass swimmer (4)","Answer":"GOBY","Explanation":"Definition: swimmer\nGO BY (pass)"} {"Clue":"Old flyer cleared Sarajevo and arrived in Poland (7,5)","Answer":"SOPWITH CAMEL","Explanation":"Definition: Old flyer\nSarajevO (cleared, no middle) then WITH (and) CAME (arrived) in PO (Poland)"} {"Clue":"Boxes trains going round station (3,6)","Answer":"TEA CHESTS","Explanation":"Definition: Boxes\nTEACHES (trains) contains (going round) ST (station)"} {"Clue":"Corrupt Iceland using Indian bread (5)","Answer":"ROTIS","Explanation":"Definition: Indian bread\nROT (corrupt) IS (Iceland)"} {"Clue":"Trademark covers woman's gas unit (5)","Answer":"THERM","Explanation":"Definition: gas unit\nTM (trade mark) contains (covers) HER (the woman's)"} {"Clue":"Large company outside, so child sent back for Italian food (4,5)","Answer":"OSSO BUCCO","Explanation":"Definition: Italian food\nOS (out-size, large) CO (company) contains (outside) SO CUB (child) reversed (sent back)"} {"Clue":"Salesman on the run crashing flyer (6,6)","Answer":"HAWKER HUNTER","Explanation":"Definition: flyer\nHAWKER (salesman) then anagram (after crashing) of THE RUN \u2013 a military aeroplane"} {"Clue":"Brownish-grey good for 11 food (4)","Answer":"DUNG","Explanation":"Definition: 11 food\nDUN (brownish-grey) G (good)"} {"Clue":"Drunk lay about with Heather being scornful (10)","Answer":"BELITTLING","Explanation":"Definition: being scornful\nLIT (drunk) inside (with\u2026about) BET (lay) then LING (heather)"} {"Clue":"Old man lives in Italian city (4)","Answer":"PISA","Explanation":"Definition: Italian city\nPA (old man) contains (with\u2026in) IS (lives)"} {"Clue":"Flyers nobody called returning rancour (6-4)","Answer":"ORANGE-TIPS","Explanation":"Definition: Flyers\nO (nothing, nobody) RANG (called) then SPITE (rancour) reversed (returning)"} {"Clue":"Lengths of lines in French art (4)","Answer":"ELLS","Explanation":"Definition: Lengths\nL L (line, twice) in ES (art in French: you are, thou art)"} {"Clue":"Wander around, committing nothing to memory (4)","Answer":"ROAM","Explanation":"Definition: Wander around\nO (nothing) inside (committed to) RAM (computer memory)"} {"Clue":"Flyer ruining my whole realm (12)","Answer":"YELLOWHAMMER","Explanation":"Definition: Flyer\nanagram (ruining) of MY WHOLE RELAM"} {"Clue":"To win cycling as well (2,3)","Answer":"IN TOW","Explanation":"Definition: as well\nanagram (cycling) of TO WIN"} {"Clue":"Two players expected odd bits of tat first? Tosh! (9)","Answer":"DUETTISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Two players\nDUE (expected) the every other letter (odd bits) of TaT fIrSt ToSh"} {"Clue":"Book spaces on credit for magic flyer (10)","Answer":"BROOMSTICK","Explanation":"Definition: magic flyer\nB (book) ROOMS (spaces) on TICK (credit)"} {"Clue":"Rogers, possibly unfortunately on bed at race meeting (5,5)","Answer":"ROYAL ASCOT","Explanation":"Definition: race meeting\nROY (Roy Rogers possibly) ALAS (unfortunately) on COT (bed)"} {"Clue":"Almost frighten French monk and the occasional flyer (6,6)","Answer":"SCARAB BEETLE","Explanation":"Definition: occasional flyer\nSCARe (frighten, almost) ABBE ET LE (monk and the, in French)"} {"Clue":"Flyers put up by revolutionary party getting swindled (8,2)","Answer":"STITCHED UP","Explanation":"Definition: swindled\nTITS (flyers) reversed (put up) by CHE (Che Guevara, a revolutionary) then DUP (a political party)"} {"Clue":"Swimming aids encourage flyers to grow in bed! (5,5)","Answer":"WATER WINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Swimming aids\na cryptic sub-definition \u2013 if you planted WINGS (flyers) in a flower bed you would WATER them to encourage them to grow"} {"Clue":"Hotel bars smashed by resident of India (5,4)","Answer":"SLOTH BEAR","Explanation":"Definition: resident of India\nanagram (smashed) of HOTEL BARS"} {"Clue":"Clean air now much reduced in Scottish resort (5)","Answer":"NAIRN","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish resort\nfound inside (much reduced) cleaN AIR Now"} {"Clue":"Starts to know Icarus well \u2013 is not a flyer (4)","Answer":"KIWI","Explanation":"Definition: not a flyer\nstarting letters of Know Icarus Well Is"} {"Clue":"Potential flyers say big words in the end (4)","Answer":"EGGS","Explanation":"Definition: Potential flyers\nEG (for example, say) then the last letters (in the end) of biG wordS"} {"Clue":"\"Misspoke\" about Belgium, Israel labouring to become more enlightened (11)","Answer":"LIBERALISED","Explanation":"Definition: more enlightened\nLIED (misspoke) contains anagram (labouring) of B (Belgium) and ISRAEL"} {"Clue":"Rabbit\u00a0bone (3)","Answer":"JAW","Explanation":"Definition: Rabbit\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Subdued, thanks to medicine (5)","Answer":"TAMED","Explanation":"Definition: Subdue\nTA (thanks) with MED (medicine)"} {"Clue":"He turns away a poor relation (9)","Answer":"ALIENATOR","Explanation":"Definition: He turns away\nA then anagram (poor) of RELATION"} {"Clue":"Ending foreign outsourcing of ordinary NHS groin surgery (2-7)","Answer":"ON-SHORING","Explanation":"Definition: Ending foreign outsourcing\nanagram (surgery) of O (ordinary) and NHS GROIN"} {"Clue":"One reportedly peddling German ale laced with potassium (5)","Answer":"BIKER","Explanation":"Definition: One reportedly peddling\nBIER (ale, in German) contains (laced with) K (potassium) \u2013 one pedalling a bicycle"} {"Clue":"It transports gold to America, billions on board (7)","Answer":"AUTOBUS","Explanation":"Definition: It transports\nAU (gold) TO US (America) contains (with\u2026on board) B (billions)"} {"Clue":"Move gradually along narrow parapet, crumbling at the front (4)","Answer":"EDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Move gradually along\nLEDGE (narrow parapet) missing the first letter (crumbling at the front)"} {"Clue":"Launder cash won for 100 (4)","Answer":"WASH","Explanation":"Definition: Launder\ncASH with W (won) replacing C (100)"} {"Clue":"Special rubber ring's new English hydrocarbon (7)","Answer":"STYRENE","Explanation":"Definition: hydrocarbon\nS (special) TYRE (rubber ring) has N (new) E (English)"} {"Clue":"A beach structure, Buddhist temple gets swamped by wave (10)","Answer":"BREAKWATER","Explanation":"Definition: A beach structure\nWAT (Buddhist temple) inside (gets swamped by) BREAKER (wave)"} {"Clue":"I visited the Strand; it blew me away (4,5)","Answer":"SAND YACHT","Explanation":"Definition: I visited the Strand; it blew me away\ncryptic definition?"} {"Clue":"Cliff's here, social networking (9)","Answer":"COASTLINE","Explanation":"Definition: Cliff's here\nanagram (working) of SOCIAL NET \u2013 sneaky!"} {"Clue":"Assegai regularly chucked in the ocean (3)","Answer":"SEA","Explanation":"Definition: the ocean\nevery other letter (some letters regularly chucked out) of aSsEgAi"} {"Clue":"Called in nerd Ancelotti to retain possession of the ball (6,5)","Answer":"DINNER DANCE","Explanation":"Definition: the ball\nfound inside (to retain possession of) calleD IN NERD ANCElotti"} {"Clue":"Excessive rise in Turkish currency left high rollers getting washed up here (8)","Answer":"LITTORAL","Explanation":"Definition: high rollers getting washed up here\nOTT (excessive) reversed (rise) in LIRA (Turkish currency) then L (left) \u2013 the shoreline"} {"Clue":"Bikini, for example, will go down very badly on location! (4,4)","Answer":"BOMB SITE","Explanation":"Definition: Bikini, for example\nBOMB (go down very badly) on SITE (location) \u2013 Bikini Atoll, site of atomic bomb tests"} {"Clue":"On which Queen's speech might be gaga? (5)","Answer":"RADIO","Explanation":"Definition: On which Queen's speech might be\n*All we hear is radio gaga, radio goo goo*\u2026 \u2013 song by Queen"} {"Clue":"Intros to heavy metal, fashionable at the start of the 70s (4-3)","Answer":"LEAD-INS","Explanation":"Definition: Intros\nLEAD (heavy metal) IN (fashionable) with Seventies (starting letter of). A pedant might say the clue indicates the start of The seventies."} {"Clue":"Beach hotel squeezed in accommodation for one (7)","Answer":"SHINGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Beach\nH (hotel) inside (squeezed into) SINGLE (accommodation for one)"} {"Clue":"Subtly nudge guy to acquire British sports car (4,5)","Answer":"DUNE BUGGY","Explanation":"Definition: sports car\nanagram (subtly) of NUDGE GUY contains (to acquire) B (British)"} {"Clue":"A hazard to swimmers in Skopje? Tsk! Infuriating! (3-3)","Answer":"JET SKI","Explanation":"Definition: A hazard to swimmers\nfound inside skpkJE TSK Infuriating"} {"Clue":"Sally Ann issues this\u00a0bloodcurdling scream (3,3)","Answer":"WAR CRY","Explanation":"Definition: Sally Ann issues this\ndouble definition \u2013 the War Cry is the magazine of the Salvation Army (Sally Ann)"} {"Clue":"(Well qualified teacher concealing criminal conspiracy) (9)","Answer":"BRACKETED","Explanation":"Definition: (\nBED (Bachelor of Education, well qualified teacher) contains RACKETD (criminal conspiracy) \u2013 definition is the containing brackets"} {"Clue":"Record of Summer Holiday by Sandie Shaw broadcast; that'll show The White Stripes! (5,3)","Answer":"BEACH TAN","Explanation":"Definition: that'll show The White Stripes\nsounds like (broadcast) a record of a holiday by a sandy shore"} {"Clue":"No tears tenancy agreement? (4-4)","Answer":"RENT-FREE","Explanation":"Definition: No tears tenancy agreement\ndouble\/cryptic definition \u2013 a rent is a rip"} {"Clue":"Sackcloth in ashes? That's wrong (7)","Answer":"HESSIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Sackcloth\nanagram (that's wrong) of IN ASHES"} {"Clue":"Because religious education's free from pretence (7)","Answer":"SINCERE","Explanation":"Definition: free from pretence\nSINCE (because) RE (religious education)"} {"Clue":"A coach fitted with air conditioning and a computer (6)","Answer":"ABACUS","Explanation":"Definition: a computer\nA BUS (coach) contains (fitted with) AC (air conditioning)"} {"Clue":"Dave turned up in North American state (6)","Answer":"NEVADA","Explanation":"Definition: state\nDAVE reversed (turned up) in NA (North American)"} {"Clue":"Yankee, consumed with dread, zigzagged at sea (5)","Answer":"YAWED","Explanation":"Definition: zigzagged at sea\nY (Yankee, phonetic alphabet) and AWED (consumed with dread)"} {"Clue":"Very bright having old Peruvian origin (12)","Answer":"INCANDESCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Very bright\nINCAN DESCENT (having old Peruvian origin)"} {"Clue":"Does it fascinate\u00a0shipyard worker? (7)","Answer":"RIVETER","Explanation":"Definition: Does it fascinate\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Plant\u00a0rot (7)","Answer":"RHUBARB","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Mercenary is flesh-wounded (7)","Answer":"SELFISH","Explanation":"Definition: Mercenary\nanagram (wounded) of IS FLESH"} {"Clue":"Show on TV female with fine prospects (3,4)","Answer":"SET FAIR","Explanation":"Definition: with fine prospects\nAIR (show) following (on) SET (TV) F (female)"} {"Clue":"Woman from India with Frenchman (5)","Answer":"IRENE","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\nI (India, phonetic alphabet) with RENE"} {"Clue":"At the farm produced second crop (9)","Answer":"AFTERMATH","Explanation":"Definition: second crop\nanagram (produced) of AT THE FARM"} {"Clue":"Empty morphine into liquid storage tank (9)","Answer":"GASOMETER","Explanation":"Definition: tank\nMorphinE (empty, no middle letters) in anagram (liquid) of STORAGE"} {"Clue":"Accountant keeps extravagant tunic for priest (5)","Answer":"COTTA","Explanation":"Definition: tunic for priest\nCA (chartered accountant) contains OTT (extravagant)"} {"Clue":"Irish clan on about scam with gold (7)","Answer":"O\u2019CONNOR","Explanation":"Definition: Irish clan\nON contains (about) CON (scam) then OR (gold)"} {"Clue":"One observing written verses occasionally (7)","Answer":"WITNESS","Explanation":"Definition: One observing\nevery other letter (occasionally) of WrItTeN vErSeS"} {"Clue":"Political party in nude dancing that's subtle (7)","Answer":"NUANCED","Explanation":"Definition: subtle\nANC (African National Congress, political party) in anagram (dancing) of NUDE"} {"Clue":"Men arriving in time to fool one in theory (1,6)","Answer":"A PRIORI","Explanation":"Definition: in theory\nOR (other ranks, men) in APR I (April 1st, time to fool) and I (one)"} {"Clue":"These workers' benders are something special! (3,4,5)","Answer":"THE BEE\u2019S KNEES","Explanation":"Definition: something special\nknees are bender, bees are workers"} {"Clue":"Mean at home, see love suffering (7)","Answer":"INVOLVE","Explanation":"Definition: Mean\nIN (at home) V (vide, see) then anagram (suffering) of LOVE"} {"Clue":"Feline unable to admire last of autumn leaves (3-4)","Answer":"CAT-LIKE","Explanation":"Definition: Feline\nCAn'T LIKE (unable to admire) missing autumN (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Direction in which earth's not spinning (9)","Answer":"NORTHEAST","Explanation":"Definition: Direction\nanagram (spinning) of EARTH'S NOT"} {"Clue":"Makes rounded vases reportedly (5)","Answer":"EARNS","Explanation":"Definition: Makes\nsounds like (reportedly) \"urns\" (rounded vases)"} {"Clue":"Last standing officer corrals large group (7)","Answer":"CLUSTER","Explanation":"Definition: group\nCUSTER (last standing officer, General Custer) contains (corrals) L (large)"} {"Clue":"Falls back once more having run ahead to start with (7)","Answer":"NIAGARA","Explanation":"Definition: Falls\nAGAIN (once more) reversed (back) then R (run) and Ahead (first letter, to start with)"} {"Clue":"Wearing less than smart apparel invites criticism (8,4)","Answer":"DRESSING DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Wearing less than smart apparel\ndouble definition \u2013 you could possibly add \"invites\" to the LH definition as a dress code invitation"} {"Clue":"Fashionable bit with dusty hair and skin (8,4)","Answer":"BIRTHDAY SUIT","Explanation":"Definition: skin\nanagram (fashionable) of BIT with DUSTY HAIR"} {"Clue":"Perplex with support for primitive type (9)","Answer":"THROWBACK","Explanation":"Definition: primitive type\nTHROW (perplex) and BACK (support)"} {"Clue":"Bear cat in bag hunter's opening (7)","Answer":"STOMACH","Explanation":"Definition: Bear\nTOM (cat) in SAC (bag) then Hunter (opening letter of)"} {"Clue":"Skirt around black taxi (7)","Answer":"MINICAB","Explanation":"Definition: taxi\nMINI (skirt) CA (circa, around) then B (black)"} {"Clue":"Circle lake bed first (7)","Answer":"COTERIE","Explanation":"Definition: Circle\nERIE (lake is North America) follows (with\u2026first) COT (bed)"} {"Clue":"Bad storm carrying on causes shakes (7)","Answer":"TREMORS","Explanation":"Definition: shakes\nanagram (bad) of STORM contains (carrying) RE (regarding, on)"} {"Clue":"Trip across grand escarpment (5)","Answer":"RIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: escarpment\nRIDE (trip) contains (across) G (grand)"} {"Clue":"Look to restrict left back, awkward to deal with (7)","Answer":"STROPPY","Explanation":"Definition: awkward to deal with\nSPY (look) contains (to restrict) PORT (left) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"The Scots restrain one diving into pool (5)","Answer":"POIND","Explanation":"Definition: he Scots restrain\nI (one) inside (diving into) POND (pool)"} {"Clue":"Some old-time vehicles no longer go (4)","Answer":"MEVE","Explanation":"Definition: no longer go\nfound inside old-tiME VEhicles"} {"Clue":"After noon the French walk in arid region (6)","Answer":"MALLEE","Explanation":"Definition: arid region\nM (meridian, noon) then ALLEE ( a walk or path, in French)"} {"Clue":"Lassie's prim, turning pinker about first of jokes (7)","Answer":"PREJINK","Explanation":"Definition: Lassie's prim\nanagram (turning) of PINKER contains (about) Jokes (first letter of) \u2013 Lassie indicates as spoken by a Scots lass"} {"Clue":"Foreman on board, I was not AB? Possibly (9)","Answer":"BOATSWAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Foreman on board\nanagram (possibly) of WAS NOT AB"} {"Clue":"Drains baths needing a going-over (4)","Answer":"SAPS","Explanation":"Definition: Drains\nSPAS (baths) reversed (needing a going over)"} {"Clue":"Romance's beginning to go off? Make up roughly (6)","Answer":"RADDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Make up roughly\nRomance (begging of, first letter) then ADDLE (go off)"} {"Clue":"Sole: slice of Iemon where it's cooked maybe cheers (6)","Answer":"PLANTA","Explanation":"Definition: Sole\nLemon (slice of, first letter) in PAN (where it is cooked maybe) then TA (cheers)"} {"Clue":"Cats getting Ieft out in Irish festival (4)","Answer":"FEIS","Explanation":"Definition: Irish festival\nFELIS (the cat genus) missing L (left)"} {"Clue":"Poet's supremely happy: amid high tension he's glib, excited (9)","Answer":"HIGH-BLEST","Explanation":"Definition: Poet's supremely happy\nHT (high tension) contains (amid HT is \u2026) anagram (excited) of HE'S GLIB \u2013 the poet is Milton"} {"Clue":"Leg breaks keep a tight hold \u2013 tampering with nature? (7)","Answer":"CLONING","Explanation":"Definition: tampering with nature\nON (leg, in cricket) inside (breaks) CLING (keep a tight hold)"} {"Clue":"Purple rags \u2013 return for recycling (6)","Answer":"REPULP","Explanation":"Definition: return for recycling\nanagram (rags) of PURPLE"} {"Clue":"A river, not English, dark blue (4)","Answer":"ANIL","Explanation":"Definition: dark bl\nA NILe (river) missing E (English)"} {"Clue":"Source of flowery essence, form of ling one lizard's hidden in (10)","Answer":"ILANG-ILANG","Explanation":"Definition: Source of flowery essence\nanagram (form) of LING and A (one) contains (with\u2026hidden in) GILA (lizard)"} {"Clue":"Noted Marxist, divine spirit for secret police (5)","Answer":"CHEKA","Explanation":"Definition: secret police\nCHE (Che Guevara, noted Marxist) then KA (devine spirit)"} {"Clue":"Techno giant admitting very little backing I ignored for radio tuning (7)","Answer":"SYNTONY","Explanation":"Definition: radio tuning\nSONY (Techno giant) contains (admitting) TiNY (very little) missing (ignored) I"} {"Clue":"Diarist very informally suggests this porridge? (4)","Answer":"SAMP","Explanation":"Definition: porridge\nSAM P (Samuel Pepys, very informally)"} {"Clue":"Article blended material, not a lightweight builder's stuff (10)","Answer":"THERMALITE","Explanation":"Definition: lightweight builder's stuff\nTHE (definite article) than anagram (blended) of MaTERIAL missing A"} {"Clue":"Old boy got up, interrupted by a very rowdy party (6)","Answer":"RAVE-UP","Explanation":"Definition: rowdy party\nPUER (boy in latin, old=obsolete?) reversed (got up) contains (interrupted by) A V (very)"} {"Clue":"Something to wrap bones? Take one, very large, fed to dog maybe (7)","Answer":"PERIOST","Explanation":"Definition: Something to wrap bones\nR (recipe, take) I (one) OS (out-size, very large) inside (fed to) PET (dog maybe)"} {"Clue":"Where to find piggy-wig's ring? It's cracked by Lear \u2013 snap! (8)","Answer":"PRENASAL","Explanation":"Definition: Where to find piggy-wig's ring\nanagram (cracked) of LEAR SNAP"} {"Clue":"Fruit: it's devoured by someone on being cut (5)","Answer":"PEARS","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nA (it) inside (devoured by) PERSon missing (being cut) ON"} {"Clue":"Smarmy, jovially but regularly self-effacing (4)","Answer":"OILY","Explanation":"Definition: Smarmy\njOvIaLlY every other missing (regularly self-effacing)"} {"Clue":"Wink to the Bard, difficult, l notice (6)","Answer":"ILLIAD","Explanation":"Definition: Wink to the Bard\nILL (difficult) I AD (advertisement, notice) \u2013 the Bard is Shakespeare"} {"Clue":"Not being shallow, nep seeds'll get scattered (8)","Answer":"DEEPNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Not being shallow\nanagram (get scattered) of NEP SEEDS"} {"Clue":"Warm surface water (10)","Answer":"EPILIMNION","Explanation":"Definition: Warm surface water\nthe competition clue"} {"Clue":"Like cricket ball needing replacement, half circle shape distorted (8)","Answer":"ASPHERICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Like cricket ball needing replacement\nanagram (distorted) of CIRcle (half of) and SHAPE"} {"Clue":"One that doesn't even get a third in finals or anything (7)","Answer":"ALSO-RAN","Explanation":"Definition: One that doesn't even get a third\nfound inside finALS OR ANything"} {"Clue":"Models of early Christian donations? One's seen in silver copy (6)","Answer":"AGAPAE","Explanation":"Definition: Models of early Christian donations\nA (one) inside AG (silver) APE (copy)"} {"Clue":"Candied root (old-style) \u2013 I'll include most of peel (6)","Answer":"ERINGO","Explanation":"Definition: Candied root (old-style)\nEGO (I) inside (will include) RINd (peel, most of)"} {"Clue":"Bit of cash once pocketed by Abel Ganz (5)","Answer":"BELGA","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of cash once\nfound inside (pocketed by) aBEL GAnz"} {"Clue":"Fool crept furtively, hiding head (4)","Answer":"LUNK","Explanation":"Definition: Fool\nsLUNK (crept furtively) missing first letter (hiding head)"} {"Clue":"Good land not being worked for sticky clay (4)","Answer":"GLEY","Explanation":"Definition: sticky clay\nG (good) LEY (land not being worked)"} {"Clue":"Guys in a band who produced something mildly erotic? (10,4)","Answer":"STRIPTEASE SHOW","Explanation":"Definition: something mildly erotic\nTEASES (guys) in STRIP (a band) and anagram (produced) of WHO"} {"Clue":"One that's taken brief holiday, standing in for unknown criminal (10)","Answer":"LAWBREAKER","Explanation":"Definition: criminal\nLAWyER (one that has taken a brief) with BREAK (brief holiday) replacing Y (unknown, maths)"} {"Clue":"Regular flyer knocks back large drink (2,2)","Answer":"EL AL","Explanation":"Definition: Regular flyer\nL (large) ALE (drink) reversed (knocks back) \u2013 Israeli airline"} {"Clue":"Poor decision leads to exacerbated dispute emulating Bounty mutiny (12)","Answer":"DISOBEDIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: mutiny\nanagram (poor) of DECISION and first letters (leads) of Exacerbated Dispute Emulating Bounty"} {"Clue":"Being prepared to eat in a field, putting away starter and seconds (9)","Answer":"READINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Being prepared\nDINE (to eat) in aREA (field) missing first letter (putting away starter) then S S (second, two of)"} {"Clue":"Person in charge of game, essentially referee between two sides (5)","Answer":"RULER","Explanation":"Definition: Person in charge\nRU (Rugby Union, a game) then refEree (essentially, middle letter) inside R and L (two sides)"} {"Clue":"Recipe in hand? Note cocktail ingredient (5)","Answer":"PRAWN","Explanation":"Definition: cocktail ingredient\nR (recipe) in PAW (hand) then N (note) \u2013 ingredient of a prawn cocktail"} {"Clue":"State in \"wrong\" sort of Europe, not EU country (9)","Answer":"SINGAPORE","Explanation":"Definition: country\nGA (Georgia, state) in SIN (wrong) and anagram (sort) of euROPE missing EU"} {"Clue":"Given motivation by mobile devices, innit? (12)","Answer":"INCENTIVISED","Explanation":"Definition: Given motivation\nanagram (mobile) of DEVICES INNIT"} {"Clue":"Model No.1 too pretty, perhaps (4)","Answer":"TWEE","Explanation":"Definition: too pretty, perhaps\nT (the Model T Ford) then WEE (No. 1 \u2013 No 1 and No 2 are wee and poo)"} {"Clue":"Endless denial about injecting of kidney hormone (10)","Answer":"ADRENALINE","Explanation":"Definition: hormone\nanagram (about) of DENIAl (endless, no final letter) contains (injecting) RENAL (of kidney)"} {"Clue":"Behind new message about breaking into separate 17th century house after purge (4,10)","Answer":"RUMP PARLIAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: 17th century house after purge\nRUMP (behind) then N (new) EMAIL (message) reversed (about) inside (breaking into) PART (separate) \u2013 see The Rump Parliament"} {"Clue":"Error spoilt Poe translation? In the US, the concern is mine alone (4,10)","Answer":"SOLE PROPRIETOR","Explanation":"Definition: In the US, the concern is mine alone\nanagram (translation) of ERROR SPOILT POE"} {"Clue":"Disputes setting of 1 across 6 and 26 27 (4)","Answer":"ROWS","Explanation":"Definition: Disputes\nI'm not sure about this. The entries listed are both across entries in rows, but this seems a bit vague as half of the solutions across entries too"} {"Clue":"Dividing up in two, distressed after wife leaves one during split (12)","Answer":"PARTITIONING","Explanation":"Definition: Dividing up\nanagram (distressed) of IN TwO missing W (wife) and I (one) inside PARTING (split)"} {"Clue":"For topless tea dances, it must be Muse (5)","Answer":"ERATO","Explanation":"Definition: Muse\nanagram (topless) of fOR (topless) and TEA"} {"Clue":"Writer of Rocket Man, we hear (9)","Answer":"STEVENSON","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\nsounds like (we hear) Stephenson (George Stephenson, inventor of The Rocket locomotive) \u2013 Robert Louis Stevenson"} {"Clue":"Hold up Leonard briefly, or a younger relative? (4,6)","Answer":"HALF NELSON","Explanation":"Definition: Hold\n~~not sure about this \u2013 possibly~~ HALF NELSON is either NEL which is LEN (Leonard, briefly) up (reversed) or SON (younger relative) ~~I don't know if this is right or what a younger relative has to do with it. The SON of HALF NEL?~~ \u2013\u00a0*thanks to Hovis for straightening out the SON bit"} {"Clue":"Wanderer set off to take in the Spanish League, as reward for hard work (4-6,4)","Answer":"WELL-EARNED REST","Explanation":"Definition: reward for hard wor\nanagram (off) of WANDERER SET contains (to take in) EL (the, Spanish) and L (league)"} {"Clue":"Venus oddly is back fully in range (6,6)","Answer":"SIERRA NEVADA","Explanation":"Definition: range\nVeNuS (oddly) reversed is S NV which is SIERRA (S, phonetic alphabet) and NV (state of US)"} {"Clue":"Something very amusing about a young male dressing (5,5)","Answer":"SALAD CREAM","Explanation":"Definition: dressing\nSCREAM (something very amusing) contains (about) A LAD (young male)"} {"Clue":"Varied Asian diet here? (4,5)","Answer":"EAST INDIA","Explanation":"Definition: here\nanagram (varied) of ASIAN DIET"} {"Clue":"Best thought left (5)","Answer":"IDEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Best\nIDEA (thought) L (left)"} {"Clue":"Sentence from a biography (4)","Answer":"LIFE","Explanation":"Definition: Sentence\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"All over the place, miss catching ball that's gone up (6)","Answer":"GLOBAL","Explanation":"Definition: All over the place\nGAL (miss) contains (catching) LOB (ball that's gone up, in the air)"} {"Clue":"Fast pace cut, time cut back (6)","Answer":"GALLOP","Explanation":"Definition: Fast pace\nPOLL (cut) AGe (time) shortened (cut) all reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Asians in a queue, say, captivated by bit of a looker (6)","Answer":"IRAQIS","Explanation":"Definition: Asians\nA Q (sounds like, say, queue) inside (captivated by) IRIS (part of the eye, a bit of a looker)"} {"Clue":"Old couple in the family way rejected, might these take some heat off? (8)","Answer":"COOLANTS","Explanation":"Definition: might these take some heat off?\nO O (old, a couple of) in CLAN (the family) then ST (street, way) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Fairy caught by vampire, pixie in retreat (4)","Answer":"PERI","Explanation":"Definition: Fairy\nfound inside (caught by) vampIRE Pixie reversed (in retreat)"} {"Clue":"Flatulence offensive, put a knot in it! (7,3)","Answer":"WINDSOR TIE","Explanation":"Definition: put a knot in it\nWIND (flatulence) SORTIE (offensive)"} {"Clue":"Kindling after log can catch fire (11)","Answer":"CONFLAGRATE","Explanation":"Definition: catch fire\nanagram (kindling) of AFTER LOG CAN"} {"Clue":"Covering article inoffensive? (10)","Answer":"INSULATING","Explanation":"Definition: Covering\nA (indefinite article) in INSULTING (offensive)"} {"Clue":"Pants one regards where bloomers on display (4,6)","Answer":"ROSE GARDEN","Explanation":"Definition: where bloomers on display\nanagram (pants, rubbish) of ONE REGARDS"} {"Clue":"Wrong part of house noted well enough? (8)","Answer":"SINGABLE","Explanation":"Definition: noted well enough\nSIN (wrong) GABLE (part of house)"} {"Clue":"Caught, famous Smith and Wesson finally turned over (6)","Answer":"NAILED","Explanation":"Definition: Caught\nDELIA (Delia Smith, a famous person) and wessoN (final letter) reversed (turned over)"} {"Clue":"Missile sees helmsman in river shortly reversing (6)","Answer":"EXOCET","Explanation":"Definition: Missile\nCOX (helmsman) inside TEEs (The River Tees) shortened and all reversed"} {"Clue":"Inspector Lynley's first scrap (6)","Answer":"MORSEL","Explanation":"Definition: scrap\nMORSE (Inspector Morse, fictional detective) then Lynley (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Buzzer in tiny temple arguably for announcement? (8)","Answer":"MOSQUITO","Explanation":"Definition: Buzzer\nsounds like (for announcement) \"mosque-ito\" (a tiny temple, arguably) \u2013 cheeky or what! The suffix *-ito* denotes small in Spanish and gets carried over to English in loan words."} {"Clue":"Capital, sharp tool used in action? (6)","Answer":"WARSAW","Explanation":"Definition: Capital\nWAR SAW might be a sharp tool used in a war (in a battle, action)"} {"Clue":"Drunken reveller, driver stopped by officer originally (8)","Answer":"CAROUSER","Explanation":"Definition: Drunken reveller\nCAR USER (driver) contains (stopped by, like a cork) Officer (first letter, originally)"} {"Clue":"Star key, look (6)","Answer":"ALTAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Star\nALT (key, on a computer keyboard) and AIR (look)"} {"Clue":"Common talk a steamy thing on Love Island (6)","Answer":"PATOIS","Explanation":"Definition: Common talk\nPAT (a cow pat perhaps, a steamy thing) on O (love) IS (island)"} {"Clue":"Look at artist's uncovered bed, shocked (11)","Answer":"SCANDALISED","Explanation":"Definition: shocked\nSCAN (look at) DALI'S (artist's) bED (uncovered, no first letter)"} {"Clue":"Farm animal tucking into provender served in a flash? (8)","Answer":"FLAMBEED","Explanation":"Definition: served in a flash\nLAMB (farm animal) inside FEED (provender)"} {"Clue":"Furthest behind, I started to crack up (8)","Answer":"TARDIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Furthest behind\nanagram (to crack up) of I STARTED"} {"Clue":"Prompt perceptible to the audience? (6)","Answer":"INCITE","Explanation":"Definition: Prompt\nsounds like (to the audience) \"in sight\" (perceptible)"} {"Clue":"A heaving of water on top (2,4)","Answer":"AS WELL","Explanation":"Definition: on top\nA SWELL (heaving of water)"} {"Clue":"Encourage operator to doff cap (4,2)","Answer":"URGE ON","Explanation":"Definition: Encourage\nsURGEON (someone who operates) missing first letter (to doff cap)"} {"Clue":"Free horseboxes for animal involved in a blood sport (3,3)","Answer":"GUN DOG","Explanation":"Definition: animal involved in a blood sport\nUNDO (free) inside (boxed by) GG (horse)"} {"Clue":"Promises to enclose key directions for military commanders (8)","Answer":"WARLORDS","Explanation":"Definition: military commanders\nWORDS (promises) contains A (key, of music) and R L (right and left, directions)"} {"Clue":"Result of qualifying match league omitted (3-3)","Answer":"PAY OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Result\nPLAY OFF (qualifying match) missing L (league)"} {"Clue":"Openings for private detectives (4)","Answer":"EYES","Explanation":"Definition: Openings\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Toy manufacturer returns from Big Rock (5)","Answer":"CORGI","Explanation":"Definition: Toy manufacturer\nfound reversed inside bIG ROCk"} {"Clue":"Special man on board meets posh Australian bird (4)","Answer":"SKUA","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nS (special) K (king, man on a chess board) with U (posh) and A (Australian)"} {"Clue":"Yankee players loudly dismissed those who quit (8)","Answer":"YIELDERS","Explanation":"Definition: those who quit\nY (yankee, phonetic alphabet) then fIELDERS (players) missing (dismissed) F (loudly)"} {"Clue":"State report of prostitute with a football team (6)","Answer":"HAWAII","Explanation":"Definition: State\nHAW sounds like (report) of \"whore\" (prostitute) then A and II (11, a football team)"} {"Clue":"Copy Italian author injecting heroin (4)","Answer":"ECHO","Explanation":"Definition: Copy\nECO (Umberto Eco, Italian author) contains (injecting) H (heroin)"} {"Clue":"Charles informally describing Oscar's confused state (5)","Answer":"CHAOS","Explanation":"Definition: confused state\nCHAS (charles, informally) contains (descirbes) O (Oscar, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Still time to leave function (4)","Answer":"EVEN","Explanation":"Definition: Still\nEVENt (function) missing T (time)"} {"Clue":"Silent about American base's educational facility? (6)","Answer":"MUSEUM","Explanation":"Definition: educational facility\nMUM (silent) contains (about) US (American) E (base, of the natural logarithm)"} {"Clue":"Most delicate feminine line established (8)","Answer":"FRAILEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most delicate\nF (feminine) RAIL (line) EST (established)"} {"Clue":"Shoot of tree beginning to emerge (4)","Answer":"FIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Shoot\nFIR (trree) then Emerge (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Room in the centre of web (5)","Answer":"ATTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Room\nthe central letters of LATTICE (web)"} {"Clue":"Illegally supply hard drink from the east (4)","Answer":"PUSH","Explanation":"Definition: Illegally supply\nH (hard) SUP (drink) all reversed (from the east, right to left on a map)"} {"Clue":"United with everyone that is dead (6)","Answer":"ALLIED","Explanation":"Definition: United\nALL (everyone) IE (that is) D (dead)"} {"Clue":"You briefly natter about lawyer (8)","Answer":"ATTORNEY","Explanation":"Definition: lawyer\nanagram (about) of YOu (briefly) and NATTER"} {"Clue":"Secretary and detective conceal your Egyptian manuscripts (6)","Answer":"PAPYRI","Explanation":"Definition: manuscripts\nPA then PI (private investigator, detective) contains (conceals) YR (your)"} {"Clue":"Evils of factories lacking male leadership (4)","Answer":"ILLS","Explanation":"Definition: Evils\nmILLS (factories) missing Male (leadership, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Native Americans go around children's nursery (6)","Answer":"CRECHE","Explanation":"Definition: nursery\nCREE (native americans) contains (go round) CH (children)"} {"Clue":"Regularly test a Republican leader (4)","Answer":"TSAR","Explanation":"Definition: leader\nTeSt (regular selection from) A R (republican)"} {"Clue":"Thugs rip out goalposts? (8)","Answer":"UPRIGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: goalposts\nanagram (out) of THUGS RIP"} {"Clue":"For example run up Swedish rugs (4)","Answer":"RYAS","Explanation":"Definition: Swedish rugs\nSAY (for example) R (run) all reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Gushing notes on safety device protecting Roman square (8)","Answer":"EFFUSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Gushing\nE F (two notes, in music) then FUSE (safety device) contains (protecting) IV (4, a square number, in Roman numerals)"} {"Clue":"Wobbly toilet seat's half missing (5)","Answer":"LOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Wobbly\nLOO (toilet) then SEat (half missing)"} {"Clue":"Tough academy for independent teachers? (5)","Answer":"STAFF","Explanation":"Definition: teachers\nSTiFF (tough) with A (academy) repacing I (indelendent)"} {"Clue":"I'm enjoying this opening to Lindisfarne's disc (5)","Answer":"WHEEL","Explanation":"Definition: disc\nWHEE (I'm enjoying this!) then Lindesfarne (ppening letter of)"} {"Clue":"Crib clue compiled for melting pot (8)","Answer":"CRUCIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: melting pot\nanagram (compiled) of CRIB CLUE"} {"Clue":"Order nothing for soldier (8)","Answer":"COMMANDO","Explanation":"Definition: soldier\nCOMMAND (order) O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Novelist residing in rural cottage (6)","Answer":"ALCOTT","Explanation":"Definition: Novelist\nfound inside rurAL COTT \u2013 Louisa May Alcott, author of *Little Women"} {"Clue":"Process top and bottom of strawberry stalk (6)","Answer":"SYSTEM","Explanation":"Definition: Process\nStrawberrY (top and bottom letter of) on STEM (stalk)"} {"Clue":"Be up for depravity (4)","Answer":"EVIL","Explanation":"Definition: depravity\nLIVE (be) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Henry in game of marbles with actor (4)","Answer":"THAW","Explanation":"Definition: actor\nH (Henry) inside TAW (game of marbles) \u2013 John Thaw, actor"} {"Clue":"Minute passage of stream we hear (4)","Answer":"PORE","Explanation":"Definition: Minute passage\nsounds like (we hear) \"pour\" (stream)"} {"Clue":"Bosnian-Serb hitman ably adapted to take over role opposite 8 (9,3)","Answer":"PRINCIPAL BOY","Explanation":"Definition: role opposite 8\nPRINCIP (Gvrilo Princip, the Bosnian-Serb who assassinated Arch-Duke Ferdinand) then anagram (adapted) of ALBY containing (to take) O (over) \u2013 the leading character in the panto, usually a boy played by a woman"} {"Clue":"Male baddie, one getting stripped for some fun with The Widow Twankey? (7)","Answer":"ALADDIN","Explanation":"Definition: some fun with The Widow Twankey\nmALe bADDIe oNe missing outside letters (getting stripped) \u2013 Widow Twankey is a character in the pantomime Aladdin"} {"Clue":"Run with a dribble to bamboozle the French (7)","Answer":"TRICKLE","Explanation":"Definition: Run with a dribble\nTRICK (bamboozle) LE (the, in French)"} {"Clue":"Name model sporting hat (5)","Answer":"TITLE","Explanation":"Definition: Name\nT (model T Ford) inside (sporting, wearing) TILE (a hat)"} {"Clue":"English golfer with established club (8)","Answer":"WESTWOOD","Explanation":"Definition: English golfer\nW (with) EST (established) WOOD (club) \u2013 Lee Westwood"} {"Clue":"60ish, I'm about to see United relegated from league in 3D (6-4)","Answer":"MIDDLE-AGED","Explanation":"Definition: 60ish\nI'M reversed (about) then LEAGuE missing (with\u2026relegated from) U (United) in DDD (3D) \u2013 I remember when 60ish used to be considered old."} {"Clue":"Animal-loving doctor, victim of murder in US, endlessly left 12 upset (4,8)","Answer":"JOHN DOLITTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Animal-loving docto\nJOHN DOe (anonymous murder victim in US, endlessly) L (left) then anagram (upset) of TITLE (12 across) \u2013 Dr John Dolittle who spoke to the animals"} {"Clue":"Shift miles left \u2013 not right! (4)","Answer":"MOVE","Explanation":"Definition: Shift\nM (miles) then OVEr (left) missing R (right)"} {"Clue":"Scrumpy flagon finally gulped, Ms Fitzgerald's due off stage by midnight (10)","Answer":"CINDERELLA","Explanation":"Definition: due off stage by midnight\nCIDER (scrumpy) contains (having gulped\u2026) flagoN (final letter) then ELLA (Ella Fitzgerald) \u2013 a pantomime, the \"stage\" in this case is a pumpkin stagecoach"} {"Clue":"Yours truly in bed. A heavenly sight (5)","Answer":"COMET","Explanation":"Definition: A heavenly sight\nME (yours truly) in COT (bed)"} {"Clue":"Source of ready cash guarded by stingy butcher (7)","Answer":"MEATMAN","Explanation":"Definition: butcher\nATM (source of ready cash) inside (guarded by) MEAN (stingy)"} {"Clue":"Armour plate, 50% iron lining, copper bottom (7)","Answer":"CUIRASS","Explanation":"Definition: Armour plate\nIRon (50% of) inside (lining) CU (copper) ASS (bottom)"} {"Clue":"Angry Nimrod moans about wife seeing a funny little bloke in a flat cap (6,6)","Answer":"NORMAN WISDOM","Explanation":"Definition: a funny little bloke in a flat cap\nanagram (angry) of NIMROD MOANS contains (about) W (wife) \u2013 British Comedian. In 1964 a record 18.5 million people watched his BBC pantomime Robinson Crusoe."} {"Clue":"Steak, for the most part, way over cooked (7)","Answer":"ROASTED","Explanation":"Definition: cooked\nSTEak (over half the letters, for the most part) inside (with\u2026over) ROAD (way)"} {"Clue":"Bushranger reporting rogue elephant running round Eastern Denmark (3,5)","Answer":"NED KELLY","Explanation":"Definition: Bushranger\nNELLY (rogue elephant, in song) contains (running around) E (Eastern) and DK (Denmark)"} {"Clue":"Holy Island regularly ignored His own law (4)","Answer":"IONA","Explanation":"Definition: Holy Island\nevery other leter (regularly ignored) of hIs OwN lAw"} {"Clue":"Prepared tea tray he'd ordered (2,3,5)","Answer":"AT THE READY","Explanation":"Definition: Prepared\nanagram (ordered) of TEW TRAY HE'D"} {"Clue":"Created German tabloid podcast (5)","Answer":"BUILT","Explanation":"Definition: Created\nsounds like (as heard in a podcast) \"Bild\" (German tabloid newspaper, pronounced *bilt*)"} {"Clue":"Artist loved by 16, unknown, niche, upwardly mobile, bespectacled (4,3)","Answer":"YOKO ONO","Explanation":"Definition: Artist loved by 16\nY (unknown, in equations) then NOOK (niche) reversed (upwardly mobile) inside OO (bespectacled, appears to be wearing a pair of glasses) \u2013 loved by JOHN Lennon"} {"Clue":"Visiting Japan, Tom? I'm Ed, a method actor specialising in drag . . . . (9,4)","Answer":"PANTOMIME DAME","Explanation":"Definition: actor specialising in drag\nfound inside (visiting) jaPAN TOM I'M A MEthod \u2013 the main female comic character, played by a man"} {"Clue":". . . . playing in drag titles; a major star (7,6)","Answer":"LEADING ARTIST","Explanation":"Definition: major star\nanagram (playing) of IN DRAG TITLES A"} {"Clue":"New Amazon rival knocking out five for a tenner as advertised on the radio (5,5)","Answer":"MARIO LANZA","Explanation":"Definition: a tenner as advertised on the radio\nanagram (new) of AMAZON RIvAL missing (knocking out) V (five) \u2013 a famous tenor. This is a cryptic definition: \"tenor\" sounds like (as advertised on the radio) \"tenner\""} {"Clue":"Builders tea accompaniments? About right (8)","Answer":"BRICKIES","Explanation":"Definition: Builders\nBICKIES (biscuits, tea accompaniments) contain (about) R (right)"} {"Clue":"Birmingham team at home one behind, getting the crowd screaming? (7)","Answer":"VILLAIN","Explanation":"Definition: one behind, getting the crowd screaming\nVILLA (Aston Villa, a Birmingham football team) and IN (at home) \u2013 traditionally in pantomime the audience scream \"he's behind you\" warning the hero of the villain's presence behind him\/her"} {"Clue":"Business graduate stuck in Galician city \u2013 what a pain! (7)","Answer":"LUMBAGO","Explanation":"Definition: a pain\nMBA (business graduate) inside LUGO (city in Galicia, Spain)"} {"Clue":"Fiddle, without piano, becoming more mellow (5)","Answer":"TAMER","Explanation":"Definition: more mellow\nTAMpER (fiddle) missing P (piano)"} {"Clue":"Lighter, small Jersey perhaps (4)","Answer":"SCOW","Explanation":"Definition: Lighter\nS (small) COW (Jersey perhaps) \u2013 a boat"} {"Clue":"To get moving, cart's given a shake in it (9)","Answer":"KICKSTART","Explanation":"Definition: To get moving\nentry ICSTART omit letter K \u2013 anagram (given a shake) of CART in IT"} {"Clue":"Work late shifts, extra hour put in? Not him! (12)","Answer":"CLOCKWATCHER","Explanation":"Definition: Not him!\nentry LOKWATHER omit letter C \u2013 anagram (shifts) of WORK LATE containing (put in) H (hour, extra to the main anagram fodder)"} {"Clue":"Former affliction of cows perhaps lost award (6)","Answer":"GARGET","Explanation":"Definition: Former affliction of cows perhaps\nentry ARET omit letter G \u2013 double definition GARGET (animal disease) and ARET (award) both words now archaic or obsolete"} {"Clue":"Pass self-rule to Irishman, with cost (8)","Answer":"PATRIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Pass self-rule to\nentry PATRATE omit letter I \u2013 PAT (Irishman) and RATE (cost)"} {"Clue":"Group of soldiers I catch behind bed (10)","Answer":"CONTINGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Group of soldiers\nentry COTIGET omit letter N \u2013 I GET (catch) following (behind) COT (bed)"} {"Clue":"Flowering shrub's name in label I affix (6)","Answer":"ABELIA","Explanation":"Definition: Flowering shrub's name\nPlayfair encoded entry HNMFND \u2013 found inside lABEL I Affix"} {"Clue":"Bogged down, is trapped \u2013 failed in one's aim (8)","Answer":"MISFIRED","Explanation":"Definition: failed in one's aim\nentry MISIRED omit letter F \u2013 MIRED (bogged down) containing (trapping) IS"} {"Clue":"Lacking Latin, A1 Latin class struggles making connections (13)","Answer":"ASSOCIATIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: making connections\nentry ASSCIATINAL omit letter O \u2013 anagram (struggles) of AI LATIN CLASS missing one L (Latin)"} {"Clue":"Line got scrambled booking NY desk (8)","Answer":"HOTELING","Explanation":"Definition: booking NY desk\nentry OTELING omit letter H \u2013 anagram (scrambled) of LINE GOT"} {"Clue":"Fish round river verge (6)","Answer":"TRENCH","Explanation":"Definition: verge\nPlayfair encoded entry DPQSLA -TENCH (fish) contains (round) R (river)"} {"Clue":"Terrestrial bear (old) nursing terrible harm (8)","Answer":"EARTHMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Terrestrial\nentry EARHMAN omit letter H \u2013 EAN (bear, old=Shakespearean) contains (nursing) anagram (terrible) of HARM"} {"Clue":"Company row brought to an end by Director (5)","Answer":"BOARD","Explanation":"Definition: Company\nentry OARD omit letter B \u2013 OAR (row) followed by (brought to an end by) D (director). I can't find support for *board* meaning *company* in Chambers or OED: a company is governed by a board. Have I missed something?"} {"Clue":"What fossickers do, remain changing situation? (10)","Answer":"MINERALISE","Explanation":"Definition: What fossickers do\nentry MINERALIE omit letter S \u2013 anagram (changing) of REMAIN then LIE. On its own the clue might lead to either mineralise or mineralize but S is the letter needed for the Playfair codeword."} {"Clue":"Rear moving forward sat composed (6)","Answer":"SEDATE","Explanation":"Definition: composed\nPlayfair encoded entry GUGDGP \u2013 SEATED (sat) with D (the rear, last letter) moved forward in the word"} {"Clue":"Sand troubled cattle regularly having fused digits (9)","Answer":"SYNDACTYL","Explanation":"Definition: having fused digits\nentry SNDACTL omit letter Y \u2013 anagram (troubled) of SAND then cAtTlE (regularly, every other letter)"} {"Clue":"Duck in cereal consumed with capital adornment (8)","Answer":"CORONATE","Explanation":"Definition: with capital adornment\nO (duck) in CORN (cereal) then ATE (consumed)"} {"Clue":"Husband admitted to coterie once close (4)","Answer":"SHET","Explanation":"Definition: once close\nH (husband) in SET (coterie)"} {"Clue":"Little bird is avoiding sun in US shrub (4)","Answer":"TITI","Explanation":"Definition: US shrub\nTIT (little bird) then IS missing S (sun)"} {"Clue":"A party with free eats? Put on new dress (5)","Answer":"ALIGN","Explanation":"Definition: dress\nA LIG (party with free eats) on N (new)"} {"Clue":"Made progress facing to rear? Sounds like one of the ways (5)","Answer":"ROWED","Explanation":"Definition: Made progress facing to rear?\nsounds like \"road\" (one of the ways) \u2013 when rowing an oarsman faces the rear of the boat"} {"Clue":"Vessels for liquids or oils (4)","Answer":"FATS","Explanation":"Definition: Vessels for liquids\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Stock\u00a0put through sieve (6)","Answer":"STRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Stock\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"King borne in coach, symbol representing the sun (6)","Answer":"CHAKRA","Explanation":"Definition: symbol representing the sun\nK (king) inside (borne in) CHARA (coach)"} {"Clue":"Odd extracts from Zachariah dour imam scribbled in prayer-books (9)","Answer":"MACHZORIM","Explanation":"Definition: prayer-books\nanagram (scribbled) of the odd letters of ZaChArIaH dOuR and iMaM"} {"Clue":"Thickets in the Broads? Deer wandering in margins (9)","Answer":"REED-RANDS","Explanation":"Definition: Thickets in the Broads\nanagram (wandering) of DEER in RANDS (margins) \u2013 The Broads is a wetland area of East Anglia"} {"Clue":"Wine cupboard: example of its contents including the Spanish (8)","Answer":"CELLARET","Explanation":"Definition: Wine cupboard\nCLARET (example of the contents of a wine cupboard) contains EL (the, Spanish)"} {"Clue":"Periodical supplying gossip (3)","Answer":"MAG","Explanation":"Definition: Periodical\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Boatswain performed shanty maybe, crew's heart lifting inside (6)","Answer":"SERANG","Explanation":"Definition: Boatswain\nSANG (performed shanty maybe) contains (with\u2026inside) cREw (heart of) reversed (lifting)"} {"Clue":"Like many roofs, (items viewed from below I omitted) (6)","Answer":"SLATED","Explanation":"Definition: Like many roofs\nDETAILS (items) reversed (viewed from below) missing (omitted) I"} {"Clue":"Get engrossed in informal discussion about women (6)","Answer":"INWRAP","Explanation":"Definition: Get engrossed\nIN RAP (informal discussion) contains (about) W (women)"} {"Clue":"Noblewoman of high rank embraced by husband at induction (5)","Answer":"DATIN","Explanation":"Definition: Noblewoman of high rank\nfound inside (embraced by) husbanD AT INduction"} {"Clue":"Had a nose of various colours, including a bit of red (5)","Answer":"PRIED","Explanation":"Definition: Had a nose\nPIED (of various colours) contains Red (first letter, a bit of)"} {"Clue":"Food hauled up for walled town historically (4)","Answer":"BURG","Explanation":"Definition: walled town historically\nGRUB (food) reversed (hauled up)"} {"Clue":"Rambling holiday? Hat lost, seek exotic plant (4)","Answer":"HOYA","Explanation":"Definition: exotic plant\nanagram (rambling) of HOlidAY missing HAT. Seek seems odd as a link word. Might *seek* be a misprint for *see*?"} {"Clue":"Polo finishing early? Refuse (4)","Answer":"MARC","Explanation":"Definition: Refuse\nMARCo (Marco Polo, explorer) unfinished"} {"Clue":"Novelist Jonathan takes in black and white book (6)","Answer":"COBWEB","Explanation":"COE (Jonathan Coe, novelist) contains (takes in) B and W (black and white) then B (book) \u2013 a fairy from A Midsummer Night's Dream"} {"Clue":"Lamb, after canapes or dips as starters (8)","Answer":"CORDELIA","Explanation":"ELIA (Charles Lamb) follows first letters (as starters) then C OR D (either C or D) the starting letter of Canapes or Dips \u2013 heroine of King Lear"} {"Clue":"Working inside, additionally (6)","Answer":"ALONSO","Explanation":"ON (working) inside ALSO (additionally) \u2013 The King of Naples in The Tempest"} {"Clue":"Son seen in genteel circle (8)","Answer":"PROSPERO","Explanation":"S (son) inside PROPER (gentleel) then O (a circle) \u2013 the exiled Duke of Milan in The Tempest"} {"Clue":"Tea woman? (4,4)","Answer":"LADY GREY","Explanation":"a modern and milder version of Earl Grey tea \u2013 she becomes queen in Henry IV part 3"} {"Clue":"Socials ruined after first of the lights went out (6)","Answer":"CASSIO","Explanation":"anagram (ruined) of SOCIALS missing (went out) L (first letter of lights) \u2013 character from Othello"} {"Clue":"Even parts of bedrooms (4)","Answer":"EROS","Explanation":"bEdRoOmS (even parts, every other letter of) \u2013 Anthony's servant in Anthony and Cleopatra"} {"Clue":"A first-born, troubled (10)","Answer":"FORTINBRAS","Explanation":"anagram (troubled) of A FIRST BORN \u2013 a minor character in Hamlet"} {"Clue":"Unsocial or distressed (10)","Answer":"CORIOLANUS","Explanation":"anagram (distressed) of UNSOCIAL OR \u2013 a rebellious Roman general in the play of the same name*\n "} {"Clue":"Enthusiast on the spot (4)","Answer":"FANG","Explanation":"FAN (enthusiast) on G (the G-spot) \u2013 a constable in Henry IV part 2"} {"Clue":"Some actors in Othello (6)","Answer":"ORSINO","Explanation":"found inside (some of) acOS IN Othello \u2013 the lovestruck count from Twelfth Night: *\"if music be the food of love, play on\""} {"Clue":"Live for a moment (8)","Answer":"BEATRICE","Explanation":"BE (live) A then TRICE (moment) \u2013 a feisty lady from Much Ado About Nothing"} {"Clue":"Contour line lacks one turning (8)","Answer":"TRINCULO","Explanation":"anagram (turning) of ConTOUR LINe missing I (one) \u2013 the King's jester from The Tempest. Despite having seen the play more then once I can't remeber him at all."} {"Clue":"Dry wine across the Pond (6)","Answer":"BRUTUS","Explanation":"BRUT (dry wine) then US (across the pond) co-conspirator of Cassio in Julius Caesar"} {"Clue":"John's fish swallows tailless grebe, sadly (8)","Answer":"DOGBERRY","Explanation":"DORY (John Dory, a fish) contains (swallows) anagram (sadly) of GREBe (tailless) \u2013 the inept constable from Much Ado About Nothing*\n "} {"Clue":"Sex symbol accepting critical acclaim, for starters (6)","Answer":"DORCAS","Explanation":"DORS (Dianna Dors, sex symbol) contains (accepting) first letters (for starters) of Critical Acclaim \u2013 a shepherdess in The Winter's Tale"} {"Clue":"Code word for silly fellow taking cocaine (7)","Answer":"CHARLIE","Explanation":"Definition: Code word\ntriple definition"} {"Clue":"Second-class thoroughfare with space around psychiatric hospital (9)","Answer":"BROADMOOR","Explanation":"Definition: psychiatric hospital\nB-ROAD (second class thoroughfare) then ROOM (space) revrsed (around)"} {"Clue":"The standard of children's ignorance (6)","Answer":"ENSIGN","Explanation":"Definition: standard\nfound inside childrEN'S IGNorance \u2013 a standard is a flag"} {"Clue":"Fine artist makes gumbo (4)","Answer":"OKRA","Explanation":"Definition: gumbo\nOK (fine) then RA (Royal Academician, artist)"} {"Clue":"Might be said surrounded by rows and sneers (8)","Answer":"DISDAINS","Explanation":"Definition: sneers\nanagram (might be) of SAID inside (surrounded by) DINS (rows)"} {"Clue":"Bad looks another theme word's suggested (5)","Answer":"LEERS","Explanation":"Definition: Bad looks\nsounds like (suggested) \"Lear's\" (another theme word's)"} {"Clue":"Loving having a room designed to ourselves (7)","Answer":"AMOROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Loving\nA then anagram (designed) of ROOM then US (ourselves)"} {"Clue":"Foreign ladies having different reasons (7)","Answer":"SENORAS","Explanation":"Definition: Foreign ladies\nanagram (different) of REASONS"} {"Clue":"Stan, not half discourteous, left dessert (7)","Answer":"STRUDEL","Explanation":"Definition: dessert\nSTan (not half) RUDE (discourteous) then L (left)"} {"Clue":"Forged article is true to life (9)","Answer":"REALISTIC","Explanation":"Definition: true to life\nanagram (forged) of ARTICLE IS"} {"Clue":"Roller seen along the coast road by a cliff face (8)","Answer":"CORNICHE","Explanation":"Definition: Roller\ndouble definition \u2013 a Rolls Royce car"} {"Clue":"Blood congealed on top of cranium \u2013 antiseptic disinfectant tipped over beneath it (7)","Answer":"CLOTTED","Explanation":"Definition: Blood congealed\nCranium (top letter of) then DETTOL (disinfectant) reversed (tipped over)"} {"Clue":"Bribes from Travolta musical succeeded (7)","Answer":"GREASES","Explanation":"Definition: Bribes\nGREASE (John Travolta musical) then S (succeeded)"} {"Clue":"Audio system before entering stone circle (6)","Answer":"STEREO","Explanation":"Definition: Audio system\nERE (before) inside ST (stone) O (circle)"} {"Clue":"Popstar's trap to catch criminals (5)","Answer":"STING","Explanation":"Definition: Popstar\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Confused impression of old car firm city (4)","Answer":"BLUR","Explanation":"Definition: Confused impression\nBL (British Leyland, old car firm) the UR (ancient city in Mesopotamia) \u2013 \"old\" refers to both the car firm and the city here"} {"Clue":"Wood gathering: men getting stuck in (6)","Answer":"FOREST","Explanation":"Definition: Wood\nFEST (festival, a gathering) contains (getting\u2026stuck in) OR (other ranks, men)"} {"Clue":"Briefly box after punch connects (7)","Answer":"HITCHES","Explanation":"Definition: connects\nCHESt (box, briefly) following HIT (punch)"} {"Clue":"Piece of glass cut to press on specimen, primarily? (9)","Answer":"COVERSLIP","Explanation":"Definition: Piece of glass\nCLIP (cut) contains (to press) OVER (on) Specimen (primarily, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Suffer at home with endless treatment (5)","Answer":"INCUR","Explanation":"Definition: Suffer\nIN (at home) with CURe (treatment, endless)"} {"Clue":"Sun with awful piece (5)","Answer":"SCRAP","Explanation":"Definition: piece\nS with CRAP (awful)"} {"Clue":"Criticise defender that's down (5,4)","Answer":"KNOCK BACK","Explanation":"Definition: down\nKNOCK (criticise) BACK (defender) \u2013 to down a glass of beer for example"} {"Clue":"Kiss off date is with fumble (7)","Answer":"DISMISS","Explanation":"Definition: Kiss off\nD (date) IS with MISS (fumble)"} {"Clue":"Drink for one running, heartlessly rejected (6)","Answer":"EGGNOG","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nEG (for one, for example) then GOiNG (running) with no middle letter (heartlessly) and reversed (rejected)"} {"Clue":"Fine after parking in tight spot (6)","Answer":"PLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: tight spot\nLIGHT (fine) follows P (parking)"} {"Clue":"Do it bent over on small potty (7)","Answer":"BONKERS","Explanation":"Definition: potty\nBONK (do it, have sex) then RE (on) reversed (bent over) and S (small)"} {"Clue":"Conclusion that's around 50-50? (5,4)","Answer":"CLOSE CALL","Explanation":"Definition: Conclusion that's around 50-50\nCLOSE (conclusion) with (that has) CA (circa, around) L L (50 50 in Roman numerals)"} {"Clue":"Learner, following two lessons, to drive off (5)","Answer":"REPEL","Explanation":"Definition: to drive off\nL (learner) following RE and PE (Religious and Physical Education, two lessons)"} {"Clue":"Cancel important date at short notice (5)","Answer":"ERASE","Explanation":"Definition: notice\nERA (important date) then SEe (notice, short)"} {"Clue":"Sport legend on choice when playing (3,6)","Answer":"ICE HOCKEY","Explanation":"Definition: Sport\nKEY (legend, on a map perhaps) follows (on) anagram (when playing) of CHOICE"} {"Clue":"Woman's entertaining magazine cover (7)","Answer":"SHEATHE","Explanation":"Definition: cover\nSHE (woman) contains (entertaining) HEAT ( a celebrity gossip magazine)"} {"Clue":"Poster, including cropped picture, to go up (6)","Answer":"ASCEND","Explanation":"Definition: to go up\nAD (poster) contains SCENe (picture, cropped)"} {"Clue":"Fixed cocaine, old fellow shot up and took drugs (7)","Answer":"FOCUSED","Explanation":"Definition: Fixed\nC (cocaine) O (old) F (fellow) all reversed (shot up) and USED (took drugs)"} {"Clue":"One aimlessly walking\u00a0dog? (5)","Answer":"ROVER","Explanation":"Definition: One aimlessly walking\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Strong\u00a0bandages (9)","Answer":"STRAPPING","Explanation":"Definition: Strong\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"In book, a certain part of body (7)","Answer":"HIPBONE","Explanation":"Definition: part of body\nHIP (in, fashionable) B (book) ONE (a certain)"} {"Clue":"Jiffy bags hard and heavy (5)","Answer":"THICK","Explanation":"Definition: heavy\nTICK (jiffy, a short time) contains (bags) H (hard)"} {"Clue":"Journalist on Dettori's love for riding gear (9)","Answer":"HACKAMORE","Explanation":"Definition: riding gear\nHACK (journalist) on AMORE (love in Italian, for Dettori)"} {"Clue":"Come to\u00a0buffet (6)","Answer":"STRIKE","Explanation":"Definition: Come to\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Men in magazine mostly lay hands on trousers (6)","Answer":"BLOKES","Explanation":"Definition: Men\nBLESs (lay hands on, mostly) contains (trousers, pockets) OK (another celebrity magazine)"} {"Clue":"Stick shift: top gear essentially when racing (9)","Answer":"SELLOTAPE","Explanation":"Definition: Stick\nSELL (shift) then anagram (when racing) of TOP and gEAr (essentially, middle letters of)"} {"Clue":"Using room for assembly that's big (9)","Answer":"GINORMOUS","Explanation":"Definition: big\nanagram (for assembly) of USING ROOM"} {"Clue":"Possibly meet at one or later? (7)","Answer":"TEATIME","Explanation":"Definition: later\nanagram (possibly) of MEET AT I (one)"} {"Clue":"Put up film poster at the top (6)","Answer":"BILLET","Explanation":"Definition: Put up\nET (film) follows (with\u2026at the top) BILL (poster)"} {"Clue":"Spread out: scattered having changed hands (7)","Answer":"SPLAYED","Explanation":"Definition: Spread out\nSPrAYED (scattered) having R exchanged for L (having changed hands)"} {"Clue":"Admission of masters degrees ultimately filled out by college (6)","Answer":"ACCESS","Explanation":"Definition: Admission\nACES (masters) degreeS (ultimately, last letter of) contains (filled out by) C (college)"} {"Clue":"Up before court (5)","Answer":"ERECT","Explanation":"Definition: Up\nERE (before) CT (court)"} {"Clue":"Drink at 18? Put down water bottles (5)","Answer":"PEKOE","Explanation":"Definition: Drink at 18\nKO (knock out, put down) inside (bottled by) PEE (water) \u2013 a type of tea"} {"Clue":"Question archbishop entering into new negotiation (13)","Answer":"INTERROGATION","Explanation":"Definition: Question\nRR (Right Reverend, archbishop) inside anagram (new) of NEGOTIATION"} {"Clue":"How to stop sex addiction? Don't make me laugh! (4,3,2)","Answer":"COME OFF IT","Explanation":"Definition: How to stop sex addiction\ndefinition\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Bit of sudden worry could provide one (5)","Answer":"SCARE","Explanation":"Definition: could provide one\nSudden (first letter, a bit of) then CARE (worry)"} {"Clue":"Free the Queen or Knight? (5)","Answer":"RIDER","Explanation":"Definition: Knight\nRID (free) ER (The Queen)"} {"Clue":"Stupid dons conservative duke cut down to size? (9)","Answer":"CONDENSED","Explanation":"Definition: cut down to size\nDENSE (stupid) inside (dons, puts on as clothing) CON (conservative) D (duke)"} {"Clue":"After peeling off, they might give you slippers! (7)","Answer":"BANANAS","Explanation":"Definition: After peeling off, they might give you slippers\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Huge insect chases old lady in Newcastle (7)","Answer":"MAMMOTH","Explanation":"Definition: Huge\nMOTH (insect) following MAM (old lady, mother in Newcastle dialect)"} {"Clue":"English leader must avoid strike in Victoria? (7)","Answer":"EMPRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Victoria\nE (English) then iMPRESS (strike) missing first letter (must avoid leader)"} {"Clue":"Shows on the telly with vets (7)","Answer":"SCREENS","Explanation":"Definition: Shows on the telly\ndouble definition \u2013 both definitions as verbs"} {"Clue":"I hear he plays in winning group of players (5,4)","Answer":"URIAH HEEP","Explanation":"Definition: group of players\nanagram (plays) of I HEAR HE in UP (winning) \u2013 1970s rock group"} {"Clue":"Disturb group of people in the best of moods? (5)","Answer":"UPSET","Explanation":"Definition: Disturb\nan Up SET might be a SET (group of people) who are UP (in the best of moods)"} {"Clue":"I possibly sell horse (the best one can get) (5)","Answer":"IDEAL","Explanation":"Definition: the best one can get\nI DEAL (sell horse, possibly)"} {"Clue":"Ultimately crap citizen: Trump, perhaps (9)","Answer":"PRESIDENT","Explanation":"Definition: Trump, perhaps\ncraP (ultimately) RESIDENT (citizen)"} {"Clue":"Inevitably, blasted ale leads to omissions, negligence and to errors (6,2,5)","Answer":"SOONER OR LATER","Explanation":"Definition: Inevitably\nanagram (blasted) of ALE and first letters (leads to) of Omissions Negligence and TO ERRORS"} {"Clue":"Incorrigible bishop tucks into hot dog and beer (9)","Answer":"INCURABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Incorrigible \nB (bishop) inside IN (hot, fashionable) CUR (dog) and ALE (beer)"} {"Clue":"Gutless and stupid: The X-Factor must be sent up! (5)","Answer":"TIMID","Explanation":"Definition: Gutless\nDIM (stupid) IT (the X-Factor) reversed (sent up)"} {"Clue":"One captivated by wild or garden flower (3,6)","Answer":"RIO GRANDE","Explanation":"Definition: flower\nI (one) inside anagram (wild) of OR GARDEN"} {"Clue":"Rotten cuts making daughter leave workplaces (7)","Answer":"OFFICES","Explanation":"Definition: workplaces\nOFF (rotten) then dICES (cuts) missing D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"For villain, hero is one man Tony Montana holds (7)","Answer":"ANTONYM","Explanation":"Definition: For villain, hero is one\nfound inside (held by) mAN TONY Montana"} {"Clue":"Children's publication (5)","Answer":"ISSUE","Explanation":"Definition: Children\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Local angry about hotel just off The Strand? (9)","Answer":"NEARSHORE","Explanation":"Definition: just off The Strand\nNEAR (local) SORE (angry) contains (about) H (hotel) \u2013 a strand is a beach"} {"Clue":"Want marijuana if wife goes away for November (4)","Answer":"NEED","Explanation":"Definition: marijuana\nwEED (marijuana) with W (wife) replaced by N (November)"} {"Clue":"Longs to open little drinks and chill (9)","Answer":"NIPPINESS","Explanation":"Definition: chill\nPINES (longs) inside (to open) NIPS (little drinks) \u2013 it's a bit nippy outside today"} {"Clue":"Temperamental car you and Den turned over (9)","Answer":"MERCURIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Temperamental\nMERC (Mercedes, car) U (you, text speak) and then LAIR (den) reversed (turned over)"} {"Clue":"A theorist vacillating could be one (9)","Answer":"HESITATOR","Explanation":"Definition: could be one\nanagram (vacillating) of A THEORIST"} {"Clue":"High point of church: having hour for time with the flock! (7)","Answer":"SHEEPLE","Explanation":"Definition: the flock\nStEEPLE (high point of church) with H (hour) replacing T (time) \u2013 a new word for me: people who follow mindlessly like sheep"} {"Clue":"Retrospective work covering REM and The Boss? (7)","Answer":"SUPREMO","Explanation":"Definition: The Boss\nOPUS (work) reversed (retrospective) contains (covering) REM"} {"Clue":"One question asked of needle-user in hearing (4)","Answer":"UNIT","Explanation":"Definition: One\nsounds like (in hearing) \"you knit?\" (question asked of needle-user)"} {"Clue":"I say the inferno's nonexistent (5)","Answer":"HELLO","Explanation":"Definition: I say\nHELL (the inferno) then O (zero, nonexistent)"} {"Clue":"Way to embrace little darling (5)","Answer":"SWEET","Explanation":"Definition: darling\nST (street, way) contains (to embrace) WEE (little)"} {"Clue":"Neat female was in van wearing hood (6)","Answer":"COWLED","Explanation":"Definition: wearing hood\nCOW (female) LED (was in van, the front) \u2013 *UPDATE: I should have written \"neat female\" for COW: neat is another word for cattle"} {"Clue":"School runner courted a disaster (8)","Answer":"EDUCATOR","Explanation":"Definition: School runner\nanagram (disaster) of COURTED A \u2013 someone who runs a school"} {"Clue":"Singers sound like paper for youth of yore (7)","Answer":"BOYZONE","Explanation":"Definition: Singers\nsounds like \"Boys Own a former newspaper\/magazine for boys"} {"Clue":"Compared notes inside and outside the courtyard (7)","Answer":"EQUATED","Explanation":"Definition: Compared\nE and TE (two notes, music) inside and outside QUAD (courtyard)"} {"Clue":"Sounding insulting, was sorry (4)","Answer":"RUED","Explanation":"Definition: was sorry\nsounds like \"rude\" (insulting)"} {"Clue":"Double teapotting, Mrs Obama is upset about kids detective abandoned (4,6)","Answer":"ARMS AKIMBO","Explanation":"Definition: Double teapotting\nanagram (is upset) of MRS OBAMA contains KIds missing DS (Detective Sergeant) \u2013 both arms akimbo like two teapot handles"} {"Clue":"Party back where we live stinks (6)","Answer":"ODOURS","Explanation":"Definition: stinks\nDO (party) reversed (back) then OURS (where we live)"} {"Clue":"Don't leave enough experience (7)","Answer":"UNDERGO","Explanation":"Definition: experience\nUNDER GO (don't leave enough)"} {"Clue":"Men I see organising the competition (7)","Answer":"ENEMIES","Explanation":"Definition: the competition\nanagram (organising) of MEN I SEE"} {"Clue":"Let me see explosive fur (6)","Answer":"ERMINE","Explanation":"Definition: fur \nER (hesitation, let me see\u2026) MINE (explosive)"} {"Clue":"Politician: \"I say look for realignment around a Greek team\" (10)","Answer":"OLYMPIAKOS","Explanation":"Definition: a Greek team\nMP (politician) inside (with\u2026around) anagram (for realignment) of I SAY LOOK. The big Greek football club is Olympiacos, there are several current and former clubs named Olympiakos but they seem to be minor clubs."} {"Clue":"Man, possibly, that's going round Sierra Leone (4)","Answer":"ISLE","Explanation":"Definition: Man, possibly\nIE (that is) round SL (Sierra Leone) \u2013 the Isle of Man"} {"Clue":"Criminal? If I am,\u00a0so are they (7)","Answer":"MAFIOSI","Explanation":"Definition: ,\nanagram (criminal) of IF I AM SO. I suppose one could quibble about \"so\" doing double duty but I don't care, it's a great clue."} {"Clue":"What I do \u2013 arrive holding an irrational line (7)","Answer":"COMPILE","Explanation":"Definition: What I do\nCOME (arrive) contains PI (an irrational number) L (line)"} {"Clue":"German got into queue once copper hung around (8)","Answer":"LINGERED","Explanation":"Definition: hung around\nG (German) in LINE (queue) then RED (copper, colour) \u2013 not sure where \"once\" fits in. *See comment @1 from Chalmie"} {"Clue":"Slugs woman attending function (6)","Answer":"COSHES","Explanation":"Definition: Slugs\nSHE (woman) inside (attending) COS (cosine, a function)"} {"Clue":"Bird taking taxi, as 3 of 27 (4,4)","Answer":"CUBE ROOT","Explanation":"Definition: as 3 of 27\nCOOT (bird) contains UBER (a taxi)"} {"Clue":"Method by which an emperor gets a Yankee player (5,6)","Answer":"WAYNE ROONEY","Explanation":"Definition: player\nWAY (method) NERO (emperor) getONE (a) then Y (yankee) \u2013 football player"} {"Clue":"Model European climbing small island (4)","Answer":"EYOT","Explanation":"Definition: small island\nTOY (model) E (European) reversed (climbing)"} {"Clue":"Putting things on, fifth Doctor signs off (8)","Answer":"DRESSING","Explanation":"Definition: Putting things on\nanagram (off) of E (fifth of something, ABCD\u2026) DR (doctor) and SIGNS"} {"Clue":"Throw fruit, getting player (5,5)","Answer":"CHUCK BERRY","Explanation":"Definition: player\nCHUCK (throw) BERRY (fruit)"} {"Clue":"Cycling excessively can add up (3)","Answer":"TOT","Explanation":"Definition: add up\nOTT (excessively) with letters cycled"} {"Clue":"King keeps bod around as ministerial assistant (3,3)","Answer":"RED BOX","Explanation":"Definition: ministerial assistant\nREX (king) contains anagram (around) of BOD"} {"Clue":"Tired and cautious about Spain (5)","Answer":"WEARY","Explanation":"Definition: Tired\nWARY (cautious) contains E (Spain)"} {"Clue":"Player of games I might play (6,5)","Answer":"MAGGIE SMITH","Explanation":"Definition: Player\nanagram (play) of GAMES I MIGHT"} {"Clue":"Old player has no hope, crushed under small weight (10)","Answer":"GRAMOPHONE","Explanation":"Definition: Old player\nanagram (crushed) of NO HOPE following GRAM (small weight)"} {"Clue":"Small case containing drug which will send you to sleep (8)","Answer":"SEDATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: which will send you to sleep\nS (small) DATIVE (case, grammar) contains E (drug)"} {"Clue":"Bar set high for Hare's children (8)","Answer":"LEVERETS","Explanation":"Definition: Hare's children\nLEVER (bar) then anagram (high, drunk) of SET"} {"Clue":"Military leader driving out resistance with quiet sort of horse (6)","Answer":"POMMEL","Explanation":"Definition: sort of horse\nrOMMEL (WWII military leader) missing R (resistance) following P (quiet) \u2013 gymnastics equipment"} {"Clue":"Happiness at clearing out corpse of wartime traitor (5)","Answer":"JOYCE","Explanation":"Definition: wartime traitor\nJOY (happiness aat) then CorpsE (cleared out) \u2013 William Joyce, wartime traitor"} {"Clue":"Shot of William Morris (4)","Answer":"AMMO","Explanation":"Definition: Shot\nfound inside williAM MOrris"} {"Clue":"France needs space for marshland (3)","Answer":"FEN","Explanation":"Definition: marshland\nF (France) and EN (space, printing)"} {"Clue":"Quite a swell, displaying extremes of style continuously (6)","Answer":"SEAWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Quite a swell\nStylE (extremes of) than AWAY (continuously)"} {"Clue":"Gland, one included in examinations (6)","Answer":"TESTIS","Explanation":"Definition: Gland\nI (one) in TESTS (examinations)"} {"Clue":"Vagrant once having to peddle round for all to see (6)","Answer":"TRUANT","Explanation":"Definition: Vagrant\nTRANT (sell, peddle) containing U (for all to see)"} {"Clue":"Public drain\u00a0smelled awful (5)","Answer":"STANK","Explanation":"Definition: Public drain\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"A beauty, awfully cheery etc, captivates one (10)","Answer":"EYE-CATCHER","Explanation":"Definition: A beauty\nanagram (awful) of CHEERY ETC contains (captivates) A (one)"} {"Clue":"Musteline, all right after a bit of a kip (4)","Answer":"ATOK","Explanation":"Definition: Musteline\nOK (all right) follows AT (a bit of kip, in the currency of Laos 100 *at* makes 1 *kip*)"} {"Clue":"Excitement in most of yield being trimmed (7)","Answer":"CHEATED","Explanation":"Definition: trimmed\nHEAT (excitement) in CEDe (yield, most of) \u2013 to trim is slang for cheat"} {"Clue":"Senior officers love having sailors around (8)","Answer":"TANADARS","Explanation":"Definition: Senior officers\nNADA (nothing, zero score) in TARS (sailors) \u2013 a senior officer in an Indian military police station"} {"Clue":"Native American having to knock entering dry house (7)","Answer":"ARAPAHO","Explanation":"Definition: Native American\nRAP (to knock) inside AA (dry, of Alcoholics Anonymous) HO (house)"} {"Clue":"More piping setting back river that is between two others? (7)","Answer":"REEDIER","Explanation":"Definition: More piping\nDEE (the River Dee) reversed (setting back) IE (that is) inside R R (two other rivers)"} {"Clue":"Who'll flog rice and pies? (8)","Answer":"EPICIERS","Explanation":"Definition: Who'll\nanagram (flog) RICE and PIES \u2013 an extended definition: someone who will *flog rice and pies"} {"Clue":"Game bird, busy one wrapping large chest, avoided by one (7)","Answer":"BECASSE","Explanation":"Definition: Game bird\nBEE (a busy one) contains CASSone (large chest) missing ONE"} {"Clue":"Floral decorations, a feature of Belle Isle (4)","Answer":"LEIS","Explanation":"Definition: Floral decorations\nfound inside belLE ISle"} {"Clue":"Sea winds, darn sea winds catching little bird (10)","Answer":"ANTITRADES","Explanation":"Definition: Sea winds\nanagram (winds, twists around) of DARN SEA contains TIT (little bird)"} {"Clue":"Before end of day Scots aim for camp (5)","Answer":"MINTY","Explanation":"Definition: camp \nMINT (aim, Scots) before daY (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"Dry chalk bed, mostly scorched round middle of October (6)","Answer":"BOURNE","Explanation":"Definition: Dry chalk bed\nBURNed (scorched, mostly) contains octOber (middle of)"} {"Clue":"'Ingenious' or 'spot-on' captures X (6)","Answer":"PATENT","Explanation":"Definition: Ingenious\nPAT (spot-on) contains TEN (X)"} {"Clue":"Whale-catchers maybe folded waterproof sheet on board (6)","Answer":"SPRATS","Explanation":"Definition: Whale-catchers maybe\nTARP (waterproof sheet) reversed (folded, turned over?) inside SS (on board, in a Steam Ship) \u2013 from the saying \"to throw a sprat to catch a whale\""} {"Clue":"Government historically showing wisdom about rent (8)","Answer":"STEARAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Government\nSAGE (showing wisdom) containing TEAR (rent)"} {"Clue":"Not properly hearty, I (right obvious inside), losing red blood cells (12)","Answer":"ERYTHROPENIA","Explanation":"Definition: losing red blood cells\nanagram (not properly) HEARTY I contains OPEN (obvious) I"} {"Clue":"Nuts: kilo consumed in Texas town (5)","Answer":"WACKO","Explanation":"Definition: Nuts\nK (kilo) inside WACO (Texas town)"} {"Clue":"Resurrection unaltered after Satan's mistreatment (9)","Answer":"ANASTASIS","Explanation":"Definition: Resurrection\nAS IS (unaltered) following anagram (mistreatment) of SATAN"} {"Clue":"Some disco music? Echt dancing number (6)","Answer":"TECHNO","Explanation":"Definition: Some disco music\nanagram (dancing) of ECHT then NO (number)"} {"Clue":"The old served special cuppas with qualified teacher? (7)","Answer":"STEADED","Explanation":"Definition: The old served\nS (special) TEA (cuppas) with DED (D.Ed -Doctor of Education)"} {"Clue":"Like raw fish one's served in hellish place once (8)","Answer":"TARTARIE","Explanation":"Definition: hellish place once\nTARTARE (like raw fish) contains (with\u2026served in) I (one)"} {"Clue":"Dividing plots I'll separate design (12)","Answer":"INTERVENIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Dividing\nERVEN (plots) I inside (will separate) INTENT (design)"} {"Clue":"Side-slip was in sport including such a manoeuvre (4)","Answer":"SKID","Explanation":"Definition: Side-slip\nSKI'D is a form of past tense of ski, a sport that involves side-slipping"} {"Clue":"Tap overspread ground right away (9)","Answer":"EAVESDROP","Explanation":"Definition: Tap\nanagram (ground) of OVErSPEAD missing R (right)"} {"Clue":"Glowing round head of chrysanthemum, rooting from the stem (8)","Answer":"RADICANT","Explanation":"Definition: rooting from the stem\nRADIANT (glowing) contains Chrysanthemum (head, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Emphasizes troubles, not half dire (8)","Answer":"STRESSES","Explanation":"Definition: Emphasizes\ndiSTRESSES (troubles) missing DIre (not half of)"} {"Clue":"Spicy pastry dish sale included (7)","Answer":"PICANTE","Explanation":"Definition: Spicy\nPIE (pastry dish) contains CANT (sale, at auction)"} {"Clue":"Buck lives in tranquillity (6)","Answer":"RESIST","Explanation":"Definition: Buck\nIS (lives) in REST (tranquillity)"} {"Clue":"Grand family of bays (not US) in boggy Scottish ground (5)","Answer":"GLAUR","Explanation":"Definition: boggy Scottish ground\nG (grand) LAURus (the Bay tree family) missing US"} {"Clue":"Catch on the river bottom, soft (4)","Answer":"BUMP","Explanation":"Definition: Catch on the river\nBUM (bottom) P (soft) \u2013 a *bump* is a boat races where the object is to catch the boat in front"} {"Clue":"I wasn't upset by snake, being a naval officer (9)","Answer":"BOATSWAIN","Explanation":"Definition: a naval officer\nanagram (upset) of I WASN'T follows (by) BOA (snake)"} {"Clue":"Pope's first mass is full (5)","Answer":"PLUMP","Explanation":"Definition: full\nPope (first letter of) then LUMP (mass)"} {"Clue":"Some horny Alaskan antelope (5)","Answer":"NYALA","Explanation":"Definition: antelope\nfound inside horNY ALSkan"} {"Clue":"Cabaret for the audience? (4,5)","Answer":"TAXI STAND","Explanation":"sounds like \"cab array\" \u2013 a feature of the urban landscape"} {"Clue":"Bump into not quite happy ex reversing \u2013 no joke! (6,4)","Answer":"HAPPEN UPON","Explanation":"Definition: Bump into\nHAPPy Ex (not quite all the letters) then NO PUN (no joke) reversed"} {"Clue":"Mountain where Ingrid lost her man (4)","Answer":"BERG","Explanation":"Definition: Mountain\nBERGman (Ingrid Bergman, actress) losing MAN"} {"Clue":"Seduced everyone \u2013 awfully rude (7)","Answer":"ALLURED","Explanation":"Definition: Seduced\nALL (everyone) then anagram (awfully) of RUDE"} {"Clue":"Entire operation of the female thrill (7)","Answer":"SHEBANG","Explanation":"Definition: Entire operation\nSHE (the female) BANG (thrill)"} {"Clue":"Cars few and far between (7,5)","Answer":"TRAFFIC LIGHT","Explanation":"TRAFFIC (cars) LIGHT (few and far between) \u2013 a feature of the urban landscape"} {"Clue":"Mean street, right time (7)","Answer":"AVERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Mean\nAVE (Avenue, a street) then R (right) AGE (time). *Note for beginners: one might reasonably ask why isn't the abbreviation for street St not Ave? Some abbreviations (such as St for street) have been used in clues tens-of-thousands of times before. There is a crosswording tradition that these old chestnuts are so well known they need to be be even further disguised."} {"Clue":"Green judges (4,5)","Answer":"PARK BENCH","Explanation":"PARK (green) BENCH (judges)\u00a0\u2013 a feature of the urban landscape"} {"Clue":"Cracker keeps the Financial Times quiet (3,7)","Answer":"BUS SHELTER","Explanation":"BELTER (cracker) contains US (the FT) SH (quiet)\u00a0\u2013 a feature of the urban landscape"} {"Clue":"Bookish type, one born at the end of September, back in his element? On the contrary! (9)","Answer":"LIBRARIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Bookish type\nAIR (his element, Air is Libra's element) reversed (back) in LIBRAN (one born at the end of September) \u2013 on the contrary indicates the opposite of LIBRAN in AIR"} {"Clue":"Some advice given about essentially peculiar flower (5)","Answer":"TULIP","Explanation":"Definition: flower\nTIP (some advice) contains (about) lecULiar (middle letters of, essentially)"} {"Clue":"Mingled or mixed-up fortune hunter (4,5)","Answer":"GOLD MINER","Explanation":"Definition: fortune hunter\nanagram (mix-up) of MINGLED OR"} {"Clue":"A hat on the head of Peter Fitzgerald not accompanied (1,8)","Answer":"A CAPPELLA","Explanation":"Definition: not accompanied\nA CAP (hat) on Peter (head of, first letter) then ELLA (Ella Fitzgerald)"} {"Clue":"Accepts RAF version: could be a UFO (10)","Answer":"SPACECRAFT","Explanation":"Definition: could be a UFO\nanagram (version) of ACCEPTS RAF"} {"Clue":"Surprise about German joiner (7)","Answer":"ASTOUND","Explanation":"Definition: Surprise\nAS TO (about) UND (and, a joining word, in German)"} {"Clue":"We French embracing axiom: being unclothed is bad for you (7)","Answer":"NOXIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: bad for you\nNOUS (we, in French) contains (embracing) aXIOm (unclothed)"} {"Clue":"Employment for lami or veloy with parts missing? (5)","Answer":"USAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Employment\na saUSAGE (with parts missing) might be saVELOY or saLAMI"} {"Clue":"After exercise, breathless \u2013 nursed by outstanding teacher (9)","Answer":"PEDAGOGUE","Explanation":"Definition: teacher\nPE (exercise) then (after\u2026is) AGOG (breathless) inside (nursed by DUE (outstanding)"} {"Clue":"Part of brain that's extremely creative brewed beer to mull over (10)","Answer":"CEREBELLUM","Explanation":"Definition: Part of brain\nCreativE (extremely, outer letters) then anagram (brewed) of BEER then MULL reversed (over)"} {"Clue":"George a 27? Too bad! (9)","Answer":"AUTOPILOT","Explanation":"Definition: George\nanagram (bad) of A TULIP (27 across) TOO \u2013 George pilots' slang for the autopilot"} {"Clue":"Herbal medicine makes a pedant go berserk (9)","Answer":"ADAPTOGEN","Explanation":"Definition: Herbal medicine\nanagram (berserk) of A PEDANT GO"} {"Clue":"Precipitating a change of leader in having a rest (7)","Answer":"CAUSING","Explanation":"Definition: Precipitating\npAUSING (having a rest) with C replacing P (with a change of leading letter)"} {"Clue":"Marsh fens half-stripped of weapons (7)","Answer":"ARSENAL","Explanation":"Definition: weapons\nmARSh fENs hALf missing outer letters (stripped)"} {"Clue":"Rise in 13 (5)","Answer":"REBEL","Explanation":"Definition: Rise\nfound inside ceREBELlum (13 down)"} {"Clue":"Up and down and round it goes (5)","Answer":"ROTOR","Explanation":"Definition: round it goes\nROTOR is a palindrome (the same when read up and down)"} {"Clue":"Light job (4,4)","Answer":"LAMP POST","Explanation":"LAMP (light) POST (job) \u2013 a feature of the urban landscape"} {"Clue":"Where fighter might disappear in corner after mad brute exploded before start of round one (7,8)","Answer":"BERMUDA TRIANGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Where fighter might disappear\nANGLE (corner) follows (after)anagram (exploded) of MAD BRUTE\u00a0before Round (starting letter of) and I (one)"} {"Clue":"What could get Coppola tiddly (7)","Answer":"ALCOPOP","Explanation":"Definition: What could get Coppola tiddly\nanagram (tiddly) of COPPOLA \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"More light needed by doctor cutting a huge flower, right? (7)","Answer":"NIMBLER","Explanation":"Definition: More light\nMB (doctor) INSIDE (cutting) NILE (a huge river, something that flows) and R (right)"} {"Clue":"Exercise yard's close by stream (5)","Answer":"DRILL","Explanation":"Definition: Exercise\nyarD (closing letter) then RILL (stream)"} {"Clue":"Shout about name for specified trade shop (9)","Answer":"CHANDLERY","Explanation":"Definition: specified trade shop\nCRY (shout) contans (about) HANDLE (name) \u2013 a shop dedicated to a specific need, eg Ships' Chandler"} {"Clue":"Almost one month consumed by toothache \u2013 extremely horrifying experience (9)","Answer":"NIGHTMARE","Explanation":"Definition: horrifying experience\nNIGH (almost) MAR (march, one month) inside (consumed by) ToothachE (extremes of)"} {"Clue":"Wherein union of passionate couple, unfaithful to the end? (5)","Answer":"HOTEL","Explanation":"Definition: Wherein union of passionate couple, unfaithful to the end\njoin together (wherein a union of) HOT (passionate) and teh last letters (to the end) of couplE UnfaithfuL \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Doug and Richard jointly absorb an Eastern European language (5)","Answer":"UGRIC","Explanation":"Definition: an Eastern European language\nfound inside (absorbed by) doUGRIChard \u2013 jointly indicates Doug and Richard have to be joined together"} {"Clue":"Makes music as Greek hors d'oeuvres divided by eastern hero (9)","Answer":"MELODIZES","Explanation":"Definition: Makes music\nMEZES (Greek hors d'oeuvres) contains (divided by) LODI (eastern hero?) *\u2013\u00a0IDOL (hero) reversed (read right-to-left, from the East on a map), thanks to Hovis"} {"Clue":"Let out setter's name when pursuing low-down chaps (9)","Answer":"GENTLEMEN","Explanation":"Definition: chaps\nanagram (out) of LET then ME (the setter) N (name) all following GEN (low-down)"} {"Clue":"Violent dictator repressing Democrat's term of office (5)","Answer":"ADMIN","Explanation":"Definition: office\nAMIN (Idi Amin, violent dictator) contains (repressing) D (democrat)"} {"Clue":"Lover Romeo is interrupting a clever remark (7)","Answer":"AMORIST","Explanation":"Definition: Lover\nR (Romeo, phonetic alphabet) IS inside (interrupting) MOT (clever remark)"} {"Clue":"Intellectual, one getting repeatedly stabbed by soldiers? (7)","Answer":"EGGHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Intellectual\ndefinition and cryptic definition \u2013 soldiers are pieces of bread dipped into a boiled egg"} {"Clue":"Wonderfully English way to stop irrational loony into axes (15)","Answer":"EXTRAORDINARILY","Explanation":"Definition: Wonderfully\nE then RD (road, a way) inside (to stop, like a cork) anagram (loony) of IRRATIONAL inside X and Y (axes, on a graph)"} {"Clue":"Type by Gutenberg coined around a German passage (11,4)","Answer":"BRANDENBURG GATE","Explanation":"Definition: German passage\nBRAND (type) then anagram (coined) of GUTENBERG containing (around) A"} {"Clue":"Swinging band, grasping over comeback, gutted (7)","Answer":"ROCKING","Explanation":"Definition: Swinging\nRING (band) contains (grasping) O (over) ComebacK (gutted, no middle letters)"} {"Clue":"Indiscreet violation of punctilio (9)","Answer":"UNPOLITIC","Explanation":"Definition: Indiscreet\nanagram (violation) of PUNCTILIO"} {"Clue":"When still, it will be clearly set (5)","Answer":"ASPIC","Explanation":"Definition: it will be clearly set\nAS (when) PIC (still, a photograph) \u2013 a clear jelly"} {"Clue":"Early victim on call line \u2014 sound familiar? (4,1,4)","Answer":"RING A BELL","Explanation":"Definition: sound familiar\nABEL (early murder victim in Bible) inside (on, eg \"on a train\") RING (call) L (line)"} {"Clue":"Excited wife going out with mine? (5)","Answer":"ARMED","Explanation":"Definition: with mine?\nwARMED (excited) missing W (wife)"} {"Clue":"William, say, born before Elizabeth, having gold-coloured clothing (7)","Answer":"GILBERT","Explanation":"Definition: William, say\nB (born) then ER (Queen Elizabeth) inside (having\u2026clothing) GILT (gold-coloured) \u2013 William Gilbert was physician to Queen Elizabeth I"} {"Clue":"Organically dyes knitting when work is cut short? (5,7,3)","Answer":"EARLY CLOSING DAY","Explanation":"Definition: when work is cut short\nanagram (knitting) of ORGANICALLY DYES"} {"Clue":"Keeping mum, change college (4,5)","Answer":"ALMA MATER","Explanation":"Definition: college\nALTER (change) contains (keeping) MAMA (mum)"} {"Clue":"Bury park official picked up a shrub (9)","Answer":"HYDRANGEA","Explanation":"Definition: a shrub\nsounds like (picked up) \"hide ranger\" (bury park official)"} {"Clue":"Sound old drummer's extremely upset (4,3)","Answer":"RING OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Sound\nRINGO (Ringo Starr, old drummer) then UpseT (extremes of)"} {"Clue":"Lamb (Elia) nearly left, repeatedly turning into an unknown river (7)","Answer":"ZAMBEZI","Explanation":"Definition: river\nLAMB ELIa (nearly) with L (left) turning into Z (an unknown, maths) gives ZAMB EZI"} {"Clue":"Social-media fan reported a famous dog (5)","Answer":"LAIKA","Explanation":"Definition: a famous dog\nsounds like (reported) \"liker\" (a social media fan, on Facebook) \u2013 the first dog in space"} {"Clue":"Russian turned up to frame European moles (5)","Answer":"NAEVI","Explanation":"Definition: moles\nIVAN (a Russian) reversed (turned up) contains (to frame) E (European)"} {"Clue":"State how one works with leather in North America (7)","Answer":"MONTANA","Explanation":"Definition: State\nMO (modus operandi, how one works) then TAN (leather) in NA (North America)"} {"Clue":"Aromatic flavouring one needs to sprinkle on bit of aubergine (7)","Answer":"ANISEED","Explanation":"Definition: Aromatic flavouring\nanagram (to sprinkle) of I (one) NEEDS following (on) Aubergine (first letter, a bit of)"} {"Clue":"Ascended pass with sheep (3,2)","Answer":"GOT UP","Explanation":"Definition: Ascended\nGO (pass) with TUP (sheep)"} {"Clue":"Poor-quality porcelain in which rackets are involved (9)","Answer":"BADMINTON","Explanation":"Definition: in which rackets are involved \nBAD (poor quality) MINTON (Minton porcelain from Staffordshire)"} {"Clue":"Circulate landlord's correspondence (3,6)","Answer":"AIR LETTER","Explanation":"Definition: correspondence\nAIR (circulate) LETTER (landlord, someone who lets)"} {"Clue":"Part of leg lubricated when reviewing swelling (5)","Answer":"BULGE","Explanation":"Definition: swelling\nfound inside lEG LUBricated reversed (when reviewing)"} {"Clue":"Recording studio's last award for a long time (5)","Answer":"EPOCH","Explanation":"Definition: a long time\nEP (Extended Play, recording) studiO (last letter) and CH (Companion of Honour, award)"} {"Clue":"Cross-country athlete, regularly logging four miles, never keeps time (9)","Answer":"ORIENTEER","Explanation":"Definition: Cross-country athlete,\nevery other letter (regularly logging) of fOuR mIlEs then NE'ER (never) containing T (time)"} {"Clue":"The main beverage attracting staff aboard carrier (6,3)","Answer":"TASMAN SEA","Explanation":"Definition: The main\nTEA (beverage) contains (attracting) MAN (staff) inside ASS (carrier, beast of burden)"} {"Clue":"Protest is about money (3,2)","Answer":"SIT IN","Explanation":"Definition: Protest\nIS reversed (about) then TIN (money)"} {"Clue":"Turned up with member's footwear (5)","Answer":"PUMPS","Explanation":"Definition: footwear\nUP reversed (turned) then MPS (members of Parliament)"} {"Clue":"Cowboy \"awfully sorry\" about old car number that's bent over (3,6)","Answer":"ROY ROGERS","Explanation":"Definition: Cowboy\nanagram (awfully) of SORRY contains (about) O (old) REG (car number) reversed (that's bent over)"} {"Clue":"Greek who predicted when hospital doctor would settle in California (9)","Answer":"CASSANDRA","Explanation":"Definition: Greek who predicted\nAS (when) SAN (hospital) DR (doctor) inside CA (California)"} {"Clue":"Cold duck needing spice (5)","Answer":"CLOVE","Explanation":"Definition: spice\nC (cold) LOVE (duck, zero score)"} {"Clue":"Eagerly desire Lotus when travelling around France with Rex (4,3)","Answer":"LUST FOR","Explanation":"Definition: Eagerly desire\nanagram (when travelling) of LOTUS containing F (France) then R (rex)"} {"Clue":"Head away from most dangerous mountain (7)","Answer":"EVEREST","Explanation":"Definition: mountain\nsEVEREST (most dangerous) missing first letter (head)"} {"Clue":"Fat cat finding small insect amid Mother Earth (7)","Answer":"MAGNATE","Explanation":"Definition: Fat cat \nGNAT (small insect) in MA (mother) E (Earth)"} {"Clue":"Disreputable number contracted to foreign port, American (9)","Answer":"NOTORIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Disreputable\nNO (number, contracted=abbrev) TO and RIO (foreign port) US (American)"} {"Clue":"Abundant booze attracts party man (5)","Answer":"AMPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Abundant\nALE (booze) contains MP (party man)"} {"Clue":"High-flyer from Scotland primarily traverses region there (9)","Answer":"ALBATROSS","Explanation":"Definition: High-flyer\nALBA (Scotland) then Traverses (primarily, first letter of) and ROSS (region of Scotland)"} {"Clue":"Totter perhaps, having seen venomous creature (5)","Answer":"ADDER","Explanation":"Definition: Totter perhaps\ndefinition\/cryptic definition \u2013 to tot is to add"} {"Clue":"British novelist's home contains excellent raised borders (4,5)","Answer":"IAIN BANKS","Explanation":"Definition: British novelist\nIN (home) contains AI (A1, excellent) and BANKS (raised borders)"} {"Clue":"Praise partner once lifting patch of ground (5)","Answer":"EXTOL","Explanation":"Definition: Praise\nEX (partner, once) contains LOT (patch of gound) reveresd (lifting)"} {"Clue":"Maybe Nureyev nursed a wound (7)","Answer":"DANSEUR","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe Nureyev\nanagram (wound) of NURSED A"} {"Clue":"Teacher Mark, the latest on Bake- Off making adornment for loaf (9)","Answer":"HEADSCARF","Explanation":"Definition: adornment for loaf\nHEAD (teacher) SCAR (mark) last letter of bake-ofF \u2013 loaf is slang for head"} {"Clue":"Whatever happens, it's foolish to recruit unknown accountants (2,3,4)","Answer":"IN ANY CASE","Explanation":"Definition: Whatever happens\nINANE (foolish) contains Y (unknown) CAS (Chartered Accountants)"} {"Clue":"Piece of meat one rests here during main course? (9)","Answer":"ENTRE COTE","Explanation":"Definition: Piece of meat \nCOT (where one rests) inside ENTREE (main course)"} {"Clue":"Contemporary star on extreme type of diet? (7)","Answer":"TOPICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Contemporary\nTOP (star) on I CAL (1 calorie, an extreme diet)"} {"Clue":"You're welcome, son, to enter immediately and have some food (2,5)","Answer":"NO SWEAT","Explanation":"Definition: You're welcome\nS (son) inside NOW (immediately) then EAT (have some food)"} {"Clue":"He led an exodus from Spain through boggy ground (5)","Answer":"MOSES","Explanation":"Definition: He led an exodus\nE (Espana, Spain) inside MOSS (boggy ground)"} {"Clue":"Haggard jockey? (5)","Answer":"RIDER","Explanation":"Definition: jockey\nnovelist Rider Haggard"} {"Clue":"Somebody grabs copper at the perfect moment (2,3)","Answer":"ON CUE","Explanation":"Definition: at the perfect moment\nONE (somebody) contains CU (copper)"} {"Clue":"Chum and I including odd touch, an Asian shrub (9)","Answer":"PATCHOULI","Explanation":"Definition: an Asian shrub\nPAL (chum) and I including anagram (odd) of TOUCH"} {"Clue":"Aim in occupying corporation (5)","Answer":"POINT","Explanation":"Definition: Aim\nIN inside POT (corporation, a pot belly)"} {"Clue":"Fly without loud instruction up to this point (2,3)","Answer":"SO FAR","Explanation":"Definition: up to this point\nSOAR (fly) contains (without, going outside) F (forte, instruction to play loudly)"} {"Clue":"Sort of wit with point primarily that's good for cut and thrust (9)","Answer":"SWORDPLAY","Explanation":"Definition: that's good for cut and thrust\nWORDPLAY (sort of wit) following (with\u2026primarily) S (South, point of the compass)"} {"Clue":"Transport animal in unusual cart (7)","Answer":"TRAMCAR","Explanation":"Definition: Transport\nRAM (animal) in anagram (unusual) of CART"} {"Clue":"Pasta first for Rico, as against tucking into garlicky mix (7)","Answer":"RAVIOLI","Explanation":"Definition: Pasta\nRico (first letters of) then V (versus, as against) inside AIOLI (a garlicky mix)"} {"Clue":"Dish Papa and I mostly acclaim (5)","Answer":"PILAU","Explanation":"Definition: Dish\nP (Papa, phonetic alphabet) and I then LAUd (acclaim, mostly)"} {"Clue":"Add last word in thoughtful man's aphorism (3)","Answer":"SUM","Explanation":"Definition: Add\nthe last word in \"Cogito Ergo Sum\" \u2013 philosopher Rene Descarte's aphorism \"I think therefore I am\""} {"Clue":"Pianist's shift away from upright, it's said (5)","Answer":"LISZT","Explanation":"Definition: Pianist\nsounds like (it's said) \"list\" (shift away from upright)"} {"Clue":"It turns 6, missing start in posh car (7)","Answer":"ROTATOR","Explanation":"Definition: It turns\npOTATO (6 down, missing start) in RR (Rolls Royce, posh car)"} {"Clue":"Last of gold charms, possibly, and coins of antiquity (7)","Answer":"DRACHMS","Explanation":"Definition: coins of antiquity\ngolD (last letter of) then anagram (possibly) of CHARMS"} {"Clue":"Addition of glossy stuff not right, fading away (9)","Answer":"VANISHING","Explanation":"Definition: fading away\nVArNISHING (addition of glossy stuff) missing R (right)"} {"Clue":"Don't confront total lack of diamonds, say (5)","Answer":"AVOID","Explanation":"Definition: Don't confront\nA VOID (no cards in a particular suit, Diamonds say)"} {"Clue":"Analysis in form of opinion (5)","Answer":"ASSAY","Explanation":"Definition: Analysis\nAS (in form of) SAY (opinion)"} {"Clue":"Things lacking in old vocations (9)","Answer":"OMISSIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Things lacking\nO (old) MISSIONS (vocations)"} {"Clue":"Composition almost put out without piano (4)","Answer":"OPUS","Explanation":"Definition: Composition\nOUSt (put out, almost) includes P (piano)"} {"Clue":"Man on a Scottish island (6)","Answer":"STAFFA","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish island\nSTAFF (man) on A"} {"Clue":"Kind of film about fungal growth in kind of pastry (10)","Answer":"SHORTCRUST","Explanation":"Definition: kind of pastry\nSHORT (kind of film) C (circa, about) RUST (fungal growth)"} {"Clue":"All but nullify a monarch that's gigantic and awfully distant (6)","Answer":"QUASAR","Explanation":"Definition: that's gigantic and awfully distant\nQUASh (nullify, all but) A R (rex, monarch)"} {"Clue":"Unusually prim goal for work lacking, in a way \u2014 such as this (8)","Answer":"LIPOGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: work lacking, in a way \u2014 such as this\nanagram (unusually) of PRIM GOAL -a lipogram is a writing exercise where one has to avoid using a particular letter, often the letter E which is not found in this clue or solution."} {"Clue":"Irish growth finishing disastrous slump, you said (4)","Answer":"SPUD","Explanation":"Definition: Irish growth\nlast letters of (finishing) disasterouS slumP yoU saiD"} {"Clue":"King is jolly mad such guys spoil things (8)","Answer":"KILLJOYS","Explanation":"Definition: such guys spoil things\nK (king) then anagram (mad) of IS JOLLY"} {"Clue":"Put off\u00a0visit (4)","Answer":"STAY","Explanation":"Definition: Put off\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Mammal I caught in nasty trap (5)","Answer":"TAPIR","Explanation":"Definition: Mammal\nI inside (caught in) anagram (nasty) of TRAP"} {"Clue":"A rival soap broadcast in port (10)","Answer":"VALPARAISO","Explanation":"Definition: port\nanagram (broadcast) of A RIVAL SOAP"} {"Clue":"Abrupt attack is capturing court, you said (5)","Answer":"ICTUS","Explanation":"Definition: Abrupt attack\nIS contains (capturing) CT (court) and U (sounds like, as said, \"you\")"} {"Clue":"In US city cash is tight, initially, for classical scholar (8)","Answer":"LATINIST","Explanation":"Definition: classical scholar\nLA (US city) TIN (cash) IS and Tight (initial letter of)"} {"Clue":"Runs into coach, going north into changing part of London (8)","Answer":"SURBITON","Explanation":"Definition: part of London\nR (runs) in BUS (coach) reversed (going north then anagram (changing) of INTO"} {"Clue":"Taunts with it and starts to scoff (4,2)","Answer":"DIGS IN","Explanation":"Definition: starts to scoff \nDIGS (taunts) and IN (with it, fashionable)"} {"Clue":"Charming activity of husband, putting diamonds in rings (6)","Answer":"HOODOO","Explanation":"Definition: Charming activity\nH (husband) then D (diamonds) inside OOOO (some rings)"} {"Clue":"What's glass, holding liquid, contributing to joviality? (4)","Answer":"VIAL","Explanation":"Definition: What's glass, holding liquid\nfound inside (contributing to) joVIALity"} {"Clue":"Batons in audition that you will finally pass across? (4)","Answer":"STYX","Explanation":"Definition: that you will finally pass across?\nsounds like \"sticks\" (batons) \u2013 the River Styx separating the world of the living from the world of the dead"} {"Clue":"In hurry, fling\u00a0small amount (4)","Answer":"DASH","Explanation":"Definition: hurry\ntriple definition"} {"Clue":"Arachnid scuttles round head of monastery before liturgy \u2013 me? (13)","Answer":"ARCHIMANDRITE","Explanation":"Definition: me\nanagram (scuttles) of ARACHNID containing Monastery (head, first letter of) then RITE"} {"Clue":"Poor liquor accompanied by English constituent of mineral water (8)","Answer":"BAREGINE","Explanation":"Definition: constituent of mineral water\nBARE (poor) GIN (liquor) with E (English)"} {"Clue":"Substance used on transistors \u2013 please puff (6)","Answer":"DOPANT","Explanation":"Definition: Substance used on transistors\nDO (please, eg \"do sit down\") and PANT (puff)"} {"Clue":"Linked group in microcircuit adjusted pitches (7)","Answer":"CHIPSET","Explanation":"Definition: Linked group in microcircuit\nanagram (adjusted) of PITCHES"} {"Clue":"Lawyer links about five cases (7)","Answer":"DATIVES","Explanation":"Definition: cases\nDA (District Attorney, lawyer) TIES (links) contains V (five)"} {"Clue":"E.g. wooden partition essential to mask re-entry (6)","Answer":"SKREEN","Explanation":"Definition: E.g. wooden partition\nfound inside (essential to) maSK RE-ENtry"} {"Clue":"Funeral ceremonies over, a little food follows (4)","Answer":"OBIT","Explanation":"Definition: Funeral ceremonies\nO (over) then BIT (a little food)"} {"Clue":"Zone one's abandoned, so-so having absorbed new strike (4)","Answer":"ZONK","Explanation":"Definition: strike\nZone missing ONE then OK (so-so) containing N (new)"} {"Clue":"Blind ox, wild about introduction to sill (6)","Answer":"BISSON","Explanation":"Definition: Blind\nBISON (wild ox) contains Sill (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Aggressive thrust that's damaged periost (7)","Answer":"RIPOSTE","Explanation":"Definition: Aggressive thrust\nanagram (damaged) of PEROISTE"} {"Clue":"Contralto solo with company backing in Brazilian dance (7)","Answer":"CARIOCA","Explanation":"Definition: Brazilian dance\nC (contralto) ARIA (solo) contains (with\u2026in) CO (company) reversed (backing)"} {"Clue":"Gown with tail of ermelin, making you hot (6)","Answer":"STOLEN","Explanation":"Definition: hot\nSTOLE (gown) with ermeliN (tail of)"} {"Clue":"Hell's angel appearing regularly in brisk rides? (5)","Answer":"BIKIE","Explanation":"Definition: Hell's angel\nevery other letter (appearing regularly) in BrIsK rIdEs"} {"Clue":"Like some ponies let out, with special stable boy around? (8)","Answer":"SHETLAND","Explanation":"Definition: Like some ponies\nanagram (out) of LET inside (with\u2026around) S (special) HAND (stable boy)"} {"Clue":"I believe in recreation \u2013 it's seen flourishing behind part of fence (13)","Answer":"PALINGENESIST","Explanation":"Definition: I believe in recreation\nanagram (flourishing) of ITS SEEN following PALING (part of fence)"} {"Clue":"Old blackguard, fellow in service (4)","Answer":"RAFF","Explanation":"Definition: Old blackguard\nF (fellow) in RAF (service)"} {"Clue":"German dish, cold grub (5)","Answer":"CROUT","Explanation":"Definition: German dish\nC (cold) ROUT (grub)"} {"Clue":"One of the speedwells in the bin, scrapped (6)","Answer":"HENBIT","Explanation":"Definition: One of the speedwells\nanagram (scrapped) of THE BIN"} {"Clue":"Become mentally confused, as solitary fellow all arsy-versy? (6)","Answer":"MITHER","Explanation":"Definition: Become mentally confused\nHERMIT (solitary fellow) with back to front (all arsy-versy)"} {"Clue":"The unfinished opera isn't rewritten showing reprise for chorus? (11)","Answer":"ANTISTROPHE","Explanation":"Definition: reprise for chorus\nanagram (rewritten) of THe (unfinished) OPERA ISN'T"} {"Clue":"German cab driver, clipped on the weather (6)","Answer":"DROSKY","Explanation":"Definition: German cab\nDR (driver) On (clipped, no end letter) SKY (the weather)"} {"Clue":"Whose plumage changes completely in wintry periods? (5)","Answer":"RYPER","Explanation":"Definition: Whose plumage changes completely\nfound inside wintRY PERiods \u2013 the ptarmigan, which develops white feathers in winter"} {"Clue":"Morgan e.g., top removed, being more than a little warm (5)","Answer":"IRATE","Explanation":"Definition: more than a little warm\npIRATE (eg Sir Henry Morgan) missing top letter"} {"Clue":"Rag with new information coming in that's touching (7)","Answer":"TANGENT","Explanation":"Definition: touching\nTAT (rag) containing N (new) GEN (information)"} {"Clue":"Orchestra on boat's made a mess of arrangement (9)","Answer":"BANDOBAST","Explanation":"Definition: arrangement\nBAND (orchestra) then anagram (made a mess of) BOAT'S"} {"Clue":"Drunk (9)","Answer":"STONKERED","Explanation":"Definition: Drunk\ncompetition clue"} {"Clue":"Minor road, embarrassing smell over ditch (6)","Answer":"BOREEN","Explanation":"Definition: Minor road\nBO (embarrassing smell) on REEN (ditch)"} {"Clue":"Rowan up north I knew when rambling round about (6)","Answer":"WICKEN","Explanation":"Definition: Rowan up north\nanagram (when rambling) of I KNEW contains C (circa, about)"} {"Clue":"Mustelines yielding bit of leather to line oriental footwear (6)","Answer":"ZORILS","Explanation":"Definition: Mustelines\nLeather (first letter of) inside (to line) ZORIS (oriental footwear)"} {"Clue":"Lower monastic hood after start of service (5)","Answer":"SCOWL","Explanation":"Definition: Lower\nCOWL (monastic hood) following Service (start of, first letter)"} {"Clue":"Most of lamb is chopped up in meat stew (5)","Answer":"SALAMI","Explanation":"Definition: meat stew\nanagram (chopped up) of LAMb (most of) and IS"} {"Clue":"Forest-dweller, one tucking into rice liquor (5)","Answer":"SAKAI","Explanation":"Definition: Forest-dweller\nA (one) in SAKI (rice liquor)"} {"Clue":"Supports bargain price being raised (4)","Answer":"PINS","Explanation":"Definition: Supports\nSNIP (bargain price) reversed (being raised)"} {"Clue":"City outside Tunisia turned into part of the Roman Empire (9)","Answer":"LUSITANIA","Explanation":"Definition: part of the Roman Empire\nLA (city) contains (outside) anagram (turned) of TUNISIA"} {"Clue":"Inaccessible spot where setter's entertained by Jane? (5)","Answer":"EYRIE","Explanation":"Definition: Inaccessible spot\nI (the setter) inside (entertained by) EYRE (Jane Eyre perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Missile trailing special bird (7)","Answer":"SPARROW","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nARROW (missile) following SP (special)"} {"Clue":"Sailors pretend to bear north then do a runner (7)","Answer":"ABSCOND","Explanation":"Definition: do a runner\nABS (Able Seamen, sailors) COD (pretend) contains (to bear) N (north)"} {"Clue":"Dutch pigpen's not cleaned thoroughly (5)","Answer":"DUSTY","Explanation":"Definition: not cleaned thoroughly\nDU (Dutch) STY (pigpen)"} {"Clue":"Animal crossing ploughed up acre in credit with fixture in field \u2026 (9)","Answer":"SCARECROW","Explanation":"Definition: fixture in field\nSOW (animal) contains (crossing) anagram (ploughed up) of ACRE in CR (credit)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 has learnt legend about children abandoned in forest (6,3,6)","Answer":"HANSEL AND GRETEL","Explanation":"Definition: children abandoned in forest\nanagram (about) of HAS LEARNT LEGEND"} {"Clue":"Publicity surrounding liquid used for washing material found in fabrics (9)","Answer":"POLYESTER","Explanation":"Definition: material found in fabrics\nPOSTER (publicity) contains (surrounding) LYE (liquid used for washing)"} {"Clue":"Located wings of albatross in part of garden (5)","Answer":"BASED","Explanation":"Definition: Located\nAlbatrosS (wings, outer letters of) in BED (part of garden)"} {"Clue":"Special cart distributed church's cash (7)","Answer":"SCRATCH","Explanation":"Definition: cash\nS (special) anagram (distributed) of CART then CH (church)"} {"Clue":"Vans breaking down in shed curtailed campaign (7)","Answer":"CANVASS","Explanation":"Definition: campaign\nanagram (breaking down) of VANS in CASt (shed, curtailed)"} {"Clue":"Language used in Berlin government (5)","Answer":"LINGO","Explanation":"Definition: Language\nfound inside berLIN GOvernment"} {"Clue":"9 accepting new crate of fruit (9)","Answer":"NECTARINE","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nNINE (9) contains anagram (new) of CRATE"} {"Clue":"Get rid of officer during cut in firm with restrictive hiring policy (6,4)","Answer":"CLOSED SHOP","Explanation":"Definition: firm with restrictive hiring policy\nLOSE (get rid of) DS (Detective Sergeant, officer) inside CHOP (cut)"} {"Clue":"Killer of topless girls getting home (8)","Answer":"ASSASSIN","Explanation":"Definition: Killer\nLASS LASS (two girls, both topless) and IN (home)"} {"Clue":"Rough old soldier hiding in farm building (6)","Answer":"STORMY","Explanation":"Definition: Rough\nO (old) RM (Royal Marine, soldier) inside STY (farm building)"} {"Clue":"Partners attending opening of observatory with cocaine (4)","Answer":"SNOW","Explanation":"Definition: cocaine\nS and N (partners in Bridge) with Observatory (opening letter of) and W (with)"} {"Clue":"Tool encasing buddhist monk's portable stove (10)","Answer":"SALAMANDER","Explanation":"Definition: portable stove\nSANDER (tool) contains (encasing) LAMA (buddhist monk)"} {"Clue":"Space in M&S used by women getting attention for some of its clothing (8)","Answer":"MENSWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: some of its clothing\nEN (space, printing) in M and S then W (women) with EAR (attention)"} {"Clue":"Passion in letter unyielding (6)","Answer":"ARDOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Passion\nAR (the name of the letter R) DOUR (unyielding)"} {"Clue":"Insensitive wife finally accepted by relative (4)","Answer":"DEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Insensitive\nwifE (final letter of) in DAD (a relative)"} {"Clue":"Vehicles turned up with mostly fake electronic device (10)","Answer":"SMARTPHONE","Explanation":"Definition: electronic device\nTRAMS (vehicles) reversed (turned up) then PHONEy (fake, mostly)"} {"Clue":"Daily news broadcast about Tinseltown's foremost film producer (4,6)","Answer":"WALT DISNEY","Explanation":"Definition: film producer\nanagram (broadcast) of DAILY NEWS containing Tinseltown (foremost, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Choice made by evangelical leader reading in church (8)","Answer":"ELECTION","Explanation":"Definition: Choice\nEvangelical (leader, first letter of) then LECTION (a reading in church)"} {"Clue":"Tense Australian male entering troubled Asian island state (8)","Answer":"TASMANIA","Explanation":"Definition: island state\nT (tense) then A (Australian) M (male) inside anagram (troubled) of ASIAN"} {"Clue":"Health professional protecting lower part of airway in soft part of neck (6)","Answer":"LARYNX","Explanation":"Definition: part of neck\nRN (Registered Nurse, health professional) contains (protecting) airwaY (lower part of) in LAX (soft)"} {"Clue":"Small soldier has trimmed ribbon on cap (6)","Answer":"BANTAM","Explanation":"Definition: Small soldier\nBANd (ribbon, trimmed) on TAM (a cap)"} {"Clue":"Deposit is returned to lieutenant (4)","Answer":"SILT","Explanation":"Definition: Deposit\nIS (reversed) returned then LT (lieutenant)"} {"Clue":"Bird in small pile of hay (4)","Answer":"COCK","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Broken bit replaced, as you would expect (11)","Answer":"PREDICTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: as you would expect\nanagram (broken) of BIT REPLACED"} {"Clue":"Reportedly bitter grain (3)","Answer":"RYE","Explanation":"Definition: grain\nsounds like (reportedly) \"wry\" (bitter)"} {"Clue":"Chauffeur used to repress wind (5)","Answer":"EURUS","Explanation":"Definition: wind\nfound inside (repressed by) chauffEUR USed \u2013 the east wind"} {"Clue":"Unsuitable \u2013 it's what writer's turned in (5)","Answer":"INEPT","Explanation":"Definition: Unsuitable\nIT contains (has\u2026in) PEN (what writer's, what a writer has)"} {"Clue":"Carrying a bouquet, having half heeded the advice of Polonius? (5)","Answer":"OLENT","Explanation":"Definition: Carrying a bouquet\nO LENT (having lent nothing) \u2013 in Hamlet half of Polonius's advice to Laertes: *neither a borrower nor a lender be"} {"Clue":"Fruity things do it, achieving premature climax (5,4)","Answer":"FOOL\u2019S MATE","Explanation":"Definition: premature climax\nFOOLS (fruity things, desserts) then MATE (do it, have sex) \u2013 a very quick defeat in chess"} {"Clue":"Perfect diplomat so schooled? (6)","Answer":"INTACT","Explanation":"Definition: Perfect\na diplomat is schooled in tact"} {"Clue":"Timbales freshly prepared, aromatic in the extreme (8)","Answer":"BALMIEST","Explanation":"Definition: aromatic in the extreme\nanagram (freshly prepared) of TIMBALES"} {"Clue":"Depressed individuals\u00a0at home in Chelsea (3,5)","Answer":"THE BLUES","Explanation":"Definition: Depressed individuals\ndouble definition, depressed people are blue, where The Blues (Chelsea football) play at home"} {"Clue":"Tense, not yet having been invited into the circle? (2,4)","Answer":"ON EDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Tense\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"2 #4, rely on manoeuvring 2 #3 in behind (9)","Answer":"BERYLLIUM","Explanation":"Definition: 2 #4\nanagram (on manoeuvring) of RELY LI (Li, Lithium element number 3) in BUM (behind) \u2013 Beryllium is element number 4"} {"Clue":"Youngster in Anguilla always carrying a meal ticket (5)","Answer":"ELVER","Explanation":"Definition: Youngster in Anguilla\nE'ER (always) contains LV (Luncheon Voucher, meal ticket) \u2013 a young Anguilla (ell)"} {"Clue":"3: odd number (5)","Answer":"ETHER","Explanation":"Definition: number\nanagram (odd) of THREE \u2013 something that numbs"} {"Clue":"This Kent port's the reason, therefore, for undressing? (5)","Answer":"HYTHE","Explanation":"Definition: Kent port\nwHY THe (the reason therefore) missing outside letters (undressing)"} {"Clue":"Pop band at last on bill (3)","Answer":"DAD","Explanation":"Definition: Pop\nbanD (last letter of) on AD (advert, bill)"} {"Clue":"Form for poet's cover is redesigned in here (6,5)","Answer":"HEROIC VERSE","Explanation":"Definition: Form for poet'\nanagram (redesigned) of COVER IS inside HERE"} {"Clue":"What's 1 across about me changing rhenium to erbium? (8,5)","Answer":"PERIODIC TABLE","Explanation":"Definition: What's 1 across\nPreDICTABLE (1 across) contains IO (me, the setter) changing RE (Re rhenium) to ER (Er, erbium) \u2013 the periodic table is predictable, it is the grouping that best predicts the chemical properties of the elements"} {"Clue":"Three successive characters overlooking time factor (7)","Answer":"ELEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: factor\nEL EM EN (LMN, three successive characters) on (overlooking) T (time)"} {"Clue":"All the same, Iceland must work to keep it up (9)","Answer":"IDENTICAL","Explanation":"Definition: All the same\nanagram (must work) of ICELAND containing IT reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Serious break in relations underlies shortfall in the economy (6)","Answer":"THRIFT","Explanation":"Definition: economy\nRIFT (serious break in relations) follows (underlies in a down solution) THe (shortfall in, not all the letters)"} {"Clue":"Giving first love rules to go over (8)","Answer":"BESTOWAL","Explanation":"Definition: Giving\nBEST (first) O (love) then LAW (rules) reversed (to go over)"} {"Clue":"Fishiest suspect picked up from his \u2014\u2013? (1-4)","Answer":"E-FITS","Explanation":"anagram (suspect) of FishIEST missing HIS (the remaining letters picked up leaving his?) \u2013 the \u2014\u2013 indicates there is no definition but the solution fits into the clue here"} {"Clue":"Husbands will oversee mature housekeeping (6)","Answer":"MENAGE","Explanation":"Definition: housekeeping\nMEN (husbands) on top of (will oversee) AGE (mature)"} {"Clue":"Spanner \u2013 item that tightens up rib replacing base of lock (7,6)","Answer":"TRESTLE BRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Spanner\nTRESs (lock) with BELT (item that tightens) reversed (up) RIDGE (rib) replacing the last letter (base of) \u2013 something that spans across"} {"Clue":"Flibbertigibbet\u00a0who's done for? (8)","Answer":"PERISHER","Explanation":"Definition: Flibbertigibbet\ndouble definition \u2013 a flighty person, a dying person"} {"Clue":"Material \u2013 not spiritual \u2013 once your attention takes priority (6)","Answer":"EARTHY","Explanation":"Definition: Material \u2013 not spiritual\nTHY (your, once) follows (with\u2026taking priority) EAR (attention)"} {"Clue":"Partition I see clamped by GP (7)","Answer":"DIVIDER","Explanation":"Definition: Partition\nI VIDE (see, Latin) in DR (doctor, GP)"} {"Clue":"2 21 bringing order with a little bit of method (6,9)","Answer":"DMITRI MENDELEEV","Explanation":"Definition: 2 21 bringing order with a little bit of method\nanagram (bringing order) of ELEMENT DIVIDER and Method (first letter, a little bit of) \u2013 definition is &lit, vaguely"} {"Clue":"Stagger macabre family man (5)","Answer":"LURCH","Explanation":"Definition: Stagger\na macabre of the macabre Adams Family"} {"Clue":"John getting leg over (6)","Answer":"BOGGLE","Explanation":"BOG (john, a toilet) then anagram (over ?) of LEG \u2013 a word game"} {"Clue":"Wild beasts (6)","Answer":"BASSET","Explanation":"anagram (wild) of BEASTS"} {"Clue":"Soprano appearing in timeless choral work (7)","Answer":"CANASTA","Explanation":"S (soprano) inside (appearing in) CANtATA (choral work) missing T (time)"} {"Clue":"Whole lot transferred out west (7)","Answer":"OTHELLO","Explanation":"anagram (transferred) missing (out) W (west) \u2013 a board game"} {"Clue":"More obvious career for cobblers (10)","Answer":"BALDERDASH","Explanation":"BALDER (more bald, obvious) then DASH (career), also a bonus definition \"cobblers\" \u2013 a trivia board game"} {"Clue":"Final segments of the Dubai tennis championship, sadly (1,3)","Answer":"I SPY","Explanation":"final letters of thE dubaI tenniS ChampionshiP sadlY"} {"Clue":"This chap's admitted to the Civil Service (5)","Answer":"CHESS","Explanation":"HE'S (this chap's) inside CS (Civil Service)"} {"Clue":"Medics take in anything (8)","Answer":"DRAUGHTS","Explanation":"DRS (doctors, medics) contains AUGHT (anything)"} {"Clue":"Hire car reversed awkwardly at first into truck (8)","Answer":"BACCARAT","Explanation":"CAB (hire car) reversed then Awkwardly (at first, first letter of) in CART (truck)"} {"Clue":"Returning from Lymm, urgently (5)","Answer":"RUMMY","Explanation":"found reversed inside lYMM URgently"} {"Clue":"Let us discuss our starters (4)","Answer":"LUDO","Explanation":"starting letters of Let Us Discuss Our"} {"Clue":"Old Scot by island track (10)","Answer":"PICTIONARY","Explanation":"PICT (old Scot) with IONA (island) and RY (railway, track)"} {"Clue":"They got involved with electronic Azed (7)","Answer":"YAHTZEE","Explanation":"anagram (got involved) of THEY with E (electronic) and AZ (a zed) \u2013 a dice game"} {"Clue":"First half of series without recess (7)","Answer":"SNOOKER","Explanation":"SERies (first half of) contains (without) NOOK (recess)"} {"Clue":"Coach during summer in Provence (6)","Answer":"ECARTE","Explanation":"CAR (coach) inside ETE (summer in French)"} {"Clue":"Composer's part for violin (6)","Answer":"BRIDGE","Explanation":"Frank Bridge composer and a support for the strings on a violin"} {"Clue":"Excellent support at museum (5)","Answer":"BRAVA","Explanation":"Definition: Excellent\nBRA (a support) then V and A (Victoria & Albert Museum)"} {"Clue":"One thousand pounds mid- week for Spanish noble (7)","Answer":"GRANDEE","Explanation":"Definition: Spanish noble\nGRAND (one thousand pounds) then wEEk (middle of)"} {"Clue":"Lie-abed retailers disturbed (4,5)","Answer":"LATE RISER","Explanation":"Definition: Lie-abed\nanagram (disturbed) of RETAILERS"} {"Clue":"Bone that may be dropped (5)","Answer":"AITCH","Explanation":"Definition: that may be dropped\nan aitchbone is found in cattle"} {"Clue":"Looking like Carl left single cream that's off (7)","Answer":"SEEMING","Explanation":"Definition: Looking like\nanagram (that's of) of SINGlE crEaME missing (left) CARL"} {"Clue":"A meeting of minds (9)","Answer":"TELEPATHY","Explanation":"Definition: A meeting of minds\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Police HQ's indication of approval for benchmark (9)","Answer":"YARDSTICK","Explanation":"Definition: benchmark\nYARD'S (Scotland Yard's, Police HQ) then TICK (indication of approval)"} {"Clue":"Clot distributed catalogue (9)","Answer":"COAGULATE","Explanation":"Definition: Clot\nanagram (distributed) of CATALOGUE"} {"Clue":"Poor R Reagan and Irish prosecutor (9)","Answer":"ARRAIGNER","Explanation":"Definition: prosecutor\nanagram (poor) of R REAGAN and IR (Irish)"} {"Clue":"Country's spies holding up two groups of soldiers (7)","Answer":"CROATIA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nCIA (spies) contains (holding) TA and OR (Territorial Army and Other ranks, two groups of soldiers) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Mum gains new top award for vegetable (7)","Answer":"MANGOLD","Explanation":"Definition: vegetable\nMA (mum) with N (new) GOLD (top award)"} {"Clue":"Request time for gathering (5)","Answer":"PLEAT","Explanation":"Definition: gathering\nPLEA (request) T (time)"} {"Clue":"Old judge gets the bird (5)","Answer":"REEVE","Explanation":"Definition: Old judge\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Gladys Oates excitedly cuddling senior chap in the third row (5,3,3,3)","Answer":"SALTY OLD SEA DOG","Explanation":"Definition: chap in the third row\nanagram (excitedly) of GLADYS OATES contains (cuddling) OLD (senior) \u2013 I have not heard the expression before and I don't understand the definition either! Please can someone help me out. *The third row of this puzzle is ANCIENT MARINER \u2013 a salty old sea dog"} {"Clue":"Regularly taking out nanny? Crikey, not very old! (7)","Answer":"ANCIENT","Explanation":"Definition: very old\nevery other letter (regularly taking out) of nAnNy CrIkEy NoT"} {"Clue":"Colliery worker defending Arab collier? (7)","Answer":"MARINER","Explanation":"Definition: collier\nMINER (colliery worker) contains (defending) AR (Arab) \u2013 a sailor on a coal ship"} {"Clue":"Frosty starts to General Election leaders' interactive debates (5)","Answer":"GELID","Explanation":"Definition: Frosty\nfirst letters (starts to) of General Election Leader's Interactive Debate"} {"Clue":"Having made the cut, rookie enters golf club (5,4)","Answer":"SHORT IRON","Explanation":"Definition: golf club\nSHORN (having made the cut) contains (with\u2026entering) TIRO (rookie)"} {"Clue":"10 shillings, first class? Good Lord! (6)","Answer":"SAILOR","Explanation":"Definition: 10\nS (shillings) AI (A1, first class) LOR (Good Lord!) \u2013 the definition refers to MARINER, 10 across"} {"Clue":"Boatman adrift round island region bordering Hudson Bay (8)","Answer":"MANITOBA","Explanation":"Definition: region bordering Hudson Bay\nanagram (adrift) of BOATMAN contains (about) I (island)"} {"Clue":"Shawnee dies trying to protect those most desperate (8)","Answer":"NEEDIEST","Explanation":"Definition: those most desperate\nfound inside (protected by) shwNEE DIES Trying"} {"Clue":"Stopped to relax in the outskirts of Chelmsford (6)","Answer":"CEASED","Explanation":"Definition: Stopped\nEASE (to relax) inside ChelmsforD (outside letters, outstskirts of)"} {"Clue":"U-boat officer losing place he is renting from another leaseholder (9)","Answer":"SUBTENANT","Explanation":"Definition: he is renting from another leaseholder\nSUB (U-boat) lieuTENANT (officer) missing LIEU (place)"} {"Clue":"Is too smart for old, upper-class Charlies (7)","Answer":"OUTWITS","Explanation":"Definition: Is too smart for\nO (old) U (upper class) TWITS (Charlies)"} {"Clue":"Accomplished objective, taking over county (7)","Answer":"DONEGAL","Explanation":"Definition: county\nDONE (accomplished) then GoAL missing (taking) O (over)"} {"Clue":"Playing around, sneakily obtains crafty pleasures (7,5,2,5)","Answer":"MESSING ABOUT IN BOATS","Explanation":"Definition: crafty pleasures\nMESSING ABOUT (playing) then anagram (sneakily) of OBTAINS"} {"Clue":"Young ladies upset about the introduction of nasty, common language (5)","Answer":"SLANG","Explanation":"Definition: common language\nGALS (young ladies) reversed (upset) contains Nasty (introduction, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"You can set your watch by this diet period (5,4)","Answer":"LOCAL TIME","Explanation":"Definition: You can set your watch by this\nLO CAL (diet) TIME (period)"} {"Clue":"Bond's return, strangely idle following the completion of Octopussy (5)","Answer":"YIELD","Explanation":"Definition: Bond's return\nanagram (strangely) of IDLE follows octopussY (last letter, completion of)"} {"Clue":"Most recent Latin advanced paper (6)","Answer":"LATEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most recent\nL (Latin) A (advanced) TEST (paper)"} {"Clue":"Aggregate taken from Hilversum to Tallinn (3,5)","Answer":"SUM TOTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Aggregate\nfound inside hilveSUM TO TALlin"} {"Clue":"Displays three-wheeler, shot from above (3,6)","Answer":"AIR STRIKE","Explanation":"Definition: shot from above\nAIRS (displays) TRIKE (three-wheeler)"} {"Clue":"Proprietor's wife stuck in revolting Nevada resort (5)","Answer":"OWNER","Explanation":"Definition: Proprietor\nW (wife) inside RENO (Nevada resort) reversed (revolting)"} {"Clue":"Firm discipline used to press crew member (4,4)","Answer":"IRON HAND","Explanation":"Definition: Firm discipline\nIRON (to press) and HAND (crew member)"} {"Clue":"Model shod in sensible footwear (8)","Answer":"SANDSHOE","Explanation":"Definition: footwear\nanagram (model) of SHOD inside SANE (sensible)"} {"Clue":"Oleaginous products 13 across's girlfriend owns, it's said (5,4)","Answer":"OLIVE OILS","Explanation":"Definition: Oleaginous products\nsounds like (it's said) OLIVE OYL'S (sailor's girlfriend owns) \u2013 Olive Oyl was sailor Popeye's girlfriend"} {"Clue":"Large area cordoned by random shotgun attack (9)","Answer":"ONSLAUGHT","Explanation":"Definition: attack\nL (large) A (area) inside anagram (random) of SHOTGUN"} {"Clue":"He's paid to kill Jenny with arsenic (a serious offence) (8)","Answer":"ASSASSIN","Explanation":"Definition: He's paid to kill\nASS (jenny, a female ass) with AS (As, arsenic) and SIN (a serious offence)"} {"Clue":"Arenas to remain expensive, according to reports (6)","Answer":"STADIA","Explanation":"Definition: Arenas\nsounds like (according to reports) \"stay dear\" (remain expensive)"} {"Clue":"Bishop took food infused with hot dip (5)","Answer":"BATHE","Explanation":"Definition: dip\nB (bishop) ATE (took food) contains (infused with) H (hot)"} {"Clue":"House Bertie's Little pal? (5)","Answer":"BINGO","Explanation":"Definition: House\ndouble definition \u2013 \"house\" is a call in the game of bingo and Richard P. \"Bingo\" Little, friend of Bertie Wooster in the stories by PG Wodehouse"} {"Clue":"Look into hospital, where cuts are commonplace (5)","Answer":"SALON","Explanation":"Definition: where cuts are commonplace\nLO (look) inside SAN (sanatorium, hospital) \u2013 where you get haircuts"} {"Clue":"Composer's wife getting grip of exercises with piano? Rubbish (8)","Answer":"CLAPTRAP","Explanation":"Definition: Rubbish\nCLARA (Clara Schumann \u2013 a composer in her own right, not just the wife of one) contains (getting group of) PT (exercises) with P (piano)"} {"Clue":"Camel hair coating\u00a0successful group (4)","Answer":"ABBA","Explanation":"Definition: Camel hair coating\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Dominant Malagasies hard on drifters denied grants (4)","Answer":"HOVA","Explanation":"Definition: Dominant Malagasies\nH (hard) and O' (on) then VAgrants (drifters) missing GRANTS"} {"Clue":"Ape concealed in old raincoat? The opposite (8)","Answer":"HOMINOID","Explanation":"Definition: Ape\nO (old) MINO (raincoat) inside (in) HID (concealed) \u2013 the opposite concealed in old raincoat"} {"Clue":"Poet's confused in fancy hotels, one of the taps having come off (5)","Answer":"LOSTE","Explanation":"Definition: Poet's confused\nanagram (fancy) of hOTELS missing H (hot, one of the taps)"} {"Clue":"Lizard from Indian territory, North America (6)","Answer":"GOANNA","Explanation":"Definition: Lizard\nGOAN (from Goa, Indian territory) then NA (North America)"} {"Clue":"Food for clue as an anagram, unsatisfactory to jewellers (11)","Answer":"OFF COLOURED","Explanation":"Definition: unsatisfactory to jewellers\nanagram (as an anagram) of FOOD FOR CLUE"} {"Clue":"NZ farm hand who may be ordered to hose pen endlessly (6)","Answer":"SHEEPO","Explanation":"Definition: NZ farm hand\nanagram (who, *the solution*, may be ordered to) HOSE PEn (endlessly)"} {"Clue":"I peak, coming from behind, ahead of a top golfer (6)","Answer":"GARCIA","Explanation":"Definition: top golfer\nI CRAG (peak) reversed (coming from behind) then (ahead of) A \u2013 Spanish golfer Sergio Garcia"} {"Clue":"Some popular timps backing, high-hat-like? (6)","Answer":"MITRAL","Explanation":"Definition: high-hat-like\nfound reversed (backing) inside popuLAR TIMps \u2013 ecclesiastical headwear like a high hat"} {"Clue":"Eruption, hot, in Iceland and going of explosively \u2013 little new (6)","Answer":"LICHEN","Explanation":"Definition: Eruption\nH (hot) inside anagram (explosively) of ICELand missing (going off) AND then N (new, little=abbrev) \u2013 an eruption on the skin"} {"Clue":"Family of fishes from America hide with camouflage (11)","Answer":"CHIMAERIDAE","Explanation":"Definition: Family of fishes\nanagram (with camouflage) of AMERICA HIDE"} {"Clue":"Car protected by French patron (6)","Answer":"FAUTOR","Explanation":"Definition: patron\nAUTO (car) inside (protected by) FR (French)"} {"Clue":"Artist recalled exploit with centre of picture (5)","Answer":"KLIMT","Explanation":"Definition: Artist\nMILK (~~expert~~ exploit) reversed (recalled) then picTure (centre of)"} {"Clue":"Flowering plant acquired from shop, deal negotiated (8)","Answer":"ASPHODEL","Explanation":"Definition: Flowering plant\nanagram (negotiated) of SHOP DEAL"} {"Clue":"Unconventional writing system fast losing following (4)","Answer":"LEET","Explanation":"Definition: Unconventional writing system\nfLEET (fast) missing F (following) \u2013 L33T or 1337"} {"Clue":"Barmy stuff formerly essential for dyesters (4)","Answer":"YEST","Explanation":"Definition: Barmy stuff\nfound inside (essential for) dYESTers \u2013 barm is yeast"} {"Clue":"Get cross about a bed, collapsed, that's 'ready to mount'? (8)","Answer":"RIDEABLE","Explanation":"Definition: that's 'ready to mount'\nRILE (cross) contains (about) anagram (collapsed) of A BED"} {"Clue":"Lady's skin condition: one after opening has look inside (8)","Answer":"CHLOASMA","Explanation":"Definition: Lady's skin condition\nA (one) follows CHASM (opening) containing LO (look)"} {"Clue":"Scrubber prince put up pocketing cash (6)","Answer":"LOOFAH","Explanation":"Definition: Scrubber\nHAL (prince, Harry from Shakespeare) reversed containing OOF (cash)"} {"Clue":"Knavery in Shakespeare, irregular when the monarch's involved (8)","Answer":"PATCHERY","Explanation":"Definition: Knavery in Shakespeare\nPATCHY (irregular) containing (when\u2026is involved) ER (monarch)"} {"Clue":"Article that's painful for old slave (5)","Answer":"THEOW","Explanation":"Definition: old slave\nTHE (definite article) has OW (that's painful)"} {"Clue":"Neckline feature, dandy buttonhole? (10)","Answer":"ROLL COLLAR","Explanation":"Definition: Neckline feature\nROLL ( a dandy-roll) then COLLAR (buttonhole)"} {"Clue":"'Dutiful', suggesting French ranker? (5)","Answer":"PIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Dutiful\nPIOUS (piou plural) suggests piou-piou, a French soldier (ranker)"} {"Clue":"Almost stranded, on being kept in \u2013 arthritic condition? (8)","Answer":"BONEACHE","Explanation":"Definition: arthritic condition\nBEACHEd (stranded, almost) contains ON"} {"Clue":"A \u2014\u2014, Asian, modifies appearance of Indian sahiba (6)","Answer":"BINDHI","Explanation":"Definition: A \u2014\u2014, Asian, modifies appearance of Indian sahiba\nA BINDHI ASIAN is an anagram (modifies appearance of) INDIAN SAHIBA \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"A dimwit accounting for cow, old (4)","Answer":"ADAW","Explanation":"Definition: cow, old\nA DAW(dimwit)"} {"Clue":"Watching too much TV, maybe, turn oddly edgy, filled with joy (10)","Answer":"GOGGLE-EYED","Explanation":"Definition: Watching too much TV, maybe\nGO (turn) then anagram (oddly) of EDGY containing GLEE (joy)"} {"Clue":"More than one sauce vessel, vulgarly flashy? Tart obscured (8)","Answer":"KETCHUPS","Explanation":"Definition: More than one sauce\nKETCH (vessel) then UPStart (vulgarly flashy) missing (obscured) TART"} {"Clue":"Dyestuff, rich, stirred in jar (8)","Answer":"ORCHILLA","Explanation":"Definition: Dyestuff\nanagram (stirred) of RICH in OLLA (jar)"} {"Clue":"Line that's jagged, irregular etc penned by poet (8)","Answer":"DANCETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Line that's jagged\nanagram (irregular) of ETC inside (penned by) DANTE (poet)"} {"Clue":"Box as a precaution (6)","Answer":"INCASE","Explanation":"Definition: Box\nIN CASE (as a precaution)"} {"Clue":"Surface gloss , well-known in a wing (6)","Answer":"ENAMEL","Explanation":"Definition: Surface gloss\nNAME (well known)in EL (a wing, of a building)"} {"Clue":"Accommodation going up in smoke (in Edinburgh?) (5)","Answer":"SMOOR","Explanation":"Definition: smoke (in Edinburgh?)\nROOMS (accomodation) reversed (going up)"} {"Clue":"River entering lake mistaken for a famous bay (5)","Answer":"ARKLE","Explanation":"Definition: a famous bay\nR (river) inside anagram (mistaken) of LAKE \u2013 a famouse racehorse, a bay (brown coat)"} {"Clue":"There's nothing fine, alas, in this offensive label (4)","Answer":"OFAY","Explanation":"Definition: offensive label\nO (nothing) F (fine) AY (alas)"} {"Clue":"Rocket for American singer who loses a grand (6)","Answer":"ARIANE","Explanation":"Definition: Rocket\n~~I don't understand this one, just a guess~~. *ARINa grandE (American singer) missing A GRAND \u2013 thanks to Hovis"} {"Clue":"Broccoli, possibly for the German copper coming back inside (8)","Answer":"PRODUCER","Explanation":"Definition: Broccoli\nPRO (for) DER (the, in German) contains (with\u2026inside) CU (copper) reversed (coming back) \u2013 Albert Broccoli or his daughter Barbara Broccoli, producers of the James Bond films"} {"Clue":"Supply food cut up in small bottle (7)","Answer":"VICTUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Supply food\nanagram (up) of CUT inside VIAL (small bottle)"} {"Clue":"Tiny particle found in surgery on ear and lung (7)","Answer":"GRANULE","Explanation":"Definition: Tiny particle\nanagram (surgery on \u2013 ?) of EAR and LUNG \u2013 I would be upset if a surgeon rearranged my body parts in an operation"} {"Clue":"Preserves\u00a0sacks (4)","Answer":"CANS","Explanation":"Definition: Preserves\ndouble definition \u2013 tinned food and\u00a0rejecting something"} {"Clue":"I'll soon explain strange white amber (4,4,2)","Answer":"BEAR WITH ME","Explanation":"Definition: I'll soon explain\nanagram (strange) of WHITE AMBER"} {"Clue":"Ethnic group's test going around Belgium (6)","Answer":"TRIBAL","Explanation":"Definition: Ethnic group's\nTRIAL (test) contains (going round) B (Belgium)"} {"Clue":"Mushroom good in Bordeaux when filled with egg (7)","Answer":"BURGEON","Explanation":"Definition: Mushroom\nBON, (good, as said in Bordeaux) containing URGE (egg)"} {"Clue":"Screen some episode reruns backwards (7)","Answer":"REREDOS","Explanation":"Definition: Screen\nfound inside (some of) epiSODE RERuns reversed (backwards)"} {"Clue":"Mix cards with extra-loud gun? (6)","Answer":"RIFFLE","Explanation":"Definition: Mix cards\nRIFLE (gun) with an extra F (forte, loud)"} {"Clue":"Potatoes Dickens for one ate excessively (10)","Answer":"CHARLOTTES","Explanation":"Definition: Potatoes\nCHARLES (Dickens, for one) contains (ate) OTT (excessively)"} {"Clue":"People-carrier holds 500 sprouts (4)","Answer":"BUDS","Explanation":"Definition: sprouts\nBUS (people carrier) contains D (500, Roman numeral)"} {"Clue":"Kill composer with lettuce (7)","Answer":"ICEBERG","Explanation":"Definition: lettuce\nICE (kill) and BERG (composer)"} {"Clue":"Live in giant Dalai Lama? (7)","Answer":"TIBETAN","Explanation":"Definition: Dalai Lama\nBE (live) in TITAN (giant)"} {"Clue":"Pepper season, when moose comes back for good (8)","Answer":"SPRINKLE","Explanation":"Definition: Pepper\nSPRINg (season) with ELK (moose) reversed (comes back) replacing (for) G (good)"} {"Clue":"Carpenter's mate was holding hands for all to see (6)","Answer":"WALRUS","Explanation":"Definition: Carpenter's mate\nWAS contains (holding) RL (right and left, hands) U (for all to see, at the cinema) \u2013 from the Lewis Carroll verse"} {"Clue":"Scottish lawyer Five-O caught in a meeting (8)","Answer":"ADVOCATE","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish lawyer\nV (five) O and C (caught) inside (in) DATE (a meeting)"} {"Clue":"Pinch 17 drivers, essentially, to get carrot (9)","Answer":"INCENTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: carrot\nsome middle parts (essentially) of pINCh sevENTeen drIVErs"} {"Clue":"Lacking American good sense (4)","Answer":"NOUS","Explanation":"Definition: good sense\nNO US (lacking American)"} {"Clue":"Very strict set-up or, occasionally, roguish (8)","Answer":"RIGOROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Very strict\nRIG (set-up) OR rOgUiSh (every other letter, occasionally)"} {"Clue":"Pulling leg, which holds up paper? (7,3)","Answer":"DRAWING PIN","Explanation":"Definition: which holds up paper\nDRAWING (pulling) PIN (leg) \u2013 nice!"} {"Clue":"Squash resistance in such difficulties (5)","Answer":"CRUSH","Explanation":"Definition: Squash\nR (resistance) in anagram (difficulties) of SUCH"} {"Clue":"Smelt bad and stretched again! (6)","Answer":"REEKED","Explanation":"Definition: Smelt bad\nRE-EKED (stretched again)"} {"Clue":"Small vegetable is glossy (5)","Answer":"SLEEK","Explanation":"Definition: glossy\nS (small) and LEEK (vegetable)"} {"Clue":"Conduct group perjury session or stay in bed (4,1,3-2)","Answer":"HAVE A LIE-IN","Explanation":"Definition: Conduct group perjury session\ndefinition and cryptic definition \u2013 could also be TAKE A LIE-IN"} {"Clue":"Delivery leaving on small sailing vessel (3-6)","Answer":"OFF-CUTTER","Explanation":"Definition: Delivery\nOFF (leaving) on CUTTER (small sailing vessel) \u2013 a delivery in cricket"} {"Clue":"Country left judgeable after odd losses (8)","Answer":"PORTUGAL","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nPORT (left) then jUdGeAbLe missing every other letter (after odd losses)"} {"Clue":"Land workers have way up to vegetable hospital (8)","Answer":"PEASANTS","Explanation":"Definition: Land workers\nST (street, a way) reversed (up) following (to) PEA (vegetable) SAN (sanatorium, hospital)"} {"Clue":"Films usually use these timeless certificates (6)","Answer":"SCRIPS","Explanation":"Definition: certificates\nSCRIPtS (films usually use these) missing T (time)"} {"Clue":"Poet seen in stake-out (5)","Answer":"KEATS","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\nanagram (out) of STAKE"} {"Clue":"Vote for one Republican per annum (1,4)","Answer":"A YEAR","Explanation":"Definition: per annum\nAYE (a vote in favour) A (one) R (republican)"} {"Clue":"Swedes and a bit of cabbage (4)","Answer":"ABBA","Explanation":"Definition: Swedes\nfound inside cABBAge"} {"Clue":"Think 'Wow, a fantastic introduction to a fresh idea!' (1,4,4)","Answer":"I KNOW WHAT","Explanation":"Definition: introduction to a fresh idea!\nanagram (fantastic) of THINK WOW A"} {"Clue":"Germ gets you ending with the stomach ache, mostly (1,4)","Answer":"E COLI","Explanation":"Definition: Germ\nthE (ending with, last letter) then COLIc (stomach ache, mostly)"} {"Clue":"A sign of hope for couples coming out? (7)","Answer":"RAINBOW","Explanation":"Definition: A sign of hope for couples coming out\ncryptic definition \u2013 the rainbow or Rainbow Flag is a symbol of LGBT pride* \u2013 and the rainbow was a sign of hope for Noah in the Ark"} {"Clue":"Article penned by playwright \u2014 something ropy (7)","Answer":"PAINTER","Explanation":"Definition: something ropy\nA (indefinite article) inside (penned by) PINTER (playwright)"} {"Clue":"One who sold out quickly, not plebeian at heart (5)","Answer":"FAUST","Explanation":"Definition: One who sold out\nFAST (quickly) containing (with\u2026at heart) U (upper class, not plebeian)"} {"Clue":"Carpet sweeper collecting great amount, first to last (9)","Answer":"BROADLOOM","Explanation":"Definition: Carpet\nBROOM (sweeper) contains (collecting) LOAD (great amount) with the first letter moved to the end"} {"Clue":"Behave as timid type when one's struck and hold on, hoping for the best (3,4,3,5)","Answer":"RUN DOWN THE CLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: hold on, hoping for the best\nas the mouse (timid type) did in the rhyme Hickory-Dickory Dock"} {"Clue":"Female engineer ace being brought in to go down a hole? (9)","Answer":"DISAPPEAR","Explanation":"Definition: to go down a hole\nDI (Diana, a female) SAPPER (engineer) contains (\u2026being brought in) A (ace)"} {"Clue":"More than one electrical device operates at restricted frequency (5)","Answer":"FUSES","Explanation":"Definition: More than one electrical device\nUSES (operates) following (at) F (frequency, restricted=abbreviation)"} {"Clue":"Army man revolutionised Asian country (7)","Answer":"MYANMAR","Explanation":"Definition: Asian country\nanagram (revolutionised) of ARMY MAN"} {"Clue":"Foot of water in Gloucester? (7)","Answer":"SPONDEE","Explanation":"Definition: Foot\nPOND (water) in SEE (a diocese, Gloucester perhaps) \u2013 a metrical foot"} {"Clue":"Link that is bringing together metal components (3-2)","Answer":"TIE-IN","Explanation":"Definition: Link\nIE (that is) inside TIN (a metal) \u2013 two components of the word tin might be T and IN, IE brings them together"} {"Clue":"Top Gear and evening drinks (9)","Answer":"NIGHTCAPS","Explanation":"Definition: evening drinks\nGEAR (clothes) worn on TOP"} {"Clue":"Measure of capacity in a Ford car I'm working out (10)","Answer":"MICROFARAD","Explanation":"Definition: Measure of capacity\nanagram (working out) of A FORD CAR I'M \u2013 a measure of capacitance, capacity to hold electric charge"} {"Clue":"Against taking game bird on Caribbean island (8)","Answer":"ANTIGUAN","Explanation":"Definition: on Caribbean island\nANTI (against) with (taking on) GUAN (game bird)"} {"Clue":"Cheap religious book with content of little weight (3-3)","Answer":"TWO-BIT","Explanation":"Definition: Cheap\nTOBIT (religious book) contains (with content of) W (weight, little=abbreviation)"} {"Clue":"Sound of relief from the fellow hugged by two women (4)","Answer":"WHEW","Explanation":"Definition: Sound of relief\nHE (fellow) inside (hugged by) W W (women, two of)"} {"Clue":"Member of family to stifle upset favourite being protected (10)","Answer":"STEPMOTHER","Explanation":"Definition: Member of family\nSMOTHER (to stifle) contains (\u2026being protected) PET (favourite) reversed (upset)"} {"Clue":"Female spirit of poetry evident from time to time (8)","Answer":"PERIODIC","Explanation":"Definition: evident from time to time\nPERI (female spirit) then ODIC (of poetry)"} {"Clue":"Archbishop sounding excessive (3-3)","Answer":"TOO-TOO","Explanation":"Definition: excessive\nsounding like \"Tutu\" (Archbishop Desmond Tutu)"} {"Clue":"Sound of wind? Gosh, it's cold around island! (4)","Answer":"BIRR","Explanation":"Definition: Sound of wind\nBRR (gosh, it's cold) contains I (island)"} {"Clue":"Drug last character brought into inn, beer being laced (10)","Answer":"BENZEDRINE","Explanation":"Definition: Drug\nZED (Z, last character) inside (brought into) anagram (being laced) of INN BEER"} {"Clue":"King being accommodated in minister's house is reasonable (5,5)","Answer":"MAKES SENSE","Explanation":"Definition: reasonable\nK (king) ESSE (being) inside MANSE (minister's house)"} {"Clue":"Chaps entering gold mine for yellow mineral (8)","Answer":"ORPIMENT","Explanation":"Definition: yellow mineral\nMEN (chaps) inside (entering) OR (gold) PIT (mine)"} {"Clue":"Old boy joining Vicious and Dury in a sort of rock (8)","Answer":"OBSIDIAN","Explanation":"Definition: a sort of rock\nOB (old boy) with SID (Sid Vicious) and IAN (Ian Druy)"} {"Clue":"Parched, needing water and wine (6)","Answer":"SEARED","Explanation":"Definition: Parched\nSEA (water) and RED (wine)"} {"Clue":"Shows contempt for loud hooligans (6)","Answer":"FLOUTS","Explanation":"Definition: Shows contempt for\nF (forte, loud) then LOUTS (hooligans)"} {"Clue":"Biblical widow had more than one small child (4)","Answer":"MITE","Explanation":"Definition: small child\nsee the story of the widow's mite in the Bible"} {"Clue":"Indication of burning issue coming up (4)","Answer":"SIGN","Explanation":"Definition: Indication\nfound inside (of) burniNG ISsue reversed (coming up)"} {"Clue":"Need to forbid hugging before Dutch right winger gets covered in bruises (5-3-4)","Answer":"BLACK-AND-BLUE","Explanation":"Definition: covered in bruises\nLACK (need) inside (with\u2026hugging) BAN (forbid) then D (Dutch) BLUE (right-winger, in UK politics)"} {"Clue":"Gold head of Nabokov removed from novelist's grave (7)","Answer":"AUSTERE","Explanation":"Definition: grave\nAU (Au, gold) then STERnE (Laurence Sterne, Novelist) missing Nabokov (first letter, head of)"} {"Clue":"Article about Cameron withdrawn by New Statesman (7)","Answer":"NEVADAN","Explanation":"Definition: Statesman\nAN (indefinite article) contains (about) DAVE (David Cameron, former PM) all reversed (withdrawn) then N (new)"} {"Clue":"Reckon on endless sheep appearing after a short time (3,2)","Answer":"TOT UP","Explanation":"Definition: Reckon\nOn (endless, no last letter) TUP (sheep) following T (time, shortened)"} {"Clue":"Set against foreign volunteers returning to Spain (8)","Answer":"ALIENATE","Explanation":"Definition: Set against\nALIEN (foreign) TA (Territorial Army, volunteers) reversed (returning) then E (Espana, Spain)"} {"Clue":"Soap once made with religious symbol on Greek island they say (10)","Answer":"CROSSROADS","Explanation":"Definition: Soap once\nCROSS (religious symbol) on RAODS sounds like (they say) \"Rhodes\" (Greek island) \u2013 a soap opera once on UK TV"} {"Clue":"Observe with a sly look back (4)","Answer":"KEEP","Explanation":"Definition: Observe\nPEEK (sly look) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Severely criticise after section's deleted near the end (4)","Answer":"LATE","Explanation":"Definition: near the end\nsLATE (severely criticise) missing S (section)"} {"Clue":"Devise it ultimately to stop celebrity getting upset by malicious critic (7,3)","Answer":"HATCHET MAN","Explanation":"Definition: malicious critic\nHATCH (devise) then iT (ultimately, last letter) inside (to stop, like a cork) NAME (celebrity) reversed (getting upset)"} {"Clue":"Rebel Frenchman for example brought back without notice (8)","Answer":"RENEGADE","Explanation":"Definition: Rebel\nRENE (a Frenchman) EG (for example) reversed (brought back) contains (without, outside) AD (advertisement, notice)"} {"Clue":"Determined after having gained from an unexpected outcome (5)","Answer":"UPSET","Explanation":"Definition: an unexpected outcome\nSET (determined) follows UP (having gained)"} {"Clue":"Term of imprisonment for unfortunate person overheard on street (7)","Answer":"STRETCH","Explanation":"Definition: Term of imprisonment\nRETCH sounds like (overheard) \"wretch\" (unfortunate person) following (on) ST (street)"} {"Clue":"Provisional offering from Pinter impressed (7)","Answer":"INTERIM","Explanation":"Definition: Provisional\nfound inside (offering from) pINTER IMpressed"} {"Clue":"Spelt out in some detail by Gable and Flynn perhaps (7,5)","Answer":"MATINEE IDOLS","Explanation":"Definition: Gable and Flynn perhaps\nanagram (spelled out) of IN SOME DETAIL"} {"Clue":"Country hotels changing Ohio (7)","Answer":"LESOTHO","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nanagram (changing) of HOTELS then O (Ohio)"} {"Clue":"Most inferior copy discovered in box (8)","Answer":"CHEAPEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most inferior\nAPE (copy) in CHEST (box)"} {"Clue":"Prove to be true when party's leader falls (4)","Answer":"AVER","Explanation":"Definition: Prove to be true\nRAVE (party) with leading letter falling to the end of the word \u2013 I don't get why aver is \"prove to be true\", averring something doesn't prove it to be true. Perhaps I am missing something."} {"Clue":"Screen favourite cut over playing lad almost nude (6,4)","Answer":"DONALD DUCK","Explanation":"Definition: Screen favourite\nDOCK (cut) contains (over) anagram (playing) of LAD NUDe (almost)"} {"Clue":"General keeping odd characters in view from riverside embankment (5)","Answer":"LEVEE","Explanation":"Definition: riverside embankment\nLEE (General Lee) contains every other letter (odd characters in) of ViEw"} {"Clue":"Aim to gamble in contest's final stage (7)","Answer":"ENDGAME","Explanation":"Definition: contest's final stage\nEND (aim) GAME (to gamble)"} {"Clue":"Give details of spiritual care abroad (13)","Answer":"PARTICULARISE","Explanation":"Definition: Give details of\nanagram (abroad) of SPIRITUAL CARE"} {"Clue":"Formerly working out with niece Pam after injury (4,4,1,4)","Answer":"ONCE UPON A TIME","Explanation":"Definition: Formerly\nON (working) then anagram (after injury) of OUT with NIECE PAM"} {"Clue":"As a consequence putting on nothing for women? Only occasionally (3,3,4)","Answer":"NOW AND THEN","Explanation":"Definition: Only occasionally\nAND THEN (as a consequence) follows (putting on) NO W (nothing for women)"} {"Clue":"Study reportedly covering only Thailand proved to be incorrect (8)","Answer":"REBUTTED","Explanation":"Definition: proved to be incorrect\nREED sounds like (reportedly) \"read\" (study) contains (covering) BUT (only) T (Thailand)"} {"Clue":"Paddy's social worker received by the president? Not quite (7)","Answer":"TANTRUM","Explanation":"Definition: Paddy\nANT (social worker) inside (received by) TRUMp (the president, not quite)"} {"Clue":"Wind the French right up with marches in Strasbourg initially (7)","Answer":"MISTRAL","Explanation":"Definition: Wind\nLA (the, French) RT (right) reversed (up) following (with) first letters (initially) of Marches In Strasbourg"} {"Clue":"To criticise is mean (3,2)","Answer":"GET AT","Explanation":"Definition: To criticise\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Often oddly neglected around fashionable Nice (4)","Answer":"FINE","Explanation":"Definition: Nice\nevery other letter (oddly neglected) of oFtEn contains (around) IN (fashionable) \u2013 ignore the capitalisation in the definition"} {"Clue":"One questions popular Parisian who organised riots (10)","Answer":"INQUISITOR","Explanation":"Definition: One questions\nIN (popular) QUI (who, in French) then anagram (organised) of RIOTS"} {"Clue":"Dull-brown bones seaman found (4)","Answer":"DRAB","Explanation":"Definition: Dull-brown\nDR (doctor, nickname of Bones) with AB (seaman) \u2013 \"found\" links DR and AB, they have found each other, they have met"} {"Clue":"Labour adherent assigned place in auditorium (10)","Answer":"CHILDBIRTH","Explanation":"Definition: Labour\nCHILD (adherent) with BIRTH sounds like (in auditorium) \"berth\" (place)"} {"Clue":"Your aunt regularly distributed money abroad (4)","Answer":"YUAN","Explanation":"Definition: money abroad\nevery other letter (regularly distributed) of YoUrAuNt"} {"Clue":"Political head cut short, having broadcast for a long period (12)","Answer":"PALAEOLITHIC","Explanation":"Definition: a long period\nanagram (having broadcast) of PILITICAL HEAd (cut short)"} {"Clue":"It's a piece of cake taking over troubled firm's large N. American plant? (6,3)","Answer":"BALSAM FIR","Explanation":"Definition: large N. American plant\nA SLAB (piece of cake) reversed (taking over?) anagram (troubled) FIRM \u2013 this explanation doesn't feel quite right to me"} {"Clue":"Shortly intending to log on? Name only partly needed (5)","Answer":"GONNA","Explanation":"Definition: Shortly intending to\nfound inside (only partly need) loG ON NAme"} {"Clue":"Dance beat ending with vigour (5)","Answer":"TANGO","Explanation":"Definition: Dance\nTAN (beat) then (ending with, followed by) GO (vigour)"} {"Clue":"Placed on top of float, head shaven, telling stories (9)","Answer":"OVERLYING","Explanation":"Definition: Placed on top of\nhOVER (float) missing first letter (head shaven) then LYING (telling stories)"} {"Clue":"Pop group in ancient city absorbing movement of Bach extremely openly (3,5,4)","Answer":"THE BEACH BOYS","Explanation":"Definition: Pop group\nTHEBES (ancient city) contains (absorbing) anagram (moving) of BACH and OpenlY (extremes of)"} {"Clue":"Press\u00a0club (4)","Answer":"IRON","Explanation":"Definition: Press\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Cooler island attracts important group of stars (5,5)","Answer":"CANIS MAJOR","Explanation":"Definition: group of stars\nCAN (cooler, prison) IS (island) with MAJOR (important)"} {"Clue":"Indifferent appeal by Yorkshire's number two (2-2)","Answer":"SO-SO","Explanation":"Definition: Indifferent\nSOS (an appeal, for help) then yOrkshire (number two, second letter of)"} {"Clue":"Weird slogan by US feller using old language (5-5)","Answer":"ANGLO-SAXON","Explanation":"Definition: old language\nanagram (weird) of SLOGAN then AX (axe in US, a feller) and ON (using)"} {"Clue":"Long throw, releasing power (4)","Answer":"ITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Long\npITCH (throw) missing P (power)"} {"Clue":"Grill midsection of squid, an unspecified amount (4)","Answer":"QUIZ","Explanation":"Definition: Grill\nsQUId (midsection of) then Z (an unspecified amount, in a formula)"} {"Clue":"Legendary adventurer one's seen supporting state leader in jeopardy (7,5)","Answer":"INDIANA JONES","Explanation":"Definition: Legendary adventurer\nONE'S follows (seen supporting, in a down-light) INDIANNA (state) and Jeopardy (leading letter of)"} {"Clue":"International business associated with a part of Spain (5)","Answer":"IBIZA","Explanation":"Definition: a part of Spain\nI (international) BIZ (business) A (associated)"} {"Clue":"Obtain goods from external supplier, determined course will change (9)","Answer":"OUTSOURCE","Explanation":"Definition: Obtain goods from external supplier\nOUT (determined) then anagram (will change) of COURSE"} {"Clue":"Living austerely in reduced French house with uncut grass (8,2)","Answer":"ROUGHING IT","Explanation":"Definition: Living austerely\nIN then GITe (French house, reduced) follows (with) ROUGH (uncut grass, on a golf course)"} {"Clue":"Financial expense causing row and domestic upset, say (4,6)","Answer":"BANK CHARGE","Explanation":"Definition: Financial expense\nBANK (row, a bank of switches for example) and CHAR (domestic) EG (say) reversed (upset)"} {"Clue":"Cambridge college master probing easily unsettled novelist (8,4)","Answer":"KINGSLEY AMIS","Explanation":"Definition: novelist\nKINGS (Cambridge college) then M (master) inside (probing) anagram (unsettled) of EASILY"} {"Clue":"New strobe, right away, reportedly deceives medical department (10)","Answer":"OBSTETRICS","Explanation":"Definition: medical department\nanagram (new) of STrOBE missing R (right) then TRICS sounds like (reportedly) TRICS (deceives)"} {"Clue":"Malicious sons acquire suspect euros (10)","Answer":"SLANDEROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Malicious\nS (sons) LAND (acquire) then anagram (suspect) of EUROS"} {"Clue":"Fellow rings daughter to secure hierarchy (4,5)","Answer":"FOOD CHAIN","Explanation":"Definition: hierarchy\nF (fellow) O O (two rings) D (daughter) then CHAIN (secure)"} {"Clue":"Small stream with bass and other fish (5)","Answer":"BRILL","Explanation":"Definition: other fish\nRILL (a small stream) follows B (bass)"} {"Clue":"A sailor's discussing ancient hero (4)","Answer":"AJAX","Explanation":"Definition: ancient hero\nA then sounds like (discussing) \"jack's\" (sailor's)"} {"Clue":"Yank taking out Chinese bird (4)","Answer":"WREN","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nWRENch (yank) missing (taking out) CH (Chinese)"} {"Clue":"Receiving frantic SOS near chemist, one dishes out orders (10)","Answer":"BOSSYBOOTS","Explanation":"Definition: one dishes out orders\nBY (near) BOOTS (chemist) contains (receiving\u2026) anagram (frantic) of SOS. Personally I'm not very keen on these back-to-front containment expressions but I realise they are a well established tradition."} {"Clue":"Numskull in Scotland local stir turned a lower animal (5)","Answer":"EEJIT","Explanation":"Definition: Numskull in Scotland\nJEE (stir, prostitute, local to Scotland) reversed (turned) then IT (a lower animal)"} {"Clue":"Cap: gypsy's going round in one (6)","Answer":"AMORCE","Explanation":"Definition: Cap\nROM (gypsy) reversed (going round) inside ACE (one) \u2013 a percussion cap"} {"Clue":"The misguided err with money to give fresh cover? (6)","Answer":"REROOF","Explanation":"Definition: to give fresh cover\n(anagram) of ERR (misguided) with OOF (money) \u2013 \"The\" at the front of this clue seems to do nothing except bolster the surface reading, unusual for Azed"} {"Clue":"Tan enveloping woman's white vesicle in the exoderm (7)","Answer":"SUDAMEN","Explanation":"Definition: white vesicle in the exoderm\nSUN (tan) contains DAME (woman)"} {"Clue":"Writer's trollop caught in foul den (4)","Answer":"PICT","Explanation":"Definition: Writer's trollop\nC (caught) in PIT (foul den) \u2013 the writer is Steele"} {"Clue":"Concert: I refer to one receiving word (8)","Answer":"PROMISEE","Explanation":"Definition: one receiving word\nPROM (concert) I SEE (refer to)"} {"Clue":"Imported horses run in principality (6)","Answer":"WALERS","Explanation":"Definition: Imported horses\nR (run) in WALES (principality)"} {"Clue":"Disinfectant that's no help in fracture (6)","Answer":"PHENOL","Explanation":"Definition: Disinfectant\nanagram (in fracture) of NO HELP"} {"Clue":"Vision aid? One not required by eagles, say, silly (8)","Answer":"EYEGLASS","Explanation":"Definition: Vision aid\nanagram (silly) of EAGLES SaY missing A (one)"} {"Clue":"What has branches round Italy? Fundamentalist church (4)","Answer":"ELIM","Explanation":"Definition: Fundamentalist church\nELM (what has branches) containing (around) Italy"} {"Clue":"Large chest in Church containing reverse of new bones (7)","Answer":"CASSONE","Explanation":"Definition: Large chest\nCE (Church, of England) contains N (new) OSSA (bones) reversed"} {"Clue":"Ancient deity dispersing harm, invested with indefinable quality (6)","Answer":"MITHRA","Explanation":"Definition: Ancient deity\nanagram (dispersing) of HARM contains (invested with) IT (indefinable quality)"} {"Clue":"Plenty to do? One involved no longer washing (6)","Answer":"LOTION","Explanation":"Definition: no longer washing\nLOT ON (plenty to do) contains (with\u2026involved) I (one)"} {"Clue":"What's coming? Hail and rain from the east avoiding area (6)","Answer":"AVENIR","Explanation":"Definition: What's coming\nAVE (hail) then RaIN reversed (from the East, right-to-left on a map) missing A (area)"} {"Clue":"Angler's quarry to advertise round river (5)","Answer":"TROUT","Explanation":"Definition: Angler's quarry\nTOUT (to advertise) containing (round) R (river)"} {"Clue":"Action men are dead unfortunate once beset by sclerosis (10)","Answer":"DARE-DEVILS","Explanation":"Definition: Action men\nARE D (dead) EVIL (unfortunate, once=archaic) inside (beset by) DS (disseminated sclerosis)"} {"Clue":"Journalist was pen deployed more than half full-time (12)","Answer":"NEWSPAPERMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Journalist\nanagram (deployed) of WAS PEN then PERMANent (full-time, more than half of)"} {"Clue":"Typical of dandy: 'It's a mistake imbibing water abroad' (7)","Answer":"BEAUISH","Explanation":"Definition: Typical of dandy\nBISH (a mistake) containing EAU (water in French)"} {"Clue":"Antelope brooded about it with another one coming up (9)","Answer":"SITATUNGA","Explanation":"Definition: Antelope\nSAT (brooded) contains (about) IT then A GNU (another antelope) reversed (coming up)"} {"Clue":"Unknown song went out of use (4)","Answer":"YODE","Explanation":"Definition: went out of use\nY (an unknown) and ODE (song) \u2013 out of use indicates obsolete"} {"Clue":"Measure of grain that's capital, first to last (4)","Answer":"OMER","Explanation":"Definition: Measure of grain\nROME (capital) with first letter to the end"} {"Clue":"Appropriate climbing haunt, round heart of Hindu Kush (7)","Answer":"TROUSER","Explanation":"Definition: Appropriate\nRESORT (haunt) reversed (climbing) containing hindU kush (heart, middle letter of)"} {"Clue":"Cornish tea's wasted \u2013 I trash this maybe (5)","Answer":"SCONE","Explanation":"Definition: Cornish tea's wasted \u2013 I trash this maybe\nan anagram (wasted) of CORNISH TEA'S is I TRASH SCONE (this) \u2013 a scone is one of the things that might (maybe) go in the trash if a Cornish tea goes to waste"} {"Clue":"New students among rest breaking for a drink? (12)","Answer":"REFRESHMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: a drink\nFRESHMEN (new students) inside (among) anagram (breaking) of REST. I pondered for a while over the singular\/plural mismatch, I'm still not convinced."} {"Clue":"Packs round middle of match supported by sound boosters (5)","Answer":"TAMPS","Explanation":"Definition: Packs round\nmaTch (middle letter of) on top of (supported by) AMPS (sound boosters)"} {"Clue":"Conductor left waistcoat in pawn (9)","Answer":"SILVESTRI","Explanation":"Definition: Conductor\nL (left) VEST (waistcoat) inside SIRI (pawn, the Betel) \u2013 ~~Alan Silvestri, composer of film music~~ *Constantin Silvestri, Romanian conductor"} {"Clue":"Notice youngster pinching vehicle after parking (7)","Answer":"PLACARD","Explanation":"Definition: Notice\nLAD (youngster) contains (pinching) CAR (vehicle) all following P (parking)"} {"Clue":"Peeled fruit almost useless, decayed (7)","Answer":"RUINOUS","Explanation":"Definition: decayed\nfRUIt (peeled)then NO USe (useless, almost)"} {"Clue":"Aide briefly admitting love for old dupe (5)","Answer":"ASSOT","Explanation":"Definition: old dupe\nASST (assistant, briefly=abbreviation) contains (admitting) O (love)"} {"Clue":"Rent, formerly restrained, going up \u2013 one against being trapped (5)","Answer":"YRIVD","Explanation":"Definition: Rent, formerly\nDRY (restrained) reversed (going up) contains (\u2026being trapped) I (one) V (versus, against)"} {"Clue":"Cheese fly flies off in no time (4)","Answer":"BRIE","Explanation":"Definition: Cheese\nBRIEfly (in no time) missing (\u2026flies off) FLY"} {"Clue":"Dancer not dancing after removal of CD (4)","Answer":"ALME","Explanation":"Definition: Dancer\ncALMEd (not dancing) missing CD"} {"Clue":"PM admitted \"I had worries to start with\" (6)","Answer":"MIDWAY","Explanation":"MAY (Theresa May, the PM) contains (admitted) I'D and Worries (first letter, to start with)"} {"Clue":"Represented later in court (8)","Answer":"WATERLOO","Explanation":"anagram (represented) of LATER in WOO (court)"} {"Clue":"Young girl with friends across the channel (7)","Answer":"SALAMIS","Explanation":"SAL (young girl, name of) and AMIS (friends, in French)"} {"Clue":"Distracted auctioneer dropped EEC letters (7)","Answer":"TOURNAI","Explanation":"anagram (distracted) of AUcTIONeeR missing EEC"} {"Clue":"Some exceptional majority (4)","Answer":"ALMA","Explanation":"found inside exceptionAL MAjority"} {"Clue":"Flower's withered petal (5,5)","Answer":"RIVER PLATE","Explanation":"RIVER (something that flows) then anagram (withered) of PETAL"} {"Clue":"Ice-skating manoeuvre gets two points (6)","Answer":"LUTZEN","Explanation":"LUTZ (ice-skating maneouvre) with E and N (two points)"} {"Clue":"Start of Giselle with Markova (7)","Answer":"GALICIA","Explanation":"Giselle (first letter, start of) with ALICIA (Alicia Markova, ballerina)"} {"Clue":"Having sex in one's mind? (7)","Answer":"BRITAIN","Explanation":"IT (sex) in BRAIN (one's mind)"} {"Clue":"Some clever dunce! (6)","Answer":"VERDUN","Explanation":"found inside cleVER DUnce"} {"Clue":"The south wind settled on top of the Zugspitze (10)","Answer":"AUSTERLITZ","Explanation":"AUSTER (the south wind) LIT (settled) then the first letters (top) of The Zugspitze"} {"Clue":"Returning from Dover-Calais (4)","Answer":"ACRE","Explanation":"found reversed (returning) in dovER CAlais"} {"Clue":"It's all right, getting somehow reduced (7)","Answer":"OKINAWA","Explanation":"OK (all right) with IN A WAy (somehow, reduced)"} {"Clue":"Young lad in a state, stomach turning (3,4)","Answer":"IWO JIMA","Explanation":"JIM (young lad, name) in IOWA (state) with middle letters reversed (stomach turning)"} {"Clue":"Confused minds leaving Middle English review (8)","Answer":"EDGEHILL","Explanation":"anagram (review) of midDLE EnGLIsH missing MINDS (confused in that the letters are not removed in order)"} {"Clue":"Church accepts old money (6)","Answer":"CANNAE","Explanation":"CE (Church of England) contains ANNA (old money)"} {"Clue":"Abuses young lady admitting summons (8)","Answer":"MISCALLS","Explanation":"Definition: Abuses\nMISS (young lady) contains (admitting) CALL (summons)"} {"Clue":"Computing tag or \"stag\" round boundary (9)","Answer":"DELIMITER","Explanation":"Definition: Computing tag\nDEER (stag) contains (round) LIMIT (boundary)"} {"Clue":"Opening arts review, meet your host (4)","Answer":"ARMY","Explanation":"Definition: hos\nfirst letters (opening) of Arts Review Meet Your"} {"Clue":"Where to order beer\u00a0in the Inns of Court (2,3,3)","Answer":"AT THE BAR","Explanation":"Definition: Where to order beer\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Balances supplies around French river (10)","Answer":"EQUIPOISES","Explanation":"Definition: Balances\nEQUIPS (supplies) containing (around) OISE (French river)"} {"Clue":"This girl could be another (5)","Answer":"LINDA","Explanation":"L (ell) in DA might give you DELLA, another girl's name. I'm not 100% convinced about this."} {"Clue":"Love is the making of fruit (6)","Answer":"OLIVES","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nanagram (the making) of LOVE IS"} {"Clue":"Jelly,with a bit of avocado and most of the nutmeg, say (5)","Answer":"ASPIC","Explanation":"Definition: Jelly\nAvocado (first letter, a bit of) and SPICe (the nutmeg say, most of)"} {"Clue":"Hives affecting the antlers (6,4)","Answer":"NETTLE RASH","Explanation":"Definition: Hives\nanagram (affecting) of THE ANTLERS"} {"Clue":"Drawing in preliminary scene (9)","Answer":"INDUCTION","Explanation":"Definition: Drawing\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Where work is a grind lining borough (8)","Answer":"MILLWALL","Explanation":"MILL (where work is grinding) then WALL (lining)"} {"Clue":"Not yet old enough performing nude at lively party (8)","Answer":"UNDERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Not yet old enough\nanagram (performing) of NUDE with (at) RAGE (lively party)"} {"Clue":"Mother by herself is Molly from Dublin (6)","Answer":"MALONE","Explanation":"Definition: Molly from Dublin\nMA (mother) ALONE (by herself) \u2013 Sweet Molly Malone, from popular song"} {"Clue":"Take off football outfit (5)","Answer":"STRIP","Explanation":"Definition: Take of\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"The big band sound\u00a0that's in the playground (5)","Answer":"SWING","Explanation":"Definition: The big band sound\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Apparently single item of clothing \u2013 a Roman one (4)","Answer":"TOGA","Explanation":"Definition: Roman one\nTOG (apparently single item of clothing, usually togs) then A \u2013 a Roman item of clothing"} {"Clue":"Some require no uncertainty to recant (8)","Answer":"RENOUNCE","Explanation":"Definition: to recant\nfound inside (some of) requiRE NO UNCErtainty"} {"Clue":"US agent possibly backing down before getting gobbled (6)","Answer":"WOLFED","Explanation":"Definition: gobbled\nFED (US agent possibly) followed by (with\u2026before) LOW (down) reversed (backing)"} {"Clue":"Make sad actors have to restrain director (4,4)","Answer":"CAST DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Make sad\nCAST (sad) OWN (have) contains (to restrict) D (director)"} {"Clue":"City about to block street, leaving no space between 3 and 12 (6)","Answer":"SECRET","Explanation":"Definition: leaving no space between 3 and 12\nEC (City of London, from postcode) RE (regarding, about) inside (to block) ST (street) \u2013 the definition is UNDERCOVER, solutions to 3 and 12 with no space between them"} {"Clue":"Those 3 conclude 10 ruffians cleared out (9)","Answer":"INFERIORS","Explanation":"Definition: Those 3\nINFER (conclude) IO (10) then RuffianS (cleared out, no middle letters)"} {"Clue":"Insect \u2013 one no good on the wing (6)","Answer":"FLYING","Explanation":"Definition: on the wing\nFLY (insect) I (one) NG (no good)"} {"Clue":"Eminence, yes, includes rubbish (7)","Answer":"STATURE","Explanation":"Definition: Eminence\nSURE (yes) contains TAT (rubbish)"} {"Clue":"Writes series about poet (7)","Answer":"SPENSER","Explanation":"Definition: poet\nPENS (writes) inside (with\u2026about) SR (series)"} {"Clue":"Fat\u00a0one voicing objections? (6)","Answer":"BUTTER","Explanation":"Definition: Fat\ndefinition\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"I wondered about 12 (9)","Answer":"EIDERDOWN","Explanation":"Definition: 12\nanagram (about) of I WONDERED"} {"Clue":"Right to stop fossil fuel being pink (5)","Answer":"CORAL","Explanation":"Definition: pink\nR (right) inside (to stop, like a cork) COAL (fuel)"} {"Clue":"Measuring\u00a0using weak glue (6)","Answer":"SIZING","Explanation":"Definition: Measuring\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"3 chewed up and swallowed by pallid bird (8)","Answer":"WATERHEN","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nanagram (chewed up) of THREE (3) inside (swallowed by) WAN (pallid)"} {"Clue":"Issue 10 is about poetry (6)","Answer":"SONNET","Explanation":"Definition: poetry\nSON (issue) TEN (10) reversed (is about)"} {"Clue":"Lied about being in outbuilding, having protective 12 (8)","Answer":"SHIELDED","Explanation":"Definition: having protective 12\nanagram (about) of LIED inside SHED (outbuilding)"} {"Clue":"Reporters often cultivated old Chinese opposition leaders in extravagant style (6)","Answer":"ROCOCO","Explanation":"Definition: in extravagant style\nleading letters of Reporters Often Cultivated Old Chinese Opposition"} {"Clue":"Remains against Jill ditching Jack in north-eastern city (9)","Answer":"NASHVILLE","Explanation":"Definition: city\nASH (remains) V (against) jILL (missing J, jack) in NE (north-eastern)"} {"Clue":"Foreign articles about more than description of spy (10)","Answer":"UNDERCOVER","Explanation":"Definition: description of spy\nUN DER (a and the, articles in French and German) C (circa, about) OVER (more than)"} {"Clue":"12 for engine to frighten fish (7)","Answer":"COWLING","Explanation":"Definition: 12 for engine\nCOW (frighten) LING (fish)"} {"Clue":"Make mountain of molehill and rate 12 badly (9)","Answer":"OVERREACT","Explanation":"Definition: Make mountain of molehill\nanagram (badly) of RATE and COVER"} {"Clue":"German caught in ruined 20 to give up (5)","Answer":"FORGO","Explanation":"Definition: to give up\nG (German) inside (caught in) anagram (ruined) of ROOF"} {"Clue":"Hated criterion being included in Act (8)","Answer":"DETESTED","Explanation":"Definition: Hated\nTEST (criterion) inside DEED (act)"} {"Clue":"14 saucers have following over in America (4)","Answer":"UFOS","Explanation":"Definition: 14 saucers\nF (following) O (over) in US (America)"} {"Clue":"Nurse, can I somehow get 12? (9)","Answer":"INSURANCE","Explanation":"Definition: 12\nanagram (somehow) of NURSE CAN I"} {"Clue":"Dug up the 3a when ordered (9)","Answer":"UNEARTHED","Explanation":"Definition: Dug up\nanagram (when ordered) of THE with UNDER (3 down) and A (a)"} {"Clue":"Evaluates fools repeating final 3 (8)","Answer":"ASSESSES","Explanation":"Definition: Evaluates\nASSES (fools) with SES (final three letters) repeated"} {"Clue":"Run out of 12 (4)","Answer":"ROOF","Explanation":"Definition: 12\nRO (run out) then OF"} {"Clue":"3 city hosts space base (7)","Answer":"BENEATH","Explanation":"Definition: 3\nBATH (city) contains (hosts) EN (space, in printing) and E (base, of the natural logarithm)"} {"Clue":"Duplicated number between 150 and 500 (6)","Answer":"CLONED","Explanation":"Definition: Duplicated\nONE (a number) inside (seen between) CL and D (150 and 500 in Roman numerals)"} {"Clue":"12 sleep before noon (5)","Answer":"DOZEN","Explanation":"Definition: 12\nDOZE (sleep) before N (noon)"} {"Clue":"Island seen in 10 23 (5)","Answer":"CRETE","Explanation":"Definition: Island\nfound inside seCRET Eiderdown"} {"Clue":"Encapsulating the ultimate in pomposity, standard rubbish from the right \u2014 here, primarily? (9)","Answer":"TORYGRAPH","Explanation":"Definition: Encapsulating the ultimate in pomposity, standard rubbish from the right \u2014 here, primarily\npompositY (the ultimate letter of) inside (encapsulating\u2026is\u2026) PAR (standard) GROT (rubbish) reversed (from the right) then Here (primarily, first letter of) \u2013 for foreign solvers The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph (aka The Torygraph) represent views at opposite ends of the political spectrum"} {"Clue":"Too much in flash slogan (5)","Answer":"MOTTO","Explanation":"Definition: slogan\nOTT (too much) inside MO (moment, flash)"} {"Clue":"Most keen to put a copper on trial (7)","Answer":"ACUTEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most keen\nA CU (coper) on TEST (trial)"} {"Clue":"Honest sight is 14 20 (7)","Answer":"ANAGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Honest sight is 14 20\nHONEST SIGHT is one (an anagram) of THOSE THINGS \u2013 nice!"} {"Clue":"Choice from over there? It can't be helped (3,2,5,6)","Answer":"ONE OF THOSE THINGS","Explanation":"Definition: It can't be helped\ndefinition\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Dull and grey outside in a storm (7)","Answer":"TEDIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Dull and grey\nanagram (in a storm) of OUTSIDE"} {"Clue":"Cut uniform with cap (4-3)","Answer":"FLAT-TOP","Explanation":"Definition: Cut \nFLAT (uniform) with TOP (cap) \u2013 a haircut*\n "} {"Clue":"Missing starter, brush up on very meaty dish (6,4)","Answer":"OXTAILSOUP","Explanation":"Definition: meaty dish\nfOX TAIL (brush, missing starting letter) then UP following (on) SO (very)"} {"Clue":"Salmon, royal survivor of the sixteenth century? (4)","Answer":"PARR","Explanation":"Definition: Salmon\nCatherine Parr survived being married to Henry VIII in the sixteenth century"} {"Clue":"Religious festival a jot warmer (7)","Answer":"WHITSUN","Explanation":"Definition: Religious festival\nWHIT (a jot) and SUN (something that warms)"} {"Clue":"Reportedly return as Jeremiah, perhaps? (7)","Answer":"PROPHET","Explanation":"Definition: Jeremiah, perhaps\nsounds like (reportedly) \"profit\" (return)"} {"Clue":"Endless trouble recalled about a relative of hip hop (5)","Answer":"RAGGA","Explanation":"Definition: relative of hip hop\nAGGRo (trouble, endless) reversed (recalled) containing A"} {"Clue":"For example, Georgian monarch welcoming a novelist from Ireland (9)","Answer":"EASTERNER","Explanation":"Definition: For example, Georgian\nER (monarch) contains (welcoming) A STERNE (Laurence Sterne, novelist from Ireland) \u2013 someone from Georgia in Eastern Europe? Georgia in Eastern USA?"} {"Clue":"Open lock possibly underhand? (15)","Answer":"STRAIGHTFORWARD","Explanation":"Definition: Open\nFORWARD (lock possibly, in rugby) under STRAIGHT (hand, in Poker)"} {"Clue":"A place for learning in class cut \u2014 for our misspelling? (8)","Answer":"GRAUNIAD","Explanation":"Definition: our misspelling\nA UNI (place for learning) in GRADe (class, cut) \u2013 The Guardian is well known for misprints, hence it gets called The Grauniad"} {"Clue":"Match a shade short (5)","Answer":"AGREE","Explanation":"Definition: Match\nA GREEn (shade, short)"} {"Clue":"Battle wound acquires bandages (8)","Answer":"HASTINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Battle\nSTING (wound) inside (that\u2026bandages) HAS (acquires)"} {"Clue":"Bargain, 50% off price to get hold of jalopy (6)","Answer":"CHEAPO","Explanation":"Definition: Bargain\nCOst (price, 50% of) contains HEAP (jalopy)"} {"Clue":"Just one militant maintaining lead in primaries (9)","Answer":"IMPARTIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Just\nI (one) MARTIAL (militant) contains (maintaining) Primaries (leading letter of)"} {"Clue":"Time to plug in dry old music player (6)","Answer":"STEREO","Explanation":"Definition: music \nT (time) inside (to plug into) SERE (dry) then O (old)"} {"Clue":"Standard inside edges in Melbourne getting team out, error unfortunately inspiring paceman initially (4,11)","Answer":"ROOM TEMPERATURE","Explanation":"Definition: Standard inside\nanagram (unfortunately) of MelbournE (edges of) with TEAM OUT ERROR containing (inspiring) Paceman (initial letter of)"} {"Clue":"West possibly observing struggle in Balkan city (5,4)","Answer":"MOVIE STAR","Explanation":"Definition: West possibly\nVIE (struggle) in MOSTAR (Balkan city) \u2013 ~~Kayne~~ Mae West possibly"} {"Clue":"Shabby swimmer lagging behind (8)","Answer":"FRUMPISH","Explanation":"Definition: Shabby\nFISH (swimmer) contains (lagging) RUMP (behind)"} {"Clue":"Edit it and change instruction (8)","Answer":"TEACHING","Explanation":"Definition: instruction\nanagram (edit) of IT and CHANGE"} {"Clue":"A number of numbers written up, three quatrains and a couplet? (6)","Answer":"SONNET","Explanation":"Definition: three quatrains and a couplet\nTEN NOS (ten numbers, a number of numbers)"} {"Clue":"General practitioner worried about current network (5,4)","Answer":"POWER GRID","Explanation":"Definition: current network\nanagram (about) of GP (general practitioner) WORRIED"} {"Clue":"Head of family's ordeal cut short during demonstration (9)","Answer":"MATRIARCH","Explanation":"Definition: Head of family\nTRIAL (ordeal) missing last letter (cut short) inside MARCH (demonstration)"} {"Clue":"Far out old hairstyle (4)","Answer":"AFRO","Explanation":"Definition: hairstyle\nanagram (out) of FAR then O (old)"} {"Clue":"Doctor behind plan (5)","Answer":"DRAFT","Explanation":"Definition: plan\nDR (doctor) AFT (behind)"} {"Clue":"Criticise players getting one wicket (9)","Answer":"CASTIGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Criticise\nCAST (players) with I (one) and GATE (wicket)"} {"Clue":"Innocent lass meeting setter during party (7)","Answer":"ANGELIC","Explanation":"Definition: Innocent\nGEL (lass) with I (the setter) inside ANC (a political party)"} {"Clue":"Person from the Middle East airs broadcast by priest (7)","Answer":"ISRAELI","Explanation":"Definition: Person from the Middle East\nanagram (broadcast) of AIRS then ELI (priest, in Old Testament)"} {"Clue":"Relative, male, scoring point at the Spanish religious building (7,6)","Answer":"SISTINE CHAPEL","Explanation":"Definition: religious building\nSIS (relative) CHAP (male) contains (scoring) TINE (point) then EL (the, Spanish)"} {"Clue":"Mobile camera for capturing dessert ingredient? (5,2,6)","Answer":"CREAM OF TARTAR","Explanation":"Definition: ingredient\nanagram (mobile) of CAMERA FOR contains TART (dessert)"} {"Clue":"Top Swedish diner (7)","Answer":"SWEATER","Explanation":"Definition: Top\nSW (Swedish) and EATER (diner)"} {"Clue":"Film shown in great exhibition space (7)","Answer":"ACETATE","Explanation":"Definition: Film\nACE (great) TATE (Tate Gallery, exhibition space)"} {"Clue":"False alibi's bad when editor's leaving special field of interest (9)","Answer":"BAILIWICK","Explanation":"Definition: special field of interest\nanagram (false) of ALIBI then WICKed (bad) missing ED (editor)"} {"Clue":"Enamel item contains cream (5)","Answer":"ELITE","Explanation":"Definition: cream\nfound inside enamEL ITEm"} {"Clue":"Cuts edges off carved letter (4)","Answer":"RUNE","Explanation":"Definition: carved letter\npRUNEs (cuts) missing edges"} {"Clue":"Idiots use mobile, causing public disorder (9)","Answer":"SEDITIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: causing public disorder\nanagram (mobile) of IDIOTS USE"} {"Clue":"A small actress finally admitted to unconventional drama school (8)","Answer":"MADRASSA","Explanation":"Definition: school\nA S (small) actresS (final letter of) inside anagram (unconventional) of DRAMA"} {"Clue":"Twickenham's first comedian embracing northern regional accent (5)","Answer":"TWANG","Explanation":"Definition: regional accent\nTwickenham (first letter of) then WAG (comedian) contains (embracing) N (northern)"} {"Clue":"Cognoscenti confused senile litigant (14)","Answer":"INTELLIGENTSIA","Explanation":"Definition: Cognoscenti\nanagram (confused) of SENILE LITIGANT"} {"Clue":"Secrecy clearly surrounding a way to combat consumerism? (7)","Answer":"RECYCLE","Explanation":"Definition: a way to combat consumerism\nfound inside (surrounded by) secRECY CLEarly"} {"Clue":"Drug in dish is heroin (7)","Answer":"HASHISH","Explanation":"Definition: Drug\nHASH (dish, type of food) with IS H (heroin)"} {"Clue":"Instrument in standard box turned up broken by leader of orchestra (9)","Answer":"FLAGEOLET","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\nFLAG (standard) then TELE (television, box) reversed (turned up) contains (broken by) Orchestra (leading letter of)"} {"Clue":"Old Scottish monster eschewing top of Scottish garment (6)","Answer":"ONESIE","Explanation":"Definition: garment\nO (old) then NESsIE (Scottish monster) missing Scottish (top, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Pair help to mix adhesive for operation (3,11)","Answer":"HIP REPLACEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: operation\nanagram (to mix) of PAIR HELP then CEMENT (adhesive)"} {"Clue":"Discharge soldiers in part of platoon (9)","Answer":"SECRETION","Explanation":"Definition: Discharge\nRE (Royal Engineers, soldiers) in SECTION (part of platoon)"} {"Clue":"Book given to so-called academic's parents (8)","Answer":"BREEDERS","Explanation":"Definition: parents\nB (book) with REEDERS sounds like (so-called) \"readers\" (academics)"} {"Clue":"Grain scattered in drained marshes' borders (7)","Answer":"MARGINS","Explanation":"Definition: borders\nanagram (scattered) of GRAIN in MarsheS (drained, no middle)"} {"Clue":"Fellow judged ready for the post (7)","Answer":"FRANKED","Explanation":"Definition: ready for the post\nF (fellow) RANKED (judged)"} {"Clue":"Line on map is over bank at mouth of river (6)","Answer":"ISOBAR","Explanation":"Definition: Line on map\nIS O (over) BAR (bank at mouth of river)"} {"Clue":"Three notes given to Oriana's first mate (5)","Answer":"AMIGO","Explanation":"Definition: mate\nA MI G (three notes, in music) then Oriana (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"One way ticket put on credit card, our grandkids'll pay for it! (6-3,7)","Answer":"SINGLE-USE PLASTIC","Explanation":"Definition: our grandkids'll pay for it\nSINGLE (one way ticket) then USE PLASTIC (put on credit card)"} {"Clue":"Leading artist \u2013 Constable perhaps \u2013 gets a source of oil (5)","Answer":"COPRA","Explanation":"Definition: a source of oil\nCOP (police constable perhaps) in front of (leading\u2026is\u2026) RA (Royal Academician, artist)"} {"Clue":"Threatened junior journalist (7)","Answer":"LOWERED","Explanation":"Definition: Threatened\nLOWER (junior) ED (editor, journalist)"} {"Clue":"Universal symbol not unknown in Kipling's work (7)","Answer":"MANDALA","Explanation":"Definition: Universal symbol\nMANDALAy (work by Kipling) missing Y (an unknown) \u2013 religious symbol representing the universe"} {"Clue":"X-Men character ripped end off S&M clothing (5)","Answer":"STORM","Explanation":"Definition: X-Men character\nTORe (ripped, end letter off) inside (with\u2026clothing) S & M \u2013 superhero from Marvel Comics, first appearing 1975"} {"Clue":"Wealthy stock speculator hedging European parliament (9)","Answer":"REICHSTAG","Explanation":"Definition: parliament\nRICH (wealthy) STAG (speculator) contains (hedging) E (European)"} {"Clue":"Wife leaving a hint of perfume behind (3)","Answer":"AFT","Explanation":"Definition: behind\nW (wife) missing from wAFT (a hint of perfume)"} {"Clue":"Oh Okay; Boy Scouts upset by universal insult (3,3,5,2,3)","Answer":"YAH BOO SUCKS TO YOU","Explanation":"Definition: insult\nanagram (upset) of OH OKAY BOY SCOUTS the U (universal)"} {"Clue":"I met Presley dancing (after a fashion) (6,5)","Answer":"EMPIRE STYLE","Explanation":"Definition: after a fashion\nanagram (dancing) of I MET PRESLEY"} {"Clue":"Scarf got pinched from Latin American city (3)","Answer":"BOA","Explanation":"Definition: Scarf\nGOT missing from BOgotA (Latin American city)"} {"Clue":"\"Some cream, Erica?\" \"Nope; just black coffee.\" (9)","Answer":"AMERICANO","Explanation":"Definition: just black coffee\nfound inside (some of) creAM ERICA NOpe"} {"Clue":"Blue releasing record in fancy packaging (7)","Answer":"DRESSED","Explanation":"Definition: fancy packaging\nDepRESSED (blue) missing (releasing) EP (extended play, record)"} {"Clue":"Be employed in sex trade at the lowest price? (2-5)","Answer":"EX-WORKS","Explanation":"Definition: at the lowest price\nWORK (be employed) in anagram (trade) of SEX"} {"Clue":"Managed to cook \u2013 bottled gas (5)","Answer":"RADON","Explanation":"Definition: gas \nDO (to cook) inside (bottled by) RAN managed"} {"Clue":"Green favourite up north pushes May out (5,4)","Answer":"MUSHY PEAS","Explanation":"Definition: Green favourite up north\nanagram (out) of PUSHES MAY \u2013 I never realised this was a particularly northern dish until now"} {"Clue":"Special beers a feature of Boxing Day? (5)","Answer":"SALES","Explanation":"Definition: a feature of Boxing Day\nS (special) ALES (beers)"} {"Clue":"Not a vintage Welsh town (7)","Answer":"NEWPORT","Explanation":"Definition: Welsh town\nNEW PORT (so not a vintage port)"} {"Clue":"Doctor run over visiting royal flipping dignitary (4,5)","Answer":"LORD MAYOR","Explanation":"Definition: dignitary\nMD (doctor) R (run) reversed (over) inside (visiting) anagram (flipping) of ROYAL"} {"Clue":"Some launder these articles when in U-boat (5,3,3)","Answer":"UNDER THE SEA","Explanation":"Definition: when in U-boat\nfound inside (some of) laUNDER THESE Articles"} {"Clue":"Victim of fungus regularly exhibited red lump (3)","Answer":"ELM","Explanation":"Definition: Victim of fungus\nevery other letter (regularly exhibited) of rEd LuMp \u2013 victim of \"Dutch Elm Disease\", a fungus spread by beetles"} {"Clue":"A piece of cake for top military bod Henry (5)","Answer":"CINCH","Explanation":"Definition: A piece of cake\nC-IN-C (commander-in-chief, top military bod) then H (Henry)"} {"Clue":"A northern Arab state is replacing King with son \u2013 that's a relief! (9)","Answer":"ANALGESIA","Explanation":"Definition: that's a relief\nA N (northern) ALGErIA (Arab state) rih R (rex, king) replaced by S (son)"} {"Clue":"Ugly Soviet row about vacant ritzy housing for the out-of-touch elite? (5,6)","Answer":"IVORY TOWERS","Explanation":"Definition: housing for the out-of-touch elite\nanagram (ugly) of SOVIT ROW contains (about) RitzY (vacant, no middle letters)"} {"Clue":"A FT column, a new article for those in the 12, and a great leader! (9)","Answer":"ALEXANDER","Explanation":"Definition: a great leader\nA LEX (a daily column in the FT newspaper) A N (new) DER (and in German, for those in the Reichstag)"} {"Clue":"Thai temple pews turned up a year after having been taken by storm surge (5,4)","Answer":"SWEPT AWAY","Explanation":"Definition: having been taken by storm surge\nWAT (Thai temple) PEWS reversed (turned up) then A Y (year)"} {"Clue":"Church land ahead of the curve? (7)","Answer":"PREBEND","Explanation":"Definition: Church land\njust a guess: PRE (ahead of) BEND (the curve) \u2013 I can't make sense of the definition"} {"Clue":"Laurel, Hardy finally getting rebate sorted out (3,4)","Answer":"BAY TREE","Explanation":"Definition: Laurel\nanagram (sorted out) of hardY (finally) with REBATE"} {"Clue":"Dramatist nursed in retirement by Edith Nesbit (5)","Answer":"IBSEN","Explanation":"Definition: Dramatist\nfound reversed (in retirement) inside (nursed by) edith NESBIt"} {"Clue":"Twice America grasped the head of Russian Bear (5)","Answer":"URSUS","Explanation":"Definition: Bear\nUS US (America, twice) contains (grasped) Russian (head, first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Not very bright, I'm invested in obsolete currency (3)","Answer":"DIM","Explanation":"Definition: Not very bright\nI inside (is invested in) DM (Deutsche Mark, obsolete currency)"} {"Clue":"Unit of rock strata (7)","Answer":"ERATHEM","Explanation":"competition clue"} {"Clue":"Showing kind Nestor will always encourage pupils (5)","Answer":"SAMEN","Explanation":"Showing kindnes**s a ment**or will always encourage pupils"} {"Clue":"As craftsmen they are trained in tally, well qualified (9)","Answer":"HEARTSORE","Explanation":"As craftsmen they are trained in t**he art so re**ally well qualified"} {"Clue":"Th ose naughty kids have got involved in ark (6)","Answer":"ASHLAR","Explanation":"Those naughty kids have got involved in a r**ash lar**k"} {"Clue":"We now have moles in the garden, a next nuisance (6)","Answer":"TRAPES","Explanation":"We now have moles in the garden, an ex**tra pes**t nuisance"} {"Clue":"You'll find what chef calls fare (king of garlic stuffing) (4)","Answer":"CIRE","Explanation":"You'll find what chef calls far**ci, re**eking of garlic stuffing \u2013 I had CERE (\u2026far**ce re**eking\u2026) as my fist attempt which looked good but gave me great problems with 2 down"} {"Clue":"Downing his last pints alone in the empty bar (6)","Answer":"TSOTSI","Explanation":"Downing his last pin**t sot si**ts alone in the empty bar"} {"Clue":"As drum-major he carries the bone (6)","Answer":"ATONAL","Explanation":"As drum-major he carries the b**aton al**one"} {"Clue":"Not being judge \u2013 nothing objectionable in others' deeds (9)","Answer":"MENTALISE","Explanation":"Not being judg**mental I se**e \u2013 nothing objectionable in others' deeds"} {"Clue":"The army receives pay increase so battas are lifted (9)","Answer":"LIONHEART","Explanation":"The army receives pay increase so batta**lion heart**s are lifted"} {"Clue":"A citizen of Kolkata by the maids around (6)","Answer":"ANIMES","Explanation":"A citizen of Kolkata by the maid**an I mes**s around"} {"Clue":"If I lope, regularly for wild-life programmes (6)","Answer":"MANTEL","Explanation":"I fil**m antel**ope regularly for wild-life programmes"} {"Clue":"Never having said goodbye, he's just stout (4)","Answer":"LENO","Explanation":"Never having said goodbye, he's just sto**len o**ut"} {"Clue":"Th is is where I go out, and by this doer (6)","Answer":"ORIENT","Explanation":"This is where I go out, and by this do**or I ent**er"} {"Clue":"After diagnosis of this a demise is unlikely (6)","Answer":"NOMADE","Explanation":"After diagnosis of this ade**noma de**mise is unlikely"} {"Clue":"Th e troops were ordered to surround offensive (9)","Answer":"RENDERING","Explanation":"The troops were ordered to sur**render in g**round offensive"} {"Clue":"The area offers presentable flats for high earners (5)","Answer":"TIGER","Explanation":"The area offers pres**tige r**entable flats for high earners"} {"Clue":"I've rarely heard magistrates criticise in summing up (7)","Answer":"MASTERS","Explanation":"I've rarely heard magistrates criticis**m as ters**e in summing up"} {"Clue":"We're worried about her \u2013 she's being strange of late (5)","Answer":"~~EXACT~~ ENACT","Explanation":"We're worried about her s**ex act**, he's being strange of late *We're worried about her \u2013 she's be**en act**ing strange of late"} {"Clue":"My passionate secretary shows heart with love's filing (9)","Answer":"RESISTING","Explanation":"My passionate secretary shows heart with love's fi**res is ting**ling"} {"Clue":"After shower every morning one's in bed, ripping? (6)","Answer":"ATHROB","Explanation":"After shower every morning one's in b**ath rob**e dripping?"} {"Clue":"One strains to overtones, keen to join in (6)","Answer":"HEARSE","Explanation":"One strains to over**hear se**t, ones keen to join in"} {"Clue":"With inexperienced cast I found inarticulate (9)","Answer":"EARLINESS","Explanation":"With inexperienced cast I f**ear lines s**ound inarticulate"} {"Clue":"Th e cameramen need the roller for extra height (6)","Answer":"STRATA","Explanation":"The cameramen need the ro**stra ta**ller for extra height"} {"Clue":"Wing lost in church crisis (4)","Answer":"ASAR","Explanation":"W**as a r**ing lost in church crisis"} {"Clue":"In TV cookery programme chef shows his den, starting recipe (6)","Answer":"MOPANI","Explanation":"In TV cookery programme chef shows his de**mo pan i**n starting recipe"} {"Clue":"It's better to keep hot pork pies, undermine one's reputation (7)","Answer":"NESTLES","Explanation":"It's better to keep ho**nest les**t pork pies undermine one's reputation"} {"Clue":"Furious madam at her toilet fired tall domestic! (9)","Answer":"CATAMENIA","Explanation":"Furious madam at her toilet fired tal**c at a menia**l domestic"} {"Clue":"Verily they approached us with gentle words and lowly responded (9)","Answer":"EASTENDER","Explanation":"Verily they approached us with gentle words and lo w**e as tender**ly responded"} {"Clue":"The safari guide had to finish off \u2013 I'm pally, wounded (7)","Answer":"ALAMORT","Explanation":"The safari guide had to finish off imp**ala mort**ally wounded"} {"Clue":"Wretches collecting rock fragments travel pits (6)","Answer":"OILING","Explanation":"Wretches collecting rock fragments t**oil in g**ravel pits"} {"Clue":"How otherwise refer to whey-faced nuisance? Ask, perhaps (6)","Answer":"HENNER","Explanation":"How otherwise refer to whey-faced nuisance? As**hen ner**k, perhaps"} {"Clue":"It's said an emperor chose his horse, foul (6)","Answer":"RACONS","Explanation":"It's said an emperor chose his horse fo**r a cons**ul"} {"Clue":"Once you've had a tad, wine like this will win you over (6)","Answer":"STEARE","Explanation":"Once you've had a ta**ste a re**d wine like this will win you over"} {"Clue":"To recondition some wheels, get the felt ripped off (5)","Answer":"LOESS","Explanation":"To recondition some wheels, get the fel**loes s**tripped off"} {"Clue":"Preparing cookers one probably needs to have coach (4)","Answer":"REDE","Explanation":"Preparing cookers one probably needs to have co**red e**ach"} {"Clue":"In complete opposItion, some central Europeans excepted (5,5)","Answer":"POLES APART","Explanation":"Definition: In complete opposItion\nPOLES (Poles, some central Europeans) and APART (excepted)"} {"Clue":"Beginning to seem backward in culture, behind the times (4)","Answer":"SLOW","Explanation":"Definition: behind the times\nSeem (first letter, beginning to) then LOW (backward in culture)"} {"Clue":"Get in touch with shrink right way (7)","Answer":"CONTACT","Explanation":"Definition: Get in touch with\nCONTrACT (shrink) missing R (right)"} {"Clue":"Rank outsider? Work inside on her jumping (2-5)","Answer":"NO-HOPER","Explanation":"Definition: Rank outsider\nOP (opus, work) inside anagram (jumping) of ON HER \u2013 only just an anagram!"} {"Clue":"Thoroughly at home, always? Surely not! (4,1,5)","Answer":"WELL I NEVER","Explanation":"Definition: Surely not!\nWELL (thoroughly) IN (at home) EVER (always)"} {"Clue":"Climber in cream, not gold (3)","Answer":"IVY","Explanation":"Definition: Climber\nIVorY (cream, colour) missing OR (gold)"} {"Clue":"Wily, like ancient king, leader of Egyptians (6)","Answer":"ASTUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Wily\nAS (like) TUT (ancient king) then Egyptians (first letter, leader of)"} {"Clue":"Labour\u00a0pains (8)","Answer":"STRUGGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Labour\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Drink freely by left luggage facility at 27 (8)","Answer":"CAROUSEL","Explanation":"Definition: luggage facility at 27\nCAROUSE (drink freely) then L (left)"} {"Clue":"Get the message about ending of aid, and lose one's temper (3,3)","Answer":"SEE RED","Explanation":"Definition: lose one's temper\nSEE (get the message) RE (regarding, about) then aiD (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"Pair, uneasy at first, entering party (3)","Answer":"DUO","Explanation":"Definition: Pair\nUneasy (first letter of) inside DO (party)"} {"Clue":"Almost her age, nun worried about head of order (4,6)","Answer":"NEAR ENOUGH","Explanation":"Definition: Almost\nanagram (worried) of HER AGE NUN containing (about) Order (first letter, head of)"} {"Clue":"Ban therefore must include doctor, American (7)","Answer":"EMBARGO","Explanation":"Definition: Ban\nERGO (therefore) contains MB (doctor) A (American)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps John Lennon tune on piano, or beginning of \"Thriller\" (7)","Answer":"AIRPORT","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps John Lennon\nAIR (tune) on P (piano) OR then Thriller (first letter, beginning of) \u2013 Liverpool airport"} {"Clue":"Say nothing about a small band (4)","Answer":"SASH","Explanation":"Definition: band\nSH (say nothing) contains (about) A S (small)"} {"Clue":"On tenth lap, running in athletics event (10)","Answer":"PENTATHLON","Explanation":"anagram (running) of ON TENTH LAP \u2013 an apt anagram"} {"Clue":"Speed of expert under pressure (4)","Answer":"PACE","Explanation":"Definition: Speed\nACE (expert) follows P (pressure)"} {"Clue":"Tolerant of knight that is breaking fast (7)","Answer":"LENIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Tolerant\nN (knight, chess) IE (that is) inside (breaking) LENT (a fast)"} {"Clue":"Climber in vivid red, athletic type (7,6)","Answer":"SCARLET RUNNER","Explanation":"Definition: Climber\nSCARLET (vivid red) then RUNNER (athletic type) \u2013 a climbing plant"} {"Clue":"Very strong, round number in gym (6)","Answer":"POTENT","Explanation":"Definition: Very strong\nO (something round) TEN (a number) in PT (physical training, gym)"} {"Clue":"To give a facelift to US city, tax highest of earners? (8)","Answer":"RENOVATE","Explanation":"Definition: To give a facelift to\nRENO (US city) VAT (a tax) Earners (first letter, in highest position)"} {"Clue":"Bird got in annexe after friend turned up (7)","Answer":"LAPWING","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nWING (annexe) follows PAL (friend)"} {"Clue":"They may relieve tension in derby as row irrupts (5,5)","Answer":"WORRY BEADS","Explanation":"Definition: They may relieve tension\nanagram (irrupts) of DERBY IN ROW"} {"Clue":"Detective in our helicopter, squirming (7,6)","Answer":"HERCULE POIROT","Explanation":"Definition: Detective\nanagram (squirming) of OUR HELICOPTER \u2013 nice anagram!"} {"Clue":"Take a shine to groom in fun costume (5,5)","Answer":"FANCY DRESS","Explanation":"Definition: fun costume\nFANCY (take a shine to) and DRESS (groom)"}