{"Clue":"Not to mention bird's claw found in shelter (3,5)","Answer":"LET ALONE","Explanation":"Definition: Not to mentio\nTALON (bird's claw) inside LEE (shelter)"} {"Clue":"Figure runs home, not quite ahead of coach (7)","Answer":"RHOMBUS","Explanation":"Definition: Figure\nR (runs) HOMe (not quite all of) then (ahead of) BUS (coach)"} {"Clue":"Toy dog lost during short mass meeting (3,4)","Answer":"RAG DOLL","Explanation":"Definition: Toy\nanagram (lost) of DOG inside (during) RALLy (mass meeting, short)"} {"Clue":"Meal about finished? (6)","Answer":"REPAST","Explanation":"Definition: Meal\nRE (about) PAST (finished)"} {"Clue":"Enthusiasts pulled up in shock (4)","Answer":"STUN","Explanation":"Definition: shock\nNUTS (enthusiasts) reversed (pulled up)"} {"Clue":"Tract's moving plate, and speed across it (8)","Answer":"PAMPHLET","Explanation":"Definition: Tract\nanagram (moving) of PLATE contains (and\u2026across it ?) MPH (speed) \u2013 I can't quite explain how the containment indicator works"} {"Clue":"Where holidaymakers may be\u00a0affected (4)","Answer":"CAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Where holidaymakers may be\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Songbird settled beside egg on delphinium (8)","Answer":"LARKSPUR","Explanation":"Definition: delphinium\nLARK (songbird) then (settled beside) SPUR (egg on)"} {"Clue":"Rope, say, belted chaps with power (6)","Answer":"PEARLS","Explanation":"Definition: Rope, say\nEARLS (belted chaps ?) following (with) P (power) \u2013 just a guess, but Wikipedia says this of earls: b*y the 14th century, creating an earl included a special public ceremony where the king personally tied a sword belt around the waist of the new earl, emphasizing the fact that the earl's rights came from him."} {"Clue":"Function with suckling pigs (5)","Answer":"SWINE","Explanation":"Definition: pigs\nSINE (function) contains (\u2026suckling ?) W (with) \u2013 another containment indicator that I don't understand, it seems the wrong way around"} {"Clue":"Provider's left milk, French bread (5)","Answer":"PLAIT","Explanation":"Definition: bread\nProvider (first letter, left letter of) then LAIT (milk, French)"} {"Clue":"It's important to secure a nick (3)","Answer":"NAB","Explanation":"Definition: nick\nNB (it's important) containing (to secure) A"} {"Clue":"Left pass in a South African port (5)","Answer":"LAGOS","Explanation":"Definition: African port\nL (left) then GO (pass) in A S (south)"} {"Clue":"Out of my box, I am after b\u2014\u2014 spicy stuff (6,3)","Answer":"BOMBAY MIX","Explanation":"Definition: spicy stuff\nanagram (out) of MY BOX I AM following (after) B"} {"Clue":"End to end ale stalls? See what a difference X makes (6,3,5)","Answer":"BEFORE AND AFTER","Explanation":"Definition: See what a difference X makes\nFORE AND AFT (end to end) inside (\u2026that\u2026stalls) BEER (ale)"} {"Clue":"Little jumper's not enough space? (3)","Answer":"ROO","Explanation":"Definition: Little jumper\nROOm (space) unfinished (not enough of)"} {"Clue":"Turner Prize \"Leather Zip Undone\" failed to secure (5)","Answer":"LATHE","Explanation":"Definition: Turner\nan anagram (undone) of LEATHER ZIP missing (\u2026failed to secure) PRIZE"} {"Clue":"Frequent crooked drinking joint? (5)","Answer":"ELBOW","Explanation":"Definition: joint\ndefinition\/cryptic definition \u2013 \"to bend your elbow\" is to have a beer"} {"Clue":"For banquet, hotel rejected wine boxes (6)","Answer":"DINNER","Explanation":"Definition: banquet\nINN (hotel) inside (\u2026boxes) RED (wine) reversed (rejected)"} {"Clue":"Woman of opera keeps crossword compilers in employment (8)","Answer":"BUSINESS","Explanation":"Definition: employment\nBESS (woman of opera, Porgy and Bess) contains (keeps) US (crossword compilers) IN"} {"Clue":"New problem in these cases? (4)","Answer":"MINT","Explanation":"Definition: New\nfound inside (cased by) probleM IN These"} {"Clue":"Gratification \u2013 in modest jumble sale! (8)","Answer":"PLEASURE","Explanation":"Definition: Gratification\nPURE contains (in\u2026is\u2026) anagram (jumble) of SALE"} {"Clue":"Pharmacist's tip for suppressing coughs and colds? (5)","Answer":"PILLS","Explanation":"Definition: Pharmacist's tip for suppressing coughs and colds\nPharmacist (tip, first letter) on top of (for suppressing) ILLS (coughs and colds)"} {"Clue":"Uniform mislaid during bereavement period (7)","Answer":"MORNING","Explanation":"Definition: period\nMOURNING (bereavement) missing (\u2026mislaid during\u2026) U (uniform)"} {"Clue":"Yes! Those odd constitutional parts mechanised 28 service (7,7)","Answer":"HOSTESS TROLLEY","Explanation":"Definition: mechanised 28 service\nanagram (odd) of YES THOSE contains (\u2026parts, separates) STROLL (constitutional)"} {"Clue":"Supply example of online wit? (5)","Answer":"EQUIP","Explanation":"Definition: Supply\nE-QUIP (example of online wit)"} {"Clue":"2 with friend in Nasa? (7)","Answer":"ACRONYM","Explanation":"Definition: Nasa?\nAM (morning) contains (with\u2026in) CRONY (friend) \u2013 Nasa is an example of an acronym"} {"Clue":"21 fight: some correspondence here? (7)","Answer":"POSTBOX","Explanation":"Definition: some correspondence here\nPOST (after, 21) BOX (fight)"} {"Clue":"I rent a car and camel to get round here? (7,7)","Answer":"CENTRAL AMERICA","Explanation":"Definition: here\nanagram (to get round) of I RENT A CAR and CAMEL"} {"Clue":"Money invested in rewriting of adult legal code (6)","Answer":"TALMUD","Explanation":"Definition: legal code\nM (money) inside (invested in) anagram (rewriting) of ADULT"} {"Clue":"25% knocked off jail term (3)","Answer":"AGE","Explanation":"Definition: term\ncAGE (jail) with 25% missing"} {"Clue":"Nice water taps initially put in by Grace (6)","Answer":"BEAUTY","Explanation":"Definition: Grace\nEAU (water in Nice, France) Taps (initial letter of) inside (put in) BY"} {"Clue":"Rocks\u00a0kill American (3)","Answer":"ICE","Explanation":"Definition: Rocks\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Pole's signal to stop breaking monotony (7)","Answer":"BOREDOM","Explanation":"Definition: monotony\nBOOM (pole) contains (has\u2026breaking) RED (signal to stop)"} {"Clue":"Disapprove of seaside walk being curtailed \u2013 acknowledge cuts (5,2)","Answer":"FROWN ON","Explanation":"Definition: Disapprove of\nFRONt (seaside walk, being curtailed) contains (\u2026cuts) OWN (acknowledge)"} {"Clue":"Letter from Athens about clever theatrical scene (7)","Answer":"TABLEAU","Explanation":"Definition: theatrical scene\nTAU (Greek letter, from Athens) contains (about) ABLE (clever)"} {"Clue":"Having the same value as in base 50 (5)","Answer":"EQUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Having the same value\nQUA (as) in E (e, base of natural logarithm) L (fifty)"} {"Clue":"Unproductive bit in the middle, so to speak? (5)","Answer":"WASTE","Explanation":"Definition: Unproductive\nsounds like (so to speak) \"waist\" (bit in the middle)"} {"Clue":"Metal\u00a0peeler (6)","Answer":"COPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Metal\ndouble definition \u2013 a policeman, slang"} {"Clue":"Final appearance of pale lad in middle of Ramsgate (4,4)","Answer":"SWAN SONG","Explanation":"Definition: Final appearance\nWAN (pale) SON (lad) inside ramSGate (middle of)"} {"Clue":"Stand absorbed by official example of sculpture (6)","Answer":"RELIEF","Explanation":"Definition: example of sculpture\nLIE (stand) inside (absorbed by) REF (referee , an official)"} {"Clue":"Design keelboat, after vacation, being addicted to marine life (8)","Answer":"PLANKTON","Explanation":"Definition: marine life\nPLAN (design) then KeelboaT (after vacation, contents removed) ON (being addicted to)"} {"Clue":"Geezer regularly distributed a religious book (4)","Answer":"EZRA","Explanation":"Definition: religious book\ngEeZeR (every other letter, regularly distributed) then A"} {"Clue":"Forward returned up pitch (5)","Answer":"PUSHY","Explanation":"Definition: Forward\nUP reversed (returned) then SHY (pitch, to throw)"} {"Clue":"Magic doctor US soldier heard (4)","Answer":"MOJO","Explanation":"Definition: Magic\nMO (doctor) and JO sounds like \"Joe\" (US soldier) \u2013 or you could treat the whole thing as a homophone \"MO Joe\", as in \"GI Joe\""} {"Clue":"Greek writer and painter, having first time off work, terribly ashen (12)","Answer":"ARISTOPHANES","Explanation":"Definition: Greek writer\nARtIST (painter) missing the first T (time) then OP (work) and anagram (terribly) of ASHEN"} {"Clue":"Hollywood actress's different aura near home (7,5)","Answer":"MAUREEN O\u2019HARA","Explanation":"Definition: Hollywood actress\nanagram (different) of AURA NEAR HOME"} {"Clue":"Water emerging from seaquake (4)","Answer":"AQUA","Explanation":"Definition: Water\nfound inside (emerging from) seAQUAke"} {"Clue":"Search Computer World number (5)","Answer":"DIGIT","Explanation":"Definition: number\nDIG (search) IT (the computer world)"} {"Clue":"Impressionable character that's crossed in street (4)","Answer":"WAXY","Explanation":"Definition: Impressionable\nX (a letter or character that's crossed) in WAY (street)"} {"Clue":"American highway staff attending diversion (8)","Answer":"TURNPIKE","Explanation":"Definition: American highway\nPIKE (staff) next to (attending, with) TURN (diversion)"} {"Clue":"Taken aback at fine commercial for aircraft (6)","Answer":"DAKOTA","Explanation":"Definition: aircraft\nreversal (taken aback) of AT OK (fine) AD (commercial)"} {"Clue":"Second tyre burst, with learner inside, behind closed doors (8)","Answer":"SECRETLY","Explanation":"Definition: behind closed doors\nSEC (second) then anagram (burst) of TYRE containing L (learner)"} {"Clue":"Mick Jagger perhaps joins daughter on a trip (6)","Answer":"STONED","Explanation":"Definition: on a trip\nSTONE (Mick Jagger perhaps) then D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"This Parisian working later eats very small sausage (8)","Answer":"CERVELAT","Explanation":"Definition: small sausage\nCE (this, in French, Parisian) then anagram (working) of LATER contains (eats) V (very)"} {"Clue":"One type of exam recalled in school film (8)","Answer":"POLAROID","Explanation":"Definition: film\nI (one) ORAL (type of exam) reversed (recalled) in POD (school, of dolphins perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Pouring vessel that's more recent, but not new (4)","Answer":"EWER","Explanation":"Definition: Pouring vessel\nnEWER (more recent) missing N (new)"} {"Clue":"British shopper obtains fresh Brie to make cheesy meal (5,7)","Answer":"WELSH RAREBIT","Explanation":"Definition: cheesy meal\nWELSH (British ?) RAT (shopper, informer) contains (obtains) anagram (fresh) of BRIE"} {"Clue":"In the end, John associating with Yoko is something unacceptable (2-2)","Answer":"NO-NO","Explanation":"Definition: something unacceptable\njohN (in the end, last letter) then (associating with) ONO (Yoko Ono)"} {"Clue":"Theatre event turning into a possibility (6)","Answer":"OPTION","Explanation":"Definition: a possibility\nOP (operation, an event in a theatre) then anagram (turning) of INTO"} {"Clue":"Setter maybe loose entering abbreviated definition of horse (3,3)","Answer":"GUN DOG","Explanation":"Definition: Setter maybe\nUNDO (loose) inside (entering) GG (abbreviated definition of horse)"} {"Clue":"Before pausing with round piece, grill bread (12)","Answer":"PUMPERNICKEL","Explanation":"Definition: bread\nPUMP (grill, question) follows (before\u2026is\u2026) ER (pausing) NICKEL (a round piece, coin)"} {"Clue":"Means to absorb paintings etc back in Cornwall area (5)","Answer":"STRAW","Explanation":"Definition: Means to absorb\nART (paintings etc) reversed (back) inside SW (the Cornwall area) \u2013 a drinking straw perhaps"} {"Clue":"March winds essentially a beast (5)","Answer":"DEMON","Explanation":"Definition: a beast\nDEMO (march) then wiNds (essentially, middle letter)"} {"Clue":"French leader entertains circle, eating a biscuit (8)","Answer":"MACAROON","Explanation":"Definition: biscuit\nMACRON (Emmanuel Macron, French president) contains (entertains) O (circle) all containing (eating) A"} {"Clue":"Baltimoreans are here to ruin Dylan broadcast (8)","Answer":"MARYLAND","Explanation":"Definition: Baltimoreans are here\nMAR (to ruin) then anagram (broadcast) of DYLAN"} {"Clue":"They're opposed to touching minute insect (6)","Answer":"MANTIS","Explanation":"Definition: insect\nANTIS (they are opposed to) next to (touching) M (minute)"} {"Clue":"British in charge follow sport's guiding rule (6)","Answer":"RUBRIC","Explanation":"Definition: guiding rule\nBR (British) IC (in charge) follows RU (Rugby Union, a sport)"} {"Clue":"European prince outside in estate that's used to fence (4)","Answer":"EPEE","Explanation":"Definition: that's used to fence\nE (European) P (prince) then EstatE (outside in, outer letters of)"} {"Clue":"Succeeded cutting tax (grand) (4)","Answer":"VAST","Explanation":"Definition: grand\nS (succeeded) inside (cutting) VAT (tax)"} {"Clue":"Bowled, chance of a draw wasted (6)","Answer":"BLOTTO","Explanation":"Definition: wasted\nB (bowled) LOTTO (chance of a draw, a lottery) \u2013 slang for drunk"} {"Clue":"Cutter in dance is no longer tacking? (6)","Answer":"JIGSAW","Explanation":"Definition: Cutter\nJIG ((dance) then WAS (IS in past tense, no longer) reversed (tacking, alternating direction)"} {"Clue":"Someone spying first of pins grasped by marker of territory? (7,3)","Answer":"PEEPING TOM","Explanation":"Definition: Someone spying\nPins (first letter of) inside (grasped by) PEEING TOM (marker of territory, a cat)"} {"Clue":"Spring, when one has cup upset (6)","Answer":"POUNCE","Explanation":"Definition: Spring\nanagram (upset) of ONE with CUP"} {"Clue":"SIX (not 9) sides in vessel (9)","Answer":"STEAMSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: vesse\nSix missing IX (9) then TEAMS (sides) HIP (in, fashionable)"} {"Clue":"How one's coffee may be ordered in African country (4)","Answer":"TOGO","Explanation":"Definition: African country\nTO GO (how one's coffee may be ordered)"} {"Clue":"For all to see in May for example, a wild animal (4)","Answer":"PUMA","Explanation":"Definition: wild animal\nU (for all to see, film classification) in PM (prime minister, May for example) then A"} {"Clue":"Lover's pet snakes failed to stir (9)","Answer":"OVERSLEPT","Explanation":"Definition: failed to stir\nanagram (snakes) of LOVER'S PET"} {"Clue":"Skilful, I start crossing on football ground (8,4)","Answer":"GOODISON PARK","Explanation":"Definition: football ground\nGOOD (skillful) then I SPARK (start) containing (crossing) ON"} {"Clue":"Help player, having missed header (6)","Answer":"ASSIST","Explanation":"Definition: Help\nbASSIST (player) missing first letter (header)"} {"Clue":"Having suffered main loss in difficult battle, Chelsea take on dangerous responsibility (4,3,3)","Answer":"BELL THE CAT","Explanation":"Definition: take on dangerous responsibility\nanagram (difficult) of BATTLE CHELsea missing (having suffered\u2026loss) main (sea)"} {"Clue":"Curse at my gags (4)","Answer":"OATH","Explanation":"Definition: Curse\nAT inside (\u2026gags) OH (my, an exclamation)"} {"Clue":"Nothing coming in when delivery happened, track item without a name? (6)","Answer":"DOOBRY","Explanation":"Definition: item without a name\nO (nothing) inside (coming in) DOB (date of birth, when delivery happened) then RY (railway, track)"} {"Clue":"Comic's ending in second place \u2014 that's easy (6)","Answer":"BREEZE","Explanation":"Definition: that's easy\nBEEZER (former children's comic) with the letter R (ending) moved to second place"} {"Clue":"Woody Allen movie, black melodrama, hero ultimately sent up (5)","Answer":"OAKEN","Explanation":"Definition: Woody\nlast letters (ultimately) of alleN moviE blacK melodramA herO reversed (sent up)"} {"Clue":"xposed? (7)","Answer":"TOPLESS","Explanation":"Definition: xposed?\neXPOSED is an example of something being topless, and to be topless is to be exposed"} {"Clue":"In the same book, I remain magnificent, initially (6)","Answer":"IBIDEM","Explanation":"Definition: In the same book\nI BIDE (remain) Magnificent (initial letter of)"} {"Clue":"Lumps in it perhaps, take up American dress on creature of the night (5,4)","Answer":"SUGAR BOWL","Explanation":"Definition: Lumps in it perhaps\nUS (American) reversed (take up) GARB (dress) then OWL (creature of the night)"} {"Clue":"How novel twice has inspired second reference book (4,3)","Answer":"WHO\u2019S WHO","Explanation":"Definition: reference book\nanagram (novel) of WHO WHO (twice) contains (inspired) S (second)"} {"Clue":"Bones to cover still, penning a fine book (5,2,6)","Answer":"DEATH IN VENICE","Explanation":"Definition: book\nDICE (bones) contains (to cover) EVEN (still) containing (penning) A THIN (fine)"} {"Clue":"Animal appendage getting a bash, suffering cuts (9)","Answer":"ARMADILLO","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\nARM (appendage) with A DO (bash, party) containing (\u2026cuts) ILL (suffering)"} {"Clue":"Start low, catching French horn up (7)","Answer":"PROCEED","Explanation":"Definition: Start\nDEEP (low) containing (catching) COR (French horn) all reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Cleric guarding a nuclear structure (7)","Answer":"REACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: nuclear structure\nRECTOR (cleric) contains (guarding) A"} {"Clue":"Go to town, or go to sea? (4,3,4,3)","Answer":"PUSH THE BOAT OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Go to town\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Stocked by libraries, the reference book (6)","Answer":"ESTHER","Explanation":"Definition: book\nfound inside (stocked by) librariES THE Reference \u2013 book of The Bible"} {"Clue":"Man alive seen to empty trash out before a murder (5,3,5)","Answer":"STONE THE CROWS","Explanation":"Definition: Man\nanagram (out) of SEEN TO TrasH (empty, no middle letters) then CROWS ( a murder of crows, collective noun)"} {"Clue":"Leading character in Sinbad with sizable chest? Dame here is famous! (4)","Answer":"SARK","Explanation":"Definition: Dame here is famous!\nSinbad (leading character, first letter) with ARK ( a sizable chest) \u2013 Sibyl Hathaway, the Dame of Sark"} {"Clue":"Catch thrown back in harbour, a bad sign (7)","Answer":"PORTENT","Explanation":"Definition: a bad sign\nNET (catch) reversed (thrown back) in PORT (harbour)"} {"Clue":"Round Utah's capital money wasted on American spindle-tree (8)","Answer":"EUONYMOUS","Explanation":"Definition: spindle-tree\nUtah (capital, first letter) inside (round\u2026is\u2026) anagram (wasted) of MONEY then US (American)"} {"Clue":"Bowling, not full out? Being stiff one may come to this (4)","Answer":"TOMB","Explanation":"Definition: Being stiff one may come to this\nI don't get this. I saw someone suggest TOM Bowling maybe?"} {"Clue":"Box, old-style, half retreating, leading one a lively dance (6)","Answer":"VELETA","Explanation":"Definition: a lively dance\nTELEVision (box, half of) reversed (retreating) then (leading) A (one) \u2013 why old-style?"} {"Clue":"Difficulty involving chamber in repeated strain (6)","Answer":"APORIA","Explanation":"Definition: Difficul\nPO (chamber, pot) in ARIA (repeated strain)"} {"Clue":"Wearer of distinctive hairstyle making Welsh girl stifle cry of alarm? (7)","Answer":"MOHEGAN","Explanation":"Definition: Wearer of distinctive hairstyle\nMEGAN (Welsh girl) contains (stifles) OH (cry of alarm)"} {"Clue":"Queen, English, occupying break in prayer (7)","Answer":"REQUEST","Explanation":"Definition: prayer\nQU (queen) E (English) inside REST (break)"} {"Clue":"I decide when life should end, fittingly having time for priest (7)","Answer":"ATROPOS","Explanation":"Definition: I decide when life should end\nApROPOS (Fittingly) with T (time) replacing P (priest)"} {"Clue":"With which course ends, for instance in Jock's stomach? (6)","Answer":"DEGREE","Explanation":"Definition: With which course ends\nEG (for instance) in DREE (to endure, to stomach, Scots)"} {"Clue":"Jeweller's alloy for Scotsman containing minimum of base (6)","Answer":"TOMBAC","Explanation":"Definition: Jeweller's alloy\nTO (for) MAC (Scotsman) containing Base (first letter, minimum of)"} {"Clue":"Compromise in tax affairs, a beauty \u2013 nothing in it (8)","Answer":"AVOISION","Explanation":"Definition: Compromise in tax affair\nA VISION (beauty) contains O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Protective bastion one aim with gun centrally blasted (7)","Answer":"MOINEAU","Explanation":"Definition: Protective bastion\nanagram (blasted) of ONE AIM with gUn (central letter)"} {"Clue":"I say! With rind of orange distributed in it, it makes a nice potion (4)","Answer":"PSST","Explanation":"Definition: I say!\nOrangE (rind of) distributed inside PSST gives POSSET (a nice potion)"} {"Clue":"Industrial groups in Germany mostly close to collapsing (13)","Answer":"CONGLOMERATES","Explanation":"Definition: Industrial groups\nanagram (collapsing) of GERMANy (mostly) CLOSE TO"} {"Clue":"Basket for fish caught by amateur with frequency round centre of lough (4)","Answer":"CAUF","Explanation":"Definition: Basket for fis\nC (caught) then A (amateur) with F (frequency) containing (round) loUgh (centre of)"} {"Clue":"Tropical plant in decayed matter fed to steer (6)","Answer":"CROTON","Explanation":"Definition: Tropical plant\nROT (decayed matter) inside CON (steer)"} {"Clue":"My tie's twisted \u2013 it renders further progress difficult (6)","Answer":"STYMIE","Explanation":"Definition: renders further progress difficult\nanagram (twisted) of MY TIE'S"} {"Clue":"Syncopated dance tune \u2013 maiden involved lifted outer garments (5)","Answer":"SAMBA","Explanation":"Definition: Syncopated dance tune\nM (maiden) inside (involved) ABAS (outer garments) reversed (lifted)"} {"Clue":"Physics unit, year on new explosive taken up (5)","Answer":"YRNEH","Explanation":"Definition: Physics unit\nYR (year) on N (new) HE (explosive)reversed (taken up) \u2013 unit equal to the reciprocal of one HENRY"} {"Clue":"Writer contributing to testy letters (6)","Answer":"STYLET","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\nfound inside teSTY LETters"} {"Clue":"Poet's in, losing time on recurrent idea (4)","Answer":"HEME","Explanation":"Definition: Poet's in\ntHEME (recurrent idea) missing T (time) \u2013 the poet is Spenser, in is at home"} {"Clue":"Production of Agonistes \u2013 is cast visible to the audience? (7)","Answer":"ON STAGE","Explanation":"Definition: visible to the audience\nanagram (production) of AGONisTES missing (cast) IS"} {"Clue":"Individual offprint one artist placed in partition (9)","Answer":"SEPARATUM","Explanation":"Definition: Individual offprin\nA (one) RA (artist) inside SEPTUM (partition)"} {"Clue":"Drill I missed on complicated tunes causing non-mental effect (9)","Answer":"TRANSEUNT","Explanation":"Definition: on-mental effect\nTRAiN (drill) missing I then anagram (complicated) of TUNES"} {"Clue":"Marsupial dung one's about to run over (7)","Answer":"POTOROO","Explanation":"Definition: Marsupial\nPOTOROOPOO (dung) contains (one, *you the solver*\u00a0has about) TO R (run) O (over)"} {"Clue":"One of the Bee Gees briefly dressing up? (6)","Answer":"ROBING","Explanation":"Definition: dressing up\nROBIN G (Robin Gibb briefly, one of the Bee Gees)"} {"Clue":"Sir excited with one getting first (6)","Answer":"SENIOR","Explanation":"Definition: irst\nanagram (excited) of SIR with ONE"} {"Clue":"Primitive e.g. creating a wild stir with ultimate in abstract (6)","Answer":"ARTIST","Explanation":"Definition: Primitive e.g.\nA then anagram (wild) of STIR followed by abstracT (ultimate letter)"} {"Clue":"Crude saddle, smooth but second to bottom (5)","Answer":"PANEL","Explanation":"Definition: Crude saddle\nPLANE (smooth) with second letter moved to the bottom"} {"Clue":"Mother of goddess, accomplished, I accepted (5)","Answer":"DIONE","Explanation":"Definition: Mother of goddess\nDONE (accomplished) containing I"} {"Clue":"Principal writer on La Rive Gauche? (4)","Answer":"MAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Principal\nMAIN is hand (writer) in French (on La Rive Gauche)"} {"Clue":"Cooks reversing half measure (4)","Answer":"DOSE","Explanation":"Definition: measure\nDOES (cooks) with half the letters reversed"} {"Clue":"Handle false bit of tooth chipped off at the back (8)","Answer":"CODENAME","Explanation":"Definition: Handle\nCOD (false) then ENAMEL (bit of tooth) missing last letter (chipped off at the back)"} {"Clue":"Consort said to give encouragement (6)","Answer":"FILLIP","Explanation":"Definition: encouragement\nsounds like (said) \"Phillip\" (the Queen's consort)"} {"Clue":"Capital of Peru caps energy recycling (5-4)","Answer":"UPPER-CASE","Explanation":"Definition: Capital\nanagram (recycling) of PERU CAPS and E (energy)"} {"Clue":"Scapegoat beaten after removal of cloak and clothing (5)","Answer":"TOGAS","Explanation":"Definition: clothing\nanagram (beaten) of ScapeGOAT after removing CAPE (cloak)"} {"Clue":"Witch cut and skinned cat roughly (5)","Answer":"CIRCA","Explanation":"Definition: roughly\nCIRCe (witch, cut) and cAt (skinned, no outside)"} {"Clue":"Bad hearing with one standing in the wind (8)","Answer":"MISTRIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Bad hearing\nI (one) inside (standing in) MISTRAL (the wind)"} {"Clue":"A language degree's the best (5)","Answer":"MASAI","Explanation":"Definition: A language\nMA'S (degree's) AI (A1, the best)"} {"Clue":"Shot of rum gets attention of female astern (2,3,4)","Answer":"TO THE REAR","Explanation":"Definition: astern\nTOT (shot of rum) then HER EAR (attention of female)"} {"Clue":"Slap delivered when lettuce quantities not right (9)","Answer":"COSMETICS","Explanation":"Definition: Slap\nCOS (lettuce) then METrICS (quantities) missing R (right)"} {"Clue":"Went on about naked hobo getting suspended sentence (8)","Answer":"PROBATED","Explanation":"Definition: getting suspended sentence\nPRATED (went on) containing hOBo (naked, no outside)"} {"Clue":"Son Mark absorbed by recollection of belly dance (5)","Answer":"STOMP","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nS (son) then M (mark) inside (absorbed by) POT (belly) reversed (recollection of)"} {"Clue":"Conclusion of awesome gameplay (5)","Answer":"OMEGA","Explanation":"Definition: Conclusion\nfound inside (of) awesOME GAmeplay"} {"Clue":"Throw pig around entirely for two fat ladies here? (5,4)","Answer":"BINGO HALL","Explanation":"Definition: two fat ladies here\nBIN (throw) HOG (pig) reversed (around) then ALL (entirely) \u2013 \"two fat ladies\" is an example of a bingo call, for number 88"} {"Clue":"Farewell piece about heartless Lothario (2,4)","Answer":"SO LONG","Explanation":"Definition: Farewell\nSONG (piece) contains (about) LothariO (heartless)"} {"Clue":"Part of UK having considerable border finally arranged (8)","Answer":"SOMERSET","Explanation":"Definition: Part of UK\nSOME (considerable) then bordeR (finally) and SET (arranged)"} {"Clue":"Poor creatures singer Charlotte found on highway outside of college (6,4)","Answer":"CHURCH MICE","Explanation":"Definition: Poor creatures\nCHURCH (singer Charlotte Church) on MI (M1, highway) and CollegE (outside letters of)"} {"Clue":"Exiles bound together climbing road going north (7)","Answer":"DEPORTS","Explanation":"Definition: Exiles\nROPED (bound together) reversed (climbing) with ST (street, road) reversed (climbing) all reversed (going north, upwards on a map)"} {"Clue":"Loose morals in Spain become commonplace (9)","Answer":"NORMALISE","Explanation":"Definition: become commonplace\nanagram (loose) of MORALS IN then E (Espana, Spain)"} {"Clue":"Missing heads of senior military makes for nasty atmosphere (5)","Answer":"MIASM","Explanation":"Definition: nasty atmosphere\nMIA (missing in action) then first letters (heads) of Senior Military"} {"Clue":"'elper with clues in Bury (5)","Answer":"INTER","Explanation":"Definition: Bury\nhINTER ('elper with clues)"} {"Clue":"Sawn-off shooter fitted with silencer in case? (7)","Answer":"LUGGAGE","Explanation":"Definition: case\nLUGEr (shooter, sawn-off) contains GAG (silencer)"} {"Clue":"Nuisance if clergyman loses grail regularly (4)","Answer":"PEST","Explanation":"Definition: Nuisance\nPriEST (clergyman) missing gRaIl (regularly, every other letter)"} {"Clue":"Limits to where bloggers insert endless pages online (8)","Answer":"WEBSITES","Explanation":"Definition: pages online\noutside letters (limits to) of WherE BloggerS InserT EndleS (pages online)"} {"Clue":"Person with remote control turned on old tripe (5,5)","Answer":"DRONE PILOT","Explanation":"Definition: Person with remote control\nanagram (turned) of ON OLD TRIPE"} {"Clue":"Laundering machines relative put onto boats (4-4)","Answer":"TWIN-TUBS","Explanation":"Definition: Laundering machines\nTWIN (relative) on TUBS (boats)"} {"Clue":"Unwelcome camera close, having zero range (9)","Answer":"ENDOSCOPE","Explanation":"Definition: Unwelcome camera\nEND (close) with O (zero) SCOPE (range) \u2013 a camera for internal examination of body parts"} {"Clue":"Monitor Five within secure centre of facility (7)","Answer":"SURVEIL","Explanation":"Definition: Monitor\nV (five) inside SURE (secure) then facILity (centre of)"} {"Clue":"One runs amongst the trees for protection (7)","Answer":"ANORAKS","Explanation":"Definition: protection\nAN (one) then R (runs) inside OAKS (trees)"} {"Clue":"Emigration supporter popular with Democrat has a downfall (5,5)","Answer":"BRAIN DRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Emigration\nBRA (something that supports) IN (popular) with D (democrats) then RAIN (a downfall)"} {"Clue":"I'm in the dark brown number (5)","Answer":"DUNNO","Explanation":"Definition: I'm in the dark\nDUN (brown) NO (number)"} {"Clue":"Police enclosures after duck stolen (4)","Answer":"COPS","Explanation":"Definition: Police\nCOoPS (enclosures) when O (duck, zero score) is missing (stolen)"} {"Clue":"One using plenty of gas to deep-fry Mars Bars, according to Spooner? (10)","Answer":"CHATTERBOX","Explanation":"Definition: One using plenty of gas\na Spoonerism of \"batter chocs\" (to deep fry Mars Bars) \u2013 a cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Trump: Republican leader, upper- class, fine fellow (4)","Answer":"RUFF","Explanation":"Definition: Trump\nRepublican (leading letter of) U (upper-class) F (fine) F (fellow)"} {"Clue":"About Rory: regularly going missing (in a manner of speaking) (4)","Answer":"BURR","Explanation":"Definition: a manner of speaking\nevery other letter missing in aBoUt RoRy"} {"Clue":"Oh God; he's sleeping fitfully, hogging leopard's skin \u2013 we should let him lie (3,7,8)","Answer":"OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG","Explanation":"Definition: we should let him lie\nanagram (fitfully) of OH GOD HES SLEEPING containing (hogging) LeoparD (skin of) \u2013 let sleeping dogs lie"} {"Clue":"Creepy individual used in FSB honeytrap? (3,3)","Answer":"RED BUG","Explanation":"Definition: Creepy individual\nthe FSB is the Russian intelligence service"} {"Clue":"Some revolting fathead named Nigel is amazingly popular (2,6)","Answer":"IN DEMAND","Explanation":"Definition: amazingly popular\nfound reversed (revolting) inside fatheaD NAMED NIgel"} {"Clue":"On the way back, laugh about a golf birdie (5,3)","Answer":"GREAT TIT","Explanation":"Definition: birdie\nTITTER (laugh) contains (about) A then G (golf, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"See Alighieri becoming disheartened (4)","Answer":"DATE","Explanation":"Definition: See\nDAnTE (Dante Alighieri) missing middle letter (no heart, becoming disheartened) \u2013 to be romantically involved with"} {"Clue":"Beef or fish? (4)","Answer":"CARP","Explanation":"Definition: Beef\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Nighy: Liszt reportedly \"an absolute non-believer\" (8)","Answer":"NIHILIST","Explanation":"Definition: an absolute non-believer\nsounds like (reportedly) Nighy Liszt"} {"Clue":"Californian city as soon as possible returned DNA sample, finally enclosed (8)","Answer":"PASADENA","Explanation":"Definition: Californian city\nASAP (as soon as possible) reversed (returned) then DNA containing (\u2026enclosed) samplE (finally, last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Sometimes the result of an accident; more by design (6)","Answer":"EMBRYO","Explanation":"Definition: Sometimes the result of an accident\nanagram (design) of MORE BY"} {"Clue":"Like a top vintage reportedly quaffed? (4-6)","Answer":"CREW-NECKED","Explanation":"Definition: Like a top\nCREW sounds like (reportedly) \"Cru\" then NECKED (quaffed)"} {"Clue":"Not a fan of American spirit (4)","Answer":"AGIN","Explanation":"Definition: Not a fan of\nA (American) GIN (spirit)"} {"Clue":"Madame sent back Yankee award (4)","Answer":"EMMY","Explanation":"Definition: award\nMME (Madame) reversed (sent back) and Y (Yankee, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Leather got ruined completely (10)","Answer":"ALTOGETHER","Explanation":"Definition: completely\nanagram (ruined) of LEATHER GOT"} {"Clue":"Arrogance of hotel director (7)","Answer":"HAUTEUR","Explanation":"Definition: Arrogance\nH (hotel) AUTEUR (director, cinema)"} {"Clue":"Pound found in dressing gown (5)","Answer":"THROB","Explanation":"Definition: Pound\nfound inside baTH ROBe (dressing gown)"} {"Clue":"Draw out scandal at Tesla? (8)","Answer":"ELONGATE","Explanation":"Definition: scandal at Tesla\nELON-GATE (a scandal involving Elon Musk at Tesla, cf Watergate etc)"} {"Clue":"One providing shuttle service covering fraud trials lasting three days (9,6)","Answer":"BADMINTON RACKET","Explanation":"Definition: One providing shuttle service\nRACKET (fraud) preceded by (with\u2026covering) BADMINTON (horse trials, a Three Day Event) \u2013 confusingly the link for Three Day Eventing on the Wikipedia article for the Badminton Horse Trials is\u00a05 day event\u00a0(shurely shome mishtake?)"} {"Clue":"Sex, an adulteress admits, an attraction for Kubla Khan when hot (6)","Answer":"XANADU","Explanation":"Definition: an attraction for Kubla Khan when hot\nfound inside (admitted by) seX AN ADUlteress \u2013 a palace made of ice"} {"Clue":"Lord Mellor runs off, embarrassed \u2013 kids should look up to him! (4,5)","Answer":"ROLE MODEL","Explanation":"Definition: kids should look up to him\nanagram (embarrassed) of LORD MELLOr missing (off) R (runs). *Hovis, who is more on the ball than I am, points out that the anagram fodder gives ROLL MODEL"} {"Clue":"Kinky fetish trousers \u2013 new, fine mesh fabric (7)","Answer":"FISHNET","Explanation":"Definition: fine mesh fabric\nanagram (kinky) of FETISH contains (trousers) N (new)"} {"Clue":"A very quiet Scotsman with a yen to see the road to Brindisi (6,3)","Answer":"APPIAN WAY","Explanation":"Definition: see the road to Brindisi\nA PP (pianissimo, very quiet) IAN (a Scotsman) W (with) A Y (Yen)"} {"Clue":"Piers Morgan is pro-German suddenly, thanks to this (7)","Answer":"ANAGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: this\nPIERS MORGAN is an anagram of IS PRO GERMAN \u2013 fabulous!"} {"Clue":"Small Aussie pop star's getting to grips with northern city scene (7)","Answer":"SKYLINE","Explanation":"Definition: city scene\nS (small) KYLIE (Aussie pop star) contains (getting to grips with) N (northern)"} {"Clue":"English archdeacon turned up in Georgia (famous for its Red Cross) (6)","Answer":"GENEVA","Explanation":"Definition: famous for its Red Cross\nE (English) VEN (venerable, an archdeacon) reversed (turned up) inside GA (Georgia)"} {"Clue":"Bully beef? (5)","Answer":"BEAST","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 see Julius @7 below"} {"Clue":"Unusual tone about introductions to Gustav Mahler's overture (6)","Answer":"EGMONT","Explanation":"Definition: overture\nanagram (unusual) of TONE contains (about) first letters (introductions to) of Gustav Mahler \u2013 a Beethoven overture"} {"Clue":"Poor theologian has no go for operetta (8)","Answer":"IOLANTHE","Explanation":"Definition: operetta\nanagram (poor) of THEOLOGIAN missing GO"} {"Clue":"Operatic MOT mechanics (6)","Answer":"CARMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Operatic MOT mechanics\ncryptic definition \u2013 CAR MEN might be MOT mechanics \u2013 the definition is incomplete but needs to be read in the context of the theme"} {"Clue":"Vow to fellows at old game at the opera (8)","Answer":"IDOMENEO","Explanation":"Definition: opera\nI DO (a vow) then MEN (fellows) with E O (an old gambling game) \u2013 opera by Mozart"} {"Clue":"Readies distributed around start of interval included in Verdi's Requiem (4,4)","Answer":"DIES IRAE","Explanation":"Definition: included in Verdi's Requiem\nanagram (distributed) of READIES contains (around) Interval (first letter, start of) \u2013 the second section of Verdi's Requiem (and used in many others too)"} {"Clue":"Grandma appearing in Queen Bess, Verdi opera (6)","Answer":"ERNANI","Explanation":"Definition: Verdi opera\nNAN (grandma) inside ER I (Elizabeth I, Queen Bess)"} {"Clue":"Those folk admitting piece the same as Elgar's oratorio (3,7)","Answer":"THE KINGDOM","Explanation":"Definition: Elgar's oratorio\nTHEM (those folk) contains (admitting) KING (piece, chess) and DO (ditto, the same)"} {"Clue":"Suite by Holst through which thane slept rough (3,7)","Answer":"THE PLANETS","Explanation":"Definition: Suite by Holst\nanagram (rough) of THANE SLEPT"} {"Clue":"Date on strange register for Haydn symphony (4,4)","Answer":"DRUM ROLL","Explanation":"Definition: Haydn symphony\nD (date) on RUM (strange) ROLL (register)"} {"Clue":"Oratorio by Mendelssohn, I judge, in sound being revolutionary (6)","Answer":"ELIJAH","Explanation":"Definition: Oratorio by Mendelssohn\nI and J (judge) inside HALE (sound) reversed (being revolutionary)"} {"Clue":"Oratorio by Haydn in the making? (8)","Answer":"CREATION","Explanation":"Definition: Oratorio by Haydn\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Respighi's suite is a take on Hitchcock and play by Aristophanes (3,5)","Answer":"THE BIRDS","Explanation":"Definition: Respighi's suite\ntriple definition \u2013 music, film and play"} {"Clue":"Timeless blue material as Beethoven symphony (6)","Answer":"EROICA","Explanation":"Definition: Beethoven symphony\nEROtICA (blue material) missing T (time)"} {"Clue":"Marie leaves prayer-meeting confused about Grieg's incidental music (4,4)","Answer":"PEER GYNT","Explanation":"Definition: Grieg's incidental music\nanagram (confused) of PraYER mEeTiNG missing MARIE"} {"Clue":"Couple with a viol from Shetland for Mozart symphony (6)","Answer":"PRAGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Mozart symphony\nPR (pair, couple) with A GUE (viol form Shetland) \u2013 no 38 in D, the \"Prague Symphony\""} {"Clue":"Cryptographer turned red once (7)","Answer":"ENCODER","Explanation":"Definition: Cryptographer\nreversal (turned) of RED ONCE"} {"Clue":"Heard Mum speak in French city (9)","Answer":"MARSEILLE","Explanation":"Definition: French city\nsounds like (heard) \"ma say\" (mum speak)"} {"Clue":"You can't leave this way, love, about 11.10 possibly (2,4)","Answer":"NO EXIT","Explanation":"Definition: ou can't leave this way\nI can't figure this out. The basic ingredients are O (love) XI (11) and TEN (10)."} {"Clue":"Aussie parents look up to daughter and son . . . . (4)","Answer":"OLDS","Explanation":"Definition: Aussie parents\nLO (look) reversed (up) with D (daughter) and S (son)"} {"Clue":". . . . looking up to notice on motorway telephone (8)","Answer":"ADMIRING","Explanation":"Definition: looking up to\nAD (notice) MI (M1, motorway) RING (telephone)"} {"Clue":"Fashion silver around horse- drawn carriage (5)","Answer":"TONGA","Explanation":"Definition: horse- drawn carriage\nTON (fashion) then AG (silver) reversed (around)"} {"Clue":"It's all about me. It's me. Go away! (7)","Answer":"EGOTISM","Explanation":"Definition: It's all about me\nanagram (away) of IT'S ME GO"} {"Clue":"Stylish, frustrating and in a hurry (7)","Answer":"DASHING","Explanation":"Definition: Stylish\ntriple definition"} {"Clue":"Jamaican music \u2013 short cut to Waldteufel's waltz (7)","Answer":"SKATERS","Explanation":"Definition: Waldteufel's waltz\nSKA (Jamaican music) then TERSe (short, cut short)"} {"Clue":"One line I found in terrible danger, this becoming a possibility? (9)","Answer":"DERAILING","Explanation":"Definition: this becoming a possibility\nI (one) L (line) I inside (found in) anagram (terrible) of DANGER"} {"Clue":"Urgent request for parking in front (8)","Answer":"PLEADING","Explanation":"Definition: Urgent request\nP (parking) then LEADING (in front)"} {"Clue":"Highest point reached by plane? (7)","Answer":"TREETOP","Explanation":"Definition: Highest point reached by plane?\ncryptic definition \u2013 a plane tree (maple) perhaps"} {"Clue":"Authorisation of meeting with or in Douglas! (7)","Answer":"MANDATE","Explanation":"Definition: Authorisation\na MAN-DATE might be a meeting (date) in the Isle of Man (in Douglas, capital of)"} {"Clue":"Prettier elf, not unknown to hesitation (6)","Answer":"FAIRER","Explanation":"Definition: Prettier\nFAIRy (elf) missing y (unknown, in equations) with ER (a hesitation)"} {"Clue":"Peaceful girl, alluring one, topless, at end of promenade (5)","Answer":"IRENE","Explanation":"Definition: Peaceful girl\nsIREN (alluring girl) missing first letter (topless) then promenadE (end of) \u2013 Irene the goddess of peace"} {"Clue":"God making no noise, apparently (4)","Answer":"ODIN","Explanation":"Definition: God\nO DIN (zero noise)"} {"Clue":"Used to see-through\u00a0lid, for example (8)","Answer":"EYEPIECE","Explanation":"Definition: Used to see-through\ndouble\/cryptic definition \u2013 an eyelid for example"} {"Clue":"A doctor admits freedom fighters in confidence (6)","Answer":"APLOMB","Explanation":"Definition: confidence\nA MB (doctor) contains (admits) PLO (freedom fighters)"} {"Clue":"FT's inoffensive message (5)","Answer":"TWEET","Explanation":"Definition: message\nWE (the FT) in (in\u2026) TET (\u2026offensive, Vietnam war)"} {"Clue":"MoD cat has three eyes with an ear \u2013 freakish characteristic (9)","Answer":"IDIOMATIC","Explanation":"Definition: characteristic\nanagram (freakish) of MOD CAT with I sounds like (with an ear) three times"} {"Clue":"A couple suffers most woe (7)","Answer":"TWOSOME","Explanation":"Definition: A couple\nanagram (suffers) of MOST WOE"} {"Clue":"Own and steer iron ship (7)","Answer":"CONFESS","Explanation":"Definition: Own\nCON (steer) FE (iron) and SS (ship)"} {"Clue":"What an excitable committee member gets is a priority (4,2,3,6)","Answer":"HIGH ON THE AGENDA","Explanation":"Definition: What an excitable committee member gets\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"It makes sparkling muse follow a ringleader (7)","Answer":"AERATOR","Explanation":"Definition: It makes sparkling\nERATO (a muse) follows A then Ring (leader, first) letter of"} {"Clue":"Searched for light, following turns in both directions (7)","Answer":"GOOGLED","Explanation":"Definition: Searched for\nLED (light) following GO and OG (turn in both directions)"} {"Clue":"Can batsman be Cook's assistant? (3,6)","Answer":"TIN OPENER","Explanation":"Definition: Cook's assistant\nTIN (can) OPENER (batsman)"} {"Clue":"Novel form mirrored in specific shape (3-2)","Answer":"SCI-FI","Explanation":"Definition: Novel form\nfound reversed (mirrored) in specIFIC Shape"} {"Clue":"Forgetful miser's destitute (6)","Answer":"REMISS","Explanation":"Definition: Forgetful\nanagram (destitute) of MISER'S"} {"Clue":"Let off bible studies in theatre last night (8)","Answer":"REPRIEVE","Explanation":"Definition: Let off\nRI (Religious Instruction, Bible Studies) in REP (theatre) EVE (last night)"} {"Clue":"Abandoned\u00a0directions to the pulpit, maybe (4,2,3,5)","Answer":"LEFT AT THE ALTAR","Explanation":"Definition: Abandoned\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Refers to this three-nil thrashing (6)","Answer":"HERETO","Explanation":"Definition: Refers to this\nanagram (thrashing) of THREE with O (nil)"} {"Clue":"Very good turn-out, old musician (8)","Answer":"VIRTUOSO","Explanation":"Definition: musician\nVIRTUOuS missing *out) U (a turn) then O (old)"} {"Clue":"Clumsy way of speaking about oneself by lying (8-5)","Answer":"ACCIDENT PRONE","Explanation":"Definition: Clumsy\nACCENT (way of speaking) contains (about) ID (oneself, Freud) then (by) PRONE (lying)"} {"Clue":"Primitive celebrity secretary rejected (3-3)","Answer":"APE-MAN","Explanation":"Definition: Primitive\nPA (secretary) and NAME (celebrity) each being reversed (rejected)"} {"Clue":"Lights up Mancunian way (8)","Answer":"NORTHERN","Explanation":"Definition: Mancunian wa\n\"lights up\" is descriptive of a crossword entry whose lights (cells in the grid) go up (are northern, heading north) \u2013 the definition is \"in a northern way\" or \"as the people of Manchester do\" *I'm overcomplicating this: more likely just \"Northern Lights\""} {"Clue":"Unwelcome adviser to support car club (4-4,6)","Answer":"BACK-SEAT DRIVER","Explanation":"Definition: Unwelcome adviser\nBACK (support) SEAT (a car, brand) then DRIVER (golf club)"} {"Clue":"Produce plot for mess? (7,6)","Answer":"KITCHEN GARDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Produce plot for mess\ncryptic definition \u2013 a place for growing kitchen produce for the mess"} {"Clue":"He may have had reservations\u00a0calling for jumper (8)","Answer":"GERONIMO","Explanation":"Definition: He may have had reservations\ndouble\/cryptic definition \u2013 an American Indian and a cry of \"here we go!\""} {"Clue":"Guy's scholars have no such problem with list of terms (8)","Answer":"GLOSSARY","Explanation":"Definition: list of terms\nanagram (problem) of GuYs SchOLARS missing (have no\u2026) SUCH"} {"Clue":"In reality, pi's the key operator (6)","Answer":"TYPIST","Explanation":"Definition: key operator\nfound inside realiTY PI'S The"} {"Clue":"Even Eliot, in theory, is idle (6)","Answer":"LOITER","Explanation":"Definition: idle\nthe even numbered letters of eLiOt In ThEoRy"} {"Clue":"Aid to driver's prospect, we'll engage one cracking whips (8)","Answer":"WASHWIPE","Explanation":"Definition: Aid to driver's prospect\nWE contains (will engage) A (one) and anagram (cracking) of WHIPS"} {"Clue":"What's smoked oyster I've trimmed, included in Spanish dish? (9)","Answer":"PANATELLA","Explanation":"Definition: What's smoked\nNATive (oyster) missing (trimmed) I'VE inside PAELLA (Spanish dish)"} {"Clue":"Bond girlfriend no longer enthralled by union (5)","Answer":"NEXUS","Explanation":"Definition: Bond\nEX (girlfriend no longer) inside (enthralled by) NUS (National Union of Students)"} {"Clue":"Malay craft fixed oars up, not old (5)","Answer":"PRAUS","Explanation":"Definition: Malay craft\nanagram (fixed) of oARS UP missing O (old)"} {"Clue":"Feature of nude, informal? Artist added in touches (6)","Answer":"TRAITS","Explanation":"Definition: touches\nTITS (feature of nude, informal) contains (\u2026added) RA (Royal Academician, artist)"} {"Clue":"Eastern vessel in trouble, second going for quays (6)","Answer":"LEVEES","Explanation":"Definition: quays\nE(eastern) then anagram (in trouble) of VESsEL missing S (second)"} {"Clue":"Chinese communist exchanging extremes for religion (6)","Answer":"TAOISM","Explanation":"Definition: religion\nMAOIST (Chinese communist) swapping outer letters"} {"Clue":"Spain in grip of opulent foreign empire (5)","Answer":"REICH","Explanation":"Definition: foreign empire\nE (Espana, Spain) inside RICH (opulent)"} {"Clue":"Cheer in school for what Scottish climber attempts? (6)","Answer":"GRAHAM","Explanation":"Definition: what Scottish climber attempts\nRAH (cheer) in GAM (school, of whales)"} {"Clue":"Woven lisle, new purchase by retailer (6)","Answer":"SELL-IN","Explanation":"Definition: purchase by retailer\nanagram (woven) of LISLE then N (new)"} {"Clue":"Lost movement in Holst I restored (5)","Answer":"STIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Lost movement\nfound inside holST I REstored \u2013 lost signifies obsolete"} {"Clue":"Sliver of noisette consumed red? (6)","Answer":"NEATEN","Explanation":"Definition: red\nNoisette (sliver of, first letter) then EATEN (consumed)"} {"Clue":"Early Irish settlers having forewarning about e.g. Columba (6)","Answer":"OSTMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Early Irish settlers\nOMEN (forewarning) contains (about) ST (saint, St Columba for example)"} {"Clue":"Abbreviated transactions shut out the known facts (6)","Answer":"TRUTHS","Explanation":"Definition: the known facts\nTR (transactions, abbreviated) then anagram (out) of SHUT"} {"Clue":"Mackellar's unable to sing properly, poorly about opening of opera (5)","Answer":"ROOPY","Explanation":"Definition: Mackellar's unable to sing\nROPY (poorly) containing (about) Opera (opening letter of) \u2013 hoarse, Scots"} {"Clue":"A day I had in France, so long there (5)","Answer":"ADIEU","Explanation":"Definition: so long there\nA D (day) I then EU (had, in French)"} {"Clue":"Source of nourishing juice stirred kilter inside me (8)","Answer":"MILK-TREE","Explanation":"Definition: Source of nourishing juice\nanagram (stirred) of KILTER inside ME"} {"Clue":"Dog, one breed that's trained with measure of dash (8)","Answer":"ABERDEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\nA (one) then anagram (that's trained) of BREED and EN (en dash, printing)"} {"Clue":"Instrument for chopping a slate suitable for one's rockery (8)","Answer":"SAXATILE","Explanation":"Definition: suitable for one's rockery\nSAX (instrument for chopping) then A TILE (slate) \u2013 a SAX is specifically an instrument for chopping slates, though this is a red-herring"} {"Clue":"Last of a casserole used as starter \u2013 to avoid this? (5)","Answer":"WASTE","Explanation":"Definition: to avoid this\nA STEW (casserole) with the end letter moved to the start"} {"Clue":"Producer of ferrous sulphate modified skin shade (8)","Answer":"INKSTONE","Explanation":"Definition: Producer of ferrous sulphate\nanagram (modified) of SKIN then TONE (shade)"} {"Clue":"Saint\u00a0Simon? (Could be a catch) (4)","Answer":"PAUL","Explanation":"Definition: Saint\ntriple definition \u2013 St Paul, Paul Simon, variant spelling of pawl"} {"Clue":"To go through exercises run quickly round area (8)","Answer":"PERVIATE","Explanation":"Definition: To go through\nPE (exercises) R (run) VITE (quickly) containing (round) A (area)"} {"Clue":"Some real barren mounts, bleak in the Cairngorms? (4)","Answer":"BLAE","Explanation":"Definition: bleak in the Cairngorms\nfound reversed (mounts) inside rAEL Barren"} {"Clue":"Wretched\u00a0waste in the sea (4)","Answer":"BLUE","Explanation":"Definition: Wretched\ntriple definition"} {"Clue":"Old dance? Assume a spree is wrong for it (12)","Answer":"PASSEMEASURE","Explanation":"Definition: Old dance\nanagram (wrong) of ASSUME A SPREE"} {"Clue":"Expectant woman's affliction? Reduced energy immobilizes end of pregnancy (8)","Answer":"ECLAMPSY","Explanation":"Definition: Expectant woman's affliction\nE (energy, reduced=abbreviation) CLAMPS (immobilizes) then pregnancY (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"Signifying 'doer', one brought in untangled a tangle (8)","Answer":"AGENTIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Signifying 'doer'\nI(one) inside anagram (untangle) of A TANGLE"} {"Clue":"Silence one noisy row? Increasingly tricky (8)","Answer":"SHIFTIER","Explanation":"Definition: Increasingly tricky\nSH (silence) I (one) F (forte, noisy) TIER (row)"} {"Clue":"Noblewoman is bent, in grip of chronic fatigue (8)","Answer":"MARCHESE","Explanation":"Definition: Noblewoman\nARCHES (is bent) inside ME (chronic fatigue)"} {"Clue":"Fabric mark? A firm's upset with this (5)","Answer":"BRACK","Explanation":"Definition: Fabric mark\nFABRIC MARK is an anagram (upset) of A FIRM and BRACK (this)"} {"Clue":"Dip in the loch section, low but rising? (4)","Answer":"SOOM","Explanation":"Definition: Dip in the loch\nS (section) then MOO (low) reversed (rising) \u2013 a swim, Scots"} {"Clue":"Edible seaweed? Me neither! (4)","Answer":"NORI","Explanation":"NOR I (me neither)"} {"Clue":"Green man gets gin cocktail and pieces of jewellery (10,5)","Answer":"ENGAGEMENT RINGS","Explanation":"Definition: pieces of jewellery\nanagram (cocktail) of GREEN MAN GETS GIN"} {"Clue":"Green unit backs taking flying bomb to America (7)","Answer":"ENVIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Green\nONE (unit) reversed (backs) contains (takes) VI (V1, flying bomb) then US (America)"} {"Clue":"Country rejecting doctrinaire bilateralism to some extent (7)","Answer":"LIBERIA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nfound inside (to some extent) doctrinAIRE BILateralism then reversed (rejecting)"} {"Clue":"IT company, sometimes green (5)","Answer":"APPLE","Explanation":"Definition: IT company\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Indiscretions on which toilet grows, so they say? (5,4)","Answer":"LOOSE TALK","Explanation":"Definition: Indiscretions\nsounds like (so they say) \"loo stalk\" (where a toilet grows, cryptically)"} {"Clue":"Reportedly smell nothing green (3,2,3)","Answer":"EAU DE NIL","Explanation":"Definition: green\nEAU DE sounds like (reportedly) \"odour\" (smell) then NIL (nothing) \u2013 Nile green"} {"Clue":"Makeup in pure green (6)","Answer":"UNRIPE","Explanation":"Definition: green\nanagram (make up) of IN PURE"} {"Clue":"We believe these are left in lettuce (6)","Answer":"CREDOS","Explanation":"Definition: We believe these\nRED (left, socialist) inside COS (lettuce)"} {"Clue":"Oozes confidence and finishes in the medals (8)","Answer":"SECRETES","Explanation":"Definition: Ooze\nSECRET (confidence) then last letters (finishes) of thE medalS"} {"Clue":"Article is surprisingly down- to-earth (9)","Answer":"REALISTIC","Explanation":"Definition: down- to-earth\nanagram (surprisingly) of ARTICLE IS"} {"Clue":"Headdress loses an ordinary booster (5)","Answer":"TURBO","Explanation":"Definition: booster\nTURBan (headdress) missing AN then O (ordinary)"} {"Clue":"Naive girl regularly found in giant green cube (7)","Answer":"INGENUE","Explanation":"Definition: Naiv\nevery other letter (regularly found) in gIaNt GrEeN cUbE"} {"Clue":"President\u00a0Green (7)","Answer":"LINCOLN","Explanation":"Definition: President\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Sort of blue with old greens here (5,3,7)","Answer":"ROYAL AND ANCIENT","Explanation":"Definition: greens here\nROYAL (sort of blue) AND (with) ANCIENT (old) \u2013 greens on a golf course"} {"Clue":"Raise points about large European tax (7)","Answer":"ELEVATE","Explanation":"Definition: Raise\nE E (east, points of the compass) containing L (large) E (European) and VAT (tax)"} {"Clue":"It's said hands with elasticity make one think again (4,5)","Answer":"GIVE PAUSE","Explanation":"Definition: make one think again\nPAUSE sounds like (it's said) \"paws\" (hands) following with GIVE (elasticity)"} {"Clue":"Travel round south-eastern Falklands Green (5)","Answer":"GOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Falklands Green\nGO (travel) O (something round) SE (south-eastern) \u2013 Goose Green is an area of the Falkland Islands"} {"Clue":"Make forcible intervention to demolish nice slum (6,2)","Answer":"MUSCLE IN","Explanation":"Definition: Make forcible intervention\nanagram (to demolish) NICE SLUM"} {"Clue":"Grapnels only partially hold (6)","Answer":"NELSON","Explanation":"Definition: hold\nfound inside (partially) grapNELS ONly \u2013 a wrestling hold"} {"Clue":"Dress out of control beginning to rile film-maker (3,6)","Answer":"ROB REINER","Explanation":"Definition: film-maker\nROBE (dress) contains (out of) REIN (control) then Rile (first letter, beginning)"} {"Clue":"Woman (and not mother) (5)","Answer":"NORMA","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\nNOR (and not) MA (mother)"} {"Clue":"Deer knocks up glitter (7)","Answer":"SPARKLE","Explanation":"Definition: glitter\nELK (deer) RAPS (knocks) all reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Moving book up with an oil supply (9)","Answer":"EMOTIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: Moving\nTOME (book) reversed (up) with anagram (supply, with letters supplied by) of AN OIL"} {"Clue":"4 admitted to post office, in short (9)","Answer":"INTERPOSE","Explanation":"Definition: 4\nIN (admitted to) then PO (post office) in TERSE (short) \u2013 definition is \"muscle in\""} {"Clue":"I'm sorry Paul came out (3,5)","Answer":"MEA CULPA","Explanation":"Definition: I'm sorry\nanagram (out) of PAUL CAME"} {"Clue":"Jeweller's erratic fashion (7)","Answer":"CARTIER","Explanation":"Definition: Jeweller\nanagram (fashion) of ERRATIC"} {"Clue":"Politician's contacts don't start dancing (4,3)","Answer":"SCOT NAT","Explanation":"Definition: Politician\nanagram (dancing) of cONTACTS missing first letter (don't start) \u2013 Scottish Nationalist"} {"Clue":"Scattered around Turkey in all directions (6)","Answer":"STREWN","Explanation":"Definition: Scattered around\nTR (Turkey) inside SEWN (south, east etc, all directions)"} {"Clue":"Old king punches some getting cross (5)","Answer":"ANGRY","Explanation":"Definition: cross\nGR (George Rex, old king) inside (punctures) ANY (some)"} {"Clue":"Third unit with time to move up top (5)","Answer":"TUNIC","Explanation":"Definition: top\nUNIT C (the third unit) moving the letter T (time) to the top"} {"Clue":"Laugh about foreign article, sloppy stuff requiring a rubber? (3,5)","Answer":"SUN CREAM","Explanation":"Definition: sloppy stuff requiring a rubber\nSCREAM (laugh) contains (about) UN (an, indefinite article in French)"} {"Clue":"Record line by Pavlova, for example? (5)","Answer":"ANNAL","Explanation":"Definition: Record\nL (line) following (by, next to) ANNA (Anna Pavlova, for example)"} {"Clue":"Dish, while in pot, Greek character covers (4,7)","Answer":"LAMB PASANDA","Explanation":"Definition: Dish\nAS (while) inside PAN (pot) all inside (\u2026covers) LAMBDA (Greek character)"} {"Clue":"How dare he wear the van out! (4,1,5)","Answer":"WHAT A NERVE","Explanation":"Definition: How dare he\nanagram (out) of WEAR THE VAN"} {"Clue":"Stick nose in object worn round neck, did you say? (6)","Answer":"MEDDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Stick nose in\nsounds like (did you say) \"medal\" object worn round neck"} {"Clue":"Produce notes about Arctic, giving a lecture (8)","Answer":"SCOLDING","Explanation":"Definition: giving a lecture\nSING (produce notes) contains COLD (arctic)"} {"Clue":"Baby feeder squashed by bricks \u2014 no need to worry (3,2,2)","Answer":"LETITGO","Explanation":"Definition: no need to worry\nTIT (baby feeder) inside (squashed by) LEGO (bricks)"} {"Clue":"African carrier not entirely accepting European cause of disease, possibly (8)","Answer":"BACTERIA","Explanation":"Definition: cause of disease, possibly\nBACTRIAn (Bactrian Camel, African carrier?) unfinished (not entirely) containing (accepting) E (European) \u2013 Wikipedia says that the Bactrian Camel is found in central Asia, not Africa"} {"Clue":"Political machine cruelly rejecting part of manifesto by a majority (6)","Answer":"MAYBOT","Explanation":"Definition: Political machine cruelly\nfound inside (part of) manifesTO BY A Majority \u2013 a disrespectful term for Theresa May, caricatured as a robot"} {"Clue":"Agree hedges opening at the end \u2014 feature of labyrinth? (10)","Answer":"COMPLEXITY","Explanation":"Definition: feature of labyrinth\nCOMPLY (agree) contains (encloses like garden hedges) EXIT (opening at the end)"} {"Clue":"Nothing in heads of negotiators as deadline approaches (4)","Answer":"NADA","Explanation":"Definition: Nothing\nfirst letters (heads) of Negotiators As Deadline Approaches"} {"Clue":"104 fancy holiday destination (5)","Answer":"CORFU","Explanation":"Definition: holiday destination\nC (one hundred) then anagram (fancy) of FOUR \u2013 read 104 as ONE HUNDRED and FOUR"} {"Clue":"Bum of leader's taking a beating (8)","Answer":"FREELOAD","Explanation":"Definition: Bum\nanagram (is taking a beating) of OF LEADER"} {"Clue":"European in America entertained by south-east African (8)","Answer":"SUDANESE","Explanation":"Definition: African\nDANE (a European) inside US (America) all inside (entertained by) SE (south-east)"} {"Clue":"Scoundrel requires system for paying up (4)","Answer":"SCAB","Explanation":"Definition: Scoundrel\nBACS (Banker's Automated Clearing Service, system for paying) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Two minutes of relief? (3-3)","Answer":"WEEWEE","Explanation":"Definition: relief\nWEE WEE (minute, twice hence plural) \u2013 to relieve oneself, have a wee-wee"} {"Clue":"Mission Paul set up, fishy? (7)","Answer":"EMBASSY","Explanation":"Definition: Mission\nME (Paul) reversed (set up) then BASSY (like a bass, fishy)"} {"Clue":"Italian sculptor welcomes a second lover (8)","Answer":"CASANOVA","Explanation":"Definition: lover\nCANOVA (Italian Sculptor) contains (welcomes) A S (second)"} {"Clue":"Provocative chopping of nice new log (10)","Answer":"INCENDIARY","Explanation":"Definition: Provocative\nanagram (chopping up) of NICE then N (new) DIARY (log)"} {"Clue":"CON split? (6)","Answer":"CLOVEN","Explanation":"Definition: split\nC-O-N (split) is C LOVE (zero) N"} {"Clue":"Division in home arising over creative work, gradually become estranged (5,5)","Answer":"DRIFT APART","Explanation":"Definition: gradually become estranged\nRIFT (division)inside PAD (home) reversed (arising) then (over, in a down light) ART (creative work)"} {"Clue":"As is a femme fatale? (4-4,8)","Answer":"DROP DEAD GORGEOUS","Explanation":"Definition: As is a femme fatale\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Please keep Friday cleared: the following 24 hours is to take priority? (7)","Answer":"SATISFY","Explanation":"Definition: Please\nFridaY (keep\u2026cleared, nothing inside) preceded by (\u2026to take priority) SAT (the following 4 hours) IS"} {"Clue":"Now achievement of tennis player eclipsing that of batsman? (2,4)","Answer":"AT ONCE","Explanation":"Definition: Now\nACE (achievement of tennis player) contains (eclipsing) TON (100 runs, achievement of a batsman)"} {"Clue":"Chaos in spring over the border (6)","Answer":"MAYHEM","Explanation":"Definition: Chaos\nMAY (spring) on (over) HEM (the border)"} {"Clue":"Zero tolerance in the end for African runner (4)","Answer":"NILE","Explanation":"Definition: African runner \nNIL (zero) then tolerancE (the end of) \u2013 River Nile, something that runs through Africa"} {"Clue":"Steel\u00a0ring (4)","Answer":"GIRD","Explanation":"Definition: Steel\ndouble definition \u2013 brace oneself and to surround"} {"Clue":"Pour out port down under? That's hysterical! (10)","Answer":"UPROARIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: hysterical\nanagram (out) of POUR then RIO (port) inside AUS (Australia) \u2013 a port down under = a port in Australia"} {"Clue":"Something implied, but sex ultimately felt wrong (7)","Answer":"SUBTEXT","Explanation":"Definition: Something implied\nanagram (wrong) of BUT SEX and felT (last letter, ultimately)"} {"Clue":"Cattle farm managed by church (5)","Answer":"RANCH","Explanation":"Definition: Cattle farm\nRAN (managed) then CH (church)"} {"Clue":"Young assistant smashed in yonder bar (6,3)","Answer":"ERRAND BOY","Explanation":"Definition: Young assistant\nanagram (smashed in) of YONDER BAR"} {"Clue":"Large car minus oil \u2014 engine's head cracked (9)","Answer":"LIMOUSINE","Explanation":"Definition: Large car\nanagram (cracked) of MINUS OIL and Engine (first letter, head)"} {"Clue":"Radio show might be playing song (2,3)","Answer":"ON AIR","Explanation":"Definition: Radio show might be\nON (playing) AIR (song)"} {"Clue":"Grey governess of Acton (5)","Answer":"AGNES","Explanation":"Definition: Grey governess of Acton\ncryptic definition \u2013 Agnes Grey is a book about a governess written by Anne Bronte under the pen name of Acton Bell. I had to cheat to get this one."} {"Clue":"Lethal acid thrown in endless sermon (9)","Answer":"HOMICIDAL","Explanation":"Definition: Letha\nanagram (thrown) of ACID inside HOMILy (sermon)"} {"Clue":"Niger unexpectedly invading 27 was vexing (9)","Answer":"CHAGRINED","Explanation":"Definition: was vexing\nanagram (unexpectedly) inside CHAD (27 across)"} {"Clue":"Grass taken at university becomes addiction (5)","Answer":"USING","Explanation":"Definition: addiction\nSING (grass) follows (taken at) U (university) \u2013 I don't understand the definition, I expected addicted rather than addiction"} {"Clue":"Relation sickens without a certain vitamin (7)","Answer":"RETINOL","Explanation":"Definition: vitamin\nanagrm (sickens) of RELaTION missing A"} {"Clue":"Say too much about singles one promotes oneself (7)","Answer":"EGOTIST","Explanation":"Definition: one promotes oneself\nEG (for example, say) then OTT (too much) containing (about) IS (1s, singles)"} {"Clue":"Lad with good accent as performer (10)","Answer":"SONGSTRESS","Explanation":"Definition: performer\nSON (lad) with G (good) STRESS (accent)"} {"Clue":"Land conservationists initially owned (4)","Answer":"CHAD","Explanation":"Definition: Land\nConservationists (first letter, initially) then HAD (owned)"} {"Clue":"Irregular for the most part involved with Left? (9)","Answer":"GUERRILLA","Explanation":"Definition: Irregular for the most part involved with Lef\nanagram (involved) of IRREGULAr (for the most part, missing last letter) with L (left)"} {"Clue":"Material in drawer Conservative ignored (5)","Answer":"RAYON","Explanation":"Definition: Material\ncRAYON (drawer) missing C (Conservative)"} {"Clue":"City buried English couple after ceremony (7)","Answer":"POMPEII","Explanation":"Definition: City buried\nE (English) and I I (two ones, a couple) following POMP (ceremony)"} {"Clue":"Notice work not starting to be of use (7)","Answer":"OBSERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Notice\njOB (work, not starting) then SERVE (to be of use)"} {"Clue":"Hero in book, maybe Hood succeeded on tortuous course (8,6)","Answer":"ROBINSON CRUSOE","Explanation":"Definition: Hero in book\nROBIN (Robin Hood maybe) S (succeeded) ON then anagram (tortuous) of COURSE"} {"Clue":"Needing rescue after hitting the drink? (9)","Answer":"OVERBOARD","Explanation":"Definition: Needing rescue after hitting the drink\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"What waiter must do when carrying a Malaysian dish (5)","Answer":"SATAY","Explanation":"Definition: Malaysian dish\nSTAY (what waiter must do) containing A"} {"Clue":"In the absence of horses, this is unrestricted (7,7)","Answer":"WITHOUT STRINGS","Explanation":"Definition: unrestricted\nWITHOUT (in the absence of) STRINGS (horses)"} {"Clue":"Guy Busby-Brown makes cocktail (9)","Answer":"MANHATTAN","Explanation":"Definition: cocktail\nMAN (guy) HAT (busby) TAN (brown)"} {"Clue":"Cardinal imprisoning papal envoy is demoted (9)","Answer":"RELEGATED","Explanation":"Definition: demoted\nRED (cardinal) contains (imprisoning) LEGATE (papal envoy)"} {"Clue":"Dogged policeman? (7)","Answer":"HANDLER","Explanation":"Definition: Dogged policeman\ncryptic definition \u2013 a police dog handler"} {"Clue":"Aim the wrong way in complete lunacy (7)","Answer":"MADNESS","Explanation":"Definition: lunac\nEND (aim) reversed (the wrong way) inside MASS (complete)"} {"Clue":"Old Bill suppressing resistance in ballet group (5)","Answer":"CORPS","Explanation":"Definition: ballet group\nCOPS (Old Bill, police) contains (suppressing) R (resistance)"} {"Clue":"One Murdoch hailed originally from Dublin (5)","Answer":"IRISH","Explanation":"Definition: from Dublin\nIRIS (Iris Murdoch, novelist) then Hailed (first letter, originally)"} {"Clue":"Having which, Lydia's ex might get daily sex? (8)","Answer":"DYSLEXIA","Explanation":"Definition: Having which\nLYDIA'S EX is an anagram (dyslexic, not spelled correctly) of DAILY SEX. Fabulous!"} {"Clue":"Roman cardinals wearing pretty number (6)","Answer":"TWELVE","Explanation":"Definition: number\nL V (two Roman numerals, cardinals) inside (wearing) TWEE (pretty)"} {"Clue":"Talk on unknown ruler is exempt from tax (4-4)","Answer":"ZERO-RATE","Explanation":"Definition: exempt from tax\nORATE (talk) following (on) Z (an unknown, maths) ER (Elizabeth Regina, ruler)"} {"Clue":"First cut back when circulating piece (6)","Answer":"PISTOL","Explanation":"Definition: piece\nIST (1st, first) inside (with\u2026circulating) LOP (cut) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"In which you could find meat and two veg? (5,3)","Answer":"LUNCH BOX","Explanation":"Definition: In which you could find meat and two veg\ndouble definition \u2013 literally and euphemistically"} {"Clue":"Pull back 27, briefly grabbing top of ice axe (6)","Answer":"GUITAR","Explanation":"Definition: axe\nTUG (pull) reversed (back) AR (Arkansas, briefly) contains (grabbing) Ice (top of, first letter)"} {"Clue":"British head of operations on base stamps report of war story? (4,6)","Answer":"VILE BODIES","Explanation":"Definition: report of war story\nB (British) Operations (head of, first letter) following (on) VILE (base) then DIES (stamps) \u2013 a Novel by Evelyn Waugh set during WWI *and also \"war story\" sounds like (reportedly) \"Waugh story\""} {"Clue":"Bowler extremely wide, contributing to single? Remove bowler, possibly exasperated (7,3)","Answer":"BROWNED OFF","Explanation":"Definition: possibly exasperated\nBR (bowler ?) then Wide (first letter, an extreme of) inside (contributing to) ONE (single) then DOFF (remove) \u2013 I didn't find br as an abbreviation for bowler in Chambers, but it looks a likely abbreviation *BowleR (extremely, outer letters) then W (wide) inside ONE (single) then DOFF (remove)"} {"Clue":"By chance, incurred ministry backing (6)","Answer":"RANDOM","Explanation":"Definition: By chance\nRAN (incurred) then MOD (Ministry of Defence) reversed (backing)"} {"Clue":"General Auchinleck taking lead with new host (8)","Answer":"PUBLICAN","Explanation":"Definition: host\nPUBLIC (general) then Auchinleck (first letter of, taking lead) with N (new)"} {"Clue":"Fresh chapter that's surprising and ultimately funny (6)","Answer":"CHEEKY","Explanation":"Definition: Fresh\nCH (chapter) EEK (that's surprising) and funny (last letter, ultimately)"} {"Clue":"Hit single in America \u2013 wicked quality (8)","Answer":"UGLINESS","Explanation":"Definition: wicked quality\nanagram (hit) of SINGLE in US (America)"} {"Clue":"Maybe volatile folk living before this commemoration (6)","Answer":"MEMORY","Explanation":"Definition: commemoration\njust a guess \u2013 something to do with volatile memory on a computer? *volatile, folk and living are examples of words often found before \"memory\""} {"Clue":"State, in full form, all reasons at the outset (8)","Answer":"ARKANSAS","Explanation":"Definition: State\nno idea about this *the first letters (at the outset) of All Reasons gives AR, the abbreviation for ARKANSAS (in full form)"} {"Clue":"With cleverness, overpower Zulus trapped in low ground between hills (6)","Answer":"DAZZLE","Explanation":"Definition: With cleverness, overpower\nZ Z (Zulu, phonetic alphabet, twice) inside DALE (low ground between hills)"} {"Clue":"Several characters together run into police trap (6)","Answer":"STRING","Explanation":"Definition: Several characters together\nR (run) inside STING (police trap)"} {"Clue":"Unrefined, lusty husband getting demoted (6)","Answer":"EARTHY","Explanation":"Definition: Unrefine\nHEARTY (lusty) with H (husband) moved to a lower position (demoted)"} {"Clue":"Enthusiatic about looks after consuming whisky, wavering (2,3,5)","Answer":"IN TWO MINDS","Explanation":"Definition: wavering\nINTO (enthusiastic about) MINDS (looks after ~~eg \"looks out for\"~~) containing (after consuming) W (whisky, phonetic alphabet) \u2013 ~~I am struggling to find a good example of how minds=looks, in my example I think \"out\" is required for it to work, \"looks\" on its own doesn't cut it. Can anyone help?~~"} {"Clue":"Accompany ram, old, in wagon (4,4)","Answer":"WAIT UPON","Explanation":"Definition: Accompany\nTUP (ram) O (old) inside WAIN (a wagon)"} {"Clue":"Possible epitaph for computers etc \u2013 this may proceed without restraint (3,2,3)","Answer":"LET IT RIP","Explanation":"Definition: this may proceed without restraint\nLet IT rest in peace"} {"Clue":"Plant pot under raised shelter (8)","Answer":"EELGRASS","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nGRASS (pot) following (under, in a down clue) LEE (shelter) reversed (raised)"} {"Clue":"Following complaint about larva, sent back fast food (10)","Answer":"BEEFBURGER","Explanation":"Definition: fast food\nRE GRUB (larva) all reversed (sent back) following BEEF (complaint)"} {"Clue":"Front of extremely old vehicle turned up in despicable town (8)","Answer":"EBORACUM","Explanation":"Definition: town\nExtremely, front letter of) then O (old) CAR (vehicle) reversed (turned up) in BUM (despicable) \u2013 the Roman name for York"} {"Clue":"Section of timber propping up display behind night-light? (8)","Answer":"MOONBEAM","Explanation":"Definition: night-light\nBEAM (section of timber) follows (propping up, in a down clue) MOON (display one's behind)"} {"Clue":"Observer wants working person that can draw? (8)","Answer":"ONLOOKER","Explanation":"Definition: Observer\nLOOKER (observer) with (wants) ON (working) \u2013 I can't explain the definition, something to do with drawing a crowd? *ON (working) LOOKER (person that can draw, attention)"} {"Clue":"Final demand left by corporation \u2013 the last thing you'll hear? (6)","Answer":"ULTIMA","Explanation":"Definition: the last thing you'll hea\nULTIMAtum (final demand) missing (left by) TUM (corporation, waistline) \u2013 the final syllable in a word"} {"Clue":"Experts succeeded to introduce constant approach (6)","Answer":"ACCESS","Explanation":"Definition: approach\nACES (experts) S (succeeded) contains (to introduce) C (a constant, maths or physics)"} {"Clue":"Noises about European Union (6)","Answer":"ENOSIS","Explanation":"Definition: European Union\nanagram (about) of NOISES \u2013 the union of Greece and Cyprus"} {"Clue":"Sprawled out in moorland barn and in On The Waterfront (6,6)","Answer":"MARLON BRANDO","Explanation":"Definition: in On The Waterfront\nanagram (sprawled out in) of MOORLAND BARN"} {"Clue":"Lou Grant endears cast (2,5)","Answer":"ED ASNER","Explanation":"Definition: Lou Grant\nanagram (cast) of ENDEARS \u2013 Ed Asner played Lou Grant in the TV series of the same name"} {"Clue":"Dr Who cars into the river (7)","Answer":"DAVISON","Explanation":"Definition: Dr Who\nAVIS (cars, car rental firm ?) into DON (the river) \u2013 actor Peter Davison, the fifth Doctor"} {"Clue":"Reputation embraces leading light of Hulk (5)","Answer":"NOLTE","Explanation":"Definition: of Hulk\nNOTE (reputation) contains (embraces) Light (leading petter of) \u2013 Nick Nolte plays the Hulk's biological father in the 2003 film"} {"Clue":"Perry in Friends as thriller writer (8)","Answer":"CHANDLER","Explanation":"Definition: Perry in Friends\ndouble definition \u2013 actor Mathew Perry plays Chandler Bing in the sitcom Friends and Raymond Chandler thriller writer"} {"Clue":"Poles starting trek to mountain in the heat of the night! (3,7)","Answer":"ROD STEIGER","Explanation":"Definition: in the heat of the night\nRODS (poles) then Trek (starting letter of) with EIGER (mountain) \u2013 star of 1967 film In the Heat of the Night"} {"Clue":"Unfinished detailed examination of breeding establishment (4)","Answer":"STUD","Explanation":"Definition: breeding establishment\nSTUDy (detailed examination, unfinished)"} {"Clue":"Keep quiet \u2013 it's semi- confidential (4)","Answer":"HUSH","Explanation":"Definition: Keep quie\nhalf (semi) of HUSH-HUSH (confidential)"} {"Clue":"Understood Heath E. was saintly (5,5)","Answer":"ROGER MOORE","Explanation":"Definition: was saintly\nROGER (understood) MOOR (heath) then E \u2013 actor who played The Saint in TV series"} {"Clue":"A Witch of Eastwick or one from St Andrews, say (8)","Answer":"PFEIFFER","Explanation":"Definition: A Witch of Eastwick\nsounds like (say) \"Fifer\" (one from Fife, St Andrews perhaps) \u2013 Michelle Pfeiffer, a beautiful lady but not an easy one to spell"} {"Clue":"Contrite, I step outside (5)","Answer":"RUING","Explanation":"Definition: Contrite\nI inside (with\u2026outside) RUNG (step)"} {"Clue":"All resembling Gothic maybe (2,1,4)","Answer":"OF A TYPE","Explanation":"Definition: All resembling\nI'm not sure how to explain this. I will go with an extended definition: all that resembles\u2026the type face Gothic maybe"} {"Clue":"Whence a lineman involved with CIA (7)","Answer":"WICHITA","Explanation":"Definition: Whence a lineman\nanagram (involved) of WITH CIA \u2013 from the song by Glen Campbell"} {"Clue":"Dennis old and dissolute, starred in Two's Company and Never the Twain (6,6)","Answer":"DONALD SINDEN","Explanation":"Definition: starred in Two's Company and Never the Twain\nanagram (dissolute) of DENNIS OLD AND"} {"Clue":"Took advantage of a leading veteran who was ill (7)","Answer":"AVAILED","Explanation":"Definition: Took advantage of\nA then Veteran (leading letter of) AILED (who was ill)"} {"Clue":"Having connections to Kindle novel (6,2)","Answer":"LINKED TO","Explanation":"Definition: Having connections\nanagram (novel) of TO KINDLE"} {"Clue":"Fate's no choice of letters (4)","Answer":"NORN","Explanation":"Definition: Fate\nN OR N (no choice of letters) \u2013 any of the three Fates in Norse mythology"} {"Clue":"Blushing left-winger was impertinent (3-7)","Answer":"RED-CHEEKED","Explanation":"Definition: Blushing\nRED (left-winger) CHEEKED (was impertinent)"} {"Clue":"Genuine vindication somewhat upset Pink Panther star (5)","Answer":"NIVEN","Explanation":"Definition: Pink Panther star\nfound inside (somewhat) genuiNE VINdication reversed (upset) \u2013 actor David Niven"} {"Clue":"Growth of very large steel nuts (7)","Answer":"OSSELET","Explanation":"Definition: Growth\nOS (out-size, very large) then anagram (nuts) of STEEL"} {"Clue":"Brother panned, playing in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (7,6)","Answer":"BERNARD HEPTON","Explanation":"Definition: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy\nanagram (playing) of BROTHER PANNED \u2013 played Toby Esterhase"} {"Clue":"Reminding Garbo, losing nothing, involved as Anastasia (6,7)","Answer":"INGRID BERGMAN","Explanation":"Definition: as Anastasi\nanagram (involved) of REMINDING GARBo missing O (nothing) \u2013 star of the 1956 film Anastasia"} {"Clue":"Emile is now recast as French philosopher and mystic (6,4)","Answer":"SIMONE WEIL","Explanation":"Definition: French philosopher and mystic\nanagram (recast) of EMILE IS NOW"} {"Clue":"Could be Hank or Chuck \u2013 a chap embracing another (8)","Answer":"AMERICAN","Explanation":"Definition: Could be Hank or Chuck\nA MAN (chap) contains (embracing) ERIC (another man) \u2013 Hank (Williams) or Chuck (Berry), archetypical American names"} {"Clue":"Pastor, say, who pictured Piglet and Sam (7)","Answer":"SHEPARD","Explanation":"Definition: who pictured Piglet\nsounds like (say) \"shepherd\" (pastor) \u2013 E.H.Shepard, illustrator of AA Milne books (who pictured Piglet) and Sam Shepard (actor)"} {"Clue":"Opening gold reserve, holding one key (7)","Answer":"ORIFICE","Explanation":"Definition: Opening\nOR (gold) ICE (reserve) contains I (one) F (key, F Major)"} {"Clue":"Robin Hood, fashionable outside of Northampton (5)","Answer":"FLYNN","Explanation":"Definition: Robin Hood\nFLY (fashionable) then NorthamptoN (outside letters of) \u2013 Errol Flynn, actor who played Robin Hood"} {"Clue":"Has snow melted? (4)","Answer":"OWNS","Explanation":"Definition: Has\nanagram (melted) of SNOW"} {"Clue":"Like an Aussie hobo, swallowing extremes of grog in time (5)","Answer":"DAGGY","Explanation":"Definition: Like an Aussie hobo\nGroG (extremes of) in DAY (time)"} {"Clue":"Backward kids in school, a failure (6)","Answer":"SLIP-UP","Explanation":"Definition: a failure \nreversal (backwards) of PUPILS (kids in school)"} {"Clue":"Colour therapy from USA, aroma varied (8)","Answer":"AURASOMA","Explanation":"Definition: Colour therapy\nanagram (varied) of USA AROMA"} {"Clue":"Opening of public bar, distinguished scientists in jumpers (8)","Answer":"PRANCERS","Explanation":"Definition: jumpers\nPublic (opening letter) then RANCE (bar) and RS (Royal Society, distinguished scientists)"} {"Clue":"Bow elaborately played took lead in Weber (5)","Answer":"KOTOW","Explanation":"Definition: Bow\nanagram (elaborately played) of TOOK then Weber (leading letter of)"} {"Clue":"US tableware? Alas, this cruet we smashed (5)","Answer":"BURET","Explanation":"Definition: cruet\nUS TABLEWARE is an anagram (smashed) of ALAS BURET (the solution, this cruet) WE"} {"Clue":"Fantastic diamonds are topping in rubescence (6)","Answer":"OUTRED","Explanation":"Definition: are topping in rubescence\nOUTRE (fantastic) D (diamonds)"} {"Clue":"South Indian lute played with kind of viol (6)","Answer":"TELUGU","Explanation":"Definition: South Indian\nanagram (played) of LUTE with GU (a kind of viol)"} {"Clue":"Specialized artist, scribbled score held in clenched hand (9)","Answer":"FRESCOIST","Explanation":"Definition: Specialized artist\nanagram (scribbled) of SCORE inside FIST (clenched hand)"} {"Clue":"Small underground stem, a feature of garlic or melilot (6)","Answer":"CORMEL","Explanation":"Definition: Small underground stem\nfound inside garliC OR MELilot"} {"Clue":"Source of oil from Japan, sealed in a pasty (5)","Answer":"AJWAN","Explanation":"Definition: Source of oil\nJ (Japan) inside A WAN (pasty)"} {"Clue":"Former spouse, violent, not cold inside (5)","Answer":"FIERE","Explanation":"Definition: Former spouse\nFIERcE (violent) missing C (cold) \u2013 former indicates archaic"} {"Clue":"For which Eton is well known, not as rendered discordantly in the WC (8)","Answer":"BOATSONG","Explanation":"Definition: For which Eton is well known\nanagram (rendered discordantly) of NOT AS inside BOG (the WC)"} {"Clue":"Portman maybe shifts sections with eastern transfer (8)","Answer":"ALIENATE","Explanation":"Definition: transfer\nNATALIE (Natalie Portman maybe) with ALIE and NAT (sections of) changing places (shifting) then E (eastern)"} {"Clue":"W. Indian opener bagging runs, object of quest of old (6)","Answer":"GRAYLE","Explanation":"Definition: object of quest of old\nGAYLE (Chris Gayle, opening batsman for W.Indies) contains (bagging) R (runs)"} {"Clue":"Ten's first at start \u2013 count backwards \u2013 uprising followed me (5)","Answer":"TYLER","Explanation":"Definition: uprising followed me\nTen (first letter of) coming before (at the start) RELY (count) reversed (backwards) \u2013 Wat Tyler, leader of The Peasant's Revolt"} {"Clue":"Big drum that's bashed after noon for Mikado (5)","Answer":"DAIKO","Explanation":"Definition: Big drum\nanagram (bashed) of mIKADO (only those letters after M, meridiem, noon) \u2013 the drum is Japanese, so an &lit feel here *DRC @2 suggests this improvement: an anagram (bashed) of DAIKO (big drum, the solution) following M (noon) gives (for) MIKADO"} {"Clue":"Grand old knight provides assistance for travellers on the road (7)","Answer":"GRITTER","Explanation":"Definition: provides assistance for travellers on the road\nG (grand) then RITTER (knight, old=archaic)"} {"Clue":"Denizens of the everglades chatter about rising putrescence (6)","Answer":"GATORS","Explanation":"Definition: Denizens of the everglades\nGAS (chatter) contains (around) ROT (putrescence) reversed (rising)"} {"Clue":"Archetypal rustic, modest fellow? That's about right (7)","Answer":"CORYDON","Explanation":"Definition: Archetypal rustic\nCOY (modest) DON (fellow) contains (that is about) R (right)"} {"Clue":"Deep blue briny around Malta (5)","Answer":"SMALT","Explanation":"Definition: Deep blue\nSALT (Briny) containing (around) M (Malta)"} {"Clue":"Coarse abuse, son going for college (6)","Answer":"INCULT","Explanation":"Definition: Coarse\nINsULT (abuse) with S (son) being replaced by C (college)"} {"Clue":"Support king following church rule book (4)","Answer":"PIER","Explanation":"Definition: Support\nR (Rex, king) follows PIE (church rule book)"} {"Clue":"Classes tucked into tureen's stew, showing no compunction (12)","Answer":"UNREGENERATE","Explanation":"Definition: showing no compunction\nGENERA (classes) inside anagram (a stew of) TUREEN"} {"Clue":"State of affairs ragged by troupes (7)","Answer":"POSTURE","Explanation":"Definition: State of affairs\nanagram (ragged by) of TROUPES"} {"Clue":"National costume? Trademark's mostly seen in dress (7)","Answer":"FILABEG","Explanation":"Definition: National costume\nLABEl (trademark, most of) inside FIG (dress)"} {"Clue":"Fine Shakespearean as part of Sebastian touring Ulster? (7)","Answer":"INCONIE","Explanation":"Definition: Fine Shakespearean\nIN (as part of) COE (Sebastian Coe) contains (touring) NI (Ulster). I have never been able to understand why touring is considered a containment indicator. If I tour Switzerland then I visit locations *inside*\u00a0Switzerland, I don't travel around the *outside* of it. If you paid for a tour of Buckingham Palace you would expect to be shown around *inside* the palace. If the guide took you around the road *outside* you would want your money back."} {"Clue":"Scottish cuckoo? Caught in net it's lacking in value (7)","Answer":"GOMERAL","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish cuckoo\nGOAL (net) contains (caught in \u2026is \u2026) MERit (value) missing (\u2026is lacking in\u2026) IT"} {"Clue":"Turkey kept in fridge (for Laurence) where brothers live (6)","Answer":"FRATRY","Explanation":"Definition: where brothers live\nTR (Turkey) inside FRAY (fridge, as used by Laurence Sterne)"} {"Clue":"Sea's holding nothing for a climber (6)","Answer":"BRIONY","Explanation":"Definition: a climber\nBRINY (sea) contains O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Lowly worker in part following leader of party (5)","Answer":"PROLE","Explanation":"Definition: Lowly worker\nROLE (part) following Party (leading letter of)"} {"Clue":"Bait, one left by angler twitching round end of line (5)","Answer":"LEGER","Explanation":"Definition: Bait\nanagram (twitching) of anGLER missing AN (one) containing (round) linE (end of)"} {"Clue":"Short poem? Sounds like a whopper (4)","Answer":"WAKA","Explanation":"Definition: Short poem\nsounds like \"whacker\" (a whopper) \u2013 not totally convinced I have found the right homophone here"} {"Clue":"Novel photo wife put in boot with ID (8,6)","Answer":"PICKWICK PAPERS","Explanation":"Definition: Novel\nPIC (photo) then W (wife) inside KICK (boot) with PAPERS (id)"} {"Clue":"Blue streetmap certain to lose its front (5)","Answer":"AZURE","Explanation":"Definition: Blue\nAZ (A-to-Z, streetmap) then sURE (certain) missing front letter"} {"Clue":"Overbearing woman from Hastings perhaps cross in casualty (6-3)","Answer":"BATTLE-AXE","Explanation":"Definition: Overbearing woman\nBATTLE (Hastings perhaps) then X (cross) in A and E (Accident and Emergency, casualty)"} {"Clue":"European footballer cultivated land wearing jumper (7)","Answer":"RONALDO","Explanation":"Definition: European footballer\nanagram (cultivated) of LAND inside (wearing) ROO (kangaroo, a jumper)"} {"Clue":"House guest initially recognises reported snake (7)","Answer":"HOGNOSE","Explanation":"Definition: snake\nHO (house) Guest (first letter, initially) then NOSE sounds like (reported) of knows (recognises)"} {"Clue":"Joined, say, revolutionary club (5)","Answer":"WEDGE","Explanation":"Definition: club\nWED (joined) EG (say) reversed (revolutionary) \u2013 a golf club"} {"Clue":"Religious text Clive reviewed, circulating it with American (9)","Answer":"LEVITICUS","Explanation":"Definition: Religious text\nanagram (reviewed) of CLIVE contains (circulating) IT then US (American)"} {"Clue":"Make mistake with lass performing good chant (9)","Answer":"SINGALONG","Explanation":"Definition: chant\nSIN (make mistake) with GAL (lass) ON (performing) G (good)"} {"Clue":"Centre of party hat, when turned round, illuminated again (5)","Answer":"RELIT","Explanation":"Definition: illuminated again\npaRty (centre of) then TILE (hat) reversed (when turned round)"} {"Clue":"Shakespearean character having coat of poor quality (7)","Answer":"MACDUFF","Explanation":"Definition: Shakespearean character\nMAC (coat) with DUFF (of poor quality)"} {"Clue":"Arrived eventually, then Jade only half-finished flipping dessert (5,2)","Answer":"ENDED UP","Explanation":"Definition: Arrived eventually\nthEN jaDE (only half of) then PUD (dessert) reversed (flipping)"} {"Clue":"Stop among motoring group in English region of France (9)","Answer":"AQUITAINE","Explanation":"Definition: region of France\nQUIT (stop) inside (among) AA (motoring group) then IN E (English)"} {"Clue":"Five characters in Cuban joint strumming instrument (5)","Answer":"BANJO","Explanation":"Definition: strumming instrument\nfive letters (characters) in cuBAN JOint"} {"Clue":"Woman's hair and nails restyled around end of spring. Mayday? (8,6)","Answer":"DISTRESS SIGNAL","Explanation":"Definition: Mayday\nDI'S TRESS (woman's hair) then anagram (restyled) of NAILS containing sprinG (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"In the past a massive herbivore, one dropping kebab without hesitation (9)","Answer":"IGUANODON","Explanation":"Definition: In the past a massive herbivore\nI GUANO DONer (doner kebab) missing ER (a hesitation)"} {"Clue":"What worshipper might do to raise shelter needed by Kingston's outsiders (5)","Answer":"KNEEL","Explanation":"Definition: What worshipper might do\na reversal (to raise) of LEE (shelter) with (needed by) KinstoN (outside letters of)"} {"Clue":"Writer's vivacity, when keeping log, stirred confusing situation (9)","Answer":"IMBROGLIO","Explanation":"Definition: confusing situation\nI'M (the writer is) BRIO (vivacity) contains (when keeping) anagram (stirred) of LOG"} {"Clue":"Tart dressing up to exit sailing boat (5)","Answer":"KETCH","Explanation":"Definition: sailing boat\nKETCHup (tart dressing) missing (to exit) UP"} {"Clue":"Sort of hide everybody on vacation in Genoa during violent riot (9)","Answer":"ALLIGATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of hide\nALL (everybody) then GenoA (on vacation, vacated, empty) inside (during) anagram (violent) of RIOT"} {"Clue":"Muse, time and time again, on Oscar (5)","Answer":"ERATO","Explanation":"Definition: Muse\nERA (time) T (time, again) on O (Oscar, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Woman forecasting weather's latest feature in six directions (7)","Answer":"SEERESS","Explanation":"Definition: Woman forecasting\nweatheR (latest feature, the last bit of) in S S E E S S (directions, six of)"} {"Clue":"Pungent plant reflected sunlight on bank (6)","Answer":"YARROW","Explanation":"Definition: Pungent plant\nRAY (sunlight) reversed (reflected) on ROW (bank)"} {"Clue":"One determines the worth of foremost of artists in Louvre at broadcast (9)","Answer":"EVALUATOR","Explanation":"Definition: One determines the worth of\nArtists (first letter, foremost of) inside anagram (broadcast) of LOUVRE AT"} {"Clue":"Victor has fever, head being hazy (9)","Answer":"VAGUENESS","Explanation":"Definition: being hazy\nV (victor, phonetic alphabet) has AGUE (fever) and NESS (head)"} {"Clue":"US agents consuming beer and sport north of the border once (9)","Answer":"CALEDONIA","Explanation":"Definition: north of the border once\nCIA (US agents) contain (consuming) ALE (beer) and DON (sport, to wear)"} {"Clue":"Storage device is erected by Mike and Jack perhaps (3,4)","Answer":"SIM CARD","Explanation":"Definition: Storage device\nIS reversed (erected) then\u00a0M (mike, phonetic alphabet) and CARD (jack perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Excellent advice by spinner (6)","Answer":"TIPTOP","Explanation":"Definition: Excellent\nTIP (advice) by TOP (a spinner)"} {"Clue":"Clobber son required: black suit (5)","Answer":"CLUBS","Explanation":"Definition: black sui\nCLUB (clobber) with (required by) S (son)"} {"Clue":"Scotsman leaves dairy cattle food for grazing? (5)","Answer":"FRIES","Explanation":"Definition: food for grazing\nFRIESian (dairy cattle) missing IAN (a Scotsman)"} {"Clue":"First attempt mostly good? Correct (5)","Answer":"DEBUG","Explanation":"Definition: Correct\nDEBUt (first attempt, mostly) then G (good)"} {"Clue":"Past husband, one wearing bow (6)","Answer":"BEHIND","Explanation":"Definition: Past\nH (husband) I (one) inside (wearing) BEND (bow)"} {"Clue":"Blocked miserly duke (6)","Answer":"CLOSED","Explanation":"Definition: Blocked\nCLOSE (miserly) then D (duke)"} {"Clue":"Around four, fabricate excuse (7)","Answer":"FORGIVE","Explanation":"Definition: excuse\nIV (four) inside (with\u2026around) FORGE (fabricate)"} {"Clue":"Obvious to follow prices given the odds for a horse (7)","Answer":"PIEBALD","Explanation":"Definition: a horse\nBALD (obvious) follows PrIcEs (odd letters of)"} {"Clue":"Holds Cratchet partly responsible for Dickens (3,7)","Answer":"OLD SCRATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Dickens\nfound inside (partly) hOLDS CRATCHet \u2013 Dickens and Old Scratch are nicknames for The Devil"} {"Clue":"Bad-tempered person reflected thus (4)","Answer":"ERGO","Explanation":"Definition: thus\nOGRE (bad tempered person) reversed (reflected)"} {"Clue":"Saying too much in very little time (5)","Answer":"MOTTO","Explanation":"Definition: Saying\nOTT (too much) inside MO (moment, very little time)"} {"Clue":"Film rent collected in retrograde old hoax (6,2)","Answer":"DOCTOR NO","Explanation":"Definition: Film\nTORN (rent) inside (collected in) O (old) COD (hoax) reversed (retrograde)"} {"Clue":"Managed to get female superstar over for US worker (8)","Answer":"RANCHERO","Explanation":"Definition: US worker\nRAN (managed) with CHER (female superstar) then O (over)"} {"Clue":"New clue about origin of rags and riches (5)","Answer":"LUCRE","Explanation":"Definition: riches\nanagram (new) of CLUE containing (about) Rags (first letter of, origin)"} {"Clue":"Remove centre of tip any minute (4)","Answer":"TINY","Explanation":"Definition: minute\nTIp aNY with centre removed"} {"Clue":"Sight of wife driven mad (10)","Answer":"VIEWFINDER","Explanation":"Definition: Sight\nanagram (mad) of WIFE DRIVEN"} {"Clue":"Old Russian manoeuvred in style (7)","Answer":"YELTSIN","Explanation":"Definition: Old Russian\nanagram (manoeuvred) of IN STYLE \u2013 Boris Yeltsin"} {"Clue":"Central American money: five pesos ultimately required (7)","Answer":"COLONES","Explanation":"Definition: Central American money\nCOLON (:) tehn last letters (ultimately) of fivE pesoS"} {"Clue":"Order to go round commander's back (6)","Answer":"SECOND","Explanation":"Definition: bac\nSEND (order) contains (to go round) CO (commander)"} {"Clue":"Unopened letters scattered about the homeless? (6)","Answer":"STREET","Explanation":"Definition: about the homeless\nanagram (scattered) of LETTERS missing first letter (unopened) \u2013 adjective describing things connected with homelessness"} {"Clue":"American cook's right to block British and Australian news (5)","Answer":"BROIL","Explanation":"Definition: American cook\nR (right) inside (to block) B (British) and OIL (news, Australian) \u2013 broil in the US is called grill in the UK"} {"Clue":"Lofty clique in the upper strata? (4-3)","Answer":"HIGH-SET","Explanation":"Definition: in the upper strata\nHIGH (lofty) then SET (clique)"} {"Clue":"Just about runs further \u2013 but not hereafter (9)","Answer":"NEVERMORE","Explanation":"Definition: but not hereafte\nEVEN (just) reversed (about) then R (runs) MORE (further)"} {"Clue":"Actress once left octet short (5)","Answer":"LEIGH","Explanation":"Definition: Actress once\nL (left) then EIGHt (octet, short) \u2013 former actress, Vivien Leigh perhaps"} {"Clue":"Frosty, definitively negative (7)","Answer":"SUBZERO","Explanation":"Definition: Frosty\nSUB ZERO (below zero, definitely negative)"} {"Clue":"Care required by daft Ozzie blokes getting picked up (9)","Answer":"DILIGENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Care\nsounds like (getting picked up, by the ear) \"dilly gents\", dilly is daft, Australian dialect"} {"Clue":"Boss, one stirring up game for the better? (4,5)","Answer":"STUD POKER","Explanation":"Definition: game for the better\nSTUD (boss) then POKER (one stirring up)"} {"Clue":"Depth of substance in pits with small pick inside (9)","Answer":"MEATINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Depth of substance\nMINES (pits) with S (small) contains (with\u2026inside) PICK (eat)"} {"Clue":"Weather system in Florida 14 almost changed (4,5)","Answer":"COLD FRONT","Explanation":"Definition: Weather system\nanagram (changed) of FL (Florida) DOCTOR No (14 across, almost)"} {"Clue":"Hidden underground cell, leaders in international crime (7)","Answer":"CRYPTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Hidden\nCRYPT (underground cell) then International Crime (leading letters in)"} {"Clue":"Suggest additional meaning of denial covered by short story (7)","Answer":"CONNOTE","Explanation":"Definition: Suggest additional meaning\nNO (denial) inside CONTE (a short story)"} {"Clue":"Obscene gesture that can be picked out when going through investigation? (1-4)","Answer":"V-SIGN","Explanation":"Definition: Obscene gesture\nthe letters appear in order (can be picked out when going through) i n V e S t I G a t i o N. I'm not sure I have the right explanation here."} {"Clue":"Chuck out defective item with missing lid (5)","Answer":"EJECT","Explanation":"Definition: Chuck out\nrEJECT (defective item) missing top letter (lid)"} {"Clue":"Something in girl's hair, daughter after an order designed to keep nits away? (5,4)","Answer":"ALICE BAND","Explanation":"Definition: Something in girl's hai\nD (daughter) follows A LICE BAN (an order to keep nits away)"} {"Clue":"Not suitable to sleep in tutu, skirts removed (5)","Answer":"UNAPT","Explanation":"Definition: Not suitable\nNAP (to sleep) in tUTu (missing outside letters, skirts removed)"} {"Clue":"Pudding-head in antiquity, a dummy (7)","Answer":"REPLICA","Explanation":"Definition: dumm\nPudding (head of, first letter) in RELIC (antiquity) then A"} {"Clue":"Shipping magnate playing blinder aboard vessel (10)","Answer":"VANDERBILT","Explanation":"Definition: Shipping magnate\nanagram (playing) of BLINDER inside VAT (vessel)"} {"Clue":"Tyre on, classic surrounds fine in the end (7)","Answer":"RETREAD","Explanation":"Definition: Tyre\nRE (regarding, on) then TRAD (classic) contains (surrounds) finE (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"True, a singular teaching on the workings of Congress? (1,4,2,4)","Answer":"A FACT OF LIFE","Explanation":"Definition: True\ndefinition and cryptic definition \u2013 life results from sex (congress) *\"A Fact of Life\" (singular) versus \"The Facts of Life\" (plural) \u2013 thanks to Sil and others for the better explanation"} {"Clue":"Sheep penning the Guardian's business, back in time (4,6)","Answer":"FOUR O\u2019CLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: time\nFLOCK (sheep) contains (penning) OUR (the Guardian) CO (company, business) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Achieve something extra\u00adordinary in Spooner's fishy puzzle? (4,7)","Answer":"MAKE HISTORY","Explanation":"Definition: Achieve something extra\u00adordinary\na Spoonerism of \"hake mystery\" (fishy puzzle)"} {"Clue":"Greek character for all to see left working alongside another? (7)","Answer":"UPSILON","Explanation":"Definition: Greek character\nU (for all to see, film rating) then L (left) ON (working) following (alongside) PSI (another Greek character)"} {"Clue":"Stimulating originally, if not dull (7)","Answer":"SUNLESS","Explanation":"Definition: dull\nStimulating (first letter, originally) then UNLESS (if not)"} {"Clue":"Topping, terrific in game shows? (5)","Answer":"ICING","Explanation":"Definition: Topping\nfound inside (showed by) terrifIC IN Game"} {"Clue":"Stone in rain, clean after a pummelling (9)","Answer":"CARNELIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Stone\nanagram (after a pummelling) of RAIN CLEAN"} {"Clue":"Of course, I'm learner originally trained under master of composition! (8,2,5)","Answer":"BACHELOR OF MUSIC","Explanation":"Definition: Of course, I'm learner originally trained under master of composition\nanagram (trained) of OF COURSE I'M with Learner (first letter of, originally) all following (under) BACH (a master of composition) \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"In a tizzy, is this fury in the extreme? (5,3)","Answer":"HISSY FIT","Explanation":"Definition: In a tizzy, is this fury in the extreme\nanagram (in a tizzy) of IS THIS and FurY (extreme letters of)"} {"Clue":"Joint group of musicians set up (5)","Answer":"TENON","Explanation":"Definition: Joint\nNONET (group of musicians) reversed (set up)"} {"Clue":"Travelling north, one US state consumed by another, in short \u2014 here's a third! (8)","Answer":"MARYLAND","Explanation":"Definition: here's a third\na reversal (travelling north, up the grid) of AL (Alabama, one US state) inside (consumed by) NY (New York, another) all inside (in) DRAM (a short) \u2013 a third US state"} {"Clue":"Song and dance and wine fancied a lot! (6)","Answer":"ADORED","Explanation":"Definition: fancied a lo\nADO (song and dance) then RED (wine)"} {"Clue":"Huge tailless fish, one of those seen at funfair (6,3)","Answer":"BUMPER CAR","Explanation":"Definition: one of those seen at funfair\nBUMPER (huge) CARp (fish, tailless)"} {"Clue":"Middle Eastern paste I see in container, spicy at heart (6)","Answer":"TAHINI","Explanation":"Definition: Middle Eastern paste\nAH (I see) inside TIN (container) then spIcy (middle letter, at heart)"} {"Clue":"Footballer's quality in game ulti\u00admately missing, what's on the end of famous boot? (6,2,7)","Answer":"STRAIT OF MESSINA","Explanation":"Definition: what's on the end of famous boot\nTRAIT OF MESSI (of Lionel Messi, footballer's quality) in SNAp (card game, missing ultimate letter) \u2013 mainland Italy is known for being in the shape of a boot"} {"Clue":"Dreamboat with cross to bear, gone less delusional (3,2,4)","Answer":"SEX ON LEGS","Explanation":"Definition: Dreamboat\nanagram (delusional) of GONE LESS contains (with\u2026to bear) X (cross)"} {"Clue":"Bananas can rest on top of yellow branches of tree? (8)","Answer":"ANCESTRY","Explanation":"Definition: branches of tree\nanagram (bananas) of CAN REST on Yellow (first letter, top of)"} {"Clue":"Flyer detailed every second part of final figures (8)","Answer":"TRAPEZIA","Explanation":"Definition: figures\nTRAPEZe (flyer, detailed) then fInAl (every second letter of)"} {"Clue":"Happy it's inferred to hold information \u2014 not mentioned (6)","Answer":"UNSAID","Explanation":"Definition: not mentioned\nUN-SAD (happy, it's inferred) contains I (information)"} {"Clue":"Punk shaved, fancy trousers folly (6)","Answer":"LUNACY","Explanation":"Definition: folly\npUNk (shaved, outside removed) inside (\u2026trousers) LACY (fancy)"} {"Clue":"Up in garret, needed key (5)","Answer":"ENTER","Explanation":"Definition: key\nfound reversed inside (up in) garRET NEeded \u2013 a key on a computer keyboard"} {"Clue":"Mastermind born during troubled reign (8)","Answer":"ENGINEER","Explanation":"Definition: Mastermind\nNEE (born) inside anagram (troubled) of REIGN \u2013 definition is a verb"} {"Clue":"Supporters everywhere originally following game for free (5)","Answer":"LOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: free\nfirst letters (originally) of Supporters Everywhere following LOO (an old card game)"} {"Clue":"Throw\u00a0large cork (4)","Answer":"BUNG","Explanation":"Definition: Throw\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Climber's staff's new pack stolen (10)","Answer":"ALPENSTOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Climber's staff\nanagram (new) of PACK STOLEN"} {"Clue":"Communion plate close to priest is easily accessible (6)","Answer":"PATENT","Explanation":"Definition: easily accessible\nPATEN (communion plate) ten priesT (closing letter)"} {"Clue":"Note given to god containing Eastern European language (8)","Answer":"FAEROESE","Explanation":"Definition: language\nFA (note, music) then EROS (god) contains E (eastern) followed by E (European)"} {"Clue":"Philosopher dared to differ about spiritual education (7)","Answer":"DERRIDA","Explanation":"Definition: Philosopher\nanagram (to differ) of DARED contains (about) RI (Religious Instruction, spiritual education)"} {"Clue":"Obsessive follower of celebrity carrying large sheath for knife (7)","Answer":"STALKER","Explanation":"Definition: Obsessive follower\nSTAR (celebrity) contains L (large) KnifE (sheath for, outer letters of)"} {"Clue":"Clips are damaged in passage through rock (8)","Answer":"SPIRACLE","Explanation":"Definition: passage through rock\nanagram (damaged) of CLIPS ARE"} {"Clue":"Vegetable dip served after enjoyable starters (6)","Answer":"ENDIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Vegetable\nDIVE (dip) following (served after) ENjoyable (starting letters of)"} {"Clue":"Distinguished gathering admitting married woman with bug (10)","Answer":"SALMONELLA","Explanation":"Definition: bug\nSALON (distinguished gathering) contains (admitting) M (married) then ELLA (woman)"} {"Clue":"Twisted gold wire for so-called precious gem (4)","Answer":"PURL","Explanation":"Definition: Twisted gold wire\nsounds like (so called) PEARL (precious gem, something outstanding?)"} {"Clue":"Kitchen utensil is returned by woman finally leaving flat (5)","Answer":"SIEVE","Explanation":"Definition: Kitchen utensil\nIS reversed (returned) then EVEn (flat) missing womaN (final letter of)"} {"Clue":"Fabric from Greek island covering central section of colonnade (8)","Answer":"CRETONNE","Explanation":"Definition: Fabric\nCRETE (Greek island) contains (covering) colONNade (central section of)"} {"Clue":"Gun trained on head of unfortunately dead horse, perhaps (8)","Answer":"UNGULATE","Explanation":"Definition: horse, perhaps\nanagram (trained) of GUN on Unfortunate (head of, first letter) then LATE (dead)"} {"Clue":"Outfit including new jewellery (4)","Answer":"RING","Explanation":"Definition: jewellery\nRIG (outfit) contains N (new)"} {"Clue":"Edit radical piece of legislation (6)","Answer":"REDACT","Explanation":"Definition: Edi\nRED (radical) ACT (piece of legislation)"} {"Clue":"Decline\u00a0delivery of goods (4,3)","Answer":"DROP OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Decline\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Good space in factory that's noisy (8)","Answer":"PLANGENT","Explanation":"Definition: noisy\nG (good) EN (space, printing) in PLANT (factory)"} {"Clue":"Supervised prisoner was offensive online (10)","Answer":"CONTROLLED","Explanation":"Definition: Supervised\nCON (prisoner) TROLLED (was offensive online)"} {"Clue":"North Carolina stopping money for criminals (6)","Answer":"FENCES","Explanation":"Definition: criminals\nNC (north Carolina) inside (stopping, like a cork) FEES (money)"} {"Clue":"Electronic facility storing President Eisenhower's first hearing aid (3,7)","Answer":"EAR TRUMPET","Explanation":"Definition: hearing aid\nE (electronic) ART (facility, ability) contains (storing) TRUMP (president) and Eisenhower (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Stop saving tin bottle (8)","Answer":"DECANTER","Explanation":"Definition: bottle\nDETER (stop) containing (saving) CAN (tin)"} {"Clue":"Goes round Edgbaston's boundaries with five implements with which to hit ball (8)","Answer":"ENVIRONS","Explanation":"Definition: Goes round\nEdgbastoN (boundaries of, outer letters) with V (five) and IRONS (implements with which to hit the ball, golf) \u2013 definition as a verb"} {"Clue":"Poison made from wine containing slippery elm (7)","Answer":"HEMLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Poison\nHOCK (wine) contains anagram (slippery) of ELM"} {"Clue":"Honour priest with increase in wages (6)","Answer":"PRAISE","Explanation":"Definition: Honour\nP (priest) RAISE (increase in wages)"} {"Clue":"Speyside's final label put on litre of the hard stuff (6)","Answer":"ENAMEL","Explanation":"Definition: the hard stuff\nspeysidE (final letter of) NAME (label) then L (litre)"} {"Clue":"Accumulate\u00a0stakes (4)","Answer":"POOL","Explanation":"Definition: Accumulate\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Harrow for the first time\u00a0to be innovative (5,3,6)","Answer":"BREAK NEW GROUND","Explanation":"Definition: Harrow for the first time\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"All fingers and thumbs \u2013 or finding settled course (5)","Answer":"TENOR","Explanation":"Definition: settled course\nTEN (all fingers and thumbs, ten of) then OR"} {"Clue":"With REM, a thing to disturb? (9)","Answer":"NIGHTMARE","Explanation":"Definition: With REM, a thing to disturb\nanagram (with\u2026to disturb) REM A THING \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Monster to agree with hawk- headed god (7)","Answer":"CHIMERA","Explanation":"Definition: Monster\nCHIME (to agree with) then RA (hawk-headed god)"} {"Clue":"Retailers, clairvoyants accepting Liberal line (7)","Answer":"SELLERS","Explanation":"Definition: Retailers\nSEERS (clairvoyants) containing (accepting) L (Liberal) L (line)"} {"Clue":"One with hesitation joins operation to find narcotic (5)","Answer":"OPIUM","Explanation":"Definition: narcotic\nI (one) with UM (a hesitation) follows (joins) OP (operation)"} {"Clue":"Described grassland appearing in river delta (9)","Answer":"EXPLAINED","Explanation":"Definition: Described\nPLAIN (grassland) inside EXE (river) and D (delta)"} {"Clue":"Headless insect found in dish that's smoked (9)","Answer":"PANATELLA","Explanation":"Definition: that's smoked\ngNAT (insect, headless) inside PAELLA (dish) \u2013 a cigar"} {"Clue":"Bird plunged into water gets back (5)","Answer":"EGRET","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nfound inside (plunged into) waTER GEts reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Chapel area in gold and blue (7)","Answer":"ORATORY","Explanation":"Definition: Chapel\nA (area) inside OR (gold) and TORY (blue, colour of political party)"} {"Clue":"Wandering Russian fighter encounters storm (7)","Answer":"MIGRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Wandering\nMIG (Russian fighter plane) with RANT (storm)"} {"Clue":"Space traveller's American out to Saturn (9)","Answer":"ASTRONAUT","Explanation":"Definition: Space traveller\nA (American) then anagram (out) of TO SATURN"} {"Clue":"Companion brought to French island nation (5)","Answer":"CHILE","Explanation":"Definition: nation\nCH (Companion of Honour) with ILE (island in French)"} {"Clue":"Ready source for story in the news (7,7)","Answer":"CURRENT ACCOUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Ready source\ndefinition\/cryptic definition \u2013 source of ready cash"} {"Clue":"Start to read publication holding new version (9)","Answer":"RENDITION","Explanation":"Definition: version\nRead (first letter, start to) then EDITION (publication) containing N (new)"} {"Clue":"Fit silver on table at last (5)","Answer":"AGREE","Explanation":"Definition: Fit\nAG (silver) RE (regarding, on) then tablE (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Wrought iron panel that's unmatched (9)","Answer":"NONPAREIL","Explanation":"Definition: unmatched\nanagram (wrought) of IRON PANEL"} {"Clue":"Comedian, extremely envious, demands payment (5)","Answer":"WAGES","Explanation":"Definition: payment\nWAG (comedian) then EnviouS (extreme letters of)"} {"Clue":"Online merchant recalled accepting thanks in reply (9)","Answer":"RETALIATE","Explanation":"Definition: reply\nE-TAILER (online merchant) reversed (recalled) contains (accepting) TA (thanks)"} {"Clue":"Man having time to find employment (5)","Answer":"USAGE","Explanation":"Definition: employment\nUS (man, we humans) with AGE (time)"} {"Clue":"Doctor sees wounded duke bandaged (7)","Answer":"DRESSED","Explanation":"Definition: bandaged\nanagram (wounded) of DR (doctor) SEES then D (duke)"} {"Clue":"Economies elevated firm producing fine plaster (6)","Answer":"STUCCO","Explanation":"Definition: fine plaster\nCUST (economies) reversed (elevated, going upwards) then CO (company, firm)"} {"Clue":"Counter in music shop? (9)","Answer":"METRONOME","Explanation":"Definition: Counter in music shop\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Sensible MP with a tragic undoing (9)","Answer":"PRAGMATIC","Explanation":"Definition: Sensible\nanagram (undoing) of MP with A TRAGIC"} {"Clue":"Managed to get raise with share account (9)","Answer":"NARRATION","Explanation":"Definition: account\nRAN (managed) reversed (to get raise) with RATION (share)"} {"Clue":"Expert thus securing a flat (7)","Answer":"PROSAIC","Explanation":"Definition: flat\nPRO (expert) then SIC (thus) contains (securing) A"} {"Clue":"Non-drinker involved in row causing giggle (6)","Answer":"TITTER","Explanation":"Definition: giggle\nTT (non-drinker) inside (involved in) TIER (row)"} {"Clue":"Union Station? (5)","Answer":"ALTAR","Explanation":"Definition: Union Station\ncryptic definition \u2013 a place (station) for a wedding (union)"} {"Clue":"Froth on beer indeed soft at the edges (5)","Answer":"YEAST","Explanation":"Definition: Froth on beer\nYEA (indeed) then SofT (at the edges, outer letters of)"} {"Clue":"Go round city and finally ask for wall sticker? (5)","Answer":"GECKO","Explanation":"Definition: wall sticker\nGO contains (round) EC (City of London, from postal code) and asK (final letter of) \u2013 a lizard that can climb smooth walls"} {"Clue":"Drunken upsey about Fido playing harp? Feature of unedited text maybe (12)","Answer":"PSEUDOGRAPHY","Explanation":"Definition: Feature of unedited text maybe\nanagram (drunken) of UPSEY contains DOG (named Fido pehaps) and anagram (playing) of HARP"} {"Clue":"Umbellifer in merrymaking boozer knocked over (8)","Answer":"BUPLEVER","Explanation":"Definition: Umbellifer\nreversal (knocked over) of REVEL (merrymaking) PUB (boozer)"} {"Clue":"One of many in saleroom no longer tolerated (4)","Answer":"ABID","Explanation":"Definition: no longer tolerated\nA BID (one of many in saleroom) \u2013 no longer indicates Spenserian spelling, now obsolete"} {"Clue":"Magical realm created by displaced rani in North America (6)","Answer":"NARNIA","Explanation":"Definition: Magical realm\nanagram (displaced) of RANI inside NA (North America)"} {"Clue":"Waiter upset by verbals, dropping barrel (6)","Answer":"SALVER","Explanation":"Definition: Waiter\nanagram (upset by) of VERBALS missing B (barrel)"} {"Clue":"Metal pot, repulsive? Move one back a bit (5)","Answer":"LOTAH","Explanation":"Definition: Metal pot\nLOATH (repulsive, obsolete usage) with A (one) moved back"} {"Clue":"Boil T-bag? O, that's misguided \u2013 this is indispensable (9)","Answer":"OBBLIGATO","Explanation":"Definition: indispensable\nanagram (that's misguided) of BOIL T-BAG O"} {"Clue":"After travelling in jet you've yen for cheap transport (6)","Answer":"JITNEY","Explanation":"Definition: cheap transport\nanagram (travelling) of IN JET followed by (after\u2026you have\u2026) Y (yen)"} {"Clue":"Senior administrators, ten in what preceded EU section (5)","Answer":"EXECS","Explanation":"Definition: Senior administrators\nX (ten) inside EEC (what preceded the EU) then S (section)"} {"Clue":"Non-religious believer is grabbed by antisocial youth from behind (5)","Answer":"DEIST","Explanation":"Definition: Non-religious believer\nIS inside (grabbed by) TED (antisocial youth) reversed (from behind)"} {"Clue":"Remove last bit of skin on meat as part of tack (6)","Answer":"PELHAM","Explanation":"Definition: part of tack\nPELt (skin) missing last letter (remove last bit of) on HAM"} {"Clue":"Abuses veil with skittish stare (9)","Answer":"MISTREATS","Explanation":"Definition: Abuses\nMIST (veil) with anagram (skittish) of STARE"} {"Clue":"The old man's nursing largely painful skin condition (5)","Answer":"PSORA","Explanation":"Definition: skin condition\nPA (old man) contains (nursing) SORe (painful, largely=most of)"} {"Clue":"Rare candlestick, being poorly turned stuff (6)","Answer":"LAMPAD","Explanation":"Definition: Rare candlestick\nMAL (poorly) reversed (turned) then PAD (stuff)"} {"Clue":"Life's changed alongside husband, distraught (6)","Answer":"ELFISH","Explanation":"Definition: distraugh\nanagram (changed) of LIFE then H (husband)"} {"Clue":"What's heard in Yankee accent (see introductions)? (4)","Answer":"HIYA","Explanation":"Definition: What's heard in Yankee accent (see introductions)?\nfirst letters of (see introductions) of Heard In Yankee Accent \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Insecticide I introduced, stunnin' and acceptable (8)","Answer":"DIAZINON","Explanation":"Definition: Insecticide\nI inside (with\u2026introduced) DAZIN' (stunnin') and ON (acceptable)"} {"Clue":"Grudge having to accept aim of Scots with money, the \u00e9migr\u00e9's lot (12)","Answer":"RESETTLEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: the \u00e9migr\u00e9's lot\nRESENT (grudge) contains (having to accept) ETTLE with M (money)"} {"Clue":"Mediterranean resort in the south of France, almost rainless (7)","Answer":"SUBARID","Explanation":"Definition: almost rainless\nBARI (Mediterranean resort) in SUD (the South of France)"} {"Clue":"Eastern exercise system? Seconds taken off to shave (7)","Answer":"EPILATE","Explanation":"Definition: to shave\nE (eastern) then PILATEs (exercise system) missing S (seconds)"} {"Clue":"Grace, on the up, not half, a bright star (5)","Answer":"DENEB","Explanation":"Definition: a bright star\nBENEDicite (grace, not half) reversed (on the up)"} {"Clue":"Daughter's bairn takes in part of speech not long past? (6)","Answer":"OVERBY","Explanation":"Definition: not long past\nOY (grandchild, Scots) contains (takes in) VERB (part of speech)"} {"Clue":"Showing moderation it's absorbed by unintelligent learners (6)","Answer":"GENTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Showing moderation\nfound inside (absorbed by) unintelliGENT LEarners"} {"Clue":"Filth once dumped in meadow rising as foam (7)","Answer":"AEROGEL","Explanation":"Definition: foam\nGORE (filth, once) inside LEA (meadow) all reversed (rising)"} {"Clue":"Skin discoloration identified by drink generally (5)","Answer":"PINTA","Explanation":"Definition: Skin discoloration\ndouble definition \u2013 generally=informal"} {"Clue":"Bird, now extinct? Maori gathering last of genera (4)","Answer":"HUIA","Explanation":"Definition: Bird, now extinct\nHUI (Maori gathering) then generA (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Crazy about former gar\u00e7on, one follower of religion (9)","Answer":"MAHOMMEDAN","Explanation":"Definition: follower of religion\nMAD (crazy) contains (about) HOMME (a former garcon) then AN (one)"} {"Clue":"Egg ceremony requiring salt (7)","Answer":"NITRITE","Explanation":"Definition: salt\nNIT (egg) RITE (ceremony)"} {"Clue":"Ill-fitting \u2014\u2014 set? Toe pinches possibly (7)","Answer":"CHOPINE","Explanation":"Definition: Ill-fitting \u2014\u2014 set? Toe pinches possibly\nanagram (ill-fitting) of CHOPINE (the solution) SET is TOE PINCHES \u2013 definition is &lit, an ill-fitting chopine may pinch your toe"} {"Clue":"Sweet lad blanketing a horse (7)","Answer":"SABAYON","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nSON (lad) contains (blanketing) A BAY (horse)"} {"Clue":"One of the plovers shot after the rain lifted (6)","Answer":"TEWHIT","Explanation":"Definition: One of the plovers\nHIT (shot) follows WET (the rain) reversed (lifted)"} {"Clue":"A couple of chums describing how insects feel? (6)","Answer":"PALPAL","Explanation":"Definition: describing how insects feel\nPAL PAL (a couple of chums)"} {"Clue":"Soft furnishings, very firm where bottom goes (5)","Answer":"SOFAS","Explanation":"Definition: Soft furnishings\nSO (very) FASt (firm) missing bottom letter"} {"Clue":"Bowls with spin, sez 'Owzat!', so wicket goes (5)","Answer":"TAZZE","Explanation":"Definition: Bowls\nanagram (with spin) of sEZ owZAT missing SO W (wicket)"} {"Clue":"Ingredient of Scottish gin, one found in Skye I removed? (4)","Answer":"SLAE","Explanation":"Definition: Ingredient of Scottish gin\nA (one) inside iSLE (Skye perhaps) missing I"} {"Clue":"Some pieces of music played in hall (eg Rossini) (8)","Answer":"ALLEGROS","Explanation":"Definition: Some pieces of music\nfound inside hALL EG ROSsini"} {"Clue":"Insignificant individual, quiet, terribly prim (6)","Answer":"SHRIMP","Explanation":"Definition: Insignificant individual\nSH (quiet) then anagram (terribly) of PRIM"} {"Clue":"Roman squad left Italian WWII battle, having lost an indefinite number (5)","Answer":"LAZIO","Explanation":"Definition: Roman squad\nL (left) AnZIO (Italian WWII battle) missing N (an indefinite number) \u2013 the name of an Italian football team (squad)"} {"Clue":"Being 50, ace leader of musical gang retired, Eisenhower's dead ringer (4-5)","Answer":"LOOK ALIKE","Explanation":"Definition: dead ringer\nL (fifty) A (ace) KOOL (leader of Kool & the Gang, musical group) all reversed (retired) then IKE (Eisenhower)"} {"Clue":"Piano group covering Deck of Cards singer, mostly (4,5)","Answer":"BABY GRAND","Explanation":"Definition: Piano\nBAND (group) contains (covering) BYGRAves (Max Bygraves mostly, sang Deck of Cards)"} {"Clue":"Long period of time before noon (5)","Answer":"YEARN","Explanation":"Definition: Long\nYEAR (period of time) then N (noon)"} {"Clue":"Gran is going out looking dishevelled (2,4)","Answer":"IN RAGS","Explanation":"Definition: looking dishevelled \nanagram (going out) of GRAN IS"} {"Clue":"Mortification of Greek placed in restraint (7)","Answer":"CHAGRIN","Explanation":"Definition: Mortification\nGR (Greek) inside CHAIN (restraint)"} {"Clue":"Sit back, taking in old-fashioned healthy infusions (7)","Answer":"TISANES","Explanation":"Definition: infusions\nSIT reversed (back) containing SANE (healthy, old-fashioned usage)"} {"Clue":"Substitute always running back, tackling Salah (6)","Answer":"REMOVE","Explanation":"Definition: Substitute\nEVER (always) reversed (running back) contains (tackling, taking on) MO (Mo Salah, footballer)"} {"Clue":"Posh crackers for a yen? (5)","Answer":"RITZY","Explanation":"Definition: Posh\nRITZ (crackers) with Y (Yen)"} {"Clue":"Military body to give guns to Young Conservative men: an afterthought (4,5)","Answer":"ARMY CORPS","Explanation":"Definition: Military body\nARM (to give guns to) Y (young) C (Conservative) OR (other ranks, men) then PS (an afterthought)"} {"Clue":"First off: Uncle Sam union to be wound up, everyone agreed (9)","Answer":"UNANIMOUS","Explanation":"Definition: everyone agreed\nanagram (wound up) of Uncle (the first letter off) and SAM UNION"} {"Clue":"Love three musical notes (5)","Answer":"ADORE","Explanation":"Definition: Love\nA, DO and RE are all names for notes in music"} {"Clue":"In Turkey, final destination unknown (6)","Answer":"TRENDY","Explanation":"Definition: In\nTR (Turkey) END (final destination) Y (unknown)"} {"Clue":"One dead and buried in the ground alone (8)","Answer":"ISOLATED","Explanation":"Definition: alone\nI (one) LATE (dead) inside (and buried in) SOD (the ground)"} {"Clue":"Like featuring revolting Bild off- the-cuff comments? (2-4)","Answer":"AD-LIBS","Explanation":"Definition: off- the-cuff comments\nAS (like) contains (featuring) BILD reversed (revolting)"} {"Clue":"Baez's only weakness? She has a terrible work ethic (9)","Answer":"LAZY BONES","Explanation":"Definition: She has a terrible work ethic\nanagram (weakness) of BAEZ'S ONLY"} {"Clue":"Regaining my mood, playing a classic song (7,2,2,4)","Answer":"GEORGIA ON MY MIND","Explanation":"Definition: a classic song\nanagram (playing) ofREGAINING MY MOOD"} {"Clue":"Loire city lists other ranks first (7)","Answer":"ORLEANS","Explanation":"Definition: Loire city\nLEANS (lists) following (\u2026first) OR (other ranks)"} {"Clue":"A gifted songwriter? Yeah, magic choral works (5,10)","Answer":"HOAGY CARMICHAEL","Explanation":"Definition: A gifted songwriter\nanagram (works) of YEAH MAGIC CHORAL \u2013 composer of the songs embedded in this puzzle"} {"Clue":"Independent area hosting small business somewhere in the Balearics (5)","Answer":"IBIZA","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in the Balearics\nI (independent) A (area) contains (hosting) BIZ (business, small=abbreviation)"} {"Clue":"Quiet knight, tense, suppressing rising anger with child (8)","Answer":"PREGNANT","Explanation":"Definition: with child\nP (quiet) N (knight, chess) T (tense) contains (suppressing) ANGER (rage) reversed (rising)"} {"Clue":"Defined as \"tall, blond, blue-eyed\" in lexicon (or dictionary) (6)","Answer":"NORDIC","Explanation":"Definition: tall, blond, blue-eyed\nfound inside lexicoN OR DICtionary \u2013 there are various ways one could select the definition here"} {"Clue":"A floating asset moving between banks (9)","Answer":"RIVERBOAT","Explanation":"Definition: A floating asset moving between banks\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Begin to comprehend taking drugs regularly \u2013 it's magical! (8)","Answer":"STARDUST","Explanation":"Definition: it's magical\nSTART (begin) contains (to comprehend, take in) every other letter (regularly) of DrUgS"} {"Clue":"Salt water, lad? (6)","Answer":"~~SEABOY~~ SEASON","Explanation":"Definition: Salt\nSEA (water) ~~BOY~~ SON (lad) \u2013 definition is &lit. This barely seems cryptic to me: most compound words are automatically defined by their constituent parts. *Thanks to Eileen et al, this is much better."} {"Clue":"Famous Egyptian recipe's beginning with ground sesame (7)","Answer":"RAMESES","Explanation":"Definition: Famous Egyptian\nRecipe (first letter, beginning) with anagram (go around) of SESAME"} {"Clue":"Old machine gun emplacement above Dutch North Sea port (6)","Answer":"OSTEND","Explanation":"Definition: North Sea port\nO (old) STEN (machine gun) before (emplacement above, in a down light) D (Dutch)"} {"Clue":"Find time to compete (5)","Answer":"TRACE","Explanation":"Definition: Find\nT (time) with RACE (to compete)"} {"Clue":"Excluding that French boat (6)","Answer":"BARQUE","Explanation":"Definition: boat\nBAR (excluding) QUE (that, French)"} {"Clue":"Broad avenues to out-of-town stations (8)","Answer":"PARKWAYS","Explanation":"Definition: out-of-town stations\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Hewlett Johnson meandered around without me (3,4)","Answer":"RED DEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Hewlett Johnson\nanagram (around) of meANDERED missing ME \u2013 former Dean of Canterbury and prominent supporter of the Soviet Union"} {"Clue":"Cavalier has gone to help (7)","Answer":"OFFHAND","Explanation":"Definition: Cavalier\nOFF (has gone) with HAND (help)"} {"Clue":"Small shire and bullock working (4)","Answer":"OXON","Explanation":"Definition: Small shire\nbullocks, when as farm animals \u2013 short for Oxfordshire *\u00a0better \u2013 OX (bullock) + ON (working)"} {"Clue":"Cover for Mae West's biography? (4,6)","Answer":"LIFE JACKET","Explanation":"Definition: Cover for Mae West's biography\ncryptic definition \u2013 a life is a biography, a jacket is a cover for a book and Mae West is slang for a life jacket"} {"Clue":"It corrupts data of half the company at start of the year (6)","Answer":"TROJAN","Explanation":"TROupe (half of the company) with JAN (start of the year)"} {"Clue":"Employee's docket settles insolence (7)","Answer":"PAYSLIP","Explanation":"Definition: Employee's docket\nPAYS (settles) LIP (insolence)"} {"Clue":"Early aviators correct in two ways (7)","Answer":"WRIGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: Early aviators\nRIGHT (correct) in W and S (west and south, two ways) \u2013 the Wright brothers Orville and Wilbur"} {"Clue":"Common mineral measures we're told (6)","Answer":"QUARTZ","Explanation":"Definition: Common mineral\nsounds like (we're told) \"quarts\" (measures of liquid)"} {"Clue":"Battle relics or hardware. So unusual (10)","Answer":"ARROWHEADS","Explanation":"Definition: Battle relics\nanagram (unusual) of HARDWARE SO"} {"Clue":"Apple's music (4)","Answer":"JAZZ","Explanation":"Definition: Apple\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Filling the morning arranging gala on First of May (7)","Answer":"AMALGAM","Explanation":"Definition: Filling\nAM (the morning) then anagram (arranging) of GALA on May (first letter of) \u2013 a filling at the dentist"} {"Clue":"Mournful key member CIA outed (7)","Answer":"ELEGIAC","Explanation":"Definition: Mournful\nE (key, music) LEG (member, of you body) then anagram (outed) of CIA"} {"Clue":"Worried parachutists chat away on the first floor (8)","Answer":"UPSTAIRS","Explanation":"Definition: on the first floor\nanagram (worried) of PARachUtISTS missing (away) CHAT"} {"Clue":"African knowledge not returned (6)","Answer":"KENYAN","Explanation":"Definition: African\nKEN (knowledge) then NAY (not) reversed (returned)"} {"Clue":"Nervous harbour master rears out of Welsh resort (8)","Answer":"BARMOUTH","Explanation":"Definition: Welsh resort\nanagram (nervous) of HARBOUr MasTer missing (out) REARS"} {"Clue":"Artist and couturier accept French madman in channel (5,4)","Answer":"RADIO FOUR","Explanation":"Definition: channe\nRA (Royal Academician, artist) and DIOR (courtier) contains (accept) FOU (madman, French)"} {"Clue":"Fleas heading off to gorse (4)","Answer":"ULEX","Explanation":"Definition: gorse\npULEX (the flea genus) missing first letter (heading off)"} {"Clue":"Better than expected, but not for Tiger, say (5,3)","Answer":"ABOVE PAR","Explanation":"Definition: Better than expected\nabove par would not be better than expected for Tiger Woods say"} {"Clue":"Fake quakes, awfully reminiscent of a Czech novelist (10)","Answer":"KAFKAESQUE","Explanation":"Definition: reminiscent of a Czech novelist\nanagram (awfully) of FAKE QUAKES"} {"Clue":"One sailor and another with no joint is surprised, when taken (5)","Answer":"ABACK","Explanation":"Definition: is surprised, when taken\nAB (one sailor) and jACK (another sailor) missing J (joint) \u2013 surprised is \"taken aback\""} {"Clue":"Inwardly composed, at ease, calm (6)","Answer":"SEDATE","Explanation":"Definition: calm\nfound inside (inwardly) of compoSED AT Ease"} {"Clue":"Bone discovered in Roman villa (5)","Answer":"ANVIL","Explanation":"Definition: Bone\nfound inside romAN VILla"} {"Clue":"Two happy dogs heard in city on the Murrumbidgee (5,5)","Answer":"WAGGA WAGGA","Explanation":"Definition: city on the Murrumbidgee\nsounds like (herd) \"wagger wagger\" (two happy dogs perhaps) \u2013 city in New South Wales"} {"Clue":"Airline troubled by travelling youths, at first, undoubtedly (2,7)","Answer":"IN REALITY","Explanation":"Definition: undoubtedly\nanagram troubled) of AIRLINE then first letters of Travelling Youths"} {"Clue":"Ship holding right pennant (8)","Answer":"STREAMER","Explanation":"Definition: pennan\nSTEAMER (ship) contains R (right)"} {"Clue":"From outskirts of Suez to Czechoslovakia, round Nice to Polish city (8)","Answer":"SZCZECIN","Explanation":"Definition: Polish city\nouter letters of SueZ and ~~CzecholslovaliA~~ CZ (Czechoslovakia*, see Sil @6 below*) then NICE reversed (round)"} {"Clue":"Musical seen in Texan ad, unusually (6)","Answer":"XANADU","Explanation":"Definition: Musical\nfound inside teXAN AD Unusually"} {"Clue":"Coopers' tools regularly rejected in sleazy deal (5)","Answer":"ADZES","Explanation":"Definition: Coopers' tools\na reversal (rejected) of every other letter of SlEaZy DeAl"} {"Clue":"Spoke of island ways (5)","Answer":"ROADS","Explanation":"Definition: ways\nsounds like (spoke of) \"Rhodes\" (an island)"} {"Clue":"Granular snow seen during interview, evenly \u2013 even upwards (4)","Answer":"NEVE","Explanation":"Definition: Granular snow\nevery other letter (evenly) of iNtErViEw and also found reversed (upwards) of inside both EVENly and EVEN"} {"Clue":"What's answered when one's going\u00a0woof or oink, say (3,4,2,6)","Answer":"THE CALL OF NATURE","Explanation":"Definition: What's answered when one's going\ndouble definition \u2013 going to the toilet"} {"Clue":"Criticise one of those billed (4)","Answer":"RAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Criticis\ndouble definition \u2013 a bird, something with a bill"} {"Clue":"Vessel behind it travelling west during wonderful trip (8)","Answer":"ACTIVATE","Explanation":"Definition: trip\nVAT (vessel) follows (behind) IT reversed (travelling west, right to left on a map) inside ACE (wonderful)"} {"Clue":"Yellow and black half of nut in aromatic plant (5,4)","Answer":"LEMON BALM","Explanation":"Definition: aromatic plant\nLEMON (yellow) B (black) than ALMond (nut, half of)"} {"Clue":"Engineers told you so! (5)","Answer":"THERE","Explanation":"Definition: told you so\nTHE RE (The Royal Engineers)"} {"Clue":"Problem supporters backing United (5)","Answer":"SNAFU","Explanation":"Definition: Problem\nFANS (supporters) reversed (backing) then U (united)"} {"Clue":"Silent voices restored originally, Lebanon rebuilt (3-6)","Answer":"NON-VERBAL","Explanation":"Definition: Silent\nanagram (rebuilt) of the first letters (originally) of Voices Restored and LEBANON"} {"Clue":"Small, small, small amount of money invested in tea plant (5,3)","Answer":"SWEET PEA","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nS (small) WEE (small) P (one penny, small amount of money) inside TEA"} {"Clue":"Second: first no more! (4)","Answer":"STOP","Explanation":"Definition: no mor\nS (second) TOP (first)"} {"Clue":"Modern time, looking back, in roistering and a crash? (7,8)","Answer":"ROARING TWENTIES","Explanation":"Definition: Modern time, looking back, in roistering and a crash\nNEW (modern) T (time) reversed (looking back) in anagram (crash) of ROISTERING and A \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Two items of seafood pinched by cat, not one \u2014 unfortunately one can't get away with it (5,5)","Answer":"WHEEL CLAMP","Explanation":"Definition: unfortunately one can't get away with it\nELL and CLAM (two items of seafood) inside (pinched by) WHiP (cat) missing I (one)"} {"Clue":"Best turkey drunk, according to Spooner? (3-6)","Answer":"TOP FLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Best\na Spoonerism of Flop Tight (turkey drunk)"} {"Clue":"Fragrant substance produced when badger scratches head (5)","Answer":"ESTER","Explanation":"Definition: Fragrant substance\npESTER (badger) missing first letter (scratching head)"} {"Clue":"Politician's bearing setting one up for devotion (7)","Answer":"PIETISM","Explanation":"Definition: devotion\nMP (politician) contains (bearing) SITE (setting) I (one) all reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Fine wine unopened (4)","Answer":"OKAY","Explanation":"Definition: Fine\ntOKAY (wine) missing first letter (unopened)"} {"Clue":"Those at the front in detachment lining up and climbing over the hill in Scotland? (4)","Answer":"AULD","Explanation":"Definition: over the hill in Scotland\nfirst letters (those at the front in) Detachment Lining Up And all reversed (climbing) \u2013 Scots word meaning old (over the hill)"} {"Clue":"Under oath, a bond for removal (10)","Answer":"EFFACEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: removal\nEFF (an oath, eff and blind) then A CEMENT (bond)"} {"Clue":"A scream muffled by shout for old competitor (10)","Answer":"CHARIOTEER","Explanation":"Definition: old competitor\nA RIOT (scream) inside (muffled by) CHEER (shout)"} {"Clue":"A meeting about usual borders getting praise (7)","Answer":"ADULATE","Explanation":"Definition: praise\nA DATE (meeting) contains (about) UsuaL (borders of)"} {"Clue":"Gradual increase ultimately in diamonds, a thousand in ring (9)","Answer":"PIECEMEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Gradua\nincreasE (last letter, ultimately) in ICE (diamonds) M (a thousand) all inside PEAL (ring)"} {"Clue":"Guardian site desperate to bandage wound around paper's leader \u2014 investigation of some concern? (10,9)","Answer":"INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE","Explanation":"Definition: investigation of some concern\nanagram (desperate) of GUARDIAN SITE contains (to bandage) LESION (wound) containing (around) Paper (first letter, leader of) \u2013 a concern is a business"} {"Clue":"Fill out forms with age in green, originally (4,6)","Answer":"GAIN WEIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Fill out\nanagram (forms) of WITH AGE IN and Green (first letter, initially)"} {"Clue":"Tons carried by girl, hideous lump to lift a back-breaker? (4,5)","Answer":"LAST STRAW","Explanation":"Definition: a back-breaker\nT (tons) inside LASS (girl) then WART (hideous lump) reversed (to lift)"} {"Clue":"Mean when in a temper initially, money handed over in card game beginning to escalate (7,7)","Answer":"BATTING AVERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Mean when in\nA Temper (initial letter of) TIN (money) GAVE (handed over) all inside BRAG (card game) then Escalate (first letter, beginning to) \u2013 in cricket to be \"in\" is to be batting"} {"Clue":"Put one in letter box? (5)","Answer":"POSIT","Explanation":"Definition: Put\nI (one) in POST (\u2026put in letter box)"} {"Clue":"Exchange prisoners sent up (4)","Answer":"SWOP","Explanation":"Definition: Exchange\nPOWS (prisoners of war) reversed (sent up)"} {"Clue":"Not entirely used up, culinary dye (4)","Answer":"ANIL","Explanation":"Definition: dye\nfound inside (not entirely) cuLINAry reversed (used up)"} {"Clue":"Once again holds mount back, handier than the rest (6)","Answer":"EFTEST","Explanation":"Definition: handier than the rest\nAFT (again, once=archaic) contains SET (mount) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Fermented dairy product ? what shall I say? ? gobbled by plonker? (6)","Answer":"KUMISS","Explanation":"Definition: Fermented dairy product\nUM (what shall I say?) inside KISS (plonker)"} {"Clue":"A prince folded ancient get-up ? one could pack plenty more in it (8)","Answer":"SARATOGA","Explanation":"Definition: one could pack plenty more in it\nA RAS (prince) reversed (folded) then TOGA (ancient get-up)"} {"Clue":"Stopper and bolt drawn back (4)","Answer":"PLUG","Explanation":"Definition: Stopper\nGULP (bolt) reversed (drawn back)"} {"Clue":"Ten freely breaking rule in vacation formerly (7)","Answer":"NON-TERM","Explanation":"Definition: vacation formerly\nanagram (freely) of TEN inside (breaking) NORM (rule)"} {"Clue":"Small carnivore making comeback in Bessarabia (5)","Answer":"RASSE","Explanation":"Definition: Small carnivore\nfound reversed inside bESSARabia"} {"Clue":"Cool phrase repeated after middle of intro (5)","Answer":"TRIFF","Explanation":"Definition: Cool\nRIFF (phrase repeated) following inTro (middle of)"} {"Clue":"Last throw getting spattered in old fan \u2026 (9)","Answer":"STALWORTH","Explanation":"Definition: old fan\nanagram (getting splattered) of LAST THROW"} {"Clue":"\u2026 With such a noise? Watch out, fourth of punkahs following (6)","Answer":"THWACK","Explanation":"Definition: \u2026 With such a noise\nanagram (out) of WATCH then punKahs (fourth letter of)"} {"Clue":"Cheers with HM coming on board ? they're stunning (6)","Answer":"TASERS","Explanation":"Definition: they're stunning\nTA (cheers, thank you) then SS containing (with\u2026coming on board a steam ship) ER (HM, Her Majesty)"} {"Clue":"Specialist giving word of honour taking bards back in (9)","Answer":"OSTEOPATH","Explanation":"Definition: Specialist\nOATH (word of honour) contains POETS (bards) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Pop king kept in chest (5)","Answer":"BURST","Explanation":"Definition: Pop\nR (king) inside BUST (chest)"} {"Clue":"Mate, last changing location of island (5)","Answer":"CHIAN","Explanation":"Definition: of island\nCHINA (mate) with the last letter changing its location \u2013 of the island of Chios"} {"Clue":"Bairn set fire to money, left inside (7)","Answer":"LITTLIN","Explanation":"Definition: Bairn\nLIT (set fire to) then L (left) in TIN (money)"} {"Clue":"Ice field, hostile round small latitude (4)","Answer":"FLOE","Explanation":"Definition: Ice field\nFOE (hostile) contains L (latitude, small=abbrev)"} {"Clue":"Centrepiece of cut in untidy tousles needing a shave? (8)","Answer":"SETULOUS","Explanation":"Definition: needing a shave\ncUt (centrepiece of) inside anagram (untidy) of TOUSLES"} {"Clue":"Went (originally from Scandinavia), being tested skirting Norway (6)","Answer":"TRINED","Explanation":"Definition: Went (originally from Scandinavia)\nTRIED (tested) contains (skirting) N (Norway)"} {"Clue":"Leader of team in London club kicks (6)","Answer":"SPURTS","Explanation":"Definition: kicks\nTeam (leading letter of) inside SPURS (London club)"} {"Clue":"Jewish community from Florida having a whip round? Au contraire (7)","Answer":"FALASHA","Explanation":"Definition: Jewish community\nFA (Florida) containing (having\u2026round) A LASH (whip) \u2013 the contrary of a whip containing Florida"} {"Clue":"Bundle consisting of Irish coats but no tie (5)","Answer":"TRUSS","Explanation":"Definition: Bundle\nTRUStieS (Irish coats) missing TIE"} {"Clue":"Sentence to carve below stone head of repository (7)","Answer":"STRETCH","Explanation":"Definition: Sentence\nETCH (to carve) following (below) ST (stone) Repository (first letter, head of)"} {"Clue":"Light vehicle beside shambling nag (5)","Answer":"TONGA","Explanation":"Definition: Light vehicle\nTO (beside) anagram (shambling) of NAG"} {"Clue":"Where tribal elders meet king dropping in, voice raised (6)","Answer":"KGOTLA","Explanation":"Definition: Where tribal elders meet\nKinG missing (dropping) IN then ALTO (voice) reversed (raised)"} {"Clue":"Number two's second after word number one brought up (7)","Answer":"MOTIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Number two's\nMOT (word) then S (second) following NO I (number one) reversed (brought up). Does anyone know Azed's policy on ignoring punctuation in definitions? Is it OK to ignore the apostrophe?"} {"Clue":"How many prefer Scotch, fierce in tangle with English (7)","Answer":"ICEFREE","Explanation":"Definition: How many prefer Scotch\nanagram (in tangle) of FIERCE then E (English)"} {"Clue":"Bondman, somewhat brisk when cut up (4)","Answer":"SERF","Explanation":"Definition: Bondman\nFRESh (brisk, when cut) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Being gormless, Scots hens running about in puddle copy geese? (12)","Answer":"SUMPHISHNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Being gormless, Scots\nanagram (running) of HENS inside SUMP (puddle) HISS (copy geese)"} {"Clue":"Lively dance, one followed by disapproving noises in ladies' organization (7)","Answer":"WATUTSI","Explanation":"Definition: Lively dance\nA (one) followed by TUTS (disapproving noises) in WI (Women's Institute, ladies organization)"} {"Clue":"Anaesthetic getting right inside a blood vessel (7)","Answer":"AVERTIN","Explanation":"Definition: Anaesthetic\nRT (right) inside A VEIN (blood vessel)"} {"Clue":"Singles contest in wrestling place, clubhouse excited? (7)","Answer":"MATCHUP","Explanation":"Definition: Singles contest\nMAT (wrestling place) CH (club house) UP (excited)"} {"Clue":"Albanian water buffalo in the open (7)","Answer":"ARNAOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Albanian\nARNA (water buffalo) OUT (in the open)"} {"Clue":"Concluded restraint tucking into pud freely (6)","Answer":"UPTIED","Explanation":"Definition: Concluded\nTIE (restraint) inside anagram (freely) of PUD"} {"Clue":"Some of the family in Australia, including large part of it (5)","Answer":"AUNTS","Explanation":"Definition: Some of the family\nAUS (Australia) containing NT (Northern Territory, a large part of it)"} {"Clue":"Aristo, rarely French, he replaces one in large house (5)","Answer":"MILOR","Explanation":"Definition: Aristo\nIL (he, in French) replaces AN (one) in ManOR (large house)"} {"Clue":"Vigorous activity, quite often American, making money in Addis (4)","Answer":"BIRR","Explanation":"Definition: Vigorous activity, quite often American\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Concerning to find showy adornments in place practising purification (8)","Answer":"REFINERY","Explanation":"Definition: place practising purification \nRE (regarding, concerning) with (to find) FINERY (showy adornments)"} {"Clue":"Become fond of something overheard on the film set (4,2)","Answer":"TAKE TO","Explanation":"Definition: Become fond of\nsounds like \"take two\" (something overheard on film set)"} {"Clue":"Making a mistake to associate with Democratic party's boldness (7-2)","Answer":"DERRING-DO","Explanation":"Definition: boldness\nERRING (making a mistake) follows (to associate with) D (democratic) then DO (party)"} {"Clue":"Danger of liberal Irish record being overturned (5)","Answer":"PERIL","Explanation":"Definition: Danger\nL (liberal) IR (Irish) EP (Extended Play record) all reversed (being overturned)"} {"Clue":"50% of them getting to America in this way (4)","Answer":"THUS","Explanation":"Definition: in this way \nTHem (50% of) then US (America)"} {"Clue":"US president in US city taking crack willingly (4,1,4)","Answer":"LIKE A SHOT","Explanation":"Definition: willingly\nIKE (Eisenhower, US president) in LA (US city) then SHOT (crack)"} {"Clue":"Relating to attempt to reverse rule to stop commerce declining (10)","Answer":"RETROGRADE","Explanation":"Definition: declining\nRE (relating to) then GO (attempt) reversed R (rule) inside (to stop, like a cork) TRADE (commerce)"} {"Clue":"Finish off spell as cleaner (4)","Answer":"CHAR","Explanation":"Definition: cleaner\nCHARm (spell) missing last letter (finish off)"} {"Clue":"Article about Poins's reputation (4)","Answer":"NAME","Explanation":"Definition: reputation\nAN (indefinite article) reversed (about) ME (Poins)"} {"Clue":"What governments fear from malicious gossip carelessly spouted within (5,5)","Answer":"COUPS DETAT","Explanation":"Definition: What governments fear\nCAT (malicious gossip) contains (with\u2026within) anagram (carelessly) of SPOUTED"} {"Clue":"Resistance to prohibition in posh part of New York for instance (5,4)","Answer":"URBAN AREA","Explanation":"Definition: New York for instance\nR (resistance with BAN (prohibition) inside U (posh) AREA (part)"} {"Clue":"Prophetic significance of fictional captain's return (4)","Answer":"OMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Prophetic significance\nNEMO (fictional captain) reversed (return)"} {"Clue":"City in Colorado welcoming publicity (5)","Answer":"CAIRO","Explanation":"Definition: City\nCO (Colorado) contains (entertaining) AIR (publicity)"} {"Clue":"Severely criticise Number 10 taken in by Communist handbook (9)","Answer":"COMPANION","Explanation":"Definition: handbook\nPAN (severely criticise) containing (with\u2026taken in) N (number) IO (looks like 10) following (by) COM (communist)"} {"Clue":"Determined to get scrambled egg in terribly odd surroundings (6)","Answer":"DOGGED","Explanation":"Definition: Determined\nanagram (scrambled) of EGG in anagram (terribly) of ODD"} {"Clue":"Cooperating as Liverpool and Everton are (2,6)","Answer":"IN LEAGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Cooperating\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Insulting for a girl? Not half (4)","Answer":"RUDE","Explanation":"Definition: Insulting\ngertRUDE (a girl, not half)"} {"Clue":"Somehow befitting hero to protect me temporarily (3,3,4,5)","Answer":"FOR THE TIME BEING","Explanation":"Definition: temporarily\nanagram (somehow) of BEFITTING HERO contains (to protect) ME"} {"Clue":"Fabric not available in marketplace I hear (8)","Answer":"NAINSOOK","Explanation":"Definition: Fabric\nNA (not available) IN SOOK sounds like (I hear) \"souk\" (market place)"} {"Clue":"Drink up as befitting a king (5)","Answer":"REGAL","Explanation":"Definition: befitting a king\nLAGER (drink) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Seem to change sides with request for aid (6)","Answer":"APPEAL","Explanation":"Definition: request for aid\nAPPEAr (seem) swapping R and L (changing sides)"} {"Clue":"Extremely shocking for tenor hearing threats bandied about (5-10)","Answer":"EARTH-SHATTERING","Explanation":"Definition: Extremely shocking\nanagram (bandied about) of T (tenor) and HEARING THREATS"} {"Clue":"Nothing scholarly about book's cover (10)","Answer":"OBLITERATE","Explanation":"Definition: cover\nO (nothing) LITERATE (scholarly) contains B (book)"} {"Clue":"Operate before fellow gets over excited (6,2)","Answer":"WORKED UP","Explanation":"Definition: excited \nWORK (operate) then ED (Edward, a fellow) UP (over)"} {"Clue":"Noticeable in reminder to collect cat after noon (10)","Answer":"PRONOUNCED","Explanation":"Definition: Noticeable\nPROD (reminder) contains (to collect) OUNCE (a cat) following N (noon)"} {"Clue":"One assisting in transporting stone boxes from Argentina (4,4)","Answer":"ROOF RACK","Explanation":"Definition: One assisting in transporting\nROCK (stone) contains (boxes) OF (from) RA (Argentina)"} {"Clue":"Plead for a date to have ballot about staying in (8)","Answer":"ADVOCATE","Explanation":"Definition: Plead for\nA D (date) with (to have) VOTE (ballot) containing (\u2026staying in) CA (circa, about)"} {"Clue":"What Elizabeth and Darcy were in novel I reviewed (2,4)","Answer":"IN LOVE","Explanation":"Definition: What Elizabeth and Darcy were\nanagram (reviewed) of NOVEL I"} {"Clue":"Comic strip hero at first ignored the divine within the self (5)","Answer":"ATMAN","Explanation":"Definition: the divine within the self\nbATMAN (comic strip hero) missing first letter (at first ignored)"} {"Clue":"When the Head needs no introduction (4)","Answer":"ONCE","Explanation":"Definition: When\nbONCE (head) missing first letter (needs no introduction)"} {"Clue":"Time to spoil 9's game? (6)","Answer":"TENNIS","Explanation":"Definition: game\nT (time) then anagram (to spoil) of NINE'S (9's)"} {"Clue":"Gaze fixedly about space with glasses (8)","Answer":"STEMWARE","Explanation":"Definition: glasses\nSTARE (gaze fixedly) contains (about) EM (space, printing) W (with)"} {"Clue":"Backsliding Liberal Democrat: \"Recess? Get stuffed!\" (6)","Answer":"LAPSED","Explanation":"Definition: Backsliding\nLD (Liberal Democrat) containing (stuffed with) APSE (recess). I can't really explain how the containment indicator works here. Not a complaint, just a note to beginners that if they can't figure this out then not to worry, neither can I."} {"Clue":"Spooner's runny French cheese \u2026 man, packed a helluva punch (5,3)","Answer":"BRUCE LEE","Explanation":"Definition: man, packed a helluva punch\na Spoonerism of \"loose Brie\" (runny french cheese)"} {"Clue":"4d united in favour of the VP (9)","Answer":"FOURPENCE","Explanation":"Definition: 4d\nU FOR PENCE (united in favour of Mike Pence, the VP) \u2013 d is an old symbol for pennies"} {"Clue":"Public school's 50\/50 to make the game (5,6)","Answer":"RUGBY SEVENS","Explanation":"Definition: the game\nRUGBY'S (a public school) then EVENS (50\/50)"} {"Clue":"Meat dish (hopefully not as tough as old boots) (4,10)","Answer":"BEEF WELLINGTON","Explanation":"Definition: Meat dish (hopefully not as tough as old boots)\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Order two more gnocchi \u2013 it's good for business (8,6)","Answer":"ECONOMIC GROWTH","Explanation":"Definition: it's good for business\nanagram (order) TWO MORE GNOCCHI"} {"Clue":"In Barcelona, Dali is an acknowledged genius (5)","Answer":"NADAL","Explanation":"Definition: an acknowledged genius\nfound inside barceloNA DALi \u2013 Rafael Nadal \u2013 a genius at tennis. I don't know much about tennis apart from what Wikipedia tells me but I assume this is right."} {"Clue":"Nose to tail Channel port vehicle queue had a few too many (9)","Answer":"OVERDRANK","Explanation":"Definition: had a few too many\nDOVER (Channel port) first letter to the end (nose to tail) then RANK (a vehicle queue, taxis)"} {"Clue":"Grand Prix tops conserving energy, a test for 21 at 1 across (4,4)","Answer":"FIVE SETS","Explanation":"Definition: a test for 21 at 1 across\nFI (Formula One, Grand Prix) then VESTS (tops) containing (conserving) E (energy) \u2013 a test for Nadal at tennis"} {"Clue":"Tabloid featuring nine grand revolver (3-3)","Answer":"SIX-GUN","Explanation":"Definition: revolver\nSUN (The Sun, a tabloid newspaper) contains (featuring) IX (nine) G (grand)"} {"Clue":"In retirement Blofeld became a father, getting ridicule (8)","Answer":"DERISION","Explanation":"Definition: ridicule\nNO I (code name of Blofeld in James Bond) SIRED (became a father) all reversed (in retirement)"} {"Clue":"Being economical with the truth, criminally libels FT (4,4)","Answer":"TELL FIBS","Explanation":"Definition: Being economical with the truth\nanagram (criminally) of LIBELS FT"} {"Clue":"Returning to write melody, one by Holst? (7)","Answer":"NEPTUNE","Explanation":"Definition: one by Holst\nPEN (to write) reversed (returning) then TUNE (melody) \u2013 the final movement of Holst's The Planets suite"} {"Clue":"Frost admitting \"I like a drink\" (3-2)","Answer":"ICE-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Frost\nsounds like (admitting) \"I sup\" (I like a drink)"} {"Clue":"When drunk, Cher Tweets \"Hi, weird sisters\" (5,7)","Answer":"THREE WITCHES","Explanation":"Definition: weird sisters\nanagram (when drunk) of CHER TWEETS HI"} {"Clue":"Scottish family magazine including chapter upsetting Roger (9)","Answer":"MACGREGOR","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish family\nMAG (magazine) contains C (chapter) then anagram (upsetting) of ROGER"} {"Clue":"Everybody say \"Romania!\" quickly (7)","Answer":"ALLEGRO","Explanation":"Definition: quickly\nALL (everybody) EG (for example, say) RO (Romania)"} {"Clue":"Waugh visiting Kiev, Ely, Naples (6)","Answer":"EVELYN","Explanation":"Definition: Waugh\nfound inside (visiting) kiEV ELY Naples"} {"Clue":"The old dromedary\/camel question posed by acting mother? (3,4,2,3)","Answer":"ONE LUMP OR TWO","Explanation":"Definition: The old dromedary\/camel\ndouble cryptic definition \u2013 two questions on humps and sugar lumps. \"I'll be mother\" is an expression meaning \"I will pour the tea\""} {"Clue":"Lewis isn't broadcast in places where Bergerac might be shown (4,5)","Answer":"WINE LISTS","Explanation":"Definition: places where Bergerac might be shown\nanagram (broadcast) of LEWIS ISN'T"} {"Clue":"Poor Keith Moon's last Kansas get-together for the band (3,5)","Answer":"THE KINKS","Explanation":"Definition: the band\nanagram (poor) of KEITH mooN (last letter of) KS (Kansas)"} {"Clue":"Hearse transporting ex-PM's body (7)","Answer":"CADAVER","Explanation":"Definition: body\nCAR (hearse) contains (transports) DAVE (David Cameron, ex-PM)"} {"Clue":"Wife called; left message, ending in noisy argument (7)","Answer":"WRANGLE","Explanation":"Definition: noisy argument\nW (wife) RANG (called) L (left) then messagE (ending of)"} {"Clue":"I had dinner after King Duncan finally got stabbed (6)","Answer":"KNIFED","Explanation":"Definition: stabbed\nI FED (had dinner) following K (king) and duncaN (final letter of)"} {"Clue":"\"Doctor: I have reduced libido\" (5)","Answer":"DRIVE","Explanation":"Definition: libido\nDR (doctor) I'VE (I have, reduced)"} {"Clue":"Utterly intense outdoor activity (7)","Answer":"CAMPING","Explanation":"Definition: outdoor activity\n\"in tents\" (camping) sounds like (utterly, as uttered) \"intense\""} {"Clue":"Tour transport (7)","Answer":"BICYCLE","Explanation":"Definition: Tour transport\npossibly a cryptic definition?"} {"Clue":"Bent white stick (5)","Answer":"WITHE","Explanation":"Definition: stick\nanagram (bent) of WHITE"} {"Clue":"Time to leave \u2013 little pure activity in house with this property (3,6)","Answer":"ILL REPUTE","Explanation":"Definition: house with this property\nanagram (activity) of LITtLE PURE missing T (with\u2026to leave)"} {"Clue":"Carrion's condition from over year of decomposing (5,5)","Answer":"OROYA FEVER","Explanation":"Definition: Carrion's condition\nanagram (decomposing) of OVER YEAR OF \u2013 also known as Carrion's Disease"} {"Clue":"First-born of Charlie's aunts (4)","Answer":"ESAU","Explanation":"Definition: First-born\nfound inside charliE'S AUnts- first born of the twins Esau and Jacob?"} {"Clue":"Assemble to restrict nice work in facility (11)","Answer":"CONVENIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: facility\nCONVENE (assemble) contains (to restrict) anagram (work) of NICE"} {"Clue":"21's new Greek character in novel magazine (11)","Answer":"EMMANNUELLE","Explanation":"Definition: 21\nN (new) NU (Greek character) inside EMMA (a novel) ELLE (a magazine) \u2013 I have never seen the girl's name spelled this way"} {"Clue":"Rigid glue interfered with one in movement (4,5)","Answer":"GIRL GUIDE","Explanation":"Definition: one in movement\nanagram (interfered with) of RIGD GLUE"} {"Clue":"Church leaders claim saints have vision (3,4,3)","Answer":"THE HOLY SEE","Explanation":"Definition: Church leaders\na claim that \"the holy see\" (saints have vision) \u2013 The Vatican"} {"Clue":"Drunken sots are in contention (9)","Answer":"ASSERTION","Explanation":"Definition: contention\nanagram (drunken) of SOTS ARE IN"} {"Clue":"Tend to dash back to Kent maybe (5)","Answer":"NURSE","Explanation":"Definition: Tend\nRUN (to dash) reversed (back) then SE (the South East, Kent maybe)"} {"Clue":"One may be content to educate a cherub (7)","Answer":"TEACHER","Explanation":"Definition: One may be content to educate a cherub\nfound inside (one may be may be content to\u2026) educaTE A CHERub"} {"Clue":"Handed over\u00a0bore (7)","Answer":"YIELDED","Explanation":"Definition: Handed over\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Irresponsible\u00a0stock controller? (6)","Answer":"COWBOY","Explanation":"Definition: Irresponsible\ndefinition\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Head in wards once minor tampering shows up (6)","Answer":"MATRON","Explanation":"Definition: Head in wards once\nfound inside (\u2026shows) miNOR TAMpering reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Wherein couples slide towards point-scoring (3,7)","Answer":"ICE DANCING","Explanation":"Definition: Wherein couples slide towards point-scoring\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Hull constituent, retired general, could be bitter Liberal (5,4)","Answer":"BILGE KEEL","Explanation":"Definition: Hull constituent\nLEE (General Lee) KEG (beer, could be bitter) and LIB (Liberal) all reversed (retired)"} {"Clue":"Regularly called on queen, briefly (4)","Answer":"CLEO","Explanation":"Definition: queen, briefly\nevery other letter of ClLlEd On \u2013 Cleopatra briefly"} {"Clue":"Heard sailors confess to motoring slowly while on lookout (8)","Answer":"CRUISING","Explanation":"Definition: motoring slowly while on lookout\nsounds like (heard) \"crew sing\" (sailors confess)"} {"Clue":"Pretty stupid to start following river discharges (8)","Answer":"EXECUTES","Explanation":"Definition: discharges\nCUTE (pretty) Stupid (first letter. to start) follows EXE (River in Devon)"} {"Clue":"Rogue dealing aces without a suspicious look (4-6)","Answer":"SIDE-GLANCE","Explanation":"Definition: suspicious look\nanagram (rogue) of DEALING aCES missing A"} {"Clue":"In Erin perhaps anything is more mischievous (9)","Answer":"NAUGHTIER","Explanation":"Definition: more mischievous\nanagram (perhaps) of ERIN contains (in\u2026) AUGHT (anything)"} {"Clue":"Rank bad gear shipped out (8)","Answer":"SERGEANT","Explanation":"Definition: Rank\nanagram (bad) of GEAR inside (with\u2026out) SENT (shipped)"} {"Clue":"Fare better than most (8)","Answer":"AMBROSIA","Explanation":"Definition: Fare better than most\ncryptic definition?"} {"Clue":"Girl nearly mounted (6)","Answer":"ASTRID","Explanation":"Definition: Girl\nASTRIDe (mounted, nearly)"} {"Clue":"Top diplomat wears decoration (6)","Answer":"BEHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Top\nHE (His Excellency, diplomat) inside (wears) BEAD (decoration)"} {"Clue":"King from female line (5)","Answer":"HENRY","Explanation":"Definition: King\nHEN (female) RY (railway, line)"} {"Clue":"Knowing hard-hearted cheer- leaders (4)","Answer":"ARCH","Explanation":"Definition: Knowing\nhARd (heart of) then CHeer (leaders of)"} {"Clue":"One entering college hashed 28 (12)","Answer":"MATRICULATOR","Explanation":"Definition: One entering college\nanagram (hashed) of COURT MARTIAL (solution to 28 across)"} {"Clue":"Duty reported by extremely valuable sentry (7)","Answer":"VEDETTE","Explanation":"Definition: sentry\nDETTE sounds like (reported) \"debt\" (duty) following (by) ValuablE (extremes of)"} {"Clue":"Style shown by little boy Oscar after one month (3,4)","Answer":"ART DECO","Explanation":"Definition: Style\nART (Arthur a boy's name, little=abbreviated) then O (Oscar, phonetic alphabet) following DEC (December, one month)"} {"Clue":"Compelled to abandon daughter in split (5)","Answer":"RIVEN","Explanation":"Definition: split\ndRIVEN (compelled) missing D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Implements silent manoeuvres in America (8)","Answer":"UTENSILS","Explanation":"Definition: Implements\nanagram (manoeuvres) inside US (America)"} {"Clue":"It offers submarine training to the UK (10)","Answer":"EUROTUNNEL","Explanation":"Definition: It offers submarine training to the UK\ncryptic definition \u2013 the train service between France and the UK"} {"Clue":"European space station, one over parts of Asia? (4)","Answer":"EMIR","Explanation":"Definition: one over parts of Asia\nE (European) MIR (space station) \u2013 a ruler over\u2026"} {"Clue":"Frank's opposite starts to come and go? Yes (4)","Answer":"CAGY","Explanation":"Definition: Frank's opposite\nfirst letters (starts to) Come And Go Yes"} {"Clue":"About to welcome ordinary boy \u2013 first fix a drink (4,6)","Answer":"PINA COLADA","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nCA (circa, about) contains (to welcome) O (ordinary) LAD (boy) following (first is\u2026) PIN (fix) A"} {"Clue":"During spring, heart of bride sank in an extreme way (2,6)","Answer":"IN SPADES","Explanation":"Definition: in an extreme way\nIN (during) SPA (spring) then middle letters (heart) of briDE Sank"} {"Clue":"Kill number two following an upset (5)","Answer":"NAPOO","Explanation":"Definition: Kill\nPOO (number two) following AN reversed (upset)"} {"Clue":"Priest and old lady returning bong (7)","Answer":"NARGILE","Explanation":"Definition: bong\nELI (priest in OT) and GRAN (an old lady) all reversed (returning)"} {"Clue":"Constant love for French people's outrage (7)","Answer":"CLAMOUR","Explanation":"Definition: outrage\nC (constant) L'AMOUR (love, in French)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps try private rendition of 1 (5-7)","Answer":"COURT MARTIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps try private\nanagram (rendition) of MATRICULATOR (answer to 1 across)"} {"Clue":"Hampshire town picked up Eastender's transfer (7)","Answer":"ANDOVER","Explanation":"Definition: Hampshire town\n'ANDOVER (handover, transfer) heard in East-end accent (picked up Eastender's)"} {"Clue":"Ceremonial followed by head, old and slowing down (8)","Answer":"RITENUTO","Explanation":"Definition: slowing down\nRITE (ceremonial) followed by) NUT (head) then O (old)"} {"Clue":"Will one fix score on pitch? Au contraire (4)","Answer":"CLEF","Explanation":"Definition: Will one fix score on pitch? Au contraire\ncryptic definition \u2013 a clef fixes the pitch on a musical score"} {"Clue":"Guide had time to demote leader when cutting allowance (4,3,3)","Answer":"LEAD THE WAY","Explanation":"Definition: Guide\nHAD T (had time) with H (leading letter) moved to the back (demoted) inside LEEWAY (allowance)"} {"Clue":"Giant trip train regularly offers (5)","Answer":"TITAN","Explanation":"Definition: Giant\nevery other letter (regularly offers) of TrIpTrAiN"} {"Clue":"Metal layer, one with unusual casing (7)","Answer":"RHENIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Metal\nHEN (layer, something that lays eggs) I (one) inside (with\u2026casing) RUM (unusual)"} {"Clue":"Worried 9 panics, perhaps (13)","Answer":"OVERREACTIONS","Explanation":"Definition: panics, perhaps\nanagram (worried) of CONSERVATOIRE (answer to 9 down)"} {"Clue":"8 worked in a special school (13)","Answer":"CONSERVATOIRE","Explanation":"Definition: a special school\nanagram (worked) of OVERREACTIONS (answer to 8 down)"} {"Clue":"Footballer indicating where Spain meets France? (6,4)","Answer":"INSIDE LEFT","Explanation":"Definition: Footballer\nINSIDE LEFT you will find E (Espana, Spain) meeting F (France)"} {"Clue":"Dejected players not running up-front (8)","Answer":"DOWNCAST","Explanation":"Definition: Dejected\nCAST (players) following (with\u2026up front) DOWN (not running)"} {"Clue":"Go on about endless deception of the corporation? (7)","Answer":"GASTRIC","Explanation":"Definition: of the corporation\nGAS (go on about) then TRICk (deception, endless) \u2013 a corporation is a big belly, the question mark indicates a cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Harpo Marx's half-broken jar (7)","Answer":"AMPHORA","Explanation":"Definition: jar\nanagram (broken) of HARPO and MArx (half of)"} {"Clue":"Stamp gold rings for so long (5)","Answer":"ADIEU","Explanation":"Definition: so long\nDIE (stamp) inside (that\u2026rings) AU (gold, chem symbol)"} {"Clue":"Watch team getting oddly dismissed in minutes (4)","Answer":"ACTA","Explanation":"Definition: minutes\nevery other letter (getting oddly dismissed) of wAtCh TeAm \u2013 the minutes of a meeting"} {"Clue":"Applaud attempt lined with crinkly paper for fudge? (12)","Answer":"CLAPTRAPPERY","Explanation":"Definition: fudge\nCLAP (applaud) TRY (attempt) containing (lined with)anagram (crinkly) of PAPER"} {"Clue":"Mixed up extremes of outrage I abhor in what drives Brexiteers (10)","Answer":"EUROPHOBIA","Explanation":"Definition: what drives Brexiteers\nanagram (mixed) of UP and OutragE (extremes of) I ABHOR"} {"Clue":"Weak American son \u2013 what's he called? (4)","Answer":"WUSS","Explanation":"Definition: what's he called\nW (weak) US (American) S (son)"} {"Clue":"Primate's title, nuisance if back to front (4)","Answer":"EBOR","Explanation":"Definition: Primate's title\nBORE (nuisance) back letter to the front \u2013 of York, part of the title for the Archbishop of York"} {"Clue":"Edmund's keen on being entry for medal (5)","Answer":"BREEM","Explanation":"Definition: Edmund's keen\nRE (regarding, on) inside (being entry for) BEM (British Empire Medal) \u2013 Edmund Spenser's usage"} {"Clue":"Melanesian canoe, number having replaced its centrepiece (5)","Answer":"KANAK","Explanation":"Definition: Melanesian\nKAyAK (canoe) with centre letter replaced by N (number)"} {"Clue":"Region after renewing houses (7)","Answer":"TERRENE","Explanation":"Definition: Region\nfound inside (housed by) afTER RENEwing"} {"Clue":"Close friend deserted by husband earlier bought provisions (6)","Answer":"ACATES","Explanation":"Definition: earlier bought provisions\nAChATES (close friend) missing H (husband) \u2013 earlier indicates archaic"} {"Clue":"Popular outcry met EU falling out with English (6)","Answer":"EMEUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Popular outcry\nanagram (falling out) of MET EU with E (English)"} {"Clue":"Pigment shade finally seen in earthenware pot (6)","Answer":"CERUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Pigment\nshadE (finally) inside CRUSE (earthenware pot)"} {"Clue":"Deity celebrated with feast coming round (6)","Answer":"SUNGOD","Explanation":"Definition: Deity\nSUNG (celebrated) then DO (feast) reversed"} {"Clue":"O, no! King's scattered antelopes (7)","Answer":"KONGONI","Explanation":"Definition: antelopes\nanagram (scattered) of O NO KING"} {"Clue":"Ruminant, very young one in NZ, entirely ecaudate (5)","Answer":"BUBAL","Explanation":"Definition: Ruminant\nBUB (very young person, NZ) then ALL missing last letter (ecaudate, tailless)"} {"Clue":"Component of thing is motorized doohickey (5)","Answer":"GISMO","Explanation":"Definition: doohickey\nfound inside (component of) thinG IS MOtorized"} {"Clue":"Good time away from work, sure to go for pottery stuff? (4)","Answer":"GLEI","Explanation":"Definition: pottery stuff\nG (good) then LEIsure (time away from work) missing SURE"} {"Clue":"Learner's gone into walker, it's alleged in court (4)","Answer":"PLED","Explanation":"Definition: alleged in court\nL (learner) inside PED (pedestrian, walker)"} {"Clue":"Run out, one departs with duck \u2013 cuckoo! (10)","Answer":"ROADRUNNER","Explanation":"Definition: cuckoo\nRO (run out) A (one) D (departs) then RUNNER (breed of duck)"} {"Clue":"Crumble made with fruit? Ties in when cooked with grain inside (12)","Answer":"DISINTEGRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Crumble\nDATE (fruit) containing (\u2026inside) anagram (cooked) of TIES IN with GR (grain)"} {"Clue":"Like a flower family, gold family, in grip of parasitic insect, tailless (10)","Answer":"LAURACEOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Like a flower family\nAU (gold) RACE (family) inside LOUSe (parasitic insect, tailless)"} {"Clue":"Tractarian, certainly well-informed, on the rise (5)","Answer":"PUSEY","Explanation":"Definition: Tractarian\nYES (certainly) UP (well-informed) all reversed (on the rise)"} {"Clue":"Alternative to me cutting wood, do they help in laying bridge foundations?(7)","Answer":"TREMIES","Explanation":"Definition: they help in laying bridge foundations\nMI (alternative spelling of me, note of scale) inside (cutting) TREES (wood)"} {"Clue":"Turmoil coming up about second-class sets of lights in Durban (6)","Answer":"ROBOTS","Explanation":"Definition: sets of lights in Durban\nSTOOR (turmoil) reversed (coming up)containing B (second class) traffic lights in South Africa"} {"Clue":"Highest point reached by river in a long time, end of June (6)","Answer":"APOGEE","Explanation":"Definition: Highest point reached\nPO (River Po) inside AGE (a long time) then junE (end of)"} {"Clue":"Directly opposed cut that's overturned annual return (5)","Answer":"POLAR","Explanation":"Definition: Directly opposed\nLOP (cut) reversed (overturned) then AR (annual return)"} {"Clue":"Rare form of tree, impressive from below, dropping first of leaves (4)","Answer":"EBON","Explanation":"Definition: Rare form of tree\nNOBLE (impressive) reversed (from below) missing Leaves (first letter of) \u2013 the Ebony tree, rare usage"} {"Clue":"American mountain song about rambling Ed O'Kane? (12)","Answer":"YANKEE-DOODLE","Explanation":"Definition: American\nYODLE (mountain song) contains anagram (rambling) of ED O'KANE"} {"Clue":"Part of China, it briefly houses troops as winter quarters maybe (10)","Answer":"CANTONMENT","Explanation":"Definition: winter quarters maybe\nCANTON (part of China) 'T (it, briefly) contains (houses) MEN (troops)"} {"Clue":"Coarse linen cap mostly donned by our sailors (4)","Answer":"HARN","Explanation":"Definition: Coarse linen\nHAt (cap, mostly) on top of (donned by) RN (Royal Navy, our sailors)"} {"Clue":"'Bravo' some of the guests will be coming up with (4)","Answer":"EUGE","Explanation":"Definition: Bravo\nfound inside (some of) thE GUEsts reversed (coming up with)"} {"Clue":"Pulling a face, having good liquor in unsuitable receptacle for it (7)","Answer":"MUGGING","Explanation":"Definition: Pulling a face\nG (good) GIN (liquor) in MUG (unsuitable receptacle for it)"} {"Clue":"Swallow song that embodies extremes of longing, soaring (6)","Answer":"ENGLUT","Explanation":"Definition: Swallow\nTUNE (song) containing (that embodies) LonginG (extremes of) all reversed (soaring)"} {"Clue":"Flowering plant about lost in oblivion (6)","Answer":"SILENE","Explanation":"Definition: Flowering plant\nSILENcE (oblivion) missing C (circa, about)"} {"Clue":"Architect for all to see occupying ceremonial seat (5)","Answer":"GAUDI","Explanation":"Definition: Architect\nU (for all to see, film rating) inside GADI (ceremonial seat)"} {"Clue":"Young pigeon, one associated with Dagenham (5)","Answer":"PIPER","Explanation":"Definition: Young pigeon\ndouble definition? The only Piper and Dagenham connection I could find is the Dagenham Girl Pipers, a favourite topic for of Eric Morcambe."} {"Clue":"Crow surrendering tail for coils of feathers, say (4)","Answer":"BOAS","Explanation":"Definition: coils of feathers, say\nBOASt (crow) missing tail letter"} {"Clue":"Answer to early question about table fine team's leading (5,4,2)","Answer":"SUNNY SIDE UP","Explanation":"Definition: Answer to early question about table\nSUNNY (fine) SIDE (team) UP (leading) \u2013 a question about eggs at breakfast (an early table)"} {"Clue":"A cycling period (3)","Answer":"EON","Explanation":"Definition: period\nONE (A) with the letters cycled. My first entry here was ARE: definition A (unit of area) and ERA (period) with the letters cycled (moved around)."} {"Clue":"Robbed of riches counted out of case by safe in study (11)","Answer":"UNTREASURED","Explanation":"Definition: obbed of riches\ncoUNTed missing outer letters (out of case) then SURE (safe) inside READ (study)"} {"Clue":"She's smashing items seen at Crucible and Belfry, so we hear (5)","Answer":"CUTIE","Explanation":"Definition: She's smashing\nCU sounds like \"cue\" (an item found at the Crucible, snooker venue) and TIE sounds like \"tee\" (an item found at The Belfry, golfing venue)"} {"Clue":"Sounds bell after prop makes right racket! (9)","Answer":"RESTRINGS","Explanation":"Definition: makes right racket\nRINGS (sounds bell) following REST (prop) \u2013 a tennis racket"} {"Clue":"Accent at all British, in retrospect? (5)","Answer":"BREVE","Explanation":"Definition: Accent\nEVER (all) B (British) all reversed (in retrospect)"} {"Clue":"Going-away ball repelled college set, say? (3-6)","Answer":"LEG-CUTTER","Explanation":"Definition: Going-away ball\nC (college) GEL (set) all reversed (repelled) then UTTER (say) \u2013 a delivery in cricket that moves away from the leg-side"} {"Clue":"What's bearing man in hospital check? Earlier (4,5)","Answer":"BATH CHAIR","Explanation":"Definition: What's bearing man in hospital\nAIR (bearing) following (with\u2026earlier) BAT (batsman, a *man in*) H (hospital) CH (check)"} {"Clue":"Only an ideal shot will capture the end of time (5)","Answer":"DREAM","Explanation":"Definition: Only an ideal\nDRAM (shot) contains (will capture) timE (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"Knight put smile on the face of little old woman (9)","Answer":"LOHENGRIN","Explanation":"Definition: Knight\nGRIN (smile) following (on) Little (first letter, the face of) with O (old) HEN (woman)"} {"Clue":"Discover Paris, maybe forget Lima (3,2)","Answer":"HIT ON","Explanation":"Definition: Discover\nHILTON (Paris Hilton maybe) missing L (Lima, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Orwell protagonist stalks Stevenson antagonist, a craftsman (11)","Answer":"SILVERSMITH","Explanation":"Definition: a craftsman\nSMITH (Winston Smith, Orwell protagonist, in 1984) follows SILVER (Long John Silver, Stevenson antagonist, in Treasure Island)"} {"Clue":"Reduced bus terminus beside garages (3)","Answer":"USB","Explanation":"Definition: Reduced bus\nfound inside (garaged by) terminUS Beside \u2013 reduced indicates abbreviation (Universal Serial Bus)"} {"Clue":"I'll do that, love! (Teatime sorted) (5,2,2,2)","Answer":"LEAVE IT TO ME","Explanation":"Definition: I'll do that\nanagram (sorted) of LOVE TEATIME"} {"Clue":"Can they bear what characters say in storyline? With BBC training, he bleeps us out (6,7)","Answer":"SPEECH BUBBLES","Explanation":"Definition: an they bear what characters say in storyline?\nanagram (training) of BBC inside anagram (out) of HE BLEEPS US. This all seems to be one anagram to me, why two indicators?"} {"Clue":"Where one buys round after round? (10,4)","Answer":"NINETEENTH HOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Where one buys round after round\ncryptic definition \u2013 the bar at a golf course where one buys a round of drinks following a round of golf"} {"Clue":"Play\u00a0Gessler's \"Apple Taunt\"? (3,5,3,4)","Answer":"YOU NEVER CAN TELL","Explanation":"Definition: Play\ndouble\/cryptic definition \u2013 a play by Bernard Shaw and possible taunt from arch-villain Albrecht Gessler to William Tell"} {"Clue":"Very lacking in space between Institute and Academy, from a bigger set (5,4)","Answer":"INTER ALIA","Explanation":"Definition: from a bigger set\nV (very) missing from (lacking in) INTERvAL (space between) then I (Institute) and A (Academy)"} {"Clue":"Odds not desirable for bet \u2013 v. meanest (5)","Answer":"EVENS","Explanation":"Definition: Odds\nodd-numbered letters missing (not desirable) from bEt V mEaNeSt"} {"Clue":"Invite contributions for performance, as some bands do (4,5,3,3)","Answer":"PASS ROUND THE HAT","Explanation":"Definition: Invite contributions for performance\ndouble definition \u2013 as buskers and hat-bands do"} {"Clue":"Game ragout simmering \u2013 then this is introduced (5,5,4)","Answer":"GRAND THEFT AUTO","Explanation":"Definition: Game\nanagram (simmering) of RAGOUT contains (\u2026is introduced) AND (then) THE FT (this, the newspaper) \u2013 popular computer game"} {"Clue":"\"Rise\" and \"climb\", I suspect, easily told apart (13)","Answer":"DISCRIMINABLE","Explanation":"Definition: easily told apart\nanagram (suspect) of RISE AND CLIMB I"} {"Clue":"Briefly get to manage seedy bar that should be revamped? (9)","Answer":"GERUNDIVE","Explanation":"Definition: revamped\nGEt (briefly) RUN (to manage) DIVE (seedy bar) \u2013 I am out of my depth here but I'm guessing that\u00a0*revamped* is an example of a *gerundive*. Wikipedia explains it thus:\n *The term is occasionally used in descriptions of\u00a0English grammar, to denote the\u00a0present participle\u00a0used adjectivally or adverbially e.g. 'take a running jump'. That form, ending in\u00a0-ing, is identical to that of the English\u00a0gerund, but it is generally called a gerund when it is used as a noun, not as an adjective or adverb e.g. 'the running of the deer'"} {"Clue":"For whom an emperor's in the ascendant? (5)","Answer":"RASTA","Explanation":"Definition: For whom an emperor's in the ascendant\nA TSAR (emperor) all reversed (in the ascendant, upward in a down solution) \u2013 Rastafarians revere the Emperor Haile Selassi"} {"Clue":"Go past building that's quiet just for now (7)","Answer":"STOPGAP","Explanation":"Definition: just for now\nanagram (building) of GO PAST with (that has) P (piano, quiet)"} {"Clue":"Recorded in parts with little enthusiasm (7)","Answer":"MINUTED","Explanation":"Definition: Recorded\nIN inside (parts) MUTED (with little enthusiasm)"} {"Clue":"Old paintings lacking top grade frames \u2014 gold one's a Turner (5)","Answer":"ROTOR","Explanation":"Definition: one's a Turner\nO (old) inside (\u2026frames) aRT (paintings) missing A (top grade) then OR (gold)"} {"Clue":"Old house in road actors initially rented (9)","Answer":"LANCASTER","Explanation":"Definition: Old house\nLANE (road) contains (in\u2026is\u2026) CAST (actors) then Rented (first letter, initially)"} {"Clue":"Court calls solely for judges (4,6)","Answer":"FOOT FAULTS","Explanation":"Definition: Court calls solely for judges\ncryptic definition?"} {"Clue":"Invalid reported danger in river (4)","Answer":"CROC","Explanation":"Definition: danger in river\nsounds like (reported) \"crock\" (invalid)"} {"Clue":"Female lead at last \u2014 a new Bond producer's change for the better? (11)","Answer":"ENHANCEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: change for the better\nHEN (female) with leading letter moving to the back then A N (new) CEMENT (bond)"} {"Clue":"Fling books round ship (4)","Answer":"TOSS","Explanation":"Definition: Fling\nOT (old Testament, books of Bible) reversed (round) then SS (steam ship)"} {"Clue":"Knackered, as Cook was before last Test innings? (7-3)","Answer":"CLAPPED-OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Knackered\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Hounds manager that's optimistic but not around during success (7-2)","Answer":"WHIPPER-IN","Explanation":"Definition: Hounds manager\ncHIPPER (optimistic) missing C (circa, around) inside WIN (success)"} {"Clue":"Complaint Democrat ignored \u2014 language! (5)","Answer":"MALAY","Explanation":"Definition: language\nMALAdY (complaint) missing (ignored) D (democrat)"} {"Clue":"Sort that out, son! Most of college cuts Unite rejected (3,2,2)","Answer":"SEE TO IT","Explanation":"Definition: Sort that out\nS (son) then ETOn (college, most of) inside TIE (unite) reversed (rejected)"} {"Clue":"Thankful he's left school (spread fake news about Head of Geography) (7)","Answer":"OBLIGED","Explanation":"Definition: Thankful\nOB (old boy, he's left school) then LIED (spread fake news) containing Geography (first letter, head of)"} {"Clue":"Quarrelling in street commonplace (6)","Answer":"STRIFE","Explanation":"Definition: Quarrelling\nST (street) RIFE (commonplace)"} {"Clue":"Choice of brew after first love gets promoted (6)","Answer":"OPTION","Explanation":"Definition: Choice\nPOTION (brew) with the first O (love) moved to the front (gets promoted)"} {"Clue":"Partner's life Grindr ruined (10)","Answer":"GIRLFRIEND","Explanation":"Definition: Partner\nanagram (ruined) of LIFE GRINDR \u2013 Grindr is a dating website"} {"Clue":"Flipping Dua Lipa's eating what? (5)","Answer":"PILAU","Explanation":"Definition: what?\nfound inside (eaten by) dUA LIPa reversed (flipping)"} {"Clue":"Mammal on metro upset me (9)","Answer":"MONOTREME","Explanation":"Definition: Mammal\nanagram (upset) of ON METRO then ME"} {"Clue":"Almost managed to climb over fence at back (4)","Answer":"NEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Almost\nRAN (managed) reversed (to climb) contains (over) fencE (last letter, at back)"} {"Clue":"Instruction to code-breaker on the outside (8)","Answer":"TUTORING","Explanation":"Definition: Instruction\nTO inside (with\u2026on the outside) TURING (code breaker)"} {"Clue":"Urgently holding court right away (8)","Answer":"DIRECTLY","Explanation":"Definition: right away\nDIRELY (urgently) contains (holding) CT (court)"} {"Clue":"Bad storm and hail round east with temperature remaining constant (10)","Answer":"ISOTHERMAL","Explanation":"Definition: with temperature remaining constant\nanagram (bad) of STORM and HAIL containing (round) E (east)"} {"Clue":"Was suspicious \u2014 something fishy about Test cricketer (5,1,3)","Answer":"SMELL A RAT","Explanation":"Definition: Was suspicious\nSMELT (something fishy) contains (about) LARA (Brian Lara, Test cricketer) \u2013 the definition seems to have a present\/past tense mismatch"} {"Clue":"Wives (not Vlad's) went on about comparatively recent settlements (3,5)","Answer":"NEW TOWNS","Explanation":"Definition: comparatively recent settlements\nWiveS missing I'VE (Vlad has) contains (about) anagram of WENT ON"} {"Clue":"Thirties' simpleton as comic film cliche (4,4,3,8)","Answer":"THIS TIME ITS PERSONAL","Explanation":"Definition: film cliche\nanagram (comic) of THIRTIES SIMPLETON AS \u2013 a reference to Jaws?"} {"Clue":"Con government has setter going round bend (6)","Answer":"DOGLEG","Explanation":"Definition: bend\nDO (con) G (government) with GEL (setter, something that sets) reversed (going round)"} {"Clue":"Stopped being unadventurous for audition (6)","Answer":"STAYED","Explanation":"Definition: Stopped\nsounds like (for audition) \"staid\" (unadventurous)"} {"Clue":"No! Ukip leader's going to run as a Liberal? (5)","Answer":"PINKO","Explanation":"Definition: a Liberal\nanagram (to run) of NO with uKIP missing first letter (leader's going)"} {"Clue":"Colleague in work on left, not right (4)","Answer":"OPPO","Explanation":"Definition: Colleague\nOP (opus, work) on POrt (left) missing RT (right) \u2013 opposite number, colleague"} {"Clue":"Bouquet offered by a gypsy (5)","Answer":"AROMA","Explanation":"Definition: Bouquet\nA ROMA (gypsy)"} {"Clue":"Weaselly type of animal lover turning heads in Bordeaux perhaps (9)","Answer":"WOLVERINE","Explanation":"Definition: Weaselly type of animal\nLOVER with first two letters reversed (turning heads) in WINE (Bordeaux perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Company plays lively WI music (7)","Answer":"CALYPSO","Explanation":"Definition: WI music\nanagram (lively) of CO (company) PLAYS"} {"Clue":"Worry about horse butchery (7)","Answer":"CARNAGE","Explanation":"Definition: butchery\nCARE (worry) contains (about) NAG (horse)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps he is nuts storing nitrogen in military structure? (6,3)","Answer":"NISSEN HUT","Explanation":"Definition: military structure\nanagram (perhaps) of HE IS NUTS contains N (Nitrogen)"} {"Clue":"Pastor might curb rage (5)","Answer":"STORM","Explanation":"Definition: rage\nfound inside (curbs) paSTOR Might"} {"Clue":"Some art nouveau expert? (7)","Answer":"MAESTRO","Explanation":"Definition: expert\nanagram (nouveau) of SOME ART"} {"Clue":"On-line repair regularly needs to be adjusted (7)","Answer":"EMENDED","Explanation":"Definition: to be adjusted\nE (online, e-commerce etc) MEND (repair) with nEeDs (regularly, every other letter)"} {"Clue":"Capital Italy invested in place to relax (5)","Answer":"SOFIA","Explanation":"Definition: Capital\nI (Italy) inside SOFA (place to relax)"} {"Clue":"Listen into tip-off for what happens in Autumn (9)","Answer":"EAVESDROP","Explanation":"Definition: Listen into\nLEAVES DROP (what happens in Autumn missing first letter (tip off)"} {"Clue":"Hear of mettle shown by male endurance winner (7)","Answer":"IRONMAN","Explanation":"Definition: endurance winner\nIRON is a metal (heard\u00a0as mettle) by MALE"} {"Clue":"Nylon top provided layer that's more stylish (7)","Answer":"NIFTIER","Explanation":"Definition: more stylish\nNylon (first letter, top) IF (provided) TIER (layer)"} {"Clue":"Extremely cruel bounders leaving punk in destitution (9)","Answer":"UNKINDEST","Explanation":"Definition: Extremely cruel\nfound inside (bounding letters leaving) pUNK IN DESTitution"} {"Clue":"Reprobate German leader seduced by French libertine (5)","Answer":"ROGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Reprobate\nGerman (first letter, leader) inside (seduced by) ROUE (libertine, French)"} {"Clue":"Criminal chasing fellow gangster gets bird (6)","Answer":"FALCON","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nCON (criminal) follows (chasing) F (fellow) AL (Al Capone, gangster)"} {"Clue":"Blend of fuel key to energy (8)","Answer":"COALESCE","Explanation":"Definition: Blend\nCOAL (fuel) ESC (key, on computer keyboard) with E (energy)"} {"Clue":"Privileged American class used to be soft (4)","Answer":"WASP","Explanation":"Definition: Privileged American class\nWAS (used to be) P (soft)"} {"Clue":"Noise of passing wind \u2013 so who's being funny? (6)","Answer":"SWOOSH","Explanation":"Definition: Noise of passing wind\nanagram (being funny) of SO WHO'S"} {"Clue":"Bond supports sombre dress code (5,3)","Answer":"BLACK TIE","Explanation":"Definition: dress code\nTIE (bond) follows (supports) BLACK (sombre)"} {"Clue":"Repeat courses concerning green students (10)","Answer":"REFRESHERS","Explanation":"Definition: Repeat courses\nRE (concerning) FRESHERS (green students)"} {"Clue":"Amazon victory gets paramilitaries shot (6)","Answer":"VIRAGO","Explanation":"Definition: Amazon\nV (victory) with IRA (paramilitaries) GO (shot)"} {"Clue":"Saved then cashed in (8)","Answer":"REDEEMED","Explanation":"Definition: Saved\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Lure modern musicians to wear camp gear head to toe (10)","Answer":"ENTRAPMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Lure\nRAP MEN (modern musicians) inside (to wear) TENT (camp gear) first letter to end (head to toe)"} {"Clue":"Young lady transmitted quite unusual 'je ne sais quoi' (8)","Answer":"MYSTIQUE","Explanation":"Definition: je ne sais quoi\nMYS sounds like (transmitted) \"miss\" (young lady) then anagram (unusual) of QUITE"} {"Clue":"Variation of an older English flowering plant (8)","Answer":"OLEANDER","Explanation":"Definition: flowering plant\nanagram (variation) of AN OLDER E (English)"} {"Clue":"Brave society accepts Liberal luvvies (8)","Answer":"DARLINGS","Explanation":"Definition: luvvies\nDARING (brace) S (society) contains (accepts) L (Liberal)"} {"Clue":"Lots of dresses changing hands (6)","Answer":"FLOCKS","Explanation":"Definition: Lots\nFrOCKS (dresses) with\u00a0L\u00a0replacing\u00a0R\u00a0(changing hands)"} {"Clue":"Conceit of old Queen and her Prince sounds lousy (6)","Answer":"VANITY","Explanation":"Definition: Conceit\nVA (Victoria and Albert, old Queen and her Prince) then NITY sounds like nitty (lousy)"} {"Clue":"Charlie's jazzy\u00a0pen name? (6)","Answer":"PARKER","Explanation":"Definition: Charlie's jazzy\ndouble definition \u2013 Charlie Parker and make of pen"} {"Clue":"Little fish ingesting uranium causes anger (4)","Answer":"FURY","Explanation":"Definition: anger\nFRY (little fish) contains U (Uranium)"} {"Clue":"It's exasperating getting hold of operator when flying (9)","Answer":"GALLOPING","Explanation":"Definition: flying\nGALLING (exasperating) contains (getting hold of) OP (operator)"} {"Clue":"Officer to harm little woman in custody (5)","Answer":"MAJOR","Explanation":"Definition: Officer\nMAR (to harm) contains (with\u2026in custody) JO (woman, Josephine etc abbreviated, little) \u2013 *see also comment from passerby @10"} {"Clue":"Pacify ace German mathematician returning to base (7)","Answer":"ASSUAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Pacify\nA (ace) GAUSS (German mathematician) reversed (returning) then E (base)"} {"Clue":"Bush to stop Arab travelling west (7)","Answer":"BARBARA","Explanation":"Definition: Bush\nBAR (to stop) then ARAB reversed (travelling west, right to left on a map) \u2013 Barbara Bush, wife of US president"} {"Clue":"Cat starts to torment old Macavity (3)","Answer":"TOM","Explanation":"Definition: Cat\nfirst letters (starts to) of Torment Old Macavity"} {"Clue":"Body knight buried in old north- east French citadel (11)","Answer":"CARCASSONNE","Explanation":"Definition: French citadel\nCARCASS (body) then N (knight, chess)\u00a0inside\u00a0(buried in) O (old) NE (north-east)"} {"Clue":"Tobias returned, missing one shoe (5)","Answer":"SABOT","Explanation":"Definition: shoe\nTOBiAS reversed (returned) missing I (one)"} {"Clue":"Blimey, hotel runs out of clarified butter (3)","Answer":"GEE","Explanation":"Definition: Blimey\nGhEE (clarified butter) missing H (hotel)"} {"Clue":"Criticise\u00a0Sunday lunch? (5)","Answer":"ROAST","Explanation":"Definition: Criticise\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Cue Aggers \u2013 I'm broadcasting score from the West Indies (6,5)","Answer":"REGGAE MUSIC","Explanation":"Definition: score from the West Indies\nanagram (broadcasting) of CUE AGGERS I'M"} {"Clue":"Mike left a fortune for another bloke (3)","Answer":"BOB","Explanation":"Definition: another bloke\nM (mike, phonetic alphabet) missing from BOmB (a fortune)"} {"Clue":"Besiege Kray following rumour of jealousy (7)","Answer":"ENVIRON","Explanation":"Definition: Besiege\nRON (Ronnie Kray, gangster) following ENVI sounds like (rumour of) \"envy\" jealousy"} {"Clue":"Agent Gerald stripped of military rank (7)","Answer":"GENERAL","Explanation":"Definition: military rank\naGENt and gERALd missing outer letters (stripped)"} {"Clue":"Standard American opera (5)","Answer":"NORMA","Explanation":"Definition: opera\nNORM (standard) A (American) \u2013 opera by Bellini"} {"Clue":"Commercial vehicle time after time making a profit (9)","Answer":"ADVANTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: a profit\nAD (advertisement, commercial) VAN (vehicle) then\u00a0AGE (time) after T (time)"} {"Clue":"Horrified \u2013 part of Reichstag has termites! (6)","Answer":"AGHAST","Explanation":"Definition: Horrified\nfound inside reichstAG HAS Terminated"} {"Clue":"Ad hoc social media group: \"keep it quiet; Farah's putting on weight\" (5,3)","Answer":"FLASH MOB","Explanation":"Definition: Ad hoc social media group\nSH (keep it quiet) then MO (Mo Farah, athlete) all inside (putting on) FLAB (weight)"} {"Clue":"Vacations at sea taking in Ontario's premier island (4,6)","Answer":"NOVA SCOTIA","Explanation":"Definition: island\nanagram (at sea) taking in Ontario (first letter, premier) \u2013 is Nova Scotia an island?"} {"Clue":"Constant sport, to put the icing on the cake! (4)","Answer":"PIPE","Explanation":"Definition: to put the icing on the cake\nPI (mathematical constant) and PE (physical exercise, sport)"} {"Clue":"Whisks off Best, 21, missing the second part (10)","Answer":"EGGBEATERS","Explanation":"Definition: Whisks\nanagram (off) of BEST and REGGAE (21 across missing second part)"} {"Clue":"Germany and Spain failing to respect Arab ruler (4)","Answer":"AMIR","Explanation":"Definition: Arab ruler\nD (Germany) and E (Spain) missing from (failing) AdMIRe (to respect)"} {"Clue":"Amateur Jack Rooney announced as a seed (6)","Answer":"AJWAIN","Explanation":"Definition: a seed\nA (amateur) J (Jack) then WAIN sounds like (announced) Wayne (Wayne Rooney, footballer)"} {"Clue":"Mail intended reporting weapons (8)","Answer":"ARMAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: weapons\nsounds like (reporting) \"armour meant\" (mail intended)"} {"Clue":"Kray, with terrible ailment relating to military manouevres (10)","Answer":"REGIMENTAL","Explanation":"Definition: relating to military manouevres\nREG (Reggie Kray, Ronnies's twin brother) with anagram (terrible) of AILMENT"} {"Clue":"Featured in Australian commonly, Syd Cohen's regularly taken poison (10)","Answer":"STRYCHNINE","Explanation":"Definition: poison\nevery other letter (regularly taken) of sYd CoHeN inside (featured in\u2026is\u2026) STRINE (Australian, commonly=slang)"} {"Clue":"Copper despatched to seize criminal gear (8)","Answer":"SERGEANT","Explanation":"Definition: Copper\nSENT (despatched) contains (to seize) anagram (criminal) of GEAR \u2013 a policeman, a sergeant perhaps"} {"Clue":"Aero Bar melted, left in sylvan setting (8)","Answer":"ARBOREAL","Explanation":"Definition: in sylvan setting\nanagram (melted) of AERO BAR then L (left)"} {"Clue":"Direct navy to support Tory minister (6)","Answer":"GOVERN","Explanation":"Definition: Direct\nRN (Royal Navy)\u00a0follows (to support, underneath in the grid) GOVE (Tory minister)"} {"Clue":"Explosive device found in Kabul letterbomb (6)","Answer":"BULLET","Explanation":"Definition: Explosive device\nfound in kaBUL Letterbox"} {"Clue":"Allegedly pulled a blade in the street (4)","Answer":"ROAD","Explanation":"Definition: street\nsounds like (allegedly) \"rowed\" (pulled a blade, an oar)"} {"Clue":"Donated 26 grand upfront (4)","Answer":"GAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Donated\nAVE (avenue, a road, 26 down) follows (with\u2026upfront) G (grand)"} {"Clue":"Shake cereal bowl (8)","Answer":"BRANDISH","Explanation":"Definition: Shake\nBRAN (cereal) DISH (bowl)"} {"Clue":"Hags who liberated wife's urges? (6)","Answer":"ITCHES","Explanation":"Definition: urges\nwITCHES (hags) missing (who liberated) W (wife)"} {"Clue":"\"Canvassed\" \u2013 used very loosely (8)","Answer":"SURVEYED","Explanation":"Definition: Canvassed\nanagram (loosely) of USED VERY"} {"Clue":"Obelix, say, endlessly snarfing drink and cake (6)","Answer":"GATEAU","Explanation":"Definition: cake\nGAUL (Obelix say) missing last letter (endlessly) contains (snarfing) TEA (drink)"} {"Clue":"Partnerships \u2013 things forged in seaside places for drivers? (5)","Answer":"LINKS","Explanation":"Definition: Partnerships\ntriple definition \u2013 realationships, metal chains and golf courses"} {"Clue":"Wind up cold with every narrow squeak (5,4)","Answer":"CLOSE CALL","Explanation":"Definition: narrow squeak\nCLOSE (wind up) C (cold) with ALL (every)"} {"Clue":"Slip away via narrow passage on the left (4,2)","Answer":"PASS BY","Explanation":"Definition: Slip away\nBY (via) following (with\u2026on the left) PASS (narrow passage). First time through\u00a0I wrote in \"PASS ON\" \u2013 PASS (narrow PASSAGE) and ON (on the left, of the passenger's side) with via as a link."} {"Clue":"Small cheek on a mule (7)","Answer":"SLIPPER","Explanation":"Definition: mule\nS (small) LIP (cheek) on PER (a, two-a-penny)"} {"Clue":"Declare maturity everyday (7)","Answer":"AVERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: everyday\nAVER (declare) AGE (maturity)"} {"Clue":"South-eastern French in large saloons (6)","Answer":"SEDANS","Explanation":"Definition: large saloons\nSE (south-eastern) then DANS (in, French)"} {"Clue":"Paint is hell to soften (9)","Answer":"DISTEMPER","Explanation":"Definition: Paint\nDIS (hell) and TEMPER (to soften)"} {"Clue":"Championship draw gripping Scotland's heart (5)","Answer":"TITLE","Explanation":"Definition: Championship\nTIE (draw) contains (gripping) scoTLand (heart of) \u2013 \"a position of honour gained by being champion\" and \"winning the title\""} {"Clue":"Being\u00a0completely out of it (6)","Answer":"MORTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Being\ndouble definition \u2013 human and very drunk"} {"Clue":"Premium 97, say liquid goes in (about a litre) (8)","Answer":"GASOLINE","Explanation":"Definition: Premium 97, say\nanagram (liquid) of GOES IN contains (about) A L (litre) \u2013 Premium 97 octane gasoline say (US terminology), in the UK we typically have Premium 95 and Super 97 petrol"} {"Clue":"Cartoon Smith in right huff (6)","Answer":"RANGER","Explanation":"Definition: Cartoon Smith\nR (right) ANGER (huff) \u2013 Ranger Smith from the cartoon Yogi Bear"} {"Clue":"Minister always dividing split (8)","Answer":"REVEREND","Explanation":"Definition: Minister\nEVER (always) inside (dividing) REND (split)"} {"Clue":"Graduate with wit finds pottery (6)","Answer":"BASALT","Explanation":"Definition: pottery\nBA (graduate) with SALT (wit)"} {"Clue":"Mostly broadcasting on Escort's opening in carburettor (3-6)","Answer":"AIR-INTAKE","Explanation":"Definition: opening in carburettor\nAIRINg (broadcasting) on TAKE (escort, to take someone somewhere)"} {"Clue":"The most worthless date on car numbers (5)","Answer":"DREGS","Explanation":"Definition: The most worthless\nD (date) on REGS (registrations, car numbers)"} {"Clue":"Eat out in space that's inadequate (7)","Answer":"SKETCHY","Explanation":"Definition: inadequate\nETCH (eat out) in SKY (space, where you find stars)"} {"Clue":"A driver of business drew it and relocated (5,4)","Answer":"TRADE WIND","Explanation":"Definition: A driver of business\nanagram (relocated) of DREW IT AND"} {"Clue":"One evidently laughing about name, yeah in another form (5)","Answer":"HYENA","Explanation":"Definition: One evidently laughing\nanagram (in another form) of N (name) and YEAH"} {"Clue":"A letter from across the tracks? (8)","Answer":"SLUMLORD","Explanation":"Definition: A letter from across the tracks\ncryptic definition \u2013 someone who lets property in a poor area (across the tracks)"} {"Clue":"Kitties kick up (4)","Answer":"POTS","Explanation":"Definition: Kitties\nSTOP (kick) reversed (up) \u2013 shared money"} {"Clue":"Upset agent with same soubriquet (5,4)","Answer":"STAGE NAME","Explanation":"Definition: soubriquet\nanagram (upset) of AGENT with SAME"} {"Clue":"Cut up rubbish suit (9)","Answer":"PINSTRIPE","Explanation":"Definition: suit\nSNIP (cut) reversed (up) then TRIPE (rubbish)"} {"Clue":"Trouble in La Manche? Macron's tip on scuttling 'le dream' (3,2,3)","Answer":"MAL-DE-MER","Explanation":"Definition: Trouble in La Manche\nMacron (first letter, tip of) then anagram (scuttling) of LE DREAM"} {"Clue":"Public showing what fills faex populi (4)","Answer":"EXPO","Explanation":"Definition: Public showin\nfound inside faEX POpuli"} {"Clue":"Pink series with value (7)","Answer":"SERRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Pink\nSER (series) with RATE (to value)"} {"Clue":"Sub concealing, for example, cipher (6)","Answer":"LEGEND","Explanation":"Definition: cipher\nEND (sub) contains (concealing) EG (for example)"} {"Clue":"Father with new femme fatale (5)","Answer":"SIREN","Explanation":"Definition: femme fatale\nSIRE (father) and N (new)"} {"Clue":"Primarily The Moor is a metaphor (5)","Answer":"TROPE","Explanation":"Definition: a metaphor\nThe (first letter, primarily) then ROPE (to moor a boat)"} {"Clue":"Special snack bar service following rubbish (9)","Answer":"SCAFF-RAFF","Explanation":"Definition: rubbish\nS (special) CAFF (snack bar) RAF (service) F (following)"} {"Clue":"Sort of lizard Jack maybe flipped over (5)","Answer":"DRACO","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of lizard\nCARD (a Jack maybe) reversed (flipped) then O (over)"} {"Clue":"Member of famous trio, artist appearing in cloak (6)","Answer":"ARAMIS","Explanation":"Definition: Member of famous trio\nRA (artist) inside AMIS (cloak, same as amice) \u2013 the Three Musketeers"} {"Clue":"Yummy wing in what's served for dinner? (6)","Answer":"DELISH","Explanation":"Definition: Yummy\nEL (wing) inside DISH (what's served for dinner)"} {"Clue":"An old fool, displaying lack of energy (5)","Answer":"ATONY","Explanation":"Definition: displaying lack of energy\nAN TONY (fool, old = obsolete)"} {"Clue":"What may be trained as pet within year? (7)","Answer":"YAPSTER","Explanation":"Definition: What may be trained as pet within year?\nanagram (trained) of AS PET inside YR (year) \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Awful noise once from musician, less flat at edges (4)","Answer":"UTIS","Explanation":"Definition: Awful noise\nflAUTISt (musician) missing FLAT at the edges"} {"Clue":"Form of gene detectable in small elephants (6)","Answer":"ALLELE","Explanation":"Definition: Form of gene\nfound inside smALL ELEphants"} {"Clue":"Bodice showing frilly ties etc round border (10)","Answer":"CHEMISETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Bodice\nanagram (frilly) of TIES ETC contains (round) HEM (border)"} {"Clue":"Crazy (if not OTT), like Nero \u2013 first clue, maybe, \u2026 (10)","Answer":"PYROMANIAC","Explanation":"PottY (crazy) missing OTT then ROMAN (like Nero) and IAC (1ac, first clue maybe). I'm not sure what to underline as the definition \u2013 \"like Nero\" maybe?"} {"Clue":"\u2026 Playing this (dress in fashion)? (6)","Answer":"TRIGON","Explanation":"Definition: \u2026 Playing this\nRIG (dress) in TON (fashion) \u2013 a lyre, as played by Nero maybe"} {"Clue":"What's \u00e0 la plage, seen drifting, bits regularly detached? (4)","Answer":"ALGA","Explanation":"Definition: What's \u00e0 la plage, seen drifting\nanagram (seen drifting) of every other letter (bits regularly detached) of A lA pLaGe \u2013 again I'm not sure how much of this clue is definition"} {"Clue":"Refusenik with devout following in plentiful numbers (7)","Answer":"COPIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: in plentiful numbers\nCO (conscientious objector, refusenik) followed by PIOUS (devout)"} {"Clue":"One to show reverence about lecturer, spouting? (5)","Answer":"ABLOW","Explanation":"Definition: spouting\nA (one) BOW (to show reverence) contains (about) L (lecturer)"} {"Clue":"Summons involving squaddies, cause for concern locally (6)","Answer":"WORRIT","Explanation":"Definition: cause for concern locally\nWRIT (summons) including OR (other ranks, squaddies)"} {"Clue":"Loco maybe stops working on raised tracks (6)","Answer":"DIESEL","Explanation":"Definition: Loco maybe\nDIES (stops working) on EL (elevated railway, raised tracks)"} {"Clue":"Lawyer's put in possession of part of case I settle (5)","Answer":"SEISE","Explanation":"Definition: Lawyer's put in possession of\nfound inside caSE I SEttle"} {"Clue":"Translate bit of poetry engraved inside fashionable ring (9)","Answer":"INTERPRET","Explanation":"Definition: Translate\nPoetry (first letter, a bit of) inside IN (fashionable) TERRET (ring)"} {"Clue":"What tidy clues about dead former yuppie for Morse! (9)","Answer":"IDDY-UMPTY","Explanation":"Definition: Morse\nIDTY (what TIDY clues, anagram) contains (about) D (dead) YUMP (former yuppie)"} {"Clue":"Slight suspicion on entering liquid measure (6)","Answer":"BREATH","Explanation":"Definition: Slight suspicion\nRE (regarding, upon) inside BATH (liquid measure, Hebrew)"} {"Clue":"They enable crustacean to sense mate on half of upturned ship (5)","Answer":"PALPI","Explanation":"Definition: They enable crustacean to sense\nPAL (mate) on shIP (half of) reversed (upturned)"} {"Clue":"Company supported by food climbing ridges (6)","Answer":"COSTAE","Explanation":"Definition: ridges\nCO (company) on top of (supported by) EATS (food) reversed (climbing)"} {"Clue":"Resistance to heat making the canary flutter round head of mine (10)","Answer":"ATHERMANCY","Explanation":"Definition: Resistance to heat\nanagram (flutter) of THE CANARY containing (round) Mine (first letter, head of)"} {"Clue":"Zap, using loud artillery grenades initially (4)","Answer":"FRAG","Explanation":"Definition: Zap\nF (loud) RA (Royal Artillery) then Grenades (first letter, initially) \u2013 to kill (using grenades)"} {"Clue":"Worried re fatal cause of verminous infestation (7)","Answer":"RAT-FLEA","Explanation":"Definition: cause of verminous infestation\nanagram (worried) of RE FATAL"} {"Clue":"Once dejected, penning English love poem (6)","Answer":"AMORET","Explanation":"Definition: love poem\nAMORT Dejected, once) contains (penning) E (English)"} {"Clue":"Last and first of file in a line (5)","Answer":"FINAL","Explanation":"Definition: Last\nFile (first letter of) IN A L (line)"} {"Clue":"Intellectual ability (10)","Answer":"BRAINPOWER","Explanation":"competition clue"} {"Clue":"Meat's cooked in ale \u2013 maybe I'll produce honey (9)","Answer":"BEE-MASTER","Explanation":"Definition: maybe I'll produce honey\nanagram (cooked) of MEAT inside BEER (ale)"} {"Clue":"Work in garden interrupted by fuss over harmless snake (7)","Answer":"HOGNOSE","Explanation":"Definition: harmless snake\nHOE (work in garden) containing (interrupted by) SONG (fuss) reversed (over)"} {"Clue":"E.g. chicken cut up, obstruction being small bone (6)","Answer":"RIBLET","Explanation":"Definition: small bone\n~~RIB (a cut of meat, eg chicken cut up)~~ BIRd (eg chicken, cut) reversed (up) then LET (obstruction). ~~I can't find any definitive reference for there being a cut of chicken called a rib. Lots of beef, lamb etc but not chicken. Am I missing some other explanation?~~"} {"Clue":"Poem's modified after one command (in Shakespeare) (6)","Answer":"IMPOSE","Explanation":"Definition: command (in Shakespeare)\nanagram (modified) of POEM'S following I (one)"} {"Clue":"Former fashion is limited by fit (6)","Answer":"AGUISE","Explanation":"Definition: Former fashion\nIS inside (limited by) AGUE (fit)"} {"Clue":"Old stone to polish on the spot (5)","Answer":"RUBIN","Explanation":"Definition: Old stone\nRUB (to polish) IN (on the spot)"} {"Clue":"Tailor I consult has this for lining leather cuirass (5)","Answer":"LORIC","Explanation":"Definition: leather cuirass\nfound inside (\u2026has this for lining) taiLOR I Consult"} {"Clue":"Axeman denied aspiration in jug (4)","Answer":"EWER","Explanation":"Definition: jug\nhEWER (axeman) missing H (not aspirated)"} {"Clue":"Some monks burn private parts (7)","Answer":"CHAPTER","Explanation":"CHAR (burn) contains (\u2026parts) PT (private)"} {"Clue":"Florida Times reviewing book \u2013 it's somewhat limp (6)","Answer":"FLABBY","Explanation":"FLA (Florida, abbreviation in Chambers) BY (times) contains (reviewing ?) B (book)"} {"Clue":"Atomic power in place, working machine (9)","Answer":"APPLIANCE","Explanation":"A (atomic) P (place, abbreviation?) then anagram (working) of IN PLACE"} {"Clue":"Orchestra left in healthy condition (5)","Answer":"HALLE","Explanation":"L (left) inside HALE (healthy condition)"} {"Clue":"Praise former ace army officer (5)","Answer":"EXALT","Explanation":"EX (former) A (ace) LT (Lieutenant, army officer)"} {"Clue":"Pacific seaport union invested in commercial vehicle insurance (9)","Answer":"VANCOUVER","Explanation":"U (union) inside VAN (commercial vehicle) COVER (insurance)"} {"Clue":"Best friend following United 'til sacked (8)","Answer":"ULTIMATE","Explanation":"MATE (friend) follows anagram (sacked) of U (united) TIL"} {"Clue":"Military update worries priest (6)","Answer":"SITREP","Explanation":"anagram (worries) of PRIEST \u2013 a situation report"} {"Clue":"Flamboyant style queen, old Madame Chanel (6)","Answer":"ROCOCO","Explanation":"R (regina, queen) O (old) COCO (Madame Coco Chanel)"} {"Clue":"FM broadcast time \u2013 it'll be short-lived (8)","Answer":"EPHEMERA","Explanation":"EPHEM sounds like (broadcast) FM then ERA (time)"} {"Clue":"Coffee brewing \u2013 nice aroma! (9)","Answer":"AMERICANO","Explanation":"anagram (brewing) of NICE AROMA \u2013 nice!"} {"Clue":"Farewell, American princess, 10 (5)","Answer":"ADIEU","Explanation":"A (American) DI (princess Dianna) then EU (European Union, 10 down)"} {"Clue":"Lament awful golf breaks (5)","Answer":"DIRGE","Explanation":"DIRE (awful) contains (\u2026breaks) G (golf)"} {"Clue":"Queen's new titfer manufactured in E1 (9)","Answer":"NEFERTITI","Explanation":"N (new) then anagram (manufactured) of TITFER inside E I (one)"} {"Clue":"Arms manufacturer to show respect to retiring Spanish king (6)","Answer":"BOWYER","Explanation":"BOW (to show respect) then REY (king, Spanish) reversed (retiring) \u2013 a maker of bows"} {"Clue":"Couldn't get over lewd, revolting fashion (5,2)","Answer":"DWELT ON","Explanation":"LEWD reversed (revolting) TON (fashion)"} {"Clue":"Romantic French writer ordering a Thai bean curd (13)","Answer":"CHATEAUBRIAND","Explanation":"anagram (ordering) of A THAI BEAN CURD \u2013 Francois-Rene Chateaubriand, founder of Romanticism"} {"Clue":"Tar (a sailor) sitting outside pub (7)","Answer":"ASPHALT","Explanation":"A SALT (a sailor) contains (sitting outside) PH (pub)"} {"Clue":"Swindle Wally holding spades (5)","Answer":"TWIST","Explanation":"TWIT (wally) contains S (spades)"} {"Clue":"Overhaul Nevada city tax base (8)","Answer":"RENOVATE","Explanation":"RENO (Nevada city) VAT (tax) E (base, of natural logarithm)"} {"Clue":"Father, son travelling around eastern US city (6)","Answer":"FRESNO","Explanation":"F (father) then anagram (travelling) of SON contains E (Eastern)"} {"Clue":"Drunken Idaho rep embracing tense love goddess (9)","Answer":"APHRODITE","Explanation":"anagram (drunken) of IDAHO REP contains (embracing) T (tense)"} {"Clue":"Flaubert's Emma, about 51, spending year in Venezuelan capital (7)","Answer":"BOLIVAR","Explanation":"BOVARy (Flaubert's Emma) contains LI (51, Roman numerals) missing (spending) Y (year) \u2013 Venezuelan money (capital)"} {"Clue":"Our neighbours put a pure \"oui\/ non\" cross in the space (8,5)","Answer":"EUROPEAN UNION","Explanation":"anagram (cross) of A PURE OUI NON inside EN (space, printing)"} {"Clue":"Heavy equipment moving very quickly on North Eastern railway (9)","Answer":"MACHINERY","Explanation":"MACH I (Mach 1, moving very quickly) on NE (North Eastern) RY (railway)"} {"Clue":"Spoiled golf club \u2013 iron \u2013 on the last at Muirfield (8)","Answer":"SPOONFED","Explanation":"SPOON (golf club) FE (iron) on muirfielD (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Toast\u00a0a lighter version of 23 across (7)","Answer":"CHEERIO","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"English literature is translated to German for the select few (7)","Answer":"ELITIST","Explanation":"E (English) LIT (literature) then IST (is, in German)"} {"Clue":"Ringmaster\/comedian beginning to nark The Queen (6)","Answer":"WAGNER","Explanation":"WAG (comedian) then Nark (first letter, beginning of) ER (The Queen) \u2013 Richard Wagner, composer (master) of the Ring Cycle"} {"Clue":"Rangers exec regularly fail to see eye-to-eye (5)","Answer":"AGREE","Explanation":"every other letter missing (regularly fail) of rAnGeRs ExEc"} {"Clue":"Work in theatre alongside father and sons (6)","Answer":"BYPASS","Explanation":"Definition: Work in theatre\nBY (alongside) PA (father) and S S (son, twice) \u2013 an operating theatre"} {"Clue":"Dated model, holding back a state of excitement (6)","Answer":"TISWAS","Explanation":"Definition: a state of excitement\nSAW (dated, romantically) and SIT (model) all reversed (holding back ?)"} {"Clue":"Some disturbed by roguish lawlessness (7)","Answer":"ANARCHY","Explanation":"Definition: lawlessness\nANY (some) contains (disturbed by) ARCH (roguish)"} {"Clue":"Notice bog close to extractor fan (7)","Answer":"ADMIRER","Explanation":"Definition: fan\nAD (notice) MIRE (bog) extractoR (closing letter of)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Oliver or Annie scrap noisy old toy (7,3)","Answer":"MUSICAL BOX","Explanation":"Definition: noisy old toy\nMUSICAL (Oliver or Annie perhaps) then BOX (scrap)"} {"Clue":"Fish and quinoa regularly served on time (4)","Answer":"TUNA","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\nqUiNoA (regularly served) following (on) T (time)"} {"Clue":"Surge of intense activity brightened boring business, one conceded (5)","Answer":"BLITZ","Explanation":"Definition: Surge of intense activity\nLIT (brightened) inside (boring) BiZ (business) missing (conceding) I (one)"} {"Clue":"Person in audience to record Frenchman backing (8)","Answer":"LISTENER","Explanation":"Definition: Person in audience\nLIST (to record) then RENE (a Frenchman, typical name of) reversed (backing)"} {"Clue":"Casual golfer welcomes annual round \u2013 jumpers are needed for this (8)","Answer":"LEAPFROG","Explanation":"Definition: jumpers are needed for this\nanagram (casual) of GOLFER contains (welcomes) PA (per annum, annual) reversed (round)"} {"Clue":"Cry coming from Donald, possibly a charlatan (5)","Answer":"QUACK","Explanation":"Definition: Cry coming from Donald\ndouble definition \u2013 Donal Duck"} {"Clue":"Wrap up eggs and drive away (4)","Answer":"SHOO","Explanation":"Definition: drive away\nSH (hush, wrap up) and OO (two eggs)"} {"Clue":"Abandoned plane, reassembled on-site, departs (10)","Answer":"JETTISONED","Explanation":"Definition: Abandoned\nJET (plane) then anagram (reassembled) of ON-SITE and D (departs)"} {"Clue":"Short recording in medical department that can be seen (7)","Answer":"EVIDENT","Explanation":"Definition: can be seen\nVIDEo (recording, short) in ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat, hospital department)"} {"Clue":"Diane moved into centre of Bude by herself (7)","Answer":"UNAIDED","Explanation":"Definition: by herself\nanagram (moved) of DIANE in bUDe (centre of)"} {"Clue":"Golden castle maybe following new architectural style (6)","Answer":"NORMAN","Explanation":"Definition: architectural style\nOR (golden) MAN (castle possibly, chess) follows N (new)"} {"Clue":"Present opening is after this period (6)","Answer":"ADVENT","Explanation":"Definition: period\nAD (present) followed by (\u2026is after this) VENT (opening) *\u2013 and see jeff @9 in the comments"} {"Clue":"Language graduate not missing old university (5)","Answer":"BANTU","Explanation":"Definition: Language\nBA (graduate) then NoT missing O (old) and U (university)"} {"Clue":"Curtailed piggy one's mushrooms (7)","Answer":"PORCINI","Explanation":"Definition: mushrooms\nPORCINe (piggy, like a pig) then I (one)"} {"Clue":"Dog training runs, each involving an unspecified number (9)","Answer":"SCHNAUZER","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\nanagram (training) of RUNS EACH containing (involving) Z (an unspecified number)"} {"Clue":"Alphabetical registry actually excluding editor on Times (5)","Answer":"INDEX","Explanation":"Definition: Alphabetical registry\nIN DEed (actually) missing ED (editor) then X (times)"} {"Clue":"Inform the Catalan about supporting card game (7)","Answer":"WHISTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Inform\nEL (the, in Catalan) reversed (about) follows (supporting, underneath) WHIST (card game)"} {"Clue":"US writer's drinking vessel supplied with running water (9)","Answer":"STEINBECK","Explanation":"Definition: US writer\nSTEIN (drinking vessel) with BECK (running water)"} {"Clue":"Ex-pupil on bass got Ali to change musical accompaniment (9)","Answer":"OBBLIGATO","Explanation":"Definition: musical accompaniment\nOB (old by, ex-pupil) on B (bass) and anagram (to change) of GOT ALI"} {"Clue":"Composer extremely bothersome, repositioning the heater (9)","Answer":"BEETHOVEN","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\nBothersomE (extreme letters of) then anagram (repositioning) THE and OVEN (heater)"} {"Clue":"Dicky needs to dress one of five kids in sparkly clothing? (9)","Answer":"SEQUINNED","Explanation":"Definition: in sparkly clothing\nanagram (dicky) of NEEDS containing to dress QUIN (one of five kids)"} {"Clue":"One moves laboriously outside in Pontypool, wanting more rum (7)","Answer":"PLODDER","Explanation":"Definition: One moves laboriously\nPontypooL (outside letters) then ODDER (more rum)"} {"Clue":"Worry intensely since returning in London area (7)","Answer":"AGONISE","Explanation":"Definition: Worry intensely\nAGO (since) then IN reversed (returning) and SE (London area)"} {"Clue":"Project written by American about new military government (5)","Answer":"JUNTA","Explanation":"Definition: military government\nJUT (project) with (written by) A (American) contains (about) N (new)"} {"Clue":"Raise stern of frigate reportedly destroyed (5)","Answer":"ERECT","Explanation":"Definition: Raise\nfrigatE (last letter, stern of) then RECT sounds like (reportedly) wrecked (destroyed)"} {"Clue":"She inspires musicians, top pair leaving Blue Peter, sadly (7)","Answer":"EUTERPE","Explanation":"Definition: She inspires musicians\nanagram (sadly) of blUE PETER missing first two letters (top pair leaving)"} {"Clue":"Malign injection, one in tongue (7)","Answer":"PANJABI","Explanation":"Definition: tongue\nPAN (malign) JAB (injection) I (one)"} {"Clue":"Special quotation does attract him (4)","Answer":"STAG","Explanation":"Definition: does attract him\nS (special) TAG (quotation) \u2013 a doe is a female deer"} {"Clue":"Those playing away read result elsewhere (10)","Answer":"ADULTERERS","Explanation":"Definition: Those playing away\nanagram (elsewhere) of READ RESULT"} {"Clue":"Fights are ultimately few and far between (6)","Answer":"SPARSE","Explanation":"Definition: few and far between\nSPARS (fights, boxing) then arE (last letter, ultimately)"} {"Clue":"English players cross a street somewhere in New York (4,4)","Answer":"EAST SIDE","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in New York\nE (English) SIDE (players) contains (cross) A ST (street)"} {"Clue":"Box in odd Scottish ensemble (9)","Answer":"ORCHESTRA","Explanation":"Definition: ensemble\nCHEST (box) in ORRA (odd, Scottish)"} {"Clue":"Big noise making contribution to Gaelic language (5)","Answer":"CLANG","Explanation":"Definition: Big noise\nfound inside gaeliC LANGuage"} {"Clue":"American in front of gallery getting on (5)","Answer":"USING","Explanation":"Definition: on\nUS (American) IN then Gallery (first letter, front of). I don't fully understand the definition \u2013 *on* the bus vs *using* the bus perhaps? *Update: If someone is on heroin then they are using heroin. That works. Thanks to muffin for this."} {"Clue":"Voice witty remark about second last (9)","Answer":"UTTERMOST","Explanation":"Definition: last\nUTTER (voice) then MOT (witty remark) contains S (second)"} {"Clue":"Our start and our finish perhaps, short of money? (8)","Answer":"CREATION","Explanation":"Definition: Our start\nCREmATION (our finish perhaps) missing M (money)"} {"Clue":"In good spirits, sending out tweets? (6)","Answer":"CHIRPY","Explanation":"Definition: In good spirits\ndefinition\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Listener writer's defending superior concert hall (10)","Answer":"AUDITORIUM","Explanation":"Definition: concert hall\nAUDITOR (listener) I'M (writer is) containing (defending)U (superior, in social class)"} {"Clue":"Lover of poetry dispatches one big flyer (4)","Answer":"SWAN","Explanation":"Definition: big flyer\nSWAiN (lover, in poetry) missing (dispatches) I (one)"} {"Clue":"A local star embarrassed about being in two pieces (7)","Answer":"ASUNDER","Explanation":"Definition: being in two pieces\nA SUN (local star) then RED (embarrassed) reversed (about)"} {"Clue":"Version of The Trout drops leading section (7)","Answer":"RAINBOW","Explanation":"Definition: Version of The Trout\nRAIN (drops) then BOW (leading section, of a ship)"} {"Clue":"At uni, Jack tackles work at the usual level (2,2,3)","Answer":"UP TO PAR","Explanation":"Definition: at the usual level\nUP (at university) TAR (jack, a sailor) contains (tackles) OP (opus, work)"} {"Clue":"Rave about introducing liberal scorer (5)","Answer":"ELGAR","Explanation":"Definition: scorer\nreversal (about) of RAGE (rave) contains L (Liberal)"} {"Clue":"European opens factories making a suite (7)","Answer":"PLANETS","Explanation":"Definition: a suite\nE (European) inside (opens) PLANTS (factories) \u2013 The Planets Suite by Holst"} {"Clue":"Lacking source, most plump for evidence (6)","Answer":"ATTEST","Explanation":"Definition: evidence\nfATTEST (most plump) missing first letter (source) \u2013 definition as a verb"} {"Clue":"First person in Paris, odd, clinches deal for city (9)","Answer":"JERUSALEM","Explanation":"Definition: city\nJE (I, first person in French) RUM (odd) contains (clinches) SALE (deal)"} {"Clue":"Barman's old staff filling wine store (7)","Answer":"BORODIN","Explanation":"Definition: Barman\nO (old) ROD (staff) inside BIN (wine store) \u2013 a composer, someone who produces bars of music"} {"Clue":"Tune librarian ordered for last night's singalong? (4,9)","Answer":"RULE BRITANNIA","Explanation":"Definition: last night's singalong\nanagram (ordered) of TUNE LIBRARIAN \u2013 sung on the last night of the Proms"} {"Clue":"European suspended heretic (9)","Answer":"HUNGARIAN","Explanation":"Definition: European\nHUNG (suspended) and ARIAN (heretic, of the doctrine of Arius, a heretic)"} {"Clue":"Small supporter welcomes a composer (7)","Answer":"STRAUSS","Explanation":"Definition: composer\nS (small) TRUSS (supporter) contains (welcomes) A"} {"Clue":"Accolades come in a burst (7)","Answer":"ENCOMIA","Explanation":"Definition: Accolades\nanagram (burst) of COME IN A"} {"Clue":"Second number limits disheartened opera singer (7)","Answer":"SOPRANO","Explanation":"Definition: singer\nS (second) NO (number) contains (limits) OPeRA (dis-heartened)"} {"Clue":"Hairy sailor occupies mansion (6)","Answer":"PILOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Hairy\nOS (Ordinary Seaman) inside PILE (mansion)"} {"Clue":"Children's author nearly stood up dramatist (5)","Answer":"IBSEN","Explanation":"Definition: dramatist\nNESBIt (children's author) reversed (stood up)"} {"Clue":"Keep short jack, say, in vehicle (5,3)","Answer":"STOCK CAR","Explanation":"Definition: vehicle\nSTOCK (keep) CARd (jack say, short)"} {"Clue":"Giant hat chosen to accommodate unruly head of hair (6)","Answer":"THATCH","Explanation":"Definition: unruly head of hair\nfound inside (accommodated by) gianT HAT Chosen"} {"Clue":"Chemical weapon produced by friend entering conflict involving US (6)","Answer":"NAPALM","Explanation":"Definition: Chemical weapon\nPAL (friend) inside NAM (conflict involving US)"} {"Clue":"Bottom of grand robe ruined by male dog (8)","Answer":"DOBERMAN","Explanation":"Definition: dog\ngranD (last letter, bottom of) then anagram (ruined) of ROBE then MAN (male)"} {"Clue":"Bird with inclination to cross rocky moor to river (9)","Answer":"CORMORANT","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nCANT (inclination) contains (to cross) anagram (rocky) of MOOR with R (river)"} {"Clue":"Double tonic water initially put on the rocks (5)","Answer":"TWICE","Explanation":"first letters (initially) of Tonic Water with ICE (on the rocks)"} {"Clue":"Symbolic representations of money found in large bags (6)","Answer":"TOTEMS","Explanation":"Definition: Symbolic representations\nM (money) inside TOTES (large bags)"} {"Clue":"Time to leave rejected pig's foot in counter? (6)","Answer":"RETORT","Explanation":"Definition: counter\na reversal (rejected) of TROTtER (pigs foot) missing (to leave) T (time)"} {"Clue":"Restrictions covering last piece of work by unknown artist (6)","Answer":"BANKSY","Explanation":"Definition: artist\nBANS (restrictions) contains worK (last letter, piece of) then Y (unknown, in maths equations)"} {"Clue":"Good amount to pay to get right bit of kitchen equipment (6)","Answer":"GRATER","Explanation":"Definition: bit of kitchen equipment\nG (good) RATE (amount to pay) with R (right)"} {"Clue":"Introduction of literary work about Rigoletto's opening (5)","Answer":"PROEM","Explanation":"Definition: Introduction\nPOEM (literary work) contains (about) Rigoletto (opening, first letter of) \u2013 a new word for me"} {"Clue":"Full\u00a0of roly-poly? (3-6)","Answer":"JAM-PACKED","Explanation":"Definition: Full\ndouble\/cryptic definition \u2013 roly-poly is a pudding continuing jam"} {"Clue":"Speech intended to promote disorder found in suffragette's first book (8)","Answer":"SEDITION","Explanation":"Definition: Speech intended to promote disorder\nSuffragette (first letter of) then EDITION (book)"} {"Clue":"Group in shelter nursing endless fever (6)","Answer":"LEAGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Group\nLEE (shelter) contains (nursing) AGUe (fever, endless)"} {"Clue":"Plant blocking extremely smart thoroughfare (6)","Answer":"STREET","Explanation":"Definition: thoroughfare\nTREE (a plant) inside (blocking) SmarT (extreme letters of)"} {"Clue":"Reschedule appointment with leader of promising musicians from the east (8)","Answer":"POSTPONE","Explanation":"Definition: Reschedule\nPOST (appointment) with Promising (leading letter of) then ENO (English National Opera, musicians) reversed (from the east, right-to-left on a map)"} {"Clue":"Gold found in bird's drinks dispenser (3,3)","Answer":"TEA URN","Explanation":"Definition: drinks dispenser\nAU (gold) inside TERN (bird)"} {"Clue":"Cold meat contains small hole (5)","Answer":"CHASM","Explanation":"Definition: hole\nC (cold) HAM (meat) contains S (small)"} {"Clue":"Company pledge to settle dispute by making concessions (10)","Answer":"COMPROMISE","Explanation":"Definition: to settle dispute by making concessions\nCOM (company ?) PROMISE (pledge)"} {"Clue":"Animal in pit surrounded by rubbish (6)","Answer":"RODENT","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\nDEN (pit) inside ROT (rubbish)"} {"Clue":"Instrument taken up by absolute beginners (4)","Answer":"TUBA","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\nfirst letters (beginners) of Taken Up By Absolute"} {"Clue":"Plant vegetable, losing miles on regular journey to state (9)","Answer":"ARROWROOT","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nmARROW (vegetable) missing M (miles) then ROOT sounds like (to state) \"route\" (regular journey)"} {"Clue":"Meats and fish sliced next to lake (11)","Answer":"CHARCUTERIE","Explanation":"Definition: Meats\nCHAR (fish) CUT (sliced) then ERIE (lake, in America)"} {"Clue":"Fob setter off following good boozy celebration (11)","Answer":"OKTOBERFEST","Explanation":"Definition: boozy celebration\nanagram (off) of FOB SETTER following OK (good)"} {"Clue":"City of Rome spoilt, sadly (10)","Answer":"METROPOLIS","Explanation":"Definition: City\nanagram (sadly) of ROME SPOILT"} {"Clue":"Brown and green fluid covering end of kiwi fruit (9)","Answer":"TANGERINE","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nTAN (brown) than anagram (fluid) of GREEN contains kiwI (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"Head of colour mixed paint in plant (6)","Answer":"CATNIP","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nColour (head, first letter) then anagram (mixed) of PAINT"} {"Clue":"Stuff given to priest for pain? (5)","Answer":"CRAMP","Explanation":"Definition: pain\nCRAM (stuff) with P (priest)"} {"Clue":"Hollow part of reed in trumpet (4)","Answer":"DINT","Explanation":"Definition: Hollow\nfound inside reeD IN Trumpet"} {"Clue":"Be quiet, young James! But not Jack! (6)","Answer":"SHIMMY","Explanation":"SH (be quiet) then jIMMY (young James) missing J (jack)"} {"Clue":"Flag having four letters \u2013 consecutive, but not in order! (5,3)","Answer":"IRISH JIG","Explanation":"IRIS (flag) then anagram (not in order) of HIJK (four consecutive letters)"} {"Clue":"Extinct bird is back \u2013 inside! (6)","Answer":"DOSIDO","Explanation":"DODO (extinct bird) contains IS reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Old lover with officer (8)","Answer":"FLAMENCO","Explanation":"FLAME (old lover) then NCO (officer)"} {"Clue":"Working behind hut, we're told (8)","Answer":"CHACONNE","Explanation":"sounds like \"shack on\" (working following hut)"} {"Clue":"A leading position during exercise (6)","Answer":"PAVANE","Explanation":"A VAN (leading position) inside PE (exercise)"} {"Clue":"The outskirts of Restormel (4)","Answer":"REEL","Explanation":"the ouetr letters of REstormEL \u2013 for those wondering Restormel is a castle in Cornwall"} {"Clue":"Methylated spirits spilt with limited loss (10)","Answer":"STRATHSPEY","Explanation":"anagram (spilt) of METHYLATED SPIRITS missing the letters of (with\u2026loss) LIMITED"} {"Clue":"Reportedly look fixedly around the Rev. Awdry's Big Engine (3,7)","Answer":"GAY GORDONS","Explanation":"GAYS sounds like (reportedly) \"gaze\" (look fixedly) contains (around) GORDON (engine from Thomas The Tank Engine books by Rev Awdry)"} {"Clue":"Leading characters in jury's indecisive verdict expelled (4)","Answer":"JIVE","Explanation":"first letters of Jury Indecisive Verdict Explained"} {"Clue":"It's not Max that's rudest, regularly (6)","Answer":"MINUET","Explanation":"MIN (it's not max) then (that has) rUdEsT (every other letter, regularly)"} {"Clue":"Goddess circumvents a veto (8)","Answer":"HABANERA","Explanation":"HERA (goddess) contains (circumvents) A BAN (veto)"} {"Clue":"Old partner and copper seem confused (6-2)","Answer":"EXCUSE-ME","Explanation":"EX (old partner) and CU (copper) then anagram (confused) of SEEM"} {"Clue":"Cricket team in Test reversal (6)","Answer":"MAXIXE","Explanation":"XI (cricket team) inside EXAM (test) reversed"} {"Clue":"Test with complicated arrangements (3,5)","Answer":"THE TWIST","Explanation":"anagram (with complicated arrangements) of TEST WITH"} {"Clue":"Shut out the French (6)","Answer":"HUSTLE","Explanation":"anagram (out) of SHUT then LE (the, French)"} {"Clue":"Cocktail\u00a0attachment (7)","Answer":"SIDECAR","Explanation":"Definition: Cocktail\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Like a serf, slain horribly \u2013 extremely (2,7)","Answer":"IN SLAVERY","Explanation":"Definition: Like a serf\nanagram (horribly) of SLAIN then VERY (extremely)"} {"Clue":"Midday sun worshipper is accursed, when upset (3,3)","Answer":"MAD DOG","Explanation":"Definition: Midday sun worshipper\nGODDAM (accursed) reversed (when upset)"} {"Clue":"Last part of French pastry item? Yes! Part! (4)","Answer":"ROLE","Explanation":"Definition: Part\njust a guess \u2013 perhaps profiteROLE?"} {"Clue":"Fellow feeling coy about upsetting my little girl (8)","Answer":"SYMPATHY","Explanation":"Definition: Fellow feeling\nSHY (coy) contains (about) MY reversed (upsetting) and PAT (girl, little=diminutive)"} {"Clue":"Legislative council needs most of the month tracing army leaders (5)","Answer":"JUNTA","Explanation":"Definition: Legislative council\nJUNe (month, most of) then first letters (leaders) of Tracing Army"} {"Clue":"Good place for alpines \u2013 off centre food store (7)","Answer":"GROCERY","Explanation":"Definition: food store\nG (good) then ROCkERY (place for alpines) missing centre"} {"Clue":"And don't disturb the star of The Paradine Case (3,4)","Answer":"ANN TODD","Explanation":"Definition: the star of The Paradine Case\nanagram (disturb) of AND DON'T \u2013 star of 1947 Hitchcock film"} {"Clue":"Met Office employee on film (4,3)","Answer":"RAIN MAN","Explanation":"Definition: Met Office employee\ndefinition and cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Spilt rice all over charge sheet! (5,4)","Answer":"PRICE LIST","Explanation":"Definition: charge sheet\nanagram (all over) of SPLIT RICE"} {"Clue":"Might have seen electrical tool (5,3)","Answer":"POWER SAW","Explanation":"Definition: electrical tool \nPOWER (might) with SAW (have seen)"} {"Clue":"Meat is starting to go off \u2013 smelling strongest! (7)","Answer":"GAMIEST","Explanation":"Definition: smelling strongest\nanagram (off) of MEAT IS and Go (starting letter of)"} {"Clue":"Price-tag cut in half, previously on display stand (7)","Answer":"ETAGERE","Explanation":"Definition: display stand\npricE-TAG (cut in half) then ERE (previously)"} {"Clue":"Pleasure ground with cross and gold blend (6)","Answer":"XANADU","Explanation":"Definition: Pleasure ground\nX (cross) then an overlapping (blend) of AND and AU (gold)"} {"Clue":"Gem from North America, only partly cream (5)","Answer":"NACRE","Explanation":"Definition: Gem\nNA (North America) then CREam (only part of)"} {"Clue":"Festival for ten graduates (4)","Answer":"XMAS","Explanation":"Definition: Festival\nX (ten) MA'S (graduates)"} {"Clue":"Old church officer stirs uncomfortably before food's taken in (7)","Answer":"SACRIST","Explanation":"Definition: Old church officer\nanagram (uncomfortably) contains (\u2026taken in) AC (before food)"} {"Clue":"Shakespeare's sign, once worth about 100 bucks (6)","Answer":"CARACT","Explanation":"Definition: Shakespeare's sign\nCARAT (worth, once=obsolete) contains C (100 bucks)"} {"Clue":"Old breastplate, short, that is on the inside (6)","Answer":"CURIET","Explanation":"Definition: Old breastplate\nCURT (short) contains (\u2026on the inside) IS (that is)"} {"Clue":"Havana, say, is violent with revolution (5)","Answer":"SEGAR","Explanation":"Definition: Havana, say\nRAGES (is violent) reversed (with revolution)"} {"Clue":"Section of latex elasticating source of wool (5)","Answer":"TEXEL","Explanation":"Definition: source of wool\nfound inside laTEX Elasticating"} {"Clue":"He's freed from example of one (capital punishment) (5)","Answer":"TROPE","Explanation":"THE ROPE is an example of a trope (a figurative expression). Remove HE and you get TROPE"} {"Clue":"Rani's drunk, stuck into wine; head follows \u2013 it's not lasting for long (13)","Answer":"TRANSIENTNESS","Explanation":"Definition: it's not lasting for long\nanagram (drunk) of RANI inside TENT (wine) followed by NESS (head)"} {"Clue":"Rule e.g. fire out, on the dole? It's freezing (13)","Answer":"REFRIGERATION","Explanation":"Definition: freezing\nR (rule) then anagram (out) of EG FIRE followed by RATIOn (dole)"} {"Clue":"Puts on record, yielding scratches? (5)","Answer":"FILES","Explanation":"Definition: Puts on record\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"I tucked into one of the canap\u00e9s \u2013 capital (5)","Answer":"SOFIA","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nI inside SOFA (canape)"} {"Clue":"Job of announcer? He has worked hard with lisp (10)","Answer":"HERALDSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: Job of announcer\nHE then anagram (worked) of HARD with LISP"} {"Clue":"Recorder missing first note? One's at sea, with prominent listeners (5)","Answer":"OTARY","Explanation":"Definition: One's at sea, with prominent listeners\nnOTARY (recorder) missing Note (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Type size in fragments of early Latin comprising many lines? (6)","Answer":"EPICAL","Explanation":"Definition: comprising many lines\nPICA (type size) inside first letters (fragments of) Early Latin"} {"Clue":"Turn over new leaf in bond? Tread softly (6)","Answer":"TIPTOE","Explanation":"Definition: Tread softly\nPTO (please turn over page\/leaf) inside TIE (bond)"} {"Clue":"Rib mistreated by old king making rebound (7)","Answer":"BRICOLE","Explanation":"Definition: rebound\nanagram (mistreated) of RIB then COLE (old king)"} {"Clue":"Indiscriminate splurge of threats received by Jock? (11)","Answer":"SCATTERSHOT","Explanation":"Definition: Indiscriminate\nanagram (splurge) of THREADS inside SCOT (Jock)"} {"Clue":"Taxi service comes in time \u2013 best not to drive after visit here? (7)","Answer":"AUBERGE","Explanation":"Definition: best not to drive after visit here\nUBER (taxi service) inside AGE (time)"} {"Clue":"Puzzle presented by roof supports, we hear (4)","Answer":"CRUX","Explanation":"Definition: Puzzle\nsounds like (we hear) \"crucks\" (roof supports)"} {"Clue":"With a smile I had stopping tear (6)","Answer":"RIDENT","Explanation":"Definition: With a smile\nI'D (I had) inside (stopping) RENT (tear)"} {"Clue":"Wide-eyed, one breaks tape (7)","Answer":"STARING","Explanation":"Definition: Wide-eyed\nA (one) inside STRING (tape)"} {"Clue":"I like that (of some Chinaware being nicked)! Help! (4)","Answer":"CHAR","Explanation":"Definition: Help\nCHARming (I like that) missing MING (of some Chinaware)"} {"Clue":"Old fools when about to throw up (6)","Answer":"ASSOTS","Explanation":"Definition: Old fools\nAS (when) contains (about) TOSS (throw) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Leaders of Republican elite in grey perhaps, suited (6)","Answer":"AGREED","Explanation":"Definition: suited\nfirst letters (leaders) of Republican Elite inside AGED (grey perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Five going en vacance, possibly \u2013 it's maybe seen twice (4)","Answer":"CAEN","Explanation":"anagram (possibly) of EN vACANCE missing V (five) contains CAEN twice. Caen is a town in France, which I suppose five (The Famous Five?) might see twice if on holiday in France. This seems a very tenuous explanation indeed. Can anyone do better?"} {"Clue":"Committee accepts motive, deserving ultimate punishment? (11)","Answer":"TREASONABLE","Explanation":"Definition: deserving ultimate punishment\nTABLE (committee) contains REASON (motive)"} {"Clue":"Sprinter essentially conceals this former concern (9)","Answer":"INTERESSE","Explanation":"Definition: former concern\nfound inside sprINTER ESSEntially"} {"Clue":"Gale sweeping e.g. Texas and not the Rand (7)","Answer":"NORTHER","Explanation":"Definition: Gale sweeping e.g. Texas\nNOR (and not) THE R (Rand)"} {"Clue":"Job was such special work involving chief accountant (7)","Answer":"STOICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Job was such\nS (special) then TOIL (work) contains CA (chief Accountant) \u2013 Job the biblical character"} {"Clue":"Strike historically producing a very strong debate (6)","Answer":"AFFRAP","Explanation":"Definition: Strike historically\nA FF (fortissimo, very strong) RAP (debate)"} {"Clue":"Lilo by being blown up like this means 'vigorously' (6)","Answer":"BILLY-O","Explanation":"Definition: like this means '\nanagram (blown up) of LILO BY"} {"Clue":"Hypersensitive to allergy? Sunhat's essential on temperature control (6)","Answer":"ATOPIC","Explanation":"Definition: Hypersensitive to allergy\nTOPI (sunhat) inside (essential on) AC (air conditioning, temperature control)"} {"Clue":"Fanciful hairy type? \u2014\u2014, harpy, possibly (4)","Answer":"YETI","Explanation":"Definition: Fanciful hairy type\nHAIRY TYPE is an anagram (possibly) of YETI HARPY"} {"Clue":"Low, without aspiration, displaying bitterness (4)","Answer":"EDGE","Explanation":"Definition: bitterness\nhEDGE (low) missing H (without aspiration)"} {"Clue":"Straw evident in plaited coif (4)","Answer":"FICO","Explanation":"Definition: Straw\nanagram (plaited) of COIF"} {"Clue":"Hurry up Tom, otherwise the other Jack will go ahead (4,2,2)","Answer":"JUMP TO IT","Explanation":"Definition: Hurry\nanagram (otherwise) of UP TOM then IT (the other, sex) all following J (jack)"} {"Clue":"Official you heard quietly entering bog (6)","Answer":"UMPIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Officia\nU sounds like (heard) you then P (piano, quietly) inside MIRE (bog)"} {"Clue":"Non-British artist embracing English potter? (6)","Answer":"CUEIST","Explanation":"Definition: potter\nCUbIST (artist) missing B (British) containing (embracing) E (English) \u2013 a snooker player, someone who pots balls"} {"Clue":"When in Los Angeles, celebrated about Mediterranean dishes (8)","Answer":"LASAGNAS","Explanation":"Definition: Mediterranean dishes\nAS (when) inside LA (Los Angeles) then SANG (celebrated) reversed (about)"} {"Clue":"Kick over fly (4)","Answer":"GNAT","Explanation":"Definition: fl\nTANG (kick) reversed (over)"} {"Clue":"That guy's turn to stop Sting coming back in charts (10)","Answer":"HISTOGRAMS","Explanation":"Definition: charts\nHIS (that guy's) then GO (turn) inside SMART (sting) reversed (coming back)"} {"Clue":"Dance judge shunned by cool jazz guitarist (8)","Answer":"FANDANGO","Explanation":"Definition: Dance\nJ (judge) missing from (shunned by) FAN (cool) DjANGO (Django Reinhardt, jazz guitarist)"} {"Clue":"Pet's fine farewell (4)","Answer":"FAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Pet\nF (fine) AVE (farewell)"} {"Clue":"Mountain in which petunia is picked in prime locations (4)","Answer":"ETNA","Explanation":"Definition: Mountain\n2nd, 3rd, 5th and 7th letters (picked in prime locations) of pETuNiA"} {"Clue":"Thought picture should frame fashionable duke (8)","Answer":"IMAGINED","Explanation":"Definition: Thought\nIMAGE (picture) contains (should frame) IN (fashionable) then D (duke)"} {"Clue":"Convenient new diet, so take your time (4,4,2)","Answer":"EASY DOES IT","Explanation":"Definition: take your time\nEASY (convenient) then anagram (new) of DIET SO"} {"Clue":"Formerly understood only the core elements (4)","Answer":"ERST","Explanation":"Definition: Formerly\nundERSTood (middle letters, only the core elements)"} {"Clue":"Light-fingered devil exposed in affair (8)","Answer":"THIEVING","Explanation":"Definition: Light-fingered\ndEVIl (exposed, no outer letters) in THING (affair)"} {"Clue":"Investment product used by Hitachi regularly yields a profit, we're told? (6)","Answer":"ISAIAH","Explanation":"ISA (investment product) then hItAcHi (every other letter, regularly) \u2013 profit sounds like prophet"} {"Clue":"Plates overturned by creature (6)","Answer":"ANIMAL","Explanation":"Definition: creature\nLAMINA (plates) reversed (overturned)"} {"Clue":"Fail to pick out retro 70s fashion items? (4,4)","Answer":"TANK TOPS","Explanation":"Definition: 70s fashion items\nTANK (fail) SPOT (to pick out) reversed (retro) \u2013 seventies clothing is still a painful memory for me, all the photos have been burnt"} {"Clue":"Reversal of extremely unjust run-out (1-4)","Answer":"U-TURN","Explanation":"Definition: Reversal\nUnjusT (extremes of) then anagram (out) of RUN"} {"Clue":"In butterfly, gasped to catch international youth before end of relay (7,4)","Answer":"PAINTED LADY","Explanation":"Definition: butterfly\nPANTED (gasped) contains (to catch) I (international) then LAD (youth) and relaY (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"Best not batting given what bowlers may do to the ball (8)","Answer":"OUTSHINE","Explanation":"Definition: Bes\nOUT (not batting) with SHINE (what bowlers may do to the ball)"} {"Clue":"Could this yield tense, close-up photos captured by crew? (10,5)","Answer":"TELESCOPIC SIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Could this yield\nT (tense) than anagram (up) of CLOSE followed by PICS (photos) all inside EIGHT (crew, of a rowing boat) \u2013 extended definition, *could this yield tense close-up\u2026"} {"Clue":"Consequence of having risen dramatically following exchange (6)","Answer":"UPSHOT","Explanation":"Definition: Consequence\nSHOT UP (having risen dramatically) with words exchanged"} {"Clue":"By George, Napoleon is spying intermittently (3)","Answer":"PIG","Explanation":"Definition: By George, Napoleon\nevery other letter (intermittently) of sPyInG \u2013 Napoleon is a pig in the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell"} {"Clue":"Bar admitting adult manner when having to contend with animated account of trip? (4,5)","Answer":"ROAD MOVIE","Explanation":"Definition: animated account of trip\nROD (bar) contains (admitting) A (adult) MO (modus operandi, manner) then VIE (to contend with)"} {"Clue":"Mention pinching outfit? Soldier's in the cooler? (11)","Answer":"REFRIGERANT","Explanation":"Definition: cooler\nREFER (refer to, mention) contains (pinching) RIG (outfit) ANT (a soldier ant)"} {"Clue":"Faux-fur shrank at start of airing after being spun (9)","Answer":"ASTRAKHAN","Explanation":"Definition: Faux-fur\nanagram (being spun) of SHRANK AT and Airing (first letter, start of) \u2013 fur-like material for hats actually made from sheep's wool"} {"Clue":"Camel germs inviting loss of energy followed by onset of nausea (8)","Answer":"BACTRIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Camel\nBACTeRIA (germs) missing (inviting loss of) E (energy) followed bu Nausea (first letter, onset)"} {"Clue":"Genial sweetheart needs drug bottle (6)","Answer":"JOVIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Genial\nJO (sweetheart) with VIAL (drug bottle)"} {"Clue":"Note raised by small instrument (5)","Answer":"SHARP","Explanation":"Definition: Note raised\nS (small) HARP (instrument)"} {"Clue":"Wooden seats in Rose Bowl Stadium (3)","Answer":"ELM","Explanation":"Definition: Wooden\nlast letters (seats) of rosE bowL stadiuM"} {"Clue":"Husband follows mode of operation to ventilate fabric (6)","Answer":"MOHAIR","Explanation":"Definition: fabric\nH (husband) follows MO (modus operandi, mode of operation) then AIR (to ventilate)"} {"Clue":"Person who organises golf, with uncertainty, on Scottish isle (8)","Answer":"ARRANGER","Explanation":"Definition: Person who organises\nG (golf, phonetic alphabet) on ER (uncertainty) following (on) ARRAN (Scottish isle)"} {"Clue":"One used to work out what indicates last orders? (7)","Answer":"BARBELL","Explanation":"Definition: One used to work out\nthe BELL on the BAR in a pub signals \"last orders\""} {"Clue":"Aristocrat appointed to host king (4)","Answer":"DUKE","Explanation":"Definition: Aristocrat\nDUE (appointed) contains (to host) K (king)"} {"Clue":"A senior clergyman comes in subdued, having had a row (10)","Answer":"QUARRELLED","Explanation":"Definition: had a row\nA RR (Right Reverend, senior clergyman) inside QUELLED (subdued)"} {"Clue":"One seeking lawyer's advice right inside court (6)","Answer":"CLIENT","Explanation":"Definition: One seeking lawyer's advice\nLIEN (right) inside CT (court)"} {"Clue":"Seat for students seen by Jack through coniferous shrub (7)","Answer":"JUNIPER","Explanation":"Definition: coniferous shrub\nUNI (seat of learning for students) following (seen by) J (jack) then PER (through)"} {"Clue":"Comic who is touring beginning to bemoan variable entertainment industry (7)","Answer":"SHOWBIZ","Explanation":"Definition: entertainment industry\nanagram (comic) of WHO IS contains (touring) Bemoan (beginning to) then Z (commonly used to denote a variable quantity)"} {"Clue":"Stan refs game in first half, having Italian liqueur (6)","Answer":"STREGA","Explanation":"Definition: Italian liqueur\nSTan REfs GAme (first half only)"} {"Clue":"Mad person, on cold punch, who never stops talking (10)","Answer":"CHATTERBOX","Explanation":"Definition: who never stops talking\nHATTER (mad person) follows (on) C (cold) then BOX (punch)"} {"Clue":"Some grave-diggers recalled Chester many years ago (4)","Answer":"DEVA","Explanation":"Definition: Chester many years ago\nfound inside (some of) grAVE-Diggers reversed (recalled) \u2013 the Roman name for Chester"} {"Clue":"Fruit cost almost nothing in middle of Skiathos (7)","Answer":"APRICOT","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nPRICe (cost, almost) O (nothing) inside skiAThos (middle of)"} {"Clue":"Container, then another, tipped over knitwear (4,3)","Answer":"TANK TOP","Explanation":"Definition: knitwear\nTANK (container) then POT (another container) reversed (tipped over)"} {"Clue":"Cricket fielder once getting together trousers and jumper? (4,4)","Answer":"LONG STOP","Explanation":"Definition: Cricket fielder once\nLONGS (trousers) and TOP (jumper) \u2013 once indicates now rarely used"} {"Clue":"Rough voyage reported (6)","Answer":"COARSE","Explanation":"Definition: Rough\nsounds like (reported) \"course\" (voyage)"} {"Clue":"Michael hides body when recreating novel (4-4)","Answer":"MOBY-DICK","Explanation":"Definition: novel\nMICK (Michael) contains (hides) anagram (when recreating) of BODY"} {"Clue":"Hire Shankar to broadcast religious chant (4,7)","Answer":"HARE KRISHNA","Explanation":"Definition: religious chant\nanagram (to broadcast) of HIRE SHANKAR"} {"Clue":"Current Conservative and newsman like a cool drink (4)","Answer":"ICED","Explanation":"Definition: like a cool drink\nI (current, electrical notation) C (Conservative) ED (editor, newsman)"} {"Clue":"Jockey sounding cheerful after constant sporting competition (5,3)","Answer":"RYDER CUP","Explanation":"Definition: sporting competition\nRYDER sounds like (sounding) \"rider\" (jockey) then UP (cheerful) following C (constant)"} {"Clue":"Understand cryptic paper spies peripherally translate (10)","Answer":"APPRECIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Understand\nanagram (cryptic) of PAPER then CIA (spies) and TranslatE (peripherally, outer letters of)"} {"Clue":"Girlfriend's first love letter repeated sentimentality (3)","Answer":"GOO","Explanation":"Definition: sentimentality\nGirlfriend (first letter of) then O (letter representing zero, love in tennis etc) twice"} {"Clue":"Country run alongside borders of wisteria (6)","Answer":"RWANDA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nR (run) followed by (alongside) W AND A (w and a are the border letters of WisteriA)"} {"Clue":"Record nearly every scrounger (5)","Answer":"ALBUM","Explanation":"Definition: Record\nALL (every) missing last letter (nearly) then BUM (scrounger)"} {"Clue":"Roving editor elect that might uncover stories (3,8)","Answer":"LIE DETECTOR","Explanation":"Definition: that might uncover stories\nanagram (roving) of EDITOR ELECT"} {"Clue":"Soon apart, stick's reassembled (2,3,5)","Answer":"IN TWO TICKS","Explanation":"Definition: Soon\nIN TWO (apart) then anagram (reassembled) of STICK"} {"Clue":"Words of Norma perhaps more 'eated, rising after party earlier (8)","Answer":"LIBRETTO","Explanation":"Definition: Words of Norma perhaps\n'OTTER (more 'eated) reversed (rising) following LIB (Liberal Party, earlier name for Liberal Democrats)"} {"Clue":"Fruit from acer seen around bark (3,5)","Answer":"MAY APPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nMAPLE (acer, tree) contains (seen around) YAP (bark) \u2013 fruit of the May Apple plant"} {"Clue":"It might be difficult to read server's initial stroke (6)","Answer":"SCRAWL","Explanation":"Definition: It might be difficult to read\nServer (first letter, initial) then CRAWL (stroke, swimming)"} {"Clue":"Loud warning of course: closing time (5)","Answer":"FORTE","Explanation":"Definition: Loud\nFORE (warning on golf course) contains (closing) T (time)"} {"Clue":"Periodically turns door to open (4)","Answer":"UNDO","Explanation":"Definition: to open\nevery other letter (periodically) of tUrNs DoOr"} {"Clue":"Smuggled group of seamen around Australia (3)","Answer":"RAN","Explanation":"Definition: Smuggled\nRN (Royal Navy, group of seamen) contains (around) A (Australia)"} {"Clue":"Fruit rock from England hawked in a Sydney market? (11)","Answer":"POMEGRANATE","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nsounds like \"pommy granite\", as an Australian hawker might describe rock from England"} {"Clue":"Is mardy every now and again (miserable) (3)","Answer":"SAD","Explanation":"Definition: miserable\nevery other letter (now and again) of iS mArDy"} {"Clue":"Major operatic work (5)","Answer":"NORMA","Explanation":"Definition: Major\ndouble definition \u2013 Lady Norma Major, long-suffering wife of Prime Minister John Major and opera by Puccini"} {"Clue":"Spar roughly with Chuck, making an offensive noise (9)","Answer":"RASPBERRY","Explanation":"Definition: an offensive noise\nanagram (roughly) of SPAR then BERRY (Chuck Berry, singer)"} {"Clue":"Exploding Nepal pipe grenade (9)","Answer":"PINEAPPLE","Explanation":"Definition: grenade\nanagram (exploding) of NEPAL PIPE"} {"Clue":"Liberal politician getting stuck into the beer (5)","Answer":"AMPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Liberal\nMP (politician) inside (getting stuck into) ALE (beer)"} {"Clue":"Absolutely anything in the Big Apple is sinful (7)","Answer":"NAUGHTY","Explanation":"Definition: sinful\nAUGHT (absolutely anything) inside NY (the Big Apple)"} {"Clue":"Murphy rejecting the Unionists' shilling (4)","Answer":"SPUD","Explanation":"Definition: Murphy\nDUP (Democratic Unionist Party) with S (shilling) all reversed (rejecting) \u2013 slang for potato"} {"Clue":"Suspect professor left university during the afternoon (4)","Answer":"PLUM","Explanation":"Definition: professor\nL (left) U (university) inside (during) PM (afternoon) \u2013 Professor Plum, one of the suspects in the board game Cluedo."} {"Clue":"Anton's to work on his to-do list, by the sound of it (7)","Answer":"CHEKHOV","Explanation":"Definition: Anton\nsounds like \"check off\" (work on to do list) \u2013 Russian writer Anton ~~Checkov~~ Checkhov"} {"Clue":"Chancellor Angela adopting vulnerable Indonesian resident (5)","Answer":"ORANG","Explanation":"Definition: vulnerable Indonesian resident\nfound inside (adopted by) chancellOR ANGela"} {"Clue":"Sniper shot poor mom hiding in tree (9)","Answer":"PERSIMMON","Explanation":"Definition: tree\nanagram (shot) of SNIPER contains (\u2026hiding) of anagram (poor) of MOM"} {"Clue":"Wind MP Nancy trapped? Here's a laxative (6,3)","Answer":"CASTOR OIL","Explanation":"Definition: a laxative\nCOIL (wind) contains (\u2026trapped) ASTOR (Nancy Astor, the first female MP)"} {"Clue":"Drink scrumpy regularly, dad? (5)","Answer":"CUPPA","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nevery other letter (regularly) of sCrUmPy then PA (dad)"} {"Clue":"Head teachers (3)","Answer":"NUT","Explanation":"Definition: Head\ndouble definition \u2013 National Union of Teachers"} {"Clue":"Hit by Little Richard (not Vanilla Ice) (5,6)","Answer":"TUTTI FRUTTI","Explanation":"Definition: Hit by Little Richard\ndouble definition \u2013 song title and ice cream flavour"} {"Clue":"Roast pork smell luring knight to be served at table? (4-4)","Answer":"PING PONG","Explanation":"Definition: served at table\nPIG (roast pork) PONG (smell) contains (luring) N (knight, chess notation)"} {"Clue":"I urge men to reform; to become sweet (8)","Answer":"MERINGUE","Explanation":"Definition: sweet\nanagram (to reform) of I URGE MEN"} {"Clue":"August: pruned climbing Virginia tree (5)","Answer":"GUAVA","Explanation":"Definition: tree\nAUGust (pruned, cut short) reversed (climbing) then VA (Virginia)"} {"Clue":"Waste away after American pot (7)","Answer":"ATROPHY","Explanation":"Definition: Waste away\nTROPHY (pot) following (after) A (American)"} {"Clue":"Boil contents of Arab's cesspit (7)","Answer":"ABSCESS","Explanation":"Definition: Boil\nfound inside (contents of) arAB'S CESSpit"} {"Clue":"A window of opportunity for the Gunners? (9)","Answer":"EMBRASURE","Explanation":"Definition: A window of opportunity for the Gunners\ncryptic definition \u2013 a window designed to fire a gun out of"} {"Clue":"Angel's turn of phrase (6)","Answer":"SERAPH","Explanation":"Definition: Angel\nanagram (turn) of PHRASE"} {"Clue":"English poet's humourless study (6)","Answer":"DRYDEN","Explanation":"Definition: English poet\nDRY (humourless) DEN (study)"} {"Clue":"No longer in charge, ichthyologist gets drunk \u2013 losing it; that's the spirit! (4,5)","Answer":"HOLY GHOST","Explanation":"Definition: the spirit\nanagram (gets drunk) of ICHTHYOLOGIST missing (no longer) IC (in charge) and missing (losing) IT"} {"Clue":"In which to plant little Tom's weed? (8)","Answer":"THUMBPOT","Explanation":"Definition: In which to plant\nTHUMB (Little Tom Thumb) then POT (weed)"} {"Clue":"Nag Elvis about Col Tom Parker? (8)","Answer":"SVENGALI","Explanation":"Definition: Col Tom Parker\nanagram (about) of NAG ELVIS \u2013 \"Colonel\" Tom Parker was the manager of Elvis Presley"} {"Clue":"Plans to serve up Spam rejected (4,3)","Answer":"MAPS OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Plans\nSPAM reversed (to serve up) then OUT (rejected)"} {"Clue":"My, I'll be getting upset about European composer (7)","Answer":"CORELLI","Explanation":"Definition: composer\nCOR (my) than anagram (getting upset) of I'LL containing E (European)"} {"Clue":"Couple told to sack one presenting large bill (6)","Answer":"TOUCAN","Explanation":"Definition: one presenting large bill\nTOU sounds like (told) \"two\" (couple) then CAN (sack, dismiss)"} {"Clue":"Dog gamble sucking in idiot (6)","Answer":"BASSET","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\nBET (gamble) contains (sucking in) ASS (idiot)"} {"Clue":"Cop upsetting leaders of Royal Ulster Constabulary (Northern Ireland) (5)","Answer":"INCUR","Explanation":"Definition: Cop\nfirst letters (leaders) of Royal Ulster Constabulary Northern Ireland all reversed (upsetting)"} {"Clue":"An arc, as if tan \u2014 um? This is very cryptic! (1,6,7,2,2,2,6)","Answer":"A RIDDLE WRAPPED UP IN AN ENIGMA","Explanation":"Definition: This is very cryptic\n\"an arc as if tan um\" can be written as \"an arc(a sift)anum\", or in other words A RIDDLE (sift) WRAPPED UP IN (inside) AN ENIGMA (an arcanum) \u2013 phew!"} {"Clue":"Boy reportedly on bridge \u2014 checked (10)","Answer":"CRISSCROSS","Explanation":"Definition: checked\nCRISS sounds like (reportedly) \"chris\" (a boy) then CROSS (bridge)"} {"Clue":"Buzz of social drinking? (6)","Answer":"ALDRIN","Explanation":"Definition: Buzz\nfound inside sociAL DRINking \u2013 Buzz Aldrin, astronaut"} {"Clue":"Over-the-top material fellow observed by playing charades (9)","Answer":"HEADSCARF","Explanation":"Definition: Over-the-top material\nF (fellow) following (observed by) anagram (playing) of CHARADES \u2013 some material over the top of the head"} {"Clue":"Copper like a writer? (5)","Answer":"PENNY","Explanation":"Definition: Copper\npenny might be like a pen (writer)"} {"Clue":"One eaten by cannibal, due to ordering human takeaway? (5,9)","Answer":"ALIEN ABDUCTION","Explanation":"Definition: human takeaway\nI (one) inside anagram (ordering) of CANNIBAL DUE TO"} {"Clue":"Comic admits funny intro beaten (4,4)","Answer":"DRUM ROLL","Explanation":"Definition: intro beaten\nDROLL (comic) contains (admits) RUM (funny)"} {"Clue":"Becoming rotten, though not in the middle \u2014 an old cracker? (6)","Answer":"TURING","Explanation":"Definition: an old cracker\nTURnING (becoming rotten) missing middle letter \u2013 Alan Turing, cracker of the Enigma code"} {"Clue":"Powdered substance in blossom on tree, we hear? (5,5)","Answer":"PLAIN FLOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Powdered substance\nsounds like (we hear) \"plane flower\" (blossom on a plane tree)"} {"Clue":"Murder: one covered up by Corleone, say? (2,2)","Answer":"DO IN","Explanation":"Definition: Murder\nI (one) inside (covered up by) DON (Don Corleone say)"} {"Clue":"Untruth about alcoholic drink \u2014 it's non-alcoholic (7)","Answer":"LIMEADE","Explanation":"Definition: i\nLIE (untruth) contains (about) MEAD (alcoholic drink)"} {"Clue":"My house accommodates an unknown knave (2,5)","Answer":"BY JINGO","Explanation":"Definition: My\nBINGO (house, numbers game)contains (accommodates) Y (an unknown) J (jack, knave)"} {"Clue":"Disgust dealing with lentil, say? (7)","Answer":"REPULSE","Explanation":"Definition: Disgust\nRE (regarding, dealing with) PULSE (lentil say)"} {"Clue":"Currency turning up around capital in Iraq? (5)","Answer":"DINAR","Explanation":"Definition: Currency turning up around capital in Iraq\nRAND (currency) reversed (turning up) contains (around) first letter of (capital in) Iraq \u2013 the Dinar is the currency of Iraq"} {"Clue":"Brief party outside the Church houses (7)","Answer":"LACONIC","Explanation":"Definition: Brief\nCON (Conservative, political party) inside (\u2026houses) LAIC (outside the church)"} {"Clue":"Breakfast item, more premature (6)","Answer":"RASHER","Explanation":"Definition: Breakfast item\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Relevant page on internet refreshed (9)","Answer":"PERTINENT","Explanation":"Definition: Relevant\nP (page) on anagram (refreshed) of INTERNET"} {"Clue":"Since given time to plug rise of celebrity, film pioneer (7)","Answer":"EASTMAN","Explanation":"Definition: film pioneer\nAS (since) with T (time) inside (to plug) NAME (celebrity) reversed (rise of) \u2013 founder of the Eastman Kodak company"} {"Clue":"Lesser eminence not entirely describing perfect maverick in poet (7,6)","Answer":"HILAIRE BELLOC","Explanation":"Definition: poet\nHILLOCk (lesser eminence, not entirely) contains (describing) AI (perfect) REBEL (maverick)"} {"Clue":"Fantastic wall with inscription of mark in concrete (9)","Answer":"DREAMLIKE","Explanation":"Definition: Fantastic\nDIKE (wall) containing (with inscription of, \u2026written inside) M (mark) inside REAL (concrete)"} {"Clue":"Femme fatale lovelier, not very hideous (7)","Answer":"LORELEI","Explanation":"Definition: Femme fatale\nanagram (hideous) of LOvLIER missing V (very) \u2013 character from German literature accused of bewitching men"} {"Clue":"Just say before unloading lorry (7)","Answer":"UTTERLY","Explanation":"Definition: Just\nUTTER then LorrY (unloading, with no contents)"} {"Clue":"Old writing, sound from pen? (7)","Answer":"OINKING","Explanation":"Definition: sound from pen\nO (old) INKING (writing) \u2013 sound from a pig pen"} {"Clue":"Cap in deference then certainly lifted \u2014 like this? (6)","Answer":"DOFFED","Explanation":"Definition: like this\nfirst letter (cap) of Deference then DEFFO (certainly, slang) reversed (lifted)"} {"Clue":"More than one spoke Russian and Arabic originally: 502? (5)","Answer":"RADII","Explanation":"Definition: More than one spoke\nfirst letters (originally) of Russian and Arabic then DII (502 in Roman numerals)"} {"Clue":"Like a blimp, is held goofy, wacky (11)","Answer":"OLD-FOGEYISH","Explanation":"Definition: Like a blimp\nanagram (wacky) of IS HELD GOOFY"} {"Clue":"Albion recreated, with a king in residence, Balmoral-style? (8)","Answer":"BARONIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Balmoral-style\nanagram (recreated) containing (with\u2026in residence) A R (rex, king)"} {"Clue":"Herb, ?rst of row planted in the earth (5)","Answer":"CLARY","Explanation":"Definition: Herb\nRow (first letter of) inside CLAY (the earth)"} {"Clue":"Lord going over year, as is proper (4)","Answer":"DULY","Explanation":"Definition: proper\nLUD (lord) reversed (going over) then Y (year) \u2013 proper can be used informally as an adverb"} {"Clue":"Fish caught by rafter thrown back where rafter has fun? (6)","Answer":"RAPIDS","Explanation":"Definition: where rafter has fun\nID (fish) inside (caught by) SPAR (rafter) reversed (thrown back)"} {"Clue":"Cheese dairymaid sent back as approved (6)","Answer":"OKAYED","Explanation":"Definition: as approved\nOKA (cheese) then DEY (dairymaid) reversed (sent back)"} {"Clue":"A chap to treat to a meal? Fragrant candle required (8)","Answer":"AMANDINE","Explanation":"Definition: Fragrant candle\nA MAN (chap) then DINE (to treat to a meal)"} {"Clue":"Bairn's sudden illness \u2013 maybe he's caught a touch of urosis (4)","Answer":"TOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Bairn's sudden illness\nTOT (he, a bairn) contains (has caught) Urosis (first letter, a touch of) \u2013 bairn's\u2026 indicates that the word is Scots"} {"Clue":"Sea bream to stew slowly (6)","Answer":"BRAISE","Explanation":"Definition: Sea bream\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Queen, as a precaution (one might suppose) seen in helmet (6)","Answer":"CASQUE","Explanation":"Definition: helmet\nQU in CASE (queen in case, as a precaution)"} {"Clue":"Place where Trump holds sway \u2013 positive? (4)","Answer":"PLUS","Explanation":"Definition: positive\nPL (place) then US (where Trump holds sway)"} {"Clue":"Caul goes ?oppy as waterproof wear (8)","Answer":"CAGOULES","Explanation":"Definition: waterproof wear\nanagram (floppy) of CAUL GOES"} {"Clue":"Summit round volcano, once head's blown, in brief period of dormancy (6)","Answer":"CATNAP","Explanation":"Definition: brief period of dormancy\nCAP (summit) contains (round) eTNA (volcano) missing first letter (once head's blown)"} {"Clue":"Troops active in plain? Number not seen there (6)","Answer":"ALPINI","Explanation":"Definition: Troops\nanagram (active) of IN PLAIn missing N (number)"} {"Clue":"Surrounded by help accepting little money (4)","Answer":"AMID","Explanation":"Definition: Surrounded by\nAID (help) contains (accepting) M (money, little=abbreviation)"} {"Clue":"Farm worker with a trapped foot (5)","Answer":"PAEON","Explanation":"Definition: foot\nPEON (farm worker) containing (with\u2026trapped) A"} {"Clue":"Frolic with difficulty just after lively dance (8)","Answer":"RIGADOON","Explanation":"Definition: lively dance\nRIG (frolic) with ADO (difficulty) ON (just after)"} {"Clue":"Crone falling out with mother: one may sound alarm (11)","Answer":"CHRONOMETER","Explanation":"Definition: one may sound alarm\nanagram (falling out) of CRONE with MOTHER \u2013 an alarm clock perhaps"} {"Clue":"To accompany wordlessly, one's joining in quite uplifted (4)","Answer":"LA-LA","Explanation":"Definition: To accompany wordlessly\nA (one) inside (joining in) ALL (quite) reversed (uplifted)"} {"Clue":"Once satisfied, given a boost, exercise suspended animation (8)","Answer":"DIAPAUSE","Explanation":"Definition: suspended animation\nAPAID (satisfied, once=obsolete) reversed (given a boost, sent up) then USE (exercise)"} {"Clue":"Filler by the ton included to bulk out stronghold (6)","Answer":"FORINT","Explanation":"Definition: Filler by the ton\nIN (included, as an addition or inclusion) inside (to bulk out) FORT (stronghold) \u2013 1 forint is 100 filler, Hungarian currency"} {"Clue":"Business in Athens, so new (5)","Answer":"ERGON","Explanation":"Definition: Business in Athens\nERGO (so) N (new)"} {"Clue":"It may accommodate NY-ers, OK? (7)","Answer":"YONKERS","Explanation":"Definition: t may accommodate NY\nit (the solution) is an anagram of (may accommodate the letters) NY-ERS OK \u2013 a district of New York"} {"Clue":"I must give way to muscle in major country conference (6)","Answer":"INDABA","Explanation":"Definition: conference\nINDiA (major country) with I being replaced by AB (muscle)"} {"Clue":"Unit of currency increasingly robust (5)","Answer":"HALER","Explanation":"Definition: Unit of currency\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"What some anglers may master, habit in brief (very) (11)","Answer":"FLY-DRESSING","Explanation":"Definition: What some anglers may master\nDRESS (habit) inside FLYING (very brief)"} {"Clue":"Nick and Jack may reveal you've won a prize (11)","Answer":"SCRATCHCARD","Explanation":"Definition: may reveal you've won a prize\nSCRATCH (nick) and CARD (Jack perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Makes one's bed among the dregs, dafter than the rest (8)","Answer":"SILLIEST","Explanation":"Definition: dafter than the rest\nLIES (makes one's bed) inside SILT (dregs)"} {"Clue":"Goat you won't see any more, young one having turned up on road, squashed (7)","Answer":"BUCARDO","Explanation":"Definition: Goat you won't see any more\nCUB (young one) reversed (having turned up) on anagram (squashed) of ROAD \u2013 an extinct species of goat"} {"Clue":"Half crazy with sign of plague around \u2013 zero cause of anxiety (7)","Answer":"BUGABOO","Explanation":"Definition: c\nGAga (crazy, half of) inside (with\u2026around) BUBO (sign of plague) then O (zero)"} {"Clue":"Another currency unit (one rand oddly with head of queen on)! (6)","Answer":"QINDAR","Explanation":"Definition: Another currency unit\nanagram (oddly) of I (one) RAND following (with\u2026on) Queen (first letter, head of)"} {"Clue":"To reach an intermediate stage, young pet was tucking in (6)","Answer":"PUPATE","Explanation":"Definition: To reach an intermediate stage\nPUP (young pet) then ATE (was tucking in)"} {"Clue":"Sexual frolic unending, I see (5)","Answer":"GAMIC","Explanation":"Definition: S\nGAMe (frolic, unending) then I C (see, name of letter)"} {"Clue":"Thrust stage? No amateur appears in one (5)","Answer":"APRON","Explanation":"Definition: Thrust stage\nPRO (no amateur) inside AN (one) \u2013 an area of a stage extending into the auditorium"} {"Clue":"Doze off before end of anecdote, point where it gets complicated (4)","Answer":"NODE","Explanation":"Definition: point where it gets complicated\nNOD (doze off) then anecdotE (end letter of) \u2013 a turning point in a story"} {"Clue":"Strong booze in pack partly emptied (7)","Answer":"SCRUMPY","Explanation":"Definition: Strong booze\nSCRUM (pack, rugby) then PartlY (emptied)"} {"Clue":"Cast informed (3,2,3,7)","Answer":"PUT IN THE PICTURE","Explanation":"Definition: Cast\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Order what you need to make friend? (7)","Answer":"MANDATE","Explanation":"Definition: Order\nMAN and a DATE (what you need to make a friend) *UPDATE \u2013 Tees kindly dropped in to give the intended (and better) parsing: M AND ATE is what you need to make MATE (friend)"} {"Clue":"Fruit without starter scoffed after good stretch (8)","Answer":"ELONGATE","Explanation":"Definition: stretch\nmELON (fruit, without starting letter) then ATE (scoffed) following G (good)"} {"Clue":"Drunken bride succeeded causing wreckage (6)","Answer":"DEBRIS","Explanation":"Definition: wreckage\nanagram (drunken) of BRIDE then S (succeeded)"} {"Clue":"Deal with trendy copper's potential howlers (5,5)","Answer":"TRADE WINDS","Explanation":"Definition: potential howlers\nTRADE (deal) W (with) IN (trendy) DS (detective sergeant, copper) *\u2013 or D'S (pennies, copper)"} {"Clue":"Down and dirty (4)","Answer":"BLUE","Explanation":"Definition: Down\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Answer page expressing criticism in post (9)","Answer":"APPOINTED","Explanation":"Definition: in\nA (answer) P (page) POINTED (expressing criticism)"} {"Clue":"Old impostor useless when speaking (4)","Answer":"IDOL","Explanation":"Definition: Old impostor\nsounds like (when speaking) IDLE (useless) \u2013 old means definition is obsolete"} {"Clue":"Something excellent in cocaine user's epitaph? (10)","Answer":"RIPSNORTER","Explanation":"Definition: Something excellent\nRIP (rest in peace) SNORTER (cocaine user)"} {"Clue":"Swimmer in location without current (6)","Answer":"PLAICE","Explanation":"Definition: Swimmer\nPLACE (location) contains (without) I (current, electrical symbol)"} {"Clue":"Diverted article leaving bottom exposed? (8)","Answer":"REROUTED","Explanation":"Definition: Diverted\nA (indefinite article) missing from REaR OUTED (bottom exposed)"} {"Clue":"Town regularly unlocked church for small sum (8)","Answer":"TWOPENCE","Explanation":"Definition: small sum\nToWn (regularly) OPEN (unlocked) CE (Church of England)"} {"Clue":"Dialect needing good English at all costs? (7)","Answer":"GEORDIE","Explanation":"Definition: Dialect\nOR DIE (at all costs, do or die) following (with, needing) G (good) E (English)"} {"Clue":"One certainly having legs to stretch forward on the ball (5,3)","Answer":"CRANE FLY","Explanation":"Definition: One certainly having legs\nCRANE (to stretch) on FLY (forward on the ball, rugby player) or possibly CRANE (to stretch forward) and FLY (on the ball, fashionable)"} {"Clue":"Submarine needs anti-rust treatment endlessly (8)","Answer":"UNDERSEA","Explanation":"Definition: Submarine\nUNDERSEAL (anti-rust treatment) missing last letter"} {"Clue":"Scotch, superior flavour mostly, drink not from bottles (3,1,4,2)","Answer":"PUT A STOP TO","Explanation":"Definition: Scotch\nU (superior) TASTe (flavour, mostly) inside (\u2026bottles) POP (drink) TO (not from)"} {"Clue":"Owed pounds in honourable affair (4)","Answer":"DUEL","Explanation":"Definition: honourable affair\nDUE (owed) L (pounds)"} {"Clue":"Fish pub served during harvest (6)","Answer":"MINNOW","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\nPUB (inn) inside (served during) MOW (harvest)"} {"Clue":"Riddles from two sons outside school (7)","Answer":"STRAINS","Explanation":"Definition: Riddles\nS S (sons, twice) contains (outside) TRAIN (school)"} {"Clue":"Publish charter again? (7)","Answer":"RELEASE","Explanation":"Definition: Publish\nRE-LEASE (charter again)"} {"Clue":"Acetamide mixture might be too thin (9)","Answer":"EMACIATED","Explanation":"Definition: too thin\nanagram (mixture) of ACETAMIDE"} {"Clue":"Compete in Lever business (10)","Answer":"ENTERPRISE","Explanation":"Definition: business\nENTER (compete in) then PRISE (lever)"} {"Clue":"Catastrophe as in stride being disrupted (8)","Answer":"DISASTER","Explanation":"Definition: Catastrophe\nAS inside anagram (disrupted) of STRIDE"} {"Clue":"Works caught on \u2014 sure success one concludes (8)","Answer":"CONCERTI","Explanation":"Definition: Works\nC (caught) ON then CERT (sure success) and finally I (one)"} {"Clue":"Men, splitting apart, strangely maintaining correspondence (3,4)","Answer":"PRO RATA","Explanation":"Definition: maintaining correspondence\nOR (men, other ranks) inside anagram (strangely) of APART"} {"Clue":"Flyer having arguments (7)","Answer":"SPARROW","Explanation":"Definition: Flyer\nSPAR (argument) ROW (argument)"} {"Clue":"European in sauna developed sickness (6)","Answer":"NAUSEA","Explanation":"Definition: sickness\nE (European) inside anagram (developed) of SAUNA"} {"Clue":"Get less following cut (4)","Answer":"ETCH","Explanation":"Definition: cut\nfETCH (get) missing F (following)"} {"Clue":"Order fairly traditional suit (6)","Answer":"SQUARE","Explanation":"Definition: Order\nquadruple definition"} {"Clue":"Best friend that works in, say, Cambridge track? (8)","Answer":"SHEEPDOG","Explanation":"Definition: Best friend that works\nSHEEP (a Cambridge say, breed) DOG (track) \u2013 a dog is a man's best friend"} {"Clue":"Weakened elbow a bat's clobbered (2,1,3,3)","Answer":"AT A LOW EBB","Explanation":"Definition: Weakened\nanagram (clobbered) of ELBOW A BAT"} {"Clue":"Welcome Shakespeare character books ignored (5)","Answer":"HELLO","Explanation":"Definition: Welcome\notHELLO (Shakespeare character) missing OT (old testament, books of the Bible)"} {"Clue":"Where to go to bag black US wolf (4)","Answer":"LOBO","Explanation":"Definition: US wolf\nLOO (toilet, where to go) contains (to bag) B (black)"} {"Clue":"Correct look captured by, not oddly, helluva table designer (10)","Answer":"MENDELEYEV","Explanation":"Definition: table designer\nMEND (correct) then EYE (look) inside (captured by) hElLuVa (missing odd letters) \u2013 creator of the Periodic Table"} {"Clue":"Assistant, right to cut opening backing, goes over beat? (7)","Answer":"PATROLS","Explanation":"Definition: goes over beat\nPA (assistant) then R (right) inside SLOT (opening) reversed (backing) \u2013 a policeman's beat"} {"Clue":"Former pre-euro currency okay \u2013 unlimited former pre-euro currency (6)","Answer":"MARKKA","Explanation":"Definition: former pre-euro currency\nMARK (former pre-euro currency) then oKAy (unlimited, no end letters) \u2013 from Finland"} {"Clue":"Prank captured in developed section of microfilm (6)","Answer":"FROLIC","Explanation":"Definition: Prank\nanagram (developed) of a section of miCROFILm"} {"Clue":"Issue on loan company followed by this author (7)","Answer":"OUTCOME","Explanation":"Definition: Issue\nOUT (on loan) (company) followed by CO ME (this author)"} {"Clue":"NCOs rest, interrupted by offensive (5,5)","Answer":"OTHER RANKS","Explanation":"Definition: NCOs\nOTHERS (rest) contains (interrupted by) RANK (offensive) \u2013 I wonder what happens to Privates. I'm not military chap, can anyone who has actually been there tell me if the terms NCOs and other ranks get used to mean the same thing?"} {"Clue":"Highly noted chap from western part of Scotland (4)","Answer":"ALTO","Explanation":"Definition: Highly noted chap\nfound inside (part of) scOTLAnd reversed (from western, right-to-left)"} {"Clue":"Foul water closet at last fixed in home improvements (5)","Answer":"DIRTY","Explanation":"Definition: Foul\nlast letters of wateR closeT inside DIY (home improvements)"} {"Clue":"Hero worshipper bearing cross when following a former emperor (9)","Answer":"ALEXANDER","Explanation":"Definition: former emperor\nLEANDER (he who worshipped Hero) containing X (a cross) all following A"} {"Clue":"Alcoholic liquid clergy brewed at home (8)","Answer":"GLYCERIN","Explanation":"Definition: Alcoholic liquid\nanagram (brewed) of CLERGY then IN (at home)"} {"Clue":"Chain two blokes together (6)","Answer":"ALBERT","Explanation":"Definition: Chain\nAL and BERT (two blokes together) \u2013 a watch chain"} {"Clue":"Seafood demand beset by concessions (8)","Answer":"SCALLOPS","Explanation":"Definition: Seafood\nCALL (demand) inside (beset by) SOPS (concessions)"} {"Clue":"Banal tour around capital (4,5)","Answer":"ULAN BATOR","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nanagram (around) of BANAL TOUR \u2013 capital of Mongolia apparently now spelled Ulaanbaatar, which I look forward to seeing in a puzzle someday"} {"Clue":"Additionally, waiter finally served up grub (4)","Answer":"ROOT","Explanation":"Definition: grub\nTOO (additionally) waiteR (final letter of) all reversed (served up)"} {"Clue":"Homelessness ultimately originated in house price increase (7)","Answer":"HOBODOM","Explanation":"Definition: Homelessness\noriginateD (last letter, ultimately) in HO (house) BOOM (price increase)"} {"Clue":"Cheer short girl that's half submerged in a river (10)","Answer":"EXHILARATE","Explanation":"Definition: Cheer\nHILARy (girl, short) and thAT (half of) inside (submerged in) EXE (river in Devon)"} {"Clue":"Pretty lass wants lacy napkin after a change of heart (5)","Answer":"DOLLY","Explanation":"Definition: Pretty lass\nDOiLY (lacy napkin) with middle letter (heart) changed from I to L"} {"Clue":"In top form, scored? (6)","Answer":"GROOVY","Explanation":"Definition: In top form\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Wobble, beginning to pass out in break (6)","Answer":"RECESS","Explanation":"Definition: break\npRECESS (wobble) missing Pass (beginning of)"} {"Clue":"The best cello \u2013 sorry it's broken (5-5)","Answer":"ROLLS ROYCE","Explanation":"Definition: The best\nanagram (it's broken) of CELLO SORRY"} {"Clue":"Instruction \u2013 raise mostly twisted shelf (9)","Answer":"KNOWLEDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Instruction\nWONKy (twisted, mostly) reversed (raise) then LEDGE (shelf)"} {"Clue":"Politician followed restraining order when upset (8)","Answer":"DEMOCRAT","Explanation":"Definition: Politician\nTRACED (followed) containing OM (Order of Merit) reversed (when upset) \u2013 *UPDATE: looks like there is a problem here as the solution contains TARCED reversed not TRACED"} {"Clue":"Bread and tea served on terrace, mostly (7)","Answer":"CHAPATI","Explanation":"Definition: Bread\nCHA (tea) on PATIo (terrace, mostly)"} {"Clue":"Men beginning to navigate into reef in islands (6)","Answer":"ORKNEY","Explanation":"Definition: islands\nOR (other ranks, men) Navigate (first letter, beginning) inside KEY (reef) \u2013 good to see someone get this right, Orkney is the name for the island group not the main island (which is called Mainland)"} {"Clue":"Weed over my back, making a big noise (3,3)","Answer":"TOP DOG","Explanation":"Definition: a big noise\nPOT (weed) reversed (over) then GOD (my, exclamation) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Badger runs repeatedly into grass (5)","Answer":"HARRY","Explanation":"Definition: B\nR R (runs, repeated) inside HAY (grass)"} {"Clue":"Challenge is too much for lobby (4)","Answer":"HALL","Explanation":"Definition: lobby\nfound inside (is too much for, contains these and other letters) cHALLenge"} {"Clue":"Youth leader and doctor in a state (6)","Answer":"CYMBAL","Explanation":"Youth (leading letter of) and MB (doctor) in CAL (California,a state)"} {"Clue":"Multi-coloured posh tool left out oddly (8)","Answer":"DULCIMER","Explanation":"anagram (oddly) of MULtI-ColouRED missing U (posh) TOOL"} {"Clue":"Deafening noise that's used on court (6)","Answer":"RACKET","Explanation":"Definition: Deafening noise\ndouble definition \u2013 forerunner of the Bassoon"} {"Clue":"At home, covered in wine (8)","Answer":"CLARINET","Explanation":"IN (at home) inside CLARET (wine)"} {"Clue":"Lemon cut and squeezed and acid turned out (8)","Answer":"MELODICA","Explanation":"anagram (squeezed?) of LEMOn (cut) then anagram (turned out) of ACID"} {"Clue":"Spot woman (6)","Answer":"ZITHER","Explanation":"ZIT (spot) HER (woman)"} {"Clue":"Clay instrument with top missing (4)","Answer":"LUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Clay\nfLUTE (instrument) missing top letter"} {"Clue":"Police hide-out (10)","Answer":"OPHICLEIDE","Explanation":"anagram (out) of POLICE HIDE \u2013 an early saxophone"} {"Clue":"Fine operation is off (10)","Answer":"FORTEPIANO","Explanation":"anagram (is off) of F (fine) and OPERATION"} {"Clue":"Not broken evenly (4)","Answer":"OBOE","Explanation":"ec=very other letter (evenly) of nOt BrOkEn"} {"Clue":"Attending afternoon dance, learner dropped off (6)","Answer":"ATABAL","Explanation":"AT (attending) A (afternoon) then BALL (dance) missing L (learner) \u2013 an African drum"} {"Clue":"Time that's good in French in capital (8)","Answer":"TROMBONE","Explanation":"T (time) with BON (good in French) in ROME (capital)"} {"Clue":"Strangely incommutable, but lacking tune (8)","Answer":"CIMBALOM","Explanation":"anagram (strangely) of InCOMMutABLe missing TUNE \u2013 a type of dulcimer"} {"Clue":"Live broadcast with the French (6)","Answer":"VIELLE","Explanation":"anagram (broadcast) of LIVE then LE (the, French) \u2013 a hurdy-gurdy"} {"Clue":"Homicide one's rejected (4,4)","Answer":"SIDE DRUM","Explanation":"something to do with MURDER I'S reversed?"} {"Clue":"Thanks to disheartened fighters (6)","Answer":"TABORS","Explanation":"TA (thanks) and ~~BOeRS (fighters in the Boer War?)~~ BOxeRS (fighters, disheartened)"} {"Clue":"Irish lass swallows a sweet (7)","Answer":"CARAMEL","Explanation":"Definition: sweet\nCARMEL (Irish girl) contains A"} {"Clue":"Camel hurt \u2013 treated ages after (4,5)","Answer":"MUCH LATER","Explanation":"Definition: ages after\nanagram (treated) of CAMEL HURT"} {"Clue":"Changes what happens at noon (6)","Answer":"AMENDS","Explanation":"AM ENDS at noon"} {"Clue":"Some rail guard brought up fruit (4)","Answer":"UGLI","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nfound inside raIL GUard reversed (brought up)"} {"Clue":"Vehicle left on offshore territory in Cumbria (8)","Answer":"CARLISLE","Explanation":"Definition: in Cumbria\nCAR (vehicle) L (left) on ISLE (offshore territory)"} {"Clue":"Chew a lot, swallowing quarter of the nuts (5)","Answer":"MUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: Chew\nMUCH (a lot) contains Nuts (one quarter of)"} {"Clue":"Pensioner (sapper) on Hebridean isle (7)","Answer":"RETIREE","Explanation":"Definition: Pensioner\nRE (Royal Engineer, sapper) then TIREE (Hebridean isle)"} {"Clue":"Non-believer, small commander, holding distressed pet (7)","Answer":"SCEPTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Non-believer\nS (small) CIC (commander) contains anagram (distressed) of PET"} {"Clue":"Duck inside, a ring's produced and she's married (7)","Answer":"SIGNORA","Explanation":"Definition: she's married\n~~I don't know the answer to this \u2013 LEONORA?~~ *anagram (produced) of O (zero, a duck) inside A RING'S"} {"Clue":"Explosion in oil rig, with mob in confusion (9)","Answer":"IMBROGLIO","Explanation":"Definition: confusion\nanagram (explosion in) of OIL RIG with MOB"} {"Clue":"Member with a turned up face getting payment for lawyer (5,3)","Answer":"LEGAL AID","Explanation":"Definition: payment for lawyer\nLEG (member) with DIAL (face) reversed (turned up)"} {"Clue":"Our near neighbour's girl (7)","Answer":"FRANCES","Explanation":"Definition: girl\nFRANCE'S (belong to the UK's near neighbour)"} {"Clue":"Apparently singular snack for teams (7)","Answer":"ELEVENS","Explanation":"Definition: teams\npostulated singular of \"elevenses\" (snacks)"} {"Clue":"Nectar from Welsh MP and Meter Maid (6)","Answer":"AMRITA","Explanation":"Definition: Nectar\nAM (Assembly Member, Welsh MP) then RITA (lovely Rita meter maid\u2026)"} {"Clue":"First-class waters are targeted (5)","Answer":"AIMED","Explanation":"Definition: targeted\nAI (A1, first class) then MED (waters)"} {"Clue":"Socially unacceptable marriage being over, I quit (3-1)","Answer":"NON-U","Explanation":"Definition: Socially unacceptable\nUNiON (marriage) reversed (being over) missing I"} {"Clue":"Meaty cut of Becks' fee arrangement he pocketed (4,6)","Answer":"BEEF CHEEKS","Explanation":"Definition: Meaty cut\nanagram (arrangement) of BECK'S FEE contains HE"} {"Clue":"Skip first course on the menu in the Groucho Club? (4,4)","Answer":"DUCK SOUP","Explanation":"Definition: on the menu in the Groucho Club\nDUCK (skip) then SOUP (first course) \u2013 film by (Groucho) Marx brothers"} {"Clue":"Taking in fluid, I'm given PG Tips one's heated on a 22? (7,3)","Answer":"SUCKING PIG","Explanation":"Definition: one's heated on a 22\nSUCKING (taking in fluid) then I inside (given\u2026tips, edges) PG"} {"Clue":"Leaves kid drunk outside pub, getting torn off a strip (7,5)","Answer":"SKINNED ALIVE","Explanation":"Definition: getting torn off a strip\nanagram (drunk) of LEAVES KID containing (outside) INN (pub)"} {"Clue":"9's skin product cured a conservative Republican in a difficult situation (5,4)","Answer":"BACON RIND","Explanation":"Definition: 9's skin product cured\nA CON (Conservative) R (republican) in BIND (a difficult situation)"} {"Clue":"Minor celebrities seen regularly in Bel Air street (1-4)","Answer":"B-LIST","Explanation":"Definition: Minor celebrities\nevery other letter (seen regularly) of BeL aIr then ST (street)"} {"Clue":"Israeli leader to complain about Ruth's mother-in-law (5)","Answer":"NAOMI","Explanation":"Definition: Ruth's mother-in-law\nIsraeli (leading letter of) MOAN (to complain) all reversed (about)"} {"Clue":"Secure accommodation of slippery individual caught in dramatic setting (5,4)","Answer":"STEEL CAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Secure accommodation\nELL (slippery individual) C (caught) inside STAGE (dramatic setting)"} {"Clue":"Spies PA leaving railway lavatory (6,6)","Answer":"SECRET AGENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Spies\nSECRETAry (PA) missing RY (railway) then GENTS (lavatory)"} {"Clue":"Fox skinned birds (4)","Answer":"EMUS","Explanation":"Definition: birds\nbEMUSe (fox) missing outside letters (skinned)"} {"Clue":"Fine sushi rolls quiet salesman sent back \u2013 it must have chips! (4,6)","Answer":"FISH SUPPER","Explanation":"Definition: it must have chips\nanagram (rolls) of F (fine) SUSHI then P (quiet) and REP (salesman) reversed (sent back)"} {"Clue":"Peck travels down piste back to front (4)","Answer":"KISS","Explanation":"Definition: Peck\nSKIS (travels down piste) back letter to the front"} {"Clue":"Case repelling our French novelist (10)","Answer":"CHESTERTON","Explanation":"Definition: novelist\nCHEST (case) then NOTRE (our, French) reversed (repelling)"} {"Clue":"Sing for money in coach heading for Kettering (4)","Answer":"BUSK","Explanation":"Definition: Sing for money\nBUS (coach) then Kettering (heading letter of)"} {"Clue":"Eat out, vomit, throwing up starter in restaurant (4)","Answer":"ETCH","Explanation":"Definition: Eat out\nrETCH (vomit) missing Restaurant (starting letter of)"} {"Clue":"P\u00e2t\u00e9 ingredient taken from bird I have throttled with both hands (7,5)","Answer":"CHICKEN LIVER","Explanation":"Definition: P\u00e2t\u00e9 ingredient\nCHICKEN (bird) then I'VE (I have) inside (throttled by) R and L (both hands)"} {"Clue":"Toast might have this to encourage (3,2)","Answer":"EGG ON","Explanation":"Definition: Toast might have this\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"One can cut through a tricky situation (5,4)","Answer":"KNIFE EDGE","Explanation":"Definition: One can cut through\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Ruling a no.1 criminally plagiarised (10)","Answer":"UNORIGINAL","Explanation":"Definition: plagiarised\nanagram (criminally) of RULING A NO I"} {"Clue":"Fashion accessories to draw those who sleep around (6,4)","Answer":"KIPPER TIES","Explanation":"Definition: Fashion accessories\nTIE (to draw) inside (with\u2026around) KIPPERS (those who sleep)"} {"Clue":"Leaves battle, muscle being torn (5,7)","Answer":"LAMB\u2019S LETTUCE","Explanation":"Definition: Leaves\nanagram (being torn) of BATTLE MUSCLE"} {"Clue":"Take bets on Wilder getting the chop (1-4,5)","Answer":"T-BONE STEAK","Explanation":"Definition: the chop\nanagram (wilder) of TAKE BETS ON"} {"Clue":"One in black suit? (3,2,5)","Answer":"ACE OF CLUBS","Explanation":"Definition: One in black suit\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Pep talks given thus, when at home? (2,7)","Answer":"IN SPANISH","Explanation":"Definition: Pep talks given thus, when at home\nhow Pep Guardiola (football manager) speaks when at home"} {"Clue":"Spirit shown by those putting English first (5)","Answer":"ETHOS","Explanation":"Definition: Spirit\nTHOSE with (E (English) first (moved to the start)"} {"Clue":"Second mine that's dug by spade? (4)","Answer":"SPIT","Explanation":"Definition: dug by spade\nS (second) PIT (mine)"} {"Clue":"Club serving up Japanese seaweed (4)","Answer":"IRON","Explanation":"Definition: Club\nNORI (Japanese seaweed) reversed (serving up)"} {"Clue":"Pacific islander, reverse of artless, I judge inly (6)","Answer":"FIJIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Pacific islander\nNAIF (artless) containing (\u2026inlies) I J (judge)"} {"Clue":"First to last in head covering, I'll appear courtly (5)","Answer":"AULIC","Explanation":"Definition: courtly\nCAUL (head covering) and I with first letter moved to last"} {"Clue":"Bruce going out with aunt in grand vessel (9)","Answer":"BUCENTAUR","Explanation":"Definition: grand vessel\nanagram (going out) of BRUCE with AUNT"} {"Clue":"Swear to cutting a quarter of food, having put most on? (6)","Answer":"ATTEST","Explanation":"Definition: Swear to\nfATTEST (having put most on) missing Food (first letter, one quarter of)"} {"Clue":"Family tree displaying system, matrilineal in part (6)","Answer":"STEMMA","Explanation":"Definition: Family tree\nfound inside sySTEM MAtrilineal"} {"Clue":"Member of seafaring folk who'll provide backing to look after you (3)","Answer":"KRU","Explanation":"Definition: Member of seafaring folk\nlast letter (backing to) of loK afteR yoU"} {"Clue":"Bumph? Boy drops letters regularly at the laird's house maybe (4)","Answer":"UPBY","Explanation":"Definition: at the laird's house maybe\nevery other letter of bUmPh BoY"} {"Clue":"Th e core earth's middle pens? Possibly (12)","Answer":"CENTROSPHERE","Explanation":"Definition: Th e core earth's middle pens? Possibly\nanagram (possibly) of THE CORE aeRth (middle of) and PENS"} {"Clue":"Exotic tree fellow sang to, transported (9)","Answer":"MANGOSTAN","Explanation":"Definition: Exotic tree\nMAN (fellow) then anagram (transported) of SANG TO"} {"Clue":"Mutual action (9)","Answer":"INTERPLAY","Explanation":"competition clue"} {"Clue":"Composer, one you'll associate with shades (4)","Answer":"ADES","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\nfound in shADES \u2013 Thomas Ades. I think I have this right, it seems a bit simple."} {"Clue":"Heart of lightning jagging back \u2013 unlimited maybe (3)","Answer":"NTH","Explanation":"Definition: unlimited maybe\nligHTNing (heart of) reversed (back)- I don't understand where jagging fits in"} {"Clue":"Something like Bovril I used to stuff carp? Send it back! (6)","Answer":"LIEBIG","Explanation":"Definition: Something like Bovril\nI (one) inside (used to stuff) GIBEL (carp) reversed (send it back)"} {"Clue":"Nasty spot that requires cutting with end of knife (6)","Answer":"SCRAPE","Explanation":"Definition: Nasty spot\nSCRAP (cutting) with knifE (end of)"} {"Clue":"Deadly shot from distance catching sleuth (9)","Answer":"MITRAILLE","Explanation":"Definition: Deadly shot\nMILE (distance) contains (catching) TRAIL (sleuth)"} {"Clue":"Old sleeveless jacket, e.g., worn (5)","Answer":"SAYON","Explanation":"Definition: Old sleeveless jacket\nSAY (eg) ON (worn)"} {"Clue":"Book of Bible readings once gave guidance, including short one therein (6)","Answer":"LEGEND","Explanation":"Definition: Book of Bible readings once\nLED (gave guidance) including (therein) GEN (short one?)"} {"Clue":"US eccentric, not English, in ?erce row (4)","Answer":"FLAK","Explanation":"Definition: ?erce row\nFLAKe (eccentric, US) missing E (English)"} {"Clue":"'I need tart badly,' the old begged (9)","Answer":"INTREATED","Explanation":"Definition: old begged\nanagram (badly) of I NEED TART"} {"Clue":"Giant barrel stored by playwright son scrapped (6)","Answer":"JOTUNN","Explanation":"Definition: Giant\nTUN (barrel) inside JONson (Ben Jonson playwright)"} {"Clue":"Wild goat having to live caged in square (4)","Answer":"IBEX","Explanation":"Definition: Wild goat\nBE (live) inside IX (9, a square number)"} {"Clue":"Malay is such a continental capturing American market (12)","Answer":"AUSTRONESIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Malay is such\nASIAN (a continental) contains US (American) TRONE (market)"} {"Clue":"Among others, one with gun withstanding adversity (9)","Answer":"RESISTENT","Explanation":"Definition: withstanding adversity\nREST (others) contains (among\u2026is\u2026) I (one) STEN (gun)"} {"Clue":"One of a mutually destructive pair splashed paint over item (12)","Answer":"ANTIPARTICLE","Explanation":"Definition: One of a mutually destructive pair\nanagram (spalshed) of PAINT on ARTICLE (item)"} {"Clue":"Aussie pick-up, silent, not mobile (3)","Answer":"UTE","Explanation":"Definition: Aussie pick-up\nmUTE (silent) missing M (mobile)"} {"Clue":"USA having abandoned Giuseppe's island years ago was illuminating (6)","Answer":"LAMPED","Explanation":"Definition: years ago was illuminating\nLAMPEDusa (island of Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa) missing USA"} {"Clue":"Trader from Cuba a ferry heading off wrecked (6)","Answer":"CRAYER","Explanation":"Definition: Trader\nC (cuba) then anagram (wrecked) of A fERRY (heading missing)"} {"Clue":"Chest pain, worsened a lot with cigs, advanced (9)","Answer":"COSTALGIA","Explanation":"Definition: Chest pain\nanagram (worsened) of A LOT with CIGS A (advanced)"} {"Clue":"Friend with script containing special songs (6)","Answer":"PSALMS","Explanation":"Definition: songs\nPAL (friend) with MS (manuscript) containing S (special)"} {"Clue":"Jock's not going under ladder, the young holding support up? (6)","Answer":"FREETY","Explanation":"Definition: Jock's not going under ladder\nFRY (the young) contains TEE (support) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Myth about riding horse in ancestry of old (6)","Answer":"LINAGE","Explanation":"Definition: ancestry of old\nLIE (myth) contains NAG (riding horse)"} {"Clue":"Desert features some in passage range over (4)","Answer":"AREG","Explanation":"Definition: Desert features\nfound reversed (over) in passaGE RAnge"} {"Clue":"Husband before termination, gracious as before (4)","Answer":"HEND","Explanation":"Definition: gracious as before\nH (husband) then END (termination)"} {"Clue":"World looking up? It's close to Taffy's heart (3)","Answer":"BRO","Explanation":"Definition: It's close to Taffy's heart\nORB (world) reversed (looking up) \u2013 Taffy denotes Welsh"} {"Clue":"Urban-dweller's private during relationship (6)","Answer":"TOWNIE","Explanation":"Definition: Urban-dweller\nOWN (private) inside TIE (relationship)"} {"Clue":"Exclusive group of people governing stylish private hospital (8)","Answer":"CLINIQUE","Explanation":"Definition: private hospital\nCLIQUE (exclusive group of people) contains (governing) IN (stylish)"} {"Clue":"Stir partly created by one Kawasaki doing a U-turn (6)","Answer":"AWAKEN","Explanation":"Definition: Stir\nfound inside (partly created by) oNE KAWAsaki reversed (doing a u-turn)"} {"Clue":"Like a particular sausage link chopped into four quarters (8)","Answer":"SKINLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Like a particular sausage\nanagram (chopped) of LINK in S E S S (four quarters, of the compass)"} {"Clue":"Take action against unknown in mid-50s, the centre of a crisis (4)","Answer":"SUEZ","Explanation":"Definition: in mid-50s, the centre of a crisis\nSUE (take action against) then Z (an unknown quantity)"} {"Clue":"Group of people trace books on criminal (10)","Answer":"CONTINGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Group of people\nTINGE (trace) NT (books, of The Bible) following (on) CON (criminal)"} {"Clue":"Elvis favourite? A tune played in empty pub, say (6,6)","Answer":"PEANUT BUTTER","Explanation":"Definition: Elvis favourite\nanagram (played) of A TUNE inside PuB (empty) then UTTER (say) \u2013 see fried peanut butter, bacon and banana sandwich"} {"Clue":"English actor moving centre stage, finally, to make an impression (7,5)","Answer":"TERENCE STAMP","Explanation":"Definition: English actor\nanagram (moving) of CENTRE stagE (finally) then STAMP (make an impression) STAMP"} {"Clue":"Toss-up just before tea, then next cricket event starts (4,6)","Answer":"EVEN CHANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Toss-up\nEVEN (just) then CHA (tea) and starting letters of Next Cricket Event"} {"Clue":"Ornamental stone jars dear with fifty percent off (4)","Answer":"JADE","Explanation":"Definition: Ornamental stone\nJArs DEar missing 50%"} {"Clue":"Amount of energy left over, playing football perhaps in Scottish outfit (8)","Answer":"KILOVOLT","Explanation":"Definition: Amount of energy\nL (left) O (over) V (versus, playing) O (something round, a football perhaps) inside KILT (Scottish outfit) \u2013 an measure of potential difference, technically not quite the same thing as energy but close enough for a word puzzle"} {"Clue":"Laugh loudly, gorging stuffed prawns in essence repeatedly (6)","Answer":"GUFFAW","Explanation":"Definition: Laugh loudly\nmiddle letters (essence) of gorGing stUFFed prAWns"} {"Clue":"Type of sugar daughter passed on to recycle store (8)","Answer":"DEXTROSE","Explanation":"Definition: Type of sugar\nD (daughter) EX (died, passed on) then anagram (to recycle) of STORE"} {"Clue":"Olympic venue to be completed within two years, son recalled (6)","Answer":"SYDNEY","Explanation":"Definition: Olympic venue\nEND (to be completed) inside Y Y (year, twice) S (son) all reversed (recalled)"} {"Clue":"Some of church, having time, organised Harvest Festival season? (8)","Answer":"TRANSEPT","Explanation":"Definition: Some of church\nT (time) RAN (organised) SEPT (September, harvest festival season)"} {"Clue":"Robust male tucking into pasty needs salt (8)","Answer":"WHALEMAN","Explanation":"Definition: salt\nHALE (robust) M (male) inside WAN (pasty) \u2013 a salt is a sailor"} {"Clue":"Regularly nibbled by goat (4)","Answer":"IBEX","Explanation":"Definition: goat\nnIbBlEd (every other letter, regularly) then X (by, multiplication)"} {"Clue":"Barking at Cecil, akita wants large amount of water (4,8)","Answer":"LAKE TITICACA","Explanation":"Definition: large amount of water\nanagram (barking, mad) of AT CECIL AKITA"} {"Clue":"Plain-spoken, unfinished sonnet twice broadcast (2-8)","Answer":"NO-NONSENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Plain-spoken\nanagram (broadcast) of SONNEt SONNEt (unfinished, twice)"} {"Clue":"Maybe member of crocodile viewable by all in unusual environment (6)","Answer":"QUEUER","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe member of crocodile\nU (viewable by all) inside (in\u2026environment) QUEER (unusual)"} {"Clue":"Fake European art's strangely variable (6)","Answer":"ERSATZ","Explanation":"Definition: Fake\nE (European) and anagram (strangely) of ART'S then Z (variable, in equations)"} {"Clue":"Errors serving large drink terribly fast inhibiting university student (6,6)","Answer":"DOUBLE FAULTS","Explanation":"Definition: Errors serving\nDOUBLE (large drink) then anagram (terribly) of FAST containing (inhibiting) U (university) L (learner, student)"} {"Clue":"Bedding, light, and the rest, taken through Channel port (5,5)","Answer":"DUVET COVER","Explanation":"Definition: Bedding\nUV (light) ETC (and the rest) inside (taken through) DOVER (channel port)"} {"Clue":"Air soldier with Forces getting in fuel (8)","Answer":"PARAFFIN","Explanation":"Definition: fuel\nPARA (air soldier) with F F (force, twice) and IN"} {"Clue":"Swerve to maintain intense turning \u2013 in this sport? (8)","Answer":"SPEEDWAY","Explanation":"Definition: this sport\nSWAY (swerve) contains (to maintain) DEEP (intense) reversed (turning)"} {"Clue":"Having seen cuckoo, Edward behaved like a twitcher? (6)","Answer":"JERKED","Explanation":"Definition: behaved like a twitcher\nJERK (cuckoo ?) ED (Edward) \u2013 I'm not 100% sure about this. Cuckoo and Jerk don't suggest the same thing to me. One implies mad, the other contemptible."} {"Clue":"Bent sports official on side of Liverpool once (6)","Answer":"REFLEX","Explanation":"Definition: Bent\nREF (sports official) on LiverpooL (side of, either one) and EX (once)"} {"Clue":"Discussed crucial landing-place (4)","Answer":"QUAY","Explanation":"Definition: landing-place\nsounds like (discussed) \"key\" (crucial)"} {"Clue":"One enforcing law from on high set free by doctor (7)","Answer":"MOUNTIE","Explanation":"Definition: One enforcing law from on high\nUNTIE (set free) following (by) MO (Medical Officer, doctor) \u2013 on high, on a horse"} {"Clue":"Yellow knife seen regularly against dish (7,4)","Answer":"CHICKEN KIEV","Explanation":"Definition: dish\nCHICKEN (yellow) then KnIfE (seen regularly) and V (versus, against)"} {"Clue":"Turn back to discuss tackle (4)","Answer":"SKIT","Explanation":"Definition: Turn\ndiscusS (back, last letter) then KIT (tackle) \u2013 a turn on stage"} {"Clue":"Further behind horse, a bridle (9)","Answer":"HACKAMORE","Explanation":"Definition: bridle\nMORE (further) follows HACK (horse) A"} {"Clue":"Head of monastery housed by token primate (5)","Answer":"CHIMP","Explanation":"Definition: primate\nMonastery (first letter, head of) inside CHIP (token)"} {"Clue":"Again, check on Jack's mate? (8)","Answer":"REASSESS","Explanation":"Definition: Again, check\nRE (regarding, on) then ASS-ESS (a female ass, mate of a Jack ass)"} {"Clue":"Warm pieces reversed (4)","Answer":"SNUG","Explanation":"Definition: Warm\nGUNS (pieces) reversed"} {"Clue":"Appliance \u2014 of ice pack in bra? (5,7)","Answer":"CHEST FREEZER","Explanation":"Definition: Appliance\ndefinition\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Testament very recently penned by setter, appropriate thing to say (3,5)","Answer":"MOT JUSTE","Explanation":"Definition: appropriate thing to say\nOT (old testament) JUST (very recently) inside (penned by) ME (the setter)"} {"Clue":"Pain in the neck, a don wants to batter molecular biologists (5,3,6)","Answer":"CRICK AND WATSON","Explanation":"Definition: molecular biologists\nCRICK (pain in the neck) then anagram (to batter) of A DON WANTS"} {"Clue":"Club welcoming in king after retreat \u2014 like King Mark (7)","Answer":"CORNISH","Explanation":"Definition: like King Mark\nCOSH (club) contains IN R (rex, king) reversed (after retreat) \u2013 King Mark of Cornwall, uncle of Tristan and husband of Iseult"} {"Clue":"Seen nightly, a performance apart from this? (8,4)","Answer":"ANYTHING ELSE","Explanation":"Definition: apart from this\nanagram (performance) of SEEN NIGHTLY A"} {"Clue":"Barbarian passing round rugby posts in game (8)","Answer":"PHEASANT","Explanation":"Definition: game\nPEASANT (barbarian) contains (passing round) H (rugby posts)"} {"Clue":"End of the month coming up, give up (4)","Answer":"CEDE","Explanation":"Definition: give up\nthE (end letter of) then DEC (December, the coming month) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Layers from jazz great, first and last two missed (9)","Answer":"CARPETERS","Explanation":"Definition: Layers\nosCAR PETERSon (jazz great) missing first and last two letters"} {"Clue":"Showing willingness within small firm? (3-2)","Answer":"CAN DO","Explanation":"Definition: Showing willingness\nthe letters C AND O make \"co\" (company, a small firm) \u2013 *also: AND (with\u2026) \u2026in CO (small firm) thanks to sugarbutties @13 for this"} {"Clue":"Broadcasting polemicist, white knave hit screens (5,4)","Answer":"SHOCK JOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Broadcasting polemicist\nhock (white, wine) J (Jack, knave) inside (screened by) SOCK (hit)"} {"Clue":"One of a pair held aloft, as a fisherman might? (8)","Answer":"CASTANET","Explanation":"Definition: One of a pair held aloft\na fisherman might CAST A NET"} {"Clue":"Cheese pieces under flipped eggs (8,6)","Answer":"STINKING BISHOP","Explanation":"Definition: Cheese\nKING BISHOP (chess pieces) following (under) NITS (eggs) reversed (flipped)"} {"Clue":"Finds book (6)","Answer":"JUDGES","Explanation":"Definition: Finds\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Blasted thing, clergyman reportedly on crack (6-4)","Answer":"CANNON-SHOT","Explanation":"Definition: Blasted thing\nCANNON sounds like (reportedly) \"canon\" (clergyman) then SHOT (crack, have a go at)"} {"Clue":"A heart of white rose hollowed out \u2014 Yorkshire flower (4)","Answer":"AIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Yorkshire flower\nA then whIte (heart, middle letter of) and RosE (hollowed out) \u2013 the River Aire, something that flows"} {"Clue":"Look after worker with short fat animal (7)","Answer":"BEEFALO","Explanation":"Definition: animal\nLO (look) follows (after) BEE (worker bee) with FAt (short)"} {"Clue":"Boys touring navy docks (5)","Answer":"LANDS","Explanation":"Definition: docks\nLADS contains (touring, going round) N (navy)"} {"Clue":"Extremely tense noise (4)","Answer":"TOOT","Explanation":"Definition: noise\nTOO (extremely) T (tense)"} {"Clue":"A theologian is with a couple of graduates in capital city (5,5)","Answer":"ADDIS ABABA","Explanation":"Definition: capital city\nA DD (Doctor of Divinity, theologian) IS with A BA (graduate, twice)"} {"Clue":"Nervous runner times his running (8)","Answer":"SKITTISH","Explanation":"Definition: Nervous\nSKI (runner) T T (time, plural so twice) then anagram (running) of HIS"} {"Clue":"Second piece moving left to right (6)","Answer":"SILVER","Explanation":"Definition: Second\nSLIVER (piece) moving L (left) one place to he right"} {"Clue":"Relax after Charlie leaves English comedian? (4)","Answer":"HILL","Explanation":"Definition: English comedian\ncHILL (relax) after removing C (charlie) \u2013 Harry Hill"} {"Clue":"Composition of note pig thief returned (5)","Answer":"MOTET","Explanation":"Definition: Co\nTE (note, of the scale) and TOM (pig thief) \u2013 Tom, Tom the Piper's son, stole a pig and away he ran\u2026"} {"Clue":"Makes money from Cabernet Sauvignon (4)","Answer":"NETS","Explanation":"Definition: Makes money\nfound inside caberNET Sauvignon"} {"Clue":"Varieties of African bread found in Bahamas (6)","Answer":"BRANDS","Explanation":"Definition: Varieties\nRAND (African bread, money) inside BS (Bahamas)"} {"Clue":"Lacking independence those kids arranged places to work flexibly (3,5)","Answer":"HOT DESKS","Explanation":"Definition: to work flexibly\nanagram (arranged) of THOSE KiDS missing I (independence)"} {"Clue":"Stew brother has for part of breakfast? (4,6)","Answer":"HASH BROWNS","Explanation":"Definition: part of breakfast\nHASH (stew) BR (brother) OWNS (has)"} {"Clue":"Small round sweet with hole (4)","Answer":"DROP","Explanation":"Definition: Small round sweet\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Gem of a joke by pious person (5)","Answer":"STONE","Explanation":"Definition: Gem\nONE (a joke, have you heard the one about\u2026) following ST (saint, pious person)"} {"Clue":"Deranged bloke holds one small dagger (7)","Answer":"OBELISK","Explanation":"Definition: dagger\nanagram (deranged) of BLOKE contains I (one) S (small)"} {"Clue":"Head off in top health after training for sporting event (10)","Answer":"HEPTATHLON","Explanation":"Definition: sporting event\nanagram (after training) of iN (missing top letter) and TOP HEALTH"} {"Clue":"Kairos is sadly upset with seasoned food (6)","Answer":"SALAMI","Explanation":"Definition: seasoned food\nI'M (Kairos is) ALAS (sadly) all reversed (upset)"} {"Clue":"Benevolent group of creatures in Dr Who (4)","Answer":"GOOD","Explanation":"Definition: Benevolent\nG (~~group~~) *(group of)* then OOD (creatures in Dr Who)"} {"Clue":"Home counties in secret compact (5-3)","Answer":"CLOSE-SET","Explanation":"Definition: c\nSE (the Home Counties) inside CLOSET (secret)"} {"Clue":"Handle head on the phone (4)","Answer":"KNOB","Explanation":"Definition: Handle\nsounds like (on the phone) \"nob\" (head)"} {"Clue":"Parts of blackbird in stream (5)","Answer":"BROOK","Explanation":"Definition: stream\nB (black) ROOK (bird) \u2013 \"parts of\" indicates that blackbird has to be treated in parts: black and bird"} {"Clue":"Bust-up over extra underlying theme (7)","Answer":"SUBTEXT","Explanation":"Definition: underlying theme\nanagram (up) of BUST then EXT (extra)"} {"Clue":"Add lines to plan (5)","Answer":"HATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Add lines to\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Sell iodine prepared as a preservative (7,3)","Answer":"LINSEED OIL","Explanation":"Definition: a preservative\nanagram (prepared) of SELL IODINE"} {"Clue":"Raids in Mediterranean island reported (7)","Answer":"INROADS","Explanation":"Definition: Raids\nIN ROADS sounds like (reported) \"Rhodes\" (Mediterranean island)"} {"Clue":"Short run on TV omitting province's woes (8)","Answer":"MISERIES","Explanation":"Definition: woes\nMIniSERIES (short run on TV) missing NI (northern Ireland, province)"} {"Clue":"One who tries assorted treats (6)","Answer":"TASTER","Explanation":"Definition: One who tries\nanagram (assorted) of TREATS"} {"Clue":"Criticise return of head man (5)","Answer":"KNOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Criticise\nCONK (head) reversed (return) then K (king, chess man)"} {"Clue":"It goes round and round in dance (4)","Answer":"HOOP","Explanation":"Definition: It goes round\nO (something round) in HOP (dance)"} {"Clue":"Cultivate Dutch Elm? (4)","Answer":"WOOD","Explanation":"Definition: Elm\nWOO (cultivate) D (Dutch)"} {"Clue":"Lion tamer was happiness to a T (3,7)","Answer":"JOY ADAMSON","Explanation":"Definition: Lion tamer\nJOY (happiness) then (to) A DAMSON (T, tree) \u2013 author and naturalist, raised an orphaned lion cub"} {"Clue":"Reduction for the present time (4)","Answer":"XMAS","Explanation":"Definition: Reduction for the present time\ncryptic definition \u2013 abbreviation (reduction) for Christmas (the present giving time)"} {"Clue":"American soldiers search cash machine containing T (6,4)","Answer":"COMBAT TEAM","Explanation":"Definition: American soldiers\nCOMB (search) ATM (cash machine) contains TEA (tree)"} {"Clue":"IT product is tiring sleepy heads and dreamers (9)","Answer":"IDEALISTS","Explanation":"Definition: sleepy heads and dreamers\nI then DEAL (wood, tree product) ~~LISTS (is tiring)~~ IS then first letters (heads) of Tiring Sleepy"} {"Clue":"Impressing with security feature of note (12)","Answer":"WATERMARKING","Explanation":"Definition: Impressing with security feature of note\ncryptic definition \u2013 a mark impressed into a banknote"} {"Clue":"Will failure be made into last gasp turnaround? (9)","Answer":"ADEMPTION","Explanation":"Definition: Will failure\nanagram (turnaround) of MADE INTO gasP (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Stops dependency short (5)","Answer":"COLON","Explanation":"Definition: Stops\nCOLONy (dependency, short) \u2013 : something made from two stops (periods for US solvers)"} {"Clue":"Welsh missionary sanctified in bloody fantasy (5)","Answer":"DYFAN","Explanation":"Definition: Welsh missionary sanctified\nfound inside blooDY FANtasy \u2013 Saint Dyfan, Welsh martyr"} {"Clue":"Final remains for playing darts surrounded by supporters (4,5)","Answer":"LAST DREGS","Explanation":"Definition: Final remains\nanagram (playing) of DARTS inside LEGS (supporters)"} {"Clue":"Send emergency signal ordering first-rate animal areas (5,2,5)","Answer":"RAISE AN ALARM","Explanation":"Definition: Send emergency signal\nanagram (ordering) of Rate (first letter of) and ANIMAL AREAS.\n I have read comments in the past that say \"first \u2026\" for a first letter is not permissible. Personally I have never understood the objection, it seems fine to me."} {"Clue":"Like leggy men? (4)","Answer":"ARMY","Explanation":"Definition: men\nARM-Y is like leg-gy, two words similar coined from limbs"} {"Clue":"Quality of duck calls from across the water overwhelm T on board (10)","Answer":"CRISPINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Quality of duck\nCRIS (~~US~~ French spelling of cries, calls from across the water) contains (overwhelm) PINE (T, tree) in SS (in a steam ship, on board) \u2013 Crispy Duck, favourite of the Chinese restaurant trade. ~~The US spelling is just a guess, this may be wrong~~."} {"Clue":"Skin from which spotted animal? (4)","Answer":"HIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Skin\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Essential to give up friends who lose their heads seeing communications (3,7)","Answer":"EYE SIGNALS","Explanation":"Definition: seeing communications\nkEY (essential) rESIGN (to give up) pALS (friends) all losing first letters (heads)"} {"Clue":"Woods' target is Nicklaus (4)","Answer":"JACK","Explanation":"Definition: Woods' target\ndouble definition \u2013 in Crown Green Bowling the \"woods\" are rolled towards the \"jack\""} {"Clue":"Leading yesterday's overland march proved an exhausting exercise (4)","Answer":"YOMP","Explanation":"Definition: an exhausting exercise\nleading letters of Yesterday Overland March Proved"} {"Clue":"Strictly, contestant should keep Gaff and T apart from princess (5,7)","Answer":"DIANA SPENCER","Explanation":"Definition: princess\nDANCER (Strictly contestant) contains (should keep) I (Gaff) and ASPEN (T, tree) apart means contained in separate places \u2013 Lady Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales"} {"Clue":"Could a reporter cover for a bishop? (5)","Answer":"MITRE","Explanation":"Definition: cover for a bishop\nsounds like (reporter, something reported) \"might a\" (could a)"} {"Clue":"Chews over T-junctions unopened outside (4,5)","Answer":"OPAL MINTS","Explanation":"Definition: Chews over\nPALM (T, tree) inside (with\u2026outside) jOINTS (junctions, unopened) \u2013 a former name (over) of Pacers, a now discontinued confectionery (chew) by Mars"} {"Clue":"Condition of dense backward T footballer (10)","Answer":"MIDFIELDER","Explanation":"Definition: footballer\nIF (condition of) DIM (being dense) reversed (backward) then ELDER (T, tree)"} {"Clue":"Degree to which trim needed adjusting in SS Gash for example (10)","Answer":"SHAGGINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Degree to which trim needed\nanagram (adjusting) IN SS GASH EG (for example) \u2013 how much you need a haircut"} {"Clue":"Maritime heroine with G&T eating crab hearts and fish (5,7)","Answer":"GRACE DARLING","Explanation":"Definition: Maritime heroine\nG & CEDAR (T, tree) contains (eating) cRAb (middle letters, hearts) then LING (fish)"} {"Clue":"BT open day? T for twaddle! (10)","Answer":"BALDERDASH","Explanation":"Definition: twaddle\nB ALDER (T, tree) D (day) ASH (T, tree)"} {"Clue":"Repeated statement from paper about FT editor (10)","Answer":"REAFFIRMED","Explanation":"Definition: Repeated statement\nREAM (paper measure) contains (about) F FIR (T, tree) then ED (editor)"} {"Clue":"Plomley in Donegal? (6,3)","Answer":"ISLAND ROY","Explanation":"Definition: in Donegal\nISLAND ROY might be a description of Roy Plomley, creator of Desert Island Disks \u2013 a place in Donegal"} {"Clue":"Chance a release during trial (4)","Answer":"BETA","Explanation":"Definition: release during trial\nBET (chance) A \u2013 a product release during beta-testing"} {"Clue":"Crew that wants to lead double existence (4)","Answer":"ISIS","Explanation":"Definition: Crew that wants to lead\n~~just a guess, this may well be wrong:~~ IS (existence, twice) ~~Islamic State, group that wants to lead~~ *the second crew of the University of Oxford Rowing Club, crew that wants to (cannot) lead"} {"Clue":"Withhold advance payment associated with land area (8)","Answer":"SUBTRACT","Explanation":"Definition: Withhold\nSUB (advance payment) with TRACT (land area)"} {"Clue":"Oddly themed wrapping around stale sweet (6)","Answer":"TOFFEE","Explanation":"Definition: sweet\nodd letters of ThEmEd contains (wrapping round) OFF (stale)"} {"Clue":"Recipes showing full fat evenly filling moulds (8)","Answer":"FORMULAS","Explanation":"Definition: Recipes\nfUlL fAt (evenly numbered letters of) inside FORMS (moulds)"} {"Clue":"Bow before English writer (6)","Answer":"STERNE","Explanation":"Definition: writer\nSTERN (something that has the bow before) then E (English)"} {"Clue":"Doctor Solomon perhaps mentioned these days? (5,3)","Answer":"SPACE AGE","Explanation":"Definition: these days?\nsounds like (mentioned) \"spay sage\" (doctor, Solomon perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Mysteriously, Turkish change about the old revolutionary guards (6)","Answer":"EERILY","Explanation":"Definition: Mysteriously\nLIRE (Turkish coins, change, plural of Lira) reversed (about) inside (\u2026guards) YE (the, old) reversed (revolutionary)"} {"Clue":"Galleon rebuilt in outskirts of local northern British town (10)","Answer":"LLANGOLLEN","Explanation":"Definition: British town\nanagram (rebuilt) of GALLEON inside LocaL (outskirts of) then N (northern)"} {"Clue":"Pleasing to sport trendy snip and trim (2,4,4)","Answer":"IN GOOD NICK","Explanation":"Definition: trim\nGOOD (pleasing) inside (to sport, wear) IN (trendy) NICK (snip)"} {"Clue":"Detectives barricading main road caught tart (6)","Answer":"ACIDIC","Explanation":"Definition: tart\nCID (detectives) inside (barricading, creating an obstruction inside, in the sense of barricading a road) AI (A1, main road) then C (caught)"} {"Clue":"Cycling your vehicle, going outside for effect (5,3)","Answer":"CARRY OUT","Explanation":"Definition: effect\nanagram (cycling) of YOUR inside (\u2026going outside) CART (vehicle)"} {"Clue":"Losing temperature, spread everything around dish (6)","Answer":"PAELLA","Explanation":"Definition: dish\nPAtE (spread) missing T (temperature) then ALL (everything) reversed (around)"} {"Clue":"OTT addiction not initially associated with rejected heroin (1,3,4)","Answer":"A BIT MUCH","Explanation":"Definition: OTT\nhABIT (addition, not initially)"} {"Clue":"Who'd agree no women should be in opposition? (3,3)","Answer":"YES MEN","Explanation":"Definition: Who'd agree\nthe opposite of YES MEN would be NO WOMEN"} {"Clue":"Old tools fixed holes in bottom of boat (8)","Answer":"NEOLITHS","Explanation":"Definition: Old tools\nanagram (fixed) of HOLES IN and boaT (bottom of)"} {"Clue":"One embroiled in terrible fuss over mass mystic belief (6)","Answer":"SUFISM","Explanation":"Definition: mystic belief\nI (one) inside (embroiled in) anagram (terrible) of FUSS on M (mass)"} {"Clue":"Treasure finally found in half- covered gold chest (6)","Answer":"BUREAU","Explanation":"Definition: chest\ntreasurE (final letter of) inside BURied (covered, half of) and AU (gold, element)"} {"Clue":"Confluence of three rivers that's astonishing (6)","Answer":"ROUSER","Explanation":"Definition: hat's astonishing\na joining (confluence) of R (river) OUSE (a river) and R (river) \u2013 something that astonishes"} {"Clue":"Substitute to stick close, tackling fit winger from Eire (10)","Answer":"CHANGELING","Explanation":"Definition: Substitute\nCLING (to stick close) contains (tackling) HAG (fit, of clothes) and eirE (winger, outside letter, either side will do)"} {"Clue":"John to be working thus? (2,3,3)","Answer":"ON THE JOB","Explanation":"Definition: thus\nanagram (to be working) of JOHN TO BE"} {"Clue":"Against one's will, fob Cyril off (8)","Answer":"FORCIBLY","Explanation":"Definition: Against one's will\nanagram (off) of FOB CYRIL"} {"Clue":"All that stored in a big mountain? No way (8)","Answer":"EVERYONE","Explanation":"Definition: All\nYON (that, that thing over there) inside (stored in) EVEREst missing ST (street, way)"} {"Clue":"Decode a single foreign dash (10)","Answer":"UNSCRAMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Decode\nUN (one, a single in French, foreign) then SCRAMBLE (dash)"} {"Clue":"Mike is lazy, disheartened about software being put to bad use? (8)","Answer":"MISAPPLY","Explanation":"Definition: put to bad use\nM (mike, phonetic alphabet) IS LazY (disheartened, no middle) contains (about) APP (software)"} {"Clue":"Extremely unnerving school punishment imposed on son, nasty character (8)","Answer":"UGLINESS","Explanation":"Definition: nasty character\nUnnervinG (extremely, outside letters) LINES (school punishment) then (imposed on) S (son)"} {"Clue":"Ordered ruddy fish to be served up for tea (5,3)","Answer":"ROSIE LEE","Explanation":"Definition: tea\nROSIE sounds like (when ordered verbally, as in a restaurant?) \"rosy\" (ruddy) then ELL (fish) reversed (served up) \u2013 Cockney rhyming slang"} {"Clue":"Frank, dry, on alcohol following vacation (6)","Answer":"BRUTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Frank\nBRUT (dry) on AlcohoL (following vacation, having been emptied)"} {"Clue":"Most of solvers are tense about good food (6)","Answer":"YOGURT","Explanation":"Definition: food\nYOU'Re (solvers are, most of) T (tense) contains (about) G (good)"} {"Clue":"Eats out, vomits, runs off (6)","Answer":"ETCHES","Explanation":"Definition: Eats out\nrETCHES (vomits) missing R (runs)"} {"Clue":"Musician, vocal practitioner taking in right dresser (13)","Answer":"ORCHESTRALIST","Explanation":"Definition: Musician\nORALIST (vocal practitioner) contains R (right) CHEST (dresser)"} {"Clue":"Goddess, entirely heroic (9)","Answer":"HERACLEAN","Explanation":"Definition: heroic\nHERA (goddess) CLEAN (entirely)"} {"Clue":"Old coin like this is round copper penny (5)","Answer":"SCUDO","Explanation":"Definition: Old coin\nSO (like this) contains (round) CU (copper) D (penny)"} {"Clue":"Lancastrian at heart, source in a stew (7)","Answer":"SCOUSER","Explanation":"Definition: Lancastrian at heart, source in a stew\nlancaStrian (middle letter, at heart) then anagram (in a stew) of SOURCE. the definition is &lit, scouse being a stew from East Lancashire (now Merseyside)"} {"Clue":"One served rotten breakfast Fido polished off? (6)","Answer":"CURATE","Explanation":"Definition: One served rotten breakfast\nCUR (a dog, Fido perhaps) ATE (polished off) \u2013 from the phrase \"a curate's egg\", one served a rotten egg for breakfast by his bishop"} {"Clue":"Vent not good at head of drain (5)","Answer":"UTTER","Explanation":"Definition: Vent\ngUTTTER (drain) missing G (good) as the start (head)"} {"Clue":"Wild Scottish gallop, breaking into charge (6)","Answer":"FERINE","Explanation":"Definition: Wild\nRIN (run Scottish, gallop) inside FEE (charge)"} {"Clue":"Lady paramour, love lost, set aside (6)","Answer":"SHELVE","Explanation":"Definition: set aside\nSHE (lady) LoVE (paramour) missing (lost) O (love)"} {"Clue":"Following girl around, confused group mostly showing lack of warmth (9)","Answer":"FLAMELESS","Explanation":"Definition: showing lack of warmth\nF (following) LASS (girl) contains (around) MELe (confused group, mostly)"} {"Clue":"it may give character at heart of m\u00eal\u00e9e a nasty hit (5)","Answer":"LATHI","Explanation":"Definition: it may give\nmeLee (character at the heart of) then A and anagram (nasty) of HIT \u2013 a policeman's stick, that may give the character a nasty hit"} {"Clue":"Being philanthropic follower, dye clothing (6)","Answer":"HUMANE","Explanation":"Definition: philanthropic\nMAN (follower) inside (with\u2026clothing) HUE (dye)"} {"Clue":"Vending machine: to the French salad staple (mostly) may be seen here (7)","Answer":"AUTOMAT","Explanation":"Definition: Vending machine\nAU (to the, French) then TOMATo (salad staple, mostly)"} {"Clue":"Some warm clothing in the old West, found in wigwam usually (5)","Answer":"WAMUS","Explanation":"Definition: Some warm clothing in the old West\nfound inside wigWAM USually"} {"Clue":"Hawk, not in its best form to withstand strong wind (9)","Answer":"STANDGALE","Explanation":"Definition: Hawk, not in its best form\nSTAND (to withstand) GALE (strong wind) \u2013 a corrupt form of staniel (a hawk)"} {"Clue":"Such as Amaryllis? She dresses unusually outside, being well up with fashions (13)","Answer":"SHEPHERDESSES","Explanation":"Definition: Such as Amaryllis\nanagram (unusually) of SHE DRESSES contains (outside) HEP (being well up with fashions)"} {"Clue":"King on silver coin the French shrink from as of old (6)","Answer":"RECULE","Explanation":"Definition: shrink from as of old\nR (rex, king) on ECU (silver coin) LE (the, French)"} {"Clue":"What produces wines with hints of redcurrant and 'legs' (5)","Answer":"CRURA","Explanation":"Definition: legs\nCRU (wines) with first letters (hints) of Redcurrant And"} {"Clue":"Poster posted inside seraglio for religious schools (7)","Answer":"HADARIM","Explanation":"Definition: religious schools\nAD (poster) inside HARIM (seraglio)"} {"Clue":"Killer one's escaped from, having greater dexterity (5)","Answer":"SLYER","Explanation":"Definition: having greater dexterity\nA (one) missing from SLaYER (killer)"} {"Clue":"Confused state before chaps set on what's left in Jock's estate? (11)","Answer":"TESTAMENTAR","Explanation":"Definition: on \nanagram (confused) of STATE then MEN (chaps) TAR (set on). It seems to me that \"on\" needs to be part of the definition to make it into an adjectival phrase, but it is also needed for TAR to be \"set on\" rather than \"set\""} {"Clue":"Hunting dog lives for a line of bones (6)","Answer":"RACHIS","Explanation":"Definition: a line of bones\nRACH (hunting dog) IS (lives)"} {"Clue":"Rustic garment when it's not cold (4)","Answer":"LOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Rustic\ncLOUT (garment) missing (when it has not) C (cold)"} {"Clue":"I love host street \u2013 drop in (6)","Answer":"INSTIL","Explanation":"Definition: drop in\nI NIL (love, zero score) contain (host) ST (street)"} {"Clue":"Sea's rising \u2013 hurry (5)","Answer":"SPEED","Explanation":"Definition: hurry\nDEEP'S (sea's) reversed (rising)"} {"Clue":"Oldie counsels: take grass planted in salt water up (8)","Answer":"ARREEDES","Explanation":"Definition: Oldie counsels\nR (recipe, take) REED (grass) inside SEA (salt water) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Confirmed villain setting food before Jude? (8)","Answer":"SCOFFLAW","Explanation":"Definition: Confirmed villain\nscoff (food) then LAW (Jude Law perhaps, actor)"} {"Clue":"Dubbing tapes of a kind recasting MSS page (7)","Answer":"SEPMAGS","Explanation":"Definition: Dubbing tapes of a kind\nanagram (recasting) of MSS PAGE"} {"Clue":"Irritate earl badly having to accept not drinking? (6)","Answer":"RATTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Irritate\nanagram (badly) of EARL containing TT (not drinking)"} {"Clue":"Product of purification \u2013 boost involving half of us (6)","Answer":"ELUATE","Explanation":"Definition: Product of purification\nELATE (boost) contains (involving) Us (half of)"} {"Clue":"Small vessel left in chosen location (6)","Answer":"VENULE","Explanation":"Definition: Small vessel\nL (left) inside VENUE (chosen location)"} {"Clue":"Music to comic's ears? Note opposite reaction (5)","Answer":"LAUGH","Explanation":"Definition: Music to comic's ears\nLA (note) and UGH (opposite reaction to a laugh)"} {"Clue":"Shame once cast contains reduced number (5)","Answer":"SHEND","Explanation":"Definition: Shame once\nSHED (cast) contains N (number, reduced indicates abbreviation)"} {"Clue":"Hyacinthine plant from America, protected by inverted bag (5)","Answer":"CAMAS","Explanation":"Definition: Hyacinthine plant\nAM. (America) inside (protected by) SAC (bag) reversed (inverted)"} {"Clue":"Sign of bad cough? Ring and stop work (4)","Answer":"HOOP","Explanation":"Definition: Sign of bad cough\ndouble definition and HO (stop) OP (opus, work)"} {"Clue":"Strictly speaking, FT when not abbreviated? (8,7)","Answer":"BALLROOM DANCING","Explanation":"Definition: Strictly\n~~I can't explain this. Something to do with *speak with ones feet*?~~ *F and T when spoken and not abbreviated are FOXTROT and TANGO, two ballroom dances. The names are from the phonetic alphabet used in radio communication."} {"Clue":"Take responsibility over angry putdown alienating daughter (3,2,2)","Answer":"OWN UP TO","Explanation":"Definition: Take responsibility\nO (over) then anagram (angry) of PUTdOWN missing (alienating) D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Marvel production featuring Magneto's ultimate elimination (7)","Answer":"REMOVAL","Explanation":"Definition: elimination\nanagram (production) of MARVEL contains magnetO (last letter, ultimate)"} {"Clue":"Send cycling headgear for the bishop! (5)","Answer":"MITRE","Explanation":"Definition: h\nREMIT (send) with the letters cycled"} {"Clue":"Maybe sprinter; or chaser, jumping the last at Aintree? (9)","Answer":"RACEHORSE","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe sprinter\nanagram (jumping) of OR CHASER then aintreE (the last letter)"} {"Clue":"Relapse, injecting a bit of laudanum into bottom (9)","Answer":"BACKSLIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Relapse\nLaudanum (first letter, a bit of) inside BACKSIDE (bottom)"} {"Clue":"France left the single currency, mademoiselle (5)","Answer":"FLEUR","Explanation":"Definition: mademoiselle\nF (France) L (left) EUR (euro, the single currency) \u2013 a French woman's name"} {"Clue":"Problem covered up by Gore\/ Bush? (5)","Answer":"REBUS","Explanation":"Definition: Problem\nfound inside goRE BUSh"} {"Clue":"Policeman fit to guard Yard's exclusive property (9)","Answer":"COPYRIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: exclusive property\nCOP (policeman) RIGHT (fit) contains (to guard) Y (yard)"} {"Clue":"Government criteria adapted in relation to senior citizens (9)","Answer":"GERIATRIC","Explanation":"Definition: in relation to senior citizens\nG (government) then anagram (adapted) of CRITERIA"} {"Clue":"African boy king is back (5)","Answer":"TUTSI","Explanation":"Definition: African\nTUT (king Tutankhamun) IS reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Leaves no-go area, endlessly troubled (7)","Answer":"OREGANO","Explanation":"Definition: Leaves\nanagram (troubled) of NO-GO AREa (endlessly)"} {"Clue":"Cocktail namer who gave us the Flaming Ferrari? (7)","Answer":"MOLOTOV","Explanation":"Definition: Cocktail namer\nThe Flaming Ferrari is a cocktail to be drunk alight. During WWII the Russian foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov claimed the bombing of Finnish territory was food aid. The bombs were dubbed \"Molotov's breadbaskets\" so the petrol-filled bottles became \"Molotov's cocktails\"."} {"Clue":"It helps writer to come to the point (6,9)","Answer":"PENCIL SHARPENER","Explanation":"Definition: I\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Virginia's set flowers put in ground to develop, taking week (10,5)","Answer":"BLOOMSBURY GROUP","Explanation":"Definition: Virginia's set\nBLOOMS (flowers) BURY (to put in ground) then GROw UP (to develop) missing (taking) W (week) \u2013 Virginia Woolf"} {"Clue":"The smallest room (new loft) advertised in Barking? (7)","Answer":"LUNATIC","Explanation":"Definition: Barking\nLU N ATIC sounds like (advertised) \"loo n attic\" \u2013 the smallest room, new, loft. Can anyone help out on how *advertised* indicates spoken or heard?"} {"Clue":"Crushes, squeezes olives after making extra virgin oil (9)","Answer":"REPRESSES","Explanation":"Definition: Crushes\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Oscar's gloomy hum (5)","Answer":"ODOUR","Explanation":"Definition: hum\nO (oscar, phonetic alphabet) DOUR (gloomy)"} {"Clue":"Knockdown compost? (4,5)","Answer":"DIRT CHEAP","Explanation":"Definition: Knockdown compost\ncryptic definition?"} {"Clue":"Spirited girl has my back in northern pub (5)","Answer":"NYMPH","Explanation":"Definition: Spirited girl\nMY reversed (back) in N (northern) PH (pub)"} {"Clue":"Contrary writing style of McGonagall? (7)","Answer":"INVERSE","Explanation":"Definition: Contrary\nMcGonagall wrote IN VERSE"} {"Clue":"Jason the bird collector? (6,9)","Answer":"GOLDEN RETRIEVER","Explanation":"Definition: Jason\ndouble cryptic definition \u2013 mythical character and gun dog"} {"Clue":"Take on debts having no interest? (9)","Answer":"INCURIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: having no interest\nINCUR (take on) IOUS (debts)"} {"Clue":"Evergreens split unfortunately, somewhere in the field (5,4)","Answer":"FIRST SLIP","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in the field\nFIRS (evergreens) than anagram (unfortunately) of SPLIT \u2013 a fielding position in cricket"} {"Clue":"Rudely enter boozer, loudly demanding gin (5,2)","Answer":"BARGE IN","Explanation":"Definition: Rudely enter\nBAR (boozer) then GEIN in this phrase sounds like (loudly demanding) \"gin\""} {"Clue":"Make love tonight raunchily, ecstasy-fuelled having ditched husband (3,2,2)","Answer":"GET IT ON","Explanation":"Definition: Make love\nanagram (raunchily) of TONIGhT containing (fuelled by) E (ecstasy) and missing H (husband)"} {"Clue":"Morning spent with Italy's foremost instrument maker (5)","Answer":"AMATI","Explanation":"Definition: instrument maker\nAM (morning) AT (spent with) Italy (first letter, foremost)"} {"Clue":"Minute interval caught before bullets getting fired back? (5)","Answer":"COMMA","Explanation":"Definition: Minute interval\nC (caught) then AMMO (bullets) reversed (getting fired back) \u2013 musical intervals"} {"Clue":"Seabird left mother when covered with hairy coat (6)","Answer":"FULMAR","Explanation":"Definition: Seabird\nL (left) MA (mother) inside FUR (hairy coat)"} {"Clue":"Party with gold cracker announced \u2013 a guest might activate it outside (8)","Answer":"DOORBELL","Explanation":"Definition: a guest might activate it outside\nDO (party) with OR (gold) BELL sounds like (announced) \"belle\" (a cracker)"} {"Clue":"Old writer mostly inside leaves alcoholic spirit (7)","Answer":"TEQUILA","Explanation":"Definition: alcoholic spirit\nQUILL (old writer) missing last letter (mostly) inside TEA (leaves)"} {"Clue":"Man goes to prison for drinking (4-3)","Answer":"TOBY JUG","Explanation":"Definition: for drinking\nTOBY (a man) with (goes to) JUG (prison)"} {"Clue":"Fleece jumper, the most common in Keswick? (4)","Answer":"ROOK","Explanation":"Definition: Fleece\nROO (kangaroo, something that jumps) then KeswicK (the most common letter in) \u2013 definition 'to swindle'"} {"Clue":"Plant-feeding insect ascended VW car (4,6)","Answer":"ROSE BEETLE","Explanation":"Definition: Plant-feeding insect\nROSE ascended BEETLE (VW car)"} {"Clue":"Soprano greeting academy member with unknown wine (6)","Answer":"SHIRAZ","Explanation":"Definition: wine\nS (soprano) HI (greeting) RA (Royal Academician) with Z (symbol representing an unknown quantity)"} {"Clue":"Inside skips, noticed tools (7)","Answer":"JIGSAWS","Explanation":"Definition: tools\ninside JIGS (skips) is SAW (noticed)"} {"Clue":"Regularly zealous on mountain, cross a group of countries (7)","Answer":"BENELUX","Explanation":"Definition: a group of countries\nzEaLoUs (regularly) following (on) BEN (a mountain) then X (a cross)"} {"Clue":"Heavenly body's attractiveness seen in middle of square (6)","Answer":"QUASAR","Explanation":"Definition: Heavenly body\nSA (sex appeal, attractiveness) inside sQUARe (middle of)"} {"Clue":"Father, turning over fruit in grass, became visible again (10)","Answer":"REAPPEARED","Explanation":"Definition: became visible again\nPA (father) reversed (turning over) PEAR (fruit) all inside REED (grass)"} {"Clue":"During training, sons call for attention (4)","Answer":"PSST","Explanation":"Definition: call for attention\nSS (son, twice) inside (during\u2026is\u2026) PT (training)"} {"Clue":"Blue short consumed by Mark before a dance (7)","Answer":"MAZURKA","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nAZURe (blue, short) inside MK (mark) then A"} {"Clue":"One creates list at home on RH side, given time off (7)","Answer":"INDEXER","Explanation":"Definition: One creates list\nIN (at home) then DEXtER (right-hand side) missing T (time)"} {"Clue":"Itinerant shocked by European footwear (4,4)","Answer":"DECK SHOE","Explanation":"Definition: footwear\nanagram (itinerant) of SHOCKED then E (european)"} {"Clue":"Tending to stick Heather in periphery of company (6)","Answer":"CLINGY","Explanation":"Definition: Tending to stick\nLING (heather) inside CompanY (periphery of)"} {"Clue":"One looks ahead, following posh traveller missing nothing (8)","Answer":"FUTURIST","Explanation":"Definition: One looks ahead\nF (following) U (posh) then ToURIST (traveller) missing O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Alcoholic drink by freezer that's used as a flavouring (9)","Answer":"LIQUORICE","Explanation":"Definition: a flavouring\nLIQUOR (alcoholic drink) by ICE (something that freezes)"} {"Clue":"Greedy Victor claiming benefit? On the contrary (4)","Answer":"AVID","Explanation":"Definition: Greedy\nAID (benefit) contains (claims) V (victor, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Awkward antihero being broadcast (2,3,3)","Answer":"ON THE AIR","Explanation":"Definition: being broadcast\nanagram (awkward) of ANTIHERO"} {"Clue":"One deletes type of music which The Beatles recorded (6,4)","Answer":"RUBBER SOUL","Explanation":"Definition: which The Beatles recorded\nRUBBER (one deletes) SOUL (type of music)"} {"Clue":"Imbecile deejay losing half computer equipment (5)","Answer":"EEJIT","Explanation":"Definition: Imbecile\ndEEJit (losing half its letters) then IT (computer equipment)"} {"Clue":"One occupied, among trees, fierce boxer without lead (6)","Answer":"LOGGER","Explanation":"Definition: One occupied, among trees\nsLOGGER (fierce boxer) missing first letter (without lead)"} {"Clue":"Own contracting business overcoming disruption (5)","Answer":"HAVOC","Explanation":"Definition: disruption\nHAVe (own, contracted) then CO (company, business) reversed (overcoming, coming over)"} {"Clue":"Resort to fighting, without hesitation, a supermarket that's dodgy (4,2,4)","Answer":"TAKE UP ARMS","Explanation":"Definition: Resort to fighting\nanagram (that's dodgy) of A SUPerMARKET missing ER (a hesitation)"} {"Clue":"Wife Tessa, confused, wrong about Old English dialect (4,5)","Answer":"WEST SAXON","Explanation":"Definition: Old English dialect\nW (wife) anagram (confused) of TESSA then X (wrong) ON (about)"} {"Clue":"Onward into the centre of fabulous African city (8)","Answer":"BULAWAYO","Explanation":"Definition: African city\naway (onward) inside (into) faBULOus (the centre of)"} {"Clue":"With customary practice, lines like a wordsmith can be created (8)","Answer":"WRITERLY","Explanation":"Definition: ike a wordsmith\nW (with) RITE (customary practice) RLY (railway, lines) \u2013 'can be created' is an instruction to the solver"} {"Clue":"Set up force in company of US agent (6)","Answer":"FRAMED","Explanation":"Definition: Set up\nRAM (force) inside (in company of) FED (US agent)"} {"Clue":"Old-fashioned tone of Private Eye in the main (5)","Answer":"SEPIA","Explanation":"Definition: Old-fashioned tone\nPI (private investigator, eye) in SEA (the main)"} {"Clue":"Extremists around north joining current soldier (5)","Answer":"ANZAC","Explanation":"Definition: soldier\nAZ (extremists, of hte alphabet) contain (around) N (north) then AC (current)"} {"Clue":"Pop star perhaps disliking work in auditorium (4)","Answer":"IDOL","Explanation":"Definition: Pop star\nsounds like (in auditorium) \"idle\" (disliking work)"} {"Clue":"Doctor Who includes ordinary lines and special craters (7)","Answer":"HOLLOWS","Explanation":"Definition: craters\nanagram (doctor) of WHO includes O (ordinary) LL (line, twice) then S (special)"} {"Clue":"Prepared food without recipe? That's wrong (7)","Answer":"CROOKED","Explanation":"Definition: wrong\nCOOKED (prepared food) contains (without) R (recipe)"} {"Clue":"Banker puts \u00a31 back into Tyneside (4)","Answer":"NILE","Explanation":"Definition: Banker\nIL (\u00a31) reversed (back) inside NE (the North East, Tyneside) \u2013 the River Nile, something that has banks"} {"Clue":"Openings to shorts held apart (10)","Answer":"THRESHOLDS","Explanation":"Definition: Openings\nanagram (apart) of SHORTS HELD"} {"Clue":"Woman rejects former partner's wing (6)","Answer":"ANNEXE","Explanation":"Definition: wing\nANNE (a woman) then EX (former partner) reversed (rejects)"} {"Clue":"Talked at rented building (8)","Answer":"NATTERED","Explanation":"Definition: Talked\nanagram (building) of AT RENTED"} {"Clue":"They liquidate lots of tea at home in three seconds (9)","Answer":"ASSASSINS","Explanation":"Definition: They liquidate\nASSAm (tea) unfinished (lots of the letters) then IN (at home) inside SSS (second, three of)"} {"Clue":"Husband's river dwelling (5)","Answer":"HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: dwelling\nH (husband) with OUSE (the River Ouse)"} {"Clue":"End of episode \u2014 a three-parter? (5)","Answer":"DEATH","Explanation":"Definition: End\nfound inside episoDE A THree-parter"} {"Clue":"Poor niece sure has hunger (9)","Answer":"ESURIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: hunger\nanagram (poor) of NIECE SURE"} {"Clue":"After surgery, confident 4's been removed on the other side (8)","Answer":"OPPOSITE","Explanation":"Definition: on the other side\nOP (operation, surgery) then POSITivE (confident) missing IV (4)"} {"Clue":"Easily beat old steeplechaser going the wrong way (6)","Answer":"MURDER","Explanation":"Definition: Easily beat\nRED RUM (old steeplechaser) reversed (going the wrong way)"} {"Clue":"At the start of a month, before bored doctor made out (10)","Answer":"DECIPHERED","Explanation":"Definition: made out\nDEC I (1st December, the start of a month) then ERE (before) inside (bored) PhD (doctor)"} {"Clue":"Tailless flying elephant? I'm speechless (4)","Answer":"DUMB","Explanation":"Definition: speechless\nDUMBo (flying elephant) missing last letter (tailless)"} {"Clue":"Shakespeare's slander? (7)","Answer":"ASPERSE","Explanation":"Definition: slander\nanagram (shake) SPEARE'S"} {"Clue":"Strong iron forged into 50 small coins (7)","Answer":"FLORINS","Explanation":"Definition: coins\nF (forte, strong) then anagram (forged) of IRON inside L (fifty) S (small)"} {"Clue":"Determines the position of in-store clobber (7)","Answer":"ORIENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Determines the position of\nanagram (clobber) of IN-STORE"} {"Clue":"Lord's story about expanding borders (5)","Answer":"LIEGE","Explanation":"Definition: Lord\nLIE (story) reversed (containing) ExpandinG (borders of)"} {"Clue":"See top of wig \u2014 it's on head (7)","Answer":"WITNESS","Explanation":"Definition: See\nWig (first letter, top of) then IT on NESS (head)"} {"Clue":"Struggle raising temperature on subsequent attempts (6)","Answer":"RESITS","Explanation":"Definition: subsequent attempts\nRESIST (struggle) with T (temperature) moved up the way (raising)"} {"Clue":"A stratospherically bad environmental issue? (5,4)","Answer":"OZONE HOLE","Explanation":"Definition: A stratospherically bad environmental issue\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Infinit? (7)","Answer":"ENDLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Infinit\ndefinition by example?"} {"Clue":"Tool ensuring sharp designs (7,6)","Answer":"PRUNING SHEARS","Explanation":"Definition: Tool\nanagram (designs) of ENSURING SHARP"} {"Clue":"God's first person in Australia gets English permit (9)","Answer":"AUTHORISE","Explanation":"Definition: permit\nTHOR (god) I (first person) inside AUS (Australia) and E (English)"} {"Clue":"Articulate former journalists (7)","Answer":"EXPRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Articulate\nEX (former) PRESS (journalists)"} {"Clue":"How to make me older? (7)","Answer":"REMODEL","Explanation":"Definition: How to make\nanagram (remodel, the solution) of ME OLDER"} {"Clue":"Sailor can jail band over onset of war (7)","Answer":"CREWMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Sailor\nCAN contains (jails) REM (band) containing (over) War (first letter, onset of)"} {"Clue":"When things go bump? (6)","Answer":"NIGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: When things go bump\nanagram (when\u2026go bump) of THINGS \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Two-way detection system (5)","Answer":"RADAR","Explanation":"Definition: detection system\na palindrome (two-way)"} {"Clue":"List of business information a lawyer withholds (6)","Answer":"AGENDA","Explanation":"Definition: List of business\nGEN (information) inside (\u2026withholds) A DA (lawyer)"} {"Clue":"A V-sign I flicked to get round bit of drug counselling (8)","Answer":"ADVISING","Explanation":"Definition: counselling\nanagram (flicked) of A V-SIGN I containing (to get round) Drug (first letter, a bit of)"} {"Clue":"Cost of crossing bridges? Going over river, and this! (5)","Answer":"TROLL","Explanation":"Definition: this\nTOLL (cost of crossing bridges) contains (going over) R (river) \u2013 in Norse mythology bridges are guarded by Trolls who expect payment"} {"Clue":"Vital European killers finally dispatched one gangster (9)","Answer":"ESSENTIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Vital\nE (European) killerS (last letter, finally) SENT (dispatched) I (one) AL (Al Capone, gangster)"} {"Clue":"Terrible issue with robot being thus? (10)","Answer":"BOISTEROUS","Explanation":"Definition: being thus?\nanagram (terrible) of ISSUE with ROBOT"} {"Clue":"Pieces of silicon hooped over end of bicycle pump? (4)","Answer":"SHOE","Explanation":"Definition: pump\nfirst letters (pieces) of Silicon Hopped Over then bicyclE (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"Vegetable drinks knocked back by a companion (7)","Answer":"SPINACH","Explanation":"Definition: Vegetable \nNIPS (drinks) reversed (knocked back) by A CH (companion of honour)"} {"Clue":"Ugly urban district close to Burnley, England (7)","Answer":"BLIGHTY","Explanation":"Definition: England\nBLIGHT (ugly urban district) then burnleY (closing letter of)"} {"Clue":"Problem with a craft going around island (7)","Answer":"SUMATRA","Explanation":"Definition: island\nSUM (problem) with A then ART (craft) reversed (going round)"} {"Clue":"Wealth is wonderful (7)","Answer":"CAPITAL","Explanation":"Definition: Wealth\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"It's a shame a girl will have bottom pinched (4)","Answer":"ALAS","Explanation":"Definition: It's a shame\nA LASs (girl) missing last letter (having bottom pinched)"} {"Clue":"Old drug dealer a hearty cop busted (10)","Answer":"APOTHECARY","Explanation":"Definition: Old drug dealer\nanagram (busted) of A HEARTY COP"} {"Clue":"Verbal communication one's used in Dutch classes? (9)","Answer":"DISCOURSE","Explanation":"Definition: Verbal communication\nI'S (one's) inside (used in) D (Dutch) COURSE (classes)"} {"Clue":"Famous Zulu war chant that soldier's leader starts (5)","Answer":"SHAKA","Explanation":"Definition: Famous Zulu\nHAKA (war chant) follows (that\u2026starts) Soldier (first letter, leader) \u2013 Shaka Zulu (1787-1828), influential Zulu monarch"} {"Clue":"Might one be seen in marijuana factory? (3,5)","Answer":"POT PLANT","Explanation":"Definition: Might one be seen in marijuana factory\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Hold second of parties with daughter in attendance (6)","Answer":"ADHERE","Explanation":"Definition: Hold\npArties (second letter of) with D (daughter) and HERE (in attendance)"} {"Clue":"Social worker and I live on drop of sherry and port (7)","Answer":"ANTIBES","Explanation":"Definition: port\nANT (social worker, a worker ant) and I BE (live) on Sherry (first letter, drop of)"} {"Clue":"I come and stir up stuff to get you going! (9)","Answer":"EROTICISM","Explanation":"Definition: stuff to get you going\nanagram (up) of I COME and STIR"} {"Clue":"It messes about with talented amateur (10)","Answer":"DILETTANTE","Explanation":"Definition: amateur\nanagram (messes about) of IT with TALENTED"} {"Clue":"Insult curt swine brought up creates upset (7)","Answer":"DISTURB","Explanation":"Definition: upset\nDIS (insult) then BTUTe (swine, curt=short) reversed (brought up)"} {"Clue":"Boozers at home with son around noon (4)","Answer":"INNS","Explanation":"Definition: Boozers\nIN (at home) with S (son) containing (around) N (noon)"} {"Clue":"Language teacher welcomed by greeting from Oz? (5)","Answer":"IRISH","Explanation":"Definition: Language\nSIR (teacher) inside (welcomed by) HI (greeting) all reversed (from Oz, travelling upwards, as on a map)"} {"Clue":"Royal to visit ship museum (7)","Answer":"GALLERY","Explanation":"Definition: museum\nR (royal) inside (to visit) GALLEY (ship)"} {"Clue":"Want curtains with bit of red lining? (6)","Answer":"DEARTH","Explanation":"Definition: Want\nDEATH (curtains) containing (with\u2026lining) Red (first letter, a bit of)"} {"Clue":"Ape did less monkeying around, being thus (10)","Answer":"DISPLEASED","Explanation":"Definition: being thus\nanagram (monkeying around) of APE DID LESS"} {"Clue":"Charts pirate had at sea (3,6)","Answer":"HIT PARADE","Explanation":"Definition: Charts\nanagram (at sea) of PIRATE HAD"} {"Clue":"Rise and wash (5,2)","Answer":"STAND UP","Explanation":"Definition: Rise\ndouble definition \u2013 it won't *wash\/stand up* both meaning it won't work"} {"Clue":"Hopeful to kick ultimately habit-forming drug (7)","Answer":"ASPIRIN","Explanation":"Definition: drug\nASPIRINg (hopeful) missing (to kick) habit-forminG (last letter, ultimately)"} {"Clue":"Ship's surgeon? (6)","Answer":"CUTTER","Explanation":"Definition: Ship\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Expose naked posterior of noblewoman, not duke (3,4)","Answer":"LAY BARE","Explanation":"Definition: Expose\nBARE (naked) following (posterior of) LAdY (noblewoman) missing D (duke)"} {"Clue":"A group covering bit of Something and Help! (5)","Answer":"ASSET","Explanation":"Definition: Help\nA SET (group) contains (covering) Something (first letter, a bit of)"} {"Clue":"Target flipping criminal, put head of OPEC inside! (4)","Answer":"GOAL","Explanation":"Definition: Target\nLAG (criminal) reversed) flipping) contains (putting\u2026inside) Opec (first letter, head of)"} {"Clue":"Former PM ousting difficult clergy (6)","Answer":"CHURCH","Explanation":"Definition: c\nCHURCHill (former PM) missing ill (difficult)"} {"Clue":"Cleverly hiding bungle, backing company (8)","Answer":"ASSEMBLY","Explanation":"Definition: company\nABLY (cleverly) contains (hiding) MESS (bungle) reversed (backing)"} {"Clue":"Very hot temperature \u2013 nasty for Cockneys (6)","Answer":"TORRID","Explanation":"Definition: Very hot\nT (temperature) then 'ORRID (horrid, Cockney)"} {"Clue":"Dress-wearing friend of Dorothy is to proceed enthusiastically (2,2,4)","Answer":"GO TO TOWN","Explanation":"Definition: to proceed enthusiastically\nTOTO (Dorothy's dog in The Wizard of Oz) wears GOWN (dress)"} {"Clue":"Johnson, perhaps through, cheats in speech on article (8)","Answer":"AVIATRIX","Explanation":"Definition: Johnson, perhaps\nVIA (through) TRIX sounds like (in speech) \"tricks\" (cheats) all following (on) A (indefinite article) \u2013 Amy Johnson"} {"Clue":"Tripper that is on a slowboat to China? (6)","Answer":"JUNKIE","Explanation":"Definition: Tripper\nIE (that is) follows (on) JUNK (a slow boat, in China)"} {"Clue":"Start to strip outfit in hoax (4)","Answer":"SKIT","Explanation":"Definition: hoax\nSkit (starting letter) then KIT (outfit)"} {"Clue":"Islands I witnessed when swimming (4,6)","Answer":"WEST INDIES","Explanation":"Definition: I\nanagram (when swimming) of I WITNESSED"} {"Clue":"E-print gifs encrypted as digital bits (10)","Answer":"FINGERTIPS","Explanation":"Definition: digital bits\nanagram (encrypted) of E PRINTS GIFS"} {"Clue":"Mark Antony's first to appear in finale of Julius Caesar, the film (4)","Answer":"SCAR","Explanation":"Definition: film\nC (mark, in an exam?) Anthony (first letter of) inside (to appear in) juliuS caesaR (last letters of, finale) \u2013 The Scar, US title for the film Hollow Triumph. I am less than fully convinced by this explanation."} {"Clue":"One cutting threads as a matter of principle (6)","Answer":"NUDIST","Explanation":"Definition: One cutting threads as a matter of principle\ncryptic definition \u2013 threads are clothes"} {"Clue":"Old composer and poet composed, eg Irish poetry at first (8)","Answer":"RESPIGHI","Explanation":"Definition: Old composer and poet\nanagram (composed) of EG IRISH and Poetry (first letter of) \u2013 was Respighi really a poet?"} {"Clue":"Capital fellow, an isolated sort on the outside (8)","Answer":"LONDONER","Explanation":"Definition: Capital fellow\nDON (fellow) inside (with\u2026on the outside) LONER (isolated sort). This explanation uses fellow twice, an unusual construction. Has anyone got any other ideas?"} {"Clue":"Model pressed by unit in factory, say (2-4)","Answer":"ON-SITE","Explanation":"Definition: in factory, say\nSIT (model) inside (pressed by) ONE (unit)"} {"Clue":"Shoot French writer once son becomes leader (6)","Answer":"SPROUT","Explanation":"Definition: Shoot\nPROUST (French writer) with S (son) moving to the front(becomes leader)"} {"Clue":"Girl going below hurt old sailor's arm (7)","Answer":"CUTLASS","Explanation":"Definition: old sailor's arm\nLASS (girl) underneath) CUT (hurt)"} {"Clue":"Former Soviet sulks off-and-on about Gulf republic head dropping two places (9)","Answer":"UKRAINIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Former Soviet\nUK iRAINIAN (about Iran, a Gulf republic) missing first letter (head off)"} {"Clue":"Borders of topaz adding feature on printed fabric (6)","Answer":"CHINTZ","Explanation":"Definition: printed fabric\nTopaZ (borders of) following (adding to) CHIN (a feature)"} {"Clue":"Badger female to host hotel display (4)","Answer":"SHOW","Explanation":"Definition: display\nSOW (badger, female) contains H (hotel)"} {"Clue":"Articulate English ruler heartlessly crushed by destiny (8)","Answer":"ELOQUENT","Explanation":"Definition: Articulate\nE QUeEN (ruler, heartlessly) inside (crushed by) LOT (destiny) LOT"} {"Clue":"Choke bishop with wrestling hold (5)","Answer":"BLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Choke\nB (bishop) with LOCK (wrestling hold)"} {"Clue":"Americans wise, according to police comms? (7)","Answer":"YANKEES","Explanation":"Definition: Americans\nA single YANKEE in is the radio communications code (according to police comms) for Y. Hence the plural of would be Ys (pronounced like wise)"} {"Clue":"Consort beheaded before Yard secures international disposal (7)","Answer":"LIBERTY","Explanation":"Definition: disposal\naLBERT (Prince Albert, consort, beheaded) and Y (yard) contains (secures) I (international)"} {"Clue":"Bung small-time policeman, but not chief (7)","Answer":"STOPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Bung\nS (small) T (time) cOPPER (policeman) missing first letter (chief)"} {"Clue":"Criminal coming into money, initially hiding false ID (9)","Answer":"INCOGNITO","Explanation":"Definition: false ID\nanagram (criminal) of COmING INTO missing (hiding) Money (first letter of, initially)"} {"Clue":"Lower form of IT-related outlets? (3,5)","Answer":"SEX SHOPS","Explanation":"Definition: Lower form of IT-related outlets?\ncryptic definition?"} {"Clue":"Group of bodies encircling a star? (3,4)","Answer":"FAN CLUB","Explanation":"Definition: Group of bodies encircling a star? \ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Plan to wear ripped clothing (7)","Answer":"RAIMENT","Explanation":"Definition: clothing\nAIM (plan) contains (to wear) RENT (ripped)"} {"Clue":"Disclose work on foreign article about Portugal (4,2)","Answer":"OPEN UP","Explanation":"Definition: Disclose\nOP (work) then UNE (one in French, foreign article) reversed (about) then P (Portugal)"} {"Clue":"River protected by London authority (5)","Answer":"DONAU","Explanation":"Definition: don au\nfound inside lonDON AUthority"} {"Clue":"Ring British Telecom's second and third line (4)","Answer":"BELL","Explanation":"Definition: Ring\nB (british) tELecom (second and third letter) then L (line)"} {"Clue":"Sidewalks fringing legendary mount and woodland shrub (10)","Answer":"PARKLEAVES","Explanation":"Definition: woodland shrub\nPAVES (sidewalks) contains (fringing) ARKLE (famous racehorse, legendary mount)"} {"Clue":"E.g a this, when played \u2026 does raga perhaps (5)","Answer":"SAROD","Explanation":"Definition: E.g a \nEG A SAROD (this, the solution) is an anagram (when played) of DOES RAGA \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Take against second half of spread (5)","Answer":"RECTO","Explanation":"Definition: second half of spread\nREC. (recipe, take) TO (against) \u2013 the right-hand page of a spread (a double page, printing)"} {"Clue":"Timber support back to front in places of worship (7)","Answer":"STEMPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Timber support\ntemples (places of worship) with letter at the back moved to the front"} {"Clue":"Meagre encouragement \u2013 only a bit of it \u2013 making one sick-looking (5)","Answer":"GREEN","Explanation":"Definition: sick-looking\nfound (inside only a bit of it) meaGRE ENcouragement"} {"Clue":"Instruments for cutting clinging weed (8)","Answer":"CLEAVERS","Explanation":"Definition: Instruments for cutting\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Macbeth's recurrent theme? His heart leads us into drama initially (5)","Answer":"BLUID","Explanation":"Definition: Macbeth's recurrent theme\nmacBeth (his heart, middle letter of) then first letters (initially) of Leads Us Into Drama"} {"Clue":"Recline where one often does? It's declared to be false (6)","Answer":"BELIED","Explanation":"Definition: declared to be false\nLIE IN BED (recline, where one often does)"} {"Clue":"Youngster devouring red bananas stuffed with bacon? (6)","Answer":"LARDED","Explanation":"Definition: stuffed with bacon\nLAD (youngster) contains (devouring) anagram (bananas) of RED"} {"Clue":"Green mineral: it's taken from mine to level (5)","Answer":"PRASE","Explanation":"Definition: Green mineral\nPit (mine) missing IT then RASE (level)"} {"Clue":"We'll be roused with naker for reveille? (7)","Answer":"WAKENER","Explanation":"Definition: reveille\nanagram (roused) of WE with NAKER"} {"Clue":"Food stuffed with strong flavour about to turn foul (8)","Answer":"STAGNATE","Explanation":"Definition: to turn foul\nEATS (food) contains (stuffed with) TANG (strong flavour) all reversed (about)"} {"Clue":"Reversal for monastic centre following end of faith in Asian capital (5)","Answer":"HANOI","Explanation":"Definition: Asian capital\nIONA (monastic centre) follows faitH (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"Cell may include this lout after breaking wine bottles (7)","Answer":"VOLUTIN","Explanation":"Definition: Cell may include this\nanagram (after breaking) of LOUT inside (\u2026bottles) VIN (wine)"} {"Clue":"Having clubs in charge, not good for the Aussies (5)","Answer":"ONCUS","Explanation":"Definition: not good for the Aussies\nC (clubs) inside ONUS (charge)"} {"Clue":"I etch transfers using industrial equipment (5)","Answer":"HI-TEC","Explanation":"Definition: using industrial equipment\nanagram (transfers) of I ETCH"} {"Clue":"French season in gallery put back private interviews (10)","Answer":"TETE-A-TETES","Explanation":"Definition: private \nETE (summer, French) inside TATE (gallery) then SET (put) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Bit of butter on some bread cut for scout (6)","Answer":"PATROL","Explanation":"Definition: scout\nPAT (bit of butter) on ROLL (some bread) missing last letter (cut)"} {"Clue":"Traveller from Indonesia going round ME sultanate (6)","Answer":"ROMANI","Explanation":"Definition: Traveller\nRI (Indonesia) contains (going round) OMAN (Middle East sultanate)"} {"Clue":"Titled chap holding everything up, an idle fellow (7)","Answer":"LOLLARD","Explanation":"Definition: an idle fellow\nLORD (titled chap) contains (holding) ALL (everything) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Snake climbing, right inside tree (5)","Answer":"ARGAN","Explanation":"Definition: tree\nNAGA (snake) reversed (climbing) contains (with\u2026inside) R (right)"} {"Clue":"Go left for The Falconers' Band (6)","Answer":"VERVEL","Explanation":"Definition: The Falconers' Band\nVERVE (go) L (left)"} {"Clue":"Diet no longer, getting stuck into Easter venison (6)","Answer":"STERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Diet no longer\nfound inside eaSTER VEnison"} {"Clue":"Opposed to team bar? Careful thought formerly required (12)","Answer":"CONSIDERANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Careful thought formerly\nCON (opposed to) SIDE (team) RANCE (bar)"} {"Clue":"All ready (one assumes) for anti-mozzy stuff (4)","Answer":"DEET","Explanation":"Definition: anti-mozzy stuff\nDEET is TEED reversed, or put another way TEED UP (all ready)"} {"Clue":"I'm anything but grand \u2013 with hole in it the pantie needs mending (8)","Answer":"PIANETTE","Explanation":"Definition: I'm anything but grand\nThE missing one of its letters (with hole in it) then anagram (needs mending) of PANTIE"} {"Clue":"Noun phrase: shortened form of it occurs in a peculiar talk (6)","Answer":"ACTANT","Explanation":"Definition: Noun phrase\n'T (it, shortened form) in A CANT (peculiar talk)"} {"Clue":"Repugnance I displayed in endless deference (6)","Answer":"DEGOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Repugnance\nEGO (I, Freud) inside DUTy (deference, endless)"} {"Clue":"Fortified retreat, separate, to leave when Queen's gone (6)","Answer":"REDUIT","Explanation":"Definition: Fortified retreat\nRED (separate) then qUIT (to leave) missing Q (queen)"} {"Clue":"Geological formation is scorching \u2013 I kept inside (6)","Answer":"SERIES","Explanation":"Definition: Geological formation\nSERES (is scorching) containing I"} {"Clue":"Cocktail ingredient man gives me when this (5)","Answer":"ANISE","Explanation":"Definition: Cocktail ingredient\nMAN gives ME when AN is E"} {"Clue":"Snow goose, like a whitecap? (4)","Answer":"WAVY","Explanation":"Definition: Snow goose\nWAVY is like a wave (whitecap)"} {"Clue":"Player taken off before victory against Germany (4-6)","Answer":"LEFT-WINGER","Explanation":"Definition: Player\nLEFT (taken off) then WIN (victory) with GER (Germany)"} {"Clue":"Start avoiding university money owed (4)","Answer":"DEBT","Explanation":"Definition: money owed\nDEBuT (start) missing U (university)"} {"Clue":"Empty pub close to collapse (4)","Answer":"BARE","Explanation":"Definition: Empty\nBAR (pub) then collapsE (closing letter of)"} {"Clue":"Calling for loud noises to disperse (10)","Answer":"PROFESSION","Explanation":"Definition: Calling\nPRO (for) F (forte, loud) then anagram (to disperse) of NOISES"} {"Clue":"Look good with Cockney woman (6)","Answer":"GANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Look\nG (good) AND (with) 'ER (her, woman for a Cockney)"} {"Clue":"Motivate men heading off before capturing US soldiers (8)","Answer":"ENERGISE","Explanation":"Definition: Motivate\nmEN (with heading off) then ERE (before) containing GI'S (US soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Urbane director receives an honour when retired (8)","Answer":"DEBONAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Urbane\nDIR (director) contains (receives) AN OBE (honour) reversed (when retired)"} {"Clue":"Host involved in popular mystery (4)","Answer":"ARMY","Explanation":"Definition: Host\nfound inside populAR MYstery"} {"Clue":"Cultural feature this writer duplicated (4)","Answer":"MEME","Explanation":"Definition: Cultural feature\nME (this writer) duplicated"} {"Clue":"I caught bird around small calves, perhaps (8)","Answer":"ICEBERGS","Explanation":"Definition: calves, perhaps\nI C (caught) then GREBE (bird) reversed (around) S (small)"} {"Clue":"Bird's to head-butt door (8)","Answer":"NUTHATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nNUT (head-butt) HATCH (door)"} {"Clue":"Thwart outlaw sailors reported (6)","Answer":"BANJAX","Explanation":"Definition: Thwart\nBAN (outlaw) then JAX sounds like (reported) \"jacks\" (sailors)"} {"Clue":"Neglected sheep attached to tether (10)","Answer":"RAMSHACKLE","Explanation":"Definition: Neglected\nRAM (sheep) with SHACKLE (tether)"} {"Clue":"Apart from head, fish is thrashing (4)","Answer":"ROUT","Explanation":"Definition: thrashing\ntROUT) fish) missing first letter (apart from head)"} {"Clue":"Large sin avoiding new tax (4)","Answer":"LEVY","Explanation":"Definition: tax\nL (large) then EnVY (sin) missing N (new)"} {"Clue":"Authoritarian marks a test wrong (10)","Answer":"TASKMASTER","Explanation":"Definition: Authoritarian\nanagram (wrong) of MARKS A TEST"} {"Clue":"Letter from Greek celebrity raised issue (7)","Answer":"EMANATE","Explanation":"Definition: issue\nETA (letter, from Greek) and NAME (celebrity) all reversed (raised)"} {"Clue":"Engineers puncturing little part of tyre (5)","Answer":"TREAD","Explanation":"Definition: part of tyre\nRE (Royal Engineers) inside (punctuating) TAD (little)"} {"Clue":"Supreme folkloric spirit of the skies with no leader (8)","Answer":"IMPERIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Supreme\nIMP (folkloric spirit) then aERIAL (of the skies, missing leading letter)"} {"Clue":"Girl chose to bake mixed vegetables (5,10)","Answer":"GLOBE ARTICHOKES","Explanation":"Definition: vegetables\nanagram (mixed) of GIRL CHOSE TO BAKE"} {"Clue":"Fish restricted by bloody wound (6)","Answer":"REELED","Explanation":"Definition: wound\nEEL (fish) inside (restricted by) RED (bloody)"} {"Clue":"Select dress, oddly, that is invaded by insect (9)","Answer":"DESIGNATE","Explanation":"Definition: Select\nDrEsS (oddly, every other letter) IE (that is) contains (invaded by) GNAT (insect)"} {"Clue":"Prosper as gang from the south admits defeat (7)","Answer":"BLOSSOM","Explanation":"Definition: Prosper\nMOB (gang) reversed (from the south, up the grid) contains LOSS (defeat)"} {"Clue":"Too eager a shot very botched (9)","Answer":"OVERHASTY","Explanation":"Definition: Too eager\nanagram (botched) of A SHOT VERY"} {"Clue":"Swimmer from south-east region acquiring bye (male) (3,5)","Answer":"SEA-BREAM","Explanation":"Definition: Swimmer\nSE (south-east) AREA (region) contains B (bye) then M (male)"} {"Clue":"Inform journalist you heard about alien uprising (7)","Answer":"EDUCATE","Explanation":"Definition: Inform\nED (editor, journalist) U sounds like (heard) \"you\" CA (circa, about) then ET (alien) reversed (uprising)"} {"Clue":"Turned up extract from Phoebe: Lunar Goddess \u2013 fine piece (7)","Answer":"GRANULE","Explanation":"Definition: fine piece\nfound inside (extract from) phoebE LUNAR Goddess reversed (turned up)"} {"Clue":"Begin cladding front of ugly house (6)","Answer":"STUART","Explanation":"Definition: house\nSTART (begin) contains (cladding) Ugly (starting letter of)"} {"Clue":"Rules indoors most regularly ignored (5)","Answer":"NORMS","Explanation":"Definition: Rules\nevery other letter (regularly ignored) of iNdOoRs MoSt"} {"Clue":"Got rid of jumper after a flipping emergency exit (4,4)","Answer":"FIRE DOOR","Explanation":"Definition: emergency exit\nFIRED (got rid of) then ROO (kangaroo, jumper) all reversed (after a flipping)"} {"Clue":"Release a foreign film featuring Peter Pan (6)","Answer":"UNHOOK","Explanation":"Definition: Release\nUN (A in French, foreign) then HOOK (film featuring Peter Pan)"} {"Clue":"One northerner's neckwear (6)","Answer":"ASCOTS","Explanation":"Definition: neckwear\nA (one) SCOT'S (northerner's) \u2013 plural of ascot, a type of tie"} {"Clue":"Those who very much like being married, sadly single (8)","Answer":"ADMIRERS","Explanation":"Definition: Those who very much like\nanagram (sadly) of MARRIED then S (single)"} {"Clue":"Cross over, right through openings of 7 (4)","Answer":"FORD","Explanation":"Definition: Cross\nO (over) R (right) inside (trough) first letters (openings) of Fourth Dimension"} {"Clue":"If letters were missing, this could be the fourth character of eight in a string (10)","Answer":"APOSTROPHE","Explanation":"Definition: If letters were missing, this could be the fourth character of eight in a string\nif POST (letters) were missing then ApostROPHE (this) could be the fourth character of eigHt in A ROPE (string) \u2013 definition is &lit. An apostrophe is something that indicates missing characters. It is a shame that the apostrophe in A'ROPHE is second in a string of 7 rather than fourth in a series of 8, but you can't have everything!"} {"Clue":"Quivering with delight due to funny tag line (7)","Answer":"ATINGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Quivering with delight\nanagram (funny) of TAG LINE"} {"Clue":"House number in guarantee, a provider of sole security (7)","Answer":"HOBNAIL","Explanation":"Definition: a provider of sole security\nHO (house) then N (number) inside BAIL (guarantee) \u2013 secures the sole of a boot"} {"Clue":"Republican 19 reportedly receives green money as payment (10)","Answer":"RECOMPENSE","Explanation":"Definition: money as payment\nR (republican) then M PENSE sounds like (reportedly) \"M Pence\" (Mike Pence, Vice President) contains (receives) ECO (green). ~~I guess \"reportedly\" is intended to indicate a homophone for VP, but it seems to work perfectly well without it as far as I can see.~~"} {"Clue":"5p's about equivalent to what 12 was once (4)","Answer":"VEEP","Explanation":"Definition: what 12 was once\nV (5) then PEE (the letter P) reversed (about) \u2013 Gerald Ford (12) was once the Vice President (veep) of the United States"} {"Clue":"More usual term for an MP? (8)","Answer":"COMMONER","Explanation":"Definition: More usual\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Careless Whisper, heartily covered by Island rock band first (6)","Answer":"REMISS","Explanation":"Definition: Careless\nwhiSper (the heart of, middle letter) inside (covered by) IS (island) following REM (rock band)"} {"Clue":"Attitude shown by earliest ancestors (6)","Answer":"STANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Attitude\nfound inside earlieST ANCEstors"} {"Clue":"Dessert containing large foreign article is a showy but worthless trifle (8)","Answer":"FOLDEROL","Explanation":"Definition: a showy but worthless trifle\nFOOL (dessert) contains L (large) DER (*the* in German, foreign article)"} {"Clue":"'Now you might feel the pinch' (T May?) (5,2,3,5)","Answer":"FIRST OF THE MONTH","Explanation":"Definition: Now you might feel the pinch\nTHE FIRST OF THE (T, first letter of The) then MONTH (may) \u2013 from the saying *a pinch and a punch for the first of the month"} {"Clue":"Right-hand man who always produces the circular letter (6,2,7)","Answer":"SECOND IN COMMAND","Explanation":"Definition: Right-hand man\nthe SECOND IN COMMAND is the letter O (the circular letter)"} {"Clue":"Fish supper without superior beer is rubbish (10)","Answer":"CODSWALLOP","Explanation":"Definition: rubbish\nCOD (fish) Supper missing UPPER (superior) then WALLOP (beer)"} {"Clue":"Fellow keeping the Queen up after midnight? That's highly unlikely! (5,2)","Answer":"DREAM ON","Explanation":"Definition: That's highly unlikely!\nDON (fellow) contains (keeping) ER (The Queen) reversed (up) and AM (after midnight)"} {"Clue":"Pacific island where American has to stick around (4)","Answer":"GUAM","Explanation":"Definition: Pacific island\nA (American) inside (has\u2026around) GUM (to stick)"} {"Clue":"V-day? (5,2,8)","Answer":"THIRD OF NOVEMBER","Explanation":"Definition: day\nV is the third letter of noVember"} {"Clue":"Time of month one is under strain (6,9)","Answer":"FOURTH DIMENSION","Explanation":"Definition: Time\nanagram (strain) OF MONTH I (one) IS UNDER"} {"Clue":"Thrower of tantrums, perhaps one that's ridden in 10 Queen Mary Stakes (3-4-3)","Answer":"TWO-YEAR-OLD","Explanation":"Definition: Thrower of tantrums, perhaps\ndouble definition \u2013 a flat race for two-year-old fillies"} {"Clue":"Implant essential: need good root alternative for tooth, initially (7)","Answer":"ENGRAFT","Explanation":"Definition: Implant\ninitial letters of Essential Need Good Root Alternative For Tooth"} {"Clue":"10 veg in one pie, cooked before 10 leaves (4)","Answer":"NEEP","Explanation":"Definition: 10 veg\nanagram (cooked) of ONE PIE then IO (10) leaves \u2013 the definition is A SCOTS VEGETABLE When solving 10 across I wondered why Puck chose an awkward plural as the solution. Now I know!"} {"Clue":"One's drunk by saucer-sips \u2013 sign of progressive senility (12)","Answer":"PRESBYACUSIS","Explanation":"Definition: sign of progressive senility\nanagram (one's drunk?) of BY SAUCER SIPS"} {"Clue":"Persian verse in modi?ed rhythm, not to ?rst person (5)","Answer":"RUBAI","Explanation":"Definition: Persian verse\nRUBAto (modified rhythm) missing (not) TO then I (the first person)"} {"Clue":"Corn seen waving, like a TV picture (8)","Answer":"ONSCREEN","Explanation":"Definition: like a TV picture\nanagram (wavering) of CORN SEEN"} {"Clue":"Cocktail, taste lacking a dash of vermouth (4)","Answer":"SOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Cocktail\nSavOUR (taste) missing A Vermouth (first letter, a dash of)"} {"Clue":"Scottish region that has group almost open-mouthed (7)","Answer":"LOTHIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish region\nLOT (group) then HIANt (open mouthed, almost)"} {"Clue":"Roman auxiliaries enemy rated unstable if reduced by half (9)","Answer":"FOEDERATI","Explanation":"Definition: Roman auxiliaries\nFOE (enemy) then anagram (unstable) of RATED followed by I (half of if)"} {"Clue":"One millions held in dreadful esteem (6)","Answer":"ADMIRE","Explanation":"Definition: esteem\nA (one) then M (millions) inside DIRE (dreadful)"} {"Clue":"What's left by plough, acre for plant genus (4)","Answer":"RUTA","Explanation":"Definition: plant genus\nRUT (what is left by plough) then A (acre)"} {"Clue":"Hammer or punch idiot? (4)","Answer":"TOOL","Explanation":"Definition: Hammer or punch\ndouble (or triple) definition"} {"Clue":"Bat, maybe amateur having work-out, caught by cover (6)","Answer":"ALIPED","Explanation":"Definition: Bat, maybe\nA (amateur) then PE (a work out) inside (caught by) LID (cover)"} {"Clue":"Pipe from river: I go wrong, hiding it in trunk abroad (9)","Answer":"BRIER-ROOT","Explanation":"Definition: Pipe\nR (river) I ERR (go wrong) inside BOOT (trunk in US, abroad)"} {"Clue":"Santa's helpers \u2013 seamen, might one suppose (7)","Answer":"TARANDS","Explanation":"Definition: Santa's helpers\nTAR AND S gives TARS (seamen)"} {"Clue":"Necklace created in jet or coral (4)","Answer":"TORC","Explanation":"Definition: Necklace\nfound inside jeT OR Coral"} {"Clue":"Second crumpet? Tip on grass (8)","Answer":"SPIKELET","Explanation":"Definition: Tip on grass\nS (second) PIKELET (crumpet)"} {"Clue":"Fires up superstar on the pitch? (6)","Answer":"STOKES","Explanation":"Definition: Fires up\nBen Stokes \u2013 cricket all rounder"} {"Clue":"Brownish coin, head e?aced after time (5)","Answer":"TENNY","Explanation":"Definition: Brownish\npENNY (coin) missing first letter (head effaced) following T (time)"} {"Clue":"Wrought iron stairs in edges of stairwell, rising spirally one way (12)","Answer":"SINISTRORSAL","Explanation":"Definition: rising spirally one way\nanagram (wrought) of IRON STAIRS inside StairwelL (edges of)"} {"Clue":"Glandular infection, one seen in top artists, ailing (11)","Answer":"PROSTATISIS","Explanation":"Definition: Glandular infection\nI (one) inside anagram (ailing) of TOP ARTISTS"} {"Clue":"Short-story writer, after taking year out, carried over (5)","Answer":"RUN-ON","Explanation":"Definition: carried over\nRUNyON (short story writer) missing Y (year)"} {"Clue":"Cars out of order \u2013 lubricate one on account (joint) (10)","Answer":"SACROILIAC","Explanation":"Definition: joint\nanagram (out of order) of CARS then OIL (lubricate) I (one) on AC (account)"} {"Clue":"Twitcher, half dead, in grip of stress (6)","Answer":"BIRDER","Explanation":"Definition: Twitcher\nDEad (half of) inside BIRR (stress)"} {"Clue":"Surrendered garland swept up in swirling eddy (7)","Answer":"YIELDED","Explanation":"Definition: Surrendered\nLEI (garland) reversed (swept up) inside anagram (swirling) of EDDY"} {"Clue":"RC recitation, mean if shortened? (3)","Answer":"AVE","Explanation":"Definition: RC recitation\nAVE is an abbreviation (if shortened) for AVERAGE (mean)"} {"Clue":"Last pair quitting bridge for the other side (6)","Answer":"CONTRA","Explanation":"Definition: the other side\nCONTRAct (bridge, card game) missing last two letters"} {"Clue":"Drunk amid mounting litter? Divorce results (7)","Answer":"SPLIT-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Divorce\nLIT (drunk) inside PUPS (litter) reversed (mounting)"} {"Clue":"Blob held in palm, a smidgen (4)","Answer":"IOTA","Explanation":"Definition: a smidgen\nO (blob, something round) inside ITA (palm)"} {"Clue":"Author with little to do and year left, having standard quota on hand (11)","Answer":"PENTADACTYL","Explanation":"Definition: having standard quota on hand\nPEN (author) with TAD (little) ACT (to do) and Y (year) L (left)"} {"Clue":"Circus performer behaving hilariously with applause around (10)","Answer":"CHARIOTEER","Explanation":"Definition: Circus performer\nA RIOT (behaving hilariously) inside (with\u2026around) CHEER (applause)"} {"Clue":"Irish traveller turned up, a bit drunk, in old-fashioned helmet (7)","Answer":"MORRION","Explanation":"Definition: old-fashioned helmet\nIR (Irish) ROM (Romany, traveller) reversed (turned up) then ON (a bit drunk)"} {"Clue":"Arboreal primate waggling its rear (7)","Answer":"TARSIER","Explanation":"Definition: Arboreal primate\nanagram (waggling) of ITS REAR"} {"Clue":"Script in which old menial is sent up for periods (6)","Answer":"MENSES","Explanation":"Definition: periods\nMS (manuscript) contains ESNE (old menial) reversed (sent up)"} {"Clue":"Treated this tooth so I'll get no caries (5)","Answer":"CRENA","Explanation":"Definition: tooth\nan anagram (treated) of CRENA (this tooth, the solution) SO I will get you NO CARIES"} {"Clue":"What's ?zzing? This, right! (4)","Answer":"ASTI","Explanation":"Definition: What's ?zzing\nASTIr (fizzing) is ASTI (this) plus R (right)"} {"Clue":"Introduction to private tip-o? from group in Hampstead (3)","Answer":"PST","Explanation":"Definition: Introduction to private tip-o?\nfound inside (group in) hamPSTead"} {"Clue":"Expert tip for learning language in Asia, not Germany (4)","Answer":"GURU","Explanation":"Definition: Expert\nlearninG (tip for, last letter of) then URdU (language in Asia) missing D (Deutschland, Germany)"} {"Clue":"Test option for replacing adhesive bit of paper (4-2,4)","Answer":"POST-IT NOTE","Explanation":"Definition: adhesive bit of paper\nanagram (for replacing) of TEST OPTION"} {"Clue":"Golfer making comeback receives blow in fight (7)","Answer":"SCUFFLE","Explanation":"Definition: fight\nELS (Ernie Els, golfer) reversed (making comeback) contains CUFF (blow)"} {"Clue":"Jude, maybe, faces executive action (7)","Answer":"LAWSUIT","Explanation":"Definition: action\nLAW (Jude Law, actor, maybe) with (faces) SUIT (an executive, slang)"} {"Clue":"Bird with part missing \u2013 crest? (5)","Answer":"RIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: crest\npartRIDGE (bird) missing PART"} {"Clue":"Fair distance not half negotiated for medical treatment (5,3)","Answer":"FIRST AID","Explanation":"Definition: medical treatment\nanagram (negotiated) of FAIR DISTance (not half)"} {"Clue":"This writer's impatient expression characterised by mischief? (6)","Answer":"IMPISH","Explanation":"Definition: characterised by mischief\nI'M (this writer is) then PISH (impatient expression)"} {"Clue":"Former cricketer? Another plays to cover first of Tests (8)","Answer":"ATHERTON","Explanation":"Definition: Former cricketer\nanagram (plays) of ANOTHER contains (to cover) Tests (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Varied riots occupying left-wingers in Havana in case of importance (8)","Answer":"HISTORIC","Explanation":"Definition: of importance\nanagram (varied) of RIOTS inside first letters (left wingers) of Havana In Case"} {"Clue":"US singer for all to see born as one with angelic features (6)","Answer":"CHERUB","Explanation":"Definition: one with angelic features\nCHER (US singer) U (for all to see, cinema rating) B (born)"} {"Clue":"Fantastic cook kept in headquarters \u2013 place to show titles? (8)","Answer":"BOOKCASE","Explanation":"Definition: place to show titles\nanagram (fantastic) of COOK inside BASE (headquarters)"} {"Clue":"Specialised prison almost put by empty house (5)","Answer":"NICHE","Explanation":"Definition: Specialised\nNICk (prison, almost) with HousE (empty)"} {"Clue":"Spot aim that's developed in painting technique (7)","Answer":"IMPASTO","Explanation":"Definition: painting technique\nanagram (that's developed) of SPOT AIM"} {"Clue":"Series on musical group first to last getting to act unrestrainedly (3,4)","Answer":"RUN RIOT","Explanation":"Definition: to act unrestrainedly\nRUN (series) with TRIO (musical group) with first letter moved to last"} {"Clue":"What could be drunk twice? That's irrefutable (10)","Answer":"WATERTIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: irrefutable\nWATER (what could be drunk) and TIGHT (what could be drunk)"} {"Clue":"Detective on TV somewhat above radio (4)","Answer":"VERA","Explanation":"Definition: Detective on TV\nfound inside (somewhat) aboVE RAdio"} {"Clue":"Give up crime resolving this aggro with thieves' leader (2,8)","Answer":"GO STRAIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Give up crime\nanagram (resolving) THIS AGGRO with Thieves (leading letter from)"} {"Clue":"Standing after stage of competition in summary (5-2)","Answer":"ROUND-UP","Explanation":"Definition: summary\nUP (standing) follows ROUND (stage in competition)"} {"Clue":"Genuine card found by individual on holiday (3-3)","Answer":"ONE-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Genuine card\nONE (individual) and OFF (on holiday) \u2013 a card is a comical or eccentric person"} {"Clue":"Greek character concerned with group turning up in stand (8)","Answer":"TOLERATE","Explanation":"Definition: stand\nETA (Greek character) RE (concerned with) LOT (group) all reversed (turning up)"} {"Clue":"Pull part of a shoe, we're told (3)","Answer":"TOW","Explanation":"Definition: Pull\nsounds like (we are told) \"toe\" (part of a shoe)"} {"Clue":"Clout is misplaced in viewing authority? (7)","Answer":"OCULIST","Explanation":"Definition: viewing authority\nanagram (misplaced) of CLOUT IS"} {"Clue":"Pedant is regularly spotted getting food (4)","Answer":"EATS","Explanation":"Definition: food\nevery other letter (regularly spotted) of pEdAnT iS"} {"Clue":"Seismic incident analysed for a sketch (10)","Answer":"AFTERSHOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Seismic incident\nanagram (analysed ?) of FOR A SKETCH \u2013 I think analysed is used to mean \"resolved into its component parts\""} {"Clue":"Object concealing trap first off in horror film (3,7)","Answer":"THE SHINING","Explanation":"Definition: horror film\nTHING (object) contains (conceals) mESH (trap) missing first letter and IN"} {"Clue":"Rogue a bit insane not attending court? (2,8)","Answer":"IN ABSENTIA","Explanation":"Definition: not attending court\nanagram (rogue) of A BIT INSANE"} {"Clue":"European capital with endless drink and pasta (8)","Answer":"RIGATONI","Explanation":"Definition: pasta\nRIGA (European capital) with TONIc (drink, endless)"} {"Clue":"Filmed place for athletics event (4,3)","Answer":"SHOT PUT","Explanation":"Definition: athletics event\nSHOT (filmed) PUT (place)"} {"Clue":"Stretch out in park on course (7)","Answer":"RECLINE","Explanation":"Definition: Stretch out\nREC (recreation ground, park) on LINE (course)"} {"Clue":"Look for academic work about to be banned (6)","Answer":"SEARCH","Explanation":"Definition: Look for\nreSEARCH (work) missing (to be banned) RE (regarding, about)"} {"Clue":"Struggle supported by Western opinion (4)","Answer":"VIEW","Explanation":"Definition: opinion\nVIE (struggle) on top of (supported by) W (western)"} {"Clue":"Type that's dubbed revolutionary in later issues (3)","Answer":"SIR","Explanation":"Definition: Type that's dubbed\nfound reversed (revolutionary) in lateR ISsues"} {"Clue":"Nice place's arranged wherein writers are found (6,4)","Answer":"PENCIL CASE","Explanation":"Definition: wherein writers are found\nanagram (arranged) of NICE PLACE'S"} {"Clue":"Excellent manager (4)","Answer":"BOSS","Explanation":"Definition: Excellent\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Potter's play is seen here and is still debatable (2,3,5)","Answer":"ON THE TABLE","Explanation":"Definition: is still debatable\ndefinition and some form of cryptic definition ~~involving pottery?~~ *potting during play happens on a snooker table"} {"Clue":"Pool nothing more and nothing less (4)","Answer":"MERE","Explanation":"Definition: Pool\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Shocking glitch with tariff that controls toing and froing (7,5)","Answer":"TRAFFIC LIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: that controls toing and froing\nanagram (shocking) of GLITCH with TARIFF"} {"Clue":"Plant dog with Queen \u2013 good to go (9)","Answer":"CORIANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nCORgI (dog) AND (with) ER (The Queen) missing G (good)"} {"Clue":"Earl went on horseback to eat away (5)","Answer":"ERODE","Explanation":"Definition: to eat away\nE (earl) then RODE (went on horseback)"} {"Clue":"Such as leader of rebels supports? (5)","Answer":"RAIDS","Explanation":"Definition: Such as leader of rebels supports\nRebels (leading letter of) then AIDS (supports)"} {"Clue":"Junk or ancient box (9)","Answer":"CONTAINER","Explanation":"Definition: box\nanagram (junk) of OR ANCIENT"} {"Clue":"This sheds light on classic hit (8,4)","Answer":"STANDARD LAMP","Explanation":"Definition: T\nSTANDARD (classic) LAMP (hit)"} {"Clue":"Issue results from upsetting occasion (4)","Answer":"EMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Issue\nTIME (occasion) reversed (upsetting)"} {"Clue":"Who saw dessert dished out? (10)","Answer":"STEWARDESS","Explanation":"Definition: Who\nanagram (dished out) of SAW DESSERT"} {"Clue":"Flipping granny, eg, causes strike (4)","Answer":"TONK","Explanation":"Definition: strike\nKNOT (granny for example) reversed (flipping)"} {"Clue":"Pastures which may be grey behind docks (10)","Answer":"GRASSLANDS","Explanation":"Definition: Pastures\nGR (grey) ASS (behind) LANDS (docks)"} {"Clue":"Bobby's left in school (4)","Answer":"PLOD","Explanation":"Definition: Bobby\nL (left) inside POD (school, of dolphins) \u2013 slang words for police"} {"Clue":"Become aware of what makes teacher a dear to French! (4)","Answer":"NOTE","Explanation":"Definition: B\nNO TE will make teACHER into A CHER (dear, French)"} {"Clue":"So medic with care stirred a drink (3-5,4)","Answer":"ICE-CREAM SODA","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nanagram (stirred) of SO MEDIC with CARE then A"} {"Clue":"Banter in church? Answer very loudly (5)","Answer":"CHAFF","Explanation":"Definition: Banter\nCH (church) A (answer) FF (very loudly)"} {"Clue":"Persevere at private playing (7,2)","Answer":"SOLDIER ON","Explanation":"Definition: P\nSOLDIER (a private perhaps) then ON (playing)"} {"Clue":"On the surface like meal which is too fine? (10)","Answer":"OVERGROUND","Explanation":"Definition: On the surface\ndefinition and cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Love small, small article on painting, perhaps (10)","Answer":"SWEETHEART","Explanation":"Definition: Love\nS (small) WEE (small) THE (the definite article) on ART (painting perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Swift US officer? Soviet one may be a flighty sort? (5,7)","Answer":"FLEET ADMIRAL","Explanation":"Definition: US officer\na FLEET ADMIRAL (a swift admiral) is a US officer, a RED ADMIRAL (a Soviet one) is a butterfly (a flighty sort)"} {"Clue":"Record what's what with rope (10)","Answer":"SCORESHEET","Explanation":"Definition: Record\nSCORE (what's what) with SHEET (rope)"} {"Clue":"Watering is a bind in which first time is good (10)","Answer":"IRRIGATION","Explanation":"Definition: Watering\nIRRItATION (a bind) where the first letter T (time) is replaced by G (good)"} {"Clue":"She paints folding door with care \u2013 time to get stuck in (9)","Answer":"DECORATOR","Explanation":"Definition: She paints\nanagram (folding) of DOOR with CARE contains (to get stuck in) T (time)"} {"Clue":"In France the west is an island (5)","Answer":"LEWIS","Explanation":"Definition: an island\nLE (the, in France) W (west) IS \u2013 the *Isle of Lewis. *Though an *Isle* by name Lewis isn't actually an island."} {"Clue":"Skinny coffee's head far from guiltless (4)","Answer":"LEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Skinny\ncLEAN (guiltless) missing (with\u2026far from\u2026) C (head of coffee)"} {"Clue":"Inquires after topless jobs (4)","Answer":"ASKS","Explanation":"Definition: Inquires\ntASKS (jobs) missing first letter (after topless)"} {"Clue":"Current Australian doctor in charge of feet (6)","Answer":"IAMBIC","Explanation":"Definition: of feet\nI (current, electrical notation) A (Australian) MB (doctor) IC (in charge) \u2013 of metric feet, in verse"} {"Clue":"Boxer backed up against fighter that's lean (8)","Answer":"PUGILIST","Explanation":"Definition: Boxer\nUP reversed (backed) then GI (General Infantryman, fighter) with LIST (lean)"} {"Clue":"Injured leg's given drug when inhabiting some island (8)","Answer":"ANGLESEY","Explanation":"Definition: island\nanagram (injured) of LEG'S and E (drug) inside (when inhabiting) ANY (some)"} {"Clue":"Group of policemen in capital caught tart (6)","Answer":"ACIDIC","Explanation":"Definition: tart\nCID (group of policemen) inside AI (A1, great, capital) C (caught)"} {"Clue":"Paula did appear somewhat pretentious (2-2-2)","Answer":"LA-DI-DA","Explanation":"Definition: somewhat pretentious\nfound inside (somewhat) pauLA DID Appear"} {"Clue":"Old relative attends to shed intermittently (2,3,3)","Answer":"ON AND OFF","Explanation":"Definition: intermittently\nO (old) NAN (grandmother, relative) with (attends to) DOFF (shed)"} {"Clue":"Racing driver picked up money in Britain, being second three times (8,4)","Answer":"STIRLING MOSS","Explanation":"Definition: Racing driver\nSTIRLING sounds like (picked up) \"sterling\" (money in Britain) then MO, S and S (second, three times)"} {"Clue":"Hollywood actress rearranging most of hair \u2013 worth a try (4,8)","Answer":"RITA HAYWORTH","Explanation":"Definition: Hollywood actress\nanagram (rearranging) of HAIr (most of) with WORTH A TRY"} {"Clue":"Expert retrospective probes descendant, one born on Hallowe'en (8)","Answer":"SCORPION","Explanation":"Definition: one born on Hallowe'en\nPRO (expert) reversed (retrospectively) inside (probes) SCION(descendant)"} {"Clue":"Misprints informant found during long period (6)","Answer":"ERRATA","Explanation":"Definition: Misprints\nRAT (informant) inside ERA (long period)"} {"Clue":"Spot Greek character eating a bit of tzatziki (6)","Answer":"STIGMA","Explanation":"Definition: Spot\nSIGMA (Greek character) contains (eating) Tzatziki (first letter, a bit of)"} {"Clue":"Learner's depressed during extremely gauche dance movement (8)","Answer":"GLISSADE","Explanation":"Definition: dance movement\nL (learner) IS SAD (depressed) inside (during) GauchE (extremes of)"} {"Clue":"Jumbo taken by author's boarded by posh element (8)","Answer":"TITANIUM","Explanation":"Definition: element\nTITAN (jumbo) then (taken by) I'M (the author is) containing (boarded by) U (posh)"} {"Clue":"Held fast \u2013 unknown number feel ill by start of Easter Day (6)","Answer":"NAILED","Explanation":"Definition: Held fast\nN (unkown number) AIL (feel ill) then Easter (starting letter of) and D (day)"} {"Clue":"Sean Bean, unclothed, represented ancient warrior (6)","Answer":"AENEAS","Explanation":"Definition: ancient warrior\nanagram (represented) of SEAN with bEAn (unclothed)"} {"Clue":"After curry, accountant touring London area needs much water (6,3)","Answer":"BALTIC SEA","Explanation":"Definition: much water\nBALTI (curry) then CA (chartered accountant) contains (touring) SE (London area)"} {"Clue":"Country station in part of France son avoided (5,4)","Answer":"COSTA RICA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nSTA (station) in CORsICA (part of France) missing S (son)"} {"Clue":"Table of employees chatter about sandwich (7)","Answer":"PAYROLL","Explanation":"Definition: T\nYAP (chatter) reversed (about) ROLL (sandwich)"} {"Clue":"Fruit from Pacific island Mike scrubbed and Vera hollowed out (5)","Answer":"GUAVA","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nGUAm (Pacific island) missing M (mike) then VerA (hollowed out)"} {"Clue":"Landowner placed a bet, securing first in race (5)","Answer":"LAIRD","Explanation":"Definition: Landowner\nLAID (placed a bet) contains (securing) Race (first letter in)"} {"Clue":"Second row from France is the most resistant (8)","Answer":"STIFFEST","Explanation":"Definition: the most resistant\nS (second) TIFF (row) then EST (is, from France)"} {"Clue":"Harry's half-seen on flag (3)","Answer":"NAG","Explanation":"Definition: Harry\nhalf of oN flAG"} {"Clue":"Munch perhaps on earwig, terribly close to starvation (9)","Answer":"NORWEGIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Munch perhaps\nanagram (terribly) of ON EARWIG then starvatioN (closing letter) \u2013 artist Edvard Munch perhaps"} {"Clue":"Graduate with flowing hair's greeting religious teacher (9)","Answer":"MAHARISHI","Explanation":"Definition: religious teacher\nMA (graduate) with anagram (flowing) of HAIR'S then HI (greeting)"} {"Clue":"Italian's baked produce? Fresh cob's added to it repeatedly (8)","Answer":"BISCOTTI","Explanation":"Definition: Italian's baked produce\nanagram (fresh) of COBS with IT IT (repeatedly)"} {"Clue":"Cool joint (3)","Answer":"HIP","Explanation":"Definition: Cool\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Sweet group of women, say, captivated by underground workers? (4,3)","Answer":"WINE GUM","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nWI (Women's Institute) then EG (say) inside (captivated by) NUM (National Union of Miners)"} {"Clue":"Southern BBC boss plugs digital feature: difficult to digest? (6)","Answer":"STODGE","Explanation":"Definition: difficult to digest\nS (southern) then DG (Director General, BBC boss) inside (plugs) TOE (a digital feature)"} {"Clue":"Charity event on Goa shunning ordinary sort of music (5)","Answer":"RAGGA","Explanation":"Definition: sort of music\nRAG (charity event) then GoA missing O (ordinary)"} {"Clue":"Irish great entertains queen from Middle Eastern country (5)","Answer":"IRAQI","Explanation":"Definition: f\nIR (Irish) AI (A1, great) contains (entertains) Q (queen)"} {"Clue":"Actor Bogart shaking with rage (5,5)","Answer":"GRETA GARBO","Explanation":"anagram (shaking) of BOGART with RAGE"} {"Clue":"Continental chap seen in vermeille every now and again (4)","Answer":"EMIL","Explanation":"every other letter (now and again) of vErMeIlLe"} {"Clue":"Embarrassed editor hiding base gambit assigned elsewhere (10)","Answer":"REDEPLOYED","Explanation":"RED (embarrassed) ED (editor) contains (hiding) E (e, base of natural logarithm) PLOY (gambit)"} {"Clue":"Ignore small Greek character\u2026 bye! (4)","Answer":"SNUB","Explanation":"S (small) NU (Greek character) B (bye, a non-hit score in cricket)"} {"Clue":"Sexually explicit British epic period novel Romeo? (6,6)","Answer":"BODICE RIPPER","Explanation":"anagram (novel) of B (British) EPIC PERIOD then R (romeo, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Each way price laid about a side of Great Britain? (4,5)","Answer":"EAST COAST","Explanation":"EA (each) ST (street, way) COST (price) contains (laid about) A"} {"Clue":"He's enthralled by the lottery (5)","Answer":"HELOT","Explanation":"found inside (enthralled by) tHE LOTtery \u2013 a slave"} {"Clue":"Test batsman, opener from Somerset, becomes established (5)","Answer":"ROOTS","Explanation":"ROOT (Joe Root, test batsman) then first letter (opener) from Somerset"} {"Clue":"Instrument invented by plucky performer? (3,6)","Answer":"AIR GUITAR","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Reprise Cleopatra in new year (6,6)","Answer":"ACTION REPLAY","Explanation":"anagram (new) of CLEOPATRA IN then Y (year)"} {"Clue":"Capital that is outwardly grand. Very (4)","Answer":"KIEV","Explanation":"IE (that is) inside (outwardly has\u2026) K (one thousand, grand) V (very)"} {"Clue":"Somewhat unstable, Oscar leaves money in the bank (3,7)","Answer":"OFF BALANCE","Explanation":"O (oscar, phonetic alphabet) FF (following pages, leaves) BALANCE (money in the bank)"} {"Clue":"Going around French State Gallery (4)","Answer":"TATE","Explanation":"ETAT (state, French) reversed (going round)"} {"Clue":"Some golf kept royals busy (6,4)","Answer":"STROKE PLAY","Explanation":"anagram (busy) of KEPT ROYALS"} {"Clue":"Bloody good men \u2013 last in infantry (4)","Answer":"GORY","Explanation":"G (good) OR (other ranks, men) then infantrY (last letter in)"} {"Clue":"Puts a stop to English nudist regularly getting stripped (4)","Answer":"ENDS","Explanation":"E (English) then NuDiSt (every other letter, regularly getting stripped)"} {"Clue":"A good one might make chap shoot par! (8,4)","Answer":"APPROACH SHOT","Explanation":"anagram (might make) CHAP SHOOT PAR \u2013 read the definition as: *a good one *(the solution) *might make\u2026"} {"Clue":"Top quality oil stirred into dressing (5)","Answer":"AIOLI","Explanation":"AI (a1, top quality) then anagram (stirred) of OIL"} {"Clue":"Yeoman's ale containing iron consumed (9)","Answer":"BEEFEATER","Explanation":"BEER (ale) containing FE (iron) ATE (consumed)"} {"Clue":"Met Al up in Ambleside about upcoming work (10)","Answer":"MANIPULATE","Explanation":"~~anagram (about) of MET UP AL IN Amble (side, one edge of) \u2013 I'm not sure how *upcoming* fits in~~ *found reversed (upcoming) inside (with\u2026about) mET AL UP IN AMbleside"} {"Clue":"Research facility in which question of political leaning is asked? (10)","Answer":"LABORATORY","Explanation":"LAB OR A TORY (question of political leaning)"} {"Clue":"Morse completely stumped, unable to start the crossword (7,1,4)","Answer":"WITHOUT A CLUE","Explanation":"double cryptic definition \u2013 fictional detective Inspector Morse was a keen crossword solver"} {"Clue":"Identify gamble covering weak investment climate (4,6)","Answer":"BEAR MARKET","Explanation":"EARMARK (identify) inside (with\u2026covering) BET (gamble)"} {"Clue":"Sanction old registered trademark \"Bottled Potpourri\" (10)","Answer":"ASSORTMENT","Explanation":"ASSENT (sanction) contains (\u2026bottled) O (old) RTM (registered trade mark)"} {"Clue":"Throw up some confetti for Pat Archer, making hay (2,1,6)","Answer":"AT A PROFIT","Explanation":"found reversed (throw up) inside (some) congetTI FOR PAT Archer"} {"Clue":"Spanish chap game to get infusion of different blood type? (5)","Answer":"PABLO","Explanation":"PoLO (game) with O replaced with AB (getting infusion of different blood type)"} {"Clue":"Indigo metal block (5 down) (4)","Answer":"ANIL","Explanation":"ANvIL (metal block) missing (down) V (5)"} {"Clue":"Stand up to democratically elected Free Yemen leaders (4)","Answer":"DEFY","Explanation":"leading letters of Democratically Elected Free Yemen"} {"Clue":"What'll we see serge in? Our recommendation has mark of correctness (12)","Answer":"CHAMBER-STICK","Explanation":"Definition: What'll we see serge in\nCHAMBERS (our recommendation, recommended dictionary) has TICK (mark of correctness)"} {"Clue":"Ivy follows line that's contested on the board (4)","Answer":"LUDO","Explanation":"Definition: that's contested on the board\nUDO (ivy) follows L (line)"} {"Clue":"Some banks charging extras? A racket (4)","Answer":"ASAR","Explanation":"Definition: Some banks\nfound inside (charging) extrAS A Racket"} {"Clue":"What Japanese rarely dressed without \u2013 or is this for ferry? (4)","Answer":"INRO","Explanation":"Definition: What Japanese rarely dress\nOR is IN RO (this, the solution) in the word RO-RO (ferry)"} {"Clue":"Unwelcome comforters called this 'doing normal work' (5)","Answer":"ON-JOB","Explanation":"Definition: doing normal work\nJob's Comforters (unwelcome comforters) called \"on Job\""} {"Clue":"Ocular deposit? Old poet, I'll be seen with this, possibly (5)","Answer":"ARCUS","Explanation":"Definition: Ocular deposit\nOCULAR DEPOSIT is an anagram (possibly) of OLD POET with ARCUS (this, the solution)"} {"Clue":"Knife, even used in cracking cockles (10)","Answer":"SKENE-OCCLE","Explanation":"Definition: Knife\nENE (even, used=archaic) inside anagram (cracking) of COCKLES"} {"Clue":"Scots pipe was reeling, mostly round piano (7)","Answer":"WHEEPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Scots pipe\nWHEELEd (was reeling, mostly) contains P (piano)"} {"Clue":"Behaviour of Trump men adore, abnormally (8)","Answer":"DEMEANOR","Explanation":"Definition: Behaviour of Trump\nanagram (abnormally) of MEN ADORE \u2013 of Trump indicates an American spelling"} {"Clue":"What, digging into pot, my very tight clothes do, bit by bit (8)","Answer":"INCHMEAL","Explanation":"Definition: bit by bit\nINCHMEAL inside (digging into) POT gives PINCH ME A LOT (what my very tight clothes do)"} {"Clue":"A grain, mostly included in heated meat stew with veg, \u2026 (7)","Answer":"HARICOT","Explanation":"Definition: meat stew with veg\nA RICe (grain, mostly) inside HOT (heated)"} {"Clue":"Pizzicato sound, soft, part of chain (5)","Answer":"PLINK","Explanation":"Definition: P\nP (piano, soft) then LINK (part of chain)"} {"Clue":"Basin replacing bend in use for piping that's far from straight (5)","Answer":"U-TUBE","Explanation":"Definition: piping that's far from straight\nTUB (basin) replaces S (an S-bend) in UsE"} {"Clue":"Monetary unit in Peru and so on (4)","Answer":"PESO","Explanation":"Definition: Monetary unit\nPE (Peru, IVR code) with (and\u2026on) SO"} {"Clue":"US secretary with no love for deadly piece (4)","Answer":"STEN","Explanation":"Definition: deadly piece\nSTENo (secretary, US) missing O (love) \u2013 a piece is a gun"} {"Clue":"Mean muse that's shunned this writer twice \u2013 waste passage ends here (4)","Answer":"ANUS","Explanation":"Definition: waste passage ends here\nmeAN mUSe missing ME (this writer) twice"} {"Clue":"Like beefcake in thick pieces without cold topping (5)","Answer":"HUNKY","Explanation":"Definition: Like beefcake\ncHUNKY (in thick pieces) missing Cold (first letter, topping)"} {"Clue":"Member of sect? I'll get involved in second one (6)","Answer":"MOONIE","Explanation":"Definition: Member of sect\nI inside (will get involved in) MO (moment, second) ONE"} {"Clue":"Book penned in a thorny tree? An ill- conceived idea (5)","Answer":"BABEL","Explanation":"Definition: An ill- conceived idea\nB (book) inside (penned in) BAEL (a thorny tree)"} {"Clue":"Hut for travellers rest, last given precedence (6)","Answer":"RANCHO","Explanation":"Definition: Hut for travellers\nANCHOR (rest) with last letter moved to the front"} {"Clue":"Jock's rattled, with bonds round both hands (6)","Answer":"TIRLED","Explanation":"Definition: Jock's rattled\nTIED (with bonds) contains (round) RL (right and left, both hands)"} {"Clue":"Having completed MA, I had about abandoned pen etc (8)","Answer":"INCEPTED","Explanation":"Definition: Having completed MA\nI'D (I had)\u00a0contains (about) anagram (abandoned) of PEN ETC"} {"Clue":"Devilish villainess gang once completely overturned (7)","Answer":"CRUELLA","Explanation":"Definition: Devilish villainess\nCRUE (gang once, old spelling of crew) then ALL (completely) reversed (overturned) \u2013 Cruella de Vil"} {"Clue":"Southern borough the Scots plundered (5)","Answer":"STOWN","Explanation":"Definition: t\nS (southern) TOWN (borough)"} {"Clue":"Peg ropes on board ship, showing stamina (10)","Answer":"STEELINESS","Explanation":"Definition: stamina\nTEE (peg) LINES (ropes) inside (on board) SS (steam ship)"} {"Clue":"Pay o? bit left in a payment due to new ruler (8)","Answer":"AMORTISE","Explanation":"Definition: Pay o?\nORT (bit left) inside A MISE (payment due to new ruler)"} {"Clue":"Norman going after English? He sends unwritten message (7)","Answer":"EMAILER","Explanation":"Definition: He sends unwritten message\nMAILER (Norman Mailer) follows E (English) \u2013 I think for many people *writing* now includes creating a message on a keyboard or other device, but Chambers hasn't caught up yet so emails remain unwritten in crossword land."} {"Clue":"Drink up, a drink (not grand) imbibed? They could be grand (6)","Answer":"PIANOS","Explanation":"Definition: They could be grand\nSIP (drink) reversed (up) contains (with\u2026imbibed) A NOg (drink) missing G (grand)"} {"Clue":"Write a score part for one of the foregoing? Ta \u2013 terriffc (6)","Answer":"NOTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Write a score\nfound inside (part for) piaNO (one of the foregoing, 22dn) TA TErrific"} {"Clue":"Part of marine organism, catch hauled up devoured by odd members of crew (5)","Answer":"CTENE","Explanation":"Definition: Part of marine organism\nNET (catch) reversed (hauled up) inside (devoured by) CrEw (odd numbered letters of)"} {"Clue":"Half of Panama let off It's to do with canal's opening (6)","Answer":"MEATAL","Explanation":"Definition: It's to do with canal's opening\nanagram (off) of panAMA (half of) and LET"} {"Clue":"Had onset of niggle in insides, laid up (5)","Answer":"STUNG","Explanation":"Definition: Had\nNiggles (first letter, onset of) inside GUTS (insides) reversed (laid up) \u2013 to have been tricked"} {"Clue":"Topper collapsing, second in line, with nasty bugs around (5)","Answer":"GIBUS","Explanation":"Definition: T\nI (second letter of line) inside (with\u2026around) anagram (nasty) of BUGS"} {"Clue":"Experts attempt to introduce new stock (8)","Answer":"ANCESTRY","Explanation":"Definition: stock\nACES (experts) TRY (attempt) contains (to introduce) N (new)"} {"Clue":"Harry interrupts Martha's sleep (6)","Answer":"HASSLE","Explanation":"Definition: Harry\nfound inside martHA'S SLEep"} {"Clue":"Basil perhaps gets further in the lead (7)","Answer":"POTHERB","Explanation":"Definition: Basil perhaps\nOTHER (further) in PB (Pb, lead)"} {"Clue":"In crisis, leaders use this hotel in Barking (7)","Answer":"HOTLINE","Explanation":"Definition: In crisis, leaders use this\nanagram (barking, mad) of HOTEL IN"} {"Clue":"Cheeky slap makes one red (5)","Answer":"ROUGE","Explanation":"Definition: red\nROUGE is makeup (slap) used on the cheek"} {"Clue":"PM once began ignoring Ted's guide for mariners (5,4)","Answer":"NORTH STAR","Explanation":"Definition: guide for mariners\nNORTH (Frederick North, former Prime Minister) then STARted (began) missing TED"} {"Clue":"A couple of items boxer may have, circling ring? (8,4)","Answer":"ASTEROID BELT","Explanation":"Definition: circling ring\nA then STEROID and BELT (two items a boxer may have)"} {"Clue":"Financial plan bound to shift taxes primarily (6,6)","Answer":"SPRING BUDGET","Explanation":"Definition: Financial plan\nSPRING (bound) BUDGE (to shift) Taxes (first letter, primarily)"} {"Clue":"Like Batman, he rose up, flying over Robin's head (9)","Answer":"SUPERHERO","Explanation":"Definition: Like Batman\nanagram (flying) of HE ROSE UP containing (over) Robin (first letter, head)"} {"Clue":"Small step where 14 is (5)","Answer":"SPACE","Explanation":"Definition: where 14 is\nS (small) PACE (step)"} {"Clue":"An article by American snubbing company's old member (7)","Answer":"ALUMNUS","Explanation":"Definition: old member\nA coLUMN (an article) by US (American) missing CO (company)"} {"Clue":"Phantom language in East London teacher ignored (7)","Answer":"EIDOLON","Explanation":"Definition: Phantom\nIDO (language, derived from Esperanto) in E (east) LONdon missing DON (teacher)"} {"Clue":"Sings regularly in Tyrol valleys, forgetting a line (6)","Answer":"YODELS","Explanation":"Definition: Sings\ntYrOl (every other letter, regularly) then DELLS (valleys) missing one L (a line)"} {"Clue":"Industrial action disrupts postage, adding 1p (8)","Answer":"STOPPAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Industrial action\nanagram (disrupts) of POSTAGE including P (1p, one P)"} {"Clue":"Before 12, English salesman put up current unit (6)","Answer":"AMPERE","Explanation":"Definition: c\nAM (before 12 noon) then E (English) REP (salesman) reversed (put up)"} {"Clue":"What bassists use to pull short pin up (6)","Answer":"CATGUT","Explanation":"Definition: What bassists use\nTUG (to pull) TACk (pin, short) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"His doctor transformed the way service finishes early (9)","Answer":"STEVENSON","Explanation":"Definition: His doctor transformed\nST (street, the way) then EVENSONg (service, finishing early) \u2013 created the character Dr Jekyl who transformed into Mr Hyde"} {"Clue":"Birders aren't fussed about old British bird (5,9)","Answer":"ROBIN REDBREAST","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nanagram (fussed) of BIRDERS AREN'T contains (about) O (old) B (British)"} {"Clue":"A chapter includes it (5)","Answer":"AITCH","Explanation":"Definition: A chapter includes it\nA CH (chapter) includes IT- this clue includes the letter H"} {"Clue":"It gives access to a capital if the sky changes (5,3)","Answer":"SHIFT KEY","Explanation":"Definition: It gives access to a capital\nanagram (changes) of IF THE SKY"} {"Clue":"Recoil from current banger (8)","Answer":"EXECRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Recoil from\nEXE (a current, the River Exe) then CRATE (banger, old car)"} {"Clue":"Hood frees worst off here (8,6)","Answer":"SHERWOOD FOREST","Explanation":"Definition: h\nanagram (off) of HOOD FREES WORST \u2013 a great anagram!"} {"Clue":"Deceptively enhanced sweet briefly served up in party (7,2)","Answer":"DRESSED UP","Explanation":"Definition: Deceptively enhanced\nDESSERt (sweet, briefly) reversed (served up) inside DUP (Democratic Unionist Party)"} {"Clue":"Excluding me, some say it's altered earth's equilibrium (8)","Answer":"ISOSTASY","Explanation":"Definition: earth's equilibrium\nanagram (altered) of SOme SAY ITS missing ME"} {"Clue":"Present stance of eurosceptics? (8)","Answer":"PROPOUND","Explanation":"Definition: Present\nthe stance of eurosceptics is PRO POUND"} {"Clue":"Trouble encountered turning round plant (6)","Answer":"DAHLIA","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nAIL (trouble) HAD (encountered) all reversed (turning round)"} {"Clue":"Notice a knock occasionally intruding during this? (6)","Answer":"SEANCE","Explanation":"Definition: this\nSEE (notice) contains (with\u2026intruding) A kNoCk (every other letter, occasionally)"} {"Clue":"Right way up in relation to wee producers (5)","Answer":"RENAL","Explanation":"Definition: in relation to wee producers\nR (right) then LANE (way) reversed (up) \u2013 of the kidneys"} {"Clue":"Charm sweetheart briefly during date (6)","Answer":"SEDUCE","Explanation":"Definition: Charm\nDUCk (sweetheart, briefly) inside SEE (date)"} {"Clue":"They might mix in resort with short greeting on return (8)","Answer":"SPATULAS","Explanation":"Definition: They might mix\nSPA (resort) with SALUTe (greeting, short) reversed (on return)"} {"Clue":"Where some might deal cocaine to a crime ring (6)","Answer":"CASINO","Explanation":"Definition: Where some might deal\nC (cocaine) then A SIN (crime) O (ring)"} {"Clue":"Dance fan second to last in Strictly Come Dancing (8)","Answer":"FLAMENCO","Explanation":"Definition: Dance\nanagram (dancing) of FAN with strictLy (second to last letter) and COME"} {"Clue":"One might create a scene in public, as VIP treatment inept (8,6)","Answer":"PAVEMENT ARTIST","Explanation":"Definition: One might create a scene in public\nanagram (inept) of AS VIP TREATMENT"} {"Clue":"Bugger! Burst water pipe, right? (10)","Answer":"WIRETAPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Bugger\nanagram (burst) of WATER PIPE and R (right)"} {"Clue":"Indian place put starter of rice in oven (4)","Answer":"AGRA","Explanation":"Definition: Indian place\nRice (starting letter of) inside AGA (oven)"} {"Clue":"Forward's head to score goal (4)","Answer":"SEND","Explanation":"Definition: Forward\nScore (first letter, head) then END (goal)"} {"Clue":"Company after energy that's natural and non-polluting (10)","Answer":"ECOLOGICAL","Explanation":"Definition: non-polluting\nCO (company) following E (energy) then (that has) LOGICAL (natural)"} {"Clue":"Kinky man, Roger, with condom that's standard (6,2,6)","Answer":"COMMON OR GARDEN","Explanation":"Definition: standard\nanagram (kinky) of MAN ROGER with CONDOM"} {"Clue":"One found in hanging basket, a rose sprayed with cheap stuff (8)","Answer":"AEROSTAT","Explanation":"Definition: One found in hanging basket\nanagram (sprayed) of A ROSE then TAT (cheap stuff) \u2013 a balloonist"} {"Clue":"Sexy old girlfriend going for outfit that's blue (6)","Answer":"STEAMY","Explanation":"Definition: blue\nSexY missing EX (old girlfriend) replaced by (going for) TEAM (outfit) \u2013 this clue took me longer than the rest of the puzzle combined"} {"Clue":"What poacher might do to get American bird (8)","Answer":"KILLDEER","Explanation":"Definition: American bird\nKILL DEER (what poacher might do)"} {"Clue":"Underwear stores empty around shopping centre (6)","Answer":"SMALLS","Explanation":"Definition: Underwear\nStoreS (no inner letters, empty) contains (around) MALL (shopping centre)"} {"Clue":"Item of clothing accordingly getting designer label (4)","Answer":"SOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Item of clothing\nSO (accordingly) with CK (Calvin Klein, designer label)"} {"Clue":"Having no love makes couple give up hope (7)","Answer":"DESPAIR","Explanation":"Definition: give up hope\nDoES (makes) PAIR (couple) missing O (love)"} {"Clue":"Questions to do before exams (8)","Answer":"CONTESTS","Explanation":"Definition: Questions\nCON (to do, cheat) then TESTS (exams)"} {"Clue":"Stop and help crazy pair of Yanks outside (4,3,4)","Answer":"PULL THE PLUG","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\nanagram (crazy) of HELP inside (with\u2026outside) PULL and TUG (yank, twice)"} {"Clue":"Watches money invested in banks (6)","Answer":"TIMERS","Explanation":"Definition: Watches\nM (money) inside TIERS (banks)"} {"Clue":"Connecting line doing tattoo (7)","Answer":"LINKING","Explanation":"Definition: Connecting\nL (line) and INKING (doing tattoo)"} {"Clue":"Deficit quick to come down (9)","Answer":"SHORTFALL","Explanation":"Definition: Deficit\nSHORT (quick) FALL (to come down)"} {"Clue":"Bank on no charge to cough up (11)","Answer":"EXPECTORATE","Explanation":"Definition: to cough up\nEXPECT (bank on) O RATE (zero rate, no charge)"} {"Clue":"Old comedian to attempt joke (9)","Answer":"WISECRACK","Explanation":"Definition: joke\nWISE (Ernie Wise, old comedian) then CRACK (attempt)"} {"Clue":"Get on grass, let me see plant (8)","Answer":"AGERATUM","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nAGE (get on) RAT (grass, informer) and UM (let me see)"} {"Clue":"One turning up on time wearing model's clothes revealing figure (7)","Answer":"NUMERAL","Explanation":"Definition: figure\nUN (one) reversed (turning up) on ERA (time) inside (wearing) ModeL (outer letters, clothes)"} {"Clue":"White sign over bouncer (3,4)","Answer":"CUE BALL","Explanation":"Definition: White\nCUE (sign) on BALL (something that bounces)"} {"Clue":"River running through Germany twice flooded (6)","Answer":"DOUSED","Explanation":"Definition: flooded\nOUSE (river) inside (running through) D D (Germany, twice)"} {"Clue":"Bowled OK, conceding runs (4)","Answer":"BYES","Explanation":"Definition: runs\nB (bowled) YES (OK)"} {"Clue":"Parent exchanged boring tool (6)","Answer":"TREPAN","Explanation":"Definition: boring tool\nanagram (exchanged) of PARENT"} {"Clue":"Bra recycled into little lad's garment (6)","Answer":"TABARD","Explanation":"Definition: lad's garment\nanagram (recycled) of BRA inside TAD (little)"} {"Clue":"Good French tenor's headgear (6)","Answer":"BONNET","Explanation":"Definition: headgear\nBONNE (good, in French) then T (tenor)"} {"Clue":"Proof of English navy hacking innovative device (8)","Answer":"EVIDENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Proof\nE then N (navy) inside (hacking) anagram (innovative) of DEVICE"} {"Clue":"S-shaped curve over letter (4)","Answer":"OGEE","Explanation":"Definition: S-shaped curve\nO (over) GEE (the letter G)"} {"Clue":"Instrument next to piece of glass containing hard protective covering (10)","Answer":"CELLOPHANE","Explanation":"Definition: protective covering\nCELLO (instrument) with PANE (piece of glass) containing H (hard)"} {"Clue":"Slob, we agree, adjusted to hard work (5,6)","Answer":"ELBOW GREASE","Explanation":"Definition: hard work\nanagram (adjusted) of SLOB WE AGREE"} {"Clue":"Red tops adapted to accommodate supportive garment for balletic figure (4,2,4)","Answer":"PORT DE BRAS","Explanation":"Definition: balletic figure\nanagram (adapted) of RED TOPS contains BRA (supportive garment)"} {"Clue":"Praise for leaders of liberalism abolished under democrats (4)","Answer":"LAUD","Explanation":"Definition: Praise\nfirst letters (leaders) of Liberalism Abolished Under Democrats"} {"Clue":"Standard source of salt found in average cheese (8)","Answer":"PARMESAN","Explanation":"Definition: cheese\nPAR (standard) then Salt (first letter, source of) inside MEAN (average)"} {"Clue":"Go for a small sheet of canvas (6)","Answer":"ASSAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Go for\nA S (small) SAIL (sheet of canvas)"} {"Clue":"Dish made from bent reeds (6)","Answer":"ENTREE","Explanation":"Definition: Dish\nfound inside bENT REEds"} {"Clue":"Moist like a shellfish? (6)","Answer":"CLAMMY","Explanation":"Definition: Moist\nCLAMMY might be like clams (shellfish)"} {"Clue":"New name used by oil supplier to show good intentions (4,4)","Answer":"MEAN WELL","Explanation":"Definition: to show good intentions\nanagram (new) of MEAN then WELL (oil supplier)"} {"Clue":"Resin in forest fruit, principally in chestnuts (6)","Answer":"MASTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Resin\nMAST (forest fruit) then first letters (principally) of In Chestnut"} {"Clue":"Coat hung up by setter without another garment (8)","Answer":"CAMISOLE","Explanation":"Definition: garment\nMAC (coat) reversed (hung up) then I (the setter) and SOLE (without another)"} {"Clue":"God with deep cut over sides of nose (6)","Answer":"GANESH","Explanation":"Definition: God\nGASH (deep cut) contains (over) NosE (side letters of)"} {"Clue":"Rear of bowsprit attached to crude vessel (6)","Answer":"TROUGH","Explanation":"Definition: vessel\nbowspriT (last letter, rear) with ROUGH (crude)"} {"Clue":"Good editor raised money (6)","Answer":"DECENT","Explanation":"Definition: Good\nED (editor) reversed (raised) then CENT (money)"} {"Clue":"Aggressive call by second in line upset regent (11)","Answer":"BELLIGERENT","Explanation":"Definition: Aggressive\nBELL (call) by line (second letter in) then anagram (upset) of REGENT"} {"Clue":"Tree that's almost mature associated with Christian festival (8)","Answer":"OLEASTER","Explanation":"Definition: T\nOLd (mature, almost) with EASTER (Christian festival)"} {"Clue":"Identical edges of leaf found in seed (8)","Answer":"SELFSAME","Explanation":"Definition: Identical\nLeaF (outer letters, edges of) inside SESAME (seed)"} {"Clue":"Herb with black fruit shedding end of skin (6)","Answer":"BORAGE","Explanation":"Definition: H\nB (black) then ORAnGE (fruit) missing skiN (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"Revolt by male leaving relative small following (6)","Answer":"MUTINY","Explanation":"Definition: Revolt\nMUm (mother, a relative) missing M (male) then TINY (small)"} {"Clue":"Child carrying most of wild old fruit (6)","Answer":"TOMATO","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nTOT (child) contains MAd (wild, most of) then O (old)"} {"Clue":"Plays for time in part of theatre (6)","Answer":"STALLS","Explanation":"Definition: Plays for time\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Fruit tea, initially a thing in Java (6)","Answer":"APPLET","Explanation":"Definition: a thing in Java\nAPPLE (fruit) then Tea (first letter, initially) \u2013 the Java programming language"} {"Clue":"Tricky situation needing a number of papers circulated around meeting (8)","Answer":"QUAGMIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Tricky situation\nQUIRE (a number of papers) contains (circulated around) AGM (meeting)"} {"Clue":"Minority, say, soon getting sent back (6)","Answer":"NONAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Minority\nEG (say) ANON (soon) all reversed (getting sent back)"} {"Clue":"Bristol Channel? (8)","Answer":"CLEAVAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Bristol Channel\ncryptic definition \u2013 Bristols is slang for breasts"} {"Clue":"Hurry set point following smash (4,2,2)","Answer":"STEP ON IT","Explanation":"Definition: Hurry\nanagram (following smash) of SET POINT"} {"Clue":"Conflict is prevalent, by the way (6)","Answer":"STRIFE","Explanation":"Definition: Conflict\nRIFE (prevalent) following (by) ST (street, the way)"} {"Clue":"Deaths of Kennedys viewed regularly (4)","Answer":"ENDS","Explanation":"Definition: Deaths\nevery other letter (viewed regularly) of kEnNeDyS"} {"Clue":"Bravery shown in old western covered by media (7)","Answer":"PROWESS","Explanation":"Definition: Bravery\nO (old) W (western) inside (covered by) PRESS (media)"} {"Clue":"Detail concerning esteem (7)","Answer":"RECOUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Detail\nRE (concerning) COUNT (esteem)"} {"Clue":"Oddly enough, really on \"nil by mouth\" (4)","Answer":"ORAL","Explanation":"Definition: by mouth\nReAlLy (odd letters) following (on) O (nil)"} {"Clue":"Sinister indication of pain in left side of eye (6)","Answer":"LOUCHE","Explanation":"Definition: Sinister\nOUCH (indication of pain) inside L (left) and eyE (side letter of, either side)"} {"Clue":"Chance I'm upsetting one enrolled in services? (8)","Answer":"MECHANIC","Explanation":"Definition: one enrolled in services\nanagram (upsetting) of CHANCE I'M \u2013 one working (enrolled) at a service station"} {"Clue":"Badge insinuating drunken crazy nut should be ousted (8)","Answer":"INSIGNIA","Explanation":"Definition: Badge\nanagram (crazy) of INSInuAtING missing NUT (should be ousted)"} {"Clue":"Tailless bird having to travel quickly around a desert (6)","Answer":"MOJAVE","Explanation":"Definition: a \nJAy (bird, tailless) inside (having\u2026around) MOVE (to travel quickly)"} {"Clue":"Remain in ditch, shifting one old native chieftain (8)","Answer":"HIAWATHA","Explanation":"Definition: old native chieftain\nWAIT (remain) inside HA-HA (ditch) with I (one) then moving to a new location"} {"Clue":"Rapid blast from hooter (6)","Answer":"SNEEZE","Explanation":"Definition: Rapid blast from hooter\ncryptic definition \u2013 hooter is slang for nose"} {"Clue":"A prayer gained us suffering (5,3)","Answer":"AGNUS DEI","Explanation":"Definition: A prayer\nanagram (suffering) of GAINED US"} {"Clue":"Idiots need keycode to sit on ship's toilet (8)","Answer":"PINHEADS","Explanation":"Definition: Idiots\nPIN (keycode) with HEADS (a ship's toilet)"} {"Clue":"One keeps items originally found in layers (3,3)","Answer":"EGG BOX","Explanation":"Definition: One keeps items originally found in layers\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Italian region getting peeled fruit (4)","Answer":"UGLI","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\npUGLIa (Italian region) missing outer letters (getting peeled)"} {"Clue":"Tremendous girl guide's leader is collecting bets (8)","Answer":"GIANTESS","Explanation":"Definition: Tremendous girl\nGuide (first letter, leader) IS contains (collecting) ANTES (bets)"} {"Clue":"Type of digital icons symmetrically cropped (6)","Answer":"ITALIC","Explanation":"Definition: Type\ndigITAL ICons (cropped, symmetrically)"} {"Clue":"Small hole in hollow, empty, overturned box (6)","Answer":"EYELET","Explanation":"Definition: Small hole\nEmptY (hollow) then TELE (box) reversed (overturned)"} {"Clue":"Support rubbish bloke in panto (7)","Answer":"PIERROT","Explanation":"Definition: bloke in panto\nPIER (support) ROT (rubbish)"} {"Clue":"More smart women having collapsed around Edward (7)","Answer":"SWANKER","Explanation":"Definition: More smart\nW (women) inside (having\u2026around) SANK (collapsed) then ER (Edward Rex ?)"} {"Clue":"Crazy mags with huge totty (8)","Answer":"MESHUGGA","Explanation":"Definition: Crazy\nanagram (totty) of MAGS with HUGE"} {"Clue":"Chest picked up by crew, reportedly cut (8)","Answer":"TRUNCATE","Explanation":"Definition: cut\nTRUNC sounds like (picked up) \"trunk\" (chest) with ATE (sounds like) reportedly \"eight\" (crew, of a rowing boat)"} {"Clue":"Outcome of strike \u2013 servant housed in abandoned barge (5,3)","Answer":"BLACK EYE","Explanation":"Definition: Outcome of strike\nLACKEY (servant) inside BargE (nothing inside, abandoned)"} {"Clue":"European in incomplete flimsy transport (6)","Answer":"SLEIGH","Explanation":"Definition: transport\nE (European) inside SLIGHt (flimsy, incomplete)"} {"Clue":"American footballer called for country (6)","Answer":"RUSSIA","Explanation":"Definition: country\nsounds like (called for) \"rusher\" (American footballer)"} {"Clue":"Almost driving away a dead cert (4-2)","Answer":"SHOO-IN","Explanation":"Definition: a dead cert\nSHOOINg (driving away, almost)"} {"Clue":"Say hello dear (4)","Answer":"HIGH","Explanation":"Definition: dear\nsounds like (say) \"hi\" (hello)"} {"Clue":"Scottish isle, for example, rejected small plans (8)","Answer":"ARRANGES","Explanation":"Definition: plans\nARRAN (Scottish isle) then EG reversed (rejected) S (small)"} {"Clue":"Type of Bible from God in spirit (6)","Answer":"GIDEON","Explanation":"Definition: Type of Bible\nDEO (from God) inside GIN (spirit)"} {"Clue":"After brief fast, chap filled savoury tart (6)","Answer":"QUICHE","Explanation":"Definition: filled savoury tart\nQUICk (fast, brief) then HE (the chap)"} {"Clue":"In the morning, mum in fact damaged part of engine (8)","Answer":"CAMSHAFT","Explanation":"Definition: part of engine\nAM (in the morning) SH (mum, quiet) inside anagram (damaged) of FACT"} {"Clue":"Type of house embraced by boss emigrating (4)","Answer":"SEMI","Explanation":"Definition: T\nfound inside (embraced by) bosS EMIgrating"} {"Clue":"Place to rest nosh on computer system (6,4)","Answer":"WINDOW SEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Place to rest\nEAT (nosh) following (on) WINDOWS (computer system)"} {"Clue":"Left crook back on street somewhere in south Wales (8)","Answer":"LLANELLI","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in south Wales\nL (left) then ILL (crook) reversed (back) following (on) LANE (street)"} {"Clue":"Smell river \u2013 that's awful! (4)","Answer":"REEK","Explanation":"Definition: Smell\nR (river) with EEK (that's awful, exclamation)"} {"Clue":"Long depression needing fifth beer (4)","Answer":"VALE","Explanation":"Definition: Long depression\nV (fifth, Roman numerals) with ALE (beer)"} {"Clue":"Brainy Anglican relative wins cups (8)","Answer":"CEREBRAL","Explanation":"Definition: Brainy\nCE (Church of England, Anglican) REL (relative) contains (wins) BRA (cups)"} {"Clue":"Salt once ruined main dish when entertaining Major perhaps (10)","Answer":"MIDSHIPMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Salt once\nanagram (ruined) of MAIN DISH contains (entertaining) MP (John Major perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Trim fruit by mouth (4)","Answer":"PARE","Explanation":"Definition: Trim\nsounds like (by mouth) \"pear\" (fruit)"} {"Clue":"Archdeacon taking a short break returned on a personal vessel (4,4)","Answer":"VENA CAVA","Explanation":"Definition: personal vessel\nVEN (venerable, honorific for archdeacon) with A VAC (vacation, short break) reversed (returned) then A"} {"Clue":"British actor requires no drop of Drambuie before performing (6)","Answer":"NEESON","Explanation":"Definition: British actor\nNEEdS (requires) missing (no\u2026) Drambuie (first letter, a drop of) hen ON (performing) \u2013 Liam Neeson is a British, Irish and American actor"} {"Clue":"Spy cracked revolutionary mind (6)","Answer":"PSYCHE","Explanation":"Definition: mind\nanagram (cracked) of SPY with CHE (Che Guevara, revolutionary)"} {"Clue":"File transferred to PC bust youngster stealing ring (8)","Answer":"DOWNLOAD","Explanation":"Definition: File transferred to PC\nDOWN (bust) LAD (youngster) contains (stealing) O (a ring)"} {"Clue":"Make-up uneven, hard to remove close to bedtime (5)","Answer":"ROUGE","Explanation":"Definition: Make-up\nROUGh (uneven) missing (\u2026to remove) H (hard) then bedtimE (closing letter)"} {"Clue":"Nice store designed with gold front \u2013 they sell lots (11)","Answer":"AUCTIONEERS","Explanation":"Definition: they sell lots\nanagram (designed) of NICE STORE with AU (gold, chemical symbol)"} {"Clue":"One in pack touching yellow marginally during game (4,4)","Answer":"GREY WOLF","Explanation":"Definition: One in pack\nRE (on the subject of, touching) YelloW (margins of) inside (during) GOLF (game)"} {"Clue":"Deputy back home with business minutes also (6-2-7)","Answer":"SECOND-IN-COMMAND","Explanation":"Definition: Deputy\nSECOND (back) IN (home) with CO (business) MM (minutes) AND (also)"} {"Clue":"Launch publication around spring (6)","Answer":"GAMBOL","Explanation":"Definition: spring\nLOB (launch) MAG (publication) all reversed (around)"} {"Clue":"I've been stupid to cheat on husband (3)","Answer":"DOH","Explanation":"Definition: I've been stupid\nDO (to cheat) on H (husband)"} {"Clue":"Old fellows arrived with artist unseen by TV viewers (3,6)","Answer":"OFF CAMERA","Explanation":"Definition: unseen by TV viewers\nO (old) F F (fellow, twice) CAME (arrived) with RA (Royal Academician, artist)"} {"Clue":"Stunted trees etc over spring become attractive when groomed (5,2,4)","Answer":"SCRUB UP WELL","Explanation":"Definition: become attractive when groomed\nSCRUB (stunted trees etc) UP (over) WELL (spring)"} {"Clue":"Green character Alfie roamed headland (9)","Answer":"LEAFINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Green\nanagram (roamed) of ALFIE then NESS (headland)"} {"Clue":"Mint Brenda munched touring north and west (5-3)","Answer":"BRAND-NEW","Explanation":"Definition: Mint\nanagram (munched) of BRENDA contains (touring) N (north) then W (west)"} {"Clue":"Preoccupy unknown character that's put in car key (6)","Answer":"FIXATE","Explanation":"Definition: Preoccupy\nX (an unknown character) inside FIAT (car) E (key, in music)"} {"Clue":"Threesome having time off, Jurgen's agreed to get wine (5)","Answer":"RIOJA","Explanation":"Definition: wine\ntRIO (threesome) missing T (time) then JA (yes agreed, in German for Jurgen)"} {"Clue":"Patrick regularly observed quality of rainbow (3)","Answer":"ARC","Explanation":"Definition: quality of rainbow\nevery other letter (regularly observed) of pAtRiCk"} {"Clue":"Where tapers are balanced unsteadily by artist (10)","Answer":"CANDELABRA","Explanation":"Definition: Where tapers are\nanagram (unsteadily) of BALANCED then RA (Royal Academician, artist)"} {"Clue":"Conflict over East River (4)","Answer":"WEAR","Explanation":"Definition: River\nWAR (conflict) contains (over) E (eastern) \u2013 the River Wear"} {"Clue":"Stage favourites return (4)","Answer":"STEP","Explanation":"Definition: Stage\nPETS (favourites) reversed (return)"} {"Clue":"They're called up to study texts (10)","Answer":"CONSCRIPTS","Explanation":"Definition: They're called\nCON (to study) SCRIPTS (texts)"} {"Clue":"Dry Parisian well walls corroded (6)","Answer":"BITTEN","Explanation":"Definition: corroded\nTT (teetotal, dry) inside (with \u2026walls, outsides) BIEN (well, French)"} {"Clue":"Fully developed female let down (8)","Answer":"FLOWERED","Explanation":"Definition: Fully developed\nF (female) LOWERED (let down)"} {"Clue":"Articulate European crowd welcome heartless monarch (8)","Answer":"ELOQUENT","Explanation":"Definition: Articulate\nE (European) LOT (crowd) contains (welcome) QUeEN (monarch, heartless)"} {"Clue":"Longing to leave in a Golf (4)","Answer":"AGOG","Explanation":"Definition: Longing\nGO (to leave) in A G (golf, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"A medic recalled last part of movement (4)","Answer":"CODA","Explanation":"Definition: last part of movement\nA DOC (medic) all revered (recalled)"} {"Clue":"Occupants of 28 do this renovation (8)","Answer":"FACELIFT","Explanation":"Definition: Occupants of 28 do this\ndefinition \/ cryptic definition \u2013 the occupants would be brave to climb the stairs"} {"Clue":"Dance over here disturbed nightspot in Berlin (4,4)","Answer":"BEER HALL","Explanation":"Definition: nightspot in Berlin\nBALL (dance) contains (over) anagram (disturbed) of HERE"} {"Clue":"Workers collect this chest he's left in close (6)","Answer":"NECTAR","Explanation":"Definition: Workers collect this\nChesT missing HE'S inside NEAR (close) \u2013 worker bees"} {"Clue":"Skinhead cornered alcohol (10)","Answer":"KETTLEDRUM","Explanation":"Definition: Skinhead\nKETTLED (cornered) RUM (alcohol) \u2013 *head* is the membrane of a drum"} {"Clue":"One teacher backs flag (4)","Answer":"IRIS","Explanation":"Definition: flag\nI (one) SIR (teacher) reverse (backs)"} {"Clue":"Bar measure excluding priest involved with hearing (4)","Answer":"OTIC","Explanation":"Definition: involved with hearing\nOpTIC (measure of spirits, in a bar) missing P (priest)"} {"Clue":"Broadcaster's bound to cover rare gherkin, say (10)","Answer":"SKYSCRAPER","Explanation":"Definition: gherkin, say\nSKY'S (broadcaster's) CAPER (bound) contains (to cover) R (rare)"} {"Clue":"Author Diana toured new home for workers (7)","Answer":"ANTHILL","Explanation":"Definition: home for workers\nATHILL (Diana Athill, author) contains (toured) N (new)"} {"Clue":"Drank heavily going round warehouse (5)","Answer":"DEPOT","Explanation":"Definition: warehouse\nTOPED (drank heavily) reversed (going round)"} {"Clue":"Publican shows hostility beside Poles in shelter (8)","Answer":"LICENSEE","Explanation":"Definition: Publican\nICE (hostility) with N S (poles) inside LEE (shelter)"} {"Clue":"I neglect offer to work in Times for church approval (7,2,6)","Answer":"BENEFIT OF CLERGY","Explanation":"Definition: church approval\nanagram (to work) of I NEGLECT OFFER inside BY (times, multiplication)"} {"Clue":"Presenter ran choral group (6)","Answer":"ANCHOR","Explanation":"Definition: Presenter\nfound inside (group of) rAN CHORal"} {"Clue":"Comic that costs \u00a3140 on board and is pink (9)","Answer":"WHITEHALL","Explanation":"Definition: Comic\ndouble definition \u2013 Jack Whitehall (comic) and the property on a British Monopoly board"} {"Clue":"Colourful style of a Republican Dail member and novelist (3,4)","Answer":"ART DECO","Explanation":"Definition: Colourful style\nA R (republican) TD (Teachta Dala, Dail member) and ECO (Umberto Eco, novelist)"} {"Clue":"Notice pig breaking fast briefly, using roots? (9)","Answer":"QUADRATIC","Explanation":"Definition: using roots\nAD (notice) RAT (pig) inside (breaking) QUICk (fast, briefly) \u2013 quadratic equations (like all other equations?) have roots"} {"Clue":"Efficient English wag keeps working (8)","Answer":"ECONOMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Efficient\nE (English) COMIC (wag) contains ON (working)"} {"Clue":"Risk inflation? Take hour out and risk it again? (7)","Answer":"OVEREAT","Explanation":"Definition: risk it again\nOVERhEAT (risk inflation) missing (take out) H (hour) \u2013 if you overeat you run the risk of inflating your waistline"} {"Clue":"Delicate paper kept in folder (7)","Answer":"FRAGILE","Explanation":"Definition: Delicate\nRAG (newspaper) inside FILE (folder)"} {"Clue":"Press perhaps breaks down, missing hub (6)","Answer":"PAPERS","Explanation":"Definition: Press\nanagram (breaks down) of PERhAPS missing middle letter (hub)"} {"Clue":"Feature a service (5)","Answer":"CHINA","Explanation":"Definition: service\nCHIN (feature) then A \u2013 a dinner service"} {"Clue":"Spooner's resentful convicts found down in the dumps (6,4)","Answer":"LITTER BAGS","Explanation":"Definition: found down in the dumps\nSpoonersim of \"bitter lags\" (resentful criminals) \u2013 things found at the dump"} {"Clue":"Nobleman almost naked (4)","Answer":"EARL","Explanation":"Definition: Nobleman\nnEARLy (almost) with no outside letters (naked)"} {"Clue":"Creature seen in our ocean frequently (4)","Answer":"ORCA","Explanation":"Definition: Creature\nevery other letter (frequently) of OuR oCeAn \u2013 a killer whale, seen in the ocean"} {"Clue":"Toxic, explosive articles stirring up Brits by Dom (5,5)","Answer":"DIRTY BOMBS","Explanation":"Definition: Toxic, explosive articles\nanagram (stirring up) of BRITS BY DOM"} {"Clue":"Energy saved by support bod working in IT (6)","Answer":"TECHIE","Explanation":"Definition: bod working in IT\nCHI (energy) inside (saved by) TEE (support)"} {"Clue":"Strongly criticise Ms Moore, about to become viral worldwide? (8)","Answer":"PANDEMIC","Explanation":"Definition: viral worldwide\nPAN (strongly criticise) DEMI (MS Demi Moore, actress) and C (circa, about)"} {"Clue":"Notorious individual describing one stuffed with 1? (3,5)","Answer":"BIN LADEN","Explanation":"Definition: Notorious individual\ndefinition \/ cryptic definition \u2013 Osama Bin Laden"} {"Clue":"Leader of Italian resistance unit retired, giving modest address (4)","Answer":"IMHO","Explanation":"Definition: modest address\nItalian (first letter, leader of) then OHM (resistance unit) reversed (retired) \u2013 in my humble opinion"} {"Clue":"Sun's leader, page 4, such a disreputable character! (4)","Answer":"SPIV","Explanation":"Definition: a disreputable character\nSun (first letter, leader of) then P (page) IV (four)"} {"Clue":"Discuss loftier garret of priests (8)","Answer":"HIERATIC","Explanation":"Definition: of priests\nsounds like (to discuss) \"higher attic\" (loftier garret)"} {"Clue":"The Duke of Milan's quite correct to defend son, Oscar (8)","Answer":"PROSPERO","Explanation":"Definition: The Duke of Milan\nPROPER (quite correct) contains (to defend) S (son) then O (oscar, phonetic alphabet) \u2013 the Duke of Milan in *The Tempest"} {"Clue":"France pitching in to recycle garbage (6)","Answer":"REFUSE","Explanation":"Definition: garbage\nF (France) inside (pitching in to) REUSE (recycle)"} {"Clue":"Bra \u2013 letter G \u2013 tailored item of ladies underwear (6,4)","Answer":"GARTER BELT","Explanation":"Definition: item of ladies underwear\nanagram (tailored) of BRA LETTER G"} {"Clue":"Hear end of story (4)","Answer":"TALE","Explanation":"Definition: story\nsounds like (head) \"tail\" (end)"} {"Clue":"At a knockdown price, Charlie shifted pile (4)","Answer":"HEAP","Explanation":"Definition: pile\ncHEAP (at knockdown price) missing (with\u2026shifted) C (charlie, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Participates vocally in hairdressing salon gossip (5,5)","Answer":"SINGS ALONG","Explanation":"Definition: Participates vocally\nfound inside hairdresSING SALON Gossip"} {"Clue":"National Inquirer's no.1 serial criminal (7)","Answer":"ISRAELI","Explanation":"Definition: National\nInquirer (first letter, no. 1) then anagram (criminal) of SERIAL"} {"Clue":"Waste time being over-hasty (5)","Answer":"TRASH","Explanation":"Definition: Waste\nT (time) on (being over) RASH (hasty)"} {"Clue":"Embarrassed leaders such as Kinnock and Kennedy? (8)","Answer":"REDHEADS","Explanation":"Definition: such as Kinnock and Kennedy\nRED (embarrassed) and HEADS (leaders) \u2013 JFK and Neil perhaps"} {"Clue":"Insignificant event preceding tsunami (1,4,2,3,5)","Answer":"A DROP IN THE OCEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Insignificant\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Working with intelligence, start to plant yard with grass border (6)","Answer":"SPYING","Explanation":"Definition: Working with intelligence\nPlant (first letter, start to) inside (with\u2026border) SING (grass)"} {"Clue":"I see actor throwing out collection of arcane items (9)","Answer":"ESOTERICA","Explanation":"Definition: collection of arcane items\nanagram (throwing out) of I SEE ACTOR"} {"Clue":"Poor Bobbie regularly given the run around (7)","Answer":"RUBBISH","Explanation":"Definition: Poor\nevery other letter (regularly) of BoBbIe inside (given\u2026around) RUSH (run)"} {"Clue":"Copies Riley doing real-time tummy exercise? (5,2,2)","Answer":"LIVES IT UP","Explanation":"Definition: Copies Riley\nLIVE (real-time) SIT-UP (tummy exercise) \u2013 living the life of Riley"} {"Clue":"Litter? New duster will collect it (8)","Answer":"DETRITUS","Explanation":"Definition: Litter\nanagram (new) of DUSTER contains (will collect) IT"} {"Clue":"Rising salesman Dave struggling to spread effectively (7)","Answer":"PERVADE","Explanation":"Definition: to spread effectively\nREP (salesman) reversed (rising) then anagram (struggling) of DAVE"} {"Clue":"Puttin' down timeless drug (7)","Answer":"INSULIN","Explanation":"Definition: drug\nINSULtIN' (puttin' down) missing T (timeless)"} {"Clue":"Conclude Bristol is packed with dross (6)","Answer":"DEBRIS","Explanation":"Definition: dross\nfound inside (packed with) concluDE BRIStol"} {"Clue":"Deadly river claiming reserves (5)","Answer":"FATAL","Explanation":"Definition: Deadly\nFAL (River in Cornwall) contains (claiming) TA (the former Territorial Army, reserves)"} {"Clue":"Date of historic score, with combinations of sixes (8,6)","Answer":"EIGHTEEN TWELVE","Explanation":"Definition: Date of historic score\ntwo multiples of 6"} {"Clue":"10, or part of 24 down (6)","Answer":"SPRING","Explanation":"Definition: 10\nSPRING is part of a year (24 down) \u2013 definition is LEAP (10 across)"} {"Clue":"English novel a player pens, for example 1 11 (4,4)","Answer":"LEAP YEAR","Explanation":"Definition: for example 1 11\nE (English) inside (that\u2026pens) anagram (novel) of A PLAYER"} {"Clue":"Proverbial loser in 10 24 down regularly scrapped with partners initially (6)","Answer":"WEEPER","Explanation":"Definition: Proverbial loser\nevery other letter (regularly scrapped) of lEaP yEaR (10, 24 down) following (with\u2026initially) E and W (partners in Bridge) \u2013 *finders keepers, losers weepers"} {"Clue":"Issue of Trump, in part, dividing a piece of the US (8)","Answer":"AMERICAN","Explanation":"Definition: of the US\nERIC (Eric Trump, issue of Donald Trump) inside (dividing) A MAN (chess piece). I'm not sure about \"in part\", maybe it indicates \"Eric\" rather than \"Eric Trump\""} {"Clue":"Like promise broken, broken by male like Boris (7)","Answer":"UNKEMPT","Explanation":"Definition: like Boris\nUNKEPT (like promise broken) contains (broken by) M (male) \u2013 like Boris Johnson's hair perhaps"} {"Clue":"Member of jury in recent trial \u2014 treason involved? (7)","Answer":"SENATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Member of jury in recent trial\nanagram (involved) of TREASON \u2013 Trump's recent trial in the Senate"} {"Clue":"Iron hook smashed large stone (3-1-4)","Answer":"KOH-I-NOOR","Explanation":"Definition: large stone\nanagram (smashed) of IRON HOOK -a large diamond"} {"Clue":"Even you, in old-fashioned way, decorate fabric (3-3)","Answer":"TIE-DYE","Explanation":"Definition: decorate fabric\nTIED (even) then YE (you, old fashioned)"} {"Clue":"Left author to judge paper again, for instance (10)","Answer":"REDECORATE","Explanation":"Definition: paper again, for instance\nRED (left wing) ECO (Umberto Eco, author) RATE (to judge)"} {"Clue":"Setter might produce them, ending off this month with a little extra added (4)","Answer":"YAPS","Explanation":"Definition: Setter might produce\nfebruarY (this month, the ending off) with A PS (little extra added) \u2013 a setter is a breed of dog"} {"Clue":"Inexperienced cowboy cut end of rope (6)","Answer":"GAUCHE","Explanation":"Definition: Inexperienced\nGAUCHo (cowboy, cut) then ropE (end of)"} {"Clue":"Eg clue that's really simple and good? Brendan's not without method (8)","Answer":"GIVEAWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Eg clue that's really simple\nG (good) I'VE A WAY (Brendan has a method, is not without)"} {"Clue":"Datebook? (8,6-4)","Answer":"NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Datebook\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Party official, one in US government shortly before Trump's termination (4)","Answer":"WHIP","Explanation":"Definition: Party official\nI (one) inside WH (US government, White House abbreviated) then trumP (last letter, termination) \u2013 alternatively*\u00a0WHIg (one in US government, shortened)"} {"Clue":"Try again in seat occupied by male (6)","Answer":"REHEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Try again\nREAR (seat) containing (occupied by) HE (a male)"} {"Clue":"Result of exchanging letters from an Indian city before 1st of March (7)","Answer":"ANAGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Result of exchanging letters\nAN AGRA (Indian city) then March (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Sweater I reknit, so to speak (2,2,4)","Answer":"AS IT WERE","Explanation":"Definition: so to speak\nanagram (reknit) of SWEATER I"} {"Clue":"Dissolute scholar, learner I punish at college (10)","Answer":"PROFLIGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Dissolute\nPROF (scholar) L (learner) I GATE (punish, at college)"} {"Clue":"Soul of an MP disturbed about what UK's abandoning (6)","Answer":"PNEUMA","Explanation":"Definition: Soul\nanagram (disturbed) of AN MP contains (about) EU (what UK is abandoning)"} {"Clue":"It's contested quadrennially, bringing power and official place to live (10)","Answer":"PRESIDENCY","Explanation":"Definition: It's contested quadrennially\nP (power) and RESIDENCY (official place to live)"} {"Clue":"Romantic female role today for model (8)","Answer":"PROPOSER","Explanation":"Definition: Romantic female role today\nPRO (for) POSER (model, one who poses) \u2013 traditionally girls can make marriage proposals on 29th February"} {"Clue":"Dweller on mountain, one seeking gold in 10 24 down (8)","Answer":"OLYMPIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Dweller on mountain\ndouble definition \u2013 being held very four years Olympic Games generally coincide with leap years"} {"Clue":"Impeach, as a restraint, in hearing (7)","Answer":"ARRAIGN","Explanation":"Definition: Impeach\nARRAIGN sounds like (in hearing) \"a rein\" (a restraint)"} {"Clue":"Difference between 2020 and 2019, at some point (3,3)","Answer":"ONE DAY","Explanation":"Definition: at some point\n~~if the date is 31\/12\/2019 then one day later it will be 2020 \u2013 one might argue that any time interval will have the effect of tipping 2019 into 2020, but in the dates context of the theme either a day or a year interval seems to be the natural choices, and *year* isn't four letters~~ *2020 is a leap year, 2019 isn't"} {"Clue":"Your basic make-up is foundation (7)","Answer":"GENESIS","Explanation":"Definition: foundation\nGENES (your basic make-up) then IS"} {"Clue":"Injured? Not hard with a sword, maybe (5)","Answer":"ARMED","Explanation":"Definition: with a sword, maybe\nhARMED (injured) missing H (hard)"} {"Clue":"Was hurdling a field sport? (5)","Answer":"LEAPT","Explanation":"Definition: Was hurdling\nLEA (a field) then PT (physical training, sport)"} {"Clue":"A mantra is stirring for a listener (9)","Answer":"SAMARITAN","Explanation":"Definition: a listener\nanagram (stirring) of A MANTRA IS \u2013 a worker for the The Samaritans"} {"Clue":"Bush grew bark (7)","Answer":"ROSEBAY","Explanation":"Definition: Bush\nROSE (grew) BAY (bark)"} {"Clue":"Colourful words including one between yellow and blue (7)","Answer":"ORATORY","Explanation":"Definition: Colourful words\nA (one) inside (between) OR (yellow) and TORY (blue, colour of political party)"} {"Clue":"Maybe armour's best feature (6,4)","Answer":"STRONG SUIT","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe armour\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Breakfast for one \u2013 guests cleared out (4)","Answer":"EGGS","Explanation":"Definition: Breakfast\nEG (for one, for example) then GuestS (no middle letters, cleared out)"} {"Clue":"Beastly noise the reason tattooist might stop? (4)","Answer":"OINK","Explanation":"Definition: Beastly noise\na tattooist might stop because there is O (zero) INK"} {"Clue":"He'll find fault to repair on bridge (10)","Answer":"CROSSPATCH","Explanation":"Definition: He'll find fault\nPATCH (to repair) following (on) CROSS (bridge)"} {"Clue":"Simple coat's reversible hood (7)","Answer":"RUFFIAN","Explanation":"Definition: hood\nNAIF (simple) FUR (coat) all reversed"} {"Clue":"Keep coming over chilled at Iceland stores (7)","Answer":"CITADEL","Explanation":"Definition: Keep\nfound inside (stored by) chilLED AT ICeland reversed (coming over)"} {"Clue":"Indian IT hub running on algebra (9)","Answer":"BANGALORE","Explanation":"Definition: Indian IT hub\nanagram (running) of ON ALGEBRA"} {"Clue":"That is providing cover for Vogue? (5)","Answer":"IMAGE","Explanation":"Definition: That is providing cover for Vogue\nIE (that is) contains (providing cover for) MAG (vogue, for example)"} {"Clue":"Ray's bottom is starting to get dirty (5)","Answer":"SMEAR","Explanation":"Definition: get dirty\nMEARS (Ray Mears, TV presenter) with last letter (bottom) at the front (starting)"} {"Clue":"Foot is to toe as inch is to chin? (7)","Answer":"TOOTSIE","Explanation":"Definition: Foot\nanagram (as *inch* is to *chin*) of IS TO TOE"} {"Clue":"Maybe helium's left inside balloon? (5)","Answer":"GLASS","Explanation":"Definition: balloon\nGAS'S (maybe Helium's) contains (with\u2026inside) L (left) \u2013 a type of wine glass"} {"Clue":"I wish it wasn't a mountain expedition \u2013 only at first, mind you (4,4)","Answer":"NOTA BENE","Explanation":"Definition: mind you\nNOT A BEN (I wish it wasn't a mountain,to be read in a whining voice) then Expedition (only the first letter)"} {"Clue":"Impertinent fool stretches the bounds of stupidity (5)","Answer":"SASSY","Explanation":"Definition: Impertinent\nASS (fool) inside (stretches) StupiditY (outer letters, bounds of)"} {"Clue":"Half of hearing aids finally interpreting sign language (9)","Answer":"SEMIOTICS","Explanation":"Definition: interpreting sign language\nSEMI (half of) OTIC (of hearing) then aidS (last letter, finally)"} {"Clue":"English priest in Rome wanting a Scottish doctor he's familiar with? (6)","Answer":"ADRIAN","Explanation":"Definition: English priest in Rome\nA then DR IAN (Scottish doctor) \u2013 Pope Adrian IV, the only English Pope"} {"Clue":"I felt satisfied while being hugged (9)","Answer":"METHOUGHT","Explanation":"Definition: I felt\nMET (satisfied) contains (\u2026being hugged) THOUGH (while)"} {"Clue":"Father's middle daughter falls for new beau (5)","Answer":"DANDY","Explanation":"Definition: beau\nDAdDY (father) with the middle D (daughter) replaced with (falls for) N (new)"} {"Clue":"Flares set off by officer in the open (8)","Answer":"ALFRESCO","Explanation":"Definition: in the open\nanagram (set off) of FLARES then MO (medical officer)"} {"Clue":"Protect one who wrongly accepts tokens of commitment? (4-5)","Answer":"RING FENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Protect\na RING FENCE might be a dealer in stolen rings (tokens of commitment)"} {"Clue":"High sturdy walls the usual support for a window cleaner? (6,3)","Answer":"STRUNG OUT","Explanation":"Definition: High\nSTOUT (sturdy) contains (walls) RUNG (the usual support for a window cleaner)"} {"Clue":"Poet's not doing so well raising small children (8)","Answer":"SCHILLER","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\nILLER (not doing so well) following (with\u2026on top, raising) S (small) CH (children) \u2013 Frederick Schiller writer of Beethoven's Ode to Joy"} {"Clue":"Cook puts on fancy manners away from the servants' quarters (8)","Answer":"UPSTAIRS","Explanation":"Definition: away from the servants' quarters\nanagram (cook) of PUTS then AIRS (fancy manners)"} {"Clue":"Pick up faint broadcast in the ether (6)","Answer":"MIDAIR","Explanation":"Definition: in the ether\nDIM (faint) reversed (pick up) then AIR (broadcast)"} {"Clue":"Something puzzling about public transport (5)","Answer":"REBUS","Explanation":"Definition: Something puzzling\nRE (about) BUS (public transport)"} {"Clue":"Catholic to have another look at his belief (5)","Answer":"CREDO","Explanation":"Definition: his belief\nC (catholic) and REDO (have another look at)"} {"Clue":"Legendary bowler \u2013 one might fall for a duck (5)","Answer":"DRAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Legendary bowler\ntwo cryptic definitions \u2013 Sir Francis Drake and a male duck"} {"Clue":"Gave hunter a X? (11)","Answer":"AUTOGRAPHED","Explanation":"Definition: Gave hunter a X\ncryptic definition? Is there more to this than I can see?"} {"Clue":"Char kept earning packets (3)","Answer":"TEA","Explanation":"Definition: Char\nfound inside (packeted by) kepT EArning"} {"Clue":"Forest spirit resident in tree? (5,10)","Answer":"GREEN WOODPECKER","Explanation":"Definition: resident in tree\nGREENWOOD (forest) then PECKER (spirit, *to keep your pecker up*)"} {"Clue":"Aunt in Barcelona's imported two kilos of spiced curry (5)","Answer":"TIKKA","Explanation":"Definition: spiced curry\nTIA (aunt, in Spanish or Catalan) contains (imported) K K (kilo, twice)"} {"Clue":"Outside gym, \"Arse!\" \u2013 not bad language (9)","Answer":"ESPERANTO","Explanation":"Definition: language\nPE (gym) inside (outside\u2026is\u2026) anagram (bad) of ARSE NOT"} {"Clue":"Enlivened dish performing intercourse along pier after cycling (12,3)","Answer":"RESURRECTION PIE","Explanation":"Definition: Enlivened dish\nanagram (performing) of INTERCOURSE inside (along, along the way, during) anagram (after cycling) of PIER \u2013 cycling could also mean letters rotated, take your pick. The pie is made from leftovers, given a second life."} {"Clue":"Discovering Bach, I'll perform 4\/4 oratorio (1,5,2,3,4)","Answer":"A CHILD OF OUR TIME","Explanation":"Definition: oratorio\nBACH ILL missing the outer letters (dis-covered) then DO (perform) and FOUR TIME 4\/4 \u2013 oratorio by Michael Tippet"} {"Clue":"Key warmonger invades quiet area with sea inlet? (4,5)","Answer":"SALT MARSH","Explanation":"Definition: area with\nALT (key, on your computer) MARS (warmonger) all inside (invades) SH (quiet)"} {"Clue":"One ring left enclosing another (5)","Answer":"QUOIT","Explanation":"Definition: One ring\nQUIT (left) contains O (another ring)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps the slogan of the Glass Urn Co will be known eventually? (7,2,2,4)","Answer":"REMAINS TO BE SEEN","Explanation":"Definition: will be known eventually\ndefinition and cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Pool table pocket (3)","Answer":"POT","Explanation":"Definition: Pool\nI think this is either a double or triple definition, I'm not sure \u2013 a shared pool of money, a condensed statement or summary, a pocket on a pool table"} {"Clue":"In high-pressure situation, comic actor's performing with canned laughter (3,4,2,2)","Answer":"THE HEAT IS ON","Explanation":"Definition: In high-pressure situation\nTATI'S ON (comic actor Jaques Tati is performing) contains (cans) HE HE (laughter)"} {"Clue":"Report unopened, given name of director (3)","Answer":"ANG","Explanation":"Definition: given name of director\nbANG (report, unopened) \u2013 the first name (given name) of Taiwanese film director Ang Lee"} {"Clue":"Theme skittishly put together, free of restrictions (3,4,3,5)","Answer":"THE SKY\u2019S THE LIMIT","Explanation":"Definition: free of restrictions\nanagram (put together) of THEME SKITTISHLY"} {"Clue":"\"I'll take a shot, straight\" \u2013 sozzled regular, clutching note (3,6)","Answer":"GUN BARREL","Explanation":"Definition: \"\nanagram (sozzled) of REGULAR contains (clutching) NB (note)"} {"Clue":"Thawing freezer without first of fingerstalls on cuts from the beginning (5,4)","Answer":"ABOVE ZERO","Explanation":"Definition: Thawing\nfreEZER missing (without) Fingerstalls (first letter) RE (about) inside (cuts) AB OVO (from the beginning)"} {"Clue":"Broke out of Reading? Called to account (3,2)","Answer":"HAD UP","Explanation":"Definition: Called to account\nHArD UP (broke) mising (out of) R (reading, *as in the three Rs*)"} {"Clue":"Gloomy GP needs attention (5)","Answer":"DREAR","Explanation":"Definition: Gloomy\nDR (doctor, GP perhaps) and EAR (attention)"} {"Clue":"Be ruthless in response to turning nasty with ark (4,2,9)","Answer":"TAKE NO PRISONERS","Explanation":"Definition: Be ruthless\nanagram (turning nasty) of IN RESPONSE TO with ARK"} {"Clue":"Moira's strangely heated when he leaves a draught? (3,8)","Answer":"AIR MOVEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: a draught\nanagram (strangely) of MOIRA then VEheMENT (heated) missing (when\u2026leaves) HE"} {"Clue":"Top Hat star Ginger's last seen dancing for Nag's Head band (6-5)","Answer":"THROAT-STRAP","Explanation":"Definition: Nag's Head band\nanagram (seen dancing) of TOP HAT STR and gingeR (last letter of) \u2013 a band that is part of a horse's (nag's) head wear"} {"Clue":"Outrageously hot, so parts I think tasty (9)","Answer":"TOOTHSOME","Explanation":"Definition: tasty\nanagram (outrageously) of HOT SO inside (parts) TO ME (I think)"} {"Clue":"When one asks repeatedly about search (2,7)","Answer":"ON REQUEST","Explanation":"Definition: When one asks\nON RE (about, repeatedly) then QUEST (search)"} {"Clue":"Wet weather affecting visibility? Nothing may be seen through it (5)","Answer":"MOIST","Explanation":"Definition: Wet\nMIST (weather affecting visibility) contains (\u2026may be seen through it) O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Supper of cider\/tea, with\/ without Lee? (5)","Answer":"ROSIE","Explanation":"Definition: Suppe\nif you have tea you have ROSIE with LEE (Rosie Lee, rhyming slang), but if you have *Cider with Rosie* (book) then you have ROSIE without LEE, but since *Cider with Rosie* is by *Laurie Lee* you are having *Cider with Rosie* with LEE after all. Confused? You will be!"} {"Clue":"A serving of brawn and bread (3)","Answer":"NAN","Explanation":"Definition: bread\nfound inside (a serving of ) brawN ANd"} {"Clue":"Old vulgarian holding end of cigar \u2013 it's often lit (4)","Answer":"CRIT","Explanation":"Definition: it's often lit\nCIT (vulgarian, archaic) contains cigaR (end letter of) \u2013 literary criticism"} {"Clue":"Rap singer, good one but full of unease about our lot (7)","Answer":"GANGSTA","Explanation":"Definition: Rap singer\nG (good) A (one) contains (but full of) ANGST (unease about our lot, fate)"} {"Clue":"Outfit and curved sabre abandoned by war in palm tree (6)","Answer":"KITTUL","Explanation":"Definition: palm tree\nKIT (outfit) then TULwar (curved sabre) missing WAR"} {"Clue":"One entering left twice (in different guises) \u2013 a grand entrance (6)","Answer":"PORTAL","Explanation":"Definition: a grand entrance\nA (one) inside PORT L (left, twice, in different guises)"} {"Clue":"English and Latin included in rigidly formal exam (6)","Answer":"PRELIM","Explanation":"Definition: exam\nE (English) and L (Latin) inside PRIM (rigidly formal)"} {"Clue":"Scot's resolute for all to see, getting into college (5)","Answer":"TEUCH","Explanation":"Definition: Scot's resolute\nU (for all to see) inside TECH (college)"} {"Clue":"A keg fashioned with this whitewood? Ageing oak possibly (5)","Answer":"NGAIO","Explanation":"Definition: this whitewood\nan anagram (fashioned) of A KEG with NGAIO (this whitewood, the solution) gives AGEING OAK"} {"Clue":"Runs test showing early signs of damp (5)","Answer":"RORAL","Explanation":"Definition: showing early signs of damp\nR (runs) ORAL (test) \u2013 dew (signs of damp) in the morning (early)"} {"Clue":"Scout rule? Look after that (5)","Answer":"RECCE","Explanation":"Definition: Scout\nR (rule) followed by (\u2026after that) ECCE (look)"} {"Clue":"What'll spell depression for Indian scholar? (6)","Answer":"PANDIT","Explanation":"Definition: Indian scholar\nP AND IT spell PIT (depression)"} {"Clue":"Saint, one seen hiding in a tree (6)","Answer":"ANSELM","Explanation":"Definition: Saint\nS (\u2026one, a saint) inside (seen hiding in) AN ELM (a tree)"} {"Clue":"Sluggish Scottish river dam retained by stone (6)","Answer":"SWEIRT","Explanation":"Definition: Sluggish Scottish\nWEIR (river dam) inside ST (stone)"} {"Clue":"Fowl \u00e0 la fran\u00e7aise cooked in allspice (not soft inside) (7)","Answer":"CAILLES","Explanation":"Definition: Fowl \u00e0 la fran\u00e7aise\nanagram (cooked in) of ALLSpICE missing P (soft)"} {"Clue":"Large fruit, juice nil (4)","Answer":"PEPO","Explanation":"Definition: Large fruit\nPEP (juice) O (nil)"} {"Clue":"I err badly because going round hollows in Cairngorms? (7)","Answer":"CORRIES","Explanation":"Definition: hollows in Cairngorms\nanagram (badly) of I ERR inside (with\u2026going round) COS (because)"} {"Clue":"Live model's pose? No charge when (not initially very) melodious family's involved! (12)","Answer":"CONTRAPPOSTO","Explanation":"Definition: Live model's pose\nCOST O (cost zero, no charge) contains (when\u2026is involved) vON TRAPP (melodious family, from *The Sound of Music*) missing (not) V (very)"} {"Clue":"Bread roll \u2013 stock ordered in \u2013 Irish one's had much exposure (8)","Answer":"BACKSTOP","Explanation":"Definition: Irish one's had much exposure\nBAP (bread roll) contains (with\u2026in) anagram (ordered) of STOCK \u2013 the much discussed *Irish Backstop* during the Brexit negotiations"} {"Clue":"Regret endless journey over waterway, caring for some country clergy (11)","Answer":"RURIDECANAL","Explanation":"Definition: caring for some country clergy\nRUe (regret, endless) then RIDE (journey) on CANAL (waterway)"} {"Clue":"Doing without professional help bags IOM trophy \u2013 some catch! (5)","Answer":"DITTY","Explanation":"Definition: some catch\nDIY (doing without professional help) contains (bags) TT (Isle of Man trophy) \u2013 a catchy tune maybe"} {"Clue":"Bent structure, last removed from class (4)","Answer":"GENU","Explanation":"Definition: Bent structure\nGENUs (class) with last letter removed"} {"Clue":"Lunge awkwardly in river for primitive creature there? (7)","Answer":"EUGLENA","Explanation":"Definition: for primitive creature there\nanagram (awkwardly) of LUNGE inside EA (river)"} {"Clue":"Voluntary fee, ancient and not limited (8)","Answer":"HONORARY","Explanation":"Definition: V\nHOARY (ancient) contains (\u2026limited, provides limits for) NOR (and not)"} {"Clue":"Sudden rise in water rate agreed in part (5)","Answer":"EAGRE","Explanation":"Definition: Sudden rise in water\nfound inside (in part) ratE AGREed"} {"Clue":"Flying locust sucked into Greek plane's safety mechanism (8)","Answer":"GUSTLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: plane's safety mechanism\nanagram (flying) of LOCUST inside GK (Greek)"} {"Clue":"Countryman's jumped up having caught a young trout (4)","Answer":"PEAL","Explanation":"Definition: young trout\nLEP (jumped, countryman's dialect) reversed (up) contains (having caught) A"} {"Clue":"Large vessel filling basin drunk, recalling wild night in Dundee? (8)","Answer":"BURNSIAN","Explanation":"Definition: recalling wild night in Dundee\nURN (large vessel) inside (filling) anagram (drunk) of BASIN"} {"Clue":"Page-turner giving one tense time (short), not so good (8)","Answer":"THRILLER","Explanation":"Definition: Page-turner\nT (tense) HR (hour, time short=abbreviation) then ILLER (not so good)"} {"Clue":"A motet's so stirring, though lacking tenor, in grand style (8)","Answer":"MAESTOSO","Explanation":"Definition: in grand style\nanagram (stirring) of A MOTEt'S SO missing T (tenor)"} {"Clue":"Derbyshire location, one Bertie found forbidding (7)","Answer":"GLOSSOP","Explanation":"Definition: Derbyshire location\ndouble definition \u2013 town in Derbyshire and Sir Roderick Glossop character from Bertie Wooster stories described by Bertie as \"an extraordinarily formidable old bird\""} {"Clue":"Last of meal stored in handy earthenware (5)","Answer":"DELFT","Explanation":"Definition: earthenware\nmeaL (last letter of) inside DEFT (handy)"} {"Clue":"Copy as alternative to period (reverse thereof) (5)","Answer":"REPRO","Explanation":"Definition: Copy\nOR (alternative to) PER (period) all reversed"} {"Clue":"General's assistant bags century batting for both sides (4)","Answer":"ACDC","Explanation":"Definition: batting for both sides\nADC (aide-de-camp, general's assistant) contains (bags) C (century)"} {"Clue":"Distortion? This roof is able to withstand onset (4)","Answer":"WARP","Explanation":"Definition: Distortion\n(this, the solution) + ROOF gives WAR-PROOF (able to withstand an attack,onset). ~~Chambers does have war-proof as a word but it means *valour proved in war*.~~"} {"Clue":"Black or white in the States \u2013 one and the same (8)","Answer":"COLORADO","Explanation":"COLOR (black or white for instance, US spelling) A (one) and DO (the same)"} {"Clue":"Morning in the sticks, for starters (6)","Answer":"THAMES","Explanation":"AM (morning) inside THE then Sticks (first letter, for starters)"} {"Clue":"Made out leading racing hound (8)","Answer":"DORDOGNE","Explanation":"DONE (made) contains (out, outside) Racing (first letter, leading) and DOG (hound)"} {"Clue":"German, not bad. That's odd (6)","Answer":"GRANTA","Explanation":"every other letter (that's odd) of GeRmAn NoT bAd"} {"Clue":"Cockney fellow's present (5)","Answer":"ISERE","Explanation":"ISERE sounds like \"'he's there\" or possible \"I is here\" (present) in Cockney accent"} {"Clue":"A little lost, when old \u2013 losing one's head (5,4)","Answer":"WHITE NILE","Explanation":"WHIT (a little) then sENILE (lost, when old) missing first letter"} {"Clue":"Half the season's over for sure (6)","Answer":"MERSEY","Explanation":"sumMER (a season, half of) then YES (for sure) reversed (over)"} {"Clue":"Suspend wife inside house (5,2)","Answer":"HWANG HO","Explanation":"HANG contains (with\u2026inside) W (wife) then HO (house) \u2013 the Yellow River"} {"Clue":"Role which includes Romeo and Joiner, in French (7)","Answer":"PARRETT","Explanation":"PART (role) contains R (romeo, phonetic alphabet) then ET (and, a joiner, in French)"} {"Clue":"Tennis champion knocking back drink by bar (6)","Answer":"MURRAY","Explanation":"Andy Murray (tennis champion) and RUN (drink) reversed (knocking back) then RAY (bar?)"} {"Clue":"Reports of posh cargo on Stockton's river (9)","Answer":"EUPHRATES","Explanation":"sounds like \"U freight Tees\" (posh, cargo, River Tees)"} {"Clue":"Some terrain owls return to regularly (5)","Answer":"LOIRE","Explanation":"found reversed (return to?) inside (some) every other letter (regularly) of tErRaIn OwLs"} {"Clue":"Front runner coming second (6)","Answer":"ROTHER","Explanation":"Runner (first letter, front of) then OTHER (coming second)"} {"Clue":"Young girl, topless siren (8)","Answer":"MISSOURI","Explanation":"MISS (young girl) then hOURI (siren, topless)"} {"Clue":"The same practice areas (6)","Answer":"DONETS","Explanation":"DO (the same) NETS (practice areas, cricket)"} {"Clue":"Singer at spa (8)","Answer":"CHERWELL","Explanation":"CHER (singer) with WELL (spa)"} {"Clue":"He'll take drivers round the course (6)","Answer":"CADDIE","Explanation":"Definition: He'll take drivers round the course\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Strangely regrettable that non- drinker leaves this drink (5,4)","Answer":"LARGE BEER","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nanagram (strangely) of REGREttABLE missing TT (non-drinker).\n I had LAGER BEER for a long time which messed things up for the rivers"} {"Clue":"Sound of horse or injured heron (5)","Answer":"RHONE","Explanation":"sounds like \"roan\" (horse) or anagram (injured) of HERON"} {"Clue":"US actress dispensed with on the radio (7)","Answer":"DUNAWAY","Explanation":"Definition: US actress\nsounds like (on the radio) \"done away\" (dispensed with) \u2013 Faye Dunaway"} {"Clue":"Stuffing husky and rodent, we're told (9)","Answer":"HORSEHAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Stuffing\nsounds like (we are told) \"hoarse hare\" (husky rodent)"} {"Clue":"New name given to one strait (5)","Answer":"MENAI","Explanation":"Definition: strait\nanagram (new) of NAME then I (one)"} {"Clue":"Remained and organised video nasty, but six left at the start (6,2)","Answer":"STAYED ON","Explanation":"Definition: Remained\nanagram (organised) of viDEO NASTY missing VI (six) at the start"} {"Clue":"It's almost dark \u2013 almost! (4)","Answer":"NIGH","Explanation":"Definition: almost\nNIGHt (dark, almost)"} {"Clue":"Examination of slide, most clever to conceal drug (5,4)","Answer":"SMEAR TEST","Explanation":"Definition: Examination of slide\nSMARTEST (most clever) contains (to conceal) E (ecstasy, drug)"} {"Clue":"Appreciation of view expressed by King George? (9)","Answer":"GRATITUDE","Explanation":"Definition: Appreciation\nATITUDE sounds like (expressed) of \"attitude\"(view) following (by) GR (King George, rex)"} {"Clue":"Transpired to have copied bearing fruit (8)","Answer":"APPEARED","Explanation":"Definition: Transpired\nAPED (copied) contains (bearing) PEAR (fruit)"} {"Clue":"Thank you note for collection of pictures (4)","Answer":"TATE","Explanation":"Definition: collection of pictures\nTA (thank you) TE (note, music)"} {"Clue":"Footballer Lionel, a hot favourite at Christmas? (7)","Answer":"MESSIAH","Explanation":"Definition: favourite at Christmas\nMESSI (Lionel Messi) then A H (hot)"} {"Clue":"Lowly soldiers face losing leader (6)","Answer":"MENIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Lowly\nMEN (soldiers) then dIAL (face) missing first letter (losing leader)"} {"Clue":"Leader's lodge (5)","Answer":"PUTIN","Explanation":"Definition: Leader\nPUT IN (lodge) \u2013 Vladimir Putin"} {"Clue":"Not the winner in a close race (5)","Answer":"LOSER","Explanation":"Definition: Not the winner\nfound inside (in) a cLOSE Race"} {"Clue":"Small change by Welsh, playing round first objects fixed in pitch? (5-8)","Answer":"PENNY WHISTLES","Explanation":"Definition: objects fixed in pitch\nPENNY (small change) then anagram (playing) of WELSH containing IST (first)"} {"Clue":"Goodbye to all those armies on the front (2-2)","Answer":"TA-TA","Explanation":"Definition: Goodbye\nfirst letters (on the front) of To All Those Armies"} {"Clue":"In it, survey foreign body of intelligence? (10)","Answer":"UNIVERSITY","Explanation":"Definition: body of intelligence\nanagram (foreign) of IN IT SURVEY"} {"Clue":"Crikey \u2013 earth and neutral leads where light should be? (6)","Answer":"GOSHEN","Explanation":"Definition: where light should be\nGOSH (crikey) then first letters (leads) of Earth and Neutral \u2013 a land of light and plenty in The Bible"} {"Clue":"Worry about revolution seizing old benefit (4,4)","Answer":"GOOD TURN","Explanation":"Definition: benefit\nDOG (worry) reversed (about) and TURN (revolution) contain (seizing) O (old)"} {"Clue":"Somebody, at last, who can cope (3)","Answer":"ONE","Explanation":"Definition: Somebody\nlast letters of whO caN copE"} {"Clue":"It's over the hill, showing abnormal wear internally (8)","Answer":"FAREWELL","Explanation":"Definition: It's over\nFELL (the hill) contains (showing\u2026internally) anagram (abnormally) of WEAR"} {"Clue":"Female getting vote is appropriate (5)","Answer":"ANNEX","Explanation":"Definition: appropriate\nANNE (female, woman's name) with X (vote)"} {"Clue":"\"\u2026 small step \u2026\" once heard from it? (5)","Answer":"SPACE","Explanation":"Definition: once heard from it\nS (small) PACE (step) \u2013 \"one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind\" heard from space"} {"Clue":"Parting shot when backing that docked horse (8)","Answer":"SAYONARA","Explanation":"Definition: Parting shot\nAS (when) reversed (backing) YON (that) ARAb (horse, docked=shortened) \u2013 goodbye"} {"Clue":"Dismayed, suppressing belief (3)","Answer":"ISM","Explanation":"Definition: belief\nfound inside (suppressed by) dISMayed"} {"Clue":"What suitor might want in company (8)","Answer":"TOGETHER","Explanation":"Definition: company\nTO GET HER (what suitor might want)"} {"Clue":"Successively picked up one learning the ropes (6)","Answer":"INTERN","Explanation":"Definition: one learning the ropes\nsounds like (picked up) \"in turn\" (successively)"} {"Clue":"Note soldiers hiding in shade for privacy (10)","Answer":"RETIREMENT","Explanation":"Definition: privacy\nRE (note, musical) then REME (Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers) inside TINT (shade, colour)"} {"Clue":"All the best food is caught (4)","Answer":"CIAO","Explanation":"Definition: All the best\nsounds like (is caught, did you catch that?) \"chow\" (food)"} {"Clue":"In which the level of one's rackets are exposed (6,7)","Answer":"SQUASH LADDERS","Explanation":"Definition: In which the level of one's rackets are exposed\ncryptic definition, For those who are interested in such things: I would have expected *rackets ***is*** exposed *since *level* is a singular noun, the level is exposed not the rackets themselves. Incidentally, *rackets* as a game is a singular noon too. Thanks to Andrew for tidying this up for me."} {"Clue":"Set against trifle? No longer on the menu (4,3)","Answer":"PLAY OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Set against\nPLAY (trifle) OFF (no longer on the menu)"} {"Clue":"Below Old Bull and Bush at the end (5)","Answer":"NEATH","Explanation":"Definition: Below\nNEAT (bull, old=archaic) then busH (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"Shaky about holding our brief pointless conversation? (3,4)","Answer":"YOU KNOW","Explanation":"Definition: pointless conversation?\nWONKY (shaky) reversed (about) contains OUr (brief)"} {"Clue":"It's designed to give you a stiff shock (4,3)","Answer":"HAIR GEL","Explanation":"Definition: It's designed to give you a stiff shock\ncryptic definition \u2013 a shock of hair"} {"Clue":"Extremists in Cymru heard for so long (3,3)","Answer":"SEE YOU","Explanation":"Definition: so long\nsounds like (heard) \"C U\" the extremes of CymrU"} {"Clue":"Liner in Italian suit repaired after hems are dropped (9)","Answer":"LUSITANIA","Explanation":"Definition: Liner\nanagram (repaired) of iTALIAN SUIt missing outer letters (after hems are dropped) \u2013 British cruise liner sunk during WWI"} {"Clue":"Deliver frame with compliments (3,4)","Answer":"SET FREE","Explanation":"Definition: Deliver\nSET (frame) and FREE (with compliments)"} {"Clue":"Recent information from all sectors (4)","Answer":"NEWS","Explanation":"Definition: Recent information\nN E W S (north, south, east west \u2013 all sectors)"} {"Clue":"Cardinal cruel \u2013 he and I tortured one on the inside (9)","Answer":"RICHELIEU","Explanation":"Definition: Cardinal\nanagram (tortured) of CUREL HE and I containing (\u2026on the inside) I (one)"} {"Clue":"Covers kill, head to toe (4)","Answer":"LAYS","Explanation":"Definition: Covers\nSLAY (kill) first letter to the end (head to toe)"} {"Clue":"Strongly declare media should hold on (7)","Answer":"PROFESS","Explanation":"Definition: Strongly declare\nPRESS (media) contains (should hold) OF (on)"} {"Clue":"Bubble found in form of Braille (3-4)","Answer":"AIR-BELL","Explanation":"Definition: Bubble\nanagram (form) of BRAILLE"} {"Clue":"Left out dictionary opened by hand (7)","Answer":"OMITTED","Explanation":"Definition: Left out\nOED (Oxford English Dictionary) contains (opened by) MITT (hand)"} {"Clue":"Disheartened auditor backs debt (7)","Answer":"ARREARS","Explanation":"Definition: debt\nAuditoR (dis-heartened, no middle) then REARS (backs)"} {"Clue":"Good health food succeeded (6)","Answer":"CHEERS","Explanation":"Definition: Good health\nCHEER (food) S (succeeded)"} {"Clue":"Finally outwit smart walrus, maybe (5)","Answer":"TACHE","Explanation":"Definition: walrus, maybe\noutwiT (final letter of) then ACHE (smart) \u2013 a walrus moustache maybe"} {"Clue":"Old saw that's lost its cutting edge (6)","Answer":"CLICHE","Explanation":"Definition: Old saw that's lost its cutting edge\ncryptic definition \u2013 a saw is a saying"} {"Clue":"Reissued order to a fighter in the ring (8)","Answer":"TOREADOR","Explanation":"Definition: fighter in the ring\nanagram (reissued) of ORDER TO A"} {"Clue":"Group of activists admitting old member as friend (8)","Answer":"COMPADRE","Explanation":"Definition: friend\nCADRE (group of activists) contains O MP (member, of parliament)"} {"Clue":"Seat is ordered for afternoon nap (6)","Answer":"SIESTA","Explanation":"Definition: afternoon nap\nanagram (ordered) of SEAT IS"} {"Clue":"Ford car range (6)","Answer":"SIERRA","Explanation":"Definition: Ford c\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"A trolley porter brought round with various dishes (1,2,5)","Answer":"A LA CARTE","Explanation":"Definition: with various dishes\nA CART (trolley) inside (with\u2026brought round) ALE (porter)"} {"Clue":"Sleeping rough holding rugby forward and instrument (12)","Answer":"GLOCKENSPIEL","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\nanagram (rough) of SLEEPING contains LOCK (rugby forward)"} {"Clue":"Foreign worker organised rebate, gratis (12)","Answer":"GASTARBEITER","Explanation":"Definition: Foreign worker\nanagram (organised) of REBATE GRATIS"} {"Clue":"Backed slave distributing coal outside \u2013 outside! (8)","Answer":"ALFRESCO","Explanation":"Definition: outside\nSERF (slave) reversed (backed) inside (with\u2026outside) anagram (distributing) of COAL"} {"Clue":"\"With milk added\", the Spanish shout is heard (2,4)","Answer":"AU LAIT","Explanation":"Definition: With milk added\nsounds like (is heard) OLE (a shout, in Spanish)"} {"Clue":"Outsiders who decolonize Java and Vanuatu, strangely seen before (4,2)","Answer":"DEJA VU","Explanation":"Definition: strangely seen before\nthe outer letters (outsiders who) of DecolonizE JavA and VanatU"} {"Clue":"Toiling away at first, reproducing artwork (8)","Answer":"INTAGLIO","Explanation":"Definition: artwork\nanagram (reproducing) of TOILING and Away (first letter)"} {"Clue":"Former partner I nourish with one returning obsession (4,4)","Answer":"IDEE FIXE","Explanation":"Definition: obsession\nEX (former partner) I FEED (nourish) with I (one) all reversed (returning)"} {"Clue":"Carried back once is just too much (2,4)","Answer":"DE TROP","Explanation":"Definition: just too much\nPORTED (carried, once=now obsolete) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"John and relatives make a quick visit (4,2)","Answer":"LOOK IN","Explanation":"Definition: make a quick visit\nLOO (John) and KIN (relatives)"} {"Clue":"Protection from officer by end of day \u2013 and no mistake (9)","Answer":"COPYRIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Protection\nCOP (police officer) then daY (end letter) and RIGHT (no mistake)"} {"Clue":"Cook's ship on trial (9)","Answer":"ENDEAVOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Cook's ship\ndouble definition \u2013 captain James Cook's ship"} {"Clue":"Draw support for fabric which secures curtains (7)","Answer":"TIEBACK","Explanation":"Definition: fabric which secures curtains\nTIE (draw) BACK (support)"} {"Clue":"Star dancing with a Jamaican (5)","Answer":"RASTA","Explanation":"Definition: Jamaican\nanagram (dancing) of STAR with A"} {"Clue":"New in district, found place of entertainment (5)","Answer":"ARENA","Explanation":"Definition: place of entertainment\nN (new) inside AREA (district)"} {"Clue":"Groups run away from poor stone cutter (8)","Answer":"OCTETTES","Explanation":"Definition: Groups\nanagram (poor) of STOnE CuTTEr missing RUN"} {"Clue":"Cut-price ingredient of a BLT, perhaps (3)","Answer":"COS","Explanation":"Definition: ingredient of a BLT, perhaps\nCOSt (price, cut) \u2013 cos is a lettuce, the L in a BLT"} {"Clue":"Unwelcome redevelopment of town along with track extension initially included (3,6)","Answer":"NOT WANTED","Explanation":"Definition: Unwelcome\nanagram (redevelopment) of TOWN then AND (along with) including the first letters (initially) of Track Extension"} {"Clue":"Illumination on board carriage that's not heavily armed (9)","Answer":"PORTLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Illumination on board\nPORT (carriage, bearing) and LIGHT (not heavily armed) \u2013 a window (light, illumination) on a ship (on board)"} {"Clue":"Charladies lost cover around distant train terminus (8)","Answer":"RAILHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: train terminus\nanagram (around) of cHARLADIEs missing outer letters (lost cover)"} {"Clue":"\"Say When\" used regularly brings wonderment (3)","Answer":"AWE","Explanation":"Definition: wonderment\nevery other letter (used regularly) of sAy WhEn"} {"Clue":"Touchy leading economist with reason (7)","Answer":"EMOTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Touchy\nEconomist (first letter, leading) with MOTIVE (reason)"} {"Clue":"In which there is commotion about one kick. Not half! (6)","Answer":"AIKIDO","Explanation":"Definition: In which there is\nADO (commotion) contains (about) I (one) KIck (not half) \u2013 to be read as either an &lit or an extended definition: *In which there is\u2026"} {"Clue":"In literature, a developing novelist (5)","Answer":"READE","Explanation":"Definition: novelist\nfound inside literatuRE A DEveloping \u2013 Charles Reade"} {"Clue":"Small car for Middle Easterner (5)","Answer":"SAUDI","Explanation":"Definition: Middle Easterner\nS (small) AUDI (car)"} {"Clue":"Tradition to include prom finale in retreat (9)","Answer":"HERMITAGE","Explanation":"Definition: retreat\nHERITAGE (tradition) contains (to include) proM (final letter)"} {"Clue":"Some heartache at home in Hampstead? (5)","Answer":"HEATH","Explanation":"Definition: in Hampstead\nfound inside (some of) heartacHE AT Home"} {"Clue":"What may help sleep is blend regularly used by conservatives (7,7)","Answer":"BEDTIME STORIES","Explanation":"Definition: What may help sleep\nevery other letter (regularly used) of B l E n D then TIMES (by, multiplication) and TORIES (Conservatives)"} {"Clue":"Ultimately, trivia help me climax? Yes (4)","Answer":"APEX","Explanation":"Definition: Yes\nlast letters (ultimately) of triviA helP mE climaX \u2013 yes, a climax, answers the question posed in the wordplay"} {"Clue":"Special 'lorry class' motor race (10)","Answer":"RALLYCROSS","Explanation":"Definition: motor race\nanagram (special) of LORRY CLASS"} {"Clue":"Split hairs? Use a fine-toothed comb (7)","Answer":"NITPICK","Explanation":"Definition: Split hairs\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Rich fellow being stupid and loud (4,3)","Answer":"WELL OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Rich\nanagram (being stupid) of FELLOW and F (forte, loud)"} {"Clue":"I'm surprised solver's keeping mum (3,4,3)","Answer":"YOU DON\u2019T SAY","Explanation":"Definition: I'm surprised\nYOU (the solver) DON'T SAY (is keeping mum)"} {"Clue":"Scholar missing short holiday as a result of injury (4)","Answer":"SCAR","Explanation":"Definition: a result of injury\nSCholAR missing HOL (holiday, short)"} {"Clue":"Feeds well and puts to bed (5,2)","Answer":"TUCKS IN","Explanation":"Definition: Feeds well\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Not fast enough for capital in drag (3,4)","Answer":"TOO SLOW","Explanation":"Definition: Not fast enough\nOSLO ( a capital) in TOW (drag)"} {"Clue":"Sex in the City fine with love \u2026 (5)","Answer":"NOOKY","Explanation":"Definition: Sex\nNY (the city) contains (in\u2026is\u2026)OK (fine) with O (love)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 and another lie about another secret (9)","Answer":"LEICESTER","Explanation":"Definition: and another\nanagram (about) of LIE then anagram (another about) of SECRET \u2013 another city, from the previous clue"} {"Clue":"Is it good to kiss and tell? (3,7,5)","Answer":"THE BLARNEY STONE","Explanation":"Definition: Is it good to kiss and tell\ncryptic definition \u2013 see Kissing the Blarney Stone"} {"Clue":"Award without end pitch (8)","Answer":"GRADIENT","Explanation":"Definition: pitch\nGRANT (award) contains (without) DIE (end)"} {"Clue":"Municipal rise and fall (5)","Answer":"CIVIC","Explanation":"Definition: Municipal\na palindrome, read either rising or falling"} {"Clue":"Bikes initially have come home without a saddle (8)","Answer":"BAREBACK","Explanation":"Definition: without a \nBikes (first letter, initially) then ARE BACK (have come home)"} {"Clue":"Start to withstand what might go pop? (6)","Answer":"WEASEL","Explanation":"Definition: what might go pop\nWith (starting letter) and EASEL (stand)"} {"Clue":"Safe at last, wrapped in cloth, cut off from supernatural stuff (3,6)","Answer":"THE OCCULT","Explanation":"Definition: supernatural stuff\nsafE (last letter) inside anagram (off) of CLOTH CUT"} {"Clue":"Coins wasted securing a better establishment (6)","Answer":"CASINO","Explanation":"Definition: better establishment\nanagram (wasted) of COINS contains (securing) A"} {"Clue":"Underwear storage in artists' bosoms (6,2,7)","Answer":"CHESTS OF DRAWERS","Explanation":"Definition: Underwear storage\ndefinition and cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Little sister hugs so many when playing game (5,4)","Answer":"SIMON SAYS","Explanation":"Definition: game\nSIS (sister, little) contains (hugs) anagram (when playing) of SO MANY"} {"Clue":"Get less convincing victory protecting the planet (4,4)","Answer":"WEAR THIN","Explanation":"Definition: Get less convincing\nWIN (victory) contains (protecting) EARTH (the planet)"} {"Clue":"Elaborate clues to 'a kiss' (8)","Answer":"OSCULATE","Explanation":"Definition: kiss\nanagram (elaborate) of CLUES TO A"} {"Clue":"Uniform: spelled out, it's square (6)","Answer":"UNCOOL","Explanation":"Definition: square\nU (uniform) then anagram (out) of COLON (: spelled)"} {"Clue":"Producing a pleasant sensation, half disgustingly (6)","Answer":"TINGLY","Explanation":"Definition: Producing a pleasant sensation\ndisgusTINGLY (half of)"} {"Clue":"Lust after firm check (5)","Answer":"COVET","Explanation":"Definition: Lust after\nCO (company, firm) and VET (check)"} {"Clue":"Tough US fish cut by heavy knife (6)","Answer":"BADASS","Explanation":"BASS (fish) contains DA (heavy knife)"} {"Clue":"Falling for Shakespeare, acted in plays losing oneself? (6)","Answer":"CADENT","Explanation":"anagram (plays) of ACTED iN missing I (oneself)"} {"Clue":"Wee Soay that is following Mac's grandchild round, weak (5)","Answer":"YOWIE","Explanation":"IE (that is) following OY (grandchild, Mac's = Scots) reversed (round) W (weak) \u2013 a small sheep"} {"Clue":"Colourful bird? My lot's taken in by the myth (6)","Answer":"LOURIE","Explanation":"OUR (my lot's) inside LIE (myth)"} {"Clue":"Tropical palm increased in size twice, we hear (8)","Answer":"GROO-GROO","Explanation":"sounds like (we hear) \"grew grew\" (increased in size, twice)"} {"Clue":"Hunters' guides badly enthralled by their Grants? (7)","Answer":"GILLIES","Explanation":"ILL (badly) inside GIES (gives, grants Scots)"} {"Clue":"Due degrees regularly lacking for poets grievously (5)","Answer":"DEERE","Explanation":"every other letter (regularly lacking) of DuE dEgReEs"} {"Clue":"Drink's going the wrong way causing hissy fit! (5)","Answer":"STROP","Explanation":"PORT'S (drink's) reversed (going the wrong way)"} {"Clue":"Given sack (litre) count goes round in chilled-out fashion (9)","Answer":"RELAXEDLY","Explanation":"AXED (given sack) L (litre) all inside (\u2026goes round) RELY (count)"} {"Clue":"Sugar in some veg, no safer if granulated (9)","Answer":"RAFFINOSE","Explanation":"anagram (granulated) of NO SAFER IF"} {"Clue":"Trains with weight snatching \u2013 it establishes one's fit (5)","Answer":"TRYON","Explanation":"RY (railway, trains) inside (with\u2026snatching) TON (weight)"} {"Clue":"Disputed point \u2013 half of it's covered at start of paper (5)","Answer":"ISSUE","Explanation":"tISSUE (paper) with iT (half of) missing from the start"} {"Clue":"Brussels number in ceremony to undo Brexit? (7)","Answer":"REUNITE","Explanation":"EU (Brussels) N (number) inside RITE (ceremony)"} {"Clue":"Hotel chain identified by style of furniture (8)","Answer":"SHERATON","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Discussion down under giving coup de gr\u00e2ce to error mostly misguided (6)","Answer":"KORERO","Explanation":"KO (coup de grace) to anagram (misguided) of ERROr (mostly)"} {"Clue":"Small marks in mottled blue inflorescence (5)","Answer":"UMBEL","Explanation":"M (marks, small=abbreviation) inside anagram (mottled) of BLUE"} {"Clue":"Gentleman without prospects? Gossip's accordingly circulating (6)","Answer":"STALKO","Explanation":"TALK (gossip) inside (\u2026circulating) SO (accordingly)"} {"Clue":"Standard experience of early Indian immigrants (6)","Answer":"PARSEE","Explanation":"PAR (standard) SEE (experience)"} {"Clue":"Fails to move after e.g. garb is tangled in burrs (12, 2 words, apostrophe) (12)","Answer":"BEGGAR STICKS","Explanation":"STICKS (fails to move) following anagram (is tangled) of EG GARB"} {"Clue":"Lofty spot, one featuring in old song (5)","Answer":"AYRIE","Explanation":"I (one) inside AYRE (old song)"} {"Clue":"Loiter around the offce, having turned up \u2013 crazy (8)","Answer":"DOOLALLY","Explanation":"DALLY (loiter) contains (around) LOO (the office) reversed (having turned up)"} {"Clue":"A lost signet like this varlet rediscovered \u2013 silver-gilt possibly (5)","Answer":"SIGIL","Explanation":"SIGIL (this) VARLET is an anagram (rediscovered) of SILVER-GILT"} {"Clue":"Poise renewed, in part unruffled (6)","Answer":"SERENE","Explanation":"found inside (in part) poiSE RENEwed"} {"Clue":"Warm day came to an end (6)","Answer":"CLOSED","Explanation":"CLOSE (warm) D (day)"} {"Clue":"Shivery nude, yet clutching very soft fabric (8)","Answer":"DUVETYNE","Explanation":"anagram (shivery) of NUDE YET contains V (very)"} {"Clue":"Artist-designer who's displayed in beer tent (4)","Answer":"ERTE","Explanation":"found inside beER TEnt"} {"Clue":"Regarding gaseous element: within reason, it's first to react (7)","Answer":"NITROUS","Explanation":"NOUS (reason) contains IT and React (first letter to)"} {"Clue":"Peer let off \u2013 nasty scene follows \u2013 it shows what VR could do (12)","Answer":"TELEPRESENCE","Explanation":"anagram (of) of PEER LET followed by anagram (nasty) of SCENE"} {"Clue":"Vehicle going over bird \u2013 case on it is often moving (8)","Answer":"CAROUSEL","Explanation":"CAR (vehicle) on OUSEL (bird) \u2013 at an airport perhaps"} {"Clue":"Gallfly: it's found in Aegean island (8)","Answer":"RHODITES","Explanation":"IT inside RHODES (Aegean Island)"} {"Clue":"Formerly (but no longer) admits cessation for hearing (7)","Answer":"EARSHOT","Explanation":"EARST (formerly, obsolete) contains (admits) HO (cessation)"} {"Clue":"Abandon Scotch in favour of house Orvieto initially (6)","Answer":"FORHOO","Explanation":"FOR (in favour of) HO (house) and Orvieto (first letter, initially)"} {"Clue":"Name of Asian state, wrong but including right one (5)","Answer":"BURMA","Explanation":"BUM (wrong) contains (but including) R (right) then A (one) \u2013 not the official name, another name"} {"Clue":"Lifted old gold coin out of pit (5)","Answer":"STOLE","Explanation":"piSTOLEt (old gold coin) missing (out of) PIT"} {"Clue":"Rail transport arose with no end in sight (4)","Answer":"SORA","Explanation":"anagram (transport) of AROSe (missing end letter)"} {"Clue":"Smartphone I fixed for one who distrusts mankind (11)","Answer":"MISANTHROPE","Explanation":"Definition: one who distrusts mankind\nanagram (fixed) of SMARTPHONE and I (one)"} {"Clue":"Charity starts to advance international development (3)","Answer":"AID","Explanation":"Definition: Charity\nfirst letters (starts to) Advance International Development"} {"Clue":"Traveller is sensible to skip capital of Tunisia (5)","Answer":"NOMAD","Explanation":"Definition: Traveller\nNOt MAD (sensible) missing first letter (capital) of Tunisia"} {"Clue":"No salt? Disgusting! (9)","Answer":"UNSAVOURY","Explanation":"Definition: No salt\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Hot-headed entertainer's achievement: concealing anger with the queen (4-5)","Answer":"FIRE EATER","Explanation":"Definition: Hot-headed entertainer\nFEAT (achievement) contains (concealing) IRE (anger) then ER (The Queen)"} {"Clue":"Commotion perceived by ear (5)","Answer":"SCENE","Explanation":"Definition: Commotion\nsounds like (by ear) \"seen\" (perceived)"} {"Clue":"Frightened about conclusion of paper being marked (7)","Answer":"SCARRED","Explanation":"Definition: marked\nSCARED (frightened) contains (about) papeR (last letter, conclusion)"} {"Clue":"Hearing organs during rehearsal (4)","Answer":"EARS","Explanation":"Definition: Hearing organs\nfound inside (during) rehEARSal"} {"Clue":"Odd characters from Algerian city (4)","Answer":"AGRA","Explanation":"Definition: city\nevery other letter (odd characters) from AlGeRiAn"} {"Clue":"Drain power during strike (7)","Answer":"DEPLETE","Explanation":"Definition: Drain\nP (power) inside DELETE (strike)"} {"Clue":"Faith to decay after time (5)","Answer":"TRUST","Explanation":"Definition: Faith\nRUST (to decay) follows T (time)"} {"Clue":"Convey delight (9)","Answer":"TRANSPORT","Explanation":"Definition: Convey\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Larcenist's devious instruments (9)","Answer":"CLARINETS","Explanation":"Definition: instruments\nanagram (devious) of LARCENIST"} {"Clue":"German city God loves? (5)","Answer":"TRIER","Explanation":"Definition: German city\ndouble definition \u2013 saying \"God loves a tryer\""} {"Clue":"Glimpse Canterbury, perhaps (3)","Answer":"SEE","Explanation":"Definition: Glimpse\ndouble definition \u2013 a see is a diocese, Canterbury perhaps"} {"Clue":"King imprisons worthiest novel's unacknowledged author (11)","Answer":"GHOSTWRITER","Explanation":"Definition: unacknowledged author\nGR (George Rex, king) contains (imprisons) anagram (novel) of WORTHIEST"} {"Clue":"Political statement isn't finished: that's obvious (8)","Answer":"MANIFEST","Explanation":"Definition: obvious\nMANIFESTo (political statement, not finished)"} {"Clue":"Old-timer developing aneurism (8)","Answer":"SUMERIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Old-timer\nanagram (developing) of ANEURISM"} {"Clue":"Godiva initially enters naked jog (5)","Answer":"NUDGE","Explanation":"Definition: jog\nGodiva (first letter, initially) inside NUDE (naked)"} {"Clue":"Looked around entrance to abbey frequented by spirits (7)","Answer":"HAUNTED","Explanation":"Definition: frequented by spirits\nHUNTED (looked) contains (around) Abbey (first letter, entrance to)"} {"Clue":"Watch Bobby regularly hit the ball (7)","Answer":"OBSERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Watch\nevery other letter (regularly) of bObBy then SERVE (hit the ball)"} {"Clue":"Overhear what happens in autumn, but not the start (9)","Answer":"EAVESDROP","Explanation":"Definition: Overhear\nLEAVES DROP (what happens in Autumn) missing first letter"} {"Clue":"I agree to receive copper's insight (6)","Answer":"ACUMEN","Explanation":"Definition: insight\nAMEN (I agree) contains (to receive) CU (Cu, copper)"} {"Clue":"Poet's dull study (6)","Answer":"DRYDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\nDRY (dull) DEN (study)"} {"Clue":"Spooner's pale jewellery is conservative (5-4)","Answer":"RIGHT WING","Explanation":"Definition: conservative\na Spoonersim of \"white ring\" (pale jewellery)"} {"Clue":"Robbery snares academic pleasure-seeker (8)","Answer":"HEDONIST","Explanation":"Definition: pleasure-seeker\nHEIST (robbery) contains (snares) DON (academic)"} {"Clue":"Teacher: Hannibal surrounds ancient city (8)","Answer":"LECTURER","Explanation":"Definition: Teacher\nLECTER (Hannibal Lecter) contains UR (ancient city)"} {"Clue":"Fashion red coat in a particular style (3,4)","Answer":"ART DECO","Explanation":"Definition: a particular style\nanagram (fashion) of RED COAT"} {"Clue":"Fixed broken TV (4,3)","Answer":"DEAD SET","Explanation":"Definition: Fixed\nDEAD (broken) SET (TV)"} {"Clue":"Supplies investments (6)","Answer":"STOCKS","Explanation":"Definition: Supplies\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Decide what to show member of the clergy (6)","Answer":"CURATE","Explanation":"Definition: Decide what to show\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Instrument is brought back by sailor (5)","Answer":"SITAR","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\nIS reversed (brought back) then TAR (sailor)"} {"Clue":"Another of those at the Yard, all there on the ladder (6,9)","Answer":"STABLE COMPANION","Explanation":"Definition: Another of those at the Yard\nSTABLE (sane, all there) on COMPANION (ladder, nautical)"} {"Clue":"Soon to be delivered from ring road flooded by a river (2,5)","Answer":"ON ORDER","Explanation":"Definition: Soon to be delivered\nO (ring) RD (road) inside (flooded by, covered) ONE (a) R (river)"} {"Clue":"Sisters in this cabin finally put overboard! (7)","Answer":"NUNSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: Sisters in this\ncabiN (last letter, finally) then UNSHIP (put overboard)"} {"Clue":"Offensive about final word by Queen on MP's disposition (11)","Answer":"TEMPERAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: disposition\nTET (Tet Offensive, in Vietnam war) contains (about) AMEN (the final word) following (by) ER (the Queen) following (on) MP"} {"Clue":"Sound views from this digger? (3)","Answer":"HOE","Explanation":"Definition: digger\n~~Just a guess. I can't explain this~~ *a hoe is a promontory, perhaps overlooking a sea channel, so you might get a view of a sound from this"} {"Clue":"Attending party? Not before time, staying in (11,4)","Answer":"FASHIONABLY LATE","Explanation":"Definition: Attending party? Not before time, staying in\ncryptic definition \u2013 staying in = remaining fashionable"} {"Clue":"Dry, this drowned valley, from the East? (3)","Answer":"RIA","Explanation":"Definition: drowned valley\nRIA (this drowned valley, *this* is solution) reversed (from the east) gives air (dry) \u2013 a reversed clue construction"} {"Clue":"Press on after bum steer from woodworker (4,7)","Answer":"TREE SURGEON","Explanation":"Definition: woodworker\nURGE (press) ON following anagram (bum) of STEER"} {"Clue":"Painting eg Io from rear is one representation of moon! (7)","Answer":"ARTEMIS","Explanation":"Definition: one representation of moon\nART (painting) ME (eg Io, the setter) reversed (from rear) then IS"} {"Clue":"So-called imitator of human speech no linguist initially accepts (7)","Answer":"NOMINAL","Explanation":"Definition: So-called\nMINA (bird, imitator of human speech) inside (\u2026accepts) first letters (initially) of No Linguist"} {"Clue":"Boss, not European, going off on one (5,4,6)","Answer":"ABOUT ONE\u2019S PERSON","Explanation":"Definition: on one\nanagram (going off) of BOSS, NOT EUROPEAN"} {"Clue":"To go with hallucinogen ultimately wastes my time (6)","Answer":"ESCORT","Explanation":"Definition: To go with\nE (ecstasy, hallucinogen) wasteS (last letter, ultimately) then COR (my, exclamation) and T (time)"} {"Clue":"Chemists' fundamental flaw, as atomic numbers quickly made clear (3,2,4,6)","Answer":"LAW OF MASS ACTION","Explanation":"Definition: Chemists' fundamental\nanagram (quickly, made clear) of FLAW AS ATOMIC with NOS (numbers)"} {"Clue":"Promise given by character pursuing first of spinsters on shelf (6)","Answer":"PLEDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Promise\nsPinsters (second letter, character pursuing first) on LEDGE (shelf)"} {"Clue":"He's no doubt who we're talking about (1,7,6)","Answer":"A CERTAIN PERSON","Explanation":"Definition: He's no doubt\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Support one current month breaking into the next (8)","Answer":"MAINSTAY","Explanation":"Definition: Support\nA (one) INST (the current month) inside MAY (the next month)"} {"Clue":"Characteristic of saints portrayed being a little squiffy? (15)","Answer":"LIGHT-HEADEDNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Characteristic of saint\ndefinition and cryptic definition \u2013 in art (portrayed) saints have halos (light) on their heads"} {"Clue":"Sort of accoutrement was successful in war and what followed broadcast (3-5)","Answer":"ONE-PIECE","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of accoutrement\nsounds like (broadcast) \"won peace\", was successful in war and what followed"} {"Clue":"\u00a3500 and I'll do it! (6,8)","Answer":"MONKEY BUSINESS","Explanation":"Definition: \u00a3500 and I'll do it\ncryptic definition \u2013 a monkey is slang for \u00a3500"} {"Clue":"Start work, but not from home (4,4)","Answer":"FIRE AWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Start\nFIRE (work ?) and AWAY (not from home)"} {"Clue":"Doing parts eventually quite personal (8)","Answer":"INTIMATE","Explanation":"Definition: quite personal\nAT (doing) inside (parts) IN TIME (eventually)"} {"Clue":"To swap for horse's head, take a general (6)","Answer":"ROMMEL","Explanation":"Definition: a general\npOMMEL (a pommel horse) with first letter swapped for R (recipe, take)"} {"Clue":"Legwear only sported in Nova Scotia (6)","Answer":"NYLONS","Explanation":"Definition: Legwear\nanagram (sported) of ONLY inside NS (Nova Scotia)"} {"Clue":"Work out cost of keeping new member of royal family (6)","Answer":"PRINCE","Explanation":"Definition: member of royal family\nPRICE (work out cost of) contains N (new)"} {"Clue":"Attack government protecting member with substantial appeal (8)","Answer":"CHARMING","Explanation":"Definition: with substantial appeal\nCHIN (to attack, by striking the chin) G (government) contains (protecting) ARM (member)"} {"Clue":"Misrepresent Greta Thunberg's principal goal (6)","Answer":"TARGET","Explanation":"Definition: goal\nanagram (misprepresent) of GRETA with Thunberg (first letter, the principal)"} {"Clue":"Moan about having time to kill in rehearsal (8)","Answer":"PRACTICE","Explanation":"Definition: rehearsal\nCARP (moan) reversed (about) then T (time) and ICE (to kill)"} {"Clue":"Auditor's welcome to settle up here (8)","Answer":"HIGHLAND","Explanation":"Definition: up here\nHIGH sounds like (auditor's) \"hi\" (welcome) then LAND (to settle)"} {"Clue":"Cows Conservative post-war prime minister lacking in character (6)","Answer":"CATTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Cows\nC (conservative) then ATTLEe (Clement Atlee, post-war prime minister) missing (lacking in) one letter (character)"} {"Clue":"Novelist let fun film spread feeling of personal achievement (4-10)","Answer":"SELF FULFILMENT","Explanation":"Definition: feeling of personal achievement\nSELF (Will Self, novelist) then anagram (spread) of LET FUN FILM"} {"Clue":"Cast urged actor to decrease uneven material (10,4)","Answer":"CORRUGATED IRON","Explanation":"Definition: uneven material\nanagram (cast) of URGED ACTOR then IRON (to de-crease)"} {"Clue":"Position evident in half our theories (6)","Answer":"FOURTH","Explanation":"Definition: Position\nfound inside (evident in) halF OUR THeories"} {"Clue":"Country remains divided by Unionist halving lead (8)","Answer":"REPUBLIC","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nRELIC (remains) contains (divided by) U (unionist) inside (halving, in the middle of) PB (lead)"} {"Clue":"About to charge to go round roundabout (8)","Answer":"INDIRECT","Explanation":"Definition: roundabout\nRE (about) inside (\u2026to go round) INDICT (to charge)"} {"Clue":"Nine express disapproval (6)","Answer":"OBJECT","Explanation":"Definition: express disapprova\ntarget (object) is the solution to clue number nine"} {"Clue":"Humming line following first half of melody in chorus (8)","Answer":"SMELLING","Explanation":"Definition: Humming\nL (line) following MELody (first half of) all inside SING (chorus)"} {"Clue":"Fail, after losing one's nerve, to preserve courage (6)","Answer":"BOTTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Fail, after losing one's nerve\ntriple definition"} {"Clue":"Launches attempts to sell degrees (7)","Answer":"PITCHES","Explanation":"Definition: Launches\ntriple definition"} {"Clue":"Suspect guerrilla's left to become resistance fighter (9)","Answer":"IRREGULAR","Explanation":"Definition: fighter\nanagram (suspect) of GUERRILLA with L (left, one occurrence of) replaced by (to become) R (resistance)"} {"Clue":"Language from mid-Carolina adopted by indigenous Americans (6)","Answer":"CREOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Language\ncarOLina (middle of) inside (adopted by) CREE (indigenous Americans)"} {"Clue":"Broadcast tried to organise mass movement (4)","Answer":"HERD","Explanation":"Definition: to organise mass movement\nsounds like (broadcast) \"heard\" (tried, in court)"} {"Clue":"Agents infiltrating demonstration on an ethnic basis (8)","Answer":"RACIALLY","Explanation":"Definition: on an ethnic basis\nCIA (agents) inside (infiltrating) RALLY (demonstration)"} {"Clue":"Stupid aspect of personality a little bit curtailed (5)","Answer":"IDIOT","Explanation":"Definition: Stupid\nID (identity, aspect of personality) then IOTa (a little bit, curtailed)"} {"Clue":"Great having positive response for article that's extremely dull (7)","Answer":"GREYEST","Explanation":"Definition: extremely dull\nGREaT with YES (positive response) replacing A (indefinite article)"} {"Clue":"Closed urinals in need of refurbishment (7)","Answer":"INSULAR","Explanation":"Definition: Closed\nanagram (in need of refurbishment) of URINALS"} {"Clue":"Did volunteer take case of sweet wine? (7)","Answer":"OFFERED","Explanation":"Definition: Did volunteer\ntOFFEe (sweet) with outer letters removed (case taken away) then RED (wine)"} {"Clue":"Enlisting men wanting leadership, mounted men and men flanked by officer (9)","Answer":"ENROLMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Enlisting\nmEN missing first letter (wanting leadership) OR (other ranks, men) reversed (mounted) then MEN inside (flanked by) LT (lieutenant, officer)"} {"Clue":"Extremely popular artworks stripped of aesthetic value (8)","Answer":"CULTURAL","Explanation":"Definition: of aesthetic value\nCULT (extremely popular) then mURALs (artworks) missing outer letters (stripped)"} {"Clue":"Company set up suggestion boxes (7)","Answer":"COFFINS","Explanation":"Definition: boxes\nCO (company) then SNIFF (suggestion) reversed (set up)"} {"Clue":"Doing this up could bring a lump to one's throat (7)","Answer":"NECKTIE","Explanation":"Definition: Doing this up could bring a lump to one's throat\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Look after English embraced by local Spanish-speaking community (6)","Answer":"PUEBLO","Explanation":"Definition: Spanish-speaking community\nLO (look) follows E (English) inside PUB (local)"} {"Clue":"University dons dancing nude without good reason (5)","Answer":"UNDUE","Explanation":"Definition: without good reason\nU (university) contains (dons) anagram (dancing) of NUDE"} {"Clue":"Image could be Apple's way to extract money from gullible people (4)","Answer":"ICON","Explanation":"Definition: Image\na CON is a way to extract money from gullible people, so if Apple had one of these (heaven forbid!) it would be an ICon (like the IPhone, IPad etc)"} {"Clue":"Tanner wastes Palm Sunday taking 24 hours off (3,4)","Answer":"SUN LAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Tanner\nanagram (wasted) of PALM SUNday missing DAY (24 hours)"} {"Clue":"Head off plans adopting new standards (7)","Answer":"ENSIGNS","Explanation":"Definition: standards\ndESIGNS (plans, missing head) contains (adopting) N (new) \u2013 a standard is a flag"} {"Clue":"Windies won \u2013 Kent gets caught out, when the last man is batting (4,7,4)","Answer":"NINE WICKETS DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: when the last man is batting\nanagram (out) of WINDIES WON KENT with C (caught)"} {"Clue":"He or Al would appear in full as such (8,7)","Answer":"CHEMICAL ELEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: He or Al would appear in full as such\ncryptic definition \u2013 He is Helium and Al is Aluminium"} {"Clue":"Grenade exploded by fireside frames in 1937 B-movie (5,9)","Answer":"RANGE DEFENDERS","Explanation":"Definition: 1937 B-movie\nanagram (exploded) of GRENADE then FENDERS (fireside frames) \u2013 pulp western of the *Three Mesquiteers* genre wherein the three heroes return for another cowboy adventure"} {"Clue":"PM gains much with US vice- president. Right! (7,7)","Answer":"WINSTON SPENCER","Explanation":"Definition: PM\nWINS (gains) TONS (much) with PENCE (Mike Pence, US vice-president) and R (right) \u2013 Sir Winston Spencer-Churchill, British Prime Minister (commonly referred to as Winston Churchill)."} {"Clue":"Giant rainstorms ruined such movements (15)","Answer":"TRANSMIGRATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: movements\nanagram (ruined) of GIANT RAINSTORMS"} {"Clue":"Good! Arsenal won with Chelsea first sadly having put the ball in their net! (6,2,3,4)","Answer":"SCORED AN OWN GOAL","Explanation":"Definition: having put the ball in their net\nanagram (sadly) of GOOD ARSENAL WON with Chelsea (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Busiest assistants catch restful moments (7)","Answer":"SIESTAS","Explanation":"Definition: restful moments\nfound inside (caught by) buSIEST ASsistants"} {"Clue":"In real trouble, shock treatment for sort of complex (7)","Answer":"ELECTRA","Explanation":"Definition: sort of complex\nanagram (trouble) of REAL contains (in\u2026is\u2026) ECT (treatment with electric shocks)"} {"Clue":"At home in safe job requiring little work (8)","Answer":"SINECURE","Explanation":"Definition: job requiring little work\nIN (at home) inside SECURE (safe)"} {"Clue":"Material for grannie with damaged knee (7)","Answer":"NANKEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Material\nNAN (granny) with anagram (damaged) of KNEE"} {"Clue":"Deathly pale, he sweats \u2013 heat is a problem (2,5,2,1,5)","Answer":"AS WHITE AS A SHEET","Explanation":"Definition: Deathly pale\nanagram (problem) of HE SWEATS HEAT IS A"} {"Clue":"On which kids go cheaply, flying with two adults (7,8)","Answer":"PACKAGE HOLIDAYS","Explanation":"Definition: On which\nanagram (flying) of KIDS GO CHEAPLY with A A (adult, twice) \u2013 definition to be extended: definition to be read as: o*n which kids go cheaply\u2026"} {"Clue":"Geezer once sober, drunk with Christmas spirit? (8,7)","Answer":"EBENEZER SCROOGE","Explanation":"Definition: with Christmas spirit?\nanagram (drunk) of GEEZER ONCE SOBER \u2013 in *A Christmas Carol* Ebenezer Scrooge accompanies the three spirits of Christmas"} {"Clue":"Hanging phrase, it seems \u2013 or one that's cancelled (7,8)","Answer":"SUSPEND SENTENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Hanging phrase, it seems\ndouble cryptic definition \u2013 hung by the neck or let off with a warning. I would have expected *suspend***ed*** sentence*, but no big deal."} {"Clue":"Sticky mixture that's costly for a musician's ability (4,3)","Answer":"GOOD EAR","Explanation":"Definition: a musician's ability\nGOO (sticky mixture) has DEAR (costly)"} {"Clue":"Cook seen at assembly (6)","Answer":"SENATE","Explanation":"Definition: assembly\nanagram (cook) of SEEN AT"} {"Clue":"Supporters shortened epic in capital (8)","Answer":"BRASILIA","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nBRAS (supporters) then ILIAd (epic poem, shortened)"} {"Clue":"Needing help, Hanoi turns to the French (2,1,4)","Answer":"IN A HOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Needing help\nanagram (turns) of HANOI then LE (the, French)"} {"Clue":"Chillax and speak fondly with boorish fellow (4,3)","Answer":"COOL OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Chillax\nCOO (speak fondly) with LOUT (boorish fellow)"} {"Clue":"Lack of movement with thoroughfare in its present condition (6)","Answer":"STASIS","Explanation":"Definition: Lack of movement\nST (street, thoroughfare) with AS IS (in its present condition)"} {"Clue":"Mrs with pride's shown off during traditional bustle (13)","Answer":"DRESS-IMPROVER","Explanation":"Definition: traditional bustle\nanagram (shown off) of MRS with PRIDE'S then OVER (during)"} {"Clue":"Husband greeting past, being up for it (7)","Answer":"HAVE-A-GO","Explanation":"Definition: up for it\nH (husband) AVE (greeting) AGO (past)"} {"Clue":"Create embarrassment in adult party (5)","Answer":"ABASH","Explanation":"Definition: Create embarrassment\na (adult) BASH (party)"} {"Clue":"Little Mary receives a number in flowing fashion? (8)","Answer":"MOLTENLY","Explanation":"Definition: in flowing fashion\nMOLLY (Mary, little=diminutive) contains TEN (a number)"} {"Clue":"Ferdinand maybe on trial for unruly behaviour (6)","Answer":"RIOTRY","Explanation":"Definition: unruly behaviour\nRIO (Rio Ferdinand maybe, footballer) then TRY (trial)"} {"Clue":"An artist orders this facsimile in RA (4)","Answer":"STAT","Explanation":"Definition: facsimile\nAN ARTIST is an anagram (orders) of STAT (this facsimile, the solution) IN RA"} {"Clue":"I'm surprised about Globe Theatre \u2013 it's often full (5)","Answer":"MONTY","Explanation":"Definition: it's often full\nMY (I'm surprised) contains (about) O (a globe) with NT (National Theatre) \u2013 often used in the phrase *the full monty*, from the phrase *the full Montague Burton *(manufacturer of 3-piece suits)"} {"Clue":"Taste of soup in ladle requiring herb (5)","Answer":"BASIL","Explanation":"Definition: herb\nSoup (first letter, a taste of) inside BAIL (ladle)"} {"Clue":"Fish brought back just after being caught: bit of income for W. African (5)","Answer":"LEONE","Explanation":"Definition: bit of income for W. African\nEEL (fish) reversed (brought back) contains (\u2026being caught) ON (just after)"} {"Clue":"Part of flowering plant most support with bit of twine (5)","Answer":"BRACT","Explanation":"Definition: Part of flowering plant\nBRACe (support, most of) with Twine (first letter, bit of)"} {"Clue":"God seen as inspiring part of scripture for canon (4)","Answer":"ROTA","Explanation":"Definition: canon\nRA (god) contains (seen as inspiring) OT (Old Testament, part of scripture)"} {"Clue":"E. Asian language inscription in Norman church (6)","Answer":"MANCHU","Explanation":"Definition: E. Asian language\nfound inside (inscription in) norMAN CHUrch"} {"Clue":"Worry about damaged icons with corrosion of metal parts (8)","Answer":"IRON-SICK","Explanation":"Definition: with corrosion of metal parts\nIRK (worry) contains (about) anagram (damaged) of ICONS"} {"Clue":"Teasel may show fifty such (5)","Answer":"SETAE","Explanation":"Definition: Teasel may show fifty such\nTEASEL is an anagram (may show) of L (fifty) SETAE (such, the answer)"} {"Clue":"Fish holding rod wrongly? Critics may differ about it (7)","Answer":"HARDOKE","Explanation":"Definition: Critics may differ about it\nHAKE (fish) contains anagram (wrongly) of ROD \u2013 a Shakespearean term of uncertain meaning, perhaps *burdock*. I'm sure this is the right answer, but the definition seems unusually imprecise for Azed."} {"Clue":"US attorney limits mischief displaying righteousness (6)","Answer":"DHARMA","Explanation":"Definition: righteousness\nDA (US attorney) contains (limits) HARM (mischief)"} {"Clue":"Speech but not on outlying legal principle? (5)","Answer":"RATIO","Explanation":"Definition: legal principle\noRATIOn (speech) missing the outlying letters ON"} {"Clue":"Mining area in Cornwall and in Dorset (tin) (4)","Answer":"SETT","Explanation":"Definition: Mining area in Cornwall\nfound inside dorSET Tin"} {"Clue":"Sea quarry regularly culled? (5)","Answer":"SAURY","Explanation":"Definition: Sea quarry regularly culled\nevery other letter (regularly culled) of SeA qUaRrY \u2013 a seasonal dish in Japan etc, traditionally caught in Autumn"} {"Clue":"Cash low \u2013get a load of that! (5)","Answer":"MOOLA","Explanation":"Definition: Cash\nMOO (low) then LA (exclamation to look, get a load of that)"} {"Clue":"Furry garment? Pile's wasted on bits of sham ermine (7)","Answer":"PELISSE","Explanation":"Definition: Furry garment\nanagram (wasted) of PILES on first letters (bits) of Sham Ermine"} {"Clue":"Wherein vermin perish wretchedly, trap sprung over it (6)","Answer":"RAT-PIT","Explanation":"Definition: Wherein vermin perish wretchedly\nanagram (sprung) of TRAP followed by (over, in a down light) IT"} {"Clue":"Wrist protector, advantage when covering tense support (9)","Answer":"VANTBRACE","Explanation":"Definition: Wrist protector\nVAN (advantage) followed by (when covering) T (tense) BRACE (support)"} {"Clue":"Pet cups like this may have been mixed for the party (5)","Answer":"RHYTA","Explanation":"Definition: cups\nPET with RHYTA (cups like this, the solution) is an anagram (may have been mixed for) of THE PARTY"} {"Clue":"Turf-cutters' tool \u2013 special course required (5)","Answer":"SLANE","Explanation":"Definition: Turf-cutters' tool\nS (special) with LANE (course)"} {"Clue":"Top men, too busy, I'll never inflect (9)","Answer":"MONOPTOTE","Explanation":"Definition: I'll never inflect\nanagram (busy) of TOP MEN TOO"} {"Clue":"Humbly loading funeral vehicle, being less calm \u2026 (7)","Answer":"BLOWIER","Explanation":"Definition: being less calm\nLOW (humbly) inside (loading) BIER (funeral vehicle)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 As a result of this, nuisance about funeral's end? (5)","Answer":"BLORE","Explanation":"Definition: a result of this\nBORE (nuisance) contains (about) funeraL (end letter of) \u2013 a result of it being blowier (the previous solution)"} {"Clue":"In leaving chaotic terminus, it's not worth betting on (6)","Answer":"STUMER","Explanation":"Definition: it's not worth betting on\nanagram (chaotic) of TERMinUS missing IN"} {"Clue":"A drop of rum in the pud? Delay no longer! (5)","Answer":"FRIST","Explanation":"Definition: Delay no longer\nRum (first letter, a drop of) inside FIST (the pud) \u2013 *no longer* indicates obsolete"} {"Clue":"Cause of financial crash pa ignored before he gets commercial opportunity (5)","Answer":"NICHE","Explanation":"Definition: commercial opportunity\npaNIC (cause of financial crash) missing PA then HE"} {"Clue":"British Raj done for, independence produces staple food grain (5)","Answer":"BAJRI","Explanation":"Definition: staple food grain\nB (British) then anagram (done for) of RAJ and I (independence)"} {"Clue":"Head of candle hot? Fair enough \u2013 snuff it (5)","Answer":"CHOKE","Explanation":"Definition: snuff it\nfirst letter (head) of Candle then H (hot) and OKE (fair enough)"} {"Clue":"Would they survive 1 October? Not if deadly shots start off thus (4)","Answer":"NIDS","Explanation":"Definition: Would they survive 1 October\nfirst letters (start off thus) of Not If Dealy Shots \u2013 1 October is the start of the pheasant shooting season"} {"Clue":"Oil man \u2013 look out! (6)","Answer":"SESAME","Explanation":"Definition: Oil\nSAM (a man) inside (with\u2026out) SEE (look)"} {"Clue":"Declining to have hot stuffed herb (8)","Answer":"DOWNHILL","Explanation":"Definition: Declining\nOWN (to have) H (hot) inside (stuffed) DILL (herb)"} {"Clue":"Bugs depicted in Cyrillic abbreviations from the East (7)","Answer":"BACILLI","Explanation":"Definition: Bugs\nfound inside cyrILLIC ABbreviations reversed (from the east, right-to-left on a map)"} {"Clue":"Press civic leader in state of emergency (7)","Answer":"URGENCY","Explanation":"Definition: emergency\nURGE(press) then Civic (first letter, leader) inside NY (New York, state)"} {"Clue":"Drop sound level (4)","Answer":"TIER","Explanation":"Definition: level\nsounds like \"tear\" (a drop)"} {"Clue":"She plugs electrical radio telephone leads into monitor (10)","Answer":"ADVERTISER","Explanation":"Definition: She plugs\nfirst letters (leads) of Electrical Radio Telephone inside ADVISER (monitor)"} {"Clue":"Coarse fish nets in Grangemouth first (6)","Answer":"GRAINY","Explanation":"Definition: Coarse\nRAY (fish) contains (nets) IN all following (with\u2026first) Grange (first letter, mouth of)"} {"Clue":"Pain overwhelms a mid-rank ancient Greek (7)","Answer":"ACHAEAN","Explanation":"Definition: ancient Greek\nACHE (pain) contains (overwhelms) A and rANk (middle of)"} {"Clue":"Order to rig vote to create sense of instability (7)","Answer":"VERTIGO","Explanation":"Definition: sense of instability\nanagram (give order to) RIG VOTE"} {"Clue":"Arab soldiers between you and me (6)","Answer":"YEMENI","Explanation":"Definition: Arab\nMEN (soldiers) between YE (you) and I (me)"} {"Clue":"Allotment after half a day's soaking (10)","Answer":"SATURATION","Explanation":"Definition: soaking\nRATION (allotment) follows SATUrday (half of)"} {"Clue":"Loyal to the legitimate navy (4-4)","Answer":"TRUE-BLUE","Explanation":"Definition: Loyal\nTRUE (legitimate) and BLUE (navy)"} {"Clue":"Match against schoolchildren (7)","Answer":"CONFORM","Explanation":"Definition: Match\nCON (against) FORM (a group of schoolchildren)"} {"Clue":"Movement without its legislator is in chaos (7)","Answer":"ALLEGRO","Explanation":"Definition: Movement\nanagram (in chaos) of LEGisSLAtOR missing ITS"} {"Clue":"They protest against work with models (8)","Answer":"OPPOSERS","Explanation":"Definition: They protest against\nOP (opus, work) with POSERS (models)"} {"Clue":"Knowing offensive group of musicians (6)","Answer":"SEXTET","Explanation":"Definition: group of musicians\nSEX (knowing, in a biblical sense) and TET (the Tet Offensive, during the Vietnam war)"} {"Clue":"Damage from wear on bottom of shoe (8)","Answer":"SABOTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Damage\nAGE (wear) following (on bottom of) SABOT (shoe)"} {"Clue":"Bond maybe broken centre stage (6,5)","Answer":"SECRET AGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Bond\nanagram (damaged) of CENTRE STAGE"} {"Clue":"Height at which club members need to score (4)","Answer":"MILE","Explanation":"Definition: Height at which club members need to score\ncryptic definition \u2013 a member of the the Mile High Club"} {"Clue":"Wealth but no money around mid-July (8)","Answer":"OPULENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Wealth\nO PENCE (zero pence, no money) contains (around) jULy (middle of)"} {"Clue":"Dream of arming the criminal (9)","Answer":"NIGHTMARE","Explanation":"Definition: Dream\nanagram (criminal) of ARMING THE"} {"Clue":"For travellers to get around in? (3)","Answer":"INN","Explanation":"Definition: For travellers to get around in\ncryptic definition \u2013 where travellers buy a round of drinks"} {"Clue":"Maybe ducks for cover (6)","Answer":"LAYERS","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe ducks\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Exaltation perhaps from offers that are about right (5)","Answer":"BIRDS","Explanation":"Definition: Exaltation perhaps\nBIDS (offers) contains R (right) \u2013 an exaltation of larks perhaps"} {"Clue":"Problem with public address speakers (5,6)","Answer":"STAGE FRIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Problem with public address speakers\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Well-known for number of rubbish raised notes (9)","Answer":"NOTORIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Well-known\nNO (number of) TOR (rubbish) reversed (raised) then IOUS (promissory notes)"} {"Clue":"15 device that makes perfect soldiers' companion (3,5)","Answer":"EGG TIMER","Explanation":"Definition: 15 \ncryptic definition \u2013 boiled eggs are traditionally eaten with buttered strips of bread (soldiers), traditional egg timers use grains (15) of sand"} {"Clue":"Main savers' vehicle (8)","Answer":"LIFEBOAT","Explanation":"Definition: Main savers' vehicle\ncryptic definition \u2013 the main is the sea"} {"Clue":"Crazy for tipsy chocolate filling (6)","Answer":"PSYCHO","Explanation":"Definition: Crazy\nfound inside (a filling for) tiPSY CHOcolate"} {"Clue":"Gem of a high note at last (5)","Answer":"TOPAZ","Explanation":"Definition: Gem\nTOP A (a high note) then Z (the last)"} {"Clue":"Stop hold-up (3)","Answer":"NIP","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\nPIN (hold) reversed (up) \u2013 to arrest (informal), to stop"} {"Clue":"Bird box has string (7)","Answer":"SPARROW","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nSPAR (box) with ROW (string)"} {"Clue":"Order her gift and ring worker (7)","Answer":"FIGHTER","Explanation":"Definition: ring worker\nanagram (order) of HER GIFT \u2013 worker in a boxing ring"} {"Clue":"Office anger around men at the back (9)","Answer":"POSTERIOR","Explanation":"Definition: at the back\nPOST (office) IRE (anger) reversed (around) then OR (other ranks, men)"} {"Clue":"Bits of poetry from writer's American rubbish (5)","Answer":"IAMBS","Explanation":"Definition: Bits of poetry\nI AM (the writer is) and BS (bullshit, rubbish \u2013 American)"} {"Clue":"Director hurt when going over shot (4)","Answer":"DRAM","Explanation":"Definition: shot\nD (director) then MAR (hurt) reversed (when going over)"} {"Clue":"Keep stiff and carry on (10)","Answer":"STRONGHOLD","Explanation":"Definition: Keep\nSTRONG (stiff) and HOLD (carry on)"} {"Clue":"Pick up one old lover for bit on the side? (6)","Answer":"ANNEXE","Explanation":"Definition: bit on the side\nsounds like (pick up) \"an ex\" (old lover)"} {"Clue":"Warms up again \u2014 run races to conserve energy (7)","Answer":"REHEATS","Explanation":"Definition: Warms up again\nR (run) HEATS (races) contains (to conserve) E (energy)"} {"Clue":"Peer into 27 annual (6)","Answer":"YEARLY","Explanation":"Definition: annual\nEARL (peer) inside Y Y (27 Yankees, Y twice in phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"In ring take in swinging punch (10)","Answer":"ROUNDHOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: swinging punch\nROUND (ring) HOUSE (take in)"} {"Clue":"Banks employed her pimp: any pros let go (4,7)","Answer":"MARY POPPINS","Explanation":"Definition: Banks employed her\nanagram (let go) of PIMP ANY PROS \u2013 Mr Banks employed nanny Mary Poppins in the film"} {"Clue":"Met in New York, perhaps old prince getting 'date' (5)","Answer":"OPERA","Explanation":"Definition: Met in New York, perhaps\nO (old) P (prince) with ERA (date) \u2013 the Metropolitan Opera"} {"Clue":"What's limiting hairdressing? Girl's small mirror (4,5)","Answer":"HAND GLASS","Explanation":"Definition: small mirror\nH AND G are the outer letters (what is limiting) of HardressinG then LASS (girl)"} {"Clue":"One pardoning former addict smuggling cocaine (7)","Answer":"EXCUSER","Explanation":"Definition: One pardoning\nEX USER (former addict) contains (smuggling) C (cocaine)"} {"Clue":"Americans pull and make out when going back (7)","Answer":"YANKEES","Explanation":"Definition: Americans\nYANK (pull) then SEE (make out, on a date) reversed (when going back)"} {"Clue":"Tasty dish mostly ordered with a starter of pasta (5)","Answer":"SAPID","Explanation":"Definition: Tasty\nanagram (ordered) of DISh (mostly) with A and Pasta (first letter, starter of)"} {"Clue":"One blackbird's heading over spot to sit on fence (7)","Answer":"ABSTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: to sit on fence\nA (one) Blackbird (first letter, heading) then (over, in a down light) STAIN (spot)"} {"Clue":"Smoke half of joint, then kip (4)","Answer":"REEK","Explanation":"Definition: Smoke\nREEfer (joint, half of) then K (kip, currency of Laos). I'm not sure about the currency bit. The abbreviation isn't in Chambers and Wikipedia shows it abbreviated to a non-alphabetic character, like a K with a strike-through."} {"Clue":"Strange how he let Mrs sit back on chair for painting (9,6)","Answer":"WHISTLER\u2019S MOTHER","Explanation":"Definition: painting\nanagram (strange) of HOW HE LET MRS SIT with chaiR (last letter, back of) \u2013 painting of a (married) woman sitting back on a chair."} {"Clue":"Bond that's top secret (3,4,4,4)","Answer":"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY","Explanation":"Definition: Bond\ndouble definition \u2013 Bond film and literal"} {"Clue":"Setting out third piece in auction with a lot in the sale? (5,5)","Answer":"GOING CHEAP","Explanation":"Definition: in the sale\nGOING (setting out) then auCtion (third piece of) with HEAP (a lot)"} {"Clue":"Closed with maiden, cricketer we hear gets draw (7)","Answer":"TOMBOLA","Explanation":"Definition: draw\nTO (closed) with M (maiden, cricket) then BOLA sounds like (we hear) \"bowler\" (cricketer)"} {"Clue":"Lives on borders (7)","Answer":"RESIDES","Explanation":"Definition: Lives\nRE (on) SIDES (borders)"} {"Clue":"Inside after going to pubs (6,4)","Answer":"BEHIND BARS","Explanation":"Definition: Inside\nBEHIND (after) with (going to) BARS (pubs)"} {"Clue":"Penny, excited with love, grabbing partner's bottom, having endless sex drive (7)","Answer":"PURPOSE","Explanation":"Definition: drive\nP (penny) UP (excited) with O contains (grabbing) partneR (bottom of) then Sex (endless)"} {"Clue":"He wrote notes by page with cryptic clue on (7)","Answer":"POULENC","Explanation":"Definition: He wrote notes\nP (page) then anagram (cryptic) of CLUE ON"} {"Clue":"Greenery in meadow following season (7)","Answer":"LEAFAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Greenery\nLEA (meadow) F (following) AGE (season)"} {"Clue":"More than one sure pharmacy's closing: couple of tablets needed? (5)","Answer":"YESES","Explanation":"Definition: More than one sure\npharmacY (closing letter) then ES (e's, ecstasy) twice"} {"Clue":"Local not for an alcoholic drink (4)","Answer":"AGIN","Explanation":"Definition: Local not for\nA GIN (an alcoholic drink) \u2013 against, dialect (local)"} {"Clue":"Just one left with Cinderella, beaten in National (9)","Answer":"ICELANDER","Explanation":"Definition: National\nanagram (beaten) of CINDERELLA with only one L (left)"} {"Clue":"Violence in the past involving King George (5)","Answer":"AGGRO","Explanation":"Definition: Violence\nAGO (in the past) contains (involving) GR (George Rex, King George)"} {"Clue":"Big feline seen first, not caught, free and threatening (2,5)","Answer":"AT LARGE","Explanation":"Definition: free and threatening\nLARGE (big) following (\u2026seen at first) cAT (feline) missing C (caught)"} {"Clue":"Hero in MiG crashing into sun died (7)","Answer":"SIGMUND","Explanation":"Definition: Hero\nanagram (crashing) of MIG inside SUN D (died) \u2013 legendary hero in Norse mythology"} {"Clue":"Writer George dresses knight in blue (4)","Answer":"SAND","Explanation":"Definition: Writer George\nN (knight, chess) in SAD (blue)"} {"Clue":"Warning poster having proposal about Ulster? (10)","Answer":"ADMONITION","Explanation":"Definition: Warning\nAD (poster) with MOTION (proposal) contains (about) NI (Northern Ireland, Ulster)"} {"Clue":"Patriarch sees a female supporter with Noah's son (7)","Answer":"ABRAHAM","Explanation":"Definition: Patriarch\nA BRA (supporter, for females) and HAM (Noah's son)"} {"Clue":"Goat god longing to show spirit (7)","Answer":"PANACHE","Explanation":"Definition: spirit\nPAN (goat god) and ACHE (longing)"} {"Clue":"Newspaper article by Belgian writer (3,7)","Answer":"IAN FLEMING","Explanation":"Definition: writer\nI (i, a newspaper) AN (indefinite article) with FLEMING (a Belgian)"} {"Clue":"German booze stand at wake (4)","Answer":"BIER","Explanation":"Definition: German booze\ndouble definition \u2013 a stand for a coffin"} {"Clue":"Six in court case that's unimportant (7)","Answer":"TRIVIAL","Explanation":"Definition: unimportant\nVI (six) inside TRIAL (court case)"} {"Clue":"Security men only breaking tool (7)","Answer":"HOSTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Security\nSTAG (men only) inside (breaking) HOE (tool)"} {"Clue":"Arrest to put king in trouble (5)","Answer":"CHECK","Explanation":"Definition: Arrest\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Blacken as one occupying room with fireplace (9)","Answer":"DENIGRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Blacken\nI (one) inside DEN (room) with GRATE (fireplace)"} {"Clue":"Proportional representation given in three figures? (5,10)","Answer":"VITAL STATISTICS","Explanation":"Definition: Proportional representation given in three figures\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"City-dweller to live right next to ship (8)","Answer":"BERLINER","Explanation":"Definition: City-dweller\nBE (to live) R (right) then LINER (ship)"} {"Clue":"Sound of French pop duo (4)","Answer":"PAIR","Explanation":"Definition: duo\nsounds like \"p\u00e8re\" (father, pop, in French)"} {"Clue":"An emu three daughters trained for rider (8)","Answer":"ADDENDUM","Explanation":"Definition: rider\nanagram (trained) of AN EMU D D D (daughter, three times)"} {"Clue":"Deposit balance in Post Office without delay (6)","Answer":"PRESTO","Explanation":"Definition: without delay\nREST (balance) inside (deposited in) PO (post office)"} {"Clue":"Pack animal has problem with tendon (8)","Answer":"GANGLION","Explanation":"Definition: problem with \nGANG (pack) LION (animal)"} {"Clue":"Rodent in the open an American soldier traps (6)","Answer":"AGOUTI","Explanation":"Definition: Rodent\nOUT (in the open) inside (that\u2026traps) A GI (an American soldier)"} {"Clue":"Kind group almost always billets old dog (6,9)","Answer":"GOLDEN RETRIEVER","Explanation":"Definition: dog\nGENRE (type) TRIo (group, almost) EVER (always) contains (billets) OLD"} {"Clue":"Ambassador fashioned links with one city (8)","Answer":"HELSINKI","Explanation":"Definition: city\nHE (His Excellency, ambassador) then anagram (fashioned) of LINKS then I (one)"} {"Clue":"Bent author to keep repeating (8)","Answer":"PENCHANT","Explanation":"Definition: Bent\nPEN (author) CHANT (to keep repeating)"} {"Clue":"Delivery service fellow provides (8)","Answer":"CHINAMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Delivery\nCHINA (dinner service) with MAN (fellow) \u2013 a chinaman delivery in cricket"} {"Clue":"Scots hooligan embracing trouble is done (6)","Answer":"NAILED","Explanation":"Definition: done\nNED (Scots hooligan) contains (embracing) AIL (trouble)"} {"Clue":"Complaint from youth in Spring month (6)","Answer":"MALADY","Explanation":"Definition: Complaint\nLAD (youth) inside MAY (spring month)"} {"Clue":"Grain used in pudding \u2014 try it first (4)","Answer":"SAGO","Explanation":"Definition: Grain used in pudding\nGO (try) follows (with\u2026first) SA (sex appeal, it)"} {"Clue":"Nice dog guarding Charlie, York's ultimate scaredy-cat (7)","Answer":"CHICKEN","Explanation":"Definition: scaredy-cat\nCHIEN (dog in French, from Nice maybe) contains (guarding) C (charlie) yorK (last letter, ultimate)"} {"Clue":"Ever more stupid, husband lost heart (6)","Answer":"TICKER","Explanation":"Definition: heart\nThICKER (more stupid) missing (lost) H(husband) \u2013 I can't explain the \"ever\" bit"} {"Clue":"Tottering along with fake jewellery? (9)","Answer":"SHAMBLING","Explanation":"Definition: Tottering along\nSHAM (fake) BLING (jewellery)"} {"Clue":"Labour A-team regularly shunned one bringing new blood (5)","Answer":"AORTA","Explanation":"Definition: one bringing new blood\nevery other letter (regularly shunned) of lAbOuR a-TeAm"} {"Clue":"Answer German paper back freely (2-3)","Answer":"AD-LIB","Explanation":"Definition: freely\nA (answer) with BILD (German paper) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Go on about the job of the banks in Alloa? (4,5)","Answer":"HOLD FORTH","Explanation":"Definition: Go on about\nbanks hold a river, the River Forth in Alloa perhaps"} {"Clue":"Consular official, daughter, mother in international conspiracy (8)","Answer":"DIPLOMAT","Explanation":"Definition: Consular official\nD (daughter) then MA (mother) inside I (international) PLOT (conspiracy)"} {"Clue":"Wild animal consuming rabbit's head as a source of nourishment (6)","Answer":"BREAST","Explanation":"Definition: a source of nourishment\nBEAST (wild animal) contains (consuming) Rabbit (first letter, head)"} {"Clue":"Fill M\u00e9doc cup you're holding (6)","Answer":"OCCUPY","Explanation":"Definition: Fill\nfound inside (is holding) medOC CUP Your"} {"Clue":"Jack-of-all-trades sinking \u00a51000 into Chinese martial art ranking (8)","Answer":"HANDYMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Jack-of-all-trades\nYM (1,000 yen) inside HAN (Chinese) DAN (martial art ranking)"} {"Clue":"One used to beat son covered in foul muck and dirt? (9)","Answer":"DRUMSTICK","Explanation":"Definition: One used to beat\nS (son) inside (covered in) anagram (foul) of MUCK and DIRT"} {"Clue":"Light resistance, caught in flipping hot surroundings (5)","Answer":"TORCH","Explanation":"Definition: Light\nR (resistance) C (caught) inside (in\u2026surroundings) anagram (flipping) of HOT"} {"Clue":"Tear a strip off cook (5)","Answer":"ROAST","Explanation":"Definition: Tear a strip off\ndouble definition \u2013 to severely criticise and to cook"} {"Clue":"Nurse a kid \u2013 adopted \u2013 eating a Mexican dish (9)","Answer":"ENCHILADA","Explanation":"Definition: Mexican dish\nEN (Enrolled Nurse) A contains (with\u2026adopted) CHILD (kid) contains (eating) A"} {"Clue":"Mum's new partner's daughter taking temperature \u2013 it's an infection (6)","Answer":"SEPSIS","Explanation":"Definition: an infection\nStEP SIS (step sister, mum's new partner's daughter) missing (taking) T (temperature)"} {"Clue":"Joseph's boy's record target? About an hour (7)","Answer":"EPHRAIM","Explanation":"Definition: Joseph's boy\nEP (Extended Play, record) AIM (target) contains (about) HR (an hour)"} {"Clue":"We corrupt dad's roly-poly pudding ingredient (7,6)","Answer":"CUSTARD POWDER","Explanation":"Definition: pudding ingredient\nanagram (roly-poly) of WE CORRUPT DAD'S"} {"Clue":"Where the cat might get stuck when panicking (2,1,4)","Answer":"IN A FLAP","Explanation":"Definition: Where the cat might get stuck\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Partly remake Babette's Feast feature? (5)","Answer":"KEBAB","Explanation":"Definition: Feast feature\nfound inside (partly) remaKE BABette"} {"Clue":"Chesterfield stud had a line when sozzled (8)","Answer":"NAIL-HEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Chesterfield stud\nanagram (when sozzled) of HAD A LINE \u2013 traditional Chesterfield sofas have numerous nailed studs and buttons visible"} {"Clue":"Peg leg got broken (6)","Answer":"TOGGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Peg\nanagram (broken) of LEG GOT"} {"Clue":"Fossil-fuel dependent firm sacked a student entrant (4-5)","Answer":"COAL-FIRED","Explanation":"Definition: Fossil-fuel dependent\nCO (company, firm) FIRED (sacked) contains (with\u2026entrant) A L (learner, student)"} {"Clue":"Metro burial exposed former core of Italy (7)","Answer":"ETRURIA","Explanation":"Definition: former core of Italy\nmETRo and bURIAl missing the outer letters (exposed)"} {"Clue":"Running the marathon is quite a tonic (1,4,2,3,3)","Answer":"A SHOT IN THE ARM","Explanation":"Definition: quite a tonic\nanagram (running) of THE MARATHON IS"} {"Clue":"Old, silly, soppiest characters attractive to one another? (9)","Answer":"OPPOSITES","Explanation":"Definition: characters attractive to one another\nO (old) then anagram (silly) of SOPPIEST"} {"Clue":"Niggling pain's returned, clipping Rachel's wings (8)","Answer":"BACKACHE","Explanation":"Definition: Niggling pain\nBACK (returned) then rACHEl missing outer letters (wings clipped)"} {"Clue":"Southern area captured by dirty, holy war (7)","Answer":"CRUSADE","Explanation":"Definition: holy war\nS (southern) A (area) inside CRUDE (dirty)"} {"Clue":"Wine bar left in possession of teetotallers (7)","Answer":"MARSALA","Explanation":"Definition: Wine\nMARS (a Mars Bar) then L (left) inside (in possession of) AA (Alcoholics Anonymous, teetotallers)"} {"Clue":"Bits of offal, thin slices, no starter (6)","Answer":"LIVERS","Explanation":"Definition: Bits of offal\nsLIVERS (thin slices) missing starting letter"} {"Clue":"Tango on drugs, showing a bit of leg? (5)","Answer":"THIGH","Explanation":"Definition: a bit of leg\nT (tango, phonetic alphabet) then HIGH (on drugs)"} {"Clue":"Singer having consecutive number ones? (6)","Answer":"PEEWEE","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\nPEE and WEE (number ones, British baby talk for urination) \u2013 a songbird"} {"Clue":"Splendid Cheddar perhaps alongside donuts served regularly (8)","Answer":"GORGEOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Splendid\nGORGE (Cheddar Gorge perhaps) then dOnUtS (every other letter, regularly)"} {"Clue":"Irish over in canteen munched fruit (9)","Answer":"NECTARINE","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nIR (Irish) reversed (over) in anagram (munched) of CANTEEN"} {"Clue":"Haggard feature of Bill? (5)","Answer":"RIDER","Explanation":"Definition: Haggard\ndouble definition \u2013 author Rider Haggard"} {"Clue":"Temporarily stop Henry the Eighth in flagrante (4)","Answer":"HALT","Explanation":"Definition: Temporarily stop\nHAL (Henry) then flagranTe (eighth letter of)"} {"Clue":"Artist first to decry reality broadcast that's typically inflated (6,4)","Answer":"RADIAL TYRE","Explanation":"Definition: that's \nRA (Royal Academician, artist) then Decry (first letter) and anagram (broadcast) of REALITY"} {"Clue":"Old iron spike given slight wash (7)","Answer":"NIBLICK","Explanation":"Definition: Old iron\nNIB (spike) with LICK (slight wash) \u2013 a golf club"} {"Clue":"Wrap up Parisian in France with cold, heading off (6)","Answer":"ENFOLD","Explanation":"Definition: Wrap up\nEN (in, French, as spoken in Paris) then F (France) with cOLD missing first letter (heading off)"} {"Clue":"Underwear Elizabeth rejected somewhere in Latin America (6)","Answer":"BRAZIL","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in Latin America\nBRA (underwear) then LIZ (Elizabeth) reversed (rejected)"} {"Clue":"Brownish-yellow vehicle male shifted (7)","Answer":"CARAMEL","Explanation":"Definition: Brownish-yellow\nCAR (vehicle) then anagram (shifted) of MALE"} {"Clue":"Western trainer prioritising leg (10)","Answer":"STAGECOACH","Explanation":"Definition: Western\nCOACH (trainer) follows (prioritising\u2026) STAGE (leg) \u2013 film title"} {"Clue":"Don, an English river (4)","Answer":"WEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Don\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Musical beat I verbalise partly, making comeback (5)","Answer":"EVITA","Explanation":"Definition: Musical\nfound inside (partly) beAT I VErbalise reversed (making comeback)"} {"Clue":"New lino's outside at number ten, being detached (9)","Answer":"ISOLATION","Explanation":"Definition: being \nanagram (new) of LINO'S contains (outside) AT IO (10, the number)"} {"Clue":"More robust undergraduate stifles resistance (8)","Answer":"STURDIER","Explanation":"Definition: More robust\nSTUDIER (undergraduate perhaps) contains (stifles) R (resistance)"} {"Clue":"Alarm loud and sinister? Just the opposite (6)","Answer":"FRIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Alarm\nF (forte, loud) and RIGHT (the opposite of left, sinister)"} {"Clue":"Liking swan song (8)","Answer":"PENCHANT","Explanation":"Definition: Liking\nPEN (swan) CHANT (song)"} {"Clue":"Sword passed on by Charlie before burial at sea (9)","Answer":"EXCALIBUR","Explanation":"Definition: Sword\nEX (former, passed on) with C (charlie) then anagram (at sea) of BURIAL"} {"Clue":"Promoted unknown Lincoln marketplace (4)","Answer":"EBAY","Explanation":"Definition: marketplace\nY (an unknown) ABE (Abraham Lincoln) all reversed (promoted)"} {"Clue":"Previous jail sentence under twelve months (3-4)","Answer":"ONE-TIME","Explanation":"Definition: Previous\nTIME (jail sentence) follows (under) ONE (twelve months, age in years)"} {"Clue":"Unusually large theologian overwhelming for president (6,4)","Answer":"GERALD FORD","Explanation":"Definition: president\nanagram (unusually) of LARGE then DD (theologian) containing (overwhelming) FOR"} {"Clue":"How Scandi characters become sad? In a peculiar way (5)","Answer":"ODDLY","Explanation":"Definition: In a peculiar way\nthe odd characters (letters) from ScAnDi become SAD"} {"Clue":"One distributing Bible in company of soothsayer (6)","Answer":"SERVER","Explanation":"Definition: One distributing\nRV (Revised Version, bible) inside SEER (soothsayer)"} {"Clue":"Seize control of countryman bypassing European agreement (6)","Answer":"HIJACK","Explanation":"Definition: Seize control of\nHICK (countryman) contains (bypassing?) JA (yes in German, European agreement)"} {"Clue":"US novelist in good health grazed freely, drinking litres (10)","Answer":"FITZGERALD","Explanation":"Definition: US novelist\nFIT (in good health) then anagram (freely) of GRAZED contains (drinking) L (litres)"} {"Clue":"Heather picks up earthy pigment, dealing with timber (9)","Answer":"LUMBERING","Explanation":"Definition: dealing with timber\nLING (heather) contains (picks up) UMBER (earthy pigment)"} {"Clue":"Music player from Cambridge college keeps in time (8)","Answer":"CLARINET","Explanation":"Definition: Music player\nCLARE (Cambridge college) contains (keeps) IN then T (time)"} {"Clue":"Reflective type of painting by Geordie hosting is put on pedestal (7)","Answer":"LIONISE","Explanation":"Definition: put on pedestal\nOIL (type of painting) reversed (reflective) on NE (north-eastern, Geordie) containing (hosting) IS"} {"Clue":"Place of security functioning beneath two businesses (6)","Answer":"COCOON","Explanation":"Definition: Place of security\nON (functioning) follows (beneath in a down light) CO (company, business, twice)"} {"Clue":"Evaluate a bearing between ships (6)","Answer":"ASSESS","Explanation":"Definition: Evaluate\n~~A then SES (a compass bearing) inside (between) S S (ship, twice)~~ *UPDATE: I prefer A then E (bearing) between SS SS (steam ship, twice). Thanks to those suggesting this."} {"Clue":"That is blocking middle of viaduct for so long (5)","Answer":"ADIEU","Explanation":"Definition: so long\nIE (that is) inside (blocking) viADUct (middle of)"} {"Clue":"Open market (4)","Answer":"FAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Open\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"One seen in rank Scorsese movie? (4,6)","Answer":"TAXI DRIVER","Explanation":"Definition: One seen in rank\ndouble defintion"} {"Clue":"Solid snooker player uses it potting black (4)","Answer":"CUBE","Explanation":"Definition: Solid\nCUE (snooker player uses it) contains (potting) B (black)"} {"Clue":"Song penned by Robin's girl (4)","Answer":"ARIA","Explanation":"Definition: Song\nfound inside (penned by) mARIAn (Maid Marian, Robin Hood's girl)"} {"Clue":"Run to purchase last bit of beer bottled in holy city (10)","Answer":"CANTERBURY","Explanation":"Definition: holy city\nCANTER (run) then BUY (to purchase) contains (\u2026bottled) beeR (last bit of)"} {"Clue":"Landed aristocracy's first to provide support (6)","Answer":"ASHORE","Explanation":"Definition: Landed\nAristocracy (first letter of, first to) then SHORE (provide support)"} {"Clue":"Backing Essen duo loath to restrict sound level (8)","Answer":"LOUDNESS","Explanation":"Definition: sound level\nfound reversed (backing) inside (\u2026to restrict) eSSEN DUO Loath"} {"Clue":"Ordering BLT, a cake, Darjeeling for one (5,3)","Answer":"BLACK TEA","Explanation":"Definition: Darjeeling for one\nanagram (ordering) of BLT A CAKE"} {"Clue":"Hairy fellow's son seated in Emirates on the way back (4)","Answer":"ESAU","Explanation":"Definition: Hairy fellow\nS (son) inside UAE (United Arab Emirates) reversed (on the way back) \u2013 biblical name meaning 'hairy'"} {"Clue":"Soviet spies arresting university teacher (4)","Answer":"GURU","Explanation":"Definition: teacher\nGRU (Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, mercifully abbreviated) contains (arresting) U (university)"} {"Clue":"Relax belt while undressed inside (5,3)","Answer":"CHILL OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Relax\nCLOUT (belt) contains (with\u2026inside) wHILe (undressed, no outer letters)"} {"Clue":"Bugs infesting caramel blancmange? (3,5)","Answer":"MEL BLANC","Explanation":"Definition: Bugs\nfound inside (infesting) caraMEL BLANCmange \u2013 the voice of Bugs Bunny"} {"Clue":"Majestic gold sports car American imported (6)","Answer":"AUGUST","Explanation":"Definition: Majestic\nAU (gold, chem symbol) then GT (sports car) contains (imports) US (American)"} {"Clue":"ANC politician forcing Keith to transport nuclear device (5,5)","Answer":"THABO MBEKI","Explanation":"Definition: ANC politician\nanagram (forcing) of KEITH contains (to transport) H-BOMB (nuclear device)"} {"Clue":"Arrogant article plugging wine from Bordeaux (4)","Answer":"VAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Arrogant\nA (indefinite article) inside (plugging) VIN (wine in French, from Bordeaux)"} {"Clue":"At work, discontented, engaged by iron forge (4)","Answer":"FAKE","Explanation":"Definition: forge\nAt worK (dis-contented, missing the middle letters) inside (engaged by) FE (iron)"} {"Clue":"Cover Macau golf out east (10)","Answer":"CAMOUFLAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Cover\nanagram (out) of MACAU GOLF then E (east)"} {"Clue":"With which to spray a flipping sore boil regularly? (7)","Answer":"AEROSOL","Explanation":"Definition: With which to spray\nA then SORE reversed (flipping) and bOiL (every other letter, regularly)"} {"Clue":"Castro had ideas about seizing a state (5)","Answer":"IDAHO","Explanation":"Definition: a \nfound reversed (about) inside (\u2026is seizing) castrO HAD Ideas"} {"Clue":"Stir treacle, taking time \u2013 it should be runny (8)","Answer":"RACLETTE","Explanation":"Definition: it should be runny\nanagram (stir) of TREACLE contains T (time) \u2013 melted (runny) cheese"} {"Clue":"Fresh Venice calamari, line caught, served very cold (7,3,5)","Answer":"VANILLA ICE CREAM","Explanation":"Definition: served very cold\nanagram (fresh) of VENICE CALAMARI containing (caught) L (line)"} {"Clue":"Nice street almost packed \u2013 sorry! (6)","Answer":"RUEFUL","Explanation":"Definition: sorry\nRUE (street in French, in Nice perhaps) then FULL (packed) missing last letter (almost)"} {"Clue":"Fashionable at last, it gave Sarkozy a lift (5,4)","Answer":"CUBAN HEEL","Explanation":"Definition: Fashionable at last, it gave Sarkozy a lift\ncryptic definition \u2013 a style (fashion) of shoe (made at a last) that gave the short French president a lift"} {"Clue":"For him, work is a constant grind (7)","Answer":"BARISTA","Explanation":"Definition: For him, work is a constant grind\ncryptic definition \u2013 a coffee grinder"} {"Clue":"Gregarious Vince suppressing unhappy blub (9)","Answer":"CLUBBABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Gregarious\nCABLE (Vince Cable, politician) contains (suppressing) anagram (unhappy) of BLUB"} {"Clue":"Italian speciality suit tailored to go over \u2013 essentially \u2013 big butt (8)","Answer":"TIRAMISU","Explanation":"Definition: Italian speciality\nanagram (tailored) of SUIT contains to go over) bIg (middle letter, essentially) and RAM (butt)"} {"Clue":"Arthur, drunk, catching Edgware's last Tube (7)","Answer":"URETHRA","Explanation":"Definition: Tube\nanagram (drunk) of ARTHUR contains (catching) edgewarE (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Parcel firm profit good in period of economic growth (7)","Answer":"UPSWING","Explanation":"Definition: period of economic growth\nUPS (parcel firm) WIN (profit) G (good)"} {"Clue":"Leader of Taunton beer enthusiasts serving up the black stuff! (6)","Answer":"TARMAC","Explanation":"Definition: the black stuff\nTaunton (first letter, leader of) and CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale, beer enthusiasts) reversed (serving up)"} {"Clue":"Donated large hammer (5)","Answer":"GAVEL","Explanation":"Definition: hammer\nGAVE (donated) L (large)"} {"Clue":"Note received by compliant home (8)","Answer":"DOMICILE","Explanation":"Definition: home\nMI (note, music) inside (received by) DOCILE (complaint)"} {"Clue":"Narcissist first to pursue, say, Oscar (6)","Answer":"EGOIST","Explanation":"Definition: Narcissist\nIST (first) follows (to pursue) EG (say) O (oscar, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Alcohol served in western fruit salad (4)","Answer":"ASTI","Explanation":"Definition: Alcohol\nfound inside (served in) fruIT SAlad reversed (western, heading right-to-left on a map)"} {"Clue":"The old are opening new school in France (3,7)","Answer":"ART NOUVEAU","Explanation":"Definition: school in France\nART (are, the old=archaic) before (opening) NOUVEAU (new). I'm not convinced that my explanation is correct. Can anyone do better?"} {"Clue":"Here's one for poking in bed (6)","Answer":"DIBBER","Explanation":"Definition: Here's one for poking in bed\ncryptic definition \u2013 in a flower bed perhaps"} {"Clue":"Check pilot who's in charge on board (8)","Answer":"CHAIRMAN","Explanation":"Definition: who's in charge on board\nCH (check) AIRMAIN (pilot)"} {"Clue":"Failing to open hole in rough slate when turning screw (6)","Answer":"GAOLER","Explanation":"Definition: screw\nhOLE (failing to open) inside RAG (a rough slate) reversed (when turning)"} {"Clue":"Interval of time in old grotto (6)","Answer":"OCTAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Interval\nT (time) inside O (old) CAVE (grotto)"} {"Clue":"A range of votes cast following vapid talk (3,5)","Answer":"GAS STOVE","Explanation":"Definition: A range\nanagram (cast) of VOTES following GAS (vapid talk)"} {"Clue":"Question about the American Revolution is primarily a national one (6)","Answer":"QATARI","Explanation":"Definition: a national one\nfirst letters (primarily) of Question About The American Revolution Is \u2013 *one* is a person, a national of a country"} {"Clue":"Make better material with one's outside broadcast (10)","Answer":"AMELIORATE","Explanation":"Definition: Make better\nanagram (broadcast) of MATERIAL with OnE (outside letters of)"} {"Clue":"Song they amend intermittently (4)","Answer":"HYMN","Explanation":"Definition: Song\nevery other letter (intermittently) of tHeY aMeNd"} {"Clue":"Abandon fault (6)","Answer":"DEFECT","Explanation":"Definition: Abandon\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Bell outside semi-detached property affected hearing again (8)","Answer":"RETRYING","Explanation":"Definition: hearing again\nRING (bell) contains (outside) anagram (affected) of propETRY (semi-detached, half of)"} {"Clue":"Art form developed in Bosnia (6)","Answer":"BONSAI","Explanation":"Definition: Art form\nanagram (developed in) of BOSNIA"} {"Clue":"Network built by Dutch not quite current (4)","Answer":"WIFI","Explanation":"Definition: Network\nWIFe (dutch, not quite) and I (current, electrical symbol)"} {"Clue":"Decline to enter dreadful English contest (8)","Answer":"DISAGREE","Explanation":"Definition: contest\nSAG (decline) inside (to enter) DIRE (dreadful) E (English)"} {"Clue":"Cover journalist in public meetings (6)","Answer":"FEDORA","Explanation":"Definition: Cover\nED (editor, journalist) inside FORA (public meetings)"} {"Clue":"Familiar worker chasing opposite, mostly (10)","Answer":"CONVERSANT","Explanation":"Definition: Familiar\nANT (worker) follows (chasing) CONVERSe (opposite, mostly)"} {"Clue":"Lark these days in flight (8)","Answer":"ESCAPADE","Explanation":"Definition: L\nAD (these days) inside ESCAPE (flight)"} {"Clue":"Tempt novice after first four quit (6)","Answer":"ENTICE","Explanation":"Definition: Tempt\napprENTICE (novice) missing first four letters"} {"Clue":"Vendor I engage to hide deception (10)","Answer":"BOOKSELLER","Explanation":"Definition: Vendor\nBOOKER (I engage, someone who books) contains (to hide) SELL (deception)"} {"Clue":"One cutting weight succeeded in awards (8)","Answer":"GRAMMIES","Explanation":"Definition: awards\nI (one) inside (cutting) GRAMME (weight) then S (succeeded)"} {"Clue":"Company still heartless over extremely tiresome flirt (8)","Answer":"COQUETTE","Explanation":"Definition: flirt\nCO (company) QUiET (still, heartless) then TiresomE (outer letters, extremely)"} {"Clue":"Fix match, not for the first time (6)","Answer":"REPAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Fix\nRE-PAIR to match again (not for the first time)"} {"Clue":"Nothing ordinary's left inside European city (6)","Answer":"OPORTO","Explanation":"Definition: European city\nO (nothing) O (ordinary) contains (\u2026has\u2026inside) PORT (left)"} {"Clue":"Prompt check about married daughter (6)","Answer":"REMIND","Explanation":"Definition: Prompt\nREIN (check) contains (about) M (married) then D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Greeting more dignified in speech (4)","Answer":"HIYA","Explanation":"Definition: Greeting\nsounds like (in speech) \"higher\" (more dignified)"} {"Clue":"Leather, fake I say (6)","Answer":"SHAMMY","Explanation":"Definition: Leather\nSHAM (fake) and MY (I say, exclamation)"} {"Clue":"Germany's sound leader in Angela's in 23 (6)","Answer":"OOMPAH","Explanation":"Definition: Germany's sound\nAngela (first letter, leader in) inside OOMPH (power, 23)"} {"Clue":"Good grades Paul was always unable to attain \u2014 who would have thought it! (4,1,5,3)","Answer":"WELL I NEVER DID","Explanation":"Definition: who would have thought it\nif Paul (I) never did well he did not get good grades"} {"Clue":"Around middle of farm, muck encountered \u2014 mess about (4,6)","Answer":"GOOF AROUND","Explanation":"Definition: mess about\nfARm (middle of) inside (around\u2026is\u2026) GOO (muck) FOUND (encountered)"} {"Clue":"Secure fifty picnic hampers (6)","Answer":"CLINCH","Explanation":"Definition: Secure\nL (fifty) inside (hampered by) CINCH (picnic, something easy)"} {"Clue":"Mere hint about unusual instrument (8)","Answer":"THEREMIN","Explanation":"Definition: unusual instrument\nanagram (about) of MERE HINT"} {"Clue":"Growth of intellect in Essex? (9)","Answer":"BRAINTREE","Explanation":"Definition: in \nwhimsical alternative definition \u2013 and a town in Essex"} {"Clue":"Make sense, as might exhibits in gallery collection? (4,8)","Answer":"HANG TOGETHER","Explanation":"Definition: Make sense\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"'Loose women': clue de trop (9)","Answer":"UNWELCOME","Explanation":"Definition: de trop\nanagram (loose) of WOMEN CLUE"} {"Clue":"Eagle, for example, hit rocky peak (6)","Answer":"RAPTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Eagle, for example\nRAP (hit) TOR (rocky peak)"} {"Clue":"Dark snake and lady of the night? (10)","Answer":"WINDOWLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Dark\nWIND (snake, move erratically) then OWLESS cryptically a lady owl (a bird of the night)"} {"Clue":"Affect suddenly with strong push in sustained campaign (4,4)","Answer":"WASH OVER","Explanation":"Definition: Affect suddenly\nSHOVE (strong push) inside WAR (sustained campaign)"} {"Clue":"Bear in river on purpose (6)","Answer":"ENDURE","Explanation":"Definition: Bear\nURE (Rive Ure) after (on) END (purpose)"} {"Clue":"Bird: 22 out of one's tree? (6)","Answer":"PARROT","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nanagram (out of one's tree, mad) of RAPTOR (22)"} {"Clue":"Cosmic light initially alters forms (7)","Answer":"STELLAR","Explanation":"Definition: Cosmic\nanagram (forms) of Light (first letter, initially) and ALTERS \u2013 definition might be more related to the figurative \"spectacular, significant\" than to the cosmos directly"} {"Clue":"Pooped nothing out then? (3,2)","Answer":"ALL IN","Explanation":"Definition: Pooped\nif ALL is IN then nothing is out \u2013 slang for feeling very tired"} {"Clue":"Assaults exciting \u2014 still on police record? (7)","Answer":"MUGSHOT","Explanation":"Definition: still on police record\nMUGS (assaults) and HOT (exciting) \u2013 a photo (still) on a police record"} {"Clue":"Authorised reference covering talk that's come up (6)","Answer":"OKAYED","Explanation":"Definition: Authorised\nOED (reference, book) contains (covering) YAK (talk) reversed (that's come up)"} {"Clue":"Astronomical topic, male boobs (9)","Answer":"PTOLEMAIC","Explanation":"Definition: Astronomical\nanagram (boobs) of TOPIC MALE"} {"Clue":"Whiffy \u2014 as a goose may be? (7)","Answer":"HONKING","Explanation":"Definition: Whiffy\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"This hen wouldn't want to be turning her friends out (8,5)","Answer":"SOUTHERN FRIED","Explanation":"Definition: This hen wouldn't want to be\nanagram (turning) of HER FRIENDS OUT"} {"Clue":"Scent style in rose I gathered (7)","Answer":"ODORISE","Explanation":"Definition: Scent\nDO (style, eg hair style) inside anagram (gathered) of ROSE I \u2013 in the OED but not in Chambers, and surprisingly not marked as American"} {"Clue":"Every other one blocked off, set up roads in an enormous area of land (7)","Answer":"EURASIA","Explanation":"Definition: enormous area of land\nevery other letter (every other one blocked off) of sEt Up RoAdS In An"} {"Clue":"Descent of celestial body, twinkling before dawn (7)","Answer":"MOONSET","Explanation":"Definition: Descent of celestial body\nMO (twinkling, a short time) before ONSET (dawn)"} {"Clue":"Might exhibitionist stand naked under this? (5,6)","Answer":"POWER SHOWER","Explanation":"Definition: stand naked under this\nPOWER (might) SHOWER (exhibitionist)"} {"Clue":"Might they make one better-looking? (9)","Answer":"OPTICIANS","Explanation":"Definition: Might they make one better-looking\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Change a lawyer gets with pint (5)","Answer":"ADAPT","Explanation":"Definition: Change\nA DA (lawyer) with PT (pint)"} {"Clue":"What usually comes with awfully grim mist shrouding north (9)","Answer":"TRIMMINGS","Explanation":"Definition: What usually comes with\nanagram (awfully) of GRIM MIST contains (shrouding) N (north)"} {"Clue":"Drunk heading back round a Cafe's front for food (5)","Answer":"TACOS","Explanation":"Definition: food\nSOT (drunk) reversed (heading back) containing (around) A Cafe (first letter, front)"} {"Clue":"English chap cuddling tense Republican? Heavens! (5)","Answer":"ETHER","Explanation":"Definition: Heavens\nE (English) HE (a chap) contains (cuddling) T (tense) then R (republican)"} {"Clue":"Criminal shot a mole \u2013 that's abhorrent (9)","Answer":"LOATHSOME","Explanation":"Definition: abhorrent\nanagram (criminal ) of SHOT A MOLE"} {"Clue":"A crack about Tory leader being in the wrong (2,5)","Answer":"AT FAULT","Explanation":"Definition: in the wrong\nA FAULT (crack) contains Tory (first letter, leader)"} {"Clue":"Game PM's address brought round party (7)","Answer":"NETBALL","Explanation":"Definition: Game\nTEN (10 Downing Street, PM's address) reversed (brought round) then BALL (party)"} {"Clue":"Peer over top of unmade beds regularly to see a sacred place! (7)","Answer":"LOURDES","Explanation":"Definition: a sacred place\nLORD (peer) contains (over) Unmade (first letter, top of) then bEdS (every other letter, regularly)"} {"Clue":"Recognise research group after review of small papers (7)","Answer":"DISCERN","Explanation":"Definition: Recognise\nCERN (research group) follows S (small) ID (papers) reversed (review of)"} {"Clue":"Infusion over pan is steaming (9)","Answer":"PERVASION","Explanation":"Definition: Infusion\nanagram (steaming) of OVER PAN IS"} {"Clue":"A place to go with female that's pretty distant (5)","Answer":"ALOOF","Explanation":"Definition: pretty distant\nA LOO (toilet, place to go) with F (female)"} {"Clue":"I annoy constantly with bit of obscene sauce (5)","Answer":"PESTO","Explanation":"Definition: sauce\nPEST (I annoy constantly) with Obscene (first letter, a bit of)"} {"Clue":"Trouble cutting easy to chew batter? (4-5)","Answer":"TAIL-ENDER","Explanation":"Definition: batter\nAIL (trouble) inside (cutting) TENDER (easy to chew) \u2013 a batsman in cricket"} {"Clue":"Mug fools about, having drunk last of wine (5)","Answer":"STEIN","Explanation":"Definition: Mug\nNITS (fools) reversed (about) containing (having drunk) winE (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"I got eaten by mistake in Deal (9)","Answer":"NEGOTIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Deal\nanagram (by mistake) of I GOT EATEN"} {"Clue":"Exactly where you might beat The Hammers? (2,3,4)","Answer":"ON THE NAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Exactly\ndefinition\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Head of theology on drugs will show bit of leg (5)","Answer":"THIGH","Explanation":"Definition: bit of leg\nTheology (first letter, head of) then HIGH (on drugs)"} {"Clue":"Wake up and rue condom bursting (4,5)","Answer":"COME ROUND","Explanation":"Definition: Wake up\nanagram (bursting) of RUE CONDOM"} {"Clue":"Ring nun late in a state (7)","Answer":"ANNULET","Explanation":"Definition: Ring\nanagram (in a state) of NUN LATE"} {"Clue":"Uphold university mark after end of appeals (7)","Answer":"SUSTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Uphold\nU (university) STAIN (mark) follows appealS (end of)"} {"Clue":"A little problem sending off first letter (5)","Answer":"AITCH","Explanation":"Definition: letter\nA hITCH (little problem) missing (sending off) first letter"} {"Clue":"Ache and groan wandering around city abroad (9)","Answer":"ANCHORAGE","Explanation":"Definition: city abroad\nanagram (wandering around) of ACHE with GROAN"} {"Clue":"Son visiting art gallery shows good judgement (5)","Answer":"TASTE","Explanation":"Definition: good judgement\nS (son) inside TATE (art gallery)"} {"Clue":"Glow that comes from unstable fuel cores (9)","Answer":"FLUORESCE","Explanation":"Definition: Glow\nanagram (unstable) of FUEL CORES \u2013 what a good surface reading for a clue!"} {"Clue":"Will trial with a group of chaps lead to trouble? (9)","Answer":"TESTAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Will\nTEST (trial) with MEN (a group of chaps) then Trouble ((first letter, lead to)"} {"Clue":"What a seaborne invasion will do for the army? (9)","Answer":"LANDFORCE","Explanation":"Definition: What a seaborne invasion will do\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Struck with top of southpaw's boxing glove (7)","Answer":"SMITTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Struck\nSouthpaw (first letter, top of) then MITTEN (boxing glove)"} {"Clue":"Depressing high toll overwhelms hospital department (7)","Answer":"DENTING","Explanation":"Definition: Depressing\nDING (high toll, of a bell) contains (overwhelms) ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat department)"} {"Clue":"Religious bigwigs take pills and ecstasy tabs (5)","Answer":"POPES","Explanation":"Definition: Religious bigwigs\nPOP (take pills) and ES (ecstasy tabs)"} {"Clue":"Bill navy after installing bit of outside deck (5)","Answer":"ADORN","Explanation":"Definition: deck\nAD (bill) RN (Royal Navy) contains (after installing) Outside (first letter, a bit of)"} {"Clue":"Fungal spores found in Hanoi diabetic (5)","Answer":"OIDIA","Explanation":"Definition: Fungal spores\nfound inside hanOI DIAbetic"} {"Clue":"Some in the audience sit up, edgily backing substitute (8)","Answer":"DEPUTISE","Explanation":"Definition: substitute\nfound reversed (backing) inside (some in the\u2026) audiencE SIT UP EDgily"} {"Clue":"Time in army unit is a constant equilibrium (6)","Answer":"STASIS","Explanation":"Definition: a constant equilibrium\nT (time) inside SAS (army unit) IS"} {"Clue":"Where French prostitute entertains Sergeant-Major Fox (8)","Answer":"OUTSMART","Explanation":"Definition: Fox\nOU (where, French) TART (prostitute) contains (entertains) SM (sergeant-major)"} {"Clue":"Copper's trophy the last in order, I see (6)","Answer":"CUPRIC","Explanation":"Definition: Copper\nCUP (trophy) then ordeR (the last letter in) and I C (see, name of the letter C)"} {"Clue":"Places to play piano on ships (5)","Answer":"PARKS","Explanation":"Definition: Places to play\nP (piano) on ARKS (ships)"} {"Clue":"Back shortly with priest present for Teilhard de Chardin's human intelligence and memory (9)","Answer":"NOOSPHERE","Explanation":"Definition: Teilhard de Chardin's human intelligence and memory\nSOON (shortly) reversed (back) with P (priest) then HERE (present)"} {"Clue":"Pants and comes back to life? (6)","Answer":"UNDIES","Explanation":"Definition: comes back to life\nUN-DIES (comes back to life)"} {"Clue":"A top-end collection of papers stuck together (7)","Answer":"NOTEPAD","Explanation":"Definition: papers stuck together\nanagram (collection) of A TOP-END"} {"Clue":"Decide not to punish bird seen among bricks (3,2,2)","Answer":"LET IT GO","Explanation":"Definition: Decide not to punish\nTIT (bird) inside LEGO (bricks)"} {"Clue":"Start buying weapon for Clyde? (6)","Answer":"BARROW","Explanation":"Definition: Clyde\nBuying (starting letter) then ARROW (weapon) \u2013 Clyde Barrow perhaps, he of Bonnie and Clyde fame"} {"Clue":"Pressed to repair organ parts (4,5)","Answer":"REED STOPS","Explanation":"Definition: organ parts\nanagram (repair) of PRESSED TO"} {"Clue":"Force 50 have escaped (5)","Answer":"FLOWN","Explanation":"Definition: escaped\nF (force) L (fifty) and OWN (have)"} {"Clue":"Without authorisation? That's it! (6)","Answer":"NOOKIE","Explanation":"Definition: it\nNO (without) OK (authorisation) and IE (that is)"} {"Clue":"Bus to Lima nearly crashes, which makes people sick (8)","Answer":"BOTULISM","Explanation":"Definition: which makes people sick\nanagram (crashes) of BUS TO LIMa"} {"Clue":"Sweet scent of feeding bottles (6)","Answer":"TOFFEE","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nfound inside (bottled by) scenT OF FEEding"} {"Clue":"Break in travel at sea (8)","Answer":"INTERVAL","Explanation":"Definition: Break\nanagram (at sea) of IN TRAVEL"} {"Clue":"Track down uprising in Wilts (6)","Answer":"DROOPS","Explanation":"Definition: Wilts\nSPOOR (track) D (down) all reversed (uprising)"} {"Clue":"7's work helped town after disaster (5,3,3,4)","Answer":"PETER AND THE WOLF","Explanation":"Definition: 7's work\nanagram (disaster) of HELPED TOWN AFTER \u2013 by Prokofiev"} {"Clue":"2's gunfire ends around noon (5)","Answer":"TIMPS","Explanation":"Definition: 2's gunfire\nTIPS (ends) contains M (meridiem, noon) \u2013 abbreviated form of timpani"} {"Clue":"2's hero has stone jewellery (7)","Answer":"STRINGS","Explanation":"Definition: 2's hero\nST (stone) and RINGS (jewellery)"} {"Clue":"Swan necessary for 2's hunters (9)","Answer":"TRUMPETER","Explanation":"Definition: Swan\nin *Peter and the Wolf* the hunters' theme is played by the woodwind and trumpet sections"} {"Clue":"Forgive porkies spread about European composer (6,9)","Answer":"SERGEI PROKOFIEV","Explanation":"Definition: composer\nanagram (spread) contains (about) E (European)"} {"Clue":"Among fancied teams, university cricket club does well (8)","Answer":"SUCCEEDS","Explanation":"Definition: does well\nSEEDS (fancied teams) contains (among\u2026is\u2026) U (university) CC (cricket club)"} {"Clue":"2's villain with no hair after losing head (4)","Answer":"HORN","Explanation":"Definition: 2's villain\nsHORN (with no hair) missing first letter (losing head) \u2013 the Wolf is represented by the French horns"} {"Clue":"Under evaluation at home, electronic digestion mechanism (9)","Answer":"INTESTINE","Explanation":"Definition: digestion mechanism\nIN TEST (under evaluation) IN (at home) E (electronic)"} {"Clue":"New article about 2's cat (8)","Answer":"CLARINET","Explanation":"Definition: 2's cat\nanagram (about) of N (new) and ARTICLE"} {"Clue":"Empty award for 2's duck (4)","Answer":"OBOE","Explanation":"Definition: 2's duck\nan OBE with O (nothing) inside is an *empty award"} {"Clue":"Fool in favour of 2's grandfather (7)","Answer":"BASSOON","Explanation":"Definition: 2's grandfather\nASS (fool) inside BOON (favour)"} {"Clue":"Cat is one writer's obsessed about (6)","Answer":"ANIMAL","Explanation":"Definition: Cat\nI'M (the writer's) inside (with\u2026about) ANAL (obsessed)"} {"Clue":"Oddly fill up the bird in 2 (5)","Answer":"FLUTE","Explanation":"Definition: the bird in 2\nevery other letter (oddly) of FiLlUp ThE"} {"Clue":"Foreign notaries prohibit nothing in breaking crises (10)","Answer":"ESCRIBANOS","Explanation":"Definition: Foreign notaries\nBAN (prohibit) O (nothing) inside anagram (breaking) of CRISES"} {"Clue":"Mainly Australian crustaceans found in Tamar once (5)","Answer":"MARON","Explanation":"Definition: Mainly Australian crustaceans\nfound inside taMAR ONce \u2013 a mainly Australian variant of *camaron"} {"Clue":"Bad news for farm stock, roof collapsing in heat (7)","Answer":"HOOFROT","Explanation":"Definition: Bad news for farm stock\nanagram (collapsing) of ROOF in HOT (heat, as a verb)"} {"Clue":"Like distinctive flavours borne around, company dining (8)","Answer":"TASTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Like distinctive flavours\nSAT (borne) reversed (around) then TABLE (company dining, the company at a table)"} {"Clue":"Eye Queen, name for one of those that did for over-indulgent monarch? (7)","Answer":"LAMPERN","Explanation":"Definition: one of those that did for over-indulgent monarch\nLAMP (eye) ER (Queen Elizabeth) and N (name) \u2013 king Henry I supposedly died from overeating lampreys"} {"Clue":"Starter of leaves in cut salad (4)","Answer":"SLAW","Explanation":"Definition: salad\nLeaves (first letter, starter of) inside SAW (cut)"} {"Clue":"Poet's behindhand, having to finish cutting beard (5)","Answer":"ADOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Poet's behindhand\nDO (to finish) inside (cutting) AWN (beard)"} {"Clue":"It's hard to manage going back before a period of time (6)","Answer":"EPOCHA","Explanation":"Definition: period of time\nH (hard) with COPE (to manage) reversed (going back) then A"} {"Clue":"One lingers behind abroad, mostly after end of treatment (7)","Answer":"TARRIER","Explanation":"Definition: One lingers\nmost of ARRIERe (behind in French, abroad) follows treatmenT (either end of)"} {"Clue":"Duck bucket contains in it (7)","Answer":"PINTAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Duck\nPAIL (bucket) containing IN 'T (it)"} {"Clue":"Reckless, but last to take the lead, un peu distrait? (6)","Answer":"EPERDU","Explanation":"Definition: un peu distrait\nPERDUE (reckless) with last letter moved to the front"} {"Clue":"The area's rocky \u2013 has this ridge possibly(5)","Answer":"ARETE","Explanation":"Definition: ridge\na possible anagram (rocky) of THE AREA'S is HAS ARETE (this, the solution)"} {"Clue":"Consuming volume in endless carouse? Bottoms up! (4)","Answer":"RIVO","Explanation":"Definition: Bottoms up\nV (volume) inside (consuming\u2026in\u2026) RIOt (carouse, endless)"} {"Clue":"Puts slap on old revolutionary, reverse of rare once (7)","Answer":"REDDLES","Explanation":"Definition: Puts slap on ol\nRED (revolutionary) then SELD (rare, once=obsolete) reversed"} {"Clue":"What idlers are up to, shifting round back of hotel (8)","Answer":"BLUDGING","Explanation":"Definition: What idlers are up to\nBUDGING (shifting) contains (round) hoteL (last letter, back of)"} {"Clue":"Graves (old) in the kirkyard rased after development (5)","Answer":"EARDS","Explanation":"Definition: Graves (old) in the kirkyard\nanagram (after development) of RASED \u2013 in the kirkyard indicates Scottish, graves as a verb"} {"Clue":"English tailored slender fits in grammar school, unisex (10)","Answer":"GENDERLESS","Explanation":"Definition: unisex\nE (English) and anagram (tailored) of SLENDER inside GS (grammar school)"} {"Clue":"Result of deep meditation aims had worked out (7)","Answer":"SAMADHI","Explanation":"Definition: Result of deep meditation\nanagram (worked out) of AIMS HAD"} {"Clue":"Band less weak with sombre old wind instrument (8)","Answer":"CREMORNE","Explanation":"Definition: old wind instrument\nCREw (band) missing W (weak) then MORNE (sombre)"} {"Clue":"Ladette from Paris? That's where you'll find her (4)","Answer":"ROMP","Explanation":"Definition: Ladette\nfound inside (that's where you'll find her) fROM Paris"} {"Clue":"Contemplate papers, new number included (6)","Answer":"INTEND","Explanation":"Definition: Contemplate\nID (papers) contains (\u2026included) N (new) TEN (a number)"} {"Clue":"Indian art sahib flogged, not special (7)","Answer":"BHARATI","Explanation":"Definition: Indian\nanagram (flogged) of ART sAHIB missing S (special)"} {"Clue":"Lavish topi? See VIP kitted out with this possibly (5)","Answer":"SOLAH","Explanation":"Sorry, I can't get anything to work here. Can anyone help me out?"} {"Clue":"Cabin staff member we rated unusually special on board? (10)","Answer":"STEWARDESS","Explanation":"Definition: Cabin staff member\nanagram (unusually) of WE RATED S (special) inside SS (on board, in a steam ship)"} {"Clue":"Part of bell by limiting ring gives a signal on set (10)","Answer":"CLAPPERBOY","Explanation":"Definition: gives a signal on set\nCLAPPER (part of bell) then BY containing (limiting) O (a ring)"} {"Clue":"Chasing decoy dogs sice trained (8)","Answer":"CISELURE","Explanation":"Definition: Chasing\nLURE (decoy) follows (dogs) anagram (trained) of SICE"} {"Clue":"The old stand with legs apart, stick gripped lest wobbling (7)","Answer":"STRODLE","Explanation":"Definition: The old stand with legs apart\nROD (stick) inside (\u2026gripped) anagram (wobbling) of LEST"} {"Clue":"Novelist quite finished? Not quite (7)","Answer":"ALLENDE","Explanation":"Definition: Novelist\nALL (quite) ENDEd (finished, not quite)"} {"Clue":"Time lost, book's content concludes \u2013 offers looked for (7)","Answer":"EXTENDS","Explanation":"Definition: offers\ntEXT (book's content) missing T (time) then ENDS (concludes)"} {"Clue":"Second class failing grade worry (6)","Answer":"BADGER","Explanation":"Definition: worry\nB (second class) then anagram (failing) of GRADE"} {"Clue":"I needed to cut excess hair (5)","Answer":"PILUS","Explanation":"Definition: hair\nI inside (need to cut) PLUS (excess)"} {"Clue":"Biblical deity filling tribe with energy (5)","Answer":"DAGON","Explanation":"Definition: Biblical deity\nDAN (a tribe of Israel) containing (filling\u2026with\u2026) GO (energy)"} {"Clue":"Mug switching sections in bargain store? (4)","Answer":"DIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Mug\nALDI (bargain store) with the first and second parts switched"} {"Clue":"Crazy clown coming first (8)","Answer":"COCONUTS","Explanation":"NUTS (crazy) following (with\u2026coming first) COCO"} {"Clue":"Daughter having the morning with her brother (6)","Answer":"DAMSON","Explanation":"D (daughter) having AM (the morning) with SON (her brother)"} {"Clue":"Exercise the latter half of the year \u2013 most important (8)","Answer":"PEARMAIN","Explanation":"PE (exercise) then yeAR (latter half of) MAIN (most important) \u2013 a type of apple"} {"Clue":"Not half talkative at end of concert (6)","Answer":"LOQUAT","Explanation":"LOQUAtious (talkative, not half) then concerT (last letter, end of)"} {"Clue":"Italian poet's anonymous (5)","Answer":"DATES","Explanation":"DAnTE'S (Italian poet is) missing N (with no name, anonymous)"} {"Clue":"Perplexed generations \u2013 not so! (9)","Answer":"TANGERINE","Explanation":"anagram (perplexed) of GENERATIoNs missing SO"} {"Clue":"Love what's on offer (6)","Answer":"ORANGE","Explanation":"O (love) RANGE (what's on offer)"} {"Clue":"Jean awkwardly embraced style (7)","Answer":"NAARTJE","Explanation":"anagram (awkwardly) of JEAN contains (embraced) ART (style) \u2013 a type of orange"} {"Clue":"March past, apparently, before October Revolution (7)","Answer":"APRICOT","Explanation":"APR I (April 1st, March is past apparently) then anagram (revolution) of OCT (October)"} {"Clue":"Small sea god (6)","Answer":"MEDLAR","Explanation":"MED (Mediterranean, a small sea) then LAR (a house god) \u2013 type of apple"} {"Clue":"Long drink \u2013 about 2p . . . . (9)","Answer":"PINEAPPLE","Explanation":"PINE (long) ALE (drink) contains (about) PP (2 p)"} {"Clue":". . . . so, one hundred would cost a pound (5)","Answer":"PEACH","Explanation":"P EACH (penny each, one hundred would cost a pound)"} {"Clue":"Lives through the downpour (6)","Answer":"RAISIN","Explanation":"IS (lives) inside (through the) RAIN (downpour)"} {"Clue":"Go back and forth ?\u2013 goes wrong inside (8)","Answer":"GOOSEGOG","Explanation":"GO OG (go, back and forth) contains (with\u2026inside) anagram (wrong) of GOES \u2013 a gooseberry"} {"Clue":"Contrary heroine booked after game (6)","Answer":"RUSSET","Explanation":"TESS (Tess of the d'Urbervilles, heroine of a book) reversed (contrary) follows (after) RU (Rugby Union, game) \u2013 a type of apple"} {"Clue":"Island Bobby (8)","Answer":"MANDARIN","Explanation":"MAN (Isle of Man, an island) then DARIN (Bobby Darin, singer)"} {"Clue":"Angelic figures I had seen in bras? (6)","Answer":"CUPIDS","Explanation":"Definition: Angelic figures\nI'D (I had) inside CUPS (bras)"} {"Clue":"He hires boats \u2013 two Queens \u2013 and map, first (9)","Answer":"CHARTERER","Explanation":"Definition: He hires boats\nER ER (The Queen, twice) follows (with\u2026first) CHART (map)"} {"Clue":"Members of Lloyd's having irregular means (5)","Answer":"NAMES","Explanation":"Definition: Members of Lloyd's\nanagram (irregular) of MEANS \u2013 insurers Lloyd's of London"} {"Clue":"Flower disturbs Lettish characters (7)","Answer":"THISTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Flower\nanagram (disturbs\u2026characters) of LETTISH"} {"Clue":"As already stated, terrible idea so far (9)","Answer":"AFORESAID","Explanation":"Definition: As already stated\nanagram (terrible) of IDEA SO FAR"} {"Clue":"Small car for Middle Easterner (5)","Answer":"SAUDI","Explanation":"Definition: Middle Easterner\nS (small) AUDI (car)"} {"Clue":"Last of women treated badly \u2013 were gossips (8)","Answer":"NATTERED","Explanation":"Definition: were gossips\nwomeN (last letter of) then anagram (badly) of TREATED"} {"Clue":"Leading article with no name. Yes! (4)","Answer":"ANON","Explanation":"Definition: Yes\nArticle (first letter, leading) with NO N (name)"} {"Clue":"Exhibition hall pitch concerned with energy (9)","Answer":"NECTARINE","Explanation":"NEC (National Exhibition Centre) then TAR (pitch) IN (concerned with) E (energy)"} {"Clue":"Battle painting artist raised, holding tattered flag (9)","Answer":"TRAFALGAR","Explanation":"Definition: Battle\nART (painting) RA (Royal Academician, artist) all reversed (raised) contains anagram (tattered) of FLAG"} {"Clue":"Chap who adjusts run to Finnish city, as 21 across would suggest? (8)","Answer":"TAMPERER","Explanation":"Definition: Chap who adjusts\nR (run) following (to, added on to) TAMPERE (Finnish city), also a TAMPERER would be a meddler (sounds like \"medlar\", 21 across)"} {"Clue":"The very best place to be upset (4)","Answer":"TOPS","Explanation":"Definition: The very best\nSPOT (place) reversed (to be upset)"} {"Clue":"Most of the lemon may be treated for bone marrow disease (7)","Answer":"MYELOMA","Explanation":"Definition: bone marrow disease\nanagram (be treated) of LEMOn (most of) MAY"} {"Clue":"Japanese military governor's timeless firearm (6)","Answer":"SHOGUN","Explanation":"Definition: Japanese military governo\nSHOtGUN (firearm) missing T (timeless)"} {"Clue":"Poles have trouble within \u2013 they get hammered (5)","Answer":"NAILS","Explanation":"Definition: they get hammered\nN ans S (poles) containing AIL (trouble)"} {"Clue":"Faced the camera, showing tranquillity. Not I (5)","Answer":"POSED","Explanation":"Definition: F\nPOiSED (showing tranquillity) missing I"} {"Clue":"Following retirement, anything in Yorkshire draws couple (3)","Answer":"TWO","Explanation":"Definition: couple\nOWT anything, Yorkshire dialect) reversed (following retirement)"} {"Clue":"Backfired lie suddenly became active when circulating (11)","Answer":"BOOMERANGED","Explanation":"Definition: Backfired\nRANGE (lie, spread over) inside (with\u2026circulating) BOOMED (suddenly became active)"} {"Clue":"Region housing new stadium (5)","Answer":"ARENA","Explanation":"Definition: stadium\nAREA (region) contains (housing) N (new)"} {"Clue":"What could be poisonous, hateful folk wanting money back (9)","Answer":"TOADSTOOL","Explanation":"Definition: What could be poisonous\nTOADS (hateful folk) then LOOT (money) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Old Nazi full of rage? One has succeeded (7)","Answer":"HEIRESS","Explanation":"Definition: One has succeeded\nHESS (Rudolf Hess, old Nazi) contains IRE (rage)"} {"Clue":"Work through Oedipus complex (4,3)","Answer":"OPUS DEI","Explanation":"Definition: Work\nanagram (complex) of OEDIPUS"} {"Clue":"Undesirable article in baroque contents of Bront\u00eb Parsonage (7,3,5)","Answer":"PERSONA NON GRATA","Explanation":"Definition: Undesirable\nAN (article) inside anagram (baroque) of bRONTe (contents of) and PARSONAGE"} {"Clue":"Finale of Hogmanay? (4-3)","Answer":"YEAR END","Explanation":"Definition: Finale of Hogmanay\ncryptic definition?"} {"Clue":"Tap on my tight drum (7)","Answer":"TYMPANO","Explanation":"Definition: drum\nanagram (tight, drunk) of TAP ON MY"} {"Clue":"Dawn repeatedly reprinted bakery ads (9)","Answer":"DAYBREAKS","Explanation":"Definition: Dawn repeatedly\nanagram (reprinted) of BAKERY ADS"} {"Clue":"For example, wide on the right, but not the edges (5)","Answer":"EXTRA","Explanation":"Definition: For example, wide\ndEXTRAl (on the right) missing outside letters (but not the edges) \u2013 cricket term"} {"Clue":"Craft relationship, exchanging a warm-hearted connection? (5,6)","Answer":"BLOOD VESSEL","Explanation":"Definition: a warm-hearted connection\nVESSEL (craft) BLOOD (relationship) swapping places (exchanging)"} {"Clue":"By way of novel idea viewed regularly (3)","Answer":"VIA","Explanation":"Definition: By way of\nevery third letter (viewed regularly) of noVel IdeA"} {"Clue":"Of course, introductions sent round about hotel dance (10)","Answer":"STRATHSPEY","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nYEP (of course) STARTS (introductions) all reversed (sent round) contains (about) H (hotel)"} {"Clue":"Loveless siren enthralling lean landlord, maybe (8)","Answer":"HOTELIER","Explanation":"Definition: landlord, maybe\nHOoTER (siren) missing O (loveless) contains (enthralling) LIE (lean)"} {"Clue":"Excited bishop in a lounge (6)","Answer":"ABLAZE","Explanation":"Definition: Excited\nB (bishop) inside A LAZE (lounge)"} {"Clue":"Beginning to survey another crude oil source? (5,3)","Answer":"NORTH SEA","Explanation":"Definition: oil source\nanagram (crude) of Survey (first letter, beginning) ANOTHER"} {"Clue":"Try covering story about part of fare to Italy? (6)","Answer":"GELATO","Explanation":"Definition: part of fare to Italy\nGO (try) contains (covering) TALE (story) reversed (about) \u2013 fare is food"} {"Clue":"Polish son and dad raised in extremely headstrong European family (8)","Answer":"HAPSBURG","Explanation":"Definition: European family\nRUB (polish) and PA (dad) all reversed (raised) in HeadstronG (outside letters, extremes of)"} {"Clue":"Ancient American or English going inside (3-3)","Answer":"AGE-OLD","Explanation":"Definition: Ancient\nA (American) GOLD (or) contains (\u2026going inside) E (English)"} {"Clue":"Favourite party in Israel (4)","Answer":"IDOL","Explanation":"Definition: Favourite\nDO (party) inside IL (Israel)"} {"Clue":"Northbound travellers trapped by mostly evil lovers (10)","Answer":"INAMORATAS","Explanation":"Definition: lovers\nROMA (travellers) inside (trapped by) SATANIc (evil, mostly) all reversed (northbound)"} {"Clue":"Rule against sin seen in video nasty (8)","Answer":"OVERRIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Rule against\nERR (sin) inside anagram (nasty) of VIDEO"} {"Clue":"The most dull-witted bobby regularly races around Customs (8)","Answer":"OBTUSEST","Explanation":"Definition: The most dull-witted\nbObBy (regularly) then TT (races) containing USES (customs)"} {"Clue":"Publicity not initially confined, having capacity to be adjusted (8)","Answer":"ADAPTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: having capacity to be adjusted\nAD (publicity) then cAPTIVE (confined) missing initial letter"} {"Clue":"Indifferently, several parade toplessly (6)","Answer":"ANYHOW","Explanation":"Definition: Indifferently\nmANY sHOW (several parade) toplessly"} {"Clue":"Stun partially, beside a fence (6)","Answer":"DEAFEN","Explanation":"Definition: Stun\nfound inside (partially) besiDE A FENce"} {"Clue":"Beasts I left to go down for oats, etc? (6)","Answer":"MUESLI","Explanation":"Definition: oats, etc\nMULES (beasts) I with L (left) moving along the word"} {"Clue":"Duty originally to be endured daily, then lifted (4)","Answer":"DEBT","Explanation":"Definition: Duty\nfirst letters (originally) of To Be Endured Daily reversed (then lifted)"} {"Clue":"Finger getting caught by American plough blade (5,6)","Answer":"COLIN DEXTER","Explanation":"INDEX (finger) inside (getting caught by) COLTER (plough blade, American)"} {"Clue":"One with a taste for blood killed regularly (3,5)","Answer":"LEE CHILD","Explanation":"LEECH (one with a taste for blood) then every other letter (regularly) kIlLeD"} {"Clue":"Takes the Mickey out of timeless relatives (5)","Answer":"AUNTS","Explanation":"Definition: Takes the Mickey out\ntAUNTS (relatives) missing T (time)"} {"Clue":"The Queen of Spain bit hazelnuts (9)","Answer":"ELIZABETH","Explanation":"Definition: The Queen\nE (Espana, Spain) then anagram (nuts) of BIT HAZEL"} {"Clue":"Agreeable beef \u2013 first class \u2013 sent back (9)","Answer":"COMPLIANT","Explanation":"Definition: Agreeable\nCOMPLAINT (beef) where AI (first class) has been reversed (sent back)"} {"Clue":"Sarcastic \u2013 just not right; like some columns (5)","Answer":"IONIC","Explanation":"Definition: like some columns\nIrONIC (sarcastic) missing (just not) R (right)"} {"Clue":"Tear up, beset by depression and torment (4,7)","Answer":"RUTH RENDELL","Explanation":"REND (tear up) inside (beset by) RUT (depression) and HELL (torment)"} {"Clue":"Hooker with the Blues getting to grips with boggy ground (4,2,5)","Answer":"JOHN LE CARRE","Explanation":"JOHN LEE (John Lee Hooker, blues guitarist) contains (gettng to grips with) CARR (boggy ground)"} {"Clue":"Famous Cremonese artist cleared out, visiting friend in Montmartre (5)","Answer":"AMATI","Explanation":"Definition: Famous Cremonese\nArtisT (cleared out, nothing inside) inside (visiting) AMI (friend French, in Montmartre)"} {"Clue":"Four mince rolls in the shape of a wedge (9)","Answer":"CUNEIFORM","Explanation":"Definition: in the shape of a wedge\nanagram (rolls) of FOUR MINCE"} {"Clue":"Sunk in destitute housing, most disagreeable (9)","Answer":"UNKINDEST","Explanation":"Definition: most disagreeable\nfound inside (housed by) sUNK IN DESTitute"} {"Clue":"Flay giant orang skins (3,6)","Answer":"IAN RANKIN","Explanation":"gIANt oRANg sKINs with no outer letters (flayed)"} {"Clue":"Stuffing: blend eight onions (3,8)","Answer":"LEN DEIGHTON","Explanation":"found inside (stuffing) bLEND EIGHT ONions"} {"Clue":"Opportunist secretary finally part of the High Court (8)","Answer":"CHANCERY","Explanation":"Definition: part of the High Court\nCHANCER (opportunist) then secretarY (final letter)"} {"Clue":"Catch Julius smuggling one nitrogen bomb (4,4)","Answer":"LAND MINE","Explanation":"Definition: bomb\nLAND (catch) ME (Julius) contains (smuggling) I (one) N (nitrogen)"} {"Clue":"Space agency beginning launch from the hooter (5)","Answer":"NASAL","Explanation":"Definition: from the hooter\nNASA (space agency) then Launch (first letter, beginning to) \u2013 hooter is slang for nose"} {"Clue":"I cry out loud \u2013 watch (7)","Answer":"EYEBALL","Explanation":"Definition: watch\nEYE BALL sounds like (out load) \"I bawl\" (I cry)"} {"Clue":"Laugh about wife's social medium (7)","Answer":"TWITTER","Explanation":"Definition: social medium\nTITTER (laugh) contains (about) W (wife)"} {"Clue":"Practical articles I collected (9)","Answer":"REALISTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Practical\nanagram (collected) of ARTICLES I"} {"Clue":"Features of lazy mornings at home, tucking into pork pies (3- 3) (6)","Answer":"LIE-INS","Explanation":"Definition: Features of lazy mornings\nIN (at home) inside LIES (pork pies, rhyming slang)"} {"Clue":"Itches to get involved in morality study (6)","Answer":"ETHICS","Explanation":"Definition: morality study\nanagram (to get involved) of ITCHES"} {"Clue":"Salah breaking toenail when running, getting upset (9)","Answer":"EMOTIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: upset\nMO (Mo Salah, ~~athlete~~ footballer) inside (breaking) anagram (when running) of TOENAIL"} {"Clue":"Dear son is tenderly embracing girl holding a torch? (8)","Answer":"ARSONIST","Explanation":"Definition: girl holding a torch\nfound inside (embracing) deAR SON IS Tenderly"} {"Clue":"Islander winding up dumber American on vacation (8)","Answer":"BERMUDAN","Explanation":"Definition: Islander\nanagram (winding up) DUMBER then AmericaN (on vacation, having been emptied)"} {"Clue":"Part of London University bisecting inert gas particle (7)","Answer":"NUCLEON","Explanation":"Definition: particle\nUCL (part of London University) inside (bisecting) NEON (inert gas)"} {"Clue":"Novelist Kathy penning 1, The Crescent (7)","Answer":"LUNETTE","Explanation":"Definition: The Crescent\nLETTE (Kathy Lette, novelist) contains (penning) 'UN (1, one)"} {"Clue":"Dog\/small pup Keir going walkies every now and again (6)","Answer":"SALUKI","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\nevery other letter missing (going walkies every now and again) of SmAlL pUp KeIr"} {"Clue":"Undercover senior officer recycled gin bottles (5)","Answer":"INCOG","Explanation":"Definition: Undercover\nCO (senior officer) inside (that\u2026bottles) anagram (recycled) of GIN"} {"Clue":"Outspoken person desiring brilliance (6)","Answer":"LUSTRE","Explanation":"Definition: brilliance\nsounds like (out-spoken) \"luster\" (person desiring)"} {"Clue":"Plane's nose sparkling white and red in take-off (8)","Answer":"PASTICHE","Explanation":"Definition: t\nPlane (first letter, nose of) then ASTI (a sparkling white wine) and CHE (Che Guevara, a red, a revolutionary)"} {"Clue":"Travelling performances of Puccini, say, not for everyone? That could be a plus (8)","Answer":"OPERATOR","Explanation":"Definition: That could be a plus\nOPERA TOuR (travelling performances of Puccini say) missing (not) U (for everyone, cinema classification) \u2013 the mathematical symbol +"} {"Clue":"Delicately woven clothing a French folly (6)","Answer":"LUNACY","Explanation":"Definition: folly\nLACY (delicately woven) contains (clothing) UN (a, French)"} {"Clue":"Bank of Scotland's audacious, but not very (4)","Answer":"BRAE","Explanation":"Definition: Bank of Scotland\nBRAvE (audacious) missing V (very) \u2013 a Scottish word for bank (hillside)"} {"Clue":"Swindler set up online financial service (10)","Answer":"MOUNTEBANK","Explanation":"Definition: Swindler\nMOUNT (set up) E (online) BANK (financial service)"} {"Clue":"Chat up line is cutting in Paris? (6)","Answer":"HILTON","Explanation":"Definition: Paris\nHIT ON (chat up) containing (\u2026is cutting) L (line) \u2013 socialite Paris Hilton for example"} {"Clue":"In passing through on vacation, I'm off outside (2,3,3)","Answer":"BY THE BYE","Explanation":"Definition: In passing\nThrougH (on vacation, being emptied) inside (with\u2026outside) BYE BYE (I'm off)"} {"Clue":"The writer's online chatter, maybe, is a sham (8)","Answer":"IMPOSTER","Explanation":"Definition: a sham\nI'M (the writer is) POSTER (online chatter, one who posts in a chat site)"} {"Clue":"Author's loose ladies inspiring human race (6,7)","Answer":"SALMAN RUSHDIE","Explanation":"Definition: Author\nanagram (loose) of LADIES contains (inspiring) MAN (human) RUSH (race)"} {"Clue":"An idiot is stifling man's opposition (10)","Answer":"ANTITHESIS","Explanation":"Definition: opposition\nAN TIT (idiot) IS all contains (stifling) HE'S (man's)"} {"Clue":"Wrong choice that is no choice at all? (4)","Answer":"TORT","Explanation":"Definition: Wrong\nT OR T (a choice that is no choice at all)"} {"Clue":"Victory sign can be different (6)","Answer":"VARIES","Explanation":"Definition: can be different\nV (victory) ARIES (sign of the zodiac)"} {"Clue":"Pass on a boring old man's song of worship (4,4)","Answer":"DIES IRAE","Explanation":"Definition: song of worship\nDIE (pass on) then A inside (boring) SIRE (man, of old)"} {"Clue":"Kind fellow, one showing a character's style (8)","Answer":"TYPEFACE","Explanation":"Definition: a character's style\nTYPE (kind) F (fellow) ACE (one)"} {"Clue":"Numbers of Germans were dishonest on retreats (6)","Answer":"LIEDER","Explanation":"Definition: Numbers of Germans\nLIED (were dishonest) then RE (on) reversed (retreats) \u2013 a number is a song"} {"Clue":"Unfit for the house party, a urinal men trashed (15)","Answer":"UNPARLIAMENTARY","Explanation":"Definition: Unfit for the house\nanagram (trashed) of PARTY A URINAL MEN"} {"Clue":"Right plugs for hire in deluge (7)","Answer":"TORRENT","Explanation":"Definition: deluge\nR (right) inside (plugs) TO RENT (for hire)"} {"Clue":"In Paris, is buddy by Web cafe? (9)","Answer":"ESTAMINET","Explanation":"Definition: cafe\nEST AMI (is buddy in French, in Paris) by NET (web)"} {"Clue":"Kind of wine seller's rising trouble (7)","Answer":"PERTURB","Explanation":"Definition: trouble\nBRUT (kind of wine) and REP (representative, seller) all reversed (rising)"} {"Clue":"Separate clues about to be cracked by learner (5)","Answer":"SPLIT","Explanation":"Definition: Separate\nTIPS (clues) reversed (abut) contains (to be cracked by) L (learner)"} {"Clue":"Soldier lifted head outside of Lebanese base (7)","Answer":"IGNOBLE","Explanation":"Definition: base\nGI (soldier) reversed (lifted) NOB (head) then LebaneseE (outside letters of)"} {"Clue":"Taxi, one involved in East London drivers' spat? (7,8)","Answer":"HACKNEY CARRIAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Taxi\nI (one) inside HACKNEY CAR RAGE (East London drivers' spat)"} {"Clue":"Mollusc crushed husks swallowed by folk hero (4,5)","Answer":"TUSK SHELL","Explanation":"Definition: Mollusc\nanagram (crushed) of HUSKS inside (swallowed by) TELL (William Tell, folk hero)"} {"Clue":"Providing gold and diamond rings in opening (7)","Answer":"ORIFICE","Explanation":"Definition: opening\nIF (providing) inside (that\u2026rings) OR (gold) and ICE (diamond)"} {"Clue":"Alert in manoeuvres, soldiers go here (7)","Answer":"LATRINE","Explanation":"Definition: soldiers go here\nanagram (manoeuvres) of ALERT IN \u2013 where soldiers go the the toilet"} {"Clue":"I'm surprised about the main biblical figure (5)","Answer":"HOSEA","Explanation":"Definition: biblical figure\nOH (I'm surprised) reversed (about) then SEA (the main)"} {"Clue":"German, height short, taken in by cunning swiftly (7)","Answer":"WIGHTLY","Explanation":"Definition: swiftly\nG (German) HT (height, short=abbrev) inside WILY (cunning)"} {"Clue":"Unkempt heavy-metal fan repenting, reborn in part (5)","Answer":"GREBO","Explanation":"Definition: Unkempt\nfound inside (in part) repentinG REBOrn"} {"Clue":"Rock dwellers, unusually chary over conception (10)","Answer":"HYRACOIDEA","Explanation":"Definition: Rock dwellers\nanagram (unusually) of CHARY then O (over) and IDEA (conception)"} {"Clue":"Watch maybe losing care of Jock's buns needing a turn (5)","Answer":"SEIKO","Explanation":"Definition: Watch maybe\ncoOKIES (buns, Jock's indicates Scots) missing (losing) CO (care of) reversed (needing a turn) \u2013 a Japanese watch maker, from Seikosha meaning \"House of Exquisite Workmanship\""} {"Clue":"Pledge? Just so, involving start of surety (5)","Answer":"TOAST","Explanation":"Definition: Pledge\nTO A T (just so) containing (involving) Surety (first letter, start of)"} {"Clue":"One attending regularly \u2013 not a lot \u2013 put in appearance (7)","Answer":"HABITUE","Explanation":"Definition: One attending regularly\nA BIT (not a lot) inside HUE (appearance)"} {"Clue":"'Simple boor' encapsulates one? (4)","Answer":"PLEB","Explanation":"Definition: o\nfound inside (encapsulated by) simPLE Boor \u2013 definition references the wordplay"} {"Clue":"Threw a wobbly? This may help to dispel glacial conditions (6)","Answer":"THAWER","Explanation":"Definition: This may help to dispel glacial conditions\nanagram (wobbly) of THREW A"} {"Clue":"I'm repelled about a thrill, endlessly shaking, denoting some frequency (9)","Answer":"ULTRA-HIGH","Explanation":"Definition: denoting some frequency\nUGH (I'm repelled) contains (about) anagram (shaking) of A THRILL missing last letter (endlessly)"} {"Clue":"Dither uneasily about wretch of poor quality (9)","Answer":"THIRD-RATE","Explanation":"Definition: of poor quality\nanagram (uneasily) of DITHER contains (about) RAT (wretch)"} {"Clue":"Rich fabric, one introduced by special expert (6)","Answer":"SONERI","Explanation":"Definition: Rich fabric\nI (one) following (introduced by) S (special) ONER (expert)"} {"Clue":"Dining hall serving unattractive food? (4)","Answer":"MESS","Explanation":"Definition: Dining hall\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Nora? Pa's besotted with her \u2013 her antonym perhaps! (7)","Answer":"NYMPHET","Explanation":"Definition: her\nan anagram of NORA PA'S with NYMPHET (her, the solution) gives ANTONYM PERHAPS. There is an extra \"her\" in the clue that my explanation fails to make use of."} {"Clue":"Jungle trailer required for Mongolian adventure (5)","Answer":"LIANA","Explanation":"Definition: Jungle trailer\nfound inside (required for) mongoLIAN Adventure"} {"Clue":"Following passion, one denied love \u2013 sleuth's inspiration? (5)","Answer":"IRENE","Explanation":"Definition: sleuth's inspiration?\nIRE (passion, rage) before (following\u2026is\u2026) oNE missing O (love) \u2013 Irene Alder perhaps, inspiration for Sherlock Holmes"} {"Clue":"Allotment structure making growing medium wetter I abandoned (10)","Answer":"PEA-TRAINER","Explanation":"Definition: Allotment structure\nPEAT (growing medium) then RAINiER (wetter, missing I)"} {"Clue":"Order, one devoured by Cockney (5)","Answer":"ARRAY","Explanation":"Definition: Order\nA (one) inside 'ARRY (Harry, a cockney chap). Have I got this right?"} {"Clue":"More than one temple dance around a deity (7)","Answer":"PAGODAS","Explanation":"Definition: More than one temple\nPAS (dance) contains (around) A GOD (deity)"} {"Clue":"Jock's dripping round cracked shop lavabo (7)","Answer":"WASHPOT","Explanation":"Definition: lavabo\nWAT (wet Scottish, Jock's dripping) contains (round) anagram (cracked) of SHOP"} {"Clue":"Model in ladies, taken short uncomfortably (5)","Answer":"IDEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Model\nanagram (uncomfortably) of LADIEs (unfinished, taken short)"} {"Clue":"Italian imperialist? He's half taken in by taunt over succession (9)","Answer":"GHIBELINE","Explanation":"Definition: Italian imperialist\nHe (half of) inside GIBE (taunt) then (over, in a down light) LINE (succession)"} {"Clue":"In core of battlers tyro mishandled explosive (6)","Answer":"TROTYL","Explanation":"Definition: explosive\nbatTLers (core of) contains (in\u2026is\u2026) anagram (mishandled) of TYRO"} {"Clue":"Swear endlessly when entering toilet like a water expanse (10)","Answer":"LACUSTRINE","Explanation":"Definition: like a water expanse\nCUSs (swear, endlessly) inside LATRINE (toilet)"} {"Clue":"'\u2014\u2014!' \u2013 a tub explodes? i.e. boat caught at sea (notoriously) (6)","Answer":"GOTCHA","Explanation":"Definition: '\u2014\u2014!\nan anagram (explodes) of GOTCHA (\u2014-, the answer) A TUB is BOAT CAUGHT \u2013 a notorious headline in the Sun newspaper during the Falklands War"} {"Clue":"Loyalist taking off Irishman? One keeps us in stitches (4)","Answer":"RIOT","Explanation":"Definition: One keeps us in stitches\npatRIOT (loyalist) missing PAT (an Irishman)"} {"Clue":"Blockade is lifted, say? One working hard to restrict that (7)","Answer":"BESIEGE","Explanation":"Definition: Blockade\nIS reversed (lifted) EG (say) inside (\u2026to restrict that) BEE (one working hard)"} {"Clue":"Western philosophy's 'right way' that's taken up eastern rule (5)","Answer":"OATER","Explanation":"Definition: Western\nTAO (philosophy's right way) reversed (that's taken up) then E (eastern) R (rule)"} {"Clue":"Tiny Greta distraught over a plant order (10)","Answer":"TETRAGYNIA","Explanation":"Definition: plant order\nanagram (distraught) of TINY GRETA then A"} {"Clue":"Prodigal at one time taking strong drink in bit of broken pot (9)","Answer":"SWINEHERD","Explanation":"Definition: Prodigal at one\nWINE (strong drink) inside SHERD (bit of broken pot) \u2013 a reference to the *Parable of the Prodigal Son"} {"Clue":"One caught in downpour, not so unobtrusive (7)","Answer":"SHOWIER","Explanation":"Definition: not so unobtrusive\nI (one) inside SHOWER (downpour)"} {"Clue":"Accelerates when leading character of those in the run? (7)","Answer":"HASTENS","Explanation":"Definition: Accelerates\nAS (when) Those (first letter, leading character of) all inside HENS (*those again?* in the run)"} {"Clue":"Dull note replacing one penned in journal (6)","Answer":"DREARY","Explanation":"Definition: Dull\nRE (note, music) replaces I (one) in DiARY (journal)"} {"Clue":"Sign of being in form, it set up batting for century in MCG? (6)","Answer":"TIMING","Explanation":"Definition: Sign of being in form\nIT reversed (set up) then IN (batting) replacing (for) C (century) in MCG (Melbourne Cricket Ground)."} {"Clue":"'Freestyle' swimmer setting amateur record for heart in the ocean (5)","Answer":"SALPA","Explanation":"Definition: 'F\nA (amateur) LP (record) replaces middle letter (heart) of SeA (ocean)"} {"Clue":"Zone circled by body of Indian troops without appearing in scores (5)","Answer":"SENZA","Explanation":"Definition: without appearing in scores\nZ (zone) inside (circled by) SENA (body of Indian troops) \u2013 without, in musical notation (in scores)"} {"Clue":"One of a pair flanking doorway, anonymous volunteers (4)","Answer":"ANTA","Explanation":"Definition: One of a pair flanking doorway\nAN (anonymous) TA (Territorial Army, volunteers)"} {"Clue":"Extortion in America? Arab chief audibly unhappy (9)","Answer":"SHAKEDOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Extortion in America\nSHAKE sounds like (audibly) \"sheik\" (Arab chief) then DOWN (unhappy)"} {"Clue":"Twisted healthy wolf's tail in squabble (4)","Answer":"TIFF","Explanation":"Definition: squabble\nFIT (healthy) reversed (twisted) containing (\u2026 in) wolF (last letter, tail of)"} {"Clue":"Discover path, then stray from it delivering fruit (6)","Answer":"RAISIN","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\ntRAIl (path) missing outer letters (dis-covered) then SIN (stray from the path)"} {"Clue":"Body temperature on surface (6)","Answer":"PLANET","Explanation":"Definition: Body\nT (temperature) follows (on) PLANE (surface) \u2013 a heavenly body"} {"Clue":"Injury extremely bizarre admits servant (5,3)","Answer":"BLACK EYE","Explanation":"Definition: Injury\nBizarrE (extreme letters of) contains (admits) LACKEY (servant)"} {"Clue":"Run! Carnivore's outside in sheep's clothing (6)","Answer":"FLEECE","Explanation":"Definition: sheep's clothing\nFLEE (run) then CarnivorE (outside letters of)"} {"Clue":"Approach adult in bar after mistake (4,4)","Answer":"SLIP ROAD","Explanation":"Definition: Approach\nA (adult) inside ROD (bar) following SLIP (mistake)"} {"Clue":"Cutter spotted with barrels mostly charged (3-5)","Answer":"SAW BLADE","Explanation":"Definition: Cutter\nSAW (spotted) with B (barrels) and LADEn (charged, mostly)"} {"Clue":"Heartily ate without shelter in garden perhaps (6)","Answer":"NOSHED","Explanation":"Definition: Heartily ate\nNO (without) SHED (shelter in garden, perhaps)"} {"Clue":"More substantial lump in rice melted (8)","Answer":"CHUNKIER","Explanation":"Definition: More sub\nHUNK (chunk) inside anagram (melted) of RICE"} {"Clue":"Called backward lady 'heartlessly ill-tempered' (6)","Answer":"GNARLY","Explanation":"Definition: ill-tempered\nRANG (called) reversed (backward) then LadY (heartlessly)"} {"Clue":"Spring upon moving edges of cape (6)","Answer":"POUNCE","Explanation":"Definition: Spring\nanagram (moving) of UPON then CapE (edges of)"} {"Clue":"Hairy Scandinavian works for loose women (8)","Answer":"TROLLOPS","Explanation":"Definition: loose women\nTROLL (hairy Scandinavian) then OPS (works)"} {"Clue":"Creature's cry near small dwellings \u2026 (4)","Answer":"MEWS","Explanation":"Definition: dwellings\nMEW (creature's cry) then S (small)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 limps badly approaching school dunce (9)","Answer":"SIMPLETON","Explanation":"Definition: dunce\nanagram (badly) of LIMPS beside (approaching) ETON (a school)"} {"Clue":"Special hood is not a nice look (5)","Answer":"SCOWL","Explanation":"Definition: not a nice look\nS (special) and COWL (hood)"} {"Clue":"In feral den, teen's cooked but still firm (2,5)","Answer":"AL DENTE","Explanation":"Definition: cooked but still firm\nfound inside ferAL DEN TEn"} {"Clue":"Team's regulars were introduced to six-footer (5)","Answer":"EMMET","Explanation":"Definition: six-footer\ntEaM (regular letters from) and MET (were introduced to) \u2013 an ant"} {"Clue":"Volume of unruly mobs in uniform (7)","Answer":"OMNIBUS","Explanation":"Definition: Volume\nanagram (unruly) of MOBS IN U (uniform) \u2013 a book"} {"Clue":"Managed rising artist moving into storytelling (9)","Answer":"NARRATION","Explanation":"Definition: storytelling\nRAN (managed) reversed (rising) RA (Royal Academician, artist) then anagram (moving) of INTO"} {"Clue":"Cerebral sort of rascal capturing hearts (7)","Answer":"THINKER","Explanation":"Definition: Cerebral sort\nTINKER (rascal) contains H (hearts)"} {"Clue":"Blonde model in US university romance (5,4)","Answer":"FAIRY TALE","Explanation":"Definition: romance\nFAIR (blonde) then T (model T Ford) inside YALE (US University)"} {"Clue":"Very unpleasant Latin curses over setter (9)","Answer":"LOATHSOME","Explanation":"Definition: Very unpleasant\nL (Latin) OATHS (curses) O (over) ME (setter)"} {"Clue":"They check papers of old pitmen around area (9)","Answer":"EXAMINERS","Explanation":"Definition: They check papers\nEX-MINERS (old pitmen) contains (around) A (area)"} {"Clue":"Crazy grandma consumed by degrees (7)","Answer":"BANANAS","Explanation":"Definition: Crazy\nNANA (grandma) inside BAS (BA degrees)"} {"Clue":"Uncertain expressions about animal's howler? (7)","Answer":"ERRATUM","Explanation":"Definition: howler\nER and UM (uncertain expressions) contains (about) RAT (animal)"} {"Clue":"Red cloak left in fright close to forest (7)","Answer":"SCARLET","Explanation":"Definition: Red\nL (left) inside (cloak\u2026in\u2026) SCARE (fright) then foresT (close to, last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Menacing sound from grey predator (5)","Answer":"GROWL","Explanation":"Definition: Menacing sound\nGR (grey) OWL (predator)"} {"Clue":"Short wolfish one maybe found in bed (5)","Answer":"LUPIN","Explanation":"Definition: one maybe found in bed\nLUPINe (wolfish, short) \u2013 in a flower bed"} {"Clue":"Strain's shown by husband and wife pursuing a people carrier (8)","Answer":"RICKSHAW","Explanation":"Definition: people carrier\nRICK'S (strain, of the neck) by H (husband) and then W (wife) following A"} {"Clue":"Metal container, earliest in trove, related to an ancient culture (3,3)","Answer":"TIN CAN","Explanation":"Definition: Metal container\nTrove (first letter, earliest in) then INCAN (relating to an earlier culture)"} {"Clue":"Works in outskirts of biggish cathedral city, in a casual way (8)","Answer":"BLITHELY","Explanation":"Definition: in a casual way\nLIT (works, is on *\u2013 or Literature, works*) inside BiggisH (outer letters, outskirts of) then ELY (cathedral city)"} {"Clue":"During over with velocity excessive, confine batsman (6)","Answer":"OPENER","Explanation":"Definition: batsman\nOvER missing V (with velocity excessive) contains (during\u2026is\u2026) PEN (confine)"} {"Clue":"At home, cycle together (2,6)","Answer":"IN TANDEM","Explanation":"Definition: together\nIN (at home) TANDEM (a cycle)"} {"Clue":"Before presentation of award, celebrity needs stiffener (6)","Answer":"STARCH","Explanation":"Definition: stiffener\nCH (Companion of Honour, award) follows (before presentation of\u2026is\u2026) STAR (celebrity)"} {"Clue":"Rod runs awkwardly, side of knee tender (5,5)","Answer":"STAFF NURSE","Explanation":"Definition: tender\nSTAFF (rod) anagram (awkwardly) of RUNS then kneE (side of) \u2013 one who tends"} {"Clue":"During fourth day, Irene reviewed capital abroad (6)","Answer":"RIYADH","Explanation":"Definition: capital abroad\nfound reversed (reviewed) inside (during) fourtH DAY IRene"} {"Clue":"Son Colin peripherally embraces genial composer (8)","Answer":"SCHUMANN","Explanation":"Definition: composer\nS (son) ColiN (outer letters, peripherally) contains (embraces) HUMAN (genial)"} {"Clue":"Stance writer's taken after spirit rebuffed by book circle (6)","Answer":"AKIMBO","Explanation":"Definition: Stance\nI'M (writer is) follows KA (spirit) reversed (rebuffed) then B (book) O (circle)"} {"Clue":"Wind pressure \u2013 it creates a site of mayhem (5-3)","Answer":"SNAKE PIT","Explanation":"Definition: a site of mayhem\nSNAKE (wind) P (pressure) IT"} {"Clue":"Soldier's rejected that woman who expresses dejection (6)","Answer":"SIGHER","Explanation":"Definition: who expresses dejection\nGI'S (soldier's) reversed (rejected) then HER (that woman)"} {"Clue":"Amended chapter includes right poet of Early Renaissance (8)","Answer":"PETRARCH","Explanation":"Definition: poet of Early Renaissance\nanagram (amended) of CHAPTER contains R (right)"} {"Clue":"Bang on front of residence by Jack had an impact (6)","Answer":"RABBIT","Explanation":"Definition: Bang on\nResidence (first letter, front of) then AB (Jack) and BIT (had an impact)"} {"Clue":"Some Greek religious books with variable printed material? (6)","Answer":"CHINTZ","Explanation":"Definition: printed material\nCHI (some Greek, one letter) NT (religious books) and Z (variable)"} {"Clue":"Crime spot attracts local person of mystery (6)","Answer":"SPHINX","Explanation":"Definition: person of mystery\nSIN (crime) X (spot, X marks the spot) contains (attracts) PH (public house, local)"} {"Clue":"Type of running track a centre of excellence with showers, for example (3-7)","Answer":"ALL-WEATHER","Explanation":"Definition: Type of running track\nA then exceLLence (centre of) and WEATHER (\"showers\", for example)"} {"Clue":"Helpless monkey returned to hospital department (8)","Answer":"IMPOTENT","Explanation":"Definition: Helpless\nIMP (monkey) then TO reversed (returned) and ENT (hospital department)"} {"Clue":"Perverse hoax attempt to apprehend artist (8)","Answer":"CONTRARY","Explanation":"Definition: Perverse\nCON (hoax) then TRY (attempt) contains (to apprehend) RA (Royal Academician, artist)"} {"Clue":"The main card player's attending rehab regularly (5,3)","Answer":"NORTH SEA","Explanation":"Definition: The main\nNORTH'S (bridge player is) with rEhAb (regularly)"} {"Clue":"Retailer left in charge during transgression (3-7)","Answer":"OFF LICENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Retailer\nL (left) IC (in charge) inside (during) OFFENCE (transgression)"} {"Clue":"Celebrity promoted second unaltered picture from 1970s (4,4)","Answer":"STAR WARS","Explanation":"Definition: picture from 1970s\nSTAR (celebrity) then a reversal (promoted) of S (second) RAW (unaltered)"} {"Clue":"Tory politician good in speech, protesting angrily (8)","Answer":"GRAYLING","Explanation":"Definition: Tory politician\nG (good) then RAYLING sounds like (in speech) \"railing\" (protesting angrily) \u2013 Chris Grayling"} {"Clue":"Dine at sea, stimulating bile, and any food might seem thus (8)","Answer":"INEDIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: and \nanagram (at sea) of DINE then anagram (stimulating) of BILE"} {"Clue":"Friend perhaps a bogus doctor, caught out by hesitant remark (6)","Answer":"QUAKER","Explanation":"Definition: Friend perhaps\nQUAcK (a bogus doctor) missing C (caught) then ER (hesitant remark)"} {"Clue":"It's a gemstone, according to past head of jewellery (6)","Answer":"JASPER","Explanation":"Definition: a gemstone\nAS PER (according to) follows (past) Jewellery (first letter, head of)"} {"Clue":"Lift disheartening sermon at church (6)","Answer":"SNATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Lift\nSermoN (dis-heartened, no middle letters) AT CH (church)"} {"Clue":"Covered in blotches and wet earth in odd soggy parts (6)","Answer":"SMUDGY","Explanation":"Definition: Covered in blotches\nMUD (wet earth) inside SoGgY (odd parts of)"} {"Clue":"Dull bank payment system backed cover (8)","Answer":"SCABBARD","Explanation":"Definition: cover\nDRAB BACS (dull + bank payment system) reversed (backed)"} {"Clue":"Greatly impress from end to end of Scottish loch (7)","Answer":"OVERAWE","Explanation":"Definition: Greatly impress\nOVER (from end to end of) then AWE (loch Awe, Scotland)"} {"Clue":"Muppet dancing round, fast (2-5)","Answer":"UP-TEMPO","Explanation":"Definition: fast\nanagram (dancing) of MUPPET then O (something round)"} {"Clue":"Pale blue sign. Not half (4)","Answer":"AQUA","Explanation":"Definition: Pale blue\nAQUArius (sign, of the zodiac) half missing"} {"Clue":"Pilates exercises causing accidents with the rig (10)","Answer":"JACKKNIFES","Explanation":"Definition: Pilates exercises\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Seeing that is part of the landscape (2,4)","Answer":"IN VIEW","Explanation":"Definition: Seeing that\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Pop singer's genealogical tree about me as subject getting justice (6,1)","Answer":"JESSIE J","Explanation":"Definition: Pop singer\nJESSE (genealogical tree) contains I (me) then J (justice)"} {"Clue":"Planned school by eastern sea (7)","Answer":"SCHEMED","Explanation":"Definition: Planned\nSCH (school) by E (eastern) MED (Mediterranean, sea)"} {"Clue":"A drop of the hard stuff for the lolly-eater, reportedly (6)","Answer":"LIQUOR","Explanation":"Definition: A drop of the hard stuff\nsounds like (reportedly) \"licker\" (lolly eater)"} {"Clue":"Duty on money owed (10)","Answer":"OBLIGATION","Explanation":"Definition: Duty\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Form of chalcedony \u2013 some chalcedony unknown (4)","Answer":"ONYX","Explanation":"Definition: Form of chalcedony\nchalcedONY (some letters form) then X (an unknown)"} {"Clue":"Blaze on headland with no main road to Italians' city (7)","Answer":"FIRENZE","Explanation":"Definition: Italians' city\nFIRE (blaze) on NaZE (headland) missing A (A-road, a main road)"} {"Clue":"Retired professors backing the engineers, at heart British (7)","Answer":"EMERITI","Explanation":"Definition: Retired professors\nREME (Royal Electical and Mechanical Engineers) reversed (backing) then brITIsh (heart of)"} {"Clue":"Poor Sam A. Keen and his double? (8)","Answer":"NAMESAKE","Explanation":"Definition: his \nanagram (poor) of SAM A KEEN"} {"Clue":"Struggle eating poultry produce? I would (6)","Answer":"VEGGIE","Explanation":"Definition: I would \nVIE (struggle) contains (eating) EGG (poultry produce)"} {"Clue":"Killed in action leading under wild salvo in European republic (8)","Answer":"SLOVAKIA","Explanation":"Definition: European republic\nKIA (killed in action) following anagram (wild) of SALVO"} {"Clue":"In Paris, one French female who's outspoken and explicit (11)","Answer":"UNEQUIVOCAL","Explanation":"Definition: explicit\nUNE QUI (one feminine who, in French, in Paris) VOCAL (outspoken)"} {"Clue":"Eat snacks during the day, mostly in Austrian city (4)","Answer":"GRAZ","Explanation":"Definition: Austrian city\nGRAZe (eat snacks during the day) unfinished (mostly)"} {"Clue":"Happy laughs from Charles in the States with comedian Dawson (8)","Answer":"CHUCKLES","Explanation":"Definition: Happy laughs\nCHUCK (Charles, US slang) then LES (comedian Les Dawson)"} {"Clue":"Buttoned up about one inept slob (3,4,3)","Answer":"BIT ONES LIP","Explanation":"Definition: Buttoned up\nanagram (about) of I (one) and INEPT SLOB"} {"Clue":"Member in bar, musing (3)","Answer":"ARM","Explanation":"Definition: Member\nfound in bAR Musing"} {"Clue":"Democrat, hopeful, hugging wife, nodding (6)","Answer":"DROWSY","Explanation":"Definition: nodding\nD (democrat) ROSY (hopeful) contains (hugging) W (wife)"} {"Clue":"Series of six having ten in front (5)","Answer":"HEXAD","Explanation":"Definition: Series of six\nX (ten) in HEAD (front)"} {"Clue":"French fifth son comes in, say, visiting often (11)","Answer":"FREQUENTING","Explanation":"Definition: visiting often\nFR (French) then QUENTIN (name meaning fifth son?) inside (comes in) EG (say)"} {"Clue":"Almost in fun, get nine reconditioned turbo-props (3,7)","Answer":"JET ENGINES","Explanation":"Definition: turbo-props\nJESt (fun, almost) contains (in) anagram (reconditioned) of GET NINE. ~~Surely a turbo-prop is not a jet engine. Is Gozo thinking of a turbo-jet?~~"} {"Clue":"Coming soon \u2013 about 10.10 \u2013 small talk finishes (4,4)","Answer":"NEXT WEEK","Explanation":"Definition: Coming soon\n~~TEN (10) contains (about) X (ten)~~ anagram (about) of TEN.X (10.10) then WEE (small) talK (finish of)"} {"Clue":"Part of speech roughly suggests cost of the meal (4,4)","Answer":"PRIX FIXE","Explanation":"Definition: cost of the meal\nsounds like (roughly suggests) \"prefix\" (part of speech)"} {"Clue":"Intellectual's hearty laugh at home (6)","Answer":"BOFFIN","Explanation":"Definition: Intellectual\nBOFF (hearty laugh) IN (at home)"} {"Clue":"Single within the boundaries of Headingley, dearie (5)","Answer":"HONEY","Explanation":"Definition: dearie\nONE (single) inside HeadinglY (outer letters, boundaries of) \u2013 Headingly is a cricket ground"} {"Clue":"Instrument from borders of Zaire \u2013 twice (4)","Answer":"ZEZE","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\nZairE (borders of) twice"} {"Clue":"Trumpeter's drink (3)","Answer":"RUM","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nfound inside ('s, belonging to) tRUMpeter"} {"Clue":"A lack of exercise restricts mother in the way of coping with childbirth (6)","Answer":"LAMAZE","Explanation":"Definition: way of coping with childbirth\nLAZE (a lack of exercise) contains (restricts) MA (mother)"} {"Clue":"Poetic lines about king, bad sign for Macbeth? (5)","Answer":"FREET","Explanation":"Definition: bad sign for Macbeth\nFEET (poetic lines) contains (about) R (rex, king) \u2013 for Macbeth indicates a Scots word"} {"Clue":"Seen this city? It can be seen travelling round in green buses (6)","Answer":"BRUGES","Explanation":"Definition: this city\nan anagram (it can be seen travelling round) of SEEN and BRUGES (this city, the solution) is GREEN BUSES"} {"Clue":"Mother dead and buried? (6)","Answer":"DUNDER","Explanation":"Definition: Mother\nD (dead) and UNDER (buried)"} {"Clue":"Singer\/songwriter, alibi protecting name (4)","Answer":"ANKA","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\/songwriter\nAKA (alibi) contains (protecting) N (name) \u2013 Paul Anka"} {"Clue":"Number tucked into cooked lunch pie, effective finishing touch (9)","Answer":"PUNCHLINE","Explanation":"Definition: effective finishing touch\nN (number) inside anagram (cooked) of LUNCH PIE"} {"Clue":"Leave behind at sea a suit, tattered, in middle of hold (7)","Answer":"OUTSAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Leave be\nanagram (tattered) of A SUIT inside (in) hOLd (middle of)"} {"Clue":"Taunt US swot, bilingual, lot neglected (3)","Answer":"DIG","Explanation":"Definition: Taunt\nDIGLOT (bilingual) missing LOT \u2013 two definitions given"} {"Clue":"E.g. West Scotland's merrier (so it's said) (3)","Answer":"MAE","Explanation":"Definition: E.g. West\nMAE is\"more\" in Scots (it is said \"the more the merrier\") \u2013 actress Mae West for example"} {"Clue":"Form of cachet surrounding lecturer in US research uni (7)","Answer":"CALTECH","Explanation":"Definition: US research uni\nanagram (form of) CACHET contains L (lecturer)"} {"Clue":"Fellow lodgers? See granny with tons in outhouses (9)","Answer":"COTENANTS","Explanation":"Definition: Fellow lodgers\nNAN (granny) with T (tons) inside COTES (outhouses, eg a dovecote)"} {"Clue":"Jock's stunt, his race backwards alongside loch (4)","Answer":"NIRL","Explanation":"Definition: Jock's stunt\nRIN (race, Scots, for Jock again) reversed then L (loch) \u2013 a Scots word"} {"Clue":"Head of nursery implanted a fruit from palm organically grafted? (6)","Answer":"ADNATE","Explanation":"Definition: organically grafted\nA DATE (fruit form palm) contains (with\u2026implanted, we have\u2026) Nursery (first letter, head of)"} {"Clue":"How a variant may manifest itself \u2013 in this movable image? (6)","Answer":"AVATAR","Explanation":"Definition: movable image\nan anagram (how\u2026may manifest itself) of A VARIANT is IN AVATAR (this, the solution))"} {"Clue":"Essential for Scots curling in contest \u2013 an eye (5)","Answer":"STANE","Explanation":"Definition: Essential for Scots curling\nfound inside conteST AN Eye"} {"Clue":"American envoy, say, circumventing guide mostly (6)","Answer":"EPILOG","Explanation":"Definition: American envoy\nEG (say) contains (circumventing) PILOt (guide, mostly)"} {"Clue":"Feeling of joy produced by G & S \u2013 boys sign in (12)","Answer":"GLADSOMENESS","Explanation":"Definition: Feeling of joy\nG and ESS (the letter S) contains (with\u2026in) LADS (boys) OMEN (sign)"} {"Clue":"Scentless flower seen in highland lawns (all over) (4)","Answer":"WALD","Explanation":"Definition: Scentless flower\nfound reversed (all over) inside highlanD LAWns"} {"Clue":"Bill climbing mountain peak (3)","Answer":"NEB","Explanation":"Definition: Bill\nBEN (mountain peak) reversed (climbing)"} {"Clue":"Jungle creature, at being released by alligator, running free (7)","Answer":"GORILLA","Explanation":"Definition: Jungle creature\nanagram (running free) of ALLIGatOR missing (\u2026being released) AT"} {"Clue":"Lamp: as lacking in gas inside one functioned then died (6)","Answer":"ARGAND","Explanation":"Definition: Lamp\nAS missing from (lacking in) Gas inside A RAN (functioned) then D (died)"} {"Clue":"Inks he mixed for cursive script (4)","Answer":"NESKHI","Explanation":"Definition: cursive script\nanagram (mixed) of INKS HE"} {"Clue":"Ruler, corrected about answer, gets confused about it (12)","Answer":"STRAIGHTEDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Ruler\nRIGHTED (corrected) containing (about) A (answer) all inside anagram (confused) of GETS"} {"Clue":"Short note: last pair in musical piece transposed (6)","Answer":"MINUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Short\nMINUET (musical piece) with last two letters transposed"} {"Clue":"Multiple shots become less, having restricted us being off colour (9)","Answer":"FUSILLADE","Explanation":"Definition: Multiple shots\nFADE (become less) contains (having restricted) US ILL (being off colour)"} {"Clue":"The old keep talking and pour out tea when it's brewed (9)","Answer":"DECANTATE","Explanation":"Definition: The old keep talking\nDECANT (pour) then anagram (when it's brewed) of TEA \u2013 the old indicates obsolete"} {"Clue":"Country album maybe full of panache I put at No. 1 (7)","Answer":"ICELAND","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nCD (album maybe) containing (full of) ELAN (panache) all following (with\u2026put at No. 1) I"} {"Clue":"Part that's unimportant to dock? (6)","Answer":"DETAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Part that's unimpo\ndouble definition \u2013 detail and de-tail, the question mark indicates the implied hyphen"} {"Clue":"Go by plane steered round Latvia heading off east (6)","Answer":"AVIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Go by plane\nanagram (steered round) of LATVIA missing first letter (heading off) then E (east)"} {"Clue":"Short book on an unspecified constellation (6)","Answer":"VOLANS","Explanation":"Definition: constellation\nVOL (volume, book, short) on A NS ( a not specified, an unspecified)"} {"Clue":"Condescend to being taken in by bribe (5)","Answer":"STOOP","Explanation":"Definition: Condescend\nTO inside SOP (bribe)"} {"Clue":"New look for Indian from the south-west (4)","Answer":"NAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Indian from the south-west\nN (new) AIR (look)"} {"Clue":"Gal excluded from feast enclosure (always up for it) (3)","Answer":"REE","Explanation":"Definition: enclosure\ntwo word plays: REgalE (feast) missing GAL and E'ER (ever, always) reversed (up) also gives you the solution (for it)"} {"Clue":"Without training, company clerk drained money abroad (6)","Answer":"COPECK","Explanation":"Definition: money abroad\nPE (physical exercise, training) inside (without\u2026is\u2026) CO (company) ClerK (no middle letters, drained)"} {"Clue":"Trembled outside close to collapse after son confessed (8)","Answer":"SQUEAKED","Explanation":"Definition: c\nQUAKED (trembled) contains (outside) collapsE (last letter, close to) all following S (son)"} {"Clue":"Unknown soldiers in ocean around archipelago (6)","Answer":"AZORES","Explanation":"Definition: archipelago\nZ (an unknown) OR (other ranks, soldiers) inside SEA (ocean) reversed (around)"} {"Clue":"Wine from France and Spain Lineker found acidic (8)","Answer":"VINEGARY","Explanation":"Definition: acidic\nVIN (wine, from France) and E (Espana, Spain) then GARY (Gary Lineker perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Bloodsucker doctor's given somewhere in Ecuador (8)","Answer":"MOSQUITO","Explanation":"Definition: Bloodsucker\nMO'S (doctor is) with QUITO (somewhere in Ecuador)"} {"Clue":"Piece of cake causing wind (6)","Answer":"BREEZE","Explanation":"Definition: Piece of cake\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Variable number Hoover up and tidy (4)","Answer":"NEAT","Explanation":"Definition: tidy\nN ( a variable number) and EAT (hoover up)"} {"Clue":"Medicine for child having a temperature put in jug with clasp (5,5)","Answer":"GRIPE WATER","Explanation":"Definition: Medicine for child\nA T (temperature) inside EWER (jug) all following (with) GRIP (clasp)"} {"Clue":"Roger probes dodgy unionist's repeated meddling (10)","Answer":"INTRUSIONS","Explanation":"Definition: repeated meddling\nR (Roger, ~~phonetic alphabet~~ radio communication perhaps?) inside (probes) anagram (dodgy) of UNIONIST'S"} {"Clue":"Minute Welsh flower, ingredient in perfumery (4)","Answer":"MUSK","Explanation":"Definition: ingredient in perfumery\nM (minute) then USK (the River Usk, something that flows in Wales)"} {"Clue":"Whenever controlled by faceless authoritarian, become rigid (6)","Answer":"OSSIFY","Explanation":"Definition: become rigid\nIF (whenever) inside (controlled by) bOSSY (authoritarian) missing first letter (faceless)"} {"Clue":"Catch alumnus and churchman heading west \u2013 it's forbidden (8)","Answer":"VERBOTEN","Explanation":"Definition: forbidden\nNET (catch) OB (old boy, alumnus) and REV (churchman) all reversed (heading west, right-to-left on a map)"} {"Clue":"Midwest region's hostile current endlessly loud (8)","Answer":"ILLINOIS","Explanation":"Definition: Midwest region\nILL (hostile) I (current, electricity symbol) NOISe (loud, endlessly)"} {"Clue":"Top-quality light unit clogging British river (6)","Answer":"DELUXE","Explanation":"Definition: Top-quality\nLUX (unit of illuminance) inside (clogging) DEE (the River Dee)"} {"Clue":"Raging father covered in beer by Yankee (8)","Answer":"APOPLEXY","Explanation":"Definition: Raging\nPOP (father) inside ALE (beer) X (by, times) Y (Yankee, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Dense, sticky hot dogs regularly occupying enclosure (6)","Answer":"STODGY","Explanation":"Definition: Dense, sticky\nevery other letter (regularly) of hOt DoGs inside STY (enclosure)"} {"Clue":"Tea minister's taken with an itinerant dealer (7)","Answer":"CHAPMAN","Explanation":"Definition: itinerant dealer\nCHA (tea) PM (Prime Minister) with AN"} {"Clue":"Support mum behind part of engine (4,5)","Answer":"PROP SHAFT","Explanation":"Definition: part of engine\nPROP (support) SH (mum, silence) AFT (behind) \u2013 something attached to an engine?"} {"Clue":"Type of payment Argentinian put down, dropping two pounds (6)","Answer":"CHEQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Type of payment\nCHE (Che Guevara, a famous Argentinian) then QUELL (put down) missing (dropping) L L (pound, twice)"} {"Clue":"22 reckoned to be here in Scrabble competition (4)","Answer":"QUIZ","Explanation":"Definition: competition\nthe letter-tiles Q (10) U (1) I (1) and Z (10) added up (reckoned) make 22 in Scrabble"} {"Clue":"You're probably surprised when they go up (8)","Answer":"EYEBROWS","Explanation":"Definition: You're probably surprised when they go up\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Jack in obstructive van kindly reversed (5)","Answer":"KNAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Jack\nfound reversed inside obstructivE VAN Kindly"} {"Clue":"Throwing away red pyjamas, say? Unlikely (7)","Answer":"DAYWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: pyjamas, say? Unlikely\nanagram (throwing) of WAY RED \u2013 not so unlikely in the Covid 19 era!"} {"Clue":"Sparkling young film actress, one representing East (7)","Answer":"STARLIT","Explanation":"Definition: Sparkling\nSTARLeT (young film actress) with I (one) replacing E (east)"} {"Clue":"Special toilet roll makers avoiding right material (7)","Answer":"SPANDEX","Explanation":"Definition: material\nSP (special) then ANDrEX (toilet roll maker) missing R (right)"} {"Clue":"Store of money discovered not old \u2013 after time, corroding (5,4)","Answer":"TRUST FUND","Explanation":"Definition: Store of money\nFoUND (discovered) missing O (old) following T (time) RUST (corroding)"} {"Clue":"Charlie delighted playing Alf in match (3,5)","Answer":"CUP FINAL","Explanation":"Definition: match\nC (Charlie, phonetic alphabet) UP (delighted) then anagram (playing) of ALF IN"} {"Clue":"Single woman mostly maintains journal on one WW2 battle (3,4)","Answer":"IWO JIMA","Explanation":"Definition: WW2 battle\nI (one,single) WOMAn (woman, mostly) contains J (journal) on I (one)"} {"Clue":"President understanding newsman in US city (7)","Answer":"KENNEDY","Explanation":"Definition: President\nKEN (understanding) then ED (newsman) inside NY (US city)"} {"Clue":"Wretched article needs new start (6)","Answer":"ABJECT","Explanation":"Definition: Wretched\nOBJECT (article) with a different starting letter"} {"Clue":"Five left when flipping football burst (5)","Answer":"SALVO","Explanation":"Definition: burst\nV (five) L (left) AS (when) all reversed (flipping) then O (looks like a football)"} {"Clue":"Juliet admitted kiss cast ill-fated spell (4)","Answer":"JINX","Explanation":"Definition: cast ill-fated spell\nJ (Juliet, phonetic alphabet) IN (admitted) then X (a kiss)"} {"Clue":"Rule cat out when worried about large decapitated rodent in drawer (8-7)","Answer":"TOULOUSE LAUTREC","Explanation":"Definition: drawer\nanagram (when worried) of RULE CAT OUT contains (about) L (large) mOUSE (rodent, decapitated)"} {"Clue":"Former lover reportedly seen beside yourself (7)","Answer":"EXCITED","Explanation":"Definition: beside yourself\nEX (former lover) then CITED sounds like (reportedly) \"sighted\" (seen)"} {"Clue":"Rock off Ireland, nippy place for catching fish (7)","Answer":"FASTNET","Explanation":"Definition: Rock off Ireland\nFAST (nippy) and NET (place for catching fish)"} {"Clue":"Using some paint, he bedaubed 23 down (3,3)","Answer":"THE BED","Explanation":"Definition: 23 down\nfound inside (using some) painT HE BEDaubed"} {"Clue":"Short time for all to see brief relationship with 1 across's red can repeated here (6,5)","Answer":"MOULIN ROUGE","Explanation":"Definition: can repeated here\nMO (short time) U (for all to see, film classification) LINk (relationship, brief) and ROUGE (Toulouse's red) \u2013 where they danced the CAN-CAN"} {"Clue":"Provider of treatment after a break? One based in British 22, perhaps (10)","Answer":"BONESETTER","Explanation":"Definition: Provider of treatment after a break\nONE inside (based in) B (British) and anagram (perhaps) of STREET (22 down)"} {"Clue":"Personification of youth portrayed in 11 25 (4)","Answer":"HEBE","Explanation":"Definition: Personification of youth\nfound inside tHE BEd"} {"Clue":"Writer injecting heroin, next but one after Charlie (4)","Answer":"ECHO","Explanation":"Definition: next but one after Charlie\nECO (Umberto Eco, writer) contains (injecting) H (heroin) \u2013 letters in the phonetic alphabet"} {"Clue":"Use of blue pencil in Paris, chosen after moving out of Albi originally (10)","Answer":"CENSORSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: Use of blue pencil in Paris\nanagram (after moving) of PaRIS CHOSEN missing (out of) Albi (first letter, originally)"} {"Clue":"Checks 50 copies (11)","Answer":"LIMITATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Checks\nL (50) IMITATIONS (copies)"} {"Clue":"Place of pilgrimage: not right spot, ultimately, to be extremely flashy (7)","Answer":"LOUDEST","Explanation":"Definition: to be extremely flashy\nLOUrDES (place of pilgrimage) missing R (right) then spoT (last letter, ultimately)"} {"Clue":"High line from tenor accompanying exotic dances (7)","Answer":"DESCANT","Explanation":"Definition: High line\nT (tenor) follows (accompanying) anagram (exotic) of DANCES"} {"Clue":"1 across's portrayal of contents of red can knocked over by drunk guy? (9,6)","Answer":"TIGHTROPE DANCER","Explanation":"Definition: 1 across's portrayal\nanagram (contents of\u2026knocked about) following (by) TIGHT (drunk) ROPE (guy)"} {"Clue":"Like what can be cured, cooked in ale batter? (9)","Answer":"TREATABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Like what can be cured\nanagram (cooled in) of ALE BATTER"} {"Clue":"Pawnbroker fleeced many? That's morally wrong (7)","Answer":"UNCLEAN","Explanation":"Definition: morally wrong\nUNCLE (pawnbroker) then mANy (fleeced, no outer letters)"} {"Clue":"Make the best use of one tip some produced (8)","Answer":"OPTIMISE","Explanation":"Definition: Make the best use of\nanagram (produced) of I (one) and TIP SOME"} {"Clue":"Holy man in blue hotel uniform (5)","Answer":"SADHU","Explanation":"Definition: Holy man\nSAD (blue) then H U (hotel uniform, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Gallery at home? Finally, one invites His Majesty (9)","Answer":"LOFTINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Majesty\nLOFT (gallery) IN (at home) then last letters (finally) of onE inviteS hiS"} {"Clue":"Sort of sunflower? That's doubtful (6)","Answer":"UNSURE","Explanation":"Definition: doubtful\nanagram (sort) of SUN then URE (flower, the River Ure, something that flows)"} {"Clue":"Literary circle de rigueur on D\u00fcrer's part (7)","Answer":"RONDURE","Explanation":"Definition: Literary circle\nfound inside (de, of in French?) rigeuR ON DURErers \u2013 literary indicates Shakespearean?"} {"Clue":"Someone appealing from courtside regularly (5)","Answer":"CUTIE","Explanation":"Definition: Someone appealing\nevery other letter (regularly) of CoUrTsIdE"} {"Clue":"Setting for one of setter's anagrams (6-3)","Answer":"TWENTY-TWO","Explanation":"Definition: Setting for one of setter's anagrams\nTWENTY-TWO down is the setting for an anagram of SETTER"} {"Clue":"One who hastens through loosely roped exit (9)","Answer":"EXPEDITOR","Explanation":"Definition: One who hastens through\nanagram (loosely) of ROPED EXIT"} {"Clue":"Flower girl has gone travelling around Spain in the main (5,3)","Answer":"IRISH SEA","Explanation":"Definition: the main\nIRIS (flower and girl) then anagram (gone travelling) of HAS containing E (Espana, Spain)"} {"Clue":"Ring for answer in German port? On your head be it! (7)","Answer":"HOMBURG","Explanation":"Definition: On your head be it\nHAMBURG (German port) with O (a ring) replacing A (answer) \u2013 a hat"} {"Clue":"Explosive black artist taking the first chorus at beginning of Israelites (7)","Answer":"HEBRAIC","Explanation":"Definition: of Israelites\nHE (high explosive) B (black) RA (Royal Academician, artist) with I (one, first) and Chorus (first letter, at the beginning)"} {"Clue":"One of 1 across's subjects walks in this way (6)","Answer":"STREET","Explanation":"Definition: One of 1 across's subjects walks in this\ndouble definition?"} {"Clue":"1 across's portrayal of musical elitism (2,3)","Answer":"LE LIT","Explanation":"Definition: 1 across's portrayal\nfound inside musicaL ELITism \u2013 THE BED again"} {"Clue":"Comedian that is funny at first (5)","Answer":"ODDIE","Explanation":"Definition: Comedian\nIE (that is) following (with\u2026at first) ODD (funny) \u2013 Bill Oddie"} {"Clue":"Former partner takes exercise alongside unusual diet to make things happen (8)","Answer":"EXPEDITE","Explanation":"Definition: to make things happen\nEX (former partner) takes PE (exercise) alongside anagram (unusual) of DIET"} {"Clue":"Raved about bachelor unduly perhaps (6)","Answer":"ADVERB","Explanation":"Definition: unduly perhaps\nanagram (about) of RAVED then B (bachelor)"} {"Clue":"Agreement between spelling group and social worker (8)","Answer":"COVENANT","Explanation":"Definition: Agreem\ncoven (witches, a group who cast spells) and ANT (a social worker, a worker ant in a colony)"} {"Clue":"A series of books about bovine disease is missing (6)","Answer":"ABSENT","Explanation":"Definition: missing\nA and NT (series of books) contains (about) BSE (cow disease)"} {"Clue":"Award for French state is an aromatic assortment (9)","Answer":"POTPOURRI","Explanation":"Definition: an aromatic assortment\nPOT (award) POUR (for, French) then RI (Rhode Island, state)"} {"Clue":"Coach self-discipline to give up siesta outside (5)","Answer":"TRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: C\nresTRAINt (self-discipline) missing REST (siesta)"} {"Clue":"Space for bear's friend to get married (4)","Answer":"ROOM","Explanation":"Definition: Space\nROO (Winnie-the-pooh's friend) gets M (married)"} {"Clue":"Traces dogs' companions (7)","Answer":"SHADOWS","Explanation":"Definition: Traces\ntriple definition"} {"Clue":"Love Italian cafe surroundings (7)","Answer":"ROMANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Love\nROMAN (Italian) then CafE (outer letters, surroundings)"} {"Clue":"Every year police officer gets protection (4)","Answer":"PADS","Explanation":"Definition: protection\nPA (every year) then DS (detective Sergeant, police officer)"} {"Clue":"Band brought back \"Bits & Pieces\" (5)","Answer":"STRAP","Explanation":"Definition: Band\nPARTS (bits & pieces) reversed (brought back)"} {"Clue":"Alison confused about tax redemption (9)","Answer":"SALVATION","Explanation":"Definition: redemption\nanagram (confused) of ALISON contains VAT (tax)"} {"Clue":"French singer returned after third of August (6)","Answer":"GALLIC","Explanation":"Definition: French\nCILLA (Cilla Black, singer) reversed (returned) following auGust (third letter of)"} {"Clue":"Opponents in charge of hospital food (8)","Answer":"SANDWICH","Explanation":"Definition: food\nS AND W (south and west, opponents in bridge) with IC (in charge of) and H (hospital)"} {"Clue":"Bowler changes end to get ratings (6)","Answer":"SEAMEN","Explanation":"Definition: ratings\nSEAMER (bowler) with end letter changed"} {"Clue":"Defers notice \u2013 press have nothing to lose (8)","Answer":"ADJOURNS","Explanation":"Definition: Defers\nAD (advert, notice) then JOURNoS (press) missing O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Key flight (6)","Answer":"ESCAPE","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 a key on a computer keyboard"} {"Clue":"Goes round to block up drip internally (6)","Answer":"PIVOTS","Explanation":"Definition: Goes round\nSTOP (to block) reversed (up) contains (with\u2026internally) IV (a drip, medicine)"} {"Clue":"Starts to describe indigenous native growling Ozzie (5)","Answer":"DINGO","Explanation":"Definition: native growling Ozzie\nfirst letters (starts to) of Describe Indigenous Native Growling Ozzie"} {"Clue":"Fit French aunt didn't finish drink (7)","Answer":"TANTRUM","Explanation":"Definition: Fit\nTANTe (aunt in French, not finished) then RUM (drink)"} {"Clue":"Terribly bad credit? Use this instead (5,4)","Answer":"DEBIT CARD","Explanation":"Definition: Use this instead\nanagram (terribly) of BAD CREDIT"} {"Clue":"About to reveal what helps Americans get to the top (8)","Answer":"ELEVATOR","Explanation":"Definition: what helps Americans get to the top\nanagram (about) of TO REVEAL \u2013 what the Americans call a *lift"} {"Clue":"Somehow obtain good person who is an expert on bloomers (8)","Answer":"BOTANIST","Explanation":"Definition: an expert on bloomers\nanagram (somehow) of OBTAIN then ST (saint, good person)"} {"Clue":"Speak impolitely about Norfolk town (4)","Answer":"DISS","Explanation":"Definition: Speak impolitely about\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Connoisseur's glasses contain small measure with Greek character and lime zest (9)","Answer":"OENOPHILE","Explanation":"Definition: Connoisseur\nOO (a pair of glasses) contain EN (small measure, printing) with PHI (Greek character) and LimE (outer letters, zest of)"} {"Clue":"Predicts time when reporters go round (8)","Answer":"PRESAGES","Explanation":"Definition: Predicts\nAGE (time) inside (when\u2026goes round) PRESS (reporters)"} {"Clue":"Broadly embracing weather protection (8)","Answer":"UMBRELLA","Explanation":"Definition: Broadly embracing\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Existence, whichever way you look at it (4)","Answer":"ESSE","Explanation":"Definition: Existence\na palindrome (whichever way you look at it)"} {"Clue":"Cut up fat and remove crown (7)","Answer":"POLLARD","Explanation":"Definition: remove crown\nLOP (cut) reversed (up) then LARD (fat)"} {"Clue":"Fresher environment reportedly (6)","Answer":"AIRIER","Explanation":"Definition: Fresher\nsounds like (reportedly) \"area\" (environment)"} {"Clue":"Worms discovered in cabin chest (6)","Answer":"INCHES","Explanation":"Definition: Worms\nfound inside cabIN CHESt \u2013 crawls along"} {"Clue":"Sound system adds nothing to car (5)","Answer":"AUDIO","Explanation":"Definition: Sound system\nAUDI (car) with O (nothing) added"} {"Clue":"Flog reduced plonk to turn over wines (6)","Answer":"WHITES","Explanation":"Definition: wines\nWHIp (flog, reduced) then SET (plonk, put down) reversed (to turn over)"} {"Clue":"Protective stuff, indefinite amount for India (8)","Answer":"MATERNAL","Explanation":"Definition: Protective\nMATERiAL (stuff) with N (an indefinite amount) replacing (for) I (India)"} {"Clue":"Graduate doctor, one for each player (8)","Answer":"BAGPIPER","Explanation":"Definition: player\nBA (graduate) GP (doctor) I (one) PER (for each)"} {"Clue":"Encouragement from easy run in training (6)","Answer":"PROMPT","Explanation":"Definition: Encouragement\nROMP (easy run) inside PT (training)"} {"Clue":"Maintenance concerning partner (6)","Answer":"REPAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Maintenance\nRE (concerning) PAIR (to partner, to put into couples)"} {"Clue":"Mad keeping close to commuter, it gives you bug (8)","Answer":"IRRITATE","Explanation":"Definition: bug\nIRATE (mad) contains (keeping) commuteR (last letter, close to) IT"} {"Clue":"Conjuring up job, auditor's division (7,5)","Answer":"CALLING FORTH","Explanation":"Definition: Conjuring up\nCALLING (job) and FORTH sounds like (auditor's) \"fourth\" ( a division, into four parts)"} {"Clue":"Arm bits in Mississippi river (12)","Answer":"QUARTERSTAFF","Explanation":"Definition: Arm\nQUARTERS (bits, US coins, in Mississippi perhaps) then TAFF (the River Taff in Wales) \u2013 *Corby correctly points out that in US usage bits are not the same as quarters, and not even coins but just a notional amount"} {"Clue":"Measurement weight-watcher gathers in the morning (8)","Answer":"DIAMETER","Explanation":"Definition: Measurement\nDIETER (weight-watcher) contains (gathers) AM (in the morning)"} {"Clue":"Diminished? Not in the main (6)","Answer":"DOCKED","Explanation":"Definition: Diminished\ndouble definition \u2013 *the main* is the sea"} {"Clue":"Beam signal to say stop doctor retiring (6)","Answer":"GIRDER","Explanation":"Definition: Beam\nRED (signal to say stop) then RIG (doctor)all reversed (retiring)"} {"Clue":"Persistent university fellow returned to host club (8)","Answer":"UNABATED","Explanation":"Definition: Persistent\nU (university) DEAN (fellow, of a university) reversed (returned) contains (to host) BAT (club)"} {"Clue":"Tussle's broken out being pierced by variable needles (8)","Answer":"STYLUSES","Explanation":"Definition: needles\nanagram (broken) of TUSSLE'S containing (being pierced by) Y (variable)"} {"Clue":"Regularly set reward by firm (6)","Answer":"STEADY","Explanation":"Definition: firm\nevery other letter (regularly) of SeT rEwArD bY"} {"Clue":"House fires, fast ones (6)","Answer":"HOAXES","Explanation":"Definition: fast ones\nHO (house) and AXES (fires) \u2013 from the expression *to pull a fast one"} {"Clue":"Entertainer can depart after performing (3,6)","Answer":"TAP DANCER","Explanation":"Definition: Entertainer\nanagram (after performing) of CAN DEPART"} {"Clue":"Policeman put on cases in general unwelcome binder (9)","Answer":"SUPERGLUE","Explanation":"Definition: binder\nSUPER (Superintendent, policeman) on outer letters (cases in) GeneraL UnwelcomE"} {"Clue":"Small bottles are historically for alcohol (7)","Answer":"MARTINI","Explanation":"Definition: alcohol\nMINI (small) contains (bottles) ART (are, historical)"} {"Clue":"Narrow stick originally rod (5)","Answer":"TAPER","Explanation":"Definition: Narrow\nTAPE (stick) then Rod (first letter, originally)"} {"Clue":"Perch caught up in net, so organised (5)","Answer":"ROOST","Explanation":"Definition: Perch\nfound reversed inside (caught up in) neT SO ORganised"} {"Clue":"Lust of rapper \u2013 it's cited to be completely endless (8)","Answer":"APPETITE","Explanation":"Definition: Lust\nrAPPEr iTs cITEd (all endless)"} {"Clue":"Upcoming support artist embraced by warm patrons (9)","Answer":"GUARDIANS","Explanation":"Definition: patrons\nAID (support) RA (royal Academician) reversed (upcoming) inside (embraced by) SNUG (warm)"} {"Clue":"Chair of old chemical company found in lot (9)","Answer":"OFFICIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Chair\nOF then ICI (old chemical company) inside FATE (lot)"} {"Clue":"One fighting guilt is sadly under pressure (8)","Answer":"PUGILIST","Explanation":"Definition: One fighting\nanagram (sadly) of GUILT IS following (under) P (pressure)"} {"Clue":"Veg succeeded for us, about time! (7)","Answer":"SPROUTS","Explanation":"Definition: Veg\nS (succeeded) PRO (for) US contains (about) T (time)"} {"Clue":"Furniture cut by man with large saw (6)","Answer":"BEHELD","Explanation":"Definition: s\nBED (furniture) contains (cut by) HE (man) with L (large)"} {"Clue":"Dummy and potty seldom deprived of son (5)","Answer":"MODEL","Explanation":"Definition: Dummy\nanagram (potty) of sELDOM missing S (son)"} {"Clue":"Covers fish up (5)","Answer":"TARPS","Explanation":"Definition: Covers\nSPRAT (fish) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Busy ferries carrying 1,000 with complete safety (4-4)","Answer":"RISK FREE","Explanation":"Definition: with \nanagram (busy) of FERRIES contains K (\u00a31000)"} {"Clue":"Import adult horse (6)","Answer":"AMOUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Import\nA (adult) and MOUNT (horse)"} {"Clue":"Partially chop raw Newquay seafood (5)","Answer":"PRAWN","Explanation":"Definition: seafood\nfound inside (partially) choP RAW Newquay"} {"Clue":"Cape corral not entirely closed (9)","Answer":"PENINSULA","Explanation":"Definition: Cape\nPEN (corral) then INSULAr (closed, not entirely)"} {"Clue":"Iron Miocene casting is a source of funds (3,6)","Answer":"FEE INCOME","Explanation":"Definition: a source of funds\nFE (Fe, iron) then anagram (\u2026casting) of MIOCENE \u2013 income derived from fees rather than interest on loans"} {"Clue":"Ma's playthings? (2-3)","Answer":"YO-YOS","Explanation":"Definition: playthings\nYO-YO'S (belonging to Yo-Yo Ma, cellist)"} {"Clue":"Blocking peerage is terribly prejudiced against seniority (6)","Answer":"AGEIST","Explanation":"Definition: prejudiced against seniority\nfound inside (blocking) peerAGE IS Terribly"} {"Clue":"With which Potter hopes to line his pockets? (4,3)","Answer":"POOL CUE","Explanation":"Definition: With which Potter hopes to line his pockets\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Doctor to improve, in an ethical way (7)","Answer":"MORALLY","Explanation":"Definition: in an ethical way\nMO (Medical Officer, doctor) then RALLY (to improve)"} {"Clue":"Mine admits being in favour of returning earnings (6)","Answer":"PROFIT","Explanation":"Definition: earnings\nPIT (mine) contains (admits) FOR (being in favour of) reversed (returning)"} {"Clue":"Heads of Inland Revenue kept exacting demands, which was annoying (5)","Answer":"IRKED","Explanation":"Definition: was annoying\nfirst letters (heads) of Inland Revenue Kept Exacting Demands"} {"Clue":"Tool of Chinese totalitarian state assassinates without restrictions (4,5)","Answer":"HAND DRILL","Explanation":"Definition: Tool\nHAN (Chinese) DDR (totalitarian state, former East Germany) then kILLs (assassinates) missing outer letters (without restrictions)"} {"Clue":"US soldier capturing every current petty officer left in 11 battleground (9)","Answer":"GALLIPOLI","Explanation":"Definition: 11 battleground\nGI (US soldier) contains (capturing) ALL (every) I (current, electrical symbol) PO (petty officer) L (left)"} {"Clue":"Spanish XI touring Italy, chilling (2,3)","Answer":"ON ICE","Explanation":"Definition: c\nONCE (eleven in Spanish) contains (touring) I (Italy)"} {"Clue":"The German trapping silver-grey reindeer (6)","Answer":"DASHER","Explanation":"Definition: reindeer\nDER (the, in German) contains (trapping) ASH (silver-grey) \u2013 name of one the reindeer in the poem *A Visit from St. Nicholas"} {"Clue":"Popular setter aroused curiosity (8)","Answer":"INTEREST","Explanation":"Definition: curiosity\nIN (popular) then anagram (aroused) of SETTER"} {"Clue":"Poor 20a robbed of tons following scam (3-3)","Answer":"RIP OFF","Explanation":"Definition: scam\nanagram (poor) of PROFIt (20 across) missing T (tons) then F (following, pages or lines)"} {"Clue":"Versace design \"no good\" admitted picky individual (9)","Answer":"SCAVENGER","Explanation":"Definition: picky individual\nanagram (design) of VERSACE contains (with\u2026admitted) NG (no good)"} {"Clue":"Cash tips? (9,6)","Answer":"FINANCIAL ADVICE","Explanation":"Definition: Cash tips?\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Abuse former flier, one somewhat depressed? (7)","Answer":"EXPLOIT","Explanation":"Definition: Abuse\nEX (former) PILOT (flier) with I (one) moved downward (somewhat depressed)"} {"Clue":"Do refer monopoly for review \u2013 it's making cash too easily (5,3,3,4)","Answer":"MONEY FOR OLD ROPE","Explanation":"Definition: making cash too easily\nanagram (for review) of DO REFER MONOPOLY"} {"Clue":"American railway union introduced punitive financial practice (5)","Answer":"USURY","Explanation":"Definition: punitive financial practice\nUS (American) RY (railway) contains (with\u2026introduced) U (union)"} {"Clue":"Download permitted in Windows? (8)","Answer":"TRANSFER","Explanation":"Definition: Download\njust a guess \u2013 is this some financial term relating to a \"window of opportunity\"? *\u2013 permitted in the football \"transfer window\""} {"Clue":"Batting clever, hooked (2,4)","Answer":"IN DEEP","Explanation":"Definition: hooked\nIN (batting, cricket) and DEEP (clever)"} {"Clue":"Pan Spooner's urban screams (9)","Answer":"CRITICISE","Explanation":"Definition: Pan\na Spoonerism of \"city cries\" (urban screams)"} {"Clue":"Julius is sent a computer test message, which was an encroachment (8)","Answer":"IMPINGED","Explanation":"Definition: was an encroachment\nI'M PINGED (Julius is sent a computer test message) \u2013 to *ping* is to send a test message on a computer network"} {"Clue":"Louts \u2013 Aryans, essentially \u2013 smashing up Soho (6)","Answer":"YAHOOS","Explanation":"Definition: Louts\narYAns (middle letters, essentially) then anagram (smashing up) of SOHO"} {"Clue":"Accommodation bringing security in old age? (7)","Answer":"PENSION","Explanation":"Definition: Accommodation\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Patron acclaimed Nato on a regular basis (6)","Answer":"CLIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Patron\nevery other letter (on a regular basis) of aCcLaImEd NaTo"} {"Clue":"Cuts talent from top to bottom (5)","Answer":"KILLS","Explanation":"Definition: Cuts\nSKILL (talent) with top letter moved to the bottom"} {"Clue":"Sandhopper? Damp waves around I hop at large (8)","Answer":"AMPHIPOD","Explanation":"Definition: Sandhopper? Damp waves around I hop at large\nanagram (waves) of DAMP contains an anagram (at large) of I HOP \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Scotsman's tight-fisted, in withdrawing both hands that is (6)","Answer":"NIRLIE","Explanation":"Definition: Scotsman's tight-fisted\nIN reversed (withdrawing) R and L (both hands) then IE (that is)"} {"Clue":"The old own up to wrongdoing recalled in later years (6)","Answer":"AGNISE","Explanation":"Definition: The old \nSIN (wrongdoing) reversed (recalled) inside AGE (later years) \u2013 *the old* indicates archaic"} {"Clue":"Brain layers, crustal possibly, enveloping third of cranium (8)","Answer":"CLAUSTRA","Explanation":"Definition: Brain layers\nanagram (possibly) of CRUSTAL contains (enveloping) crAnium (third letter of)"} {"Clue":"Number trailing behind accept asylum (5)","Answer":"HAVEN","Explanation":"Definition: asylum\nN (number) following HAVE (accept)"} {"Clue":"Grass hidden by some lichen (5)","Answer":"MELIC","Explanation":"Definition: Grass\nfound inside soME LIChen"} {"Clue":"One filling backstage role, providing stays or tiepins (5)","Answer":"PROPS","Explanation":"Definition: One filling backstage role\ntriple definition \u2013 or quadruple if you count a possible &lit too"} {"Clue":"Clay mineral, certain to be powdered (7)","Answer":"NACRITE","Explanation":"Definition: Clay mineral\nanagram (to be powdered) of CERTAIN"} {"Clue":"Speed in net ploy misplaced? I'm yearning for the unattainable (10)","Answer":"NYMPHOLEPT","Explanation":"Definition: I'm yearning for the unattainable\nMPH (speed) inside anagram (misplaced) of NET PLOY"} {"Clue":"Staff cheers about new dish in trattoria? (7)","Answer":"POLENTA","Explanation":"Definition: dish in trattoria\nPOLE (staff) TA (cheers) contains (about) N (new)"} {"Clue":"Latin deity, or several (5)","Answer":"LARES","Explanation":"Definition: or several\nL (latin) ARES (deity) \u2013 household gods, several deities"} {"Clue":"Spurious word member of choir has left in (5)","Answer":"ALL-TO","Explanation":"Definition: Spurious word\nALTO (member of choir) contains L (left)"} {"Clue":"Fern stalk, one gobbled by confounded pest (5)","Answer":"STIPE","Explanation":"Definition: Fer\nI (one) onside (gobbled by) anagram (confounded) of PEST"} {"Clue":"Recoil shocked about e.g. Johnson backsliding \u2013 or his namesake perhaps? (8)","Answer":"COMPILER","Explanation":"Definition: his namesake perhaps\nanagram (shocked) of RECOIL (contains) PM (Boris Johnson, for example) reversed (backsliding) \u2013 Tom Johnson the crossword compiler I assume *or more likely Samuel Johnson the dictionary compiler"} {"Clue":"Does it suggest a coin from ancient times, and where one may be found? (6)","Answer":"ATHENS","Explanation":"Definition: where one may be found\n~~A THEN S might suggest a shilling form \"back then\" (a coin form ancient times) \u2013 I think I have the right explanation but I'm not sure~~. *A THEN S gives AS, which is an ancient coin. Definition refers to the surface reading \"where an ancient coin may be found\" rather than AS from the wordplay"} {"Clue":"Young apache if having quit existence in form of farming (6)","Answer":"ARABLE","Explanation":"Definition: form of farming\nARAB (a young apache, offensive term for a street urchin) then LifE missing IF"} {"Clue":"Medication for asthma happening after short sequence (8)","Answer":"SEREVENT","Explanation":"Definition: Medication for asthma\nEVENT (happening) follows SER (series, sequence, abbreviated)"} {"Clue":"Cervine organ in part of face, soft inside (7)","Answer":"INCHPIN","Explanation":"Definition: Cervine organ\nIN CHIN (part of face) contains (with\u2026inside) P (piano, soft)"} {"Clue":"Indian district (found in Brazil also) (4)","Answer":"ZILA","Explanation":"Definition: Indian district\nfound inside braZIL Also"} {"Clue":"Hitmen, brothers engaging French lawyer (6)","Answer":"BRAVOS","Explanation":"Definition: Hitmen\nBROS (brothers) contains AV (Av. avocat, French lawyer)"} {"Clue":"What's posh about money? It's given out for distributing (6)","Answer":"METING","Explanation":"Definition: It's given out for \n~~GEM (what is posh) reversed (about) contains (it's given out, outside of) TIN (money~~) *GEM (posh, a halfpenny) contains (about) TIN (money) \u2013 when combined with OUT (given out) it means distributing, \"meting out\""} {"Clue":"Leading poet pens song for trio (6)","Answer":"PARIAL","Explanation":"Definition: trio\nPL (poet Laureate, leading poet) contains (pens) ARIA (song)"} {"Clue":"Like a break? Art past, relaxed with lie-in (12)","Answer":"INTERSPATIAL","Explanation":"Definition: L\nanagram (relaxed) of ART PAST with LIE-IN"} {"Clue":"A pain, or what may deal with one (4)","Answer":"PILL","Explanation":"Definition: A pain\ndouble definition \u2013 tiresome person and medicine"} {"Clue":"To yawn (8)","Answer":"OSCITATE","Explanation":"Definition: To yawn\ncompetition clue"} {"Clue":"Around start of evening, cubes to take from freezer? (5)","Answer":"DE-ICE","Explanation":"Definition: to take from freezer\nEvening (first letter, start of) inside (around\u2026is\u2026) DICE (cubes)"} {"Clue":"Glassy stuff, unusually holy, used in religious ceremony (8)","Answer":"RHYOLITE","Explanation":"Definition: Glassy stuff,\nanagram (unusually) of HOLY inside (used in) RITE (religious ceremony)"} {"Clue":"Dried out in bar, like Rabbie's love? (7)","Answer":"ROSE-RED","Explanation":"Definition: like Rabbie's love\nSERE (dried out) inside ROD (bar) \u2013 *Oh my Luve is like a red, red rose \u2013 Robert Burns"} {"Clue":"Nothing to elicit, I shut up, being indolent (6)","Answer":"OTIOSE","Explanation":"Definition: indolent\nO (nothing) with TOSE (to elicit) containing (with\u2026shut up) I"} {"Clue":"Mum's dressed in fine linen, one that earned a star (6)","Answer":"LAWMAN","Explanation":"Definition: one that earned a star\nMA (mum) inside LAWN (fine linen)"} {"Clue":"I put on pound in a go? That should form a lid (6)","Answer":"TRILBY","Explanation":"Definition: a lid\nI with LB (pound) inside TRY (a go)"} {"Clue":"Trees, millions replaced by area for Indian one (5)","Answer":"PALAS","Explanation":"Definition: Indian one\nPALmS (trees) with M (millions) replaced by A (area) \u2013 an Indian tree"} {"Clue":"Oven Lalique emptied, right, hot inside (4)","Answer":"LEHR","Explanation":"Definition: Oven\nLaliquE (no middle letters, emptied) R (right) contains (with\u2026inside) H (hot)"} {"Clue":"Insect's secretion left inside veg plant (4)","Answer":"PELA","Explanation":"Definition: Insect's secretion\nL (left) inside PEA (plant)"} {"Clue":"Half the Red Rose county accepts independence (6)","Answer":"LANCIA","Explanation":"LANCAshire (red rose county, half of) contains I (Independence)"} {"Clue":"This compiler, at onset of rubella, gives up (8)","Answer":"MERCEDES","Explanation":"ME (this compiler) with Rubella (first letter, onset) then CEDES (gives up)"} {"Clue":"Far out \u2013 for certain, adrift (7)","Answer":"CITROEN","Explanation":"anagram (adrift) of fOR CErTaIN missing (out) FAR"} {"Clue":"Putin's first criminal action (7)","Answer":"PONTIAC","Explanation":"Putin (first letter of) then anagram (criminal) of ACTION"} {"Clue":"Somewhat hopeless (4)","Answer":"OPEL","Explanation":"found inside (somewhat) hOPELess"} {"Clue":"Lorry getting close \u2013 crashing (5,5)","Answer":"ROLLS ROYCE","Explanation":"anagram (crashing) of LORRY with CLOSE"} {"Clue":"Medical check receiving first- class backing (6)","Answer":"SCANIA","Explanation":"SCAN (medical check) with AI (first class) reversed (backing)"} {"Clue":"Sadly, all deny removing a couple of roots from hedging tree (7)","Answer":"LEYLAND","Explanation":"anagram (sadly) of ALL DENY and also LEYLANDII (a hedging tree) missing two of its bottom letters (roots)"} {"Clue":"Distorted magical lines across the countryside (7)","Answer":"BENTLEY","Explanation":"BENT (distorted) then LEY (ley lines, magical lines across the countryside)"} {"Clue":"Mallet for Stalky's friend for sort of drive (6)","Answer":"BEETLE","Explanation":"Definition: Mallet\ntriple definition \u2013 Reggie Beetle, Stalky's friend in the Rudyard Kipling stories \u2013 a model rather than a make"} {"Clue":"Aussie parents with a baby's hanging toy (10)","Answer":"OLDSMOBILE","Explanation":"OLDS (parents, Australian) then MOBILE (baby's hanging toy)"} {"Clue":"Some interpol operations, one way or the other (4)","Answer":"POLO","Explanation":"found forwards inside interPOL Operations, and backwards too interpOL OPerations \u2013 a model rather than a make this time"} {"Clue":"Welsh lad has mulberry regularly (7)","Answer":"DAIMLER","Explanation":"DAI (Welsh lad, boy's name) then every other letter (regularly) of MuLbErRy"} {"Clue":"A fire, raging, consumed 13 (7)","Answer":"FERRARI","Explanation":"anagram (raging) of A FIRE contains (consumed) RR (Rolls Royce, 13 across)"} {"Clue":"Sheds tears, we're told \u2013 gets to ballerina's heart (8)","Answer":"CHRYSLER","Explanation":"CHRYS sounds like \"cries\" (sheds tears) and then balLERina (middle of, heart)"} {"Clue":"The heart of Venice with small health farm (6)","Answer":"NISSAN","Explanation":"veNIce (middle letters, heart) then S (small) SAN (health farm)"} {"Clue":"Game explorer in delicate fabric (8)","Answer":"LACROSSE","Explanation":"Definition: Game\nROSS (explorer) inside LACE (delicate fabric)"} {"Clue":"Cathedral's title includes radical books first (5,4)","Answer":"NOTRE DAME","Explanation":"Definition: Cathedral\nNAME (title) contains RED (radical) following (with\u2026first) OT (old Testament, books of Bible)"} {"Clue":"East European art swindler's confession (4)","Answer":"ICON","Explanation":"Definition: East European art\nI CON (swindler's confession)"} {"Clue":"Training and support for horticulturists! (8)","Answer":"ESPALIER","Explanation":"Definition: Training and support for horticulturists\nI think this is a cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Supervised jailbird was offensive online (10)","Answer":"CONTROLLED","Explanation":"Definition: Supervised\nCON (jailbird) and TROLLED (was offensive online)"} {"Clue":"Apollo, say, tied up at end of day (5)","Answer":"DEITY","Explanation":"Definition: Apollo, say\nTIED reversed (up) then daY (end of)"} {"Clue":"Game for a sound hitter? (6)","Answer":"SOCCER","Explanation":"Definition: Game\nsounds like (for a sound) \"socker\" (hitter)"} {"Clue":"Bulb shining, one lit (5)","Answer":"ONION","Explanation":"Definition: Bulb\nON (shining) I (one) ON (lit)"} {"Clue":"Feisty film broadcast about the distance of two marathons, almost (5,5)","Answer":"FIFTY MILES","Explanation":"Definition: about the distance of two marathons, almost\nanagram (broadcast) of FEISTY FILM"} {"Clue":"16's single-deckers aren't printed locally (9)","Answer":"NATIONALS","Explanation":"Definition: 16's single-deckers\ndouble definition \u2013 the Leyland National single-decker bus and a national newspaper"} {"Clue":"Broken bones are carried across the water (8)","Answer":"SEABORNE","Explanation":"Definition: carried across the water\nanagram (broken) of BONES ARE"} {"Clue":"Departs with feeling, on going down (8)","Answer":"DEMOTION","Explanation":"Definition: going down\nD (departs) then (with\u2026on) EMOTION"} {"Clue":"Scandinavian lexicon or dictionary features it (6)","Answer":"NORDIC","Explanation":"Definition: Scandinavian\nfound inside (featured by) lexicoN OR DICtionary"} {"Clue":"Veteran pop-star, one of many on the Kent coast (5)","Answer":"CLIFF","Explanation":"Definition: Veteran pop-star\ndouble definition \u2013 Cliff Richard and the White Cliffs"} {"Clue":"It's odd dormice are getting less water! (5)","Answer":"DRIER","Explanation":"Definition: getting less water\nthe odd letters from DoRmIcE aRe"} {"Clue":"Number from the Third Reich (4)","Answer":"DREI","Explanation":"Definition: Number\nfound inside thriD REIch \u2013 a number from Germany (as used by the Third Reich)"} {"Clue":"Governess expected new article to be rejected (6)","Answer":"DUENNA","Explanation":"Definition: Governess\nDUE (expected) N (new) then AN (indefinite article) reversed (rejected)"} {"Clue":"Reading location wherein confused oldie enters bar (8)","Answer":"BODLEIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Reading location\nanagram (confused) of OLDIE inside BAN (bar) \u2013 library at Oxford"} {"Clue":"Slowing down, head appearing after ceremony's over (8)","Answer":"RITENUTO","Explanation":"Definition: Slowing down\nNUT (head) follows (appearing after) RITE (ceremony) has ('s) O (over)"} {"Clue":"Denied access to bachelor in a car (6)","Answer":"FORBAD","Explanation":"Definition: Denied access\nBA (bachelor of arts) inside FORD (a car)"} {"Clue":"Before break of day, fairly settled (7)","Answer":"SQUARED","Explanation":"Definition: settled\nDay (first letter, break of) follows (before\u2026is\u2026) SQUARE (fairly)"} {"Clue":"Unusually heroic chap in line to benefit (2-4)","Answer":"CO-HEIR","Explanation":"Definition: chap in line to benefit\nanagram (unusually) of HEROIC"} {"Clue":"Following live broadcast of sex, a guest acts in a gracious way? (5,6)","Answer":"BEAUX GESTES","Explanation":"Definition: acts in a gracious way\nBE (live) then anagram (broadcast) of SEX A GUEST \u2013 acts (as a noun), graceful ones"} {"Clue":"I choose pint to be consumed by old worker (6)","Answer":"OPTANT","Explanation":"Definition: I choose\nPT (pint) inside O (old) ANT (a worker ant)"} {"Clue":"A certain style perhaps drawing Oscar after a month (3,4)","Answer":"ART DECO","Explanation":"Definition: A certain style\nART (perhaps drawing) then O (Oscar, phonetic alphabet) following DEC (December, a month)"} {"Clue":"More crafty with current bedfellow? (6)","Answer":"WILIER","Explanation":"Definition: More crafty\nW (with) I (current, electrical symbol) and LIER (bedfellow, a fellow who lies in bed)"} {"Clue":"Entering cover, soldiers step up (8)","Answer":"INCREASE","Explanation":"Definition: step up\n~~IN CASE (cover)~~ INCASE (cover, variant spelling of encase) contains (entering\u2026is\u2026) RE (royal Engineers, soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Rigid objections overturned, then almost carried (8)","Answer":"STUBBORN","Explanation":"Definition: Rigid\nBUTS (objections) reversed (overturned) then BORNe (carried, almost)"} {"Clue":"Listen to what may follow news feed's conclusion (6)","Answer":"ATTEND","Explanation":"Definition: Listen to\nAT TEN (what may follow news, the TV program *News At Ten*) then feeD (conclusion of)"} {"Clue":"If so, our shot scored wildly (7)","Answer":"FURIOSO","Explanation":"Definition: scored wildly\nanagram (shot) of IF SO OUR \u2013 a music score"} {"Clue":"Cases in intern scheme make better firm? Au contraire (8)","Answer":"INSECURE","Explanation":"Definition: firm? Au contraire\nouter letters (cases) of InterN SchemE then CURE (make better) \u2013 the opposite of firm"} {"Clue":"More faint from very fit runs (6)","Answer":"VAGUER","Explanation":"Definition: More faint\nV (very) AGUE (a fit) then R (runs)"} {"Clue":"European condition contributing to cuts in buildings (8)","Answer":"EDIFICES","Explanation":"Definition: buildings\nE (European) then IF (a condition) inside (contributing to) DICES (cuts)"} {"Clue":"Hot planet that's associated with fire (6)","Answer":"HEARTH","Explanation":"Definition: that's \nH (hot) and EARTH (planet)"} {"Clue":"Ark, one with a supply in American animals (7)","Answer":"UAKARIS","Explanation":"Definition: animals\nanagram (supply, provide the letters for?) of ARK I (one) with A inside US (American)"} {"Clue":"Clutch bible, most frequently with cross (5)","Answer":"BROOD","Explanation":"Definition: Clutch\nB (the most frequent letter in bible) then ROOD (a cross)"} {"Clue":"Several European countries vote for them in Brussels? (3)","Answer":"EUX","Explanation":"Definition: them in Brussels\nEU (European Union, several European countries) and X (a vote) \u2013 \"them\" in French, as spoken in Brussels"} {"Clue":"Extremely unusual rogue having a change of character in the future (8)","Answer":"ULTERIOR","Explanation":"Definition: in the future\nUnusuaL (extremes of) then TERrOR (rogue) with I replacing R (one letter changed)"} {"Clue":"To nearest and dearest it's common sense (3)","Answer":"EAR","Explanation":"Definition: sense\nfound in both (common to) nEARest and dEARest"} {"Clue":"Organised activity hosted by wealthy regulars for a birthday (8)","Answer":"ELEVENTH","Explanation":"Definition: a birthday\nEVENT (organised activity) inside (hosted by) wEaLtHy (regulars, a regular selection)"} {"Clue":"Runs out of Shakespeare's first editions (7)","Answer":"SPRINTS","Explanation":"Definition: Runs\nShakespeare (first letter of) then PRINTS (editions)"} {"Clue":"Agreement on track when Conservative is fully promoted (7)","Answer":"CONSENT","Explanation":"Definition: Agreement\nON SCENT (track) with C (conservative) moved to the top (is fully promoted)"} {"Clue":"A lass and a short lad with hands on hips? (6)","Answer":"AKIMBO","Explanation":"Definition: with hands on hips\nA KIM (lass, girl's name) with a BOy (lad, short)"} {"Clue":"ET upset first man on moon to some extent (5)","Answer":"ALIEN","Explanation":"Definition: ET\nthe first letters (to some extent) of NEIL Armstrong (first man on the moon) reversed (upset)"} {"Clue":"Communication system that's on course? (3-3)","Answer":"TIC-TAC","Explanation":"Definition: Communication system that's on course\ncryptic definition \u2013 a bookies signalling system on a race course"} {"Clue":"Poor game worked on (6)","Answer":"MEAGRE","Explanation":"Definition: Poor\nanagram (worked) of GAME then RE (on, regarding)"} {"Clue":"15 on 5 scored highly (7)","Answer":"SOPRANO","Explanation":"Definition: scored highly\nanagram (resort, re-sort) of ON PAROS (5) \u2013 high part in a music score"} {"Clue":"I leak info about article (9)","Answer":"KEFALONIA","Explanation":"Definition: I\nanagram (about) of LEAK INFO then A (indefinite article)"} {"Clue":"Figurative career choices, I say? (5)","Answer":"ROADS","Explanation":"Definition: Figurative car\nsounds like (say) \"Rhodes\" (I, island)"} {"Clue":"I recall almost all there eating beef (5)","Answer":"NAXOS","Explanation":"Definition: I\na reversal (recall) of SANe (all there) containing (eating) OX (beef)"} {"Clue":"Airport fliers caught in snow skid all over the place (9)","Answer":"WINDSOCKS","Explanation":"Definition: Airport fliers\nC (caught) inside anagram (all over the place) of SNOW SKID"} {"Clue":"I pinched rear of cop in a sexy manner (7)","Answer":"SPICILY","Explanation":"Definition: in a sexy manner\nSICILY (I, island) contains (pinched) coP (last letter, rear of)"} {"Clue":"Holiday homes or possible location of holiday (6)","Answer":"RESORT","Explanation":"Definition: possible location of holiday\n~~double definition? \u2013 these seem very closely related to me~~ REST (holiday) contains (homes) OR"} {"Clue":"One left in burn (6)","Answer":"SINGLE","Explanation":"Definition: One\nL (left) inside SINGE (burn)"} {"Clue":"Young cuckoo eaten by goose, having dropped guts (7)","Answer":"TEENAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Young\nanagram (cuckoo, mad) of EATEN then GoosE (no middle letters, having dropped guts)"} {"Clue":"Pick up hairy thing, suffering (9)","Answer":"HEARTACHE","Explanation":"Definition: suffering\nHEAR (pick up) TACHE (moustache, a hairy thing)"} {"Clue":"Old African leader getting wee cut from circular instrument (5)","Answer":"TAMBO","Explanation":"Definition: Old African leader\nTAMBOurine (circular instrument) missing URINE (wee) \u2013 Oliver Tambo, president of ANC"} {"Clue":"Wet behind the ears, water running back (5)","Answer":"NAIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Wet behind the ears\nEVIAN (water, brand of mineral water) reversed (running back)"} {"Clue":"Ultimately dependable teammate behind winger always (9)","Answer":"ETERNALLY","Explanation":"Definition: always\ndepandablE (last letter, ultimately) then ALLY (teammate) following TERN (bird, a winger)"} {"Clue":"True as religious teachings (7)","Answer":"SINCERE","Explanation":"Definition: T\nSINCE (as) RE (Religious Education, teaching)"} {"Clue":"Musical location of many I's, we hear? (6)","Answer":"GREASE","Explanation":"Definition: Musical\nsounds like (we hear) \"Greece\" (location of many Islands)"} {"Clue":"I: setter's I keeps working (7)","Answer":"MYKONOS","Explanation":"Definition: I\nMY (setter's) KOS (island) contains (keeps) ON (working)"} {"Clue":"Stick mark on ballot paper, if nothing turns up (5)","Answer":"AFFIX","Explanation":"Definition: Stick\nX (mark on ballot paper) IF and FA (nothing) all reversed (turns up)"} {"Clue":"Loving son snared by hen, girl I suspect (9)","Answer":"RELISHING","Explanation":"Definition: Loving\nS (son) inside (snared by) anagram (suspect) of HEN GIRL I"} {"Clue":"Turner's viaduct? (7)","Answer":"SPANNER","Explanation":"Definition: Turner\ndouble definition \u2013 something that turns, something that spans"} {"Clue":"I thus blow up (5)","Answer":"PAROS","Explanation":"Definition: I\nSO (thus) RAP (blow) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Puzzling old friend, artist in middle of saucy song (9)","Answer":"ARAUCARIA","Explanation":"Definition: Puzzling old friend\nRA (Royal Academician, artist) inside sAUCy (middle of) ARIA (song) \u2013 pseudonym of the late Rev John Graham, crossword setter"} {"Clue":"Keep thinking only about enter\u00ading classes boxer set up (6)","Answer":"OBSESS","Explanation":"Definition: Keep thinking only about\nfound inside (entering) claSSES BOxer reversed (set up)"} {"Clue":"Still a 5th Avenue, perhaps? (6)","Answer":"ANYWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Still\nA NY WAY (a New York way, 5th Avenue perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Poor substitute shows weakness, missing header (9)","Answer":"IMITATION","Explanation":"Definition: Poor substitute\nLIMITATION (weakness) missing first letter (header)"} {"Clue":"Eastern doubly eclipsed by western brews \u2014 something in the tea? (9)","Answer":"SWEETENER","Explanation":"Definition: something in the tea\nE E (eastern, doubly) inside (eclipsed by) anagram (brews) of WESTERN"} {"Clue":"English XI go (7)","Answer":"EXCRETE","Explanation":"Definition: go\nE (English) X and CRETE (I, island) \u2013 go to the toilet"} {"Clue":"Where the I's are found and what I's are (6)","Answer":"THEMED","Explanation":"Definition: what I's are\nTHE MED (the Mediterranean, where the islands are found) \u2013 the I's in this crossword are the theme"} {"Clue":"Officer in Jag involved in a specific race (7)","Answer":"ECOTYPE","Explanation":"Definition: a specific race\nCO (commanding officer) in E-TYPE (Jaguar car)"} {"Clue":"I must collect new bags (6)","Answer":"CHINOS","Explanation":"Definition: bags\nCHIOS (I, island) contains (must collect) N (new)"} {"Clue":"Not entirely competent, he set cryptic clues? (5)","Answer":"THESE","Explanation":"Definition: cryptic clues\nfound inside (not entirely) competenT HE SEt"} {"Clue":"I drink ale, primarily (5)","Answer":"MALTA","Explanation":"Definition: I\nMALT (drink) and Ale (first letter, primarily)"} {"Clue":"Each head's scratched fiercely (4)","Answer":"VERY","Explanation":"Definition: fiercely\neVERY (each) with first letter (head) missing (scratched, deleted)"} {"Clue":"Stretch bra out of shape? Nothing is revealed when it's pressed (5,3)","Answer":"SPACE BAR","Explanation":"Definition: Nothing is revealed when it's pressed\nSPACE (stretch) then anagram (out of shape) of BRA"} {"Clue":"Be unbalanced as cow almost leaves horse rattled (4,1,5,5)","Answer":"HAVE A SCREW LOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Be unbalanced\nanagram (rattled) of AS COW with LEAVEs (almost) and HORSE"} {"Clue":"Passage for those who are boring? (9)","Answer":"MINESHAFT","Explanation":"Definition: Passage for those who are boring\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Conclusions from The Guardian panned Boris's aims (4)","Answer":"ENDS","Explanation":"Definition: aims\nfinal letters (conclusions) from thE guardiaN panneD boriS"} {"Clue":"Poor hen shifting \u2013 one's likely to lay an egg (2-5)","Answer":"NO-HOPER","Explanation":"Definition: one's likely to lay an egg\nanagram (shifting) of POOR HEN \u2013 to *lay an egg* is to fail (theatrical slang)"} {"Clue":"Particular dock? (6)","Answer":"DETAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Particular\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Sons go before church sermon (6)","Answer":"SPEECH","Explanation":"Definition: sermon\nS (sons) PEE (go, to the toilet) and CH (church)"} {"Clue":"Shannon maybe embracing one by a holiday destination (7)","Answer":"RIVIERA","Explanation":"Definition: holiday destination\nRIVER (River Shannon maybe) contains (embracing) I (one) then A"} {"Clue":"Spots Mickelson finally securing hole-in-one? On the contrary (4)","Answer":"ACNE","Explanation":"Definition: Spots\nmicklesoN (finally) inside (the contrary of contains, secures) ACE (hole in one)"} {"Clue":"Weak with emotional strain? Not the first aspect (9)","Answer":"DIMENSION","Explanation":"Definition: aspect\nDIM (waek) with tENSION (emotional strain) missing first letter"} {"Clue":"Abandoned soul in political vision (7,8)","Answer":"OPTICAL ILLUSION","Explanation":"Definition: vision\nanagram (abandoned) of SOUL IN POLITICAL"} {"Clue":"Bond's wound is on head (8)","Answer":"ADHESION","Explanation":"Definition: Bond\nanagram (wound, twisted) of IS ON HEAD"} {"Clue":"Gets old, wise person to move south (4)","Answer":"AGES","Explanation":"Definition: Gets old\nSAGE (wise person) with S (south) being moved to another position"} {"Clue":"Strong old soldier captures macho blokes (8)","Answer":"VEHEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Strong\nVET (old soldier) contains (captures) HE-MEN (macho blokes)"} {"Clue":"Yellow topped black (5)","Answer":"RAVEN","Explanation":"Definition: black\ncRAVEN (yellow, cowardly) missing first letter (topped)"} {"Clue":"Folded page and left to dine with editor (7)","Answer":"PLEATED","Explanation":"Definition: Folded\nP (page) and L (left) EAT (to dine) with ED (editor)"} {"Clue":"Gang perhaps developing cult with no violence (10,4)","Answer":"COLLECTIVE NOUN","Explanation":"Definition: Gang perhaps\nanagram (developing) CULT with NO VIOLENCE \u2013 definition by example"} {"Clue":"Attack American woman on team (9)","Answer":"BROADSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Attack\nBROAD (American woman) on SIDE (team)"} {"Clue":"Regretted being offensive on the radio (4)","Answer":"RUED","Explanation":"Definition: Regretted\nsounds like (on the radio) \"rude\" (offensive)"} {"Clue":"Deception involving secret plan with fees (5,9)","Answer":"FALSE PRETENCES","Explanation":"Definition: Deception\nanagram (involving) of SECRET PLAN with FEES"} {"Clue":"Den is after peach, oddly leaving cake (6)","Answer":"ECLAIR","Explanation":"Definition: cake\nLAIR (den) follows pEaCh (oddly leaving, the odd-numbered letters leave)"} {"Clue":"Game husband having drink after work (9)","Answer":"HOPSCOTCH","Explanation":"Definition: Game\nH (husband) with SCOTCH (drink) following OP (opus, work)"} {"Clue":"Wants no yen for pay (8)","Answer":"EARNINGS","Explanation":"Definition: pay\nyEARNINGS (wants) missing Y (yen)"} {"Clue":"Gentleman concealed a large repair (7)","Answer":"HIDALGO","Explanation":"Definition: Gentleman\nHID (concealed) A L (large) GO (repair, e.g. The gentlemen *repair to the drawing room *after dinner)"} {"Clue":"Discover the truth about low noise (6)","Answer":"RUMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Discover the truth about\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"It might be used to cover cake in picnic in garden (5)","Answer":"ICING","Explanation":"Definition: It might be used to cover cake\nfound inside picnIC IN Garden"} {"Clue":"Very plump bottom goes on this? (4)","Answer":"SOFA","Explanation":"Definition: on this\nSO (very) FAt (plump) missing last letter (bottom goes)"} {"Clue":"Pale grey old wheeler-dealer ripping off mum (6)","Answer":"OYSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Pale grey\nO (old) then shYSTER (wheeler-dealer) missing (ripping off) SH (quiet, mum)"} {"Clue":"Being manly, Greek character rejected document in hands of ex- chairman (8)","Answer":"MACHISMO","Explanation":"Definition: Being manly\nCHI (Greek character) MS (manuscript, document) reversed (rejected) inside (in hands of) MAO (the former Chairman Mao)"} {"Clue":"Clothe babe born earlier, holding back (6)","Answer":"ENROBE","Explanation":"Definition: Cloth\nfound inside (holding) babE BORN Earlier reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Caught ram in middle of road \u2013 most frightening (8)","Answer":"SCARIEST","Explanation":"Definition: most frightening\nC (caught) ARIES (the ram) inside ST (street, a road)"} {"Clue":"Leading female tracks male commoner (8)","Answer":"EVERYMAN","Explanation":"Definition: commoner\nEVE (the first woman, leading female) RY (railway, tracks) and MAN (male)"} {"Clue":"Slowly made magic toy, continually out of bounds (6)","Answer":"ADAGIO","Explanation":"Definition: Slowly\nmADe mAGIc tOy all missing the outside letters (continually out of bounds)"} {"Clue":"Accent found in public school, from first to last (4)","Answer":"TONE","Explanation":"Definition: Accent\nETON (public school) first letter moved from first to last"} {"Clue":"Cakes consumed in France mostly? That's wrong (7)","Answer":"GATEAUX","Explanation":"Definition: Cakes\nATE (consumed) inside GAUL (France) missing lat letter (mostly) with (that has) X (wrong)"} {"Clue":"Dodgy doctor, having change of heart, vacated lobby fast (7)","Answer":"QUICKLY","Explanation":"Definition: fast\nQUaCK (dodgy doctor) with middle letter (heart) changed (from A to I) then LobbY (vacated, made empty)"} {"Clue":"Animal home left impression (4)","Answer":"LAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Animal home\nL (left) AIR (impression)"} {"Clue":"One who investigates name used in house music genre (6)","Answer":"TECHNO","Explanation":"Definition: music genre\nTEC (detective, one who investigates) then N (name) inside HO (house)"} {"Clue":"Fellow paparazzi stifling Jim's latest squeeze (8)","Answer":"COMPRESS","Explanation":"Definition: squeeze\nCO-PRESS (fellow paparazzi) contains (stifling) jiM (last letter, latest)"} {"Clue":"Town in west Wales warmer? (8)","Answer":"CARDIGAN","Explanation":"Definition: Town in west Wales\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"The essence of Eden \u2013 most eco- friendly students aim for this? (6)","Answer":"DEGREE","Explanation":"Definition: students aim for this\neDEn (middle letters, essence of) then GREEn (eco-friendly, most of)"} {"Clue":"Cockney domestic reportedly allowed eggy meal (8)","Answer":"OMELETTE","Explanation":"Definition: eggy meal\n'OME (domestic, home for Cockney) then LETTE sounds like (reportedly) \"let\" (allowed)"} {"Clue":"Half of football team mention regularly visiting Italian region (6)","Answer":"VENETO","Explanation":"Definition: Italian region\neleVEN (football team, half of) then every other letter (regularly visiting) of mEnTiOn"} {"Clue":"Musical drama that occurs in theatre before tenors advanced (8)","Answer":"OPERETTA","Explanation":"Definition: Musical drama\nOP (operation, theatre) ERE (before) TT (tenor, twice) and A (advanced)"} {"Clue":"Officer's work unit covered in the briny books (8)","Answer":"SERGEANT","Explanation":"Definition: Officer\nERG (work unit) inside (covered in) SEA (the briny) then NT (New Testament, books)"} {"Clue":"Doctor in emergency room calling for attention, seeing germ (6)","Answer":"EMBRYO","Explanation":"Definition: germ\nMB (doctor) inside ER (emergency room) then YO (a call for attention)"} {"Clue":"Mysterious artist turning up at place of worship (4)","Answer":"ARCH","Explanation":"Definition: Mysterious\nRA (Royal Academician, artist) reversed (turning up) with CH (church, place of worship)"} {"Clue":"Mercenary barbarian admits anger extremely distressing (5,3)","Answer":"HIRED GUN","Explanation":"Definition: Mercenary\nHUN (barbarian) contains (admits) IRE (anger) and DistressinG (outer letters, extremely)"} {"Clue":"Couple of slips move gradually to intimidate batsman (6)","Answer":"SLEDGE","Explanation":"Definition: to intimidate batsman\nSLips (first two letters, a couple of) and EDGE (move gradually)"} {"Clue":"Kid finished fine beef (6)","Answer":"OUTFOX","Explanation":"Definition: Kid\nOUT (finished) F (fine) OX (beef)"} {"Clue":"Some of WI marmalade maybe American spies when over (7)","Answer":"JAMAICA","Explanation":"Definition: Some of WI\nJAM (marmalade maybe) then A (American) CIA (spies) reversed (when over) \u2013 an island in the West Indies"} {"Clue":"Composer's never-ending capital in Germany and Australia (7)","Answer":"BERLIOZ","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\nBERLIn (capital in Germany, never ending) and OZ (Australia)"} {"Clue":"Working group, servicemen in the main, staff historical gate (8)","Answer":"TURNPIKE","Explanation":"Definition: historical gate\nTU (trade union, working group) RN (Royal Navy, servicemen in the main, sea) and PIKE (staff)"} {"Clue":"Huge mass of water bringing about stink that's under US city (4,4)","Answer":"LAKE ERIE","Explanation":"Definition: Huge mass of water\na reversal (bringing about) of REEK (stink) IE (that is) following (under) LA (US city)"} {"Clue":"Flourish given by ordinary Shakespearean character (8)","Answer":"PROSPERO","Explanation":"Definition: Shakespearean character\nPROSPER (flourish) with O (ordinary)"} {"Clue":"Decorative work reflected above one canal business (6)","Answer":"STUCCO","Explanation":"Definition: Decorative work\nCUTS (a cut is a canal, above one is plural) reversed (reflected) then CO (company, business)"} {"Clue":"Panic about source of calcium, in short supply (6)","Answer":"SCARCE","Explanation":"Definition: in short supply\nSCARE (panic) contains (about) Calcium (first letter, source of)"} {"Clue":"Compass indicating location of bookie? (6)","Answer":"SPHERE","Explanation":"Definition: Compass\na cryptic reading (indication) of SP HERE may be \"starting prices here\" (location of bookie)"} {"Clue":"Survive closing (4)","Answer":"LAST","Explanation":"Definition: Survive\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"B from Armagh (6)","Answer":"GRAHAM","Explanation":"Definition: B\nanagram (from, alluded to rather than explicitly indicated) of ARMAGH"} {"Clue":"G having an asthma attack (8)","Answer":"SAMANTHA","Explanation":"Definition: G\nanagram (attack) of AN ASTHMA"} {"Clue":"B getting zero in maths debacle (6)","Answer":"THOMAS","Explanation":"Definition: B\nO (zero) inside anagram (debacle) of MATHS"} {"Clue":"G will live for a moment (8)","Answer":"BEATRICE","Explanation":"Definition: G\nBE (live) A TRICE (moment)"} {"Clue":"G from Deva, topless (6)","Answer":"HESTER","Explanation":"Definition: G\ncHESTER (Deva, Roman name for Chester) missing first letter (topless)"} {"Clue":"B reading Latin badly (8)","Answer":"REGINALD","Explanation":"Definition: B\nanagram (badly) of READING and L (Latin)"} {"Clue":"G removes head of government from autonomous Spanish area (6)","Answer":"ALICIA","Explanation":"Definition: G\ngALICIA (autonomous Spanish area) missing first letter (head)"} {"Clue":"B without a cleaner, almost (7)","Answer":"CHARLES","Explanation":"Definition: B\nCHARLESs (without a char, cleaner, almost)"} {"Clue":"G in residence, having drink brought round (6)","Answer":"TERESA","Explanation":"Definition: G\nres (residence) inside (having\u2026brought round) TEA (drink)"} {"Clue":"G \u2013 aka Blaise (6)","Answer":"ISABEL","Explanation":"Definition: G\nanagram (aka, also as) BLAISE"} {"Clue":"G's husband in Lille goes to bird's heart (8)","Answer":"MARIANNE","Explanation":"Definition: G\nMARI (husband in French, in Lille) with gANNEt (bird, heart of)"} {"Clue":"B with series of maps having live radio telegraphy in short (6)","Answer":"OSBERT","Explanation":"Definition: B\nOS (Ordnance Survey, series of maps) with BE (live) and RT (radio telegraphy, in short=abbreviated)"} {"Clue":"B giving his final performance as balladeer (8)","Answer":"ALASTAIR","Explanation":"Definition: B\nA LAST AIR (a final song, final performance of a balladeer)"} {"Clue":"B could be Malcolm or Palmer (6)","Answer":"ARNOLD","Explanation":"Definition: B\nMalcolm Arnold (composer) of Arnold Palmer (golfer) perhaps"} {"Clue":"G keeping quiet about American money (8)","Answer":"SUSANNAH","Explanation":"Definition: G\nSH (quiet) contains (about) US (american) ANNA (a coin, money)"} {"Clue":"B reduced sherry \u2013 goodness! (6)","Answer":"JEREMY","Explanation":"Definition: B\nJEREz (sherry) missing last letter (reduced) then MY (goodness!)"} {"Clue":"Progress to appoint a new educationist (3,5)","Answer":"GET A HEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Progress\nGET A HEAD (to appoint new educationist, head teacher)"} {"Clue":"A stroke of genius; staff spoke of hearing (8)","Answer":"ACOUSTIC","Explanation":"Definition: of hearing\nA COU STIC sounds like (spoke) \"a coup stick\" (a, stroke of genius, staff)"} {"Clue":"Lecturer of little importance (8)","Answer":"ACADEMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Lectu\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Examination involving All about Eve (1- 5)","Answer":"A-LEVEL","Explanation":"Definition: Examination\nALL contains (about) EVE"} {"Clue":"County worker on edge (6)","Answer":"ANTRIM","Explanation":"Definition: County\nANT (worker) on RIM (edge)"} {"Clue":"Initially Tony Blair distorted such family links (6)","Answer":"TRIBAL","Explanation":"Definition: family\nanagram (distorted) of Tony (first letter, initially) and BLAIR \u2013 Tony Blair distorted such family\/tribal links"} {"Clue":"Makes up for what happens at noon (6)","Answer":"AMENDS","Explanation":"Definition: Makes up for\nAM ENDS (what happens at noon, PM begins)"} {"Clue":"Once again travelling man receives pay increase (7)","Answer":"REPRISE","Explanation":"Definition: Once again\nREP (travelling man) with RISE (pay increase)"} {"Clue":"Group topped ditch (1-2)","Answer":"A-HA","Explanation":"Definition: Group\nhA HA (ditch) missing first letter (topped)"} {"Clue":"Little G's better half (3)","Answer":"BET","Explanation":"Definition: Little G\nBETter (half of)"} {"Clue":"Discharge from TV costs nothing (4,4)","Answer":"SETS FREE","Explanation":"Definition: Discharge\nSET'S FREE (the TV is free, costs nothing) \u2013 a typo in the definition, should have been *discharges*?"} {"Clue":"G \u2013 the bird with whom to run off (8)","Answer":"PENELOPE","Explanation":"Definition: G\nPEN (swan) with ELOPE (to run off)"} {"Clue":"Old characters in diary now revealing routine (3,2,3)","Answer":"DAY TO DAY","Explanation":"Definition: routine\nDiArY (odd characters in, *old is a typo?*) then TODAY (now)"} {"Clue":"Streaks, as a dirty campaigner does (6)","Answer":"SMEARS","Explanation":"Definition: Streaks\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Laments from those on a lily-pad? (6)","Answer":"CROAKS","Explanation":"Definition: Laments from those on a lily-pad?\ncryptic definition \u2013 frogs sit on lily-pads"} {"Clue":"B from 6 (6)","Answer":"MARTIN","Explanation":"Definition: B\nanagram (the letters from) ANTRIM (6 down)"} {"Clue":"G in the middle of things, riding Mirage (6)","Answer":"INDIRA","Explanation":"Definition: G\nthe middle letters of thINgs riDIng miRAge"} {"Clue":"Not about to keep redtop in bluish square? (10)","Answer":"TETRAGONAL","Explanation":"Definition: square?\nNOT reversed (about) contains (to keep) RAG (redtop, newspaper) inside TEAL (bluish, colour)"} {"Clue":"Damage I did at party to trousers and to boot (2,8)","Answer":"IN ADDITION","Explanation":"Definition: to boot\nanagram (damage) of I DID AT inside (\u2026trousers, puts in pocket) IN ON (party to)"} {"Clue":"Earl on edge when retiring me too! (4,4)","Answer":"SAME HERE","Explanation":"Definition: me too\nE (earl) RE (on, concerning) HEM (edge) AS (when) all reversed (retiring)"} {"Clue":"Energetic due to the state of course (12)","Answer":"THROUGH-GOING","Explanation":"Definition: Energetic\nTHROUGH (due to) and GOING (state of racecourse)"} {"Clue":"Mission evoking bedside manner? (5)","Answer":"ALAMO","Explanation":"Definition: Mission\nA LA (evoking) MO (modus operandi, bedside manner perhaps) \u2013 The Alamo Mission in Texas. *or A LA MO (Medical Officer)"} {"Clue":"In form of containment, all but one name suffering this? (9)","Answer":"OMITTANCE","Explanation":"Definition: suffering thi\nanagram (form of) COnTAInMENT missing all but one N (name)"} {"Clue":"For somebody with B, I'll find two Es hard to take in GCSE (3,6)","Answer":"BIG CHEESE","Explanation":"Definition: somebody\nB then I with (will find) then EE (two Es) following (\u2026taken by\u2026) H (hard) inside GCSE"} {"Clue":"Out in the nineties, so this impossible! (3,2)","Answer":"NOT ON","Explanation":"Definition: impossible\nNO TON (out in the nineties, so not a century) \u2013 cricket"} {"Clue":"Deliveryman restricted by this proceeds to double up (6,6)","Answer":"RETURN CREASE","Explanation":"Definition: Deliveryman restricted by this\nRETURN (proceeds) and CREASE (to double up)"} {"Clue":"Stop row, seeing eye to eye? (5-5)","Answer":"CLOSE RANGE","Explanation":"Definition: seeing eye to eye\nCLOSE (stop, bring to an end) and RANGE (row)"} {"Clue":"Indeed, ball moving around in games might not be! (8)","Answer":"PLAYABLE","Explanation":"Definition: might not be\nAY (indeed) inside (with\u2026around) anagram (moving) of BALL all inside PE (games) \u2013 definition is an extension of the wordplay"} {"Clue":"Some charge a master for one \u2013 what of us? (6,4)","Answer":"AMPERE HOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Some charge\nA MA (master) PER (for one) EH (what) OUR (of us)"} {"Clue":"Miscellany on the wagon includes his hat, it follows (4,4,3,3,5)","Answer":"THIS THAT AND THE OTHER","Explanation":"Definition: Miscellany\nTT (on the wagon) contains HIS then HAT then AND with (..follows) THE OTHER (it, sex)"} {"Clue":"Top garden party! (5)","Answer":"OUTDO","Explanation":"Definition: Top\nan OUT DO might be an outside (garden) do (party)"} {"Clue":"This \"A-Teammmmm\" might get you by? (9)","Answer":"ALONGSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: by\nA then LONG SIDE (teammmmm, a long team)"} {"Clue":"Mad about Rio chocolate centres? (6,4)","Answer":"BRAZIL NUTS","Explanation":"Definition: chocolate centres\nsomeone who is BRAZIL NUTS is mad about Brazil, Rio de Janeiro perhaps"} {"Clue":"Popular people work on 1:1 cases (10)","Answer":"EVERGREENS","Explanation":"Definition: Popular people\nERG (unit of work) RE (on, concerning) inside (\u2026cases) EVENS (1:1, ratio or odds)"} {"Clue":"Doctor initially said: \"ages to regeneration\"; finally: \"hurry!\" (3,4,4,4,4)","Answer":"GET ONES ARSE INTO GEAR","Explanation":"Definition: hurry\nanagram (doctor) of Said (first letter, initially) and AGES TO REGENERATION \u2013 I'm not sure where *finally* fits in"} {"Clue":"Harmonising \"The Betrayal of Sweeney Todd\"? (10)","Answer":"BARBERSHOP","Explanation":"Definition: Harmonising\na BARBER SHOP might be the shopping (betrayal) of a barber (Sweeny Todd perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Upset at a greater range of marks (6,4)","Answer":"TARGET AREA","Explanation":"Definition: range of marks\nanagram (upset) of AT A GREATER \u2013 a mark is a target"} {"Clue":"Covering for slit work \u2013 nude, Poirot let me think (9)","Answer":"OPERCULUM","Explanation":"Definition: Covering for slit\nOP (opus, work) then hERCULe (Hercule Poirot, no outer letters so nude) and UM (let me think)"} {"Clue":"Result: guarantee's run out (5)","Answer":"ENSUE","Explanation":"Definition: Resul\nENSUrE (guarantee) missing (with\u2026out) R (run)"} {"Clue":"Tell extremely equivocal judge to go outside (6)","Answer":"RELATE","Explanation":"Definition: Tell\nEquivocaL (outer letter, extremes of) inside (\u2026to go outside) RATE (judge)"} {"Clue":"Hand over drills \u2013 less one if gear has odd parts missing (8)","Answer":"TRANSFER","Explanation":"Definition: Hand over\nTRAiNS (drills) missing I (one) then iF gEaR missing odd letters"} {"Clue":"Easy choice read back during trial phase (2,7)","Answer":"NO CONTEST","Explanation":"Definition: Easy choice\nCON (read) reversed (back) with ON (during) TEST (trial phase)"} {"Clue":"Plant beef cheek (5)","Answer":"OXLIP","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nOX (beef) LIP (cheek, impertinence)"} {"Clue":"Trees he climbs regularly (4)","Answer":"ELMS","Explanation":"Definition: Trees\nevery other letter (regularly) of hE cLiMbS"} {"Clue":"Rated second ride awful (10)","Answer":"CONSIDERED","Explanation":"Definition: Rated\nanagram (awful) of SECOND RIDE"} {"Clue":"I turned around, being inexperienced (7)","Answer":"UNTRIED","Explanation":"Definition: inexperienced\nanagram (around) of I TURNED"} {"Clue":"Broadcaster with dog which went into orbit (6)","Answer":"SKYLAB","Explanation":"Definition: which went into orbit\nSKY (broadcaster) with LAB (Labrador, dog)"} {"Clue":"Mass measurement finishing after a couple of minutes in Georgia (6)","Answer":"GRAMME","Explanation":"Definition: Mass measurement\nlast letter (finishing) of afteR with A and M M (minute, twice) all inside GE (Georgia)"} {"Clue":"Look into Leicester possibly being cut off by filthiness (7)","Answer":"SQUALOR","Explanation":"Definition: filthiness\nLO (look) inside SQUARe (Leicester Square possibly, cut short)"} {"Clue":"A clue I bend deviously, which can't be taught (10)","Answer":"INEDUCABLE","Explanation":"Definition: which \nanagram (deviously) of A CLUE I BEND"} {"Clue":"Pasta or hybrid yak (4)","Answer":"ORZO","Explanation":"Definition: Pasta\nOR with ZO (hybrid yak)"} {"Clue":"Throw out film about Japanese city (5)","Answer":"EJECT","Explanation":"Definition: Throw out\nET (film) contains (about) J (Japanese) and EC (City of London, from postal code)"} {"Clue":"Independent note helping another run- through (9)","Answer":"ITERATION","Explanation":"Definition: another run- through\nI (independent) TE (note, music) RATION (helping, of food)"} {"Clue":"Time children went and turned knobs (8)","Answer":"TWIDDLED","Explanation":"Definition: turned knobs\nT (time) WIDDLED (went, to the toilet, for children)"} {"Clue":"Revised some quayside tidetables on the way back (6)","Answer":"EDITED","Explanation":"Definition: Revised\nfound inside (some of) quaysiDE TIDEtables reversed (on the way back)"} {"Clue":"Second hare chewed prune (6-2)","Answer":"RUNNER-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Second\nRUN (hare) and anagram (chewed) of PRUNE"} {"Clue":"One going places has look at Italian lake and hill (9)","Answer":"LOCOMOTOR","Explanation":"Definition: One going places\nLO (look) with (at) COMO (Italian lake) and TOR (hill)"} {"Clue":"Minute semi-desert's abandoned fate (4)","Answer":"TINY","Explanation":"Definition: Minute\nDESert (semi, half of) missing from (has abandoned) desTINY (fate)"} {"Clue":"Runs at Longchamp and is second, so tries again (7)","Answer":"RETESTS","Explanation":"Definition: tries again\nR (runs) then ET EST (and is, French, at Longchamp perhaps) and finally S (second)"} {"Clue":"Light right above, sound on, any problem? (7,3)","Answer":"NOONDAY SUN","Explanation":"Definition: Light right above\nanagram (problem) of SOUND ON ANY"} {"Clue":"Shot rifle one puts away (5)","Answer":"FILER","Explanation":"Definition: one puts away\nanagram (shot) of RIFLE"} {"Clue":"Pressure to stop attacks which could mean danger down-river (6)","Answer":"RAPIDS","Explanation":"Definition: which could mean \nP (pressure) inside (to stop, like a cork) RAIDS (attacks)"} {"Clue":"Wine retains goodness for minutes (6)","Answer":"RECORD","Explanation":"Definition: minutes\nRED (wine) contains COR (goodness!) \u2013 minutes of a meeting"} {"Clue":"Minute odds fixed, so got off horse (10)","Answer":"DISMOUNTED","Explanation":"Definition: got off horse\nanagram (fixed) of MINUTE ODDS"} {"Clue":"She soothes sensitivities of everyone tigers chewed (9)","Answer":"ALLERGIST","Explanation":"Definition: She soothes sensitivities\nALL (everyone) with anagram (chewed) of TIGERS"} {"Clue":"End power struggle for second 26 (3-5)","Answer":"PRE-OWNED","Explanation":"Definition: second 26\nanagram (struggle) of END POWER \u2013 second hand"} {"Clue":"Inspect what used to be a colliery (7)","Answer":"EXAMINE","Explanation":"Definition: Inspect\nEX (what used to be) A MINE (colliery)"} {"Clue":"Medal for second fictional pirate (6)","Answer":"SILVER","Explanation":"Definition: Medal\ndouble definition \u2013 Long John Silver"} {"Clue":"Second part covers split (6)","Answer":"BISECT","Explanation":"Definition: split\nSEC (second) inside (\u2026covers) BIT (part)"} {"Clue":"The Spanish mostly give off fragrant resin (5)","Answer":"ELEMI","Explanation":"Definition: fragrant resin\nEL (the, in Spanish) then EMIt (give off, mostly)"} {"Clue":"Chinese director possibly minute (4)","Answer":"HAND","Explanation":"Definition: possibly minute\nHAN (a Chinese) and D (director) \u2013 hour hand and minute hand"} {"Clue":"A measure of drink knocked back in bunk by this awfully fine writer (13)","Answer":"CALLIGRAPHIST","Explanation":"Definition: fine writer\nA then GILL (a measure of drink) reversed (knocked back) all inside CRAP (bunk) then anagram (awfully) of THIS"} {"Clue":"Victim, leader of Empire, falling back, true to form \u2014 his Shakespearean cry? (2,2,5)","Answer":"ET TU BRUTE","Explanation":"Definition: his Shakespearean cry\nBUTT (victim) Empire (first letter of, leader) all reversed (falling back) then anagram (to form) of TRUE \u2013 Julius Caesar's (leader of an empire) last words in Shakespeare play"} {"Clue":"M-Musk, is it? (5)","Answer":"MELON","Explanation":"Definition: is it\nM \u2013 ELON (Elon Musk, industrialist) \u2013 the musk melon (aka honeydew melon) perhaps"} {"Clue":"Place to land like an aeroplane? (5)","Answer":"JETTY","Explanation":"Definition: Place to land\ncryptically JETTY can be read as is \"like a jet\""} {"Clue":"Anglican spraying 21 about (9)","Answer":"EPISCOPAL","Explanation":"Definition: Anglican\nanagram (spraying\u2026about) of PEPSI COLA (21 across)"} {"Clue":"Roots cut in short eruption (7)","Answer":"RADICES","Explanation":"Definition: Roots\nDICE (cut) in RASh (eruption, short). Chambers list *roots* as an obsolete meaning of *radices*, but most of other meanings listed will suffice as a definition"} {"Clue":"Subzero puzzle? (7)","Answer":"NONPLUS","Explanation":"Definition: puzzle\nNON-PLUS so must be negative (subzero)"} {"Clue":"Intellectual, moving reference? (7,13)","Answer":"WALKING ENCYCLOPAEDIA","Explanation":"Definition: Intellectu\nWALKING (moving) ENCYLOPAEDIA (a reference, book)"} {"Clue":"Drink: large bottles small, in a cutback? (5,4)","Answer":"PEPSI COLA","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nEPIC (large) contains (bottles) S (small) all inside A LOP (cut) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Wander westwards around northern area (5)","Answer":"MANOR","Explanation":"Definition: area\nROAM (wander) reversed (westwards, right-to-left on a map) contains (around) N (northern) \u2013 slang for one's local area"} {"Clue":"Bird with you in country, did you say? (5)","Answer":"CRANE","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nCRANE with U (you) gives U-CRANE which sounds like (did you say?) UKRAINE (a country)"} {"Clue":"I'm opening my very friendly invitation and heading for exciting city in Florida (9)","Answer":"KISSIMMEE","Explanation":"Definition: city in Florida\nI'M inside (opening) KISS ME (my very friendly invitation) then Exciting (first letter, heading for)"} {"Clue":"Neutralising chemical: two animals elected to drink it (9)","Answer":"ANTITOXIN","Explanation":"Definition: Neutralising chemical\nANT and OX (two animals) IN (elected) contains (to drink) IT"} {"Clue":"Throw up near vestibule (5)","Answer":"LOBBY","Explanation":"Definition: vestibule\nLOB (throw up) BY (near)"} {"Clue":"Too much on principle in Americans supporting English \u2014 some cheek! (7,7)","Answer":"GLUTEUS MAXIMUS","Explanation":"Definition: some cheek\nGLUT (too much) then MAXIM (principle) inside US US (American, two of) following (supporting) E (English) \u2013 a muscle in the cheek (buttock)"} {"Clue":"Workshop where priest wel\u00adcomed by father, though not initially (7)","Answer":"ATELIER","Explanation":"Definition: Workshop\nELI (a priest, in the Bible) inside (welcomed by) pATER (father) missing first letter (though not initially)"} {"Clue":"Boy I see, one climbing under dwel\u00adling briefly \u2014 very dangerous (9)","Answer":"HOMICIDAL","Explanation":"Definition: very dangerous\nLAD (boy) I C (see, name of letter) all reversed (climbing) following (under) HOMe (dwelling, briefly)"} {"Clue":"Splash featuring a county (5)","Answer":"SALOP","Explanation":"Definition: county\nSLOP (splash) contains (featuring) A \u2013 old name for Shropshire"} {"Clue":"Mark of an African nation's hous\u00ading predicament \u2014 American concerned with issue? (8,5)","Answer":"BENJAMIN SPOCK","Explanation":"Definition: American concerned with issue\nBENIN'S POCK (the pock of Benin, mark of an African nation) contains (housing) JAM (predicament) \u2013 American child psychologist (issue is children)"} {"Clue":"Hang-gliders flying over centre of Coventry rose here, perhaps? (7,6)","Answer":"ENGLISH GARDEN","Explanation":"Definition: rose here, perhaps\nanagram (flying) of HANG-GLIDERS contains covENtry (centre of)"} {"Clue":"Craft: ship defended by armed forces deserted by one sailor (9)","Answer":"MILLINERY","Explanation":"Definition: Craft\nLINER (ship) inside (defended by) MILitarY (armed forces) missing I (one) TAR (sailor)"} {"Clue":"Hearts captivated by mysterious spelling of magician in Asian city (6,3)","Answer":"CHIANG MAI","Explanation":"Definition: Asian city\nH (hearts) inside (captivated by) anagram (mysterious spelling of) MAGICIAN"} {"Clue":"Cause to lose sleep about king having left dive (7)","Answer":"SNORKEL","Explanation":"Definition: dive\nSNORE (cause to lose sleep) contains (about) K (king) then L (left)"} {"Clue":"Greeting he implied, when this? (5,2)","Answer":"WHAT\u2019S UP","Explanation":"Definition: Greeting\nWHAT'S UP can be read as EH (what) is reversed (up) so implying HE"} {"Clue":"Basic smooth talking? (5)","Answer":"PLAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Basic\nsounds like (talking) \"plane\" (smooth)"} {"Clue":"Reportedly key state (5)","Answer":"MAINE","Explanation":"Definition: state\nsounds like (reportedly) \"main\" (key)"} {"Clue":"Controller of all power South writes off in sporting event (12)","Answer":"MASTERSWITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Controller of all power\nS (south) and anagram (off) of WRITES inside MATCH (sorting event)"} {"Clue":"Mop I'm handing over to seaman in state of dizziness (4)","Answer":"SWAB","Explanation":"Definition: Mop\nSWIM (state of dizziness) with I'M being replaced by (handing over to) AB (seaman)"} {"Clue":"Bits at the end for Popeye \u2013 spinach \u2013 disgusting! (4)","Answer":"YECH","Explanation":"Definition: disgusting\nlast pair of letters (bits at the end) from popeYE and spinaCH"} {"Clue":"Cottage in the country pop's fitted with central heating after year (5)","Answer":"DACHA","Explanation":"Definition: Cottage in the country\nDA (pop, father) contains (fitted with) CH (central heating) following A (annus, year)"} {"Clue":"This hemlock derivative encompasses end for Socrates \u2013 as icon perished? (5)","Answer":"CONIA","Explanation":"Definition: This hemlock derivative\nCONIA (this hemlock derivative, the answer) containing (encompasses) gives an a anagram (perished) of AS ICON"} {"Clue":"There's a lot of blood attached to mafia family in this Chicago racket (7)","Answer":"CLANGOR","Explanation":"Definition: Chicago racket\nGORe (blood, a lot of) following (attached to) CLAN (mafia family) \u2013 Chicago indicates American spelling"} {"Clue":"Bairn's worn-out shoe has battered rubber child gets into (8)","Answer":"SHAUCHLE","Explanation":"Definition: Bairn's worn-out shoe\nanagram (battered) of HAS then ULE (rubber) containing (that\u2026gets into) CH (child)"} {"Clue":"Part of speech penned by Beaverbrook (4)","Answer":"VERB","Explanation":"Definition: Part of speech\nfound inside (penned by) beaVERBrook"} {"Clue":"Like leafy appendages turning up, look, in jug (8)","Answer":"STIPULAR","Explanation":"Definition: Like leafy appendages\nUP (reversed (turning) LA (look) inside STIR (jug, prison)"} {"Clue":"Some doctoring is option after regular excisions (4)","Answer":"SPIN","Explanation":"Definition: Some doctoring\nevery other letter (after regular excisions) of iS oPtIoN"} {"Clue":"Discovery includes old clothes pilfered? (8)","Answer":"FINGERED","Explanation":"Definition: pilfered\nFIND (discovery) includes GERE (clothes, old indicates Spenserian)"} {"Clue":"Third classification in boxing? (7)","Answer":"CRATING","Explanation":"Definition: boxing\nC (third, eg C-list celebrity) RATING (classification)"} {"Clue":"Love-making cut at start after bug returns? Not what you want in bed! (5)","Answer":"CIMEX","Explanation":"Definition: Not what you want in bed!\nsEX (love-making, cut) following MIC (microphone, bug) reversed (returns) \u2013 bed bugs"} {"Clue":"Sea monster leads to personal hate of Capt. Ahab (5)","Answer":"PHOCA","Explanation":"Definition: Sea monster\nfirst letters (leads to) of Personal Hate Of Captain Ahab"} {"Clue":"Shed unloaded, got rid of Romanian money (4)","Answer":"BANI","Explanation":"Definition: Romanian money\nBANIshed (got rid of) missing SHED"} {"Clue":"What's a young cow to Sandy? Question with no answer ultimately (4)","Answer":"QUEY","Explanation":"Definition: a young cow to Sandy\nQUErY (question) missing answeR (last letter of, ultimately) \u2013 *to Sandy* indicates Scots"} {"Clue":"Sets in order a messy set and it's reorganized (12)","Answer":"SYSTEMATISES","Explanation":"Definition: Sets in order\nanagram (reorganized) of A MESSY SET and IT'S"} {"Clue":"Computer system, tidy, in documents (unkeyed?) (5)","Answer":"MSDOS","Explanation":"Definition: Computer system\nDO (tidy, act as housekeeper) inside MSS (manuscripts, documents hand written not keyed)"} {"Clue":"Where relics are housed? 100, mostly excellent, in Asia ransacked (8)","Answer":"SACRARIA","Explanation":"Definition: Where relics are housed\nC (100) RARe (excellent, mostly) inside anagram (ransacked) of ASIA"} {"Clue":"Very young hawk, unconstrained, tail up (4)","Answer":"EYAS","Explanation":"Definition: Very young hawk\nEASY (unconstrained) with the last letter (tail) moved up"} {"Clue":"Ring round after delivery (not the first)? (6)","Answer":"RE-ECHO","Explanation":"Definition: Ring\nO (something round) follows (after) bREECH (delivery, birth) missing first letter"} {"Clue":"Rogue caught interrupting excursion (6)","Answer":"SCALLY","Explanation":"Definition: Rogue\nC caught inside (interrupting) SALLY (excursion)"} {"Clue":"Like old man-of-war? Consider being shot to pieces when one's aboard (9)","Answer":"IRONCASED","Explanation":"Definition: Like old man-of-war\nanagram (being shot to pieces) of CONSIDER containing (when\u2026is aboard) A (one)"} {"Clue":"Secret crime society? One might deduce its members are up this (4)","Answer":"TONG","Explanation":"Definition: Secret crime society\nits members are up TO NG (no good)"} {"Clue":"Husky in frost at head of sledge being unloaded? (6)","Answer":"HOARSE","Explanation":"Definition: Husky\nHOAR (frost) before (at head of) SledgE (being unloaded, no middle letters)"} {"Clue":"Launderette offering server, I wear clothing after treatment (10)","Answer":"WASHETERIA","Explanation":"Definition: Launderette\nASHET (a serving tray, server) inside (with\u2026clothing) anagram (after treatment) of I WEAR"} {"Clue":"Botany, say? Love endless aroma enfolding one in artist's pale-green? (10)","Answer":"BIOSCIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Botany, say\nO (zero, love) and SCENt (aroma, endless) containing (enfolding) I (one) inside BICE (pale green artist's paint)"} {"Clue":"Not fully empowered, pub struggles, accordingly limiting that red wine (9)","Answer":"SUBPOTENT","Explanation":"Definition: Not fully empowered\nanagram (struggles) of PUB inside (\u2026limiting that) SO (accordingly) then TENT (red wine)"} {"Clue":"Like copper goblets drunken rou\u00e9's filled (8)","Answer":"CUPREOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Like copper\nCUPS (goblets) contains (\u2026has filled) anagram (drunken) of ROUE"} {"Clue":"Part of bishop's get-up, form of trimmed cassock (6)","Answer":"SACCOS","Explanation":"Definition: Part of bishop's get-up\nanagram (form) of CASSOCk missing last letter (trimmed)"} {"Clue":"Divine symbol of maleness, glam by implication (6)","Answer":"LINGAM","Explanation":"Definition: Divine symbol of maleness\nL IN GAM implies GLAM"} {"Clue":"New trap given room by motorists \u2013 it's a dreadful pain (6)","Answer":"ANGINA","Explanation":"Definition: a dreadful pain\nN (new) GIN (trap) inside (given room by) AA (Automobile Association, motorists)"} {"Clue":"Timber sledges one's kept in out of the rain before start of snow (5)","Answer":"DRAYS","Explanation":"Definition: Timber sledges\nA (one) inside (kept in) DRY (out of the rain) then Snow (first letter, start of)"} {"Clue":"Part of crust rolled up as wrap (4)","Answer":"AMIS","Explanation":"Definition: wrap\nSIMA (part of Earth's crust) reversed (rolled up) \u2013 definition is a Spenserian spelling of amice (a wrap)"} {"Clue":"Dig openings for seed potatoes in trench (4)","Answer":"SPIT","Explanation":"Definition: Dig\nfirst letters (openings) for Seed Potatoes In Trench"} {"Clue":"Small, pale bird (4)","Answer":"SWAN","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nS (small) WAN (pale)"} {"Clue":"Axeman might use this initially entering copse, trying resolutely to cut tree (8)","Answer":"PLECTRUM","Explanation":"Definition: Axeman might use this\nfirst letters (initially) of Entering Copse Trying Resolutely inside (to cut) PLUM (tree) \u2013 an axe is an electric guitar"} {"Clue":"Below par when Arthur teed off \u2013 gripping end to game (5,3,7)","Answer":"UNDER THE WEATHER","Explanation":"Definition: Below par\nanagram (off) of WHEN ARTHUR TEED containing gamE (lat letter, end to)"} {"Clue":"Add seasoning to fish \u2013 European, posh restaurant might insist on this (5,4)","Answer":"DRESS CODE","Explanation":"Definition: posh restaurant might insist on this\nDRESS (add seasoning to) COD (fish) E (European)"} {"Clue":"Son \u2013 stir flipping drink! (4)","Answer":"SODA","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nS (son) then ADO (stir) reversed (flipping)"} {"Clue":"Well-behaved soldier (7)","Answer":"ORDERLY","Explanation":"Definition: Well-behaved\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"\"Labour with vigour\" \u2013 a new catchphrase (6)","Answer":"SLOGAN","Explanation":"Definition: catchphrase\nSLOG (labour with vigour) A N (new)"} {"Clue":"Adult who's lost east of American city, carelessly (6)","Answer":"ANYHOW","Explanation":"Definition: carelessly\nA (adult) then anagram (lost) of WHO to the left of (east of, on a map) NY (American city)"} {"Clue":"Gold record-player with no ordinary remote (7)","Answer":"AUSTERE","Explanation":"Definition: remote\nAU (gold, chemical symbol) then STEREo (record-player) missing O (ordinary)"} {"Clue":"Food sent back \u2013 some chocolate fudge (4)","Answer":"FETA","Explanation":"Definition: Food\nfound reversed (sent back) inside (some) chocolATE Fudge"} {"Clue":"Cue, holding a rest (9)","Answer":"REMAINDER","Explanation":"Definition: r\nREMINDER (cue) contains A"} {"Clue":"Angry talk to confuse what you're doing? (9,6)","Answer":"CROSSWORD PUZZLE","Explanation":"Definition: what you're doing\nCROSS (angry) WORD (talk) PUZZLE (confuse)"} {"Clue":"Bare bottoms in England are very overdue (8)","Answer":"DESOLATE","Explanation":"Definition: Bare\nlast letters (bottoms in) of englanD arE then SO (very) LATE (overdue)"} {"Clue":"Unimportant fish in loch? On the contrary (4)","Answer":"IDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Unimportant\nL (loch) in IDE (a fish)"} {"Clue":"Queen wearing blue right next to group of soldiers (8)","Answer":"SQUADRON","Explanation":"Definition: group of soldiers\nQU (queen) inside (wearing) SAD (blue) then R (right) ON (next to)"} {"Clue":"Confuse movement of a duck with taking off (5)","Answer":"ADDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Confuse\nwADDLE (movement of a duck) missing (taking off) W (with)"} {"Clue":"Unruly large women getting in beer on ship (7)","Answer":"LAWLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Unruly\nL (large) then W (women) inside ALE (beer) on SS (steam ship)"} {"Clue":"Aware of standing close to terrific girl, awake (5-9)","Answer":"CLASS CONSCIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Aware of standing\nterrifiC (last letter, close to) then LASS girl and CONSCIOUS (awake)"} {"Clue":"Concerned about heat and dry? Frantically do this (9)","Answer":"REHYDRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Concerned\nRE (about) then anagram (frantically) of HEAT and DRY \u2013 definition is semi-&lit and top-and-tails the wordplay: *concerned about\u2026 \u2026so frantically do this*."} {"Clue":"Basic in some respects (4)","Answer":"MERE","Explanation":"Definition: Basic\nfound inside soME REspects"} {"Clue":"Don tries to break actual drill (5,9)","Answer":"DRESS REHEARSAL","Explanation":"Definition: drill\nDRESS (don) then HEARS (tries) inside (to break) REAL (actual)"} {"Clue":"Conservative welcoming the man's idea (6)","Answer":"THEORY","Explanation":"Definition: idea\nTORY (Conservative) contains (welcoming) HE (the man)"} {"Clue":"Treacherous rogues and rebels (9)","Answer":"DANGEROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Treacherous\nanagram (rebels) of ROGUES AND"} {"Clue":"Rescue from deep river, swimming out of depth (8)","Answer":"REPRIEVE","Explanation":"Definition: Rescue\nanagram (swimming) of dEEP RIVER missing (out of) D (depth)"} {"Clue":"Come off train (4,3)","Answer":"WORK OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Come off\ndouble definition \u2013 succeed and exercise"} {"Clue":"Group of military vessels are made at docks \u2013 every stern (6)","Answer":"ARMADA","Explanation":"Definition: Group of military vessels\nARe MADe At missing last letters (docks every stern)"} {"Clue":"Father adopting type of Buddhism, almost bewildered (5)","Answer":"DAZED","Explanation":"Definition: bewildered\nDAD (father) contains (adopting) ZEn (type of Buddhism, almost)"} {"Clue":"Ill-natured American police department (4)","Answer":"ACID","Explanation":"Definition: Ill-natured\nA (American) and CID (police department)"} {"Clue":"Connection with trailer in which bachelor is introduced to drag queen (6)","Answer":"TOWBAR","Explanation":"Definition: Connection with trailer\nBA (bachelor) inside (is introduced to) TOW (drag) R (regina, queen)"} {"Clue":"Open ballot box, causing upset (8)","Answer":"OVERTURN","Explanation":"Definition: upset\nOVERT (open) URN (ballot box)"} {"Clue":"50% of ordinary people taking minor routes in lake district? (7,6)","Answer":"NORFOLK BROADS","Explanation":"Definition: lake district\nNORmal (ordinary, 50% of) FOLK (people) with B-ROADS (minor routes) a watery region of England"} {"Clue":"Quarrel after drink \u2013 inferior stuff (8)","Answer":"NECKBEEF","Explanation":"Definition: inferior stuff\nBEEF (quarrel) following NECK (drink)"} {"Clue":"North African Arab group historically dividing sheep (6)","Answer":"TUAREG","Explanation":"Definition: North African\nUAR (former United Arab Republic, Arab group historically) inside (dividing) TEG (sheep)"} {"Clue":"Ironic language, at church, before my god (6-2-5)","Answer":"TONGUE-IN-CHEEK","Explanation":"Definition: Ironic\nTONGUE (language) IN (at) CH (church) then EEK (my god, exclamation)"} {"Clue":"After return, yours truly and gaffer raise relief (6)","Answer":"EMBOSS","Explanation":"Definition: raise relief\nME (yours truly) reversed (after return) then BOSS (gaffer)"} {"Clue":"Again insist upon lock being put back on unfinished tower (8)","Answer":"REASSERT","Explanation":"Definition: Again insist upon\nTRESS (lock, of hair) reversed (being put back) on REAr (tower, unfinished)"} {"Clue":"Thick single bloke on report following loveless marriage (13)","Answer":"UNINTELLIGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Thick\nGENT (bloke) follows (on) TELL (report) all following UNIoN (marriage) missing O (love)"} {"Clue":"Animal having to be sick around shrub (8)","Answer":"CAMELLIA","Explanation":"Definition: shrub\nCAMEL (animal) with (having) AIL (to be sick) reversed (around)"} {"Clue":"I called back old fool yesterday (6)","Answer":"IGNARO","Explanation":"Definition: fool yesterday\nI then RANG (called) reversed (back) and O (old) \u2013 *yesterday* indicates the definition is archaic"} {"Clue":"Show behind schedule, finally interrupted by international church member (6)","Answer":"MOONIE","Explanation":"Definition: church member\nMOON (show one's behind) then schedulE (last letter, finally) containing (interrupted by) I (international)"} {"Clue":"Sexual energy relinquished when going topless (6)","Answer":"ORGONE","Explanation":"Definition: Sexual energy\nfORGONE (relinquished) missing first letter (going topless)"} {"Clue":"European situation, read so cryptically, could have got Blair far (4,2,9)","Answer":"ROCK OF GIBRALTAR","Explanation":"Definition: European situation\nread cryptically if you ROCK (rearrange) OF GIBRALTAR you could have GOT BLAIR FAR \u2013 European situation is \"a place in Europe\""} {"Clue":"Anxious new US check briefly involving a transnational currency (8)","Answer":"NEUROTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Anxious\nN (new) TICk (the tick symbol, called check in US) contains (involving) EURO (a transnational currency)"} {"Clue":"Shire ground crossed by kind old deer (5,3)","Answer":"IRISH ELK","Explanation":"Definition: old deer\nanagram (ground) of SHIRE inside (crossed by) ILK (kind) \u2013 *old* indicates the deer is now extinct"} {"Clue":"Almost insane to straddle minute old battlement (7)","Answer":"BARMKIN","Explanation":"Definition: old battlement\nBARKINg (insane, almost) contains (to straddle) M (minute)"} {"Clue":"One wearing a female's headgear (5)","Answer":"TIARA","Explanation":"Definition: headgear\nI (one) inside (wearing) TARA (a female, example name)"} {"Clue":"Eats up Mr Silly's dishes (8)","Answer":"TEMPURAS","Explanation":"Definition: dishes\nanagram (silly) of EATS UP MR"} {"Clue":"University upset about son causing bother (8)","Answer":"UNSETTLE","Explanation":"Definition: bother\nU (university) NETTLE (upset) contains S (son)"} {"Clue":"Nuisance lowering head before one German artist (7)","Answer":"EPSTEIN","Explanation":"Definition: artist\nPEST (nuisance) with first letter moved down the word (lowering head) then EIN (one, in German) \u2013 Jacob Epstein"} {"Clue":"Chemical compound stored in box, I'd expect (5)","Answer":"OXIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Chemica\nfound inside bOX I'D Expect"} {"Clue":"Sharp police unit infiltrating withdrawn US agents (6)","Answer":"ACIDIC","Explanation":"Definition: Sharp\nCID (polics unit) inside (infiltrating) CIA (US agents) reversed (withdrawn)"} {"Clue":"Report concerning revolution (6)","Answer":"RETURN","Explanation":"Definition: Report\nRE (concerning) TURN (revolution)"} {"Clue":"Copper enters exactly with cartoon puss (3,3)","Answer":"TOP CAT","Explanation":"Definition: cartoon puss\nPC (policeman, copper) inside (enters) TO A T (exactly)"} {"Clue":"French cartoon character, it's said, is a star (8)","Answer":"ASTERISK","Explanation":"Definition: a star\nsounds like (it's said) ASTERIX (Asterix the Gaul, French cartoon character)"} {"Clue":"Area of northern Asia has no southern peninsula (6)","Answer":"IBERIA","Explanation":"Definition: peninsula\nsIBERIA (area of northern Asia) missing S (southern)"} {"Clue":"Courteous society girl broadcasting (8)","Answer":"DEBONAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Courteous\nDEB (society girl) then ON AIR (broadcasting)"} {"Clue":"Ship's personnel were exultant at junction, we hear (4)","Answer":"CREW","Explanation":"Definition: Ship's personnel\ndouble definition and also CREW sounds like (we hear) CREWE (a railway junction in the UK). There must be many hundreds of railway junctions in the UK, but for some reason Crewe has made its way into popular culture. The modern town of Crewe is unusual in that it is named after its railway station, not the other way around (perhaps not so unusual in the US)."} {"Clue":"Days-out at the Falls (5)","Answer":"TRIPS","Explanation":"Definition: Days-out\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Heartless rapture is not often encountered (4)","Answer":"RARE","Explanation":"Definition: not often encountered\nRAptuRE missing the middle (heartless)"} {"Clue":"Useful point on university society (12)","Answer":"ADVANTAGEOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Useful\nADVANTAGE (point, in tennis) on OU (the Open University) and S (society)"} {"Clue":"Chant embraces merriment \u2013 that's killing! (12)","Answer":"SLAUGHTERING","Explanation":"Definition: killing\nSING (chant) contains (embracing) LAUGHTER (merriment)"} {"Clue":"Like some previous edition? (4)","Answer":"USED","Explanation":"Definition: Like some previous edition\nfound inside previoUS EDition \u2013 an extended definition \"like\u2026\""} {"Clue":"Very much on edge \u2013 perfect? (5)","Answer":"TENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Very much on edge\ndouble definition \u2013 the question mark indicates a definition by example: the *present tense* perhaps"} {"Clue":"Amateur London orchestra, as well (4)","Answer":"ALSO","Explanation":"Definition: as well\nA (amateur) and LSO (London Symphony Orchestra)"} {"Clue":"Rest period not considered for prison escape (5-3)","Answer":"BREAK-OUT","Explanation":"Definition: prison escape\nBREAK (rest period) and OUT (not considered)"} {"Clue":"Small harpsichord made of wood in street (6)","Answer":"SPINET","Explanation":"Definition: Small harpsichord\nPINE (wood) inside ST (street)"} {"Clue":"Try a pat\u00e9 served on this occasion? (3,5)","Answer":"TEA PARTY","Explanation":"Definition: this occasion\nanagram (served) of TRY A PATE"} {"Clue":"Clergyman's turning-circle (6)","Answer":"CLERIC","Explanation":"Definition: Clergyman\nanagram (turning) of CIRCLE"} {"Clue":"Trackwear or something more formal? (8)","Answer":"TAILCOAT","Explanation":"Definition: something more formal\ndouble\/cryptic definition \u2013 a coat to wear when tracking (tailing) someone"} {"Clue":"Keep last of the sheep on the Serengeti, say (8)","Answer":"PRESERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Keep\nsheeP (last letter of) on RESERVE (the Serengeti, say)"} {"Clue":"Song from the boundaries of Armenia (4)","Answer":"ARIA","Explanation":"Definition: Song\nthe outer letters (boundaries) of ARmenIA"} {"Clue":"A-spiring race? (12)","Answer":"STEEPLECHASE","Explanation":"Definition: A-spiring \ncryptic definition \u2013 A SPIRING race might be a race (chase) of spires (steeples)"} {"Clue":"From Magdalene to New College (4)","Answer":"ETON","Explanation":"Definition: College\nfound inside (from) magdalenE TO New"} {"Clue":"Having difficulty where to find conserved strawberries, say (2,1,3)","Answer":"IN A JAM","Explanation":"Definition: Having difficulty\none might conserved strawberries IN A JAM"} {"Clue":"Suggested rank edible part of a nut (6)","Answer":"KERNEL","Explanation":"Definition: edible part of a nut\nsounds like (suggested) \"colonel\" (rank)"} {"Clue":"Unearths true fragments during this? (8,4)","Answer":"TREASURE HUNT","Explanation":"Definition: during this\nanagram (fragments, as a verb) of UNEARTHS TRUE"} {"Clue":"Hillock seen returning uphill on Kishorn (5)","Answer":"KNOLL","Explanation":"Definition: Hillock\nseen reversed (returning) in uphiLL ON Kishorn"} {"Clue":"Group of chamber musicians dropped books. Don't make a noise! (5)","Answer":"QUIET","Explanation":"Definition: Don't make a noise\nQUIntET (group of chamber musicians) missing NT (New Testament, books of the Bible)"} {"Clue":"Producer of headgear from weavers' workplace in part of hospital (8)","Answer":"MILLINER","Explanation":"Definition: Producer of headgear\nMILL (weaver's workplace) then IN and ER (part of hospital)"} {"Clue":"Sceptic coasting around (8)","Answer":"AGNOSTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Sceptic\nanagram (around) of COASTING"} {"Clue":"High-powered tourer starts for swimmer (6)","Answer":"TURBOT","Explanation":"Definition: swimmer\nTURBO (high powered) and Tourer (starting letter)"} {"Clue":"Exercise hard \u2013 note little cash was required (6)","Answer":"PESETA","Explanation":"Definition: little cash\nPE (exercise) SET (hard) A (note, of musical scale) \u2013 a small amount of money, *was required* indicates the peseta is no longer in use"} {"Clue":"Lady's fingers look ravishing to some extent (4)","Answer":"OKRA","Explanation":"Definition: Lady's fingers\nfound inside (to some extent) loOK RAvishing"} {"Clue":"Beseeching chum for gem (4)","Answer":"OPAL","Explanation":"Definition: gem\nO PAL can be read as \"Oh pal\" (beseeching chum)"} {"Clue":"Studied for exams in a new form (7)","Answer":"REVISED","Explanation":"Definition: Studied for exams\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Dislike expurgating article in translation (7)","Answer":"VERSION","Explanation":"Definition: translation\naVERSION (dislike) missing (expurgating) A (indefinite article)"} {"Clue":"Contents of portfolio updated with recently taken picture (5)","Answer":"PHOTO","Explanation":"Definition: picture\nPortfoliO with middle letters (contents) replaced by HOT (recently taken, stolen)"} {"Clue":"What conflates reporter's offence with aspiring doctor's work? (9)","Answer":"SYNTHESIS","Explanation":"Definition: What conflates\nSYN sounds like (reporter's) SIN with THESIS (aspiring doctor's work, for a PhD)"} {"Clue":"Lacking evidence of guilt, let heartless assassin off (9)","Answer":"STAINLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Lacking evidence of guilt\nanagram (off) of LET and ASSasSIN (heartless)"} {"Clue":"True Grit is appropriate for audience (5)","Answer":"STEEL","Explanation":"Definition: True Grit\nsounds like (for audience) \"steal\" (appropriate)"} {"Clue":"Top parts exhausted ensemble leave out (5)","Answer":"ELIDE","Explanation":"Definition: leave out\nLID (top) inside (parts) EnsemblE (exhausted, no middle)"} {"Clue":"Entire range unveiled one by one in delightful fashion (9)","Answer":"AMUSINGLY","Explanation":"Definition: in delightful fashion\ngAMUt (entire range) missing outer letters (unveiled) then SINGLY (one by one)"} {"Clue":"Sound unhappy having step to perform with no preparation (5-4)","Answer":"SIGHT-READ","Explanation":"Definition: to perform with no preparation\nSIGH (sound unhappy) with TREAD (step)"} {"Clue":"Pass for American university lecturer visiting government agency briefly (5)","Answer":"GULCH","Explanation":"Definition: Pass for American\nU (university) L (lecturer) inside (visiting) GCHQ (government agency, briefly=shortened)"} {"Clue":"More extensive period covers unknown time (5)","Answer":"EXTRA","Explanation":"Definition: More extensive\nERA (period) contains (covers) X (an unknown) T (time)"} {"Clue":"\"Narrow-minded and racial\" leaders of Houses of Parliament must change (9)","Answer":"PAROCHIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Narrow-minded\nanagram (must change) of RACIAL with first letters (leaders) of Houses Of Parliament"} {"Clue":"Even so, to begin with it is surprisingly controversial (9)","Answer":"SENSITIVE","Explanation":"Definition: controversial\nanagram (surprisingly) of EVEN So (first letter, to begin with) and IT IS"} {"Clue":"Agent works to introduce growth (5)","Answer":"PLANT","Explanation":"Definition: Agent\nquadruple definition"} {"Clue":"Form of power using uranium introduced by new patent (7)","Answer":"NUCLEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Form of power\nU (Uranium) inside (introduced by) N (new) CLEAR (patent)"} {"Clue":"Person who responds roughly to stern nurses (7)","Answer":"REACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Person who responds\nC (circa, roughly) TO inside (\u2026nurses) REAR (stern)"} {"Clue":"Is poet right to disseminate combative response? (7)","Answer":"RIPOSTE","Explanation":"Definition: combative response\nanagram (to disseminate) of IS POET R (right)"} {"Clue":"Interfering with instrument can start to grate (9)","Answer":"VIOLATING","Explanation":"Definition: Interfering\nVIOLA (instrument) TIN (can) then Grate (first letter, start to)"} {"Clue":"Faint edges of shadow obscuring front of satellite (5)","Answer":"SWOON","Explanation":"Definition: Faint\nShadoW (edges of) and mOON (satellite) missing (obscuring) front letter"} {"Clue":"Hopeless judge is behind reclassification of speed (9)","Answer":"DESPERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Hopeless\nRATE (judge) follows anagram (reclassification) of SPEED"} {"Clue":"Places overlooking Earth and its neighbour (5)","Answer":"VENUS","Explanation":"Definition: i\nVENUeS (places) missing E (Earth)"} {"Clue":"Drug given to control group initially producing minor changes (9)","Answer":"REHASHING","Explanation":"Definition: producing minor changes\nHASH (a drug) inside (given to) REIN (control) Group (initial letter of)"} {"Clue":"Make claim to support one's point (5)","Answer":"ISSUE","Explanation":"Definition: point\nSUE (make claim to) following (to support) I'S (one's)"} {"Clue":"Sneaks regularly associate in a nosy way (7)","Answer":"NASALLY","Explanation":"Definition: in a nosy way\nevery other letter (regularly) of sNeAkS then ALLY (associate)"} {"Clue":"Meandering river and sea unite in this way (9)","Answer":"ESTUARINE","Explanation":"Definition: i\nanagram (meandering) of R (river) and SEA UNITE \u2013 they way a river and sea unites"} {"Clue":"Layer beneath surface subjected to erosion (9)","Answer":"UNDERWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Layer\nUNDER (beneath surface) with (subject to) WEAR (erosion)"} {"Clue":"Terrible man pursuing everybody welcomed by great flirt (9)","Answer":"GALLIVANT","Explanation":"Definition: flirt\nIVAN (terrible man, Ivan the Terrible) following ALL inside (welcomed by) GR (great)"} {"Clue":"Suppresses minor feature of new relationship? (7)","Answer":"STEPSON","Explanation":"Definition: minor feature of new relationship\nSTEPS ON (suppresses)"} {"Clue":"Where one might find piece about revolutionary by British composer (7)","Answer":"HOLSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Where one might find piece\nRE (about) reversed (revolutionary) following (by) HOLST (British composer) \u2013 a piece is a gun"} {"Clue":"Turn up wearing slashed trousers and jacket (5)","Answer":"TUNIC","Explanation":"Definition: jacket\nIN (wearing) inside (\u2026trousers, pockets) CUT (slashed) all reversed (turn up)"} {"Clue":"Religious person asking personal questions on the phone (5)","Answer":"PRIOR","Explanation":"Definition: Religious person\nPRIOR sounds like (on the phone) \"prier\" (one \u2013 a religious person \u2013 who asks personal questions)"} {"Clue":"Company revealed jet's source of oil (5)","Answer":"COPRA","Explanation":"Definition: source of oil\nCO (company) then sPRAy (jet) missing outer letters (revealed, exposed)"} {"Clue":"Cream bun consumed in lunch outing (4)","Answer":"CHOU","Explanation":"Definition: Cream bun\nfound inside (consumed in) linCH OUting"} {"Clue":"Cavities (8)","Answer":"CHAMBERS","Explanation":"competition clue"} {"Clue":"Make love amid dissolute routs, alfresco (8)","Answer":"OUTDOORS","Explanation":"Definition: alfresco\nDO (make) O (love) inside (amid) anagram (dissolute) ROUTS"} {"Clue":"Village abroad? One making return journey as reminder (4)","Answer":"PROD","Explanation":"Definition: reminder\nDORP (village, abroad=S.African) reversed (one making return journey)"} {"Clue":"Being obsessive, name distinctive rock type (8)","Answer":"ANALCITE","Explanation":"Definition: distinctive rock type\nANAL (obsessive) and CITE (name)"} {"Clue":"Former trader, line fixed in jetty (5)","Answer":"PLIER","Explanation":"Definition: Former trader\nL (line) inside PIER (jetty)"} {"Clue":"Measure of cloud cover, fair, that evens out (4)","Answer":"OKTA","Explanation":"Definition: Measure of cloud cover\nOK (fair) then ThAt missing even letters"} {"Clue":"Like brightest stars, making name that is special in dancing hits (8)","Answer":"SHINIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Like brightest stars\nN (name) IE (that is) S (special) inside anagram (dancing) of HITS"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary, executed maybe protecting his leader, brittle when heated (8)","Answer":"REDSHORT","Explanation":"Definition: brittle when heated\nRED (revolutionary) SHOT (executed, maybe) containing (protecting) Red (his first letter, his leader)"} {"Clue":"One who'll fix faulty gas rings wasting good energy (8)","Answer":"ASSIGNER","Explanation":"Definition: One who'll fix\nanagram (faulty) of GAS RINgS missing G (wasting good) with E (energy)"} {"Clue":"Translation of Crito includes empty talk describing a climax (8)","Answer":"ORGASTIC","Explanation":"Definition: describing a climax\nanagram (translation) of CRITO contains (includes) GAS (empty talk)"} {"Clue":"What's uprooting wort from historic field? Rats! (4)","Answer":"BOSH","Explanation":"Definition: Rats!\nBOSwortH (Bosworth Field, site of battle) missing (uprooting) WORT"} {"Clue":"One playing around with characters, a feature of moral philosophy (5)","Answer":"RALPH","Explanation":"Definition: One playing around with characters\nfound inside (a feature of) moRAL PHilosophy \u2013 a printer's gremlin"} {"Clue":"On the wagon, imbibing nothing, soak turned journo was staggering (8)","Answer":"TOTTERED","Explanation":"Definition: was staggering\nTT (on the wagon) contains (imbibing) O (nothing) then RET (soak) reversed (turned) and ED (editor, journo)"} {"Clue":"Feature of shores, lacustrine or palustrine? This splinter possibly (4)","Answer":"URAO","Explanation":"Definition: Feature of shore\nOR PALUSTRINE is and anagram (possibly) of URAO (this, the solution) SPLINTER"} {"Clue":"Worship opening with head of episcopate, about monarch, absent (8)","Answer":"VENERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Worship\nVENT (opening) with Episcopate (first letter, head of) containing (about) ER (monarch) A (absent)"} {"Clue":"Safeguard introduced by merchant navy for fencing contests (8)","Answer":"MENSUREN","Explanation":"Definition: fencing contests\nENSURE (safeguard) inside (introduced by) MN (Merchant Navy)"} {"Clue":"A cause son's abandoned in part of city? (4)","Answer":"AREA","Explanation":"Definition: part of city\nA REAson (cause) missing S (son's abandoned)"} {"Clue":"Fundamentally strengthen e.g. dam, dry, protected by spar (12)","Answer":"COPPERBOTTOM","Explanation":"Definition: Fundamentally strengthen\nCOPPER (e.g. a dam, Indian coin) then TT (dry) inside (protected by) BOOM (spar)"} {"Clue":"Commotion with left replacing right in haste (5)","Answer":"HURLY","Explanation":"Definition: Commotion\nHURrY (haste) with L (left) replacing R (right)"} {"Clue":"Budget? Chancellor's last cut initially in the bag (5)","Answer":"UDDER","Explanation":"Definition: bag\nrUDDER (budget, rudder on a barge) missing chancelloR (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Boss issuing repeated call to attend \u2013 no charge included (6)","Answer":"HONCHO","Explanation":"Definition: Boss\nHO HO (call for attention, repeated) containing NC (no charge)"} {"Clue":"Youngster mounted on pre-eminent stallion maybe presenting rodeo challenge? (7)","Answer":"BUCKING","Explanation":"Definition: presenting \nCUB (youngster) reversed (mounted) on KING (pre-eminent animal, a stallion maybe)"} {"Clue":"Interval arranged around middle of opera, going on for ever (9)","Answer":"EVITERNAL","Explanation":"Definition: going on for ever\nanagram (arranged) of INTERVAL containing (around) opEra (middle letter of)"} {"Clue":"Take fresh sample from a tree, gnarled, edging street (7)","Answer":"RETASTE","Explanation":"Definition: Take fresh sample\nanagram (gnarled) of A TREE contains (edging) ST (street)"} {"Clue":"Excessive fattiness ruined the orator in the main (12)","Answer":"STEATORRHOEA","Explanation":"Definition: Excessive fattiness\nanagram (ruined) of THE ORATOR inside SEA (the main)"} {"Clue":"Colouring matter favoured with density I sent for (9)","Answer":"INDIGOTIN","Explanation":"Definition: Colouring matter\nIN (favoured) with D (density) I and GOT IN (sent for)"} {"Clue":"Hammer maybe decapitated copy in gutted engine (7)","Answer":"EAR-BONE","Explanation":"Definition: Hammer maybe\ncARBON (copy, decapitated) in EnginE (gutted, no middle letters)"} {"Clue":"Snuffs to sprinkle without getting up (7)","Answer":"SNASTES","Explanation":"Definition: Snuffs\nSET (too sprinkle) and SANS (without) all reversed (getting up)"} {"Clue":"One stocking, second put on matador a bit short? (6)","Answer":"STORER","Explanation":"Definition: One stocking\nS (second) on TORERo (matador, a bit short)"} {"Clue":"Climbing pear, eastern, displaying flower (6)","Answer":"SILENE","Explanation":"Definition: flower\nNELIS (pear) reversed (climbing) and E (eastern)"} {"Clue":"Knight e.g. displaying distinctive character, following Lancelot's lead (5)","Answer":"LAURA","Explanation":"Definition: Knight\nAURA (distinctive character) following Lancelot (first letter, lead) \u2013 artist Dame Laura Knight for example"} {"Clue":"Inundation well above odd ones appearing in Tees (5)","Answer":"SPATE","Explanation":"Definition: Inundation\nSPA (well) before (above, in a down light) TeEs (odd letters from)"} {"Clue":"Military discharge, March 2? (5)","Answer":"DEMOB","Explanation":"Definition: Military discharge\nDEMO (march) and B (2, second of something)"} {"Clue":"Group of houses \u2013 about 12, on reflection? (6)","Answer":"ZODIAC","Explanation":"Definition: Group of houses\nCA (circa, about) I DOZ (1 dozen, 12) reversed (on reflection)"} {"Clue":"Order anything en suite \u2013 it's time for slap and tickle! (7,8)","Answer":"NAUGHTY NINETIES","Explanation":"Definition: it's time for slap and tickle\nanagram (order) of ANYTHING ENSUITE \u2013 name for the 1890s in Europe"} {"Clue":"Reciprocated wisdom? (1,5,3,1,5)","Answer":"A TOOTH FORA TOOTH","Explanation":"Definition: Reciprocated wisdom\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Having alphabetical reference but no X? Yes! (6)","Answer":"INDEED","Explanation":"Definition: Yes\nINDExED (having alphabetical reference) missing X"} {"Clue":"Laid-back children redo Mucha frames, more art deco than nouveau (8)","Answer":"MODERNER","Explanation":"Definition: more art deco than nouveau\nfound reversed (laid-back) inside (framed by) childREN REDO Mucha \u2013 two styles of modern art, one more recent than the other"} {"Clue":"Label of Old Glory torn in plan to retreat (8)","Answer":"POLYGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Label of Old\nanagram (torn) of GLORY inside MAP (plan) reversed (to retreat) \u2013 former record label"} {"Clue":"Question One in set: How is the Japanese medlar also known? (6)","Answer":"LOQUAT","Explanation":"Definition: How is the Japanese medlar also known\nQU (question) A (one) inside LOT (set, group of items)"} {"Clue":"Totally against experimental research, morally speaking (2,3,10)","Answer":"IN ALL CONSCIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: morally speaking\nIN ALL (totally) CON (against) SCIENCE (experimental research)"} {"Clue":"Enquire if press boss is taken by cloudy beer like this? (4-11)","Answer":"CASK CONDITIONED","Explanation":"Definition: beer like this\nASK (enquire) IF (condition) ED (editor, press boss) all follows (is taken by) C (cloudy)"} {"Clue":"I agree about judge going over the top (6)","Answer":"JERSEY","Explanation":"Definition: top\nYES (I agree) RE (about) J (judge) all reversed (going over)"} {"Clue":"Bus station's record during period (5)","Answer":"DEPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Bus station\nEP (extended play, record) inside DOT (period, full-stop)"} {"Clue":"Well-meaning interference, not with dogwood and wild rye (2-7)","Answer":"DO-GOODERY","Explanation":"Definition: Well-meaning interference\nDOGwOOD missing W (with) then anagram (wild) of RYE"} {"Clue":"Agreement that people may be delighted to strike? (5)","Answer":"MATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Agreement that people may be delighted to strike\ncryptic definition \u2013 marriage and firelighter"} {"Clue":"OK, fund blown: mad, bad man's needed to resort to this? (4,2,3,3,3)","Answer":"BANK OF MUM AND DAD","Explanation":"Definition: this\nanagram (blown) of OK FUND with (\u2026is needed) MAD BAD MAN \u2013 what a mad bad man needs to sort out his finances"} {"Clue":"Disguised Led Zeppelin's first fan in red or white? (9)","Answer":"ZINFANDEL","Explanation":"Definition: red or white\nanagram (disguised) of LED Zeppelin (first letter) FAN IN \u2013 red or white wine"} {"Clue":"Some said it too (5)","Answer":"DITTO","Explanation":"Definition: Some said it \nfound inside (some) saiD IT TOo"} {"Clue":"Welcome spelunker who's out of credit (3)","Answer":"AVE","Explanation":"Definition: Welcome\ncAVEr (spelunker) missing (out of) CR (credit)"} {"Clue":"Prepare for storm, Britain: where's man cutting straw roofs, 5? (6,4,3,7)","Answer":"BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES","Explanation":"Definition: Prepare for storm\nB (Britain) then AT TEN DOWN is where you will find HE (man) inside (cutting) THATCHES (straw roofs)"} {"Clue":"Clergyman immersed in flatpacking guide? (9)","Answer":"DIRECTORY","Explanation":"Definition: guide\nRECTOR(clergyman) inside (immersed in) DIY (flatpacking)"} {"Clue":"To Frenchman, what's for slicing red German cheese? (9)","Answer":"ROQUEFORT","Explanation":"Definition: cheese\nQUE (what, to Frenchman) has FOR all inside (slicing) ROT (red, in German)"} {"Clue":"Characteristic of student's first digs (5)","Answer":"LIKES","Explanation":"Definition: digs\nLIKE (characteristic of) then Student (first letter) \u2013 enjoys"} {"Clue":"Very distressed tradespeople, it would seem (3,2)","Answer":"CUT-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Very distressed\nCUT UP can be read as TUC (Trade Union Congress, tradespeople) UP (reversed)"} {"Clue":"Test 19? 5 \u2013 it will (3)","Answer":"AXE","Explanation":"Definition: it will\nEXAm (test) missing last letter (CUT) and reversed (UP) \u2013 and also CUT UP (19 again, ditto). The definition *it will* just re-iterates that an AXE will cut things up. I suppose one could say the last definition is technically redundant, but nevertheless I am grateful for a little extra help here!"} {"Clue":"Son legally put end to court activity (6)","Answer":"SQUASH","Explanation":"Definition: court activity\nS (son) QUASH (put an end to, legally, quash a conviction) \u2013 an activity on a squash court"} {"Clue":"It's tossed in the air for last-gasp touchdown (7)","Answer":"PANCAKE","Explanation":"Definition: It's tossed in the air\ndouble definition \u2013 crepe and aircraft pancake landing"} {"Clue":"Train club in new way that makes things go more smoothly (9)","Answer":"LUBRICANT","Explanation":"Definition: that makes things go more smoothly\nanagram (in a new way) of TRAIN CLUB"} {"Clue":"Took again in about 24 hrs (5)","Answer":"RESAT","Explanation":"Definition: Took again\nRE (about) SAT (Saturday, 24 hours)"} {"Clue":"Producer of pictures, including kind of adult sci-fi movie (5)","Answer":"MANET","Explanation":"Definition: Producer of pictures\nMAN (kind of adult) and ET (1982 sci-fi movie) \u2013 Edouard Manet"} {"Clue":"With whom one can have close call, hour being out of joint (9)","Answer":"NEIGHBOUR","Explanation":"Definition: With whom one can have close call\nanagram (out of joint) of HOUR BEING"} {"Clue":"4 across, 8, and 14 all do this and I also have one (4,3)","Answer":"NAME DAY","Explanation":"Definition: 4 across, 8, and 14 all do this\ndefinitions \u2013 entries that name a day and also Brendan has a ~~birthday~~ *saint's day (*name day, *16th May is his*)"} {"Clue":"Works for essentials, say (6)","Answer":"KNEADS","Explanation":"Definition: Works\nsounds like (say) \"needs\" (essentials)"} {"Clue":"Didn't go steady, besotted (6)","Answer":"STAYED","Explanation":"Definition: Didn't go\nanagram (besotted) of STEADY"} {"Clue":"Item's aim framed by a mouthpiece (7)","Answer":"AGENDUM","Explanation":"Definition: Item\nEND (aim) inside (framed by) A GUM (piece of the mouth)"} {"Clue":"Cover over offensive letter in home of midweek team? (9)","Answer":"SHEFFIELD","Explanation":"Definition: home of midweek team\nSHIELD (cover) contains (over) EFF (offensive letter, *euphemism for f*****) \u2013 home of Sheffield Wednesday football club"} {"Clue":"Fighter with five-stone advantage who beat heavyweight? (5)","Answer":"DAVID","Explanation":"Definition: Fighter with five-stone advantage who beat heavyweight\ncryptic definition \u2013 David and Goliath"} {"Clue":"Monk in a river, succeeding when he gets fish, in short? (5)","Answer":"FRIAR","Explanation":"Definition: Monk\nA R (river) follows (succeeding) FRI (Friday in short, when the friar eats fish rather than meat)"} {"Clue":"Runs around a little while creating minor nuisances (9)","Answer":"FLEABITES","Explanation":"Definition: minor nuisances\nFLEES (runs) contains (around) A BIT (little)"} {"Clue":"In leaderless Britain, left without serious consideration (7)","Answer":"LIGHTLY","Explanation":"Definition: without serious consideration\nbLIGHTY (Britain, leaderless) containing (in\u2026is\u2026) L (left)"} {"Clue":"Stuff about English and their once and future king? (6)","Answer":"GEORGE","Explanation":"Definition: their \nGORGE (stuff) contains (about) E (English) \u2013 former king(s) of England and the current Prince George of Cambridge, in line to the throne"} {"Clue":"Part of 24's issue, having single-handedly taken on follower of Sun (7)","Answer":"SOLOMON","Explanation":"Definition: Part of 24's issue\nSOLO (single handedly) with MON (Monday, follower of Sunday) \u2013 son (issue) of David"} {"Clue":"Like city, one in SA, lacking capital (5)","Answer":"URBAN","Explanation":"Definition: Like city\ndURBAN (city in South Africa) missing first letter (lacking capital)"} {"Clue":"This occasion for celebration isn't without appointed date in state (6,3)","Answer":"SAINT\u2019S DAY","Explanation":"Definition: occasion for celebration\nAIN'T (isn't) SD (sine die, without appointed date) inside SAY (state)"} {"Clue":"Under pressure, a ploy for a snake handler (7)","Answer":"PATRICK","Explanation":"Definition: a snake handler\nP (pressure) on top of (under\u2026is\u2026) A TRICK (ploy) \u2013 Saint Patrick, cleared Ireland of snakes"} {"Clue":"Potential bidder in auction, or this (5)","Answer":"NORTH","Explanation":"Definition: Potential bidder\nfound inside auctioN OR THis"} {"Clue":"Fled back, lacking energy, inside a place for retirement (9)","Answer":"ABSCONDED","Explanation":"Definition: Fled\nSeCOND (back) missing E (energy) inside A BED (place for retirement)"} {"Clue":"Complete, or incomplete course, about the writer (6)","Answer":"ENTIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Complete\nENTREe (course, incomplete) contains (about) I (the writer)"} {"Clue":"Annual ceremony in England and in Germany in part of spring (6)","Answer":"MAUNDY","Explanation":"Definition: Annual ceremony in England\nUND (and, in German) inside MAY (part of spring) \u2013 *Royal Maunday, religious ceremony in which The Queen distributes small silver coins, held on* Maundy Thursday"} {"Clue":"Taking care of second cycle (9)","Answer":"MOTHERING","Explanation":"Definition: Taking care of\nMO (moment, second) and THE RING (aka the Ring Cycle, opera)"} {"Clue":"Some of them end a blemish that's not beyond correcting (9)","Answer":"EMENDABLE","Explanation":"Definition: not beyond correcting\nfound inside thEM END A BLEmish"} {"Clue":"Way to cook ocean fish, initially (4-3)","Answer":"DEEP FRY","Explanation":"Definition: Way to cook\nDEEP (of the ocean) FRY (fish, initially indicates young)"} {"Clue":"Counterpart of 4 down, 24 and 29 again securing academic title (6)","Answer":"ANDREW","Explanation":"Definition: Counterpart of 4 down, 24 and 29\nANEW (again) containing (securing) DR (academic title) \u2013 Saint Andrew patron saint of Scotland, counterpart of St Patrick, St George and St David (Ireland, England and Wales)"} {"Clue":"I'd turned up, clothed by greatest European dressmaker (7)","Answer":"MODISTE","Explanation":"Definition: dressmaker\nI'D reversed (turned up) inside (clothed by) MOST (greatest) E (European)"} {"Clue":"Handy American source of energy moving East to North (6)","Answer":"USEFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Handy\nUS (American) then FUEL (source of energy) with E (east) moved to the top (the north)"} {"Clue":"Where cones are located on street in front of van (5)","Answer":"FIRST","Explanation":"Definition: in front of van\nFIR (where cones are located) on ST (street)"} {"Clue":"Doctor or vet to get active constituent (5)","Answer":"VOTER","Explanation":"Definition: active constituent\nanagram (doctor) of OR VET \u2013 a a participator in an electoral constituency"} {"Clue":"Name first victim after school pianist (8)","Answer":"SCHNABEL","Explanation":"Definition: pianist\nN (name) and ABEL (first victim, in Bible) all follows SCH (school) \u2013 Artur Schnabel"} {"Clue":"Gratitude from Oscar-winner Tom? (6)","Answer":"THANKS","Explanation":"Definition: Gratitude\nT. HANKS (Oscar winner Tom Hanks)"} {"Clue":"Right to escape the Westminster madhouse? (9,6)","Answer":"POLITICAL ASYLUM","Explanation":"Definition: Right to escape\ndefinition and cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Grunge band unconvincing here at last shows bite (4)","Answer":"EDGE","Explanation":"Definition: bite\nlast letters of grungE banD unconvincinG herE"} {"Clue":"Greatly increase receipts: that brings surprised reaction (6,4)","Answer":"DOUBLE TAKE","Explanation":"Definition: surprised reaction\nDOUBLE (greatly increase) TAKE (receipts)"} {"Clue":"Encounter worthless horse (4,4)","Answer":"BUMP INTO","Explanation":"Definition: Encounter\nBUM (worthless) PINTO (horse)"} {"Clue":"Busy worker recoils at first drink (4)","Answer":"BEER","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nBEE (busy worker) and first letter of Recoils"} {"Clue":"Bird or birds migrating west (4)","Answer":"SKUA","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nAUKS (birds) read right-to-left (migrating westwards)"} {"Clue":"Race that generates more than local interest? (8)","Answer":"NATIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: Race\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Spar put in advertisement for e-mail manager (10)","Answer":"POSTMASTER","Explanation":"Definition: e-mail manager\nMAST (spar) inside POSTER (advertisement)"} {"Clue":"Price of round and capacious cups? (4)","Answer":"ODDS","Explanation":"Definition: Price\nO (something round) and DDS (double Ds, capacious bra cups)"} {"Clue":"Unusual reproduction in earphones gets distorted (15)","Answer":"PARTHENOGENESIS","Explanation":"Definition: Unusual reproduction\nanagram (distorted) of IN EARPHONES GETS"} {"Clue":"Commercial outlet in run-up to Christmas (6)","Answer":"ADVENT","Explanation":"Definition: run-up to Christmas\nAD (commercial) VENT (outlet)"} {"Clue":"Natural illumination in view across one French lake (8)","Answer":"SUNLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Natural illumination\nSIGHT (view) contains (across) UN (one. French) and L (lake)"} {"Clue":"Bananas in dull bag coming to fantasy realm (5-6-4)","Answer":"CLOUD-CUCKOO-LAND","Explanation":"Definition: fantasy realm\nCUCKOO (bananas, mad) inside CLOUD (dull) LAND (bag, a fish perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Beak to imprison one creating clamour (5)","Answer":"NOISE","Explanation":"Definition: clamour\nNOSE (beak) contains (to imprison) I (one)"} {"Clue":"Mike secretly embracing the Italian racket in construction (8)","Answer":"BUILDING","Explanation":"Definition: construction\nBUG (mike, secretly placed) contains IL (the, Italian) DIN (racket)"} {"Clue":"Pacific group about to enter long-distance races (6,2,7)","Answer":"LEAGUE OF NATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Pacific group\nOF (about) inside (to enter) LEAGUE (long distance) NATIONS (races) \u2013 a group working for peace"} {"Clue":"Nature walks for dogs (6)","Answer":"TRAILS","Explanation":"Definition: Nature walks\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Some always gathered about noon (3)","Answer":"ANY","Explanation":"Definition: Some\nAY (always) contains (gathered about) N (noon)"} {"Clue":"Lip-smacking snack? (7,8)","Answer":"KNUCKLE SANDWICH","Explanation":"Definition: Lip-smacking snack\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Banned cricketer over his fruitless efforts in match? (5)","Answer":"TABOO","Explanation":"Definition: Banned\nBAT (cricketer) reversed (over) and O O (a double zero score, his fruitless efforts in match)"} {"Clue":"Interwoven material mine that captivates the French (5)","Answer":"PLAIT","Explanation":"Definition: Interwoven material\nPIT (mine) contains (captivates) LA (the, French)"} {"Clue":"First Minister tense, doctor admits (8)","Answer":"STURGEON","Explanation":"Definition: First Minister\nT (tense) inside (that\u2026admits) SURGEON (doctor) \u2013 Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland"} {"Clue":"15 fuels explosive ability (6)","Answer":"TALENT","Explanation":"Definition: ability\nALE (beer, 15) inside (fuels) TNT (explosive)"} {"Clue":"Bookmarks upside down in Vile Bodies (5)","Answer":"OBELI","Explanation":"Definition: Bookmarks\nfound reversed (upside down) inside vILE BOdies \u2013 print marks in a book"} {"Clue":"Member starts with three old examples (3)","Answer":"TOE","Explanation":"Definition: Member\nfirst letters (starts with) of Three Old Examples"} {"Clue":"Perhaps cricket clubs attracted by class on batting (6)","Answer":"INSECT","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps cricket\nC (clubs) inside (attracted by) SET (class) all follows (on) IN (batting)"} {"Clue":"Following drink, seaman's given biscuit (8)","Answer":"FLAPJACK","Explanation":"Definition: biscuit\nF (following) LAP (drink) JACK (seaman)"} {"Clue":"Court game is declined by mum and learners in brief storm (6)","Answer":"SQUALL","Explanation":"Definition: brief storm\nSQUAsh (court game) missing (declined by) SH (mum, quiet) and L L (leaner, twice)"} {"Clue":"Mountain soldier describes mist briefly in North Africa (8)","Answer":"BENGHAZI","Explanation":"Definition: in \nBEN (mountain) GI (soldier) contains (describes) HAZe (mist, briefly) \u2013 a city in Libya"} {"Clue":"Gerard regularly comes in to cut field (6)","Answer":"MEADOW","Explanation":"Definition: field\nevery other letter (regularly) of gErArD inside MOW (cut)"} {"Clue":"Part of poem written in vulgar language (8)","Answer":"BALINESE","Explanation":"Definition: language\nLINE (part of poem) inside BASE (vulgar)"} {"Clue":"One tweets the tenth character (3)","Answer":"JAY","Explanation":"Definition: One tweets\ndouble definition \u2013 name of letter J (10th in alphabet) and a bird (an animal that \"tweets\")"} {"Clue":"Using teeth, damage drinking vessel \u2013 shape is retained within (4,2)","Answer":"CHEW UP","Explanation":"Definition: Using teeth, damage\nCUP (drinking vessel) contains (\u2026is within it) HEW (shape, to cut)"} {"Clue":"I accept that Euro when abroad in distant environment (5,2)","Answer":"YOU'RE ON","Explanation":"Definition: I accept that\nanagram (when abroad) of EURO inside (in\u2026environment) YON (distant)"} {"Clue":"Trim drinking promotion display (6)","Answer":"PARADE","Explanation":"Definition: display\nPARE (trim) contains (drinking) AD (promotion)"} {"Clue":"Something for the head chef? Some shiraz, at the end (3)","Answer":"FEZ","Explanation":"Definition: Something for the head\nlast letters of cheF somE shiraZ"} {"Clue":"Bird outside remains comparatively loud (8)","Answer":"FLASHIER","Explanation":"Definition: comparatively loud\nFLIER (bird) contains (outside) ASH (remains)"} {"Clue":"Face appearing to droop during fight (6)","Answer":"VISAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Face\nSAG (to droop) inside (during) VIE (fight)"} {"Clue":"Rigorous one performing oppressive demand (8)","Answer":"EXACTION","Explanation":"Definition: oppressive demand\nEXACT (rigorous) I (one) ON (performing)"} {"Clue":"Native American's certainly not consuming coffee \u2013 it's rejected (6)","Answer":"NAVAJO","Explanation":"Definition: Native American\nNO (certainly not) contains (consuming) JAVA (coffee) reversed (it's rejected)"} {"Clue":"Sat perhaps alongside Bill, entertaining Roger and Dawn (8)","Answer":"DAYBREAK","Explanation":"Definition: Dawn\nDAY (Sat, Saturday perhaps) then BEAK (bill) containing (entertaining) R (roger, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"One across road accommodating European worker (3,3)","Answer":"RED ANT","Explanation":"Definition: One across\nRD (road) contains (accommodating) E (European) then ANT (worker) \u2013 an insect (1 across)"} {"Clue":"Greek character in chinos juggling to such an extent (8)","Answer":"INSOMUCH","Explanation":"Definition: to such an extent\nMU (Greek character) inside anagram (juggling) of CHINOS"} {"Clue":"Ask queen shortly to mingle \u2013 Duke's informed (8)","Answer":"SQUEALED","Explanation":"Definition: informed\nanagram (to mingle) of ASK QUEEn (shortly) then D (duke)"} {"Clue":"Senior officer half-concealed load on wharf without a conversation (8)","Answer":"COLLOQUY","Explanation":"Definition: conversation\nCOL (colonel, senior officer) LOad (half concealed) on QUaY (wharf) missing (without) A"} {"Clue":"Discussed meadow and footpath margin (6)","Answer":"LEEWAY","Explanation":"Definition: margin\nLEE sounds like \"lea\" (meadow) then WAY (footpath)"} {"Clue":"Usually Italians are here every year collecting fruit (6)","Answer":"PUGLIA","Explanation":"Definition: Usually Italians are here\nPA (every year) contains (collecting) UGLI (a fruit)"} {"Clue":"Ornamental shrub unknown porter maybe carried through two acres (6)","Answer":"AZALEA","Explanation":"Definition: Ornamental shrub\nZ (an unknown) ALE (porter maybe) inside (carried through) A A (acre, twice)"} {"Clue":"Emperor's spirit lives on in retirement (6)","Answer":"KAISER","Explanation":"Definition: Emperor\nKA (spirit) IS (lives) then RE (on, regarding) reversed (in retirement)"} {"Clue":"What faces British topless steeplechaser? (7)","Answer":"BARRIER","Explanation":"Definition: What faces\nB (British) then hARRIER (steeplechaser, cross country racer, topless)"} {"Clue":"Disease coming from foreign river? Wrong (3)","Answer":"POX","Explanation":"Definition: Disease\nPO (foreign river, one in Italy) and X (wrong)"} {"Clue":"Cleaner's way of working quietly (3)","Answer":"MOP","Explanation":"Definition: Cleaner\nMO (modus operandi, way of working) then P (quietly)"} {"Clue":"Sail raised, Russian man approached channel (8)","Answer":"NAVIGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Sail\nIVAN (Russian man) reversed (raised) then (approached) GATE (channel)"} {"Clue":"Old prince somewhat open with an amateur actor getting all upset (8)","Answer":"MAHARAJA","Explanation":"Definition: Old prince\nAJAR (somewhat open) with A (an) HAM (amateur actor) all reversed (getting all upset)"} {"Clue":"Iron velvety material right away in rented property (5,3)","Answer":"LEVEL OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Iron\nVELOUr (velvety material) missing R (right taken away) inside LET (rented property)"} {"Clue":"Tread on someone's toes leaving terminus (6)","Answer":"OFFEND","Explanation":"Definition: Tread on som\nOFF (leaving) END (terminus)"} {"Clue":"Two unknowns supporting sporting occasion's collection of stars (6)","Answer":"GALAXY","Explanation":"Definition: collection of stars\nX Y (two unknowns) following (supporting) GALA (sporting occasion)"} {"Clue":"Public speaker once from the Magic Circle breaking rules (6)","Answer":"RHETOR","Explanation":"Definition: Public speake\nanagram (magic) of THE and O (a circle) inside (breaking) R R (rules)"} {"Clue":"Bones those people commonly found in ancient marketplaces (6)","Answer":"FEMORA","Explanation":"Definition: Bones\n'EM (those people, commonly) inside FORA (ancient marketplaces)"} {"Clue":"Frenchman's overwhelmed by a leading Christian message (7)","Answer":"ACCABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Frenchman's overwhelmed\nA then Christian (first letter, leading) and CABLE (message) \u2013 a loanword form French"} {"Clue":"Non-drinker cares about Manx tournament (2,5)","Answer":"TT RACES","Explanation":"Definition: Manx tournament\nTT (teetotal, non drinker) then anagram (about) of CARES"} {"Clue":"Herbal remedy still popular with grand prissy girl (7,8)","Answer":"EVENING PRIMROSE","Explanation":"Definition: Herbal remedy\nEVEN (still) IN (popular) with G (grans) then PRIM (prissy) ROSE (a girl)"} {"Clue":"Intimate tango he performed systematically? (3,5,2,1,4)","Answer":"ONE THING AT A TIME","Explanation":"Definition: systematically\nanagram (performed) of INTIMATE TANGO HE"} {"Clue":"Carry On actress comes round one short month backing Cheers and Miranda (7)","Answer":"SITCOMS","Explanation":"Definition: Cheers and Miranda\nSIMS (Joan Sims, actress in Carry On films) contains (comes round) ~~I and~~ OCT (October, shortened month) reversed (backing) \u2013 definition by example"} {"Clue":"Fruit \u2013 love what's on offer (6)","Answer":"ORANGE","Explanation":"Definition: Fru\nO (love, zero) and RANGE (what is on offer)"} {"Clue":"Tried and gained control in the past (3,1,2)","Answer":"HAD A GO","Explanation":"Definition: Tried\nHAD (gained control) then AGO (in the past)"} {"Clue":"Messenger into fruit (7)","Answer":"TANGELO","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nANGEL (messenger) inside (in) TO \u2013 read into as in + to"} {"Clue":"It's worth putting money into apparently noisy alb (5,10)","Answer":"SOUND INVESTMENT","Explanation":"Definition: It's worth putting money into\ncryptically SOUND IN VESTMENT \u2013 an alb is a vestment, so a noisy one would be one with a sound in it"} {"Clue":"This is it! (8,7)","Answer":"PERSONAL PRONOUN","Explanation":"Definition: This is \ncryptic definition \u2013 \"it\" is an example of a personal pronoun"} {"Clue":"President and Labour Minister of Health embraced the Queen twice (7)","Answer":"NYERERE","Explanation":"Definition: President\nNYE (Aneurin Bevan also known as Nye, Labour minister of Health who established the NHS) contains (embraced) ER ER (Elizabeth Regina, the Queen, twice) \u2013 Julius Nyerere, president of Tanzania"} {"Clue":"Definitely not right getting close to star of Lolita (3,4)","Answer":"SUE LYON","Explanation":"Definition: star of Lolita\nSUrELY (definitely) missing R (right) with ON (close to) \u2013 star of 1962 film"} {"Clue":"A bounder holding man up in pub (8)","Answer":"ALE HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: pub\nA LOUSE (bounder) contains HE (man) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Mexican composer (1828-1900) disturbed Grecian muleteer (8,7)","Answer":"CLEMENTE AGUIRRE","Explanation":"Definition: Mexican composer (1828-1900)\nanagram (disturbed) of GRECIAN MULETEER"} {"Clue":"Trendy musicians outside came into view in south coast resorts (8,3,4)","Answer":"BRIGHTON AND HOVE","Explanation":"Definition: south coast resorts\nRIGHT-ON (trendy) inside (with\u2026outside) BAND (musicians) then HOVE (came into view) \u2013 the neighbouring resorts of Brighton and Hove, now merged into a single town"} {"Clue":"To win, avoid scrambling! (3,3,5,4)","Answer":"EGG AND SPOON RACE","Explanation":"Definition: To win, avoid scrambling\ncryptic definition \u2013 to win don't drop your egg"} {"Clue":"A pest of Nazareth represented as feral child in literature (6,2,3,4)","Answer":"TARZAN OF THE APES","Explanation":"Definition: feral child in literature\nanagram (represented)"} {"Clue":"1964 horror fantasy film of Lazio playing the A.S. team? (4,7,4)","Answer":"ROME AGAINST ROME","Explanation":"Definition: 1964 horror fantasy film\n*Lazio* and *A.S. Roma *are both football teams in Rome"} {"Clue":"Singer with monocycle ruined the last part of the Olympics (7,8)","Answer":"CLOSING CEREMONY","Explanation":"Definition: the last part of the Olympics\nanagram (ruined) of SINGER with MONOCYCLE"} {"Clue":"Braised and well-oiled (6)","Answer":"STEWED","Explanation":"Definition: Braised\ndouble definition \u2013 cooked and drunk"} {"Clue":"Grasp what reels have (6,2)","Answer":"COTTON ON","Explanation":"Definition: Grasp\ndefinition and cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Under fire, reportedly swapping parts of sense of style (6)","Answer":"ASHPAN","Explanation":"Definition: Under fire\nsounds like (reportedly) \"panache\" (sense of style) with the syllables (parts) swapped"} {"Clue":"Something to zap bugs after hospital peer kept in tin (8)","Answer":"CHLORDAN","Explanation":"Definition: Something to zap bugs\nfollowing (after) H (hospital) is LORD (peer) all inside CAN (tin)"} {"Clue":"Javanese tree erected on a square (4)","Answer":"UPAS","Explanation":"Definition: Javanese tree\nUP (erected) on A S (square)"} {"Clue":"Nothing I'd found in letters of saints somehow not deserving the label? (9)","Answer":"SOI-DISANT","Explanation":"Definition: not deserving the label\nO (nothing) I'D inside anagram (letters of\u2026somehow) SAINTS"} {"Clue":"Polish, like one of my lovers, might one suppose? (4)","Answer":"SAND","Explanation":"Definition: Polish\nSAND (George Sand) was the lover of Chopin (who was Polish)"} {"Clue":"Among Model-T automobiles, Ford's last? (5)","Answer":"DELTA","Explanation":"Definition: Ford's la\nfound inside (among) moDEL-T Automobiles \u2013 the letter D, the last letter of Ford perhaps"} {"Clue":"Clause often included in Hollywood contract? Writer accepts rule completely (6)","Answer":"PRENUP","Explanation":"Definition: Clause often included in Hollywood contract\nPEN (writer) contains (accepts) R (rule) then UP (completely) \u2013 a marriage contract"} {"Clue":"Those used to arctic conditions during the dark in Quebec? (6)","Answer":"INNUIT","Explanation":"Definition: Those used to arctic conditions\nIN (during) NUIT (the dark, in French, as spoken in Quebec perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Member of Scotch company, comparatively inactive? (7)","Answer":"STILLER","Explanation":"Definition: comparatively inactive\na distiller of Scotch whisky"} {"Clue":"One facilitates power switch and numberless currents possibly (10)","Answer":"TRANSDUCER","Explanation":"Definition: One facilitates powe\nanagram (possibly) of AND with CURREnTS missing N (number)"} {"Clue":"US writer, one relishing yen for second- rate versifying (10)","Answer":"POETASTERY","Explanation":"Definition: second- rate versifying\nPOE (Edgar Allen Poe, US writer) TASTER (one relishing) and Y (yen)"} {"Clue":"I'll be seen entering crater, terribly unpredictable (7)","Answer":"ERRATIC","Explanation":"Definition: unpredictable\nI inside (\u2026will be seen entering) anagram (terribly) of CRATER"} {"Clue":"Earth yielding area with gold, a real handful (6)","Answer":"TERROR","Explanation":"Definition: a real handful\nTERRa (earth) missing (yielding) A (area) then OR (gold) \u2013 a disobedient child"} {"Clue":"Magistrate in the past identified in search, onerous (6)","Answer":"ARCHON","Explanation":"Definition: Magistrate in the past\nfound inside seaRCH, ONerous"} {"Clue":"Cantor requiring hour before call to prayer (5)","Answer":"HAZAN","Explanation":"Definition: Cantor\nH (hour) then AZAN (call to prayer)"} {"Clue":"Shakespearean heroine surrendering most of plume for hempen plant (4)","Answer":"SIDA","Explanation":"Definition: hempen plant\ncresSIDA (Shakespearean heroin) missing (surrendering) CRESt (plume, most of)"} {"Clue":"Scraping away seed stops weed coming back (9)","Answer":"ERASEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Scraping away\nSEMEN (seed) inside (stops, like a cork) TARE (a weed) reversed (coming back)"} {"Clue":"Significant number in the country, not English (4)","Answer":"STAT","Explanation":"Definition: Significant number\nSTATe (the country) missing E (English)"} {"Clue":"Sit out during knees-up \u2013 social one's widely observed of late (8)","Answer":"DISTANCE","Explanation":"Definition: social one's widely observed of late\nanagram (out) of SIT inside (during) DANCE (knees up) \u2013 a social distance, one observed of late"} {"Clue":"Mixed bevvies, only half taken up? What's the point? (4)","Answer":"CUSP","Explanation":"Definition: point\nCUPS (mixed bevvies, eg claret cup) with half the letters reversed (taken up)"} {"Clue":"I agree wayward tot should be kept in before time for serious talk (12)","Answer":"HEART-TO-HEART","Explanation":"Definition: serious talk\nHEAR HEAR (I agree) contains (\u2026should be kept in) anagram (wayward) of TOT then T (time)"} {"Clue":"Patella a lout's broken after start of rough-house (6)","Answer":"ROTULA","Explanation":"Definition: Patella\nanagram (is broken) of A LOUT following Rough-house (first letter, start of)"} {"Clue":"Pharmacists are contemptuous of allowing poet in (10)","Answer":"DISPENSERS","Explanation":"Definition: Pharmacists\nDIS (are contemptuous of) containing SPENSER (Edmund Spencer, poet)"} {"Clue":"Rising mafia boss with racket? Keep bowing slightly (6)","Answer":"NIDNOD","Explanation":"Definition: Keep bowing slightly\na reversal (rising) of DON (mafia boss) with DIN (racket)"} {"Clue":"Part in indecorous entertainment was unwonted (5)","Answer":"USEN\u2019T","Explanation":"Definition: was unwonted\nfound inside indecoroUS ENTertainment"} {"Clue":"Drug for malaria practitioner's half mixed with iodine (12)","Answer":"ANTIPERIODIC","Explanation":"Definition: Drug for malaria\nanagram (mixed) of PRACTItioner (half of) with IODINE"} {"Clue":"Eminence certainly limits shabby clothes (7)","Answer":"STATURE","Explanation":"Definition: Eminence\nSURE (certainly) contains TAT (shabby clothes)"} {"Clue":"Sailor uplifted in strife's involved in top-class warships (10)","Answer":"FIRST-RATES","Explanation":"Definition: top-class warships\nTAR (sailor) reversed (uplifted) inside anagram (involved) of STRIFE'S"} {"Clue":"Former Asian nomad sacked Shan city (8)","Answer":"SCYTHIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Former Asian nomad\nanagram (sacked) of SHAN CITY"} {"Clue":"Bracts, not those mostly seen after spring (7)","Answer":"SPATHES","Explanation":"Definition: Bracts\nTHESe (not those, mostly) following SPA (spring)"} {"Clue":"A fashion editor getting us made up (6)","Answer":"ATONED","Explanation":"Definition: made up\nA TON (fashion) ED (editor)"} {"Clue":"Quixotic knight in Terra Obscura (6)","Answer":"ERRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Quixotic\nN (knight, chess) inside anagram (obscura) of TERRA"} {"Clue":"Unruly kids, pair latterly misdirected, broke out up north (5)","Answer":"BRAST","Explanation":"Definition: broke out up north\nBRATS (unruly kids) with the last pair of letters the wrong way round (misdirected)"} {"Clue":"Head sounds like an ass to audience? (4)","Answer":"NAZE","Explanation":"Definition: Head\nsounds like (to audience) \"neighs\" (sounds like an ass)"} {"Clue":"Drug supplier's quick to limit damage (8)","Answer":"PHARMACY","Explanation":"Definition: Drug supplier\nPACY (quick) contains (to limit) HARM (damage)"} {"Clue":"Flight case damaged wings of plane (6)","Answer":"ESCAPE","Explanation":"Definition: Flight\nanagram (damaged) of CASE then PlanE (outer letter, wings of)"} {"Clue":"Corrupt senator is betraying country (7)","Answer":"TREASON","Explanation":"Definition: betraying country\nanagram (corrupt) of SENATOR"} {"Clue":"Person with no appreciation of what it costs to throw game (7)","Answer":"INGRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Person with no appreciation\ngoING RATE (what it costs) missing (to throw) GO (a board game)"} {"Clue":"Symptom of toxic gas that makes me sick? (5)","Answer":"COUGH","Explanation":"Definition: Symptom\nCO (carbon monoxide, toxic gas) ans UGH (exclamation, \"that makes me sick\")"} {"Clue":"Sailor and soldier meeting head of state (9)","Answer":"PRIVATEER","Explanation":"Definition: Sailor\nPRIVATE (soldier) with ER (Elizabeth Regina, head of state)"} {"Clue":"Psychic hints about controlling lives following ceremony (12)","Answer":"SPIRITUALIST","Explanation":"Definition: Psychic\nTIPS (hints) reversed (about) contains (controlling) IS (lives) following RITUAL (ceremony)"} {"Clue":"I'm not sure article changing sides in Italian is particularly helpful (12)","Answer":"HUMANITARIAN","Explanation":"Definition: particularly helpful\nHUM (I'm not sure) AN (indefinite article) then ITALIAN with L (left, one side) replaced by R (right, the other side)"} {"Clue":"Person who's 16 is more grown up about coming back (9)","Answer":"ADULTERER","Explanation":"Definition: Person who's 16\nADULTER (more adult, grown up) then RE (regarding, about) reversed (coming back) \u2013 a person who is cheating (16 down)"} {"Clue":"Force that is left to protect politician (5)","Answer":"IMPEL","Explanation":"Definition: Force\nIE (that is) L (left) contains (to protect) MP (politician)"} {"Clue":"I retain run-down property that stops me moving? (7)","Answer":"INERTIA","Explanation":"Definition: property that stops me moving\nanagram (run-down) of I RETAIN"} {"Clue":"Wasn't it an iceberg partially responsible for this? (7)","Answer":"TITANIC","Explanation":"Definition: responsible for this\nfound inside (partially) wasn'T IT AN ICeberg \u2013 read definition as \u2026was responsible for the sinking of the Titanic (this)"} {"Clue":"Learn that woman has returned ticket in advance (6)","Answer":"GATHER","Explanation":"Definition: Learn\nHER (that woman) reversed (has returned) following (with\u2026in advance) TAG (ticket)"} {"Clue":"Learned about due date after bothering nurses (8)","Answer":"EDUCATED","Explanation":"Definition: Learned\nC (circa, about) inside (\u2026nurses) anagram (after bothering) of DUE DATE"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary measure imposed on school (6)","Answer":"PUTSCH","Explanation":"Definition: Revolutionary measure\nPUT (imposed) on SCH (school)"} {"Clue":"Road leading one to ancient place (6)","Answer":"AVENUE","Explanation":"Definition: Road\nAncient (first letter, leading one\/letter to) and VENUE (place)"} {"Clue":"Deformed young woman almost slept with writer (9)","Answer":"MISSHAPEN","Explanation":"Definition: Deformed\nMISS (young woman) HAd (slept with, almost) and PEN (writer)"} {"Clue":"Irrational cops could be intriguing (14)","Answer":"CONSPIRATORIAL","Explanation":"Definition: intriguing\nanagram (could be\u2026) of IRRATIONAL COPS"} {"Clue":"Character in Greek tragedy's first to leave in disgrace (5)","Answer":"SIGMA","Explanation":"Definition: Character in Greek\nStIGMA (disgrace) missing first letter of Tragedy"} {"Clue":"University employee of no real use (8)","Answer":"ACADEMIC","Explanation":"Definition: University employee\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Denounce what senior management get paid? (8)","Answer":"EXECRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Denounce\nthe EXEC RATE is what senior management get paid"} {"Clue":"Poorly understood development of strip mine put off following review (14)","Answer":"MISINTERPRETED","Explanation":"Definition: Poorly understood\nanagram (development) of STRIP MINE then DETER (put off) reversed (following review)"} {"Clue":"Activist upset about anarchist leader reverting to old behaviour (9)","Answer":"ATAVISTIC","Explanation":"Definition: reverting to old behaviour\nanagram (upset) of ACTIVIST containing (about) Anarchist (first letter, leader of)"} {"Clue":"Children's worrying, dishonest behaviour (8)","Answer":"CHEATING","Explanation":"Definition: dishonest behaviour\nCH (children) and EATING (worrying)"} {"Clue":"Forward author's study about turning up on time (8)","Answer":"IMPUDENT","Explanation":"Definition: Forward\nI'M (author is) DEN (study) contains (about) UP reversed (turning) then T (time)"} {"Clue":"Keyboard ready to accept authentication code (6)","Answer":"SPINET","Explanation":"Definition: Keyboard\nSET (ready) contains (to accept) PIN (authentication code)"} {"Clue":"Los Angeles Police Department is under pressure still (6)","Answer":"PLACID","Explanation":"Definition: still\nLA (Los Angeles) CID (police department) following (is under, in a down-light) P (pressure)"} {"Clue":"Fool allowed to not finish book (5)","Answer":"TITLE","Explanation":"Definition: book\nTIT (fool) and LEt (allowed, not finished)"} {"Clue":"Oat mixture 60% emulsified in a blender (6)","Answer":"MUESLI","Explanation":"Definition: Oat mixture\nanagram (in a blender) of EMULSIfied (60%, 6 of the 10 letters)"} {"Clue":"Posh luxury car getting well across border (8)","Answer":"SURROUND","Explanation":"Definition: border\nU (posh) RR (Rolls Royce, luxury car) inside (getting\u2026across) SOUND (well)"} {"Clue":"Fresh new tofu intermittently lousy \u2013 hard on the inside (8)","Answer":"YOUTHFUL","Explanation":"Definition: F\nanagram (new) of TOFU LoUsY (intermittently) containing (\u2026on the inside) H (hard)"} {"Clue":"Imagine lunch including fish? Au contraire (6)","Answer":"IDEATE","Explanation":"Definition: Imagine\nIDE (a fish) including EAT (lunch) \u2013 the opposite of lunch including fish"} {"Clue":"Enlisted externally paid genius for organisation (6,2)","Answer":"SIGNED UP","Explanation":"Definition: Enlisted\nanagram (for organisation) of PaiD (external letters) with GENIUS"} {"Clue":"Fee to occupy vacated Azores Islands (6)","Answer":"ATOLLS","Explanation":"Definition: Islands\nTOLL (fee) inside AzoreS (vacated, nothing inside)"} {"Clue":"Times blocking offensive words (4)","Answer":"TEXT","Explanation":"Definition: words\nX (times, multiplication) inside (blocking) TET (the Tet offensive during the Vietnam war)"} {"Clue":"Suffering such aunts and uncles? (5)","Answer":"AGONY","Explanation":"Definition: Suffering\nsuch as Agony Aunts and Agony Uncles"} {"Clue":"Fuel somewhat undervalued (4)","Answer":"DERV","Explanation":"Definition: Fuel\nfound inside (somewhat) unDERValued"} {"Clue":"Deserted fancifully before introductions in Made In Chelsea (6)","Answer":"EREMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Deserted fancifully\nERE (before) then first letters (introductions in) of Made In Chelsea \u2013 fancifully indicates a cryptic definition: \"deserted\" indicates \"made like a desert\""} {"Clue":"European group of stars entertaining large paradisical location (8)","Answer":"ELDORADO","Explanation":"Definition: paradisical location\nE (European) DORADO (constellation, group of stars) contains (entertaining) L (large)"} {"Clue":"Take our money? Time to be strong (6)","Answer":"ROBUST","Explanation":"Definition: strong\nROB US (take our money) then T (time)"} {"Clue":"Poor girl left heart in Wales, coming back here? (8)","Answer":"LLANELLI","Explanation":"Definition: here\nILL (poor) ENA (a girl) L (left) waLes (middle letter, heart in) all reversed (coming back) \u2013 a town in Wales"} {"Clue":"Fantastic award set in motion for Asia? (8)","Answer":"EASTWARD","Explanation":"Definition: motion for Asia\nanagram (fantastic) of AWARD SET"} {"Clue":"Trunk call reservation initially covered by levy (6)","Answer":"THORAX","Explanation":"Definition: Trunk\nHO (a call) Reservation (first letter, initially) inside (covered by) TAX (levy)"} {"Clue":"Praise English girl about possessing mostly sound reasoning (8)","Answer":"EULOGISE","Explanation":"Definition: Praise\nE (English) SUE (a girl) all reversed (about) contains (possessing) LOGIc (sound reasoning, mostly)"} {"Clue":"Chemical compound given which India, in a way, protested (6)","Answer":"ISATIN","Explanation":"Definition: Chemical compound\nI (India) SAT IN (protested). I can't explain why \"in a way\" is there. Perhaps it indicates that India can't actually sit in, the phrase is being used metaphorically"} {"Clue":"Put out note, following journalist (6)","Answer":"MIFFED","Explanation":"Definition: Put out\nMI (note, music) FF (following) and ED (editor, journalist) \u2013 slang word meaning annoyed"} {"Clue":"Plain gold currency's unknown (8)","Answer":"ORDINARY","Explanation":"Definition: Plain\nOR (gold) DINAR (currency) and Y (an unknown)"} {"Clue":"Forest member in promoted club (8)","Answer":"ROSEWOOD","Explanation":"Definition: Forest member\nROSE (promoted) WOOD (golf club) \u2013 a tree in a forest. I'm not sure I have this right. Rosewood is a type of wood not a tree, and ROSE as a verb seems reflexive but promoted seems transitive."} {"Clue":"Drop this month's import licences initially (6)","Answer":"INSTIL","Explanation":"Definition: Drop\nINST (this month) then first letters (initially) of Imported Licences \u2013 to add drop by drop"} {"Clue":"Automotive seller flopped badly (4-9)","Answer":"SELF-PROPELLED","Explanation":"Definition: Automotive\nanagram (badly) of SELLER FLOPPED"} {"Clue":"Man reportedly resisted university in a faraway place (8)","Answer":"TIMBUKTU","Explanation":"Definition: a faraway place\nTIM (a man) then BUKT sounds like (reportedly) \"bucked\" (resisted) and U (university)"} {"Clue":"Jailhouse Rock (8)","Answer":"ALCATRAZ","Explanation":"Definition: Jailhouse Rock\ncryptic definition \u2013 a jail built upon a rock (island)"} {"Clue":"Boy, keen to go outside, pulled up seaweed etc (3,5)","Answer":"RED ALGAE","Explanation":"Definition: s\nLAD (boy) inside (with\u2026to go outside) EAGER (keen) all reversed (pulled up)"} {"Clue":"Protection against animal, boar or otherwise (3,3)","Answer":"ROO BAR","Explanation":"Definition: Protection against animal,\nanagram (otherwise) of BOAR OR"} {"Clue":"Want to be part of avant-garde art history (6)","Answer":"DEARTH","Explanation":"Definition: Want\nfound inside avant-garDE ART History"} {"Clue":"Drink up, fine beast (6)","Answer":"REEBOK","Explanation":"Definition: beast\nBEER (drink) reversed (up) then OK (fine)"} {"Clue":"Loved returning to embrace new hero in Eliot (7)","Answer":"DERONDA","Explanation":"Definition: hero in Eliot\nADORED (loved) reversed (returning) contains N (new) \u2013 eponymous hero of *Daniel Deronda *by George Eliot"} {"Clue":"Fine intelligence associated with Prince Charlie (7)","Answer":"HALFWIT","Explanation":"Definition: Charlie\nF (fine) WIT (intelligence) following (associated with) HAL (prince Harry)"} {"Clue":"Animated fun with Scottish film showing collaborators (5,10)","Answer":"FIFTH COLUMNISTS","Explanation":"Definition: collaborators\nanagram (animated) of FUN with SCOTTISH FILM"} {"Clue":"Archaeologist Croft tucking into fish that's suspect? (5,1,3)","Answer":"SMELL A RAT","Explanation":"Definition: suspect\nLARA (Lara Croft, fictional archaeologist) inside SMELT (type of salmon, fish)"} {"Clue":"Wizard seen here complete in bracing sea air (5)","Answer":"OZONE","Explanation":"Definition: bracing sea air\nOZ (wizard seen here) and ONE (complete)"} {"Clue":"Unstressed syllable in school was cut (5)","Answer":"SCHWA","Explanation":"Definition: Unstressed syllable\nSCH (school) then WAs (cut short)"} {"Clue":"Professional revealed spiritual knowledge in forecast (9)","Answer":"PROGNOSIS","Explanation":"Definition: forecast\nPRO (professional) GNOSIS (revealed spiritual knowledge)"} {"Clue":"Target man flying Spitfire (9)","Answer":"TERMAGANT","Explanation":"Definition: Spitfire\nanagram (flying) of TARGET MAN"} {"Clue":"Become ready to eat carp \u2014 no good before noon (5)","Answer":"RIPEN","Explanation":"Definition: Become ready to eat\ngRIPE (carp) missing (no) G (good) before N (noon)"} {"Clue":"U-boat on the move nearby (5)","Answer":"ABOUT","Explanation":"Definition: nearby\nanagram (on the move) of U-BOAT"} {"Clue":"Cheap items almost free in black taxi drivers' association (4-1-4)","Answer":"BRIC-A-BRAC","Explanation":"Definition: Cheap items\nRId (free, almost) inside B (black) CAB (taxi) and RAC (drivers' association)"} {"Clue":"Contest in which all runners finish tied? (5-6,4)","Answer":"THREE-LEGGED RACE","Explanation":"Definition: Contest in which all runners finish tied\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Chosen people news boss put in office (7)","Answer":"ELECTED","Explanation":"Definition: put in office\nELECT (chosen people) then ED (editor, news boss)"} {"Clue":"Team runs to Plantagenet stronghold (7)","Answer":"RANGERS","Explanation":"Definition: Team\nR (runs) then ANGERS (home of the Plantagenet dynasty) \u2013 Glasgow Rangers football team"} {"Clue":"Removes risk element from brilliant exercises (7)","Answer":"DEFUSES","Explanation":"Definition: Removes risk element from\nDEF (brilliant, hip-hop slang) and USES (exercises)"} {"Clue":"Varied resources here to cover French study update (9,6)","Answer":"REFRESHER COURSE","Explanation":"Definition: study update\nanagram (varied) of RESOURCES HERE contains (to cover) FR (French)"} {"Clue":"Elvish giant oddly dismissive over nothing (5)","Answer":"NIHIL","Explanation":"Definition: nothing\nevery other letter (oddly dismissed) of eLvIsH gIaNt reversed (over)"} {"Clue":"Strange approach taken about year books (9)","Answer":"APOCRYPHA","Explanation":"Definition: books\nanagram (strange) of APPROACH contains (taken about) Y (year)"} {"Clue":"Answer found in search for plague (5)","Answer":"HAUNT","Explanation":"Definition: plague\nA (answer) inside HUNT (search)"} {"Clue":"Squire needs way to cross Blue River (9)","Answer":"LANDOWNER","Explanation":"Definition: Squire\nLANE (way) contains (to cross) DOWN (blue) then R (river)"} {"Clue":"Watts set out riding magnificent horse in town (6-5-4)","Answer":"WESTON-SUPER-MARE","Explanation":"Definition: town\nW (watts) then anagram (out) of SET ON (riding) SUPER (magnificent) MARE (horse)"} {"Clue":"Elephants endlessly compact eating Welsh flower (7)","Answer":"TUSKERS","Explanation":"Definition: Elephants\nTERSe (compact, endless) contains (eating) USK (River Usk in Wales, something that flows)"} {"Clue":"Cunning fellows housed in suitable accommodation (9)","Answer":"APARTMENT","Explanation":"Definition: accommodation\nART (cunning) MEN (fellows) inside APT (suitable)"} {"Clue":"Boat from Oxford University set off (9)","Answer":"OUTRIGGER","Explanation":"Definition: Boat\nOU (Oxford University) then TRIGGER (set off)"} {"Clue":"Member consuming wine asks for snack (7)","Answer":"TOASTIE","Explanation":"Definition: snack\nTOE (member) contains (consuming) ASTI (wine)"} {"Clue":"Setter flips about changed clue for atomic base (7)","Answer":"NUCLEUS","Explanation":"Definition: atomic base\nSUN (setter, something that sets) reversed (flips) contains (about) anagram (changed) of CLUE"} {"Clue":"Milk from humble educator (5)","Answer":"BLEED","Explanation":"Definition: Milk\nfound inside humBLE EDucator"} {"Clue":"Poet in uniform in old British colony (5)","Answer":"AUDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\nU (uniform) inside ADEN (old British colony)"} {"Clue":"Operatic MOT mechanics (6)","Answer":"CARMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Operatic MOT mechanics\ncryptic definition \u2013 the MOT is a compulsory safety test for UK vehicles"} {"Clue":"Unending radiance and a melody about a Britten opera (8)","Answer":"GLORIANA","Explanation":"Definition: a \nGLORy (radiance, unending) then AIR (a melody) contains AN (a, one of something) \u2013 *or better: GLOw (radiance) then AN AIR reversed (about)"} {"Clue":"Strangely familiar if taken by Handel opera (6)","Answer":"ALMIRA","Explanation":"Definition: Handel opera\nanagram (strangely) of fAMiLIAR missing (with\u2026taken) IF \u2013 Handel's first opera, composed at the age of 19"} {"Clue":"Heard knight got award for a Haydn symphony (8)","Answer":"SURPRISE","Explanation":"Definition: Haydn symphony\nsounds like (heard) \"sir\" (knight) with \"prize\" (award)"} {"Clue":"Dvorak overture showing family vehicle in perpetual snow (8)","Answer":"CARNIVAL","Explanation":"Definition: Dvorak overture\nCAR (family vehicle) then NIVAL (in perpetual snow)"} {"Clue":"Senior citizen with tattered notices removed for Wagner opera (6)","Answer":"RIENZI","Explanation":"Definition: Wagner opera\nanagram (implicit, not indicated?) of SENIOR CITIZEN missing the disordered letters of NOTICES (with tattered\u2026removed)"} {"Clue":"Nothing about unknown Mozart symphony (4)","Answer":"LINZ","Explanation":"Definition: Mozart symphony\nNIL (nothing) reversed (about) Z (an unknown) \u2013 Mozart Symphony No. 36"} {"Clue":"Opera showing artist in Baltic land army (2,8)","Answer":"LA TRAVIATA","Explanation":"Definition: Opera\nRA (Royal Academician) inside LATVIA (Baltic land) then A (army)"} {"Clue":"Father's article about quiet Beethoven piano sonata (10)","Answer":"PATHETIQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Beethoven piano sonata\nPA (father) THE (definite article) then anagram (about) of QUIET"} {"Clue":"An Indian, oddly, appearing in opera (4)","Answer":"AIDA","Explanation":"Definition: opera\nevery other letter (oddly appearing) of An InDiAn"} {"Clue":"Heart-rending overture by Brahms at end of concert \u2013 smoke around! (6)","Answer":"TRAGIC","Explanation":"Definition: Heart-rending overture by Brahms\nconcerT (end of) then CIGAR (a smoke) reversed (around) \u2013 the Tragic Overture by Brahms, op 81"} {"Clue":"Poor tutor embracing joiner in Puccini opera (8)","Answer":"TURANDOT","Explanation":"Definition: Puccini opera\nanagram (poor) of TUTOR contains (embracing) AND (a joiner)"} {"Clue":"Adult hotline may reveal Savoy operetta (8)","Answer":"IOLANTHE","Explanation":"Definition: Savoy operetta\nanagram (may reveal) of A (adult) and HOTLINE"} {"Clue":"Transaction involves award for Richard Strauss opera (6)","Answer":"SALOME","Explanation":"Definition: Richard Strauss opera\nSALE (transaction) contains (involves) OM (Order of Merit, award)"} {"Clue":"Ant and Dec start rehearsing one new Rossini opera (8)","Answer":"TANCREDI","Explanation":"Definition: Rossini opera\nanagram (new) of ANT and DEC with Rehearsing (first letter) and I (one)"} {"Clue":"Admiral at Mass by Haydn in NZ city (6)","Answer":"NELSON","Explanation":"Definition: Admiral\ntriple definition"} {"Clue":"Area in church where Monopoly card gets left (7)","Answer":"CHANCEL","Explanation":"Definition: Area in church\nCHANCE (card in Monopoly) with L (left)"} {"Clue":"Note to Frenchman, former German chancellor and artist (9)","Answer":"REMBRANDT","Explanation":"Definition: artist\nRE (note, music) with M (monsieur, a Frenchman) then BRANDT (Willy Brandt, former German chancellor)"} {"Clue":"Crawler with hearing aid and false hair (6)","Answer":"EARWIG","Explanation":"Definition: Crawler\nEAR (an aid to hearing) and WIG (false hair)"} {"Clue":"Yobbo making fifty, getting dismissed (4)","Answer":"LOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Yobbo\nL (fifty) and OUT (dismissed)"} {"Clue":"Delay execution of agent, always up about one (8)","Answer":"REPRIEVE","Explanation":"Definition: Delay execution\nREP (agent) then EVER (always) reversed (up) contains (about) I (one)"} {"Clue":"Neil Armstrong, first to return from another world? (5)","Answer":"ALIEN","Explanation":"Definition: from another world\na reversal (to return) of NEIL Armstrong (first letter of) \u2013 what a great clue!"} {"Clue":"Drivers pinching German car to tour island nation (7)","Answer":"AMERICA","Explanation":"Definition: nation\nAA (Automobile Association, drivers) contains (pinching) MERC (Mercedes, a German car) contains (to tour, go around) I (island)"} {"Clue":"Monkey chewed end off fruit (7)","Answer":"TAMARIN","Explanation":"Definition: Monkey\nTAMARINd (a fruit) missing last letter (with end chewed off)"} {"Clue":"Tough couple in Arkanas, America (7)","Answer":"ARDUOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Tough\nDUO (couple) inside AR (Arkansas) US (America)"} {"Clue":"Relief reduces, when eating cold sweets (4,5)","Answer":"ACID DROPS","Explanation":"Definition: sweets\nAID (relief) DROPS (reduces) contains (when eating) C (cold)"} {"Clue":"Is gender affecting his plans? (8)","Answer":"DESIGNER","Explanation":"Definition: his\nanagram (affecting) of IS GENDER \u2013 read the definition as *Is gender affecting (an architect's) plans?"} {"Clue":"Country-lover is a soft touch about 3 (7)","Answer":"PATRIOT","Explanation":"Definition: Country-lover\nPAT (soft touch) contains (about ) TRIO (3 of something)"} {"Clue":"Hunter who became a stag will perform for a long time (7)","Answer":"ACTAEON","Explanation":"Definition: Hunter who became a stag\nACT (perform) for an AEON (a long time)"} {"Clue":"A bounder in iron in Entertainment by Walton (6)","Answer":"FACADE","Explanation":"Definition: Entertainment by Walton\nA CAD (bounder) in FE (Fe, iron) \u2013 another themed definition"} {"Clue":"Everyone's entered for the wrestling match (3,2)","Answer":"ALL IN","Explanation":"Definition: Everyone's entered\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Starts to study hard, exercising daily in the man's cave? (4)","Answer":"SHED","Explanation":"Definition: the man's cave\nfirst letters (starts to) of Study Hard Exercising Daily"} {"Clue":"Millions start of revolution purged from Russia in conflict once (4)","Answer":"MUSS","Explanation":"Definition: conflict once\nM (millions) then Revolution (first letter, start of) missing (purged) from RUSS (Russia)"} {"Clue":"Give severe ticking-off to timid creature when last in subject (7)","Answer":"LAMBAST","Explanation":"Definition: Give severe ticking-off to\nLAMB (timid creature) AS (when) subjecT (last letter in)"} {"Clue":"Prison get-up in theatre (6)","Answer":"SCRUBS","Explanation":"Definition: Prison\ndouble definition \u2013 Wormwood Scrubs prison and clothing in an operating theatre"} {"Clue":"What shows black unit at last being given pride of place? (4)","Answer":"EBON","Explanation":"Definition: black\nB (black) ONE (unit) with the final letter (at last) put to the front (given pride of place). I can't provide a coherent explanation of the definition. If you can then hats-off to you!"} {"Clue":"Boy holding light from behind archaeologist (6)","Answer":"LAYARD","Explanation":"Definition: archaeologist\nLAD (boy) contains (holding) RAY (light) reversed (from behind) \u2013 Sir Austen Henry Layard"} {"Clue":"Specialist mathematician rooting around with with me shortened semester? (12)","Answer":"TRIGONOMETER","Explanation":"Definition: Specialist mathematician\nanagram (around) of ROOTING then ME and TERm (semester, shortened)"} {"Clue":"One's labelled 'coarse', right out of gutter (5)","Answer":"TENCH","Explanation":"Definition: One's labelled 'coarse'\nR (right) missing from TrENCH (gutter) \u2013 a fish, labelled as a coarse fish"} {"Clue":"Catching cold, OAP shivers \u2013 I've fine wool coat (4)","Answer":"PACO","Explanation":"Definition: I've fine wool coat\nanagram (shivers) of OAP contains (catching\u2026is\u2026) C (cold)"} {"Clue":"Sort of quince syllabub he likes once outer parts are removed (4)","Answer":"BHEL","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of quince\nfound inside (once outer parts are removed) syllabuB HE Likes"} {"Clue":"'Haemorrhage' (re home breaking up with this) \u2013 it hurts like hell (5)","Answer":"AARGH","Explanation":"Definition: it hurts like hell\nHAEMORRHAGE is an anagram (breaking up) of RE HOME and AARGH (this, the solution)"} {"Clue":"Marine organism I call tailless, found with work in beach (12)","Answer":"SIPHONOPHORE","Explanation":"Definition: Marine organism\nI PHONe (call, tailless) with OP (opus, work) all inside SHORE (beach)"} {"Clue":"Traditional pancake, with beaten egg initially, distinctively glazed (6)","Answer":"FLAMBE","Explanation":"Definition: distinctively glazed\nFLAM (pancake, traditional indicates archaic) with first letters (initially) of Beaten Egg"} {"Clue":"Parrot heading off for mountainous region, in retreat (4)","Answer":"LORY","Explanation":"Definition: Parrot\ntYROL (mountainous region) missing first letter (head off) reversed (in retreat)"} {"Clue":"Animals rolling in lake, middle of bayou, in squelchy fashion (6)","Answer":"OOZILY","Explanation":"Definition: i\nZOO (animals) reversed (rolling) then I' (in) L (lake) and baYou (middle letter of)"} {"Clue":"Me and you put in thrust with foot forming country dance figure (9)","Answer":"POUSSETTE","Explanation":"Definition: country dance figure\nUS (me and you) SET (put) inside POTE (thrust with foot)"} {"Clue":"An awful place for Germans to go, North America (7)","Answer":"GEHENNA","Explanation":"Definition: An awful place\nGEHEN (to go, German) then NA (North America)"} {"Clue":"Hot? Not very, with day ending (4)","Answer":"LEWD","Explanation":"Definition: Hot\nLEW (lukewarm, not very hot) then (with\u2026ending) D (day)"} {"Clue":"Brewery vessel, bottom up, with wood, over half of it, inside (7)","Answer":"MASHTUB","Explanation":"Definition: Brewery vessel\nBUM (bottom) reversed (up) contains (with\u2026inside) ASH (wood) with (over, in a down light) iT (half of)"} {"Clue":"It's a famous dame, sprightly character but not lead in panto (4)","Answer":"SARK","Explanation":"Definition: It's a famous dame\nSpARK (sprightly character) missing (but not) Panto (first letter, lead in) \u2013 it (the island of Sark) has (had?) a famous dame, Dame Sibyl Hathaway. I was held up for a long time on 10 across by entering SORT here, SpORT (lively character) and a *sort* is an exceptional woman (famous dame)."} {"Clue":"Garden species producing small branch, say, climbing (6)","Answer":"SPURGE","Explanation":"Definition: Garden species\nSPUR (small branch) then EG (say) reversed (climbing)"} {"Clue":"Rustic pair of lads holding post in festival excitement (12)","Answer":"HOBSON-JOBSON","Explanation":"Definition: festival excitement\nHOB (a rustic) SON SON (lad, pair of) contains (holding) JOB (post)"} {"Clue":"Idle fellow, once with line on river (4)","Answer":"LUSK","Explanation":"Definition: Idle fellow, once\nL Line) with USK (the River Usk in Wales)"} {"Clue":"Develop as in classical verses poet hammers out about love (12)","Answer":"METAMORPHOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Develop\nanagram (out) of POET HAMMERS containing (about) O (love) \u2013 as in *Metamorphoses* by Ovid"} {"Clue":"A pair of drums got up in sort of silver (6)","Answer":"ALBATA","Explanation":"Definition: sort of silver\nA then TABLA (pair of drums) reversed (got up)"} {"Clue":"Second string holding contest up? It records performance (9)","Answer":"SCORECARD","Explanation":"Definition: It records performance\nS (second) CORD (string) contains RACE (contest) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Head up old copper completes beat as of old (4)","Answer":"TUND","Explanation":"Definition: beat as of old\nNUT (head) up (reversed) followed by (\u2026completes) D (penny, old copper)"} {"Clue":"First letter with central page given over to love cheers (5)","Answer":"ALOHA","Explanation":"Definition: cheers\nALpHA (the first letter) with the central letter P (page) replaced (given over to) by O (love)"} {"Clue":"Dyestuff to feel as due, treat from Scots as payment once (9)","Answer":"ARCHILOWE","Explanation":"Definition: treat from Scots as payment once\nARCHIL (dyestuff) and OWE (to feel as due)"} {"Clue":"Height below rod, or 6 cubits for some (5)","Answer":"CANEH","Explanation":"Definition: 6 cubits for some\nH (height) follows (underneath) CANE (rod)"} {"Clue":"Like telly (monstrous!) somebody was watching (7)","Answer":"ONE-EYED","Explanation":"Definition: Like telly (monstrous!)\nONE (somebody) EYED (was watching) \u2013 the *one-eyed monster* is old slang for the TV set"} {"Clue":"Preach all over the place, being a Greek bishop (6)","Answer":"EPARCH","Explanation":"Definition: a Greek bishop\nanagram (all over the place) of PREACH"} {"Clue":"Grand wood for bacchanalian verse (6)","Answer":"GHAZEL","Explanation":"Definition: bacchanalian verse\nG (grand) HAZEL (wood)"} {"Clue":"Tout, reverse of what one associates with clubs (4)","Answer":"FLOG","Explanation":"Definition: Tout\nGOLF (what one associates with clubs) reversed"} {"Clue":"Fighting dog a drunkard reared (4)","Answer":"TOSA","Explanation":"Definition: Fighting dog\nA SOT (drunkard) reversed (reared)"} {"Clue":"Selection of cooking items for holiday house (4)","Answer":"GITE","Explanation":"Definition: holiday house\nfound inside (selection of) cookinG ITEms"} {"Clue":"US can do cod with a bit more salt (6,9)","Answer":"SODIUM CARBONATE","Explanation":"Definition: salt\nanagram (cod, false) of US CAN DO with A BIT MORE"} {"Clue":"Oil shaved buttocks? (4)","Answer":"OTTO","Explanation":"Definition: Oil\nbOTTOm (buttocks, shaved)"} {"Clue":"What precedes U in eg Du Nord, a place from which to drive (6,4)","Answer":"TEEING AREA","Explanation":"Definition: place from which to drive\nTEE (T, what precedes U) IN then GARE (eg Gare Du Nord) and A"} {"Clue":"Essentials for beer, we gather loose poker chips (3-7)","Answer":"HOP PICKERS","Explanation":"Definition: Essentials for beer, we gather\nanagram (loose) of POKER CHIPS \u2013 people who gather ingredients for beer"} {"Clue":"Like knave's selection from deli-bar (cheese) or snack-bar (chocolate) (4)","Answer":"ARCH","Explanation":"Definition: Like knave\nfound inside deli-bAR CHeese or snack-bAR CHocolate"} {"Clue":"Intrinsically American Greek hero? (7)","Answer":"PERSEUS","Explanation":"Definition: Greek hero\nPER SE (intrinsically) US (American)"} {"Clue":"Guts taking a turn for the worse among workers (7)","Answer":"BELLIES","Explanation":"Definition: Guts\nILL (for the worse) reversed (taking a turn) inside (among) BEES (workers)"} {"Clue":"Choice of ends for peacock meat (4)","Answer":"PORK","Explanation":"Definition: meat\nP OR K (either end letter for peacock)"} {"Clue":"You won't want them discharging Mafia contracts from behind empty bus (5,5)","Answer":"STINK BOMBS","Explanation":"Definition: You won't want them discharging\nMOB (Mafia) KNITS (contracts) reversed (from behind) then BuS (empty)"} {"Clue":"Double shock for a couple of guys (10)","Answer":"STUNTWOMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Double\nSTUN (shock) TWO (a couple of) MEN (guys)"} {"Clue":"Crack jaw (4)","Answer":"~~CHAT~~ CHAP","Explanation":"~~just a guess \u2013 double definition, both meaning to talk, c.f. craic~~ *double definition"} {"Clue":"Make locksmith cross \u2013 throne-room occupier's shut in with booze (6,9)","Answer":"BRANDY ALEXANDER","Explanation":"Definition: booze\nBRAND (make) YALE (a locksmith) X (a cross) ER (Elizabeth Regina, current occupier of the throne-room) contains (shut in) AND (with)"} {"Clue":"In which players hope for a home draw? (8,7)","Answer":"POSTCODE LOTTERY","Explanation":"Definition: In which players hope for a home draw\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Butcher out of initially lean 17 15, noted conductor (5,5)","Answer":"LIBOR PESEK","Explanation":"Definition: noted conductor\nanagram (butcher) of PORK BELLIES (17, 15) missing (out of) Lean (first letter, initially)"} {"Clue":"Do not include it with order (4)","Answer":"OMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Do not include\nIT following (with) OM (Order of Merit)"} {"Clue":"To make XX X, break (4,3)","Answer":"TAKE TEN","Explanation":"Definition: break\nif yo TAKE TEN (X) from XX you get X"} {"Clue":"Cut one's wood consumption \u2013 it's over the top (1-4,5)","Answer":"T-BONE STEAK","Explanation":"Definition: Cut\nONE'S with TEAK (wood) following (\u2026is over the top) TB (consumption)"} {"Clue":"Peruvian royal visiting San Francisco, briefly? (4)","Answer":"INCA","Explanation":"Definition: Peruvian royal\nif you are visiting San Francisco you will be IN CA (California, briefly)"} {"Clue":"Three caterers in a tizzy needing BR employee to help carry the cases (9-6)","Answer":"STRETCHER BEARER","Explanation":"Definition: employee to help carry the cases\nanagram (in a tizzy) of THREE CATERERS with BR"} {"Clue":"Vintage \"Wow!\" moments astern when crossing east-west canals (10)","Answer":"CRUISEWAYS","Explanation":"Definition: canals\nCRU (vintage) followed by (with\u2026astern) I SAYS (wow! moments) containing (crossing) E W (east-west)"} {"Clue":"It's never Rockers that do you basic domestic comforts! (3,3,4)","Answer":"ALL MOD CONS","Explanation":"Definition: basic domestic comforts\nto *do* is to *con*, so if you have all mod cons you have no rocker cons (see Mods and Rockers)"} {"Clue":"One's right in angry e-mail: for this flier has a point (3,4)","Answer":"AIR MILE","Explanation":"Definition: for this flier has a point\nI (one) with ('s has) R (right) inside anagram (angry) of E-MAIL"} {"Clue":"Name abbreviated in a cruciverbal Easter egg (4)","Answer":"NINA","Explanation":"Definition: cruciverbal Easter egg\nN (name, abbreviated) and IN A \u2013 a Nina is a hidden message (Easter egg) inside a crossword"} {"Clue":"What J Hepworth & Son became after that (4)","Answer":"NEXT","Explanation":"Definition: What J Hepworth & Son became\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Nomadic Romanies overwhelming outwardly idyllic archipelago (10)","Answer":"MICRONESIA","Explanation":"Definition: archipelago\nanagram (nomadic) of ROMANIES contains IdylliC (outer letters)"} {"Clue":"Impersonate policeman and end in custody (4)","Answer":"COPY","Explanation":"Definition: Impersonate\nCOP (policeman) and custodY (end letter)"} {"Clue":"Recalled star GB runner (4)","Answer":"AVON","Explanation":"Definition: GB runner\nNOVA (star) reversed (recalled) \u2013 the River Avon, something that runs in Great Britain"} {"Clue":"Irishman describes underwear on broadcast online (10)","Answer":"LIVESTREAM","Explanation":"Definition: broadcast online\nLIAM (an Irishman, name) contains (describes) VEST (underwear) RE (on, regarding)"} {"Clue":"A level of noise inhibits vicar going over part of speech (6)","Answer":"ADVERB","Explanation":"Definition: part of speech\nA DB (Db, decibel, level of noise) contains (inhibits) REV (vicar) reversed (going over)"} {"Clue":"Current coach seen in club's card game (8)","Answer":"BACCARAT","Explanation":"Definition: card game\nAC (alternating current) CAR (coach) inside BAT (club)"} {"Clue":"Composed new design to reflect trimmed bedcover (8)","Answer":"TRANQUIL","Explanation":"Definition: Composed\nN (new) ART (design) reversed (to reflect) then QUILt (bedcover, trimmed)"} {"Clue":"Spot first of hinds and does earlier (4)","Answer":"DOTH","Explanation":"Definition: does earlier\nDOT (spot) and Hinds (first letter of) \u2013 earlier indicates an archaic word"} {"Clue":"Element of jazz in composition (4)","Answer":"ZINC","Explanation":"Definition: Element\nfound inside jazZ IN Composition"} {"Clue":"Cattle, leaderless between nine and eleven, run outside (8)","Answer":"EXTERIOR","Explanation":"Definition: outside\ndEXTER (breed of cattle, leaderless) IO (ten, between 9 and 11) and R (run)"} {"Clue":"Dealer paid to maintain ranch building (8)","Answer":"MERCHANT","Explanation":"Definition: Dealer\nMET (paid) contains (to maintain) anagram (building) of RANCH"} {"Clue":"Maybe Pacino's absorbing passage continually (6)","Answer":"ALWAYS","Explanation":"Definition: continually\nAL'S (Pacino maybe is) contains (absorbing) WAY (passage)"} {"Clue":"Cryptic setter embarrassed by constant approval by modish urbanites? (6,4)","Answer":"STREET CRED","Explanation":"Definition: approval by modish urbanites\nanagram (cryptic) of SETTER then RED following C (constant, maths)"} {"Clue":"Observing game is pretty draining (1-3)","Answer":"I-SPY","Explanation":"Definition: Observing game\nIS then PrettY (draining, emptied)"} {"Clue":"Work hard to arrest northern poisoner (4)","Answer":"FANG","Explanation":"Definition: poisoner\nFAG (work hard) contains N (northern) \u2013 a snake's fang, something that poisons"} {"Clue":"Leaves company's rental property with Charlie during Tuesday (3,7)","Answer":"COS LETTUCE","Explanation":"Definition: Leaves\nCO (company) LET (rental property) then C (charlie, phonetic alphabet) inside (during) TUE (Tuesday)"} {"Clue":"One encroaches upon rocky ravine when touring Germany (7)","Answer":"INVADER","Explanation":"Definition: One encroaches upon\nanagram (rocky) of RAVINE contains (when touring) D (Deutschland, Germany)"} {"Clue":"Frenchwoman born alongside banks of Rhone (5)","Answer":"RENEE","Explanation":"Definition: Frenchwoman\nNEE (born) with (alongside) RhonE (outer letters, banks of)"} {"Clue":"Flower sad in shade (4,4)","Answer":"NILE BLUE","Explanation":"Definition: shade\nNILE (river, something that flows) BLUE (sad)"} {"Clue":"Old golfer assimilated bestseller with Soave (4,11)","Answer":"SEVE BALLESTEROS","Explanation":"Definition: Old golfer\nanagram (assimilated) of BESTSELLER with SOAVE"} {"Clue":"Donkey starts to untie cheap harness by itself (2,4)","Answer":"AS SUCH","Explanation":"Definition: by itself\nASS (donkey) then first letters (starts to) of Untie Cheap Harness"} {"Clue":"Herb, fellow jockey, pens article (9)","Answer":"CORIANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Herb\nCO-RIDER (fellow jockey) contains (pens) AN (indefinite article)"} {"Clue":"Rustic game-bird husband picked off (7)","Answer":"PEASANT","Explanation":"Definition: Rustic\nPhEASANT missing H (husband)"} {"Clue":"Former politician Rob \u2013 Conservative member, note (4,5)","Answer":"NICK CLEGG","Explanation":"Definition: Former politician\nNICK (rob) C (conservative) LEG (member) G (note, music) \u2013 former leader of the Lib-Dems"} {"Clue":"Small daughters inside ground later sit on the fence (8)","Answer":"STRADDLE","Explanation":"Definition: sit on the fence\nS (small) then DD (daughter, twice) inside anagram (ground) of LATER"} {"Clue":"In Royal Crown, artist's drawn still life? (7)","Answer":"INERTIA","Explanation":"Definition: still life\nIN ER (a royal) TIAra (crown) missing (that has\u2026drawn) RA (royal Academician, artist) \u2013 a \"still life\" is a lazy life"} {"Clue":"Kind of top athlete to change policy about entrant in Marathon (7)","Answer":"OLYMPIC","Explanation":"Definition: Kind of top athlete\nanagram (to change) of POLICY contains Marathon (first letter, entrant in)"} {"Clue":"Bubbly resident in middle of romcom that provides tackiness (6)","Answer":"MASTIC","Explanation":"Definition: that provides tackiness\nASTI (bubbly, a wine) inside roMCom (middle of)"} {"Clue":"Body part rejected, we hear (5)","Answer":"WAIST","Explanation":"Definition: Body part\nsounds like (we hear) \"waste\" (rejected)"} {"Clue":"First of customers returns bottle of milk (6)","Answer":"CATNIP","Explanation":"Customers (first letter of) then PINTA (bottle of milk) reversed (returns)"} {"Clue":"Greetings! It has left the digestives, say (8)","Answer":"HIBISCUS","Explanation":"HI (greetings!) then BISCUitS missing (\u2026has left) IT"} {"Clue":"Oddly, they answer to Liberal leader (6)","Answer":"TEASEL","Explanation":"Every other letter (oddly) of ThEy AnSwEr then Liberal (first letter, leader)"} {"Clue":"Dancing girl at Le Lido line in Sussex (8)","Answer":"BLUEBELL","Explanation":"Definition: Dancing girl at Le Lido\ndouble definition \u2013 dance troupe from Le Lido de Paris and steam railway in Sussex"} {"Clue":"Lodging in hotel in Gretna (4)","Answer":"LING","Explanation":"found inside (lodging in) hoteL IN Gretna \u2013 a type of heather"} {"Clue":"Southern border (5)","Answer":"SEDGE","Explanation":"S (southern) EDGE (border)"} {"Clue":"Bill coming after dessert (5,7)","Answer":"SWEET WILLIAM","Explanation":"WILLIAM (Bill) follows SWEET (dessert)"} {"Clue":"Served dab and red salmon (3,4,5)","Answer":"OLD MAN\u2019S BEARD","Explanation":"anagram (served) of DAB and RED SALMON"} {"Clue":"Bit of a looker! (4)","Answer":"IRIS","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 a part of an eye (looker, something that looks)"} {"Clue":"Dry seed we scattered (5,4)","Answer":"DYER\u2019S WEED","Explanation":"anagram (scattered) of DRY SEED WE"} {"Clue":"Funny Girl \u2013 Adele's leading first (4,4)","Answer":"ARUM LILY","Explanation":"RUM (funny) LILY (girl, name of) follows (with\u2026first) Adele (first letter, leading)"} {"Clue":"Nehru takes nap \u2013 out of sorts (8)","Answer":"NENUPHAR","Explanation":"anagram (out of sorts) of NEHRU with NAP \u2013 the water lily"} {"Clue":"Farrow drinks some of the German wine (6)","Answer":"MIMOSA","Explanation":"MIA (Mia Farrow) contains (drinks) MOSel (German wine, only some of)"} {"Clue":"Spoke of rooms with endless ringing (5,3)","Answer":"SWEET PEA","Explanation":"SWEET sounds like (spoke of) \"suite\" (rooms) then PEAL (ringing, endless)"} {"Clue":"Attempt to cut tree back (6)","Answer":"MYRTLE","Explanation":"TRY (attempt) inside (to cut) ELM (tree) all reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Refined accent of Under Milk Wood's Lord (3,5)","Answer":"CUT GLASS","Explanation":"Definition: Refined accent\ndouble definition \u2013 Lord Cut-Glass, character from Dylan Thomas's play who dreams of 66 clocks that each tell a different time"} {"Clue":"Coaches and French model railway (5,3)","Answer":"TRAIN SET","Explanation":"Definition: model railway\nTRAINS (coaches) with ET (and, in French)"} {"Clue":"Goat from central Tibet \u2013 spot marked thus (4)","Answer":"IBEX","Explanation":"Definition: Goat\ntIBEt (middle letters, central) then X (a spot is marked with an X)"} {"Clue":"False registration made by a burglar (7,5)","Answer":"ILLEGAL ENTRY","Explanation":"Definition: False registration\ndouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Confectionery from unjust magistrates (4)","Answer":"ICES","Explanation":"Definition: Confectionery\njustICES (magistrates) missing JUST"} {"Clue":"Basket holding women's yarn (6)","Answer":"CREWEL","Explanation":"Definition: yarn\nCREEL (basket) contains (holding) W (women)"} {"Clue":"Food, alas, upset diners \u2013 no stomach for it (6)","Answer":"SALADS","Explanation":"Definition: Food\nALAS reversed (upset) then DinerS (outer letters only, the word is missing its stomach)"} {"Clue":"Cavalier villain could be a nurse (5-3-4)","Answer":"DEVIL-MAY-CARE","Explanation":"Definition: Cavalier\nDEVIL (villain) MAY CARE (could be a nurse)"} {"Clue":"No wind yet (5)","Answer":"STILL","Explanation":"Definition: No wind\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Former PM extremely believable? Possibly (5)","Answer":"MAYBE","Explanation":"Definition: Possibly\nMAY (Theresa May, former PM) and BelievablE (outer letters, extremely)"} {"Clue":"Inside truck is your broken implement (5,3)","Answer":"CARRY OUT","Explanation":"Definition: implement\nCART (truck) contains (inside\u2026is\u2026) anagram (broken) of YOUR"} {"Clue":"Water, alas, made impure (5,3)","Answer":"ADAM\u2019S ALE","Explanation":"Definition: Water\nanagram (impure) of ALAS MADE"} {"Clue":"With which Leo's composed polonaises? (6)","Answer":"PIANOS","Explanation":"Definition: With which Leo's composed polonaises?\nPIANOS (which, this the solution) with LEO'S is an anagram (composed) of POLONAISES"} {"Clue":"He's promised work in cafe (6)","Answer":"FIANCE","Explanation":"Definition: He's promised\nanagram (work) of IN CAFE"} {"Clue":"Quarrel \u2013 it is bath time (4)","Answer":"SPAT","Explanation":"Definition: Quarrel\nSPA ((bath) with T (time)"} {"Clue":"Sport in setting hard to endure (9)","Answer":"GRUELLING","Explanation":"Definition: hard \nRU (Rugby Union, sport) inside GELLING (setting)"} {"Clue":"Put back stone in a ring, last in series (5)","Answer":"OMEGA","Explanation":"Definition: last in series\na reversal (put back) of GEM (stone) in A O (ring)"} {"Clue":"Part of memoir I shortened in language using fewer letters (5)","Answer":"IRISH","Explanation":"Definition: language\nfound inside (part of) memoIR I SHortened. ~~I'm a bit stuck explaining the \"using fewer letters\" bit \u2013 how do you combine that with \"part of..\" and have it make sense? Maybe a sort of \"double indication\" wordplay device, a parallel to a \"double definition\"?~~ Irish only uses 17 of the 26 letters in the alphabet for native words."} {"Clue":"Means to find unknown numbers without using 14 (5,4)","Answer":"PHONE BOOK","Explanation":"Definition: Means to find unknown numbers without using 14\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Without skill, in particular (7)","Answer":"NOTABLY","Explanation":"Definition: in \nNOT ABLY (without skill) \u2013 initially I had NOTABLE, NOT ABLE which seems a perfectly good solution. This caused an hour or more of frustration in the NE corner that I was unable to make work."} {"Clue":"Use it to produce solutions, oper\u00adating literally crazy lab gear (7)","Answer":"ALGEBRA","Explanation":"Definition: Use it to produce solutions\nanagram (crazy) of LAB GEAR. I'm guessing that \"operating literally\" suggests that algebra is a sequence of operations on letters: a + b for example. *Also and more likely IMO is that the word originated in an Arabic phrase meaning \"setting broken bones\"."} {"Clue":"Namely, how to recover something after breakdown (2,3)","Answer":"TO WIT","Explanation":"Definition: Namely\nTOW IT (how to recover something after breakdown)"} {"Clue":"Skill, in particular (3)","Answer":"ART","Explanation":"Definition: Skill\nfound inside pARTicular"} {"Clue":"12, 15 and 24 across all do this, 3 25 (5)","Answer":"ORDER","Explanation":"Definition: 12, 15 and 24 across all do \nPHONE BOOK (12) GLOSSARIES (15) and LIBRARIES (24) all order APHABETIC(3)ALLY(25)"} {"Clue":"Most of Corsica disrupted by centre of storm that blows across Med (7)","Answer":"SIROCCO","Explanation":"Definition: that blows across Med\nanagram (disrupted) of CORSICa (most of) then stOrm (centre of)"} {"Clue":"Supplier of fuel while mother shelters in her ruin? (3,4)","Answer":"GAS MAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Supplier of fuel\nAS (while) MA (she) inside (shelters in) GIN (mother's ruin)"} {"Clue":"Where people read overlapping signs (9)","Answer":"LIBRARIES","Explanation":"Definition: Where people read\nLIBRA and ARIES (signs) overlapping each other by one letter"} {"Clue":"Like his tragic partner, he can be 3 (5)","Answer":"ROMEO","Explanation":"Definition: Like his tragic partner, he can be 3\nsee 2dn for explanation"} {"Clue":"M's predecessors left bomb test site (5)","Answer":"ATOLL","Explanation":"Definition: bomb test site\nA TO L (M's predecessors) then L (left) \u2013 Bikini Atoll for example"} {"Clue":"Other son secures flat for timely break (9)","Answer":"ELEVENSES","Explanation":"Definition: timely break\nELSE (other) S (son) contains (secures) EVEN (flat)"} {"Clue":"Fruit very unlike peach, reportedly (4)","Answer":"UGLI","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nsounds like (reportedly) \"ugly\" (so not a peach)"} {"Clue":"Like her tragic partner, she can be 3 (6)","Answer":"JULIET","Explanation":"Definition: Like her tragic partner, \nBoth JULIET and ROMEO (her partner in a tragedy) are part of the phonetic alphabet (3). *OddOtter interestingly points out that the modern radio alphabets spell this as JULIETT to avoid mispronunciation by French speakers who would natively pronounce this as ZHOO-LEY-AY."} {"Clue":"Odd chap, albeit like characters in set (10)","Answer":"ALPHABETIC","Explanation":"Definition: like characters in set\nanagram (odd) of CHAP ALBEIT"} {"Clue":"Diagnostic aid ordered, in a way, like 23 (6)","Answer":"BIOPSY","Explanation":"Definition: Diagnostic aid\nthe letters of BIOPSY are in alphabetical order, like those of ALMOST (23 down)"} {"Clue":"I admit grasping zero, not knowing ABCs (8)","Answer":"IGNORANT","Explanation":"Definition: not knowing ABCs\nI GRANT (admit) contains (grasping) NO (zero)"} {"Clue":"Counterpart of 10 I found in area (4)","Answer":"ZONE","Explanation":"Definition: area\nZ (counterpart of Omega, last letter in alphabet) and ONE (I)"} {"Clue":"Bishop, in protest over base, put out of service (8)","Answer":"DEMOBBED","Explanation":"Definition: put out of service\nB (bishop) inside DEMO (protest) with (over, in a down-light) BED (base)"} {"Clue":"A, B, or C, perhaps, in book (4)","Answer":"MARK","Explanation":"Definition: A, B, or C, perhaps\nmarks in exam and book of the Bible"} {"Clue":"Determined to upset A, B, C etc (5)","Answer":"NOTES","Explanation":"Definition: A, B, C etc\nSET ON (determined) reversed (to upset)"} {"Clue":"They help explain article run in some magazines (10)","Answer":"GLOSSARIES","Explanation":"Definition: They help explain\nA (indefinite article) R (run) inside GLOSSIES (some magazines)"} {"Clue":"Repeatedly answer right about first person in OT? (5)","Answer":"AARON","Explanation":"Definition: person in OT\nA A (answer, repeated) R (right) ON (about) \u2013 ~~I'm not sure what \"first\" does here.~~ *AARON would be the first entry in an alphabetical listing of bible characters."} {"Clue":"Finally found surprising expression in opus that's akin to dictionary (8)","Answer":"WORDBOOK","Explanation":"Definition: that's akin to dictionary\nfounD (final letter) BOO (expression, to surprise) inside WORK (opus)"} {"Clue":"In minimal pieces, include note in middle of gamut (8)","Answer":"ATOMIZED","Explanation":"Definition: In minimal pieces\nMI (note, music) inside A TO ZED (everything, gamut)"} {"Clue":"In turn, endlessly recite sequence of letters? It's true (6)","Answer":"GOSPEL","Explanation":"Definition: true\nGO (turn) then SPELL (recite sequence of letters, missing end letter)"} {"Clue":"Line inserted in book on time, virtually (6)","Answer":"ALMOST","Explanation":"Definition: virtually\nL (line) inside AMOS (Book of Amos, in Old Testament) then T (time)"} {"Clue":"It was used when setting clue (4)","Answer":"LEAD","Explanation":"Definition: clue\nlead was used by printers for setting type"} {"Clue":"Colleague completely unknown in 14 (4)","Answer":"ALLY","Explanation":"Definition: Colleague\nALL (completely) and Y (an unknown, commonly used symbol in algebra)"} {"Clue":"Expel outcast, ignoring law's reversal (4)","Answer":"OUST","Explanation":"Definition: Expel\nOUtcaST missing ACT (law) reversed"} {"Clue":"Shaver maybe spilt pail in course of routine, returning (8)","Answer":"EPILATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Shaver maybe\nanagram (spilt) of PAIL inside (in course of) ROTE (routine) reversed (returning)"} {"Clue":"Flow of old from poet perishing early (5)","Answer":"RAYLE","Explanation":"Definition: Flow of old\nanagram (perishing) of EARLY \u2013 the poet of old is Spencer"} {"Clue":"Small tipple I swallowed? It won't go far in Dushanbe (5)","Answer":"DIRAM","Explanation":"Definition: It won't go far in Dushanbe\nDRAM (small tipple) contains (with\u2026swallowed) I \u2013 Dunshabe is the capital of Tajikistan"} {"Clue":"Ill-tempered fellow, I'm often tastily dressed (4)","Answer":"CRAB","Explanation":"Definition: Ill-tempered fellow\ndefinition, cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Black part of shoe, inner section reversed (4)","Answer":"SLOE","Explanation":"Definition: Black\nSOLE (part of shoe) with inner letters reversed"} {"Clue":"Boss stopping work early (4)","Answer":"STUD","Explanation":"Definition: Boss\nSTUDy (work) shortened (stopped early)"} {"Clue":"Hooter permitted when behind barrow (6)","Answer":"HOWLET","Explanation":"Definition: Hooter\nLET (permitted) following HOW (barrow)"} {"Clue":"Jock's brief barb returned with touch of malice in it (6)","Answer":"SUMMAR","Explanation":"Definition: Jock's brief\nRAMUS (barb) reversed (returned) containing Malice (first letter, a touch of)"} {"Clue":"Example of air pollution detectable in seismography (4)","Answer":"SMOG","Explanation":"Definition: Example of air pollution\nfound inside (detectable in) seiSMOGraphy"} {"Clue":"Invertebrates? Tern tribe's mixed in with these (4)","Answer":"AVES","Explanation":"Definition: Tern tribe's mixed in with these\nan anagram (mixed in) of TERN TRIBE'S with AVES (these, the solution) is INVERTEBRATES \u2013 Aves is birds, of which Terns are one species"} {"Clue":"Bud yielding infusion? It was of value in Peru (4)","Answer":"INTI","Explanation":"Definition: It was of value in Peru\nINTImate (bud) missing (yielding) MATE (an infusion)"} {"Clue":"University totty? One's small and shabby (5)","Answer":"OUBIT","Explanation":"Definition: One's small and shabby\nOU (Open University) with BIT (totty, slang for attractive girl)"} {"Clue":"What are forests in Russian regions? Yes, primarily (5)","Answer":"FIRRY","Explanation":"Definition: What are\nfirst letters (primarily) of Forests In Russian Regions Yes"} {"Clue":" Typical of (mostly young) learners (adj) (8)","Answer":"STUDENTY","Explanation":"Definition: Typical of (mostly young) learners (adj)\ncompetition clue"} {"Clue":"Wild olives causing gel nausea when cooked (9)","Answer":"ELAEAGNUS","Explanation":"Definition: Wild olives\nanagram (when cooked) of GEL NAUSEA"} {"Clue":"Who often joined Daisy having tea? Come off it! (7)","Answer":"GERTCHA","Explanation":"Definition: Come off it!\nGERT (Gert and Daisy, music hall act) with CHA (tea)"} {"Clue":"Dressing in early summer put on egg (4)","Answer":"MAYO","Explanation":"Definition: Dressing\nMAY (early summer) on O (an egg, something round)"} {"Clue":"What's left penned by composer, unfinished, that can be erased (7)","Answer":"DELIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: that can be erased\nL (left) inside (penned by) DELIBEs (composer, unfinished)"} {"Clue":"Botanical outgrowth, soft inside, seen in late springtime (5)","Answer":"APRIL","Explanation":"Definition: late springtime\nARIL (botanical growth) contains P (soft)"} {"Clue":"Christian benefactors sing ode out of tune (7)","Answer":"GIDEONS","Explanation":"Definition: Christian benefactors\nanagram (out of tune) of SING ODE"} {"Clue":"Group in society mostly keeping quiet about ne'er-do-well (7)","Answer":"STRATUM","Explanation":"Definition: Group in society\nSTUMm (keeping quiet, mostly) contains (about) RAT (ne'er-do-well)"} {"Clue":"A clay grout changes round ring, thickening (11)","Answer":"COAGULATORY","Explanation":"Definition: thickening\nanagram (changes) of A CLAY GROUT containing (round) O (a ring)"} {"Clue":"Ready for engagement? What Mr and Mrs share is embodied by mostly expensive rings coming up (5)","Answer":"ARMED","Explanation":"Definition: Ready for engagement\nMR (what is shared by Mr and Mrs) inside (is embodied by) DEAr (expensive, mostly) reversed (coming up) \u2013 I can't explain why \"rings\" is in there"} {"Clue":"Uproar once created by telly doctor on rearing owls (7)","Answer":"WHOOBUB","Explanation":"Definition: Uproar once\nWHO (Dr Who, television doctor) on BUBO (owls) reversed (rearing)"} {"Clue":"Travel agent initially ringing to maintain name for Athenian eatery (7)","Answer":"TAVERNA","Explanation":"Definition: Athenian eatery\nfirst letters (initially) of Travel Agent contain (ringing) AVER (to maintain) with N (name)"} {"Clue":"I'm caught up in police trap, making killing (7)","Answer":"SMITING","Explanation":"Definition: killing\nI'M reversed (up) inside (caught in) STING (police trap)"} {"Clue":"Sneery, I maligned those labelled 'kindly' (7)","Answer":"ERINYES","Explanation":"Definition: those labelled 'kindly'\nanagram (maligned) of SNEERY I \u2013 ~~the Furies, those named in the same kind of way (sneery, maligned etc)~~ *known euphemistically as \"the kindly ones\" to avoid tempting fate by mentioning their names"} {"Clue":"Political alliance suggesting auto phone system (6)","Answer":"CARTEL","Explanation":"Definition: Political alliance\nCAR TEL suggests \"car telephone\" (auto phone system)"} {"Clue":"Result of thaw in Vail? Jumps moved up round start of slalom (5)","Answer":"SPOSH","Explanation":"Definition: Result of thaw in Vail\nHOPS reversed (moved up, in a down light) contains (round) Slalom (first letter, start of)"} {"Clue":"Crack clayey rock, removing soft covering (5)","Answer":"ELITE","Explanation":"Definition: Crack\npELETE (clayey rock) missing its first letter, P (soft, the covering)"} {"Clue":"Seaweed rising up from below grating (4)","Answer":"IRON","Explanation":"Definition: grating\nNORI (seaweed) reversed (rising up from below, in a down clue)"} {"Clue":"Tricky to wash gravel through subsoil layer (7)","Answer":"HARDPAN","Explanation":"Definition: subsoil layer\nHARD (tricky) PAN (to wash gravel through)"} {"Clue":"Gelding niggled by this horse a sheep defends (7)","Answer":"ANAGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Gelding niggled by this\nNAG (sheep) inside (that\u2026defends) A RAM (sheep) \u2013 definition by example"} {"Clue":"Swear outrageously being cut again (5)","Answer":"RESAW","Explanation":"Definition: cut again\nanagram (outrageously) of SWEAR"} {"Clue":"Testing time for son escaping stronghold (9)","Answer":"PROBATION","Explanation":"Definition: Testing time\nPRO (for) then BAsTION (stronghold) missing S (son)"} {"Clue":"Staying alive but losing heart is wrong behaviour (10)","Answer":"IMMORALITY","Explanation":"Definition: wrong behaviour\nIMMORtALITY (staying alive) missing middle letter (heart)"} {"Clue":"Sadly Liberal placed in sober group ultimately drinks (4)","Answer":"ALAS","Explanation":"Definition: Sadly\nL (Liberal) inside AA (Alcoholics Anonymous, sober group) then drinkS (last letter, ultimately)"} {"Clue":"Work hard, play hard in purportedly socialist group (6,5)","Answer":"LABOUR PARTY","Explanation":"Definition: purportedly socialist group\nLABOUR (work hard) PARTY (play hard)"} {"Clue":"Jar containing drunkard's ultimate drink (3,3,5)","Answer":"GIN AND TONIC","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nanagram (jar, disturb) of CONTAINING with drunkarD (last letter, ultimate)"} {"Clue":"Quick look across river (4)","Answer":"SPRY","Explanation":"Definition: Quick\nSPY (look) contains (across) R (river)"} {"Clue":"One never let a loony put in blank pages (10)","Answer":"INTERLEAVE","Explanation":"Definition: put in blank pages\nI (one) then anagram (loony) of NEVER LET A"} {"Clue":"Fiery old flame has power: love is renewed (9)","Answer":"EXPLOSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Fiery\nEX (old flame) then anagram (renewed) of P (power) LOVE IS"} {"Clue":"Silver penny no longer in circulation? (5)","Answer":"PLATE","Explanation":"Definition: Silver\nP (penny) LATE (no longer in circulation, dead)"} {"Clue":"Rum diluted for machine-wrecker (7)","Answer":"LUDDITE","Explanation":"Definition: machine-wrecker\nanagram (rum, in an odd way) of DILUTED"} {"Clue":"Cut reversed during solver's treatment (7)","Answer":"THERAPY","Explanation":"Definition: treatment\nPARE (cut) reversed inside THY (the solver's)"} {"Clue":"Continue to suppose parking unavailable? (6)","Answer":"RESUME","Explanation":"Definition: Continue\npRESUME (suppose) missing P (parking)"} {"Clue":"Juice producer mountain climbing in rocky Newport (5,5)","Answer":"POWER PLANT","Explanation":"Definition: Juice producer\nALP (mountain) reversed (climbing) in anagram (rocky) of NEWPORT"} {"Clue":"Page in Cassady perhaps reveals republic (5)","Answer":"NEPAL","Explanation":"Definition: republic\nP (page) inside NEAL (Neal Cassady perhaps, beat generation chappie)"} {"Clue":"On roll call for military revolution (5-4)","Answer":"ABOUT-TURN","Explanation":"Definition: call for military revolution\nABOUT (on) TURN (roll)"} {"Clue":"King on the rise and partly open (4)","Answer":"AJAR","Explanation":"Definition: partly open\nRAJA (king) reversed (on the rise, in a down-light)"} {"Clue":"Bookless characters felt line should be banter (8)","Answer":"RAILLERY","Explanation":"Definition: banter\nbRAILLE (lines felt, by the fingers) missing B (book-less) and RY (railway, line)"} {"Clue":"Imagination Disney transformed in me (5,3)","Answer":"MIND\u2019S EYE","Explanation":"Definition: Imagination\nanagram (transformed) of DISNEY inside ME"} {"Clue":"Short ballad a mysterious writer pens is revelation (10)","Answer":"APOCALYPSE","Explanation":"Definition: revelation\nCALYPSo (ballad, short) inside (that\u2026pens) A POE (mystery writer)"} {"Clue":"Wager Ireland should brook no abomination (4,5)","Answer":"BETE NOIRE","Explanation":"Definition: abomination\nBET (wager) EIRE (Ireland) contains (should brook, to bear) NO"} {"Clue":"Finish Spurs nightmare (8)","Answer":"EGGSHELL","Explanation":"Definition: Finish\nEGGS (spurs) HELL (nightmare) \u2013 a paint finish, as opposed to gloss or matt"} {"Clue":"Bold print splashed across English papers (8)","Answer":"INTREPID","Explanation":"Definition: Bold\nanagram (splashed) of PRINT contains (across) E (English) then ID (papers)"} {"Clue":"Karma has liar beaten: here's elected female (6,6)","Answer":"KAMALA HARRIS","Explanation":"Definition: elected female\nanagram (beaten) of KAMALA HARRIS \u2013 Vice President Elect of the United States"} {"Clue":"Looking for it, but dead round Tyneside region (6)","Answer":"VENERY","Explanation":"Definition: L\nVERY (dead) contains (round) NE (Tyneside region) \u2013 the pursuit of sexual gratification"} {"Clue":"Magnate at last opening show (5)","Answer":"EVENT","Explanation":"Definition: show\nmagnatE (last letter of) then VENT (opening)"} {"Clue":"Mischievous god restrained in conversation (4)","Answer":"LOKI","Explanation":"Definition: Mischievous god\nsounds like (in conversation) of \"low key\" (restrained)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Clapton's earpiece regularly dropped (4)","Answer":"ERIC","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps Clapton\nevery other letter (regularly dropped) of EaRpIeCe"} {"Clue":"Sudden front invisible when circulating (10)","Answer":"UNFORESEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Sudden\nFORE (front) inside (with\u2026when circulating) UNSEEN (invisible)"} {"Clue":"Setter getting over clamour to engage in affair (6)","Answer":"EMBARK","Explanation":"Definition: to engage in affair\nME (the setter) reversed (getting over) then BARK (clamour)"} {"Clue":"Made dim sum for starters, cubed or otherwise (8)","Answer":"OBSCURED","Explanation":"Definition: Made dim\nanagram (otherwise) of Sum (first letter, for starters) with CUBED OR"} {"Clue":"Pat Helen's bum \u2013 she'll never forget! (8)","Answer":"ELEPHANT","Explanation":"Definition: she'll never forget\nanagram (bum, wrongly) of PAT HELEN"} {"Clue":"Marriage vow by first 20th century linguist? (6)","Answer":"IDOIST","Explanation":"Definition: 20th century linguist\nI DO (marriage vow) with IST (1st first) \u2013 a user of the international language Ido"} {"Clue":"Circumventing grandma, bare bonkers (woman and man) breed (8,5)","Answer":"ABERDEEN ANGUS","Explanation":"Definition: breed\nNAN (grandma) with anagram (bonkers) of BARE inside (circumventing\u2026is\u2026) DEE (a woman's name) with GUS (a man's name) \u2013 breed of cattle"} {"Clue":"God angry, evidently opening up lost soul (6)","Answer":"AELOUS","Explanation":"Definition: God\n~~My guess is TELLUS (god), but I can't explain why~~ *first letters (opening up) of Angry Evidently then anagram (lost) of SOUL"} {"Clue":"Weekly deliveries run after stock problem is tackled (8)","Answer":"OBSERVER","Explanation":"Definition: Weekly\nOVER (deliveries, 6 balls in cricket) contains (after\u2026is tackled) R (run) following BSE (a problem in cattle, stock) \u2013 The Observer newspaper, a weekly paper"} {"Clue":"Uninvited relative, stabbed by gangster, died (8)","Answer":"UNCALLED","Explanation":"Definition: Uninvited\nUNCLE (a relative) contains (stabbed by) AL (Al Capone, gangster) then D (died)"} {"Clue":"Pop over \u2013 call round to see old primate (6)","Answer":"APEMAN","Explanation":"Definition: old primate\nPA (pop, father) reversed (over) then NAME (call) reversed (round)"} {"Clue":"Bad if out, since likely to spread (10)","Answer":"INFECTIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: likely to spread\nanagram (bad) of IF OUT SINCE"} {"Clue":"Unintroduced jerk causing irritation (4)","Answer":"ITCH","Explanation":"Definition: irritation\nhITCH (to jerk) missing first letter (un-introduced)"} {"Clue":"Announce chatter about sullen old revolutionary (10)","Answer":"PROMULGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Announce\nPRATE (chatter) contains (about) GLUM (sullen) with O (old) reversed (revolutionary)"} {"Clue":"Finally, famous music producer and techie giant make \"Meat Loaf in the US\" (8)","Answer":"SCRAPPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Meat Loaf in the US\nlast letters (finally) of famouS musiC produceR then APPLE (techie giant)"} {"Clue":"Nepali carpet taken up by Asian ruler, briefly (6)","Answer":"GURKHA","Explanation":"Definition: Nepali\nRUG (carpet) reversed (taken up) then KHAn (Asian ruler, briefly)"} {"Clue":"Prostitute I caught with a Swede, maybe? (8)","Answer":"BRASSICA","Explanation":"Definition: Swede, maybe\nBRASS (a prostitute) I C (caught) with A \u2013 aka rutabaga for US solvers"} {"Clue":"Fake subscription rejected when stopping postal order (6)","Answer":"PSEUDO","Explanation":"Definition: Fake\nDUES (subscription) reversed (rejected) inside PO (postal order)"} {"Clue":"Party a lot, audibly so (4)","Answer":"FETE","Explanation":"Definition: Party\nsounds like (audibly so) \"fate\" (a lot, destiny)"} {"Clue":"Fresh food growth, farmer missing first half ab initio (4,3,4,2)","Answer":"FROM THE WORD GO","Explanation":"Definition: ab initio\nanagram (fresh) of FOOD GROWTH and farMER (missing first half)"} {"Clue":"Suspect dodgy canteen food? (10)","Answer":"SUSTENANCE","Explanation":"Definition: f\nSUS (suspect) then anagram (dodgy) of CANTEEN"} {"Clue":"Fail to keep up with external appointment, getting lonely (8)","Answer":"DESOLATE","Explanation":"Definition: lonely\nLOSE (fail to keep) reversed (up) inside (with\u2026external) DATE (appointment)"} {"Clue":"Drainage transformed shrub (8)","Answer":"GARDENIA","Explanation":"Definition: shrub\nanagram (transformed) of DRAINAGE"} {"Clue":"I borrow without any other European capital being put down (6)","Answer":"LOANEE","Explanation":"Definition: I borrow\n~~My guess is LOANER, but I can't explain why~~. *ALONE (without any other) and E (European) with A (the capital letter of ALONE) moved down the word (being put down)"} {"Clue":"Scattered boxes end in waste (6)","Answer":"SPARSE","Explanation":"Definition: Scattered\nSPARS (boxes) then wastE (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"Opening partly round and square (4)","Answer":"NINE","Explanation":"Definition: square\nfound inside (partly) opENINing reversed (round) \u2013 nine is three squared"} {"Clue":"Club about to give female support (9)","Answer":"BRASSIERE","Explanation":"Definition: female support\nBRASSIE (a golf club) and RE (about, regarding)"} {"Clue":"Stunner posed again facing backwards (5)","Answer":"TASER","Explanation":"Definition: Stunner\nRE-SAT (posed again) reversed (facing backwards)"} {"Clue":"Plant originally found on isle brought into factory (7)","Answer":"MILFOIL","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nFound On Isle (first letters of, originally) ~~and I (isle)~~ inside (brought into) MILL (factory)"} {"Clue":"One delivering mail \u2014 not spam for a change (7)","Answer":"POSTMAN","Explanation":"Definition: One delivering mail\nanagram (for a change) of NOT SPAM"} {"Clue":"Beginning to surveille Irish gentleman's address (3)","Answer":"SIR","Explanation":"Definition: gentleman's address\nSurveille (first letter, beginning to) and IR (Irish)"} {"Clue":"Always stocks a good beer, ordered by a keen customer (5,6)","Answer":"EAGER BEAVER","Explanation":"Definition: keen customer\nEVER (always) contains (stocks) A G with anagram (ordered) of BEER then (by) A \u2013 customer denotes a person here, not a shopper"} {"Clue":"Opinion given one way or another (5)","Answer":"TENET","Explanation":"Definition: Opinion\na palindrome (given one way or the other)"} {"Clue":"Raw rock from Who revelatory (3)","Answer":"ORE","Explanation":"Definition: Raw rock\nfound inside whO REvelatory"} {"Clue":"First murderer strangling bishop in hut (5)","Answer":"CABIN","Explanation":"Definition: hut\nCAIN (the first murderer, in the Bible) contains (strangling) B (bishop)"} {"Clue":"Post belongings, not seeing the end result (5-6)","Answer":"AFTER-EFFECT","Explanation":"Definition: result\nAFTER (post) EFFECTs (belongings) missing the end letter"} {"Clue":"Good times! Money invested in FT compilers (3)","Answer":"UPS","Explanation":"Definition: Good times\nP (penny, money ?) inside (invested in) US (the FT compilers)"} {"Clue":"Forceful police seizing loads to be returned (7)","Answer":"DYNAMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Forceful\nCID (police) contains (seizing) MANY (loads) all reversed (to be returned)"} {"Clue":"Old country house secured in 24 hours (7)","Answer":"DAHOMEY","Explanation":"Definition: Old country\nHOME (house) inside (secured in) DAY (24 hours) \u2013 now part of Benin"} {"Clue":"Workers put in very large signs (5)","Answer":"OMENS","Explanation":"Definition: signs\nMEN (workers) inside OS (out-size, very large)"} {"Clue":"Blue perhaps: certainly not in the pink (3-6)","Answer":"OFF-COLOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Blue perhaps\ndouble cryptic definition \u2013 \"in the pink\" is healthy, \"blue\" is feeling sad *and low and blue and off-colour also denote \"indecent\""} {"Clue":"Mushroom producers article fails dismally (1-5)","Answer":"A-BOMBS","Explanation":"Definition: Mushroom producers\nA (indefinite article) and BOMBS (fails dismally)"} {"Clue":"Steer around old Scottish river vessel (8)","Answer":"CAULDRON","Explanation":"Definition: vessel\nCON (steer) contains (around) AULD (old, Scottish) and R (river)"} {"Clue":"Resistance encountered after Free Scots shot novelist (1,1,8)","Answer":"C S FORESTER","Explanation":"Definition: novelist\nR (resistance) following anagram (shot) of FREE SCOTS"} {"Clue":"Optimistic expectation for catching fish, given decent information (4,4,6)","Answer":"FEEL GOOD FACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Optimistic expectation\nFOR contains (catching) EEL (fish) and GOOD (decent) FACT (information)"} {"Clue":"Food store, being very low, reportedly delivers (4,6)","Answer":"DEEP FREEZE","Explanation":"Definition: Food store\nDEEP (low) then FREEZE sounds like (reportedly) \"frees\" (delivers)"} {"Clue":"Love, then husband flees this regretful lady (4)","Answer":"OTIS","Explanation":"Definition: regretful lady\nO (love, zero) then ThIS missing (that\u2026flees) H (husband) \u2013 from the song *Miss Otis Regrets"} {"Clue":"Writer like Self to change position, renouncing drug (6)","Answer":"ASIMOV","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\nAS (like) I (self) then MOVe (change position) missing (renouncing) E (drug)"} {"Clue":"Copies produced from photograph on course (5,3)","Answer":"PRINT RUN","Explanation":"Definition: Copies\nPRINT (photograph) on RUN (course)"} {"Clue":"Shield lets axe in once he's reeling (10)","Answer":"ESCUTCHEON","Explanation":"Definition: Shield\nCUT (axe) inside anagram (reeling) of ONCE HE'S"} {"Clue":"Miserable leak trade pro fixed (8)","Answer":"TEARDROP","Explanation":"Definition: Miserable leak\nanagram (fixed) of TRADE PRO \u2013 a cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Lower in sky now, initially rare astronomical sight (4,4)","Answer":"BLUE MOON","Explanation":"Definition: rare astronomical sight\nMOO (a cow, something that lows) inside BLUE (sky) Now (initial letter of)"} {"Clue":"Two-seater Manhattan Democrat uses (6)","Answer":"TANDEM","Explanation":"Definition: Two-seat\nfound inside (used by) manhatTAN DEmocrat"} {"Clue":"Crime novelist speaks about medical drama (6)","Answer":"SAYERS","Explanation":"Definition: Crime novelist\nSAYS (speaks) containing (about) ER (medical drama)- Dorothy L Sayers"} {"Clue":"Racing driver appears in three seconds (4)","Answer":"MOSS","Explanation":"Definition: Racing driver\nMO S S (second, three of) \u2013 Stirling Moss"} {"Clue":"Remove fine fellow attending party (4)","Answer":"DOFF","Explanation":"Definition: Remove\nF (fine) F (fellow) follows (attending, with)DO (party)"} {"Clue":"Way t' inn glass is swirled round obliquely (12)","Answer":"SLANTINGWAYS","Explanation":"Definition: obliquely\nanagram (is swirled round) of WAY T' INN GLASS"} {"Clue":"Once exhausted in mood line retreats (7)","Answer":"TO-WORNE","Explanation":"Definition: Once exhausted\nTONE (mood) contains (in\u2026is\u2026) ROW (line) reversed (retreats)"} {"Clue":"Source for grub (4)","Answer":"ROOT","Explanation":"Definition: Source\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Thick coat, black one pinched by crook (7)","Answer":"CROMBIE","Explanation":"Definition: Thic\nB (black) I (one) inside (pinched by) CROME (a crook)"} {"Clue":"Palio out of control? It may bring about termination (5)","Answer":"APIOL","Explanation":"Definition: It may bring about termination\nanagram (out of control) of PALIO"} {"Clue":"Local troops? Many lost, nation gripped by call for help (6)","Answer":"SOGERS","Explanation":"Definition: Local troops\nGERmany (nation) missing (with\u2026lost) MANY inside (gripped by) SOS (call for help) \u2013 *local* indicates dialect"} {"Clue":"Invasion craft? Number stuffing loot bag freely (8)","Answer":"LONGBOAT","Explanation":"Definition: Invasion craft\nN (number) inside (stuffing) anagram (freely) of LOOT BAG"} {"Clue":"Bandages head of san applied to artist? Not so (6)","Answer":"SPICAS","Explanation":"Definition: Bandages\nSan (first letter, head of) and PICASso (artist) missing SO"} {"Clue":"Dhobi service was carried out in local garden? (4)","Answer":"BAGH","Explanation":"Definition: l\nBAGwasH (Dhobi service) missing (\u2026carried out) WAS \u2013 a garden in India, local to a dhobi"} {"Clue":"Colt maybe, what no cowboy could do without? (4)","Answer":"HOSS","Explanation":"Definition: Colt maybe\nI can see a HOSS (horse) may be a colt, and no cowboy can do without a HOSS (horse). What I can't see is how this is a cryptic clue. Can anyone help me out?"} {"Clue":"On edge, a hundred runs short (6)","Answer":"CANTED","Explanation":"Definition: On edge\nCANTrED ( a hundred, division of a county) missing (short of) R (runs)"} {"Clue":"Leave behind jaunt after moving to US (8)","Answer":"OUTSTRIP","Explanation":"Definition: Leave behind \nTRIP (jaunt) following anagram (moving) of TO US"} {"Clue":"Interfere in sleep skipping piano pieces, we hear? (6)","Answer":"KIBITZ","Explanation":"Definition: Interfere\nKIp (sleep) missing P (piano) then BITZ sounds like (we hear) \"bits\" (pieces)"} {"Clue":"St Andrews student from Italy in first half of term (5)","Answer":"SEMIE","Explanation":"Definition: St Andrews student\nI (Italy) inside SEMEster (term, first half of) \u2013 a semi-bajan"} {"Clue":"SA bird forming part of nest in a mound (7)","Answer":"TINAMOU","Explanation":"Definition: SA bird\nfound inside nesT IN A MOUnd"} {"Clue":"Section of Baudelaire, not his first in speech units (4)","Answer":"VERS","Explanation":"Definition: Section of Baudelaire\nVERbS (speech units) missing (not) Baudelaire (his first letter) \u2013 scraps of verse, French"} {"Clue":"Defrocks unruly nuns about to leave, weak (7)","Answer":"UNGOWNS","Explanation":"Definition: Defrocks\nanagram (unruly) of NUNS containing (about) GO (to leave) W (weak)"} {"Clue":"One favouring capital punishment (twitching on tree it isn't!) (12)","Answer":"RETENTIONIST","Explanation":"Definition: One favouring capital punishment\nanagram (twitching) of ON TREE IT ISN'T"} {"Clue":"Work loading Murphy's spade, dotty (5)","Answer":"LOOPY","Explanation":"Definition: dotty\nOP (opus, work) inside (loading) LOY (a spade, Irish)"} {"Clue":"Misguided turn holding everything up concerning church council (7)","Answer":"TRULLAN","Explanation":"Definition: concerning church council\nanagram (misguided) of TURN contains ALL (everything) reversed"} {"Clue":"Imperial, fuzzy on chin, Henry trimmed \u2013 see monarch in it (7)","Answer":"NERONIC","Explanation":"Definition: Imperial\nanagram (fuzzy) of ON ChIN (missing, with\u2026trimmed) H (henry) containing ER (the monarch)"} {"Clue":"Yule warmer consumed in gallons (5)","Answer":"GLOGG","Explanation":"Definition: Yule warmer consumed in gallons\nLOG ( a winter warmer, on the fire) inside G G (gallon, twice) \u2013 definition is &lit, though hopefully not all consumed on the same night"} {"Clue":"What's exhibited prominently in women and men equally? (4)","Answer":"WAME","Explanation":"Definition: What's exhibited prominently in women and men equally\nfirst letters (what's exhibited prominently) in Women And Men Equally \u2013 the belly, both men and women have one"} {"Clue":"Place for smokers in the Wild Boar & Hart (8)","Answer":"ARBROATH","Explanation":"Definition: Place for smokers\nanagram (wild) of BOAR and HART \u2013 a town in Scotland renown for its fish smokers"} {"Clue":"Close-fitting number female threads intricately, special (11)","Answer":"SHEATHDRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Close-fitting number\nSHE (a female) then anagram (intricately) of THREADS and S (special) \u2013 Chambers 2014 lists this as two words, if anyone cares about such things"} {"Clue":"One aims for high-flying discs, keeping rhythm initially in drums and horn (11)","Answer":"TRAPSHOOTER","Explanation":"Definition: One aims for high-flying discs\nRhythm (initial letter) inside TAPS (drums) HOOTER (horn) \u2013 a clay pigeon shooter"} {"Clue":"Face group of old wiseacres one short (not the last)? (6)","Answer":"VISAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Face\nVI SAGES (The Seven Sages, the wise men of Greece, old wiseacres, missing one so only six) and not S (the last letter) \u2013 the definition was obvious but I cheated copiously to get the wordplay. Hats off to anyone who got this unaided!"} {"Clue":"Given rise, I had task round college, well-defined (8)","Answer":"DISTINCT","Explanation":"Definition: well-defined\nI'D (I had) reversed (given rise) then STINT (task) containing (round) C (college)"} {"Clue":"Jock's pinched, from seven days in the highlands occupying filthy hole (6)","Answer":"POUKIT","Explanation":"Definition: ock's pinched\nOUK (week Scots, seven days, in the highlands) inside (occupying) PIT (filthy hole)"} {"Clue":"Protective part of parapet, thick round centre of course (7)","Answer":"SURTOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Protective part of parapet\nSTOUT (thisk) containing (round) coURse (centre of)"} {"Clue":"Weak ninny given nutritious cereal and hard cheese (7)","Answer":"SAPSAGO","Explanation":"Definition: hard cheese\nSAP (saphead, a weak ninny) with SAGO (nutritious cereal)"} {"Clue":"Rear of boat I am attached to \u2013 or was (5)","Answer":"TIMON","Explanation":"Definition: Rear of boat I am attached to \u2013 or was\nboaT then I'M (I am) ON (attached to) \u2013 an archaic term (or was) for a helm, something attached to the rear of a boat"} {"Clue":"Volume, old, kept in private room, an allurement (5)","Answer":"DEVON","Explanation":"Definition: an allurement\nV (volume) O (old) inside DEN (private room) \u2013 an angler's lure"} {"Clue":"Rising in a state I released displays of peevishness (5)","Answer":"GIRNS","Explanation":"Definition: displays of peevishness\nanagram (in a state) of RiSING missing (\u2026released) I"} {"Clue":"Souse as of old was barking (not quite all there) (4)","Answer":"BAYE","Explanation":"Definition: Souse as of old\nBAYEd (was barking) unfinished (not quite all there) \u2013 Spenserian (of old) to bathe, to wash oneself thoroughly"} {"Clue":"Early birds in tight lycra spotted (12)","Answer":"PTERODACTYLS","Explanation":"Definition: Early birds\nanagram (tight, drunk) of LYCRA SPOTTED \u2013 modern birds evolved form dinosaurs"} {"Clue":"Shorten bit of work maybe done by driller (7)","Answer":"ABRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Shorten\nA BRIDGE (a bit of dental work) \u2013 a *driller* is a cryptic reference to a dentist"} {"Clue":"Imagine old Scot with an English flower (7)","Answer":"PICTURE","Explanation":"Definition: Imagine\nPICT (old Scot) with URE (the River Ure, something that flows in England)"} {"Clue":"Not all lemonade fermenting is put on ice (5)","Answer":"DEFER","Explanation":"Definition: put on ice\nfound inside (not all of)lemonaDE FERmenting"} {"Clue":"Castro perhaps adroit moving across court (8)","Answer":"DICTATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Castro perha\nanagram (moving) of ADROIT contains (across) CT (court)"} {"Clue":"Former African who lived in the Gulf? (10)","Answer":"ABYSSINIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Former African\nan ABYSS-INIAN might be someone who lived in an abyss (gulf)"} {"Clue":"Chill in the company of a star (4)","Answer":"VEGA","Explanation":"Definition: star\nVEG (chill, relax) with (in the company of) A"} {"Clue":"Greedy duck taking egg (4)","Answer":"AVID","Explanation":"Definition: Greedy\nAVoID (duck) missing, taking) O (an egg)"} {"Clue":"Lace small amount of dough (10)","Answer":"SHOESTRING","Explanation":"Definition: Lace\ndouble definition \u2013 dough is money"} {"Clue":"Hiker's accessory in heap by fire (8)","Answer":"RUCKSACK","Explanation":"Definition: Hiker's accessory\nRUCK (heap) then SACK (fire, from a job)"} {"Clue":"Grand Master holds game in darkness (5)","Answer":"GLOOM","Explanation":"Definition: darkness\nG (grand) M (master) contains LOO (card game, lanterloo)"} {"Clue":"Incorporate transport for non-fliers returning (7)","Answer":"SUBSUME","Explanation":"Definition: Incorporate\nEMU'S BUS (transport for non-fliers) reversed (returning)"} {"Clue":"Trumpet band traverses South American city (7)","Answer":"CLARION","Explanation":"Definition: Trumpet\nCLAN (band) contains (traverses, goes across) RIO (South American city)"} {"Clue":"Philosopher School free to meet with Rutger? (12)","Answer":"SCHOPENHAUER","Explanation":"Definition: Philosopher\nSCH (school) OPEN (free) with HAUER (Rutger Hauer perhaps, actor)"} {"Clue":"Prudent scrapping of price raised from \u00a33.50? (7)","Answer":"THRIFTY","Explanation":"Definition: Prudent\nTHRee fIFTY (\u00a33.50) missing (scrapping of) FEE (price) reversed (raised) \u2013 very nice!"} {"Clue":"Unwelcome mark on a paper flag (3,5)","Answer":"RED CROSS","Explanation":"Definition: Unwelcome mark on a paper\ndouble definition \u2013 a mark on an exam paper"} {"Clue":"Pet housed around Alabama and Georgia etc. (4,5)","Answer":"DEEP SOUTH","Explanation":"Definition: Alabama and Georgia etc.\nanagram (around) of PET HOUSED"} {"Clue":"Lid drawn across container having held (10)","Answer":"CAPTIVATED","Explanation":"Definition: held\nCAP (lid) TIED (drawn) contains (across) VAT (container)"} {"Clue":"Safety ultimately caps number in German craft . . . . (5)","Answer":"YACHT","Explanation":"Definition: craft\nsafetY (last letter, ultimately) on top pf (caps) ACHT (the number 8, in German)"} {"Clue":". . . . ferry close to losing equilibrium initially (7)","Answer":"SHUTTLE","Explanation":"Definition: ferry\nSHUT (close) then first letters (initially) of To Losing Equilibrium"} {"Clue":"An emergency rule Caracas tried to break (7,6)","Answer":"CARDIAC ARREST","Explanation":"Definition: An emergency\nanagram (to break) of R (rule) with CARACAS TRIED"} {"Clue":"Bring up oven before setter books alteration (13)","Answer":"REARRANGEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: alteration\nREAR (bring up) RANGE (oven) ME (the setter) and NT (New Testament, books)"} {"Clue":"Shifted phone each time at low cost (2,3,5)","Answer":"ON THE CHEAP","Explanation":"Definition: at low cost\nanagram (shifted) of PHONE EACH T (time)"} {"Clue":"Dump resident on rug area to see scars (8)","Answer":"STIGMATA","Explanation":"Definition: scars\nSTIG (dump resident, *Stig of the Dump* chidren's book) on MAT (rug) A (area)"} {"Clue":"Tiny exposed copper statue detailed devil (7)","Answer":"INCUBUS","Explanation":"Definition: devil\ntINy (exposed, no outer letters) CU (copper) BUSt (statue, de-tailed)"} {"Clue":"Worship in huge silo directed to the heavens (7)","Answer":"IDOLISE","Explanation":"Definition: Worship\nfound inside hugE SILO DIrected reversed (to the heavens, upwards in a down light)"} {"Clue":"Butcher's Special on top of container (4)","Answer":"SCAN","Explanation":"Definition: Butcher's\nS (special) on CAN (container) \u2013 short for a* butcher's hook*, rhyming slang for *look"} {"Clue":"In season? (7,2,3,5)","Answer":"FLAVOUR OF THE MONTH","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 to flavour something is to season it"} {"Clue":"Able to supply Sainsbury's first, they vowed (7)","Answer":"OBLATES","Explanation":"Definition: they vowed\nanagram (supply, in a supple way) of ABLE TO then Sainsbury (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Groom takes look round capital (7)","Answer":"COLOMBO","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nCOMB (groom) contains (takes) LO (look) then O (something round)"} {"Clue":"The best time to work, setters say (3,4)","Answer":"TOP DOGS","Explanation":"Definition: T\nT (time) next to OP (opus, work) then DOGS (setters, say)"} {"Clue":"Movements of American singer unknown \u2014 is about to tour (7)","Answer":"SCHERZI","Explanation":"Definition: Movements\nCHER (American singer) Z (an unknown) inside (with\u2026to tour, too go around) IS reversed (about)"} {"Clue":"Rate working for police? Coppers quietly resigning (9)","Answer":"INCIDENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Rate\nIN CID (working for police) then pENCE (coppers) missing (with\u2026resigning) P (piano, quietly)"} {"Clue":"Hope country girl's a sport \u2014 endless tease earlier (9)","Answer":"RURITANIA","Explanation":"Definition: Hope country\nTANIA (a girl) follows (has\u2026earlier) RU (Rugby Union, a sport) and RIb (tease, endless) \u2013 a fictional country created by writer Anthony Hope, the place of incarceration of *The Prisoner of Zenda"} {"Clue":"Used bad language very loudly in centre of Leeds (5)","Answer":"EFFED","Explanation":"Definition: U\nFF (very loudly, double forte) inside lEEDs (centre of)"} {"Clue":"This is disappointing \u2014 you used to be sexy nurses (7)","Answer":"WASHOUT","Explanation":"Definition: This is disappointing\nU (you) inside (that\u2026nurses) WAS (used to be) HOT (sexy)"} {"Clue":"Scary! It's flashing like a dirty old man (7)","Answer":"SATYRIC","Explanation":"Definition: like a dirty old man\nanagram (flashing, ostentatious?) of SCARY IT"} {"Clue":"Potter's equipment kept by artist (north countryman) (7)","Answer":"RWANDAN","Explanation":"Definition: countryman\nWAND (Harry Potter's equipment) inside (kept by) RA (Royal Academician, artist) then N (north)"} {"Clue":"Can't stand around outside Nancy's posh residence (7)","Answer":"CHATEAU","Explanation":"Definition: residence\nHATE (can't stand) inside (with\u2026outside) CA (circa, around) then U (posh, ~~coined~~ *popularised* by Nancy Mitford, so *Nancy's posh*) \u2013 you could also note that a Chateau is a posh residence in France, around Nancy perhaps. I was just checking on the Internet for an example, and there is one for sale right now for only 949,000 Euro if you fancy it."} {"Clue":"Ian presently sick but he may be rallying (6,6)","Answer":"TENNIS PLAYER","Explanation":"Definition: he may be rallying\nanagram (sick) of IAN PRESENTLY"} {"Clue":"Writer thought, 'Shut up!' (4,3)","Answer":"FELT PEN","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\nFELT (thought) PEN (shut up)"} {"Clue":"Guide to China's ancient city (7)","Answer":"ANTIOCH","Explanation":"Definition: ancient city\nanagram (guide) of TO CHINA"} {"Clue":"Thing is, sweetheart, boss is busy working (9)","Answer":"OBSESSION","Explanation":"Definition: Thing\nanagram (busy) of swEet (middle letter, heart) BOSS IS then ON (working)"} {"Clue":"Exercise care carrying around bombs (5)","Answer":"RACES","Explanation":"Definition: bombs\nfound inside (carried by) exerciSE CARe reversed (around) \u2013 to be travelling quickly, to bomb along"} {"Clue":"Did Nick check spaces in folder? (7)","Answer":"FILCHED","Explanation":"Definition: Did Nick\nCH (check, chess) inside (spaces-out) FILED (in folder)"} {"Clue":"Diamond's greatest hit in series? (4,3)","Answer":"HOME RUN","Explanation":"Definition: Diamond's greatest hi\npossibly a double definition, possibly a cryptic definition \u2013 baseball is played in a diamond, a home run is the biggest hit, the World Series is a baseball championship and The Homerun is a TV series. *And more from phitonelly @11: Neil Diamond's song Sweet Caroline, which is played at Boston Red Sox games when they win and has become the team anthem. And wait, there is more! HOME (in) and RUN (series), so an &lit too. Thanks to Steve B for that."} {"Clue":"Cheeky artist's preparation for marriage (6,6)","Answer":"BOTTOM DRAWER","Explanation":"Definition: preparation for marriage\na cheeky artist would draw cheeks, so be a BOTTOM DRAWER"} {"Clue":"Dominic tribute not popular \u2014 somehow it won't set a precedent (6,6)","Answer":"OBITER DICTUM","Explanation":"Definition: i\nanagram (somehow) of DOMinIC TRIBUTE missing IN (popular)"} {"Clue":"Attic maybe calls for conversion, like this one inside (9)","Answer":"CLASSICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Attic maybe\nanagram (for conversion) of CALLS contains (with\u2026inside) SIC (like this) A (one)"} {"Clue":"Put on again for men in bar (female banned) (7)","Answer":"RESTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Put on again\nSTAG (for men) in REEf (bar) missing F (female)"} {"Clue":"Walked on both sides of road \u2014 noted repairs (7)","Answer":"TRODDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Walked on\nanagram (repairs) of RoaD (both sides of) and NOTED"} {"Clue":"Royal family member nearly punching you once round mouth (7)","Answer":"ESTUARY","Explanation":"Definition: mouth\nSTUARt (royal family member, nearly) inside (punching) YE (you, once) reversed (round)"} {"Clue":"Picked up nude after driver's warning: 'Don't do it!' (7)","Answer":"FORBEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Don't \nsounds like (picked up) \" fore bare\" (nude after driver's warning, in golf)"} {"Clue":"Can Tranmere Rovers finally get points? (5)","Answer":"TINES","Explanation":"Definition: points\nTIN (can) with tranmerE roverS (final letters of)"} {"Clue":"Language without appeal draws in two kings (8)","Answer":"SANSKRIT","Explanation":"Definition: Language\nSANS (without) IT (appeal) contains (draws in) K R (king and rex, two kings)"} {"Clue":"Building quickly assembled before cracking (6)","Answer":"PREFAB","Explanation":"Definition: Building quickly assembled\nPRE (before) FAB (cracking, excellent)"} {"Clue":"Obstacle on marshland where ship departs (6)","Answer":"REMORA","Explanation":"Definition: Obstacle\nRE (on, regarding) them MORAss (marshland) missing (where\u2026departs) SS (steam ship)"} {"Clue":"Engage in sport and kit wears out (8)","Answer":"WATERSKI","Explanation":"Definition: Engage in sport\nanagram (out) of KIT WEARS"} {"Clue":"Enemy circles large ice sheet (4)","Answer":"FLOE","Explanation":"Definition: ice sheet\nFOE (enemy) contains (circles) L (large)"} {"Clue":"Offensive revolutionary deeply hurt a right-winger (10)","Answer":"DEROGATORY","Explanation":"Definition: Offensive\nGORED (deeply hurt) reversed (revolutionary) then A TORY (right-winger)"} {"Clue":"Short holiday viewed as sound, healthy preparation? (7)","Answer":"VACCINE","Explanation":"Definition: healthy preparation\nVAC (short for vacation, holiday) then CINE sounds like (as sound) \"seen\" (viewed)"} {"Clue":"Storm in Belgium with freakish result (7)","Answer":"BLUSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Storm\nB (Belgium) with anagram (freakish) of RESULT"} {"Clue":"Purgative from sailors in Surrey? (5,5)","Answer":"EPSOM SALTS","Explanation":"Definition: Purgative\nEPSOM SALTS might be sailors (salts) from Epsom (somewhere in Surrey)"} {"Clue":"Woman into bed with Democrat (4)","Answer":"LADY","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\nD (democrat) inside (going into) LAY (bed) \u2013 or \"bed with\" could also indicate LAY"} {"Clue":"Music rocks on beat that can be hot (8)","Answer":"CAPSICUM","Explanation":"Definition: that can be hot\nanagram (rocks) of MUSIC follows (on) CAP (beat, be better than)"} {"Clue":"Country game needs good man in charge (6)","Answer":"RUSTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nRU (Rugby Union, game) with ST (saint, a good man) and IC (in charge)"} {"Clue":"Jack meets fool and hospital cleaner (1-5)","Answer":"J-CLOTH","Explanation":"Definition: cleaner\nJ (jack) with CLOT (fool) and H (hospital) \u2013 a brand of cleaning cloth, by **J***ohnson and ***J***ohnson"} {"Clue":"Is it paste produced in this plant? (8)","Answer":"SHAMROCK","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nSHAM ROCK might be paste, artificial (sham) diamond (rock)"} {"Clue":"One found in bed happened to have a bad back (8)","Answer":"CAMELLIA","Explanation":"Definition: One found in bed\nCAME (happened) then A ILL (bad) reversed (back) \u2013 something in a flower bed, or more whimsically, *The Lady of the Camellias* who was in bed with her lovers when she was healthy and in bed with consumption when she was not"} {"Clue":"American playwright discussed on the beach? (6)","Answer":"ASHORE","Explanation":"Definition: on the beach\nA (American) then SHORE sounds like (when discussed) \"Shaw\" (playwright)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Bering, Blixen and Kierkegaard, or certain 7s? (5,5)","Answer":"GREATDANES","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps Bering, Blixen and Kierkegaard\nexamples of famous Danish people, and dogs are barkers"} {"Clue":"Crew member checks mounting fear in two ways (7)","Answer":"STEWARD","Explanation":"Definition: Crew member\nAWE (fear) reversed (mounting) inside ST and RD (street and road, two ways) \u2013 I think *checks* is a link word, \"to verify by comparison\""} {"Clue":"Son, mine, an exact likeness (4)","Answer":"SPIT","Explanation":"Definition: an exact likeness\nS (son) PIT (mine)"} {"Clue":"Car capital leaves nothing \u2014 just endless rubble (8)","Answer":"DETRITUS","Explanation":"Definition: rubble\nDETRoIT (car capital) missing (leaves) O (nothing) then jUSt (inner letters only, end-less)"} {"Clue":"One earning crust from bread engages right tout (6)","Answer":"BARKER","Explanation":"Definition: tout\nBAKER (one earning crust from bread) contains (engages) R (right)"} {"Clue":"Warmer in the main with huge opening flower? (4,6)","Answer":"GULF STREAM","Explanation":"Definition: Warmer in the main\nGULF (huge opening) and STREAM (something that flows) \u2013 *the main* is the sea"} {"Clue":"Peevish with formal greeting showing arm (8)","Answer":"CROSSBOW","Explanation":"Definition: arm\nCROSS (peevish) and BOW (formal greeting)"} {"Clue":"Weird Scots rook inside the Spanish moat? (8)","Answer":"ELDRITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Weird Scots\nR (rook, chess) inside EL (the, Spanish) DITCH (moat) \u2013 a Scottish word for uncanny, supernatural"} {"Clue":"Some terrible mishap brings scar (7)","Answer":"BLEMISH","Explanation":"Definition: scar\nfound inside (some of) terriBLE MISHap"} {"Clue":"Swimmer one put outside (6)","Answer":"PLAICE","Explanation":"Definition: Swimmer\nI (one) inside (with\u2026outside) PLACE (put)"} {"Clue":"Ulster manoeuvring shows brilliance (6)","Answer":"LUSTRE","Explanation":"Definition: brilliance\nanagram (manoeuvring) of ULSTER"} {"Clue":"Characters inside school getting cooked salmon (4)","Answer":"COHO","Explanation":"Definition: salmon\nanagram (getting cooked) of sCHOOl (only the characters inside)"} {"Clue":"Was boring rough diamonds at the beginning (7)","Answer":"DRAGGED","Explanation":"RAGGED (rough) follows (with\u2026at the beginning) D (diamonds) \u2013 *it was a boring event, it dragged"} {"Clue":"Giving up putting the boot in? (7)","Answer":"KICKING","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 *kicking a habit* for example"} {"Clue":"Weak, loud liar going into retirement (5)","Answer":"FRAIL","Explanation":"F (forte, loud) then LIAR reversed (going into retirement)"} {"Clue":"Singing very loud Southern Germanic composition (9)","Answer":"SCREAMING","Explanation":"S (southern) then anagram (composition) of GERMANIC"} {"Clue":"Mother screening terribly drole theatrical performance (9)","Answer":"MELODRAMA","Explanation":"MAMA (mother) contains (screening) anagram (terribly) of DROLE"} {"Clue":"G8 company turning offensive (5)","Answer":"OCTET","Explanation":"CO (company) reversed (turning) then TET (the Tet offensive in Vietnam) \u2013 a group of eight"} {"Clue":"Part in operetta has Adam Sandler returning \u2013 completely crazy! (2,3,2,1,6)","Answer":"AS MAD AS A HATTER","Explanation":"found inside (part in) opeRETTA HAS ADAM SAndler reversed (returning)- from *Alice In Wonderland"} {"Clue":"Working on US interfaces, a manifestation of liquid molecular attraction (7,7)","Answer":"SURFACE TENSION","Explanation":"anagram (working) of ON US INTERFACES"} {"Clue":"Back in Soho, I'd arrested part of the media (5)","Answer":"RADIO","Explanation":"found reversed (back) inside sohO I'D ARrested"} {"Clue":"Regularly Tweeting, the Beeb aims for a bit of scale (5,4)","Answer":"WEIGH BEAM","Explanation":"every other letter (regularly) of tWeEtInG tHe BeEb AiMs"} {"Clue":"New Delhi twin roaming free (2,3,4)","Answer":"IN THE WILD","Explanation":"anagram (new) of DELHI TWIN"} {"Clue":"Speak \u2013 speak indistinctly \u2013 forgetting the introduction (5)","Answer":"UTTER","Explanation":"mUTTER (speak indistinctly) missing first letter (the introduction)"} {"Clue":"Leaving fair purchase on the 20? (7)","Answer":"GOODBYE","Explanation":"GOOD (fair) then BYE sounds like (on the radio) \"buy\" (purchase) \u2013 *goodbye* as an act of leaving"} {"Clue":"Toast hot Eire product, crust being firm (7)","Answer":"CHEERIO","Explanation":"H (hot) with anagram (product) of EIRE inside (as in a pie, with the crust being\u2026) CO (company, firm) \u2013 *Good Health! *when making a toast"} {"Clue":"Run down, fed up, James undressed (6)","Answer":"DEFAME","Explanation":"FED reversed (up) then jAMEs (undressed, no outer letters)"} {"Clue":"Crybaby sold flipping drug in a pub (1,3,5)","Answer":"A BAD LOSER","Explanation":"SOLD reversed (flipping) with E (ecstasy, drug) inside A BAR (pub)"} {"Clue":"Frozen eel is served like this, I gather (5)","Answer":"GELID","Explanation":"sounds like (I gather) \"jellied\" (how eels are served)"} {"Clue":"1 down detective's fury arresting dad (9)","Answer":"DISPARAGE","Explanation":"DI (detective inspector) has RAGE containing (arresting) PA (dad) \u2013 definition is *defame"} {"Clue":"VP leaving Los Angeles embracing the culmination of her destiny (5)","Answer":"KARMA","Explanation":"KAMAla (Kamala Harris, will be VP of US sometime today) missing LA (Los Angeles) contains (embracing) heR (last letter, culmination)"} {"Clue":"Burn cooking oils coating Australian beef (9)","Answer":"CHAROLAIS","Explanation":"CHAR (burn) then anagram (cooking) of OILS containing (coating) A (Australian) \u2013 a breed of cattle"} {"Clue":"Starts to introduce Darjeeling infusion, overfilling tea mug (5)","Answer":"IDIOT","Explanation":"first letters (starts to) of Introduce Darjeeling Infusion Overfilling Tea"} {"Clue":"Mob killing northern comedians (8)","Answer":"GAGSTERS","Explanation":"GAnGSTERS (mob) missing (killing) N (northern)"} {"Clue":"Rocky Balboa \u2013 wet, miserable (2,1,3,3)","Answer":"AT A LOW EBB","Explanation":"anagram (rocky) of BALBOA WET"} {"Clue":"Copy Brazilian city detectives, turning up every once in a while (9)","Answer":"APERIODIC","Explanation":"APE (copy) RIO (Brazilian city) then CID (detectives) reversed (turning up)"} {"Clue":"Tow damaged Spanish car, sort of GT? (3,6)","Answer":"TWO SEATER","Explanation":"anagram (damaged) of TOW then SEAT (a Spanish car brand) and ER (sort of, a meaningless interjection, a hesitation) \u2013 a GT (gran turismo) perhaps"} {"Clue":"Seizing American uniform, infantryman discharged rocket propelled grenade outside (8)","Answer":"USURPING","Explanation":"US (American) U (uniform, phonetic alphabet) InfantrymaN (dis-charged, emptied) inside (with\u2026outside) RPG (rocket propelled grenade)"} {"Clue":"Upsetting Julius, brother covers up unknown future niece or nephew (6)","Answer":"EMBRYO","Explanation":"ME (Julius) reversed (upsetting) BRO (brother) contains (covers up) Y (an unknown)"} {"Clue":"The same party diktat occasionally creeping in (5)","Answer":"DITTO","Explanation":"DO (party) contains (with\u2026creeping in) dIkTaT (every other letter, occasionally)"} {"Clue":"Wife punched European chess player (5)","Answer":"WHITE","Explanation":"W (wife) HIT (punched) E (European) \u2013 the other player is *Black"} {"Clue":"Hotel on English river to provide accommodation (5)","Answer":"HOUSE","Explanation":"H (hotel) on OUSE (the River Ouse, in England)"} {"Clue":"Party man following diversion for clergyman's residence? (7)","Answer":"RECTORY","Explanation":"TORY (party man, a political party) following REC (recreation, diversion)"} {"Clue":"Non-flyers including bishop go on board \u2026 (5)","Answer":"EMBUS","Explanation":"EMUS (non-flyers, birds) including B (bishop)"} {"Clue":"Copper introduces law indicating high authority (6)","Answer":"CURULE","Explanation":"CU (copper) preceding (introducing) RULE (law)"} {"Clue":"Jock's confident about busy lab identifying parasite (9)","Answer":"CRABLOUSE","Explanation":"CROUSE (confident, Jock's = Scottish) contains (about) anagram (busy) of LAB"} {"Clue":"Sound of disapproval (less common) during Bach is horrifying (4)","Answer":"HISH","Explanation":"found inside (during) bacH IS Horrifying"} {"Clue":"Bolt fast almost (4)","Answer":"FLEE","Explanation":"FLEEt (fast, almost)"} {"Clue":"Scotch went, last of bottle swallowed in the pursuit of pleasure (4)","Answer":"GAED","Explanation":"bottlE (last letter of) inside (swallowed in) GAD (the pursuit of pleasure) \u2013 past tense of GAE meaning *to go"} {"Clue":"Spotted rodent tails disappearing in two metal containers? (4)","Answer":"PACA","Explanation":"PAn and CAn (two metal containers) missing last letters (tails disappearing)"} {"Clue":"Parts of wager to be exchanged? It's not quite final (4)","Answer":"SEMI","Explanation":"MISE (wager) with the first and second parts (MI and SE) exchanged"} {"Clue":"Go independent protected by one of the family (4)","Answer":"BRIO","Explanation":"I (independent) inside (protected by) BRO (brother, one of the family)"} {"Clue":"One experiments with animals, flourishing prizes too (9)","Answer":"ZOOPERIST","Explanation":"anagram (flourishing) of PRIZES TOO"} {"Clue":"I'm nodding off with duet \u2026 causing this? (6)","Answer":"TEDIUM","Explanation":"anagram (nodding off ?) I'M with DUET. I would have thought the tedium causes one to nod off, rather than the nodding off causes tedium. Also how is *nodding off* an anagram indicator? Maybe I have misinterpreted this clue completely."} {"Clue":"Hebe clutches rear edge of charger \u2013 such as this? (7)","Answer":"CRUPPER","Explanation":"CUPPER (Hebe, a cup bearer) contains (clutches) chargeR (last letter, rear edge of) \u2013 a *charger* is a horse, so its rear end is a *crupper"} {"Clue":"Marie Lloyd, only partly an angelic creature (5)","Answer":"ARIEL","Explanation":"found inside (only part of) mARIE Lloyd"} {"Clue":"Page one held in both hands, sent from a star (7)","Answer":"SIDERAL","Explanation":"SIDE (page) then A (one) inside R and L (both hands)"} {"Clue":"Girl having embraced one, perfume lay before fading \u2013 as here today \u2026 (12)","Answer":"EVANESCENTLY","Explanation":"EVE (girl) containing (having embraced) A (one) then SCENT (perfume)and LaY missing (with\u2026fading) A (ante, before) \u2013 fleeting, here today\u2026gone tomorrow"} {"Clue":"Scribbled numeral, incorporating Roman one, from lost continent (8)","Answer":"LEMURIAN","Explanation":"anagram (scribbled) of NUMBERAL including I (one, Roman numeral)"} {"Clue":"Trump's snipe? Tons penned by junior pressman (4)","Answer":"STUB","Explanation":"T (tons) inside SUB (sub-editor, junior pressman) \u2013 *Trump's* indicates American word"} {"Clue":"House Els converted as part of golf club (5)","Answer":"HOSEL","Explanation":"HO (house) then anagram (converted) of ELS"} {"Clue":"Bean: I loved one in French article (Parisian) (7)","Answer":"FRIJOLE","Explanation":"I and JO (loved one) inside FR (French) and LE (the, definite article in French, Parisian)"} {"Clue":"Old car model coming in to have a fresh purpose for, with distinctive tip (6)","Answer":"RETUSE","Explanation":"T (old car model, Model T Ford) inside REUSE (to have fresh purpose for)"} {"Clue":"Breeding place closing prematurely, worst in local areas (5)","Answer":"WARRE","Explanation":"WARREn (breeding place) not finished (closing prematurely)"} {"Clue":"Nurse holding blend of curara for S. American native (9)","Answer":"ARAUCARIA","Explanation":"AIA (nurse, in India) contains anagram (blend) of CURARA"} {"Clue":"Stir recipe over something to cook in (4)","Answer":"ROIL","Explanation":"R (recipe) on OIL (something to cook in)"} {"Clue":"Arranged to dance with friend? So the story goes (11)","Answer":"ANECDOTALLY","Explanation":"anagram (arranged) of TO DANCE with ALLY (friend)"} {"Clue":"Dog catches a so-called mackerel and a catfish (9)","Answer":"CASCADURA","Explanation":"CUR (dog) contains (catches) A SCAD (so-called mackerel) then A"} {"Clue":"Scot sees sun moving this way \u2013 is he sheltering in wood? (8)","Answer":"DEISHEAL","Explanation":"IS HE inside (sheltering in) DEAL (wood)"} {"Clue":"Quack I see usurping last of principate (7)","Answer":"EMPIRIC","Explanation":"IC replacing (usurping) last letter of EMPIRe (principate, the Roman Empire)"} {"Clue":"Was it wielded by Rob Roy alone, rebelling at heart? (6)","Answer":"SOUPLE","Explanation":"SOLE (alone) contains (with\u2026at heart) UP (rebelling)"} {"Clue":"Pastor in heaven, describing special type of attachment (5)","Answer":"ZIP-ON","Explanation":"P (pastor) inside ZION (heaven)"} {"Clue":"Escape notice in after-work party for poets? (5)","Answer":"EVADE","Explanation":"AD (notice) inside EVE (evening, an after-work party, poetical). Out of interest, has there ever been a poem where *eve* has been used to mean an after-work party?"} {"Clue":"Wherein Sabbath activities are exceptionally permitted among Peruvians (4)","Answer":"ERUV","Explanation":"found inside (among) pERUVians"} {"Clue":"Look pleased once ache for wine is dispelled (4)","Answer":"GREN","Explanation":"ACHE is missing (dispelled) from GRENache (wine)"} {"Clue":"Trouble in sight of cascade (8)","Answer":"CATARACT","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Maroon thread (6)","Answer":"STRAND","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Midday on the Circle line? (8)","Answer":"MERIDIAN","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Old Faithful Y-reg Seat half-rebuilt (6)","Answer":"GEYSER","Explanation":"anagram (rebuilt) of Y-REG and SEat (half of)"} {"Clue":"Refuge that is old and unaltered (5)","Answer":"OASIS","Explanation":"O (old) and AS IS (unaltered)"} {"Clue":"Security guards out west in court area around school (9)","Answer":"CATCHMENT","Explanation":"wATCHMEN (security guards) missing (out) W (west) inside CT (court)"} {"Clue":"Soap in basin (6)","Answer":"CORRIE","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 a bowl on a mountainside and the soap opera *Coronation Street"} {"Clue":"Turtle avoids soft tract of land (7)","Answer":"TERRAIN","Explanation":"TERRApIN (turtle) missing (avoids) P (piano, soft)"} {"Clue":"Straits at pole with direction indicators (7)","Answer":"NARROWS","Explanation":"N (north, a pole) and ARROWS (direction indicators)"} {"Clue":"Range of service provided (6)","Answer":"MASSIF","Explanation":"MASS (religious service) and IF (provided)"} {"Clue":"River rose \u2013 burst bank (9)","Answer":"RESERVOIR","Explanation":"anagram (burst) of RIVER ROSE"} {"Clue":"Isolated hill with tree-top in Scottish isle (5)","Answer":"BUTTE","Explanation":"Tree (first letter, top) inside BUTE (Scottish isle)"} {"Clue":"Well before summer (6)","Answer":"SPRING","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"This melt-down transformed one wet acre (3,5)","Answer":"ICE WATER","Explanation":"anagram (transformed) of I (one) WET ACRE"} {"Clue":"Main base? (3-3)","Answer":"SEA-BED","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"First sight of 26 brings future leaders' pledge (8)","Answer":"WELL HEAD","Explanation":"WE'LL HEAD (we will head, future leader's pledge)"} {"Clue":"Public company taking thousands on (6)","Answer":"COMMON","Explanation":"CO (company) with M M (thousand, twice) and ON"} {"Clue":"Goes off organising North USSR tour (5,4)","Answer":"TURNS SOUR","Explanation":"anagram (organising) of N (north) USSR TOUR"} {"Clue":"Spins and dries, perhaps (5)","Answer":"RIDES","Explanation":"anagram (perhaps) of DRIES"} {"Clue":"Risk grabbing Romeo's ulcer (7)","Answer":"CHANCRE","Explanation":"CHANCE (risk) contains (grabbing) R (Romeo, phonetic alphabet) \u2013 a soft chancre"} {"Clue":"Hobbits' home in traditionally hunting areas (3,6)","Answer":"THE SHIRES","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 my daughter (a Tolkien fanatic) insists that the hobbit region of The Shire must be singular, there is only one"} {"Clue":"Passage is covered in drink (5)","Answer":"AISLE","Explanation":"IS inside ALE (drink)"} {"Clue":"State getting reproof reducing taxes (8)","Answer":"DERATING","Explanation":"DE (Delaware, state) with RATING (reproof)"} {"Clue":"Tantrist regularly in flagrante delicto (2,2)","Answer":"AT IT","Explanation":"every other letter (regularly) of tAnTrIsT"} {"Clue":"Old relative is breaking journey to Trump's walled river (3,6)","Answer":"RIO GRANDE","Explanation":"O (old) GRAN (relative) inside (is breaking) RIDE (journey) \u2013 part of the US-Mexico border"} {"Clue":"Earl let loose philosopher (9)","Answer":"ARISTOTLE","Explanation":"ARISTO (aristocrat, an earl perhaps) then anagram (loose) of LET"} {"Clue":"Gives responsibility to new nurses taking temperature twice (8)","Answer":"ENTRUSTS","Explanation":"anagram (new) of NURSES containing T (temperature) twice"} {"Clue":"Just five letters for lodge (4)","Answer":"STOW","Explanation":"from S TO W is 5 letters (s t u v w)"} {"Clue":"Great surprise of family vehicle turning up within distance (7)","Answer":"MIRACLE","Explanation":"CAR (family vehicle) reversed (turning up) inside MILE (distance)"} {"Clue":"Get angry about sight of traffic lights (3,3)","Answer":"SEE RED","Explanation":"definition\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Breezy point up-country (5)","Answer":"SYRIA","Explanation":"AIRY (breezy) S (south, point of compass) all reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Waste processing centre's smell not entirely healthy (5)","Answer":"BOWEL","Explanation":"BO (smell) and WELL (healthy) missing last letter (not entirely)"} {"Clue":"Massage succulent plant around source of spots? (7)","Answer":"RUBEOLA","Explanation":"RUB (massage) ALOE (succulent plant) reversed (around)"} {"Clue":"At specific intervals, regularly sarky about number one (1-4)","Answer":"A-WEEK","Explanation":"every other letter (regularly) of sArKy contains (about) WEE (urination, \"number one\" in baby-talk)"} {"Clue":"Football is certainly this unfair (3,7)","Answer":"NOT CRICKET","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Literally relaxed face (4)","Answer":"DIAL","Explanation":"DIAL is literally (regarding the letters) LAID back (relaxed)"} {"Clue":"Best singles, those intended for audience not players (6)","Answer":"ASIDES","Explanation":"A SIDES (the best singles) \u2013 as opposed to B-sides"} {"Clue":"Chatty bird having no time to hug soft dog (8)","Answer":"COCKAPOO","Explanation":"COCKAtOO (chatty bird) missing T (time) contains (to hug) P (soft)"} {"Clue":"Prowling medic taking drugs (7)","Answer":"MOUSING","Explanation":"MO (medical officer, medic) with USING (taking drugs)"} {"Clue":"Material page removed from grand plan (7)","Answer":"GROGRAM","Explanation":"P (page) missing from G (grand) pROGRAM (plan)"} {"Clue":"A number of half-cut neighbours teeter with head fully down (8)","Answer":"EIGHTEEN","Explanation":"NEIGHbours TEEter (half-cut) with the first letter (N) moved to the very end (fully down)"} {"Clue":"Fraudulent suspect hiding terribly daft anarchy (6)","Answer":"UNRULE","Explanation":"anagram (suspect) of FRAUDULENT missing the letters of DAFT \u2013 terribly indicates that the letters D-A-F-T are not presented in that order"} {"Clue":"Brand buttocks, right side then left (4)","Answer":"SEAR","Explanation":"ARSE (buttocks) with the two sides (AR and SE) swapped (right then left)"} {"Clue":"Suggest warning party to block playwright (10)","Answer":"FORESHADOW","Explanation":"FORE (warning, on golf course) then DO (party) inside (to block) SHAW (playwright)"} {"Clue":"Old character split when outside hospital (5)","Answer":"THORN","Explanation":"TORN (split) contains (when outside) H (hospital) \u2013 old Norse letter"} {"Clue":"Apostle briefly wrapping brown bread for table (7)","Answer":"PLATEAU","Explanation":"PAUL (apostle) missing last letter (briefly) contains (wrapping) LATE (brown bread, rhyming slang for dead)"} {"Clue":"Sanction brother's housing permits (6)","Answer":"BROOKS","Explanation":"OK (sanction) inside (with\u2026housing) BRO'S (brother's) \u2013 permits in the sense of tolerates"} {"Clue":"Nomogram cut short by surprise (4)","Answer":"ABAC","Explanation":"ABACk (by surprise, cut short)"} {"Clue":"Flora perhaps covering edges of Ifton Heath, for one (8)","Answer":"ROBINSON","Explanation":"ROBSON (Flora Robson perhaps, actress) contains (covering) IftoN (edges of) \u2013 Heath Robinson, cartoonist"} {"Clue":"Skilful exploit carrying most of credit (6)","Answer":"TACTIC","Explanation":"ACT (exploit) inside (carrying, with\u2026on its shoulders) TICk most of credit \u2013 definition is an adjective \"relating to taxis\""} {"Clue":"Fanatic leader standing on crate (10)","Answer":"HEADBANGER","Explanation":"HEAD (leader) on BANGER (crate, an old car)"} {"Clue":"Musical in which very good French article mentioned Mr Simpson (8)","Answer":"OKLAHOMA","Explanation":"OK (very good, acknowledgement) LA (the, article in French) and HOMA sounds like (mentioned) \"Homer\" (Mr Homer Simpson)"} {"Clue":"Hiking gear regularly chopped to make type of fire (3-3)","Answer":"ACK-ACK","Explanation":"bACK pACK (two letters chopped) \u2013 regularly indicates in the same position in each word"} {"Clue":"Burn in hell with scold that's going over old ground? (4,6)","Answer":"DISC HARROW","Explanation":"CHAR (burn) inside DIS (hell) ROW (to scold) \u2013 what a plough does"} {"Clue":"Old engineer in operation to stop excessive current (8)","Answer":"OLIVETTI","Explanation":"LIVE (in operation) inside (to stop, like a cork) OTT (excessive) I (current, electrical symbol) \u2013 Adriano Olivetti"} {"Clue":"French painter unexpectedly arouses you at the climax (8)","Answer":"ROUSSEAU","Explanation":"anagram, (unexpectedly) of AROUSES and yoU (last letter, the climax of) \u2013 any of several French painters with this name"} {"Clue":"Execute present revelation (6)","Answer":"UNWRAP","Explanation":"cryptic definition?"} {"Clue":"Children absorbed in self-instruction (6)","Answer":"ELFINS","Explanation":"found inside (absorbed in) sELF-INStruction"} {"Clue":"Improve visit (4,2)","Answer":"LOOK UP","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Former US president minimally identified first victim (4)","Answer":"ABEL","Explanation":"ABE L. (a minimal identification of Abraham Lincoln) \u2013 victim of Cain in the Bible"} {"Clue":"Rubbish kisser's naughty coming first (8)","Answer":"BADMOUTH","Explanation":"MOUTH (kisser) following (with\u2026coming first) BAD (naughty)"} {"Clue":"Start of FedEx round, flipping overdue: like someone awaiting delivery? (6)","Answer":"FOETAL","Explanation":"Fedex (first letter, start of) O (something round) then LATE (overdue) reversed (flipping)"} {"Clue":"Boxing match, essentially with star sees knock out (4)","Answer":"STUN","Explanation":"maTch (middle letter, essentially) inside (boxing\u2026with\u2026) SUN (star)"} {"Clue":"He left a fluid around badger's home: they might come out at night? (5,5)","Answer":"FALSE TEETH","Explanation":"anagram (fluid) of HE LEFT A containing (around) SET (badger's home)"} {"Clue":"Chest tender following cold (6)","Answer":"COFFER","Explanation":"OFFER (tender) following C (cold)"} {"Clue":"Churchmen with energy at the start: they can lift an organ (8)","Answer":"ERECTORS","Explanation":"RECTORS (churchmen) following (with\u2026at the start) E (energy) \u2013 a reproductive organ. *Thanks to sjshart who points out that ERECTORS are spinal muscles, and the skeleton is an organ, so no need for anything smutty here. Not what I expected from a Tramp clue, a form of misdirection aimed at those overly-susceptible to schoolboy-humour?"} {"Clue":"Stupid person put on island (6)","Answer":"DONKEY","Explanation":"DON (put on) KEY (island)"} {"Clue":"A lot of McDonald's milk products on the turn (6)","Answer":"MYRIAD","Explanation":"M (McDonalds, from the logo) DAIRY (milk products) reversed (on the turn)"} {"Clue":"Most difficult son with ultimate challenge (8)","Answer":"SEVEREST","Explanation":"S (son) with EVEREST (ultimate challenge)"} {"Clue":"Gorge in do to welcome in a New Year (6)","Answer":"CANYON","Explanation":"CON (do, cheat) contains (to welcome) A N (new) Y (year)"} {"Clue":"Rose more sick swallowing a tablet? (10)","Answer":"PAINKILLER","Explanation":"PINK (rose) ILLER (more sick) contains (swallowing) A"} {"Clue":"Pad of paper with note written inside (4)","Answer":"FLAT","Explanation":"FT (Financial Times) contains (with\u2026written inside) LA (note, music) \u2013 an apartment"} {"Clue":"Love saucy thing (6)","Answer":"RELISH","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Work out sum, learn figures (8)","Answer":"NUMERALS","Explanation":"anagram (work out) of SUM LEARN"} {"Clue":"Diet of mostly odd junk? (4,4)","Answer":"FAST FOOD","Explanation":"FAST (diet) then anagram (junk) of OF and ODd (missing last letter, mostly)"} {"Clue":"Signal with no hands (4)","Answer":"OMEN","Explanation":"O (zero, no) MEN (hands)"} {"Clue":"One on internet is more confident around female (6)","Answer":"SURFER","Explanation":"SURER (more confident) contains (around) F ( female)"} {"Clue":"Swear on English TV heartlessly in a way that's weak (8)","Answer":"EFFETELY","Explanation":"EFF (swear, eff and blind) on E (English) and TELLY (TV) missing middle letter (heartlessly)"} {"Clue":"American president awfully boring (10)","Answer":"PEDESTRIAN","Explanation":"anagram (awfully) of A (American) and PRESIDENT"} {"Clue":"One takes orders from one wearing hose (6)","Answer":"WAITER","Explanation":"I (one) inside (wearing) WATER (hose, as a verb)"} {"Clue":"Joining hospital not as new case (6)","Answer":"HOLDER","Explanation":"H (hospital) plus OLDER (not as new)"} {"Clue":"Repeatedly in fear? Thing will ultimately get chewed (10)","Answer":"FINGERNAIL","Explanation":"anagram (get chewed) of IN IN (twice, repeatedly) FEAR and last letters (ultimately) of thinG wilL"} {"Clue":"Seeing curvy figure providing cover for OK! (8)","Answer":"EYESIGHT","Explanation":"EIGHT (8, a curvy figure, from shape) contains (providing cover for) YES (ok)"} {"Clue":"Make love and left partner crazy (8)","Answer":"DOOLALLY","Explanation":"DO (make) O (love, zero score) and L (left) ALLY (partner)"} {"Clue":"Taken to beer without opening tin cans (6)","Answer":"STOLEN","Explanation":"TO aLE (beer, without opening) inside (that\u2026cans) SN (Sn, tin, chemical element)"} {"Clue":"Tablet around midnight? Date getting high (6)","Answer":"ELATED","Explanation":"E (ecstasy, tablet) LATE (around midnight) and D (date)"} {"Clue":"Hour in deep sleep showing quality of shade (6)","Answer":"CHROMA","Explanation":"HR (hour) inside COMA (deep sleep) \u2013 a shade is a colour"} {"Clue":"Axe tree down to earth (4)","Answer":"FIRE","Explanation":"FIR (tree) followed by (go down to, in a down light) E (earth) \u2013 to fire from an employment"} {"Clue":"Witness catches scoundrel in stable (6)","Answer":"SECURE","Explanation":"SEE (witness) contains (catches) CUR (scoundrel)"} {"Clue":"New notices in areas of potential trouble (3,5)","Answer":"HOT SPOTS","Explanation":"HOT (new, trendy) SPOTS (notices)"} {"Clue":"Arguments caused by knight sharing spoils (3-3)","Answer":"RUN-INS","Explanation":"N (knight, chess) inside (sharing) RUINS (spoils)"} {"Clue":"Classified ad featuring exotic escorts about to be removed (8)","Answer":"ASSORTED","Explanation":"AD contains (featuring) anagram (exotic) of EScORTS missing C (circa, about)"} {"Clue":"Strict disciplinarian's right to set about wayward inmate? Just the opposite (8)","Answer":"MARTINET","Explanation":"anagram (wayward) of INMATE contains (about) RT (right)"} {"Clue":"Appeal from injured guerilla American soldier ignored (6)","Answer":"ALLURE","Explanation":"anagram (injured) of gUERiLLA missing (with\u2026ignored) GI (American soldier)"} {"Clue":"Unlikely to happen as principal leaves hurriedly (4)","Answer":"LONG","Explanation":"headLONG (hurriedly) missing HEAD (principal)"} {"Clue":"Since coming from Belgium Hercule finally with grounds for action (7)","Answer":"BECAUSE","Explanation":"B (Belgium) herculE (last letter, finally) and CAUSE (grounds for action)"} {"Clue":"Weapon found in ditch brought back by petty officer (7)","Answer":"PONIARD","Explanation":"DRAIN (ditch) reversed (brought back) following (by) PO (petty officer)"} {"Clue":"Fool with Dickens over \u2026 (4)","Answer":"BOZO","Explanation":"BOZ (Charles Dickens, nickname) and O (over)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 the full effect of Abbot's debut on stage (6)","Answer":"AMOUNT","Explanation":"Abbot (first letter, debut) on MOUNT (stage)"} {"Clue":"Suspect in stolen lippy (8)","Answer":"INSOLENT","Explanation":"anagram (suspect) of IN STOLEN"} {"Clue":"Novel in the earliest stage of development (8)","Answer":"GERMINAL","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 novel by Emil Zola"} {"Clue":"Success after Rushdie's first to break through for UK publisher (6)","Answer":"VIRAGO","Explanation":"GO (success) follows Rushdie (first letter of) inside (to break) VIA (through)"} {"Clue":"Republican VP hedging about the end of his political influence (8)","Answer":"PRESENCE","Explanation":"PENCE (mike Pence, Republican VP) contains (hedging) RE (about) hiS (the end of)"} {"Clue":"Outrageous cheek without unqualified driver getting to shout abusively (6)","Answer":"HECKLE","Explanation":"anagram (outrageous) of CHEEK with L (learner, unqualified driver)"} {"Clue":"Jumble sale's top stuff bringing little enthusiasm at first (8)","Answer":"SCRAMBLE","Explanation":"Sale (first letter, top) CRAM (stuff) then first letters of Bringing Little Enthusiasm"} {"Clue":"Deal with vote against covering face (8)","Answer":"CONFRONT","Explanation":"CON (vote against) and FRNOT (covering face)"} {"Clue":"Turned off (6)","Answer":"RANCID","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Eject Jack from tournament (4)","Answer":"OUST","Explanation":"J (jack) missing from jOUST (tournament)"} {"Clue":"Succeeded without drugs to become absolutely clean (8)","Answer":"SPOTLESS","Explanation":"S (succeeded) POT-LESS (without pot, drugs)"} {"Clue":"Choose not to get involved with solicitor after work (3,3)","Answer":"OPT OUT","Explanation":"TOUT (solicitor) following OP (opus, work)"} {"Clue":"Plants found in south facing borders (6)","Answer":"SEDGES","Explanation":"S (south) next to (facing) EDGES (borders)"} {"Clue":"Happen to get new suspect-tracing aid \u2013 it's an advantage (7)","Answer":"BENEFIT","Explanation":"BE (happen) with N (new) then E-FIT (suspect-tracing aid)"} {"Clue":"Justify the rise of crude bombast (7)","Answer":"WARRANT","Explanation":"RAW (crude) reversed (the rise of) then RANT (bombast)"} {"Clue":"Agree to meet (8)","Answer":"COINCIDE","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Play the part of Obama spurning soldiers with quick reply (8)","Answer":"COMEBACK","Explanation":"COME (play the part of) then BAraCK (Barack Obama) missing RA (royal Artillery, soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Reportedly uninjured after rush to find refuge from danger (8)","Answer":"BOLTHOLE","Explanation":"HOLE sounds like (reportedly) \"whole\" (uninjured) following BOLT (rush)"} {"Clue":"Barker, perhaps set up after denunciation, gets put in prison (4,2)","Answer":"BANG UP","Explanation":"PUG (barker perhaps, a dog) reversed (set up) follows BAN (denunciation)"} {"Clue":"It provides excitement say in spring (6)","Answer":"SOURCE","Explanation":"sounds like (say) \"sauce\" (excitement)"} {"Clue":"Faultless from rookie (6)","Answer":"NOVICE","Explanation":"having NO VICE so faultless"} {"Clue":"Involving amateurs rising within officialdom (4)","Answer":"LAIC","Explanation":"found reversed (rising) within offiCIALdom"} {"Clue":"Guided back, leading to conscious state (8)","Answer":"DELAWARE","Explanation":"LED (guided) reversed (back) followed by (leading to) AWARE (conscious)"} {"Clue":"Was a staff member on boat sounding rough? (6)","Answer":"CREWED","Explanation":"sounds like \"crude\" (rough)"} {"Clue":"Philosophical writer that's across the pond on fenland river (5)","Answer":"CAMUS","Explanation":"US (American, across the pond) follows (on) CAM (The River Cam, fenland river)"} {"Clue":"Natural gold floor covering one put in retirement place reflected (9)","Answer":"AUTOMATIC","Explanation":"AU (gold) them MAT (floor covering) I (one) inside COT (retirement place) reversed (reflected)"} {"Clue":"System of government from countryside spot is manageable (9)","Answer":"DESPOTISM","Explanation":"found inside countrysiDE SPOT IS Manageable"} {"Clue":"Subtracting unspecified number from lower number (5)","Answer":"ETHER","Explanation":"nETHER (lower) missing N (unspecified number) \u2013 a substance that numbs"} {"Clue":"Underwear obtained from English county, daughter being cold (6)","Answer":"CORSET","Explanation":"dORSET (English county) with D (daughter) replaced by (being) C (cold)"} {"Clue":"You're welcome to dine with son inside at the moment (2,5)","Answer":"NO SWEAT","Explanation":"EAT (to dine) follows (with) S (son) inside NOW (at the moment)"} {"Clue":"Training in dance flats (7)","Answer":"STEPPES","Explanation":"PE (training, school activity) inside STEPS (dance)"} {"Clue":"Throw about twelve inches underhand (6)","Answer":"SHIFTY","Explanation":"SHY (throw) contains I FT (1 foot, twelve inches)"} {"Clue":"John's crushed by French defeat (5)","Answer":"FLOOR","Explanation":"LOO (john) inside (crushed by) FR (French)"} {"Clue":"European to become fit after playing squash maybe (9)","Answer":"VEGETABLE","Explanation":"E (European) GET (to become) ABLE (fit) all follows (after) V (playing, versus)"} {"Clue":"Leisure facility with maze and tennis court at periphery (9)","Answer":"RECTANGLE","Explanation":"REC (leisure facility) and TANGLE (maze)"} {"Clue":"Boss's address east of Kingston unoccupied (5)","Answer":"KNURL","Explanation":"URL (address) follows (east of, as on a map) KinstoN (outer letters only, unoccupied)"} {"Clue":"Prison guard leaving out new mug (6)","Answer":"TURKEY","Explanation":"TURnKEY (prison guard) missing (leaving out) N (new)"} {"Clue":"Bill recalled documents about English course originating at school (4,4)","Answer":"ETON MESS","Explanation":"NOTE (bill, money) reversed (recalled) then MS'S (manuscripts) contains (about) E (English)"} {"Clue":"Rogue found in British river in sixties perhaps (6)","Answer":"DECADE","Explanation":"CAD (rogue) found in DEE (any one of several British rivers of that name)"} {"Clue":"Heading away from home, listen to broadcast \u2013 hard rock (9)","Answer":"LIMESTONE","Explanation":"anagram (to broadcast) hOME (heading missing) with LISTEN"} {"Clue":"Type of film mentioned wonderful horse somewhere on the south-west coast (6-5-4)","Answer":"WESTON-SUPER-MARE","Explanation":"WESTON sounds like (mentioned) \"western\" (type of film) then SUPER (wonderful) MARE (horse)"} {"Clue":"One who doesn't dream about the \"greatest\" highway (7)","Answer":"REALIST","Explanation":"RE (about) ALI (\"The Greatest\", boxer) and ST (street, a highway)"} {"Clue":"Bottom golfer leans on family to get secret identity? (15)","Answer":"RUMPELSTILTSKIN","Explanation":"RUMP (bottom) ELS (Ernie Els, golfer) TILTS (leans) on KIN (family) \u2013 in the story you had to guess his name"} {"Clue":"Crone brains child (5)","Answer":"WITCH","Explanation":"WIT (brains) CH (child)"} {"Clue":"Grace to make speech at the end of month (8)","Answer":"DECORATE","Explanation":"ORATE (to make speech) following (at end of) DEC (month)"} {"Clue":"Part of plant's name rewritten beneath stone (6)","Answer":"STAMEN","Explanation":"anagram (rewritten) of NAME follows ST (stone)"} {"Clue":"Pudding habit will be curbed by summer in France? Famous last words (2,2,5)","Answer":"ET TU BRUTE","Explanation":"TUB (pudding \u2013 fat person?) RUT (habit) inside (will be curbed by) ETE (summer in French) \u2013 of Julius Caesar"} {"Clue":"Bring trouble on oneself when tackle inhibits pro (3,3,2)","Answer":"ASK FOR IT","Explanation":"AS (when) KIT (tackle) contains (inhibits) FOR (pro)"} {"Clue":"Monster sale vast \u2013 gear all fifty percent off (6)","Answer":"SAVAGE","Explanation":"half of SAle VAst GEar"} {"Clue":"FBI agents occupying prescribed section (7)","Answer":"SEGMENT","Explanation":"G-MEN (FBI agents) inside SET (prescribed)"} {"Clue":"Guests of Her Majesty here receiving OBE primarily? They take a bow (6)","Answer":"CELLOS","Explanation":"CELLS (guest of Her Majesty are prisoners) contains Obe (first letter, primarily)"} {"Clue":"Mark's overwhelmed by love letter conveyed in aircraft? (5)","Answer":"OSCAR","Explanation":"SCAR (mark) follows (overwhelmed by, underneath in a down clue) O (love) \u2013 O as spoken by aircrew over the radio"} {"Clue":"This is where the horses are coming between races (7)","Answer":"BED-REST","Explanation":"This is where the horses are com**BED \u2013 REST**ing between races"} {"Clue":"Being home, she can't wait for lessons to end (5)","Answer":"TONGA","Explanation":"Being ho**T ON GA**mes, he can't wait for lessons to end"} {"Clue":"To a crude and slovenly American: muck (9)","Answer":"ANCHORESS","Explanation":"To a crude and slovenly American m**AN CHORES S**uck"} {"Clue":"Victorious armies keen to look a long time over it (4)","Answer":"OTTO","Explanation":"Victorious armies keen to lo**OT TO**ok a long time over it"} {"Clue":"In retirement among many, pleasing, in a choir (6)","Answer":"URESIS","Explanation":"In retirement, among many pleas**URES, I S**ing in a choir"} {"Clue":"I select the name applied to a gallery piece with flashing lights (6)","Answer":"TRICAR","Explanation":"Is \"elec**TRIC AR**t\" the name applied to a gallery piece with flashing lights?"} {"Clue":"A coat of white wasted, wall's becoming discoloured (5)","Answer":"HAVER","Explanation":"A coat of white was**H AVER**ted, wall's becoming discoloured"} {"Clue":"My wife doesn't like to cook it, straight from the river (6)","Answer":"DESINE","Explanation":"My wife doesn't like to cook i**DES I NE**t straight from the river"} {"Clue":"Was it wretched affairs made mad verses? (10)","Answer":"EPENTHESES","Explanation":"Was it wretched affairs made m**E PEN THESE S**ad verses?"} {"Clue":"A society pad, what he'd expect for celebrity portraits (10)","Answer":"INTERSTATE","Explanation":"A society pa**INTER STATE**d what he'd expect for celebrity portraits"} {"Clue":"The club's new signing is recognized as lively, gifted (6)","Answer":"ADMASS","Explanation":"The club's new signing is recognized as l**AD MASS**ively gifted"} {"Clue":"Dad, after yet another night at the local, burns unsteadily (5)","Answer":"ARRET","Explanation":"Dad, after yet another night at the local b**AR, RET**urns unsteadily"} {"Clue":"Was the Ramsbottom lad prodding that, live? Mistake (6)","Answer":"ONAGRA","Explanation":"Was the Ramsbottom lad prodding that li**ON**? **A GRA**ve Mistake."} {"Clue":"We go out for meals occasionally but avoid posies (6)","Answer":"HEATER","Explanation":"We go out for meals occasionally but avoid pos**H EATER**ies"} {"Clue":"Is Tony (popular in British jokes) less familiar to US audiences (4)","Answer":"HEIR","Explanation":"Is t**HE IR**ony (popular in British jokes) less familiar to US audiences"} {"Clue":"'In my opinion, Boris benefits the country,' by Hardliner (9)","Answer":"ESTIMATOR","Explanation":"In my opinion Boris benefits the country b**EST**. **I**'**M A TOR**y hardliner."} {"Clue":"A well-informed person can grasp such things while ignorant (5)","Answer":"MUSCA","Explanation":"A well-informed person can grasp such things while ignora**MUS CA**n't"} {"Clue":"Delicate nymphs find the attentions of oversexed siting their tolerance (7)","Answer":"LENITES","Explanation":"Delicate nymphs find the attentions of oversexed si**LENI TES**ting their tolerance"} {"Clue":"During space odyssey would astronauts ever need to? Real! (5)","Answer":"BOOTH","Explanation":"During space odyssey would astronauts ever need to re**BOOT H**al? *Hal* is the malfunctioning HAL 9000 series computer from *2001 \u2013 A Space Odyssey"} {"Clue":"Highland stalkers on all sides coming in waver (9)","Answer":"ESTRAPADE","Explanation":"Highland stalkers on all sides coming in wav**ES TRAP A DE**r"} {"Clue":"It's a bar \u2013 many have 'winery' \u2013 often wish I owned it (6)","Answer":"DATIVE","Explanation":"It's a bar many have wine**D AT \u2013** **I VE**ry often wish I owned it."} {"Clue":"Should wealthy patron list rooms to work in? (6)","Answer":"ENDART","Explanation":"Should wealthy patron l**END ART**ist rooms to work in?"} {"Clue":"Wretched folk with the sun blazing; for all it's worry, spell continuing endlessly (10)","Answer":"THUNDER-GOD","Explanation":"Wretched folk with the sun blazing for all it's wor**TH UNDERGO D**ry spell continuing endlessly Chambers 2014 lists *thunder god* as two words"} {"Clue":"A heraldic wreath (5)","Answer":"TORSE","Explanation":"competition clue"} {"Clue":"For an inexperienced surgeon setting a shattered board (4)","Answer":"NESH","Explanation":"For an inexperienced surgeon setting a shattered bo**NE'S H**ard"} {"Clue":"Yon bonnie laddie will surely get led up (7)","Answer":"ASSIEGE","Explanation":"Yon bonnie laddie will surely get l**ASSIE GE**ed up"} {"Clue":"Stethoscopists can detect even a mine (10)","Answer":"ORCHESTRAL","Explanation":"Stethoscopists can detect even a min**OR CHEST RAL**e"} {"Clue":"These are tired old jokes from the past, admired (9)","Answer":"UNSTERILE","Explanation":"These are tired old jokes from the p**UNSTER I LE**ast admired"} {"Clue":"In Mozart's opinion, Figaro must outwit his master (7)","Answer":"ERATHEM","Explanation":"In Mozart's op**ERA THE M**inion Figaro must outwit his master"} {"Clue":"Party activist has worker to demonstrate affiliation (6)","Answer":"NASTIC","Explanation":"Party activist has wor**N A STIC**ker to demonstrate affiliation"} {"Clue":"Who took control after shocking event in the senate that way? (6)","Answer":"SANTON","Explanation":"Who took control after shocking event in the senate? That wa**S ANTON**y."} {"Clue":"In the class, wry attempt to close ranks if threatened (6)","Answer":"ARGENT","Explanation":"In the class w**AR GENT**ry attempt to close ranks if threatened"} {"Clue":"Thin of yore, has gone to seed physically (5)","Answer":"SHEMA","Explanation":"Thi**S HE-MA**n of yore has gone to seed physically"} {"Clue":"Our director's unrelenting \u2013 he never gives his cast (5)","Answer":"TARES","Explanation":"Our director's unrelenting \u2013 he never gives his cas**T A RES**t. My first entry here was \"\u2026his ca**ST A RE**st\"."} {"Clue":"I've solved crosswords for years \u2013 is this my first getting up to scratch? (4)","Answer":"OATS","Explanation":"I've solved crosswords for years. Is this, my first g**O AT S**etting, up to scratch?"} {"Clue":"A couple of quarts necked by N Hull CID sneakily around one? (6,5)","Answer":"LIQUID LUNCH","Explanation":"QU (quarts) inside (necked by) anagram (sneakily) of N HULL CID containing (around) I (one) \u2013 \"to have a couple\" is to have a short drinking session, but you could also read the definition extended as \"A couple of quarts necked\u2026\"\""} {"Clue":"Uninspiring crossword compiler? She's core (3)","Answer":"MEH","Explanation":"ME (the crossword compiler) and sHe (middle letter, core of)"} {"Clue":"I'm not allowed to say who knows (6,2,7)","Answer":"THERE\u2019S NO TELLING","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Signatory should first look at this splendid beer, brewer's last bottled (4,5)","Answer":"FINE PRINT","Explanation":"FINE (splendid) PINT (beer) contains (\u2026is bottled) breweR (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Navy sheltered herein? (5)","Answer":"FLEET","Explanation":"LEE (shelter) in the FT (here in, in this newspaper)"} {"Clue":"Green about the gills, not in the pink? (3-6)","Answer":"OFF-COLOUR","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Behind games area it flexes muscles (5)","Answer":"RECTI","Explanation":"REC (games area) then (behind\u2026is\u2026) anagram (flexes) of IT"} {"Clue":"Vent sudden anger, Virgin having backtracked \u2013 then fall out of train (5)","Answer":"ERUPT","Explanation":"PURE (virgin) reversed (having backtracked) then Train missing (out of) RAIN (fall)"} {"Clue":"Warmly welcomes employees at stable and farm, joining general staff (4,5)","Answer":"GLAD HANDS","Explanation":"LAD (employee at stable) with HAND (employee at farm) inside (joining, becoming a member of) GS (general staff)"} {"Clue":"Living accommodation connected to priest's address (5)","Answer":"PADRE","Explanation":"PAD (living accommodation) with RE (connected to, regarding)"} {"Clue":"Arithmetic: two poor grades in ten? Turning that round, it's essential! (5,4)","Answer":"NEEDS MUST","Explanation":"SUMS (arithmetic) D and E (two poor grades in an exam) inside TEN all reversed (turning round)"} {"Clue":"I was out of order with union 'nitwit' (finishing up in it either way?) (3-3,9)","Answer":"WIN-WIN SITUATION","Explanation":"anagram (out of order) of I WAS with UNION NITWIT \u2013 \"in it\" means enjoying success"} {"Clue":"Not entirely foolhardy African prince (3)","Answer":"RAS","Explanation":"RASh (foolhardy, not entirely)"} {"Clue":"Scarlet dresses one in department store took in eagerly! (11)","Answer":"GORMANDISED","Explanation":"GORED (scarlet, bloodied) contains (dresses) I (one) inside M AND S (M&S, department store)"} {"Clue":"Destiny of clergy when leaving the church? (3)","Answer":"LOT","Explanation":"cLOTh (clergy) missing CH (church)"} {"Clue":"Missing element of DESSTS or AFTS? (5,2,8)","Answer":"QUEEN OF PUDDINGS","Explanation":"dessERts and aftERs are puddings, and ER is (The Queen), so the missing element of these is QUEEN OF PUDDINGS \u2013 a sort of meringue"} {"Clue":"Cup-tie abandoned, dropping temperature causing freeze (3,2)","Answer":"ICE UP","Explanation":"anagram (abandoned) of CUP tIE missing T (temperature)"} {"Clue":"One needs breather before one winds this to make garment (5)","Answer":"LUNGI","Explanation":"I (one) with LUNG (breather) coming before it"} {"Clue":"Draw up ace duty list for people to flog swimming pools (9)","Answer":"NATATORIA","Explanation":"AI (A1, very good, ace) ROTA (duty list for people) TAN (to flog) all reversed (draw up)"} {"Clue":"Show where ship's cargo's put on river (4,5)","Answer":"HOLD FORTH","Explanation":"HOLD (ship's cargo) on FORTH (river)"} {"Clue":"Are they first observed by MCC? (6,9)","Answer":"MAIDEN CENTURIES","Explanation":"the cricket abbreviations M (maiden) and C C (century, twice) \u2013 MCC is a cricket club"} {"Clue":"One does cut luxurious German cheese, does one? (4-5,2)","Answer":"HIGH-TAILS IT","Explanation":"A (one) inside (does cut) HIGH (luxurious) TILSIT (a German cheese) \u2013 \"does a runner\""} {"Clue":"Like young pack member growing up, one must pay 60s cult (6,5)","Answer":"FLOWER POWER","Explanation":"PRE-WOLF (cryptically \u2013 like a young pack member growing) reversed (up) then OWER (one must pay)"} {"Clue":"Flanker is in flight (2,3,4)","Answer":"ON THE WING","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 flankers are wing-forwards in Rugby"} {"Clue":"Love new-style earrings? I'll order! (9)","Answer":"ORGANISER","Explanation":"O (love, zero) then anagram ((new-style) of EARRINGS"} {"Clue":"Exceptionally wide? (5)","Answer":"EXTRA","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 cricket terms"} {"Clue":"Quiet little street in which you may witness a scrap (5)","Answer":"SHARD","Explanation":"SH (quiet) RD (road, street, abbreviated=little) contains (in which you may witness) A"} {"Clue":"Dreamland, is it \u2013 or \"reamlan\"? (3)","Answer":"NOD","Explanation":"\"realman\" is \"dreamland\" with NO D \u2013 to be asleep is to be \"in the land of nod\""} {"Clue":"Nancy possibly in camisole, prancing around (6)","Answer":"PELOSI","Explanation":"found inside camISOLE Prancing reversed (around) \u2013 US politician Nancy Pelosi perhaps"} {"Clue":"Plant left by bishop causes elation (8)","Answer":"EUPHORIA","Explanation":"EUPHORbIA (a plant) missing B (bishop)"} {"Clue":"South American shot chief over trace of whisky? (9)","Answer":"SUSPICION","Explanation":"S (south) US (American) PIC (picture, shot) then NO I (number 1, chief) reversed (over)"} {"Clue":"Branch in favour of bank's closure (4)","Answer":"FORK","Explanation":"FOR (in favour of) banK (closing letter)"} {"Clue":"King of Israel briefly missing first love, a little animal (6)","Answer":"JERBOA","Explanation":"JERoBOAm (king of Israel) missing last letter (briefly) and O (love, the first one)"} {"Clue":"Strategy using pressure in instrumental gathering overseas (4,4)","Answer":"GAME PLAN","Explanation":"P (pressure) in GAMELAN (instrumental gathering, in Asia)"} {"Clue":"Literary luminaries caught with Ol' Blue Eyes at the end (7)","Answer":"CANDLES","Explanation":"C (caught) AND (with) then oL bluE eyeS (last letters, at the lend)"} {"Clue":"Names Henry as well as Dennis, for example (7)","Answer":"HANDLES","Explanation":"H (Henry) AND (as well as) LES (Les Dennis TV presenter, for example)"} {"Clue":"One making progress through chain reaction? (8)","Answer":"BICYCLER","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 is this a word in British English? I can imagine it as an Americanism. I'm not 100% sure about this answer."} {"Clue":"Row caused by old English composer appearing in Times (6)","Answer":"BARNEY","Explanation":"ARNE (Thomas Arne, old English Composer) inside BY (times, multiplication)"} {"Clue":"Pro going round university square (4)","Answer":"FOUR","Explanation":"FOR (pro) contains (going round) U (university) \u2013 a square number"} {"Clue":"Using which, pip humans when sporting? (9)","Answer":"UPMANSHIP","Explanation":"anagram (when sporting) of PIP HUMANS \u2013 definition is extended: *Using which, pip humans\u2026"} {"Clue":"Managed female superstar, beginning to offer a hand in the US (8)","Answer":"RANCHERO","Explanation":"RAN (managed) CHER (female superstar) and Offer (beginning to, first letter)"} {"Clue":"Twice curtailed attack on northern capital (6)","Answer":"NASSAU","Explanation":"ASSAUlt (attack) missing last two letters (twice curtailed) following (on) N (northern) \u2013 capital of the Bahamas"} {"Clue":"Leaks ooze from its bottom (4)","Answer":"PEES","Explanation":"SEEP (ooze) reversed (from the bottom, in a down light) \u2013 euphemisms for urination"} {"Clue":"Weeds hookers regularly visited (4)","Answer":"HOES","Explanation":"every other letter (regularly visited) of HoOkErS"} {"Clue":"Touch up odd bits of this old 25 in a gallery (8)","Answer":"TITIVATE","Explanation":"odd bits of ThIs then IV (four,25 across) inside TATE (a gallery)"} {"Clue":"Whinges about cuts (7)","Answer":"HEWINGS","Explanation":"anagram (about) of WHINGES"} {"Clue":"Cardigan, perhaps around \u00a325, yours truly returned (6)","Answer":"EPONYM","Explanation":"PONY (\u00a325, slang) inside (\u2026is around\u2026) ME (yours truly) reversed (returned) \u2013 the type of jumper, definition by example"} {"Clue":"Profiles extremely wicked, evil killer hunting prey off web? (4,6)","Answer":"WOLF SPIDER","Explanation":"anagram (evil) of PROFILES and WickeD (extremes of)"} {"Clue":"Unlimited Asian sin within range (6)","Answer":"SIERRA","Explanation":"aSIAn (unlimited, not outer letters) contains (has\u2026within) ERR (sin)"} {"Clue":"Age of Eric Arthur Blair seen progressively (3)","Answer":"ERA","Explanation":"Eric aRthur blAir (1st, 2nd and 3rd letters, seen progressively)"} {"Clue":"Jazz legend urged by doc to reform (5,5)","Answer":"BUDDY GRECO","Explanation":"anagram (to reform) of URGED BY DOC"} {"Clue":"Historically, England finally promoted new international who scored in Italy? (8)","Answer":"ALBINONI","Explanation":"ALBION (England, historically) with N (albioN, finally) moved forward (promoted) then N (new) I (international) \u2013 who wrote musical scores"} {"Clue":"Look on 21 fully removing braces systematically (3)","Answer":"EYE","Explanation":"~~Just guess, I can't explain this. I'm not sure I have 21 across right either.~~ *Every third letter (systematically removing braces, pairs) of twEntYonE (21, fully)"} {"Clue":"Red fences maybe acceptable (7)","Answer":"CRIMSON","Explanation":"CRIMS (criminals, fences maybe) and ON (acceptable)"} {"Clue":"This lad can make sailboard curve at a constant pressure (6)","Answer":"ISOBAR","Explanation":"an anagram (\u2026can make) of ISOBAR (this) and LAD is SAILBOARD"} {"Clue":"Girl's unreal bust (6)","Answer":"LAUREN","Explanation":"anagram (bust) of UNREAL"} {"Clue":"Store out of uniform pipe (4)","Answer":"HOSE","Explanation":"HOuSE (store) missing U (uniform)"} {"Clue":"Seeds training with Serena Williams in finals? (4)","Answer":"PEAS","Explanation":"PE (training) with serenA williamS (final letters of)"} {"Clue":"It's quartz, to a degree (8)","Answer":"BASILICA","Explanation":"SILICA (quartz) following (to, put next to) BA (a degree)"} {"Clue":"Honour a lease (6)","Answer":"CHALET","Explanation":"CH (Companion of Honour) A LET (lease)"} {"Clue":"Changed in 1000 years (8)","Answer":"SEMINARY","Explanation":"anagram (changed) of IN M (1000, Roman numeral) YEARS"} {"Clue":"Writer crosses street (6)","Answer":"BISTRO","Explanation":"BIRO (writer) contains (crosses) ST (street)"} {"Clue":"Cases with drop of bubbly, fashionable (5)","Answer":"CABIN","Explanation":"CA (cases) with Bubbly (first letter, drop of) and IN (fashionable)"} {"Clue":"Crawls out, stunned (3,6)","Answer":"LAWCOURTS","Explanation":"anagram (stunned) of CRAWLS OUT"} {"Clue":"Small county with appeal (3-3)","Answer":"BED-SIT","Explanation":"BEDS (Bedfordshire abbreviated, small county) with IT (appeal, eg sex appeal)"} {"Clue":"Chocolate kid loses last drop of energy (4-3)","Answer":"MILK-BAR","Explanation":"MILKyBAR (the Milkybar Kid, from chocolate marketing) missing energY (last letter, last drop of)"} {"Clue":"Nicer in Kensington? Just a bit (3,4)","Answer":"ICE RINK","Explanation":"found inside (just a bit of) nICER IN Kensington"} {"Clue":"Hospital not quite secure, one admitted (6)","Answer":"CLINIC","Explanation":"CLINCh (secure, not quite finished) contains I (one) \u2013 a bonus definition here"} {"Clue":"Top-quality crumble and pastry rejected (9)","Answer":"TRATTORIA","Explanation":"AI (A1, top quality) ROT (crumble) and TART (pastry) all reversed (rejected)"} {"Clue":"Daughter seen in theatre box (5)","Answer":"LODGE","Explanation":"D (daughter) inside LOGE (theatre box)"} {"Clue":"Tea ladies initially accept leaders of Private Eye (6)","Answer":"CHAPEL","Explanation":"CHA (tea) with Ladies (first letter, initially) contains (accept) first letters (leaders) of Private Eye"} {"Clue":"Had a nice trip (8)","Answer":"HACIENDA","Explanation":"anagram (trip) of HAD A NICE"} {"Clue":"Modest accommodation for worker (6)","Answer":"SHANTY","Explanation":"SHY (modest) contains (accommodation for) ANT (a worker)"} {"Clue":"Daughter appearing in H E Bates novel (8)","Answer":"BETHESDA","Explanation":"D (daughter) inside anagram (novel) of H E BATES \u2013 a church building"} {"Clue":"Graduates in charge point to brass tacks (6)","Answer":"BASICS","Explanation":"BAS (BAs graduates) IC (in charge) S (south, point of compass)"} {"Clue":"Note book in suburban home always turns up (9)","Answer":"SEMIBREVE","Explanation":"B (book) inside SEMI (suburban home) with EVER (always) reversed (turns up)"} {"Clue":"Brand new bedclothes? (5)","Answer":"LINEN","Explanation":"LINE (brand) N (new)"} {"Clue":"Sorceress tailed hired band (7)","Answer":"CIRCLET","Explanation":"CIRCe (sorceress, from Ulysses) missing last letter (tailed) then LET (hired)"} {"Clue":"Orthodox Greek masses (3,6)","Answer":"HOI POLLOI","Explanation":"a cryptic definition? The phrase is Greek."} {"Clue":"Not yet? Dead right (5)","Answer":"LATER","Explanation":"LATE (dead) R (right)"} {"Clue":"Bags a pair? (8)","Answer":"TROUSERS","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition \u2013 bags are trousers, so a \"pair of bags\" is still the same as just \"bags\", both singular. *Also: trousers and bags both slang for earns\/acquires"} {"Clue":"Bits of salami were in Mexican dip (4)","Answer":"SWIM","Explanation":"first letters (bits) of Salami Were In Mexican"} {"Clue":"Most deceitful fetishist wriggling (9)","Answer":"SHIFTIEST","Explanation":"anagram (wriggling) of FETISHEST"} {"Clue":"They're put up around Dublin and Sligo. Look out! (9)","Answer":"BUILDINGS","Explanation":"anagram (around) of DUBLIN and SlIGo missing LO (look) \u2013 the theme"} {"Clue":"Small nails on shade spoilt cask (3,5)","Answer":"TIN TACKS","Explanation":"TINT (shade) then anagram (spoilt) of CASK"} {"Clue":"Douglas King having trouble (4)","Answer":"KIRK","Explanation":"K (king) with IRK (trouble) \u2013 Kirk Douglas actor, and a kirk is a church building"} {"Clue":"Cary Grant film poster within reach perhaps (7)","Answer":"CHARADE","Explanation":"AD (poster) inside anagram (perhaps) of REACH"} {"Clue":"State limits of New Hampshire, Virginia and Dakota (6)","Answer":"NEVADA","Explanation":"outer letters (limits) of other states: New hampshirE, VirginiA and DakotA"} {"Clue":"Part of Iraq: a battle-zone port (5)","Answer":"AQABA","Explanation":"found inside (part of) irAQ A BAttle-zone \u2013 port city in Jordan"} {"Clue":"A part of Edinburgh Castle, I think \u2013 only a part (5)","Answer":"LEITH","Explanation":"found inside (only a part) castLE I THink"} {"Clue":"Tilt when boarding does for vessel (8)","Answer":"DECANTER","Explanation":"CANT (tilt) inside (when boarding) DEER (does, female deer)"} {"Clue":"10's first cut where 25 kept (5)","Answer":"RANCH","Explanation":"bRANCH (a piece of wood, 10) missing first letter (first cut) \u2013 where stock is kept"} {"Clue":"Plane, for example, common flyer stripped? (9)","Answer":"WOODSTOCK","Explanation":"WOOD (the Plane tree, for example) STOCK (common) \u2013 Woodstock is a bird (flyer) in the cartoon strip Peanuts, so Woodstock is a flyer stripped. This would be very obscure indeed as a normal definition, but many themed puzzles would omit this definition entirely, so I treat even an obscure definition as a bonus here."} {"Clue":"Somebody putting wedge back on rug (6)","Answer":"BIGWIG","Explanation":"GIB (wedge) reversed (back) on WIG (rug, slang)"} {"Clue":"Private sector that is failing (8)","Answer":"ESOTERIC","Explanation":"anagram (failing) of SECTOR IE (that is)"} {"Clue":"Female doctor I kiss, performer at 10 25 (7)","Answer":"HENDRIX","Explanation":"HEN (a female) DR (doctor) then I X (a kiss)"} {"Clue":"Builder's drink, particular taste (3,2,3)","Answer":"CUP OF TEA","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 British idioms, US solvers might struggle here"} {"Clue":"Yet to embrace fashion, performers at 10 25 (3,3)","Answer":"THE WHO","Explanation":"THO (yet) contains (to embrace) HEW (fashion, to shape)"} {"Clue":"A git loading safe weapon for kids (10)","Answer":"PEASHOOTER","Explanation":"A SHOO (git, go away, US slang) inside (loading) PETER (safe)"} {"Clue":"Bloody exceptional (4)","Answer":"RARE","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Presumably odd time for anticlimax (3-5)","Answer":"NON-EVENT","Explanation":"NON-EVEN (so presumably odd) an T (time)"} {"Clue":"Guzzle tasty sandwiches second (8)","Answer":"DEMOLISH","Explanation":"DELISH (tasty) contains (sandwiches) MO (second)"} {"Clue":"Peach biscuit (7)","Answer":"CRACKER","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"10 25 relations in female dance finished, almost (4,4)","Answer":"FREE LOVE","Explanation":"F (female) REEL (dance) and OVEr (finished, almost)"} {"Clue":"Hit often proving fatal, seeing died, possibly? (6,4)","Answer":"INSIDE EDGE","Explanation":"anagram (possibly) of SEEING DIED \u2013 a hit in cricket, often deflecting the ball onto the wicket, fatal to your innings"} {"Clue":"Cold heart of oil burner? (6)","Answer":"CHILLI","Explanation":"CHILL (cold) then OIL (middle letter, heart of)"} {"Clue":"Bound to support Gates's baby, just look at what's in store! (6-4)","Answer":"WINDOW-SHOP","Explanation":"HOP (bound) following (to support, under in a down light) WINDOWS (Bill Gates's baby)"} {"Clue":"Designs right number of masts on brig, for example, carried by ships (8)","Answer":"ARTWORKS","Explanation":"R (right) TWO (number of masts on brig for example) inside (carried by) ARKS (ships)"} {"Clue":"Natural gas in neither fluid (8)","Answer":"INHERENT","Explanation":"N (Nitrogen, a gas) inside anagram (fluid) of NEITHER"} {"Clue":"Temperature inside loco that hasn't started rising for performers at 10 25 (7)","Answer":"SANTANA","Explanation":"T (temperature) INSIDE Bananas (LOCO) missing first letter (reversed) reversed (rising)"} {"Clue":"Tense difficult, might you say? (6)","Answer":"UNEASY","Explanation":"UN-EASY you might say is difficult"} {"Clue":"County cricket side in Mediterranean city (6)","Answer":"TYRONE","Explanation":"ON (cricket side, the on and off sides) inside TYRE (Mediterranean city)"} {"Clue":"Performer at 10 25 of what a Turk might do to enthral his capital, briefly? (4,7)","Answer":"RAVI SHANKAR","Explanation":"RAVISH ANKARa (what a Turk might do to enthral his capital) missing last letter (briefly)"} {"Clue":"Mechanical widget? Pair fitting into hollow (8)","Answer":"SPROCKET","Explanation":"PR (pair) inside SOCKET (hollow)"} {"Clue":"Most of skin one's revealed in part of strip? (5)","Answer":"PANEL","Explanation":"AN (one) inside (revealed in) PELt (skin, most of)"} {"Clue":"James, or Jim? (4)","Answer":"CROW","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 ~~both names for a crowbar~~ *I can't explain how this works. There are plenty of references related to Jim\/James\/Crow but I can't put them together in a concise and coherent manner. Roz @2 has a good go, but I can't improve on that."} {"Clue":"Sailors' song in the can almost, with arrangement (7)","Answer":"CHANTIE","Explanation":"anagram (with arrangement) of IN THE CAn (almost)"} {"Clue":"What's hooked or what's netted by us, mass in hold (7)","Answer":"HAMULUS","Explanation":"HAUL (what's netted) with US containing (with\u2026in hold) M (mass)"} {"Clue":"Some mammal garnering seaweed (4)","Answer":"ALGA","Explanation":"found inside mammAL GAthering"} {"Clue":"Basic text for Jews, showing damage with age rolling round (6)","Answer":"GEMARA","Explanation":"MAR (damage) inside (with\u2026around) anagram (rolling) of AGE"} {"Clue":"Carriage sadly caught in fringes of crash (6)","Answer":"CALASH","Explanation":"ALAS (sadly) inside CrasH (outer letters, fringes)"} {"Clue":"Damage that was on the inside of Paris cathedral (5)","Answer":"SCATH","Explanation":"found inside pariS CATHedral \u2013 *that was* indicates archaic usage and Spenserian spelling"} {"Clue":"King having correspondence with clergy (not RC) \u2013 'e offers help for those on the rocks (13)","Answer":"KLETTERSCHUHE","Explanation":"K (king) with LETTERS (correspondence) CHUrcH (clergy, not RC) then 'E"} {"Clue":"Rogue forms despicable type in course of meal (6)","Answer":"TERATA","Explanation":"RAT (despicable type) inside (in course of) TEA (a meal)"} {"Clue":"Tower X left unfinished, twice (4)","Answer":"TETE","Explanation":"TEn (X, unfinished) twice \u2013 a hairstyle"} {"Clue":"Investigators going after one in court historically, ending it all (7)","Answer":"SUICIDE","Explanation":"CID (invstigators) following (going after) I (one) inside SUE (to court, historically=archaic)"} {"Clue":"Fruit of abnormal size \u2013 selection stocked (7)","Answer":"ORANGES","Explanation":"OS (out-size) contains (with\u2026stocked) RANGE (selection)"} {"Clue":"Brain tissue turning sickly, in needing to be removed (4)","Answer":"GLIA","Explanation":"a reversal (turning) of AILinG (sickly) missing IN"} {"Clue":"Sort of Germanic hidalgo exchanging components (5)","Answer":"NORSE","Explanation":"SENOR (Spanish gentleman, hidalgo) with SE and NOR (two parts) exchanged"} {"Clue":"Timber I cut roughly, given guidance, was like aspen? (8)","Answer":"TREMBLED","Explanation":"anagram (roughly) of TiMBER missing I then LED (given guidance)"} {"Clue":"Criss-cross pattern in thin strip on gilded leather (11)","Answer":"SCHECKLATON","Explanation":"CHECK (criss-cross pattern) inside SLAT (thin strip) and ON"} {"Clue":"The breath of life was going in the old man (5)","Answer":"PRANA","Explanation":"RAN (was going) inside PA (father, the old man)"} {"Clue":"Pop video maybe, without piano initially, in revival of the genre (4)","Answer":"ROMO","Explanation":"pROMO (pop video maybe) missing P (piano) \u2013 a revival of *The New Romantics* genre in pop music"} {"Clue":"Scotch trouble? Spirit that's disgusting (5)","Answer":"KAUGH","Explanation":"KA (spirit) with UGH (that's disgusting)"} {"Clue":"Doctor kept in like this reads intensively (6)","Answer":"THUMBS","Explanation":"MB (doctor) inside THUS (like this)"} {"Clue":"Wing a crane's seen to flap and fly around (11)","Answer":"PARASCENIUM","Explanation":"anagram (to flap) of A CRANE'S inside 9with\u2026around) PIUM (a fly)"} {"Clue":"Like a nihilist, rarely over-obsessive about architecture (8)","Answer":"ANARCHAL","Explanation":"ANAL (over-obsessive) contains (about) ARCH (architecture)"} {"Clue":"High tone on being released tremolo in octave (6)","Answer":"EIGHTH","Explanation":"anagram (tremolo) of HIGH TonE missing (\u2026being released) ON"} {"Clue":"Topic dominated by tragic monarch clutching the fool (11)","Answer":"LEATHERHEAD","Explanation":"HEAD (topic, rhetorics) following (underneath, dominated by) LEAR (tragic monarch) containing (clutching) THE"} {"Clue":"Filibusters dry up when about end of subject (7)","Answer":"SEARATS","Explanation":"SEAR (dry up) then AS (when) containing (about) subjecT (end letter of)"} {"Clue":"Dress materials: treat embroidered lengths (short) in print (8)","Answer":"RATTEENS","Explanation":"anagram (embroidered) of TREAT then ENS (en plural, a short length in printed type)"} {"Clue":"Sweeper, one prone to patrol breadth with ball? (6)","Answer":"LIBERO","Explanation":"LIER (one prone) contains (to patrol, go around) B (breadth) then O (a ball)"} {"Clue":"Former province was still held by leader of Turkish uprising (6)","Answer":"EYALET","Explanation":"LAY (was still) inside (held by) TEE (the letter T, first leader of Turkish) all reversed (uprising)"} {"Clue":"Quick fry-up, one forming break for pie of suet (5)","Answer":"SAUTE","Explanation":"A (one) inside (forming break for) anagram (pie, printer's term for confused type) of SUET \u2013 what a great anagram indicator!"} {"Clue":"Peter pursuing trendy freelance company (5)","Answer":"INDIE","Explanation":"DIE (peter) following IN (trendy)"} {"Clue":"Girl, Victoria's close friend, that is missing? (4)","Answer":"GILL","Explanation":"GILLIE (gillie John Brown, close friend of Queen Victoria) missing IE (that is)"} {"Clue":"Enticement to switch directions in government (4)","Answer":"RULE","Explanation":"LURE (enticement) with L and R (left and right, directions) switched \u2013 LURE is also a possible answer, but does not fit the crossers"} {"Clue":"Burden put on Jill's partner, one in the logging industry (10)","Answer":"LUMBERJACK","Explanation":"LUMBER (to burden) with JACK (Jill's partner)"} {"Clue":"Book to support one wielding an axe? (7)","Answer":"BASSIST","Explanation":"B (book) ASSIT (to support) \u2013 an *axe* is an electric guitar"} {"Clue":"US actor embarrassed beside US film director (7)","Answer":"REDFORD","Explanation":"RED (embarrassed) with FORD (John Ford, US film director) \u2013 Robert Redford, though there are other less famous Redfords too"} {"Clue":"Some traverse a glen to see bird of prey (5)","Answer":"EAGLE","Explanation":"found inside traversE A GLEn"} {"Clue":"Gather before conference, maybe, to show up again (8)","Answer":"REAPPEAR","Explanation":"REAP (gather) then PEAR (a Conference pear maybe)"} {"Clue":"Two cups I notice shortly for stew (6)","Answer":"BRAISE","Explanation":"BRA (something that consists of two cups) I SEe (notice, shortly)"} {"Clue":"Eagerly devour US novelist, we hear, away from college (4,4)","Answer":"WOLF DOWN","Explanation":"WOLF sounds like (we hear) \"Wolfe\" (Tom Wolfe, American novelist) and DOWN (away from college)"} {"Clue":"Number right to be taken by Frenchman with friend in the usual fashion (8)","Answer":"NORMALLY","Explanation":"NO (No. number) R (right) with (to be taken by) M (monsieur, a Frenchman) and ALLY (friend)"} {"Clue":"A head linked to old US space programme (6)","Answer":"APOLLO","Explanation":"A POLL (head) and O (old)"} {"Clue":"Pedestrian exercise completed in easy victory (8)","Answer":"WALKOVER","Explanation":"WALK (pedestrian exercise) and OVER (completed)"} {"Clue":"Source of spectators' impulse to create powerful rush (5)","Answer":"SURGE","Explanation":"Spectators (first letter, source of) and URGE (impulse)"} {"Clue":"A cottage's interior I renovated in a restless fashion (7)","Answer":"AGITATO","Explanation":"anagram (renovated) of I cOTTAGe (interior of) and I"} {"Clue":"Explosive charge shown by Australian swimmer after leaving hotel party (7)","Answer":"TORPEDO","Explanation":"ThORPE (Ian Thorpe, Australian swimmer) missing H (hotel) then DO (party)"} {"Clue":"Ninth bloke needs sacking, not reliably working (2,3,5)","Answer":"ON THE BLINK","Explanation":"anagram (needs sacking) of NINTH BLOKE"} {"Clue":"Defy youth at regular intervals in small island (4)","Answer":"EYOT","Explanation":"every other letter (at reular intervals) of dEfY yOuTh"} {"Clue":"Group supporting bridge game has flimsy piece of stationery (6,4)","Answer":"RUBBER BAND","Explanation":"BAND (group) following (supporting) RUBBER (a game of Bridge)"} {"Clue":"Italian dish showing a decline in Latin and North America (7)","Answer":"LASAGNA","Explanation":"SAG (decline) inside LA (Latin) and NA (North America)"} {"Clue":"Posh prince before performance shows sign of improvement (6)","Answer":"UPTURN","Explanation":"U (posh) P (prince) then TURN (performance)"} {"Clue":"Drinking haunt attended by awful sailor in holiday destination (8)","Answer":"BARBADOS","Explanation":"BAR (drinking haunt) with BAD (awful) OS (Ordinary Seaman, sailor)"} {"Clue":"Free characters stuck in Bridlington (3)","Answer":"RID","Explanation":"found inside (characters stuck in) bRIDlington"} {"Clue":"A largely noisy director with love for green food (7)","Answer":"AVOCADO","Explanation":"A VOCAL (noisy, missing last letter) D (director) with O (love)"} {"Clue":"Slide, first to last, for children (4)","Answer":"KIDS","Explanation":"SKID (slide) with first letter moved to last place"} {"Clue":"Danger for surfers? Gather risk has to be reviewed (5,5)","Answer":"TIGER SHARK","Explanation":"anagram (has to be reviewed) of GATHER RISK"} {"Clue":"Plug by old railway for baked item (4,6)","Answer":"PUFF PASTRY","Explanation":"PUFF (plug) with PAST (old) RY (railway)"} {"Clue":"Senior most in trouble, as it were (2,4,4)","Answer":"IN SOME SORT","Explanation":"anagram (in trouble) of SENIOR MOST"} {"Clue":"Chef right away on counter dropping fine liquid (5,3)","Answer":"OLIVE OIL","Explanation":"OLIVEr (Jamie Oliver, chef) missing R (right) then fOIL (counter) missing F (fine)"} {"Clue":"Unsentimental type about a set of items (7)","Answer":"REALIST","Explanation":"RE (about, concerning) A LIST (set of items)"} {"Clue":"Crime nearly out of control around Cuba (7)","Answer":"LARCENY","Explanation":"anagram (out of control) of NEARLY contains (around) C (Cuba)"} {"Clue":"Portion of land missing a sign of sun for Mediterranean resident (6)","Answer":"CRETAN","Explanation":"aCRE (portion of land) missing A then TAN (sign of sun)"} {"Clue":"Firm after sign of appreciation supplies Mexican food (4)","Answer":"TACO","Explanation":"CO (company, firm) following TA (thanks, sign of appreciation)"} {"Clue":"Expert type of service (3)","Answer":"ACE","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Stop wife leaving by trick (4)","Answer":"HOAX","Explanation":"wHOA (stop) missing W (wife) then X (by, eg 2\u00d72 or two-by-two)"} {"Clue":"Saving loan is VAT free (9)","Answer":"SALVATION","Explanation":"anagram (free) of LOAN IS VAT"} {"Clue":"Take pot-luck going round western state capital (6)","Answer":"TOPEKA","Explanation":"found inside (with\u2026going round) tAKE POT-luck reversed (western, right-to-left on a map) \u2013 capital of Kansas"} {"Clue":"Joint stained with age, reportedly ornamented in a particular way (8)","Answer":"NIELLOED","Explanation":"sounds like (reportedly) \"knee yellowed\" (joint stained with age)"} {"Clue":"She caresses student with more affection outwardly (7)","Answer":"FONDLER","Explanation":"L (learner, student) inside (having\u2026outwardly) FONDER (with more affection)"} {"Clue":"Select frozen dessert that's not cold in the middle (6)","Answer":"CHOICE","Explanation":"CHOc ICE (frozen dessert) missing C (cold) in the middle \u2013 definition as an adjective"} {"Clue":"Artist regularly having blunder framing people (7)","Answer":"BRITISH","Explanation":"aRtIsT (every other letter, regularly) inside (having\u2026framing) BISH (blunder)"} {"Clue":"Right on to be opposed and discarded (4,3)","Answer":"LEFT OFF","Explanation":"the opposite (to be opposed) of RIGHT ON would be LEFT OFF"} {"Clue":"Vacillation overturned European statute about fines (6)","Answer":"WAFFLE","Explanation":"a reversal (overturned) of E (European) LAW (statute) containing (about) F F (fine, twice so plural)"} {"Clue":"Melodious gospel-inspired music about extremely niggling female (7)","Answer":"SONGFUL","Explanation":"SOUL (gospel-inspired music) contains (about) NigglinG (outer letters, extremely) and F (female)"} {"Clue":"Drawing out non-adult instruction (8)","Answer":"EDUCTION","Explanation":"EDUCaTION (instruction) missing A (adult)"} {"Clue":"Dispute about your past fit (6)","Answer":"WORTHY","Explanation":"ROW (dispute) reversed (about) then THY (your, past indicates archaic)"} {"Clue":"US state left 1,000 boys around northern islands (9)","Answer":"FALKLANDS","Explanation":"FA (Florida, US state) L (left) K (kilo-, 1,000) LADS (boys) contains (around) N (northern) \u2013 does anyone know in what context Fa gets used as an abbreviation for Florida? It is listed in Chambers dictionary."} {"Clue":"Eastern republic taking question on nationalists (4)","Answer":"IRAQ","Explanation":"Q (question) follows (on) IRA (Irish nationalists)"} {"Clue":"London section starts to spy on Home Office (4)","Answer":"SOHO","Explanation":"first letters (starts to) of Spy On Home Office \u2013 a district of London"} {"Clue":"Former rent blown at Parisian day school (8)","Answer":"EXTERNAT","Explanation":"EX (former) then anagram (blown) of RENT and AT"} {"Clue":"Half of Oxford crew promoted king and country (6)","Answer":"ISRAEL","Explanation":"ISis (half of Isis, OU rowing crew) then LEAR (king) reversed (promoted)"} {"Clue":"Everybody rejected boss who fiddled \u2013 a cowboy (7)","Answer":"LLANERO","Explanation":"ALL (everybody) reversed (rejected) then NERO (boss who fiddled, Roman Emperor who *fiddled while Rome burned*)"} {"Clue":"Nothing to hide about English beauty? Au contraire (4-4)","Answer":"FACE-ACHE","Explanation":"FA (Fanny Adams, nothing) CACHE (to hide) contains (about) E (English)"} {"Clue":"Retreat over one side of toll bridge (6)","Answer":"RIALTO","Explanation":"LAIR (retreat) reversed (over) then TOll (first half, one side of) \u2013 famous bridge in Venice"} {"Clue":"Terribly cruel fun I'm describing? (10)","Answer":"UNMERCIFUL","Explanation":"anagram (terribly) of CRUEL FUN I'M \u2013 the definition tells us that the wordplay is also *describing* the answer, as well as constructing it (c.f. an &lit)"} {"Clue":"Flying \u2013 no fear! Very fond of going backwards and forwards in a boat (4-3-3)","Answer":"FORE-AND-AFT","Explanation":"anagram (flying) of NO FEAR then DAFT (very fond of)"} {"Clue":"Mushrooms served up almost killed northern ska band (8)","Answer":"SPECIALS","Explanation":"Definition: ska band\nCEPS (mushrooms) reversed (served up) SLAIn (killed, almost) reversed (northern, up he grid) \u2013 The Specials, a Ska band from Coventry"} {"Clue":"Plump for bringing up feeble or stern protection? (8)","Answer":"TAFFRAIL","Explanation":"FAT (plump) reversed (for bringing up) then FRAIL (feeble)"} {"Clue":"How to label square off the top-right of a chessboard? That's idiotic (7)","Answer":"ASININE","Explanation":"AS I NINE (the top right square is h8, so one further off would be i9)"} {"Clue":"Start of fight \u2013 unexpectedly close quarters (6)","Answer":"FOCSLE","Explanation":"Fight (first letter, start of) then anagram (unexpectedly) of CLOSE \u2013 crew's quarters on a ship"} {"Clue":"Whines awfully having just been born (6)","Answer":"NEWISH","Explanation":"anagram (awfully) of WHINES"} {"Clue":"Banger in accident \u2013 police finally involved (4)","Answer":"HEAP","Explanation":"HAP (accident) containing (with\u2026involved) policE (final letter) \u2013 an old car"} {"Clue":"He's investigating every tape I edited (7,3)","Answer":"PRIVATE EYE","Explanation":"anagram (edited) of EVERY TAPE I"} {"Clue":"Scotsman who showed the importance of the transfer of power (4)","Answer":"WATT","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 Scottish inventor *James Watt* who created the rotary steam engine which replaced the waterwheel as the source of industrial power"} {"Clue":"Old mate put on a stone (4)","Answer":"OPAL","Explanation":"O (old) then (with\u2026put on) MATE"} {"Clue":"Further improved flat racing enthusiast? (4,6)","Answer":"EVEN BETTER","Explanation":"EVEN (flat) BETTER (racing enthusiast)"} {"Clue":"Little brother taking over first caf\u00e9 (6)","Answer":"BISTRO","Explanation":"BRO (brother, little=contraction of) contains IST (1st, first)"} {"Clue":"Setback: sadly erase parts of mosaic (8)","Answer":"TESSERAE","Explanation":"SET reversed (back) then anagram (sadly) of ERASE"} {"Clue":"Romeo's friend Julius drunk, into Brazilian port (8)","Answer":"MERCUTIO","Explanation":"ME (Julius, the setter) then CUT (drunk) inside RIO (Brazilian port)"} {"Clue":"Poles invested in tech this month (4)","Answer":"INST","Explanation":"N S (poles) inside (invested in) IT (tech)"} {"Clue":"Mouth commonly beginning to inflame in desert area (4)","Answer":"GOBI","Explanation":"GOB (mouth, commonly) then Inflame (first letter, beginning to)"} {"Clue":"Lie dying, unfortunately giving in (8)","Answer":"YIELDING","Explanation":"anagram (unfortunately) of LIE DYING"} {"Clue":"Qantas man I approached, crossing part of Australia (8)","Answer":"TASMANIA","Explanation":"found inside (with\u2026crossing) qanTAS MAN I Approached"} {"Clue":"Miserable, and soon to be spitting feathers! (4,2,3,5)","Answer":"DOWN IN THE MOUTH","Explanation":"definition and cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Cheek! RAF, for example, is something perfunctorily paid (3,7)","Answer":"LIP SERVICE","Explanation":"LIP (cheek) then SERVCIE (RAF for example)"} {"Clue":"Lover boy regularly seen in beer house (4)","Answer":"EROS","Explanation":"every other letter (regularly seen) of bEeR hOuSe"} {"Clue":"Spoil Charlie's brandy (4)","Answer":"MARC","Explanation":"MAR (spoil) then C (Charlie, letter in radio communication)"} {"Clue":"Like the introduction of Rover cars one after the other? (4,2,4)","Answer":"NOSE TO TAIL","Explanation":"Rover is a dog. ~~Possibly the introduction of Rover into a room would be nose then tail? I grasping at straws here. Help me out somebody.~~ *How dogs introduce themselves."} {"Clue":"Stormy petrel grabbing head of Indian snake? (7)","Answer":"REPTILE","Explanation":"anagram (stormy) of PETREL contains Indian (first letter, head of) \u2013 a snake perhaps, definition by example"} {"Clue":"Man turning up the telly, guzzling beer (5)","Answer":"VALET","Explanation":"TV (the telly) reversed (turning up) contains (guzzling) ALE (beer)"} {"Clue":"Mrs A. conceitedly revised part of physics syllabus (15)","Answer":"ELECTRODYNAMICS","Explanation":"anagram (revised) of MRS A CONCEITEDLY"} {"Clue":"Rising Middle East manager to do relief work (6)","Answer":"EMBOSS","Explanation":"ME (middle east) reversed (rising) then BOSS (manager)"} {"Clue":"Being inexperienced, reheat mixture to fill \"soggy bottoms\" (3,6,3,4)","Answer":"WET BEHIND THE EARS","Explanation":"anagram (mixture) of REHEAT inside (to fill) WET (soggy) BEHINDS (bottoms)"} {"Clue":"Lots of bouncers punch Mike touring the States (4,5)","Answer":"CHIN MUSIC","Explanation":"~~just a guess \u2013 CLIP MUSIC. Is this a recognised phrase? I have no idea about the definition. CLIP (punch)~~ CHIN (punch) then MIC (Mike) containing (touring) US (the States) *\u2013 a cricket term where the intention is to intimidate the batsman with deliveries aimed at the chin"} {"Clue":"Most exciting passion fades away inside (8)","Answer":"HEADIEST","Explanation":"HEAT (passion) contains (with\u2026inside) DIES (fades away)"} {"Clue":"Instrument fitted to Volvo car in America (7)","Answer":"OCARINA","Explanation":"found inside (fitted to) volvO CAR IN America"} {"Clue":"Ian upset former pupil visiting Rhode Island capital (7)","Answer":"NAIROBI","Explanation":"IAN reversed (upset) then OB (old boy, former pupil) inside (visiting) RI (Rhode Island)"} {"Clue":"Gridiron play doctor introduced to English sister (3,3)","Answer":"END RUN","Explanation":"DR (doctor) inside (introduced to) E (English) NUN (sister)"} {"Clue":"Product of farmer's wife being in season? (5)","Answer":"WHEAT","Explanation":"W (wife) then HEAT (being in season, of an animal)"} {"Clue":"Old rubbish in river (6)","Answer":"POTATO","Explanation":"O (old) TAT (rubbish) inside PO (the River Po in Italy)"} {"Clue":"Enough space for sentimentality? (8)","Answer":"MUSHROOM","Explanation":"MUSH ROOM would be enough space for sentimentality"} {"Clue":"Last part of anagram indicator (6)","Answer":"MARROW","Explanation":"anagraM (last letter, last part of) then ARROW (indicator)"} {"Clue":"Two chancellors at one (8)","Answer":"KOHLRABI","Explanation":"chancellor Helmut KOHL and chancellor RAB Butler (Richard Austin Butler, aka *Rab*) with I (one)"} {"Clue":"Low, mean wretch doesn't take the rap (8)","Answer":"SCALLION","Explanation":"rapSCALLION (low, mean wretch) missing RAP"} {"Clue":"Reason for an MOT failure? (6)","Answer":"CARROT","Explanation":"cryptically, CAR ROT might be a reason for an MOT failure"} {"Clue":"Before the wedding, called Prince (4)","Answer":"NEEP","Explanation":"NEE (before the wedding called, maiden name) and P (prince)"} {"Clue":"Athlete with disqualification, having swallowed ecstasy (6,4)","Answer":"RUNNER BEAN","Explanation":"RUNNER (athlete) with BAN (disqualification) contains (having swallowed) E (ecstasy)"} {"Clue":"Demented soul, etc etc (3,7)","Answer":"COS LETTUCE","Explanation":"anagram (demented) of SOUL ETC ETC"} {"Clue":"Touch of salt and some dessert (4)","Answer":"SPUD","Explanation":"Salt (first letter, a touch of) and PUD (some dessert)"} {"Clue":"Top organiser's hunting dog (6)","Answer":"ORACHE","Explanation":"Organiser (first letter, top) and RACHE (hunting dog)"} {"Clue":"Defeat, we hear, England's captain (8)","Answer":"BEETROOT","Explanation":"sounds like \"beat Root\" (defeat England's captain) \u2013 Joe Root, captain of England cricket team"} {"Clue":"Copper with dog accepted award (8)","Answer":"CUCUMBER","Explanation":"CU (copper) and CUR (dog) contain (accepted) MBE (award)"} {"Clue":"Artist \u2013 good-looking lass (6)","Answer":"RADISH","Explanation":"RA (royal Academician) and DISH (good-looking lass)"} {"Clue":"Attempts to include everything (8)","Answer":"SHALLOTS","Explanation":"SHOTS (attempts) contain (to include) ALL (everything)"} {"Clue":"French lawyer appearing in press reports (6)","Answer":"NAVEWS","Explanation":"AV (Av. \u2013 Avocat, French lawyer) inside NEWS (press reports) \u2013 turnips"} {"Clue":"Source of specific nuclear force poorly expressed in poems (2-5)","Answer":"PI-MESON","Explanation":"anagram (poorly expressed) of IN POEMS"} {"Clue":"Bullies her, as tent collapsed (9)","Answer":"THREATENS","Explanation":"anagram (collapsed) of HER AS TENT"} {"Clue":"He leaves the baps for fishes (6)","Answer":"TROLLS","Explanation":"The missing HE then ROLLS (baps)"} {"Clue":"Little green men are regularly buffoons (4)","Answer":"UFOS","Explanation":"every other letter (regularly) of bUfFoOnS"} {"Clue":"Field measurement involving hare and calf (4-4)","Answer":"HALF-ACRE","Explanation":"anagram (involving) HARE and CALF"} {"Clue":"Suave young socialite is lost, broadcasting (2,3)","Answer":"ON AIR","Explanation":"debONAIR (suave) missing (\u2026is lost) DEB (young socialite)"} {"Clue":"Wet month in Paris? Somewhat persistent towards the end (7)","Answer":"MOISTEN","Explanation":"MOIS (month in French, in Paris) then TEN is found inside (somewhat, towards the end) persisTENt"} {"Clue":"Cut loss \u2013 destroyed plague insects (7)","Answer":"LOCUSTS","Explanation":"anagram (destroyed) of CUT LOSS"} {"Clue":"Critic who's at the door? (7)","Answer":"KNOCKER","Explanation":"double defnition"} {"Clue":"Like jelly and pineapple, say (9)","Answer":"EXPLOSIVE","Explanation":"like gelignite (jelly) or a grenade (pineapple)"} {"Clue":"Sauce celeb cooked with meat in (8)","Answer":"BECHAMEL","Explanation":"anagram (cooked) of CELEB containing HAM (meat)"} {"Clue":"Options for desserts leading chef dropped (7)","Answer":"CHOICES","Explanation":"CHOc-ICES (desserts) missing Chef (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Abandons at the roadside? (7)","Answer":"DITCHES","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"A floozie's upset rock bands (6)","Answer":"STRATA","Explanation":"A TART'S (floozie's) reversed (upset)"} {"Clue":"Bill's new car. Capital! (5)","Answer":"ACCRA","Explanation":"AC (account, bill) then anagram (new) of CAR \u2013 capital city of Ghana"} {"Clue":"One tribal division \u2013 but over half a dozen in France (4)","Answer":"SEPT","Explanation":"SEPT is 7 in French (over half a dozen)"} {"Clue":"Source of howl, bark and jabber (5)","Answer":"BOXER","Explanation":"a BOXER is a bred of dog, so may howl and bark \u2013 a boxer jabs at his\/her opponent"} {"Clue":"In Queens, shot missing the police force assessor? (9)","Answer":"ERGOMETER","Explanation":"ER ER (queen, twice) contains (in\u2026is\u2026) GO and THE MET (police, The Met) missing THE \u2013 a device used to measure energy, work done. An ergometer does not measure force, but I get the idea."} {"Clue":"Tee shot, two things found by St Anne's dog (8)","Answer":"SEALYHAM","Explanation":"SEA and LYtHAM missing (with\u2026shot) T (tee, name of letter). *St Anne's* is a seaside town and next to (found by) Lytham and, of course, the sea. A Sealyham Terrier is a breed of dog."} {"Clue":"Stratford-on-Avon chippy: \"A selection of preserves\"? (6)","Answer":"QUINCE","Explanation":"Perter QUINCE is a carpenter (chippy) in *A Midsummer Night's Dream* (as performed in Stratford) \u2013 quinces are commonly selected for use in preserves (up-market ones at least)"} {"Clue":"Write adaptation of Peter Pan up, securing first place (3,3,2,5)","Answer":"PUT PEN TO PAPER","Explanation":"anagram (adaptation) of PETER PAN UP contains (securing) TOP (first place)"} {"Clue":"\"Terror-stricken order: Quit Hill!\", as the answer goes (4,4,2,5)","Answer":"FROM LEFT TO RIGHT","Explanation":"OM (Order of Merit) LEFT (quit) TOR (hill) inside FRIGHT (in fright, terror-stricken)"} {"Clue":"In which (hint) you will find a clue (5,8)","Answer":"ROUND BRACKETS","Explanation":"(hint) is a clue in ROUND BRACKETS"} {"Clue":"What transports a doctor back in time is . . . . (6)","Answer":"TARDIS","Explanation":"A then DR (doctor) reversed (back) inside T (time) IS \u2013 the TARDIS is the time-travelling machine in the long-running TV series Doctor Who. Read the definition as *What transports the doctor back\u2026etc "} {"Clue":"Where reactions happen, conversely, in wine-butts etc (4,4)","Answer":"TEST TUBE","Explanation":"found reversed (conversely) inside winE-BUTTS ETc"} {"Clue":"A threesome fixed by descendant of ancient Egyptian countryman (9)","Answer":"COPATRIOT","Explanation":"A TRIO (threesome) inside (fixed by) COPT (descendant of ancient Egyptian) \u2013 a variant of *compatriot"} {"Clue":"Port city's first guidebook covers Day One (5)","Answer":"CADIZ","Explanation":"City (first letter of) A-Z (guidebook) contains (covers) D (day) I (one)"} {"Clue":"15 and his TV platoon roughed ma about? (4,5)","Answer":"HOME GUARD","Explanation":"anagram (about) of ROUGHED MA \u2013 also known as *Dad's Army *(my old man and his platoon)"} {"Clue":"Why best man turned up dependent on the turkey? (6)","Answer":"DEWLAP","Explanation":"PAL WED (why the best man turned up) reversed (turned up) \u2013 a flap of skin that hangs (is dependent) on a turkey. *Turned up* is used twice here. Can anyone make a better explanation?"} {"Clue":"Starting with spinner, finishing with weaver\", as the answer goes (4,3,2,6)","Answer":"FROM TOP TO BOTTOM","Explanation":"FROM (starting with\u2026) TOP (spinner) TO (\u2026finishing with) BOTTOM (Nick Bottom, a weaver in *A Midsummer Night's Dream*)"} {"Clue":"Poet bristling at quotas in trunk (8,5)","Answer":"TORQUATO TASSO","Explanation":"anagram (bristling) of AT QUOTAS inside TORSO (trunk)"} {"Clue":"Disease whose deficiency would leave Her Majesty repeating? (4-4)","Answer":"BERI-BERI","Explanation":"beri-beri is a thiamine deficiency (vitamin B1), so removing BI (B1) from bERi bERi would leave ER ER (her Majesty, repeated)"} {"Clue":"Double check climbing plant (5)","Answer":"VETCH","Explanation":"VET (check, verify) CH (check, chess)"} {"Clue":"\"Kinky\" romance \u2013 can she have a go? (6,4,3)","Answer":"CHANCE ONE\u2019S ARM","Explanation":"anagram (kinky) of ROMANCE CAN SHE"} {"Clue":"Holiday: fancy a bite? This? (9)","Answer":"WHITEBAIT","Explanation":"WHIT (holiday, 7th Sunday after Easter) then anagram (fancy) of A BITE \u2013 this (whitebait) is what you might snack on a seaside holiday"} {"Clue":"Raving mad \u2013 only tailgating motorway van driver! (2,3,3)","Answer":"MY OLD MAN","Explanation":"anagram (raving) of MAD ONLY follows (tailgating) M (motorway) \u2013 from the old music hall song *My old man said follow the van, And don't dilly dally on the way\u2026"} {"Clue":"Club chocolate bar in radio ads (3-3)","Answer":"KIT-CAT","Explanation":"(sounds like, as on a radio ad) KitKat (chocolate bar) \u2013 The Kit-Cat club, 18th century literary club in London"} {"Clue":"His brother made a mess of his inheritance (5)","Answer":"JACOB","Explanation":"Just a guess from a quick flip though Wikipedia's biblical characters. Cryptic definition about Esau trading Jacob's inheritance for a bowl of soup (a mess)? Maybe something about AARON and Moses? Help me out, I know nothing. *See cryptic sue @1 below for a fuller explanation."} {"Clue":"Name-dropping singer covers half of aria he scored manually (8)","Answer":"MARADONA","Explanation":"MADONnA (singer) missing (dropping) N (name) contains (covers) ARia (half of) \u2013 reference to Diego Maradona's handball goal (scoring manually, by hand) vs England in the 1986 World Cup"} {"Clue":"It's used to cook proper cuts evenly (6)","Answer":"PRIMUS","Explanation":"PRIM (proper) and cUtS (taking the even-numbered letters)"} {"Clue":"A bit dirty, caught in some light (4)","Answer":"RACY","Explanation":"C (caught) inside RAY (some light)"} {"Clue":"Enjoy following sweet scent (10)","Answer":"AFTERSHAVE","Explanation":"HAVE (enjoy) following AFTERS (sweet)"} {"Clue":"Amazing score Tchaikovsky's beginning \u2014 it may take your breath away! (6)","Answer":"CORSET","Explanation":"anagram (amazing) of SCORE then Tchaikovsky (first letter, beginning of)"} {"Clue":"Computing bores rarely represented in books (8)","Answer":"LITERARY","Explanation":"IT (computing) inside (boring) anagram (represented) of RARELY"} {"Clue":"Welcomed in dugout, a venerable English scorer (7)","Answer":"TAVENER","Explanation":"found inside (welcomed in) dugouT A VENERable \u2013 composer John Tavener, a writer of musical scores"} {"Clue":"Score that's zero for golfer (7)","Answer":"SCRATCH","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"What sewer did in street caused irritation (8)","Answer":"STITCHED","Explanation":"ST (street) ITCHED (caused irritation)"} {"Clue":"Score from one of the 19 backing officer (6)","Answer":"RESULT","Explanation":"USER (one of the addicts, 19dn) reversed (backing) then LT (Lieutenant, officer)"} {"Clue":"What could make us calmer is a worldly notion (10)","Answer":"SECULARISM","Explanation":"anagram (what could make) of US CALMER IS"} {"Clue":"Top scorer (on and off the pitch) (4)","Answer":"BEST","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 footballer George Best, who notoriously \"scored\" with both goals and women"} {"Clue":"What 8 and 24 put on vessel about to set off (6)","Answer":"STRIPS","Explanation":"SS (steam ship, vessel) contains (about) TRIP (to set off, eg trip an alarm)"} {"Clue":"Spooner's to stuff seamen in transport (8)","Answer":"TRAMCARS","Explanation":"a Spoonerism of CRAM TARS (stuff seamen)"} {"Clue":"He often scored century, like a star (8)","Answer":"CASANOVA","Explanation":"C (century) AS A NOVA (star)"} {"Clue":"Scores piece, finale from Debussy (4)","Answer":"MANY","Explanation":"MAN (piece, chess) then debussY (last letter, finale)"} {"Clue":"He rapidly scored a second, with variable skill (6)","Answer":"MOZART","Explanation":"MO (a second) with Z (a variable, maths) and ART (skill)"} {"Clue":"Wearing old hat, perform material (7)","Answer":"TACTILE","Explanation":"TILE (hat, old usage) contains (wearing\u2026is\u2026) ACT (perform) \u2013 perceptible by touch, material as opposed to spiritual"} {"Clue":"Theatrical love movie set around eastern desert (8)","Answer":"OPERATIC","Explanation":"O (love) then PIC (movie) contains (set around) E (eastern) RAT (desert, to abandon)"} {"Clue":"Shows impatience, admitting tramp doesn't know the score? (5-5)","Answer":"SIGHT-READS","Explanation":"SIGHS (shows impatience) contains (admitting) TREAD (tramp)"} {"Clue":"Create a vibrato effect as part of a score (6)","Answer":"QUAVER","Explanation":"a QUAVER is a note on a score"} {"Clue":"Score synthetic meth and use thus (5,5)","Answer":"SHEET MUSIC","Explanation":"anagram (synthetic) of METH and USE then SIC (thus)"} {"Clue":"Tries to cut peonies periodically put in black vehicle (8)","Answer":"ENHEARSE","Explanation":"HEARS (tries) inside (to cut) pEoNiEs (every other letter, periodically)"} {"Clue":"Composed score without previous blemish (4,4)","Answer":"COLD SORE","Explanation":"anagram (composed) of SCORE contains (without, on the outside) OLD (previous)"} {"Clue":"They try to score total: it's divided by a hundred (7)","Answer":"ADDICTS","Explanation":"ADD (total) then ITS containing (divided by) C (a hundred)"} {"Clue":"Score which is doubled in cricket (6)","Answer":"TWENTY","Explanation":"Twenty20 (a score, twice) is a shortened form of professional cricket with a maximum of 20 overs per side."} {"Clue":"French scorer has butter and drink at home (6)","Answer":"RAMEAU","Explanation":"RAM ( something that butts) and EAU (water in French, a drink for Rameau at home) \u2013 French composer Jean-Philippe Rameau"} {"Clue":"Set of loaves? With no time, he produced scores (4)","Answer":"BACH","Explanation":"BAtCH (set of loaves) missing T (time)"} {"Clue":"Snatch of metal caught on the radio (5)","Answer":"STEAL","Explanation":"sounds like (as caught on the radio) \"steel\" (mettle)"} {"Clue":"Bent coppers i.e. people in deep may be shown up by this (9)","Answer":"PERISCOPE","Explanation":"anagram (bent) of COPPERS IE \u2013 \"the deep\" is the sea"} {"Clue":"Fella briefly engaged in dodgy activity to make some bread (7)","Answer":"CHAPATI","Explanation":"CHAP (fella) then AT It (engaged in, briefly)"} {"Clue":"AC-12's coppers showing signs of stress (7)","Answer":"ACCENTS","Explanation":"AC and CENTS (America's coppers) \u2013 AC-12 is a reference to *Line of Duty"} {"Clue":"Country's crime data evenly distributed (7)","Answer":"AMERICA","Explanation":"anagram (distributed) of CRIME and dAtA (every other letter, evenly)"} {"Clue":"Report from snout reportedly being discussed (2,5)","Answer":"AT ISSUE","Explanation":"AT ISSUE sounds like (reportedly) \"atishoo\" (a report form the snout, nose)"} {"Clue":"Police leader probing strange deaths (3,8)","Answer":"TED HASTINGS","Explanation":"STING (leader of The Police, rock band) inside (probing) anagram (strange) of deaths \u2013 definition refers to a character from BBC TV series *Line of Duty"} {"Clue":"Most smooth, detailed poet from the east has India at heart (7)","Answer":"OILIEST","Explanation":"TS ELIOt (poet, de-tailed) contains (has\u2026at heart) I (India)"} {"Clue":"Copper's bringing posh Spanish banker in for questioning (7)","Answer":"CURIOUS","Explanation":"CU'S (copper's) contains (bringing\u2026in) U (posh) RIO (river in Spanish, something that has banks)"} {"Clue":"Acclaimed, but first to be dismissed and charged (7)","Answer":"IONISED","Explanation":"LIONISED (acclaimed) missing first letter"} {"Clue":"Beaming traitor keeps lead from DI Fleming? (7)","Answer":"RADIANT","Explanation":"RAI (traitor) contains (keeps) DI (firstletter, lead from) and IAN (Ian Fleming, ? indicates perhaps)"} {"Clue":"After coupling with another, tech billionaire stretches (9)","Answer":"ELONGATES","Explanation":"ELON (Elon Musk) and GATES (Bill Gates) are two tech billionaires"} {"Clue":"Innocent Methuselah framed by villain on tape (5)","Answer":"NAIVE","Explanation":"I (Methuselah, the writer) contains (framed by) NAVE which sounds like (as heard on tape) \"knave\" (villain)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Blair years ultimately written about as corrupt (8)","Answer":"DECADENT","Explanation":"DECADE (a 10-year period, the *Blair Years* perhaps) then writteN abouT (last letters of, ultimately)"} {"Clue":"Those last seen in militia will attack Area 51 base (6)","Answer":"ALKALI","Explanation":"last letters of militiA wilL attacK areA then LI (51, Roman numerals)"} {"Clue":"Deceptive designs sending a PC to trial (7,3)","Answer":"OPTICAL ART","Explanation":"anagram (sending, to rouse to ecstasy?) of A PC TO TRIAL"} {"Clue":"Federal investigators over the pond uncovered something in the water (4)","Answer":"UREA","Explanation":"bUREAu (FBI, federal investigators in US, over the pond) missing outer letters (uncovered) \u2013 *the water* is urine"} {"Clue":"Operation's legal proceedings repeatedly failing to get answers (1-7)","Answer":"C-SECTION","Explanation":"CaSE and aCTION (legal proceeding, twice) missing (failing to get) A (answer, twice)"} {"Clue":"At least 100 coppers or plods (6)","Answer":"POUNDS","Explanation":"POUNDS is at least 100 pence (so measured in pounds)"} {"Clue":"Friendly note on beauty treatment has lowered tone (6)","Answer":"SOCIAL","Explanation":"FACIAL (beauty treatment) with the note (tone) FA lowered to SO"} {"Clue":"Preview clip with culprit finally sent down \u2026 this calls for a celebration (6)","Answer":"EASTER","Explanation":"tEASER (preview clip) with culpriT (final letter of) missing (sent down)"} {"Clue":"Isn't it arch working for the enemy? (10)","Answer":"ANTICHRIST","Explanation":"anagram (working) of ISNT IT ARCH"} {"Clue":"Fancy riding in gear some time? (8)","Answer":"DRESSAGE","Explanation":"DRESS (gear, clothes) AGE (some time)"} {"Clue":"Isolated police officers brought back to catch wicked one (8)","Answer":"SPORADIC","Explanation":"COPS (police officers) reversed (brought back) containing (to catch) RAD (wicked, very good) and I (one)"} {"Clue":"New recruit covering up corruption? (6)","Answer":"NOVICE","Explanation":"ON (covering) reversed (up) then VICE (corruption)"} {"Clue":"Superintendent sets example, arresting sucker (6)","Answer":"TSETSE","Explanation":"found inside (is arrested by) superintendenT SETS Example \u2013 a blood-sucking fly"} {"Clue":"Criminal due to fly in for police show featuring 14 (4,2,4)","Answer":"LINE OF DUTY","Explanation":"anagram (criminal) of DUE TO FLY IN"} {"Clue":"Worker in community armed DS Arnott regularly (3,3)","Answer":"RED ANT","Explanation":"every other letter (regularly) of aRmEd Ds ArNoTt"} {"Clue":"A bit of god-awful back trouble (3)","Answer":"ADO","Explanation":"found reversed (back) inside (a bit of) gOD Awful"} {"Clue":"Play \u2026. with this? (1,5,5)","Answer":"A DOLLS HOUSE","Explanation":"something you might play with"} {"Clue":"Venture to grab head of state's headgear (5)","Answer":"BERET","Explanation":"BET (venture) contains (to grab) ER (Elizabeth Regina, head of state)"} {"Clue":"Trace grid out one found in magazine (9)","Answer":"CARTRIDGE","Explanation":"anagram (out) of TRACE GRID"} {"Clue":"Italian food recipe a fiddle, mostly (7)","Answer":"RAVIOLI","Explanation":"R (recipe) A then VIOLIn (fiddle, mostly)"} {"Clue":"Left university to play guitar for several years (7)","Answer":"LUSTRUM","Explanation":"L (left) U (university) and STRUM (to play guitar)"} {"Clue":"Struggling to catch rascal shown on trial (7-8)","Answer":"HEARING IMPAIRED","Explanation":"IMP (rascal) AIRED (shown) following (on) HEARING (trial)"} {"Clue":"Fabulous mount in South America doctor's crossing east to west (7)","Answer":"PEGASUS","Explanation":"S (south) USA (America) then GP (doctor) containing (crossing) E (east) all reversed (to west, as on a map)"} {"Clue":"Tot somewhere in Blackpool maybe less warm (7)","Answer":"NIPPIER","Explanation":"NIP (tot) and PIER (somewhere in Blackpool maybe)"} {"Clue":"Lots keeping fit love pairing up (9)","Answer":"MATRIMONY","Explanation":"MANY (lots) contains TRIM (fit) O (love)"} {"Clue":"Where races are a tie (5)","Answer":"ASCOT","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Loose branch freed, giving pain? (6,5)","Answer":"FRENCH BREAD","Explanation":"anagram (loose) of BRANCH FREED \u2013 definition is in French"} {"Clue":"Outgrowth on cereal grass not long (3)","Answer":"AWN","Explanation":"LAWN (grass) missing L (long)"} {"Clue":"American composer's dance music style (10)","Answer":"BARBERSHOP","Explanation":"BARBER'S (Samuel Barber, American composer) then HOP (dance)"} {"Clue":"Sex symbol drops back through African capital (8)","Answer":"MONROVIA","Explanation":"MONROe (sex symbol) missing (drops) last letter (back) and VIA (through)"} {"Clue":"Rubbish on top of that ink design (6)","Answer":"TATTOO","Explanation":"TAT (rubbish) TOO (on top of that)"} {"Clue":"Instruction from officer giving discomfort (8)","Answer":"COACHING","Explanation":"CO (commanding officer) with ACHING (discomfort)"} {"Clue":"More than one place on river (6)","Answer":"PLURAL","Explanation":"PL (place) on URAL (3rd longest river in Europe)"} {"Clue":"Appealing quality is in entrance area (8)","Answer":"CHARISMA","Explanation":"IS inside CHARM (entrance, cast a spell) and A (area)"} {"Clue":"Champion on course to make comeback crows (6)","Answer":"MURDER","Explanation":"RED RUM (champion racehorse) reversed (to come back) \u2013 a collective noun for crows"} {"Clue":"Outspoken top dog (4)","Answer":"PEKE","Explanation":"sounds like (outspoken) \"peak\" (top)"} {"Clue":"Toning down fashion assessment (10)","Answer":"MODERATING","Explanation":"MODE (fashion) then RATING (assessment)"} {"Clue":"Sense criminal isn't attending court (8)","Answer":"INSTINCT","Explanation":"anagram (criminal) of ISN'T then IN (attending) CT (court)"} {"Clue":"Figure absorbed by my pieces for FT readers? (8)","Answer":"MONEYMEN","Explanation":"ONE (a figure, number) inside (absorbed by) MY MEN (pieces, chess)"} {"Clue":"Actor in a sporting garment (8)","Answer":"RAINCOAT","Explanation":"anagram (sporting) of ACTOR IN A"} {"Clue":"Almost go out, heading for garden, say (6)","Answer":"GUTTER","Explanation":"Garden (first letter, heading for) and UTTER (say)"} {"Clue":"Primarily supercilious, like an aristocrat? (6)","Answer":"SNOBBY","Explanation":"Supercilious (first letter, primarily) then NOBBY (like an aristocrat)"} {"Clue":"Red paper in volume received by fashion house (6)","Answer":"PRAVDA","Explanation":"V (volume) inside (received by) PRADA (fashion house) \u2013 a communist (red) newspaper"} {"Clue":"Annoy some in room, if flatulent (4)","Answer":"MIFF","Explanation":"found inside (some in) rooM IF Flatulent"} {"Clue":"Spring evening cut short, almost (4- 4)","Answer":"WELL-NIGH","Explanation":"WELL (spring) and NIGHt (evening, cut short)"} {"Clue":"Smack rugby player (6)","Answer":"HOOKER","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 type of boat and playing position"} {"Clue":"Nick needs spades to break overturned earth (6)","Answer":"ARREST","Explanation":"S (spades) inside (to break) TERRE (earth) reversed (overturned)"} {"Clue":"Grip compound securing molar that's lost cap (8)","Answer":"FOOTHOLD","Explanation":"FOLD (compound, animal enclosure) contains (securing) tOOTH (molar) missing first letter (lost cap)"} {"Clue":"Oil extracted from skinned sole (4)","Answer":"OTTO","Explanation":"bOTTOm (sole) missing outer letters (skinned)"} {"Clue":"Bodyguard intercepting unnamed buddy, causing sorrow (10)","Answer":"COMPASSION","Explanation":"SS (Nazi bodyguard) inside (intercepting) COMPAnION (buddy) missing N (name)"} {"Clue":"Versatile sort of sailor getting sod all after working (4-2-3-6)","Answer":"JACK-OF-ALL-TRADES","Explanation":"JACK (sailor) then anagram (working) of SOD ALL AFTER"} {"Clue":"Conviction that number one is positive (4-6)","Answer":"SELF-ESTEEM","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Dickensian character rejected grand fool (4)","Answer":"TIGG","Explanation":"a reversal (rejected) of G (grand) GIT (fool) \u2013 a character from Martin Chuzzlewit"} {"Clue":"Bird eaten by black tailless cat somewhere in Kings (8)","Answer":"BROOKLYN","Explanation":"ROOK (bird) inside (eaten by) B (black) LYNx (cat, tailless) \u2013 somewhere in Kings County, New York"} {"Clue":"Fear defeat, ultimately by an own goal (6)","Answer":"TERROR","Explanation":"defeaT (last letter, ultimately) then ERROR (own goal)"} {"Clue":"Join by contributing to A Year in Provence (6)","Answer":"ANNEXE","Explanation":"X (by, multiplication) inside (contributing to) ANNEE (a year in French, in Provence). In Chambers ANNEXE is only listed as a noun (not meaning a join). Join as a verb is listed as ANNEX. If I get time I will have a look in some other dictionaries."} {"Clue":"Against having a battle, in the soup (8)","Answer":"CONSOMME","Explanation":"CON (against) and SOMME (a battle)"} {"Clue":"Harry Bishop breaks plates (6)","Answer":"FERRET","Explanation":"RR (right Reverend, bishop's title) inside (breaks) FEET (plates, slang)"} {"Clue":"Down to reserve parliamentary report (4,4)","Answer":"BLUE BOOK","Explanation":"BLUE (down, unhappy) and BOOK (to reserve)"} {"Clue":"Scrap stuff associated with sci-fi novel (10)","Answer":"FISTICUFFS","Explanation":"anagram (novel) of STUFF with SCI-FI"} {"Clue":"Clue \u2013 mostly hateful he-men canned feminist analysis (3,6,6)","Answer":"THE FEMALE EUNUCH","Explanation":"anagram (canned ?) of CLUE with HATEFU (hateful, mostly) and HE-MEN \u2013 book by Germaine Greer. ~~I can't explain how *canned* indicates a rearrangement. Can anyone help out?~~ *Canned is slang for drunk."} {"Clue":"Get lost mule picked up (4)","Answer":"SHOO","Explanation":"sounds like (picked up) \"shoe\" (mole, type of slipper)"} {"Clue":"Hood of hearse regularly removed in kerfuffles (3-3)","Answer":"HOO-HAS","Explanation":"HoOd Of HeArSe with every other letter (regularly) removed"} {"Clue":"Think about demoting Germany and Spain \u2013 bravo (4,4)","Answer":"WELL DONE","Explanation":"DWELL ON (think about) with D (Deutschland, Germany) moved lower down the word (demoted) then E (Espana, Spain)"} {"Clue":"Trying giant, clumsy without charm (10)","Answer":"ATTEMPTING","Explanation":"anagram (clumsy) of GIANT contains (is without, outside\u2026) TEMPT (charm, to allure)"} {"Clue":"Rogue charged in a dock after taking heroin (8)","Answer":"ABERRANT","Explanation":"RAN (charged) inside A BERTh (dock) missing (after taking) H(heroin)"} {"Clue":"Reception from mountain over northern heath (8)","Answer":"ANTEROOM","Explanation":"ETNA (Mt Etna) reversed (over) then MOOR (heath) reversed (northern, travelling upwards, in the grid)"} {"Clue":"Paid for US agent, extremely taken aback when nabbed (6)","Answer":"FOOTED","Explanation":"FED (US agent) contains (has\u2026when nabbed) TOO (extremely) reversed (taken aback) \u2013 to *foot* the bill"} {"Clue":"Dark, unopened icy house, extremely musty (6)","Answer":"GLOOMY","Explanation":"iGLOO (icy house) missing first letter (unopened) then MustY (outer letters, extremely)"} {"Clue":"Barge over national emblem (4)","Answer":"LEEK","Explanation":"KEEL (barge) reversed (over) \u2013 the emblem of Wales"} {"Clue":"Snappy dresser, outstanding one in petroleum processing plant (10)","Answer":"CATCRACKER","Explanation":"CAT (snappy dresser) and CRACKER (outstanding one)"} {"Clue":"One in wellies quite likely kept in shoe rack (4)","Answer":"HOER","Explanation":"found inside sHOE Rack \u2013 gardeners often wear wellies"} {"Clue":"Cartilaginous stuff in horn \u2013 CD's manufactured with it (8)","Answer":"CHONDRIN","Explanation":"anagram (is manufactured with it) of IN HORN CD"} {"Clue":"Increase county gossip? (6)","Answer":"UPRATE","Explanation":"U (posh, county: money in land rather than trade) PRATE (gossip)"} {"Clue":"Sets required in staging Elsinore (4)","Answer":"GELS","Explanation":"found inside staginG ELSinore"} {"Clue":"Ships containing European in place of ordinary dabs (7)","Answer":"EXPERTS","Explanation":"EXPoRTS containing E (European) instead of O (ordinary)"} {"Clue":"Plain song? Probed endlessly about that (7)","Answer":"PRAIRIE","Explanation":"AIR (song) inside (with\u2026about that) PRIEd (probed, endlessly)"} {"Clue":"Muscly lump where contemporary art is shown round yard (5)","Answer":"MYOMA","Explanation":"MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) contains (round) Y (yard)"} {"Clue":"Doubly annoyed with service taken again for elaborate church symbol (13)","Answer":"CROSSCROSSLET","Explanation":"CROSS CROSS (annoyed, doubled) with LET (service taken again, tennis)"} {"Clue":"Domestic having to spray round centre of study (5)","Answer":"HOUSE","Explanation":"HOSE (to spray) containing stUdy (centre of)"} {"Clue":"Salt in love turned loose, worried (7)","Answer":"OXALATE","Explanation":"O (love, zero score) then LAX (loose) reversed (turned) and ATE (worried)"} {"Clue":"Gifts, on being removed from stock, sent off (7)","Answer":"TALENTS","Explanation":"TALon (stock,cards) missing ON then anagram (off) of SENT"} {"Clue":"What gets said after it, often recalling fine sport? (4)","Answer":"NUFF","Explanation":"a reversal (recalling) of F (fine) FUN (sport) \u2013 definition is that *nuff* may be used in the slang phrase *nuff said*, where it has \"said after it\""} {"Clue":"Calf that was butchered for Easter (6)","Answer":"STEARE","Explanation":"anagram (that was butchered for\u2026) of EASTER"} {"Clue":"Hay cooked with duck egg, soft inside \u2013 a morbid diet (8)","Answer":"GEOPHAGY","Explanation":"anagram (cooked) of HAY with O (duck, zero score) EGG containing (with\u2026inside) P (piano, soft) \u2013 I don't understand the definition. Why is an organism feeding on soil morbid? Can anyone help me out?"} {"Clue":"Survey serious corrosion affecting newbuild (beginnings of) (4)","Answer":"SCAN","Explanation":"first letters (beginnings) of Serious Corrosion Affecting Newbuild"} {"Clue":"Source of timber set, bake furiously in brazier (10)","Answer":"FIREBASKET","Explanation":"FIR (source of timber) then anagram (furiously) SET BAKE"} {"Clue":"Backs possibly injured dropped from later game? (5)","Answer":"TERGA","Explanation":"LAME (injured) missing from laTER GAme"} {"Clue":"Crop that's cold, damp and chilly (4)","Answer":"CRAW","Explanation":"C (cold) with RAW (damp and chilly)"} {"Clue":"Indication of hesitancy with vermin around? We'll supply estimates (6)","Answer":"RATERS","Explanation":"ER (indication of hesitancy) inside (with\u2026around) RATS (vermin)"} {"Clue":"Duenna's responsibility, having tea with person approaching maturity (11)","Answer":"CHAPERONAGE","Explanation":"CHA (tea) with PER (person) ON (approaching) AGE (maturity)"} {"Clue":"Wellington's address offering telling punch \u2013 error mostly corrected (6)","Answer":"KORERO","Explanation":"KO (telling punch) then anagram (corrected) of ERROr (mostly) \u2013 Wellington's indicates as used in New Zealand"} {"Clue":"Once prodigious energy, above standard (5)","Answer":"ENORM","Explanation":"E (energy) then NORM (standard)"} {"Clue":"Antiseptic compound? Unsuccessful one's given up, cocaine preferred (6)","Answer":"CRESOL","Explanation":"LOSER (unsuccessful one) reversed and following (\u2026is preferred, comes first) C (cocaine)"} {"Clue":"In Paris he boards Metro with me, switching device to record journey (9)","Answer":"MILOMETER","Explanation":"IL (he, in French, in Paris) inside (boards) anagram (switching) of METRO with ME"} {"Clue":"Election as part of formal account? (11)","Answer":"INSTATEMENT","Explanation":"IN (as part of) STATEMENT (formal account)"} {"Clue":"Bird that's not OK in theater stalls? (9)","Answer":"PARROQUET","Explanation":"ROok (bird) missing OK inside PARQUET (theatre stalls) \u2013 I assume the definition is intended as an &lit rather than an extended definition. A noisy parroquet would certainly be unwelcome in the audience."} {"Clue":"Best tux restyled with oof (6)","Answer":"OUTFOX","Explanation":"anagram (restyled) of TUX with OOF"} {"Clue":"Biddy entering coach for plane (6)","Answer":"CHENAR","Explanation":"HEN (biddy) inside CAR (coach)"} {"Clue":"Sacred text, extract from scriptures as translated (6)","Answer":"SASTRA","Explanation":"found inside scriptureS AS TRAnslated"} {"Clue":"Priest welcoming church legate from overseas (5)","Answer":"ELCHI","Explanation":"ELI (priest) contains (welcoming) CH (church)"} {"Clue":"Pressed to the mast, sailor's to work 'ard as drudge (5)","Answer":"ABACK","Explanation":"AB (able seaman, sailor) then 'ACK (hack, work 'ard as drudge)"} {"Clue":"Strap cracks \u2013 time to leave (4)","Answer":"JESS","Explanation":"JEStS (cracks, jokes) missing (\u2026to leave) T (time)"} {"Clue":"Oceanarium, not posh, serving coffee (9)","Answer":"AMERICANO","Explanation":"anagram (serving, from this you will get\u2026) of OCEANARIuM missing U (posh)"} {"Clue":"To which some patron contributes (5)","Answer":"TRONC","Explanation":"found inside (to which, some of\u2026) paTRON Contributes \u2013 definition is &lit, a collection of tips"} {"Clue":"Duck at first looks like any Walt Disney animated goose, on reflection (7)","Answer":"GADWALL","Explanation":"first letters of Looks Like Any Walt Disney Animated Goose reversed (on reflection)"} {"Clue":"Box with nine in \u2013 one missing (7)","Answer":"SPANNER","Explanation":"SPAR (box) contains NiNE missing I (one) \u2013 US solves may know this murder weapon as the WRENCH"} {"Clue":"Eire's European monarch (3)","Answer":"ROI","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 Republic of Ireland and French king"} {"Clue":"Mafia adviser distributed sloe gin and rice (11)","Answer":"CONSIGLIERE","Explanation":"anagram (disturbed) of SLOE GIN and RICE"} {"Clue":"Bird will change course back by far end of lake (5)","Answer":"REEVE","Explanation":"VEER (change course) then lakE (last letter, far end of) \u2013 the female ruff or sandpiper"} {"Clue":"Airline's new embargo (3)","Answer":"BAN","Explanation":"BA (airline) has N (new)"} {"Clue":"Attract agency typist with training at first (5)","Answer":"TEMPT","Explanation":"TEMP (agency typist) and Training (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Bans A-levels about Bloomsbury Virginia's sister (7,4)","Answer":"VANESSA BELL","Explanation":"anagram (about) of BANS ALEVELS \u2013 designer and sister of Virginia Woolf, of the Bloomsbury Group"} {"Clue":"Scout regularly drunk (3)","Answer":"SOT","Explanation":"every other letter (regularly) of ScOuT"} {"Clue":"Army group having no time for slimming course (7)","Answer":"REGIMEN","Explanation":"REGIMENt (army group) missing T (time)"} {"Clue":"Young boy harbours desire (7)","Answer":"KITCHEN","Explanation":"KEN (a boy's name) contains (harbours) ITCH (desire)"} {"Clue":"Charged over small transgressions (5)","Answer":"EVILS","Explanation":"LIVE (charged) reversed (over) then S (small)"} {"Clue":"Worn edges switched (6)","Answer":"DAGGER","Explanation":"RAGGED (worn) with first and last letters (edges) switched \u2013 KNIFE in some US editions of the game"} {"Clue":"Go first, taking constant exercise (4,4)","Answer":"LEAD PIPE","Explanation":"LEAD (go first) with PI (a constant, in maths) and PE (physical exercise)"} {"Clue":"More than one money manager is in France, troubled (10)","Answer":"FINANCIERS","Explanation":"anagram (troubled) of IS IN FRANCE"} {"Clue":"Orchestra drops Elgar's Introduction (4)","Answer":"HALL","Explanation":"HALLe (The Halle Orchestra, based in Manchester) missing Elgar (first letter of, the introduction)"} {"Clue":"Argument against technique making moral sense (10)","Answer":"CONSCIENCE","Explanation":"CON (argument against) and SCIENCE (technique)"} {"Clue":"It may blow up turning up in Canterbury (4)","Answer":"ETNA","Explanation":"found reversed (turning up) inside cANTEbury \u2013 an active volcano in Italy"} {"Clue":"Surge forward grasping love (6)","Answer":"LOUNGE","Explanation":"LUNGE (surge forward) containing O (love, zero score)"} {"Clue":"Easy jobs smashing 18 Renoirs (2-8)","Answer":"NO-BRAINERS","Explanation":"anagram (smashing) of BAN (18 across) and RENOIRS"} {"Clue":"Smallest piggies allowed into refurbished toilets (6,4)","Answer":"LITTLE TOES","Explanation":"LET (allows) inside anagram (refurbished) of TOILETS \u2013 definition alludes to the rhyme played on children's toes: *This little piggy went to market \/ This little piggy stayed at home\u2026"} {"Clue":"New verger has his points (3,5)","Answer":"REV GREEN","Explanation":"anagram (new) of VERGER with EN (East and a North, his points , the points of the compass found in GREEN)"} {"Clue":"Mothers-in-law sadly lose loan (3,5)","Answer":"MRS WHITE","Explanation":"anagram (sadly) of MoTHERS In laW missing LOAN"} {"Clue":"Drink and drink and drink! (6)","Answer":"NOGGIN","Explanation":"NOG (a drink) and GIN (a drink)"} {"Clue":"Doctor cutting fish in cold zone (6)","Answer":"TUNDRA","Explanation":"DR (doctor) inside (cutting) TUNA (fish)"} {"Clue":"Fail to spot blemish on half the vegetables (4,8)","Answer":"MISS SCARLETT","Explanation":"MISS (fail to spot) with SCAR (blemish) on LETTuces (vegetables, half of)"} {"Clue":"Kinnock's heartless thrill (4)","Answer":"KICK","Explanation":"KInnOCK missing middle letters (heartless)"} {"Clue":"Something worth having when fixed (5)","Answer":"ASSET","Explanation":"AS (when) SET (fixed) \u2013 also, as a bonus. you can have a *fixed asset"} {"Clue":"Arty types cry about arresting one nicking bit of beefcake (9)","Answer":"BOHEMIANS","Explanation":"SOB (cry) reversed (about) contains (arresting) I (one) inside (nicking, cutting) HE-MAN (bit of beefcake)"} {"Clue":"Are they called for to resolve issue with Mastercard? (7,8)","Answer":"DRASTIC MEASURES","Explanation":"anagram (to resolve) ISSUE with MASTERCARD"} {"Clue":"The way bumbling fat local trod boards presumably not this! (4,3,2,6)","Answer":"HARD ACT TO FOLLOW","Explanation":"HOW (the way) contains (\u2026boards) anagram (bumbling) of FAT LOCAL TROD"} {"Clue":"Breathing easier, it seems, after using handkerchief and tie? (5)","Answer":"NOOSE","Explanation":"after using a handkerchief you are breathing easier because you have O (nothing) in NOSE"} {"Clue":"Dismiss repeated calls for action (6,3)","Answer":"STRIKE OUT","Explanation":"STRIKE and OUT are calls for industrial action"} {"Clue":"Going off at Maggotts or Stowe? (2,3,4)","Answer":"ON THE TURN","Explanation":"at Maggots or Stowe, two bends on Silverstone race track"} {"Clue":"It exterminates product of yeast that's in decay, reportedly (5)","Answer":"DALEK","Explanation":"ALE (product of yeast) inside D K sounds like (reportedly) \"decay\""} {"Clue":"The military show what was done in Holyrood parlour? (9,6)","Answer":"EDINBURGH TATTOO","Explanation":"what was done in an EDINBUGH (at Holyrood) TATTOO parlour"} {"Clue":"We lay down our lives for others (15)","Answer":"AUTOBIOGRAPHERS","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Exercise early with some swimmers (5,4)","Answer":"MORAY EELS","Explanation":"anagram (exercise) of EARLY with SOME"} {"Clue":"I show spirit how to work in office (5)","Answer":"DEMON","Explanation":"MO (modus operandi, how to work) inside DEN (office)"} {"Clue":"10 parts noble, Henry drops in 11 (3,4,4)","Answer":"AND THEN SOME","Explanation":"first TEN (10) enters (parts) HANDSOME (noble), then H (henry) drops down the order"} {"Clue":"Get excited about aircraft's first flight (5)","Answer":"STAIR","Explanation":"STIR (get excited) contains Aircraft (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Rock not completely protecting tit or chat (4-1-4)","Answer":"TETE-A-TETE","Explanation":"TEETEr (rock, not completely) contains (protecting) TEAT (tit)"} {"Clue":"I see Tessa is at the drawing board again! (4,2,6,3)","Answer":"BACK TO SQUARE ONE","Explanation":"if you read backwards along the top of the grid you will see TESSA ending at square one"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Mexican meal vouchers are being distributed with nosh? (6,9)","Answer":"HUEVOS RANCHEROS","Explanation":"anagram (being distributed) of VOUCHERS ARE with NOSH"} {"Clue":"Mess up a quantity of goods imported from the east (5)","Answer":"MISDO","Explanation":"found inside (a quantity of) goODS IMported and reversed (from the east, right-to-left on a map)"} {"Clue":"One's had one's fill, poor punk (5,4)","Answer":"APRIL FOOL","Explanation":"A (one) has anagram (punk, messy or bad) of FILL POOR"} {"Clue":"Notes help me! (3)","Answer":"SOS","Explanation":"SO'S (so, note in music, plural)"} {"Clue":"1 down handles attached (4,5,2)","Answer":"WITH KNOBS ON","Explanation":"with handles (knobs) attached"} {"Clue":"Presumably not so well in shop? (9)","Answer":"OUTFITTER","Explanation":"the contrary (not so) of \"well in\" might be OUT (opposite of in) FITTER (well, but more so)"} {"Clue":"Novel reason for Billy's capture? (9)","Answer":"KIDNAPPED","Explanation":"Billy the Kid might have been captured because the KID NAPPED"} {"Clue":"Copper coin of old times (5)","Answer":"BOBBY","Explanation":"BOB (shilling, a coin of old) and BY (times, multiplication)"} {"Clue":"A jolly lot put together a little house-warming? (5)","Answer":"THERM","Explanation":"THE RM (The Royal Marines, a jolly lot) joined together gives THERM \u2013 *Jolly* is a nickname for a Marine, a Therm is a measure of heat often used for domestic heating output"} {"Clue":"Once-yearly gathering of swagmen (3)","Answer":"AGM","Explanation":"found inside swAGMen"} {"Clue":"Working score to capture hearts \u2014 skill around this? (9)","Answer":"ORCHESTRA","Explanation":"anagram (working) of SCORE contains (to capture) H (hearts) all inside (with\u2026around this) ART (skill) \u2013 definition is &lit, or alternatively you could take *this* to be the definition, referring to the wordplay"} {"Clue":"Dance and drink: pub closing early (5)","Answer":"RUMBA","Explanation":"RUM (drink) then BAr (pub) unfinished (closing early)"} {"Clue":"Unusually par the first: golf club detailed round without experience (1,6)","Answer":"A PRIORI","Explanation":"anagram (unusually) of PAR then I (the first, eg king Edward I) and IROn (golf club, de-tailed) and reversed (round)"} {"Clue":"Toy Story character with a way one can fly (7)","Answer":"BUZZARD","Explanation":"BUZZ (Buzz Lightyear, character in film Toy Story) with A RD (road, a way)"} {"Clue":"Couple from website match.com (4)","Answer":"ITEM","Explanation":"found inside websITE Match.com \u2013 a romantic couple"} {"Clue":"Cycling gear's allure: ride when excited (10)","Answer":"DERAILLEUR","Explanation":"anagram (when excited) of ALLURE RIDE"} {"Clue":"Stopped unknown American that's gutted \u2014 beat badly boxing (7)","Answer":"ABEYANT","Explanation":"Y (an unknown) AmericaN missing middle letters (that's gutted) inside (with\u2026boxing) anagram (badly) of BEAT"} {"Clue":"Comic hero is about ordinary one rowing (7)","Answer":"BOATMAN","Explanation":"BATMAN (comic hero) contains (is about) O (ordinary)"} {"Clue":"Unchanged by Times? Papers tempt one, surprisingly? (10)","Answer":"IDEMPOTENT","Explanation":"ID (papers) then anagram (surprisingly) of TEMPT ONE"} {"Clue":"Goddess lives on island (4)","Answer":"ISIS","Explanation":"IS (lives) on IS (island)"} {"Clue":"Get rid of old joke, perhaps, for a comeback? (7)","Answer":"EXPUNGE","Explanation":"EX (old) PUN (joke) then EG (perhaps) reversed (for a comeback)"} {"Clue":"Men with single publication recalled one model in paper (7)","Answer":"ORIGAMI","Explanation":"OR (other ranks, men) with I (single) MAG (publication) reversed (recalled) then I (one)"} {"Clue":"Problem children (5)","Answer":"ISSUE","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Chat in party, taking number from nurse (9)","Answer":"DISCOURSE","Explanation":"DISCO (party) then nURSE missing (having taken) N (number0"} {"Clue":"A serving icon playing \u2014 fourth ace in set? (5,10)","Answer":"GORAN IVANISEVIC","Explanation":"anagram (playing) of A SERVING ICON contains (with\u2026set) IV (fourth) A (ace) \u2013 tennis player"} {"Clue":"Film man and leading couples in scene originally seeing set (8)","Answer":"SCORSESE","Explanation":"first two letters (leading couples) of SCene ORiginally SEeing SEt \u2013 film director"} {"Clue":"Do wrong to take drug on start of this? (5)","Answer":"DETOX","Explanation":"DO X (wrong) contains (to take) E (ecstasy, drug) then This (first letter, start of)"} {"Clue":"Urgent, filth is back on hospital department (8)","Answer":"STRIDENT","Explanation":"DIRT'S (dirt is) reversed (back) on ENT (hospital department)"} {"Clue":"Disney film with king ultimately replacing leader over a nation (6)","Answer":"GAMBIA","Explanation":"bAMBI (Disney film) with kinG (last letter, ultimately) replacing the first letter then (over, in a down-light) A"} {"Clue":"Creepy-crawly dead at the bottom: saw bizarre _________ in reduced Aldi ripening bananas (9,9,6)","Answer":"BRAZILIAN WANDERING SPIDER","Explanation":"anagram (bananas) of deaD (last letter of, at the bottom) with SAW BIZARRE IN ALDi (reduced) RIPENING \u2013 putting the solution into the underscored placeholder makes sense of the clue, but is not intended to be part of the wordplay. I guessed this answer from a few of the crossing letters, but never seriously expected it to be right!"} {"Clue":"Spike prankster's drink (6)","Answer":"IMPALE","Explanation":"IMP (prankster) with ALE (drink)"} {"Clue":"One carrying writer on board \u2014 one working on plane? (9)","Answer":"CARPENTER","Explanation":"CARTER (one carrying) contains (with\u2026onboard) PEN (writer)"} {"Clue":"Player in bar with supporter (8)","Answer":"BANJOIST","Explanation":"BAN (bar) with JOIST (supporter)"} {"Clue":"Service expert welcoming Queen's total defeat (8)","Answer":"MASSACRE","Explanation":"MASS (service) ACE (expert) contains (welcomes) R (regina, queen)"} {"Clue":"Model after topless sex show (6)","Answer":"EXPOSE","Explanation":"POSE (model) follows sEX (topless)"} {"Clue":"Tip: go over with it (6)","Answer":"TRENDY","Explanation":"END (tip) inside (with\u2026over) TRY (go)"} {"Clue":"Important part of bible for homophobe? (5)","Answer":"BIGOT","Explanation":"BIG (important) and OT (part of Bible)"} {"Clue":"Brute concealing old record is to put things straight (9)","Answer":"APOLOGISE","Explanation":"APE (brute) contains (concealing) O (old) LOG (record) IS"} {"Clue":"Football team in very unfortunate article (5)","Answer":"VILLA","Explanation":"V (very) ILL (unfortunate) and A (indefinite article)"} {"Clue":"Arab or Irish-American taking first question? (5)","Answer":"IRAQI","Explanation":"IR (Irish) A (American) with QI (Q1, the first question)"} {"Clue":"Shades grass area where vision obscured (5,4)","Answer":"BLIND SPOT","Explanation":"BLINDS (shades) and POT (grass)"} {"Clue":"Kidnapped person and entertainer get on (7)","Answer":"HOSTAGE","Explanation":"HOST (entertainer) and AGE (get on)"} {"Clue":"Women's magazine goes for Hitchcock film (3,4,8)","Answer":"THE LADY VANISHES","Explanation":"THE LADY (Women's magazine) VANISHES (goes)"} {"Clue":"Posh sons in boat cut fare from Japan (5)","Answer":"SUSHI","Explanation":"U (posh) S (sons) inside SHIp (boat, cut short)"} {"Clue":"I felt that initially extravagant need to pay (3)","Answer":"OWE","Explanation":"OW (I felt that!) and Extravagant (first letter, initially)"} {"Clue":"Saintly gatekeeper's famous rabbit (5)","Answer":"PETER","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 St Peter and Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit"} {"Clue":"Helpful creature shows way to get good marks (7,6)","Answer":"BROWNIE POINTS","Explanation":"BROWNIE (fairy, helpful creature) and POINTS (shows the way)"} {"Clue":"Perfectionist's fine American pickle (7)","Answer":"FUSSPOT","Explanation":"F (fine) US (American) SPOT (pickle, difficult situation)"} {"Clue":"Substantial support for stars here? (5,4)","Answer":"GREAT BEAR","Explanation":"GREAT (substantial) and BEAR (support)"} {"Clue":"One in dancing went to twist together (5)","Answer":"TWINE","Explanation":"I (one) inside anagram (dancing) of WENT"} {"Clue":"Trumpeter leaving band needs help with entourage assembled (5,8)","Answer":"ROGUE ELEPHANT","Explanation":"anagram (assembled) of HELP with ENTOURAGE"} {"Clue":"Devastate a fort wounding number inside! (3,3,3)","Answer":"TEA FOR TWO","Explanation":"found inside devastaTE A FORTWOunding \u2013 a number is a song"} {"Clue":"Crowd surrounding soldiers in swampy region (6)","Answer":"MORASS","Explanation":"MASS (crowd) contains (surrounding) OR (other ranks, soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Frenchman, one stopping gift, shows total control (10)","Answer":"DOMINATION","Explanation":"M (monsieur, a Frenchman) I (one) inside (stopping, like a cork) DONATION (gift)"} {"Clue":"Sailor trapped in offensive likely to survive (6)","Answer":"VIABLE","Explanation":"AB (able seaman) inside VILE (offensive)"} {"Clue":"Make small dish to hold one tart without filling (8)","Answer":"BELITTLE","Explanation":"BELLE (dish, good looking woman) contains I (one) TarT missing middle letters (without filling)"} {"Clue":"Really enthusiastic, great female singer turned up (4)","Answer":"AVID","Explanation":"DIVA (great female singer) reversed (turned up)"} {"Clue":"China with crack not worth considering (6)","Answer":"PALTRY","Explanation":"PAL (china, rhyming slang for China Plate, mate) and TRY (crack, have a crack at\u2026)"} {"Clue":"Display attitude that's no longer relevant? (10)","Answer":"EXPOSITION","Explanation":"an EX (no longer relevant) POSTION (attitude)"} {"Clue":"Very old and wise person circling pitch (5-3)","Answer":"STONE-AGE","Explanation":"SAGE (wise person) contains (circling) TONE (pitch)"} {"Clue":"Silly to repeat work by Gilbert and Sullivan? (8)","Answer":"OPERETTA","Explanation":"anagram (silly) of TO REPEAT"} {"Clue":"Kept talking though disheartened and betrayed (6,2)","Answer":"RATTED ON","Explanation":"RATTLED ON (kept talking) missing L (the middle letter, dis-heartened)"} {"Clue":"Smallest room with pictures showing film star (6)","Answer":"BOGART","Explanation":"BOG (euphemisms for toilet, \"the smallest room\") with ART (pictures)"} {"Clue":"Presentation intended to reach Hancock shortly? (6)","Answer":"FORMAT","Explanation":"FOR (intended to reach, for the chosen audience) and MATt (Matt Hancock, UK Politician and\/or character from Aussie soap Neighbours)"} {"Clue":"Actor Herbert leaves home? (4)","Answer":"TREE","Explanation":"a TREE is the natural home for leaves \u2013 actor Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree"} {"Clue":"Snub bishop then run away (5-3)","Answer":"BRUSH-OFF","Explanation":"B (bishop) then RUSH (run) OFF (away)"} {"Clue":"Litter picked up, as is some drink (6)","Answer":"BREWED","Explanation":"sounds like (picked up) \"brood\" (a litter)"} {"Clue":"Opener in theatre's second workout in ring (7)","Answer":"SCALPEL","Explanation":"S (second) PE (a workout) inside CALL (ring) \u2013 an opener in an operating theatre"} {"Clue":"Preserves trees cut by budding executive (7)","Answer":"EMBALMS","Explanation":"ELMS (trees) inside (cut by) MBA (one having an advanced business qualification, a budding executive)"} {"Clue":"Local vet's helping cows do it (5)","Answer":"CALVE","Explanation":"found inside (a helping of) loCAL VEt"} {"Clue":"Meaning of cross in Rome and in eastern church life (9)","Answer":"EXISTENCE","Explanation":"X IS TEN (the meaning of X in Roman numerals) inside E (eastern) CE (church) \u2013 what a super clue!"} {"Clue":"Paper is covering wizard's reflections (6,6)","Answer":"MIRROR IMAGES","Explanation":"MIRROR (a newspaper) then IS containing (covering) MAGE (wizard). ~~Magi is plural for magus (a wizard). Is the apostrophe a typo? Perhaps I have misunderstood the clue.~~"} {"Clue":"Joanna's just an architect (7,5)","Answer":"UPRIGHT PIANO","Explanation":"UPRIGHT (just) PIANO (Renzo Piano, architect)"} {"Clue":"Note series of coded signals I'd sent back (9)","Answer":"GLISSANDI","Explanation":"anagram (coded) of SIGNALS then I'D reversed (sent back)"} {"Clue":"Like layer to be pale (5)","Answer":"ASHEN","Explanation":"AS (like) HEN (layer, something that lays eggs)"} {"Clue":"Start to examine sirenian after docking issue (7)","Answer":"EMANATE","Explanation":"Examine (first letter, start to) then MANATEe (sirenian) missing last letter (after docking, having tail cut off)"} {"Clue":"Foreign articles extremely lucky to be getting on (7)","Answer":"ELDERLY","Explanation":"EL and DER (*the* in Spanish and German, two foreign articles) then outer letters (extremely) of LuckY"} {"Clue":"Tiresome Yankee visiting Herts town (6)","Answer":"TRYING","Explanation":"Y (Yankee, from phonetic alphabet) inside (visiting) TRING (town in Hertfordshire)"} {"Clue":"Build a ship with incomplete device (8)","Answer":"ASSEMBLE","Explanation":"A SS (steam ship) with EMBLEm (device, incomplete)"} {"Clue":"Split piece keeping dry (6)","Answer":"BISECT","Explanation":"BIT (piece) contains (keeping) SEC (dry)"} {"Clue":"Black under uniform is functional (6)","Answer":"USABLE","Explanation":"SABLE (black) following U (uniform)"} {"Clue":"Fashionable event (9)","Answer":"HAPPENING","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Freelance steps out of line, creating deception (5,9)","Answer":"FALSE PRETENCES","Explanation":"anagram (out of line) of FREELANCE STEPS"} {"Clue":"Automaton bowled boring captain of England (5)","Answer":"ROBOT","Explanation":"B (bowled) inside ROOT (captain of England)"} {"Clue":"Almost consider bringing in students at noon (4-4)","Answer":"WELL-NIGH","Explanation":"WEIGH (consider) contains (bringing in) LL (students) and N (noon)"} {"Clue":"Hand out one's soft thick sandwiches (8)","Answer":"DISPENSE","Explanation":"I'S (one's) P (soft) inside (that\u2026sandwiches) DENSE (thick)"} {"Clue":"Sincere Zionist distressed the 25 (6,8)","Answer":"SENIOR CITIZENS","Explanation":"anagram (distressed) of SINCERE ZIONIST \u2013 the elderly (25 across)"} {"Clue":"Mistreat crew worker left without paper (9)","Answer":"MANHANDLE","Explanation":"MAN (crew, as a verb) HAND (worker) then LEft missing FT(this paper)"} {"Clue":"Finding project to engage general manager in study (8)","Answer":"JUDGMENT","Explanation":"JUT (project) contains (to engage) GM (general manager) inside DEN (study)"} {"Clue":"Familiar old money invested in track (8)","Answer":"ORDINARY","Explanation":"O (old) then DINAR (money) inside (invested in) RY (track)"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary Polish tot (6)","Answer":"CHERUB","Explanation":"CHE (Che Guevara, revolutionary) and RUB (polish)"} {"Clue":"Enemy foolishly seizes unknown catalyst (6)","Answer":"ENZYME","Explanation":"anagram (foolishly) of ENEMY contains Z (an unknown)"} {"Clue":"\"Man of steel\" ignores large mark (5)","Answer":"STAIN","Explanation":"STALIN (man of steel) missing (ignores) L (large) \u2013 *The Man Of Steel* was a nickname for Stalin"} {"Clue":"Commendation of power lift (6)","Answer":"PRAISE","Explanation":"P (power) and RAISE (lift)"} {"Clue":"Excessive, heartless, simple (8)","Answer":"INORNATE","Explanation":"INORdiNATE (excessive) missing middle letters (heart-less)"} {"Clue":"Tidy trade in backing just the regulars (4)","Answer":"NEAT","Explanation":"every other letter (just the regulars) of TrAdE iN reversed (backing)"} {"Clue":"The Karate Kid centrally broadcast in promenade? (4,3,3)","Answer":"TAKE THE AIR","Explanation":"anagram (broadcast) of THE KARATE and kId (middle letter, centrally)"} {"Clue":"Chief priest caught lofty principal (8)","Answer":"HIERARCH","Explanation":"HIER sounds like (caught) \"higher\" (lofty) then ARCH (principal)"} {"Clue":"Old Middle Eastern dignitary new to state forcefully ousted at the end (6)","Answer":"NASSER","Explanation":"N (new) and ASSERt (to state forcefully) missing last letter (ousted at the end)"} {"Clue":"Once more straighten out how one could cut deal, perhaps (7,3,5)","Answer":"AGAINST THE GRAIN","Explanation":"AGAIN (once more) then anagram (out) of STRAIGHTEN \u2013 deal is timber, wood"} {"Clue":"Board question a jazz guitarist after losing record player (6)","Answer":"QUANGO","Explanation":"QU (question) djANGO (Django Reinhardt, jazz guitarist) missing DJ (a record player) \u2013 Quasi Autonomous National (or Non-) Government Organisation"} {"Clue":"Madness caused by, ultimately, years in emptiness (8)","Answer":"INSANITY","Explanation":"yearS (last letter of, ultimately) inside INANITY (emptiness)"} {"Clue":"Expert seeing future developments emerging from present houses? (10)","Answer":"ASTROLOGER","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 someone who predicts the future from the houses of the Zodiac present at one's birth"} {"Clue":"Colour photo made her smile in seconds (4)","Answer":"HAEM","Explanation":"second letters of pHoto mAde hEr sMile"} {"Clue":"Change nothing without, say, close friend (5,3)","Answer":"ALTER EGO","Explanation":"ALTER (change) O (nothing) contains (without) EG (for example, say)"} {"Clue":"Easily win appeal after rule overturned by king (4,2)","Answer":"WALK IT","Explanation":"IT (appeal, e.g. sex appeal) follows LAW (rule) reversed with K (king)"} {"Clue":"Old transport company wanting uncapped stock production? (8)","Answer":"BREEDING","Explanation":"BR (British Rail, old transport company) then nEEDING (wanting) missing first letter (uncapped) \u2013 production of livestock"} {"Clue":"Row about risotto getting processed colouring (10)","Answer":"DISTORTION","Explanation":"DIN (row) contains (about) anagram (getting processed) of RISOTTO"} {"Clue":"Right to prevent grasping by crime- fiction writer (6)","Answer":"DEXTER","Explanation":"Definition: Right\nDETER (to prevent) contains (grasping) X (by, multiplied by) \u2013 ~~anyone know what *right* is doing in here?~~ *Two definitions for the price of one."} {"Clue":"Tight-knit CID now busting a Lord Mayor (4,11)","Answer":"DICK WHITTINGTON","Explanation":"anagram (busting) of TIGHT-KNIT CID NOW \u2013 Richard Whittington, character from pantomime tale"} {"Clue":"Nothing needs to change place according to some Europeans (8)","Answer":"OOSTENDE","Explanation":"O (nothing) then anagram (change) of NEEDS TO \u2013 being in a multilingual country it has more than one spelling: Ostend or Oostende"} {"Clue":"Oscillatory element of gun deaths (4)","Answer":"UNDE","Explanation":"found inside (element of) gUN DEaths"} {"Clue":"Turkey breaking team's step (6)","Answer":"STRIDE","Explanation":"TR (Turkey) inside SIDE (team)"} {"Clue":"Wretched ghost beginning to nettle Lord Nelson, maybe (10)","Answer":"STRONGHOLD","Explanation":"anagram (wretched) of GHOST with Nettle (first letter, beginning to) and LORD \u2013 I don't quite get the definition, a Nelson is an example of a STRONG HOLD (5,5) rather than a STRONGHOLD (10)?"} {"Clue":"Ought Her Majesty to jostle? (8)","Answer":"SHOULDER","Explanation":"SHOULD (ought) ER (her majesty)"} {"Clue":"Brave prediction dashed following loss of split company (8)","Answer":"INTREPID","Explanation":"anagram (dashed) of PERDIcTIoN missing (following loss of) CO (company) \u2013 split indicates that C and O are lost individually, not as CO"} {"Clue":"Hollow vase \u2013 small antique still in store? (6)","Answer":"UNSOLD","Explanation":"UrN (vase, hollow) then S (small) and OLD (antique)"} {"Clue":"Wily daughter oppressed by aggressive woman (6)","Answer":"SHREWD","Explanation":"D (daughter) follows (oppressed by, underneath in a down-entry) SHREW (aggressive woman)"} {"Clue":"Rough getting picked up felt remorse (4)","Answer":"RUED","Explanation":"sounds like (getting picked up) \"rude\" (rough)"} {"Clue":"Copper's in river with Gozo (6-2)","Answer":"EXCUSE-ME","Explanation":"CU'S (copper is) inside EXE (the River Exe, in England) with ME (Gozo, the setter)"} {"Clue":"Mark loves being in school (6)","Answer":"SMOOCH","Explanation":"M (mark) O O (love, twice) inside SCH (school)"} {"Clue":"Lad and a girl gyrating (8)","Answer":"GALLIARD","Explanation":"anagram (gyrating) of LAD with A GIRL"} {"Clue":"Virginia entered through the window (6)","Answer":"PAVANE","Explanation":"VA (Virginia) inside (entered through) PANE (window)"} {"Clue":"Parts of Polynesia's so celebrated, on reflection (9)","Answer":"ECOSSAISE","Explanation":"found inside (parts of) polynESIA'S SO CElebrated reversed (on reflection)"} {"Clue":"About a thousand left work (5)","Answer":"POLKA","Explanation":"a reversal (about) of A K (thousand) L (left) OP (work)"} {"Clue":"Leaders of junta initiated violent extremes (4)","Answer":"JIVE","Explanation":"first letters (leaders) of Junta Initiated Violent Extremes"} {"Clue":"Silent hiding place for bagpipe (7)","Answer":"MUSETTE","Explanation":"MUTE (silent) contains (hiding) SET (place)"} {"Clue":"Edited notes and record of Armstrong's first couple of words (3- 4)","Answer":"ONE-STEP","Explanation":"anagram (edited) of NOTES then EP (extended play, a record) \u2013 an edited record of Neil Armstrong's *\"One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind\" "} {"Clue":"Restormel doesn't have wet weather (4)","Answer":"REEL","Explanation":"REstormEL missing STORM (wet weather) \u2013 in case you were wondering, Restormel is a castle in Cornwall"} {"Clue":"A second milky drink (5)","Answer":"SHAKE","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 a short moment (slang) and a milk shake drink"} {"Clue":"Booed pals performing (4,5)","Answer":"PASO DOBLE","Explanation":"anagram (performing) of BOOED PALS"} {"Clue":"It's not Max that's rudest, regularly (6)","Answer":"MINUET","Explanation":"MIN (it's not max) with (that has) every other letter (regularly) of rUdEsT"} {"Clue":"Casually pop in with her (8)","Answer":"HORNPIPE","Explanation":"anagram (casually) of POP IN with HER"} {"Clue":"Parties vow (2-2-2)","Answer":"DO-SI-DO","Explanation":"DO'S (parties) then I DO (a vow, in a wedding ceremony)"} {"Clue":"Poor Mr Eugene (8)","Answer":"MERENGUE","Explanation":"anagram (poor) of MR EUGENE"} {"Clue":"Raptors recorded on course (6)","Answer":"EAGLES","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition \u2013 birds and two under par on a golf course"} {"Clue":"Naive actor having to visit town- centre (6)","Answer":"CALLOW","Explanation":"CALL (to visit) and tOWn (centre of) \u2013 two definitions, the actor Simon Callow"} {"Clue":"Lapses by the wicket keeper (5)","Answer":"SLIPS","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 errors and fielders located next to the wicket keeper in cricket"} {"Clue":"Debris or gold found in state (7)","Answer":"MORAINE","Explanation":"OR (gold) inside MAINE (a state)"} {"Clue":"Sandwich spread and spam served with tea, note (4,5)","Answer":"MEAT-PASTE","Explanation":"anagram (served) of SPAM with TEA then TE (note, in music)"} {"Clue":"Easily the most convenient way to collect church funds (2,1,5)","Answer":"ON A PLATE","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Male, then turned up in fear and laughed rudely (3-5)","Answer":"HEE-HAWED","Explanation":"HE (male) then HE (then another male) reversed this time (turned up) and finally AWED (in fear)"} {"Clue":"Some semester mainly (4)","Answer":"TERM","Explanation":"found inside (some of) semesTER Mainly"} {"Clue":"Tail end? He sadly isn't there! (2,3,4)","Answer":"IN THE LEAD","Explanation":"anagram (sadly) of TAIL END HE \u2013 the tail ender isn't there (in the lead, the solution)"} {"Clue":"Exhausted by the intake? (8)","Answer":"CONSUMED","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition \u2013 eaten and tired by the eating"} {"Clue":"Refurbished pantries \u2013 with these? (8)","Answer":"REPAINTS","Explanation":"Definition: Refurbished\nanagram (refurbished\u2026with these letters) of PANTIRES ~~I wonder of there is a misprint in the clue here: refurbishes rather than refurbished would make the answer (present tense) fit with the clue (past tense)~~ the definition is read as a noun, a *repaint* is an act of repainting something"} {"Clue":"Doc's father (4)","Answer":"PAPA","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 infamous Haitian dictator Francois Duvalier known as \"Papa Doc\""} {"Clue":"Knight rejected fish breadcrumb cake (7)","Answer":"RISSOLE","Explanation":"SIR (knight) reversed (rejected) then SOLE (a fish)"} {"Clue":"Declining renovation of Big Ben (6)","Answer":"EBBING","Explanation":"anagram (renovation) of BIG BEN"} {"Clue":"Composed, having dry quarters (6)","Answer":"SERENE","Explanation":"SERE (dry) then N and E (two quarters, points of the compass)"} {"Clue":"Old tribe at church function (5)","Answer":"DANCE","Explanation":"DAN (old tribe, in the Bible) then CE (Church of England)"} {"Clue":"Left workplace with speech on company teamwork (13)","Answer":"COLLABORATION","Explanation":"L (left) LAB (laboratory, a workplace) with ORATION (speech) all following CO (company)"} {"Clue":"Priest is quiet about squabble (7)","Answer":"PONTIFF","Explanation":"P (piano, quiet) ON (about) TIFF (squabble)"} {"Clue":"Outdo one regularly at fault \u2013 excellent (7)","Answer":"CAPITAL","Explanation":"CAP (outdo) I (one) then every other letter (regularly) of aT fAuLt"} {"Clue":"Measure something cricket ball does getting bowled out (5)","Answer":"OUNCE","Explanation":"bOUNCE (something a cricket ball does) missing (getting\u2026out) B (bowled)"} {"Clue":"Dishevelled on nun, best headwear (3,6)","Answer":"SUN BONNET","Explanation":"anagram (dishevelled) of ON NUN BEST"} {"Clue":"Daughter admitted to mixed results making puddings (8)","Answer":"STRUDELS","Explanation":"D (daughter) inside anagram (mixed) of RESULTS"} {"Clue":"This writer's working wearing knockout attire (6)","Answer":"KIMONO","Explanation":"I'M (this writer is) ON (working) inside KO (knockout)"} {"Clue":"Departs English Channel for dock (6)","Answer":"DEDUCT","Explanation":"D (depart) E (English) DUCT (channel)"} {"Clue":"Fellow falls behind in important vessel (8)","Answer":"FLAGSHIP","Explanation":"F (fellow) LAGS (falls behind) then HIP (in, fashionable)"} {"Clue":"A jerk on vehicle carrying you, reportedly painful (9)","Answer":"TRAUMATIC","Explanation":"A TIC (jerk) following (on) TRSM (vehicle) containing U (sounds like reportedly, you)"} {"Clue":"Second bishop getting cut from hairdresser is balder (5)","Answer":"BARER","Explanation":"BARbER (hairdresser) missing the second letter B (bishop)"} {"Clue":"Close to worthless house, posh person rushed away (4,3)","Answer":"SHOT OFF","Explanation":"worthlesS (last letter, close to) HO (house) and TOFF (posh person)"} {"Clue":"Getting set-piece, right back crosses (7)","Answer":"RECEIPT","Explanation":"found inside (crossed by\u2026) seT PIECE Right reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Mechanics say green smoke is unusual (6,7)","Answer":"GREASE MONKEYS","Explanation":"anagram (is unusual) of SAY GREEN SMOKE"} {"Clue":"Abundant signs of debt covered by policeman (7)","Answer":"COPIOUS","Explanation":"IOUS (signs of debt, signatures of debt) following (covered by, underneath in the grid) COP (policeman)"} {"Clue":"European in bustling Darlington withdrawing to old city (9)","Answer":"LENINGRAD","Explanation":"E (European) inside anagram (bustling) of DARLINGtoN missing (withdrawing) TO"} {"Clue":"Tolerate a US president dispatching the last (5)","Answer":"ABIDE","Explanation":"A then BIDEn (US president) missing (dispatching) the last letter"} {"Clue":"Old swimmer borne by swimming stroke in cool manner (8)","Answer":"OFFISHLY","Explanation":"O (old) then FISH (swimmer) inside (borne by) FLY (swimming stroke, butterfly)"} {"Clue":"Mark of character that directs stress? (6)","Answer":"ACCENT","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 a character is a letter"} {"Clue":"Independent politician on tour making advances (9)","Answer":"IMPROVING","Explanation":"I (independent) MP (politician) and ROVING (on tour)"} {"Clue":"Unfeasible going north or south (3,2)","Answer":"NOT ON","Explanation":"a palindrome \u2013 can be read up the grid (north) or down the grid (south)"} {"Clue":"Drunk beginning to bet on game (6)","Answer":"BLOTTO","Explanation":"Bet (first letter, beginning to) and LOTTO (a game)"} {"Clue":"Break down artistic style with male model (9)","Answer":"DECOMPOSE","Explanation":"DECO (artistic style) with M (male) POSE (model)"} {"Clue":"So wire the explosive in a different way (9)","Answer":"OTHERWISE","Explanation":"anagram (explosive) of SO WIRE THE"} {"Clue":"Choose strange alloy (8)","Answer":"ELECTRUM","Explanation":"ELECT (choose) and RUM (strange)"} {"Clue":"Dislike cuddling partner keeping TV turned up (6)","Answer":"DETEST","Explanation":"TED (teddy bear, cuddling partner) contains SET (the TV) all reversed (turned up)"} {"Clue":"Mineral \u2013 it's found in piles of combustible material (7)","Answer":"PYRITES","Explanation":"IT inside PYRES (piles of combustible material)"} {"Clue":"Crooks gutted stores either side of river (6)","Answer":"STAFFS","Explanation":"StoreS (gutted, no middle letters) containing (either side of) TAFF (river, in Wales)"} {"Clue":"In area, going to avoid centre (5)","Answer":"AMONG","Explanation":"A (area) then MOviNG (going) missing centre letters"} {"Clue":"Account penned by good Parisian writer (5)","Answer":"BACON","Explanation":"AC (account) inside (penned by) BON (good, as said in Paris)"} {"Clue":"Father moving left couple, damage past (6)","Answer":"APPAIR","Explanation":"PA (father) reversed (when read moving left) and PAIR (couple)"} {"Clue":"Key points absorbed by idiotic officers in retreat (4)","Answer":"FOCI","Explanation":"found inside (absorbed by) idiotIC OFficers reversed (in retreat)"} {"Clue":"Cheese, round, in yellow wrapping? It's opened out to be studied (8)","Answer":"GATEFOLD","Explanation":"FETA (cheese) reversed (round) inside GOLD (yellow)"} {"Clue":"Colourful bird to be sold in marketplace (6)","Answer":"TROGON","Explanation":"GO (be sold) inside TRON (market place)"} {"Clue":"Gratuity some received as handout (4)","Answer":"DASH","Explanation":"found inside receiveD AS Handout"} {"Clue":"Ruby performed turns making one shiver (6)","Answer":"DIDDER","Explanation":"RED (ruby) DID (performed) all reversed (turns)"} {"Clue":"What's added to drink, dry, weak one with dash of soda in? (5)","Answer":"TWIST","Explanation":"TT (teetotal, dry) contains (with\u2026in) W (weak) I (one) and Soda (first letter, a dash of)"} {"Clue":"Singular, smart, unconventional (5)","Answer":"SPACY","Explanation":"S (singular) and PACY (smart)"} {"Clue":"The old pool contribution to couple's honeymoon (5)","Answer":"PLESH","Explanation":"found inside (contribution to) couPLE'S Honeymoon"} {"Clue":"Final challenge for Balliol undergrad, maybe, to announce impending nuptials for last time (6)","Answer":"OUTASK","Explanation":"OU (Oxford University, at Ballliol perhaps) TASK (challenge) \u2013 I'm not sure how *final* fits in. Have I missed something here?"} {"Clue":"Foreign knife, its head buried in dog now dead (4)","Answer":"KURI","Explanation":"KUkRI (a Nepalese knife) with K (its head, knife's head) missing (buried)"} {"Clue":"Flat layout with outer bits for atelier (6)","Answer":"PLANAR","Explanation":"PLAN (layout) AtelieR (outer letters for)"} {"Clue":"Distinctive sound of mobile Girton 'fresher', not old (8)","Answer":"RINGTONE","Explanation":"anagram (fresher) of GIRTON then NE (not, obsolete so old)"} {"Clue":"Great fighting cocks (4)","Answer":"MAIN","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Cross almost always kept in pannier (6)","Answer":"PEEVED","Explanation":"EVEr (always, almost) inside PED (pannier)"} {"Clue":"Lack of feeling seen in assets (sovereign's last) being disposed of (13)","Answer":"INSENSATENESS","Explanation":"anagram (being disposed of) of SEEN IN ASSETS with sovereigN (last letter of)"} {"Clue":"Young salmon species, what angler takes in hand (5)","Answer":"SPROD","Explanation":"SP (species) and ROD (what angler takes in hand)"} {"Clue":"Sort of barbecue food to suspend over middle of pit (5)","Answer":"HANGI","Explanation":"hang (suspend) then pIt (middle letter of)"} {"Clue":"Extended bit of verse? Digital player replaces one in time (6)","Answer":"DIPODY","Explanation":"DaY (time) with IPOD (digital player) replacing A (one)"} {"Clue":"Basket for clothes or bread on middle of tray (6)","Answer":"PITARA","Explanation":"PITA (bread) on tRAy (middle letters of)"} {"Clue":"Not far from Edinburgh, eastern quarter (5)","Answer":"EWEST","Explanation":"E (eastern) WEST (a quarter, of the compass) \u2013 not far, as said in Edinburgh"} {"Clue":"It's used for swabbing decks, that is after sticky stuff's lifted (6)","Answer":"SOOGIE","Explanation":"IE (that is) following GOO'S (sticky stuff's)"} {"Clue":"Mature Pacific tree, green all round \u2013 a sudden change (9)","Answer":"PERIPETIA","Explanation":"RIPE (mature) TI (Pacific tree) inside (with\u2026all round) PEA (a shade of green)"} {"Clue":"I'll yield to fool in character, one sharing lessons (9)","Answer":"CLASSMATE","Explanation":"CLiMATE (character) with I being replaced by (yielding to) ASS (fool)"} {"Clue":"Dandy in a party, one of seven turning up (6)","Answer":"ADONIS","Explanation":"A DO (party) then SIN (one of seven deadly ones) reversed (turning up)"} {"Clue":"On our side, holding ring that's anything but impregnable (6)","Answer":"POROUS","Explanation":"PRO US (on our side) contains O (a ring)"} {"Clue":"Litter disfigured lake in Peru (6)","Answer":"PALKEE","Explanation":"anagram (disfigured) of LAKE inside PE (Peru)"} {"Clue":"Star group exchanging parts, no longer equal in Scotland (5)","Answer":"SAMEN","Explanation":"MENSA (a constellation, group of stars) with MEN and SA exchanged"} {"Clue":"King's given over part of church for his consort's junior in rank (5)","Answer":"KNAVE","Explanation":"K (king) then NAVE (part of church) \u2013 the Queen's junior in a pack of cards"} {"Clue":"Fit pair to be worn by Latvian hunchback (9)","Answer":"RIGOLETTO","Explanation":"RIG (fit) then OO (two ducks, a pair) containing (worn by) LETT (Latvian) \u2013 from the opera by Verdi"} {"Clue":"Worker traps extremely gullible negotiator (5)","Answer":"AGENT","Explanation":"ANT (worker) contains (traps) GulliblE (extreme letters of)"} {"Clue":"Soppy mouth attracting kiss from drunken lips? (7)","Answer":"MAWKISH","Explanation":"MAW (mouth) with KISH sounds like \"kiss\" spoken when drunk"} {"Clue":"Obscure English knight against European from the East (7)","Answer":"ENVELOP","Explanation":"E (English) N (knight, chess) V (versus, against) and POLE (a European) reversed (from the east, right-to-left) \u2013 to hide"} {"Clue":"Worn-out fossil one to throw away (5)","Answer":"TRITE","Explanation":"TRIlobITE missing (with\u2026away) I (one) LOB (to throw)"} {"Clue":"One to march or stroll about in old crown dependency (9)","Answer":"ORANGEMAN","Explanation":"RANGE (stroll about) inside O (old) MAN (Isle of Man, a crown dependency) \u2013 a protestant marcher, in Northern Ireland for example"} {"Clue":"Regularly he's in suspect Yemen gallery CIA target (5,2,3,5)","Answer":"ENEMY OF THE STATE","Explanation":"OFT (regularly) HE'S inside anagram (suspect) of YEMEN and TATE (a gallery)"} {"Clue":"Reptile displays pride in Tarsus recklessly (9)","Answer":"STEGOSAUR","Explanation":"EGO (pride) inside anagram (recklessly) of TARSUS"} {"Clue":"Workers organised to run in short jacket (5)","Answer":"TUNIC","Explanation":"TU (workers' organization) then NICk (to run in, arrest, short)"} {"Clue":"King needs a wash, mum reflected in capital (7)","Answer":"KAMPALA","Explanation":"K (king) then A LAP (wash) MA (mum) reversed (reflected)"} {"Clue":"Dull reporter saying something cutting? (7)","Answer":"HACKSAW","Explanation":"HACK (dull reporter) and SAW (a saying)"} {"Clue":"Refuse to be carried in this cruise ship? (5)","Answer":"LINER","Explanation":"refuse is often carried out in a bin liner"} {"Clue":"Sound shortened in shout to encourage Maurice? (9)","Answer":"CHEVALIER","Explanation":"VALId (sound, shortened) inside CHEER (to encourage) \u2013 Maurice Chevalier for example"} {"Clue":"Up there: some endlessly stormy god (10)","Answer":"PROMETHEUS","Explanation":"anagram (stormy) of UP THERE SOMe (endlessly)"} {"Clue":"Get weight reduced somehow \u2014 cook using this (3,5)","Answer":"EGG WHITE","Explanation":"anagram (somehow) of GET WEIGHt (reduced)"} {"Clue":"Swimmer takes position restricting current (6)","Answer":"PLAICE","Explanation":"PLACE (position) containing (restricting) I (current, electrical symbol)"} {"Clue":"Urge charming female to go topless (4)","Answer":"ITCH","Explanation":"wITCH ( a female who charms) missing first letter (to go topless)"} {"Clue":"Meet old man entertaining men say (10)","Answer":"FOREGATHER","Explanation":"FATHER (old man) contains (entertaining) OR (other ranks, men) EG (for example, say)"} {"Clue":"Location likely to see better girl embracing star (3,5)","Answer":"LAS VEGAS","Explanation":"LASS (girl) contains (embracing) VEGA (a star)"} {"Clue":"Days initially lost in broadcast confused situation (6)","Answer":"BEDLAM","Explanation":"D (days) and Lost (first letter, initially) inside BEAM (broadcast)"} {"Clue":"One in flight has tantrums when climbing (4)","Answer":"STEP","Explanation":"PETS (tantrums) reversed (when climbing) \u2013 a flight of stairs"} {"Clue":"Not prepared for away match (3-7)","Answer":"OFF-BALANCE","Explanation":"OFF (away) BALANCE (match)"} {"Clue":"Writer's Christmas card impressing bird no end (4,6)","Answer":"NOEL COWARD","Explanation":"NOEL (Christmas) CARD contains OWL (bird) missing last letter (no end)"} {"Clue":"Freeholders from the Old Country Railway (8)","Answer":"YEOMANRY","Explanation":"YE (the, old) OMAN (a country) and RY (railway)"} {"Clue":"Sceptical sort acting so atrociously (8)","Answer":"AGNOSTIC","Explanation":"anagram (atrociously) of ACTING SO"} {"Clue":"Fur coat owner's hesitant admission? (6)","Answer":"ERMINE","Explanation":"ER\u2026 MINE is the owner's hesitant admission (er, it's mine)"} {"Clue":"Jerk outside court with adult signalling of course (3-3)","Answer":"TIC-TAC","Explanation":"TIC (jerk) contains (outside) CT (court) with A (adult) \u2013 hand signals at a racecourse"} {"Clue":"Flesh and blood covering fifty pots fired here (4)","Answer":"KILN","Explanation":"KIN (flesh and blood) contains (covering) L (fifty)"} {"Clue":"On radio man would listen (4)","Answer":"HEED","Explanation":"sounds like (as on the radio) \"he'd\" (the man would)"} {"Clue":"Priest is taken in by \"Exotic Cruises\" share bonus (5,5)","Answer":"SCRIP ISSUE","Explanation":"P (priest) IS inside anagram (exotic) of CRUISES"} {"Clue":"A not altogether traditional area for village cricket match (5)","Answer":"AGREE","Explanation":"A GREEn (traditional area for village cricket) missing last letter (not altogether, mostly)"} {"Clue":"Network Kitty introduced to her ego over fare up north! (10,6)","Answer":"LANCASHIRE HOTPOT","Explanation":"LAN (network) CASH POT (kitty) contains (introduced) TO HER I (ego) reversed (over)"} {"Clue":"Stew you could make of 9, 17 with 7 (4)","Answer":"HASH","Explanation":"LANCACHIRE HOTPOT (9 across, 17 across) is something that can be made from HASH (this solution) and LACTOTPROTEIN (7 down)"} {"Clue":"With love, shall we mark it off in Advent, say? Let's! (2,10,3)","Answer":"ST VALENTINE\u2019S DAY","Explanation":"anagram (off) of IN ADVENT SAY LETS"} {"Clue":"Designer doing time (2-2-4)","Answer":"UP-TO-DATE","Explanation":"UP TO (doing, *what are you up to?*) and DATE (time) \u2013 definition as an adjective, fashionable"} {"Clue":"Tricky opposition, Brazil! (1,5,3,2,5)","Answer":"A TOUGH NUT TO CRACK","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"He's endlessly bullish about wordfinders (8)","Answer":"THESAURI","Explanation":"HE'S inside (has\u2026about) TAURIc (bullish, endlessly)"} {"Clue":"Warning signs given here by tonk, soh & te \u2013 and by making 25 24? (9,6)","Answer":"REVERSING LIGHTS","Explanation":"TONK SOH TE is ETHOS KNOT (6, 22, two lights in the grid) reversed. Can anyone explain the last bit?"} {"Clue":"Bird seen along the shore took no time to strip off (4)","Answer":"KNOT","Explanation":"found inside (to strip off, when removing outer letters) tooK NO Time"} {"Clue":"Dogs opening counter to bite a tosser's backside (5)","Answer":"TAILS","Explanation":"SLIT (opening) reversed (counter) contains (to bite) A, and also the back side of a coin, that may be tossed by a tosser"} {"Clue":"Dog, reportedly, and bear launched over the moon (4-1-4)","Answer":"COCK-A-HOOP","Explanation":"COCK-A sounds like (reportedly) \"cocker\" (dog, Cocker Spaniel) then POOH (a bear) reversed (launched, sent upwards)"} {"Clue":"Plum tie to do the job again after taking scalp of Gunners? (9)","Answer":"GREENGAGE","Explanation":"RE-ENGAGE (tie to do the job again) following Gunners (first letter, scalp of)"} {"Clue":"The spirit people show recycling them there (5)","Answer":"ETHOS","Explanation":"THOSE (them there) as either an anagram (recycled) or with the letters cycled (recycled, cycled again?)"} {"Clue":"Not notice lad perform work routine in something from Cream? (12)","Answer":"LACTOPROTEIN","Explanation":"Lad missing AD (notice) then ACT (perform) OP (opus, work) ROTE (routine) IN"} {"Clue":"What's surprisingly next in sheet to a little bit of Bernstein? (9,4)","Answer":"SIXTEENTH NOTE","Explanation":"anagram (what is surprisingly\u2026) of NEXT IN SHEET TO \u2013 a semiquaver, American usage, as used by Bernstein perhaps"} {"Clue":"Staff seen on the square with TMS man in two seconds (7,5)","Answer":"SWAGGER STICK","Explanation":"W (with) AGGERS (Jonathan Agnew, man from Test Match Special) in S TICK (second, twice)"} {"Clue":"\"Lionheart\" is an ale which keeps in the traditional way (9)","Answer":"ARTISANAL","Explanation":"found inside (which is kept by) lionheART IS AN ALe"} {"Clue":"Yellow wound up a different colour (6-3)","Answer":"ORANGE-RED","Explanation":"OR (yellow) and ANGERED (wound up)"} {"Clue":"More outside (5)","Answer":"EXTRA","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Beside hookers, these people \u2013 see \u2013 had bonked behind toilets (5,5)","Answer":"LOOSE HEADS","Explanation":"anagram (bonked) of SEE HAD following LOOS (toilets) \u2013 short for *loose head prop*, a position in Rugby Union to the left of the *hooker"} {"Clue":"Lie about Romeo in disagreement (8)","Answer":"FRICTION","Explanation":"FICTION (lie) contains (about) R (Romeo, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Anything made in France beneficial to stopping European market's closure (6)","Answer":"EFFORT","Explanation":"F (France) FOR (beneficial to) inside (stopping, like a cork) E (European) markeT (last letter, closure)"} {"Clue":"Possibly punchy first line in Liverpool, for example (6)","Answer":"FISTIC","Explanation":"IST (1st, first) and I (line??) inside FC (Liverpool FC for example). I can't explain why I (uppercase i ?) is \"line\""} {"Clue":"Graceful after only hints of excuse for discharge (8)","Answer":"EFFLUENT","Explanation":"FLUENT (graceful) follows first letters (only hints) of Excuse For"} {"Clue":"Temporarily staying in position after me fortieth shot (3,3,4,5)","Answer":"FOR THE TIME BEING","Explanation":"BEING (staying in position) following anagram (shot) of ME FORTIETH"} {"Clue":"One side of Manchester chasing money for profitable conditions (3,4)","Answer":"FAT CITY","Explanation":"CITY (Manchester City, one football side in Manchester) follows FAT (money)"} {"Clue":"Doctor following writer (7)","Answer":"DRAFTER","Explanation":"DR (doctor) and AFTER (following)"} {"Clue":"Fancy treacherous prof getting what one expected? (3,3,3,6)","Answer":"PAR FOR THE COURSE","Explanation":"anagram (fancy) of TREACHEROUS PROF"} {"Clue":"A bit of fighting on Friday (8)","Answer":"FRACTION","Explanation":"ACTION (fighting) following (on) FR (Friday)"} {"Clue":"Caught hard old hooligan sporting a goatee? (6)","Answer":"TUFTED","Explanation":"TUF sounds like (caught) then TED (old hooligan)"} {"Clue":"Some diplomats and others like what's yet to be delivered? (6)","Answer":"FOETAL","Explanation":"FO (Foreign Office, some diplomats) then ET AL (and others)"} {"Clue":"Paper coverage offered to recently inaugurated union members (8)","Answer":"CONFETTI","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Fictional duke captured by actors in Othello (6)","Answer":"ORSINO","Explanation":"found inside (captured by) actORS IN Othello \u2013 the *Duke of Illyria* from *Twelfth Night"} {"Clue":"City still jubilant (8)","Answer":"ECSTATIC","Explanation":"EC (abbreviation for The City of London, from *East Central* the postal code) STATIC (even, unchanging)"} {"Clue":"Hauls associated with amended awful weapon (10,5)","Answer":"WINCHESTER RIFLE","Explanation":"WINCHES (hauls) then TERRIbLE (awful) with B changed to F (amended). It seems unusual for the FT that there is no indication of how TERRIBLE is to be amended, perhaps I have missed something?"} {"Clue":"Succeed because of their supply (7)","Answer":"INHERIT","Explanation":"IN (because of) then anagram (supply, in a supple way) of THEIR"} {"Clue":"Horrid deflating creeps belittling themselves (4-11)","Answer":"SELF DEPRECATING","Explanation":"anagram (horrid) of DEFLATING CREEPS"} {"Clue":"Force needed to enter unopened, rubbish shed (6)","Answer":"EFFUSE","Explanation":"F (force) inside rEFUSE (rubbish, unopened)"} {"Clue":"Big guns planning to sack international (8)","Answer":"ORDNANCE","Explanation":"ORDINANCE (planning) missing (sacking) I (international)"} {"Clue":"Unusually arcane about Greek lyric poet (8)","Answer":"ANACREON","Explanation":"anagram (unusually) of ARCANE then ON (about)"} {"Clue":"One cutting crewman who keeps members up? More like down (8)","Answer":"FLUFFIER","Explanation":"I (one) inside (cutting) FLUFFER (a member of the crew on a pornographic film who keeps the actor happy between takes)"} {"Clue":"Composition of Chopin's evoked science of sound (7)","Answer":"PHONICS","Explanation":"anagram (composition) of CHOPIN'S"} {"Clue":"Views temperature dials going round (6)","Answer":"FACETS","Explanation":"T (temperature) inside (with\u2026going round) FACES (dials)"} {"Clue":"Floozie hot about introduction to Endeavour Morse, perhaps (6)","Answer":"SLEUTH","Explanation":"SLUT (floozie) H (hot) contains (about) Endeavour (first letter, introduction to)"} {"Clue":"H.H. Munro comes round March 2nd and 3rd for 10 Oramo (6)","Answer":"SAKARI","Explanation":"SAKI (pen name of HH Monro) contains mARch (2nd and 3rd letters) \u2013 Sakari Oramo, Finnish orchestra conductor"} {"Clue":"10 could admit \"Am Ernest\" (8)","Answer":"ANSERMET","Explanation":"anagram (could admit ?) of AM ERNEST \u2013 Swiss orchestra conductor. I'm still pondering how could admit is a anagram indicator. I will get back to you when I think of something."} {"Clue":"1980s Austin model having some art form (7)","Answer":"MAESTRO","Explanation":"anagram (form) of SOME ART"} {"Clue":"Sailor's holds for 10 Andris (7)","Answer":"NELSONS","Explanation":"triple definition \u2013 Latvian orchestra conductor Andris Nelsons"} {"Clue":"Card game. Solo, maybe (8)","Answer":"NAPOLEON","Explanation":"Napoleon Solo (The Man from U.N.C.L.E.) perhaps"} {"Clue":"Reptile of Antiguan antiquity (6)","Answer":"IGUANA","Explanation":"found inside antIGUAN Antiquity"} {"Clue":"10 Bohm knew all Rossini's libretti, for starters (4)","Answer":"KARL","Explanation":"first letters (starters) of Knew All Rossini's Libretti \u2013 Austrian conductor Karl Bohm"} {"Clue":"10 upset geologist, king admitted (5,5)","Answer":"GEORG SOLTI","Explanation":"anagram (upset) of GEOLOGIST contains (with\u2026admitted) R (rex, king) \u2013 Hungarian born composer"} {"Clue":"Hall\u00e9 10's cutting remark to team about drum beat (10)","Answer":"BARBIROLLI","Explanation":"BARB (cutting remark) then II (11, a football team) containing (about) ROLL (drum beat) \u2013 Sir John Barbirolli conductor of the Halle Orchestra"} {"Clue":"10 Riccardo is a crew member on The Bounty. Not half, he is! (4)","Answer":"MUTI","Explanation":"MUTIneer (crew member of The Bounty) half missing \u2013 Italian conductor Riccardo Muti"} {"Clue":"10 Claudio at pop-group's party (6)","Answer":"ABBADO","Explanation":"ABBA (pop group) and DO (party) \u2013 Italian conductor Claudio Abbado"} {"Clue":"Sleepers, awake! is no cure for this! (8)","Answer":"INSOMNIA","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 you can't cure insomnia by shouting awake at sleepers"} {"Clue":"10 Bernard on part of Hispaniola with new knight (7)","Answer":"HAITINK","Explanation":"HAITI (part of Hispaniola) with N (ew) K (knight) \u2013 Dutch conductor and violinist"} {"Clue":"Like Britain \u2013 is Great, maybe (3-4)","Answer":"SEA-GIRT","Explanation":"anagram (maybe) of IS GREAT"} {"Clue":"Last of women treated badly \u2013 were gossips (8)","Answer":"NATTERED","Explanation":"womeN (last letter of) then anagram (badly) of TREATED"} {"Clue":"Direct telephone connection with Alabama (6)","Answer":"LINEAL","Explanation":"LINE (telephone connection) then AL (Alabama)"} {"Clue":"Stunning 10-0 triumph first for 10 (5,6)","Answer":"SIMON RATTLE","Explanation":"anagram (stunning) of MAESTRO (10 across) NIL (0) and Triumph (first letter) \u2013 Sir Simon Rattle, British conductor"} {"Clue":"10 Otto at Kuala Lumpur with sovereign ruler, reportedly (9)","Answer":"KLEMPERER","Explanation":"KL (Kuala Lumpur, abbreviation) then EMPERER sound like (reportedly) \"emperor\" (sovereign ruler) \u2013 German orchestral conductor Otto Klemperer"} {"Clue":"Square in Clacton in Essex (4)","Answer":"NINE","Explanation":"found inside clactoN IN Essex \u2013 a square number, 3\u00d73"} {"Clue":"Solver said record is English hymn (8)","Answer":"EULOGISE","Explanation":"EU sounds like (said) \"you\" (solver) then LOG (record) IS E (English)"} {"Clue":"A weaver raised dough (5)","Answer":"MOOLA","Explanation":"A LOOM (weaver) reversed (raised) \u2013 slang words for money"} {"Clue":"10 Arturo at opera, mounting popular new one (9)","Answer":"TOSCANINI","Explanation":"TOSCA (opera) then IN (popular) reversed (mounting) and N (new) I (one) \u2013 Italian conductor Arturo Toscanini"} {"Clue":"Legendary horned creature roaming moors once (9)","Answer":"MONOCEROS","Explanation":"anagram (roaming) of MOORS ONCE \u2013 a unicorn"} {"Clue":"Comic effect of puppet, holding redhead's head (9)","Answer":"DROLLNESS","Explanation":"DOLL (puppet) contains (holding) Red (first letter, red-head, head of red) then NESS (head)"} {"Clue":"He decreed a dome but would baulk over eastern inn (5,4)","Answer":"KUBLA KHAN","Explanation":"anagram (would?) of BAULK then KHAN (inn, *eastern* indicates Arabic origin) \u2013 I will get back to you about would as an anagram indicator"} {"Clue":"Racket as girl embraces injured don (4,5)","Answer":"LOUD NOISE","Explanation":"LOUISE (a girl) contains (embraces) anagram (injured) of DON"} {"Clue":"Two sentences for the avian community (8)","Answer":"BIRDLIFE","Explanation":"BIRD and LIFE (two words for a jail term, a sentence)"} {"Clue":"Save about one pound and made a house (5)","Answer":"BUILT","Explanation":"BUT (save) contains (about) I (one) L (libra, a pound)"} {"Clue":"10 revised atonal triad (5,6)","Answer":"ANTAL DORATI","Explanation":"anagram (revised) of ANTAL DORATI \u2013 Hungarian conductor Antal Dorati"} {"Clue":"Channel broadcasting cricket to eastern isle (4)","Answer":"SKYE","Explanation":"SKY (TV channel that broadcasts cricket) then E (eastern) \u2013 the Isle of Skye in Scotland"} {"Clue":"Knave in charge of wobbly kago with judge on board making anything but smooth progress (8)","Answer":"JICKAJOG","Explanation":"J (jack, knave in a pack of cards) IC (in charge) then anagram (wobbly) of KAGO containing (with\u2026on board) J (judge)"} {"Clue":"Baby's mum wiping bottom \u2013 not something one could get out of! (5)","Answer":"ABYSM","Explanation":"bABY'S Mum missing BUM (bottom)"} {"Clue":"Higher organism turning 'tail' pursued by a peasant farmer with energy (9)","Answer":"EUCARYOTE","Explanation":"CUE (tail) reversed (turning) followed by A RYOT (peasant farmer) with E (energy)"} {"Clue":"Wherein political gossip circulates, 'ideous in endless run (9)","Answer":"CORRIDORS","Explanation":"'ORRID (hideous, unaspirated) inside CORSo (run, endless)"} {"Clue":"Jewish speciality, hot, to collapse? Reverse of this (5)","Answer":"KNISH","Explanation":"H (hot) then SINK (to collapse) reversed"} {"Clue":"Super character I found in Vergil (5)","Answer":"MARIO","Explanation":"I inside MARO (Publius Vergilius Maro, aka Virgil or Vergil) \u2013 Super Mario, character form computer game"} {"Clue":"Old Scottish ship capsized \u2013 100 on it overturned inside (7)","Answer":"PICTISH","Explanation":"anagram (capsized ?) of SHIP contains (with\u2026inside) C (100) on IT reversed (overturned)"} {"Clue":"Cape for woman or unaccompanied man, might one conclude? (6)","Answer":"SONTAG","Explanation":"if you put S ON TAG you get STAG (an unaccompanied man)"} {"Clue":"Skipper briefly bagging duck, but it's worth 40 points (5)","Answer":"CAPOT","Explanation":"CAPT (captain, skipper, briefly) contains (bagging) O (duck, zero score) \u2013 in the game of piquet"} {"Clue":"Cutters in sound? They may be looking out for shoals (5)","Answer":"HUERS","Explanation":"sounds like \"hewers\" (cutters) \u2013 a lookout on a pilchard fishing boat"} {"Clue":"In retrospect rue being taken in by flyer for poisonous apple? (6)","Answer":"DATURA","Explanation":"RUTA (rue) reversed (in retrospect) inside AD (advertisement, a flyer)"} {"Clue":"Being busy, no time to make room for love and suchlike (7)","Answer":"EMOTION","Explanation":"anagram (being busy) of NO TIME (containing) making room for O (love) \u2013 things such as love"} {"Clue":"Just like mater, accepting recipe for cereal (5)","Answer":"DURRA","Explanation":"DURA (just like mater) contains R (recipe) \u2013 ??? like dura mater?"} {"Clue":"What's enjoyed in Kenyan tavern? British ale, without hesitation (5)","Answer":"POMBE","Explanation":"POM (British) and BEer (ale) missing ER (a hesitation)"} {"Clue":"Indulged girls fed with old English trotters (9)","Answer":"PETTITOES","Explanation":"PET (indulged) TITS (girls, offensive slang) contains (fed with) O (old) E (English)"} {"Clue":"Sweet client I'll leave dancing round floor (9)","Answer":"NECTAREAL","Explanation":"anagram (dancing) of CLiENT contains (round) AREA (floor, of a theatre)"} {"Clue":"Regimental horses to feed by the sound of it (5)","Answer":"GREYS","Explanation":"sounds like \"graze\" (to feed) \u2013 the horses of the Royal Scots Greys perhaps"} {"Clue":"Drops backward booby, say \u2013 why don't we? (8)","Answer":"DRIBLETS","Explanation":"BIRD (a booby, say) reversed (backward) then LETS (why don't we)"} {"Clue":"Eye sweet: fool? (11)","Answer":"JACK-PUDDING","Explanation":"JACK (a detective, an eye) then PUDDING (sweet)"} {"Clue":"Like a symbol I see on either side of leg (6)","Answer":"ICONIC","Explanation":"I C (see, name of letter) on both sides (either side) of ON (leg, side of the field in cricket)"} {"Clue":"Mites one removed from above and around fruit trees (6)","Answer":"CARICA","Explanation":"aCARI (mites) missing (removed from above, as first letter) A (one) then CA (circa, around)"} {"Clue":"Some cats raking up limestone tract (5)","Answer":"KARST","Explanation":"found inside caTS RAKing reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Traitor while following Trump (not one Democrat)? (5)","Answer":"JUDAS","Explanation":"AS (while) following JUDd (Judd Trump, world snooker champion) missing one D (democrat)"} {"Clue":"Tasteless adornment, not new (6)","Answer":"GARISH","Explanation":"GARnISH missing N (new)"} {"Clue":"Rat run, a pest, going round outskirts of Yeovil (6)","Answer":"BYLANE","Explanation":"BANE (a pest) contains YeoviL (outer letters of)"} {"Clue":"Tent for travellers, not our type principally? (5)","Answer":"YOURT","Explanation":"YOUR (not our) then Type (first letter of, principally)"} {"Clue":"Fillet in quarters Scots served up (5)","Answer":"STRIA","Explanation":"AIRTS (quarters, Scots) reversed (served up)"} {"Clue":"Like barley sugar, say, or chocolate, one of Easter's pair replacing egg? (9)","Answer":"COCHLEATE","Explanation":"anagram (or like barley sugar, twisted) of CHoCOLATE with E (either of the two E's in easter) replacing O (an egg)"} {"Clue":"Being free of taint, showing compassion about what's at centre of hurt (6)","Answer":"PURITY","Explanation":"PITY (compassion) containing (about) hURt (centre of0"} {"Clue":"Very old coat? Half of it covers more than half of terrier (6)","Answer":"TABERD","Explanation":"iT (half of) then (covers, on top of in a down-light) ABERDeen (a terrier, more than half of)"} {"Clue":"I'm opening sprinkler with lots of little holes (6)","Answer":"RIMOSE","Explanation":"I'M inside (opening) ROSE (sprinkler)"} {"Clue":"Regular helpings of beer is imbibed by drunk once provided (6)","Answer":"SOBEIT","Explanation":"every other letter (regular helpings of) BeEr Is inside (imbibed by) SOT (drunk) \u2013 *once* indicated an archaic word"} {"Clue":"Tool used in erection of fireguard (5)","Answer":"AUGER","Explanation":"found inside fiREGUArd reversed (erection of)"} {"Clue":"This sec last? It's confused with claret maybe (5)","Answer":"TRICE","Explanation":"an anagram (confused) of IT'S with CLARET might be TRICE (this sec, second) with LAST"} {"Clue":"Tangle of brushwood ideal for conifer (5)","Answer":"MATAI","Explanation":"MAT (tangle of brushwood) and AI (A1, ideal)"} {"Clue":"What scavenger's retrieved \u2013 one left little amount (5)","Answer":"TOTAL","Explanation":"TOT (what scavenger has retrieved) then A (one) L (left, little indicates abbreviation?)"} {"Clue":"Cameron (ex-prime minister) leaving no10 injecting American drug (8)","Answer":"DIAZEPAM","Explanation":"DIAZ (Cameron Diaz) Ex PM (ex-prime minister) missing X (the number 10) containing (injecting) A (American)"} {"Clue":"Variety of marrow pulp (6)","Answer":"SQUASH","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Learned Muslim character from Greece heads two newspapers (5)","Answer":"MUFTI","Explanation":"MU (Greek letter, character) in front of (heads, leads) FT and I (The **Financial Times** and the **i**, two newspapers)"} {"Clue":"Financial statement using extra spin (3,6)","Answer":"TAX RETURN","Explanation":"anagram (using) of EXTRA then TURN (spin)"} {"Clue":"Sample of photo is a handy feature (9)","Answer":"THUMBNAIL","Explanation":"a THUMB NAIL is a feature of a hand"} {"Clue":"Marines unit displaying heat (5)","Answer":"THERM","Explanation":"THE RM (the Royal Marines)"} {"Clue":"Where work is to be done within year? (2-4)","Answer":"IN-TRAY","Explanation":"INTRA (within) and Y (year)"} {"Clue":"Left out retiring actor Johnny, old, raddled, discontented (7)","Answer":"DROPPED","Explanation":"DEPP (actor Johnny) O (old) RaddleD (with no contents, dis-contented) all reversed (retiring)"} {"Clue":"Oh heck! Poor Victor . . . . he died of TB (7)","Answer":"CHEKHOV","Explanation":"anagram (poor) of OH HECK then V (victor, phonetic alphabet) \u2013 author Anton Chekhov"} {"Clue":"Cranking up REM following intro from Jerry Springer (6)","Answer":"JUMPER","Explanation":"anagram (cranking, turning) of REM UP follows Jerry (first letter, intro from) \u2013 something that springs"} {"Clue":"Measure, say, Reading University business grad (5)","Answer":"RUMBA","Explanation":"R (one of The Three Rs, reading say) U (university) and MBA (business graduate) \u2013 a measure is a rhythm or dance"} {"Clue":"Crow flies around, winds people up (5,4)","Answer":"CRIES WOLF","Explanation":"anagram (around) of CROW FLIES"} {"Clue":"Lady Chatterley's right-wing position (9)","Answer":"CONSTANCE","Explanation":"CON (Conservative, right-wing) STANCE (position) \u2013 Lady Constance Chatterly, from the D H Lawrence novel"} {"Clue":"HM receiving Julius, eastern ruler (5)","Answer":"EMEER","Explanation":"ER (Elizabeth Regina, Her Majesty the Queen) contains (receiving) ME (Julius) E (eastern)"} {"Clue":"Specialist batsman no stranger to the bottle? (6)","Answer":"OPENER","Explanation":"definition then cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"British passport used to feature this cover (8)","Answer":"EYESHADE","Explanation":"Definition: cover\nI'm a bit stuck here. Best I can do is EYE (a window hole, British passport used to feature this) and SHADE (cover) \u2013 but where is the definition? *Old British passports used to include the eye colour (eye shade) of the holder"} {"Clue":"Put down sample tape, having erased contents (6)","Answer":"DEMOTE","Explanation":"DEMO (sample) then TapE missing the middle letters (having erased contents)"} {"Clue":"Rubbish, naff clue last in puzzle for \"wealth\" (9)","Answer":"AFFLUENCE","Explanation":"anagram (rubbish) of NAFF CLUE with puzzlE (last letter)"} {"Clue":"Scottish keep punishing lads butchering English (9,6)","Answer":"EDINBURGH CASTLE","Explanation":"anagram (punishing) of LADS BUTCHERING and E (English) \u2013 a keep is a stronghold"} {"Clue":"Number-cruncher helping to deliver assurance (7)","Answer":"ACTUARY","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 someone who calculates Life Assurance policies"} {"Clue":"Most equestrians, unfortunately, could be described as posers (8,7)","Answer":"QUESTION MASTERS","Explanation":"anagram (unfortunately) of MOST EQUESTRIANS \u2013 those who pose questions"} {"Clue":"Humour a daughter of Mnemosyne (5)","Answer":"AMUSE","Explanation":"A MUSE (one of the daughter's of Mnemosyne, Greek mythology)"} {"Clue":"Sounds like Atwood's tale-teller is her own work! (8)","Answer":"HANDMADE","Explanation":"sounds like \"handmaid\" (Atwood's tale-teller) \u2013 reference to *The Handmaid's Tale* by Margaret Atwood"} {"Clue":"Banished former partner (idle drunk) (6)","Answer":"EXILED","Explanation":"EX (former partner) then anagram (drunk) of IDLE"} {"Clue":"Catastrophe! No men allowed to host these amazing events (9)","Answer":"PHENOMENA","Explanation":"found inside (hosted by) catastroPHE NO MEN Allowed"} {"Clue":"A! 10CC's new stream is hot! (8)","Answer":"SCIROCCO","Explanation":"I'm stuck here. Best I can do is an indirect anagram (new) of COR (A!) IOCCS (10cc's) \u2013 the Scirocco is a hot wind (stream). I have nothing against the odd indirect anagram myself but it seems unusual to see one in the FT. Is there another explanation that I can't see here? *This is a misprint in the FT (pdf version at least), the clue should have read Cor! 10CC's new stream is hot!"} {"Clue":"Upturned box containing a tin (empty) (6)","Answer":"VACANT","Explanation":"TV (the box) reversed (upturned) contains A CAN (tin)"} {"Clue":"Ms Adamson holding lion's ear regularly, such skilful handiwork! (7)","Answer":"JOINERY","Explanation":"JOY (Ms Joy Adamson) contains every other letetr (regularly) of lIoN's EaR"} {"Clue":"One of three notes beginning to explain Earth's natural attraction? (1- 5)","Answer":"G-FORCE","Explanation":"G, F OR C (one of three notes in music) then first letter (beginning to) of Explain. One could get nit-picky here and say that G-Force stands for *Gravitational Force Equivalent*, not a gravitational attraction to the Earth but a force of the same magnitude caused by some other means, eg by a pilot turning an aircraft."} {"Clue":"Minister's house servant cleaning out staircase (5)","Answer":"MANSE","Explanation":"MAN (servant) then StaircasE (no middle letters, cleaned out)"} {"Clue":"Robber one up holding atomic weapon the wrong way (3-6)","Answer":"RAM-RAIDER","Explanation":"RIDER (one up) contains (holding) A (atomic) and ARM (weapon) reversed (the wrong way)"} {"Clue":"Be patronising towards women denied start (5)","Answer":"EXIST","Explanation":"sEXIST (patronising towards women) missing first letter (denied start)"} {"Clue":"Agent on vacation was resting back in Crimean resort (5)","Answer":"YALTA","Explanation":"AgenT (empty of letters, having been vacated) LAY (was resting) all reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Mature mother cradling son in Michelangelo's work? (3,6)","Answer":"OLD MASTER","Explanation":"OLD (mature) MATER (mother) contains (cradling) S (son)"} {"Clue":"Find some supermarket chickens so yellow? (7)","Answer":"GUTLESS","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Regular classes taken by inexperienced driver (7)","Answer":"GENERAL","Explanation":"GENERA (classes) with L (inexperienced driver)"} {"Clue":"Dog trained for keeping at home? Not this one (5)","Answer":"DINGO","Explanation":"anagram (trained for) of DOG contains IN (at home)"} {"Clue":"Blouses with underwear included for 14s? (3,5)","Answer":"TOP BRASS","Explanation":"TOPS (blouses) contains (with\u2026included) BRAS (underwear) \u2013 generals for example"} {"Clue":"Possibly wise move to drop very sorrowful expression (3,2,2)","Answer":"WOE IS ME","Explanation":"anagram (possibly) of WISE MOvE missing (to drop) V (very)"} {"Clue":"Attendant checks returning dread in two ways (7)","Answer":"STEWARD","Explanation":"AWE (dread) put inside (checked, like airline baggage) ST RD (street and road, two ways)"} {"Clue":"Torment tiresome sort outside electronic plant (9)","Answer":"HELLEBORE","Explanation":"HELL (torment) BORE (tiresome sort) contains (outside) E (electronic)"} {"Clue":"Bront\u00eb heroine reserves island home for birds (5)","Answer":"EYRIE","Explanation":"EYRE (Bronte Heroin) contains (reserves) I (island)"} {"Clue":"See! That catches animal! (5)","Answer":"LASSO","Explanation":"LO (see) contains (that catches) ASS (animal) \u2013 read the definition as: \"*here you will see a thing that catches an animal\""} {"Clue":"Went through stop light rounding car on late trip? (9)","Answer":"REHEARSED","Explanation":"RED (stop light) contains (rounding) HEARSE (car on a late trip) \u2013 to be late is to be dead"} {"Clue":"This cart carries heavy load three feet up (4)","Answer":"DRAY","Explanation":"YARD (three feet) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Charm a Greek character hired out (6)","Answer":"AMULET","Explanation":"A MU (Greek character) and LET (hired out)"} {"Clue":"Gaunt old American beneath fellow in saloon (10)","Answer":"CADAVEROUS","Explanation":"O (old) US (American) follows (beneath) DAVE (fellow, man's name) inside CAR (saloon)"} {"Clue":"Repulsive party overturned fiscal promises (6)","Answer":"ODIOUS","Explanation":"DO (party) reversed (overturned) then IOUS (fiscal promises)"} {"Clue":"Call for rapid movement over Brexit problem? (5,3)","Answer":"TRADE GAP","Explanation":"PAGE (call for) and DART (rapid movement) all reversed (over)"} {"Clue":"Star not complete convert to compassionate eating? (4)","Answer":"VEGA","Explanation":"incomplete VEGAn (convert to compassionate eating)"} {"Clue":"Six American spies surrounding rocky hill station (8)","Answer":"VICTORIA","Explanation":"VI (six) CIA (American spies) contains (surrounding) TOR (rocky hill) \u2013 railway station in London"} {"Clue":"As equipment in theatre idle sister wrecked (10)","Answer":"STERILISED","Explanation":"anagram (wrecked) of IDLE SISTER \u2013 as in a operating theatre"} {"Clue":"Degenerate duke's command after first part of march? (2,8)","Answer":"GO DOWNHILL","Explanation":"Reference to the nursery rhyme The Grand Old Duke of York: *The Grand Old Duke of York\n He had ten thousand men\n He marched them up to the top of the hill\n And he marched them down again"} {"Clue":"Men to label explosive element resistant to corrosion (5,5)","Answer":"NOBLE METAL","Explanation":"anagram (explosive) of MEN TO LABEL"} {"Clue":"Excessive to provoke fascist troops (8)","Answer":"NEEDLESS","Explanation":"NEEDLE (to provoke) SS (fascist troops)"} {"Clue":"Set eyes on article in stew (6)","Answer":"SEETHE","Explanation":"SEE (set eyes on) and THE (article)"} {"Clue":"A mongrel had to be ordered to cover king in blanket (6-3-5)","Answer":"ACROSS-THE-BOARD","Explanation":"A CROSS (mongrel) then anagram (ordered) of HAD TO BE containing (to cover) R (rex, king)"} {"Clue":"Horseless champion succeeded in love (4)","Answer":"EROS","Explanation":"hERO (champion) missing H (heroin, horse) then S (succeeded)"} {"Clue":"Works from Sturluson in numbered days (4)","Answer":"EDDA","Explanation":"found inside numberED DAys \u2013 Snorri Sturluson was an Icelandic poet and historian, one of the compilers of the Edda"} {"Clue":"Spoke of dark follower of monarch? (6)","Answer":"KNIGHT","Explanation":"sounds like (spoke of) \"night\" (dark)"} {"Clue":"Everyone's favourite outside platform (6)","Answer":"PALLET","Explanation":"ALL (everyone) inside (has\u2026outside) PET (favourite)"} {"Clue":"Range of colour allowed in crown (7)","Answer":"PALETTE","Explanation":"LET (allowed) inside PATE (crown)"} {"Clue":"Drop of French perfume (7)","Answer":"DESCENT","Explanation":"DE (of in French) and SCENT (perfume)"} {"Clue":"Not moving position by a railway (10)","Answer":"STATIONARY","Explanation":"STATION (position) then A RY (railway)"} {"Clue":"Does, say, return to grass (4)","Answer":"REED","Explanation":"DEER (does, female deer say) reversed (return)"} {"Clue":"Meghan attracted in part to African country (5)","Answer":"GHANA","Explanation":"found inside (in part) of meGHAN Attracted"} {"Clue":"Middle of Test ground is to be avoided (8)","Answer":"ESCHEWED","Explanation":"tESt (middle of) and CHEWED (ground)"} {"Clue":"Preface spoken in Bow? (8)","Answer":"FOREWORD","Explanation":"sounds like (spoken) of \"forward\" (in the bow, of a ship)"} {"Clue":"Close outlet finally after sunset (5)","Answer":"NIGHT","Explanation":"NIGH (close) and outleT (final letter of)"} {"Clue":"Examine and register (4)","Answer":"READ","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"A tiny store ordered writing supplies (10)","Answer":"STATIONERY","Explanation":"anagram (ordered) of A TINY STORE"} {"Clue":"Protest from Democrat is posted (7)","Answer":"DISSENT","Explanation":"D (democrat) IS SENT (posted)"} {"Clue":"Confirmation of right to hold gun overturned (7)","Answer":"RECEIPT","Explanation":"RT(right) contains (to hold) PIECE (gun) reversed (overturned)"} {"Clue":"Collect from heartless horticulturalist (6)","Answer":"GARNER","Explanation":"GARdeNER (horticulturalist) missing middle letters (heart-less)"} {"Clue":"Poor Teresa put in another chair (6)","Answer":"RESEAT","Explanation":"anagram (poor) of TERESA"} {"Clue":"Packing container is suggested for venomous snake (5)","Answer":"KRAIT","Explanation":"sounds like (is suggested) \"crate\" (packing container)"} {"Clue":"Reserve rearranged date for drink (4,3)","Answer":"ICED TEA","Explanation":"ICE (reserve) then anagram (rearranged) of DATE"} {"Clue":"Stolen jacket \u2013 a tricky case (3,6)","Answer":"HOT POTATO","Explanation":"HOT (stolen) and POTATO (a jacket potato perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Imitation table linen with no name (5)","Answer":"APERY","Explanation":"nAPERY (table linen) missing N (name)"} {"Clue":"Alfalfa from Swiss lake (7)","Answer":"LUCERNE","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Most gentle incline with replanted trees (9)","Answer":"TENDEREST","Explanation":"TEND (incline, have preference for) with anagram (replanted) of TREES"} {"Clue":"Crumpled jeans made him a cinematic heart-throb (5,4)","Answer":"JAMES DEAN","Explanation":"anagram (crumpled) of JEANS MADE"} {"Clue":"German looking angry, scowling (9)","Answer":"GLOWERING","Explanation":"G (German) and LOWERING (looking angry)"} {"Clue":"Mince pie consumed by awfully decent creature (9)","Answer":"CENTIPEDE","Explanation":"anagram (mince) of PIE inside (consumed by) anagram (awfully) of DECENT"} {"Clue":"The last link in the chain! (3,4)","Answer":"END USER","Explanation":"cryptic definition?"} {"Clue":"Italian birds \u2013 number caged (7)","Answer":"GENOESE","Explanation":"GEESE (birds) contains (with\u2026caged) NO (No. number)"} {"Clue":"Baseless Japanese martial arts instructor's opinion (5)","Answer":"SENSE","Explanation":"SENSEi (Japanese martial arts instructor) missing last letter (base-less)"} {"Clue":"Heavy drinker gets up to transfer plants (5)","Answer":"REPOT","Explanation":"TOPER (heavy drinker) reversed (gets up)"} {"Clue":"Politician in severe pain swallowed first of drugs \u2013 it's difficult (11)","Answer":"COMPLICATED","Explanation":"MP (politician) inside COLIC (severe pain) ATE (swallowed) and Drugs (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Constant steer involved in this job? (3)","Answer":"COX","Explanation":"C (constant) and OX (steer) \u2013 extended definition: *a constant steer is involved in\u2026"} {"Clue":"Regularly greeting unknown number, as monarchs do (5)","Answer":"REIGN","Explanation":"every other letter (regularly) of gReEtInG then N (an unknown number)"} {"Clue":"Good book, in the main, on actor Bruce, old Hollywood star (3,6)","Answer":"LEE MARVIN","Explanation":"RV (revised Version, The Bible or the Good Book) inside MAIN following (on) LEE (actor Bruce Lee)"} {"Clue":"Discussed physical strength in one despot (9)","Answer":"MUSSOLINI","Explanation":"MUSSOL sounds like (discussed) \"muscle\" (physical strength) then IN and I (one)"} {"Clue":"Ring kept in firm's hidden stock (5)","Answer":"HOARD","Explanation":"O (a ring) inside (kept in) HARD (firm)"} {"Clue":"How's new French composer avoiding alien world of entertainment (7)","Answer":"SHOWBIZ","Explanation":"anagram (new) of HOW'S then BIZet (French composer) missing ET (alien)"} {"Clue":"Nothing in minor e-zine recalled (4)","Answer":"ZERO","Explanation":"found inside minOR E-Zine reversed (recalled)"} {"Clue":"Jack joins sleepy characters on a music class (4)","Answer":"JAZZ","Explanation":"J (jack) with (joins) ZZ (characters indicating sleep) following (on) A \u2013 a class of music"} {"Clue":"Fly with fellow editor westwards \u2013 this helps to find location in LA? (3,4)","Answer":"ZIP CODE","Explanation":"ZIP (fly, move quickly) with CO (fellow, as a prefix) then ED (editor) reversed (westwards) \u2013 *in LA* indicates an example of US usage"} {"Clue":"Alpha male vaguely belonging to religious sect (5)","Answer":"AMISH","Explanation":"A (alpha) M (male) and ISH (vaguely)"} {"Clue":"Run with Ellen, oddball revolutionary who tried to escape from 4? (9)","Answer":"TUNNELLER","Explanation":"R (run) with ELLEN NUT (oddball) all reversed (revolutionary)"} {"Clue":"Fruit item from bakery available in fancy parcel (4,5)","Answer":"CRAB APPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nBAP (item from bakery) inside (available in) anagram (fancy) of PARCEL"} {"Clue":"Boggy land, area commoner on Devon\/ Cornwall peninsula (5)","Answer":"SWAMP","Explanation":"A (area) MP (commoner, member of The House of Commons) following (on) SW (the Devon\/Cornwall peninsula)"} {"Clue":"Some, putting name forward, vote negatively (3)","Answer":"NAY","Explanation":"ANY (some) with the N (name) moved to the front (forward)"} {"Clue":"Enjoy article finally penned after victory: How Usain Bolt runs? (4,3,4)","Answer":"LIKE THE WIND","Explanation":"LIKE (enjoy) THE (definite article) then penneD (finally) following (after) WIN (victory)"} {"Clue":"Maybe potter's cue dishearteningly touches pack first (8)","Answer":"CERAMIST","Explanation":"CuE missing middle (dishearteningly, removing the heart) then (touches, next to) RAM (pack) and IST (1st first)"} {"Clue":"Marketing strategy, stolen by daily newspaper, succeeded (8)","Answer":"MAILSHOT","Explanation":"HOT (stolen) following MAIL (Daily Mail, newspaper) S (succeeded)"} {"Clue":"Slow and fast over (5)","Answer":"LENTO","Explanation":"LENT (a fast) and O (over, cricket notation)"} {"Clue":"Camp's chilled Italian wine variable (7)","Answer":"COLDITZ","Explanation":"COLD (chilled) IT (Italian wine, as in Gin-and-It) then Z (a variable, mathematics) \u2013 a prison camp"} {"Clue":"Hotel different without entrance it's said (3,4)","Answer":"THE RITZ","Explanation":"oTHER (different) missing first letter (without entrance) then ITZ sounds like (said) \"it's\""} {"Clue":"Passing time, criticise rickety stairs, say (9)","Answer":"DEATHTRAP","Explanation":"DEATH (passing) T (time) and RAP (criticise)"} {"Clue":"Vehicle hogging A6 is a symbol of luxury (6)","Answer":"CAVIAR","Explanation":"CAR (vehicle) contains (hogging) A VI (six)"} {"Clue":"Letter of affection, and sprayed in gold, creating blissful state (6)","Answer":"XANADU","Explanation":"X (letter of affection, a kiss) then anagram (sprayed) of AND inside AU (Au, gold) \u2013 a perfect place (state)"} {"Clue":"Inflatable, in principle, boosts every party (9)","Answer":"BEACHBALL","Explanation":"Boosts (first letter, in principle, the source or origin) EACH (every) BALL (a party)"} {"Clue":"Reflecting, one local with left hand approved vegetable (8)","Answer":"KOHLRABI","Explanation":"I (one) BAR (pub, a local) with LH (left hand) OK (approved) all reversed (reflecting)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps badger Edward to restrain upsetting work culture (8)","Answer":"TETRAPOD","Explanation":"TED (Edward) contains (to restrain) OP (work) ART (culture) reversed (upsetting)"} {"Clue":"Olympic champion, to exercise core in workout, goes to extremes (7)","Answer":"ZATOPEK","Explanation":"TO and PE (exercise) worKout (middle letter, core in) all follows (goes to) Z and A (the extremes) \u2013 Emil Zatopek, Czech long distance runner"} {"Clue":"Most mad finding a metallic element in relish (7)","Answer":"ZANIEST","Explanation":"A NI (Nickel, metallic element) inside ZEST (relish)"} {"Clue":"Football chiefs left cold, playing predator (6)","Answer":"FALCON","Explanation":"FA (football chiefs) L (left) C (cold) ON (playing)"} {"Clue":"Times defends current publication about crime (6)","Answer":"BIGAMY","Explanation":"BY (times, multiplied by) contains (defends) I (current, electrical symbol) and MAG (publication) reversed (about)"} {"Clue":"Follow Alsatian in, with \"Beg!\" (5)","Answer":"ENSUE","Explanation":"EN (*in* written in French, as in Alsace) with SUE (entreat, to beg)"} {"Clue":"Sage I'd omitted separately from formal food item, stuffing weighed (6)","Answer":"SAVANT","Explanation":"ViANd (food item, formal) missing I'D (missing from separate places in the word) inside SAT (weighed, pressed upon)"} {"Clue":"More than one cutting left-overs (6)","Answer":"SCRAPS","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 newspaper cuttings and food"} {"Clue":"Large fish I netted \u2013 it involves vigorous hand movements (5, 1 or 2 words) (5)","Answer":"TUI NA","Explanation":"TUNA (large fish) contains (that\u2026netted) I"} {"Clue":"Pigeon or duck in pie involving ragu (5)","Answer":"GOURA","Explanation":"O (duck) inside anagram (making a pie of, printer's slang) of RAGU"} {"Clue":"It helps in fighting the flab \u2013 enrol in varying rota (8)","Answer":"ORLISTAT","Explanation":"LIST (enrol) inside anagram (varying) of ROTA"} {"Clue":"Measure ring behind second of stirrups (9)","Answer":"STAPEDIAL","Explanation":"TAPE (measure) DIAL (ring) follows S (second)"} {"Clue":"E.g dal creating trouble for Indian village (4)","Answer":"GRAM","Explanation":"triple definition \u2013 the two link words seem to be each suitable for a double definition rather than a triple. Can someone come up with a reading that says *this** gives **that** or **that* ?"} {"Clue":"Partners for eyes trouncing rings (4)","Answer":"UNCI","Explanation":"found inside (ringed by) troUNCIng \u2013 hooks and eyes"} {"Clue":"Support, easy to carry, part of photographer's armoury? (9)","Answer":"BACKLIGHT","Explanation":"BACK (support) and LIGHT (easy to carry)"} {"Clue":"A dry sari's crumpled and gets out of order (9)","Answer":"DISARRAYS","Explanation":"anagram (crumpled) of A DRY SARI'S"} {"Clue":"Selection of caramel decafs, US blend (4)","Answer":"MELD","Explanation":"found inside (selection of) caraMEL Decafs"} {"Clue":"Unknown place for learning Pueblo language (4)","Answer":"ZUNI","Explanation":"Z (an unknown) and UNI (university, place for learning)"} {"Clue":"Horn part Laurel learnt roughly (9)","Answer":"BAY-ANTLER","Explanation":"BAY (laurel) then anagram (roughly) of LEARNT"} {"Clue":"Tiny piece of cell, piece cut by a slop untidily (8)","Answer":"BIOPLAST","Explanation":"BIT (piece) contains cut by) anagram (untidily) of A SLOP"} {"Clue":"It plies the Med \u2013 one on board feeling unwell (5)","Answer":"SAICK","Explanation":"I (one) inside (on board) SICK (feeling unwell)"} {"Clue":"Somewhat faint? Allergic condition may be controlled by it (5)","Answer":"INTAL","Explanation":"found inside (somewhat) faINT ALlergic"} {"Clue":"One's not coy splashing it around? (6)","Answer":"TYCOON","Explanation":"anagram (splashing it around) of NOT COY \u2013 read definition as *One is not coy\u2026* (splashing the cash)"} {"Clue":"Poetic line observed in Charles Trenet (6)","Answer":"STRENE","Explanation":"found inside (observed in) charleS TRENEt \u2013 definition is line (strain, ancestry), this spelling is of the poet Edmund Spenser"} {"Clue":"Tenor interrupting part of his programme once annoyed (5)","Answer":"STONG","Explanation":"T (tenor) inside SONG (part of his programme)"} {"Clue":"Some change in Iceland, air beginning to resonate (5)","Answer":"AURAR","Explanation":"AURA (air) and Resonate (first letter, beginning to)"} {"Clue":"Cowardly fellow of yore opposed to Trojan, old (7)","Answer":"VILIACO","Explanation":"V (versus, opposed to) then ILIAC (Trojan) and O (old)"} {"Clue":"Note a stem enclosing upright vowel in foreign script (8)","Answer":"NASTALIK","Explanation":"N (note) A STALK (stem) contains (enclosing) I (a vowel, written as an upright line)"} {"Clue":"Tottie in a san suffering process involving muscle spasms (12)","Answer":"TETANISATION","Explanation":"anagram (suffering) of TOTTIE IN A SAN"} {"Clue":"He deserves death penalty, to wit something that facilitates hanging permits (12)","Answer":"SCAPEGALLOWS","Explanation":"SC (to wit) A PEG (something that facilitates hanging) and ALLOWS (permits)"} {"Clue":"Cross that's crudely fashioned by the sound of it (4)","Answer":"ROOD","Explanation":"sounds like \"rude\" (crudely fashioned)"} {"Clue":"It helps to stimulate growth that all can view when fed to cuttin' (5)","Answer":"AUXIN","Explanation":"U (all can view, film rating) inside AXINg (cuttin')"} {"Clue":"Given to sermons a church introduced to quarry (7)","Answer":"PREACHY","Explanation":"A CH (church) inside PREY (quarry)"} {"Clue":"Outings such as bell-ringers are familiar with? (7)","Answer":"SALLIES","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 I had put SORTIES initially which made finishing this corner difficult"} {"Clue":"Disputed trio on place for orchestra? (8)","Answer":"THREEPIT","Explanation":"THRE (trio) on PIT (place for orchestra)"} {"Clue":"Pomposity (7)","Answer":"BOMBAST","Explanation":"competition clue"} {"Clue":"Sunken passage round US building, 100 sq m off (7)","Answer":"AREA-WAY","Explanation":"ARE (100 square metres) and AWAY (off)"} {"Clue":"Tailed car I abandoned nabbed by a tec in disguise (7)","Answer":"CAUDATE","Explanation":"AUDi (car) missing (abandoned) I inside (nabbed by) anagram (in disguise) of A TEC"} {"Clue":"Line given to one 'of infinite jest' not OK in song? (5)","Answer":"LYRIC","Explanation":"L (line) with YoRICk (one of infinite jest, from Hamlet) missing O and K"} {"Clue":"Lives with granny around for a month (5)","Answer":"NISAN","Explanation":"IS (lives) inside (with\u2026around) NAN (granny)"} {"Clue":"Fibre that's exploited for textile's centre (5)","Answer":"IXTLE","Explanation":"anagram (that is exploited for) of tEXTILe (centre letters of)"} {"Clue":"Part of guitar concerto no longer plucked (4)","Answer":"ARCO","Explanation":"found inside guitAR COncerto \u2013 sign marking the end of a pizzicato section"} {"Clue":"Last month in 19 drenches McBurney regularly (8)","Answer":"DECEMBRE","Explanation":"every other letter (regularly) of DrEnChEs McBuRnEy \u2013 December (the last month of the year) in French (as in the Cote d'Or)"} {"Clue":"Sailor by channel take away (6)","Answer":"ABDUCT","Explanation":"AB (able seaman, sailor) with DUCT (channel)"} {"Clue":"Dispute by river in Riviera marshland (8)","Answer":"CAMARGUE","Explanation":"ARGUE (dispute) following (by) CAM (river in Cambridge)"} {"Clue":"Hurdy-gurdy from French town out east (6)","Answer":"VIELLE","Explanation":"VILLE (town, in French) contains (out, outside) E (east)"} {"Clue":"French fruit left off gymnastic horse (5)","Answer":"POMME","Explanation":"POMMEL (gymnastic horse) missing (off) L (left)"} {"Clue":"Oddly, no letter \"G\" in eye-glass (9)","Answer":"LORGNETTE","Explanation":"anagram (oddly) of NO LETTER G"} {"Clue":"Charges admitting two Frenchmen and their spouses (6)","Answer":"FEMMES","Explanation":"FEES (charges) contains (admitting) M (monsieur, a Frenchman) twice"} {"Clue":"First course with a bit of crouton on \u2014 just a bit! (7)","Answer":"SOUPCON","Explanation":"SOUP (first course) with Crouton (first letter, a bit of) then ON"} {"Clue":"Dodgy doctor stashing drug for department (4,3)","Answer":"COTE D\u2019OR","Explanation":"anagram (dodgy) of DOCTOR contains (stashing) E (ecstasy, a drug) \u2013 a department of France"} {"Clue":"French lad with clothes taken from French revolutionary (6)","Answer":"PIERRE","Explanation":"robesPIERRE (Maximilien de Robespierre, leading French revolutionary) missing ROBES (clothes)"} {"Clue":"Prince carrying thoroughly modern girl into battle (9)","Answer":"RAMILLIES","Explanation":"RAS (prince) contains MILLIE (girl from *Thoroughly Modern Millie*, film and musical) \u2013 1706 battle fought in Belgium"} {"Clue":"North Americans scoffing soft French pancake (5)","Answer":"CREPE","Explanation":"CREE (native North Americans) containing (scoffing, eating) P (piano, soft)"} {"Clue":"Smack bird embracing French king (6)","Answer":"HEROIN","Explanation":"HEN (bird) contains (embracing) ROI (French king)"} {"Clue":"Backed old, inwardly sullen President (2,6)","Answer":"DE GAULLE","Explanation":"AGED (old) reversed then inside letters of sULLEn \u2013 former French president Charles de Gaulle"} {"Clue":"Nice evening for a party (6)","Answer":"SOIREE","Explanation":"evening* in French (as said in Nice)"} {"Clue":"Film maker Otto's no good having left English first night (8)","Answer":"PREMIERE","Explanation":"premiNGer (Otto Preminger, film maker) missing NG (no good) then E (English)"} {"Clue":"D-Day champion oddly going back to the beginning (2,4)","Answer":"DA CAPO","Explanation":"every other letter (oddly) of D-dAy ChAmPiOn"} {"Clue":"Produce a representative in court (9)","Answer":"CAMEMBERT","Explanation":"A MEMBER (representative) inside CT (court) \u2013 cheese, some French produce"} {"Clue":"French girl takes the biscuit (5)","Answer":"MARIE","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 French name and a rich tea biscuit"} {"Clue":"Currency of the red or blues distributed (7)","Answer":"ROUBLES","Explanation":"anagram (distributed) of OR BLUES \u2013 currency of Russia (the reds)"} {"Clue":"Cooked aubergines without recipe for C\u00e9zanne's bather (9)","Answer":"BAIGNEUSE","Explanation":"anagram (cooked) of AUNErGINES missing R (recipe) \u2013 one appearing in a series of paintings by Cezanne, *Les Grandes Baigneuses* perhaps"} {"Clue":"A bed in Paris isn't illuminated (5)","Answer":"UNLIT","Explanation":"UN LIT (a bed) in French (in Paris)"} {"Clue":"Seventieth broadcast without TV on river (3,5)","Answer":"THE SEINE","Explanation":"anagram (broadcast) of SEvENtIETH missing TV"} {"Clue":"Parisian church cake for Proust (9)","Answer":"MADELEINE","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 L'eglise de la Madeleine in Paris and the little sponge cakes so evocative for Marcel Proust"} {"Clue":"Classical dramatist smashed lone relic (9)","Answer":"CORNEILLE","Explanation":"anagram (smashed) of LONE RELIC \u2013 Pierre Corneille, 17c French dramatist"} {"Clue":"Burns almost twenty churches' exteriors (8)","Answer":"SCORCHES","Explanation":"SCORe (twenty, almost) then CHurchES (the outer two letters, exteriors of) \u2013 note the plural *exteriors* here, more than one exterior letter"} {"Clue":"French kidney or leather strap in Louvre interior (4)","Answer":"REIN","Explanation":"found inside louvRE INterior"} {"Clue":"Famous chemist over half the continent (7)","Answer":"PASTEUR","Explanation":"PAST (over) and EURope (continent, half of) \u2013 famous French chemist"} {"Clue":"Greek disheartened beautiful French girl (6)","Answer":"HELENE","Explanation":"HELLENE (Greek) missing middle letter (L) \u2013 a French girl, ~~I think *beautiful *is a reference to Helen of Troy, not French but given as a hint~~ a reference to *La Belle Helene*, opera by Jaques Offenbach. Thanks to Diane for this."} {"Clue":"A diagram's redesigned for festival (5,4)","Answer":"MARDI GRAS","Explanation":"anagram (redesigned) of A DIAGRAM'S \u2013 *this looks like an angram but has an extra A and is missing an R. Well spotted @Roodles."} {"Clue":"Goldfinches in a group delight (5)","Answer":"CHARM","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 as collective noun then as a verb"} {"Clue":"Rivet up cracked, corroded slate (10)","Answer":"VITUPERATE","Explanation":"anagram (cracked) of RIVET UP then ATE (corroded)"} {"Clue":"What could be contained by safe area? (4)","Answer":"FEAR","Explanation":"found inside (what could be contained in) saFE ARea \u2013 the definition is &lit (and literally): a clue where the entire wordplay is also the definition"} {"Clue":"Military ops affected by Maxim guns regularly going off (8)","Answer":"CAMPAIGN","Explanation":"CAMP (affected) then every other letter (going off) of mAxIm GuNs"} {"Clue":"Naked pilot found in the drink is 17 (6)","Answer":"JAILOR","Explanation":"pILOt (naked, with no outer letters) inside JAR (the drink, alcohol) \u2013 *screw *(17 across) is slang for a prison guard"} {"Clue":"Remove tilt after cutting off an end (4)","Answer":"OUST","Explanation":"jOUST (tilt) with one end cut off"} {"Clue":"Gas mask needing repairs \u2013 faulty rubbish returned (10)","Answer":"RESPIRATOR","Explanation":"anagram (faulty) of REPAIRS then ROT (rubbish) reversed (overturned)"} {"Clue":"Regards root of herb, woad, crushed for war paint (3,6)","Answer":"EYE SHADOW","Explanation":"EYES (regards) Herb (first letter, root of) then anagram (crushed) of WOAD"} {"Clue":"First topless work in old bar (5)","Answer":"ESTOP","Explanation":"bEST (first, topless) then OP (opus, work) \u2013 in the definition *old* indicates an archaic word"} {"Clue":"9 seconds taken by men (5)","Answer":"SCREW","Explanation":"S (seconds) with CREW (men) \u2013 a screw is slang for a prison guard (JAILOR, 9 across)"} {"Clue":"Mistaken individual stopping user or suspect (9)","Answer":"ERRONEOUS","Explanation":"ONE (individual) inside (stopping, like a cork) anagram (suspect) of USER OR"} {"Clue":"Capture fat bishop escaping \u2013 not at all hearty? (4-6)","Answer":"LAND LUBBER","Explanation":"LAND (capture) then bLUBBER with B (bishop) removed (escaping) \u2013 hearty is an address to a fellow sailor e.g. *aye-aye me hearties!"} {"Clue":"Key ingredient of nickel-silver sent over (4)","Answer":"ISLE","Explanation":"found inside (ingredient of) nickEL SIlver reversed (sent over)"} {"Clue":"Held out for decapitation, damned (6)","Answer":"LASTED","Explanation":"bLASTED (damned) missing first letter (for decapitation)"} {"Clue":"Select members with sod all power finally caved in (3,5)","Answer":"LAW LORDS","Explanation":"anagram (caved in) of W (with) SOD ALL and poweR (last letter, finally) \u2013 the Lords of Appeal, select members of the House of Lords"} {"Clue":"Pork-pie manufacturer in trouble about abattoir's closure (4)","Answer":"LIAR","Explanation":"AIL (trouble) reversed (about) then abattoiR (last letter, the closure) \u2013 *pork pie* is rhyming slang for *lie"} {"Clue":"Weak question about one's will to keep mum (5-5)","Answer":"WISHY-WASHY","Explanation":"WHY (a question) contains (about) I'S (one's) then WAY (will ?) containing (to keep) SH (quiet, mum). *Will* is given as one meaning of *way* in Chambers (no. 22 of 27) but I am struggling to think of an example. Can someone help me out please?"} {"Clue":"Isaac, gutted, raced in five athletics events, finally a winner (9)","Answer":"VICTORESS","Explanation":"IsaaC (gutted, nothing inside) TORE (raced) inside V (five) then last letters (finally) of atheleticS eventS"} {"Clue":"Swell corporation executive ultimately holds the key (7)","Answer":"TUMESCE","Explanation":"TUM (belly, corporation) Executive (last letter, finally) contains ESC (the key, on a computer keyboard)"} {"Clue":"African flag hoisted above ground? Not so (8)","Answer":"ERITREAN","Explanation":"TIRE (flag) reversed (hoisted) then (above, in a down solution) REAsoN (ground) missing SO"} {"Clue":"Shot rhinos \u2013 burials in 1992 for one? (5,10)","Answer":"ANNUS HORRIBILIS","Explanation":"anagram (shot) of RHINOS BURIALS IN \u2013 a phrase popularized by Queen Elizabeth in a speech in 1992 following a succession of family problems that year"} {"Clue":"English unite to follow New Order (6)","Answer":"ENJOIN","Explanation":"E (English) then JOIN (unite) following N (new)"} {"Clue":"In a stew \u2013 buttocks bitten by fierce mongrel (9)","Answer":"FRICASSEE","Explanation":"ASS (buttocks) inside (bitten by) anagram (mongrel) of FIERCE"} {"Clue":"Tender a mostly severe offer to begin with (7)","Answer":"AMOROSO","Explanation":"A then MOROSe (severe, mostly) and Offer (first letter, to begin with)"} {"Clue":"Boy racer, unrelenting, failing to finish when suppressed by drug (9)","Answer":"SPEEDSTER","Explanation":"STERn (unrelenting, failing to finish) follows (suppressed by, underneath in a down solution) SPEED (drug)"} {"Clue":"Potential witnesses in reserve as press messed up beforehand (7-2)","Answer":"PASSERS-BY","Explanation":"BY (in reserve) follows (with\u2026beforehand) anagram (messed up) of AS PRESS"} {"Clue":"Making spectacular progress in a conflict up in a Scottish island (8)","Answer":"SOARAWAY","Explanation":"A WAR (conflict) reversed (up) inside SOAY (a Scottish island off the coast of Skye) ,"} {"Clue":"Bread man mostly up to no good (7)","Answer":"CHAPATI","Explanation":"CHAP (man) AT It (up to no good, mostly)"} {"Clue":"Vague toss for break (2,5)","Answer":"OF SORTS","Explanation":"anagram (to break) of TOSS FOR"} {"Clue":"Plant constructed in two days back- to-back (6)","Answer":"SUNDEW","Explanation":"SUN and WED (two days) with the second day facing the opposite way (back-to-back)"} {"Clue":"Greek state set back by strikes (6)","Answer":"SPARTA","Explanation":"AT (by) RAPS (strikes) all reversed (set back)"} {"Clue":"Eruption from Earth's mantle (6)","Answer":"ESCAPE","Explanation":"E'S (Earth's) and CAPE (mantle)"} {"Clue":"Butcher in choir appals new clergyman (6,8)","Answer":"PRISON CHAPLAIN","Explanation":"anagram (butcher) of IN CHOIR APPALS then N (new)"} {"Clue":"Read out scene's quotes (5)","Answer":"CITES","Explanation":"sounds like (read out) either \"sites\" (scenes) \u2013 *sights* would also work here"} {"Clue":"Bestseller list affected some local shops (3,6)","Answer":"HIT PARADE","Explanation":"HIT (affected) and PARADE (some local shops)"} {"Clue":"Within wedlock, educated woman catches French disease? On the contrary (7)","Answer":"MARITAL","Explanation":"MAL (disease, in French) contains (catches) RITA (character from the play *Educating Rita*) \u2013 on the contrary indicates the containment as stated in the clue has been reversed"} {"Clue":"Collusion starts to cause angry calls from Parliament (7)","Answer":"CAHOOTS","Explanation":"first letters (starts to) of Cause Angry then HOOTS (angry calls, as made by our beloved politicians in Parliament) \u2013 *or better (thank you Hovis) a parliament is a term for a group of owls"} {"Clue":"Important part of course giving entry to Yale? (7)","Answer":"KEYHOLE","Explanation":"KEY (important) and HOLE (part of golf course) \u2013 Yale is a brand of lock"} {"Clue":"Dress and dressing: part of verb and a gerund (7)","Answer":"BANDAGE","Explanation":"found inside verB AND GErund \u2013 two definitions, as verb and noun"} {"Clue":"Action taken after firing director during regional reshuffle (9)","Answer":"RELOADING","Explanation":"D (director) inside (during) anagram (reshuffle) of REGIONAL"} {"Clue":"Chart the Qu\u00e9b\u00e9cois growth, notably in Canada (5)","Answer":"MAPLE","Explanation":"MAP (chart) and LE (the in French, Quebecois) \u2013 a tree that grows notably in Canada, and is also seen on their bank notes"} {"Clue":"Cheeky ladies' man with a plan? (7-7)","Answer":"FORWARD LOOKING","Explanation":"FORWARD (cheeky) LOO (the ladies, a toilet) and KING (man on a chess board) \u2013 what a super clue!"} {"Clue":"Religious community remains jolly about the onset of apocalypse (6)","Answer":"ASHRAM","Explanation":"ASH (remains) RM (Royal Marine, nicknamed a Jolly Sailor) contains (about) Apocalypse (first letter, onset of)"} {"Clue":"We stay out, lubricated, naturally (6)","Answer":"SWEATY","Explanation":"anagram (out) of WE STAY"} {"Clue":"Artist isn't breaking through (7)","Answer":"PAINTER","Explanation":"AIN'T (isn't) inside (breaking) PER (through)"} {"Clue":"Bits of ginger hair revealing true colour (5)","Answer":"ROOTS","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Cavity appearing shortly after fizzy cola drink (7)","Answer":"ALCOHOL","Explanation":"HOLe (cavity, shortly) follows anagram (fizzy) of COLA"} {"Clue":"Reforming leader of Ecuador to carry on in charge (7)","Answer":"ELASTIC","Explanation":"Ecuador (first letter, leader of) LAST (to carry on) and IC (in charge) \u2013 re-forms into original shape after distortion"} {"Clue":"PM's instruction to contact man in Kabul, fellow having disappeared (9)","Answer":"CALLAGHAN","Explanation":"CALL (to contact) AfGHAN (man in Kabul) missing F (fellow) \u2013 Jim Callaghan, former UK Prime Minister"} {"Clue":"The old man's voting against that Spanish neighbour (7)","Answer":"PAISANO","Explanation":"PA (the old man) IS A NO (is voting against that)"} {"Clue":"Creator of law for police that keeps one on the beat? (9)","Answer":"PACEMAKER","Explanation":"a PACE MAKER is someone who helped create PACE (the Police and Criminal Evidence act) \u2013 something that keeps the beat of your heart steady"} {"Clue":"Spring treat, say, including special rates for one (6,3)","Answer":"EASTER EGG","Explanation":"EG (for example, say) contains anagram (special) of RATES then EG (for example, for one)"} {"Clue":"Violent dispute at narrow junction's beginning to get sorted (6,3)","Answer":"TROJAN WAR","Explanation":"anagram (to get sorted) of AT NARROW and Junction (first letter, beginning)"} {"Clue":"Two pointers at the table given chicken beginning to slobber (7)","Answer":"YELLOWS","Explanation":"YELLOW (chicken) and Shudder (first letter, beginning to) \u2013 at a snooker table the yellow ball is worth two points"} {"Clue":"Saying mass lifts all even from despair (7)","Answer":"EPIGRAM","Explanation":"GRAM (unit of mass) follows (lifting, underneath in a down solution) the even letters from dEsPaIr"} {"Clue":"Pilot with long limbs, good at higher altitude (7)","Answer":"BIGGLES","Explanation":"BIG LEGS (long limbs) with one of the G (good) moved to a higher altitude (as viewed in a down solution) \u2013 fictional fighter pilot James Bigglesworth, nickname Biggles"} {"Clue":"Pick an argument on the phone (7)","Answer":"APPOINT","Explanation":"sounds like (on the phone) \"a point\" (an argument, the point being made)"} {"Clue":"Deer are imitating cattle all around London (5)","Answer":"MOOSE","Explanation":"MOO (are imitating cattle) then SE (the South East, the area all around London)"} {"Clue":"Front up, do we assume, to submit? (4,4)","Answer":"BACK DOWN","Explanation":"if the back is down then the front is up"} {"Clue":"The last sale item sure wants a little eclat? Polish ready! (6)","Answer":"ZLOTYS","Explanation":"Z (the last) LOT (sale item) and YeS (sure) missing first letter (a little) of Eclat \u2013 ready money, cash"} {"Clue":"Surgery on time, I'm not sure I've got it \u2013 I collapse in theatre (5,3)","Answer":"OPERA HAT","Explanation":"OP (operation, surgery) then T (time) follows (on\u2026is\u2026) ER (I'm not sure) AHA (I've got it)"} {"Clue":"Having a foursome in the honeymoon suite? (6-6)","Answer":"DOUBLE-BOOKED","Explanation":"I think this is right, as a cryptic definition, since a honeymoon suite is specifically intended for only two"} {"Clue":"Apt representation of potty shattering? (3,1,6,5)","Answer":"NOT A PRETTY SIGHT","Explanation":"anagram (apt representation of, rearranged in an appropriate way to get the solution) of POTTY SHATTERING"} {"Clue":"More bang for one's buck? (6,7)","Answer":"FRINGE BENEFIT","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 a bang is a fringe (haircut)"} {"Clue":"Searches small clubs to repay damage done to jewellery (13)","Answer":"SCAVENGERINGS","Explanation":"S (small) C (clubs) AVENGE (to repay damage done) and RINGS (jewellery)"} {"Clue":"Punishment handed to Oedipus for patricide and for marrying his mother? Could be (7,8)","Answer":"COMPLEX SENTENCE","Explanation":"a sort of cryptic double definition \u2013 he got an Oedipus Complex and an example of a complex sentence in grammar"} {"Clue":"Frank M joined members of the public taking turns in the pub? (4-4)","Answer":"OPEN-MIKE","Explanation":"OPEN (frank) then (joined) M (mike, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Machine gun for old soldier is heartless punishment (6)","Answer":"GATING","Explanation":"GATtlING (Gattling machine gun) missing middle letters (heartless)"} {"Clue":"Strike 3 is from unit, ie their release (8)","Answer":"UNTETHER","Explanation":"remove (strike) III (3, Roman numeral, *or 3 I's, 3 is*) from UNiT iE THiER"} {"Clue":"Kids' reaction to \"Time for Bed\"? Signal Zebedee's arrived to take over! (6)","Answer":"BOOING","Explanation":"BOING (sound made at the end the program by *Zebedee* from the children's TV program *Magic Roundabout) *contains (taking) O (over)"} {"Clue":"This might be food order because caterer cut fancy sandwiches (8,7)","Answer":"CREATURE COMFORT","Explanation":"OM (Order of Merit) FOR (because) inside (that\u2026sandwiches) anagram (fancy) of CATERER CUT"} {"Clue":"Expressionless faculty chief accepts new pad (7)","Answer":"DEADPAN","Explanation":"anagram (new) of PAD inside DEAN (faculty chief)"} {"Clue":"I despair, not like Jules with two crosses to bear (8,4)","Answer":"WHATEVER NEXT","Explanation":"HATE (not like) VERNE (Jules Verne, author) inside (\u2026to bear) W (with) X T (two crosses, St Andrews and tau)"} {"Clue":"Butcher's duck, then again, dressed with pureed leeks (4-3)","Answer":"LOOK-SEE","Explanation":"O (duck, zero score) and O (duck again) inside (dressed with) anagram (pureed) of LEEKS \u2013 a butcher's hook, rhyming slang for look"} {"Clue":"Travel documents are, it's recommended, temporary (2,2,5,2,4)","Answer":"TO BE GOING ON WITH","Explanation":"you need travel documents to go on a plane etc? \u2013 I'm not sure how to read this"} {"Clue":"Elegantly slender forms loveliest after massage with oil (6)","Answer":"SVELTE","Explanation":"SVELTE with OIL is an anagram (after massage) of LOVELIEST"} {"Clue":"With Priest sliding down steeple \u2013 yes! \u2013 an ensemble of Prior's (8,4)","Answer":"STEELEYE SPAN","Explanation":"STEEpLE YES AN with P (priest) moving further down the grid \u2013 folk-rock band featuring Maddy Prior"} {"Clue":"Old tenant badly severing blood vessel (7)","Answer":"VILLEIN","Explanation":"ILL (badly) inside (severing) VEIN (blood vessel)"} {"Clue":"Powerful decimal point (7)","Answer":"INTENSE","Explanation":"IN TENS (decimal) and S (south, point of the compass)"} {"Clue":"Cool blocks from me, also big ace with spin (3,3)","Answer":"ICE BAG","Explanation":"anagram (with spin) of BIG ACE"} {"Clue":"Heavenly body \u2013 not as slim, some might say (6)","Answer":"METEOR","Explanation":"sounds like (as some might say, but not everybody) \"meatier\" (not as slim)"} {"Clue":"Sold in France, having cut deal? (7)","Answer":"FLOGGED","Explanation":"F (France) then LOGGED (having cut deal, timber)"} {"Clue":"About to go on main road, on solid traffic island (7)","Answer":"JAMAICA","Explanation":"CA (about) follows (to go on) AI (A1, a main road) all follows (on) JAM (solid traffic)"} {"Clue":"Uncapped benefits following semi- hidden cutting-edge modifications? (9)","Answer":"RETROFITS","Explanation":"pROFITS (benefits) missing first letter (uncapped) follows half of (semi-) secRET (hidden)"} {"Clue":"Cheerful alternative, not very advanced (5)","Answer":"RIANT","Explanation":"vaRIANT (alternative) missing V (very) A (advanced)"} {"Clue":"Emotionally based movement unexpectedly inspires 50% more sex (13)","Answer":"EXPRESSIONISM","Explanation":"anagram (unexpectedly) of INSPIRES MOre (50% of) and SEX"} {"Clue":"Book crew of 4, 1 down? (5,3,2,1,4)","Answer":"THREE MEN IN A BOAT","Explanation":"if a crew of 4 were 1 down (one man missing) then you would have THREE MEN IN A BOAT"} {"Clue":"Temporarily repair book left between square covers (9,6)","Answer":"PATCHWORK QUILTS","Explanation":"PATCH (temporarily repair) WORK (book) then L (left) inside (between) QUITS (square, even)"} {"Clue":"Father and Greek brides working in European municipality (13)","Answer":"FREDERIKSBERG","Explanation":"FR (father) then anagram (working) of GREEK BRIDES"} {"Clue":"Island's small business providing coverage for central India? (5)","Answer":"IBIZA","Explanation":"BIZ (business, small) replaces the inner letters (providing coverage for central\u2026) of IndiA"} {"Clue":"Former exclusion surrounding unlimited 21 is reviewed at once (9)","Answer":"OMITTANCE","Explanation":"sMITh (21 down) missing outer letters (unlimited) inside (surrounding\u2026is\u2026) anagram (reviewed) of AT ONCE \u2013 former indicates an archaic word (Shakespearean)"} {"Clue":"Blokes, those that spout a lot, getting caught (7)","Answer":"GEEZERS","Explanation":"sounds like (getting caught, by the ear) \"geysers\" (those that spout a lot)"} {"Clue":"Names two characters for exchanging inaugural gift (7)","Answer":"HANDSEL","Explanation":"HANDLES (names) with two of its letters changing places (two characters for exchanging)"} {"Clue":"Picked up just food and drink (4)","Answer":"FARE","Explanation":"sounds like (picked up) \"fair\" (just)"} {"Clue":"Busy male going in August, perhaps wrong to return south of Spain (2,3,4)","Answer":"ON THE TROT","Explanation":"mONTH (August perhaps) missing M (male) then TORT (wrong) reversed (to return) following (south of, below in a down solution) E (Espana, Spain)"} {"Clue":"Fan trouble, mostly about publisher (7)","Answer":"GROUPIE","Explanation":"GRIEf (trouble, mostly) contains (about) OUP (Oxford University Press, publisher)"} {"Clue":"Briskly push last of mortar into joint (5)","Answer":"DRIVE","Explanation":"last letter of mortaR inside DIVE (joint, nightclub)"} {"Clue":"Son sits awkwardly in athletic support that smells when it's hot? (4,5)","Answer":"JOSS STICK","Explanation":"anagram (awkwardly) of S (son) with SITS inside JOCK, athletic support)"} {"Clue":"Ballerina's distinction ended by gossip? (7)","Answer":"MARKOVA","Explanation":"MARK (distinction) then OVA sounds like (by gossip) \"over\" (ended) \u2013 ballet dancer Dame Alicia Markova"} {"Clue":"Tax officials answer first part of exam in a foreign language (5)","Answer":"IRAQI","Explanation":"IR (Inland Revenue, tax officials) A (answer) QI (Q1, first part of exam)"} {"Clue":"A form of OTT autism in one who acts without thinking (10)","Answer":"AUTOMATIST","Explanation":"A then anagram (form of) OTT AUTISM"} {"Clue":"Stunning power held by finest guy around (10)","Answer":"STUPEFYING","Explanation":"P (power) inside anagram (around) of FINEST GUY"} {"Clue":"Large book about study is getting circulated, maybe \ud83d\ude42 \ud83d\ude42 (9)","Answer":"EMOTICONS","Explanation":"TOME (large book) reversed (about) then CON (study) inside (getting circulated, circled by) IS \u2013 an example of an emoticon, twice"} {"Clue":"Old line crossed by great workers, those legally bound for Scotland (9)","Answer":"OBLIGANTS","Explanation":"O (old) then L (line) inside (crossed by) BIG (great) ANTS (workers)"} {"Clue":"Chooses cracknel off and on for US grub (3-4)","Answer":"HOE-CAKE","Explanation":"every other letter (off and on) of cHoOsEs CrAcKnEl \u2013 a cake, originally baked on a hoe blade"} {"Clue":"Yet to be put away, reigning supreme after ousting British (7)","Answer":"UNEATEN","Explanation":"UNbEATEN (reigning supreme) missing (after ousting) B (British)"} {"Clue":"Deport team involved in endless m\u00eal\u00e9e (5)","Answer":"EXILE","Explanation":"XI (eleven, a football team for example) inside mELEe (endless)"} {"Clue":"Forge Cambridge University research findings, ultimately rejected externally (5)","Answer":"SMITH","Explanation":"MIT (university in Cambridge, Massachusetts) inside (with\u2026externally) of last letters (ultimately) of researcH findingS reversed (rejected)"} {"Clue":"Satisfactory source (4)","Answer":"WELL","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Red rebel \u2013 war-torn (4,7)","Answer":"REED WARBLER","Explanation":"anagram (torn) of RED REBEL WAR"} {"Clue":"Party-goer in the nude (3)","Answer":"HEN","Explanation":"found inside tHE Nude \u2013 someone at a hen party (bachelorette party)"} {"Clue":"Regularly seen in garden \u2013 bees! (5)","Answer":"GREBE","Explanation":"every other letter (regularly) of GaRdEn BeEs"} {"Clue":"P-Prince with a Cluedo weapon (9)","Answer":"PHALAROPE","Explanation":"P then HAL (prince Henry, Shakespeare) and A ROPE (weapon from Cluedo, Clue in US)"} {"Clue":"Changes colour (9)","Answer":"TURNSTONE","Explanation":"TURNS (changes) and TONE (colour)"} {"Clue":"Travel round the Home Counties (5)","Answer":"GOOSE","Explanation":"GO (travel) O (something round) and SE (South East, the Home Counties)"} {"Clue":"Cartographers' acclamation is heard (7)","Answer":"OSPREYS","Explanation":"OD (Ordnance Survey, cartographers) then PREYS sounds like (is heard) \"praise\" (acclamation)"} {"Clue":"Quid, perhaps, from small witch (4)","Answer":"SHAG","Explanation":"S (small) and HAG (witch) \u2013 a type of tobacco"} {"Clue":"Track from the west of Cagliari (4)","Answer":"RAIL","Explanation":"I can't explain this. My best effort is *found reversed (from the west ?) inside (of) cagLIARi*, but a reversal should be **from the east** or **to the west** (right-to-left, as seen on a map)"} {"Clue":"Stop sign on RAF aircraft (3,4)","Answer":"RED KITE","Explanation":"RED (stop sign) then KITE (aircraft, RAF slang) \u2013 I was surprised to find that Red Kite is not listed in Chambers"} {"Clue":"Change course back to Edgbaston, first (5)","Answer":"REEVE","Explanation":"VEER (change course) reversed (back) then first letter of Edgebaston \u2013 a female ruff"} {"Clue":"Scored goal \u2013 not centre \u2013 curling to back of net (9)","Answer":"GOLDCREST","Explanation":"anagram (curling) of SCORED and GoaL (not the centre) then neT (last letter, back of)"} {"Clue":"Pool, we hear, has to stir (9)","Answer":"KITTIWAKE","Explanation":"KITTI sounds like (we hear) \"kitty\" (pool) then WAKE (to stir)"} {"Clue":"Smashed pie-tin first (5)","Answer":"SNIPE","Explanation":"anagram (smashed) of PIE follows (with\u2026first) SN (Sn, tin)"} {"Clue":"It's said to be steady \u2013 and unsteady! (3)","Answer":"ROC","Explanation":"sounds like \"rock\" \u2013 to be *steady as a rock* and *to rock* (be unsteady) \u2013 a fabulous bird"} {"Clue":"Gone \u2013 alleged to have crashed (6,5)","Answer":"GOLDEN EAGLE","Explanation":"anagram (to have crashed) of GONE ALLEGED"} {"Clue":"Go up into allotment before Ascension Day (8)","Answer":"ROGATION","Explanation":"GO reversed (up) inside RATION (allotment) \u2013 the three days before Ascension"} {"Clue":"Tears? (8)","Answer":"EYEDROPS","Explanation":"cryptic definition?"} {"Clue":"Former naval officers run in all directions (5)","Answer":"WRENS","Explanation":"R (run) inside W E N and S (west, east\u2026all directions)"} {"Clue":"Transported by the middle of the floorshow (7)","Answer":"RAPTORS","Explanation":"RAPT (transported) then floORShow (middle letters of)"} {"Clue":"Shoes for sale, imperfect (7)","Answer":"LOAFERS","Explanation":"anagram (imperfect) of FOR SALE"} {"Clue":"Stern railway employee's defence (9)","Answer":"REARGUARD","Explanation":"REAR (stern, of a boat) and GUARD (railway employee)"} {"Clue":"Housework outside \u2013 outside! (6)","Answer":"HOOPOE","Explanation":"HO (house) OP (work) then outside letters of OutsidE"} {"Clue":"Two journalists from the north-east required (6)","Answer":"NEEDED","Explanation":"NE ED ED is two editors from the north east"} {"Clue":"Genial men resorted to coating fired on metal in the US (9)","Answer":"ENAMELING","Explanation":"anagram (re-sorted) of GENIAL MEN \u2013 using US spelling (only one L)"} {"Clue":"Do give in, organising recording (8)","Answer":"VIDEOING","Explanation":"anagram (organising) of DO GIVE IN"} {"Clue":"A dilettante \u2013 he's taken in by fancy tea-set (8)","Answer":"AESTHETE","Explanation":"HE inside anagram (fancy) of TEASET"} {"Clue":"Part of the stumps I. Bell replaced with silver (3,4)","Answer":"LEG BAIL","Explanation":"anagram (replaced) of I BELL and AG (ag, silver)"} {"Clue":"Lessen intensity of real life events, all getting half-cut (7)","Answer":"RELIEVE","Explanation":"REal LIfe EVEnts with half the letters missing (cut)"} {"Clue":"Financial dealer is bankrupt \u2013 right! (6)","Answer":"BROKER","Explanation":"BROKE (bankrupt) and R (right)"} {"Clue":"Feverish fellow caught twice admitting sex is over (6)","Answer":"HECTIC","Explanation":"HE (a male, fellow) C C (caught, twice) contains (admits) IT (sex) id reversed (over)"} {"Clue":"Innocent husband leaves class (5)","Answer":"CASTE","Explanation":"ChASTE (innocent) missing (when\u2026leaves) H (husband)"} {"Clue":"Pop cuddling mom with both hands entwined? That's rather fruity! (6,9)","Answer":"ORANGE MARMALADE","Explanation":"ORANGEADE (pop, fizzy drink) contains (cuddling) MAMA (mom) entwined with R and L (both hands)"} {"Clue":"Mark \u2013 my vicar \u2013 leaving Oregon (7)","Answer":"CORRECT","Explanation":"COR (my, exclamation) then RECTor (vicar) missing OR (Oregon)"} {"Clue":"Collector of rubbish Dutch puns at work (7)","Answer":"DUSTPAN","Explanation":"anagram (work) of D (Dutch) PUNS AT"} {"Clue":"From old Peru, visiting US lavatory (5)","Answer":"INCAN","Explanation":"IN (visiting) CAN (lavatory, US)"} {"Clue":"Smurf going round eating regular chunks of vintage UK sweets (5,4)","Answer":"FRUIT GUMS","Explanation":"SMURF reversed (going round) contains (eating) every other letter (regular chunks of) vInTaGe Uk"} {"Clue":"Gold hot new Iranian coin produced by 8? (9)","Answer":"AUTHORIAL","Explanation":"AU (Au, Gold) then anagram (new) of HOT followed by RIAL (Iranian coin) \u2013 as produced by an author, Ernest Hemingway say"} {"Clue":"They're used to biting temperature (the east winds) (5)","Answer":"TEETH","Explanation":"T (temperature) then anagram (winds, turns) of THE E (east)"} {"Clue":"French paper putting down Germany and Spain in pithy article (5)","Answer":"LEMON","Explanation":"LE MONde (French newspaper) missing (putting down) D (Deutschland, Germany) and E (Espana, Spain)"} {"Clue":"Superior class functioning brilliantly (2,3,4)","Answer":"ON TOP FORM","Explanation":"ON TOP (superior) and FORM (class)"} {"Clue":"Super, A-one, amazing people from the continent (9)","Answer":"EUROPEANS","Explanation":"anagram (amazing) of SUPER A ONE"} {"Clue":"Had dinner at home \u2013 starter of escabeche (preserved) (3,2)","Answer":"ATE IN","Explanation":"Escabeche (first letter, starter) inside A TIN (preserved, kept in a tin)"} {"Clue":"Working with paper Boris undressed good friend in Paris (7)","Answer":"ORIGAMI","Explanation":"bORIs (undressed, no outer letters) then G (good) and AMI (friend in French, in Paris)"} {"Clue":"Bird down (7)","Answer":"SWALLOW","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"It followed Emma (3) at baby shower (10,5)","Answer":"NORTHANGER ABBEY","Explanation":"anagram (shower, in an inept way) of GREENHORN (3 down) with AT BABY \u2013 novel by Jane Austen following Emma and preceding Persuasion"} {"Clue":"British involved in stirring up EU malice? No, no, no . . . . hardly ever (4,2,1,4,4)","Answer":"ONCE IN A BLUE MOON","Explanation":"B (British) inside (involved in) anagram (stirring up) of EU MALICE NO NO NO"} {"Clue":"Something similar to 21 put into cheap ricotta (7)","Answer":"APRICOT","Explanation":"found inside (put into) cheAP RICOTta \u2013 similar to a PEACH (21 down)"} {"Clue":"Learner's environmentally friendly instrument (9)","Answer":"GREENHORN","Explanation":"GREEN (environmentally friendly) and HORN (instrument)"} {"Clue":"Concept car test turning Grand Prix on its head (5)","Answer":"MOTIF","Explanation":"MOT (car test) reversed (turning) then FI (Formula One, Grand Prix racing) reversed (on its head)"} {"Clue":"One looking green about the gills? Quite the opposite! (3,6)","Answer":"RED MULLET","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 red is the opposite of green in a subtractive (paint) colour palette, so the opposite of one looking green about the gills (cheeks) would be one looking red about the gills (cheeks), so someone having a red haircut (red mullet).- and a Red Mullet (fish) has, as the name suggests, red rather than green gills."} {"Clue":"Cash found in grandma's settee (5)","Answer":"ASSET","Explanation":"found inside grandmA'S SETtee"} {"Clue":"Vessel from which a pack animal is injected with polonium (7)","Answer":"AMPOULE","Explanation":"A MULE (pack animal) contains (is injected with) PO (Polonium)"} {"Clue":"In West Germany, he got drunk (he adored Margaux) (6,9)","Answer":"ERNEST HEMINGWAY","Explanation":"anagram (got drunk) of IN WEST GERMANY HE \u2013 adored granddaughter Margaux Hemingway"} {"Clue":"Quarantine no.1 hit featuring three consecutive notes (9)","Answer":"ISOLATION","Explanation":"anagram (hit) of NO I (no. 1) containing (featuring) SO LA TI (three consecutive notes)"} {"Clue":"CEO: the pick of the bunch? (3,6)","Answer":"TOP BANANA","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 slang for the boss and a bunch of bananas"} {"Clue":"Like Robin's men when they've been at the mead? (7)","Answer":"MERRIER","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 they were Merry Men before they started drinking, they were merrier men afterwards"} {"Clue":"Old north-eastern football side tabled weakest possible bid (3,4)","Answer":"ONE CLUB","Explanation":"O (old) NE (north-eastern) CLUB (football side) \u2013 at the Bridge table"} {"Clue":"Pub stocking chaser, oddly revolting flavour of schnapps (5)","Answer":"PEACH","Explanation":"PH (public house, pub) contains (stocking) every other letter (oddly) of ChAsEr reversed (revolting)"} {"Clue":"Hotel out of Japanese food beginning to exasperate girl (5)","Answer":"SUSIE","Explanation":"SUShI (Japanese food) missing H (hotel) then first letter (beginning to) Exasperate"} {"Clue":"It's money protecting our travel industry (7)","Answer":"TOURISM","Explanation":"TIS (it's) M (money) contains (protecting) OUR"} {"Clue":"Many racing cyclists speed ahead, drinking nothing (7)","Answer":"PELOTON","Explanation":"PELT (speed) ON )ahead) contains (drinks) O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Distribute endless Coca-Cola \u2013 half is oddly like rum, say (9)","Answer":"ALCOHOLIC","Explanation":"anagram (distribute) of cOCA-COLa (endless) with every other letter (oddly) of HaLf Is"} {"Clue":"Size limitation's no bar to Shakespeare's general leading army (5)","Answer":"QUOTA","Explanation":"banQUO (Shakespeare's general, in Macbeth) missing BAN (bar) then TA (Territorial Army)"} {"Clue":"Where Charlotte lies, with Virginia lying on top? (5,8)","Answer":"NORTH CAROLINA","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 Charlotte is a city in North Carolina, which lies to the south of Virginia"} {"Clue":"Bawling, losing head and interrupting row in intrusive manner (8)","Answer":"PRYINGLY","Explanation":"cRYING (bawling, losing head) inside (and interrupting) PLY (row, of a boat)"} {"Clue":"Trashy hotel to stick around (6)","Answer":"KITSCH","Explanation":"anagram (around) of H (hotel) with STICK"} {"Clue":"During climb, I begin to drink (6)","Answer":"IMBIBE","Explanation":"found inside (during) clIMB I BEgin"} {"Clue":"Reeve's role, originally, over staff (8)","Answer":"SUPERMAN","Explanation":"SUPER (over originally, but now only when used as a prefix) MAN (staff) \u2013 played by Christopher Reeve in film"} {"Clue":"Fall badly beneath shower head and squeal (5,3,5)","Answer":"SPILL THE BEANS","Explanation":"SPILL (fall) then anagram (badly) of BENEATH followed by Shower (first letter, head of)"} {"Clue":"Curses musketeer over being posted to front (5)","Answer":"OATHS","Explanation":"ATHOS (one of the Three Musketeers) with O (over) moved to the front"} {"Clue":"Legendary horseman familiarly talked of racecourse here (9)","Answer":"LEICESTER","Explanation":"sounds like (talked of) \"Lester\" (Lester Piggott, famous jockey)"} {"Clue":"Article on maths initially covering old formula (7)","Answer":"THEOREM","Explanation":"THE ((the definite article) RE (on, regarding) Maths (first letter, initially) contains (covering) O (old)"} {"Clue":"Mistress Gwyn doesn't finish fruit, cut beforehand with hooked implement (7)","Answer":"GRAPNEL","Explanation":"NELL (Nell Gwyn) missing last letter (doesn't finish) following (with\u2026beforehand) GRAPe (fruit, cut)"} {"Clue":"Drop rent (4)","Answer":"TEAR","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Wonderfully skilled peacekeepers preserve city (7)","Answer":"UNCANNY","Explanation":"UN (peacekeepers) CAN (preserve) NY (New York)"} {"Clue":"Recess's contents: yellow or colourless fluid (5)","Answer":"ICHOR","Explanation":"nICHe (recess, content of) then OR (yellow)"} {"Clue":"Earth thrown up from crumbling hole in works (8)","Answer":"MOLEHILL","Explanation":"anagram (crumbling) of HOLE inside MILL (works)"} {"Clue":"Find fault with completely pointless piece by Keats (4,2)","Answer":"PICK AT","Explanation":"PIeCe and KeATs missing all points of the compass"} {"Clue":"Scotch on the rocks? No \u2013 dark, sweet stuff (9)","Answer":"LIQUORICE","Explanation":"LIQOUR (Scotch perhaps) on ICE (on the rocks)"} {"Clue":"I see through play that's going round in circles (7)","Answer":"TROPICS","Explanation":"I C (see, name of letter) inside (through) SPORT (play) reversed (that's going round)"} {"Clue":"Close tight fist around a plotter's heart (4,2,4)","Answer":"NEAR AT HAND","Explanation":"NEAR (tight) HAND (fist) contains (around) A plotTer (middle letter, heart of)"} {"Clue":"One stopping riot, perhaps, left with loot (10)","Answer":"SPOILSPORT","Explanation":"PORT (left) follows (with) SPOILS (loot) \u2013 a riot is a good time, a party"} {"Clue":"Mister Lee Burn is mistaken (9)","Answer":"NEBULISER","Explanation":"anagram (mistaken) of LEE BURN IS \u2013 something that creates a mist"} {"Clue":"Discovering singular sign of discontent? (8)","Answer":"RUMBLING","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 I think singular is there as rumble is often used in plural e.g. *rumbles of discontent"} {"Clue":"UK native heard the French can be sensitive (7)","Answer":"BRITTLE","Explanation":"BRITT sounds like (heard) \"Brit\" (UK native) then LE (the, French)"} {"Clue":"Setter originally served eggs flipped in Army cookware (4-3)","Answer":"MESS-TIN","Explanation":"ME (the setter) then first letter (originally) of Served followed by NITS (eggs, of headlice) reversed (flipped)"} {"Clue":"Return handwritten document, enclosing ring, as greeting (6)","Answer":"SHALOM","Explanation":"MS (manuscript, handwritten document) reversed (return) contains (enclosing) HALO (ring)"} {"Clue":"Don't apply to O2 for one (5)","Answer":"ARENA","Explanation":"ARE NA (are not applicable, don't apply to) \u2013 the O2 Arena in London for example"} {"Clue":"Fragment of molar on back of mouth (4)","Answer":"ORAL","Explanation":"found inside (fragment of) moLAR On reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"A table goes spare outside pub serving sort of soup (8)","Answer":"ALPHABET","Explanation":"anagram (goes spare, gets mad) of A TABLE contains (outside) PH (pub) \u2013 a confusing and unreadable text, named after the noodle soups made for children"} {"Clue":"Cleaner stashes case of Soave for drink after (6)","Answer":"CHASER","Explanation":"CHAR (cleaner) contains (stashes) outer letters (case) of SoavE"} {"Clue":"Simple shot captures stray reptile (8)","Answer":"TERRAPIN","Explanation":"TAP-IN (simple shot, in football) contains ERR (to stray)"} {"Clue":"Renounce annual review of cat (4,2)","Answer":"PASS UP","Explanation":"PA (per annum, annual) then a reversal (review) of PUSS (cat)"} {"Clue":"Eddy's pants are lost within two minutes (9)","Answer":"MAELSTROM","Explanation":"anagram (pants, UK slang, in a useless manner) of ARE LOST inside M M (minute, twice) \u2013 a very large eddy in the sea"} {"Clue":"Les, in France, cheers character in Marathon (5)","Answer":"THETA","Explanation":"THE (les, in French) then TA (cheers) \u2013 a Greek (as used in Marathon) letter equivalent to TH, found in maraTHon"} {"Clue":"As usual, regularly picked on duck bones (4)","Answer":"OSSA","Explanation":"every other letter (regularly picked) of aS uSuAl follows (on) O (duck, a zero score)"} {"Clue":"Criminal cartel finally provide sweetener (7)","Answer":"TREACLE","Explanation":"anagram (criminal) of CARTEL then last letter (finally) of providE"} {"Clue":"Fight arranged between that Parisian and student (7)","Answer":"QUARREL","Explanation":"ARR (arranged) inside (between) QUE (that, French, as in Paris) and L (learner, student)"} {"Clue":"Christopher Reeve taking centre stage as high-flier (4)","Answer":"KITE","Explanation":"KIT (Christopher) then reEve (middle letter, the one taking centre stage)"} {"Clue":"A small animal home that has many branches? (5)","Answer":"ASPEN","Explanation":"A S (small) PEN (animal home)- a tree has many branches"} {"Clue":"Fusspot flipped can, and cream emptied easier (3-6)","Answer":"NIT-PICKER","Explanation":"TIN (can) reversed (flipped) then PICK (cream) and EasieR (no middle letters, emptied)"} {"Clue":"Carpenter's helper spotted on ladder (6)","Answer":"RIPSAW","Explanation":"SAW (spotted) following (on) RIP (ladder, in stockings perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Issue 49 on central heating geek recalled (8)","Answer":"CHILDREN","Explanation":"IL (49, Roman numerals) on CH (central heating) then NERD (geek) reversed (recalled)"} {"Clue":"Former statesman somewhat unassertive (6)","Answer":"NASSER","Explanation":"found inside uNASSERtive \u2013 Nasser Hussein, former ~~Jordanian prime minister~~ Egyptian president"} {"Clue":"Bubbly fellow inside rarely upset (8)","Answer":"SPUMANTE","Explanation":"MAN (fellow) inside anagram (rarely, ~~incompletely cooked?~~ in an extraordinary way) of UPSET"} {"Clue":"Gold corporation, the first to notice fall (6)","Answer":"AUTUMN","Explanation":"AU (Au, gold) then TUM (corporation, stomach) and first letter of Notice"} {"Clue":"Standard resident of Dallas working out a new deal (4-2)","Answer":"PART-EX","Explanation":"PAR (standard) and TEXan (resident of Dallas) missing (working out) A N (new)"} {"Clue":"Gather you love Latin seminar, sitting foremost (5)","Answer":"AMASS","Explanation":"AMAS (you love, in Latin) then first letter (sitting foremost) of Seminar"} {"Clue":"Tax rises are unsettling country (7)","Answer":"ERITREA","Explanation":"TIRE (tax, to make weary) reversed (rises) then anagram (unsettling) of ARE"} {"Clue":"Genuine chap maybe engraving on fibrous material (9)","Answer":"HEARTFELT","Explanation":"HE (a chap) ART (engraving maybe) on FELT (fibrous material)"} {"Clue":"Obsolete coin with crest used fraudulently in butcher's (8)","Answer":"SESTERCE","Explanation":"anagram (used fraudulently) of CREST inside SEE (butcher's, Butcher's Hook rhyming slang for look, see)"} {"Clue":"Parrot that's continually involved in piracy? (8)","Answer":"REPEATER","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 someone that parrots and someone repeatedly infringing copyright (piracy). I'm not 100% sure about this."} {"Clue":"Old computers etc engulfing Mike's skip (4)","Answer":"OMIT","Explanation":"O (old) IT (computers etc) contains (engulfing) M (mike, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Period under psychiatrist revealing loss through theft (9)","Answer":"SHRINKAGE","Explanation":"AGE (period) follows) under SHRINK (psychiatrist)"} {"Clue":"Army unit's youngster squeezes muscle on run (8)","Answer":"SQUADRON","Explanation":"SON (youngster) contains (squeezes) QUAD (muscle) with R (run)"} {"Clue":"Musical instrument disheartened buskers outside just beat in time (8)","Answer":"BAGPIPES","Explanation":"BuskerS (no middle letters, dis-heartened) contains (outside) PIP (just beat) inside AGE (time)"} {"Clue":"Heather's affair loudly denied (4)","Answer":"LING","Explanation":"fLING (affair) missing (defined) F (forte, loudly)"} {"Clue":"Dip boat at Oxford? (7)","Answer":"KETCHUP","Explanation":"KETCH then UP (attending university, at Oxford perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Risk fractures on a French Alpine slope? (3,3)","Answer":"SKI RUN","Explanation":"anagram (fractures) of RISK on UN (a, French)"} {"Clue":"Paint Dutch house (6)","Answer":"ORANGE","Explanation":"I don't know why *paint* denotes *orange*, except that paint (noun or adjective) might be orange, but it might equally be any other colour. Paint as a verb means \"to colour\" but \"to orange\" something sounds very strained. Can anyone see a better explanation? Maybe I have the wrong answer here."} {"Clue":"Scottish female joins mass religion (5)","Answer":"ISLAM","Explanation":"ISLA (Scottish girl's name) with M (mass)"} {"Clue":"Group of rods beginning to seize inside clocks (6)","Answer":"FASCES","Explanation":"first letter (beginning to) of Seize inside FACES (clocks) \u2013 as held by a Roman magistrate"} {"Clue":"One's \u00a325 held back by extremely specious summary (8)","Answer":"SYNOPSIS","Explanation":"I'S (one) PONY (\u00a325, slang) reversed (back) inside (\u2026is held by\u2026) SpeciouS (extremes of)"} {"Clue":"Killer caught in police trap lasts only seconds (4)","Answer":"ORCA","Explanation":"C (caught) inside second letters (only seconds) of pOlice tRap lAsts \u2013 a Killer Whale"} {"Clue":"Attachment ceases in a day with it (10)","Answer":"FRIENDSHIP","Explanation":"ENDS (ceases) inside FRI (Friday, a day) then HIP (with it)"} {"Clue":"Cart a lot of hay and a little wood (8)","Answer":"RICKSHAW","Explanation":"RICK (a lot of hay) and SHAW (a small wood)"} {"Clue":"Work knocked back after single sedative (6)","Answer":"OPIATE","Explanation":"OP (opus, work) then ATE (knocked back) following I (single)"} {"Clue":"Maybe rushes quasi-act for reform (8)","Answer":"AQUATICS","Explanation":"anagram (for reform) of QUASI-ACT \u2013 water plants, rushes perhaps"} {"Clue":"Reply to spiteful remarks in separate halves of game show (4)","Answer":"MEOW","Explanation":"gaME shOW (halves of, separate indicates not contiguous?)"} {"Clue":"Arms swizz put back intermittently (4)","Answer":"UZIS","Explanation":"every other letter (intermittently) of SwIzZ pUt reversed (back) \u2013 machine guns"} {"Clue":"Outwit uninitiated gang leader in news spread? (8)","Answer":"BESTREWN","Explanation":"BEST (outwit) cREW (gang) missing first letter (uninitiated) then first letter (leader) of News"} {"Clue":"One no longer free to fight before my meeting (6)","Answer":"POWWOW","Explanation":"POW (one no longer free to fight) then WOW (my, exclamation)"} {"Clue":"Extra takings evenly distributed as a favour (2,6)","Answer":"EX GRATIA","Explanation":"anagram (distributed) of EXTRA with tAkInGs (every other, evenly)"} {"Clue":"Folly on collapsed mine marks final tribute (2,8)","Answer":"IN MEMORIAM","Explanation":"MORIA (folly) following (on) anagram (collapsed) of MINE then M (marks)"} {"Clue":"Pass over wrongdoing (4)","Answer":"EVIL","Explanation":"LIVE (to spend or pass) reversed (over)"} {"Clue":"String of sure-fire networks put around island (8)","Answer":"TENERIFE","Explanation":"found inside (a string of letters from) surE-FIRE NETworks reversed (put around)"} {"Clue":"National Alpine resort? (6)","Answer":"NEPALI","Explanation":"anagram (re-sort) of ALPINE"} {"Clue":"Weapon to expose disarray (3,5)","Answer":"AIR RIFLE","Explanation":"Definition: Weapon\nAIR (to expose) and RIFLE (disarray) \u2013 definition as a verb"} {"Clue":"Unintroduced statute quashed by expert judge? Hard to say specifically (8)","Answer":"CRACKJAW","Explanation":"LAW (statute) missing first letter (unintroduced) following (quashed by, underneath in a down answer) CRACK (expert) J (judge)"} {"Clue":"Peter and domestic offer refuge (4,5)","Answer":"SAFE HOUSE","Explanation":"SAFE (peter, slang) and HOUSE (domestic, as adjective)"} {"Clue":"Conform with dimwit, having these filled in (4,4,3,4)","Answer":"SWIM WITH THE TIDE","Explanation":"anagram (filled in, having been punched?) of WITH DIMWIT and THESE"} {"Clue":"Form of complex reference is getting backed up for inclusion (7)","Answer":"OEDIPUS","Explanation":"OED (Oxford English Dictionary, a reference work) then IS containing (getting\u2026for inclusion) UP reversed (backed)"} {"Clue":"Sentimentality shown by married women leaving dance after school (8)","Answer":"SCHMALTZ","Explanation":"M (married) then wALTZ (dance) missing (leaving) W (women) all following SCH (school)"} {"Clue":"Well-known trio in revolt concerning bungle that's finally come to the fore (8)","Answer":"SUPREMES","Explanation":"RE (concerning) MESS UP (bungle) with SUP (the final part) moved to the front \u2013 Florence Ballard, Mary Wilson and Diana Ross"} {"Clue":"Minister Churchill, at his limits, bombed Germany (9)","Answer":"CLERGYMAN","Explanation":"ChurchilL (outer leters, at his limits) then anagram (bombed) of GERMANY"} {"Clue":"Centre of dark round item (8)","Answer":"MIDPOINT","Explanation":"DIM (dark) reversed (round) then POINT (item)"} {"Clue":"Wife runs away from moorland, upsetting mum insensitively (3,5)","Answer":"OLD WOMAN","Explanation":"anagram (unsetting) of W (wife) and MOOrLAND missing R (runs)"} {"Clue":"Peacekeepers chuffed, avoiding slap? (6-2)","Answer":"UNMADE-UP","Explanation":"UN (United Nations, peacekeepers) and MADE-UP (chuffed, happy) \u2013 *slap* is cosmetics"} {"Clue":"Unlimited line I see in face showing marks (8)","Answer":"INDICIAL","Explanation":"lINe (no outer letters, unlimited) then I C (see, name of letter) inside DIAL (face)"} {"Clue":"Flower from 50, 60 to 70 year old now going around? (7)","Answer":"BLOOMER","Explanation":"L (50, Roman numeral) inside (with\u2026going around) BOOMER (baby boomer, someone now 60-70 years old)"} {"Clue":"Yobs toss uneasily about sound of disapproval, indicating one keen on giving orders (10)","Answer":"BOSSYBOOTS","Explanation":"anagram (uneasily) of YOBS TOSS containing (about) BO (alternative spelling of boo, sound of disapproval). Chambers only gives BO as an alternative spelling of *1. A sound used in fun to startle someone*\u2026 It gives only BOOH as a variant of the second definition *2. A sound expressing disapproval\u2026"} {"Clue":"Publish a prince penning chapter all about sanctuaries (8)","Answer":"SACRARIA","Explanation":"AIR (publish) A RAS (prince) containing (penning) C (chapter) all reversed (all about)"} {"Clue":"Latin test suggesting the strap? (5)","Answer":"LORAL","Explanation":"L (Latin) and ORAL (test)"} {"Clue":"Knight, formally clad? Something in wool (5)","Answer":"SUINT","Explanation":"N (knight, chess) in a SUIT (formally clad)"} {"Clue":"'Would-be literary so-so'? Oscar's chum's stuck with that (7)","Answer":"BOOKSIE","Explanation":"OK (so-so) inside (\u2026is stuck with that) BOSIE (Oscar Wilde's nickname for his lover Lord Alfred Douglas)"} {"Clue":"Aristophanes? Poet's played about with his Frogs like this (4)","Answer":"RANA","Explanation":"ARISTOPNES is an anagram (played about) of POET'S with HIS RANA (frogs, the solution) \u2013 The Frogs is a play written by Aristophanes"} {"Clue":"US medical practitioner treated bogy, Hodgkin's ending (5)","Answer":"OB-GYN","Explanation":"anagram (treated) of BOGY with hodgkiN (last letter, ending)"} {"Clue":"Ararat? See pairs of jerboa and eland round bow of boat after flood's end (6)","Answer":"DJEBEL","Explanation":"first two letters (pairs) of JEroba and ELand containing (around) Boat (first letter, bow of) all following flooD (last letter of, end) \u2013 an example of a mountain in an Arab country"} {"Clue":"Old reptile, all but calamitous when held back in Alabama (8)","Answer":"ALIGARTA","Explanation":"TRAGIc (calamitous, all but) reversed (when held back) inside ALA (Ala. abbreviation for Alabama)"} {"Clue":"A team mostly out of sorts having right inside for transfer (8)","Answer":"ALIENATE","Explanation":"anagram (out of sorts) of A TEAm (mostly) containing LIEN (right)"} {"Clue":"Like some Chinese art, has been put up back to front (5)","Answer":"SHANG","Explanation":"HANGS (has been put up) with the back letter moved to the front"} {"Clue":"Downy covering on a soft leather (4)","Answer":"NAPA","Explanation":"NAP (downy covering) on A"} {"Clue":"Watchtower causing Muslim commander trouble with king (7)","Answer":"MIRADOR","Explanation":"MIR (Muslim commander) ADO (trouble) with R (rex, king)"} {"Clue":"Flavouring causing helping of resinata to be returned (5)","Answer":"ANISE","Explanation":"found inside ( helping of) rESINAta reversed (to be returned)"} {"Clue":"Be active on globe with backing guitar (5)","Answer":"DOBRO","Explanation":"DO (be active) on ORB (globe) reversed (with backing)"} {"Clue":"Measure of genetic activity making teen jump about in lively gait (10)","Answer":"PENETRANCE","Explanation":"anagram (making\u2026jump about) of TEEN inside PRANCE (lively gait)"} {"Clue":"Rapier (5)","Answer":"BILBO","Explanation":"Competition clue."} {"Clue":"Crab apple and strong drink for packed lunch down under (8)","Answer":"SCROGGIN","Explanation":"SCROG (crab apple) and GIN (strong drink)"} {"Clue":"Uncertain weather? Something for the head mostly packed (5)","Answer":"SHAKY","Explanation":"SKY (weather) contains (\u2026is packed) HAt (something for the head, mostly)"} {"Clue":"It affects the blood \u2013 blame Alicia after treatment (11)","Answer":"BACILLAEMIA","Explanation":"anagram (after treatment) of BLAME ALICIA"} {"Clue":"Bully waste, light brown at the edges (7)","Answer":"TAUREAN","Explanation":"UREA (a waste product of the body) inside (with\u2026at the edges) TAN (light brown) \u2013 like a bull"} {"Clue":"Permit's required to catch local birds (7)","Answer":"LINNETS","Explanation":"LET'S (permit's) contains (is required to catch) INN (a local)"} {"Clue":"Regional Spanish clubs superior to Italian one? No thanks (7)","Answer":"CATALAN","Explanation":"C (clubs) then (superior to, on top of in a down solution) AtaLANTA (an Italian football club) missing TA (thanks)"} {"Clue":"Seaside grass some tornado obliterated (4)","Answer":"DOOB","Explanation":"found inside (some of) tornaDO OBliterated"} {"Clue":"Clishmaclaver hangs out clutching muscle (7)","Answer":"GABNASH","Explanation":"anagram (out) of HANGS containing AB (an abdominal muscle)"} {"Clue":"Like Hooray Henry's girl, certainly uppish, pocketing debt (7)","Answer":"SLOANEY","Explanation":"YES (certainly) reversed (uppish) containing LOAN (debt) \u2013 *Sloanes*, or *Sloane Rangers *are affectedly posh people (from Sloane Square, an affluent area of London)"} {"Clue":"Sugar-making refuse such as is dumped in endless heaps (7)","Answer":"MEGASSE","Explanation":"EG (such as) inside MASSEs (heaps, end-less)"} {"Clue":"Ritual drink: state portions to be exchanged (5)","Answer":"HAOMA","Explanation":"HAOMA is an anagram (to be exchanged) of part (portions) of oaklAHOMA (state). Possibly this is a mistake and Azed intended OMAHA to have its portions exchanged, but has forgotten that Omaha is a city in Nebraska not a state."} {"Clue":"Dug a bit of Swedish money up (4)","Answer":"NORK","Explanation":"KRONa (Swedish money, only a bit of ?) reversed (up) \u2013 words for a breast"} {"Clue":"Tickle? One doing this will get fish (5)","Answer":"GROPE","Explanation":"one who gropes (one doing this) is a GROPER (a fish)"} {"Clue":"Logician finding link in even numbers (or consecutive odd ones?) (4)","Answer":"VENN","Explanation":"found inside (finding link in, what straddles the words) eVEN Numbers **and also** found inside seVEN Nine (consecutive odd numbers) \u2013 John Venn, English logician and mathematician remembered as the inventor of the Venn diagram"} {"Clue":"Canyon subject to pollution (6)","Answer":"DEFILE","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 read *subject to pollution* as a verb. The first definition appears to be thematic, contradicting the instructions."} {"Clue":"A grind for competitors (8)","Answer":"MILLRACE","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 a flour grinding competition perhaps"} {"Clue":"Fruity pastries returned before end of lunch (6)","Answer":"STRATH","Explanation":"TARTS (fruit pastries) reversed (returned) then luncH (end letter of) \u2013 a wide river valley in Scotland"} {"Clue":"Tom \u2013 artist in performance (8)","Answer":"CATARACT","Explanation":"CAT (a tom perhaps) then RA (Royal Academician, artist) inside ACT (performance)"} {"Clue":"Small hooter in square (8)","Answer":"SNOWLINE","Explanation":"S (small) then OWL (hooter) inside NINE ( a square number, 3\u00d73)"} {"Clue":"Leave course, disheartened (6)","Answer":"DESERT","Explanation":"DESsERT (course, of a meal) missing middle letter (dis-heartened)"} {"Clue":"Light Programme doctor who was diarised during red alert (4)","Answer":"DALE","Explanation":"Found inside (during) reD ALErt* \u2013 Mrs Dale's Diary *(written by the wife of *Doctor Dale*) was a radio program formerly aired on the Light Programme (now called Radio 2)"} {"Clue":"Stormy shore scene (10)","Answer":"CHERSONESE","Explanation":"anagram (stormy) of SHORE SCENE \u2013 a poetic word for a peninsula"} {"Clue":"Poor farmer in job (10)","Answer":"PERMAFROST","Explanation":"anagram (poor) of FARMER inside POST (job)"} {"Clue":"After end of spring, illness returns (4)","Answer":"GULF","Explanation":"sprinG then FLU (illness) reversed (returns)"} {"Clue":"No goal, sadly (6)","Answer":"LAGOON","Explanation":"anagram (sadly) of NO GOAL"} {"Clue":"Iron Maiden, on leaving, running riot (8)","Answer":"MERIDIAN","Explanation":"anagram (running riot) of IRon MAIDEN missing (leaving) ON"} {"Clue":"Base of flower? (5,3)","Answer":"RIVER BED","Explanation":"the bottom of something that flows (a flower)"} {"Clue":"\"Now you see it! Now you don't!\" (6)","Answer":"MIRAGE","Explanation":"definition"} {"Clue":"Nudes prancing around joiner (4,4)","Answer":"SAND DUNE","Explanation":"anagram (prancing) of NUDES contains (around) AND (a joining word)"} {"Clue":"Hinder \u2013 but not everything (6)","Answer":"FOREST","Explanation":"FORESTall (hinder) missing all (everything)"} {"Clue":"Sailor left, freed of notion that's wrong and obsolete (7)","Answer":"DISUSED","Explanation":"DISabUSED (freed from a notion that is wrong) missing (\u2026having left) AB (able seaman, sailor)"} {"Clue":"Could be a boa for four pounds, Carl designed (3,6)","Answer":"FUR COLLAR","Explanation":"anagram (designed) of FOUR L (pounds, currency symbol) and CARL"} {"Clue":"Tell it wrong. It's not important (6)","Answer":"LITTLE","Explanation":"anagram (wrong) of TELL IT"} {"Clue":"One leads in mosque, aiding Muslims (4)","Answer":"IMAM","Explanation":"Definition: leads in mosque, aiding Muslims\nI (one) then first letters (leads in) of Mosque Aiding Muslims \u2013 definition is &lit"} {"Clue":"Applied pressure and depended upon (6,2)","Answer":"LEANED ON","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Old saying from the present day era! (5)","Answer":"ADAGE","Explanation":"AD (the present day) AGE (era)"} {"Clue":"Give right putting printer's mark on header (7)","Answer":"ENTITLE","Explanation":"EN (a printer's mark, a hyphen of one en width) on TITLE (header)"} {"Clue":"Confines to bed (7)","Answer":"ANCHORS","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 tethers to the sea or river bed"} {"Clue":"Chinatown (7)","Answer":"DRESDEN","Explanation":"As a cryptic definition DRESDEN is a town famous for producing china. Reading CHINATOWN as CHINA + TOWN (the so-called lift-and-separate) we have a double definition as DRESDEN is both a type of *china* and a* town*."} {"Clue":"Explain and edit a clue cryptically (9)","Answer":"ELUCIDATE","Explanation":"anagram (cryptically) of EDIT A CLUE"} {"Clue":"Worked a double shift. That's about right (8)","Answer":"LABOURED","Explanation":"anagram (shift) of A DOUBLE containing (that is about) R (right)"} {"Clue":"Back in French capital, behold a star! (7)","Answer":"POLARIS","Explanation":"(LO (behold) A all reversed inside (back in) PARIS (French capital)"} {"Clue":"Most loving female doesn't change (7)","Answer":"FONDEST","Explanation":"F (female) then anagram (change) of DOESN'T"} {"Clue":"In which there is commotion about one kick. Not half! (6)","Answer":"AIKIDO","Explanation":"ADO (commotion) containing (in which there is\u2026about\u2026) I (one) KIck (not half of) \u2013 a defensive martial art generally not using kicks"} {"Clue":"It's known info about classical quartet! (5)","Answer":"GIVEN","Explanation":"GEN (info) containing (about) IV (four in Roman numerals, in classical notation)"} {"Clue":"College official \u2013 idle, vain, regularly absent (4)","Answer":"DEAN","Explanation":"every other letter removed (regularly absent) from iDlE vAiN"} {"Clue":"Great time involves rugby starting later back where play occurs (9)","Answer":"LLAREGGUB","Explanation":"BALL (great time) contains (involves) rUGGER (rugby) with first letter removed (starting later) all reversed \u2013 the fictional location of *Under Milk Wood* by Dylan Thomas"} {"Clue":"Scrounger having caught fish returned horse (5)","Answer":"LEECH","Explanation":"C (caught) EEL (fish) all reversed (returned) then H (horse, abbreviation)"} {"Clue":"Drop a little lower keeping length in mind (5)","Answer":"CALVE","Explanation":"L (length) inside CAVE (mind, a warning) \u2013 a little lower is a small cow (something that lows). A super definition!"} {"Clue":"Stray slow seen heading for recreation ground (9)","Answer":"OWNERLESS","Explanation":"anagram (ground) of SLOW SEEN and Recreation (first letter, heading for)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps reprimand from Caedmon for USWNT star? (7)","Answer":"RAPINOE","Explanation":"a RAP IN OE is a rap (reprimand) in old English (from Caedmon perhaps, Anglo-Saxon poet) \u2013 Megan Rapinoe, star and captain of *US Women's National Soccer Team"} {"Clue":"American doctor sprang up to give name (7)","Answer":"AMBROSE","Explanation":"A (American) MB (doctor) and ROSE (sprang up) \u2013 a man's name"} {"Clue":"Bloomer from principal in West Bank city? (4-2-9)","Answer":"STAR-OF-BETHLEHEM","Explanation":"STAR (principal) OF (in) BTHLEHEM (West Bank city)"} {"Clue":"Strange for all to see bishop stopping confirmation (7)","Answer":"SURREAL","Explanation":"U (for all to see, cinema rating) with RR (Right Reverend, a bishop) inside (stopping) SEAL (conformation)"} {"Clue":"Stop media manipulation happening (7)","Answer":"PREVENT","Explanation":"PR (media manipulation) and EVENT (happening)"} {"Clue":"Asked to adopt bird with deformed limbs? (3-6)","Answer":"BOW-LEGGED","Explanation":"BEGGED (asked) containing (to adopt) OWL (bird)"} {"Clue":"Girl with user guide starts to remove disc errors (5)","Answer":"DEBUG","Explanation":"DEB (a girl) with first letters (starts) of User Guide \u2013 to remove faults from a machine or computer program, a disc perhaps?"} {"Clue":"Worldly hold-up man eventually scratching back (5)","Answer":"ATLAS","Explanation":"AT LASt (eventually) missing (scratching) last letter (back) \u2013 Atlas is a Titan condemned to hold the world on his shoulders forever"} {"Clue":"Expressed deep unhappiness with snakes affected by gale (9)","Answer":"WINDSWEPT","Explanation":"WEPT (expressed deep unhappiness) following (with) WINDS (snakes, moves in a wavy line)"} {"Clue":"Signs up mountain eccentric figures should support (8)","Answer":"PLACARDS","Explanation":"ALP (mountain) reversed (up) followed by (that\u2026should support, underneath in a down solution) CARDS (eccentric people)"} {"Clue":"Week everyone put to work for beer and punch (6)","Answer":"WALLOP","Explanation":"W (week) ALL (everyone) then (put next to) OP (opus, work) \u2013 slang for alcoholic drink"} {"Clue":"Figure crossing river suffered surge in west (6,4)","Answer":"SEVERN BORE","Explanation":"SEVEN (a number, figure) contains (crossing) R (river) then BORE (suffered) \u2013 a tidal wave on the river Severn in western Britain"} {"Clue":"Slight exasperation shown about good number (6)","Answer":"IGNORE","Explanation":"IRE (exasperation) contains (shown about) G (good) NO (number)"} {"Clue":"Luxuriant hairstyle publicity worker covers (8)","Answer":"ABUNDANT","Explanation":"BUN (hairstyle) inside (\u2026covers) AD (publicity) ANT ( a worker)"} {"Clue":"Printed material endlessly creates confusion (4)","Answer":"BLUR","Explanation":"BLURb (printed material, endlessly)"} {"Clue":"Height conserved by two insects and huge beast (8)","Answer":"BEHEMOTH","Explanation":"H (height) inside (conserved by) BEE and MOTH (two insects)"} {"Clue":"Getting close to pheasant in hunting land is simple (6)","Answer":"CHASTE","Explanation":"pheasanT (last letter, closing to) inside (getting\u2026in\u2026) CHASE (hunting land)"} {"Clue":"Having less hair \u2014 bit rubbish? (10)","Answer":"BALDERDASH","Explanation":"BALDER (having less hair) and DASH (bit) \u2013 *or Dicho @3 suggests BALDER + DASH ( \u2013 , a hyphen) but that leaves \"bit\" unaccounted for"} {"Clue":"African mammal drivers run over crossing road (8)","Answer":"AARDWOLF","Explanation":"AA (Automobile Association, drivers) then FLOW (run) reversed (over) containing (crossing) RD (road)"} {"Clue":"\u00a350 in pocket? Have fine attire (8)","Answer":"BALLGOWN","Explanation":"L (\u00a3, the pound symbol) L (50) inside BAG (pocket) then OWN (have)"} {"Clue":"Commute time halved after motorway opening (8)","Answer":"MITIGATE","Explanation":"TIme (half of) following MI (M1, a motorway in England) then GATE (opening)"} {"Clue":"Buy saw forged underground across the pond (6)","Answer":"SUBWAY","Explanation":"anagram (forged) of BUY SAW"} {"Clue":"Stickler in bad mood about Bible book (6)","Answer":"PEDANT","Explanation":"PET (bad mood) contains (about) DAN (abbreviation for Daniel, book of the Bible)"} {"Clue":"Wembley content with minute sign (6)","Answer":"EMBLEM","Explanation":"wEMBLy (middle letters, content of) with M (minute)"} {"Clue":"Language very lacking in poetry (4)","Answer":"ERSE","Explanation":"vERSE (poetry) missing V (very)"} {"Clue":"Latest group of cubs brought back fungus (3-3)","Answer":"INK-CAP","Explanation":"IN (latest, fashionable) then PACK (group of cubs) reversed (brought back)"} {"Clue":"Force of soldiers, number unknown, encapsulated by sad war poem (8)","Answer":"MANPOWER","Explanation":"N (an unknown number) inside (encapsulated by) anagram (sad) of WAR POEM"} {"Clue":"Oddly unrestrained, squire clipped garment of Scot and Yankee (8)","Answer":"QUIRKILY","Explanation":"sQUIRe (unrestrained, not outer letters) then KILt (garment of Scot, clipped) and Y (Yankee, phonetic alphabet again)"} {"Clue":"Ogress's hosting private course in Edinburgh? (6)","Answer":"HAGGIS","Explanation":"HAG'S (ogress is) contains (hosting) GI (a US soldier, a private in rank perhaps)"} {"Clue":"European replaces first line in French language (6)","Answer":"GAELIC","Explanation":"GALLIC (French) with E (European) replacing the first letter L (line)"} {"Clue":"Underwater explorer cooked tuna on a wharf briefly (8)","Answer":"AQUANAUT","Explanation":"anagram (cooked) of A TUNA follows (on) A QUAy (wharf, briefly)"} {"Clue":"Specialist detailed one ridiculous trial (12)","Answer":"EXPERIMENTAL","Explanation":"EXPERt (specialist) missing last letter (de-tailed) then I (one) and MENTAL (ridiculous)"} {"Clue":"Fabled thief's paintings reportedly filled vehicle of US Republican (6,6)","Answer":"ARTFUL DODGER","Explanation":"ART (paintings) then FUL sounds like (reportedly) \"full\" (filled) DODGE (make of vehicle in US) and R (republican)"} {"Clue":"Hard to believe declining councillor's not suitable for corporation? (8)","Answer":"INEDIBLE","Explanation":"INcrEDIBLE (haed to believe) missing (declining) CR (Cr, councillor) \u2013 not suitable for putting in your belly (corporation, middle-aged spread)"} {"Clue":"Stuff thrown out, disheartening Jane, collected by city volunteers (6)","Answer":"EJECTA","Explanation":"JanE (no middle letters, dis-heartened) inside (collected by) EC (The City, financial district of London, from postal code) and TA (former Territorial Army, volunteer soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Jack provided following list of prices (6)","Answer":"TARIFF","Explanation":"TAR (Jack, a sailor) F (following) and IF (provided)"} {"Clue":"Basil and others are kept in this cubicle on special reserve (5,3)","Answer":"SPICE BOX","Explanation":"BOX (cubicle) following (on) SP (special) ICE (reserve, restrained manner)"} {"Clue":"Husband having advantage quarrelling? It's thorny stuff (8)","Answer":"HEDGEROW","Explanation":"H (husband) with EDGE (advantage) then ROW (quarrelling)"} {"Clue":"Synthetic debris regularly seen at mouth of Zambesi (6)","Answer":"ERSATZ","Explanation":"every other letter (regularly seen ) of dEbRiS then AT with Zambesi (first letter, mouth of). I suppose the mouth is actually the end of a river, not its starting point. Not a criticism of the clue which works fine, but just a passing thought."} {"Clue":"Sweetie united during raunchy Tango (6)","Answer":"NOUGAT","Explanation":"U (united) inside anagram (raunchy) of TANGO"} {"Clue":"Wow! Gangster free after fiddling offshore bank system? (5,4)","Answer":"CORAL REEF","Explanation":"COR (wow!) AL (Al Capone, gangster) then anagram (after fiddling) of FREE"} {"Clue":"Pair in element about promoted film's leading actor? (9)","Answer":"PRINCIPAL","Explanation":"PR (pair) IN with AL (Aluminium, an element) contains (about) PIC (film) reversed (promoted)"} {"Clue":"London area's springtime exhibition (7)","Answer":"MAYFAIR","Explanation":"MAY (springtime) and FAIR (exhibition)"} {"Clue":"Personnel intercepting new German leader in Asia once (5)","Answer":"NEHRU","Explanation":"HR (Human Resources, personnel) inside (intercepting) NEU (new, in German) \u2013 Jawaharlal Nehru, independence leader and India's first Prime Minister"} {"Clue":"Banana grower partly boosted skin maybe (5)","Answer":"ORGAN","Explanation":"found inside (partly) banaNA GROwer reversed (boosted, sent upward in a down solution)"} {"Clue":"Recording personal details, Laura shortly arranged anaesthetic (8)","Answer":"EPIDURAL","Explanation":"EP (extended play, gramophone recording) ID (personal details) then anagram (arranged) of LAURa (shortened)"} {"Clue":"Dined at first in eatery (3)","Answer":"ATE","Explanation":"AT then Eatery (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Make attractive journal on Web that is engaging society (9)","Answer":"MAGNETISE","Explanation":"MAG (magazine, journal) on NET (the Web) then IE (that is) containing (engaging) S (society)"} {"Clue":"Slack lever twisted entering headland (9)","Answer":"NERVELESS","Explanation":"anagram (twisted) inside NESS (headland) \u2013 a usage of slack\/nerveless that I have not seen before, listed in Chambers"} {"Clue":"Shorten ladder Charlie put in gallery (8)","Answer":"TRUNCATE","Explanation":"RUN (ladder in stocking) C (Charlie, letter in phonetic alphabet) all inside TATE (gallery)"} {"Clue":"Place to read a Corsican newspaper (3)","Answer":"UNI","Explanation":"UN (a, in French, in Corsica perhaps) then I (*the ***i**, name of a UK newspaper) \u2013 one *reads* (studies) a subject at university"} {"Clue":"Managed six deliveries with son per week (7)","Answer":"OVERSAW","Explanation":"OVER (six deliveries in cricket) with S (son) A (per, eg *an apple a day\u2026*) and W (week)"} {"Clue":"Cash machine supported by cockney entertainer Max (2,4)","Answer":"AT MOST","Explanation":"ATM (cash machine) before (on top of, supported by in a down solution) 'OST (host, entertainer, as said in cockney)"} {"Clue":"Spinning daughter initially nauseous in folk dance (5)","Answer":"DJING","Explanation":"D (daughter) Nauseous (first letter, initially) inside JIG (folk dance) \u2013 being a DJ (disc jockey), spinning records. I didn't seriously expect this to be a word, at least not un-hyphenated, but it is listed in Chambers."} {"Clue":"British and Yankee airmen travelling skywards easily (2,3)","Answer":"BY FAR","Explanation":"B (British) and Y (Yankee, phonetic alphabet) then RAF (airmen) reversed (travelling skywards, upward in a down solution)"} {"Clue":"Leader of dissenting group ousted in lawsuit (6)","Answer":"ACTION","Explanation":"fACTION (dissenting group) missing first letter (leader ousted)"} {"Clue":"Bendy cable originally installed by local electrician (8)","Answer":"FLEXIBLE","Explanation":"FLEX (cable) then first letters (initially) of Installed By Local Electrician"} {"Clue":"Garment's bound to fit (4,4)","Answer":"JUMP SUIT","Explanation":"JUMP (bound) and SUIT (fit)"} {"Clue":"Left bar in outskirts of arty state capital (6)","Answer":"ALBANY","Explanation":"L (left) BAN (bar) inside ArtY (outer letters, outskirts of) \u2013 capital city of the state of New York"} {"Clue":"Given seating arranged \u2013 (8,4)","Answer":"NEGATIVE SIGN","Explanation":"anagram (arranged) of GIVEN SEATING"} {"Clue":"Buddy's run into addict (6)","Answer":"FRIEND","Explanation":"R (run) inside FIEND (addict, e.g. drug fiend)"} {"Clue":"Guide tense in river \u2013 a sign to go back (6)","Answer":"MENTOR","Explanation":"T (tense) inside R (river) OMEN (a sign) all reversed (to go back). *Hovis points out that this wordplay looks plausible but actually leads to NEMTOR. An oversight by the setter perhaps?"} {"Clue":"Short outfit is, sadly, altered meticulously (12)","Answer":"FASTIDIOUSLY","Explanation":"anagram (altered) of OUTFIt (shortened) IS SADLY"} {"Clue":"Continue with bodyguard, ultimately a hired thug (6)","Answer":"GOONDA","Explanation":"GO ON (continue) with bodyguarD (last letter, ultimately) and A"} {"Clue":"United crept up unexpectedly \u2013 that's a blow (8)","Answer":"UPPERCUT","Explanation":"anagram (unexpectedly) of U (united) CREPT UP"} {"Clue":"Be subject to foreign articles outside India (8)","Answer":"UNDERLIE","Explanation":"UN DER LE (articles in French and German) containing (outside) I (India)"} {"Clue":"Bird perhaps thrashing about? (6)","Answer":"LINNET","Explanation":"a reversal (about) of TEN NIL (10 \u2013 0, a thrashing)"} {"Clue":"Lose sight of minute special supply (8)","Answer":"MISPLACE","Explanation":"anagram (supply, in a supple manner) of M (minute) and SPECIAL"} {"Clue":"Nightmare scenarios because of copper having picked up bribe (6)","Answer":"INCUBI","Explanation":"IN (because of) CU (copper) and BI sounds like (having picked up) \"buy\" (bribe)"} {"Clue":"East Indian queen cutting sucker on climbing plant (8)","Answer":"GERANIUM","Explanation":"E (east) then RANI (Indian queen) inside (cutting) MUG (sucker) reversed (climbing)"} {"Clue":"Clock whopping bill that's picked up (3,3)","Answer":"BIG BEN","Explanation":"BIG (whopping) and NEB (bill, a beak)"} {"Clue":"Dodgy courier carrying unknown old money overseas (8)","Answer":"CRUZEIRO","Explanation":"anagram (dodgy) of COURIER contains (carrying) Z (unknown) \u2013 former currency of Brazil"} {"Clue":"Gross present almost pops (6)","Answer":"FATHER","Explanation":"FAT (gross) and HERe (present, almost)"} {"Clue":"Extended line replacing opening in poem (4)","Answer":"LONG","Explanation":"sONG (poem) with L (line) replacing the opening letter"} {"Clue":"European city to miss out of conversation? (8)","Answer":"TOULOUSE","Explanation":"sounds like (of conversation) \"to lose\" (to miss out)"} {"Clue":"One King James maybe upset a PM (8)","Answer":"DISRAELI","Explanation":"I (one, Roman numeral) LEAR (king, Shakespeare) and SID (Sid James perhaps, comedian) \u2013 Benjamin Disraeli, former Prime Minister"} {"Clue":"Tune in or out \u2013 no charge for this (8)","Answer":"NEUTRINO","Explanation":"anagram (out) of TUNE IN OR"} {"Clue":"Imagine bodily shape (6)","Answer":"FIGURE","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Fox News literally cutting subscription by cents (6)","Answer":"FENNEC","Explanation":"N N (news, literally the plural of new) inside (cutting) FEE (subscription) then C (cents) \u2013 a small African fox"} {"Clue":"Creature found in Blenheim Palace (6)","Answer":"IMPALA","Explanation":"found inside blenheIM PALAce"} {"Clue":"Dawn's second service (4)","Answer":"MORN","Explanation":"MO (moment, a second) RN (Royal Navy, of of the armed services)"} {"Clue":"A dry cape's inside \u2013 something supplying effective cover (5)","Answer":"ATTAP","Explanation":"A TT (teetotal, dry) and cAPe (inside letters)"} {"Clue":"What comes after lying in sun repeatedly? We're often baked (5)","Answer":"SPUDS","Explanation":"PUD (afters, what comes after the main course) inside (lying in) S S (sun, repeated)"} {"Clue":"The old set, age failing, shown the way (6)","Answer":"GEALED","Explanation":"anagram (failing) of AGE then LED (shown the way)"} {"Clue":"Wife entering shop and not budging once (6)","Answer":"STOWRE","Explanation":"W (wife) inside (entering) STORE (shop) \u2013 definition is not budging, once indicates an obsolete word"} {"Clue":"It was fired from the saddle, oil coating more than half of one (8)","Answer":"PETRONEL","Explanation":"PETROL (oil) contains (coating) oNE (more than half the letters of)"} {"Clue":"Transformed dress given a going over, in service (6)","Answer":"REBORN","Explanation":"ROBE (dress) reversed (given a going over) inside RN (Royal Navy, service)"} {"Clue":"Lease king attached to form of estate I ignored (6)","Answer":"RENTAL","Explanation":"R (rex, king) then ENTAiL (form of estate) missing I"} {"Clue":"A bandage applied to very large place? Discernment required (12)","Answer":"PERSPICACITY","Explanation":"PER (a, two a-day) SPICA (bandage) CITY (a very large place)"} {"Clue":"Starmer's born afresh, producing strong campaign performances? (12)","Answer":"BARNSTORMERS","Explanation":"anagram (afresh) of STARMER'S BORN"} {"Clue":"Crude fleece wrapped round in turn as a blanket (5)","Answer":"BASAN","Explanation":"found inside (wrapped) turN AS A Blanket reversed (round)"} {"Clue":"Butterfly to free following rulebook (6)","Answer":"PIERID","Explanation":"RID (to free) following PIE (rulebook)"} {"Clue":"Sandwiches: number in foreign bread set before one (6)","Answer":"PANINI","Explanation":"N (number) inside PAIN (bread, in French, foreign) then I (one)"} {"Clue":"Pair reduced to single in travelling interrail, moving slowly? (8)","Answer":"INERTIAL","Explanation":"anagram (travelling) of INTErRAIL with the letter pair RR educed to a single R"} {"Clue":"Large tropical fish, American, revealing soft metallic element (6)","Answer":"CEROUS","Explanation":"CERO (large tropical fish) US (American). I'm not sure about the definition."} {"Clue":"Countryman's handle to lift on end of scythe (6)","Answer":"STEALE","Explanation":"STEAL (to lift) then scythE (last letter, end of)"} {"Clue":"Acreage yokel yurned over for cows out of service (5)","Answer":"ADAWS","Explanation":"A (acreage) then SWAD (yokel) reversed (turned over) \u2013 out of service indicates historical, from Spenser"} {"Clue":"One escaping mockery (5)","Answer":"FLEER","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Behaviour occurring between ragtag groups (5)","Answer":"AGGRO","Explanation":"found inside (occurring between the two words) ragrAG GROups \u2013 an extended definition"} {"Clue":"Ecstasy filling African people in some sacred places (6)","Answer":"TEMENE","Explanation":"E (ecstasy) inside TEMNE (African people, from Sierra Leone)"} {"Clue":"Ingredient of summer pudding maybe concocted by ear in one go? (8)","Answer":"TAYBERRY","Explanation":"anagram (concocted) of BY EAR inside TRY (one go)"} {"Clue":"A liberal creature associated with church mostly giving charity locally? (6)","Answer":"ALMOUS","Explanation":"A L (liberal) then MOUSe (creature associated with church, mostly) \u2013 locally indicates dialect"} {"Clue":"Company in flying to Mars go by direction finder (12)","Answer":"ASTROCOMPASS","Explanation":"CO (company) inside anagram (flying) of TO MARS then PASS (go by)"} {"Clue":"Cause of disease forward fellow's turned up (5)","Answer":"STREP","Explanation":"PERT'S (forward fellow is) reversed (turned up)"} {"Clue":"Coconut oil product to preserve eggs soft? Reverse of that (6)","Answer":"POONAC","Explanation":"CAN (to preserve) O O (an egg, twice) and P (piano, soft) all reversed (reverse of that)"} {"Clue":"Daughter mater unexpectedly conceived (6)","Answer":"DREAMT","Explanation":"D (daughter) then anagram (unexpectedly) of MATER"} {"Clue":"Osteal places may afford space to this (5)","Answer":"SELLA","Explanation":"OSTEAL PLACES is an anagram (may afford, provides the letters for) SPACE TO SELLA (this, the solution)"} {"Clue":"Like e.g. US soldiers on parade, from Weald, leaderless, might one assume? (6)","Answer":"ALINED","Explanation":"~~an anagram (on parade?) of wEALD (leaderless) containing (that might\u2026assume, take in) I (one). I'm not 100% sure I have this right~~. *Gozno's suggestion is that a leaderless wEALD can be thought of (might one assume) as AL IN ED (AL inside ED). Much better than my effort!\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Precise pointer at top of compass? (6)","Answer":"NARROW","Explanation":"N ARROW is the \"north arrow\" (pointer at top of compass)"} {"Clue":"Shelf honey industrious insect's found in (6)","Answer":"MANTEL","Explanation":"MEL (honey) contains (\u2026in found in) ANT (industrious insect)"} {"Clue":"Poison swallowed direct, dad dropped (6)","Answer":"RANKLE","Explanation":"dRANK LEad (swallow, direct) missing DAD"} {"Clue":"Avian spur son observed on magpies (5)","Answer":"SPICA","Explanation":"S (son) with (observed on) PICA (magpies)"} {"Clue":"United in small island group, they're not wholly divine (5)","Answer":"AITUS","Explanation":"U (united) inside AITS (small island plural, group of)"} {"Clue":"Check up about sign of what's not right in Paddy's bit of casual work (5)","Answer":"NIXER","Explanation":"REIN (check) reversed (up) contains (about) X (a cross, what is not right) \u2013 Paddy's indicates an Irish word"} {"Clue":"Academic, regrettably, rebuffed peace gesture (6)","Answer":"SALAAM","Explanation":"MA (master of arts, an academic) ALAS (sadly) all reversed (rebuffed)"} {"Clue":"Day away from Cardiff, round Scottish glen and loch (6)","Answer":"AFFRIC","Explanation":"anagram (round) of CARdIFF missing (\u2026away from) D (day)"} {"Clue":"Link with state I cut off (7)","Answer":"CONNECT","Explanation":"CONNECTicut (state) missing I CUT"} {"Clue":"Discharges from a ship carrying earth (7)","Answer":"ASSOILS","Explanation":"A SS (steam ship) contains (carrying) SOIL (earth)"} {"Clue":"Pretence coming on stage (10)","Answer":"APPEARANCE","Explanation":"double definition, and a contranym too"} {"Clue":"Supermarket's hen-run (4)","Answer":"COOP","Explanation":"CO-OP (a supermarket chain in the UK)"} {"Clue":"Lowdown on the team's spirits (5)","Answer":"GENII","Explanation":"GEN (lowdown) and II (eleven, a team, sports)"} {"Clue":"Control reporters with drink (8)","Answer":"SUPPRESS","Explanation":"PRESS (reporters) following (with) SUP (drink)"} {"Clue":"Brothers turned back close to north- eastern university (8)","Answer":"SORBONNE","Explanation":"BROS (brothers) reversed (turned back) ON (close to) and NE (north-eastern)"} {"Clue":"Mole's companion is irritable (5)","Answer":"RATTY","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 Mole and Ratty are characters from *The Wind in the Willows"} {"Clue":"Easter gifts gratefully supplied as starters (4)","Answer":"EGGS","Explanation":"first letters (as starters) of Easter Gifts Gratefully Supplied"} {"Clue":"Pilates exercises causing accidents with the rig (10)","Answer":"JACKKNIVES","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 accidents with an articulated lorry (a rig). Which is the better answer: JACKKNIFES or JACKKNIVES?"} {"Clue":"Argumentative pupil twice starts interrupting garbled story (7)","Answer":"STROPPY","Explanation":"P P (starting letter of *Pupil*, twice) inside (interrupting) anagram (garbled) of STORY"} {"Clue":"Taking care of male newspaperman with terrible flu (7)","Answer":"HEEDFUL","Explanation":"HE (a male) ED (editor, newspaperman) with anagram (terrible) of FLU"} {"Clue":"Group of nine seen topless and drunk (6)","Answer":"ENNEAD","Explanation":"anagram (drunk) of sEEN (topless) AND"} {"Clue":"Evaluate Jenny? (6)","Answer":"ASSESS","Explanation":"an ASS-ESS might be a female ass (jenny)"} {"Clue":"Funds raised for vessels (5)","Answer":"SLOOP","Explanation":"POOLS (funds) reversed (raised) \u2013 I'm guessing vessels plural indicates a category of ship rather than a number of individual ships"} {"Clue":"Tailless songbird with a name from classification system (7)","Answer":"LINNEAN","Explanation":"LINNEt (songbird) missing last letter (tailless) with A N (name)"} {"Clue":"Harmony at home about love for squeeze box (9)","Answer":"ACCORDION","Explanation":"ACCORD (harmony) IN (at home) contains (about) O (love, zero score)"} {"Clue":"Ordinary part of chain cast in iron (5)","Answer":"FESSE","Explanation":"ESS (a link in a chain) inside (cast in) FE (iron) \u2013 an *ordinary* is a simple geometric shape in heraldry"} {"Clue":"Love being in sports ground with dog \u2014 come again! (2-5)","Answer":"REOCCUR","Explanation":"O (love) inside (being in) REC (sports ground) then CUR (dog)"} {"Clue":"Hard-heartedly ring up the Dark Blues with cunning (9)","Answer":"CALLOUSLY","Explanation":"CALL (ring up) OU (Oxford University, name for the sports teams c.f. Cambridge light blues) then SLY (cunning)"} {"Clue":"Fashionable fragrance, fundamentally (2,7)","Answer":"IN ESSENCE","Explanation":"IN (fashionable) ESSENCE (perfume)"} {"Clue":"Cloth from pilot at pottery centre (9)","Answer":"GEORGETTE","Explanation":"GEORGE (nickname for an autopilot) then middle letters of poTTEry"} {"Clue":"Airborne trooper spoke of poet to birds (9)","Answer":"PARAKEETS","Explanation":"PARA (airborne trooper) then KEETS sounds like (spoke of) \"Keats\" (poet)"} {"Clue":"Donkey in favour? Blow that! (7)","Answer":"BASSOON","Explanation":"ASS (donkey) inside BOON (favour)"} {"Clue":"Ornament wild Ted smashed (7)","Answer":"TWIDDLE","Explanation":"anagram (smashed) of WILD TED"} {"Clue":"German agreement about work on the quiet in Edinburgh suburb (5)","Answer":"JOPPA","Explanation":"JA (agreement, in German) contains (about) OP (opus, work) and P (piano, quiet)"} {"Clue":"1973 drama starts to examine questions under unusual security (5)","Answer":"EQUUS","Explanation":"first letters (starts to) of Examine Questions Under Unusual Security"} {"Clue":"Kiss chap bringing round goat milk vat, suggest cuddles (6,5)","Answer":"GUSTAV KLIMT","Explanation":"found inside (that\u2026cuddles) goaT MILK VAT SUGgest reversed (bringing round) \u2013 painter of The Kiss"} {"Clue":"Boy infiltrating Al-Qaeda, off and on (3)","Answer":"LAD","Explanation":"every other letter (inside\u2026off and on) of aL-qAiDa"} {"Clue":"New bill of fare promoting uniform spirit of Rome (5)","Answer":"NUMEN","Explanation":"N (new) then MENU (bill of fare) with U (uniform) moved to the front (promoted)"} {"Clue":"Fragrant liquid making rower's tea (4,5)","Answer":"ROSEWATER","Explanation":"anagram (making) ROWER'S TEA"} {"Clue":"Fauvist sculpture of Our Lady grabs Uffizi's leaders (5,4)","Answer":"RAOUL DUFY","Explanation":"anagram (sculpture) of OUR LADY contains (grabs) UFfizi (first two letters, leaders)"} {"Clue":"Very large tenor, international household name in opera (5)","Answer":"SOLTI","Explanation":"SO (very) L (large) T (tenor) I (international) \u2013 Sir Georg Solti, conductor with many European opera companies"} {"Clue":"Swiss currency note carried when desperate (7)","Answer":"FRANTIC","Explanation":"FRANC (Swiss currency) contains (\u2026is carried) TI (note, in music)"} {"Clue":"Aphrodite's Child resentful in retirement (4)","Answer":"EROS","Explanation":"SORE (resentful) reversed (in retirement)"} {"Clue":"Discovering instant warning (4)","Answer":"OMEN","Explanation":"mOMENt (instant) missing outer letters (dis-covered)"} {"Clue":"Following German approval, Ford secures 28 capital (7)","Answer":"JAKARTA","Explanation":"JA (yes, approval, in German) then KA (car by Ford) containing ART (28 across) \u2013 capital of Indonesia"} {"Clue":"Wearing American couture, at last engaged! (2,3)","Answer":"IN USE","Explanation":"IN (wearing) US(American) then coturE (at last, last letter)"} {"Clue":"Bit on the side came via professional channel (2-7)","Answer":"BY-PRODUCT","Explanation":"BY (via) PRO (professional) DUCT (channel)"} {"Clue":"Pioneering sales rep targets this Suffolk town (9)","Answer":"NEW MARKET","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Jones is blue, taking day off (5)","Answer":"INIGO","Explanation":"INdIGO (blue) missing (taking\u2026off) D (day) \u2013 Inigo Jones, architect and designer"} {"Clue":"Advanced right skill (3)","Answer":"ART","Explanation":"A (advanced) then RT(right)"} {"Clue":"Dave crashed by Route 1 out of German city \u2013 I'll never forget his scream (6,5)","Answer":"EDVARD MUNCH","Explanation":"anagram (crashed) of DAVE then RD (road, route) finally MUNiCH (German city) missing (\u2026left out of) I (1) \u2013 the painter of The Scream"} {"Clue":"If admitted to grand doorway, smarten up! (8)","Answer":"GENTRIFY","Explanation":"IF inside (admitted to) G (grand) ENTRY (doorway)"} {"Clue":"The lot \u2013 from gypsum to talcum (3,5)","Answer":"SUM TOTAL","Explanation":"found inside (from) gypSUM TO TALcum"} {"Clue":"Cancel yearbook; second article's missing (5)","Answer":"ANNUL","Explanation":"ANNUaL (year bokk) missing the second A (indefinite article)"} {"Clue":"Our cake mix, an inspiration to Bob Dylan (7)","Answer":"KEROUAC","Explanation":"anagram (mix) of OUR CAKE \u2013 writer Jack Kerouac"} {"Clue":"This month, Yankee left Spain going first class! (2,5)","Answer":"IN STYLE","Explanation":"INST (this month) Y (yankee, phonetic alphabet) L (left) E (Espana, Spain)"} {"Clue":"The residents know lofts should be renovated (9)","Answer":"TOWNSFOLK","Explanation":"anagram (should be renovated) of KNOW LOFTS"} {"Clue":"I'd titter \u2013 LOL! Funny! \u2013 about opening of romantic novel (6,6)","Answer":"LITTLE DORRIT","Explanation":"anagram (finny) of I'D TITTER LOL containing Romantic (first letter, opening of)"} {"Clue":"Mild paint mixture to go on walls of temple (9)","Answer":"TEMPERATE","Explanation":"TEMPERA (paint mixture) then TemplE (outer letters, walls of)"} {"Clue":"Father Euan probed by senior detective's analytical technique (8)","Answer":"FREUDIAN","Explanation":"FR (father) EUAN contains (probed by) DI (Detective Inspector, senior detective)"} {"Clue":"Sound horn entering Wash \u2013 turbulent wave pattern (8)","Answer":"SAWTOOTH","Explanation":"TOOT (sound horn) inside (entering) anagram (turbulent) of WASH"} {"Clue":"Writer upset very old king over boycott (7)","Answer":"NABOKOV","Explanation":"V (very) O (old) K (king) O (over) BAN (boycott) all reversed (upset) \u2013 Vladimir Nabokov"} {"Clue":"Texan oilman acquiring uranium mine beginning to endanger planet (7)","Answer":"JUPITER","Explanation":"JR (Texan oilman, from TV series Dallas) contains (acquiring) U (Uranium) PIT (mine) and Endanger (first letter, beginning to)"} {"Clue":"Nine running amok in Virginia city (6)","Answer":"VIENNA","Explanation":"anagram (running amok) of NINE inside VA (Virginia)"} {"Clue":"Get the better of old upper-class idiot (6)","Answer":"OUTWIT","Explanation":"O (old) U (upper class) TWIT (idiot)"} {"Clue":"It's extracted from poppy in US \u2013- my failing, occasionally (5)","Answer":"OPIUM","Explanation":"every other letter (failing occasionally) of pOpPy In Us My \u2013 you could read this as an extended definition: *It's extracted from\u2026(poppy)*, or perhaps as an &lit if we assume Julius occasionally takes opium extracted in the US"} {"Clue":"Figure fractionally over the line? (9)","Answer":"NUMERATOR","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Disturbed thoughts Eliot had about her unfinished work (2,3,10)","Answer":"TO THE LIGHTHOUSE","Explanation":"anagram (disturbed) of THOUGHTS ELIOT containing (had about) HEr (unfinished) \u2013 a work by Virginia Woolf"} {"Clue":"Midsomer cop rough arresting grand Dickensian raven keeper (7,5)","Answer":"BARNABY RUDGE","Explanation":"BARNABY (Inspector Tom Barnaby from Midsomer Murders) then RUDE (rough) containing (arresting) G (grand) \u2013 Barnaby Rudge keeps a pet raven in the Dickens novel"} {"Clue":"First murderer takes in clever Macheath say (7)","Answer":"CAPTAIN","Explanation":"CAIN (the first murderer, in the Bible) contains (takes in) APT (clever) \u2013 Captain Macheath is a fictional character form Beggar's Opera"} {"Clue":"Freezing bonus? (5)","Answer":"ICING","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 icing on the cake"} {"Clue":"Hope to catch rest being late and serve dinner? (3,2,4)","Answer":"LIE IN WAIT","Explanation":"LIE IN (rest being late) and WAIT (serve dinner perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Tempter in legend with Hamlet not represented (3,3,9)","Answer":"THE OLD GENTLEMAN","Explanation":"anagram (represented) of LEGEND with HAMLET NOT \u2013 a name for the devil"} {"Clue":"Last month's speaker an artisan (9)","Answer":"DECORATOR","Explanation":"DEC (December, the last month) then ORATOR (speaker)"} {"Clue":"Subcontinental region featured in Dublin Diaries (5)","Answer":"INDIA","Explanation":"found inside diblIN DIAries"} {"Clue":"Fruit to put round a sort of cake (7)","Answer":"TANGELO","Explanation":"TO contains (put round) ANGEL (Angel Cake, a sort of cake)"} {"Clue":"Happy to return with ring on greeting nobleman (7)","Answer":"HIDALGO","Explanation":"GLAD (happy) reversed (to return) and O (a ring) following (on) HI (a greeting)"} {"Clue":"Pavlovian response to scupper one's religious hope? (9)","Answer":"SALVATION","Explanation":"SALiVATION (Pavlovian response) missing (to scupper) I (one)"} {"Clue":"Stirring diatribe about northeast wasted (10)","Answer":"INEBRIATED","Explanation":"anagram (stirring) of DIATRIBE contains (about) NE (northeast)"} {"Clue":"Write down a suggestion almost entirely in code (8)","Answer":"AMORTISE","Explanation":"A then TIp (suggestion, almost) inside MORSE (code) \u2013 to write down a debt"} {"Clue":"Like a frame of snooker? (10)","Answer":"TRIANGULAR","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 *frame *describes a snooker game and also the triangular frame used in setting up the balls"} {"Clue":"What guest might do for example, consuming tons (4)","Answer":"STAY","Explanation":"SAY (for example) contains (consuming) T (tons)"} {"Clue":"Neighbourhood merchant avoiding alcohol daily (3,7)","Answer":"DRY CLEANER","Explanation":"DRY (avoiding alcohol) and CLEANER (a daily)"} {"Clue":"St Patrick initially harbouring English one in flight (4)","Answer":"STEP","Explanation":"ST then Patrick (first letter, initially) contains (harbouring) E (English) \u2013 in a flight of stairs"} {"Clue":"Using a vehicle, knock out kerbs in Finger Lakes location (6)","Answer":"ITHACA","Explanation":"wITH A CAr (using a vehicle) missing the edges (knock out kerbs) \u2013 university town in New York State"} {"Clue":"Bird in bank given mention (4)","Answer":"TERN","Explanation":"sounds like (given mention) \"turn\" (bank)"} {"Clue":"Sentimental ballad: extremely nice German song in list (6,4)","Answer":"NELLIE DEAN","Explanation":"NicE (outer letters, extremely) LIED (song, German) inside LEAN (list, lean over)"} {"Clue":"Equivalent to light brown horse I'm obliged to break in (10)","Answer":"TANTAMOUNT","Explanation":"TAN (light brown) MOUNT (horse) contains (\u2026to break in) TA (thanks, I'm obliged to you)"} {"Clue":"Small valley located in my German city (8)","Answer":"MEDELLIN","Explanation":"DELL (small valley) inside (located in) MEIN (my, in German)"} {"Clue":"Country pair leaving panda car the worse for wear (6)","Answer":"CANADA","Explanation":"anagram (worse for wear, drunk) of pANDA CAr missing (with\u2026leaving) PR (pair)"} {"Clue":"Sailor has name for mountain lake (4)","Answer":"TARN","Explanation":"TAR (sailor) with N (name)"} {"Clue":"First Lady having concern ultimately quits (4)","Answer":"EVEN","Explanation":"EVE (the first lady, in Bible) with concerN (last letter, ultimately)"} {"Clue":"Wife leaves complete dump (4)","Answer":"HOLE","Explanation":"wHOLE (compete) missing W (wife)"} {"Clue":"Most prudent comedian on the street (6)","Answer":"WISEST","Explanation":"WISE (the late Ernie Wise, comedian) with ST (street)"} {"Clue":"Medieval Armenian commander-in- chief on small wall on a bridge (8)","Answer":"SPARAPET","Explanation":"S (small) then PARAPET (wall on a bridge) \u2013 an hereditary tittle for an Armenian military commander, dating as far back as 2BC which still gets occasional use."} {"Clue":"A clarion in octet composed as suite by Bach (7,8)","Answer":"ITALIAN CONCERTO","Explanation":"anagram (composed) of A CLARION IN OCTET"} {"Clue":"Delightful hopes scatter with this autumnal work (6,3,6)","Answer":"PLOUGH THE FIELDS","Explanation":"anagram (scatter) of DELIGHTFUL HOPES *\u2013 the definition autumnal work may be read literally (a farming activity that happens in autumn) or as a shortened form of the harvest festival hymn (autumnal work) \"We plough the fields and scatter\""} {"Clue":"Hearing not good \u2013 awful medical complaint (6)","Answer":"HERNIA","Explanation":"anagram (awful) of HEARINg missing G"} {"Clue":"Join single person and a German (5,2)","Answer":"UNITE IN","Explanation":"UNIT (single person) and EIN (a, in German)"} {"Clue":"For starters, Trescothick offers Turner a drop of whisky (3)","Answer":"TOT","Explanation":"first letters (for starters) of Trescothick Offers Turner"} {"Clue":"Wildly active with love and with you in Nice (4,3)","Answer":"AVEC TOI","Explanation":"anagram (wildly) of ACTIVE with O \u2013 the answer is a French expression, as said in Nice"} {"Clue":"Some sudden glitch in short university course of study (6)","Answer":"ENG-LIT","Explanation":"found inside (some of) suddEN GLITch \u2013 an abbreviation of English Literature"} {"Clue":"Craft cameramen used at machine- shop? (9,6)","Answer":"AMUSEMENT ARCADE","Explanation":"anagram (craft) of CAMERAMEN USED AT"} {"Clue":"Horticultural process affected Nigerian lychees (7,8)","Answer":"CHINESE LAYERING","Explanation":"anagram (affected) of NIGERIAN LYCHEES \u2013 also known as *air layering"} {"Clue":"Lay bare at retreat you reportedly see (8)","Answer":"DENUDATE","Explanation":"DEN (retreat) U sounds like (reportedly) \"you\" then DATE (see, in a romantic context)"} {"Clue":"American teen hacked online forum (6)","Answer":"USENET","Explanation":"US (American) then anagram (hacked) of TEEN"} {"Clue":"Mister ice-cream man, wife and unconventional community resident (6)","Answer":"WHIPPY","Explanation":"W (wife) and HIPPY (unconventional community resident) \u2013 *Mr Whippy*, a UK based version of the US ice-cream company *Mr Softee"} {"Clue":"No axe-cut yet, if so ordered (4,2,9)","Answer":"STAY OF EXECUTION","Explanation":"anagram (ordered) of NO AXE-CUT YET IF SO \u2013 what a great clue!"} {"Clue":"Second footballer gets ahead, going round top goalie who's shirking (8,3,4)","Answer":"SWINGING THE LEAD","Explanation":"S (second) WING (footballer) then (gets) IN THE LEAD (ahead) containing (going round) Goalie (first letter, top) \u2013 from a nautical term for a sailor who is supposed to be taking depth readings but is just dangling the weight and doing nothing"} {"Clue":"Sue and Petra having clause two revised (9,2,3)","Answer":"PROSECUTE AT LAW","Explanation":"anagram (revised) of PETRA with CLAUSE TWO"} {"Clue":"Accepting regimes that make firms go bust (9,6)","Answer":"RECEIVING ORDERS","Explanation":"RECEIVING (accepting) ORDERS (regimes)"} {"Clue":"The art of making tracks? (15)","Answer":"PARALLELISATION","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 you could also have PARALLELIZATION"} {"Clue":"M or K? Grand! (8)","Answer":"THOUSAND","Explanation":"triple definition"} {"Clue":"It will examine resourcefulness and start about four on oath (10,4)","Answer":"INITIATIVE TEST","Explanation":"INITIATE (start) contains (about) IV (four) then TEST (oath, testament)"} {"Clue":"Stable providing food for a healthy diet (8)","Answer":"BALANCED","Explanation":"providing food for a balanced\/healthy diet"} {"Clue":"Oppressiveness of the wig abandoned (6)","Answer":"WEIGHT","Explanation":"anagram (abandoned) of THE WIG"} {"Clue":"Intense longing a former athlete held in pulsating chest (9)","Answer":"CACOETHES","Explanation":"A COE (Seb Coe, former athlete) inside anagram (pulsating) of CHEST"} {"Clue":"I vary resistance, i.e. record ohm cut in a way (8)","Answer":"RHEOCORD","Explanation":"anagram (in a way) of RECORD OHm (cut, short)"} {"Clue":"Cultivate last of clay, of boulder type (5)","Answer":"TILLY","Explanation":"TILL (cultivate) and claY (last letter of). I'm struggling to make the definition work without *clay* doing double-duty here."} {"Clue":"Old poet, inferior, first of poems written out in exercise book (5)","Answer":"RIMER","Explanation":"Poems (first letter of) missing from (written out in) pRIMER (exercise book) \u2013 *old* indicates an archaic spelling"} {"Clue":"Queen once, suffering her fate? That's fishy (8)","Answer":"ATHERINE","Explanation":"cATHERINE missing first letter (beheaded, suffering her fate)"} {"Clue":"Individual plant penetrating out-of-date market from the east (5)","Answer":"RAMET","Explanation":"found inside (penetrating) out-of-daTE MARket reversed (from the east, as viewed on a map)"} {"Clue":"Very odd pieces found in sales (5)","Answer":"VENDS","Explanation":"V (very) then ENDS (odd pieces, fragments)"} {"Clue":"Stole skinned hare trapped by hunter (7)","Answer":"ORARION","Explanation":"hARe missing outer letters (skinned) inside (trapped by) ORION (hunter)"} {"Clue":"Fields by waterway where (one might assume) gondoliers are found? (4)","Answer":"INGS","Explanation":"IN GS might be read as (might one assume) *in Gilbert and Sullivan* (where gondoliers are found, in *The Gondoliers *operetta)"} {"Clue":"Pa quitting field of play, once beaten (4)","Answer":"DANG","Explanation":"PA missing from (quitting) paDANG (field of play) \u2013 an archaic past tense form of ding, to beat"} {"Clue":"Lenten Sabbath dashed real tea (7)","Answer":"LAETARE","Explanation":"anagram (dashed) of REAL TEA"} {"Clue":"Taking part in demo, tend to hold back? Far from it (5)","Answer":"EMOTE","Explanation":"found inside (taking part in) dEMO TEnd"} {"Clue":"A din reverberating round constant battery (5)","Answer":"NI-CAD","Explanation":"anagram (reverberating) of A DIN contains (round) C (constant)"} {"Clue":"Fish among rocks, proceeding left to right? (8)","Answer":"SIDEWAYS","Explanation":"IDE (fish) inside (among) SWAYS (rocks)"} {"Clue":"Geordie, first to last defenceless (5)","Answer":"INERM","Explanation":"MINER (Geordie, a coalminer) with first letter moved to last place"} {"Clue":"Trees yielding sticky stuff India disgorged? (5)","Answer":"MELIA","Explanation":"MEL (honey, sticky stuff) then IndiA missing the middle letters (disgorged, have ejected the contents)"} {"Clue":"Journey regularly round length on Asian river, more than once? (8)","Answer":"PLURALLY","Explanation":"PLY (journey regularly) containing (round) L (length) on URAL (asian river)"} {"Clue":"One of twelve in US showing ermine off among leaders (9)","Answer":"VENIREMAN","Explanation":"anagram (off) of ERMINE inside VAN (leaders)"} {"Clue":"Result of bone fusion \u2013 skill hid sores after surgery (11)","Answer":"ARTHRODESIS","Explanation":"ART (skill) then anagram (after surgery) of HID SORES"} {"Clue":"Aniseed liquor turned up in tea, an Indian 'fiddle'? (7)","Answer":"CHIKARA","Explanation":"RAKI (aniseed liquor) reversed (turned up) inside CHA (tea)"} {"Clue":"Millions involved in endless festival, a lifesaver (7)","Answer":"BELTMAN","Explanation":"M (millions) inside (involved in) BELTANe (festival, endless)"} {"Clue":"SA bird, rather shy about love's first letter (4)","Answer":"COLY","Explanation":"COY (rather shy) contains (about) Love (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Concerning fish at sea caught by strong rope, it's within regulation (12)","Answer":"CONTROLLABLE","Explanation":"ON (concerning) TROLL (trawl, fish at sea) inside (caught by) CABLE (strong rope)"} {"Clue":"Foundling home giving many hours with pal for Twist (12)","Answer":"ORPHAN-ASYLUM","Explanation":"anagram (for twist) of MANY HOURS with PAL \u2013 an archaic word, suggested by the archaic *foundling* for *orphan* in the definition"} {"Clue":"Woman in historical costume? Glance in Shakespeare (5)","Answer":"TWIRE","Explanation":"W (woman, abbreviation?) inside TIRE (costume, historical indicates archaic word)"} {"Clue":"Editor takes in team \u2013 to treat text thus? (5)","Answer":"EMEND","Explanation":"ED (editor) contains (to take in) MEN (team)"} {"Clue":"This Qu\u00e9becois, non-specified, property-owner is entitled to this (4)","Answer":"CENS","Explanation":"CE (this, Quebecois, in French) then NS (non-specified)"} {"Clue":"Little old boat, one lacking in nothing, housing a radio transmitter (7)","Answer":"NACELLE","Explanation":"oNE missing (lacking in) O (nothing) contains (housing) A CELL (radio transmitter) \u2013 a small boat, *old* indicates an obsolete usage"} {"Clue":"Slender girl, ace to play around with (7)","Answer":"GRACILE","Explanation":"anagram (to play around with) of GIRL ACE"} {"Clue":"Source of fur, ultimate in affluence \u2013 a threatened species? (5)","Answer":"MINKE","Explanation":"MINK (source of fur) then affluencE (last letter in, ultimate). I'm not sure about the definition, the Wikipedia article does not indicate Minke as a threatened species). Any whale experts in the house today?"} {"Clue":"Several outsiders tossed by rodeo nags in the arena (5)","Answer":"ODEON","Explanation":"found inside (several outsiders tossed by\u2026) rODEO Nags"} {"Clue":"It gives good shelter from Indian sun, being a long time in Pacific tree (5)","Answer":"TERAI","Explanation":"ERA (a long time) inside TI (Pacific tree)"} {"Clue":"Part of hammer extracting centre from nut? (4)","Answer":"PEAN","Explanation":"PEcAN (nut) missing middle letter (extracting centre)"} {"Clue":"Jack by bar emptied expensive spirit (6)","Answer":"JINNEE","Explanation":"J (jack) with INN (bar) and ExpensivE missing middle letters (emptied)"} {"Clue":"Dog's odds initially double (8)","Answer":"SPRINGER","Explanation":"SP (starting price, odds) followed by (with odds initially) RINGER (double, a lookalike)"} {"Clue":"Speculator caught out in corporate manoeuvring (8)","Answer":"OPERATOR","Explanation":"anagram (manoeuvring) of cORPORATE missing (out) C (caught) \u2013 one who deals in stocks"} {"Clue":"Show attitude after English vote (6)","Answer":"EXPOSE","Explanation":"POSE (attitude) following E (English) X (a vote)"} {"Clue":"Marshal hoping to break strikes \u2013 the best bits? (4,6)","Answer":"HIGH POINTS","Explanation":"anagram (marshal) of HOPING inside (to break) HITS (strikes)"} {"Clue":"Fuel dumped in Calder Valley (4)","Answer":"DERV","Explanation":"found inside (dumped in) calDER Valley"} {"Clue":"Speed unit stopping still \u2013 on tail of Hillman Minx? (7)","Answer":"NYMPHET","Explanation":"MPH (speed unit) inside (stopping, like a cork) YET (still) all following (on) hillmaN (last letter, tail of)"} {"Clue":"Unopened drinks players returned \u2013 genius! (7)","Answer":"MAESTRO","Explanation":"pORTS (drinks) tEAM (players) both missing first letters (unopened) and then reversed (returned)"} {"Clue":"Extremely negative answer left for driver (4)","Answer":"NEAR","Explanation":"outer letters (extremely) of NegativE AnsweR \u2013 of the the near-side (as opposed to the off-side) for a car driver on UK roads"} {"Clue":"Accumulating starch, say? (10)","Answer":"THICKENING","Explanation":"a sort of cryptic\/double definition \u2013 getting fatter and a thickening agent, for gravy perhaps"} {"Clue":"One for carrying over broadcast (3- 3)","Answer":"EGG-BOX","Explanation":"\"over\" sounds like (broadcast) \"ova\" (an egg), so you would use an EGG-BOX to carry this \u2013 sort of hybrid clue, part wordplay and part cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Maybe Polly's home time changed after ditching HND (8)","Answer":"BIRDCAGE","Explanation":"BIRD (time, prison sentence) then ChAnGEd missing (after ditching) HND"} {"Clue":"Half checks out ship's comfy chair (8)","Answer":"RECLINER","Explanation":"RECces (checks out, half of) then LINER (ship)"} {"Clue":"Mallet for crushing river stones (6)","Answer":"GRAVEL","Explanation":"GAVEL (mallet) contains (for crushing) R (river)"} {"Clue":"Reduce in complexity provided that small hint is circulated (8)","Answer":"SIMPLIFY","Explanation":"IF (provided) inside (that\u2026is circulated, sent round) S (small) IMPLY (hint)"} {"Clue":"Rarely graft in European ranch when drunk (6)","Answer":"ENARCH","Explanation":"E (European) then anagram (when drunk) of RANCH \u2013 rarely indicates and archaic word"} {"Clue":"Pulled out permit to circumvent fine (4)","Answer":"LEFT","Explanation":"LET (permit) contains (to circumvent, go around) F (fine)"} {"Clue":"Good way to enclose air on this? (1- 6)","Answer":"G STRING","Explanation":"G (good) ST (street, a way) then RING (to enclose) \u2013 Bach's *Air on a G-String (or G String)"} {"Clue":"Bird's fresh meat cut (10)","Answer":"GREENSHANK","Explanation":"GREEN (fresh) and SHANK (cut of meat)"} {"Clue":"Wearing suit to a greater extent (2,6)","Answer":"IN SPADES","Explanation":"IN (wearing) SPADES (a suit)"} {"Clue":"Spring in Guernsey's awful when sun about to disappear (6)","Answer":"GEYSER","Explanation":"anagram (awful) of GuERnsEY missing (to disappear) SUN \u2013 *about* indicates that the missing letters are not in order"} {"Clue":"Public cutting possible outcome of HMRC estimate? (10)","Answer":"OVERTAXING","Explanation":"OVERT (public) and AXING (cutting)"} {"Clue":"Almost directly opposed horse entering curved track? (8)","Answer":"PARABOLA","Explanation":"POLAr (directly opposed to, almost) contains (with\u2026entering) ARAB (a horse)"} {"Clue":"Renounces a female visitor for undressing (8)","Answer":"RENEGUES","Explanation":"iRENE GUESt (Irene guest, a female visitor called Irene) missing outer letters (undressed)"} {"Clue":"Briefly grumble about one former duchy (7)","Answer":"LIMBURG","Explanation":"anagram (**about**) of GRUMBLe (shortened, briefly) contains (**about**, used twice?) I (one). My explanation does not quite work, can anyone do better?"} {"Clue":"Learn about collecting silver large 10 coins (6)","Answer":"EAGLES","Explanation":"SEE (learn) reversed (about) contains (collecting) AG (silver) L (large)"} {"Clue":"Pick up this marble for a quid (6)","Answer":"NICKAR","Explanation":"NICKAR (this marble, the solution) sounds like (picked up) \"nicker\" (a quid, one pound)"} {"Clue":"A little cottage garden promoted in Vogue (4)","Answer":"RAGE","Explanation":"found inside (a little of) cottagE GARden reversed (promoted, sent upward) \u2013 in vogue, all the rage"} {"Clue":"Cook does stunning salad dish with right sauce (8,6,8)","Answer":"THOUSAND ISLAND DRESSING","Explanation":"anagram (cook) of DOES STUNNING SALAD DISH with R (right)"} {"Clue":"Butler of rich cut all eloquence (8)","Answer":"RHETORIC","Explanation":"RHETt (Rhett Butler, from* Gone With the Wind*) Of RICh all cut short"} {"Clue":"Phone card's number for Nina (6)","Answer":"SIMONE","Explanation":"SIM (a card that goes in a phone) ONE (a number) \u2013 singer Nina Simone"} {"Clue":"Dance crew walk unsteadily after a few (9,4)","Answer":"EIGHTSOME REEL","Explanation":"EIGHT (crew, of a rowing boat) then REEL (walk unsteadily) after SOME (a few)"} {"Clue":"French composer's game for quins (5)","Answer":"FIVES","Explanation":"F (French) and IVES (Charles Ives, composer) \u2013 two definitions"} {"Clue":"Countdown \u2013 a hit for Dolly Parton (4,2,4)","Answer":"NINE TO FIVE","Explanation":"NINE TO FIVE is 9,8,7,,,5 (a countdown)"} {"Clue":"Finally in this marathon? (4,3)","Answer":"LONG RUN","Explanation":"\"in the LONG RUN\" (in this) means finally"} {"Clue":"10 multiplied by one hundred \u2013 a change that's not accurate (7)","Answer":"INEXACT","Explanation":"anagram (change) of TEN (10) X (multiplied by) I (one) C (hundred) A \u2013 technically this is an indirect anagram, a technique that is frowned on by some, but personally I like them"} {"Clue":"Warning call the quartet heard (4)","Answer":"FORE","Explanation":"sounds like (heard) \"four\" (quartet) \u2013 a warning call in golf, for example"} {"Clue":"Small cat, not male, is sopping wet (5)","Answer":"SOGGY","Explanation":"S (small) and mOGGY (cat) missing M (male)"} {"Clue":"Dark doings? (9)","Answer":"NIGHTWORK","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Runs from former wife's threats \u2013 oddly (6)","Answer":"EXTRAS","Explanation":"EX (former wife) and ThReAtS \u2013 runs in cricket not credited to a batsman, no-balls etc"} {"Clue":"A trio of German refusals, reportedly, as an emergency call (4,4,4)","Answer":"NINE NINE NINE","Explanation":"sounds like (reportedly) \"nein, nein, nein\" (no in German, three times) \u2013 the telephone number to dial for the emergency services in the UK"} {"Clue":"Family member with set-back at French city (6)","Answer":"NANTES","Explanation":"NAN (family member) with SET reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Tells off little Charles, 20 (8)","Answer":"CHASTENS","Explanation":"CHAS (Charles, little indicates diminutive) and TENS (20 down)"} {"Clue":"Like a hologram out there on the top of door (5-1)","Answer":"THREE-D","Explanation":"anagram (out) of THERE on Door (first letter, top of)"} {"Clue":"Number with dagger \u2013 not even nervous (2,4)","Answer":"ON EDGE","Explanation":"ONE (a number) with DaGgEr (not even, missing even-numbered letters)"} {"Clue":"Tubby's beer (5)","Answer":"STOUT","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Number One \u2013 a little offensive (7)","Answer":"NOISOME","Explanation":"NO (number) I (one) SOME (a little)"} {"Clue":"Strong alcoholic drink with starch (9)","Answer":"STIFFENER","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Abandon or leave a plant (4,4)","Answer":"ALOE VERA","Explanation":"anagram (abandon) of OR LEAVE a"} {"Clue":"No matter how you pack \u2013 whatever! (2,3,4)","Answer":"IN ANY CASE","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Philosopher from the nervous nineties (8)","Answer":"EINSTEIN","Explanation":"anagram (nervous) NINETIES \u2013 the famous physicist was also a philosopher, and had a \"doctorate in philosophy\""} {"Clue":"Thriller writer's cube number seen in quiet river (8)","Answer":"DEIGHTON","Explanation":"EIGHT (cube number, 2x2x2) inside DON (quiet river, from Russian novel *Quiet Flows the Don*) \u2013 British thriller writer Len Deighton"} {"Clue":". . . . is two of them! (4)","Answer":"TENS","Explanation":"20 (the clue number) is two TENS (them, the number mentioned in the solution) \u2013 the definition is the clue number"} {"Clue":"Fuddy-duddy Foreign Office guy, disheartened, is Henry (7)","Answer":"FOGYISH","Explanation":"FO (Foreign Office) GuY (no middle letters, dis-heartened) then IS H (henry, unit of electrical inductance)"} {"Clue":"Steepling catches for piste performers (6)","Answer":"SKIERS","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition \u2013 a catch from a ball hit high in the air (cricket) and skiers on the snow slopes"} {"Clue":"Drug accepted by 20 youths (5)","Answer":"TEENS","Explanation":"E (ecstasy, drug) inside (accepted by) TENS (20 down)"} {"Clue":"Surprising price dip in South African novel (6,6)","Answer":"BODICE RIPPER","Explanation":"anagram (surprising) of PRICE DIP inside BOER (South African) \u2013 a less genteel version of a 16 across"} {"Clue":"24 hours are somehow covered in gripping airport novels (7,7)","Answer":"HOLIDAY READING","Explanation":"I DAY (one day, 24 hours) with anagram (somehow) of ARE inside (covered in) HOLDING (gripping)"} {"Clue":"Man entering empty Anglican temple, ecclesiastical western transept (10)","Answer":"ANTECHAPEL","Explanation":"CHAP (man) inside (entering) then outer letters only (empty) of AnglicanN TempleE EclesiasticaL"} {"Clue":"Like a box of chocolates, this is short (4)","Answer":"LIFE","Explanation":"a double\/cryptic definition \u2013 references to classical motto *ars longa vita brevis* and to the 1994 film *Forrest Gump"} {"Clue":"Bracing note (5)","Answer":"TONIC","Explanation":"double definition)"} {"Clue":"They say you are into closure that's permanent (8)","Answer":"ENDURING","Explanation":"UR sounds like (they say) \"you are\" inside ENDING (closure)"} {"Clue":"Grinder ad? No snob could be looking for romance here (5,3,4)","Answer":"MILLS AND BOON","Explanation":"MILL (grinder) then anagram (could be) of AD NO SNOB \u2013 a publisher of lowbrow romantic novels"} {"Clue":"Tucker's partner with vacant lacklustre book (5)","Answer":"BIBLE","Explanation":"BIB (tucker's partner in the phrase *bib and tucker*) then LacklustrE missing inner letters (vacant)"} {"Clue":"The Musician's Assistant is a thrilling novel (4,6)","Answer":"PAGE TURNER","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Novels from 13 across, if edited (7)","Answer":"FICTION","Explanation":"anagram (edited) of TONIC (13 across) IF"} {"Clue":"Perfect example of quiet part of Spain (7)","Answer":"PARAGON","Explanation":"P (piano, quiet) and ARAGON (part of Spain)"} {"Clue":"Island state chief with a most unfriendly manner (6)","Answer":"SICILY","Explanation":"first letter (chief) of State followed by ICILY (in a most unfriendly manner)"} {"Clue":"One desperate to infiltrate pharmaceutical firm in port (6)","Answer":"GDANSK","Explanation":"DAN (Desperate Dan, one desperate) inside (to infiltrate) GSK (Glaxo Smith Klein, pharmaceutical film)"} {"Clue":"Ex PM exploded having switched sides (5)","Answer":"BROWN","Explanation":"BLOWN (exploded) with L replaced by R (switching sides) \u2013 Gordon Brown, former UK Prime Minister"} {"Clue":"Drip not quite where it should be, serving motorists (5-2)","Answer":"DRIVE-IN","Explanation":"DRIp (unfinished, not quite) then VEIN (where a drip should be)"} {"Clue":"Repetitive tea dance (3-3-3)","Answer":"CHA-CHA-CHA","Explanation":"CHA (tea) repeated three times"} {"Clue":"Perfect trader's response to question about occupation (5)","Answer":"IDEAL","Explanation":"question to a trader: \"you sir, what is you occupation\", response: \"I DEAL\""} {"Clue":"Confuse with overwhelming spin someone on board? (7)","Answer":"PADDLER","Explanation":"ADDLE (confuse) inside (with\u2026overwhelming) PR (pubic relations, spin) \u2013 someone on a *paddle board* perhaps"} {"Clue":"Protect re-enforcing order or be ignored (4-5)","Answer":"RING-FENCE","Explanation":"anagram (order) of RE-ENForCING missing (be ignored) OR"} {"Clue":"Masks and gloves included in revised agenda as an attachment (9)","Answer":"APPENDAGE","Explanation":"PPE (personal protective equipment, masks and gloves perhaps) inside anagram (revised) of AGENDA"} {"Clue":"Record one found in attempts to produce novels (9)","Answer":"TRILOGIES","Explanation":"LOG (record) I (one) inside TRIES (attempts)"} {"Clue":"Bad credit may be the reason they take it away (5,4)","Answer":"DEBIT CARD","Explanation":"anagram (may be) of BAD CREDIT"} {"Clue":"Mad person in attic heard after a short breather (7)","Answer":"LUNATIC","Explanation":"ATIC sounds like (heard) of \"attic\" following LUNg (a breather, short) \u2013 a nod to *Jane Eyre* here"} {"Clue":"Good deal of local profit (7)","Answer":"BARGAIN","Explanation":"BAR (a pub, local) and GAIN (profit)"} {"Clue":"First of predatory raptors and another move stealthily (5)","Answer":"PROWL","Explanation":"first letters of Predatory Raptors then OWL (another predatory raptor)"} {"Clue":"Oboe-playing King? Read about it here (1-4)","Answer":"E-BOOK","Explanation":"anagram (playing) of OBOE then K (king)"} {"Clue":"Books from dump missing covers and devoured by rodents (7)","Answer":"VOLUMES","Explanation":"dUMp (missing covering letters) inside (devoured by) VOLES (rodents("} {"Clue":"Arab revolutionary claims it's difficult to get job (7)","Answer":"BARISTA","Explanation":"ARAB reversed (revolutionary) contains (claims, takes possession) of anagram (difficult) of IT'S"} {"Clue":"One following strict diet, say, squeezed into vehicle (5)","Answer":"VEGAN","Explanation":"EG (say) inside VAN (vehicle)"} {"Clue":"A dog tears around rock (9)","Answer":"ALABASTER","Explanation":"A LAB (labrador, dog) then anagram (around) of TEARS"} {"Clue":"Demolish theatre in very poor quarter (9)","Answer":"DISMANTLE","Explanation":"NT (the National Theatre) inside DISMAL (poor) and E (east, quarter of the compass)"} {"Clue":"Refined sweetheart taking year off before degree (5)","Answer":"HONED","Explanation":"HONEy (sweetheart) missing Y (year) then D (degree)"} {"Clue":"Playwright scoffs behind enemy's back (5)","Answer":"YEATS","Explanation":"EATS (scoffs) following enemY (back of)"} {"Clue":"Motor originally bought by relative is a gem (9)","Answer":"CARBUNCLE","Explanation":"CAR (motor) Bought (first letter, originally) then UNCLE (relative)"} {"Clue":"Cracks about clergyman meeting clowns (9)","Answer":"CREVASSES","Explanation":"C (circa, about) REV (clergyman) and ASSES (clowns)"} {"Clue":"Top 40 on the radio (5)","Answer":"EXCEL","Explanation":"sounds like (as heard on the radio) \"XL\" (40 in Roman numerals)"} {"Clue":"English musketeer lacks a moral code (5)","Answer":"ETHOS","Explanation":"E (english) then aTHOS (one of *The Three Musketeers*) missing A"} {"Clue":"Predecessors hog markets for Spooner (9)","Answer":"FOREBEARS","Explanation":"a Spoonerism of \"Boar Fairs\" (hog markets)"} {"Clue":"Enticed unfit to embrace exercise bug (9)","Answer":"CENTIPEDE","Explanation":"anagram (unfit) of ENTICED contains PE (exercise)"} {"Clue":"Call up First Lady about Oklahoma (5)","Answer":"EVOKE","Explanation":"EVE (the first lady) contains (about) OK (Oklahoma)"} {"Clue":"Itinerant almost steals King Tut's head ornament (7)","Answer":"TRINKET","Explanation":"TINKEr (itinerant, almost) contains (steals) R (rex, king) then Tut (first letter, head of)"} {"Clue":"Alcoholic has fling with Mary Jane (7)","Answer":"TOSSPOT","Explanation":"TOSS (fling) and POT (Mary Jane, cannabis)"} {"Clue":"Victors guarding island in an indolent manner, clearly (7)","Answer":"VIVIDLY","Explanation":"V V (Victor, phonetic alphabet, twice) contains (guarding) I (island) then IDLY (in an indolent manner)"} {"Clue":"Write rules and pin one above blackboard (9)","Answer":"LEGISLATE","Explanation":"LEG (pin) I (one) an SLATE (blackboard)"} {"Clue":"Institute providing support for fellow with a mental condition (5)","Answer":"MANIA","Explanation":"I (institute) following (providing support, in the grid) for MAN (fellow) then A"} {"Clue":"Gladiator fights nursing a cut, amazingly (9)","Answer":"SPARTACUS","Explanation":"SPARS (fights) contains (nursing) anagram (amazingly) of A CUT"} {"Clue":"Burglars initially lie about fire (5)","Answer":"BLAZE","Explanation":"first letter (initially) of Burglar then LAZE (lie about)"} {"Clue":"Anger about commotion outside hotel's American bar (9)","Answer":"ROADHOUSE","Explanation":"ROUSE (anger) contains (about) ADO (commotion) containing H (hotel)"} {"Clue":"Some knit a scarf, having spun material (5)","Answer":"SATIN","Explanation":"found inside (some of) kNIT a Scarf reversed (having spun)"} {"Clue":"Prune tips of azalea bush on hilltop (7)","Answer":"ABRIDGE","Explanation":"first letters (tips) of Azelea Bush on RIDGE (hilltop)"} {"Clue":"Friends rolled joint in perverse kind of comedy (9)","Answer":"SLAPSTICK","Explanation":"PALS (friends) reversed (rolled) T (a type of joint) inside SICK (perverse)"} {"Clue":"Making a comeback, ruler takes second Sumerian city (9)","Answer":"RESURGENT","Explanation":"REGENT (ruler) contains (takes) S (second) UR (Sumerian city)"} {"Clue":"Euphoric old hack is drunk in supermarket (4-1-4)","Answer":"COCK-A-HOOP","Explanation":"O (old) with anagram (is drunk) of HACK inside COOP (a supermarket brand)"} {"Clue":"Queen enters church toilet with extremely unkempt hairstyle (7)","Answer":"CREWCUT","Explanation":"R (regina, queen) inside CE (Church, of England) WC (toilet) then outer letters (extremely) of UnkempT"} {"Clue":"Most sumptuous female consumed by desire (7)","Answer":"LUSHEST","Explanation":"SHE (a female) inside (consumed by) LUST (desire)"} {"Clue":"Government department defends article on international capital (5)","Answer":"HANOI","Explanation":"HO (Home Office, government department) contains (defends) AN (an article, grammar) then I (international)"} {"Clue":"Swift measures blocked by Left (5)","Answer":"FLEET","Explanation":"FEET (measures, in verse) contains (blocked by) L (left)"} {"Clue":"Make cross hand gesture (5)","Answer":"BLESS","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Drag queen seen on cop film in 1970s (3,6)","Answer":"GET CARTER","Explanation":"CART (drag) ER (Elizabeth Regina, queen) follows (seen on) GET (cop, arrest) \u2013 1971 film featuring Michael Caine"} {"Clue":"Fast driver relatively flashy, shouting (5)","Answer":"LAUDA","Explanation":"sounds like (shouting) \"louder\" (relatively flashy) \u2013 Nikki Lauda"} {"Clue":"The class endlessly muddle book carrier? (7)","Answer":"SATCHEL","Explanation":"anagram (muddle) of THE CLASs"} {"Clue":"Enormous explosives obtained by outwardly militant husband (7)","Answer":"MAMMOTH","Explanation":"AMMO (explosives) inside (obtained by) MilitanT (outer letters, outwardly) and H (husband)"} {"Clue":"Sort of newspaper taken by mum (3)","Answer":"ISH","Explanation":"I (the **i**, title of a UK newspaper) and SH (quiet, mum)"} {"Clue":"Wrongly interpret criminals, honest with girl mostly (11)","Answer":"MISCONSTRUE","Explanation":"CONS (criminals) TRUE (honest) following (with) MISs (girl, mostly)"} {"Clue":"In recession, partly rested accounts trainee (5)","Answer":"CADET","Explanation":"found inside resTED ACcounts reversed (in recession)"} {"Clue":"Energy vital for character in Marathon (3)","Answer":"CHI","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 a Greek letter, as used in Marathon perhaps"} {"Clue":"Senior soul's driven occasionally (5)","Answer":"OLDIE","Explanation":"every other letter (occasionally) of sOuL's DrIvEn"} {"Clue":"Author perhaps writing strangely under the lines (4,7)","Answer":"RUTH RENDELL","Explanation":"R (writing perhaps, one of the three R's) with anagram (strangely) of UNDER THE then L L (line, twice)"} {"Clue":"Decline of English bees (3)","Answer":"EBB","Explanation":"E then B B (bee, name of letter, twice)"} {"Clue":"Cry of hostility and of disgust encapsulating Republican urban area (7)","Answer":"BOROUGH","Explanation":"BOO (cry of hostility) and UGH (cry of disgust) contains (encapsulating) R (republican)"} {"Clue":"On board, draw this writer's old hat (7)","Answer":"IMPASSE","Explanation":"I'M (this writer is) PASSE (old hat) \u2013 a stalemate in a board game"} {"Clue":"Felt pain, cracking watch display (5)","Answer":"AILED","Explanation":"AI (A1, cracking, excellent) then LED (a type of watch display)"} {"Clue":"A sauce used in original Inca country (9)","Answer":"NICARAGUA","Explanation":"A RAGU (sauce) inside anagram (originally) of INCA"} {"Clue":"Decline in savings upset former US sportsman (6)","Answer":"AGASSI","Explanation":"SAG (decline) inside (ISA, a savings scheme) all reversed (upset)"} {"Clue":"Darned bird, constant resident in outhouse (8)","Answer":"STITCHED","Explanation":"TIT (bird) C (constant) inside (resident in) SHED (outhouse)"} {"Clue":"Measuring device moggy picked up on domestic terrace (10)","Answer":"TACHOMETER","Explanation":"CAT (moggy) reversed (picked up) on HOME (domestic) TER (terrace)"} {"Clue":"Delayed travelling northwards and elsewhere (2,2)","Answer":"ET AL","Explanation":"LATE (delayed) reversed (travelling northwards, up the grid)"} {"Clue":"Vagrant round business that occupies bouncer? (10)","Answer":"TRAMPOLINE","Explanation":"TRAMP (vagrant) O (something round) and LINE (business)"} {"Clue":"Seafood with cold batter (4)","Answer":"CLAM","Explanation":"C (cold) LAM (batter, to hit)"} {"Clue":"Alcoholic drink associated with British grapevine (6)","Answer":"RUMOUR","Explanation":"RUM (alcoholic drink) and OUR (associated with British, in this British newspaper)"} {"Clue":"Rhino possibly approaching me on border of ravine \u2013 hairy stuff (8)","Answer":"CASHMERE","Explanation":"CASH (rhino possibly, slang) with ME on RavinE (outer letters, border of)"} {"Clue":"Used part of clock? (6-4)","Answer":"SECOND HAND","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Damage squash, maybe getting wet blanket (10)","Answer":"SPOILSPORT","Explanation":"SPOIL (damage) SPORT (squash maybe)"} {"Clue":"Intellectual bookworm primarily gripped by Le Carre novel (8)","Answer":"CEREBRAL","Explanation":"Bookworm (first letter, primarily) inside (gripped by) anagram (novel) of LE CARRE"} {"Clue":"Delta research by scientific advisers forming part of three-day event (8)","Answer":"DRESSAGE","Explanation":"D (delta, phonetic alphabet) RES (research) then SAGE (scientific advisers, name of UK government body) \u2013 a *three-day event* are horse-riding competition"} {"Clue":"Reptile let loose after rising macho behaviour (6)","Answer":"TURTLE","Explanation":"anagram (loose) of LET follows RUT (macho behaviour) reversed (rising)"} {"Clue":"In reserve, beer's served up with whiskey as a rule (6)","Answer":"BYELAW","Explanation":"BY (in reserve, put by for later) then ALE (beer) reversed (served up) and W (whiskey, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Reverse Fiat when collecting daughter (4)","Answer":"UNDO","Explanation":"UNO (Fiat Uno, model of car) contains (when collecting) D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Driver usually seen here curtailed language (4)","Answer":"INCA","Explanation":"IN CAr (driver usually seen here) missing last letter (curtailed)"} {"Clue":"Pulse of child not quite maximum (8)","Answer":"CHICKPEA","Explanation":"CHICK (child) and PEAk (maximum, not quite)"} {"Clue":"Excellent training in pain? (6)","Answer":"PEACHY","Explanation":"PE (training) then ACHY (in pain)"} {"Clue":"50% of grass is dope, generally (4)","Answer":"INFO","Explanation":"50% of INFOrmer (grass)"} {"Clue":"Cycle section of pass then ramble by a river (3,7)","Answer":"DIE WALKURE","Explanation":"DIE (pass, to expire) then WALK (ramble) by URE (a river) \u2013 part of the Ring Cycle"} {"Clue":"Shelter unknown in a squalid neighbourhood (6)","Answer":"ASYLUM","Explanation":"Y (unknown) inside A SLUM (squalid neighbourhood)"} {"Clue":"Happily finish off post skilful solvers exchanged (8)","Answer":"JOYOUSLY","Explanation":"JOb (post, finish missing) then SLY (skilful) YOU (solvers) with the two part in the other order (exchanged)"} {"Clue":"Conservative minister wanting methamphetamine split (7)","Answer":"CREVICE","Explanation":"C (conservative) REV (minister) with ICE (methamphetamine)"} {"Clue":"Rodent stuffed by dog's power (7)","Answer":"VOLTAGE","Explanation":"VOLE (rodent) contains (stuffed by) TAG (dog) \u2013 literally minded physicists please restrain yourselves, it's bad for your blood pressure!"} {"Clue":"Saw in between edges of floorboard (8)","Answer":"FATHOMED","Explanation":"AT HOME (in) inside FloorboarD (edges of)"} {"Clue":"Losing heart, shake fearfully in high range (6)","Answer":"TREBLE","Explanation":"TREmBLE (shake fearfully) missing middle letter (heart)"} {"Clue":"Fit woman briefly exercises by absorbing oxygen (10)","Answer":"CONNIPTION","Explanation":"CONNIe (woman, briefly) then PT (exercises) IN (by) containing (absorbing) O (oxygen)"} {"Clue":"Caught interrupting chief points in film? (4)","Answer":"SCUM","Explanation":"C (caught) inside SUM (summary, chief points) \u2013 either scum on a liquid or else the 1979 film of that name"} {"Clue":"Spring that is providing power (6)","Answer":"WELLIE","Explanation":"WELL (spring) and IE (that is)"} {"Clue":"Boyfriend or girlfriend and girlfriend or boyfriend finally embraced (8)","Answer":"SQUEEZED","Explanation":"SQUEEZE (boyfriend or girlfriend) then last letter (finally) of girlfrienD or boyfrienD"} {"Clue":"Cheers husband beset by defeats (6)","Answer":"THANKS","Explanation":"H (husband) inside TANKS (defeats)"} {"Clue":"Repeat content of multiple-choice (4)","Answer":"ECHO","Explanation":"found inside multiplE CHOice"} {"Clue":"Half-stopping large-scale outbreak (8)","Answer":"EPIDEMIC","Explanation":"DEMI (half) inside (stopping, like a cork) EPIC (large scale)"} {"Clue":"Dog in a state, vile one biting (7)","Answer":"BASENJI","Explanation":"NJ (New Jersey) inside (bitten by) BASE (vile) I (one)"} {"Clue":"Oddly, au pair Mary will not open social workers' home? (6)","Answer":"APIARY","Explanation":"odd letters from Au PaIr then mARY (not opening) \u2013 bees are social workers"} {"Clue":"Dull book banned in dismal five-year period (10)","Answer":"LACKLUSTRE","Explanation":"bLACK (dismal) missing B (book) then LUSTRE (five year period, same as lustrum)"} {"Clue":"Drink left, say, for one currently not in? (5,3)","Answer":"SHORT LEG","Explanation":"SHORT (drink) L (left) EG (say) \u2013 a fielder in cricket, so one not in (not batting)"} {"Clue":"Very much fancy name for unwanted bit on the side? (4,6)","Answer":"LOVE HANDLE","Explanation":"LOVE (very much fancy) and HANDLE (name) \u2013 who says they're not wanted!"} {"Clue":"Logical boy's cracking study about English (8)","Answer":"REASONED","Explanation":"SON (boy) inside (is cracking) READ (study) containing E (English)"} {"Clue":"Daisy's family member sort of got on with ex outside university (2-6)","Answer":"OX-TONGUE","Explanation":"anagram (sort) of GOT ON with EX containing (outside) U (university)"} {"Clue":"Most nervous side almost gets thrashed (7)","Answer":"EDGIEST","Explanation":"anagram (thrashed) of SIDE with GETs (almost)"} {"Clue":"Fool married to a total sulk (6)","Answer":"MUPPET","Explanation":"M (married) then UP (to a total, in Chambers!) and PET (sulk)"} {"Clue":"Girl's IT network receiving queries regularly (6)","Answer":"LAUREN","Explanation":"LAN (IT network) contains qUeRiEs"} {"Clue":"Asymmetrical stitch securing knitted top? (4)","Answer":"SKEW","Explanation":"SEW (stitch) contains Knitted (top letter)"} {"Clue":"Lives with love by pub (6)","Answer":"ISOBAR","Explanation":"IS with O (love, zero score) and BAR (pub)"} {"Clue":"Brunt's involved with us radiating beams (8)","Answer":"SUNBURST","Explanation":"anagram (involved) of BRUNT'S with US"} {"Clue":"Public office strangely without puff of wind (8)","Answer":"LIBECCIO","Explanation":"anagram (strangely) of puBLIC OffICE missing PUFF \u2013 the south-west wind"} {"Clue":"Spike's frozen (6)","Answer":"ICICLE","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Lights or lion, say? (6)","Answer":"AURORA","Explanation":"sounds like (say) \"or roarer\" (or and a lion, something that roars)"} {"Clue":"Sleep after illnesses (4,4)","Answer":"COLD SNAP","Explanation":"NAP (sleep) follows) COLDS (ilnesses)"} {"Clue":"Drunk journalists by river (4,8)","Answer":"HIGH PRESSURE","Explanation":"HIGH (drunk) PRESS (journalists) and URE (the river Ure)"} {"Clue":"It doesn't come as much of a blow (6,6)","Answer":"GENTLE BREEZE","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Mixed with drugs, it becomes dusting powder (3,5)","Answer":"DEW POINT","Explanation":"an anagram (when mixed becomes) of DRUGS with DEW POINT (it, the solution) is DUSTING POWDER"} {"Clue":"Swaps careers (6)","Answer":"TRADES","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 the Trade Winds"} {"Clue":"Fine rain, but it's dry at home (6)","Answer":"SEREIN","Explanation":"SERE (dry) and IN (at home)"} {"Clue":"Soldier parachuting? (8)","Answer":"RAINDROP","Explanation":"RA (Royal Artilleryman, soldier) then IN DROP (parachuting, in the act of)"} {"Clue":"Bad weather endlessly around avenue. No! (8)","Answer":"HEATWAVE","Explanation":"anagram (bad) of WEATHEr (endlessly) contains AV (avenue) \u2013 no, not bad weather!"} {"Clue":"It comes in banks in the main (3-3)","Answer":"SEA FOG","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 \"fog banks\" and \"the main\" is the sea"} {"Clue":"School children overturned \u2013 a minor mistake (4-2)","Answer":"SLIP-UP","Explanation":"PUPILS (school children) reversed (overturned)"} {"Clue":"Bather not worried having French headwear (6,3)","Answer":"BRETON HAT","Explanation":"anagram (worried) of BATHER NOT"} {"Clue":"Figure from ruined ship, we're told, with seaweed (9)","Answer":"RECTANGLE","Explanation":"REC sounds like (we are told) \"wreck\" (ruined ship) with TANGLE (seaweed)"} {"Clue":"Maybe PC was on the peak? (7)","Answer":"SNOWCAP","Explanation":"anagram (maybe) of PC WAS ON"} {"Clue":"Actor Sam is somewhat ebullient, on reflection (5)","Answer":"NEILL","Explanation":"found inside (somewhat) ebuLLIENt reversed (on reflection)"} {"Clue":"Kitchen furniture from Tunis (5)","Answer":"UNITS","Explanation":"anagram (loosely indicated by from, from the letters of\u2026) TUNIS"} {"Clue":"Cross about a model village (8)","Answer":"SALTAIRE","Explanation":"SALTIRE (the St Andrew's cross) contains (about) A \u2013 a industrial village created in West Yorkshire by industrialist Sir Titus Salt to rehouse his workers from the city slums"} {"Clue":"Underworld's record cut (3)","Answer":"DIS","Explanation":"DISc (recoed) cut short"} {"Clue":"Wirings set circle in motion (9)","Answer":"ELECTRICS","Explanation":"anagram (in motion) of SET CIRCLE"} {"Clue":"Raider has uprooted field madder (9)","Answer":"SHERARDIA","Explanation":"anagram (uprooted) of RAIDER HAS"} {"Clue":"Swiss birds holding up archdeacon (8)","Answer":"GENEVESE","Explanation":"GEESE (birds) holding VEN (venerable, an archdeacon) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Stars of Cleopatra (3)","Answer":"LEO","Explanation":"found inside (of) cLEOpatra"} {"Clue":"Pensioner, perhaps, on Hebridean island (7)","Answer":"RETIREE","Explanation":"RE (on, regarding) then TIREE (Hebridean island)"} {"Clue":"Dictionary is brought up around short month from the very start (2,4)","Answer":"DE NOVO","Explanation":"OED (Oxford English Dictionary) reversed (is brought up) containing NOV (November, in short)"} {"Clue":"Request time for gathering (5)","Answer":"PLEAT","Explanation":"PLEA (request) and T (time)"} {"Clue":"Part of Asia Minor seen during vacation I arranged (5)","Answer":"IONIA","Explanation":"found inside (seen during) vacatION I Arranged"} {"Clue":"Starting point for genetic study favouring connected group (7)","Answer":"PROBAND","Explanation":"PRO (favouring) BAND (connected group)"} {"Clue":"Scottish education, extensive but not good (4)","Answer":"LARE","Explanation":"LARgE (extensive) missing G (good)"} {"Clue":"Old dandy displaying refinement left one out (4)","Answer":"POSH","Explanation":"POliSH (refinement) missing L (left) I (one)"} {"Clue":"The GIs will be at sea in such a rowing contest (6)","Answer":"EIGHTS","Explanation":"anagram (will be at sea) of THE GIS"} {"Clue":"Spit, one doing the rounds? (6)","Answer":"RINGER","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition \u2013 a spitting image and a bell ringer"} {"Clue":"Duet is played in formal attire (6)","Answer":"SUITED","Explanation":"anagram (played) of DUET IS"} {"Clue":"US decorative headgear, odd ones seen among the intimates (6)","Answer":"TENIAE","Explanation":"every other letter (odd ones seen among) of ThE iNtImAtEs"} {"Clue":"Typical of triplets, number appearing in test (6)","Answer":"TRINAL","Explanation":"N (number) inside TRIAL (test)"} {"Clue":"What dieters are especially aware of and shout about a lot, endlessly (6)","Answer":"CALORY","Explanation":"CRY (shout) contains (about) A LOt (endlessly)"} {"Clue":"Amphibians, number clothed in distinctive character (6)","Answer":"ANOURA","Explanation":"NO (number) inside (clothed in) AURA (distinctive character)"} {"Clue":"Guru, one from W. India, accepting some dated currency (6)","Answer":"GOD-MAN","Explanation":"GOAN (one from West India) containing (accepting) DM (Deutschmark, some dated currency)"} {"Clue":"Forces in Turin trounced by some French? (8)","Answer":"INTRUDES","Explanation":"anagram (trounced) of TURIN then DES (some, in French)"} {"Clue":"Part in the Bard I choose \u2013 may it do for him (4)","Answer":"DICH","Explanation":"found inside (part in) thebarDI CHooce \u2013 definition is *may it do,* and *for him* indicates Shakespearean"} {"Clue":"Partly alcoholic drink with dash of enzian in vat (4)","Answer":"KEIR","Explanation":"KIR (a partly alcoholic drink, wine mixed with blackcurrant syrup) containing (with\u2026in) Enzian (first letter, a dash of)"} {"Clue":"Like a heraldic cross fashion kept in step (7)","Answer":"PATONCE","Explanation":"TON (fashion) inside PACE (step)"} {"Clue":"Learner with gee-gee (steed) trained round course maybe in the saddle for bairn? (12)","Answer":"STRIDELEGGED","Explanation":"anagram (trained) of L (learner) with G G (gee-gee) STEED containing (round) RIDE (course)"} {"Clue":"Dad on prowl filling a skip untidily for party workers (12)","Answer":"APPARATCHIKS","Explanation":"PA (dad) with RATCH (prowl) inside (filling) anagram (untidily) of A SKIP"} {"Clue":"Crikey, having to shake off limey coming up \u2013 it's boring for Scot (4)","Answer":"BROG","Explanation":"GOR Blimey (crikey) missing (to shake off) LIMEY"} {"Clue":"Oriental liquor \u2013 what's that? Water's coming up with it (6)","Answer":"SAKIEH","Explanation":"SAKI (oriental liquor) and EH (what's that?)"} {"Clue":"Evening primrose in a cemetery maybe? Last two clipped (6)","Answer":"ONAGRA","Explanation":"ON A GRAve (in a cemetery maybe) missing last two letters"} {"Clue":"Old-fashioned chastity? True love half lost possibly (6)","Answer":"VERTUE","Explanation":"anagram (possibly) of TRUE with loVE (half missing)"} {"Clue":"Some foraging for cereal crop (4)","Answer":"RAGI","Explanation":"found inside foRAGIng"} {"Clue":"Dividing wall right in the middle over river (7)","Answer":"TRUMEAU","Explanation":"R (right) inside TUM (stomach, the middle) then (on, in a down light) EAU (river, dialect)"} {"Clue":"Met side in scrum and felt sore, not fully committed (12)","Answer":"SEMIDETACHED","Explanation":"anagram (in scrum) of MET SIDE then AHCED (felt sore)"} {"Clue":"Alcoholic tipple \u2013 imbibing two gallons departed heavenward (6)","Answer":"EGGNOG","Explanation":"GONE (departed) reversed (heavenward, upwards) contains (imbibing\u2026is\u2026) G G (gallon, twice)"} {"Clue":"Shame to dress in old linen perhaps (6)","Answer":"SINDON","Explanation":"SIN (shame) then DON (to dress in)"} {"Clue":"How to prepare fish reared about peak, prancing about (8)","Answer":"TITUPING","Explanation":"GUT IT (how to prepare fish) reversed (reared) containing (about) PIN (peak)"} {"Clue":"Bottom fisher was mostly on the up in shifting trend (7)","Answer":"DRAWNET","Explanation":"WAs (mostly) reversed (on the up) in anagram (shifting) of TREND"} {"Clue":"Toast singularly close (6)","Answer":"AROUND","Explanation":"~~I'm not sure about the wordplay. A ROUND (of drinks) could be a toast perhaps, but why *singularly*? *A round* of drinks is already singular, *rounds* of drinks would be *toasts*. Perhaps I am on the wrong tack entirely.~~ Toast is an uncountable noun meaning lightly charred bread. A ROUND is specifically a singular number of items, rather than ROUNDS which would also be *toast*, but by indicating an unspecified number *rounds* would be more directly comparable to *toast*."} {"Clue":"Dinner for academicians out on a limb? (6)","Answer":"RAMEAL","Explanation":"an RA MEAL could be a dinner for Royal Academicians"} {"Clue":"Assent to be buried? One must have snuffed it (6)","Answer":"SNASTE","Explanation":"anagram (to be buried ?) of ASSENT \u2013 the burnt wick of a (therefore snuffed) candle. I can't explain why *buried* is anagram indicator: hidden from sight yes, but not rearranged."} {"Clue":"What thibles do for porridge? (4)","Answer":"STIR","Explanation":"double definition and also &lit \u2013 a thible is a stick for stirring porridge, and porridge and stir are both slang for prison"} {"Clue":"In Cannes this goes up and down \u2013 voil\u00e0! (4)","Answer":"ECCE","Explanation":"EC and CE (this, in French, as in Cannes) both upward and downward \u2013 *behold!* in Latin, or *voila!* in French"} {"Clue":"Muse over having exposed unlimited food for Highlands, say? (3-4)","Answer":"OIL-CAKE","Explanation":"CLIO (one of the muses) reversed(over) with nAKEd (exposed) missing outer letters (unlimited) \u2013 food for Highland cattle perhaps"} {"Clue":"Break in appeal holding back Queen's Speech? (6)","Answer":"IRRUPT","Explanation":"IT (appeal, eg sex appeal) contains PURR (the noise made by a cat, the speech of a queen) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Waited to the very end, closing a wine shop (6)","Answer":"BODEGA","Explanation":"BODE (waited, pp of bide) with last letter (to the very end) of closinG and A"} {"Clue":"A pimento hybrid that's potentially toxic (8)","Answer":"PTOMAINE","Explanation":"anagram (hybrid) of A PIMENTO"} {"Clue":"I confirm if farmer needs a bit of a change (8)","Answer":"AFFIRMER","Explanation":"anagram (needs a bit of a change) of IF FARMER"} {"Clue":"Profit reported in tax-free scheme \u2013 excellent returns by end of month (6)","Answer":"ISAIAH","Explanation":"a double wordplay clue: ISA (tax-free savings scheme) then AI (A1, excellent) reversed (returns) and montH (end letter of) and ISAIAH is a prophet, sounds like (reported) profit"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary modest backing brings comfort (5,2)","Answer":"CHEER UP","Explanation":"Definition: comfort\nCHE (Che Guevara, revolutionary) then PURE (modest, of a girl) reversed (backing)"} {"Clue":"Unknown bishop blocking organ stops thugs (7)","Answer":"YOBBOES","Explanation":"Y (an unknown) then B (bishop) inside (blocking) OBOES (organ stops)"} {"Clue":"Place order on Amazon's first book? Cool (6)","Answer":"APLOMB","Explanation":"PL (place) OM (Order of Merit) following (on) Amazon(first letter of) then B (book)"} {"Clue":"Energy-free gluten crackers \u2013 strange Bhutanese bread? (8)","Answer":"NGULTRUM","Explanation":"anagram (crackers) of GLUTeN missing E (energy) then RUM (strange) \u2013 the currency of Bhutan, bread is slang for money"} {"Clue":"Stiff cloth about to be coated with glue (8)","Answer":"CEREMENT","Explanation":"RE (about) inside (to be coated with) CEMENT (glue) \u2013 a waxed cloth used to wrap a dead body (a stiff)"} {"Clue":"Very nearly skinned fish \u2013 good man (6)","Answer":"ALMOST","Explanation":"sALMOn (fish) missing outer letters (skinned) then ST (saint, a good man)"} {"Clue":"Competent spouse fully gives more than needed (6)","Answer":"USEFUL","Explanation":"found inside (some of, there are more letters than needed) spoUSE FULly"} {"Clue":"Supplements potential online publicity blocker as discussed (7)","Answer":"ADDENDA","Explanation":"sounds like (as discussed) of \"ad ender\" (possible online publicity blocker, an \"ad blocker\")"} {"Clue":"New and sensational French art in fresh photo unexpectedly cut by this paper (3,3,3,5)","Answer":"HOT OFF THE PRESS","Explanation":"ES (art, 2nd person of *are* in French, thou art) inside anagram (unexpectedly) of FRESH PHOTO containing (cut by) FT (this paper)"} {"Clue":"Good old Ireland's cracking beer getting past pirate (8)","Answer":"ALGERINE","Explanation":"G (good) ERIN (Ireland, of old) inside (cracking) ALE (beer) \u2013 definition is pirate, *past* indicates historical use"} {"Clue":"Incendiary material in article about bribe (6)","Answer":"NAPALM","Explanation":"AN (indefinite article) reversed (about) then PALM (bribe)"} {"Clue":"One's spotted in dance outfit following a change of heart (7)","Answer":"LEOPARD","Explanation":"LEOtARD (dance outfit) with middle letter (heart) changed (from T to P)"} {"Clue":"Former leader of Ireland, old twat under house arrest? (8)","Answer":"HIROHITO","Explanation":"IR (Ireland) O (old) HIT (twat, to strike viscously) all inside (under\u2026arrest) HO (house) \u2013 former emperor of Japan"} {"Clue":"Boundless karma made man fleet (6)","Answer":"ARMADA","Explanation":"outer letters missing (boundless) form kARMa mADe mAn"} {"Clue":"When an upward trend in battery production is likely to occur? (7,7)","Answer":"PANCAKE TUESDAY","Explanation":"cryptic definition ~~I think, but I can't really explain exactly why. Perhaps a battery is a place where batter is cooked? Perhaps chickens on a battery farm (can they really lay more eggs just on one Tuesday of the year)?\u00a0~~ *pancakes are made from batter so are battery productions (like batter) and they are traditionally tossed in the air while cooking (so display upward trends)"} {"Clue":"Unopened room in shadow offering protection (8)","Answer":"UMBRELLA","Explanation":"cELL (room, unopened) inside UMBRA (shadow)"} {"Clue":"Reduction once meant bet should be dissolved (8)","Answer":"BATEMENT","Explanation":"anagram (should be dissolved) of MEANT BET \u2013 *once* indicates an obsolete word"} {"Clue":"This month, see Andy regularly appearing as a substitute (7)","Answer":"INSTEAD","Explanation":"INST (this month) then every other letter (regularly appearing) of sEs AnDy"} {"Clue":"Put away after first solitary (3-3)","Answer":"ONE-OFF","Explanation":"OFF (put away, to kill for example) following ONE (number 1, the first) \u2013 or you also have After (first letter of)"} {"Clue":"Country in which solvers look to get caught (6)","Answer":"UGANDA","Explanation":"sounds like (to get caught) of \"you gander\" (solvers look)"} {"Clue":"Jogger carrying a cut-price book (9)","Answer":"REMAINDER","Explanation":"REMINDER (jogger, of your memory) contains (carrying) A"} {"Clue":"Article written about one following crook (5)","Answer":"THIEF","Explanation":"THE (definite article) contains (written about) I (one) then F (following)"} {"Clue":"Hide as soon as having entered state (7)","Answer":"CONCEAL","Explanation":"ONCE (as soon as) inside CAL (California, state)"} {"Clue":"Stops and starts on the Edgware Road with small car (7)","Answer":"TERMINI","Explanation":"first letters of (starts on) The Edgeware Road then MINI (small car, or at least they used to be small)"} {"Clue":"Karenina's twelve pies? (4)","Answer":"ANNA","Explanation":"In former Indian currency twelve pies made one anna"} {"Clue":"Speaker pretty terse before start of session (7)","Answer":"TWEETER","Explanation":"TWEE (pretty) then TERse, taking only those letters appearing before the S (first letter of session)"} {"Clue":"Deep trouble on way, but staff taken outside (7)","Answer":"POTHOLE","Explanation":"THO' (though, but) inside (with\u2026taken outside) POLE (staff) \u2013 a hole (deep) in the road (way)"} {"Clue":"Bruce perhaps drunkenly answered monarch (10)","Answer":"NEWSREADER","Explanation":"anagram (drunkenly) of ANSWERED the ER (Elizabeth Regina, monarch) \u2013 Fiona Bruce perhaps, a newsreader on the BBC"} {"Clue":"Woodcutter's commercials for broadcast (4)","Answer":"ADZE","Explanation":"sounds like (broadcast) \"ads\" (commercials) \u2013 a wood-cutter, something that cuts wood"} {"Clue":"Wave where tense friend abroad welcomes our setter (7)","Answer":"TSUNAMI","Explanation":"T (tense) AMI (friend in French, abroad) contains (welcomes) SUN (something that sets, setter)~~ \u2013 I'm not sure what \"our\" is doing in the clue~~"} {"Clue":"Roll a constant husband leaves on plate? (7)","Answer":"SPINACH","Explanation":"SPIN (roll) A C (constant) H (husband)"} {"Clue":"Senior citizen could drive, taking regular breaks (5)","Answer":"OLDIE","Explanation":"every other letter (taking regular breaks) of cOuLd DrIvE"} {"Clue":"Clown Prince's content: one with four siblings (9)","Answer":"HARLEQUIN","Explanation":"middle letters (content) of cHARLES (prince) then QUIN (one with four siblings)"} {"Clue":"10 of 3 behind credit offered by wine society? (15)","Answer":"PROCRASTINATION","Explanation":"PRO (behind, backing in a cause) CR (credit) then ASTI (wine) and NATION (society perhaps) \u2013 procrastination is the thief of time"} {"Clue":"Thus denied start, stopped by this writer's boss (8)","Answer":"EMINENCE","Explanation":"hENCE (thus) missing (denied) first letter (start) contains (is stopped by, as a cork stops a bottle) MINE (this writer's)"} {"Clue":"Beat Frenchman brought into cup game (4)","Answer":"TIME","Explanation":"M (monsieur, Frenchman) inside TIE (cup game) \u2013 beat and time in music"} {"Clue":"Tailored fragments for an admirer (8)","Answer":"IDOLATER","Explanation":"anagram (fragments) of TAILORED"} {"Clue":"Unfortunate wife to look to Chuck? (6)","Answer":"WRETCH","Explanation":"W (wife) then RETCH (to look to chuck, to make an abortive attempt to vomit)"} {"Clue":"Jolly Jack seen aboard sturdy launch (5,3)","Answer":"START OUT","Explanation":"TAR (jolly jack) inside (seen aboard) STOUT (sturdy)"} {"Clue":"Separate identity given in disreputable bar (6)","Answer":"DIVIDE","Explanation":"ID (identity) inside (given in) DIVE (a disreputable bar)"} {"Clue":"Larger ears on this adult French palatine tweaked (7,8)","Answer":"AFRICAN ELEPHANT","Explanation":"A (adult) then anagram (tweaked) of FRENCH PALATINE \u2013 larger ears on this than on an Indian elephant"} {"Clue":"Trio going round at noon are menacing (8)","Answer":"THREATEN","Explanation":"THREE (trio) contains (going round) AT N (noon)"} {"Clue":"Suit certain to delight (8)","Answer":"PLEASURE","Explanation":"PLEA (suit, a request) then SURE (certain)"} {"Clue":"Two ducks leaving malodorous bananas in Wiltshire site (3,5)","Answer":"OLD SARUM","Explanation":"O O (two ducks, zero scores) missing from anagram (bananas) of MALODoRoUS \u2013 an archaeological site in Wiltshire"} {"Clue":"Causes injury with dogs having slipped lead? (6)","Answer":"WOUNDS","Explanation":"W (with) then hOUNDS (dogs) missing (having slipped) first letter (lead)"} {"Clue":"Thane to get pariah punished, and Queen's release (1,5,2,3,5)","Answer":"A NIGHT AT THE OPERA","Explanation":"anagram (punished) of THANE TO GET PARIAH \u2013 an album by the rock band Queen"} {"Clue":"Occasionally liable, tax ultimately high liver (4)","Answer":"IBEX","Explanation":"every other letter (occasionally) of lIaBlE then taX (last letter, ultimately) \u2013 something that lives high up, in the mountains"} {"Clue":"Re \"V\", this may upset on horse? (6,5)","Answer":"HARVEY SMITH","Explanation":"anagram (upset) of RE V THIS MAY then H (horse) \u2013 a *Harvey Smith* or *Harvey Smith salute* is a V-sign, notoriously given to his judges by showjumper Harvey Smith"} {"Clue":"Bands regularly arranged throughout very large moulding (5)","Answer":"OVOLO","Explanation":"O O O (three circles, bands) placed in regular positions inside (regularly arranged throughout) V L (very large)"} {"Clue":"Reach grand number \u2013 party! (3-8)","Answer":"GET TOGETHER","Explanation":"GET TO (reach) G (grand) ETHER (number, something that numbs)"} {"Clue":"Become very angry, not getting one's jam and cream cake (5)","Answer":"DONUT","Explanation":"DO one's NUT (become very angry) missing ONE'S"} {"Clue":"Mortimer, his original name, inferior? (6,5)","Answer":"MICKEY MOUSE","Explanation":"Mortimer Mouse was Walt Disney's original name for Micky Mouse"} {"Clue":"Longing for a bit of old Tokyo? (3)","Answer":"YEN","Explanation":"a coin (bit) from Japan (of Tokyo). I'm not sure about \"old\", according to Wikipedia there is still Yen coinage. Perhaps someone can shed a bit more light on this?"} {"Clue":"This'll rouse snoozers \u2013 and I don't play it down! (5,7)","Answer":"SENZA SORDINO","Explanation":"anagram (this will rouse) of SNOOZERS AND I \u2013 play without mute, play loudly"} {"Clue":"An ovation, then, from Starmer & co, utterly outclassed? (4,8)","Answer":"LEFT STANDING","Explanation":"Kier Starmer &co would be the Labour Party(the political left), so during an standing ovation they would be the LEFT STANDING"} {"Clue":"Having capacity of two pints, right out of it! (3)","Answer":"QUA","Explanation":"QUArt (two pints) missing (with\u2026out of it) RT (right)"} {"Clue":"Dad facing troubles, one of his boys adopted financial deterrents (6,5)","Answer":"POISON PILLS","Explanation":"POP (dad) next to (faces) ILLS (troubles) contains (with\u2026adopted) I SON (one son, one of his boys)"} {"Clue":"Wipe over the contents of one's area (5)","Answer":"ERASE","Explanation":"found inside (the content of) onE'S AREa reversed (over)"} {"Clue":"Something Trump's created? Nice lad involved in this provocative act (4,7)","Answer":"POLE DANCING","Explanation":"PONG (something created by a trump, a fart) contain (with\u2026in this) anagram (involved) of NICE LAD"} {"Clue":"Children's character looking out of place in the Big Apple (5)","Answer":"NODDY","Explanation":"ODD (looking out of place) inside NY (The Big Apple) \u2013 character form Enid Blyton stories"} {"Clue":"Visionary women at intervals receiving tips from hang-gliders near steep cliffs? (11)","Answer":"SHEERNESSES","Explanation":"Definition: steep \nSEERESSES (visionary women) containing, but not in the same place (at intervals receiving) first letters (tips) of Hang-gliders Near"} {"Clue":"Deacon and subdeacon would typically celebrate this heavenly body? (4,4)","Answer":"HIGH MASS","Explanation":"HIGH (heavenly) MASS (a body)"} {"Clue":"Reluctant to communicate quote about cutting revenue (8)","Answer":"RETICENT","Explanation":"CITE (quote) reversed C (circa, about) inside (cutting) RENT (revenue)"} {"Clue":"That was a standard release from duty (9)","Answer":"EXONERATE","Explanation":"EX (former, that was) ONE (a) then RATE (standard)"} {"Clue":"Short of 12 special co-workers, stole fabric \u2013 which means, . . . . (9,6)","Answer":"STEAMBOAT WILLIE","Explanation":"S (special) TEAM (co-workers) BOA (stole) TWILL (fabric) IE (that is, which means) \u2013 a short film featuring Mickey Mouse"} {"Clue":". . . . likely this would end in short supply (1,8,6)","Answer":"I SHOULDN\u2019T WONDER","Explanation":"anagram (supply, in a supple way) of WOULD END IN SHORT"} {"Clue":"A lot of people put in rush orders (5)","Answer":"HORDE","Explanation":"found inside rusH ORDErs"} {"Clue":"Pistol, a form of protection, has gone off (6,6)","Answer":"JOHNNY ROTTEN","Explanation":"JOHNNY (a contraceptive, form of protection) has ROTTEN (gone off) \u2013 Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols"} {"Clue":"Comparatively speaking, the right change? (9)","Answer":"NINEPENCE","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 from the phase \"as right as ninepence\""} {"Clue":"Arrangement of Rossini with William Tell's most common cuts (8)","Answer":"SIRLOINS","Explanation":"anagram (arrangement) of ROSSINI with L (the most common letter in \"William Tell\")"} {"Clue":"Works like installing alternative to electric oven (3,5)","Answer":"AGA SAGAS","Explanation":"AS (like) contains (installing) GAS AGA (alternative to electric oven) \u2013 novels about middle class country folk"} {"Clue":"Palace gives us chance we squander needing to net a second (6,6)","Answer":"QUEENS AWARDS","Explanation":"anagram (chance ?) of WE SQUANDER containing (needing to net) A S (second) \u2013 things given by the palace? what about us? Can anyone help me out on this please?"} {"Clue":"Diarist's entourage detected in the auditorium (5)","Answer":"PEPYS","Explanation":"sounds like (detected in the auditorium) \"peeps\" (one's people, entourage) \u2013 diarist Samuel Pepys"} {"Clue":"Timid cow that's seen at the front of the field? (6,6)","Answer":"YELLOW JERSEY","Explanation":"YELLOW (timid) and JERSEY (cow)"} {"Clue":"Opener, awfully tall, in The Cricketers Arms? (4-3)","Answer":"PULL-TAB","Explanation":"anagram (awfully) of TALL inside PUB (The Cricketers Arms perhaps)"} {"Clue":"One's clean load put in corner, half aired (3-4)","Answer":"NON-USER","Explanation":"ONUS (load, a burden) inside corNER (only half visible, half aired)"} {"Clue":"Participated in demo song with artist and student (7)","Answer":"RALLIED","Explanation":"LIED (song, by Schubert etc) following (with) RA (Royal Academician, artist) and L (learner, student)"} {"Clue":"Play the empty local when in bands (7)","Answer":"OTHELLO","Explanation":"THE LocaL (no middle letters, empty) inside O O (two circles, bands)"} {"Clue":"Element of technical language Jack ignored (5)","Answer":"ARGON","Explanation":"jARGON (technical language) missing J (jack)"} {"Clue":"Joggers Mike and American circling Italian city in recession (9)","Answer":"MEMORANDA","Explanation":"M (mike, phonetic alphabet) AND A (American) containing (circling) ROME (Italian city) reversed (in recession) \u2013 things that jog your memory"} {"Clue":"Part of newspaper's front page wrinkles? (9)","Answer":"HEADLINES","Explanation":"HEAD-LINES are wrinkles"} {"Clue":"English stream divided on Beckett ultimately (5)","Answer":"TRENT","Explanation":"RENT (divided) following (on) becketT (last letter, ultimately) \u2013 a river (stream) in England"} {"Clue":"Snake around border with India, finding ancient kingdom (7)","Answer":"BOHEMIA","Explanation":"BOA (snake) contains (around) HEM (border) with I (India)"} {"Clue":"During Noel essentially detectives on team become rusty (7)","Answer":"OXIDISE","Explanation":"DIS (Detective Inspectors) following (on) XI (eleven, a team) inside (during\u2026is\u2026) nOEl (middle letters, essentially)"} {"Clue":"Harry's personal audio system complements party (7)","Answer":"EARBASH","Explanation":"EAR (one's personal audio system) with (complements, adds to) BASH (party) \u2013 to attack verbally"} {"Clue":"Wise perhaps to interrupt dope creating flames (7)","Answer":"INFERNO","Explanation":"ERN (Ernie Wise perhaps, former comedian) inside (to interrupt) INFO (dope)"} {"Clue":"Freezing underground line, a line on some maps (6,6)","Answer":"ARCTIC CIRCLE","Explanation":"ARCTIC (freezing) CIRCLE (The Circle Line on the London Underground)"} {"Clue":"In auditorium, second person will record cake (4,3)","Answer":"YULE LOG","Explanation":"sounds like (in auditorium) \"you'll log\" (second person will record)"} {"Clue":"European's muscle getting unit inside truck (7)","Answer":"LATVIAN","Explanation":"LAT (muscle) then I (unit) inside VAN (truck)"} {"Clue":"Quiz man Richard introduces Mike, friend and moderator (9)","Answer":"OMBUDSMAN","Explanation":"OSMAN (Richard Osman, TV quiz show presenter) contains (introduces) M (mike, phonetic alphabet) and BUD (friend)"} {"Clue":"Devout patriot, on disc, telling gags? Not OK (5)","Answer":"JINGO","Explanation":"following (on) O (a disc) is JokING (telling gags) missing OK"} {"Clue":"Cowboy builder's latest alteration extremely dear, according to Rene (7)","Answer":"RANCHER","Explanation":"last letter (latest) of buildeR then outer letters (extremely) of AlteratioN and finally CHER (dear in French, according to Rene)"} {"Clue":"Character in Marathon that follows delta (7)","Answer":"EPSILON","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 *in Marathon* indicates in Greek"} {"Clue":"Open program by fish expert (12)","Answer":"APPROACHABLE","Explanation":"APP (computer program) with ROACH (fish) and ABLE (expert, as an adjective)"} {"Clue":"Maybe study leading novel of the 1950s (4,2,3,3)","Answer":"ROOM AT THE TOP","Explanation":"ROOM (the study maybe) then AT THE TOP (leading)"} {"Clue":"Problem lifting lino's bothered one supremo in the past (9)","Answer":"MUSSOLINI","Explanation":"SUM (problem) reversed (lifting) then anagram (bothered) of LINO'S and I (one)"} {"Clue":"Fan heard reworking by Queen (7)","Answer":"ADHERER","Explanation":"anagram (reworking) of HEARD then ER (Elizabeth Regina, the Queen)"} {"Clue":"Business graduate participates in final lecture (7)","Answer":"LAMBAST","Explanation":"MBA (business graduate) inside LAST (final)"} {"Clue":"Fabulous plant pruned by constant champion (7)","Answer":"TRIFFIC","Explanation":"TRIFFId (fabulous plant) missing last letter (pruned) then C (constant) \u2013 definition is an exclamation, informal shortening of terrific! champion!"} {"Clue":"Old record company detailed immature female expatriate (7)","Answer":"EMIGREE","Explanation":"EMI (old record company) then GREEn (immature, de-tailed)"} {"Clue":"Improvised band she once observed regularly (2,3)","Answer":"AD HOC","Explanation":"every other letter (observed regularly) of bAnD sHe OnCe"} {"Clue":"Beat hopeless types flaming quickly (7-5)","Answer":"LICKETY-SPLIT","Explanation":"LICK (beat) then anagram (hopeless) of TYPES followed by LIT (flaming) \u2013 for years I have mistakenly heard this as lickety-spit"} {"Clue":"Sending up children's author (7)","Answer":"LOFTING","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 Hugh Lofting, author of Doctor Dolittle"} {"Clue":"Packages from Italy are almost back, item in case seen shortly (7)","Answer":"RAVIOLI","Explanation":"ARe (almost all of) reversed (back) then VIOLIn (item in case shortened, shortly)"} {"Clue":"Pole, British PM once (5)","Answer":"NORTH","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 Frederick North Prime Minister form 1770-1782"} {"Clue":"Very occasional wounding of picadors (8)","Answer":"SPORADIC","Explanation":"anagram (wounding) of PICADORS"} {"Clue":"Cleared of blame, English XI perhaps admired (10)","Answer":"EXONERATED","Explanation":"E (English) X followed by ONE (I) then RATED a (admired)"} {"Clue":"Flag is raised in Spain, primarily (4)","Answer":"IRIS","Explanation":"first letters (primarily) of Is Raised In Spain"} {"Clue":"Father shackled by mother, I solemnly recalled (4)","Answer":"SIRE","Explanation":"found reversed (recalled) inside (shackled by) mothER I Solemnly"} {"Clue":"Underwear removed including smalls, editor unhappy (7,3)","Answer":"BRASSED OFF","Explanation":"BRA (underwear) OFF (removed) including S S (small, twice) and ED (editor)"} {"Clue":"At start of winter, perhaps, ten turned blue (8)","Answer":"INDECENT","Explanation":"IN DEC (in December, at start of winter) then anagram (turned) of TEN"} {"Clue":"Mount tethered by equestrian I see, from behind (5)","Answer":"SINAI","Explanation":"found reversed (from behind) inside (tethered by) equestrIAN I See"} {"Clue":"French castle: discussion on content of its moat? (7)","Answer":"CHATEAU","Explanation":"CHAT (discussion) then EAU (water, the contents of a French castle's moat)"} {"Clue":"Old PM discards that, his awful prize (7)","Answer":"CHERISH","Explanation":"thatCHER (Margaret Thatcher, old PM) missing THAT then anagram (awful) of HIS"} {"Clue":"Bottle bottle? (5,7)","Answer":"DUTCH COURAGE","Explanation":"a (just about) double definition \u2013 drink and the bravery gained therefrom"} {"Clue":"On fire, conflagration ultimately out of control \u2013 is it? (7)","Answer":"INFERNO","Explanation":"anagram (out of control) of ON FIRE with last letter (finally) of conflagratioN \u2013 an INFERNO is probably a fire out of control"} {"Clue":"The king proving corrupt, daughter given honour (8)","Answer":"KNIGHTED","Explanation":"anagram (proving corrupt) of THE KING followed by D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Country on the way out? (4)","Answer":"TOGO","Explanation":"TO GO (on the way out)"} {"Clue":"Earl Grey and others entertained by band \u2013 exciting show? (10)","Answer":"STRIPTEASE","Explanation":"TEAS (Earl Grey and others) inside (entertained by) STRIPE (band)"} {"Clue":"O Romeo, Romeo! (5)","Answer":"LOVER","Explanation":"LOVE (O, zero score) then R (Romeo, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Cherry tree's part dug up, as requested (2,5)","Answer":"TO ORDER","Explanation":"RED (cherry) ROOT (tree's part) reversed (dug up)"} {"Clue":"How material may be reinforced, repairing belt with thin tacks (7,6)","Answer":"BLANKET STITCH","Explanation":"anagram (repairing) BELT with THIN TACKS"} {"Clue":"Coins 1, 2 and 5 perhaps? (6,2,5)","Answer":"PIECES OF EIGHT","Explanation":"1 + 2 + 5 = 8, so individually they might be considered pieces of eight"} {"Clue":"Requiring no further peroxide treatment? I guess that's OK (4,6)","Answer":"FAIR ENOUGH","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Sew near hem he's left, after repairing trousers etc (8)","Answer":"MENSWEAR","Explanation":"anagram (after repairing) of SEW NEAR heM missing HE"} {"Clue":"Vehicle beginning to drive after stop signal \u2013 that signal says 'go'! (3,4)","Answer":"RED CARD","Explanation":"CAR (vehicle) and first letter (beginning to) of Drive following RED (stop signal) \u2013 a signal that a player must go off the pitch"} {"Clue":"Nothing in family good \u2013 sounding like a swine? (7)","Answer":"OINKING","Explanation":"O (nothing) IN KIN (family) G (good)"} {"Clue":"Conservative and Socialist split (5)","Answer":"CLEFT","Explanation":"C (conservative) and LEFT (socialist)"} {"Clue":"Repeat the music with gusto, finally (4)","Answer":"ECHO","Explanation":"last letters (finally) of thE musiC witH gustO"} {"Clue":"Bit of a cheek having rear pinched by Hancock in sin (8)","Answer":"GLUTTONY","Explanation":"GLUTe (the buttock muscle, a bit of cheek) missing last letter (having rear pinched) followed by TONY (Tony Hancock, former comedian)"} {"Clue":"Flood possibly at home before hunter returned (6)","Answer":"INFLOW","Explanation":"IN (at home) then WOLF (hunter) returned"} {"Clue":"Shades naked mums with undergarments (6)","Answer":"UMBRAS","Explanation":"mUMs (naked, no outer letters) with BRAS (undergarments)"} {"Clue":"Starters of this easily paired with fresh claret (8)","Answer":"RACLETTE","Explanation":"first letters (starters) of This Easily following (paired with, joined to) anagram (fresh) of CLARET \u2013 a melted cheese dish, something that might go with claret"} {"Clue":"Colour of an articulated Laurie? (3)","Answer":"HUE","Explanation":"sounds like (articulated) \"Hugh\" (actor Hugh Laurie perhaps)"} {"Clue":"What chefs might use to dispel small talk (6)","Answer":"PARLEY","Explanation":"PARsLEY (what chefs might use) missing (to dispel) S (small)"} {"Clue":"Fabric of stars (type worn by Prince) (4,4)","Answer":"SPUN SILK","Explanation":"SUNS (stars) ILK (type) contains (that is worn by\u2026, like a coat) P (prince)"} {"Clue":"Cycles from back of vast mountain in range (7)","Answer":"TANDEMS","Explanation":"vasT (last letter, back of) then M (mountain) inside ANDES (range) \u2013 \"M.\" as an abbreviation for mountain is in Collins"} {"Clue":"Country requires French denial after Elba bombed (7)","Answer":"LEBANON","Explanation":"NON (no, in French) following anagram (bombed) of ELBA"} {"Clue":"Slimy vegetation across a grassland partly retreating (8)","Answer":"SARGASSO","Explanation":"found reversed (retreating) inside (partly) acrOSS A GRASsland"} {"Clue":"Get stronger buzzer to have fellow out of bed (4,2)","Answer":"BEEF UP","Explanation":"BEE (a buzzer) with F (fellow) and UP (out of bed)"} {"Clue":"Commune of lovers accommodating comrade regularly (8)","Answer":"BORDEAUX","Explanation":"BEAUX (lovers) contains (accommodating) every other letter (regularly) of cOmRaDe \u2013 a *commune* is the name for a local administrative area in France, Bordeaux for example"} {"Clue":"Awfully steep having to swallow fifty pounder (6)","Answer":"PESTLE","Explanation":"anagram (awfully) of STEEP contains (having to swallow) L (fifty, Roman numeral)"} {"Clue":"Metal slice setter moved back (6)","Answer":"SILVER","Explanation":"SLIVER (slice) with I (the setter) moved back (moved to an earlier position)"} {"Clue":"Bears in America from the East with spots? (8)","Answer":"SUSTAINS","Explanation":"US (America) reversed (from the east, as read on a map) with STAINS (spots)"} {"Clue":"One tight-lipped with stuff changing hands (4)","Answer":"CLAM","Explanation":"CRAM (stuff) with R replaced by L (changing hands)"} {"Clue":"Leading actor Heather's role in film about Hannibal (8)","Answer":"STARLING","Explanation":"STAR (leading actor) LING (heather) \u2013 character *Clarice Starling* from *Silence of the Lambs* et al"} {"Clue":"Throw up over reserved person way over to the left (6)","Answer":"BOLSHY","Explanation":"LOB (throw up) reversed (over) then SHY (reserved)"} {"Clue":"Tree planting succeeded south of cold Belgian city (7)","Answer":"CYPRESS","Explanation":"S (succeeded) following (planting\u2026south of) C (cold) YPRES (Belgian city)"} {"Clue":"Money and time in treatment provide medical solution (8)","Answer":"TINCTURE","Explanation":"TIN (money) then T (time) inside CURE (treatment)"} {"Clue":"Something fragrant from vase father repaired (10)","Answer":"AFTERSHAVE","Explanation":"anagram (repaired) of VASE FATHER"} {"Clue":"Box to go in entrance essentially for snobs (8)","Answer":"PORTALOO","Explanation":"PORTAL (entrance) then middle letter (essentially) of fOr snObs"} {"Clue":"Only just exclude place with a cathedral (6)","Answer":"BARELY","Explanation":"BAR (exclude) and ELY (place with a cathedral)"} {"Clue":"Stone that's the same as mine (3)","Answer":"PIT","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"One historically seen on Mount 11 26 perhaps (4,6)","Answer":"LADY GODIVA","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 a *mount* is a horse"} {"Clue":"Rough Latino area on a peninsula (8)","Answer":"ANATOLIA","Explanation":"anagram (rough) of LATINO A (area) then A"} {"Clue":"State measure of land needed for butchery (8)","Answer":"MASSACRE","Explanation":"MASS (Mass. state in USA) then ACRE (measure of land)"} {"Clue":"Drop wader that's been unwrapped (3)","Answer":"NIP","Explanation":"sNIPe (wader) missing outer letters (unwrapped)"} {"Clue":"Most of school team mates won't ultimately rub along (7)","Answer":"COEXIST","Explanation":"COEd (type of school, most of) XI (eleven, a team) then last letter (ultimately) of mateS and won'T"} {"Clue":"Operation reversed drain in Times Square (6)","Answer":"BYPASS","Explanation":"SAP (drain) reversed inside BY (times, multiplication) S (square)"} {"Clue":"Destiny to become short and podgy (3)","Answer":"FAT","Explanation":"FATe (destiny, shortened)"} {"Clue":"Green accompaniment to 7 without the alcohol (4)","Answer":"SAAG","Explanation":"portALOO (7) missing PORT (the alcohol) gives ALOO, a common accompaniment to SAAG in *Saag Aloo* (Spinach and Potato curry) \u2013 a *green* is a vegetable"} {"Clue":"One seduced by a most bizarre philosophy (6)","Answer":"TAOISM","Explanation":"I (one) inside (seduced by, taken in) anagram (bizarre) A MOST"} {"Clue":"Rogue captain set adrift with half- sister (8)","Answer":"BLIGHTER","Explanation":"BLIGH (captain set adrift, in *Mutiny on the Bounty*) with sisTER (half of)"} {"Clue":"One needs an age to go round battlefield (5)","Answer":"ARENA","Explanation":"AN (one) with ERA (an age) reversed (to go round)"} {"Clue":"Organise a sex party for contributors to Treasury (9)","Answer":"TAXPAYERS","Explanation":"anagram (organise) A SEX PARTY"} {"Clue":"Forgive a bishop found with crack (7)","Answer":"ABSOLVE","Explanation":"A B (bishop, chess) with SOLVE (crack)"} {"Clue":"Policeman impounding husband's mode of transport (7)","Answer":"CHOPPER","Explanation":"COPPER (policeman) contains (impounding) H (husband) \u2013 a motorcycle"} {"Clue":"Row is a sad sight for the Speaker (4)","Answer":"TIER","Explanation":"sounds like (for the speaker) \"tear\" (a sad sight)"} {"Clue":"Tory left infiltrating Times in clever fashion (8)","Answer":"BRIGHTLY","Explanation":"RIGHT (Tory, in UK politics) L (left) inside (infiltrating) BY (times, multiplication)"} {"Clue":"Victim in genuine denial (8)","Answer":"REBUTTAL","Explanation":"BUTT (victim) inside REAL (genuine)"} {"Clue":"Some samosas I ate, originating here? (4)","Answer":"ASIA","Explanation":"found inside (some of) samosAS I Ate \u2013 a food originally from Asia"} {"Clue":"Intestinal trouble in Crete (7)","Answer":"ENTERIC","Explanation":"anagram (trouble) of IN CRETE"} {"Clue":"H for an impetuous chap? (7)","Answer":"HOTHEAD","Explanation":"HOT HEAD gives you H (the first letter of hot)"} {"Clue":"One producing brandy to make girl calmer (9)","Answer":"DISTILLER","Explanation":"DI (Dianna, a girl's name) and STILLER (calmer)"} {"Clue":"Might it bite you in summer? (5)","Answer":"ADDER","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"A prosthetic one cannot see at all (5,3)","Answer":"GLASS EYE","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 one literal and one figurative"} {"Clue":"Solicitor in bed, drinking whiskey (6)","Answer":"LAWYER","Explanation":"LAYER (bed) contains (drinking) W (whisky, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"American right-wingers do without alcohol (3,5)","Answer":"TEA PARTY","Explanation":"a TEA PARTY is a do (party) without alcohol"} {"Clue":"Supervisor pinching typist's bottom, a dangerous manoeuvre (9)","Answer":"OVERSTEER","Explanation":"OVERSEER (supervisor) contains (pinching) typisT (last letter, bottom)"} {"Clue":"An item on the fast food menu? Definitely not (6)","Answer":"SNAILS","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Someone like Johnson, a man of many words (13)","Answer":"LEXICOGRAPHER","Explanation":"double\/cryptic definition \u2013 Samuel Johnson, writer of an early English dictionary"} {"Clue":"Change course of fight in Indian province (2,5)","Answer":"GO ABOUT","Explanation":"a GOA BOUT might be a fight in Goa (a province of India) \u2013 a sailing term"} {"Clue":"Finalise advice about Brussels (3,2)","Answer":"TIE UP","Explanation":"TIP (advice) contains (about) EU (Brussels)"} {"Clue":"Haunt troops during siesta (6)","Answer":"RESORT","Explanation":"OR (other ranks, troops) inside (during) REST (siesta)"} {"Clue":"English colliery that's gone bust on paper (13)","Answer":"THEORETICALLY","Explanation":"anagram (has gone bust) of E (English) COLLIERY THAT"} {"Clue":"Starry-eyed Romeo leaving tipsily not long ago (9)","Answer":"YESTERDAY","Explanation":"anagram (tipsily) of STARrY EYED missing (leaving) R (Romeo, phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Wife with husband abandoning her twice for vagabond (8)","Answer":"WANDERER","Explanation":"W (wife) AND (with) then hER missing H (husband) twice"} {"Clue":"Al fresco occasions for vacuous young women? (7)","Answer":"BARBIES","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Sailor runs up to welcome Bill (3,3)","Answer":"SEA DOG","Explanation":"GOES (runs) reversed (up) contains (to welcome) AD (advertisement, bill)"} {"Clue":"Engineer keeling over in old American capital (6)","Answer":"OTTAWA","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nWATT (James Watt, engineer) reversed (keeling over) inside O (old) A (American) \u2013 I wasted a lot of time her looking for a capital city in the United states of America"} {"Clue":"Vehicle manufactured by a large firm from the south (5)","Answer":"TESLA","Explanation":"A L (large) SET (firm) reversed (from the south, as read on a map)"} {"Clue":"Soup recipe ingested by artist (6)","Answer":"BORSCH","Explanation":"R (recipe) inside (ingested by) BOSH (Hieronymous Bosch, artist)"} {"Clue":"Everything within that kiss stirred divine femininity (6)","Answer":"SHAKTI","Explanation":"anagram (stirred) of the middle section (everything within) tHAT KISs"} {"Clue":"Was introduced to gypsy, one showing passion for versifying (10)","Answer":"METROMANIA","Explanation":"MET (was introduced to) ROMANI (gypsy) A (one)"} {"Clue":"Bright Californian plant I placed alongside square (4)","Answer":"SEGO","Explanation":"EGO (I) following (placed alongside) S (square)"} {"Clue":"Society puts finger on key figures (5)","Answer":"STATS","Explanation":"S (society) TATS (touches, puts finger on)"} {"Clue":"Spread lard upon detachable plate (8)","Answer":"PAULDRON","Explanation":"anagram (spread) of LARD UPON"} {"Clue":"Announced month left once given judgement (8)","Answer":"DECLARED","Explanation":"DEC (December, a month) L (left) then ARED (judgement, *once* indicates obsolete)"} {"Clue":"Shell in pieces for bangles, 100 on loop (5)","Answer":"CHANK","Explanation":"C (100) on HANK (loop)"} {"Clue":"Ambassador maybe providing enclosure for sandarach in African capital (6)","Answer":"HARARE","Explanation":"HE (His Excellency, ambassador maybe) contains ARAR (sandarach tree)"} {"Clue":"Cocktail of Pepsi and Lilt? This is primarily 'lite' possibly (6)","Answer":"TIPPLE","Explanation":"anagram (cocktail of\u2026possibly) of PEPSI and LILT gives TIPPLE (this, the solution) IS with Lite (first letter, primarily)"} {"Clue":"Child dropped subject more ready to learn (5)","Answer":"APTER","Explanation":"chAPTER (subject) missing CH (child)"} {"Clue":"Literary bits and pieces smart chap penned in column? (8)","Answer":"ANALECTA","Explanation":"ALEC (smart chap) inside (penned in) ANTA (column)"} {"Clue":"Corvid with dead fish, in no hurry? (8)","Answer":"DAWDLING","Explanation":"DAW (crow, a corvid) D (dead) LING (fish)"} {"Clue":"Coffee dish, edges spilt (5)","Answer":"LATTE","Explanation":"pLATTEr missing (spilt) outer letters (edges)"} {"Clue":"Advance turned up \u2013 not a word (4)","Answer":"PUSH","Explanation":"UP reversed (turned) then SH (not a word)"} {"Clue":"Leaders of stricken town abandoned tattered standard, Trojan (6)","Answer":"DARDAN","Explanation":"anagram (tattered) of stANDARD missing first letters (leaders) of Stricken Town"} {"Clue":"Hero's father \u2013 matter involves dodgy 'eel'! (6)","Answer":"PELEUS","Explanation":"anagram (dodgy) of EEL inside PUS (matter) \u2013 father of Achilles"} {"Clue":"Chancy investment wild eclat tucked up \u2013 owlish maybe? (12)","Answer":"BESPECTACLED","Explanation":"SPEC (speculation, chancy investment) with anagram (wild) of ECLAT all inside BED (tucked up, in bed) \u2013 like an owl's face, figuratively"} {"Clue":"A pistol cocked? Rule of order (6)","Answer":"REGULA","Explanation":"A LUGER (pistol) all reversed (cocked)"} {"Clue":"Runner? Plenty turned up in advance (6)","Answer":"STOLON","Explanation":"LOTS (plenty) reversed then ON (in advance)"} {"Clue":"Cheesy stuff given a whirl within? It's revolting (4)","Answer":"CRUD","Explanation":"CURD (cheesy stuff) with middle letters reversed (given a whirl within)"} {"Clue":"Old time tart, head dropping somewhat (5)","Answer":"HOWRE","Explanation":"WHORE (tart) with the first letter (head) moved lower in the light"} {"Clue":"My husband coos when dancing cheek to cheek? (7)","Answer":"SMOOCHY","Explanation":"anagram (when dancing) of MY H (husband) COOS"} {"Clue":"Toxic latex, not for a tip of rubber (6)","Answer":"ANTIAR","Explanation":"ANTI (not for) then A and Rubber (first letter, tip of)"} {"Clue":"Arak drunk with 'io', a foreign toast (6)","Answer":"KIAORA","Explanation":"anagram (drunk) of ARAK with IO"} {"Clue":"Shipworm mostly found under matting in shreds (8)","Answer":"TATTERED","Explanation":"TEREDo (ship worm, mostly) following (under) TAT (matting)"} {"Clue":"Coach circumventing what may be Indian gazelle (8)","Answer":"CHINKARA","Explanation":"CHARA (charabanc, coach) contains (circumventing) INK (what may be Indian)"} {"Clue":"Figure congaed unrestrainedly (7)","Answer":"DECAGON","Explanation":"anagram (unrestrainedly) of CONGAED"} {"Clue":"Haggle, requiring penny change (6)","Answer":"PALTER","Explanation":"P (penny) ALTER (change)"} {"Clue":"Wearing armour, ready to serve? (6)","Answer":"PLATED","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Pair of friends showing what's need to deal with sensation? (6)","Answer":"PALPAL","Explanation":"PAL (friend) twice \u2013 *to deal with* indicates adjective"} {"Clue":"University shows this ivy's disfigured \u2026 Trinity? (6)","Answer":"TRIUNE","Explanation":"an anagram (disfigured) of TRIUNE (this, the answer) and IVY'S gives UNIVERSITY"} {"Clue":"Silly, appearing regularly in tow, de trop (5)","Answer":"TWERP","Explanation":"every other letter (appearing regularly in) ToW dE tRoP"} {"Clue":"Work at good English for magistrate (4)","Answer":"DOGE","Explanation":"DO (work at) G (good) E (English)"} {"Clue":"German citizen's meaty snack (6)","Answer":"BURGER","Explanation":"~~double definition \u2013~~ *the Ge*r*man word for citizen is burger"} {"Clue":"Guarantee Bill with loan (8)","Answer":"ACCREDIT","Explanation":"AC (account, bill) with CREDIT (loan)"} {"Clue":"Spoke of Frost's poems (6)","Answer":"RHYMES","Explanation":"sounds like (spoke of) \"rimes\" (frost)"} {"Clue":"Regular daily local repairs \u2013 the panic's over (3,5)","Answer":"ALL CLEAR","Explanation":"every other letter (regularly) of dAiLy LoCaL rEpAiRs"} {"Clue":"1961 UK Eurovision duo giving Everyone, My Boys (8)","Answer":"ALLISONS","Explanation":"ALL (everyone) I (my?) SONS (boys) \u2013 *The Allisons, * who represented England in the 1961 Eurovision song contest and came second. I can't explain why \"I\" and \"my\" are equivalent."} {"Clue":"Plundered centre of Uxbridge \u2013 then ran off (6)","Answer":"RIFLED","Explanation":"uxbRIdge (centre of) then FLED (ran off)"} {"Clue":"Welshmen's platform (4)","Answer":"DAIS","Explanation":"DAI is a Welsh male name, so a plural of such"} {"Clue":"More than one cordial aged senora stirred (10)","Answer":"ORANGEADES","Explanation":"anagram (stirred)of AGED SENORA"} {"Clue":"Postman's knock? (3-1-3-3)","Answer":"RAT-A-TAT-TAT","Explanation":"cryptic definition?"} {"Clue":"Nadal returns from a distance (4)","Answer":"AFAR","Explanation":"RAFA (Rafa Nadal perhaps) reversed (returns)"} {"Clue":"Not far away from some fine art object (4,2)","Answer":"NEAR TO","Explanation":"found inside (some of) fiNE ART Object"} {"Clue":"Beads expected, it's said, by falls (8)","Answer":"DEWDROPS","Explanation":"DEW sounds like (it's said) \"due\" (expected) then DROPS (falls)"} {"Clue":"Think about island deliveries (4,4)","Answer":"MULL OVER","Explanation":"MULL (the Isle of Mull) then OVER (6 deliveries, in cricket)"} {"Clue":"Musical seen in Texan ad, unusually (6)","Answer":"XANADU","Explanation":"found inside (seen in) teXAN AD Unusually \u2013 any one of a number of musicals with this name"} {"Clue":"Oil treatment for sore knee (8)","Answer":"KEROSENE","Explanation":"anagram (treatment for) SORE KNEE"} {"Clue":"Dances around on the up? (6)","Answer":"ASCEND","Explanation":"anagram (around) of DANCES"} {"Clue":"A local lass (7)","Answer":"BARMAID","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Bread maker represented normality (5,4)","Answer":"ROYAL MINT","Explanation":"anagram (represented) of NORMALITY \u2013 *bread* is slang for money"} {"Clue":"Greatly exaggerated at the start on the left-hand page (4,2)","Answer":"EVER SO","Explanation":"first letter (at the start) of Exaggerated then VERSO (on the left hand page)"} {"Clue":"Cabbage and King (4)","Answer":"COLE","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Comfy chair from ruin, we're told, on cruise ship (8)","Answer":"RECLINER","Explanation":"REC sounds like (we're told) \"wreck\" (ruin) then LINER (cruise ship)"} {"Clue":"Live and prosper, losing nothing (5)","Answer":"DWELL","Explanation":"Do WELL (prosper) missing O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Siamese attacks reported, bringing strings of invectives (7)","Answer":"TIRADES","Explanation":"sounds like (reported) \"Thai raids\" (Siamese attacks)"} {"Clue":"He won't appreciate being by the fire (7)","Answer":"INGRATE","Explanation":"IN GRATE (being by the fire)"} {"Clue":"Wraps biro holders, dropping bit of paper (7)","Answer":"ENCASES","Explanation":"pEN CASES (biro holders) missing Paper (first letter, a bit of)"} {"Clue":"Past blooming, damage to red leaf (9)","Answer":"DEFLORATE","Explanation":"anagram (damage) of TO RED LEAF"} {"Clue":"Info about leading industrialist working at railway buildings (8)","Answer":"STATIONS","Explanation":"STATS (info) contains (about) Industrialist (first letter, leading) ON (working)"} {"Clue":"Go berserk and take the Reds back. All right (3,4)","Answer":"RUN AMOK","Explanation":"R (recipe, take) then MAN U (Manchester United, \"The Reds\") reversed (back) and OK (all right)"} {"Clue":"Prompted again to keep shilling that's saved (7)","Answer":"RESCUED","Explanation":"RECUED (prompted again) contains (to keep) S (shilling)"} {"Clue":"Negotiate breaking one's standards (6)","Answer":"IDEALS","Explanation":"DEAL (negotiate) inside (breaking) I'S (one's)"} {"Clue":"This psychotherapist takes on poor Leonard (5)","Answer":"ADLER","Explanation":"an anagram (poor) of ADLER (this psychotherapist, the solution) with ON gives LEONARD \u2013 Austrian psychiatrist Alfred Adler (1870-1937)"} {"Clue":"Joined by a thread from all quarters (4)","Answer":"SEWN","Explanation":"S E W N (South, East\u2026all the quarters of the compass)"} {"Clue":"Cop's latest action when manoeuvring US car (7)","Answer":"PONTIAC","Explanation":"coP (last letter, latest)then anagram (when manoeuvring) of ACTION"} {"Clue":"Home left in springtime, on the whole (6)","Answer":"MAINLY","Explanation":"In (home) L (left) inside MAY (springtime)"} {"Clue":"Smell wine Noel circulated at church (9)","Answer":"REDOLENCE","Explanation":"RED (wine) anagram (circulated) of NOEL and CE (Church of England)"} {"Clue":"Obese informer having heart transplant? (5)","Answer":"GROSS","Explanation":"GRaSS (informer) with middle letter changed (having heart transplant)"} {"Clue":"Occasionally suss out and track financial offence (5)","Answer":"USURY","Explanation":"every other letter (occasionally) of sUs oUt then RY (railway, track)"} {"Clue":"Greek character, long-term convict, not one to decline crime (9)","Answer":"PILFERAGE","Explanation":"PI (a Greek character) LiFER (long term convict) missing I (one) then AGE (to decline)"} {"Clue":"Nice neighbour with case of Shiraz welcoming guy on Times (2,6)","Answer":"ST TROPEZ","Explanation":"outer letters (case) of ShiraZ contains (welcoming) ROPE (guy) following (on) T T (time, twice) \u2013 neighbouring towns on the French Riviera"} {"Clue":"Potter's trick, rebounding snooker ball onto specific part of table (6)","Answer":"DODDER","Explanation":"Definition: Potter\nDO (trick) then reversal (rebounding) of RED (snooker ball) D (a marked area on a snooker table)."} {"Clue":"A world of great opportunity maybe in cowboy's territory? (6)","Answer":"OYSTER","Explanation":"found inside cowbOY'S TERritory \u2013 *the world's your oyster"} {"Clue":"Correspondence Irishman recalled on boat (4,4)","Answer":"JUNK MAIL","Explanation":"LIAM (Irishman) reversed (recalled) following (on) JUNK (boat)"} {"Clue":"Another loony seen in papers causing obstruction (2,3,4)","Answer":"IN THE ROAD","Explanation":"anagram (looney) of ANOTHER inside ID (papers)"} {"Clue":"Horse secure before event's final round (5)","Answer":"PINTO","Explanation":"PIN (secure) then evenT (final letter) and O (something round)"} {"Clue":"Like some roofs westwards, it had lead (5)","Answer":"TILED","Explanation":"IT reversed (westwards, as read on a map) then LED (had the lead)"} {"Clue":"Adventure novel mentioned weapon for shooting game (4,5)","Answer":"BEAU GESTE","Explanation":"BEAU GESTE sounds like (mentioned) \"bow jest\" (weapon for shooting, game)"} {"Clue":"Central characters in secret pledge united faith (6)","Answer":"CREDIT","Explanation":"middle letters of seCRet plEDge inITed"} {"Clue":"Turtle avoiding soft ground (7)","Answer":"TERRAIN","Explanation":"TERRApIN (turtle) missing P (piano, soft)"} {"Clue":"One who goes down the pit, continually striking? (13)","Answer":"PERCUSSIONIST","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 someone who hits things in an orchestra pit"} {"Clue":"Sign of approval in France where bucket emptied? Yes (2,5)","Answer":"NO DOUBT","Explanation":"NOD (sign of approval) then OU (where, in French) and BuckeT (no middle letters, emptied)"} {"Clue":"This writer meets butcher somewhere in the Hebrides (5)","Answer":"ISLAY","Explanation":"I (this writer) with SLAY (butcher) \u2013 an island in the Hebrides"} {"Clue":"Pencil ruined historical pictures shown here (8)","Answer":"CINEPLEX","Explanation":"anagram (ruined) of PENCIL then EX (historical)"} {"Clue":"Islamist mostly consumes English breakfast item? (6)","Answer":"MUESLI","Explanation":"MUSLIm (Islamist, mostly) contains (consumes) E (English)"} {"Clue":"Corner of room Nigel plastered certainly not satisfactory (9)","Answer":"INGLENOOK","Explanation":"anagram (plastered) of NIGEL then NO (certainly not) and OK (satisfactory)"} {"Clue":"Acted as guide around globe and, as expected, spotted animal (7)","Answer":"LEOPARD","Explanation":"LED (acted as guide) containing (around) O (a globe) and PAR (as expected)"} {"Clue":"Elaine ran with Rose when abroad in West Africa (6,7)","Answer":"SIERRA LEONEAN","Explanation":"anagram (when abroad, out of place) of ELAINE RAN with ROSE"} {"Clue":"Changeable writer dying to probe dictionary (4-5)","Answer":"OPEN-ENDED","Explanation":"Definition: Changeable\nPEN (writer) END (dying) inside (to probe) OED (dictionary)"} {"Clue":"Female fashion designer keeps a drawer for measuring device (8)","Answer":"QUADRANT","Explanation":"QUANT (Mary Quant, female fashion designer) contains A DR (drawer, abbreviation)"} {"Clue":"I needed to house student who pays the bill (7)","Answer":"SETTLER","Explanation":"SETTER (I, the writer of the crossword) contains (to house) L (learner, student)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps this means travelling on A1 the wrong way? (7)","Answer":"AMNESIA","Explanation":"anagram (travelling) of MEANS then AI (A1) reversed (the wrong way) \u2013 read the definition as *perhaps this means travelling on\u2026"} {"Clue":"At the periphery, the brothers served up dessert (6)","Answer":"SORBET","Explanation":"ThE (outer letters of, at eh periphery) BROS (brothers) all reversed (served up)"} {"Clue":"Leaf picker, the ultimate electronic gadget (5)","Answer":"PAGER","Explanation":"PAGE (leaf) then last letter (the ultimate) of pickeR"} {"Clue":"Loose change only (8)","Answer":"CASHMERE","Explanation":"CASH (loose change) MERE (only)"} {"Clue":"Girl cut into firm (6)","Answer":"CALICO","Explanation":"ALICe (girl's name, cut short) inside CO (company, a firm)"} {"Clue":"Serenely retiring \u2013 somewhat retiring! (8)","Answer":"TERYLENE","Explanation":"found inside (somewhat) serENELY RETiring reversed (retiring)"} {"Clue":"Party at the NY opera house at end of August (6)","Answer":"DOMETT","Explanation":"DO (party) with MET (the NY opera house) then last letter (end) of augusT"} {"Clue":"New Zealand in the Iron Age, unusually (9)","Answer":"ORGANZINE","Explanation":"NZ (new Zealand) inside anagram (unusually) of IRON AGE"} {"Clue":"Last drop of bourbon only affected (5)","Answer":"NYLON","Explanation":"anagram (affected) of bourboN (last letter, last drop of) and ONLY"} {"Clue":"Four characters returning from the battlefield (4)","Answer":"FELT","Explanation":"found inside (four characters from) batTLEField reversed (returning)"} {"Clue":"Finest end of cloth in tatters (7)","Answer":"FISHNET","Explanation":"anagram (in tatters) of FINEST and clotH (last letter, end of)"} {"Clue":"Painting a QC? (3,4)","Answer":"OIL SILK","Explanation":"OIL (painting) and SILK (a QC, barrister)"} {"Clue":"The French refusal? (4)","Answer":"LENO","Explanation":"LE (the, in French) then NO (a refusal)"} {"Clue":"Victors' awards broadcast (5)","Answer":"BAIZE","Explanation":"sounds like (broadcast) \"bays\" (laurels, victor's awards)"} {"Clue":"Heroin at the musical (9)","Answer":"HORSEHAIR","Explanation":"HORSE (heroin, slang) then HAIR ( a musical)"} {"Clue":"Clue in the Czech Republic (6)","Answer":"CHINTZ","Explanation":"HINT (clue) inside CZ (the Czech Republic)"} {"Clue":"Poor Len, in bits and pieces, in the country (8)","Answer":"CHENILLE","Explanation":"an anagram (poor) of LEN inserted sporadically (in bits and pieces) into CHILE (a country)"} {"Clue":"Small, active adolescent (6)","Answer":"SATEEN","Explanation":"S (small) A (active) TEEN (adolescent)"} {"Clue":"No recent orders (8)","Answer":"CRETONNE","Explanation":"anagram (cycling) of NO RECENT"} {"Clue":"Get on with this, you understand? (6)","Answer":"COTTON","Explanation":"add ON to COTTON and you get \"cotton-on\" (understand)"} {"Clue":"First of scheduled broadcasts for kids (6)","Answer":"SPROGS","Explanation":"first letter of Scheduled then PROGS (programs, broadcasts)"} {"Clue":"Endless distance to an Italian city (5)","Answer":"MILAN","Explanation":"MILe (distance, end-less) with AN"} {"Clue":"Act unrestrainedly when batsmen are making hay (3,4)","Answer":"RUN RIOT","Explanation":"definition and cryptic definition (cricket)"} {"Clue":"Teems with rain (not mid-March) around the jumps (7,2)","Answer":"ABOUNDS IN","Explanation":"rAIN missing middle letter of maRch containing (around) BOUNDS (jumps)"} {"Clue":"Refrigeration unit in the garden? (3,5)","Answer":"ICE PLANT","Explanation":"an ICE PLANT is a common name for the fig-marigolds, that might be found in the garden"} {"Clue":"Musical phrase, last from radio station broadcast (8)","Answer":"OSTINATO","Explanation":"last letter od radiO then anagram (broadcast) of STATION"} {"Clue":"A joint complaint (4)","Answer":"BEEF","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Most shocking of locations (9)","Answer":"EPICENTRE","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 the focal point of some destructive activity, originally the point on the Earth's surface above the focus of an earthquake"} {"Clue":"Deer from Rhodes regularly on small county (8)","Answer":"ROEBUCKS","Explanation":"every other letter (regularly) of RhOdEs then BUCKS (Buckinghamshire, small=abbreviation)"} {"Clue":"A record popular with first mountaineer (8)","Answer":"ALPINIST","Explanation":"A LP (record) IN (popular) with IST (1st, first)"} {"Clue":"Make-up for former chancellor (4)","Answer":"KOHL","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 a black eye liner and chancellor Helmut Kohl"} {"Clue":"Hunting dog who is unsteady on his feet (7)","Answer":"LURCHER","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Alan Sugar sadly got rid of USA garment (6)","Answer":"RAGLAN","Explanation":"anagram (sadly) of ALaN suGAR missing USA"} {"Clue":"European country suggests musical (6)","Answer":"GREECE","Explanation":"sounds like (suggests) \"Grease\" (a musical)"} {"Clue":"German artist, severe when cycling (5)","Answer":"ERNST","Explanation":"STERN (severe) with letters cycled (moved from the front to the back sequentially)"} {"Clue":"Is in cooler season attended by females in forest? (4,4)","Answer":"DOES TIME","Explanation":"TIME (season) follows (attended by) DOES (females in forest, deer)"} {"Clue":"Get in circle: skip around by turning (6)","Answer":"OBTAIN","Explanation":"O (a circle) BIN (skip) contains AT (by) reversed (turning)"} {"Clue":"Ruler somewhat open with a poor player making comeback (8)","Answer":"MAHARAJA","Explanation":"AJAR (somewhat open) with A HAM (poor player) all reversed (making comeback)"} {"Clue":"Bottom to thrash in confused situation (6)","Answer":"BEDLAM","Explanation":"BED (bottom) LAM (to thrash)"} {"Clue":"Long ago one fired transport provider to stop silly mistakes (11)","Answer":"BLUNDERBUSS","Explanation":"bus (transport provider) inside (stops, like a cork) BLUNDERS (silly mistakes)"} {"Clue":"Corrupt cartel losing capital anon (5)","Answer":"LATER","Explanation":"anagram (corrupt) of cARTEL missing first letter (capital)"} {"Clue":"Passionate about pub \u2014 does this get rather blurry? (9)","Answer":"AMORPHOUS","Explanation":"AMOROUS (passionate) contains (about) PH (public house, pub)"} {"Clue":"Base to conduct a search in naval battles (3,6)","Answer":"SEA COMBAT","Explanation":"SEAT (base) contains (to conduct, to carry) A COMB (search)"} {"Clue":"Horse held in lovely position (5)","Answer":"NICHE","Explanation":"H (horse) inside NICE (lovely)"} {"Clue":"Auditor having cosy pad near cape shows sincerity (11)","Answer":"EARNESTNESS","Explanation":"EAR (auditor) with NEST (cosy pad) then NESS (headland, cape)"} {"Clue":"Leading lady twice dressing a son in rubber (6)","Answer":"ERASER","Explanation":"ER ER (the Queen, a lady who leads, twice) contains (dressing) A S (son)"} {"Clue":"Eve signs letter whose contents form short essay (8)","Answer":"VIGNETTE","Explanation":"the middle letters (whose contents form\u2026) of eVe sIGNs lETTEr"} {"Clue":"Ram's insides in dish for taste (6)","Answer":"PALATE","Explanation":"the middle letter (insides) of rAm inside PLATE (dish)"} {"Clue":"Naughty child accepting need for plague carrier? (5,3)","Answer":"BLACK RAT","Explanation":"BRAT (naughty child) contains (accepting) LACK (need)"} {"Clue":"Release from service Old Bill shortly seen probing death (10)","Answer":"DEMOBILISE","Explanation":"O (old) BILL missing last letter (shortly) inside (seen probing) DEMISE (death)"} {"Clue":"Use the last supporter's ventilation equipment (7,3)","Answer":"EXHAUST FAN","Explanation":"EXHAUST (use the last of something) FAN (supporter)"} {"Clue":"Ready to drop on coming in half-drunk (5)","Answer":"TIRED","Explanation":"RE (on, regarding) reversed (coming back) inside TIDdly (drunk, half of)"} {"Clue":"Play pubs, not clubs, in holiday island (5,7)","Answer":"MAJOR BARBARA","Explanation":"BAR BAR (pub, twice) inside MAJORcA (holiday island) missing C (clubs) \u2013 play by Bernard Shaw, *Major Barbara* of the Salvation Army"} {"Clue":"British painters fancy brooch (9)","Answer":"BREASTPIN","Explanation":"B (British) then anagram (fancy) of PAINTERS"} {"Clue":"East after A40 for one taking wheel (4)","Answer":"AXLE","Explanation":"E (east) following A XL (40, in Roman numerals)"} {"Clue":"Senseless maiden wearing retro hairstyle? (4)","Answer":"NUMB","Explanation":"M (maiden over, cricket) inside (wearing) BUN (hairstyle) reversed (retro)"} {"Clue":"Mediocre work over border many a time calling in sick (3-2-3-4)","Answer":"RUN-OF-THE-MILL","Explanation":"RUN (work) followed by HEM (border) contains (with\u2026calling in) OFT (many a time) then ILL (sick)"} {"Clue":"Loch secret out in an English town (10)","Answer":"COLCHESTER","Explanation":"anagram (out) of LOCH SECRET"} {"Clue":"Mugs people in street for an amount to be paid (10)","Answer":"ASSESSMENT","Explanation":"ASSES (mugs) then MEN (people) inside ST (street)"} {"Clue":"Teddy bear's associate nicely slim with tail tucked in? (9)","Answer":"ROOSEVELT","Explanation":"ROO (associate of Winne the Pooh) then SVELTE (nicely slim) with last letter moved inside the word"} {"Clue":"One in 200 finding remedy? (5)","Answer":"TONIC","Explanation":"I (one) inside TON C (one hundred twice, 200)"} {"Clue":"Pitch in Fritzenb\u00fchel playable for a period (4)","Answer":"HELP","Explanation":"found inside (for a period, only some of) fritzenbuHEL Playable"} {"Clue":"Raised drink holding one container (4)","Answer":"PAIL","Explanation":"LAP (drink) reversed (raised) contains I (one)"} {"Clue":"Bloke meeting Lulu in petroleum processing plant (10)","Answer":"CAT-CRACKER","Explanation":"CAT (bloke) with CRACKER (lulu)"} {"Clue":"Absorbing energy in dance, spinning for sure (4)","Answer":"YEAH","Explanation":"E (energy) inside (absorbing\u2026in\u2026) HAY dance reversed (spinning)"} {"Clue":"Limb trapped in film, bloodied? (7)","Answer":"CARMINE","Explanation":"ARM (limb) inside CINE (film, as an adjective) \u2013 red colured"} {"Clue":"Letter's rare flourish, part in code transferred to the end (6)","Answer":"CERIPH","Explanation":"CIPHER (code) with IPH (three letters, part of it) moved to the end \u2013 a rare spelling"} {"Clue":"Expounder of law, penning books in shower? (6)","Answer":"RABBIN","Explanation":"B B (book, twice) inside RAIN (shower)"} {"Clue":"Receiving a tonk at the MCG? (8)","Answer":"PERNANCY","Explanation":"PER (a, as in *two-a-penny*) then NANCY (tonk, Australian slang term for homosexual) \u2013 the MCG is the Melbourne Cricket Ground"} {"Clue":"Recipe dividing cubes \u2013 it's vaporized for dramatic effect (5)","Answer":"DRICE","Explanation":"R (recipe) inside (dividing) DICE (cubes)"} {"Clue":"Deer I stalk (odd ones only), running wild (4)","Answer":"SIKA","Explanation":"anagram (runninng wild) of I with the odd letters of StAlK"} {"Clue":"Former injury, a small lump, after rolling over in the sand (8)","Answer":"BUNKERED","Explanation":"DERE (injury, formerly) KNUB (a small lump) all reversed (rolling over)"} {"Clue":"Having run in trousers, they walk at length (8)","Answer":"STRIDERS","Explanation":"R (run) inside STRIDES (trousers)"} {"Clue":"Poorly, with rough breathing? Fell perhaps (4)","Answer":"HILL","Explanation":"ILL (poorly) pronounced aspirated at he start, as though breathing roughly. *Rough Breathing is the name for an old Greek diacritical mark indicating an aspirated vowel, see Munro Maiden @9"} {"Clue":"Head for film seasons in Cannes, for holidays (5)","Answer":"FETES","Explanation":"first letter (head for) of Film then ETES (summers in French, in Cannes)"} {"Clue":"Heavenly present packed in with the rest (8)","Answer":"ETHEREAL","Explanation":"HERE (present) inside (packed in) ET AL (with the rest)"} {"Clue":"Tropical plant fringing river always, potential threat to swimmers (6)","Answer":"PIRAYA","Explanation":"PIA (tropical plant) contains (fringing) R (river) AY (always)"} {"Clue":"Caravan owner? One's stuck behind it, interrupting progress (6)","Answer":"GITANO","Explanation":"AN (one) following (stuck behind) IT inside (interrupting) GO (progress)"} {"Clue":"Rod bust after whacking, making one black and blue as before (7)","Answer":"TO-BRUSD","Explanation":"anagram (to be whacked) of ROD BUST \u2013 as before indicates an obsolete word"} {"Clue":"Conifer providing everything to fill camp stove? (4)","Answer":"RIMU","Explanation":"the middle letters (everything to fill) of pRIMUs (camp stove)"} {"Clue":"Ban hard poetry that's contrived \u2013 it reverses word order for effect (10)","Answer":"HYPERBATON","Explanation":"anagram (that's contirved) of BAN H (hard) POETRY"} {"Clue":"Gymnosperm captured in one cadency after another (5)","Answer":"CYCAD","Explanation":"found inside (captured in) cadenCY CADency (one cadency after another)"} {"Clue":"Open sandwich with skill held by fork (7)","Answer":"TARTINE","Explanation":"ART (skill) inside TINE (fork)"} {"Clue":"Aussie tease, one swallowed by sheila (6)","Answer":"CHIACK","Explanation":"A (one) inside CHICK (Sheila, Australian slang for a woman)"} {"Clue":"Cord for each holding front of pyjamas up (4)","Answer":"REPP","Explanation":"PER (for each) contains Pyjamas (first letter, front) all reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"'Creature' hunted in vain climbing precipice (5)","Answer":"KRANS","Explanation":"SNARK (creature hunted in vain, from Lewis Carroll poem) reversed (climbing)"} {"Clue":"Lower rest, doctor interjected (6)","Answer":"EMBASE","Explanation":"EASE (rest) contains (with\u2026injected) MB (doctor)"} {"Clue":"Giggle when opening fly in underwear (9)","Answer":"KNICKERED","Explanation":"NICKER (giggle) inside (when opening) KED (fly)"} {"Clue":"Africans once near swallowed by writhing snake (7)","Answer":"KENYANS","Explanation":"NY (near, once=obsolete) inside (swallowed by) anagram (writhing) of SNAKE"} {"Clue":"Violet maybe eats chops in meat wagon (10)","Answer":"HEARTS\u2019EASE","Explanation":"anagram (chops) of EATS inside HEARSE (meat wagon)"} {"Clue":"Learning contact sport delving into book? (9)","Answer":"ERUDITION","Explanation":"RU (Rugby Union, contact sport) inside EDITION (book)"} {"Clue":"One held more caustic from below getting to retire, old (7)","Answer":"RETRAIT","Explanation":"I (one) inside (with\u2026held by\u2026) TARTER (more caustic) reversed (from below, in a down light)"} {"Clue":"Book learning among Scots unknown, appearing dim (6)","Answer":"BLEARY","Explanation":"B (book) LEAR (learning, among Scots) Y (an unknown)"} {"Clue":"Radio navigation system getting one traced at sea (6)","Answer":"DECTRA","Explanation":"anagram (at sea) of TRACED"} {"Clue":"Poet's faint audible quality, cut short, internally weak (5)","Answer":"SWOUN","Explanation":"SOUNd (audible quality, cut short) contains (having\u2026internally) W (weak)"} {"Clue":"This writer's locked in pound as badly behaved juvenile (4)","Answer":"LIMB","Explanation":"I'M (I am, this writer is) inside (locked in) LB (pound)"} {"Clue":"Unknown Joe following English about personal representation (6)","Answer":"EFFIGY","Explanation":"Y (an unknown) GI (GI Joe perhaps) FF (following, in text reference) E (English) all reversed (about)"} {"Clue":"Airport reopened legally designated departure area? (5,3)","Answer":"DEATH ROW","Explanation":"Definition: legally designated \nHEATHROW (airport) with a different opening letter (re-opened)"} {"Clue":"Get up from seat roughly around lunchtime? (5)","Answer":"ARISE","Explanation":"ARSE (seat, roughly indicates vulgar speech) containing (around) I (1, lunchtime, 1pm as viewed on a clock with Roman numerals)"} {"Clue":"Means to wipe material linked to online problem (6,4)","Answer":"TOILET ROLL","Explanation":"TOILE (material) with TROLL (a problematic person online)"} {"Clue":"Sad start for The Smoke following recession (6)","Answer":"TRAGIC","Explanation":"first letter (start for) of The then CIGAR (a smoke) reversed (following recession)"} {"Clue":"Grub up! At last, middle course (5)","Answer":"ROUTE","Explanation":"rout (grub up) then last letter of middlE"} {"Clue":"Lie \u2013 see you cheat (10)","Answer":"TARADIDDLE","Explanation":"TA RA (see you, cf ta ta) and DIDDLE (cheat)"} {"Clue":"Got caught tendon? Too bad (8,2)","Answer":"COTTONED ON","Explanation":"anagram (bad) of C (caught) TENDON TOO"} {"Clue":"Decides game's mostly inferior (5)","Answer":"RULES","Explanation":"RU (Rugby Union, a game) with LESs (inferior, mostly)"} {"Clue":"Upon retirement, gift bond for delivery worker (6)","Answer":"POSTIE","Explanation":"SOP (gift) reversed (upon retirement) then TIE (bond)"} {"Clue":"Outline of hotel suite rejigged (10)","Answer":"SILHOUETTE","Explanation":"anagram (rejigged) of HOTEL SUITE"} {"Clue":"Enigma Variation concerning a number of conductors? (5)","Answer":"REBUS","Explanation":"RE (concerning) BUS (a number of conductors, electrical) \u2013 can someone explain *variation* for me? *UPDATE: a REBUS is an example (variation, variety) of an enigma. Well done to [email\u00a0protected] for spotting this.\u00a0"} {"Clue":"African flag sent back by cause so abandoned (8)","Answer":"ERITREAN","Explanation":"TIRE (flag) reversed (sent back) on REAsoN (cause) missing SO"} {"Clue":"This may follow first film shot with sound technology on vacation (6)","Answer":"SAFETY","Explanation":"SAFE (sound) then TechnologY (on vacation, emptied) \u2013 you can have *safety first*, *safety film* and *safety shot. *But it seems to me that safety (this, the solution) precedes those words rather than follows them. Any ideas? *UPDATE: This was an error by the setter **follow** should have been **precede"} {"Clue":"One aiming to make final tried running round circuit? (6)","Answer":"EDITOR","Explanation":"anagram (running) of TRIED contains (round) O (a circuit, a circle) \u2013 someone trying to make the final edition of a paper"} {"Clue":"Before live broadcast, hope the moon will appear (6)","Answer":"PHOEBE","Explanation":"BE (live) following (before\u2026is\u2026) anagram (broadcast) of HOPE \u2013 one of Saturn's moons"} {"Clue":"Wrinkled my wig on riotous date (10)","Answer":"CORRUGATED","Explanation":"COR (my, exclamation) RUG (wig) then anagram (riotous) of DATE"} {"Clue":"Late example of key praise (5)","Answer":"EXALT","Explanation":"EX (late, former) then ALT (example of key, on a computer keyboard)"} {"Clue":"Rum due with African veal dish (10)","Answer":"FRICANDEAU","Explanation":"anagram (rum, strange) of DUE with AFRICAN"} {"Clue":"To a limited extent, beleaguer ill- advised band member? (8)","Answer":"GUERILLA","Explanation":"found inside (to a limited extent) beleaGUER ILL Advised"} {"Clue":"Said wise guy regularly shunned \u2013 ciao! (5)","Answer":"ADIEU","Explanation":"every other letter (regularly) of sAiD wIsE gUy"} {"Clue":"Badly hurt in symmetrically divided battleground? It's entirely logical (5,5)","Answer":"TRUTH TABLE","Explanation":"anagram (badly) of HURT inside anagram (ground) of BATTLE \u2013 the clue instructs us to symmetrically divide battleground into battle + ground"} {"Clue":"Note interval in rank above bronze- medal position (5,5)","Answer":"MAJOR THIRD","Explanation":"MAJOR (rank) then (above, in a down light) THIRD (bronze medal position)"} {"Clue":"Keep out of this Indian state following denial? Not quite true (2- 2,4)","Answer":"NO-GO- AREA","Explanation":"GOA (Indian state) follows NO (denial) then REAL (true) missing last letter (not quite all of)"} {"Clue":"Stirs up Republican fires (6)","Answer":"ROUSTS","Explanation":"R (republican) then OUSTS (fires, gets rid of)"} {"Clue":"Dash of ketchup in most recent pancake (5)","Answer":"LATKE","Explanation":"first letter (a dash of) Ketchup inside LATE (most recent)"} {"Clue":"Calling on mobile phone provider in shop (6)","Answer":"SEEING","Explanation":"EE (UK mobile phone provider) inside SING (shop, inform on)"} {"Clue":"Attempt bets, just evens for example (5)","Answer":"ESSAY","Explanation":"the even letters from bEtS the SAY (for example)"} {"Clue":"New arrivals, we hear, are found in 10 (6)","Answer":"BERTHS","Explanation":"sounds like (we hear) \"births\" (new arrivals)"} {"Clue":"Sleepers lie here (5,3)","Answer":"TRACK BED","Explanation":"sleepers are wooden supports for the rails"} {"Clue":"Train-spotter making an expression of anger about winter weather (6)","Answer":"GRICER","Explanation":"GRR (an expression of anger) containing (about) ICE (winter weather)"} {"Clue":"Long wait, sadly, overnight! (5,3)","Answer":"WAGON LIT","Explanation":"anagram (sadly) of LONG WAIT \u2013 a sleeper train, or as my young girls used to call it the \"sleepy train\""} {"Clue":"Girl returns to the north \u2013 from here? (6)","Answer":"EUSTON","Explanation":"SUE (a girl) then TO N (the north) reversed (returns) \u2013 railway terminus in London servicing lines to the north of the UK"} {"Clue":"Powerful passage? (8)","Answer":"CORRIDOR","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 alluding to the \"corridors of power\", where the real government business is conducted"} {"Clue":"For the guard at the rear, yet at the front (3)","Answer":"VAN","Explanation":"the guard's van on a train was at the rear"} {"Clue":"Lorry driver, one in Leeds, broken down (6)","Answer":"DIESEL","Explanation":"I (one) inside anagram (broken down) of LEEDS \u2013 an engine that drives (propels) a lorry"} {"Clue":"Train pass daughter's lost (7)","Answer":"RAILCAR","Explanation":"RAILCARd ( a pass allowing cheaper rail travel) missing (lost) D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Old bird in hot water (6)","Answer":"BOILER","Explanation":"either cryptic definition or a double definition, I'm not sure which"} {"Clue":"Back game policy on the branch track (4,4)","Answer":"LOOP LINE","Explanation":"POOL (a game) reversed (back) then LINE (policy)"} {"Clue":"No tips about engine component (6)","Answer":"PISTON","Explanation":"anagram (about, all over the place)"} {"Clue":"Doctor has to scoff at train service? (8)","Answer":"MOTORAIL","Explanation":"MO (medical officer, doctor) with TO and RAIL (scoff at)"} {"Clue":"It gives the rail that extra edge (6)","Answer":"FLANGE","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Long-winded DG leaves, wandering on the track from 11 (8)","Answer":"DOWNLINE","Explanation":"anagram (wandering) of LONg WINDEd missing (\u2026leaves) DG"} {"Clue":"Kind offer for coal (6)","Answer":"TENDER","Explanation":"triple definition \u2013 the small wagon behind a steam engine for storing coal"} {"Clue":"Great chiefs who think a lot of themselves (8)","Answer":"BIGHEADS","Explanation":"BIG (great) HEADS (chiefs)"} {"Clue":"New editions about topics for discussion (8)","Answer":"REISSUES","Explanation":"RE (about, regarding) then ISSUES (topics for discussion)"} {"Clue":"Cheese regularly on aficionado's list (4,4)","Answer":"HEEL OVER","Explanation":"every other letter (regularly) of cHeEsE on LOVER (aficionado)"} {"Clue":"Sanity affected senora (6)","Answer":"REASON","Explanation":"anagram (affected) of SENORA"} {"Clue":"Lots of servicemen and women? (6)","Answer":"CHOIRS","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 people singing in a church service, and the area (lot) of the church where they sit"} {"Clue":"Great ball of fire as oil bed exploded (6)","Answer":"BOLIDE","Explanation":"anagram (exploded) of OIL BED"} {"Clue":"Old fellow at party with Jack Dee (6)","Answer":"DOTARD","Explanation":"DO (party) TAR (Jack, a sailor) and D (dee, name of letter)"} {"Clue":"Historian Catholic really upset (7)","Answer":"CARLYLE","Explanation":"C (catholic) then anagram (upset) of REALLY \u2013 Thomas Carlyle"} {"Clue":"Isolated pillar at Fen Line station in recent times (6)","Answer":"LATELY","Explanation":"LAT (an isolated pillar, esp. in India) and ELY (a railway station in The Fens)"} {"Clue":"Some bric-a-brac for driver's compartment (3)","Answer":"CAB","Explanation":"found inside (some of) briC-A-Brac"} {"Clue":"Charlady? (5,3)","Answer":"ROSIE LEE","Explanation":"ROSIE LEE is rhyming slang for tea (char) so she is a charlady"} {"Clue":"Unmusical lines in duet rearranged (3- 5)","Answer":"ILL-TUNED","Explanation":"anagram (rearranged) of L L (line, twice) IN DUET"} {"Clue":"Fashion undergrad ultimately lacking impressiveness (8)","Answer":"GRANDEUR","Explanation":"anagram (fashion, to make) of UNDERGRAd missing (lacking) last letter (ultimately)"} {"Clue":"Ascribed fault to the first two of each of the blonde amusing editors (6)","Answer":"BLAMED","Explanation":"the first two letters of BLonde AMusing EDitors"} {"Clue":"Fawn and bovine, spoken of \u2013 could be two (6)","Answer":"KOWTOW","Explanation":"KOW sounds like (spoken of) \"cow\" (a bovine) then anagram (could be) of TWO"} {"Clue":"More than one place on the river (6)","Answer":"PLURAL","Explanation":"PL (place) then URAL (a river in Russia)"} {"Clue":"The standard of children's ignorance (6)","Answer":"ENSIGN","Explanation":"found inside childrEN'S IGNorance \u2013 a standard is a flag"} {"Clue":"Cardinal gasping, beginning to sneak off (6)","Answer":"THIRTY","Explanation":"THIRsTY (gasping, for a drink) missing (with\u2026off) Sneak (first letter, beginning) \u2013 an example of a cardinal number (1,2 3\u2026) as opposed to an ordinal number (1st, 2nd, 3rd\u2026)"} {"Clue":"Furious clashes with head of KGB in irons (8)","Answer":"SHACKLES","Explanation":"anagram (furious) of CLASHES with Kgb (first letter, head of)"} {"Clue":"One profiting from old lag keeping quiet (9)","Answer":"EXPLOITER","Explanation":"EX (former) LOITER (lag) contains P (piano, quiet)"} {"Clue":"Primate in South American capital, I hear (5)","Answer":"LEMUR","Explanation":"sounds like (I hear) \"Lima\" (South American capital)"} {"Clue":"Article like this entertaining learner too (4)","Answer":"ALSO","Explanation":"A (article, grammar) SO (like this) contains (entertaining) L (a learner)"} {"Clue":"Calm fell on the others (10)","Answer":"RESTRAINED","Explanation":"RAINED (fell) on REST (the others)"} {"Clue":"Snob popping into brothel? It is tempting (7)","Answer":"ELITIST","Explanation":"found inside (popping into) brothEL IT IS Tempting"} {"Clue":"Shrewd of Tory party moving to the left (6)","Answer":"CLEVER","Explanation":"C (Conservative, Tory) then REVEL (party) reversed (moving from right to left)"} {"Clue":"Drinking spree in outdoor shelter (6)","Answer":"BENDER","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Made to suffer, trapped in wicked world of scholars (7)","Answer":"ACADEME","Explanation":"anagram (to suffer) of MADE inside ACE (wicked, very good)"} {"Clue":"Atheists in misguided opposition (10)","Answer":"ANTITHESIS","Explanation":"anagram (misguided) of ATHEISTS IN"} {"Clue":"Cross you put your foot in it? (4)","Answer":"MULE","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 a hybrid animal and a slipper"} {"Clue":"Monarch changing at last? That's odd (5)","Answer":"QUEER","Explanation":"QUEEN (monarch) with last letter changed"} {"Clue":"Real idiot somehow becoming leader (9)","Answer":"EDITORIAL","Explanation":"anagram (somehow) of REAL IDIOT \u2013 leader (the editor's article) in a newspaper"} {"Clue":"Request lunch to be served in lobby (8)","Answer":"ENTREATY","Explanation":"EAT (lunch, as a verb) inside (to be served in) ENTRY (lobby)"} {"Clue":"Problem restraining posh exhibitionist (6)","Answer":"POSEUR","Explanation":"POSER (problem) contains (restraining) U (posh)"} {"Clue":"Youngster making green tea (8)","Answer":"TEENAGER","Explanation":"anagram (making, what you can make from these letters) of GREEN TEA"} {"Clue":"Moo's voice? It's expressionless (9)","Answer":"IMPASSIVE","Explanation":"I'M (I am, Moo is) the PASSIVE (the passive voice, grammar)"} {"Clue":"Take a little coke, as impatient driver may (4)","Answer":"TOOT","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Dissenter's present eccentricity (7)","Answer":"HERETIC","Explanation":"HERE (present) TIC (eccentricity)"} {"Clue":"Security subsequently seen in local, drunk (10)","Answer":"COLLATERAL","Explanation":"LATER (subsequently) inside anagram (drunk) of LOCAL"} {"Clue":"Article in Paris Match at beginning of week a disappointment (5)","Answer":"LEMON","Explanation":"LE (an, article, in French, as in Paris Match) then MON (Monday, beginning of the week)"} {"Clue":"Step out of trousers, scratching bottom (6)","Answer":"STRIDE","Explanation":"STRIDEs (trousers) missing (scratching) last letter (bottom)"} {"Clue":"Confirm cricket lover might be here (6)","Answer":"ATTEST","Explanation":"AT TEST (at a test match, where a cricket lover might be found)"} {"Clue":"Romantic tryst in Frenchman's love nest? (4-1-5)","Answer":"PIED-A-TERRE","Explanation":"DATE (romantic tryst) inside PIERRE (a Frenchman)"} {"Clue":"Management made up of four, in effect (9)","Answer":"EXECUTIVE","Explanation":"IV (four) inside EXECUTE (effect, as a verb)"} {"Clue":"Taunt about flourishing chap such as Faberg\u00e9 (8)","Answer":"JEWELLER","Explanation":"JEER (taunt) contains (about) WELL (flourishing)"} {"Clue":"Return again to participate in free lectures (2-5)","Answer":"RE-ELECT","Explanation":"found inside (participates in) fREE LECTures \u2013 to return to Parliament"} {"Clue":"Bitter, a bit like LSD? (6)","Answer":"ACIDIC","Explanation":"ACID-IC (like acid, LSD)"} {"Clue":"Dictator's characteristic symbol \u2013 Rolls- Royce perhaps (6)","Answer":"MARQUE","Explanation":"~~I can't explain this, can anyone help? My only guess is MARQUE meaning \"reprisals\" (in Chambers), but that usage is obsolete and seems very obscure for the FT~~ *sounds like (dictator's, in dictation) \"mark\" (characteristic symbol)"} {"Clue":"Illicit removal of stockbroker's organ (5)","Answer":"THEFT","Explanation":"THE FT (The Financial Times) \u2013 an organ is a newspaper"} {"Clue":"By oneself in capital, son having moved (4)","Answer":"SOLO","Explanation":"OSLO (capital) with S (son) having moved to the end"} {"Clue":"Blokes in musical genre displaying military headgear (8)","Answer":"SCHAPSKA","Explanation":"CHAPS (blokes) inside SKA (musical genre)"} {"Clue":"Face reverse, left trapped, feeling low (4)","Answer":"GLUM","Explanation":"MUG (face) containing (with\u2026trapped) L (left)"} {"Clue":"Broadening on each side, timber tree to work at (10)","Answer":"ALLARGANDO","Explanation":"ALL (on each side, a tied score) ARGAN (timber tree) then DO (to work at)"} {"Clue":"Death? Saint accepts short way (6)","Answer":"JORDAN","Explanation":"JOAN (Saint Joan) contains RD (abbreviation for road, way)"} {"Clue":"At standing in chain of command returned for settlement (6)","Answer":"ENTAIL","Explanation":"AT inside LINE (chain of command) all reversed (returned)"} {"Clue":"Spiritual leader removing hat for mature lady (in US) (4)","Answer":"MAMA","Explanation":"MAhatMA (spiritual leader) missing HAT"} {"Clue":"A devil, back to front, appearing as heathen in poetry (5)","Answer":"PANIM","Explanation":"AN IMP (a devil) with last letter (back) moved to the front \u2013 as spelled by Milton, the poet"} {"Clue":"Feature of cage for budgie adjusting its pose (7)","Answer":"SEPIOST","Explanation":"anagram (adjusting) ITS POSE \u2013 cuttlefish bones are traditionally put in cages for budgerigars to gnaw on as source of calcium"} {"Clue":"Wine? One's drunk about a mug (7)","Answer":"ALICANT","Explanation":"A (one) with ('s, has) LIT (drunk) containing (about) CAN (a mug)"} {"Clue":"Cast point of view that may be acute (5)","Answer":"ANGLE","Explanation":"triple definition \u2013 to angle is to fish (cast)"} {"Clue":"The inducement that includes love and opening to heaven for believer in karma? (8)","Answer":"THEOSOPH","Explanation":"THE SOP (inducement) contains O (love) then first letter (opening to) Heaven"} {"Clue":"Path no longer in use: it is heading west and east (4)","Answer":"STIE","Explanation":"IT'S (it is) reversed (heading west, as on a map) then E (east)"} {"Clue":"Pearl oyster has borne? Could be this stone, yes? (6)","Answer":"HARBOR","Explanation":"OYSTER HAS BORNE is an anagram (could be) of HARBOR (this, the solution) STONE YES \u2013 *Pearl Harbor* in the USA perhaps"} {"Clue":"Burning green logs, nip one of them in pieces (6)","Answer":"POLING","Explanation":"anagram (in pieces) of NIP LOG (one of them, the logs)"} {"Clue":"Organise RN at sea fit for defence (10)","Answer":"ENGARRISON","Explanation":"anagram (at sea) of ORGANISE RN \u2013 to provide (fit) a defensive force"} {"Clue":"Something like yoghurt to lift recipe? (4)","Answer":"SKYR","Explanation":"SKY (to lift) R (recipe)"} {"Clue":"Prevent freshwater fish being wiped out (rare) (8)","Answer":"DETERGED","Explanation":"DETER (prevent) then GED (the pike, a freshwater fish)"} {"Clue":"House in Warsaw Susan and James briefly vacated (4)","Answer":"SEJM","Explanation":"SuE (Susan, briefly) and JiM (James, briefly) both missing middle letters (vacated)"} {"Clue":"WC avoided by women, one in pub like a sewer? (7)","Answer":"CLOACAL","Explanation":"wC missing W (women) then A (one) inside LOCAL (pub)"} {"Clue":"Creator of music composing minor share (10)","Answer":"HARMONISER","Explanation":"anagram (composing) MINOR SHARE"} {"Clue":"Unpleasant ooze from Pret \u00e0 Manger fare, ignoring recipe (6)","Answer":"SANIES","Explanation":"SArNIES (Pret-a-Manger fare) missing R (recipe)"} {"Clue":"Tail of Moby-Dick and ray no good as source of whalebone? (5)","Answer":"KRENG","Explanation":"last letter (tail) of moby-dicK then RE (ray, note of the scale) and NG (no good)"} {"Clue":"Giant fee, misplaced penalty for disobedience (8)","Answer":"GATE-FINE","Explanation":"anagram (misplaced) of GIANT FEE"} {"Clue":"Naked figure, head out of position, in Italian tourist town (5)","Answer":"UDINE","Explanation":"NUDIE (naked figure) with first letter (head) moved to a new position. I had a look in Wikipedia it makes no particular mention of tourism, but then so many places in Italy count as tourist destinations that perhaps this is just taken for granted."} {"Clue":"Some spies put out to dry, as victims of hostility (8)","Answer":"MOLESTED","Explanation":"MOLES (some spies) TED (put out to dry, of grass)"} {"Clue":"Mistaken in grog a tar's laying claim to (10)","Answer":"ARROGATING","Explanation":"anagram (mistaken) of IN GROG A TAR"} {"Clue":"Old weapons right inside sheaths (8)","Answer":"SPARTHES","Explanation":"R (right) inside SPATHES (sheaths)"} {"Clue":"Very small amount of pressure curtailed bacterium, mark shaved at edges? (8)","Answer":"MICROBAR","Explanation":"MICROBe (bacterium, curtailed) then mARk missing outer letters (shaved at edges)"} {"Clue":"Gaiter and what it's part of, forming a thin layer (8)","Answer":"SPATHOSE","Explanation":"SPAT (gaiter) and HOSE (legwear, what a gaiter is part of)"} {"Clue":"Prelude to downing of Guinness entails getting tipsy? (7)","Answer":"SLAINTE","Explanation":"anagram (getting tipsy) of ENTAILS \u2013 an Irish toast"} {"Clue":"Jock's crested tuft, very soft within (6)","Answer":"TAPPIT","Explanation":"TAIT (tuft) contains (with\u2026within) PP (pianissimo, very soft) \u2013 *Jock's* indicates that both *tappit* and *tait* are Scottish words"} {"Clue":"Nach dancing before king displaying part of girl's adornment (5)","Answer":"CHANK","Explanation":"anagram (dancing) of NACH then K (king)"} {"Clue":"Vehicle, we hear, for one-time star of silver screen (5)","Answer":"LORRE","Explanation":"sounds like (we hear) \"lorry\" (vehicle) \u2013 actor Peter Lorre (1904-1964)"} {"Clue":"Following rising generation daughter produces swearword (not too offensive) (4)","Answer":"EGAD","Explanation":"AGE (generation) reversed (rising) then (following\u2026is\u2026) D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"I see you can set back a language (8)","Answer":"GUJARATI","Explanation":"I TARA (goodbye, see you) then JUG (can) reversed (set back)"} {"Clue":"Empire's last Dark Lord, one effecting escape (6)","Answer":"EVADER","Explanation":"last letter of empirE then VADER (Darth Vader, dark lord form Star Wars films)"} {"Clue":"Metal swizzle stick once seen centrally (4)","Answer":"ZINC","Explanation":"the middle letters (seen centrally) of swi**Z**zle st**I**ck o**NC**e"} {"Clue":"Shortage that is stopping cynic getting fed bananas (10)","Answer":"DEFICIENCY","Explanation":"IE (that is) inside (stopping, like a cork) anagram (bananas) of CYNIC with FED"} {"Clue":"Foreign character sick over hot dish (6)","Answer":"CHILLI","Explanation":"CHI (Greek letter, foreign character) then ILL (sick) reversed (over)"} {"Clue":"Traces martens back to Eurasian ground (8)","Answer":"REMNANTS","Explanation":"anagram (getting ground) of MARTENS and eurasiaN (last letter, back to)"} {"Clue":"The effing stupid allowance concerning future IT? (5-10)","Answer":"FIFTH GENERATION","Explanation":"anagram (stupid) of THE EFFING then RATION (allowance) \u2013 a name for the anticipated \"artificial intelligence\" computers to come"} {"Clue":"Cross over to enter function with international food (8)","Answer":"TANDOORI","Explanation":"ROOD (cross) reversed (over) inside (to enter) TAN (function, in maths) with I (international)"} {"Clue":"Rules charge should follow offence in hearing? (6)","Answer":"SYNTAX","Explanation":"TAX (charge) follows SYN sounds like (in hearing) \"sin\" (offence)"} {"Clue":"Too much in rat race, orderly that's fired (10)","Answer":"TERRACOTTA","Explanation":"OTT (too much) inside anagram (orderly) of RAT RACE \u2013 something that is fired in a pottery oven"} {"Clue":"Host owning many branches? (4)","Answer":"ARMY","Explanation":"ARM-Y like something with many arms (branches)"} {"Clue":"Renounce exam success at college (4,2)","Answer":"PASS UP","Explanation":"PASS (exam success) then UP (at college)"} {"Clue":"Assailant formerly working with yours truly? (8)","Answer":"ONSETTER","Explanation":"ON (working) with SETTER (yours truly, the writer) \u2013 formerly indicates an archaic word"} {"Clue":"Tailless little bird taps shallow drinking vessel (6)","Answer":"QUAICH","Explanation":"QUAIL (little bird) missing last letter (tailless) then C and H (cold and hot, two taps on a basin)"} {"Clue":"Reckoned copper has entered name and date incorrectly (10)","Answer":"CALCULATED","Explanation":"CU (copper) inside CALL (name) and anagram (incorrectly) of DATE"} {"Clue":"Moving slowly, old man being fed by wife Heather (8)","Answer":"DAWDLING","Explanation":"DAD (father, old man) contains (being fed?) W (wife) then LING (heather). I can see that \"being fed cheese\" means something is eating cheese, but \"being fed **by** cheese\" means that cheese is doing the feeding, not being consumed. On most puzzles I would not worry but Monk is normally a stickler for correctness. Am I misreading something here?"} {"Clue":"Exact definition of \"offer\" initiated new term for \"suggestion\" (15)","Answer":"DIFFERENTIATION","Explanation":"anagram (new) of OFFER INITIATED then last letter (term for) of suggestioN"} {"Clue":"Snapper on line getting no space? (6)","Answer":"WEBCAM","Explanation":"~~I don't understand this, can anyone help? The B completes the pangram, so webcam looks to be a likely answer.\u00a0~~ *A form of cryptic definition:* *\"Snapper on line\" (a cameraman on a railway perhaps) missing the space gives \"Snapper online\" (a camera on the Internet perhaps). A subtle distinction that passed me by!"} {"Clue":"Partly overturned degeneracy charge (4)","Answer":"CARE","Explanation":"found inside (partly) degenERACy reversed (overturned)"} {"Clue":"Shakespearean character worked out crime (8)","Answer":"MERCUTIO","Explanation":"anagram (worked) of OUT CRIME"} {"Clue":"News time for some day workers, maybe those who wait on (10)","Answer":"ATTENDANTS","Explanation":"AT TEN (news time for some, the *Ten O'clock News* on TV) D (day) ANTS (workers)"} {"Clue":"Monk supposes said year will be terrible (1,4,3)","Answer":"I DARE SAY","Explanation":"anagram (will be terrible) of SAID YEAR \u2013 Monk is todays setter, I the writer"} {"Clue":"Fish in 50% of dishes after starters of roll and soup (8)","Answer":"RASCASSE","Explanation":"CASSEroles (dishes, 50% of) following first letters (starters) or Roll And Soup"} {"Clue":"Hold old trophy in, ultimately, Pyrrhic victory (6)","Answer":"OCCUPY","Explanation":"O (old) CUP (trophy) inside last letters (ultimately) of pyrrhiC victorY"} {"Clue":"Band finally together in East-End group of houses? (6)","Answer":"ARMLET","Explanation":"last letter (finally) of togetheR inside 'AMLET (hamlet, group of houses, in an East-End accent)"} {"Clue":"Danger of search lacking force (4)","Answer":"RISK","Explanation":"fRISK (search) missing F (force)"} {"Clue":"Horrifically ugly faces in first of Ridley Scott's original Alien designs? (6,7)","Answer":"FLYING SAUCERS","Explanation":"anagram anagram (horrifically) of UGLY FACES IN and first letter of Ridley then first letter (original of) Scott"} {"Clue":"Force landlords to supply spirits (6)","Answer":"GHOSTS","Explanation":"G (g-force, gravity) HOSTS (landlords)"} {"Clue":"Expert angler keeps twirling fly (4)","Answer":"GNAT","Explanation":"found inside (kept by) experT ANGler reversed (twirling)"} {"Clue":"Wandering bear destroyed allotment (10)","Answer":"ABERRATION","Explanation":"anagram (destroyed) of BEAR then RATION (allotment)"} {"Clue":"Castaway sailors embroider reports (6)","Answer":"CRUSOE","Explanation":"sounds like (reports) \"crew sew\" (sailors embroider)"} {"Clue":"Turned on friend accepting popular commission (8)","Answer":"NOMINATE","Explanation":"ON reversed (turned) then MATE (friend) containing (accepting) IN (popular)"} {"Clue":"Bachelor needs wife? An inductive fallacy (5,4)","Answer":"BLACK SWAN","Explanation":"B (bachelor) LACLS (need) W (wife) AN"} {"Clue":"Man, say, insulted on a regular basis (4)","Answer":"ISLE","Explanation":"every other letter (on a regular basis) of InSuLtEd \u2013 the Isle of Man"} {"Clue":"Fraud caught morning after end of assizes (4)","Answer":"SCAM","Explanation":"C (caught) AM (morning) all following last letter (end) of assizeS"} {"Clue":"Organisation offered to enlist American behind European fair (9)","Answer":"UNBIASSED","Explanation":"UN (an organisation) BID (offered) contains (to enlist) ASS (a behind, American) and E (European)"} {"Clue":"Outstanding learner takes on lean combatant (8)","Answer":"DUELLIST","Explanation":"DUE (outstanding) L (learner) with LIST (lean)"} {"Clue":"Brazilian legend embodies boundless hope for humanity (6)","Answer":"PEOPLE","Explanation":"PELE (footballer, Brazilian legend) contains (embodies) hOPe missing outer letters (bound-less)"} {"Clue":"Nasty women gas about retreating army ambulances (4,6)","Answer":"MEAT WAGONS","Explanation":"anagram (nasty) of WOMEN GAS contains TA (Territorial Army) reversed (retreating)"} {"Clue":"Essentially considers politicians to be servants of evil (4)","Answer":"IMPS","Explanation":"middle letter (essentially) of consIders then MPS (politicians)"} {"Clue":"Councils approving signs on Surrey's borders (6)","Answer":"SYNODS","Explanation":"NODS (approving signs) follows (on) outer letters (edges) of SurreY"} {"Clue":"A cardinal caught in bishop's office having meeting with 4 (6)","Answer":"SEANCE","Explanation":"A N (used to indicate a whole number, a cardinal number) C (caught) inside SEE (bishop's office)"} {"Clue":"Recreational drug artist left as final farewell (7)","Answer":"FUNERAL","Explanation":"FUN (recreational) E (ecstasy, drug) RA (Royal Academician, artist) L (left)"} {"Clue":"Fantastic creatures one's cowed by nonetheless (5)","Answer":"YETIS","Explanation":"I'S (one's) underneath (cowed by) YET (nonetheless)"} {"Clue":"Grooms dined in Nova Scotia (7)","Answer":"NEATENS","Explanation":"EATEN (dined) inside NS (Nova Scotia)"} {"Clue":"Actor's claims about women's quarters (6)","Answer":"HAREMS","Explanation":"HAMS (actor's) contains (claims) RE (regarding, about)"} {"Clue":"Worshippers abused assistant (9)","Answer":"SATANISTS","Explanation":"anagram (abused) of ASSISTANT"} {"Clue":"Dog racing venue cancels opening fixture (7)","Answer":"SCOTTIE","Explanation":"aSCOT (racing venue) missing first letter (cancels opening) then TIE (fixture)"} {"Clue":"New version is more explicit about defending northern state (13)","Answer":"REINCARNATION","Explanation":"RACIER (more explicit) reversed (about) containing (defending) N (northern) then NATION (state)"} {"Clue":"Article found under church altar unfortunately is phoney (9)","Answer":"CHARLATAN","Explanation":"AN (indefinite article) follows (found under) CH (church) and anagram (unfortunately) of ALTAR"} {"Clue":"Father is entertained by Messi breaking deadlock (7)","Answer":"IMPASSE","Explanation":"PA (father) inside (entertained by) anagram (breaking) of MESSI"} {"Clue":"Obscure points about parts of film (7)","Answer":"ECLIPSE","Explanation":"E E (East, a point of the compass, twice) contains (about) CLIPS (parts of film)"} {"Clue":"Storyteller maintains Zulu finally defeated saurian (6)","Answer":"LIZARD","Explanation":"LIAR (storyteller) contains Z (zulu, phonetic alphabet) then last letter (finally) of defeateD"} {"Clue":"Hunter working either side of river in Spain (5)","Answer":"ORION","Explanation":"ON (working) contains (either side of) RIO (river, in Spain)"} {"Clue":"Team man taking our paper into wrecked hothouse (5,2,3,5)","Answer":"QUEEN OF THE SOUTH","Explanation":"QUEEN (man, chess piece) then FT (Financial Times, our paper) inside anagram (wrecked) of HOTHOUSE \u2013 a football team form Dumfries in Scotland"} {"Clue":"Lift drape when Austrian heretic is murdered (5,3,7)","Answer":"RAISE THE CURTAIN","Explanation":"anagram (is murdered, performed badly) of AUSTRIAN HERETIC"} {"Clue":"Office worker, former model (8)","Answer":"TEMPLATE","Explanation":"TEMP (office worker) LATE (former)"} {"Clue":"Island shelter (6)","Answer":"REFUGE","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 an island in the street for pedestrians"} {"Clue":"Deer knocks back glitter (7)","Answer":"SPARKLE","Explanation":"ELK (deer) RAPS (knocks) all reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Quarrel and its side effect (4,3)","Answer":"FALL OUT","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Suitable treatment for bruised crania (6)","Answer":"ARNICA","Explanation":"anagram (bruised) of CRANIA \u2013 a herb used for treating bruises"} {"Clue":"They take photographs of turtles (8)","Answer":"SNAPPERS","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 photographers and the Snapping Turtle"} {"Clue":"Poor Satchmo's gripe? (7,8)","Answer":"STOMACH DISORDER","Explanation":"two statements of an anagram: anagram (poor) of SATCHMO and anagram (disorder) of STOMACH"} {"Clue":"Fruit for nothing, say, in South Africa (6,4,5)","Answer":"ORANGE FREE STATE","Explanation":"ORANGE (fruit) FREE (for nothing) STATE (say) \u2013 somewhere in South Africa"} {"Clue":"Feel unwell painting, held by rugby type (3,1,11)","Answer":"RUN A TEMPERATURE","Explanation":"TEMPERA (a type of painting) inside (held by) RU (Rugby Union) NATURE (type)"} {"Clue":"Master plan while rebuilding Senedd (5,10)","Answer":"WELSH PARLIAMENT","Explanation":"anagram (rebuilding) of MASTER PLAN WHILE \u2013 Senedd Cymru the devolved government for Wales"} {"Clue":"Measure at formal dance equates with games for 8 (8,7)","Answer":"FOOTBALL MATCHES","Explanation":"FOOT (a measure) with BALL (formal dance) and MATCHES (equates)"} {"Clue":"Said a word or two \u2013 indistinctly, but not for starters (7)","Answer":"UTTERED","Explanation":"stUTTERED (indistinctly, as when saying a word or two) missing (but not for) first two letters (the starters)"} {"Clue":"Want a reply about paper gossip from all sides. Right (7,2,6)","Answer":"REQUIRE AN ANSWER","Explanation":"RE (regarding, about) QUIRE (measure of paper) ANA (gossip) NSWE (north, south, west and east\u2026all sides) then R (right)"} {"Clue":"Thirty plus four, take away one is representative of teenage exuberance (8,7)","Answer":"YOUTHFUL SPIRITS","Explanation":"anagram (representative of) of THIRTY PLUS FOUr ~~missing (away) R (recipe, take)~~ missing one letter (take away one) and IS"} {"Clue":"Four bowmen with scores (6,9)","Answer":"STRING QUARTETTE","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 scores are sheet music, a variant spelling of quartet"} {"Clue":"Duncan is a lover say? (7)","Answer":"ISADORA","Explanation":"sounds like (say) \"is adorer\" (is a lover) \u2013 dancer Isadora Duncan"} {"Clue":"Ageing Aussie swinger, maneater, #1 twerker, sozzled (5,5,5)","Answer":"GREAT WHITE SHARK","Explanation":"Definition: Ageing Aussie swinger\nanagram (sozzled) of ~~HASHTAG (#) I (1, as Roman numeral)~~ HASHTAG I (#1, hashtag one) TWERKER \u2013 ~~can someone explain *ageing Aussie swinger* for me please?~~ *two definitions: nickname of former Australian golfer (swinger) Greg Norman and the big dangerous fish\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Misery of seaside spa I remember (7)","Answer":"DESPAIR","Explanation":"found inside seasiDE SPA I Remember"} {"Clue":"Taking time out from martial art; OK to pop in for a sing-song? (7)","Answer":"KARAOKE","Explanation":"KARAtE (martial art) missing (to take out) T (time) containing (\u2026to pop in) OK"} {"Clue":"Feeling unwell in the French city (5)","Answer":"LILLE","Explanation":"ILL (felling unwell) inside LE (the, in French)"} {"Clue":"TV, radio & press service aimed for disruption (4,5)","Answer":"MASS MEDIA","Explanation":"MASS (service) then anagram (for disruption) of AIMED"} {"Clue":"Tabloid rubbish article included \"what the PM did in Marbella?\" (9)","Answer":"SUNBATHED","Explanation":"SUN (The Sun, a tabloid newspaper) BAD (rubbish) contains (with\u2026included) THE (the definite article) \u2013 Boris Johnson went on a free holiday at a rich banker's luxury villa in Marbella (with some political fallout)"} {"Clue":"Visiting Bridport, I'd always like the sea (5)","Answer":"TIDAL","Explanation":"found inside (visiting) bridporT I'D ALways"} {"Clue":"Fury seen as Glasgow side has both wingers dismissed (5)","Answer":"ANGER","Explanation":"rANGERS (Glasgow side, football team) missing (dismissed) both outer letters (wingers)"} {"Clue":"Awful pain when East German comes in for new currency, longing for the past (9)","Answer":"NOSTALGIA","Explanation":"NeurALGIA (awful pain) when OST (east, in German) replaces (comes in for) EUR (Euro, abbreviation, a new currency?)"} {"Clue":"Nudge Joey, reclaim \u2013 finally! \u2013 a bit of space (5,4)","Answer":"ELBOW ROOM","Explanation":"ELBOW (nudge) ROO (joey, slang for kangaroo) then last letter (finally) of reclaiM"} {"Clue":"Brits losing a thousand from equities going into recession (5)","Answer":"SCOTS","Explanation":"K (a thousand) missing from STOCkS (equities) reversed (going into recession)"} {"Clue":"Silly sort of everyday language mother banned (7)","Answer":"IDIOTIC","Explanation":"IDIOmaTIC (of everyday language) missing (banned) MA (mother) \u2013 I'm not sure whether to include *sort* in the definition or in the wordplay"} {"Clue":"Sticky substance Malcolm occasionally found in ash? (7)","Answer":"TREACLE","Explanation":"every other letter (occasionally) of mAlCoLm inside TREE (an Ash tree perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Bishop tucking into pasta al dente I'd cooked which contains no meat (1,5-5,4)","Answer":"A PLANT-BASED DIET","Explanation":"B (bishop) inside (tucking into) anagram (cooked) of PASTA AL DENTE I'D"} {"Clue":"Grand Crimea\/Odessa gathering featuring oddly bold patriotic statement (3,5,7)","Answer":"GOD BLESS AMERICA","Explanation":"anagram (gathering) of G (grand) ODESSA CRIMEA containing every other letter (oddly) of BoLd"} {"Clue":"Letter beginning to explain uplifting result of Ms Bott's treatment? (7)","Answer":"EPSILON","Explanation":"first letter (beginning to) of Explain then NO LISP (the result of Ms Bott's treatment, lisping character form Just William stories) reversed (uplifting)"} {"Clue":"Trattoria fed artist going north to host an expo (5,4)","Answer":"TRADE FAIR","Explanation":"found inside (\u2026to host) trattoRIA FED ARTist reversed (going north, upwards on a map)"} {"Clue":"Female members of household run miles (5)","Answer":"HAREM","Explanation":"HARE (run) M (miles)"} {"Clue":"Show bias and pick teams (4,5)","Answer":"TAKE SIDES","Explanation":"TAKE (pick) SIDES (teams)"} {"Clue":"Packs down for this? (5)","Answer":"SCRUM","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 the *pack* is the name for the forwards in a Rugby team"} {"Clue":"Shunned adult video broadcast over Germany (7)","Answer":"AVOIDED","Explanation":"anagram (broadcast) of A (adult) VIDEO containing (over, covering) D (Deutschland, Germany)"} {"Clue":"Ordering cheapest ale, keen to save all the shots? (4,1,5,5)","Answer":"KEEP A CLEAN SHEET","Explanation":"anagram (ordering) of CHEAPEST ALE KEEN"} {"Clue":"Its driver might demolish bacon and mash (6,3)","Answer":"HANSOMCAB","Explanation":"anagram (demolish) of BACON and MASH \u2013 read the definition as *Its driver might demolish bacon\u2026"} {"Clue":"Rise above tendency to keep cans for recycling (9)","Answer":"TRANSCEND","Explanation":"TREND (tendency) contains (to keep) anagram (for recycling) of CANS"} {"Clue":"Young lady eating soft cheese, a gift from God (7)","Answer":"GABRIEL","Explanation":"GAL (young lady) contains (eating) BRIE (soft cheese) \u2013 someone sent from heaven? Can someone with a theological education tell me if there is more to this please?"} {"Clue":"Coaching poor American to quit starchy food (7)","Answer":"GNOCCHI","Explanation":"anagram (poor) of COaCHING missing (to quit) A (American)"} {"Clue":"Western alliance upset Germanic supreme leader (5)","Answer":"WOTAN","Explanation":"W (western) then NATO (alliance) reversed (upset)"} {"Clue":"Dull husband struggling at first in this subject (5)","Answer":"MATHS","Explanation":"MAT (dull) H (husband) then first letter of Struggling"} {"Clue":"Early land plants I cut in slash, type grown wild (13)","Answer":"PSILOPHYTALES","Explanation":"I LOP (cut) inside anagram (grown wild) of SLASH TYPE"} {"Clue":"Little Poll issuing shriek in Austrian region? It's all over (8)","Answer":"LORIKEET","Explanation":"EEK (shriek) inside TIROL (Austrian region) all reversed (over)"} {"Clue":"Portion of belly pork sent back, glutinous (4)","Answer":"ROPY","Explanation":"found inside (portion of) bellY PORk reversed (sent back)"} {"Clue":"Leading lady? Father clutches fresh recording, blowing kiss? (8)","Answer":"PREMIERE","Explanation":"PERE (father, priest) contains (clutches) REMIx (fresh recording) missing (bowing) X (a kiss) \u2013 leady lady of a ballet company perhaps. A pedant might argue that the a remix does not involve a fresh recording, only a fresh mixing of an existing recording."} {"Clue":"Cask cracked, most of German red inside passes out (6)","Answer":"CROAKS","Explanation":"anagram (cracked) of CASK contains (with\u2026inside) ROt (red in German, most of)"} {"Clue":"Endless revelry at rear of bottega in Madrid slum? (6)","Answer":"BARRIO","Explanation":"RIOt (revelry, endless) following (at rear of) BAR (bottega)"} {"Clue":"Harvesters become unwell, yellow inside, on being laid off (9)","Answer":"SICKLEMEN","Explanation":"SICKEN (become unwell) containing (with\u2026inside) LEMon missing (with\u2026being laid off) ON"} {"Clue":"One exhausted, given time off, shivering (5)","Answer":"ASPEN","Explanation":"A (one) SPENt (exhausted) missing (given\u2026off) T (time)"} {"Clue":"Soaks by the sound of it in acme of distress (5)","Answer":"CRISE","Explanation":"sounds like \"crees\" (softens by soaking)"} {"Clue":"Ace cellist, head giving way to pinnacle in studio (9)","Answer":"TORTELIER","Explanation":"aTELIER (studio) with first letter (head) being replaced by (giving way to) TOR (a pinnacle)"} {"Clue":"Syrup spilled round edge of bowl, showing messy table manners? (6)","Answer":"SLURPY","Explanation":"anagram (spilled) of SYRUP containing (round) last letter (edge) of bowL"} {"Clue":"Knocker's noise? Oil hinges next to it briefly (6)","Answer":"RAT-TAT","Explanation":"ATTAR (oil) reversed (hinges, swings round) then 'T (it, briefly)"} {"Clue":"Chateaux yielding success with English grape (not half) (8)","Answer":"WINERIES","Explanation":"WIN (success) with E (English) RIESling (grape) missing half"} {"Clue":"Breast grasped by artist, emboldened (4)","Answer":"STEM","Explanation":"found inside (grasped by) artiST EMboldened"} {"Clue":"Reptiles posing a threat I caged (8)","Answer":"HATTERIA","Explanation":"anagram (posing) of A THREAT containing (with\u2026caged) I"} {"Clue":"Agitated ultras following delivery staff after a period (13)","Answer":"POSTMENSTRUAL","Explanation":"anagram (agitated) of ULTRAS following POSTMEN (delivery staff)"} {"Clue":"Piece of armour once: man has incomplete set on top (7)","Answer":"PLACCAT","Explanation":"CAT (man, jazz slang) follows (has\u2026on top) PLACe (set, incomplete)"} {"Clue":"Paddy's abusive term succeeded, worthless in Scotland (5)","Answer":"SORRA","Explanation":"S (succeeded) then ORRA (worthless, Scots)"} {"Clue":"It breaks up fat, lifting vitality in lean (6)","Answer":"LIPASE","Explanation":"SAP (vitality) reversed (lifting) inside LEAN (lie)"} {"Clue":"It aids digestion and gives added vigour to heart of mine (6)","Answer":"PEPSIN","Explanation":"PEPS (gives added vigour) with middle letters (heart) of mINe"} {"Clue":"A hit with cleaner, correctly applied? It's favouring idea of permanent flux (11)","Answer":"HERACLITEAN","Explanation":"anagram (correctly applied) of A HIT with CLEANER"} {"Clue":"Steamed dish from Mexico ? Mediterranean island switches its parts (5)","Answer":"TAMAL","Explanation":"MALTA (Mediterranean island) with MAL and TA (its parts) switching places"} {"Clue":"Blazing fury starting with a fine (5)","Answer":"AFIRE","Explanation":"IRE (fury) preceded by (starting with) A and F (fine, mark on a pencil or pen)"} {"Clue":"Lofty nests: rook on one is kept in sight? (6)","Answer":"EYRIES","Explanation":"R (rook, chess) with I (one) inside (kept in) EYES (sight, one of the senses)"} {"Clue":"Barracoutas removed from tin up in Orcadian cabin (4)","Answer":"SKEO","Explanation":"snOEKS (barracoutas) missing (removed from, separated from) SN (Sn, tin) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Power range cutting to ore roughly, cut deep down (9)","Answer":"ROOTPRUNE","Explanation":"P (power) RUN (range) inside (cutting) anagram (roughly) of TO ORE"} {"Clue":"Letter, by hand, accompanied by Her Majesty's initials? (9)","Answer":"PERMITTER","Explanation":"PER (by) MITT (hand) with ER (Elizabeth Regina, Her Majesty's initials)"} {"Clue":"Renault may be got out of this (7)","Answer":"NEUTRAL","Explanation":"anagram (what may be got out of) of RENAULT"} {"Clue":"Crowning (if indefinable) quality discernible in Napoleon, as usual? (6)","Answer":"SOLITO","Explanation":"IT (crowning, if indefinable quality) inside (discernible in) SOLO (Napoleon Solo, the Man form Uncle)"} {"Clue":"Russian travel may be covered uncomfortably in Uralian ones (6)","Answer":"VERSTS","Explanation":"RUSSIAN TRAVEL is an anagram (may be covered uncomfortably in, a match, but in a forced ordering) of URALIAN VERSTS (ones, the solution, units that Russian travel may be measured in)"} {"Clue":"'The Mercenary Horseman'? Choirs often have a go at me (6)","Answer":"RUTTER","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 former cavalryman and a piece of music by composer of choral works John RUTTER (choirs have a go at me, me being the solution)"} {"Clue":"Handle on one divides middle of kettle (5)","Answer":"TREAT","Explanation":"RE (on, regarding) I (one) inside (divides) middle letters of keTTle"} {"Clue":"Computer chip, additional, turned up with page stored (5)","Answer":"EPROM","Explanation":"MORE (additional) containing (with\u2026.stored) P (page)"} {"Clue":"Most of maize, ground, contains a possible source of starchy pith (5)","Answer":"ZAMIA","Explanation":"anagram (ground) of MAIZe (most of) containing A"} {"Clue":"Plump hands going up (4)","Answer":"SWAP","Explanation":"PAWS (hands) reversed (going up)"} {"Clue":"Female in African country, cycling (6)","Answer":"AFGHAN","Explanation":"F (female) inside GHANA with letters moved along, last going to the front again (cycling)"} {"Clue":"Pensioner comes round, swallowing tablet before noon (8)","Answer":"PAPILLON","Explanation":"OAP (pensioner) reversed (comes round) containing (swallowing) PILL (tablet) then N (noon) \u2013 the Continental Toy Spaniel"} {"Clue":"Lackey died in Dorset seaport (6)","Answer":"POODLE","Explanation":"D (died) inside POOLE (port in Dorset)"} {"Clue":"Tailless donkey he's bred (8)","Answer":"KEESHOND","Explanation":"anagram (bred, hybrid) of DONKEy (tailless) and HE'S"} {"Clue":"Latin as a translation (8)","Answer":"ALSATIAN","Explanation":"anagram (translation) of LATIN AS A"} {"Clue":"Top breeder's worth having (6)","Answer":"BASSET","Explanation":"Breeder (first letter, top of) and ASSET (worth having)"} {"Clue":"Expressed views on porter (8)","Answer":"AIREDALE","Explanation":"AIRED (expressed views) on ALE (porter)"} {"Clue":"Retired graduate's entry finally included in dictionary (7)","Answer":"SAMOYED","Explanation":"MA'S (graduate's) reversed (retired) then entrY (final letter) inside OED (Oxford English Dictionary)"} {"Clue":"Mother's argument with her lover (7)","Answer":"MASTIFF","Explanation":"MA'S (mother's) TIFF (argument, a lover's tiff)"} {"Clue":"One small amount cheat sent back (6)","Answer":"BORZOI","Explanation":"I (one) OZ (ounce, a small amount) ROB (cheat) all reversed (sent back)"} {"Clue":"Steer by hotel, discovered outside (8)","Answer":"FOXHOUND","Explanation":"OX (steer) with H (hotel) inside (with\u2026outside) FOUND (discovered)"} {"Clue":"Province and city with railway and road repairs (8)","Answer":"LABRADOR","Explanation":"LA (city) with BR (British Rail, former railway company) then anagram (repairs) of ROAD"} {"Clue":"Stick around at home (6)","Answer":"CANINE","Explanation":"CANE (stick) contains (around) IN (at home) \u2013 the theme for the other across entries"} {"Clue":"A shy male, worried (8)","Answer":"SEALYHAM","Explanation":"anagram (worried) of A SHY MALE"} {"Clue":"Blackbird (6)","Answer":"BEAGLE","Explanation":"B (black) EAGLE (bird)"} {"Clue":"Particles from sacred river and a fish (5,3)","Answer":"ALPHA RAY","Explanation":"ALPH (sacred river, from Coleridge poem) and A RAY (fish)"} {"Clue":"23 in short in shiny appendix (8)","Answer":"GLOSSARY","Explanation":"AR (Arabia, 23 in short) inside GLOSSY (shiny)"} {"Clue":"Distributes onions Mum dropped (6)","Answer":"ALLOTS","Explanation":"shALLOTS (onions) missing SH (mum, quiet)"} {"Clue":"A teaching graduate, now retired (4)","Answer":"ABED","Explanation":"A and BED (B Ed, teaching graduate) \u2013 retired to bed already"} {"Clue":"How Victorian coach travellers were transported gradually (2,6)","Answer":"IN STAGES","Explanation":"they were transported in stage coaches"} {"Clue":"New hotels on Himalayan peak (6)","Answer":"LHOTSE","Explanation":"anagram (new) of HOTELS"} {"Clue":"Fresh air, we're told, having nothing on (6)","Answer":"NUDITY","Explanation":"sounds like (we are told) \"new ditty\" (fresh air)"} {"Clue":"Game soprano appearing in timeless choral work (7)","Answer":"CANASTA","Explanation":"S (soprano) inside CANtATA (choral work) missing T (time-less)"} {"Clue":"A pig seen in lots of wood (8)","Answer":"MAHOGANY","Explanation":"A HOG (pig) inside MANY (lots)"} {"Clue":"Developing city featured in small monthly publication (8)","Answer":"MATURING","Explanation":"TURIN (city) inside MAG (monthly publication, short form of magazine)"} {"Clue":"A bright little pupil (5,3)","Answer":"BEADY EYE","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"31s on the loose; no good for trees (6)","Answer":"ABELES","Explanation":"anagram (on teh loose) of BEAgLES (31s) missing G (no good)"} {"Clue":"In song, sailor lands far away (6)","Answer":"ARABIA","Explanation":"AB (able seaman, sailor) inside ARIA (song)"} {"Clue":"A few words from Romeo in poor shape (6)","Answer":"PHRASE","Explanation":"R (Romeo, phonetic alphabet) inside anagram (poor) of SHAPE"} {"Clue":"Apparently single item of clothing \u2013 a Roman one (4)","Answer":"TOGA","Explanation":"TOG (a facetious back formation from togs, clothes) and A \u2013 a single item of Roman clothing"} {"Clue":"One indicates oil needed for turkey (8)","Answer":"DIPSTICK","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 a turkey is a fool"} {"Clue":"Complaint? Ask the man repeatedly chopping (6)","Answer":"ASTHMA","Explanation":"ASk THe MAn missing last letters (repeatedly chopped)"} {"Clue":"Foolishly ignore second war cry (8)","Answer":"GERONIMO","Explanation":"anagram (foolishly) of IGNORE then MO (moment, second)"} {"Clue":"Discussed this writer's south-east Asian cocktail (3,3)","Answer":"MAI-TAI","Explanation":"MAI sounds like (discussed) \"my\" (this writer's) then TAI (south-east Asian)"} {"Clue":"Helper tries running shelters in retirement (5)","Answer":"NURSE","Explanation":"found inside (sheltered by) triES RUNning reversed (in retirement)"} {"Clue":"Blimey! Year in company of aristocrat transformed poet (4,5)","Answer":"LORD BYRON","Explanation":"LORD (blimey) then YR (year) inside (in company of) NOB (aristocrat) reversed (transformed?)"} {"Clue":"Saying occasionally used to test grammatical structure (6)","Answer":"SYNTAX","Explanation":"every other letter (used occasionally) of SaYiNg then TAX (test)"} {"Clue":"Barney arrived during endless crush (7)","Answer":"QUARREL","Explanation":"ARR (arrived) inside (during) QUELL (crush) missing last letter (endless)"} {"Clue":"Prison unknown by inexperienced lad crossing inspector (7)","Answer":"COLDITZ","Explanation":"Z (an unknown) following (by) COLT (inexperienced lad) contains (crossing) DI (detective inspector)"} {"Clue":"They often pass a sentence that appears in the Bible (6)","Answer":"JUDGES","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Collection of kids directed on train (6,3)","Answer":"SCHOOL RUN","Explanation":"RUN (directed, managed) following (on) SCHOOL (train, to coach)"} {"Clue":"Dwarf tree half obscured old lakes (5)","Answer":"TROLL","Explanation":"TRee (half obscured) then O (old) L L (lake, twice)"} {"Clue":"Yellow hairstyle shaved in support of charity (6)","Answer":"AFRAID","Explanation":"AFRo (hairstyle) cut short (shaved) then AID (in support of charity)"} {"Clue":"What skirts sheep? Spit the dog (8)","Answer":"SPRINGER","Explanation":"outer letters (what skirts) of SheeP then RINGER (spit, lookalike)"} {"Clue":"Uniform on the Andalusian team (6)","Answer":"ELEVEN","Explanation":"EVEN (uniform) follows (on) EL (the in Spanish, in Andalusia perhaps)"} {"Clue":"A church captures great Classical spirit (8)","Answer":"ARMAGNAC","Explanation":"A RC (Roman Catholic, church) contains (captures) MAGNA (great, classical indicates Latin)"} {"Clue":"Mimic takes dope and departs, leaving this bit? (3-3)","Answer":"DOG-END","Explanation":"DO (mimic) with GEN (dope) and D (departs)"} {"Clue":"Representation, left by artist, put up (9)","Answer":"PORTRAYAL","Explanation":"PORT (left) RA (Royal Academician, artist) then LAY (put) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Maybe perfect schoolmate not content with full marks? (5)","Answer":"TENSE","Explanation":"outer letters (no content) of SchoolmatE follows (with) TEN (full marks, ten out of ten)"} {"Clue":"Intricate manoeuvring of PC and mole leads to mystery person (7)","Answer":"COMPLEX","Explanation":"anagram (manoeuvring) of PC and MOLE followed by (leads to, like a passage) X (a mystery person)"} {"Clue":"Tabloid paper that's stiff on the right (9)","Answer":"STARBOARD","Explanation":"STAR (tabloid paper) BOARD (something that is stiff)"} {"Clue":"He dislikes causing heartbreak (5)","Answer":"HATER","Explanation":"anagram (break) of HEART"} {"Clue":"Fauna live briefly, suffering disease (5,3)","Answer":"AVIAN FLU","Explanation":"anagram (suffering) of FAUNA LIVe (briefly)"} {"Clue":"Country's level of brightness constrains artilleryman (4)","Answer":"IRAQ","Explanation":"IQ (level of brightness) contains RA (Royal Artilleryman)"} {"Clue":"One cast into well-trodden environment finds arthropod once (9)","Answer":"TRILOBITE","Explanation":"I (one) LOB (cast) inside (into\u2026environment) TRITE (well-trodden)"} {"Clue":"Badger Rodney continually to give up musical instrument (4,5)","Answer":"REED ORGAN","Explanation":"NAG (badger) ROD (Rodney, diminutive) EER (ever, continually) all reversed (up, or to give up?)"} {"Clue":"Fish beneath rocks proceed in freezing conditions (3-5)","Answer":"ICE-SKATE","Explanation":"SKATE (fish) follows (beneath) ICE (rocks, diamonds)"} {"Clue":"Zimbabwe's opener and tail-ender recalled golden duck (4)","Answer":"ZERO","Explanation":"first and last letter (opener and tail-ender) of ZimbabwE then OR (golden) reversed (recalled) \u2013 zero score in a game"} {"Clue":"Time almost ripe to broadcast source of gin (7)","Answer":"JUNIPER","Explanation":"JUNe (a time of year, almost) then anagram (to broadcast) of RIPE"} {"Clue":"Minister's heartland in Eccles and Morecambe, say (6)","Answer":"CLERIC","Explanation":"middle letters (heartland) of ecCLes then ERIC (Eric Morecambe, say)"} {"Clue":"Gruff when losing a jumper? (5)","Answer":"HORSE","Explanation":"HOaRSE (gruff) missing A"} {"Clue":"Half 10, Georgia \u2013 expanse of forest seen (5)","Answer":"TAIGA","Explanation":"half of mai-TAI (10 across) then GA (Georgia)"} {"Clue":"Slow boat contrary to expectation returned (3)","Answer":"TUB","Explanation":"BUT (contrary to expectation) reversed (returned)"} {"Clue":"Judge gives verdict: not right for Verne? (5)","Answer":"JULES","Explanation":"J (judge) then rULES (gives verdict) missing R (right) \u2013 author Jules Verne perhaps"} {"Clue":"Fabulous sight, drunken nuncio runs inside (7)","Answer":"UNICORN","Explanation":"anagram (drunken) of NUNCIO containing R (runs)"} {"Clue":"Understand studious person knocked back (4)","Answer":"KNOW","Explanation":"WONK (studious person) reversed (knocked back)"} {"Clue":"Excerpt from section in the Choral Symphony (5)","Answer":"NINTH","Explanation":"found inside sectioN IN THe \u2013 Beethoven's ninth is known as The Choral Symphony"} {"Clue":"Long sentence in biography (4)","Answer":"LIFE","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Bye! Supporter leaving palace in London area (6)","Answer":"BALHAM","Explanation":"B (bye, cricket) then ALHAMbra (palace) missing BRA (supporter, something that supports)"} {"Clue":"Tight when crossing river in festive days? (3,4)","Answer":"NEW YEAR","Explanation":"NEAR (tight, mean with money) contains (crossing) WYE (the river Wye)"} {"Clue":"Private saving beneficiary managed without yen (4)","Answer":"RYAN","Explanation":"RAN (managed) containing (without, outside) Y (yen) \u2013 character from film *Saving Private Ryan"} {"Clue":"Using sound, very delicate note dropped (5)","Answer":"SONIC","Explanation":"SO (very) NICe (delicate) missing E (note, of a musical scale)"} {"Clue":"Audibly changed direction in diplomacy (4)","Answer":"TACT","Explanation":"sounds like (audibly) \"tacked\" (changed direction)"} {"Clue":"Rhys Jones for audience on as monster (7)","Answer":"GRYPHON","Explanation":"GRYPH sounds like (for audience) \"Griff\" (comedian Griff Rhys Jones) then ON"} {"Clue":"Decent being close to target in hunt (6)","Answer":"CHASTE","Explanation":"last letter (close, to end) of targeT inside CHASE (hunt)"} {"Clue":"Endless fright and surgery reminder? (4)","Answer":"SCAR","Explanation":"SCARe (fright) missing last letter (end-less)"} {"Clue":"Old article about motorway woman (5)","Answer":"NAOMI","Explanation":"O (old) AN (article, grammar) all reversed (about) then MI (the M1, motorway)"} {"Clue":"Set piece player involved in scrum (4)","Answer":"PROP","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 a prop in a play (piece) and a rugby player"} {"Clue":"Fix where Blythe admits to spying? (7)","Answer":"IMPLANT","Explanation":"I'M PLANT (the setter of this puzzle admits to spying) a *plant* is a spy"} {"Clue":"Gang in Caribbean island denied new papers (5)","Answer":"TRIAD","Explanation":"TRInidAD (Caribbean island) missing N ID (papers)"} {"Clue":"Husband given arsenic suffers (3)","Answer":"HAS","Explanation":"H (husband) with AS (As, arsenic)"} {"Clue":"Scrabble champion's first rule (4)","Answer":"CLAW","Explanation":"first letter of Chanpion with LAW (rule)"} {"Clue":"Tense Sun writer Kingsley making waves (8)","Answer":"TSUNAMIS","Explanation":"T (tense) SUN then AMIS (writer Kingsley Amis)"} {"Clue":"Feel very hot water up north? (4)","Answer":"BURN","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 a *burn* is a a stream in N. England and Scotland"} {"Clue":"Desire a wife in Scottish town (6)","Answer":"WISHAW","Explanation":"WISH (desire) then A W (wife)"} {"Clue":"Fan calm under pressure (4)","Answer":"COOL","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Juan's foul: Ray out for month (7)","Answer":"JANUARY","Explanation":"anagram (foul) of JUAN then anagram (out) of RAY"} {"Clue":"Canny ferrymen guarding Welsh river (5)","Answer":"NYFER","Explanation":"found inside (guarded by) canNY FERryman \u2013 the Welsh rive *Afon Nyfer*, known as the River Neven in English"} {"Clue":"Practical characters at Hungary's borders? (5)","Answer":"HANDY","Explanation":"H AND Y are the outer letters (borders) of HungarY"} {"Clue":"Tricky Dick swaps vote for new material (5)","Answer":"NINON","Explanation":"NIxON (Richard Nixon, Tricky Dicky) replacing X (a vote) with N (new)"} {"Clue":"Partner no longer works to raise bonus (5)","Answer":"EXTRA","Explanation":"EX (partner, no longer) then ART (works) reversed (to raise)"} {"Clue":"Two going round on their Bromptons? (8)","Answer":"CYCLISTS","Explanation":"some sort of cryptic definition perhaps? *Bromptons *are folding bicycles, so perhaps to do with wheels (things that spin, cycle)? But surely Bromptons (more then one Brompton) have to have at the very least least four wheels. Perhaps it just means two cyclists who may be making a tour (going round)?"} {"Clue":"Pet for daughter in London district? (7)","Answer":"CATFORD","Explanation":"CAT (pet) FOR D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Designer good one around posh clubs twice (5)","Answer":"GUCCI","Explanation":"G (good) I (one) contains (around) U (posh) C C (clubs, twice)"} {"Clue":"Samuel's mum unaffected by revolution (6)","Answer":"HANNAH","Explanation":"a palindrome (unaffected by revolution, reversal)"} {"Clue":"Hitch the Master of Suspense directed it! (4)","Answer":"ROPE","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 *Rope* is the title of a film directed by Alfred Hitchcock (the Master of Suspense)"} {"Clue":"Love at hotel to make promise (4)","Answer":"OATH","Explanation":"O (love, zero score) AT H (hotel)"} {"Clue":"Old man seen with Irish couple (4)","Answer":"PAIR","Explanation":"PA (old man) with IR (Irish)"} {"Clue":"From yonks ago, Zoom ice lollies at last recollected (8)","Answer":"MESOZOIC","Explanation":"anagram (recollected) of ZOOM ICE and lollieS (last letter) \u2013 between 250 and 65 million years ago"} {"Clue":"Charm United, entering uncapped settlement (6)","Answer":"AMULET","Explanation":"U (united) inside (entering) hAMLET (settlement) missing first letter (uncapped)"} {"Clue":"For example, have brief note returned (4)","Answer":"VERB","Explanation":"BREVe (note, in music) unfinished (brief) reversed (returned) \u2013 *to have* is an example of a verb"} {"Clue":"Pressure held in check by second dam, but not the first? (10)","Answer":"STEPMOTHER","Explanation":"P (pressure) inside STEM (check) then OTHER (second)"} {"Clue":"Kites flying on bow of junk that skims the water? (3,3)","Answer":"JET SKI","Explanation":"anagram (flying) of KITES following (on) first letter (bow) of Junk"} {"Clue":"Opened up end that's free, finding nothing inside (8)","Answer":"UNZIPPED","Explanation":"anagram (that's free) of UP END containing ZIP (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Breaking this \u2013 as experts, they should sort it out (3,10)","Answer":"SEX THERAPISTS","Explanation":"anagram (breaking) of THIS AS EXPERTS \u2013 \"it\" is sex. What a great definition!"} {"Clue":"Dug into endless dispute involving single daughter (8)","Answer":"QUARRIED","Explanation":"QUARREL (dispute) missing last letter (endless) contains (involving) I (single) then D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Tidy little number worn away (6)","Answer":"NEATEN","Explanation":"N (number, little=abbreviation) then EATEN (worn away)"} {"Clue":"Artful hag felt moved to demonstrate support (3,3,4)","Answer":"FLY THE FLAG","Explanation":"FLY (artful) then anagram (moved) of HAG FELT"} {"Clue":"Unlimited bogies, very disagreeable (4)","Answer":"EVIL","Explanation":"dEVILs (bogies) missing outer letters (unlimited)"} {"Clue":"A woman in church on new year's day (6)","Answer":"JANICE","Explanation":"CE (Church of England) follows (on) JAN I (January 1st, new year's day)"} {"Clue":"Shoot half a what-d'you-call it into Kipling's better man? (5,3)","Answer":"GUNGA DIN","Explanation":"GUN (shoot) then GADget (a what-do-you-call-it) then IN (into) \u2013 *\"You're a better man than I am Gunga Din\"* from the last line of the poem Gunga Din by Rudyard Kipling"} {"Clue":"Critical part on End of Empire (6)","Answer":"SEVERE","Explanation":"SERVER (part, separate) on last letter (end) of empirE"} {"Clue":"Dog biting British boys freaking out teenage American girl (10)","Answer":"BOBBYSOXER","Explanation":"BOXER (dog) contains (biting, eating up) B (british) and anagram (freaking out) of BOYS"} {"Clue":"Courts incredibly wise, stopping barbarian (4,4)","Answer":"GOES WITH","Explanation":"anagram (incredibly) of WISE inside (stopping, like a cork) GOTH (barbarian)"} {"Clue":"This Babylonian god, one making Montezuma mad? (6)","Answer":"TAMMUZ","Explanation":"TAMMUZ (this Babylonian god) ONE is an anagram (mad ) of MONTEZUMA"} {"Clue":"Exam's start time clear (4)","Answer":"QUIT","Explanation":"~~the first part (start) of QUIz (exam)~~ QU I (Qu. 1, question one, the first part of exam) then T (time)"} {"Clue":"Blimey! Finally uplifted, picked up beauties \u2013 wicked women (8)","Answer":"JEZEBELS","Explanation":"JEEZ (blimey!) with the last letter lifted by one place then BELS sounds like (picked up) \"belles\" (beauties)"} {"Clue":"Order warning sign that shows race is over (9,4)","Answer":"CHEQUERED FLAG","Explanation":"CHEQUE (order to a bank) then RED FLAG (warning)"} {"Clue":"Die outside, say, reversing in alley (10)","Answer":"PASSAGEWAY","Explanation":"PASS AWAY (die out) contains (outside) EG (say)"} {"Clue":"Type of plant in small ditch endlessly blocking stuff up (8)","Answer":"SKULLCAP","Explanation":"S (small) then gULLy (ditch)missing outer letters (endlessly) inside PACK (stuff) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Knock over Guinness, oddly enough, getting drinks (4,4)","Answer":"PINK GINS","Explanation":"PINK (knock) then (over, on top of) every other letter (oddly enough) of GuInNeS"} {"Clue":"Upset AC\/DC partners, formerly lofty, horny types? (6)","Answer":"IBEXES","Explanation":"BI (Bi, bisexual, AC\/DC) reversed (upset) then EXES (former partners) \u2013 mountain goats"} {"Clue":"Panacea made by character abroad cutting nettle up (6)","Answer":"ELIXIR","Explanation":"XI (Greek letter, character) inside (cutting) RILE (nettle) reversed (up)"} {"Clue":"Observe branch (4)","Answer":"TWIG","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 to *twig* is realize something, to observe"} {"Clue":"Quickly insert something to repair tap after start of seepage (10)","Answer":"SPATCHCOCK","Explanation":"PATCH (to repair) COCK (tap) following first letter (start) of Seepage"} {"Clue":"Constitution of EU modified with inclusion of short rule (5)","Answer":"FUERO","Explanation":"anagram (modified) of OF EU containing (with inclusion of) R (rule, short indicates abbreviation)"} {"Clue":"My child, a girl (not Di) coming after a boy (7)","Answer":"ALANNAH","Explanation":"diNAH (a girl) missing DI following ALAN (a boy)"} {"Clue":"Ref punished Italian, a warning, ye ken (5)","Answer":"FREIT","Explanation":"anagram (punished) of REF then IT (Italian) \u2013 *ye ken* indicates a Scots word"} {"Clue":"Source of rennet, contents of level ladle (4)","Answer":"VELL","Explanation":"found inside (contents of) leVEL Ladle"} {"Clue":"Sink? It's often by the fire (7)","Answer":"SCUTTLE","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Bother keeps besetting head (6)","Answer":"HARASS","Explanation":"HAS (keeps) contains (besetting) RAS (headland)"} {"Clue":"Hold back old cur let out (6)","Answer":"RELUCT","Explanation":"anagram (out) of CUR LET"} {"Clue":"Quickie during lunch break? Not a soul having run! (6)","Answer":"NOONER","Explanation":"NO ONE (not a soul) with R (run)"} {"Clue":"First sign of cockroaches \u2013 I yelp frenziedly, insect protectors needed (6)","Answer":"CLYPEI","Explanation":"first letter (first sign) of Cockroaches then anagram (frenziedly) of I YELP"} {"Clue":"Argumentative type is tense when restricted by fine (7)","Answer":"ERISTIC","Explanation":"IS T (tense) inside (when restricted by) ERIC (fine)"} {"Clue":"Flock of ducks, mute? Not one duck (4)","Answer":"SORD","Explanation":"SORDO (mute) missing one letter O (duck, zero score)"} {"Clue":"Counter for game? Learner must join club (5)","Answer":"MERIL","Explanation":"MERI ( a war club) with L (learner)"} {"Clue":"Law kept in line? It's not rigid across the water (7)","Answer":"FLEXILE","Explanation":"LEX (law) inside (kept in) FILE (line) \u2013 *across the water* indicates an American word"} {"Clue":"Fox found in Zambia, form of red one (5)","Answer":"ZERDA","Explanation":"Z (Zambia) then anagram (form) of RED and A (one)"} {"Clue":"Requirements (10)","Answer":"DESIDERATA","Explanation":"the competition clue"} {"Clue":"Aged catch, with head displaying aloof manner (10)","Answer":"OFFISHNESS","Explanation":"OF (aged) FISH (catch) with NESS (head)"} {"Clue":"By the sound of it, make bacon from a pig in liqueur (7)","Answer":"CURACAO","Explanation":"sounds like \"cure a sow\" (make bacon form a pig)"} {"Clue":"Resort to spot on end of peak (4)","Answer":"SEEK","Explanation":"SEE (to pot) then peaK (last letter, end of)"} {"Clue":"Fish oil painter's used liberally (8)","Answer":"PRISTANE","Explanation":"anagram (used liberally) of PAINTER'S"} {"Clue":"S. Indians in formal garb around start of mela (6)","Answer":"TAMILS","Explanation":"TAILS (formal garb) containing (around) first letter (start) of Mela"} {"Clue":"Nashgab, smart, one supplanting English (6)","Answer":"CLAVER","Explanation":"CLeVER (smart) with A (one) replacing E (English)"} {"Clue":"Suffer with relative whom locals regard as a fool (7)","Answer":"HAVEREL","Explanation":"HAVE (suffer) with REL (relative)"} {"Clue":"Poet's just close to cathedral city (5)","Answer":"ONELY","Explanation":"ON (close to) then ELY (a cathedral city)"} {"Clue":"50% of state leaving for spiritual leader (5)","Answer":"CALIF","Explanation":"CALIFornia missing 50%"} {"Clue":"What can make line curl at being twisted double-convex (10)","Answer":"LENTICULAR","Explanation":"anagram (what can make\u2026) of LINE CURL AT"} {"Clue":"He's among group having to hurry over leaflet (8)","Answer":"FLYSHEET","Explanation":"HE inside (is among) SET (group) following (having\u2026over, on top of) FLY (hurry)"} {"Clue":"Grease applied to help old siren? (7)","Answer":"SEAMAID","Explanation":"SEAM (grease) with AID (help)"} {"Clue":"Evening of music etc from Spain I cover in church (7)","Answer":"CEILIDH","Explanation":"E (Espana, Spain) I LID (cover) inside CH (church)"} {"Clue":"Former kick, if delivered by Old Nick coming up on one's rear end (6)","Answer":"RECULE","Explanation":"LUCifER (old Nick) missing (having delivered, ejected) IF reversed (coming up) then last letter (rear end) of onE"} {"Clue":"Trader, one invited in by late-lamented funny man? (6)","Answer":"CRAYER","Explanation":"A (one) inside (invited in by) CRYER (Barry Cryer who died this year, late-lamented funny man)"} {"Clue":"Ecclesiastic gown moved gradually and rustled (5)","Answer":"STOLE","Explanation":"triple definition"} {"Clue":"Dry up after ten? Try a sherry (5)","Answer":"XERES","Explanation":"SERE (dry) reversed (up) following (after) X (ten)"} {"Clue":"Scottish supernumerary from among junior ranks (4)","Answer":"ORRA","Explanation":"found inside juniOR RAnks"} {"Clue":"Gently persuaded the two having got the chop (6)","Answer":"COAXED","Explanation":"CO-AXED (having got the chop together)"} {"Clue":"Get down to rock bottom (6)","Answer":"ABSEIL","Explanation":"cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Beggar cut both loaf and a biscuit (7)","Answer":"LAZARUS","Explanation":"a shortening (cut) of both LAZe (loaf) and A RUSk (biscuit)"} {"Clue":"Primate and staff drinking most of the water (7)","Answer":"MACAQUE","Explanation":"MACE (staff) containing (drinking) AQUa (water, most of)"} {"Clue":"Biblical tribesmen realise it's wrong (10)","Answer":"ISRAELITES","Explanation":"anagram (wrong) of REALISE IT'S"} {"Clue":"Tots \u2014 a couple of daughters and son (4)","Answer":"ADDS","Explanation":"A with D D (daughter, twice) and S (son)"} {"Clue":"Declares river's showing change of direction (5)","Answer":"AVOWS","Explanation":"AVOn'S (the river Avon is) with N (north, a direction) changed to W (west)"} {"Clue":"Manipulators in large numbers about centre of Bourne (8)","Answer":"MASSEURS","Explanation":"MASSES (large numbers) containing (about) middle letters (centre) of boURne"} {"Clue":"Material a publication has to pass over (8)","Answer":"ORGANDIE","Explanation":"ORGAN (a publication) with DIE (to pass over)"} {"Clue":"Grown-up officer (5)","Answer":"MAJOR","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Related, taking heart (4)","Answer":"AKIN","Explanation":"the middle letters (heart) of tAKINg"} {"Clue":"18 to 30-year olds, say, break Gate C sadly (3,7)","Answer":"AGE BRACKET","Explanation":"anagram (sadly) of BREAK GATE C"} {"Clue":"Quite a distance to the golfer's green (7)","Answer":"FAIRWAY","Explanation":"a FAIR WAY is quite a distance"} {"Clue":"Stows away in chest, as he searches (7)","Answer":"STASHES","Explanation":"found inside cheST AS HE Searches"} {"Clue":"Stable boyfriend, say (6)","Answer":"STEADY","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Ecstatic new parent (6)","Answer":"ENRAPT","Explanation":"anagram (new) of PARENT"} {"Clue":"Origin of creation hastened appearance of stars (5)","Answer":"CHAOS","Explanation":"first letters (origin) of Creation Hastened Appearance Of Stars \u2013 the state of matter before the universe evolved to its present ordered state, or you could take the Greek mythology definition too"} {"Clue":"Native Indian given a knock and a call (7)","Answer":"ARAPAHO","Explanation":"A RAP (knock) and A HO (call)"} {"Clue":"How evenly balanced side struck out? (9)","Answer":"EQUALISED","Explanation":"EQUAL (evenly balanced) and anagram (struck out) of SIDE"} {"Clue":"Annoying children \u2013 crazy right through (5)","Answer":"BRATS","Explanation":"BATS (crazy) containing R (right)"} {"Clue":"Bean-cheese and pheasant, say. No good (7)","Answer":"EDAMAME","Explanation":"EDAM (cheese) and GAMe (pheasant, say) missing G (good)"} {"Clue":"One who cares for our dirty habits (9)","Answer":"LAUNDERER","Explanation":"cryptic definition \u2013 habits are clothes"} {"Clue":"Frantic steps made on the Serengeti? (9)","Answer":"STAMPEDES","Explanation":"anagram (frantic) of STEPS MADE"} {"Clue":"Language from Asia, Frank translated (9)","Answer":"AFRIKAANS","Explanation":"anagram (translated) of ASIA FRANK"} {"Clue":"The Devil grasps French husband \u2014 he may save him (9)","Answer":"SAMARITAN","Explanation":"SATAN (the Devil) contains (grasps) MARI (husband, in French)"} {"Clue":"Track Scots own pedigree (7)","Answer":"AINTREE","Explanation":"AIN (own, Scots) then TREE (pedigree) \u2013 a horse racing track"} {"Clue":"March girl given part in play \u2013 a tragic queen (7)","Answer":"JOCASTA","Explanation":"JO (march girl, *Jo March* from the book *Little Women*) then CAST (given part in play) and A"} {"Clue":"Prize for a prot\u00e9g\u00e9 (5)","Answer":"AWARD","Explanation":"A then WARD (protege)"} {"Clue":"River at the pass (5)","Answer":"EXEAT","Explanation":"EXE (the river Exe) and AT"} {"Clue":"Sees clue reflecting tyre changes? (3,5)","Answer":"PIT STOPS","Explanation":"a reversal (reflecting) of SPOTS TIP (sees clue)"} {"Clue":"Rain oddly masks King Jack? (6)","Answer":"RIPPER","Explanation":"every other letter (oddly) of RaIn then PPE (personal protective equipment, masks etc) and R (rex, king) \u2013 Jack the Ripper perhaps, question mark indicates definition by example"} {"Clue":"They make cases for soft heads (8)","Answer":"PLEADERS","Explanation":"P (piano, soft) and LEADERS (heads) \u2013 to plead a case in a court"} {"Clue":"Compatriot of 7, explorer asleep when leaving run-down area (6)","Answer":"BERING","Explanation":"slumBERING missing SLUM \u2013 Danish explorer Vitus Bering"} {"Clue":"Belgian investigator's dog is now yours to keep (5)","Answer":"SNOWY","Explanation":"found inside (\u2026to keep, that\u2026will contain) \u2013 the dog of newspaper reporter *Tintin* in the Belgian comic strip"} {"Clue":"Maybe Oliver's unwell companion enters the French stone monuments (9)","Answer":"CROMLECHS","Explanation":"CROMwell (Oliver Cromwell maybe) missing well (un-well) then CH (Companion of Honour) inside LES (the, in French)"} {"Clue":"Taps into Native American's nursery (6)","Answer":"CRECHE","Explanation":"CH (cold and hot, taps) inside CREE (Native American)"} {"Clue":"Teacher served up only item on menu (7)","Answer":"RISSOLE","Explanation":"SIR (teacher, address) reversed (served up) then SOLE (only)"} {"Clue":"Fools an ugly Spaniard (7)","Answer":"ALFONSO","Explanation":"anagram (ugly) of FOOLS AN \u2013 a Spanish forename"} {"Clue":"Next to live party (6)","Answer":"BESIDE","Explanation":"BE (live) and SIDE (party, in an argument for example)"} {"Clue":"As viruses are excellent, starts to live largely underground like angora rabbits (9)","Answer":"ACELLULAR","Explanation":"ACE (excellent) then first letters (starts to) of Live Largely Underground Like Angora Rabbits"} {"Clue":"Throw away game after game (5)","Answer":"BINGO","Explanation":"BIN (throw away) followed by (with\u2026after) GO (game)"} {"Clue":"Drug one consumed after work (6)","Answer":"OPIATE","Explanation":"I (one) ATE (consumed) following (after) OP (opus, work)"} {"Clue":"Individual gorillas possibly back judge (8)","Answer":"SEPARATE","Explanation":"APES (gorillas possibly) then RATE (judge) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Primates discommode parishioners \u2013 not all return (6)","Answer":"APEDOM","Explanation":"found inside (not all of) discomMODE PArishioners reversed (return)"} {"Clue":"It's used to assemble friend broken knee hampers (5,3)","Answer":"ALLEN KEY","Explanation":"ALLY (friend) containing (that\u2026hampers) anagram (broken) of KNEE"} {"Clue":"Burst his devious plot in the 17th century (6)","Answer":"POPISH","Explanation":"POP (burst) then anagram (devious) of HIS \u2013 the Popish Plot was a fictitious anti-Catholic conspiracy theory in the 17C resulting in the persecution and death of many Catholics"} {"Clue":"Overcome? If not, he could be a Shakespearean character (3,4,2,6)","Answer":"THE MOOR OF VENICE","Explanation":"anagram (\u2026could be\u2026) of OVERCOME IF NOT HE"} {"Clue":"Now Bill turns up in play (5)","Answer":"TODAY","Explanation":"AD (advertisement, bill) reversed (turns up) inside TOY (play)"} {"Clue":"Shakespearean lawyer from same place as 2 heard fast car (7)","Answer":"PORSCHE","Explanation":"sounds like (heard) PORTIA (lawyer in the Merchant of Venice, the heroine posing as a man to gain influence in the courts)"} {"Clue":"Celebrity team, cycling visionaries (9)","Answer":"IDEALISTS","Explanation":"A-LIST SIDE (celebrity team) with letters rotated (cycling)"} {"Clue":"Shakespearean character has no defence (almost) for breaking into clothes shop (6,2,7)","Answer":"PRINCE OF DENMARK","Explanation":"anagram (for breaking) of NO DEFENCe (almost) inside PRIMARK (clothing store chain)"} {"Clue":"Notice concerning wild tigers (8)","Answer":"REGISTER","Explanation":"RE (concerning) then anagram (wild) of TIGERS"} {"Clue":"Compatriot of 7, scientist starts to buy off his rivals (4)","Answer":"BOHR","Explanation":"first letters (starts to) of Buy Off His Rivals \u2013 Danish physicist Niels Bohr"} {"Clue":"Part of poem about irritatingly late painter of 2's city (9)","Answer":"CANALETTO","Explanation":"CANTO (part of poem) containing (about) anagram (irritatingly) of LATE"} {"Clue":"Lover of 2's city has about a month in South Africa (8)","Answer":"CASANOVA","Explanation":"CA (circa, about) then A NOV (November, a month) inside SA (South Africa)"} {"Clue":"In the end, to follow illegal rules is for the birds (4)","Answer":"OWLS","Explanation":"last letters (in the end) of tO folloW illegaL ruleS"} {"Clue":"Fish with large weightlifting kit (7)","Answer":"BARBELL","Explanation":"BARBEL (fish) with L (large)"} {"Clue":"Buffalo Bill perhaps entertaining setter with jokes (6)","Answer":"COMEDY","Explanation":"CODY (William Cody perhaps, Buffalo Bill) contains (entertaining) ME (the setter of this puzzle)"} {"Clue":"Scientist, compatriot of 7, in algebra heaven (5)","Answer":"BRAHE","Explanation":"found inside algeBRA HEaven \u2013 Tyco Brahe, Danish astronomer and alchemist"} {"Clue":"Joiner's electronic equipment, I'm thinking, to smooth down (9)","Answer":"AMPERSAND","Explanation":"AMP (amplifier, a piece of electronic equipment) ER (um, I'm thinking) SAND (to smooth down)"} {"Clue":"Punishment methods (5)","Answer":"LINES","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Searches for Kitty around Welsh town, reflecting (5,2)","Answer":"LOOKS UP","Explanation":"POOL (kitty) containing (around) USK (a town in Wales) all reversed (reflecting)"} {"Clue":"Ruler identifying variety of moth (7)","Answer":"EMPEROR","Explanation":"double definition"} {"Clue":"Crooked reactionary Yard recognise (5)","Answer":"WONKY","Explanation":"Y (yard) KNOW (recognise) all reversed (reactionary)"} {"Clue":"Pianist's face for theatre covered in Musk at powder room? (5,4)","Answer":"ELTON JOHN","Explanation":"first letter (face for) of Theatre inside (covered in ELON (Elon Musk perhaps) then JOHN (a toilet, powder room)"} {"Clue":"Loose student wanting a kiss (3)","Answer":"LAX","Explanation":"L (learner, student) with A X (kiss)"} {"Clue":"Scottish actor taking a flight into Lima excitedly (8,3)","Answer":"ALASTAIR SIM","Explanation":"A STAIR (flight) inside anagram (excitedly) of LIMA"} {"Clue":"Perhaps saw swine disturbing one's cut grass (5,6)","Answer":"STOOL PIGEON","Explanation":"TOOL (saw perhaps) PIG (swine) inside (disturbing) anagram (cut, drunk) of ONE'S"} {"Clue":"Unknown in Corsican religious school (3)","Answer":"ZEN","Explanation":"Z (an unknown) then EN (in, French, as spoken in Corsica)"} {"Clue":"With iron restraint, in custody: a fixture behind bars? (9)","Answer":"CAFETIERE","Explanation":"FE (Fe, iron) TIE (restraint) inside CARE (custody)"} {"Clue":"Odd soldiers gossip in The Pentagon (5)","Answer":"RUMOR","Explanation":"RUM (odd) OR (other ranks, soldiers) \u2013 *in the Pentagon* indicates an American spelling"} {"Clue":"Neglected small element in British capital (7)","Answer":"SQUALID","Explanation":"S (small) AL (aluminium, an element) inside QUID (a pound, British capital)"} {"Clue":"Regeneration of nature embodying a springtime baby (7)","Answer":"TAUREAN","Explanation":"anagram (regeneration) of NATURE contains (embodying) A"} {"Clue":"Say yes initially before training somewhere in Africa (5)","Answer":"EGYPT","Explanation":"EG (for example, say) then first letter (initially) of Yes and PT (physical training)"} {"Clue":"Nun ready for battle \u2013 bit of a Scrabble game over in church (9)","Answer":"CARMELITE","Explanation":"ARM (ready for battle) A TILE (a bit of a Scrabble game) reversed (over) all inside CE (Church of England)"} {"Clue":"Brilliant silver-blue? (5)","Answer":"AGLOW","Explanation":"AG (Ag, silver) then LOW (blue, sad)"} {"Clue":"Pub football team lifted after one brandished emblem of resurgence (7)","Answer":"PHOENIX","Explanation":"PH (pub) then XI (eleven, football team) reversed (lifted) following anagram (brandished, waved?) of ONE"} {"Clue":"Cocktail bar accommodates American staying occasionally (5,4)","Answer":"RUSTY NAIL","Explanation":"RAIL (bar) contains (accommodates) US (American) with every other letter (occasionally) of sTaYiNg"} {"Clue":"Upper section of the map showing a colliery (11)","Answer":"AMPHETAMINE","Explanation":"section (anagram?) of THE MAP then A MINE (colliery)"} {"Clue":"Ruminating creature I'm stupid calling (3)","Answer":"DOE","Explanation":"sounds like (calling) D'Oh (I'm stupid, from Homer Simpson)"} {"Clue":"Spiky plant secure beneath Lake Superior (5)","Answer":"LUPIN","Explanation":"IN (secure) following (beneath, in a down answer) L (lake) UP (superior) \u2013 spiky refers to the plant's flower stem"} {"Clue":"Shaky runner half ignored you in Paris (7)","Answer":"NERVOUS","Explanation":"runNER (half ignored) then VOUS (you, as said in Paris)"} {"Clue":"Authoritarian male singer maybe keeping outwardly tender (9)","Answer":"STRONGMAN","Explanation":"SONG MAN (male singer) containing outer letters of TendeR \u2013 you could also have *male* as part of the definition"} {"Clue":"Child allowed in there? Not normally, strictly speaking (2,3,6)","Answer":"TO THE LETTER","Explanation":"TOT (child) then LET (allowed) inside anagram (not normally) of THERE"} {"Clue":"Private transport system that enables progress after inflation (5,4)","Answer":"INNER TUBE","Explanation":"INNER (private) TUBE (transport system, the London Underground)"} {"Clue":"Policeman might be so bad with tax (3- 4)","Answer":"OFF-DUTY","Explanation":"OFF (bad) with DUTY (tax)"} {"Clue":"Brief sign of caution through two double-bends on island river (7)","Answer":"ZAMBEZI","Explanation":"AMBEr (sign of caution, briefly) inside (through) Z Z (a double bend, twice) then I (island)"} {"Clue":"Smallest room one cleared, available to hire (2,3)","Answer":"TO LET","Explanation":"TOiLET (the smallest room) missing (cleared) I (one)"} {"Clue":"Flush away some larger insects (5)","Answer":"RINSE","Explanation":"found inside (some of) largeR INSEcts"} {"Clue":"Cook cold bones (3)","Answer":"DOC","Explanation":"DO (cook) O (old) \u2013 nickname for a doctor"} {"Clue":"Like a snort? It's found in den on once retiring (6)","Answer":"NARIAL","Explanation":"LAIR (den) AN (on, once=obsolete) all reversed (retiring)"} {"Clue":"Packs minimum of equipment in shorts (5)","Answer":"TOTES","Explanation":"first letter (minimum of) of equipment inside TOTS (shorts, drinks)"} {"Clue":"Burrower clearly inside blind (8)","Answer":"SEWELLEL","Explanation":"WELL (clearly) inside SEEL (blind)"} {"Clue":"Brightly coloured fabric, reverse of worthless in brown (7)","Answer":"NACARAT","Explanation":"RACA (worthless) inside TAN (brown) all reversed"} {"Clue":"God embraced by group coming together in prayer (4)","Answer":"BEDE","Explanation":"D (god, Latin abbreviation) inside (embraced by) BEE (group coming together, for some activity) \u2013 an alternative version of *bead (prayer)*, both now obsolete"} {"Clue":"Cast from Ibsen's Hedda (4)","Answer":"SHED","Explanation":"found inside ibsen'S HEDa"} {"Clue":"Duck pastry containing only half meat, dull (6)","Answer":"OPIATE","Explanation":"O (duck, zero score) PIE (pastry) contains meAT (only half of)"} {"Clue":"Before being taken in by dissembler, boss had no knowledge of this (9)","Answer":"FOREIGNER","Explanation":"OR (before, archaic) inside (being taken in by) FEIGNER (dissembler)"} {"Clue":"Copy U-turn travelling away from coastal region? (9)","Answer":"UP-COUNTRY","Explanation":"anagram (travelling) of COPY U TURN"} {"Clue":"Feeble, old, and half dead with melancholy? (6)","Answer":"DEBILE","Explanation":"DEad (half of) with BILE (melancholy)"} {"Clue":"Foreign ruler experiences going round, capturing hearts (4)","Answer":"SHAH","Explanation":"HAS (experiences) reversed (going round) containing (capturing) H (hearts)"} {"Clue":"Half getting submerged in Scotch mist (4)","Answer":"DROW","Explanation":"half of DROWning (getting submerged)"} {"Clue":"Fawn-coloured wine sealed in wax (7)","Answer":"CERVINE","Explanation":"VIN (wine) inside (sealed in) CERE (wax)"} {"Clue":"Scholarship giving one inclination to accept entry to Repton (8)","Answer":"LEARNING","Explanation":"LEANING (inclination) containing (to accept) first letter( entry to) of Repton"} {"Clue":"Wise, maybe? I can certainly pick winners (5)","Answer":"ERNIE","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 comedian Ernie Wise and the random number generator for the Premium Bond lottery"} {"Clue":"E.g. Clare lives with boy, name concealed (6)","Answer":"ISLAND","Explanation":"IS (lives) with LAD (boy) containing (with\u2026concealed) N (name)"} {"Clue":"Native American house with a windmill sail inverted on top (6)","Answer":"NAVAHO","Explanation":"HO (house) following (with\u2026on top) A VAN (windmill sail) reversed (inverted)"} {"Clue":"Start of conflict interrupts actual respite (5)","Answer":"TRUCE","Explanation":"first letter (start) of Conflict inside (interrupts) TRUE (actual)"} {"Clue":"Greeting hairy man with regular cuts (4)","Answer":"HIYA","Explanation":"every other letter (with regular cuts) of HaIrY mAn"} {"Clue":"Sick with centre of meal trapped in part of intestine? (5)","Answer":"ILEAL","Explanation":"ILL (sick) containing (with\u2026trapped) middle letters (centre) of mEAl"} {"Clue":"The latest fashion unit representing some force (6)","Answer":"NEWTON","Explanation":"NEW (the latest) TON (fashion)"} {"Clue":"Water rising in gushing upset, precipitous as before (8)","Answer":"STEEPEUP","Explanation":"PEE (water) reversed (rising) inside anagram (gushing) of UPSET \u2013 *as before* indicates archaic (in this case Shakespearean)"} {"Clue":"Old music maker creating minor misdeed in convent? (10)","Answer":"NUN\u2019S FIDDLE","Explanation":"a NUN'S FIDDLE might be a minor misdeed in a convent"} {"Clue":"Played, see, furiously ? about end of match one's ready for bed (10)","Answer":"SLEEPY HEAD","Explanation":"anagram (furiously) of PLAYED SEE containing (about) last letter (end) of matcH"} {"Clue":"Keep on about upcoming award in sonorous tones (7)","Answer":"REBOANT","Explanation":"RANT (keep on) containing (about) OBE (award) reversed (upcoming)"} {"Clue":"Sticker, ad scratched over in Bantu language (6)","Answer":"HERERO","Explanation":"adHERER (sticker) missing (scratched) AD then O (over)"} {"Clue":"Cut bit of charcuterie up for burgers of a sort (6)","Answer":"CECILS","Explanation":"SLICE (cut) with first letter (bit of) Charcuterie all revered (up)"} {"Clue":"Poet penning number that's lingual in part (6)","Answer":"RANINE","Explanation":"RAINE (poet) contains (penning) N (number) \u2013 of part of the tongue"} {"Clue":"Good film turned up relating to DNA? (5)","Answer":"GENIC","Explanation":"G (good) then CINE (film) reversed (turned up)"} {"Clue":"Part of kit that's beaten, hand held (not half) (5)","Answer":"HI-HAT","Explanation":"HIT (beaten) containing (\u2026is held) HAnd (not half)"} {"Clue":"Extract from travelogue, requirement for cyclist abroad (4)","Answer":"VELO","Explanation":"found inside (extract from) trVELOgue"} {"Clue":"Rather tedious record about northern single mum (7)","Answer":"LONGISH","Explanation":"LOG (record) contains N (northern) then I (single) SH (mum, silence)"} {"Clue":"One artist cutting fine bore, perhaps (6)","Answer":"ANORAK","Explanation":"AN (one) then RA (Royal Academician, artist) inside OK (fine)"} {"Clue":"Dandy or Beano missing out on backing by Universal (4)","Answer":"BEAU","Explanation":"BEAno missing (missing out) ON reversed (backing) then U (Universal)"} {"Clue":"Love that is stopping two potential courses (7-3)","Answer":"SWEETIE-PIE","Explanation":"IE (i.e. that is) inside (stopping, like a cork) SWEET and PIE (two potential courses of a meal)"} {"Clue":"Perfect state of top-notch dope you brought back (6)","Answer":"UTOPIA","Explanation":"AI (A1, top-notch) POT (dope) U (you, abbreviation in messages) all reversed (brought back)"} {"Clue":"Pranged most of SEAT Panda somewhere in California (8)","Answer":"PASADENA","Explanation":"anagram (pranged, crashed) of SEAt (most of) and PANDA"} {"Clue":"Family gripped by his revolting novel, one with a limited circulation? (9,6)","Answer":"SHRINKING VIOLET","Explanation":"KIN (family) inside (gripped by) anagram (novel) of HIS REVOLTING \u2013 a person who avoids social interactions, who limits their circulation"} {"Clue":"Cheers wife, laconically, in garish fashion (8)","Answer":"TAWDRILY","Explanation":"TA (cheers) W (wife) DRILY (laconically)"} {"Clue":"Type of magic spectacles repeatedly introduced by Roman cardinals (6)","Answer":"VOODOO","Explanation":"OO OO (a pair of spectacles repeated, a visual impression of) each preceded (introduced) by V or D (two Roman numerals, cardinal numbers)"} {"Clue":"Baked in sauce, can it be served up as cold, please? (10)","Answer":"ESCALLOPED","Explanation":"anagram (implied following on from the definition, how the letters can be served up) of COLD PLEASE \u2013 served in a scallop shell with sauce and usually breadcrumbs"} {"Clue":"Teach informally, ignoring capital gain (4)","Answer":"EARN","Explanation":"LEARN (to teach, informal) missing first letter (capital). Growing up in NW England *learn* was commonly used to mean teach, as in *that will learn you (that will teach you!)*. My mother, an English teacher, often commented how some well-meaning southerners \"correct\" this. But *teach* is the original meaning of the word *learn* and had remained so in this area, so their own use of *learn* to only mean *to be taught *was the actual corruption."} {"Clue":"Eastern princes taking mostly bogus beer to the west (6)","Answer":"RAJAHS","Explanation":"SHAm (bogus, mostly) JAR (beer) all reversed (to the west, right-to-left as on a map)"} {"Clue":"Award established to break mechanical repetition (7)","Answer":"ROSETTE","Explanation":"SET (established) inside (to break) ROTE (mechanical repetition)"} {"Clue":"Customer right to retain possession in court (6)","Answer":"CLIENT","Explanation":"LIEN (right to retain possession) inside CT (court)"} {"Clue":"One stopping inflexible daughter being dissatisfied? (10)","Answer":"UNSUPPLIED","Explanation":"I (one) inside (stopping, like a cork) UNSUPPLE (inflexible) then D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Plays no further part, being partly chastised by implication? (4,4)","Answer":"SITS BACK","Explanation":"SITS BACK (reversed) might be (by implication) STIS which is found inside (partly) chaSTISed"} {"Clue":"Hero Peter Pan having yen to change musical play (10,5)","Answer":"THREEPENNY OPERA","Explanation":"anagram (to change) of HERO PETER PAN with YEN"} {"Clue":"Wants to have entry barred in grounds in US (6)","Answer":"EARTHS","Explanation":"dEARTHS (wants) missing first letter (to have entry barred) \u2013 *earth* is an electrical term, called *ground* in the US"} {"Clue":"Wander about wood \u2013 that's no good (4)","Answer":"ROVE","Explanation":"gROVE (wood) missing G (good)"} {"Clue":"Foreign, extremely evasive transferee of another's property (7)","Answer":"ALIENEE","Explanation":"ALIEN (foreign) then outer letters (extremely) of EvasivE"} {"Clue":"God willing wavering devotee only briefly (3,7)","Answer":"DEO VOLENTE","Explanation":"anagram (wavering) of DEVOTEE ONLy (briefly)"} {"Clue":"Leaders wager regularly over opposition in the main? (4,3)","Answer":"HEAD SEA","Explanation":"HEADS (leaders?) then every other letter (regularly) of wAgEr reversed (over) \u2013 *the main* is the sea"} {"Clue":"Most intense view curtailed \u2013 see inside (8)","Answer":"VIVIDEST","Explanation":"VISTa (view, curtailed) contains (with\u2026inside) VIDE (see)"} {"Clue":"Badly treat leaderless bullies \u2013 fantastic (3-3)","Answer":"ILL-USE","Explanation":"anagram (fantastic) of bULLIES missing first letter (leaderless)"} {"Clue":"Robin upset about end of Dame Edna for one (6)","Answer":"O\u2019BRIEN","Explanation":"anagram (upset) of ROBIN containing last letter (end) of damE \u2013 writer Edna O'Brien for example"} {"Clue":"What could be central to both yard and stable? (4)","Answer":"ARAB","Explanation":"AR and AB are the centres of yARd and stABle \u2013 an Arab is a type of horse"} {"Clue":"Bird that could be round area (6)","Answer":"ROBINA","Explanation":"ROBIN (bird that could be round, a round-robin) then A (area)"} {"Clue":"Formed queue for sponge cake, we're told (8)","Answer":"MADELINE","Explanation":"MADE (formed) LINE (queue) sounds like (we are told) \"madeleine\" ( a sponge cake)"} {"Clue":"Leading actor, endlessly calm at start (6)","Answer":"SERENA","Explanation":"first letter (leading) of Actor following (with\u2026at start) SERENe (calm, endlessly)"} {"Clue":"Shut up and run off! (8)","Answer":"PENELOPE","Explanation":"PEN (shup up, enclose) then ELOPE (run off)"} {"Clue":"French station in trade centre (8)","Answer":"MARGARET","Explanation":"GARE (station, in French) inside MART (trade centre)"} {"Clue":"Vine-reduced sherry \u2013 goodness! (6)","Answer":"JEREMY","Explanation":"JEREz (sherry, reduced) and MY (goodness). Also broadcaster and journalist Jeremy Vine."} {"Clue":"Some of the children erred one way or the other (4)","Answer":"RENE","Explanation":"found twice inside childREN Erred, forwards or backwards"} {"Clue":"Belonging over the Channel (7)","Answer":"FRANCES","Explanation":"FRANCE'S (belonging to France, over the channel)"} {"Clue":"Mother takes lid off soup bowl (7)","Answer":"MAUREEN","Explanation":"MA (mother) then tUREEN (soup bowl) missing first letter (with lid of)"} {"Clue":"Consistent complainer spoken of on Anglesey (4)","Answer":"MONA","Explanation":"sound like (spoken of) \"moaner\" (consistent complainer). ~~Ynys Mon is the Welsh name for Anglesey, but I don't know where the A comes from.~~ *MONA is the old Latin name for Anglesey."} {"Clue":"Clay and his lad (6)","Answer":"ALISON","Explanation":"ALI (formerly Cassius Clay) and SON (his lad)"} {"Clue":"Afternoon in state capital (8)","Answer":"ATALANTA","Explanation":"A (afternoon) inside ATLANTA (state capital of Georgia) \u2013 name Greek goddess"} {"Clue":"Harry's first love clad in fur (8)","Answer":"HERMIONE","Explanation":"first letter of Harry then O (love) inside ERMINE (fur)"} {"Clue":"Unrestrained nationalist left (6)","Answer":"VIOLET","Explanation":"VIOLEnT (unrestrained) missing (left) N (nationalist)"} {"Clue":"Not completely in good health in North Walian peninsula (8)","Answer":"LLEWELYN","Explanation":"WELL (in good health) missing last letter (not completely) inside LLEYN (the Lleyn Peninsular in North Wales, anglicised spelling)"} {"Clue":"Suspicious East German removed gems (6)","Answer":"RENATA","Explanation":"anagram (suspicious) of EAsT geRmAN missing (removed) GEMS"} {"Clue":"Flower starts to root during fifth month (8)","Answer":"ROSEMARY","Explanation":"ROSE (flower) then Root (first letter, what starts it?) inside (during) MAY (the fifth month)"} {"Clue":"Non-English bar-tender, sozzled (8)","Answer":"BERTRAND","Explanation":"anagram (sozzled) of BAR-TENDeR missing E (non-English)"} {"Clue":"Rejected popular Japanese car \u2013 gutted! (6)","Answer":"NINIAN","Explanation":"IN (popular) reversed (rejected) then NIssAN (Japanese car) missing middle letters (gutted) \u2013 name of saint"} {"Clue":"Drink and kiss (4)","Answer":"ALEX","Explanation":"ALE (drink) and X (kiss)"} {"Clue":"Samuel's memorial stone at chapel (8)","Answer":"EBENEZER","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 in the Bible a memorial stone erected by Samuel and byword for a chapel"} {"Clue":"One married to old dope (6)","Answer":"IMOGEN","Explanation":"I (one) M (married) with O (old) and GEN (dope, information)"} {"Clue":"Man or woman as diarist (6)","Answer":"EVELYN","Explanation":"EVELYN is both a man's name and a woman's name. There is also the noted diarist John Evelyn."} {"Clue":"Rider falls during dressage, losing heart (7)","Answer":"DEIRDRE","Explanation":"anagram (falls, and so becomes damaged?) inside DressagE missing middle letters (heart)"} {"Clue":"Dry during year in France (7)","Answer":"ANNETTE","Explanation":"TT (teetotal, dry) inside (during) ANNEE (year, in French)"} {"Clue":"18's alter ego (8)","Answer":"CAROLINE","Explanation":"an anagram (alter ego, same person but in a different form) of CORNELIA (18 down)"} {"Clue":"Lamb having reason for a sore foot (8)","Answer":"CORNELIA","Explanation":"ELIA (Charles Lamb) following (having, together with) CORN (reason for a sore foot)"} {"Clue":"Worker tucked into mash, cooked with touch of artistry (8)","Answer":"SAMANTHA","Explanation":"ANT (a worker) inside (tucked into) anagram (cooked) of MASH with first letter (a touch of) Artistry"} {"Clue":"Persistent pain in both sides (6)","Answer":"RACHEL","Explanation":"ACHE (persistent pain) inside R and L (both sides)"} {"Clue":"Removes clothes from French revolutionary (6)","Answer":"PIERRE","Explanation":"robesPIERRE (French revolutionary) having his ROBES (clothes) removed"} {"Clue":"Rested, during middle of the week (6)","Answer":"ELAINE","Explanation":"LAIN (rested) inside (during) wEEk (middle of)"} {"Clue":"Easy to use within the sound of Bow Bells (4)","Answer":"ANDY","Explanation":"HANDY (easy to use) missing the H (as spoken in Cockney, within the sound of the Bow Bells)"} {"Clue":"Crazy frosts do this in the garden (8)","Answer":"CRACKPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Crazy\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Kid with game is unkempt (6)","Answer":"RAGTAG","Explanation":"Definition: unkempt\nRAG (kid, make fun of) and TAG (a playground game)"} {"Clue":"Put back round stone furthest from the middle (6)","Answer":"DISTAL","Explanation":"Definition: furthest from the middle\nLAID (put) reversed (back) containing (round) ST (stone)"} {"Clue":"Exotic delicacy hits fruit (8)","Answer":"KICKSHAW","Explanation":"Definition: Exotic delicacy\nKICKS (hits) HAW (fruit) \u2013 perhaps *exotic* indicates this being an archaic word"} {"Clue":"With a favoured old cart (4)","Answer":"WAIN","Explanation":"Definition: old cart \nW (with) A IN (favoured, in fashion)"} {"Clue":"Reading maybe developing it in survey (10)","Answer":"UNIVERSITY","Explanation":"Definition: Reading maybe\nanagram (developing) of IT IN SURVEY \u2013 Reading University perhaps, near London"} {"Clue":"Pint done? Happily this prefigures completion (3,5)","Answer":"END POINT","Explanation":"Definition: this prefigures completion\nanagram (happily, drunkenly or by chance) \u2013 I'm not 100% sure how to explain the definition. Perhaps a goal that one sets (pre-configures) to define when a task will be complete."} {"Clue":"Drum rolls over so gaze lasciviously (4)","Answer":"LEER","Explanation":"Definition: gaze lasci\nREEL (drum) reversed (rolls over)"} {"Clue":"God who's angry when rejected (4)","Answer":"EROS","Explanation":"Definition: God\nSORE (angry) reversed (when rejected)"} {"Clue":"Treat ma incongruously with old liqueur (8)","Answer":"AMARETTO","Explanation":"Definition: liqueur\nanagram (incongruously) of TREAT MA then O"} {"Clue":"Tent wherein a celebrant dances (10)","Answer":"TABERNACLE","Explanation":"Definition: Tent\nanagram (dances) of A CELEBRANT"} {"Clue":"Drop dosh, run away (4)","Answer":"BEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Drop\nBrEAD (dosh, money) missing (away) R (run)"} {"Clue":"Possibly it is a rum dessert (8)","Answer":"TIRAMISU","Explanation":"Definition: dessert\nanagram (possibly) of IT IS A RUM"} {"Clue":"Excitement up to the time of entering personnel dept (6)","Answer":"THRILL","Explanation":"Definition: Excitement\nTILL (up to the time of) containing (entering, as a transitive verb) HR (personnel department)"} {"Clue":"Refuse society girl advance without end (6)","Answer":"DEBRIS","Explanation":"Definition: Refuse\nDEB (society girl) then RISe (advance) missing end letter"} {"Clue":"Coaches beginning to take a case (3,5)","Answer":"TEA CHEST","Explanation":"Definition: a case\nTEACHES (coaches) then first letter (beginning) of Take"} {"Clue":"Girl carrying a supplement for Indians? (5)","Answer":"RAITA","Explanation":"Definition: supplement for Indians\nRITA ( a girl's name) containing (carrying) A \u2013 an Indian side-dish, supplement"} {"Clue":"College transformed adept aunt's means for moving stuff easily (3,3,5)","Answer":"CUT AND PASTE","Explanation":"Definition: means for moving stuff easily\ncut and pasteC (college) then anagram (transformed) of ADEPT AUNT'S"} {"Clue":"Gather up, one would, after exercises, that's perfectly clear (8)","Answer":"PELLUCID","Explanation":"Definition: perfectly clear\nCULL (to gather) reversed (up) I'D (I would) all following PE (physical exercises)"} {"Clue":"Allow for Nick, hot on current list (4,4,7)","Answer":"TAKE INTO ACCOUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Allow for\nTAKE (nick, steal) INTO (hot on) AC (electrical current) COUNT (list)"} {"Clue":"Green salad to shoot up quickly (6)","Answer":"ROCKET","Explanation":"Definition: Green salad\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Some causing a stink chunter boringly (3)","Answer":"GAS","Explanation":"Definition: chunter boringly\nfound inside (some of) causinG A Stink"} {"Clue":"Flat is suitable to house those who paint, I guess (9)","Answer":"APARTMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Flat\nAPT (suitable) contains (to house) ART MEN (people who paint, one might guess)"} {"Clue":"Flog trophy first \u2013 it may be found in the garden (6,5)","Answer":"SILVER BIRCH","Explanation":"Definition: it may be found in the garden\nBIRCH (flog) following (with\u2026first) SILVER (a trophy)"} {"Clue":"Telling a story is inherent in a senior churchman? No, the reverse (9)","Answer":"NARRATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Telling a story\nA RR (Right Reverend, a senior churchman) inside NATIVE (inherent)"} {"Clue":"Real spat raging in gym (8)","Answer":"PALESTRA","Explanation":"Definition: gym\nanagram (raging) of REAL SPAT"} {"Clue":"Newly represented Genesis dishing out English rock (6)","Answer":"GNEISS","Explanation":"Definition: rock\nanagram (newly represented) of GENeSIS missing (dishing out) E (English)"} {"Clue":"A sailor turned over a collection of charts (5)","Answer":"ATLAS","Explanation":"Definition: a collection of charts\nA then SALT (sailor) reversed (turned over)"} {"Clue":"Fellow leaving pleasing impression (3)","Answer":"AIR","Explanation":"Definition: impression\nfAIR (pleasing) missing (leaving) F (fellow)"} {"Clue":"Glasgow slattern, fastener covering front of Levis (6)","Answer":"CLATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Glasgow slattern\nCATCH (fastener) contains (covering) first letter (front) of Levis"} {"Clue":"Terribly sad about hostility resulting in prizes (6)","Answer":"AWARDS","Explanation":"Definition: prizes\nanagram (terribly) of SAD contains (about) WAR (hostility)"} {"Clue":"Something akin to beet, soft and mostly gooey when cooked with egg in (9)","Answer":"GOOSEFOOT","Explanation":"Definition: Something akin to beet\nanagram (when cooked) of SOFT with GOOEy (mostly) containing O (an egg)"} {"Clue":"Sport activity? It gives catching practice (5)","Answer":"FUNGO","Explanation":"Definition: catching practice\nFUN (sport) and ACTIVITY (go, *it's all go here today*)"} {"Clue":"This writer takes shelter in scrum (5)","Answer":"MELEE","Explanation":"Definition: scrum\nME (this writer) with LEE (shelter)"} {"Clue":"One hint regarding starter for meal (9)","Answer":"ANTIPASTO","Explanation":"Definition: starter for meal\nAN (one) TIP (hint) AS TO (regarding)"} {"Clue":"Annoyed, not having leader in final? (4)","Answer":"NETT","Explanation":"Definition: final\nNETTLED (annoyed) missing (not) LED (having leader)"} {"Clue":"Money controller keeping star group within bills receivable (6)","Answer":"BURSAR","Explanation":"Definition: Money controller\nURSA (star group) inside BR (bills receivable)"} {"Clue":"Number of candles within fancy red cake decoration? (6)","Answer":"DRAGEE","Explanation":"Definition: cake decoration\nAGE (number of candles, on a cake) inside anagram (fancy) of RED"} {"Clue":"Drink? Once gulping disposes of pin (4)","Answer":"SWIG","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nSWIpinG (gulping, archaic) missing PIN"} {"Clue":"Hard-shelled sea creature displaying form of iron coats (9)","Answer":"OSTRACION","Explanation":"Definition: Hard-shelled sea creature\nanagram (form of) IRON COATS"} {"Clue":"One confined to grim desert camp (5)","Answer":"DOUAR","Explanation":"Definition: desert camp\nA (one) inside (confined to) DOUR (grim)"} {"Clue":"They establish level by means of line and bit of string (5)","Answer":"VIALS","Explanation":"Definition: They establish level\nVIA (by means of) L (line) then first letter (a bit of) of String"} {"Clue":"Was wobbly English vicar, retiring, housed in part of college? (8)","Answer":"QUAVERED","Explanation":"Definition: Was wobbly\nE (English) REV (vicar) reversed (retiring) inside QUAD (part of college)"} {"Clue":"New Englander always clutching behind (9)","Answer":"EASTERNER","Explanation":"Definition: New Englander\nE'ER (always) containing (clutching) ASTERN (behind)"} {"Clue":"Treatment for Jock in grip of extreme dengue (6)","Answer":"REMEDE","Explanation":"Definition: Treatment for Jock\nfound inside (in grip of) extREME DEngue \u2013 for Jock indicates a Scottish word"} {"Clue":"Hut collapsing in strain, rarely to be relied upon (6)","Answer":"TRUTHY","Explanation":"Definition: rarely to be relied upon\nanagram (collapsing) of HUT inside TRY (strain) \u2013 *rarely* indicates rare use"} {"Clue":"Rude name for oldie, bloke coming round about experience (12)","Answer":"COFFIN-DODGER","Explanation":"Definition: Rude name for oldie\nCODGER (bloke) containing (coming round) OF (about ?) FIND (experience)"} {"Clue":"Play girl, very bad person (4)","Answer":"LULU","Explanation":"Definition: Play girl\ndouble definition \u2013 two plays by German playwright Frank Wedekind are collectively known as *The Lulu Plays"} {"Clue":"Fungus I found inside a huge fish (7)","Answer":"AMANITA","Explanation":"Definition: Fungus\nI inside A MANTA (huge fish)"} {"Clue":"Trumpet played tenderly (no more) grips other ranks (6)","Answer":"CORONA","Explanation":"Definition: Trumpet\nCON Amore (played tenderly) missing MORE contains (grips) OR (other ranks)"} {"Clue":"Hack locally, amateur among crowd (5)","Answer":"HOAST","Explanation":"Definition: Hack locally\nA (amateur) inside (among) HOST (crowd)"} {"Clue":"Attribute i.e. mixed up with carbs (7)","Answer":"ASCRIBE","Explanation":"Definition: Attribute\nanagram (mixed up) if IE with CARBS"} {"Clue":"Iron plugged in some way off giving the old shock (6)","Answer":"AFFEAR","Explanation":"Definition: the old shock\nFE (Fe, iron) inside (plugged in) AFAR (some way off)"} {"Clue":"Food for breakfast is getting under way (5)","Answer":"ROLLS","Explanation":"Definition: Food for breakfast\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Joint, OK, in a lido swinging (8)","Answer":"DOVETAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Joint\nVET (OK, to check and approve) inside anagram (swinging) of A LIDO"} {"Clue":"Child in a theatre brought up with English characters (8)","Answer":"PERSONAE","Explanation":"Definition: characters\nSON (child) inside A REP (theatre) reversed (brought up) then E (English)"} {"Clue":"Address etc adjusted after being taken in by spinner? (7)","Answer":"LECTURE","Explanation":"Definition: Address\nanagram (adjusted) of ETC inside (after being taken in by) LURE (spinner, fishing equipment)"} {"Clue":"Compartment in Agra's temple poetically adorned (6)","Answer":"GRASTE","Explanation":"Definition: poetically adorned\nfound inside (compartment in) aGRA'S TEmple \u2013 the poet is Edmund Spencer"} {"Clue":"Gang violence? Name applied to wars covers volumes (6)","Answer":"BOVVER","Explanation":"Definition: Gang violence\nBOER (name applied to wars, The Boer Wars) contains (covers) V V (volume, twice)"} {"Clue":"Apostrophe one's getting in the middle (5)","Answer":"TUISM","Explanation":"Definition: Apostrophe\nI'S (one's) inside TUM (stomach, the middle)"} {"Clue":"Chromosome? It contains a form of DNA (5)","Answer":"IDANT","Explanation":"Definition: Chromosome\nIT containing anagram (form) of DNA"} {"Clue":"Improper desire for winter sports venue (4)","Answer":"LECH","Explanation":"Definition: Improper desire\ndouble definition \u2013 upmarket ski resort in Austria"} {"Clue":"Woman dressed to the left, I see (7)","Answer":"DEBORAH","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\nROBED (dressed) reversed (to the left) then AH (I see)"} {"Clue":"Having sex, possibly Rover breaks dog-kennel law (6,9)","Answer":"CARNAL KNOWLEDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Having sex\nCAR (a Rover possibly) then anagram (breaks) of DOG KENNEL LAW"} {"Clue":"Heads off marauding antelopes grazing in cloudy spells (5)","Answer":"MAGIC","Explanation":"Definition: spells\nfirst letters (heads) of Marauding Antelopes Grazing In Cloudy"} {"Clue":"Enlighten chess administrators about unknown (5)","Answer":"EDIFY","Explanation":"Definition: Enlighten\nFIDE (chess administrators) reversed (about) then Y (an unknown)"} {"Clue":"Urge to light up extremely pretty country (9)","Answer":"PYROMANIA","Explanation":"Definition: Urge to light up\nouter letters (extremely) PrettY then ROMANIA (a country)"} {"Clue":"Risked being stripped and covered in fat in Cornish town (8)","Answer":"LISKEARD","Explanation":"Definition: Cornish town\nrISKEd missing outer letters (being stripped) inside LARD (fat)"} {"Clue":"Rice possibly contaminated initially with aluminium before being eaten (6)","Answer":"CEREAL","Explanation":"Definition: Rice possibly\nfirst letter (initially) of Contaminated and AL (Aluminium) containing (\u2026being eaten) ERE (before)"} {"Clue":"Viz article backed by millions, see? (6)","Answer":"NAMELY","Explanation":"Definition: V\nAN (indefinite article) reversed (backed) then M (millions) and ELY (see, a cathedral city)"} {"Clue":"Organ for government (8)","Answer":"PROSTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Organ\nPRO (for) STATE (government)"} {"Clue":"Event at Old Trafford that MC arranged after setback (4,5)","Answer":"TEST MATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Event at Old Trafford\nanagram (arranged) of THAT MC following SET reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"One's rubbish put back in trunks (5)","Answer":"TORSI","Explanation":"Definition: trunks\nI'S (one's) with ROT (rubbish) reversed (put back)"} {"Clue":"County ties broadcast (5)","Answer":"NOTTS","Explanation":"Definition: County\nsounds like (broadcast) \"knots\" (ties) \u2013 a contraction of Nottinghamshire"} {"Clue":"Panic as Cambridge bans rioting (9,2-4)","Answer":"SCREAMING AB-DABS","Explanation":"Definition: Panic\nanagram (rioting) of AS CAMBRIDGE BANS"} {"Clue":"Quotes for one popular grammar school (7)","Answer":"SAYINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Quotes\nsay (for one, for example) IN (popular) GS (Grammar School)"} {"Clue":"Loose tongue killed northern pianist (4,9)","Answer":"DUKE ELLINGTON","Explanation":"Definition: pianist\nanagram (loose) of TONGUE KILLED then N (northern)"} {"Clue":"Reserve current clothes for elders and betters (7)","Answer":"BOOKIES","Explanation":"Definition: betters\nBOOK (reserve) I (current, electrical symbol) then outer letters (clothes for) ElderS"} {"Clue":"Pass on early mistakes (5)","Answer":"RELAY","Explanation":"Definition: Pass on\nanagram (mistakes, mistaken for, read wrongly) of EARLY"} {"Clue":"London landmark said to conceal sub-normal king (4,4)","Answer":"HYDE PARK","Explanation":"Definition: London landmark\nHYDE sounds like (said) \"to conceal\" the K (king) following (sub, underneath) PAR (normal)"} {"Clue":"Weep about woman's virginity (6)","Answer":"CHERRY","Explanation":"Definition: virginity\nCRY (weep) contains (about) HER (the woman's)"} {"Clue":"Army unit decoration Rishi Sunak initially brings back (9)","Answer":"REMEMBERS","Explanation":"Definition: brings back\nREME (Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, army unit) MBE (decoration) first letters (initially) of Rishi Sunak"} {"Clue":"French forest needing inert gases (7)","Answer":"ARGONNE","Explanation":"Definition: French forest\ntwo inert gasses ARGON and NE (Ne, Neon)"} {"Clue":"Chalmie ensuring unhappy nurse leaves bass player (7,6)","Answer":"CHARLIE MINGUS","Explanation":"Definition: bass player\nanagram (unhappy) of CHALMIE ENSURING missing (leaves) EN (Enrolled Nurse)"} {"Clue":"City lights initially in awful condition for women (9)","Answer":"ECLAMPSIA","Explanation":"Definition: condition for women\nEC (City, the London financial district, from postcode) LAMPS then first letter (initially) of In"} {"Clue":"Difficult to stop Sauron's minions with trees here (8)","Answer":"ORCHARDS","Explanation":"Definition: trees here\nHARD (difficult) inside (to stop, like a cork) ORCS (Sauron's minions, from Tolkien)"} {"Clue":"Twiddling thumbs, a brewer's mixer (4-3)","Answer":"MASH-TUB","Explanation":"Definition: brewer's mixer\nanagram (twiddling) of THUMBS A"} {"Clue":"Announce the monarch has one to bring before the courts (7)","Answer":"ARRAIGN","Explanation":"Definition: to bring before the courts\nsounds like (announce) \"a reign\" (a monarch has one)"} {"Clue":"Instruct family member to read on with eyelid drooping (6)","Answer":"PTOSIS","Explanation":"Definition: with eyelid drooping\nPTO (please turn over, read on) SIS (sister)"} {"Clue":"On this date, American is promoted to sycophant (5)","Answer":"TOADY","Explanation":"Definition: sycophant\nTODAY (this date) with A (American) moved up one place (promoted)"} {"Clue":"Marks on snake (6)","Answer":"MADDER","Explanation":"M (marks) with ADDER (snake)"} {"Clue":"Sailor takes in loose belt (3,5)","Answer":"JET BLACK","Explanation":"JACK (Jack Tar, a sailor) contains anagram (loose) of BELT"} {"Clue":"Contrary heroine booked after game (6)","Answer":"RUSSET","Explanation":"TESS (heroine, of a book) reversed (contrary) follows RU (Rugby Union, a game)"} {"Clue":"Genuine backing about offer (8)","Answer":"LAVENDER","Explanation":"REAL (genuine) reversed (backing) contains (about) VEND (offer)"} {"Clue":"Yacht in trouble at Holyhead (8)","Answer":"HYACINTH","Explanation":"anagram (trouble) of YACHT IN then first letter (head) of Holy"} {"Clue":"Girl is fierce \u2013 no name (6)","Answer":"VIOLET","Explanation":"Definition: Girl\nVIOLEnT (fierce) missing N (name) \u2013 there is a definition here, but it is not thematic"} {"Clue":"Portion of apple crumble (4)","Answer":"ECRU","Explanation":"found inside (portion of) applE CRUmble"} {"Clue":"25s spilt (7)","Answer":"SCARLET","Explanation":"anagram (spilt) of CLARET (25 across) with S (s)"} {"Clue":"Master spy inside (7)","Answer":"MAGENTA","Explanation":"MA (master) contains (with\u2026inside) AGENT (spy)"} {"Clue":"Origins of Putin's Ukrainian claims explained (4)","Answer":"PUCE","Explanation":"first letters (origins) of Putin's Ukrainian Claims Explained"} {"Clue":"Cartel broken up (6)","Answer":"CLARET","Explanation":"anagram (broken up) of CARTEL"} {"Clue":"County's housing application (8)","Answer":"SAPPHIRE","Explanation":"SHIRE (county) contains (housing) APP (application)"} {"Clue":"The sun is out in court (8)","Answer":"CHESTNUT","Explanation":"anagram (out) of THE SUN inside CT (court)"} {"Clue":"Most of the big books (6)","Answer":"ARGENT","Explanation":"LARGE (most of the letters, missing L) and NT (books, of the Bible)"} {"Clue":"Reportedly, smell nothing (3,2,3)","Answer":"EAU DE NIL","Explanation":"EAU DE sounds like (reportedly) \"odour\" (smell) then NIL (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Steamroller dismantled, metal components thrown out (6)","Answer":"SORREL","Explanation":"anagram (dismantled) of SteamROLlER missing the letters (components) of METAL"} {"Clue":"Spuds, shrimp and 21 regularly blended (8)","Answer":"MURPHIES","Explanation":"Definition: Spuds\nanagram (blended) of SHRIMP and every other letter (regularly) of pUcE (21 across)"} {"Clue":"Loses hope, as pride's destroyed (8)","Answer":"DESPAIRS","Explanation":"Definition: Loses hope\nanagram (destroyed) of AS PRIDE'S"} {"Clue":"That blinking sight-screen (6)","Answer":"EYELID","Explanation":"Definition: That blinking sight-screen\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Test English at 10.00 (4)","Answer":"EXAM","Explanation":"Definition: T\nE (English) X AM (10 am)"} {"Clue":"Workers' homes showing top styles (8)","Answer":"BEEHIVES","Explanation":"Definition: Workers' homes\na BEEHIVE is a hair style, found on the top of you"} {"Clue":"Fancy being hauled up before the foreign magistrate (6)","Answer":"AEDILE","Explanation":"Definition: magistrate\nIDEA (fancy) reversed (hauled up) then LE (the, in French)"} {"Clue":"Artist gets Katherine round for unarmed combat (6)","Answer":"KARATE","Explanation":"Definition: unarmed combat\nRA (Royal Academician) inside (gets\u2026round) KATE (Katherine)"} {"Clue":"Bill making son watch (7)","Answer":"STICKER","Explanation":"Definition: Bill\nS (son) and TICKER (a watch)"} {"Clue":"Cutter from Far West (4,3)","Answer":"FRET SAW","Explanation":"Definition: Cutter\nanagram (the letters from) of FAR WEST"} {"Clue":"One expecting royalties is conspicuous mid-week (8)","Answer":"PATENTEE","Explanation":"Definition: One expecting royalties\nPATENT (conspicuous) then middle letters of wEEk"} {"Clue":"Term in EU fashioned for naval rebel (8)","Answer":"MUTINEER","Explanation":"Definition: naval rebel\nanagram (fashioned) of TERM IN EU"} {"Clue":"Support parking at Leeds ground (8)","Answer":"PEDESTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Support\nP (parking) then anagram (ground) of AT LEEDS"} {"Clue":"Chemical company about to take on the French \u2013 result of the big freeze? (6)","Answer":"ICICLE","Explanation":"Definition: result of the big freeze\nICI (former chemical company) C (circa, about) with LE (the, in French)"} {"Clue":"It's on the menu when eating a tea, usually (6)","Answer":"GATEAU","Explanation":"Definition: It's on the menu\nfound inside eatinG A TEA Unusually"} {"Clue":"Loves taking wine in city on the Douro (6)","Answer":"OPORTO","Explanation":"Definition: city on the Douro\nO O (love, zero score, twice) containing PORT (wine)"} {"Clue":"Car check incomplete (4)","Answer":"AUDI","Explanation":"Definition: Car\nAUDIt (check, incomplete)"} {"Clue":"Nocturnal tree-dweller very well in Scotland, always (3-3)","Answer":"AYE-AYE","Explanation":"Definition: Nocturnal tree-dweller\nAYE (yes, very well) and AYE (always, Scots)"} {"Clue":"Hard-working creature wanting a mellow drink (8)","Answer":"BEVERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nBEaVER (hard working creature) missing (wanting) A then AGE (mellow)"} {"Clue":"Zone more ethereal, reportedly (4)","Answer":"AREA","Explanation":"Definition: Zone\nsounds like (reportedly) \"airier\" (more ethereal)"} {"Clue":"Sending up day shift, essentially, before rebellion (10)","Answer":"SATIRISING","Explanation":"Definition: Sending up\nSAT (Saturday, day) middle letter (essentially) of sh**I**f before RISING (rebellion)"} {"Clue":"Return of French painter mostly grey? (4)","Answer":"AGED","Explanation":"Definition: grey\nDEGAs (French painter. mostly) reversed (return of). I was delayed for a long while in this corner by mistakenly entering TONE here: mONET (French painter, mostly) reversed meaning \"tint or shade, grey perhaps\".\u00a0* For some reason I completely failed to see that this leads to TENO not TONE, thanks to Hovis for putting me straight."} {"Clue":"Serviceman fixing a rail around bog (3-7)","Answer":"AIR-MARSHAL","Explanation":"Definition: Serviceman\nanagram (fixing) of A RAIL contains (around) MARSH (bog)"} {"Clue":"Once more trapped by Shane Warne (4)","Answer":"ANEW","Explanation":"Definition: Once more\nfound inside (trapped by) shANE Warne"} {"Clue":"Casual affair by American on one island (5)","Answer":"IBIZA","Explanation":"Definition: island\nBIZ (affair, business in casual speech) with A (American) all following (on) I (one)"} {"Clue":"Extremists in media lure chap (4)","Answer":"MALE","Explanation":"Definition: chap\nthe outer letters (extremists) of MediA LurE"} {"Clue":"Mike terribly early visiting, say, hip part of London (10)","Answer":"MARYLEBONE","Explanation":"Definition: part of London\nM (Mike, phonetic alphabet) then anagram (terribly) of EARLY then (visiting?) BONE (the hip, say)"} {"Clue":"Staff, couple swapping places, attended (4)","Answer":"CAME","Explanation":"Definition: attended\nMACE (staff) with two letters swapping paces"} {"Clue":"Worm-like river Cam meandering around university lake (10)","Answer":"VERMICULAR","Explanation":"Definition: Worm-like\nanagram (meandering) of RIVER CAM containing (around) U (university) L (lake)"} {"Clue":"Melted cheese on toast, ignoring bit undercooked (4)","Answer":"RARE","Explanation":"Definition: undercooked\nRAREbit (cheese on toast) missing BIT"} {"Clue":"Secret boozer beyond east Morecambe? (8)","Answer":"ESOTERIC","Explanation":"Definition: Secret\nSOT (boozer) following (beyond) E (east) then ERIC (Eric Morecambe perhaps, comedian)"} {"Clue":"Spanish sun, dazzling source of comfort (6)","Answer":"SOLACE","Explanation":"Definition: source of comfort\nSOL (sun, in Spanish) then ACE (dazzling, superb)"} {"Clue":"Health spa attracting low-down element (8)","Answer":"HYDROGEN","Explanation":"Definition: element\nHYDRO (health spa) with GEN (low-down, information)"} {"Clue":"Football chiefs abroad accepting foreign money easily (3,3,4)","Answer":"FAR AND AWAY","Explanation":"Definition: easily\nFA (Football Association, football chiefs) AWAY (abroad) containing (accepting) RAND (foreign money)"} {"Clue":"Novel super when writer's convincing (10)","Answer":"PERSUASIVE","Explanation":"Definition: convincing\nanagram (novel) of SUPER then AS (when) and I'VE (the writer has)"} {"Clue":"Egg on old president that's finishing breakfast (4)","Answer":"ABET","Explanation":"Definition: Egg on\nABE (Abraham Lincoln, old president) and the last letter (the thing that finishes) breakfasT"} {"Clue":"Dance party, with Roger transported to the ultimate state (4)","Answer":"AVER","Explanation":"Definition: state\nRAVE (dance party) with R (Roger, a word used in radio communication for the letter R, standing for *Received*) moved to the last place (transported to the ultimate)"} {"Clue":"Greek idol runs into the Med perhaps uplifted (4)","Answer":"ARES","Explanation":"Definition: Greek idol\nR (runs) inside SEA (the Med perhaps) reversed (uplifted)"} {"Clue":"Schedule heater outside to stop (6)","Answer":"AGENDA","Explanation":"Definition: Schedule\nAGA (a heater) containing (outside) END (to stop)"} {"Clue":"Lolly, a horny thing (5)","Answer":"RHINO","Explanation":"Definition: Lolly\na RHINO has horns, so is horny \u2013 *rhino and lolly are both slang for money"} {"Clue":"Incompetent religious group crossing at French street northwards (10)","Answer":"AMATEURISH","Explanation":"Definition: Incompetent\nAMISH (religious group) contains (crossing) AT with RUE (French street) reversed (going northwards, up the grid)"} {"Clue":"House above London underground line that's D-shaped (10)","Answer":"SEMICIRCLE","Explanation":"Definition: that's D-shaped\nSEMI (type of house) then CIRCLE (London Underground line)"} {"Clue":"Beneath shade, strain to make comic verse (8)","Answer":"LIMERICK","Explanation":"Definition: comic verse\nRICK (strain) following (beneath\u2026is\u2026) LIME (shade, a colour)"} {"Clue":"Relaxed batsmen regularly scoffing cake in pavilion? (2,4)","Answer":"AT EASE","Explanation":"Definition: Relaxed\nevery other letter (regularly) of bAtSmEn contains (scoffing) TEA (cake in pavilion) \u2013 \"tea\" is a cricket term for a mid-session break where the players may return to the pavilion for a snack"} {"Clue":"Partner flooring second of belligerents (4)","Answer":"MATE","Explanation":"Definition: Partner\nMAT (flooring) then second letter of bEligerents"} {"Clue":"Charge vehicle, European (4)","Answer":"CARE","Explanation":"Definition: Charge\nCAR (vehicle) and E (European)"} {"Clue":"Bill caught in extremely large netting (4)","Answer":"LACE","Explanation":"Definition: netting\nAC (account, bill) inside (caught in) the outer letters (extremes) of LargE"} {"Clue":"Comical spots, very funny, setting the world in order? (12)","Answer":"COSMOPLASTIC","Explanation":"Definition: setting the world in order\nanagram (very funny) of COMICAL SPOTS"} {"Clue":"What they would never eat because fundamentalists (5)","Answer":"HAMAS","Explanation":"Definition: fundamentalists\nHAM (what Hamas members would never eat) then AS (because) \u2013 does this surface reading make sense to anyone?"} {"Clue":"Breather the old man's taken before exercise (5)","Answer":"PAUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Breather\nPA (old man) then USE (exercise)"} {"Clue":"Dim listener chattering might make such a troubadour die (8)","Answer":"MINSTREL","Explanation":"Definition: a troubadour\nan anagram (chattering, shaking) of DIM LISTENER might be MINSTREL (the answer, such a troubadour) DIE"} {"Clue":"China, top quality in grand dwelling (6)","Answer":"PALACE","Explanation":"Definition: grand dwelling\nPAL (china, rhyming slang) and ace (top quality)"} {"Clue":"Grand hostelry providing spirits (often enormous) (4)","Answer":"GINN","Explanation":"Definition: spirits (often enormous)\nG (grand) INN (hostelry) \u2013 c.f. singular genie"} {"Clue":"Fiercest backs avoiding wingers in intense contest (5)","Answer":"SET-TO","Explanation":"Definition: intense contest\nhOTTESt (fiercest) reversed (backs) missing the outer letters (wingers)"} {"Clue":"Russian parliamentarian excited stadium (7)","Answer":"DUMAIST","Explanation":"Definition: Russian parliamentarian\nanagram (excited) of STADIUM"} {"Clue":"Lord accepts opening for what 13 may offer (8)","Answer":"SIRVENTE","Explanation":"Definition: what 13 may offer\nSIRE (lord) containing VENT (opening)"} {"Clue":"A paltry sum (7)","Answer":"PEANUTS","Explanation":"Definition: A paltry sum\nthe competition clue"} {"Clue":"Drams knocked back including starter of Irnbru? What fou fellow may do (5)","Answer":"STOIT","Explanation":"Definition: What fou fellow may do\nTOTS (drams) reversed (knocked back) contains (including) first letters (starter) of Irnbru"} {"Clue":"Restricted flow, by the sound of it (4)","Answer":"TIED","Explanation":"Definition: Restricted\nsounds like (by the sound of it) \"tide\" (flow)"} {"Clue":"Having entered university blue's required to study (6)","Answer":"PERUSE","Explanation":"Definition: to study\nPERSE (blue) containing (having entered, used transitively here) U (university)"} {"Clue":"Add a couple of ducks to pet uncle exercised (8)","Answer":"CENTUPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Add a couple of ducks\nanagram (exercised) of PET UNCLE \u2013 ducks are zeros"} {"Clue":"Vehicle I must shift front to back? It has excellent turning circle (5)","Answer":"ARTIC","Explanation":"Definition: It has excellent turning circle\nCART (vehicle) I with the first letter moved form the front to the back"} {"Clue":"Torch once appearing regularly among the candles (5)","Answer":"TEADE","Explanation":"Definition: Torch once\nevery other letter (appearing regularly among) ThE cAnDlEs"} {"Clue":"Dance club ten twice styled 'dead', browned off (12)","Answer":"DISCONTENTED","Explanation":"Definition: browned off\nDISCO (dance club) then anagram (styled) of TEN twice followed by D (dead)"} {"Clue":"Baptismal togs will envelop this bit of mosaic (6)","Answer":"SMALTO","Explanation":"Definition: bit of mosaic\nfound inside (\u2026will envelop this) baptiSMAL TOgs"} {"Clue":"Bit of foreign money an ATM changes (5)","Answer":"MANAT","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of foreign money\nanagram (changes) of AN ATM"} {"Clue":"Tooted once like a famous piper welcoming queen? (5)","Answer":"PRIED","Explanation":"Definition: Tooted once\nPIED (like the Pied Piper of Hamlyn) containing (welcoming) R (regina, queen)"} {"Clue":"Monkey should be fed nothing yielding inertia (7)","Answer":"LANGUOR","Explanation":"Definition: inertia\nLANGUR (monkey) containing (should be fed\u2026) O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Suicide swallowed stuff (7)","Answer":"SATIATE","Explanation":"Definition: stuff\nSATI (suicide) then ATE (stuff)"} {"Clue":"Blockhead upset after imbibing supply of tea? (6)","Answer":"TURNIP","Explanation":"Definition: Blockhead\nTIP (upset) containing (after imbibing\u2026) URN (a supply of tea perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Very old chopper found in capsized battle-cruiser (4)","Answer":"CELT","Explanation":"Definition: Very old chopper\nfound reversed (capsized) inside batTLE Cruiser"} {"Clue":"Area meteor's ruined ? one'll measure relative density (10)","Answer":"ARAEOMETER","Explanation":"Definition: one'll measure relative density\nanagram (is ruined) of AREA METEOR"} {"Clue":"Made to feel old since one's put on strange diets (10)","Answer":"SENSITISED","Explanation":"Definition: Made to feel\nSENS (since, old) I'S (one's) then anagram (strange) of DIETS"} {"Clue":"With little support around misshapen tree was wobbly (8)","Answer":"TEETERED","Explanation":"Definition: was wobbly\nTEE'D (with little support, like a golf ball) containing (around) anagram (misshapen) of TREE"} {"Clue":"Like some art related to name on the way up (7)","Answer":"KINETIC","Explanation":"Definition: Like some art\nKIN (related to) then CITE (name) reversed (on the way up)"} {"Clue":"Boxed statin goes off (6)","Answer":"TAINTS","Explanation":"Definition: goes off\nanagram (boxed, punched? or the Aus\/NZ mixed, like sheep?) of STATIN"} {"Clue":"Sundae, middle of sweet stuff, not going round (6)","Answer":"NOUGAT","Explanation":"Definition: Sundae\nmiddle letters of sUGAr (sweet stuff) inside (with\u2026going round) NOT"} {"Clue":"After climbing mountains, start of thunder indicated sound of downpour? (5)","Answer":"SPLAT","Explanation":"Definition: sound of downpour\nALPS (mountains) reversed (after climbing) then first letter (start) of Thunder"} {"Clue":"Wooden cutlery, two separate pieces from accoutrements (5)","Answer":"TREEN","Explanation":"Definition: Wooden cutlery\ntwo pieces from accouTREmENts"} {"Clue":"Some Muscadet suitable for fish (4)","Answer":"SCAD","Explanation":"Definition: fish\nfound inside (some pieces of\u2026suitable for) muSCADet"} {"Clue":"Send in suspect, a menace to some (6)","Answer":"DENNIS","Explanation":"Definition: a menace to some\nanagram (suspect) of SEND IN \u2013 *Dennis the Menace*, character from *The Beano *children's comic"} {"Clue":"Perhaps gondolier's attendant and general averting eyes, reportedly (8)","Answer":"WATERMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps gondolier\nWAiTER (attendant) and MAiN (general) missing (averting) the letter I's (sounds like, reportedly, eyes)"} {"Clue":"Violently react \u2013 tenner to enter dock for anniversary (15)","Answer":"QUATERCENTENARY","Explanation":"Definition: anniversary\nanagram (violently) of REACT TENNER inside QUAY (dock)"} {"Clue":"Raver almost popping one \u2013 a wake- up call (8)","Answer":"REVEILLE","Explanation":"Definition: a wake- up call\nREVELLEr (raver, almost) containing (popping, like a pill) I (one)"} {"Clue":"Sketches outline of rook in dots (6)","Answer":"TRICKS","Explanation":"Definition: Sketches outline of\nR (rook)inside TICKS (dots)"} {"Clue":"Guitarist initially stumped by drummer removing his old thong (1- 6)","Answer":"G-STRING","Explanation":"Definition: thong\nfirst letter (initially) of Guitarist then ST (stumped, cricket) and RINGo (Ringo Starr, drummer) missing (removing his\u2026) O (old)"} {"Clue":"Veteran's reserved, not starting unlimited drink (3,4)","Answer":"OLD HAND","Explanation":"Definition: Veteran\ncOLD (reserved) mising first letter (not starting) then sHANDy (drink) missing outer letters (un-limited)"} {"Clue":"Bodyguard died, choked by underground worker (6)","Answer":"MINDER","Explanation":"Definition: Bodyguard\nD (died) inside (choked by, strangled by) MINER (underground worker)"} {"Clue":"Privately contrived wild yarn (8)","Answer":"INWARDLY","Explanation":"Definition: Privately\nanagram (contrived) of WILD YARN"} {"Clue":"Draw attention orally when upset (8,7)","Answer":"NATIONAL LOTTERY","Explanation":"Definition: Draw\nanagram (when upset) of ATTENTION ORALLY"} {"Clue":"Immediately securing emptied lake in South American island (2,6)","Answer":"ST HELENA","Explanation":"Definition: island\nTHEN (immediately) contains (securing) LakE (emptied, no middle letters) all inside SA (South American)"} {"Clue":"Ticket issuer finally getting driver, of sorts (6)","Answer":"CARTER","Explanation":"Definition: driver, of sorts\nCARTE (ticket) then last letter (finally) of issueR"} {"Clue":"With refinements, flood's essentially fixed for good (2,4)","Answer":"DE LUXE","Explanation":"Definition: With refinements\nDELUgE (flood) with middle letter (essentially) of fiXed replacing (for) G (good)"} {"Clue":"Jerseys, say Charlie, caught north of river (8)","Answer":"KNITWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Jerseys, say\nKNIT sounds like (caught) \"nit\" (Charlie, a fool) preceding (north of, in a down clue) then WEAR (the River Wear)"} {"Clue":"Final score getting last third docked for backing addict (4)","Answer":"USER","Explanation":"Definition: addict\nRESUlt (final score) missing (docked) last third then reversed (for backing)"} {"Clue":"Very small note in agreement raised an element of force? (7)","Answer":"SWEENEY","Explanation":"Definition: element of force\nWEE (very small) N (note) inside YES (agreement) reversed (raised) \u2013 slang for the Flying Squad, an element of the police force"} {"Clue":"Show disapproval at entering country, going over many rules? (7,3)","Answer":"STATUTE LAW","Explanation":"Definition: many rules\nTUT (show disapproval) AT inside (entering) WALES (country) all reversed (going over)"} {"Clue":"British hunt ending in reputable, independent oil exporters (6)","Answer":"BRUNEI","Explanation":"Definition: oil exporters\nB (British) RUN (hunt) then last letter (ending in) of reputablE and I (independent) \u2013 but why exporter**s** plural?"} {"Clue":"Old poet retaining grip exposed hooligan down under (8)","Answer":"LARRIKIN","Explanation":"Definition: hooligan down un\nLARKIN (Philip Larkin, former poet) containing gRIp missing outer letters (exposed)"} {"Clue":"Silver often kept him going, a recluse nark (4,6)","Answer":"LONE RANGER","Explanation":"Definition: Silver often kept him going\nLONE (recluse) RANGER (nark, policeman). Ranger and nark are both slang for a policeman, though probably not applied to he same officer. *Or better: LONER (recluse) and ANGER (nark, to annoy someone). Thanks to various commenters for this explanation."} {"Clue":"Maybe refuse to end up in this worker's tight trousers (3,5)","Answer":"SKI PANTS","Explanation":"Definition: tight trousers\nSKIP (where refuse may end up) then ANT'S (worker's) \u2013 *tight* refers to the women's fashion item rather than the winter sports kit"} {"Clue":"Others possibly emptied Rotary account, according to PC? (8)","Answer":"HERSTORY","Explanation":"Definition: account, according to PC\nanagram (possibly) of OTHERS then RotarY (no middle letters, emptied) \u2013 a feminist (PC, politically correct) version of *history"} {"Clue":"Old King of Israel wearing armour \u2013 weight mounting (7)","Answer":"WILLIAM","Explanation":"Definition: Old King\nIL (Israel) inside (wearing) MAIL (armour) with W (weight) reversed (mounting)"} {"Clue":"Force large rhubarb (6)","Answer":"DRIVEL","Explanation":"Definition: rhubarb\nDRIVE (force) and L (large) \u2013 nonsense"} {"Clue":"Fatter one having hidden \u2013 hopefully not in here! (6)","Answer":"LARDER","Explanation":"Definition: hopefully not in here\nLARDiER (fatter, containing more lard) missing (having hidden) I (one)"} {"Clue":"At any time, drink in clubs \u2013 on the contrary (4)","Answer":"ONCE","Explanation":"Definition: At any time\nONE (drink, e.g. *have another one*) containing (outside, contrary of in) C (clubs)"} {"Clue":"Independent satellite tracking deposit for diplomat (3,2-4)","Answer":"BAN KI-MOON","Explanation":"Definition: diplomat\nI (independent) MOON (satellite) all follows (tracking) BANK (deposit) \u2013 former Secretary General of the UN"} {"Clue":"March now over with police reserve initially in trouble (5)","Answer":"APRIL","Explanation":"Definition: March now over\nfirst letters (initially) of Police Rreserve inside AIL (trouble)"} {"Clue":"Grey or red hairstyles (7)","Answer":"MULLETS","Explanation":"Definition: hairstyles\na MULLET is also a type of fish, known by various names including Grey Mullet and Red Mullet"} {"Clue":"Consumed drug with peanut mince (5,2)","Answer":"EATEN UP","Explanation":"Definition: Consumed\nE (ecstasy, drug) then anagram (mince) of PEANUT"} {"Clue":"Happens to be back by early evening (3)","Answer":"SIX","Explanation":"Definition: early evening\nIS (happens to be) reversed (back) then X (by, multiplication) \u2013 6pm, early evening"} {"Clue":"Campaigners spouting purest rubbish about back-to-front digit (3-8)","Answer":"TUB-THUMPERS","Explanation":"Definition: Campaigners spouting\nanagram (rubbish) of PUREST containing (about) THUMB (a digit) with back the letter moved to the front"} {"Clue":"Medium bill accepted by Ferdinand? (5)","Answer":"RADIO","Explanation":"Definition: Medium\nAD (advertisement, bill) inside (accepted by) RIO (Rio Ferdinand, footballer)"} {"Clue":"A number of Greek characters sent back (3)","Answer":"SIX","Explanation":"Definition: A number\nXI'S are more than one XI (a Greek character) then reversed (sent back)"} {"Clue":"Things to bet on \u2013 according to Winstone, did I hear? (5)","Answer":"RACES","Explanation":"Definition: Things to bet on\nRACES sounds like (did I hear) \"Ray says\" (according to Ray Winstone, actor) \u2013 one has to use an informal pronunciation here \"Ray sez\", in the manner that one of Ray Winstone's East End hardmen might have used"} {"Clue":"Unlikely hero, yet oddly up a tree greeting solver's arrival (5,3,3)","Answer":"THERE YOU ARE","Explanation":"Definition: greeting solver's arrival\nanagram (unlikely) HERO YET then every other letter (oddly) of Up A tReE"} {"Clue":"Back centre of revolution to expel a number (3)","Answer":"SIX","Explanation":"Definition: a number\naXIS (centre of revolution) missing (to expel) A reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Pottery figure's from freelancer, am I correct? (7)","Answer":"CERAMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Potter\nfound inside (from) freelanCER AM I Correct \u2013 definition might be just *pottery*, I am not sure"} {"Clue":"American friends mostly right to have more offshoots (7)","Answer":"BUDDIER","Explanation":"Definition: to \nmost of BUDDIEs (friends, American) then R (right)"} {"Clue":"Arrests Stevie? (5)","Answer":"NICKS","Explanation":"Definition: Arrests\ndouble definition \u2013 slang for arrest by the police and singer Stevie Nicks"} {"Clue":"This taste is discriminatory, somehow, to fat mare (1,6,2)","Answer":"A MATTER OF","Explanation":"Definition: This taste is discriminatory\na double-wordplay clue: anagram (somehow) of TO FAT MARE and \"a matter of taste\" (this, the solution + TASTE) means discriminatory"} {"Clue":"Take note, primarily, of Marx Brothers slinging racial insults in America (1-5)","Answer":"N-BOMBS","Explanation":"Definition: racial insults in America\nNB (take note) then first letters (primarily) of Of Mark Brothers Slinging"} {"Clue":"Cable connects peacekeepers with journalist not having to use muscle (8)","Answer":"UNFLEXED","Explanation":"Definition: not having to use muscle\nUN (peacekeepers) and ED (editor, a journalist) connected by FLEX (cable)"} {"Clue":"Work in quarry, crossing river for soup (10)","Answer":"MINESTRONE","Explanation":"Definition: soup\nMINE STONE (work in quarry) contains (crossing) R (river)"} {"Clue":"Shows respect to missile-launchers (4)","Answer":"BOWS","Explanation":"Definition: Shows respect to\ndouble definition \u2013 they launch an arrows"} {"Clue":"Albanian leader cross \u2013 have heron shot! (5,5)","Answer":"ENVER HOXHA","Explanation":"Definition: Albanian leader\nanagram (shot) of X (cross) with HAVE HERON"} {"Clue":"Actor George starts rehearsing on one foot (4)","Answer":"RAFT","Explanation":"Definition: Actor George\nfirst letter (starts) of Rehearsing then A (one) FT (foot) \u2013 former US actor George Raft"} {"Clue":"Fruit of Salvadoran geneticists (6)","Answer":"ORANGE","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nfound inside salvadOREAN GEnetics"} {"Clue":"Spy's loft conversion puts up bills (3-5)","Answer":"FLY-POSTS","Explanation":"Definition: puts up bills\nanagram (conversion) of SPY'S LOFT \u2013 bills are advertisements"} {"Clue":"Hold famous tea party with hermit? (6,4)","Answer":"BOSTON CRAB","Explanation":"Definition: Hold\nthe BOSTON tea party with a hermit CRAB \u2013 a hold in wrestling"} {"Clue":"Unexpectedly dramatic take I see extracted from business intelligence (6,4)","Answer":"MARKET DATA","Explanation":"Definition: business intelligence\nanagram (unexpectedly) of DRAMATic TAKE missing (extracted from) I C (see, the name of the letter C)"} {"Clue":"Unforthcoming about crime losing its edge seen in colour (8)","Answer":"RETICENT","Explanation":"Definition: Unforthcoming\nRE (about) then CrimE missing (losing its) RIM (edge) inside TINT (colour)"} {"Clue":"In Stuttgart, she loads hydrogen into vehicles for money-handlers (8)","Answer":"CASHIERS","Explanation":"Definition: money-handlers\nSIE (she in German, in Stuttgart) contains (loads) H (hydrogen) all inside (into) CARS (vehicles)"} {"Clue":"Henri Cartier-Bresson starts cycling to expand wealth (6)","Answer":"ENRICH","Explanation":"Definition: to expand wealth\nHENRI and C first letter (\u2026starts) of Cartier-bresson with the letters rotated one place (cycling)"} {"Clue":"90 over 18 for one old British minisub (1- 5)","Answer":"X-CRAFT","Explanation":"Definition: old British minisub\nXC (90, Roman numerals) on top of (over) RAFT (the answer to 6 down) \u2013 SIX (giving 6 down for the wordplay) comes form the answer to 18 across, one of the three sixes in the grid (coincidentally adding up to 18)"} {"Clue":"It inspires birds to keep head down (4)","Answer":"MUSE","Explanation":"Definition: It inspires\nEMUS (birds) with the first letter (head) moved down the word"} {"Clue":"Scottish bank not very bold (4)","Answer":"BRAE","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish bank\nBRAvE (bold) missing V (very)"} {"Clue":"Enclosure housing a male bird (6)","Answer":"PEAHEN","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nPEN (enclosure) contains (hosting) A HE (male)"} {"Clue":"Offered care to wild deer (8)","Answer":"TENDERED","Explanation":"Definition: Offered\nTEND (care) with anagram (wild) of DEER"} {"Clue":"Easy-going match has Belgium against Spain (7)","Answer":"EQUABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Easy-going\nEQUAL (match) contains (has) B (Belgium) then E (Espana, Spain)"} {"Clue":"Fashionable teams showing guts? (7)","Answer":"INSIDES","Explanation":"Definition: guts\nIN (fashionable) SIDES (teams)"} {"Clue":"High liver from Central Tibet? Wrong (4)","Answer":"IBEX","Explanation":"Definition: High liver\nthe centre letters of tIBEt then X (wrong) \u2013 something that lives in a high place"} {"Clue":"Poor loner in obscure surroundings soon (6,4)","Answer":"BEFORE LONG","Explanation":"Definition: soon\nanagram (poor) of LONER inside BEFOG (obscure)"} {"Clue":"Familiar term for spaniel (6)","Answer":"COCKER","Explanation":"Definition: spaniel\n\"COCKER\" is an informal address to a friend (familiar term)"} {"Clue":"Border security can be fatal (7)","Answer":"HEMLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: can be fatal\nHEM (border) and LOCK (security)"} {"Clue":"Swallows drove us wild (7)","Answer":"DEVOURS","Explanation":"Definition: Swallows\nanagram (wild) of DROVE US"} {"Clue":"Small joints, we're hear, will indicate cold (6)","Answer":"SNEEZE","Explanation":"Definition: will indicate cold\nS (small) then NEEZE sounds like (we're hear ?) \"knees\" (joints) \u2013 I think there is probably a typo in this clue"} {"Clue":"Crowd actor, sadly no use and irrelevant (10)","Answer":"EXTRANEOUS","Explanation":"Definition: irrelevant\nEXTRA (crowd actor) then anagram (sadly) of NO USE"} {"Clue":"Oh, to be in France . . . .!\" (4)","Answer":"ETRE","Explanation":"~~I can't get this. The answer might be ETRE (to be, In France) but it is not an English word, and why *Oh*? Can anybody help out?~~ *ETRE means \"to be\" in French, so this is a cryptic definition. It is unusual to see a foreign word as a solution, but this is prompted by the need to find an ET to complete the EA,EB,EC\u2026 pattern. The surface reading paraphrases a line from Robert Browning's poem Home Thoughts From Abroad (note the exclamation marks):*\n Oh, to be in England Now that April's there, And whoever wakes in England Sees, some morning, unaware, That the lowest boughs and the brushwood sheaf Round the elm-tree bole are in tiny leaf, While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough In England\u2014now!"} {"Clue":"Odd characters missing from Greek work in the new adaptation (7)","Answer":"REWRITE","Explanation":"Definition: new adaptation\nevery other letter (odd characters missing from) gReEk WoRk In ThE"} {"Clue":"Eoin Morgan drops most of mint chopped herb (7)","Answer":"OREGANO","Explanation":"Definition: herb\nanagram (chopped) of EOin mORGAN missing MINt (most of)"} {"Clue":"Designs for new transept (8)","Answer":"PATTERNS","Explanation":"Definition: Designs\nanagram (new) of TRANSEPT"} {"Clue":"Make a drastic capital cut (6)","Answer":"BEHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Make a drastic capital cut\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Ward and wayward prince by court (8)","Answer":"PRECINCT","Explanation":"Definition: Ward\nanagram (wayward) of PRINCE then CT (court)"} {"Clue":"Mark has a quaintly charming way of speaking (5,6)","Answer":"ACUTE ACCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Mark\nA CUTE (quaintly charming) ACCENT (way of speaking)"} {"Clue":"Declines, as Stanley and Beatrice lose their head (4)","Answer":"EBBS","Explanation":"Definition: Declines\nwEBBS (the husband and wife ~~Stanley~~ *Syndey* and Beatrice Webb, economists) missing their first letter (head) *\u2013 perhaps there is another typo here, well spotted SM!"} {"Clue":"Record one's poems as parts of a serial (8)","Answer":"EPISODES","Explanation":"Definition: parts of a serial\nEP (Extended Play, record) I'S (one's) ODES (poems)"} {"Clue":"Dylan dines out at theme park (10)","Answer":"DISNEYLAND","Explanation":"Definition: theme park\nanagram (out) of DYLAN DINES"} {"Clue":"Beware \u2013 danger! Contents indicated by this! (3)","Answer":"RED","Explanation":"Definition: indicated by this\nfound inside (contents of) bewaRE Danger"} {"Clue":"Purpose of blueprint (6)","Answer":"DESIGN","Explanation":"Definition: Purpose\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Sherry prize rejected \u2013 some upset (5)","Answer":"JEREZ","Explanation":"Definition: Sherry\nfound inside (some of) priZE REJected reversed (upset)"} {"Clue":"Arrange part for three actors in play (11)","Answer":"ORCHESTRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Arrange part for\nanagram (in play) of THREE ACTORS"} {"Clue":"Private joke, funny, but not with king \u2013 it's insulting (10)","Answer":"PEJORATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: insulting\nanagram (funny) of PRIVATE JOkE missing K (king)"} {"Clue":"Carte blanche when poor refereeing, say, is dispensed with (4,4)","Answer":"FREE REIN","Explanation":"Definition: Carte blanche\nanagram (when poor) of REFEREeINg missing (is dispensed with) EG (say, for example)"} {"Clue":"Cattle crossing in this place? (8)","Answer":"HEREFORD","Explanation":"Definition: Cattle\nHERE (in this place is\u2026) FORD (\u2026 a crossing)"} {"Clue":"Act violently on the French outing (3,3)","Answer":"LET RIP","Explanation":"Definition: Act violently\nLE (the, in French) and TRIP (outing)"} {"Clue":"In due course regret upsetting money (5)","Answer":"EUROS","Explanation":"Definition: money\nSO (in due course) RUE (regret) all reversed (upsetting)"} {"Clue":"\"The Dog and Gander\" is mentioned (4)","Answer":"PEKE","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\nsounds like (mentioned) \"peek\" (gander, look)"} {"Clue":"Moderate Tory trebled for group (3)","Answer":"WET","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate Tory\ntrebled WET would be *Wet Wet Wet*, a Scottish pop group"} {"Clue":"Male cracks a whopper, reminding one of builder's butt! (7)","Answer":"BUMSTER","Explanation":"Definition: reminding one of builder's butt\nM (male) inside (cracks) BUSTER (a whopper)"} {"Clue":"Erstwhile conductor in bus mostly with lot transported (5)","Answer":"BOULT","Explanation":"Definition: Erstwhile conductor\nanagram (transported) of BUs with LOT \u2013 Sir Adrian Boult"} {"Clue":"Legal sponsor representing oneself (without son) occupying large house (10)","Answer":"MAINPERNOR","Explanation":"Definition: Legal sponsor\nIN PERson (representing oneself) missing SON inside (occupying) MANOR (a large house)"} {"Clue":"Arm waving in group of sheaves, a national emblem (8)","Answer":"SHAMROCK","Explanation":"Definition: a national emblem\nanagram (waving) of ARM inside SHOCK (sheaves)"} {"Clue":"Part of edible catch all right in belly of ship (4)","Answer":"HOKI","Explanation":"Definition: Part of edible catch\nOK (all right) inside middle letters (belly) of sHIp"} {"Clue":"Verse I name after alliance, looking back (6)","Answer":"SIXAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Verse\nI N (name) following AXIS (alliance) reversed (looking back)"} {"Clue":"Sweet gin loom spinning with ends of thread (6)","Answer":"OLD TOM","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet gin\nanagram (spinning) of LOOM with outer letters (ends) of ThreaD \u2013 enumeration should be (3,3)?"} {"Clue":"Antelope inhabiting the States, east to west (4)","Answer":"SUNI","Explanation":"Definition: Antelope\nIN (inhabiting) US (the States) reversed (east to west, as on a map)"} {"Clue":"Site of famous tablet found round Troy? It's been turned over, I swear (8)","Answer":"ATTESTOR","Explanation":"Definition: I swear\nROSETTA (site of famous tablet) containing (round) T (troy, weight) all reversed (it's been turned over)"} {"Clue":"English out of place in current plundering of Scotland (4)","Answer":"REIF","Explanation":"Definition: plundering of Scotland\nRIFE (current) with E (English) moved to another place"} {"Clue":"Timber tree? Various cut with head of axe (6)","Answer":"SUNDRA","Explanation":"Definition: Timber tree\nSUNDRy (various, cut short) then first letter (head) of Axe"} {"Clue":"Train guard's aid in determining quantities? (6)","Answer":"GRADUS","Explanation":"Definition: aid in determining quantities\nanagram (train) of GUARD'S"} {"Clue":"Virtuosic person (if lacking that prime bit of prowess)? (4)","Answer":"ARTY","Explanation":"Definition: Virtuosic\npARTY (person) missing first letter (that prime bit) of Prowess"} {"Clue":"Tot I disposed of in an appropriate place? Lots'll be disposed of here (8)","Answer":"ABATTOIR","Explanation":"Definition: Lots'll be disposed of here\nanagram (disposed of) TOT I inside A BAR (an appropriate place to dispose of tots)"} {"Clue":"Fix the bounds for title aimed for distribution (10)","Answer":"DELIMITATE","Explanation":"Definition: Fix the bounds for\nanagram (for distribution) of TITLE AIMED"} {"Clue":"People of old Arabia, without date, biblical book included (5)","Answer":"SHEBA","Explanation":"Definition: People of old Arabia\nSA (sine anno, without date) contains (with\u2026included) HEB. (Letter to the Hebrews, biblical book)"} {"Clue":"Heir, on being given bit with end of estate (7)","Answer":"LEGATEE","Explanation":"Definition: Heir\nLEG (on, side of field in cricket) with ATE (bit) and last letter (end) of estatE"} {"Clue":"Culmination of sumo follows major blow in this? (5)","Answer":"BASHO","Explanation":"Definition: this\nlast letter (culmination) of sumO follows BASH (major blow) \u2013 this is a sumo contest"} {"Clue":"Below middle of tum he's portly but after training becomes trim (10)","Answer":"UPHOLSTERY","Explanation":"Definition: trim\nmiddle letter of tUM followed by (below\u2026is\u2026) anagram (but after training) of HE'S PORTLY"} {"Clue":"I'll join Laplanders in workers' organization (6)","Answer":"SAMITI","Explanation":"Definition: workers' organization\nI following (will join) SAMIT (Laplanders)"} {"Clue":"Row of old guns producing broadside (4)","Answer":"TIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Row of old guns\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Outrage caused by soldiers in the course of hostility (8)","Answer":"ENORMITY","Explanation":"Definition: Outrage\nOR (other ranks, soldiers) inside (in the course of) ENMITY (hostility)"} {"Clue":"Good queen about king 'I smother with affection' (6)","Answer":"BEKISS","Explanation":"Definition: smother with affection\nBESS (good Queen Bess) contains (about) K (king) I"} {"Clue":"Antelope as beast of burden going round tracks? (4)","Answer":"ORYX","Explanation":"Definition: Antelope\nOX (beast of burden) contains (going round) RY (railway, come tracks)"} {"Clue":"A gun going off, 'umongous start of destruction without measure? (8)","Answer":"UNGAUGED","Explanation":"Definition: without measure\nanagram (going off) of A GUN then 'UGE ('umongous) and first letter (start) of Destruction"} {"Clue":"'E's sluggish, needing to be got up for a bit of a dance (7)","Answer":"TRENISE","Explanation":"Definition: a bit of a dance\nE'S INERT (sluggish) all reversed (needing to be got up)"} {"Clue":"I rent denim, changing? Changing for this is now rare! (10)","Answer":"DINNER-TIME","Explanation":"Definition: Changing for this is now rare\nanagram (changing) of I RENT DEMIN"} {"Clue":"Rage when heading north entering Scots border, attracting tax (8)","Answer":"DUTIABLE","Explanation":"Definition: attracting tax\nBAIT (rage) reversed (when heading north, upwards as on a map) inside DULE (border, Scots)"} {"Clue":"Organ, or rag, distributing the written word? (8)","Answer":"PROSTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Organ\nTAT (rag) inside (distributing, spreading) PROSE (the written word)"} {"Clue":"Scale as in wee round (6)","Answer":"SQUAMA","Explanation":"Definition: Scale\nQUA (as) inside SMA (wee, small Scots) ~~reversed (round)~~"} {"Clue":"Orangey stuff, one to get (but not in) (6)","Answer":"ANATTA","Explanation":"Definition: Orangey stuff\nAN (one) ATTAin (to get) missing IN"} {"Clue":"Lofty stronghold that is taking a year to subdue it (5)","Answer":"AYRIE","Explanation":"Definition: Lofty stronghold\nIE (that is) following (underneath, taking\u2026to subdue it) A YR (year)"} {"Clue":"Take a little girl climbing (4)","Answer":"DRIB","Explanation":"Definition: Take a little\nBIRD (girl) reversed (climbing)"} {"Clue":"Dog having special identification mark (4)","Answer":"STAG","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\nS (special) with TAG (identification mark) \u2013 two words for a male"} {"Clue":"Old car plant, almost the best of a bad bunch? (7)","Answer":"MAXIMIN","Explanation":"Definition: the best of a bad bunch\nMAXI (Austin Maxi, old car) then MINt (a plant, almost)"} {"Clue":"More obscene 20 getting caught (7)","Answer":"GROSSER","Explanation":"Definition: More obscene\nsounds like (getting caught) \"grocer\" (20 across)"} {"Clue":"Maintain quiet aloofness (8)","Answer":"PRESERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Maintain\nP (quiet) and RESERVE (aloofness)"} {"Clue":"By George \u2013 adult lifting gear? (6)","Answer":"VIAGRA","Explanation":"Definition: lifting gear\nVIA (by) GR (George Rex) and A (adult)"} {"Clue":"Check out Orwell novel \u2013 see inside, you may use it for the time (6-4,5)","Answer":"TWELVE-HOUR CLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: you may use it for the time\nanagram (novel) of CHECK OUT ORWELL containing (with\u2026inside) V (vide, see)"} {"Clue":"1960s war film editor cutting one way to view 360? (3,5,5)","Answer":"THE DIRTY DOZEN","Explanation":"Definition: 1960s war film\nED (editor) inside (cutting) THIRTY DOZEN (360 = 30 x 12)"} {"Clue":"Team quotes often hushed up after sacking wingers in squad (5,2,3,5)","Answer":"QUEEN OF THE SOUTH","Explanation":"Definition: Team\nanagram (up) of QUOTES OFTEN HUsHEd missing (after sacking) outer letters (wingers) in SquaD \u2013 a Scottish football team"} {"Clue":"Picked up 8 for food shop (6)","Answer":"GROCER","Explanation":"Definition: food shop\nsounds like (picked up) \"grosser\" (8 across)"} {"Clue":"Ex model, half drunk, leaving hotel (3,5)","Answer":"OLD FLAME","Explanation":"Definition: Ex\nanagram (drunk) of MODEL hALF missing H (hotel)"} {"Clue":"Stamp on letter, not a penny in old money abroad (7)","Answer":"OSTMARK","Explanation":"Definition: old money a\npOSTMARK (stamp on letter) missing P (a penny)"} {"Clue":"Bishop breaking wind died in a place of rest just like another? (4,3)","Answer":"TWIN BED","Explanation":"Definition: a place of rest just like another\nB (bishop) inside (breaking) TWINE (wind, to roll up) then D (died)"} {"Clue":"Old hill indicated by black pointer (6)","Answer":"BARROW","Explanation":"Definition: Old hill\nB (black) and ARROW (pointer)"} {"Clue":"Wearing this, chaps are less likely to kiss (3,5)","Answer":"LIP SALVE","Explanation":"Definition: Wearing this, chaps are less likely\ncryptic definition ? I want kiss to mean *mouth*, but that would be *kisser."} {"Clue":"Papers held up \u2013 around 5 PM on one occasion (8)","Answer":"DISRAELI","Explanation":"Definition: PM on one occasion\nID (papers) reversed (held up) containing (around) ISRAEL (5 down)"} {"Clue":"Club penguin, say, catching end of finger (6)","Answer":"DRIVER","Explanation":"Definition: Club\nDIVER (penguin say) containing (catching) last letter of fingeR"} {"Clue":"Republic in 3 scrapping borders (6)","Answer":"ISRAEL","Explanation":"Definition: Republic\ndISRAELi (3 down) missing outer letters (borders)"} {"Clue":"Mouse getting titchy bits of cheese after nibbling container (8)","Answer":"JERRYCAN","Explanation":"Definition: container\nJERRY (mouse, from Tom and Jerry) then first letters (titchy bits of) Cheese After Nibbling"} {"Clue":"Ballooning aristo ate no crackers (11)","Answer":"AEROSTATION","Explanation":"Definition: Ballooning\nanagram (crackers) of ARISTO ATE NO"} {"Clue":"Tense, mostly annoyed, St Anthony is associated with this (3,5)","Answer":"TAU CROSS","Explanation":"Definition: St Anthony is associated with this\nTAUt (tense, mostly) then CROSS (annoyed) \u2013 also known as Saint Anthony's cross"} {"Clue":"Fail before limits of demand have subsided (4,4)","Answer":"DIED DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: subsided\nDIE (fail) then outer letters (limits) of DemanD and OWN (have)"} {"Clue":"This will hopefully help one to get better still (4,4)","Answer":"ZOOM LENS","Explanation":"Definition: This will hopefully help one to get better still\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"For one, 3 having complaint raised pitch (6)","Answer":"ENCAMP","Explanation":"Definition: pitch\nPM (Disraeli for one, 3 down) with ACNE (medical complaint) all reversed (raised)"} {"Clue":"Error upset unknown heavenly model needing a wind-up? (6)","Answer":"ORRERY","Explanation":"Definition: heavenly model needing a wind-up\nanagram (upset) of ERROR then Y (an unknown)"} {"Clue":"Warning announced as plane possibly plummets (6)","Answer":"TIMBER","Explanation":"Definition: Warning announced as plane possibly plummets\ncryptic definition \u2013 warning of a a plane tree possibly being cut down"} {"Clue":"Hail showers not new during exercise (6)","Answer":"PRAISE","Explanation":"Definition: Hail\nRAInS (showers) missing N (new) inside (during) PE (Physical Exercise)"} {"Clue":"Carrying two matching keys, postie wavered outside the box (3-5)","Answer":"OFF-PISTE","Explanation":"Definition: outside the box\nF F (two matching keys, F majors perhaps?) inside (carrying\u2026is\u2026) anagram (wavered) of POSTIE"} {"Clue":"Don't start to bother with foreign currency (6)","Answer":"ROUBLE","Explanation":"Definition: foreign currency\ntROUBLE (to bother) missing first letter (don't start it)"} {"Clue":"Criminal to score Ecstasy, covering for fence (8)","Answer":"CREOSOTE","Explanation":"Definition: covering for fence\nanagram (criminal) of TO SCORE and E (ecstasy)"} {"Clue":"Headwear daughter preferred over time, somewhere in Africa (6)","Answer":"DURBAN","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in Afric\ntURBAN (headwear) with D (daughter) replacing (preferred over) T (time)"} {"Clue":"Second run by husband in wood needing painkiller (8)","Answer":"MORPHINE","Explanation":"Definition: painkiller\nMO (moment, second) R (run) then H (husband) inside PINE (wood)"} {"Clue":"Soldier and wife like carpaccio? (3)","Answer":"RAW","Explanation":"Definition: like carpaccio\nRA (Royal Artilleryman, soldier) and W (wife)"} {"Clue":"Mum finding slug around shed (4,2)","Answer":"SHUT UP","Explanation":"Definition: Mum\nSUP (slug, to drink) containing (around) HUT (shed)"} {"Clue":"Nose that Parisian caught in fight (7)","Answer":"BOUQUET","Explanation":"Definition: Nose\nQUE (that in French, Parisian) inside (caught in) BOUT (fight)"} {"Clue":"Culinary device right behind jar (6)","Answer":"GRATER","Explanation":"Definition: Culinary device\nR (right) following (behind) GRATE (jar)"} {"Clue":"Verb is described in other words (3)","Answer":"VIZ","Explanation":"Definition: in other words\nV (verb) IZ sounds like (when described, verbally) \"is\"- *viz*\u00a0means namely, in other words"} {"Clue":"Liverpudlian, contracted to put on company uniform, steamed wheat (8)","Answer":"COUSCOUS","Explanation":"Definition: steamed wheat\nSCOUSe (Liverpudlian, contracted) following (connected to, to put on) CO (company) U (uniform)"} {"Clue":"One changes pronunciation in spiritual music retrospective (6)","Answer":"UMLAUT","Explanation":"Definition: One changes pronunciati\nfound inside spiriTUAL MUsic reversed (retrospective)"} {"Clue":"State probes motorway, with check at borders to find rebel (8)","Answer":"MAVERICK","Explanation":"Definition: rebel\nAVER (state) inside (probes) MI (M1, a motorway in England) then outer letters (at borders) of ChecK"} {"Clue":"Moments occasionally in film expressed figuratively (6)","Answer":"POETIC","Explanation":"Definition: expressed figuratively\nevery other letter (occasionally) of mOmEnTs inside PIC (film)"} {"Clue":"After year one, uninitiated male horse's compliant (8)","Answer":"YIELDING","Explanation":"Definition: compliant\nY (year) I (one) then gELDING (male horse) missing first letter (uninitiated, not started)"} {"Clue":"Shark wanted, in essence, owed cash \u2013 help! (6)","Answer":"WEASEL","Explanation":"Definition: Shark\nmiddle letters (in essence) of oWEd cASh hELp"} {"Clue":"Eden Project's initial publicity seen in spring (8)","Answer":"PARADISE","Explanation":"Definition: Eden\nfirst letter (initial) of Project then AD (publicity) inside ARISE (spring)"} {"Clue":"Blue Toyota scratching parking sign (8)","Answer":"AQUARIUS","Explanation":"Definition: s\nAQUA (blue) then pRIUS (a model of Toyota car) missing (scratching) P (parking)"} {"Clue":"Cream dish British friend brought up, covered by sandwich (8)","Answer":"SYLLABUB","Explanation":"Definition: Cream dish\nB (British) ALLY (friend) all reversed (brought up) all inside (covered by) SUB (sandwich, named after the long submarine-shaped bread roll)"} {"Clue":"Hair disturbance \u2013 a feature of grandad's head? (6)","Answer":"FURROW","Explanation":"Definition: a feature of grandad's head\nFUR (hair) and ROW (disturbance) \u2013 a large deep wrinkle, on grandads head perhaps"} {"Clue":"Social training jog (6)","Answer":"PROMPT","Explanation":"Definition: jo\nPROM (social, an event) then PT (physical training)"} {"Clue":"Mum loves wearing a certain thing (4-2)","Answer":"SHOO-IN","Explanation":"Definition: a certain thing\nSH (mum, quiet) O O (love, zero score, twice) and IN (wearing)"} {"Clue":"Drug injected into breed of cattle heading off somewhere in Devon (6)","Answer":"EXETER","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in Devon\nE (ecstasy, drug) inside (injected into) dEXTER (breed of cattle) missing first letter (heading off)"} {"Clue":"Aristocrat to drive up with half-cut collaborator (7)","Answer":"MARQUIS","Explanation":"Definition: Aristocrat\nRAM (to drive) reversed (up) then QUISling (half cut)"} {"Clue":"Italian runner cross, getting ailment (3)","Answer":"POX","Explanation":"Definition: ailment\nPO (the river Po, something that runs in Italy) and X (cross)"} {"Clue":"King's Head, say, where this vessel is seen? (3)","Answer":"KEG","Explanation":"Definition: this vessel\nfirst letter (head) of King then EG (for example, say) \u2013 Kings Head is a common name for a pub"} {"Clue":"Music player misinterpreted note, admitting memory blank at intro (8)","Answer":"TROMBONE","Explanation":"Definition: Music player\nanagram (misinterpreted) of NOTE containing (admitting) ROM (computer memory) and first letter (at intro) of Blank"} {"Clue":"Mythical island's last building houses opponent (8)","Answer":"ATLANTIS","Explanation":"Definition: Mythical island\nanagram (building) of LAST contains (houses) ANTI (opponent)"} {"Clue":"Expert with file perhaps hosting carbon convention (8)","Answer":"PROTOCOL","Explanation":"Definition: convention\nPRO (expert) with TOOL (file perhaps) containing (hosting) C (carbon)"} {"Clue":"Dirty film, mainly vacuous (6)","Answer":"SCUMMY","Explanation":"Definition: Dirty\nSCUM (film) then MainlY missing middle letters (vacuous, empty)"} {"Clue":"Thespian's posh verses found in fiction (6)","Answer":"LUVVIE","Explanation":"Definition: The\nU (posh) V V (verse, twice) inside LIE (fiction)"} {"Clue":"Found the net small, getting fish around banks of Ribble (6)","Answer":"SCORED","Explanation":"Definition: Found the net\nS (small) with COD (fish) containing (around) outer letters (banks, like a river) of RibblE"} {"Clue":"Bull's eye by Charlie in lead bomber (6)","Answer":"VULCAN","Explanation":"Definition: bomber\nmiddle letters (eye, the centre, as of a hurricane) of bULl and C (Charlie, phonetic alphabet) inside VAN (the lead) \u2013 former delta-wing bomber"} {"Clue":"Church corruption typical of Cowell? (6)","Answer":"SIMONY","Explanation":"Definition: Church corruption\nSIMON-Y (like Simon Cowell perhaps, TV presenter)"} {"Clue":"25 moas chew monkey (8)","Answer":"MARMOSET","Explanation":"Definition: monkey\nanagram (chew) of TERM (25 across) and MOAS"} {"Clue":"Innkeeper bringing food for 16, 7 (6-3)","Answer":"BEGGAR MAN","Explanation":"Definition: 16, 7\nBARMAN (innkeeper) contains (bringing, carrying?) EGG (food)"} {"Clue":"Second instrument cut (5)","Answer":"SHORN","Explanation":"Definition: cut\nS (second) HORN (instrument)"} {"Clue":"Finally consent to do diplomacy (4)","Answer":"TACT","Explanation":"Definition: diplomacy\nlast letter (finally) of consenT then ACT (to do)"} {"Clue":"Oriental struggle to retain alien titles (10)","Answer":"VIETNAMESE","Explanation":"Definition: Oriental\nVIE (struggle) contains (to retain) ET (alien) NAMES (titles)"} {"Clue":"16, 7 breaks arm and chin (4,3)","Answer":"RICH MAN","Explanation":"Definition: 16, 7\nanagram (breaks) of ARM and CHIN"} {"Clue":"Red revolutionary on right track (6)","Answer":"CHERRY","Explanation":"Definition: Red\nCHE (Che Guevara, revolutionary) with R (right) RY (railway, track)"} {"Clue":"Comfortably winning as tears start to form (4,2)","Answer":"WELL UP","Explanation":"Definition: Comfortably winning\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Detective inspired by the only Republican 16, 7 (7)","Answer":"SOLDIER","Explanation":"Definition: 16, 7\nDI (detective inspector) inside (inspired by, breathed in) SOLE (the only) R (Republican)"} {"Clue":"Film Glasgow constables on French underground (10)","Answer":"METROPOLIS","Explanation":"Definition: Film\nPOLIS (police constables, Scots) following (on) METRO (French underground railway)"} {"Clue":"Name of mastermind (4)","Answer":"TERM","Explanation":"Definition: Name\nfound inside masTERMind"} {"Clue":"Heard big cat in northern forest (5)","Answer":"TAIGA","Explanation":"Definition: northern forest\nsounds like (heard) \"tiger\" (big cat)"} {"Clue":"Old Norse god in tricky situation being sullen (9)","Answer":"MOODINESS","Explanation":"Definition: being sullen\nO (old) ODIN (Norse god) inside MESS (tricky situation)"} {"Clue":"Face fine for distributing drug (8)","Answer":"CAFFEINE","Explanation":"Definition: drug\nanagram (for distributing) of FACE FINE"} {"Clue":"16, 7 having one look at pitch outside (6)","Answer":"TAILOR","Explanation":"Definition: 16, 7\nI (one) LO (look at, exclamation) all inside (with\u2026outside) TAR (pitch)"} {"Clue":"Such rubbish, the Conservative litany of excuses (3,5)","Answer":"SOB STORY","Explanation":"Definition: litany of excuses\nSO (such) BS (bullshit, rubbish) TORY (Conservative, UK political term)"} {"Clue":"Measure large bike (9)","Answer":"MEGACYCLE","Explanation":"Definition: Measure\nMEGA (large) CYCLE (bike)"} {"Clue":"Chomsky, but only in the afternoon (4)","Answer":"NOAM","Explanation":"Definition: Chomsky\nNO AM (so only pm, in the afternoon) \u2013 linguist Noam Chomsky"} {"Clue":"Tag I can switch on dad's side (7)","Answer":"AGNATIC","Explanation":"Definition: on dad's side\nanagram (switch) of TAG I CAN"} {"Clue":"Spy boss gets captured by extremists from Langley in error (10)","Answer":"MISTAKENLY","Explanation":"Definition: in error\nM (spy boss, from James Bond movies) with IS TAKEN (gets captured) and outer letters (extremists) of LangleY"} {"Clue":"Wait, we hear, an age (5)","Answer":"STONE","Explanation":"Definition: an age\na Stone is a weight, sounds like (we hear) \"wait\" \u2013 the Stone Age perhaps"} {"Clue":"16, 7, most of 25 receiving tattoo (6)","Answer":"TINKER","Explanation":"Definition: 16, 7\nTERm (25, most of) contains (receiving) INK (tattoo)"} {"Clue":"Baby's protection in womb a charged particle of manganese (6)","Answer":"AMNION","Explanation":"Definition: Baby's protection in womb\nA MN ION (a Mn ion, a charged particle of Manganese)"} {"Clue":"Confusing email to make speech better (10)","Answer":"AMELIORATE","Explanation":"Definition: better\nanagram (confusing) of EMAIL then ORATE (to make speech)"} {"Clue":"Strongly object about Winstone's report on underworld (5,4)","Answer":"RAISE HELL","Explanation":"Definition: Strongly object\nRAISE sounds like (report on, to speak about) \"Ray's\" (Ray Winstone's) then HELL (underground)"} {"Clue":"He will give word for Scrooge, perhaps (8)","Answer":"PROMISER","Explanation":"Definition: He will give word\nPRO (for) MISER (Scrooge perhaps)"} {"Clue":"16, 7's excrement flowed round Malta (4,3)","Answer":"POOR MAN","Explanation":"Definition: 16, 7\nPOO (excrement) RAN (flowed) containing (round) M (Malta)"} {"Clue":"Oddly, spaniel's our 16, 7 (6)","Answer":"SAILOR","Explanation":"Definition: 16, 7\nevery other letter (oddly) of SpAnIeL's OuR"} {"Clue":"Bringing up bad time in the City (6)","Answer":"EMETIC","Explanation":"Definition: Bringing up\nanagram (bad) of TIME inside EC (The City of London business district, from the postal code)"} {"Clue":"16, 7's article about independent France (5)","Answer":"THIEF","Explanation":"Definition: 16, 7\nTHE (definite article) contains (about) I (independent) F (France)"} {"Clue":"Note about mineral (4)","Answer":"MICA","Explanation":"Definition: mineral\nMI (note, music) CA (circa, about)"} {"Clue":"Dreadfully upset about chap making one sort of fizz (8)","Answer":"SPUMANTE","Explanation":"Definition: one sort of fizz\nanagram (dreadfully) of UPSET contains (about) MAN (chap)"} {"Clue":"Dad's restricting devastation in powder bloom (6)","Answer":"PRUINA","Explanation":"Definition: powder bloom\nPA (dad) contains (restricting) RUIN (destruction)"} {"Clue":"Jug, one with ice in it? (6)","Answer":"COOLER","Explanation":"Definition: Jug\nJUG is slang for prison (the cooler)"} {"Clue":"I see inside rebuilt aisle open to the public (7)","Answer":"LAICISE","Explanation":"Definition: ope\nI C (see, name of letter) inside anagram (rebuilt) of ISLE"} {"Clue":"Quick-witted slave, upright one caught in act (6)","Answer":"DROMIO","Explanation":"Definition: Quick-witted slave\nROM I (Roman I, an upright I as opposed to a sloping *italic* I) inside DO (act) \u2013 one of the two brothers Dromio of Ephesus and Dromio of Syracuse from *A Comedy of Errors"} {"Clue":"Jollies, English, curbed by a bos'n at sea (6)","Answer":"BEANOS","Explanation":"Definition: Jollies\nE (English) inside (curbed by) anagram (at sea) of A BOS'N"} {"Clue":"Gas, one among variety of lines (6)","Answer":"SILANE","Explanation":"Definition: Gas\nA (one) inside anagram (variety) of LINES"} {"Clue":"Some foreign money forwarded in press (7)","Answer":"LISENTE","Explanation":"Definition: Some foreign money\nSENT (forwarded) inside LIE (press)"} {"Clue":"Left with senses damaged wearing suit, being short of sympathy (13)","Answer":"HEARTLESSNESS","Explanation":"Definition: being short of sympathy\nL (left) with anagram (damaged) of SENSES inside (wearing) HEARTS (a suit)"} {"Clue":"Peerless and free, once saddled? ( (7)","Answer":"BESTRID","Explanation":"Definition: once saddled\nBEST (peerless) and RID (free)"} {"Clue":"Dividends in cash are simpler (6)","Answer":"SHARES","Explanation":"Definition: Dividends\nfound inside caSH ARE Simpler \u2013 I think the definition might be \"a portion of an amount divided\", a share of something"} {"Clue":"Hindu devotee has converted, accepting way back (6)","Answer":"SHAIVA","Explanation":"Definition: Hindu devotee\nanagram (converted) of HAS contains (accepting) VIA (way) reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Life's overturned before tranquillizer (6)","Answer":"ATIVAN","Explanation":"Definition: tranquillizer\nVITA (life, Latin) reversed (overturned) then AN. (ante, before)"} {"Clue":"Drunk went begging after beer- money? (7)","Answer":"TIPPLED","Explanation":"Definition: Drunk\nPLED (went begging, pleaded) following TIP (beer-money perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Disclaim always holding information back (6)","Answer":"RENEGE","Explanation":"Definition: Disclaim\nE'ER (always) containing GEN (information) all reversed (back)"} {"Clue":"Time kept by watch formerly in old clinic (6)","Answer":"SPITAL","Explanation":"Definition: old clinic\nT (time) inside (kept by) SPIAL (watch, formerly indicates obsolete)"} {"Clue":"Useful appendage for cyclist to display on table (11)","Answer":"SPLASHBOARD","Explanation":"Definition: Useful appendage for cyclist\nSPLASH (to display) on BOARD (table)"} {"Clue":"Feature of patch worn by pirate? (6)","Answer":"PRATIE","Explanation":"Definition: Feature of patch\nanagram (worn by?) of PIRATE \u2013 a feature of a potato patch"} {"Clue":"Tiny distances covered by atomic rays (5)","Answer":"MICRA","Explanation":"Definition: Tiny dist\nfound inside (covered by) atoMIC RAys"} {"Clue":"I'll be encapsulated by 'a negative'? (5)","Answer":"ANION","Explanation":"Definition: I'll \nI inside (will be encapsulated by) A NON (not, negative) \u2013 an anion carries a negative electric charge, so would be encapsulated by the phrase \"a negative\". I think this requires a linguistic explanation rather then a physical one, I don't think anions generally get physically encapsulated by something negative."} {"Clue":"Where space scientists assemble when in North America (4)","Answer":"NASA","Explanation":"Definition: Where space scientists assemble\nAS (when) inside NA (North America)"} {"Clue":"Fabricated deed associated with battler, outliving man easily (11)","Answer":"TREBLE-DATED","Explanation":"Definition: outliving man easily\nanagram (fabricated) of DEED with BATTLER"} {"Clue":"Artillery stuck in boggy ground, dangerous situation (6)","Answer":"MORASS","Explanation":"Definition: d\nRA (Royal Artillery) inside MOSS (boggy ground)"} {"Clue":"Indian tree topped old club in wood? (4)","Answer":"POON","Explanation":"Definition: India\nsPOON (old wooden golf club) missing first letter (topped)"} {"Clue":"Social workers, men screened with orals (8)","Answer":"ALMONERS","Explanation":"Definition: Social workers\nanagram (screened, sifted) of MEN with ORALS"} {"Clue":"Thief shut up, around end of sentence (5)","Answer":"HEIST","Explanation":"Definition: Thief\nHIST (shut up, interjection) contains (around) last letter (end) of sentencE"} {"Clue":"Old desk because turning up in set, as is alleged (11)","Answer":"PROFESSEDLY","Explanation":"Definition: as is alleged\nDESSE (desk, old indicates Spenserian) FOR (because) all reversed (turning up) inside PLY (a bend or set)"} {"Clue":"Protective metal strip cast round tree (8)","Answer":"FLASHING","Explanation":"Definition: P\nFLING (cast) containing (round) ASH (tree)"} {"Clue":"The old strain to invest a grand, maximizing assets (6)","Answer":"TRIAGE","Explanation":"Definition: maximizing assets\nTRIE (old spelling of try?, to sift *obsolete*, strain) contains (to invest) A G (grand) \u2013 ~~Chambers only shows TRIE as a Spenserian spelling in the sense of *to turn out, prove. *Perhaps I have misread something here.~~"} {"Clue":"Unlimited release featuring (say) ranch compound? (5)","Answer":"ESTER","Explanation":"Definition: com\nwESTERn (a release is a film, featuring a ranch perhaps) missing outer letters (unlimited)"} {"Clue":"Place associated with saint, centre of worship (Polish) (5)","Answer":"HIPPO","Explanation":"Definition: Place associated with \nmiddle letters (centre) of worsHIP POlish \u2013 associated with Saint Augustine of Hippo"} {"Clue":"Sort of lavender, an aromatic plant cropped (5)","Answer":"ASPIC","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of lavender\nA SPICe (an aromatic plant) missing last letter (cropped)"} {"Clue":"Major class of vertebrates, see, in rising tide (4)","Answer":"AVES","Explanation":"Definition: Major class of vertebrates\nV (vide, see) inside SEA (tide) reversed (rising)"} {"Clue":"One on board denied work? Must be a mistake (4)","Answer":"BISH","Explanation":"Definition: a mistake\nBISHop (chess piece, one on board) missing (denied) OP (opus, work)"} {"Clue":"Awful noise \u2013 speak 'n tell when napping (4,2,4,5)","Answer":"TALK IN ONE\u2019S SLEEP","Explanation":"Definition: when napping\nanagram (awful) of NOISE SPEAK N TELL \u2013 the definition is an extension of the wordplay"} {"Clue":"Craft cameramen used at machine- shop? (9,6)","Answer":"AMUSEMENT ARCADE","Explanation":"Definition: machine- shop\nanagram (craft, to create) of CAMERAMEN USED AT"} {"Clue":"Sculptor, father, embracing sheep around its pen (3,5,7)","Answer":"SIR JACOB EPSTEIN","Explanation":"Definition: Sculptor\nSIRE (father) contains (embracing) JACOB (breed of sheep) then anagram (around) of ITS PEN"} {"Clue":"The Riddle of the Sands author clinked sherries roughly (7,8)","Answer":"ERSKINE CHILDERS","Explanation":"Definition: The Riddle of the Sands author\nanagram (roughly) of CLINKED SHERRIES"} {"Clue":"Listen cryptically getting the cold shoulder (6,9)","Answer":"SILENT TREATMENT","Explanation":"Definition: getting the cold shoulder\nan anagram (TREATMENT) of SILENT is a cryptic rendition of listen"} {"Clue":"Highway engineer's method of alignment on road. Greasepaint ordered (5,10)","Answer":"GRADE SEPARATION","Explanation":"Definition: Highway engineer's method of alignment\nanagram (ordered) of ROAD GREASEPAINT"} {"Clue":"Selfish quirks revealed moving in cort\u00e8ge to urban areas (15)","Answer":"EGOCENTRICITIES","Explanation":"Definition: Selfish quirks\nanagram (moving) of IN CORTEGE then CITIES (urban areas)"} {"Clue":"Medications from article about diet and media workers (15)","Answer":"ANTIDEPRESSANTS","Explanation":"Definition: Medications\nAN (indefinite article) then anagram (about) of DIET then PRESS (media) ANTS (workers)"} {"Clue":"Childish impressions of footballers changing (9)","Answer":"TRANSFERS","Explanation":"Definition: Childish impressions\nfootballers changing clubs \u2013 a *transfer* is a child's fake tattoo (impression, a sticker, imprint)"} {"Clue":"Museum's windows (7)","Answer":"LOUVRES","Explanation":"Definition: windows\nLOUVRE'S (belonging the the Louvre, a museum in Paris)"} {"Clue":"Replay it two times \u2013 number one upset (9)","Answer":"ITERATION","Explanation":"Definition: Replay\nIT then ERA and T (time, twice) followed by NO I (no.1 number one) reversed (upset)"} {"Clue":"Hang on just a tick (3,6)","Answer":"ONE MOMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Hang on\na double definition, cryptic definition, plain definition, or all of these"} {"Clue":"It needs nous to make it confidential (5)","Answer":"ENTRE","Explanation":"Definition: It needs nous to make it confidential\nENTRE (it, the solution) needs NOUS to make \"entre nous\" (confidential) \u2013 this entry seems to lack an explicit definition, perhaps this is intended as a cryptic definition clue rather than traditional wordplay"} {"Clue":"Trouble spots? (5)","Answer":"SORES","Explanation":"Definition: Trouble spots\ncryptic definition \u2013 an infected spot becomes a sore, something that gives you trouble"} {"Clue":"Stand before entrance, looking up (7)","Answer":"ETAGERE","Explanation":"Definition: Sta\nERE (before) GATE (entrance) all reversed (looking up, in a down entry)"} {"Clue":"Song of praise and peace wasn't regularly found (5)","Answer":"PAEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Song of praise\nevery other letter (regularly found) of PeAcE wAsN't"} {"Clue":"Character appearing twice in Philadelphia (3)","Answer":"PHI","Explanation":"Definition: Character\nappears twice in PHIlidelPHIa"} {"Clue":"I hate meat stews as source of iron (9)","Answer":"HAEMATITE","Explanation":"Definition: source of iron\nanagram (stews) of I HATE MEAT"} {"Clue":"Rakes love being embraced by harlots, I suspect (9)","Answer":"LOTHARIOS","Explanation":"Definition: Rakes\nO (love, zero score) inside (being embraced by) anagram (suspect) of HARLOTS I"} {"Clue":"Devil worshippers upset assistant (9)","Answer":"SATANISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Devil worshipper\nanagram (upset) of ASSISTANT"} {"Clue":"Divulge that national emblem on the radio's not fashionable (4,3)","Answer":"LEAK OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Divulge\nLEAK sounds like (on the radio) \"leek\" (Welsh national emblem) then OUT (not fashionable)"} {"Clue":"Cricket commentary, in short, regularly in the Times (3)","Answer":"TMS","Explanation":"Definition: Cricket commentary, in short\nevery other letter (regularly in the) of TiMeS \u2013 nickname for Test Match Special, cricket commentary radio program"} {"Clue":"Leaderless public unrest is an issue (7)","Answer":"EDITION","Explanation":"Definition: an issue\nsEDITION (public unrest) missing first letter (leaderless)"} {"Clue":"Watergate reflects Miss Thunberg (5)","Answer":"GRETA","Explanation":"Definition: Miss Thunberg\nfound inside (reflected by) wATERGate"} {"Clue":"Change small 19 that contains pieces? (5)","Answer":"EMEND","Explanation":"Definition: Change\nED (edition, 19 down abbreviated, made small) contains MEN (chess pieces)"} {"Clue":"Clear one's plate, but reproach oneself having bit of beef left (3,2)","Answer":"EAT UP","Explanation":"Definition: Cl\nbEAT UP (reproach oneself) missing (having\u2026left) first letter (bit of) Beef"} {"Clue":"Knave to get aid over fair exchange (4,3,4)","Answer":"GIVE AND TAKE","Explanation":"Definition: fair exchange\nanagram (over?) of KNAVE with (to) GET AID"} {"Clue":"Unite around soldier police are after (6)","Answer":"WANTED","Explanation":"Definition: police are after\nWED (unite) contains (around) ANT (soldier)"} {"Clue":"Briefs retained by Kyrgyzstan gamers (5)","Answer":"TANGA","Explanation":"Definition: Briefs\nfound inside (retained by) kyrgyzTAN GAmers"} {"Clue":"Opt for Stewart, English conductor (9)","Answer":"ELECTRODE","Explanation":"Definition: conductor\nELECT (opt for) ROD (singer Rod Stewart perhaps) then E (English)"} {"Clue":"Charity follows strict self-help policy (5,4)","Answer":"TOUGH LOVE","Explanation":"Definition: self-help policy\nLOVE (charity) follows TOUGH (strict)"} {"Clue":"Infinite supply of gas sent back to Germany (2,3)","Answer":"NO END","Explanation":"Definition: Infinite supply\nNEON (gas) reversed (sent back) with D (Germany)"} {"Clue":"Quality displayed by voguish carpenter? (11)","Answer":"WORKMANSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: Quality displayed by voguish carpenter\nWORKMAN'S HIP (the carpenter is voguish)"} {"Clue":"Homegirl not prepared to be night worker (11)","Answer":"MOONLIGHTER","Explanation":"Definition: night worker\nanagram (prepared) of HOMEGIRL NOT"} {"Clue":"Urge His Highness now to make amends for untidy finish (5-4)","Answer":"ROUGH-HEWN","Explanation":"Definition: untidy finish\nanagram (to make amends, to correct) of URGE H H (his highness) and NOW"} {"Clue":"But first, Mall closed around 3 & 4 April for protection (9)","Answer":"BARRICADE","Explanation":"Definition: protection\nfirst letter of But then ARCADE (mall) containing 3rd and 4th letters of apRIl"} {"Clue":"Symbol for leading novitiate to enter password (3,2)","Answer":"LOG ON","Explanation":"Definition: to enter password\nLOGO (symbol) with first letter (leading) of Novitiate"} {"Clue":"Relative of King Alfred was, when criminal record taken into account (5-6)","Answer":"GREAT NEPHEW","Explanation":"Definition: Relative\nGREAT (what King Alfred the Great was) then anagram (criminal) of WHEN containing (taken into account) EP (extended play, record)"} {"Clue":"Show enthusiasm, draping costume around Dorothy's dog (2,2,4)","Answer":"GO TO TOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Show enthusiasm\nGOWN (costume) containing (draping\u2026around\u2026) TOTO (Dorothy's dog, in *The Wizard of Oz*)"} {"Clue":"They're at the forefront of security provision (8)","Answer":"VANGUARD","Explanation":"Definition: They're at the forefront\ndouble definition (or cryptic definition?)"} {"Clue":"Shame of graduate found in wood (5)","Answer":"ABASH","Explanation":"Definition: Shame\nBA (graduate) inside ASH (wood)"} {"Clue":"Stop melancholy decline (3,4)","Answer":"DIE DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: decline\nDIE (stop) DOWN (melancholy)"} {"Clue":"The secret of eternal youth, surely! (7)","Answer":"AGELESS","Explanation":"Definition: eternal\nif you don't want to get old so quickly then AGE LESS"} {"Clue":"Leaving without one as finale inside continuing (9)","Answer":"EXTENDING","Explanation":"Definition: continuing\nEXiTING (leaving) missing I (one) containing (with\u2026inside) END (as finale)"} {"Clue":"Clumsy attempt to encourage study (6)","Answer":"WOODEN","Explanation":"Definition: Clumsy\nWOO (attempt to encourage) and DEN (study)"} {"Clue":"Old newsreel exposed work-shy folk (4-2-5)","Answer":"NEER-DO-WELLS","Explanation":"Definition: work-shy folk\nanagram (exposed) of OLD NEWSREEL \u2013 note: the online copy contains a typo in the clue number"} {"Clue":"Doom? (4,5)","Answer":"MOOD SWING","Explanation":"Definition: Doom\nanagram (swing) of MOOD"} {"Clue":"Toughness is an advantage (8)","Answer":"STRENGTH","Explanation":"Definition: Toughness\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"W substituted for AM in trademark. That's original (5,3)","Answer":"BRAND NEW","Explanation":"Definition: original\nBRAND NamE (trademark) with AM withdrawn and W added on (\u2026substituted for \u2026)"} {"Clue":"Report northbound ex-pat drained, reaching Scottish island (7)","Answer":"NARRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Report\na reversal (northbound, in a down solution) of Ex-paT missing middle letters (drained) with ARRAN (Scottish island)"} {"Clue":"Solitude? Discover one's missing being the most vocal (7)","Answer":"LOUDEST","Explanation":"Definition: being the most vocal\nanagram (?) of SOLiTUDE missing I (one)"} {"Clue":"Brace is comparatively cheap (3-3)","Answer":"TWO-BIT","Explanation":"Definition: comparatively cheap\na brace is two of something (two bits)"} {"Clue":"Very light Dutch style of trouser (6)","Answer":"FLARED","Explanation":"Definition: style of trouser\nFLARE (a Very light) and D (Dutch)"} {"Clue":"5 in blooming 50% cut (5)","Answer":"HALVE","Explanation":"Definition: 50% cut\nV (5, Roman numeral) inside HALE (blooming, healthy)"} {"Clue":"Dazed fat badger set off (13)","Answer":"FLABBERGASTED","Explanation":"Definition: Dazed\nFLAB (fat) then anagram (odd) of BADGER SET"} {"Clue":"Old librarian you once married on the rebound? (5)","Answer":"DEWEY","Explanation":"Definition: Old librarian\nYE (you, once) WED (married) all reversed (on the rebound) \u2013 inventor of the Dewey Decimal System for cataloguing books"} {"Clue":"Borough wherein Conservative's out after end of voting (9)","Answer":"GREENWICH","Explanation":"Definition: Borough\nanagram (out) of WHEREIN with C (conservative) following last letter (end) of votinG \u2013 a London borough"} {"Clue":"Language showing promise when joining union? (3)","Answer":"IDO","Explanation":"Definition: Language\n\"I DO\" is a promise made during wedding vows (when joining union)"} {"Clue":"Secret manoeuvres after alarm heard in town (11)","Answer":"CIRENCESTER","Explanation":"Definition: town\nanagram (manoeuvres) of SECRET following CIREN sounds like (heard) \"siren\" (alarm) \u2013 a town in England"} {"Clue":"Redhead's trouble when picked up \u2013 it's the drink (6,3)","Answer":"GINGER ALE","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nGINGER (redhead) then ALE sounds like (when picked up) \"ail\" (trouble)"} {"Clue":"Welsh gossip about English (5)","Answer":"CHEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Welsh\nCHAT (gossip) containing (about) E (English)"} {"Clue":"Note put back behind picture book (5)","Answer":"ALBUM","Explanation":"Definition: picture book\nLA (note, music) reversed (put back) and BUM (behind)"} {"Clue":"Final demand from chap in mutual ground (9)","Answer":"ULTIMATUM","Explanation":"Definition: Final demand\nTIM (chap, man's name) inside anagram (ground) of MUTUAL"} {"Clue":"It emerges from this hit single, we assume (11)","Answer":"HUSBANDLESS","Explanation":"Definition: single, we assume\nHUSBAND-LESS (this, the solution) hIT will give you IT"} {"Clue":"Regularly guessed value (3)","Answer":"USE","Explanation":"Definition: value\neveryother letter (regularly) of gUeSsEd"} {"Clue":"No charge for these northern wacky routines (9)","Answer":"NEUTRINOS","Explanation":"Definition: No charge for these\nN (northern) then anagram (whacky) of ROUTINES"} {"Clue":"Push, say, horse over (5)","Answer":"NUDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Push\nEG (for example, say) DUN (horse) all reversed (over)"} {"Clue":"Frightening downfall to appear in Times (13)","Answer":"THUNDERSHOWER","Explanation":"Definition: Frightening downfall\nSHOW (to appear) inside THUNDERER (The Times newspaper, nickname)"} {"Clue":"Information base (3-4)","Answer":"LOW-DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Information\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Lubricant for lock maintenance (9)","Answer":"BRYLCREEM","Explanation":"Definition: Lubricant for lock maintenance\nlocks are hair \u2013 Brylcreem is a brand of hair styling products for men"} {"Clue":"Keen music set up \u2013 good to go (5)","Answer":"EAGER","Explanation":"Definition: Keen\nREGgAE (music) reversed (set up) missing (to go) G (good)"} {"Clue":"Average accolade for fighting what could be around town? (5,4)","Answer":"GREEN BELT","Explanation":"Definition: Average accolade for fighting\ndouble definition \u2013 a belt in Karate for example"} {"Clue":"Past offence \u2013 case in convenience (5)","Answer":"SINCE","Explanation":"Definition: Past\nSIN (offence) and outer letters (case) of ConveniencE"} {"Clue":"Unlimited backing helped to pen first letter (7)","Answer":"EPISTLE","Explanation":"Definition: letter\nhELPEd missing outer letters (un-limited) reversed (backing) and containing (to pen) IST (1st, first)"} {"Clue":"Useful kit for the summer? (6,7)","Answer":"ADDING MACHINE","Explanation":"Definition: Useful kit for the summer\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Engineer he'd met reports needing a longer fuse? (5-8)","Answer":"SHORT-TEMPERED","Explanation":"Definition: needing a longer fuse\nanagram (engineer, to design) of HE'D MET REPORTS"} {"Clue":"Plenty cake after starter of avocado followed by, say, mashed potato (9)","Answer":"ABUNDANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Plenty\nBUN (cake) following first letter (start) of Avocado then DANCE (Mashed Potato, 1960s dance popularised by James Brown)"} {"Clue":"Inherits Economist unexpectedly (5,4)","Answer":"COMES INTO","Explanation":"Definition: Inheri\nanagram (unexpectedly) of ECONOMIST"} {"Clue":"Bi bishop extremely impish about risqu\u00e9 remarks (7)","Answer":"BISMUTH","Explanation":"Definition: Bi\nB (bishop) with outer letters (extremely) of ImpisH containing (about) SMUT (risque remarks)"} {"Clue":"New dogs initially left in flat move slowly (7)","Answer":"TRUNDLE","Explanation":"Definition: move slowly\nfirst letters (initially) of New Dogs with L (left) all inside TRUE (flat)"} {"Clue":"Mostly stay in one part of stage (5)","Answer":"APRON","Explanation":"Definition: part of stage\nPROp (stay) inside AN (one)"} {"Clue":"Calms badgers, given no time (5)","Answer":"EASES","Explanation":"Definition: Calms\ntEASES (badgers) missing T (time)"} {"Clue":"Being directly juxtaposed, fixed A1 lino, trim within (10)","Answer":"ALINEATION","Explanation":"Definition: Being directly juxtaposed\nanagram (fixed) of AI LINO containing NEAT (trim)"} {"Clue":"Large marble cast (damaged) strays (10)","Answer":"ALLEYCATS","Explanation":"Definition: strays\nALLEY (large marble) than anagram (damaged) of CAST *\u2013 there is a type in the enumeration, it should be (9)"} {"Clue":"Wily, like don's prot\u00e9g\u00e9 cutting final (6)","Answer":"ASTUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Wily\nAS (like) TUTEe (a don's prot\u00e9g\u00e9) missing final letter"} {"Clue":"Crone, sickly, given lead by bishop as guru (7)","Answer":"BHAGWAN","Explanation":"Definition: guru\nHAG (crone) WAN (sickly) following (given lead by) B (bishop)"} {"Clue":"Palm regularly seen in cloth gunnies (6)","Answer":"COHUNE","Explanation":"Definition: Palm\nevery other letter (regularly seen in) of ClOtH gUnNiEs"} {"Clue":"What's forming liquid nectar? (6)","Answer":"CREANT","Explanation":"Definition: forming\nanagram (liquid) of NECTAR"} {"Clue":"Extreme poverty making one submit to tonsure, one assumes? (8)","Answer":"DISTRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Extreme poverty\nto DIS-TRESS might be to remove one's tresses (hair), to submit to a tonsure"} {"Clue":"Short brolly to get rid of before end of May (5)","Answer":"DUMPY","Explanation":"Definition: Short brolly\nDUMP (to get rid of) then last letter (end) of maY"} {"Clue":"Cheer about what occurs regularly in amour contest (9)","Answer":"EMULATION","Explanation":"Definition: contest\nELATION (cheer) containing (about) every other letter (what appears regularly in) aMoUr"} {"Clue":"Gastropods that can turn any hue? True (10)","Answer":"EUTHYNEURA","Explanation":"Definition: Gastropods\nanagram (that can turn) of ANY HUE TRUE"} {"Clue":"Tears strip off coxes going wrong way holding speed round island (10)","Answer":"EXCORIATES","Explanation":"Definition: Tears strip off\nanagram (going wrong way) of COXES contains (holding) RATE inside (round) I (island)"} {"Clue":"Oar left damaged with e.g. screw? (6)","Answer":"GAOLER","Explanation":"Definition: screw\nanagram (damaged) of OAR L (left) and EG"} {"Clue":"Intentionally disregarding small fish (4)","Answer":"GOBY","Explanation":"Definition: small \nGO-BY is listed in Chambers as \"intentional disregard\", ~~I don't know how to make this into \"intentionally disregarding\"~~ *to GO BY something is to intentionally disregard it, simples. I was overthinking this one!"} {"Clue":"Public sacrifice (8)","Answer":"HECATOMB","Explanation":"Definition: Public sacrifice\nthe competition clue"} {"Clue":"King following dance, not active, a cumbersome fellow? (4)","Answer":"HULK","Explanation":"Definition: a cumbersome fellow\nK (king) following HULa (dance) missing A (active)"} {"Clue":"Fish that's eaten hot on Yankee naval vessel (4)","Answer":"HUSS","Explanation":"Definition: F\nH (hot) then USS (designation for Yankee naval vessel) \u2013 the name given to this type of fish as food"} {"Clue":"I nod off after nervous malady ? being so? (7)","Answer":"HYPNOID","Explanation":"Definition: being so\nanagram (off) of I NOD following HYP (nervous malady) \u2013 being sleepy"} {"Clue":"Falconer's charge, first in annual programme released (6)","Answer":"LANNER","Explanation":"Definition: Falconer's charge\npLANNER (annual programme) missing (released) first letter"} {"Clue":"Feverfew we put in collected blossom (7)","Answer":"MAYWEED","Explanation":"Definition: Feverfew\nWE inside MAYED (collected blossom)"} {"Clue":"Cages for hawks or gulls (4)","Answer":"MEWS","Explanation":"Definition: Cages for hawks\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Shopkeeper went bust, awful snag with end of trade admitted (9)","Answer":"NEWSAGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Shopkeeper\nanagram (bust) of WENT then anagram (awful) of SNAG containing (with\u2026admitted) last letter (end) of tradE"} {"Clue":"Once in the country, evidence of mirth is restricted in storm (9)","Answer":"ONSLAUGHT","Explanation":"Definition: storm\nONST (once, *in the country* indicates dialect) containing (\u2026is restricted) LAUGH (evidence of mirth)"} {"Clue":"Assume I must be absorbed in correspondence (5)","Answer":"POSIT","Explanation":"Definition: Assume\nI inside (must be absorbed in) POST (correspondence)"} {"Clue":"Shrub for cooking, not British? (4)","Answer":"RHUS","Explanation":"Definition: Shrub for cooking, not British\nanagram (for cooking) of SHRUb missing B (British)"} {"Clue":"Scottish husky? It follows needy around (6)","Answer":"ROOPIT","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish husky\nIT following POOR (needy) reversed (around)"} {"Clue":"Rake's unshod relaxing inside cabin (10)","Answer":"ROUNDHOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: cabin\nROUE (rake) contains (with\u2026inside) anagram (relaxing) of UNSHOD"} {"Clue":"Rock showing two features of golf course? (8)","Answer":"SANDFLAG","Explanation":"Definition: Rock\nSAND and FLAG are things found on a golf course"} {"Clue":"Sea fish dries out, hurried inside (8)","Answer":"SERRANID","Explanation":"Definition: Sea fish\nanagram (out) of DRIES containing (with\u2026inside) RAN (hurried)"} {"Clue":"It indicates tatties below mash, awfu lacking in crust? (4)","Answer":"SHAW","Explanation":"Definition: It indicates tatties below\nfound inside (lacking in crust, outer letters missing) maSH AWfu. ~~Is there a misprint in the clue here, or is *awfu* a word?~~ *Awfu is listed in the OED as Scots-Irish for awful, Chambers lists only awfy."} {"Clue":"Catch, first of several going over point (4)","Answer":"SNIB","Explanation":"Definition: Catch\nfirst letter of Several in front of (going over, on top of in a down answer) NIB (point)"} {"Clue":"Spot welcoming pub in coppice (6)","Answer":"SPINNY","Explanation":"Definition: coppice\nSPY (spot) contains (welcoming) INN (pub)"} {"Clue":"Cooks meat chopped up in middle of vessel (6)","Answer":"STEAMS","Explanation":"Definition: Cooks\nanagram (chopped up) of MEAT inside (in) veSSel (middle of) \u2013 or you could also have (in middle of) SS (steam ship, vessel)"} {"Clue":"Payment made by clergy on lady's being ordained? (7)","Answer":"SYNODAL","Explanation":"Definition: Payment made by clergy\nanagram (being ordained, arranged) of ON LADY'S"} {"Clue":"Corporation personality in part full of bombast (5)","Answer":"TUMID","Explanation":"Definition: full of bombast\nTUM (corporation) then ID (personality in part: in full the id, ego and superego)"} {"Clue":"Bash serving weak hock (4)","Answer":"WHAM","Explanation":"Definition: Bash\nW (weak) and HAM (hock)"} {"Clue":"Sorcery I see repeatedly in West Africa (5)","Answer":"WICCA","Explanation":"Definition: Sorcery\nI then C C (see, name of letter, repeated) inside WA (West Africa)"} {"Clue":"Old Hollywood actor can work in a creative style (6)","Answer":"BOGART","Explanation":"Definition: Old Hollywood actor\nBOG (can, a toilet) then ART (work in a creative style)"} {"Clue":"Blog Joe broadcast before noon entering mountain range (1-7)","Answer":"E-JOURNAL","Explanation":"Definition: Blog\nanagram (broadcast) of JOE then N (noon) inside URAL (mountain range)"} {"Clue":"Stoppage of breathing happens one day, occasionally (6)","Answer":"APNOEA","Explanation":"Definition: Stoppage of breathing\nevery other letter (occaisionally) of hApPeNs OnE dAy"} {"Clue":"Fabric woman laid up in church (8)","Answer":"CHENILLE","Explanation":"Definition: Fabric\nHEN (woman) ILL (laid up) inside CE (Church of England)"} {"Clue":"Republican getting unpopular after severe defeat (4)","Answer":"ROUT","Explanation":"Definition: severe defeat\nR (republican) followed by (getting\u2026after) OUT (unpopular)"} {"Clue":"Classic porcelain (5)","Answer":"DERBY","Explanation":"Definition: Classic\ndouble definition \u2013 horse race and pottery"} {"Clue":"Goon in New York, over with sketch writer (4)","Answer":"BOZO","Explanation":"Definition: Goon in New York\nO (over) following (with) BOZ (Charles Dickens, sketch writer)"} {"Clue":"Remark about lawyer, one earning praise (12)","Answer":"COMMENDATION","Explanation":"Definition: praise\nCOMMENT (remark) contains (about) DA (lawyer) then I (one) and ON (earning, on \u00a33000 per month)"} {"Clue":"Reckon fish right for winter sportsperson? (6,6)","Answer":"FIGURE SKATER","Explanation":"Definition: winter sportsperson\nFIGURE (reckon) SKATE (fish) and R (right)"} {"Clue":"American car recruits love to maintain (4)","Answer":"AVOW","Explanation":"Definition: to maintain\nA (American) VW (Volkswagen, car) contains (recruits) O (love, zero score)"} {"Clue":"Feeble limiting radius needs exercise (5)","Answer":"WREAK","Explanation":"Definition: exercise\nWEAK (feeble) containing (limiting) R (radius)"} {"Clue":"Grill squid, edging removed by unknown (4)","Answer":"QUIZ","Explanation":"Definition: Grill\nsQUId missing outer letters (edging removed) then Z (an unknown)"} {"Clue":"Maybe Dietrich's key part of script involved in sin (8)","Answer":"BERLINER","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe Dietrich\nB (key, in music) then LINE (part of script) inside (involved in) ERR (error) \u2013 Marlene Dietrich, born in Berlin"} {"Clue":"Pan one initially used, mixing onions, garlic etc (6)","Answer":"ALLIUM","Explanation":"Definition: onions, garlic etc\nALL (pan, as a prefix) I (one) then first letters (initially) of Used Mixing"} {"Clue":"Villa perhaps given penalty (3,5)","Answer":"BIG HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Villa perhaps\nI'm not sure about this, BIG HOUSE is US slang for a prison, so perhaps given a penalty (penal servitude)?"} {"Clue":"Element of info on beef curry at the back (6)","Answer":"OXYGEN","Explanation":"Definition: Element\nGEN (info) following (on) OX (beef) with last letter (at the back) of currY"} {"Clue":"Olympic officials on track for sports event (4,4)","Answer":"BOAT RACE","Explanation":"Definition: s\nBOA (British Olympic Association) with TRACE (track)"} {"Clue":"Ring Dicky, Greek character, about my card game? (3,5)","Answer":"GIN RUMMY","Explanation":"Definition: card game\nanagram (dicky) of RING then MU (Greek character) reversed (about) and MY"} {"Clue":"When cycling, hear South American runner (4)","Answer":"RHEA","Explanation":"Definition: South American runner\nHEAR with the letters cycled \u2013 a flightless bird, one that has to run not fly"} {"Clue":"Private room, with Elizabeth meeting Jeremy, an author of poems (4,8)","Answer":"JOHN BETJEMAN","Explanation":"Definition: author of poems\nJOHN (private room, a toilet) then BET (Elizabeth) with JEM (Jeremy) and AN"} {"Clue":"Part of body captured by Paul Nash (4)","Answer":"ULNA","Explanation":"Definition: Part of body\nfound inside (captured by) paUL NAsh"} {"Clue":"Hold salt over vessel (6)","Answer":"NELSON","Explanation":"Definition: Hold\nI'm not sure abut this, perhaps Admiral Nelson was a sailor (salt) in charge of a vessel?"} {"Clue":"Hide mattress in auditorium (3,3)","Answer":"LIE LOW","Explanation":"Definition: Hide\nsounds like (in auditorium) \"Lilo\" (an inflatable mattress)"} {"Clue":"Big cheese, four ounces, on small base (12)","Answer":"HEADQUARTERS","Explanation":"Definition: base\nHEAD (big cheese) QUARTER (a quarter-pound, four ounces) on S (small)"} {"Clue":"Update of Hound Dog, say, fast track covered by the King (5)","Answer":"REMIX","Explanation":"Definition: Update of Hound Dog, say,\nMI (the M1 motorway, a fast track) inside (covered by) REX (king)"} {"Clue":"Bent Asian money disheartened Kathy (5)","Answer":"WONKY","Explanation":"Definition: B\nWON (Asian money) then KathY missing middle letters (dis-heartened)"} {"Clue":"Visiting fanatic up in Greenland's capital, acclimatising (8)","Answer":"ATTUNING","Explanation":"Definition: acclimatising\nAT (visiting) NUT (fanatic) UP (reversed) IN then first letter (capital) of Greenland"} {"Clue":"Winner from Belize, half grabbed by press agent (8)","Answer":"PRIZEMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Winner\nbelIZE (half of) inside (grabbed by) PR MAN (press agent)"} {"Clue":"It's on the agenda to cut most of little tree (6)","Answer":"BAOBAB","Explanation":"Definition: tree\nAOB (any other business, it's on the agenda) inside (to cut) BABy (little, most of)"} {"Clue":"Ruffian's long time encased by some thermal insulation (6)","Answer":"TOERAG","Explanation":"Definition: Ruffian\nERA (long time) inside (encased by some) TOG (thermal insulation, rating for)"} {"Clue":"Seconds of TV dinner \u2013 and booze such as this? (4)","Answer":"VINO","Explanation":"Definition: such as this\nsecond letters of tV dInner aNd bOzze"} {"Clue":"Fine loose linen shirt sourced here? (4)","Answer":"FLAX","Explanation":"Definition: linen shirt sourced here\nF (fine) LAX (loose)"} {"Clue":"Nostalgic for conifer? (6)","Answer":"PINING","Explanation":"Definition: Nostalgic for conifer\ncryptic definition?"} {"Clue":"Sullen international sportsman's apple with caramel topping (8)","Answer":"BLACKCAP","Explanation":"BLACK (sullen) CAP (international sportsman) and also a type of dessert, a cored apple filled with wine-soaked citrus peel and given a sugar topping"} {"Clue":"Head off influential figure (6)","Answer":"EIGHTY","Explanation":"Definition: figure\nwEIGHTY (influential) missing first letter (head off)"} {"Clue":"Valley almost catching aquatic mammal (8)","Answer":"DOTTEREL","Explanation":"DELL (valley) missing last letter (almost) contains (catching) OTTER (aquatic mammal)"} {"Clue":"Rode at front, backing aid to driver (3-3)","Answer":"SAT-NAV","Explanation":"Definition: aid to driver\nSAT (rode) then VAN (at front) reversed (backing)"} {"Clue":"Favourite holds a rou\u00e9 (8)","Answer":"PARAKEET","Explanation":"PET (favourite) contains (holds) A RAKE (rou\u00e9)"} {"Clue":"Pest is left out in shade (6)","Answer":"NUANCE","Explanation":"Definition: shade\nNUisANCE (pest) missing (left out) IS"} {"Clue":"Arrived, during yesterday in France (7)","Answer":"HARRIER","Explanation":"ARR (arrived) inside (during) HIER (yesterday, in French)"} {"Clue":"Relative from Tyneside, gasping? (6)","Answer":"NEPHEW","Explanation":"Definition: Relative\nNE (the North East, Tyneside perhaps) and PHEW (exclamation, a gasp)"} {"Clue":"The Divine Comedy? (6)","Answer":"GODWIT","Explanation":"GOD's WIT would be the divine comedy"} {"Clue":"The length in question (8)","Answer":"WHINCHAT","Explanation":"INCH (the length) inside WHAT (a question)"} {"Clue":"Attack, losing head in drinking-bout (6)","Answer":"ASSAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Attack\nwASSAIL (drinking bout) missing first letter (losing head)"} {"Clue":"Patronage cut off, endlessly (8)","Answer":"TRAGOPAN","Explanation":"anagram (off?) of PARTONAGe missing last letter (cut or endlessly?) \u2013 a type of pheasant. This one seems a bit confused, I wonder if this is the final version of the clue or a draft that got published by mistake."} {"Clue":"Put up with what is available and create party (4,2)","Answer":"MAKE DO","Explanation":"Definition: Put up with what is available\nMAKE (create) DO (party)"} {"Clue":"Brilliant fish (8)","Answer":"STARLING","Explanation":"STAR (brilliant) LING (fish, type of cod)"} {"Clue":"1,000 sorts \u2013 out of sorts (6)","Answer":"STORKS","Explanation":"anagram (out of sorts) of K (1000) and SORTS"} {"Clue":"Out of shape worker (8)","Answer":"PHEASANT","Explanation":"anagram (to be made of of) SHAPE then ANT (worker)"} {"Clue":"Late evening glass of beer (8)","Answer":"NIGHTJAR","Explanation":"NIGHT (late evening) and JAR (glass of beer)"} {"Clue":"Teachers' union has to brood (8)","Answer":"NUTHATCH","Explanation":"NUT (National Union of Teachers) with HATCH (to brood)"} {"Clue":"Scrutinise John and young Katherine, endlessly (4,2)","Answer":"LOOK AT","Explanation":"Definition: S\nLOO (john, a toilet) and KATe (young Katharine, end-less)"} {"Clue":"I left captain, tossing in sleep? (6)","Answer":"CATNAP","Explanation":"Definition: sleep\nanagram (tossing) of CAPTAiN missing (has left\u2026) I"} {"Clue":"Ringlet with two points (6)","Answer":"CURLEW","Explanation":"CURL (ringlet) with E and W (two points of the compass)"} {"Clue":"Dish containing a relish (6)","Answer":"PALATE","Explanation":"Definition: relish\nPLATE (dish) contains A"} {"Clue":"Entertainer on jetty? Rubbish! (7)","Answer":"PIERROT","Explanation":"Definition: Entertainer\nPIER (jetty) ROT (rubbish)"} {"Clue":"Listener on this spot in the Old Kent Road (3)","Answer":"EAR","Explanation":"Definition: Listener\nsounds like 'ere (on this spot, as said in the Old Kent Road, with cockney accent)"} {"Clue":"Writer's enclosure (3)","Answer":"PEN","Explanation":"double definition \u2013 and also a bird, a swan"} {"Clue":"Resume once more around start of day (8)","Answer":"REDSTART","Explanation":"RESTART (resume once more) contains (around) first letter (start) of Day"} {"Clue":"Weather a storm (8)","Answer":"WHEATEAR","Explanation":"anagram (storm) of WHEATHER A"} {"Clue":"Devon and Cornwall lets (8)","Answer":"SWALLOWS","Explanation":"SW (the South West, Devon and Cornwall) then ALLOWS (lets)"} {"Clue":"Regularly encountered in town in the US (6)","Answer":"TWITES","Explanation":"every other letter (regularly encountered in) ToWn In ThE uS"} {"Clue":"Volunteers touring Persia's capital (6)","Answer":"TIRANA","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nTA (Territorial Army, former volunteer army reserve) contains (touring, going around) IRAN (Persia)"} {"Clue":"Educate artists and porpoises as a group! (6)","Answer":"SCHOOL","Explanation":"Definition: Educate\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Knight upset silver hay-cart (6)","Answer":"GAWAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Knight\nAG (Ag, silver) reversed (upset) then WAIN (hay-cart)"} {"Clue":"Ursus arctos with tails bitten off start to torment cow (8)","Answer":"BROWBEAT","Explanation":"Definition: cow\nBROWn BEAr (Ursus arctos) missing last letters (with tails bitten off) then first letter (start to) of Torment"} {"Clue":"Arm militant OAP in overcrowded city (6)","Answer":"WEAPON","Explanation":"Definition: Arm\nanagram (militant ?) of OAP inside WEN (The Great Wen, London the overcrowded city)"} {"Clue":"Italian city diary kept by an aristo in retirement (7)","Answer":"BOLOGNA","Explanation":"Definition: Italian city\nLOG (diary) inside A NOB (an aristo) reversed (in retirement)"} {"Clue":"Managed at least a dozen deliveries and a wicket (7)","Answer":"OVERSAW","Explanation":"Definition: Managed\nOVERS (at least a dozen deliveries, two or more overs in cricket) then A W (wicket, cricket again)"} {"Clue":"Bill prone to change (5)","Answer":"ADAPT","Explanation":"Definition: to change\nAD (advertisement, bill) and APT (prone)"} {"Clue":"Part of shower in a hotel's broken (9)","Answer":"HAILSTONE","Explanation":"Definition: Part of shower\nanagram (broken) of IN A HOTEL'S"} {"Clue":"Band into R'n'B lacks Abba theatricality (5,7)","Answer":"BLACK SABBATH","Explanation":"Definition: Band\nfound inside (into) r'n'B LACKS ABBAT THeatrically"} {"Clue":"Tool for cutting and polishing fish skin in Germany (5,7)","Answer":"ANGLE GRINDER","Explanation":"Definition: Tool for cutting and polishing\nANGLE (fish) then RIND (skin) inside GER (Germany)"} {"Clue":"American interdisciplinary degree resit rejected, for starters (9)","Answer":"APPETISER","Explanation":"Definition: starters\nA (American) PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics: interdisciplinary degree) then RESIT reversed (rejected)"} {"Clue":"Hearts 0-1 St Mirren (star given red card, heavy tackle) (5)","Answer":"HOIST","Explanation":"Definition: heavy tackle\nH (hearts) OI (0 and 1) then ST mirren missing (given red card, sent off) MIIRREN (Helen Mirren, a star of screen and stage) \u2013 *Hearts* (Heart of Midlothian) and *St Mirren* are two Scottish football clubs"} {"Clue":"I sit around, nibbling odd bits of brill in a Georgian city (7)","Answer":"TBILISI","Explanation":"Definition: a Georgian city\nI SIT reversed (around) containing (nibbling) every other letter (odd bits) of BrIlL"} {"Clue":"A type of cabbage stuffed with the Spanish sausage (7)","Answer":"SAVELOY","Explanation":"Definition: sausage\nSAVOY (a type of cabbage) containing (stuffed with) EL (the, in Spanish)"} {"Clue":"Daughter left stick outside, which is wicked (6)","Answer":"CANDLE","Explanation":"Definition: which is wicked\nD (daughter) L (left) inside (with\u2026outside) CANE (stick) \u2013 something which has a wick"} {"Clue":"Maybe Rudolph was king in this place, it's commonly rumoured (8)","Answer":"REINDEER","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe Rudolph\nsounds like (it is commonly rumoured, as spoken informally) \"reigned 'ere\" (was king in this place)"} {"Clue":"Auntie saves old article on Vermont's last wild feline (6)","Answer":"BOBCAT","Explanation":"Definition: wild feline\nBBC (Auntie, nickname for the *British Broadcasting Company*) contains (saves) o (old) then A (indefinite article) then last letter of vermonT"} {"Clue":"Old island salt knocked over tin of lubricant (6)","Answer":"OILCAN","Explanation":"Definition: tin of lubricant\nO (old) I (island) then NACL (NaCl, Sodium Chloride, common salt) reversed (knocked over)"} {"Clue":"Top-of-the-table game is something of little significance (9)","Answer":"BAGATELLE","Explanation":"Definition: Top-of-the-table game\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"I hit Chas \u2013 a great novel writer (6,8)","Answer":"AGATHA CHRISTIE","Explanation":"Definition: writer\nanagram (novel) of I HIT CHAS A GREAT"} {"Clue":"50-50 chance of the next clue having singular ending? (5)","Answer":"EVENS","Explanation":"Definition: 50-50 chance\nSEVEN (7ac, the next clue) with S (singular) at the end instead of the start"} {"Clue":"Visiting MP Astor, a Lady from the countryside (8)","Answer":"PASTORAL","Explanation":"Definition: from the countryside\nfound inside (visiting) mP ASTOR A Lady"} {"Clue":"Bash we held in the capital (3,5)","Answer":"NEW DELHI","Explanation":"Definition: the capital\nanagram (bash) of WE HELD IN"} {"Clue":"A washed-up individual, dodgy neocon Boris is infiltrated by Russia (8,6)","Answer":"ROBINSON CRUSOE","Explanation":"Definition: A washed-up individual\nanagram (dodgy) of NEOCON BORIS containing (is infiltrated by) RUS (Russia)"} {"Clue":"He couldn't hear buzzer on time on hot stove (9)","Answer":"BEETHOVEN","Explanation":"Definition: He couldn't hear\nBEE (buzzer, something that buzzes) with T (time) H (hot) and OVEN (stove)"} {"Clue":"Rocky, small area surrounded by sea (8)","Answer":"BASALTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Rocky\nS (small) A (area) inside (surrounded by) BALTIC (sea)"} {"Clue":"African, beginning to experience pain, ain't going to work (8)","Answer":"EGYPTIAN","Explanation":"Definition: African\nfirst letter (beginning to) of Experience then GYP (pain) and anagram (going to work) of AIN'T"} {"Clue":"Field sports guide that is supporting good and bad (6)","Answer":"GILLIE","Explanation":"Definition: Field sports guide\nIE (that is) following (supporting) G (good) and ILL (bad)"} {"Clue":"Plucky horse tears maniacally around yard (6)","Answer":"STAYER","Explanation":"Definition: Plucky horse\nanagram (maniacally) of TEARS containing (around) Y (yard)"} {"Clue":"Hearing test? (5)","Answer":"TRIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Hearing\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Criticism from the pulpit, annoying after drink allowed (13)","Answer":"BIBLE-THUMPING","Explanation":"Definition: C\nHUMPING (annoying) following BIB (drink) LET (allowed)"} {"Clue":"A hum round major artery? It's a spinal process (8)","Answer":"ACROMION","Explanation":"Definition: a spinal process\nA CROON (hum) containing MI (M1 motorway, a major artery)"} {"Clue":"African tongue precious in southern part of the continent? (5)","Answer":"SHONA","Explanation":"Definition: African tongue\nHON (honey, precious, an endearment) inside SA (South Africa)"} {"Clue":"Scottish hard rock duo finally lost in tragedy (6)","Answer":"KINGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish hard rock\nthe last two letters (duo) missing from KING LEar (a tragedy)"} {"Clue":"Source of music once ? merry monarch welcomes it (6)","Answer":"CITOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Source of music once\nCOLE (merry monarch, *Old King Cole was a merry old soul*) contains (welcomes) IT"} {"Clue":"Ambassador infiltrating rebel Chinese (5)","Answer":"ELCHI","Explanation":"Definition: Ambassador\nfound inside rebEL CHInese"} {"Clue":"Faced government department stopping boozing for good? The reverse (8)","Answer":"REVETTED","Explanation":"Definition: Faced\nDE (Department of Employment) TT (teetotal, stopping boozing) and EVER (for good) all reversed (the reverse)"} {"Clue":"Bass maybe I caught in Cam and Rhone endlessly wriggling (8)","Answer":"CHOIRMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Bass maybe\nI (inside) anagram (wriggling) of CAM and RHONe (endlessly)"} {"Clue":"Sail ships lacking mark in part of India (5)","Answer":"GENOA","Explanation":"Definition: Sail\nmEN (ships) missing M (mark) inside GOA (part of India)"} {"Clue":"Little bit of corn in idle unploughed meadow (6)","Answer":"LEARIG","Explanation":"Definition: unploughed meadow\nEAR (little bit of corn) inside LIG (idle)"} {"Clue":"Jock's crazy touching woman in flop (6)","Answer":"REDWUD","Explanation":"Definition: Jock's crazy\nRE (regarding touching) W (woman) inside DUD (flop)"} {"Clue":"Acidic salt? Lupin maybe is filled with it (8)","Answer":"ARSENITE","Explanation":"Definition: Acidic salt\nARSENE (Ars\u00e8ne Lupin, character from the French crime stories by Maurice Leblanc) containing IT \u2013 I think \"acidic\" might be a misunderstanding of the dictionary definition"} {"Clue":"Committee treated penetratingly for auditors? (5)","Answer":"BOARD","Explanation":"Definition: Committee\nsounds like (for auditors) \"bored\" (treated penetratingly)"} {"Clue":"Old hippo emptied scene struggling ashore (8)","Answer":"SEAHORSE","Explanation":"Definition: Old hippo\nScenE missing middle letters (emptied) then anagram (struggling) of ASHORE"} {"Clue":"Newt caught by chance in creel? (6)","Answer":"BASKET","Explanation":"Definition: creel?\nASK (newt) inside (caught by) BET (chance)"} {"Clue":"Hunt's leader on cob jumping about right in challenging ride (7)","Answer":"BRONCHO","Explanation":"Definition: challenging ride\nanagram (jumping) of first letter (leader) of Hunt with ON COB containing (about) R (right)"} {"Clue":"Highbrow girl had one puzzled (10)","Answer":"LONGHAIRED","Explanation":"Definition: Highbrow\nanagram (puzzled) of GIRL HAD ONE"} {"Clue":"Wily creature runs in mountainous region (6)","Answer":"TIBERT","Explanation":"Definition: Wily creature\nR (runs) inside TIBET (mountainous region) \u2013 character from *Reynard the Fox* tales"} {"Clue":"Chips e.g. at one stage varied mess tea in time (11)","Answer":"HOUSEMASTER","Explanation":"Definition: Chips e.g. at one stage\nanagram (varied) of MESS TEA inside HOUR (time) \u2013 Mr Chipping (aka Chips) is a housemaster in the book and films *Goodbye, Mr Chips"} {"Clue":"Business in Middle East bank (6)","Answer":"METIER","Explanation":"Definition: Business\nME (Middle East) and TIER (bank)"} {"Clue":"Scottish entry, I lost to Jones? (4)","Answer":"INGO","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish entry\nINiGO (Inigo Jones, architect) missing (lost) I"} {"Clue":"Bat caught out getting cap in the past (5)","Answer":"NOULE","Explanation":"Definition: cap in the past\nNOctOULE (bat) missing (out) CT (caught) \u2013 one doesn't often see CT as an abbreviation for caught in crosswords, usually just C"} {"Clue":"Harrow's maybe punished with a wicket? (5)","Answer":"GATED","Explanation":"Definition: Harrow's maybe punished with a wicket\ncryptic definition *or better, a double definition* \u2013 a wicket is a gate, Harrow is an old school"} {"Clue":"Millennium (not AD) in a bit of a pickle? (5)","Answer":"CHILI","Explanation":"Definition: a bit of a pickle\nCHILIad (millennium) missing AD"} {"Clue":"Fight way in creating racket (10)","Answer":"BATTLEDOOR","Explanation":"Definition: racket\nBATTLE (fight) DOOR (way in)"} {"Clue":"Channel cargo famously scrapped in water (7)","Answer":"TINWARE","Explanation":"Definition: Channel cargo famously\nanagram (scrapped) of IN WATER \u2013 from the poem Cargoes by John Maesfield Quinquireme of Nineveh from distant Ophir,\n Rowing home to haven in sunny Palestine,\n With a cargo of ivory,\n And apes and peacocks,\n Sandalwood, cedarwood, and sweet white wine.\n Stately Spanish galleon coming from the Isthmus,\n Dipping through the Tropics by the palm-green shores,\n With a cargo of diamonds,\n Emeralds, amethysts,\n Topazes, and cinnamon, and gold moidores.\n Dirty British coaster with a salt-caked smoke stack,\n Butting through the Channel in the mad March days,\n With a cargo of Tyne coal,\n Road-rails, pig-lead,\n Firewood, iron-ware, and cheap tin trays."} {"Clue":"Seasoned society gal brought up to admit Scottish race (6)","Answer":"BRINED","Explanation":"Definition: Seasoned\nDEB (society gal) reversed (brought up) containing (to admit) RIN (run or race, Scots)"} {"Clue":"Translated rune, notice, without perusal (6)","Answer":"UNREAD","Explanation":"Definition: without perusal \nanagram (translated) of RUNE then AD (notice)"} {"Clue":"Snack aromas avoided by ladies? (5)","Answer":"FOURS","Explanation":"Definition: Snack\nFlavOURS (aromas) missing (avoided by) LAV (lavatory, \"the ladies\")"} {"Clue":"Tot in saddlebag protectively clothed (6)","Answer":"PADDED","Explanation":"Definition: protectively clothed\nADD (tot) inside PED (saddlebag)"} {"Clue":"Scottish dress seen regularly in cold areas (5)","Answer":"CLAES","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish dress\nevery other letter (seen regularly in) CoLd ArEaS"} {"Clue":"Goddess, foremost of those in Asian province (5)","Answer":"HERAT","Explanation":"Definition: Asian province\nHERA (goddess) then first letter (foremost) of Those"} {"Clue":"Huge area of land, like in Australia (4)","Answer":"ASIA","Explanation":"Definition: Huge area of land\nAS I' (in) A (Australia)"} {"Clue":"Guitarist running after two men in a boat (6,8)","Answer":"GEORGE HARRISON","Explanation":"Definition: Guitarist\nON (running) following GEORGE and HARRIS (two men's names)"} {"Clue":"Long poem that sounds like a coffee commercial? (5)","Answer":"ILIAD","Explanation":"Definition: Long poem\nsounds like \"Illy Ad\" \u2013 an advertisement for Illy, a brand of coffee"} {"Clue":"Personal authority is about good character (9)","Answer":"SIGNATURE","Explanation":"Definition: Personal authority\nIS reversed (about) then G (good) NATURE (character)"} {"Clue":"French physicist runs out of clubroom in a tizzy (7)","Answer":"COULOMB","Explanation":"Definition: French physicist\nR (runs) missing from (out of) anagram (in a tizzy) of CLUBrOOM"} {"Clue":"Observe what someone pulling pints does when told? (7)","Answer":"SURVEIL","Explanation":"Definition: Observe\nsounds like (when told) \"serve ale\" (what someone pulling pints does)"} {"Clue":"Test out of ten given by doctor for vision (5)","Answer":"DREAM","Explanation":"Definition: vision\nExAM (test) missing (out of) X (ten) following (given by) DR (Doctor)"} {"Clue":"Sort of characters to spurn dale? (9)","Answer":"UPLANDERS","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of characters to spurn dale\nanagram (sort, of the characters to) SPURN DALE"} {"Clue":"Carol meets professional beauty on the rebound, having no partner (9)","Answer":"SINGLEDOM","Explanation":"Definition: having no partner\nSING (carol) with MODEL (a professional beauty) revered (on the rebound)"} {"Clue":"Music business divided by Simpson's yellow face, perhaps (5)","Answer":"EMOJI","Explanation":"Definition: yellow face, perhaps\nEMI (music business) containing (divided by) OJ (OJ Simpson) \ud83d\ude42"} {"Clue":"In retreat, some of foe's aeroplanes slow down (4,3)","Answer":"EASE OFF","Explanation":"Definition: s\nfound inside (some) oF FOE'S AEroplanes reversed (in retreat)"} {"Clue":"Noisy place for a carnival, as we call it (7)","Answer":"RIOTOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Noisy\nRIO (place for a carnival) then TO US (as we call it)"} {"Clue":"Interior gutted immediately after mad decoration (4,5)","Answer":"IRON CROSS","Explanation":"Definition: decoration\nInterioR missing middle letters (gutted) then ON (immediately after) CROSS (mad, angry)"} {"Clue":"Glen's big cheese left dairy unfinished and runny (5)","Answer":"LAIRD","Explanation":"Definition: Glen's big cheese\nL (left) then anagram (runny) of DAIRy (unfinished)"} {"Clue":"Cold feet while wearing support tights inside out (6,8)","Answer":"SECOND THOUGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: Cold feet\nTHOUGH (while) inside (wearing) SECOND (support) TightS missing middle letters (with the inside removed, out)"} {"Clue":"Massive jar contains shelled peas for foodie (9)","Answer":"EPICUREAN","Explanation":"Definition: for foodie\nEPIC (massive) URN (jar) contains pEAs missing outer letters (shelled)"} {"Clue":"A Christian cycling waves (5)","Answer":"RADIO","Explanation":"Definition: waves\nA DIOR (Christian Dior, designer) with letters cycled"} {"Clue":"U-boat ends manoeuvres on a bearing of 90\u00b0 (9)","Answer":"EASTBOUND","Explanation":"Definition: on a bearing of 90\u00b0\nanagram (manoeuvres) of U-BOAT ENDS"} {"Clue":"A Scot telephoned the FT, seeing no leader (5)","Answer":"ANGUS","Explanation":"Definition: A Scot\nrANG US (telephoned the FT) missing first letter (seeing no leader) \u2013 a traditional Scots name"} {"Clue":"Switch behind cooker (9)","Answer":"REARRANGE","Explanation":"Definition: Switch\nREAR (behind) RANGE (cooker)"} {"Clue":"Get drunk then take drugs (5)","Answer":"SOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Get drunk\nSO (then) and USE (take drugs)"} {"Clue":"Sewers drained Newcastle and fouled Leeds (7)","Answer":"NEEDLES","Explanation":"Definition: Sewers\nNewcastlE missing inner letters (drained) then anagram (fouled) of LEEDS"} {"Clue":"Caught entering booby-trapped ground (6)","Answer":"MINCED","Explanation":"Definition: g\nC (caught) inside (entering) MINED (booby-trapped)"} {"Clue":"Spanish chap punched by total monster (9)","Answer":"MALLORCAN","Explanation":"Definition: Spanish\nMAN (chap) containing (punched by, made a hole in) ALL (total) then ORCA (a monster in mythology)"} {"Clue":"Sparkling red coral starts to bleach making scientists upset at sea (9)","Answer":"LAMBRUSCO","Explanation":"Definition: Sparkling red\nanagram (at sea) of CORAL with first letters (starts to) of Bleach Making Scientists Upset"} {"Clue":"Eg Marx once made funny duck film (9)","Answer":"ECONOMIST","Explanation":"Definition: Eg Marx\nanagram (made funy) of ONCE then O (duck, zero score) and MIST (film) \u2013 Karl Marx"} {"Clue":"Type that is wearing glasses (7)","Answer":"SPECIES","Explanation":"Definition: Type\nIE (that is) inside (wearing) SPECS (glasses)"} {"Clue":"Classified as bound by Darwin's ideas (6)","Answer":"INSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Classified\nfound inside (as bound by) darwIN'S IDEas \u2013 I think the definition indicates secret"} {"Clue":"Stay in charge having lost power, unmoved (5)","Answer":"STOIC","Explanation":"Definition: unmoved\nSTOp (stay) IC (in charge) missing (having lost) P (power)"} {"Clue":"Offer to sell stock in empty apartment? (5)","Answer":"FLOAT","Explanation":"Definition: Offer to sell stock\nan empty apartment is a FLAT that contains O (zero, nothing)"} {"Clue":"Prison camp belonging to prisoner (5)","Answer":"OFLAG","Explanation":"Definition: Prison camp\nOF (belonging to) LAG (prisoner)"} {"Clue":"Traveller always reflective about current suspension (8)","Answer":"REPRIEVE","Explanation":"Definition: s\nREP (traveller, a salesman) then EVER (always) reversed (reflective) containing (about) I (current)"} {"Clue":"Part of Oxford perhaps to go over, except river (6)","Answer":"TOECAP","Explanation":"Definition: Part of Oxford perhaps\nTO then rECAP (go over) missing R (river) \u2013 an *Oxford* is a type of shoe"} {"Clue":"Chap with tie, playing, related to a particular organ (7)","Answer":"HEPATIC","Explanation":"Definition: related to a particular organ\nanagram (playing) of CHAP with TIE"} {"Clue":"Worker and father, Republican to the end, relatively eager (7)","Answer":"ANTSIER","Explanation":"Definition: r\nANT (a worker) then SIRE (father) with R (republican) moved to the end"} {"Clue":"Dignitary some days filling in form (5)","Answer":"MAYOR","Explanation":"Definition: D\nMAY (a month, some days) then middle letters (the filling in) of fORm"} {"Clue":"Ordinary course on manipulation of toes this person offered? (9)","Answer":"OSTEOPATH","Explanation":"Definition: Ordinary course on manipulation of toes this person offered\nO (ordinary) PATH (course) following (on) anagram (manipulation) of TOES"} {"Clue":"Actress and creator of fiction gets award right in middle of projects (5,7)","Answer":"JULIA ROBERTS","Explanation":"Definition: Actress\nLIAR (creator of fiction) with OBE (award) R (right) all inside JUTS (projects)"} {"Clue":"Spanish gent, sealing complex deal, expands London theatre (7,5)","Answer":"SADLER\u2019S WELLS","Explanation":"Definition: L\nSR (Senor, Spanish gent) contains (sealing) anagram (complex) of DEAL then SWELLS (expands)"} {"Clue":"Cry over Lothario, rejecting first two wanting dance (5,4)","Answer":"BOSSA NOVA","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nSOB (cry) reversed (over) caSANOVA (a Lothario) missing (rejecting) first two letters"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary loves festival site, making joyous shout (5)","Answer":"YAHOO","Explanation":"Definition: joyous shout\nO O (love, twice) with HAY (Hay-on-Wye, site of the Hay literary festival) all reversed (revolutionary)"} {"Clue":"Excessively elaborate deliveries in match given Oval cheer? (7)","Answer":"OVEREGG","Explanation":"Definition: Excessively elaborate\nOVER (six deliveries in match, cricket) with EGG (some cheer, food, that is oval)"} {"Clue":"Carry on regularly with milk round, initially needing alarm (7)","Answer":"AROUSER","Explanation":"Definition: alarm\nevery other letter (regularly) of cArRy On then USE (milk) and first letter (initially) of Round"} {"Clue":"One leaving wants house as described by estate agent? (3,3)","Answer":"DES RES","Explanation":"Definition: house as described by estate agent\nI (one) missing from DESiRES (wants) \u2013 a *desirable residence"} {"Clue":"Latest weapon to get through skin of drupe \u2013 Nancy's peeler (8)","Answer":"GENDARME","Explanation":"Definition: N\nGEN (latest, news) ARM (weapon) inside (to get through) outer letters (skin) of DrupE \u2013 a policeman (peeler) in France, in the town of Nancy perhaps"} {"Clue":"Again put up foreign capital to protect banks in Edinburgh (6)","Answer":"REHOME","Explanation":"Definition: Again put up\nROME (foreign capital) containing (to protect) outer letters (banks) of EdinburgH"} {"Clue":"Snapper always complemented by a fruit (6)","Answer":"PAPAYA","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nPAP (snapper, a Paparazzo) AY (always) with (complimented by) A"} {"Clue":"Rest of European football team reportedly dirty (9)","Answer":"INTERLUDE","Explanation":"Definition: Rest\nINTER (Inter Milan, European football club) then LUDE sounds like (reportedly) \"lewd\" (dirty)"} {"Clue":"Former head of the country boozer frequently baked stuff (8,6)","Answer":"VICTORIA SPONGE","Explanation":"Definition: baked stuff\nVICTORIA (Queen Victoria, former head of country) then SPONGE (a frequent drinker, boozer)"} {"Clue":"Cap and old hat to put on (5)","Answer":"OUTDO","Explanation":"Definition: Cap\nOUT (old hat) with DO (to put on, to perform)"} {"Clue":"Gallant character, with vital energy, lifted ladies over track (8)","Answer":"CHIVALRY","Explanation":"Definition: Gallant character,\nCHI (vital energy) then LAV (lavatory, ladies) reversed (lifted) and RY (railway, track)"} {"Clue":"Pick up funds to entertain Jasmine perhaps (8)","Answer":"PURCHASE","Explanation":"Definition: Pick up\nPURSE (funds) containing (to entertain) CHA (tea, Jasmine perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Poet's weight change, on tour, alarmed wife ultimately (6,2,2,4)","Answer":"WALTER DE LA MARE","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\nW (weight) ALTER (change) then anagram (on tour?) of ALARMED with wifE (last letter, ultimately)"} {"Clue":"Right away, umbrella taken by driver shooting home (9)","Answer":"BOLLYWOOD","Explanation":"Definition: shooting home\nBrOLLY (umbrella) missing (with\u2026away) R (right) then WOOD (driver, in golf) \u2013 a place in India where films are shot"} {"Clue":"Bob's tone possibly remains liberal during relationship (3-5)","Answer":"ASH-BLOND","Explanation":"Definition: Bob's tone possibly\nASH (remains) then L (liberal) inside (during) BOND (relationship)"} {"Clue":"Old adventurer's topless frame on ship uplifted Susan (8)","Answer":"ODYSSEUS","Explanation":"Definition: Old adventurer\nbODY (frame, topless) with SS (steam ship) then SUE (Susan) reversed (uplifted)"} {"Clue":"Horse in jumping races? (6)","Answer":"CHASER","Explanation":"Definition: Horse in jumping races\n~~I'm not sure about this, there seems to be just a literal definition here.~~ *H (horse) inside anagram (jumping) of RACES"} {"Clue":"Spring turned cold before start of Easter (6)","Answer":"SOURCE","Explanation":"Definition: Spring\nSOUR (turned) C (cold) then first letter (start) of Easter"} {"Clue":"Sharp rise in healthcare testing (5)","Answer":"ARETE","Explanation":"Definition: Sharp rise\nfound inside healthcARE TEsting"} {"Clue":"Testing on-field exchange (3-3)","Answer":"ONE-TWO","Explanation":"Definition: Testing\ndouble definition \u2013 testing a microphone and two quick passes in football"} {"Clue":"Return average toffee drinks (8)","Answer":"OLOROSOS","Explanation":"Definition: drinks\nSO-SO (average) and ROLO (a toffee made by Nestle) all reversed (return) \u2013 Sherry"} {"Clue":"Suspect: \"I'm scot-free\" \u2013 hence not returning to it? (5,2,3,5)","Answer":"SCENE OF THE CRIME","Explanation":"Definition: not returning to it\nanagram (suspect) of I'M SCOT FREE HENCE \u2013 the suspect does not return to \"it\" (the solution, scene of the crime)"} {"Clue":"Part of the ceremonial Celtic attire of Treliske and Hugus (5-3)","Answer":"SKEAN DHU","Explanation":"Definition: Part of the ceremonial Celtic attire\nfound inside tresliSKE AND HUgus \u2013 a dagger worn in Scottish and Irish ceremonial dress. For the benefit of overseas readers Treliske and Hugus are two tiny places in Cornwall, which is not necessary to know for the wordplay, but may be relevant for the definition, I'm not sure. Out of interest, are there any Cornish readers who have worn traditional Cornish-Celtic dress with a skean-dhu? I would be interested to know."} {"Clue":"Fairies got over woodpecker (6)","Answer":"YAFFLE","Explanation":"Definition: woodpecker\nELF FAY (two fairies) reversed (got over)"} {"Clue":"City troubled after rolling my film (5,2)","Answer":"ROCKY IV","Explanation":"Definition: film\nKYIV (capital of Ukraine, a troubled city) following (after) COR (my, exclamation) reversed (rolling) \u2013 one of the films from the Sylvester Stallone boxing franchise"} {"Clue":"Two of the same please, landlord, for singer and songwriter (3,4)","Answer":"DUA LIPA","Explanation":"Definition: s\nDUAL IPA might be a request to the landlord for two of the same sort of beer (IPA, India Pale Ale) \u2013 British singer songwriter and fashion model"} {"Clue":"The first of practical jokes played around city (6)","Answer":"SKOPJE","Explanation":"Definition: city\nthe first letter of Practical inside (with\u2026around) anagram (played) of JOKES"} {"Clue":"Weighted rent, ignoring the shackles of age (8)","Answer":"EIGHTEEN","Explanation":"Definition: of age\nwEIGHTEd rENt missing the outer letters (shackles) \u2013 the coming of age"} {"Clue":"After resignation of Hammerstein, Rodgers this gobsmacked? (2,1,4,3,5)","Answer":"AT A LOSS FOR WORDS","Explanation":"Definition: gobsmacked\nRichard Rogers would have no words for his musicals if Oscar Hammerstein resigned"} {"Clue":"With a single dash, we see him lose his get-up-and-go! (8)","Answer":"STREAKER","Explanation":"Definition: With a single dash, we see him lose his get-up-and-go!\ncryptic definition \u2013 *get-up* is clothes*, the definition requires \"get-up and go\" to have a single dash* ~~Maybe there is a wordplay here too and the clue is also &lit. I will keep looking.~~"} {"Clue":"All the drinks one's got in local (6)","Answer":"AROUND","Explanation":"Definition: l\nif you buy A ROUND you get all the drinks in"} {"Clue":"Doorstepper alert (funny?) \u2013 but neither Neil nor Glenys get in (5,5)","Answer":"KNOCK-KNOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Doorstepper alert\nKinNOCK and KinNOCK (Neil and Glenys Kinnock, former leader of the Labour party and his wife) missing IN \u2013 the sound \"nock-knock\" alerts you to someone at the door, and (funny?) s a reference to jokes of the form \"Knock knock \/ Who's there? \/ Tank. \/ Tank who? \/ You're welcome.\""} {"Clue":"Vineyard out of Santa Cruz in new production lines (6)","Answer":"STANZA","Explanation":"Definition: lines\nCRU (vineyard) missing from (out of) anagram (in new production) of SANTA CRUZ"} {"Clue":"Toast ox cryptically in desert? (3,3,5,4)","Answer":"FOR OLD TIMES SAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Toast\nOLD TIMES (ox, O and X, cryptically) inside FORSAKE (desert)"} {"Clue":"Discover good news for England's opposition at Lord's? (4,3)","Answer":"ROOT OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Discover\nif England batsman Joe Root is out then that is good news for the opposition \u2013 Lords is a cricket ground"} {"Clue":"Move dangerously to shatter teenage romance? (5,5,5)","Answer":"LOVE\u2019S YOUNG DREAM","Explanation":"Definition: teenage romance\nanagram (to shatter) of MOVE DANGEROUSLY"} {"Clue":"Second collection of ashes causing sorrow (8)","Answer":"MOURNFUL","Explanation":"Definition: causing \nMO (moment, second) then URNFUL (a collection of ashes)"} {"Clue":"Advertise to promote Spar (4)","Answer":"BOOM","Explanation":"Definition: Advertise to promote\ndouble definition \u2013 \"to boost by advertising\" and a long beam"} {"Clue":"Character-forming interpretation for Spooner to tear up (3-7)","Answer":"LIP-READING","Explanation":"Definition: Character-forming interpretation\na Spoonersim of RIP (to tear) and LEADING (up)"} {"Clue":"Talked-about international lived for spinning? Yes and no (5,3)","Answer":"KAPIL DEV","Explanation":"Definition: Talked-about international lived for spinning? \nKAP sounds like (talked about) \"cap\" (an international sportsperson) then anagram (for spinning) of LIVED \u2013 yes, this is what the wordplay states; but no, in real life Kapil Dev was known more as a medium paced bowler and a batsman"} {"Clue":"Do a class (7)","Answer":"PERFORM","Explanation":"Definition: Do\nPER (a, *two-a-penny*) then FORM (class)"} {"Clue":"Gushing report of degree class (3- 3)","Answer":"TOO-TOO","Explanation":"Definition: G\nsounds (report of) like \"two-two\" (a class of university degree)"} {"Clue":"All the best art at auction houses (2-2)","Answer":"TA-TA","Explanation":"Definition: All the best\nfound inside (housed by) arT AT Auction"} {"Clue":"King not wanting vessel from the Netherlands (4)","Answer":"KOFF","Explanation":"Definition: vessel from the Netherlands\nK (king) and OFF (not wanting, *off ones food*)"} {"Clue":"Mistake is occurring twice in resetting of perm (8)","Answer":"MISPRISE","Explanation":"Definition: Mistake\nIS IS (twice) inside anagram (resetting) of PERM"} {"Clue":"Point in Ptolemaic system, as in variant of 10 (6)","Answer":"EQUANT","Explanation":"Definition: Point in Ptolemaic system\nQUA (as) inside anagram (variant) of TEN"} {"Clue":"This horse I pen carelessly may be escaping (4)","Answer":"SCAG","Explanation":"Definition: horse\nan anagram (carelessly) of SCAG (this horse, the solution) with I PEN may be ESCAPING"} {"Clue":"Cheese biscuit maybe Spooner's swallowed with fizzy pop? (7)","Answer":"OATCAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Cheese biscuit maybe\na Spoonerism of ATE COKE (swallowed and Coca-Cola, fizzy pop)"} {"Clue":"Packs up loaves (5)","Answer":"CONKS","Explanation":"Definition: Packs up\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Red dye is one, when mixed (5)","Answer":"EOSIN","Explanation":"Definition: Red dye\nanagram (when mixed) of IS ONE"} {"Clue":"Poppet giving hint about somebody turned aside (10)","Answer":"HONEYBUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: Poppet\nHUNCH (hint) containing (about) ONE (somebody) BY (aside) reversed (turned)"} {"Clue":"Street ameer converted, brightly coloured with festoons (10)","Answer":"STREAMERED","Explanation":"Definition: with festoons \nST (street) then anagram (converted) AMEER and RED (brightly coloured). The PDF version of the puzzle has a misprint in the enumeration (!0)"} {"Clue":"Choir following words of old song stank (5)","Answer":"DITCH","Explanation":"Definition: stank\nCH (choir) following DIT (the words of a song, old indicates archaic)"} {"Clue":"With which ballet-dancer kicks off jump? (5)","Answer":"BRISE","Explanation":"Definition: With which ballet-dancer kicks off jump\nthe first letter (with which\u2026kicks off) of Ballet then RISE (jump)"} {"Clue":"Victoria and suchlike showing expression at home with middle of reign (7)","Answer":"TERMINI","Explanation":"Definition: Victoria and suchlike\nTERM (expression) IN (at home) with middle letter of reIgn \u2013 Victoria is a railway terminal (a final station on a line), one of several such stations in London"} {"Clue":"Local spat now hidden (in part) (4)","Answer":"WHID","Explanation":"Definition: Local spat\nfound inside (n part) moW HIDden"} {"Clue":"Sweet potato was served, 'eated inside (6)","Answer":"CAMOTE","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet potato\nCAME (was served, e.g. *it came with chips*) containing (with\u2026inside) 'OT ('eated)"} {"Clue":"Stone square round Vincent's home for a time \u2013 unlike his famous work? (8)","Answer":"STARLESS","Explanation":"Definition: unlike his famous work\nST (stone) S (square) contains (round) ARLES (Vincent van Gogh's home for a time) \u2013 unlike one of his \"stary night\" paintings"} {"Clue":"Indication of some rock fan being bowled over? (4)","Answer":"LIAS","Explanation":"Definition: Indication of some rock\nSAIL (fan) reversed (being bowled over)"} {"Clue":"Climber nipped by wingless fly complained (8)","Answer":"KVETCHED","Explanation":"Definition: c\nVETCH (a climber) inside (nipped by) KED (a wingless fly)"} {"Clue":"Fine light fuse (4)","Answer":"FLUX","Explanation":"Definition: f\nF (fine) and LUX (light)"} {"Clue":"Grass turned up admitting need for bottle (7)","Answer":"FLACKET","Explanation":"Definition: bottle\nTEF (an Ethiopian cereal grass) reversed (turned up) containing (admitting) LACK (need)"} {"Clue":"What waiters offer us after draughts? (5)","Answer":"MENUS","Explanation":"Definition: What waiters offer\nUS following MEN (draughts, pieces in board game)"} {"Clue":"Fishy perhaps, as in a cubist's doodle (10)","Answer":"SUBAQUATIC","Explanation":"Definition: Fishy perhaps\nQUA (as) inside anagram (doodle) of A CUBIST"} {"Clue":"Roller parking? Delay follows (6)","Answer":"PLATEN","Explanation":"Definition: Roller\nP (parking) followed by LATEN (delay)"} {"Clue":"Has wobbly movement? Not I! Not true if I've this (9)","Answer":"SHAKINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Not true if I've this\nanagram (wobbly) of HAS then KINESiS missing (not) I"} {"Clue":"Moved faster switching halves for advantage (4)","Answer":"EDGE","Explanation":"Definition: advantage\nGEED (moved faster) with the two halves GE + ED swapping places"} {"Clue":"Brie, rotten, going off? It's bright green and watery (10)","Answer":"TORBERNITE","Explanation":"Definition: It's bright green and watery\nanagram (going off) of BRIE ROTTEN"} {"Clue":"One undressed may turn red with this \u2013 O! (8)","Answer":"NUDENESS","Explanation":"Definition: One undressed may turn red wi\nan anagram (turn) of ONE UNDRESSED may be RED with NUDENESS (this, the solution) O"} {"Clue":"Electronic resistor? It's turned calmer with one installed (7)","Answer":"CERAMAL","Explanation":"Definition: Electronic resistor\nanagram (it's turned) of CALMER containing (with\u2026installed) A (one)"} {"Clue":"Being dressed up in it makes one bristle (6)","Answer":"STRIGA","Explanation":"Definition: one bristle\nGIRT (being dressed) reversed (up) inside SA (sex appeal, it)"} {"Clue":"Prone to sniffiness? John may make you this by the sound of it 6) (6)","Answer":"RHINAL","Explanation":"Definition: Prone to sniffiness\na John (toilet) might be a URINAL which sounds like (by the sound of it) YOU + RHINAL (this, the solution)"} {"Clue":"Pro demanding money (5)","Answer":"BRASS","Explanation":"Definition: Pro\ndouble definition \u2013 slang for prostitute and money"} {"Clue":"Contraction gripping wife pressed from below (4)","Answer":"TWAS","Explanation":"Definition: Contraction\nSAT (pressed) reversed (from below) containing (gripping\u2026is\u2026) W (wife) \u2013 a contraction of IT WAS, more of a hint than a definition"} {"Clue":"Cadenzas perhaps, sensible if lacking depth (4)","Answer":"SOLI","Explanation":"Definition: Cadenzas perhaps\nSOLId (sensible) missing (if lacking) D (depth)"} {"Clue":"Greatest foreign character, in principle (7)","Answer":"MAXIMUM","Explanation":"Definition: Greatest\nMU (Greek letter, foreign character) inside MAXIM (principle)"} {"Clue":"Chance magistrate will crush resistance (5)","Answer":"BREAK","Explanation":"Definition: Chance\nBEAK (magistrate) containing (will crush) R (resistance)"} {"Clue":"It's been burnt when hot (3)","Answer":"ASH","Explanation":"Definition: It's been burnt \nAS (when) H (hot)"} {"Clue":"Engineer sent unopened incoming goods for dispatch (11)","Answer":"CONSIGNMENT","Explanation":"Definition: goods for dispatch\nanagram (engineer) of SENT and iCOMING missing first letter (unopened)"} {"Clue":"My southern accent, oddly meek (5,2)","Answer":"STONE ME","Explanation":"Definition: My\nS (southern) TONE (accent) then every other letter (oddly) of MeEk \u2013 an exclamation of surprise"} {"Clue":"Anything but bloody American baroque cinema (7)","Answer":"ANAEMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Anything but bloody\nA (American) then anagram (baroque) of CINEMA"} {"Clue":"US Homeland broadcast boring criminal drug tycoon (4,3,7)","Answer":"GOD\u2019S OWN COUNTRY","Explanation":"Definition: US Homeland\nSOWN (broadcast) inside (boring, making a hole in) anagram (criminal) of DRUG TYCOON \u2013 the phrase means \"homeland\", used especially in the USA"} {"Clue":"Recipient of charge after attack on drunken toerags (7,7)","Answer":"STORAGE BATTERY","Explanation":"Definition: Recipient of charge\nBATTERY (attack) follows anagram (drunken) of TOERAGS"} {"Clue":"First day of month gripped by a cold \u2013 not if this (7)","Answer":"ASEPTIC","Explanation":"Definition: not if this\nSEPT I (1st day of month) inside (gripped by) A C (cold)"} {"Clue":"Fly back stuff \u2013 it's a puzzle (7)","Answer":"TANGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: a puzzle\nGNAT (fly) reversed (back) then RAM (stuff)"} {"Clue":"Scientist's mobile phone empire (11)","Answer":"OPPENHEIMER","Explanation":"Definition: Scientist\nanagram (mobile) of PHONE EMPIRE"} {"Clue":"Examine old soldier (3)","Answer":"VET","Explanation":"Definition: Examine\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Finished by noon, article mostly lacking (5)","Answer":"NAPOO","Explanation":"Definition: Finished\nN (noon) A (indefinite article) and POOr (lacking, mostly)"} {"Clue":"Strips spelling courses (7)","Answer":"SPLINES","Explanation":"Definition: Strips\nSP (spelling, abbreviation) then LINES (courses)"} {"Clue":"Humble carers taking lowest income (5)","Answer":"MEANS","Explanation":"Definition: i\nMEAN (humble) and last letter (taking the lowest of\u2026) carerS"} {"Clue":"This repeatedly makes a female kiss and smooch more animatedly (1-10)","Answer":"X-CHROMOSOME","Explanation":"Definition: This repeatedly makes a female\nX (a kiss) then anagram (animatedly) of SMOOCH MORE"} {"Clue":"After changing top from small to medium, dupes mates (7)","Answer":"MUCKERS","Explanation":"Definition: mates\nsUCKERS (dupes) with first letter (top) changed from S (small) to M (medium)"} {"Clue":"Right to stop girls chasing \u00a3500 \u2013 they'll turn nuts (6,8)","Answer":"MONKEY WRENCHES","Explanation":"Definition: they'll turn nuts\nR (right) inside (to stop, like a cork) WENCHES (girls) all following (chasing) MONKEY (\u00a35000, slang)"} {"Clue":"Cake placed on earthenware in Japanese theatre (7)","Answer":"BUNRAKU","Explanation":"Definition: J\nBUN (cake) on RAKU (earthenware, a type of Japanese pottery)"} {"Clue":"The last things you'd see in the cow pasture \u2013 would include me (3)","Answer":"EWE","Explanation":"Definition: \u2013 \nthe final letters (the last things you'd see) in thE coW pasturE \u2013 things you would not see in a cow pasture (in the fields of Crosswordland anyway)"} {"Clue":"Vulgar jerk ultimately restless about son (7)","Answer":"KITSCHY","Explanation":"Definition: Vulgar\nlast letter (ultimately) of jerK then ITCHY (restless) containing (about) S (son)"} {"Clue":"In came finalist, playing this rag (9,5)","Answer":"FINANCIAL TIMES","Explanation":"Definition: this rag\nanagram (playing) of IN CAME FINALIST \u2013 a *rag* is a newspaper"} {"Clue":"Machine-powered muscle finally yielded and split (5-6)","Answer":"MOTOR-DRIVEN","Explanation":"Definition: Machine-powered\nMOTOR (muscle, in biology) tehn last letter (finally) of yieldeD and RIVEN (split)"} {"Clue":"Concede after quarrel in Bath, say (3,4)","Answer":"SPA TOWN","Explanation":"Definition: B\nOWN (concede) following (after) SPAT (quarrel)"} {"Clue":"Not in favour of entertaining forward old merchant (7)","Answer":"ANTONIO","Explanation":"Definition: merchant\nANTI (not in favour) containing (entertaining) ON (forward) then O (old) \u2013 titular character from *The Merchant of Venice"} {"Clue":"Tense doctor in row over thread? Sort of (7)","Answer":"TENDRIL","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of\nT (tense) then DR (doctor) inside LINE (row) reversed (over) \u2013 a sort of thread"} {"Clue":"Dull, hard, second subject (5)","Answer":"MATHS","Explanation":"Definition: subject\nMAT (dull) H (hard) and S (second)"} {"Clue":"Go with power base, suppressing pressure (3)","Answer":"PEP","Explanation":"Definition: Go\nP (power) E (base, of the natural log) then (suppressing, on top of in a down entry) P (pressure)"} {"Clue":"Naturalist sketch almost having repelled artist (6)","Answer":"DARWIN","Explanation":"Definition: Naturalist \n**DRAWING** (sketch) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **G** and **having the letters** **RA** (Royal Academician; artist) **reversed** (repelled)\n **D** (**AR**<) **WIN**\n\n**DARWIN** (reference Charles **DARWIN** [1809 \u2013 1882], English naturalist best known for his development of the theory of evolution. The city of **DARWIN**, capital of Northern Territory in Australia is named after the naturalist)"} {"Clue":"Small German greeting a female informally (6)","Answer":"SHEILA","Explanation":"Definition: female informally\n**S** (small) **+ HEIL **(German greeting meaning 'hail' in English) **+ A** \n **S HEIL A**\n\n**SHEILA** (Australian informal term for a young girl or woman)"} {"Clue":"Bill might be ready for a singalong (7)","Answer":"INVOICE","Explanation":"Definition: Bill\n**IN VOICE** (in good condition for singing; ready for singing)\n **IN VOICE**\n\n**INVOICE** (bill for goods ordered)"} {"Clue":"Threw up on street. Blimey! (7)","Answer":"STREWTH","Explanation":"Definition: Blimey\n**ST** (street) + **an anagram of** (up) **THREW**\n **ST REWTH***\n\n**STREWTH** (most dictionaries just define the word as oath, short for God's truth but it also well known as an Australian\u00a0slang term, similar to the somewhat more popular \"Crikey!\"; blimey)"} {"Clue":"Agent has individual book every surfing hotspot (5,5)","Answer":"BONDI BEACH","Explanation":"Definition: surfing hotspot\n**BOND** (reference Agent 007, James **BOND**) **+ I** (oneself; individual) **+ B** (book) **+ EACH **(every one separately considered)\n **BOND I B EACH**\n\n**BONDI BEACH** (a beach frequented by surfers in the suburbs of Sydney)"} {"Clue":"Insects originally exterminated snakes (4)","Answer":"ASPS","Explanation":"Definition: snakes\n**WASPS **(insects) **excluding** (exterminated) **the first letter** (originally) **W**\n **ASPS**\n\n**ASPS** (snakes)"} {"Clue":"Most awful meat reported by some (5)","Answer":"WORST","Explanation":"Definition: Most awful \n**WORST** (**sounds like** [reported by] **WURST** (large German sausage of several types; meat)\n **WORST**\n\n**WORST** (most awful)"} {"Clue":"Criminal is led out in isolation (8)","Answer":"SOLITUDE","Explanation":"Definition: isolation\n**Anagram of **(criminal) I**S LED OUT**\n **S****OL****I****TUDE*******\n\n**SOLITUDE** (absence of company; isolation)"} {"Clue":"Fitting vocal work after hollow choral bilge (8)","Answer":"CLAPTRAP","Explanation":"Definition: bilge\n**CL** (**letters remaining in** **CHORAL** **when the central letters HORA are set to blank** [hollow]) **+ APT** (fitting) **+ RAP** (rhythmic monologue delivered over a musical background; a type of music; vocal work)\n **CL APT RAP**\n\n**CLAPTRAP** (meaningless nonsense; bilge)"} {"Clue":"Couples pop by tax department in USA (5)","Answer":"PAIRS","Explanation":"Definition: Couples \n**PA** (father; pop) **+ IRS** (Internal Revenue Service, the American tax department)\n **PA IRS**\n\n**PAIRS** (couples)"} {"Clue":"Head left periodically for a swift one? (4)","Answer":"HALF","Explanation":"Definition: a swift one\n**HALF** (**letters 1, 3, 5 and 7** [periodically] of **HEAD LEFT**)\n **HALF**\n\n**HALF** (a **HALF** pint is often drunk quickly as a swift one [a quick drink take in a hurry when you don't have much time but would like to be sociable \u2013 either at the end or the start of a night)"} {"Clue":"10 creatures from lake a boar's ravaged (5,5)","Answer":"KOALA BEARS","Explanation":"Definition: 10 creatures\n**Anagram of **(ravaged) **LAKE A BOARS**\n **KOALA BEARS***\n\n**KOALA BEARS** (Australian **MARSUPIAL**s [entry at 10 down, singular] like a small bear)"} {"Clue":"1000mm3 found in car? Blow into this (7)","Answer":"PICCOLO","Explanation":"Definition: Blow into this\n**I **[Roman numeral for one] **+ CC** [cubic centimetre] [1 cubic centimetre = 1000 cubic millimetres]) **contained in** (found in) **POLO** (model of Volkswagen car)\n **P** (**I ****CC**) **OLO**\n\n**PICCOLO** (small wind instrument; blow into this)"} {"Clue":"Animal character from Greece captured by Dame (7)","Answer":"ECHIDNA","Explanation":"Definition: Animal \n(**CHI** [letter of the Greek alphabet; Greek character]) **contained in** (captured by) **EDNA** (reference the character Dame **EDNA** Everage, created by Australian comedian Barry Humphries)\n **E** (**CHI**) **DNA**\n\n**ECHIDNA** (member of the genus **ECHIDNA** of Australian toothless, spiny, egg-laying, burrowing monotremes, also called spiny anteater."} {"Clue":"City strategy damn easy \u2013 all to be evacuated (6)","Answer":"SYDNEY","Explanation":"Definition: City\n**SY** (**letters remaining in STRATEGY after the central letters TRATEG are removed** [evacuated]) **+ ****DN** (**DAMN** treated similarly) **+ EY** (**EASY** treated similarly) so that all three words are evacuated\n **SY DN EY**\n\n**SYDNEY** (Australian city)"} {"Clue":"Imbecile split on doctor working (6)","Answer":"DRONGO","Explanation":"Definition: Imbecile\n**DR **(doctor) **+ ON** (working) **+ GO** (leave; split)\n **DR ON GO**\n\n**DRONGO** (Australian slang for a nitwit or no-hoper; imbecile)"} {"Clue":"Guarding ostrich, guarding dog (5)","Answer":"DINGO","Explanation":"Definition: dog\n**DINGO** (**hidden word in** [guarding] **GUARDING OSTRICH**)\n **DINGO**\n\n**DINGO** (tawny-coloured wild dog of Australia)"} {"Clue":"Instrument missing middle note? Choose again (7)","Answer":"REORDER","Explanation":"Definition: Choose again\n**RECORDER** (musical instrument) **excluding** (missing) **C** (the note in the middle of a piano keyboard)\n **REORDER**\n\n**REORDER** (choose again)"} {"Clue":"Safe place for eggs on island hill (9)","Answer":"INCUBATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Safe place for eggs\n**IN CUBA** (on the island of **CUBA**) **+ TOR** (rocky height or hill)\n **IN CUBA TOR**\n\n**INCUBATOR** (apparatus for hatching eggs by artificial heat; safe place for eggs)"} {"Clue":"Devise mark with intersecting lines (5)","Answer":"HATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Devise\n**HATCH** (devise or concoct a plan)\n **HATCH**\n\n**HATCH** (mark with fine, usually diagonal, lines) double definition"} {"Clue":"Not quite right in previous performance (7)","Answer":"INEXACT","Explanation":"Definition: Not quite right\n**IN** **+ EX** (former; previous) **+**** ACT** (performance)\n **IN EX ACT**\n\n**INEXACT** (not precisely correct)"} {"Clue":"Southern Climes article with hints about poetry (9)","Answer":"ANTIPODES","Explanation":"Definition: Southern Climes\n**AN** (indefinite article) **+** (**TIPS** [hints] **containing** [about] **ODE** [poetry])\n **AN** **TIP** (**ODE**) **S**\n\n**ANTIPODES** (for Britain, Australia and New Zealand, as being diametrically opposite to Great Britain or Europe on the surface of the globe)"} {"Clue":"One with a pouch to cook pilau under ruins (9)","Answer":"MARSUPIAL","Explanation":"Definition: One with a pouch\n**MAR **(damages; ruins) **+ anagram of** (cook) **PILAU **As** **this is a down entry the anagram of** PILAU i**s positioned under the letters of** MARS**\n **MARS ****UPIAL***\n\n**MARSUPIAL** (animal with a pouch)"} {"Clue":"Team of leaderless infants lifting barrier (9)","Answer":"WALLABIES","Explanation":"Definition: Team\n**WALL** (barrier) **+ BABIES** (infants) **excluding the first letter** (leaderless) **B\u00a0**Again, as a down entry, one part of the word is supporting or lifting the other\n **WALL ABIES**\n\n**WALLABIES** (name given to the Australian national Rugby Union team)"} {"Clue":"Pal craned awkwardly to see club worker (3,6)","Answer":"LAP DANCER","Explanation":"Definition: club worker\n**Anagram of** (awkwardly) **PAL CRANED**\n **LAP ****DANCER***\n\n**LAP DANCER** (night-club stripper who dances close to clients and sits briefly on their laps)"} {"Clue":"Humourless fellow meets expert in school (2-5)","Answer":"PO-FACED","Explanation":"Definition: Humourless fellow meets expert in school (2-5)\n(**F** [fellow] **+ ACE** [expert]) **contained in** (in) **POD** (school of whales)\n **PO** (**F ACE**) **D**\n\n**PO-FACED** (humourless)"} {"Clue":"From Spain maybe tailless goat fled across Italy (7)","Answer":"IBERIAN","Explanation":"Definition: From Spain maybe\n**IBEX** (any of various wild mountain goats of Europe, N Africa and Asia) **excluding the final letter (tailless) X +** (**RAN** [fled] **containing** [across] **I** [International Vehicle Registration for Italy])\n **IBE** **R** (**I**) **AN**\n\n**IBERIAN** (Spain is part of Iberia, so a Spanish native can be described as an **IBERIAN**)"} {"Clue":"Boy finally stops dancing like Dannii's sister? (5)","Answer":"KYLIE","Explanation":"Definition: Dannii's sister\n**Y** (**last letter of** [finally] **BOY**) **contained in** (stops) **an anagram of** (dancing) **LIKE**\n **K** (**Y**) **LIE***\n\n**KYLIE** (reference **KYLIE** Minogue [born 1968] Australian singer, sister of Dannii Minogue [born 1971])"} {"Clue":"Circular piece of wood Norwegian put up (5)","Answer":"RONDO","Explanation":"Definition: Circular piece\n**RONDO** (**hidden word reversed **(put up) in **WOOD NORWEGIAN**)\n **RONDO**<\n\n**RONDO** (piece of music in which a refrain is repeated between episodes: often constitutes the form of the last movement of a sonata or concerto; circular piece)"} {"Clue":"I gag on a cored root vegetable (9)","Answer":"ARTICHOKE","Explanation":"Definition: vegetable\n**A** + **RT** (**letters remaining in** **ROOT** **when the central letters OO are ** **excluded **[cored]) **+ I +** **CHOKE** (gag)\n **A RT ****I ****CHOKE**\n\n**ARTICHOKE** (thick perennial plant served as a vegetable)"} {"Clue":"Criminals purchasing island? They're minted (5)","Answer":"COINS","Explanation":"Definition: They're minted\n**CONS** (criminals) **containing** (purchasing) **I** (island)\n **CO** (**I**) **NS**\n\n**COINS** (items of currency that are\u00a0created in a mint)"} {"Clue":"I got the job! So at last tucked into a quiet beer and some drugs (9)","Answer":"APPOINTEE","Explanation":"Definition: I got the job\n(**O** [**final letter of** {at last} **SO**] **contained in** [tucked into] [**A + P**{piano; quiet} **+ PINT** {beer]]) **+ EE** (two occurrences of **E** [ecstasy]; drugs])\n **A** **P** **P **(**O**) **INT** **EE**\n\n**APPOINTEE** (the person who got the job)"} {"Clue":"Coat boat in paint artfully at the bow (5)","Answer":"PARKA","Explanation":"Definition: Coat\n**ARK** (boat) **contained in** (in) (**P** [**first letter of** {at the bow} **PAINT**] **+ A** [**first letter of {**at the bow} **ARTFULLY**])\n **P** (**ARK**) **A**\n\n**PARKA** (originally a fur shirt or coat with a hood, now a similar outer garment made of a windproof material)"} {"Clue":"Tense editor, after taking religious instruction, had a shot (5)","Answer":"TRIED","Explanation":"Definition: had a shot\n(**T** (tense) **+ ED** [editor]) **containing** (taking) **RI** (religious instruction)\n **T** (**RI**) **ED**\n\n**TRIED** (had a shot)"} {"Clue":"Stick around area to meet a bloke and a US highwayman (4,5)","Answer":"ROAD AGENT","Explanation":"Definition: US highwayman\n(**ROD** [stick] **containing** [around] **A** [area]) **+ A + GENT** (bloke)\n **RO** (**A**) **D ****A ****GENT**\n\n**ROAD AGENT** (historical American term for a highwayman)"} {"Clue":"Senior and half-cut wino drinking beer and port (7)","Answer":"SALERNO","Explanation":"Definition: port\n(**SR** [senior] **+ NO** [**the two letters remaining when the other two** {of four letters; half} **WI are excluded** {cut} **from WINO**]) **containing** (drinking) **ALE** (beer)\n **S** (**ALE**) **R** **NO**\n\n**SALERNO** (port city in south western Italy)"} {"Clue":"Flipping party time? Pops off to get drinks! (7)","Answer":"TODDIES","Explanation":"Definition: drinks\n(**DO** [party] **+ T** [time]) **reversed** (flipping) **+ DIES** (pops off)\n (**T OD**)< **DIES**\n\n**TODDIES** (mixtures of spirits, sugar and hot water; drinks)"} {"Clue":"With no goals, direct girl to sub American for European (7)","Answer":"AIMLESS","Explanation":"Definition: With no goals\n**AIM** (direct) **+ LASS** (girl) **replacing** (sub) **A (American) with ****E** (European) to form **LESS**\n **AIM LESS**\n\n**AIMLESS** (with no purpose or goals)"} {"Clue":"Go back out with foremost of Romeos for a start! (7)","Answer":"REGRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Go back\n**R** (**first letter of** [foremost] **ROMEO**) **+ EGRESS** ([way] out) The **R** is positioned at the beginning of the entry in line with the clue phrase 'for a start'\n **R EGRESS**\n\n**REGRESS** (go back)"} {"Clue":"Broken many bones? Certainly not! (2,2,5)","Answer":"BY NO MEANS","Explanation":"Definition: Certainly not\n**Anagram of** (broken) **MANY BONES**\n **B****Y N****O**** M****EAN****S***\n\n**BY NO MEANS** (certainly not)"} {"Clue":"Son with affected mannerisms is a little rascal (5)","Answer":"SCAMP","Explanation":"Definition: little rascal\n**S** (son) **+ CAMP** (with affected mannerisms)\n **S CAMP**\n\n**SCAMP** (rascal, usually applied to a child [little])"} {"Clue":"Managed to collar canine that's released bit of ghastly gas (5)","Answer":"RADON","Explanation":"Definition: gas\n**RAN** (managed) **containing** (to grab) **DO****G** (canine) **excluding** [that's released] **G** (**first letter of** [a bit of ] **G**HASTLY)\n **RA** (**DO**) **N**\n\n**RADON** (radioactive gaseous element)"} {"Clue":"A bit cruel to get plastered in oil? (9)","Answer":"LUBRICATE","Explanation":"Definition: oil\n**Anagram of **(to get plastered) **A BIT CRUEL**\n **LU****B****R****I****C****AT****E***\n\n**LUBRICATE** (supply with oil; oil)"} {"Clue":"Like the sound of Serpent in a childish tantrum? (5)","Answer":"HISSY","Explanation":"Definition: Like the sound of Serpent\n**HISSY **(a serpent makes a **HISS**ing sound, so **HISSY** describes the sound)\n **HISSY**\n\n**HISSY** (a childish tantrum can be referred to as a **HISSY** fit) double definition"} {"Clue":"Odd sort of awful penis droop? Not I! (3,6)","Answer":"POD PERSON","Explanation":"Definition: Odd sort\n**Anagram of **(awful) **PENIS DROOP** **excluding** (not) **I**\n **POD PERSON***\n\n**POD PERSON** (A person who behaves in a strange especially mechanical way, as if not fully human; odd sort)"} {"Clue":"Royal secret police allowed into three articles (9)","Answer":"ANASTASIA","Explanation":"Definition: Royal\n**STASI** (former East German secret police organisation) **contained in** (allowed into) (**AN + A + A** [three examples of the indefinite article])\n **AN** **A** (**STASI**) **A**\n\n**ANASTASIA** (reference the Grand Duchess **ANASTASIA** Nikolaevna of Russia was the youngest daughter of Tsar Nicholas II, the last sovereign of Imperial Russia; Russian royal)"} {"Clue":"Not having a tot or two riled chef up (5-4)","Answer":"CHILD-FREE","Explanation":"Definition: Not having a tot or two\n**Anagram of** (up) **CHEF RILED**\n **CH****ILD**** F****R****E****E***\n\n**CHILD-FREE** (not having any children [tots])"} {"Clue":"Lake beside a port, time to get in (7)","Answer":"ONTARIO","Explanation":"Definition: Lake\n**T** (time) **contained in** (to get in) (**ON** [beside] **+ A + RIO** [reference the port city of **RIO** de Janiero)\n **ON** (**T**) **A RIO**\n\n**ONTARIO** (one of the Great Lakes in North America)"} {"Clue":"English soldier seen around section is simply ingenious (7)","Answer":"ELEGANT","Explanation":"Definition: simply ingenious\n(**E** [English] **+ ANT** [reference a soldier **ANT**]) **containing** (around) **LEG** (section of a route or race)\n **E** (**LEG**) **ANT**\n\n**ELEGANT **(cleverly simple; ingenious)"} {"Clue":"Cocaine high and drops of potent Armenian brew (5)","Answer":"CUPPA","Explanation":"Definition: brew\n**C** (cocaine) **+ UP** (high) **+ PA** (**first letters of** [drops of] **each of POTENT** and **ARMENIAN**)\n **C UP PA**\n\n**CUPPA** (cup of tea; brew)"} {"Clue":"Old person realities sent off the rails (9)","Answer":"ISRAELITE","Explanation":"Definition: Old person\n**Anagram of** (sent off the rails) **REALITIES**\n **ISRAELITE***\n\n**ISRAELITE **(a descendant of Jacob; old person)"} {"Clue":"Sting and Summers essentially invested in small paintings (5)","Answer":"SMART","Explanation":"Definition: Sting\n**M** (**middle letter of **[essentially] **SUMMERS**) **contained in** (invested in) (**S** [small] **+ ART** [paintings]) Both Sting [Gordon Sumner] and Andy **SUMMERS** were members of English rock band The Police.\n **S** (**M**) **ART**\n\n**SMART** (sting [of pain])"} {"Clue":"After eating delicious starter, munched meal with one's drinks (9)","Answer":"LEMONADES","Explanation":"Definition: drinks\n**Anagram of** (munching \u2026 with) **MEAL** and **ONE'S** **containing** (after eating) **D** (**first letter of** [starter] **DELICIOUS**)\n **LEM****ON****A** (**D**) **ES***\n\n**LEMONADES** (drinks)"} {"Clue":"Give diet up, having eaten last of this? (9)","Answer":"DIGESTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: of this\n**Anagram of **(up) **GIVE DIET** **containing** (having eaten) **S** (**final letter of** [last of] **THIS**)\n **DIGE **(**S**) **TIVE***\n\n**DIGESTIVE** (relating to dissolving items in the stomach; ie something that happens after eating; of eating; of this)"} {"Clue":"He's a spy in Barking that's both tough and useless (9)","Answer":"SISYPHEAN","Explanation":"Definition: both tough and useless\n**Anagram of **(barking) **HE'S A SPY IN**\n **S****ISYP****HE****AN***\n\n**SISYPHEAN** (relating to Sisyphus, king of Corinth, condemned in Tartarus to roll ceaselessly up a hill a huge stone which would roll back to the foot of the hill again each time he neared the top; hence, endless, laborious and futile)."} {"Clue":"One soon to make a bloomer got up and sat on friend (7)","Answer":"ROSEBUD","Explanation":"Definition: One soon to make a bloomer\n**ROSE** (got up) **+ BUD** (buddy; friend) As this is a down entry the letters **ROSE** are sitting on the letters **BUD**\n **ROSE ****BUD**\n\n**ROSEBUD** (an unopened flower, that will bloom in time)"} {"Clue":"Bed woman, having had bottom pinched (5)","Answer":"BERTH","Explanation":"Definition: Bed\n**BERTHA** (lady's name) **excluding the final letter** (having bottom pinched) **A**\n **BERTH**\n\n**BERTH** (sleeping place in a ship or train; bed)"} {"Clue":"Butch Cassidy finally goes after chap heading for Louisiana (5)","Answer":"MANLY","Explanation":"Definition: Butch\n**MAN** (chap) **+ L** (**first letter of** [heading for] **LOUISIANA**) **+ Y** (**last letter of** [finally] **CASSIDY**)\n **MAN L Y**\n\n**MANLY** (masculine; **BUTCH **is defined as aggressively masculine)"} {"Clue":"Male idiot behind opening of Avengers Assemble (5)","Answer":"AMASS","Explanation":"Definition: Assemble\n**A** (**first letter of **[opening of] **AVENGERS**)** + M** (male) **+ ASS** (idiot)\n **A M ASS**\n\n**AMASS** (assemble)"} {"Clue":"Be master of hot early swing (4,4)","Answer":"HOLD SWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Be master of\n**H** (hot) **+ OLD** (occurring in or characteristic of a period far back in time; early) **+ SWAY** (swing)\n **H OLD SWAY**\n\n**HOLD SWAY** (have power or authority; be master of)"} {"Clue":"Jazz Tune is up for associates (6)","Answer":"UNITES","Explanation":"Definition: associates\n**Anagram of** (jazz up) **TUNE IS**\n **UN****I****TE****S***\n\n**UNITES** (enters an alliance; associates)"} {"Clue":"Music genre heard racing across the Atlantic (4)","Answer":"INDY","Explanation":"Definition: racing across the Atlantic\n**INDY** (**sounds like** [heard] **INDIE** [the genre of music produced and released by an independent record\u00a0company, especially one that produces music outside the mainstream of popular music])\n **INDY**\n\n**INDY** (reference **INDY** Car racing [An American {across the Atlantic} form of professional motor racing around banked oval tracks])"} {"Clue":"Blues of pop singer catches finale from The Jam (10)","Answer":"DEPRESSION","Explanation":"Definition: Blues\n**DION** (reference **DION** DiMucci [born 1939], an American singer and songwriter whose work has incorporated elements of doo-wop, rock and R&B styles) **containing** (catches) (**E** [**last letter of** {finale from}**THE**] **+ PRESS** [compress; stuff; jam])\n **D** (**E PRESS**) **ION**\n\n**DEPRESSION** (deep dejection and a pervasive feeling of helplessness, sometimes referred to as 'the blues')"} {"Clue":"Stride number about crush (4,2)","Answer":"STEP ON","Explanation":"Definition: crush\n**STEP **(stride) + **NO** (abbreviation for number) **reversed** (about)\n **STEP ON**<\n\n**STEP ON** (crush)"} {"Clue":"Single backing track about German with sin (8)","Answer":"ENORMITY","Explanation":"Definition: sin\n**ONE** (single) **reversed** (backing) **+** (**RY** [railway; track] **containing** [about] **MIT** [German for 'with'])\n **ENO**< **R** (**MIT**) **Y**\n\n**ENORMITY** (great crime; sin)"} {"Clue":"Funk from a person by boisterous area of town (7)","Answer":"BOROUGH","Explanation":"Definition: area of town\n**BO** (body odour; **FUNK** can be defined in American slang as a strong unpleasant smell [from a person]) **+ ROUGH** (boisterous)\n **BO ROUGH**\n\n**BOROUGH** (a division of a major city; area of town)"} {"Clue":"Rag time ally abroad welcomes, giving a wave (7)","Answer":"TSUNAMI","Explanation":"Definition: a wave\n(**T** [time] **+ AMI** [French for friend; ally abroad) **containing** (welcomes) **SUN** (red top newspaper, referred to by some people as a rag)\n **T** (**SUN**) **AMI**\n\n**TSUNAMI** (very swiftly travelling sea wave that attains great height, caused by an undersea earthquake or similar disturbance)"} {"Clue":"Rocking A-side he includes very tacky (8)","Answer":"ADHESIVE","Explanation":"Definition: tacky\n**Anagram of **(rocking) **A SIDE HE** **containing** (includes) **V** (very)\n **ADHESI** (**V**) **E***\n\n**ADHESIVE** (sticky; tacky)"} {"Clue":"Charm of baroque tuba: euphony in extremis! (6)","Answer":"BEAUTY","Explanation":"Definition: Charm\n**Anagram of **(baroque) **TUBA** and **EY** (**first and last letters of** [in extremis] **EUPHONY**)\n **BEAUTY***\n\n**BEAUTY** (charm)"} {"Clue":"Love loud tango \u2013 what about gospel's wrong? (3,3,4)","Answer":"OFF THE MARK","Explanation":"Definition: wrong\n**O** (zero; love score in tennis) **+ FF** (fortissimo; loud) **+ T** (tango is the international radio communication word for the letter T) **+ ****EH** (what?) **reversed** (about) **+ MARK** (reference the New Testament Gospel of Mark)\n **O FF T HE**< **MARK**\n\n**OFF THE MARK** (off target; wrong)"} {"Clue":"Kelvin and Duke, say, pirouetting to bop (4)","Answer":"BONK","Explanation":"Definition: bop\n**K** (Kelvin, unit of temperature) **+ NOB** (aristocratic, a Duke for example) **reversed** (pirouetting)\n **BON**< **K**\n\n**BONK** (blow or thump; bop)"} {"Clue":"Singer's feature in garage thus captivates you (6)","Answer":"CARUSO","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\n(**CAR** [something stored in a garage; feature in garage] **+ SO** [thus]) **containing** (captivates) **U **(an abbreviation for 'you' in text messaging)\n **CAR **(**U**)** ****SO**\u00a0\n\n**CARUSO** (reference Enrico **CARUSO** [1873 \u2013 1921], Italian operatic tenor)"} {"Clue":"Did dub blend, one in an innovative style (8)","Answer":"ENNOBLED","Explanation":"Definition: Did dub\n**Anagram of **(in an innovative style) **BLEND ONE**\n **ENNOBLED***\n\n**ENNOBLED** (conferred knighthood on; did dub)"} {"Clue":"Orchestral instrument from my supermarket (8)","Answer":"CORNETTO","Explanation":"Definition: Orchestral instrument\n**COR** (gosh!; my!) **+ NETTO** (Danish supermarket chain that has operated in Britain in the past, but no longer does so. Many of its stores in Britain were bought and rebranded by bigger supermarket chains)\n **COR NETTO**\n\n**CORNETTO** (an old woodwind instrument, now revived for performances of early music)"} {"Clue":"Avant-garde piece from talented gypsy (4)","Answer":"EDGY","Explanation":"Definition: Avant-garde\n**EDGY** (**hidden word in** [piece from] **TALENTED GYPSY**)\n **EDGY**\n\n**EDGY** (innovative, or at the cutting edge, with the concomitant qualities of intensity and excitement; avant-garde)"} {"Clue":"Country song oddly about drug: moving ecstasy (6)","Answer":"SWEDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Country\n**SN **(**letters 1 and 3** [regular] of **SONG**) **containing** (about) **WEED** (marijuana; drug) with one of the **E**s [ecstasy] **moving to the end to form** [moving] **WED****E**)\n **S** (**WEDE**) **N**\n\n**SWEDEN** (country)"} {"Clue":"E.g. a little Calypso number turned up, keeping variable speed (7)","Answer":"NYMPHET","Explanation":"Definition: E.g. a little Calypso\n**TEN **(a number) **reversed** (turned up; down entry) **containing** (keeping) (**Y** [a letter frequently used to represent an unknown in an equation] **+ MPH** [miles per hour; speed)\n **N** (**Y** **MPH**) **ET**<\n\n**NYMPHET** (in Greek mythology, Calypso was the daughter of the Titan Atlas (or Oceanus or Nereus), a **NYMPH** of the mythical island of Ogygia, so a little Calypso would be a **NYMPHET**)"} {"Clue":"Nothing in set due to change with ten DJs (8)","Answer":"TUXEDOES","Explanation":"Definition: DJs\n(**O** [zero; nothing] **contained in** [in] **an anagram of** [to change] **SET DUE** and [with] **X** [Roman numeral for ten])\n **TUXED** (**O**) **ES***\n\n**TUXEDOES** (dinner jackets [DJs])"} {"Clue":"Maybe salsa dancing in Samoa creates addiction (10)","Answer":"DIPSOMANIA","Explanation":"Definition: addiction\n**DIP** (a salsa is\u00a0a spicy sauce\/dip made with tomatoes, onions, chillis and oil ) + **an anagram of** (dancing) **IN SAMOA**\n **DIP ****SOMANIA***\n\n**DIPSOMANIA** (an intermittent pathological craving for alcoholic stimulants; addiction)"} {"Clue":"Revive electronic R&B covers, also on the rise (6)","Answer":"REBOOT","Explanation":"Definition: Revive\n**RB** (**R** and **B**) **containing** (cover) **E** (electronic) **+ TOO** (also) **reversed** (on the rise; down entry)\n **R** (**E**) **B ****OOT**<\n\n**REBOOT **(restart or revive a computer by reloading the operating system)"} {"Clue":"Elegiac classical artist fitting clothing the wrong way (10)","Answer":"PROPERTIUS","Explanation":"Definition: Elegiac classical artist\n**PROPER** (fitting) + **SUIT** (clothing) **reversed** (the wrong way)\n **PROPER** **TIUS**<\n\n**PROPERTIUS** (Sextus **PROPERTIUS** [50 to 45BC \u2013 15BC] was a Latin elegiac poet of the Augustan age)"} {"Clue":"Member of girl group on track as support for Stevie Wonder? (5,3)","Answer":"GUIDE DOG","Explanation":"Definition: support for Stevie Wonder\n**GUIDE** (reference members of the **GUIDE**s, part of the wider Girlguiding movement) **+ DOG** (track)\n **GUIDE DOG**\n\n**GUIDE DOG** (Stevie Wonder is blind, so may find useful support from a **GUIDE DOG**)"} {"Clue":"Look up engaging American metal performances (8)","Answer":"MATINEES","Explanation":"Definition: performances\n**SEEM **(appear; look) **reversed** (up; down entry) **containing** (engaging) (**A** [American] **+ TIN **[metal])\n **M** (**A TIN**) **EES**<\n\n**MATINEES** (performances of a play, concert, or showings of a film held in the daytime, usually in the afternoon)"} {"Clue":"Folk star's alarming words (7)","Answer":"MENACES","Explanation":"Definition: alarming words\n**MEN **(folk) **+ ACE'S** (star's)\n **MEN ACES**\n\n**MENACES** (threatening words)"} {"Clue":"Thrash from French heavy metal artist's empty (6)","Answer":"DEFEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Thrash\n**DE **(French for 'from') **+ FE** (iron, a metal that is heavy) **+ AT** (**letters remaining in** **A****RTIS****T** **when the central letters RTIS are removed** [empty])\n **DE FE AT**\n\n**DEFEAT** (thrash)"} {"Clue":"Hot Egyptian soul piece (6)","Answer":"BAKING","Explanation":"Definition: Hot\n**BA** (in ancient Egyptian religion, the soul, represented as a bird with a human head.) **+ KING** (chess piece)\n **BA KING**\n\n**BAKING** (hot)"} {"Clue":"Pop group from 3 bringing down a cake (4)","Answer":"BABA","Explanation":"Definition: cake\n**A****BBA** (Swedish pop group) **with the first letter A moving to position 2 in the word** (bringing down; down entry) **to form BABA**\n **BABA**\n\n**BABA** (small cake, leavened with yeast)"} {"Clue":"Engineers accepting endless upheaval or breakdown in relations (7)","Answer":"RUPTURE","Explanation":"Definition: breakdown in relations\n**RE** ([Royal] Engineers) **containing** (accepting) **UPTURN** (upheaval) **excluding the final letter** (endless) **N**\n **R **(**UPTUR**)** E**\n\n**RUPTURE** (breakdown in relations)"} {"Clue":"Corner of sheet getting trapped in cycleway (4)","Answer":"CLEW","Explanation":"Definition: Corner of sheet\n**CLEW** (**hidden word in** [getting trapped in] **CYCLEWAY**)\n **CLEW**\n\n**CLEW** (lower corner of a sail (sheet is a sail in poetry. Sheet is also a rope attached the corner of a sail in nautical terms)"} {"Clue":"How Bront\u00ebs appear in rewrite lacking English \u2013 result is slush (9)","Answer":"SNOWBROTH","Explanation":"Definition: slush\n**Anagram of** (appear in rewrite) **HOW BRONTES** **excluding** (lacking) **E** (English)\n **SNOWBROTH***\n\n**SNOWBROTH **(melted or meting snow; slush)"} {"Clue":"Underground chamber hidden in khaki vaults (4)","Answer":"KIVA","Explanation":"Definition: Underground chamber\n**KIVA** (**hidden word in** [hidden in] **KHAKI VAULTS**)\n **KIVA**\n\n**KIVA** (a partly or wholly underground chamber used for religious ceremonies by Pueblo peoples)"} {"Clue":"Bagpipe in place piercing silence (7)","Answer":"MUSETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Bagpipe\n**SET** (place) **contained in** (set in) **MUTE** (silence)\n **MU** (**SET**) **TE**\n\n**MUSETTE** (old type of French bagpipe)"} {"Clue":"Environmental boundary closed in City unit (7)","Answer":"ECOTONE","Explanation":"Definition: Environmental boundary\n**TO** (closed) **contained in** (in) (**EC** [post code of most of the City of London] + **ONE** [unit])\n **EC** **O** (**TO**) **NE**\n\n**ECOTONE** (an area marking the boundary between two distinct types of environment)"} {"Clue":"Dogsbody (12)","Answer":"BOTTLEWASHER","Explanation":"Definition: Dogsbody \nThis is the entry to be used in the clue competition , so no wordplay\n **BOTTLEWASHER**\n\n**BOTTLEWASHER** (dogsbody)"} {"Clue":"Pain for poet, name forgotten in an upheaval (6)","Answer":"ACHAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Pain for poet\n**A** (an) **+ CHANGE** (upheaval) **excluding** (forgotten) **N** (name)\n **A CHAGE**\n\n**ACHAGE** (term used by Alfred Lord Tennyson [1809 \u2013 1892], poet, to describe pain)"} {"Clue":"Guide tired out going round Cuba (6)","Answer":"DIRECT","Explanation":"Definition: Guide\n**Anagram of **(out) **TIRED** **containing** (going round) **C** (International Vehicle Registration for Cuba)\n **DIRE** (**C**) **T***\n\n**DIRECT** (guide)"} {"Clue":"Such as Fagin, with going for Oliver, say, produces wooden darts (7)","Answer":"JEREEDS","Explanation":"Definition: wooden darts\n**JEWS** (In Oliver Twist, Fagin is a **JEW**. The clue asks for the plural) **replacing**\u00a0(going for) **W**\u00a0(with) and replacing it with **REED** (reference actor Oliver **REED** [1938 \u2013 1999])\n **JE** (**REED**) **S**\n\n**JEREEDS** (wooden Oriental javelins)"} {"Clue":"Wayward son, into fancies (7)","Answer":"NOTIONS","Explanation":"Definition: fancies\n**Anagram of** (wayward) **SON INTO**\n **NO****TION****S***\n\n**NOTIONS** (whims or fancies)"} {"Clue":"Voodoo that's international accepted by African chief (4)","Answer":"OBIA","Explanation":"Definition: Voodoo\n**I** (international) **contained in** (accepted by) **OBA** (West African chief or ruler) \n **OB** (**I**) **A**\n\n**OBIA** (witchcraft and poisoning practised in the W Indies, Guyana, etc; voodoo)"} {"Clue":"Bolshiness Scot observed in disorganized county (9)","Answer":"CONTUMACY","Explanation":"Definition: Bolshiness\n**MAC** (term of address for a Scotsman, derived from Scottish surnames beginning Mac or Mc, meaning son of) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of **(disorganised) **COUNTY**)\n **CONTU** (**MAC**) **Y***\n\n**CONTUMACY** (obstinate disobedience or resistance; bolshiness)"} {"Clue":"Perth couple achieving width in local river (4)","Answer":"TWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Perth couple\n**W **(width) **contained in** (in) **TAY** (the River **TAY** flows through the Scottish city of Perth)\n **T** (**W**) **AY**\n\n**TWAY** (Scottish [Perth] word for **TWO** [couple])"} {"Clue":"Military badges, black square surrounding face (7)","Answer":"BREVETS","Explanation":"Definition: Military badges\n(**B** [black, on lead pencils to indicate softness] **+ S** []square]) **containing** (surrounding) **REVET** (face with masonry)\n **B** (**REVET**) **S**\n\n**BREVETS** (a badge indicating a military commission entitling an officer to take rank above that for which he or she receives pay)"} {"Clue":"Stretch Across the Border penned by Mary Kenny (4)","Answer":"RYKE","Explanation":"Definition: Stretch Across the Border\n**RYKE** (**hidden word in** [penned by] **MARY KENNY**)\n **RYKE**\n\n**RYKE** (Scottish [across the border] word for **REACH** [stretch forth])"} {"Clue":"One extract of hemlock found in vase of Roman garrison in Shropshire (9)","Answer":"URICONIAN","Explanation":"Definition: of Roman garrison in Shropshire\n(**I **[Roman numeral for one] + **CONIA** [highly poisonous alkaloid found in hemlock]) **contained in** (found in) **URN** (vase)\n **UR** (**I** **CONIA**) **N**\n\n**URICONIAN** (of the Roman station Uriconium (Viroconium) on the site of Wroxeter in Shropshire; applied to the apparently Precambrian igneous rocks forming the Wrekin, etc)"} {"Clue":"Devout member of electorate, one active around focal point (7)","Answer":"PIVOTER","Explanation":"Definition: one active around focal point\n**PI** (obtrusively religious; devout) **+ VOTER** (member of electorate)\n **PI VOTER**\n\n**PIVOTER** (one active around the central or focal point)"} {"Clue":"Lout cousins and I duffed up, not caring (12)","Answer":"UNSOLICITOUS","Explanation":"Definition: not caring\n**Anagram of **(duffed up) **LOUT COUSINS** and **I**\n **UNSOLICITOUS***\n\n**UNSOLICITOUS** (unconcerned; uncaring)"} {"Clue":"Portraitist National featured in capital, unknown (6)","Answer":"ROMNEY","Explanation":"Definition: Portraitist\n(**N** [nationalist] **contained in** [featured in] **ROME** [capital city of Italy]) **+ Y** (letter frequently used to represent an unknown value in mathematics)\n **ROM** (**N**) **E** **Y**\n\n**ROMNEY** (reference George **ROMNEY** [1734-1802], English portrait painter)"} {"Clue":"Like Jock's well-used fryer? Soften by boiling, then toss (7)","Answer":"CREESHY","Explanation":"Definition: Like Jock's well-used fryer\n**CREE** (soften grain by boiling or soaking) **+ SHY** (throw; toss)\n **CREE SHY**\n\n**CREESHY** (old Scottish [Jock] word meaning greasy, which could describe a well used frying pan)"} {"Clue":"Almost half the letters turning up in pot? (4)","Answer":"LOTA","Explanation":"Definition: pot\n**A TO L** (12 [nearly half] of the 26 letters of the alphabet) **reversed** (turning up; down entry) \n (**L OT A**)<\n\n**LOTA** (in India, a small brass or copper pot)"} {"Clue":"Old-fashioned wallop Munich gent swallowed in debauch (7)","Answer":"WHERRET","Explanation":"Definition: Old-fashioned wallop\n**HERR** (German [Munich] equivalent of the English Mr used to refer to a gentleman) **contained in** (swallowed in) **WET** (a debauch)\n **W** (**HERR**) **ET**\n\n**WHERRET** (obsolete [old-fashioned] word for a sharp blow; old-fashioned wallop)"} {"Clue":"Writer of stories, say, before final place in catalogue (9)","Answer":"LEGENDIST","Explanation":"Definition: Writer of stories\n(**EG** [for example; say] **+ END** [final place]) **contained in** (in) **LIST** (catalogue)\n **L** (**EG** **END**) **IST**\n\n**LEGENDIST** (writer of traditional stories)"} {"Clue":"Turn including disc-player, one added (7)","Answer":"ADJUNCT","Explanation":"Definition: added\n**ACT** (performance; turn) **containing** (including) (**DJ** [disc jockey; disc player] **+ UN** [dialect form of one])\n **A** (**DJ UN**) **CT**\n\n**ADJUNCT** (a thing added)"} {"Clue":"Liar yet to reform \u2013 truth needed (7)","Answer":"REALITY","Explanation":"Definition: truth\n**Anagram of** (to reform) **LIAR YET**\n **R****E****ALI****TY***\n\n**REALITY** (truth)"} {"Clue":"Primitive creatures damaging a beam, one hollowed within (7)","Answer":"AMOEBAE","Explanation":"Definition: Primitive creatures\n**Anagram of** (damaging) **A** and **BEAM** and **O****N****E** **excluding the middle lette**r (hollowed within) **N**\n **AMOEBAE***\n\n**AMOEBAE** (protozoa; basic creatures)"} {"Clue":"Autocrat, one taking firm hold, we hear (6)","Answer":"CAESAR","Explanation":"Definition: Autocrat,\n**CAESAR** (**sounds like** [we hear] **SEIZER** [one who grasps or takes firmly])\n **CAESAR**\n\n**CAESAR** (autocrat, the word is derived from the Roman dictator Gaius Julius CAESAR [100 -44 BCE])"} {"Clue":"Upturned punt? Liquid's heated in it (4)","Answer":"ETNA","Explanation":"Definition: Liquid's heated in it\n**ANTE** (stake; bet; punt) **reversed** (upturned; down entry)\n **ETNA**<\n\n**ETNA** (a vessel for heating liquids in a saucer of burning alcohol)"} {"Clue":"Gloom \u2013 end up dismissed for insolence (4)","Answer":"SASS","Explanation":"Definition: insolence\n**SA****DNE****SS** (gloom) **excluding** [dismissed] the **reversed** [up; down entry] **END**\n **SASS**\n\n**SASS** (American term for insolence)"} {"Clue":"Top show almost missing its slot for broadcast (9)","Answer":"CIRCULATE","Explanation":"Definition: broadcast\n**CIRCUS** (company that operates in a **BIG TOP**; top show) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **S** **+ LATE** (missing its slot)\n **CIRCU LATE**\n\n**CIRCULATE** (spread about; broadcast)"} {"Clue":"Nothing about revolutionary woman (5)","Answer":"FREDA","Explanation":"Definition: woman\n**FA** (reference the phrase [Sweet] Fanny Adams, slang term\u00a0meaning nothing at all, or alternatively another two word phrase also meaning nothing at all) **containing** (about) **RED** (communist; revolutionary)\n **F** (**RED**) **A**\n\n**FREDA **(woman's name)"} {"Clue":"Contestant's appearance ignoring a rule (5)","Answer":"RIVAL","Explanation":"Definition: Contestant'\n**ARRIVAL** (appearance) **excluding** (ignoring) **A** and **R** (rule)\n **RIVAL**\n\n**RIVAL** (person pursuing an object in competition with another; contestant)"} {"Clue":"Material on roof: that feature's beginning to grate (9)","Answer":"THATCHING","Explanation":"Definition: Material on roof\n**THAT** **+ CHIN** (facial feature. One definition of feature in Chambers is 'any part of the face') **+ G** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **GRATE**)\n **THAT CHIN G**\n\n**THATCHING** (material on some roofs)"} {"Clue":"Bits of film presented in middle of week showing astronomical phenomenon (7)","Answer":"ECLIPSE","Explanation":"Definition: astronomical phenomenon\n**CLIPS** (pieces of\u00a0film taken for separate showing) **contained in** (presented in) **EE** (**central letters of** [middle of] **WEEK**)\n **E** (**CLIPS**) **E**\n\n**ECLIPSE** (total or partial disappearance of a heavenly body by the interposition of another between it and the spectator, or by passing into its shadow; astronomical phenomenon)"} {"Clue":"Someone who tries things is tense when cornered by a drug user (7)","Answer":"ADOPTER","Explanation":"Definition: Someone who tries things\n**T** (tense) **contained in** (cornered by) (**A + DOPER**** **[drug user])\n **A** **DOP** (**T**) **ER**\n\n**ADOPTER** (someone who chooses and follows theories, ideas, policies, strategies or plans; someone who tries things)"} {"Clue":"No sarky comments about bridge team offering some security (3-4)","Answer":"NONSLIP","Explanation":"Definition: offering some security\n(**NO** **+ LIP** [insolence; sarcastic comments]) **containing** (about) **NS** (North and South play together as a team in the game of Bridge against the team of East and West)\n **NO** (**NS**) **LIP**\n\n**NONSLIP** (a surface designed to reduce chance of sliding or falling to a minimum)"} {"Clue":"Absolutely certain woman is to reject first soldier (7)","Answer":"ADAMANT","Explanation":"Definition: Absolutely certain\n**M****ADAM** (woman of social rank or status, among other meanings that also describe a woman) **excluding the initial\u00a0letter** (to reject first) **M**\u00a0**+ ANT** (reference a soldier **ANT**)\n **ADAM ANT**\n\n**ADAMANT** (unyielding; Impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason; absolutely certain of a particular viewpoint or statement)"} {"Clue":"Conductor confused situation, over looking line and metre (7)","Answer":"MAESTRO","Explanation":"Definition: Conductor\n**MAE****L****STRO****M** (confused or disordered state of affairs) **excluding** (overlooking) **L** (line) and **M** (metre)\n **MAESTRO**\n\n**MAESTRO** (musical conductor)"} {"Clue":"Farmers gutted about cow plants (7)","Answer":"FLOWERS","Explanation":"Definition: plants\n**FS** (**letters remaining in FARMERS when all he central letters ARMER are removed** [gutted]) **containing** (about) **LOWER** (a cow makes a **LOW**ing sound when it moos)\n **F** (**LOWER**) **S**\n\n**FLOWERS** (plants)"} {"Clue":"Not for many to know with respect to changing (3-6)","Answer":"TOP SECRET","Explanation":"Definition: Not for many to know\n**Anagram of** (changing) **RESPECT TO**\n **T****O****P SECRE****T***\n\n**TOP SECRET** (known only to very few important people)"} {"Clue":"Return of academics keeping year for religious meeting (5)","Answer":"SYNOD","Explanation":"Definition: religious meeting\n(**DONS** [academics] **containing** [keeping] **Y** [year]) **all reversed** (return of)\n (**S** (**Y**) **NOD**)<\n\n**SYNOD** (ecclesiastical council; religious meeting)"} {"Clue":"Doctor, say, drawn to singular contents of used bottle? (5)","Answer":"DREGS","Explanation":"Definition: contents of used bottle\n**DR** (doctor) **+ EG** (for example; say) **+ S** (singular)\n **DR EG S**\n\n**DREGS** (impurities in liquid that fall to the bottom when the bottle is empty)"} {"Clue":"Legally required to stop imprisoning teacher (9)","Answer":"STATUTORY","Explanation":"Definition: Legally required\n**STAY** (stop) **containing** (imprisoning) **TUTOR** (teacher)\n **STA** (**TUTOR**) **Y**\n\n**STATUTORY** (enacted or recognised by law; legally required)"} {"Clue":"Place never represented in measure of popularity? (10)","Answer":"PREVALENCE","Explanation":"Definition: popularity\n**Anagram of** (represented) **PLACE NEVER** \n **PRE****V****ALENCE***\n\n**PREVALENCE (**Chambers Thesaurus includes 'popularity' among its definitions of** **prevalence)"} {"Clue":"Scheduled League clash? (4)","Answer":"DUEL","Explanation":"Definition: clash\n**DUE** (scheduled) **+ L** (league)\n **DUE L**\n\n**DUEL** (fight; clash)"} {"Clue":"Move at chess? Players initially look edgy (6)","Answer":"CASTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Move at chess\n**CAST** (actors; players) **+ LE** (**first letters** [initially] **of each of LOOK** **and EDGY**)\n **CAST L E**\n\n**CASTLE** (in chess, to move the king two squares along the row towards a rook and then place the rook on the square the king has passed over)"} {"Clue":"Explanatory material little encountered in essential stuff given to Academy (8)","Answer":"METADATA","Explanation":"Definition: Explanatory material\n(**TAD** [small amount] **contained in** [encountered in] **MEAT** [substance; essential stuff]) **+ A** (academy)\n **ME** (**TAD**) **AT** **A**\n\n**METADATA** (information about information already supplied, eg details about a site on the Internet)"} {"Clue":"A timeless story supported by song and dance connoisseur (10)","Answer":"AFICIONADO","Explanation":"Definition: connoisseur\n**A** **+ FICTION** (story) **excluding** (less) **T** (time) **+ ADO** (fuss; song and dance) \u2013 this is a down entry, so **ADO** supports the letters above it.\n **A FICION ADO**\n\n**AFICIONADO** (ardent follower; fan; connoisseur)"} {"Clue":"Malevolent spirit turning up in fireplace (4)","Answer":"PERI","Explanation":"Definition: Malevolent spirit\n**PERI** (**reversed** [turning up; down entry] **hidden word** [in] **FIREPLACE**)\n **PERI**<\n\n**PERI** (beautiful but malevolent being with supernatural powers)"} {"Clue":"Woman about to enter English resort, spurning European (8)","Answer":"MARGARET","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\n**RE** (with reference to) **contained in** (to enter) **MARGATE** (English seaside resort) **excluding** (spurning) **E** (European)\n **MARGA** (**RE**) **T**\n\n**MARGARET** (woman's name)"} {"Clue":"Swear nothing is omitted from part of meal (5)","Answer":"CURSE","Explanation":"Definition: Swear\n**C****O****URSE** (part of a meal) **excluding** (is omitted from) **O** (nothing)\n **CURSE**\n\n**CURSE** (swear)"} {"Clue":"Holy times reanimated after priest offers Hindu belief? (10)","Answer":"POLYTHEISM","Explanation":"Definition: Hindu belief\n**P** (priest) **+ an anagram of** (reanimated) **HOLY TIMES**\n **P ****OLYTHEISM***\n\n**POLYTHEISM** (the doctrine of a pluralism of Gods, a doctrine that relates to Hinduism)"} {"Clue":"Traffic merging, say \u2013 it requires a lot of workers (5,5)","Answer":"TRADE UNION","Explanation":"Definition: it requires a lot of workers\n**TRADE** (traffic) **+ UNION** (merging)\n **TRADE UNION**\n\n**TRADE UNION** (a body representing many workers)"} {"Clue":"Unexpectedly tamed one parasitic worm (8)","Answer":"NEMATODE","Explanation":"Definition: parasitic worm\n**Anagram of** (unexpectedly) **TAMED ONE**\n **N****EMAT****O****D****E***\n\n**NEMATODE** (parasitic worm)"} {"Clue":"Prince taking on monster to get further (8)","Answer":"PROGRESS","Explanation":"Definition: to get further\n**PR** (prince) **+ OGRESS** (monster)\n **PR OGRESS**\n\n**PROGRESS** (forward movement, to get further)"} {"Clue":"Soccer group's discretion upset rich businessman? (3,3)","Answer":"FAT CAT","Explanation":"Definition: rich businessman\n**FA** (Football Association; soccer group) **+ TACT** (discretion) **reversed** (upset)\n **FA** **T CAT**<\n\n**FAT CAT** (wealthy, prosperous person, especially one who is thought to have gained excessive rewards; a rich businessman perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Speak about Democrat and Liberal with regret (5)","Answer":"SADLY","Explanation":"Definition: with regret\n**SAY** (speak) **containing** (about) (**D** [Democrat] **+ L** [Liberal])\n **SA** (**D ****L**) **Y**\n\n**SADLY** (with regret)"} {"Clue":"Look \u2013 alloy has no little weight (4)","Answer":"PEER","Explanation":"Definition: Look\n**PEWTER** (formerly an alloy of three to nine parts of tin and one of lead; now tin with a little copper, antimony, and\/or bismuth) **excluding** (has no) **WT** (abbreviation for [little] weight)\n **PEER**\n\n**PEER** (look)"} {"Clue":"15's upset about hospital offering no openings (4)","Answer":"SHUT","Explanation":"Definition: offering no openings\n**TU'S** (**TRADE UNION'S** [entry at 15 down's]) **reversed** (upset) **containing** (about) **H** (hospital)\n **S** (**H**) **UT**<\n\n**SHUT** (offering no openings)"} {"Clue":"Money backing writer? A bloomer there, perhaps (5,3)","Answer":"BREAD BIN","Explanation":"Definition: A bloomer there, perhaps\n**BREAD** (slang for money) **+ NIB** (writing point of a pen; writer) **reversed** (backing)\n **BREAD** **BIN**<\n\n**BREAD BIN** (a **BLOOMER** is a type of loaf, which you might find in a **BREAD BIN**)"} {"Clue":"Glowing, having drunk ale during annual event (6)","Answer":"AGLEAM","Explanation":"Definition: Glowing\n**Anagram of** (drunk) **ALE** **contained in** (during) **AGM** (Annual General Meeting; annual event)\n **AG** (**LEA***) **M**\n\n**AGLEAM** (shining or glowing)"} {"Clue":"Stripped cell giving impulse to get ready for change? (4)","Answer":"EURO","Explanation":"Definition: ready for change\n**NEURON** (cell with the specialized function of transmitting nerve impulses) **excluding the outer letters** (stripped) **N** and **N**\n **EURO**\n\n**EURO** (currency used in many countries of the European Union. **EURO** notes and coinage can be used as change)"} {"Clue":"Verity, a model Moabite woman (5)","Answer":"TRUTH","Explanation":"Definition: Verity\n**T** (reference Model **T** Ford car) **+ RUTH** (in the Old Testament, Ruth is described as being from **MOAB**)\n **T RUTH**\n\n**TRUTH** (verity)"} {"Clue":"Some nude content that's seen on lots of web pages (4)","Answer":"MENU","Explanation":"Definition: seen on lots of web pages\n**MENU** (**hidden word** [content] **in SOME NUDE**)\n **MENU**\n\n**MENU** (many web pages include\u00a0a **MENU** to allow you to navigate to other parts of the same site or to external sites)"} {"Clue":"Suspect death is within recall\u00a0of heads of some leading Anglican and Roman Catholic churches (10)","Answer":"CATHEDRALS","Explanation":"Definition: churches\n**Anagram of** (suspect) **DEATH** **contained in** (with) **SLARC** (**first letters of** [heads of] **S****OME,** **LEADING**, **ANGLICAN**, **ROMAN** and **CATHOLIC**) **reversed** (recall of)\n **C** (**ATHED***) **RALS**<\n\n**CATHEDRALS** (churches)"} {"Clue":"Utterly dreadful Spurs & England footballer (4)","Answer":"DIER","Explanation":"Definition: Spurs & England footballer\n**DIER** (**sounds like** [spoken; uttered; utterly] **DIRE** [dreadful])\n **DIER**\n\n**DIER** (reference Eric **DIER** [born 1994], Tottenham Hotspur footballer)"} {"Clue":"Coolness shown during pressure cooking of some pork and lamb (6)","Answer":"APLOMB","Explanation":"Definition: Coolness shown during pressure\n**Anagram of** (cooking) **PO** (**first two letters of** [some] **PORK**) and **LAMB**\n **A****P****L****O****MB***\n\n**APLOMB** (coolness under pressure)"} {"Clue":"See form of nectar with little fruit, say (10)","Answer":"CANTER","Explanation":"Definition: See\n**Anagram of** (form of) **NECTAR** **+ BURY** (**sounds like** [say] **BERRY** [a small fruit])\n **CANTER*** **BURY**\n\n**CANTER** [**BURY**] (reference the Archbishopric or see of the same name)"} {"Clue":"Floor couple used in back office, reportedly (4)","Answer":"KAYO","Explanation":"Definition: Floor\n**KAYO** (**sounds like** [reportedly] **KO** [**hidden letters in** [used in] **BACK OFFICE**)\n **KAYO**\n\n**KAYO** (**KO** [knock-out; floor])"} {"Clue":"Bishop is admired, performing role at wedding (10)","Answer":"BRIDESMAID","Explanation":"Definition: role at wedding\n**Anagram of** (performing) **B** (bishop) and **IS ADMIRED**\n **B****R****I****DE****S****MAID***\n\n**BRIDESMAID** (an important\u00a0role at a wedding)"} {"Clue":"Amphibians seen around during most Februaries (4)","Answer":"EFTS","Explanation":"Definition: Amphibians\n**EFTS** (**reversed** [around] **hidden word in** [during] **MOST FEBRUARIES**)\n **EFTS**<\n\n**EFTS** (newts [tailed amphibians])"} {"Clue":"Story involving knight? Mortification, ultimately, for the cloth (5)","Answer":"LINEN","Explanation":"Definition: cloth\n(**LIE** [story] **containing** [involving] **N** [notation for\u00a0knight in chess moves]) **+ N** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **MORTIFICATION**)\n **LI** (**N**) **E** **N**\n\n**LINEN** (cloth)"} {"Clue":"Ordered wrong drug (4)","Answer":"BADE","Explanation":"Definition: Ordered\n**BAD **(wrong) **+ E** (ecstasy; drug)\n **BAD E**\n\n**BADE** (commanded ; ordered)"} {"Clue":"Unimportant details of short journey involving four assassins originally (6)","Answer":"TRIVIA","Explanation":"Definition: Unimportant details\n(**TRIP** [journey] **excluding the final letter** [short] **P**\u00a0**containing** [involving] **IV** [Roman numerals for four]) **+ A** (**first letter of** [originally] **ASSASSINS**])\n **TR** (**IV**) **I** **A**\n\n**TRIVIA** (unimportant details)"} {"Clue":"Associate bully with decapitated young pig (2-6)","Answer":"CO-WORKER","Explanation":"Definition: Associate\n**COW** (frighten; bully) **+ PORKER** (young pig) **excluding the first letter** (decapitated) **P**\n **CO W ORKER**\n\n**CO-WORKER** (colleague; associate)"} {"Clue":"A mature adult extremely short of energy, having suffered wounds (8)","Answer":"TRAUMATA","Explanation":"Definition: Associate\n**COW** (frighten; bully) **+ PORKER** (young pig) **excluding the first letter** (decapitated) **P**\n **CO W ORKER**\n\n**CO-WORKER** (colleague; associate)"} {"Clue":"Henry the Second in control? That has a good ring to it! (4)","Answer":"HALO","Explanation":"Definition: Associate\n**COW** (frighten; bully) **+ PORKER** (young pig) **excluding the first letter** (decapitated) **P**\n **CO W ORKER**\n\n**CO-WORKER** (colleague; associate)"} {"Clue":"Short description of Life of Brian: it's tremendous for starters (4)","Answer":"OBIT","Explanation":"Definition: Associate\n**COW** (frighten; bully) **+ PORKER** (young pig) **excluding the first letter** (decapitated) **P**\n **CO W ORKER**\n\n**CO-WORKER** (colleague; associate)"} {"Clue":"Old woman's hot brew (4)","Answer":"MASH","Explanation":"Definition: Associate\n**COW** (frighten; bully) **+ PORKER** (young pig) **excluding the first letter** (decapitated) **P**\n **CO W ORKER**\n\n**CO-WORKER** (colleague; associate)"} {"Clue":"Pakistani cricketer, an opener Lamb bowled out (4)","Answer":"ALAM","Explanation":"Definition: Associate\n**COW** (frighten; bully) **+ PORKER** (young pig) **excluding the first letter** (decapitated) **P**\n **CO W ORKER**\n\n**CO-WORKER** (colleague; associate)"} {"Clue":"Maybe Schwarzenegger is after small 21 item? (6)","Answer":"SARNIE","Explanation":"Definition: Associate\n**COW** (frighten; bully) **+ PORKER** (young pig) **excluding the first letter** (decapitated) **P**\n **CO W ORKER**\n\n**CO-WORKER** (colleague; associate)"} {"Clue":"Sweet, sweet FA, needing Henry to be Arsenal's No 1 (6)","Answer":"NOUGAT","Explanation":"Definition: Associate\n**COW** (frighten; bully) **+ PORKER** (young pig) **excluding the first letter** (decapitated) **P**\n **CO W ORKER**\n\n**CO-WORKER** (colleague; associate)"} {"Clue":"Magazine shows Henry the Second in league with fellow few ignored (5)","Answer":"HELLO","Explanation":"Definition: Associate\n**COW** (frighten; bully) **+ PORKER** (young pig) **excluding the first letter** (decapitated) **P**\n **CO W ORKER**\n\n**CO-WORKER** (colleague; associate)"} {"Clue":"Protest before leader of bishops put out of action?(5)","Answer":"DEMOB","Explanation":"Definition: Associate\n**COW** (frighten; bully) **+ PORKER** (young pig) **excluding the first letter** (decapitated) **P**\n **CO W ORKER**\n\n**CO-WORKER** (colleague; associate)"} {"Clue":"Overused story following saint primarily (5)","Answer":"STALE","Explanation":"Definition: Associate\n**COW** (frighten; bully) **+ PORKER** (young pig) **excluding the first letter** (decapitated) **P**\n **CO W ORKER**\n\n**CO-WORKER** (colleague; associate)"} {"Clue":"Bit of information lawyer's given by corporation (5)","Answer":"DATUM","Explanation":"Definition: Associate\n**COW** (frighten; bully) **+ PORKER** (young pig) **excluding the first letter** (decapitated) **P**\n **CO W ORKER**\n\n**CO-WORKER** (colleague; associate)"} {"Clue":"One German river joining two others? Donner & Blitzen, it might be (8)","Answer":"REINDEER","Explanation":"Definition: Associate\n**COW** (frighten; bully) **+ PORKER** (young pig) **excluding the first letter** (decapitated) **P**\n **CO W ORKER**\n\n**CO-WORKER** (colleague; associate)"} {"Clue":"Almost choose and cut a piece of cake (6)","Answer":"PICNIC","Explanation":"Definition: Associate\n**COW** (frighten; bully) **+ PORKER** (young pig) **excluding the first letter** (decapitated) **P**\n **CO W ORKER**\n\n**CO-WORKER** (colleague; associate)"} {"Clue":"Adult female, strong and stable witness (6)","Answer":"AFFIRM","Explanation":"Definition: Associate\n**COW** (frighten; bully) **+ PORKER** (young pig) **excluding the first letter** (decapitated) **P**\n **CO W ORKER**\n\n**CO-WORKER** (colleague; associate)"} {"Clue":"God sees ill-advised violent assailant at first being primed by head of state (4)","Answer":"SIVA","Explanation":"Definition: Associate\n**COW** (frighten; bully) **+ PORKER** (young pig) **excluding the first letter** (decapitated) **P**\n **CO W ORKER**\n\n**CO-WORKER** (colleague; associate)"} {"Clue":"King Henry is missing from composer's characters (4)","Answer":"LEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Associate\n**COW** (frighten; bully) **+ PORKER** (young pig) **excluding the first letter** (decapitated) **P**\n **CO W ORKER**\n\n**CO-WORKER** (colleague; associate)"} {"Clue":"At present time, e.g. West Riding FA? (4)","Answer":"NOWT","Explanation":"Definition: Associate\n**COW** (frighten; bully) **+ PORKER** (young pig) **excluding the first letter** (decapitated) **P**\n **CO W ORKER**\n\n**CO-WORKER** (colleague; associate)"} {"Clue":"Original form of Covid 19 not yet found (12)","Answer":"UNDISCOVERED","Explanation":"Definition: not yet found\n**Anagram of** (original form of) **COVID** and **ENDURES**\n **UN****DI****S****COV****ERED***\n\n**UNDISCOVERED** (not yet found)"} {"Clue":"He's good at balancing Telegraph puzzles with IT work (9,6)","Answer":"TIGHTROPE WALKER","Explanation":"Definition: He's good at balancing\n**Anagram of** (puzzles \u2026 with) **TELEGRAPH** and **IT WORK**\n **T****I****GH****TRO****PE ****W****AL****K****E****R***\n\n**TIGHTROPE WALKER **(a person who is good at balancing)"} {"Clue":"The other half of Dutch budget (7)","Answer":"HUSBAND","Explanation":"Definition: budget\n**HUSBAND** (Dutch is a term for a wife, so the 'other half ' of Dutch will be **HUSBAND**)\n **HUSBAND**\n\n**HUSBAND **(manage with economy; budget)"} {"Clue":"Not a drunken follower of Falstaff but the opposite (7)","Answer":"ANTONYM","Explanation":"Definition: opposite\n**Anagram of** (drunken) **NOT A** **+ NYM **(Corporal **NYM** is a fictional character who appears in two Shakespeare plays, *The Merry Wives of Windsor* and *Henry V*. **NYM** is a soldier and criminal follower of Sir John Falstaff)\n **ANTO*** **NYM**\n\n**ANTONYM** (word opposite in meaning to another)"} {"Clue":"Wally's clothing for golf hotel after dark (5)","Answer":"NIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: after dark\n**NIT** (fool; wally) **containing** (clothing) (**G** **[GOLF** is the International Radio Communication code word for the letter **G**]** + H **[**HOTEL** is the International Radio Communication code word for the letter **H**])\n **NI **(**G ****H**) **T**\n\n**NIGHT **(time after dark)"} {"Clue":"For good measure, not married with new partner (9)","Answer":"ETERNALLY","Explanation":"Definition: For good\n**METER** (to measure, consumption of gas or electricity for example) **excluding** (not) **M** (married) **+ N** (new) **+ ALLY** (partner)\n **ETER N ALLY**\n\n**ETERNALLY **(for ever; for good)"} {"Clue":"Lance Armstrong at the front \u2013 he'd set about it to go first (9)","Answer":"SPEARHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: go first\n**SPEAR **(lance) **+** (**HE****'****D** **containing** (set about) **A** (**first letter of **[at the front] **ARMSTRONG**)\n **SPEAR** **HE** (**A**) **D**\n\n**SPEARHEAD** (lead; go first)"} {"Clue":"Rugby club women as an afterthought (5)","Answer":"WASPS","Explanation":"Definition: Rugby club\n**W** (women) **+ AS + PS** (postscript; supplement; afterthought)\n **W ****AS**** ****PS**\n\n**WASPS** (Currently a Coventry based Professional Rugby Union side. Founded in London in 1867 where it was based for many years, the Club moved to High Wycombe in 2002, before the switch to Coventry in late 2013)"} {"Clue":"Line of sunbeam reflected in Earth (7)","Answer":"LANYARD","Explanation":"Definition: Line\n**RAY** (sunbeam) **reversed** (reflected) **contained in** (in) **LAND** (earth)\n **LAN** (**YAR**<) **D**\n\n**LANYARD** (short rope or line used as a fastening or handle in sailing terminology)"} {"Clue":"Bishop's fitting takes place before mass religious ceremony (7)","Answer":"BAPTISM","Explanation":"Definition: religious ceremony\n**B** (bishop) **+**** APT** (fitting)** ****+**** IS** (takes place) **+**** M** (mass)\n **B APT IS M**\n\n**BAPTISM** (immersion in or sprinkling with water as a religious ceremony)"} {"Clue":"One talking carelessly with fellow freedom fighter leads to the inevitable gallows (15)","Answer":"FLIBBERTIGIBBET","Explanation":"Definition: One talking carelessly\n**F** (fellow) **+ LIBBER** (liberationist; freedom fighter) **+ TI** (**first letters of** [leads to] **THE** and **INEVITABLE**) **+ GIBBET** (gallows)\n **F LIBBER TI GIBBET**\n\n**FLIBBERTIGIBBET **(flighty, gossipy or mischievous person; one talking carelessly)"} {"Clue":"Squat maybe located, it's said, without planning (5-7)","Answer":"SHORT-SIGHTED","Explanation":"Definition: without planning\n**SHORT** (squat) **+ SIGHTED** (sounds like [it's said] **SITED** [located])\n **SHORT SIGHTED**\n\n**SHORT-SIGHTED** (lacking foresight; without planning)"} {"Clue":"Eggs swell with sulphur settling to the bottom (5)","Answer":"URGES","Explanation":"Definition: Eggs\n**SURGE** (swell) with **S** (sulphur) **moving to the bottom of the entry **(settling; down clue)to form **URGES**\n **URGES**\n\n**URGES** (encourages; supports; eggs)"} {"Clue":"Critic to ban mechanisation in farming? (9)","Answer":"DETRACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Critic\n**DE\u2013TRACTOR** (remove or ban the **TRACTOR** [mechanical equipment])\n **DE TRACTOR**\n\n**DETRACTOR** (critic)"} {"Clue":"'Special One' recruits Doherty's left and Bale's right foot (7)","Answer":"SPONDEE","Explanation":"Definition: foot\n**SP** (special) **+** (**ONE** **containing** [recruits] **D** and **E**\u00a0[**first letter of**\u00a0[left] of **D****OHERTY** and **E** [**final letter of** [right] **BAL****E**] ) \n **SP** **ON** (**D ****E**) **E ** \n\n**SPONDEE **(a foot of two long syllables))"} {"Clue":"Meet a reporter to describe upcoming work in theatre (7)","Answer":"OPERATE","Explanation":"Definition: work in theatre\n**OPERATE** (**reversed** [upcoming; down entry] **hidden word in** [to describe] **MEET A REPORTER**)\n **OPERATE**<\n\n**OPERATE** (work in a hospital surgical theatre)"} {"Clue":"Heartlessly xenophobic about a parting alien? Just so (5)","Answer":"EXACT","Explanation":"Definition: Just so\n(**XC** [**letters remaining in** **XENOPHOBIC** **when the central letters ENOPHOBI are removed** {heartlessly}] **containing** [about] **A**) **all contained in** (parting) **ET** (extraterrestrial [alien])\n **E** (**X** (**A**) **C**) **T**\n\n**EXACT** (precise; just so)"} {"Clue":"Family bathed in almost continuous lights (9)","Answer":"ENKINDLES","Explanation":"Definition: lights\n**KIN** (family) **contained in** (bathed in) **ENDLESS** **excluding the final letter** (almost) **S**\n **EN **(**KIN**)** DLES**\n\n**ENKINDLES** (sets of fire; lights)"} {"Clue":"You might be asked to come up and see these electronic items around college (8)","Answer":"ETCHINGS","Explanation":"Definition: You might be asked to come up and see these\n**E** (electronic])**+ **(**THINGS** [items] **containing** [around] **C** [college])\n **E** **T** (**C**) **HINGS**\n\n**ETCHINGS **(the Internet offers a wide variety of sources for the clich\u00e9d chat-up line 'Come up and see my **ETCHINGS**' supposedly frequently used by gentlemen trying to seduce a lady)"} {"Clue":"Short acting lesson made shorter (4)","Answer":"DRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Short\n**DRAMA** (acting lessons \u2013 I can't find a dictionary definition that identifies **DRAMA** as a set of acting lessons, but I can imagine schoolchildren saying that we\u00a0have double **DRAMA** this afternoon) **excluding the final letter** (made shorter) **A**\n **DRAM**\n\n**DRAM **(a short drink of spirits, usually whisky)"} {"Clue":"New church to accommodate singers of Jerusalem, where East meets West? (9)","Answer":"GREENWICH","Explanation":"Definition: where East meets West\n(**GREEN** [new] **+ CH** [church]) **containing** (to accommodate) **WI **(Women's Institute, an organisation whose members are often characterised as singing Blake's Jerusalem)\n **GREEN** (**WI**) **CH**\n\n**GREENWICH **(the **GREENWICH** meridian is the line of zero longitude; the line where East meets West)"} {"Clue":"Tree as regularly picked (3)","Answer":"TEA","Explanation":"Definition: Tree as regularly picked\n**TEA** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [regularly] of **TREE AS**)\n **TEA**\n\n**TEA** (a **TEA** bush \/ tree is something that is regularly picked for its crop)"} {"Clue":"Young hare makes for dead trees (9)","Answer":"NEWSPRINT","Explanation":"Definition: makes for dead trees\n**NEW** (young) **+ SPRINT** (run fast; hare)\n **NEW SPRINT**\n\n**NEWSPRINT** (print material\u00a0for newspapers and magazines is made from felled [dead] trees)"} {"Clue":"With joyous heart, Middle-easterner is climbing Mecca (8)","Answer":"YOSEMITE","Explanation":"Definition: climbing Mecca\n**YO** (**middle letters of **[heart] **JOYOUS**) **+ SEMITE** (member of any of the peoples said (in the Bible, Genesis 10) to be descended from Shem, or speaking a Semitic language [including Assyrian, Aramaic, Hebrew, Phoenician, Arabic, Ethiopic]; Middle-easterner)\n **YO SEMITE**\n\n**YOSEMITE** (**YOSEMITE** National Park is in California's Sierra Nevada mountains and is a mecca for climbers)"} {"Clue":"Deer getting frisky with sun bears (7)","Answer":"ENDURES","Explanation":"Definition: bears\n**Anagram of** (getting frisky) **DEER** and **SUN**\n **E****N****D****U****RE****S***\n\n**ENDURES** (tolerates; bears)"} {"Clue":"Polish alternative government to deliver alternative speech (7)","Answer":"DUBBING","Explanation":"Definition: deliver alternative speech\n**DUBBIN** (preparation of grease for softening\u00a0leather; an alternative to polish) **+ G** (government)\n **DUBBIN G**\n\n**DUBBING** (giving a film or television programme a new soundtrack, eg one in a different language; deliver alternative speech)"} {"Clue":"Saul of Tarsus reveals place of conversion? (4)","Answer":"LOFT","Explanation":"Definition: place of conversion\n**LOFT** (**hidden word in** [reveals] **SAUL OF TARSUS**)\n **LOFT**\n\n**LOFT** (part of a\u00a0house, immediately under the roof,\u00a0that is often converted into another room)"} {"Clue":"It gives instruction to stop parliament ignoring children (5)","Answer":"AMBER","Explanation":"Definition: It gives instruction to stop\n**CHAMBER** (house of legislature; parliament) **excluding** (ignoring) **CH** (children)\n **AMBER**\n\n**AMBER** (light on a set of traffic lights that on it's own is a signal to drivers to stop unless it is unsafe to do so)"} {"Clue":"Plant having branches pollarded (5)","Answer":"IMBED","Explanation":"Definition: It gives instruction to stop\n**CHAMBER** (house of legislature; parliament) **excluding** (ignoring) **CH** (children)\n **AMBER**\n\n**AMBER** (light on a set of traffic lights that on it's own is a signal to drivers to stop unless it is unsafe to do so)"} {"Clue":"Be enthusiastic about Democrat leading US state transmission (5,4)","Answer":"RADIO WAVE","Explanation":"Definition: ransmission \n**RAVE** (be enthusiastic) **containing** (about) (**D** [Democrat] **+ IOWA** [US State])\n **RA** (**D** **IO WA**) **VE**\n\n**RADIO WAVE** (means of transmission)"} {"Clue":"Contribution to run in the last inning? (5)","Answer":"NINTH","Explanation":"Definition: last inning\n**NINTH** (**hidden word in** [contribution to] **RUN IN THE**)\n **NINTH**\n\n**NINTH** (there are nine\u00a0innings in a game of baseball, so the last innings is the **NINTH**)"} {"Clue":"Biscuit for one turned over in the midst of turning out (6,3)","Answer":"GINGER NUT","Explanation":"Definition: Biscuit\n(**EG** [for example; for one] **reversed** [turned over]) **contained in** (in the midst of) **an anagram of** (out) **TURNING**\n **GIN **(**GE**<)** R NUT***\n\n**GINGER NUT** (type of biscuit)"} {"Clue":"Complete club ousting leader (5)","Answer":"UTTER","Explanation":"Definition: Complete \n**PUTTER** (example of a golf club) **excluding the first letter** (ousting leader) **P**\n **UTTER**\n\n**UTTER** (total; complete)"} {"Clue":"Completely ousting leader of college (3)","Answer":"ALL","Explanation":"Definition: Completely\n**HALL** (the main building of a college; in some cases the college itself; also, an unendowed college) **excluding the first letter** (ousting leader) **H**\n **ALL**\n\n**ALL** (completely)"} {"Clue":"Road movie? I had little hesitation after years at sea (4,5)","Answer":"EASY RIDER","Explanation":"Definition: Road movie\n**Anagram of **(at sea) **YEARS** **+ I'D + ER** (expressing a slight hesitation)\n **EASY R* ID ER**\n\n**EASY RIDER **(1969 road movie starring and written by Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper)"} {"Clue":"Time of disturbance moved forward for small group (4)","Answer":"TRIO","Explanation":"Definition: small group\n**RIOT** (disturbance) **with the T** (time) **moved forward in the word to form** **TRIO**\n **TRIO**\n\n**TRIO** (small group [of three])"} {"Clue":"Drink a lot of salt water? (3)","Answer":"TEA","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\n**TEAR** (a **TEAR** drop [water] is salty as it contains naturally occurring electrolytes. Each **TEAR** drop contains about 0.3 milligrams of salt) **excluding the final letter** (a lot of) **R**\n **TEA**\n\n**TEA** (a drink)"} {"Clue":"Puts down record after ingesting medicines? On the contrary (7)","Answer":"DEPOSES","Explanation":"Definition: Puts down\n**DOSES **(quantities of medicines) **containing** (ingesting) **EP** (extended play record) \u2013 i.e. t**he opposite of the wording of the clue** (on the contrary)\n **D** (**EP**) **OSES**\n\n**DEPOSES** (sets down)"} {"Clue":"Mischievous character shown by German soccer team? (3)","Answer":"ELF","Explanation":"Definition: Mischievous character\n**ELF **(**ELF** is the German word for eleven, the number of players in a soccer team)\n **ELF**\n\n**ELF** (mischievous or fairy-like being, especially a child)"} {"Clue":"Move over the sea, caught in a lot of foam (4)","Answer":"SCUD","Explanation":"Definition: Move over the sea\n**C** (caught) **contained in** (in) **SUD** (froth of soapy water \u2013 the word is usually used in the plural as suds, but it exists in the singular)\n **S** (**C**) **UD**\n\n**SCUD** (of sailing vessels,\u00a0to drive before the wind; move over the sea)"} {"Clue":"Smoked item cooked in garlic oil (9)","Answer":"CIGARILLO","Explanation":"Definition: Smoked item \n**Anagram of **(cooked in) **GARLIC OIL**\n **CIGAR****I****L****LO***\n\n**CIGARILLO** (small cigar; an item that is smoked)"} {"Clue":"Good to hug a tree (3)","Answer":"OAK","Explanation":"Definition: tree\n**OK** (satisfactory; good) **containing** (to hug) **A**\n **O **(**A**)** K**\n\n**OAK** (type of tree)"} {"Clue":"Fellow gave assistance after one dropped out tired (5)","Answer":"FADED","Explanation":"Definition: tired \n**F **(fellow) **+ AIDED** (gave assistance) **excluding** (after \u2026 dropped out) **I **(Roman numeral for one)\n **F ADED**\n\n**FADED** (weakened; tired)"} {"Clue":"Idiot might, swapping openings, work on the sly (9)","Answer":"MOONLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: work on the sly\n**LOON** (idiot) **+** **M****IGHT** **with the two initial letters** (openings) **L** and **M** being **exchanged **(swapping) to form **MOON** and **L****IGHT**\n **MOON** **LIGHT**\n\n**MOONLIGHT** (to work outside one's normal working hours, especially when the income from this is not declared for tax assessment; work on the sly)"} {"Clue":"Leg joint to irk, run being cancelled (5)","Answer":"ANKLE","Explanation":"Definition: Leg joint\n**RANKLE **(annoy; irk) **excluding** (cancelled) **R** (run in cricket scoring notation)\n **ANKLE**\n\n**ANKLE** (the joint between the lower leg and the foot)"} {"Clue":"Reveal the woman involved in articles from France and England (9)","Answer":"UNSHEATHE","Explanation":"Definition: Reveal \n**SHE** (the woman) **contained in** (involved in) (**UN** [French form of the indefinite article] **+ A** [indefinite article] **+ THE** [definite article] all together being articles from France and England)\n **UN** (**SHE**) **A** **THE**\n\n**UNSHEATHE** (uncover; reveal)"} {"Clue":"Newspaper employees blocking newspaper? Just a little (8)","Answer":"FRAGMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Just a little\n(**RAG** [informal and derogatory term for a newspaper] **+ MEN** [employees]) **contained in** (blocking) **FT** (Financial Times; a newspaper)\n **F** (**RAG** **MEN**) **T**\n\n**FRAGMENT** (small piece; just a little)"} {"Clue":"Short film sequences giving one various impressions (6)","Answer":"IDENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Short film sequences\n**I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ DENTS** (hollows caused by blows; various impressions)\n **I DENTS**\n\n**IDENTS** (short films or sound sequences used in broadcasting to identify the channel or station)"} {"Clue":"Shabby party ready to roll? (3-5)","Answer":"DOG-EARED","Explanation":"Definition: Shabby\n**DO** (party) **+ GEARED** (put into a state where the object in question is ready to move)\n **DO** **G**** EARED**\n\n**DOG-EARED** (shabby)"} {"Clue":"Got ready to listen, perhaps, having received note (6)","Answer":"EARNED","Explanation":"Definition: Got\n**EARED **(having **EAR**s, hence ready\u00a0to listen) **containing** **N** (note)\n **EAR **(**N**) **ED**\n\n**EARNED** (acquired; got)"} {"Clue":"Active gear ripped or lasted (8)","Answer":"LEOTARDS","Explanation":"Definition: Active gear\n**Anagram of **(ripped) **OR LASTED**\n **LE****O****TA****R****DS***\n\n**LEOTARDS** (skintight garment sworn by dancers, acrobats, etc; active gear)"} {"Clue":"Medical injury? Put under protection, avoiding A&E (6)","Answer":"INSULT","Explanation":"Definition: Medical injury\n**INSULATE** (shield; protect) **excluding** (avoiding) **A** and **E**\n **INSULT**\n\n**INSULT **(in America, **INSULT ** is a medical term for trauma, damage or injury)"} {"Clue":"Note risk when playing at the crease? (2,6)","Answer":"ON STRIKE","Explanation":"Definition: at the crease\n**Anagram of** (when playing) **NOTE RISK**\n **ON STRIKE***\n\n**ON STRIKE **(when a batter in cricket is at the crease, he or she is said to be **ON STRIKE**)"} {"Clue":"Present: something received by the recipient (4)","Answer":"HERE","Explanation":"Definition: Present\n**HERE** (**hidden word in** [received by] **THE RECIPIENT**)\n **HERE**\n\n**HERE **(present)"} {"Clue":"Nobleman, mostly bent, importing diamonds to European country (8)","Answer":"ARCHDUKE","Explanation":"Definition: Nobleman\n**ARCHED** (bent) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **D** **containing** (importing) (**D** [diamonds] **+ UK** [European country])\n **ARCH** (**D UK**) **E**\n\n**ARCHDUKE** (nobleman)"} {"Clue":"Instruction to give 'em tonic? (4-2-2)","Answer":"PICK-ME-UP","Explanation":"Definition: tonic\n**PICK-ME-UP** could be a cryptic clue or instruction for '**EM** (**ME** **reversed** [pick up, as a down entry])\n **PICK-ME-UP**\n\n**PICK-ME-UP** (medicinal tonic)"} {"Clue":"Pushchair getting wave at the\u00a0end of street (8)","Answer":"STROLLER","Explanation":"Definition: Pushchair\n**ST** (street) **+ ROLLER** (long heavy sea wave)\n **ST ****ROLLER**\n\n**STROLLER** (North American and Antipodean term for a pushchair)"} {"Clue":"Border row? French willing to be above that (8)","Answer":"FRONTIER","Explanation":"Definition: Border\n**FR** (French) **+ ON** (willing to participate) **+ TIER** (row)\n **FR ON TIER**\n\n**FRONTIER** (border)"} {"Clue":"Magistrate with money giving ride to daughter in car (6)","Answer":"DODGEM","Explanation":"Definition: car\n(**DOGE** [formerly the title of the chief magistrate in republican Venice and Genoa] + **M** [money, as in categories of money supply, M0,M1 etc]) **containing** (giving ride to) **D** (daughter\n **DO** (**D**) **GE** **M**\n\n**DODGEM** (small electric cars used at fairgrounds)"} {"Clue":"Good to stir up complaint (6)","Answer":"GROUSE","Explanation":"Definition: complaint\n**G** (good) **+ ROUSE** (stir up)\n **G ROUSE**\n\n**GROUSE** (a grumble or complaint)"} {"Clue":"Smooth support. a tiny bit short (6)","Answer":"LEGATO","Explanation":"Definition: Smooth\n**LEG** (long slender support) **+ ATOM** (anything very small) **excluding the final letter** (short) **M**\n **LEG ATO**\n\n**LEGATO** (smusicial term for smooth or smoothly, the notes running into each other without a break)"} {"Clue":"Historic leader disengaged from area (4)","Answer":"OFFA","Explanation":"Definition: Historic leader\n**OFF** (disengaged from) **+ A** (area)\n **OFF A**\n\n**OFFA** (reference **OFFA**, King of Mercia, a kingdom of Anglo-Saxon England, from 757 until his death in July 796; historic leader)"} {"Clue":"Bit of clipper sailor's occupying (5)","Answer":"CABIN","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of clipper sailor's occupying\n**C** (**first letter of** [bit of] **CLIPPER**) **+ AB** (able seaman; sailor) **+ IN** (occupying)\n **C AB IN**\n\n**CABIN **(a room a sailor may occupy aboard a clipper)"} {"Clue":"American to stop daughter securing flat in US city (9)","Answer":"CLEVELAND","Explanation":"Definition: US city\n(**CAN** [American term for 'put an end to' or stop] **+ D** [daughter]) **containing** (securing) **LEVEL** (flat)\n **C** (**LEVEL**) **AN** **D**\n\n**CLEVELAND** (city in the United States)"} {"Clue":"Hostile sumo wrestling in Scottish port (11)","Answer":"LOSSIEMOUTH","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish port\n**Anagram of** (wrestling) **HOSTILE SUMO** \n **LOS****S****IE****MOU****TH***\n\n**LOSSIEMOUTH** (port on the Moray coast in North East Scotland)"} {"Clue":"Vehicle almost failing to operate (3)","Answer":"BUS","Explanation":"Definition: Vehicle\n**BUST **(not working; failing to operate) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **T**\n **BUS**\n\n**BUS** (vehicle)"} {"Clue":"Novelist concealing disgusted expression in polite greeting to woman (7)","Answer":"MAUGHAM","Explanation":"Definition: Novelist\n**UGH** (expression of disgust) **contained in** (concealing \u2026 in) **MA'AM** (polite greeting to a lady)\n **MA** (**UGH**) **AM**\n\n**MAUGHAM** (reference W Somerset **MAUGHAM** [1874 \u2013 1965], English playwright, novelist and short story writer)"} {"Clue":"Unidentified person, rather overlooking rule, embracing the writer (7)","Answer":"SOMEONE","Explanation":"Definition: Unidentified person\n**SOONER** (preferably; rather) **excluding** (overlooking) **R** (rule) **containing** (embracing) **ME** (the writer)\n **SO** (**ME**) **ONE**\n\n**SOMEONE** (an unidentified person)"} {"Clue":"Pain has one going round hospital (4)","Answer":"ACHE","Explanation":"Definition: Pain\n**ACE** (one) **containing** (going round) **H** (hospital)\n **AC** (**H**) **E**\n\n**ACHE** (pain)"} {"Clue":"Pig-like monster goring tree (7)","Answer":"PORCINE","Explanation":"Definition: Pig-like\n**ORC** (mythological sea-monster or an ogre from J R R Tolkien books) **contained in** (goring) **PINE** (type of tree)\n **P** (**ORC**) **INE**\n\n**PORCINE** (pig-like)"} {"Clue":"Very old when set beside the old (3)","Answer":"TOO","Explanation":"Definition: Very\nI think this is **TO** (set) **+ O** (old) but I'm having difficulty thinking of an example where I would substitute 'to' for 'set' or vice versa. \n **TO O**\n\n**TOO** (to a greater extent than is required; very)"} {"Clue":"Help and aid distributed for London theatre (7)","Answer":"ADELPHI","Explanation":"Definition: London theatre\n**Anagram of** (distributed) **HELP** and **AID**\n **AD****ELPH****I***\n\n**ADELPHI** (theatre on\u00a0the Strand in London)"} {"Clue":"Gutted the insect's weapon, dealing with bugs? (7)","Answer":"TESTING","Explanation":"Definition: dealing with bugs\n**TE** (**letters remaining in THE when the central letter H is removed** [gutted]) **+** **STING** (an insect's weapon)\n **TE STING**\n\n**TESTING** (**TESTING** of a computer program involves looking for bugs that might stop the software\u00a0performing correctly)"} {"Clue":"Film director not too keen about very quiet acting (7)","Answer":"COPPOLA","Explanation":"Definition: Film director\n(**COOL** [indifferent; not too keen] **containing** [about] **PP** [pianissimo; very quiet]) **+ A**\u00a0(acting)\n **CO** (**PP**) **OL** **A**\n\n**COPPOLA** (reference Francis Ford **COPPOLA** [born 1939], American film director or his daughter Sofia **COPPOLA** [born 1971], also a director. Francis Ford's wife Eleanor is involved in film making as well)"} {"Clue":"Man needing time to leave prison (3)","Answer":"SIR","Explanation":"Definition: Man\n**STIR **(slang term for prison) **excluding** (needing \u2026 to leave) **T** (time)\n **SIR**\n\n**SIR** (word of respect when addressing a man)"} {"Clue":"Epicure curses onion in the soup (11)","Answer":"CONNOISSEUR","Explanation":"Definition: Epicure\n**Anagram of** (in the soup) **CURSES ONION**\n **CONNOSSIEUR***\n\n**CONNOISSEUR** (person with a well-informed knowledge and appreciation, especially of fine food and wine or of the arts. An **EPICURE** is defined as person of refined and fastidious taste, especially in food, wine)"} {"Clue":"Hero of Shaw play with parts including leader of Christians (9)","Answer":"ANDROCLES","Explanation":"Definition: Hero of Shaw\n**AND** (with) **+** (**ROLES** [parts] **containing** [including] **C** [**first letter of** {leader of} **CHRISTIANS**])\n **AND** **RO** (**C**) **LES**\n\n**ANDROCLES** (reference the George Bernard **SHAW** play **ANDROCLES** and the Lion)"} {"Clue":"Article subsequently cut to form additional item (5)","Answer":"ANNEX","Explanation":"Definition: additional item\n**AN** (indefinite article) **+ NEXT** (subsequently) **excluding the final letter** (cut) **T**\n **AN NEX**\n\n**ANNEX** (additional item)"} {"Clue":"Explorer abandoning vehicle ahead of new group of fighters (6)","Answer":"COLUMN","Explanation":"Definition: group of fighters\n**COLUMBUS** (reference Christopher **COLUMBUS** [1451 \u2013 1506], Italian explorer]) **excluding** (abandoning) **BUS** (vehicle)** + N** (new)\n **COLUM** **N**\n\n**COLUMN** (body of troops forming a long narrow procession; group of fighters)"} {"Clue":"Book is rather lacking that certain something \u2013 that's a handicap (6)","Answer":"BISQUE","Explanation":"Definition: handicap\n**B** (book) **+ IS + QUITE** (moderately; rather) **excluding** (lacking) **IT** (sex appeal; that certain something)\n **B IS QUE**\n\n**BISQUE** (a term in some sports for the handicap whereby a player allows a weaker opponent [at the latter's choice of time] to score a point in a set, deduct a stroke at a hole, take an extra turn in croquet, etc)"} {"Clue":"Number \u2013 number reduced by 20% \u2013 gets comment on farm (5)","Answer":"NEIGH","Explanation":"Definition: comment on farm\n**N** (number) **+ EIGHT** (a number) **excluding the final letter** (1 of 5 letters; 20%) (reduced) **T**\n **N EIGH**\n\n**NEIGH** (cry of a horse; comment by farm animal)"} {"Clue":"Theatrically fitting in good religious gathering (4-7)","Answer":"CAMP-MEETING","Explanation":"Definition: religious gathering\n**CAMP** (theatrical) **+ MEETING** (fitting)\n **CAMP MEETING**\n\n**CAMP-MEETING** (a religious gathering in the open air or in a temporary encampment)"} {"Clue":"I'll be taking no flights? Rising anger after heading out (3)","Answer":"EMU","Explanation":"Definition: I'll be taking no flights\n**FUME** (rage or fretful excitement; anger) **excluding the first letter** (after heading cut) **F** and then **reversed** (rising; down entry)\n **EMU**<\n\n**EMU** (flightless bird)"} {"Clue":"Recording number of years controlling border line \u2013 it's not at all long (9)","Answer":"EPHEMERAL","Explanation":"Definition: it's not at all long\n(**EP** [extended play record] **+ ERA** [period of years] **containing** [controlling] **HEM** [border]) **+ L** (line)\n **EP** (**HEM**) **ERA** **L**\n\n**EPHEMERAL** (existing only for a day; short-lived)"} {"Clue":"Tasteful stuff from married relatives in excellent area (8)","Answer":"AMBROSIA","Explanation":"Definition: Tasteful stuff\n([**M** {married} **+ BROS** {brothers; relatives}] **contained in** [in] **AI** [A one; excellent]) **+ A **(area)\n **A** (**M BROS**) **I**\u00a0**A**\n\n**AMBROSIA** (any fragrant or delicious food or drink; tasteful stuff])"} {"Clue":"Get untidy to confound and upset most of distinguished party (8)","Answer":"DISHEVEL","Explanation":"Definition: Get untidy\n**DISH** (outwit; ruin; upset)\u00a0+ **R****EVEL** (a riotous feast; merrymaking; a festival or occasion of merrymaking, dancing, masquerading; distinguished [?] party) **excluding the first letter** **R** therefore leaving most of the word)\n **DISH**** EVEL**\n\n**DISHEVEL** (disarrange; spread in disorder; get untidy)"} {"Clue":"A sauce spoon needs treatment \u2013 such as washing-up liquid? (11)","Answer":"SAPONACEOUS","Explanation":"Definition: such as washing-up liquid\n**Anagram of **(needs treatment) **A SAUCE SPOON**\n **SAPONACEOUS***\n\n**SAPONACEOUS** (soapy or soaplike as is washing-up liquid)"} {"Clue":"Italian holiday island company adopting Channel Islands? It's light headed stuff (9)","Answer":"CAPRICCIO","Explanation":"Definition: light headed stuff\n**CAPRI** (Italian holiday island off the coast near Naples) **+** (**CO** [company] **containing** [adopting] **CI** [Channel Islands])\n **CAPRI** **C** (**CI**) **O**\n\n**CAPRICCIO** (a lively piece composed freely and without adhering to the rules for any specific musical form; light headed stuff?)"} {"Clue":"I will avoid obscure part of the world for Disney film (8)","Answer":"FANTASIA","Explanation":"Definition: Disney film\n**FAINT** (obscure) **excluding** (will avoid) **I** **+**** ASIA **(part of the world)\n **FANT ASIA**\n\n**FANTASIA** (title of a Disney film released in 1941 which featured animated animals moving in time to various pieces of classical music)"} {"Clue":"Certain to tuck into alcohol in a responsible manner? (8)","Answer":"MEASURED","Explanation":"Definition: in a responsible manner\n**SURE** (certain) **contained in** (tuck into) **MEAD** (an alcoholic drink made by fermenting honey and water, usually with the addition of spices, etc)\n **MEA** (**SURE**) **D**\n\n**MEASURED** (considered; calculated; in a responsible manner)"} {"Clue":"Solemn over adolescent getting hooch (6)","Answer":"POTEEN","Explanation":"Definition: hooch\n**PO** (**PO**-faced [stupidly solemn and narrow-minded]) + **TEEN** (adolescent)\n **PO TEEN**\n\n**POTEEN** (Irish whiskey illicitly distilled; hooch)"} {"Clue":"Mathematical item: arts graduate gets confused on the radio (6)","Answer":"MATRIX","Explanation":"Definition: Mathematical item\n**MA** (Master of Arts; arts graduate) **+ TRIX** (**sounds like** [on the radio] **TRICKS** [deceives; gets someone confused])\n **MA** **TRIX**\n\n**MATRIX** (rectangular array of quantities in mathematics)"} {"Clue":"Food that may listed anywhere except the start of the dictionary (5)","Answer":"PASTA","Explanation":"Definition: Food\n**PAST A** (beyond words beginning with the letter **A** in the dictionary, so any word not near the start of the dictionary)\n **PAST A**\n\n**PASTA** (foodstuff)"} {"Clue":"Love letter, unfinished turning up (3)","Answer":"NIL","Explanation":"Definition: Love\n**LIN****E** (letter, as in 'drop you a line') **excluding the final character** (unfinished) and **reversed** (turning up; down entry)\n **NIL**<\n\n**NIL** (zero; love score in tennis)"} {"Clue":"Piece of furniture having unpleasant smell? Fine when in church (8)","Answer":"BOOKCASE","Explanation":"Definition: Piece of furniture\n**BO** (body odour; unpleasant smell) **+ OK** (okay; fine) **+** (**AS** [when] **contained in** [in] **CE** [Church {of England}])\n **BO** **OK** **C** (**AS**) **E**\n\n**BOOKCASE** (piece of furniture)"} {"Clue":"Hot priest shows wit (6)","Answer":"ESPRIT","Explanation":"Definition: wit\n**Anagram of** (hot) **PRIEST**\n **ESPRIT***\n\n**ESPRIT** (wit or liveliness)"} {"Clue":"Normal People full of sex appeal? That's cheesy! (8)","Answer":"PARMESAN","Explanation":"Definition: That's cheesy\n**PAR** (normal)\u00a0**+ (MEN** [people]) **containing** [full of] **SA** [sex appeal])\n **PAR** **ME **(**SA**) **N**\n\n**PARMESAN** (hard dry cheese)"} {"Clue":"Case of Marianne disrupting class, abandoning school \u2013 some spirit! (6)","Answer":"MESCAL","Explanation":"Definition: spirit\n**ME** (**outer letters of **[case of] **MARIANNE**) **+ an anagram of** (disrupting) **CLASS** **excluding** (abandoning) **S** (school; Collins has **S** as an abbreviation for school)\n **ME** **SCAL***\n\n**MESCAL** (spirit distilled from the fermented juice of the agave)"} {"Clue":"In relation to 'heat': time woman's getting male partner (9)","Answer":"THERMALLY","Explanation":"Definition: In relation to 'heat'\n**T** (time) **+ HER** (woman's) **+ M** (male) **+ ALLY** (partner)\n **T HER M ALLY**\n\n**THERMALLY** (in relation to temperature [heat or coldness])"} {"Clue":"Flower girl found at Platform 25 (5)","Answer":"DAISY","Explanation":"Definition: Flower\n**DAIS** (platform) **+ Y** (the 25th letter of the alphabet)\n **DAIS Y**\n\n**DAISY** (flower)\n **DAISY** (girl's name)"} {"Clue":"Connell regularly meets Peggy, at last alone (4)","Answer":"ONLY","Explanation":"Definition: alone\n**ONL **(**letters 2, 4 and 6** [regularly] of **CONNELL**) **+ Y** (**final letter of** [at last] **PEGGY**)\n **ONL Y**\n\n**ONLY** (without others; alone)"} {"Clue":"Porter perhaps keeps on offering student accommodation ? (7)","Answer":"COLLEGE","Explanation":"Definition: student accommodation\n**COLE** (reference **COLE** Porter [1891 \u2013 1964], American composer and songwriter) **containing** (keeping) **LEG **(the on side in cricket)\n **COL** (**LEG**) **E**\n\n**COLLEGE **(some students live in **COLLEGE** accommodation)"} {"Clue":"Meat: food rejected in German city (7)","Answer":"HAMBURG","Explanation":"Definition: German city\n**HAM** (meat) **+ GRUB** (food) **reversed** (rejected|)\n **HAM** **BURG**<\n\n**HAMBURG** (German city)"} {"Clue":"It's nonsense to be quiet (4)","Answer":"TOSH","Explanation":"Definition: It's nonsense\n**TO** **+ SH** (be quiet)\n **TO SH**\n\n**TOSH **(nonsense)"} {"Clue":"Correct answer will reveal body parts (5)","Answer":"RECTA","Explanation":"Definition: body parts\n**RECTA** (**hidden word** [will reveal] in **CORRECT ANSWER**)\n **RECTA**\n\n**RECTA** (plural of the terminal part of the large intestine; body parts)"} {"Clue":"26 unhappy about smooth melodic effect (9)","Answer":"GLISSANDO","Explanation":"Definition: melodic effect\n**Anagram of **[unhappy] **SLIGO** (entry at 26 down) **containing** (about) **SAND** (to smooth)\n **GLIS** (**SAND**) **O***\n\n**GLISSANDO** (the effect produced by sliding the finger along keyboard or strings; melodic effect)"} {"Clue":"Here in Ireland, couple's without love (largely what love is, they say) (6)","Answer":"DUBLIN","Explanation":"Definition: Here in Ireland\n**DUO** (two persons; couple) **excluding** (without) **O** (zero; love score in tennis) **+ BLIND** (reference the phrase 'Love is **BLIND**') **excluding the final letter** (largely) **D**\n **DU ****BLIN**\n\n**DUBLIN** (Capital city of the Republic of Ireland)"} {"Clue":"Split vote in Parliament (8)","Answer":"DIVISION","Explanation":"Definition: Split\n**DIVISION** (rupture; split)\n **DIVISION**\n\n**DIVISION** (the taking of a vote in Parliament) double definition"} {"Clue":"Required: E, N and D, served in various quantities (6)","Answer":"NEEDED","Explanation":"Definition: Required\n**NEEDED** \u2013 **a word formed from the\u00a0three letters E, N and D in different quantities.** In alphabetical; order, there are 2 Ds 3 Es and 1 N\n **N****EE****D****E****D**\n\n**NEEDED** (required)"} {"Clue":"I listened to fado performance, end of July, in the sun (3,2,3)","Answer":"EYE OF DAY","Explanation":"Definition: sun\n**EYE** (**sounds like** [listened to] I) **+ an anagram of **(performance) **FADO** **+** **Y** (**last letter of** [end of] **JULY**) It's not necessary to understand the word **FADO**, but it is Portuguese folk music, so the following word 'performance' is very apt, as is the allusion\u00a0conveyed by the clue\n **EYE** **OF DA*** **Y**\n\n**EYE OF DAY** (the sun)"} {"Clue":"Somewhere off the beaten track, young person starts to visit Roman city (6)","Answer":"BYPATH","Explanation":"Definition: Somewhere off the beaten track\n**YP** (**initial letters of** [starts to] **YOUNG** and **PERSON**) **contained in** (in) **BATH** (a city in England with Roman origins)\n **B** (**YP**) **ATH**\n\n**BYPATH** (secluded or indirect **PATH**; somewhere off the beaten track)"} {"Clue":"Writer of ordinary book's nothing to Lorraine (6)","Answer":"O","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\n**O** (ordinary) **+ B** (book) **+ RIEN** (French [Lorraine is a Region of France])\n **O B RIEN**\n\n**O'BRIEN** (reference Edna\u00a0**O'BRIEN** [born 1930], Irish novelist)"} {"Clue":"The best thing that goes with strawberries (5)","Answer":"CREAM","Explanation":"Definition: The best thing\n**CREAM** (best part of anything)\n **CREAM**\n\n**CREAM **(a foodstuff that is frequently served with strawberries)"} {"Clue":"Johnson's occasionally in blue during visit (7)","Answer":"STANLEY","Explanation":"Definition: Johnson\n**NLE** (**letters 2, 4 and 6 of** [occasionally] of **IN BLUE**) **contained in** (during) **STAY** (visit)\n **STA** (**NLE**) **Y**\n\n**STANLEY** (reference **STANLEY** Johnson\u00a0[born 1940], father of the current UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson)"} {"Clue":"People wasting money stop eating chips? On the contrary (9)","Answer":"SPENDALLS","Explanation":"Definition: People wasting money\n**SPALLS** (splinters; chips) **containing** (eating) **END** (stop), i.e. **the opposite of** [on the contrary] of what the first part of the clue suggests.\n **SP** (**END**) **ALLS**\n\n**SPENDALLS** (spendthrifts; people wasting money)"} {"Clue":"Suddenly moved back from playground' that's greasy (8)","Answer":"RECOILED","Explanation":"Definition: Suddenly moved back\n**REC** (recreation ground; playuground) **+ OILED** (greasy)\n **REC OILED**\n\n**RECOILED** (suddenly moved back)"} {"Clue":"They keep records of unbelievable husband leaving Maidenhead (8)","Answer":"TALLYMEN","Explanation":"Definition: They keep records\n**TALL** (hardly to be believed, as in **TALL** tale) **+ HYMEN** (maidenhead) **excluding** (leaving) **H** (husband)\n **TALL** **YMEN**\n\n**TALLYMEN** (people who keep counts or records)"} {"Clue":"Time together to become less intense, they say (4)","Answer":"SYNC","Explanation":"Definition: Time together\n**SYNC** (**sounds like** [they say] **SINK** [diminish; become less intense])\n **SYNC**\n\n**SYNC** (synchronise; coincide or agree in time)"} {"Clue":"Deranged Etonian securing university grant without bombast? Sweet! (9)","Answer":"NOUGATINE","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\n**Anagram of** (deranged) **ETONIAN** **containing** (securing) (**U** [university] **+** **GRANT** **excluding** (without)\u00a0**RANT** [bombast])\n **NO** (**U** **G**) **ATINE***\n\n**NOUGATINE** (hard, chewy confection made of a sweet paste filled with chopped almonds, pistachio nuts, cherries, etc)"} {"Clue":"Playwright's woman managed to steal papers (8)","Answer":"SHERIDAN","Explanation":"Definition: Playwright\n**SHE** (referring to a woman) **+ (RAN** [managed])**containing** (to steal) **ID** ([identity] papers)\n **SHE** **R** (**ID**) **AN**\n\n**SHERIDAN** (reference Richard Brinsley **SHERIDAN** [1751 \u2013 1816], Irish satirist and playwright)"} {"Clue":"Friendly guy supporting Jamie after dropping clothes (8)","Answer":"AMICABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Friendly\n**JAMIE** **excluding** (dropping) **the outer letters** (clothes) **J** and **E** **+ CABLE** (strong rope that could be used as a guy)\n **AMI CABLE**\n\n**AMICABLE** (friendly)"} {"Clue":"Musical performance on island (4)","Answer":"GIGI","Explanation":"Definition: Musical\n**GIG **(concert; performance) **+ I **(island)\n **GIG I**\n\n**GIGI** (a Musical with a book and lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner and by music Frederick Loewe. It is based on the 1944 novella **GIGI** by Colette and 1958 hit musical film of the same name)"} {"Clue":"Taking part in attempt to create threesome (7)","Answer":"TRINITY","Explanation":"Definition: threesome\n**IN IT** (taking part) **contained in** (in) **TRY** (attempt)\n **TR** (**IN IT**) **Y**\n\n**TRINITY** (threesome)"} {"Clue":"Louis XIV discovered Germany's cruel (6)","Answer":"UNKIND","Explanation":"Definition: cruel\n**SUN KING** (Louis XIV was known as the **SUN KING**) **excluding the outer letters** (dis-covered) **S** and **G** **+ D** (International Vehicle registration for Germany)\n **UN** **KIN** **D**\n\n**UNKIND** (cruel)"} {"Clue":"Footballer, one given welcome by coach Hodgson (6)","Answer":"ROONEY","Explanation":"Definition: Footballer\n**ONE** **contained in** (given welcome by) **ROY** (reference **ROY** Hodgson [born 1947, well-travelled and multilingual football manager who has managed top-flight league teams as well as\u00a0national teams in several countries. He is\u00a0currently managing Crystal Palace in the English Premiership)\n **RO** (**ONE**) **Y**\n\n**ROONEY** (reference Wayne **ROONEY** [born 1985], English footballer, currently interim manager at Derby County, an English Championship team)"} {"Clue":"County should look into golden opportunities for starters (5)","Answer":"SLIGO","Explanation":"Definition: County\n**SLIGO** (**first letters of** [starters] **of each of** **SHOULD**, **LOOK**,** ****INTO,** **GOLDEN** and **OPPORTUNITIES**)\n **SLIGO**\n\n**SLIGO** (County in the Republic of Ireland)"} {"Clue":"Harvard fresher, girl in rum dance, ungainly number (11)","Answer":"UNDERCLASSMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Harvard fresher\n(**LASS** [girl] **contained in** [in] **an anagram of** [ungainly] **RUM DANCE**) **+ N** (number)\n **U****NDE****R****C** (**LASS**) **M****A*** N\n\n**UNDERCLASSMAN** (fresher at American University, such as Harvard)"} {"Clue":"The governor occupies position in list from which twelve were chosen (4)","Answer":"PAIS","Explanation":"Definition: list from which twelve were chosen\n**PA** (father; governor) **+ IS** (occupies position)\n **PA IS**\n\n**PAIS** (the people from whom a jury is drawn [this is an archaic word, so it is a list from which twelve **WERE** chosen])"} {"Clue":"Tamilnadu's devastated lad swept away \u2013 in this? (7)","Answer":"TSUNAMI","Explanation":"Definition: Tamilnadu's devastated lad swept away \u2013 in this\n**Anagram of** (devastated) **TAMILNADUS** **excluding** (swept away) the letters in\u00a0**LAD** \n **TSUNAMI***\n\n**TSUNAMI** (tidal wave, that could sweep away a **LAD,**. Tamil Nadu is a region of South East India,** **susceptible to **TSUNAMI**s)"} {"Clue":"Tussle in the south-west? Local service cut, line closed (6)","Answer":"WRAXLE","Explanation":"Definition: Tussle in the south-west\nI'm struggling to parse this to my satisfaction. I can get (**AXE** [cut] **containing** [closed?] **L**) but **WR** escapes me unless there is some local service in the south-west of England know as **WR**.\n So the best I can offer is **WR** **AX** (**L**) **E**\n\n**WRAXLE** (South West dialect word for wrestle [tussle])"} {"Clue":"Epic hero? King loses first by bog (4)","Answer":"AJAX","Explanation":"Definition: Epic hero\n**RAJA** (king) **excluding the first letter** (loses first) **R** **+ X** (times; by)\n **AJA X**\n\n**AJAX** (hero in Greek mythology)\n **AJAX** (also defined as a privy; toilet; bog) two definitions"} {"Clue":"Burnsian songster in avoiding hawk (4)","Answer":"MERL","Explanation":"Definition: Burnsian songster\n**MERLIN** (a species of small falcon; hawk?) **excluding** (avoiding) **IN**\n **MERL**\n\n**MERL** (archaic or literary Scottish word for a blackbird. A word Robert Burns might have used to describe a songster)"} {"Clue":"Two signs of wealth maybe creating popular outcry? (6)","Answer":"FURORE","Explanation":"Definition: popular \n**FUR** (thick, soft, fine hair of certain animals; often in the past made into expensive clothing) **+ ORE** (poetic term for precious metal, also a mineral from which more valuable constituents can be derived by treatment) two signs of wealth\n **FUR ORE**\n\n**FURORE** (public indignation; popular outcry)"} {"Clue":"Cistern supplying what school staff serving top table do (8)","Answer":"FEED HEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Cistern\n**FEED** (serve food to) **+ HEAD** (**HEAD**master who would sit at the top table at a school dinner)\n **FEED HEAD**\n\n**FEED HEAD** (cistern that supplies water to a boiler)"} {"Clue":"Bearing witness to finest Act II in play (13)","Answer":"TESTIFICATION","Explanation":"Definition: Bearing witness\n**Anagram of** (in play) **TO FINEST ACT II **\n **TESTIFICATION***\n\n**TESTIFICATION** (act of bearing witness to)"} {"Clue":"Strip clubs; reluctant entering French one, being female (6)","Answer":"UNCLOTHE","Explanation":"Definition: Strip\n(**C** [clubs] **+ LOTH** [reluctant]) **contained in** (entering) **UNE** (the female French form of 'one')\n **UN** (**C LOTH**) **E**\n\n**UNCLOTHE** (strip)"} {"Clue":"Group of senior ministers excluding Rudd, rigidly formal (6)","Answer":"STARCH","Explanation":"Definition: rigidly formal\n**STAR CHAMBER** (a group of senior ministers of the British Cabinet, who meet occasionally to decide how government spending is to be allocated amongst various ministries) **excluding** (excluding) **AMBER** (reference **AMBER** Rudd [born 1963], former Home Secretary and holder of other Cabinet posts who might have attended **STAR CHAMBER**\u00a0meetings when in office)\n **STARCH**\n\n**STARCH** (rigid, formal; rigidly formal)"} {"Clue":"Swell? Crescendo may proceed so (4)","Answer":"TOFF","Explanation":"Definition: Swell\n**TO** (towards; proceed towards) **+ FF** (very loud as is a crescendo at the end)\n **TO FF**\n\n**TOFF** (aristocrat; swell)"} {"Clue":"Short article is apt read? Edits this possibly (4)","Answer":"PARA","Explanation":"Definition: Short article\n**PARA** (**IS APT READ** is **an anagram of** **(edits)** **and the entry** {this] **PARA**) This clue illustrates\u00a0Azed's device of making an anagram from the entry and one of the words in the clue)\n **PARA***\n\n**PARA** (abbreviation [short] for **PARA**graph or written article)"} {"Clue":"Ordinary short sword back round middle of waist (6)","Answer":"COTISE","Explanation":"Definition: Ordinary\n**ESTOC** (short sword) **reversed** (back) **containing** (round)** I** (**central letter of** [middle of] **WAIST**)\n **COT** (**I**) **SE**<\n\n**COTISE** (an ordinary)"} {"Clue":"English vessel with nothing aboard, one conveying Boney to St Helena? (7)","Answer":"ELOINER","Explanation":"Definition: one conveying Boney to St Helena\n**E** (English) **+** (**LINER** [vessel] **containing** [with \u2026 aboard] **O** [character representing nothing])\n **E** **L** (**O**) **INER**\n\n**ELOINER** (something that conveys to a distance; such as conveying Napoleon Bonaparte [Boney] to St Helena)"} {"Clue":"Those in the oldest profession, they say, dull as it sounds (4)","Answer":"PROS","Explanation":"Definition: Those in the oldest profession\n**PROS** (**sounds like** [they say] **PROSE** [dull])\n **PROS**\n\n**PROS** (prostitutes; prostitution is known as the world's oldest profession)"} {"Clue":"Tennis Repton's adapted relatively safe environmentally (13)","Answer":"NONPERSISTENT","Explanation":"Definition: relatively safe environmentally\n**Anagram of** (adapted) **TENNIS REPTON'S**\n **NONPERSISTENT***\n\n**NONPERSISTENT** ([of eg insecticides and pesticides] decomposing rapidly after application and not lingering in the environment)"} {"Clue":"A puff or two might make insecure roof ______ (6)","Answer":"UPWAFT","Explanation":"Definition: relatively safe environmentally\n**Anagram of** (adapted) **TENNIS REPTON'S**\n **NONPERSISTENT***\n\n**NONPERSISTENT** ([of eg insecticides and pesticides] decomposing rapidly after application and not lingering in the environment)"} {"Clue":"Constituent of opium or cocaine inhaled by nostril once? Death mostly follows (7)","Answer":"NARCEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Constituent of opium\n(**C** [cocaine] **contained in **[inhaled by] **NARE** [archaic {once} word for nostril]) **+ END** (death) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **D**\n **NAR **(**C**)** E EN**\n\n**NARCEEN** (narcotic alkaloid in opium)"} {"Clue":"I put in days on eastern garment almost finished, a fourth (11)","Answer":"DIATESSARON","Explanation":"Definition: a fourth\n(**I** **contained in** [put in] **DATES** [days]) **+ SARONG** (Malay skirtlike garment for a man or woman; eastern garment) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **G**\n **D** (**I**) **ATES** **SARON**\n\n**DIATESSARON** (in music, the interval of a fourth)"} {"Clue":"Get foot cut from middle of weapon (4)","Answer":"RILE","Explanation":"Definition: Get\n**RIFLE** (weapon) **excluding the central letter** (getting \u2026 cut from middle of) **F** (foot)\n **RILE**\n\n**RILE **(annoy; irritate; get)"} {"Clue":"Casanova's first present for beloved (5)","Answer":"CHERE","Explanation":"Definition: beloved\n**C** (**initial letter of** [first] **CASANOVA**) **+ HERE **(present)\n **C HERE**\n\n**CHERE** (dear; beloved)"} {"Clue":"Seamy ultras mixed up with core of collusion (7)","Answer":"SUTURAL","Explanation":"Definition: Seamy\n**Anagram of** (mixed up)** ULTRAS** and (with) **U** (**middle letter of** [core of] **COLLUSION**)\n **SUTURAL***\n\n**SUTURAL** (descriptive of something with **SUTUR**es [seams]; seamy)"} {"Clue":"Succeeded, never associated with allurements? (5)","Answer":"SNARY","Explanation":"Definition: associated with allurements\n**S** (succeeded) **+ NARY **(never)\n **S NARY**\n\n**SNARY** (associated with **SNARE**s [allurements])"} {"Clue":"Rising block, Tories mostly excited about publicity, one likely to win in vote? (11)","Answer":"MAJORITAIRE","Explanation":"Definition: one likely to win in vote\n**JAM** (block) **reversed** (rising; down entry) **+** (**an anagram of** [excited] **TORIE****S** **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **S** **containing** [about] **AIR** [exposure or publicity])\n **MAJ**< **ORIT** (**AIR**) **E***\n\n**MAJORITAIRE** (a member of a majority section of a political party, i.e. one most likely to win a vote within the party)"} {"Clue":"King at home brought up odd job for Paddy (5)","Answer":"NIXER","Explanation":"Definition: odd job for Paddy\n(**REX** [king] **+ IN** [at home]) **all reversed** (brought up; down entry)\n (**NI XER**)<\n\n**NIXER** (an Irish [Paddy] term for a\u00a0job, especially a spare-time or irregular one, the earnings of which are not declared for tax purposes by the worker)"} {"Clue":"Toast included in tally of expenses chalked up? (7)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: Toast\n**SLATE** (a list of preliminary expenses or credit, originally written in chalk on a real piece of **SLATE**) **containing** (included) **IN**\n **SLA** (**IN**) **TE**\n\n**SL\u00c0INTE** (Gaelic toast, meaning 'good health!#)"} {"Clue":"Either of two Oxbridge colleges acceptable for 'harmless drudge' (7)","Answer":"JOHNSON","Explanation":"Definition: harmless drudge\n**JOHNS** (There are St **JOHN'S** colleges at both Oxford and Cambridge) **+ ON** (acceptable)\n **JOHNS ON**\n\n**JOHNSON** (Dr Samuel **JOHNSON** [1709 \u2013 1784], included\u00a0lexicography amongst his many other talents. He defined a lexicographer as 'a writer of dictionaries; a **HARMLESS DRUDGE**, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the signification of words')"} {"Clue":"Hall, e.g. among number put up, ultra-modern (6)","Answer":"NEWEST","Explanation":"Definition: ultra-modern\n**WES** (reference Sir **WES**ley Hall [born 1937], renowned West Indian fast bowler) **contained in** {among] **TEN** (a number) **reversed** (put up; down entry)\n **NE** (**WES**) **T**<\n\n**NEWEST** (the most modern)"} {"Clue":"Quaker? Not unlike one he reveres endlessly? (5)","Answer":"ASPEN","Explanation":"Definition: Quaker\n**AS** (like; not unlike) **+ PENN** (reference William **PENN** [1644 \u2013 1718], early member of\u00a0the Religious Society of Friends [Quakers]) **excluding the final letter** (endlessly) **N**. Many early Quakers revered **PENN** as he established the State of\u00a0**PENN**sylvania)\n **AS PEN**\n\n**ASPEN** (trembling poplar; a quaker in the wind). **PENN** designed the city of Philadelphia and named many of it's street after trees. Google maps tells me there is an **ASPEN** street in Philadelphia)"} {"Clue":"It's for lifting potatoes one planted in trench (5)","Answer":"GRAIP","Explanation":"Definition: It's for lifting potatoes\n**A** (one ) **contained in** (planted in) **GRIP** (small ditch, gutter or trench to carry away surface water)\n **GR** (**A**) **IP**\n\n**GRAIP** (three- or four-pronged fork used for lifting dung or digging potatoes)"} {"Clue":"Bacteria? Opening of cut on back of head put off (5)","Answer":"COCCI","Explanation":"Definition: Bacteria\n**C** (**first letter of** [opening of] **CUT**) **+ OCCIPUT** (back of the head or skull) **excluding** (off) **PUT**\n **C OCCI**\n\n**COCCI** (spherical bacteria)"} {"Clue":"One looks out for catch making appearance before end of patter (4)","Answer":"HUER","Explanation":"Definition: One looks out for catch\n**HUE **(appearance) **+ R** (**final letter of** [end of] **PATTER**)\n **HUE ****R**\n\n**HUER** (a pilchard fishermen's lookout man)"} {"Clue":"Waterfall, one leaving depression (4)","Answer":"FOSS","Explanation":"Definition: Waterfall\n**FOSSA** (pit or depression) **excluding** (leaving) A (one)\n **FOSS**\n\n**FOSS** (variation on **FORCE** [waterfall])"} {"Clue":"Caught fungal infection scratching backside, with your pen essentially inserted \u2013 that's embarrassing (12)","Answer":"CRINGEWORTHY","Explanation":"Definition: embarrassing\n**C** (caught) + (**E** [**middle letter of **[essentially] **PEN** **contained in** [inserted] [**RINGWORM** {fungal infection} **excluding the final letter** {scratching backside} **M** **+ THY** {your}]\u00a0) \n **C** **RING** (**E**) **WOR** **THY**\n\n**CRINGEWORTHY** (acutely embarrassing)"} {"Clue":"Disorganised figure taking clothes off has problem (9)","Answer":"HAPHAZARD","Explanation":"Definition: Disorganised\n**SHAPE** (figure) **excluding the outer letters S and E** (taking clothes off) **+ HAZARD** (problem)\n **HAP HAZARD**\n\n**HAPHAZARD** (disorganised)"} {"Clue":"Old fashioned doorman powerless, on reflection (5)","Answer":"RETRO","Explanation":"Definition: Old fashioned\n**PORTER** (doorman) **excluding** (less) **P** (power) **reversed** (on reflection)\n **RETRO**<\n\n**RETRO** (reminiscent of, reverting to, or recreating the past, especially for effect; old-fashioned)"} {"Clue":"As part of Commonwealth day I ran around city (6)","Answer":"RIYADH","Explanation":"Definition: city\n**RIYADH** (**hidden word** [part of] **reversed** [around] in **COMMONWEALTH DAY I RAN**)\n **RIYADH**<\n\n**RIYADH** (capital city of Saudi Arabia)"} {"Clue":"Titillating at first, star novelist makes waves (8)","Answer":"TSUNAMIS","Explanation":"Definition: waves\n**T** (**first letter of** [at first] **TITILLATING**) **+ SUN** (star) **+ AMIS** (reference either of Kingsley [1922 \u2013 1995] or Martin **AMIS** [born 1949], both are novelists)\n **T SUN AMIS**\n\n**TSUNAMIS** (tidal waves)"} {"Clue":"Medic in court blocking entrance (6)","Answer":"DOCTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Medic\n**CT** (court) **contained in** (blocking) **DOOR** (entrance)\n **DO** (**CT**) **OR**\n\n**DOCTOR** (medic)"} {"Clue":"Make pleasant smell with fragrant plant (8)","Answer":"HUMANISE","Explanation":"Definition: Make pleasant\n**HUM** (smell) **+ ANISE** (plant with aromatic seeds; fragrant plant)\n **HUM ANISE**\n\n**HUMANISE** (make pleasant)"} {"Clue":" is caused by my repeated depression and \"Special One\" going to pub (5,3)","Answer":"SPACE BAR","Explanation":"Definition: is caused by my repeated depression\n**SP** (special) **+ ACE** (number one) **+ BAR** (pub)\n **SP ****ACE BAR**\n\n**SPACE BAR** (repeated depression of the **SPACE BAR** will cause a series of blank characters to be produced as at the beginning of the clue)"} {"Clue":"Effective place to wee when camping? (6)","Answer":"POTENT","Explanation":"Definition: Effective\n**PO** (chamberpot) **+ TENT** (portable shelter used in camping), so a **PO TENT** would be where one goes to wee when camping\n **PO TENT**\n\n**POTENT** (powerful; effective)"} {"Clue":"Forward unwise to ignore introduction from referee (8)","Answer":"IMPUDENT","Explanation":"Definition: Forward\n**IMPRUDENT** (unwise) **excluding** (to ignore) **R** (**first letter of** [introduction from] **R**EFEREE)\n **IMPUDENT**\n\n**IMPUDENT** (shamelessly bold; forward)"} {"Clue":"Dotty over young woman (6)","Answer":"MAIDEN","Explanation":"Definition: young woman\nI think this a reference to cricket scoring where a **MAIDEN** over (one where there are no runs scored from the bat) is depicted in bowler's records as six dots \u2013 hence the cryptic definition\u00a0dotty over.\n **MAIDEN**\n\n**MAIDEN** (young woman)"} {"Clue":"K Cobain's widow provides spice (5)","Answer":"CLOVE","Explanation":"Definition: spice\nKurt Cobain [1967 \u2013 1994] was a singer songwriter married to Courtney Love (born 1964) at the time of his death. **C LOVE** therefore represents Courtney is the same form as K Cobain\n **C LOVE**\n\n**CLOVE** (spice)"} {"Clue":"On my way to drink drop of malt \u2013 the French blend (9)","Answer":"COMMINGLE","Explanation":"Definition: blend\n(**COMING** [on my way] **containing** [to drink] **M** [**first letter of** {drop of} **MALT**]) **+ LE** (one of the French forms of 'the')\n **COM** (**M**) **ING** **LE**\n\n**COMMINGLE** (mix together; blend)"} {"Clue":"Patriot's song upset supporters (12)","Answer":"PROTAGONISTS","Explanation":"Definition: supporters\n**Anagram of** (upset) **PATRIOTS SONG**\n **PROTA****GON****IST****S***\n\n**PROTAGONISTS** (advocates; supporters)"} {"Clue":"That girl in school is stuck (7)","Answer":"COHERED","Explanation":"Definition: stuck\n**HER** (that girl) **contained in** (in) **COED** (co-educational school)\n **CO** (**HER**) **ED**\n\n**COHERED** (stuck)"} {"Clue":"Suggest, in a feeble manner, going topless (5)","Answer":"IMPLY","Explanation":"Definition: Suggest\n**LIMPLY** (in a feeble manner) **excluding the first letter** (going topless; down entry) **L**\n **IMPLY**\n\n**IMPLY** (suggest)"} {"Clue":"Organised criminal is impressive (9)","Answer":"GRANDIOSE","Explanation":"Definition: impressive\n**Anagram of** (criminal) **ORGANISED**\n **GRANDIOSE***\n\n**GRANDIOSE** (imposing; impressive)"} {"Clue":"River sport (4)","Answer":"WEAR","Explanation":"Definition: River\n**WEAR** (reference the river **WEAR** in North East England which flows to the sea in Sunderland)\n **WEAR**\n\n**WEAR** (be dressed in; display; sport)"} {"Clue":"Endures river that is flooding Oxford University (5,3)","Answer":"RIDES OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Endures\n**R** (river) **+** (**ID EST** [that is] **containing** (flooding) **OU** [Oxford University])\n **R** **ID ES** (**OU**) **T**\n\n**RIDES OUT** (gets safely through; survives; endures)"} {"Clue":"Leading man's new bird (5)","Answer":"HERON","Explanation":"Definition: bird\n**HERO** (leading man) **+ N** (new)\n **HERO N**\n\n**HERON** (large long-legged, long-necked wading bird)"} {"Clue":"Male animal in discomfort beginning to emit unpleasant chemical (8)","Answer":"PTOMAINE","Explanation":"Definition: unpleasant chemical\n(**TOM** [male cat] **contained in** [in] **PAIN** [discomfort]) **+ ****E** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **EMIT**)\n **P** (**TOM**) **AIN** **E**\n\n**PTOMAINE** (loosely used name for amino-compounds, some poisonous, formed from putrefying animal tissues)"} {"Clue":"Dessert in Finland mostly served up with peel of star-apple (6)","Answer":"MOUSSE","Explanation":"Definition: Dessert\n**SUOM****I** (Finland) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **I** **reversed** (served up; down entry) **+ SE** (**outer letters of** [peel of] **STAR-APPLE**)\n **MOUS**< **SE**\n\n**MOUSSE** (type of dessert)"} {"Clue":"Cold meat pie with no base concerning Victor (6)","Answer":"CHAMPION","Explanation":"Definition: Victor\n**C** (cold) **+ HAM** (type of meat) **+ PIE** **excluding** (no) **E** (base of natural logarithms) **+ ON** (concerning)\n **C HAM PI ON**\n\n**CHAMPION** (victor)"} {"Clue":"Love how much fuss one can receive? (9)","Answer":"ADORATION","Explanation":"Definition: Love \n**ADO** (fuss) **+ RATION** (fixed allowance or portion; amount that can be received)\n **ADO** **RATION**\n\n**ADORATION** (love)"} {"Clue":"Wooden panelling was hemming in bed (8)","Answer":"WAINSCOT","Explanation":"Definition: Wooden panelling \n**WAS **containing (hemming) **IN + COT** (type of bed)\n **WA** (**IN**) **S** **COT**\n\n**WAINSCOT** (woodwork panelled on an interior wall)"} {"Clue":"Evacuated station with long grass (6)","Answer":"SNITCH","Explanation":"Definition: grass\n**SN** (**letters remaining in**\u00a0**STATION** **when the central letters TATIO are removed** [evacuated]) **+ ITCH** (yearn; long)\n **SN ITCH**\n\n**SNITCH** (inform; grass)"} {"Clue":"Bores head back north and get lost regularly (7)","Answer":"TUNNELS","Explanation":"Definition: Bores\n**NUT** (head) **reversed** (back)** + N** (north) **+ ELS** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [regularly] **GET LOST**)\n **TUN**<** N ELS**\n\n**TUNNELS** (bores)"} {"Clue":"Gloomy daughter's back (5)","Answer":"DREAR","Explanation":"Definition: Gloomy\n**D** (daughter) **+ REAR** (back)\n **D REAR**\n\n**DREAR** (gloomy)"} {"Clue":"Artist to prepare air-free environment? (5)","Answer":"DEGAS","Explanation":"Definition: Artist\n**DE GAS** (take the gas out of, creating a vacuum; prepare an air-free environment)\n **DE GAS**\n\n**DEGAS** (reference Edgar **DEGAS** [1834 \u2013 1917], French impressionist artist)"} {"Clue":"Sticks up for superior (4)","Answer":"SMUG","Explanation":"Definition: superior\n**GUMS** (sticks) **reversed** (up; down entry)\n **SMUG**<\n\n**SMUG** (superior)"} {"Clue":"Pause attempt to shoot after four failures? (4,4)","Answer":"TAKE FIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Pause\n**TAKE** (amount of film [eg one scene] photographed [shot]at any one time) **+ FIVE** (one after four). **TAKE**s are usually repeated until the Director of the film is satisfied that the desired result has been achieved, so the fifth **TAKE** is likely to occur after four failures.\n **TAKE FIVE**\n\n**TAKE FIVE** (**TAKE** a short break for **FIVE** or possibly a few more minutes)"} {"Clue":"Plug gap at sea (6)","Answer":"ADRIFT","Explanation":"Definition: at sea \n**AD** (advert; plug) **+ RIFT** (break; gap)\n **AD RIFT**\n\n**ADRIFT** (loose from moorings; at sea)"} {"Clue":"Jazz singer's first attempts to produce a hit (6)","Answer":"SWINGS","Explanation":"Definition: attempts to produce a hit\n**SWING** (big band jazz music) **+ S** (**initial letter of** [first] **SINGER**)\n **SWING** **S**\n\n**SWINGS **(a novice golfer may have a few **SWINGS** before hitting the ball at all)"} {"Clue":"What presumably inspired UKIP with right to destroy Britain's sense of well-being (8)","Answer":"EUPHORIA","Explanation":"Definition: sense of well-being\n**EU PHOBIA** (fear [often irrational or morbid] of the European Union, something that may have inspired the formation of UK Independence Party) with **R** (right) **replacing** (to destroy) **B** (Britain)\n **EU** **PHORIA**\n\n**EUPHORIA** (exaggerated feeling of wellbeing, which may also be irrational)"} {"Clue":"Repulsive state's government policies welcome by America (8)","Answer":"UGLINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Repulsive state\n(**G** [government] **+ LINES** [policies]) **contained in** (welcome by) **US** ([United States of] America)\n **U** (**G LINES**) **S**\n\n**UGLINESS** (repulsive state)"} {"Clue":"Gag judge standing in for start of trial (4)","Answer":"JEST","Explanation":"Definition: Gag\n**J** (judge) **replacing** (standing for) **T**, **the first letter of** **TEST** (trial)\n **J EST**\n\n**JEST** (joke; gag)"} {"Clue":"Material university dons regard with wonder (5)","Answer":"GAUZE","Explanation":"Definition: Material\n**U** (university) **contained in** (dons) **GAZE** (look fixedly, or long and steadily, especially in admiration or abstraction; regard with wonder) \n **GA** (**U**) **ZE**\n\n**GAUZE** (type of material)"} {"Clue":"Rather tasteless savage upsetting lead character (4)","Answer":"MILD","Explanation":"Definition: Rather tasteless\n**WILD** (savage) **with the first letter** (lead character) **W** t**urned through 180 degrees** (upset) to form the letter **M**\n **M**** ILD**\n\n**MILD** (not sharp or bitter, rather tasteless)"} {"Clue":"Fish Spooner says is unable to reproduce (6)","Answer":"NEUTER","Explanation":"Definition: unable to reproduce \n**NEUTER** (Reverend Spooner would pronounce says] **NEUTER** as **TEUNER** sounding like **TUNA** [fish])\n **NEUTER**\n\n**NEUTER** (castrate; deprive of the ability to reproduce)"} {"Clue":"Part of Homer's issue about main representation of figures (3,5)","Answer":"BAR CHART","Explanation":"Definition: representation of figures\n**BART** (reference **BART** Simpson, son of [issue] Homer Simpson in the cartoon series The Simpsons. **BART** is one of three children, so he is part of Homer's issue) **containing** (about) **ARCH** (chief; principal; main)\n **B** (**AR CH**) **ART**\n\n**BAR CHART** (graph showing comparative quantities by means of rectangular blocks of varying proportional height; representation of figures)"} {"Clue":"Contrary attitude about relations putting work first (8)","Answer":"OPPOSITE","Explanation":"Definition: Contrary\n**OP** (opus; work) **+** (**POSE** [attitude] ** containing [about] IT** (sexual relations])\n **OP** **POS** (**IT**) **E**\n\n**OPPOSITE** (contrary)"} {"Clue":"Spank husband mixing with riff-raff (6)","Answer":"THRASH","Explanation":"Definition: Spank\n**H** (husband) **contained in** (mixing with) **TRASH** (riff-raff). \n I have parsed this as a container and contents clue rather than an anagram of (mixing **H** with **TRASH**) **H** and **TRASH** as the word **TRASH** is not spelled out in the clue. The use of **TRASH **in that parsing would therefore involve an indirect anagram which is considered to be a no-no in crossword circles\n\n**THRASH** (spank)"} {"Clue":"Military display to bestow decoration on soldier? (6)","Answer":"TATTOO","Explanation":"Definition: Military display\n**TATTOO** (mark the skin of person, a soldier for example, with a decoration formed from an indelible dye)\n **TATTOO**\n\n**TATTOO** (military entertainment, with marching, displays of prowess, etc, often held at night) double definition"} {"Clue":"Cut off air supply when Lambert's trapped by alien (8)","Answer":"STRANGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Cut off air supply\n**L** (lambert; a unit of brightness) **contained in** (trapped by) **STRANGE** (alien)\n **STRANG** (**L**) **E**\n\n**STRANGLE** (constrict\u00a0by cutting off air supply)"} {"Clue":"Try to catch calendar girls wearing cycling gear (6)","Answer":"EARWIG","Explanation":"Definition: Try to catch\n**WI **(Women's Institute. The reference is to a nude calendar produced by the Knapely branch of the Women's Institute in 1999. A film depicting the events surrounding the character was made in 2003) **contained in** (wearing) a version of **GEAR** **with all the letters moved\u00a0one place to the left and the first letter positioned at the end** (cycling) to form **EARG**\n **EAR **(**WI**)** G**\n\n**EARWIG** (eavesdrop; try to catch)"} {"Clue":"Staggered entries will finally join up again (2-6)","Answer":"RE-ENLIST","Explanation":"Definition: join up again\n**Anagram of** (staggered) **ENTRIES** and **L** (**last letter o**f [finally] **WILL**)\n **RE-EN****L****IST***\n\n**RE-ENLIST** (join up again"} {"Clue":"Paper used to cover model turning up to go to court (6)","Answer":"TISSUE","Explanation":"Definition: Paper used to cover\n**SIT** (model) **reversed** (turning up; down clue) **+ SUE** (take to court)\n **TIS**< **SUE**\n\n**TISSUE** (thin, soft, semitransparent paper used for tracing, wrapping [cover]\u00a0delicate or breakable objects, decoration, etc)"} {"Clue":"Present component of further education (4)","Answer":"HERE","Explanation":"Definition: Present\n**HERE** (**hidden word in** [component of] **FURTHER EDUCATION**)\n **HERE**\n\n**HERE** (present)"} {"Clue":"What would enhance the sound of new opera he composed? (8)","Answer":"EARPHONE","Explanation":"Definition: What would enhance the sound\n**Anagram of** (composed) **N** (new) and **OPERA HE**\n **EARPHO****N****E*******\n\n**EARPHONE** (device that enables the wearer to hear more clearly; device to enhance sound)"} {"Clue":"Doctor gets young man wanting heroin to undergo therapy for addiction (3,3)","Answer":"DRY OUT","Explanation":"Definition: undergo therapy for addiction\n**DR** (doctor) **+ YOUTH** (young person, especially a man, hence the use of 'he') **excluding** (wanting) **H** (heroin)\n **DR Y OUT**\n\n**DRY OUT** (stay off alcohol or some other drug; undergo a therapy for an addiction)"} {"Clue":"Authority figure in charge I refuse to accept (8)","Answer":"OFFICIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Authority figure\n**OFFAL** (waste; refuse) **containing** (to accept) (**I\/C** (in charge) + **I**)\n **OFF** (**IC ****I**) **AL**\n\n**OFFICIAL** (person of authority)"} {"Clue":"What generates report from second question on exam? (5)","Answer":"SQUIB","Explanation":"Definition: What generates report\n**S** (second) **+ QU** (question) **+**** IB** (international Baccalaureate; exam)\n **S QU IB**\n\n**SQUIB** (a firework that generates a bang [report])"} {"Clue":"Politician introduced to corrupt earl by former model (8)","Answer":"EXEMPLAR","Explanation":"Definition: model\n**EX** (former) + (**MP** [Member of Parliament; politician] **contained in** [introduced to] **an anagram of** [corrupt] **EARL**)\n **EX** **E** (**MP**) **LAR***\n\n**EXEMPLAR** (\u00a0person or thing to be imitated; model)"} {"Clue":"Soldiers besieging area take heart from corps supported by defence force (8)","Answer":"GARRISON","Explanation":"Definition: defence force\nI can't work out the parsing for this. I seem to have an **R **unaccounted for.\n I have **GIS** ([American soldiers] **containing** (about) (**A** [area] **+ R** [**middle letter of** [heart of] **CORPS**) **+ ON** (supported by) to form **GARISON** as **G** (**A R**) **IS** **ON **but this parsing only accounts for one of the two **R**s required.\n\n**GARRISON** (body of troops stationed in a town, fortress, etc to defend it)"} {"Clue":"Dress Armani has shortened for member of royal family (8)","Answer":"MAHARANI","Explanation":"Definition: member of royal family\n**Anagram of** (dress) **ARMANI HAS** **excluding the final letter** (shortened) **S**\n **MAHARANI***\n\n**MAHARANI** (\u00a0wife or widow of a Maharaja [Indian prince]; member of a royal family)"} {"Clue":"Liked friend of Dorothy receiving fine (4,2)","Answer":"TOOK TO","Explanation":"Definition: Liked\n**TOTO** (pet dog who accompanied Dorothy along the Yellow Brick Road) **containing** (receiving) **OK** (fine)\n **TO** (**OK**) **TO**\n\n**TOOK TO** (became fond of; liked)"} {"Clue":"Financial report concerning new routine brought up (6)","Answer":"RETURN","Explanation":"Definition: Financial report\n**RE** (concerning) **+** (**N** [new] **+ RUT** [routine]) **reversed** (turned up)\n **RE** (**TUR** **N**)<\n\n**RETURN** (financial report, of one's taxable income for instance [tax return])"} {"Clue":"Regularly orders new lines to make use of eBay? (6)","Answer":"RESELL","Explanation":"Definition: make use of eBay\n**RESE** (**letters 2, 4, 6 and 8** [regularly] of **ORDERS NEW**) **+ LL** (lines)\n **RESE** **LL**\n\n**RESELL** (many people uise the online site eBay to **RESELL** products)"} {"Clue":"Moderate quits after being exposed (4)","Answer":"EASE","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Edited topical item \u2013 Saving Energy \u2013 led by car offering computer control (9,5)","Answer":"AUTOMATIC PILOT","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Looking unhappy about navy at third level (7)","Answer":"TERNARY","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"English explorer not entirely fair about booze (7)","Answer":"RALEIGH","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Extinction? Mostly ask questions of the French and America (7)","Answer":"QUIETUS","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Cooler to attack supporters? (3,4)","Answer":"FAN CLUB","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Remains in party after leader goes (3)","Answer":"ASH","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Duke leading crowd right to the end? He has no serious intent (7)","Answer":"DABBLER","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Pass on, leaving item of punctuation (3)","Answer":"COL","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Fellow from Fair Isle, possibly \u2013 or fellow from Middle East (7)","Answer":"ISRAELI","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Vote in favour to split period of financial reporting? (4-3)","Answer":"YEAR END","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Knight, embraced by niece, getting disordered item of apparel (7)","Answer":"NECKTIE","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Hide error in repair? (7)","Answer":"FURBISH","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"\"Fact is, if you set out \u2026 well, there's nothing to add\" (7,2,2,3)","Answer":"SUFFICE IT TO SAY","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Marine creature, small, this far out (8)","Answer":"STARFISH","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Tell Independent politician to get skill (6)","Answer":"IMPART","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Messy location limiting a period in hotel (4)","Answer":"STAY","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Soil surrounding grain farmed initially with contempt (10)","Answer":"SCORNFULLY","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Pitman going round wrong purveyor of headgear (8)","Answer":"MILLINER","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Judge old bottle capable of providing cheer (6)","Answer":"JOVIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Collector and historian describing tanks containing moulded tin (11)","Answer":"ANTIQUARIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Awlward youngster guided to follow books found in garden and on ship (11)","Answer":"HOBBLEDEHOY","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Collapse in membership fees? I study sources of club expenditure (10)","Answer":"SUBSIDENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"A shade hard, ultimately? Certainly difficult, we hear (8)","Answer":"DYESTUFF","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Champion sweet I distributed \u2013 most like toffee (8)","Answer":"CHEWIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Scrum getting our side in uproar (6)","Answer":"RUCKUS","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Get agitated time after time in A&E (6)","Answer":"AERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Lose it, following cheeky comments (4)","Answer":"FLIP","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate \n**CEASES** (quits) **excluding the outer letters** (being exposed) **C** and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (become less acute; moderate)"} {"Clue":"Where American bigwigs may come together for sex (8)","Answer":"CONGRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Where American bigwigs may come together\n**CONGRESS** (federal legislature of the United States; where American bigwigs meet)\n **CONGRESS**\n\n**CONGRESS** (sexual intercourse) double definition"} {"Clue":"After short amount of time, Cruz perhaps becomes very wealthy (6)","Answer":"MINTED","Explanation":"Definition: very wealthy\n**MIN** (**abbreviation for** [short] **MIN**ute; also a **MIN**ute is a short amount of time) **+ TED** (reference Senator **TED** Cruz, Republican Senator for Texas since 2013)\n **MIN TED**\n\n**MINTED** (slang for wealthy)"} {"Clue":"Currently elected, and hopeless! (2,3)","Answer":"NO WIN","Explanation":"Definition: hopeless\n**NOW** (currently) **+ IN** (elected)\n **NO W** **IN**\n\n**NO WIN **(hopeless)"} {"Clue":"Corrupt doctrine overshadows current administration (9)","Answer":"DIRECTION","Explanation":"Definition: dministration\n**Anagram of** (corrupt) **DOCTRINE**\u00a0**containing** (overshadows) **I** (electric current)\n **DIRECT** (**I**) **ON***\n\n**DIRECTION** (administration)"} {"Clue":"A poor plan \u2013 developed with veep's lead \u2013 is subject to ratification (2,8)","Answer":"ON APPROVAL","Explanation":"Definition: subject to ratification\n**Anagram of** (developed) **A POOR PLAN** and **V** (**first letter of **[lead] **VEEP**)\n **O****N** **A****P****P****RO** (**V**) **AL***\n\n**ON APPROVAL** (subject to favourable judgement [before purchase])"} {"Clue":"Politically, the West Coast usually erupted, we're told (4)","Answer":"BLUE","Explanation":"Definition: Politically, the West Coast usually\n**BLUE** (**sounds like** [we're told] **BLEW** [exploded])\n **BLUE**\n\n**BLUE** (The colour of Democrat logos and merchandise is **BLUE**. People in the West Coast States of America traditionally vote Democrat in US Presidential elections)"} {"Clue":"Block silly vote (4)","Answer":"VETO","Explanation":"Definition: Block\n**Anagram of** (silly) **VOTE**\n **VETO***\n\n**VETO** (reject; block)"} {"Clue":"Inarticulate aides essentially have lower levels of intelligence (4,4)","Answer":"DUMB DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: lower levels of intelligence\n**DUMB** (without the power of speech; inarticulate) **+ D** (**central letter of** [essentially] **AIDES**) **+ OWN** (have)\n **DUMB** **D** **OWN**\n\n**DUMB DOWN** (present information in a less sophisticated form in order to appeal to a larger number of people)"} {"Clue":"Utter ruin leaves one under government control (5-3)","Answer":"STATE RUN","Explanation":"Definition: under government control\n**STATE** (say; utter) **+ RUIN** **excluding** (leaves) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **STATE RUN**\n\n**STATE RUN** (under government control)"} {"Clue":"Workers from The Hill? (4)","Answer":"ANTS","Explanation":"Definition: Workers from The Hill\n**ANTS** are workers who live in an **ANT** Hill\n **ANTS**\n\n**ANTS** (cryptic definition as indicated in the word play) The Hill is the informal term for Capitol Hill where the American Senate and House of Representatives are located."} {"Clue":"Unionist with stovepipe, say, going round western state (4)","Answer":"UTAH","Explanation":"Definition: western state\n**U** (unionist) **+ HAT** (a stovepipe is a tall silk **HAT**) **reversed** (going round) It is possible that 'western' is also a reversal indicator rather than a geographic indicator of the\u00a0location of **UTAH** in America\n **U** **TAH**<\n\n**UTAH** (one of the inland [western] States of America)"} {"Clue":"Favoured presidential retreat is grand, and certainly large on the inside (4,6)","Answer":"GOLF COURSE","Explanation":"Definition: Favoured presidential retreat\n**G** (grand [1000 dollars]) **+** (**L** [large] **contained in** [on the inside] **OF COURSE** [certainly])\n **G** **O** (**L****) ****F COURSE**\n\n**GOLF COURSE** (a location of used by President Trump for rest and recreation [retreat])"} {"Clue":"Proper sign used for initial stages of public voting (9)","Answer":"PRIMARIES","Explanation":"Definition: initial stages of public voting\n**PRIM** (proper) + **ARIES** (sign of the Zodiac)\n **PRIM ARIES**\n\n**PRIMARIES** (In a US Presidential **PRIMARY**\u00a0election, registered voters may participate in choosing the candidate for the party's nomination by voting through secret ballot, as in a general election. There are variations on this in some cases, but in any event, the procedure is an early opportunity for the public to participate in Presidential election process)"} {"Clue":"Ex-POTUS laid back early in the day with a dog he owns (5)","Answer":"OBAMA","Explanation":"Definition: Ex-POTUS\n(**AM** [ante-meridiem; before noon; early in the day] **+ A + BO** [name of the Portuguese Water Dog that ex-President Obama's family owned while living in the White House]) **all reversed** (laid back) POTUS is an acronym for President Of The United States\n (**OB A MA**)<\n\n**OBAMA** (reference Barack **OBAMA** [born 1961], 44th President of the United States)"} {"Clue":"Some get an escort around part of the Capitol Building (6)","Answer":"SENATE","Explanation":"Definition: part of the Capitol Building\n**SENATE** (**hidden word** [some] **reversed** [around] in **GET AN ESCORT**)\n **SENATE**<\n\n**SENATE** (one of the chambers of the American legislature housed within the Capitol Building)"} {"Clue":"In the first instance, Biden's age is a striking characteristic (8)","Answer":"BOLDNESS","Explanation":"Definition: striking characteristic\n**B** (**initial letter of **[in the first instance] **BIDEN**) **+ ****OLDNESS** (age)\n **B OLDNESS**\n\n**BOLDNESS** (a striking characteristic)"} {"Clue":"Right-wing party requiring mass protection (6)","Answer":"CONDOM","Explanation":"Definition: protection \n**CON** (Conservative; right wing political party) **+ DO** (party) **+ M** (mass)\n **CON DO M**\n\n**CONDOM** (protective sheath)"} {"Clue":"Provider of daily information given to Secret Service operative (9)","Answer":"NEWSAGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Provider of daily\n**NEWS** (information) **+ AGENT** (Secret Service operative)\n **NEWS AGENT**\n\n**NEWSAGENT** (provider of a daily [newspaper])"} {"Clue":"Competed as a candidate prior to winning and accumulated debts? (3,2)","Answer":"RAN UP","Explanation":"Definition: accumulated debts\n**RAN** (competed as a candidate in an election) **+ UP** (ahead in scoring; winning)\n **RAN UP**\n\n**RAN UP** (incurred increasingly, e.g. accumulated debts)"} {"Clue":"Rice possibly is upset with the heads of Dubya's executive organisation (4,5)","Answer":"SIDE ORDER","Explanation":"Definition: Rice possibly\n**IS** **reversed** (upset; down clue) **+ DE** (**first letters of**\u00a0[heads of] each of **DUBYA** and **EXECUTIVE**) **+ ORDER** (organisation)\n **SI**< **DE** **ORDER**\n\n**SIDE ORDER** (a dish to go with the main course; dishes of speciality rice is an example of a side order)"} {"Clue":"Have a burning desire to throw Pence out (4)","Answer":"ITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Have a burning desire\n**PITCH** **excluding** (to throw out) **P** (pence)\n **ITCH**\n\n**ITCH** (have a constant desire)"} {"Clue":"Opponent loses heart following tense event in the Supreme Court? (5)","Answer":"TRIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Have a burning desire\n**PITCH** **excluding** (to throw out) **P** (pence)\n **ITCH**\n\n**ITCH** (have a constant desire)"} {"Clue":"Democrat dealing with vital representation of party? (6)","Answer":"DONKEY","Explanation":"Definition: representation of party\n**D** (Democrat) **+ ON** (dealing with) **+ KEY** (vital)\n **D ON KEY**\n\n**DONKEY** (the use of a **DONKEY** to represent the Democratic Party dates back to the 1828 presidential campaign of Andrew Jackson, but didn't become mainstream until about 1870 when a cartoonist began to use the image of a **DONKEY** regularly)"} {"Clue":"A Republican leading each district (4)","Answer":"AREA","Explanation":"Definition: district\n**A** **+ R** (Republican) **+ EA** (each)\n **A R EA**\n\n**AREA** (region, district etc)"} {"Clue":"Narcos providing support for one proposal (4)","Answer":"IDEA","Explanation":"Definition: proposal\n**I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ DEA** (Drug Enforcement Agency in the Untied States. Narcos are narcotics agents) As this is a down entry, the letters **DEA** are supporting the letter **I**\n **I ****DEA**\n\n**IDEA** (proposal)"} {"Clue":"Bit of hullabaloo at Hoover's inauguration recital (4)","Answer":"OATH","Explanation":"Definition: inauguration recital\n**OATH** (**hidden word in** (bit of) **HULLABALOO AT HOOVER'S**)\n **OATH**\n\n**OATH** (reference the **OATH** of office taken by an incoming President)"} {"Clue":"Policy document is clear and well-founded at heart (9)","Answer":"MANIFESTO","Explanation":"Definition: Policy document\n**MANIFEST** (clear) **+ O** (**central letter of** [at heart] **WELL-FOUNDED**)\n **MANIFEST O**\n\n**MANIFESTO** (public written declaration of intentions; policy)"} {"Clue":"A tweet put out with rage almost creates White House scandal (9)","Answer":"WATERGATE","Explanation":"Definition: White House scandal\n**Anagram of **(creates) **A TWEET** and **RAG****E** **excluding the final letter** (almost) **E**\n **WATERGATE***\n\n**WATERGATE** (reference the **WATERGATE** scandal of 1972 to 1974 which led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon)"} {"Clue":"Uproar in America after 'The Chosen One' loses his head (6)","Answer":"RUMPUS","Explanation":"Definition: Uproar\n**TRUMP** (reference President **TRUMP**, the one chosen in the 2016 Presidential election) **excluding the first letter** (loses his head) **T** + **US** (America)\n **RUMP US**\n\n**RUMPUS** (uproar)"} {"Clue":"New taxes irritated the Bushes? (6)","Answer":"TEXANS","Explanation":"Definition: the Bushes\n**Anagram of** (irritated) **N** (new) and **TAXES**\n **TEXANS***\n\n**TEXANS** (Presidents George H Bush [1924 \u2013 2018] and George W Bush [born 1946])\u00a0were \/are **TEXANS**)"} {"Clue":"Foreign article contains 'fake news'? (5)","Answer":"ALIEN","Explanation":"Definition: Foreign\n**AN** (indefinite article) **containing** (contains) **LIE** (untruth; fake news)\n **A** (**LIE**) **N**\n\n**ALIEN** (foreign)"} {"Clue":"Miss Ohio snubbed Senator Romney (4)","Answer":"OMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Miss\n**O** (Ohio) **+ MITT** (reference Senator **MITT**\u00a0Romney, Republican Senator for Utah since 2019)\n **O MIT**\n\n**OMIT **(miss)"} {"Clue":"Crazy Democratic fool in days long past (2,3)","Answer":"OF OLD","Explanation":"Definition: ong past\n**Anagram of** (crazy) **D** (Democrat) and **FOOL**\n **OF OL****D***\n\n**OF OLD** (long ago)"} {"Clue":"Time to get behind former leader and Chief Justice (4)","Answer":"TAFT","Explanation":"Definition: former leader and Chief Justice\n**T** (time) **+ AFT** (behind)\n **T AFT**\n\n**TAFT** (reference William Howard **TAFT** [1857 \u2013 1930], the 27th president of the United States and the tenth Chief Justice of the United States, the only person to have held both offices)"} {"Clue":"Extra jam, perhaps, is popular (10)","Answer":"WIDESPREAD","Explanation":"Definition: popular\n**WIDE** (a **WIDE** ball in cricket is recorded as an extra) **+ SPREAD** (jam is an example of a spread)\n **WIDE** **SPREAD**\n\n**WIDESPREAD** (found, operative, etc in many places, thereby considered to be popular)"} {"Clue":"Some recipes from the east of impressive proportions (4)","Answer":"EPIC","Explanation":"Definition: of impressive proportions\n**EPIC **(**hidden word** (some) **reversed** (from the east) in **RECIPES**)\n **EPIC**<\n\n**EPIC **(impressive; large-scale)"} {"Clue":"Clever leader is accommodating, at the moment (7)","Answer":"KNOWING","Explanation":"Definition: Clever\n**KING** (leader) **containing** (accommodating) **NOW** (at the moment)\n **K** (**NOW**) **ING**\n\n**KNOWING** (intelligent; clever)"} {"Clue":"Collusion? California loudly shows disapproval (7)","Answer":"CAHOOTS","Explanation":"Definition: Collusion\n**CA** (California) **+ HOOTS** (shows disapproval)\n **CA HOOTS**\n\n**CAHOOTS** (in company or partnership; collusion)"} {"Clue":"Backtracking oil producer's at first an advocate of Home Rule (10)","Answer":"SEPARATIST","Explanation":"Definition: an advocate of Home Rule\n(**RAPE'S** [rapeseed's {oil producer's}]) **reversed** (backtracking) **+ AT + IST** (first)\n **SEPAR**< **AT IST**\n\n**SEPARATIST** (a person, seen by Unionists as an advocate of Home Rule)"} {"Clue":"Field exposed when fencing is removed (3)","Answer":"LEA","Explanation":"Definition: Field\n**CLEAR** (open; exposed) **excluding the outer letters** (when fencing is removed) **C** and **R**\n **LEA**\n\n**LEA** (meadow; field)"} {"Clue":"State: \"You look a state\" (6)","Answer":"UGANDA","Explanation":"Definition: state\n**U** (**sounds like** [state] **YOU**) **+ GANDA** (**sounds lik**e [state] **GANDER** [look or glance])\n **U GANDA**\n\n**UGANDA** (a State in Africa)"} {"Clue":"Understood female in Germany (8)","Answer":"FATHOMED","Explanation":"Definition: Understood\n**F** (female) **+ AT HOME** (in) **+ D** (Deutschland; International Vehicle Registration for Germany)\n **F** **AT HOME** **D**\n\n**FATHOMED** (understood)"} {"Clue":"Body fluid and fly found in mug (8)","Answer":"PUSHOVER","Explanation":"Definition: mug\n**PUS** (body fluid) **+ HOVER** (\u00a0remain aloft flapping the wings; fly. There is also a **HOVER**fly insect)\n **PUS HOVER**\n\n**PUSHOVER** (a person easily persuaded or won over, as is a person described as a mug)"} {"Clue":"Reportedly spirit-like spirit? (6)","Answer":"DJINNI","Explanation":"Definition: spirit\n**DJINNI** (sounds like [reportedly] **GINNY** [like the alcoholic spirit **GIN**)\n **DJINNI**\n\n**DJINNI** (class of spirits in Muslim theology and folklore)"} {"Clue":"Leaves note with answer (3)","Answer":"TEA","Explanation":"Definition: Leaves\n**TE** (seventh musical note of the scale in the sol-fa notation) **+ A** (answer)\n **TE A**\n\n**TEA** (dried and prepared leaves of the tree of the same name)"} {"Clue":"I smell following purge, awareness essentially shot (10)","Answer":"IRIDESCENT","Explanation":"Definition: shot\n**I** **+** (**RID** [purge] **+ E** [**central letter of** [essentially] **AWARENESS**]) **+ SCENT** [smell])\n **I RID E SCENT**\n\n**IRIDESCENT** (Displaying a spectrum of colours that shimmer and change due to interference and scattering as the observer's position changes; **SHOT** can be defined as showing a play of colours, as in a textile woven to give a changing colour effect)"} {"Clue":"It cuts the chat at sea (7)","Answer":"HATCHET","Explanation":"Definition: It cuts\n**Anagram of** (at sea) **THE CHAT**\n **HATCHET***\n\n**HATCHET** (small axe for use in one hand; it cuts)"} {"Clue":"Saleman allowed European to be charged (7)","Answer":"REPLETE","Explanation":"Definition: charged\n**REP** (**REP**resentative; salesman) **+ LET** (allowed) **+ E** (European)\n **REP LET E**\n\n**REPLETE** (completely full; charged)"} {"Clue":"Lapwing loses it, twisting to give cry (4)","Answer":"WEEP","Explanation":"Definition: cry\n**PEEWIT** (lapwing) **excluding** (loses) **IT** and **reversed** (twisting) The word 'twisting' could also be viewed as an anagram indicator to transform **PEEW** into **WEEP**\n **WEEP**<\n\n**WEEP** (cry)"} {"Clue":"Religious office in hot periods abandoned (10)","Answer":"PRIESTHOOD","Explanation":"Definition: Religious office\n**Anagram of** (abandoned) **HOT PERIODS**\n **PRIESTHOOD***\n\n**PRIESTHOOD** (religious office)"} {"Clue":"Pan's People finally aware of bigotry (4)","Answer":"WOKE","Explanation":"Definition: aware of bigotry\n**WOK** (cooking pan)** + E (last letter of** [finally] **PEOPLE**)\n **WOK E**\n\n**WOKE** (alert to social and political injustice; aware of bigotry)"} {"Clue":"Couple study advanced body parts (7)","Answer":"DUODENA","Explanation":"Definition: body parts\n**DUO** (couple) **+ DEN** (study) **+ A** (advanced)\n **DUO DEN A**\n\n**DUODENA** (portions of the small intestine; body parts)"} {"Clue":"Lead from salt mine of Wieliczka possibly taken outside with excessive cleaning (4,3,6)","Answer":"SPIT AND POLISH","Explanation":"Definition: body parts\n**DUO** (couple) **+ DEN** (study) **+ A** (advanced)\n **DUO DEN A**\n\n**DUODENA** (portions of the small intestine; body parts)"} {"Clue":"Container of chopped-up garb and assorted gubbins, primarily (6)","Answer":"RAGBAG","Explanation":"Definition: Container of chopped-up garb and assorted gubbins, primarily\n**Anagram of** (chopped-up) **GARB** **+ AG** (**first letters of** [primarily] **ASSORTED **and** **\u00a0**GUBBINS**)\n **RAGB*** **A ****G**\n\n**RAGBAG **(bag for rags and thrown-away garments)"} {"Clue":"Cary, in reality, mostly gets Victor to replace book of records (8)","Answer":"ARCHIVAL","Explanation":"Definition: of records\n**ARCHIBALD** (The film star, Cary Grant was born (in reality)** ARCHIBALD\u00a0**Alec Leach) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **D** and with **V** (Victor is the International Radio Communication code letter of the letter V) **replacing** (to replace) **B** (book)\n **ARCHIVAL**\n\n**ARCHIVAL** (descriptive of records)"} {"Clue":"Interrogate male about liberal pest, maybe (7)","Answer":"PROBLEM","Explanation":"Definition: pest, maybe\n(**PROBE** [interrogate] **+ M** [male]) **containing** (about) **L** (liberal)\n **PROB** (**L**) **E** **M**\n\n**PROBLEM** (a word that could describe a troublesome person [pest])"} {"Clue":"Criminal is captured displaying classic comedy prop (7,3)","Answer":"CUSTARD PIE","Explanation":"Definition: classic comedy prop\n**Anagram of **(criminal) **IS CAPTURED**\n **CUSTARD PIE***\n\n**CUSTARD PIE** (classic slapstick prop, used\u00a0especially in\u00a0early US films in which comedians threw **CUSTARD PIE**s at each other)"} {"Clue":"Possibly the aim of bowls and snooker players: to win big (3,3,7)","Answer":"HIT THE JACKPOT","Explanation":"Definition: win big\n**HIT THE JACK** (the aim in lawn bowls is to get the bowl closest to **THE JACK**\u00a0[not necessarily to **HIT**\u00a0it I don't think]) **+ POT** (the aim in snooker is to **POT** balls)\n **HIT THE JACK** **POT**\n\n**HIT THE JACKPOT** (have a big success or stroke of good fortune)"} {"Clue":"Young dog and cat perhaps present Sesame Street? (6,4)","Answer":"PUPPET SHOW","Explanation":"Definition: Sesame Street\n**PUP** (young dog) **+ PET** (a cat could be a **PET**) **+ SHOW** (present)\n **PUP PET ****SHOW**\n\n**PUPPET SHOW** (descriptive of the television program Sesame Street)"} {"Clue":"Clock catalogue (8)","Answer":"REGISTER","Explanation":"Definition: Clock\n**REGISTER** (to become aware of; to clock)\n **REGISTER**\n\n**REGISTER** (catalogue) double definition"} {"Clue":"Surprise promising young actress with time up (7)","Answer":"STARTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Surprise\n**STARLE**T (promising young film actress) **with the letter** **T**\u00a0(time) **moved up this down entry to form** **STARTLE**\n **STARTLE**\n\n**STARTLE** (surprise)"} {"Clue":"New team in France getting discontented Ronaldo for nothing? Anything but (3-4)","Answer":"NON ZERO","Explanation":"Definition: nothing? Anything but\n**N** (new) **+ ONZE** (French for eleven, a number of players in many team sports) **+ RO** (**letters remaining in RONALDO when the central letters ONALD are removed** [dis-contented])\n **N** **ON ZE** **RO**\n\n**NON ZERO** (anything but nothing)"} {"Clue":"Order grade to be changed, getting C for German (6)","Answer":"DECREE","Explanation":"Definition: Order\n**DEGREE** (grade) with **C** replacing (getting \u2026 for) **G** (German)\n **DECREE**\n\n**DECREE **(order)"} {"Clue":"Cash short? Study Cash missing upfront? Study (4)","Answer":"READ","Explanation":"Definition: Study\n**READY **(slang for **READY Y\u00a0**money or cash) **excluding the final letter** (short) **Y** leads to **READ**\n **B****READ** (slang for money or cash) **excluding the first letter **(missing upfront) **B** also leads to **READ**\n\n**READ** (study)"} {"Clue":"Control station in two stops (10)","Answer":"CHECKPOINT","Explanation":"Definition: Control station\n**CHECK** ([bring to a] stop) **+ POINT** ([full]stop; punctuation mark)\n **CHECK POINT**\n\n**CHECKPOINT** (control station)"} {"Clue":"Zombie, regularly drinking a bit of Oliver Reed is probably in it (4)","Answer":"OBOE","Explanation":"Definition: Reed is probably in it\n**OBE** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [regularly] of **ZOMBIE**) **containing **(drinking) **O** (**first letter of** [a bit of] **OLIVER**)\n **OB** (**O**) **E**\n\n**OBOE** (an **OBOE** is a double-reed treble woodwind instrument, so there will be a reed in it)"} {"Clue":"Cliff Richard initially invested in Manx getaway, intended to spend advance (10)","Answer":"ESCARPMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Cliff\n**R** (**first letter of** [initially] **RICHARD contained in** [invested] **ESCAPE **[getaway] **excluding the last letter E** [tail-less like a Manx cat]) **+ MEANT** (intended) **excluding** (to spend) **A **(advance)\n **ESCA** (**R**) **P** **MENT**\n\n**ESCARPMENT** (The long continuous steep face of a ridge or plateau formed by erosion; cliff)"} {"Clue":"Devious spy to go legit \u2013 perhaps Carter (12)","Answer":"EGYPTOLOGIST","Explanation":"Definition: perhaps Carter\n**Anagram of** (devious) **SPY TO GO LEGIT**\n **EGYPTOLOGIST***\n\n**EGYPTOLOGIST** (reference Howard **CARTER** [1874 \u2013 1939], English archaeologist and **EGYPTOLOGIST**. Carter was assistant to Lord Carnarvon, when he was sponsoring excavations in Egypt's Valley of the Kings which saw the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun)"} {"Clue":"Personnel concealing anger for employer (5)","Answer":"HIRER","Explanation":"Definition: employer\n**HR** (Human Resources [personnel]) **containing** (concealing) **IRE** (anger)\n **H** (**IRE**) **R**\n\n**HIRER** (person who obtains use or service for payment; employer)"} {"Clue":"Antagonise cult, capturing a very strong princess first (9)","Answer":"DISAFFECT","Explanation":"Definition: Antagonise\n**DI** (reference Diana, Princess of Wales\u00a0[1961 \u2013 1997]) **+** (**SECT** [cult] **containing** [capturing] [**A + FF** {in music, an instruction to play the notes very loud or strong}])\n **DI** **S** (**A FF**) **ECT**\n\n**DISAFFECT** (antagonise)"} {"Clue":"Ignorant hunk, now in gardening trousers (9)","Answer":"UNKNOWING","Explanation":"Definition: Ignorant\n**UNKNOWING** **(hidden word in** [trousers [appropriates; takes]) **HUNK NOW IN GARDENING**)\n **UNKNOWING**\n\n**UNKNOWING** (ignorant)"} {"Clue":"Space professor's way of putting things (3-2)","Answer":"END ON","Explanation":"Definition: way of putting things\n**EN** (printer's measurement of the space taken by a letter N) **+ DON** (academic lecturer; professor)\n **EN** **D ON**\n\n**END ON** (With the end adjacent to the end of another object; way of putting things)"} {"Clue":"Harry, Meghan and Vicar have a little stress at the start \u2013 some people take it on the chin (7,5)","Answer":"SHAVING CREAM","Explanation":"Definition: some people take it on the chin\n**S** **(first letter of** [a little] **STRESS**) **+ an anagram of** (harry) **MEGHAN** and **VICAR**\n **S HAVING CREAM***\n\n**SHAVING CREAM** (material used by some men when cutting the bristles on their chin and face)"} {"Clue":"Explosive journal on Van Goch discovered (10)","Answer":"INCENDIARY","Explanation":"Definition: Explosive\n**INCEN** (**letters remaining in** **VINCENT** [Van Gogh]) **when the outer letters V and T are removed** [dis-covered]) **+ DIARY** (journal)\n **INCEN DIARY**\n\n**INCENDIARY** (an **INCENDIARY** bomb is one containing a highly inflammable substance and designed to burst into flames on striking its objective)"} {"Clue":"Pine for a girl (4)","Answer":"MISS","Explanation":"Definition: Pine for\n**MISS** (feel loss or absence; pine)\n **MISS**\n\n**MISS** (girl) double definition"} {"Clue":"Foresight of Trump's running mate defining Republican key initiative at the start (10)","Answer":"PRESCIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Foresight\n(**PENCE** [reference Mike **PENCE** [US Vice President and running mate of Donald Trump in the forthcoming Presidential election]) **containing** (defining; fixing the boundary of) (**R** [Republican] **+ ESC** [Escape key] **+ I** [**first letter of** {at the start} **INITIATIVE**)\n **P** (**R ****ESC I**) **ENCE**\n\n**PRESCIENCE** (foresight)"} {"Clue":"Heard any gas (4)","Answer":"NEON","Explanation":"Definition: gas\n**NE** (pronounce **EN EE** **sounds like** [heard] **ANY**, is the chemical symbol for **NEON**)\n **NEON** \n\n**NEON** (inert gas)"} {"Clue":"Following concert, Sue comes back over the moon (10)","Answer":"PROMETHEUS","Explanation":"Definition: moon\n**PROM** (reference **PROM**enade concert) **+ SUE** **reversed** [comes back] **containing** [over] **THE**)\n **PROM** **E** (**THE**) **US**<\n\n**PROMETHEUS** (one of the moons of Saturn)"} {"Clue":"Penniless from being part Greek \u2013 or by not saving, on reflection (5,5)","Answer":"STONY BROKE","Explanation":"Definition: Penniless\n**STONY BROKE** (**hidden word** [being part] **reversed** [on reflection] **in** **GREEK OR BY NOT SAVING)**\n **STONY BROKE**<\n\n**STONY BROKE **(penniless)"} {"Clue":"Worked fast, was winning after cycling thus (7)","Answer":"HUSTLED","Explanation":"Definition: Worked fast\n**HUST** (**THUS** **with the letters cycling\u00a0one position to the left and the initial T moved to the end** [after cycling]) **+ LED** (was winning)\n **HUST LED**\n\n**HUSTLED** (worked fast)"} {"Clue":"Firms gathering seaweed for fuel (4,3)","Answer":"COAL GAS","Explanation":"Definition: fuel\n**COS** (companies; firms) **containing** (gathering) **ALGA** (a seaweed)\n **CO** (**AL GA**) **S**\n\n**COAL GAS** (type of fuel)"} {"Clue":"Energy found in seeds from fruit detailed on European symbols of harmony and friendship (5,2,5)","Answer":"PIPES OF PEACE","Explanation":"Definition: symbols of harmony and friendship\n(**E** [energy] **contained in** [found in] **PIPS** [seeds]) **+ OF** (from) **+ PEACH** (fruit) **excluding the final letter** (de-tailed]) **H + E** (European)\n **PIP** (**E**) **S** **OF** **PEAC ****E**\n\n**PIPES OF PEACE** (long decorated **PIPES** smoked by Native Americans on ceremonial occasions, especially as tokens of **PEACE**, harmony and friendship)"} {"Clue":"Independent satisfied over article (4)","Answer":"ITEM","Explanation":"Definition: article\n**I** (independent) **+ MET** (agreed; settled) **reversed** [over]\n **I** **TEM**<\n\n**ITEM** (article)"} {"Clue":"Metatarsal's so long (4)","Answer":"TA-TA","Explanation":"Definition: so long\n**TATA** (**hidden word in** [indicated by the possessive 's] **METATARSAL**)\n **TATA**\n\n**TA-TA** (goodbye; so long)"} {"Clue":"Heroic Peston broadcast on two channels (12)","Answer":"STEREOPHONIC","Explanation":"Definition: on two channels\n**Anagram of** (broadcast) **HEROIC PESTON**\n **STEREOPHONIC***\n\n**STEREOPHONIC** (description of sound [broadcast] on two channels)"} {"Clue":"There's important information here concerning a corrupt male on the inside (6,4)","Answer":"README FILE","Explanation":"Definition: There's important information here\n**RE** (with reference to; concerning) **+ A +**\u00a0(**M** [male] **contained in** [on the inside] **DEFILE** [corrupt])\n **RE** **A** **D **(**M**) **E FILE**\n\n**README FILE** (A text file supplied with computer software that contains information about the software, such as advice on installation and bugs, usually completely ignored by most users when they encounter a problem that is covered by the information in the file)"} {"Clue":"Craftman's expression of astonishment, wiping bottom and, simultaneously, leg (10)","Answer":"STONEMASON","Explanation":"Definition: Craftman\n**STONE ME** (expression of astonishment) **excluding the final letter** (wiping bottom) **E +** **AS** (while; at the same time; simultaneously) **+ ON** (leg side in cricket)\n **STONE M** **AS** **ON**\n\n**STONEMASON** (craftsman)"} {"Clue":"Trendy name for a pub (3)","Answer":"INN","Explanation":"Definition: pub\n**IN** (trendy) **+ N** (name)\n **IN N**\n\n**INN** (pub)"} {"Clue":"Bill's arrived with agency (7)","Answer":"INVOICE","Explanation":"Definition: Bill\n**IN **(arrived) **+ VOICE** (agency)\n **IN VOICE**\n\n**INVOICE** (bill)"} {"Clue":"For example, Hoover's sweeping (7)","Answer":"GENERIC","Explanation":"Definition: sweeping\n**GENERIC** ( although Hoover is a specific brand name, it is also nowadays a general or **GENERIC** name for vacuum cleaners)\n **GENERIC**\n\n**GENERIC** (general, applicable to any member of a group or class; of or belonging to a genus; universal;\u00a0sweeping)"} {"Clue":"This will make 26 sound like fiction (4)","Answer":"LISP","Explanation":"Definition: This will make 26 sound like fiction\nA person with a **LISP** will pronounce **MISS** (26 across) like **MYTH** (fiction)\n **LISP**\n\n**LISP** (see [cryptic] definition in wordplay column)"} {"Clue":"Spots a knight in church (4)","Answer":"ACNE","Explanation":"Definition: Spots\n**A** **+** (**N** [letter used to refer to Knight in chess notation] **contained in** [in] **CE** [Church {of England}])\n **A** **C** (**N**) **E**\n\n**ACNE** (spots)"} {"Clue":"Immediately taking on economy, without any fancy trimmings (8-3)","Answer":"STRAIGHT-CUT","Explanation":"Definition: without any fancy trimmings\n**STRAIGHT **(immediately) **+ CUT** (economy)\n **STRAIGHT CUT**\n\n**STRAIGHT-CUT** (**CUT** in a **STRAIGHT** line without any fancy trimmings)"} {"Clue":"Style regarding publication clear: it's always attractive (9,6)","Answer":"PERMANENT MAGNET","Explanation":"Definition: it's always attractive\n**PERM** (hairstyle) **+ ANENT** (regarding) **+ MAG** (magazine; publication) + **NET** (clear)\n **PERM ANENT ****MAG ****NET**\n\n**PERMANENT MAGNET** (a **MAGNET** that keeps its magnetism after the force which magnetized it has been removed; it always attracts)"} {"Clue":"Trouble? It's brought in a crowd (7)","Answer":"AGITATE","Explanation":"Definition: Trouble\n**IT** **contained in** (brought in) (**A + GATE** [people paying to see a game; number of attendees; crowd])\n **A** **G** (**IT**) **ATE**\n\n**AGITATE** (to stir up public feeling; to [cause] trouble)"} {"Clue":"Stop limiting church in extra large religious region (7)","Answer":"DIOCESE","Explanation":"Definition: religious region\n**DIE** (stop) **containing** (limiting) (**CE** [Church [of England] **contained in** [in] **OS** [outsize; extra large])\n **DI** (**O** (**CE**) **S**) **E**\n\n**DIOCESE** (circuit or extent of a bishop's jurisdiction; religious region)"} {"Clue":"Still activity at sea when the nights are drawing in (9)","Answer":"EVENTIDES","Explanation":"Definition: when the nights are drawing in\n**EVEN** (calm; still) **+ TIDES** (activity at sea) \n **EVEN TIDES**\n\n**EVENTIDES** (times of day when the night draws in)"} {"Clue":"Sorcerer retreated, having kidnapped husband in Surrey town (5)","Answer":"EGHAM","Explanation":"Definition: Surrey town\n**MAGE** (sorcerer) **reversed** (retreated) **containing** (having kidnapped) **H** (husband)\n **EG** (**H**) **AM**<\n\n**EGHAM** (town in Surrey)"} {"Clue":"Laundry accessory increasingly just not opening (5)","Answer":"AIRER","Explanation":"Definition: Laundry accessory\n**FAIRER** (increasingly just) **excluding the first letter** (not opening) **F**\n **AIRER**\n\n**AIRER** (frame on which clothes are dried; laundry accessory)"} {"Clue":"Yielded, returning personnel before important meeting for major part of body (9)","Answer":"DIAPHRAGM","Explanation":"Definition: major part of body\n**PAID** (yielded satisfactory remuneration) **reversed** (returning) **+ HR** (human resources; personnel) **+ AGM** (Annual General Meeting; important meeting)\n **DIAP**< **HR** **AGM**\n\n**DIAPHRAGM** (muscular structure separating the chest from the abdomen major part of the body)"} {"Clue":"Requested change to divine right, ultimately (7)","Answer":"INVITED","Explanation":"Definition: Requested\n**Anagram of** (change to) **DIVINE** and **T** (**final letter of** [ultimately] **RIGHT**)\n **INVITED***\n\n**INVITED** (requested formally)"} {"Clue":"Scoundrel's attorney receiving a rap (3-1-3)","Answer":"RAT-A-TAT","Explanation":"Definition: rap\n**RAT** (scoundrel) **+** (**ATT** [attorney] **containing** [receiving] **A**)\n **RAT** **A T** (**A**) **T**\n\n**RAT-A-TAT** (knocking sound; rap)"} {"Clue":"Conservative unfortunately meddled with learning (6,9)","Answer":"MIDDLE ENGLANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Conservative\n**Anagram of** (unfortunately) **MEDDLED** and **LEARNING**\n **M****I****DDLE E****NGLAN****D****ER***\n\n**MIDDLE ENGLANDER** (a member of the English middle classes outside London, regarded as politically and socially conservative)"} {"Clue":"Regret introducing stupid new article in trial \u2013 not fully thought through (11)","Answer":"RUDIMENTARY","Explanation":"Definition: not fully thought through\n(**RUE** [regret] **containing** [introducing] **DIM** [stupid]) **+ N** (new) **+** (**A** [indefinite article] **contained in** [in] **TRY** [trial])\n **RU** (**DIM**) **E** **N** **T** (**A**) **RY**\n\n**RUDIMENTARY** (elementary; crude, primitive or makeshift; in an early or arrested stage of development; not fully thought through)"} {"Clue":"Host for www.churchofengland.org? (7,8)","Answer":"SERVICE PROVIDER","Explanation":"Definition: Host\n**SERVICE PROVIDER **\u00a0(one who provides a service, such as an innkeeper or host)\n **SERVICE PROVIDER**\n\n**SERVICE PROVIDER** (The Church of England provides [church] services) In IT terms, I usually refer to a host as a company that provides a home for a website and a service provider as a company that provides the broadband connection, but many people will interpret host in different ways) \u2013 cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"A sailor getting upset about one stock controller (5)","Answer":"RIATA","Explanation":"Definition: stock controller\n(**A** **+ TAR** [sailor]) **reversed** (getting upset) **containing** (about) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n (**R** (**I**) **AT** **A**)<\n\n**RIATA** (lariat; lasso or picketing rope which can be used for controlling cattle [stock])"} {"Clue":"Popular composer presented in edition? There's a surprise (1,5,3)","Answer":"I NEVER DID","Explanation":"Definition: There's a surprise\n**IN** (popular) **+ **(**VERDI** [reference Guiseppe **VERDI** {1813 \u2013 1901}, Italian opera composer] **contained in** [presented in] **ED** [edition])\n **I N** **E** (**VER DI)** **D**\n\n**I NEVER DID** (expression of surprise)"} {"Clue":"Was very much against a horrible death (5)","Answer":"HATED","Explanation":"Definition: Was very much against\n**Anagram of** (horrible) **DEATH**\n **HATED***\n\n**HATED** (disliked intensely; was very much against)"} {"Clue":"Cooked each short Passover meal (9)","Answer":"CHAROSETH","Explanation":"Definition: Passover meal\n**Anagram of** (cooked) **EACH SHORT**\n **CHA****ROS****E****TH***\n\n**CHAROSETH** (a mixture of finely chopped apples, nuts, spices, etc mixed with wine, and eaten with bitter herbs at the Passover meal)"} {"Clue":"The trendy dealer works with great care (6-9)","Answer":"TENDER-HEARTEDLY","Explanation":"Definition: with great care\n**Anagram of **(works) **THE TRENDY DEALER**\n **TE****NDER**\u2013**HEAR****T****EDL****Y***\n\n**TENDER-HEARTEDLY** (compassionately; with great care)"} {"Clue":"Sign of gratitude after aircraft takes one into curious view of the sky (11)","Answer":"PLANETARIUM","Explanation":"Definition: view of the sky\n**PLANE** (aircraft) **+ TA** (thankyou; sign of gratitude) **+** (**RUM** [curious] **containing** [takes \u2026 into] **I** [Roman numeral for one])\n **PLANE** **TA** **R** (**I**) **UM**\n\n**PLANETARIUM** (\u00a0machine showing the motions and orbits of the planets, often by the projecting of their images onto a [domed] ceiling; view of the sky)"} {"Clue":"Doctor satisfied in there, getting right item used in diagnosis (11)","Answer":"THERMOMETER","Explanation":"Definition: item used in diagnosis\n(**MO** [Medical Officer; doctor] **+ MET** [satisfied]) **contained in** [in] **THERE**) **+ R** [right]\n **THER** (**MO** **MET**) **E** **R**\n\n**THERMOMETER** (an item used in medical diagnosis)"} {"Clue":"Strangled the Duke, suppressing corruption before heartless trial (9)","Answer":"THROTTLED","Explanation":"Definition: Strangled\n(**THE** **+ D** [duke]) **containing** (suppressing) (**ROT** [corruption] **+ TL** [**letters remaining in TRIAL when the central letters RIA are removed** {heartless}])\n **TH** (**ROT** **TL)** **E** **D**\n\n**THROTTLED** (strangled)"} {"Clue":"Exotic fish goes and swims around right area (3,6)","Answer":"SEA DRAGON","Explanation":"Definition: Exotic fish\n**Anagram of** (swims) **GOES AND** **containing** (around) (**R** [right] + **A** [area])\n **SEA D **(**R A**) **GO****N***\n\n**SEA DRAGON** (any of various fishes, eg the dragonet and types of seahorse' exotic fish)"} {"Clue":"Imagine 500 sheets of paper (500) (5)","Answer":"DREAM","Explanation":"Definition: Imagine\n**D** (Roman numeral for 500) **+ REAM** (500 sheets of paper. 1 ream = 20\u00a0quires [in the past, a quire was 24 sheets, but now seems to be 25]\u00a0)\n **D REAM**\n\n**DREAM** (imagine)"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary skill taking care of excellent item of jewellery (5)","Answer":"TIARA","Explanation":"Definition: item of jewellery\n(**ART** [skill] **containing **[taking care of] **AI** [A one; excellent]) **all reversed** (revolutionary) \n (**T** (**IA**) **RA**)<\n\n**TIARA** (richly jewelled semicircular head-ornament worn by women)"} {"Clue":"Record decisive win finally for white (7)","Answer":"ALBUMEN","Explanation":"Definition: white\n**ALBUM** (long-playing disc; record) **+ EN** **(last letters** [finally] **of each of** **DECISIVE** and **WIN**)\n **ALBUM** **E ****N**\n\n**ALBUMEN** (white [of an egg])"} {"Clue":"Compartment for passenger's drink (7)","Answer":"SIDECAR","Explanation":"Definition: Compartment for passenger\n**SIDECAR** (small car attached to the side of a motorcycle usually for the carriage of a passenger)\n **SIDECAR**\n\n**SIDECAR** (kind of cocktail consisting of brandy, orange liqueur and lemon juice)"} {"Clue":"Established standards in mock exams externally (5)","Answer":"CODES","Explanation":"Definition: Established standards\n**COD** (mock) **+ ES** (o**uter letters of** [externally] **EXAMS**)\n **COD** **ES**\n\n**CODES** (established principles or standards)"} {"Clue":"Draw of Spooner's patriarchy (9)","Answer":"STALEMATE","Explanation":"Definition: Draw\n**STALE MATE **(which Dr Spooner would pronounce as **MALE STATE**, a phrase that could describe a patriarchy [community of related families under the authority of a **MALE** head])\n **STALEMATE**\n\n**STALEMATE** (in chess, a situation where a player not actually in check has no possible legal move, resulting in a draw)"} {"Clue":"Dunno \u2026 he maybe on the end of ward C (3,7)","Answer":"ONE HUNDRED","Explanation":"Definition: C\n**Anagram of **(maybe) **DUNNO HE** **+ RE** (with reference to; about; on) **+ D** (**last letter of** [end of] **WARD**)\n **ONE HUND*** **RE** **D**\n\n**ONE HUNDRED** (C is the Roman numeral for one hundred)"} {"Clue":"Having issue on drug price reviewed (11)","Answer":"REPRODUCING","Explanation":"Definition: Having issue\n**Anagram of** (reviewed) **ON DRUG PRICE**\n **REP****RODU****CI****NG***\n\n**REPRODUCING** (producing offspring; having issue)"} {"Clue":"Expert on board relative's trailer when train missed (11)","Answer":"GRANDMASTER","Explanation":"Definition: Expert on board\n**GRANDMA'S **(relative's) **+ ****TER** (**letters remaining in** **TRAILER** when **RAIL** [train] **is removed** [missed])\n **GRANDMAS TER**\n\n**GRANDMASTER** (originally the title given to a chess player winning a major international tournament, now given to a player achieving a high score in three major tournaments; expert on board)"} {"Clue":"Certainly not free for cycling (4)","Answer":"NOPE","Explanation":"Definition: Certainly not\n**OPEN** (free) **with the letters moved\u00a0one position to the right and the last letter going to the front** (cycling) **NOPE**\n **NOPE**\n\n**NOPE** (an emphatic no; certainly not)"} {"Clue":"Catholic in with another crowd to see magic (10)","Answer":"WITCHCRAFT","Explanation":"Definition: magic\n(**C** [catholic] **contained in** [in] [**WITH** + **C**{catholic, another one}]) **+ RAFT** (large number; crowd)\n **WIT** (**C**) **H** **C** **RAFT**\n\n**WITCHCRAFT** (sorcery; magic)"} {"Clue":"Text English channel pics featuring king in revolution (9)","Answer":"SCRIPTURE","Explanation":"Definition: Text\n(**E** [English] **+ RUT** [channel] **+** [**PICS** **containing** {featuring} **R** {rex; king}]) **all reversed** (in revolution)\n (**SC** (**R**) **IP**** ****TUR** **E**)<\n\n**SCRIPTURE** (sacred writings; text)"} {"Clue":"Take in circuit ahead (3,2)","Answer":"LAP UP","Explanation":"Definition: Take in \n**LAP** (circuit) **+ UP **(ahead)\n **LAP UP**\n\n**LAP UP **(take up with the tongue)"} {"Clue":"Follower of slithy thing from the East in river (7)","Answer":"DEVOTEE","Explanation":"Definition: Follower \n(**TOVE** [reference the slithy **TOVE** in Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll]) **reversed** [from the east]) **contained in** (in) **DEE** (one of many rivers of that name)\n **D** (**EVOT**<) **EE**\n\n**DEVOTEE** (follower)"} {"Clue":"Knight crossing main road by city is fairly close (7)","Answer":"SIMILAR","Explanation":"Definition: fairly close\n**SIR** (title of a knight) **containing** (crossing) (**MI** [designation of a motorway {main road} in England] **+ LA** [Los Angeles, American city])\n **SI** (**MI ****LA**) **R**\n\n**SIMILAR** (much the same; close)"} {"Clue":"Rook flies south from farm on old moor (6)","Answer":"ANCHOR","Explanation":"Definition: moor\n(**RANCH** [farm] **+ O** [old]) **with the R moved down the end of the entry** [south, as this is a down clue])\n **ANCH** **O** **R**\n\n**ANCHOR** (berth; moor)"} {"Clue":"Economical move essentially strategic (6)","Answer":"BUDGET","Explanation":"Definition: Economical\n**BUDGE** (move) **+ T** (**central letter of **[essentially] **STRATEGIC**)\n **BUDGE T**\n\n**BUDGET **(cheap; economical)"} {"Clue":"Pried regularly into US deeds (5)","Answer":"NOSED","Explanation":"Definition: Pried \n**Letters 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10** [regularly] of **INTO US DEEDS**\n **NOSED**\n\n**NOSED** (pried)"} {"Clue":"Blame safari company initially over simian attack (9)","Answer":"SCAPEGOAT","Explanation":"Definition: Blame\n**SC** (**first letters** [initially] **of each of SAFARI and COMPANY**) **+ APE** (simian) **+ GO AT** (attack)\n **SC APE GO AT**\n\n**SCAPEGOAT **(put the blame on)"} {"Clue":"Player with chips went up and down (4,4)","Answer":"DEEP","Explanation":"Definition: Blame\n**SC** (**first letters** [initially] **of each of SAFARI and COMPANY**) **+ APE** (simian) **+ GO AT** (attack)\n **SC APE GO AT**\n\n**SCAPEGOAT **(put the blame on)"} {"Clue":"Old comic features a bishop's junior colleague? (8)","Answer":"CHAPLAIN","Explanation":"Definition: bishop's junior colleague\n**CHAPLIN **(reference Charlie **CHAPLIN** [1889 \u2013 1977], comic actor; old comic) **containing** (features) **A**\n **CHAPL** (**A**) **IN**\n\n**CHAPLAIN** (Christian clergyman attached to an institution, establishment, organization or family; could well be a junior colleague of a bishop)"} {"Clue":"Appear again stripping trees and verges, stopped by 1st of May (2-6)","Answer":"RE-EMERGE","Explanation":"Definition: Appear again\n(**REE [letters remaining in TREES when the outer letters T and S are removed** {stripped}]) + **ERGE** **[letters remaining in VERGES when the outer letters V and S are removed** {stripped])] **containing** (stopped by) **M** (**first letter of** [1st of] **MAY**)\n **RE-E** (**M**) **ERGE**\n\n**RE-EMERGE** (appear again)"} {"Clue":"Course of spicy food unfinished on ICU by smoker (10)","Answer":"CURRICULUM","Explanation":"Definition: Course\n**CURRY** (spicy food) **excluding the final letter** (unfinished) **Y** **+ ICU + LUM** (Scottish word for chimney; smoker)\n **CURR ****ICU LUM**\n\n**CURRICULUM** (the course of study at a school, college, university etc)"} {"Clue":"Empty remark by priest on allowance (9)","Answer":"PLATITUDE","Explanation":"Definition: Empty remark\n**P** (priest) **+ LATITUDE** (allowance)\n **P LATITUDE**\n\n**PLATITUDE** (an empty remark made as if it were important)"} {"Clue":"Couldn't decide if San Diego was lousy (8)","Answer":"AGONISED","Explanation":"Definition: Couldn't decide\n**Anagram of **(was lousy) **SAN DIEGO**\n **A****GO****N****I****S****ED***\n\n**AGONISED** (struggled; couldn't decide)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps one with match over in outskirts of Kiev (8)","Answer":"KASPAROV","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps one with match over in outskirts of Kiev\n(**A** [one] **+ SPAR** [boxing match] **+ O** [over]) **contained in** (in) **KV** (**first and last letters of **[outskirts of] **KIEV**)\n **K** (**A** **SPAR** **O**) **V**\n\n**KASPAROV** (reference Garry **KASPAROV** [born 1963], Russian chess grandmaster first grandmaster to be beaten by the **DEEP BLUE** [entry at 6 down \/ 12] computer)"} {"Clue":"Floral part of short Persian cover possibly left (6)","Answer":"CARPEL","Explanation":"Definition: Floral part\n**CARPET** (reference Persian **CARPET** [a type of cover] ) **excluding the final letter** (short) **T + L** (left)\n **CARPE** **L**\n\n**CARPEL** (female organ of a flower, a modified leaf)"} {"Clue":"Lethargy of Politburo put Stalin in the ascendant (6)","Answer":"STUPOR","Explanation":"Definition: Lethargy\n**STUPOR** (**hidden word reversed** [the ascendant; down clue] **in** [of?] **POLITBURO PUT STALIN**)\n **STUPOR**\n\n**STUPOR**** **(lethargy)"} {"Clue":"Duke's wife skipping half of dull musical (5)","Answer":"CHESS","Explanation":"Definition: musical\n**DUCHESS** (wife of a duke) **excluding** (skipping) **DU** (**first two of four letters** [half] of **DULL**)\n **CHESS**\n\n**CHESS** (1986 musical with music by Benny Andersson and Bj\u00f6rn Ulvaeus of the pop group ABBA, lyrics by Ulvaeus and Tim Rice, and a book by Rice)"} {"Clue":"Drunk gets pawn in position (4)","Answer":"SPOT","Explanation":"Definition: position\n**SOT** (drunk) **containing** (gets \u2026 in) **P **(pawn)\n **S** (**P**) **OT**\n\n**SPOT** (awkward position or situation)"} {"Clue":"Bewilder Truss about folios (6)","Answer":"BAFFLE","Explanation":"Definition: Bewilder\n**BALE** (bundle up; truss)** containing** (about) **FF** (folios) Truss is probably a reference to Liz Truss, Secretary of State for International Trade, rather than Lynne Truss, author of Eats, Shoots and Leaves\n **BA** (**FF**) **LE**\n\n**BAFFLE** (bewilder)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Trump briefly drinks and exercises (5-3)","Answer":"PRESS-UPS","Explanation":"Definition: exercises\n**PRES** (president; reference **PRES**ident Donald Trump) **+ SUPS** (drinks)\n **PRES** **S**\u2013**UPS**\n\n**PRESS-UPS** (gymnastic exercises)"} {"Clue":"Lackey follows party in government (8)","Answer":"DOMINION","Explanation":"Definition: government\n**DO** (party) **+ MINION** (servile dependant; lackey)\n **DO MINION**\n\n**DOMINION** (government)"} {"Clue":"Dreams of ladies' pants (6)","Answer":"IDEALS","Explanation":"Definition: Dreams\n**Anagram of** (pants) **LADIES**\n **IDEALS***\n\n**IDEALS **(dreams)"} {"Clue":"Supporter of optimistic coin tosser? (4-6)","Answer":"WELL-WISHER","Explanation":"Definition: Supporter\n**WELL-WISHER** (one who throws coins into a **WELL** and makes a **WISH**, presumably for some thing beneficial or heartwarming [showing optimism])\n **WELL**\u2013**WISHER**\n\n**WELL-WISHER** (someone concerned for another's welfare; supporter)"} {"Clue":"Dirty Den's rapid descent (4)","Answer":"DIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Dirty Den\n**DIVE** (a disreputable [dirty] bar, usually underground)\n **DIVE**\n\n**DIVE **(rapid descent) double definition"} {"Clue":"Wife struck Frenchman over fake cream in coffee (8)","Answer":"WHITENER","Explanation":"Definition: fake cream in coffee\n**W** (wife) **+ HIT** (struck) **+ REN\u00c9 **(one of the crossword world's favourite Frenchmen) **reversed** (over)\n **W HIT ENER<**\u00a0\n\n**WHITENER** (artificial milk for coffee or tea; fake cream in coffee)"} {"Clue":"A place where people gather in line (6)","Answer":"AVENUE","Explanation":"Definition: line\n**A** **+ VENUE** (place where people gather)\n **A VENUE**\n\n**AVENUE** (row; line)"} {"Clue":"Pre-recorded John Kelly (6)","Answer":"CANNED","Explanation":"Definition: Pre-recorded\n**CAN** (both **JOHN** and **CAN** are slang terms for lavatory or toilet) **+ NED** (reference **NED** Kelly [1854 \u2013 1880], Australian bushranger, outlaw, gang leader and convicted police murderer)\n **CAN NED**\n\n**CANNED** ([of music, etc] recorded in advance)"} {"Clue":"Upset, as return of Miliband extremely overdue (8)","Answer":"DESOLATE","Explanation":"Definition: Upset,\n**ED** (reference ED Miliband [born 1969], Labour Party politician and former leader) **reversed** (return of) **+ SO** (extremely) **+ LATE** (overdue)\n **DE**< **SO LATE**\n\n**DESOLATE** (unhappy; upset)"} {"Clue":"Worst year to catch infection (4)","Answer":"STYE","Explanation":"Definition: infection\n**STYE** (**hidden word** [to catch] **in** **WORST YEAR**)\n **STYE**\n\n**STYE** (small inflamed swelling at the edge of the eyelid, caused by bacterial infection)"} {"Clue":"Unfortunately, some gaffes are this? (3-7)","Answer":"OFF-MESSAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Unfortunately, some gaffes are this\n**Anagram of** (unfortunately) **SOME GAFFES**\n **O****FF**** MES****SAGE***\n\n**OFF-MESSAGE** (not following the approved party line)"} {"Clue":"Lively part of Macbeth where apparitions are summoned, ending in massacre (6)","Answer":"ACTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Lively\n**ACT IV** (in **ACT IV** of Macbeth, he\u00a0meets the witches who conjure apparitions to address his concerns; part of Macbeth where apparitions are summoned) **+ E** (**last letter of** [ending in] **MASSACRE**)\n **ACT IV E**\n\n**ACTIVE **(lively)"} {"Clue":"A second test, with time advancing, of main communication channel? (8)","Answer":"ARTERIAL","Explanation":"Definition: of main communication channel\n**A** **+ RETRIAL** (second test) with **T** (time) **moving towards the front of the word** (advancing) to form **RTERIAL**\n A** RTERIAL**\n\n**ARTERIAL** (descriptive of a main communication channel)"} {"Clue":"Appropriate and right to keep team, except that Wan Bissaka finally replaces Maguire at the back (8)","Answer":"RELEVANT","Explanation":"Definition: Appropriate\n**RT** (right) **containing** (to keep) **ELEVEN** ([number of players in] a football team) with **A** (**last letter of **[finally] **WAN BISSAKA**) **substituting**\u00a0[replaces] **E** **(last letter of **[at the back] MAGUIR**E**) Both Aaron Wan Bissaka and Harry Maguire are players for Manchester United (right back and centre back)\n **R** (**ELEVAN**) **T**\n\n**RELEVANT** (appropriate)"} {"Clue":"Old women into gang fighting (6)","Answer":"ROWING","Explanation":"Definition: fighting\n(**O** [old] **+ W** [women]) **contained in **(into)** RING** (gang, often referring to a group of bidders at an auction who collude to buy an item at a lower price than it is worth and then agree to share the profits on subsequent sale)\n **R** (**O** **W**) **ING**\n\n**ROWING** (fighting)"} {"Clue":"Article on literary work that attracts negative types (5)","Answer":"ANODE","Explanation":"Definition: that attracts negative types\n**AN** (indefinite article) **+ ODE **(poem; literary work)\n **AN ODE**\n\n**ANODE** (in valves and tubes, the electrode to which electrons flow; as electrons are negatively charged, the anode attracts negative types)"} {"Clue":"Gathering for sickly Oscar's leaving (5)","Answer":"FRILL","Explanation":"Definition: Gathering\n**FOR** **+ ILL** (sickly) excluding (leaving)\u00a0**O** (Oscar is the international radio communication code for the letter **O**) \n **FR ILL**\n\n**FRILL** (crimped edging; gathering of material)"} {"Clue":"Reflection of sound around large island results in slurring of words (7)","Answer":"ELISION","Explanation":"Definition: slurring of words\n**NOISE** (sound) **reversed** (reflection of) **containing** (around) (**L** [large] **+ I** [island])\n **E** (**L ****I**) **SION**<\n\n**ELISION** (suppression of a vowel or syllable, causing a slurring of words when speaking)"} {"Clue":"Gasp at that woman being a cougar? (7)","Answer":"PANTHER","Explanation":"Definition: cougar\n**PANT** (gasp) **+ HER** (that woman)\n **PANT HER**\n\n**PANTHER** (puma in North America; cougar)"} {"Clue":"Flag up region giving away American land (7)","Answer":"ERITREA","Explanation":"Definition: land\n**TIRE** (fatigue; flag) **reversed** (up; down clue) **+ AREA** (region) **excluding A** (American)\n **ERIT<** **REA**\n\n**ERITREA** (country in Africa; land)"} {"Clue":"Spooner's magical method is to remove unwanted plants such as this? (9)","Answer":"SPEEDWELL","Explanation":"Definition: unwanted plants such as this\n**SPEEDWELL** would be spoken\u00a0by the Revered Spooner as **WEED SPELL** (i.e. a magical method to remove unwanted plants)\n **SPEED WELL**\n\n**SPEEDWELL** (blue-flowered perennials that are considered to be\u00a0annual weeds that spread through lawns and borders)"} {"Clue":"Surprising plot to accommodate high value sporting event (4,5)","Answer":"POLE VAULT","Explanation":"Definition: sporting event\n**Anagram of** (surprising) **PLOT** **containing** (to accommodate) an **anagram of** (high) **VALUE**\n **POL **(**E VAUL***)** T***\n\n**POLE VAULT** (sporting event)"} {"Clue":"Understand growth in suffering (9)","Answer":"HEARTACHE","Explanation":"Definition: suffering\n**HEAR** (listen; understand) **+ TACHE** (moustache; growth)\n **HEAR TACHE**\n\n**HEARTACHE** (suffering)"} {"Clue":"Moroccan entering a ground (9)","Answer":"TANGERINE","Explanation":"Definition: Moroccan\n**Anagram of** (ground) **ENTERING** and **A**\n **T****A****NGERINE***\n\n**TANGERINE** (resident of Tangier, Moroccan coastal city; Moroccan)"} {"Clue":"Hybrid rose rapidly suppresses insectivorous plant (7)","Answer":"DROSERA","Explanation":"Definition: insectivorous plant\n**DROSERA** (**hidden word in** [suppresses] **HYBRID ROSE RAPIDLY**)\n **DROSERA**\n\n**DROSERA** (any plant of the sundew genus of **DROSERA**cea, a family of insectivorous plants)"} {"Clue":"Rebellious pervert receives fine for verse (7)","Answer":"DEFIANT","Explanation":"Definition: Rebellious\n**DE****V****IANT** (pervert) with **V** (verse) **being\u00a0replaced by**\u00a0(leaving for) **F**\u00a0(fine)\n **DEFIANT**\n\n**DEFIANT** (rebellious)"} {"Clue":"The discontented dons curse warm clothing (7)","Answer":"SWEATER","Explanation":"Definition: Rebellious\n**DE****V****IANT** (pervert) with **V** (verse) **being\u00a0replaced by**\u00a0(leaving for) **F**\u00a0(fine)\n **DEFIANT**\n\n**DEFIANT** (rebellious)"} {"Clue":"Spread goodness, except Thursday (5)","Answer":"STREW","Explanation":"Definition: Spread\n**STREWTH** (oath; my goodness!) **excluding **(except) **TH** (Thursday)\n **STREW**\n\n**STREW** (spread)"} {"Clue":"Good weather for cereal crops (5)","Answer":"GRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: cereal crops\n**G** (good) **+ RAIN** (type of weather)\n **G RAIN**\n\n**GRAIN** (cereal crop)"} {"Clue":"\"Odd choice of choirs\", said chap in outlying region of France (7)","Answer":"CORSICA","Explanation":"Definition: outlying region of France\n**CORSICA** (**letters 1, 3 , 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13** [odd choice] of **CHOIRS SAID CHAP**)\n **CORSICA**\n\n**CORSICA** (island in the Mediterranean Sea and politically a Department of France; outlying region of France)"} {"Clue":"Wrong football team has managed to lose? Rats! (7)","Answer":"SINGERS","Explanation":"Definition: Rats\n**SIN** (wrong) **+ RANGERS** (reference Glasgow **RANGERS**\u00a0[football club] **excluding** (has to lose) **RAN** (managed)\n **SIN GERS**\n\n**SINGERS** (informers; rats)"} {"Clue":"Bass about soprano: \"Flipping stuck-up sort\" (4)","Answer":"SNOB","Explanation":"Definition: stuck-up sort\n(**B** [bass] **+ ON** [about]) **+ S** [soprano]) **all reversed** (flipping)\n (**S** **NO** **B**)<\n\n**SNOB** (person who sets too much value on social standing; stuck-up sort)"} {"Clue":"Being resigned to doing without a mushroom (9)","Answer":"ACCEPTING","Explanation":"Definition: Being resigned to\n**ACTING **(doing) **containing** (without; outside) **CEP** (type of edible mushroom)\n **AC** (**CEP**) **TING**\n\n**ACCEPTING** (being resigned to)"} {"Clue":"Kind of anthem: Timelessly fresh and intrinsically universal (6)","Answer":"HUMANE","Explanation":"Definition: Kind\n**Anagram of **(fresh) **ANTHEM**\u00a0**excluding** (-lessly) **T** (time) and **containing** (intrinsically) **U** (universal [film certificate])\n **H** (**U**) **MANE***\n\n**HUMANE** (kind)"} {"Clue":"Lowest note? Second in sung Mass (7)","Answer":"MINIMUM","Explanation":"Definition: Lowest\n**MINIM** (musical note) **+ U** (s**econd letter of **[second in] **SUNG**) **+ M** (mass)\n **MINIM U M**\n\n**MINIMUM** (lowest value)"} {"Clue":"Edit choral piece that's really long? (4)","Answer":"ITCH","Explanation":"Definition: really long\n**ITCH** (**hidden word in** [piece]** EDIT CHORAL**)\n **ITCH**\n\n**ITCH** (have a constant teasing desire; really long)"} {"Clue":"Happily sing choral composition that's not hard (5)","Answer":"CAROL","Explanation":"Definition: Happily sing\n**Anagram of **(composition) **CHORAL** **excluding** (that's not) **H** (hard, as in an indication\u00a0of pencil lead)\n **CAROL***\n\n**CAROL** (praise or celebrate in song; happily sing)"} {"Clue":"Choir's foremost mature composer (4)","Answer":"CAGE","Explanation":"Definition: composer\n**C** (**first letter of** [foremost] **CHOIR**) **+ AGE** (mature)\n **C AGE**\n\n**CAGE** (reference John **CAGE** [1912 \u2013 1992], American avant garde composer,best known for his three movement piece\u00a04'33\" [of silence])"} {"Clue":"Unnerved conductor with loud ending (7)","Answer":"RATTLED","Explanation":"Definition: Unnerved\n**RATTLE **(reference Sir Simon **RATTLE** [born 1955], British conductor) **+ D** (**last letter of** [ending] **LOUD**)\n **RATTLE** **D**\n\n**RATTLED** (unnerved)"} {"Clue":"Ring a girl about Van Morrison song (6)","Answer":"GLORIA","Explanation":"Definition: song\n**Anagram of** (about) **O** [ring-shaped character] and** A **and** GIRL**\n **GLORIA***\n\n**GLORIA **(song recorded by Van Morrison)"} {"Clue":"Essentially free thinkers, those like Christ (9)","Answer":"REDEEMERS","Explanation":"Definition: those like Christ\n**RE** (**central letters of** [essentially] **FREE**) **+ DEEMERS** (thinkers)\n **RE DEEMERS**\n\n**REDEEMERS** (reference Christ the **REDEEMER**; people like Christ)"} {"Clue":"Fine piece from 1 I clued (4)","Answer":"ERIC","Explanation":"Definition: Fine \n**ERIC** (**hidden word in** **JOHN RUTTER I CLUED** where **JOHN RUTTER** is the entry at 1 down)\n **ERIC**\n\n**ERIC** (blood-fine paid by a murderer to his victim's family in old Irish law)"} {"Clue":"Piece of music by rock band, with short piano introduction (7)","Answer":"REQUIEM","Explanation":"Definition: Piece of music\n**REM** (reference **R**.**E**.**M**, American rock band) **containing** (with \u2026 introduction) **QUIE****T** (soft; piano) **excluding the final letter** (short) **T**\n **RE **(**QUIE**)** M**\n\n**REQUIEM** (a mass for the rest of the soul of the dead; music for it; any music of similar character)"} {"Clue":"Escaped from one-time capital in Germany after vacation (3,4)","Answer":"GOT AWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Escaped from\n**OTTAWA** (capital city of Canada) **excluding one occurrence **(one) of\u00a0**T** (time) **contained in **(**GY** (**letters remaining in GERMANY after the central letters ERMAN are removed** (after vacation)\n **G** (**OT AWA**) **Y**\n\n**GOT AWAY** (escaped)"} {"Clue":"As one who's often scored, ex-Chelsea star's dropped a line about period of sexual activity (4,6)","Answer":"JOHN RUTTER","Explanation":"Definition: one who's often scored\n**JOHN TERRY** (former Chelsea FC player, born 1980, who also captained the England team) **excluding** (dropped a) **RY** (railway line) **containing** (about) **RUT** (the annual period of sexual excitement in male deer)\n **JOHN** (**RUT**) **TER**\n\n**JOHN RUTTER** (English composer, born 24th September 1945)"} {"Clue":"Selfishness shown by online reordering of 20D (6)","Answer":"EGOISM","Explanation":"Definition: Selfishness\n**E** (electronic, a common prefix to indicate business transacted online) **+ GOISM** (**anagram of** [reordering of] **GISMO** [entry at 20 down])\n **E** **GOISM***\n\n**EGOISM** (self-centredness; selfishness)"} {"Clue":"This is the day to rest choir's 6, tenor having gone to spa (7)","Answer":"SABBATH","Explanation":"Definition: This is the day to rest\n**SATB** (soprano, alto, tenor bass; singers) **excluding** (having gone) **T** (tenor) **+ BATH** (spa [town[)\n **SAB BATH**\n\n**SABBATH** (day of rest)"} {"Clue":"16D girl? Possibly 16A, taking English for a gas (5)","Answer":"CLARE","Explanation":"Definition: 16D girl\n**Anagram of** (possibly) **CAR****O****L** (entry at 16 across) **with E** (English) **replacing** (for) **O** (chemical symbol for the gas Oxygen)\n **CLARE***\n\n**CLARE** (**COLLEGE** [16 down] at\u00a0Cambridge University)"} {"Clue":"Put on list for jury service, Hob's getting off plane (7)","Answer":"IMPANEL","Explanation":"Definition: Put on list for jury service\n**I'M** (Hob's \u2013 the setter is Hob) **+ an anagram of** (off) **PLANE** \n **IM PANEL**\n\n**IMPANEL** (enter the names of a prospective jury on a list)"} {"Clue":"Piece of music from 1 (a 20A) (3)","Answer":"RAG","Explanation":"Definition: Piece of music\n**RAG** (**hidden word in** [from] **JOHN RUTTER A GLORIA**, where **JOHN RUTTER** is the entry at 1 down and **GLORIA** is the entry at 20 across)\n **RAG**\n\n**RAG** (piece of **RAG**time music)"} {"Clue":"River crossing 5 16D's city (9)","Answer":"CAMBRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: 5 16D's city\n**CAM** (name of a river [that flows through Cambridge]) **+ BRIDGE** (crossing)\n **CAM BRIDGE**\n\n**CAMBRIDGE** (location of **CLARE** [5 down] **COLLEGE** [16 down])"} {"Clue":"Hymn needing organ briefly? Arranged without one, in fact (10)","Answer":"MAGNIFICAT","Explanation":"Definition: Hymn\n**MAG** (magazine [a means of communicating information; an organ of the press]) **+ an anagram of **(arranged] **IN FACT** **containing** (without; outside)\u00a0**I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **MAG** **NI****F** (**I**) **CAT***\n\n**MAGNIFICAT** (song of praise or thanksgiving; hymn)"} {"Clue":"Old King's lecturer, say resident in it? (7)","Answer":"COLLEGE","Explanation":"Definition: King's \n**(L** [lecturer] **+ EG** [for example; say]) **contained in** (resident in) **COLE** (reference Old King **COLE** from the nursery rhyme) \n **COL** (**L** **EG**) **E**\n\n**COLLEGE** (a lecturer maybe resident in a **COLLEGE**)"} {"Clue":"Rearranged 16A? He gets a complaint (7)","Answer":"CHOLERA","Explanation":"Definition: complaint\n**Anagram of **(rearranged) **CAROL** (16 across) and **HE**\n **C****H****OL****E****RA***\n\n**CHOLERA** (disease; complaint)"} {"Clue":"Muted trombone's finale playing hymn (2,4)","Answer":"TE DEUM","Explanation":"Definition: hymn\n**Anagram of** (playing) **MUTED** and **E** (**last letter of** [finale] **TROMBONE**)\n **TE DEUM***\n\n**TE DEUM** (musical setting of a famous Latin hymn of the Western Church expressing praise and thanksgiving)"} {"Clue":"Gadget item somehow messing with our heads? (5)","Answer":"GISMO","Explanation":"Definition: Gadget\n**GISMO** (f**irst letters of** [heads of] **GADGET**, **ITEM**, **SOMEHOW**, **MESSING** and **OUR**)\n **GISMO**\n\n**GISMO** (gadget)"} {"Clue":"Fishballs? (3)","Answer":"ROE","Explanation":"Definition: Fishballs\n**ROE** (mass of fish eggs; fish)\n **ROE**\n\n**ROE** (testes [balls] of male fish) sort of double definition"} {"Clue":"Timeless moments about big film showing requirements for climbers (3,5)","Answer":"ICE PICKS","Explanation":"Definition: requirements for climbers\n**TICKS** (informal word for moments) **excluding** (less) **T** (time) **containing** (about) **EPIC** (word use to describe a major motion picture)\n **IC** (**E PIC**) **KS**\n\n**ICE PICKS** (tools used by climbers)"} {"Clue":"It's a rare angler to seek compliments with hesitation (6)","Answer":"FISHER","Explanation":"Definition: It's a rare angler\n**FISH** (seek compliments) **+ ER** (expressing hesitation)\n **FISH ER**\n\n**FISHER** (rarely used term for fisherman or angler)"} {"Clue":"Conclude university has been missed off a list (4)","Answer":"AMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Conclude\n**A** **+ MENU** (list) **excluding** (missed off) **U** (university)\n **A MEN**\n\n**AMEN** (to conclude)"} {"Clue":"Newsman covering US workers worried in greater detail (10)","Answer":"ELABORATED","Explanation":"Definition: in greater detail\n**ED** (editor; newsman) **containing** (covering) (**LABOR** [American [US] term for workers] **+ ATE** [worried])\n **E** (**LABOR** **ATE**) **D**\n\n**ELABORATED** (set out in greater detail)"} {"Clue":"Amount pledged about minimum? On the contrary and quite wrong (8)","Answer":"MISTAKEN","Explanation":"Definition: quite wrong\n**MIN** (minimum) **containing** (about) **STAKE** (amount pledged as a wager) **i.e. the exact opposite** (on the contrary) **of the first part of the clue**\n **MI **(**STAKE**)** N**\n\n**MISTAKEN** (quite wrong)"} {"Clue":"Spain you once granted a small opening (7)","Answer":"EYELET","Explanation":"Definition: a small opening\n**E** (International Vehicle Registration) **+ YE** (old [once] form of you) **+ LET** (granted)\n **E ****YE LET**\n\n**EYELET** (small hole to receive a lace or cord)"} {"Clue":"Variable computer network returned, without modification externally, in investigation (8)","Answer":"ANALYSIS","Explanation":"Definition: investigation\n**AS IS** (without modification) **containing** (externally) (**Y** [letter frequently used to denote an unknown or variable value in mathematics] **+ LAN** [local area network]) **reversed** (returned) \n **A** (**NAL** **Y**)< **S IS**\n\n**ANALYSIS** (investigation)"} {"Clue":"Forthright and mostly sad, not heartless (5)","Answer":"BLUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Forthright\n**BLUE** (sad) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **E** **+ NT** (**letters remaining in NOT after the central letter O is removed** [heartless])\n **BLU NT**\n\n**BLUNT** (forthright)"} {"Clue":"Top name \u2013 or should that be Smith? (5)","Answer":"BROWN","Explanation":"Definition: should that be Smith\n**BROW** (summit; top) **+ N** (name)\n **BROW N**\n\n**BROWN** (a fairly common surname, listed sixth in an Independent article dated November 2016 at just under 200,000 in Great Britain. Smith was listed at number 1 with nearly 550,000 occurrences.)"} {"Clue":"Roundabout charge that's round about (8)","Answer":"INDIRECT","Explanation":"Definition: Roundabout\n**INDICT** (charge) **containing** (around) **RE** (with reference to; about)\n **INDI** (**RE**) **CT**\n\n**INDIRECT** (not straight; roundabout)"} {"Clue":"Some work held over before insect repelled in Scottish village (6)","Answer":"GRETNA","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish village\n**ERG** (CGS [centimetre-gram-second] unit of work) **reversed** (held over) **+ ANT** (type of insect) **also reversed** (repelled)\n **GRE**< **NTA**<\n\n**GRETNA** (technically it is **GRETNA** Green that is historically the first village in Scotland travelling north from England on the old coaching routes.\u00a0**GRETNA** nowadays is a small town, hosting\u00a0an outlet village just off the M74)"} {"Clue":"One's not quit a cheat \u2013 sneakily manages to secure First in maths (8)","Answer":"GAMESMAN","Explanation":"Definition: One's not quit a cheat \n**Anagram of** (sneakily) **MANAGES** **containing** (to secure) **M** (**first letter of** [First in] **MATHS**)\n **GA** (**M**) **ESMAN*** Either **M** could be the one contained\n\n**GAMESMAN** (one who has mastered the art of winning games or defeating opponents by clever or cunning practices without actually cheating) Given as a noun in Collins and the Oxford Dictionary of English. Chambers only lists **GAMESMANSHIP"} {"Clue":"Circulation of air, tireless, not requiring a purifier? (10)","Answer":"STERILISER","Explanation":"Definition: purifier\n**Anagram of** (circulation of) **AIR** and **TIRELESS** **excluding** (not requiring) **A**\n **STERILISER***\n\n**STERILISER** (something that removes bacteria; purifier)"} {"Clue":"Dangerous hillside collapsed (4)","Answer":"FELL","Explanation":"Definition: Dangerous hillside\n**FELL** (cruel; dangerous)\n **FELL** (hillside)\n\n**FELL** (collapsed) triple definition"} {"Clue":"Completely outclass film studio (6)","Answer":"HAMMER","Explanation":"Definition: Completely outclass\n**HAMMER** (trounce; completely outclass)\n **HAMMER**\n\n**HAMMER** (reference **HAMMER** Film Productions Ltd, a British film production company based in London. Founded in 1934, the company is best known for a series of gothic horror\u00a0films made in the 1960s and 1970s)"} {"Clue":"Annoys son without good reason (8)","Answer":"NEEDLESS","Explanation":"Definition: without good reason\n**NEEDLES** (annoys) **+ S** (son)\n **NEEDLES S**\n\n**NEEDLESS** (without good reason)"} {"Clue":"Wild flower? Willing to go after one after scouting event (7)","Answer":"CAMPION","Explanation":"Definition: Wild flower\n**CAMP** (reference a scout **CAMP**) **+ I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ ON** (willing to participate in)\n **CAMP I ON**\n\n**CAMPION** (any plant of the genera Lychnis and Silene having usually pink or white star- or salver-shaped flowers with notched petals; wild flower)"} {"Clue":"Point of order? That could be unpolitic (9)","Answer":"PUNCTILIO","Explanation":"Definition: Point of order\n**Anagram of** (that could be) **UNPOLITIC**\n **PUNCTILIO***\n\n**PUNCTILIO** (A petty formality or fine point of etiquette; point of order)"} {"Clue":"Waterway is source of chemical smell (5)","Answer":"CREEK","Explanation":"Definition: Waterway\n**C** (**first letter of** [source of] **CHEMICAL**) **+ REEK** (smell)\n **C REEK**\n\n**CREEK** (small river or brook; waterway)"} {"Clue":"Kent area, with unity of purpose, mostly in time (6)","Answer":"SEA","Explanation":"Definition: time\n**SE** (South East; Kent is a county in the South East of England) **+ AS ONE** (with unanimous action or response; with unity of purpose) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **E**\n **SE AS ON**\n\n**SEA**[**SON**] (time of year)"} {"Clue":"Less elevated book brought in supplied plot (6-3)","Answer":"FLOWER BED","Explanation":"Definition: plot\n(**LOWER** [less elevated] **+ B** [book]) **contained in** (brought in) **FED **(supplied with food)\n **F** (**LOWER** **B**) **ED**\n\n**FLOWER BED** (garden plot)"} {"Clue":"Wad of material in confines of sleeve? One contributes to suit (5)","Answer":"SPADE","Explanation":"Definition: One contributes to suit\n**PAD** (wad of material) **contained in** (in) **SE** (**first and last letters of** [confines of] **SLEEVE**)\n **S** (**PAD**) **E**\n\n**SPADE** (reference the suit of **SPADE**s in a deck of cards)"} {"Clue":"I, for instance, may be allowed to retain workers after end of strike (7)","Answer":"ELEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: I, for instance\n**E** (**final letter of** [end of] **STRIKE**) + (**LET** [allowed] **containing** [to retain]** MEN** [workers])\n **E** **LE** (**MEN**) **T**\n\n**ELEMENT** (I is the chemical symbol for iodine, which is an **ELEMENT**)"} {"Clue":"Information about idiots raised in a cosy home? (7)","Answer":"NESTING","Explanation":"Definition: in a cosy home\n(**GEN** [information] **containing** [about] **NITS** [idiots]) **all reversed** (raised; down clue) \n (**NE** (**STIN**) **G**)<\n\n**NESTING** ([living] in a cosy home)"} {"Clue":"Bright spot at Princeton \u2013 students lifting standard \u2013 crikey! (3,6)","Answer":"SUN PARLOR","Explanation":"Definition: Bright spot at Princeton\n**NUS** (National Union of Students) **reversed** (lifting; down clue) + **PAR** (normal; standard)** + LOR'** (informal term expressing surprise; blimey))\n **SUN**< **PAR** **LOR**\n\n**SUN PARLOR** (American [Princeton] spelling for a room that attracts the **SUN**; bright spot)"} {"Clue":"Malicious fun with result not producing calm (9)","Answer":"UNRESTFUL","Explanation":"Definition: not producing calm\n**Anagram of** (malicious) **FUN** and **RESULT**\n **UN****REST****F****UL***\n\n**UNRESTFUL** (not producing calm)"} {"Clue":"Cover for church leader in matter I brought up (7)","Answer":"BIRETTA","Explanation":"Definition: Cover for church leader\n**BIRETTA** (**hidden word reversed** [up; down clue] **in** [in] **MATTER I BROUGHT**)\n **BIRETTA**<\n\n**BIRETTA** (square cap with three or four projections on the crown worn by Roman Catholic clergy, black for priests, purple for bishops, and red for cardinals)"} {"Clue":"Cleaners seen around the French King? Not at present (7)","Answer":"CHARLES","Explanation":"Definition: King? Not at present\n**CHARS** (cleaners) **containing** (seen around) **LE** (one of the French forms of 'the')\n **CHAR** (**LE**) **S**\n\n**CHARLES** (name of a King of England in the past. Google tells me that Charles I and II were also Kings of Scotland and Ireland. Currently there is not a Charles III although a potential one waits in the wings)"} {"Clue":"Workforce organisers in corporation making monotonous sound (5)","Answer":"THRUM","Explanation":"Definition: monotonous sound\n**HR** (Human Resources; department in an office that manages the\u00a0workforce in respect of terms and conditions of employment) **contained in** (in) **TUM** (stomach; corporation)\n **T** (**HR**) **UM**\n\n**THRUM** (hum, drone or repeat monotonously)"} {"Clue":"US inventor increasingly impeded by sun (5)","Answer":"MORSE","Explanation":"Definition: US inventor\n**MORE** (increasingly) **containing** (impeded by) **S** (sun)\n **MOR** (**S**) **E**\n\n**MORSE** (reference Samuel **MORSE** [1791 \u2013 1872], American painter and inventor who contributed to the invention of a single-wire telegraph system based on European telegraphs. He was a co-developer of **MORSE**\u00a0code and helped to develop the commercial use of telegraphy)."} {"Clue":"Reportedly remained sober (5)","Answer":"STAID","Explanation":"Definition: sober\n**STAID** (sounds like [reportedly] **STAYED** [remained])\n **STAID**\n\n**STAID** (sober)"} {"Clue":"Copper's covering evidence (5)","Answer":"PROOF","Explanation":"Definition: evidence\n**P** (penny; copper [coin]) **+ ROOF** (covering)\n **P ROOF**\n\n**PROOF** (evidence)"} {"Clue":"Time to greet prince going with crusader (9)","Answer":"WEEKNIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Time\n**WEEP** (cry tears; greet [Scottish term for cry tears]) **excluding** (going) **P** (Prince) + **KNIGHT** (crusader \u2013 many **KNIGHTS** took part in the Crusades)\n **WEE** **KNIGHT**\n\n**WEEKNIGHT** (time of the day, occurring five times during the week)"} {"Clue":"Trouble with one consuming old mayonnaise (5)","Answer":"AIOLI","Explanation":"Definition: Time\n**WEEP** (cry tears; greet [Scottish term for cry tears]) **excluding** (going) **P** (Prince) + **KNIGHT** (crusader \u2013 many **KNIGHTS** took part in the Crusades)\n **WEE** **KNIGHT**\n\n**WEEKNIGHT** (time of the day, occurring five times during the week)"} {"Clue":"Slow-witted Hobbits regularly ignored exercise (6)","Answer":"OBTUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Slow-witted\n**OBT** (**letters remaining i**n **HOBBITS** **after letters 1, 3 5 and 7** [regularly] **are excluded** [ignored]) **+ USE** (exercise)\n **OBT USE**\n\n**OBTUSE** (dull- or slow-witted)"} {"Clue":"Society priest maybe pursuing Esther (4,4)","Answer":"BOOK CLUB","Explanation":"Definition: Society\n**BOOK** (Esther is a **BOOK** in the Old Testament of the\u00a0Bible; also a **BOOK** in the Hebrew Bible) **+ CLUB** (a **PRIEST** is a **CLUB** or mallet used for killing\u00a0fish)\n **BOOK CLUB**\n\n**BOOK CLUB** (society)"} {"Clue":"Old chess player dumps Charlie for Rod (6)","Answer":"FISHER","Explanation":"Definition: Rod\n**FISCHER** (reference Bobby **FISCHER**\u00a0[1943-2008], former world chess champion) **excluding** (dumps) **C** (charlie)\n **FISHER**\n\n**FISHER** (angler. A fisherman or an angler can also be termed a **ROD**)"} {"Clue":"Aerobic exercises incorporating Latin dance movement (8)","Answer":"CABRIOLE","Explanation":"Definition: dance movement\n**Anagram of **(exercises) **AEROBIC ****containing**\u00a0(incorporating) **L** (Latin)\n **CABRIO** (**L**) **E*******\n\n**CABRIOLE** (in ballet, a leap with one leg outstretched and the other struck against it)"} {"Clue":"Old children's programme's in top 100 (8)","Answer":"TRUMPTON","Explanation":"Definition: Old children's programme\n**TRUMP** (top) **+ TON** (one hundred; 100)\n **TRUMP TON**\n\n**TRUMPTON** (stop-motion children's television series from the producers of Camberwick Green. First shown on the BBC from January to March 1967)"} {"Clue":"Plant working for china maker (6)","Answer":"MINTON","Explanation":"Definition: china maker\n**MINT** (herb; plant) **+ ON** (working)\n **MINT ON**\n\n**MINTON** (an independent pottery and china manufacturing company from 1793 \u2013 1968, since when it has been subsumed into Royal Doulton and latterly into Waterford Wedgwood)"} {"Clue":"A police department charges colonists getting drugs (8)","Answer":"ANTACIDS","Explanation":"Definition: drugs\n(**A** **+ CID** [Criminal Investigation Department, police department]) **contained in** (charges; fills) **ANTS** (insects who live in a colony; colonists)\n **ANT** (**A** **CID**) **S**\n\n**ANTACIDS** (medicines [drugs] that counteract acidity)"} {"Clue":"Graphical device left out for craftsperson (6)","Answer":"POTTER","Explanation":"Definition: craftsperson\n**PLOTTER** (graphics device) **excluding** (out) **L** (left)\n **POTTER**\n\n**POTTER** (example of a craftsperson)"} {"Clue":"In a frenzy over including recipe for curry (5)","Answer":"KORMA","Explanation":"Definition: curry\n**AMOK** [in a frenzy] **reversed** (over) **containing** (including) **R** (recipe)\n **KO** (**R**) **MA**<\n\n**KORMA** (\u00a0mild-flavoured Indian curry dish consisting of meat or vegetables braised in water, stock, yoghurt or cream)"} {"Clue":"Fussy individuals endlessly admitting faults is healthy (9)","Answer":"WHOLESOME","Explanation":"Definition: healthy\n**WOMEN** (reference the derogatory phrase '**OLD WOMEN**' describing fussy individuals) **excluding the final letter** (endlessly) **N**\u00a0**containing** (admitting) **HOLES** (faults)\n **W** (**HOLES**) **OME**\n\n**WHOLESOME** (healthy in body, taste or morals)"} {"Clue":"State is firmly put in place (5)","Answer":"POSIT","Explanation":"Definition: State\n**POSIT** (put forward as fact; state)\n **POSIT**\n\n**POSIT** (put in position) double definition\n The word 'firmly could possibly go with either definition [state or put in place]"} {"Clue":"Rough earth found in section of crop yield (5)","Answer":"ROPEY","Explanation":"Definition: Rough\n**E **(earth) **contained i**n (found in)** ROPY** (**hidden word in** [section of] **C****ROP Y****IELD**\n **ROP **(**E**)** Y**\n\n**ROPEY** (bad of its kind; slightly unwell; rough)"} {"Clue":"Cut leave dropping week (4-3)","Answer":"SAWN OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Cut\n**SWAN OFF** (wander off; depart; leave) with the **W** (week) **moving from position 2 to position 3 **(dropping)** to form** **SAWN OFF**. The W **drops** as the entry is one of the downs.\n **SAWN OFF**\n\n**SAWN OFF** (cut)"} {"Clue":"Advanced group for skilful person, \u2026\u00a0(5)","Answer":"ADEPT","Explanation":"Definition: skilful person\n**A** (advanced) **+ DEPT** (department; group of people focusing on the same or similar activities)\n **A DEPT**\n\n**ADEPT** (an expert; a skilful person)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 one repeatedly coming back from Canadian adventures (3)","Answer":"DAN","Explanation":"Definition: one\n**DAN** (word **hidden** [from]\u00a0**twice** [repeatedly] **reversed** [coming back]in **CANADIAN ADVENTURES**)\n **DAN**<\n\n**DAN** (a person attaining one of the ten proficiency levels in martial arts)"} {"Clue":"Dog handler's first old expression of disgust (4)","Answer":"PUGH","Explanation":"Definition: old expression of disgust\n**PUG** (breed of dog) **+ H** (**opening letter of** [first] **HANDLER**)\n **PUG H**\n\n**PUGH** (old spelling of **POOH** [exclamation of disgust])"} {"Clue":"Voluntary work supported by revolutionary Latino (8)","Answer":"OPTIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: Voluntary\n**OP** (opus; work) **+ an anagram of** (revolutionary) **LATINO **As this is a down entry, the letters in the anagram of\u00a0**LATINO** are supporting the letters in **OP**\n **OP ****TIONAL***\n\n**OPTIONAL** (left to choice; not compulsory; voluntary)"} {"Clue":"After change of heart congregation gets criticism (5)","Answer":"FLACK","Explanation":"Definition: criticism\n**FLOCK** (congregation) **with the central letter** (heart) **O** **changed** (change of heart) **to** **A** to form **FL****A****CK**\n **FL****A****CK**\n\n**FLACK** (variant spelling of **FLAK** [adverse criticism]. This alternative spelling is given in Collins and the Oxford Dictionary of English."} {"Clue":"Pat's logo designed for sports fixture (8)","Answer":"GOALPOST","Explanation":"Definition: sports fixture\n**Anagram of** (designed) **PAT'S LOGO**\n **GO****A****L****P****O****ST***\n\n**GOALPOST** (a fixture on football or rugby or hockey pitches for example)"} {"Clue":"The Spanish and British propose to return gardening tool (6)","Answer":"DIBBLE","Explanation":"Definition: gardening tool\n(**EL** [Spanish form of the word 'the']** + B** [British] **+ BID** [propose]) **all reversed** (to return)\n (**DIB B LE**)<\n\n**DIBBLE** (pointed tool used for making holes for seeds or plants; gardening tool)"} {"Clue":"Saturate too much (5)","Answer":"STEEP","Explanation":"Definition: Saturate\n**STEEP** (wet thoroughly; saturate)\n **STEEP**\n\n**STEEP** (expensive; exorbitant; too much) double definition"} {"Clue":"Railway workers put horse in empty sidings (8)","Answer":"SHUNTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Railway workers\n**HUNTER** (horse used in **HUNT**ing) **contained in** (put \u2026 in') **SS** (**letters remaining in SIDINGS when the central letters IDING are removed** [empty])\n **S** (**HUNTER**)** ****S**\n\n**SHUNTERS** (railway workers)"} {"Clue":"One that may charge money (5)","Answer":"RHINO","Explanation":"Definition: One that may charge\n**RHINO** (an animal that can charge at an enemy very fast)\n **RHINO**\n\n**RHINO** (slang term for money) double definition"} {"Clue":"Who nosed about in US social events (8)","Answer":"HOEDOWNS","Explanation":"Definition: US social events\n**Anagram of** (about) **WHO NOSED**\n **HO****EDO****W****NS***\n\n**HOEDOWNS** (American term for parties at which country dances are performed)"} {"Clue":"Follows lines in\u00a0recordings (6)","Answer":"TRACKS","Explanation":"Definition: Follows\n**TRACKS** (follows)\n **TRACKS**\n\n**TRACKS** (grooves cut in a gramophone record by the recording instrument; lines in recordings) double definition"} {"Clue":"Where to find tender borders of rosemary (7)","Answer":"NURSERY","Explanation":"Definition: Where to find tender borders of rosemary\n**NURSE** (one who tends; tender) **+ RY** (**outer letters of** [borders of] **ROSEMARY**)\n **NURSE RY**\n\n**NURSERY** (a location where plants such as rosemary are grown for sale of private planting)"} {"Clue":"Press graduate probing company making a comeback (5)","Answer":"CLAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Press\n(**MA** [Master of Arts; graduate] **contained in** [probing] **PLC** [{Private Limited} Company]) **all reversed** (making a comeback)\n (**CL** (**AM**) **P**)<\n\n**CLAMP** (grasp or press firmly)"} {"Clue":"Men in Romania taking part in summit (5)","Answer":"TROOP","Explanation":"Definition: Men\n**RO** (international Vehicle Registration for Romania) **contained in** (taking part in) **TOP** (summit)\n **T** (**RO**) **OP**\n\n**TROOP** (a group of soldiers [men])"} {"Clue":"Escape with roll of cloth (4)","Answer":"BOLT","Explanation":"Definition: Escape\n**BOLT** (run away; escape)\n **BOLT**\n\n**BOLT** (roll of a definite measure of cloth) double definition"} {"Clue":"Spike's a penniless western gunfighter (4)","Answer":"EAR","Explanation":"Definition: Spike\n**EARP** (reference Wyatt **EARP** [1848 \u2013 1929], American lawman who took part in the gunfight at the OK Corral in 1881; gunfighter) **excluding** (less) **P** (penny, therefore the exclusion is represented by penniless) \n **EAR**\n\n**EAR** (a spike can be defined as\u00a0an EAR of corn)"} {"Clue":"Scots scrounging meal, minced lamb with cress (9)","Answer":"SCAMBLERS","Explanation":"Definition: Scots scrounging meal\n**Anagram of **(minced \u2026 with) **LAMB** and **CRESS**\n **SC****AMBL****ERS***\n\n**SCAMBLERS **(Scottish word for mealtime spongers [scroungers])"} {"Clue":"Beautiful black stone to drill, right for one of the rings (6)","Answer":"SCHORL","Explanation":"Definition: Beautiful black stone\n**SCHOOL** (train; drill) with **R** (right) r**eplacing** (for) the second [one of ]the **O**s\n **SCHORL**\n\n**SCHORL **(black tourmaline [mineral or stone])"} {"Clue":"Wrinkly, fatter than most, gripped by running urge (6)","Answer":"RUGOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Wrinkly\n**OS** (outsize; over normal size, possibly fatter) **contained in** (gripped by) **an anagram of** (running) **URGE**\n **RUG** (**OS**) **E***\n\n**RUGOSE** (wrinkled; covered with sunken lines)"} {"Clue":"Actor's muddled about line \u2013 clappers fallen silent? (7)","Answer":"CROTALS","Explanation":"Definition: clappers fallen silent\n**Anagram of **(muddled) **ACTORS** **containing** (about) **L** (line)\n **CROTA** (**L**) **S***\n\n**CROTALS **(clapper or castanet used in ancient [fallen silent] religious rites)"} {"Clue":"Politician enveloped by emergency is lost in waves (6)","Answer":"CRIMPS","Explanation":"Definition: waves\n**MP** (Member of Parliament; politician) **contained in** (enveloped by) **CRISIS** (emergency) **excluding** (lost) **IS **Either occurrence of** IS **could be excluded\n **CRI** (**MP**) **S**\n\n**CRIMPS** (curls or waves)"} {"Clue":"Quantity of dry goods, steep haberdashery stocks (4)","Answer":"EPHA","Explanation":"Definition: Quantity of dry goods\n**EPHA** (**hidden word in** [stocks] **STEEP HABERDASHERY**)\n **EPHA**\n\n**EPHA** (a Hebrew measure for dry goods.)"} {"Clue":"Rebel earning reforms (7)","Answer":"AGINNER","Explanation":"Definition: Rebel \n**Anagram of** (reform) **EARNING**\n **AGINNER***\n\n**AGINNER** (rebel)"} {"Clue":"Milor, nose-arch disfigured, displays this? (13)","Answer":"RHINOSCLEROMA","Explanation":"Definition: Milor, nose-arch disfigured, displays this\n**Anagram of** (disfigured) **MILOR NOSE ARCH \u2013 **MILOR is a rare form of MILORD, a term of address for an aristocrat\n **RHINOSCLEROMA*** \n\n**RHINOSCLEROMA** (a disease with hard swelling in the nose, etc)"} {"Clue":"Greek governor decreeing this reduces calendar by a month (7)","Answer":"NOMARCH","Explanation":"Definition: Greek governor\n**NO MARCH** (**NO** month of **MARCH**, thereby reducing the calendar by one month)\n **NO MARCH**\n\n**NOMARCH** (governor of a province or department, especially\u00a0in ancient Egypt or modern Greece."} {"Clue":"Being thus overgrown what needs stripping? Privy does (4)","Answer":"IVYD","Explanation":"Definition: Being thus overgrown\n**IVYD** (**hidden word in** (**what needs stripping** [is the outer letters of] **PRIVY DOES**)\n **IVYD**\n\n**IVYD** (overgrown with **IVY**)"} {"Clue":"Falling sick, pegged out, having toured most of the earth? (8)","Answer":"DISEASED","Explanation":"Definition: Falling sick\n**DIED** ('having pegged out' is a slang expression describing someone who has died)\u00a0) **containing** (toured) **SEAS** (the oceans cover over 70% of the earth's surface)\n **DI** (**SEAS**) **ED**\n\n**DISEASED** (falling sick)"} {"Clue":"Since old needs to put in means of draining fluid (6)","Answer":"SETONS","Explanation":"Definition: means of draining fluid\n**TO contained in** (needs to be put in) **SENS** (an obsolete [old] word for since)\n **SE** (**TO**) **NS**\n\n**SETONS** (threads or similar filaments passed through the skin as a counter-irritant and means of promoting drainage)"} {"Clue":"Bone about to get better (referring to body bag?) (7)","Answer":"OSCHEAL","Explanation":"Definition: referring to body bag\n**OS** (bone) **+ C** (circa) **+ HEAL** (get better)\n **OS C HEAL**\n\n**OSCHEAL** (relating to the scrotum (\u00a0bag of skin that contains the testicles in mammals)"} {"Clue":"It was imposed by Irish law, as Rule One, accepted by everyone (6)","Answer":"ERIACH","Explanation":"Definition: It was imposed by Irish law\n(**R** [rule] **+ I** [Roman numeral for one]) **contained in** (accepted by) **EACH** (every one separately)\n **E** (**R I**) **ACH**\n\n**ERIACH** (blood-fine paid by a murderer to his victim's family in old Irish law)"} {"Clue":"Yank ate hen? That's not the gas they treat it with over there! (6)","Answer":"ETHANE","Explanation":"Definition: That's not the gas they treat it with over there\n**Anagram of **(yank) **ATE HEN**\n **ETHANE***\n\n**ETHANE** (colourless, odourless hydrocarbon gas) I assume the clue also refers to **CHLORINE**, another gas that is used to treat chicken in the United States and is the subject of great debate over the content of a future trade deal between the United Kingdom and the United States)"} {"Clue":"Herald changes following act that's restructured major place of worship (9)","Answer":"CATHEDRAL","Explanation":"Definition: major place of worship\n**Anagram of **(that's restructured) **ACT** **+ an anagram of** (changes) **HERALD**\n **CAT***** HEDRAL***\n\n**CATHEDRAL** (major place of worship)"} {"Clue":"Fertile soil, richest possibly I removed to smell mass (11)","Answer":"TSCHERNOSEM","Explanation":"Definition: Fertile soil\n**Anagram of **(possibly) **RICHEST** **excluding** (removed) **I** **+ NOSE** (to smell) **+ M** (mass)\n **TSCHER*** **NOSE** **M**\n\n**TSCHERNOSEM** (very fertile soil of sub-humid steppe, consisting of a dark topsoil over a lighter calcareous layer)"} {"Clue":"Little old bag, last abandoned by string of characters (5)","Answer":"SCRIP","Explanation":"Definition: Little old bag\n**SCRIP****T** (string of characters) **excluding the final letter** (last abandoned) **T**\n **SCRIP**\n\n**SCRIP** (obsolete [old] word for a small bag)"} {"Clue":"Piece from basset-horns, one producing many a clap (4)","Answer":"THOR","Explanation":"Definition: one producing many a clap\n**THOR** (**hidden word in** [piece from] **B****ASSET-HORNS**)\n **THOR**\n\n**THOR** (Scandinavian thunder god, one who produces many claps []of thunder])"} {"Clue":"Book on love with stuff above (rhyme) (6)","Answer":"CRAMBO","Explanation":"Definition: rhyme\n**CRAM** (stuff) **+ B** (book) **+ O **(character representing zero or love score in tennis)\n **CRAM B O**\n\n**CRAMBO** (game in which one player gives a word to which another finds a rhyme, or simply just rhyme)"} {"Clue":"A large amount to drink (not good)? Off we go! (6)","Answer":"ALLONS","Explanation":"Definition: Off we go!\n**GALLONS** (large amount of liquid, possibly liquid for drinking) **excluding** (not) **G** (good)\n **ALLONS**\n\n**ALLONS** (French word meaning let's go!)"} {"Clue":"Mounting amount goes on cathode I repaired, with appendages on dial (11)","Answer":"MUSTACHIOED","Explanation":"Definition: with appendages on dial\n**SUM** (total; amount) **reversed** (mounting; down clue) **+ an anagram of** (repaired) **I CATHODE**\n **MUS**<** TACHIOED***\n\n**MUSTACHIOED** (alternative spelling of **MOUSTACHOED**, with unshaven hair [appendages] on the upper lip [part of the face or dial])"} {"Clue":"Unidentified affliction make on uglier after treatment lacking energy (5)","Answer":"LURGI","Explanation":"Definition: Unidentified affliction\n**Anagram of **(after treatment) **UGLI****E****R** **excluding** (lacking) **E** (energy)\n **LURGI***\n\n**LURGI** (non-specific disease; unidentified affliction)"} {"Clue":"Third of investment lost, put up for protection (4)","Answer":"EGIS","Explanation":"Definition: protection\n**SIEGE** (investment; besiegement) **excluding the third letter** (third of investment lost) **E** and **reversed** (put up; down clue)\n **EGIS**<\n\n**EGIS** (aegis; protection)"} {"Clue":"Foreign dynasty runs ME country with love avoiding extremes (7)","Answer":"ROMANOV","Explanation":"Definition: Foreign dynasty\n**R** (runs) **+ OMAN** (Middle Eastern country) + **OV** (**letters remaining in LOVE when the outer letters L and E are removed** [avoiding extremes])\n **R OMAN OV**\n\n**ROMANOV** (reference the **ROMANOV** dynasty who rules Russia from 1613 to 1917)"} {"Clue":"Rides as jockey, finest over hurdles (11)","Answer":"BESTRADDLES","Explanation":"Definition: Rides as jockey\n**BEST** (finest) **+ RADDLES** (hurdles)\n **BEST RADDLES**\n\n**BESTRADDLES** (descriptive of how someone sits on a horse when riding as a jockey)"} {"Clue":"Look no longer, not left to tell the tale (4)","Answer":"SPIE","Explanation":"Definition: Look no longer\n**SPIEL** (tell the tale) **excluding** (not) **L** (left)\n **SPIE**\n\n**SPIE** (archaic [no longer] poetic spelling of **SPY** [look])"} {"Clue":"Greeting with lifting of cap, I answer in classical garb (7)","Answer":"HIMATIA","Explanation":"Definition: classical garb\n**HI** (greeting) **+ TAM** (**TAM**'o'shanter; cap with broad circular flat top) **reversed** (lifting; down clue) **+ I + A** (answer)\n **HI ****MAT**<** ****I** **A**\n\n**HIMATIA** (ancient Greek outer garments; classical garb)"} {"Clue":"Inferior helping to supply table's service (6)","Answer":"LESSER","Explanation":"Definition: Inferior\n**LESSER** (**hidden word in** [helping to supply] **TABLE'S SERVICE**)\n **LESSER**\n\n**LESSER** (inferior)"} {"Clue":"Volcanic stuff from cone on being thrown out with a jet erupting (6)","Answer":"EJECTA","Explanation":"Definition: Volcanic stuff \n**Anagram of **(erupting) **CE** (**letters remaining in** **CONE** **when\u00a0ON is thrown out)** and **A JET**\n **E****JE****C****TA***\n\n**EJECTA** (matter thrown out, especially by volcanoes)"} {"Clue":"Rarely calling back up king deposed? That's past (4)","Answer":"OVER","Explanation":"Definition: That's past\n**REVOKING** (a rarely used meaning of this word is 'calling back') **excluding** (deposed) **KING** and then **reversed** (up; down clue)\n **OVER**<\n\n**OVER** (finished; past)"} {"Clue":"Organised church spread (5)","Answer":"RANCH","Explanation":"Definition: spread\n**RAN** (organised) **+ CH** (church) \n **RAN** **CH**\n\n**RANCH** (spread is a North American term for a **RANCH**)"} {"Clue":"Bears showing positive response if no longer in captivity (5)","Answer":"YEANS","Explanation":"Definition: Bears\n**AN** ('if' is an archaic [no longer] meaning of **AN**) **contained in** (in captivity) **YES** (positive response)\n **YE** (**AN**) **S**\n\n**YEANS** (of a sheep, gives birth to [bears])"} {"Clue":"Rou\u00e9 caught pinching sheila's \u2026 (4)","Answer":"GOAT","Explanation":"Definition: Rou\u00e9 \n**GOT** (caught) **containing** (pinching) **A** (**last letter** [\u2026 rear] **of** **SHEILA**)\n **GO** (**A**) **T**\n\n**GOAT** (lecher; rou\u00e9)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 Rear, playing endless tease (4)","Answer":"SEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Rear\n**Anagram of** (playing) **TEASE** **excluding the final letter **(endless) **E**\n **SEAT***\n\n**SEAT** (rear \u2013 given as a synonym in Bradfords)"} {"Clue":"Frantic preparation of stimulant drug (4-6)","Answer":"LAST MINUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Frantic\n**Anagram of** (preparation of) **STIMULANT** **+ E** (ecstasy; drug)\n **LAST MINUT*** **E**\n\n**LAST MINUTE** (made or done with very little time to spare, usually in a frantic way)"} {"Clue":"Fishing bait left next to river (4)","Answer":"LURE","Explanation":"Definition: Fishing bait\n**L** (left) **+ URE** (river in North Yorkshire)\n **L URE**\n\n**LURE** (fishing bait)"} {"Clue":"Titillate Republican with depraved habit in China? (3-7)","Answer":"TEA SERVICE","Explanation":"Definition: China\n**TEASE** (titillate) **+ R** (Republican) **+ VICE** (depraved habit)\n **TEA SE** **R** **VICE**\n\n**TEA SERVICE** (descriptive of a set of china cups, saucers and plates used to **SERV**e **TEA**)"} {"Clue":"Earth surrounded by manure forms natural fuel (4)","Answer":"PEAT","Explanation":"Definition: natural fuel \n**E** (earth) **contained in** (surrounded by) **PAT **(cow**PAT**; manure)\n **P** (**E**) **AT**\n\n**PEAT** (a natural fuel)"} {"Clue":"Record individual study about Baltic, oddly (12)","Answer":"BIBLIOGRAPHY","Explanation":"Definition: Record\n**BIOGRAPHY** (written account or history of the life of an individual; individual study) **containing** (about) **BLI** (l**etters 1, 3 and 5** [oddly] of **B****A****L****T****I****C**\n **BI **(**BLI**) **OGRAPHY**\n\n**BIBLIOGRAPHY** (a list or record of books on a particular subject or by a single author, for instance)"} {"Clue":"By autumn, Fawkes was one? (4,3)","Answer":"FALL GUY","Explanation":"Definition: one\n**FALL **(a term for autumn, mostly used in North America) **+ GUY** (reference **GUY** Fawkes and the gunpowder plot of 1605. Fawkes was the man discovered in the Houses of Parliament with barrels of the explosives)\n **FALL GUY**\n\n**FALL GUY** (victim or scapegoat)"} {"Clue":"Chance to cover masts with sails in warship (7)","Answer":"FRIGATE","Explanation":"Definition: warship\n**FATE** (chance) **containing** (to cover) **RIG** (masts and sails) \n **F** (**RIG**) **ATE**\n\n**FRIGATE** (type of warship)"} {"Clue":"Competitive runner from Australia mostly terrible (7)","Answer":"EMULOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Competitive\n**EMU** (Australian lightless bird that runs very fast) **+ LOUSY**~~ ~~(terrible) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **Y**\n **EMU ****LOUS**\n\n**EMULOUS** (keen to achieve or obtain the same success or excellence as someone else; competitive)"} {"Clue":"Celebratory number contains beat but no bass (7)","Answer":"FESTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Celebratory\n**FIVE** (number) **containing** (contains) **BEST** (beat) **excluding** (no) **B** (bass)\n **F** (**EST**) **IVE**\n\n**FESTIVE** (celebratory)"} {"Clue":"At home, consider it inappropriate to show boob (12)","Answer":"INDISCRETION","Explanation":"Definition: boob\n**IN** (at home) **+ an anagram of **(inappropriate) **CONSIDER IT**\n **IN ****DISCRETION***\n\n**INDISCRETION** (mistake; boob)"} {"Clue":"Everybody's got the back of lovely colleague (4)","Answer":"ALLY","Explanation":"Definition: colleague\n**ALL** (everyone) **+ Y** (**last letter of **[back of] **LOVELY**\n **ALL Y**\n\n**ALLY** (colleague)"} {"Clue":"They list places iconic scene from Italia'90 may be heard? (10)","Answer":"GAZETTEERS","Explanation":"Definition: They list places\n**GAZETTEERS** (sounds like **GAZZA** [Paul Gascoigne, footballer] **+ TEARS**) Gascoigne famously cried during the 1990 World Cup (Italia'90) when he received a yellow card that would have excluded him from the final if England had reached that far. England were knocked out in the semi-final by Germany in a penalty shoot-out\n **GAZETTEERS**\n\n**GAZETTEERS** (alphabetical lists of geographical places)"} {"Clue":"Comfort stop about to be dropped (4)","Answer":"EASE","Explanation":"Definition: Comfort\n**CEASE** (stop) **excluding** (to be dropped) **C** (circa; about)\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (comfort)"} {"Clue":"Presses tropical islands to protect butterfly, perhaps (10)","Answer":"KEYSTROKES","Explanation":"Definition: Presses\n**KEYS** (tropical islands) **containing** (to protect) **STROKE** (butterfly is a swimming stroke)\n **KEY** (**STROKE**) **S**\n\n**KEYSTROKES** (presses)"} {"Clue":"Delayed break, losing 6-0 (4)","Answer":"LATE","Explanation":"Definition: Delayed\n**VIOLATE **(break) **excluding** (losing) **VI** (Roman numeral for six) and **O**\u00a0(character that represents zero or nil)\n **LATE**\n\n**LATE** (delayed)"} {"Clue":"Crazy military commander leaves African island trauma (4)","Answer":"SCAR","Explanation":"Definition: rauma \n**MADAGASCAR** (African country that is also an island) **excluding** (**MAD** [crazy] and **AGA** [Turkish commander or chief officer])\n **SCAR**\n\n**SCAR** (shock; trauma)"} {"Clue":"Enemies ought to work in place of worship (7,5)","Answer":"MEETING HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: place of worship\n**Anagram of **(to work) **ENEMIES OUGHT**\n **MEE****T****IN****G**** ****HOU****SE***\n\n**MEETING HOUSE** (house or building where people, especially Quakers, meet for public worship)"} {"Clue":"Month with evangelical Tory on vacation? That's different! (7)","Answer":"NOVELTY","Explanation":"Definition: That's different\n**NOV** (November; month) **+ EL **(**letters remaining in** **E****VANGELICA****L** **when the central** **letters VANGELICA are removed** [on vacation]) **+ TY** (**letters remaining in** **T****OR****Y** **when the central letters OR are removed** [on vacation])\n **NOV EL TY**\n\n**NOVELTY** (anything new or different)"} {"Clue":"Tense before start of game, Kelvin escapes reprimand (4,3)","Answer":"TICK OFF","Explanation":"Definition: reprimand\n**T** (tense) **+ KICK-OFF** (start of game) **excluding** (escapes) **K** (kelvin) It's obviously the first **K** that has to be removed to get the entry, but it is not indicated specifically.\n **T ICK OFF**\n\n**TICK OFF** (reprimand)"} {"Clue":"Stress free? Chin up mate, could be very different (10)","Answer":"UNEMPHATIC","Explanation":"Definition: Stress free\n**Anagram of **(could be very different) **CHIN UP MATE**\n **UNEMPHATIC***\n\n**UNEMPHATIC** (without stress)"} {"Clue":"Basic flat under guard when roof is blown off (5-5)","Answer":"ENTRY LEVEL","Explanation":"Definition: Basic\n**S****ENTRY** (guard) **excluding** (blown off) t**he first letter** (roof) **S** **+ LEVEL** (flat)\n **ENTRY LEVEL**\n\n**ENTRY LEVEL** (suitable for someone with no previous experience who is seeking to make a career in that industry; basic)"} {"Clue":"Amateur enthusiast coaches snooker player (12)","Answer":"TRAINSPOTTER","Explanation":"Definition: Amateur enthusiast\n**TRAINS** (coaches) **+ POTTER** (a snooker player, for example)\n **TRAINS POTTER**\n\n**TRAINSPOTTER** (informal term for a person who takes a detailed or obsessive interest in a subject)"} {"Clue":"Letter by female artist at end of guide camp (10)","Answer":"EFFEMINATE","Explanation":"Definition: camp\n**EF** (the letter F) **+ F** (female) **+ EMIN** (reference Tracey **EMIN** [born 1963], artist) **+ AT** **+ E** (**last letter of** [end of] **GUIDE**)\n **EF F EMIN ****AT**** E**\n\n**EFFEMINATE** (womanish; posturing; camp)"} {"Clue":"Iris filled us with extremely reasonable worries (5-2-3)","Answer":"FLEUR-DE-LIS","Explanation":"Definition: Iris\n**Anagram of** (worries) **FILLED US** and **RE** (**first and last letters of** [extremely] **REASONABLE**)\n **FLEUR**\u2013**DE**\u2013**LIS***\n\n**FLEUR-DE-LIS** (another name for an iris)"} {"Clue":"Superficial and loveless bad-tempered expression (7)","Answer":"SURFACE","Explanation":"Definition: Superficial\n**SOUR FACE **(bad-tempered expression) **excluding** (less) **O** (character representing zero or love score in tennis)\n **SUR FACE**\n\n**SURFACE** (superficial)"} {"Clue":"Health tracker's introduction welcomed by Polish, but not English (7)","Answer":"FITNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Health\n**T** (**first letter of** [introduction] **TRACKER**) **contained in **(welcomed by) **FINESSE** (elegance, polish) **excluding ****E** (English). Again it's obvious which **E** has to be omitted to get the right answer, but there is no specific indication in the clue.\n **FI** (**T**) **NESS**\n\n**FITNESS** (health)"} {"Clue":"Go in search of follower of religion, we hear (4)","Answer":"SEEK","Explanation":"Definition: Go in search of\n**SEEK** (sounds like **SIKH** [adherent of a monotheistic religion established in the 16th century by those former Hindus who rejected the authority of the Vedas, taking the Granth as their scripture])\n **SEEK**\n\n**SEEK** (go in search of)"} {"Clue":"Questions coronavirus protection measure, moving metre away (4)","Answer":"ASKS","Explanation":"Definition: Questions\n**MASKS** (reference face **MASKS** which help to contain the spread of coronavirus) **excluding** (away) the **M** (metre)\n **ASKS**\n\n**ASKS** (questions)"} {"Clue":"Answer after president's given short shrift (10)","Answer":"ABSOLUTION","Explanation":"Definition: shrift\n**ABE** (reference Abraham [**ABE**] Lincoln, US President from 1861 to 1865) **excluding the final letter** (given short) **E** **+ SOLUTION** (answer)\n **AB SOLUTION**\n\n**ABSOLUTION** (shrift)"} {"Clue":"Cook with mum, making bread (4)","Answer":"DOSH","Explanation":"Definition: bread\n**DO** (cook) **+ SH** (be quiet; be mum)\n **DO SH**\n\n**DOSH** (slang term for money; as is bread)"} {"Clue":"I'll go into lounge with champagne and sweet (8)","Answer":"LOLLIPOP","Explanation":"Definition: sweet\n**I** **contained in** (will go into) (**LOLL** [lounge] **+ POP** [champagne is an effervescent\u00a0drink as is\u00a0pop])\n **LOLL** (**I**) **POP**\n\n**LOLLIPOP** (sweet)"} {"Clue":"Some furores ultimately ensue (8)","Answer":"RESULT","Explanation":"Definition: ensue\n**RESULT** (**hidden word in** [some] **FURORES ULTIMATELY**)\n **RESULT**\n\n**RESULT** (ensue)"} {"Clue":"After university, English girl somehow is more unattractive (6)","Answer":"UGLIER","Explanation":"Definition: more unattractive\n**U** (university) **+ an anagram of** (somehow)** E**\u00a0[English] and **GIRL**\n **U ****GLIER***\n\n**UGLIER** (more unattractive)"} {"Clue":"Starts to regret eating stuffing coloured like a kebab? (8)","Answer":"SKEWERED","Explanation":"Definition: like a kebab\n**RE** (**first letters of each of** [starts to] **REGRET** and **EATING**) **contained in** (stuffing) **SKEWED** (biased; influence {by}; coloured {by})\n **SKEWE** (**R ****E**) **D**\n\n**SKEWERED** (kebabs are cooked on a skewer)"} {"Clue":"Punishment constrains everyone in revolutionary group to conform (4,4,4)","Answer":"FALL INTO LINE","Explanation":"Definition: conform\n**FINE** (punishment) **contains** (constrains) (**ALL** [everyone] **+ IN + LOT** [group] **reversed** [revolutionary])\n **F** (**ALL** **IN** **TOL**<) **INE**\n\n**FALL INTO LINE** (conform)"} {"Clue":"As I'm left in penultimate part of contest, I could be this (12)","Answer":"SEMI-FINALIST","Explanation":"Definition: As I'm left in penultimate part of contest, I could be this\n**Anagram of **(could be) **AS I'M LEFT IN** and **S** (**second last letter of** [penultimate part of] **CONTEST**) and **I**\n **S****EMIF****I****N****A****LIST***\n\n**SEMI-FINALIST** (someone playing the penultimate round of a competition)"} {"Clue":"Italian town that's no resort? Wrong! (8)","Answer":"SORRENTO","Explanation":"Definition: Italian town\n**Anagram of **(wrong) **NO RESORT**\n **S****O****RRE****N****TO***\n\n**SORRENTO **(Italian town)"} {"Clue":"Screw around and do sketch again? (6)","Answer":"REDRAW","Explanation":"Definition: Screw\n**WARDER** (prison guard,a person for whom screw is a slang term) **reversed** (around)\n **REDRAW**<\n\n**REDRAW** (sketch again)"} {"Clue":"Police returned, requiring corporation to make formal statement (6)","Answer":"DICTUM","Explanation":"Definition: formal statement\n**CID** (Criminal Investigation Department; police) **reversed** (returned) **+ TUM** (stomach; belly; corporation)\n **DIC**< **TUM**\n\n**DICTUM **(authoritative saying)"} {"Clue":"Hint pub needs to open around middle of September (8)","Answer":"INNUENDO","Explanation":"Definition: Hint\n**INN** (public house; pub) + (**UNDO** [open] **containing** [around] **E** [**central letter of **{middle of} **SEPTEMBER**)\n **INN** **U** (**E**) **NDO**\n\n**INNUENDO** (hint, usually suggesting disapproval or maliciousness)"} {"Clue":"Runs, wearing Edward's anorak (4)","Answer":"NERD","Explanation":"Definition: anorak\n**R** (runs in cricket scoring notation) **contained in **(wearing) **NED** (a form of the name **EDWARD**)\n **NE** (**R**) **D**\n\n**NERD** (clumsy, foolish, socially inept, feeble, unathletic, irritating or unprepossessing person, although often [eg in computers] knowledgeable. Anorak is a similar term)"} {"Clue":"Randomly chosen composer \u2013 this one? (10)","Answer":"SCHOENBERG","Explanation":"Definition: this one\n**Anagram of** (randomly) **CHOSEN** + **BERG** (reference Alban **BERG** [1885 \u2013 1935], Austrian composer and member of the Second Viennese School)\n **SCHOEN** **BERG**\n\n**SCHOENBERG** (reference Arnold **SCHOENBERG**\u00a0[1874 -1951], Austrian composer described as the leader of the Second Viennese School and teacher of Alban **BERG**) Some critics might\u00a0describe **SCHOENBERG**'s music as a series of 'randomly chosen' notes."} {"Clue":"Carriage fetched almost a million (8)","Answer":"BROUGHAM","Explanation":"Definition: Carriage\n**BROUGHT** (fetched) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **T** **+ A + M** (million)\n **BROUGH A M**\n\n**BROUGHAM** (a one-horse closed carriage)"} {"Clue":"Regularly jovial and crude? (3)","Answer":"OIL","Explanation":"Definition: crude\n**OIL** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [regularly] of **JOVIAL**)\n **OIL**\n\n**OIL** (reference crude **OIL**)"} {"Clue":"Superior meal, but no starter (5)","Answer":"UPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Superior\n**SUPPER** (meal) **excluding** (no) **the first letter** (starter) **S**\n **UPPER**\n\n**UPPER** (superior)"} {"Clue":"What batsman off the mark might say is an art form (7)","Answer":"IMPASTO","Explanation":"Definition: an art form\n**I'M** (I am) **PAST** (beyond) **O** (character representing the value zero) I have got off the mark\n **IM PAST O**\n\n**IMPASTO** (in painting, paint or pigment applied thickly, especially when used to achieve surface texture; an art form)"} {"Clue":"One breaks new organ playing Grieg? (9)","Answer":"NORWEGIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Grieg\n**I **(Roman numeral for one) **contained in** (breaks) **an anagram of** (playing) **NEW ORGAN**\n **NORWEG (I) AN***\n\n**NORWEGIAN** (Edvard Grieg [1843 to 1907] was a **NORWEGIAN** composer)"} {"Clue":"Unkempt beauty partied topless (11)","Answer":"DISHEVELLED","Explanation":"Definition: Unkempt\n**DISH** (informal term for a good looking person, usually applied to someone of the opposite sex) **+ REVELLED** (partied) **excluding the first letter** (topless) **R**\n **DISH EVELLED**\n\n**DISHEVELLED** (unkempt)"} {"Clue":"Maybe private bar one gets to join (6)","Answer":"SOLDER","Explanation":"Definition: join\n**SOLDIER** (a member of the army who is neither a commissioned or non-commissioned officer) **excluding **(bar) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **SOLDER**\n\n**SOLDER** (join)"} {"Clue":"Embellished being badly treated outside restaurant (11)","Answer":"ILLUSTRATED","Explanation":"Definition: Embellished\n**ILL USED** (badly treated) **containing** (outside) **TRAT** (**TRAT**toria; restaurant)\n **ILL US** (**TRAT**) **ED**\n\n**ILLUSTRATED** (adorned; made beautiful; embellished)"} {"Clue":"Small English bloke twice turns up to identify culprits (4,5)","Answer":"NAME NAMES","Explanation":"Definition: identify culprits\n(**S** [small] **+ E** [English] **+ MAN** [bloke] **+** [again; twice] [**E** {English} **+** MAN {bloke}]) **all reversed** (turns up; down clue)\n (**NAM**** ****E NAM**** E** **S**)<\n\n**NAME NAMES** (identify culprits)"} {"Clue":"Cuban perhaps lends air to dance (8)","Answer":"ISLANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Cuban perhaps\n**Anagram of** (to dance) **LENDS AIR**\n **I****SL****A****NDE****R***\n\n**ISLANDER** (Cuba is an island; so a Cuban can be an islander)"} {"Clue":"Silly John gets upset in school? (7)","Answer":"FOOLISH","Explanation":"Definition: Silly\n**LOO** (toilet; john is American slang for toilet) **reversed** (gets upset) **contained in** (in) **FISH** (school is another collective noun for a shoal\u00a0of fish)\n **F** (**OOL**<) **ISH**\n\n**FOOLISH** (silly|)"} {"Clue":"I eat after ten (6)","Answer":"IODINE","Explanation":"Definition: I\n**IO** (characters that together can represent the number 10) **+ DINE** (eat)\n **IO DINE**\n\n**IODINE** (I is the chemical symbol for iodine)"} {"Clue":"Consumed by fury, nanny's heading for a row (5)","Answer":"RANGE","Explanation":"Definition: row\n**N** (**first letter of** [heading of] **NANNY**) **contained in** (consumed by) **RAGE **(fury)\n **RA** (**N**) **GE**\n\n**RANGE** (row or rank)"} {"Clue":"Be upset \u2013 boat's beginning to sink (3)","Answer":"EBB","Explanation":"Definition: sink\n**BE** **reversed** (upset) **+ B** (**first letter of **[beginning] **BOAT**)\n **EB**< **B**\n\n**EBB** (sink)"} {"Clue":"Have influence on game: it should give greater opening for current moves (5,6)","Answer":"SWING BRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: it should give greater opening for current moves\n**SWING** (have influence on) **+ BRIDGE** (card game)\n **SWING BRIDGE**\n\n**SWING BRIDGE** (when open, a **SWING BRIDGE**, gives greater space for movement of boats on rivers [current])"} {"Clue":"Entirely welcoming a few in obsequious style (9)","Answer":"FULSOMELY","Explanation":"Definition: in obsequious style\n**FULLY** (entirely) **containing** (welcoming) **SOME** (a few)\n **FUL** (**SOME**) **LY**\n\n**FULSOMELY **(in obsequious style)"} {"Clue":"Second selection leads to row (5)","Answer":"SCULL","Explanation":"Definition: row\n**S** (second) **+ CULL** (selection)\n **S CULL**\n\n**SCULL** (row with light-bladed oars))"} {"Clue":"Fruit mostly employed after I departed (5)","Answer":"APPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\n**APPLIED **(employed) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **D** and then **excluding **(departed) **I**\n **APPLE**\n\n**APPLE **(fruit)"} {"Clue":"Smart greeting adopted by Conservatives (4)","Answer":"CHIC","Explanation":"Definition: Smart\n**HI** (greeting) **contained in** (adopted by) (**C** [Conservative] **+ C** [Conservative], giving Conservatives)\n **C** (**HI**) **C**\n\n**CHIC **(smart)"} {"Clue":"Catholic formerly touring valleys to get healthier (10)","Answer":"CONVALESCE","Explanation":"Definition: get healthier\n**C** (Catholic])**+ (ONCE** [formerly])**containing** [touring] **VALES** [valleys])\n **C** **ON** (**VALES**) **CE**\n\n**CONVALESCE **(regain healthy)"} {"Clue":"Whole exploit receiving tense thanks in high level meeting (6,4)","Answer":"SUMMIT TALK","Explanation":"Definition: high level meeting\n**SUM **(whole) **+** (**MILK** [exploit] **containing** [receiving] [**T** {tense} **+ TA** {thankyou; thanks}])\n **SUM** **MI** (**T TA**) **LK**\n\n**SUMMIT TALK** (high level meeting)"} {"Clue":"Regular payments to secure Arab stringed instrument (4)","Answer":"HARP","Explanation":"Definition: stringed instrument\n**HP **(hire-purchase; an arrangement where the purchaser makes a\u00a0series of regular payments whilst using, but before owning the goods outright) **containing **(to secure) **AR** (Arab)\n **H** (**AR**) **P**\n\n**HARP **\u00a0(stringed instrument)"} {"Clue":"Single one brought in without blemish (9)","Answer":"UNMARRIED","Explanation":"Definition: Single\n**I **(Roman numeral for one) **contained in** (brought in) **UNMARRED** (without blemish)\n **UNMARR** (**I**) **ED**\n\n**UNMARRIED** (single)"} {"Clue":"Cancel legislation banning a revolt (5)","Answer":"REPEL","Explanation":"Definition: revolt\n**REPEAL** (revoke or cancel legislation) **excluding** (banning) **A**\n **REPEL**\n\n**REPEL** (produce a feeling of aversion or distaste in; disgust; revolt)"} {"Clue":"Confusing arrangement surrounding one crop (5)","Answer":"MAIZE","Explanation":"Definition: crop\n**MAZE** (confusing system or arrangement) **containing** (surrounding) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **MA** (**I**) **ZE**\n\n**MAIZE **(tall cereal grass; crop)"} {"Clue":"Various things trimmed slender ornate hatstand (4,3,4)","Answer":"THIS AND THAT","Explanation":"Definition: Various things\n**THI****N**** **(slender) **excluding the final letter** (trimmed) **N**\u00a0+ **an anagram of** (ornate) **HATSTAND**\n **THI ****S AND THAT***\n\n**THIS AND THAT** (various minor unspecified objects)"} {"Clue":"Error about love upset miss having egotistical attitude (9)","Answer":"SOLIPSISM","Explanation":"Definition: egotistical attitude\n(**SLIP** [error] **containing** [about] **O** [zero; love score in tennis]) **+ an anagram of** (upset) **MISS**\n **S** (**O**) **LIP** **SISM***\n\n**SOLIPSISM** (The extreme form of scepticism which denies the possibility of any knowledge other than of one's own existence; egotistical attitude)"} {"Clue":"Shakespearean heroine I think will get information (6)","Answer":"IMOGEN","Explanation":"Definition: Shakespearean heroine\n**IMO** (in my opinion; I think) **+ GEN** (information)\n **IMO GEN**\n\n**IMOGEN** (heroine of Shakespeare's play Cymbeline)"} {"Clue":"Heavy garment and other things wrapping one in a little bit (9)","Answer":"GREATCOAT","Explanation":"Definition: Heavy garment\n(**ETC** [et cetera; and other things] **containing** [wrapping] **A** [one]) **all contained in **(in) **GROAT** (coin worth very little; a little bit [coin])\n **GR** (**E **(**A**) **TC**) **OAT**\n\n**GREATCOAT** (heavy garment)"} {"Clue":"Source of colour initially absent in artificial silk (5)","Answer":"RAYON","Explanation":"Definition: artificial silk\n**CRAYON** (a source of colour for drawing) **excluding** (absent) t**he first letter** (initially) **C**\n **RAYON**\n\n**RAYON** (artificial silk fabric made from cellulose)"} {"Clue":"Unambitious in home improvements, sadly (8)","Answer":"DISMALLY","Explanation":"Definition: sadly\n**SMALL** (insignificant; unambitious) **contained in** (in) **DIY** (do-it-yourself; home improvements)\n **DI** (**SMALL**) **Y**\n\n**DISMALLY** (sadly)"} {"Clue":"Just one not accepted by European shrink (5)","Answer":"EQUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Just\n**E** (European) **+ QUAIL** (flinch; shrink) **excluding** (not accepted) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **E QUAL**\n\n**EQUAL **(fair; just)"} {"Clue":"Frenchman supporting sticker in Paris identifying actress's original name (7,4)","Answer":"FRANCES GUMM","Explanation":"Definition: actress's original name\n(**FRANCE'S** [in Paris] **+ GUM** [adhesive; sticker]) **+ M** (Monsieur [address for a French man]) As this is a down clue, the final **M** is supporting **FRANCE'S GUM**\n **FRANCES ****GUM**** ****M**\n\n**FRANCES GUMM **(original name of Judy Garland [1922 \u2013 1969], American actress, singer and dancer)"} {"Clue":"Group offering some light on airship (3,8)","Answer":"LED ZEPPELIN","Explanation":"Definition: Group\n**LED** (light-emitting diode; type of light) **+ ZEPPELIN** (cigar-shaped airship of the type designed by the German aviation pioneer Count **ZEPPELIN**)\n **LED ZEPPELIN**\n\n**LED ZEPPELIN** (English rock band formed in London in 1968. The group consisted of vocalist Robert Plant, guitarist Jimmy Page, bassist\/keyboardist John Paul Jones, and drummer John Bonham)"} {"Clue":"Cat identified from curious plain toes (9)","Answer":"SEALPOINT","Explanation":"Definition: Cat\n**Anagram of **(curious) **PLAIN TOES**\n **SE****ALP****O****IN****T***\n\n**SEALPOINT** (a variety of Siamese cat, with a dark-brown face, paws and tail)"} {"Clue":"I'd picked up novel serial from Victorian author (8)","Answer":"DISRAELI","Explanation":"Definition: Victorian author\n**I'D** **reversed** (picked up; down clue) **+ an anagram of** (novel) **SERIAL**\n **DI ****SRAELI***\n\n**DISRAELI** (reference Benjamin **DISRAELI** [1804 \u2013 1881], British politician and author)"} {"Clue":"Gross expression of pain \u2013 not a happy bunny (6)","Answer":"GROUCH","Explanation":"Definition: not a happy bunny\n**GR** (gross) **+ OUCH** (expression of pain)\n **GR OUCH**\n\n**GROUCH** (grumbler; moaner; one who is not a happy bunny)"} {"Clue":"Watery droplets filled with oxygen (5)","Answer":"MOIST","Explanation":"Definition: Watery \n**MIST** (droplets) **containing** (filled with) **O** (chemical symbol for oxygen)\n **M** (**O**) **IST**\n\n**MOIST** (watery)"} {"Clue":"Spanish location in Iberia's foremost business area (5)","Answer":"IBIZA","Explanation":"Definition: Spanish location\n**I **(**first letter of **[foremost] **I****BERIA **[Spain and Portugal]) **+ BIZ** (business) **+ A** (area)\n **I BIZ A**\n\n**IBIZA** (a Balearic island, part of Spain)"} {"Clue":"One who considers ditching husband for potter (6)","Answer":"TINKER","Explanation":"Definition: potter\n**THINKER** (one who considers) **excluding** (ditching) **H** (husband)\n **TINKER**\n\n**TINKER** (potter)"} {"Clue":"Take sixty seconds before introduction to George Smiley (7)","Answer":"BEAMING","Explanation":"Definition: Smiley\n**BE** (act or perform; take [the part of]) **+ A MIN** (a **MIN**ute; 60 seconds) **+ G** (**first letter of **[introduction to] **GEORGE**)\n **BE A MIN G**\n\n**BEAMING** (smiley)"} {"Clue":"Example of revolutionary artist with a revolutionary print (9)","Answer":"ARCHETYPE","Explanation":"Definition: Example of \n**RA** (Royal Academician; artist) **reversed** (revolutionary) + **CHE** (reference **CHE **Guevara [1928 \u2013 19767], Argentinian Marxist revolutionary) **+ TYPE **( printing **TYPE**s collectively; print)\n **AR**< **CHE** **TYPE**\n\n**ARCHETYPE **(perfect or typical example)"} {"Clue":"Capsule of cyanide on food portion (5)","Answer":"PIECE","Explanation":"Definition: portion\n**PIE** (food) **+ CE** (**outer letters of **[capsule [covering] of] **CYANIDE**)\n **PIE ****CE**\n\n**PIECE **(portion)"} {"Clue":"Message heads to the West encrypted and in Latin (5)","Answer":"TWEET","Explanation":"Definition: Message\n**TWE** (**first letters of** [heads to] **each of THE**, **WEST** and **ENCRYPTED**) **+ ET** ('and' in Latin)\n **TWE ET**\n\n**TWEET** (message)"} {"Clue":"Small bundle holds diamonds: rector finds storage in kitchen (5,4)","Answer":"SPICE RACK","Explanation":"Definition: storage in kitchen\n**S** **+** (**PACK** [bundle] **containing** [holds] [**ICE** {diamonds} **+ R** {rector}])\n **S** **P**\u00a0(**ICE** **R**) **ACK**\n\n**SPICE RACK** (storage item in the kitchen)"} {"Clue":"Mass of endless queries shocked maiden (7)","Answer":"REQUIEM","Explanation":"Definition: Mass\n**Anagram of** (shocked) **QUERIE****S** **excluding the final letter** (endless) **S** **+ M** (maiden, in cricket scoring notation)\n **REQUIE*** **M**\n\n**REQUIEM** (mass for the rest of the soul of the dead)"} {"Clue":"Compound in Hungary ideal for torture (6)","Answer":"HALIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Compound\n**H** (International Vehicle Registration for Hungary) **+ an anagram of **(for torture) **IDEAL**\n **H ****ALIDE***\n\n**HALIDE** (compound of a halogen with a metal or radical.)"} {"Clue":"Capital idiot wears new gold (6)","Answer":"NASSAU","Explanation":"Definition: Capital\n**ASS** (idiot) **contained in** (wears) (**N** [new] **+ AU** [chemical symbol for gold])\n **N** (**ASS**) **AU**\n\n**NASSAU **(capital city of The Bahamas)"} {"Clue":"Warrant finally delivered here prior to court action (7)","Answer":"DESERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Warrant\n**DE** (**last letters of **[finally] **each of** **DELIVERED** and **HERE**) **+ SERVE** (an action on a tennis court)\n **DE** **SERVE**\n\n**DESERVE** (warrant)"} {"Clue":"Mention North American approaching East European by radio (9)","Answer":"NAMECHECK","Explanation":"Definition: Mention\n**N** (North) **+ AM** (American) **+ E** (East) **+ CHECK** (**sounds like **[by radio] **CZECH** [a European])\n **N AM E CHECK**\n\n**NAMECHECK** (mention)"} {"Clue":"Extremely huge stick can be a ruler (5)","Answer":"HEROD","Explanation":"Definition: ruler\n**HE** (**first and last letters of** [extremely] **HUGE**) **+ ROD** (stick)\n **HE ROD**\n\n**HEROD** (reference King **HEROD** Antipas [~20BC \u2013 ~39AD}, ruler of Judea. There was also an earlier King **HEROD** the Great)"} {"Clue":"Defect of feet, back and flanks (4,5)","Answer":"SWAP SIDES","Explanation":"Definition: Defect \n**PAWS** (feet) **reversed** (back) **+ SIDES** (flanks)\n **SWAP**< **SIDES**\n\n**SWAP SIDES** (change allegiances; defect)"} {"Clue":"Wind and spray both sides crossing midpoint of dam (7)","Answer":"MISTRAL","Explanation":"Definition: Wind\n**MIST** (spray) **+** (**RL** [right and left; both sides] **containing** [crossing] **A** [**central letter of** [midpoint] **DAM**)\n **MIST ****R** (**A**) **L**\n\n**MISTRAL** (violent cold dry north-east wind in southern France)"} {"Clue":"A classic Russian luxury vehicle skirts Italian road (6)","Answer":"CAVIAR","Explanation":"Definition: A classic Russian luxury\n**CAR** (vehicle) **+ VIA** (Italian for 'road')\n **CA** (**VIA**) **R**\n\n**CAVIAR** (salted roe of the sturgeon fish; classic Russian luxury dish)"} {"Clue":"Blunt possibly in raising flatbread expertise (7)","Answer":"TRAITOR","Explanation":"Definition: Blunt possibly\n(**ROTI** [in Indian and Caribbean cooking)a cake of unleavened bread; flatbread] **+ ART** {expertise]) **all reversed** [in raising; down clue])\n (**TRA** **ITOR**)<\n\n**TRAITOR** (reference Anthony Blunt [1907 \u2013 1983], British art historian and spy for the Soviet Union; traitor)"} {"Clue":"Pearl having bit of Edna cremated (5)","Answer":"NACRE","Explanation":"Definition: Pearl\n**NACRE** (**hidden word in** [bit of] **EDNA CREMATED**)\n **NACRE**\n\n**NACRE** (mother-of-pearl or a shellfish yielding it)"} {"Clue":"Choose surveyors for wiring (9)","Answer":"ELECTRICS","Explanation":"Definition: wiring\n**ELECT** (choose) **+ RICS** (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors)\n **ELECT RICS**\n\n**ELECTRICS** (informal term for wiring)"} {"Clue":"Mole maybe from Flanders to swap France with Belgium (7)","Answer":"BLEMISH","Explanation":"Definition: Mole maybe\n**FLEMISH **(descriptive of a person from Flanders) with **F** (International Vehicle Registration for France) replaced by **B** (International Vehicle Registration for Belgium) to form **BLEMISH**\n **B**** LEMISH**\n\n**BLEMISH** (spot)"} {"Clue":"Shave second off test \u2026 that's easily enough (5)","Answer":"AMPLE","Explanation":"Definition: easily enough\n**SAMPLE** (test) **excluding** (off) **S** (second)\n **AMPLE**\n\n**AMPLE** (more than [easily] enough)"} {"Clue":"Nordic tailor in red lace (9)","Answer":"ICELANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Nordic\n**Anagram of **(tailor) I**N RED LACE**\n **I****CELA****N****DER***\n\n**ICELANDER** (native of Iceland, a Nordic [North West European] country)"} {"Clue":"Bad smells overlooked by good people (6)","Answer":"GREEKS","Explanation":"Definition: people\n**G** (good) **+ REEKS** (offensive smells)\n **G REEKS**\n\n**GREEKS **(people of Greece)"} {"Clue":"Mineral adhesive fixing agent recalled (6)","Answer":"GYPSUM","Explanation":"Definition: Mineral\n**GUM **(adhesive) **containing** (fixing) **SPY** (secret agent) **reversed** (recalled)\n **G** (**YPS**<) **UM**\n\n**GYPSUM **(soft mineral, hydrated calcium sulphate)"} {"Clue":"Predicaments in annual assembly covered by paper (9)","Answer":"QUAGMIRES","Explanation":"Definition: Predicaments\n**AGM** (Annual General Meeting; annual assembly) **contained in** (covered by) **QUIRES** (sets of 24 or 25 sheets of paper)\n **QU** (**AGM**) **IRES**\n\n**QUAGMIRES** (difficult problematical situations; predicaments)"} {"Clue":"Rogue state also maybe in deep water (4,2,3)","Answer":"LOST AT SEA","Explanation":"Definition: maybe in deep water\n**Anagram of** (rogue) **STATE ALSO**\n **LO****ST AT ****S****E****A***\n\n**LOST AT SEA** (could be descriptive of someone stranded or lost in deep water)"} {"Clue":"Acceptable number still regularly used vessel (7)","Answer":"UTENSIL","Explanation":"Definition: vessel\n**U** ([socially] acceptable) **+ TEN** ( a number) **+**** SIL** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [regularly] of **STILL**)\n **U TEN SIL**\n\n**UTENSIL** (any useful or ceremonial implement, tool or vessel)"} {"Clue":"Instruction from Berlin? Fool around on army time (6)","Answer":"DIKTAT","Explanation":"Definition: Instruction from Berlin\n**KID **(delude; fool) **reversed** (around) **+ TA** ([Territorial] Army) **+ T** (time)\n **DIK**< **TA** **T**\n\n**DIKTAT** (from German [Berlin], an order or statement allowing no opposition; instruction from Berlin)"} {"Clue":"Final recipient of unstable uranium needs recipe (3,4)","Answer":"END USER","Explanation":"Definition: Final recipient of \n**Anagram of** (unstable) **U** [chemical symbol for uranium) and **NEEDS** and **R** (recipe)\n **END USER***\n\n**END USER** (final recipient of)"} {"Clue":"Song put soldier on edge (6)","Answer":"ANTHEM","Explanation":"Definition: Song\n**ANT** (reference soldier **ANT**) **+ HEM** (edge)\n **ANT HEM**\n\n**ANTHEM** (song or tune that provokes a powerful response from an audience)"} {"Clue":"Tree-climbing included in tradecraft (5)","Answer":"CEDAR","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\n**CEDAR **(**hidden word **[included] **reversed** [climbing; down clue] in **TRADECRAFT**)\n **CEDAR**<\n\n**CEDAR** (an example of a tree)"} {"Clue":"Pilgrim fooled. Journey's beginning on island (5)","Answer":"HADJI","Explanation":"Definition: Pilgrim\n**HAD** (fooled) **+ J** (**first letter of **[beginning] **JOURNEY**) **+ I** (island)\n **HAD J I**\n\n**HADJI** (someone who has performed a Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca)"} {"Clue":"Horse race in Eton broken up (5-2-5)","Answer":"POINT-TO-POINT","Explanation":"Definition: Horse race\n**POINT TO POINT** (Eton can be broken up to form **E** [East, a **POINT** of the compass)** + TO + N** [North, another **POINT** of the compass])\n **POINT TO POINT**\n\n**POINT-TO-POINT **(type of cross-country horse race)"} {"Clue":"Investment fund not suitable when France lost confidence (4,5)","Answer":"UNIT TRUST","Explanation":"Definition: Investment fund\n**UNFIT **(not suitable) **excluding** (when \u2026 lost) **F** (International Vehicle Registration for France) **+ TRUST** (confidence)\n **UNIT TRUST**\n\n**UNIT TRUST** (type of investment fund\u00a0in which given amounts of different securities form a unit)"} {"Clue":"Stuff found in canyon (5)","Answer":"GORGE","Explanation":"Definition: Stuff\n**GORGE **(feed gluttonously; stuff)\n **GORGE**\n\n**GORGE** (canyon) double definition"} {"Clue":"Trouble results when ex-PM meets Queen about Spain (6)","Answer":"MAYHEM","Explanation":"Definition: Trouble\n**MAY** (reference Theresa **MAY** [born 1956], former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom) + (**HM** [Her Majesty Queen] **containing** [about] **E** [International Vehicle Registration for Spain])\n **MAY** **H** (**E**) **M**\n\n**MAYHEM** (havoc; trouble)"} {"Clue":"Essential nit-picking (8)","Answer":"CRITICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Essential\n**CRITICAL** (vital;essential)\n **CRITICAL**\n\n**CRITICAL** (disparaging; fault-finding; nit-picking) double definition"} {"Clue":"Rock band in Glastonbury, perhaps, creating quiver of excitement (6)","Answer":"TREMOR","Explanation":"Definition: quiver of excitement\n**REM** (R.E.M, an American rock band from Athens, Georgia, formed in 1980) **contained in** (in) **TOR** (reference Glastonbury **TOR**, a hill near Glastonbury in the English county of Somerset, topped by the roofless St Michael's Tower) The band has played at the Glastonbury festival.\n **T** (**REM**) **OR**\n\n**TREMOR** (thrill; quiver of excitement)"} {"Clue":"In Calais, I start to arouse terrible envy (8)","Answer":"JEALOUSY","Explanation":"Definition: envy\n**JE** (French [Calais] for I) **+ A** (**first letter of **[start to] **AROUSE**) **+ LOUSY** (inferior; terrible) \n **JE A LOUSY**\n\n**JEALOUSY** (envy)"} {"Clue":"Game that's nice to play wearing crown (8)","Answer":"PATIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Game\n**Anagram of** (to play) **NICE** **contained in** (wearing) **PATE** (crown of the head)\n **PAT** (**IENC***) **E**\n\n**PATIENCE** (card game)"} {"Clue":"Escort and milliner removing clothes getting naked on vacation (6)","Answer":"ATTEND","Explanation":"Definition: Escort\n**HATTER** (milliner) **excluding the outer letters** (removing clothes) **H** and **R** to form **ATTE **+ **ND** (l**etters remaining in the word NAKED** **when the central letters AKE are removed** [on vacation])\n **ATTE** **ND**\n\n**ATTEND** (escort)"} {"Clue":"A nastier criminal? Well sort of (8)","Answer":"ARTESIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Well sort of\n**A ****+ an anagram of** (criminal) **NASTIER**\n **A** **RTESIAN***\n\n**ARTESIAN** (denoting a type of well in which water rises in a borehole by hydrostatic pressure from a basin-shaped aquifer whose outcrop is at a higher level)"} {"Clue":"Councillor is repeatedly in big trouble (6)","Answer":"CRISIS","Explanation":"Definition: big trouble\n**CR** (councillor) **+ IS + IS**\n **CR IS IS**\n\n**CRISIS** (time of difficulty or distress; big trouble)"} {"Clue":"Spotted in audition for drama (5)","Answer":"SCENE","Explanation":"Definition: drama\n**SCENE** (**sounds like** [in audition] **SEEN** [observed; spotted])\n **SCENE**\n\n**SCENE** (dramatic or stagy incident; drama)"} {"Clue":"American stars swim in large extremely picturesque, river (3,6)","Answer":"BIG DIPPER","Explanation":"Definition: American stars \n**DIP **(swim) **contained in** (in) (**BIG**\u00a0[large] **+ PE** [**outside letters of **{extremely} **PICTURESQUE**]) **+ R** (river)\n **BIG** (**DIP**) **PE** **R**\n\n**BIG DIPPER** (American term for the star constellation Ursa Major, [often referred to as The Plough in the UK])"} {"Clue":"Refit canteen, transforming it into this? (8,4)","Answer":"INTERNET CAFE","Explanation":"Definition: this\n**Anagram of **(transforming it into) **REFIT CANTEEN**\n **I****N****TER****NET CA****F****E***\n\n**INTERNET CAFE** (how a canteen might look after a refit)"} {"Clue":"Professor on board with Eccles beginning to take plunge (7)","Answer":"PLUMMET","Explanation":"Definition: plunge\n**PLUM** (reference Professor **PLUM**, a character in the board gane Cluedo; Professor on board) **+ ME** (Eccles, the setter of the puzzle) **+ T** (f**irst letter of** [beginning to] **TAKE**)\n **PLUM ME T**\n\n**PLUMMET** (plunge headlong)"} {"Clue":"Island ousts leader in a hostile manner (5)","Answer":"ICILY","Explanation":"Definition: in a hostile manner\n**SICILY **(Mediterranean island) **excluding** (ousts) t**he first letter** (leader) **S**\n **ICILY**\n\n**ICILY** (in a hostile manner)"} {"Clue":"Lead miner finally found in dilapidated toilet clutching two pieces of lead (5,4)","Answer":"TITLE ROLE","Explanation":"Definition: Lead\n**R** (**last letter of** [finally] **MINER**) **contained in** (found in) (**an anagram of** (dilapidated) **TOILET containing** (clutching) **LE** (**first two letters of** [two pieces of] **LE****AD**)\n **TIT** [**LE**] (**R**) **OLE***]\n\n**TITLE ROLE** (lead [part in a play of the same name])"} {"Clue":"Responsibility of working American (4)","Answer":"ONUS","Explanation":"Definition: Responsibility\n**ON** (working) **+ US** (United States; American)\n **ON US**\n\n**ONUS** (responsibility)"} {"Clue":"Protests, of course, with it being ridiculous (8)","Answer":"OUTCRIES","Explanation":"Definition: Protests\n**Anagram of** (being ridiculous) **COURSE** and **IT**\n **OU****T****CR****I****ES***\n\n**OUTCRIES** (protests)"} {"Clue":"Time to get hot drink on retirement for the evening? (5)","Answer":"NIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: evening\n(**T** [time] **+ H** [hot] **+ GIN** [alcoholic drink]) **all reversed **(on retirement)\n (**NIG** **H** **T**)<\n\n**NIGHT** (evening|)"} {"Clue":"Rule out piece of music containing bathetic ending (8)","Answer":"PRECLUDE","Explanation":"Definition: Rule out\n**PRELUDE** (piece of music) **containing** (containing) **C** (**last letter of **[ending] **BATHETIC**)\n **PRE **(**C**) **LUDE**\n\n**PRECLUDE** (rule out)"} {"Clue":"Very concerning associate (6)","Answer":"REALLY","Explanation":"Definition: Very\n**RE** (concerning) **+ ALLY** (associate)\n **RE** **ALLY**\n\n**REALLY** (very)"} {"Clue":"Authorises things, having left for Italy (8)","Answer":"ENTITLES","Explanation":"Definition: Authorises \n**ENTITIES** (things) with the second\u00a0**I** (International Vehicle Registration for Italy)** replaced by** (having \u2026 for) **L** (left)\n **ENTITLES**\n\n**ENTITLES** (authorises)"} {"Clue":"Directory includes interminably boring compiler of religious scripts (9)","Answer":"LITURGIST","Explanation":"Definition: compiler of religious scripts\n**LIST** (directory) **containing** (includes) **TURGI****D** (boring) **excluding the last letter** [interminably] **D**\n **LI **(**TURGI**)** ST**\n\n**LITURGIST** (an authority on rites and the scripts for them; probably also a compiler of such scripts))"} {"Clue":"Make unintelligible order to take off (8)","Answer":"SCRAMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Make unintelligible\n**SCRAMBLE** (make unintelligible)\n **SCRAMBLE**\n\n**SCRAMBLE** ([of a military aircraft or its crew] to take off immediately, as in an emergency) double definition"} {"Clue":"Worship Trump, in the end, to get pay increase (6)","Answer":"PRAISE","Explanation":"Definition: Worship\n**P** (**last letter of** [in the end] **TRUMP**) **+ RAISE** (pay increase)\n **P RAISE**\n\n**PRAISE** (worship)"} {"Clue":"Not well versed about essential part of procedure, shows warrant (7)","Answer":"DESERVE","Explanation":"Definition: warrant\n**Anagram of **(not well) **VERSED** **containing** (about) **E** (**middle letter of** [essential part of] **PROCEDURE**\n **DES **(**E**)** RVE***\n\n**DESERVE** (warrant)"} {"Clue":"Setter regularly getting cool glass of beer? (5)","Answer":"STEIN","Explanation":"Definition: glass of bee\n**STE** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [regularly] of **SETTER**) **+ IN** (trendy; cool)\n **STE IN**\n\n**STEIN** (large beer mug, most likely to be earthenware, but could be made of glass)"} {"Clue":"Tapes damaged membranes (5)","Answer":"SEPTA","Explanation":"Definition: membranes\n**Anagram of **(damaged) **TAPES**\n **SEPTA*******\n\n**SEPTA** (dividing partitions or membranes between two cavities in a mechanical device)"} {"Clue":"Opposed to carrying on with no restrictions (4)","Answer":"AGIN","Explanation":"Definition: Opposed to\n**W****AGIN****G** (carrying on) **excluding the outer letters** (with no restrictions) **W** and **G**\n **AGIN**\n\n**AGIN** (against)"} {"Clue":"Underground workers' organisation able to confound the odds (4)","Answer":"TUBE","Explanation":"Definition: Underground \n**TU** (Trade Union; workers' organisation) **+ BE** (**letters 2 and 4**, i.e. ignoring, defeating or confounding the odd letters of **ABLE**)\n **TU BE**\n\n**TUBE **(informal term for the London Underground rail network)"} {"Clue":"Abridged English novel winning Oscar is rot (10)","Answer":"BIODEGRADE","Explanation":"Definition: rot\n(**Anagram of** [novel] **ABRIDGED** +\u00a0**E** [English]) **containing** (winning) **O **(Oscar is the international radio codeword for the letter **O**)\n **BI** (**O**) **DEGRAD***** ****E**\n\n**BIODEGRADE** (decompose by the action of bacteria; rot)"} {"Clue":"Managed to bag with rifle (7)","Answer":"RANSACK","Explanation":"Definition: rifle\n**RAN** (managed) **+ ****SACK** (bag)\n **RAN SACK**\n\n**RANSACK** (plunder; rifle)"} {"Clue":"Aristo on horse having tot (5,2)","Answer":"COUNT UP","Explanation":"Definition: tot\n**COUNT** (in continental Europe, a noble; aristocrat) **+ UP** (on a horse)\n **COUNT UP**\n\n**COUNT UP** (add; tot)"} {"Clue":"Outline clue for aide, cryptically? (5,4)","Answer":"ROUGH IDEA","Explanation":"Definition: Outline\n**ROUGH** [anagram indicator] **IDEA** [anagram fodder] is a cryptic representation of the word **AIDE***\n **ROUGH ****IDEA**\n\n**ROUGH IDEA** (first thoughts for a plan; outline)"} {"Clue":"Cut is acute cut (5)","Answer":"SEVER","Explanation":"Definition: Cut \n**SEVERE **(acute) **excluding the last letter** (cut) **E**\n **SEVER**\n\n**SEVER** (cut)"} {"Clue":"Approach to solving problem of regressive atmosphere and country gripped by panic (5-3-5)","Answer":"TRIAL AND ERROR","Explanation":"Definition: Approach to solving problem\n(**AIR** [atmosphere] **reversed** [regressive] **+ LAND** [country]) **contained in** (gripped by) **TERROR** (panic)\n **T** (**RIA**< **L AND**) **ERROR**\n\n**TRIAL AND ERROR** (method of discovery, solving problems, etc, based on practical experiment and experience rather than on theory; approach to solving a problem])"} {"Clue":"Leisure facilities where one can get high, and very anxious? (8,5)","Answer":"CLIMBING WALLS","Explanation":"Definition: Leisure facilities where one can get high\n**CLIMBING WALLS** (a feature of some leisure centres or adventure playgrounds constructed with hand and foot holds for practising mountaineering and rock-**CLIMBING** techniques)\n **CLIMBING WALLS**\n\n**CLIMBING WALLS** (being in a state of high anxiety) double definition"} {"Clue":"Giant cat biting a dog's tail (5)","Answer":"MAGOG","Explanation":"Definition: Giant\n**MOG** (informal term for a cat) **containing** (biting) (**A** + **G** [**last letter of** [tail] **DOG**)\n **M** (**A ****G**) **OG**\n\n**MAGOG** (along with GOG, the last two survivors of a mythical race of giants inhabiting ancient Britain."} {"Clue":"Centre for cultural development where favourite food captivates Irish going over (5,4)","Answer":"PETRI DISH","Explanation":"Definition: Centre for cultural development\n(**PET** [favourite] **+**** DISH** [food]) **containing** (captivates) **IR** (Irish) **reversed** (going over)\n **PET** (**RI**<) **DISH**\n\n**PETRI DISH** (shallow glass dish with an overlapping cover used for cultures of bacteria; centre for cultural development)"} {"Clue":"Setback for West African, confusing endings of verb in East African capital (7)","Answer":"NAIROBI","Explanation":"Definition: East African capital\n**IVORIAN** (native of the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire, a country in West Africa) with the **V (first letter of** [west ending] **V**ERB) **being replaced by** **B** (**last letter of** [east ending of] VER**B**), **i.e. confusing the endings of V**ER**B** to form **IBORIAN**, and then **reversed** (setback)\n **NAIROBI**<\n\n**NAIROBI **(capital of Kenya, an East African country)"} {"Clue":"Crew watched cutter (7)","Answer":"BANDSAW","Explanation":"Definition: cutter\n**BAND** (crew) **+ SAW** (watched)\n **BAND SAW**\n\n**BANDSAW** (cutting tool)"} {"Clue":"What might one learn from reception of Space 1999? (4,6)","Answer":"ROOM NUMBER","Explanation":"Definition: What might one learn from reception\n**ROOM** (space) **+ NUMBER**\u00a0(1999 is an example of a **NUMBER**)\n **ROOM NUMBER**\n\n**ROOM NUMBER** (you may\u00a0learn your hotel **ROOM NUMBER** at the reception desk)"} {"Clue":"Type of immunity said to be picked up (4)","Answer":"HERD","Explanation":"Definition: Type of immunity\n**HERD** (**sounds like** [said] **HEARD** [picked up])\n **HERD**\n\n**HERD** (reference **HERD** immunity [the resistance to the spread of a contagious disease within a population that results if a sufficiently high proportion of individuals are immune to the disease, especially through vaccination.)"} {"Clue":"Salt possibly a factor in judging bake-off? (8)","Answer":"TARTRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Salt \n**TART** (an example of a baked dish) **+ RATE** (judge)\n **TART RATE**\n\n**TARTRATE** (a salt of **TARTAR**ic acid)"} {"Clue":"Censor second person using French language (5)","Answer":"BANTU","Explanation":"Definition: language\n**BAN** (censor) **+ TU** (a French form of 'you' [second person pronoun])\n **BAN TU**\n\n**BANTU **(name given to a large group of African languages)"} {"Clue":"Social network left off confirmed pencil booking? (5,2)","Answer":"INKED IN","Explanation":"Definition: confirmed pencil booking\n**L****INKEDIN** (business and employment-oriented online service that operates via websites and mobile apps; social network) **excluding** (off) **L** (left)\n **INKED IN**\n\n**INKED IN** (confirmed a pencil entry, such as an earlier tentative booking))"} {"Clue":"Spooner's to check appointment's in order (7)","Answer":"DICTATE","Explanation":"Definition: order\n**DICTATE** \u2013 Reverend Spooner would pronounce this as **TICK** (check)**+ DATE** (appointment)\n **DICTATE**\n\n**DICTATE** (order)"} {"Clue":"Diminutive fixer digs company (4,5)","Answer":"GRUB SCREW","Explanation":"Definition: Diminutive fixer\n**GRUBS** (digs) **+ CREW** (company)\n **GRUB S** **CREW**\n\n**GRUB SCREW** (small headless **SCREW**; diminutive fixer)"} {"Clue":"E.g. hydroxychloroquine variant developed outside institute by head of lab (9)","Answer":"ANTIVIRAL","Explanation":"Definition: E.g. hydroxychloroquine\n**Anagram of** (developed) **VARIANT** **containing** (outside) **I** (institute) + **L** (**first letter of** [head of] **LAB**\n **ANT **(**I**)** VIRA* ****L**\n\n**ANTIVIRAL** (**HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE** is an anti-inflammatory drug used in the treatment of rheumatoid\u00a0arthritis [possibly viral] and malaria [not viral] and lupus\u00a0erythematosus [possibly related to viral effects] and suggested by some as a treatment for Covid-19 [viral])"} {"Clue":"Boffin no longer frisky? (6)","Answer":"EXPERT","Explanation":"Definition: Boffin\n**EX** (former; no longer) **+ PERT** (perky; frisky)\n **EX PERT**\n\n**EXPERT** (research scientist for example; boffin)"} {"Clue":"Secure base of angel on top of tree (4)","Answer":"LASH","Explanation":"Definition: Secure\n**L** (**last letter of** [base of]) **ANGEL**) **+ ASH** (type of tree) This being a down entry the **L** is on top of** ASH**\n **L ****ASH**\n\n**LASH** (secure with rope or cord)"} {"Clue":"Morph noticing nothing unnoticed? (9)","Answer":"INCOGNITO","Explanation":"Definition: unnoticed\n**Anagram of** (morph [transform]) **NOTICING** +\u00a0**O** [zero; nothing)\n **INCOGNIT*** **O**\n\n**INCOGNITO** (in disguise; unnoticed)"} {"Clue":"False duvet material for napping, perhaps (5,4)","Answer":"LYING DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: napping, perhaps\n**LYING** (false) **+ DOWN** (soft feathers; duvet material)\n **LYING DOWN**\n\n**LYING DOWN** (resting, taking a nap perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Avoided tablets taken orally (8)","Answer":"ESCHEWED","Explanation":"Definition: Avoided\n**ES** (ecstasy tablets) **+ CHEWED** (taken orally)\n **ES** **CHEWED**\n\n**ESCHEWED** (abstained from; avoided)"} {"Clue":"Immersion in water corrupted bitmaps (7)","Answer":"BAPTISM","Explanation":"Definition: Immersion in water\n**Anagram of **(corrupted) **BITMAPS**\n **BAPTISM*******\n\n**BAPTISM** (immersion in water as a religious ceremony)"} {"Clue":"Well known to be inept? (7)","Answer":"NOTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Well known\n**NOT ABLE **(inept)\n **NOT ****ABLE **\n\n**NOTABLE** (distinguished, memorable, well known)"} {"Clue":"Kid A's first chord (1,5)","Answer":"A MINOR","Explanation":"Definition: chord\n**A + MINOR** (child; kid) 'A First' instructs the solver to put the A at the beginning\n **A MINOR**\n\n**A MINOR **(example of a musical chord)"} {"Clue":"Pubs getting regulars to sign in before start of session (4)","Answer":"INNS","Explanation":"Definition: Pubs\n**INN** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [regulars] of **SIGN IN**) **+ S** (**first letter of** [start of] **SESSION**)\n **INN S**\n\n**INNS** (pubs)"} {"Clue":"Edition of paper missing leader (5)","Answer":"ISSUE","Explanation":"Definition: Edition\n**TISSUE** (type of paper) **excluding** (missing) **the first letter** (leader) **T**\n **ISSUE**\n\n**ISSUE** (edition)"} {"Clue":"Sex worker's client, reverse of intelligent, denied win (4)","Answer":"GONK","Explanation":"Definition: Sex worker's client\n**KNOWING** (intelligent) **excluding** (denied) **WIN** and **reversed** (reverse)\n **GONK**<\n\n**GONK** (derogatory slang for a prostitute's client)"} {"Clue":"Hill dweller, below par, holding mountain pasture back (8)","Answer":"UPLANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Hill dweller\n**UNDER** (below par) **containing** (holding) **ALP** (mountain pasture) **reversed** (back)\n **U** (**PLA**<) **NDER**\n\n**UPLANDER** (hill dweller)"} {"Clue":"One returns, having tucked into smack \u2013 double needed (6)","Answer":"BINATE","Explanation":"Definition: double \n**AN** (one) **reversed** (returns) **contained in** (tucked into) **BITE** (pungency; sharp taste; smack)\n **BI** (**NA****<**) **TE**\n\n**BINATE **(double)"} {"Clue":"Stew: bit of chicken put in to marinade and cook (6)","Answer":"SCOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Stew\n**C** (**first letter of** [bit of] **CHICKEN** **contained in** (put in to) **SOUSE** (marinade)\n **S** (**C**) **OUSE**\n\n**SCOUSE** (stew or hash)"} {"Clue":"Singers bagging a mint for 'The Basket Bearer' (10)","Answer":"CANEPHORUS","Explanation":"Definition: The Basket Bearer\n**CHORUS** (singers) **containing** (bagging) (**A + NEP** [catmint])\n **C** (**A ****NEP**) **HORUS**\n\n**CANEPHORUS** (sculptured figure carrying a basket on the head)"} {"Clue":"Working out start of pattern in coarse thread (4)","Answer":"GYMP","Explanation":"Definition: coarse thread\n**GYM** (**GYM**nastics; athletic exercises; vigorous; working out) **+ P** (**first letter of** [start of] **PATTERN**)\n **GYM P**\n\n**GYMP** (coarse thread in lace-making)"} {"Clue":"Pages following HM from behind in corduroy (4)","Answer":"REPP","Explanation":"Definition: corduroy\n**ER** (Elizabeth Regina; Her Majesty [HM] Queen Elizabeth) **reversed> (from behind) ****+ PP** (pages)\n **RE**< **PP**\n\n**REPP** (corded cloth; corduroy)"} {"Clue":"A thrash I held in market-place requiring beamed structure (10)","Answer":"TRABEATION","Explanation":"Definition: beamed structure\n(**A** **+ BEAT** [thrash] **+ I**) **contained in** (held in) **TRON** (market place)\n **TR** (**A BEAT I**) **ON**\n\n**TRABEATION** (a combination of beams in a structure)"} {"Clue":"Candle, unconventional? It's with tonne van transported (6)","Answer":"ULICON","Explanation":"Definition: Candle\n**ULICON** (the entry) **forms an anagram of **(transported) **UNCONVENTIONAL** along with **TONNE VAN** (part of the clue) as **UNCONVENTIONAL***\n **ULICON**\n\n**ULICON** (an alternative spelling of **EULACHON** [the North Pacific candlefish, so oily that it is dried for use as a candle])"} {"Clue":"Large cat, one not old inly, showing spirit (6)","Answer":"PNEUMA","Explanation":"Definition: spirit\n**NE** (obsolete [old] form of 'not')** contained in** (inly [inwardly; at the heart of]) **PUMA** (cougar; large American cat)\n **P** (**NE**) **UMA**\n\n**PNEUMA** (soul; spirit)"} {"Clue":"Ingredient of marmalade, British, I rate about first-class (8)","Answer":"BIGARADE","Explanation":"Definition: Ingredient of marmalade,\n**B** (British) **+** **I\u00a0****+** (**GRADE** [rate] **containing** [about] **A** [first-rate])\n **B I G** (**A**) **RADE**\n\n**BIGARADE** (a bitter Seville orange; ingredient of marmalade)"} {"Clue":"Woolly Hebrideans making speech about nothing (4)","Answer":"SOAY","Explanation":"Definition: Woolly Hebrideans\n**SAY** (speak; make speech) **containing** (about) **O** (zero; nothing)\n **S** (**O**) **AY**\n\n**SOAY** (breed of small, wild, dark-coloured sheep found esp on the island of **SOAY** in the Outer Hebrides; woolly Hebrideans)"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary in Melbourne witnessbox, a digger? Each may be modified by it (13)","Answer":"PREDETERMINER","Explanation":"Definition: Each may be modified by it\n(**RED** [revolutionary] **contained in** [in] **PETER** [witness box in Australia [Melbourne]) **+ MINER** (digger)\n **P** (**RED**) **ETER** **MINER**\n\n**PREDETERMINER** (word or phrase preceding a **DETERMINER** [limiting adjective or modifying word such as any, each, that, my, etc], so 'each' may be modified by it))"} {"Clue":"Manoeuvre involving chromosome element, or number of such sets (6)","Answer":"PLOIDY","Explanation":"Definition: number of such sets \n**PLOY** (manoeuvre in a game) **containing **(involving) **ID** (in Weissman's theory, an element in the chromosome carrying all the hereditary characters)\n **PLO** (**ID**) **Y**\n\n**PLOIDY** (the number of chromosome sets in a cell)"} {"Clue":"Pass not included in British Rail run formerly (5)","Answer":"RENNE","Explanation":"Definition: run formerly\n**BRENNER **(reference the **BRENNER**\u00a0Pass between Italy and Austria) **excluding** (not included in) **BR** (old abbreviation for British Rail)\n **RENNE**\n\n**RENNE** (Spenserian [obsolete or formerly] word for 'run')"} {"Clue":"Poet's rising in a bed I remade, revealing beetles (11)","Answer":"BUPRESTIDAE","Explanation":"Definition: beetles\n**UPREST** (**UPRIST** [Shelley's {poetic} word for 'rising') **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (made) **A BED I**\n **B**** **(**UPREST**)** ****IDAE***\n\n**BUPRESTIDAE** (family of beetles)"} {"Clue":"Form of Cornish ingested by girl that's taken up historical development of language (11)","Answer":"DIACHRONISM","Explanation":"Definition: historical development of language\n**Anagram of **(form of)** CORNISH** **contained in** [ingested by] **MAID** (young unmarried woman; girl)** reversed** (that's taken up; down clue)\n **DIA** (**CHRONIS***) **M**<\n\n**DIACHRONISM** (historical development of language)"} {"Clue":"Woman in love, one often besotted? (4)","Answer":"WINO","Explanation":"Definition: one often besotted\n**W** (women) **+ IN + O** (zero; love score in tennis)\n **W IN O**\n\n**WINO** (sot; one who is often intoxicated or besotted)"} {"Clue":"Rubbish limitlessly poured at edges of road (6)","Answer":"ORDURE","Explanation":"Definition: Rubbish\n**P****OURE****D** **excluding the outer letters** (limitless) **P** and **D** **containing** (poured at [?]) **RD** (**first and last characters of **[edges of] **ROAD**)\n **O** (**RD**) **URE**\n\n**ORDURE** (dirt; waste matter; rubbish)"} {"Clue":"Has sad memories of the boulevardier's haunts (4)","Answer":"RUES","Explanation":"Definition: Has sad memories of\n**RUES** (has sad memories of)\n **RUES**\n\n**RUES** (a **BOULEVARDIER** is frequenter of boulevards or promenades[\u00a0roads] chiefly in Paris where roads are known as **RUES**) double definition"} {"Clue":"Flute? This time it plays in a quintet (5)","Answer":"QUENA","Explanation":"Definition: Flute\n**QUENA** (the entry) **forms an anagram of** (plays)**\u00a0A QUINTET** with **T **(time) and** IT** (part of the clue) as **A QU****I****N****T****E****T***\n **QUENA**\n\n**QUENA** (type of bamboo flute from the Andes, held vertically for playing)"} {"Clue":"One of the old gods giving a sign I ignored (4)","Answer":"ARES","Explanation":"Definition: One of the old gods\n**ARIES** (sign of the zodiac) **excluding** (ignored) **I**\n **ARES**\n\n**ARES** (Greek God of war); one of the old Gods)"} {"Clue":"Vegetarian sleuth giving up last bit of meat (6)","Answer":"MAIGRE","Explanation":"Definition: Vegetarian\n**MAIGRET** (reference Inspector **MAIGRET**, fictional sleuth created by Georges Simenon [1903 \u2013 1989], Belgian writer) **excluding** (giving up) **T** (**the final letter of** [the last bit] MEA**T**)\n **MAIGRE**\n\n**MAIGRE** (containing no animal flesh; vegetarian)"} {"Clue":"Spiteful fellow making a big noise on being had up (5)","Answer":"VIPER","Explanation":"Definition: Spiteful fellow\n**VIP** (Very Important Person; big noise) **+ RE** (with reference to; on) **reversed** (being had up; down clue)\n **VIP** **ER**<\n\n**VIPER** (spiteful person)"} {"Clue":"Dressing being prepared with bits of palm oil initially (6)","Answer":"POMADE","Explanation":"Definition: Dressing \n**PO** (**first letters of** [bits of] each of **PALM** and **OIL**) **+ MADE** (prepared)\n **PO MADE**\n\n**POMADE** (ointment for the hair; dressing)"} {"Clue":"Track worker, late leaving, one treading the boards (6)","Answer":"PLAYER","Explanation":"Definition: one treading the boards\n**PLATE-LAYER** (railway track layer) **excluding** (leaving) **LATE**\n **PLAYER**\n\n**PLAYER** (actor, one treading the boards)"} {"Clue":"Stop to touch up (4)","Answer":"TUBA","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\n**ABUT** (join; touch) **reversed** (up; down clue)\n **TUBA**<\n\n**TUBA** (powerful organ reed stop)"} {"Clue":"Wedge dolmen cover in replacing it (5)","Answer":"QUOIN","Explanation":"Definition: Wedge \n**QUO****IT** (dolmen cover) with **IN substituting for** (replacing) **IT**\n **QUO IN**\n\n**QUOIN** (a wedge, especially for locking type in a chase)"} {"Clue":"One producing pork pies bar served up (4)","Answer":"LIAR","Explanation":"Definition: One producing pork pies\n**RAIL** (bar) **reversed** (served up; down clue)\n **LIAR**<\n\n**LIAR** (one producing pork pies [lies])"} {"Clue":"Queen maybe, one taken in by varlet (4)","Answer":"CARD","Explanation":"Definition: Queen maybe,\n**R** (Regina; queen) **contained in** (taken in by) **CAD** (vartlet)\n **CA** (**R**) **D**\n\n**CARD** (a Queen is an example of a playing card)"} {"Clue":"Articles about alcohol leading to chest pain (6)","Answer":"ANGINA","Explanation":"Definition: chest pain\n(**AN **[indefinite article] **+ A** [another indefinite article] i.e articles) **containing** (about) **GIN** (example of an alcoholic drink)\n **AN** (**GIN**) **A**\n\n**ANGINA** (disease of the heart marked by paroxysms of intense pain, radiating from the breastbone mainly towards the left shoulder and arm; chest pain)"} {"Clue":"Most prominent councillor conceding (8)","Answer":"CROWNING","Explanation":"Definition: Most prominent \n**CR** (councillor) **+ OWNING** (acknowledging; conceding)\n **CR OWNING**\n\n**CROWNING** (greatest; most prominent)"} {"Clue":"Game had to involve one of the players in an advanced position (10)","Answer":"BRIDGEHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: an advanced position\n**BRIDGE** (card game) **+ HAD** **containing** (to involve) **E** (East, a player of bridge)\n **BRIDGE** **H** (**E**) **AD**\n\n**BRIDGEHEAD** (any advanced position seized in enemy territory)"} {"Clue":"Idle youngster on farm having bounds reset? (4)","Answer":"LOAF","Explanation":"Definition: Idle\n**F****OA****L** (young horse; youngster on a farm) **with the outer letters** (bounds) **F** and **L**\u00a0**swapped** (reset) to form **LOAF**\n **LOAF**\n\n**LOAF** (loiter; idle)"} {"Clue":"Cliff desiring no French wine (4)","Answer":"CRAG","Explanation":"Definition: Cliff \n**CRAVING** (desiring) **excluding **(no) **VIN** (French for wine)\n **CRAG**\n\n**CRAG** (cliff)"} {"Clue":"Do chatter about Queen and corgi, say (10)","Answer":"PERPETRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Do\n**PRATE** (be loquacious; chatter) **containing** (about) **ER** [Elizabeth Regina; queen] **+ PET** [a corgi is an example of a pet])\n **P** (**ER** **PET**) **RATE**\n\n**PERPETRATE** (commit or execute; do)"} {"Clue":"Absolutely representing impact of terroir? (4,2,3,6)","Answer":"DOWN TO THE GROUND","Explanation":"Definition: Absolutely\n**DOWN TO** (fault or responsibility of; representing impact of) **+ THE GROUND** (the distinctive quality imparted to a wine by the climate and soil in which its grapes are grown)\n **DOWN TO THE GROUND**\n\n**DOWN TO THE GROUND** (completely; absolutely)"} {"Clue":"One's defeat laid out in American novel (4,2,4)","Answer":"EAST OF EDEN","Explanation":"Definition: American novel\n**Anagram of **(laid out) **ONE'S DEFEAT**\n **E****A****S****T**** O****F EDE****N***\n\n**EAST OF EDEN** (novel by American author John Steinbeck [1902 \u2013 1968])"} {"Clue":"Description of work a little curtailed (4)","Answer":"SPEC","Explanation":"Definition: Description of work\n**SPECK** (small spot; a little) **excluding the final letter** (curtailed) **K**\n **SPEC**\n\n**SPEC** (**SPEC**ification [detailed description of requirements])"} {"Clue":"Surface not popular for marine creature (4)","Answer":"FISH","Explanation":"Definition: marine creature\n**FINISH** (surface texture) **excluding** (not) **IN** (popular)\n **FISH**\n\n**FISH** (marine creature)"} {"Clue":"Manoeuvre to beat leading figures in horse-racing (6,4)","Answer":"JOCKEY CLUB","Explanation":"Definition: leading figures in horse-racing\n**JOCKEY** (seek advantage by manoeuvring) + **CLUB** (beat)\n **JOCKEY CLUB**\n\n**JOCKEY CLUB** (association for the promotion and regulation of horse-racing; leading figures in horse-racing)"} {"Clue":"American taxmen backtracking, with criminal groups about \u2013 they put the heat on (3,5)","Answer":"GAS RINGS","Explanation":"Definition: they put the heat on\n**GANGS** (criminal groups) **containing** (about) **IRS** (Internal Revenue Service; American taxmen) **reversed** (backtracking)\n **GA** (**S RI**<) **NGS**\n\n**GAS RINGS** (items that provide heat for cooking, for example)"} {"Clue":"Mistakes? Time to accept reduction in incidence (8)","Answer":"ERRATA","Explanation":"Definition: Mistakes\n**ERA** (division of geological time) **containing** (to accept) **RATE** |(frequency; occurrence; incidence) **excluding the last letter** (reduction) **E**\n **ER **(**RAT**)** A**\n\n**ERRATA** (mistakes)"} {"Clue":"More annoyed about overture from naked disruptive partner in bed (6)","Answer":"SNORER","Explanation":"Definition: disruptive partner in bed\n**SORER** (more annoyed) **containing** (about) **N** (**first letter of **[overture from] **NAKED**)\n **S** (**N**) **ORER**\n\n**SNORER** (disruptive partner in bed)"} {"Clue":"Offer to limit crook's second time in prison (4)","Answer":"BIRD","Explanation":"Definition: time in prison\n**BID** (offer) **containing** (to limit) **R** (**second letter of **['s second] **CROOK**)\n **BI** (**R**) **D**\n\n**BIRD** (time in prison)"} {"Clue":"Academic in pursuit of quality accepting nothing allowing no leaks (10)","Answer":"WATERPROOF","Explanation":"Definition: allowing no leaks\n**WATER** (quality) **+** (**PROF** [Professor; academic] **containing** [accepting] **O** [zero; nothing])\n **WATER** **PR** (**O**) **OF**\n\n**WATERPROOF** (impervious to WATER; allowing no leaks)"} {"Clue":"Very old suggestion each dismissed as ineffectual (4)","Answer":"VOID","Explanation":"Definition: ineffectual \n**V** (very) **+ O** (old) +**ID****EA** (suggestion) **excluding** (dismissed) **EA** (each)\n **V O ID**\n\n**VOID** (ineffectual)"} {"Clue":"Soiling our rocks? Not marvellous (10)","Answer":"INGLORIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Not marvellous\n**Anagram of** (rocks) **SOILING OUR**\n **INGLO****R****I****OU****S***\n\n**INGLORIOUS **(disgraceful; not marvellous)"} {"Clue":"Loosen United? New soccer group's trimmed soccer team (8)","Answer":"UNFASTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Loosen\n**U** (United) **+ N** (new) **+ FA'S** (**F**ootball **A**ssociation'**S**) **+ TEN** (**one less** [trimmed] than the eleven players one would expect in a soccer team)\n **U N FAS TEN**\n\n**UNFASTEN** (loosen)"} {"Clue":"Declare sketch to be rubbish? Get rid of the rubbish! (5,3,5)","Answer":"CLEAR THE DECKS","Explanation":"Definition: Get rid of the rubbish\n**Anagram of **(to be rubbish) **DECLARE SKETCH**\n **CLEAR ****TH****E D****EC****KS***\n\n**CLEAR THE DECKS **(**CLEAR** away everything surplus; get rid of the rubbish)"} {"Clue":"Worker with time to burn limited by great work schedule (5,5)","Answer":"GANTT CHART","Explanation":"Definition: work schedule\n(**ANT** [worker] **+ T** [time] **+ CHAR** [burn]) **contained in** (limited by)** GT** (great)\n **G** (**ANT** **T** **CHAR**) **T**\n\n**GANTT CHART** (form of bar **CHART**\u00a0used to show progress in a production system, showing predicted production figures over a fixed period of time, and updated with actual figures for comparison)"} {"Clue":"Brought about sex in valley, after going for a climb (10)","Answer":"ENGENDERED","Explanation":"Definition: Brought about\n**GENDER** (sex) **contained in** (in) **DENE** (small valley) **reversed** (after going for a climb; down clue)\n **EN** (**GENDER**) **ED**<\n\n**ENGENDERED** (brought about)"} {"Clue":"Company backed opera tunes after receipt of new instruments (8)","Answer":"OCARINAS","Explanation":"Definition: instruments\n**CO** (company) **reversed** (backed) **+** (**ARIAS** [opera tunes] **containing** [after receipt of] **N** [new])\n **OC**< **ARI** (**N**) **AS**\n\n**OCARINAS** (fluty-toned wind instruments)"} {"Clue":"Group of stage performers rather promoting English, play ultimately (6)","Answer":"EQUITY","Explanation":"Definition: Group of stage performers\n**QUITE** (rather) with the **E** (English) **moved upward** (promoted; down entry) in the word to form **EQUIT** **+ Y** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **PLAY**)\n **EQUIT Y**\n\n**EQUITY** (Trade Union for actors, singers, models, performers, directors, choreographers, designers, stage managers, and other creative workers; group of stage performers)"} {"Clue":"Curse Judge in identification of error (4)","Answer":"JINX","Explanation":"Definition: Curse \n**J** (judge) + **IN** + **X** (symbol that identifies an error)\n **J IN X**\n\n**JINX** (curse)"} {"Clue":"One end of coloured string (4)","Answer":"CORD","Explanation":"Definition: string\nThe outer or end letters of **COLOURED** are **C** and **D**, so one end only would be **C OR D**\n **C OR D**\n\n**CORD** (string)"} {"Clue":"Feeling like this bully, oddly overlooked (4)","Answer":"SOUL","Explanation":"Definition: Feeling\n**SO** (like this) **+ UL **(**letters 2 and 4** [omitting the odd letters; oddly overlooked of **BULLY**)\n **SO UL**\n\n**SOUL** (sensitivity, tenderness; feeling)"} {"Clue":"Fountains perhaps originally assembled by builders each year (5)","Answer":"ABBEY","Explanation":"Definition: Fountains perhaps\n**ABBEY** (**first letters of** [originally] each of **ASSEMBLED**, **BY**, **BUILDERS**, **EACH** and **YEAR**)\n **ABBEY**\n\n**ABBEY** (reference Fountains **ABBEY**, well preserved ruined Cistercian monastery\u00a0located approximately 3 miles south-west of Ripon in North Yorkshire)"} {"Clue":"Guidance for small dog without lead (4)","Answer":"HELP","Explanation":"Definition: Guidance\n**WHELP** (puppy, small dog) **excluding the first letter** (without lead) **W** \n **HELP**\n\n**HELP** (assistance; guidance)"} {"Clue":"Deal with most important territory (4)","Answer":"DOMAIN","Explanation":"Definition: territory\n**DO** (work at; deal with) **+ MAIN** (most important)\n **DO MAIN**\n\n**DOMAIN** (territory)"} {"Clue":"Lawrence is entertained by kind of party food (8)","Answer":"CATERING","Explanation":"Definition: of party food\n**TE** (reference **T E** Lawrence [1888 \u2013 1935], British archaeologist, army officer, diplomat, and writer, also known as Lawrence of Arabia) **contained in** (entertained by) **CARING** (kind)\n **CA** (**TE**) **RING**\n\n**CATERING **(descriptive of part food)"} {"Clue":"Piece churchman and partner rejected (8)","Answer":"REVOLVER","Explanation":"Definition: Piece\n(**REV** [**REV**erend {churchman} **+ LOVER** [partner]) **all reversed** (rejected)\n (**REVOL** **VER**)<\n\n**REVOLVER** (gun; piece)"} {"Clue":"Masseur, one that will obliterate your boobs (6)","Answer":"RUBBER","Explanation":"Definition: Masseur\n**RUBBER** (one who **RUB**s, such as a masseur)\n **RUBBER**\n\n**RUBBER** (eraser; something that will obliterate errors [boobs]) double definition"} {"Clue":"The secret of Skinny's biography \u2013 nothing's replaced by gibberish essentially (7)","Answer":"MYSTERY","Explanation":"Definition: The secret of \n**MY** (Skinny's) **+ STORY** (biography, when preceded by **MY**) with the **O** [nothing] **changed to** [replaced by] **E** (**middle letter** [essentially] **of** **GIBBERISH**)\n **MY** **ST****E****RY**\n\n**MYSTERY** (secret)"} {"Clue":"Part of Vietnam a GI called enchanting (7)","Answer":"MAGICAL","Explanation":"Definition: enchanting\n**MAGICAL** (**hidden word in** [part of] **VIETNAM A GI CALLED**)\n **MAGICAL**\n\n**MAGICAL **(enchanting)"} {"Clue":"Run aground on a beach (6)","Answer":"STRAND","Explanation":"Definition: Run aground \n**STRAND** (run aground)\n **STRAND**\n\n**STRAND** (beach) double definition"} {"Clue":"It bites animals, fleshy or otherwise (8)","Answer":"HORSEFLY","Explanation":"Definition: It bites animals,\n**Anagram of** (otherwise) **FLESHY OR**\n **H****OR****SEFLY***\n\n**HORSEFLY **(the forest-fly or other large **FLY**\u00a0that stings or bites **HORSE**s)"} {"Clue":"Militaryman posted guarding explosive gear (8)","Answer":"SERGEANT","Explanation":"Definition: Militaryman\n**SENT** (posted) **containing** (guarding) **an anagram of** (explosive) **GEAR**\n **SE **(**RGEA***)** NT**\n\n**SERGEANT **(rank in the army; militaryman)"} {"Clue":"Sprinkle with chilli? (6)","Answer":"PEPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Sprinkle\n**PEPPER** (sprinkle)\n **PEPPER**\n\n**PEPPER** (reference a chilli **PEPPER**) double definition"} {"Clue":"Expedition into urban houses (4)","Answer":"TOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Expedition\n**TOUR** **(hidden word in** [houses] **INTO URBAN**)\n **TOUR**\n\n**TOUR** (expedition)"} {"Clue":"Way one's embraced by staff (4)","Answer":"ROAD","Explanation":"Definition: Way \n**A** (one) **contained in** (embraced by) **ROD**\n **RO** (**A**) **D**\n\n**ROAD** (way)"} {"Clue":"Country takeaway (4)","Answer":"TOGO","Explanation":"Definition: Country\n**TO GO**\u00a0(descriptive of food or drink from a restaurant or cafe to be consumed off the premises; takeaway)\n **TOGO**\n\n**TOGO** (**TOGO**lese Republic; country in West Africa)"} {"Clue":"Win every last penny from Lance, cryptically (5,3)","Answer":"CLEAN OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Win every last penny from\n**LANCE **can be formed **cryptically** from the wordplay indication\u00a0**CLEAN** (anagram fodder) **OUT** (anagram indicator)\n **CLEAN OUT**\n\n**CLEAN OUT** (leave with no money; in a game for instance, win every last penny from)"} {"Clue":"Vehicle on unfinished mission travelling northward, aided by this? (3-3)","Answer":"SAT-NAV","Explanation":"Definition: Vehicle on unfinished mission travelling northward, aided by this\n(**VAN** [vehicle] **+ TASK** [mission] **excluding the final letter** [unfinished] **K**) **all reversed** (travelling northward; down clue)\n (**SAT** **NAV**)<\n\n**SAT-NAV **(**SAT**ellite **NAV**igation, help when travelling, not just northward) I suppose the definition could simply be **THIS**, but the whole clue also reads well as a definition."} {"Clue":"Former student caught in unmistakable disguise (7)","Answer":"OBSCURE","Explanation":"Definition: disguise\n**OB** (old boy; former student) **+** (**C **[caught] **contained in** **SURE** [unmistakable])\n **OB** **S** (**C**) **URE**\n\n**OBSCURE **(disguise)"} {"Clue":"Fancy hairstyle wanting a touch of lacquer? Madness! (8)","Answer":"HYSTERIA","Explanation":"Definition: Madness\n**Anagram of** (fancy) **HAIRSTYLE** **excluding** (wanting) **L** (**first letter of** [touch of]** L**ACQUER)\n **HYSTERIA***\n\n**HYSTERIA** (madness)"} {"Clue":"Sweet child's revolutionary problem (6)","Answer":"CHERUB","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet child\n**CHE** (reference **CHE** Guevara [1928 \u2013 1967], Argentinian Marxist revolutionary) **+ RUB** (problem)\n **CHE RUB**\n\n**CHERUB** (sweet child)"} {"Clue":"Make arrangements for alien to leave Mars, perhaps (4)","Answer":"PLAN","Explanation":"Definition: Make arrangements for\n**PLANET** (Mars is one of the **PLANET**s in our solar system) **excluding** (to leave) **ET** (extra-terrestrial; alien)\n **PLAN**\n\n**PLAN **(make arrangements for)"} {"Clue":"Drug cheat heading for temperate country (5)","Answer":"EGYPT","Explanation":"Definition: Make arrangements for\n**PLANET** (Mars is one of the **PLANET**s in our solar system) **excluding** (to leave) **ET** (extra-terrestrial; alien)\n **PLAN**\n\n**PLAN **(make arrangements for)"} {"Clue":"Message one's hidden in fruit turnover (1-4)","Answer":"E-MAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Message\n**A** (one) **contained in** (hidden in) **LIME** (a fruit) **reversed** (turnover)\n **E M** (**A**) **IL**<\n\n**E-MAIL**(message)"} {"Clue":"Sheeran, flustered at first, ran about blushing (3-5)","Answer":"RED-FACED","Explanation":"Definition: blushing\n**RACED** (ran) **containing** (**ED** [reference **ED** Sheeran {born 1991}, British singer songwriter] **+ F** [**first letter of** {at first} **FLUSTERED**])\n **R** (**ED** **F**) **ACED**\n\n**RED-FACED** (blushing)"} {"Clue":"Bungling former cop ultimately still around (8)","Answer":"INEXPERT","Explanation":"Definition: Bungling\n**INERT **(still) **containing** (around) (**EX** [former] **+ P** [**last letter of** {ultimately} **COP**])\n **IN** (**EX ****P**) **ERT**\n\n**INEXPERT** (unskilled; perhaps bungling if hopelessly unskilled)"} {"Clue":"Quiet voice \u2013 security feature of Windows? (7)","Answer":"SHUTTER","Explanation":"Definition: security feature of Windows\n**SH** (quiet) **+ UTTER** (say; voice)\n **SH UTTER**\n\n**SHUTTER** (a feature found on some windows)"} {"Clue":"One pulls up to mythical realm (6)","Answer":"ASGARD","Explanation":"Definition: mythical realm\n**A** (one) **+ DRAGS** (pulls) **reversed** (up; down clue)\n **A** **SGARD**<\n\n**ASGARD** (a location associated with gods. It is depicted in a multitude of Old Norse sagas and mythological texts; mythical realm)"} {"Clue":"Once again model's calm (6)","Answer":"REPOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Once again model'\n**RE**\u2013 (again or once again) **+ POSE** (model)\n **RE** **POSE**\n\n**REPOSE** (rest)"} {"Clue":"A few brought up broody teens (4)","Answer":"EMOS","Explanation":"Definition: broody teens\n**SOME** (a few) **reversed** (brought up; down clue)\n **EMOS**<\n\n**EMOS** (admirers of **EMO** music [a type of guitar-based popular music featuring brooding and introspective lyrics] and its associated subculture; could well apply to broody teenagers)"} {"Clue":"Style at the heart of native language (4)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: Style\n**ELAN** (**hidden word** [at the heart of] **NATIVE LANGUAGE**)\n **ELAN**\n\n**\u00c9LAN** (vigour and style)"} {"Clue":"Once currency of Germany (and of France) falls, these control the economy? (6,6)","Answer":"MARKET FORCES","Explanation":"Definition: these control the economy\n**MARK** (the Deutsch**MARK** was the currency of Germany before the Euro) **+ ET** (French for 'and') **+ FORCES** (waterfalls)\n **MARK ET FORCES**\n\n**MARKET FORCES** (the combined influences of supply and demand which determine the price and quantity of a product traded and have similar knock-on effects to the wider economy)"} {"Clue":"Fantastic mosaic \u2013 but very small (9)","Answer":"SUBATOMIC","Explanation":"Definition: very small\n**Anagram of** (fantastic) **MOSAIC BUT**\n **SUBATOMIC***\n\n**SUBATOMIC** (relating to particles constituting the **ATOM**\u00a0or processes that occur within the **ATOM**\u00a0or at less than **ATOMIC**\u00a0level; relating to very small items)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 guarantee principal is free from blame (6)","Answer":"ENSURE","Explanation":"Definition: guarantee\n**CENSURE **(blame) **excluding the first letter** (principal) **C**\n **ENSURE**\n\n**ENSURE** (guarantee)"} {"Clue":"Poet sort of saw New York society forced inside (8)","Answer":"TENNYSON","Explanation":"Definition: Poet \n(**NY** [New York] **+ S** [society]) **contained in** (forced inside) **TENON** (type of saw) \n **TEN** (**NY** **S**) **ON**\n\n**TENNYSON** (reference Alfred, Lord **TENNYSON** [1809 \u2013 1892], British poet)"} {"Clue":"Afraid to return last piece of faulty fabric (6)","Answer":"DIMITY","Explanation":"Definition: fabric\n**TIMID** (afraid) **reversed** (to return) **+ Y** (**final letter of** [last piece of] **FAULTY**)\n **DIMIT**< Y\n\n**DIMITY** (stout white cotton; fabric)"} {"Clue":"Braggart is trying to show flair (8)","Answer":"ARTISTRY","Explanation":"Definition: flair\n**ARTISTRY** (**hidden word in** [to show] **BRAGGART IS TRYING**)\n **ARTISTRY**\n\n**ARTISTRY **(flair)"} {"Clue":"Better to do this in tennis than golf (4,4)","Answer":"DROP SHOT","Explanation":"Definition: Better to do this in tennis than golf\n**DROP SHOT** (a delicate return in tennis which just clears the net and frequently wins the point)\n **DROP SHOT**\n\n**DROP SHOT** (something a golfer doesn't want to do as **DROP**ping a **SHOT** signifies a score one more than par for the hole)"} {"Clue":"Confirm most obese female is to leave (6)","Answer":"ATTEST","Explanation":"Definition: Confirm\n**F****ATTEST **(most obese) **excluding** (to leave) **F** (female)\n **ATTEST**\n\n**ATTEST** (confirm)"} {"Clue":"Male advanced women's complaints (8)","Answer":"MALADIES","Explanation":"Definition: complaints\n**M** (male) **+ A** (advanced) **+ LADIES** (women)\n **M A LADIES**\n\n**MALADIES** (complaints)"} {"Clue":"Mark, when cycling, gets a crusty dish (6)","Answer":"GRATIN","Explanation":"Definition: crusty dish\n**RATING** (assessment; mark) **cycling to the right with the last letter moving to the front to form GRATIN**\n **GRATIN**\n\n**GRATIN** (the golden brown crust covering a dish topped with breadcrumbs \/ and or cheese to crisp)"} {"Clue":"Getting emotional \u2013 it's showing, just a bit (5)","Answer":"TINGE","Explanation":"Definition: just a bit\n**TINGE** (**hidden word in** [it's showing] **GETTING EMOTIONAL**)\n **TINGE**\n\n**TINGE** (slight trace of; just a bit)"} {"Clue":"Stop colonial worker crossing North America (9)","Answer":"TERMINATE","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\n**TERMITE** (an insect like an ant that lives in a colony; colonial worker) **containing** (crossing) **NA** (North America)\n **TERMI **(**NA**) **TE**\n\n**TERMINATE** (stop)"} {"Clue":"They rent out tenements in unconnected capitals? (5,7)","Answer":"BLOCK LETTERS","Explanation":"Definition: unconnected capitals\n**BLOCK **(tower **BLOCK**; tenement) **+ LETTERS** (people who rent pout properties)\n **BLOCK LETTERS**\n\n**BLOCK LETTERS** (capital letters that are written without being joined-up [unconnected])"} {"Clue":"Fair for one to charge crazy fool? (7)","Answer":"MISLEAD","Explanation":"Definition: fool\n**ISLE** (reference Fair **ISLE**, an island in Shetland at the far north of Scotland) **contained in** (to charge; to fill) **MAD** (crazy)\n **M** (**ISLE**) **AD**\n\n**MISLEAD** (delude; fool)"} {"Clue":"London icon close to Shard omitted in pictorial representation (5)","Answer":"REBUS","Explanation":"Definition: pictorial representation\n**RED BUS** (London icon) **excluding** (omitted) **D** (**final letter of** [close to] SHAR**D**)\n **REBUS**\n\n**REBUS** (an enigmatical representation of a word or name by pictures representing the component parts of the word)"} {"Clue":"Disorder of intestine, involving runs \u2013 not initially notifiable (9)","Answer":"ENTERITIS","Explanation":"Definition: Disorder of intestine, involving runs \u2013 not initially notifiable\n**Anagram of** **I****N****TESTINE** **excluding** (not) **N** (**first letter of **[initially] **N**OTIFIABLE) **containing** (involving) **R** (runs)\n **ENTE** (**R**) **ITIS***\n\n**ENTERITIS** (inflammation of the intestine, often leading to diarrhoea [runs])"} {"Clue":"Iron clothes in the morning for celebrity (4)","Answer":"FAME","Explanation":"Definition: celebrity\n**FE** (chemical symbol for iron) **containing** (clothes) **AM **(ante meridiem; before noon; morning)\n **F** (**AM**) **E**\n\n**FAME** (celebrity)"} {"Clue":"Scientific study of pile of stones in Thailand? Quite the opposite (8)","Answer":"ROCKETRY","Explanation":"Definition: Scientific study\n**T** (International Vehicle Registration for Thailand) **contained in** (in) **ROCKERY** (pile of stones) \u2013 i.e. contrary to\u00a0the initial part of the clue [quite the opposite]\n **ROCKE** (**T**) **RY**\n\n**ROCKETRY** (scientific study)"} {"Clue":"Poles expanded into German city (5)","Answer":"ESSEN","Explanation":"Definition: German city\n**SSN** (South, South, North \u2013 all geographic poles) **expanded to be preceded by and contain a couple of Es to form** **ESSEN**\n **ESSEN**\n\n**ESSEN** (town in Germany)"} {"Clue":"Tape small member of The Mamas and The Papas? (8)","Answer":"CASSETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Tape\n**CASS** (one of the members of The Mamas and The Papas musical group was **CASS** Elliot, often known as Mama **CASS**) + \u2013**ETTE** (suffix signifying small)\n **CASS ETTE**\n\n**CASSETTE** (plastic case containing a reel of magnetic tape, often with pre-recorded material on it \u2013 often providing hours of 'fun' to unravel after\u00a0they got jammed in the player)"} {"Clue":"Stylish houses left for footman (6)","Answer":"FLUNKY","Explanation":"Definition: ootman\n**FUNKY** (of the latest fashion; stylish) **containing** (houses) **L** (left)\n **F** (**L**) **UNKY**\n\n**FLUNKY** (uniformed servant) I have usually spelled this with an **E** between the **K** and the **Y** but dictionaries list both. Collins leads with **FLUNKY** while Chambers has\u00a0**FLUNKEY **first**)"} {"Clue":"Second city in Florida mostly rugged countryside (8)","Answer":"MOORLAND","Explanation":"Definition: ootman\n**FUNKY** (of the latest fashion; stylish) **containing** (houses) **L** (left)\n **F** (**L**) **UNKY**\n\n**FLUNKY** (uniformed servant) I have usually spelled this with an **E** between the **K** and the **Y** but dictionaries list both. Collins leads with **FLUNKY** while Chambers has\u00a0**FLUNKEY **first**)"} {"Clue":"Physician of Italian football team is into books (9)","Answer":"INTERNIST","Explanation":"Definition: Physician\n**INTER** (reference the Italian football team **INTER** Milan) **+ IS** **contained in** (into) **NT** (New Testament; books)\n **INTER** **N** (**IS**) **T**\n\n**INTERNIST** (specialist in internal diseases; a physician rather than a surgeon)"} {"Clue":"State head's involuntary response (8)","Answer":"DOMESTIC","Explanation":"Definition: State\n**DOME'S** (head's) **+ TIC** (involuntary response)\n **DOMES TIC**\n\n**DOMESTIC** (relating to the home Country or State; not foreign)"} {"Clue":"Downgrade protest by the discontented (6)","Answer":"DEMOTE","Explanation":"Definition: Downgrade\n**DEMO** (**DEMO**nstration; protest) **+ THE** **excluding the contents** [the letter **H**] to make it dis-contented\n **DEMO TE**\n\n**DEMOTE** (downgrade)"} {"Clue":"Offers carers vehicles to carry supplies (7)","Answer":"TENDERS","Explanation":"Definition: Offers\n**TENDERS** (offers)\n **TENDERS** (people who care; carers)\n\n**TENDERS** (carriages attached to a locomotive to carry fuel and water; vehicles to carry supplies) triple definition"} {"Clue":"Return obscene material at last, and think about it a lot (5)","Answer":"DWELL","Explanation":"Definition: think about it a lot\n**LEWD** (obscene) **reversed** (return) **+ L** (**final letter of** [at last]** MATERIAL**)\n **DWEL**< **L**\n\n**DWELL** (rest attention on; think about a lot)"} {"Clue":"Chas and Dave's ultimate wind up (5)","Answer":"TEASE","Explanation":"Definition: wind up\n**TEAS** (chas) **+ E** (**final letter of** [ultimate] **DAVE**)\n **TEAS E**\n\n**TEASE** (wind up)"} {"Clue":"Range of hearing aids originally despatched (4)","Answer":"URAL","Explanation":"Definition: Range\n**AURAL** (relating to hearing) **excluding** (dispatched) **A** (**first letter of **[originally] **A**IDS)\n **URAL**\n\n**URAL** (mountain range in Western Russia)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps queen's family tree displays this dependent? (6)","Answer":"CATKIN","Explanation":"Definition: tree displays this dependent\n**CAT** (an adult female cat is a queen) **+ KIN** (family)\n **CAT KIN**\n\n**CATKIN** (a crowded spike or tuft of small unisexual flowers with reduced scalelike bracts, as in the willow, hazel, etc.; a dependent that is displayed on specific types of tree)"} {"Clue":"Desperately try to get hold of game(8)","Answer":"SCRABBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Desperately try to get hold \n**SCRABBLE** (grope for with hands or claws; desperately try to get hold of)\n **SCRABBLE**\n\n**SCRABBLE** (board game) double definition"} {"Clue":"Bald man almost mistaken for character in Greek tragedy? (6)","Answer":"LAMBDA","Explanation":"Definition: haracter in Greek tragedy\n**Anagram of **(mistaken for) **BALDMAN** **excluding the last letter** (almost) **N**\n **LAMBDA***\n\n**LAMBDA** (letter of the Greek alphabet which will be found in the text of a Greek tragedy)"} {"Clue":"Exasperating uneducated woman stops one perhaps reading books (8)","Answer":"IRRITANT","Explanation":"Definition: Exasperating\n**RITA **(reference the Willy Russell play Educating **RITA**) **contained in** (stopping) (**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ R** [Reading, one of the three** R**s of education] **+ NT** [New Testament; books])\n **I R** (**RITA**) **NT**\n\n**IRRITANT** (something that causes exasperation)"} {"Clue":"Hit originally contained Heroes sample (6)","Answer":"SWATCH","Explanation":"Definition: sample\n**SWAT** (hit) **+ CH** (**first letters** [originally] **of each of** **CONTAINED** and **HEROES**)\n **SWAT ****CH**\n\n**SWATCH** (sample especially of cloth, or of carpet, wallpaper, etc)"} {"Clue":"I don't know man pursuing me about coming out (8)","Answer":"EMERGENT","Explanation":"Definition: coming out\n**ME** **reversed** (about) **+ ER** (expressing hesitation implying 'I don't know') +** GENT** (man)\n **EM< ER GENT**\n\n**EMERGENT** (coming out)"} {"Clue":"On-line diatribe by grown-up debasing agent (10)","Answer":"ADULTERANT","Explanation":"Definition: debasing agent\n**ADULT** (grown-up) **+ E** (electronic; on-line) **+**** RANT** (tirade; diatribe)\n **ADULT E RANT**\n\n**ADULTERANT **(debasing agent)"} {"Clue":"Provide a list I compiled partially based on worthy principles (10)","Answer":"IDEALISTIC","Explanation":"Definition: based on worthy principles\n**IDEALISTIC** (**hidden word** [partially] **in** **PROVIDE A LIST I COMPILED**)\n **IDEALISTIC**\n\n**IDEALISTIC** (based on worthy principles)"} {"Clue":"Cross-party members caught in the middle of voters (8)","Answer":"TRAVERSE","Explanation":"Definition: Cross\n**RAVERS** (people, usually young, who attend mass gatherings to dance to loud music under bright flashing lights, often associated with the use of certain drugs, especially Ecstasy; party members) **contained** in (caught in) **TE** (**central letters of** [in the middle of] **VOTERS**)\n **T** (**RAVERS**) **E**\n\n**TRAVERSE **(cross)"} {"Clue":"Emigr\u00e9 created by collapse of this government (6)","Answer":"REGIME","Explanation":"Definition: this government\n**Anagram of** (created by collapse of) **EMIGRE **The clue describes\u00a0the anagram the other way, but the principle is the same.\n **REGIME***\n\n**REGIME** (government)"} {"Clue":"Calculated time required to replace pair in hands-on session (8)","Answer":"TACTICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Calculated\n**PRACTICAL** (hands-on session) with **T** (time) **replacing** (to replace) **PR** (pair)\n **T** **ACTICAL**\n\n**TACTICAL **(calculated)"} {"Clue":"You are caught punching young man in office (6)","Answer":"BUREAU","Explanation":"Definition: office\n(**U** [**sounds like** {caught} **YOU**] **+ R** [**sounds like **{caught} **ARE**) **contained in** (punching) **BEAU** (boyfriend; young man)\n **B** (**U R**) **EAU**\n\n**BUREAU** (office)"} {"Clue":"70 aides get exposed late in the day (8)","Answer":"EVENTIDE","Explanation":"Definition: late in the day\n**SEVENTY **(70) **excluding the outer letters** [get exposed] **S** and **Y** **+ AIDES** similarly exposed **excluding the outer letters A **and **S**\n **EVENT IDE**\n\n**EVENTIDE** (a time late in the day)"} {"Clue":"Firm support for driver's seat (6)","Answer":"SETTEE","Explanation":"Definition: seat\n**SET** (firm) + **TEE** (support for a golfer's ball when driving)\n **SET TEE**\n\n**SETTEE** (long seat with a back)"} {"Clue":"Huge deficit beginning to accumulate in depression (8)","Answer":"COLOSSAL","Explanation":"Definition: Huge \n(**LOSS** [deficit] **+ A** [**first letter of** {beginning to} **ACCUMULATE**]) **contained in** (in) **COL** (depression or pass in a mountain range)\n **CO** (**LOSS** **A**) **L**\n\n**COLOSSAL** (huge)"} {"Clue":"Man put out about recollection of my crucial part in hearing (8)","Answer":"TYMPANUM","Explanation":"Definition: crucial part in hearing\n**Anagram of** (out) **MAN PUT** **containing** (about) **MY** **reversed** (recollection of)\n **T** (**YM**<) **PANUM***\n\n**TYMPANUM** (the middle ear; a crucial part in hearing)"} {"Clue":"Show charge orbiting an electron (8)","Answer":"INDICATE","Explanation":"Definition: Show\n(**INDICT** [charge with a crime] **containing** [orbiting] **A** [an]) **+ E** (electron)\n **INDIC** (**A**) **T** **E**\n\n**INDICATE** (show)"} {"Clue":"Non-professional guards not just about serving protocol (10)","Answer":"CEREMONIAL","Explanation":"Definition: serving\n(**LAIC** [non-professional] **containing** [guards] [**NO** {not} **+ MERE** {only; just}]) **all reversed** (about)\n (**C** (**EREM** **ON**) **IAL**)<\n\n**CEREMONIAL** (prescribed order of service or ritual; serving protocol)"} {"Clue":"Where to install a buzzer if you want it to work (6)","Answer":"APIARY","Explanation":"Definition: Where to install a buzzer if you want it to work\n**APIARY** (one type of buzzer is a bee, so you might\u00a0keep it in an **APIARY**)\n **APIARY**\n\n**APIARY** (some bees are drones [workers] who will work in the **APIARY**) cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"He raises game in early edition of programme on radio (6)","Answer":"BEATER","Explanation":"Definition: He raises game\n**BEATER** (**sounds like** [on radio] **BETA** [denoting an early\u00a0version of a software product that is still under testing])\n **BEATER**\n\n**BEATER** (a person who rouses game birds)"} {"Clue":"What's left after passing car? (6)","Answer":"ESTATE","Explanation":"Definition: What's left after passing\n**ESTATE** (The total extent of the real and personal property of a deceased person; what's left after passing [dying])\n **ESTATE**\n\n**ESTATE** (model of car designed to carry passengers and goods) double definition"} {"Clue":"Female match assistant? (10)","Answer":"BRIDESMAID","Explanation":"Definition: Female match assistant\n**BRIDESMAID** (female assistant for the **BRIDE** at a wedding)\n **BRIDESMAID**\n\n**BRIDESMAID** (female attendant at the match [wedding]) cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Comfortable position that's safe to hold at home (8)","Answer":"SINECURE","Explanation":"Definition: Comfortable position\n**SECURE** (safe) **containing** (to hold) **IN** (at home)\n **S** (**IN**) **ECURE**\n\n**SINECURE** (an office without work, a cushy job"} {"Clue":"Urgent demands ultimately introducing temporary accommodation providing housing for free (8)","Answer":"STRIDENT","Explanation":"Definition: Urgent\n**S** (**last letter of **[ultimately] **DEMAND****S**) **+** (**TENT** [temporary accommodation] **containing** [providing housing for] **RID** [free])\n **S** **T** (**RID**) **ENT**\n\n**STRIDENT** (urgent)"} {"Clue":"Plan to drop Christmas broadcast (8)","Answer":"SCHEDULE","Explanation":"Definition: Plan \n**SCHEDULE** (sounds like [broadcast] **SHED** [drop] **YULE** [season of Christmas])\n **SCHEDULE**\n\n**SCHEDULE** (plan)"} {"Clue":"Motionless figure standing overlooking centre of Paris (6)","Answer":"STATUE","Explanation":"Definition: Motionless figure \n**STATURE** (standing) **excluding** (overlooking) **R** (**middle letter of** [centre of] PA**R**IS)\n **STATUE**\n\n**STATUE **(motionless figure)"} {"Clue":"French port having diplomatic immunity? (6)","Answer":"GAUCHE","Explanation":"Definition: French port\n**GAUCHE** (French for left [port side on a ship])\n **GAUCHE**\n\n**GAUCHE** (tactless; not being diplomatic; having diplomatic immunity)"} {"Clue":"Bored delinquent receives great present (6)","Answer":"DEPICT","Explanation":"Definition: present\n**DT** (**letters remaining in** **DELINQUENT** **when the central letters** **ELINQUEN** **are taken out** [bored]) **containing** (receives) **EPIC** (great)\n **D** (**EPIC**) **T**\n\n**DEPICT** (describe; present)"} {"Clue":"Composer at the piano maybe making fresh arrangement of A, B, C etc (6,8)","Answer":"DVORAK KEYBOARD","Explanation":"Definition: fresh arrangement of A, B, C etc\n**DVORAK** (reference Antonin **DVORAK** [1841 \u2013 1904] Czech composer) **+ KEYBOARD** (a piano is an example of a **KEYBOARD** instrument)\n **DVORAK KEYBOARD**\n\n**DVORAK KEYBOARD** (a typewriter, etc **KEYBOARD** laid out so as to minimize finger movement)"} {"Clue":"A rootstock is linked to indicator of alternative source of roughage (5)","Answer":"ORRIS","Explanation":"Definition: A rootstock\n**OR** (word used to link alternatives) **+ R** (**first letter of **[source of] **ROUGHAGE**) **+ IS**\n **OR R IS**\n\n**ORRIS** (dried rootstock of the Florentine or other iris)"} {"Clue":"English candour avoided by detective showing upright nature (9)","Answer":"ERECTNESS","Explanation":"Definition: upright nature\n**E **(English) **+ DIRECTNESS** (candour) **excluding** (avoided by) **DI** (detective [inspector])\n **E RECTNESS**\n\n**ERECTNESS **(upright nature)"} {"Clue":"Science taken aback after harbour overturned in equatorial region (7)","Answer":"TROPICS","Explanation":"Definition: equatorial region\n**PORT** (harbour) **reversed** (overturned) **+**** SCI** (science) **reversed** (taken aback)\n **TROP**< **ICS**<\n\n**TROPICS** (region either side of the equator between the **TROPIC**\u00a0of Cancer and the **TROPIC**\u00a0of Capricorn)"} {"Clue":"Decline to participate in getting behind travel agents around start of summer (7)","Answer":"ABSTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Decline to participate\n(**ABTA** [Association of British Travel Agents] **containing** [around] **S** [**first letter of** {start of} **SUMMER**]) **+ IN** \n **AB **(**S**) **TA** **IN**\n\n**ABSTAIN **(decline to participate in voting or drinking for example)"} {"Clue":"Caught, chopped and chomped (6)","Answer":"CHEWED","Explanation":"Definition: chomped\n**C** (caught) **+ HEWED** (shaped with a cutting instrument; chopped)\n **C HEWED**\n\n**CHEWED** (munched; chomped)"} {"Clue":"What lawyer writes, accounting for storms in sheltered area (8)","Answer":"LEGALESE","Explanation":"Definition: What lawyer writes\n**GALES **(storms) **contained in** (in) **LEE** (sheltered area)\n **LE** (**GALES**) **E**\n\n**LEGALESE** (complicated jargon used by lawyers; what lawyers write)"} {"Clue":"Charm? Some sentimentalism anyway (8)","Answer":"TALISMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Charm\n**TALISMAN** (**hidden word** [some] **in** **SENTIMEN****TALISM AN****YWAY**)\n **TALISMAN**\n\n**TALISMAN** (amulet or charm)"} {"Clue":"Academic taking on significant example of idiocy (6)","Answer":"DONKEY","Explanation":"Definition: example of idiocy\n**DON** (any member of the teaching staff of a college or university; academic) **+ KEY** (significant)\n **DON KEY**\n\n**DONKEY **(stupid person; idiot)"} {"Clue":"Journalist longing to go over part of London (7)","Answer":"HACKNEY","Explanation":"Definition: part of London\n**HACK **(journalistic drudge) **+ YEN** (longing) **reversed** (to go over)\n **HACK** **NEY**<\n\n**HACKNEY** (borough in Inner London)"} {"Clue":"Causes excitement in prison with drink (5,2)","Answer":"STIRS UP","Explanation":"Definition: Causes excitement \n**STIR** (slang word for prison) **+ SUP** (drink)\n **STIR S UP**\n\n**STIRS UP** (causes excitement)"} {"Clue":"No longer bothered by Verdi works showing greater activity (9)","Answer":"OVERDRIVE","Explanation":"Definition: greater activity\n**OVER **(at an end; the relationship's over, I'm no longer bothered [?]) **+ an anagram of** (works) **VERDI**\n **OVER ****DRIVE***\n\n**OVERDRIVE **(state of intense activity)"} {"Clue":"Cart ignoring first symbol on road sign (5)","Answer":"ARROW","Explanation":"Definition: symbol on road sign\n**BARROW** (small cart) **excluding the initial letter** (ignoring first) **B**\n **ARROW**\n\n**ARROW** (symbol frequently seen on road signs)"} {"Clue":"Passage connecting successfully into barrels in Kent town (9,5)","Answer":"TUNBRIDGE WELLS","Explanation":"Definition: Kent town\n(**BRIDGE **[connecting or transitional passage in music] **+ WELL** [successfully]) **contained in** (into) **TUNS** (barrels)\n **TUN** (**BRIDGE** **WELL**) **S**\n\n**TUNBRIDGE WELLS** (town in Kent)"} {"Clue":"Long-winded poem swallows half of book (7)","Answer":"VERBOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Long-winded\n**VERSE** (poem) **containing** (swallows) **BO** (**2 of the 4 letters** [half of] of **BO****OK**)\n **VER** (**BO**) **SE**\n\n**VERBOSE** (wordy; long-winded)"} {"Clue":"Rebels imprisoning family with son showing dangerous attitude (9)","Answer":"RISKINESS","Explanation":"Definition: dangerous attitude\n(**RISES** [revolts; rebels] **containing** [imprisoning) **KIN **[family])** + S** (son)\n **RIS** (**KIN**) **ES** **S**\n\n**RISKINESS** (dangerous attitude)"} {"Clue":"Look for getting high, inhaling new joints \u2026 (5)","Answer":"KNEES","Explanation":"Definition: joints\n**SEEK** (look for) **reversed** (getting high; down clue) **containing** (inhaling) **N** (new)\n **K** (**N**) **EES**<\n\n**KNEES **(joints)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 ecstatic, ingesting tab, getting very high (8)","Answer":"ELEVATED","Explanation":"Definition: high\n**ELATED** (ecstatic) **containing** (ingesting) **E** (ecstasy tablet; tab) and also** containing** (getting) **V** (very)\n **EL** (**E V**) **ATED**\n\n**ELEVATED** (high)"} {"Clue":"Amount of data from most of sample (5)","Answer":"BYTES","Explanation":"Definition: Amount of data \n**BY** (from) **+ TEST** (sample) **excluding the final letter** (most of) **T**\n **BY TES**\n\n**BYTES** (set of usually eight binary digits [bits] considered as a unit; amount of data)"} {"Clue":"Mean to claim head off court servant (7)","Answer":"AVERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Mean\n**AVER** (allege as a fact; claim) **+ PAGE** (court servant) **excluding the first letter** (head off) **P**\n **AVER AGE**\n\n**AVERAGE **(arithmetic mean)"} {"Clue":"Bill turned up around old ship (4)","Answer":"BOAT","Explanation":"Definition: ship\n**TAB **(bill) **reversed** (turned up; down clue) **containing** (around) **O** (old)\n **B** (**O**) **AT**<\n\n**BOAT** (ship)"} {"Clue":"Pitiless truth represented in film (3-6)","Answer":"CUT-THROAT","Explanation":"Definition: Pitiless\n**Anagram of **(represented) **TRUTH** **contained in** (in) **COAT** (covering; layer; film)\n **C** (**UT THR***) **OAT**\n\n**CUT-THROAT** (ruthless; pitiless)"} {"Clue":"High honour in coming in to reduce hate (9)","Answer":"ABOMINATE","Explanation":"Definition: hate\n(**OM **[Order of Merit; high honour] **+ IN**) **contained in** (coming in to) **ABATE** (reduce)\n **AB** (**OM IN**) **ATE**\n\n**ABOMINATE **(abhor; hate)"} {"Clue":"Insect boy picked up beside one road (8)","Answer":"LADYBIRD","Explanation":"Definition: Insect\n**LAD** **+ BY** (beside) **reversed** (picked up; down clue) **+ I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ RD** (road)\n **LAD** **YB**< **I** **RD**\n\n**LADYBIRD** (an insect)"} {"Clue":"Desk and other things turning up in possession of the French navy (7)","Answer":"LECTERN","Explanation":"Definition: Desk\n**ETC** (et cetera; other things) **reversed **(turning up; down clue) **contained in** (in [the] possession of) (**LE** [one of the French forms of 'the'] **+ RN** [{Royal} navy])\n **LE** (**CTE**<) **RN**\n\n**LECTERN **(reading-desk)"} {"Clue":"Bird of prey picked up vegetable, strong in grip (7)","Answer":"KESTREL","Explanation":"Definition: Bird of prey\n**STR** (strong) **contained in** (in grip) **LEEK** (vegetable) **reversed** (picked up; down clue)\n **KE** (**STR**) **EL**<\n\n**KESTREL** (bird of prey)"} {"Clue":"Low point provides new attitude about depth (5)","Answer":"NADIR","Explanation":"Definition: Low point\n**N** (new) **+** (**AIR** [attitude] **containing** [about] **D** [depth])\n **N** **A** (**D**) **IR**\n\n**NADIR **(lowest point of anything)"} {"Clue":"Angry outburst observed on the radio? (5)","Answer":"SCENE","Explanation":"Definition: Angry outburst \n**SCENE** (**sounds like** [on the radio] **SEEN** [observed])\n **SCENE**\n\n**SCENE** (unseemly display of feelings, such as an angry outburst)"} {"Clue":"Church features mostly cleaned up (4)","Answer":"PEWS","Explanation":"Definition: Church features\n**SWEPT **(cleaned) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **T** and **reversed** (up; down clue)\n **PEWS**<\n\n**PEWS** (fixed benches in a church)"} {"Clue":"Staff reaching a point with 50% of children going back into some form of education (4)","Answer":"PIKE","Explanation":"Definition: Staff reaching a point\n**KI****DS** (children) **excluding DS** (2 of the 4 [50%] the letters) so leaving just the other 50%, **reversed** (going back) and **contained in** (into) **PE** (physical education)\n **P** (**IK**<) **E**\n\n**PIKE **(weapon with a long shaft and a sharp head like a spear; pole [staff] reaching a point)"} {"Clue":"Cleaner scrubbing back of entrance (4)","Answer":"CHAR","Explanation":"Definition: Cleaner\n**CHARM** (entrance) **excluding the final letter** (scrubbing back) **M**\n **CHAR**\n\n**CHAR** (cleaner)"} {"Clue":"Roughly stripped and beaten for being into gruesome stuff (5)","Answer":"GHOUL","Explanation":"Definition: being into gruesome stuff\n**Anagram of **(beaten) **R****OUGHL****Y** **excluding the outer letters** (stripped) **R** and **Y**\n **GHOUL***\n\n**GHOUL **(person [being] of gruesome or revolting habits or tastes)"} {"Clue":"New screw turned and extracted again (7)","Answer":"REDRAWN","Explanation":"Definition: extracted again\n(**N** [new] **+ WARDER** [screw is a slang term for a prison **WARDER**]) **all reversed** (turned)\n (**REDRAW** **N**)<\n\n**REDRAWN** (**DRAWN** again; extracted again)"} {"Clue":"Drafts guards as well as soldiers (7)","Answer":"PLATOON","Explanation":"Definition: soldiers\n**PLAN** (draft) **containing** (guards) **TOO** (as well)\n **PLA** (**TOO**) **N**\n\n**PLATOON** (small body of soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Star with a gorgeous figure? (8,4)","Answer":"HEAVENLY BODY","Explanation":"Definition: Star\n**HEAVENLY** (beautiful; gorgeous) **+ BODY** (figure)\n **HEAVENLY BODY**\n\n**HEAVENLY BODY** (a star is an example)"} {"Clue":"Sucker is about to call shortly (6)","Answer":"SIPHON","Explanation":"Definition: Sucker\n**IS** **reversed** (about) **+ PHONE** (call) **excluding the last letter** (shortly) **E**\n **SI**<** PHON**\n\n**SIPHON** (a bent tube or channel by which a liquid may be drawn off over a higher point to a lower level; a sucker)"} {"Clue":"High-flier's appearance embodying right pedigree (8)","Answer":"AIRLINER","Explanation":"Definition: High-flier\n**AIR** (appearance) **containing** (embodying) (**R** [right] **+ LINE** [pedigree])\n **AI **(**R ****LINE**) **R**\n\n**AIRLINER **(plane that flies high)"} {"Clue":"Housing engineer left immediately to build extension? (8)","Answer":"LENGTHEN","Explanation":"Definition: build extension\n(**L** [left] **+ THEN** {immediately]) **containing** (housing) **ENG** (engineer)\n **L** (**ENG**) **THEN**\n\n**LENGTHEN** (build an extension)"} {"Clue":"Get fidgety when jet gains minutes but loses time (6)","Answer":"SQUIRM","Explanation":"Definition: Get fidgety \n**SQUIRT** (throw out in a jet) **excluding** (loses) **T** (time) **+ M **(minutes)\n **SQUIR ****M**\n\n**SQUIRM** (display or feel deep discomfort or distress; get fidgety)"} {"Clue":"Determining strength of evidence is confused by conclusion of judges and jurors (12)","Answer":"DECISIVENESS","Explanation":"Definition: Determining strength \n**Anagram of** (confused) **EVIDENCE IS** **+ SS** (**last letters** [conclusion of] each of **JUDGES** and **JUROR****S**)\n **DECISIVENE*** **SS**\n\n**DECISIVENESS** (strength of making decisions; strength of determining )"} {"Clue":"Leading suspect got involved in a row? (7)","Answer":"ALIGNED","Explanation":"Definition: in a row\n**Anagram of **(suspect) **LEADING**\n **ALIGNED***\n\n**ALIGNED** (arranged in a row)"} {"Clue":"Made out viewer heard \"suitable\" piece of material (7)","Answer":"NECKTIE","Explanation":"Definition: \"suitable\" piece of material\n**NECKT** (**sounds like** [heard] **NECKED** [made a **NECK** on {kissed amorously; made out}]) **+ IE** (**sounds like** [heard] **EYE** [viewer])\n **NECKT IE**\n\n**NECKTIE** (band of fabric tied round the neck under the collar and usually hanging down in front; frequently worn with a suit, so a \"suitable\" piece of material)"} {"Clue":"Fish use appendages to move with less effort (5)","Answer":"SKATE","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\n**SKATE** (glide [move with less effort] on ice by wearing appendages designed to help you do so)\n **SKATE**\n\n**SKATE** (type of fish) double definition"} {"Clue":"Find fault with motoring organisation about parking (4)","Answer":"CARP","Explanation":"Definition: Find fault with\n**RAC** (Royal Automobile Club; motoring organisation) **reversed** (about) **+**** P** (parking)\n **CAR**< **P**\n\n**CARP** (find fault with)"} {"Clue":"Singing primarily associated with someone into jazz (4)","Answer":"SCAT","Explanation":"Definition: Singing primarily associated with someone into jazz\n**S** (**first letter of** [primarily] **SINGING**) **+ CAT** (slang term for a jazz fan)\n **S CAT**\n\n**SCAT** (a jazz term describing the use of nonsense syllables and other wordless effects in singing)"} {"Clue":"Place to sit on high in a church (5)","Answer":"PERCH","Explanation":"Definition: Place to sit on high\n**PER** (each; a) **+ CH** (church)\n **PER CH**\n\n**PERCH** (high seat)"} {"Clue":"Pretend lying unconsciously is wrong (10)","Answer":"KIDNAPPING","Explanation":"Definition: wrong\n**KID** (pretend) **+ NAPPING** (sleeping; lying unconsciously)\n **KID NAPPING**\n\n**KIDNAPPING** (a crime; a wrong)"} {"Clue":"Name that could open doors for you (6)","Answer":"HANDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Name\n**HANDLE** (a part by which a door is opened)\n **HANDLE**\n\n**HANDLE** (one's name) double definition"} {"Clue":"The Queen's backed out here (8)","Answer":"REPUBLIC","Explanation":"Definition: The Queen's backed out here\n**ER** (Elizabeth Regina; Queen) **reversed** (backed) **+ PUBLIC** (out in the open)\n **RE**< **PUBLIC**\n\n**REPUBLIC** (form of government without a monarch, in which the supreme power is vested in the people and their elected representatives)"} {"Clue":"Fine words conquer 25 unexpectedly (14)","Answer":"GRANDILOQUENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Fine words\n**Anagram of **(unexpectedly) **CONQUER ALIGNED** (entry at 25 across)\n **G****R****ANDIL****OQUENC****E***\n\n**GRANDILOQUENCE** (use of pompous or extravagant language, especially in a way that is intended to impress; fine words)"} {"Clue":"What could be played by homeless guy for Hackney Empire's audience (4)","Answer":"OBOE","Explanation":"Definition: What could be played\n**OBOE** (**sounds like** [audience] '**OBO** [how a Cockney [native of the area around Hackney Empire] would pronounce **HOBO** [homeless person])\n **OBOE**\n\n**OBOE** (musical instrument; something that can be played)"} {"Clue":"Heather's surviving without sex (4)","Answer":"LING","Explanation":"Definition: Heather\n**LIVING** (surviving) **excluding** (without) **VI** (Bradford's Crossword Solver's Dictionary gives **VI** as a synonym for sex. I think it is based on the prefix form of sex- [sixfold])\n **LING**\n\n**LING** (heather)"} {"Clue":"Increase in liquidity creating bubble that adversely affects members (5,2,3,4)","Answer":"WATER ON THE KNEE","Explanation":"Definition: Increase in liquidity creating bubble that adversely affects members\n**WATER ON THE KNEE** (accumulation of serous fluid in the knee joint, presumably creating a bubble that pushes out the skin to cause a swelling)\n **WATER ON THE KNEE**\n\n**WATER ON THE KNEE** (the effect of **WATER ON THE KNEE** will adversely affect a person's legs [members])"} {"Clue":"Emotionless soldier is close to defeat in heroic story (10)","Answer":"ANTISEPTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Emotionless\n**ANT** (reference a soldier **ANT**)** + IS + T** (**last letter of** [close to] **DEFEAT**) **contained in** [in] **EPIC** [heroic story])\n **ANT** **IS** **EP** (**T**) **IC**\n\n**ANTISEPTIC** (emotionless)"} {"Clue":"Assassin showing no signs of hesitation set up snare? (4)","Answer":"DRUM","Explanation":"Definition: snare\n**MURDERER** (assassin)** excluding** (showing no) (**ER** [expression showing sign of hesitation] **+ ER** [expression showing sign of hesitation] \u2013 i.e. no signs of hesitation) **reversed** (set up; down clue)\n **DRUM**<\n\n**DRUM** (reference a snare DRUM)"} {"Clue":"Unique sound of Motown on the radio (4)","Answer":"SOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Unique\n**SOLE** (sounds like [on the radio] **SOUL** [type of music favoured by the Motown record label])\n **SOLE**\n\n**SOLE** (only; unique)"} {"Clue":"Malicious sprite associated with verses having repetitious spells?(8)","Answer":"PERIODIC","Explanation":"Definition: having repetitious spells\n**PERI** (in Persian mythology, a beautiful but malevolent being with supernatural powers) **+ ODIC** (relating to poetry; associated with verses)\n **PERI ODIC**\n\n**PERIODIC **(recurring regularly in the same order; having repetitious spells)"} {"Clue":"Meal and wine served up outside hostelry (6)","Answer":"DINNER","Explanation":"Definition: Meal\n**RED** (wine) **reversed** (served up; down clue) **containing** (outside) **INN** (hostelry)\n **D** (**INN**) **ER**<\n\n**DINNER** (meal)"} {"Clue":"Process to extract metal gave off noxious fumes (5)","Answer":"SMELT","Explanation":"Definition: Process to extract metal\n**SMELT** (gave off noxious fumes)\n **SMELT**\n\n**SMELT** (melting process to separate metal from ore) double definition"} {"Clue":"Singer who sounds low \u2026 (4)","Answer":"BASS","Explanation":"Definition: Singer \n**BASS** (**sounds** like [sounds] **BASE** [low in place or value])\n **BASS**\n\n**BASS** (a singer who delivers the lowest part in music)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 is very keen to make a comeback (4)","Answer":"DIVA","Explanation":"Definition: \u2026\n**AVID** (very keen) **reversed** (make a comeback)\n **DIVA**<\n\n**DIVA** (great female singer, esp an operatic prima donna) This clue is linked to the previous one (\u2026) and the definition [singer] is found in 23 across"} {"Clue":"Such as Quasimodo producing ring in big belfry's No. 1, swinging (5)","Answer":"GOBBI","Explanation":"Definition: Such as Quasimodo\n**Anagram of **(swinging) **O** (ring-shaped character) and** BIG **and** B** (**first letter of **[no 1] **BELFRY**)\n **GOBBI***\n\n**GOBBI **(hunchbacks, like Quasimodo))"} {"Clue":"Constellation as above alongside Libra aloft (5)","Answer":"LUPUS","Explanation":"Definition: Constellation\n**L** (libra) **+ UP** (aloft) **+ US** (ut supra; as above)\n **L UP US**\n\n**LUPUS** (constellation in the southern hemisphere)"} {"Clue":"Mount horse with Arab leading, please, in the old-fashioned way (6)","Answer":"ARRIDE","Explanation":"Definition: please, in the old-fashioned way\n**AR** (Arab) **+ RIDE** (go on horseback; mount horse)\n **AR RIDE**\n\n**ARRIDE** (archaic [in the old-fashioned way] word for 'to please')"} {"Clue":"Seizure: without doctor, more pain needing treatment (6)","Answer":"RAPINE","Explanation":"Definition: Seizure\n**Anagram of **(needing treatment) **MORE PAIN** **excluding** (without) **MO** (Medical Officer; doctor)\n **RAPINE***\n\n**RAPINE** (seizure)"} {"Clue":"\n Snap, right inside barge, showing young fish (8)","Answer":"PICKEREL","Explanation":"Definition: young fish\n**PIC** (picture; snap) **+** (**R** [right] **contained in** [inside] **KEEL** [barge])\n **PIC** **KE** (**R**) **EL**\n\n**PICKEREL** (young pike; young fish)"} {"Clue":"Odoriferous section of school entry (5)","Answer":"OLENT","Explanation":"Definition: Odoriferous\n**OLENT** (**hidden word in** [section of] **SCHOOL ENTRY**)\n **OLENT**\n\n**OLENT** (having a smell; odoriferous)"} {"Clue":"Hear this for anguish, Charley? (5)","Answer":"TACHE","Explanation":"Definition: Charley\n**HEAR** **+ TACHE** (the entry; this) form the word **HEARTACHE** [anguish])\n **TACHE**\n\n**TACHE** (moustache; Charley can also be defined as a\u00a0small moustache, resembling that worn by *Charlie* Chaplin)"} {"Clue":"\n I'd tea with vicar, flourishing fork (10)","Answer":"DIVARICATE","Explanation":"Definition: fork\n**Anagram of** (flourishing) **I'D TEA** and **VICAR**\n **DI****VARICATE***\n\n**DIVARICATE** (to fork)"} {"Clue":"Like a trap catching tailless blindworm, bloodthirsty (10)","Answer":"SANGUINARY","Explanation":"Definition: bloodthirsty\n**SNARY** (like a **SNAR**e; like a trap) **containing** (catching) **ANGUI****S** (the generic name of the blindworm) **excluding the final letter** (tailless) **S**\n **S** (**ANGUI**) **NARY**\n\n**SANGUINARY** (bloodthirsty)"} {"Clue":"Jock's suppressed giggle passing triplets back (5)","Answer":"SNIRT","Explanation":"Definition: Jock's suppressed giggle\n**TRINS** (triplets) **reversed** (passing \u2026 back)\n **SNIRT**<\n\n**SNIRT** (Scottish word for a smothered laugh; Jock's suppressed giggle)"} {"Clue":"Robot to follow course with moon landing craft (5)","Answer":"GOLEM","Explanation":"Definition: Robot\n**GO** (follow course) **+ LEM** (Lunar Excursion Module; moon landing craft)\n **GO LEM**\n\n**GOLEM** (robot)"} {"Clue":"Toe part's misshapen \u2013 it's prone to the big C (8)","Answer":"PROSTATE","Explanation":"Definition: t's prone to the big C\n**Anagram of** (misshapen) **TOE PART'S**\n **PR****O****S****T****AT****E***\n\n**PROSTATE** (a gland in males at the neck of the bladder, an element of the body prone to cancer [big C])"} {"Clue":"Plant ovaries, end buried in earmarked areas (8)","Answer":"STIPITES","Explanation":"Definition: Plant ovaries\n**TIP** (end) **contained in** (buried in) **SITES** (areas set aside for some specific purposes)\n **S** (**TIP**) **ITES**\n\n**STIPITES** (plant ovaries)"} {"Clue":"Bits of bardic verse sung initially with German dances (6)","Answer":"STANZE","Explanation":"Definition: Bits of bardic verse\n**S** (**first letter of** [initially] **SUNG**) **+ T\u00c4NZE** (German for dances)\n **S TANZE**\n\n**STANZE** (Shakespearean [bardic] word for a group of lines of verse forming a definite pattern)"} {"Clue":"One must follow scent to find this mineral (6)","Answer":"NOSEAN","Explanation":"Definition: mineral\n**NOSE **(scent) **+ AN** (one)\n **NOSE AN**\n\n**NOSEAN** (a cubic mineral, aluminium sodium silicate and sulphate)"} {"Clue":"Skin disease represented by Greek letter? (5)","Answer":"TINEA","Explanation":"Definition: Skin disease\nThe Greek letter **ETA** could be described as (represented by)\u00a0**T IN\u00a0EA**\n **T ****IN**** ****EA**\n\n**TINEA** (any of several skin diseases caused by fungi)"} {"Clue":"Recurrent sins involving stimulant drug? Press close (5)","Answer":"SERRE","Explanation":"Definition: Press close\n**ERRS** (sins) **reversed** (recurrent) **containing** (involving) **E** (ecstasy; stimulant drug)\n **S** (**E**) **RRE**<\n\n**SERRE **(press close)"} {"Clue":"Tool like this? It's designed to help speed cops (5)","Answer":"GATSO","Explanation":"Definition: It's designed to help speed cops\n**GAT **(gun; tool) **+ SO** (like this)\n **GAT SO**\n\n**GATSO** (brand name of an automatic photographic device used to identify vehicles exceeding the speed limit; speed camera)"} {"Clue":"Projection to protect defensive weapons, badly installed by hunter (8)","Answer":"ORILLION","Explanation":"Definition: Projection to protect defensive weapons\n**ILL** (badly) **contained in** (installed by) **ORION** (a great hunter in Greek mythology)\n **OR** (**ILL**) **ION**\n\n**ORILLION** (semicircular projection at the shoulder of a bastion intended to cover the guns and defenders on the flank)"} {"Clue":"Defy Aviemore slope, very wrapped up (5)","Answer":"BRAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Defy\n**BRAE **(Scottish [Aviemore] hill slope or bank) **containin**g (wrapped up) **V** (very)\n **BRA** (**V**) **E**\n\n**BRAVE** (meet boldly; defy)"} {"Clue":"Very ancient people from Namibia denied independence, vagrant (6)","Answer":"BIMANA","Explanation":"Definition: Very ancient people\n**Anagram of** (vagrant) **NAMIBIA** **excluding** (denied) **I** (independence) \n **BIMANA***\n\n**BIMANA** (obsolete [very ancient] name for mankind)"} {"Clue":"Dapper git we spotted swaggering round Italy in a hairpiece (12)","Answer":"PERIWIG-PATED","Explanation":"Definition: in a hairpiece\n**Anagram of** (swaggering) **DAPPER GIT WE** **containing** (spotted around) **I** (International Vehicle Registration for Italy)\n **PERIW **(**I**)** G****-PA****TE****D***\n\n**PERIWIG-PATED** (wearing a **WIG**; in a hairpiece)"} {"Clue":"\n Small branches about closed in green activity \u2013 part of trade war? (12)","Answer":"PRICE-CUTTING","Explanation":"Definition: part of trade war\n(**RICE** [small branches] **+ C** [circa]) **contained in** (closed in]) **PUTTING** (activity undertaken on a green in golf)\n **P** (**RICE C**) **UTTING**\n\n**PRICE-CUTTING** (lowering of **PRICE**s\u00a0to secure custom., something possibly done as part of trade war)"} {"Clue":"Optimistic (6)","Answer":"UPBEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Optimistic\nThis is the competition clue \u2013 definition only, no wordplay\n **UPBEAT**\n\n**UPBEAT** (optimistic)"} {"Clue":"Punch holes in article about what's central for Boris (6)","Answer":"PIERCE","Explanation":"Definition: Punch holes in\n**PIECE** (single article) **containing** (about) **R** (**middle letter of** [what's central to] **BORIS**)\n **PIE** (**R**) **CE**\n\n**PIERCE** (punch holes in)"} {"Clue":"Pound extracted from moneylender \u2013 or only a fraction of that in Scotland (4)","Answer":"UNCE","Explanation":"Definition: only a fraction of that in Scotland\n**UNCLE **(pawnbroker; moneylender) **excluding** (extracted from) **L** (pound sterling)\n **UNCE**\n\n**UNCE** (Scottish form of ounce; fraction of a pound [weight])"} {"Clue":"Eels mixed with ray where sea creatures breed (7)","Answer":"SEALERY","Explanation":"Definition: where sea creatures breed\n**Anagram of** (mixed) **EELS** and **RAY**\n **SEALERY***\n\n**SEALERY** (place where **SEAL**s are raised for commercial purposes)"} {"Clue":"Umbellifer mostly replaced when there's raw mist around (8)","Answer":"HARE","Explanation":"Definition: Umbellifer\n**HAAR** (raw sea-mist) **containing** (around) **RESE****T** (set again; replace) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **T**\n **HA** (**RE'S E**) **AR**\n\n**HARE'S-EAR** (umbelliferous plant (*Bupleurum*, various species) with yellow flowers)"} {"Clue":"Remove from position those with a drink problem, central pair having changed places over time (7)","Answer":"DISPOST","Explanation":"Definition: Remove from position\n**DIPSOS** (people with intermittent pathological cravings for alcoholic stimulants) **with the central letters PS** **changing places to form** **SP** **+ T** (time)\n **DISPOS** **T**\n\n**DISPOST**** **(remove from position)"} {"Clue":"Like some American natives roaming in USA, Omaha initially (6)","Answer":"SIOUAN","Explanation":"Definition: Like some American natives\n**Anagram of **(roaming) **IN USA** and **O** (**first letter of** [initially] **OMAHA**)\n **S****IO****UA****N***\n\n**SIOUAN** (relating to the **SIOUX** native American people)"} {"Clue":"Poisonous gas in war's inexcusable (6)","Answer":"ARSINE","Explanation":"Definition: Poisonous gas \n**ARSINE** (**hidden word in** [in] **WAR'S INEXCUSABLE**)\n **ARSINE**\n\n**ARSINE** (the poisonous gas, hydride of arsenic)"} {"Clue":"Interference involving women? Indication of firm denial (6)","Answer":"NOWISE","Explanation":"Definition: Indication of firm denial\n**NOISE** (interfernece) **containing** (involving) **W** (women)\n **NO** (**W**) **ISE**\n\n**NOWISE** (in no way, manner or degree; firm denial)"} {"Clue":"Musician not following another (5)","Answer":"LUTER","Explanation":"Definition: another\n**FLUTER** (musician playing a **FLUTE**) **excluding** (not) **F** (following)\n **LUTE**\n\n**LUTER** (musician playing a **LUTE**)"} {"Clue":"The old complain about introduction of shortage \u2013 law's intervening (5)","Answer":"MESNE","Explanation":"Definition: aw's intervening\n**MENE** (Shakespearean [old] word for lament or moan; the old complain) **containing** (about) **S** (**first letter of **[introduction of **SHORTAGE**])\n **ME** (**S**) **NE**\n\n**MESNE** (a legal term for intermediate; intermediate can be defined as intervening)"} {"Clue":"Bread showing sign of going bad \u2013 it's half off (4)","Answer":"ROTI","Explanation":"Definition: Bread\n**ROT** (decay; go bad) **+ IT** **excluding** (off) **T** which is **one of the tw**o [half] **letters forming the word**\n **ROT I**\n\n**ROTI** (in Indian and Caribbean cooking, a cake of unleavened bread)"} {"Clue":"Use a tool and slice hot bananas (6)","Answer":"CHISEL","Explanation":"Definition: Use a tool\n**Anagram of** (bananas) **H** (hot) and **SLICE**\n **C****H****ISEL***\n\n**CHISEL** (use a specific tool)"} {"Clue":"Believe in legal position, constrained by gutless coroner (8)","Answer":"CONSIDER","Explanation":"Definition: Believe\n**ONSIDE** (a position approved by the law, e.g. in football) **contained in** (constrained by) **CR** (l**etters remaining in CORONER** **when the central letters** **ORONE** **are removed** [gutless])\n **C** (**ONSIDE**) **R**\n\n**CONSIDER** (believe)"} {"Clue":"Notice absorbing card game gets curtailed (8)","Answer":"ABRIDGED","Explanation":"Definition: curtailed\n**AD** (advertisement; notice) **containing** (absorbing) **BRIDGE** (card game)\n **A** (**BRIDGE**) **D**\n\n**ABRIDGED** (curtailed)"} {"Clue":"Smoking not good for diver (6)","Answer":"PUFFIN","Explanation":"Definition: diver\n**PUFFING** (emitting smoke; smoking) **excluding the final letter** (not) **G** (good)\n **PUFFIN**\n\n**PUFFIN** (diving bird)"} {"Clue":"Sorts cellar by phone or text (10)","Answer":"TYPESCRIPT","Explanation":"Definition: text\n**TYPES** (sorts) **+ CRIPT** (**sounds like** [by phone] **CRYPT** [cellar])\n **TYPES CRIPT**\n\n**TYPESCRIPT** (text)"} {"Clue":"Scrap lorry that doesn't start (4)","Answer":"RUCK","Explanation":"Definition: Scrap\n**TRUCK** (lorry) **excluding the first letter** (doesn't start) **T**\n **RUCK**\n\n**RUCK** (fight; scrap)"} {"Clue":"Assistant nonetheless gets energy lozenge (8)","Answer":"PASTILLE","Explanation":"Definition: lozenge\n**PA** (Personal Assistant) **+ STILL **(yet; nonetheless) **+ E** (energy)\n **PA STILL E**\n\n**PASTILLE** (small [often medicated] sweet; lozenge)"} {"Clue":"Mantle is able to work before Casualty's termination (6)","Answer":"CANOPY","Explanation":"Definition: Mantle\n**CAN** (is able to) **+ OP** (opus; work) **+ Y** (**last letter of** [termination] **CASUALT****Y**)\n **CAN OP Y**\n\n**CANOPY** (a covering or mantle)"} {"Clue":"I like dunce's cap to be of remarkable quality (6)","Answer":"ICONIC","Explanation":"Definition: of remarkable quality\n**I + CONIC** (shaped like a dunce's cap)\n **I CONIC**\n\n**ICONIC **(anything venerated or uncritically admired; of remarkable quality)"} {"Clue":"French bridge player to refuse to accept deal ultimately, without warning (8)","Answer":"SUDDENLY","Explanation":"Definition: without warning\n**SUD** (French for South; French bridge player) **+** (**DENY** [refuse] **containing** [to accept] **L** [**last letter of **{ultimately} **DEAL**])\n **SUD** **DEN** (**L**) **Y**\n\n**SUDDENLY** (without warning)"} {"Clue":"Ariadne regularly provides help (4)","Answer":"AIDE","Explanation":"Definition: help\n**AIDE** (**letters 1,3, 5 and 7** [regularly] of **ARIADNE**)\n **AIDE**\n\n**AIDE** (someone who provides assistance; a help)"} {"Clue":"Jiffy found with body fluid in caravan? (6,4)","Answer":"MOBILE HOME","Explanation":"Definition: caravan\n**MO** (moment; jiffy) **+ BILE **(bodily fluid) **+ HOME** (at **HOME**; in)\n **MO BILE HOME**\n\n**MOBILE HOME** (caravan)"} {"Clue":"Iron crease for Tom, perhaps (6)","Answer":"FELINE","Explanation":"Definition: Tom, perhaps\n**FE** (chemical symbol for iron) **+ LINE** (crease)\n **FE LINE**\n\n**FELINE **(a **TOM** cat is one example of a **FELINE**)"} {"Clue":"Senselessness of outside broadcast; 6 eaten by 25 (8)","Answer":"OBLIVION","Explanation":"Definition: Senselessness\n**OB** (outside broadcast) **+** (**VI** [Roman numerals for six] **contained in** [eaten by] **LION** [example of a **FELINE** [25 across])\n **OB** **LI** (**VI**) **ON**\n\n**OBLIVION** (state of being unconscious; senselessness)"} {"Clue":"Partly persuade the realists to become spiritual (8)","Answer":"ETHEREAL","Explanation":"Definition: spiritual\n**ETHEREAL** (hidden word in [partly] **PERSUADE THE REALISTS**)\n **ETHEREAL**\n\n**ETHEREAL **(spirit-like)"} {"Clue":"Remove coat in boring task to catch insect (6)","Answer":"HORNET","Explanation":"Definition: insect\n**CHORE** (boring task) **excludng the outer letters** (removing coat) **C** and **E** + **NET** (catch)\n **HOR NET**\n\n**HORNET** (an insect)"} {"Clue":"One could be painting things like the top of an oven? (5)","Answer":"HOBBY","Explanation":"Definition: One could be painting\n**HOBBY** (like a **HOB**; like the top of an oven)\n **HOBBY**\n\n**HOBBY** (some people take up painting as a **HOBBY**)"} {"Clue":"Capture 16 in Mont-Saint-Michel (5)","Answer":"SEIZE","Explanation":"Definition: Capture\n**SEIZE** (capture)\n **SEIZE**\n\n**SEIZE** (French [Mont-Saint-Michel] word for 16) double definition"} {"Clue":"Most of spirit in pub is reasonable (7)","Answer":"LOGICAL","Explanation":"Definition: reasonable\n**GIN** (alcoholic spirit) **excluding the last letter** (most of) **N** **contained in** (in) **LOCAL** (pub)\n **LO** (**GI**) **CAL**\n\n**LOGICAL** (reasoning correctly; reasonable)"} {"Clue":"Overheard one of two church administrators possibly supplying opiate (7)","Answer":"CODEINE","Explanation":"Definition: opiate\n**CODEINE** (**sounds like** [overheard] **CO DEAN** [one of two church administrators])\n **CODEINE**\n\n**CODEINE** (an alkaloid, derived from morphine, used as an analgesic and antitussive; opiate)"} {"Clue":"Conservative and independent to write about showing favouritism (7)","Answer":"NEPOTIC","Explanation":"Definition: showing favouritism\n(**C** [Conservative] **+ I** [independent] **+ TO + PEN** [write]) **all reversed** (about)\n (**NEP ****OT**** ****I**** ****C**)<\n\n**NEPOTIC** (showing undue favouritism to one's relations and close friends)"} {"Clue":"Queen punches popular trader in Reading (9)","Answer":"INFERENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Reading\n**ER** (Elizabeth Regina [Queen]) **contained in** (punches) (**IN** [popular] **+ FENCE** [trader in stolen goods])\n **IN** **F** (**ER**) **ENCE**\n\n**INFERENCE** (interpretation; deduction; reading)"} {"Clue":"Doctor copies friend of bishops (9)","Answer":"EPISCOPAL","Explanation":"Definition: of bishops\n**Anagram of** (doctor) **COPIES** **+ PAL** (friend)\n **EPISCO*** **PAL**\n\n**EPISCOPAL** (belonging to or vested in bishops)"} {"Clue":"Designer of bow affected by shocking treatment (9)","Answer":"ARCHITECT","Explanation":"Definition: Designer\n**ARC** (bow) **+ HIT** (affected by, an illness for example) + **ECT** (elecroconvulsive therapy)\n **ARC** **HIT**** ECT**\n\n**ARCHITECT** (designer of buildings)"} {"Clue":"I resented being forced to beat meat (9)","Answer":"TENDERISE","Explanation":"Definition: beat meat\n**Anagram of **(being forced to)** I RESENTED**\n **TENDERISE*******\n\n**TENDERISE **(to break down the connective tissue of (meat) so as to make it tender, either by pounding or by applying a chemical or marinade)"} {"Clue":"He introduces politician before going after commanding officer (7)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: He introduces\n**CO** (Commanding Officer) **+ MP** (Member of Parliament; politician) + **ERE** (before)\n **CO MP ERE**\n\n**COMP\u00c8RE** (host; he introduces)"} {"Clue":"Replaces fossil fuel that is found just below the surface (7)","Answer":"SUBSOIL","Explanation":"Definition: that is found just below the surface\n**SUBS** (substitutes; replaces) **+ OIL** (a fossil fuel)\n **SUB S** **OIL**\n\n**SUBSOIL** (a layer of broken or partly weathered rock underlying the surface soil)"} {"Clue":"Old temptress called up to lure in lascivious leader (7)","Answer":"DELILAH","Explanation":"Definition: Old temptress\n**HAILED** (called) **reversed** (up; down clue) **containing** (to lure in) **L** (**first letter of** [leader] **LASCIVIOUS**)\n **DELI **(**L**) **AH**<\n\n**DELILAH** (the Philistine woman who tricked Samson [Bible, Judges 16]; old temptress)"} {"Clue":"Fly from Hungary with collection of deliveries (5)","Answer":"HOVER","Explanation":"Definition: Fly\n**H** (International Vehicle Registration for Hungary) **+ OVER** (a collection of deliveries by a bowler in cricket)\n **H OVER**\n\n**HOVER** (fly)"} {"Clue":"Deer and cow noises echo (5)","Answer":"MOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Deer\n**MOOS** (cow noises) **+ E** (echo is the international radio communication code word for the letter **E**)\n **MOOS** **E**\n\n**MOOSE** (the American elk [deer])"} {"Clue":"He worked with Melba tackling Ring opera (2,6)","Answer":"LA BOHEME","Explanation":"Definition: opera\n(**Anagram of** [worked with] **HE** and **MELBA**) **containing** (tackling) **O** (a ring-shaped letter)\n **LA** **B** (**O**) **HE****ME***\n\n**LA BOHEME** (opera by Puccini)"} {"Clue":"Look lad, finish off garden feature! (6)","Answer":"GAZEBO","Explanation":"Definition: garden feature\n**GAZE** (look) **+ BOY** (lad) **excluding the final letter** (finish off) **Y**\n **GAZE** **BO**\n\n**GAZEBO** (summerhouse or other small structure giving a commanding view of the landscape; garden feature)"} {"Clue":"Singer pinches right cheek (5)","Answer":"BRASS","Explanation":"Definition: cheek\n**BASS **(singer of the lowest part in music) **containing** (pinches) **R** (right)\n **B** (**R**) **ASS**\n\n**BRASS** (insolence; sauce)"} {"Clue":"Account, on retirement incurred limit (9)","Answer":"NARRATION","Explanation":"Definition: Account,\n**RAN** (incurred) **reversed** (on retirement) + **RATION** (limit supply of)\n **NAR**< **RATION**\n\n**NARRATION **(account or commentary of or on\u00a0an event)"} {"Clue":"In kind of tart, it ruined taste at first (3,3,3)","Answer":"TIT FOR TAT","Explanation":"Definition: In kind\n**Anagram of** (ruined) **OF TART IT** **+ T** (**initial letter of** [at first] **TASTE**)\n **TIT FOR TA*** **T**\n\n**TIT FOR TAT** (retaliation in kind)"} {"Clue":"A fellow also turns up (5)","Answer":"AFOOT","Explanation":"Definition: up \n**A** **+ F** (fellow) **+ TOO** (also) **reversed** (turns)\n **A F OOT**<\n\n**AFOOT** (happening; up)"} {"Clue":"Right of car is illegally positioned (7)","Answer":"OFFSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Right of car\n**OFFSIDE** (the side of a car nearest the centre of the road when travelling; in the UK that is the right hand side)\n **OFFSIDE**\n\n**OFFSIDE** (illegal position in many sports) double definition"} {"Clue":"Intellectually surpass idiot from Oxford? (6)","Answer":"OUTWIT","Explanation":"Definition: Intellectually surpass\n**OU** (Oxford University) **+ TWIT** (idiot)\n **OU TWIT**\n\n**OUTWIT** (surpass in ingenuity or intellect)"} {"Clue":"Leave without it and midshipman gets sick (6)","Answer":"QUEASY","Explanation":"Definition: sick\n**QU****IT** (leave) **excluding** (without) **IT** **+ EASY** (reference the 1836\u00a0novel Mr Midshipman **EASY** by Frederick Marryat)\n **QU EASY**\n\n**QUEASY** (nauseated; sick)"} {"Clue":"Players prepared for an addition\u00a0to season (7)","Answer":"PARSLEY","Explanation":"Definition: addition\u00a0to season\n**Anagram of **(prepared) **PLAYERS**\n **PARSLEY***\n\n**PARSLEY** (herb used in cookery as a seasoning)"} {"Clue":"Bob interrupts dash to find toilet (5)","Answer":"ELSAN","Explanation":"Definition: toilet\n**S **(shilling, coin of pre-decimal currency in the UK, known informally as a bob) **contained in** (interrupts) **ELAN** (vigour and style; dash)\n **EL** (**S**) **AN**\n\n**ELSAN** (brand name of a type of portable lavatory in which chemicals are used to kill bacteria and destroy smell)"} {"Clue":"Reserve a cape worn by retiring jester (9)","Answer":"ALOOFNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Reserve \n(**A** **+ NESS** [cape]) **containing** (worn by) **FOOL** (jester) **reversed** (retiring)\n **A** (**LOOF**<) **NESS**\n\n**ALOOFNESS** (detachment; reserve)"} {"Clue":"Reportedly strikes base outside large US city (9)","Answer":"KNOXVILLE","Explanation":"Definition: US city\n**KNOX** (sounds like [reportedly] **KNOCKS** [strikes] ) **+ VILE** (base) **containing** (outside) **L** (large)\n **KNOX** **VIL** (**L**) **E**\n\n**KNOXVILLE** (city in the US State of Tennessee)"} {"Clue":"Taking off, aircraft's beginning to make high-pitched sound (5)","Answer":"APING","Explanation":"Definition: Taking off,\n**A** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **AIRCRAFT**) **+ PING** (high-pitched sound)\n **A**** PING**\n\n**APING** (mimicking; taking off)"} {"Clue":"Pronounced poverty will irritate (6)","Answer":"NEEDLE","Explanation":"Definition: irritate\n**NEEDLE** (**sounds like** [pronounced] **NEED** [poverty] + '**LL** [will])\n **NEEDLE**\n\n**NEEDLE** (irritate)"} {"Clue":"Conscious thought male expressed (8)","Answer":"SENTIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Conscious\nI am not sure of the word play here. I think it is possibly composed of parts that are homophones (expressed) of words meaning thought and male, but I can't see how it works.\n **SENTIENT**\n\n**SENTIENT** (conscious)"} {"Clue":"Celebrity goes outside club after one drink (8)","Answer":"LIBATION","Explanation":"Definition: drink\n**LION** (famous or conspicuous person; celebrity) **containing** (goes outside) (**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ BAT** [club])\n **L** (**I BAT**) **ION**\n\n**LIBATION** (alcoholic drink)"} {"Clue":"What cab, but not bus, has for sound of horn? (5)","Answer":"BLAST","Explanation":"Definition: sound of horn\nThe word **CAB** has the **B** as the\u00a0**LAST** letter, but **BUS **does not.\n **B LAST**\n\n**BLAST** (sound of a horn)"} {"Clue":"A clue to it is choral and literary work (10,5)","Answer":"HISTORICAL NOVEL","Explanation":"Definition: A clue to it is choral\nThe words 'I**T IS CHORAL**' could be clued as **HISTORICAL** (anagram fodder) **NOVEL** (anagram indicator)\n **HISTORICAL NOVEL**\n\n**HISTORICAL NOVEL** (literary work) double definition"} {"Clue":"Sea creature needs to come out head last (7)","Answer":"MANATEE","Explanation":"Definition: Sea creature\n**EMANATE** (flow out from) **with the first letter** (head) **E moved to the end** (last) to form **MANATEE**\n **MANATEE**\n\n**MANATEE** (large aquatic herbivorous mammal of the warm parts of the Atlantic and the rivers of Brazil)"} {"Clue":"A funny film initially attracts fame, including Love Actually (2,1,6,2,4)","Answer":"AS A MATTER OF FACT","Explanation":"Definition: Actually\n**A** + (**an anagram of** (funny) **F** (**first letter of** [initially] **FILM**) and **ATTRACTS FAME** **containing** [including] **O** [zero; love score in tennis])\n **A** (**S A ****M****ATT****E****R** (**O**) **F FA****CT***)\n\n**AS A MATTER OF FACT** (actually)"} {"Clue":"Leader's spoken about independence, following rising\u00a0trend (9)","Answer":"EDITORIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Leader\n**TIDE **(trend) **reversed** (rising; down clue) **+** (**ORAL** [spoken] **containing** [about] **I** [independence])\n **EDIT**< **OR** (**I**) **AL**\n\n**EDITORIAL** (article in a newspaper written by the **EDITOR** or a leader writer)"} {"Clue":"Fancy some sweetcorn at eatery? (6)","Answer":"ORNATE","Explanation":"Definition: Fancy\n**ORNATE** (**hidden word in** [some] **SWEETCORN AT EATERY**)\n **ORNATE**\n\n**ORNATE** (decorated; fancy)"} {"Clue":"Skirting river, reached cave (6)","Answer":"GROTTO","Explanation":"Definition: cave\n**GOT TO** (reached) **containing** (skirting) **R** (river)\n **G** (**R**) **OT TO**\n\n**GROTTO** (cave)"} {"Clue":"80 euros for starter in caf\u00e9? That's out of order (9)","Answer":"FOURSCORE","Explanation":"Definition: 80\n**Anagram of** (that's out of order) **EUROS FOR** and **C** (**first letter of** [starter] **CAFE**)\n **F****OURS****COR****E***\n\n**FOURSCORE** (4 * 20 [score] = 80)"} {"Clue":"Group having row secures agreement? That makes sense (8)","Answer":"EYESIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: sense\n**EIGHT** (group of people in an 8 person rowing boat team) **containing** (secures) **YES** (agreement)\n **E** (**YES**) **IGHT**\n\n**EYESIGHT** (one of the five senses)"} {"Clue":"PA's said why beforehand (6)","Answer":"YEARLY","Explanation":"Definition: PA\n**Y** (**sounds like** [said] **WHY**) **+ EARLY** (beforehand)\n **Y EARLY**\n\n**YEARLY** (once a **YEAR**; per annum; PA)"} {"Clue":"Language unit's invitation to get in touch? (7)","Answer":"PHONEME","Explanation":"Definition: Language unit\n**PHONE ME** (invitation to call; invitation to get in touch)\n **PHONE ME**\n\n**PHONEME** (smallest significant unit of sound in a language)"} {"Clue":"Stupid person wearing short coat (6)","Answer":"JERKIN","Explanation":"Definition: short coa\n**JERK** (stupid person) **+ IN** (wearing)\n **JERK IN**\n\n**JERKIN** (short coat or close-fitting waistcoat)"} {"Clue":"Pick hat up close to entrance (5)","Answer":"ELITE","Explanation":"Definition: Pick\n**TILE** (hat) **reversed** (up; down clue) **+ E** (**last letter of** [close to] **ENTRANCE**)\n **ELIT**< **E**\n\n**ELITE** (the pick or best of anything)"} {"Clue":"Object very much encountered in Government around the end of March (9)","Answer":"SOMETHING","Explanation":"Definition: Object\n**SO** (very much) **+** ([**MET** {encountered} **+ IN + G** {government}] **containing** [around] **H** [**final letter of **{end of} **MARCH**]}\n **SO** **MET** (**H**) **IN** **G**\n\n**SOMETHING** (an object)"} {"Clue":"Range currently stocked? At a subsequent time, rather (5)","Answer":"AGAIN","Explanation":"Definition: At a subsequent time, rather\n**AGA** (large, permanently-lit iron stove with multiple ovens, used for cooking and heating; range cooker) **+ IN** (currently stocked)\n **AGA IN**\n\n**AGAIN** (at some future time)"} {"Clue":"Product of cows from meadow yonder? Not entirely (7)","Answer":"LEATHER","Explanation":"Definition: Product of cows\n**LEA** (meadow)** + THERE** (yonder)** excluding the final letter** (not entirely)** E**\n **LEA THER**\n\n**LEATHER** (treated skin, which could be a product from cows hide)"} {"Clue":"Almost fail to involve European city in work on paper (7)","Answer":"ORIGAMI","Explanation":"Definition: work on paper\n**OMIT** (fail to do something) **excluding the final letter** (almost)** T containing** (to involve) **RIGA** (capital city of the European country of Latvia)\n **O** (**RIGA**) **MI**\n\n**ORIGAMI** (\u00a0the Japanese art of folding paper so as to make figures shaped like animals, birds, etc.)"} {"Clue":"Title for man giving nowt ultimately away? (5)","Answer":"MISER","Explanation":"Definition: Title for man giving nowt ultimately away\n**MISTER** (title for addressing a man) **excluding** (giving \u2026 away) **T** (**final letter of** [ultimately]) NOW**T**\n **MISER**\n\n**MISER** (one who hoards wealth and does not spend it unnecessarily; a title descriptive of a man who gives nothing away)"} {"Clue":"Fighter plane brought in faulty, not initially operational (9)","Answer":"EFFECTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: operational\n**F** (fighter plane as in F-15, F-16 etc) **contained in** (brought in) **DEFECTIVE** (faulty) **excluding the first letter** [not initially]) **D**\n **E** (**F**) **FECTIVE**\n\n**EFFECTIVE** (serviceable; operational)"} {"Clue":"Dr Rory, a Scotsman, could be working here (4,3,8)","Answer":"ROSS AND CROMARTY","Explanation":"Definition: here\n**Anagram of** (could be working) **DR RORY A SCOTSMAN**\n **R****OSS**** ****AN****D ****CROMARTY***\n\n**ROSS AND CROMARTY** (one of the old Counties of Scotland, covering an area north and west of Inverness)"} {"Clue":"Mixture of bleach and lye gives you stomach pain (9)","Answer":"BELLYACHE","Explanation":"Definition: stomach pain\n**Anagram of** (mixture of) **BLEACH** and **LYE**\n **BEL****LY****ACH****E***\n\n**BELLYACHE** (stomach pain)"} {"Clue":"German linguist forbidding using repeated letter at the end (5)","Answer":"GRIMM","Explanation":"Definition: German linguist\n**GRIM** (forbidding) **+ M** (**last letter of **[at the end] **GRIM**) thereby using a letter repeatedly at the end\n **GRIM M**\n\n**GRIMM** (reference Jacob Ludwig Karl **GRIMM**\u00a0(1785 \u2013 1863), a German philologist, jurist, and mythologist. He is known as the discoverer of **GRIMM**'s law of linguistics. With his brother he edited **GRIMM**'s Fairy Tales)"} {"Clue":"Wooden weapon with pine front (7)","Answer":"LONGBOW","Explanation":"Definition: Wooden weapon\n**LONG** (yearn; pine) **+ BOW** (front [of a boat])\n **LONG BOW**\n\n**LONGBOW** (historically, a wooden weapon, drawn by hand)"} {"Clue":"Keeps absorbing independent news items (7)","Answer":"STORIES","Explanation":"Definition: news items\n**STORES** (keeps) **containing** (absorbing) **I** (independent)\n **STOR** (**I**) **ES**\n\n**STORIES** (news items)"} {"Clue":"One place for matches involving Rangers primarily? (5)","Answer":"IBROX","Explanation":"Definition: One place for matches involving Rangers primarily\n**I **(Roman numeral for one) **+** (**BOX** [where matches are kept] **containing** [involving] **R** [**first letter of **{primarily} **RANGERS**])\n **I** **B** (**R**) **OX**\n\n**IBROX** (district in Glasgow. **IBROX** stadium is the home of\u00a0[Glasgow] Rangers Football Club)"} {"Clue":"Bird to show affection in two ways (9)","Answer":"SPOONBILL","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\n**SPOON** (indulge in sentimental courtship) **+ BILL** (caress or talk fondly) giving two ways of showing affection\n **SPOON ****BILL**\n\n**SPOONBILL** (any bird of a family similar to the ibises, with long, flat, broad BILL\u00a0SPOON-shaped at the tip)"} {"Clue":"Sanctuary unknown in a degraded area (6)","Answer":"ASYLUM","Explanation":"Definition: Sanctuary\n**Y** (letter frequently used to represent an unknown value in mathematics) **contained in** (in) (**A + SLUM** [overcrowded, squalid neighbourhood.; degraded area])\n **A** **S** (**Y**)** LUM**\n\n**ASYLUM** (a place of refuge; sanctuary)"} {"Clue":"Setter's visas having insuperable problems (8)","Answer":"IMPASSES","Explanation":"Definition: insuperable problems\n**I'M** (I am; Setter is; Setter's) **+ PASSES** (visas)\n **IM PASSES**\n\n**IMPASSES** (deadlocks; stalemates; insuperable problems)"} {"Clue":"Prepared that fellow with money to support US lawyer (2,3,5)","Answer":"AT THE READY","Explanation":"Definition: Prepared\n**ATT** (attorney; US lawyer) **+ HE** (that fellow) **+ READY** (money) As this is a down entry, the letters\u00a0**HE** and **READY** are 'supporting' the letters **ATT**\n **AT T** **HE ****READY**\n\n**AT THE READY** (prepared)"} {"Clue":"Confusion over study about entrance to harbour (place a little way out to sea) (8)","Answer":"PIERHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: place a little way out to sea\n**PIE** (confusion) **+** (**READ** [study] **containing** [about] **H** [**first letter of** {entrance to} **HEAD**) 'over' relates to the down nature of this clue.\n **PIE** **R** (**H**)** EAD**\n\n**PIERHEAD** (the seaward end of a **PIER** [a little way out to sea])"} {"Clue":"River valley starts to widen after downpour initially (4)","Answer":"WADI","Explanation":"Definition: River valley\n**WADI** (**first letters of **[starts to] **each of** **WIDEN**, **AFTER**, **DOWNPOUR **and** INITIALLY**)\n **W A D I**\n\n**WADI** (river valley)"} {"Clue":"I'm \u2026 I'm afraid to pick up sausage (6)","Answer":"SALAMI","Explanation":"Definition: sausage\n(**I'M** [I am] + **ALAS** [I'm afraid]) **all reversed** (to pick up; down clue)\n (**SALA** **MI**)<\n\n**SALAMI** (highly seasoned Italian sausage)"} {"Clue":"Ridiculous oven set up in university city (8)","Answer":"UNLIKELY","Explanation":"Definition: Ridiculous\n**KILN** (large oven) **reversed** (set up; down clue) and **contained in** (in) (**U** [university] **+ ELY** [city in Cambridgeshire])\n **U** (**NLIK**<)** ELY**\n\n**UNLIKELY** (improbable; outrageous)"} {"Clue":"Leave, following being involved in error (2,3)","Answer":"GO OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Leave\n**F** (following) **contained in **(being involved in) **GOOF** (blunder; error)\n **GO O**\u00a0(**F**) **F**\n\n**GO OFF** (leave)"} {"Clue":"Appalachian holiday venue affected and reduced under pressure? (10)","Answer":"CAMPGROUND","Explanation":"Definition: Appalachian holiday venue\n**CAMP** (affected)** + GROUND** (reduced to powder by crushing or pressure)\n **CAMP GROUND**\n\n**CAMPGROUND** (popular form of holiday venue throughout the Appalachian region of America)"} {"Clue":"Bawdy writer redrafted serial, penning a book (8)","Answer":"RABELAIS","Explanation":"Definition: Bawdy write\n**Anagram of** (redrafted) **SERIAL** **containing** (penning) (**A + B** [book])\n **R** (**A** **B**)** ELAIS***\n\n**RABELAIS** (reference Francois **RABELAIS** [1494 \u2013 1553], French writer noted for writer for satire, the grotesque, bawdy jokes, and songs)"} {"Clue":"Others work squeezing Edward's organ part (4,4)","Answer":"REED STOP","Explanation":"Definition: organ part\n(**REST** [remainder; others] **+ OP** [opus; work]) **containing** (squeezing) **ED** (Edward)\n **RE** (**ED**) **ST** **OP**\n\n**REED STOP** (set of reed-pipes controlled by a single organ **STO**P; organ part)"} {"Clue":"Nasal problem? Suggestion is provided about one after runs (8)","Answer":"RHINITIS","Explanation":"Definition: Nasal problem\n**R** (runs) **+** ([**HINT** {suggestion} **+ IS**] **containing** [about]** I** [Roman numeral for one])\n **R** **HIN** (**I**) **T** **IS**\n\n**RHINITIS** (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose; nasal problem)"} {"Clue":"Lively activity seen around a new Scots town (6)","Answer":"LANARK","Explanation":"Definition: Scots town\n**LARK** (frolic; lively activity) **containing** (around) (**A** **+ N** [new])\n **L** (**A** **N**) **ARK**\n\n**LANARK** (town in Scotland)"} {"Clue":"Island location where herd's heard? (5)","Answer":"COWES","Explanation":"Definition: Island location\n**COWES **(**sounds like** [heard] **COWS** [herd])\n **COWES**\n\n**COWES** (town on the Isle of Wight)"} {"Clue":"Predominantly with some dampness but no current (6)","Answer":"MOSTLY","Explanation":"Definition: Predominantly\n**MOISTLY** (with some dampness) **excluding** (no) **I** (electric current)\n **MOSTLY**\n\n**MOSTLY** (predominantly)"} {"Clue":"Lad accepting kiss with an indifferent sound? (4)","Answer":"BOXY","Explanation":"Definition: with an indifferent sound\n**BOY** (lad) **containing** (accepting) **X** (symbol for a kiss)\n **BO** (**X**) **Y**\n\n**BOXY** (of reproduced music, sounding as if recorded in a **BOX**; with an indifferent sound)."} {"Clue":"The best thing on our menu? Flounders (6,3)","Answer":"NUMERO UNO","Explanation":"Definition: The best thing\n**Anagram of** (flounders) **ON OUR MENU**\n **N****UMER****O ****UNO***\n\n**NUMERO UNO** (number one, the most important person or thing, often oneself)"} {"Clue":"New York city swamped by pharmaceuticals (5)","Answer":"UTICA","Explanation":"Definition: New York city\n**UTICA** (**hidden word in** (swamped by) **PHARMACEUTICALS**\n **UTICA**\n\n**UTICA** (city in the Mohawk Valley and the county seat of Oneida County, New York, United States)"} {"Clue":"A top-class part pouches European gold disk (7)","Answer":"AUREOLE","Explanation":"Definition: gold disk\n**A + U** (upper class) **+** (**ROLE** [part] **contains** [pouches] **E** [European])\n **A** **U** **R** (**E**) **OLE**\n\n**AUREOLE **(gold or coloured disc or ring represented around the head in a religious picture)"} {"Clue":"Carriage twice tours north doing odd jobs (7)","Answer":"GIGGING","Explanation":"Definition: doing odd jobs\n(**GIG **[light two-wheeled carriage]** + GIG** [carriage, again] \u2013 twice) **containing** (tours) **N** (north)\n **GIG** **GI** (**N**) **G**\n\n**GIGGING** (doing jobs, especially single bookings for a musician, comedians, etc, to perform at a concert or club) I think the definition is much wider than that now given the rise of the **GIG** economy where many industries depend on self employed workers"} {"Clue":"Restless colonists close to colony (5)","Answer":"ANTSY","Explanation":"Definition: Restless\n**ANTS** (members of an [**ANT**] colony) **+ Y** (**last letter of **[close to] **COLONY**)\n **ANTS Y**\n\n**ANTSY** (eager; excited; restless)"} {"Clue":"Old parish priest, one notes, regularly makes enemies (9)","Answer":"OPPONENTS","Explanation":"Definition: enemies\n**O** **+ PP** (parish priest) **+ ONE + NTS** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [regularly] **of NOTES**)\n **O PP ONE NTS**\n\n**OPPONENTS** (enemies, perhaps one of the more extreme definitions of the word)"} {"Clue":"He could give advice on oil and colour ultimately (8,2,5)","Answer":"LEONARDO DA VINCI","Explanation":"Definition: He could give advice on oil and colour ultimately\n**Anagram of** (could give) **ADVICE ON OIL AND** and **R** [**final letter of **[ultimately] **COLOUR**\n **LEONARDO DA VINCI***\n\n**LEONARDO DA VINCI** (Italian painter and polymath [1452 \u2013 1519] who could give advice on many topics, but especially on art and the use of oils and colours)"} {"Clue":"Painting Loch Ness with monster's eye in it (9)","Answer":"LANDSCAPE","Explanation":"Definition: Painting\n(**L** [Loch] **AND CAPE** [headland;ness]) **containing** (with \u2026 in it) **S** (**centre of** [eye] **MONSTER**)\n **L** **AND** (**S**) **CAPE**\n\n**LANDSCAPE** (painting)"} {"Clue":"Beginner left part of Austria (5)","Answer":"TYROL","Explanation":"Definition: part of Austria\n**TYRO** (beginner) **+ L** (learner; beginner)\n **TYRO L**\n\n**TYROL** (state of western\u00a0Austria)"} {"Clue":"Old horse reverses to and fro unsteadily, due to this? (7)","Answer":"HOOFROT","Explanation":"Definition: this\n(**O** [old] **+ H** [heroin; horse]) **reversed** (reverses) **+ an anagram of** (unsteadily) **TO** and **FRO**\n **H****O****< ****O****FRO****T*******\n\n**HOOFROT** (disease of the feet in horses which could explain why they then move to and fro unsteadily)"} {"Clue":"Call trendy current painter (7)","Answer":"BELLINI","Explanation":"Definition: painter\n**BELL** (call) **+ IN** (trendy) **+ I** (electric current)\n **BELL IN I**\n\n**BELLINI** (reference Giovani **BELLI NI** [1430 \u2013 1516], Italian painter)"} {"Clue":"Ring back about newspaper plant (5)","Answer":"LILAC","Explanation":"Definition: plant\n**CALL** (ring) **reversed** (back) **containing **(about) **I** (the i\u00a0is a newspaper in Britain where you can find the excellent Inquisitor crossword each Saturday)\n **L** (**I**) **LAC**<\n\n**LILAC** (plant \u2013 Chambers describes it as a tree; Collins says shrub or tree)"} {"Clue":"Reflect on revealing wear on small church (9)","Answer":"REMINISCE","Explanation":"Definition: Reflect on\n**RE** (with reference to; on) **+ MINI** (reference **MINI** skirt; revealing wear) **+ S** (small) **+ CE** (Church [of England])\n **RE MINI S CE**\n\n**REMINISCE** (look back on; reflect on)"} {"Clue":"Home match not in series (2,8)","Answer":"IN PARALLEL","Explanation":"Definition: not in series\n**IN** (home) **+ PARALLEL** (matching)\n **IN PARALLEL**\n\n**IN PARALLEL** (happening at the same time, rather than one after each other [in series])"} {"Clue":"Before noon, painter ran out of tint for Cupid (8)","Answer":"AMORETTO","Explanation":"Definition: Cupid\n**AM** (ante meridiem; before noon) **+ TINTORETTO** (reference the Italian painter **TINTORETTO** [1518 \u2013 1594]) **excluding** [ran out of] **TINT**\n **AM ORETTO**\n\n**AMORETTO** (lover; cupid)"} {"Clue":"Invest \u00a31000 in a promising merchantman (6)","Answer":"ARGOSY","Explanation":"Definition: merchantman\n**G** (grand; \u00a31000) **contained in** (invest) (**A + ROSY** [promising])\n **A** **R** (**G**) **OSY**\n\n**ARGOSY** (large merchant ship)"} {"Clue":"TV, one of many used by painter (4)","Answer":"TUBE","Explanation":"Definition: TV\n**TUBE** (slang for a television set)\n **TUBE**\n\n**TUBE** (reference oil paints of many different colours which often come in tubes) double definition"} {"Clue":"Head Office ploy to bag golf record creates mess (10)","Answer":"HODGEPODGE","Explanation":"Definition: mess\n**HO** (Head Office [in Collins]) **+** (**DODGE** [ploy] **containing** [to bag] [**G** {golf is the international radio codeword for the letter **G**) **+ EP** {extended play record}])\n **HO** **D** (**G** **E P**) **ODGE**\n\n**HODGEPODGE** (jumble; mess)"} {"Clue":"Russian writer set to keep pressure on northeast (8)","Answer":"TURGENEV","Explanation":"Definition: Russian writer\n**TV** ([television] set) **containing** (to keep) (**URGE** [strong impulse; pressure] **+ NE** [North East])\n **T** (**URGE ****NE**) **V**\n\n**TURGENEV** (reference Ivan **TURGENEV** [1818 \u2013 1883], Russian novelist)"} {"Clue":"Regime controller cut out missing painter (6)","Answer":"TITIAN","Explanation":"Definition: painter\n**DIE****TITIAN** (someone who controls your food intake [regime controller]) **excluding** (missing) **DIE** (cut out)\n **TITIAN**\n\n**TITIAN** (reference the Italian painter **TITIAN** [1490 \u2013 1576])"} {"Clue":"Exhibit Holbeins and new Goyas at the front (4)","Answer":"HANG","Explanation":"Definition: Exhibit\n**HANG** (**first letters** [at the front] **of each of** **HOLBEINS**, **AND** **NEW** and **GOYA**)\n **HANG**\n\n**HANG** (exhibit paintings)"} {"Clue":"Former golf tournament, such as 7 and 16 (3,7)","Answer":"OLD MASTERS","Explanation":"Definition: such as 7 and 16\n**OLD** (former) **+ MASTERS** (one of the Major golf tournaments, played at Augusta, Georgia)\n **OLD MASTERS**\n\n**OLD MASTERS** (a term applied collectively to the great European painters, esp of the 16th and 17th centuries, such as **TITIAN** [7 down] and **LEONARDO DA VINCI** [16 across])"} {"Clue":"Paintings fill up boring gaps in walls (5,5)","Answer":"STILL LIFES","Explanation":"Definition: Paintings\n**FILL** **reversed** (up; down clue) **contained in** (boring) **STILES** (means of crossing wall; not quite the same as gaps in walls as most are built over or into walls)\n **STIL** (**L LIF**)< **ES**\n\n**STILL LIFES** (paintings)"} {"Clue":"Remove Pollock work for one (8)","Answer":"ABSTRACT","Explanation":"Definition: Remove\n**ABSTRACT **(a word that can describe paintings by Jackson Pollock A style of paintings which are said to represent the artists' feelings)\n **ABSTRACT**\n\n**ABSTRACT** (remove) double definition"} {"Clue":"Plants one's managed to gather, so heading north (8)","Answer":"NARCISSI","Explanation":"Definition: Plants\n([**I **{Roman numeral for one}** + **'**S + ****RAN** {managed}] **containing** [to gather] **SIC** [so]) **all\u00a0reversed** (reading north; down clue) \n (**NAR** (**CIS**) **S** **I**)<\n\n**NARCISSI** (plants)"} {"Clue":"Silly person, old one, needing treatment (6)","Answer":"NOODLE","Explanation":"Definition: Silly person\n**Anagram of** (needing treatment) **OLD ONE**\n **NO****ODL****E***\n\n**NOODLE** (silly person)"} {"Clue":"Gift storybooks (6)","Answer":"TALENT","Explanation":"Definition: Gift\n**TALE** (story)** + NT** (books)\n **TALE NT**\n\n**TALENT **(any natural or special gift)"} {"Clue":"Prince Harry's portrait painter (4)","Answer":"HALS","Explanation":"Definition: portrait painter\n**HAL'S** (Prince Harry's)\n **HALS**\n\n**HALS** (reference Frans **HALS**, [1582 \u2013 1666], Dutch Golden Age painter)"} {"Clue":"Scrap paper behind folio (4)","Answer":"BUMF","Explanation":"Definition: Scrap paper\n**BUM** (behind) **+ F** (folio)\n **BUM F**\n\n**BUMF** (derogatory term for worthless documents which could be better used as scrap paper)"} {"Clue":"Hunts and shoots (6)","Answer":"STALKS","Explanation":"Definition: Hunts\n**STALKS** (stems of plants; shoots)\n **STALKS**\n\n**STALKS **(hunts game) double definition"} {"Clue":"School to avoid backing plan (8)","Answer":"SCHEDULE","Explanation":"Definition: plan\n**SCH** (school) **+ ELUDE** (avoid) **reversed** (backing)\n **SCH** **EDULE**<\n\n**SCHEDULE** (plan)"} {"Clue":"Find dance extremely short (8)","Answer":"DISCOVER","Explanation":"Definition: Find\n**DISCO** (dance) **+ VERY**~~ ~~(extremely) **excluding the last letter** (short) **Y**\n **DISCO VER**\n\n**DISCOVER** (find)"} {"Clue":"Wife of America's top model (6)","Answer":"MISSUS","Explanation":"Definition: Wife\n**MISS US** (Miss United States; winner of a beauty pageant in America; America's top model?)\n **MISS US **\n\n**MISSUS** (informal term for the lady of the house or wife)"} {"Clue":"Allow in Western criminal \u2013 an informer (10)","Answer":"NEWSLETTER","Explanation":"Definition: an informer\n**LET** (allow) **contained in** (in) **an anagram o**f (criminal) **WESTERN**\n **NEWS** (**LET**) **TER***\n\n**NEWSLETTER** (an informative sheet or booklet distributed to members of a group or community)"} {"Clue":"Bill runs out of crack (4)","Answer":"BEAK","Explanation":"Definition: Bill\n**BREAK** (crack) **excluding** (out of) **R** (runs)\n **BEAK**\n\n**BEAK** (bird's bill)"} {"Clue":"Grounds to force son to accept terms on a regular basis (8)","Answer":"PREMISES","Explanation":"Definition: Grounds\n(**PRISE** [force] **+ S** [son]) **containing** (to accept) **EM** **(letters 2 and 4** [on a regular basis] of **TERMS**)\n **PR** (**EM**) **ISE** **S**\n\n**PREMISES** (propositions stated or assumed for the sake of argument; grounds)"} {"Clue":"Notice boring exhibit in darkness (6)","Answer":"SHADOW","Explanation":"Definition: darkness\n**AD** (advertisement; notice) **contained in** (boring) **SHOW** (exhibit)\n **SH** (**AD**) **OW**\n\n**SHADOW** (darkness)"} {"Clue":"Walker better, but not good (6)","Answer":"AMBLER","Explanation":"Definition: Walker\n**G****AMBLER** (better)** excluding** (not) **G** (good)\n **AMBLER**\n\n**AMBLER** (walker)"} {"Clue":"Currently working after retirement, always inspired by piles of cash (8)","Answer":"NOWADAYS","Explanation":"Definition: Currently\n**ON** (working) **reversed** (after retirement) **+** (**AY** [always] **contained in** [inspired by] **WADS** [bundles of banknotes; piles of cash])\n **NO**< **WAD** (**AY**) **S**\n\n**NOWADAYS** (at the present time; currently)"} {"Clue":"Not in favour of frantic snuggles (4)","Answer":"ANTI","Explanation":"Definition: Not in favour of\n**ANTI **(**hidden word in** [snuggles] **FRANTIC**)\n **ANTI**\n\n**ANTI **(not in favour of)"} {"Clue":"Pupil eager to take test with thug, oddly (3,7)","Answer":"ART STUDENT","Explanation":"Definition: Pupil\n**ARDENT** (eager) **containing** (to take) **TSTU** (**letters 1, 3, 5 and 7** [oddly] of **TEST THUG**)\n **AR** (**T STU**) **DENT**\n\n**ART STUDENT** (pupil)"} {"Clue":"Reckon Earl pays for wheels (6)","Answer":"ESTEEM","Explanation":"Definition: Reckon\n**E** (earl) + **MEETS** (pays for) **reversed** (wheels)\n **E STEEM**<\n\n**ESTEEM** (consider; think; reckon)"} {"Clue":"Rest of Belgium somewhat encapsulating Spain (8)","Answer":"BREATHER","Explanation":"Definition: Rest\n**B** (International Vehicle Registration for Belgium) **+** (**RATHER** [somewhat] **containing** [encapsulating] **E** [International Vehicle Registration for Spain])\n **B** **R** (**E**) **ATHER**\n\n**BREATHER** (rest)"} {"Clue":"One lacking love to write article as means to forget (8)","Answer":"NEPENTHE","Explanation":"Definition: means to forget\n**O****NE** **excluding** (lacking) **O** (zero; love score in tennis) **+ PEN** (write) **+ THE **(definite article) \n **NE PEN THE**\n\n**NEPENTHE** (drink or drug causing sorrow to be forgotten)"} {"Clue":"Liverpudlian beginning to pine for Charlie's partner (6)","Answer":"SPOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: partner\n**SCOUSE** (native or inhabitant of Liverpool ; Liverpudlian) **with P** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **PINE**) **replacing** (for) **C** (cocaine; Charlie)\n **SPOUSE**\n\n**SPOUSE** (partner)"} {"Clue":"Clich\u00e9d part of last rites (5)","Answer":"TRITE","Explanation":"Definition: Clich\u00e9d\n**TRITE** (**hidden word in** [part of] **LAST RITES**)\n **TRITE**\n\n**TRITE** (stale; hackneyed; clich\u00e9d)"} {"Clue":"Place in which insect gets end away (5)","Answer":"LOCUS","Explanation":"Definition: Place\n**LOCUST** (insect) **excluding the last letter** (gets end away) **T**\n **LOCUS**\n\n**LOCUS** (place, locality)"} {"Clue":"Union members compete to punch drunkards (7)","Answer":"SOVIETS","Explanation":"Definition: Union members\n**VIE **(compete) **contained in** (to punch [into]) **SOTS** (drunkards)\n **SO** (**VIE**) **TS**\n\n**SOVIETS** (former members of the **SOVIET** Union)"} {"Clue":"Cloud begins receding, claims university (7)","Answer":"STRATUS","Explanation":"Definition: Cloud\n**STARTS** (begins) **reversed** (receding) **containing** (claims) **U** (university)\n **STRAT** (**U**) **S**<\n\n**STRATUS** (wide-extended horizontal sheet of low cloud)"} {"Clue":"Bone found in vegetarian spread: without hesitation, Mike leaves (7)","Answer":"HUMERUS","Explanation":"Definition: Bone\n**HUMMUS** (Middle Eastern hors d'oeuvre of pureed chickpeas and sesame oil with garlic and lemon; vegetarian spread) **excluding** (leaves) **M** (Mike is the International Radio Codeword for the letter M) **containing** (without [outside]) **ER** (expression of hesitation)\n **HUM** (**ER**) **US**\n\n**HUMERUS** (bone in the upper arm)"} {"Clue":"Panel of directors supporting career (9)","Answer":"DASHBOARD","Explanation":"Definition: Panel \n**DASH** (run; race; career) **+ BOARD** (informal term for a group of Company Directors)\n **DASH BOARD**\n\n**DASHBOARD** (panel)"} {"Clue":"Approving of racing driver Hill by end of day (9)","Answer":"LAUDATORY","Explanation":"Definition: Approving of \n**LAUDA** (reference Niki **LAUDA** [1949 \u2013 2019], Austrian racing driver) **+ TOR** (rocky outcrop or hill) **+ Y** (**final letter of** [end of] **DAY**)\n **LAUDA TOR Y**\n\n**LAUDATORY **(expressing praise)"} {"Clue":"Remember I'm sincere when upset (9)","Answer":"REMINISCE","Explanation":"Definition: Remember\n**Anagram of** (when upset) **I'M SINCERE**\n **REMINISCE***\n\n**REMINISCE** (remember)"} {"Clue":"One crawls in earth, below ground, eating bits of insects and plants (9)","Answer":"MILLIPEDE","Explanation":"Definition: One crawls\n(**MILLED** [{of corn etc}ground] **+ E** [earth]) **containing** (eating) **IP** (**first letters of** [bits of] **each of** **INSECTS** and **P****LANTS**) Because this is a down entry, the **E** of earth is below **MILLED**\n **MILL** (**IP**) **ED** **E**\n\n**MILLIPEDE** (many legged insect; one crawls)"} {"Clue":"Allow back in to study with German (7)","Answer":"READMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Allow back in\n**READ** (study) **+ MIT** (German for 'with')\n **READ MIT**\n\n**READMIT** (allow back in)"} {"Clue":"Remarkable reason snooker can't be played (7)","Answer":"NOTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Remarkable\n**NO TABLE** (it would be quite difficult to play snooker without a **TABLE**)\n **NO TABLE**\n\n**NOTABLE** (remarkable)"} {"Clue":"See foolish nationalist replacing liberal (7)","Answer":"WITNESS","Explanation":"Definition: See\n**WITLESS** (foolish) with **N** (nationalist) **replacing**) **L**\u00a0(liberal)\n **WIT****N****ESS**\n\n**WITNESS** (see)"} {"Clue":"The aforementioned heads of department interrupted trade talks occasionally (5)","Answer":"DITTO","Explanation":"Definition: The aforementioned\n**DITTO** (**first letters of **[heads of] **each of DEPARTMENT**, **INTERRUPTED**, **TRADE**, **TALKS** and **OCCASIONALLY**)\n **DITTO**\n\n**DITTO** (as aforesaid)"} {"Clue":"Scottish side observed to absorb pressure when retreating (5)","Answer":"NEEPS","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish side\n(**SEEN** [observed] **containing** [to absorb] **P **[pressure]) **all reversed** (when retreating)\n (**NEE** (**P**) **S**)<\n\n**NEEPS** (turnips; mashed neeps are frequently served as a side dish with haggis in Scotland)"} {"Clue":"Fracturing a hip seems to give you stress (9)","Answer":"EMPHASISE","Explanation":"Definition: stress\n**Anagram of** (fracturing) **A HIP SEEMS**\n **EM****PHA****S****I****SE***\n\n**EMPHASISE** (stress)"} {"Clue":"Record company name left with guy in Genesis (5)","Answer":"LABEL","Explanation":"Definition: Record company name\n**L** (left) **+**** ABEL** (son of Adam and Eve referenced in the Book of Genesis)\n **L ABEL**\n\n**LABEL **(the piece of paper on a record, cassette, compact disc, etc giving the maker's production company's tradename)"} {"Clue":"Earth footage beginning to explain rare event (7)","Answer":"ECLIPSE","Explanation":"Definition: rare event\n**E** (earth) **+ CLIPS** (footage from films or other visual media) **+ E**\u00a0(**first letter of** [beginning to] **EXPLAIN**)\n **E CLIPS E**\n\n**ECLIPSE** (the total or partial disappearance of a heavenly body by the interposition of another between it and the spectator; example of a rare event)"} {"Clue":"Requirement to return key was irritating (7)","Answer":"NEEDLED","Explanation":"Definition: was irritating\n**NEED** (requirement) **+ DEL **(**DEL**ete key on a keyboard) **reversed** (to return)\n **NEED** **LED**<\n\n**NEEDLED** (was irritating)"} {"Clue":"Government on\u00a0Hawaii has evacuated schools (5)","Answer":"HIGHS","Explanation":"Definition: schools\n**HI** (Hawaii) **+ G** (government) **+ HS** (l**etters remaining in HAS when the central letter A\u00a0is removed** [evacuated])\n **HI G HS**\n\n**HIGHS** (**HIGH** schools)"} {"Clue":"Loud 60s band hoards top-notch moisturiser perhaps (4,5)","Answer":"FACE CREAM","Explanation":"Definition: moisturiser perhaps\n(**F** [forte; loud] **+ CREAM** [1960s supergroup; band formed by bassist Jack Bruce, guitarist Eric Clapton, and drummer Ginger Baker]) **containing** (hoards) **ACE** (top-notch])\n **F** (**ACE**) **CREAM**\n\n**FACE CREAM** (example of a moisturiser)"} {"Clue":"Despise cod art as vulgar \u2013 it's often crude (7,8)","Answer":"SEASIDE POSTCARD","Explanation":"Definition: it's often crude\n**Anagram of** (vulgar) **DESPISE COD ART AS**\n **SEASIDE POSTCARD***\n\n**SEASIDE POSTCARD** (the pictures or, more commonly, the\u00a0cartoons on some **SEASIDE POSTCARD**s are often crude)"} {"Clue":"Mark is amongst sailors retreated for worms (8)","Answer":"NEMATODES","Explanation":"Definition: worms\n(**DOT** [mark] **contained in** [is amongst] **SEAMEN** [sailors]) **all reversed** (retreated)\n (**NEMA** (**TOD**) **ES**)<\n\n**NEMATODES** (parasitic worms)"} {"Clue":"Coop came good finally with single large clutch? (8)","Answer":"PEDAL","Explanation":"Definition: clutch?\n**PED** (**last letters of **[finally] **of each of** **COOP**, **CAME** and **GOOD**) **+ A** (single) **+ L** (large)\n **PED A L**\n\n**PEDAL **(reference the Clutch **PEDAL ** in a car with a manual gear box)"} {"Clue":"Pioneer in Western, a person without prospects (7)","Answer":"WAGONER","Explanation":"Definition: Pioneer in Western,\n**W** (western) **+ A + GONER** (person dead or ruined beyond recovery; person without prospects)\n **W A GONER**\n\n**WAGONER** (pioneers travelling to open up the west of America were **WAGONER**s)"} {"Clue":"Population theorist originally had useful states on cereal (7)","Answer":"MALTHUS","Explanation":"Definition: Population theorist\n**MALT** (barley or other grain steeped in water, cereal) **+ HUS** (**first letters of** [originally] **each of HAD**, **USEFUL** and **STATES)**\n **MALT HUS**\n\n**MALTHUS** (Thomas Robert **MALTHUS**\u00a0FRS [1766 \u2013 1834] was an English cleric, scholar and influential economist in the fields of political economy and demography [study of population])"} {"Clue":"Preliminarily examine lessons by Catholic church (5)","Answer":"RECCE","Explanation":"Definition: Preliminarily examine\n**RE** (Religious Education [lessons] **+ C** [Catholic] **+ CE** [Church {of England}])\n **RE C CE**\n\n**RECCE** (reconnoitre; preliminarily examine, originally for military purposes)"} {"Clue":"'airy thing maybe hopping about capital (9)","Answer":"AMSTERDAM","Explanation":"Definition: capital\n'**AMSTER** ('airy creature;hairy with both clue and constituent part dropping the opening **H**) **+ MAD** (hopping) **reversed** (about)\n **AMSTER** **DAM**<\n\n**AMSTERDAM** (capital of the Netherlands according to the Constitution of the Netherlands, although the States General and the Executive Branch have been situated in The Hague since 1588, along with the Supreme Court and the Council of State)"} {"Clue":"Captain perhaps losing a pipe and navy trousers (10)","Answer":"LEDERHOSEN","Explanation":"Definition: trousers\n**LE****A****DER** (captain possibly) **excluding** (losing) **A** **+ HOSE** (pipe) **+ N** (navy)\n **LEDER HOSE N**\n\n**LEDERHOSEN** (short leather trousers)"} {"Clue":"Ex-drinkers accepting sweet soldier's defence (8)","Answer":"APOLOGIA","Explanation":"Definition: defence\n**AA** (Alcoholics Anonymous; ex-drinkers) **containing** (accepting) (**POLO** [example of a {mint} sweet] **+ GI** [American soldier])\n **A** (**POLO GI**) **A**\n\n**APOLOGIA** (written defence or vindication)"} {"Clue":"College zone parking south of river outside of undertakers (6)","Answer":"CAMPUS","Explanation":"Definition: College zone\n**CAM** (river that flows through Cambridge) **+ P** (parking) **+ US** (**first and last letters of** [outside of] **U****NDERTAKER****S**)\n **CAM P US**\n\n**CAMPUS** (university or college grounds)"} {"Clue":"Energetic character and yours truly on stage? (4,4)","Answer":"LIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Energetic character\n**LIVE** (of the theatre, etc, concerned with living performance as distinct from filming, broadcasting or televising; on stage)** + WIRE** (setter's name; yours truly)\n **LIVE WIRE**\n\n**LIVE** [**WIRE**] (person of intense energy or alertness)"} {"Clue":"Destructive prince blasted over written promises (10)","Answer":"PERNICIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Destructive\n**Anagram of** (blasted) **PRINCE** **+ IOUS** (I owe yous; written promises)\n **PERNIC*** **IOUS**\n\n**PERNICIOUS** (destructive)"} {"Clue":"Both uninitiated, Stacy and Bella mounted animal (5,3)","Answer":"ALLEY CAT","Explanation":"Definition: animal\n(**STACY** **excluding the initial letter** [uninitiated] **S + BELLA** also **excluding the first letter **[uninitiated]** B**, hence both uninitiated) **all reversed** (mounted; down clue)\n (**ALLE** **Y CAT**)<\n\n**ALLEY CAT** (stray CAT; animal)"} {"Clue":"Pleased when surgeon ultimately leaves thyroid? (4)","Answer":"GLAD","Explanation":"Definition: Pleased\n**GLAND** (the thyroid is a **GLAND**) **excluding** (leaves) t**he last letter of** [ultimately] SURGEO**N**\n **GLAD**\n\n**GLAD** (pleased)"} {"Clue":"Boy cut all gorging, ankles progressively swelling (5)","Answer":"BULGE","Explanation":"Definition: swelling\n**BULGE** (**letters 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 successively** [progressively] **of each of** **BOY**, **CUT**, **ALL**, **GORGING** and **ANKLE**S)\n **BULGE**\n\n**BULGE** (swelling)"} {"Clue":"Test specialty model Den brought back (5,5)","Answer":"FIELD TRIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Test\n**FIELD** (specialty) **+ T** (reference the Model **T** Ford car) **+ LAIR** (animal's den) **reversed** (brought back)\n **FIELD T RIAL**<\n\n**FIELD TRIAL** (test in practice, as distinct from one under laboratory conditions)"} {"Clue":"Interfering with tally of awards picked up (10)","Answer":"MEDDLESOME","Explanation":"Definition: Interfering with\n**MEDDLE** (sounds like [picked up] **MEDAL** [award] + **SOME** (sounds like [picked up] **SUM** [tally, thereby describing more than one **MEDAL** [wards])\n **MEDDLE SOME**\n\n**MEDDLESOME** (interfering unnecessarily))"} {"Clue":"Clint and Emmanuel hiding together (2,6)","Answer":"IN TANDEM","Explanation":"Definition: together\n**IN TANDEM** (**hidden** [hiding] **phrase in CLINT AND EMMANUEL**)\n **IN TANDEM**\n\n**IN TANDEM** (together)"} {"Clue":"Compound of lead cured doctor's inner demon (8)","Answer":"ALDEHYDE","Explanation":"Definition: Compound\n**Anagram of** (cured) **LEAD** **+ HYDE** (reference the book Dr Jekyll and Mr **HYDE**, by Robert Louis Stevenson, where **HYDE** is the Dr's inner demon )\n **ALDE*** **HYDE**\n\n**ALDEHYDE** (a compound differing from an alcohol in having two fewer hydrogen atoms)"} {"Clue":"Mean Grinch regularly spoilt enchantment (5)","Answer":"MAGIC","Explanation":"Definition: enchantment\n**MAGIC** (**letters 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9** [regularly] of **MEAN GRINCH**)\n **MAGIC**\n\n**MAGIC** (enchantment)"} {"Clue":"Draw alien creature with a beak (6)","Answer":"PULLET","Explanation":"Definition: creature with a beak\n**PULL** (draw) **+ ET** (extraterrestrial; alien) \n **PULL ET**\n\n**PULLET** (young he; creature with a beak)"} {"Clue":"Pulp tour across frozen country (4)","Answer":"MUSH","Explanation":"Definition: Pulp\n**MUSH** (pulp)\n **MUSH**\n\n**MUSH** (a journey\u00a0on foot with dogs over snow; tour across frozen country) double definition"} {"Clue":"Social status includes posh extremes of talking \u2013 like this? (8)","Answer":"CUTGLASS","Explanation":"Definition: like this\n**CLASS** (social status) **containing** (includes) (**U** [upper-class; posh] **+ TG** [**first and last letters o**f {extremes of} **TALKING**])\n **C** (**U** **TG**) **LASS**\n\n**CUTGLASS** (descriptive of an upper-class refined accent)"} {"Clue":"Faces having to return unwanted mail (4)","Answer":"SPAM","Explanation":"Definition: unwanted mail\n**MAPS** (peoples' faces) **reversed** (having to return) \n **SPAM**<\n\n**SPAM** (unwanted electronic mail)"} {"Clue":"Wooden cup? Keep trying to acquire a lot (5)","Answer":"BIDON","Explanation":"Definition: Wooden cup\n**BID** (make an offer for a lot at auction) **+ ON** (continue) \u2013 taken together giving keep **BID**ding\n **BID ON**\n\n**BIDON** (container for liquids, such as a wooden cup, water bottle, tin can or oil drum.)"} {"Clue":"Sheep,a tailless breed, wrapped in part of fetal membrane (7)","Answer":"CARACUL","Explanation":"Definition: Sheep\n**RACE** (breed) **excluding the final letter** (tailless) **E contained in** (wrapped in) **CAUL** (membrane covering the head of some infants at birth, being part of the inner membrane of the fetal sac)\n **CA** (**RAC**) **UL**\n\n**CARACUL** (Asiatic breed of sheep)"} {"Clue":"Line taken aboard by one in vessel, a Yarmouth speciality (7)","Answer":"BLOATER","Explanation":"Definition: Yarmouth speciality\n**L** (line) **contained in** (taken aboard by) **BOATER** (one who in a **BOAT** [vessel])\n **B** (**L**) **OATER**\n\n**BLOATER** (herring partially dried in smoke, especially at Yarmouth)"} {"Clue":"Part of bill I paid in some foreign money (4)","Answer":"LIPA","Explanation":"Definition: foreign money\n**LIPA** (**hidden word** [part of] **BILL I PAID**)\n **LIPA**\n\n**LIPA** (Croatian monetary unit; foreign money [unless you are solving the puzzle in Croatia])"} {"Clue":"The governor worried about press release? The opposite (5)","Answer":"PATER","Explanation":"Definition: The governor\n**PR** (press release) **containing** (about) **ATE** (worried) \u2013 i.e. the opposite of the wording at the beginning of the clue\n **P** (**ATE**) **R**\n\n**PATER** (father; governor)"} {"Clue":"Broadcast to girl about basic education? She's a punk feminist (9)","Answer":"RIOT GRRRL","Explanation":"Definition: She's a punk feminist\n**Anagram of** (broadcast) **TO GIRL** **containing** (about) **RRR** (the three Rs \u2013 reading, riting and rithmetic \u2013 basic education)\n **RIOT G** (**RRR**) **L***\n\n**RIOT GRRRL** (A young woman who plays or enjoys an aggressively feminist style of punk rock music) **This appears to be two words in Chambers"} {"Clue":"Musical without in the main including where you'd place Hamilton? (5)","Answer":"SENZA","Explanation":"Definition: Musical without\n**SEA** (ocean main) **containing** (including) **NZ** (New Zealand; Hamilton is a city on North Island, New Zealand)\n **SE** (**NZ**) **A**\n\n**SENZA **(musical term meaning 'without')"} {"Clue":"Remnant bit of cloth maiden cut from something similar (4)","Answer":"FENT","Explanation":"Definition: Remnant\n**F****RAGM****ENT** (piece broken off [remnant]) **excluding** (cut from) (**RAG** [bit of cloth] + **M** [maiden])\n **FENT**\n\n**FENT** (remnant or odd, short or damaged piece of cloth)"} {"Clue":"Bill penned by proprietress \u2013 it's placed on metal base (7)","Answer":"MACADAM","Explanation":"Definition: it's placed on metal base\n**AC** (account; bill) **contained in** (penned by) **MADAM** (proprietress [of a brothel])\n **M** (**AC**) **ADAM**\n\n**MACADAM** (smooth hard surface placed on road metal)"} {"Clue":"One of many redheads have? He's embarrassed with piles (7)","Answer":"EPHELIS","Explanation":"Definition: One of many redheads have\n**Anagram o**f (embarrassed) **HE** and **PILES**\n **E****P****H****ELIS***\n\n**EPHELIS** (freckle; a coloured patch on the skin., frequently found on red-headed people)"} {"Clue":"Little bird? Such a one grabs head of worm with energy (5)","Answer":"TWITE","Explanation":"Definition: Little bird\n(**TIT** [another small bird] **containing** [grabs] **W** [**first letter of** {head of} **WORM**) **+ E** (energy)\n **T** (**W**) **IT ****E**\n\n**TWITE **(North European finch with streaked brown plumage; small bird)"} {"Clue":"Travel a lot and log mishandled bill of exchange wrong in retrospect (9)","Answer":"GLOBETROT","Explanation":"Definition: Travel a lot\n**Anagram of** (mishandled) **LOG** + **BE **(bill of exchange) **+ TORT** (any wrong, not arising out of contract, for which an action for compensation or damages may be brought) **reversed** (in retrospect)\n **GLO***** BE TROT**<\n\n**GLOBETROT** (travel, especially as a tourist)"} {"Clue":"African tree cut red leaves (4)","Answer":"SHEA","Explanation":"Definition: African tree\n**SHEARED** (cut) **excluding** (leaves) **RED**\n **SHEA**\n\n**SHEA** (African tree whose seeds yield shea butter, used as a food and in soap manufacture)"} {"Clue":"Not drinking round English stellar group, most woeful? (8)","Answer":"TEARIEST","Explanation":"Definition: most woeful\n**TT** (teetotal; not drinking) **containing** (round) (**E** [English] **+ ARIES** [constellation; stellar group])\n **T** (**E ARIES**) **T**\n\n**TEARIEST** (most woeful)"} {"Clue":"Stocks I illuminated in arrangement of suite (9)","Answer":"UTILITIES","Explanation":"Definition: Stocks\n(**I + LIT** [illuminated]) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of **(arrangement) of **SUITE**\n **UT** (**I** **LIT**) **IES***\n\n**UTILITIES** (stocks or bonds of public **UTILITIES**)"} {"Clue":"Shindig on the agenda? (4)","Answer":"TO-DO","Explanation":"Definition: Shindig\n**TO-DO** (commotion; shindig)\n **TO-DO**\n\n**TO-DO** (reference a TO-DO list or agenda of topics that need attending to) double definition"} {"Clue":"Line to tempt all but last of pond-life (6)","Answer":"LENTIC","Explanation":"Definition: of pond-life\n**L** (line) **+ ENTICE** (tempt) **excluding** (all but) **the final letter** (last) **E**\n **L ENTIC**\n\n**LENTIC** (associated with standing water; inhabiting ponds, swamps, etc)"} {"Clue":"Mark individual not on bunks (8)","Answer":"SCARPERS","Explanation":"Definition: bunks\n**SCAR** (mark) **+ PERSON** (individual) **excluding** (not) **ON**\n **SCAR PERS**\n\n**SCARPERS** (runs away; bunks [flees])"} {"Clue":"Vaquero's blanket, worthless thing kept in enclosure, often (6)","Answer":"SARAPE","Explanation":"Definition: Vaquero's blanket\n**RAP** (worthless thing) **contained in** (kept in) **SAE** (stamped addressed envelope; something that was often required as an enclosure in a written communication. Probably not some common nowadays\n **SA** (**RAP**)** E**\n\n**SARAPE** (brightly-coloured woollen riding-blanket, often worn around the shoulders by Mexican men. Vaquero is a term from Spanish (language of Mexico) meaning 'cowboy')"} {"Clue":"Nameless pond-life in disused pool (4)","Answer":"SPAW","Explanation":"Definition: disused pool\n**SPAWN** (example of pond-life) **excluding** (-less) **N** (name)\n **SPAW**\n\n**SPAW** (obsolete [disused] form of SPA [pool])"} {"Clue":"Type of spinel with ornamental edging round it (8)","Answer":"PICOTITE","Explanation":"Definition: Type of spinel\n**PICOTE** (a loop in an ornamental edging) **containing** (round) **IT**\n **PICOT **(**IT**)** E**\n\n**PICOTITE** (\u00a0dark spinel containing iron, magnesium, and chromium)"} {"Clue":"Mental matter when subjected to it (12)","Answer":"MALTREATMENT","Explanation":"Definition: it \n**Anagram of** (subjected to **MALTREATMENT** [the entry]) **MENTAL MATTER**\n **MALT****R****E****ATME****N****T*******\n\n**MALTREATMENT** (rough handling \u2013 possible anagram indicator)"} {"Clue":"Goes off school with current romantic partners coming round (9)","Answer":"DETONATES","Explanation":"Definition: Goes off\n**DATES** (current romantic partners) **containing** (coming round) **ETON** (English public school) \n **D** (**ETON**) **ATES**\n\n**DETONATES** (explodes; goes off)"} {"Clue":"This versatile tool dud? Hoped ground might be worked over (8)","Answer":"PRONG-HOE","Explanation":"Definition: This versatile tool\n**HOPED GROUND** is **a compound anagram** (worked over) of **DUD** and the entry **PRONG**\u2013**HOE**\n **H****OP****E****D**** ****GR****O****UND*******\n\n**PRONG-HOE** (a **HOE** with **PRONGS** [one of Chambers' definitions that state the obvious]- useful tool)"} {"Clue":"Double oxide endless time blended with ochre (8)","Answer":"CHROMITE","Explanation":"Definition: Double oxide\n**Anagram of** (blended with) **TIME** **excluding the last letter** [endless] **E** and **OCHRE**\n **CHRO****MIT****E***\n\n**CHROMITE** (double oxide of chromium and iron)"} {"Clue":"Small pedimental structure, grand and bleak (6)","Answer":"GABLET","Explanation":"Definition: Small pedimental structure\n**G** ($1,000; grand) **+ ABLET** (the freshwater fish, the bleak)\n **G ABLET**\n\n**GABLET** (small gable [pedimental structure] over a niche, buttress, tabernacle, etc)"} {"Clue":"Head of college on College Hill? (6)","Answer":"RECTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Head of college\n**RE** (with reference to; on) **+ C** (college) **+ TOR** (rocky outcrop or hill)\n **RE C TOR**\n\n**RECTOR** (head of an academy or college)"} {"Clue":"Small armadillo from Peru, black one (4)","Answer":"PEBA","Explanation":"Definition: Small armadillo\n**PE** (International Vehicle Registration for Peru) **+ B** (black, when describing pencil lead) **+ A** (one)\n **PE B A**\n\n**PEBA** (South American armadillo, [possibly found in Peru])"} {"Clue":"Former composition to adorn archaically (4)","Answer":"DITE","Explanation":"Definition: Former composition\n**DITE** (obsolete [former] word for a composition)\n **DITE**\n\n**DITE** (archaic word for adorn) double definition"} {"Clue":"Libertine accepting dessert and cold snack item (4,4)","Answer":"RICE CAKE","Explanation":"Definition: snack item\n**RAKE**(libertine) **containing** (accepting) (**ICE** [example of a dessert] **+ C**)\n **R** (**ICE C**) **AKE**\n\n**RICE CAKE** (light, usually round cake made from puffed rice grains, eaten alone or spread with other foods"} {"Clue":"Lord's debutant role?\u00a0Old member of Lords welcoming new (6)","Answer":"OPENER","Explanation":"Definition: Lord's debutant role\n**O** (old) **+****PEER** [member of the House of Lords] **containing** [welcoming] **N** [new])\n **O** **PE** (**N**) **ER**\n\n**OPENER** (the first [debutant] player to the crease at Lords Cricket Ground will be an **OPENER**)"} {"Clue":"Engineer brought back fabrication having received slimmed-down offer (6)","Answer":"EIFFEL","Explanation":"Definition: Engineer\n**LIE**(falsehood; fabrication) **reversed** (brought back) **containing**(having received) **FFE** (letters remaining in** OFFER** when the outer letters **O** and** R** are **removed**[slimmed down])\n **EI** (**FFE**) **L**<\n\n**EIFFEL** (reference Gustave **EIFFEL** [1832 \u2013 1923], French engineer who designed the Parisian tower that bears his name)"} {"Clue":"Month's one's invested in energy framework? Try another place (8)","Answer":"EMIGRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Try another place\n(**M** [month] **+ I** [Roman numeral for one]) **contained in** (invested in) (**E**[energy] **+ GRATE** [framework of bars])\n **E** (**M I**) **GRATE**\n\n**EMIGRATE**(move to another country to settle permanently; try another place)"} {"Clue":"Beneficial hours in working in government (10)","Answer":"NOURISHING","Explanation":"Definition: Beneficial\n**Anagram of** (working) **HOURS IN** **+ IN + G** (government)\n **NOURISH*** **IN** **G**\n\n**NOURISHING **(beneficial)"} {"Clue":"Nothing recalled about English legal right (4)","Answer":"LIEN","Explanation":"Definition: legal right\n**NIL**(nothing) **reversed** (recalled) **E** (English)\n **LI** (**E**)**N**< \n\n**LIEN** (legal right to retain possession of another's property until the owner pays a debt or fulfils a contract)"} {"Clue":"Unexciting cinematography only partly rejected (4)","Answer":"TAME","Explanation":"Definition: Unexciting\n**TAME** (**hidden word** (partly) **reversed** (rejected) in **CINEMATOGRAPHY**)\n **TAME**<\n\n**TAME**(unexciting)"} {"Clue":"Praise work I abandoned, taken on by former partner (5)","Answer":"EXTOL","Explanation":"Definition: Praise\n**EX** (former partner) **+ TOIL** (work) **excluding** (abandoned)** I**\n **EX TOL**\n\n**EXTOL** (praise)"} {"Clue":"Support only half the letters? (4)","Answer":"ABET","Explanation":"Definition: Support\n**ABET** (**four of the eight** [half] **letters of the word ALPHABET** [letters])\n **ABET**\n\n**ABET**(support)"} {"Clue":"Whole of one's foot or half of one's foot, initially (4)","Answer":"HOOF","Explanation":"Definition: Whole of one's foot\n**HOOF** (**first letters of** [initially] **each of** **HALF**, **OF**, **ONE'S** and **FOOT**)\n **HOOF**\n\n**HOOF** (whole of certain animal's feet)"} {"Clue":"Solar phenomenon given fresh angle possibly (5,5)","Answer":"GREEN FLASH","Explanation":"Definition: Solar phenomenon\n**Anagram of** (possibly) **FRESH ANGLE**\n **GREEN FLASH***\n\n**GREEN FLASH** (**FLASH** of **GREEN** light sometimes seen at the moment of sunrise or sunset; solar phenomenon)"} {"Clue":"Alien forest worker, say, is someone from outside France (8)","Answer":"ETRANGER","Explanation":"Definition: someone from outside France\n**ET**(extraterrestrial) **+ RANGER** (forest officer)\n **ET RANGER**\n\n**ETRANGER**(French word for foreigner; someone from outside France)"} {"Clue":"A lot of excellent beer is the last thing you want? (6)","Answer":"FINALE","Explanation":"Definition: the last thing you want\n**FINE** (excellent) **excluding the final letter** (a lot of) **E**** + ALE** (beer)\n **FIN ALE**\n\n**FINALE** (the end or climax; the last thing you want)"} {"Clue":"Number getting cold aboard fixed Arctic vehicle? (3-3)","Answer":"SNO-CAT","Explanation":"Definition: Arctic vehicle\n(**NO** [number] **+ C** [cold]) **contained in** (aboard) **SAT** (positioned; located; fixed)\n **S** (**NO C**) **AT**\n\n**SNO-CAT** (a type of motorized, tracked vehicle for use on snow; Arctic vehicle)"} {"Clue":"Film composer one morning seen amongst leaves (8)","Answer":"WILLIAMS","Explanation":"Definition: Film composer\n(**I** [Roman numeral for one]** + AM** [ante meridiem; morning]) **contained in **(seen amongst) **WILLS** (leaves)\n **WILL** (**I AM**) **S**\n\n**WILLIAMS** (reference John **WILLIAMS **[born 1932], American composer and conductor, best known for film scores such as Star Wars, Harry Potter, Superman and many others)"} {"Clue":"One child in a ring displaying martial art (6)","Answer":"AIKIDO","Explanation":"Definition: martial art\n(**I** [Roman numeral for one]** + KID**[child]) **contained in** (in) (**A + O** [ring shaped letter])\n **A** (**I** **KID**) **O**\n\n**AIKIDO** (Japanese martial art using locks and pressure against joints)"} {"Clue":"Exercises aviators, requiring no indication of excellence necessarily (8)","Answer":"PERFORCE","Explanation":"Definition: necessarily\n**PE** (physical education; exercise) + **AIR FORCE** (aviators) **excluding** (requiring no) **AI** (a one; indication of excellence)\n **PE RFORCE**\n\n**PERFORCE** (of necessity)"} {"Clue":"English city councillor with yarn about American (8)","Answer":"CARLISLE","Explanation":"Definition: English city\n(**CR** [councillor] **+ LISLE** [long-stapled, hard-twisted cotton yarn])** containing** (about) **A** (American)\n **C** (**A**)**R** **LISLE**\n\n**CARLISLE** (city in the North West of England)"} {"Clue":"Second Star of Africa or India? (5,2,3,5)","Answer":"JEWEL IN THE CROWN","Explanation":"Definition: India\n**JEWEL IN THE CROWN** (this is a reference to the second largest stone cut from the Cullinan Diamond , the largest rough diamond ever found. Cullinan II is known as the Second Star of Africa and is mounted in the Imperial State Crown, part of the United Kingdom Crown Jewels)\n **JEWEL IN THE CROWN**\n\n**JEWEL IN THE CROWN** (India was often referred to as the **JEWEL IN THE CROWN** of the British Empire) double definition"} {"Clue":"Fighting identified with crater ? (6)","Answer":"BOXING","Explanation":"Definition: Fighting\n**BOXING** (a crater [someone who packs items into crates or boxes] would be boxing things)\n **BOXING**\n\n**BOXING** (fighting) double definition"} {"Clue":"Fuel favoured a lot of motion on wheels (6)","Answer":"PETROL","Explanation":"Definition: Fuel\n**PET** (favoured) **+ ROLL** (motion on wheels) **excluding the final letter** (a lot of) **L**\n **PET ROL** \n\n**PETROL** (fuel, often used by engines that create motion on wheels)"} {"Clue":"Article in the main elevated tense European art lover? (8)","Answer":"AESTHETE","Explanation":"Definition: art lover\n**THE** (definite article) **contained in **(in) (**SEA** [the main] **reversed** [elevated; down clue] **+ T** [tense] **+ E** [European])\n **AES**< (**THE**) **T E**\n\n**AESTHETE** (person who affects an extravagant love of art)"} {"Clue":"Italian motorcyclist qualified, covering section in main road (8)","Answer":"AGOSTINI","Explanation":"Definition: Italian motorcyclist\n(**GOT IN** [qualified for] **containing** [covering] **S** [section]) **all contained in** (in) **A1** (main road from London to Edinburgh or Edinburgh to London if you want the different nationalist views)\n **A** (**GO** (**S**) **T IN**) **I**\n\n**AGOSTINI** (reference Giacomo **AGOSTINI** [born 1942], Italian motor cycle world champion)"} {"Clue":"Approach to harbour and nothing more expressed in three lines (8)","Answer":"LANDFALL","Explanation":"Definition: Approach to harbour\n(**AND** **+ FA** [reference 'sweet Fanny Adams' {nothing at all}; other expansions of FA apply as well]) **contained in** (expressed in) **L** [line] **+ L** [line]** + L** [line] giving three lines)\n **L** (**AND **FA) **L** **L**\n\n**LANDFALL** (approach to land after a journey by sea or air)"} {"Clue":"________ isn't represented on a lot of maps! (8)","Answer":"ATLANTIS","Explanation":"Definition: ________ isn't represented on a lot of maps! (8)\n**ATLAS** (maps) **excluding the final letter** (a lot of)** + an anagram of** (represented) **ISN'T**\n **ATLA NTIS*******\n\n**ATLANTIS** (legendary vanished island in the Atlantic Ocean that, not surprisingly, doesn't appear on a lot of maps)"} {"Clue":"Old money I extracted from the Pope? (6)","Answer":"FRANCS","Explanation":"Definition: Old money\n**FRANCIS** (reference the current Pope **FRANCIS**) **excluding** (extracted) **I**\n **FRANCS**\n\n**FRANCS** (former currency of France before the Euro; old money)"} {"Clue":"Performances seen around old time joints (6)","Answer":"GIGOTS","Explanation":"Definition: joints\n**GIGS** (performances) **containing** (seen around) (**O** [old] **+ T** [time])\n **GIG **(**O T**) **S**\n\n**GIGOTS** (leg of mutton; joint"} {"Clue":"Sausage? Setter's looking up after reduction in vegetarian fare (6)","Answer":"SALAMI","Explanation":"Definition: Sausage\n**SALAD**(vegetarian fare) **excluding the final letter** (reduction in) **D** **+ I'M** (**I AM**; Setter is) **reversed** (looking up; down clue)\n **SALA MI**\n\n**SALAMI** (highly seasoned Italian sausage)"} {"Clue":"Where Prince might shoot vocal backing for Cure piece (8,6)","Answer":"BALMORAL CASTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Where Prince might shoot\n**BALM** (anything that heals or soothes pain; cure)** + ORAL** (vocal) **+ CASTLE** (rook; chess piece)\n **BALM ORAL CASTLE**\n\n**BALMORAL CASTLE** (location in Scotland where a Royal Prince may shoot)"} {"Clue":"Restriction per sodium in 5 (6)","Answer":"BANANA","Explanation":"Definition: 5\n**BAN** (restriction)** + A** (per) **+ NA** (sodium)\n **BAN A ****NA**\n\n**BANANA** (the **BANANA** pepper is medium-sized member of the **CHILI PEPPER** [5 down] family that has a mild, tangy taste)"} {"Clue":"Deep South kid holding pan of 5 (8)","Answer":"CHIPOTLE","Explanation":"Definition: 5\n**CHILE** (country in the deep South of South America) **containing** (holding) **POT** (pan)\n **CHI** (**POT**)** LE**\n\n**CHIPOTLE** (a smoked and dried jalapeno **CHILI PEPPER** [5 down]\u00a0that is used in Mexican dishes)"} {"Clue":"Scattered a herb on a 5 (8)","Answer":"HABANERO","Explanation":"Definition: 5\n**CHILE** (country in the deep South of South America) **containing** (holding) **POT** (pan)\n **CHI** (**POT**)** LE**\n\n**CHIPOTLE** (a smoked and dried jalapeno **CHILI PEPPER** [5 down]\u00a0that is used in Mexican dishes)"} {"Clue":"Gather in nut kernel for bird to eat (6)","Answer":"INTUIT","Explanation":"Definition: Gather\n**IN** **+** (**TIT** [bird] **containing** [to eat] **U** [**middle letter of** {kernel} **NUT**] \n **IN** **T** (**U**) **IT**\n\n**INTUIT** (perceive immediately without reasoning or logic; understand; get)"} {"Clue":"Pupil's surroundings somehow anodyne after company of writer (5,5)","Answer":"CONAN DOYLE","Explanation":"Definition: writer\n**CO** (company) **+** (**L** [learner; pupil] **contained in** [surroundings] **an anagram of** [somehow] **ANODYNE**)\n **CO** **NAN DOY** (**L**) **E***\n\n**CONAN DOYLE** (reference Sir Arthur **CONAN DOYLE** [1859-1930], British writer, best known for his Sherlock Holmes tales)"} {"Clue":"Use new cooker to make 5 (4)","Answer":"NAGA","Explanation":"Definition: 5\n**N** (new) **+ AGA** (stove; cooker)\n **N AGA**\n\n**NAGA** (The **NAGA**\u00a0Viper pepper is a hot **CHILI PEPPER** [5 down]. In 2011, it was recorded as the \"World's Hottest Chili\" by the Guinness World Records with a rating of 1,382,118 Scoville Heat Units [SHU], but was surpassed in SHU by several other peppers, such as Pepper X in 2017)"} {"Clue":"Short ode to cat is artistic work (4)","Answer":"OPUS","Explanation":"Definition: artistic work\n**O PUSS!** **excluding the final letter** (short) **S** could be the words of an ode to a cat.\n I'm not sure that this parsing is right. It's the position of word 'short' that is confusing me a bit. I don't think O is an abbreviation [short] for ODE, so I'm tending to the view that it is the words of a complete ode that are short.\n **O PUS**\n\n**OPUS** (artistic work)"} {"Clue":"Singular pre-erotic recommendation, one preventing reproduction (10)","Answer":"ANTIPIRACY","Explanation":"Definition: preventing reproduction\n**AN** (one; singular) **+ TIP** (recommendation) **+ I** (Roman numeral for one) + **RACY** (erotic). 'pre' indicates that recommendation one (**TIP I**) comes before **RACY**\n **AN ****TIP I RACY**\n\n**ANTIPIRACY** (descriptive of actions and strategies to prevent unauthorized publication or reproduction; infringement of copyright)"} {"Clue":"Aphid firstly, then bee, appear in flower (6)","Answer":"ABLOOM","Explanation":"Definition: in flower\n**A** (**initial letter of** [firstly] **APHID**) **+ B** (bee) **+ LOOM** (appear)\n **A B LOOM**\n\n**ABLOOM** (in flower)"} {"Clue":"5 misses bit of potato (5,3)","Answer":"BIRD","Explanation":"Definition: 5\n**BIRDS** (young ladies; misses) **+ EYE** (part of a potato)\n **BIRDS EYE**\n\n**BIRD'S EYE** (a **CHILI PEPPER** [5 down])"} {"Clue":"To cut disease, eat fish (8)","Answer":"SARDINES","Explanation":"Definition: fish\n**DINE** (eat) **contained in** (to cut) **SARS** (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome; a severe viral infection of the lungs characterized by high fever, a dry cough, and breathing difficulties. The virus that caused **SARS** is genetically related to the virus currently causing Covid-19)\n **SAR** (**DINE**) **S**\n\n**SARDINES** (fish)"} {"Clue":"5 bought by peasant to make turnover (6)","Answer":"FRESNO","Explanation":"Definition: 5\n(**ON** [at the expense of; bought by, as in 'the drinks are **ON** me'] **+ SERF** [peasant]) **all reversed** (to make turnover)\n (**FRES**** NO**)<\n\n**FRESNO** (The **FRESNO** **CHILI PEPPER** [5 down]\u00a0is a medium-sized cultivar of Capsicum annuum)"} {"Clue":"Agreement in writing (14)","Answer":"CORRESPONDENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Agreement\n**CORRESPONDENCE** (agreement)\n **CORRESPONDENCE**\n\n**CORRESPONDENCE** (letters; writing) double definition"} {"Clue":"Translated abroad, skirting around very big words (7)","Answer":"BRAVADO","Explanation":"Definition: big words\n**Anagram of** (translated) **ABROAD** **containing** (skirting around) **V** (very)\n **BRA** (**V**) **ADO***\n\n**BRAVADO** (boastful and threatening, using big words to convey the impression of power and courage)"} {"Clue":"Animal upset a lot of shops (5)","Answer":"LLAMA","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\n(**A** **+ MALL** [shopping area, often with many separate shops]) **all reversed** (upset)\n (**LLAM A**)<\n\n**LLAMA** (animal)"} {"Clue":"Potential parts for child star not including lead part? (3)","Answer":"OVA","Explanation":"Definition: Potential parts for child\n**NOVA** (star that suddenly increases in brightness for a number of days or years) **excluding the first letter** (lead part) **N**\n **OVA**\n\n**OVA** (female egg cells from which children may develop)"} {"Clue":"Fish from part of boat docked over vasty extremes (7)","Answer":"ANCHOVY","Explanation":"Definition: Fish \n**ANCHOR** (part of a boat) **excluding the final letter** (docked) **R + VY** (**first and last letters of** [extremes] **VASTY**)\n **ANCHO** **VY**\n\n**ANCHOVY** (fish)"} {"Clue":"Food sauce enjoyed primarily when drinking bubbly, or vice versa (5,6)","Answer":"CHILI PEPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Food\n(**LIP** [insolence; sauce] **+ E** [**first letter of** {primarily} **ENJOYED**) **contained in** (when drinking) **CHIPPER** (briskly cheerful; bubbly). As required, the construct is the exact opposite (vice versa) of 'sauce enjoyed primarily when drinking bubbly'.\n **CHI** (**LI P** **E**) **PPER**\n\n**CHILI PEPPER** (food)"} {"Clue":"Certain amount in bank gets right contractor (9)","Answer":"SHORTENER","Explanation":"Definition: contractor\n(**TEN** [specific or certain number or amount] **contained in** [in] **SHORE** [bank]) **+ R** (right)\n **SHOR** (**TEN**) **E** **R**\n\n**SHORTENER** (something that **SHORTEN**s or contracts; contractor)"} {"Clue":"Like little thing spoken in patois (7)","Answer":"LILTING","Explanation":"Definition: spoken in patois\nThe phrase **LITTLE THING** might be pronounced as **LI'L TING** in a local \/ dialect way of speaking\n **LIL** **TING**\n\n**LILTING** (giving the swing or cadence rather than the structure of the melody, as when speaking in a patois)"} {"Clue":"Charming address rented with means to renovate (11)","Answer":"ENDEARMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Charming address\n**Anagram of** (to renovate) **RENTED** and **MEANS**\n **ENDE****A****R****MEN****T****S***\n\n**ENDEARMENTS** (spoken or written expressions of love; charming address)"} {"Clue":"Fugitive muscles onto scam with rosy returns (9)","Answer":"ABSCONDER","Explanation":"Definition: Fugitive\n**ABS** (muscles)** + CON** (swindle; scam) **+ RED** (rosy) **reversed** (returns)\n **ABS CON DER**<\n\n**ABSCONDER** (escapee from legal process; fugitive)"} {"Clue":"Almost tasteless contents of crap 5 (7)","Answer":"POBLANO","Explanation":"Definition: 5\n**BLAND**~~ ~~(tactless) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **D contained in** (contents of) **POO** (faeces; crap)\n **PO** (**BLAN**) **O**\n\n**POBLANO** (a mild **CHILI PEPPER** [5 down])"} {"Clue":"5 and beans regularly included in Mexican food (7)","Answer":"TABASCO","Explanation":"Definition: 5\n**BAS** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [regularly] of **BEANS**) **contained in** (included in) **TACO** (in Mexican cooking, a very thin rolled pancake with a meat filling, usually fried crisp)\n **TA** (**BAS**) **CO**\n\n**TABASCO** (variety of the **CHILI PEPPER** [5 down]\u00a0species, best known as the ingredient of a sauce of the same name)"} {"Clue":"Stem, overwhelming urge for 5 (7)","Answer":"CAYENNE","Explanation":"Definition: 5\n**CANE** (stem of a small palm) **containing** (overwhelming) **YEN** (urge)\n **CA** (**YEN**) **NE**\n\n**CAYENNE** (moderately hot **CHILI PEPPER** [5 down])"} {"Clue":"Length of flight (5)","Answer":"SKEIN","Explanation":"Definition: Length\n**SKEIN** (loosely tied coil or standard length of thread or yarn)\n **SKEIN**\n\n**SKEIN** (flock of wild geese in flight) double definition"} {"Clue":"Gruff adult suppresses rage (3)","Answer":"FAD","Explanation":"Definition: rage\n**FAD** (**hidden word in** [suppresses] **GRUFF ADULT**) \n **FAD**\n\n**FAD** (hobby or interest intensely pursued at first, but soon passed over for another; something that's all the rage for a time)"} {"Clue":"How the dealer struggles to be sincere (12)","Answer":"WHOLEHEARTED","Explanation":"Definition: sincere\n**Anagram of** (struggles) **HOW THE DEALER**\n **WHOLEHEARTED***\n\n**WHOLEHEARTED** (zealous and sincere)"} {"Clue":"Dryer heat possibly requires one to do this (9)","Answer":"REHYDRATE","Explanation":"Definition: this\n**Anagram of** (possibly) **DRYER HEAT**\n **REHYDRATE***\n\n**REHYDRATE** (enable a person suffering from heat exhaustion and dehydration to absorb water and recover)"} {"Clue":"Nag Republican wearing tights (5)","Answer":"HORSE","Explanation":"Definition: Nag\n**R** (Republican) **contained in** (wearing) **HOSE** (stockings; socks; tights)\n **HO** (**R**) **SE**\n\n**HORSE** (nag)"} {"Clue":"Cheer hot tennis player with shaved head (6)","Answer":"HURRAY","Explanation":"Definition: Cheer\n**H** (hot) **+ MURRAY** (reference Sir Andy **MURRAY** [born 1987, British {Scottish} tennis player) **excluding the first letter** (with shaved head) **M**\n **H URRAY**\n\n**HURRAY** (cheer)"} {"Clue":"Depression of jet-setter? (5-3)","Answer":"BLACK-DOG","Explanation":"Definition: Depression\n**BLACK** [jet] **+ DOG** [a setter is a breed of dog]\n **BLACK ****DOG**\n\n**BLACK-DOG** (depression)"} {"Clue":"Silicon filtered out of rank medicinal drink (6)","Answer":"POTION","Explanation":"Definition: medicinal drink\n**POSITION** (rank) **excluding** (filtered out of) **SI** (chemical symbol for silicon)\n **POTION**\n\n**POTION** (draught of liquid medicine; medicinal drink)"} {"Clue":"Introduction to \"Happy New Year\" composed in unspecified place (8)","Answer":"ANYWHERE","Explanation":"Definition: unspecified place\n**Anagram of** (composed)\u00a0**H** (**first letter of** [introduction to] **HAPPY**) and **NEW YEAR**\n **ANYW****H****ERE***\n\n**ANYWHERE** (unspecified place)"} {"Clue":"Picture left by scoundrel touring Italy (8)","Answer":"PORTRAIT","Explanation":"Definition: Picture\n**PORT** (left) **+ **(**RAT** [scoundrel] **containing** [touring] **I** [International Vehicle Registration for Italy])\n **PORT** **RA** (**I**) **T**\n\n**PORTRAIT** (picture)"} {"Clue":"Rejected help at supermarket bagging essential food item (6)","Answer":"STAPLE","Explanation":"Definition: essential food item\n**STAPLE** (**hidden word reversed in** [rejected \u2026 bagging] **HELP AT SUPERMARKET**)\n **STAPLE**<\n\n**STAPLE** (main element of diet; essential food item)"} {"Clue":"Weather provided by sun god in autumn (8)","Answer":"RAINFALL","Explanation":"Definition: Weather\n**RA** (Egyptian sun god)** + IN + FALL** (autumn)\n **RA IN FALL**\n\n**RAINFALL** (type of weather)"} {"Clue":"Parody beginning of show, and finish (4,2)","Answer":"SEND UP","Explanation":"Definition: Parody \n**S** (**first letter of** [beginning of] **SHOW**)** + END UP** (finish)\n **S** **END UP**\n\n**SEND UP** (parody)"} {"Clue":"The noise from cricket starts to cause havoc up Radcliffe Road (5)","Answer":"CHURR","Explanation":"Definition: The noise from cricket\n**CHURR** (**first letters of** [starts to] **CAUSE**, **HAVOC** **UP**, **RADCLIFFE** and **ROAD**) At the Trent Bridge cricket ground in Nottingham one of the ends of the pitch is referred to as the Radcliffe Road end\n **CHURR**\n\n**CHURR** (low trilling sound made by certain birds and insects [such as a cricket])"} {"Clue":"Custom from Turkey: one daughter gets wasted in annexe (9)","Answer":"TRADITION","Explanation":"Definition: Custom\n**TR** (International Vehicle Registration for Turkey) **+ ADDITION** (an annexe is an **ADDITION**\u00a0to an existing building)) **excluding** (gets wasted) **one of the Ds** [daughter])\n **TR ADITION**\n\n**TRADITION** (long established custom)"} {"Clue":"Spies soprano centre stage, wandering around (6,6)","Answer":"SECRET AGENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Spies\n**Anagram of** (wandering around) **S** (soprano) and **CENTRE STAGE**\n **S****ECRET ****AGE****N****TS***\n\n**SECRET AGENTS** (spies)"} {"Clue":"Argument about son in love (7)","Answer":"WORSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: love\n**ROW** (argument) **reversed** (about) **+ S + HIP** (trendy; in)\n **WOR< S HIP**\n\n**WORSHIP** (love)"} {"Clue":"Spare bishop from inconvenience (5)","Answer":"OTHER","Explanation":"Definition: Spare\n**BOTHER** (inconvenience) **excluding** (from) **B** (bishop)\n **OTHER**\n\n**OTHER** (spare)"} {"Clue":"Try to stop each victory of US (9)","Answer":"ENDEAVOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Try \n**END** (stop) **+ EA** (each) **+ V** (victory) **+ OUR** (of us)\n **END EA V OUR**\n\n**ENDEAVOUR** (try)"} {"Clue":"Reportedly, Cockney bloke spotted Jacob's brother (4)","Answer":"ESAU","Explanation":"Definition: Jacob's brother\n**ESAU** (**sounds like** [reportedly] **E** [HE, or 'E as spoken by a cockney] **SAW** [spotted])\n **E SAU**\n\n**ESAU** (son of Isaac and brother of Jacob)"} {"Clue":"Some Tories linger for alcoholic drink (8)","Answer":"RIESLING","Explanation":"Definition: alcoholic drink\n**RIESLING** (**hidden word in** [some] **TORIES LINGER**)\n **RIESLING**\n\n**RIESLING** (type of grape grown esp in Germany and a dry white table wine produced from it)"} {"Clue":"Welcome cuts and so forth, in principle (5)","Answer":"ETHIC","Explanation":"Definition: principle\n**HI** (a welcome greeting) **contained in** (cuts)** ETC** (et cetera [and so forth])\n **ET** (**HI**) **C**\n\n**ETHIC** (principle)"} {"Clue":"Resurrect memories of Unionists admitting terrible greed (6,2)","Answer":"DREDGE UP","Explanation":"Definition: Resurrect memories of\n**DUP** (Democratic Unionist Party [Northern Ireland political party]; Unionists) **containing** (admitting) **an anagram of** (terrible) **GREED**\n **D** (**REDGE***)** UP**\n\n**DREDGE UP** (resurrect memories of)"} {"Clue":"Keen to include good, uplifting music (6)","Answer":"REGGAE","Explanation":"Definition: music\n(**EAGER** [keen] **containing** [to include] **G** [good]) **all reversed** [uplifting; down clue])\n (**REG** (**G**) **AE**)<\n\n**REGGAE** (strongly rhythmic form of music originating in Jamaica in the 1960s)"} {"Clue":"Theory oddly lacking conclusion (8)","Answer":"TERMINUS","Explanation":"Definition: conclusion\n**TER** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [oddly] of **THEORY**) **+ MINUS** (lacking)\n **TER MINUS**\n\n**TERMINUS** (end point; conclusion)"} {"Clue":"Contemptuous and essentially conceited group of criminals (9)","Answer":"WITHERING","Explanation":"Definition: Contemptuous\n**WITH** (and) **+ E** (**middle letter of** [essentially] **CONCEITED**]) **+ RING** (a combination or clique, especially one organized to control the market or for other self-seeking purpose; group of criminals)\n **WITH E RING**\n\n**WITHERING** (contemptuous)"} {"Clue":"Someone who desecrates instrument on hill (8)","Answer":"VIOLATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Someone who desecrates\n**VIOLA** (musical instrument) **+ TOR** (hill or rocky height)\n **VIOLA TOR**\n\n**VIOLATOR** (one who treats disrespectfully or desecrates)"} {"Clue":"Robbery plot with no disadvantages (6)","Answer":"PIRACY","Explanation":"Definition: Robbery\n**CONSPIRACY** (plot) **excluding** (with no) **CONS** (disadvantages)\n **PIRACY**\n\n**PIRACY** (robbery on the high seas)"} {"Clue":"Pays out most of cost to protect Duke (7)","Answer":"EXPENDS","Explanation":"Definition: Pays out\n**EXPENSE** (cost)** excluding the final letter** (most of) **E**\u00a0**containing** (to protect) **D** (duke)\n **EXPEN** (**D**) **S**\n\n**EXPENDS** (pays out)"} {"Clue":"Shambles as Rooney originally included in side (5)","Answer":"FARCE","Explanation":"Definition: Shambles\n**R** (**first letter of** [originally] **ROONEY**)** contained in** (included in) **FACE** (side of a solid geometrical figure)\n **FA** (**R**) **CE**\n\n**FARCE** (shambles)"} {"Clue":"See fit Scandinavian in conversation (5)","Answer":"DEIGN","Explanation":"Definition: See fit\n**DEIGN** (**sounds like** [in conversations] **DANE** [native of Denmark; Scandinavian])\n **DEIGN**\n\n**DEIGN** (think it fit or worthy of oneself to do something)"} {"Clue":"Dropping trousers, rector showing member (4)","Answer":"PART","Explanation":"Definition: member\n**PAT** (cowpat; dropping) **containing** (trousers) **R** (rector)\n **PA** (**R**) **T**\n\n**PART** (member)"} {"Clue":"Oven with glowing exterior got very hot (7)","Answer":"ROASTED","Explanation":"Definition: got very hot\n**OAST** (kiln to dry hops or malt; oven) **contained in** (with \u2026 exterior) **RED** (glowing)\n **R** (**OAST**) **ED**\n\n**ROASTED** (got very hot)"} {"Clue":"Aquatic animal's tail appearing first in spring (7)","Answer":"EMANATE","Explanation":"Definition: spring\n**MANATEE** (large aquatic herbivorous mammal) **with the final letter** (tail) **E** **moved to the front** (appearing first)\n **EMANATE**\n\n**EMANATE** (arise; spring)"} {"Clue":"Importance publication attached to naked figure full of sex appeal (9)","Answer":"MAGNITUDE","Explanation":"Definition: Importance\n**MAG** (magazine)** + **(**NUDE** [naked figure] **containing** [full of] **IT** [sex appeal])\n **MAG** **N** (**IT**) **UDE**\n\n**MAGNITUDE** (importance)"} {"Clue":"Fare from Mexico via America included in high cost (5)","Answer":"TACOS","Explanation":"Definition: Fare from Mexico\n**A** (America) **contained in** (included in) **an anagram of** (high) **COST**\n **T** (**A**) **COS***\n\n**TACOS** (in Mexican cooking, a very thin rolled pancake with a meat filling, usually fried crisp; Mexican fare)"} {"Clue":"High-pitched sound starts to bother ladies aboard plane? (6)","Answer":"TREBLE","Explanation":"Definition: High-pitched sound\n**BL** (**first letters of** [starts to] **each of BOTTLE** and **LADIES**) **contained in** (aboard) **TREE** (a plane is a type of tree)\n **TRE** (**B ****L**) **E**\n\n**TREBLE** (high-pitched sound)"} {"Clue":"Criticise article about the great and the good (8)","Answer":"PANTHEON","Explanation":"Definition: the great and the good\n**PAN** (criticise) **+ THE** (definite article) **+ ON** (about)\n **PAN ****THE**** ****ON**\n\n**PANTHEON** (all the gods collectively of a religion; the great and the good)"} {"Clue":"They start to lead saint astray without conviction (10)","Answer":"HESITANTLY","Explanation":"Definition: without conviction\n**Anagram of** (astray) **THEY** and** L** (**first letter of** [start to] **LEAD**) and **SAINT**\n **HESITANTLY***\n\n**HESITANTLY **(without conviction)"} {"Clue":"Divers may use this spear hunting fish (4)","Answer":"PIKE","Explanation":"Definition: Divers may use this\n**PIKE **(posture in which the body is bent sharply at the hips with legs kept straight at the knees and toes pointed; position adopted by divers in a competition, along with tucks, somersaults and twists)\n\n**PIKE** (weapon with a long shaft and a sharp head like a spear, could be used for hunting)\n **PIKE **(type of fish) triple definition"} {"Clue":"Support visit to delay postponement of legal proceedings (4)","Answer":"STAY","Explanation":"Definition: Support\n**STAY** (anything that supports or steadies, such as a prop or buttress)\n **STAY** (to reside temporarily, especially as a guest; visit)\n\n**STAY** (delay or hinder)\n **STAY **(discontinue or suspend (a judicial proceeding) quadruple definition"} {"Clue":"Opiate isn't derived from this plant (10)","Answer":"POINSETTIA","Explanation":"Definition: plant\n**Anagram of** (derived from) **OPIATE ISN'T**\n **POI****NS****ET****TI****A***\n\n**POINSETTIA** (spurge, with petal-like bracts, usually scarlet, and small yellow flowers; plant)"} {"Clue":"Weakened and let guards empty latrine (8)","Answer":"RELENTED","Explanation":"Definition: Weakened\n**RENTED** (leased; let)** containing** (guards) **LE** (l**etters remaining in LATRINE** **when the central letters ATRIN are removed** [empty])\n **RE** (**LE**) **NTED**\n\n**RELENTED** (relaxed; weakened)"} {"Clue":"Defect after leader's been taken ill (6)","Answer":"AILING","Explanation":"Definition: ill\n**F****AILING** (defect) **excluding** (after \u2026 been taken) **the first lette**r (leader) **F**\n **AILING**\n\n**AILING** (ill)"} {"Clue":"Interim agenda includes public perception of company (5)","Answer":"IMAGE","Explanation":"Definition: public perception of company\n**IMAGE** (hidden word in [includes] **INTERIM AGENDA**)\n **IMAGE**\n\n**IMAGE** (character or attributes of a person, institution, business, etc as regarded by the general public)"} {"Clue":"Illustrate Greek mathematician moving his line, reflecting his character (9)","Answer":"ELUCIDATE","Explanation":"Definition: Illustrate\n**EUCLID** (Greek mathematician of the 4th century BC) with **L** (line) **moved forward in his name to** **form ELUCID** **+ ETA** (Greek letter [his {Euclid's} character])** reversed** (reflecting)\n **E****L****UCID** **ATE**<\n\n**ELUCIDATE** (make clear; illustrate)"} {"Clue":"Setters cheering when cycling (7)","Answer":"GELATIN","Explanation":"Definition: Setters\n**ELATING** (cheering) **with all the letters cycled one place to the right and the last letter moving to the front**\n **GELATIN**\n\n**GELATIN** (substances used for setting photographs, foodstuffs etc; setters)"} {"Clue":"Set of terminals connects display to computer socket (7)","Answer":"AIRPORT","Explanation":"Definition: Set of terminals\n**AIR** (broadcast; display) **+ PORT** (computer socket)\n **AIR PORT**\n\n**AIRPORT **(transport hub, often comprising more than one terminal)"} {"Clue":"Second fight perhaps upset more gentle children (7)","Answer":"REMATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Second fight perhaps\n**TAMER** (more gentle) **reversed** (upset; down clue) **+ CH** (children)\n **REMAT CH**\n\n**REMATCH** (second or subsequent meeting, fight, tie etc)"} {"Clue":"Marine life trapped by undersea glaciers rising (5)","Answer":"ALGAE","Explanation":"Definition: Marine life\n**ALGAE **(**hidden word reversed** [rising; down clue]\u00a0i**n** [trapped by] **UNDERSEA GLACIERS**)\n **ALGAE**<\n\n**ALGAE** (seaweed; marine life)"} {"Clue":"Sticky little growths twist leg out of shape (8)","Answer":"TWIGLETS","Explanation":"Definition: Sticky little growths\n**Anagram of **(out of shape) **TWIST LEG**\n **TWIGLETS***\n\n**TWIGLETS** (very small branch or shoot of a tree or other woody plant, sometimes sticky; may also be a reference to a savoury snack made from wheat-based savoury nibbles are flavoured using yeast extract to make them slightly sticky)"} {"Clue":"University dons brought up poor artist's feeble effort (4)","Answer":"DAUB","Explanation":"Definition: artist's feeble effort \n**U** (university) **contained in** (dons) **BAD** (poor) **reversed** (brought up; down clue)\n **DA** (**U**) **B**<\n\n**DAUB** (crude painting; artist's feeble effort)"} {"Clue":"Staring angrily at first person shouting on the phone (10)","Answer":"EYEBALLING","Explanation":"Definition: Staring angrily at\n**EYE **(**sounds like** [on the phone]\u00a0**I** [first person]) **+ BALLING** (**sounds like** [on the phone] **BAWLING** [shouting])\n **EYE BALLING**\n\n**EYEBALLING** (confront someone by staring angrily at them)"} {"Clue":"Knowing when student fails to finish (6)","Answer":"ASTUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Knowing\n**AS** (when) **+ TUTEE **(person being taught; student) **excluding the final letter** (fails to finish) **E**\n **AS TUTE**\n\n**ASTUTE** (shrewd; knowing)"} {"Clue":"Transmuting metal is primarily his concern (9)","Answer":"ALCHEMIST","Explanation":"Definition: Transmuting metal is primarily his concern\n**Anagram of **(transmuting) **METAL IS** and **HC** (**first letters **[primarily] **of each of** **HIS** and **CONCERN**)\n **AL****CH****EM****IS****T***\n\n**ALCHEMIST** (person who claimed to transmute other metals into gold, and discover the elixir of life) & Lit clue"} {"Clue":"Concentrate less, getting left out, hence missing opening (7)","Answer":"ESSENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Concentrate\n**LESS** **(excluding** [getting \u2026 out] **L** [left]) **+ HENCE excluding** (missing) **the first letter **(opening) **H**\n **ESS ****ENCE**\n\n**ESSENCE** (concentrated extract)"} {"Clue":"Surprising French article about warning received by new witness (10)","Answer":"UNFORESEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Surprising\n**UN** (French for **AN** [indefinite article] **containing** [about] [**FORE** {warning cry on a golf course when a ball is heading towards people} **contained in** {received by} {**N** {new} **+ SEE** {witness}])\n **U** (**N** (**FORE**) **SEE**) **N**\n\n**UNFORESEEN** (surprising)"} {"Clue":"Letters providing protection for owner of mobile home? (5,4)","Answer":"SNAIL MAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Letters\n**S****NAIL** (mollusc with a shell; owner of a mobile home) **+ MAIL** (armour; protection)\n **SNAIL MAIL**\n\n**SNAIL MAIL** (physical post as opposed to electronic communication; letters)"} {"Clue":"Auditor's most appropriate passion for another auditor? (8)","Answer":"VERIFIER","Explanation":"Definition: auditor\n**VERI** (s**ounds like** [auditor's] **VERY** [most]) **+ FIER** [sounds like [auditor's] **FIRE** [an appropriate emotion to describe passion])\n **VERI FIER**\n\n**VERIFIER** (one who checks; auditor)"} {"Clue":"Ration in the army? (7)","Answer":"SERVING","Explanation":"Definition: Ration\n**SERVING** (portion; ration)\n **SERVING**\n\n**SERVING** (currently in the armed forces) double definition"} {"Clue":"Agents gripped by first half of writer's supplement (7)","Answer":"AUGMENT","Explanation":"Definition: supplement\n**G-MEN** (American slang for Federal Bureau of Investigation agents) **contained in** (gripped by) **AUT** (**first three letters of six** [first half of] **AUTHOR** [writer])\n **AU** (**GMEN**) **T**\n\n**AUGMENT** (increase in number; supplement)"} {"Clue":"Introduce character providing opening for somewhat lifeless hosts (6)","Answer":"INSERT","Explanation":"Definition: Introduce\n**INERT** (lifeless) **containing** (hosts) **S** (**first letter of** [character providing opening for] **SOMEWHAT**)\n **IN** (**S**) **ERT**\n\n**INSERT** (introduce)"} {"Clue":"Duckweed reportedly forming large area across the pond (5)","Answer":"IDAHO","Explanation":"Definition: large area across the pond\n**IDA** (**sounds like** [reportedly] **EIDER** [breed of duck]) **+ HO** (**sounds like** [reportedly] **HOE** [to weed])\n **IDA HO**\n\n**IDAHO** (State of the United States; 14th largest State by area; large area across the pond)"} {"Clue":"Form of insect life in Papua New Guinea finally disappearing (4)","Answer":"PUPA","Explanation":"Definition: Form of insect life\n**Anagram of** (new) **PAPUA** **excluding** (disappearing) an **A** (**last letter of** [finally] GUINE**A**)\n **PUPA***\n\n**PUPA** (insect in the usually passive stage between larva and imago)"} {"Clue":"Blazing about Republican. OK? (7)","Answer":"ALRIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: OK\n**ALIGHT **(on fire; blazing) **containing** (about) **R** (Republican)\n **AL** (**R**) **IGHT**\n\n**ALRIGHT** (adequate;OK)"} {"Clue":"Valued return of my drug, alas (5,2)","Answer":"DEARY ME","Explanation":"Definition: alas\n**DEAR** (highly valued) **+ MY** **reversed** (return of) **+ E** (ecstasy; drug)\n **DEAR** **Y M**< **E**\n\n**DEARY ME** (expression of dismay; alas"} {"Clue":"Varnish apparently secured in early part of year (5)","Answer":"JAPAN","Explanation":"Definition: Varnish\n**AP** (apparently) **contained in **(secured in) **JAN** (**JAN**uary; an early part of the year)\n **J **(**AP**) **AN**\n\n**JAPAN** (varnish with a glossy black varnish or lacquer)"} {"Clue":"Leftover amount, it seems (3,3,3)","Answer":"ODD MAN OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Leftover\n**ODD MAN OUT** (if you read **ODD MAN OUT** as a cryptic crossword clue, **ODD** could be acting as the anagram indicator for the fodder **MAN OUT**. The answer to the clue will be **AMOUNT***)\n **ODD MAN OUT**\n\n**ODD MAN OUT** (person who is left out when numbers are made up)"} {"Clue":"Condition limiting new game leads to anger (7)","Answer":"INFLAME","Explanation":"Definition: anger\n(**IF** [{on} **condition** {that]} **containing** (limiting) **N**\u00a0[new]) **+ LAME** (game [see second definition in Collins and Chambers])\n **I** (**N**) **F** **LAME**\n\n**INFLAME** (anger)"} {"Clue":"Don't mess with first two characters variously interrupting reception (5,2)","Answer":"LEAVE BE","Explanation":"Definition: Don't mess with\n**A** and** B** (first two characters of the alphabet) **placed separately within**\u00a0(variously interrupting) **LEVEE** (morning or comparatively early reception of visitors, especially by a person of distinction) to form **LEAVE BE**\n **LE** **A** **VE** **B** **E**\n\n**LEAVE BE** (do not disturb; do not mess with)"} {"Clue":"Indicator of amusement I extracted from comparison (5)","Answer":"SMILE","Explanation":"Definition: Indicator of amusement\nThe first** I** **excluded from** (extracted from) **S****I****MILE** (figure of speech in which a person or thing is described by being explicitly likened to\u00a0[compared to] another, usually preceded by as or like)\n **SMILE**\n\n**SMILE** (indicator of amusement)"} {"Clue":"Really good pop group ditching name (3)","Answer":"BAD","Explanation":"Definition: Really good\n**BAND** (pop group)** excluding** (ditching) **N** (name)\n **BAD**\n\n**BAD** (good; as the language continues to evolve, **BAD**, like **WICKED** is now used slang for 'good')"} {"Clue":"Own a former European currency \u2013 Italian? (5)","Answer":"ADMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Own\n**A** **+ DM** (Deutschmark; former German [European] currency]) **+ IT** (Italian)\n **A ****DM IT**\n\n**ADMIT** (acknowledge ownership; own)"} {"Clue":"Host runs last equal (7)","Answer":"COMPEER","Explanation":"Definition: equal\n**COMPERE** (host) with **R** (runs)** moving to the end** (last)\n **COMPEER**\n\n**COMPEER** (person who is the equal of another in rank, ability or status)"} {"Clue":"US coach to scoff about rule (7)","Answer":"RAILCAR","Explanation":"Definition: US coach\n**RAIL** (scoff) **+ CA** (circa; about) **+ R** (rule)\n **RAIL CA R**\n\n**RAILCAR** (American term for a **RAIL**way carriage or coach)"} {"Clue":"Most restrained since cost exploded (9)","Answer":"CONCISEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most restrained\n**Anagram of** (exploded) **SINCE COST**\n **CONCISEST***\n\n**CONCISEST** (most brief and to the point; most restrained)"} {"Clue":"Swordsman recalled times around capital of Bulgaria (5)","Answer":"SABRE","Explanation":"Definition: Swordsman\n**ERAS** (times) **reversed** (recalled) **containing** (around) **B** (**first letter of** [capital of] **BULGARIA**)\n **SA** (**B**) **RE**<\n\n**SABRE** (historical cavalry soldier [who carried a sword?])"} {"Clue":"Eggs upset deer (7)","Answer":"ROEBUCK","Explanation":"Definition: deer\n**ROE** (mass of fish eggs) **+ BUCK** (throw a rider; upset)\n **ROE BUCK**\n\n**ROEBUCK** (a male **ROE** deer)"} {"Clue":"One with good sense, storing energy of volcanic rock (7)","Answer":"IGNEOUS","Explanation":"Definition: of volcanic rock\n**I **(Roman numeral for one) **+ G +** (**NOUS** [sense] **containing** [storing] **E** [energy])\n **I** **G** **N** (**E**) **OUS**\n\n**IGNEOUS** (descriptive of volcanic rock)"} {"Clue":"Cut throat (4)","Answer":"CROP","Explanation":"Definition: Cut\n**CROP** (cut)\n **CROP**\n\n**CROP** (craw; throat) double definition"} {"Clue":"Items to discuss? Get on with new one after Director intervenes (6)","Answer":"AGENDA","Explanation":"Definition: Items to discuss\n**AGE** (get on [in years]) **+** (**D** [director] **contained in** [intervenes] [**N** {new}** + A** {one}])\n **AGE** **N** (**D**) **A**\n\n**AGENDA** (list of items to be discussed)"} {"Clue":"Futile debut of one very much sent up during match (6)","Answer":"OTIOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Futile\n**O** (**first letter of** [debut of] **ONE**) + (**SO** [very much] **reversed** [sent up; down clue] and **contained in** [during] **TIE** [sports match])\n **O** **TI** (**OS**<) **E**\n\n**OTIOSE** (futile)"} {"Clue":"God leading South American people to North America \u2013 an epic story (8)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: an epic story\n**RA** (ancient Egyptian sun-god) **+ MAYA** (South American people) **+ NA** (North America)\n **RA MAYA NA**\n\n**R\u00c3M\u00c3YANA** (Sanskit epic story)"} {"Clue":"Jabber in chirpy mode excitedly (10)","Answer":"HYPODERMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Jabber\n**Anagram of** (excitedly) **CHIRPY MODE**\n **HYP****ODE****R****M****IC***\n\n**HYPODERMIC** (a syringe with a needle used for injections; jabber)"} {"Clue":"Exploit story, dismissing articles in fine condition (6)","Answer":"FETTLE","Explanation":"Definition: fine condition\n**FEAT** (exploit) **+ TALE** (story) **both excluding** (dismissing) **A**s (indefinite article[s])\n **FET TLE**\n\n**FETTLE** ([fine] condition) I think the definition of **FETTLE** is simply 'condition ' although it is often expressed along with 'fine' as in someone being in '**FINE FETTLE**'"} {"Clue":"Meets a club host over in front of system (7)","Answer":"ADJOINS","Explanation":"Definition: Meets\nA **+ DJ** (disc jockey; club host) **+ O** (over) **+ IN + S** (**first letter of** [front of] **SYSTEM**)\n **A DJ O IN S**\n\n**ADJOINS** (is in contact with; meets)"} {"Clue":"Swindled daughter? Was not greatly exercised about daughter (7)","Answer":"DIDDLED","Explanation":"Definition: Swindled\n**D** (daughter)** +** (**IDLED** [was not greatly exercised] **containing** [about] **D** [daughter])\n **D** **ID** (**D**)** LED **Either of the middle **D**s could be the one contained.\n\n**DIDDLED** (swindled)"} {"Clue":"Just one room popular? Dull to accept that (4-6)","Answer":"FAIR-MINDED","Explanation":"Definition: Just\n**FADED** (dull) **containing** (to accept) (**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ RM** [room] **+ IN** [popular])\n **FA** (**I** **RM** **IN**) **DED**\n\n**FAIR-MINDED** (judging fairly; just)"} {"Clue":"Retired? Time sure flies (8)","Answer":"EMERITUS","Explanation":"Definition: Retired\n**Anagram of** (flies) **TIME SURE**\n **EM****ER****IT****US***\n\n**EMERITUS** (honourably discharged from the performance of public duty, especially denoting a retired professor)"} {"Clue":"Crazy series penned by idiot (7)","Answer":"BERSERK","Explanation":"Definition: Crazy\n**SER** (series) **contained in** (penned by)** BERK** (idiot)\n **BER** (**SER**) **K**\n\n**BERSERK** (crazy)"} {"Clue":"Sailor understands aims (7)","Answer":"TARGETS","Explanation":"Definition: aims\n**TAR** (sailor) **+ GETS** (understands)\n **TAR GETS**\n\n**TARGETS** (aims)"} {"Clue":"Orator curtailed boast, retaining reserve (6)","Answer":"CICERO","Explanation":"Definition: Orator\n**CROW** (boast) **excluding the final letter** (curtailed) **W** **containing** (retaining) **ICE** (reserve)\n **C** (**ICE**) **RO**\n\n**CICERO** (reference Marcus Tullius **CICERO** [106BC \u2013 43BC), Roman statesman and orator)"} {"Clue":"Selling last of ale and port in bar, \u2026 (6)","Answer":"RETAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Selling\n**ET** (**final letter of** [last of] each of **ALE** and **PORT**) **contained in** (in)** RAIL** (bar)\n **R** (**E** **T**) **AIL**\n\n**RETAIL** (sale of goods to the consumer; selling)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 wild scene finally after pub restricts it (6)","Answer":"INSANE","Explanation":"Definition: wild\n(**INN** [public house; pub] **contains **[restricts] **SA** [sex appeal; it]) **+ E **(**last letter of\u00a0**[finally] **SCENE**)\n **IN** (**SA**) **N** **E**\n\n**INSANE** (wild)"} {"Clue":"John pens 50 comments online? (4)","Answer":"BLOG","Explanation":"Definition: comments online\n**BOG** (lavatory [slang]; john [informal term for lavatory, especially in the USA]) **containing** (pens) **L** (Roman numeral for 50)\n **B** (**L**)** OG**\n\n**BLOG** (online journal; online comments)"} {"Clue":"A 14: The Spanish Ego by Brahms and Liszt (7,5)","Answer":"COLONEL BOGEY","Explanation":"Definition: A 14\n**COLON** (:) **+ EL** (Spanish for 'the') **+ an anagram of** (Brahms and Liszt [drunk] **EGO BY**\n **COLON EL BOGEY***\n\n**COLONEL BOGEY** (title of a **MARCH** [14 across])"} {"Clue":"The suspect on bail at first in 14? (4)","Answer":"BETH","Explanation":"Definition: 14\n**B** (**initial letter of** [at first] **BAIL**) **+ an anagram of** (suspect) **THE**\n **B ****ETH***\n\n**BETH** (one of the **MARCH** [14 across] sisters in *Little Women*)"} {"Clue":"A doctor seen in dry cleaners in 14 (3,7)","Answer":"DAM BUSTERS","Explanation":"Definition: 14\n(**A** **+ MB** [Bachelor of Medicine; doctor]) **contained in** (seen in) **DUSTERS** (dry cleaners)\n **D** (**A** **M B**) **USTERS**\n\n**DAM BUSTERS** (a **MARCH** [14 across])"} {"Clue":"Significant if Little Women rejected a number of scores (6)","Answer":"EIGHTY","Explanation":"Definition: a number of scores\n**WEIGHTY** (important; significant) **excluding** (rejected) **W** (abbreviation [little] for women)\n **EIGHTY**\n\n**EIGHTY **(four times twenty [score]; a number of scores)"} {"Clue":"Some flee Cheshire? They suck! (7)","Answer":"LEECHES","Explanation":"Definition: a number of scores\n**WEIGHTY** (important; significant) **excluding** (rejected) **W** (abbreviation [little] for women)\n **EIGHTY**\n\n**EIGHTY **(four times twenty [score]; a number of scores)"} {"Clue":"A river between Central Germany and Switzerland's border (5)","Answer":"MARCH","Explanation":"Definition: border\n**M** (**middle letter of** [central] **GERMANY**) **+ A + R** (river) **+ CH** (International Vehicle Registration for Switzerland)\n **M A R CH**\n\n**MARCH** (boundary; border)"} {"Clue":"Prolific 14 scorer (like this American one) (5)","Answer":"SOUSA","Explanation":"Definition: Prolific 14 scorer\n**SO** (like this) **+ USA** (United States of America)\n **SO USA**\n\n**SOUSA** (reference John Philip **SOUSA** [1854 \u2013 1932], American composer known as the March King)"} {"Clue":"Drunken tramp in US showing small wet, round bottom (7)","Answer":"STEWBUM","Explanation":"Definition: Drunken tramp in US\n**S** (small) **WET** **reversed** (round) **+ BUM** (buttocks, bottom)\n **S** **TEW**< **BUM**\n\n**STEWBUM** (American term defining a drunkard or a drunken tramp \u2013 defined in Collins dictionary)"} {"Clue":"Contents of salads replaced by fruit or asparagus? (6)","Answer":"SPEARS","Explanation":"Definition: asparagus\n**SALADS** **with the central letters** (contents) **ALAD replaced by** (replaced by) **PEAR** (fruit)\n **S**** PEAR** **S**\n\n**SPEARS** (shoots, slender stalks, or blades, as of grass, asparagus, or broccoli)"} {"Clue":"14 appearing in capital letters (10,4)","Answer":"WASHINGTON POST","Explanation":"Definition: 14\n**WASHINGTON** (capital city of the United States) **+ POST** (mail; letters)\n **WASHINGTON POST**\n\n**WASHINGTON POST** (title of a **MARCH **[14 down])"} {"Clue":"Roving spider finishes off \"dem irksome flies in 14 (that's always true) (6,7)","Answer":"SEMPER FIDELIS","Explanation":"Definition: 14 (that's always true)\n**Anagram of** (roving) **SPIDER** **FLIES** and **ME**\u00a0(**the final letters\u00a0of **[finishes off] each of\u00a0**DEM** and\u00a0**IRKSOME**).\n **SEMPER FIDELIS***\n\n**SEMPER FIDELIS** (title of a **MARCH** [14 across])\n **SEMPER FIDELIS** (always faithful; always true)"} {"Clue":"Black Prince retrospective? Dull pretentious nonsense (4)","Answer":"BLAH","Explanation":"Definition: Dull pretentious nonsense\n**B** (black, when describing pencil lead) **+ HAL** (reference Prince **HAL**, a young Henry V) **reversed** (retrospective)\n **B LAH**<\n\n**BLAH** (dull; pretentious nonsense)"} {"Clue":"Jack meets loveless Jo on surer ground? They've made a solemn retraction (8)","Answer":"ABJURERS","Explanation":"Definition: They've made a solemn retraction\n**AB** (able seaman; sailor; jack)** + JO excluding** (less) **O** (zero; love score in tennis)** + an anagram of** (ground) **SURER**\n **AB ****J URERS***\n\n**ABJURERS** (people who renounce solemnly)"} {"Clue":"Fancy short musical with European element (7)","Answer":"CAESIUM","Explanation":"Definition: element\n**Anagram of** (fancy) **MUSICAL** **excluding the final letter** (short) **L** and (with) **E** (European)\n **CAESIUM***\n\n**CAESIUM** (element in the periodic table with atomic number 55)"} {"Clue":"Contributor to 20D \u2013 dysfunctional wooden character (5)","Answer":"NODDY","Explanation":"Definition: wooden characte\n**NODDY** (**hidden word in** [contributor to] **SYNOD DYSFUNCTIONAL**. **SYNOD** is the entry at 20 down)\n **NODDY**\n\n**NODDY** (fictional wooden character created by Enid Blyton [1897 \u2013 1968], English author of books for children)"} {"Clue":"In unconvincing manner, lost against the Spanish in 14? (6)","Answer":"LAMELY","Explanation":"Definition: In unconvincing manner\n**L** (lost \u2013 in sports scoring) + (**EL** [Spanish for 'the'] **contained in** (in) **AMY** [one of the **MARCH** [14 across] sisters\u00a0in *Little Women*)\n **L** **AM** **(EL**) **Y**\n\n**LAMELY** (in a weak and implausible manner)"} {"Clue":"Lodge by the sea with Hugo perhaps, after leaving hospital (9)","Answer":"GATEHOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Lodge\n**Anagram of **(perhaps) **THE SEA** and **H****UGO** **excluding** (after leaving) **H** (hospital)\n **GA****TEH****OUSE***\n\n**GATEHOUSE** (a lodge can be defined as gate-keeper's cottage)"} {"Clue":"Bowls out over half of county side (5)","Answer":"YORKS","Explanation":"Definition: Bowls out\n**YORKS** **(5 of the 9** [over half]** letters o**f **YORKSHIRE** [county])\n **YORKS**\n\n**YORKS** (bowls a **YORK**er and takes\u00a0wicket [bowls out])"} {"Clue":"Flog heroin? Only a little wee joint (9)","Answer":"HORSEWHIP","Explanation":"Definition: Flog\n**HORSE** (heroin) **+ W** (**one letter of three** [only a little of?] **WEE**) **+ HIP **(joint)\n **HORSE W HIP**\n\n**HORSEWHIP** (flog)"} {"Clue":"Dance with Greek goddess outside a bar (8)","Answer":"HABANERA","Explanation":"Definition: Dance\n**HERA** (goddess of women, marriage, family, and childbirth) **containing** (outside) (**A + BAN** [bar])\n **H** (**A BAN**) **ERA**\n\n**HABANERA** (Cuban dance)"} {"Clue":"Artist seen in behind first of several wall hangings (7)","Answer":"ARRASES","Explanation":"Definition: wall hangings\n(**RA** [Royal Academician; artist] **contained in** [seen in] **ARSE** [buttocks; behind]) **+ S** (**initial letter of **[first of] **SEVERAL**)\n **AR **(**RA**) **SE** **S**\n\n**ARRASES** (hanging screens of tapestries for walls)"} {"Clue":"Has arranged a 14 without the final note? That's a pity (5)","Answer":"SHAME","Explanation":"Definition: That's a pity\n**Anagram of** (arranged) **HAS** **+ MEG** (another **MARCH** [14 across] sister from *Little Women*)** excluding** (without) the final letter **G**, which is also the fifth note of the diatonic scale) \n **SHA* ME**\n\n**SHAME** (pity)"} {"Clue":"Second time providing dominant theme \u2026 (5)","Answer":"MOTIF","Explanation":"Definition: dominant theme\n**MO** (moment; second) **+ T** (time) **+ IF **(provided)\n **MO T IF**\n\n**MOTIF **(dominant or recurrent theme or subject in a musical, literary or other artistic work)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 with asymmetry in small part? Show agreement in court (5)","Answer":"SYNOD","Explanation":"Definition: court\n**SY** (**two letters [**small part of] **ASYMMETRY**)** + NOD** (show agreement)\n **SY NOD**\n\n**SYNOD** (Presbyterian church court intermediate between presbytery and the General Assembly)"} {"Clue":"Run and hide (4)","Answer":"PELT","Explanation":"Definition: Run\n**PELT **(run fast)\n **PELT**\n\n**PELT** (raw animal hide with the fur still on) double definition"} {"Clue":"Quick drink in clubhouse \u2013 that's disgusting! (4)","Answer":"CHUG","Explanation":"Definition: Quick drink\n**CH** (clubhouse)** + UG** (that's disgusting)\n **CH** **UG**\n\n**CHUG** (quick or large swallow, especially of an alcoholic drink)"} {"Clue":"Composer who's inter alia composed away from the main development? (7)","Answer":"ABAXIAL","Explanation":"Definition: away from the main development\n**BAX **(reference Arnold **BAX** [1883 \u2013 1953], English composer, poet and author) **contained in** (who's inter) **an anagram of** (composed) **ALIA**\n **A** (**BAX**) **IAL***\n\n**ABAXIAL** (away from the axis; away from the main development)"} {"Clue":"Nameless fools in abundance (6)","Answer":"OODLES","Explanation":"Definition: in abundance\n**NOODLES** (fools) **excluding** (less) **N** (name)\n **OODLES**\n\n**OODLES** (lots of; in abundance)"} {"Clue":"I'll have practice discontinued by law (4)","Answer":"IURE","Explanation":"Definition: by law\n**I + URE** (obsolete [discontinued] word for practice)\n **I URE**\n\n**IURE** (by right or by law)"} {"Clue":"Confinements singly dealt with, as is fashionable (8)","Answer":"LYINGS-IN","Explanation":"Definition: Confinements\n**Anagram of **(dealt with) **SINGLY** **+ IN** ([as is] fashionable)\n **LYINGS***-**IN**\n\n**LYINGS-IN** (confinements during childbirth)"} {"Clue":"Voiture, black, in France going over road kill? (7)","Answer":"CARRION","Explanation":"Definition: road kill\n**CAR** (vehicle; voiture is French for car. Also **CAR** and voiture can mean carriage) **+ NOIR** (French for black) **reversed** (going over)\n **CAR** **RION**<\n\n**CARRION** (dead and rotting body or flesh of any animal, often seen as road kill)"} {"Clue":"Flogged bric-\u00e0-brac spread out in the open (6)","Answer":"TATTED","Explanation":"Definition: Flogged\n**TAT **(bric-a-brac) **+ TED** (spread out new mown grass for drying)\n **TAT ****TED**\n\n**TATTED** (flogged)"} {"Clue":"Single prints soon empty when reduced (9)","Answer":"MONOTYPES","Explanation":"Definition: Single prints\n**Anagram of** (when reduced [changed to another form]) **SOON EMPTY**\n **MONOTYPES***\n\n**MONOTYPES** (single prints)"} {"Clue":"Divine girdle cut from bodices (tussore) (6)","Answer":"CESTUS","Explanation":"Definition: Divine girdle\n**CESTUS** (**hidden word in** [cut from] **BODICES TUSSORE**)\n **CESTUS**\n\n**CESTUS **(girdle, especially that of Aphrodite [Venus] in classical mythology; divine girdle)"} {"Clue":"Poet? Big one is no skinflint (7)","Answer":"SPENDER","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\n**SPENDER** (reference Big **SPENDER** [someone who buys expensive\u00a0things\u00a0with a lot of money; not a skinflint]\n **SPENDER**\n\n**SPENDER** (reference Sir Stephen **SPENDER** [1919 \u2013 1995], English poet)"} {"Clue":"Tightly binding that's reformed the coral (8)","Answer":"CHELATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Tightly binding\n**Anagram of** (that's reformed) **THE CORAL**\n **C****HE****LA****T****OR***\n\n**CHELATOR** (relating to a co-ordination compound (eg haemoglobin) in which a central metallic ion is attached to an organic molecule at two or more positions; tightly binding)"} {"Clue":"Eel or other fish, ingredient of salade ni\u00e7oise? (4)","Answer":"TUNA","Explanation":"Definition: Eel \n**TUNA** (New Zealand eel)\n **TUNA**\n\n**TUNA** (important fish ingredient of salade nicoise) double definition"} {"Clue":"Shock, that was what did for Goliath (6)","Answer":"ASTONE","Explanation":"Definition: Shock\n**A + STONE** (weapon used by David to fell Goliath)\n **A ****STONE**\n\n**ASTONE** (an early [that was] form of astonish [shock])"} {"Clue":"Curling plant tip \u2013 see standard bush? (7)","Answer":"CROSIER","Explanation":"Definition: Curling plant tip\n**C** (letter of the alphabet pronounced **SEE**)** + ROSIER** (rose bush classified as a standard [standing shrub or tree not trained on an espalier or a wall])\n **C ROSIER**\n\n**CROSIER** (coiled growing tip of a young plant, especially a fern)"} {"Clue":"Thrill son's taken from fast dance movement (4)","Answer":"FRIS","Explanation":"Definition: fast dance movement\n**FRISSON** (thrill) **excluding** (taken from) **SON** \n **FRIS**\n\n**FRIS** (quick dance movement of a Hungarian cs\u00e1rd\u00e1s."} {"Clue":"Toadstools etc yeomen scythe roughly, about a thousand (13)","Answer":"HYMENOMYCETES","Explanation":"Definition: Toadstools etc\n**Anagram of** (roughly) **YEOMEN**** SCYTHE**** containing** (about) **M<\/b (Roman numeral for 1000)**\n **HYMENO** (**M**) **YCETES***\n\n**HYMENOMYCETES** (order of fungi with exposed hymenium from an early stage eg toadstools, etc.)"} {"Clue":"Little calcium's radio-active inside (5)","Answer":"CHOTA","Explanation":"Definition: Little\n**HOT** (radio-active) **contained in** (inside) **CA** (chemical symbol for\u00a0Calcium)\n **C** (**HOT**) **A**\n\n**CHOTA** (little)"} {"Clue":"River silted up? You'll not see my circling that fish (4)","Answer":"RUDD","Explanation":"Definition: fish\n**R** (river) +** MUDDY** (silted up) **excluding** (you'll not see) **MY** (the characters\u00a0**M** and **Y** **forming the outer letters** [circling] of the word)\n **R UDD**\n\n**RUDD **(the red-eye, a fish closely related to the roach)"} {"Clue":"Any lime is wrapped up in a pithy substance like this (6)","Answer":"MYELIN","Explanation":"Definition: pithy substance like this\n**ANY LIME** is an **anagram of** (wrapped up) of **MYELIN** [the entry] and **A**\n I think therefore this is a form of compound anagram clue. I'm not sure whether pithy is an anagram indicator or part of the definition.\n **MYELIN***\n\n**MYELIN** (substance forming the medullary sheath of nerve-fibres)"} {"Clue":"Objectively we'll be kept in through having a lot to do (4)","Answer":"BUSY","Explanation":"Definition: having a lot to do\n**US** (the object formed from we) **contained in** (kept in) **BY** (through)\n **B** (**US**) **Y**\n\n**BUSY** (having a lot to do)"} {"Clue":"What's titillating in part, getting one excitable? (5)","Answer":"LATIN","Explanation":"Definition: one excitable\n**LATIN** (**hidden word in** [in part] **TITILATING**)\n **LATIN**\n\n**LATIN** (a** LATIN** person is often described as passionate, volatile and excitable)"} {"Clue":"Love-drug making one strangely ga-ga chasing date (5)","Answer":"DAGGA","Explanation":"Definition: Love-drug\n**D** (date) **+ an anagram of** (strangely)** GA-GA**\n **D ****AGGA***\n\n**DAGGA** (an African labiate plant *Leonotis leonurus* or other species (Cape **DAGGA**\u00a0or red **DAGGA**) smoked as a narcotic, called the love-drug)"} {"Clue":"Living is limited in scope (8)","Answer":"EXISTENT","Explanation":"Definition: Living\n**IS** **contained in **(limited in) **EXTENT** (scope)\n **EX** (**IS**) **TENT**\n\n**EXISTENT** (living)"} {"Clue":"Tackle for hoisting bony pike, angler's requisite (6)","Answer":"GARNET","Explanation":"Definition: Tackle for hoisting\n**GAR** (**GARfish** [bony-pike])** + NET** (fisherman's requisite)\n **GAR NET**\n\n**GARNET** (hoisting tackle)"} {"Clue":"Thin, I'm going to put a stop to nasty sneers \u2013 displaying this? (11)","Answer":"SLENDERNESS","Explanation":"Definition: this\nThere's usually at least one clue where I can't see the word play, and this is one of them today.\n I've got **END** or **ENDER** for \"put a stop to' or 'I'm going to put a stop to') and I've got a **an anagram** (nasty) of **SNEERS** which implies it's **END** rather than **ENDER** that I need. I'm then left with the **SL** that I can't find a use for. I've considered some variant on **SILENCE** and **excluding **[going] the **I** to get something like **SLEND** but that doesn't work either\n **SL** **END** **ERNESS***\n\n**SLENDERNESS** (elegant or graceful display of a thin body"} {"Clue":"With cereal disease dry stalk leads to thin yield (5)","Answer":"BUNTY","Explanation":"Definition: With cereal disease\n**BUN** (dry stalk) **+ TY** (**first letters of **[leads to] **each of** **T****HIN** and **Y****IELD**)\n **BUN T Y**\n\n**BUNTY** (with a disease of wheat)"} {"Clue":"Enzyme restricting decay in old legumes (8)","Answer":"PROTEASE","Explanation":"Definition: Enzyme\n**ROT** (decay) **contained in** (in) **PEASE** (archaic term for a pea or pea-plant; old legumes)\n **P** (**ROT**) **EASE**\n\n**PROTEASE** (any enzyme that splits up proteins)"} {"Clue":"Company in Caesar's army crudely drilled when head of legion's away (6)","Answer":"DECURY","Explanation":"Definition: Company in Caesar's army\n**Anagram of** (drilled) **CRUDELY excluding** (when away) **L** (**first letter of** [head of] **L**EGION)\n **DECURY***\n\n**DECURY** (a company of ten or more in the Roman army)"} {"Clue":"Ordinary herb, a native of Oklahoma (5)","Answer":"OSAGE","Explanation":"Definition: native of Oklahoma\n**O** (ordinary)** + SAGE** (a herb)\n **O SAGE**\n\n**OSAGE** (Native American of a tribe living in Oklahoma)"} {"Clue":"6 in this way will follow a form of Farsi? (6)","Answer":"PERSIC","Explanation":"Definition: form of Farsi\n**PER** (for each or a) **+ SIC** (**LATIN** [6 down] for 'so', 'in this way')\n **PER SIC**\n\n**PERSIC** (Persian language; form of Farsi)"} {"Clue":"Gooey stuff that oozes from wonderful mints (5)","Answer":"ULMIN","Explanation":"Definition: Gooey stuff \n**Hidden word in** (oozes from) **WONDERFUL MINTS**\n **ULMIN**\n\n**ULMIN** (gummy exudation from elms and other trees)"} {"Clue":"Rage most upsetting when it involves ending of affair (5)","Answer":"STORM","Explanation":"Definition: Rage\n**Anagram of** (upsetting) **MOST** **containing** (it involves) **R** (**final letter of** [ending of] **AFFAIR**)\n **STO** (**R**) **M***\n\n**STORM** (rage)"} {"Clue":"Winners need to thank me regularly? Wise, maybe (5)","Answer":"ERNIE","Explanation":"Definition: Winners need to thank me regularly\n**ERNIE** (reference **ERNIE** Wise [1925 \u2013 1999], best known for his partnership with Eric Morecambe)\n I am not sure whether we have a wordplay and definition here or whether we have two slightly cryptic definitions. Wise is simply an example of an **ERNIE**\n **ERNIE**\n\n**ERNIE** (colloquial name for the computer that generates Premium Bond winning numbers every month. Winners will presumably want to thank **ERNIE** every month [regularly])"} {"Clue":"Grizzled, we 'ear \u2013 like a blade? (4)","Answer":"OARY","Explanation":"Definition: like a blade\n**OARY** (**sounds like** [we 'ear [hear] as a Cockney) **HOARY** (old and hackneyed; grizzled)\n **OARY**\n\n**OARY** (like a blade [**OAR**] used for rowing)"} {"Clue":"Abrasive movie icon, not nearly gay inside (4)","Answer":"BORT","Explanation":"Definition: Abrasive\n**BOGART** (reference Humphrey **BOGART** [1899 \u2013 1957], American actor and film icon) **excluding** [not inside] **GA** (**two letters of three** [nearly] in **GA**Y)\n **BORT**\n\n**BORT** (coarse diamond or crystalline form of carbon, used industrially for cutting or as an abrasive)"} {"Clue":"Drunken priest shows lively wit (6)","Answer":"ESPRIT","Explanation":"Definition: lively wit\n**Anagram of **(drunken) **PRIEST**\n **ESPRIT***\n\n**ESPRIT** (wit or liveliness)"} {"Clue":"Passing wind, single dad goes back inside (8)","Answer":"ELAPSING","Explanation":"Definition: Passing\n**PA** (dad) **reversed** (goes back) **contained in** (inside) **an anagram of **\u00a0**SINGLE** (wind)\n **EL** (**AP**<) **SING***\n\n**ELAPSING** (passing)"} {"Clue":"Curlicue is slightly plain, perhaps? (8)","Answer":"FLOURISH","Explanation":"Definition: Curlicue\n**FLOUR** (reference, plain **FLOUR**) **+ \u2013ISH** (suffix signifying somewhat,slightly)\n **FLOUR ISH**\n\n**FLOURISH** (a **CURLICUE** is a fancy twist or curl, especially in handwriting)"} {"Clue":"Adjust drape in church (6)","Answer":"CHANGE","Explanation":"Definition: Adjust\n**HANG** (drape) **contained in** (in) **CE** (Church [of England])\n **C** (**HANG**) **E**\n\n**CHANGE** (adjust)"} {"Clue":"Glen cuddles Unionist rogue for entertainment (10)","Answer":"VAUDEVILLE","Explanation":"Definition: entertainment\n**VALE** (valley; glen)** containing** (cuddles) (**U** [Unionist] **+ DEVIL** [rogue])\n **VA** (**U ****DEVIL**) **LE**\n\n**VAUDEVILLE** (variety entertainment)"} {"Clue":"Follow Dravidian language, but heart isn't in it (4)","Answer":"TAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Follow\n**TAMIL** (**TAMIL** is one of the Dravidian languages [descriptive of\u00a0group of languages in South India, including **TAMIL**, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, etc) **excluding** (not in it) **the middle letter** (heart) **M**\n **TAIL**\n\n**TAIL** (follow)"} {"Clue":"A radical statesman, another? (8)","Answer":"ARKANSAN","Explanation":"Definition: another\n**A** **+ R** (radical; Collins gives **R**\u00a0as an abbreviation for radical in chemistry) **+ KANSAN** (someone from the State of Kansas; statesman)\n **A R KANSAN**\n\n**ARKANSAN** (someone from the State of Arkansas; another statesman)"} {"Clue":"Can head of trafficking ring enable one to infiltrate? (6)","Answer":"TOILET","Explanation":"Definition: Can\n**I** [Roman numeral for one] **contained in** [enable \u2026\u00a0to infiltrate] (**T** [**first letter of** {head of} **TRAFFICKING]** **+ O** [ring-shaped letter] **+** **LET** [grant; enable])\n **T** **O** (**I**) **LET**\n\n**TOILET** (**CAN** is a slang term for a **TOILET**)"} {"Clue":"Piece of advice: crock should reverse to get to A1 (6)","Answer":"TIPTOP","Explanation":"Definition: A1\n**TIP** (piece of advice)** + POT** (crock) **reversed** (reverse)\n **TIP** **TOP**<\n\n**TIPTOP** (excellent; A one; A1)"} {"Clue":"Stray from the subject of scandal involving Mariah Carey? (8)","Answer":"DIVAGATE","Explanation":"Definition: scandal involving Mariah Carey\n**DIVA **(great female singer and \/ or a prima donna; Mariah Carey is reputed to fit at least one of these definitions) + **-GATE** ( a suffix now applied to anything that must be described as a scandal)\n **DIVA GATE**\n\n**DIVAGATE** (digress; stray from the subject)"} {"Clue":"Respectable blonde just fine (4)","Answer":"FAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Respectable\n**FAIR** (reasonable; respectable)\n **FAIR** (light coloured; blonde)\n **FAIR** (equitable; just)\n **FAIR**\n\n**FAIR** (not raining; fine) quadruple definition"} {"Clue":"Happening to break kinky women's toys often par for the course? (7-3)","Answer":"SEVENTY-TWO","Explanation":"Definition: often par for the course\n**EVENT** (happening) **contained in** (to break) **an anagram of** (kinky) (**W** [women] and **TOYS**)\n **S** (**EVENT**) **Y**\u2013**T****W****O***\n\n**SEVENTY-TWO** (for a golf course with 4 par 3s. 10 par 4s and four par 5s, the overall par score would be 72. Many championship courses are constructed in this form)"} {"Clue":"6 tease old ill-tempered woman (6)","Answer":"VIRAGO","Explanation":"Definition: ill-tempered woman \n**VI** (Roman numeral for six) **+ RAG** (tease) **+ O** (old)\n **VI RAG O**\n\n**VIRAGO** (violent or bad-tempered woman)"} {"Clue":"A large number of staff eaten by big cat from the east (8)","Answer":"REGIMENT","Explanation":"Definition: A large number\n**MEN** (staff)** contained** (eaten by) **TIGER** (big cat) **reversed** (from the east)\n **REGI** (**MEN**) **T**<\n\n**REGIMENT** (figuratively, a large number)"} {"Clue":"Wanton and loose? Nuts ache! (8)","Answer":"UNCHASTE","Explanation":"Definition: Wanton\n**Anagram of** (loose) **NUTS ACHE**\n **UN****CHA****ST****E***\n\n**UNCHASTE** (wanton)"} {"Clue":"Strips down to the essentials before 24 hours around hot city (6)","Answer":"RIYADH","Explanation":"Definition: city\n**RI** (**central letters of** [down to the essentials] **STRIPS**) **+ DAY** **reversed** (around) **+ H** (hot)\n **RI ****YAD**< **H**\n\n**RIYADH** (capital city of Saudi Arabia)"} {"Clue":"Like girl to somersault, then take top off, in dance (5)","Answer":"SALSA","Explanation":"Definition: dance\n**(AS** [like] **+ LASS** [girl]) **all reversed** (to somersault) to form **SSALSA** **then excluding the resulting top letter** (then take top off) **S**\n (**SAL** **SA**)<\n\n**SALSA** (dance)"} {"Clue":"Without acceleration due to gravity, earth is spherical (5)","Answer":"ROUND","Explanation":"Definition: spherical\n**GROUND** (earth) **\u00a0excluding** (without) **G** (acceleration due to gravity)\n **ROUND**\n\n**ROUND** (spherical)"} {"Clue":"First Lady stuffs this in trousers (7)","Answer":"THIEVES","Explanation":"Definition: trousers\n**EVE** (reference **ADAM** [first man] and **EVE** [first lady)** contained in** (stuffs)** THIS**\n **THI **(**EVE**)** S**\n\n**THIEVES** (trousers, in the sense of appropriates money)"} {"Clue":"Musk worn by revolutionary is rank (7)","Answer":"ECHELON","Explanation":"Definition: rank\n**CHE** (reference **CHE** Guevara [1928 \u2013 1967], Argentine Marxist Revolutionary) **contained in** (worn by) **ELON** (reference **ELON **Musk [born 1971, engineer, industrial designer, and technology entrepreneur])\n **E** (**CHE**) **LON**\n\n**ECHELON** (particular level in the hierarchy of an organization; rank)"} {"Clue":"Funding for campaign work is cancelled, which is extremely sly (7)","Answer":"ARCHEST","Explanation":"Definition: extremely sly\n**WAR CHEST** (funds set aside to pay for a political campaign) **excluding **(is cancelled) **W** (work); Collins gives **W**\u00a0as an abbreviation for 'work' in physics)\n **AR CHEST**\n\n**ARCHEST** (extremely sly)"} {"Clue":"Remarkable bird swallows tail of bandicoot (9)","Answer":"STARTLING","Explanation":"Definition: Remarkable\n**STARLING** (bird) **containing** (swallows) **T** (**last letter of** [tail of] **BANDICOOT**)\n **STAR** (**T**) **LING**\n\n**STARTLING** (astonishing; remarkable)"} {"Clue":"Breaking linnet egg is irresponsible (9)","Answer":"NEGLIGENT","Explanation":"Definition: irresponsible\n**Anagram of** (breaking) **LINNET EGG**\n **NE****G****LI****GE****NT***\n\n**NEGLIGENT** (thoughtless; irresponsible)"} {"Clue":"Downfall when union oddly stops helping (9)","Answer":"RUINATION","Explanation":"Definition: Downfall\n**UIN** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [oddly] of **UNION**) **contained in** (stops) **RATION **(helping)\n **R** (**UIN**)** ATION**\n\n**RUINATION** (collapse; downfall)"} {"Clue":"Frame that suspect, in the end (9)","Answer":"AFTERMATH","Explanation":"Definition: in the end\n**Anagram of **(suspect) **FRAME THAT**\n **AF****T****ERM****ATH***\n\n**AFTERMATH** (later consequences; in the end)"} {"Clue":"Pressure on 10 Downing Street leads to Leadsom selling arms (7)","Answer":"PISTOLS","Explanation":"Definition: arms\n**P** (pressure) **+** (**IO** [representing the number ten] **containing** (downing) **ST** [street]) **+ LS** (**first letters of each of** [leads to] **LEADSOM** and **SELLING)**\n **P** **I** (**ST**) **O** **L S**\n\n**PISTOLS** (weapons; arms)"} {"Clue":"Various loons on ecstasy (7)","Answer":"DIVERSE","Explanation":"Definition: Various\n**DIVERS** (loons are diving birds) **+ E** (ecstasy)\n **DIVERS E**\n\n**DIVERSE** (various)"} {"Clue":"Slav in e.g. Armenia fences off alcohol? (7)","Answer":"VINEGAR","Explanation":"Definition: alcohol\n**VINEGAR** (**hidden word in** [fences off] **SLAV IN EG ARMENIA**)\n **VINEGAR**\n\n**VINEGAR** (**VINEGAR** is made through the fermentation of ethanol alcohol)"} {"Clue":"Delicious introduction to yeasty \u2026 er \u2026 goodness (5)","Answer":"YUMMY","Explanation":"Definition: Delicious\n**Y** (**first letter of** [introduction to] **YEAST**) **+ UM** (expression of hesitation, as is **ER**) + **MY** (gosh!, goodness!)\n **Y UM MY**\n\n**YUMMY** (delicious)"} {"Clue":"Drank,and complained audibly (5)","Answer":"WINED","Explanation":"Definition: Drank\n**WINED** (sounds like [audibly] **WHINED** (complained peevishly)\n **WINED**\n\n**WINED** (drank)"} {"Clue":"Secret society of beer drinkers welcoming men (7)","Answer":"CAMORRA","Explanation":"Definition: Secret society\n**CAMRA** (Campaign for Real Ale; society of beer drinkers) **containing** (welcoming) **OR** (other ranks; men)\n **CAM** (**OR**) **RA**\n\n**CAMORRA** (Neapolitan secret society formed circa 1820, similar to the Mafia)"} {"Clue":"Product of plant making unconventional weapons (4,3)","Answer":"SNOW PEA","Explanation":"Definition: Product of plant\n**Anagram of** (unconventional) **WEAPONS**\n **SNOW PEA***\n\n**SNOW PEA** (mangetout; variety of pea cooked and eaten together with its pod; product of plant)"} {"Clue":"Put in a request when journalist buttonholes king (5)","Answer":"ASKED","Explanation":"Definition: Put in a request\n(**AS** [when] **+ ED** [editor; journalist) **containing** (buttonholes) **K** (king)\n **AS** (**K**) **ED**\n\n**ASKED** (put in a request)"} {"Clue":"Routine work that's laborious and cyclical in nature (9)","Answer":"TREADMILL","Explanation":"Definition: Routine work\n**TREADMILL** (cylinder turned by treading on boards on its outside; a device that is cyclical in nature)\n **TREADMILL**\n\n**TREADMILL** (routine drudgery) double definition"} {"Clue":"Out of practice, one gets hammered drinking this (5,4)","Answer":"RUSTY NAIL","Explanation":"Definition: drinking this\n**RUSTY **(out of practice) **+ NAIL** (an object that gets hit with a hammer)\n **RUSTY ****NAIL**\n\n**RUSTY NAIL** (alcoholic cocktail containing whisky and Drambuie, something that could get you drunk [hammered] if you over indulge)"} {"Clue":"What goes round and round without changing? (5)","Answer":"ROTOR","Explanation":"Definition: What goes round and round without changing\n**ROTOR** (example of a palindrome; it can be **reversed** [goes round] to show the same word [without changing])\n **ROTOR **\u00a0or** ROTOR<**\n\n**ROTOR** (a part that goes round and round)"} {"Clue":"Silver, for example, can start to tarnish (4)","Answer":"TINT","Explanation":"Definition: Silver, for example\n**TIN** (can) **+ T** (**first letter of** [start to] **TARNISH**) \n **TIN** **T**\n\n**TINT** (silver is an example of a colour, shade, tint)"} {"Clue":"Give one player on national team a penalty (8)","Answer":"HANDICAP","Explanation":"Definition: penalty\n**HAND** (pass; give) **+ I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ CAP** (official or symbolic headdress or one appropriated to a special class or use, academic, athletic, etc; an occasion of being selected for especially a national team,\n **HAND I CAP**\n\n**HANDICAP** (penalty)"} {"Clue":"Person trying really hard riddle ? (8)","Answer":"STRAINER","Explanation":"Definition: Person trying really hard\n**STRAINER** (someone exerting maximum force; person trying really hard)\n **STRAINER**\n\n**STRAINER** (sieve; riddle) double definition"} {"Clue":"Individual pieces sought but not named (4)","Answer":"SOLI","Explanation":"Definition: Individual pieces\n**SOLICITED** (sought) **excluding** (but not) **CITED** (named)\n **SOLI**\n\n**SOLI **(plural of** SOLO**; individual pieces)"} {"Clue":"Complaint from lecturer at university backed leaders of Student Union (5)","Answer":"LUPUS","Explanation":"Definition: Complaint\n**L** (lecturer) **+ UP** (at university) **+ SU** (**first letters of** [leaders of] **each of** **STUDENT** and **UNION**) **reversed** (backed)\n **L** **UP** **US**<\n\n**LUPUS** (\u00a0chronic tuberculosis of the skin, medical complaint)"} {"Clue":"See someone, for the first time lacking in vision, become obsolete (5,4)","Answer":"BLIND DATE","Explanation":"Definition: See someone, for the first time\n**BLIND** (lacking in vision) **+ DATE** (go out of fashion; become obsolete)\n **BLIND DATE**\n\n**BLIND DATE **(social engagement arranged for one, especially by a third party, with someone one has not met previously; see someone for the first time)"} {"Clue":"Obligations left one wanting special powers (9)","Answer":"ABILITIES","Explanation":"Definition: special powers \n**LIABILITIES** (obligations) **excluding** (wanting) (**L** [left] and **I** [Roman numeral for one])\n **ABILITIES**\n\n**ABILITIES** (special talents; special powers)"} {"Clue":"Specialist hospital in pleasant surroundings (5)","Answer":"NICHE","Explanation":"Definition: Specialist\n**H** (hospital) c**ontained in** (in) **NICE** (pleasant surroundings)\n **NIC** (**H**) **E**\n\n**NICHE** (specialist [area])"} {"Clue":"Criminal hears about new opening for someone to control and exploit (7)","Answer":"HARNESS","Explanation":"Definition: control and exploit\n(**Anagram of **[criminal] **HEARS** **containing** [about] **N** [new])** + S **(**first letter of **[opening of] **SOMEONE**)\n **HAR** (**N**) **ES*** **S**\n\n**HARNESS** (control and exploit)"} {"Clue":"Suppresses issue related to new partner? (7)","Answer":"STEPSON","Explanation":"Definition: issue related to new partner\n**STEPS ON** (suppresses)\n **STEPSON**\n\n**STEPSON** (existing child [issue] of\u00a0a new partner in a relationship)"} {"Clue":"Tea chest raised important point spiritually (6)","Answer":"CHAKRA","Explanation":"Definition: important point spiritually\n**CHA** (tea) **+ ARK** (chest) **reversed** (raised; down clue)\n **CHA KRA**<\n\n**CHAKRA** (in yoga, one of the seven centres of spiritual power in the body; important point spiritually)"} {"Clue":"In Dr Spooner's view, Arab leader upset temporary arrangement (9)","Answer":"MAKESHIFT","Explanation":"Definition: temporary arrangemen\n**MAKESHIFT** \u2013 a **Spoonerism of this would be** **SHEIKH** (Arab leader) **MIFFED** (upset)\n **MAKESHIFT**\n\n**MAKESHIFT** (temporary expedient)"} {"Clue":"Red Queen replaces China's leader (5)","Answer":"RUDDY","Explanation":"Definition: Red\nI can't see what the wordplay is here. I can get **R** (Regina; Queen) for the first letter possibly replacing a **C** (**first letter of** [leader] **C**HINESE) but I have no idea where **CUDDY** or **UDDY** comes from. A **CUDDY** can be a horse. Is there a famous horse called **RED QUEEN?**\n **R UDDY**\n\n**RUDDY** (red)"} {"Clue":"Fur hat and coat from Russian sank at sea (9)","Answer":"ASTRAKHAN","Explanation":"Definition: Fur\n**Anagram of** (at sea) (**HAT** and **RA** [**outer letters of **{coat} **R****USSI****A**] and **SANK**)\n **ASTRAKHAN***\n\n**ASTRAKHAN** (fur)"} {"Clue":"Short trousers could be a real bargain (5)","Answer":"STEAL","Explanation":"Definition: a real bargain\n**STEALS** (trousers) **excluding the final letter** (short) **S**\n **STEAL**\n\n**STEAL** (bargain)"} {"Clue":"Military personnel regulate fake news? (9)","Answer":"ORDERLIES","Explanation":"Definition: Military personnel\n**ORDER** (regulate) + **LIES** (stories; fake news)\n **ORDER LIES**\n\n**ORDERLIES** (non-commissioned officers who carry official messages for senior officers; military personnel)"} {"Clue":"Portray popular Irish male nurses (5)","Answer":"PAINT","Explanation":"Definition: Portray\n**PAT** (Irish man's name) **containing** (nurses) **IN** (popular)\n **PA** (**IN**) **T**\n\n**PAINT** (portray)"} {"Clue":"Totally guaranteed to lack a trace of sex appeal (6)","Answer":"ALLURE","Explanation":"Definition: appeal\n**ALL** (totally) **+ URE** (I can't see how the **URE** is arrived at. We could be looking at taking letters away from [lack] any one of **ASSURED**, **ENSURED** and** INSURED** which can all be synonyms for **GUARANTEED, **but I can't see any that relate to** A + trace of sex**)\n I also looked at all synonyms for **TOTALLY** to see if any contained all of the letters of\u00a0**ALLURE** somewhere, but I couldn't find one.\n\n**ALLURE** (appeal)"} {"Clue":"Terrapins when swimming breathe through the skin (9)","Answer":"TRANSPIRE","Explanation":"Definition: breathe through the skin\n**Anagram of** (when swimming) **TERRAPINS**\n **TRANSPIRE***\n\n**TRANSPIRE** (to exhale; to emit through the skin)"} {"Clue":"Carbon arc is suspended around plant (9)","Answer":"NARCISSUS","Explanation":"Definition: plant\n**NARCISSUS** (**hidden word in** [around] **CARBON ARC IS SUSPENDED**)\n **NARCISSUS**\n\n**NARCISSUS** (plant)"} {"Clue":"Insignificant relationships failing to begin meaningful ones (9)","Answer":"ALLIANCES","Explanation":"Definition: meaningful ones\n**DALLIANCES** (insignificant relationships) **excluding the first letter** (failing to begin) **D**\n **ALLIANCES**\n\n**ALLIANCES** (important unions of like-minded groups, countries etc; more meaningful relationships)"} {"Clue":"Even bits of blues appropriated by composer to make Whiter Shade of Pale? (6)","Answer":"BLEACH","Explanation":"Definition: make \n**LE** (**letters 2 and 4** [even bits] of **BLUE**) **contained in** (appropriated by) **BACH** (reference one of the many **BACH**s classified as composers)\n **B** (**LE**) **ACH**\n\n**BLEACH** (make pale or white; create a whiter shade of pale)"} {"Clue":"Humble manner not associated with US (6)","Answer":"DEMEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Humble\n**DEMEANOR** (American [US] spelling of **DEMEANOUR** [manner towards another]) **excluding** (not) **OR** (here used in the sense of '\u00a0to join rephrasings of the same thing'; associated with)\n **DEMEAN**\n\n**DEMEAN** (humble)"} {"Clue":"One with power over men following religious instruction (5)","Answer":"PRIOR","Explanation":"Definition: One with power over men following religious instruction\n**P** (power)** + R****I** (religious instruction) **+ OR** (other ranks; men)\n **P RI OR**\n\n**PRIOR** (head of a group of monks; one with power over men following religious instruction) &Lit clue"} {"Clue":"Wonderful feeling of insouciance reduced by then dropping ecstasy (5)","Answer":"BLISS","Explanation":"Definition: Wonderful feeling\n**BLISS**\n Another one where I am struggling with the wordplay. There may be two definitions here \u2013 wonderful [feeling] and ecstasy. However, I don't understand where the insouciance comes in. It's not another definition of **BLISS** \n Perhaps **LESS** (reduced by) **excluding** (dropping) **E** (ecstasy) to give **LSS** but where do the **B** and the** I** come from?\n **BLISS**\n\n**BLISS** (wonderful feeling; ecstasy)"} {"Clue":"National Guards about to perform specific steps (5)","Answer":"DANCE","Explanation":"Definition: perform specific steps\n**DANE** (native of Denmark; National) **containing** (guards) **C** (circa; about)\n **DAN** (**C**) **E**\n\n**DANCE** (perform a sequence of specific\u00a0steps)"} {"Clue":"Feature of goal in remarkable pitch in attractive area (8,5)","Answer":"MAGNETIC FIELD","Explanation":"Definition: attractive area\n(**NET** [feature of a goal] **contained in** [in] **MAGIC** [remarkable]) + **FIELD** (pitch)\n **MAG** (**NET**) **IC** **FIELD**\n\n**MAGNETIC FIELD** (an area of attraction)"} {"Clue":"British team in game goes downhill? It's the quantities of beer (8)","Answer":"BREWSKIS","Explanation":"Definition: quantities of beer\n**BR** (British) **+ EW** (East and West form a team in a game of bridge) **+ SKIS** (goes downhill)\n **BR EW SKIS**\n\n**BREWSKIS** (American term for a number of beers)"} {"Clue":"Back in a moment (6)","Answer":"SECOND","Explanation":"Definition: Back\n**SECOND** (back)\n **SECOND**\n\n**SECOND** (moment) double definition"} {"Clue":"What to have at Chinese restaurant? It's no great intellectual problem (3,3)","Answer":"DIM SUM","Explanation":"Definition: What to have at Chinese restaurant\n**DIM **(stupid; not great intellectually) **+ SUM** (problem)\n **DIM SUM**\n\n**DIM SUM** (selection of Chinese foods, often eaten as an appetizer, usually including steamed dumplings with various fillings)"} {"Clue":"Colourful shirt showing style \u2013 Kelvin investing in a couple (7)","Answer":"DASHIKI","Explanation":"Definition: Colourful shirt \n**DASH** (sparkle; style) **+** (**K** [Kelvin] **contained in** [investing in] **II** [Roman numerals for two; a couple])\n **DASH** **I** (**K**) **I**\n\n**DASHIKI **(type of loose shirt worn in Africa, and also in the US)"} {"Clue":"Spiteful article in Bild to have little cohesion (7)","Answer":"MEANDER","Explanation":"Definition: have little cohesion\n**MEAN** (spiteful) **+ DER** (a German form of 'the' [definite article']. *Bild* is a German newspaper)\n **MEAN DER**\n\n**MEANDER **(wander listlessly or randomly; have little cohesion)"} {"Clue":"Female appearing in G&S is a Welsh woman (6)","Answer":"GLADYS","Explanation":"Definition: Welsh woman\n**LADY** (female)** contained in** (appearing in) **GS** (G and S)\n **G** (**LADY**) **S**\n\n**GLADYS** (Welsh female name)"} {"Clue":"Shade, new, installed in a part of\u00a0building (6)","Answer":"AWNING","Explanation":"Definition: Shade\n**N** (new) **contained in** (installed in) (**A** **+**** WING** [part of a building])\n **A W** (**N**) **ING**\n\n**AWNING** (a covering, especially of canvas, to shelter eg a window, door or patio from the sun; shade)"} {"Clue":"Fish, mostly worthless carried by tide on drifting away (3,4)","Answer":"SEA BASS","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\n**BASE** (worthless) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **E** **contained in** (carried by) **SEAS** (tide)\n **SEA** (**BAS**) **S**\n\n**SEA BASS** (fish)"} {"Clue":"Reduced charge securing boat at sea \u2013 evidence of docking? (7)","Answer":"BOBTAIL","Explanation":"Definition: evidence of docking\n**BIL****L** (invoice; charge) **excluding the final letter** (reduced) **L** **containing** (securing) **an anagram of** (at sea) **BOAT**\n **B **(**OBTA***)** IL**\n\n**BOBTAIL** (a short or cut tail, therefore showing evidence of docking)"} {"Clue":"Obscure punishment given for retreating soldiers (6)","Answer":"ARCANE","Explanation":"Definition: Obscure\n**RA** (Royal Artillery; soldiers) **reversed** (retreating) **+ CANE** (old school punishment)\n **AR**< **CANE**\n\n**ARCANE** (secret; obscure)"} {"Clue":"Figures capturing university's position in table? (6)","Answer":"STATUS","Explanation":"Definition: position in table\n**STATS** (statistics; figures) **containing **(capturing) **U** (university)\n **STAT** (**U**) **S**\n\n**STATUS **(position or rank within a group of figures in a table [for instance])"} {"Clue":"Little space, I acknowledge, for asylum seeker? (8)","Answer":"EMIGRANT","Explanation":"Definition: asylum seeker\n**EM** (printing term of a space the same width as a letter m) **+ I + GRANT** (concede; acknowledge)\n **EM I GRANT**\n\n**EMIGRANT** (someone who moves from one country or state and settles permanently in another. Is that necessarily an asylum seeker. I know a few people who moved to France but I wouldn't describe them as asylum seekers)"} {"Clue":"Queen ousting daughter in trick to secure rotating party venue? (9,4)","Answer":"RECEPTION ROOM","Explanation":"Definition: party venue\n**DECEPTION** (trick)** with R** (Regina; Queen) **replacing** (ousting) **D** (daughter) **+ MOOR** (secure a ship or boat by rope or cable) **reversed** (rotating)\n **DECEPTION** **ROOM**<\n\n**RECEPTION ROOM **(possible venue for a formal party)"} {"Clue":"US publishing house sadly remembers a writ (7-7)","Answer":"MERRIAM","Explanation":"Definition: US publishing house\n**Anagram of** (sadly) **REMEMBERS A WRIT**\n **MERRIAM**\u2013**WEBSTER***\n\n**MERRIAM-**[**WEBSTER**] (American publishing house, well known for reference books and dictionaries)"} {"Clue":"Has to support grand formal wear (5)","Answer":"GOWNS","Explanation":"Definition: formal wear\n**G** (grand) **+ OWNS **(has) As this is a down entry, the letters in\u00a0**OWNS** are supporting the **G**\n **G OWNS**\n\n**GOWNS** (formal wear)"} {"Clue":"You wouldn't say I was husky: I smoke wildly and finish coughing eventually (6,3)","Answer":"ESKIMO DOG","Explanation":"Definition: You wouldn't say I was husky\n**Anagram of **(wildly) **I SMOKE** **+ DO** (finish) **+ G **(**last letter of** [eventually] **COUGHING**)\n **ESKIMO*** **DO** **G**\n\n**ESKIMO DOG** (one of a breed of powerful dogs with a double coat of hair, widely distributed in the Arctic regions and used for pulling sledges) There are similarities between an **ESKIMO DOG** and a Siberian Husky, both of which pull sledges, but I suppose a Husky originates away from **ESKIMO** areas. Hopefully someone will explain the difference better than me."} {"Clue":"Someone with specialised knowledge in drink heard on the radio (7)","Answer":"INSIDER","Explanation":"Definition: Someone with specialised knowledge\n**IN** **+ SIDER** (**sounds like** [heard on the radio] **CIDER** [drink])\n **IN CIDER**\n\n**INSIDER** (someone with specialised knowledge)"} {"Clue":"Things used to assault son during attacks (5)","Answer":"FISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Things used to assault\n**S **(son) **contained in** (used during) **FITS** (attacks)\n **FI** (**S**) **TS**\n\n**FISTS** (clenched hand, used in attacks involving punches)"} {"Clue":"A European upset about Hispanic country (not Spain) and Hispanic food (9)","Answer":"ENCHILADA","Explanation":"Definition: Hispanic food\n(**A** **+ DANE** [example of a European]) **reversed** (upset) **containing** (about) **CHIL****E** (Hispanic [[Spanish speaking] country) **excluding** (not) **E** (International Vehicle Registration for Spain)\n **EN** (**CHIL**) **AD** **A**<\n\n**ENCHILADA **(Mexican [Hispanic] dish consisting of a rolled stuffed tortilla cooked with a chilli-flavoured sauce)"} {"Clue":"Refuse to acknowledge adopting position out of such stupidity? (7)","Answer":"DENSITY","Explanation":"Definition: stupidity\n**DENY** (refuse to acknowledge) **containing** (adopting) **SIT** (position) \n **DEN** (**SIT**) **Y**\n\n**DENSITY** (stupidity)"} {"Clue":"Opera upset bass with a sudden movement involving no warmth (9)","Answer":"ADIABATIC","Explanation":"Definition: involving no warmth\n**AIDA** (opera by Verdi) **reversed** (upset)** + B** (bass) **+ A + TIC** (sudden movement)\n **ADIA**< **B** **A** **TIC**\n\n**ADIABATIC** (without transference of heat; without warmth)"} {"Clue":"Good disposal of heat, perhaps, dropping one degree (9)","Answer":"GRADATION","Explanation":"Definition: degree\n**G** (good)** + RADIATION** (diffusion of heat) **excluding** (dropping) the first **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **G RADATION**\n\n**GRADATION** (degree or step)"} {"Clue":"Composer capturing romance in various airs (7)","Answer":"SALIERI","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\n**LIE** (fictitious tale; romance) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (various) **AIRS**\n **SA** (**LIE**) **RI***\n\n**SALIERI** (reference Antonio **SALIERI** [1750 \u2013 1825]. Italian composer)"} {"Clue":"Curiously nosy, turned up my name or an equivalent term (7)","Answer":"SYNONYM","Explanation":"Definition: an equivalent term\n**Anagram of **(curiously) **NOSY** **+ (MY** **+ ****N **[name]**) reversed** (turned up)\n **SYNO*** (**N** **YM**)<\n\n**SYNONYM** (word having the same meaning as another in the same language; an equivalent term)"} {"Clue":"Fabulous writer with a revolutionary attitude (5)","Answer":"AESOP","Explanation":"Definition: Fabulous writer\n**A** **+ POSE** (attitude) **reversed** (revolutionary)\n **A** **ESOP**<\n\n**AESOP** (author of fables; fabulous writer)"} {"Clue":"Material on board game presented with a lot of attention (5)","Answer":"CARGO","Explanation":"Definition: Material on board\n**CARE **(attention) **excluding the final letter** (a lot of) **E** **+ GO** ([board]game)\n **CAR** **GO**\n 'board' could go with either of both of the definition of the entry and the game in the wordplay.\n\n**CARGO **(goods carried by a ship or aeroplane; material on board)"} {"Clue":"Minor celebrity coterie popping ecstasy, becoming very hot (10)","Answer":"BLISTERING","Explanation":"Definition: becoming very hot\n(**B-LIST** [the superstars are **A-LIST** celebrities, the more minor celebrities slip down to **B-LIST**] + **RING** [exclusive group; coterie]) **containing** (popping) **E** (ecstasy)\n **BLIST** (**E**) **RING**\n\n**BLISTERING** (very hot)"} {"Clue":"What 21 did in radio report is sad (4)","Answer":"BLUE","Explanation":"Definition: sad\n**BLUE** (**sounds like** [in radio report] **BLEW** [what **TYPHOONS** did])\n **BLUE**\n\n**BLUE** (sad)"} {"Clue":"What goes around comes around, all the same (5)","Answer":"ROTOR","Explanation":"Definition: What goes around comes around, all the same\n**ROTOR** (palindromic word, reads the same when it is **reversed** [comes around all the same])\n **ROTOR**<>\n\n**ROTOR** (a piece of equipment that goes round)"} {"Clue":"It shows the way for lad oddly restricted in stature (9)","Answer":"HEADLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: It shows the way\n**Anagram of** (oddly) **LAD** **contained in** (restricted) **HEIGHT** (stature)\n **HE** (**ADL***) **IGHT**\n\n**HEADLIGHT** (piece of kit that lights the way ahead)"} {"Clue":"Branch of maths involving a bit of geometry \u2013 area, length and breadth (7)","Answer":"ALGEBRA","Explanation":"Definition: Branch of maths\n**Anagram of** (involving) (**G** [**first letter of **{a bit of} **GEOMETRY**] and **AREA **and **L** [length] and **B** [breadth])\n **A****LGEB****RA***\n\n**ALGEBRA** (branch of mathematics)"} {"Clue":"Officer liable to be kidnapped by a murderer (7)","Answer":"CAPTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Officer\n**APT **(liable) **contained in** (to be kidnapped by) **CAIN** (the crossword world's most likely murderer. The Book of Genesis tells us that **CAIN** murdered his brother **ABEL**)\n **C** (**APT**) **AIN**\n\n**CAPTAIN** (officer)"} {"Clue":"No terms for 'in Rice style'? It's how he might be represented (8)","Answer":"LYRICIST","Explanation":"Definition: how he might be represented\n**Anagram of** (how he might be represented) **IN**, **RIC****E** and **STYL**~~**E**~~ **omitting the final** [terminal] **letters of each word N**,** E and E, thereby using 'no terms**')\n **LY****R****I****CI****ST***\n\n**LYRICIST **(reference Sir Tim Rice, [born 1944], English lyricist, probably best known for collaborations with [Baron] Andrew Lloyd-Webber)"} {"Clue":"A picture maker arrived with another? (6)","Answer":"CAMERA","Explanation":"Definition: A picture maker\n**CAME** (arrived)** + RA** (Royal Academician; artist; another picture maker)\n **CAME** **RA**\n\n**CAMERA** (device for taking \/ making\u00a0pictures)"} {"Clue":"A way to hold one in five in a disapproving look (6)","Answer":"SQUINT","Explanation":"Definition: disapproving look\n**ST** (way)** containing** (hold) **QUIN** (one in five)\n **S** (**QUIN**) **T**\n\n**SQUINT** (give an impression of disapproval in one's glance)"} {"Clue":"Tea company above and below equator \u2013 they make big impact in tropics (8)","Answer":"TYPHOONS","Explanation":"Definition: they make big impact in tropics\n**TYPHOO** (company that markets tea products) **+** (**N** [north] **+ S** [south], being directions that take you 'above and below' the equator)\n **TYPHOO N S**\n\n**TYPHOONS** (violent tropical cyclonic storms)"} {"Clue":"Got to pop by the pier for some fish (7)","Answer":"HADDOCK","Explanation":"Definition: fish\n**HAD** (grasped the meaning of; got) **+ DOCK** (pop by the pier)\n **HAD DOCK**\n\n**HADDOCK** (fish)"} {"Clue":"Tilt and roll (7)","Answer":"LISTING","Explanation":"Definition: Tilt\n**LISTING** (a leaning; tilt)\n **LISTING**\n\n**LISTING** (a register of names or roll) double definition"} {"Clue":"After mid-July lad joins a corporation for final say (9)","Answer":"ULTIMATUM","Explanation":"Definition: final say\n**UL** (**central letters of** [mid] **JULY**) **+ TIM** (boy's name; lad) **+ A + TUM** (stomach; corporation)\n **UL TIM A TUM**\n\n**ULTIMATUM** (last word; final say)"} {"Clue":"Graduate about to invest in artificial intelligence\u00a0calculators (5)","Answer":"ABACI","Explanation":"Definition: calculators\n(**BA** [Bachelor of Arts; graduate] **+ C** [circa; about]) **contained in** (to invest in)\u00a0**AI**\u00a0(artificial intelligence)\n **A** (**BA** **C**) **I**\n\n**ABACI** (calculators)"} {"Clue":"Off and on, this day is fairly good (4)","Answer":"TIDY","Explanation":"Definition: fairly good \n**TIDY** (**letters 1, 3, 5 and 7** [off and on]) **of** **THIS DAY**)\n **TIDY**\n\n**TIDY** (fairly good)"} {"Clue":"Tremendous falling short in course of affair (10)","Answer":"THUNDERING","Explanation":"Definition: Tremendous\n**UNDER** (falling short) **contained in** (in course of) **THING** (affair)\n **TH** (**UNDER**) **ING**\n\n**THUNDERING** (tremendous)"} {"Clue":"Crustacea clean when cooked in pubs (9)","Answer":"BARNACLES","Explanation":"Definition: Crustacea \n**Anagram of** (when cooked) **CLEAN** **contained in** (in) **BARS** (pubs)\n **BAR** (**NACLE***) **S**\n\n**BARNACLES** (crustacean that adheres to rocks and ships' bottoms)"} {"Clue":"30 or 21 say, for instance put in ground outside (7)","Answer":"INTEGER","Explanation":"Definition: 30 or 21 say\n**INTER** (bury; put in ground) **containing** (outside) **EG** (for example; for instance)\n **INT** (**EG**) **ER**\n\n**INTEGER** (any positive whole number, such as 30 or 21)"} {"Clue":"Bit of training by hospital to take pulse (5)","Answer":"THROB","Explanation":"Definition: pulse\n**T** **(first letter of** [bit of] **TRAINING**) **+ H** (hospital) **+ ROB** (steal; take)\n **T H ROB**\n\n**THROB** (pulse)"} {"Clue":"Go over in box cart? (7)","Answer":"REHEARSE","Explanation":"Definition: Go over\n**RE** (in respect of; in) **+ HEARSE **(vehicle for carrying coffin [box]; box cart)\n **RE HEARSE**\n\n**REHEARSE** (practice beforehand; go over)"} {"Clue":"Pest is abandoned in shade (6)","Answer":"NUANCE","Explanation":"Definition: shade\n**NUISANCE** (pest) **excluding** (abandoned) **IS**\n **NUANCE**\n\n**NUANCE** (delicate or subtle degree or shade of difference.)"} {"Clue":"Uncovered blue and silver inlaid Faberg\u00e9 creation turning up in cases (7)","Answer":"LUGGAGE","Explanation":"Definition: cases\n**LU** (**letters remaining when the outer letters of** **BLUE** **are removed** [uncovered]) + (**AG** [chemical symbol for silver] **contained in** [inlaid] **EGG** [Faberg\u00e9's most famous creation was a jewelled **EGG**] **reversed** [turning up])\n **LU** **G** (**AG**) **GE**<\n\n**LUGGAGE** ([suit]cases)"} {"Clue":"Had breakfast \u2013 would be defeated after slice of bacon (5)","Answer":"EATEN","Explanation":"Definition: Had breakfast\n**B** (**first letter of** [slice of] **BACON**) **+ EATEN** (the entry) **taken together form** **B****EATEN** (defeated), but we don't need the **B** for the entry\n **EATEN**\n\n**EATEN** (had food, breakfast, for instance)"} {"Clue":"Sloppy make-up's run (8)","Answer":"SLAPDASH","Explanation":"Definition: Sloppy\n**SLAP** (stage make-up) **+ DASH** (run)\n **SLAP DASH**\n\n**SLAPDASH** (careless; sloppy)"} {"Clue":"Caught on battlefield, in the soup (8)","Answer":"CONSOMME","Explanation":"Definition: soup\n**C** (caught) **+ ON + SOMME** (battlefield in World War 1)\n **C ON SOMME**\n\n**CONSOMME** (clear soup)"} {"Clue":"Making appointment as nitwit mixed double gin (9)","Answer":"ASSIGNING","Explanation":"Definition: Making appointment\n**ASS** (nitwit) **+ an anagram of** (mixed)** GIN** plus a second **anagram of** (mixed) **GIN**, giving a double mixed **GI**N\n **ASS** **IGN*** **ING***\n\n**ASSIGNING** (making appointment"} {"Clue":"'Round cut' \u2013 unusual name for a plant (8)","Answer":"CYCLAMEN","Explanation":"Definition: plant\n**CYCLE** (round) **excluding the final letter** (cut) **E** + **an anagram of** (unusual) **NAME**\n **CYCL** **AMEN***\n\n**CYCLAMEN** (plant, related to the primula)"} {"Clue":"Refreshed by fruit filled baked pud (7)","Answer":"UPDATED","Explanation":"Definition: Refreshed\n**DATE** (fruit) **contained in** (filled) **an anagram of** (baked) **PUD**\n **UP** (**DATE**) **D***\n\n**UPDATED** (refreshed)"} {"Clue":"Imagine getting up with other ranks and no small space at top in craft (7)","Answer":"ORIGAMI","Explanation":"Definition: craft\n**OR** [other ranks] + (**IMAGINE** **reversed** [getting up; down clue] and then **excluding** (no) **EN** [small space in printing terminology] which is then at the top of the reversal)\n **OR** **IGAMI**<\n\n**ORIGAMI** (craft of paper folding)"} {"Clue":"Drawing of small boat (6)","Answer":"SKETCH","Explanation":"Definition: Drawing\n**S** (small) **+ KETCH** (boat)\n **S KETCH**\n\n**SKETCH** (drawing)"} {"Clue":"Frequent hotel with relative (5)","Answer":"HAUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Frequent\n**H** (hotel) + **AUNT** (female relative)\n **H AUNT**\n\n**HAUNT** (visit frequently)"} {"Clue":"Ray's succeeded with Katherine (5)","Answer":"SKATE","Explanation":"Definition: Ray\n**S** (succeeded) **+ KATE** (Katherine)\n **S ****KATE**\n\n**SKATE** (large edible kind of ray of tropical and temperate waters)"} {"Clue":"A way to get two points across at discussion (12)","Answer":"CONVERSATION","Explanation":"Definition: discussion\n**CONVERSION** (in Rugby Union and Rugby League, a successful **CONVERSION** kick after a try scores 2 points) **containing** (across) **AT**\n **CONVERS **(**AT**)** ION**\n\n**CONVERSATION** (discussion)"} {"Clue":"To get passed, patent application primarily needs understanding (9)","Answer":"OVERTAKEN","Explanation":"Definition: passed\n**OVERT** (plain; evident; patent) **+ A** (**first letter of** [primarily] **APPLICATION**) **+ KEN** (knowledge; understanding)\n **OVERT A KEN**\n\n**OVERTAKEN** (passed)"} {"Clue":"Wife of German thrown out of game (5)","Answer":"BRIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Wife\n**BRIDGE** (card game) **excluding** (thrown out of) **G** (German)\n **BRID** (**G**) **E**\n\n**BRIDE** (newly married woman; wife)"} {"Clue":"Introduce bit of sugar into still (6)","Answer":"INSERT","Explanation":"Definition: Introduce\n**S** (**first letter of** [bit of] **S****UGAR**) **contained in** (into) **INERT** (still)\n **IN** (**S**) **ERT**\n\n**INSERT** (introduce)"} {"Clue":"Subdue and arrest criminal at home (8)","Answer":"RESTRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Subdue\n**Anagram of** (criminal) **ARREST** + **IN** (at home)\n **RESTRA*** **IN**\n\n**RESTRAIN** (subdue)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Fritz is returning gesture (6)","Answer":"SIGNAL","Explanation":"Definition: gesture\n(**LANG** [reference Fritz **LANG** {1890-1976]}, Austrian-German-American filmmaker] **+ IS**) **all reversed** (returning)\n (**SI GNAL**)<\n\n**SIGNAL** (gesture)"} {"Clue":"It is hidden in discreet additional information (8)","Answer":"SUBTITLE","Explanation":"Definition: additional information\n**IT** **contained in** (hidden in) **SUBTLE **(discreet)\n **SUBT** (**IT**) **LE**\n\n**SUBTITLE **(additional information)"} {"Clue":"Provides money for husband-to-be to clothe new son (8)","Answer":"FINANCES","Explanation":"Definition: Provides money for\n(**FIANC\u00c9** [husband to be] **containing** [clothe] **N** [new]) **+ S **(son)\n **FI **(**N**) **ANCE ****S**\n\n**FINANCES **(provides money for)"} {"Clue":"Burns; small rivers flowing to the west, not east (6)","Answer":"SMARTS","Explanation":"Definition: Burns\n**STREAMS** (small rivers) **excluding** (not) **E** (East) **reversed** (flowing to the left) \n **SMARTS**<\n\n**SMARTS** (stings; burns)"} {"Clue":"Warhol following Tina's husband, reportedly a bit of alright (3,5)","Answer":"EYE CANDY","Explanation":"Definition: a bit of alright\n**EYEC** (**sounds like** [reportedly] **IKE** [reference the American husband and wife singing duo** IKE** [1931 \u2013 2007] and Tina Turner [born 1939]) **+ ANDY** (reference **ANDY** Warhol [1928-1987], American artist)\n **EYE C** **ANDY**\n\n**EYE CANDY** (informal term for something or someone that is visually attractive)"} {"Clue":"Hardly ever spots daughter being held back (6)","Answer":"SELDOM","Explanation":"Definition: Hardly ever\n(**D** [daughter] **contained in** [being held] **MOLES** [spots]) **all reversed** (back)\n (**SEL** (**D**) **OM**)<\n\n**SELDOM** (hardly ever)"} {"Clue":"Sweetbread! (5)","Answer":"LOLLY","Explanation":"Definition: Sweetbread\n**LOLLY **(example of a sweet)\n **LOLLY**\n\n**LOLLY **(informal term for money) double definition"} {"Clue":"Bwitched badly need to cover repetitive song (9)","Answer":"ENCHANTED","Explanation":"Definition: B*witched\n**Anagram of** (badly) **NEED** **containing** (to cover) **CHANT** (repetitive song)\n **EN** (**CHANT**) **ED***\n\n**ENCHANTED** (bewitched)"} {"Clue":"Rudely infers pants easy to get into (4-8)","Answer":"USER-FRIENDLY","Explanation":"Definition: easy to get into\n**Anagram of** (pants) **RUDELY INFERS**\n **USER-FRIENDLY***\n\n**USER-FRIENDLY** (designed to be easily understood and operable by non-specialists)"} {"Clue":"Ugly old woman surrounding one's friends (7)","Answer":"CRONIES","Explanation":"Definition: friends\n**CRONES **(ugly old women) **containing** (surrounding)** I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **CRON** (**I**) **ES**\n\n**CRONIES** (close friends)"} {"Clue":"Requires massages, we hear (5)","Answer":"NEEDS","Explanation":"Definition: Requires\n**NEEDS** (**sounds like** [we hear] **KNEADS** [massages])\n **NEEDS**\n\n**NEEDS** (requires)"} {"Clue":"Host left positive leads out (9)","Answer":"ENTERTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Host\n**WENT** (left) **excluding** (out) **the first letter** (lead) **W** + **CERTAIN** (positive) also **excluding** (out) **the first letter C. **Together, we have the plural 'leads out\"\n **ENT** **ERTAIN**\n\n**ENTERTAIN** (host)"} {"Clue":"Tremor, wanting hard drink (4)","Answer":"SAKE","Explanation":"Definition: drink\n**SHAKE** (tremor) **excluding** (wanting) **H** (hard, when describing a pencil lead)\n **SAKE**\n\n**SAKE** (Japanese alcoholic drink made from fermented rice)"} {"Clue":"Drunk, beginning to totter and puke? (6-2)","Answer":"TANKED-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Drunk\n**T** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **TO**) **+ an anagram of** (totter) **AND PUKE**\n **T** **ANKED UP***\n\n**TANKED-UP** (having drunk a lot of alcohol)"} {"Clue":"Track gold coin? (5)","Answer":"ORBIT","Explanation":"Definition: Track\n**OR** (gold colour in heraldry) **+ BIT **(coin)\n **OR BIT**\n\n**ORBIT** (track or path of an object or particle)"} {"Clue":"Tragedy elevated Sid and Nancy? So it's said (8)","Answer":"DISASTER","Explanation":"Definition: Tragedy\n**SID** **reversed** (elevated; down clue) **+ ASTER** (sounds like [it's said] **ASTOR** [reference Nancy **ASTOR** [1879-1964], first\u00a0female Member of Parliament to take her seat)\n **DIS**< **ASTER**\n\n**DISASTER** (tragedy)"} {"Clue":"Mr Bean goes to church spiritual meeting (6)","Answer":"SEANCE","Explanation":"Definition: spiritual meeting\n**SEAN** (reference **SEAN** Bean [born 1959], English actor) **+ CE** (Church [of England])\n **SEAN CE**\n\n**SEANCE** (session or meeting of psychical researchers or spiritualists for the purpose of trying to contact the spirits of the dead or promote supernatural manifestations of various kinds)"} {"Clue":"How a redhead leaves the house on a sunny day? (8)","Answer":"GINGERLY","Explanation":"Definition: How a redhead leaves the house on a sunny day\n**GINGERLY** (red-headed people have a tendency to tan more readily due their skin containing a different type of melanin. In a sunny period they will be more **GINGER** than many other people)\n **GINGERLY**\n\n**GINGERLY** (warily. Given their susceptibly to sunburn, red-headed people may well be a bit wary when they step into the sun)"} {"Clue":"Politician time after time blocking support for moderate (9)","Answer":"TEMPERATE","Explanation":"Definition: moderate\n(**MP** [Member of Parliament; politician] + **ERA** [period of time] **+ T** [time]) **contained in** [blocking] **TEE** [support for a golf ball)\n **TE** (**MP** **ERA** **T**) **E**\n\n**TEMPERATE** (moderate)"} {"Clue":"Maybe Busby suffered from terrible rage about Everton's opener (8)","Answer":"HEADGEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe Busby\n(**HAD** [suffered from] **+ an anagram of** [terrible] **RAGE**) **containing** (about) **E** (**first letter of **[opener] **E****VERTON**)\n **H** (**E**) **AD** **GEAR***\n\n**HEADGEAR** (a busby is a fur hat with a bag hanging on its right side, worn especially by hussars)"} {"Clue":"Complaint about the French is pathetic (6)","Answer":"FEEBLE","Explanation":"Definition: pathetic\n**BEEF** (complaint) **reversed** (about) **+ LE** (one of the French forms of 'the')\n **FEEB**< **LE**\n\n**FEEBLE** (pathetic)"} {"Clue":"In the future, protest over cuts, perhaps (7)","Answer":"SOMEDAY","Explanation":"Definition: In the future\n**DEMO** (**DEMO**nstration; protest) **reversed** [over] **contained in** (cuts) **SAY** (perhaps)\n **S** (**OMED**<) **AY**\n\n**SOMEDAY** (unspecified time in the future)"} {"Clue":"Fool eating next to very deep hole (5)","Answer":"ABYSS","Explanation":"Definition: very deep hole\n**ASS** (fool) **containing** (eating) **BY** (next to)\n **A** (**BY**) **SS**\n\n**ABYSS** (bottomless gulf; very deep hole)"} {"Clue":"Went out with single religious woman, leaving\u00a0overwhelmed (5)","Answer":"DATED","Explanation":"Definition: Went out with \n**INUNDATED **(overwhelmed) **excluding** (leaving) (**I** [Roman numeral for one; single] **+ NUN** [religious woman])\n **DATED**\n\n**DATED** (went out with)"} {"Clue":"Trauma of celebrity caught coming in for bit of temazepam (4)","Answer":"SCAR","Explanation":"Definition: Trauma\n**STAR** (celebrity) with **C** (caught) **replacing** (coming in for) **T** (**first letter of** [bit of] **T**EMAZEPAM) \n **SCAR**\n\n**SCAR** (any mark, trace, or result of injury, eg of a moral or psychological nature, trauma)"} {"Clue":"Shellfish from Yellow Sea exported to France (5)","Answer":"ORMER","Explanation":"Definition: Shellfish\n**OR** (in heraldry,\u00a0the tincture gold or yellow) **+ MER** (French for sea)\n **OR** **MER**\n\n**ORMER** (an ear-shaped shell, especially the edible Haliotis tuberculata, common in the Channel Islands)"} {"Clue":"Religious figure asks questions atheists regularly disregarded (9)","Answer":"PRIESTESS","Explanation":"Definition: Religious figure\n**PRIES** (asks questions with impertinent curiosity) **+ TESS** (**letters 2, 4, 6 and 8** [regularly] of **ATHEISTS**)\n **PRIES TESS**\n\n**PRIESTESS **(religious figure)"} {"Clue":"What one might call a huge sum? (9,6)","Answer":"TELEPHONE NUMBER","Explanation":"Definition: huge sum\n**TELEPHONE NUMBER** (something that one might call)\n **TELEPHONE NUMBER**\n\n**TELEPHONE NUMBER** (a very large number or amount; huge sum) double definition"} {"Clue":"Bring to mind prayer after bible class (9)","Answer":"RECOLLECT","Explanation":"Definition: Bring to mind\n**RE** (Religious Education; bible class) **+ COLLECT** (prayer)\n **RE COLLECT**\n\n**RECOLLECT** (bring to mind)"} {"Clue":"Lacking in energy, gloomy and weighed down (5)","Answer":"LADEN","Explanation":"Definition: weighed down\n**L****E****ADEN** (dull; gloomy) **excluding** (lacking in) **E** (energy)\n **LADEN**\n\n**LADEN** (burdened; weighed down)"} {"Clue":"Firm undergoing cyclical readjustment with supreme competence (6)","Answer":"ABLEST","Explanation":"Definition: supreme competence\n**ST****ABLE** (standing firm) cycling all letters two places to the left with the first two letters moving to the end to form **ABLE****ST**\n **ABLEST**\n\n**ABLEST** (most competent; having supreme confidence)"} {"Clue":"Creator of issue removed boxing article (6)","Answer":"FATHER","Explanation":"Definition: Creator\n**FAR **(distant; removed) **containing** (boxing) **THE**** **(definite article)\n **FA** (**THE**) **R**\n\n**FATHER** (originator; creator)"} {"Clue":"Took another look at grey area lady uncovered (6)","Answer":"REREAD","Explanation":"Definition: Took another look at\n**RE** (**letters remaining in** **GREY** **when the outer letters GY are removed** [removed])** + RE** (**letters remaining in AREA when the outer letters AA are removed** [uncovered]) **+ AD** (**letters remaining in** **LADY when the outer letters LY are removed** [uncovered])\n **RE RE AD**\n\n**REREAD** (took another look)"} {"Clue":"Maniac chops yuppie's head off (6)","Answer":"PSYCHO","Explanation":"Definition: Maniac\n**Anagram of** (off) **CHOPS** **+ Y** (**first letter of** [head] **YUPPIE**)\n **PSYCHO***\n\n**PSYCHO** (maniac)"} {"Clue":"Confines overambitious guards (4)","Answer":"AMBIT","Explanation":"Definition: Confines\n**AMBIT **(**hidden word in** [guards] **OVERAMBITIOUS**)\n **AMBIT**\n\n**AMBIT** (precincts; confines)"} {"Clue":"Line at end of letter lists retired fighters (9)","Answer":"SPITFIRES","Explanation":"Definition: fighters\n(**SERIF** [short decorative foot at the end of a stroke on a printed character; line at end of letter] **+ TIPS** [tilts; lists]) **all reversed** (retired)\n (**SPIT** **FIRES**)<\n\n**SPITFIRES** (fighting aeroplanes used in World War II)"} {"Clue":"Drunk actor in a rage, mainly rude and offensive when on the defensive (9,6)","Answer":"REARGUARD ACTION","Explanation":"Definition: offensive when on the defensive\n**Anagram of** (drunk) **ACTOR IN A RAGE** and **RUDE** **excluding the last letter** (mainly) **E**\n **REARGUARD ACTION***\n\n**REARGUARD ACTION** (defensive action [offensive]\u00a0undertaken to try to stop something happening or continuing)"} {"Clue":"She shouldn't have weed on monks shot by head of state (3-6)","Answer":"NON-SMOKER","Explanation":"Definition: She shouldn't have weed\n**Anagram of **(shot) **MONKS ON** **+ ER** (Elizabeth Regina; Queen Elizabeth, head of state of the United Kingdom)\n **NO****N****-SM****O****K*** **ER**\n\n**NON-SMOKER** (one who shouldn't have marijuana [weed], which is often **SMOKE**d for effect as an intoxicant)"} {"Clue":"Good university dons get to continue without taking a break (5)","Answer":"SEGUE","Explanation":"Definition: continue without taking a break\n(**G** [good] **+ U** [university]) **contained in** (dons) **SEE** (understand; get)\n **SE** (**G** **U**) **E**\n\n**SEGUE** (proceed without pause)"} {"Clue":"Public holiday causes epidemic (8)","Answer":"OUTBREAK","Explanation":"Definition: epidemic\n**OUT** (published; public) **+ BREAK** (holiday)\n **OUT BREAK**\n\n**OUTBREAK** (epidemic)"} {"Clue":"Normal clue lacking definition ultimately becomes elementary? (9)","Answer":"MOLECULAR","Explanation":"Definition: elementary\n**Anagram of **(becomes) **N****ORMAL CLUE** **excluding** (lacking) **N** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **DEFINITION)**\n **MOLECULAR***\n\n**MOLECULAR **(descriptive of the smallest particle of any substance that retains the properties of that substance; elementary)"} {"Clue":"Revolt as a result of undesirable uprising (5)","Answer":"REPEL","Explanation":"Definition: Revolt\n**LEPER** (outcast; undesirable) **reversed** (uprising; down clue)\n **REPEL**<\n\n**REPEL** (revolt; Bradfords lists revolt as a synonym for repel. I would have said that rebel is closer to revolt than repel)"} {"Clue":"Established church driven out of French region (6)","Answer":"PROVEN","Explanation":"Definition: Established\n**PROVENCE** (region of France) **excluding** (driven out) **CE** (Church [of England])\n **PROVEN**\n\n**PROVEN** (established)"} {"Clue":"Showing some reluctance to go initially in\u00a0latrine that's out of order (8)","Answer":"INERTIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Showing some reluctance to go\n**I **(**first letter of** [initially] **IN**)** + an anagram of** (that's out of order)\u00a0**LATRINE**)\n **I** **NERTIAL***\n\n**INERTIAL** (showing disinclination to move or act)"} {"Clue":"Sucking noises suppress last couple of kisses (9)","Answer":"SQUELCHES","Explanation":"Definition: Sucking noises\n**SQUELCH** (suppress) **+ ES** (**final two letters of** [last two] **KISSES**)\n **SQUELCH ES**\n\n**SQUELCHES** (sucking sounds)"} {"Clue":"Journalist covering man battling enemy primarily (5)","Answer":"EMBED","Explanation":"Definition: Journalist covering man battling enemy primarily\n**ED** (editor; journalist) **containing** (covering) **MBE** (**first letters** [primarily] **of each of** **MAN**, **BATTLING** and **ENEMY**)\n **E** (**MBE**) **D**\n\n**EMBED** (journalist accompanying an active military unit)"} {"Clue":"Unruffled by lifting of some hygiene restrictions (6)","Answer":"SERENE","Explanation":"Definition: Unruffled\n**SERENE** (**hidden word** [some] **reversed** [by lifting; down clue] in **HYGIENE RESTRICTIONS**)\n **SERENE**<\n\n**SERENE** (calm; unruffled)"} {"Clue":"Plot contains treasure under layers of rock (9)","Answer":"STRATAGEM","Explanation":"Definition: Plot \n**STRATA** (layers of rock) **+ GEM** (treasure)\n **STRATA** **GEM**\n\n**STRATAGEM** (plan; plot)"} {"Clue":"Album of new arrangement for strings? (9)","Answer":"RECORDING","Explanation":"Definition: Album\n**RE**\u2013 (again but in a different way; new) **+ CORDING** (arrangement for ropes, strings or laces)\n **RE CORDING**\n\n**RECORDING** (musical album)"} {"Clue":"Rural pile has riding gear around yard (8)","Answer":"HAYSTACK","Explanation":"Definition: Rural pile\n(**HAS** + **TACK** [riding gear]) **containing** (around) **Y** (yard)\n **HA** (**Y**) **S** **TACK**\n\n**HAYSTACK** (large built-up pile of hay; rural pile)"} {"Clue":"Absurdity of Nationalist version of \"oneness\" (8)","Answer":"NONSENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Absurdity\n**N** (nationalist) **+ an anagram of** (version of) **ONENESS**\n **N ****ONSENSE*******\n\n**NONSENSE** (absurdity)"} {"Clue":"Conflict almost tore apart densely populated area (6)","Answer":"WARREN","Explanation":"Definition: densely populated area\n**WAR** (conflict) **+ RENT** (torn apart) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **T**\n **WAR REN**\n\n**WARREN** (densely populated area)"} {"Clue":"Underground worker buries dead guard (6)","Answer":"MINDER","Explanation":"Definition: guard\n**MINER** (underground worker)** containing** (buries) **D** (dead) \n **MIN** (**D**) **ER**\n\n**MINDER** (bodyguard)"} {"Clue":"Britain managed to implicate one intelligence agent (5)","Answer":"BRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: intelligence agent\n**B** (Britain) **+** (**RAN** [managed] **containing** [to implicate] **I** [Roman numeral for one])\n **B** **RA** (**I**) **N**\n\n**BRAIN** (seat of intellect and sensation; intelligence agent)"} {"Clue":"Female insect without wings is centre of attention (5)","Answer":"FOCUS","Explanation":"Definition: centre of attention\n**F** (female)** + LOCUST** (insect) **excluding the outer letters** (without its wings) **L** and **T**\n **FOCUS**\n\n**FOCUS** (centre of attention)"} {"Clue":"Blood type and fingerprints together causing extreme nervousness (6)","Answer":"ABDABS","Explanation":"Definition: extreme nervousness\n**AB** (one of the four blood types in the **AB****O** blood group system) + **DABS** (slang term for fingerprints)\n **AB DABS**\n\n**ABDABS **(an alternative spelling of **HABDABS** [a state of extreme nervousness])"} {"Clue":"Put off with poem being broadcast at quite a lick (7)","Answer":"UPTEMPO","Explanation":"Definition: at quite a lick\n**Anagram of** (off) **PUT** + **an anagram of** (bring broadcast) **POEM**\n **UPT*** **EMPO***\n\n**UPTEMPO** (played or sung at a fast rate)."} {"Clue":"Parisian prank, OK when wild dare's involved (8)","Answer":"FREDAINE","Explanation":"Definition: Parisian prank\n**Anagram of** (wild)\u00a0**DARE** **contained in** (when \u2026 involved) **+ FINE** (okay) \n **F** (**REDA***) **INE**\n\n**FREDAINE** (an escapade or prank, a\u00a0French [Paris] word included in Chambers)"} {"Clue":"Musical as of old that's returned to Broadway location (4)","Answer":"TUNY","Explanation":"Definition: Musical\n**UT **(Latin [old] word for 'as')** reversed** (returned to) **NY** (New York, location of Broadway)\n **TU**< **NY**\n\n**TUNY** (**TUN**eful, musical)"} {"Clue":"Jose's informally clad when in this (prompt, in front of orchestra) (6)","Answer":"CUERPO","Explanation":"Definition: Jose's informally clad\n**CUE **(prompt) **+ RPO** (Royal Philharmonic Orchestra)\n **CUE** **RPO**\n\n**CUERPO** (Spanish word [Jose] indicating a state of informal dress, eg in one's shirtsleeves. This Spanish word is in Chambers)"} {"Clue":"White wine \u2013 regret bins being ransacked with last of vintage in (11)","Answer":"STEINBERGER","Explanation":"Definition: White wine\n**Anagram of** (being ransacked) **REGRET BINS** **containing** (with \u2026 in) **E** **(final letter of**\u00a0[last of] **VINTAGE**)\n **STEINBERG** (**E**) **R*** Any of the three **E**s could be the one contained.\n\n**STEINBERGER** (a white Rhine wine)"} {"Clue":"Porcelain for oriental tea bowls? Bun's served with this in local puppet theatre (4)","Answer":"RAKU","Explanation":"Definition: Porcelain for oriental tea bowls\nIf you put **BUN** **in front of** (served) with **RAKU** (the entry)\u00a0you form the word** BUNRAKU** (Japanese form of puppet theatre)\n **RAKU**\n\n**RAKU** (type of Japanese coarse-grained, lead-glazed pottery fired at low temperature, used especially to produce tea bowls)"} {"Clue":"Where stars such as Leo may be seen almost every day (4)","Answer":"DAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Where stars such as Leo may be seen\n**DAILY** (every day) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **Y**\n **DAIL**\n\n**DAIL** (The Irish parliament . The reference is to **LEO** Varadkar, who is the Irish Prime Minister as I write this blog. There is a General Election in Ireland on Saturday 8th February, the day before this blog is published)"} {"Clue":"Fantastical dream poet's kept within bounds (5)","Answer":"MEARD","Explanation":"Definition: poet's kept within bounds\n**Anagram of** (fantastical) **DREAM** \n **MEARD***\n\n**MEARD **(Spenserian [poet's] spelling of **MERED** [bounded; kept within bounds])"} {"Clue":"Coffee avoided by those trying to give up, frenzied in a way (5)","Answer":"RABIC","Explanation":"Definition: frenzied in a way\n**ARABICA **(coffee produced from the shrub *Coffea **ARABICA**)*** excluding (avoiding)\u00a0the two As **which can form** AA **(Alcoholics Anonymous [a group of people who are trying to give up alcohol])\n **RABIC**\n\n**RABIC** (descriptive of someone affected with rabies and consequently frenzied)"} {"Clue":"Carriage, one protected by soldiers (4)","Answer":"MIEN","Explanation":"Definition: Carriage\n**I **(Roman numeral for one) **contained in** (protected by) **MEN** (soldiers)\n **M** (**I)** **EN**\n\n**MIEN** (air; look; bearing; carriage)"} {"Clue":"Catch one placed in bottom of boat but not left (4)","Answer":"HAUL","Explanation":"Definition: Catch\n**A** (one) **contained in** (placed in) **HULL** (frame or body of a ship; bottom of boat) **excluding** (but not) **L** (left)\n **H** (**A**) **UL**\n\n**HAUL** (content of fishing nets; catch)"} {"Clue":"Little in Italian court one comprehends, words being truncated (11)","Answer":"APOCOPATION","Explanation":"Definition: words being truncated\n**AN** (one) **containing** (comprehends) (**POCO** [Italian for 'little' **+ PATIO** [courtyard])\n **A** (**POCO PATIO**) **N**\n\n**APOCOPATION** (the cutting off of the last sound or syllable of a word; words being truncated)"} {"Clue":"Rock-cut tunnel of Middle Eastern country? Not one, ten (6)","Answer":"SYRINX","Explanation":"Definition: Rock-cut tunnel\n**SYRIAN** (relating to **SYRIA** [Middle Eastern country]) **excluding** (not) **A** (one) **+ X** (Roman numeral for ten)\n **SYRIN** **X**\n\n**SYRINX** (rock-cut tunnel, as in Egyptian tombs)"} {"Clue":"Scottish race put on for audience (4)","Answer":"LADE","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish race\n**LAD****E** (**sounds like** [for audience] **LAID** [put on])\n **LADE**\n\n**LADE** (Scottish word for a millstream or race [channel bringing water to or from a millwheel])"} {"Clue":"Doughnut: fruit mostly has to form lining inside (8)","Answer":"BERLINER","Explanation":"Definition: Doughnut\n**LINE** [to form a cover or **LIN**ing) **contained in** (inside) **(BERR****Y** [fruit]\u00a0**excluding the final letter** [mostly]\u00a0**Y**)\n **BER** (**LINE**) **R**\n\n**BERLINER** (iced doughnut with a jam filling)"} {"Clue":"Running leet, sited where it runs and was running (7)","Answer":"BEETLED","Explanation":"Definition: was running\n**Anagram of** (running)** LEET** **contained in** (sited in) **BED** (a **LEET** is trench for bringing water to a millwheel, so it will run in a river **BED**\u00a0of some kind)\n **B** (**EETL***) **ED**\n\n**BEETLED** (scurried; was running)"} {"Clue":"Transfers financial arrangements involving clubs (6)","Answer":"DECALS","Explanation":"Definition: Transfers\n**DEALS** (financial arrangements) **containing** (involving) **C** (clubs)\n **DE** (**C**) **ALS**\n\n**DECALS **(transfers in the form of pictures or designs)"} {"Clue":"What's appearing post-harvest in the manner of a rat? (10)","Answer":"AFTERGRASS","Explanation":"Definition: What's appearing post-harvest\n**AFTER** (in the manner of) + **GRASS** (informer; rat)\n **AFTER GRASS**\n\n**AFTERGRASS** (the **GRASS** that grows after mowing or reaping; what's appearing post-harvest)"} {"Clue":"Madonna topped middle in inner sanctum (6)","Answer":"ADYTUM","Explanation":"Definition: inner sanctum\n**LADY** (from Shakespeare, Madonna can be used as form of address for a **LADY**\u00a0**excluding the first letter** (topped) **L** **+ TUM** (belly; waist; middle)\n **ADY TUM**\n\n**ADYTUM** (the most sacred part of a temple; inner sanctum)"} {"Clue":"US party in tart's place, well away (4)","Answer":"BAKE","Explanation":"Definition: US party\n**BAKEWELL** (town in Derbyshire famous for tarts) **excluding** (away) **WELL**\n **BAKE**\n\n**BAKE** (American term for a party at which food is **BAKE**d)"} {"Clue":"Primate mounting ambition to cut wrongdoing (6)","Answer":"SIMIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Primate\n**AIM** (ambition) **reversed** (mounting; down clue) **contained in** (to cut) **SIN** (wrongdoing)\n **SI** (**MIA**<) **N**\n\n**SIMIAN** (ape; primate)"} {"Clue":"Without admission Christian died having gone round in it (11)","Answer":"UNINITIATED","Explanation":"Definition: Without admission\n(**UNIATE** [member of any community of Christians, especially in eastern Europe and Asia, that acknowledges the papal supremacy but which is allowed to retain its own customs and practices with regard to all else] **+ D** [died]) **containing** (having gone round) **IN IT**\n **UN** (**IN IT**) **IATE** **D**\n\n**UNINITIATED** (not yet admitted, to a secret society for example)"} {"Clue":"Ruin meat that's cooked I left out? But you could trust me (7)","Answer":"TRUEMAN","Explanation":"Definition: you could trust me\n**Anagram of** (that's cooked) **RUIN MEAT** **excluding** (left out)** I**\n **TRUEMAN***\n\n**TRUEMAN** (honest man; person you can trust)"} {"Clue":"Sudden tidal surge always brought about end of bathing (4)","Answer":"EGER","Explanation":"Definition: Sudden tidal surge\n**E'ER** (ever; always) **containing** (brought about) **G** **(last letter of** [end of] **BATHING**)\n **E** (**G**) **ER**\n\n**EGER** (alternative spelling of** EAGRE** [bore or sudden rise of the tide in a river])"} {"Clue":"Spotted wildcat that's spread, alas (6)","Answer":"MARGAY","Explanation":"Definition: Spotted wildcat\n**MARG** (**MARG**arine, a spread) **+ AY** (alas)\n **MARG AY**\n\n**MARGAY** (spotted South American tiger-cat)"} {"Clue":"Ruff for senior churchman (4)","Answer":"POPE","Explanation":"Definition: Ruff\n**POPE** (the ruff, a European freshwater fish)\n **POPE**\n\n**POPE** (head of the Roman Catholic church; senior churchman) double definition"} {"Clue":"Some Franciscans remain in college fraternities (10)","Answer":"CORDELIERS","Explanation":"Definition: Some Franciscans\n**C** (college) + (**LIE** [remain] **contained in** [in] **ORDERS** [fraternities, especially religious or knightly])\n **C** **ORDE** (**LIE**) **RS**\n\n**CORDELIERS** (\u00a0Franciscan friars, named from the knotted **CORD** worn as a girdle)"} {"Clue":"Painkiller not for being injected in face (7)","Answer":"DICONAL","Explanation":"Definition: Painkiller\n**CON** (against; not for) **contained in** (being injected in) **DIAL** (face)\n **DI** (**CON**) **AL**\n\n**DICONAL** (a painkilling opioid drug)"} {"Clue":"Disc that's wavy in part (except for the last bit) (7)","Answer":"ROUNDEL","Explanation":"Definition: Disc\nI'm not sure of the parsing for this.\n The best I can come up with that the majority of the letters (part) spell **ROUND** (curved or wavy) plus two letters **EL** which are composed solely of lines and have no curved or wavy parts\n **ROUND EL**\n\n**ROUNDEL** (disc)"} {"Clue":"Unruly baron, English, behaved as of old (6)","Answer":"ABORNE","Explanation":"Definition: behaved as of old\n**Anagram of** (unruly) **BARON** **+ E** (English)\n **ABORN*** **E**\n\n**ABORNE** (past tense of **ABEAR** [obsolete {as of old} word meaning 'behave'])"} {"Clue":"Firework to get going inside picnic basket (6)","Answer":"PETARD","Explanation":"Definition: Firework\n**TAR** (incite to fight; get can be defined as to attack or fight) **contained in** (inside) **PED** (hamper; picnic basket)\n **PE** (**TAR**) **D**\n\n**PETARD** (a moving firework)"} {"Clue":"Bilious stomach pain, hot inside (6)","Answer":"CHOLIC","Explanation":"Definition: Bilious\n**H** (hot) **contained in** (inside) **COLIC** (severe spasmodic pain in the abdomen; stomach pain)\n **C** (**H)** **OLIC**\n\n**CHOLIC** (bilious)"} {"Clue":"The old want former radio company (see name inside) (4)","Answer":"PYNE","Explanation":"Definition: The old want\n**N** (name) **contained in** (inside) **PYE** (a company that used to make radios, now subsumed into Philips)\n **PY** (**N**) **E**\n\n**PYNE **(alternative spelling of PINE [long; yearn for; want])"} {"Clue":"He removed the coins on leaving damaged Greco-Roman box (4)","Answer":"CIST","Explanation":"Definition: Greco-Roman box\n**Anagram of** (damaged) **THE COINS** **excluding** (removed) **HE** and also **excluding** (leaving) **ON**\n **CIST***\n\n**CIST** (tomb consisting of a stone chest covered with stone slabs in ancient Greece and Rome)"} {"Clue":"Not working with reduced wages loses peripheral pass (4)","Answer":"IDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Not working\n**PAID LESS** (reduced wages) **excluding** (loses) **the outer letters** (peripheral) which spell **PASS**\n **IDLE**\n\n**IDLE** (not working)"} {"Clue":"Escape carrying whip and torch (10)","Answer":"FLASHLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: torch\n**FLIGHT** (an act of fleeing; escape) **containing** (carrying) **LASH** (whip)\n **F** (**LASH**) **LIGHT**\n\n**FLASHLIGHT** (torch)"} {"Clue":"Repeat backing of Church House (4)","Answer":"ECHO","Explanation":"Definition: Repeat\n**CE** (Church [of England]) **reversed** (backing of) **+ HO** (house)\n **EC**< **HO**\n\n**ECHO** (repeat)"} {"Clue":"Neighbour of 22 almost entirely enthralled by a European (10)","Answer":"AUSTRALIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Neighbour of 22\n**ALL** (entirely) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **L** **contained in** (enthralled by) **AUSTRIAN** (example of a European)\n **AUSTR** (**AL**) **IAN**\n\n**AUSTRALIAN** (neighbour of a **KIWI** [New Zealander], the entry at 22 down)"} {"Clue":"This joint, mostly twisted would lead to wail (4)","Answer":"KNEE","Explanation":"Definition: This joint\nIf you** reverse **(twisted) **NEE**,\u00a0the **majority of letters in** (mostly) **KNEE** [the entry] you get **K EEN**< (cry; wail)\n **KNEE**\n\n**KNEE** (joint in the leg)"} {"Clue":"Actress upset about start of play with constant sources of alarm (5,7)","Answer":"SCARE TACTICS","Explanation":"Definition: sources of alarm\n**Anagram of** (upset) **ACTRESS** **containing** (about) (**ACT I** [act one; start of play] **+ C** [mathematical constant representing the speed of light])\n **SCARE T** (**ACT I** **C**)** S***\n\n**SCARE TACTICS** (actions or words solely intended to intimidate; sources of alarm)"} {"Clue":"Significant symbol, trimmed at edges, encapsulating a city after revolution (9)","Answer":"MEMORABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Significant\n**EMBLEM** (symbol) **excluding the first and last letters** (trimmed at the edges) **EM**\u00a0to form **MBLE** **containing** (encapsulating) ([**A** **+ ROME** {city}] **all reversed** [after revolution)\n **M** (**EMOR** **A**)<** BLE**\n\n**MEMORABLE** (significant)"} {"Clue":"Lad taken aback about French article and other parts of speech (5)","Answer":"NOUNS","Explanation":"Definition: other parts of speech\n**SON** (lad) **reversed** (taken aback) **containing** (about) **UN** (one of the French forms of 'a' [indefinite article])\n **NO** (**UN**) **S**<\n\n**NOUNS** (parts of speech)"} {"Clue":"Lines produced during Tuesday will provide material (5)","Answer":"TULLE","Explanation":"Definition: material\n**LL** (lines) **contained in** (produced during) **TUE** (Tuesday)\n **TU **(**LL**) **E**\n\n**TULLE** (delicate thin silk network fabric that was popularly used, especially in the 19th century, for making veils, hats, etc)"} {"Clue":"Mutual manoeuvring about period not concluding? This fixes an endpoint (9)","Answer":"ULTIMATUM","Explanation":"Definition: This fixes an endpoint\n**Anagram of** (manoeuvring) **MUTUAL** **containing** (about) **TIME** [period]** excluding the final letter** (not concluding) **E**\n **UL** (**TIM**) **ATUM***\n\n**ULTIMATUM** (final terms which fix an end point)"} {"Clue":"Take careful steps with stunt about to block reasonable location for lighthouse (8,4)","Answer":"INCHCAPE ROCK","Explanation":"Definition: location for lighthouse\n**INCH** (move by slow degrees; take careful steps) **+ CAPER** (escapade; stunt) **+** (**C** [circa; about] **contained in** [to block] **OK** [okay; reasonable])\n **INCH** **CAPE R** **O** (**C**) **K**\n\n**INCHCAPE ROCK** (location of a lighthouse situated 18 km off the east coast of Angus, Scotland, near Dundee and Fife)"} {"Clue":"Feel Berlin is home to \u2026 not this river (4)","Answer":"ELBE","Explanation":"Definition: river\n**ELBE** **(hidden word in** [is home to] **FEEL BERLIN**)\n **ELBE**\n\n**ELBE** (German river, but not the one that flows through Berlin [that is the Spree])"} {"Clue":"Symbolic fruit offering better health, clearing cold (10)","Answer":"FIGURATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Symbolic\n**FIG** (fruit) **+ CURATIVE** (tending to heal; offering better health) **excluding** (clearing) **C** (cold)\n **FIG URATIVE**\n\n**FIGURATIVE **(symbolic)"} {"Clue":"Stop special police retreating (4)","Answer":"STEM","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\n**S** (special) **+ MET** (**MET**ropolitan police) **reversed** (retreating)\n **S TEM**<\n\n**STEM** (stop)"} {"Clue":"Consequence of strike action, say: refuses to sit and work (10)","Answer":"STANDSTILL","Explanation":"Definition: Consequence of strike action\n**STANDS** (does not [refused to perhaps {say}] sit) **+ TILL** (work the soil)\n **STANDS TILL**\n\n**STANDSTILL** (complete stop which could be the consequence of strike action)"} {"Clue":"Fat? Radical to suppress pounds (4)","Answer":"FLAB","Explanation":"Definition: Fat\n**FAB** (marvellous; radical is slang for excellent or fine, so FAB is a synonym of radical) **containing** (to suppress) **L** (pounds sterling)\n **F** (**L**) **AB**\n\n**FLAB** (excess body fat)"} {"Clue":"A rope, but not a second as well (4)","Answer":"ALSO","Explanation":"Definition: as well\n**A** **+ LASSO** (rope) **excluding** (but not) (**A + S** [second])\n **A LSO**\n\n**ALSO** (as well)"} {"Clue":"Tough blighter regarding US city accepting source of corrupt cash (4,8)","Answer":"HARD CURRENCY","Explanation":"Definition: cash\n**HARD** (tough) **+ CUR** (scoundrel; blighter) **+ RE** (regarding) + (**NY** [New York; US city] **containing** [accepting] **C** [**first letter of** {source of} **CORRUPT**])\n **HARD** **CUR** **RE ****N** (**C**) **Y**\n\n**HARD CURRENCY** (metallic money; cash)"} {"Clue":"Current line in article from Frankfurt? One's not seriously engaged (5)","Answer":"IDLER","Explanation":"Definition: One's not seriously engaged\n**I** (electric current) **+** (**L** [line] **contained in** [in] **DER** [one of the German [Frankfurt] forms of 'the' {definite article}])\n **I**** D** (**L**) **ER**\n\n**IDLER** (person who wastes time or is reluctant to work)"} {"Clue":"Try to tuck in after disease \u2013 a sign of life? (9)","Answer":"HEARTBEAT","Explanation":"Definition: a sign of life\n**HEAR** (try judicially) **+ TB** (tuberculosis; disease) **+ EAT** (tuck in)\n **HEAR TB EAT**\n\n**HEARTBEAT** (pulsation of the **HEART**; sign of life)"} {"Clue":"Concern of film study \u2013 money provided by actors' union \u2013 ignoring European question (10)","Answer":"CONTINUITY","Explanation":"Definition: Concern of film\n**CON** (study) **+ TIN** (money) **+** (**EQUITY** [actors' trade union)]** excluding** [ignoring] [**E** {European} **+ Q** {question }])\n **CON TIN UITY**\n\n**CONTINUITY** (the ordering or arrangement of film or television shots and scenes, or of parts of a radio broadcast, in a correct or consistent way; a concern of the film industry)"} {"Clue":"Writers in Old English having identical magic phrase (4,6)","Answer":"OPEN SESAME","Explanation":"Definition: magic phrase\n(**PENS** [writers] **contained in** [in] **OE** [Old English]) **+ SAME** [identical]\n **O** (**PEN S**) **E ****SAME**\n\n**OPEN SESAME** (spell or other means of making barriers fly open; magic phrase)"} {"Clue":"But this one at LSE won't be the cheapest available! (7,5)","Answer":"ECONOMY CLASS","Explanation":"Definition: this one at LSE won't be the cheapest available\n**ECONOMY CLASS** (attendance at a **CLASS** of this nature at the London School of **ECONOM**ics [LSE] will attract a fee that will be higher than that for a similar **CLASS** at other colleges or universities)\n **ECONOMY CLASS**\n\n**ECONOMY CLASS** (cheapest\u00a0and least luxurious type of seating for travel)"} {"Clue":"Black marks about points exhibiting vulgarity (10)","Answer":"SMUTTINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Black marks\n**SMUTS** (black marks) **containing** (about) **TINES** (points of a fork)\n **SMUT** (**TINES**) **S**\n\n**SMUTTINESS** (vulgarity)"} {"Clue":"I'm set to apprehend a bad lot initially allowing no opposition (10)","Answer":"IMPLACABLE","Explanation":"Definition: allowing no opposition\n**I'M** **+** (**PLACE** [set] **containing** [to apprehend] [**A** + **BL** [**first letters** [initially] of each of **BAD** and **LOT**])\n **IM** **PLAC **(**A** **BL**)** E**\n\n**IMPLACABLE** (allowing no appeasement or opposition)"} {"Clue":"Most of circuit taking in English and French city (5)","Answer":"ROUEN","Explanation":"Definition: French city\n**ROUND** (circuit) **excluding the final letter** (most of) **D** **containing** (taking in) **E** (English)\n **ROU** (**E**) **N**\n\n**ROUEN** (city in northern France)"} {"Clue":"Resident of islands keeping in with islanders initially (4)","Answer":"KIWI","Explanation":"Definition: Resident of islands\n**KIWI** (**first letters** [initially] **of each of** **KEEPING**, **IN**, **WITH** and **ISLANDERS**)\n **K I W ****I**\n\n**KIWI** (resident of New Zealand which is formed primarily of two large islands, North Island and South Island)"} {"Clue":"Craze always involves such keenness (4)","Answer":"ZEAL","Explanation":"Definition: keenness\n**ZEAL** (**hidden word** [involves] in **CRAZE ALWAYS**)\n **ZEAL**\n\n**ZEAL** (keenness)"} {"Clue":"Household Words? (8)","Answer":"DOMESTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Household\n**DOMESTIC** (household)\n **DOMESTIC** \n\n**DOMESTIC** (row between people living in the same house, usually a couple; words) double definition"} {"Clue":"Haver, beginning to abandon drug (5)","Answer":"OWNER","Explanation":"Definition: Haver\n**DOWNER** (depressant drug) **excluding** (to abandon) **the first letter** (beginning) **D**\n **OWNER**\n\n**OWNER** (one who has; haver)"} {"Clue":"Go round denying Republican's remarks on passing (4)","Answer":"OBIT","Explanation":"Definition: remarks on passing\n**ORBIT** (fly in a circle; go round) **excluding **(denying) **R** (Republican)\n **OBIT**\n\n**OBIT** (**OBIT**uary [an account of a deceased person]; remarks on passing)"} {"Clue":"Screening show about sleuth Italian's backing (10)","Answer":"PROTECTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Screening \n**PROVE** (demonstrate; show) **containing** (about) (**TEC** [detective] **+ IT** [Italian] **reversed **[backing])\n **PRO** (**TEC** **TI**<) **VE**\n\n**PROTECTIVE** (sheltering; screening)"} {"Clue":"Dickens protagonist rebuffs field officer (6)","Answer":"COPPER","Explanation":"Definition: officer\n**COPPERFIELD** (reference David **COPPERFIELD** [Dickens' character in the book of the same name]) **excluding** (rebuffs) **FIELD**\n **COPPER**\n\n**COPPER** (policeman; officer)"} {"Clue":"Good call about hostile interrogation (8)","Answer":"GRILLING","Explanation":"Definition: interrogation\n(**G** [good] **+(RING** [call]) **containing** [about] **ILL** [hostile])\n **G** **R** (**ILL**) **ING**\n\n**GRILLING** (interrogation)"} {"Clue":"Prince Charming wants china the French added (7)","Answer":"CHARLES","Explanation":"Definition: Prince\n**CHARMING** **excluding **(want) **MING** (Chinese pottery; china) **+ LES** (one of the French forms of 'the')\n **CHAR LES**\n\n**CHARLES** (reference Prince **CHARLES** [born 1949], first in line to the throne of the United Kingdom)"} {"Clue":"Scatter most of the crumbs (7)","Answer":"STREWTH","Explanation":"Definition: crumbs\n**STREW** (scatter)** + THE** **excluding the final letter** (most of) **E**\n **STREW TH**\n\n**STREWTH** (an oath expressed as an interjection of surprise, expressing the same sentiment as the similar interjection 'crumbs')"} {"Clue":"Worried sea dog in rocks (8)","Answer":"AGONISED","Explanation":"Definition: Worried\n**Anagram of** (rocks) **SEA DOG IN** \n **AGONISED***\n\n**AGONISED** (worried intensely)"} {"Clue":"Latvian ruler's character (6)","Answer":"LETTER","Explanation":"Definition: character\n**LETT** (Latvian) **+ ER** (Elizabeth Regina; Queen; ruler)\n **LETT ER**\n\n**LETTER** (character)"} {"Clue":"Hack majority of trip with top celebs (10)","Answer":"JOURNALIST","Explanation":"Definition: Hack \n**JOURNEY** (trip) **excluding the final two letters** (majority of) **EY** +** A-LIST** (descriptive of members of the most important or famous group of celebrities)\n **JOURN** **ALIST**\n\n**JOURNALIST** (a **HACK** is a **JOURNALIST**ic drudge)"} {"Clue":"Lacklustre Eisteddfod winner retired (4)","Answer":"DRAB","Explanation":"Definition: Lacklustre\n**BARD** (poet whose work has won a competition at the Eisteddfod) **reversed** (retired)\n **DRAB**<\n\n**DRAB** (uninteresting; lacklustre)"} {"Clue":"Deal from cedar trees brought back (5)","Answer":"TRADE","Explanation":"Definition: Deal\n**TRADE** (**reversed** [brought back] **hidden word** [from] in **CEDAR TREES**)\n **TRADE**<\n\n**TRADE** (deal)"} {"Clue":"Old liberal teacher withdraws evidence of Book 9 (2,6)","Answer":"EX LIBRIS","Explanation":"Definition: evidence of Book 9\n**EX** (old) **+ LIB** (liberal) **+ SIR** (form of address for a teacher) **reversed** (withdraws)\n **EX LIB RIS**<\n\n**EX LIBRIS** (name-label pasted into the front of a book, something indicating the **OWNER** [9 across] of the\u00a0book)"} {"Clue":"Tax point in addition covers large hotel (8)","Answer":"TOLBOOTH","Explanation":"Definition: Tax point\n(**TO BOOT** [in addition] **containing** [covers] **L** [large]) **+ H** (hotel)\n **TO** (**L**) **BOOT** **H**\n\n**TOLBOOTH** (an office where tolls or taxes are or were collected; tax point)"} {"Clue":"Women's record time greeted effusively (4)","Answer":"WEPT","Explanation":"Definition: greeted effusively\n**W** (women) **+ EP **(extended play record) **+ T** (time)\n **W EP T**\n\n**WEPT** (cried [greeted is a Scottish term for cried] effusively)"} {"Clue":"Senseless state positions retreating troops (6)","Answer":"STUPOR","Explanation":"Definition: Senseless state\n**PUTS** (positions) **reversed** (retreating) **+ OR** (other ranks; troops)\n **STUP**< **OR**\n\n**STUPOR** (state of near-unconsciousness)"} {"Clue":"Skinflint goes crazy munching odd bits of carrot (7)","Answer":"SCROOGE","Explanation":"Definition: Skinflint\n**Anagram of **(crazy) **GOES** **containing** (munching) **CRO** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [odd bits] **of** **CARROT**)\n **S** (**CRO**) **OGE***\n\n**SCROOGE** (miser; skinflint)"} {"Clue":"Love is thwarted in books one writes (8)","Answer":"NOVELIST","Explanation":"Definition: one writes\n**Anagram of** (thwarted) **LOVE IS** **contained in** (in) **NT** (New Testament; books)\n **N** (**OVELIS***) **T**\n\n**NOVELIST** (a person who writes)"} {"Clue":"Left writer fitting in second episode (10)","Answer":"INSTALMENT","Explanation":"Definition: episode\n(**L** [left] **+ ME** [the writer]) **contained in** (fitting in) **INSTANT** (very brief period of time, e.g. a second)\n **INSTA** (**L** **ME**) **NT**\n\n**INSTALMENT **(one of a series; episode)"} {"Clue":"Yellow and black bird caught first (6)","Answer":"CRAVEN","Explanation":"Definition: Yellow\n**C** (caught) **+ RAVEN** (example of a black bird)\n **C** **RAVEN**\n\n**CRAVEN** (cowardly; yellow)"} {"Clue":"Irrational old man conducted test involving medium (10)","Answer":"PARANORMAL","Explanation":"Definition: Irrational\n**PA** (father; old man) **+ RAN** (conducted) **+** (**ORAL** [exam; test] **containing** [involving] **M** [medium])\n **PA** **RAN** **OR** (**M**) **AL**\n\n**PARANORMAL** (not explicable by the laws of nature or reason; irrational)"} {"Clue":"Finish importing European energy working in hardship (8)","Answer":"ENSLAVED","Explanation":"Definition: working in hardship\n**END** (finish) **containing** (importing) (**SLAV** [example of a European] **+ E** [energy])\n **EN** (**SLAV** **E**) **D**\n\n**ENSLAVED** (subjected to a dominating influence; working in hardship)"} {"Clue":"Topical article, dull in character primarily (8)","Answer":"THEMATIC","Explanation":"Definition: Topical\n**THE **(definite article) **+ MAT** (dull) **+ IC** (**first letters of **[primarily] each of **IN** and **CHARACTER**)\n **THE MAT IC**\n\n**THEMATIC** (relating to a **THEM**E or topic; topical)"} {"Clue":"Coach first of all drives all over the place (7)","Answer":"ADVISER","Explanation":"Definition: Coach\n**A** (**initial letter of** [first of] **ALL**) **+ an anagram of** (all over the place) **DRIVES**\n **A DVISER***\n\n**ADVISER** (teacher; coach)"} {"Clue":"4's visitors make grand MCs (6)","Answer":"GHOSTS","Explanation":"Definition: 4's visitors\n**G** (grand) **+ ****HOSTS** (Masters of Ceremonies [MCs])\n **G HOSTS**\n\n**GHOSTS** (visitors to **SCROOGE** [entry at 4 down])"} {"Clue":"Short story about a dry lake (6)","Answer":"LITTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Short\n**LIE** (story) **containing** (about) (**TT** [teetotal; dry] **+ L** [lake])\n **LI** (**TT** **L**) **E**\n\n**LITTLE** (short)"} {"Clue":"It's run up by girl coming out close to midnight (4)","Answer":"DEBT","Explanation":"Definition: It's run up\n**DEB** (**DEB**utante; girl making her first appearance in society [girl coming out]) **+ T** (**last letter of **[close to] **MIDNIGHT**)\n **DEB T**\n\n**DEBT** (outstanding sum of money that has been run up)"} {"Clue":"Winner getting silver finery, essentially, and this? (9)","Answer":"CHAMPAGNE","Explanation":"Definition: this\n**CHAMP** (champion; winner) **+ AG** (chemical symbol for silver) **+ NE** (**middle letters of** [essentially] **FINERY**)\n **CHAMP AG NE**\n\n**CHAMPAGNE** (a drink or bottle that the winner of a competition or award may receive)"} {"Clue":"Unusual places to conceal large knife (7)","Answer":"SCALPEL","Explanation":"Definition: knife\n**Anagram of **(unusual) **PLACES** **containing** (to conceal) **L** (large)\n **SCA** (**L**) **PEL***\n\n**SCALPEL **(small knife for dissecting or operating)"} {"Clue":"Hit and kill fish (7)","Answer":"LAMPREY","Explanation":"Definition: fish\n**LAM** (beat; hit) **+ PREY** (hunt and kill)\n **LAM PREY**\n\n**LAMPREY** (a type of primitive fish-like vertebrate)"} {"Clue":"I'm noisy at exercising, creating ill will (9)","Answer":"ANIMOSITY","Explanation":"Definition: ill will\n**Anagram of **(exercising) **I'M NOISY AT**\n **AN****IM****OSITY***\n\n**ANIMOSITY** (strong dislike; ill will)"} {"Clue":"Opening of shopping precincts for underwear (6)","Answer":"SMALLS","Explanation":"Definition: underwear\n**S** (**first letter of** [opening of] **S****HOPPING**) **+ MALLS** (shopping precincts)\n **S MALLS**\n\n**SMALLS** (underwear)"} {"Clue":"Stone thrown from relatively dignified artist's workshop (7)","Answer":"ATELIER","Explanation":"Definition: artist's workshop\n**STATELIER** (more dignified in relation to something else) **excluding** (thrown from) **ST** (stone)\n **ATELIER**\n\n**ATELIER** (workshop, especially an artist's studio)"} {"Clue":"Get near me to dance in unison (9)","Answer":"AGREEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: unison\n**Anagram of **(to dance) **GET NEAR ME**\n **A****G****R****E****E****ME****N****T***\n\n**AGREEMENT** (unison)"} {"Clue":"Cover field where fighting takes place (5,4)","Answer":"FRONT LINE","Explanation":"Definition: where fighting takes place\n**FRONT** (cover) + **LINE** (field, as in **\u00a0LINE** of work))\n **FRONT LINE**\n\n**FRONT LINE** (the most active, exposed or dangerous position or role in any activity or situation, especially a conflict; where the fighting takes place)"} {"Clue":"Follows sailor, and sailor might follow it (3,4)","Answer":"DOG STAR","Explanation":"Definition: sailor might follow it\n**DOGS** (tracks and watches constantly; follows)** + TAR** (sailor)\n **DOG S TAR**\n\n**DOG STAR** (Sirius, in the constellation of the Great Dog, the brightest star in the heavens; a star that sailors will know and may use as a guide)"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary astrologer offers to provide sacrifice (6)","Answer":"FOREGO","Explanation":"Definition: sacrifice\n**FOREGO** (**hidden word** [to provide] **reversed** [revolutionary] **in** **ASTROLOGER OFFERS**)\n **FOREGO**<\n\n**FOREGO** (give up or relinquish; sacrifice)"} {"Clue":"Component in cereal is source of protein (5,4)","Answer":"WHITE MEAT","Explanation":"Definition: source of protein\n**ITEM** (component) **contained in** (in) **WHEAT** (cereal)\n **WH** (**ITE M**) **EAT**\n\n**WHITE MEAT** (source of protein)"} {"Clue":"Issue involving former partner quietly abandoning trip (7)","Answer":"EDITION","Explanation":"Definition: Issue\n**EXPEDITION** (trip) **excluding** (abandoning) (**EX** [former partner] and **P** [piano; quietly])\n **EDITION**\n\n**EDITION **(issue)"} {"Clue":"Pull girl over lounger (7)","Answer":"LAGGARD","Explanation":"Definition: lounger\n(**DRAG** [pull]** + GAL** [girl]) **all reversed** (over)\n (**LAG** **GARD**)<\n\n**LAGGARD** (colloquial term for a lounger)"} {"Clue":"Witch doctor crosses Peru naked (9)","Answer":"SORCERESS","Explanation":"Definition: Witch\n**Anagram of** (doctor) **CROSSES** **containing** (crosses) **ER** (**letters remaining in** **PERU** **when the outer letters** [clothes] **PU are removed** [naked]) CROSSES is doing double duty as a containment indicator and and anagram fodder\n **SORC** (**ER**) **ESS***\n\n**SORCERESS** (witch)"} {"Clue":"Huge depletion in fossil fuel (8)","Answer":"COLOSSAL","Explanation":"Definition: Huge\n**LOSS** (depletion) **contained in** (in) **COAL** (an example of a fossil fuel)\n **CO** (**LOSS**) **AL**\n\n**COLOSSAL** (huge)"} {"Clue":"Target of racism regularly ignored (3)","Answer":"AIM","Explanation":"Definition: Target \n**AIM** (**letters remaining in** **RACISM** **when letters 1, 3 and 5** [regularly] **are excluded** [ignored])\n **AIM**\n\n**AIM** (target)"} {"Clue":"Spare balls help when covers are taken off in match (8)","Answer":"PARALLEL","Explanation":"Definition: match\n**PAR**, **ALL** and **EL** (**letters remaining in each of** **SPARE**, **BALLS** and **HELP** **when the outer letters** [covers] **SE**, **BS** and **HP** are **excluded** [taken off])\n **PAR ALL EL**\n\n**PARALLEL** (match)"} {"Clue":"Artist to leave, before returning forever (4)","Answer":"GOYA","Explanation":"Definition: Artist\n**GO** (leave) + **AY **(always; forever) **reversed** (returning)\n **GO YA**<\n\n**GOYA** (Francisco Jos\u00e9 de **GOYA **y Lucientes [1746 -1828] was a Spanish romantic painter and printmaker."} {"Clue":"Guess I am stopping baby's development; not good (10)","Answer":"ESTIMATION","Explanation":"Definition: Guess\n**I'M** **contained in** (stopping) **GESTATION** (period from conception to birth; baby's development)** excluding** (not) **G** (good)\n **EST** (**IM**) **ATION**\n\n**ESTIMATION** (guess)"} {"Clue":"A Republican blocks European getting early release (6)","Answer":"PAROLE","Explanation":"Definition: early release\n(**A + R** (Republican) **contained in** (blocks) **POLE **[native of Poland; European]) \n **P** (**A** **R**) **OLE**\n\n**PAROLE** (conditional early release [of a prisoner])"} {"Clue":"An entertaining amateur actor (6)","Answer":"PLAYER","Explanation":"Definition: actor\n**PER** (for each; an) **containing** (entertaining) **LAY** (amateur)\n **P** (**LAY**)** ER**\n\n**PLAYER** (actor)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Collins can start to explain including Iceland's word meaning vulgarian? (10)","Answer":"PHILISTINE","Explanation":"Definition: vulgarian\n(**PHIL** [reference **PHIL** Collins {born 1951}, drummer and singer in the rock band Genesis] **+ TIN** [can] **+ E **[**first letter of** {start to} **EXPLAIN**]) **containing** (including) **IS** (International Vehicle Registration for Iceland)\n **PHIL** (**IS**) **TIN ****E**\n\n**PHILISTINE** (person of material outlook, usually indifferent or hostile to culture; vulgarian)"} {"Clue":"A ring, twice damaged, is incriminating (10)","Answer":"ARRAIGNING","Explanation":"Definition: incriminating\n**Anagram of **(damaged) **A RING A RING** (i.e.** A RING** twice)\n **A****RRAIGNING***\n\n**ARRAIGNING** (putting on trial; incriminating is defined as to charging with a crime or fault. Chambers Thesaurus has one as a synonym for the other)"} {"Clue":"Correspondents' conclusions after pound initially falls: request investment (3-7)","Answer":"PEN FRIENDS","Explanation":"Definition: Correspondents\n**PEN** (enclosure; pound) **+ FRI** (**first letters of** [initially] each of **FAILS**, **R****EQUEST** and **INVESTMENT**) **+ ENDS** (conclusions)\n **PEN** **FRI** **ENDS**\n\n**PEN FRIENDS** (otherwise unknown persons (usually in different countries) who correspond with each other by letter, or possibly e-mail and text today)"} {"Clue":"Work in toilet, topless, to get drug (8)","Answer":"ATROPINE","Explanation":"Definition: Correspondents\n**PEN** (enclosure; pound) **+ FRI** (**first letters of** [initially] each of **FAILS**, **R****EQUEST** and **INVESTMENT**) **+ ENDS** (conclusions)\n **PEN** **FRI** **ENDS**\n\n**PEN FRIENDS** (otherwise unknown persons (usually in different countries) who correspond with each other by letter, or possibly e-mail and text today)"} {"Clue":"Tells of possible consequences of close elections (8)","Answer":"RECOUNTS","Explanation":"Definition: Correspondents\n**PEN** (enclosure; pound) **+ FRI** (**first letters of** [initially] each of **FAILS**, **R****EQUEST** and **INVESTMENT**) **+ ENDS** (conclusions)\n **PEN** **FRI** **ENDS**\n\n**PEN FRIENDS** (otherwise unknown persons (usually in different countries) who correspond with each other by letter, or possibly e-mail and text today)"} {"Clue":"Single women enthralled by surrealist festival (6)","Answer":"DIWALI","Explanation":"Definition: Correspondents\n**PEN** (enclosure; pound) **+ FRI** (**first letters of** [initially] each of **FAILS**, **R****EQUEST** and **INVESTMENT**) **+ ENDS** (conclusions)\n **PEN** **FRI** **ENDS**\n\n**PEN FRIENDS** (otherwise unknown persons (usually in different countries) who correspond with each other by letter, or possibly e-mail and text today)"} {"Clue":"Beggar obtained backing \u2013 drinking time! (6)","Answer":"TOERAG","Explanation":"Definition: Correspondents\n**PEN** (enclosure; pound) **+ FRI** (**first letters of** [initially] each of **FAILS**, **R****EQUEST** and **INVESTMENT**) **+ ENDS** (conclusions)\n **PEN** **FRI** **ENDS**\n\n**PEN FRIENDS** (otherwise unknown persons (usually in different countries) who correspond with each other by letter, or possibly e-mail and text today)"} {"Clue":"Pull apart career (4)","Answer":"TEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Correspondents\n**PEN** (enclosure; pound) **+ FRI** (**first letters of** [initially] each of **FAILS**, **R****EQUEST** and **INVESTMENT**) **+ ENDS** (conclusions)\n **PEN** **FRI** **ENDS**\n\n**PEN FRIENDS** (otherwise unknown persons (usually in different countries) who correspond with each other by letter, or possibly e-mail and text today)"} {"Clue":"Anger as wife dismissed from Telegraph (3)","Answer":"IRE","Explanation":"Definition: Correspondents\n**PEN** (enclosure; pound) **+ FRI** (**first letters of** [initially] each of **FAILS**, **R****EQUEST** and **INVESTMENT**) **+ ENDS** (conclusions)\n **PEN** **FRI** **ENDS**\n\n**PEN FRIENDS** (otherwise unknown persons (usually in different countries) who correspond with each other by letter, or possibly e-mail and text today)"} {"Clue":"Control signals malfunctioning if craft comes to earth (7,6)","Answer":"TRAFFIC LIGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: Control signals\n**Anagram of** (malfunctioning) **IF CRAFT** **+ LIGHTS** (lands; comes to earth)\n **TRA****F****F****I****C*** **LIGHTS**\n\n**TRAFFIC LIGHTS **(control signals)"} {"Clue":"Djokovic fails to finish stellar event (4)","Answer":"NOVA","Explanation":"Definition: stellar event\n**NOVAK** (reference **NOVA****K** Djokovic [born 1987], Serbian tennis player) **excluding the final letter** (fails to finish) **K**\n **NOVA**\n\n**NOVA** (a star that suddenly increases in brightness for a number of days or years; stellar event)"} {"Clue":"Migrant rook eggs picked up (5)","Answer":"ROVER","Explanation":"Definition: Migrant\n**R** (rook [chess piece]) **+ OVER **(**sounds like** [picked up] **OVA** [eggs])\n **R OVER**\n\n**ROVER** (wanderer; migrant)"} {"Clue":"Man born of a mother? No! (4)","Answer":"ADAM","Explanation":"Definition: Man born of a mother? No!\n**A** **+ DAM** (mother)\n **A DAM**\n\n**ADAM** (first man referenced in the Bible, created by God without a mother)"} {"Clue":"Fuss about tips of lance and sword (6)","Answer":"TOLEDO","Explanation":"Definition: sword\n**TO**\u2013**DO** (fuss) **containing** (about) **LE** (**first and last letters of** [tips of] **LANCE**)\n **TO** (**LE**) **DO**\n\n**TOLEDO** (a tapering sword or sword-blade made in **TOLEDO**, Spain)"} {"Clue":"Clay is dumped in hollow by river regardless of the consequences (8)","Answer":"CAVALIER","Explanation":"Definition: regardless of the consequences\n(**ALI** [reference Muhammad **ALI** {1942 \u2013 2016}, American heavyweight boxer, formerly known as Cassius Clay] **contained in** (in) **CAVE** [hollow]) **+ R** (river)\n **CAV** (**ALI**) **E** **R**\n\n**CAVALIER** (without thought of the consequences)"} {"Clue":"Greece advanced Spanish nothing for their city (7)","Answer":"GRANADA","Explanation":"Definition: their city\n**GR** (International Vehical Registration for Greece) **+ A** (advanced) **+ NADA** (Spanish for nothing, also used in English)\n **GR A NADA**\n\n**GRANADA** (city in Spain)"} {"Clue":"Threesome's endless speed should secure United victory (7)","Answer":"TRIUMPH","Explanation":"Definition: victory\n(**TRIO** [threesome] **excluding the final letter** [endless] **O** + **MPH** [miles per hour; speed]) **containing** (should secure)** U** (United)\n **TRI** (**U**) **MPH**\n\n**TRIUMPH** (victory)"} {"Clue":"Where the Olympics were held in twenty-one (3)","Answer":"RIO","Explanation":"Definition: Where the Olympics were held\n**RIO** (**hidden word in** [in] **WARRIOR** [entry at 21 [twenty-one] across)\n **RIO**\n\n**RIO** (**RIO** de Janiero, Brazilian city where the most recent Olympic Games were held)"} {"Clue":"Poles involved in characteristic movement of goods (7)","Answer":"TRANSIT","Explanation":"Definition: movement of goods\n**NS** (North and South; poles) **contained in** (involved in) **TRAIT** (characteristic)\n **TRA** (**N** **S**) **IT**\n\n**TRANSIT** (movement of goods)"} {"Clue":"One fighting with a bigot, oddly lacking in educational basics (7)","Answer":"WARRIOR","Explanation":"Definition: One fighting\n**W** (with) **+ A +** (**IO** **[letters 2 and 4** {even numbered letters only; oddly lacking} of **B****I****G****O****T**] **contained in** [in]** RRR** [the three **R**s \u2013 reading [w]riting and [a]rithmetic; educations basics])\n **W** **A** **RR** (**IO**) **R**\n\n**WARRIOR** (one fighting)"} {"Clue":"Wind science? No way of doing it in African country (8)","Answer":"SCIROCCO","Explanation":"Definition: Wind\n**SCI** (science) **+ MOROCCO** (African country) **excluding** (no) **MO** (modus operandi; way of doing it)\n **SCI ROCCO**\n\n**SCIROCCO **(\u00a0hot, dry, dusty and gusty wind blowing from N Africa to the north Mediterranean coast)"} {"Clue":"Star is left in America to bathe in publicity (6)","Answer":"PULSAR","Explanation":"Definition: Star\n(**L **[left] **contained in** [in] **USA** [United States of America]) **all contained in** (to bathe in) **PR** (public relations; publicity)\n **P** (**U** (**L**) SA) **R**\n\n**PULSAR** (pulsating star; any of a number of interstellar sources of regularly pulsed radiation, first discovered in 1967, and thought to be rotating neutron stars)"} {"Clue":"What's in front of hotel spoiled good walk? (4)","Answer":"GOLF","Explanation":"Definition: spoiled good walk\n**GOLF **(for the letter G) precedes **HOTEL** (for the letter\u00a0H) in the International Radio Communication code for letters of the alphabet\n **GOLF**\n\n**GOLF** (Mark Twain [1835 \u2013 1910], pen name of American writer, is reported have said that **GOLF** is a good walk spoiled. I beg to differ)"} {"Clue":"Independent business next to a holiday location (5)","Answer":"IBIZA","Explanation":"Definition: holiday location\n**I** (independent) **+ BIZ** (slang for business) **+ A**\n **I BIZ A**\n\n**IBIZA** (island\u00a0in Spain, popular with holidaymakers)"} {"Clue":"Heidegger regularly displays sharpness of mind (4)","Answer":"EDGE","Explanation":"Definition: sharpness of mind\n**EDGE** (**letters 2, 4, 6 and 8** [regularly displays] of **HEIDEGGER**)\n **EDGE**\n\n**EDGE** (sharpness of mind)"} {"Clue":"Insect let out to chase another (6)","Answer":"BEETLE","Explanation":"Definition: another \n**BEE** (insect) **+ an anagram of** (out) **LET**\n **BEE ****TLE***\n\n**BEETLE** ([another] insect)"} {"Clue":"Art collector in midst of assessing properties (7)","Answer":"ESTATES","Explanation":"Definition: properties\n**TATE** (reference Henry **TATE** [1819 \u2013 1899], founder of the **TATE** art gallery in London) **contained in** (in) **ESS** (**central letters of** [in the midst of] **ASSESSING**)\n **ES** (**TATE**) **S**\n\n**ESTATES** (properties)"} {"Clue":"Small saloon requiring treatment for wood rot (3-4)","Answer":"TWO-DOOR","Explanation":"Definition: Small saloon\n**Anagram of** (requiring treatment) **WOOD ROT**\n **TWO-DOOR***\n\n**TWO-DOOR** (type of small saloon car)"} {"Clue":"King Arthur's leader among men in combat (9)","Answer":"AGAMEMNON","Explanation":"Definition: King\n**A** (**first letter of** [leader] **ARTHUR**) +** an anagram of** (in combat) **AMONG MEN**\n **A GAMEMNON***\n\n**AGAMEMNON** (In Greek mythology, **AGAMEMNON**)"} {"Clue":"Permanently give up excess consumption \u2026 (3,4)","Answer":"FOR GOOD","Explanation":"Definition: Permanently\n**FORGO** (do without; give up) **+ OD** (overdose; excess consumption)\n **FORGO OD**\n\n**FOR GOOD** (permanently)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 of city life, whether it's up or down (5)","Answer":"CIVIC","Explanation":"Definition: of city life\n**CIVIC** (a word that is a palindrome. As a down entry it reads as the same word up or down)\n **CIVIC**\n\n**CIVIC** (relating to a city or citizens)"} {"Clue":"What's sought by government dissembler turning up? (5)","Answer":"GRAIL","Explanation":"Definition: What's sought\n**G** (government) **+ LIAR** (dissembler) **reversed** (turning up; down clue)\n **G** **RAIL**<\n\n**GRAIL** (cherished ambition or goal; what's sought)"} {"Clue":"In a crossword this could be rated an improvement (5-2)","Answer":"TRADE-UP","Explanation":"Definition: improvement \n**TRADE-UP** could be an anagram crossword clue for **RATED** where **UP** is the **anagram indicator** and **TRADE** is the **anagram fodder**.\n **TRADE\u2013UP**\n\n**TRADE-UP** (buy a better version of what you have now, partly funding the purchase by selling the original item)"} {"Clue":"Shakespeare's second person to be in drama, say (3)","Answer":"ART","Explanation":"Definition: Shakespeare's second person to be\n**ART** (Shakespearean term for 'are', form of 'to be' used with the second person 'you' or more likely 'thou' in Shakespeare's time)\n **ART**\n\n**ART **(drama is a form of **ART**)"} {"Clue":"Drag queen quits Blackpool attraction (3)","Answer":"TOW","Explanation":"Definition: Drag\n**TOWER** (reference Blackpool **TOWER** [tourist attraction]) **excluding** (quits)** ER** (Elizabeth Regina, monarch)\n **TOW**\n\n**TOW** (drag)"} {"Clue":"Most rowdy sporting tunes include game by line one (9)","Answer":"UNRULIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most rowdy\n**Anagram of** (sporting) **TUNES** **containing **(include) (**RU** [Rugby Union; game] + **L** [line] **+ I **[Roman numeral for one])\n **UN** (**RU**** L**** I**) **EST***\n\n**UNRULIEST** (most turbulent; most rowdy)"} {"Clue":"Park water supplier gets picked again (7)","Answer":"RECHOSE","Explanation":"Definition: picked again\n**REC** (recreation ground; park) **+ HOSE** (water supplier)\n **REC HOSE**\n\n**RECHOSE** (picked again)"} {"Clue":"Queueing outside Celtic's pitch (7)","Answer":"INCLINE","Explanation":"Definition: pitch\n**IN LINE** (queuing) **containing** (outside)** C** (celtic, abbreviation in Collins)\n **IN** (**C**)** LINE**\n\n**INCLINE** (gradient; pitch)"} {"Clue":"Stop being led by snake oil industry product (7)","Answer":"ASPHALT","Explanation":"Definition: oil industry product\n**ASP** (snake) **+ HALT **(stop)\n **ASP HALT**\n\n**ASPHALT** (a black or dark-brown, hard, bituminous substance, occurring naturally, and obtained as a residue in petroleum distillation, etc; oil industry product)"} {"Clue":"Fruit salad of mangoes and rambutans, peeled and pitted (7)","Answer":"ORANGES","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\n**Anagram of** (salad) **MANGOES** **excluding the outer letters M** and **S** (peeled) and **just\u00a0the outer letters** **RS** (pitted) of **RAMBUTANS**\n **ORANGES***\n\n**ORANGES** (fruit)"} {"Clue":"Overhaul man in black Bugatti and contest ends (5)","Answer":"REFIT","Explanation":"Definition: Overhaul\n**REF **(referee; man in black) **+ IT **(**final letters** [ends] of each of **BUGATT**I and **CONTEST**)\n **REF I T**\n\n**REFIT** (overhaul)"} {"Clue":"Nothing enjoyable should be postponed (2,3)","Answer":"ON ICE","Explanation":"Definition: postponed\n**O** (nothing) **+ NICE** (enjoyable)\n **O** **N ICE**\n\n**ON ICE** (postponed)"} {"Clue":"Unhappy eating feathers (4,2,3,5)","Answer":"DOWN IN THE MOUTH","Explanation":"Definition: Unhappy\n**DOWN** (feathers) **+ IN THE MOUTH** (indicative of something being eaten)\n **DOWN** **IN THE MOUTH**\n\n**DOWN IN THE MOUTH** (in low spirits; unhappy)"} {"Clue":"Clearly form of tennis involving first of two players ultimately (9)","Answer":"DOUBTLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Clearly\n(**DOUBLES** [a form of tennis] **containing** [involving] **T** [**first letter of** {first of} **TWO**]) **+ S** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **PLAYERS**)\n **DOUB** (**T**) **LES** **S**\n\n**DOUBTLESS** (indisputably; clearly)"} {"Clue":"Plants hint of complexity when play opens (5)","Answer":"CACTI","Explanation":"Definition: Plants\n**C** (**first letter of** [hint of] **COMPLEXITY** **+ ACT I** (the first act; when the play opens)\n **C** **ACT I**\n\n**CACTI** (plants having thick fleshy stems that store water, and leaves reduced to spines or scales)"} {"Clue":"Paper determined to reel in ambassador (5)","Answer":"SHEET","Explanation":"Definition: Paper\n**SET** (determined) **containing** (to reel in) **HE** (His \/ Her\u00a0Excellency, form of address to an ambassador)\n **S** (**HE**) **ET**\n\n**SHEET** (piece of paper)"} {"Clue":"Article by computer in religious publication (3,6)","Answer":"THE TABLET","Explanation":"Definition: religious publication\n**THE** (definite article) **+ TABLET** (handheld personal computer that is operated by touch screen or digital pen)\n **THE TABLET**\n\n**THE TABLET** (a Catholic international weekly review published in London; religious publication)"} {"Clue":"Don't interfere with holiday busy person cut short (5,2)","Answer":"LEAVE BE","Explanation":"Definition: Don't interfere with\n**LEAVE** (holiday) **+ BEE** (busy person) **excluding the final letter** (cut short) **E**\n **LEAVE BE**\n\n**LEAVE BE** (don't disturb or interfere with)"} {"Clue":"Country recalled flag material, having run off 50 (7)","Answer":"ERITREA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\n**TIRE** (run out of energy; flag) **reversed** (recalled) **+ REAL** (actually existing; material) **excluding** (off) **L** (Roman numeral for 50)\n **ERIT**< **REA**\n\n**ERITREA** (country in Africa)"} {"Clue":"List a record involved in a cute broadcast (9)","Answer":"CATALOGUE","Explanation":"Definition: List\n(**A** **+ LOG** [record of performance]) **contained in** (involved in) **an anagram of** (broadcast) **A CUTE**\n **CAT**** **(**A ****LOG**)** ****UE***\n\n**CATALOGUE** (systematic list of names, books, pictures, etc)"} {"Clue":"Woman, North American, to overlook losing time (5)","Answer":"NAOMI","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\n**NA** (North American) **+ OMIT** (overlook) **excluding** (losing) **T** (time)\n **NA** **OMI**\n\n**NAOMI** (woman's name)"} {"Clue":"Film's way of working with struggle (5)","Answer":"MOVIE","Explanation":"Definition: Film\n**MO** (modus operandi; way of working) **+ VIE** (struggle)\n **MO VIE**\n\n**MOVIE** (film)"} {"Clue":"Hatred? An extreme point attendant on extremes of hostility (9)","Answer":"ANTIPATHY","Explanation":"Definition: Hatred\n**AN** **+ TIP** (extreme point) + **AT** (attending; attendant)** + HY** (**first and last letters of** [extremes of] **HOSTILITY**)\n **AN** **TIP** **AT** **HY**\n\n**ANTIPATHY** (hatred)"} {"Clue":"Country air? (8,6)","Answer":"NATIONAL ANTHEM","Explanation":"Definition: Country air\n**NATIONAL** (of the country) **+ ANTHEM** (\u00a0song of praise or gladness; air)\n **NATIONAL ANTHEM**\n\n**NATIONAL ANTHEM** (official song or hymn of a country; country air)"} {"Clue":"Measure of capacity or very old measure of light, mostly (6)","Answer":"VOLUME","Explanation":"Definition: Measure of capacity\n**V** (very) **+ O** (old) **+ LUMEN** (measure of luminous flux or light) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **N**\n **V O LUME**\n\n**VOLUME** (measure of cubic capacity)"} {"Clue":"Join King getting on donkey (4)","Answer":"KNIT","Explanation":"Definition: Join\n**K** (king) + **NIT** (idiot; donkey)\n **K NIT**\n\n**KNIT** (join)"} {"Clue":"End of day, not start \u2013 let out to make trouble (8)","Answer":"UNSETTLE","Explanation":"Definition: make trouble\n**SUNSET** (end of the day) **excluding** (not) **the first letter** (start) **S** **+ an anagram of** (out)** LET**\n **UNSET ****TLE***\n\n**UNSETTLE** (make uncertain; cause trouble)"} {"Clue":"Decent hunting around end of August (6)","Answer":"CHASTE","Explanation":"Definition: Decent\n**CHASE** (hunting) **containing** (around) **T** (**last letter of** [end of] **AUGUST**)\n **CHAS** (**T**) **E**\n\n**CHASTE** (decent and pure in taste and style)"} {"Clue":"The writer picked up case about one active consequence of malnutrition? (10)","Answer":"EMACIATION","Explanation":"Definition: consequence of malnutrition\n**ME** (the writer)** reversed** (picked up; down clue) **+** (**ACTION** [legal case] **containing** [about] [**I **{Roman numeral for 1} **+ A** {active}])\n **EM**< **AC **(**I** **A**) **TION**\n\n**EMACIATION** (condition of becoming extremely thin, possibly as a consequence of malnutrition)"} {"Clue":"Truly ruin a schismatic after representing vigorous response to religion (8,12)","Answer":"MUSCULAR CHRISTIANITY","Explanation":"Definition: vigorous response to religion\n**Anagram of** (after re-presenting) **TRULY RUIN A SCHISMATIC**\n **M****U****SCU****L****A****R ****CHRIS****T****IANIT****Y*******\n\n**MUSCULAR CHRISTIANITY** (a vigorous combination of Christian living with devotion to athletic enjoyment)"} {"Clue":"Broadcast TV's accidental impiety? It's not something you have to deal with now (12,8)","Answer":"DISPLACEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: It's not something you have to deal with now\n**Anagram of **(broadcast) **TV'S ACCIDENTAL IMPIETY**\n **DISPLACEMENT ACTIVITY***\n\n**DISPLACEMENT** [**ACTIVITY**] (an activity that is [often unconsciously] substituted for another, possibly more destructive or threatening, one) Is the definition right? Surely the **DISPLACEMENT ACTIVITY** is the one you are doing now so you can delay attending the more difficult one?"} {"Clue":"Those people around box office wanting to take in pornographic picture (3,4,3)","Answer":"THE BLUE BOY","Explanation":"Definition: picture\n(**THEY** [those people] **containing** [around] **BO** [box office])** all containin**g (wanting to take in) **BLUE** indecent; obscene; pornographic)\n **THE** (**BLUE**) (**BO**) **Y**\n\n**THE BLUE BOY** (full length portrait [picture] by Thomas Gainsborough [1727 \u2013 1788], English painter)"} {"Clue":"Final equally balanced? Most of this story is about United (8)","Answer":"EVENTUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Final\n**EVEN **(equally balanced) **+** (**TALE** [story] **excluding the final letter** [mostly] **E** **containing** [about] **U** [United])\n **EVEN** **T** (**U**) **AL**\n\n**EVENTUAL** (final)"} {"Clue":"Leave target incomplete and veer in a different direction (2,4)","Answer":"GO AWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Leave\n**GOAL** (target) **excluding the final letter **(incomplete) **+ YAW** (veer) **reversed** (in a different direction)\n **GO A** **WAY**<\n\n**GO AWAY** (leave)"} {"Clue":"Dismissed poor service in store (6)","Answer":"OUTLET","Explanation":"Definition: store\n**OUT** (dismissed) **+ LET** (a service in tennis that has to be retaken; poor service)\n **OUT LET**\n\n**OUTLET **(retail store)"} {"Clue":"Compassion? Mine's ending empathy (4)","Answer":"PITY","Explanation":"Definition: Compassion\n**PIT** (mine) **+ Y** (**last letter of** [ending] **EMPATHY**)\n **PIT Y**\n\n**PITY** (compassion)"} {"Clue":"Might he make a mug out of Ronnie O'Sullivan (6)","Answer":"POTTER","Explanation":"Definition: Might he make a mug\n**POTTER** (maker of articles of baked clay, such as mugs)\n **POTTER**\n\n**POTTER** (Ronnie O'Sullivan is a snooker player who pots balls; potter) double definition"} {"Clue":"Person I suspect has right to be inside (8)","Answer":"PRISONER","Explanation":"Definition: Person I suspect has right to be inside\n**Anagram of **(suspect) **PERSON I** **+ R** (right)\n **PRISONE*** **+ R**\n\n**PRISONER** (one who is held inside jail)"} {"Clue":"Criticism of minor routes over accidents essentially (9)","Answer":"BROADSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Criticism\n**B ROADS** (secondary or minor routes over) **+ IDE** (**central letters** [essentially] of **ACCIDENT**)\n **B ROADS IDE**\n\n**BROADSIDE** (critical verbal attack; criticism)"} {"Clue":"Hill \u2013 famous one on reflection for rambler (5)","Answer":"NOMAD","Explanation":"Definition: rambler\n**DAMON **(reference **DAMON** Hill [born 1960], Formula 1 racing world champion 1996) **reversed** (on reflection)\n **NOMAD**<\n\n**NOMAD** (wanderer; rambler)"} {"Clue":"It turns but remains unchanged (5)","Answer":"ROTOR","Explanation":"Definition: It turns but remains unchanged\n**ROTOR** is a palindrome so when it is **reversed** (runs) it is unchanged\n >**ROTOR**<\n\n**ROTOR** (something that turns, for example a revolving cylinder for propulsion of a ship)"} {"Clue":"Bread not cut before supper, say (9)","Answer":"WHOLEMEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Bread\n**WHOLE** (not cut) + **MEAL** (supper is an example of a meal)\n **WHOLE MEAL**\n\n**WHOLEMEAL **(type of bread)"} {"Clue":"Grotesque growth a feature of this beast (7)","Answer":"WARTHOG","Explanation":"Definition: beast\n**Anagram of** (grotesque) **GROWTH A**\n **WARTHOG***\n\n**WARTHOG** (any of a genus of wild **HOG**s\u00a0found in Africa, with large **WART**like excrescences [growths] on their cheeks)"} {"Clue":"Light discharge (4)","Answer":"FIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Light\n**FIRE** (sparkle of light)\n **FIRE**\n\n**FIRE** (instruction to discharge a weapon) double definition"} {"Clue":"League of Nations held back by protocol breach (4)","Answer":"BLOC","Explanation":"Definition: League of Nations\n**BLOC** (**reversed** [back] **hidden word in** [held .. by] **PROTOCOL BREACH**)\n **BLOC**<\n\n**BLOC** (a combination of parties, nations or other units to achieve a common purpose, unfortunately it didn't work for the League of Nations)"} {"Clue":"Fantastic beast's beginning to confirm nature's in trouble (7)","Answer":"CENTAUR","Explanation":"Definition: Fantastic beast\n**C** (**first letter of **[beginning to] **CONFIRM**) + **an anagram of** (in trouble)\u00a0**NATURE**\n **C ENTAUR***\n\n**CENTAUR** (mythical creature, half man and half horse; fantastic beast)"} {"Clue":"Pay for holiday, you say? That'll slow you down (4,5)","Answer":"FOOT BRAKE","Explanation":"Definition: That'll slow you down\n**FOOT** (pay for) **+ BRAKE** (sounds like [you say] **BREAK** [holiday])\n **FOOT BRAKE**\n\n**FOOT BRAKE** (pedal that is used to slow down a vehicle)"} {"Clue":"Eyes \u2013 not misty, peeled (5)","Answer":"OGLES","Explanation":"Definition: Eyes\n**FOGLESS** (not misty) **excluding the outer letters **(peeled) **F** and **S**\n **OGLES**\n\n**OGLES** (eyes impertinently)"} {"Clue":"Primitive home, one with good facilities (5)","Answer":"IGLOO","Explanation":"Definition: Primitive home\n**I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ G** (good) **+ LOO** (toilet; facilities)\n **I G LOO**\n\n**IGLOO** (dome-shaped Inuit house made of blocks of hard snow; primitive home)"} {"Clue":"One makes mistakes more miserable when goofy nerd's involved (8)","Answer":"BLUNDERER","Explanation":"Definition: One makes mistakes\n**An anagram of** (goofy) **NERD** **contained in** (when \u2026 involved) **BLUER** (more miserable) \n **BLU** (**NDER***) **ER**\n\n**BLUNDERER** (one who makes mistakes)"} {"Clue":"Animal killers held in esteem, a tad, or scorn (8)","Answer":"MATADORS","Explanation":"Definition: Animal killers\n**MATADORS** (**hidden word in** [held in] **ESTEEM A TAD OR SCORN**)\n **MATADORS**\n\n**MATADORS **(men who kill the bulls in bullfights)"} {"Clue":"Claw right back almost to the beginning, revealing a pop star (6)","Answer":"PRINCE","Explanation":"Definition: pop star\n**PINCER **(claw) with the **R** (right) moving back almost to the beginning to form **PRINCE **\n **PRINCE**\n\n**PRINCE** (**PRINCE** Rogers Nelson, pop star,[1958 \u2013 2016])"} {"Clue":"Turn up combative to begin with during fight in boozy night out (3-5)","Answer":"PUB CRAWL","Explanation":"Definition: boozy night out\n**UP reversed** (turn) **+** (**C** [**first letter of** {to begin with} **COMBATIVE**] **contained in** [during] **BRAWL** [fight])\n **PU**< **B** (**C**) **RAWL**\n\n**PUB CRAWL** (progression from pub to pub, stopping for one or more drinks in each; boozy night out)"} {"Clue":"Turkey, another creature with small feet (8)","Answer":"TROTTERS","Explanation":"Definition: feet\n**TR** (International Vehicle Registration for Turkey) **+ OTTER** (aquatic creature) **+ S **(small)\n **TR OTTER S**\n\n**TROTTERS** (feet, especially of a sheep or a pig))"} {"Clue":"Tree, more mature one (5)","Answer":"ELDER","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\n**ELDER** (type of tree)\n **ELDER**\n\n**ELDER** (more aged; more mature) double definition"} {"Clue":"Quickly declare that dance is cancelled (4,3)","Answer":"REEL OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Quickly declare\n**REEL **(dance) **+ OFF** (cancelled)\n **REEL OFF**\n\n**REEL OFF** (utter rapidly and fluently)"} {"Clue":"High court has dinner cooked (9)","Answer":"SANHEDRIN","Explanation":"Definition: High court\n**Anagram of** (cooked) **HAS DINNER**\n **SA****N****H****EDRIN***\n\n**SANHEDRIN** (a Jewish council or court, especially the supreme council and court at Jerusalem)"} {"Clue":"Cocaine is one, for example (6)","Answer":"NUMBER","Explanation":"Definition: Cocaine is\n**NUMBER** (cocaine can be used as a local anaesthetic to numb the senses)\n **NUMBER**\n\n**NUMBER** (one is a number) double definition"} {"Clue":"Hotplate's no good? That's a mystery (6)","Answer":"RIDDLE","Explanation":"Definition: mystery\n**GRIDDLE** (hotplate) **excluding** (that's no) **G** (good)\n **RIDDLE**\n\n**RIDDLE** (puzzle; mystery)"} {"Clue":"VIP pantomime dame may have one (6)","Answer":"BIGWIG","Explanation":"Definition: VIP\n**BIG WIG** (a piece of costume that a pantomime dame might wear)\n **BIG WIG**\n\n**BIGWIG** (person of importance; VIP)"} {"Clue":"Black pudding is usually this hybrid (4-5)","Answer":"HALF BLOOD","Explanation":"Definition: Black pudding is usually this\n**HALF BLOOD** (black pudding is a food that is made with about 50% [half] blood)\n **HALF BLOOD**\n\n**HALF BLOOD** (relation between those who have only one parent in common; hybrid [organism that is the offspring of a union between different races, species, genera or varieties]) double definition"} {"Clue":"Freezing Scots man requiring kettle? (8)","Answer":"CAULDRON","Explanation":"Definition: kettle\n**CAULD** (Scots word for cold or freezing) **+ RON** (man's name)\n **CAULD RON**\n\n**CAULDRON** (large kettle for boiling or heating liquids)"} {"Clue":"Maintain quiet modesty's awfully perverse (8)","Answer":"PRESERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Maintain\nTwo separate wordplays leading to the same answer\n 1. **P** (piano; quiet) **+ RESERVE** (modesty)\n **P RESERVE**\n 2. **anagram of** (awfully) **PERVERSE**\n **PRESERVE***\n\n**PRESERVE** (maintain)"} {"Clue":"Taps yellow light in meeting room (7)","Answer":"CHAMBER","Explanation":"Definition: meeting room\n**C** and **H** (cold and hot; water taps) **+ AMBER** (yellow light in a set of traffic lights)\n **C H ****AMBER**\n\n**CHAMBER** (Meeting room)"} {"Clue":"Angel fish enthrals cockney woman (6)","Answer":"CHERUB","Explanation":"Definition: Angel\n**CHUB** (small fat European river fish) **containing** (entertains) '**ER** (cockney expression for woman)\n **CH** (**ER**) **UB**\n\n**CHERUB** (angelic being)"} {"Clue":"Stand by \u2013 a repeated phrase is coming up \u2013 musical tip (6)","Answer":"AFFIRM","Explanation":"Definition: Stand by\n**A ****+ RIFF** (musical phrase or figure played repeatedly) **reversed** (coming up; down clue) **+ M** (**first letter of** [tip] **MUSICAL**)\n **A** **FFIR**< **M**\n\n**AFFIRM** (confirm or stand by)"} {"Clue":"Cup for a small mouth? (6)","Answer":"GOBLET","Explanation":"Definition: Cup\n**GOB** (slang term for the mouth) **+ \u2013LET**\u00a0(suffix used to form diminutives)\n **GOB ****LET**\n\n**GOBLET** (cup)"} {"Clue":"Organisation poured beer regularly (5)","Answer":"ORDER","Explanation":"Definition: Organisation\n**ORDER** (**letters** 2, **4**, **6**, **8** and **10** of **POURED BEER**)\n **ORDER**\n\n**ORDER** (organisation)"} {"Clue":"Flower queen of India with posh diamond rings, say? (8)","Answer":"GERANIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Flower\n**GEM** (a diamond is an example of a gem) **containing** (rings) (**RANI** [Indian queen] **+ U** [upper-class; posh])\n **GE** (**RANI** **U**) **M**\n\n**GERANIUM** (flower)"} {"Clue":"Hard to escape cucumber fed to maggot, say, back in food chain (6,4)","Answer":"BURGER","Explanation":"Definition: food chain\n**GHERKIN** (small cucumber used for pickling) **excluding** (to escape) **H** (hard, when describing pencil lead) **contained in** (fed to) **GRUB** (maggot) **reversed** (back)\n **BUR** (**GER KIN**) **G<**\n\n**BURGER** [**KING**] (fast food restaurant chain)"} {"Clue":"Struck having taken a swing, second used sponge (6)","Answer":"SWIPED","Explanation":"Definition: Struck\n**S** (second) **+ WIPED** (cleaned by rubbing with a sponge)\n **S WIPED**\n\n**SWIPED** (struck)"} {"Clue":"Two-dimensional misogynist with power quick to back track (4,4)","Answer":"ANDY CAPP","Explanation":"Definition: Two-dimensional misogynist\n**AND** (with) **+** (**P** [power] **+ ****PACY** [quick) **reversed** (to back track)\n **AND** (**Y CA****P** **P**)<\n\n**ANDY CAPP** (fictional cartoon character [two-dimensional, as drawn on paper] portrayed as a stereotypical Northener. Misogyny is one of his many traits. Created by Reg Smythe [1917-1998], the cartoon strip continues today with different authors and artists))"} {"Clue":"Sex had for breakfast? (4)","Answer":"OATS","Explanation":"Definition: Sex\n**OATS** (the phrase 'get ones oats' means have sexual intercourse)\n **OATS**\n\n**OATS** (breakfast cereal seeds) **double definition"} {"Clue":"Pope reportedly going commando on holiday, long weapon thrown about (8,10)","Answer":"NICHOLAS","Explanation":"Definition: Pope\n**NICHOLAS** (sounds like [reportedly] **KNICKERLESS** [going without knickers; going commando]) **+ BREAK** (holiday)** + SPEAR** (long weapon that it thrown)\n **NICHOLAS BREAK SPEAR**\n\n**NICHOLAS** [**BREAKSPEAR**] (reference Pope Adrian IV [born **NICHOLAS BREAKSPEAR**], 1100-1159. He was Pope from 1146 until his death)"} {"Clue":"A western figure briefly clear of the seabed (6)","Answer":"AWEIGH","Explanation":"Definition: clear of the seabed\n**A** **+ W** (Western) **+ EIGHT** (number; figure) **excluding the final letter** (briefly) **T**\n **A W EIGH**\n\n**AWEIGH** (in the process of being raised, as an anchor just raised from the bottom; clear of the seabed)"} {"Clue":"One looking for a catch first gone missing from earring, perhaps? (6)","Answer":"ANGLER","Explanation":"Definition: One looking for a catch\n**D****ANGLER** (a term that could be used as a synonym for an earring) **excluding the opening letter** (first gone) **D**\n **ANGLER**\n\n**ANGLER** (fisherman; one looking for a catch)"} {"Clue":"Go through on one's last carriage? (8)","Answer":"REHEARSE","Explanation":"Definition: Go through\n**RE** (with reference to; on) **+ HEARSE** (vehicle for carrying the dead; one's last carriage)\n **RE HEARSE**\n\n**REHEARSE** (practice beforehand; go through)"} {"Clue":"Footballer's forbidden fruit, might you say? (4,6)","Answer":"EDEN HAZARD","Explanation":"Definition: Footballer\n**EDEN** (reference the Garden of **EDEN**) where the apple [fruit] was a forbidden item or **HAZARD**\n **EDEN HAZARD**\n\n**EDEN HAZARD** (reference **EDEN HAZARD** [born 1991], Belgian international footballer currently playing for Real Madrid)"} {"Clue":"Sweet male is in formal attire, heading off for retirement (8)","Answer":"TIRAMISU","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\n(**RAM** [male {sheep}] **+ IS**) **contained in** (in) (**S****UIT** [formal attire] **excluding the first letter** [heading off)] **S** **reversed** [for retirement])\n **TI** (**RAM** **IS**) **U**<\n\n**TIRAMISU** (dessert made with pieces of sponge soaked in coffee and marsala, layered with mascarpone and chocolate)"} {"Clue":"Procurers snatching right tarts up! (6)","Answer":"PRIMPS","Explanation":"Definition: Procurers\n**PIMPS **(procures gratifications for the lust of others) c**ontaining** (snatching) **R** (right)\n **P** (**R**) **IMPS**\n\n**PRIMPS** (dresses in a fussy or affected manner; titivates; tarts up)"} {"Clue":"A shoe perfect in the end \u2013 that's lucky (6)","Answer":"AMULET","Explanation":"Definition: that's lucky\n**A + MULE** (backless slipper or shoe) **+ T** **(last letter of** [in the end] **PERFECT**)\n **A MULE T**\n\n**AMULET** (lucky charm worn to ward off evil, disease)"} {"Clue":"Find bank book (8)","Answer":"PROVERBS","Explanation":"Definition: book\n**PROVE** (ascertain; find) **+ RBS** (Royal Bank of Scotland)\n **PROVER RBS**\n\n**PROVERBS** (Book of the Old Testament)"} {"Clue":"Type of architecture spread far and wide, though not originally (9)","Answer":"EDWARDIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Type of architecture\n**Anagram of** (spread) **FAR AND WIDE** **excluding the first letter** (not originally)** F**\n **EDWARDIAN***\n\n**EDWARDIAN** (style of architecture)"} {"Clue":"First album penned by '80s band (5)","Answer":"ALPHA","Explanation":"Definition: First\n**LP** (long playing record; album) **contained in** (penned by) **AHA** (Norwegian band formed in 1982\n **A** (**LP**) **HA**\n\n**ALPHA** (the first letter of the Greek alphabet; the first or brightest star of a constellation; the beginning; in classification, the first or one of the first grade)"} {"Clue":"Asian river where freezing people found topless? (5)","Answer":"INDUS","Explanation":"Definition: Asian river\n**FINDUS** (frozen food company; freezing people) **excluding the first letter** (found topless) **F**\n **INDUS**\n\n**INDUS** (one of the longest rivers in Asia)"} {"Clue":"Crabby types taking one's arm off (7)","Answer":"MOANERS","Explanation":"Definition: Crabby types\n**Anagram of** (off) **ONE'S ARM**\n **MOANE****R****S***\n\n**MOANERS** (complainers; crabby people)"} {"Clue":"Why kissing's not recommended in the bar? (3,6)","Answer":"BAD BREATH","Explanation":"Definition: Why kissing's not recommended\n**THE BAR** is **an anagram** of **BREATH** and the phrase **THE BAR** could be clued in a cryptic crossword as **BAD** (**anagram** indicator) **BREATH** (**anagram** fodder)\n **BAD** **BREATH**\n\n**BAD BREATH** (if one or more of the potential kissers has **BAD BREATH** then kissing might not be much fun)"} {"Clue":"Tommy and others are climbing after huge bird on African peak (4,5)","Answer":"ROCK OPERA","Explanation":"Definition: Tommy and others\n**ROC** (an enormous bird described in Arabian legend, strong enough to carry off an elephant) **+ KOP** (South African hill; African peak) **+ ARE** **reversed** (climbing; down clue)\n **ROC** **K OP** **ERA**<\n\n**ROCK OPERA** (Tommy was a **ROCK OPERA** originally composed by Pete Townshend of The Who in 1969. It later appeared as a film))"} {"Clue":"Resident who's gone abroad in old steamer coming put of Cowes, reportedly? (5)","Answer":"EXPAT","Explanation":"Definition: Resident who's gone abroad\n**EX** (former; old) **+ PAT** (reference excrement [cow**PAT** {steamer coming out of]}cows\u00a0[sounds like {reportedly} **COWES**])\n **EX** **PAT**\n\n**EXPAT** (**EXPAT**riate [native of one country living and \/ or working in another])"} {"Clue":"Python's quarry, leathery skirt in pig and bird (4,5)","Answer":"HOLY GRAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Python's quarry\n**LY** (**outer letters of** [skirt] **LEATHERY**) **contained in** (in) (**HOG** [pig] **+ RAIL** [bird])\n **HO** (**LY**) **G** **RAIL**\n\n**HOLY GRAIL** (reference the 1975 film Monty Python and the **HOLY GRAIL**)"} {"Clue":"Criminal taking fat cut is in the money (9)","Answer":"LARCENIST","Explanation":"Definition: Criminal\n**LARD** (clarified fat) **excluding the last letter** (cut) **D** + (**IS** **contained in** (in) **CENT** [the money])\n **LAR** **CEN** (**IS**) **T**\n\n**LARCENIST** (thief; criminal)"} {"Clue":"Great local talk, but not entirely left uplifted\u00a0(9)","Answer":"GASTROPUB","Explanation":"Definition: Great local\n**GAS** (chatter; talk) **+** (**BUT** **excluding the last letter** [not entirely] **T** + **PORT** [left hand side]) **reversed** (uplifted; down clue)\n **GAS** (**TROP UB**)<\n\n**GASTROPUB** (pub that specialises in providing food and wine of a standard more typical of a fine restaurant than a traditional pub; great local [one's nearest inn])"} {"Clue":"Again provide side-splitting Greek witticism (2-5)","Answer":"RE-EQUIP","Explanation":"Definition: Again provide\n**REE** (**GREEK** **excluding** [splitting] **the outside** [side] **letters** **G** and **K**) + **QUIP** (witticism)\n **RE E** **QUIP**\n\n**RE-EQUIP** (provide again)"} {"Clue":"Bone marrow, usually in leg, is initially used up (5)","Answer":"ILIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Bone\n**ILIUM** **(first letters** [initially] **of each of MARROW**, **USUALLY**, **IN**, **LEG** and **IS**) **reversed** (used up; down clue)\n **ILIUM**<\n\n**ILIUM** (a wide bone that is fused with the ischium and pubis to form the hip bone)"} {"Clue":"Animal in cool river (5)","Answer":"HIPPO","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\n**HIP** (trendy; cool) **+ PO** (Italian river)\n **HIP PO**\n\n**HIPPO** (animal)"} {"Clue":"Unknown river in old country (5)","Answer":"ZAIRE","Explanation":"Definition: old country\n**Z** (letter frequently used to denote an unknown value in an equation) + **AIRE **(river in Yorkshire)\n **Z AIRE**\n\n**ZAIRE** (former [old] name of the country currently known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo)"} {"Clue":"Energy put into nurse's profession (6)","Answer":"CAREER","Explanation":"Definition: profession\n**E** (energy) **contained in** (put into) **CARER** (nurse)\n **CAR** (**E**)** ER**\n\n**CAREER** (profession)"} {"Clue":"Composer, after failing us, getting back the lead position (8)","Answer":"SULLIVAN","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\n(**ILL** [failing] **+ US**) **reversed** (getting back) **+ VAN** (**VAN**guard; at the front; in the lead position) 'ailing' is a common synonym for 'ill', but 'failing' seems a bit harsh\n (**SU** **LLI)**< **VAN**\n\n**SULLIVAN** (reference Arthur **SULLIVAN** [1842 \u2013 1900], English composer, best known for collaborating with W S Gilbert)"} {"Clue":"Love breaking through a wall in Paris? That's love in Paris for you! (5)","Answer":"AMOUR","Explanation":"Definition: That's love in Paris\n**O** (zero; love score in tennis) **contained in** (breaking through) (**A** **+ MUR** [French {Paris} for wall])\n **A** **M** (**O**) **UR**\n\n**AMOUR** (French [Paris] word for 'love')"} {"Clue":"Russian poet writing articles about Knight and Queen, tovarish? Not half (9)","Answer":"AKHMATOVA","Explanation":"Definition: Russian poet\n(**A** [indefinite article] **+ A** [indefinite article] giving 'articles') **containing** [about] (**K** [knight]** + HM** [Her Majesty]) **+ TOVA** (**first four letters of the eight** [half] l**etters of** **TOVARISH**\n **A **(**K HM**)** A TOVA**\n\n**AKHMATOVA** (reference Anna **AKHMATOVA** [1889 \u2013 1966], Russian poet)"} {"Clue":"Individually women will come in to support bikinis etc (9)","Answer":"BEACHWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: bikinis etc\n(**EACH** [individually] **+ W** [women]) **contained in** (will come in to) **BEAR** (support)\n **B** (**EACH W**) **EAR**\n\n**BEACHWEAR** (bikinis and similar items are examples of **BEACHWEAR**)"} {"Clue":"Use Volume One when in trouble (5)","Answer":"AVAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Use\n(**V** [volume] **+ A **[one]) **contained in** (when in) **AIL** (trouble)\n **A** (**V** **A**) **IL**\n\n**AVAIL** (use)"} {"Clue":"Cars etc possibly providing movie chortles (5,8)","Answer":"MOTOR VEHICLES","Explanation":"Definition: Cars etc\n**Anagram of** (possibly providing) **MOVIE CHORTLES**\n **MOTOR VEHICLES***\n\n**MOTOR VEHICLES** (cars etc)"} {"Clue":"Where you'll see 14 Arab ruler's wrapped with very soft strings (7,6)","Answer":"PARKING PLACES","Explanation":"Definition: Where you'll see 14\n(**AR** [Arab] **+ KING** [ruler]) **contained in** (wrapped with) (**PP** [pianissimo; very soft] + **LACES** [strings])\n **P** (**AR** **KING**)** ****P** **LACES**\n\n**PARKING PLACES** (you will see **MOTOR VEHICLES** [14 across] in **PARKING PLACES**)"} {"Clue":"Get back after disposing of one treacherous daughter (5)","Answer":"REGAN","Explanation":"Definition: treacherous daughter \n**REGAIN** (get back) **excluding** (disposing of) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **REGAN**\n\n**REGAN** (name of one of the treacherous daughters of King Lear in Shakespeare's play of the same name)"} {"Clue":"Setter's to show expectation about cup match, being this? (9)","Answer":"IMPATIENT","Explanation":"Definition: this\n**I'M** **(I AM**, a phrase the crossword setter will use to indicate 'he is' [setter's]) **+** (**PANT** [show expectation) **containing** [about] **TIE** [a match in a cup competition])\n **IM** **PA** (**TIE**) **NT**\n\n**IMPATIENT** (descriptive of someone who can't wait for something to happen)"} {"Clue":"Pressurise baron to go without armour? (9)","Answer":"BLACKMAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Pressurise\n**B** (Baron) **+ LACK** (go without) **+ MAIL** (defensive armour)\n **B LACK MAIL**\n\n**BLACKMAIL** (extort money by threats; pressurise)"} {"Clue":"Three universities heartlessly reveal ruined item of Australian heritage (5)","Answer":"ULURU","Explanation":"Definition: item of Australian heritage\n**Anagram of** (ruined) **U** [university] and\u00a0**U** [university] and **U** [university] , i.e. three universities, and **RL** (**letters remaining in REVEAL when all the central** [heart]** letters EVEA are removed** [heartlessly])\n **ULURU***\n\n**ULURU** (massive sandstone monolith in the heart of the Northern Territory's arid \"Red Centre\". The nearest large town is Alice Springs, 450km away. **ULURU** is sacred to indigenous Australians; item of Australian heritage)"} {"Clue":"Having a better aim, say, finish getting into small opening (8)","Answer":"STEADIER","Explanation":"Definition: Having a better aim\n**DIE** (finish) **contained in** (getting into) (**S** [small] **+ TEAR** [opening])\n **S** **TEA** (**DIE**) **R**\n\n**STEADIER** (firmer; having a better aim for example)"} {"Clue":"Embellish outside of blue pack (6)","Answer":"BEDECK","Explanation":"Definition: Embellish\n**BE** (**first and last letters of** [outside of] **BLUE**) **+ DECK** (pack [of cards])\n **BE DECK**\n\n**BEDECK **(decorate; embellish)"} {"Clue":"Irritable report about sailor heading for boat (6)","Answer":"CRABBY","Explanation":"Definition: Irritable\n**CRY** (noise; report) **containing** (about) (**AB** [able seaman; sailor] **+ B** [**first letter of **{heading for} **BOAT**)\n **CR** (**AB** **B**) **Y**\n\n**CRABBY** (irritable)"} {"Clue":"German's certainly after port and wine (5)","Answer":"RIOJA","Explanation":"Definition: wine\n**RIO** (**RIO** de Janiero, Brazilian port city) **+ JA** (German for 'yes [certainly])\n **RIO JA**\n\n**RIOJA** (type of wine)"} {"Clue":"One burrowing underground cut down king's fortification (9)","Answer":"EARTHWORK","Explanation":"Definition: fortification\n**EARTHWORM** (animal that burrows underground) **excluding the final letter** (cut short) **M** **+ K** (king)\n **EARTHWORK**\n\n**EARTHWORK** (fortification of **EARTH**; an embankment)"} {"Clue":"American woman's trendy role at a wedding ? (9)","Answer":"USHERSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: role at a wedding\n**US** (United States; American) **+**** HER'S** (woman's) **+ HIP** (trendy)\n **US HER SHIP**\n\n**USHERSHIP** (playing the role of an **USHER** at a wedding)"} {"Clue":"Woolly creature docked in US city \u2013 one from South America? (5)","Answer":"LLAMA","Explanation":"Definition: one from South America\n**LAMB** (young sheep; woolly creature) **excluding the final letter** (docked) **B**\u00a0**contained in** (in) **LA** (Los Angeles; US city)\n **L** (**LAM)** **A**\n\n**LLAMA** (a woolly creature of the camel family from South America)"} {"Clue":"String player to stop dropping soprano's flowers (9)","Answer":"VIOLACEAE","Explanation":"Definition: flowers\n**VIOLA** (player of a string instrument, as in he is first **VIOLA** in the orchestra) + **CEA****S****E** (stop) **excluding** (dropping) **S** (soprano)\n **VIOLA** **CEAE**\n\n**VIOLACEAE** (family of violets and pansies; flowers)"} {"Clue":"Consume a bit of life in US city with aplomb (6)","Answer":"NEATLY","Explanation":"Definition: with aplomb\n(**EAT** [consume] **+ L** [f**irst letter of** [a bit of] **LIFE**) **contained in** (in) **NY** (New York [US city])\n **N** (**EAT** **L**) **Y**\n\n**NEATLY** (elegantly; with aplomb)"} {"Clue":"Agreed on bananas when consuming a fruity drink (9)","Answer":"ORANGEADE","Explanation":"Definition: fruity drink\n**Anagram of** (bananas) **AGREED ON** **containing** (when consuming) **A**\n **ORANGE **(**A**)** DE* **Either** A **could be the one contained\n\n**ORANGEADE** (fruity drink)"} {"Clue":"Justify opening of vaudeville show (9)","Answer":"VINDICATE","Explanation":"Definition: Justify\n**V** (**first letter of** [opening of] **VAUDEVILLE**) **+ INDICATE** (show)\n **V INDICATE**\n\n**VINDICATE** (justify)"} {"Clue":"Each tune's elaborated? It's Piaf, perhaps (9)","Answer":"CHANTEUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Piaf, perhaps\n**Anagram of** (elaborated) **EACH TUNE**'**S**\n **CHANTEUSE***\n\n**CHANTEUSE **(female nightclub singer, from French language. Edith **PIAF** [1915-1963] was a French singer-songwriter, cabaret performer and film actress noted as France's national **CHANTEUSE**)"} {"Clue":"English puzzle is hell! (6)","Answer":"EREBUS","Explanation":"Definition: hell!\n**E** (English) **+ REBUS** (a type of puzzle)\n **E REBUS**\n\n**EREBUS** (the dark and gloomy cavern between earth and Hades; the lower world or hell.)"} {"Clue":"Cancelled rule, getting in difficulties about that (6)","Answer":"STRUCK","Explanation":"Definition: Cancelled\n**R **(rule) **contained in** (getting into) **STUCK** (failed to proceed as a result of meeting\u00a0difficulties)\n **ST** (**R**) **UCK**\n\n**STRUCK** (cancelled)"} {"Clue":"Moved sinuously, going topless or nude (5)","Answer":"NAKED","Explanation":"Definition: nude\n**SNAKED **(moved sinuously) **excluding the first letter** (going topless) **S**\n **NAKED**\n\n**NAKED** (nude)"} {"Clue":"Friend given Frenchman's award (4)","Answer":"PALM","Explanation":"Definition: award\n**PAL** (friend) **+ M** (Monsieur; Frenchman)\n **PAL M**\n\n**PALM **(prize; award, e.g. as in an English translation of **PALME** D'or)the highest prize awarded at the Cannes Film Festival)"} {"Clue":"Piano piece, perhaps Faure's latest duet? Possibly (5)","Answer":"ETUDE","Explanation":"Definition: Piano piece\n**Anagram of **(possibly) **E** (**final letter of** [last] **FAURE**) and **DUET**\n **E****TUDE***\n\n**ETUDE** (composition [for example a piano piece]\u00a0intended either to train or to test the player's technical skill."} {"Clue":"Single or double-decker, possibly returning with injured airmen (6,9)","Answer":"YELLOW SUBMARINE","Explanation":"Definition: Single\n**YELLOW** (or [in heraldry, or is the tincture gold or yellow) **+ BUS** (double-decker) **reversed** (returning) **+ an anagram of** (injured) **AIRMEN**\n **YELLOW ****SUB**<** ****MARINE*******\n\n**YELLOW SUBMARINE** (a single released by The Beatles in 1966)"} {"Clue":"Wearer of shell suit with an extremely unusual design (8)","Answer":"NAUTILUS","Explanation":"Definition: Wearer of shell\n**Anagram of** (design) **SUIT** and **AN** and **UL** (**outer letters of** [extremely] **UNUSUAL**)\n **NAUTILUS***\n\n**NAUTILUS** (tetrabranchiate cephalopod of southern seas, with a chambered external shell; also\u00a0a Mediterranean dibranchiate cephalopod with a paperlike shell)"} {"Clue":"Former axis for religious building (6)","Answer":"PRIORY","Explanation":"Definition: religious building\n**PRIOR** (former) **+ Y** (an axis in Cartesian geometry)\n **PRIOR** **Y**\n\n**PRIORY** (convent [can be defined as a house in which nuns live] of monks or nuns subject to an abbey; religious building)"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary communist pursuing plan to change course (7)","Answer":"MEANDER","Explanation":"Definition: change course\n**MEAN** (intend; plan) **+ RED** (communist) **reversed** (revolutionary)\n **MEAN** **DER**<\n\n**MEANDER** (to wind about in a circuitous course)"} {"Clue":"Greenpeace lashed plastic over rear of vessel \u2013 one used to plumb ocean (7,10)","Answer":"DEEPSEA","Explanation":"Definition: vessel \u2013 one used to plumb ocean \n**Anagram of **(plastic|) **GREENPEACE LASHED** **containing** (over) **L** (**last letter of** [rear of] **VESSEL**)\n **DEEPSEA CHAL** (**L**) **ENG****E****R***\n\n**DEEPSEA** [**CHALLENGER**]"} {"Clue":"State address when meeting Oscars guard (4)","Answer":"OHIO","Explanation":"Definition: State\n(**O** [Oscar is the international radio communication codeword for the letter **O**] + **O** [Oscar, again] giving Oscars) **containing** (guard) **HI** (a word used in greeting)\n **O** (**HI**) **O**\n\n**OHIO** (One of the fifty states forming the United States of America)"} {"Clue":"They can see the Speaker's support for motion (4)","Answer":"EYES","Explanation":"Definition: They can see\n**EYES** (sounds like [the speaker] **AYES** [those supporting the motion])\n **EYES**\n\n**EYES** (organs of the body that can see)"} {"Clue":"Spinner provide unwitting boundaries in the middle (10)","Answer":"CENTRIFUGE","Explanation":"Definition: Spinner\n(**IF** [provided] **+ UG** [**outer letters of** [boundaries] **UNWITTING**) **contained in** (in) **CENTRE** (the middle)\n **CENTR** (**IF UG**) **E**\n\n**CENTRIFUGE** (any machine which, using rapid rotation, separates substances of different shapes or densities by centrifugal force [the resistance of a revolving body, by virtue of its inertia, to an acceleration towards the centre, equal and opposite to centripetal force]; spinner)"} {"Clue":"They appear on sprigs or sprogs, so to speak (6)","Answer":"ORCHIDS","Explanation":"Definition: They appear on sprigs\n**OR + CHIDS** (sounds like [so to speak] **KIDS** [children; sprogs])\n **OR CHIDS**\n\n**ORCHIDS** (flowers that often appear on sprigs)"} {"Clue":"Film party time being stopped by injunction (3,4)","Answer":"DAS BOOT","Explanation":"Definition: Film\n(**DO** [party] **+ T** [time]) **containing** (stopped by) **ASBO** (anti-social behaviour order; injunction)\n **D** (**AS BO**) **O** **T**\n\n**DAS BOOT **(1981 German war film centred on the role of U-boat))"} {"Clue":"Emanation from Earth's mantle (6)","Answer":"ESCAPE","Explanation":"Definition: Emanation\n**E'S** (Earth's) **+ CAPE** (mantle [cloak or loose outer garment])\n **ES** **CAPE**\n\n**ESCAPE **(flowing out from a source; emanation)"} {"Clue":"Unexceptional Russian agreement's rejected to achieve parity (8)","Answer":"ADEQUATE","Explanation":"Definition: Unexceptional\n**DA** (Russian for 'yes') **reversed** (rejected) + **EQUATE** (state as equal; achieve parity)\n **AD**< **EQUATE**\n\n**ADEQUATE **(sufficient, but unexceptional)"} {"Clue":"Sir David Attenborough to launch this recycled fat and tobacco, maybe (5,10)","Answer":"BOATY MCBOATFACE","Explanation":"Definition: Sir David Attenborough to launch this\n**Anagram of** (recycled) **FAT TOBACCO **and **MAYBE**\n **BOATY MCBOATFACE***\n\n**BOATY MCBOATFACE** (the lead boat of the Autosub Long-Range class of autonomous underwater vehicles, used on the research vessel RRS Sir David Attenborough, hence launched from it))"} {"Clue":"Cameron familiarly brought up European dodge (5)","Answer":"EVADE","Explanation":"Definition: dodge\n**DAVE **(reference **DAVID** Cameron; **DAVE** is a familiar name for **DAVID**) **reversed** (brought up; down clue) **+ E **(European)\n **EVAD**< **E**\n\n**EVADE **(dodge)"} {"Clue":"Endlessly criticising e.g. Status Quo (5)","Answer":"LATIN","Explanation":"Definition: e.g. Status Quo\n**SLATING** (criticising) **excluding the first and last letters** (endlessly) **S** and **G**\n **LATIN**\n\n**LATIN** (status quo is an example of a **LATIN** phrase)"} {"Clue":"Poet's extra line inserted (5)","Answer":"WILDE","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\n**L** (line) **contained in** (inserted) **WIDE** (a ball that is recorded as an **EXTRA** run in cricket) \n **WI** (**L**) **DE**\n\n**WILDE** (reference Oscar **WILDE**, 1854 \u2013 1900), Irish poet and playwright)"} {"Clue":"America acquires first instalment of Rupert Bear (4)","Answer":"URSA","Explanation":"Definition: Bear\n**USA** ([United States of] America)** containing** (acquires) **R** (**first letter of** [first instalment of] **RUPERT**)\n **U** (**R**) **SA**\n\n**URSA** (from the Latin for bear and referenced mainly in the constellations **URSA** major and **URSA** Minor, the Great and Little Bear)"} {"Clue":"Enough money to climb tree (5)","Answer":"MAPLE","Explanation":"Definition: tree\n**AMPLE** (enough) with the **M** (Money as in M1, M2 etc, categories of money supply in the United Kingdom) r**aised up the entry** (to climb; down clue) to form **MAPLE**\n **MAPLE**\n\n**MAPLE **(example of a tree)"} {"Clue":"Watertight, lead-free pipe initially plumbing top of house (9)","Answer":"RAINPROOF","Explanation":"Definition: Watertight\n**DRAIN** (pipe) **excluding the first** (leading) **lette**r (lead-free) **D**\u00a0**+ P** (**first letter of** [initially] **PLUMBING** **+ ROOF** (top of a house)\n **RAIN P ROOF**\n\n**RAINPROOF** (impervious to **RAIN**; watertight)"} {"Clue":"Hurry back with baby-carrier to restrain irrational infant (9)","Answer":"NURSELING","Explanation":"Definition: infant\n**RUN** (hurry) **reversed** (back) + (**SLING** [baby-carrier] **containing** [to restrain] **E** [an irrational number that is the base of natural logarithms])\n **NUR**< **S** (**E**) **LING**\n\n**NURSELING** (an infant that is being suckled)"} {"Clue":"Chief requirement for country kitchen? (3)","Answer":"AGA","Explanation":"Definition: Chief\n**AGA** (large, permanently-lit iron stove with multiple ovens, used for cooking and heating; possibly found more often in country kitchens than town kitchens)\n **AGA**\n\n**AGA** (Turkish commander of chief officer) double definition)"} {"Clue":"VAR's conclusion irritates team (7)","Answer":"RANGERS","Explanation":"Definition: team\n**R** (l**ast letter of** [conclusion] **VAR** [Video Assistant Referee]) **+ ANGERS** (irritates)\n **R ANGERS**\n\n**RANGERS** (writing this blog in Scotland, I take this to be a reference to Glasgow **RANGERS** football team. Others may choose to think of another team)"} {"Clue":"Performed in tandem fitting concert finale alongside online lecture (7)","Answer":"DUETTED","Explanation":"Definition: Performed in tandem\n**D****UE** (fitting) **+ T** (**last letter of** [finale] **CONCERT**) **+ TED** (I think this is a reference to **TED** Talks [influential videos from expert speakers on education, business, science, tech and creativity, with subtitles in 100+ languages])\n **DUE T TED**\n\n**DUETTED** (performed by two people; performed in tandem)"} {"Clue":"Revealing statement of man heading to battle first (3,6)","Answer":"HEY PRESTO","Explanation":"Definition: Revealing statement\n**HE** (a man) **+ YPRES** (reference the site of a major First World War battle) **+ TO** (of)\n **HE** **Y PRES** **TO**\n\n**HEY PRESTO** (phrase used by a magician when revealing something as the result of a trick)"} {"Clue":"Give up cryptic instructions for making better beer (4,5)","Answer":"LOSE HEART","Explanation":"Definition: Give up\n**LOSE HEART** (if you **take** [**LOSE**]** the middle letters** [**HEART**] **TT out of BETTER** you are left with **BEER**)\n **LOSE HEART**\n\n**LOSE HEART** (become discouraged; give up)"} {"Clue":"Spacecraft's periodic out-of-doors appearances (3)","Answer":"UFO","Explanation":"Definition: Spacecraft\n**UFO** (**letters 2, 5 and 8** [periodic] of **OUT-OF-DOORS**)\n **UFO**\n\n**UFO** (unidentified flying object; usually a spacecraft in the eyes of those who believe in extra-terrestrial\u00a0civilisations)"} {"Clue":"Fantasy Island's back on This Morning? (5)","Answer":"DREAM","Explanation":"Definition: Fantasy\n**D** **(last letter of** [back] **ISLAND**) **+ RE** (with reference to; on this) **+ AM** (ante meridiem; before noon; morning)\n **D RE AM**\n\n**DREAM** (fantasy)"} {"Clue":"Neighbourhood which includes Newcastle's foremost stadium (5)","Answer":"ARENA","Explanation":"Definition: stadium\n**AREA** (neighbourhood) **containing** (which includes) **N** **(first letter of** [foremost] **NEWCASTLE**)\n **ARE** (**N**) **A**\n\n**ARENA** (stadium)"} {"Clue":"Pretend to be fit around fifty (5)","Answer":"BLUFF","Explanation":"Definition: Pretend\n**BUFF** (colloquial term for having attractively well-developed muscles; to be fit) **containing** (around) **L** (roman numeral for fifty)\n **B** (**L**) **UFF**\n\n**BLUFF** (feign; affect; pretend)"} {"Clue":"Make a decision in charge of 19 (5)","Answer":"OPTIC","Explanation":"Definition: of 19\n**OPT** (choose; make a decision) **+ I\/C** (in charge)\n **OPT IC**\n\n**OPTIC** (relating to **EYES** [entry at 19 across])"} {"Clue":"A short excerpt of William Blake (4)","Answer":"IAMB","Explanation":"Definition: A short excerpt of William Blake\n**IAMB** (**hidden word** [short extract] **in WILLIAM BLAKE**)\n **IAMB**\n\n**IAMB** (in the study of rhythm, stress and intonation in speech., a foot of two syllables, a short followed by a long, or an unstressed by a stressed) William Blake was a poet where intonation is important when reciting his works. That is why I have underlined the whole clue as the definition."} {"Clue":"Tree in middle is removed (6)","Answer":"POPLAR","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\n**POPULAR** (flavour of the month; in) **excluding** (is missing) the central (in the middle) **letter U**\n **POPLAR**\n\n**POPLAR** (tree)"} {"Clue":"Reproduction requires freedom of movement and finance (8)","Answer":"PLAYBACK","Explanation":"Definition: Reproduction\n**PLAY **(some freedom of movement) **+ BACK** (provide funds for; finance)\n **PLAY BACK**\n\n**PLAYBACK** (reproduction)"} {"Clue":"Act to provoke first time out (8)","Answer":"SIMULATE","Explanation":"Definition: Act\n**STIMULATE **(provoke) **excluding** (out) **the first occurrence of the letter** (first)\u00a0**T** (time)\n **SIMULATE**\n\n**SIMULATE** (act)"} {"Clue":"Member of staff that is touring: essential part of operation? (6)","Answer":"ROADIE","Explanation":"Definition: Member of staff that is touring: essential part of operation?\n(**ROD** [staff] **+ IE** [id est {that is}]) **containing** (touring) **A** (**middle letter of** [essential part of **OPERATION**)\n **RO** (**A**) **D**** IE**\n\n**ROADIE** (member of the crew who transport, set up and dismantle equipment for musicians, especially a rock group, on tour)"} {"Clue":"Box of novelties I supply (10)","Answer":"TELEVISION","Explanation":"Definition: Box\n**Anagram of **(supply [from supple]) **NOVELTIES** **I**\n **TELEVIS****I****ON***\n\n**TELEVISION** (colloquially referred to as the box)"} {"Clue":"Charged entities in bulbs not functioning (4)","Answer":"IONS","Explanation":"Definition: Charged entities\n**ONIONS** (pungent edible bulbs) **excluding** (not) **ON** (working)\n There are two occurrences of **ON** in **ON**I**ON**S, but it obviously the first one that should be removed\n **IONS**\n\n**IONS** (electrically-charged particles)"} {"Clue":"Happen to restrain attendant, resulting in injury (5,3)","Answer":"BLACK EYE","Explanation":"Definition: injury\n**BE** (happen) **containing** (to restrain) **LACKEY** (footman; attendant)\n **B** (**LACK EY**) **E**\n\n**BLACK EYE** (example of an injury)"} {"Clue":"One bowled over? (6)","Answer":"MAIDEN","Explanation":"Definition: One bowled over\n**MAIDEN** (a young woman who could be bowled over by an impressive suitor)\n **MAIDEN**\n\n**MAIDEN** (an over in cricket where the bowler does not concede a run) double definition"} {"Clue":"Expert paid arsonist from time to time (6)","Answer":"ADROIT","Explanation":"Definition: Expert\n**ADROIT** (**letters 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12** [from time to time] of **PAID ARSONIST**)\n **ADROIT**\n\n**ADROIT** (expert)"} {"Clue":"Author starts to smile at last (8)","Answer":"SALINGER","Explanation":"Definition: Author\n**SA** (**first letters of** [starts to] each of **SMILE** and **AT**) **+** **LINGER** (endure; last)\n **SA LINGER**\n\n**SALINGER** (reference J D **SALINGER** [1919 \u2013 2010], American author, best known for Catcher in the Rye)"} {"Clue":"Muck possibly misleads nurses (4)","Answer":"ISLE","Explanation":"Definition: Muck possibly\n**ISLE** (**hidden word in** [nurses] **MISLEADS**)\n **ISLE**\n\n**ISLE** (reference the **ISLE** of Muck, an island in the Inner Hebrides)"} {"Clue":"What Trump seeks is statue of Confederalist General, according to Spooner (2-8)","Answer":"RE-ELECTION","Explanation":"Definition: What Trump seeks\n**RE-ELECTION**, a word that the Reverend Spooner may pronounce as **LEE ERECTION** (a statue [**ERECTION**] for General Robert E **LEE** [1807 \u2013 1870], commander of the Confederate States army until its surrender)\n **RE-ELECTION**\n\n**RE-ELECTION** (what Donald Trump seeks in the 2020 US Presidential election)"} {"Clue":"Film dog eating master's fruit (6)","Answer":"TOMATO","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\n**TOTO** (the name of the dog in the film, The Wizard of Oz and other associated films) **containing** (eating) **MA** (Master [of Arts]\n **TO** (**MA**) **TO**)\n\n**TOMATO** (a fruit)"} {"Clue":"A nameless sentimental person is fragrant (8)","Answer":"AROMATIC","Explanation":"Definition: fragrant\n**A** **+ ROMANTIC** (a sentimental person) **excluding** (less) **N** (name)\n **A ROMATIC**\n\n**AROMATIC** (fragrant)"} {"Clue":"Exploit tax cuts, becoming loathed (8)","Answer":"DETESTED","Explanation":"Definition: loathed\n**TEST** (tax) **contained in** [cuts] **DEED** (exploit)\n **DE** (**TEST**) **ED**\n\n**DETESTED** (loathed)"} {"Clue":"New anaesthetic for bottom (6)","Answer":"NETHER","Explanation":"Definition: bottom\n**N** (new) **+ ****ETHER** (an anaesthetic)\n **N ETHER**\n\n**NETHER** (lower; bottom)"} {"Clue":"Waiting in readiness, love? Lovely! (2,3)","Answer":"ON ICE","Explanation":"Definition: Waiting in readiness\n**O** (zero; love score in tennis) **+ NICE** (lovely)\n **O** **N ICE**\n\n**ON ICE** (waiting in readiness)"} {"Clue":"Maybe Redknapp will reject international six-footer (5)","Answer":"LOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: six-footer\n**LOUISE** (reference **LOU****I****SE** Redknapp, [born 1974], ex wife of footballer Jamie Redknapp) **excluding** (will reject)** I **(international)\n **LOUSE**\n\n**LOUSE** (six-legged parasitic insect)"} {"Clue":"Appreciate ale drunk in spring (7)","Answer":"REALISE","Explanation":"Definition: Appreciate\n**Anagram of **(drunk)** ALE** **contained in** (in) **RISE** (spring)\n **R** (**EAL***) **ISE**\n\n**REALISE** (understand; appreciate)"} {"Clue":"Childish and innocent, I'll say (7)","Answer":"PUERILE","Explanation":"Definition: Childish\n**PUER** (**sounds like** [say) **PURE** [innocent]) **+ ILE** (**sounds like** [say] **I'LL**)\n **PUER ILE**\n\n**PUERILE** (childish)"} {"Clue":"A male protecting friend in Gestapo? (7)","Answer":"ACRONYM","Explanation":"Definition: Gestapo\n(**A** **+ M** [male]) **containing** (protecting) **CRONY** (intimate companion; friend)\n **A** (**CRONY**)** M**\n\n**ACRONYM** (word formed from or based on the initial letters or syllables of other words, such as **GESTAPO** [**GE**heime **STA**at**PO**lizei)"} {"Clue":"Cabaret singer to return in May, perhaps, getting minimal coverage (9)","Answer":"BRAZILIAN","Explanation":"Definition: getting minimal coverage\n**LIZA** (reference** LIZA** Minelli [born 1946,\u00a0who portrayed the singer Sally Bowles in the film Cabaret) **reversed** (to return) in **BRIAN** (reference **BRIAN** May\u00a0[born 1947, lead guitarist of the band Queen])\n **BR** (**AZIL**<) **IAN**\n\n**BRAZILIAN** (reference a **BRAZILIAN** bikini wax [the act or instance of removing all or almost all of a woman's pubic hair for cosmetic reasons]; getting minimal coverage)"} {"Clue":"Customers tell niece to dance (9)","Answer":"CLIENTELE","Explanation":"Definition: Customers\n**Anagram of **(to dance off) **TELL NIECE**\n **C****L****I****E****N****T****E****L****E***\n\n**CLIENTELE** (customers)"} {"Clue":"Needs tool to break rock (9)","Answer":"LODESTONE","Explanation":"Definition: rock\n**Anagram of** (to break) **NEEDS TOOL**\n **LO****DES****TO****NE***\n\n**LODESTONE **(form of magnetite [iron ore; rock] which exhibits polarity, behaving, when freely suspended, as a magnet;"} {"Clue":"Help Alice, say, at opening of event (9)","Answer":"COOPERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Help\n**COOPER** (reference Alice **COOPER** [born 1948], American singer, songwriter and actor) **+ AT + E** (**first letter of **[opening of] **EVENT**)\n **COOPER AT E**\n\n**COOPERATE** (help)"} {"Clue":"Audience switches off when soprano absent (7)","Answer":"TURNOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Audience\n**TURNS OUT** (switches off, as in **TURNS OUT**\u00a0the light) **excluding** (when \u2026 absent) **S** (soprano)\n **TURN ****OUT**\n\n**TURNOUT **(attendance; audience)"} {"Clue":"Set out to fight with Dutch flight attendant (7)","Answer":"STEWARD","Explanation":"Definition: flight attendant\n**Anagram of** (out) **SET** **+ WAR** (to fight) **+ D** (Dutch)\n **STE*** **WAR** **D**\n\n**STEWARD** (flight attendant)"} {"Clue":"Rest of story miserable (3,4)","Answer":"LIE DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Rest\n**LIE** (story) **+ DOWN** (miserable)\n **LIE DOWN**\n\n**LIE DOWN** (rest)"} {"Clue":"When to feed young child brown bread (5)","Answer":"TOAST","Explanation":"Definition: brown bread\n**AS** (when) **contained in** (to feed) **TOT** (young child)\n **TO** (**AS**) **T**\n\n**TOAST** (bread turns brown when it is **TOAST**ed)"} {"Clue":"Source of oil I have seen around southernmost part of Portugal (5)","Answer":"OLIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Source of oil I have seen around southernmost part of Portugal\n(**O [first letter of** [source of] **OIL]** **+** **I'VE** [I have])** containing** (around) **L** (l**ast letter of** [southernmost part of] **PORTUGAL**) I suppose 'southernmost' is used as this is a down clue. However **PORTUGAL** is not being entered and it is written east west in the clue, so perhaps 'easternmost' could also be used. I know **PORTUGAL**\u00a0as a country runs North \/ South.\n **O** (**L**) **IVE**\n\n**OLIVE** (tree that is a source of oil, and is grown extensively in Portugal"} {"Clue":"Club in which Daft Punk record initially broke (8)","Answer":"BANKRUPT","Explanation":"Definition: broke\n**BAT** (club) **containing** (in which) (**an anagram of** (daft) **PUNK** and **R** [recipe])\n **BA** (**NKRUP***) **T**\n\n**BANKRUPT** (insolvent; broke)"} {"Clue":"Host related to member? (4)","Answer":"ARMY","Explanation":"Definition: Host\n**ARMY** (host)\n **ARMY**\n\n**ARMY** (related to an arm [limb; member]) double definition"} {"Clue":"Sculpt solid representations that are highly regarded (5)","Answer":"IDOLS","Explanation":"Definition: epresentations that are highly regarded\n**Anagram of** (sculpt) **SOLID**\n **IDOLS***\n\n**IDOLS** (images or representations that are revered)"} {"Clue":"I'm surprised about politician with confident self-assurance (9)","Answer":"COMPOSURE","Explanation":"Definition: self-assurance \n(**COO** [expression of surprise] **containing** [about] **MP** [Member of Parliament; politician]) **+ SURE** (confident beyond doubt)\n **CO** (**MP**) **O** **SURE**\n\n**COMPOSURE** (self-assurance)"} {"Clue":"Author regularly obtaining right support for child (3-4)","Answer":"PRE-TEEN","Explanation":"Definition: child\n**PEN** (author) **containing between each pair of letters** [regularly obtaining] (first, **R** [right] and then, **TEE** [support])\n **P** (**R**) **E** (**TEE**) **N**\n\n**PRE-TEEN** (\u00a0child who is not yet, especially not quite yet, a teenager)"} {"Clue":"Turn upside down yet remain vertical essentially (6)","Answer":"INVERT","Explanation":"Definition: Turn upside down\n**INVERT** (**hidden word** [essentially] in **REMAIN VERTICAL**)\n **INVERT**\n\n**INVERT** (turn upside down)"} {"Clue":"How one could refer to man spending time in prison (3)","Answer":"SIR","Explanation":"Definition: How one could refer to man\n**S****T****IR** (prison) **excluding** (spending) **T** (time)\n **SIR**\n\n**SIR** (word of respect [or disapprobation] used in addressing a man)"} {"Clue":"He regularly contributes to protect poorest protest opponents' project (4)","Answer":"POET","Explanation":"Definition: He\n**POET** (**letters 1, 3, 5 and 7** [regularly contributes to] of each of\u00a0**PROTECT**, **POOREST**, **PROTEST**, and **PROJECT** and **letters 2, 4, 6 and 8** [regularly contributes to] **OPPONENT**)\n **POET**\n\n**POET** (rhymer \u2013 note that the clue is a rhyming couplet with **PROTECT** rhyming with **PROJECT**)"} {"Clue":"Name on naked self-portrait with delicate frame (5)","Answer":"ELFIN","Explanation":"Definition: with delicate frame\n**S****ELFI****E** (self-portrait) **excluding the outer letters** [naked] **S** and **E** ) **+ N** (name)\n **ELFI N**\n\n**ELFIN** (small, with delicate frame)"} {"Clue":"Accepted having central characters destroyed by ring that's \"precious\" (7)","Answer":"BELOVED","Explanation":"Definition: precious\n**BELIEVED** (accepted as true) **with the middle two letters** [central characters] **IE** **replaced by** [having destroyed] **O** (ring shaped letter)\n **BEL** **O** **VED**\n\n**BELOVED** (very dear; precious)"} {"Clue":"Behind, not having succeeded in final course (5)","Answer":"AFTER","Explanation":"Definition: Behind\n**AFTER****S** (pudding; dessert; final course) **excluding** (not having) **S** (succeeded)\n **AFTER** \n\n**AFTER** (behind)"} {"Clue":"After leaving hospital, pursue patient (4)","Answer":"CASE","Explanation":"Definition: patient\n**C****H****ASE** (pursue) **excluding** (after leaving) **H** (hospital)\n **CASE**\n\n**CASE** (a patient is a medical **CASE**)"} {"Clue":"Profit by Republican in rebellious mood being guest of Tea Party (8)","Answer":"DOR","Explanation":"Definition: guest of Tea Party\n(**R** [Republican] **contained in** [in] **an anagram of** [rebellious] **MOOD**) **+ USE** (advantage; profit. Bradfords gives 'use' as a synonym of 'profit')\n **DO** (**R**) **MO*** **USE**\n\n**DOR** [**MOUSE**] (one of the characters attending as a guest at the Mad Hatter's Tea Party in Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll)"} {"Clue":"Dancing feet left without skin and exhausted (6)","Answer":"EFFETE","Explanation":"Definition: exhausted\n**Anagram of** (dancing) (**FEET** and **L****EF****T** **excluding the outer letters** [without skin] **L** and **T**)\n **EFFETE***\n\n**EFFETE** (exhausted)"} {"Clue":"Run out following dispute with flighty creature? (7)","Answer":"SPARROW","Explanation":"Definition: flighty creature\n**SPAR** (dispute) + **RO** (run out in cricket scoring notation) **+ W** (with)\n **SPAR RO W**\n\n**SPARROW** (bird; flighty creature)"} {"Clue":"One changing locks in church also turned in grave (9)","Answer":"TOOTHCOMB","Explanation":"Definition: One changing locks\n(**CH** [church] **+ TOO** [also]) **all reversed** (turned) **contained in** (in) **TOMB** (any place serving as a grave)\n **T** (**OOT** **HC**)< **OMB**\n\n**TOOTHCOMB** (fine **TOOTH**ed **COMB** for straightening hair [locks])"} {"Clue":"Knowing may dishearten Nancy or just upset her (5)","Answer":"CANNY","Explanation":"Definition: Knowing\nTwo wordplays\n 1. **CAN** (may) + **NY** (**letters remaining in** **N****ANC****Y** **when the\u00a0central letters** **ANC** **are removed** [dishearten])\n **CAN NY**\n 2. An **anagram of** (upset) **NANCY**\n **CANNY***\n\n**CANNY** (knowing, skilful, shrewd)"} {"Clue":"Extra money's not Britain's responsibility (4)","Answer":"ONUS","Explanation":"Definition: responsibility\n**B****ONUS **(something good or desirable gained or given with something else; extra money, for example) **excluding** (not) **B** (Britain)\n **ONUS**\n\n**ONUS** (responsibility)"} {"Clue":"Faint hum after changing ends at Wimbledon nothing interrupts (4,4)","Answer":"KEEL OVER","Explanation":"Definition: Faint\n**LOVE** (zero score in tennis [at Wimbledon]) **contained in** (**REEK** [smell; hum] **with the first and last letters** **R** and **K** **being swapped** [after changing ends])\n **KEE** (**L OVE**) **R**\n\n**KEEL OVER** (stagger or fall over; faint)"} {"Clue":"A scribbled note reportedly intended to make amends (9)","Answer":"ATONEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: amends\n**A** **+ an anagram of** (scribbled) **NOTE** **+ MENT** (**sounds like** [reportedly] **MEANT** [intended])\n **A** **TONE*** **MENT**\n\n**ATONEMENT** (reparations; amends)"} {"Clue":"egitimate knockout finishes off contender before middle of the second round (6)","Answer":"KOSHER","Explanation":"Definition: egitimate\n**KO** (knockout) + (**H** [**central letter of **{middle of}] **THE** + **S** [second]) **all reversed** (round) **+ ER** (**last two letters of** [finishes off] **CONTENDER**)\n I'm not really convinced by this parsing, but the clue says that **SH** (middle of the, second, round) **comes before** **ER** (the finish of **CONTENDER**) so there is some logic in what I am suggesting. I'm not sure about two letters for the finish of something.\n **KO** (**S** **H**)< **ER**\n\n**KOSHER** (legitimate)"} {"Clue":"Still down after removal of control panel? (10)","Answer":"UNCONSOLED","Explanation":"Definition: Still down\n**UN CONSOLED** (having taken the **CONSOLE** [control panel] away)\n **UN** **CONSOLED**\n\n**UNCONSOLED** (still not comforted; still downhearted))"} {"Clue":"Two notes forming a perfect fourth interval (4)","Answer":"TIME","Explanation":"Definition: perfect fourth interval\n**TI** (one of the notes of the tonic sol-fa) **+ ME** [(another note of the tonic sol-fa)\n **TI ME**\n\n**TIME** (a perfect fourth interval is simply a period of time [interval] between sounds whose vibration frequencies are as 3 to 4.) \n Alternatively, **TIME** is often considered to be the fourth dimension"} {"Clue":"Accountant wanting almost everything increased and added up (8)","Answer":"AMOUNTED","Explanation":"Definition: added up\n**A****CCOUNTANT** **excluding **(wanting) **every letter except the first one** [almost everything] **CCOUNTANT** **+** **MOUNTED** (increased)\n **A MOUNTED**\n\n**AMOUNTED** (totalled; added up)"} {"Clue":"Floppy disc saves into memory when initialised (4)","Answer":"LIMP","Explanation":"Definition: Floppy\n**LP** (long playing record; vinyl disc) **containing** (saves) **IM** (**first letters** [when initialised] **of each of** **INTO** and **MEMORY**)\n **L** (**I M**) **P**\n\n**LIMP** (flaccid; floppy)"} {"Clue":"Judgement of one lacking in feeling (8)","Answer":"SENTENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Judgement \n**SENT****I****ENCE** (capable of sensation; feeling) **excluding** (lacking) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **SENTENCE**\n\n**SENTENCE** (judgement)"} {"Clue":"Irregular verb relies on recall being identical? (10)","Answer":"REVERSIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: on recall being identical\n**Anagram of** (irregular) **VERB RELIES**\n **REVERSIBLE***\n\n**REVERSIBLE** (able to be restored to a previous state; on recall being identical)"} {"Clue":"Position leads to new technological advances in embryonic life-support system (8)","Answer":"PLACENTA","Explanation":"Definition: embryonic life-support system\n**PLACE** (position) **+ NTA** (**first letters of** [leads to] **each of** **NEW**, **TECHNOLOGICAL** and **ADVANCES**)\n **PLACE** **N T A**\n\n**PLACENTA** (in mammals, the flattened structure formed by the intimate union of the allantois and chorion with the uterine wall of the mother, serving for the respiration and nutrition of the growing young embryos; embryonic life-support system)"} {"Clue":"Cologne newspaper divides country (9)","Answer":"FRAGRANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Cologne\n**RAG** (derogatory term for a newspaper) **contained in** (divides) **FRANCE**\n **F** (**RAG**)** RANCE**\n\n**FRAGRANCE** (perfume; cologne)"} {"Clue":"Balkan woman upset about long trousers (8)","Answer":"BRITCHES","Explanation":"Definition: trousers\n**SERB** (Balkan [woman]) **reversed** (upset; down clue) **containing** (about) **ITCH** (yearn; desire; long)\n **BR** (**ITCH**) **ES**< \n\n**BRITCHES** (variant spelling of breeches; trousers)"} {"Clue":"Cowboy is clumsy, scratching bottom with end of lasso (6)","Answer":"GAUCHO","Explanation":"Definition: Cowboy\n**GAUCH****E** (clumsy) **excluding the final letter** (scratching bottom) **E** and **replacing it with** (with) **O** (**last letter of** [end of] **LASSO**) \n **GAUCH O**\n\n**GAUCHO** (cowboy of the pampas)"} {"Clue":"Lower frequency note shields noise (5)","Answer":"FROWN","Explanation":"Definition: Lower\n(**F** [frequency] **+ N** [note]) **containing** (shields) **ROW** (noise)\n **F** (**ROW**) **N** \n\n**FROWN** (look gloomy; lower)"} {"Clue":"Some of the reasons reporter's learned? (4)","Answer":"WHYS","Explanation":"Definition: Some of the reasons\n**WHYS** (**sounds like** [reporter's] **WISE** [learned])\n **WHYS** \n\n**WHYS** (reasons)"} {"Clue":"Accept not having right order in advance (4)","Answer":"BOOK","Explanation":"Definition: order in advance\n**B****R****OOK** (bear; endure; accept) **excluding** (not having) **R** (right)\n **BOOK** \n\n**BOOK** (reserve in advance)"} {"Clue":"Cocaine frequently got for cash in Glasgow (4)","Answer":"COFT","Explanation":"Definition: got for cash in Glasgow\n**C** (cocaine) **+ OFT** (frequently)\n **C OFT**\n\n**COFT** (Scottish [Glasgow] word meaning bought [for cash])"} {"Clue":"Fit after intake of p\u00e2t\u00e9's modified \u2013 does this control desire for food? (8)","Answer":"APPESTAT","Explanation":"Definition: does this control desire for food?\n**APT** (fit) **containing** (intake) **an anagram of** (modified) **PATES**\n **AP **(**PESTA***)** T**\n\n**APPESTAT** (neural centre in the hypothalamus believed to control [food] appetite)"} {"Clue":"There's a surprise when dad's caught a big fish (4)","Answer":"OPAH","Explanation":"Definition: a big fish\n**PA** (dad) **contained in** (when caught) **OH** (expression of surprise)\n **O** (**PA**) **H**\n\n**OPAH** (the kingfish, genus Lampris, a large sea-fish with laterally flattened body)"} {"Clue":"Changeable rainy, stormy, but very good before and after (7)","Answer":"VARYING","Explanation":"Definition: Changeable\n**V** (very) **+ an anagram of **(stormy) **RAINY** **+ G **(good)\n **V** **ARYIN*** **G**\n\n**VARYING** (changeable)"} {"Clue":"Painful to contemplate and very touching (4)","Answer":"SORE","Explanation":"Definition: Painful to contemplate\n**SO** (very) **+ RE **(about; on; touching)\n **SO RE**\n\n**SORE** (painful to contemplate)"} {"Clue":"Tins, jagged with age? What swimmers should avoid (8)","Answer":"STINGRAY","Explanation":"Definition: What swimmers should avoid\n**Anagram of** (jagged) **TINS** **+ GRAY** (old; with age)\n **STIN*** **GRAY**\n\n**STINGRAY** (a fish [Trygon or related genus] with a formidable barbed dorsal spine on its tail. a fish that swimmers should avoid for fear of getting injured)"} {"Clue":"Drum beats followed by a symbolic gesture (5)","Answer":"MUDRA","Explanation":"Definition: symbolic gesture\n**Anagram of** (beats) **DRUM** **+ A**\n **MUDR***** A**\n\n**MUDRA** (any of the symbolic hand gestures in Hindu religious ceremonies and classical Indian dance)"} {"Clue":"Crumbs irritated steel item of armour (8)","Answer":"CORSELET","Explanation":"Definition: item of armour\n**COR** (gosh!; crumbs!) **+ an anagram** of (irritated) **STEEL**\n **COR SELET***\n\n**CORSELET** (protective body-covering of leather, or steel, etc)"} {"Clue":"Eastern oil, ruined in taste \u2013 it's prehistoric! (10)","Answer":"PALAEOLITE","Explanation":"Definition: it's prehistoric\n(**E** [eastern] + **a anagram of **[ruined]\u00a0**OIL**) **contained in** (in) **PALATE** (sense of taste)\n **PALA** (**E** **OLI***) **TE**\n\n**PALAEOLITE** (something from the distant\u00a0past; it's prehistoric)"} {"Clue":"People round edge of shore chasing roller endlessly, bathing? (10)","Answer":"BALNEATION","Explanation":"Definition: bathing\n**BALL** (something that rolls; roller) **excluding the final letter** (endlessly) **L** **+** (**NATION** [people] **containing** [round] **E** [**final letter of** {edge of} **SHORE**])\n **BAL** **N** (**E**) **ATION**\n\n**BALNEATION** (bathing)"} {"Clue":"Sheep moved around by gal with hat on\u2026 (8)","Answer":"LOAGHTAN","Explanation":"Definition: Sheep\n**Anagram of** (moved around) **GAL** and **HAT ON**\n **LOAGHTAN***\n\n**LOAGHTAN** (breed of four-horned sheep with a soft brown fleece, native to the Isle of Man)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 metallic colour, she removed outside, not satisfied (5)","Answer":"UNMET","Explanation":"Definition: not satisfied\n**GUNMETAL** (any of various colours with a metallic sheen)** excluding** (removed) **GAL** (girl; she)\n **UNMET**\n\n**UNMET** (not satisfied)"} {"Clue":"Number on organ for left hand (4)","Answer":"NEAR","Explanation":"Definition: eft hand\n**N** (number) **+ EAR** (organ of hearing)\n **N EAR**\n\n**NEAR** (left, as in **NEAR**side of a car in the United Kingdom)"} {"Clue":"Rascal astride horse, horse not giving its all? (7)","Answer":"THINKER","Explanation":"Definition: horse not giving its all\n**TINKER** (rascal) **containing** (astride) **H** (heroin; horse)\n **T** (**H**) **INKER**\n\n**THINKER** (a horse that takes care of itself in a race and therefore does not try hard enough)"} {"Clue":"Pay in part for a part that's not ordinary (4)","Answer":"ARLE","Explanation":"Definition: Pay in part\n**A** **+ ROLE** (part in a play) **excluding** (not) **O** (ordinary)\n **A RLE**\n\n**ARLE** (preliminary payment, especially in confirmation of a bargain, or an engagement of a servant; pay in part)"} {"Clue":"Rocking swinger, No 1 in lap-dancing \u2013 she delivers daily? (8)","Answer":"NEWSGIRL","Explanation":"Definition: she delivers daily\n**Anagram of** (rocking) **SWINGER**\u00a0**+ L** (**first letter of** [No 1 in] **LAP-DANCING**)\n **NEWSGIR***** L**\n\n**NEWSGIRL** (a young lady who delivers daily newspapers)"} {"Clue":"Cloth covering tramp, by the sound of it (4)","Answer":"HYKE","Explanation":"Definition: Cloth covering\n**HYKE** (**sounds like** [by the sound of it] **HIKE** [go walking; tramp])\n **HYKE**\n\n**HYKE** (variant spelling of **HAIK** [an oblong cloth worn by Arabs on the head and body])"} {"Clue":"Brits turning up? Act relaxed about it, and mostly unprejudiced (12)","Answer":"COSMOPOLITAN","Explanation":"Definition: unprejudiced \n(**COOL IT** [act relaxed] **containing** (about it) **POMS** [immigrant Brits in Australia] **reversed** [turning up; down clue]) + **AND** **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **D**\n **CO **(**SMOP**<)** OL IT AN**\n\n**COSMOPOLITAN** (someone free from local or national prejudices)"} {"Clue":"Raged with flab that's distorted stomach (9)","Answer":"FARDEL-BAG","Explanation":"Definition: stomach\n**Anagram of** (that's distorted) **RAGED** and **FLAB**\n **FARDELBAG*** \n\n**FARDEL-BAG** (omasum [ruminant's third stomach])"} {"Clue":"Article to publish on climbing marsupials etc(6)","Answer":"THERIA","Explanation":"Definition: marsupials etc\n**THE** (definite article) **+ AIR** make public knowledge; publish) **reversed** (on climbing; down clue)\n **THE** **RIA**< \n\n**THERIA** (subclass of mammals, comprising marsupials and placentals, and their extinct ancestors)"} {"Clue":"Ship's captain looking up cloud type on board vessel (7)","Answer":"PATROON","Explanation":"Definition: Ship's captain\n**OORT** (an **OORT** cloud is a cloud of frozen comet nuclei orbiting the solar system) **reversed** (looking up; down clue) **contained in** (on board) **PAN** (cooking vessel)\n **PA** (**TROO**<) **N**\n\n**PATROON** (captain of a ship)"} {"Clue":"Senior monk, of greater importance (5)","Answer":"PRIOR","Explanation":"Definition: Senior monk,\n**PRIOR** (the head of a priory of monks or of a house of canons regular or of friars; senior monk)\n **PRIOR**\n\n**PRIOR** (more important) double definition"} {"Clue":"They had pupils, not all men yet, but heading upwards (4)","Answer":"EYNE","Explanation":"Definition: They had pupils\n**EYNE** (**hidden word in** [not all] **MEN YET** **reversed** [heading upward; down clue])\n **EYNE**< \n\n**EYNE** (archaic [had] word for eyes [organs of sight with pupils])"} {"Clue":"Ring engineer up, having cracked model (6)","Answer":"SIGNET","Explanation":"Definition: Ring\n**ENG** (engineer) **reversed** (up; down clue) **contained in** (having cracked) **SIT** (model)\n **SI** (**GNE**<) **T**\n\n**SIGNET** (a ring with a seal)"} {"Clue":"Religious community, open-mouthed when given endless cash (9)","Answer":"AGAPEMONE","Explanation":"Definition: Religious community\n**AGAPE** (open mouthed) **+ MONEY** (cash) e**xcluding the final letter** (endless) **Y**\n **AGAPE MONE**\n\n**AGAPEMONE** (a religious community of men and women whose 'spiritual marriages' were in some cases not strictly spiritual, founded in 1849 at Spaxton, near Bridgwater)"} {"Clue":"Meeting place? Test street corner, circling river meadow (12)","Answer":"TRYSTING-TREE","Explanation":"Definition: Meeting place?\n(**TRY** [test] **+ an anagram of **[corner?] **STREET**) **containing** (circling) **ING** (meadow, especially one beside a river)\n 'Corner' is a fairly unusual word as an anagram indicator (although it does mean to out into a fix or difficulty) so I wonder if I am missing something about the way **STREET** is reformed as** STTREE**\n **TRY** **ST** (**ING**) **TREE*** \n\n**TRYSTING-TREE** (a meeting place)"} {"Clue":"Garnet in form of grape, metal plate circling it (9)","Answer":"UVAROVITE","Explanation":"Definition: Garnet\n**UVA** (grape) **+** (**ROVE** [metal plate or ring through which a rivet is put and clenched over] **containing** [circling] **IT**)\n **UVA** **ROV** (**IT**) **E**\n\n**UVAROVITE** (a green lime-chrome garnet)"} {"Clue":"Leo: 'I'm excited with prey being more numerous than normal' (9)","Answer":"PLEIOMERY","Explanation":"Definition: being more numerous than normal\n**Anagram of** (excited) **LEO**,** I'M **and **PREY**\n **PLEIOMERY*** \n\n**PLEIOMERY** (the condition of having more than the normal number)"} {"Clue":"Student looking for something profitable after Latin (7)","Answer":"LEARNER","Explanation":"Definition: Student\n**L** (Latin) **+ EARNER **(something [especially illegal or slightly shady] that brings a good income or profit)\n **L EARNER**\n\n**LEARNER** (student)"} {"Clue":"Silver suit tailored in stripy furs (6)","Answer":"AGUTIS","Explanation":"Definition: stripy furs\n**AG** (chemical symbol for silver) + **an anagram of** (tailored) **SUIT**\n **AG UTIS*** \n\n**AGUTIS** (patterns of fur characterized by irregular stripes)"} {"Clue":"Cop shop? Is leaving this, devouring several pies (6)","Answer":"TANNAH","Explanation":"Definition: Cop shop\n**THIS** **excluding** (leaving) **IS** **containing** (devouring) **ANNA** (former currency unit of India comprising 12 pies [also\u00a0a former currency of India])\n **T** (**ANNA**) **H**\n\n**TANNAH** (military or police station in India)"} {"Clue":"Ottoman possibly to direct family (names withheld) (5)","Answer":"TURKI","Explanation":"Definition: Ottoman possibly\n**TURN** (direct) **excluding** (withheld) **N** (name) **+ KIN **(family) **excluding** (withheld) **N** (name) i.e names withheld\n **TUR KI** \n\n**TURKI** (both Ottoman and **TURKI** relate to Turks and people who speak the language of Turks)"} {"Clue":"Old couple in pieces, divorcing finally (4)","Answer":"MENG","Explanation":"Definition: Old couple\n**MEN** (pieces, e,g, chess pieces) **+ G** (**last letter of **[finally] **DIVORCING**)\n **MEN G**\n\n**MENG** (archaic [old] word meaning to couple)"} {"Clue":"Racial info, poorly gathered, in a state (10)","Answer":"CALIFORNIA","Explanation":"Definition: a state\n**Anagram of **(poorly gathered) **RACIAL INFO**\n **CALIFORNIA***\n\n**CALIFORNIA** (one of States of the USA)"} {"Clue":"It conceals relocation of energy in base (4)","Answer":"VEIL","Explanation":"Definition: It conceals\n**VILE** (base) **with the** **E** (energy) **moved to second place in the word** (relocated)\n **VEIL**\n\n**VEIL** (covering of fine fabric for the head, face, or both, for protection, concealment, adornment or ceremonial purpose)"} {"Clue":"Award fixed in the memory (7)","Answer":"ROSETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Award\n**SET** (fixed) **contained in** (in) **ROTE** (mechanical memory, repetition or performance without regard to the meaning)\n **RO** (**SET**) **TE**\n\n**ROSETTE** (award)"} {"Clue":"Present movement against religion (7)","Answer":"HERETIC","Explanation":"Definition: against religion\n**HERE** (present) **+ TIC** (involuntary movement)\n **HERE TIC**\n\n**HERETIC** (one who holds a belief contrary to the authorized teaching of the religious community to which he \/ she\u00a0ostensibly belongs)"} {"Clue":"Obliterate fusty crumbling monument (6,2,7)","Answer":"STATUE OF LIBERTY","Explanation":"Definition: monument\n**Anagram of **(crumbling) **OBLITERATE FUSTY**\n **STATUE OF LIBERTY***\n\n**STATUE OF LIBERTY** (monument on **LIBERTY**\u00a0Island in New York Harbour)"} {"Clue":"I'd turned round in narrow opening (4-2)","Answer":"LEAD-IN","Explanation":"Definition: opening\n**I'D** **reversed** (turned round) **contained in** (in) **LEAN** (narrow) Both **LEAN** and narrow can be defined as 'slim' or 'slender' but I'll take a bit of convincing that **LEAN** and narrow are synonymous.\n **LEA** (**D I**)< **N**\n\n**LEAD-IN** (introduction)"} {"Clue":"One suggesting taking problem to specialist (8)","Answer":"PROPOSER","Explanation":"Definition: One suggesting\n**PRO** (professional; specialist) **+ POSER** (problem)\n **PRO POSER**\n\n**PROPOSER** (one who suggests an idea or course of action)"} {"Clue":"They draw off editor not taken in by corrupting influences (8)","Answer":"SUCTIONS","Explanation":"Definition: They draw off\n**S****ED****UCTIONS** (corrupting influences) **excluding** (not taken in) **ED** (editor)\n **SUCTIONS**\n\n******SUCTIONS** (actions that have the effect of drawing off)"} {"Clue":"Diving bird seen around a good area of water (6)","Answer":"LAGOON","Explanation":"Definition: area of water\n**LOON** (any of an order of northern diving birds) **containing** (around) (**A **+** G** [good])\n **L** (**A** **G**) **OON**\n\n**LAGOON** (shallow lake, especially one near or communicating with the sea or a river)"} {"Clue":"Having stewed prune as starter? Not very attractive (15)","Answer":"UNPREPOSSESSING","Explanation":"Definition: Not very attractive\n**Anagram of** (stewed) **PRUNE** **+ POSSESSING** (having)\n **UNPRE*** **POSSESSING** \n\n**UNPREPOSSESSING** (unpleasing; not very attractive)"} {"Clue":"Conservative worried about backing positive vote, one reflects (4-3)","Answer":"CATS-EYE","Explanation":"Definition: one reflects\n**C** (Conservative) **+** (**ATE** [worried] **containing** [about] **YES** [positive vote] **reversed** [backing])\n **C** **AT** (**S EY**)< **E** \n\n**CATS-EYE** (small reflector set in a frame fixed in a road surface to indicate traffic lanes)"} {"Clue":"Popular poet's written about love, not splashing out? (7)","Answer":"INBOARD","Explanation":"Definition: not splashing out\n**IN** (popular) **+** (**BARD** [poet] **containing** [written about] **O** [zero; love score in tennis])\n **IN** **B** (**O**) **ARD** \n\n**INBOARD** (descriptive of an engine within the hull or interior of a ship; not splashing out)"} {"Clue":"Equipment including new telephone (4)","Answer":"RING","Explanation":"Definition: telephone\n**RIG** (equipment) **containing** (including) **N** (new)\n **RI** (**N**) **G** \n\n**RING** (call; telephone)"} {"Clue":"Modified service or way of closing intense rallies (10)","Answer":"RECOVERIES","Explanation":"Definition: rallies\n**Anagram of** (modified) **SERVICE OR** **and\u00a0E** (**last letter of** [way of closing] **INTENSE**)\n **RECOVERIES*** \n\n**RECOVERIES** (rallies)"} {"Clue":"Girl is cautious above all after dislodging a pupa (9)","Answer":"CHRYSALIS","Explanation":"Definition: pupa\n**CH****A****RY** (cautious) **excluding** (after dislodging) **A** + [after]\u00a0(**SAL** [girl's name] **+ IS)**\n **CHRY SAL IS** \n\n**CHRYSALIS** (pupa)"} {"Clue":"Opera venue: it involves contralto in singing without words (2,5)","Answer":"LA SCALA","Explanation":"Definition: Opera venue\n(**SA** [sex appeal; it] **containing** [involves] **C** [contralto]) **all contained in** (in) **LA LA** (singing an accompaniment without words)\n **LA** (**S** (**C**) **A**) **LA**\n\n**LA SCALA** (opera house in Milan)"} {"Clue":"Pasta etc unfit for cooking sent to Italy (9)","Answer":"FETTUCINI","Explanation":"Definition: Pasta\n**Anagram of** (for cooking) **ETC UNFIT** **+ I** (International Vehicle Registration for Italy)\n **FETTUCIN*** **I**\n\n**FETTUCINI** (pasta made in long ribbons)"} {"Clue":"Antelope smell covering human smell? (6)","Answer":"REEBOK","Explanation":"Definition: Antelope\n**REEK** (smell) **containing** (covering) **BO** (body odour; human smell)\n **REE** (**BO**) **K** \n\n**REEBOK** (South African antelope)"} {"Clue":"They may be developed for rhinal use, clearing head? (8)","Answer":"INHALERS","Explanation":"Definition: They may be developed for rhinal use, clearing head\n**Anagram of **(they may be developed) **RHINAL** and **U****SE** **excluding the first letter** (clearing head) **U**\n **INHALERS*** \n\n**INHALERS** (devices for administering a medicinal preparation by inhalation, eg to relieve asthma etc. Rhinal refers to the nose)"} {"Clue":"Drags out former sources of legal action (7)","Answer":"EXTORTS","Explanation":"Definition: Drags out\n**EX **(former) + **TORTS** (legal term for any wrongs, not arising out of contract, for which an action for compensation or damages may be brought)\n **EX TORTS** \n\n**EXTORTS** (drags out by compulsion)"} {"Clue":"Fortunate ancient human, receiving King (5)","Answer":"LUCKY","Explanation":"Definition: Fortunate\n**LUCY** (**LUCY** is the common name of AL 288-1, several hundred pieces of bone fossils representing 40 percent of the skeleton of a female of the hominin species Australopithecus afarensis; ancient human) **containing** (receiving) **K** (king)\n **LUC** (**K**)** Y**\n\n**LUCKY** (fortunate)"} {"Clue":"You might catch it if you're getting the worst of a row (4)","Answer":"CRAB","Explanation":"Definition: You might catch it if you're getting the worst of a row \n**CRAB** (the phrase to a **CATCH**\u00a0a** CRAB** means to sink the oar too deeply (or not enough) in the water and fall back in consequence. A rowing term)\n **CRAB**\n\n**CRAB** (cryptic definition as described in the wordplay)"} {"Clue":"Reasonable place within earshot occupied by son not daughter (9)","Answer":"PLAUSIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Reasonable\n**PL** (place) **+ AU****D****IBLE** (able to be heard; within earshot) with **D** (daughter) replaced by (by \u2026 not) **S** (son)\n **PL** **AUSIBLE** \n\n**PLAUSIBLE** (likely; reasonable)"} {"Clue":"They turn against Observer, being upset about negative publicity? (9)","Answer":"RENEGADES","Explanation":"Definition: They turn against\n**SEER** (observer) **reversed** (being upset; down clue) **containing** (about) (**NEG** [negative] **+ AD** [advertisement; publicity])\n **RE** (**NEG** **AD**) **ES**< \n\n**RENEGADES** (people who betray or desert a principle, party or religion; they turn against)"} {"Clue":"Individual absorbing most of powerful viral threat? (8)","Answer":"ONCOGENE","Explanation":"Definition: viral threat\n**ONE** (individual) **containing** (absorbing) **COGEN****T** ([of an argument] powerful) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **T**\n **ON **(**COGEN**)** E** \n\n**ONCOGENE** (a gene, which may be carried by a virus, that affects the normal metabolism of a cell in such a way that it becomes cancerous; viral threat)"} {"Clue":"Turner inclined to keep soprano in prison (7)","Answer":"CAPSTAN","Explanation":"Definition: Turner\n(**APT** [inclined to] **containing **[to keep] **S** [soprano]) **all contained in** (in) **CAN** (informal term for prison)\n **C** (**AP **(**S**) **T**) **AN** \n\n**CAPSTAN** (an upright mechanical device turned by bars, levers or a motor, used for winding in heavy ropes or cables)"} {"Clue":"What could see company folding after challenge to achieve certain figures? (7)","Answer":"ORIGAMI","Explanation":"Definition: What could see company folding after challenge to achieve certain figures\n**ORIGAMI** (the art of folding paper so as to make figures shaped like animals, birds, etc) This is a cryptic definition where compan**y **means a group of people. Many people see **ORIGAMI** as a challenge, especially those like me who have few practical skills as well as poor hand eye coordination)\n **ORIGAMI**\n\n**ORIGAMI** (cryptic definition explained in the word play)"} {"Clue":"French are keen initially, I think, to find Canadian resident? (6)","Answer":"ESKIMO","Explanation":"Definition: Canadian resident\n**ES** (French form of 'are' as in 'tu es'\u00a0translating to 'you are') **+ K** (**first letter of** [initially] **KEEN**) **+ IMO** (in my opinion; I think)\n **ES K IMO** \n\n**ESKIMO** (member of an indigenous people inhabiting northern Canada, Alaska, Greenland, and eastern Siberia)"} {"Clue":"Sore about being caught by dodgy rule (5)","Answer":"ULCER","Explanation":"Definition: Sore\n**C** (circa; about) **contained in** (being caught by) **an anagram of** (dodgy) **RULE**\n **UL **(**C**)** ER*** \n\n**ULCER** (an open sore, on the skin or mucous membrane)"} {"Clue":"Cumbrian river valley \u2013 last to reach top (4)","Answer":"EDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Cumbrian river\n**DENE** (small valley) **with the last letter** (last) **E** **moved to first place** (to reach top; down clue)\n **EDEN** \n\n**EDEN** (river in Cumbria flowing into the Solway Firth)"} {"Clue":"Noteworthy waste was recyclable \u2013 feature of most 8s (3,4,2,3,6)","Answer":"TWO WAYS TO THE","Explanation":"Definition: feature of most 8s\n**Anagram of** (recyclable) **NOTEWORTHY WASTE WAS**\n **TWO WAYS TO THE ANSWER***\n\n**TWO WAYS TO THE** [**ANSWER**]"} {"Clue":"Money problems? Don't start! (7)","Answer":"ROUBLES","Explanation":"Definition: Money\n**TROUBLES** (problems) **excluding the first letter** (don't start) **T**\n **ROUBLES**\n\n**ROUBLES** (Russian currency; money)"} {"Clue":"Continually annoy, as it happens, old-fashioned society girl, on return (7)","Answer":"BEDEVIL","Explanation":"Definition: Continually annoy\n(**LIVE** [as it happens; not recorded] **+ DEB** (**DEB**utante; old-fashioned society girl]) **all reversed** (on return)\n (**BED EVIL**)<\n\n**BEDEVIL** (torment; annoy continually)"} {"Clue":"Initially serves up pleasant summer drinks (4)","Answer":"SUPS","Explanation":"Definition: drinks\n**SUPS** (**first letters** [initially] **of each of** **SERVES UP PLEASANT SUMMER**)\n **SUPS**\n\n**SUPS** (drinks)"} {"Clue":"Being dry, replacement unfortunately left out (10)","Answer":"TEMPERANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Being dry\n**Anagram of** (unfortunately) **REPLACEMENT** **excluding** (out) **L** (left)\n **TEMPERANCE***\n\n**TEMPERANCE** (moderation in the use of alcohol, and even entire abstinence from it; being dry)"} {"Clue":"Husband dined out like 13s 3 (6)","Answer":"HIDDEN","Explanation":"Definition: like 13s 3\n**H** (husband) + **an anagram of **(out) **DINED**\n **H IDDEN***\n\n**HIDDEN** (descriptive of the **ANSWER** [entry at 3 down] for the clue at 13 down where the entry **PAST** is **HIDDEN** in **GROUP \u2013 A STAND-IN**)"} {"Clue":"Superficial display taking everyone in (7)","Answer":"SHALLOW","Explanation":"Definition: Superficial\n**SHOW** (display) **containing** (taking) **ALL** (everyone)\n **SH** (**ALL**) **OW**\n\n**SHALLOW** (descriptive of a discussion that is without depth; superficial)"} {"Clue":"Sulk pretty regularly (3)","Answer":"PET","Explanation":"Definition: Sulk\n**PET** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [regularly] of** PRETTY**\n **PET**\n\n**PET** (sulk)"} {"Clue":"Current very hot? Not right (7)","Answer":"TOPICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Current\n**TROPICAL** (very hot) **excluding** (not) **R** (right)\n **TOPICAL**\n\n**TOPICAL** (current)"} {"Clue":"Torment clergyman when initial resistance becomes hard (6)","Answer":"HECTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Torment\n**RECTOR** (clergyman) **with the first** (initial) **R** (resistance)\u00a0**replaced by** (becomes) **H** (hard when describing pencil lead)\n **H ECTOR**\n\n**HECTOR** (threaten; torment)"} {"Clue":"Meaning one route to 3 (10)","Answer":"DEFINITION","Explanation":"Definition: Meaning\n**DEFINITION** (the **DEFINITION** is one of the, usually, two routes to the **ANSWER** [3 down] to a cryptic crossword clue)\n **DEFINITION**\n\n**DEFINITION** (meaning)"} {"Clue":"Complain having lost English holdall (4)","Answer":"GRIP","Explanation":"Definition: holdall\n**GRIPE** (complain) **excluding** (having lost) **E** (English) \n **GRIP**\n\n**GRIP** (holdall)"} {"Clue":"A horse run in morning like 30s 8 (7)","Answer":"ANAGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: like 30s 8\n**A** **+ NAG** (horse) **+ R **(run) **+ AM** (ante meridiem; before noon;\u00a0morning)\n **A NAG R AM**\n\n**ANAGRAM** (descriptive of how the answer is formed to the clue at 30 across)"} {"Clue":"Brutal fellow, cur ultimately hostile in former colony (7)","Answer":"GORILLA","Explanation":"Definition: Brutal fellow\n(**R** [**last letter of **{ultimately} **CUR**] **+ ILL** [hostile]) **contained in** (in) **GOA** (former colony of Portugal)\n **GO** (**R ILL**) **A**\n\n**GORILLA** (heavily built thug; brutal fellow)"} {"Clue":"Newly re-enact entry as occasion for commemoration perhaps (12)","Answer":"TERCENTENARY","Explanation":"Definition: occasion for commemoration perhaps \n**Anagram of** (newly) **RE-ENACT ENTRY**\n **TERCENTENARY*** \n\n**TERCENTENARY** (300th anniversary; possibly an occasion for a commemoration)"} {"Clue":"False, outrageously dupe President first (7-2)","Answer":"TRUMPED-UP","Explanation":"Definition: False\n**TRUMP** (reference Donald **TRUMP** [born 1946], currently President of the United States) **+ an anagram of** (outrageously) **DUPE**\n **TRUMP ED UP*** \n\n**TRUMPED-UP** (invented; false)"} {"Clue":"Just emptied open lorry (4)","Answer":"ONLY","Explanation":"Definition: Just\n**ON** (**letters remaining in OPEN when the central letters PE are removed** [emptied]) **+ LY** (l**etters remaining in LORRY when the central letters ORR are removed** [emptied]) \n **ON LY**\n\n**ONLY **(just)"} {"Clue":"Very broken-hearted at outset apparently having such a story? (3)","Answer":"SOB","Explanation":"Definition: apparently having such a story\n**SO** (very) **+ B** (**first letter of** [at outset] **BROKEN-HEARTED**)\n **SO B** \n\n**SOB** (reference a **SOB** story [a pitiful tale told to arouse sympathy], often told as a result of being broken-hearted)."} {"Clue":"Request daily list for MPs (5,5)","Answer":"ORDER PAPER","Explanation":"Definition: ist for MPs\n**ORDER** (request) **+ PAPER** (daily newspaper)\n **ORDER PAPER** \n\n**ORDER PAPER** (a **PAPER**\u00a0showing the order of business, especially in parliament for MPs)"} {"Clue":"Shelter, perfect place when once lacking energy (5)","Answer":"HAVEN","Explanation":"Definition: Shelter\n**HEAVEN** (paradise; perfect place) **excluding** (lacking) **E** (energy). I'm not sure what the word 'once' is doing in this clue\n **HAVEN** \n\n**HAVEN** (place of shelter)"} {"Clue":"Cheek \u2013 that, going topless, authority figure needed? (5,3)","Answer":"BRASS HAT","Explanation":"Definition: authority figure needed\n**BRASS** (insolence; cheek) **+ THAT** **excluding the first letter** [going topless] **T**\n **BRASS HAT** \n\n**BRASS HAT** (a staff officer with gold braid on his **HAT**; a person of authority)"} {"Clue":"Signal to include large hint (4)","Answer":"CLUE","Explanation":"Definition: hint\n**CUE** (signal) **containing** (to include) **L** (large)\n **C** (**L**) **UE** \n\n**CLUE** (hint)"} {"Clue":"No longer needed by group \u2013 a stand-in (4)","Answer":"PAST","Explanation":"Definition: No longer \n**PAST** (**hidden word** [needed by] **in** **GROUP A STAND-IN**)\n **PAST** \n\n**PAST** (bygone; elapsed; no longer)"} {"Clue":"Concierge unusually with load of time describing earth-based system? (10)","Answer":"GEOCENTRIC","Explanation":"Definition: describing earth-based system\n**Anagram of** (unusually) **CONCIERGE** and (with) **T**\n **GEOCENTRIC*** \n\n**GEOCENTRIC** (having the earth for centre; as viewed or reckoned from the centre of the earth)"} {"Clue":"Volume used by US associate in prosaic way (9)","Answer":"LITERALLY","Explanation":"Definition: in prosaic way\n**LITER** (American [US] spelling of **LITRE** [measure of volume]; volume used by US) **+ ALLY** (associate)\n **LITER ALLY** \n\n**LITERALLY** (using the literal, as opposed to the figurative, meaning of a word or phrase in a piece of prose; in a prosaic way)"} {"Clue":"Promise fun as one route to 3 (8)","Answer":"WORDPLAY","Explanation":"Definition: one route to 3\n**WORD** (promise) **+ PLAY** (fun)\n **WORD PLAY** \n\n**WORDPLAY** (In a cryptic crossword clue **WORDPLAY** is one of the two ways to the ANSWER [3 down] to a clue. Sometimes there are more than one **WORDPLAY**s in a clue)"} {"Clue":"Scheme for small piece of land (4)","Answer":"PLOT","Explanation":"Definition: Scheme\n**PLOT** (scheme)\n **PLOT** \n\n**PLOT **(small piece of land) double definition"} {"Clue":"Massaging ego \u2013 nut's way of speaking (6)","Answer":"TONGUE","Explanation":"Definition: way of speaking\n**Anagram of** (massaging) **EGO NUT**\n **TONGUE***\n\n**TONGUE** (language; way of speaking)"} {"Clue":"Costly address to partner (4)","Answer":"DEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Costly\n**DEAR** (affectionate form of address to a partner or beloved)\n **DEAR**\n\n**DEAR** (expensive; costly) double definition"} {"Clue":"Small piece, not genuine, about learner (5)","Answer":"FLAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Small piece\n**FAKE** (false; not genuine) **containing** (about) **L** (learner)\n **F** (**L**) **AKE**\n\n**FLAKE** (small piece or layer)"} {"Clue":"Song from Callas maybe minutes away (4)","Answer":"ARIA","Explanation":"Definition: Song\n**MARIA** (reference **MARIA**\u00a0Callas [1923 \u2013 1977], American born, Greek soprano) **excluding** (away) **M** (minutes)\n **ARIA**\n\n**ARIA** (song especially an accompanied vocal solo in a cantata, oratorio or opera. Often sung by Callas)"} {"Clue":"Island chap (3)","Answer":"MAN","Explanation":"Definition: Island\n**MAN** (reference Isle of **MAN**; island)\n **MAN**\n\n**MAN** (male; chap) double definition"} {"Clue":"Thick-necked type of stereo-typical Englishman: John Terry, only more so (4,7)","Answer":"BULL","Explanation":"Definition: Thick-necked type\n**BULL** (reference John **BULL**, generic name for an Englishman, from Arbuthnot's History of John **BULL**, 1712; stereo-typical Englishman) + **TERRIER** (more **TERR**Y than John)\n **BULL TERRIER**\n\n**BULL** [**TERRIER**] (Breed of **TERRIER**\u00a0having a muscular body and thick neck)"} {"Clue":"Check whether that is right, son \u2013 they swear it is so (10)","Answer":"TESTIFIERS","Explanation":"Definition: they swear it is so\n**TEST IF** (check whether) **+ IE** (id est; that is) **+ R** (right) **+ S** (son)\n **TEST IF IE R S** \n\n**TESTIFIERS** (people who give evidence and have sworn to tell the truth)"} {"Clue":"Surreal Greek humour beginning to upset departing tyrannical regime (5,5)","Answer":"KHMER ROUGE","Explanation":"Definition: tyrannical regime\n**Anagram of **(surreal) **GREEK HUMOUR** **excluding** (departing) **one of the U**s (**first letter of **[beginning to] **U**PSET)\n **KHMER ROUGE*** \n\n**KHMER ROUGE** (highly repressive group who governed Cambodia [or Kampuchea as it was named under their rule] from 1975 to 1979)"} {"Clue":"One of fifty women entertained by this clue (4)","Answer":"IOWA","Explanation":"Definition: One of fifty\n**W** (woman) **contained in** (entertained by) **IO\u00a0A** (representation of 10 across, the number of this clue)\n **IO** (**W**) **A** \n\n**IOWA** (one of the fifty States of the United States of America)"} {"Clue":"Wife of former President tours European nation (6)","Answer":"BRUNEI","Explanation":"Definition: nation\n**BRUNI** (reference Carla **BRUNI** [born 1967], wife of Nicolas Sarkozy [born 1955], President of France from 2007 to 2012) **containing** (tours) **E** (European)\n **BRUN** (**E**) **I** \n\n**BRUNEI** (independent country on the island of Borneo)"} {"Clue":"1\/4d is distant object (8)","Answer":"FARTHING","Explanation":"Definition: 1\/4d\n**FAR** (distant) **+ THING** (object)\n **FAR THING** \n\n**FARTHING** (bronze United Kingdom coin worth one quarter of an old penny. No longer minted after 1955 it was demonetised in 1960, nine years before decimalisation) I remember it fondly as a young lad in the 1950s as I could buy four sweets for a penny, and if I only had a halfpenny, I could afford to\u00a0buy two!"} {"Clue":"Military commander is horrified, losing good man (4)","Answer":"AGHA","Explanation":"Definition: Military commander\n**AGHAST** (horrified) **excluding** (losing)** ST** (saint [good man])\n **AGHA** \n\n**AGHA** (Turkish commander or chief officer)"} {"Clue":"Choosing again, thinking Earl must replace female (10)","Answer":"RE-ELECTING","Explanation":"Definition: Choosing again\n**REFLECTING** (thinking) **with E** (earl) **replacing** [must replace] **F** (female)\n **RE-ELECTING** \n\n**RE-ELECTING** (choosing again, a 'joy' we can now look forward to on 12th December))"} {"Clue":"I'm chattier performing sums? (10)","Answer":"ARITHMETIC","Explanation":"Definition: sums\n**Anagram of** (performing) **I'M CHATTIER**\n **ARITHMETIC*** \n\n**ARITHMETIC** (the science of numbers, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division; sums)"} {"Clue":"Stone attached to axes (4)","Answer":"ONYX","Explanation":"Definition: Stone\n**ON** (attached) **+ YX** (**X** and **Y** are the axes of a 2 dimensional graph in co-ordinate geometry)\n **ON Y X**\n\n**ONYX **(agate formed of alternate flat layers of chalcedony, white or yellow and black, brown or red, used for making cameos; stone)"} {"Clue":"Condemn piece of prose (8)","Answer":"SENTENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Condemn\n**SENTENCE** (condemn)\n **SENTENCE** \n\n**SENTENCE** (piece of prose) double definition"} {"Clue":"Type of 1\/4d is godsend getting across the street (6)","Answer":"BOSTON","Explanation":"Definition: Type of 1\/4d\n**BOON** (blessing; godsend) **containing** (getting across) **ST** (street)\n **BO** (**ST**) **ON** \n\n**BOSTON** (breed of dog arising from crossbreeding between a bulldog and a **BULL TERRIER** [1 \/ 4d]))"} {"Clue":"Firm agreement in Moscow for concluding passage (4)","Answer":"CODA","Explanation":"Definition: concluding passage\n**CO** (company; firm) **+ DA** ('yes' in Russian [Moscow])\n **CO DA** \n\n**CODA** (musical term for a passage forming the completion of a piece, rounding it off to a satisfactory conclusion)"} {"Clue":"Instruction in well regulated disco for audience (10)","Answer":"ATTENDANCE","Explanation":"Definition: audience\n**AT TEN** (at 10 o'clock; at a specific time[well regulated]) **+ DANCE** (an instruction to perform on the disco floor)\n **AT TEN DANCE**\n\n**ATTENDANCE** (audience)"} {"Clue":"Resolution of dispute in village? (10)","Answer":"SETTLEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Resolution of dispute\n**SETTLEMENT** (village)\n **SETTLEMENT** \n\n**SETTLEMENT** (conclusion of a deal to resolve a dispute) double definition"} {"Clue":"Two brothers together protect Rosemary, perhaps (4)","Answer":"HERB","Explanation":"Definition: Rosemary, perhaps\n**HERB** (**hidden word in** (protect)** BROTHER BROTHER**, forming two brothers)\n **HERB** \n\n**HERB** (rosemary is an example of a **HERB**)"} {"Clue":"Guide drug seller quietly away (5)","Answer":"USHER","Explanation":"Definition: Guide\n**PUSHER** (drug seller) **excluding** (away) **P** (piano; quiet)\n **USHER** \n\n**USHER** (guide)"} {"Clue":"Hide, anticipating Spooner asking \"What time do you call this?\" (3,2,4)","Answer":"LIE IN WAIT","Explanation":"Definition: Hide, anticipating\n**LIE IN WAIT** (**WHY IN LATE**? loosely meaning 'what time do you call this?' would be a Spoonerism of the entry)\n **LIE IN WAIT** \n\n**LIE IN WAIT** (hide to initiate an ambush when the intended victim appears)"} {"Clue":"Charlie knocks out 26 in puffed-up food fight (7)","Answer":"SCUFFLE","Explanation":"Definition: fight\n**SOUFFLE** with **C** (Charlie is the International Radio Communication code for the letter C) **replacing** (knocks out) **the O** (Oscar is the International Radio Communication code for the letter O) \n **SCUFFLE** \n\n**SCUFFLE **(fight)"} {"Clue":"Warm enough to navigate fierce English rips (3-4)","Answer":"ICE-FREE","Explanation":"Definition: Warm enough to navigate\n**Anagram of** (rips) **FIERCE** and **E** (English)\n **ICE-FREE*** \n\n**ICE-FREE **(describing a polar channel that is navigable without fear of hitting** ICE**))"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Murdoch and Heaney primarily, were this? (5)","Answer":"IRISH","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps Murdoch and Heaney primarily, were this\n**IRIS** (reference IRIS Murdoch [1919 \u2013 199], British novelist, born in Dublin [i.e with strong **IRISH** connections]. )\u00a0**+ H** (**first letter of** [primarily] **HEANEY** [reference Seamus **HEANEY** [1939 \u2013 2013], **IRISH** poet and playwright)\n **IRIS H** \n\n**IRISH** (Heaney was **IRISH**. Murdoch was born in Dublin. Wikipedia hopwever describes a debate about Murdoch's **IRISH**ness)"} {"Clue":"Told the authorities about Liberal speech, informally (5)","Answer":"SLANG","Explanation":"Definition: speech, informally\n**SANG** (informed on; told the authorities about) **containing** (about) **L** (Liberal)\n **S** (**L**) **ANG** \n\n**SLANG **(informal speech)"} {"Clue":"Bread extremely chewy in French city (5)","Answer":"NANCY","Explanation":"Definition: French city\n**NAN** (type of slightly leavened bread, as baked in Indian and Pakistani cookery) **+ CY** (**outer letters of** [extremely] **CHEWY**)\n **NAN CY**\n\n**NANCY** (French city)"} {"Clue":"Old American quits? Lovely stuff (5)","Answer":"GORGE","Explanation":"Definition: stuff\n**GORGEOUS** (lovely) **excluding** (quits) **O** [old] **+ US** [United States; American])\n **GORGE** \n\n**GORGE** (overeat; stuff)"} {"Clue":"Religion \u2013 it's endless for one country's leader (9)","Answer":"TAOISEACH","Explanation":"Definition: country's leader\n**TAOISM** (a religion) **excluding the final letter** (endless) **M** +** EACH** (for [every]one)\n **TAOIS EACH** \n\n**TAOISEACH** (the prime minister of the Republic of Ireland)"} {"Clue":"Mock butler whimsically in conversation? (3-4)","Answer":"MAN-MADE","Explanation":"Definition: Mock\n**MAN MADE** (**sounds like** [in conversation] **MAN MAID** which could be a cryptic or whimsical term to describe a butler)\n **MAN MADE** \n\n**MAN-MADE** (**MADE** by humans; artificial or synthetic; not occurring naturally; mock)"} {"Clue":"Time to struggle with shed's supporting structure (7)","Answer":"TRESTLE","Explanation":"Definition: supporting structure\n**T** (time) **+ WRESTLE** (struggle) **excluding** (shed) **W** (with)\n **T RESTLE** \n\n**TRESTLE** (support composed of a horizontal beam on sloping legs)"} {"Clue":"Most senior ministers throw out probes about alien visitor (7)","Answer":"CABINET","Explanation":"Definition: Most senior ministers\n**BIN** (throw out) **contained in** (probes) (**CA** [circa; about] **+ ET** [name of a film about an alien])\n **CA** (**BIN**) **ET** \n\n**CABINET **(committee made up of a group of senior ministers who together formulate policy in the government of a country)"} {"Clue":"Keeps ignoring piece of tatty clothing (5)","Answer":"SOCKS","Explanation":"Definition: clothing\n**STOCKS** (keeps) **excluding** (ignoring) **T** (**first letter of** [piece of] **T**ATTY)\n **SOCKS** \n\n**SOCKS** (item of clothing)"} {"Clue":"Treatise followed on the radio (5)","Answer":"TRACT","Explanation":"Definition: Treatise\n**TRACT** (**sounds like** [on the radio] **TRACKED** [followed])\n **TRACT** \n\n**TRACT** (treatise, pamphlet or leaflet)"} {"Clue":"Gong found in limousine? (5)","Answer":"OSCAR","Explanation":"Definition: Gong\n**OS** (outsize) **+ CAR** (vehicle) together they could describe a limousine (large closed motor car, often seen in a stretched form)\n **OS CAR** \n\n**OSCAR** (a gold-plated statuette awarded by the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to a film writer, actor, director, etc, for the year's best performance in his or her particular line; award; gong)"} {"Clue":"Lousy clubs introducing pack activity (6)","Answer":"CRUMMY","Explanation":"Definition: Lousy\n**C** (clubs [in a pack of cards]) **+ RUMMY** (card game; pack activity)\n **C RUMMY**\n\n**CRUMMY** (inferior; worthless; lousy)"} {"Clue":"Roll into examination in court (8)","Answer":"TRIBUNAL","Explanation":"Definition: court\n**BUN** (sweet roll) **contained in** (into) **TRIAL** (examination)\n **TRI** (**BUN**) **AL**\n\n**TRIBUNAL** (court of justice or arbitration)"} {"Clue":"Eccentric one wants only female underwear (8)","Answer":"CAMISOLE","Explanation":"Definition: emale underwear\n**CAM** (irregular projection on a revolving shaft or rotating cylinder; **ECCENTRIC** is defined, as a noun, as a device for taking an alternating rectilinear motion from a revolving shaft) **+ I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ SOLE** (only)\n **CAM I SOLE**\n\n**CAMISOLE** (woman's loose neglig\u00e9e or jacket)"} {"Clue":"A lot of extremely lamentable rubbish getting rejected (6)","Answer":"PARCEL","Explanation":"Definition: A lot\n(**LE** [**first and last letters** {extremely} **of** **LAMENTABLE**] **+ CRAP** [rubbish]) **all reversed** (getting rejected)\n (**PARC** **EL**)<\n\n**PARCEL** (a plot of land, also known as a lot)"} {"Clue":"Spot independent returning in poll banning US state members (8)","Answer":"CITIZENS","Explanation":"Definition: state members\n(**ZIT** [spot] **+ I**) **reversed** (returning) **contained in** (in) **CENSUS** (poll) **excluding** (banning) **US**\n **C **(**I** **TIZ**)<** ENS**\n\n**CITIZENS** (members of a state)"} {"Clue":"Bring back spun fabric in both hands (6)","Answer":"RECALL","Explanation":"Definition: Bring back\n**LACE** (delicate ornamental fabric made by looping, knotting, plaiting or twisting threads into definite patterns) **reversed** (spun) **contained in** (in) (**R** [right hand] +** L** [left hand] giving both hands)\n **R** **ECAL**< **L**\n\n**RECALL** (bring back)"} {"Clue":"Wee puzzle set by unfamiliar Scotsman (5,6)","Answer":"JIMMY RIDDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Wee\n**JIMMY **(informal Scottish term of address for a male stranger) **+ RIDDLE** (puzzle)\n **JIMMY RIDDLE**\n\n**JIMMY RIDDLE** (urinate; wee)"} {"Clue":"Much wine \u2013 exceptionally clear bottles left (6)","Answer":"CELLAR","Explanation":"Definition: Much wine\n**Anagram of** (exceptionally) **CLEAR** and **L** (left)\n **CELLAR***\n\n**CELLAR** (storage area for many bottles of wine; much wine)"} {"Clue":"Lesson hammered out amidst test (8)","Answer":"TUTORIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Lesson\n**Anagram of** (hammered) **OUT** **contained in** (amidst) **TRIAL** (test)\n **T** (**UTO***) **RIAL**\n\n**TUTORIAL** (lesson)"} {"Clue":"Old statesman to boast briefly, suppressing reserve (6)","Answer":"CICERO","Explanation":"Definition: Old statesman\n**CROW** (boast) **excluding the final letter** (briefly) **W** **containing** (suppressing) **ICE** (reserve)\n **C** (**ICE**) **RO**\n\n**CICERO** (Marcus Tullius **CICERO**\u00a0[106BC \u2013 43BC] was a Roman statesman, orator, lawyer and philosopher, who served as consul in the year 63 BC)"} {"Clue":"Vital our slips seek a win more than others? (8)","Answer":"OUTRIVAL","Explanation":"Definition: win more than others\n**Anagram of** (slips) **VITAL OUR**\n **OUTRIVAL***\n\n**OUTRIVAL** (win more than others in the competition or in business for example)"} {"Clue":"Shell swiftly locked on vehicle (8)","Answer":"CARAPACE","Explanation":"Definition: Shell\n**CAR** (vehicle) **+ APACE** (swiftly)\n **CAR APACE**\n\n**CARAPACE** (thick hard shell, made of bone or chitin, of the crab, tortoise, turtle, etc)"} {"Clue":"Papers are into where one can go around Oval? (6)","Answer":"OOIDAL","Explanation":"Definition: Shell\n**CAR** (vehicle) **+ APACE** (swiftly)\n **CAR APACE**\n\n**CARAPACE** (thick hard shell, made of bone or chitin, of the crab, tortoise, turtle, etc)"} {"Clue":"Pressure to publicise, backing movie about Shaft, say (7)","Answer":"PRIAPIC","Explanation":"Definition: about Shaft, say\n**P** (pressure) **+ AIR** (broadcast; publicise) **reversed** (backing) **+ PIC** (picture; movie)\n **P** **RIA**< **PIC**\n\n**PRIAPIC** (of, relating to, exhibiting, etc a phallus [shaft]; about shaft)"} {"Clue":"Bulimic treated over single or multiple depressions (8)","Answer":"UMBILICI","Explanation":"Definition: multiple depressions\n**Anagram of** (treated) **BULIMIC** **+ I** (Roman numeral for one; single)\n **UMBILIC*** I\n\n**UMBILICI** (small depressions)"} {"Clue":"Unknown garment hung up in the old cell (6)","Answer":"ZYGOTE","Explanation":"Definition: cell\n**Z **(letter frequently used to indicate an unknown in a mathematical equation) **+** (**TOG** [garment] **reversed** [hung up; down clue] **contained in** [in] **YE** [old word for 'the'])\n **Z** **Y** (**GOT**<) **E**\n\n**ZYGOTE** (the product of the union of two gametes [reproductive cells])"} {"Clue":"Nothing by journalist is secured according to NBC? (8)","Answer":"ZIPPERED","Explanation":"Definition: secured according to NBC\n**ZIP** (nothing) **+ PER** (by) **+ ED** (editor; journalist)\n **ZIP PER ED**\n\n**ZIPPERED** (American word to describe something secured with a ZIP fastener)"} {"Clue":"Formerly lascivious Liberal stripped old film-maker \u2026 (6)","Answer":"LUBRIC","Explanation":"Definition: Formerly lascivious\n**L** (Liberal) + **KUBRICK** (reference Stanley **KUBRICK**\u00a0[1928 \u2013 1999], film director]) **excluding the first and last letters** (stripped) **K** and **K**\n **L UBRIC**\n\n**LUBRIC** (archaic [formerly] word for lewd; lascivious)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 turning, say, soon to embrace with desire (7)","Answer":"EAGERLY","Explanation":"Definition: with desire\n**EARLY** (soon) **containing** (to embrace) **EG** (for example; say) r**eversed** (turning)\n **EA** (**GE**<) **RLY**\n\n**EAGERLY** (with desire)"} {"Clue":"In tense time, half heartedly confirm stray stash (8-5)","Answer":"TREASURE-TROVE","Explanation":"Definition: stash\n(**REASSURE** **excluding one of the central letters** [half-heartedly] **S **\u00a0**contained in** [in] [**T** {tense} **+ T** {time}]) **+ ROVE** (wander; stray)\n **T** (**REASURE**) **T** **ROVE**\n\n**TREASURE-TROVE** (ownerless objects of intrinsic or historical value found hidden [in England gold and silver only], property of the crown)"} {"Clue":"Aromatic leaves spoil sweet butter (8)","Answer":"MARJORAM","Explanation":"Definition: Aromatic leaves\n**MAR** (spoil) **+ JO** (beloved one; sweet) **+ RAM** (something that buts; butter)\n **MAR JO RAM**\n\n**MARJORAM** (aromatic herb; aromatic leaves)"} {"Clue":"Sydney's tearaway arriving, disrupting large international family (8)","Answer":"LARRIKIN","Explanation":"Definition: Sydney's tearaway\n**ARR** (arriving) **contained in** (disrupting) (**L** [large] **+ I** [international] **+ KIN** [family])\n **L** (**ARR**) **I** **KIN**\n\n**LARRIKIN** (Australian [Sydney] terms for a hooligan; tearaway])"} {"Clue":"Keen to contribute to live page about hired vehicle (7)","Answer":"PEDICAB","Explanation":"Definition: hired vehicle\n([**ACID** {keen} **contained in** {to contribute to} **BE** {live}] **+ P** [page]) **all reversed** (about)\n (**P** **E** (**DICA**) **B**)<\n\n**PEDICAB** (light vehicle consisting of a tricycle with the addition of a seat, usually behind, covered by a half hood, for a passenger or passengers; hired vehicle)"} {"Clue":"Search and rescue initiated by mostly vigilant island state (7)","Answer":"SARAWAK","Explanation":"Definition: island state\n**SAR** (**start letters of** [initiated by] **each of** **SEARCH**, **AND** and **RESCUE**) **+ AWAKE** (alert; vigilant) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **E**\n **SAR AWAK**\n\n**SARAWAK** (one of the two States of Malaysia that are situated on the island of Borneo; island state)"} {"Clue":"Latitude of capsized small boat \u2013 longitude coordinate ultimately pinning it? (6)","Answer":"LEEWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Latitude\n**EE **(**last letters** [ultimately] **of each of** **LATITUDE** and **COORDINATE**)** contained in** (pinning) **YAWL** (small boat) **reversed** (capsized; down clue)\n **L** (**EE**) **WAY**<\n\n**LEEWAY** (room to manoeuvre; latitude)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps hide artwork using rag as well (6)","Answer":"TATTOO","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps hide artwork\n**TAT** (rag) **+ TOO** (as well)\n **TAT TOO**\n\n**TATTOO** (artwork on the skin [hide])"} {"Clue":"Covering report (4)","Answer":"BARK","Explanation":"Definition: Covering\n**BARK** (the rind or covering of the trunk and branches of a tree)\n **BARK**\n\n**BARK** (report of a gun) double definition"} {"Clue":"Foresight of French when invading local territory (10)","Answer":"PROVIDENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Foresight\n**DE** (French for 'of') **contained in** (invading) **PROVINCE** (portion of an empire or a state marked off for purposes of government or in some way historically distinct; local territory)\n **PROVI** (**DE**) **NCE**\n\n**PROVIDENCE** (foresight)"} {"Clue":"Unison passage? Annoyed comment before it's played back (5)","Answer":"TUTTI","Explanation":"Definition: Unison passage\n**TUT** (expression of annoyance) **+ IT** **reversed** (played back)\n **TUT** **TI**<\n\n**TUTTI** (musical term indicating the following passage is played by everyone; unison passage)"} {"Clue":"Camel-rider, perhaps, caught by a pair of Arabs carrying blade (9)","Answer":"CARAVANER","Explanation":"Definition: Camel-rider, perhaps\n**C** (caught) **+** ([**AR** {Arab} **+ AR** {Arab]}giving a pair of Arabs] **containing** [carrying] **VANE**\u00a0[blade of a windmill]) \n **C** **AR** **A** (**VANE**) **R**\n\n**CARAVANER** ( member of company travelling together for security, especially in crossing the desert, possibly on camels)"} {"Clue":"Prophet repelled an intrusive smell (5)","Answer":"NAHUM","Explanation":"Definition: Prophet \n**AN** **reversed** (repelled) **+ HUM** (offensive smell)\n **NA**< **HUM**\n\n**NAHUM** (**NAHUM** was a minor prophet whose prophecy is recorded in the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament)"} {"Clue":"Obstetric study? Degree takes a long time, though not at first (9)","Answer":"MATERNITY","Explanation":"Definition: Obstetric study\n**MA** (Master of Arts; educational degree) + **ETERNITY** (a long time) e**xcluding the first letter** (not at first) **E**)\n **MA** **TERNITY**\n\n**MATERNITY** (relating to obstetrics [the branch of medicine concerned with childbirth and the treatment of women before and after childbirth]; obstetric study)"} {"Clue":"America backing computer pioneer for surgical procedure (8)","Answer":"SUTURING","Explanation":"Definition: surgical procedure\n**US** (United States; American) **reversed** (backing) + **TURING** (reference Alan **TURING** [1912 \u2013 1954], English mathematician and pioneering computer scientist)\n **SU**< **TURING**\n\n**SUTURING** (stitching of a wound or incision; surgical procedure)"} {"Clue":"English discernible in handwriting leading to a celebration (6)","Answer":"FIESTA","Explanation":"Definition: celebration\n(**E** [English] **contained in** [discernible in] **FIST** [handwriting]) **+ A**\n **FI **(**E**)** ST A**\n\n**FIESTA** (celebration)"} {"Clue":"Wrote mostly about expression of gratitude for new pupils (6)","Answer":"INTAKE","Explanation":"Definition: new pupils\n**INKED** (wrote in **INK**) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **D**\u00a0**containing** (about) **TA** (thank you; expression of gratitude)\n **IN** (**TA**) **KE**\n\n**INTAKE** (new pupils at a school)"} {"Clue":"Tries US lawyers, bringing in hired staff member? (8)","Answer":"ATTEMPTS","Explanation":"Definition: Tries\n**ATTS** (attorneys; American lawyers) **containing** (bringing in) **TEMP** (temporary staff member; hired staff member)\n **AT** (**TEMP**) **TS**\n\n**ATTEMPTS** (tries)"} {"Clue":"Strengthened support? Same burst in earthquake (5,4)","Answer":"TRUSS BEAM","Explanation":"Definition: Strengthened support\n**Anagram of** (in earthquake) **SAME BURST**\n **TRUSS BEAM***\n\n**TRUSS BEAM** (wooden **BEAM\u00a0**strengthened by a steel tie rod; strengthened support)"} {"Clue":"Love a story not involving rugby? (5)","Answer":"AMOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Love\n**A + RUMOUR** (story) **excluding** (not involving) **RU** (Rugby Union)\n **A MOUR**\n\n**AMOUR** (love)"} {"Clue":"Classical princess and classic city advertisement recalled (9)","Answer":"ANDROMEDA","Explanation":"Definition: Classical princess\n**AND** **+ ROME** (classical city) **+ AD** (advertisement)** reversed** (recalled)\n **AND** **ROME** **DA**<\n\n**ANDROMEDA** (In Greek mythology, **ANDROMEDA** is the daughter of the Aethiopian king Cepheus and his wife Cassiopeia; classical princess [daughter of a King])"} {"Clue":"Only one component of skean-dhu will do for Indian? (5)","Answer":"HINDU","Explanation":"Definition: Indian\n**H IN DU** (a cryptic clue to the second component of the word **SKEAN-DHU**, i.e. using only one component of the word)\n **H IN DU**\n\n**HINDU** (a follower of the HINDU religion, very likely to be an Indian)"} {"Clue":"Lacks ready cooked sweet treats (5,5)","Answer":"LARDY CAKES","Explanation":"Definition: sweet treats\n**Anagram of** (cooked) **LACKS READY**\n **LARDY CAKES***\n\n**LARDY CAKES** (rich sweet cakes made of bread dough, with lard, dried fruit etc)"} {"Clue":"Car part cut after length installed (4)","Answer":"AXLE","Explanation":"Definition: Car part\n**L** (length) **contained in** (installed in) **AXE** (cut)\n **AX** (**L**) **E**\n\n**AXLE** (the pin or rod in the nave of a wheel on or by means of which the wheel turns; part of a car)"} {"Clue":"Keep playing or stick? (5)","Answer":"BATON","Explanation":"Definition: stick\n**BAT ON** (continue the innings at cricket; play on)\n **BAT ON**\n\n**BATON** (short stick)"} {"Clue":"Progressively move heart of British comic writer (7)","Answer":"RATCHET","Explanation":"Definition: Progressively move\n**RATCHET** (**central letters of** [heart of] **PRATCHETT** [reference Terry **PRATCHETT**\u00a0[1948 \u2013 2015], a British\u00a0humorist, satirist, and author of fantasy novels, especially comical works)\n **RATCHET**\n\n**RATCHET** (move by steady, progressive degrees)"} {"Clue":"Wealthy doctor keeping on in part of London (8)","Answer":"RICHMOND","Explanation":"Definition: part of London\n**RICH **(wealthy) **+** (**MD** [Doctor of Medicine] **containing** [keeping] **ON**)\n **RICH** **M** (**ON**) **D**\n\n**RICHMOND** (district of London)"} {"Clue":"Harshness deposing pair of leaders, it's true (6)","Answer":"VERITY","Explanation":"Definition: true\n**SEVERITY** (harshness) **excluding** (deposing) **the first two letters** (pair of leaders) **SE**\n **VERITY**\n\n**VERITY** (truth)"} {"Clue":"Duke finished port (5)","Answer":"DOVER","Explanation":"Definition: port\n**D** (duke) **+ OVER** (finished)\n **D OVER** \n\n**DOVER** (port in Kent)"} {"Clue":"Irishman around pub picked up on nurses (7)","Answer":"NANNIES","Explanation":"Definition: nurses\n(**SEAN** [Irish name] **containing **[around] **INN** [public house]) **all reversed** (picked up; down clue)\n (**NA** (**NNI**) **ES**)< \n\n**NANNIES** (children's nurses)"} {"Clue":"Lady's year ruined \u2013 back in January, it would seem? (5,4)","Answer":"EARLY DAYS","Explanation":"Definition: back in January, it would seem\n**Anagram of** (ruined) **LADYS YEAR**\n **EARLY DAYS*** \n\n**EARLY DAYS** (January is at the beginning of the year, so the **DAYS**\u00a0then are **EARLY**\u00a0in the current year)"} {"Clue":"German leader's encouragement to repeat company's initial investing in German currency (8)","Answer":"BISMARCK","Explanation":"Definition: German leader'\n**BIS** (musical direction indicating that a section is to be repeated) **+** (**C** [**first letter of** {initial}** COMPANY**] **contained in** [investing in] **MARK** [former currency of Germany])\n **BIS** **MAR** (**C**) **K**\n\n**BISMARCK** (reference Otto von BISMARCK [1815 \u2013 1898], one time Chancellor of the German Empire)"} {"Clue":"Dreadful input, alas, for letter writer (5,4)","Answer":"SAINT PAUL","Explanation":"Definition: letter writer\n**Anagram of** (dreadful) **INPUT ALAS**\n **SAINT PAUL*** \n\n**SAINT PAUL** (writer of epistles and letters in the New Testament)"} {"Clue":"Each city developed winter sports racer? (3,5)","Answer":"ICE YACHT","Explanation":"Definition: winter sports racer\n**Anagram of** (developed) **EACH CITY**\n **ICE YACHT*** \n\n**ICE YACHT** (a craft mounted on runners for moving over ICE)"} {"Clue":"Wet smear spoiled glasses (8)","Answer":"STEMWARE","Explanation":"Definition: glasses\n**Anagram of** (spoiled) **WET SMEAR**\n **STEMWARE*** \n\n**STEMWARE** (glasses and other stemmed vessels)"} {"Clue":"Oath's half covered by loud noise (7)","Answer":"THUNDER","Explanation":"Definition: loud noise\n**TH** (2 of the 4 [half] **letters of** **OATH**) **+ UNDER** (beneath; covered by)\n **TH UNDER** \n\n**THUNDER** (deep rumbling sound after a flash of lightning; loud noise)"} {"Clue":"Setter's cross about one peculiar bird (7)","Answer":"PHOENIX","Explanation":"Definition: bird\n(**PHI** [setter of this crossword] **+ X** [cross sign]) **containing** (about) **an anagram of** (peculiar) **ONE**\n **PH** (**OEN***) **I** **X** \n\n**PHOENIX** (legendary Arabian bird, worshipped in ancient Egypt, the only individual of its kind, that burned itself every 500 years or so and rose rejuvenated from its ashes)"} {"Clue":"Midsummer lover, he left one from Scotland upset (6)","Answer":"HELENA","Explanation":"Definition: Midsummer lover\n**HE + L** (left) + **ANE** (word for 'one' on Scotland) **reversed** (upset)\n **HE L ENA**< \n\n**HELENA** (**HELENA** is a fictional character and one of the four young lovers \u2013 Demetrius, Lysander, Hermia and HELENA\u00a0\u2013 featured in William Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream."} {"Clue":"Pitiless on being confined in pen (5)","Answer":"STONY","Explanation":"Definition: Pitiless\n**ON** **contained in** (being confined in) **STY** (pen for pigs)\n **ST** (**ON**) **Y** \n\n**STONY** (hard; pitiless)"} {"Clue":"Scoundrel's good shifting cosmetic (5)","Answer":"ROUGE","Explanation":"Definition: cosmetic\n**ROGUE** (scoundrel) **with the G** (good) **moving towards the end of the word** (shifting) to form **ROUGE**\n **ROUGE**\n\n**ROUGE** (example of a cosmetic)"} {"Clue":"Developer buried rocks across lake (7)","Answer":"BUILDER","Explanation":"Definition: Developer\n**Anagram of **(rocks) **BURIED** **containing** (across) **L** (lake)\n **BUI** (**L**) **DER*** \n\n**BUILDER** (developer)"} {"Clue":"Sister nurses veteran MOD employee (7)","Answer":"SOLDIER","Explanation":"Definition: MOD employee\n**SR** (Sister) **contains** (nurses)** OLDIE** (veteran)\n **S** (**OLDIE**) **R** \n\n**SOLDIER** (person engaged in military service; frequently an employee of a country's Ministry of Defence [MOD])"} {"Clue":"Relative's fashionable wife touring city (2-3)","Answer":"IN-LAW","Explanation":"Definition: Relative\n(**IN** [fashionable] **+ W** [wife]) **containing** (touring) **LA** (Los Angeles; American city)\n **IN** (**LA**) **W** \n\n**IN-LAW** (relative by marriage)"} {"Clue":"I'd got into mishaps at sea halfway into vessel (9)","Answer":"AMIDSHIPS","Explanation":"Definition: halfway into vessel\n**I'D** **contained in** (got into) **an anagram of** (at sea) **MISHAPS**\n **AM** (**ID**) **SHIPS*** \n\n**AMIDSHIPS** (in, near or towards the middle [halfway into]\u00a0of a ship lengthwise"} {"Clue":"Following improvement, saw contradiction (10)","Answer":"GAINSAYING","Explanation":"Definition: contradiction\n**GAIN** (improvement) **+ SAYING** (proverb; saw)\n **GAIN SAYING** \n\n**GAINSAYING** (opposition; contradiction)"} {"Clue":"Musicians prohibited on radio (4)","Answer":"BAND","Explanation":"Definition: Musicians\n**BAND** (**sounds like** [on radio] **BANNED** [prohibited])\n **BAND** \n\n**BAND** (group of musicians)"} {"Clue":"Lorry carrying cold drink that's reportedly getting warmer? (6,5)","Answer":"ARCTIC OCEAN","Explanation":"Definition: reportedly getting warmer\n(**ARTIC** [**ARTIC**ulated lorry] **containing** [carrying] **C** [cold]) **+ OCEAN** ('the drink' is an informal term for the sea; ocean)\n **AR** (**C**) **TIC** **OCEAN** \n\n**ARCTIC OCEAN** (an area of planet Earth that scientific measurements indicate is getting warmer)"} {"Clue":"Bury Republican in safe job in Strasbourg? (11)","Answer":"INTERPRETER","Explanation":"Definition: job in Strasbourg\n**INTER** (bury) + (**R** [Republican] **contained in** [in] **PETER** [a safe])\n **INTER** **P** (**R**) **ETER** \n\n**INTERPRETER** (many **INTERPRETER**s are employed by the European Parliament in Strasbourg)"} {"Clue":"Dorothy rejected love, creating hoo-ha (2-2)","Answer":"TO-DO","Explanation":"Definition: hoo-ha\n**DOT** (Dorothy) **reversed** (rejected) **+ O** (zero; love score in tennis)\n **TO D**< **O** \n\n**TO-DO** (commotion; hoo-ha)"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary cutter, craft carrying large old container (10)","Answer":"GUILLOTINE","Explanation":"Definition: Revolutionary cutter\n**GUILE** (cunning; craft) **containing** (carrying) (**L** [large] **+ O** [old] **+ TIN** [container])\n **GUIL** (**L O TIN**) **E** \n\n**GUILLOTINE** (device used to cut off heads during the French Revolution)"} {"Clue":"Gave up, visibly embarrassed about new cat (9)","Answer":"RENOUNCED","Explanation":"Definition: Gave up\n**RED** (colour of face that indicates embarrassment) **containing** (about) (**N** [new] **+ OUNCE** [a big cat of Asia])\n **RE** (**N OUNCE**) **D**\n\n**RENOUNCED** (gave up)"} {"Clue":"Try to get a lift in East Humberside (5)","Answer":"THUMB","Explanation":"Definition: Try to get a lift\n**THUMB** (**hidden word in** [in] **EAST HUMBERSIDE**)\n **THUMB** \n\n**THUMB** (seek a lift)"} {"Clue":"Free from responsibility, sailor loves getting drunk (7)","Answer":"ABSOLVE","Explanation":"Definition: Free from responsibility\n**AB** (able seaman; sailor) **+ an anagram of** (getting drunk) **LOVES**\n **AB SOLVE*** \n\n**ABSOLVE**** **(free from guilt or responsibility)"} {"Clue":"Listeners welcome piano as sleeping aid (7)","Answer":"EARPLUG","Explanation":"Definition: sleeping aid\n(**EAR** [listener] **+ LUG** [ear [listener]) giving listeners, **containing** (welcome) **P** (piano)\n **EAR** (**P**) **LUG** \n\n**EARPLUG** (something worn to shut out sound and aid sleep)"} {"Clue":"Go over Black Mountains (6)","Answer":"BRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Go over\n**B** (black, on lead pencils to indicate softness) **+ RIDGE** (descriptive of a feature of mountainous terrain)\n **B RIDGE** \n\n**BRIDGE** (go over)"} {"Clue":"Like some flooring? Ring province up (6)","Answer":"INLAID","Explanation":"Definition: Like some flooring\n(**DIAL** [call] + **NI** [reference the province of Northern Ireland]** all reversed** (up; down clue)\n (**IN LAID**)< \n\n**INLAID** (descriptive of a type of flooring)"} {"Clue":"Glum celebs commandeer current servants' quarters (10)","Answer":"DOWNSTAIRS","Explanation":"Definition: servants' quarters\n**DOWN** (sad; glum) **+** (**STARS** [celebrities] **containing** [commandeer] **I **[electric current])\n **DOWN** **STA** (**I**) **RS** \n\n**DOWNSTAIRS** (where the servants quarters were \/ are located)"} {"Clue":"Look through last of my cash (5)","Answer":"READY","Explanation":"Definition: cash\n**READ** (look through) **+ Y** (**final letter of** [last of] **MY**)\n **READ Y** \n\n**READY** (informal term for cash)"} {"Clue":"Exotic insect is beginning to torment boffin (9)","Answer":"SCIENTIST","Explanation":"Definition: boffin\n**Anagram of** (exotic) **INSECT + IS + T** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **TORMENT**)\n **SCIENT***** IS T** \n\n**SCIENTIST** (expert; brain; boffin)"} {"Clue":"Keep going when officer lags (4)","Answer":"LAST","Explanation":"Definition: Keep going\n**LT** (Lieutenant; officer) **containing** (lags) **AS** (when)\n **L** (**AS**) **T** \n\n**LAST** (endure; keep going)"} {"Clue":"Sent up writer's papers covering gallery (8)","Answer":"IMITATED","Explanation":"Definition: Sent up\n**I'M **\u00a0(I am [writer is; writer's]) **+ ID** [identity papers]) **containing** (covering) **TATE** (reference **TATE** [one of a number of art galleries with the name **TATE **around Britain])\n **IM** **I** (**TATE**) **D** \n\n**IMITATED** (did an impression of or caricatured someone else; sent up)"} {"Clue":"Leader heading off local (8)","Answer":"RESIDENT","Explanation":"Definition: local\n**PRESIDENT** (leader) **excluding the first letter** (heading off) **P**\n **RESIDENT**\n\n**RESIDENT **(a local person)"} {"Clue":"Posh bed for accommodating posh blogger (4-6)","Answer":"FOUR-POSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Posh bed\n**FOR** **containing** (accommodating) **U** (posh) **+**** POSTER** (a blogger is someone who posts a journal or story or description of how to solve\u00a0specific crosswords on websites or social media)\n **FO** (**U**) **R** **POSTER** \n\n**FOUR-POSTER** (upmarket [posh] type of bed)"} {"Clue":"All but pair up with pawnbroker to obtain gem (9)","Answer":"CARBUNCLE","Explanation":"Definition: gem\n**BRACE** (pair) **reversed** (up; down clue) **excluding the final letter** (all but) **E**\u00a0**+ UNCLE** (slang word for pawnbroker)\n **CARB**< **UNCLE** \n\n**CARBUNCLE** (mythical self-luminous gem)"} {"Clue":"Climber writes novel about one alp primarily (8)","Answer":"WISTERIA","Explanation":"Definition: Climber\n**Anagram of** (novel about) **WRITES** **+ I **(Roman numeral for one) **+ A** (f**irst letter of** [primarily] **ALP**)\n **WISTER*** **I A** \n\n**WISTERIA** (climbing plant)"} {"Clue":"Bosses recruit European theatre trainees (8)","Answer":"STUDENTS","Explanation":"Definition: trainees\n**STUDS** (bosses) **containing** (recruit) (**E** [European] **+ NT** [National Theatre])\n **STUD** (**E NT**) **S** \n\n**STUDENTS** (trainees)"} {"Clue":"Form of worship adopted by spiritualists (6)","Answer":"RITUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Form of worship\n**RITUAL** (**hidden word in** [adopted by] **SPIRITUALISTS**)\n **RITUAL** \n\n**RITUAL** (form of religious ceremony)"} {"Clue":"Label describing each book leaves container (3,3)","Answer":"TEA BAG","Explanation":"Definition: leaves container\n**TAG** (label)** containing** (describing) (**EA** [each] **+ B** [book])\n **T** (**EA** **B**) **AG** \n\n**TEA BAG** (container of leaves)"} {"Clue":"Submit box containing diamonds (5)","Answer":"LODGE","Explanation":"Definition: Submit\n**LOGE** (a box in the theatre or opera house) **containing** (containing) **D** (diamonds)\n **LO** (**D**) **GE**\n\n**LODGE** (submit a document or a claim, for example)"} {"Clue":"Result of dispute expected by end of April (4)","Answer":"DUEL","Explanation":"Definition: Result of dispute\n**DUE** (expected) **+ L** (**last letter of** [end of] **APRIL**)\n **DUE L** \n\n**DUEL** (prearranged fight between two people under fixed conditions and generally on an affair of honour; in olden days, a dispute may have been resolved in such a manner)"} {"Clue":"Stabilizer at sea: outer covering's lost in mine (5)","Answer":"SKEGG","Explanation":"Definition: Stabilizer at sea\n**SKIN** (outer covering) **excluding** (lost) **IN**\u00a0+ **EGG** (bomb or mine)\n **SK EGG** \n\n**SKEGG** (stabilizing fin projecting from the underside at the rear of a surfboard or sailboard)"} {"Clue":"Monk's hood turned up in hoard (7)","Answer":"CAPUCHE","Explanation":"Definition: Monk's hood\n**UP** **reversed** (turned) **contained in** (in) **CACHE** (hoard)\n **CA** (**PU**<) **CHE** \n\n**CAPUCHE** (hood or cowl, especially that worn by the **CAPUCH**in minks)"} {"Clue":"One result of crossing equator in storms (9)","Answer":"ORTANIQUE","Explanation":"Definition: One result of crossing\n**Anagram of** (storms) **EQUATOR IN**\n **ORTANIQUE*** \n\n**ORTANIQUE** (cross between the orange and the tangerine, or its fruit)"} {"Clue":"Senior company man one behind parapet? (5)","Answer":"WALLA","Explanation":"Definition: Senior company man\n**WALL** (parapet) **+ A** (one)\n **WALL A** \n\n**WALLA** (often as combining form someone who occupies an eminent position in an organization, etc)"} {"Clue":"Some token of what Trump may lay money on (4)","Answer":"KENO","Explanation":"Definition: what Trump may lay money on\n**KENO** (**hidden word in** [some] **TOKEN OF**)\n **KENO** \n\n**KENO** (in America [Trump], a\u00a0gambling game similar to bingo)"} {"Clue":"Tellers of traditional tales, plucky, in place of convalescence (7)","Answer":"SAGAMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Tellers of traditional tales\n**GAME** (plucky) **contained in** (in) **SAN** (sanatorium; place of convalescence)\n **SA** (**GAME**) **N** \n\n**SAGAMEN **(narrators of traditional Icelandic or Norwegian epic stories)"} {"Clue":"Veiled threat in collection of notes returned \u2013 it's potentially hazardous (9)","Answer":"DEATHTRAP","Explanation":"Definition: it's potentially hazardous\n**Anagram of** (veiled) **THREAT** **contained in** (in) **PAD** (note**PAD**; collection of written notes)** reversed** (returned)\n **D** (**EATHTR***) **AP**< \n\n**DEATHTRAP** (vehicle or place that exposes one to great danger of **DEATH**)"} {"Clue":"Perennial half up, with surrounding support (4)","Answer":"ARUM","Explanation":"Definition: Perennial\n**U** (**one of two** [half] **letters of UP**) **contained in** (with surrounding) **ARM** (support)\n **AR** (**U**) **M** \n\n**ARUM** (perennial plant of the cuckoo pint or wake-robin genus)"} {"Clue":"Religious teaching given by some important rabbis (6)","Answer":"TANTRA","Explanation":"Definition: Religious teaching\n**TANTRA** (**hidden word in** [given by some] **IMPORTANT RABBIS**)\n **TANTRA** \n\n**TANTRA** (any of a number of Hindu and Buddhist writings giving religious teaching and ritual instructions)"} {"Clue":"Opal maybe graduate removed from fine church (6)","Answer":"SILICA","Explanation":"Definition: Opal maybe\n**BASILICA** (magnificent church) **excluding** (removed from) **BA** (Bachelor of Arts; graduate)\n **SILICA**\n\n**SILICA** opal is an amorphous silica with some water, usually milky white with fine play of colour)"} {"Clue":"One symbolising chastity and upset about a bit of impropriety (4)","Answer":"DIAN","Explanation":"Definition: One symbolising chastity\n**Anagram of** (upset) **AND** **containing** (about) **I **(**first letter of** [a bit of] **IMPROPRIETY**)\n **D** (**I**) **AN*** \n\n**DIAN** (another name for **DIAN**a, the Roman goddess of light, the moon goddess, representative of chastity and hunting,"} {"Clue":"What worries moms about a file of schoolkids? Absolutely everything! (9)","Answer":"MACROCOSM","Explanation":"Definition: Absolutely everything\n**Anagram of** (worries) **MOMS** **containing** (about) (**A** **+** **CROC** [crocodile; double file of schoolchildren taking a walk])\n **M** (**A CROC**) **OSM*** \n\n**MACROCOSM** (a large and complex structure considered a whole, of which smaller similar structures contained within it are microcosms; the whole universe)"} {"Clue":"What may end in jam? A jar's mostly full inside (7)","Answer":"APRICOT","Explanation":"Definition: What may end in jam\n**A + (RICH** [full] **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **H**\u00a0**contained in** [inside]**\u00a0POT** [jar])\n **A** **P** (**RIC**) **OT** \n\n**APRICOT** (fruit often used to make jam)"} {"Clue":"After end of flood you can see where it gets to (4)","Answer":"RAIN","Explanation":"Definition: After end of flood you can see where it gets to\nThere is a reference to **D** (**last letter of**\u00a0[end of flood]) which, if added to the entry **RAIN** will form **DRAIN** [place where the **RAIN**water goes after a flood)\n **RAIN** \n\n**RAIN** (water, a contributory factor to flooding)"} {"Clue":"Card, ace taken by the king oddly? (5)","Answer":"HEART","Explanation":"Definition: Card,\n**A** (ace) **contained in** (taken by) (**an anagram of** [oddly]\u00a0**THE** and **R** [Rex; king])\n **HE** (**A**) **RT*** \n\n**HEART** (one of 13 cards in a deck of 52 cards)"} {"Clue":"Sprayed fire started by hot gasper (9)","Answer":"GRAPESHOT","Explanation":"Definition: Sprayed fire\n**Anagram of **(started by) **HOT GASPER**\n **GRAPESHOT*** \n\n**GRAPESHOT** (clustered iron **SHOT**\u00a0that scatters when fired; sprayed fir)"} {"Clue":"Tell about excitement once in a sweat? (7)","Answer":"STEWING","Explanation":"Definition: in a sweat\n**SING** (inform on; tell) **containing\u00a0**(about) **TEW** (**obsolete dialect word** [once] for excitement)\n **S** (**TEW**) **ING**\n\n**STEWING** (feeling very hot and likely to be in a sweat)"} {"Clue":"Old-fashioned masquerades, what play ends with (5)","Answer":"MUMSY","Explanation":"Definition: Old-fashioned\n**MUMS** (masquerades) **+ Y** (**last letter of** [what \u2026 ends with] **PLAY**)\n **MUMS Y** \n\n**MUMSY** (old-fashioned)"} {"Clue":"Old-style fainting fit? It could be the first of these (5)","Answer":"SOWND","Explanation":"Definition: Old-style fainting fit\n**SOWND** (**an anagram of**\u00a0[could be] **SOWND** is **DOWNS** and this clue is the first of the down clue [**DOWNS**])\n **SOWND**\n\n**SOWND** (Spenserian [old-style] word for swoon [fainting fit])"} {"Clue":"Astringent from America I kept in upturned chest (8)","Answer":"KRAMERIA","Explanation":"Definition: Astringent\n(**AMER** [America]** + I**]) **contained in** (kept in) **ARK** (chest) **reversed **(upturned; down clue)\n **KR** (**AMER** **I**) **A**< \n\n**KRAMERIA** (the shrub rhatany, a S American plant with thick roots from which an astringent is prepared; the astringent itself)"} {"Clue":"Licence to mine identified with outburst (4)","Answer":"GALE","Explanation":"Definition: Licence to mine\n**GALE** (a mining licence;)\n **GALE**\n\n**GALE** (outburst) double definition"} {"Clue":"Jaw's mostly stupid when crazy nag starts it (7)","Answer":"GNATHIC","Explanation":"Definition: Jaw's\n**Anagram of** (crazy) **NAG** **+ THICK** (stupid) e**xcluding the final letter **(mostly) K\n **GNA*** **THIC** \n\n**GNATHIC** (of, or relating to, the jaws.)"} {"Clue":"Tree fern, little good in bleak plateau (5)","Answer":"PUNGA","Explanation":"Definition: Tree fern\n**G** (**abbreviation for** [little] good) **contained in** (in) **PUNA** (bleak tableland in the Andes)\n **PUN** (**G**) **A**\n\n**PUNGA** (tall tree fern of New Zealand)"} {"Clue":"Suttee's end in what's misguidedly seen as romantic? (9)","Answer":"CREMATION","Explanation":"Definition: Suttee's end\n**E** (**last letter of** [end] **SUTTEE**) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (misguidedly seen as) **ROMANTIC**\n **CR** (**E**) **MATION*** \n\n**CREMATION** (the Hindu custom of an Indian widow who burning herself on her husband's funeral pyre)"} {"Clue":"Darling loses yen finally to pine as locals do (4)","Answer":"HONE","Explanation":"Definition: pine as locals do\n**HONEY** (darling) **excluding** (losing) **Y** (symbol for the Japanese yen)\n **HONE** \n\n**HONE** (dialect word [as locals do] for to pine, moan, grieve)"} {"Clue":"Oppidan possibly (Antoine in translation) (7)","Answer":"ETONIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Oppidan possibly\n**Anagram of** (in translation) **ANTOINE**\n **ETONIAN*** \n\n**ETONIAN**** **(an **OPPIDAN** is a town dweller; in university towns, someone who is not a member of the university, or a student not resident in a college; at Eton a schoolboy who is not a foundationer or colleger.)"} {"Clue":"Like some bivalves, mixed sort one spotted round a fish (10)","Answer":"OSTRACODAN","Explanation":"Definition: Like some bivalves\n(**Anagram of** [mixed] **SORT** **+ AN** [one]) **containing** (round) (**A + COD** [fish])\n **OSTR*** (**A COD**) **AN** \n\n**OSTRACODAN** (like a class of minute crustacea with bivalve shells)"} {"Clue":"Feeling chilly at Murrayfield Scots call RU field 'ourie'? (9)","Answer":"CAULDRIFE","Explanation":"Definition: Feeling chilly at Murrayfield\n**CA**' (Scots word for **CALL**) **+ an anagram of** (ourie [shabby]) **RU FIELD**\n **CA ULDRIFE*** \n\n**CAULDRIFE** (Scots [Murrayfield is the major rugby union stadium in Edinburgh] word for apt to feel chilly, or chilling)"} {"Clue":"What autos-da-f\u00e9 led to? Foreign money raised goes into memorial plate (8)","Answer":"BRASEROS","Explanation":"Definition: What autos-da-f\u00e9 led to\n**ORE** (Swedish, Norwegian and Danish monetary units with the O symbolised in at least two different ways depending on the country) **reversed** (raised; down clue) **contained in** (goes into) **BRASS **(memorial plate)\n **BRAS** (**ERO**<) **S** \n\n**BRASEROS** (place for burning criminals or heretics.; AUTO-DA-FE is he public declaration of the judgement passed on heretics in Spain and Portugal by the Inquisition; the infliction of the punishment that immediately followed, especially the public burning of the victims)"} {"Clue":"A blemish is indicating parasitic worms (7)","Answer":"ASCARIS","Explanation":"Definition: parasitic worms\n**A** **+ SCAR** (blemish) **+**** IS**\n **A SCAR IS** \n\n**ASCARIS** (any nematode worm of the parasitic genus **ASCARIS**, infesting the small intestines.)"} {"Clue":"A deep hole, edge being perpendicular (7)","Answer":"APOTHEM","Explanation":"Definition: perpendicular\n**A + POT** (deep hole, especially in limestone country) + **HEM** (edge)\n **A POT HEM** \n\n**APOTHEM** (the perpendicular from the centre to any of the sides of a regular polygon)"} {"Clue":"Tiny arachnids right inside small purple fruit (5)","Answer":"ACARI","Explanation":"Definition: Tiny arachnids\n**R** (right) **contained in** (inside) **ACAI** (small dark purple fruit of the a\u00e7a\u00ed palm of South\u00a0America; often used in smoothies and health drinks for its nutritional and antioxidant properties)\n **ACA** (**R**)** I**\n\n**ACARI** (mites; tiny arachnids)"} {"Clue":"Kirk's dusty, by golly, excessively locked up (5)","Answer":"MOTTY","Explanation":"Definition: Kirk's dusty\n**OTT** (over the top; excessively) **contained in** (locked up) **MY** (golly!)\n **M** (**OTT**) **Y** \n\n**MOTTY** (Scottish word for containing particles of dust; dusty)"} {"Clue":"Positive phase of play, it's agreed (4)","Answer":"PACT","Explanation":"Definition: it's agreed\n**P** (positive) **+ ACT** (part of a play)\n **P ACT** \n\n**PACT** (something which is agreed on)"} {"Clue":"Japanese custom uplifted Lord (when addressed) (4)","Answer":"JESU","Explanation":"Definition: Lord (when addressed)\n**J** (Japanese) **+ USE** (custom) **reversed** (uplifted; down clue)\n **J** **ESU**< \n\n**JESU** (form of address when speaking to Jesus [Lord])"} {"Clue":"Superhero with fundamental love for a primate (6,6)","Answer":"SPIDER MONKEY","Explanation":"Definition: primate\n**SPIDERMAN** (Superhero) **+ KEY** (fundamental) **with** **O** (zero; love score in tennis) **replacing** (for) the **A** \n **SPIDER MON** **KEY** \n\n**SPIDER MONKEY** (an American monkey of the genus Ateles, with long slender legs and tail; primate)"} {"Clue":"Bingo ball decomposed in stagnant water (9)","Answer":"BILLABONG","Explanation":"Definition: stagnant water\n**Anagram of** (decomposed) **BINGO BALL**\n **BILLABONG*** \n\n**BILLABONG**** **\u00a0(a cut-off loop of a river, replenished only by floods; an offshoot from a river [strictly one that does not rejoin it], presumably stagnant between floods)"} {"Clue":"Pressure dipped at first in Slough (5)","Answer":"SWAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Slough\n**SWAM** (dipped) **+ P** (pressure)\n **SWAM P** \n\n**SWAMP** (low waterlogged ground; marsh; slough)"} {"Clue":"Element of truth essentially, in stupid takes (6)","Answer":"INDIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Element\n(**IN** **+ DIM** [stupid]) **contains** (takes)** U** (**central letter of** [essentially] **TRUTH**)\n **IN** **DI** (**U**) **M**\n\n**INDIUM** (a soft malleable silver-white metallic element (symbol In; atomic no 49])"} {"Clue":"King departs to hunt big game, an adult animal (8)","Answer":"STALLION","Explanation":"Definition: adult animal\n**STALK** (hunt) **excluding** (departs) **K** **+ LION** (example of a big game animal)\n **STAL LION** \n\n**STALLION** (adult male horse kept for breeding)"} {"Clue":"Tourists in Penzance stop Eccles going back (6)","Answer":"EMMETS","Explanation":"Definition: Tourists in Penzance\n(**STEM** [stop] **+ ME** [Eccles, the setter]) **all reversed** (going back)\n (**EM** **METS**)< \n\n**EMMETS** (term for tourists in Cornwall [Penzance])"} {"Clue":"Reveal chap provided with shocking treatment (8)","Answer":"MANIFEST","Explanation":"Definition: Reveal\n**MAN** (chap) **+ IF** (provided) **+ EST** (electric shock treatment)\n **MAN IF EST** \n\n**MANIFEST** (reveal or declare)"} {"Clue":"Vegetables peeled? Grab plates (8)","Answer":"RADISHES","Explanation":"Definition: Vegetables\n**RA** (**letters remaining in** **GRAB** **when the outer letters G and B are stripped off** [peeled])**+ DISHES** (plates)\n **RA DISHES** \n\n**RADISHES** (vegetables)"} {"Clue":"Habitual drunk is over drink? It's 50-50 (4-2)","Answer":"TOSS-UP","Explanation":"Definition: It's 50-50\n**SOT** (a habitual drunk) **reversed** (is over) **+ SUP** (drink)\n **TOS**< **S UP** \n\n**TOSS-UP** (heads or tails \u2013 50-50 chance)"} {"Clue":"Kids etc hide (8)","Answer":"GOATSKIN","Explanation":"Definition: hide\n**GOATS** (baby **GOATS** are known as kids) + **KIN** (family [e.g. other goats)\n **GOATS KIN** \n\n**GOATSKIN** (skin of the goat; leather; hide)"} {"Clue":"Queen, say, reveals note (6)","Answer":"QUAVER","Explanation":"Definition: note\n**QU** (queen) **+**** AVER** (say)\n **QU AVER** \n\n**QUAVER** (musical note)"} {"Clue":"Mostly average means of mass communication (5)","Answer":"MEDIA","Explanation":"Definition: means of mass communication\n**MEDIAN**** **(one of the terms used to describe an '\u00a0average' value in a string of numbers, in this case the value middle in position but not usually in magnitude) **excluding the final lette**r (mostly) **N**\n **MEDIA**\n\n**MEDIA** (means of mass communication)"} {"Clue":"Like a song from Cambridge before I left half out (9)","Answer":"CANTABILE","Explanation":"Definition: Like a song\n**CANTAB** (of Cambridge) **+ I + LE** (**2 of 4 letters remaining in LEFT when the other 2 **[half] **F and T are removed** [out])\n **CANTAB I LE** \n\n**CANTABILE** (flowing and melodious, like singing; like a song)"} {"Clue":"Give in and let men off hook (12)","Answer":"INVEIGLEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: hook\n**Anagram of **(off) **GIVE IN** and **LET MEN**\n **INVEIGLEMENT*** \n\n**INVEIGLEMENT** (persuasion by cajolery or wheedling; ensnarement; hook)"} {"Clue":"Peter out of the second team? (7)","Answer":"SUBSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Peter out\n**SUB** (reserve; second) **+ SIDE** (team)\n **SUB SIDE** \n\n**SUBSIDE** (diminish; peter out)"} {"Clue":"Dallied, guided by animalistic urges? (5)","Answer":"IDLED","Explanation":"Definition: Dallied\n**ID** (in psychoanalytic theory, one of the three parts of the personality, being the unconscious mass of primitive energies from which come instincts for the gratification of basic desires for food, sex, etc; animalistic urges) **+ LED** (guided)\n **ID LED**\n\n**IDLED** (dallied)"} {"Clue":"Discharges judges; fifty will be replaced by clerks, at first (9)","Answer":"EVACUATES","Explanation":"Definition: Discharges \n**EVALUATES** (judges) with **L** (Roman numeral for 50) **replaced by** (replaced by) **C** (**initial letter of** [at first] **CLERKS**)\n **EVACUATES** \n\n**EVACUATES** (discharges)"} {"Clue":"Runs away from fool's bare bottom (4)","Answer":"MOON","Explanation":"Definition: bare bottom\n**MORON** (fool) **excluding** (away from) **R** (runs in cricket scoring notation)\n **MOON** \n\n**MOON** (display one's bare bottom)"} {"Clue":"Patching up bedwear (8)","Answer":"NIGHTCAP","Explanation":"Definition: bedwear\n**Anagram of** (up) **PATCHING**\n **NIGHTCAP*** \n\n**NIGHTCAP** (item of bedwear)"} {"Clue":"Frame made by predatory mammal with leaves (5)","Answer":"EASEL","Explanation":"Definition: Frame\n**WEASEL** (small carnivore with long slender body, furtive and bloodthirsty, eating frogs, birds, mice, etc; any of various related species; predatory mammal) **excluding** (leaves) **W** (with)\n **EASEL**\n\n**EASEL** (frame for supporting a blackboard, a picture during painting, etc)"} {"Clue":"Space probes discovered salt water buried in planet (8)","Answer":"MARINERS","Explanation":"Definition: Space probes\n**BRINE** (salt water) **contained in** (buried in) **MARS** (planet)\n I can't see\u00a0how the **B** is **excluded**\u00a0to leave us with **RINE**\n **MA **(**RINE**)** RS** \n\n**MARINERS** (any of a series of US space probes launched between 1962 and 1971 that sent back photographs and information concerning the surface of Mars and Venus and also studied interplanetary matter)"} {"Clue":"Way to protect wood instrument (6)","Answer":"SPINET","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\n**ST** (street; way) **containing** (to protect) **PINE** (type of wood)\n **S** (**PINE**) **T** \n\n**SPINET** (musical instrument like a small harpsichord)"} {"Clue":"Take offence at boys name-dropping in central England (8)","Answer":"MIDLANDS","Explanation":"Definition: central England\n**MIND** (object to; take offence at) **+ LADS** (boys) with the **N** (name) of **MIND**\u00a0**dropping down the entry** (name-dropping) to end up in the middle of **LADS**\n **MIDLANDS** \n\n**MIDLANDS** (central England)"} {"Clue":"I clean out pants to protect against disease (9)","Answer":"INOCULATE","Explanation":"Definition: protect against disease\n**Anagram of **(pants) **I CLEAN OUT**\n **INOCULATE***\n\n**INOCULATE** (to introduce (eg bacteria, a virus) into an organism; to give a mild form of a disease to in this way, especially for the purpose of safeguarding against subsequent infection)"} {"Clue":"America abandons its health insurance scheme, taking tip from Obama \u2013 it's second rate (8)","Answer":"MEDIOCRE","Explanation":"Definition: second rate\n**MEDICARE** (American health insurance scheme) **excluding** (abandons) **A** (America) and **then containing** (taking) **O** (**first letter of** [tip from] **OBAMA**)\n **MEDI** (**O**) **CRE**\n\n**MEDIOCRE** (middling or average in quality, second rate)"} {"Clue":"Government, for example, snared by Frost (6)","Answer":"REGIME","Explanation":"Definition: Government\n**EG** (for example) **contained in** (snared by) **RIME** (frost)\n **R** (**EG**) **IME** \n\n**REGIME** (system of government)"} {"Clue":"It is a sign powerful Republican must be imprisoned (7)","Answer":"PORTENT","Explanation":"Definition: It is a sign\n**R** (Republican) **contained in** (must be imprisoned) **POTENT** (powerful)\n **PO** (**R**) **TENT** \n\n**PORTENT** (evil omen; it is a sign)"} {"Clue":"Wife sleeps around, returning to produce offspring? (5)","Answer":"SPAWN","Explanation":"Definition: produce offspring\n(**NAPS** [sleeps] **containing** [around] **W** [wife]) **all reversed** (returning)\n (**SPA** (**W**) **N**)< \n\n**SPAWN** (to produce a mass of eggs; to produce offspring)"} {"Clue":"Spokesperson of prostitution ring is hiding (5)","Answer":"VOICE","Explanation":"Definition: Spokesperson\n**VICE** (prostitution is a form of vice) **containing** **O** (ring shaped letter) \n **V** (**O**) **ICE** \n\n**VOICE** (spokesperson who delivers the message or opinions of an organisation)"} {"Clue":"Catch small badger (4)","Answer":"SNAG","Explanation":"Definition: Catch\n**S** (small) **+ NAG **(badger)\n **S NAG** \n\n**SNAG** (catch)"} {"Clue":"I'm probing sore with end of pointed instrument (8)","Answer":"DULCIMER","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\n**D** (**last letter of** [end of] **POINTED**) **+** (**I'M** **contained in** [probing] **ULCER** [an open\u00a0sore])\n **D** **ULC** (**IM**) **ER**\n\n**DULCIMER** (musical instrument like a flat box with a sounding-board and wires stretched across bridges, played with hand-held hammers)"} {"Clue":"To son, clothing still matters (6)","Answer":"TOPICS","Explanation":"Definition: matters\n(**TO** + **S** [son]) **containing** (clothing) **PIC** (picture; a still [photograph] is a picture)\n **TO** (**PIC**) **S**\n\n**TOPICS** (subject; matters)"} {"Clue":"Breach of agreement involving cunning backtracking (13)","Answer":"CONTRAVENTION","Explanation":"Definition: Breach\n**CONVENTION** (agreement) **containing** (involving) **ART** (cunning) **reversed** (backtracking)\n **CON** (**TRA**<) **VENTION**\n\n**CONTRAVENTION** (infringement; breach)"} {"Clue":"Block in path, so bikers turned back (6)","Answer":"KIBOSH","Explanation":"Definition: Block\n**KIBOSH** (**hidden word reversed** (in \u2026 turned back) **PATH SO BIKERS**)\n **KIBOSH**<\n\n**KIBOSH** (put a stop to; block)"} {"Clue":"Keeping quiet, winger fouled scorer (8)","Answer":"GERSHWIN","Explanation":"Definition: scorer\n**Anagram of** (fouled) **WINGER** **containing** (keeping) **SH** (quiet!)\n **GER** (**SH**) **WIN***\n\n**GERSHWIN** (reference George **GERSHWIN** [1898 \u2013 1937\u2032 American composer [scorer])"} {"Clue":"Ailing suspect is spied on by old copper (10)","Answer":"INDISPOSED","Explanation":"Definition: Ailing\n**Anagram of** (suspect) **IS SPIED ON** **+ D** (symbol for old penny [copper])\n **INDIS****P****O****SE*** **D**\n\n**INDISPOSED** (ailing)"} {"Clue":"The woman had to get rid of small building (4)","Answer":"SHED","Explanation":"Definition: get rid of\n**SHE** (woman) **+ 'D** (abbreviation for\u00a0had)\n **SHE D**\n\n**SHED** (small building)\n **SHED** (cast off; get rid of) two definitions"} {"Clue":"Wine in a jug? Not right (4)","Answer":"ASTI","Explanation":"Definition: Wine\n**A + STIR** (jug and** STIR** are both slang terms for prison)\n **A STI**\n\n**ASTI** (Italian white wine)"} {"Clue":"Sweeper about to control start of game will be man of the match (10)","Answer":"BRIDEGROOM","Explanation":"Definition: man of the match\n**BROOM** (sweeper) **containing** (about) (**RIDE** [sit on and control] **+ G** **[first letter of **{start of} **GAME**])\n **B** (**RIDE** **G**) **ROOM**\n\n**BRIDEGROOM** (the man of the marriage [match])"} {"Clue":"Rodent bites small European monkey (8)","Answer":"MARMOSET","Explanation":"Definition: monkey\n**MARMOT** (genus of stout burrowing rodents) **containing** (bites) (**S** [small] **+ E** [European])\n **MARMO** (**S** **E**) **T**\n\n**MARMOSET** (very small S American monkey with a long hairy tail and furry tufts on its ears)"} {"Clue":"Smooth guy, gutted accepts defeat (6)","Answer":"GLOSSY","Explanation":"Definition: Smooth\n**GY** (**letters remaining in GUY when the central letter U is removed** [gutted]) **containing** (accepts) **LOSS** (defeat)\n **G** (**LOSS**) **Y**\n\n**GLOSSY** (smooth and shining)"} {"Clue":"Already started working as a plumber? (2,3,8)","Answer":"IN THE PIPELINE","Explanation":"Definition: Already started\n**IN THE PIPE LINE** (cryptic definition for one whose line of work with involves **PIPE**s, e.g. a plumber)\n **IN THE PIPELINE**\n\n**IN THE PIPELINE** (in preparation; already started)"} {"Clue":"Conspiracist's conclusion on flat Earth? (6)","Answer":"PLANET","Explanation":"Definition: Earth\n**PLANE** (any flat or level material surface) **+ T** (**last letter of **[conclusion] **CONSPIRACIST**)\n **PLANE T**\n\n**PLANET** (The Earth is a **PLANET**)"} {"Clue":"Joker ensnares Batman finally? That's criminal! (8)","Answer":"GANGSTER","Explanation":"Definition: criminal\n**GAGSTER** (comedian; joker) **containing** (ensnares) **N** (**last letter of** [finally] **BATMAN**)\n **GA** (**N**)** GSTER**\n\n**GANGSTER** (a criminal)"} {"Clue":"Fellow out of work shows fulsomeness (7)","Answer":"UNCTION","Explanation":"Definition: fulsomeness\n**F****UNCTION** (work) **excluding **(out of) **F** (fellow)\n **UNCTION**\n\n**UNCTION** (sycophancy; smarm; fulsomeness)"} {"Clue":"Johnny retains small university apartments in America (11)","Answer":"CONDOMINIUM","Explanation":"Definition: apartments in America\n**CONDOM** (Johnny is an informal term for a **CONDOM**) **containing** (retains) (**MINI** [small] **+ U** [university)\n **CONDO** (**MINI** **U**) **M**\n\n**CONDOMINIUM** (North American term for a block of apartments in which each apartment is separately owned)"} {"Clue":"Slough hospital is after damages (5)","Answer":"MARSH","Explanation":"Definition: Slough\n**MARS** (damages) **+ H** (hospital)\n **MARS** **H**\n\n**MARSH **(slough)"} {"Clue":"Devastating effects of storms gripping Virginia (7)","Answer":"RAVAGES","Explanation":"Definition: Devastating effects of\n**RAGES **(storms) **containing** **VA** (abbreviation for the US State of Virginia)\n **RA** (**VA**) **GES**\n\n**RAVAGES** (devastating effects)"} {"Clue":"Jockey got extremely bored in Kentish town (9)","Answer":"TONBRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Kentish town\n**Anagram of** (jockey) **GT** (**outer letters** [extremely] **of GOT**) and **BORED IN**\n **TONBRIDGE***\n\n**TONBRIDGE** (town in Kent; Kentish town)"} {"Clue":"Highly acidic letter from Rhodes? (3)","Answer":"PHI","Explanation":"Definition: Highly acidic\n**PH **\u00a0(number used to express degrees of acidity or alkalinity in solutions) **+ I** (Roman numeral for one) a solution with PH 1 is highly acidic\n **PH I**\n\n**PHI** (Greek [Rhodes] letter) double definition"} {"Clue":"Enclose report of inmate's good health? (7)","Answer":"CONFINE","Explanation":"Definition: Enclose\n**CON **(prisoner; inmate) **+ FINE** (in good health)\n **CON FINE**\n\n**CONFINE** (enclose)"} {"Clue":"Cast hit with crisis on producing melodrama (11)","Answer":"HISTRIONICS","Explanation":"Definition: melodrama\n**Anagram of** (cast) **HIT** and **CRISIS ON**\n **HI****S****T****RIONICS***\n\n**HISTRIONICS** (melodrama)"} {"Clue":"Youthful local employee's first on track (9)","Answer":"PUBESCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Youthful\n**PUB** (public house; local) **+ E** **(initial letter of** [first] **EMPLOYEE**) + **SCENT** (track)\n **PUB E SCENT**\n\n**PUBESCENT** (descriptive of the age of sexual maturity; youthful)"} {"Clue":"Dog jumps about entertaining half of nick (7)","Answer":"SPANIEL","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\n**LEAPS** (jumps) **reversed** (about) **containing** (entertaining) **NI** (**2 of the 4** [half] **letters in** **NICK**)\n **SPA** (**NI**) **EL**<\u00a0\n\n**SPANIEL** (breed of dog)"} {"Clue":"At home on night off? It's the latest fad (2-5)","Answer":"IN-THING","Explanation":"Definition: It's the latest fad\n**IN** (at home) **+ an anagram of** (off) **NIGHT**\n **IN ****THING***\n\n**IN-THING** (latest fad)"} {"Clue":"Offensive smell rises over locale (7)","Answer":"OBSCENE","Explanation":"Definition: Offensive\n**BO** (body odour; smell) **reversed** (rises; down clue) **+ SCENE** (locale)\n **OB**< **SCENE**\n\n**OBSCENE** (offensive to the senses or the sensibility)"} {"Clue":"Pick up from the bottom of skiing slope (5)","Answer":"GLEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Pick up\n**G** (**last letter of** [bottom of] **SKIING**) **+ LEAN** (slope)\n **G LEAN**\n\n**GLEAN** (pick up facts of information)"} {"Clue":"Can Congress upset Nationalist? (3)","Answer":"TIN","Explanation":"Definition: Can\n**IT** (sexual relations; congress) **reversed** (upset; down clue) **+ N** (nationalist)\n **TI**< **N**\n\n**TIN** (can)"} {"Clue":"Radio's offering of news in musical format? It'll do for the present (8,5)","Answer":"WRAPPING PAPER","Explanation":"Definition: It'll do for the present\n**WRAPPING** (sounds like [radio's offering] **RAPPING** [delivering a rhythmic monologue over a musical background; a musical format]) + **PAPER** (news**PAPER**; source of news)\n **WRAPPING PAPER**\n\n**WRAPPING PAPER** (material used to enclose presents)"} {"Clue":"Transaction securing Chrysler's foremost car accessory (5)","Answer":"DECAL","Explanation":"Definition: car accessory\n**DEAL** (transaction) **containing** (securing) **C** (**first letter of** [foremost] **CHRYSLER**)\n **DE** (**C**) **AL**\n\n**DECAL** (a transfer [picture or design] which can be applied to the bodywork of cars to display a message or a logo; car accessory)"} {"Clue":"Cancels dancing in full and finishes cancelling start of dancing (9)","Answer":"NULLIFIES","Explanation":"Definition: Cancels\n**Anagram of** (dancing) **IN FULL** **+ DIES** (finishes) **excluding** (cancelling) **D** (**first letter of** [start of] **D**ANCING)\n **NULLIF*** **IES**\n\n**NULLIFIES** (cancels)"} {"Clue":"Kitchen item that's presented with an identical example (7)","Answer":"WRINGER","Explanation":"Definition: Kitchen item\n**W** (with) **+ RINGER** (reference dead **RINGER** \u2013 a person or thing almost] identical to some other person or thing)\n **W RINGER**\n\n**WRINGER** (machine for forcing water from wet clothes; a common kitchen or scullery\u00a0item once, but less common today as washing machines and tumble dryers have taken its place)"} {"Clue":"Physical discipline, very popular? Past year shows regression (3,4)","Answer":"HOT YOGA","Explanation":"Definition: Physical discipline\n**HOT** (very popular) **+** (**AGO** [past] **+ Y** [year) **all reversed** (shows regression)\n **HOT** (**Y OGA**)<\n\n**HOT YOGA** (another name for **BIKRAM YOGA** [a form of yoga in which traditional exercises are performed at high temperature and humidity])"} {"Clue":"Long fifth option at the ATM? (4)","Answer":"PINE","Explanation":"Definition: Long\n**PIN E** (**P**ersonal **I**dentification **N**umber **E** [fifth letter]; fifth option at the ATM to withdraw money from the bank)\n **PIN E**\n\n**PINE** (long)"} {"Clue":"Freak rains excited Cape Town residents? (10)","Answer":"AFRIKANERS","Explanation":"Definition: Cape Town residents\n**Anagram of** (excited) **FREAK RAINS**\n **AFRIKANERS***\n\n**AFRIKANERS** (people born in South Africa of white parents [especially of Dutch descent who could well be residents of Cape Town)"} {"Clue":"Stop holding it, miss (5,2,3)","Answer":"LEAVE IT OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\n**LEAVE OUT** (omit; miss)** containing** (holding) **IT**\n **LEAVE** (**IT****) OUT**\n\n**LEAVE IT OUT** (stop)"} {"Clue":"A volume about what's retained by banks? (4)","Answer":"AVON","Explanation":"Definition: what's retained by banks\n**A**** + V** (volume)** + ON** (about)\n **A** **V** **ON**\n\n**AVON** (name of a river, which is retained by [river] banks)"} {"Clue":"Hurried in attempt to get to US city for its breakfast cereal (7)","Answer":"GRANOLA","Explanation":"Definition: breakfast cereal\n(**RAN** [hurried] **contained in** [in] **GO** [attempt]) **+ LA** (Los Angeles; US city)\n **G** (**RAN**) **O** **LA**\n\n**GRANOLA** (breakfast cereal)"} {"Clue":"Crude advert, first to last, by Communist (3-4)","Answer":"ILL-BRED","Explanation":"Definition: Crude\n**BILL** (advertisement) **with the first letter B moved to the end** (first to last) to form **ILLB** **+ RED** (communist)\n **ILLB** **RED**\n\n**ILL-BRED** (crude)"} {"Clue":"Grandee having note provided in marvellous opening of opera (9)","Answer":"MAGNIFICO","Explanation":"Definition: Grandee\n([**N** {note} **+ IF** {provided}] **contained in** [in] **MAGIC** [marvellous]) **+ O** (**first letter of** [opening of] **OPERA**)\n **MAG** (**N** **IF**) **IC** **O**\n\n**MAGNIFICO** (grandee)"} {"Clue":"Money putting an end to tender hearts in love (5)","Answer":"RHINO","Explanation":"Definition: Money\n**R** (**last letter of**\u00a0[put and end to] **TENDER**) + **H** (hearts)**+ IN +** **O** (zero; love score in tennis)\n **R H IN O**\n\n**RHINO** (slang for money)"} {"Clue":"Unusual living arrangements easier amongst freaks (7,1,5)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: Unusual living arrangements\n**Anagram of **(freaks) **EASIER AMONGST**\n **MENAGES A TROIS**\n\n**M\u00c9NAGES \u00c0\u00a0TROIS** (household composed of three people having sexual relations, especially a husband and wife and the lover of one of them; unusual living arrangements))"} {"Clue":"Bereaved person needing suitable period to drop name (5)","Answer":"WIDOW","Explanation":"Definition: Bereaved person\n**WINDOW** (period of time when conditions are suitable for a particular activity and constitute an opportunity for it) **excluding** (to drop) **N** (name)\n **WIDOW**\n\n**WIDOW** (woman whose husband is dead and who has not remarried; bereaved person)"} {"Clue":"Amusing person caught appearing later in sale (7)","Answer":"AUCTION","Explanation":"Definition: sale\n**CAUTION** (\u00a0an alarming, amusing or astonishing person or thing) **with the leading letter C **(caught**) moved down the word** (appearing later) to form **AUCTION**\n **AUCTION**\n\n**AUCTION** (sale)"} {"Clue":"Source of his support filling senior politician with stoic indifference (6)","Answer":"PHLEGM","Explanation":"Definition: stoic indifference\n(**H** [**first letter of** {source of} **HIS**] **+ LEG** [support]) **contained in** (filling) **PM** (Prime Minister; senior politician)\n **P** (**H** **LEG**) **M**\n\n**PHLEGM** (stoic indifference)"} {"Clue":"Like charities for 6, possibly, supported by royal (3-6-6)","Answer":"NON-PROFIT-MAKING","Explanation":"Definition: Like charities\n**Anagram of** (possibly) **FOR** and **POINT MAN** (the entry at 6 down) + **KING** (royal). As this is a down clue, the letters in **KING** are acting as a supporter for the earlier letters that form the anagram\n **NON-PROFIT MA*** **KING**\n\n**NON-PROFIT-MAKING** (Charities should exist\u00a0to invest all their funds [less legitimate management expenses] in the business of providing support and investment for research rather than earning a **PROFIT** for shareholders)"} {"Clue":"Redrawn Sunlit Hour with Cupid \u2013 beautiful (15)","Answer":"PULCHRITUDINOUS","Explanation":"Definition: beautiful\n**Anagram of** (redrawn) **SUNLIT HOUR** and **CUPID**\n **P****UL****CHR****IT****UDI****N****OU****S***\n\n**PULCHRITUDINOUS** (beautiful)"} {"Clue":"Hint army's lacking rearguard and lead soldier (5,3)","Answer":"POINT MAN","Explanation":"Definition: lead soldier\n**POINT** (hint) +** MAN****Y** (multitude of people; an army) **excluding the final letter** (lacking rearguard) **Y**\n **POINT MAN**\n\n**POINT MAN** (a soldier at the head of a body of troops or patrol)"} {"Clue":"Underground material greeting last character entering European city (7)","Answer":"RHIZOME","Explanation":"Definition: Underground material\n(**HI **[a word of greeting] **+ Z** [**final letter **{last character} of the alphabet]) **contained in** (entering) **ROME** (European city)\n **R** (**HI** **Z**) **OME**\n\n**RHIZOME** (an underground stem producing roots and leafy shoots)"} {"Clue":"Murderer showing nerve for an American engaged in a crime (8)","Answer":"ASSASSIN","Explanation":"Definition: Murderer\n**SASS** (American term for impertinent talk or behaviour; nerve) **contained in** (engaged in) (**A** **+ SIN** [crime])\n **A** **S** (**SASS**) **IN**\n\n**ASSASSIN** (murderer)"} {"Clue":"Many a hitch with this attitude to unions? (8)","Answer":"POLYGAMY","Explanation":"Definition: Many a hitch with this attitude to unions\n**POLYGAMY** (the word play is a cryptic definition where hitch refers to marriage as well as referring to legal problems in most countries associated with multiple marriage partners at the same time)\n **POLYGAMY**\n\n**POLYGAMY** (the rule, custom, or condition of marriage to more than one person at a time)"} {"Clue":"Love it, going climbing in county, returning again and again? (8)","Answer":"DEVOTION","Explanation":"Definition: returning again and again\n(**O** [zero; love score in tennis]** + IT**) **reversed** (climbing; down clue) **contained in** (in) **DEVON** (English county)\n **DEVO** (**TI** **O**)< **N**\n\n**DEVOTION** (strong affection or attachment often exhibited by returning again and again to the object or person that is the focus of the affection)"} {"Clue":"A term of respect encountered around large compound (7)","Answer":"AMALGAM","Explanation":"Definition: compound\n**A** **+** (**MA'AM** [madam; term of address or respect to female royalty]** containing** [around] **LG** [large])\n **A** **MA** (**LG**) **AM**\n\n**AMALGAM** (mixture of mercury with other metal; any soft mixture; compound)"} {"Clue":"Dizzy sensation to check one attempt? That's about right (7)","Answer":"VERTIGO","Explanation":"Definition: Dizzy sensation\n(**VET** [examine thoroughly and critically; check] **+ I** [Roman numerical for one] + **GO** [attempt]) **containing** (that's about] **R** (right)\n **VE** (**R**) **T** **I GO**\n\n**VERTIGO** (dizziness)"} {"Clue":"Red wind instrument's not popular (6)","Answer":"CLARET","Explanation":"Definition: Red\n**CLARINET** (wind instrument) **excluding** (not) **IN** (popular)\n **CLARET**\n\n**CLARET** (dark red colour; red wine)"} {"Clue":"Medic heading off manager's nonsense (5)","Answer":"DROSS","Explanation":"Definition: nonsense\n**DR** (doctor; medic) **+ BOSS** (manager) **excluding the first letter** (heading off) **B**\n **DR OSS**\n\n**DROSS** (rubbish; nonsense)"} {"Clue":"Liqueur in 15 (8)","Answer":"GALLIANO","Explanation":"Definition: Liqueur \n**GALLIANO** (Liquore **GALLIANO**\u00a0L'Autentico, known more commonly as **GALLIANO**, is a sweet herbal liqueur, created in 1896 by Italian distiller and brandy producer Arturo Vaccari of Livorno, Tuscany and named after Giuseppe **GALLIANO**, an Italian officer of the Royal Italian Army of the First Italo-Ethiopian War)\n **GALLIANO**\n\n**GALLIANO** (reference John **GALLIANO** [born 1960], Gibraltar-born British fashion designer [**DRESSER**, 15 across], who was the head designer of French fashion companies Givenchy, Christian Dior, and his own label John **GALLIANO**. At present, **GALLIANO**\u00a0is the creative director of Paris-based fashion house Maison Margiela) double definition"} {"Clue":"Round window beginning to open in European city (6)","Answer":"OPORTO","Explanation":"Definition: European city\n**O** (round shaped letter) **+ PORT** (**PORT**hole [window]) **+ O** (**first letter of **[beginning to] **OPEN**)\n **O PORT O**\n\n**OPORTO **(city in Portugal; European city)"} {"Clue":"Friend friendly, though not originally (4)","Answer":"ALLY","Explanation":"Definition: Friend\n**PALLY **(friendly) **excluding** (not) **the first letter** (originally) **P**\n **ALLY**\n\n**ALLY** (friend)"} {"Clue":"Jersey, say, female 15 put on chap, unfinished (4,6)","Answer":"FARM ANIMAL","Explanation":"Definition: Jersey, say\n**F** (female) **+ ARMANI** (reference Giorgio **ARMANI** [born 1934], Italian fashion designer [**DRESSER**, 15 across] who founded his fashion house in 1975) **+ MALE** (cap) **excluding the final letter** (unfinished) **E**\n **F ARM ANI MAL**\n\n**FARM ANIMAL** (A Jersey is a breed of cow, so is a example of a **FARM ANIMAL**)"} {"Clue":"One in form again after tossing over sausage (6)","Answer":"WIENER","Explanation":"Definition: sausage\n**I** (Roman\u00a0numeral for one) **contained in** (in) **RENEW **(form again) **reversed** (after tossing over)\n **W** (**I**) **ENER**<\n\n**WIENER** (short for **WIENER**wurst, a small smoked beef, pork or veal sausage)"} {"Clue":"15 presented with an award before day's end (8)","Answer":"GIVENCHY","Explanation":"Definition: 15\n**GIVEN** (presented with) **+ CH** (Companion of Honour; award) **+ Y** (**last letter of** [end] **DAY**)\n **GIVEN CH Y**\n\n**GIVENCHY** (Count Hubert James Marcel Taffin de **GIVENCHY**\u00a0[1927 \u2013 2018] was a French fashion designer [**DRESSER**, 15 across] who founded the house of **GIVENCHY**\u00a0in 1952"} {"Clue":"Furniture item fool perhaps shortened to get round corner, finally (7)","Answer":"DRESSER","Explanation":"Definition: Furniture item\n**DESSER****T** (a fool is a type of **DESSER****T**) **excluding the final letter** (shortened) **T** **containing** (to get round) **R** (**last letter of** [finally] **CORNER**)\n **D** (**R**) **ESSER**\n\n**DRESSER** (kitchen sideboard; furniture item) \u2013 also a term that could be loosely applied to a fashion designer"} {"Clue":"All over the place, drunk, empty bottles (7)","Answer":"UNKEMPT","Explanation":"Definition: All over the place\n**UNKEMPT** (**hidden word** [bottles] in **DRUNK EMPTY**)\n **UNKEMPT**\n\n**UNKEMPT** (dishevelled; sloppy; all over the place)"} {"Clue":"Garment: gear regularly kept in 15 (8)","Answer":"CARDIGAN","Explanation":"Definition: Garment:\n**GA** (l**etters 1 and 3** [regularly] of **GEAR**) **contained in** (kept in) **CARDIN** (reference Pierre **CARDIN** [born 1922], French fashion designer [**DRESSER**, 15 across])\n **CARDI** (**GA**)** N**\n\n**CARDIGAN** (garment)"} {"Clue":"Wine has run out for curry dish (6)","Answer":"MASALA","Explanation":"Definition: curry dish\n**MA****R****SALA** (sweet, fortified wine) **excluding** (has \u2026 out) **R** (run)\n **MASALA**\n\n**MASALA** (any of various mixtures of ground spices used in Indian cookery or a dish using this; curry dish)"} {"Clue":"US medal Jack stuck on old US comedian (6,4)","Answer":"SILVER STAR","Explanation":"Definition: US medal\n**SILVERS** (reference Phil **SILVERS** [1911 \u2013 1985], American comedian and actor perhaps best known for his portrayal of Sergeant Ernest Bilko)** + TAR** (sailor; Jack **TAR**)\n **SILVER S** **TAR**\n\n**SILVER STAR** (United States Armed Forces's third-highest personal decoration for valour in combat)"} {"Clue":"Lead lost in fencing, is that my sport? (8)","Answer":"WORD","Explanation":"Definition: is that my sport? \n**SWORDPLAY** (fencing) **excluding** [lost] **the first letter** [lead] **S**\n **WORDPLAY**\n\n**WORD**[**PLAY**] (Crossword setters, such as Paul [my] use **WORDPLAY** as the cryptic element of clues)"} {"Clue":"15\u2032s artery leaving heart (6)","Answer":"CHANEL","Explanation":"Definition: 15\u2032\n**CHA****N****NEL** (artery) **excluding** (leaving) **the central letter** (heart) **N**\n **CHANEL**\n\n**CHANEL** (reference Gabrielle Bonheur \"Coco\" **CHANEL** [1883 \u2013 1971] was a French fashion designer [**DRESSER**, 15 across])"} {"Clue":"Winger gets it on target, surprisingly (5,3)","Answer":"GREAT TIT","Explanation":"Definition: Winger\n**Anagram of **(surprisingly) **TARGET** **+ IT**\n **GREAT T***** ****IT**\n\n**GREAT TIT** (bird; winger)"} {"Clue":"Old European line for 15 (8)","Answer":"GAULTIER","Explanation":"Definition: 15\n**GAUL** (inhabitant of ancient France; old European) **+ TIER** (row; line)\n **GAUL TIER**\n\n**GAULTIER** (reference Jean-Paul **GAULTIER**\u00a0[born 1952], a French haute couture and pr\u00eat-\u00e0-porter fashion designer [**DRESSER**, 15 across], who, in 1982, founded his eponymous fashion label)"} {"Clue":"Brick dropped on head of raging foreman (6)","Answer":"GAFFER","Explanation":"Definition: foreman \n**GAFFE** (blunder; drop a brick) **+ R** (**first letter of** [head of] **RAGING**)\n **GAFFE R**\n\n**GAFFER** (overseer; foreman)"} {"Clue":"Pen capturing the Guardian's spirit (7)","Answer":"COURAGE","Explanation":"Definition: spirit\n**CAGE** (pen)** containing** (capturing) **OUR** (The Guardian's)\n **C** (**OUR**) **AGE**\n\n**COURAGE** (spirit)"} {"Clue":"Mint carrying starter of quality, a kind of light dish (3,2,3)","Answer":"COQ AU VIN","Explanation":"Definition: dish\n**COIN** (mint) **containing** (carrying) (**Q** [**first letter of** [starter of] **QUALITY**] **+ A +** **UV** [ultraviolet, a type of light])\n **CO** (**Q** **A** **UV**) **IN**\n\n**COQ AU VIN** (dish of chicken cooked in red wine, with onions, herbs and garlic)"} {"Clue":"Still without a Poet Laureate? (10)","Answer":"MOTIONLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Still\n**MOTION** (reference Andrew **MOTION** [born 1952], English\u00a0poet who was the United Kingdom Poet Laureate from 1999 to 2009) **+ LESS** (without)\n **MOTION LESS**\n\n**MOTIONLESS** (not moving; still)"} {"Clue":"Brief assault with hard stick (6)","Answer":"ATTACH","Explanation":"Definition: stick\n**ATTACK** (assault)** excluding the final letter** (brief)** K\u00a0+ H** (hard, when describing pencil lead)\n **ATTAC H**\n\n**ATTACH** (adhere; stick)"} {"Clue":"Love essentially is ending, unfortunately, sinking very fast (10)","Answer":"NOSEDIVING","Explanation":"Definition: sinking very fast\n**Anagram of** (unfortunately) **OV** (**central letters of **[essentially] **LOVE** and **IS ENDING**\n **N****O****SEDI****V****ING***\n\n**NOSEDIVING** (plunging headlong; sinking very fast)"} {"Clue":"Bully lingered in ring, once (9)","Answer":"ENGIRDLE","Explanation":"Definition: ring, once\n**Anagram of** (bully) **LINGERED**\n **ENGIRDLE***\n\n**ENGIRDLE** (old fashioned [once] word meaning to encircle or put a ring round)"} {"Clue":"15 with a cut sent up, still (8)","Answer":"POLAROID","Explanation":"Definition: still\n(**DIOR** ][reference Christian **DIOR** [1905 \u2013 1957], a French fashion designer\u00a0[**DRESSER**, 15 across], best known as the founder of one of the world's top fashion houses, also called Christian **DIOR**) **+ A + LOP** [cut]) **all reversed** (sent up; down clue)\n (**POL A ROID**)<\n\n**POLAROID** (still photograph taken with a camera of the same name)"} {"Clue":"Two legs acting? (2,5)","Answer":"ON STAGE","Explanation":"Definition: acting\n**ON** (the leg side in cricket) **+ STAGE** (a leg of a rally or race) giving two legs\n **ON ****STAGE**\n\n**ON STAGE** (acting)"} {"Clue":"A gentle land (6)","Answer":"ALIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: land\n**A** **+ LIGHT** (gentle)\n **A LIGHT**\n\n**ALIGHT** (land)"} {"Clue":"Dealer in fine textiles, Queen impressed by a Scottish version of herself? (6)","Answer":"MERCER","Explanation":"Definition: Dealer in fine textiles\n**ER** (Elizabeth Regina ; queen) **contained in** (impressed by) **MCER**\u00a0(i.e. queen, as before [**ER**] preceded by the Scottish abbreviation **MC** [sometimes MAC] indicating membership of a clan shown\u00a0by the second part of the name [also considered to mean\u00a0'son of'])\n **M** (**ER**) **CER**\n\n**MERCER** (dealer in fine textiles)"} {"Clue":"Reportedly, I didn't catch that old mechanical engineer (4)","Answer":"WATT","Explanation":"Definition: old mechanical engineer\n**WATT** (sounds like [reportedly] **WHAT** [word used when asking someone to repeat what they said; I didn't catch that)\n **WATT**\n\n**WATT** (reference James **WATT** [1736 \u2013 1819], [old] Scottish mechanical engineer)"} {"Clue":"Development of monster covered by heartless journalists (8)","Answer":"PROGRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Development\n**OGRE** (monster) **contained in** (covered by) **PRESS** (journalists) **excluding the central letter** [heartless] **E**\n **PR** (**OGRE**)** SS**\n\n**PROGRESS** (an advance to something better or higher in development)"} {"Clue":"Scam of medium having sex change (6)","Answer":"FIDDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Scam\n**MIDDLE** (medium) **with** (**M** [male]** replaced by** **F** [female] [having sex change])\n **F** **IDDLE**\n\n**FIDDLE** (fraud; scam)"} {"Clue":"Client oddly declined permit (3)","Answer":"LET","Explanation":"Definition: permit\n**LET** (**letters remaining in** **CLIENT** **when the odd letters 1,3 and 5** [**C**, **I** and **N**] **are removed** [oddly declined])\n **LET**\n\n**LET** (permit)"} {"Clue":"Shock! Stalemate's broken by rector (10)","Answer":"DREADLOCKS","Explanation":"Definition: Shock\n**DEADLOCK'S** (stalemate's) **containing** (broken by) **R** (rector)\n **D** (**R**)** EADLOCKS**\n\n**DREADLOCKS** (shock [mass of thick hair])"} {"Clue":"A loan taken by coach \u2013 it helps to plan ahead (8)","Answer":"CALENDAR","Explanation":"Definition: it helps to plan ahead\n(**A** **+ LEND** [loan]) **contained in** (taken by) **CAR** (coach), as in rail**CAR** or railway coach)\n **C** (**A** **LEND**) **AR**\n\n**CALENDAR** (table of facts about specific days; it helps to plan ahead)"} {"Clue":"European politician's anger for the British? (6)","Answer":"EMPIRE","Explanation":"Definition: the British\n**E** (European) **+ MP** (Member of Parliament; politician) **+ IRE** (anger)\n **E MP IRE**\n\n**EMPIRE** (reference to the former British **EMPIRE**)"} {"Clue":"Brother held by arm on kayak (4)","Answer":"MONK","Explanation":"Definition: Brother\n**MONK** (**hidden word in** [held by] **ARM ON KAYAK**)\n **MONK**\n\n**MONK** (member of a religious order living together under vows, often addressed as Brother)"} {"Clue":"Advanced Dutch rocket must contain boron to be permitted (10)","Answer":"ADMISSIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: be permitted\n**A** (advanced) **+ D** (Dutch) **+ **(**MISSILE** [rocket] **containing** [must contain] **B** [chemical symbol for Boron])\n **A** **D** **MISSI** (**B**) **LE**\n\n**ADMISSIBLE** (be permitted)"} {"Clue":"Shaking pony clears unwanted droppings off (10)","Answer":"NARCOLEPSY","Explanation":"Definition: unwanted droppings off\nA**nagram of** (shaking) **PONY CLEARS**\n **NARCOLEPSY***\n\n**NARCOLEPSY** (condition marked by short attacks of irresistible drowsiness; unwanted droppings off [to sleep])"} {"Clue":"Reputation of eastern half of South American country (4)","Answer":"NAME","Explanation":"Definition: Reputation\n**SURINAME** (small country on the north east coast of South America) **excluding the four** [half of eight] **leftmost** [westernmost] **letters SURI**, thereby leaving the eastern half spelling **NAME**)\n **NAME**\n\n**NAME** (reputation)"} {"Clue":"Starts eating like sloth? (4,2)","Answer":"DIGS IN","Explanation":"Definition: Starts eating\n**DIGS IN** (starts to eat)\n **DIGS IN**\n\n**DIGS IN** (I think this a reference to the claws of a sloth that allows it to **DIG IN** to branches of a tree and remain hanging motionless for a long time. Chambers tells me that **DIG IN** means work hard which is the opposite of one's image of a sloth as a mammal or a person)"} {"Clue":"Confusion, as amateur repairs to cover tapestry put back (8)","Answer":"DISARRAY","Explanation":"Definition: Confusion\n**DIY** (do it yourself; amateur repairs)** containing** (to cover) **ARRAS** (rich tapestry) **reversed** (put back)\n **DI** (**SARRA**<) **Y**\n\n**DISARRAY** (confusion)"} {"Clue":"Instrument GP described in full (5,5)","Answer":"GRAND PIANO","Explanation":"Definition: nstrument\n**GRAND** (**G** is an abbreviation for **GRAND**) **+ PIANO** (**P** is an abbreviation for **PIANO**) taken together the two abbreviations spell out (describe) **GRAND PIANO** in full\n **GRAND PIANO**\n\n**GRAND PIANO** (musical instrument)"} {"Clue":"Express disapproval of prohibition? No thanks! (3)","Answer":"BOO","Explanation":"Definition: Express disapproval \n**TABOO** (any recognized or general prohibition) **excluding** (no) **TA** (tanks)\n **BOO**\n\n**BOO** (express disapproval)"} {"Clue":"How best to attract ewe in pound? (4,2)","Answer":"BEAT UP","Explanation":"Definition: pound\n**BE A TUP** (a **TUP** is a male sheep who will be attractive to a **EWE** [female sheep])\n **BE** **A** **T UP**\n\n**BEAT UP** (whip or pound)"} {"Clue":"Lean, eating a little bit of late (8)","Answer":"RECENTLY","Explanation":"Definition: of late\n**RELY** (depend; lean) **containing** (eating) **CENT** (a little bit [of money])\n **RE** (**CENT**) **LY**\n\n**RECENTLY** (of late)"} {"Clue":"Menial cop, possibly? (9)","Answer":"POLICEMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Menial cop, possibly\n**Anagram of** (possibly) **MENIAL COP**\n **PO****LI****C****EMAN***\n\n**POLICEMAN** (lowest rank [menial?] in the **POLICE** force)"} {"Clue":"Bird found in North Poland with wings missing (7)","Answer":"ORTOLAN","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\n**NORTH excluding the outer letters** (wings) **NH** **+ POLAND** **excluding the outer letters** (wings) **PD**\n **ORT OLAN**\n\n**ORTOLAN** (bird, kind of bunting, common in Europe)"} {"Clue":"Papers seized by gang in part of Yorkshire (6)","Answer":"RIDING","Explanation":"Definition: part of Yorkshire\n**ID** (identity papers) **contained in** (seized by) **RING** (gang)\n **R** (**ID**) **ING**\n\n**RIDING** (one of the three former divisions of Yorkshire)"} {"Clue":"Invited to walk in the sea completely topless? Leave quickly (9)","Answer":"SKEDADDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Leave quickly\n**ASKED** (invited to) **excluding the first letter** (topless) **A** **+ PADDLE** (walk in the sea) **excluding the first letter** (topless) **P**. Taken together the constituent parts are completely topless\n **SKED ADDLE**\n\n**SKEDADDLE** (run off hurriedly)"} {"Clue":"Angers girls, describes feminist's bottom as 'Fine pieces of meat' (7)","Answer":"FILLETS","Explanation":"Definition: Fine pieces of meat\n**FILLES** (French [Angers is a town in France] for girls) **containing** (describes) **T** (**last letter of** {bottom} **FEMINIST**)\n **FILLE** (**T**) **S**\n\n**FILLETS** (pieces of meat often considered to be the best cut; fine pieces of meat)"} {"Clue":"Fraud gathering bit of data for Republican (9)","Answer":"D","Explanation":"Definition: Fraud\n**RECEPTION** (social function or gathering)** with D** (**first letter of** [bit of] **DATA**) **replacing** (for) **R** (Republican)\n **D ECEPTION**\n\n**D****ECEPTION** (fraud)"} {"Clue":"Desire sex really regularly (every five years) (7)","Answer":"LUSTRAL","Explanation":"Definition: every five years\n**LUST** (have strong sexual desire) **+ RAL** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [regularly] **REALLY**)\n **LUST RAL**\n\n**LUSTRAL** (a period of five years; also a ceremonial purification of the Roman people made every five years, after the taking of the census)"} {"Clue":"Stops using acid to get going (4-5)","Answer":"KICK-START","Explanation":"Definition: get going\n**KICKS** (stops using) + **TART** (acid)\n **KICK-S** **TART**\n\n**KICK-START** (get something going)"} {"Clue":"Move home, worried about mysterious driver (9)","Answer":"INSTIGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Move\n(**IN** [{at} home] **+ ATE** [worried])** containing** (about)** STIG** (reference **THE STIG**, unnamed and therefore mysterious driver from the television programme Top Gear))\n **IN** (**STIG**) **ATE**\n\n**INSTIGATE** (initiate; set in motion; move)"} {"Clue":"Each person Earl starts to romance often will leave extremely keen to have kids (9)","Answer":"EVERYBODY","Explanation":"Definition: Each person\n**E** (earl)** + VERY** (extremely) **+ B****RO****ODY** (keen to have children) **excluding** (**RO** **[first letters of** [starts to] **each of** **R**OMANCE and **O**FTEN)\n **E VERY BODY**\n\n**EVERYBODY** (each person)"} {"Clue":"Quivering with delight dating lesbian nurses (7)","Answer":"ATINGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Quivering with delight\n**ATINGLE** (**hidden word in**\u00a0[nurses] **DATING LESBIAN**)\n **ATINGLE**\n\n**ATINGLE** (quivering with delight)"} {"Clue":"Unionists supporting policy in a row (5,2)","Answer":"LINED UP","Explanation":"Definition: in a row \n**LINE** (policy) **+ DUP** (Democratic Unionist Party) As this is a down clue the letters **DUP** are supporting the letters in **LINE**\n **LINE** **D UP**\n\n**LINED UP** (in a row)"} {"Clue":"A Slav drinks drop of brandy in a tumbler (7)","Answer":"ACROBAT","Explanation":"Definition: tumbler\n**A** **+** (**CROAT** ([inhabitant of **CROAT**ia; a country where a Slavonic language is spoken] **containing** [drinks] **B** [**first letter of** {a drop of}] **BRANDY**)\n **A** **CRO** (**B**) **AT**\n\n**ACROBAT** (tumbler)"} {"Clue":"Former Vice President is full of himself, being all over the place (6)","Answer":"GALORE","Explanation":"Definition: all over the place\n**GORE** (reference Al **GORE**, former Vice President of the United States from 1993 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton) **containing** (full of) **AL** (Gore's first name; himself)\n **G** (**AL**)** ****ORE**\n\n**GALORE** (in abundance; all over the place)"} {"Clue":"Ministers messing it all up, not a useful thing in office (6,7)","Answer":"FILING","Explanation":"Definition: useful thing in office\n(**FAILING** [messing it all up] **+ CABINET** [group of senior ministers who together formulate policy in the government of a country]) **\u00a0excluding** (not) an **A** [obviously the first one to give the required solution]\n **FILING** **CABINET**\n\n**FILING** [**CABINET**] (a useful piece of office equipment, even though we are now urged to store everything digitally)"} {"Clue":"Even that is a drink! (8)","Answer":"SMOOTHIE","Explanation":"Definition: a drink\n**SMOOTH** (even) **+ I.E**. (id est; that is)\n **SMOOTH** **IE**\n\n**SMOOTHIE** (thick drink of smooth consistency made with pureed fruit, milk, yoghurt or ice cream)"} {"Clue":"Press release about to cover that Russian novelist (8)","Answer":"TURGENEV","Explanation":"Definition: Russian novelist\n**VENT** (release) **reversed** (about) **containing** (to cover that) **URGE** (press) \n **T** (**URGE**) **NEV**<\n\n**TURGENEV** (reference Ivan **TURGENEV** [1818 \u2013 1883], Russian novelist)"} {"Clue":"Scottish king to rip off foreign land (6)","Answer":"DONALD","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish king\n**DO **(cheat; rip of) **+ an anagram of** (foreign) **LAND**\n **DO ****NALD***\n\n**DONALD** (reference any one of King **DONALD** [812 \u2013 862], King **DONALD** II [died 900] or King **DONALD** III [1032 -1099], variously Kings of Picts, Alba and Scotland)"} {"Clue":"Intimidate everyone including servicemen in area around Truro (8)","Answer":"CORNWALL","Explanation":"Definition: area around Truro\n(**COW** [intimidate] **+ ALL** [everyone]) **containing** (including) **RN** (Royal Navy ; servicemen)\n **CO** (**RN**) **W** **ALL**\n\n**CORNWALL** (area around Truro in the South West of England)"} {"Clue":"Knocking back a pint's fine for one from South Africa (6)","Answer":"REEBOK","Explanation":"Definition: one from South Africa\n**BEER** (drink frequently served as a pint) **reversed** (knocking back) **+ OK** (all right; fine)\n **REEB**< **OK**\n\n**REEBOK** (South African antelope)"} {"Clue":"Stress after contract reveals offer from 10? (11)","Answer":"FLEXTENSION","Explanation":"Definition: offer from 10\n**FLEX** (contract a muscle)** + TENSION** (stress)\n **FLEX TENSION**\n\n**FLEXTENSION** ( a word coined by **DONALD** [entry at 10 across] Tusk [President of the European Council] in May 2019 when offering the United Kingdom a period of time [and a few conditions]\u00a0to consider it's position in relation to withdrawal from the European Union)"} {"Clue":"Forbid to steal weapon for one serving? (6)","Answer":"BARMAN","Explanation":"Definition: one serving\n**BAN** (forbid) **containing** (to steal) **ARM** (weapon)\n **B** (**ARM**) **AN**\n\n**BARMAN** (one serving drinks)"} {"Clue":"Bishop burnt at stake? In hindsight about time to show forgiveness (8)","Answer":"REMITTAL","Explanation":"Definition: forgiveness\n**LATIMER** (reference Bishop Hugh **LATIMER** [1487 \u2013 1555], one of the three Oxford Martyrs. **LATIMER** was burned at the stake in October 1555 along with Nicholas Ridley. The third martyr, Thomas Cranmer was burned in March 1556) **reversed** (in hindsight) and **containing** (about) **T** (time)\n **REMIT** (**T**) **AL**< Either **T** could be the one contained\n\n**REMITTAL** (remission; pardon; forgiveness)"} {"Clue":"Konta regularly represses instincts leading to power grab (6)","Answer":"KIDNAP","Explanation":"Definition: grab\n(**KNA** [**letters 1, 3 and 5** [regularly] **containing** (represses) **ID** [one of the three parts of the personality, being the unconscious mass of primitive energies from which come instincts for the gratification of basic desires for food, sex, etc, and for the avoidance of pain, modified by the ego and the superego]) **+ P** (**first letter of** [leading to] **POWER**)\n **K** (**ID**) **NA** **P**\n\n**KIDNAP** (steal, often for ransom; grab)"} {"Clue":"Obsessive jerk going after new money from abroad (8)","Answer":"NEUROTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Obsessive\n**N** (new) **+ EURO** (currency used in many countries of the European Union) **+ TIC** (convulsive twitch; jerk)\n **N EURO TIC**\n\n**NEUROTIC** (obsessive)"} {"Clue":"Liberal mangled by two Brexiteers \u2013 one's a source of drugs (8)","Answer":"FOXGLOVE","Explanation":"Definition: a source of drugs\n**L** (Liberal) **contained in** (mangled by) (**FOX** [reference Dr Liam **FOX** {born 1961} Conservative politician,currently sitting on the backbenches. Staunch Brexit supporter] + **GOVE **[reference Michael **GOVE** [born 1967] Conservative politician and currently a member of the Cabinet as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. Also a staunch Brexit supporter)\n **FOX**** G** (**L**) **OVE**\n\n**FOXGLOVE** (\u00a0tall plant with spikes of drooping [typically purple] bell-shaped flowers and leaves from which the drug digitalis was produced)"} {"Clue":"English composer's daughter taken home (6)","Answer":"EARNED","Explanation":"Definition: taken home\n**E** (English) **+ ARNE** (reference Thomas **ARNE** [1710 \u2013 1778], English composer) **+ D** (daughter)\n **E ARNE D**\n\n**EARNED** (money gained through labour and taken home)"} {"Clue":"Discover by chance how Putin will suffer if wife leaves (3,4)","Answer":"HIT UPON","Explanation":"Definition: Discover by chance\nA**nagram of** (will suffer) **HOW PUTIN excluding** (leaves) **W** (wife)\n **H****IT UP****O****N***\n\n**HIT UPON** (discover by chance)"} {"Clue":"Pure alcohol's part of how things can go on the Internet (8)","Answer":"VIRGINAL","Explanation":"Definition: Pure\n**GIN** (alcoholic drink) **contained in** (part of) **VIRAL** (rapidly circulated to a large audience on the Internet, e.g. by people frequently sharing it on social\u00a0media sites\n **VIR** (**GIN**) **AL**\n\n**VIRGINAL** (pure)"} {"Clue":"Time and running order of business (6)","Answer":"AGENDA","Explanation":"Definition: order of business\n**AGE** (time) **+ an anagram of** (running) **AND**\n **AGE ****NDA***\n\n**AGENDA** (order of business)"} {"Clue":"Country houses vacated, inhabitants now moving around (8)","Answer":"HONDURAS","Explanation":"Definition: Country\n**An anagram of** (now moving) **AROUND** **contained in** (inhabitants) **HS** (letters **remaining in HOUSES** **when the central letters are removed** [vacated]) \n **H** (**ONDURA***) **S**\n\n**HONDURAS** (country in Central America)"} {"Clue":"Octane's volatile in the blink of an eye (2,4)","Answer":"AT ONCE","Explanation":"Definition: in the blink of an eye\n**Anagram of** (volatile)** OCTANE**\n **AT ONCE***\n\n**AT ONCE** (immediately; in the blink of an eye)"} {"Clue":"Defeat Johnson? Why? They say he's a party pooper (7)","Answer":"KILLJOY","Explanation":"Definition: he's a party pooper\n**KILL** (defeat) **+ JO** (reference **JO** Johnson, Conservative politician {brother of Boris} and currently Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation) **+ Y** (sounds like [they say])\n **KILL JO Y**\n\n**KILLJOY** (spoilsport; party pooper)"} {"Clue":"Overseeing all bananas and other fruit (7,6)","Answer":"SEVILLE ORANGE","Explanation":"Definition: other fruit\n**Anagram of** (bananas)** OVERSEEING ALL**\n **SEVILLE ORANGE***\n\n**SEVILLE ORANGE** (another fruit, rather than bananas)"} {"Clue":"Ancient Greek pub will open by, ultimately, June 12 (8)","Answer":"XENOPHON","Explanation":"Definition: Ancient Greek\n**PH** (public house; pub) **contained in** (will open) (**X** [multiplication sign; times; by] **+ E** **final letter of **{ultimately} **JUNE** **+ NOON** [12 {o'clock}])\n **X**** ****E**** ****NO** (**PH**) **ON**\n\n**XENOPHON** (**XENOPHON** of Athens was an ancient Greek philosopher, historian, soldier, mercenary, and student of Socrates)"} {"Clue":"In the open air better? Endlessly worse! (8)","Answer":"OUTDOORS","Explanation":"Definition: In the open air\n**OUTDO** (better)** + ORS** (l**etters remaining in** **WORSE** **when the outer letters** (**W** and **E**)** are removed** [endless])\n **OUTDO ORS**\n\n**OUTDOORS** (in the open air)"} {"Clue":"Mega-publicity is working for US president (7)","Answer":"MADISON","Explanation":"Definition: US president\n**M** (mega) **+ AD** (advertisement; publicity) **+ IS + ON** (working)\n **M AD IS ON**\n\n**MADISON** (reference James **MADISON** [1751 \u2013 1836], fourth President of the United States)"} {"Clue":"Men of a certain age essentially ruled out living together (6)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: living together\n**MEN OF A CERTAIN AGE** **excluding the central letters** **OF A CERTAIN AGE**\n **MEN AGE**\n\n**M\u00c9NAGE** (household; people living together)"} {"Clue":"EU's divided, up in arms about damaging piece (6)","Answer":"MAUSER","Explanation":"Definition: damaging piece\n**E** and **U** **reversed** (up) **contained separately** (divided in) **an anagram of** (about) **ARMS**\n **MA** (**U**) **S** (**E**) **R*******\n\n**MAUSER** (any of a series of German rifles, especially a magazine rifle of 1897; damaging piece [gun \/ rifle])"} {"Clue":"Breton speaker maybe caught in shower (5)","Answer":"P-CELT","Explanation":"Definition: Breton speaker maybe\n**C** (caught) **contained in** (in) **PELT** (shower blows or missiles)\n **P** (**C**)** ELT**\n\n**P-CELT** (a speaker of **P-CELTic** [a branch of the Indo-European family of languages including Breton, Welsh, Cornish, Irish, Gaelic, Manx.])"} {"Clue":"Strip of metal, line inside corrected backing (8)","Answer":"DESILVER","Explanation":"Definition: Strip of metal\n**L** (line) **contained in** (inside) **REVISED** (corrected) **reversed** (backing)\n **DESI** (**L**) **VER**<\n\n**DESILVER** (take the **SILVER** off [strip [the] metal off]"} {"Clue":"Drugs jar, overturned jar, left empty inside (9)","Answer":"ALBARELLO","Explanation":"Definition: Drugs jar\n(**L** [left] **+ BARE **[empty]) **contained in** (inside) **OLLA** (jar or urn) **reversed** (overturned)\n **A** (**L** **BARE**) **LLO**<\n\n**ALBARELLO** (a majolica jar used for dry drugs)"} {"Clue":"Hard disc in sport area, durable (5)","Answer":"PUCKA","Explanation":"Definition: durable\n**PUCK** (hard thick rubber disc used instead of a ball in ice hockey) **+ A**\n **PUCK A**\n\n**PUCKA** (durable)"} {"Clue":"Evangelist's contribution to vernacular making comeback (5)","Answer":"LUCAN","Explanation":"Definition: Evangelist\n**LUCAN** (**hidden word\u00a0**[contribution to] **reversed** (making comeback] in **VERNACULAR**)\n **LUCAN**<\n\n**LUCAN** (of or relating to Luke or Luke's gospel; Evangelist's)"} {"Clue":"Cheer up once having kicked coca craze (8)","Answer":"ACCORAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Cheer up once\n**Anagram of **(having kicked) **COCA** **+ RAGE** (craze)\n **ACCO*** **RAGE**\n\n**ACCORAGE** (Spenserian [old; once] word meaning encourage [cheer up])"} {"Clue":"Ancestor penning opening for troubadour's speciality (8)","Answer":"SIRVENTE","Explanation":"Definition: troubadour's speciality\n**SIRE** (ancestor) **containing** (penning) **VENT** (opening)\n **SIR** (**VENT**) **E**\n\n**SIRVENTE** (a medieval verse form of satirical or heroic character as composed and performed by troubadours)"} {"Clue":"Good base for healthy complexion (4)","Answer":"GLOW","Explanation":"Definition: healthy complexion\n**G** (good) **+ LOW** (base)\n **G LOW**\n\n**GLOW** (healthy complexion)"} {"Clue":"Mop was in a mess \u2013 head for barber (4)","Answer":"SWAB","Explanation":"Definition: Mop\n**Anagram of** (in a mess) **WAS** **+ B** (**first letter of** [head for] **BARBER**)\n **SWA*** **B**\n\n**SWAB** (mop)"} {"Clue":"It'll kill fish, joint being thrust into mass of their eggs (8)","Answer":"ROTENONE","Explanation":"Definition: It'll kill fish\n**TENON** (reference a mortise and **TENON** joint in woodworking. I don't think the **TENON** itself is a joint) **contained in** (being thrust into) **ROE** (a mass of fish eggs)\n **RO** (**TENON**) **E**\n\n**ROTENONE** (insecticide and fish-poison prepared from derris and other plants)"} {"Clue":"Heading for the sunsets from Scotland, news breaking about list at sea (8)","Answer":"WESTLINS","Explanation":"Definition: Heading for the sunsets from Scotland\n**Anagram of** (breaking) **NEWS** **containing** (about) **an anagram of** (at sea) **LIST**\n **WE **(**STLI***)** NS***\n\n**WESTLINS** (Scottish word meaning to [or in] the west; i.e. towards the sunset)"} {"Clue":"Calm earlier, one's heading for large centre of cyclone (5)","Answer":"ALEYE","Explanation":"Definition: Calm earlier\n**A** (one) **+ L** (**first letter of** [heading for] **LARGE** **+ EYE** (centre of a cyclone)\n **A L EYE**\n\n**ALEYE** (earlier spelling of **ALLAY** [calm])"} {"Clue":"Stuffing, one tucked into nuts, right? (5)","Answer":"KAPOK","Explanation":"Definition: Stuffing\n**A** (one) **contained in** (tucked into) (**KP** [brand of nuts] **+ OK** [right])\n **K** (**A**) **P** **OK**\n\n**KAPOK** (very light, waterproof, oily fibre covering the seeds of a species of silk-cotton tree, used for stuffing pillows, life-belts, etc.)"} {"Clue":"Nile up-lane diverted, not a regular monthly phenomenon (9)","Answer":"PLENILUNE","Explanation":"Definition: regular monthly phenomenon\n**Anagram of** (diverted) **NILE UP L****A****NE** **excluding** (not) **A**\n **PLENILUNE***\n\n**PLENILUNE** (time of the full moon; a regular monthly occurrence)"} {"Clue":"King's fool (annoying) about to move faster backwards \u2013 it's automatic (8)","Answer":"KNEEJERK","Explanation":"Definition: it's automatic\n(**K** [king] **+ NERK** [irritating fool or idiot]) **containing** (about) **JEE** (alternative spelling of **GEE** [move faster]) **reversed** (backwards)\n **K** **N** (**EEJ**<) **ERK**\n\n**KNEEJERK** (\u00a0reflex throwing forward of the leg when tapped below the **KNEE**-cap; automatic reaction)"} {"Clue":"Lizard that's all right replacing most of tail (5)","Answer":"TOKAY","Explanation":"Definition: Lizard\n**TAIL** with **OKAY** (all right)** replacing AIL** (**three of the four letters** [most of])\n **T OKAY**\n\n**TOKAY** (a gecko (lizard), native to the Malay archipelago and South East\u00a0Asia)"} {"Clue":"Catholic (to detractors), head as of old full of sanctimonious stuff (6)","Answer":"PAPISH","Explanation":"Definition: Catholic (to detractors)\n**PASH** (Shakespearean [as of old] word for head) **containing** (full of) **PI** (sanctimonious talk)\n **PA** (**PI**) **SH**\n\n**PAPISH** (relating to popery [hostile term for Roman Catholicism])"} {"Clue":"Evergreen climber displaying tangled caulis (6)","Answer":"CLUSIA","Explanation":"Definition: Evergreen climber \n**Anagram of **(tangled)** CAULIS**\n **CLUSIA***\n\n**CLUSIA** (any plant of the American genus **CLUSIA**, evergreen climbing plants)"} {"Clue":"One of many in the north to take a break from work there (4)","Answer":"LAKE","Explanation":"Definition: One of many in the north \n**LAKE **(reference one of the many **LAKE**s in the **LAKE** District in the North of England. There are also many **LAKE**s in some European countries further north, such as Sweden and Finland)\n **LAKE**\n\n**LAKE** (take a holiday from work \u2013 this a North of England term, so getting North into both definitions) double definition"} {"Clue":"It's havoc if station's lacking good spirit (4)","Answer":"DEVA","Explanation":"Definition: good spirit\n**DEVASTATION** (havoc) **excluding** (lacking) **STATION**\n **DEVA**\n\n**DEVA** (a good spirit)"} {"Clue":"Campaign worker broadcast lie etc, a whopper (11)","Answer":"ELECTIONEER","Explanation":"Definition: Campaign worker\n**Anagram of** (broadcast) **LIE ETC** **+** **ONE-ER** (a big lie; whopper)\n **ELECTI*** **ONEER**\n\n**ELECTIONEER** ( someone who works to secure the election of a candidate)"} {"Clue":"Lancashire's opener cracking six \u2013 a piece of cake? (5)","Answer":"SLICE","Explanation":"Definition: piece of cake\n**L** (**first letter of** [opener] **LANCASHIRE**) **contained in** (cracking) **SICE** (the number six in a game of dice)\n **S** (**L**) **ICE**\n\n**SLICE** (thin piece or segment; a piece of cake, for example)"} {"Clue":"Party losing muscle? It's looking gloomy (4)","Answer":"LOUR","Explanation":"Definition: looking gloomy\n**LABOUR** (political party) **excluding** (losing) **AB** (**AB**dominal muscle)\n **LOUR**\n\n**LOUR** (a scowling glare; looking sullen or gloomy)"} {"Clue":"Composition for a violoncello (quartet lost) or other instrument (8)","Answer":"VOCALION","Explanation":"Definition: other instrument\n**Anagram of** (composition for) A and\u00a0**VIOLONCELLO excluding** (lost) **the final four letters** (quartet) **ELLO**\n **VOC****A****LION***\n \u00a0\n\n**VOCALION** (\u00a0musical instrument resembling a harmonium, with broad reeds)"} {"Clue":"Invigorate partly low energy, given a lift (5)","Answer":"RENEW","Explanation":"Definition: Invigorate\n**RENEW** (hidden word [partly]** reversed** [given a lift; down clue] in **LOW ENERGY**)\n **RENEW**<\n\n**RENEW** (invigorate) \u2013 dictionary definition; thesaurus suggests reinvigorate"} {"Clue":"Litter from end of picnicking in wood? It's mounting (4)","Answer":"KAGO","Explanation":"Definition: Litter\n(**G** **[last letter of** {end of} **PICNICKING**] **contained in** [in] **OAK** [a type of wood]) **all reversed** (it's mounting; down clue)\n (**KA** (**G**)** O**)<\n\n**KAGO** (a Japanese basketwork palanquin [a light litter for one passenger])"} {"Clue":"A bishop on a bishop's seat, new installed in fine embroidery (8)","Answer":"ARRASENE","Explanation":"Definition: fine embroidery\n**A + RR** (Right Reverend; title for a bishop) **+ A +** (**N** [new] **contained in** [installed in] **SEE** (a bishop's diocese [constituency] or seat)\n **A RR A SE** (**N**) **E**\n\n**ARRASENE** (a fine embroidery material, of wool and silk."} {"Clue":"Sandy's fastened most of metal tools (7)","Answer":"STEEKIT","Explanation":"Definition: Sandy's fastened \n**STEEL** (metal) **excluding the final letter** (most of) **L + KIT** (tools assembled in a container, for example)\n **STEE KIT**\n\n**STEEKIT** (Scottish [Sandy] word for fastened)"} {"Clue":"Sheep and a variety of hens (6)","Answer":"ANCONA","Explanation":"Definition: variety of hens\n**ANCON** (breed of sheep with very short legs) **+ A**\n **ANCON A**\n\n**ANCONA** (\u00a0breed of laying poultry with speckled plumage; variety of hens)"} {"Clue":"Morag's nimble woman in loose gown (5)","Answer":"SWACK","Explanation":"Definition: Morag's nimble\n**W** (woman) **contained in** (in) **SACK** (loose-fitting gown; **SACK** dress)\n **S **(**W**) **ACK**\n\n**SWACK** (Scottish [Morag] word for nimble)"} {"Clue":"Last to show age will folk shrivel, being old? (4)","Answer":"WELK","Explanation":"Definition: shrivel, being old\n**WELK** (**final letters of**\u00a0[last to] **each of** **SHOW**, **AGE**, **WILL** and **FOLK**)\n **WELK**\n\n**WELK** (obsolete [being old] word for wither or shrivel)"} {"Clue":"Satellite channel exercised having lost director twice (5)","Answer":"RILLE","Explanation":"Definition: Satellite channel\n**DRILLED** (exercised) **excluding** (having lost) **both occurrences of** [twice] **D** (director)\n **RILLE**\n\n**RILLE** (narrow furrow or channel on the moon [satellite channel])"} {"Clue":"No longer showing restraint, in part of Dirty Den (4)","Answer":"TYDE","Explanation":"Definition: No longer showing restraint\n**TYDE** (**hidden word in** [in part of] **DIRTY DEN**)\n **TYDE**\n\n**TYDE** (Spenserian [old; no longer] word for TIED [restrained; showing restraint])"} {"Clue":"Scotch fatty downed rapidly (4)","Answer":"SUNK","Explanation":"Definition: Scotch fatty\n**SUNK** (Scottish word for an overweight person; Scottish fatty)\n **SUNK**\n\n**SUNK** (went down rapidly) double definition"} {"Clue":"Stop around middle of psalms for Gloria (4)","Answer":"HALO","Explanation":"Definition: Gloria\n**HO** (instruction to stop) **containing** (around) **AL** (**central letters of** [middle of] **PSALMS**)\n **H** (**AL**) **O**\n\n**HALO** (a gloria can be defined as a **HALO**)"} {"Clue":"Funny artist, not last one to take on Conservative using ridicule? (7)","Answer":"SATIRIC","Explanation":"Definition: using ridicule\n**Anagram of **(funny) **ARTIST excluding the final letter** (not last one) **T + I **(Roman numeral for one) **+ C** (Conservative)\n **SATIR*** **I ****C**\n\n**SATIRIC** (using ridicule)"} {"Clue":"Past accommodating the French refusal to talk (7)","Answer":"SILENCE","Explanation":"Definition: refusal to talk\n**SINCE** (past) **containing** (accommodating) **LE** (one of the French forms of 'the')\n **SI **(**LE**)** NCE**\n\n**SILENCE** (refusal to talk)"} {"Clue":"Required guide when travelling around river \u2013 regret coming back (2,7)","Answer":"DE RIGUEUR","Explanation":"Definition: Required\n(**Anagram of** (when travelling] **GUIDE** **containing** [round] **R** [river]) **+ RUE** **reversed** (coming back)\n **DE** (**R**) **IGU*** **EUR**<\n\n**DE RIGUEUR** (required by strict etiquette, or by fashion, etc.)"} {"Clue":"Tailless fawn seen in wood (5)","Answer":"GROVE","Explanation":"Definition: wood\n**GROVE****L** (behave obsequiously; fawn) **excluding the final letter** (tailless) **L**\n **GROVE**\n\n**GROVE **(small wood)"} {"Clue":"Wrong to have Edith awaiting a date (4,3)","Answer":"SINE DIE","Explanation":"Definition: awaiting a date\n**SIN** (wrong) **+ EDIE** (diminutive form of **EDITH**)\n **SIN** **E DIE**\n\n**SINE DIE** (without a day [appointed]; [of a meeting or other business])"} {"Clue":"Applying green activity (7)","Answer":"PUTTING","Explanation":"Definition: Applying\n**PUTTING** (applying)\n **PUTTING**\n\n**PUTTING** (action undertaken by golfers on the green) double definition"} {"Clue":"It now has less to offer the corresponding process (8)","Answer":"MAILSACK","Explanation":"Definition: It now has less to offer the corresponding process\n**MAILSACK **\u00a0I may be missing something here, but I think this is a cryptic definition alluding to the fact that once a letter or parcel is delivered, then the contents of the **MAILSACK** reduce and consequently the **MAILSACK** plays a smaller part in the corresponding [letter writing etc] process [until the next day when it is is filled again])\n **MAILSACK**\n\n**MAILSACK** (large bag used for transporting or delivering **MAIL**)"} {"Clue":"Become unable to see reduced mischievous sprite (6)","Answer":"GOBLIN","Explanation":"Definition: mischievous sprite\n**GO BLIN****D** (become unable to see) **excluding the final letter** (reduced) **D**\n **GOBLIN**\n\n**GOBLIN** (a small grotesque supernatural creature, regarded as malevolent towards human beings \u2013 that sounds rather more malign than just mischievous!)"} {"Clue":"Frustrate positioning of bed in school (6)","Answer":"SCOTCH","Explanation":"Definition: Frustrate\n**COT** (bed) **contained in** (positioning of \u2026 in) **SCH** (school)\n **S** (**COT**) **CH**\n\n**SCOTCH** (frustrate)"} {"Clue":"Most accurate record overlooks Dutch collection of animals (8)","Answer":"BESTIARY","Explanation":"Definition: collection of animals\n**BEST** (highest perfection; most accurate) **+ DIARY** (daily record) **excluding** (overlooks) **D** (Dutch)\n **BEST IARY**\n\n**BESTIARY** (a book of a type popular in the Middle Ages, describing animals, both real and fabled, allegorized for moral teaching purposes; collection of animals)"} {"Clue":"Request for payment expected to produce notes? (7)","Answer":"INVOICE","Explanation":"Definition: Request for payment\n**IN VOICE **(**IN** condition for singing; expected to produce [musical] notes)\n **IN VOICE**\n\n**INVOICE** (record of amount due for payment)"} {"Clue":"Work \u2013 termination of contract \u2013 start to require benefit (7)","Answer":"TRAVAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Work\n**T** (**last letter of** [termination of] **CONTRACT**) **+ R** (**first letter of** [start to] **REQUIRE**) + **AVAIL** (benefit)\n **T R AVAIL**\n\n**TRAVAIL** (excessive labour or work"} {"Clue":"Tenor initially longing to appear in Hollywood musical (5)","Answer":"GIGLI","Explanation":"Definition: Tenor\n**L** (**first letter of **[initially] **LONGING**) **contained in** (to appear in) **GIGI** (1958 Hollywood produced musical\u00a0with a book and lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner and music by Frederick Loewe. It is based on the novella **GIGI**\u00a0by Colette) \n **GIG** (**L**) **I**\n\n**GIGLI** (reference Beniamino **GIGLI** [1890 -1957], Italian opera singer regarded as one of the best tenors of his generation)"} {"Clue":"Surprised comment about rumour in music? Uncertain stuff (9)","Answer":"APOCRYPHA","Explanation":"Definition: Uncertain stuff\n**AHA** (expression of surprise) **containing **(about) (**CRY** [report or rumour] **contained in** [in] **POP** [genre of music])\n **A** (**PO** (**CRY**) **P**) **HA**\n\n**APOCRYPHA** (\u00a0cap) those books or parts of books included in the Septuagint and Vulgate translations of the Old Testament but not accepted as canonical by Jews or Protestants, and to later books (**APOCRYPHA** of the New Testament) never accepted as canonical or authoritative by any considerable part of the Christian Church;; uncertain stuff)"} {"Clue":"Interrupt, always being taken aback about story (7)","Answer":"RELIEVE","Explanation":"Definition: Interrupt\n**EVER** (always) **reversed** (being taken aback) **containing** (about) **LIE** (false story)\n **RE** (**LIE**) **VE**<\n\n**RELIEVE** (interrupt)"} {"Clue":"Newspaper pursues strange lights in the sky (7)","Answer":"SUNDOGS","Explanation":"Definition: strange lights in the sky\n**SUN** (British newspaper) **+**** DOGS** (follows; pursues)\n **SUN DOGS**\n\n**SUNDOGS** (mock suns or parhelions; strange lights in the sky)"} {"Clue":"Endpoint of birthdays? That is mostly parties (5)","Answer":"SIDES","Explanation":"Definition: parties \n**S** (**last letter of** [endpoint of] **BIRTHDAYS**) **+ ID EST** (that is) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **T**\n **S** **ID ES**\n\n**SIDES** (teams; parties)"} {"Clue":"Director raving endlessly in grip of Chinese philosophical concept (9)","Answer":"TARANTINO","Explanation":"Definition: Director\n**RANTING** (raving) **excluding the final letter** (endlessly) **G** **contained in** (in grip of) **TAO** (in Confucianism and some other philosophies, the way to be followed, philosophical concept)\n **TA** (**RANTIN**) **O**\n\n**TARANTINO** (reference Quentin **TARANTINO** [born 1963], American film director)"} {"Clue":"Stiff, cold, decapitated (5)","Answer":"RIGID","Explanation":"Definition: Stiff\n**FRIGID** (cold) **excluding the first letter** [decapitated] **F**\n **RIGID**\n\n**RIGID** (stiff)"} {"Clue":"Blokes ride a bike, cycling in mild mood (8)","Answer":"CLEMENCY","Explanation":"Definition: mild mood \n**MEN** (blokes) **+ CYCLE** (ride a bike) **with all letters moved three to the right and wrapping round** (cycling) to form **CLEMENCY**\n **CLE MEN CY**\n\n**CLEMENCY** (mildness)"} {"Clue":"Going heavenward, fellow's embracing standard angel (6)","Answer":"SERAPH","Explanation":"Definition: angel\n(**HE'S **[fellow's] **containing** [embracing] **PAR** [standard]) **all reversed** (going heavenward; down clue)\n (**SE** (**RAP**) **H**)<\n\n**SERAPH** (angel at the highest of the nine orders)"} {"Clue":"Escapes bedtime?( 6,3)","Answer":"LIGHTS OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Escapes\n**LIGHTS OUT** (escapes)\n **LIGHTS OUT**\n\n**LIGHTS OUT** (the time at which **LIGHTS** are turned **OUT**\u00a0for the night, in a boarding school, barracks,bedtime) double definition"} {"Clue":"One chap uplifted about old Biblical heroine (5)","Answer":"NAOMI","Explanation":"Definition: Biblical heroine\n(**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ MAN** [chap]) **al**l **reversed** (lifted; down clue) and **containing** (about) **O **(old)\n (**NA** (**O**) **M** **I**)<\n\n**NAOMI** (Ruth's mother-in-law in the Old Testament book of Ruth; biblical heroine)"} {"Clue":"European with grace to retain information in crisis (9)","Answer":"EMERGENCY","Explanation":"Definition: crisis\n**E** (European) **+** (**MERCY** [grace] **containing** [to retain] **GEN** [information])\n **E** **MER** (**GEN**) **CY**\n\n**EMERGENCY** (crisis)"} {"Clue":"Religious service in German for English playwright (9)","Answer":"MASSINGER","Explanation":"Definition: English playwright\n**MASS** (religious service) **+ IN + GER** (German)\n **MASS IN GER**\n\n**MASSINGER** (reference Philip **MASSINGER** (1583 \u2013 1640], English playwright)"} {"Clue":"Give up as lost bag, if dropped in grass (9)","Answer":"SACRIFICE","Explanation":"Definition: Give up as lost\n**SAC** (pouch or bag-like structure) **+** (**IF** **contained in** [dropped in] **RICE** (a form of grass grown in warm climates)\n **SAC** **R** (**IF**) **ICE**\n\n**SACRIFICE** (surrender, or foregoing of anything valued for the sake of anything else, esp a higher consideration; five up as lost)"} {"Clue":"Small dog \u2013 keeps one in lap this way (5,4)","Answer":"LHASA APSO","Explanation":"Definition: Small dog\n([**HAS** {keeps} **+ A** {one}] **contained in** [in] **LAP**) **+ SO** (this way)\n **L** (**HAS** **A**) **AP** **SO**\n\n**LHASA APSO** (Tibetan breed of small, long-haired dog)"} {"Clue":"Skilful reduction of surplus in party (American) (8)","Answer":"DEXTROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Skilful\n(**EXTRA** [surplus] **excluding the final letter** [reduction of]) **A contained in** **DO** (party) **+ US** (United States; American)\n **D** (**EXTR**) **O** **US**\n\n**DEXTROUS** (skilful)"} {"Clue":"Waste visit, being interrupted by joker (6)","Answer":"SEWAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Waste\n**SEE **(visit) **containing** (being interrupted by) **WAG** (joker)\n **SE** (**WAG**) **E**\n\n**SEWAGE** (waste discharged from house drains and streets)"} {"Clue":"Watch volume: one small volume further reduced? (5)","Answer":"VIGIL","Explanation":"Definition: Watch\n**V** (volume) **+ I **(Roman numeral for one) **+ GILL** (small measure of volume, often applied to spirits) **excluding the final letter** (further reduced)** L**\n **V I GIL**\n\n**VIGIL** (watch, especially at night)"} {"Clue":"Favouring occupying a new type of stage (5)","Answer":"APRON","Explanation":"Definition: type of stage\n**PRO** (in favour of; favouring) **contained in** (occupying) (**A + N **[new])\n **A** (**PRO**) **N**\n\n**APRON** (a stage or part of stage in front of the proscenium arch, projecting to a greater or lesser extent into the auditorium)"} {"Clue":"Love contributing to guy's burden (5)","Answer":"LOADS","Explanation":"Definition: burden\n**O** (zero; love score in tennis) **contained in** (contributing to) **LAD'S** (guy's)\n **L** (**O**) **ADS**\n\n**LOADS** (burden; **LOAD** singular is a burden, so I suppose more than one load is a greater burden))"} {"Clue":"Ground offensive left Rwanda struggling with food (4,7)","Answer":"LAND WARFARE","Explanation":"Definition: Ground offensive\n**L** (left) **+ an anagram of** (struggling) **RWANDA** **+ FARE** (food)\n **L ****AND WAR*** **FARE**\n\n**LAND WARFARE** (fighting on the ground; ground offensive)"} {"Clue":"Spot Fox going into retirement (3)","Answer":"DOT","Explanation":"Definition: Spot\n**TOD** (fox) **reversed** (going into retirement)\n **DOT**<\n\n**DOT** (very small spot)"} {"Clue":"Sing of confidence in acrobat group? (5)","Answer":"NONET","Explanation":"Definition: group\n**N****O NET** (If a trapeze artist or acrobat performs with **NO NET** then he or she is showing confidence)\n **NO NET**\n\n**NONET** (instrumental group of nine players)"} {"Clue":"Through which to deliver improved hair, according to Spooner (9)","Answer":"LETTERBOX","Explanation":"Definition: Through which to deliver\n**LETTERBOX** (a Spoonerism of this would be **BETTER** [improved] **LOCKS** [hair])\n **LETTERBOX**\n\n**LETTERBOX** (slot or receptacle for receiving or delivering mail and other goods, such as political leafclets)"} {"Clue":"Secure app developed written as FORTRAN? (5,4)","Answer":"UPPER CASE","Explanation":"Definition: written as FORTRAN\n**Anagram of** (developed) **SECURE APP**\n **UPPER CASE***\n\n**UPPER CASE** (the word **FORTRAN** [a programming language] is written in upper case characters)"} {"Clue":"First-rate, formal English (5)","Answer":"PRIME","Explanation":"Definition: First-rate\n**PRIM** (formal) **+ E** (English)\n **PRIM E**\n\n**PRIME** (of the highest quality)"} {"Clue":"Began a cheesecake filled with chocolate cream (7)","Answer":"GANACHE","Explanation":"Definition: chocolate cream\n**GANACHE** (**hidden word in** [filled with] **BEGAN A CHEESECAKE**)\n **GANACHE**\n\n**GANACHE** (mixture of chocolate and cream in equal parts, used to make truffles and as a filling in cakes and biscuits)"} {"Clue":"A-list rejected an oik like Pte Walker (4)","Answer":"SPIV","Explanation":"Definition: A-list\n**VIPS** (very important persons; A-listers) **reversed** (rejected)\n **SPIV**<\n\n**SPIV** (flashy black-market hawker; someone who makes money by dubious means; also an oik or an idler. Private Walker in Dad's Army was an example)"} {"Clue":"Select a tool (4)","Answer":"PICK","Explanation":"Definition: Select\n**PICK** (select)\n **PICK**\n\n**PICK** (tool for breaking ground) double definition"} {"Clue":"Simple souls process number two, having spent a penny (7)","Answer":"NINNIES","Explanation":"Definition: Simple souls\n**Anagram of **(process) **NINEPINS** (entry at two down [number two]) **excluding** (spending) **P** (penny)\n **NINNIES***\n\n**NINNIES** (simpletons; simple souls)"} {"Clue":"Chaps downing limoncello on vacation \u2013 it's quite sweet (5)","Answer":"MELON","Explanation":"Definition: it's quite sweet\n**MEN** (chaps) **containing** (closing down) **LO** (**letters remaining in** **LIMONCELLO** **when all the central letters IMONCELL are removed** [on vacation])\n **ME** (**LO**) **N**\n\n**MELON** (a fruit whose edible flesh is quite sweet))"} {"Clue":"Skinny bloke to sit more than half of next day in city pub (9)","Answer":"ECTOMORPH","Explanation":"Definition: Skinny bloke\n**TOMOR** (**five of the eight**\u00a0[more than half] **letters of** **TOMORROW** [next day]) **contained in** (to sit \u2026 in) (**EC** [post code of the City of London] **+ PH** [public house; pub])\n **EC** (**TOMOR**) **PH**\n\n**ECTOMORPH** (\u00a0person of light and delicate build; skinny bloke)"} {"Clue":"One scratching the back of lumberjack? (9)","Answer":"LOGROLLER","Explanation":"Definition: One scratching the back of lumberjack\n**LOGROLLER** (one who gives mutual aid to other politicians, etc, especially in relation to trading in votes to secure the passage of legislation; one scratching the back of)\n **LOGROLLER**\n\n**LOGROLLER** (lumberjack)"} {"Clue":"Very old Irish priest made his mark (5)","Answer":"VOTED","Explanation":"Definition: made his mark\n**V** (very) **+ O** (old) **+ TED** (reference Father **TED**, the title character and priest in the television sitcom Father **TED**)\n **V O ****TED**\n\n**VOTED** (made a mark in favour of a candidate in an election)"} {"Clue":"Star is suing every now and again (3)","Answer":"SUN","Explanation":"Definition: Star\n**SUN** (**letters 2, 4 and 6**\u00a0[every now and then] of **IS SUING**\n **SUN**\n\n**SUN** (an example of a star)"} {"Clue":"After conversion, I'm saintlier (like the vicar) (11)","Answer":"MINISTERIAL","Explanation":"Definition: like the vicar\n**Anagram of** (after conversion) **I'M SAINTLIER**\n **MINISTERIAL***\n\n**MINISTERIAL** (descriptive of a vicar [minister])"} {"Clue":"Heartless Soviet camp \"in the way\", in a manner of speaking (8)","Answer":"LANGUAGE","Explanation":"Definition: a manner of speaking\n**GU****L****AG** (Soviet camp for political prisoners) **excluding the middle letter** (heartless) **L** **contained in** (in) **LANE** (oath; way)\n **LAN** (**GUAG**) **E**\n\n**LANGUAGE** (any manner of expressing thought or feeling; a manner of speaking)"} {"Clue":"Skittles record I held in Northern pubs (8)","Answer":"NINEPINS","Explanation":"Definition: Skittles\n(**EP** (Extended Play record] **+ I**) **contained in** (held in) (**N** [northern] **+ INNS** [pubs])\n **N** **IN** (**EP** **I**) **NS**\n\n**NINEPINS** (form of skittles)"} {"Clue":"Matthau dropping line in lake (5)","Answer":"WATER","Explanation":"Definition: lake\n**WA****L****TER** (reference **WALTER** Matthau [1920 \u2013 2000], American actor) **excluding** (dropping) **L** (line)\n **WATER**\n\n**WATER** (lake, as in Ulls**WATER** in the Lake District)"} {"Clue":"Free to sign a new rental agreement (7)","Answer":"RELEASE","Explanation":"Definition: Free\n**RE LEASE** (take out [sign] a new rental agreement)\n **RE** **LEASE**\n\n**RELEASE** (set free)"} {"Clue":"Current Hair star? (7)","Answer":"ACTRESS","Explanation":"Definition: star\n**AC** (alternating current) **+ TRESS** (plait or braid of the hair)\n **AC TRESS**\n\n**ACTRESS** (leading **ACTRESS**es are referred to as stars)"} {"Clue":"Former English politician into new kind of relief (9)","Answer":"EXEMPTION","Explanation":"Definition: kind of relief\n**EX** (former) **+ E** (English) **+ MP** (Member of Parliament; politician) **+ an anagram of** (new) **INTO**\n **EX ****E**** ****MP**** ****TION*******\n\n**EXEMPTION** ( relief from any service, duty, burden)"} {"Clue":"Get rid of the new PM \u2013 reject old rubbish! (6)","Answer":"DEBRIS","Explanation":"Definition: rubbish\n**DE**\u2013 (away; get rid of) **+ BORIS** (reference **B****O****RIS** Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom as of 13th August 2019) **excluding** (reject) **O** (old)\n **DE BRIS**\n\n**DEBRIS** (rubbish)"} {"Clue":"They have a revenue stream, thanks to Magneto et al (6)","Answer":"TAXMEN","Explanation":"Definition: They have a revenue stream\n**TA** (thanks) **+ X-MEN** (Magneto and others [et al] are fictional characters appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, commonly in association with the X-Men fantasy film) \n **TA** **XMEN**\n\n**TAXMEN** (people who work for Inland Revenue departments worldwide)"} {"Clue":"Organic bananas planted on random, deserted peak in the highlands (9)","Answer":"CAIRNGORM","Explanation":"Definition: peak in the highlands\n**Anagram of** (bananas) **ORGANIC** **+ RM** (**letters remaining in RANDOM** **when all the central letters are removed** [deserted])\n **CAIRNGO*** **RM**\n\n**CAIRNGORM** (mountain peak in the Scottish highlands) I think the mountain range is the one word **CAIRNGORM**s but the individual peak is two words **CAIRN GORM"} {"Clue":"Revolting, bitter bile uncovered in lyrical works (8)","Answer":"LIBRETTI","Explanation":"Definition: lyrical works\n**Anagram of** (revolting) **BITTER** and **IL** (**letters remaining in BILE** **when the outer letters B and E are removed** [uncovered])\n **LIBRETTI***\n\n**LIBRETTI** (the words [lyrics]\u00a0of an opera, oratorio, ballet etc; lyrical works)"} {"Clue":"Being a plant, I must leave \"Hail, Spode!\" movement (8)","Answer":"ASPHODEL","Explanation":"Definition: Being a plant\n**Anagram of** (movement) **HAIL SPODE** **excluding** (must leave) **I**\n **ASPHODEL***\n\n**ASPHODEL** (a plant of the lily family)"} {"Clue":"Merkel getting the shakes, taking a tablet in government building (7)","Answer":"KREMLIN","Explanation":"Definition: government building\n**Anagram of** (the shakes) **MERKEL** **excluding** (taking) **E** (ecstasy tablet) **+ IN** \n **KREML*** **IN **Either **E** could be excluded from **MERKEL**\n\n**KREMLIN** (government building in Russia)"} {"Clue":"Humours original word for buttocks being circulated (7)","Answer":"NATURES","Explanation":"Definition: Humours\n**UR**\u2013 (primitive; original) **contained in** (being circulated) **NATES** (buttocks)\n **NAT** (**UR**) **ES**\n\n**NATURES** (dispositions; humours)"} {"Clue":"Girlie regularly featured in text looks happy (6)","Answer":"SMILES","Explanation":"Definition: looks happy\n**ILE** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [regularly] of **GIRLIE**) **contained in** (featured in) **SMS** (short message service; text message)\n **SM** (**ILE**) **S**\n\n**SMILES** (looks happy)"} {"Clue":"Second Wolverine catchphrase \u2026 (6)","Answer":"SLOGAN","Explanation":"Definition: catchphrase\n**S** (second) **+ LOGAN** (James Howlett also known as\u00a0**LOGAN **and Wolverine are, I think, the same character in different guises. Both have been played by Hugh Jackman in a couple of films)\n **S LOGAN**\n\n**SLOGAN** (advertising catchphrase)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 second to struggle with film (5)","Answer":"MOVIE","Explanation":"Definition: film \n**MO** (moment; second) **+ VIE** (struggle)\n **MO VIE**\n\n**MOVIE** (film)"} {"Clue":"Port, as drunk at the end of second degree (7)","Answer":"MOMBASA","Explanation":"Definition: Port\n**MO** (moment; second) **+ MBA** (degree of Masters of Business Administration) **+ an anagram of** (drunk) **AS**\n **MO MBA ****SA***\n\n**MOMBASA** (port on the coast of Kenya)"} {"Clue":"Fellow confronted over coffee (6)","Answer":"DECAFF","Explanation":"Definition: coffee\n**FACED** (confronted) **reversed **(over) **+ F** (fellow)\n **DECAF**< **F**\n\n**DECAFF** (**DECAFF**einated coffee)"} {"Clue":"Religious women hiding love for sex and drugs and rock and roll? (5)","Answer":"NOUNS","Explanation":"Definition: sex and drugs and rock and roll\n**NUNS** (religious women) **containing** (hiding) **O** (zero; love score in tennis)\n **N** (**O**) **UNS**\n\n**NOUNS** (all of sex, drugs, rock and roll are examples of nouns)"} {"Clue":"Teacher's function is to express irritation over fashion (8)","Answer":"TUTORAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Teacher's function\n**TUT** express irritation) **+ O** (over) **+ RAGE** (vogue; fashion, as in it's all the **RAGE**)\n **TUT ****O**** RAGE**\n\n**TUTORAGE** (the function of a teacher)"} {"Clue":"PM wanting nobody to finish early (9)","Answer":"AFTERNOON","Explanation":"Definition: PM\n**AFTER** (in search of; wanting) + **NO-ONE** (nobody) **excluding the final letter** (to finish early) **E**\n **AFTER NOON**\n\n**AFTERNOON** (12 **NOON**\u00a0until evening; post-meridiem; PM)"} {"Clue":"Must leave dry area (5)","Answer":"GOTTA","Explanation":"Definition: Must\n**GO** (leave) **+ TT** (teetotal; dry) **+ A** (area)\n **GO TT **A\n\n**GOTTA** (**GOT** to; must)"} {"Clue":"Desire to marry, wanting first husband (4)","Answer":"ITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Desire\n**HITCH** (marry) **excluding** (wanting) **the first H** (husband)\n **ITCH**\n\n**ITCH** (desire)"} {"Clue":"Mark religious festival on the radio in a rush (8)","Answer":"STAMPEDE","Explanation":"Definition: rush\n**STAMP** (mark) **+ EDE** (**sounds like** [on the radio] **EID** or **ID** (Muslim religious festival such as Id Al-Adha or Id -Al-Fitr)\n **STAMP EDE**\n\n**STAMPEDE** (any mass rush to do something)"} {"Clue":"Craftsman irked me terribly, concealing answer (8)","Answer":"DIEMAKER","Explanation":"Definition: Craftsman\n**Anagram of **(terribly) **IRKED ME** **containing** (concealing) **A** (answer)\n **DIE****M** (**A**) **K****E****R***\n\n**DIEMAKER** (example of a craftsman)"} {"Clue":"Twist in plot around November (4)","Answer":"BEND","Explanation":"Definition: Twist\n**BED** (plot of flowers or earth in a garden) **containing** (around) **N** (November is the International Radio Communication codeword for the letter **N**)\n **BE** (**N**) **D**\n\n**BEND** (twist)"} {"Clue":"Talk about new song (5)","Answer":"CHANT","Explanation":"Definition: song\n**CHAT** (talk) **containing **(about) **N** (new)\n **CHA** (**N**) **T**\n\n**CHANT **(song)"} {"Clue":"Papa is appalling traitor, meeting American organisation (9)","Answer":"APPARATUS","Explanation":"Definition: organisation\n**Anagram of** (appalling) **PAPA** **+ RAT** (traitor) **+ US** (United States; American)\n **APPA***** RAT ****US**\n\n**APPARATUS** (organisation or system that allows things to function))"} {"Clue":"Ambitious partisan on the move (8)","Answer":"ASPIRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Ambitious\n**Anagram of** (on the move) **PARTISAN**\n **ASPIRANT***\n\n**ASPIRANT**** **(ambitious)"} {"Clue":"Stir up Brexit-voting town (5)","Answer":"STOKE","Explanation":"Definition: Stir up\n**STOKE** (feed with fuel; stir up)\n **STOKE**\n\n**STOKE** (**STOKE**-on-Trent is a town in England that voted in favour of leaving the European Union by a majority of 69.4% to 30.6%) double definition"} {"Clue":"Pathetic threesome agreed hosts (6)","Answer":"MEAGRE","Explanation":"Definition: Pathetic\n**MEAGRE** (**hidden word in** [hosts] **THREESOME AGREED**)\n **MEAGRE**\n\n**MEAGRE** (inadequate; pathetic)"} {"Clue":"Pull clock around for New Yorkers, for example (7)","Answer":"YANKEES","Explanation":"Definition: New Yorkers, for example\n**YANK** (pull) **+ SEE** (understand; notice; clock) **reversed** (around)\n **YANK** **EES**<\n\n**YANKEES** (In America, citizens of the New England States, or an inhabitant of the northern United States, as opposed to the southern. New Yorkers would fit that definition. To British people, **YANKEE** generally means any American)"} {"Clue":"Bird poo with a crust cracks (8,4)","Answer":"MANDARIN DUCK","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\n(**AND** [with] **+ A + RIND** [crust]) **contained in** (cracks) **MUCK** (dung; poo)\n **M** (**AND** **A** **RIN D**) **UCK**\n\n**MANDARIN DUCK** (crested Asiatic **DUCK**; bird)"} {"Clue":"Growth of medicine's beginning to get rid of pain (9)","Answer":"MOUSTACHE","Explanation":"Definition: Growth\n**M** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **MEDICINE) + OUST **(get rid of) **+ ACHE** (pain)\n **M OUST ACHE**\n\n**MOUSTACHE** (unshaved hair on a man's upper lip; growth)"} {"Clue":"Silly sailor's irrational (6)","Answer":"ABSURD","Explanation":"Definition: Silly\n**AB** (able seaman; sailor) **+ SURD** (in mathematics, an irrational quantity, especially an irrational root or a sum of irrational roots)\n **AB SURD**\n\n**ABSURD** (silly)"} {"Clue":"Effect of current and temperature on charged particle (6)","Answer":"ACTION","Explanation":"Definition: Effect\n**AC** (alternating current) **+ T **(temperature) **+ ION** (an electrically-charged particle)\n **AC T ION**\n\n**ACTION** (effect)"} {"Clue":"Parisian and a famous revolutionary set off (8)","Answer":"DETONATE","Explanation":"Definition: set off\n(**ET** [French {Parisian} for 'and') **+ A + NOTED** [famous]) **all reversed** (revolutionary)\n (**DETON** **A** **TE**)<\n\n**DETONATE** (cause to explode; set off)"} {"Clue":"Spooner's watch arrived in Newmarket, perhaps (4,4)","Answer":"CARD GAME","Explanation":"Definition: Newmarket, perhaps\n**CARD GAME** (Spoonerism of **GUARD** [watch] **CAME** [arrived])\n **CARD GAME**\n\n**CARD GAME** (Newmarket is an example of a **CARD GAME**)"} {"Clue":"Argument of rowing crew leader is baseless (5)","Answer":"FIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Argument\n**EIGHT** (rowing crew) **with the lower [base] arm of the E** [**the first letter **{leader}] **removed [less] t**o form an **F**)\n **FIGHT**\n\n**FIGHT** (argument)"} {"Clue":"Shops German chemist runs, but runs secretly (12)","Answer":"HABERDASHERS","Explanation":"Definition: Shops\n**HABER** (reference Fritz **HABER** [1868 \u2013 1934], German scientist) + (**R** [runs] **contained in** [secretly] **DASHES** [runs])\n **HABER** **DASHE** (**R**) **S**\n\n**HABERDASHERS** (examples of shops"} {"Clue":"Choose staff to meet judge, at last, one on the circuit (9)","Answer":"ELECTRODE","Explanation":"Definition: one on the circuit\n**ELECT** (choose)** + ROD** (staff) **+ E** (**final letter of** [at last] **JUDGE**)\n **ELECT ROD E**\n\n**ELECTRODE** (a conductor by which a current of electricity enters or leaves an electrolytic cell; an element on an electric circuit)"} {"Clue":"Trump unhinged essentially. Pence? Just a fraction (8)","Answer":"FARTHING","Explanation":"Definition: Pence? Just a fraction\n**FART** (break wind audibly; trump) **+ HING** (**middle letters of** [essentially] **UNHINGED**)\n **FART HING**\n\n**FARTHING** (old coin that was worth fraction [a quarter] of a penny)"} {"Clue":"State part of trade law, a rebuttal (8)","Answer":"DELAWARE","Explanation":"Definition: State\nD**ELAWARE** (h**idden word in** [part of] T**RADE LAW A REBUTTAL**)\n **DELAWARE**\n\n**DELAWARE** (one of the fifty States of America)"} {"Clue":"Lack of interest, of course, that always stifles (6)","Answer":"APATHY","Explanation":"Definition: Lack of interest\n**AY** (aye; always) **containing** (stifles) **PATH** (course) \n **A** (**PATH**) **Y**\n\n**APATHY** (indifference; lack of interest)"} {"Clue":"Old Republican is supported by prayer (6)","Answer":"ORISON","Explanation":"Definition: prayer\n**O** (old) **+ R** (Republican) **+ IS + ON** (supported by)\n **O R IS ON**\n\n**ORISON** (prayer)"} {"Clue":"Happening singleton in part of West London (6)","Answer":"ACTION","Explanation":"Definition: Happening\n**I** (Roman numeral for one [singleton]) **contained in** (in) **ACTON** (an area\u00a0of West London)\n **ACT** (**I**) **ON**\n\n**ACTION** (event; happening"} {"Clue":"Dancing monkey maybe joining tap group (8)","Answer":"CAPERING","Explanation":"Definition: Dancing\n**C**\u00a0(cold; as in a cold tap) **+ APE** (type of monkey) **+ RING** (group organised to control a market)\n **C** **APE** **RING**\n\n**CAPERING** (dancing)"} {"Clue":"To follow evening meal hosts start to smoke hash \u2026 (4,6)","Answer":"DOGS DINNER","Explanation":"Definition: hash\n(**DOG** [trail; follow] **+ DINNER** [evening meal]) **containing** (hosts) **S** (**first letter of** [starts to] **SMOKE**)\n **DOG** (**S**) **DINNER**\n\n**DOGS DINNER** (mess; hash)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 briefly contemplate turning lecherous \u2026 (4)","Answer":"LEWD","Explanation":"Definition: lecherous\n(**DWELL** [rest attention on; contemplate] **excluding the final letter** [briefly]) **L**\u00a0**reversed** (turning)\n **LEWD**<\n\n**LEWD** (lustful; lecherous)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 share a little melancholy \u2026 (8)","Answer":"DOLESOME","Explanation":"Definition: melancholy\n**DOLE** (share) **+ SOME** (a little)\n **DOLE SOME**\n\n**DOLESOME **(melancholy)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 budge off around midnight, wired (6)","Answer":"BUGGED","Explanation":"Definition: wired\n**Anagram of** (off) **BUDGE** **containing** (around) **G** (**central letter of** [mid] **NIGHT**)\n **BUG** (**G**)** ****ED*** Either **G** could be the one contained\n\n**BUGGED** (wired with a listening device)"} {"Clue":"Warning cry let off within solitary confinement (4,2,3,4)","Answer":"FIRE IN THE HOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Warning cry\n**FIRE** (dismiss ; let go; let off) **+ IN THE HOLE **(in solitary confinement? All the references to **IN THE HOLE** that I can find indicate the phrase describing someone who is in debt)\n **FIRE IN THE HOLE**\n\n**FIRE IN THE HOLE** (warning that an explosive detonation in a confined space is imminent. It originated with miners, who needed to warn their fellows that a charge had been set; warning cry)"} {"Clue":"Mixer and drop of rosso drunk outside church (4,9)","Answer":"FOOD PROCESSOR","Explanation":"Definition: Mixer\n**Anagram of** (drunk) **DROP OF ROSSO** **containing** (outside) **CE** (Church [of England])\n **FOOD PRO** (**CE**) **SSOR***\n\n**FOOD PROCESSOR** (mixer)"} {"Clue":"Sweet wine's pronounced aroma \u2013 flipping cheers! (6)","Answer":"MUSCAT","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet wine\n**MUSC** (**sounds like** [pronounced] **MUSK** [aroma of a strong smelling substance used in perfumery]) **+ TA** (thank you; cheers) **reversed** (flipping)\n **MUSC AT**<\n\n**MUSCAT** (a type of spicy [sweet?] wine)"} {"Clue":"Coarse sailor is capsized in storm (8)","Answer":"ABRASIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Coarse\n**AB** (able seaman; sailor) **+** (**IS** **reversed** [capsized] in **RAVE** [rage; storm])\n **AB** **RA** (**SI**<) **VE**\n\n**ABRASIVE** (harsh; coarse)"} {"Clue":"Avoid attention during parade (4)","Answer":"SHUN","Explanation":"Definition: Avoid\n**'SHUN** (informal term used by military officers calling men to stand at attention)\n **SHUN**\n\n**SHUN** (avoid) double definition"} {"Clue":"Unique car returned, albeit damaged (10)","Answer":"INIMITABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Unique\n**MINI** (brand of car) **reversed** (returned) **+ an anagram of** (damaged) **ALBEIT**\n **INIM**<** ****ITABLE***\n\n**INIMITABLE** (something that cannot be reproduced in the same form; unique)"} {"Clue":"Wedding vow: glad at heart attempt to create devotion (8)","Answer":"IDOLATRY","Explanation":"Definition: devotion\n**I DO** (wedding vow)** + LA** (**central letters of** [at heart]** GLAD**) **+ TRY** (attempt)\n **I DO** **LA** **TRY**\n\n**IDOLATRY** (excessive devotion)"} {"Clue":"Mineral content of champagne is slight (6)","Answer":"GNEISS","Explanation":"Definition: Mineral\n**GNEISS** (**hidden word in**\u00a0[content of] **CHAMPAGNE IS SLIGHT**)\n **GNEISS**\n\n**GNEISS** (coarse-grained foliated metamorphic rock,; mineral)"} {"Clue":"Loco? Calm down! (4,3)","Answer":"COOL OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Calm down\n**COOL OFF** (the phrase **COOL OFF** could be a clue for **LOCO** where **COOL** is the anagram fodder and **OFF** is the anagram indicator)\n **COOL OFF**\n\n**COOL OFF** (get less angry; calm down)"} {"Clue":"Unopened web publication (5)","Answer":"ISSUE","Explanation":"Definition: publication\n**T****ISSUE** (network; web) **excluding the first letter **(unopened) **T**\n **ISSUE**\n\n**ISSUE** (magazine; publication)"} {"Clue":"Grandee, one retaining aura somewhere in Africa (7)","Answer":"NAIROBI","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in Africa\n(**NOB** [grandee] **+ I** [Roman numeral for one])\u00a0**containing** (retaining) **AIR** (aura)\n **N** (**AIR**) **OB** **I**\n\n**NAIROBI** (capital city of Kenya; somewhere in Africa)"} {"Clue":"Traditional values of pious community \u2013 disciplinarians at centre lay it on liberally (15)","Answer":"CONVENTIONALITY","Explanation":"Definition: Traditional values\n**CONVENT** (closed community of people, usually women, devoted to a religious life; pious community)** + I** (**middle letter of** [at centre] **DISCIPLINARIANS**) + **an anagram of** (liberally) **LAY IT ON**\n **CONVENT**** I** **ON****AL****IT****Y***\n\n**CONVENTIONALITY** (traditional values)"} {"Clue":"Story could be cut shorter? (7)","Answer":"PARABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Story \n**PARABLE** (capable of being **PARED** [cut shorter])\n **PARABLE**\n\n**PARABLE** (fable or story told to illustrate some doctrine or moral point)"} {"Clue":"Bizarre glories in spiritual traditions (9)","Answer":"RELIGIONS","Explanation":"Definition: spiritual traditions\n**Anagram of** (bizarre) **GLORIES IN**\n **RELIG****I****O****N****S***\n\n**RELIGIONS** (spiritual traditions related to the worship of, or obedience to a supernatural power)"} {"Clue":"Present, present, absent (7)","Answer":"NOWHERE","Explanation":"Definition: absent\n**NOW** (present) **+**** HERE** (present)\n **NO W** **HERE**\n\n**NOWHERE** (in or to no place; absent)"} {"Clue":"Canine treatment too carnal to be recreated (4,5)","Answer":"ROOT CANAL","Explanation":"Definition: Canine treatment\n**Anagram of** (to be recreated) **TOO CARNAL**\n **R****OOT ****CANAL***\n\n**ROOT CANAL** (the narrow passage through which nerves and blood vessels enter the pulp cavity of a tooth) The clue is saying the that the term **ROOT CANAL** also applies to dental treatment [canine teeth] of the said passage"} {"Clue":"Rosy-cheeked as illness cast off (7)","Answer":"FLUSHED","Explanation":"Definition: Canine treatment\n**Anagram of** (to be recreated) **TOO CARNAL**\n **R****OOT ****CANAL***\n\n**ROOT CANAL** (the narrow passage through which nerves and blood vessels enter the pulp cavity of a tooth) The clue is saying the that the term **ROOT CANAL** also applies to dental treatment [canine teeth] of the said passage"} {"Clue":"By heart disturbance one demonstrates love for Georgia or Jordan perhaps (7)","Answer":"PATRIOT","Explanation":"Definition: one demonstrates love for Georgia or Jordan perhaps\n**PAT** (with or ready for fluent or glib repetition; by heart) **+ RIOT** (disturbance)\n **PAT RIOT**\n\n**PATRIOT** (a person who truly, though sometimes unquestioningly, loves and serves his or her country. Georgia and Jordan are both example of countries, but I suspect I am missing something more subtle in the choice of these two examples)"} {"Clue":"Accessory making money but keeping right to withhold name (7)","Answer":"EARRING","Explanation":"Definition: Accessory\n**EARNING** (making money) **containing** (keeping) **R** (right) and **excluding** (to withhold) **N** (name)\n **EAR** (**R**) **ING**\n\n**EARRING** (a jewellery accessory)"} {"Clue":"Likely martyr and partner turning rebels (7)","Answer":"REVOLTS","Explanation":"Definition: rebels\n(**ST** [saint; many saints were martyrs before being created saints] **+ LOVER** [partner]) **all**\u00a0**reversed** (turning)\n (**REVOL TS**)<\n\n**REVOLTS** (rebels)"} {"Clue":"Rash is briefly on top of head (5)","Answer":"SPATE","Explanation":"Definition: Rash\n'**S** (shortened form of [briefly] **IS**) **+ PATE** (head)\n **S PATE**\n\n**SPATE** (flood; rash)"} {"Clue":"Shepherdess and worker keeping operation quiet (2-4)","Answer":"BO-PEEP","Explanation":"Definition: Shepherdess\n(**BEE** [work]) **containing** (keeping) **OP** [operation]) **+ P** (piano; quiet)\n **B** (**O P**) **EE** **P**\n\n**BO-PEEP** (reference Little **BO-PEEP** who lost\u00a0her sheep; shepherdess)"} {"Clue":"Dance with German in grass is shaken up (8)","Answer":"REJIGGED","Explanation":"Definition: shaken up\n(**JIG** [dance] **+ G** [German]) **contained in** (in) **REED** (marsh or water\u00a0grass)\n **RE** (**JIG** **G**) **ED**\n\n**REJIGGED** (arranged in a new or unexpected way; shaken up)"} {"Clue":"Erupting geyser not producing volcanic material (9)","Answer":"GREYSTONE","Explanation":"Definition: volcanic material \n**Anagram of **(erupting) **GEYSER NOT**\n **GREYS****TON****E***\n\n**GREYSTONE** (volcanic rock)"} {"Clue":"Hack putting time into source (5)","Answer":"STEED","Explanation":"Definition: Hack\n**T** (time) **contained in** (into) **SEED** (source)\n **S** (**T**) **EED**\n\n**STEED** (horse; nag; hack)"} {"Clue":"Champagne socialist possibly having short drink with king (4)","Answer":"PINK","Explanation":"Definition: Champagne socialist\n**PINT **(drink [of beer usually]) **excluding the final letter **(short) **T** **+ K** (king)\n **PIN** **K**\n\n**PINK** (a person who is something of a socialist but hardly a red; person whose comfortable or extravagant standard of living belies his or her professed socialist politics; champagne socialist)"} {"Clue":"Fight encountered by a liberal recycling material (5,5)","Answer":"SCRAP METAL","Explanation":"Definition: recycling material\n**SCRAP** (fight) **+ MET** (encountered) **+ A + L** (liberal)\n **SCRAP ****MET**** ****A**** ****L**\n\n**SCRAP METAL** (material suitable only for melting and recycling)"} {"Clue":"Fat from sheep placed across tips of noisettes of lamb (7)","Answer":"LANOLIN","Explanation":"Definition: at from sheep\n**LAIN** (placed) **containing** (across) **NOL** (**first letters of** [tips of] **each of** **NOISETTES**, **OF** and **LAMB**)\n **LA** (**NOL**) **IN**\n\n**LANOLIN** (fat from wool; fat from sheep)"} {"Clue":"Doctor one pages with second of symptoms is pathetic (6)","Answer":"DRIPPY","Explanation":"Definition: pathetic\n**DR** (doctor)** + I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ PP** (pages) **+ Y** (**second letter of** {second of} **SYMPTOM**)\n **DR I PP Y**\n\n**DRIPPY** (silly; inane; pathetic)"} {"Clue":"Young bird sounds like small seal (6)","Answer":"CYGNET","Explanation":"Definition: Young bird\n**CYGNET** (a homophone of [sounds like] **SIGNET** [small seal])\n **CYGNET**\n\n**CYGNET** (young swan)"} {"Clue":"Heartless trainer on field finds part of ear (7)","Answer":"COCHLEA","Explanation":"Definition: part of ear\n**COACH** (trainer) **excluding the central letter** [heartless] **A** **+ LEA** (meadow)\n **COCH LEA**\n\n**COCHLEA **(spiral cavity of the inner ear)"} {"Clue":"Competent leader removed from board (4)","Answer":"ABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Competent\n**TABLE** (board) **excluding** (removed from) **the first letter** (leader) **T**\n **ABLE**\n\n**ABLE** (competent)"} {"Clue":"Is traitor returning bones (5)","Answer":"TARSI","Explanation":"Definition: bones\n(**IS** + **RAT** [traitor]) **all reversed** (returning)\n (**T****AR** **SI**)<\n\n**TARSI** (bones in the foot)"} {"Clue":"Abhor aid distributed to contain unknown source of disease potentially (9)","Answer":"BIOHAZARD","Explanation":"Definition: source of disease potentially\n**Anagram of** (distributed) **ABHOR AID** **containing** (to contain) **Z** (a letter often used in mathematical equations to represent an unknown value)****\n **B****I****OHA**** **(**Z**)** ****A****R****D***\n\n**BIOHAZARD** (a danger of disease or pollution from living organisms, encountered e.g. during biological research)"} {"Clue":"Special place to bury Chip (8)","Answer":"SPLINTER","Explanation":"Definition: Chip\n**S** (special) **+ PL** (place) **+ INTER** (bury)\n **S PL INTER**\n\n**SPLINTER** (piece of wood, metal, etc split off; chip)"} {"Clue":"Woman in tree is angler (6)","Answer":"FISHER","Explanation":"Definition: angler\n**SHE** (woman) **contained in** (in) **FIR** (tree)\n **FI** (**SHE**) **R**\n\n**FISHER** (angler)"} {"Clue":"Very important programme led initially by European in US city (3,5)","Answer":"BIG APPLE","Explanation":"Definition: US city\n**BIG** (very important) **+ APP** (application; programme) **+ L** (**first letter of** [initially] **LED**) **+ E** (European)\n **BIG** **APP** **L**** E**\n\n**BIG APPLE** (phrase used to refer to New York; US city)"} {"Clue":"Before start of gala French city displays state of expectation (9)","Answer":"PREGNANCY","Explanation":"Definition: state of expectation\n**PRE** (before) **+ G** (**first letter of** [start of] **GALA**) **+ NANCY** (French city)\n **PRE G NANCY**\n\n**PREGNANCY** (state of expectation)"} {"Clue":"Stops endlessly providing comfort (4)","Answer":"EASE","Explanation":"Definition: comfort\n**CEASES** (stops) **excluding the first and last letters** (without ends; endlessly) **C **and **S**\n **EASE**\n\n**EASE** (comfort)"} {"Clue":"I stupefied manic sons they can't fall asleep (10)","Answer":"INSOMNIACS","Explanation":"Definition: they can't fall asleep\n**I** **+ an anagram of** (stupefied) **MANIC SONS**\n **I ****NSOMNIACS***\n\n**INSOMNIACS** (people who suffer from prolonged inability to sleep)"} {"Clue":"Jar reported to be large (5)","Answer":"GREAT","Explanation":"Definition: large\n**GREAT** (**sounds like** [reported] **GRATE** [jar])\n **GREAT**\n\n**GREAT** (large)"} {"Clue":"Religious scholar taking part in benefit picnic (6)","Answer":"DODDLE","Explanation":"Definition: picnic\n**DD** (Doctor of Divinity [religious scholar]) **contained in **(taking part in) **DOLE** (a benefit paid by the state to unemployed people)\n **DO** (**DD**) **LE**\n\n**DODDLE** (something very easily accomplished; picnic)"} {"Clue":"Bird to start to undo container (6)","Answer":"TOUCAN","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\n**TO** **+ U** (**first letter of** [start to] **UNDO**) **+ CAN** (container)\n **TO ****U**** ****CAN**\n\n**TOUCAN** (bird)"} {"Clue":"Plant the French sell to queen (8)","Answer":"LAVENDER","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\n**LA** (one of the French forms of 'the') **+ VEND** (sell) **+ ER** (Elizabeth Regina; queen)\n **LA VEND ER**\n\n**LAVENDER** (plant with fragrant pale-lilac flowers)"} {"Clue":"Article covering broken limb that provides protection from pins and needles (7)","Answer":"THIMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\n**LA** (one of the French forms of 'the') **+ VEND** (sell) **+ ER** (Elizabeth Regina; queen)\n **LA VEND ER**\n\n**LAVENDER** (plant with fragrant pale-lilac flowers)"} {"Clue":"Material in bed not turned over (6)","Answer":"COTTON","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\n**LA** (one of the French forms of 'the') **+ VEND** (sell) **+ ER** (Elizabeth Regina; queen)\n **LA VEND ER**\n\n**LAVENDER** (plant with fragrant pale-lilac flowers)"} {"Clue":"Part of magic act uses plant (6)","Answer":"CACTUS","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\n**LA** (one of the French forms of 'the') **+ VEND** (sell) **+ ER** (Elizabeth Regina; queen)\n **LA VEND ER**\n\n**LAVENDER** (plant with fragrant pale-lilac flowers)"} {"Clue":"Artist breaking law taking drug in countryside (5)","Answer":"RURAL","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\n**LA** (one of the French forms of 'the') **+ VEND** (sell) **+ ER** (Elizabeth Regina; queen)\n **LA VEND ER**\n\n**LAVENDER** (plant with fragrant pale-lilac flowers)"} {"Clue":"Dress old lady by one (4)","Answer":"MAXI","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\n**LA** (one of the French forms of 'the') **+ VEND** (sell) **+ ER** (Elizabeth Regina; queen)\n **LA VEND ER**\n\n**LAVENDER** (plant with fragrant pale-lilac flowers)"} {"Clue":"At home, teams show guts (7)","Answer":"INSIDES","Explanation":"Definition: guts\n**IN** (at home) **+**** SIDES** (teams)\n **IN SIDES**\n\n**INSIDES** (entrails; guts)"} {"Clue":"Independent quartet carried by yak (7)","Answer":"PRIVATE","Explanation":"Definition: Independent\n**IV** (Roman numeral for four; quartet) **contained in** (carried by) **PRATE** (to talk foolishly or sententiously; to yak)\n **PR** (**IV**) **ATE**\n\n**PRIVATE** (independent)"} {"Clue":"Artist writing about etchings primarily is boring (5)","Answer":"REAMS","Explanation":"Definition: is boring\n(**RA** [Royal Academician; artist] **+ MS** [manuscript; writing]) **containing** (about) **E **(**first letter of **[primarily] **ETCHINGS**)\n **R** (**E**) **A** **MS**\n\n**REAMS** (enlarges the bore of; boring)"} {"Clue":"Touching significant new version of story (9)","Answer":"RETELLING","Explanation":"Definition: new version of story\n**RE** (concerning; touching) **+ TELLING** (significant)\n **RE TELLING**\n\n**RETELLING** (new version of a story)"} {"Clue":"Support playwright retaining current share (10)","Answer":"PROPORTION","Explanation":"Definition: share\n**PROP** (support) **+** (**ORTON** [reference Joe **ORTON** {1933 \u2013 1967}, **English playwright**] **containing** {retaining} **I** {electric current}])\n **PROP** **ORT** (**I**) **ON**\n\n**PROPORTION **(share)"} {"Clue":"Fancy unspecified number occupying temple (4)","Answer":"WANT","Explanation":"Definition: Fancy\n**N** (unspecified number) **contained in** (occupying) **WAT** (Thai Buddhist temple or monastery)\n **WA** (**N**) **T**\n\n**WANT** (desire; fancy)"} {"Clue":"Hairy tutor,old American, impresses queen (11)","Answer":"TREACHEROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Hairy\n(**TEACHER** [tutor] **+ O **[old]** +\u00a0US** [United States of America]) **containing** (impresses) **R** (Regina; queen)\n **T** (**R**) **EACHER** **O** **US**\n\n**TREACHEROUS** (dangerous; hairy)"} {"Clue":"Veep's admission hiding eastern fool's lack of shame (11)","Answer":"IMPENITENCE","Explanation":"Definition: lack of shame\n(**I'M** [I am; indicating admission] **+ PENCE** (reference Mike **PENCE** [born 1959], currently Vice President of the United States of America]) **containing** (**E** [Eastern] **+ NIT** [fool])\n **IM** **P** (**E** **NIT**) **ENCE**\n\n**IMPENITENCE** (failure to be sorry or admit shame)"} {"Clue":"House transported back in Ark Royal (4)","Answer":"YORK","Explanation":"Definition: House\n**YORK** (**reversed** [back] **hidden word in** [in] **ARK ROYAL**)\n **YORK**<\n\n**YORK **(The House of **YORK** was a cadet branch of the English royal House of Plantagenet. Three of its members became kings of England in the late 15th century)"} {"Clue":"Question about a radio nerd by Henry's driver (6,4)","Answer":"GRAHAM HILL","Explanation":"Definition: driver\n**GRILL** (question) **containing** (about) (**A** + **HAM** [amateur radio operator; radio nerd] **+ H** [derived SI unit of inductance])\n **GR** (**A HAM H**) **ILL**\n\n**GRAHAM HILL** (reference **GRAHAM HILL** [1929 \u2013 1975], English racing driver)"} {"Clue":"Bowler for one admits trouble getting a team to flag down a lift (4,1,4)","Answer":"HAIL A TAXI","Explanation":"Definition: flag down a lift \n**HAT** (a bowler is an example [for one] a **HAT**) **containing** (admits) **AIL** (trouble) + **A + XI **(there are eleven players in many teams)\n **H** (**AIL**) **A T** **A** **XI**\n\n**HAIL A TAXI** (flag down a lift)"} {"Clue":"Pioneer appears in old negative looking dapper (5)","Answer":"NATTY","Explanation":"Definition: dapper\n**TT** (teetotal; Collins dictionary tells me that a **PIONEER** is a total abstainer from alcoholic drink, especially a member of the **PIONEER**\u00a0Total Abstinence Association, a society devoted to abstention) **contained in** (appears in) **NAY** (old form of no or negative)\n **NA** (**TT**) **Y**\n\n**NATTY** (dapper)"} {"Clue":"Ambassador (British) spotted casing speakeasy (7)","Answer":"SHEBEEN","Explanation":"Definition: speakeasy\n**SEEN** (spotted) **containing** (casing) (**HE** [His \/ Her Excellency; form of address for an ambassador] **+ B** [British]) \n **S** (**HE B**) **EEN**\n\n**SHEBEEN** (illicit liquor shop; during Prohibition in America, a speakeasy was the term for an illicit bar)"} {"Clue":"Poles keep radio broadcast smoother (7)","Answer":"SADIRON","Explanation":"Definition: smoother\n(**S** [South {pole}] **+ N** North {pole}]) **containing** (keep) **an anagram of** (broadcast **RADIO**\n **S (****ADIRO***)** N**\n\n**SADIRON** (a flatiron pointed at both ends; a device that smooths)"} {"Clue":"Break in stirrup? Try scratching flanks (6)","Answer":"IRRUPT","Explanation":"Definition: Break in\n**IRRUPT** (**letters remaining in** **STIRRUP TRY**)** when the four outer letters** **\u00a0ST** and **RY are removed **(scratching flanks)\n\n**IRRUPT** (break in)"} {"Clue":"During display, notice dog (6)","Answer":"SHADOW","Explanation":"Definition: dog\n**AD** (advertisement; notice) **contained in** (during) **SHOW** (display)\n **SH** (**AD**) **OW**\n\n**SHADOW** (follow and watch; dog)"} {"Clue":"Unhappy daughter is not absorbing short story (10)","Answer":"DISCONTENT","Explanation":"Definition: Unhappy\n**D** (daughter) **+** (**IS'NT** [is not] **containing** [absorbing] **CONTE** [short story, as a literary genre])\n **D** **IS** (**CONTE**) **NT**\n\n**DISCONTENT** (unhappy)"} {"Clue":"Supporter of platform parade (5)","Answer":"STRUT","Explanation":"Definition: Supporter of platform\n**STRUT** (supporter)\n **STRUT**\n\n**STRUT** (walk in an ostentatious, swaggering manner; parade) double definition"} {"Clue":"Two changes in patrol car's fuel container (6,3)","Answer":"PETROL CAN","Explanation":"Definition: fuel container\n**PETROL** (**change one letter**, **A** to **E**,\u00a0in **PATROL** to get **PETROL**) **+ CAN** (make the second change **R** to **N** in **CAR** to get **CAN**)\n **PETROL CAN**\n\n**PETROL CAN** (fuel container)"} {"Clue":"Frivolous segment of panel discussion given up (4)","Answer":"IDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Frivolous\n**IDLE** **(reversed** [up; down clue]) **hidden word\u00a0in** [segment of] **PANEL DISCUSSION)**\n **IDLE<**\n\n**IDLE** (unimportant; frivolous)"} {"Clue":"Firebrand film comic got up in silver and gold (8)","Answer":"AGITATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Firebrand\n**TATI** (reference Jacques **TATI** [1907 \u2013 1982], French mime, filmmaker, actor, and screenwriter and comic) **reversed** (got up; down clue) **contained in** (in) (**AG** [chemical symbol for silver] **and OR** [the tincture gold])\n **AG** (**ITAT**<) **OR**\n\n**AGITATOR** (person who stirs up trouble; firebrand)"} {"Clue":"Poisoning from rouge originally in vanity case? (8)","Answer":"ERGOTISM","Explanation":"Definition: Poisoning\n**R** (**first letter of** [originally] **ROUGE**)** contained in** (in \u2026 case]) **EGOTISM** (thinking or speaking too much of oneself; vanity)\n **E** (**R**) **GOTISM**\n\n**ERGOTISM** (poisoning caused by eating bread made of rye diseased with ergot [a disease of grasses, especially rye])"} {"Clue":"Resolved to discourage revolutionary material (10)","Answer":"DETERMINED","Explanation":"Definition: Resolved\n**DETER** (discourage) **+ DENIM** (material) **reversed** (revolutionary)\n **DETER** **MINED**<\n\n**DETERMINED** (resolved)"} {"Clue":"Divert brook (9)","Answer":"ENTERTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Divert\n**ENTERTAIN** (amuse; divert)\n **ENTERTAIN**\n\n**ENTERTAIN** (hold in the mind; tolerate; brook) double definition"} {"Clue":"Son is staggeringly pushy \u2013 he had to be! (8)","Answer":"SISYPHUS","Explanation":"Definition: he had to be\n**S** (son)** + IS + an anagram of** (staggeringly) **PUSHY**\n **S ****IS**** ****YPHUS*******\n\n**SISYPHUS** (In Greek mythology Sisyphus or Sisyphos was the king of Ephyra. He was punished for his self-aggrandizing craftiness and deceitfulness by being forced to roll [push] an immense boulder up a hill only for it to roll down when it nears the top, repeating this action for eternity; he had to be pushy)"} {"Clue":"Joyous small tipple this setter's laid on (8)","Answer":"SPORTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Joyous\n**S** (small) **+ PORT** (alcoholic drink; tipple)** + I'VE** [this setter (I) says he has laid on)\n **S** **PORT** **IVE**\n\n**SPORTIVE** (playful, merry, joyous)"} {"Clue":"A season with bury (6)","Answer":"WINTER","Explanation":"Definition: A season\n**W** (with) **+ INTER** (bury)\n **W INTER**\n\n**WINTER** (winter)"} {"Clue":"Quietly supply Orsino's first request (4,2)","Answer":"PLAY ON","Explanation":"Definition: Orsino's first request\n**P** (piano; quietly) **+ LAY ON** (supply)\n **P LAY ON**\n\n**PLAY ON** (reference the Duke of Orsino's speech in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night which begins \"If music be the food of love, **PLAY ON**\u2026\")"} {"Clue":"Man's hugging Irish people who succeed (5)","Answer":"HEIRS","Explanation":"Definition: people who succeed\n**HE'S** (man's) **containing** (hugging) **IR** (Irish)\n **HE** (**IR**) **S**\n\n**HEIRS** (people who succeed to properties, titles etc on the death of the previous holder)"} {"Clue":"At opening, he can't stand (4)","Answer":"HATE","Explanation":"Definition: can't stand\n**AT** **contained in** (opening) **HE**\n **H** (**AT**)** E**\n\n**HATE** (detest; can't stand)"} {"Clue":"Put off job by somebody in the Police Department (9)","Answer":"POSTPONED","Explanation":"Definition: Put off\n**POST **(job) + (**ONE** [somebody] **contained in** [in] **PD** [Police Department])\n **POST** **P** (**ONE**) **D**\n\n**POSTPONED** (put off to a future date)"} {"Clue":"Implement termination of shiatsu, and of stretching endlessly (7)","Answer":"UTENSIL","Explanation":"Definition: Implement\n**U** (**last letter of **[termination of] **SHIATSU** **+ TENSILE** (of or relating to stretching) **excluding the final letter** (endlessly) **E**\n **U TENSIL**\n\n**UTENSIL** (any useful or ceremonial implement, tool or vessel.)"} {"Clue":"About to eat, wife downed booze (3,4)","Answer":"RED WINE","Explanation":"Definition: booze\n**RE** (with reference to; about) **+** (**DINE** [eat] **containing** [downed] **W** [wife])\n **RE** **D** (**W**) **INE**\n\n**RED WINE** (alcoholic drink; booze)"} {"Clue":"TV presenters swapping roles with Queen's drink carriers (9)","Answer":"DECANTERS","Explanation":"Definition: drink carriers\n**DEC ANT** (the ubiquitous TV presenters are usually presented as **ANT** & **DEC**, but here **we have them the other way round** [swapping roles]) **+ ER'S** (Elizabeth Regina's ; monarch's)\n **DEC** **ANT** **ERS**\n\n**DECANTERS** (ornamental stoppered bottles for holding liquor poured from the original bottle; drink carriers)"} {"Clue":"Expelled, fought with Lance, but not Jack (6)","Answer":"OUSTED","Explanation":"Definition: Expelled\n**J****OUSTED** (fought with a lance) **excluding** (but not) **J** (Jack)\n **OUSTED**\n\n**OUSTED** (expelled)"} {"Clue":"This evening, functioning drunk is going outside (7)","Answer":"TONIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: This evening\n**TIGHT** (drunk) **containing** (going outside) **ON** (working; functioning) \n **T** (**ON**) **IGHT**\n\n**TONIGHT** (this evening)"} {"Clue":"One's lager supply results in one producing memorable phrases (9)","Answer":"SLOGANEER","Explanation":"Definition: one producing memorable phrases\n**Anagram of** (supply; from supple) **ONE**'**S LAGER**\n **SLOGANEER***\n\n**SLOGANEER **(one whose job is to produce memorable phrases)"} {"Clue":"Waiter at alfresco meal? (9)","Answer":"SCAVENGER","Explanation":"Definition: Waiter at alfresco meal\n**SCAVENGER** (**cryptic definition** of person who waits, searches for and gathers discarded items from garbage bins etc, i.e. one who waits around outside [al fresco] to try to find a meal from scraps)\n **SCAVENGER**\n\n**SCAVENGER** \u2013 see definition in the word play"} {"Clue":"Stay to consume university leftovers (7)","Answer":"RESIDUE","Explanation":"Definition: leftovers\n**RESIDE** (stay) **containing** (to consume) **U** (university)\n **RESID** (**U**) **E**\n\n**RESIDUE **(that which is left)"} {"Clue":"Bride upset by small junk (6)","Answer":"DEBRIS","Explanation":"Definition: junk\n**Anagram of** (upset) **BRIDE** **+ S** (small)\n **DEBRI*** **S**\n\n**DEBRIS** (rubbish; junk)"} {"Clue":"Sailing equipment that might be seen at parent's toga party (9)","Answer":"MAINSHEET","Explanation":"Definition: Sailing equipment\n**MA**** (mother; parent) + IN SHEET (wearing a toga for example)**\n **MA IN SHEET**\n\n**MAINSHEET** (rope attached to the lower corner of the mainsail; sailing equipment)"} {"Clue":"Greek suffering, with Leander oddly absent (7)","Answer":"HELLENE","Explanation":"Definition: Greek\n**HELL** (suffering) **+ ENE** **(letters 2, 4 and 6** [even letters only; oddly absent] of **LEANDER**)\n **HELL** **ENE**\n\n**HELLENE** (a Greek)"} {"Clue":"Convict protected by disgusting settlement (7)","Answer":"VILLAGE","Explanation":"Definition: settlement\n**LAG **(convict) **contained in** (protected by) **VILE** (disgusting)\n **VIL** (**LAG**) **E**\n\n**VILLAGE **(settlement)"} {"Clue":"Party with rector during the hours of darkness? Absolutely! (9)","Answer":"DOWNRIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Absolutely\n**DO** (party) **+ W** (with) + (**R** [rector] **contained in** [during] **NIGHT** [hours of darkness])\n **DO** **W** **N** (**R**)** IGHT**\n\n**DOWNRIGHT** (utterly; absolutely)"} {"Clue":"Both slow mover's times are superseded by Penny, a swimmer (8)","Answer":"PORPOISE","Explanation":"Definition: swimmer\n**TORTOISE** (slow moving animal) **with both Ts** (times) **replaced by** (superseded by) **P**s (penny)\n **PORPOISE**\n\n**PORPOISE** (a member of a short-snouted genus of the dolphin family; swimmer)"} {"Clue":"Heads of state are disproportionally unhappy (3)","Answer":"SAD","Explanation":"Definition: unhappy\n**SAD** (**first letters of** [heads of] **each of** **STATE**, **ARE** and **DISPROPORTIONALLY**)\n **SAD**\n\n**SAD** (unhappy)"} {"Clue":"Jordan sensitive about possible effect of competition in the retail sector (5,3)","Answer":"PRICE WAR","Explanation":"Definition: possible effect of competition in the retail sector\n**PRICE** (reference Katie **PRICE** [born 1978],\u00a0sometimes known as Jordan, English media personality, model, author, and businesswoman) + **RAW** (sensitive) reversed (about)\n **PRICE WAR**<\n\n**PRICE WAR** (form of commercial competition in which firms competing in the same market successively lower their prices in order to secure a larger share of that market)"} {"Clue":"Require massage, reportedly (4)","Answer":"NEED","Explanation":"Definition: possible effect of competition in the retail sector\n**PRICE** (reference Katie **PRICE** [born 1978],\u00a0sometimes known as Jordan, English media personality, model, author, and businesswoman) + **RAW** (sensitive) reversed (about)\n **PRICE WAR**<\n\n**PRICE WAR** (form of commercial competition in which firms competing in the same market successively lower their prices in order to secure a larger share of that market)"} {"Clue":"Most of information about Utrecht wrong \u2013 everyone contributes here (5,5)","Answer":"DUTCH TREAT","Explanation":"Definition: possible effect of competition in the retail sector\n**PRICE** (reference Katie **PRICE** [born 1978],\u00a0sometimes known as Jordan, English media personality, model, author, and businesswoman) + **RAW** (sensitive) reversed (about)\n **PRICE WAR**<\n\n**PRICE WAR** (form of commercial competition in which firms competing in the same market successively lower their prices in order to secure a larger share of that market)"} {"Clue":"Control hips \u2013 they support 50% of core (4,2)","Answer":"REIN IN","Explanation":"Definition: Control\n**RE** (**2 of the 4** [50%] **letters of CORE**) **+ IN** (in fashion; hip) **+ IN** (in fashion; hip) This being a down entry, the letters **RE** are supported by the letters in the two occurrences of hip [hips])\n **RE IN IN**\n\n**REIN IN** (check; control)"} {"Clue":"Suffer defeat in court in private (6)","Answer":"CLOSET","Explanation":"Definition: private\n**LOSE** (suffer defeat) **contained in** (in) **CT** (court)\n **C** (**LOSE**) **T**\n\n**CLOSET** (as an adjective, private)"} {"Clue":"Sweet delight met with snigger when excited (4,6)","Answer":"STEM GINGER","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet delight\n**Anagram of** (when excited) **MET** and **SNIGGER**\n **S****TEM ****GINGER***\n\n**STEM GINGER** (superior grade of crystallized or preserved ginger; sweet delight)"} {"Clue":"Fills cash register without moving at all (5-5)","Answer":"STOCK STILL","Explanation":"Definition: without moving at all\n**STOCKS** (fills) **+ TILL** (cash register)\n **STOCK S** **TILL**\n\n**STOCK STILL** (utterly unmoving)"} {"Clue":"Went on a terrible date (10)","Answer":"PERSEVERED","Explanation":"Definition: Went on\n**PER** (a) + **SEVERE** (terrible) + **D** (date)\n **PER SEVERE D**\n\n**PERSEVERED** (continued steadfastly;\u00a0went on)"} {"Clue":"Partygoer's wake-up call I ignored, ending in disaster (8)","Answer":"REVELLER","Explanation":"Definition: Partygoer\n**REVEILLE** (sound of the drum or bugle at daybreak to awaken soldiers) **excluding** (ignored) **I + R** **(last letter of** [ending in] **DISASTER**)\n **REVELLE R**\n\n**REVELLER** (partygoer)"} {"Clue":"Chance to blossom right out, getting confident on vacation (8)","Answer":"PROSPECT","Explanation":"Definition: Chance\n**PROSPER** (blossom)** excluding** (out) **R** (right) **+ CT** (**letters remaining in** **C****ONFIDEN****T** **when the central letters ONFIDEN are removed** [on vacation])\n **PROSPE CT**\n\n**PROSPECT** (chance of success or advancement)"} {"Clue":"Theorem overestimating stopping distance? On the contrary (6)","Answer":"REMOVE","Explanation":"Definition: distance? On the contrary \n**REMOVE** (**hidden word in** [stopping] **THEOREM OVERESTIMATING**)\n **REMOVE**\n\n**REMOVE** \u2013 I don't understand where the definition is in this clue. Almost certainly, I'm missing something obvious.. The best I can come up with is that 'distance' can mean 'reserve' and **REMOVE** is the opposite [on the contrary] or 'reserve' in another sense."} {"Clue":"Terrible yen for lecturer results in consternation (6)","Answer":"DISMAY","Explanation":"Definition: consternation\n**DISMAL** (terrible) with **Y** [yen] **replacing** [for] **L** [lecturer]\n **DISMAY**\n\n**DISMAY** (consternation)"} {"Clue":"During this, watch cold disappearing somehow (4)","Answer":"THAW","Explanation":"Definition: During this, watch cold disappearing somehow\n**Anagram of **(somehow) **WATCH** **excluding** (disappearing) **C** (cold)\n **THAW***\n\n**THAW** (to become so warm as to melt ice; make cold disappear)"} {"Clue":"One may be beaten for one grand (3)","Answer":"EGG","Explanation":"Definition: One may be beaten\n**E**.**G**. (for example; for one) **+ G** (grand)\n **EG G**\n\n**EGG** (something that can be beaten [with a whisk])"} {"Clue":"Famous Italian actors getting their end away with a star (8)","Answer":"CASANOVA","Explanation":"Definition: Famous Italian\n**CAST** (actors) **excluding the final letter **(getting their end away) **T** **+ A + NOVA** (star that suddenly increases in brightness for a number of days or years)\n **CAS A NOVA**\n\n**CASANOVA** (reference Giacomo **CASANOVA** [1725 \u2013 1798], Italian author, adventurer and womaniser)"} {"Clue":"King Henry's hobby? (6)","Answer":"ELVISH","Explanation":"Definition: hobby\n**ELVIS** (**ELVIS** Presley, singer, was often referred to as the King of Rock and Roll) **+ H** (henry, the SI unit of induction)\n **ELVIS** **H**\n\n**ELVISH** (impish, or the language of elves) I'm struggling to make a firm link to hobby which is variously defined as an activity pursued in spare time for pleasure or relaxation, small horse or pony, an early form of bicycle, a falcon and a hobby-horse. I've a suspicion that hobby can also related something in the fairy world but I can't find a definition to confirm it. Bradfords makes a link between elfin and dobby, but not hobby."} {"Clue":"Food that's regularly vegan? Tosh! (4)","Answer":"EATS","Explanation":"Definition: Food\n**EATS** (**letters 2, 4, 6 and 8** [regularly] of **VEGAN TOSH**\n **EATS**\n\n**EATS** (food)"} {"Clue":"Equity perhaps poorly rated before marriage (5,5)","Answer":"TRADE UNION","Explanation":"Definition: Equity perhaps\n**Anagram of **(poorly) **RATED** **+ UNION** (marriage)\n **TRADE*** **UNION**\n\n**TRADE UNION** (Equity is the **TRADE UNION** for theatre directors, fight directors, choreographers, set designers, costume designers, lighting designers, actors, stage managers, models and performers)"} {"Clue":"Go away with model before she starts photo sessions? (6)","Answer":"SHOOTS","Explanation":"Definition: photo sessions\n**SHOO** (go away) **+ T** (reference Model T Ford) **+ S** (**first letter of** [starts] **SHE**)\n **SHOO T ** **S**\n\n**SHOOTS** (photographic modelling\u00a0sessions)"} {"Clue":"Those adding a vital element to 6 and 9 (8)","Answer":"OXIDANTS","Explanation":"Definition: Those adding a vital element to 6 and 9\n**Anagram of** (sport; 9 down) **TO SIX AND**\n **OXIDANTS***\n\n**OXIDANTS** (substances that combine with oxygen) I think the reference to 6 and 9, apart from being part of the wordplay, is also to elements in the periodic table. These are Carbon (6) and Fluorine (9). As far as I can see Carbon Dioxide and Fluorine Dioxide are both **OXIDANTS**\u00a0or the result of oxidation)"} {"Clue":"Wild stab by skinhead, throat getting injured (1,4,2,3,4)","Answer":"A SHOT IN THE DARK","Explanation":"Definition: Wild stab\n**Anagram of **(getting injured) **SKINHEAD THROAT**\n **A SH****OT**** IN ****TH****E D****AR****K***\n\n**A SHOT IN THE DARK** (random guess or wild speculation)"} {"Clue":"Weird Scottish medic with desire to follow English League (8)","Answer":"ELDRITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Weird Scottish\n**E** (Engli**sh) + L (League) + DR (doctor) + ITCH (desire)**\n **E ****L**** ****DR**** ITCH**\n\n**ELDRITCH** (Scottish word for unearthly or supernatural; weird Scottish)"} {"Clue":"Posh-sounding boy and girl? (2-2-2)","Answer":"LA-DI-DA","Explanation":"Definition: Posh-sounding\n**LAD** (boy)** ****+**** IDA** (girl's name)\n **LA\u2013D** **I**\u2013**DA**\n\n**LA-DI-DA **(affectedly elegant or superior, especially in speech or bearing; posh-sounding)"} {"Clue":"Foolishly Ian twice bets when not at event (2,8)","Answer":"IN ABSENTIA","Explanation":"Definition: when not at event\n**Anagram of** (foolishly) **IAN IAN** [i.e. twice] and **BETS**\n **IN A****BSE****NTIA*******\n\n**IN ABSENTIA** (in their absence; when not there)"} {"Clue":"Said what you've got here is an old ball of thread (4)","Answer":"CLEW","Explanation":"Definition: old ball of thread\n**CLEW** (**sounds like** [said] **CLUE** [what 26 across is])\n **CLEW**\n\n**CLEW** (archaic [old] ball of thread)"} {"Clue":"Commonwealth country managed by British? That is regressive (6)","Answer":"BRUNEI","Explanation":"Definition: Commonwealth country\n**B** (British)** + RUN** (managed) **+ IE** (id est; that is) **reversed** (regressive)\n **B RUN EI**<\n\n**BRUNEI** (a country that is a member of The Commonwealth)"} {"Clue":"Hole in a tree, right up high (8)","Answer":"APERTURE","Explanation":"Definition: Hole in\n**Anagram of **(high) **A TREE R** (right) and **UP**\n **A****P****ERTURE***\n\n**APERTURE** (hole [in])"} {"Clue":"Familiar form of address for female of the topless sort (4)","Answer":"LASS","Explanation":"Definition: Familiar form of address for female\n**CLASS** (rank; sort) **excluding the first letter** (topless) **C**\n **LASS**\n\n**LASS** (girl; familiar form of address for a female)"} {"Clue":"Adolescents throw up after eating out (6)","Answer":"YOUTHS","Explanation":"Definition: Adolescents\n**SHY** (throw) **reversed** (up; down clue) **containing** ([after] eating) **OUT**\n **Y** (**OUT**) **HS**<\n\n**YOUTHS** (adolescents)"} {"Clue":"Those having reservations when raising issue about source of coffee? (7)","Answer":"NAVAJOS","Explanation":"Definition: Those having reservations\n(**SON** [child; issue] **containing** (about) **JAVA** [rich variety of coffee]) **all reversed** (when raising; down clue)\n (**N** (**AVAJ**) **OS**)<\n\n**NAVAJOS** (native American people who may live\u00a0on reservations)"} {"Clue":"Attention-grabbing comment by one article, covered by laying flyer around book (8)","Answer":"NEHEMIAH","Explanation":"Definition: book\n(**HEM** [sort of half-cough to draw attention] **+ I **[Roman numeral for one] **+ A** [indefinite article]) **contained in** (covered by) **HEN** (bird that lays eggs; laying flyer) **reversed** (around).\n **NE** (**HEM** **I** **A**) **H**<\n\n**NEHEMIAH** (book of the Old Testament)"} {"Clue":"Level 42's double so after split (4)","Answer":"EVEN","Explanation":"Definition: Level\n**EVEN** (42 is an **EVEN** number, and if you split it into it's two component parts, 4 and 2, both [doubly] are **EVEN** numbers as well)\n **EVEN**\n\n**EVEN** (level)"} {"Clue":"Causes embarrassment to party stuck in main elevator (7)","Answer":"ABASHES","Explanation":"Definition: Causes embarrassment to\n**BASH** (party) **contained in** (stuck in) **SEA** (ocean main) **reversed** (elevator; down clue)\n **A** (**BASH**) **ES**<\n\n**ABASHES** (strikes with shame and embarrassment)"} {"Clue":"Show off after second drink (5)","Answer":"SPORT","Explanation":"Definition: Show off\n**S** (second) **+ PORT** (type of drink)\n **S** **PORT**\n\n**SPORT **(wear; exhibit; show off)"} {"Clue":"Gas with grim smell (5)","Answer":"ODOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Show off\n**S** (second) **+ PORT** (type of drink)\n **S** **PORT**\n\n**SPORT **(wear; exhibit; show off)"} {"Clue":"More confused having lost out (5)","Answer":"ADDED","Explanation":"Definition: More\n**ADDLED** (confused) **excluding** (out) **L** (lost)\n **ADDED**\n\n**ADDED** (more)"} {"Clue":"Flying around currently, or about to be so? (2,3,3)","Answer":"IN THE AIR","Explanation":"Definition: Flying around currently\n**IN THE AIR** (flying around now [currently])\n **IN THE AIR**\n\n**IN THE AIR** (prevalent in a vague or indefinite form; about to be tangible; about to be so) double definition"} {"Clue":"Does perhaps find left wing moving right, then left, split by European immigration? (3,4)","Answer":"RED DEER","Explanation":"Definition: Does\n**RED** (spelled ordinarily, from left to right [moving right]) **+** (**RED** [written from right to left [then moving left] **containing** [split by \u2026 immigration] **E** [European])\n **RED** **DE** (**E**) **R**< either **E** in **DEER** could be the one contained\n\n**RED DEER** (female **RED DEER** are known as **DOES**)"} {"Clue":"Passed a motion, we hear, to periodically devalue country house (7)","Answer":"CHATEAU","Explanation":"Definition: country house\n**CHAT** (**sounds like** [we hear] **SHAT** [defecated; passed a motion]) **+ EAU** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [periodically] of **DEVALUE**)\n **CHAT EAU**\n\n**CHATEAU** (large country house, especially in France)"} {"Clue":"Louvre's first Stubbs? Right, that could describe landscape with more than one mare (5)","Answer":"LUNAR","Explanation":"Definition: landscape with more than one mare\n**L** (**opening letter of** [first] **LOUVRE**)** + UNA** (reference **UNA** Stubbs [born 1937], English actress) **+ R** (right) \n **L UNA R**\n\n**LUNAR** (and of various darkish level areas on the moon are known as mares, so such a landscape can be defined as LUNAR))"} {"Clue":"Goes for some tea, perhaps (6)","Answer":"LEAVES","Explanation":"Definition: Goes\n**LEAVES** (descriptive of tea)\n **LEAVES**\n\n**LEAVES** (departs; goes) double definition"} {"Clue":"Criminal tendency (4)","Answer":"BENT","Explanation":"Definition: Criminal\n**BENT** (criminal)\n **BENT**\n\n**BENT** (leaning; tendency) double definition"} {"Clue":"Musical about discontented Tories (4)","Answer":"CATS","Explanation":"Definition: Musical\n**CA** (circa; about) **TS** (**letters remaining in** **T****ORIE****S** **when the letters forming the content ORIE are removed** [dis-contented])\n **CA TS**\n\n**CATS** (name of a musical)"} {"Clue":"8 9s acceptable in late playing by United (7)","Answer":"TOKELAU","Explanation":"Definition: 8 9s\n(**OK** [okay; acceptable] **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** [playing] **LATE**) **+ U** (United)\n **T** (**OK**) **ELA*** **U**\n\n**TOKELAU** (a remote group of atolls in the South Pacific Ocean, halfway between Hawaii and New Zealand, of which it's a territory; **PACIFIC ISLANDS** [8 9s])."} {"Clue":"In France you mostly rate 8 9s (6)","Answer":"TUVALU","Explanation":"Definition: 8 9s\n**TU** (French for you) **+ VALUE** (rate at a price) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **E**\n **TU VALU**\n\n**TUVALU** (an independent nation within the British Commonwealth, comprising nine islands in the South Pacific; **PACIFIC ISLANDS** [8 9s])"} {"Clue":"Calm and quiet account interrupted by one loud one (7)","Answer":"PACIFIC","Explanation":"Definition: Calm\n(**P** [piano; quiet] + **ACC** [account]) **containing** (interrupted by) (**I** [Roman numeral for one) **+ F** [forte; loud] **+ I** [Roman numeral for one]) \n **P** **AC** (**I F I**) **C**\n\n**PACIFIC** (calm)"} {"Clue":"Man, say, is new in embrace of woman, mostly (6)","Answer":"ISLAND","Explanation":"Definition: Man, say\n**IS** **+** (**N** [new] **contained in** [in embrace of] **LADY** **excluding the final letter** [mostly] **Y**)\n **IS** **LA** (**N**) **D**\n\n**ISLAND** (reference Isle [**ISLAND**] of Man)"} {"Clue":"Voter's ban amended, following rule (9)","Answer":"OBSERVANT","Explanation":"Definition: following rule\n**Anagram of** (amended) **VOTER'S BAN**\n **O****B****SERV****AN****T***\n\n**OBSERVANT** (complying with the rules)"} {"Clue":"Silver in no way recalled in 8 9s (5)","Answer":"TONGA","Explanation":"Definition: 8 9s\n(**AG** [chemical symbol for silver] **+ NOT** [in now way]) **all reversed** (recalled)\n (**TON GA**)<\n\nTONGA (Polynesian kingdom of more than 170 South Pacific islands; **PACIFIC ISLANDS** [8 9s])"} {"Clue":"A song receives review in prompt response (8)","Answer":"ALACRITY","Explanation":"Definition: prompt response\n(**A** **+ LAY** [song]) **containing** (receives) **CRIT** (critical judgment or judgement; e.g. review of a performance)\n **A** **LA** (**CRIT**) **Y**\n\n**ALACRITY** (promptness)"} {"Clue":"Clean line in the sand (6)","Answer":"BLEACH","Explanation":"Definition: Clean\n**L** (line) **contained in **(in) **BEACH** (sand)\n **B** (**L**) **EACH**\n\n**BLEACH** (clean or disinfect)"} {"Clue":"Heavyweight Muslim preacher, almost a significant figure in Islam (6)","Answer":"FATIMA","Explanation":"Definition: significant figure in Islam\n**FAT** (overweight; heavyweight) **+ IMAM** (Muslim preacher) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **M**\n **FAT IMA**\n\n**FATIMA** (reference **FATIMA**\u00a0bint Muhammad was the youngest daughter and, according to Shia Muslims, the only child of the Islamic prophet Muhammad; significant figure in Islam)"} {"Clue":"Fried meat or fish? First of recipes is fish (8)","Answer":"RISSOLES","Explanation":"Definition: Fried meat or fish\n**R** (**first letter of** [first of] **RECIPES**) **+ IS + SOLES** (types of fish)\n **R IS SOLES**\n\n**RISSOLES** (fried balls or cakes of minced seasoned meat or fish coated in breadcrumbs)"} {"Clue":"Judge following article about a Mediterranean city (5)","Answer":"JAFFA","Explanation":"Definition: Mediterranean city\n**J **(judge) **+** (**FF** [following pages] **+ A** [indefinite article]) **reversed** (about) **+ A**\n **J** (**A** **FF**)< **A**\n\n**JAFFA** (ancient port city in Israel [Mediterranean city])"} {"Clue":"Animal given to French city receiving zero sentiment (9)","Answer":"POIGNANCY","Explanation":"Definition: sentiment \n(**PIG **[animal] **containing** [receiving] **O** [zero]) **+ NANCY** (French city)\n **P** (**O**) **IG** **NANCY**\n\n**POIGNANCY** (sentiment)"} {"Clue":"8 9 joining areas and territories? (6)","Answer":"EASTER","Explanation":"Definition: 8 9\n**EASTER** (**hidden word in** [joining] **AREAS TERRITORIES**)\n **EASTER**\n\n**EASTER** (**EASTER** island is a remote volcanic island in Polynesia. It is Chilean territory; **PACIFIC ISLAND** [8 9])"} {"Clue":"Blue Quarter, note, will encompass return of posh zone (7)","Answer":"AZUREAN","Explanation":"Definition: Blue\n(**AREA** [quarter] **+ N** [note]) **containing** (will encompass) (**U** [upper class; posh] **+ Z** [zone]) **reversed** (return of)\n **A** (**Z U**)< **REA** **N**\n\n**AZUREAN **(of a delicate blue colour)"} {"Clue":"Everybody accepting odd bits of rugby in part of Scotland (6)","Answer":"ARGYLL","Explanation":"Definition: part of Scotland\n**ALL** (everybody) **containing** (accepting) **RGY** [**letters 1, 3 and 5 of**\u00a0[odd bits of] **RUGBY**)\n **A** (**RGY**) **LL**\n\n**ARGYLL** (**ARGYLL** and Bute is one of 32 unitary authority council areas in Scotland. **ARGYLL** is an area of mainland Scotland, Bute is an island))"} {"Clue":"Lizards disturbed us again (7)","Answer":"IGUANAS","Explanation":"Definition: Lizards\n**Anagram of** (disturbed) **US AGAIN**\n **IGUANAS***\n\n**IGUANAS** (\u00a0large thick-tongued grey-green arboreal lizards of tropical America, having a row of spines along their\u00a0backs)"} {"Clue":"Get supplies from a company I set up to deliver pudding (7)","Answer":"TAPIOCA","Explanation":"Definition: pudding\n**TAP **(draw off; get supplies from) **+** (**A + CO** [company] **+ I**) **reversed** [set up; down clue])\n **TAP** (**I** **OC** **A**)<\n\n**TAPIOCA** (pudding, made from a farinaceous substance of the same name derived from cassava)"} {"Clue":"Gives up dessert to make a good beginning (4-5)","Answer":"KICK START","Explanation":"Definition: make a good beginning\n**KICKS** (gives up) **+ TART** (example of a dessert)\n **KICK S** **TART**\n\n**KICK START **(give a sudden advantageous impetus to; make a good beginning"} {"Clue":"Convicted murderer, say, has story about fellow murderer, ultimately (5)","Answer":"LIFER","Explanation":"Definition: Convicted murderer, say,\n(**LIE** [fiction; story] **containing** [about] **F** [fellow]) **+ R** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **MURDERER**)\n **LI **(**F**) **E** **R**\n\n**LIFER** (person sentenced to imprisonment for **LIFE**, possibly as a result of a conviction for murderer)"} {"Clue":"Enjoying sex, hurry after a Parisian Catholic (8)","Answer":"UNCHASTE","Explanation":"Definition: Enjoying sex\n**UN** (French [Parisian] form of the indefinite article, a ) **+ C** (Catholic) **+ HASTE** (hurry)\n **UN ****C**** ****HASTE**\n\n**UNCHASTE** (descriptive of one unrestrained in sex, among other things)"} {"Clue":"Convoluted? Succeeded in blocking idiot getting an answer in algebra (6)","Answer":"TWISTY","Explanation":"Definition: Convoluted\n(**S** [succeeded) **contained in** [blocking] **TWIT** [idiot]) **+ Y** (a letter frequently used to represent a value to be deduced in algebraic equations)\n **TWI** (**S**) **T **Y\n\n**TWISTY** (convoluted)"} {"Clue":"Explosives? Behold! \u2013 I removed contents of roof (9)","Answer":"VOLATILES","Explanation":"Definition: Explosives\n**VO****I****L\u00c0 **(behold) **excluding** (removed) **I** **+ TILES** (contents of many roofs)\n **VOLA TILES**\n\n**VOLATILES** (explosives, for example)"} {"Clue":"Brand new underwear (5)","Answer":"LINEN","Explanation":"Definition: underwear\n**LINE** (brand of a product in marketing terminology) **+ N** (new)\n **LINE N**\n\n**LINEN** (underclothing, originally made from LINEN according to Chambers)"} {"Clue":"Laundry is no longer opening for him (4)","Answer":"WASH","Explanation":"Definition: Laundry\n**WAS** (is no longer) **+ H** (**first letter of** [opening for] **H****IM**)\n **WAS H**\n\n**WASH** (laundry)"} {"Clue":"Fiercely charge soldier coming in to work (9)","Answer":"RAMPANTLY","Explanation":"Definition: Fiercely\n**RAM** (charge a firearm) **+** (**ANT** [reference soldier **ANT**] **contained in** [coming in to] **PLY** [work])\n **RAM** **P** (**ANT**) **LY**\n\n**RAMPANTLY** (fiercely)"} {"Clue":"Antenatal changes on a huge scale (8)","Answer":"ATLANTEAN","Explanation":"Definition: on a huge scale\n**Anagram of **(changes) **ANTENATAL**\n **ATLANTEAN***\n\n**ATLANTEAN** (gigantic; on a large scale)"} {"Clue":"8 9s not half kind about most of Britain after upset (8)","Answer":"KIRIBATI","Explanation":"Definition: 8 9s\n**KIND** (**excluding the final two letters** [not half] **ND**) + **an anagram of** (after upset) **BRITAIN** **excluding the final letter** (most of) **N**\n **KI RIBATI***\n\n**KIRIBATI** (sovereign state in Micronesia in the central Pacific Ocean. The state comprises 32 atolls and reef islands and one raised coral island; **PACIFIC ISLANDS** [8 9s])"} {"Clue":"France and Japan amongst 2 8 9s (4)","Answer":"FIJI","Explanation":"Definition: 8 9s\n**F** (International Vehicle Registration for France) **+** (**J** [International Vehicle Registration for Japan] **contained in** (amongst **II** [Roman numerals for two])\n **F** **I** (**J**) **I**\n\n**FIJI** (a country in the South Pacific, formed by\u00a0an archipelago of more than 300 islands; **PACIFIC ISLANDS** [8 9s]"} {"Clue":"Comments for one in G&S (7)","Answer":"SAYINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Comments\n**SAY** (for example; for one) **+ IN + GS**\n **SAY IN GS**\n\n**SAYINGS** (things said; comments)"} {"Clue":"US city tears up design for some staircase (6)","Answer":"SPIRAL","Explanation":"Definition: design for some staircase\n(**LA** [Los Angeles; US city] **+ RIPS** [tears]) **reversed** (up; down clue)\n (**SPIR AL**)<\n\n**SPIRAL** (descriptive of a type of staircase)"} {"Clue":"Hollywood area invested in evergreen talent (5)","Answer":"FLAIR","Explanation":"Definition: talent\n**LA** (Los Angeles; Hollywood is a suburb of Los Angeles) **contained in** (invested in) **FIR** (evergreen tree)\n **F** (**LA**) **IR**\n\n**FLAIR** (talent)"} {"Clue":"Set up university course about one 8 9 (5)","Answer":"NAURU","Explanation":"Definition: 8 9\n(**U** [university] + [**RUN** {course} **containing** {about} **A** {one}]) **all reversed** (set up; down clue)\n (**N** (**A**) **UR** **U**)<\n\n**NAURU** (a tiny island country in Micronesia, northeast of Australia. It features a coral reef and white-sand beaches fringed with palms; **PACIFIC ISLANDS** [8 9])"} {"Clue":"Origin of heartless automaton (4)","Answer":"ROOT","Explanation":"Definition: Origin of\n**RO****B****OT** (automaton) **excluding the central letter** (heartless) **B**\n **ROOT**\n\n**ROOT** (source; origin of)"} {"Clue":"Something soothing distressed lamb (4)","Answer":"BALM","Explanation":"Definition: Something soothing\n**Anagram of** (distressed) **LAMB**\n **BALM***\n\n**BALM** (anything that heals or soothes pain;)"} {"Clue":"Tea service returned after end of tea (5)","Answer":"ASSAM","Explanation":"Definition: Tea\n**A** (**last letter of **[end of] **TEA +** (**MASS** [church service] **reversed** [returned])\n **A** **SSAM**<\n\n**ASSAM** (full-bodied tea produced in **ASSAM** in North East India)."} {"Clue":"Writing section about border plants (9)","Answer":"PRIMROSES","Explanation":"Definition: plants\n(**PROSE** [writing] **+ ****S** [section]) **containing** (about) **RIM** (border)\n **P** (**RIM**) **ROSE** **S**\n\n**PRIMROSES** (plants with pale yellow flowers, common in spring in woods and meadows)"} {"Clue":"Fish\u00a0in black stream (5)","Answer":"BRILL","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\n**B** (black, when describing pencil lead) **+ RILL** (stream)\n **B ****RILL**\n\n**BRILL** (fish related to the turbot, spotted with white)"} {"Clue":"Supply bending over end of bureau in cavity (7)","Answer":"SINUOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Supply bending\n(**O** [over] **+ U** [**last letter of** [end of] **BUREA****U**]) **contained in** (in) **SINUS** (air-filled cavity in the bones of the skull, connecting with the nose)\n **SINU** (**O U**) **S**\n\n**SINUOUS** (bending in a supple manner; supply bending)"} {"Clue":"Domestic animal hospital admits a bishop for head cold (7)","Answer":"CATARRH","Explanation":"Definition: head cold\n(**CAT** [domestic animal] **+ H** [hospital]) **containing** (admits) (**A + RR** [Right Revered, form of address for a Bishop])\n **CAT** (**A** **RR**) **H**\n\n**CATARRH** (cold in the head)"} {"Clue":"Bird revolting loudly (4)","Answer":"FOWL","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\n**FOWL** (**sounds like** [loudly] **FOUL** revolting])\n **FOWL**\n\n**FOWL** (bird of the poultry kind)"} {"Clue":"Person responsible for exploit in vehicle (6)","Answer":"CAUSER","Explanation":"Definition: Person responsible\n**USE** (exploit) **contained in** (in) **CAR** (vehicle)\n **CA** (**USE**) **R**\n\n**CAUSER** (person who made it happen; person responsible)"} {"Clue":"Swim right out of bit of water (3)","Answer":"DIP","Explanation":"Definition: Swim\n**D****R****IP** (bit of water) **excluding** (out of) **R** (right)\n **DIP**\n\n**DIP** (swim)"} {"Clue":"Allowed socialists to lose following (3)","Answer":"LET","Explanation":"Definition: Allowed\n**LEFT** (in politics, a term to describe socialists) **excluding** (to lose) **F** (following)\n **LET**\n\n**LET** (allowed)"} {"Clue":"Servant left queen after objection (6)","Answer":"BUTLER","Explanation":"Definition: Servant \n**BUT** (objection) **+ L** (left) **+ ER **(Elizabeth Regina; Queen)\n **BUT** **L** **ER**\n\n**BUTLER** (servant)"} {"Clue":"Stone old friend (4)","Answer":"OPAL","Explanation":"Definition: Stone\n**O** (old) **+ PAL** (friend)\n **O PAL**\n\n**OPAL** (precious or semi-precious stone)"} {"Clue":"Initially Alfred the first is non-believer (7)","Answer":"ATHEIST","Explanation":"Definition: non-believer\n**A** (**first letter of** [initially] **A****LFRED**)** + THE + IST** (first)\n **A THE IST**\n\n**ATHEIST** (one who does not believe\u00a0in the existence of a God)"} {"Clue":"Bother 22 characters dancing around ring (7)","Answer":"TROUBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Bother\n**Anagram of** (dancing) **BUTLER**\u00a0(entry at 22 across) **containing** (around) **O **(ring shaped letter)\n **TR **(**O**)** UBLE***\u00a0\n\n**TROUBLE** (bother)"} {"Clue":"\n Take the edge off Frank (5)","Answer":"BLUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Take the edge off\n**BLUNT** (to take the edge off)\n **BLUNT **\n\n**BLUNT **(candid; frank) double definition"} {"Clue":"Super evil manoeuvring is disgusting (9)","Answer":"REPULSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: disgusting\n**Anagram of **(manoeuvring) **SUPER EVIL**\n **REPU****L****S****IVE***\n\n**REPULSIVE** (abhorrent; disgusting)"} {"Clue":"A tenth of leaders in the investment trade have emigrated (5)","Answer":"TITHE","Explanation":"Definition: A tenth of\n**TITHE** (first letters of each of **THE**, **INVESTMENT**, **TRADE**, **HAVE** and **EMIGRATED**)\n **TITHE**\n\n**TITHE** (a tenth part)"} {"Clue":"Beauties oddly decrease (4)","Answer":"BATE","Explanation":"Definition: decrease\n**BATE** (letters 1, 3, 5 and 7 [oddly] of **BEAUTIES**)\n **BATE**\n\n**BATE** (lessen; diminish; decrease; abate)"} {"Clue":"Altruism rarely covers returning weapons (4)","Answer":"ARMS","Explanation":"Definition: weapons\n**ARMS** (**hidden word **[covers] and **reversed** [returning] in **ALTRUISM RARELY**)\n **ARMS**<\n\n**ARMS** (weapons)"} {"Clue":"Foul peers cavorting still (9)","Answer":"REPOSEFUL","Explanation":"Definition: still\n**Anagram of **(cavorting) **FOUL PEERS**\n **REP****O****SE****FUL***\n\n**REPOSEFUL** (resting; still)"} {"Clue":"Stars about to swallow port (5)","Answer":"ORION","Explanation":"Definition: Stars\n**ON** (about) **containing** (to swallow) **RIO** (reference the Brazilian port city of **RIO** de Janeiro)\n **O** (**RIO**) **N**\n\n**ORION** (constellation; stars)"} {"Clue":"Satanist's diabolical helper (9)","Answer":"ASSISTANT","Explanation":"Definition: helper\n**Anagram of** (diabolical) **SATANIST'S**\n **ASSISTANT***\n\n**ASSISTANT** (helper)"} {"Clue":"Ponder taking drug to institute constant harmony (5)","Answer":"MUSIC","Explanation":"Definition: harmony\n**MUSE** (ponder) **excluding** (taking) **E** (ecstasy; drug) **+ I** (institute) **+ C** (letter frequently used the represent the constant speed of\u00a0light, but can be a general constant in mathematics)\n **MUS** **I** **C**\n\n**MUSIC** (harmony)"} {"Clue":"A king having those taking the bait as judges (8)","Answer":"ARBITERS","Explanation":"Definition: judges\n**A** **+ R** (Rex; king) **+ BITERS** (those taking the bait)\n **A R BITERS**\n\n**ARBITERS** (judges)"} {"Clue":"Agitated journalist caught by foot rest (7,2)","Answer":"STIRRED UP","Explanation":"Definition: Agitated\n**ED** (editor; journalist) **contained in** (caught by) **STIRRUP** (support for a rider's foot)\n **STIRR** (**ED**) **UP**\n\n**STIRRED UP** (agitated)"} {"Clue":"Material for garden is, to a great extent, found around top of lawn (5)","Answer":"MULCH","Explanation":"Definition: Material for garden\n**MUCH** (to a great extent) **containing** (found around)** L** (**first letter of** [top of] **LAWN**)\n **MU** (**L**) **CH**\n\n**MULCH** (loose material, strawy dung, etc, laid on the soil around plants, to protect roots, keep down weeds and retain moisture, sometimes with a nutritional function)"} {"Clue":"Gas about attempt to infiltrate navy (5)","Answer":"ARGON","Explanation":"Definition: Gas\n**A** (about) **+** (**GO** [attempt] **contained in** [to infiltrate] **RN** [Royal Navy])\n **A** **R**** **(**GO**) **N**\n\n**ARGON** (colourless odourless inert gaseous element)"} {"Clue":"Women desire simple shelter to suppress new form of persecution (5-4)","Answer":"WITCH HUNT","Explanation":"Definition: form of persecution\n**W** (women) **+ ITCH** (desire) **+** (**HUT** [simple shelter] **containing** [to suppress] **N** [new])\n **W** **ITCH** **HU** (**N**) **T**\n\n**WITCH HUNT** (**HUNT**ing-down or persecution of a group or an individual alleged to be behaving in a dangerously heretical manner)"} {"Clue":"Best place to make contact with special little vacant Thames vessel (5,4)","Answer":"SWEET SPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Best place to make contact with\n**S** (special) **+ WEE** (little) **+ TS** (**letters remaining when the central letters HAME are removed from **[vacant] **T****HAME****S**) **+ POT** (vessel)\n **S** **WEE** **T S** **POT**\n\n**SWEET SPOT** (the **SPOT**\u00a0on a golf club, tennis or squash racket, etc where, for best effect and control, the ball should ideally make contact)"} {"Clue":"Thieves turn up and repeatedly express hesitation meeting head of security (9)","Answer":"PILFERERS","Explanation":"Definition: Thieves\n**FLIP** (turn) **reversed** (up; down clue) **+ ER** (express hesitation)** + ER** (express hesitation, again [repeatedly]) **+ S** (**first letter of **[head of] **SECURITY**)\n **PILF**< **ER** **ER** **S**\n\n**PILFERERS** (thieves)"} {"Clue":"Muscles in with article for drink (8)","Answer":"ABSINTHE","Explanation":"Definition: drink \n**ABS** (muscles) **+ IN** **+ THE** (definite article)\n **ABS IN THE**\n\n**ABSINTHE** (bitter, green, aniseed-flavoured liqueur containing [originally, at least] extract of wormwood)"} {"Clue":"Plant left in sacred environment (5)","Answer":"HOLLY","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\n**L** (left) **contained in** (in \u2026 environment) **HOLY** (sacred)\n **HO **(**L**) **LY **either **L** could be the one contained\n\n**HOLLY** (plant)"} {"Clue":"Brother advanced with head of bleeding maggot (5)","Answer":"ABBOT","Explanation":"Definition: Brother\n**A** (advanced) **+ B** (**first letter of** [head of] **BLEEDING**) **+ BOT** (maggot of a **BOT**fly)\n **A B BOT**\n\n**ABBOT** (brother in a religious order)"} {"Clue":"Beat covered by Heath Robinson (5)","Answer":"THROB","Explanation":"Definition: Beat\n**THROB** (**hidden word in** [covered by] **HEATH ROBINSON**)\n **THROB**\n\n**THROB** (beat)"} {"Clue":"Bush support for female Republican embracing independence (5)","Answer":"BRIAR","Explanation":"Definition: Bush\n(**BRA** [item of support for a female] **+ R** (Republican]) **containing** (embracing) **I** (independence)\n **BR** (**I**) **A** **R**\n\n**BRIAR** (prickly shrub; bush)"} {"Clue":"Semites and I chat about sensitivity to beauty (12)","Answer":"AESTHETICISM","Explanation":"Definition: sensitivity to beauty\n**Anagram of** (about) **SEMITES** and **I CHAT**\n **A****EST****H****ETI****CI****SM***\n\n**AESTHETICISM** (the cult of the beautiful, applied especially to a late 19th century movement to bring art into life, which developed into affectation)"} {"Clue":"Tall building with supply leads requiring changing for drill, perhaps (5,4)","Answer":"POWER TOOL","Explanation":"Definition: drill, perhaps\n**TOWER** (tall building) **+ POOL** (supply)** with the first letters** [leads] **of each word swapped** (requiring changes) to form **P****OWER ****T****OO**L\n **POWER TOOL**\n\n**POWER TOOL** (a drill is an example of a **POWER TOOL**)"} {"Clue":"Shady individual inspires lecturer (5)","Answer":"UNLIT","Explanation":"Definition: Shady\n**UNIT** (one; individual) **containing** (inspires) **L** (learner)\n **UN** (**L**) **IT**\n\n**UNLIT** (shady)"} {"Clue":"Travel buddy is regarding part of the lower arm (6)","Answer":"CARPAL","Explanation":"Definition: regarding part of the lower arm\n**CAR** (form of travel) **+ PAL** (friend; buddy)\n **CAR ****PAL**\n\n**CARPAL** (relating to the wrist; regarding part of the lower arm)"} {"Clue":"Metamorphosis of an insect, for example (8)","Answer":"INSTANCE","Explanation":"Definition: example\n**Anagram of** (metamorphosis) **AN INSECT**\n **I****N****ST****A****NCE*******\n\n**INSTANCE **(example)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps eating cheese mostly provides immunity (6)","Answer":"SAFETY","Explanation":"Definition: immunity\n**SAY** (for instance; perhaps) **containing** (eating) **FETA** (type of cheese) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **A**\n **SA** (**FET**) **Y**\n\n**SAFETY** (protection; immunity)"} {"Clue":"Papers covering very tardy individual (8)","Answer":"ISOLATED","Explanation":"Definition: individual\n**ID** (identity papers) **containing** (covering) (**SO LATE** [very tardy])\n **I** (**SO** **LATE**) **D**\n\n**ISOLATED** (solitary; alone; individual)"} {"Clue":"Outrageous old lady that punctured tyre walls (8)","Answer":"FLAGRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Outrageous\n**FLAT** (punctured tyre) **containing** (walls) **GRAN** (old lady)\n **FLA** (**GRAN**) **T**\n\n**FLAGRANT** (outrageous)"} {"Clue":"How to find pi's root (6)","Answer":"TURNIP","Explanation":"Definition: root\n**TURN IP** (follow that instruction) and you will **TURN IP** to give you **PI**\n **TURN ****IP**\n\n**TURNIP** (root vegetable)"} {"Clue":"Cheat with drug, receiving sack in game (8)","Answer":"CRIBBAGE","Explanation":"Definition: game\n(**CRIB** [copy; cheat] **+ ****E** (ecstasy; drug]) **containing** (receiving) **BAG** (sack)\n **CRIB** (**BAG**) **E**\n\n**CRIBBAGE** (card game)"} {"Clue":"Sergeant Major encounters nettles and grins (6)","Answer":"SMIRKS","Explanation":"Definition: grins\n**SM** (Sergeant Major) **+ IRKS** (annoys; nettles)\n **SM** **IRKS**\n\n**SMIRKS** (grins)"} {"Clue":"In the morning leave Germany, heading west in blind faith (5)","Answer":"DOGMA","Explanation":"Definition: blind faith\n(**AM** [ante meridiem; in the morning] **+ GO** [leave] **+**** D** [International Vehicle Registration for Germany {Deutschland}]) **all reversed** (heading west)\n (**D** **OG** **MA**)<\n\n**DOGMA** (doctrine laid down with authority; something believed in by supporters without question)"} {"Clue":"English statue left for leading nationalist as payment (9)","Answer":"EMOLUMENT","Explanation":"Definition: payment\n**E** (English) **+ MO****N****UMENT** (statue) with the first (leading) **N** (nationalist) **replaced by** (as) **L** (left)\n **E** **MO****L****UMENT**\n\n**EMOLUMENT** (salary or fees; payment)"} {"Clue":"Piles of rubbish in holy mess needing tidying, which takes up energy (7,5)","Answer":"STATELY HOMES","Explanation":"Definition: Piles\n**TAT** (rubbish) **contained in** (in) (**an anagram of** [needing tidying] **HOLY MESS** **containing** [which takes up] **E** [energy])\n **S** (**TAT**) **E****LY** **HO****M** (**E**) **S*** \u2013 either **E** could be the one contained\n\n**STATELY HOMES** (piles; pile is slang for a tall building or big house)"} {"Clue":"Space out extremely tedious features (7)","Answer":"ASPECTS","Explanation":"Definition: features\n**Anagram of** (out) **SPACE** **+ TS** (**first and last letters of **[extremely] **TEDIOUS**)\n **ASPEC*** **TS**\n\n**ASPECTS** (features)"} {"Clue":"Drain small jug (5)","Answer":"SEWER","Explanation":"Definition: features\n**Anagram of** (out) **SPACE** **+ TS** (**first and last letters of **[extremely] **TEDIOUS**)\n **ASPEC*** **TS**\n\n**ASPECTS** (features)"} {"Clue":"From now on woman's terrible fate is supported by the Queen (9)","Answer":"HEREAFTER","Explanation":"Definition: From now on\n**HER** (woman's) **+ an anagram of** (terrible) **FATE** **+ ER** (Elizabeth Regina; queen) \u2013 as this is a down entry, the letters **ER** are below and therefore supporting the first seven letters\n **HER** **AFTE*** **ER**\n\n**HEREAFTER** (**AFTER** this; from now on)"} {"Clue":"Loves to enter motorcycling event and honk horn (4)","Answer":"TOOT","Explanation":"Definition: honk horn\n(**O** [zero; love score in tennis + **O** [zero; love score in tennis] to give 'loves') **contained in** (to enter) **TT** (reference the Isle of Man **TT** [Tourist Trophy] motorcycling event)\n **T** (**O** **O**) **T**\n\n**TOOT** (make sharp sounds on a horn; honk horn)"} {"Clue":"Immigrant: International person of impeccable morals (8)","Answer":"COLONIST","Explanation":"Definition: Immigrant\n**COLON** (:, punctuation mark that is in the clue) **+ I** (international) **+ ST** (saint; [person formally recognized by the Christian (especially Roman Catholic) Church as having lived a life of holiness and exceptional virtue; a person of impeccable morals)\n **COLON** **I** **ST**\n\n**COLONIST** (an immigrant settling in a foreign country, often with similar individuals or groups having\u00a0the intention of taking control from the native inhabitants)"} {"Clue":"He broke P Cech's skull in collision (5)","Answer":"SHUNT","Explanation":"Definition: collision\n**S HUNT** (reference **S**tephen **HUNT**, player at Reading Football Club\u00a0in a match against Chelsea on 14 October 2006 who fractured Petr Cech's (P Cech) skull when **HUNT**'s knee collided with Cech's head in a goalmouth incident. Cech subsequently recovered from the injury and returned to playing, initially with Chelsea and latterly with Arsenal. Cech\u00a0has just retired from active playing after the recent Arsenal Chelsea match in the Europa Cup final in Azerbaijan. He will now take up an coaching \/ managerial appointment\u00a0at Chelsea)\u00a0\n **S**** HUNT**\n\n**SHUNT** (collision)"} {"Clue":"Arrange 1,100 drifters (8)","Answer":"PLANKTON","Explanation":"Definition: drifters\n**PLAN** (arrange) **+ K** (one thousand) **+ TON** (informal word for 100)\n **PLAN** **K** **TON**\n\n**PLANKTON** (drifting organisms in oceans, lakes or rivers"} {"Clue":"Show up bigoted politician ignoring black director (6)","Answer":"ATTEND","Explanation":"Definition: Show up\n**BATTEN** (reference Gerard **BATTEN**\u00a0[born 1954], currently\u00a0leader\u00a0of UKIP, he will step down in July after losing his seat in the European elections last month. Frequently characterised in the media as a bigot) **+ D** (director)\n **ATTEN** **D**\n\n**ATTEND** (be present at; how up)"} {"Clue":"Ruddy duck is a bird (8)","Answer":"FLAMINGO","Explanation":"Definition: bird\n**FLAMING** (red; ruddy) **+ O** (zero; duck score in cricket)\n **F****LAMING O**\n\n**FLAMINGO** (large tropical or subtropical wading bird of a pink or bright-red colour, with long legs and neck and a downward-curving bill)"} {"Clue":"Blowhard damaged mud hut loo (9)","Answer":"LOUDMOUTH","Explanation":"Definition: Blowhard\n**Anagram of **(damaged) **MUD HUT LOO**\n **LO****UDM****OUTH***\n\n**LOUDMOUTH** (boastful person; blowhard)"} {"Clue":"Propose that trousers neuter when extremely tightly fitting (8)","Answer":"SNUGGEST","Explanation":"Definition: tightly fitting\n**SUGGEST** (propose) **containing** (trousers) **N** (neuter)\n **S** (**N**) **UGGEST**\n\n**SNUGGEST** (most closely fitting; tightly fitting)"} {"Clue":"Show California's boring flag (6)","Answer":"FACADE","Explanation":"Definition: Show\n**CA** (California) **contained in** (boring) **FADE** (tire; flag)\n **FA** (**CA**) **DE**\n\n**FACADE** (exterior front or face of a building)"} {"Clue":"Planted vegetables outside for cash, once (7)","Answer":"PESETAS","Explanation":"Definition: cash, once\n**PEAS** (vegetables) **containing** (outside) **SET** (planted)\n **PE** (**SET**) **AS**\n\n**PESETAS** (former currency [cash] of Spain before the Euro was adopted in 2002)"} {"Clue":"Son in ship shot off the side wall (5)","Answer":"BOAST","Explanation":"Definition: shot off the side wall\n**S **(son) **contained in** (in) **BOAT** (ship)\n **BOA** (**S**) **T**\n\n**BOAST** (a term in the game of squash to describes a shot that makes the ball first hit one of the side walls and then the end wall, or to hit a stroke of this kind)"} {"Clue":"Discharge of water from lavatory, say (5)","Answer":"RHEUM","Explanation":"Definition: Discharge of water\n**RHEUM** (**sounds like** [say] ROOM [the lavatory is a example of a room])\n **RHEUM**\n\n**RHEUM** (a mucous [slimy watery fluid] discharge, especially from the nose)"} {"Clue":"Dirty introduction to sex with lubricant (4)","Answer":"SOIL","Explanation":"Definition: Dirty\n**S** (**first letter of **[introduction to] **SEX**) **+ OIL** (lubricant)\n **S** **OIL**\n\n**SOIL** ([make] dirty)"} {"Clue":"41 books, in sum, delivered to a chap who'll be over order? (5)","Answer":"ABBOT","Explanation":"Definition: chap who'll be over order\nI am defeated by the parsing for this. I can see that **BB** can be books. I can also see that **OT** (Old Testament) may be books. We have the letters **TO A** in the clue and also in the entry but I can't see an anagram indicator.\n Please feel free to indicate how you believe it should be parsed.\n\n**ABBOT** (person in charge of an abbey; one who heads [be over] a group of monks belonging to one of the Monastic orders)"} {"Clue":"Hairy biking, using e.g. Waterloo Bridge rather than Blackfriars? (9)","Answer":"MOTOCROSS","Explanation":"Definition: Hairy biking\nNot a good start, as I can't see how this one works either. We have **CROSS** for bridge, but not much else. **MO** is modus operandi but I can't see how that fits anything in the clue. Finally, the relevanced of the two landmarks defeat me. I was hoping that Blackfriars bridge might have been just a foot bridge, leaving Waterloo as the **MOTO**r bridge, but it isn't.\n Again, feel free to comment with the correct parsing.\n\n**MOTOCROSS** (form of scrambling, motorcycle racing round a very rough circuit. Difficult [hairy] biking)"} {"Clue":"Out of time, gripping match: it's surprising about what's attractive (9,6)","Answer":"HORSESHOE MAGNET","Explanation":"Definition: what's attractive\n**HORS** (out of) **+** (**TENSE** [time in grammar] **containing** [gripping] [**GAME** {match} **+ OH** {expression of surprise}]) **all reversed** (about)\n **HORS** (**E S** (**HO** **E MAG**) **NET**)<\n\n**HORSESHOE MAGNET** (something that attracts iron or some other metals)"} {"Clue":"Is day wasted fixing City coach's breakdown problem? (9)","Answer":"DYSPEPSIA","Explanation":"Definition: breakdown problem\n**Anagram of **(wasted) **IS DAY** **containing** (fixing) **PEP'S** (reference **PEP** Guardiola [born 1971], coach of Manchester City Football Club)\n **DYS** (**PEPS**) **I****A***\n\n**DYSPEPSIA** (indigestion; breakdown [of food] problem)"} {"Clue":"Stuffing knocked out of bowlers by rustic English opener (5)","Answer":"HOBBS","Explanation":"Definition: English opener\n**HOB** (rustic, lout) **+ BS** (**letters remaining in** **BOWLERS** **when the central letters** (stuffing) **OWLER** **are removed** [knocked out])\n **HOB** **BS**\n\n**HOBBS** (reference Sir Jack **HOBBS** [1882 \u2013 1963], famous cricketer who often opened the batting for England)"} {"Clue":"Dog takes a gulp of water well contains (5,4)","Answer":"LHASA APSO","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\n(**LAP** [thin liquid food for animals; e.g.a\u00a0gulp of water] **+ SO** [well!]) **containing** (contains) (**HAS** (takes) **+ A**)\n **L** (**HAS** **A**) **AP** **SO**\n\n**LHASA APSO** (Tibetan [breed of] small, long-haired dog.)"} {"Clue":"Bottling it, Nimrod's moving West Africans (5)","Answer":"MASAI","Explanation":"Definition: Africans\n(**I AM** [Nimrod's \u2013 Nimrod is the crossword setter, often referred to as I in clues which reference the setter]) **containing** [bottling] **SA** [sex appeal ; it]) **all reversed** (moving West \u2013 i.e running from right to left) \n (**M** (**AS**) **A** **I**)<\n You could look it as just **I AM** being **reversed** and **containing** **SA** as **MA** (**SA**) **I**<\n\n**MASAI **(African people of the highlands of Kenya and Tanzania) \u2013 some good misdirection here as the\u00a0**MASAI** are East African rather than West African"} {"Clue":"Enemy reportedly after Union needs time to be 8 (5)","Answer":"UNMET","Explanation":"Definition: to be 8\n**U** (union, as a term in mathematics. Listed in Collins) **+ NME** (**sounds like** [reportedly] **ENEMY**) **+ T** (time)\n **U** **NME** **T**\n\n**UNMET** ([yet] to be **SATISFIED** [entry at eight down])"} {"Clue":"The Trumpeting Baker's given score to conduct with steady, progressive movement (9)","Answer":"RATCHETED","Explanation":"Definition: with steady, progressive movement\n**RATED** (given a score) **containing** (to conduct) **CHET** (reference jazz trumpeter **CHET** Baker [1929 \u2013 1988] )\n **RAT** (**CHET**) **ED**\n\n**RATCHETED** (moved by steady progressive degrees)"} {"Clue":"Narrative tale screened by CBBC on Teletubbies (5)","Answer":"CONTE","Explanation":"Definition: Narrative tale\n**CONTE** (**hidden word in** [screened by] **CBBC ON TELETUBBIES**)\n **CONTE**\n\n**CONTE** (short story, as a literary genre; narrative tale)"} {"Clue":"In days of yore, you afforded telescope as well (9)","Answer":"THEREUNTO","Explanation":"Definition: as well\n**THEE** (a term for you in days of yore) and** RUN TO** (afforded) telescoped together as part within part to form **THEREUNTO**\n I'm not 100% sure of this, but it's the only idea I can come up with that uses all bits of the clue\n **THE R E UN TO**\n\n**THEREUNTO** (moreover, in addition to that; as well)"} {"Clue":"A takeaway split green bag, covering Standard (3,3,3,6)","Answer":"PAR FOR THE COURSE","Explanation":"Definition: Standard\n**PURSE** (bag for money) **containing** (covering) (**A** **+ R** [take, Latin] + **FORTH** [away] + **ECO** [green])] The word 'split' in the clue instructs you to split **TAKEAWAY** into **TAKE** and **AWAY** for the purposes of the constituent parts of the wordplay\n **P** (**A** **R** **FOR TH** **E CO**) **URSE**\n\n**PAR FOR THE COURSE** (normal average result; standard)"} {"Clue":"Syrian loony takes turn, wanting a piece of the action (9)","Answer":"DAMASCENE","Explanation":"Definition: Syrian\n**MAD** (loony) **reversed** (takes turn) **+ A + SCENE** (part of the action)\n **DAM**< **A** **SCENE**\n\n**DAMASCENE** (of or relating to Damascus, capital of Syria; Syrian)"} {"Clue":"Only fancy new material (5)","Answer":"NYLON","Explanation":"Definition: material\n**Anagram of **(fancy) **ONLY** **+ N** (new)\n **NYLO*** **N**\n\n**NYLON** (material)"} {"Clue":"One taken in by a third-degree sucker (5)","Answer":"APHID","Explanation":"Definition: sucker\n**I** (Roman numeral for one) **contained in** (taken in by) (**A** **+ PHD** [often the progression with university degrees is Bachelor, Master, Doctor, so a **PHD** can be classed as a third degree)\n **A** **PH** (**I**) **D**\n\n**APHID** (small insect that sucks plant juices; sucker)."} {"Clue":"Sticking arse in face of boss cheers coffee-shop employee (7)","Answer":"BARISTA","Explanation":"Definition: coffee-shop employee\n**ARIS** (arse) **contained in** (sticking \u2026 in) (**B** [**first letter of **{face of} **BOSS + TA** (thank you; cheers])\n **B** (**ARIS**) **TA**\n\n**BARISTA** (person employed to make coffee in a coffee shop)"} {"Clue":"May's one part of BST: here's another (7)","Answer":"THERESA","Explanation":"Definition: here's another\n**THERESA** (**hidden word in** [part of] **BST HERE'S ANOTHER**)\n **THERESA**\n\n**THERESA** (reference **THERESA** May [born 1956], currently Prime Minister of the United Kingdom)"} {"Clue":"Attention-seeker's turned up \u2013 am I bovvered? (3)","Answer":"MEH","Explanation":"Definition: am I bovvered\n**HEM** (sort of half-cough to draw attention) **reversed** (turned up; down clue)\n **MEH**<\n\n**MEH** (expression of indifference or boredom, equivalent to saying 'am I bovvered')"} {"Clue":"So-called \"Mr Average\" changes humans\" to \"H\" with crafty alphabet mnemonic (3,3,2,3,7,7)","Answer":"THE MAN ON THE CLAPHAM OMNIBUS","Explanation":"Definition: So-called \"Mr Average\" \n**Anagram of** (changes and crafty) **HUMANS TO H** and (with) **ALPHABET MNEMONIC**\n **T****H****E**** MAN ****ON**** ****THE CLAPHAM OMNIB****US***\n\n**THE MAN ON THE CLAPHAM OMNIBUS** (hypothetical ordinary and reasonable person, used by the courts in English law where it is necessary to decide whether a party has acted as a reasonable person would; so-called Mr Average)"} {"Clue":"E.g. at dinner table, one's given food and one's content? (9)","Answer":"SATISFIED","Explanation":"Definition: E.g. at dinner table, one's given food and one's content\n**SAT** (at dinner table, for example) **+ IS** (one's) **+** ( **I** [one] **contained in** [is content] **FED** [given food])\n **SAT** **IS** **F** (**I**) **ED**\n\n**SATISFIED** (content after being sat at the dinner table and fed) &Lit clue"} {"Clue":"A filling meal and somewhere to live \u2013 that's a good start (6,3)","Answer":"LAUNCH PAD","Explanation":"Definition: that's a good start\n**A** **contained in** (filling) **LUNCH** (meal) **+ PAD** (room or home; somewhere to live)\n **L** (**A**) **UNCH** **PAD**\n\n**LAUNCH PAD** (place, event, etc which gives a good start to a career, etc, or at which a project, campaign, can be started)"} {"Clue":"US party's the means by which National Dictionary's installed (7)","Answer":"HOEDOWN","Explanation":"Definition: US party\n**OED** (Oxford English Dictionary) **contained in** (installed) (**HOW** [the means by which] **+ N** [national])\n **H** (**OED**) **OW** **N**\n\n**HOEDOWN** (American term for party at which such country dances\u00a0are performed)"} {"Clue":"Accepting death, headgear's ditched by climber (7)","Answer":"TENDRI","Explanation":"Definition: climber\n**TRILBY** (hat; headgear) **excluding** (ditched)** BY** **containing** (accepting) **END** (death)\n **T** (**END**) **RIL**\n\n**TENDRI****L** (a plant's coiling threadlike climbing organ; climber)"} {"Clue":"Expanse no-one on earth is able to circumnavigate (5)","Answer":"OCEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Expanse\n**O** (zero; no-one) **+** (**CAN** [is able to] **containing** [circumnavigate] **E** [earth])\n **O** **C** (**E**) **AN**\n\n**OCEAN** (expanse [of water])"} {"Clue":"Look round hole in sewer? (3)","Answer":"EYE","Explanation":"Definition: Look round\n**EYE** (look) 'round' may refer to the fact that** EYE** is a palindrome\n **EYE**\n\n**EYE** (hole in a needle [hole in sewer) double definition"} {"Clue":"Greeting zone in European city that supplies stock (7)","Answer":"RHIZOME","Explanation":"Definition: stock\n(**HI**! [a greeting] **+ Z** [zone]) **contained in** (in) **ROME** (a European city)\n **R** (**HI** **Z**) **OME**\n\n**RHIZOME** (rootstock)"} {"Clue":"Disease? Pass period around hospital (7)","Answer":"CHOLERA","Explanation":"Definition: Disease\n(**COL** [pass] **+ ERA** [period]) **containing** (around) **H** (hospital)\n **C** (**H**) **OL** **ERA**\n\n**CHOLERA** (a disease)"} {"Clue":"Show of hesitation, blocking return of mischevous child in pool attraction (5)","Answer":"FLUME","Explanation":"Definition: pool attraction \n**UM** (expression of hesitation) **contained in** (blocking) **ELF** (mischievous or fairy-like being, especially a child) **reversed** (return of)\n **FL** (**UM**) **E**<\n\n**FLUME** (chute with flowing water down which people slide to a swimming pool)"} {"Clue":"Brevity and imperfect sense in half of chapters (9)","Answer":"TERSENESS","Explanation":"Definition: Brevity\n**Anagram of** (imperfect) **SENSE** **contained** in (in) **TERS** (**half of the letters** [half of] **of the word CHAPTERS**)\n **TER** (**SENES***) **S**\n\n**TERSENESS** (brevity)"} {"Clue":"One anti-beer? That's wrong (9)","Answer":"INEBRIATE","Explanation":"Definition: One anti-beer? That's wrong \n**Anagram of** (that's wrong) **I** (Roman numeral for one) and **ANTI-BEER**\n It may be parsed as **I** and then an anagram of **ANTI-BEER**\n **I****NEBRIATE***\n\n**INEBRIATE** (a drunk person; definitely not one who is anti-beer) &Lit clue"} {"Clue":"European to express anger? It happens (5)","Answer":"EVENT","Explanation":"Definition: It happens \n**E** (European) **+ VENT** (express an emotion, such as\u00a0anger)\n **E** **VENT**\n\n**EVENT** (anything which happens)"} {"Clue":"That woman's daughter leaving Slough (3)","Answer":"SHE","Explanation":"Definition: That woman\n**SHED** (slough) **excluding** (leaving) **D **(daughter)\n **SHE**\n\n**SHE** (that woman)"} {"Clue":"A lot of activity and start of lessons accepted by the German child (7)","Answer":"TODDLER","Explanation":"Definition: child\n**TO-DO** (bustle; stir; activity) **excluding the final letter **(a lot of) **O** **+** (**L** [**first letter of** {start of} **LESSONS**] **contained in** [accepted by] **DER** [one of the forms of 'the' in German])\n **TOD** **D** (**L**) **ER**\n\n**TODDLER** (child)"} {"Clue":"Beat early curtailment of light (3)","Answer":"LAM","Explanation":"Definition: Beat\n**LAMP** (light) **excluding the final letter** (early curtailment) **P**\n **LAM**\n\n**LAM** (beat)"} {"Clue":"What's central to Gibraltarians and Spain about border topic? (5)","Answer":"THEME","Explanation":"Definition: topic\n**T** (**middle letter of** [what's central to] **GIBRALTARIANS** **+ E** (International Vehicle Registration for Spain]) **containing** (about) **HEM** (border)\n **T** (**HEM**) **E**\n\n**THEME** (topic)"} {"Clue":"Mechanic, perhaps, one calling back about a couple of items (9)","Answer":"REPAIRMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Mechanic, perhaps,\n**NAMER** (one calling) **reversed** (back) **containing** (about) **PAIR** (couple [of items])\n **RE** (**PAIR**) **MAN**<\n\n**REPAIRMAN** (person who does **REPAIR**s, especially on something mechanical)"} {"Clue":"Head back with stream and river beginning to inundate leaves, petals etc. (9)","Answer":"POTPOURRI","Explanation":"Definition: leaves, petals etc\n**TOP** (head) **reversed** (back) **+ POUR** (stream) **+ R** (river) **+ I **(**first letter of **[beginning to] **INUNDATE**)\n **POT**< **POUR** **R** **I**\n\n**POTPOURRI **(fragrant mixture of dried petals, leaves, spices, etc used to scent a room, etc)"} {"Clue":"Failure to do shoe repairs, mostly, on reflection (5)","Answer":"LOSER","Explanation":"Definition: Failure\n**RESOL****E** (do shoe repairs) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **E** and then **reversed** (on reflection)\n **LOSER**<\n\n**LOSER** (a failure)"} {"Clue":"Set aside energy and power to be supplied to boat (7)","Answer":"EARMARK","Explanation":"Definition: Set aside\n**E** (energy) **+ ARM** (power) **+ ARK** (boat)\n **E** **ARM** **ARK**\n\n**EARMARK** (set aside for a particular purpose)"} {"Clue":"Military leader invading continent left without friends (7)","Answer":"ASOCIAL","Explanation":"Definition: without friends\n(**OC** [Officer Commanding; military leader] **contained in** [invading] **ASIA** [continent]) **+ L **(left)\n **AS** (**OC**) **IA** **L**\n\n**ASOCIAL** (disinclined to mix with other people; without friends)"} {"Clue":"Tense and largely flashy, securing constant deals (8)","Answer":"TRAFFICS","Explanation":"Definition: deals\n**T** (tense)** +** (**RAFFIS****H** [flashy] **excluding the final letter** [largely] **H**\u00a0**containing** [securing] **C** [constant, indicating the speed of light])\n **T** **RAFFI** (**C**) **S**\n\n**TRAFFICS** (deals)"} {"Clue":"Fabrication to get university place (4)","Answer":"LIEU","Explanation":"Definition: place\n**LIE** (fabrication) **+ U** (university)\n **LIE U**\n\n**LIEU** (place or stead)"} {"Clue":"Hint of shabbiness? Try out fashion perhaps (3-3)","Answer":"DOG-EAR","Explanation":"Definition: int of shabbiness\n**DO** (try out, perhaps not a strict dictionary definition, but we know what is meant) **+** **GEAR** (young people's fashion)\n **DO** **G EAR**\n\n**DOG-EAR** (scruffy; hint of shabbiness)"} {"Clue":"Sinister operative dropped off components for her (4-6)","Answer":"LEFT-HANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Sinister operative\n**LEFT** (dropped off) **+** (**H** **AND ER** [the components of the word **HER**)\n **LEFT** **H** **AND** **ER**\n\n**LEFT-HANDER** (sinister is a term to indicate the\u00a0**LEFT** side; sinister operative)"} {"Clue":"Cut applied to face, leaving mark of wound (4)","Answer":"SCAR","Explanation":"Definition: mark of wound\n**SCAR****P** (steep slope; face) **excluding the final letter** (cut applied) **P**\n **SCAR**\n\n**SCAR** (mark left by a wound)"} {"Clue":"Warning to support predecessor? (8)","Answer":"FOREBEAR","Explanation":"Definition: predecessor\n**FORE** (warning on a golf course to beware of the ball flying towards you) **+ BEAR** (support)\n **FORE** **BEAR**\n\n**FOREBEAR** (ancestor, predecessor)"} {"Clue":"Strange clue about refractory bit of material in part of the brain (10)","Answer":"CEREBELLUM","Explanation":"Definition: part of the brain\n(**Anagram of** [strange] **CLUE** **containing** (about) **REBEL** (refractory can describe someone unmanageable, such as a **REBEL**]) **+ M** (**first letter of** [bit of] **M****ATERIAL**)\n **CE** (**REBEL**) **LU*** **M**\n\n**CEREBELLUM** (lower posterior part of the brain)"} {"Clue":"Bone, primarily something beneficial for a dog (6)","Answer":"BASSET","Explanation":"Definition: dog\n**B** (**first letter of** [primarily] **BONE**) **+ ASSET** (something beneficial)\n **B ASSET**\n\n**BASSET** (breed of dog)"} {"Clue":"Basic alert with enemy on the move (10)","Answer":"ELEMENTARY","Explanation":"Definition: Basic\n**Anagram of** (on the move) **ALERT** and (with) **ENEMY**\n **EL****EMEN****TAR****Y***\n\n**ELEMENTARY** (simple; basic)"} {"Clue":"Obscure regarding the motion of planets (10)","Answer":"ELLIPTICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Obscure\n**ELLIPTICAL** (cryptic; obscure or dubious)\n **ELLIPTICAL**\n\n**ELLIPTICAL** (descriptive of the orbital path of planets) double definition"} {"Clue":"Avoiding booze offers little support over crash (8)","Answer":"TEETOTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Avoiding booze\n**TEE** (support for a golf ball; small [little] support) + **TOTAL **(destroy completely; crash)\n **TEE** **TOTAL**\n\n**TEETOTAL** (abstaining from alcoholic drinks; avoiding booze)"} {"Clue":"Primate, note, standing in boiling stream (8)","Answer":"MANDRILL","Explanation":"Definition: Primate\n(**N** [note] **contained in** [standing in] **MAD** [furious with anger; boiling]) **+ RILL** (stream)\n **MA** (**N**) **D** **RILL**\n\n**MANDRILL** (large W African baboon with a red and blue muzzle and hindquarters; primate)"} {"Clue":"No opening for plug hat (6)","Answer":"TOPPER","Explanation":"Definition: hat\n**STOPPER** (plug) **excluding the first letter** (no opening for) **S**\n **TOPPER**\n\n**TOPPER** (top **HAT**)"} {"Clue":"I head for Greenland, free to dismiss latest in polar residences (6)","Answer":"IGLOOS","Explanation":"Definition: polar residences\n**I + G** (**first letter of** [head for] **GREENLAND**) **+ LOOSE** (free) **excluding** (to dismiss) **the final lette**r (latest) **E**\n **I G LOOS**\n\n**IGLOOS** (dome-shaped Inuit houses made of blocks of hard snow; polar residences)"} {"Clue":"Progress was visualised for one garden tool (4)","Answer":"RAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Progress was visualised for one\n**RAKE** (reference The **RAKE**'s Progress, an opera by Igor Stravinsky [1882 \u2013 1971]; progress visualised for one)\n **RAKE**\n\n**RAKE** (garden instrument)"} {"Clue":"Bargain haberdashery items picked up (4)","Answer":"SNIP","Explanation":"Definition: Bargain\n**PINS** (items sold in a haberdashery) **reversed** (picked up; down clue)\n **SNIP**<\n\n**SNIP** (bargain)"} {"Clue":"VIP stirs souls in Greek island (8)","Answer":"COLOSSUS","Explanation":"Definition: VIP\n**Anagram of** (stirs) **SOULS contained** in (in) **COS** (Greek island)\n **CO** (**LOSSU***) **S**\n\n**COLOSSUS** (person or organization of gigantic power and influence; VIP)"} {"Clue":"Difficult storing energy that's picked up (5)","Answer":"HEARD","Explanation":"Definition: picked up\n**HARD** (difficult) **containing** (storing) **E** (energy)\n **H** (**E**) **ARD**\n\n**HEARD** (caught; picked up)"} {"Clue":"Crook, third in line, involved in plot (4)","Answer":"BEND","Explanation":"Definition: Crook\n**N** (**third letter in** [third in] **LINE**) **contained in** (involved) **BED** (a flower **BED** is a plot of land)\n **BE** (**N**) **D**\n\n**BEND** (crook)"} {"Clue":"Yankee's equipped current disk to retain external echo (10)","Answer":"ACCOUTERED","Explanation":"Definition: Yankee's equipped\n**AC** ([alternating] current) **+** (**CD** [compact disc] **containing** [to retain] [**OUTER** {external} **+ E** {Echo is the international radio communication codeword for the letter **E**}])\n **AC** **C** (**OUTER** **E**) **D**\n\n**ACCOUTERED** (American [Yankee] spelling of **ACCOUTRED** [equipped])"} {"Clue":"Did Slough shut up a male in disgrace? (6)","Answer":"SHAMED","Explanation":"Definition: in disgrace\n**SHED** (cast [skin]; shedded; did shed) **containing** (shut up) (**A** **+ M** [male])\n **SH** (**A** **M**) **ED**\n\n**SHAMED** (in disgrace)"} {"Clue":"Not even people on street returned remnants (8)","Answer":"ODDMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: remnants\n**ODD** (not even) **+ MEN** (people) **+ ST** (street)** reversed** (returned)\n **ODD** **MEN** **TS**<\n\n**ODDMENTS** (fragments)"} {"Clue":"Guard a lecturer infuriated by degrees (7)","Answer":"GRADUAL","Explanation":"Definition: by degrees\n**Anagram of **(infuriated) **GUARD** and **A** and **L** (lecturer)\n **GRADU****A****L***\n\n**GRADUAL** (advancing or happening by degrees)"} {"Clue":"Divide and increase column heading in Times (7)","Answer":"TRISECT","Explanation":"Definition: Divide\n(**RISE** [increase] **+ C** [**first letter of **{heading}]) **contained in** (in) (**T** [time] **+ T** [time] to give times)\n **T** (**RISE** **C**) **T**\n\n**TRISECT** (divide into three, usually\u00a0equal parts)"} {"Clue":"Old soap producer with sign in shower (5,3)","Answer":"WHALE OIL","Explanation":"Definition: Old soap producer\n**W** (with)** +** (**LEO** [sign of the Zodiac] **contained in** [in] **HAIL** [a shower or bombardment of missiles, abuse etc])\n **W** **HA** (**LE O**) **IL**\n\n**WHALE OIL** (an ingredient of soap in times past)"} {"Clue":"Put pieces on board for amateurs (6)","Answer":"LAYMEN","Explanation":"Definition: amateurs\n**LAY **(put) **+ MEN** (pieces, on a chess board for example)\n **LAY MEN**\n\n**LAYMEN** (non-professional people; amateurs)"} {"Clue":"Stresses where English must be replaced by German subjects (10)","Answer":"UNDERLINGS","Explanation":"Definition: subjects\n**UNDERLINES** (stresses) with **E** (English) **replaced by** (must be replaced by) **G** (German)\n **UNDERLINGS**\n\n**UNDERLINGS** (subordinates; subjects)"} {"Clue":"Locate what's essential in Home Counties (4)","Answer":"SITE","Explanation":"Definition: Locate\n**IT** (exactly what one is looking for; something essential) **contained in** (in) **SE** (South East, location of the Home Counties of England)\n **S** (**IT**) **E**\n\n**SITE** (position; locate)"} {"Clue":"Doctor catering for both genders, not one (5)","Answer":"UNSEX","Explanation":"Definition: Doctor\n**UN****I****SEX **(applicable to or usable by, etc, persons of either gender) **excluding** (not) **I** (Roman numeral for one).\n **UNSEX**\n\n**UNSEX** (to divest of the characteristics or of the qualities expected of one's own sex; doctor, in the sense of changing something)"} {"Clue":"Brief mission to attempt knight's occupation (8)","Answer":"ERRANTRY","Explanation":"Definition: knight's occupation\n**ERRAN****D** (mission) **excluding the final letter** (brief) **D** **+ TRY** (attempt)\n **ERRAN** **TRY**\n\n**ERRANTRY** (a rambling about like a Knight Errant who travelled in search of adventure; knight's occupation)"} {"Clue":"Own goal breaks tie in league (8)","Answer":"TOGETHER","Explanation":"Definition: in league\n**OG** (own goal) **contained in** (breaks) **TETHER** (tie)\n **T** (**OG**) **ETHER**\n\n**TOGETHER** (with someone or something else, in company; in league)"} {"Clue":"Getting on after constant complaint (4)","Answer":"COLD","Explanation":"Definition: complaint\n**C **(example of a letter used to denote a constant value in mathematics) **+ ****OLD** (aged; getting on)\n **C** **OLD**\n\n**COLD** (example of a medical complaint)"} {"Clue":"One's son acquires northern part of archipelago (6)","Answer":"ISLAND","Explanation":"Definition: part of archipelago\n**I **(Roman numeral for one) **+ 'S **(indicating the possessive; **I'S** [one's]) **+** (**LAD** [boy; must be a son of someone] **containing** [acquires] **N** [northern])\n **I** **S**** ****LA** (**N**) **D**\n\n**ISLAND** (an archipelago is a group of ISLANDs)"} {"Clue":"Film society consists of antisocial types (7)","Answer":"PSYCHOS","Explanation":"Definition: antisocial types\n**PSYCHO** (title of a 1960 film produced and directed by Alfred Hitchcock) **+**** S** (society)\n **PSYCHO** **S**\n\n**PSYCHOS** (psychopaths [people suffering from a behavioural disorder resulting in inability to form personal relationships]; antisocial types)"} {"Clue":"Bear ought to explore river sources (8)","Answer":"SHOULDER","Explanation":"Definition: Bear\n**SHOULD** (ought to) **+ E R** (**first letters of** [sources] **each of** **EXPLORE** and **RIVER**)\n **SHOULD E R**\n\n**SHOULDER** (bear)"} {"Clue":"Carlyle disputed describing eastern ship sloppily (10)","Answer":"CARELESSLY","Explanation":"Definition: sloppily\n**Anagram of **(disputed) **CARLYLE** **containing** (describing) (**E** [Eastern] **+ SS** [{steam}ship])\n **CAREL** (**E ****SS**) **LY***\n\n**CARELESSLY** (sloppily)"} {"Clue":"Notice doctor adopting new approach (6)","Answer":"ADVENT","Explanation":"Definition: approach\n**AD **(advertisement; notice) **+** (**VET** [{animal} doctor] **containing** [adopting] **N** [new])\n **AD** **VE** (**N**) **T**\n\n**ADVENT** (coming; drawing near; approach)"} {"Clue":"Where millions face deadliest bombing? (6,4)","Answer":"MIDDLE EAST","Explanation":"Definition: Where millions face deadliest bombing\n**M** (millions) **+ an anagram of** (bombing) **DEADLIEST**\n **M ****IDDLE EAST*******\n\n**MIDDLE EAST** (scene of ongoing military activity and bombing)"} {"Clue":"Bloke close to penury nursing dad's incapacity (8)","Answer":"APOPLEXY","Explanation":"Definition: incapacity\n(**ALEX** [man's name, bloke, although it could also be a lady's name] **+ Y** [**final letter of **{close to} **PENURY**]) **containing** (nursing) **POP** (dad)\n **A** (**POP**) **LEX** **Y**\n\n**APOPLEXY** (sudden loss of sensation and motion; incapacity)"} {"Clue":"Curate tormented about soul (8)","Answer":"CREATURE","Explanation":"Definition: soul \n**Anagram of** (tormented) **CURATE** **+ RE** (with reference to; about)\n **CREATU*** **RE**\n\n**CREATURE **(human being; soul)"} {"Clue":"Dove in US quietly thrust forward (7)","Answer":"PLUNGED","Explanation":"Definition: Dove in US\n**P** (piano; quietly) **+ LUNGED** (thrust forward)\n **P LUNGED**\n\n**PLUNGED** ('dove' is an American form of 'dived' [**PLUNGED**])"} {"Clue":"Time to accept running award (6)","Answer":"HONOUR","Explanation":"Definition: award\n**HOUR** (time) **containing** (to accept) **ON** (running)\n **H** (**ON**) **OUR**\n\n**HONOUR **(award)"} {"Clue":"Polish saint admitted to temptation (6)","Answer":"LUSTRE","Explanation":"Definition: Polish\n**ST** (saint) **contained in** (admitted to) **LURE** (temptation)\n **LU** (**ST**) **RE**\n\n**LUSTRE** (polish)"} {"Clue":"Drop wrong Kent opener (4)","Answer":"SINK","Explanation":"Definition: Drop\n**SIN** (wrong) **+ ****K** (**first letter of** [opener] **KENT**)\n **SIN** **K**\n\n**SINK** (drop)"} {"Clue":"Stalks latecomer regularly often smoking weed? (10)","Answer":"LEMONGRASS","Explanation":"Definition: Stalks\n**LEM** (**letters 1, 4 and 7** [regularly] of **LATECOMER**) **+ ON GRASS** (often smoking weed)\n **LEM** **ON** **GRASS**\n\n**LEMONGRASS** (A perennial grass, *Cymbopogon citratus,* with a large flower spike: used in cooking and grown in tropical regions as the source of an aromatic oil; stalks)"} {"Clue":"Old-fashioned haircut for a male (4)","Answer":"PERM","Explanation":"Definition: Old-fashioned haircut\n**PER** (a) **+ M** (male)\n **PER** **M**\n\n**PERM** (**PERM**anent wave [long-lasting artificial wave or curl in hair induced by chemical treatment]; old fashioned haircut)"} {"Clue":"Brief caught working with Russia and its allies before start of election (7)","Answer":"CONCISE","Explanation":"Definition: Brief \n**C** (caught) **+ ON** (working) **+ CIS** (Commonwealth of Independent States was formed when the former Soviet Union dissolved in 1991. At its conception it consisted of ten former Soviet Republics: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. The nations of Azerbaijan and Georgia later joined the association in 1993. This group of states (*countries*) loosely agreed to work together on a large list of mutual issues, including economics, defense and foreign policy. Turkmenistan is now classified as an associate and Ukraine no longer plays a part, although it hasn't formally resigned) **+ E** (**first letter of** [start of] **ELECTION**)\n **C ON CIS E**\n\n**CONCISE** (brief)"} {"Clue":"Sample of \"Float like a butterfly, sting like a be\"? (7)","Answer":"ALIQUOT","Explanation":"Definition: Brief \n**C** (caught) **+ ON** (working) **+ CIS** (Commonwealth of Independent States was formed when the former Soviet Union dissolved in 1991. At its conception it consisted of ten former Soviet Republics: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. The nations of Azerbaijan and Georgia later joined the association in 1993. This group of states (*countries*) loosely agreed to work together on a large list of mutual issues, including economics, defense and foreign policy. Turkmenistan is now classified as an associate and Ukraine no longer plays a part, although it hasn't formally resigned) **+ E** (**first letter of** [start of] **ELECTION**)\n **C ON CIS E**\n\n**CONCISE** (brief)"} {"Clue":"Seethes at debauched lovers of Grace? (9)","Answer":"AESTHETES","Explanation":"Definition: lovers of Grace\n**Anagram of** (debauched) **SEETHES AT**\n **A****ESTHE****T****ES***\n\n**AESTHETES** (professed disciples of **AESTHET**icism [the cult of the beautiful]; a person who affects an extravagant love of art; lovers of grace)"} {"Clue":"Manage to capture Serbian leader in thicket (5)","Answer":"COPSE","Explanation":"Definition: thicket\n**COPE** (manage) **containing** (to capture) **S** (**first letter of** [leader] **S****ERBIAN**)\n **COP** (**S**) **E**\n\n**COPSE** (dense thicket of trees and bushes)"} {"Clue":"Character eating into company's capital (5)","Answer":"CAIRO","Explanation":"Definition: capital\n**AIR **(aura; bearing; character) **contained in** (eating into) **CO** (company)\n **C** (**AIR**) **O**\n\n**CAIRO** (capital city of Egypt)"} {"Clue":"Play the part of salesman with grudge (9)","Answer":"REPRESENT","Explanation":"Definition: Play the part of\n**REP** (commercial **REP** representative; salesman) **+ RESENT** (grudge)\n **REP** **RESENT**\n\n**REPRESENT** (play the part of)"} {"Clue":"Reflect on 'agitato' being instruction for a musician (5,4)","Answer":"TENOR CLEF","Explanation":"Definition: instruction for a musician\n**Anagram of** (agitato) **REFLECT ON**\n **TENOR CLEF***\n\n**TENOR CLEF** (the C **CLEF**\u00a0placed on the fourth line. a **CLEF** is character placed on the stave by which the absolute pitch of the following notes is fixed)"} {"Clue":"Don't declare staff (5)","Answer":"BATON","Explanation":"Definition: staff\n**BAT ON** (if a cricket captain doesn't yet want to declare the team's innings closed, the team will **BAT ON**)\n **BAT ON**\n\n**BATON** (staff of office)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps arm officers, to begin with, in prison (5)","Answer":"LIMBO","Explanation":"Definition: prison\n**LIMB** (an arm is an example of a limb) **+ O** (**first letter of** [to begin with] **OFFICERS**)\n **LIMB** **O**\n\n**LIMBO** (prison)"} {"Clue":"Force prisoners to study (9)","Answer":"CONSTRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Force\n**CONS** (prisoners) **+**** TRAIN** learn; study)\n **CONS** **TRAIN**\n\n**CONSTRAIN** (force)"} {"Clue":"Acknowledged to be unhappy without musical instrument (7)","Answer":"SALUTED","Explanation":"Definition: Acknowledged\n**SAD** (unhappy)** containing** (without; outside) **LUTE** (musical instrument)\n **SA** (**LUTE**) **D**\n\n**SALUTED** (acknowledged)"} {"Clue":"Disheartened, cries about issue (4)","Answer":"SPEW","Explanation":"Definition: issue\n**WEEPS** **excluding the central letter** (disheartened) ****E and then **reversed** (about) \n **SEED**<\n\n**SPEW** (issue)"} {"Clue":"Nudes ride in a cavalier fashion across Sweden, revealing bottoms (10)","Answer":"UNDERSIDES","Explanation":"Definition: bottoms \nAnagram of (in a cavalier fashion) **NUDES RIDE** **containing** (across) **S** (International Vehicle Registration for Sweden)\n **UNDE****R** (**S**)** IDE****S***\n\n**UNDERSIDES** (bottoms)"} {"Clue":"Spandex: extremely crass clothing (5)","Answer":"LYCRA","Explanation":"Definition: Spandex\n**LYCRA** (**hidden word in** [clothing] **EXTREMELY CRASS**)\n **LYCRA**\n\n**LYCRA** (synthetic fibre like Spandex)"} {"Clue":"Is musing cryptically around noon an indication of negativity? (5,4)","Answer":"MINUS SIGN","Explanation":"Definition: an indication of negativity\n**Anagram of** (cryptically) **IS MUSING** **containing** (around) **N** (noon)\n **M****I** (**N**) **U****S**** SIGN***\n\n**MINUS SIGN** (indication of a negative value or a negative operation)"} {"Clue":"Local communities bug heroin suspect with violent criminals (14)","Answer":"NEIGHBOURHOODS","Explanation":"Definition: Local communities\n**Anagram of** (suspect) **BUG HEROIN** + **HOODS** (violent criminals)\n **NEIGHBOUR*** **HOODS**\n\n**NEIGHBOURHOODS** (local communities)"} {"Clue":"One who regrets quietly quitting is to compete again (2-5)","Answer":"RE-ENTER","Explanation":"Definition: compete again\n**REPENTER** (one who regrets) **excluding** (quitting) **P** (piano; quietly)\n **RE-ENTER**\n\n**RE-ENTER** (compete again)"} {"Clue":"Guy's lump occasionally doesn't settle in the evening (5,2)","Answer":"STAYS-UP","Explanation":"Definition: doesn't settle in the evening\n**STAYS** (guys)** + UP** (**letters 2 and 4** [occasionally] of **LUMP**)\n **STAYS UP**\n\n**STAYS-UP** (remains out of bed and awake after the normal time of going to sleep; doesn't settle in the evening)"} {"Clue":"Provide online joke? (5)","Answer":"EQUIP","Explanation":"Definition: Provide\n**E** (electronic, often used as a suffix to denote an online activity or service) + **QUIP** (joke)\n **E QUIP**\n\n**EQUIP** (supply; provide)"} {"Clue":"Shabby way of working by playhouse; November run cancelled (4-5)","Answer":"MOTH-EATEN","Explanation":"Definition: Shabby\n**MO** (modus operandi; way of working) **+** (**THEAT****R****E** [playhouse] **+ N** [November is the international radio communication codeword for the letter **N**] **excluding** [cancelled] **R** [run])\n **MO** **TH EATE** **N**\n\n**MOTH-EATEN** (decrepit; shabby)"} {"Clue":"Penny longed to meet British ex-Prime Minister, almost succeeded, which resulted in disturbances (7,7)","Answer":"PITCHED BATTLES","Explanation":"Definition: disturbances\n**P** (penny) **+ ITCHED** (longed) **+ B **(British)** + ATTLEE** (reference Clement **ATTLEE** [1883 \u2013 1967], Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1945 to 1951) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **E** + **S** (succeeded)\n **P** **ITCHED** **B** **ATTLE** **S**\n\n**PITCHED BATTLES** (violent confrontations, perhaps a bit more than disturbances)"} {"Clue":"Reduction of the reaction times of a city lass in transit (9)","Answer":"CATALYSIS","Explanation":"Definition: Reduction of the reaction times\n**Anagram of** (in transit) **A CITY LASS** \n **C****A****TALYSIS**\n\n**CATALYSIS** (the chemical influence of a substance which is not itself permanently change. The influence usually increases the speed of the required\u00a0reaction)"} {"Clue":"Obtained sacred text rewritten to remove sacrilegious introduction (9)","Answer":"EXTRACTED","Explanation":"Definition: Obtained \n**Anagram of** (rewritten) **SACRED TEX****T** **excluding** (to remove) **S** (**first letter o**f [introduction] **SACRILEGIOU****S**)\n **EXT****RAC****T****ED***\n\n**EXTRACTED** (obtained)"} {"Clue":"Film serial killer next to new desk (7)","Answer":"LECTERN","Explanation":"Definition: desk\n**LECTER** (reference the fictional film serial killer character Hannibal **LECTER**) + **N** (new)\n **LECTER** **N**\n\n**LECTERN** (reading-desk)"} {"Clue":"Card play is excellent, supported by system's odds (7)","Answer":"FINESSE","Explanation":"Definition: Card play\n**FINE** (excellent) **+ SSE**\u00a0(**letters 1, 3 and 5** [odds] of **SYSTEM**)\n **FINE** **SSE**\n\n**FINESSE** (an attempt by a player in the card game bridge,,holding a higher car, to take the trick with a lower card, risking loss)"} {"Clue":"Pile of rector's neck hair covering open in sink (5)","Answer":"MANSE","Explanation":"Definition: Pile of rector\n**MANE** (long hair on the back of the neck and neighbouring parts of a horse, lion, etc) **containing** (covering) **S** (**first letter of** [opening of] **SINK**)\n **MAN** (**S**) **E**\n\n**MANSE** (rector's or minister's house [pile is an informal term for a [big] house)"} {"Clue":"Asian river, with rising level of nitrogen, is focus of infection (5)","Answer":"NIDUS","Explanation":"Definition: focus of infection \n**I****N****DUS** (one of the longest rivers in Asia, rising in Tibet and reaching the sea near Karachi in Pakistan) with the **N** (chemical symbol for Nitrogen) moved up (rising; down clue) the word to form** NIDUS**\n **NIDUS**\n\n**NIDUS** (focus of infection)"} {"Clue":"Bristol supporters (4)","Answer":"BRAS","Explanation":"Definition: Bristol supporters\n**BRAS **(slang for breasts)\n **BRAS**\n\n**BRAS **(supporters for breasts) cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"A Tulsa bar needing a makeover and a fresh start (6,4)","Answer":"TABULA RASA","Explanation":"Definition: fresh start\n**Anagram of** (makeover) **A TULSA BAR ****+**** A**\n **T****AB****ULA ****RA****S***** ****A**\n\n**TABULA RASA** (a clean slate; a fresh start)"} {"Clue":"A black tower covered in flowers? (6)","Answer":"ABLOOM","Explanation":"Definition: covered in flowers\n**A** **+ B** (black, on lead pencils to indicate softness) **+ LOOM** to overhang threateningly; to tower [over])\n **A** **B** **LOOM**\n\n**ABLOOM** (covered in flowers)"} {"Clue":"Car, Jaguar possibly carrying Republican despot (8)","Answer":"AUTOCRAT","Explanation":"Definition: despot\n**AUTO** (car) **+** (**CAT** [a jaguar is an example of a big cat] **containing** [carrying] **R** [Republican])\n **AUTO** **C** (**R**) **AT**\n\n**AUTOCRAT** (dictator; despot)"} {"Clue":"Eleventh-hour talk held by most unsuitable power (4-4)","Answer":"LAST-GASP","Explanation":"Definition: Eleventh-hour\n**GAS** (empty talk) **contained in** (held by) (**LAST** [least suitable] **+**** P** [power])\n **LAST** (**GAS**) **P**\n\n**LAST-GASP** (descriptive of some thing done when almost at the point of death or defeat; at the eleventh hour)"} {"Clue":"Welfare state once run by him, liberal admitted (6)","Answer":"HEALTH","Explanation":"Definition: Welfare\n**L** (Liberal) **contained in** (admitted) **HEATH** (reference Edward **HEATH** [1916 \u2013 2005], former British Prime Minister [the State was once run by him]) \n **HEA** (**L**) **TH**\n\n**HEALTH** (welfare)"} {"Clue":"Desolation Row will follow single by vacuous Stones (10)","Answer":"LONELINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Desolation\n**LONE** (single) **+ LINE** (row) **+ SS** (**letters left in** **STONES** **when the central letters**, **TONE**, **are removed** [vacuous])\n **LONE** **LINE** **SS**\n\n**LONELINESS** (desolation)"} {"Clue":"Sandy area and marshland seen around India(4)","Answer":"GOBI","Explanation":"Definition: Sandy area\n**BOG** (marshland) **reversed** (seen around) **+ I **(India is the International Radio Communication codeword for the letter I)\n **GOB**< **I**\n\n**GOBI** (reference the **GOBI** desert in northern China and southern Mongolia; sandy area)"} {"Clue":"Drink like Hoskins, slurping drop of tequila (4)","Answer":"ASTI","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\n(**AS I** [like Hoskins [crossword setter; I]) **containing** (slurping) **T** (**first letter of **[drop of] **TEQUILA**)\n **AS** (**T**) **I**\n\n**ASTI **(Italian white wine)"} {"Clue":"Declaration of occupation (10)","Answer":"PROFESSION","Explanation":"Definition: Declaration\n**PROFESSION** (declaration)\n **PROFESSION**\n\n**PROFESSION** (occupation) double definition"} {"Clue":"Racket English men turned round will make cash in NYC (6)","Answer":"DINERO","Explanation":"Definition: cash in NYC\n**DIN** (racket)** + E** (English) **+ OR** (other ranks; men) reversed (turned round)\n **DIN** **E** **RO**<\n\n**DINERO** (American [New York City] slang term for money)"} {"Clue":"Evil praying mantis chewed on sap briefly (8)","Answer":"SATANISM","Explanation":"Definition: Evil praying\n**SA****P** **excluding the final letter** (briefly) **P + an anagram of** (chewed) **MANTIS**\n **SA ****TANISM***\n\n**SATANISM** (devil worship; evil praying)"} {"Clue":"12:59 meeting? (3-2-3)","Answer":"ONE-TO-ONE","Explanation":"Definition: 12:59 meeting\n**ONE-TO-ONE** (12:59 is **ONE** minute **TO ONE** o'clock)\n **ONE-TO-ONE**\n\n**ONE-TO-ONE** (meeting between two people)"} {"Clue":"Plain lover repelled half-cut Welsh rugby player? (6)","Answer":"TUNDRA","Explanation":"Definition: Plain\n**NUT** (fanatic; fan; lover) **reversed (repelled) + DRAGON** (**DRAGONs** are one of four professional club rugby teams in Wales) **excluding** (cut) **the second three letters of six** [half] **ONS**)\n **TUN**< **DRA**\n\n**TUNDRA** (\u00a0Arctic plain with permanently frozen subsoil)"} {"Clue":"Independent locals horse around with university fees (4,6)","Answer":"FREE HOUSES","Explanation":"Definition: Independent locals\n**Anagram of **(around \u2026 with) **HORSE** and **U** (university) and **FEES**\n **F****R****EE**** HO****U****S****ES***\n\n**FREE HOUSES** (independent pubs; independent locals)"} {"Clue":"Sleeps around for some period of time (4)","Answer":"SPAN","Explanation":"Definition: some period of time\n**NAPS** (sleeps) **reversed** (around)\n **NAPS**<\n\n**SPAN** (period of time)"} {"Clue":"Kid and where one might sleep without a cover (3)","Answer":"RIB","Explanation":"Definition: Kid\n**C****RIB** (child's [kid's] bed) **excluding the first letter** (without a cover) **C**\n **RIB**\n\n**RIB** (tease; kid)"} {"Clue":"Firefly! (5)","Answer":"SHOOT","Explanation":"Definition: Firefly\n**SHOOT** (discharge a weapon; fire)\n **SHOOT** \n\n**SHOOT** (fly, with force) double definition"} {"Clue":"Those beaten and flipping unfit Hoskins is punching (7)","Answer":"TIMPANI","Explanation":"Definition: Those beaten\n**INAPT** (unfit) **reversed** (flipping) **containing** (with) **I'M** (Hoskins [I] am [is])\n **T** (**IM**) **PANI**<\n\n**TIMPANI** (a set of kettledrums that are played by striking them\u00a0[beaten])"} {"Clue":"Busman annoyed with hopeless son's profanity (15)","Answer":"BLASPHEMOUSNESS","Explanation":"Definition: profanity\n**Anagram of **(annoyed with) **BUSMAN**, **HOPELESS** and **S** (son)\n **B****L****AS****PHE****M****O****U****S****N****ES****S***\n\n**BLASPHEMOUSNESS** (profanity)"} {"Clue":"Spanish article about model-type with red locks (7)","Answer":"LATCHES","Explanation":"Definition: locks\n**LAS** (one of the Spanish forms of 'the') **containing** (about) (**T** [reference Model T Ford] **+ CHE** (reference **CHE** Guevara [1928 \u2013 1967], Argentinian Marxist revolutionary; red)\n **LA** (**T** **CHE**) **S**\n\n**LATCHES** (locks)"} {"Clue":"Soldiers run at the enemy and section reloads (9)","Answer":"RECHARGES","Explanation":"Definition: reloads\n**RE** (Royal Engineers; soldiers) **+** **CHARGE** (run at the enemy) **+ S** (section)\n **RE** **CHARGE** S\n\n**RECHARGES** (reloads)"} {"Clue":"Oh-so-clever sort of boys most rat out (6-5)","Answer":"SMARTY-BOOTS","Explanation":"Definition: Oh-so-clever sort \n**Anagram of **(out) **BOYS MOST RAT** \n **S****MART****Y**\u2013**BO****OTS***\n\n**SMARTY-BOOTS** (contemptuous term for somebody who thinks they are cleverer than they are)"} {"Clue":"Extremely messy son dreading, having to change (1,4,6)","Answer":"A DOGS DINNER","Explanation":"Definition: Extremely messy\n**Anagram of **(having to change) **SON DREADING** \n **A D****O****G**'**S** **DI****NNER***\n\n**A DOGS DINNER** (something very untidy; extremely messy)"} {"Clue":"Huge starter not finished in the middle (9)","Answer":"EPICENTRE","Explanation":"Definition: Huge starter\n**EPI****C**** **(vast; huge) **excluding the final letter** (not finished) **C** **+ CENTRE** (in the middle?) or is this a reference to a **CENTRE** forward who starts a football game for example)\n **EPI** **CENTRE**\n\n**EPICENTRE** (the point on the earth's surface directly over the point of origin of an earthquake \u2013 signifying the starting point of the quake))"} {"Clue":"For Yoko, Beatles primarily must get in for free (3,4)","Answer":"PRO BONO","Explanation":"Definition: free\n**PRO** (in favour of; for) **+ B** (**first letter of **\u00a0[primarily] **BEATLES**) **+ ONO** (reference Yoko **ONO** [born 1933], widow of assassinated Beatle John Lennon)\n **PRO ****B**** ****ONO**\n\n**PRO BONO** (for the public good \u2013 in full **PRO BONO PUBLICO**. In America a term that means free of charge, for a defendant who is unable to pay for his own defence)"} {"Clue":"Hake ultimately rubbish European on board ship lands (7)","Answer":"ESTATES","Explanation":"Definition: lands\n**E** (**last letter of **[ultimately] **HAKE**) **+** ([**TAT** {rubbish} **+ E** {European}] **contained in** [on board] **SS** [steamship])\n **E** **S** (**TAT** **E**) **S**\n\n**ESTATES** (lands)"} {"Clue":"Those one might want to punch after a crash? (5)","Answer":"NINES","Explanation":"Definition: Those one might want to punch after a crash\n**NINES** (punch nines may mean punch the number 9 buttons on a phone)\n **NINES**\n\n**NINES** (reference the telephone number 999 that one may wish to call for one or more emergency services after an crash) cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Coastal inlet close to harbour and island area (3)","Answer":"RIA","Explanation":"Definition: Coastal inlet \n**R** (**last letter of** [close to] **HARBOUR**) **+ I** (island) + **A** (area)\n **R I A**\n\n**RIA** (long narrow inlet of the seacoast)"} {"Clue":"Regarded swarm getting amongst scattered seed (8)","Answer":"ESTEEMED","Explanation":"Definition: Regarded\n**TEEM** (swarm) **contained in** (getting amongst) **an anagram of** (scattered) **SEED**\n **ES** (**TEEM**)** ****ED***\n\n**ESTEEMED** (regarded)"} {"Clue":"Religious text initially replaced by edition of consuming interest ? (6)","Answer":"EDIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: of consuming interest\n**BIBLE** (religious text) **with the first letter** (initially) **B**\u00a0**replaced by** **ED** (edition)\n **ED IBLE**\n\n**EDIBLE** (able to be eaten; of consuming interest)"} {"Clue":"Delightful fashionable people in town (10)","Answer":"DARLINGTON","Explanation":"Definition: town\n**DARLING** (delightful) **+ TON** (people of fashion)\n **DARLING TON**\n\n**DARLINGTON** (large market town in County Durham)"} {"Clue":"Surfing, individual captures connection to another page, mostly (6)","Answer":"ONLINE","Explanation":"Definition: Surfing\n**ONE** (individual) **containing** (captures) **LIN****K** (connection from one website or e-mail to another website) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **K**\n **ON** (**LIN**)** E**\n\n**ONLINE** (descriptive of someone surfing the world wide web)"} {"Clue":"Unpleasant looks returned after City backed some reportage (8)","Answer":"NEWSREEL","Explanation":"Definition: some reportage\n**WEN** (enormous congested city as in the great **WEN** [London]) **reversed** (backed) **+ LEERS** (unpleasant looks) **reversed** (returned)\n **NEW**< **SREEL**<\n\n**NEWSREEL** (film showing, or a programme commenting on,**NEWS** items; some reportage)"} {"Clue":"Go by cathedral feature that's behind article from Gaudi? (6)","Answer":"ELAPSE","Explanation":"Definition: Go by\n**EL** (Spanish form of 'the' definite article]; reference Antoni Gaudi [1852 \u2013 1926], Spanish architect. much of whose work can be found in Barcelona, including the, as yet, unfinished Sagrada Familia church) **+ APSE** (feature of a church or cathedral)\n **EL** **APSE**\n\n**ELAPSE** (of time, pass or go by)"} {"Clue":"Morning, in the main, perhaps, will do for Irishman (6)","Answer":"SEAMAS","Explanation":"Definition: Irishman\n**AM** (ante meridiem;before noon;\u00a0in the morning) **contained in** (in) **SEAS** (the [ocean] main )\n **SE** (**AM**) **AS**\n\n**SEAMAS** (Irish man's name)"} {"Clue":"Happen to interrupt fool and drunk returning dangerous material? (8)","Answer":"ASBESTOS","Explanation":"Definition: dangerous material\n(**BE** [exist; happen] **contained in** [to interrupt] **ASS** [fool])** + SOT** (drunk) **reversed** (returned)\n **AS** (**BE**) **S** **TOS**<\n\n**ASBESTOS** (fibrous form of certain minerals capable of being woven into incombustible cloth or felted sheets for insulation; now regarded as a material dangerous to health if not managed properly)"} {"Clue":"Old bargain regarding bones (6)","Answer":"OSTEAL","Explanation":"Definition: regarding bones\n**O** (old) **+ STEAL** (bargain)\n **O** **STEAL**\n\n**OSTEAL** (relating to bones)"} {"Clue":"Town with unexpected Latin charm (10)","Answer":"ALTRINCHAM","Explanation":"Definition: Town\n**Anagram of** (unexpected) **LATIN CHARM**\n **ALT****R****IN****CHAM***\n\n**ALTRINCHAM** (town in Trafford, Greater Manchester)"} {"Clue":"Monks, say, behind a termination of religious activity? (4)","Answer":"A","Explanation":"Definition: termination of religious activity\n**A** **+ MEN** (Monks are male; men)\n **A MEN**\n\nA**MEN** (final word spoken at the end of many religious activities)"} {"Clue":"Make valuable contribution to high-end earnings (6)","Answer":"ENDEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Make valuable\n**ENDEAR** (**hidden word in** [contribution to] **HIGH-END EARNINGS**)\n **ENDEAR**\n\n**ENDEAR** (to make **DEAR**; to make valuable)"} {"Clue":"Movement in French city, seen in newspaper items (8)","Answer":"ARTICLES","Explanation":"Definition: newspaper items\n**TIC** (involuntary movement)** contained in** (seen in) **ARLES** (French city in the Provence Region))\n **AR** (**TIC**) **LES**\n\n**ARTICLES** (newspaper items)"} {"Clue":"A hard back (6)","Answer":"ASTERN","Explanation":"Definition: back\n**A** **+ STERN** (hard)\n **A**** ****STERN**\n\n**ASTERN** (rear; back)"} {"Clue":"Start to doctor a sea inlet, possibly (10)","Answer":"DESALINATE","Explanation":"Definition: Start to doctor a sea inlet, possibly \n**Anagram of** (possibly) **D** (**first letter of** [start to] **DOCTOR**) and **A SEA INLET**\n **DESALINATE***\n\n**DESALINATE** (remove salt from, especially sea water; a form of doctoring a sea inlet)"} {"Clue":"Insect, note, coming on board in small quantities (8)","Answer":"SMIDGENS","Explanation":"Definition: small quantities\n(**MIDGE** [insect]** + N** [note]) **contained in** (on board) **SS** (steamship; something you can come on board)\n **S** (**MIDGE** **N**) **S**\n\n**SMIDGENS** (small quantities)"} {"Clue":"Film workers, say, heading off, about to challenge critic's response (6)","Answer":"REVIEW","Explanation":"Definition: critic's response\n**CREW** (reference film **C****REW** **excluding** [off] **the first letter** [heading] **C**) **containing** (about) **VIE** (challenge)\n **RE** (**VIE**) **W**\n\n**REVIEW** (critic's response to a performance)"} {"Clue":"Sleepy, having lost party sparkle (4)","Answer":"ZING","Explanation":"Definition: sparkle\n**DOZING** (sleepy) **excluding** (having lost) **DO** (party)\n **ZING**\n\n**ZING** (vitality; zest; sparkle)"} {"Clue":"Slips \u2013 or other lingerie items? (8)","Answer":"BLOOMERS","Explanation":"Definition: Slips\n**BLOOMERS** (errors; slips)\n **BLOOMERS**\n\n**BLOOMERS** (loose undergarment; item of lingerie) double definition"} {"Clue":"Audacious US lawyer leading cartel (6)","Answer":"DARING","Explanation":"Definition: Audacious\n**DA** (District Attorney; American [US] lawyer)** + RING** (cartel)\n **DA RING**\n\n**DARING** (audacious)"} {"Clue":"Dodgy item can't get carried by soldiers ready to be posted (10)","Answer":"REMITTANCE","Explanation":"Definition: ready to be posted\n**Anagram of** (dodgy) **ITEM CAN'T** **contained in** (get carried by) **RE** (Royal Engineers; soldiers)\n **R** (**EMITTANC***) **E**\n\n**REMITTANCE** (payment for goods or services received or as an allowance, esp when sent by post)"} {"Clue":"Disordered atlas brought in final Oriental location (8)","Answer":"EASTLAND","Explanation":"Definition: Oriental location\n**Anagram of **(disoriented) **ATLAS** **contained in** (brought in)** END** (final)\n **E** (**ASTLA***) **ND**\n\n**EASTLAND** (the **EAST** (Orient) in general)"} {"Clue":"The old getting upset about standard sexiness \u2013 that's something outrageous (8)","Answer":"ENORMITY","Explanation":"Definition: something outrageous\n**YE** (old word for 'the\"; the old) **reversed** (getting upset) **containing** (about) (**NORM** [standard] **+ IT** [sex appeal; sexiness])\n **E** (**NORM** **IT**) **Y**<\n\n**ENORMITY** (something outrageous)"} {"Clue":"Couples starting asking Theresa May, revealing complaint (6)","Answer":"ASTHMA","Explanation":"Definition: complaint\n**ASTHMA** (**first two letters** [couples starting] **of each of** **ASKING**, **THERESA** and **MAY**)\n **AS TH MA**\n\n**ASTHMA** (medical complaint)"} {"Clue":"Cockney tough guy picked up in Arctic landscape (7)","Answer":"TUNDRA","Explanation":"Definition: Arctic landscape\n('**ARD** [Cockney pronunciation of **HARD** [tough]) **+ NUT** [hard-headed man; guy]) **all reversed** (picked up; down clue)\n (**TUN DRA**)<\n\n**TUNDRA** (Arctic plain with permanently frozen subsoil, and lichens, mosses and dwarfed vegetation)"} {"Clue":"Times Editor's foremost among 25 fellers (6)","Answer":"AXEMEN","Explanation":"Definition: fellers\n(**X** [multiplication; times]** + E** [**first letter of** {foremost} **EDITOR**]) **contained in** (among) **AMEN** (entry at 25 across)\n **A** (**X** **E**) **MEN**\n\n**AXEMEN** (people who fell trees; fellers)"} {"Clue":"Some European Government dismissed causing stink (4)","Answer":"REEK","Explanation":"Definition: stink\n**GREEK** (example of [some] European) **excluding** (dismissed) **G** (government)\n **REEK**\n\n**REEK** (stink)"} {"Clue":"Fine left troops in Gulf with debts (8)","Answer":"GLORIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Fine\n(**L** [left] **+ OR** [other ranks; troops]) **contained in** (in) **G** [gulf \u2013 given in Collins] **+ IOUS** [debts]) **G** (**L** **OR**) **IOUS**\n\n**GLORIOUS** (fine, especially when talking about the weather)"} {"Clue":"Start struggle to seize Richard's crown (6)","Answer":"FRIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Start\n**FIGHT** (struggle) **containing** (to seize) **R** (**first letter of** ['s crown] **R****ICHARD**) **F** (**R**) **IGHT**\n\n**FRIGHT** (scare; start)"} {"Clue":"Correct time to show regret (4)","Answer":"TRUE","Explanation":"Definition: Correct\n**T** (time) **+ RUE** (show regret) **T RUE**\n\n**TRUE** (correct)"} {"Clue":"New temporary accommodation after club's unrest (10)","Answer":"DISCONTENT","Explanation":"Definition: unrest\n**DISCO** (**DISCO**theque [club where music is played]) **+ N** (new) **+ TENT** (temporary accommodation) **DISCO** **N** **TENT**\n\n**DISCONTENT **(unrest)"} {"Clue":"A foreign youth rounds Cape in the raw (6)","Answer":"UNCLAD","Explanation":"Definition: in the raw\n(**UN** [French {foreign} word for 'a'] **+ LAD** [youth]) **containing** (rounds)**\u00a0C** (cape) **UN** (**C**) **LAD**\n\n**UNCLAD** (without clothes; nude; in the raw)"} {"Clue":"Scottish town didn't at first like clothes on line (3-5)","Answer":"AIR-DRIED","Explanation":"Definition: like clothes on line\n**AIRDRIE** (Scottish town in North Lanarkshire with a population of just under 70,000 people) **+ D** (**first letter of** [at first] **DIDN'T**) **AIR\u2013DRIE** **D**\n\n**AIR-DRIED** (towels on a washing line are **DRIED** in the **AIR**)"} {"Clue":"Drink with king eating first of rather small nuts (7)","Answer":"BERSERK","Explanation":"Definition: nuts\n(**BEER **[drink] **+ K **[king]) **containing** (eating) **RS** (**initial letters of**\u00a0[first of] **each of**\u00a0**RATHER** and **SMALL**) **BE** **(****R** **S**) **ER** **K**\n\n**BERSERK** (violently frenzied or angry; nuts)"} {"Clue":"Buckles primarily designed exclusively for M&S (7)","Answer":"DEFORMS","Explanation":"Definition: Buckles\n**DE** (**first letters of each of **[primarily] **DESIGNED** and **EXCLUSIVELY**) **+** **FOR + MS** (M & S) **D** **E** **FOR** **M** **S**\n\n**DEFORMS** (warps; buckles)"} {"Clue":"Young Henry hosts quite posh set (8)","Answer":"HABITUAL","Explanation":"Definition: set \n**HAL** (reference Prince **HAL**; young King Henry) **containing** (hosts) (**A BIT** [quite] **+ U** [upper-class; posh]) **H** (**A BIT U**) **AL**\n\n**HABITUAL** (in a usual way; in a set manner)"} {"Clue":"Win over Germany is a rare miracle for starters (6)","Answer":"DISARM","Explanation":"Definition: Win over\n**D** (Deutschland; Germany) **+ IS + A + RM** (**first letters of **[starters] **each of** **R****ARE** and **M****IRACLE**) **D** **IS** **A** **R** **M**\n\n**DISARM **(placate; win over)"} {"Clue":"Pretty messy dull fight with close finish (10)","Answer":"DELIGHTFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Pretty\n**Anagram of** (messy) **DULL FIGHT** and **E** [**last letter of** [finish] **CLOSE**) **DELIGHTFUL***\n\n**DELIGHTFUL** (pretty)"} {"Clue":"Cut down a lot (4)","Answer":"SLEW","Explanation":"Definition: Cut down\n**SLEW **(killed; cut down) **SLEW**\n\n**SLEW** (large amount; a lot) double definition"} {"Clue":"Swarms could possibly start to shrink (6)","Answer":"CLOUDS","Explanation":"Definition: Swarms\n**Anagram of** (possibly) **COULD** **+ S** (**first letter of** [start to] **S****HRINK**) **CLOUD*** **S**\n\n**CLOUDS** (Bradfords gives **CLOUD** as a synonym for swarm)"} {"Clue":"Middle East bound to cut limits of arms amounts (8)","Answer":"MEASURES","Explanation":"Definition: amounts\n**ME** (Middle East) **+** (**SURE** [certain; bound to] **contained in** [to cut] **AS** [**first and last letters of** {limits of} **ARMS**]) **ME** **A** (**SURE**) **S**\n\n**MEASURES** (amounts)"} {"Clue":"Carriage enclosure in Irish county (8)","Answer":"CLARENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Carriage\n**ENC **(enclosure) **contained in** (in) **CLARE** (an Irish County) **CLAR** (**ENC**) **E**\n\n**CLARENCE** (four-wheeled carriage, having interior seating for two or more persons)"} {"Clue":"River swallows up golf drive (4)","Answer":"URGE","Explanation":"Definition: drive\n**URE** (reference the river **URE** rivers in North Yorkshire) **containing** (swallows up) **G** (Golf international radio communication code for the letter **G**) **UR** (**G**) **E**\n\n**URGE** (drive)"} {"Clue":"Sleazy soprano cheated winning gold (6)","Answer":"SORDID","Explanation":"Definition: Sleazy\n(**S** [soprano] **+ DID** [cheated]) **containing** (winning) **OR** (the tincture gold) **S** (**OR**) **DID**\n\n**SORDID** (sleazy)"} {"Clue":"Typically a South American university call centre (2,5)","Answer":"AS USUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Typically\n**A** **+ S** (south) **+ US** (United States; American) **+ U** (university) **+ AL** (**middle letters of** [centre] **CALL** **A S US ****U**** AL**\n\n**AS USUAL** (customarily; typical)"} {"Clue":"Female leaves, getting lost as expected (2,6)","Answer":"OF COURSE","Explanation":"Definition: as expected\n**OFF COURSE** (getting lost) **excluding** (leaves) **F **(female) \u2013 either **F** can be omitted **OF COURSE**\n\n**OF COURSE** (by natural consequence; as expected)"} {"Clue":"Triumphant Queen's broadcast to some (10)","Answer":"VICTORIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Triumphant\n**VICTORIOUS **(**sounds like** [broadcast]) **VICTORIA'S** (Queen's) \u2013 Radian seem to be indicating that only some people will see this as an exact homophone. Others will not pronounce the two words identically **VICTORIOUS**\n\n**VICTORIOUS **(triumphant)"} {"Clue":"Coins are suspended in church (6)","Answer":"CHANGE","Explanation":"Definition: Coins\n**HANG** (suspend) **contained in** (in) **CE** (Church [of England]) **C** (**HANG**) **E**\n\n**CHANGE** (loose **CHANGE** is made up of coins)"} {"Clue":"Lusty social complex hosts six from the States (10)","Answer":"LASCIVIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Lusty\n(**Anagram of **[complex] **SOCIAL** **containing** [hosts] **VI** [Roman numeral for six]) **+ US** ([United] States) **LASCI** (**VI**) **O*** **US**\n\n**LASCIVIOUS** (wanton; lustful)"} {"Clue":"Long grass on course is hard and rather uneven (8)","Answer":"ROUGHISH","Explanation":"Definition: rather uneven\n**ROUGH **(long grass on the golf course) **+ IS + H **(hard when describing pencil lead) **ROUGH IS H**\n\n**ROUGHISH** (rather uneven)"} {"Clue":"Assassin beat up first woman twice (8)","Answer":"MURDERER","Explanation":"Definition: rather uneven\n**ROUGH **(long grass on the golf course) **+ IS + H **(hard when describing pencil lead) **ROUGH IS H**\n\n**ROUGHISH** (rather uneven)"} {"Clue":"Discredit English mob briefly upset about lines (3-4)","Answer":"ILL-FAME","Explanation":"Definition: Discredit\n(**E** [English] **+ MAFIA** [mob] **excluding the final letter **{briefly} **A**]) **all reversed** (upset; down clue) **containing** (about) **LL** (lines) **(I** (**LL**) **FAM** **E**)<\n\n**ILL-FAME** (disrepute; ill-repute; discredit)"} {"Clue":"Ancient silver lode plundered (3-3)","Answer":"AGE-OLD","Explanation":"Definition: Ancient\n**AG** (chemical symbol for silver) **+ an anagram of **(plundered) **LODE** **AG ****E\u2013OLD*******\n\n**AGE-OLD** (ancient)"} {"Clue":"Greens tipped to control large city built on oil (6)","Answer":"DALLAS","Explanation":"Definition: city built on oil\n**SALAD** (green vegetables; greens) **reversed** (tipped; down clue) **containing** (to control) **L** (large) **DAL** (**L**) **AS**< Either **L** could be the one contained\n\n**DALLAS** (a city in Texas that was built as a result of the development of and revenues generated by the oil industry)"} {"Clue":"Person has little money by end of\u00a0April (4)","Answer":"SOUL","Explanation":"Definition: Person\n**SOU** (tiny amount of money) **+ L** (**last letter of **[end of] **APRIL**) **SOU** **L**\n\n**SOUL** (person)"} {"Clue":"Imp deviously tucked into food for squirrel (8)","Answer":"CHIPMUCK","Explanation":"Definition: squirrel\n**Anagram of** (deviously) **IMP** **contained in** (tucked into) **CHUCK** (cut of beef; food)\n **CH** (**IPM***) **UCK**\n\n**CHIPMUCK** (any mainly terrestrial squirrel of North America)"} {"Clue":"Country gardener (4)","Answer":"MALI","Explanation":"Definition: Country\n**MALI** (country in Africa)\n **MALI**\n\n**MALI** (member of the gardener caste in India, etc) double definition"} {"Clue":"Like a marine invertebrate, form of headless sea-urchin (9)","Answer":"ECHIURAN","Explanation":"Definition: Like a marine invertebrate\n**Anagram of** (form of)** SEA-URCHIN** **excluding the first letter** (headless) **S**\n **ECHIURAN***\n\n**ECHIURAN** (like a marine vertebrate)"} {"Clue":"Full-voiced native to get excited endlessly about nothing (8)","Answer":"SONOROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Full-voiced\n(**SON** [native] **+ ROUSE** [get excited] **excluding the last letter** [endlessly] **E**) **containing** (about) **O** (zero; nothing) Alternatively it could be **AROUSE** **excluding both end letters** (endlessly) **A** and **E**\n **SON** (**O**) **ROUS**\n\n**SONOROUS** (sounding, especially loudly, deeply, impressively, etc; full-voiced)"} {"Clue":"Scottish mat, wide, incorporated in E. Indian matting (4)","Answer":"TAWT","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish mat\n**W** (wide) **contained in** (included in) **TAT** (East Indian hempen matting)\n **TA** (**W**) **T**\n\n**TAWT** (Scottish verb meaning 'to mat')"} {"Clue":"One sending message in part broadcast externally (6)","Answer":"TEXTER","Explanation":"Definition: One sending message\n**TEXTER** (**hidden word in** [in part] **BROADCAST EXTERNALLY**)\n **TEXTER**\n\n**TEXTER** (one who sends a **TEXT** message)"} {"Clue":"Short lines, not many lacking width, prevalent in old poetry (4)","Answer":"RYFE","Explanation":"Definition: prevalent in old poetry\n**RY** (abbreviation for railway; short lines)** + FEW** (not many) **excluding** (lacking) **W **(width)\n **RY**** FE**\n\n**RYFE** (Spenserian [old poet's] word for **RIFE** [prevalent])"} {"Clue":"Beetle to cause alarm in places? Lot losing heart kept inside (7)","Answer":"SKELTER","Explanation":"Definition: Beetle\n**L****O****T** **excluding the central letter** (losing heart) **O contained in** (kept inside) **SKEER** (dialect [in places] word meaning scary [cause alarm])\n **SKE** (**LT**) **ER**\n\n**SKELTER** (scurry; beetle)"} {"Clue":"Exaggerates distance abroad covered by polar hero (10)","Answer":"OVERSTATES","Explanation":"Definition: Exaggerates \n**VERST** (Russian measure of length, approximately 1.07km) **contained in** (covered by) **OATES** (reference Captain Lawrence **OATES** [1880 \u2013 1912], who died during an Antarctic expedition to reach the South Pole)\n **O** (**VERST**) **ATES**\n\n**OVERSTATES** (exaggerates)"} {"Clue":"Club poem's recast, causing fluster (10)","Answer":"DISCOMPOSE","Explanation":"Definition: fluster\n**DISCO** (club where music is provided) **+ an anagram of** (recast) **POEM'S**\n **DISCO ****MPOSE*******\n\n**DISCOMPOSE** (disturb or agitate; fluster)"} {"Clue":"Woodlice disconcerted cousins (7)","Answer":"ONISCUS","Explanation":"Definition: Woodlice\n**Anagram of** (disconcerted) **COUSINS**\n **ONISCUS***\n\n**ONISCUS** (genus of woodlice)"} {"Clue":"Head (see) disposed of rustic cat (4)","Answer":"HURL","Explanation":"Definition: cat\n**CHURL** (agricultural labourer; rustic) **excluding** (disposed of) **the first letter** (head) **C** (see)\n **HURL**\n\n**HURL** (slang for vomit, as is cat)"} {"Clue":"Small constellation? There's lines solemn Scot composed with this one (6)","Answer":"ANTLIA","Explanation":"Definition: Small constellation\nThis is one of Azed's compound anagrams involving words in the clue and the answer.\n **SMALL CONSTELLATION** is **an anagram of** (composed with) **SOLEMN**,** SCOT**, **LL** (lines) and **ANTLIA** (the grid entry)\n **SM****A****L****L**** ****C****ON****ST****E****LLATION***\n **ANTLIA**\n\n**ANTLIA** (small southern constellation)"} {"Clue":"Idle woman getting stuck into hock (4)","Answer":"HAWM","Explanation":"Definition: Idle\n**W** (women) **contained in** (getting stuck into) **HAM** (a hock can be a joint of **HAM** or pork)\n **HA** (**W**) **M**\n\n**HAWM** (lounge about; idle)"} {"Clue":"Part of Burns night menu, tons of minimum quality (8)","Answer":"TATTIEST","Explanation":"Definition: of minimum quality\n**TATTIES** (reference haggis, neaps and **TATTIES** that form the main components of a Burns night meal) **+ T** (tons)\n **TATTIES T**\n\n**TATTIEST** (mist tawdry or shabby; of minimum quality)"} {"Clue":"Fatty substances, one in blended lotions (8)","Answer":"INOSITOL","Explanation":"Definition: Fatty substances\n**I** (Roman numeral for one) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (blended) **LOTIONS**\n **INOS** (**I**) **TOL***\n\n**INOSITOL** (a lipid that is essential for the formation of cell membranes; fatty substance)"} {"Clue":"One famous for severity? Requires working on in company (4)","Answer":"CATO","Explanation":"Definition: One famous for severity\n**AT** (working on) **contained in** (in) **CO** (company)\n **C** (**AT**) **O**\n\n**CATO** (reference **CATO** the Elder [234 -149BC), a Roman senator and historian known for his conservatism and severity)"} {"Clue":"About to be buried in mortar \u2013 equivalent of this for ill-fated gangster? (8)","Answer":"CEREMENT","Explanation":"Definition: equivalent of this for ill-fated gangster\n**RE** (with reference to; about) **contained in** (to be buried) in **CEMENT** (mortar)\n **CE** (**RE**) **MENT**\n\n**CEREMENT** (cloth dipped in melted wax, formerly used to wrap a dead body in; any burial clothes.) Jimmy Hoffa [1913 \u2013 somewhere between 1975 and 1982] was allegedly buried in cement by mobsters in Chicago"} {"Clue":"Eggs laid in alternative to hay stuff (5)","Answer":"HOOEY","Explanation":"Definition: stuff\n**OO** (two letters shaped like eggs) **contained in** (laid in) **HEY** (alternative spelling of **HAY** where the meaning is a winding country dance)\n **H** (**OO**) **EY**\n\n**HOOEY** (nonsense; stuff)"} {"Clue":"Relatives of woodpecker, one cat topped (4)","Answer":"IYNX","Explanation":"Definition: Relatives of woodpecker\n**I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ LYNX** (type of cat) **excluding the first letter** (topped) **L**\n **I YNX**\n\n**IYNX** (variant spelling of **JYNX**, the wryneck genus which is related to the woodpecker)"} {"Clue":"Petit-bourgeois passion to climb in what's 'smart' (9)","Answer":"POOTERISH","Explanation":"Definition: Petit-bourgeois\n(**IRE** [passion] + **TO**) **reversed** (to climb; down clue) **contained in** (in) **POSH** (smart)\n **PO** (**OT** **ERI**)< **SH**\n\n**POOTERISH** (petiti-bourgeois, conventional and unimaginative)"} {"Clue":"Traditional game \u2013 league retained by clubs (6)","Answer":"MERELS","Explanation":"Definition: Traditional game\n**L** (league) **contained in** (retained by) **MERES** (war-clubs)\n **MERE** (**L**) **S**\n\n**MERELS** (a rustic game played by two people with counters on a figure marked on the ground, a board, etc, consisting of three squares, one within another, the object to get three counters in a row at the intersection of the lines joining the corners and the mid-points of the sides; traditional game)"} {"Clue":"One responsible for pitch, we hear, in period of play (6)","Answer":"CHUKKA","Explanation":"Definition: period of play\n**CHUKKA** (**sounds like** [we hear]** CHUCKER** [one who pitches a ball])\n **CHUKKA**\n\n**CHUKKA** (period of play, being one of the divisions in a game of polo)"} {"Clue":"Fate placing the writer in coffin (6)","Answer":"KISMET","Explanation":"Definition: Fate\n**ME** (the writer) **contained in** (placing \u2026 in) **KIST** (coffin)\n **KIS** (**ME**) **T**\n\n**KISMET** (fate or destiny)"} {"Clue":"Horse, adult, frenzied, I had docked (4)","Answer":"ARAB","Explanation":"Definition: Horse\n**A** (adult) **+ RABID** (frenzied) **excluding** (docked)** I'D** (I had)\n **A RAB**\n\n**ARAB** (a horse of a native Arabian breed popular for its grace and speed)"} {"Clue":"I lost trick being trapped by girl's unruly (7)","Answer":"LAWLESS","Explanation":"Definition: unruly\n**WILE** (trick) **excluding** (lost) **I** **contained in** (being trapped by) **LASS** (girl)\n **LA** (**WLE**) **SS**\n\n**LAWLESS** (unruly)"} {"Clue":"Link involved with Parisian ground, behindhand (11)","Answer":"INTERRELATE","Explanation":"Definition: Link\n**IN** (involved with) **+ TERRE** (French [Parisian] for soil, earth; ground) **+ LATE** (behindhand)\n **IN TERRE LATE**\n\n**INTERRELATE** (link)"} {"Clue":"Germanic of a kind? Varied roots run deep, mostly (11)","Answer":"OSTROGOTHIC","Explanation":"Definition: Germanic of a kind\n**Anagram of** (varied) **ROOTS ****+ GO** (run) **+ THICK** (deep) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **K**\n **OSTRO***** GO THIC**\n\n**OSTROGOTHIC** (relating to a member of the Germanic people who established their power in Italy in 493, and were overthrown in 555; Germanic of a kind)"} {"Clue":"Met ship foundering south of Asian capital, the work of brigands (9)","Answer":"KLEPHTISM","Explanation":"Definition: the work of brigands\n**KL** (Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia; Asian capital) **+ an anagram of **(foundering) **MET SHIP** \n **KL** **E****PH****T****IS****M***\n\n**KLEPHTISM** (Originally reference to the **KLEPHT**, one of the Greeks who took to the mountains in patriotic resistance to the 15c Turkish conquest of Greece, or one of their descendants, but by the 19c merely brigands)"} {"Clue":"Window, in nave, cracked, letting sun in (7)","Answer":"VENTANA","Explanation":"Definition: Window\n**Anagram of** (cracked) **NAVE** **containing** (letting \u2026 in) **TAN** (expose to the sun; **TAN** and sun are verbs in this context)\n **VEN** (**TAN**) **A***\n\n**VENTANA** (window)"} {"Clue":"Regarding early Irish immigrants, I brought in block (not the last) (6)","Answer":"SCOTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Regarding early Irish immigrants\n**I** **contained in** (brought in) **SCOTC****H** (frustrate; quash; block) **excluding the final letter** (not the last) **H**\n **SCOT**** **(**I**)** ****C**\n\n**SCOTIC** (relating to the ancient Scots, incomers from Ireland."} {"Clue":"No 2 in pub opening quantity of bottles? Possibly (6)","Answer":"CURATE","Explanation":"Definition: No 2 in pub opening quantity of bottles? Possibly\n**U** (**second letter in** [no 2 in] **PUB**)** contained in** (opening) **CRATE** (quantity of bottles)\n **C** (**U**) **RATE**\n\n**CURATE** (in Ireland, an assistant barman who could well be No 2 in a pub opening quantity of bottles) &Lit clue"} {"Clue":"Obscure insect found in climbing tree (6)","Answer":"MANTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Obscure\n**ANT **(insect) **contained in** (found in) **ELM** (type of tree)** reversed** (climbing; down clue)\n **M** (**ANT**) **LE****<**\n\n**MANTLE** (cover; obscure)"} {"Clue":"Advanced in rank from nothing at Mons around end thereof (5)","Answer":"RISEN","Explanation":"Definition: Advanced in rank\n**RIEN** (nothing in French. Mons is in Belgium where French is spoken) containing (around) **S** (**last letter of** [end] **MONS**)\n **RI** (**S**) **EN**\n\n**RISEN** (advanced in rank)"} {"Clue":"Mug drunk with a dash of water in (4)","Answer":"SWOT","Explanation":"Definition: Mug\n**SOT** (drunk) **containing** (with a ) **W** (**first letter of** [dash of] **WATER**)\n **S** (**W**) **OT**\n\n**SWOT** (mug)"} {"Clue":"Light now rarely seen in the battlements (4)","Answer":"LEME","Explanation":"Definition: Mug\n**SOT** (drunk) **containing** (with a ) **W** (**first letter of** [dash of] **WATER**)\n **S** (**W**) **OT**\n\n**SWOT** (mug)"} {"Clue":"Surplus is carried over (2,4)","Answer":"DE TROP","Explanation":"Definition: Surplus\n**PORTED** (carried) **reversed** (over)\n (**DE TROP**)<\n\n**DE TROP** (superfluous; surplus)"} {"Clue":"Health worker receives nothing, on average (8)","Answer":"MEDIOCRE","Explanation":"Definition: average\n(**MEDIC** [health worker] **containing **[receives] **O** [zero; nothing])** + RE** (with reference to; on)\n **MEDI** (**O**) **C** **RE**\n\n**MEDIOCRE** (middling or average in quality)"} {"Clue":"One attacks Stalin as a revolutionary (9)","Answer":"ASSAILANT","Explanation":"Definition: One attacks\n**Anagram of** (revolutionary) **STALIN AS A**\n **AS****SA****IL****A****NT***\n\n**ASSAILANT** (one who attacks)"} {"Clue":"Travel to away match? (5)","Answer":"ELOPE","Explanation":"Definition: Travel to away match\n**ELOPE** (people who **ELOPE** go away to get married [match]) cryptic definition\n **ELOPE**\n\n**ELOPE** (run away secretly, especially with a lover [usually to get married])"} {"Clue":"My name is Henry \u2013 go to collect hamper and food items (7,7)","Answer":"CORNISH PASTIES","Explanation":"Definition: food items\n**COR** (gosh!; my!) **+ N** (name) **+ IS + H** (henry, scientific unit) **+** (**PASS** [go] **containing** [collect] **TIE** [restrain; hamper])\n **COR N IS H PAS** (**TIE**) **S**\n\n**CORNISH PASTIES** (food items)"} {"Clue":"Point where, in Germany, I entered specialist market (5)","Answer":"NICHE","Explanation":"Definition: specialist market\n**ICH** (German for I) **contained in** (entered) **NE** (North East; point of the compass)\n **N** (**ICH**) **E**\n\n**NICHE** (small, specialised group identified as a market for a particular range of products or services)"} {"Clue":"Having got married in capital, character makes fuss (9)","Answer":"RIGMAROLE","Explanation":"Definition: fuss\n**(M** [married] **contained in** [in] **RIGA** [capital city of Latvia])** + ROLE** (character)\n **RIG** (**M**) **A** **ROLE**\n\n**RIGMAROLE** (a long, complicated series of actions, instructions, etc, often rather pointless, boring or irritating; fuss)"} {"Clue":"Wernher von Braun possibly put peg in chair (9)","Answer":"ROCKETEER","Explanation":"Definition: Wernher von Braun possibly\n**TEE** (peg for a golf ball) **contained in** (in) **ROCKER** (rocking chair)\n **ROCKE** (**TEE**) **R**\n\n**ROCKETEER** (Wernher von Braun [1912 -1977] was a German-American aerospace engineer and space architect. He was the leading figure in the development of rocket technology in Germany and a pioneer of rocket technology and space science in the United States."} {"Clue":"Better to make a U-turn over Northern Ireland given mass hysteria? (5)","Answer":"PANIC","Explanation":"Definition: mass hysteria\n**CAP** (surpass; better) **reversed** (to make a U-turn) **containing** (over) **NI** (Northern Ireland)\n **PA** (**NI**) **C**<\n\n**PANIC** (contagious fear, potentially\u00a0leading to mass hysteria)"} {"Clue":"Now be gentle if working around the centre of satellite dish (4,10)","Answer":"BEEF WELLINGTON","Explanation":"Definition: dish\n**Anagram of** (working) **NOW BE GENTLE IF** **containing** (around) **L** (**middle letter o**f [centre of] **SATELLITE**)\n **BEEF WE** (**L**) **LINGT****ON***\n\n**BEEF WELLINGTON** (dish of **BEEF** covered in p\u00e2t\u00e9 and baked in pastry)"} {"Clue":"Run out of weapons, including a small stockpile (5)","Answer":"AMASS","Explanation":"Definition: stockpile\n(**ARMS** [weapons] **excluding** [out of] **R** [run] **containing** [including] **A**) **+ S** (small)\n **AM** (**A**) **S**** S**\n\n**AMASS** (gather in great quantity; stockpile)"} {"Clue":"Dance director meets with a star (5,4)","Answer":"BOSSA NOVA","Explanation":"Definition: Dance\n**BOSS** (leader; director) **+ A + NOVA** (a star that suddenly increases in brightness for a number of days or years)\n **BOSS A NOVA**\n\n**BOSSA NOVA** (style of dancing originating in Brazil)"} {"Clue":"Fish can lose moisture \u2013 none gets eaten (4,4)","Answer":"JOHN DORY","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\n**JOHN** (informal term for toilet, as is 'can') **+** (**O** [nothing; none] **contained in** [gets eaten] **DRY** [lose moisture])\n **JOHN** **D** (**O**) **RY**\n\n**JOHN DORY** (golden-yellow fish of the mackerel family)"} {"Clue":"Go and act the fool! (4,2)","Answer":"BEAT IT","Explanation":"Definition: Go\n**BE A TIT** ((act the fool)\n **BE** A **T IT**\n\n**BEAT IT** (go [away])"} {"Clue":"Beat 100? One's subtracted from total, leaving bullseye (4,6)","Answer":"DEAD CENTRE","Explanation":"Definition: bullseye\n**DEAD** (very tired; beat) **+ C** (Roman numeral for 100) **+ ENT****I****RE** (whole; complete; total) **excluding** (subtracting)** I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **DEAD** **C** **ENTRE**\n\n**DEAD CENTRE** (right in the middle, as is the bullseye)"} {"Clue":"One's pulled out when arrest gets tricky? (5)","Answer":"TASER","Explanation":"Definition: One's pulled out when arrest gets tricky?\n**Anagram of** (gets tricky) **A****R****REST** **excluding** (pulled out) one** letter,** **R**. I'm not sure how the clue indicates that it is a **R** to be pulled out other than seeing that **R** is the only double letter in **A****R****RES**T and one of them could be omitted.\n **TASER***\n\n**TASER** (small gunlike device which fires electrified darts or barbs, used to immobilize or stun eg an attacker. Used by police to facilitate a difficult arrest)"} {"Clue":"Finding opening, soldiers provided one with a couple of keys (7)","Answer":"ORIFICE","Explanation":"Definition: opening\n**OR** (other ranks; soldiers) **+ IF** (provided) **+ I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ C** and** E** (musical keys)\n **OR IF I ****C**** E**\n\n**ORIFICE** (mouth-like opening)"} {"Clue":"More are picked up over by the front of terminus (5)","Answer":"EXTRA","Explanation":"Definition: More\n**ARE** **reversed** (picked up; down clue) **containing** (over) (**X** [times; multiplied by; by) **+ T** **[first letter of** {front of} **TERMINUS**])\n **E** (**X** **T**) **RA**<\n\n**EXTRA** (more)"} {"Clue":"I give up drinking Tango, needing a more civilised drink? (4,3)","Answer":"ICED TEA","Explanation":"Definition: more civilised drink\n**I **+** **(**CEDE** [surrender; give up] **containing** [drinking] **T** [Tango is the international radio communication code word for the letter **T**]) **+ A**\n **I CED **(**T**)** E A**\n\n**ICED TEA** (chilled sweetened tea flavoured eg with lemon, something that Anglio considers more civilised than Tango, the fizzy drink)"} {"Clue":"Nip and tuck, then flatten and make fold (5,4)","Answer":"CLOSE DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: fold\n**CLOSE** (nip; pinch; close) **+ DOWN** (flatten)\n **CLOSE DOWN**\n\n**CLOSE DOWN** (end; fold)"} {"Clue":"Sheep needing exercise say (4)","Answer":"EWES","Explanation":"Definition: Sheep\n**EWES** (**sounds like** [say] **USE** [exercise])\n **EWES**\n\n**EWES** (female sheep)"} {"Clue":"Son who tucked into buns shows support for chippy (8)","Answer":"SAWHORSE","Explanation":"Definition: support for chippy\n**S** (sons) **+** (**WHO** **contained in** [tucked into] **ARSE** [buttocks; buns])\n **S** **A** (**WHO**) **RSE**\n\n**SAWHORSE** (a trestle for supporting wood that is being sawn; support for a carpenter [chippy])"} {"Clue":"One from a long line of French perfume houses Dan reviewed (10)","Answer":"DESCENDANT","Explanation":"Definition: One from a long line\n**DE** ('of' in French) **+** (**SCENT** [perfume]** containing** **[houses] an anagram of** [reviewed] **DAN**)\n **DE** **SCE** (**NDA***) **NT**\n\n**DESCENDANT** (offspring from an ancestor; one from a long line)"} {"Clue":"This is about travelling cheaply, saving time? (5,4)","Answer":"CYCLE PATH","Explanation":"Definition: This\n**C** (circa; about) **+** (**an anagram of** [travelling] **CHEAPLY**] **containing** [saving] **T** [time])\n **C** **YCLE PA** (**T**) **H***\n\n**CYCLE PATH** (on which one can travel on a cheap form of transport. Whether it saves time could be debated)"} {"Clue":"Slow-witted fellow sits on bus, finally \u2013 leave room up top (8)","Answer":"GORMLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Slow-witted\n**GO** (leave) **+ RM** (room) **+ LES** (man's name; fellow) **+ S** (**last letter of** [finally] **BUS**)\n **GO RM LES S**\n\n**GORMLESS** (slow-witted)"} {"Clue":"Poured out heart in Hereford, having bond with daughter (7)","Answer":"EFFUSED","Explanation":"Definition: Poured out\n**EF** (**central letters of**\u00a0[heart in] **HEREFORD**) **+ FUSED** (having bond) \n **EF** **FUSED**\n\n**EFFUSED** (poured out)"} {"Clue":"Having lost enamel ultimately, crown becomes tender (7)","Answer":"PINNACE","Explanation":"Definition: tender\n**PINNAC****L****E** (highest point; crown) **excluding** (having lost) **L** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **ENAMEL**)\n **PINNACE**\n\n**PINNACE** (a warship's tender boat)"} {"Clue":"One of many that might become excited by poker? (5)","Answer":"EMBER","Explanation":"Definition: One of many that might become excited by poker\nIf you agitate [excite] an **EMBER** with a poker it will flare up briefly [get excited]\n **EMBER**\n\n**EMBER** \u2013 this is a cryptic definition explained in the wordplay column"} {"Clue":"Swimmer takes jog around university (5)","Answer":"TROUT","Explanation":"Definition: Swimmer\n**TROT** (jog) **containing** (around) **U** (university)\n **TRO** (**U**) **T**\n\n**TROUT** (fish; swimmer)"} {"Clue":"\"Had to take day off,\" Jack repeated, \"for pilgrimage\" (4)","Answer":"HAJJ","Explanation":"Definition: pilgrimage\n**HAD** **excluding** (to take off) **D** day **+ J** (jack) **+ J** (jack) \u2013 ie Jack repeated\n **HA** **J** **J**\n\n**HAJJ** (Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca)"} {"Clue":"Short outburst by posh type in Countdown finale (5-3)","Answer":"BLAST-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Countdown\n**BLAS****T** (outburst) **excluding the final letter** (short) **T** **+ TOFF** (person of the upper classes; posh type)\n **BLAS ****T OFF**\n\n**BLAST-OFF** (the [moment of] launching of a rocket-propelled missile or space rocket at the end of a countdown)"} {"Clue":"Leaves jewellery which has changed hands (6)","Answer":"ROCKET","Explanation":"Definition: Leaves\n**LOCKET** (item of jewellery) with **L** (left) **replaced by **(changing) **R** (right), i.e. changing hands\n **R** **OCKET**\n\n**ROCKET** (salad leaves)"} {"Clue":"Without doubt involved in chance RTA in Lyons (9)","Answer":"CERTAINLY","Explanation":"Definition: Without doubt\n**CERTAINLY** (**hidden word in** [involved in] **CHANCE RTA IN LYONS**) RTA is an abbreviation for Road Traffic Accident\n **CERTAINLY**\n\n**CERTAINLY** (without doubt)"} {"Clue":"Metal frequently used in the past at high altitude (5)","Answer":"ALOFT","Explanation":"Definition: at high altitude\n**AL** (aluminium; metal) **+ OFT** (old-fashioned or poetic [used in the past] word for **OFTEN** [frequently])\n **AL OFT**\n\n**ALOFT **(on high; at high altitude)"} {"Clue":"The Eagle perhaps finally landed in eastern pass (5)","Answer":"EDDIE","Explanation":"Definition: The Eagle perhaps\n**D** (**last letter of** [finally] **LANDED**) **contained in** (in) (**E** [eastern] **+ **\u00a0[pass away])\n **E** (**D**) **DIE**\n\n**EDDIE** (reference **EDDIE** 'the Eagle' **EDWARDS** [born 1963], British Olympic ski jumper who achieved notoriety but not distance in the competition at Calgary in 1988 where he came last in both the 70 and 90 metre hills. In subsequent years, the strengthened qualification rules made it impossible for Edwards to take part"} {"Clue":"Tiny bit of beach is place to have time out with good weather (4,5)","Answer":"SAND GRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Tiny bit of beach\n**STAND** (place) **excluding** (to have \u2026 out) **T** (time) **+ G** (good)** + RAIN** (an example of weather)\n **SAND G RAIN**\n\n**SAND GRAIN** (tiny bit of beach)"} {"Clue":"Work with old and extremely polite judge (7)","Answer":"OPERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Tiny bit of beach\n**STAND** (place) **excluding** (to have \u2026 out) **T** (time) **+ G** (good)** + RAIN** (an example of weather)\n **SAND G RAIN**\n\n**SAND GRAIN** (tiny bit of beach)"} {"Clue":"Unhealthy peeling flesh. Get cutting implements! (7)","Answer":"SICKLES","Explanation":"Definition: cutting implements\n**SICK** (unhealthy) **+ LES** (**letters remaining in** **FLESH** **when the outer letters are removed** [peeled])\n **SICK LES**\n\n**SICKLES** (implements with a curved blade and a short handle, for cutting crops, etc)"} {"Clue":"Arctic region's small peninsula (7)","Answer":"SIBERIA","Explanation":"Definition: Arctic region\n**S** (small) **+ IBERIA** (reference the\u00a0peninsula comprising Spain and Portugal)\n **S** **IBERIA**\n\n**SIBERIA** (region of Russia which includes territory within the Arctic Circle)"} {"Clue":"Pioneer in storm rang off (9)","Answer":"ARMSTRONG","Explanation":"Definition: Pioneer\n**Anagram of** (off) **STORM RANG**\n **A****RMST****R****O****NG*******\n\n**ARMSTRONG **(reference Neil **ARMSTRONG** [1930 \u2013 2012], American astronaut who was the first man to set foot on the moon; a pioneer)"} {"Clue":"Appearance possible in part of the film studio (5)","Answer":"ONSET","Explanation":"Definition: Appearance\n**ON **(in) **+ SET** (part of the film studio)\n **ON** **SET**\n\n**ONSET** (beginning or appearance of)"} {"Clue":"23 Across returned to track a Clanger? (5)","Answer":"ALIEN","Explanation":"Definition: Clanger?\n(**NEIL** [another reference to **NEIL ARMSTRONG**, whose surname was clued at 23 across] **+ A**) **all reversed** (returned)\n (**A** **LIEN**)<\n\n**ALIEN** (Clangers is a British stop-motion children's television series, comprising short films about a race [or perhaps a family], of shrew-like creatures who live on, and inside, a small moon-like planet. Each individual Clanger is therefore an **ALIEN**)"} {"Clue":"Smooth talkers in considerable number with hair so made-up (9)","Answer":"LOTHARIOS","Explanation":"Definition: Smooth talkers\n**LOT** (considerable number) **+ an anagram of** (made-up) **HAIR SO**\n **LOT ****HARIOS*******\n\n**LOTHARIOS** (seducers; smooth talkers)"} {"Clue":"The Right Stuff that is within half of aviators (6)","Answer":"TORIES","Explanation":"Definition: The Right\n**IE** (id est; that is) **contained in** (is within) **TORS** (**the last four of the eight letters of** [half of] **AVIATORS**)\n **TOR** (**IE**) **S**\n\n**TORIES **(Conservatives, a political party to the right of the political spectrum)"} {"Clue":"Don't need to re-enter in a continuous sequence (3-2-3)","Answer":"END TO END","Explanation":"Definition: continuous sequence\n**Anagram of** (to re-enter) **DON'T NEED** \n **E****ND TO ****END***\n\n**END TO END** (continuous sequence)"} {"Clue":"Available men work on crash below without women (9)","Answer":"BACHELORS","Explanation":"Definition: Available men\n**Anagram of** (work on) **CRASH BELOW** **excluding** (without) **W** (women)\n **B****ACH****ELO****RS***\n\n**BACHELORS** (unmarried men; available men)"} {"Clue":"Remove sections of a craft's control room (7)","Answer":"ABRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Remove sections of \n**A** **+ BRIDGE** (control room of a ship [craft] or spacecraft)\n **A**** BRIDGE**\n\n**ABRIDGE** (shorten; remove sections from)"} {"Clue":"Irritated at dire RAF sales show (5,4)","Answer":"TRADE FAIR","Explanation":"Definition: sales show\n**Anagram of** (irritated) **AT DIRE RAF**\n **TRADE FAIR***\n\n**TRADE FAIR** (sales show)"} {"Clue":"Tact shown when penalties pit on abandoned storehouse (7)","Answer":"FINESSE","Explanation":"Definition: Tact\n**FINES** (financial penalty) **+ SE** (**letters in** **STOREHOUSE** **that remain after the central letters are removed** [abandoned])\n **FINES** **SE**\n\n**FINESSE** (tact)"} {"Clue":"Animal moved quickly in zero gravity at first (5)","Answer":"ORANG","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\n**RAN** (moved quickly) **contained in** (**O** [zero] **+ G** [**initial letter** {at first} **of GRAVITY**)\n **O** (**RAN**) **G**\n\n**ORANG** (ORANG-utan; animal)"} {"Clue":"Distance not a barrier for clever clogs (4-3)","Answer":"KNOW-ALL","Explanation":"Definition: clever clogs\n**KNOW ALL** (**sounds like** [at a distance] **NO** [not a] **+ WALL** [barrier])\n **KNO** **W ALL**\n\n**KNOW-ALL** (clever clogs)"} {"Clue":"Flyer needs a bearing to find the distant moon (5)","Answer":"TITAN","Explanation":"Definition: distant moon\n**TIT\u00a0**(bird; flier) **+ A + N** (North; compass bearing)\n **TIT** **A** **N**\n\n**TITAN** (the largest moon of Saturn; distant moon)"} {"Clue":"The Swan seen at night craftily evacuating onto cattle (6)","Answer":"CYGNUS","Explanation":"Definition: The Swan seen at night\n**CY** (**letters remaining when the central letters RAFTIL are removed** [evacuating] **CRAFTILY**) **+ GNUS** (large African antelope (genus Connochaetes or Catoblepas), superficially like a horse or buffalo; cattle)\n **CY** **GNUS**<\n\n**CYGNUS** (large northern constellation, the Swan, lying between Pegasus and Draco; stars visible in the night sky)"} {"Clue":"Space Traveller magazine article kept by fan (9)","Answer":"COSMONAUT","Explanation":"Definition: Space Traveller\n**COSMO** (**COSMO**politan magazine for fashion, beauty etc) **+** (**A** [indefinite article] **contained in** [kept by] **NUT **[fan]) \n **COSMO ****N**** **(**A**)** **\n\n**COSMONAUT** (Russian astronaut; space traveller)"} {"Clue":"Unregulated Net is said to be thoroughly cleansed (9)","Answer":"SANITISED","Explanation":"Definition: horoughly cleansed\n**Anagram of** (unregulated) **NET IS SAID**\n **SA****N****I****T****IS****E****D***\n\n**SANITISED** (thoroughly cleansed)"} {"Clue":"Sponge served on seaside structure is less smooth (7)","Answer":"BUMPIER","Explanation":"Definition: less smooth\n**BUM** (sponge) **+ PIER** (mass of stone, ironwork, or woodwork projecting into the sea or other water, as a breakwater; seaside structure)\n **BUM** **PIER**\n\n**BUMPIER** (less smooth)"} {"Clue":"A Voyage with a part of survey absent (6,7)","Answer":"APOLLO","Explanation":"Definition: A Voyage\n**A** **+ POLL** (taking of public opinion by means of questioning; part of a survey) **+ OMISSION** (something absent)\n **A** **POLL** **O MISSION**\n\n**APOLLO** [**MISSION**] (a series of American manned space flights, culminating in Moon landings)"} {"Clue":"Ms Markle about to get rid of husband gaining weight (7)","Answer":"MEGATON","Explanation":"Definition: weight\n**MEGHAN** (reference **MEGHAN MARKLE **[Duchess of Sussex] **excluding** (get rid of) **H** (husband) **containing** (about) **TO**\n **MEGA **(**TO**)** N**\n\n**MEGATON **(one millions tons [weight])"} {"Clue":"Motivate one attending NASA (paid regularly by engineers) (7)","Answer":"INSPIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Motivate\n**I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ ****NSPI** (**letters 1, 3, 5 and 7** [regularly] **of NASA PAID** ) **+ RE** ([Royal] Engineers)\n **I NSPI RE**\n\n**INSPIRE** (motivate)"} {"Clue":"Adjust coverage of radar missing outer reaches of planet (5)","Answer":"ADAPT","Explanation":"Definition: Adjust\n**RADAR** **excluding** (missing) **the outer letters** (coverage of) **R** and **R + PT** (**first and last letters of** [outer reaches of] **PLANET**)\n **ADA** **PT** (adjust)\n\n**ADAPT** (adjust)"} {"Clue":"Can bring up example to demonstrate colour (5)","Answer":"TINGE","Explanation":"Definition: colour\n**TIN** (can) **+ EG** (for example) **reversed** (bring up; down clue)\n **TIN** **GE**<\n\n**TINGE** (colour)"} {"Clue":"Relative, having foremost charges dropped, remains free (7)","Answer":"UNLEASH","Explanation":"Definition: free\n**UNCLE** (relative) **excluding** (having \u2026 dropped) **C** (**first letter of **[foremost] **CHARGES**) **+ ASH** (remains)\n **UNLE** **ASH**\n\n**UNLEASH **(free)"} {"Clue":"Pallid condition of adolescent originally \u2013 adult I mean on reflection (7)","Answer":"ANAEMIA","Explanation":"Definition: Pallid condition\n**A** (**first letter of** [originally] **ADOLESCENT**) **+** (**A** [adult] **+ I MEAN**) **reversed** (on reflection)\n **A** (**NAEM**** I** **A**)<\n\n**ANAEMIA** (lack of red blood corpuscles or of haemoglobin, a condition marked by paleness and weakness; pallid condition)"} {"Clue":"Genuine extremists infiltrating reformed union is very clever (9)","Answer":"INGENIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: very clever\n**GE** (f**irst and last letters of** [extremists] of **GENUINE**) **contained in** (infiltrating) **an anagram of** (reformed) **UNION IS**\n **IN** (**GE**) **N****I****OU****S***\n\n**INGENIOUS** (skilful in invention or contriving; very clever)"} {"Clue":"Kind of fund for bad weather's aftermath (5)","Answer":"SLUSH","Explanation":"Definition: Kind of fund\n**SLUSH** (reference **SLUSH** Fund [fund of money used, usually corruptly, in political campaigning and propaganda, bribery, undeclared commissions, etc])\n **SLUSH**\n\n**SLUSH** (melting snow, the aftermath of bad weather, often becoming a mucky slippery mess) double definition"} {"Clue":"Remain undecided about old cleaner (6)","Answer":"HOOVER","Explanation":"Definition: cleaner\n**HOVER** (remain undecided) **containing** (about) **O** (old)\n **H** (**O**) **OVER**\n\n**HOOVER** (originally a brand name, now a generic term for a vacuum cleaner)"} {"Clue":"Porkies, soon heard regularly, getting an individual incarcerated (8)","Answer":"PRISONER","Explanation":"Definition: an individual incarcerated\n**PRISONER** (**letters 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15 of** [regularly] **PORKIES SOON HEARD**)\n **PRISONER**\n\n**PRISONER** (a person arrested and confined; an individual incarcerated)"} {"Clue":"Similar things, essentially skilful abilities, lacking in you (3,4)","Answer":"THE LIKE","Explanation":"Definition: Similar things\n**LIK** (**middle letters of** [essentially] **each of** **SKILFUL**, **ABILITIES** and **LACKING**) **contained in** (in) **THEE** (you)\n **THE** (**LIK**)** E**\n\n**THE LIKE** (similar things)"} {"Clue":"One short of the usual number of members, unfortunately? (7)","Answer":"AMPUTEE","Explanation":"Definition: One short of the usual number of members, unfortunately?\n**AMPUTEE** (person lacking a limb [short of the usual number of members {limbs}])\n **AMPUTEE**\n\n**AMPUTEE** \u2013 cryptic definition given in the word play"} {"Clue":"Gave up office, calmly accepting situation (8)","Answer":"RESIGNED","Explanation":"Definition: Gave up office\n**RESIGNED** (gave up office)\n **RESIGNED**\n\n**RESIGNED** (calmly submitting; calmly accepting situation) double definition"} {"Clue":"Irish city's being defaced continually (6)","Answer":"ALWAYS","Explanation":"Definition: continually\n**GALWAY'S** (Irish city's) **excluding the first letter** (being de-faced) **G**\n **ALWAYS**\n\n**ALWAYS** (continually)"} {"Clue":"Reject shop daughter enters was unoccupied (5)","Answer":"IDLED","Explanation":"Definition: was unoccupied\n**D** (daughter) **contained in** (enters) **DELI** (delicatessen; food shop) **reversed** (reject)\n **I** (**D**) **LED**<\n\n**IDLED** (was unoccupied)"} {"Clue":"Introduce stuff that can kick-start career (6,3)","Answer":"LAUNCH PAD","Explanation":"Definition: can kick-start career\n**LAUNCH** (introduce) **+ PAD** (stuff)\n **LAUNCH** **PAD**\n\n**LAUNCH PAD** (place, event, etc which gives a good start to a career, etc)"} {"Clue":"Bending regularly at first stops being in pain (7)","Answer":"ARCHING","Explanation":"Definition: Bending\n**R** (**first letter of** [at first] **REGULARLY**) **contained in** (stops) **ACHING** (being in pain)\n **A** (**R**) **CHING**\n\n**ARCHING** (bending)"} {"Clue":"Type of green American car (7)","Answer":"LINCOLN","Explanation":"Definition: Type of green\n**LINCOLN** (descriptive of a bright-green cloth once made in Lincoln; also its colour)\n **LINCOLN**\n\n**LINCOLN** (brand of American car) double definition"} {"Clue":"Artist receives tip from impressionist in foreign city (6)","Answer":"MUNICH","Explanation":"Definition: foreign city\n**MUNCH** (reference Edvard **MUNCH** [1863 \u2013 1944], Norwegian artist) containing (receives)** I** (**first letter of** [tip from] **I****MPRESSIONIST**)\n **MUN** (**I**) **CH**\n\n**MUNICH** (German [foreign] city)"} {"Clue":"Drain source of pus above ear (8)","Answer":"PLUGHOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Drain\n**P** (**first letter of** [source of] **PUS** **+ LUGHOLE** (informal word for the ear)\n **P** **LUGHOLE**\n\n**PLUGHOLE **(drain)"} {"Clue":"Badly ruing November deal when going after money \u2013 it gives offence (10)","Answer":"LAUNDERING","Explanation":"Definition: after money \u2013 it gives offence\n**Anagram of** (badly) **RUING** and **N** (November is the international radio communication word for the letter **N**) and **DEAL**)\n **LAUNDERING***\n\n**LAUNDERING** (when preceded by **MONEY**, descriptive of a criminal offence [**MONEY LAUNDERING**])"} {"Clue":"Section of field protected by assorted canes (9)","Answer":"CAESAREAN","Explanation":"Definition: Section\n**AREA** (field, as used to describe a specialism in academia) **contained in** (protected by) **an anagram of** (assorted) **CANES**\n **CAES** (**AREA**) **N***\n\n**CAESAREAN** (reference a **CAESAREAN** section to describe the delivery of a child by cutting through the walls of the abdomen)"} {"Clue":"Film lectures (4)","Answer":"JAWS","Explanation":"Definition: Film\n**JAWS** (1975 thriller film)\n **JAWS**\n\n**JAWS** (lectures) double definition"} {"Clue":"Criticise current politician hugging occasionally (6)","Answer":"IMPUGN","Explanation":"Definition: Criticise\n**I** (electric current)** + MP** (Member of Parliament; politician) **+ UGN** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [occasionally] of **HUGGING**)\n **I MP UGN**\n\n**IMPUGN** (criticise)"} {"Clue":"Old soldier hears row erupting (8)","Answer":"WARHORSE","Explanation":"Definition: Old soldier\n**Anagram of** (erupting) **HEARS ROW**\n **W****ARH****OR****SE***\n\n**WARHORSE** (old warrior in any field of conflict)"} {"Clue":"Spit of land perhaps man's right to sacrifice for hotel (4)","Answer":"HOOK","Explanation":"Definition: Spit of land\n**R****OOK** (piece [man] in chess) with **R**\u00a0(right) **replaced b**y (sacrificed for) **H** (hotel)\n **H OOK**\n\n**HOOK** (a spit of land with a** HOOK**ed end)"} {"Clue":"One petitioning overthrow is keeping in charge (10)","Answer":"SUPPLICANT","Explanation":"Definition: One petitioning\n**SUPPLANT** (oust; overthrow) **containing** (keeping) **I\/C** (in charge)\n **SUPPL** (**IC**) **ANT**\n\n**SUPPLICANT** (one petitioning)"} {"Clue":"Information on each record, it indicates variable pedigree (9)","Answer":"GENEALOGY","Explanation":"Definition: pedigree\n**GEN** (information) **+ EA** (each) **+ LOG** (record) **+ Y** (a letter used to indicate a variable in mathematical equations)\n **GEN EA ****LOG**** ****Y**\n\n**GENEALOGY** (pedigree of a particular person or family)"} {"Clue":"Time left to take in new marine storage facility (8)","Answer":"TERMINA","Explanation":"Definition: storage facility\n(**T** [time] **+ L** [left]) **containing** (to take in) **an anagram of** (new) **MARINE**\n **T ****ERMINA***** ****L**\n\n**TERMINA**L (storage and distribution facility)"} {"Clue":"Stirrer of trouble gutlessly a court supports (8)","Answer":"TEASPOON","Explanation":"Definition: Stirrer\n**TE** (**TROUBLE** **excluding the central letters** [gutlessly] **ROUBL**) **+ A + SPOON** (court in a sentimental way)\n **TE** **A** **SPOON**\n\n**TEASPOON** (item of cutlery often used as a stirrer)"} {"Clue":"Join Central Essex Police? Nothing to lose (6)","Answer":"SPLICE","Explanation":"Definition: Join\n**S** (**middle letter of** [central] **ESSEX**) + **POLICE** **excluding** (to lose) **O** (nothing)\n **S** **PLICE**\n\n**SPLICE** (join together by overlapping)"} {"Clue":"Is backing leading snooker player, having supportive position (6)","Answer":"SIDING","Explanation":"Definition: having supportive position\n**IS** **reversed** (backing) + **DING** (reference **DING** Junhui [born 1987], Chinese snooker player, currently ranked number nine in the world)\n **SI**< **DING**\n\n**SIDING** (allied with; backing)"} {"Clue":"Fight expected to be given approval ultimately (4)","Answer":"DUEL","Explanation":"Definition: Fight\n**DUE** (expected)** + L** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **APPROVAL**)\n **DUE** **L**\n\n**DUEL** (fight)"} {"Clue":"Starts to disembark arriving into station platform (4)","Answer":"DAIS","Explanation":"Definition: platform\n**DAIS** (**first letters of** [starts to] each of **DISEMBARK**, **ARRIVING**, **INTO** and **STATION**)\n **DAIS**\n\n**DAIS** (platform)"} {"Clue":"A way to work a Weary Willie (5)","Answer":"MOPER","Explanation":"Definition: Weary Willie\n**MO** (modus operandi; way of working) **+ PER** (for each or a)\n **MO** **PER**\n\n**MOPER** (one who moves aimlessly or listlessly; Weary Willie [a person habitually lackadaisical or deficient in energy or spirits]"} {"Clue":"Hotline is buzzing, given Penny and Peg used to row (5,3)","Answer":"THOLE PIN","Explanation":"Definition: Peg used to row\n**Anagram of** (is buzzing) **HOTLINE** and [given] **P** [penny]\n **THOLE ****P****IN***\n\n**THOLE PIN** (**PIN** or peg\u00a0in the side of a boat to keep the oar in place)"} {"Clue":"End up with radius broken and in support (8)","Answer":"UNDERPIN","Explanation":"Definition: support\n**Anagram of** (broken) **END UP** and **R** (radius) **+ IN**\n **UNDERP***** IN**\n\n**UNDERPIN** (support by building underneath)"} {"Clue":"To \"unfriend\" Wally in step #4 of five? That's confused \"followership\"! (6)","Answer":"TWEEPS","Explanation":"Definition: followership\n**Anagram of** (that's confused) (**WALLY** **excluding** [un-] **ALLY** [friend]), i.e. **W** and **STEP** and **E** [**fourth letter of** {#4 of} **FIVE**])\n **T****W****E****E****PS***\n\n**TWEEPS** (people who follow someone on Twitter; followership)"} {"Clue":"For beginners, whole between three and one (3)","Answer":"TWO","Explanation":"Definition: For beginners, whole between three and one\n**W** **(first letter of** [beginners] **WHOLE**) **contained in** (between) (**T** **[first letter of** {beginners} **THREE** and **O** [**first letter of **{beginners] **O****NE**])\n **T** (**W**) **O**\n\n**TWO** (the whole number between three and one)"} {"Clue":"Back to pour some ale and wine we've lost (3,3,2)","Answer":"ITS ALL UP","Explanation":"Definition: we've lost\n(**PULL** [reference **PULL** {pour}** a pint** {of ale}] **+ ASTI** [type of wine]) **all reversed** (back)\n (**IT'S A** **LL UP**)<\n\n**ITS ALL UP** (expression implying all hope is gone; we've lost)"} {"Clue":"Hard to follow fine heavy metal festival in Cork? (6)","Answer":"FLEADH","Explanation":"Definition: festival in Cork\n**F** (fine) **+ LEAD** (a metal that is heavy in terms of weight) **+ H** (hard, when describing pencil lead)\n **F** **LEAD** **H**\n\n**FLEADH** (festival of Irish [Cork] traditional music, dancing, etc)"} {"Clue":"Suddenly afraid a new King's imminent? (8)","Answer":"QUAILING","Explanation":"Definition: Suddenly afraid\n**QU** (queen) **+**** AILING** (unwell)\n **QU AILING**\n\n**QUAILING** (flinching; shrinking back; being suddenly afraid). It seems a bit of leap to suggest that just because the Queen is unwell then we will necessarily get a new King, even if we are talking about the current royal family in the UK with a 92 year old Queen and a Prince as heir to the throne. I guess I'm missing something here."} {"Clue":"Overcast? Presumably overcast if not! (6)","Answer":"UNLESS","Explanation":"Definition: if not\n**S****UNLESS** (overcast) **excluding the first letter** (if not overcast) **S **I understand\u00a0what is intended here, but I don't think I'm explaining it very well.\n **UNLESS**\n\n**UNLESS **(if not)"} {"Clue":"Winding Mediterranean course mostly in very good condition (6)","Answer":"ECZEMA","Explanation":"Definition: condition\n(**MEZ****E** [type of appetizer or hors d'oeuvre served in Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, etc, [Mediterranean course], especially with an aperitif before dinner)** excluding the final letter** [mostly] **E** **contained** in [in] **ACE** [very good]) **all reversed** (winding).\n (**EC** (**ZEM**) **A**)<\n\n**ECZEMA** (a skin condition)"} {"Clue":"Liking as always to confine female, with force, in it? (8)","Answer":"AFFINITY","Explanation":"Definition: Liking\n**AY** (always) **containing** (to confine) (**F** [female] **+ F** [force] **+**** IN IT**)\n **A** (**F** **F** **IN IT**) **Y**\n\n**AFFINITY** (rapport; liking)"} {"Clue":"People out of hospital later (2,1,3)","Answer":"IN A BIT","Explanation":"Definition: later\n**IN****H****ABIT** (people, as a verb) **excluding** (out of) **H** (hospital)\n **IN A BIT**\n\n**IN A BIT** (later)"} {"Clue":"Chemical decomposition of ICI union card (4,4)","Answer":"URIC ACID","Explanation":"Definition: Chemical\n**Anagram of** (decomposition of) **ICI** and **U** (Union, as a term in mathematics) and **CARD**\n **UR****IC ****AC****I****D***\n\n**URIC ACID** (chemical, **ACID**\u00a0of the purine group)"} {"Clue":"Is no longer viewed from behind (3)","Answer":"WAS","Explanation":"Definition: Is no longer\n**SAW** (viewed) **reversed** (from behind)\n **WAS**<\n\n**WAS** (is no longer)"} {"Clue":"Boy busy with a composition (6)","Answer":"SONATA","Explanation":"Definition: composition\n**SON** (boy) **+ AT** (busy) + **A**\n **SON ****AT**** ****A**\n\n**SONATA** (musical composition)"} {"Clue":"Addition of new information \u2013 on Tinder profile one hopes it will? (8)","Answer":"UPDATING","Explanation":"Definition: Addition of new information\n**UP** (increase) **+ DATING** (Tinder is a **DATING** website \/ app) \u2013 presumably those seeking a **DATE** and have added new information to their profile hope they will be attractive to an\u00a0increasing number of potential\u00a0**DATE**s\n **UP** **DATING**\n\n**UPDATING** (adding new information)"} {"Clue":"Eighteen in the round \u2013 but not doing the nineteenth? (8)","Answer":"TEETOTAL","Explanation":"Definition: not doing the nineteenth\n**TEE** **TOTAL** (there are a **TOTAL** of eighteen **TEE**s in a full round of golf)\n **TEE** **TOTAL**\n\n**TEETOTAL** (descriptive of someone who doesn't drink alcohol. In colloquial terminology, the **NINETEENTH HOLE** is the Clubhouse bar or other hostelry where the players participate in alcoholic beverages)"} {"Clue":"A name for cutting edge (5)","Answer":"APRON","Explanation":"Definition: edge\n**PRO** (in favour of; for) **contained in** (cutting) (**A** **+ N** [name])\n **A** (**PRO**) **N**\n\n**APRON** (rim; edge)"} {"Clue":"Be \"brave\"? Tonto's first to flee N American Indian spirit (7)","Answer":"MANITOU","Explanation":"Definition: N American Indian spirit\n**MAN IT OUT** (an exhortation to withstand or endure defiantly; be brave!) **excluding** (to flee) the final **T** [**first letter of** [first] **TONTO**) It's obviously the second **T** that has to flee to generate the word **MANITOU**\n **MANITOU**\n\n**MANITOU** (spirit or sacred object among certain Native American tribes,especially the Algonquian peoples of North America)"} {"Clue":"Ordain, say, romance should rise in value (9)","Answer":"PRELATIZE","Explanation":"Definition: Ordain, say\n**TALE** (fictional story; lie; romance) **reversed** (should rise; down clue) **contained in** (in) **PRIZE** (value)\n **PR** (**ELAT**<) **IZE**\n\n**PRELATIZE** (to invest a person as a\u00a0priest; ordain)"} {"Clue":"Force back Scots dancing around piano (5)","Answer":"REPEL","Explanation":"Definition: Force back\n**REEL** (Scottish dance) **containing** (about) **P** (piano)\n **RE** (**P**) **EL**\n\n**REPEL** (force back)"} {"Clue":"Guys will become attached to me, \"Two-time Maggie\" (4,3)","Answer":"TENT PEG","Explanation":"Definition: Guys will become attached to me,\n**TEN** (the entry at **TEN** across is **TWO**) **+ T** (time) **+ PEG** (diminutive of Margaret, as is\u00a0Maggie) giving TWO-TIME MAGGIE\n **TEN** **T** **PEG**\n\n**TENT PEG** (the** GUYS** of a tent are attached to **TENT PEG**s to hold the **TENT** in position)"} {"Clue":"Pooped! In motion, scooping nasty bits of tofu up (3,2,3)","Answer":"OUT OF PUFF","Explanation":"Definition: Pooped\n**OFF** (started; in motion)** containing** (scooping) **an anagram o**f [nasty bits of] **TOFU UP**\n **O ****(UT OF** **PU***)** FF**\n\n**OUT OF PUFF** (exhausted; pooped)"} {"Clue":"In-form individual in French national team dismissed (5)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: In-form individual in French\n**ELEVEN** (a word for team if there are **ELEVEN**\u00a0people in the team, e.g. football, cricket) **excluding** (dismissed) **N** (national)\n **ELEVE**\n\n**\u00c9L\u00c8VE** (French [in France] for pupil, someone in the class; in-form)"} {"Clue":"Half-heartedly went through escalating house checks (7)","Answer":"IMPEDES","Explanation":"Definition: checks\n**PE****E****D** (went [to the loo] **excluding one of the middle E**s [half-heartedly]) **contained in **(through) **SEMI **(semi-detached house)** reversed** (rising; down clue)\n **IM** (**PED**) **ES**<\n\n**IMPEDES** (hinders; obstructs; checks)"} {"Clue":"With hint of asteism aboard hapless Titanic: \"The suspense is killing me!\" (1,4,4)","Answer":"I CAN","Explanation":"Definition: The suspense is killing me\n(**W** [with] **+ A** [**first letter of** {hint of} **ASTEISM**}]) **contained in** (aboard) **an anagram of** (hapless) **TITANIC**\n **I CAN'T** (**W** **A**) **IT***\n\n**I CAN'T WAIT** (phrase implying that the suspense is killing me)"} {"Clue":"15th Century house found in narrow street, overlooking river (9)","Answer":"LANCASTER","Explanation":"Definition: 15th Century house\n(**CAST** [found, in relation to the **CAST**ing or founding of metals] **contained in** [in] **LANE** [narrow street]) **+ R** (river)\n **LAN** (**CAST**) **E** **R**\n\n**LANCASTER** (reference the Royal House of **LANCASTER**. one of two branches from the House of Plantaganet that fought the other branch [House of York] in the Wars of the Roses in the 15th century)"} {"Clue":"Where they put e.g. the soup in the supermarket song? (7)","Answer":"CANZONE","Explanation":"Definition: song\n**CAN ZONE** (the area where the cans are stored. Many soups are sold in cans, though there are a lot nowadays in packets or sachets)\n **CAN** **ZONE**\n\n**CANZONE** (a song or air resembling, but less elaborate than, a madrigal)"} {"Clue":"Where agreement ended War on Art in Barking (7)","Answer":"TRIANON","Explanation":"Definition: Where agreement ended War\n**Anagram of** (barking) **ON ART IN**\n **TRIA****NON***\n\n**TRIANON** (The treaty of Peace after the First World War between the Allied and Associated Powers and Hungary was signed at **TRIANON** palace in Versailles in 1920)"} {"Clue":"Small scale turning up in buffet-car breakfast (5)","Answer":"BRACT","Explanation":"Definition: Small scale\n**BRACT** (**hidden word reversed** [turning up in ; down clue] in **BUFFE****T-CAR B****REAKFAST**)\n **BRACT**<\n\n**BRACT** (scale can be defined as a\u00a0specialized leaf or **BRACT**, which in turn is defined as a\u00a0specialized leaf, usually smaller than the foliage leaves, with a single flower or inflorescence growing in its axil)"} {"Clue":"I arranged for ad in i\u00a0(5)","Answer":"INDIA","Explanation":"Definition: i\n**I** **+** **an anagram of** (arranged for) **AD IN**\n **I ****NDIA***\n\n**INDIA** (**INDIA** is the international radio communication codeword for the letter I)"} {"Clue":"Leader of men in headgear for conflict of old (4)","Answer":"CAMP","Explanation":"Definition: conflict of old\n**M** (**first letter of** [leader of] **MEN**) **contained in** (in) **CAP** (headgear\n **CA** (**M**) **P**)\n\n**CAMP** (obsolete [of old] word for fight or struggle; conflict of old)"} {"Clue":"Tea break at the Gabba? Certainly observed in homes all over the place (7)","Answer":"SMOKE-HO","Explanation":"Definition: Tea break at the Gabba\n**OK** (okay; yes; certainly) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (all over the places) **HOMES**\n **SM**** **(**OK**)** ****EHO***\n\n**SMOKE-HO** (Australian term [the Gabba is the main cricket ground in Brisbane {so called after the suburb of Woolongabba where it is situated}], originally a break for a **SMOKE** during the working day, now a rest, a tea-break."} {"Clue":"Backsliding swindle takes one in (5)","Answer":"FAKIE","Explanation":"Definition: Backsliding\n**FAKE** (swindle) **containing** (takes \u2026 in)** I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **FAK** (**I**) **E**\n\n**FAKIE** (in skateboarding and snowboarding, the movement or act of riding backwards)"} {"Clue":"Unpleasant woman adorns salon, say, shunned by same couple twice (5)","Answer":"BESOM","Explanation":"Definition: Unpleasant woman \nI'm guessing this based on the two word **RO****BES ****RO****OM** describing a\u00a0dressing room or salon, from which the **same couple** **of letter**s **RO** are **omitted** (shunned) **twice** to leave **BESOM**\n **BESOM**\n\n**BESOM** (term of reproach especially for a woman, implying slatternliness, laziness, impudence, or unscrupulous energy)."} {"Clue":"Flaky stuff returns around brown constituent of some vegetables (8)","Answer":"FRUCTANS","Explanation":"Definition: constituent of some vegetables\n**SCURF** (small flakes or scales of dead skin) **reversed** (returns) **containing** (around) **TAN** (brown)\n **FRUC** (**TAN**) **S**<\n\n**FRUCTANS** (a polymer of fructose, found in grasses and some vegetables)"} {"Clue":"Tablet, first to last what you'll see clergymen in (6)","Answer":"ROCHET","Explanation":"Definition: what you'll see clergymen in\n**T****ROCHE** (round medicinal tablet) with the **first letter** **T** moved to the end (first to last) to generate **ROCHE****T**\n **ROCHE****T**\n\n**ROCHET** (a close-fitting surplice-like vestment worn by bishops and abbots; what you'll see clergymen in)"} {"Clue":"Gateway honouring Rajput prince (6)","Answer":"TORANA","Explanation":"Definition: Gateway\n**TO** (in honour of) **+ RANA** (Rajput prince)\n **TO** **RANA**\n\n**TORANA** (in India, type of arched gateway)"} {"Clue":"Records in wine year \u2013 little left (5)","Answer":"VINYL","Explanation":"Definition: Gateway\n**TO** (in honour of) **+ RANA** (Rajput prince)\n **TO** **RANA**\n\n**TORANA** (in India, type of arched gateway)"} {"Clue":"Life I end, looking back, in knotted rope, making atonement (12)","Answer":"PROPITIATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: making atonement\n(**VITA** [life] **+ I + TIP** [end])** reversed** (looking back) **contained in** (in) **an anagram o**f (knotted) **ROPE**\n **PRO** (**PIT** **I** **ATIV**)< **E***\n\n**PROPITIATIVE** (making favourable; making atonement)"} {"Clue":"Stuffed dates distributed (5)","Answer":"SATED","Explanation":"Definition: Stuffed\n**Anagram of** (distributed) **DATES**\n **SATED***\n\n**SATED** (satisfied fully; stuffed)"} {"Clue":"First half of Ring reversed and moved to end canon maybe (6)","Answer":"CLERIC","Explanation":"Definition: canon maybe\n**CIRCLE** **with the first three letters** (half) **reversed** (reversed) and **moved to the end**, to form **CLERIC**\n **CLE** **RIC**<\n\n**CLERIC** (a canon is a member of the clergy; canon perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Regarding intake, it's long time before name's recalled (8)","Answer":"DIETETIC","Explanation":"Definition: Regarding intake,\n**DIE** (long [for]) **+ T** (time) **+ CITE** (name) **reversed** (recalled)\n **DIE** **T** **ETIC**<\n\n**DIETETIC** (relating to food intake)"} {"Clue":"Five points released by government department? They reveal a lot! (5)","Answer":"MINIS","Explanation":"Definition: They reveal a lot\n**MINISTRY** (government department) **excluding** (released) **TRY** (in Rugby Union, a **TRY** is worth five points)\n **MINIS**\n\n**MINIS** (skirts with hemlines well above the knees that reveal a lot of leg)"} {"Clue":"Pond plant consumed in singular eateries (5)","Answer":"REATE","Explanation":"Definition: Pond plant\n**REATE** (**hidden word** [consumed] **in** **SINGULAR EATERIES**)\n **REATE**\n\n**REATE** (water-crowfoot, an example of a pond plant)"} {"Clue":"Dragonflies concealed in an ash etc (tons out of sight) (7)","Answer":"AESCHNA","Explanation":"Definition: Dragonflies\n**Anagram of** (concealed in) **AN ASH E****T****C**** excluding** (out of sight) **T** (tons)\n **AESCHNA***\n\n**AESCHNA** (genus of large, usually colourful dragonflies)"} {"Clue":"Discharge following zero work (4)","Answer":"OPUS","Explanation":"Definition: work\n**O** (zero) **+ PUS** (thick yellowish fluid formed by suppuration,; discharge)\n **O** **PUS**\n\n**OPUS** (work, especially a musical composition)"} {"Clue":"Exit road from highway not wanting abandoned pram (7)","Answer":"OFF-RAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Exit road from highway\n**OFF** (no longer interested in; not wanting) +\u00a0**an anagram of** (abandoned) **PRAM**\n **OFF ****RAMP***\n\n**OFF-RAMP** (a mainly American term for an exit road from a main thoroughfare; slip-road in British terminology)"} {"Clue":"Chocolate substitute? Energy source contains none (5)","Answer":"CAROB","Explanation":"Definition: Chocolate substitute\n**CARB** (carbohydrate, source of energy) **containing** (contains) **O** (zero; nothing; none)\n **CAR** (**O**)** B**\n\n**CAROB** (substitute for chocolate prepared from the fruit of the\u00a0algarroba or locust-tree)"} {"Clue":"Truant? I see he's caught by Master (distinguished one) (6)","Answer":"MICHER","Explanation":"Definition: Truant\n(**I + C +HE**) **contained in** (caught by) **MR** (Master of the Rolls, a distinguished Master)\n **M** (**I** **C** **HE**) R\n\n**MICHER** (play truant)"} {"Clue":"Flag or fade away in prison cell (5)","Answer":"PETER","Explanation":"Definition: Flag\n**PETER** (dwindle away to nothing; fade away)\n **PETER** (Blue **PETER** flag)\n\n**PETER** (prison cell) triple definition"} {"Clue":"I'll work with figures \u2013 complicated as it's Titanic (12)","Answer":"STATISTICIAN","Explanation":"Definition: I'll work with figures\n**Anagram of **(complicated) **AS IT'S TITANIC**\n **STA****T****IS****TICIAN*******\n\n**STATISTICIAN** (one who works with numerical facts; I'll work with figures)"} {"Clue":"Biker losing lead crashes during track event (6)","Answer":"KEIRIN","Explanation":"Definition: track event\n**Anagram of** (crashes) **BIKER** **excluding the first letter** (losing lead) **B + IN** (during)\n **KEIR*** **IN**\n\n**KEIRIN** (an 8-lap track cycling event in which the riders follow a motorcycle pacer for the first 5.5 laps, sprinting the remaining 2.5 laps after the motorcycle has pulled off the track"} {"Clue":"One in charge turns up following neats roaming here (8)","Answer":"ESTANCIA","Explanation":"Definition: neats roaming here\n**Anagram of** (roaming) **NEATS** + ( **A** [one] **+ IC** [in charge]**) reversed **(turns up)\n **ESTAN*** (**CI** **A**)<\n\n**ESTANCIA** (Spanish-American cattle estate; 'neats' are cattle)"} {"Clue":"Sailors aboard boat developing calluses (5)","Answer":"HORNY","Explanation":"Definition: calluses \n**RN** (Royal Navy; sailors) **contained in** (aboard) **HOY** (large one-decked boat, commonly rigged as a sloop)\n **HO** (**RN**) **Y**\n\n**HORNY** (callous)"} {"Clue":"Tea maybe providing some time alone (4)","Answer":"MEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Tea maybe\n**MEAL** (**hidden word in** [providing some] **TIME ALONE**)\n **MEAL**\n\n**MEAL** (tea is an example of a meal)"} {"Clue":"E.g. antibodies person's mixed with it\u00a0(8)","Answer":"PROTEINS","Explanation":"Definition: E.g. antibodies\n**Anagram of** (mixed with) **PERSON** and **IT**\n **PRO****T****E****I****NS***\n\n**PROTEINS** (an antibody, also known as an immunoglobulin (Ig), is a large, Y-shaped **PROTEIN** produced mainly by plasma cells that is used by the immune system to neutralize pathogens such as pathogenic bacteria and viruses."} {"Clue":"Supplies fresh coat for US zebra? Experts required with that? (7)","Answer":"REFACES","Explanation":"Definition: Supplies fresh coat for\n**REF** (an American Football referee wears a black and white striped shirt and consequently is known as a Zebra) **+ ACES** (experts)\n **REF** **ACES**\n\n**REFACES** (applies a fresh coat)"} {"Clue":"Equivalent of Farsi? Traveller turned up odd bits to stitch together (6)","Answer":"PERSIC","Explanation":"Definition: Equivalent of Farsi\n**REP** (commercial traveller) **reversed** (turned up; down clue) **+ SIC** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [odd bits] **of** **STITCH**)\n **PER**< **SIC**\n\n**PERSIC** (the Persian language; Farsi is the modern Persian language)"} {"Clue":"Cardinal (low one), priest exhibiting traditional belief (6)","Answer":"THREEP","Explanation":"Definition: traditional belief\n**THREE** (low value cardinal number) **+ P** (priest)\n **THREE P**\n\n**THREEP** (traditional belief)"} {"Clue":"Sell seafood, all but a couple of pilchards (4)","Answer":"SCAM","Explanation":"Definition: Sell\n**SCAMPI** (seafood)** excluding** (all but) **PI** (**first two letters of** [a couple of] **PILCHARDS**)\n **SCAM**\n\n**SCAM** (swindle; deception; sell)"} {"Clue":"Addict of a kind, one to dissemble about reduced weight? (5)","Answer":"ALKIE","Explanation":"Definition: Addict of a kind,\n**A** + (**LIE** [assert the contrary of; dissemble] **containing** [about] **K** [abbreviation for {reduced} kilogramme [weight])\n **A** **L** (**K**) **IE**\n\n**ALKIE** (one addicted to alcohol)"} {"Clue":"Part of thin trocar that's opening passage (5)","Answer":"INTRO","Explanation":"Definition: opening passage\n**INTRO** (**hidden word in**\u00a0[part of] **THIN TROCAR**)\n **INTRO**\n\n**INTRO** (opening passage of a jazz or popular music piece)"} {"Clue":"Goes off sex, troubled about it's appeal (5)","Answer":"EXITS","Explanation":"Definition: Goes off \n**Anagram of** (troubled) **SEX** **containing** (about) (**IT**; sex appeal)\n **EX** (**IT**) **S***\n\n**EXITS** (goes off)"} {"Clue":"Prolong note at start of Requiem, having a pedal problem (4,3)","Answer":"DRAG OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Prolong\n**D** (musical note) **+ R** (**first letter of** [start of] **REQUIEM** **+ A + GOUT** (disease in which excess of uric acid in the blood is deposited as urates in the joints, etc, with swelling especially of the big toe; hence, a pedal {of the foot} problem])\n **D** **R** **A** **G OUT**\n\n**DRAG OUT** (prolong)"} {"Clue":"Loves \"taking five\" on island in Balkans area (6)","Answer":"KOSOVO","Explanation":"Definition: in Balkans area\n**KOS** (Greek island) **+** ([**O** {zero; love scores in tennis} **+ O** {zero; love score in tennis}] giving 'loves', **containing** [taking] **V** [Roman Numeral for five])\n **KOS** **O** (**V**) **O**\n\n**KOSOVO** (partially-recognized state and disputed territory in the Balkans)"} {"Clue":"Rotter seducing one waitress in road movie (6)","Answer":"LOUISE","Explanation":"Definition: waitress in road movie\n**LOUSE** (rotter) **containing** (seducing)** I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **LOU** (**I**) **SE**\n\n**LOUISE** (reference the road movie, Thelma and **LOUISE**, portraying a timid housewife (Thelma) and an independent waitress [**LOUISE**] on a short fishing trip)"} {"Clue":"Tenor \u2013 man breaking into a trill? (8)","Answer":"ORNAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: trill\n**Anagram of** (breaking) **TENOR MAN**\n **ORN****AM****E****N****T***\n\n**ORNAMENT** (a melodic ornament consisting of a rapid alternation between a principal note and the note a whole tone or semitone above it)"} {"Clue":"Cultural objects from travelling fair where water turned to wine (8)","Answer":"AFRICANA","Explanation":"Definition: Cultural objects\n**Anagram of** (travelling) **FAIR** **+ CANA** (location of the first miracle where Jesus reportedly turned water into wine)\n **AFRI*** **CANA**\n\n**AFRICANA** (objects of cultural and \/ or historical interest that originated in Africa)"} {"Clue":"Show featuring first half of Harold in Italy? On the contrary (4)","Answer":"HAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Show\n**I** (International Vehicle registration for Italy) **contained in** **HAR** (first half of **HAR****OLD**) This is the opposite of [contrary] 'first half of Harold in Italy'\n **HA** (**I**) **R**\n\n**HAIR** (reference the musical [show], **HAIR**, first staged in the late 1960s)"} {"Clue":"Kennel's only inhabitant, one visibly affected by fighting (6)","Answer":"NELSON","Explanation":"Definition: one visibly affected by fighting\n**NELSON** (**hidden word in** [inhabitant] **KENNEL'S ONLY**)\n **NELSON**\n\n**NELSON** (reference Admiral Lord Horatio **NELSON** who lost an eye in battle at Calvi during the French Revolutionary Wars; one visibly affected by fighting)"} {"Clue":"Note choir member delivered (6)","Answer":"TENNER","Explanation":"Definition: Note\n**TENNER** (**sounds like** [delivered] **TENOR** [singer; member of a choir])\n **TENOR**\n\n**TENNER** (ten pound note)"} {"Clue":"Rate singers, except their lead soprano (6)","Answer":"ASSESS","Explanation":"Definition: Rate\n**BASSES** (singers) **excluding** (except) **the first letter** (their lead) **B** **+ S** (soprano)\n **ASSES** **S**\n\n**ASSESS** (rate)"} {"Clue":"Sailor dispatched elsewhere? (6)","Answer":"ABSENT","Explanation":"Definition: elsewhere\n**AB** (able seaman; sailor) **+ SENT** (dispatched)\n **AB SENT**\n\n**ABSENT** (not present, hence elsewhere)"} {"Clue":"Cut made by 27, having lopped a third off (4)","Answer":"ETCH","Explanation":"Definition: Cut\n**Anagram of** (made) **HECTOR** (entry at 27 across) **excluding** (lopped off) **OR** (**2 of the 6** [one third] **letters of** **HECTOR**)\n **ETCH***\n\n**ETCH** (make a deep or irremovable impression)"} {"Clue":"Note 27 produced in court (8)","Answer":"CROTCHET","Explanation":"Definition: Note\n**Anagram of** (produced) **HECTOR** (entry at 27 across) **contained in** (in) **CT** (court)\n **C** (**ROTCHE***) **T**\n\n**CROTCHET **(musical note)"} {"Clue":"Small motorbike, about right as transport for cops (5,3)","Answer":"SQUAD CAR","Explanation":"Definition: transport for cops\n**S** (small) **+ QUAD** (small, powerful four-wheel-drive vehicle) **+ CA** (circa; about) **+ R**\n **S QUAD CA R**\n\n**SQUAD CAR** (police car)"} {"Clue":"Sort of lighting getting best room half lit (6)","Answer":"STROBE","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of lighting\n**Anagram of** (lit; drunk) **BEST** and **RO** (half of **ROOM**)\n **ST****RO****BE***\n\n**STROBE** (flashing light)"} {"Clue":"Extremely tragic hero represented by one of the 4s by 28? (6)","Answer":"HECTOR","Explanation":"Definition: one of the 4s by 28\n**Anagram of** (represented) (**TC** [**first and last letters** [extremely] **of TRAGIC** and **HERO**)\n **HECTOR***\n\n**HECTOR** (**TROJAN** [4 down]. The **TROJANS** is an opera by **BERLIOZ** [28 across] in which the ghost of **HECTOR** plays a part)"} {"Clue":"Barman getting back capital after trading silver for oil (7)","Answer":"BERLIOZ","Explanation":"Definition: Barman\n**Z****AG****REB** (capital of Croatia)** reversed** (getting back) and **replacing** (trading) **AG** (chemical symbol for silver) with **OIL**\n (**BER**** LIO** **Z**)<\n\n**BERLIOZ** (reference Hector **BERLIOZ** [1800 \u2013 1869] French composer (he wrote musical bars; barman])"} {"Clue":"Couple hosting posh Party (3)","Answer":"DUO","Explanation":"Definition: Couple\n**DO** (party)** containing** (hosting) **U** (upper-class; posh)\n **D** (**U**) **O**\n\n**DUO** (couple)"} {"Clue":"Some had it in for the Mother of the Gods (5)","Answer":"ADITI","Explanation":"Definition: Mother of the Gods\n**ADITI** (**hidden word** [some] in **HAD IT IN**) \n **ADITI**\n\n**ADITI** (In the Vedas [any one of, or all of, four ancient holy books of the Hindus.], **ADITI**) is mother of the gods)"} {"Clue":"One such a Benvenuto Cellini, put up in Sydney's place (5,5)","Answer":"OPERA HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Mother of the Gods\n**ADITI** (**hidden word** [some] in **HAD IT IN**) \n **ADITI**\n\n**ADITI** (In the Vedas [any one of, or all of, four ancient holy books of the Hindus.], **ADITI**) is mother of the gods)"} {"Clue":"Slightly discontented janitor, originally a hard worker (6)","Answer":"TROJAN","Explanation":"Definition: hard worker\n**Anagram of** (originally) **JANITOR** **excluding one letter** (slightly dis-content-ed) **I**\n **TROJAN***\n\n**TROJAN** (hard worker)"} {"Clue":"Man 8 tailed, for example (4)","Answer":"KING","Explanation":"Definition: Man\n**KING** (**LOUISE** [8 across] **excluding the final letter** [tailed] **E**\u00a0results in **LOUIS**. There were many **KING LOUIS** in France from 814 till 1848 [counting **LOUIS-PHILLIPE**])\n **KING**\n\n**KING** (piece [man] in chess)"} {"Clue":"Piece from Fame a quintet plays, with hypnosis involved (9,11)","Answer":"SYMPHONIE FANTASTIQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Piece\n**Anagram of **(from \u2026(plays, with \u2026 involved ) **FAME A QUINTET** and **HYPNOSIS**\n **SY****M****PHONI****E FA****NTASTIQUE***\n\n**SYMPHONIE FANTASTIQUE** (composition [piece] by **HECTOR BERLIOZ**)"} {"Clue":"Special treat \u2013 I've gin in salad dressing (11)","Answer":"VINAIGRETTE","Explanation":"Definition: salad dressing\n**Anagram of** (special) **TREAT I'VE GIN** \n **VIN****A****IG****RETT****E***\n\n**VINAIGRETTE** (mixture of oil, vinegar, seasoning and herbs, used as a salad dressing)"} {"Clue":"Beginning of Beatrice and Benedict's quarrel interrupts River Safari, perhaps (3,7)","Answer":"WEB BROWSER","Explanation":"Definition: Safari, perhaps\n(**B** [**first letter of** [beginning of] **BEATRICE** **+ B** [**first letter of** [beginning of] **BENEDICT** **+ ROW** [quarrel]) **contained in** (interrupts) **WESER** (river in Germany)\n **WE** (**B** **B** **ROW**) **SER**\n\n**WEB BROWSER** (Safari is a\u00a0**WEB BROWSER** supplied with Apple products)"} {"Clue":"Despair as the role unravels (4,5)","Answer":"LOSE HEART","Explanation":"Definition: Despair\n**Anagram of **(unravels) **AS THE ROLE**\n **LO****S****E HE****A****RT*******\n\n**LOSE HEART** (despair)"} {"Clue":"Beetle in which a Beatle started following Cliff (6)","Answer":"SCARAB","Explanation":"Definition: Beetle\n**SCAR** (cliff) **+ A + B **(**first letter of** [started] **BEATLE**)\n **SCAR** **A**** B**\n\n**SCARAB** (type of beetle)"} {"Clue":"My present? Leaving behind newspaper for a man's best friend (5)","Answer":"CORGI","Explanation":"Definition: a man's best friend\n**COR** (gosh!; my!) **+ GIFT** (present) **excluding** (leaving behind) **FT** (Financial Times; newspaper)\n **COR** **GI**\n\n**CORGI** (breed of dog; man's best friend)"} {"Clue":"One adding decoration, perhaps, within ricercare (4)","Answer":"ICER","Explanation":"Definition: One adding decoration\n**ICER** (**hidden word** [within] in **RICERCARE**)\n **ICER**\n\n**ICER** ([cake] decorator)"} {"Clue":"Pseudonym overused in 28's case (3)","Answer":"BOZ","Explanation":"Definition: Pseudonym\n**BOZ** **(letters 1,6 and 7**, forming[used over] the case of **BERLIOZ** [28 across])\n **BOZ**\n\n**BOZ** (pseudonym of the English novelist Charles Dickens [1812 \u2013 1870] when he first published stories in newspapers)"} {"Clue":"Actor hanging around toilet is back for money on the streets (6)","Answer":"MOOLAH","Explanation":"Definition: money on the streets\n(**HAM** [actor who rants and overacts] **containing** (around) **LOO** [toilet]) **all reversed** (is back)\n (**M** (**OOL**) **AH**) <\n\n**MOOLAH** (slang [on the street] for money)"} {"Clue":"We see owner far off, on course to urge caution? (8)","Answer":"FOREWARN","Explanation":"Definition: urge caution\n**Anagram of** (off) **OWNER FAR **I think 'we see' and 'on course' are just words that improve the surface. I don't think they play specific roles in the wordplay or the definition.\n **FOREWARN***\n\n**FOREWARN** (give notice of danger in advance; urge caution)"} {"Clue":"He fought Richard, a boy possessed by evil (7)","Answer":"SALADIN","Explanation":"Definition: He fought Richard\n(**A** **+ LAD** [boy]) **contained in** (possessed by **SIN** (evil)\n **S** (**A** **LAD**) **IN**\n\n**SALADIN** (An-Nasir Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub [1138 \u2013 1193], known as Salah ad-Din or **SALADIN**,\u00a0led the Muslim military campaign against the Crusader states in the Levant, fighting against Richard I [Richard the Lionheart])"} {"Clue":"Allow entry in parliament it legislates (7)","Answer":"ENTITLE","Explanation":"Definition: Allow\n**ENTITLE** (**hidden word in**\u00a0[in] **PARLIAMENT IT LEGISLATES**)\n **ENTITLE**\n\n**ENTITLE** (empower; allow)"} {"Clue":"Move along gradually and squeeze out of top of pipe (4)","Answer":"INCH","Explanation":"Definition: Move along gradually\n**PINCH** (squeeze) **excluding** (out of) **P** (**first letter of **[top of] **PIPE**)\n **INCH**\n\n**INCH** (move by slow degrees; move along gradually)"} {"Clue":"Brown (not quite the same brown) horse or equivalent (10)","Answer":"TANTAMOUNT","Explanation":"Definition: equivalent\n**TAN** (brown) **+ TAN** ([the same] brown) **excluding the final letter** (not quite) **N** **+ MOUNT** (horse)\n **TAN** **TA** **MOUNT**\n\n**TANTAMOUNT** (equivalent)"} {"Clue":"Looking for kindness in a film (4,4,7)","Answer":"GOOD WILL HUNTING","Explanation":"Definition: film\n**GOODWILL** (benevolence; kindness)** + HUNTING** (looking for) \u2013 a cryptic definition\n **GOOD** **WILL** **HUNTING**\n\n**GOOD WILL HUNTING** (1998 film starring Robin Williams and Matt Damon )"} {"Clue":"Wet sandals disintegrating in this wilderness (10)","Answer":"WASTELANDS","Explanation":"Definition: wilderness\n**Anagram of** (disintegrating) **WET SANDALS**\n **WASTELANDS**\n\n**WASTELANDS** (desolate, barren area; wilderness)"} {"Clue":"Good judgement of pitch tackle (4)","Answer":"GEAR","Explanation":"Definition: tackle\n**G** (good) **+ EAR** (judgment of different [usually musical] sounds; judgement of pitch)\n **G** **EAR**\n\n**GEAR** (equipment; tackle)"} {"Clue":"Church cake initially cut in a stately home (7)","Answer":"CHATEAU","Explanation":"Definition: stately home\n**CH** (church) **+ ****G****ATEAU** (cake) **excluding** (cut) **the first letter** (initially) **G**\n **CH**** ATEAU**\n\n**CHATEAU** (castle or large country house,; stately home)"} {"Clue":"Raise tax in\u00a0East Leeds (over 50%) (7)","Answer":"ELEVATE","Explanation":"Definition: Raise\n**VAT** (value added tax) **contained in** (in) (**E** [East] **+ LEE** [**3 of 5 letters of** {over 50%} of **LEEDS**]) \n **E** **LE** (**VAT**)** E**\n\n**ELEVATE** (raise)"} {"Clue":"Ends of logs perhaps cut by Mike? (8)","Answer":"EXTREMES","Explanation":"Definition: Ends of \n(**EX** [from] **+ TREES** \u2013 logs come from **TREES**) **containing** (cut by) **M**\n **EX TRE** (**M**)** ES**\n\n**EXTREMES** (ends of)"} {"Clue":"Adult poetry? Not keen (6)","Answer":"AVERSE","Explanation":"Definition: Not keen\n**A** (adult) **+ VERSE** (poetry)\n **A** **VERSE**\n\n**AVERSE** (reluctant; not keen)"} {"Clue":"Celebrate eating spuds \u2013 2 or 3 perhaps, possibly 20 down or 22! (8)","Answer":"SMASHING","Explanation":"Definition: 2 or 3 perhaps, possibly 20 down or 22\n**SING** (celebrate) **containing** (eating) **MASH **(potatoes; spuds)\n **S** (**MASH**) **ING**\n\n**SMASHING** (really good, excellent; word that could mean the same as\u00a0**COOL** [2 down], **DANDY** [3 down], **WICKED** [20 down] or **GEAR** [22 across] in slang terms)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 Wow! 50? Not keen! (4)","Answer":"COOL","Explanation":"Definition: Not keen\n**COO** (expression of surprise; wow!) **+ L** (Roman numeral for 50)\n **COO** **L**\n\n**COOL** (unenthusiastic; not keen)"} {"Clue":"Old comic, e.g.. Leno, doughty missing out nothing (5)","Answer":"DANDY","Explanation":"Definition: Old comic\n**DAN** (reference George Wild Galvin [1860 \u2013 1904], English Music Hall comedian who performed under the stage name **DAN** Leno) + **DOUGHTY excluding** (missing) **OUGHT** (corruption of **NAUGHT** [nothing)]\n **DAN** **DY**\n\n**DANDY** (the world's third longest running comic first published in 1937. From the D C Thomson publishing company in Dundee it was published until 2007, when it became **DANDY** Xtreme before finally ending its run in 2010)"} {"Clue":"18 rocky inlet before crests of rip tide (6)","Answer":"COVERT","Explanation":"Definition: 18\n**COVE** (rocky inlet)** + RT (first letters of** [crests of] each of **RIP** and **TIDE**)\n **COVE** **R** **T**\n\n**COVERT** (**HIDDEN** [18 down])"} {"Clue":"Will's trial, so let it be over a short time (9)","Answer":"TESTAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Will\n**TEST** (trial) **+ AMEN** (so let it be) **+ T** (abbreviation for time; short time)\n **TEST** **AMEN** **T**\n\n**TESTAMENT** (will)"} {"Clue":"Is rue mixed into dough to make milk sterile? (10)","Answer":"PASTEURISE","Explanation":"Definition: make milk sterile\n(**Anagram of** [mixed]** IS RUE**)** contained in** (into) **PASTE** (dough for piecrust)\n **RUE** can be defined as a type of fodder plant, so I think that is the sense that is being used in the clue.\n **PAST** (**EURIS***) **E**\n\n**PASTEURISE** (to sterilise milk)"} {"Clue":"Aim for a place to sleep when camping (6)","Answer":"INTENT","Explanation":"Definition: Aim\n**IN TENT** (a place to sleep when camping)\n **IN** **TENT**\n\n**INTENT** (aim)"} {"Clue":"If willing, this settles trouble after seeing hospital department (6)","Answer":"ENTAIL","Explanation":"Definition: If willing, this settles\n**ENT** (Ear, Nose and Throat; hospital department) **+ AIL** (trouble)\n **ENT** **AIL**\n\n**ENTAIL** (to settle an estate on a series of heirs, something probably set out in a will)"} {"Clue":"These go well with coffee it's acorns blended with a hint of sesame (10)","Answer":"CROISSANTS","Explanation":"Definition: These go well with coffee\n**Anagram of** (blended with) **ITS ACORNS** and **S** (**first letter of **[hint of]** SESAME**)\n **CRO****IS****SAN****TS***\n\n**CROISSANTS** (bread rolls [should be made with lots of butter] that may be eaten with coffee)"} {"Clue":"Bribe extends membership to cover golf equipment \u2013 all taken aback (9)","Answer":"SWEETENER","Explanation":"Definition: Bribe\n(**RENEWS** [extends membership] **containing** [to cover] **TEE** [golf equipment]) **all reversed** (all taken aback)\n (**SW** (**EET**)** ENER**)<\n\n**SWEETENER** (bribe)"} {"Clue":"Concealed woman with concealed identity to protect daughter (6)","Answer":"HIDDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Concealed\n**HEN** (woman)** containing** **(ID** [identity papers]** containing** [to protect] **D** [daughter)\n **H** (**I** (**D**) **D**) **EN**\n\n**HIDDEN** (concealed)"} {"Clue":"Might he collect and store potting shed's last earth? (8)","Answer":"GARDENER","Explanation":"Definition: Might he collect and store potting shed's last earth\n**GARNER** (gather up [collect] and store) **containing** (potting) (**D** [**final letter of** [last] **SHED** **+ E** [earth])\n **GAR** (**D**** E**) **NER**\n\n**GARDENER** (the whole clue could be descriptive of a **GARDENER** who puts things in the potting shed)"} {"Clue":"With deck I redealt 1, 2 or 3 (6)","Answer":"WICKED","Explanation":"Definition: 1, 2 or 3\n**Anagram of** (redealt) **W** (with) and **DECK I**\n **W****ICKED***\n\n**WICKED** (in slang, **WICKED** can mean the equivalent of **SMASHING** [1 down], **COOL** [2 down] and **DANDY** [3 down])"} {"Clue":"Obstinate one to quickly charm (6)","Answer":"AMULET","Explanation":"Definition: charm\n**A MULE** (an obstinate person) **+ T**' (obsolete shortened form of to before a vowel)\n **A MULE T**\n\n**AMULET** (charm worn to ward off evil, disease etc)"} {"Clue":"Will's time off work (5)","Answer":"LEAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Will\n**LEAVE** (bequeath; will)\n **LEAVE**\n\n**LEAVE **(time off work) double definition"} {"Clue":"A wide train track twisted to one side (4)","Answer":"AWRY","Explanation":"Definition: twisted to one side\n**A** **+ W** (wide) **+ RY** (railway; tracks)\n **A W RY**\n\n**AWRY** (twisted to one side)"} {"Clue":"Wild horse's complaint: it is lacking love (7)","Answer":"BRONCHO","Explanation":"Definition: twisted to one side\n**A** **+ W** (wide) **+ RY** (railway; tracks)\n **A W RY**\n\n**AWRY** (twisted to one side)"} {"Clue":"When guards release family members (7)","Answer":"AUNTIES","Explanation":"Definition: family members\n**AS** (when) **containing** (guards) **UNTIE** (release)\n **A** (**UNTIE**) **S**\n\n**AUNTIES** (family members)"} {"Clue":"At last, getting rid of boundaries altogether (2,3)","Answer":"IN ALL","Explanation":"Definition: altogether\n**F****INALL****Y** (at last) **excluding** (getting rid of) **the outer letters** (boundaries) **F** and **Y**\n **IN ALL**\n\n**IN ALL** (altogether)"} {"Clue":"Lucky escape from stifling demand (5,4)","Answer":"CLOSE CALL","Explanation":"Definition: Lucky escape\n**CLOSE** (airless; stifling)** ****+**** CALL** (demand)\n **CLOSE** **CALL**\n\n**CLOSE CALL** (narrow escape)"} {"Clue":"Young women most elegant when naked (7)","Answer":"LASSIES","Explanation":"Definition: Young women\n**CLASSIEST **(most elegant) **excluding the outer letters** (naked) **C** and **T**\n **LASSIES**\n\n**LASSIES** (young women)"} {"Clue":"Fairly narrow-minded Republican is welcomed (6)","Answer":"PRETTY","Explanation":"Definition: Fairly\n**PETTY** (narrow-minded)** containing** (is welcomed) **R** (Republican)\n **P** (**R**) **ETTY**\n\n**PRETTY** (fairly)"} {"Clue":"Divine movement in pants tires Tom out (13)","Answer":"PROTESTANTISM","Explanation":"Definition: Divine movement\n**Anagram of** (out) **PANTS TIRES TOM**\n **PROTESTANTISM***\n\n**PROTESTANTISM** (religious or divine movement)"} {"Clue":"One has left the country before boxing Russian fighter (6)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: One has left the country \n**ERE **(before) **containing** (boxing) **MIG** (Russian fighter jet)\n **E** (**MIG**) **RE**\n\n**\u00c9MIGR\u00c9 **(one who has left the country)"} {"Clue":"Anger because deposing leader requires consent, essentially (7)","Answer":"INCENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Anger\n**SINCE** (because) **excluding** (deposing) **the first letter** (leader) **S** **+ NSE** (**central letters **[essentially] **of** **CONSENT**)\n **INCE** **NSE**\n\n**INCENSE **(anger)"} {"Clue":"Stimulant is deep in her bum (9)","Answer":"EPHEDRINE","Explanation":"Definition: Stimulant\n**Anagram of** (bum) **DEEP IN HER**\n **EP****H****ED****RINE***\n\n**EPHEDRINE** (stimulant used in treating hay fever, asthma etc)"} {"Clue":"Force Italian to pop by (5)","Answer":"VISIT","Explanation":"Definition: pop by\n**VIS** (power, force) **+ IT** (Italian)\n **VIS** **IT**\n\n**VISIT** (pop by)"} {"Clue":"What in Spain has fight over bunch of flowers (7)","Answer":"BOUQUET","Explanation":"Definition: bunch of flowers\n**QUE** (Spanish for 'what?') **contained in** (has \u2026 over) **BOUT** (fight)\n **BOU** (**QUE**) **T**\n\n**BOUQUET** (bunch of flowers)"} {"Clue":"Adjust wee Tim's cap at the front (7)","Answer":"TWIDDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Adjust\n**T** (**first letter of** [cap] **TIM**) **+ WIDDLE** (urinate; wee)\n **T** **WIDDLE**\n\n**TWIDDLE** (play with; adjust)"} {"Clue":"State of unconsciousness that punctuates a molar being extracted (4)","Answer":"COMA","Explanation":"Definition: State of unconsciousness\n**COMMA** (punctuation mark) **excluding** (being extracted) **M** (molar) I can't find M as an abbreviation in an dictionary for 'molar' in the dental sense. All I can find is reference to molar mass or molarity that may have the symbol **M** in science.\n **COMA**\n\n**COMA** (state of unconsciousness)"} {"Clue":"Eyes some vaudeville comedians up (6)","Answer":"OCELLI","Explanation":"Definition: Eyes\n**OCELLI** (**hidden word** (some) **reversed** (coming up; down clue) in **VAUDEVILLE COMEDIANS**)\n **OCELLI**<\n\n**OCELLI** (simple eyes)"} {"Clue":"Extremely short criminal is Parisian, stashing coins, oddly (9)","Answer":"CONCISEST","Explanation":"Definition: Extremely short\n(**CON** [criminal] + **EST** [French{Parisian} for 'is']) **containing** (stashing) **CIS** (**letters 1, 3 and 5**\u00a0[oddly] of **COIN****S**)\n **CON** (**CIS**) **EST**\n\n**CONCISEST** (extremely short)"} {"Clue":"Touring the outskirts of Rome? Perhaps fly privately (2,6)","Answer":"IN SECRET","Explanation":"Definition: privately\n**INSECT** (a fly is an example of an** INSECT**) **containing** (touring) **RE** (**first and last letters** [outskirts] of **ROME**)\n **IN SEC** (**RE**)** T**\n\n**IN SECRET** (privately)"} {"Clue":"Second-class craftsman absorbs international pressure from both sides (10)","Answer":"BIPARTISAN","Explanation":"Definition: both sides\n(**B** [second class] **+ ARTISAN** [craftsman]) **containing** (absorbs) (**I** [international] **+ P** [pressure])\n **B** (**I** **P**) **ARTISAN**\n\n**BIPARTISAN** (consisting of members of, two parties; from both sides)"} {"Clue":"Rein in British waste (6)","Answer":"BRIDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Rein\n**BR** (British) **+ IDLE** (waste)\n **BR** **IDLE**\n\n**BRIDLE** (halter; rein)"} {"Clue":"Fusses about nothing terribly sad (4)","Answer":"ADOS","Explanation":"Definition: Fusses\n**Anagram of** (terribly) **SAD** **containing** (about) **O** (zero; nothing)\n **AD** (**O**)** S***\n\n**ADOS** (fusses)"} {"Clue":"Shows inspector missing spreads (6)","Answer":"SPLAYS","Explanation":"Definition: spreads\n**DISPLAYS** (shows)** excluding** (missing) **DI** (Detective Inspector)\n **SPLAYS**\n\n**SPLAYS** (spreads out)"} {"Clue":"Really dreadful thugs trap head of Interpol (8,2)","Answer":"STRAIGHT UP","Explanation":"Definition: Really\n**Anagram of** (dreadful) **THUGS TRA****P** **containing** (trap) **I **(**first letter of** [head of] **INTERPOL**) **TRAP** seems to be doing double duty in this clue being part of the anagram fodder and also indicting the containment.\n **ST****RA** (**I**) **GH****T** **U****P***\n\n**STRAIGHT UP** (honestly; really)"} {"Clue":"Plan for a party (9)","Answer":"MANIFESTO","Explanation":"Definition: Plan for a party\nCryptic definition of **MANIFESTO** as a policy statement (plan)\u00a0for a political party\n **MANIFESTO**\n\n**MANIFESTO"} {"Clue":"Spooner's terrible solicitor is knackered (5,3)","Answer":"TIRED OUT","Explanation":"Definition: knackered\n**TIRED OUT** \u2013 I'm not sure what is happening here. A Spoonerism of **TIRED OUT** would be **IRED TOUT** [solicitor] I think, but I don't see how terrible relates to **IRED**\n **TIRED OUT**\n\n**TIRED OUT** (knackered)"} {"Clue":"Electronic device that never ever bakes cakes (6)","Answer":"REVERB","Explanation":"Definition: Electronic device\n**REVERB** (**hidden word in** [cakes {covers}] **NEVER EVER BAKES**)\n **REVERB**\n\n**REVERB** (electronic device that creates an effect of **REVERB**eration, used in recording or with electrically amplified instruments."} {"Clue":"Condition affects talker from time to time (6)","Answer":"FETTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Condition\n**FETTLE** (**letters 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12** [from time to time] of **AFFECTS TALKER**)\n **FETTLE**\n\n**FETTLE** (condition)"} {"Clue":"Fissure beneath California leads to collapse (4,2)","Answer":"CAVE IN","Explanation":"Definition: collapse\n**CA** (abbreviation for the State of California) **+ VEIN** (fissure or cavity)\n **CA VE IN**\n\n**CAVE IN** (collapse)"} {"Clue":"Pass time fast (4)","Answer":"DIET","Explanation":"Definition: fas\n**DIE** (pass) **+ ****T** (time)\n **DIE T**\n\n**DIET** (eat less; fast)"} {"Clue":"7Up is just fizzy water (4)","Answer":"SODA","Explanation":"Definition: fizzy water\n**ADOS** (entry at 7 down) **reversed** (up; down clue)\n **SODA**<\n\n**SODA** (water [now commonly without sodium bicarbonate] charged with carbon dioxide; fizzy water)"} {"Clue":"Due for repair, orgasmotron perhaps lacking final ecstasy, a rather improbable device (4,2,7)","Answer":"DEUS EX MACHINA","Explanation":"Definition: rather improbable device\n**Anagram of **(for repair) **DUE** **+ SEX MACHINE** (orgasmatron; fictional device) **excluding the final letter** (lacking final) **E** (ecstasy tablet) **+ A**\n **DEU***** S EX MACHIN A**\n\n**DEUS EX MACHINA** (a god brought on the stage by a mechanical device; a contrived and inartistic solution of a difficulty in a plot; a rather improbable device)"} {"Clue":"Likeness of Quasimodo at end of novel? (4,6)","Answer":"DEAD RINGER","Explanation":"Definition: Likeness\n**DEAD** (descriptive of Quasimodo's state at the end of Victor Hugo's novel, the Hunchback of Notre Dame) **+ RINGER** (Quasimodo was a bell-**RINGER**)\n **DEAD** **RINGER**\n\n**DEAD RINGER** (a person who, or a thing that, looks exactly like someone or something else)"} {"Clue":"Cries of murder announcing motive (4)","Answer":"CAWS","Explanation":"Definition: Cries of murder\n**CAWS** (sounds like [announcing] **CAUSE** [motive])\n **CAWS**\n\n**CAWS** ((cries of\u00a0crows, a collection of whom are described as a murder; murder of crows)"} {"Clue":"Break at a time that's about right for biscuits (8)","Answer":"AMARETTI","Explanation":"Definition: biscuits\n**Anagram of** (break) **AT A TIME** **containing** (that's about) **R** (right)\n **A****M****A** (**R**) **E****T****TI***\n\n**AMARETTI** (almond-flavoured biscuits, eaten as a dessert)"} {"Clue":"Phone that may be suspended (6)","Answer":"MOBILE","Explanation":"Definition: Phone\n**MOBILE** (type of hand held phone)\n **MOBILE**\n\n**MOBILE** (a moving or movable body or part; an artistic structure, originally consisting of dangling forms, now sometimes having a base, in which movement is caused by air currents) double definition"} {"Clue":"Follow the money, to encapsulate Trump's essence (6)","Answer":"PURSUE","Explanation":"Definition: Follow\n**PURSE** (money) **containing** (to encapsulate) **U** (**middle letter of** [essence] **TRUMP**)\n **PUR****S** (**U**) **E**\n\n**PURSUE** (follow)"} {"Clue":"Craft outlines of campaign launch with Remain backing holding (6)","Answer":"YACHTS","Explanation":"Definition: Craft\n**STAY** (remain) **reversed** (backing) **containing** (holding) **CH** (**first and last letters of** [outlines of] **CAMPAIGN LAUNCH**)\n **YA** (**CH**) **TS**<\n\n**YACHTS** (light fast sailing-vessels; craft)"} {"Clue":"Refuse to die (4,2)","Answer":"PASS ON","Explanation":"Definition: Refuse\n**PASS ON** (refuse to answer question; I'll **PASS ON** that)\n **PASS ON**\n\n**PASS ON** (die) double definition"} {"Clue":"Crack inside tree from the east producing shrub (6)","Answer":"MYRTLE","Explanation":"Definition: shrub\n(**TRY** [attempt; have a crack at] **contained in** [inside] **ELM** [tree]) **all reversed** (from the east)\n (**M** (**YRT**) **LE**)<\n\n**MYRTLE** (shrub)"} {"Clue":"Wood to do job of sleeper once top's cut off (6)","Answer":"LUMBER","Explanation":"Definition: Wood\n**SLUMBER** (what a sleeper does) **excluding** (off) **the first letter** (top) **S**\n **LUMBER**\n\n**LUMBER **(timber, especially sawn and split for use; wood)"} {"Clue":"Dishevelled, given tie in case (8)","Answer":"GENITIVE","Explanation":"Definition: case\n**Anagram of** (dishevelled) **GIVEN TIE**\n **GENI****TI****V****E*******\n\n**GENITIVE** (of or belonging to a case expressing origin, possession, or similar relation)"} {"Clue":"Great match, yours truly taking the lead (4)","Answer":"MEGA","Explanation":"Definition: Great\n**GAME** (match) with** ME** (yours truly) **moving\u00a0in front of** (taking the lead)\u00a0**GA**\n **ME**** GA**\n\n**MEGA** (huge; great)"} {"Clue":"Copy two letters from Croatian into Serbian erratically first time (10)","Answer":"TRANSCRIBE","Explanation":"Definition: Copy\n**T** (time) **+** (**CR** [{first}** two letters of **{two letters from}**CROATIAN**] **contained in** [into] **an anagram of** [erratically] **SERBIAN**) The **T** is leading as it is described as 'first'\n **T** **RANS** (**CR**) **IBE***\n\n**TRANSCRIBE** (copy)"} {"Clue":"Group savaged sexism and system for rating figure (4,4,5)","Answer":"BODY MASS INDEX","Explanation":"Definition: system for rating figure\n**BODY** (group) **+ an anagram of** (savaged) **SEXISM AND**\n **BODY ****MASS INDEX*******\n\n**BODY MASS INDEX** (an **INDEX** of obesity calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by the square of height in metres; system for rating figure)"} {"Clue":"Unrealistically planned paper on Brexit finally accepted by unionists (6,2)","Answer":"DREAMT UP","Explanation":"Definition: Unrealistically planned\n(**REAM** [480 or 500 sheets of paper] **+ T** [**last letter of** {finally} **BREXIT**]) **contained in** (accepted by) **DUP** (Democratic Unionist Party)\n **D** (**REAM T**) **UP**\n\n**DREAMT UP** (planned in the mind, often unrealistically)"} {"Clue":"What steers at outset nibbled? (5)","Answer":"UDDER","Explanation":"Definition: What steers at outset nibbled\n**RUDDER** (device used for steering a boat) **excluding** (nibbled) **the first lette**r (at the outset) **R**\n **UDDER**\n\n**UDDER **(the organ containing the mammary glands of the cow, which a young ox [steer] may nibble at the outset of it's life)\u00a0[steer"} {"Clue":"Romans perhaps sleep uneasily with it (7)","Answer":"EPISTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Romans perhaps\n**Anagram of** (uneasily \u2026 with) **SLEEP** and** IT**\n **EP****I****S****TL****E***\n\n**EPISTLE** (In the New Testament, the sixth book is Paul's **EPISTLE** to the Romans)"} {"Clue":"Making great drink that can cause you to see double! (10,5)","Answer":"MAGNIFYING GLASS","Explanation":"Definition: that can cause you to see double\n**MAGNIFYING** (making great) **+ GLASS** (the quantity of liquid a GLASS holds; drink)\n **MAGNIFYING ****GLASS**\n\n**MAGNIFYING GLASS** (an instrument that enlarges, possibly enabling you to see double the size)"} {"Clue":"Like e.g. bowl of unfinished ice cream, melting (7)","Answer":"CERAMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Like e.g. bowl\n**Anagram of** (melting)** ICE** **excluding the final letter** (unfinished) **E**\u00a0and **CREAM** \n **CERAM****IC***\n\n**CERAMIC** ( any product that is first shaped and then hardened by means of heat, or the material from which it is formed (esp traditional potter's clay, but also a large range of modern materials of quite different composition, e.g. a bowl));"} {"Clue":"Perhaps with bat juvenile, a high place is what will help early life? (9)","Answer":"INCUBATOR","Explanation":"Definition: what will help early life\n**IN** (batting; with bat) **+ CUB** (young person or animal; juvenile) **+ A + TOR** (hill; high place)\n **IN**** CUB** **A** **TOR**\n\n**INCUBATOR** (apparatus for hatching eggs by artificial heat, or rearing prematurely born babies; something that will help with early life)"} {"Clue":"A fabric of choice (2,4)","Answer":"AT WILL","Explanation":"Definition: what will help early life\n**IN** (batting; with bat) **+ CUB** (young person or animal; juvenile) **+ A + TOR** (hill; high place)\n **IN**** CUB** **A** **TOR**\n\n**INCUBATOR** (apparatus for hatching eggs by artificial heat, or rearing prematurely born babies; something that will help with early life)"} {"Clue":"Celebrity directors getting right to 14 (9)","Answer":"STARBOARD","Explanation":"Definition: right to 14\n**STAR** (celebrity)** + BOARD** (ref **BOARD** of directors)\n **STAR** **BOARD**\n\n**STARBOARD** (on boats [**YACHTS**, 14 a cross] , the right hand side in relation to the direction of travel is referred to as **STARBOARD**)"} {"Clue":"What's needed to keep one's hand in before fight? Coach may have it (5,3)","Answer":"GLOVE BOX","Explanation":"Definition: Coach may have it\n**GLOVE** (covering for the hand) **+ BOX** (fight)\n **GLOVE** **BOX**\n\n**GLOVE BOX** (the fighter's coach may keep a **BOX** for **GLOVE**s)"} {"Clue":"Despicables carrying rubbish in manbag? (7)","Answer":"SCROTUM","Explanation":"Definition: manbag\n**SCUM** (despicable people) **containing** (carrying) **ROT** (rubbish)\n **SC** (**ROT**) **UM**\n\n**SCROTUM** (bag of skin that contains the male reproductive glands in mammals; man bag)"} {"Clue":"Runner soon knackered during one kilometre uphill (7)","Answer":"MONOSKI","Explanation":"Definition: Runner\n**Anagram of** (knackered) **SOON** **contained in** (during ) **(****I** [one] and **KM** [kilometre])** reversed** (uphill; down clue)\n **M** (**ONOS***) **K I**<\n\n**MONOSKI** (**SKI** [runner]\u00a0on which both feet are placed)"} {"Clue":"Fantastic player brought on by way of breaking in (6)","Answer":"SUPERB","Explanation":"Definition: Fantastic\n**PER** (by way of) **contained in** (breaking in) **SUB** (substitute; player brought on during a game in place of another)\n **SU** (**PER**) **B**\n\n**SUPERB** (fantastic)"} {"Clue":"Beat it, flipping Commie (5)","Answer":"TIRED","Explanation":"Definition: Beat\n**IT** **reversed** (flipping) **+ RED** (Communist; commie)\n **TI**< **RED**\n\n**TIRED** (exhausted; beat)"} {"Clue":"Remove diamonds: make engraved design without one (6)","Answer":"DETACH","Explanation":"Definition: Remove\n**D** (diamonds) **+** (**ETCH** [make engraved design] **containing** [outwith; outside] **A** [one])\n **D** **ET** (**A**) **CH**\n\n**DETACH** (remove)"} {"Clue":"Historic recordings including one's poem and other passages (8)","Answer":"EPISODES","Explanation":"Definition: other passages\n**EPS** (Extended Play records; historic records) **containing** (including) **(****I'S** [one's] + **ODE **(poem)\n **EP** (**IS** **ODE**) **S**\n\n**EPISODES** (musical term describing passages giving relief from the principal subject)"} {"Clue":"Ingredients in Communist stance (11)","Answer":"COMPOSITION","Explanation":"Definition: Ingredients\n**COM** (communist) **+ POSITION** (stance)\n **COM** **POSITION**\n\n**COMPOSITION** (make-up; constituent parts; ingredients)"} {"Clue":"10, small piece, with third element repeated (5)","Answer":"MOTET","Explanation":"Definition: 10\n**MOTE **(speck; small particle) **+ T** (again [repeated[] **third letter of** [third element] **MOTE**)\n **MOTE** **T**\n\n**MOTET** (anthem or church cantata.; musical **COMPOSITION** [10 across])"} {"Clue":"Spa town right for Parisian enchantress, we hear (9)","Answer":"DROITWICH","Explanation":"Definition: Spa town\n**DROIT** (right in French [Parisians]) **+ WICH** (**sounds like** [we hear] **WITCH**[enchantress])\n **DROIT ****WICH**\n\n**DROITWICH** (spa town ion England)"} {"Clue":"Skirt: worked at including navy length (6)","Answer":"DIRNDL","Explanation":"Definition: Skirt\n(**DID** [worked at] **containing** [including] **RN** [Royal Navy]) **+ L** (length)\n **DI **(**RN**) **D** **L**\n\n**DIRNDL **(Alpine peasant woman's dress with close-fitting bodice and full skirt or an imitation of this, especially a full skirt with a tight, often elasticated, waistband)"} {"Clue":"Gave son rocks from French mountains (7)","Answer":"VOSGEAN","Explanation":"Definition: from French mountains\n**Anagram of **(rocks) **GAVE SON**\n **V****OS****GEA****N***\n\n**VOSGEAN** (from the **VOSGES** mountain area of Eastern France)"} {"Clue":"Indirect treatment of boil \u2013 quite free of it? (7)","Answer":"OBLIQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Indirect\n**Anagram of **(treatment) **BOIL** **+ QUITE** **excluding** (free of) **IT**\n **OBLI***** QUE**\n\n**OBLIQUE** (indirect)"} {"Clue":"Excellent bird not included in big game in US? (6)","Answer":"SUPERB","Explanation":"Definition: Excellent\n**SUPERBOWL** (biggest game every year in American Football) **excluding** (not included) **OWL **(bird)\n **SUPERB**\n\n**SUPERB** (excellent)"} {"Clue":"Happen to turn? (4,5)","Answer":"COME ABOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Happen\n**COME ABOUT** (nautical term meaning turn to face the opposite way)\n **COME ABOUT**\n\n**COME ABOUT** (happen) double definition"} {"Clue":"Heroine of 10 seen around a\u00a0US city (5)","Answer":"MIAMI","Explanation":"Definition: US city\n**MIMI** (operatic heroine in La Boheme by Puccini; heroine of [musical **COMPOSITION**,** **10 across)** containing** (seen around) **A**\n **MI **(**A**)** MI**\n\n**MIAMI** (city in Florida, USA)"} {"Clue":"River always supplying fish (3)","Answer":"RAY","Explanation":"Definition: fish\n**R** (river) **+ AY** (always)\n **R** **AY**\n\n**RAY **(fish)"} {"Clue":"Bounder that rebuilt in sixteenth century style (11)","Answer":"TUDORBETHAN","Explanation":"Definition: in sixteenth century style\n**Anagram of** (rebuilt) **BOUNDER THAT**\n **TUDORBETHAN***\n\n**TUDORBETHAN** (in imitation of **TUDOR** [sixteenth century] style)"} {"Clue":"10, clear and clean, without piano (8)","Answer":"OVERTURE","Explanation":"Definition: 10\n**OVERT** (open to view; clear) **+ PURE** (clean) **excluding** (without) **P** (piano)\n **OVERT** **URE**\n\n**OVERTURE** (musical **COMPOSITION** [10 across])"} {"Clue":"Important violinist audible in 10s (6)","Answer":"LIEDER","Explanation":"Definition: 10s\n**LIEDER** (**sounds like** [audible] **LEADER**, a term applied to the most principal first\u00a0violinist in an orchestra)\n **LIEDER**\n\n**LIEDER **(German songs; musical COMPOSITION [10 across])"} {"Clue":"Escape allowed no return, after turning over military cop (6)","Answer":"DECAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Escape\n**ACED** (served an **ACE** in tennis, which means\u00a0no return of the ball) reversed (after turning) **+ MP** (military policeman)\n **DECA**< **MP**\n\n**DECAMP** (make off secretly; escape)"} {"Clue":"Jail sentence before court case? That's a measure of speed? (4,5)","Answer":"TIME TRIAL","Explanation":"Definition: a measure of speed\n**TIME** (jail sentence) **+ TRIAL** (court case)\n **TIME** **TRIAL**\n\n**TIME TRIAL** (event, especially in cycling, in which competitors set off one at a time, and attempt to cover a set distance in the shortest time; measure of speed)"} {"Clue":"Deception that's brought about defeat? One's in the soup (7)","Answer":"CROUTON","Explanation":"Definition: One's in the soup\n**CON** (confidence trick; deception) **containing** (brought about) **ROUT** (defeat)\n **C** (**ROUT**) **ON**\n\n**CROUTON** (small cube of fried or toasted bread, as used in soups and salads)"} {"Clue":"They go to stir providing stir provisions, possibly (6,8)","Answer":"PRISON VISITORS","Explanation":"Definition: They go to stir providing stir provisions, possibly\n**Anagram of **(possibly) **STIR PROVISIONS**\n **P****RIS****ON VISI****T****ORS***\n\n**PRISON VISITORS** (people who **VISIT PRISON**ers in jail as a voluntary service.)"} {"Clue":"10s very much upset the Devil (7)","Answer":"SONATAS","Explanation":"Definition: 10s\n**SO** (very much) **+ SATAN** (Devil) **reversed** (upset; down clue)\n **SO** **NATAS**<\n\n**SONATAS** (musical **COMPOSITION**s [10 across])"} {"Clue":"Hot, entering food shop in Asian capital (5)","Answer":"DELHI","Explanation":"Definition: Asian capital\n**H** (hot) **contained in** (entering) **DELI** (delicatessen; food shop)\n **DEL** (**H**) **I**\n\n**DELHI** (capital territory \/ capital city of India [or not]. You can do your own research on the difference between **DELHI** and New **DELHI**)"} {"Clue":"Picked up my source of solace: unreal 10 (8)","Answer":"SYMPHONY","Explanation":"Definition: 10\n(**MY** **+ S** [**first letter of** [source of] **SOLACE**) **all reversed** (picked up; down clue) **+**** PHONY** (unreal)\n (**S** **YM**)< **PHONY**\n\n**SYMPHONY** (musical **COMPOSITION** [10 across])"} {"Clue":"Endured billowy clouds where the USAF fly? (4,4,6)","Answer":"WILD BLUE YONDER","Explanation":"Definition: where the USAF fly\n**Anagram of **(clouds) **ENDURED BILLOWY**\n **WILD BLUE YONDER***\n\n**WILD BLUE YONDER** (the first line of the song \"The US Air Force Song\" is \"Off we go into the **WILD BLUE YONDER**\"\u00a0)"} {"Clue":"English daunted about start of rubbish Aussie's prattled (9)","Answer":"EARBASHED","Explanation":"Definition: Aussie's prattled\n**E** (English) **+** (**ABASHED** [daunted] **containing** (about) **R** [**first letter of **{start of} **RUBBISH**])\n **E** **A** (**R**) **BASHED**\n\n**EARBASHED** (Australian term for talked incessantly or prattled)"} {"Clue":"10, something definite in company? Definitely not! (6)","Answer":"CONCERTO","Explanation":"Definition: 10\n**CERT **(certainty; something definite) **contained in** (in) **+ CO** [company] **+ NO** [definitely not])\n **CO** **N** (**CERT**) **O**\n\n**CONCERTO** (musical **COMPOSITION** [10 across])"} {"Clue":"Peaceful, yielding one to skill in 10 (7)","Answer":"QUARTET","Explanation":"Definition: 10\n**QUIET** (peacefully) with **I** (Roman numeral for one) **being replaced by** (yielding to) **ART** (skill)\n **QU** (**ART**) **ET**\n\n**QUARTET** (musical **COMPOSITION** [10 across])"} {"Clue":"Roman site: splendour that is uplifting around capital of Italy (7)","Answer":"POMPEII","Explanation":"Definition: Roman site\n**POMP** (splendour) **+** (**IE** [id est; that is] **reversed** [uplifting; down clue] **containing** [around] **I **[**first letter of** {capital of} **ITALY**])\n **POMP** **E** (**I**) **I**<\n\n**POMPEII** (a well known Roman site)"} {"Clue":"Meal notes included in long recipe, initially (6)","Answer":"DINNER","Explanation":"Definition: Meal\n([**N** {note} **+ N** {note} giving notes] **contained in** [included in] **DIE** [long])** + R** (**first letter of** [initially] **RECIPE**)\n **DI** (**N** **N**) **E** **R**\n\n**DINNER** (meal)"} {"Clue":"Possibly erected some sculpture by a man (5)","Answer":"MAYBE","Explanation":"Definition: Possibly\n**MAYBE** (**hidden word** [some] reversed [erected] in **SCULPTURE BY A MAN**)\n **MAYBE****<**\n\n**MAYBE** (possibly)"} {"Clue":"Mood shown by couple on short piece of film (7)","Answer":"CLIMATE","Explanation":"Definition: Mood\n**CLI****P** (piece taken from a film for separate showing) **excluding the last letter** (short) **P** + **MATE** (to couple)\u00a0)\n **CLI** **MATE**\n\n**CLIMATE **(atmosphere; mood)"} {"Clue":"14 rising from Section admitting member (7)","Answer":"WARMING","Explanation":"Definition: 14 rising\n**WING** (section) **containing** (admitting) **ARM** (member)\n **W** (**ARM**) **ING**\n\n**WARMING** (descriptive of **TEMPERATURES** [14 across] rising"} {"Clue":"Regularly valued bijou is sound (5)","Answer":"AUDIO","Explanation":"Definition: sound\n**AUDIO** (**letters 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10** [regularly] of **VALUED BIJOU**)\n **AUDIO**\n\n**AUDIO** (sound)"} {"Clue":"Less 27 1D on time, with break of day (5,4)","Answer":"TONED DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Less 27 \n**T** (time) **+** (**ONE DOWN** [1D] **containing** [with] **D** [**first letter o**f {break of} **DAY**])\n **T** **ONE** (**D**) **DOWN**\n\n**TONED DOWN** (less **EXTREME** [27 across])"} {"Clue":"A place for growing protest about English space research's closure (10)","Answer":"GREENHOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: A place for growing\n**GROUSE** (complain; protest) **containing** (about (**E** [English] **+ EN** [space in printing terminology] **+ H** [**last letter of** {closure} **RESEARCH**])\n **GR** (**E** **EN** **H**) **OUSE**\n\n**GREENHOUSE** (place for growing plants)"} {"Clue":"Firstly getting asthmatic, so pant (4)","Answer":"GASP","Explanation":"Definition: pant\n**GASP** **(first letters of** [firstly] **GETTING**, **ASTHMATIC**, **SO** and **PANT**)\n **GASP**\n\n**GASP** (pan or breathe in a distressed manner) This may be an &Lit clue where the whole clue is the definition"} {"Clue":"Moderate characters beginning to drop degree classifications (12)","Answer":"TEMPERATURES","Explanation":"Definition: degree classifications\n**TEMPER** (moderate)** + NATURES** (characters) **excluding** (to drop) **the first letter** (beginning) **N**\n **TEMPER** **ATURES**\n\n**TEMPERATURES** (degrees of hotness of a body, etc or medium [eg air, water] ascertainable by means of a thermometer; degree classifications)"} {"Clue":"Following closely to this I run up shattered (2,3,7)","Answer":"IN HOT PURSUIT","Explanation":"Definition: Following closely\nAnagram of (shattered) **TO THIS I RUN UP**\n **IN HOT PURSUIT***\n\n**IN HOT PURSUIT** ((following closely at full speed)"} {"Clue":"Career suggestion after scratching the head (4)","Answer":"RACE","Explanation":"Definition: Career\n**TRACE** (suggestion) **excluding** (scratching) **the first letter** (the head) **T**\n **RACE**\n\n**RACE **(rush; career)"} {"Clue":"Reminder to stir duck paella wife cooked omitting last of squid (4-2,4)","Answer":"WAKE-UP CALL","Explanation":"Definition: Reminder\n**Anagram of** (cooked) **DUCK PAELLA** and **W** (wife) **excluding** (omitting) **D** (**final letter of** [last of] **SQUID**)\n **W****A****K****E-****U****P ****C****ALL***\n\n**WAKE-UP CALL** (prearranged telephone **CALL**\u00a0to inform someone that it is time to get up; reminder to stir [rose; **WAKE-UP**]))"} {"Clue":"Impressive profile (9)","Answer":"FOOTPRINT","Explanation":"Definition: Impressive profile\n**FOOTPRINT** (shape [profile] of, for instance, the area surrounding an airport, or the part of an aircraft's flight path, in which the noise is liable to be above a certain level)\n **FOOTPRINT**\n\n**FOOTPRINT** (impression [mark] left on the ground or floor by a person's or animal's **FOOT**) double definition"} {"Clue":"Fast food produced by British bake-off (5)","Answer":"KEBAB","Explanation":"Definition: Fast food\n**Anagram of** (off) **B** (British) and **BAKE**\n **KEBA****B***\n\n**KEBAB** (example of a food often served in a fast food establishment)"} {"Clue":"Part of sex tremendously far out (7)","Answer":"EXTREME","Explanation":"Definition: far out\n**EXTREME** (hidden word in [part of] **SEX TREMENDOUSLY**)\n **EXTREME**\n\n**EXTREME** (most remote; far out)"} {"Clue":"Two ways adult rejected gland (7)","Answer":"ADRENAL","Explanation":"Definition: gland\n(**LANE** [narrow road; way] **+ RD** [road; way] giving two ways **+ A** [adult]) all reversed (rejected)\n (**A** **DR** **ENAL**)<\n\n**ADRENAL** (a gland near the kidneys secreting adrenaline and steroids)"} {"Clue":"Suspend during church reform (6)","Answer":"CHANGE","Explanation":"Definition: reform\n**HANG** (suspend) **contained in** (during) **CE** (Church [of England])\n **C** (**HANG**) **E**\n\n**CHANGE** (reform)"} {"Clue":"Independent head of private new hospital department lost without doubt (6)","Answer":"INDEED","Explanation":"Definition: without doubt\n**INDEPENDENT** **excluding** (lost) (**P** [**first letter of** {head of} **PRIVATE**] and **N** [new]** + ENT** {Ear, Nose & Throat; hospital department]) leaving only the letters **INDEED**\n **INDEED**\n\n**INDEED** (without doubt)"} {"Clue":"Notice decorations lacking tip of attractive frills (10)","Answer":"ADORNMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: frills\n**AD** (advertisement; notice) **+ ORNAMENTS** (decorations) **excluding** (lacking) **A** (**first letter of **[tip of]** ATTRACTIVE**)\n **AD** **ORNMENTS**\n\n**ADORNMENTS** (frills)"} {"Clue":"Poetic inspiration from French art \u2013 silly rot\u00a0(5)","Answer":"ESTRO","Explanation":"Definition: Poetic inspiration\n**ES** (French for the old-fashioned form of 'are'; art) **+ an anagram of** (silly) **ROT**\n **ES ****TRO***\n\n**ESTRO** (height of poetic inspiration)"} {"Clue":"Find USSR with suspect planes over the sea (9)","Answer":"WINDSURFS","Explanation":"Definition: planes over the sea\n**Anagram of** (suspect) **FIND USSR** and **W** (with)\n **W****IND****SUR****F****S***\n\n**WINDSURFS** (rides on a sailboard; planes over the sea)"} {"Clue":"Journey East to free the leader (4)","Answer":"RIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Journey\n**RID** (free) **+ E** (East) 'the leader' is indicating that **RID** should come before **E**\n **RID** **E**\n\n**RIDE **(journey)"} {"Clue":"Setter's old, funny and latterly ignoring the odds getting extreme admiration (8)","Answer":"IDOLATRY","Explanation":"Definition: extreme admiration\n**I **(setter [of the crossword]) **+ an anagram of** (funny) **OLD** **+ ATRY** **(letters 2, 4, 6 and 8** [ignoring the odds] of **LATTERLY**)\n **I** **DOL*** **ATRY**\n\n**IDOLATRY** (excessive adoration)"} {"Clue":"During drive home, dad's overtaken (4,4)","Answer":"GONE PAST","Explanation":"Definition: overtaken\n**PA** (father; dad) **contained in** (during) (**GO** [vitality; drive]** + NEST** [bird's home]) \n **GO** **NE** (**PA**) **ST**\n\n**GONE PAST** (overtaken)"} {"Clue":"Revealing game to be OK with European after this instruction (5,5)","Answer":"STRIP POKER","Explanation":"Definition: Revealing game\n**STRIP POKER** is an instruction to **remove the outer letters** **P** and **R** from the word **POKER.** Doing this will leave you with **OK** and **E** as described in the clue\n **STRIP** **P** **OK** **E** **R**\n\n**STRIP POKER **(card game in which losses are paid by removing articles of clothing)"} {"Clue":"Make more than one place on river with pronounced views (9)","Answer":"PLURALISE","Explanation":"Definition: Make more than one\n**PL** (place) **+ URAL** (river in Russia and Kazakhstan) **+ ISE** (**sounds like** [pronounced]** EYES** [views])\n **PL**** URAL** **ISE**\n\n**PLURALISE** (makes more than one)"} {"Clue":"Pneumatic arm is initially frailer when modified (3,5)","Answer":"AIR RIFLE","Explanation":"Definition: Pneumatic arm\n**Anagram of** (when modified)** I** (**first letter of** [initially] **IS**) and** FRAILER**\n **AIR RIFLE*******\n\n**AIR RIFLE** (weapon [arm] hat fire missiles by means of compressed air. [i.e. pneumatic in nature])"} {"Clue":"Where one pays to listen to opinion of some Brexiteers? (8)","Answer":"CHECKOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Where one pays\n**CHECK OUT** (sounds like **CZECH** [native of the **CZECH** Republic, which is a member of the European Union]) **+ OUT** (what Brexiteers want Britain's status with the European to be)\n **CHECK** **OUT**\n\n**CHECKOUT** (cash desk where goods are paid for)"} {"Clue":"Substance, one that provides energy shortly before working (6)","Answer":"CARBON","Explanation":"Definition: Substance\n**CARB** (brief form of [shortly] **CARBOHYDRATE**)** + ON** (working)\n **CARB** **ON**\n\n**CARBON** (example of a substance)"} {"Clue":"Throw girl keeps as blanket (6)","Answer":"GLOBAL","Explanation":"Definition: blanket\n**LOB** (throw) **contained in** (in) **GAL** (girl)\n **G** (**LOB**) **AL**\n\n**GLOBAL** (worldwide; universal; blanket)"} {"Clue":"More paintings by Magritte \u2013 his last retrospective coming up (5)","Answer":"EXTRA","Explanation":"Definition: More\n(**ART** [paintings] **+ X** (times; by) **+ E** [**final letter of** {his last} **MAGRITT****E**]) **all reversed** (retrospective coming up; down clue)\n (**E** **X** **TRA**)<\n\n**EXTRA** (more)"} {"Clue":"Final two in House after accepted start of parliamentary recess (4)","Answer":"APSE","Explanation":"Definition: recess\n**A** (accepted) **+ P** (**first letter of** [start of] **PARLIAMENTARY**]) **+ SE **(**last two\u00a0letters of **[final two]** HOUSE**)\n **A** **P** **SE**\n\n**APSE** (semicircular or polygonal recess, especially at the east end of a church choir)"} {"Clue":"Favourite pub for Jock, tot of usquebaugh taken in yard (4)","Answer":"HOUF","Explanation":"Definition: Favourite pub for Jock\n**U** (**first letter of **[tot of] **USQUEBAUGH**) **contained in** (taken in by) **HOF** (yard)\n **HO** (**U**) **F**\n\n**HOUF** (Scottish [Jock] word place in which one is often to be found [favourite], a haunt, often a public house."} {"Clue":"Mother's brought round outfit for African doctor (6)","Answer":"MGANGA","Explanation":"Definition: African doctor\n**MA** (mother) **containing** (brought round) **GANG** (set of people; outfit)\n **M** (**GANG**) **A**\n\n**MGANGA** (in East Africa, a native doctor, a witch doctor)"} {"Clue":"Delivered payment hero's losing and paramour follows (8)","Answer":"ROLLOVER","Explanation":"Definition: Delivered payment\n**ROLAND** (hero of the Charlemagne legend; hence, a hero) **excluding** (losing) **AND** **+ LOVER** (paramour)\n **ROL** **LOVER**\n\n**ROLLOVER** (deferred payment)"} {"Clue":"Gets warm wraps to fasten loose robes (8)","Answer":"NIGHTIES","Explanation":"Definition: loose robes\n**NIGHS** (gets close; gets warm) **containing** (wraps) **TIE** (fasten)\n **NIGH** (**TIE**) **S**\n\n**NIGHTIES** (loose clothing for sleeping in)"} {"Clue":"Problem involving number around HM being fluid (5)","Answer":"SERUM","Explanation":"Definition: fluid\n**SUM** (problems involving numbers) **containing** (around) (**ER** (Elizabeth Regina; Her Majesty; HM)\n **S** (**ER**) **UM**\n\n**SERUM** (watery liquid; fluid)"} {"Clue":"Chemical compound to merge with neon (5)","Answer":"DIENE","Explanation":"Definition: Chemical compound\n**DIE** (merge)** + NE** (chemical symbol for neon)\n **DIE** **NE**\n\n**DIENE** (organic compound containing two double bonds between carbon atoms)"} {"Clue":"Radiating group of leaves arranged by our Sal (6)","Answer":"ROSULA","Explanation":"Definition: Radiating group of leaves\n**Anagram of **(arranged by) **OUR SAL**\n **RO****S****U****LA***\n\n**ROSULA** (leaf-rosette; radiating group of leaves)"} {"Clue":"Artist dotty about resin from conifers (5)","Answer":"DAMAR","Explanation":"Definition: resin from conifers\n(**RA** [Royal Academician] + **MAD** [dotty])** all reversed** (about)\n (**DAM** **AR**)<\n\n**DAMAR** (hard resin used for making varnish, obtained from various conifers)"} {"Clue":"Bread undivided in crumbs (5)","Answer":"MONEY","Explanation":"Definition: Bread\n**ONE **(whole; undivided) **contained in** (in) **MY** (gosh, crumbs) \n **M** (**ONE**)** Y**\n\n**MONEY** (cash; bread)"} {"Clue":"Tick (say) I put in a race programme (6)","Answer":"ACARID","Explanation":"Definition: Tick (say)\n**I** **contained in** (put in) (**A** **+ CARD** [[horse] race programme])\n **A**** ****CAR** (**I**) **D**\n\n**ACARID** (member of the class of arthropods to which mites and ticks belong)"} {"Clue":"Cocaine ill-advised? Especially when this follows (5)","Answer":"CRASH","Explanation":"Definition: this\n**C** (cocaine) **+ RASH** (ill-advised)\n **C** **RASH**\n\n**CRASH** (it would not be helpful\u00a0to be found to have recently taken cocaine if one is\u00a0involved in a **CRASH **immediately after)"} {"Clue":"Weak cattle no longer flourished (5)","Answer":"WOXEN","Explanation":"Definition: no longer flourished\n**W** (weak) **+ OXEN** (cattle)\n **W** **OXEN**\n\n**WOXEN** (obsolete [no longer] word for grown; increased; flourished)"} {"Clue":"Slob, thug holding a horse back (8)","Answer":"LAYABOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Slob\n**LOUT** (ill-mannered or aggressive man or youth; thug) **containing** (holding) (**A** + [**BAY** {descriptive of the colour of a horse} **reversed** {back}])\n **L** (**A** **YAB**<) **OUT**\n\n**LAYABOUT **(lazy, idle person; slob)"} {"Clue":"Whereat one prays, pride being dissipated that is universal (8)","Answer":"PRIE-DIEU","Explanation":"Definition: Whereat one prays\n**Anagram of** (being dissipated) **PRIDE** **+ I.E. **(id est; that is) **+ U** (universal, descriptive of a film that is suitable for showing to all ages)\n **PRIE D*** **IE** **U**\n\n**PRIE-DIEU** (praying-desk or chair for praying on)"} {"Clue":"Bivalve mollusc, not entirely significant (6)","Answer":"TELLIN","Explanation":"Definition: Bivalve mollusc\n**TELLING** (significant) **excluding the final letter **(not entirely) **G**\n **TELLIN**\n\n**TELLIN** (any bivalve mollusc of the ***TELLIN**a*\u00a0genus, with thin, delicate shells tinted yellow or pink, living in estuaries.)"} {"Clue":"Soak up start of sermon on celestial body (4)","Answer":"SORB","Explanation":"Definition: Soak up\n**S** (**first letter of** [start of] **SERMON** **+ ORB** (celestial body)\n **S ORB**\n\n**SORB** (absorb; soak up)"} {"Clue":"Too much excitement all over the ship \u2013 yearn to be at sea (12)","Answer":"HYPERSTHENIA","Explanation":"Definition: Too much excitement all over\n**Anagram of** (to be at sea) **THE SHIP YEARN**\n **HYPERSTHENIA***\n\n**HYPERSTHENIA** (morbid condition marked by excessive excitement of all the vital phenomena)"} {"Clue":"Baptismal garb in church, a variety of school trim (12)","Answer":"CHRISOM-CLOTH","Explanation":"Definition: Baptismal garb\n**Anagram of** (a variety of) **SCHOOL TRIM** **contained in** (in) **CH** (church)\n **C** (**H****RI****SO****M****\u2013 CLO****T***) **H**\n\n**CHRISOM-CLOTH** (white cloth or robe put on a child newly anointed with holy oil\u00a0at its baptism)"} {"Clue":"Lord in the wars with a quibble about separate piece of armour (7)","Answer":"PULDRON","Explanation":"Definition: separate piece of armour\n**Anagram o**f (in the wars) **LORD** **contained in** (with a \u2026 about) **PUN** (quibble, Chambers defines 'quibble' as a 'pun or play on words')\n **PU** (**LDRO***) **N**\n\n**PULDRON** (alternative spelling of **PAULDRON** [a separable shoulder-plate in armour])"} {"Clue":"Regular customer cutting pa in market-place (4)","Answer":"TRON","Explanation":"Definition: market-place\n**PA****TRON** (regular customer) **excluding** (cutting) **PA**\n **TRON**\n\n**TRON** (chiefly Scottish word meaning 'market-place')"} {"Clue":"Film editor giving very short time to member of string section (7)","Answer":"MOVIOLA","Explanation":"Definition: market-place\n**PA****TRON** (regular customer) **excluding** (cutting) **PA**\n **TRON**\n\n**TRON** (chiefly Scottish word meaning 'market-place')"} {"Clue":"What concludes part of home game? (5)","Answer":"OMEGA","Explanation":"Definition: What concludes\n**OMEGA** (**hidden word in** [part of] **HOME GAME**)\n **OMEGA**\n\n**OMEGA** (the conclusion; what concludes)"} {"Clue":"Time in opposition, no longer worthwhile (5)","Answer":"TANTI","Explanation":"Definition: no longer worthwhile\n**T** (time) **+ ANTI** (against; in opposition)\n **T** **ANTI**\n\n**TANTI **(archaic [no longer] word for worthwhile)"} {"Clue":"Loose family member, one initially divorced (5)","Answer":"UNTIE","Explanation":"Definition: Loose\n**A****UNTIE **(family member) **excluding** (divorced) **the first letter** (initially) **A**\n **UNTIE**\n\n**UNTIE** (loose)"} {"Clue":"Source of nourishing sap: quantity that's flowed a Bedu freely imbibes (12)","Answer":"MASSERANDUBA","Explanation":"Definition: Source of nourishing sap\n**MASS** (quantity) **+** (**an anagram of** [freely] **A BEDU** **containing** (imbibes) **RAN** [flowed])\n **MASS** **E** (**RAN**) **DUBA***\n\n**MASSERANDUBA** (Brazilian milk-tree; source of nourishing sap)"} {"Clue":"'Form merger' \u2013 see inside for local splash (6)","Answer":"FLOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: local splash\n**LO** (see) **contained in** (inside)** FUSE** (form merger)\n **F** (**LO**) **USE**\n\n**FLOUSE** (dialect [local ] word for splash)"} {"Clue":"Pineapples, more than one standard, with nut filling (8)","Answer":"GRENADES","Explanation":"Definition: Pineapples\n**EN** (nut [printer's **EN**]) **contained in** (filling) **GRADES** (more than one standard)\n **GR** (**EN**) **ADES**\n\n**GRENADES** (a **GRENADE** is known colloquially as a pineapple)"} {"Clue":"Harangue foolish talk about foreign money going up (8)","Answer":"PERORATE","Explanation":"Definition: Harangue\n**PRATE** (foolish talk) **containing** (about) **\u00d8RE** (coin and monetary unit in Norway and Denmark])** ****reversed** (going up; down clue)\n **P** (**ERO**<) **RATE**\n\n**PERORATE** (harangue)"} {"Clue":"What's gained free with shilling invested (7)","Answer":"ACQUIST","Explanation":"Definition: What's gained\n**ACQUIT** (free) **containing** (with \u2026 invested) **S** (shilling)\n **ACQUI** (**S**) **T**\n\n**ACQUIST** (something gained)"} {"Clue":"Perennials briefly over in dry sun (6)","Answer":"AROIDS","Explanation":"Definition: Perennials\n**O** (abbreviation for [briefly] over, in cricket scoring notation) **contained in** (in) (**ARID** [dry] **+ S** [sun])\n **AR** (**O**) **ID** **S**\n\n**AROIDS** (perennial plants of the Aracea)"} {"Clue":"It helps to fix gold-leaf, shifting 0 to 9 in movement (7)","Answer":"MIXTION","Explanation":"Definition: It helps to fix gold-leaf,\n**MOTION** (movement) with the first **O** (zero; 0)** replaced by** (shifting \u2026 to \u2026)\u00a0**IX** (Roman numeral for 9)\n **M** **IX** **TION**\n\n**MIXTION** (mixture of amber, mastic and asphaltum used as a mordant [fix] for gold-leaf)"} {"Clue":"What displays mood, thus? Agitated poodle may (5)","Answer":"AYELP","Explanation":"Definition: Agitated poodle may\nI can't see what's going on here in terms of wordplay. I'm not even sure whether the definition is the first half or the second half of the clue.\n **AYELP**\n\n**AYELP** (uttering a sharp cry or bark)"} {"Clue":"Antelope that's seen on the beach at Antibes? (5)","Answer":"SABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Antelope\n**SABLE** (\u00a0large predominantly black antelope of S and E Africa, with long, ringed backward-curving horns)\n **SABLE**\n\n**SABLE** (French for 'sand' which you will find on the beach at Antibes, a town in the south of France) double definition"} {"Clue":"Outside you'll see number getting into drinking vessels (5)","Answer":"HORNS","Explanation":"Definition: drinking vessels\n**N** (number) **contained in** (getting into) **HORS** (French for 'outside')\n **HOR** (**N**) **S**\n\n**HORNS** (drinking vessels)"} {"Clue":"FE establishment essential to inculcate chemistry (4)","Answer":"TECH","Explanation":"Definition: FE establishment\n**TECH** (**hidden word in** [essential to] **INCULCATE CHEMISTRY**)\n **TECH**\n\n**TECH** (college of Further Education [FE])"} {"Clue":"'Want to hide' made literal? (8)","Answer":"MISSPELT","Explanation":"Definition: made literal\n**MISS** (feel the loss or absence of ; want) **+ PELT** (raw animal hide)\n **MISS** **PELT**\n\n**MISSPELT** (a literal is a misprint of a letter in word causing the word to be **MISSPELT**)"} {"Clue":"Rum and whiskey, dire when mixed (5)","Answer":"WEIRD","Explanation":"Definition: Rum\n**W** (whiskey is the international radio codeword for the letter **W) + ****an anagram of** (mixed) **DIRE**\n **W**** IERD***\n\n**WEIRD** (odd; rum)"} {"Clue":"Account of arrival in Natal (9)","Answer":"NARRATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Account\n**ARR** (arrival) **contained in** (in) **NATIVE** (connected with birth; natal)\n **N** (**ARR**) **ATIVE**\n\n**NARRATIVE** (account)"} {"Clue":"Twists bobbin around (5)","Answer":"LOOPS","Explanation":"Definition: Twists\n**SPOOL** (cylinder, bobbin or reel on which yarn, etc is wound) **reversed** (around)\n **LOOPS**<\n\n**LOOPS** (twists)"} {"Clue":"Mark's hip replacement in vessels at seas (clippers) (6)","Answer":"SHEARS","Explanation":"Definition: clippers\n**S****HIP****S** (vessels) with **HEAR**\u00a0(listen; mark) **replacing** (replacement) **HIP**\n **S ****HEAR**** S**\n\n**SHEARS** (large pair of clippers)"} {"Clue":"A letter and article you shouldn't have (5)","Answer":"THETA","Explanation":"Definition: A letter\n**THE** (definite article) **+ TA** (thankyou; you shouldn't have)\n **THE** **TA**\n\n**THETA** (Greek letter)"} {"Clue":"Dead to bury after time moves on (5)","Answer":"INERT","Explanation":"Definition: Dead\n**INTER** (bury) with the **T** (time) **moved to the right** (moved on)\n **INERT**\n\n**INERT** (lifeless; dead)"} {"Clue":"Transport's concerning after near crashes put in a flat spin (9)","Answer":"ENRAPTURE","Explanation":"Definition: Transport\n**Anagram of** (crashes) **NEAR** **+ an anagram o**f (in a flat spin) **PUT** **+ RE** (with reference to; concerning)\n **ENRA*** **PTU*** **RE**\n\n**ENRAPTURE** (transport with pleasure or delight)"} {"Clue":"Admit crime and prisoner fine's reduced, initially expunged (7)","Answer":"CONFESS","Explanation":"Definition: Admit\n**CON **(lag; prisoner) **+ F** (fine) **+ LESS** (reduced)** excluding** (expunged)** the first letter** (initially)** L**\n **CON F ESS**\n\n**CONFESS** (admit)"} {"Clue":"Do put in dossier as 'pointless' (6)","Answer":"FUTILE","Explanation":"Definition: pointless\n**UT** (syllable representing the first note of the scale, now generally superseded by **DO**) **contained i**n (put in) **FILE** (dossier)\n **F** (**UT**) **ILE**\n\n**FUTILE** (pointless)"} {"Clue":"Understood garden bird swallowing a caterpillar's head (5)","Answer":"TACIT","Explanation":"Definition: Understood\n**TIT** (garden bird) **containing** (swallowing) (**A** **+ C** [**first letter of** {head} **CATERPILLAR**])\n **T** (**A** **C**) **IT**\n\n**TACIT** (understood or implied without being expressed directly)"} {"Clue":"Work in iron say. making a bolt for it (9)","Answer":"ELOPEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: bolt for it \n**OP** (opus; work) **contained in** (in) **ELEMENT** (iron is an example of an **ELEMENT**)\n **EL** (**OP**) **EMENT**\n\n**ELOPEMENT** (running away secretly, usually with a lover, to get married)"} {"Clue":"Electronic network returns for a dreary tune (5)","Answer":"DIRGE","Explanation":"Definition: dreary tune\n(**E** [electronic] **+ GRID** [network]) **all reversed** (returns)\n (**DIRG**** E**)<\n\n**DIRGE** (slow mournful piece of music; dreary tune)"} {"Clue":"She gives support in her column and a lot of care \u2013 leading to a tidy bundle (8)","Answer":"CARYATID","Explanation":"Definition: She gives support in her column\n**CARE** **excluding the last letter** (a lot of) **E** + **an anagram of** (bundle)** A TIDY**\n **CAR** **Y****A****TID***\n\n**CARYATID** (a female figure used instead of a column to support an entablature; she gives support to her column)."} {"Clue":"Some numbers \u2013 but only some \u2013 that can appear on computer screen (4)","Answer":"MENU","Explanation":"Definition: that can appear on computer screen\n**MENU** (**hidden word in** [only some]** SOME NUMBERS**)\n **MENU**\n\n**MENU** (list of possible options or facilities displayed on a computer screen by software, and from which selection can be made via a keyboard or a mouse)"} {"Clue":"Extra payment required by cleaner having to sweep around (9)","Answer":"SURCHARGE","Explanation":"Definition: Extra payment\n**CHAR** (cleaner) **contained in** (having \u2026 around) **SURGE** (**SURGE** is given in Chambers as a definition for** SWEEP** and in Collins **SURGE** is defined as a strong rush or **SWEEP**. Not a definition I have come across before)\n **SUR** (**CHAR**) **GE**\n\n**SURCHARGE** (extra payment)"} {"Clue":"An old king playing harp with two exam levels (hard) (7)","Answer":"PHARAOH","Explanation":"Definition: An old king\n**Anagram of** (playing) **HARP** **+ A** (reference A-Level examinations) **+ O** (reference O-Level examinations) +** H** (hard, when describing pencil lead)\n **PHAR*** **A** **O** **H**\n\n**PHARAOH** (title of the kings of ancient Egypt;)"} {"Clue":"City with its tax body sets forms etc (5)","Answer":"LAIRS","Explanation":"Definition: sets forms etc\n**LA** (Los Angeles, American city) **+ IRS** (Internal Revenue Service, the American tax collection agency)\n **LA** **IRS**\n\n**LAIRS** (animals' dens, which could be sets [badger], forms [hare]\u00a0etc)"} {"Clue":"Out of control it clawed scratching everyone finally? (7)","Answer":"WILDCAT","Explanation":"Definition: it clawed\n**Anagram of** (out of control)** IT CLAW****E****D** **excluding** (scratching) **E** **(last letter of** [finally] **EVERYONE**)\n **W****I****LDCA****T***\n\n**WILDCAT** (undomesticated species of **CAT**) I'm not entirely sure what the definition is here. It may be the whole clue, it may just be 'it' or 'it clawed'"} {"Clue":"Independent makes study of revered art (5)","Answer":"ICONS","Explanation":"Definition: revered art\n**I** (independent) **+ CONS** (studies; makes study of)\n **I** **CONS**\n\n**ICONS** (anybody or anything venerated or uncritically admired; for example, revered art)"} {"Clue":"\"A Princess's Prince\" \u2013 a newspaper editor's mocked (10)","Answer":"DISPARAGED","Explanation":"Definition: mocked\n**DI'S** (Diana's ; princess's; reference Princess Diana, Duchess of York\u00a0[1961 \u2013 1997] **+ P** (prince) **+ A + RAG** (derogatory term for a newspaper) + **ED** (editor)\n **DIS** **P** **A** **RAG** **ED**\n\n**DISPARAGED** (belittled; mocked)"} {"Clue":"Maybe he incenses by means of someone ranting? (8)","Answer":"PERFUMER","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe he incenses\n**PER** (in the manner of; by means of) **+ FUMER** (someone ranting)\n **PER FUMER**\n\n**PERFUMER** (one who creates pleasant smells; **INCENSE** can be defined as a pleasant smell)"} {"Clue":"Go beyond six ball throws and maybe dog's upset (8)","Answer":"OVERSTEP","Explanation":"Definition: Go beyond\n**OVER** (six deliveries of a ball by a bowler in cricket) **+ PET'S** (a dog is an example of a **PET**) **reversed** (upset; down clue). If a bowler used a throwing action he would be signalled for no-ball, and the over would take more than six balls until he \/ she got the action right,\u00a0so the analogy is not quite correct.\n **OVER STEP**\n\n**OVERSTEP** (go beyond)"} {"Clue":"Irish boy left in underground coming up cock-a-hoop (9)","Answer":"EBULLIENT","Explanation":"Definition: cock-a-hoop\n([**NEIL** {Irish boy's name}** + L** {left}] **contained in** [in] **TUBE** [underground transport system]) **all reversed** (coming up; down clue)\n (**EBU** (**L**** LIEN**) **T**)<\n\n**EBULLIENT** (very happy; cock-a-hoop)"} {"Clue":"Tense passion and rage superficially seen here? (7)","Answer":"THEATRE","Explanation":"Definition: here\n**T** (tense) **+ HEAT** (passion) **+ RE** (**outer letters of** [superficially] **R****AG****E**)\n **T** **HEAT** **RE**\n\n**THEATRE** (a venue where you may see actors displaying tension, passion and rage)"} {"Clue":"Go off place with scripture study firmly on the periphery (7)","Answer":"PUTREFY","Explanation":"Definition: Go off\n**PUT** (pace) **+ RE** (Religious Education; Scripture) **+ FY** (**outer letters of** [on the periphery] **F****IRML****Y**)\n **PUT** **RE** **FY**\n\n**PUTREFY** (decompose; go off)"} {"Clue":"Mediterranean city Romeo finds relatively pleasant (5)","Answer":"NICER","Explanation":"Definition: relatively pleasant\n**NICE** (Mediterranean city) **+ R** (Romeo is the international radio codeword for the letter** R**)\n **NICE** **R**\n\n**NICER** (more pleasant; relatively pleasant)"} {"Clue":"Wanting to have touring lecturer with a collection of plants (5)","Answer":"FLORA","Explanation":"Definition: collection of plants\n(**FOR** [in favour of; wanting to have] **containing** [touring] **L** [lecturer]) **+ A**\n **F **(**L****) OR A**\n\n**FLORA** (collective term for plants)"} {"Clue":"The boss man who thinks he's it (4)","Answer":"STUD","Explanation":"Definition: boss\n**STUD** (projecting boss)\n **STUD**\n\n**STUD** (a sexually potent or active man, or one who thinks he is (); stud poke; man who thinks he's it) double definition"} {"Clue":"Cool, very dynamic teen takes on computer work around Los Angeles (9)","Answer":"VENTILATE","Explanation":"Definition: Cool\n**V** (very) **+** (**an anagram of** []dynamic] **TEEN** **containing** [takes on] **[IT** {information technology; computer work} **containing** {around} **LA** {Los Angeles}])\n **V** **ENT** (**I** (**LA**) **T**) **E***\n\n**VENTILATE** (to open or expose to the free passage of air; to cool)"} {"Clue":"Papers in Britain uncharacteristically might produce hard-hitting leaders (5)","Answer":"BUMPH","Explanation":"Definition: Papers\n**BUMPH** (**first letters of each of** [leaders] **BRITISH**, **UNCHARACTERISTICALLY**, **MIGHT**, **P****RODUCE** and **H****ARD-HITTING**)\n **BUMPH**\n\n**BUMPH** (slang for official papers; documents)"} {"Clue":"A reduced cost for rejected fruit (7)","Answer":"APRICOT","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\n**A** **+ PRICE** (cost) **excluding the final letter** (reduced) **E** **+ TO** (for) **reversed**\n **A** **PRIC** **OT**<\n\n**APRICOT** (example of a fruit)"} {"Clue":"No cigar is manufactured without the use of chemicals (7)","Answer":"ORGANIC","Explanation":"Definition: without the use of chemicals\n**Anagram of** (is manufacture) **NO CIGAR** \n **O****RGA****N****IC***\n\n**ORGANIC** (of crops, crop production, etc, produced without, or not involving, the use of fertilizers and pesticides not wholly of plant or animal origin; produced without using chemicals)"} {"Clue":"Is\u00a0Soho's first W Hotel outwardly grand? (5)","Answer":"SWISH","Explanation":"Definition: grand?\n(**S** [**first letter of** [first] **+ W** **+ H** [hotel]) **containing** (outwardly)** IS**\n **S** **W** (**IS**) **H**\n\n**SWISH** (smart, stylish, grand)"} {"Clue":"Fraudster's coke that is cut before a function (9)","Answer":"CHARLATAN","Explanation":"Definition: Fraudster\n**CHARL****IE** (cocaine; coke) **excluding** (cut) **IE** (id est; that is) **+ A + TAN** (**TAN**gent [trigonometrical function])\n **CHARL A TAN**\n\n**CHARLATAN** (fraud)"} {"Clue":"Mathematician somewhere Swiss? Yes, in Geneva entertaining two lecturers (9)","Answer":"BERNOULLI","Explanation":"Definition: Mathematician\n**BERN** (capital city of Switzerland; somewhere Swiss) **+** (**OUI** [French {Geneva is in French speaking Switzerland} for 'yes'] **containing** [entertaining] [**L** {lecturer} **+ L** {lecturer} to give two lecturers])\n **BERN** **OU** (**L ****L**)** ****I**\n\n**BERNOULLI** (reference Daniel **BERNOULLI** [1700 \u2013 1782], Swiss mathematician and physicist who specialised in fluid mechanics. I remember his Principle from my schooldays)"} {"Clue":"Being faithful? Pah, at first, that is extremely tricky! (5)","Answer":"PIETY","Explanation":"Definition: Being faithful\n**P **(**first letter of** [first] **PAH**) **+ IE** (id est; that is) **+ TY** (**outside letters of** [extremely] **TRICKY**)\n **P IE TY**\n\n**PIETY** (sense of duty towards parents, benefactors, etc; being faithful)"} {"Clue":"Things used at Hogwarts, provided by owls occasionally? (5)","Answer":"WANDS","Explanation":"Definition: Things used at Hogwarts\n**W AND S** (**letters 2 and 4** [occasionally] of **OWLS**)\n **W** **AND** **S**\n\n**WANDS** (items used at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry)"} {"Clue":"Dropped dead when pierced with tip of spear (9)","Answer":"DECREASED","Explanation":"Definition: Dropped\n**DECEASED** (dead) **containing** (pierced with) **R** (**last letter of** [tip of] **SPEAR**)\n **DEC** (**R**)** EASED**\n\n**DECREASED** (dropped)"} {"Clue":"Musician seen and heard all over the place (2,7)","Answer":"ED SHEERAN","Explanation":"Definition: Musician\n**Anagram of** (all over the place) **SEEN** and **HEARD**\n **E****D**** S****H****E****ERA****N***\n\n**ED SHEERAN** (born 1991, English singer songwriter, already one the world's best selling music artists)"} {"Clue":"Pack containing large playing cards (5)","Answer":"CLUBS","Explanation":"Definition: Musician\n**Anagram of** (all over the place) **SEEN** and **HEARD**\n **E****D**** S****H****E****ERA****N***\n\n**ED SHEERAN** (born 1991, English singer songwriter, already one the world's best selling music artists)"} {"Clue":"Hard infantry at the front line secure elevated ground (7)","Answer":"HILLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: elevated ground\n**HI** (**first letters** [at the front] **of each o**f **HARD** and **INFANTRY**) **+ L** (line) + **LOCK** (secure)\n **HI** **L** **LOCK**\n\n**HILLOCK** (elevated ground)"} {"Clue":"Type of beauty parlour seen in North America, except around Illinois (4,3)","Answer":"NAIL BAR","Explanation":"Definition: Type of beauty parlour\n(**NA** [North America] + **BAR** [except]) **containing** (around) **IL** (abbreviation for the State of Illinois)\n **NA** (**IL**) **BAR**\n\n**NAIL BAR** (type of beauty parlour)"} {"Clue":"Right now, daughter comes in for a hot drink (5)","Answer":"TODDY","Explanation":"Definition: hot drink\n**TODAY** (this day; right now) with **D** (daughter) replacing (coming in for) **A**\n **TOD** **D** **Y**\n\n**TODDY** (a mixture of spirits, sugar and hot water; hot drink)"} {"Clue":"Special name given to a racehorse \u2013 one that gets beaten (5,4)","Answer":"SNARE DRUM","Explanation":"Definition: one that gets beaten\n**S** (special) **+ N** (name) + **A** **+ RED RUM** (famous race horse who won the Grand National three times and came second twice)\n **S N A RE D RUM**\n\n**SNARE DRUM** (side drum; a musical instrument that is beaten)"} {"Clue":"Beer mostly fills half a dozen small bottles (5)","Answer":"VIALS","Explanation":"Definition: bottles\n**ALE** (beer) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **E** **contained in** (fills) (**VI** [Roman numerals for six {half a dozen}** + S** [small])\n **VI** (**AL**) **S**\n\n**VIALS** ([small] bottles)"} {"Clue":"Less bold, I never drunk the last bit of J\u00e4germeister (7)","Answer":"NERVIER","Explanation":"Definition: Less bold,\n**Anagram of** (drunk)** I NEVER** **+ R** (**final letter of** [last bit of] **J\u00c4GERMEISTER**)\n **NERVIE*** **R**\n\n**NERVIER** (less bold)"} {"Clue":"Working with China's too uncontrolled (2,7)","Answer":"IN CAHOOTS","Explanation":"Definition: Working with\n**Anagram of** (uncontrolled) **CHINA'S TOO**\n **IN CAHOOTS***\n\n**IN CAHOOTS** (in collusion with; working with)"} {"Clue":"Some explicit tapes brought back from Greece (5)","Answer":"ATTIC","Explanation":"Definition: from Greece\n**ATTIC** (**hidden word reversed** [brought back] **in** [some] **EXPLICIT TAPES**)\n **ATTIC**<\n\n**ATTIC** (of the region around Athens; from Greece)"} {"Clue":"A vegan occasionally coming off as someone who's self-obsessed (9)","Answer":"EGOMANIAC","Explanation":"Definition: omeone who's self-obsessed\n**Anagram of** (off) (**A** and** EA** [**letters 2 and 4** [regularly] of **VEGAN** and **COMING**)\n **E****GOM****A****NI****A****C***\n\n**EGOMANIAC** (someone who is self obsessed)"} {"Clue":"Airline covers part of journey back for round fare (5)","Answer":"BAGEL","Explanation":"Definition: round fare \n**BA** (British Airways [airline]) **+ LEG** (a stage or part\u00a0of a journey) **reversed** (back)\n **BA** **GEL**<\n\n**BAGEL** (hard leavened ring-shaped roll; round fare)"} {"Clue":"Guy gets support carrying a big creature (7)","Answer":"MANATEE","Explanation":"Definition: big creature\n**MAN** (guy) **+ A + TEE** (support for a golf ball)\n **MAN** **A** **TEE**\n\n**MANATEE** (large aquatic herbivorous mammal)"} {"Clue":"Banal journalist in East London? (9)","Answer":"HACKNEYED","Explanation":"Definition: Banal\n**HACKNEY** (area of North\u00a0East London)** + ED** (editor; journalist)\n **HACKNEY** **ED**\n\n**HACKNEYED** (trite; banal)"} {"Clue":"Crazy throwable weapon in a Bond film (6,3)","Answer":"BOWLER HAT","Explanation":"Definition: weapon in a Bond film\n**Anagram of** (crazy) **THROWABLE**\n **BOWLER HAT***\n\n**BOWLER HAT** (weapon used by Oddjob in the Bond film Goldfinger)"} {"Clue":"Cash-strapped guys outside a bookies (9)","Answer":"LADBROKES","Explanation":"Definition: bookies\n**LADS** **containing** (outside) **BROKE** (without money; cash-strapped)\n **LAD** (**BROKE**) **S**\n\n**LADBROKES** (name of a major bookmaker in the UK)"} {"Clue":"Order craft beer with crisps mostly (9)","Answer":"PRESCRIBE","Explanation":"Definition: Order\n**Anagram of** (craft \u2026 with) **BEER** and **CRISP****S** **excluding the final lette**r (mostly) **S**\n **PRESCRIBE***\n\n**PRESCRIBE** (give as an order)"} {"Clue":"Major company debts initially getting settled (7)","Answer":"NESTLED","Explanation":"Definition: settled\n**NESTL\u00c9** (major multinational food and drink company) **+ D** (**first letter of** [initially] **DEBTS**\n **NESTLE D**\n\n**NESTLED** (settled)"} {"Clue":"Move uneasily at the end of restless sleep (7)","Answer":"SLUMBER","Explanation":"Definition: sleep\n**S** (**last letter of** [end of] **RESTLESS** **+ LUMBER** [move heavily and clumsily])\n **S** **LUMBER**\n\n**SLUMBER** (sleep)"} {"Clue":"Bottom part of wardrobe has thin wood (5)","Answer":"EBONY","Explanation":"Definition: wood\n**E** (**last letter of** [bottom part of] **WARDROBE**) **+ BONY** (thin)\n **E** **BONY**\n\n**EBONY** (type of wood)"} {"Clue":"One who steals from man in jail (5)","Answer":"NINJA","Explanation":"Definition: One who steals\n**NINJA** (**hidden word in** [from] **MAN IN JAIL**)\n **NINJA**\n\n**NINJA** (one of a body of trained assassins and spies in feudal Japan, skilled in ninjitsu [a martial art, teaching stealth and camouflage]; one who steals)"} {"Clue":"Bolt finally impresses BBC athletics commentator (5)","Answer":"SCRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Bolt\n**S** **(last letter of** [finally] **IMPRESSE****S** **+ CRAM** [reference Steve **CRAM**, BBC athletics commentator)\n **S** **CRAM**\n\n**SCRAM** (go away; bolt)"} {"Clue":"Planet above the horizon: it appears between start and end of June, right? (7)","Answer":"JUPITER","Explanation":"Definition: Planet\n([**UP** {above the horizon} **+ IT**] **contained in** [appears between] [**J** {**first letter of **(start of) **JUNE** and **E** {**last letter of **(end of) **JUNE**}]) **+ R** (right)\n **J** (**UP** **IT**) **E** **R**\n\n**JUPITER** (planet)"} {"Clue":"Rejected support? Left involved in first-class foul-up (7)","Answer":"DEBACLE","Explanation":"Definition: foul-up\n**BED** (support) **reversed** (rejected) **+** (**L** [left] **contained in** [involved in] **ACE** [first-class])\n **DEB**< **AC** (**L**) **E**\n\n**DEBACLE** (complete failure; foul-up)"} {"Clue":"Some Londoners (but only some) will produce fruit (5)","Answer":"MELON","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\n**MELON** (**hidden word in** [but only some] **SOME LONDONERS**)\n **MELON**\n\n**MELON** (fruit)"} {"Clue":"Caf\u00e9 supporter I placed nearer the rear (9)","Answer":"BRASSERIE","Explanation":"Definition: Caf\u00e9\n**BRASS****I****ERE** (women's garment that acts as a supporter for the breasts) with the letter **I** **moved further towards the** **end of the word** (nearer the rear) to form **BRASSERIE**\n **BRASSERIE**\n\n**BRASSERIE** (simple restaurant; cafe)"} {"Clue":"Easy in lust, possibly displaying this? (10)","Answer":"SENSUALITY","Explanation":"Definition: Easy in lust, possibly displaying this\n**Anagram of** (possibly) **EASY IN LUST**\n **SE****NSU****A****LIT****Y***\n\n**SENSUALITY** (someone who is comfortable displaying lust may also display **SENSUALITY**)"} {"Clue":"Family ruling ultimately produces me? (4)","Answer":"KING","Explanation":"Definition: me\n**KIN** (family)** + G** **(last letter of** [ultimately] **RULING**) \n **KIN** **G**\n\n**KING** (male born into a ruling family who can become king in future)"} {"Clue":"Slovenly woman most recently opening tin (8)","Answer":"SLATTERN","Explanation":"Definition: Slovenly woman\n**LATTER** [most recently] **contained in** [opening] **SN** (chemical symbol for tin)\n **S** (**LATTER**) **N**\n\n**SLATTERN** (slovenly woman)"} {"Clue":"Source of information over length involved in marathon? (6)","Answer":"ORACLE","Explanation":"Definition: Source of information\n**O** (over [cricket scoring notation]) **+** (**L** [length] **contained in** [involved in] **RACE** [a marathon is an example of a **RACE**]\n **O** **RAC** (**L**) **E**\n\n**ORACLE** (person with the reputation, or an air, of infallibility or great wisdom; source of information)"} {"Clue":"Crazy getting married, say for the spicy stuff (6)","Answer":"NUTMEG","Explanation":"Definition: spicy stuff \n**NUT** (crazy) **+ M** (married) **+ EG** (for example;say)\n **NUT M EG**\n\n**NUTMEG** (aromatic kernel of an E Indian tree (genus *Myristica*), much used as a seasoning in cookery; spicy stuff)"} {"Clue":"Old fool carrying axes? It sends mixed messages (8)","Answer":"OXYMORON","Explanation":"Definition: It sends mixed messages\n(**O** [old] **+ MORON** [fool]) **containing** (carrying) **XY** (letters denoting the axes in coordinate geometry)\n **O** (**XY**) **MORON**\n\n**OXYMORON** (figure of speech by means of which contradictory terms are combined, so as to form an expressive phrase or epithet, such as *cruel kindness*, *falsely true*, etc; it sends mixed messages)"} {"Clue":"27 browses every now and then (4)","Answer":"BOSS","Explanation":"Definition: 27\n**BOSS** (**letters 1, 3, 5 and 7** [every now and then] of **BROWSES**)\n **BOSS**\n\n**BOSS** (**CHIEF** [27 across])"} {"Clue":"Bitter detectives entering area beginning to uncover corrupt soul (9)","Answer":"ACIDULOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Bitter\n(**CID** [Criminal Investigation Department; detectives] **contained in** [entering] [**A** {area} **+ U** {**first letter of** (beginning to) **UNCOVER**}]) **+ an anagram of** (corrupt) **SOUL**)\n **A** (**CID**) **U** **LOUS***\n\n**ACIDULOUS** (slightly sour; bitter)"} {"Clue":"Hurry to interrupt returning soccer club 22 (5)","Answer":"CHIEF","Explanation":"Definition: 22\n**HIE** (hasten; hurry)** contained in** (to interrupt) **FC** (football [soccer] club) **reversed** (returning)\n **C** (**HIE**) **F**<\n\n**CHIEF** (**BOSS** [22 across])"} {"Clue":"Time to take another line, heading away from dangerous animal (7)","Answer":"TIGRESS","Explanation":"Definition: dangerous animal\n**T** (time) **+ DIGRESS** (depart from the main subject; take another line) **excluding the\u00a0first letter** (heading away) **D**\n **T IGRESS**\n\n**TIGRESS** (example of a dangerous animal)"} {"Clue":"One heats up players in series (7)","Answer":"STEAMER","Explanation":"Definition: One heats up\n**TEAM** (group of players) **contained in** (in) **SER** (series)\n **S** (**TEAM**) **ER**\n\n**STEAMER **(cooking apparatus that heats things up)"} {"Clue":"American novelist gets stuck penning English (5)","Answer":"JAMES","Explanation":"Definition: American novelist\n**JAMS** (gets stuck) **containing** (penning) **E** (English)\n **JAM** (**E**) **S**\n\n**JAMES** (reference Henry **JAMES** [1843 \u2013 1916], American novelist)"} {"Clue":"Staff not heartless with a fried meal (7)","Answer":"POLENTA","Explanation":"Definition: fried meal\n**POLE** (rod; staff) **+ NOT** (**excluding the middle letter** [heartless]) **O + A** \n **POLE** **NT** **A**\n\n**POLENTA** (Italian porridge made of maize, barley, chestnut, or other meal; can be served fried)"} {"Clue":"Quality surrounds good university offering no clear results? Unable to say (6-4)","Answer":"TONGUE TIED","Explanation":"Definition: Unable to say\n(**TONE** [quality]** containing** [surrounds] [**G** {good} **+ U** {university}]) + **TIED** (no clear winner or loser; no clear result)\n **TON** (**G** **U**) **E** **TIED**\n\n**TONGUE TIED** (unable to speak out; or affected congenital condition in which the tongue's mobility is impeded by an abnormally short frenum which makes it difficult to talk)."} {"Clue":"Architects initially linked to dull coarse humour (8)","Answer":"RIBALDRY","Explanation":"Definition: coarse humour\n**RIBA** (Royal Institute of British Architects) **+ L** (**first letter of** [initially] **LINKED**) **+ DRY** (dull)\n **RIBA L DRY**\n\n**RIBALDRY** (coarse humour)"} {"Clue":"Day and year around simple vessel affected by currents around Florida (6)","Answer":"DRAFTY","Explanation":"Definition: affected by currents around Florida\n(**D** [day] **+ Y** [year]) **containing** (surrounding) **RAFT** (flat structure of logs, etc for support or for conveyance on water; example of a simple vessel)\n **D** (**RAFT**) **Y**\n\n**DRAFTY** (American [Florida] spelling of **DRAUGHTY** [affected by currents of air])"} {"Clue":"Runs from close encounter in part of shrubbery (4)","Answer":"BUSH","Explanation":"Definition: part of shrubbery\n**BRUSH** (close encounter) **excluding** (from) **R** (runs in cricket scoring notation)\n **BUSH**\n\n**BUSH** (something you would see in a shrubbery)"} {"Clue":"Rogue cuddling 12: one account of the heart (7)","Answer":"CARDIAC","Explanation":"Definition: of the heart\n**CAD** **containing** (cuddling) **R** (Rex; **KING** [12 across]) **+ I** (roman numeral for one) **+ AC** (account)\n **CA** (**R**) **D** **I** **AC**\n\n**CARDIAC** (relating to [of] the heart)"} {"Clue":"Durable work unit about to come in still (9)","Answer":"EVERGREEN","Explanation":"Definition: Durable\n(**ERG** [unit of work] **+ RE** [with reference to; about]) **contained in** [to come in) **EVEN** (still)\n **EV** (**ERG** **RE**) **EN**\n\n**EVERGREEN** (unfading; never failing; durable)"} {"Clue":"Price arranged with Mafia regarding usable evidence (5,5)","Answer":"PRIMA FACIE","Explanation":"Definition: usable evidence\n**Anagram of** (arranged with \u2026) **PRICE** and **MAFIA**\n **PRI****MA FA****C****I****E***\n\n**PRIMA FACIE** (evidence sufficient to support the bringing of a charge)"} {"Clue":"Components of antimony most unlikely in work on cleaning stone (9)","Answer":"SANDBLAST","Explanation":"Definition: work on cleaning stone\n**S AND B** (the chemical symbol for antimony is **SB** so the components of that symbol are **S AND B**) **+ LAST** (most unlikely)\n **S AND B LAST**\n\n**SANDBLAST** (sand blown by a blast of air or steam under pressure for glass-engraving, finishing metal surfaces or cleaning stone)"} {"Clue":"Writer's beset by former partners \u2013 alimony, child support etc? (8)","Answer":"EXPENSES","Explanation":"Definition: alimony, child support etc\n**PEN'S** (writer's) **contained in** (beset by) **EXES** (former partner)\n **EX** (**PENS**) **ES**\n\n**EXPENSES** (costs incurred, which in the case of divorce creating an EX, may include alimony, child support etc)"} {"Clue":"Difficult police operation after half of team wiped out (7)","Answer":"TESTING","Explanation":"Definition: Difficult\n**TEAM** **excluding** (wiped out) **AM**, **the last two letters of four** [half]) of **TEAM** + **STING** (trap for criminals set up by the police)\n **TE** **STING**\n\n**TESTING** (difficult)"} {"Clue":"Carrier I found cast in curious metal (7)","Answer":"RHODIUM","Explanation":"Definition: metal\n(**HOD** [carrier] **+ I** ) **contained in** (found cast in) **RUM** (odd; curious)\n **R** (**HOD** **I**) **UM**\n\n**RHODIUM** (metallic element of the platinum group)"} {"Clue":"Fancily-dressed folk around street: what will aid the paparazzi? (1-5)","Answer":"F-STOPS","Explanation":"Definition: what will aid the paparazzi\n**FOPS** (affected dandies who like to dress excessively smartly) **containing** (around) **ST** (street)\n **F** (**ST**) **OPS**\n\n**F-STOPS** (setting on a camera to show the f-number [ratio of the focal length to the true diameter of a lens]currently in use; something that helps the paparazzi get the best possible photographs)"} {"Clue":"Seat the ultimate in glamour till now (2,3)","Answer":"SO FAR","Explanation":"Definition: till now\n**SOFA** (seat) **+ R** **(last letter of** [ultimate in] **GLAMOUR**)\n **SO FA R**\n\n**SO FAR** (until now)"} {"Clue":"Nobleman expected to throttle 12 (4)","Answer":"DUKE","Explanation":"Definition: Nobleman\n**DUE** (expected) **containing** (to throttle) **K** (**KING** [12 across)\n **DU** (**K**) **E**\n\n**DUKE** (nobleman)"} {"Clue":"Duet I'd done with leader of Pogues celebrated without one getting steamed (4,7)","Answer":"SUET PUDDING","Explanation":"Definition: one getting steamed\n**SUNG** (celebrated) **containing** (without; outside) **an anagram of** (done \u2026 with) (**DUET I'D** and **P** [**first letter of** {leader of} **P****OGUES**])\n **SU** (**ET**** P****UD****DI***) **NG**\n\n**SUET PUDDING** (a dessert that can be cooked by steaming)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps resembling a Quaker coin, decimal with 1A (5)","Answer":"PENNY","Explanation":"Definition: coin, decimal with 1A\n**PENNY** (like William **PENN** [1644 \u2013 1718], leader of the English Quakers and founder of what was originally the province of **PENN**sylvania in America)\n **PENNY**\n\n**PENNY **(with **NEW** [1 across], a **NEW PENNY** is a decimal coin)"} {"Clue":"County set left after broadcast got more and more revolting (8)","Answer":"GRUESOMER","Explanation":"Definition: more revolting\n**GRUE** (**sounds like** [broadcast] **GREW** [got more]) **+ SOMERSET** (English County) **excluding** (left) **SET**\n **GRUE SOMER**\n\n**GRUESOMER** (more revolting)"} {"Clue":"What's adolescent, having left to cross river, ringing in? (6,8)","Answer":"TWENTY","Explanation":"Definition: more revolting\n**GRUE** (**sounds like** [broadcast] **GREW** [got more]) **+ SOMERSET** (English County) **excluding** (left) **SET**\n **GRUE SOMER**\n\n**GRUESOMER** (more revolting)"} {"Clue":"Promise broken by Ludwig's first Symphony with 1A (5)","Answer":"WORLD","Explanation":"Definition: Symphony with 1A\n**WORD** (promise)** containing** (broken by) **L** (**first letter of** [first] **LUDWIG**])\n **WOR** (**L**) **D**\n\n**WORLD** (reference the **NEW** [1 across] **WORLD** symphony by Antonin Dvorak)"} {"Clue":"Daisy on back of tandem that with 1A Jacky may have in nursery (6)","Answer":"MASTER","Explanation":"Definition: Symphony with 1A\n**WORD** (promise)** containing** (broken by) **L** (**first letter of** [first] **LUDWIG**])\n **WOR** (**L**) **D**\n\n**WORLD** (reference the **NEW** [1 across] **WORLD** symphony by Antonin Dvorak)"} {"Clue":"Lecturer's advice to young man? It's not good, and extremely vulgar (6)","Answer":"LOWEST","Explanation":"Definition: extremely vulgar\n**L** (lecturer) **+**** ****G****O WEST** (Wikipedia tells us that **GO WEST YOUNG MAN**\" is a phrase, the origin of which is often credited to the American author and newspaper editor Horace Greeley concerning America's expansion westward, related to the then-popular concept of Manifest Destiny. No one has yet proven who first used this phrase in print) excluding (not) **G** (good)\n\n**LOWEST** (most vulgar)"} {"Clue":"At best crude promo is in this? (3,5)","Answer":"BAD TASTE","Explanation":"Definition: At best crude promo is in this\n**AD** (advertisement; promo) **contained in** (is in) **an anagram of** (crude) **AT BEST**\n **B** (**AD**) **TA****STE***\n\n**BAD TASTE** (descriptive of something that is offensive or inappropriate for the situation)"} {"Clue":"With 1A a freedom fighter got round mum (5)","Answer":"WOMAN","Explanation":"Definition: mum\n**WON** (got) **containing** (round) **MA** (mother; mum)\n **WO** (**MA**) **N**\n\n**WOMAN** (reference **NEW** [1 across] **WOMAN** [a name applied, especially by scoffers, in the late 19th century to such women as actively sought freedom and equality with men.; freedom fighter)"} {"Clue":"Easy joint? (6)","Answer":"REEFER","Explanation":"Definition: joint\n**REEFER** (a cigarette containing marijuana that is said to relive pain and generate **EASE \/ **make things** EASY**)\n **REEFER**\n\n**REEFER** (**JOINT** can be similarly defined as cigarette containing marijuana;)"} {"Clue":"Was proudly erect after replacing centrepiece with 1A block (9)","Answer":"STONEWALL","Explanation":"Definition: block\n**STOOD TALL** (was proudly and confidently erect) with 1 across** NEW replacing the central letters** (centrepiece) **ODT** \n **STONEWALL**\n\n**STONEWALL** (hold up progress; delay; block)"} {"Clue":"I believe first of clues needs rewrite (5)","Answer":"CREDO","Explanation":"Definition: I believe\n**C** (**first letter of **[first of] **CLUES**) **+ REDO** (rewrite)\n **C** **REDO**\n\n**CREDO** (belief or set of beliefs)"} {"Clue":"Free excesses of air go illegally round America (4,3,4)","Answer":"RIDE THE RODS","Explanation":"Definition: go illegally round America\n**RID** (free) **+ ETHER** (clear upper air) **+ ODS** (overdoses; excesses) \n **RID** **E THE R** **ODS**\n\n**RIDE THE RODS** (Old American phrase meaning 'to travel illegally on the railway, supporting oneself on the rods of railway carriages')"} {"Clue":"Scrag end of mutton to take off? (4)","Answer":"NAPE","Explanation":"Definition: Scrag\n**N** (**last letter of** [end of] **MUTTON** **+ APE** (mimic; take-off)\n **N** **APE**\n\n**NAPE** (back of the neck; **SCRAG** can be defined as the neck or bony part of the neck)"} {"Clue":"Originally put down, first of psychologists who finally cut it (5)","Answer":"WUNDT","Explanation":"Definition: Originally put down, first of psychologists who finally cut it\n**Anagram of** (originally) **PUT DOWN** **excluding** (cut it) (**P** [**first letter of** [first of] **PSYCHOLOGISTS**] and **O** **[last letter of** [finally] **WHO**)\n **WUNDT***\n\n**WUNDT** (reference Wilhelm Maximilian **WUNDT**\u00a0[1832 \u2013 1920] was a German physician, physiologist, philosopher, and professor, known today as one of the founding figures of modern psychology. **WUNDT**, who noted psychology as a science apart from philosophy and biology, was the first person ever to call himself a psychologist; first of psychologists; first of psychologists who finally cut it) Presumably, in earlier times psychology was scorned or 'put down' as a legitimate subject)"} {"Clue":"With 1A dating from 1752, noisily steps over 31 (5)","Answer":"STYLE","Explanation":"Definition: With 1A dating from 1752\n**STYLE** (sounds like [noisily] **STILE** [something you might use to step over a **STONE WALL** [31 across])\n**STYLE **\u00a0(reference **NEW** [1 across] **STYLE** [The Calendar (**NEW STYLE**) Act 1750 was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain. After removing eleven days 25th March in **1752,**\u00a0the day now\u00a0corresponded from to 6 April **NEW STYLE. **The calendar remains in this** **form today. The Act had two parts: first, it reformed the calendar of England and the British Dominions so that the new legal year began on 1 January rather than 25 March (Lady Day); and, second, Great Britain and its Dominions adopted (in effect) the Gregorian calendar, as already used in most of western Europe."} {"Clue":"Tips disregarded in the most influential decade (8)","Answer":"EIGHTIES","Explanation":"Definition: decade\n**W****EIGHTIES****T** (most influential) **excluding the first and last letters** [tips disregarded) **W** and **T**\n **EIGHTIES**\n\n**EIGHTIES** (a decade)"} {"Clue":"Star stirring up a platelayer with cracks I ignored (4,5)","Answer":"PAUL","Explanation":"Definition: Star \n**Anagram of **(stirring) **UP A** **+** (**W** [with] **contained in** [cracks] [**L****I****NE MAN **{person who attends to the lines of a railway; a **PLATELAYER** can be similarly defined} **excluding** {ignored} **I**])\n **PAU*** **L NE** (**W**) **MAN**\n\n**PAUL** [**NEW**] [**MAN**] (film star)"} {"Clue":"Comic stand-in so harsh! (9)","Answer":"DISSONANT","Explanation":"Definition: harsh\n**Anagram of** (comic) **STAND-IN SO**\n **DISSONANT***\n\n**DISSONANT **(discordant; jarring; harsh)"} {"Clue":"Nimrod's second last to offer up terminal sacrifices (9)","Answer":"IMMOLATES","Explanation":"Definition: sacrifices\n**I'M** (Nimrod's [setter's]) **+ MO** (moment; second) ??\n I'm not sure how the wordplay works here.\n **IM** **MO** ????\n\n**IMMOLATES** (sacrifices by burning)"} {"Clue":"34 did a runner from corn store (4)","Answer":"GARY","Explanation":"Definition: 34\n**RAN** [did a runner] **excluded from** [from] **GRANARY** (corn store]\n **GARY**\n\n**GARY** (name of a **MAN** [34 down])"} {"Clue":"Slash Mini in Glasgow? (3)","Answer":"WEE","Explanation":"Definition: Slash\n**WEE** (urinate; **SLASH** is a slang term for urinate)\n **WEE**\n\n**WEE** (Scottish [Glasgow] term for small [mini]) double definition"} {"Clue":"View of ocean gleaming (5)","Answer":"ANGLE","Explanation":"Definition: View\n**ANGLE** (**hidden word in** [of] **OCEAN GLEAMING**)\n **ANGLE**\n\n**ANGLE** ([point of] view)"} {"Clue":"Not at first supporting the German plan to reorganise Europe with 1A (5)","Answer":"ORDER","Explanation":"Definition: plan to reorganise Europe with 1A\n**F****OR** (supporting) **excluding the first letter** [not at first])**\u00a0F +**** DER **[one of the forms of 'the' in German)\n **OR** **DER**\n\n**ORDER** (reference **NEW ORDER** [The **NEW\u00a0ORDER** (German: Neuordnung), or the **NEW\u00a0ORDER** of Europe (German: Neuordnung Europas), was the political **ORDER** which Nazi Germany wanted to impose on the conquered areas under its dominion"} {"Clue":"Such a claim covering today's first light with respect to yesterday's? (3,3,3)","Answer":"NEW FOR OLD","Explanation":"Definition: Such a claim\n**NEW** (today's first grid entry [1 across] [light]) **+ FOR** (with respect to) + **OLD** (the equivalent first light [1 across] in yesterday's crossword)\n **NEW ****FOR**** ****OLD**\n\n**NEW FOR OLD** (term used by insurance companies to describe their best claims policies)"} {"Clue":"Offensive male sex organ parts \u2013 with 1A where is Mark? (9)","Answer":"TESTAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: with 1A where is Mark\n**STAMEN** (part of a plant containing the anther [the male reproductive organ]) **contained in** (parts)\u00a0**TET** (reference the **TET** offensive by North Vietnamese\u00a0Forces in January to September 1968 during the Vietnam War)\n **TE** (**STAMEN**) **T**\n\n**TESTAMENT** (reference **NEW** [1 across] **TESTAMENT**, the part of the Bible where you will find the Gospel according to St **MARK**)"} {"Clue":"Historical action court cases dramatically alter (8)","Answer":"WATERLOO","Explanation":"Definition: Historical action\n**WOO** (court) **containing** (cases) **an anagram of** [dramatically] **ALTER**\n **W **(**ATERL***)** OO**\n\n**WATERLOO** (reference the Battle of **WATERLOO** [1815]; historical action)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps a rising trend of the 4 with 1A (3)","Answer":"AGE","Explanation":"Definition: trend of the 4 with 1A\n(**E.G.** [for example; perhaps] **+ A**) **all reversed** (rising; down clue)\n (**A** **GE**)<\n\n**AGE** (reference **NEW** [1 across] **AGE** [**NEW AGE** is a term applied to a range of spiritual or religious beliefs and practices that .and\u00a0ideas influenced the development of rave culture in the late 1980s\u00a0[**EIGHTIES**,\u00a04\u00a0down] and 1990)"} {"Clue":"With 1A, TV talent show following fine performers (5)","Answer":"FACES","Explanation":"Definition: With 1A, TV talent show\n**F** (following) **+ ACES** [excellent [fine] performers)\n **F** **ACES**\n\n**FACES** (reference the TV talent programme **NEW** [1 across] **FACES**, broadcast in the 1970s and 1980s)"} {"Clue":"Discharge explosive spirit bottles (5)","Answer":"RHEUM","Explanation":"Definition: Discharge\n**RUM** (alcoholic spirit) **containing** (bottles) **HE** (high explosive)\n **R** (**HE**) **UM**\n\n**RHEUM** (mucous discharge especially from the nose)"} {"Clue":"With 1A he'll need different login from you server supplies (4)","Answer":"USER","Explanation":"Definition: With 1A he'll need different login\n**USER** (**hidden word in** [supplies] **YOU SERVER**)\n **USER**\n\n**USER** (a **NEW** [1 across] **USER** of a computer system will usually be given a different password from anyone else)"} {"Clue":"One's forgotten to postpone 60s cinematic movement with 1A (4)","Answer":"WAVE","Explanation":"Definition: 60s cinematic movement with 1A\n**WAIVE** (postpone) **excluding** (forgotten)** I** [Roman numeral for one]\n **WAVE**\n\n**WAVE** (reference **NEW** [1 across] **WAVE**; **NEW WAVE** is a movement in French cinema in the late 1950s and 1960s which abandoned the linear narrative and experimented with untypical framing and fluid camera movements)"} {"Clue":"100 women kept in Milton Keynes, say, with 1A (4)","Answer":"TOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Milton Keynes, say, with 1A\n**W** (women) **contained in** (kept in) **TON** (one hundred)\n **TO** (**W**) **N**\n\n**TOWN** (reference the **NEW** [1 across] **TOWN**, Milton Keynes which was designated as **NEW TOWN** in January 1967)"} {"Clue":"I gain one second to come first (6)","Answer":"ISLAND","Explanation":"Definition: I\n**I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ S** (second) **+ LAND** (secure; win)\n **I** **S** **LAND**\n\n**ISLAND** (I is an abbreviation for **ISLAND**)"} {"Clue":"Prickly character initially chafing at casual treatment by you and me (6)","Answer":"CACTUS","Explanation":"Definition: Prickly character\n**CACT** (**first letters of** [initially] **each of CHAFING**, **AT**, **CASUAL** and **TREATMENT**) + **US** (you and me)\n **CACT** **US**\n\n**CACTUS** (spiny plant; prickly character)"} {"Clue":"Itinerant artist against being framed by informant (9)","Answer":"TRAVELLER","Explanation":"Definition: Itinerant\n(**RA** [Royal Academician; artist] **+ V** {versus]) **contained in** (being framed by) **TELLER** (one who informs; informant)\n **T** (**RA** **V**) **ELLER**\n\n**TRAVELLER** (itinerant)"} {"Clue":"Tipsy Lord admits blunder (5)","Answer":"MERRY","Explanation":"Definition: Tipsy\n**MY** (gosh!; Lord!) **containing** (admits) **ERR** (blunder)\n **M** (**ERR**) **Y**\n\n**MERRY** (tipsy)"} {"Clue":"One course of half-eaten meal swimming in fat left unfinished (7)","Answer":"PUDDING","Explanation":"Definition: One course \n**DINNER** **(meal excluding three letters [of **six]\u00a0**NER**\u00a0[half-eaten])** contained in** (swimming in) **PUDG****E** (alternative spelling of **PODGE** [squat, fat and flabby person or thing])\n **PUD** (**DIN**) **G**\n\n**PUDDING** (one course of a meal)"} {"Clue":"Watch thug circling round floor (7)","Answer":"LOOKOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Watch\n**LOUT** (ill-mannered or aggressive man or youth; thug) **containing** (**O** []round shape] + **KO** [knockout; floor])\n **L** (**O** **KO**) **OUT**\n\n**LOOKOUT** (watch)"} {"Clue":"Reporter's not changing paper? (10)","Answer":"STATIONERY","Explanation":"Definition: paper\n**STATIONERY** (**sounds like** [reporter's] **STATIONARY** [not moving or changing])\n **STATIONERY**\n\n**STATIONERY** (paper, for example)"} {"Clue":"In the main, movement is restricted to those attending (4)","Answer":"TIDE","Explanation":"Definition: In the main, movement\nI am defeated by the wordplay here. The homophone **TIED** denotes one whose tenant may occupy the premises only as long as he or she is employed by the owner or one who must buy goods from stores controlled by the landlord \/ employer, so there may be some very tenuous link to the clue 'restricted to one attending'. However, there is no homophone indicator in the clue so I am really clutching at straws.\n **TIDE**\n\n**TIDE** (ebb and flow of the sea [main]\u00a0twice daily, in the main, movement)"} {"Clue":"Plant having no proper flower (4)","Answer":"ROSE","Explanation":"Definition: flower\n**PRIMROSE** (plant) **excluding** (having no) **PRIM** (proper)\n **ROSE**\n\n**ROSE** (flower)"} {"Clue":"Reporter's son grew upset with men (10)","Answer":"NEWSMONGER","Explanation":"Definition: Reporter\n**Anagram of** (upset) **SON**, **GREW** and **MEN**\n **N****EW****S****M****O****NGER***\n\n**NEWSMONGER** (person who deals in news;, a reporter for example)"} {"Clue":"County's eastern region briefly brought back old legislation (4,3)","Answer":"CORN LAW","Explanation":"Definition: old legislation\n**CORN****WALL** (English county) **with the rightmost** [eastern]** four letters** [region] **excluding the final letter** [briefly] **L reversed** [brought back]\n **CORN** **LAW**<\n\n**CORN LAW** (old law regulating trade in grain, enacted in 1815, repealed in 1846)"} {"Clue":"Quietly object to offer (7)","Answer":"PRESENT","Explanation":"Definition: offer\n**P** (piano; quietly] + **RESENT** (be angry about; object)\n **P RESENT**\n\n**PRESENT **(offer)"} {"Clue":"Plant raised area close to conservatory (5)","Answer":"DAISY","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\n**DAIS** (platform for the use of speakers; raised floor)** + Y** (**last letter of** [close to] **CONSERVATORY**)\n **DAIS** **Y**\n\n**DAISY** (plant)"} {"Clue":"Quarantine breach losing six lives to begin with (9)","Answer":"ISOLATION","Explanation":"Definition: Quarantine\n**IS** (lives), this part goes at the start **(to begin with)\u00a0+ VIOLATION** [breach] **excluding** (losing) **VI** (Roman numerals for six)\n **IS** **OLATION**\n\n**ISOLATION** (quarantine)"} {"Clue":"Insect larvae drawn by source of sugar (6)","Answer":"BEETLE","Explanation":"Definition: Insect\n**BEET** (a source of sugar)** ****+**** LE **(?)\n **BEET** **LE**\n\n**BEETLE** any insect of the Coleoptera)"} {"Clue":"PA seems more distant on the phone (6)","Answer":"FATHER","Explanation":"Definition: PA\n**FATHER **(**sounds like** [on the **FARTHER** [more distant])\n **FATHER**\n\n**FATHER** (daddy; pa)"} {"Clue":"Hold good area for spectators put up with principled position (5)","Answer":"STAND","Explanation":"Definition: Hold good\n**STAND** (hold good)\n **STAND** (area for spectators)\n **STAND** (tolerate; put up with)\n\n**STAND** (principled position) quadruple definition"} {"Clue":"Tipsy pirate providing drink (8)","Answer":"APERITIF","Explanation":"Definition: drink \n**Anagram of** (tipsy)** PIRATE** + **IF** (providing)\n **APERIT* ****IF**\n \u00a0\n\n**APERITIF** (drink taken as an appetizer)"} {"Clue":"Industry fabricating ceiling and walls to decorate (9)","Answer":"DILIGENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Industry\n**Anagram of** (fabricating) **CEILING** and **DE **(**first and last letters o**f [walls to] **DECORATE**)\n **D****ILIGENC****E***\n\n**DILIGENCE** (industry)"} {"Clue":"Song is something sung by gondolier when stripping naked (5)","Answer":"CAROL","Explanation":"Definition: Song\n**BAR****CAROL****E** (a gondolier's song) **excluding** (stripping) **BARE** **from the outer letters**\n **CAROL**\n\n**CAROL** (song)"} {"Clue":"Shared ground, almost one side of cricket pitch (6)","Answer":"COMMON","Explanation":"Definition: Shared ground\nI think this is using the **COMM****A** in the clue as it is the previous character to the word 'almost'.\n We have **COMMA** **excluding the final letter** (almost) **A**\u00a0+ **ON** (the leg side in cricket, the other being the **OFF** side)\n **COMM** **ON**\n\n**COMMON** (tract of open land, used by all the inhabitants of a town, parish, etc; shared ground)"} {"Clue":"Forcibly removing criminal into unorthodox group's housing (9)","Answer":"UPROOTING","Explanation":"Definition: Forcibly removing\n**Anagram of** (unorthodox) **GROUP** **containing** (housing) **an anagram of** (criminal) **INTO**\n **UPRO **(**OTIN*****) G***\n\n**UPROOTING** (removing forcibly)"} {"Clue":"Shell-like bone in middle of fossil record (6)","Answer":"STAPES","Explanation":"Definition: Shell-like bone\n**TAPE** (record) **contained in** (in) **SS** (**central letters of** [middle of] **FOSSIL**)\n **S** (**TAPE**) **S**\n\n**STAPES** (\u00a0stirrup-shaped bone, the innermost ossicle of the middle\u00a0ear)"} {"Clue":"Evergreen tree hampering attempt to climb (6)","Answer":"MYRTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Evergreen\n(**ELM** [tree] **containing** [hampering] **TRY** [attempt]) **all reversed** (to climb; down clue)\n (**M** (**YRT**) **LE**)< \n\n**MYRTLE** (any of various evergreen shrubs of the genus *Myrtus*)"} {"Clue":"Dogmatic author's raising good point about rule of law (9)","Answer":"ASSERTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Dogmatic\nI regret that I am unable to even begin to understand the wordplay here\n\n**ASSERTIVE** (dogmatic)"} {"Clue":"Impervious to irony tainting start of record by reformed Four Tops (9)","Answer":"RUSTPROOF","Explanation":"Definition: Impervious to irony tainting\n**R** (**first letter of** [start of] **RECORD**) **+ an anagram of** (reformed) **FOUR TOPS**)\n **R** **U****STP****RO****O****F***\n\n**RUSTPROOF** (impervious to **IRON** being tainted by a reddish brown as a result of being exposed to moisture [rusting]; impervious to **IRONY** tainting))"} {"Clue":"Patient rushed to occupy lavatory after I left (8)","Answer":"TOLERANT","Explanation":"Definition: Patient\n**RAN** (rushed) **contained in** (to occupy) **TOILET** **excluding** (after \u2026 left)** I**\n **TOLE** (**RAN**)** T**\n\n**TOLERANT **(patient)"} {"Clue":"Withdraw decree requiring revision (6)","Answer":"RECEDE","Explanation":"Definition: Withdraw\n**Anagram of** (requiring revision)** DECREE**\n **RECEDE***\n\n**RECEDE **(withdraw)"} {"Clue":"Chubby Checker's last hit leads to other dancers using new twist (6)","Answer":"ROTUND","Explanation":"Definition: Chubby\n**R** (**final letter of** ['s last] **CHECKER**) **+ an anagram of** (twist) **TODUN** (**first letters of** [leads] **each of** **TO**, **OTHER**, **DANCERS**, **USING** and **NEW)**\n **R**** OTUND***\n\n**ROTUND** (chubby)"} {"Clue":"Make a pretence of wager Irishman's accepted (4,2)","Answer":"PLAY AT","Explanation":"Definition: Make a pretence of\n**LAY** (place a bet; wager) **contained in** (accepted)** PAT** (name often used for Irish males)\n **P** (**LAY**) **AT**\n\n**PLAY AT** (make a pretence of)"} {"Clue":"The West Indies supply wine (5)","Answer":"WHITE","Explanation":"Definition: wine\n**Anagram of** (supply; from the word 'supple') **THE** and **WI** (West Indies)\n **W****H****I****TE***\n\n**WHITE** (descriptive of types of many types of wine)"} {"Clue":"Former French island for Napoleon (5)","Answer":"EXILE","Explanation":"Definition: Former French island for Napoleon\n**EX** (former) **+ ILE** (French word for island)\n **EX ****ILE**\n\n**EXILE **(Napoleon ended his life in **EXILE** on the island of St Helena)"} {"Clue":"Meeting for sex (8)","Answer":"CONGRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Meeting\n**CONGRESS** (assembly of delegates, specialists, ambassadors, etc for the discussion or settlement of problems, creating legislation, etc; meeting)\n \u00a0\n\n**CONGRESS** (sexual intercourse) double definition"} {"Clue":"Carriage clock's second hand initially missing gold (6)","Answer":"LANDAU","Explanation":"Definition: Carriage\n**L** (**second letter of** [second] **CLOCK**) **+ HAND** e**xcluding the first letter** (initially missing) **H + AU** (chemical symbol for gold)\n **L** **AND** **AU**\n\n**LANDAU** (horse-drawn carriage with a folding top)"} {"Clue":"Fellow just revolting (9)","Answer":"FRIGHTFUL","Explanation":"Definition: revolting\n**F** (fellow)** + RIGHTFUL** (just)\n **F** **\u00a0RIGHTFUL**\n\n**FRIGHTFUL** (repulsive; revolting)"} {"Clue":"Tries seen in international matches (5)","Answer":"TESTS","Explanation":"Definition: Tries\n**TESTS** (tries)\n **TESTS**\n\n**TESTS** (international sports matches) double definition"} {"Clue":"Musical with hard song (4)","Answer":"HAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Musical\n**H** (hard, in descriptions of pencil lead) **+ AIR** (song)\n **H** **AIR**\n\n**HAIR** (musical, first performed in 1967)"} {"Clue":"Made platform sole comfortable, although primarily foot collapsed (10)","Answer":"SCAFFOLDED","Explanation":"Definition: Made platform\n**SCA** (**first letters of** (primarily) **of each of SOLE**, **COMFORTABLE** and **ALTHOUGH**) **+ F** (foot) **+ FOLDED** (collapsed)\n **SCA F FOLDED**\n\n**SCAFFOLDED** (made a temporary framework of platforms erected around a building)"} {"Clue":"This could be an old bus conductor's role in retirement? (10)","Answer":"RATTLETRAP","Explanation":"Definition: This could be an old bus\n**RATTLE** (reference Sir Simon **RATTLE**\u00a0[born 1955], conductor and currently musical director of the London Symphony Orchestra) + **PART** (role) reversed (in retirement)\n **RATTLE** **TRAP**<\n\n**RATTLETRAP** (rickety vehicle,an old bus for example)"} {"Clue":"Top line on book (4)","Answer":"BROW","Explanation":"Definition: Top\n**B** (book)\u00a0**+ ROW** (line)\n **B ROW**\n\n**BROW** (top)"} {"Clue":"Colour and shape for bunting (12)","Answer":"YELLOWHAMMER","Explanation":"Definition: bunting\n**YELLOW** (colour) + **HAMMER** (beat; mould; shape)\n **YELLOW HAMMER**\n\n**YELLOWHAMMER** (a bird also knows as the YELLOW bunting)"} {"Clue":"Sand eel caught in channel (5)","Answer":"LANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Sand eel\n**C** (caught) **contained in** (in) **LANE** (channel)\n **LAN** (**C**) **E**\n\n**LANCE** (alternative spelling of **LAUNCE** [sand eel])"} {"Clue":"Pitch in Rugby Union town to go after game (5,4)","Answer":"SALES TALK","Explanation":"Definition: Pitch\n**SALE** (reference the town of **SALE**, home to a very successful professional Rugby Union team, **SALE** Sharks) **+ STALK** (go after game)\n **SALE** **S TALK**\n\n**SALES TALK** (a pitch to convince a client to purchase goods or services)"} {"Clue":"One believer is gripped by second part of bible (6)","Answer":"MONIST","Explanation":"Definition: One believer\n**MO** (moment; second) **+** **(IS contained in** [gripped by] **NT** [New Testament, part of the bible)\n **MO** **N** (**IS**)** T**\n\n**MONIST** (a believer of the philosophical theory that all being may ultimately be referred to one category)"} {"Clue":"Here toes put straight? (8)","Answer":"SHOETREE","Explanation":"Definition: Here toes put straight\n**Anagram of** (put straight) **HERE TOES**\n **SHOETREE***\n\n**SHOETREE** (a support, usually of wood or metal, inserted in a **SHOE**\u00a0when it is not being worn, in order to preserve its shape.)"} {"Clue":"Restrain copper that's very strong (4)","Answer":"CUFF","Explanation":"Definition: Restrain\n**CU** (chemical symbol for copper) **+ FF** (fortissimo; as loud as possible; very strong)\n **CU** **FF**\n\n**CUFF** (put hand**CUFF**s on; restrain)"} {"Clue":"One's caught by zip fastener (4)","Answer":"NAIL","Explanation":"Definition: fastener\n**A** (one) **contained in** (caught by)\u00a0**NIL** (zero; zip)\n **N** (**A**)** IL**\n\n**NAIL** (a type of fastener)"} {"Clue":"Repair footwear on tip (6)","Answer":"REHEEL","Explanation":"Definition: Repair footwear\n**RE** (with reference to; about ; on) **+ HEEL** (lean; list)\n **RE HEEL**\n\n**REHEEL** (repair footwear)"} {"Clue":"Firm with year contracts, over time they stop firing (6,7)","Answer":"SAFETY CATCHES","Explanation":"Definition: they stop firing\n(**SAFE** [firm] **+ Y** [year] **+ CATCHE****S** [contracts, as in contracts a disease) **containing** (over)** T** (time)\n **SAFE** (**T**) **Y** **CATCHES**\n\n**SAFETY CATCHES** (devices that protection against something, such as the accidental firing of a gun)"} {"Clue":"Piano playing with the short new song (8)","Answer":"ANTIPHON","Explanation":"Definition: song\n**(Anagram of** [playing \u2026 with] **PIANO** and **THE** **excluding the final lette**r (short) **E**) **+ ****N** (new)\n **AN****T****IP****H****O***** ****N**\n\n**ANTIPHON** (alternate chanting or singing; a type of church music sung by two parties each responding to the other; song)"} {"Clue":"Fancy dress? Endless fun around large party city (10)","Answer":"DUSSELDORF","Explanation":"Definition: city\n(**Anagram of** [fancy] **DRESS** and **FU****N** **excluding the final letter** [endless] **N**) **containing** (around) (**L** [large] **+ DO** [party])\n **D****U****SSE** (**L** **DO**) **R****F***\n\n**DUSSELDORF** (German city)"} {"Clue":"Winning team drink in complete confusion (6-4)","Answer":"UPSIDE DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: in complete confusion \n**UP** (winning) **+ SIDE** (team) **+ DOWN** (drink [a pint])\n **UP** **SIDE** **DOWN**\n\n**UPSIDE DOWN** (in complete confusion)"} {"Clue":"Breaking ice with him; full bar providing drink (13)","Answer":"LIEBFRAUMILCH","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nAnagram of (breaking) **ICE** and **HIM FULL BAR**\n **L****IE****BFRAUMIL****C****H***\n\n**LIEBFRAUMILCH** (wine; drink)"} {"Clue":"Clubs topping alcoholic drink with finest fruit (6,4)","Answer":"CHERRY PLUM","Explanation":"Definition: fruit \n**C** (clubs) **knocking off and replacing the first letter** (topping) **S** of **SHERRY** (alcoholic drink) **+ PLUM** (best; finest)\n **C** **HERRY** **PLUM**\n\n**CHERRY PLUM**** (****PLUM **with a flavour similar to a** CHERRY**; fruit)"} {"Clue":"Private business in pornographic material (5,5)","Answer":"DIRTY LINEN","Explanation":"Definition: Private business\n**DIRTY** (pornographic) **+ LINEN** (material)\n **DIRTY** **LINEN**\n\n**DIRTY LINEN** (personal problems or grievances; private business)"} {"Clue":"Underwear could be slips? (8)","Answer":"BLOOMERS","Explanation":"Definition: Underwear\n**BLOOMERS** loose undergarment similar to knickers, with legs gathered above the knee)\n **BLOOMERS**\n\n**BLOOMERS** (errors; slips) double definition"} {"Clue":"One rents large spaces everywhere all empty (6)","Answer":"LESSEE","Explanation":"Definition: One rents\n**LE SS EE** (**letters remaining in each of** [all] **L****ARG****E**, **S****PACE****S** and **E****VERYWHER****E** **when the central letters** **ARG**, **PACE** and **VERYWHER** are removed [empty])\n **LE SS EE**\n\n**LESSEE** (one who leases [rents] something)"} {"Clue":"Young salmon from usual river (4)","Answer":"PARR","Explanation":"Definition: Young salmon\n**PAR** (norm; standard;\u00a0usual) **+ R** (river)\n **PAR** **R**\n\n**PARR** (young salmon of up to two years of age)"} {"Clue":"Cycling team on European island (4)","Answer":"SKYE","Explanation":"Definition: island \n**SKY** (name of a professional cycling team \u2013 Team **SKY** [well it will be for another year until **SKY** end their sponsorship at the end of 2019]) **+ E** (European)\n **SKY** **E**\n\n**SKYE** (Scottish island)"} {"Clue":"Habitual whore taken in, charged (10)","Answer":"ACCUSTOMED","Explanation":"Definition: Habitual\n**TOM** (prostitute; whore) **contained in** (taken in) **ACCUSED** (charged)\n **ACCUS** (**TOM**) **ED**\n\n**ACCUSTOMED** (habitual)"} {"Clue":"Rough desperado, broke? See hard-up \u2014- possibly (5)","Answer":"DROOG","Explanation":"Definition: Rough desperado\nThis is one of Axed's composite anagrams which combines the entry and some words in the clue. In this case **ROUGH DESPERADO** is **a composite anagram of** (possibly)** SEE ****HARD**** ****UP** from the clue and **DROOG**, the entry.\n **DROOG**\n\n**DROOG** (gang-member, specifically a violent hooligan of the type portrayed by Anthony Burgess in his novel A Clockwork Orange; rough desperado)"} {"Clue":"Full of Scotch? Follow course inside subterranean chamber (5)","Answer":"FOGOU","Explanation":"Definition: subterranean chamber\n**GO** (follow course) **contained in** (inside) **FOU** (Scottish word for full or drunk)\n **FO** (**GO**) **U**\n\n**FOGOU** (man-made underground [subterranean] passage or chamber, found in Cornwall)"} {"Clue":"Feel blue fragments of Spode, undated (7)","Answer":"DESPOND","Explanation":"Definition: Feel blue\n**Anagram of** (fragments of) **SPODE** **+ ND** (not dated; undated)\n **DESPO*** **ND**\n\n**DESPOND** (lacking in hope; feeling blue)"} {"Clue":"Bit of mockery following bumpkin (5)","Answer":"FLOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of mockery\n**F** (following)** + LOUT** (bumpkin)\n **F** **LOUT**\n\n**FLOUT** (a jeer; a bit of mockery)"} {"Clue":"White wine keeping cold cooper's bottled (8)","Answer":"PROSECCO","Explanation":"Definition: White wine\n**Anagram of** (bottled) **COOPER'S**** containing** (keeping) **C** (cold)\n **PROSEC** (**C**) **O***\n\n**PROSECCO** (Italian sparkling white wine)"} {"Clue":"Like personal tutorial in interpretation of 1259? (8)","Answer":"ONE-TO-ONE","Explanation":"Definition: Like personal tutorial\n**ONE TO ONE** (1259 could be said as twelve fifty-nine and written as the time 12:59 or\u00a0**ONE** minute **TO ONE**)\n **ONE-TO-ONE**\n\n**ONE-TO-ONE** (descriptive of a personal tutorial where a tutor teaches just **ONE**\u00a0student)"} {"Clue":"Declared port special \u2013 top-notch date (4)","Answer":"SAID","Explanation":"Definition: Declared\nThere are two wordplays or definitions here\n **SAID** (reference to Egyptian city of Port **SAID **at the northern end of the Suez Canal)\n **S** (special) **+**** A1** (excellent; top notch) **+ D** (date)\n **SAID** or **S** **AI ****D**\n\n**SAID** (declared)"} {"Clue":"Muslim ruler having trouble with queen, creating watchtower (7)","Answer":"MIRADOR","Explanation":"Definition: watchtower\n**MIR** (Muslim ruler) **+ ADO** (trouble) **+**** R** (Regina; queen)\n **MIR** **ADO** **R**\n\n**MIRADOR** (belvedere or watchtower)"} {"Clue":"Worth a bet? Devotee rolled dice (7)","Answer":"FANCIED","Explanation":"Definition: Worth a bet\n**FAN** (devotee) **+ an anagram of** (rolled) **DICE**\n **FAN ****CIED*******\n\n**FANCIED** (considered likely to win; something worth a bet)"} {"Clue":"Encouragement not genuine if debts are ignored? (4)","Answer":"SPUR","Explanation":"Definition: Encouragement\n**SPURIOUS** (not genuine) **excluding** (are ignored) **IOUS** (I owe yous; debts)\n **SPUR**\n\n**SPUR** (encouragement)"} {"Clue":"Memory trace a German's fuzzily got about mark (8)","Answer":"ENGRAMMA","Explanation":"Definition: Memory trace\n**Anagram of** (fuzzily) **A GERMAN** **containing** (about) **M** (mark; former German currency)\n **ENGR****A** (**M**) **MA***\n\n**ENGRAMMA** (memory trace)"} {"Clue":"Non-standard church court? Abomination when it houses large car (8)","Answer":"HALIMOTE","Explanation":"Definition: Memory trace\n**Anagram of** (fuzzily) **A GERMAN** **containing** (about) **M** (mark; former German currency)\n **ENGR****A** (**M**) **MA***\n\n**ENGRAMMA** (memory trace)"} {"Clue":"Does he offer dross to Brighton holidaymakers? (7)","Answer":"PIERROT","Explanation":"Definition: Does he offer dross to Brighton holidaymakers\n**PIER** (Brighton is a seaside resort with a **PIER**) **+ ROT** (rubbish; dross)\n **PIER** **ROT**\n\n**PIERROT** (white-faced clown with loose long-sleeved garb; formerly, a member of a group of entertainers in similar dress at seaside resorts, such as Brighton. Presumably some **PIERROT**s could be poor entertainers [offering dross])"} {"Clue":"Overseers won't need diplomats for this 'royal' measure (5)","Answer":"REMEN","Explanation":"Definition: this 'royal' measure\n**FOREMEN** (overseers) **excluding** (won't need) **FO** (Foreign Office; home of the diplomatic corps)\n **REMEN**\n\n**REMEN** (unit of measurement used by the ancient Egyptians [equivalent to 52.4cm or 20.62in], also known as a royal cubit)"} {"Clue":"Middle-easterner, an inhabitant abandoning branch of Buddhism (5)","Answer":"ADENI","Explanation":"Definition: Middle-easterner\n**A** (an) **+ DENIZEN** (inhabitant) **excluding** (abandoning) **ZEN** ([originally] a Japanese branch of Buddhism [with various sects] which holds that the truth is not in scriptures but in a person's own heart if they will only strive to find it by meditation and self-mastery)\n **A** **DENI**\n\n**ADENI** (an inhabitant of ADEN, a middle easterner)"} {"Clue":"The French in combat, secretive and showing little interest (10)","Answer":"LISTLESSLY","Explanation":"Definition: showing little interest\n**LES** (one of the French forms of 'the')** contained in** (in) (**LISTS** [the boundary of a jousting-ground or similar area, hence the ground itself, combat] **+ SLY** [secretive])\n **LIST** (**LES**) **S**** ****SLY**\n\n**LISTLESSLY** (showing little interest)"} {"Clue":"Old remnant, not even what could give you chest room (12)","Answer":"ODDCOMESHORT","Explanation":"Definition: Old remnant\n**ODD** (not even) **+ an anagram of** (what could give you) **CHEST ROOM**\n **ODD****COMESHORT***\n\n**ODDCOMESHORT** (archaic [old] word for remnant)"} {"Clue":"Bashful about female, right? Irish chief could claim this (7)","Answer":"COSHERY","Explanation":"Definition: Irish chief could claim this\n**COY** (bashful) **containing** (about) (**SHE** [female] **+ R** [right])\n **CO** (**SHE** **R**) **Y**\n\n**COSHERY** (the ancient right of an Irish chief to quarter himself and his retainers on his tenantry)"} {"Clue":"Optic activated with a sherry glass (6)","Answer":"COPITA","Explanation":"Definition: sherry glass\n**Anagram of** (activated) **OPTIC** + **A**\n **COPIT*** **A**\n\n**COPITA** (tulip-shaped sherry glass)"} {"Clue":"Car accessory that's transformed runs, but not without boodle (7)","Answer":"SUNROOF","Explanation":"Definition: Car accessory\n**Anagram of** (transformed) **RUNS** **+ OOF** (money; boodle)\n **SUNR*** **OOF**\n\n**SUNROOF **(section in a car roof that can be slid open to admit light and air; car accessory)"} {"Clue":"Stir one's own egg? (4)","Answer":"TO-DO","Explanation":"Definition: Stir\n**TOD** (one's own) **+ O** (egg-shaped letter?)\n **TO D**** O**\n\n**TO-DO** (stir)"} {"Clue":"Start journey switching parts as equivalent? (6)","Answer":"OFFSET","Explanation":"Definition: as equivalent\n**OFFSET** (**SET** **OFF**\u00a0[start journey] with the two component parts **SET** and **OFF** switched round [switching parts] to form** OFF****SET**)\n **OFF****SET**\n\n**OFFSET** (thing set off against another as equivalent or compensation)"} {"Clue":"Annoyance created by spies over time (6)","Answer":"MOLEST","Explanation":"Definition: Annoyance\n**MOLES** (spies) **+ T** (time) \u2013 this being a down entry the letters of **MOLES** are placed over the letter **T**\n **MOLES** **T**\n\n**MOLEST** (as a noun, an annoyance)"} {"Clue":"Monkey at home on eastern ogee moulding (7)","Answer":"DOUCINE","Explanation":"Definition: ogee moulding\n**DOUC** (a variegated monkey of SE Asia) **+ IN** (home) **+ E** (eastern)\n **DOUC** **IN** **E**\n\n**DOUCINE** (cyma recta [an ogee moulding of the cornice])"} {"Clue":"Teaching oneself, caution mostly abandoned, about performed play (12)","Answer":"AUTODIDACTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Teaching oneself,\n**Anagram of** (abandoned) **CAUTION** **excluding the final lette**r (mostly) **N containing** (about) **DID ACT** (performed play)\n **AUTO** (**DID** **ACT**) **IC***\n\n**AUTODIDACTIC** (teaching oneself)"} {"Clue":"Ordure entirely engulfs this west-country ditch (4)","Answer":"REEN","Explanation":"Definition: west-country ditch\n**REEN** (**hidden word in** [engulfs] **ORDURE ENTIRELY**)\n **REEN**\n\n**REEN **(Somerset etc [west-country] term for a ditch or watercourse"} {"Clue":"If old, needing drive round \u2013 pick from list (7)","Answer":"IMPANEL","Explanation":"Definition: pick from list \n**AN** (an archaic [old] form of 'if')** contained in** (needing \u2026 round) **IMPEL** (drive)\n **IMP** (**AN**)** EL**\n\n**IMPANEL** (alternative spelling of **EMPANEL** [to select [pick] a jury from a list of potential members)"} {"Clue":"Alexander's specialty, making the trounced migrate (7)","Answer":"RAGTIME","Explanation":"Definition: Alexander's specialty\n**Anagram of** (trounced) **MIGRATE**\n **RAGTIME***\n\n**RAGTIME** (reference Alexander's RAGTIME Band, song by Irving Berlin)"} {"Clue":"'Whaup' indicates my breed, relatively easily located (those heading here)? (7)","Answer":"WIMBREL","Explanation":"Definition: Whaup' indicates my breed\n**WIMBREL** (**first letters of each of** [those heading here] **WHAUP**, **INDICATES**, **MY**, **BREED**, **RELATIVELY**, **EASILY** and **LOCATED**)\n **WIMBREL**\n\n**WIMBREL** (Little Whaup, species of small curlew. The curlew itself is also known as the Great Whaup. The bird can also be spelled **WHIMBREL**)"} {"Clue":"Quotations? Royal personages editing number out (6)","Answer":"PRICES","Explanation":"Definition: Quotations\n**PRINCES** (royal personages) **excluding** (editing \u2026 out) **N** (number)\n **PRICES**\n\n**PRICES** (quotations)"} {"Clue":"E.g. lute pieces among what's transposed etc. (6)","Answer":"CEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: E.g. lute\n**MEN** (pieces [in chess, for example]) **contained in** (among) **an anagram of** (transposed) **ETC**\n **CE **(**MEN**)** T***\n\n**CEMENT** (**LUTE** can be defined as clay, cement or other material used as a protective covering)"} {"Clue":"Gypsies, international, in a pack? (6)","Answer":"CAIRDS","Explanation":"Definition: Gypsies\n**I** (international) **contained in** (in) **CARDS** (reference a pack of **CARDS**)\n **CA** (**I**) **RDS**\n\n**CAIRDS** (gypsies)"} {"Clue":"January perhaps for writers? Flash forward (4)","Answer":"MOON","Explanation":"Definition: January perhaps for writers\n**MO** (moment; flash) **+ ON** (forward)\n **MO** **ON**\n\n**MOON** (literary term [writers] for month, of which January is one example)"} {"Clue":"Stone circle, circuit erected (4)","Answer":"OPAL","Explanation":"Definition: Stone\n**O** (letter shaped like a circle) **+ LAP** (circuit) **reversed** (erected; down clue)\n **O** **PAL**<\n\n**OPAL** (precious stone)"} {"Clue":"Reluctance if rim buckled for describing rim (15)","Answer":"CIRCUMFERENTIAL","Explanation":"Definition: describing rim\n**Anagram of **(buckled) **RELUCTANCE IF RIM**\n **C****I****RCU****MF****E****R****ENT****I****AL***\n\n**CIRCUMFERENTIAL** (relating to the boundary line or rim)"} {"Clue":"Child nursed by famous mother, depicted in stonework? (7)","Answer":"MASONRY","Explanation":"Definition: stonework\n**SON** (child) **contained in** (nursed by) **MARY** (mother of Jesus; famous mother)\n **MA** (**SON**) **RY**\n\n**MASONRY **(building work in stone)"} {"Clue":"Identifier \u2013 encountered one carried by horse (4,3)","Answer":"NAMETAG","Explanation":"Definition: Identifier\n(**MET** [encountered] **+ A** [one) **contained in** (carried by) **NAG** (horse, especially a small or inferior one)\n **NA** (**MET** **A**)** G**\n\n**NAMETAG** (example of an identifier)"} {"Clue":"Odd observation originating in university should be rejected (3)","Answer":"UFO","Explanation":"Definition: Odd observation\n(**OF** [originating in]** + U** [university]) **all reversed** (should be rejected)\n (**U** **FO**)<\n\n**UFO** (unidentified flying object; if seen, it is an odd observation)"} {"Clue":"Supplier of electricity \u2013 entertainment venue closing early before it's provided (7)","Answer":"CIRCUIT","Explanation":"Definition: Supplier of electricity\n**CIRCU****S** (entertainment venue) **excluding the final letter** (closing early) **S + IT** \n **CIRCU****\u00a0IT**\n\n**CIRCUIT** (the path, complete or partial, of an electric current; supplier of electricity)"} {"Clue":"Understand fellow abandoning name (3)","Answer":"GET","Explanation":"Definition: Understand\n**GENT** (man; fellow) **excluding** (abandoning) **N** (name)\n **GET**\n\n**GET **(understand)"} {"Clue":"The common soldiers and so on including head of infantry as a hypothesis (9)","Answer":"THEORETIC","Explanation":"Definition: as a hypothesis\n**THE** **+ O****R** (other ranks; ordinary [common] soldiers) + (**ETC** [et cetera [and so on] **containing** [including]** I** [**first letter of** {head of} **INFANTRY**])\n **THE** **OR** **ET** (**I**) **C**\n\n**THEORETIC **(based on a hypothetical idea; as a hypothesis)"} {"Clue":"Runs bagged by you \u2013 not quite a boundary shot (5)","Answer":"THREE","Explanation":"Definition: not quite a boundary shot\n**R** (runs in cricket scoring notation) **contained in** (bagged by) **THEE** (you)\n **TH** (**R**) **EE**\n\n**THREE** (a number one less than **FOUR** which is a score for a boundary in cricket where the ball hits the ground before crossing the boundary line; not quite a boundary shot)"} {"Clue":"Independent and Times probing news item, dismissing alternative number (5)","Answer":"SIXTY","Explanation":"Definition: number\n(**I** [independent] **+ X** []multiplication sign; times]) **contained in** (probing) (**STORY** [news item] **excluding** [dismissing] **OR** [alternative])\n **S** (**I** **X**) **TY**\n\n**SIXTY** (a number)"} {"Clue":"Checked in with expedition to take in Court (9)","Answer":"INSPECTED","Explanation":"Definition: Checked\n**IN** **+ **(**SPEED** [expedition] **containing** [to take in] **CT** [court])\n **IN** **SPE** (**CT**) **ED**\n\n**INSPECTED** (checked)"} {"Clue":"Odd cut to backside (3)","Answer":"RUM","Explanation":"Definition: Odd\n**RUM****P** (backside) **excluding the final letter** (cut)** P**\n **RUM**\n\n**RUM** (odd)"} {"Clue":"Penalty from misusing this sporting technique (3-4)","Answer":"NET-PLAY","Explanation":"Definition: sporting technique\n**Anagram of** (misusing) **PENALTY**\n **NET-PLAY***\n\n**NET-PLAY **(in tennis, a strategy that involved **PLAY**ing near the **NET**)"} {"Clue":"Free trip not completed (3)","Answer":"RID","Explanation":"Definition: Free\n**RIDE** (journey; trip) **excluding the final letter** (not completed) **E**\n **RID**\n\n**RID** (free)"} {"Clue":"Wrote shakily about old note or series of notes (4,3)","Answer":"TONE ROW","Explanation":"Definition: series of notes\n**Anagram of** (shakily) **WROTE** **containing** (about) (**O** [old] **+ N** [note])\n **T** (**O** **N**) **E ROW***\n\n**TONE ROW** (in serial music. the basic set of notes in the chosen order)"} {"Clue":"Big announcement in stadium catering? (7)","Answer":"FANFARE","Explanation":"Definition: Big announcement\n**FAN** (supporter; someone who will go to a stadium to support their favourite team or artist, for example) **+ FARE** (food; catering) which taken together could refer to stadium catering\n **FAN** **FARE**\n\n**FANFARE** (ostentatious publicity which could accompany a big announcement)"} {"Clue":"Landlord yells \"Stores!\" after arranging sources of catering (7,8)","Answer":"HOSTESS TROLLEYS","Explanation":"Definition: sources of catering\n**HOST** (landlord [of a public house]) **+ an anagram of** (after arranging) **YELLS STORES**\n **HOST ESS TROLLEYS***\n\n**HOSTESS TROLLEYS** (**TROLLEYS** with electronically heated compartments for keeping food warm while it is brought to the table)"} {"Clue":"Bring back support over mining output (7)","Answer":"RESTORE","Explanation":"Definition: Bring back\n**REST** (support) **+ ORE** (solid, naturally-occurring mineral aggregate,; mining output)\n **REST** **ORE**\n\n**RESTORE** (bring back)"} {"Clue":"Show agitation after dropping church vessel (3)","Answer":"URN","Explanation":"Definition: vessel\n**CHURN** (agitate) **excluding** (after dropping) **CH** (church)\n **URN**\n\n**URN** (vessel for water)"} {"Clue":"Entrance hall supporting accommodatiing you, as before (5)","Answer":"FOYER","Explanation":"Definition: Entrance hall\n**FOR** (in favour of; supporting) **containing** (accommodating) **YE** (old term [as before] for you)\n **FO** (**YE**) **R**\n\n**FOYER** (entrance hallway)"} {"Clue":"Prophet, upset about word attached to commandment, initially gives up (9)","Answer":"RENOUNCES","Explanation":"Definition: gives up\n**SEER** (prophet) **reversed** (upset) **containing** (about (**NOUN** [word used as the name of a person, animal, thing, place or quality] **+ C** [**first letter of** {initially} **COMMANDMENT**)\n **RE** (**NOUN** **C)** **ES**<\n\n**RENOUNCES** (gives up)"} {"Clue":"Shakespearean character in many movies (3)","Answer":"NYM","Explanation":"Definition: Shakespearean character\n**NYM** (**hidden word in** [in] **MANY MOVIES**)\n **NYM**\n\n**NYM** (Corporal **NYM** is a character in two Shakespeare plays \u2013 The Merry Wives of Windsor and Henry V)"} {"Clue":"Number, say, in cold period missing source of warmth (7)","Answer":"INTEGER","Explanation":"Definition: Number\n**EG** (for example; say) **contained** in (in) **WINTER** (cold period) **excluding** (missing) **W** (**first letter of** [source of] **W****ARMTH**)\n **INT** (**EG**) **ER**\n\n**INTEGER** (any positive or negative whole number, including zero)"} {"Clue":"Components of car feature switched \u2013 sensed unsettled dizzy feeling (5-10)","Answer":"LIGHT-HEADEDNESS","Explanation":"Definition: dizzy feeling\n**HEADLIGHT** (feature of a car) **with the component parts** **HEAD** and **LIGHT** switched in position + **an anagram of** (unsettled) **SENSED**\n **LIGHT** **HEAD** **EDNESS***\n\n**LIGHT-HEADEDNESS** (giddy; delirious; dizzy feeling)"} {"Clue":"Uproar regarding aircraft baggage? (5-2)","Answer":"CARRY-ON","Explanation":"Definition: Uproar\n**CARRY-ON** (fuss; uproar)\n **CARRY-ON**\n\n**CARRY-ON** (descriptive of baggage that can be CARRied ON to an aircraft rather than stored in the hold) double definition"} {"Clue":"Unsteady attempt to catch tailless mammal (7)","Answer":"TOTTERY","Explanation":"Definition: Unsteady\n**TRY** (attempt) **containing** (to catch) **OTTE****R** (example of a mammal)** excluding the final letter** (tailless) **R**\n **T **(**OTTE**)** RY**\n\n**TOTTERY** (shaky; unsteady)"} {"Clue":"Reproach has to encompass new pair of locations (4,5)","Answer":"TWIN TOWNS","Explanation":"Definition: pair of locations\n(**TWIT** [a reproach] **+ OWNS** [has]) **containing** (to encompass) **N** (new)\n **TWI **(**N**) **T** **OWNS**\n\n**TWIN TOWNS** (**TOWN**s paired with another foreign **TOWN** of similar size for the purpose of social, cultural and commercial exchanges)"} {"Clue":"Inquisitor tortured six men around Spain (7)","Answer":"XIMENES","Explanation":"Definition: Inquisitor\n**Anagram of** (tortured) **SIX MEN** **containing** (around) **E** (International Vehicle Registration for Spain)\n **XI****M** (**E**) **NE****S*** \u2013 either of the **E**s could be the one contained\n\n**XIMENES** (**Francisco Jim\u00e9nez de Cisneros**, (1436 \u2013 1517), known as **XIMENES\u00a0de Cisneros** in his own lifetime, and commonly referred to today as simply Cisneros, was a Spanish cardinal, religious figure, and statesman. Starting from humble beginnings he rose to the heights of power becoming a religious reformer, twice regent of Spain, Cardinal, Grand Inquisitor. Also the pseudonym of crossword setter Derrick Macnutt [1902 \u2013 1971], predecessor of Axed in the Observer newspaper)"} {"Clue":"Mistake in opening of ten excellent houses (7)","Answer":"TERRACE","Explanation":"Definition: houses\n**ERR** (mistake)** contained in** (in) (**T** [**first letter of** {opening of} **T****EN**] + **ACE** [excellent])\n **T** (**ERR**) **ACE**\n\n**TERRACE** (row of houses)"} {"Clue":"Long-term prisoner turning up in secure files (5)","Answer":"LIFER","Explanation":"Definition: Long-term prisoner\n**LIFER** (**hidden word** **reversed in** [turning up in; down clue] **SECURE FILES)**\n **LIFER<**\n\n**LIFER** (person sentenced to imprisonment for LIFE [long term prisoner])"} {"Clue":"Regret scheme to oust son (3)","Answer":"RUE","Explanation":"Definition: Regret\n**RUSE** (trick; stratagem; scheme) **excluding** (to oust) **S** (son)\n **RUE**\n\n**RUE** (regret)"} {"Clue":"Duck, one found in Holland (3)","Answer":"NIL","Explanation":"Definition: Duck\n**I** (Roman numeral for one) **contained in** (found in) **NL** (International Vehicle Registration for The Netherlands [Holland])\n **N** (**I**) **L**\n\n**NIL** (nothing; zero; duck score in cricket)"} {"Clue":"Agency's foremost duo to guard cinema (6,6)","Answer":"SILVER SCREEN","Explanation":"Definition: cinema\n**SILVER** (**AG,** the chemical symbol for **SILVER**\u00a0is formed from **the first two letters** [foremost duo] of **AGENCY**) + **SCREEN** (shield; guard)\n **SILVER ****SCREEN**\n\n**SILVER SCREEN** (film industry; cinema)"} {"Clue":"Start of batting,and trickery gets both openers dismissed (9)","Answer":"INCEPTION","Explanation":"Definition: Start of \n**IN** (batting) **+ DECEPTION** (trickery) **excluding** (dismissed) **DE** (the **two** [both]**opening letters** [foremost] of **DECEPTION**\n **IN** **CEPTION**\n\n**INCEPTION** (beginning; start of)"} {"Clue":"Glimmer of hope's beginning for power in backbone (5)","Answer":"SHINE","Explanation":"Definition: Glimmer\n**SPINE** (backbone) with **H** (**first letter of **[beginning] **HOPE**)** replacing** (for) **P** (power)\n **S** **H** **INE**\n\n**SHINE** (glimmer)"} {"Clue":"Where travellers can find loads of song, with service included (8)","Answer":"CAROUSEL","Explanation":"Definition: Where travellers can find loads\n**CAROL** (song) **containing** (with \u2026 added) **USE** (service)\n **CARO** (**USE**)** L**\n\n**CAROUSEL** (luggage [loads] from incoming flights is placed on a **CAROUSEL** for collection [find] by passengers)"} {"Clue":"Two characters leading India to independence, or just one (6)","Answer":"GANDHI","Explanation":"Definition: leading India to independence\n**G AND H**\u00a0the (two characters in the alphabet that precede I [India is the International Radio Communication code for the letter I] in the alphabet) +** I** [independence]\n **G** **AND** **H** **I**\n\n**GANDHI** (reference Mahatma **GANDHI** [1869 \u2013 1948], leader of Indian independence movement against British rule)"} {"Clue":"Corbynistas adored sausage sandwiches (4)","Answer":"REDS","Explanation":"Definition: Corbynistas\n**REDS** (**hidden word in** [sandwiches] **ADORED SAUSAGES**)\n **REDS**\n\n**REDS** (revolutionary or person who favours sweeping changes, variously applied to radical, republican, anarchist, socialist, communist, etc; Corbynistas support Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the British Labour Party, a socialist party. Some will argue that Corbyn supports a more radical agenda than socialism, but that is still covered by the fairly wide definition of **REDS**)"} {"Clue":"Get, as supply teacher, an old people carrier (10)","Answer":"STAGECOACH","Explanation":"Definition: old people carrier\n**Anagram of** (supply[ from supple]) **GET AS** **+ COACH** (teacher)\n **STAGE*** **COACH**\n\n**STAGECOACH** (formerly [old] , a **COACH**\u00a0[carrier] that ran regularly with passengers [people] from **STAGE**\u00a0[place] to **STAGE** [place]; old people carrier)"} {"Clue":"Scotsman's country covered by his exam (10)","Answer":"HIGHLANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Scotsman\n**LAND** (country) **contained in** (covered by) **HIGHER** (in Scotland, an examination generally taken at the end of the fifth year of secondary education)\n **HIGH** (**LAND**) **ER**\n\n**HIGHLANDER** (descriptive of a Scotsman from the northern, more mountainous\u00a0part of the country)"} {"Clue":"French city anticipating debut of Lennon and McCartney? (4)","Answer":"PAUL","Explanation":"Definition: McCartney\n**PAU** (French city in the Pyrenees-Atlantique region) **+ L** (**first letter of** [debut of] **LENNON**)\n **PAU**** L**\n\n**PAUL** (reference **PAUL** McCartney [born 1942])"} {"Clue":"Motorway tracks around London area, causing intense unhappiness (8)","Answer":"MISERY","Explanation":"Definition: unhappiness\n(**MI** [M1 motorway] **+**** RY** [railway; tracks]) **containing** (around) **SE** (South East; London area of England)\n **MI** (**SE**) **RY**\n\n**MISERY** (unhappiness)"} {"Clue":"Reagan's space plan was right to be scrapped after return of defectors (4,4)","Answer":"STAR WARS","Explanation":"Definition: Reagan's space plan\n**RATS** (defectors) **reversed** (return of) **+ an anagram of** (to be scrapped] **WAS** and **R **(right)\n **STAR**< **WA****R****S***\n\n**STAR WARS** (Strategic Defense Initiative announced by President Ronald Reagan in March 1983. The term **STAR WARS** was associated with the initiative the following as a result of an article in the Washington Post)"} {"Clue":"Foreign article contains fabrication (5)","Answer":"ALIEN","Explanation":"Definition: Foreign\n**AN** (indefinite article) **containing** (contains) **LIE** (untruth; fabrication)\n **A** (**LIE**)** N**\n\n**ALIEN** (foreign)"} {"Clue":"Gentile accepts marginal risk to put car here in Moscow (5,4)","Answer":"GORKY PARK","Explanation":"Definition: here in Moscow\n(**GOY** [Jewish word for a non-Jew, a Gentile] **containing** [accepts] **RK** [**first and last letters of** {marginal} **RISK**) **+ PARK** (place and leave a car)\n **GO** (**RK**) **Y** **PARK**\n\n**GORKY PARK** (central **PARK**\u00a0in Moscow named after Maxim **GORKY** [1868 \u2013 1936], Russian writer)"} {"Clue":"Girl arguing about homophobia is repeatedly disheartened (6)","Answer":"AGATHA","Explanation":"Definition: Girl\n**AG**, **AT** and **HA**\u00a0(**first and last letters of** [disheartened] **of each of** **ARGUING**, **A****BOU****T** and **H****OMOPHOBI****A**)\n **AG AT ****HA**\n\n**AGATHA** (girls' name)"} {"Clue":"Nude's head gathered by old men and women who draw (6)","Answer":"SIRENS","Explanation":"Definition: women who draw \n**N** (**first letter of** [head] **NUDE**) **contained in** (gathered by)** SIRES** (seniors or elders; old men. 'old' could also be referring to this meaning of **SIRES** being obsolete)\n **SIRE** (**N**) **S**\n\n**SIRENS** (in Greek mythology. sea nymphs, part woman, part bird, whose seductive songs lured [attracted; drew] sailors to their deaths on rocks; women who draw)"} {"Clue":"Expose oneself to mounted police force prior to renaming province (5)","Answer":"INCUR","Explanation":"Definition: Expose oneself to\n(**RUC** [Royal Ulster Constabulary; previous name {prior to renaming} of the Police Service of Northern Ireland {PSNI}]) **+ NI** [Northern Ireland, where the police force was located]) **all reversed** (mounted; down clue)\n (**IN** **CUR**)<\n\n**INCUR** (bring upon oneself;expose oneself to)"} {"Clue":"Parisian goes for gas (6)","Answer":"VAPOUR","Explanation":"Definition: gas\n**VA** (a form of French for 'go') **+ POUR** (French for 'for')\n **VA** **POUR**\n\n**VAPOUR** (Collins defines **VAPOUR** as a\u00a0gaseous substance at a temperature below its critical temperature; gas)"} {"Clue":"Short show assembled with internet cut and paste (10)","Answer":"RHINESTONE","Explanation":"Definition: paste\n**Anagram of **(assembled) **SHOW** **excluding the\u00a0final letter** [short] **W** and\u00a0(with)**INTERNET**** excluding the final letter** (cut) **T**\n **RHINESTONE***\n\n**RHINESTONE** (imitation diamond made of paste)"} {"Clue":"Return of wildebeest is performed in chorus (4)","Answer":"SUNG","Explanation":"Definition: performed in chorus\n**GNUS** (wildebeest) **reversed** (return of)\n **SUNG**<\n\n**SUNG **(performed in chorus)"} {"Clue":"Investigation about chief after safe found empty (8)","Answer":"RESEARCH","Explanation":"Definition: Investigation\n**RE **(about) **+ SE** (**letters remaining in SAFE after the central letters AF are removed** [found empty]) + **ARCH** (chief)\n **RE** **SE** **ARCH**\n\n**RESEARCH** (investigation)"} {"Clue":"Paramedic operating theatre that's minimalist in style (4,5)","Answer":"EPIC DRAMA","Explanation":"Definition: theatre that's minimalist in style\n**Anagram of** (operating) **PARAMEDIC**\n **EPIC DRAMA***\n\n**EPIC DRAMA** (I'm struggling to fit the entry to the definition. The best I can come up with is a variant on EPISODIC DRAMA which relates to a DRAMA involving many characters representing action over a very long period of time. Consequently, the style has to be contracted to a minimalist form to fit everything in)"} {"Clue":"Lobster part of royal recipe moved last (6)","Answer":"PINCER","Explanation":"Definition: Lobster part of\n**P****R****INCE** (royal person) with** ****R** [recipe]** moved to the end** (last)\n **PINCER**\n\n**PINCER** (part of a lobster)"} {"Clue":"Description of religion in France, I hope (6)","Answer":"JEWISH","Explanation":"Definition: Description of religion\n**JE** (French for 'I')** + ****WISH** (hope)\n **JE** **WISH**\n\n**JEWISH** (descriptive of a religion)"} {"Clue":"Strike a deal to welcome European weapons outside (5,5)","Answer":"AGREE TERMS","Explanation":"Definition: Strike a deal\n**ARMS** (weapons)** containing** (outside) (**GREET** [welcome]** + E** [European])\n **A** (**GREE T** **E**) **RMS**\n\n**AGREE TERMS** (strike a deal)"} {"Clue":"Get energy by painful injection dissolving in gut (9)","Answer":"DIGESTING","Explanation":"Definition: dissolving in gut\n**DIG** (understand; get) **+ E** (energy) **+ STING** (painful injection)\n **DIG** **E** **STING**\n\n**DIGESTING** (dissolving in the stomach [gut])"} {"Clue":"Music maker's home in Bordeaux (8)","Answer":"CLARINET","Explanation":"Definition: Music maker\n**IN** (home) **contained in** (in)** CLARET** (applied to wines of a light-red colour, but now used in UK for the dark-red wines of Bordeaux)\n **CLAR** (**IN**) **ET**\n\n**CLARINET** (musical instrument; music maker)"} {"Clue":"Many changes in House of Lords songbook (6)","Answer":"HYMNAL","Explanation":"Definition: songbook\n**Anagram of** (changes) **MANY** contained in (in) **HL** (House of Lords)\n **H** (**YMNA***) **L**\n\n**HYMNAL** (religious songbook)"} {"Clue":"Capital of South Africa feeding this country in Latin America (6)","Answer":"LUSAKA","Explanation":"Definition: Capital\n(**SA** [South Africa] **contained in** [feeding]** UK** [United Kingdom; this country]) **contained in** (in) (**L** [Latin] **+ A** [America])\n **L** (**U** (**SA**) **K**) **A**\n\n**LUSAKA** (capital city [of Zambia])"} {"Clue":"Gamer's left to change sides, or appeal to higher authority (6)","Answer":"PRAYER","Explanation":"Definition: appeal to higher authority\n**PLAYER** (gamer) **with** **L** [left] **changed side to R** [right]\n **P** **R** **AYER**\n\n**PRAYER** (petition to a public body, eg a legislature; in Parliament, a motion addressed to the Crown asking for the annulment of an order or regulation; appeal to a higher authority)"} {"Clue":"Further American profit (5)","Answer":"AGAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Further\n**A** (American) **+ GAIN** (profit)\n **A** **GAIN**\n\n**AGAIN** (further)"} {"Clue":"Diagram showing site of mausoleum (4)","Answer":"AGRA","Explanation":"Definition: site of mausoleum\n**AGRA** (**hidden word in** [showing] **DIAGRAM**)\n **AGRA**\n\n**AGRA** (Indian city, site of the Taj Mahal, an ivory-white marble mausoleum on the south bank of the Yamuna river)"} {"Clue":"Great sources of biodiesel from sewers, perhaps (8)","Answer":"FATBERGS","Explanation":"Definition: Great sources of biodiesel\nThis is a cryptic definition or definitions. A search og Google tells me that biodiesel is being produced from a giant **FATBERG** discovered in a London sewer near Whitechapel in 2017\n **FATBERG**\n\n**FATBERGS** **(**very large masses of solid waste in a sewerage system, consisting especially of congealed fat and personal hygiene products that have been flushed down toilets)"} {"Clue":"A bit of RAM, or ROM? (6)","Answer":"RANDOM","Explanation":"Definition: A bit of RAM, or ROM\n**R** (**first letter of **[a bit of] **RAM**) **+ AND + OM** (**last two letters of** [a bit of **ROM**])\n **R AND OM** I'm not entirely convinced by my parsing and won't be surprised to be told of something much better\n\n**RANDOM** (irregular, bits of?)"} {"Clue":"Cracked basin next to toilet pot (8)","Answer":"CANNABIS","Explanation":"Definition: pot\n**CAN** (informal word for toilet)** + an anagram of** (cracked) **BASIN**\n **CAN ****NABIS*******\n\n**CANNABIS** (pot)"} {"Clue":"Inspections of cars interrupted by Tesla (6)","Answer":"AUDITS","Explanation":"Definition: Inspections\n**AUDIS** (car manufactured with\u00a0a particular marque) **containing** (interrupted by) **T** (SI unit tesla)\n **AUDI** (**T**) **S**\n\n**AUDITS** (inspections)"} {"Clue":"Away at first, person finally came home (5)","Answer":"ABODE","Explanation":"Definition: home\n**A** (**first letter of** [at first] **AWAY**) **+ BOD** (person) **+ E** (**last letter of** [finally] **CAM****E**)\n **A** **BOD** **E**\n\n**ABODE** (home)"} {"Clue":"A recommendation including new Italian wine and appetisers (9)","Answer":"ANTIPASTI","Explanation":"Definition: appetisers\n([**A** **+ TIP** {hint}] **containing** [including] **N** [new]) **+ ASTI** (Italian white wine)\n **A** (**N**) **TIP** **ASTI**\n\n**ANTIPASTI** (appetisers)"} {"Clue":"Some help mistakenly gets rejected as stupid (6)","Answer":"SIMPLE","Explanation":"Definition: stupid\n**SIMPLE **(**hidden word** [some] **reversed in** [rejected in] **HELP MISTAKENLY**\n **SIMPLE****<**\n\n**SIMPLE** (weak in intellect; stupid)"} {"Clue":"Discipline children with a gun! (7)","Answer":"CHASTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Discipline\n**CH** (children) **+ A + STEN** (type of gun)\n **CH A STEN**\n\n**CHASTEN** (discipline)"} {"Clue":"Lads not going out somewhere in East London (7)","Answer":"DALSTON","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in East London\n**Anagram of **(going out) **LADS NOT**\n **DALS****TON*******\n\n**DALSTON** (area of East London)"} {"Clue":"Payment from European broadcast (6)","Answer":"CHEQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Payment\n**CHEQUE **(**sounds like** [broadcast] **CZECH** [descriptive of a European from the **CZECH** Republic)\n **CHEQUE**\n\n**CHEQUE** (method of payment)"} {"Clue":"The effect of drugs? Cor, man , it's messed up! (9)","Answer":"NARCOTISM","Explanation":"Definition: The effect of drugs\n**Anagram of** (messed up) **COR MAN IT'S**\n **NA****RCO****TISM***\n\n**NARCOTISM** (influence of drugs)"} {"Clue":"Music sheet briefly left next to a pair of small drums (5)","Answer":"TABLA","Explanation":"Definition: pair of small drums\n**TAB** (reference TAB sheet music written to correspond to the fretboard of the guitar, so there are six lines that correspond to the six strings)** + L** (abbreviation for [briefly] **LEFT**) **+ A**\n **TAB** **L** **A**\n\n**TABLA** (pair of small drums played with the hands)"} {"Clue":"Complete independence given to two areas of Australia (6)","Answer":"INTACT","Explanation":"Definition: Complete\n**I** (independence) **+ NT** (Northern Territories, an area of Australia) **+ ACT** (Australian Capital Territory; an area of Australia)\n **I** **NT** **ACT**\n\n**INTACT** (complete)"} {"Clue":"Steep area close to summit guarded by a soldier (8)","Answer":"MARINATE","Explanation":"Definition: Steep\n(**A** [area]** + T** (**last letter of** [close to] **SUMMI****T**) **contained in** (guarded by) **MARINE** (soldier serving on board ship)\n **MARIN** (**A** **T**) **E**\n\n**MARINATE** (steep in a **MARINADE** [alcoholic mixture or pickle])"} {"Clue":"Squaddie principally found next to gate? (6)","Answer":"SENTRY","Explanation":"Definition: Squaddie principally found next to gate\n**S** **(first letter of** [principally] **SQUADDIE**) **+ ENTRY** (gate)\n **S** **ENTRY**\n\n**SENTRY** (member of the armed forces set to guard eg a gate or entrance)"} {"Clue":"Tall structures made of metal initially expand slightly when absorbing pressure (8)","Answer":"STEEPLES","Explanation":"Definition: Tall structures\n(**STEEL** [example of a metal]** + ES** **[first letter**s {initially}** of each of** **EXPAND** and **SLIGHTLY**]) **containing** [absorbing] **P** (pressure)\n **STEE** (**P**) **L** **E** **S**\n\n**STEEPLES** (examples of tall structures)"} {"Clue":"Superficial cut restricts a beauty treatment (6)","Answer":"FACIAL","Explanation":"Definition: beauty treatment\n**FACILE** (superficial) **excluding the final letter** (cut) **E**\u00a0**containing** (restricts) **A**\n **FACI **(**A**)** L**\n\n**FACIAL** (example of a beauty treatment)"} {"Clue":"Hairdresser's damaged roots and trimmed nails (9)","Answer":"TONSORIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Hairdresser's\n**Anagram of** (damaged) **ROOTS** and **NAIL****S** **excluding the final letter** (trimmed) **S**\n **TONSORIAL***\n\n**TONSORIAL** (relating to hairdressers; hairdresser's)"} {"Clue":"Fill with optimism, energy and other things when upset (5)","Answer":"ELATE","Explanation":"Definition: Fill with optimism\n**E** (energy)** + ET AL** (and other things) **reversed** (when upset; down clue)\n **E** (**LA TE**)<\n\n**ELATE** (fill with optimism)"} {"Clue":"Harsh, wicked scowl (7)","Answer":"GRIMACE","Explanation":"Definition: scowl\n**GRIM** (harsh)** + ACE** (wonderful; wicked)\n **GRIM** **ACE**\n\n**GRIMACE** (distortion of the face in disgust; scowl)"} {"Clue":"Water on surface of paved road causes skid (9)","Answer":"AQUAPLANE","Explanation":"Definition: skid\n**AQUA** (water) **+**** P** (**first letter of** [surface of] **PAVED**) **+ LANE** (road)\n **AQUA** **P** **LANE**\n\n**AQUAPLANE** (travel or skid on a film of water which has built up between the tyres and the road surface)"} {"Clue":"Director severely criticises weak people (5)","Answer":"DRIPS","Explanation":"Definition: weak people\n**D** (director) **+ ****RIPS** (severely criticises)\n **D** **RIPS**\n\n**DRIPS** (weak pathetic people)"} {"Clue":"A young girl is taking on tasks (8)","Answer":"MISSIONS","Explanation":"Definition: tasks\n**MISS** (young girl) **+** (**IS** **containing** [taking] **ON**)\n **MISS** **I** (**ON**) **S**\n\n**MISSIONS** (tasks)"} {"Clue":"In the ear on the left hand side, one's tinnitus is crippling (4)","Answer":"OTIC","Explanation":"Definition: In the ear\n**OTIC** (**first letters of** [on the left hand side] **each of** **ONE'S**, **TINNITUS**, **IS** and **CRIPPLING**)\n **OTIC**\n\n**OTIC**** **(of or relating to the ear)"} {"Clue":"Machine allowing heat to circulate? (6,3)","Answer":"PATROL CAR","Explanation":"Definition: Machine allowing heat to circulate\n**PATROL CAR** ('machine' is driven around (**PATROL**s) by policeman [heat in slang terms])\n **PATROL CAR**\n\n**PATROL CAR**** **(cryptic definition. so repeat the word play)"} {"Clue":"Mini image reproduced in most of the album (9)","Answer":"THUMBNAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Mini image\n**Anagram of** (reproduced) **IN** and **THE** **excluding the final letter** [most of] **E** and** ALBUM**\n **THUMB****N****A****I****L***\n\n**THUMBNAIL** (computing term for the miniature version of a graphic image)"} {"Clue":"Mass of tissue helps to protect one regressing after onset of disease (8)","Answer":"ADENOIDS","Explanation":"Definition: Mass of tissue\n**AIDS** (helps) **containing** (protect) )(**D** [**first letter of** [onset of] **D****ISEASE** **+ ONE** **reversed** [regressing])\n **A** (**D** **ENO**<) **IDS**\n\n**ADENOIDS** (mass of glandular tissue at the back of the nose)"} {"Clue":"Fix of heroin ultimately leading to trouble (4)","Answer":"NAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Fix\n**N** (**final letter of** [ultimately] **HEROIN**) **+ AIL** (trouble)\n **N** **AIL**\n\n**NAIL** (fix)"} {"Clue":"Small group of actors leaving New York for Connecticut (7)","Answer":"COMPACT","Explanation":"Definition: Small\n**COMPANY** (group of actors) **excluding** (leaving) **NY** (New York) and **replacing** it with (for)**\u00a0CT** (Connecticut)\n **COMPA** **CT**\n\n**COMPACT** (small)"} {"Clue":"Nurses are involved in scares on a regular basis (6)","Answer":"CARERS","Explanation":"Definition: Nurses\n**ARE** **contained in** (involved in) **CRS** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [on a regular basis] of **SCARES**)\n **C** (**ARE**)** RS**\n\n**CARERS** (nurses)"} {"Clue":"Vermin beginning to nest around the roof of one shop (3,2)","Answer":"RAT ON","Explanation":"Definition: shop\n(**RAT** [example of vermin]** + N** [**first letter of** {beginning to} **N****EST**) **containing** (around) **O** (**first letter of** [roof of] **ONE**)\n **RAT** (**O**) **N**\n\n**RAT ON** (inform against; shop)"} {"Clue":"Rubbish journey to Spain (5)","Answer":"TRIPE","Explanation":"Definition: Rubbish\n**TRIP** (journey) **+ E** (International Vehicle Registration for Spain)\n **TRIP** **E**\n\n**TRIPE** (rubbish)"} {"Clue":"Cruiser evacuated two islands in emergency (6)","Answer":"CRISIS","Explanation":"Definition: emergency\n**CR** (**letters remaining when the central letters are removed from **[evacuated] **CRUISER**) **+** (**IS** [island] **+ IS** [island] to give islands)\n **CR** **IS** **IS**\n\n**CRISIS** (emergency)"} {"Clue":"Hospital centre briefly treated deep cut (6)","Answer":"TRENCH","Explanation":"Definition: deep cut\n**Anagram of** (treated) (**H** [hospital] **and CENTRE** **excluding the final letter** [briefly] **E**)\n **TRENC****H***\n\n**TRENCH** (long, narrow, deep cut in the earth)"} {"Clue":"Speech having no boundaries or proportion (5)","Answer":"RATIO","Explanation":"Definition: proportion\n**ORATION** (speech) **excluding the outer letters** (having no boundaries) **O** and **N**\n **RATIO**\n\n**RATIO** (proportion)"} {"Clue":"Author would endlessly seduce everyone alike (9)","Answer":"IDENTICAL","Explanation":"Definition: alike \n**I'D** (author [**I**] would [**'D**]) **+ ENTICE** **excluding the final letter** (endlessly) **E** **+ ALL** (everyone) also **excluding the final letter** (endlessly) **L**\n **I'D ENTIC ****AL**\n\n**IDENTICAL** (exactly alike)"} {"Clue":"Freak mistake by newspaper man including writer in document (2,3,3,4,3)","Answer":"GO OFF THE DEEP END","Explanation":"Definition: Freak\n**GOOF** (mistake) **+ FT** (Financial Times [newspaper]) **+ HE** (man) + (**PEN** [writer] **contained in** [in] **DEED** [legal document])\n **GO OF** **F T** **HE** **DEE** (**PEN**) **D**\n\n**GO OFF THE DEEP END** (lose one's temper completely; freak [out])"} {"Clue":"Patching frayed cover for the bedroom (8)","Answer":"NIGHTCAP","Explanation":"Definition: cover for the bedroom\n**Anagram of** (frayed) **PATCHING**\n **NIGHTCAP***\n\n**NIGHTCAP** (**CAP** worn at **NIGHT**; cover worn in the bedroom)"} {"Clue":"Attack service in new set (6)","Answer":"STRAFE","Explanation":"Definition: Attack\n**RAF** (Royal Air Force, one of the armed services) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (new)** SET**\n **ST** (**RAF**)** ****E***\n\n**STRAFE** (rake with machine-gun fire from low-flying aeroplanes; assail; attack)"} {"Clue":"Name becomes label in complete senility (6)","Answer":"DOTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: senility \n**N** (name) **replaced by** (becomes) **TAG** (label) in **DO****N****E** (complete)\n **DO** (**TAG**) **E**\n\n**DOTAGE** (\u00a0weakness and childishness of old age; senility)"} {"Clue":"Enacted a reform giving PM opportunity to take steps (3,5)","Answer":"TEA DANCE","Explanation":"Definition: PM opportunity to take steps\n**Anagram of** (reform) **ENACTED A**\n **TEA DANCE***\n\n**TEA DANCE** (**DANCE** held in the afternoon [pm] at which **TEA**\u00a0is served)"} {"Clue":"Completely covered in fluff from head to toe? (4,2,3,6)","Answer":"DOWN TO THE GROUND","Explanation":"Definition: Completely\n**DOWN** [fluff] + (**TO THE GROUND** [covered from head to toe])\n **DOWN** **TO THE GROUND**\n\n**DOWN TO THE GROUND** (completely)"} {"Clue":"Environmental expert first to pursue on-line carbon monoxide register (9)","Answer":"ECOLOGIST","Explanation":"Definition: Environmental expert\n**E** (electronic; on-line) **+ CO** (chemical symbol for carbon monoxide) +\u00a0**LOG** (register) + **IST** (first)\n **E** **CO** **LOG** **IST**\n\n**ECOLOGIST** (one who studies the environment and presumably\u00a0environmental expert in the subject)"} {"Clue":"Food company breaking embargo (5)","Answer":"BACON","Explanation":"Definition: Food\n**CO** (company)** contained in** (breaking) **BAN** (embargo)\n **BA** (**CO**) **N**\n\n**BACON** (meat; food)"} {"Clue":"Look up to one abandoning dream (6)","Answer":"REVERE","Explanation":"Definition: Look up to\n**REVERIE** (fanciful notion; mental abstraction; dream) **excluding** (abandoning) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **REVERE**\n\n**REVERE** (regard with high respect; look up to)"} {"Clue":"Dreary tone returns in comic strip (6)","Answer":"DENUDE","Explanation":"Definition: strip\n**DUN** (dusky colour; dreary tone) **reversed** (returns)** contained in** (in) **DEE** (reference Jack **DEE** [born 1961], English comedian)\n **DE** (**NUD**<) **E**\n\n**DENUDE** (strip)"} {"Clue":"Gave further consideration to how badly he got hurt (9)","Answer":"RETHOUGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Gave further consideration to\n**Anagram of** (badly) **HE GOT HURT**\n **R****E****T****H****OUGHT***\n\n**RETHOUGHT** (gave further consideration to)"} {"Clue":"Food that is rotten (5)","Answer":"SCOFF","Explanation":"Definition: Food\n**SCOFF** (both 'rotten' and **SCOFF** can be defined using the words deride or derision)\n **SCOFF**\n\n**SCOFF** (food) double definition"} {"Clue":"Upset about family home robbed of contents in Barnet (8)","Answer":"SKINHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Barnet\n**SAD** (upset) **containing** (about) (**KIN** [family] **+ HE** (**letters remaining in** **H****OM****E** when the **central letters** **OM** **are removed** [robbed of its contents])\n **S** (**KIN** **HE**) **AD**\n\n**SKINHEAD** (hairstyle [barnet])"} {"Clue":"Tax shelters stop being fashionable (6)","Answer":"TRENDY","Explanation":"Definition: fashionable\n**TRY** (irritate, tax) **containing** (shelters) **END** (stop)\n **TR** (**END**) **Y**\n\n**TRENDY** (fashionable)"} {"Clue":"Appealed to men wanting leader dealt with (9)","Answer":"ENTREATED","Explanation":"Definition: Appealed to\n**M****EN** **excluding the first letter **(wanting leader) **M** **+ TREATED** (dealt with)\n **EN** **TREATED**\n\n**ENTREATED** (beseeched; asked earnestly; appealed to)"} {"Clue":"Store ready for those who listen (5)","Answer":"CACHE","Explanation":"Definition: Store\n**CACHE** (sounds like [for those who listen **CASH** [ready money])\n **CACHE**\n\n**CACHE** (store)"} {"Clue":"Revolutionise banking system and National Insurance for a start (6)","Answer":"ORIGIN","Explanation":"Definition: start\n**GIRO** (banking system) **reversed** (revolutionise)** + NI** (National Insurance) **reversed** (revolutionise) \u2013 the reversal indicator applies to both **GIRO** and **NI** separately in series\n **ORIG**<** IN**<\n\n**ORIGIN** (start)"} {"Clue":"Give stick to someone facing something going rapidly downhill (7)","Answer":"SLEDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Give stick to someone facing\n**SLEDGE** (seek to upset the batsman's concentration by making offensive remarks; give stick to someone facing [a bowler])\n **SLEDGE**\n\n**SLEDGE** (conveyance with runners for sliding on snow and go downhill rapidly) double definition"} {"Clue":"Nervously tiptoe going rather hesitantly at first on this? (9)","Answer":"TIGHTROPE","Explanation":"Definition: this\n**Anagram of** (nervously) **TIPTOE** and **GRH** (**initial letters** [at first] of each of **GOING**, **RATHER** and **HESITANTLY**)\n **TIGHTROPE***\n\n**TIGHTROPE** (taut **ROPE** or wire on which feats of balancing and acrobatics are performed; a middle course between dangerous or undesirable alternatives; each definition indicating somewhere you might venture hesitantly)"} {"Clue":"Broadcast word used to name church and houses (9)","Answer":"ANNOUNCED","Explanation":"Definition: Broadcast\n**AND** **containing** (houses) (**NOUN** [word used as the name of a person, animal, thing, place or quality)] **+ CE (**Church [of England])\n **AN** (**NOUN** **CE**) **D**\n\n**ANNOUNCED** (broadcast)"} {"Clue":"Abandoned taking action about disturbed rest (8)","Answer":"DESERTED","Explanation":"Definition: Abandoned\n**DEED** (action) **containing** (about) **an anagram o**f (disturbed) **REST**\n **DE **(**SERT*****) ED**\n\n**DESERTED** (abandoned)"} {"Clue":"Avoid going on motorway in small electric car (6)","Answer":"DODGEM","Explanation":"Definition: small electric car\n**DODGE** (avoid) **+ M** (motorway)\n **DODGE** **M**\n\n**DODGEM** (small electric ca, most commonly seen at fairgrounds)"} {"Clue":"Finish tipping having blown raise (6)","Answer":"ENDING","Explanation":"Definition: Finish\n**UPENDING** (tipping)** excluding** (having blown) **UP** (raise)\n **ENDING**\n\n**ENDING** (finish)"} {"Clue":"Take steps to get journey under way (6)","Answer":"STRIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Take steps\n**ST** (street; way) **+ RIDE** (journey) this being a down clue **RIDE** is entered under **ST**\n **ST** **RIDE**\n\n**STRIDE** (walk with long steps)"} {"Clue":"What author did with mind-numbing repetition (5)","Answer":"WROTE","Explanation":"Definition: What author did\n**W** (with)** + ROTE** (repetition or performance without regard to the meaning; mind numbing repetition)\n **W** **ROTE**\n\n**WROTE** (what an author did)"} {"Clue":"Boy conducting detailed examination without parental control (5)","Answer":"ROBIN","Explanation":"Definition: Boy\n**PROBING** (conducting detailed examination) **excluding **(without) the **P** and **G** forming **PG** (parental guidance)\n **ROBIN**\n\n**ROBIN** (boy's name)"} {"Clue":"Bird requiring introduction of odd cage, note, one with many sides (9)","Answer":"DODECAGON","Explanation":"Definition: one with many sides\n(**DODO** [bird] **containing** [requiring introduction of] **an anagram of** [odd] **CAGE**]) + **N**\n **DOD **(**ECAG***)** O ****N**\n\n**DODECAGON** (plane figure with twelve angles and sides)"} {"Clue":"Agreement in Berlin about a very rich sort of coffee (4)","Answer":"JAVA","Explanation":"Definition: rich sort of coffee\n**JA** (yes [agreement] in German) **containing** (about) (**A + V** [very])\n **J (****A** **V****)** **A**\n\n**JAVA** (\u00a0rich variety of coffee)"} {"Clue":"Fitzgerald's era? Generation with wits running wild is about right (7,8)","Answer":"ROARING TWENTIES","Explanation":"Definition: rich sort of coffee\n**JA** (yes [agreement] in German) **containing** (about) (**A + V** [very])\n **J (****A** **V****)** **A**\n\n**JAVA** (\u00a0rich variety of coffee)"} {"Clue":"Run, missing first place? Nothing magical about me (6)","Answer":"MUGGLE","Explanation":"Definition: rich sort of coffee\n**JA** (yes [agreement] in German) **containing** (about) (**A + V** [very])\n **J (****A** **V****)** **A**\n\n**JAVA** (\u00a0rich variety of coffee)"} {"Clue":"Sea Horse? I'm behind it being captured (8)","Answer":"MARITIME","Explanation":"Definition: Sea\n(**IT** **+ I'M**) **contained in** (being captured) **MARE** (horse)\n **MAR** (**IT** **IM**) **E**\n\n**MARITIME** (sea)"} {"Clue":"Policeman at fault, taking time to wipe out fine (9)","Answer":"DETECTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Sea\n(**IT** **+ I'M**) **contained in** (being captured) **MARE** (horse)\n **MAR** (**IT** **IM**) **E**\n\n**MARITIME** (sea)"} {"Clue":"Quietly moved goalposts, initially between editions (5)","Answer":"EDGED","Explanation":"Definition: Quietly moved\n**G** (**first letter of** [initially] **GOALPOSTS**) **contained in** (between) (**ED** [edition] and** ED** [edition] to give editions)\n **ED** (**G**) **ED**\n\n**EDGED** (quietly moved)"} {"Clue":"Ferdinand, say, appearing among working stars (5)","Answer":"ORION","Explanation":"Definition: stars\n**RIO** (reference **RIO** Ferdinand [born 1978], footballer and pundit)** contained in** (appearing among) **ON** (working)\n **O** (**RIO**) **N**\n\n**ORION** (star constellation)"} {"Clue":"Contrived phrase to support Reagan,say, the writer's recalled (9)","Answer":"BACKRONYM","Explanation":"Definition: Contrived phrase\n**BACK** (support) **+ RON** (reference **RON**ald Reagan [1911 \u2013 2004], former President of the United States) **+ MY** (the writer's)** reversed** (recalled)\n **BACK** **RON** **YM**<\n\n**BACKRONYM** (an acronym deliberately formed from a phrase whose initial letters spell out a particular word or words, either to create a memorable name or as a fanciful explanation of a word's origin)"} {"Clue":"Attractive duck board with front scrubbed (8)","Answer":"LOVEABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Attractive\n**LOVE** (zero [score in tennis]; duck [zero score in cricket]) **+** **TABLE** (board) **excluding the first letter** [with front scrubbed] **T**\n **LOVE** **ABLE**\n\n**LOVEABLE** (attractive)"} {"Clue":"Literary lion beginning to talk in oblique manner (6)","Answer":"ASLANT","Explanation":"Definition: in oblique manner\n**ASLAN** (name of the lion in C S Lewis's Chronicle's of Narnia series of books) **+ T** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **TALK**)\n **ASLAN** **T**\n\n**ASLANT** (at an angle; in an oblique manner)"} {"Clue":"Though unkempt, not a bad clearing where specialist plants grow (9,6)","Answer":"BOTANICAL GARDEN","Explanation":"Definition: where specialist plants grow\n**Anagram of** (unkempt) **NOT A BAD CLEARING**\n **BOTANICAL GARDEN***\n\n**BOTANICAL GARDEN** (diverse collection of plants, maintained for educational, scientific and conservation purposes; where specialist plants grow)"} {"Clue":"Sentimental nonsense applied to female in error (4)","Answer":"GOOF","Explanation":"Definition: error\n**GOO** (sentimental nonsense) **+ F** (female)\n **GOO** **F**\n\n**GOOF** (error)"} {"Clue":"Tragic ship, Italian, at sea with American on board (9,6)","Answer":"LUSITANIA","Explanation":"Definition: Tragic ship\n**US** (United States; American) **contained in** (aboard) **an anagram of** (at sea) **ITALIAN** \n **L** (**US**) **ITANIA***\n\n**LUSITANIA** (ship sunk by U-boats in 1915; tragic ship)"} {"Clue":"Cylinder filled with first of Ukraine's wheat (5)","Answer":"DURUM","Explanation":"Definition: wheat\n**DRUM** (cylinder) **containing** (filled with) **U** (**first letter of** [first of] **UKRAINE**)\n **D** (**U**) **RUM**\n\n**DURUM **(kind of spring wheat)"} {"Clue":"Anything supplied by doctor is a dose of medicine? (7)","Answer":"DRAUGHT","Explanation":"Definition: dose of medicine\n**DR** (doctor) **+ AUGHT** (anything)\n **DR** **AUGHT**\n\n**DRAUGHT** (dose of medicine)"} {"Clue":"Unfriendly image leading to concern about new chef's special? (6,3,5)","Answer":"CHILLI CON CARNE","Explanation":"Definition: chef's special\n**CHILL **(unfriendly) **+ ICON** (image) **+** (**CARE** [concern] **containing** [about] **N** [new]) \n **CHILL** **I CON** **CAR** (**N**) **E**\n\n**CHILLI CON CARNE** (dish that may be described as Chef's special)"} {"Clue":"Suppress article making little sense (4)","Answer":"GAGA","Explanation":"Definition: making little sense\n**GAG** (suppress) **+ A** (indefinite article)\n **GAG** **A**\n\n**GAGA** (in senile dotage; making little sense)"} {"Clue":"PA, say, freshly appointed, learned about residing in US (4,6)","Answer":"NEWS AGENCY","Explanation":"Definition: PA, say\n**NEW** (freshly appointed) **+ SAGE** (wise, learned) + (**C** [circa; about] **contained in** [residing in] **NY** [New York, city and state in the United States])\n **NEW** **S AGE** **N** (**C**) **Y**\n\n**NEWS AGENCY** (PA [Press Association] is an example of a **NEWS AGENCY**)"} {"Clue":"Helping to keep Bishop standing (7)","Answer":"ABIDING","Explanation":"Definition: standing\n**AIDING** (helping) **containing** (to keep) **B** (bishop) \n **A** (**B**) **IDING**\n\n**ABIDING** (tolerating; standing)"} {"Clue":"English occupying street and road during two mornings in European city (9)","Answer":"AMSTERDAM","Explanation":"Definition: European city\n(**E** [English] **contained in** [occupying] [**ST **{street} **+ RD** {road}]) **all contained in** (during) (**AM** [ante meridiem {morning}] **+ AM** [ante meridiem {morning}], to give two mornings)\n **AM** (**ST** (**E**) **RD**) **AM**\n\n**AMSTERDAM** (European city)"} {"Clue":"A source of uplift making Satan President\u00a0possibly (14)","Answer":"ANTIDEPRESSANT","Explanation":"Definition: A source of uplift\nAnagram of (possibly) **SATAN PRESIDENT**\n **ANT****IDEPRE****S****S****A****NT***\n\n**ANTIDEPRESSANT** (drug used to counteract feelings of helplessness; source of uplift)"} {"Clue":"Ugly boil about to appear in face \u2013 very unpleasant (10)","Answer":"DIABOLICAL","Explanation":"Definition: very unpleasant\n(**Anagram of** [ugly] **BOIL** **+ ****CA**\u00a0[circa, about]) **contained in** (to appear in) **DIAL** (face) \n **DIA** (**BOLI*** **CA**) **L**\n\n**DIABOLICAL** (very shocking or unpleasant)"} {"Clue":"Mania for cartooning as a form of weapon (9)","Answer":"DOODLEBUG","Explanation":"Definition: form of weapon\n**DOODLE** (scrawl, scribble, cartoon) **+ BUG **(mania) \n **DOODLE BUG**\u00a0\n\n**DOODLEBUG** (World War II flying bomb, technically known as the V-1)"} {"Clue":"Request reduced openings for research officers using test-tubes (2,5)","Answer":"IN VITRO","Explanation":"Definition: using test-tubes\n**INVIT****E** (request)** excluding the final letter** (reduced)** E** **+\u00a0RO** (**first letters of** [openings for] each of **RESEARCH** and **OFFICERS**)\n **IN VIT** **R O**\n\n**IN VITRO** (in the test tube)"} {"Clue":"Daughter engaged in relaxation in new North London location (7)","Answer":"NEASDEN","Explanation":"Definition: London location\n(**D** [daughter] **contained in** [engaged in] **EASE** [relaxation]) **all contained in** (in) (**N** [new] **+ N** [north]) \n **N**** **(**EAS** (**D**) **E**) **N**\n\n**NEASDEN** (south western suburb of London)"} {"Clue":"Historic garment seen around origin of native island state (5)","Answer":"TONGA","Explanation":"Definition: island state\n**TOGA** (outer garment of a Roman citizen; historic garment) **containing** (around) **N** (**first letter of** [origin of] **NATIVE**)\n **TO** (**N**) **GA**\n\n**TONGA** (island state in the Pacific Ocean)"} {"Clue":"Endless luxury is a bonus (4)","Answer":"PLUS","Explanation":"Definition: bonus\n**PLUS****H **(luxury) **excluding the final letter** (endless) **H**\n **PLUS**\n\n**PLUS **(bonus)"} {"Clue":"Set fire to British vessel (4)","Answer":"BURN","Explanation":"Definition: Set fire to\n**B** (British) **+ URN** (container, vessel)\n **B** **URN**\n\n**BURN** (set fire to)"} {"Clue":"Rub out Republican source of inconvenience (4)","Answer":"BURR","Explanation":"Definition: source of inconvenience\n**Anagram of** (out) **RUB** **+ R** (Republican)\n **BUR*** **R**\n\n**BURR** (any impediment or inconvenient adherent)"} {"Clue":"That man notices leaders (5)","Answer":"HEADS","Explanation":"Definition: leaders\n**HE** (that man) +** ADS** (advertisements; notices)\n **HE** **ADS**\n\n**HEADS** (leaders)"} {"Clue":"Resist losing first one (3)","Answer":"ACE","Explanation":"Definition: one\n**FACE** (resist) **excluding** (losing) **the first letter **(first) **F**\n **ACE**\n\n**ACE** (one)"} {"Clue":"President embracing one he had succeeded (9)","Answer":"TRIUMPHED","Explanation":"Definition: succeeded\n(**TRUMP** [reference United States President Donald TRUMP {born 1946}] **containing** [embracing] **I** [Roman numeral for one]) **+ HE'D** (He had)\n **TR** (**I**) **UMP** **HED**\n\n**TRIUMPHED** (succeeded)"} {"Clue":"Turner departed clasping end of brush (5)","Answer":"LATHE","Explanation":"Definition: Turner\n**LATE** (died; departed)** containing** (clasping) **H** (**last letter of** [end of] **BRUSH**)\n **LAT** (**H**) **E**\n\n**LATHE** (machine for turning and shaping articles of wood, metal, etc)"} {"Clue":"Number on street work unceasingly (7)","Answer":"NONSTOP","Explanation":"Definition: unceasingly\n**N** (number) **+ ON + ST** (street) **+ OP **(opus; work)\n **N ON ****ST**** OP**\n\n**NONSTOP** (without interruption; unceasingly)"} {"Clue":"Sick English prisoner; revolting criminal (7)","Answer":"ILLEGAL","Explanation":"Definition: criminal\n**ILL** (sick) **+ E** (English) **+** (**LAG** [prisoner] **reversed** [revolting])\n **ILL** **E** **GAL**<\n\n**ILLEGAL** (criminal)"} {"Clue":"Religious leader is endlessly limp and lame (4)","Answer":"IMAM","Explanation":"Definition: Religious leader\n**IM** (**central letters of** [endlessly] **LIMP**) and **AM** (**central letters of** [endlessly] **LAME**)\n **IM** **AM**\n\n**IMAM** (officer who leads the devotions in a mosque; religious leader"} {"Clue":"Settle back taking in the taxes (6)","Answer":"TITHES","Explanation":"Definition: taxes\n**SIT** (settle) **reversed** (back) **containing** (taking in) **THE**\n **TI **(**THE)**** S**<\n\n**TITHES** (levies, fees or taxes of one-tenth)"} {"Clue":"Idiot lapses regularly (3)","Answer":"ASS","Explanation":"Definition: Idiot\n**ASS **(**letters 2, 4 and 6** [regularly] of **L****A****P****S****E****S**)\n **ASS**\n\n**ASS** (idiot)"} {"Clue":"Look both ways (3)","Answer":"EYE","Explanation":"Definition: Look\n**EYE **(a palindromic word that is the same both ways)\n **EYE**\n\n**EYE** (look)"} {"Clue":"Dawn is gold and yellow captured by artist (6)","Answer":"AURORA","Explanation":"Definition: Dawn\n**AU** (chemical symbol for gold) **+** (**OR** [heraldic term for the colour yellow] **contained in** [captured by] **RA** {Royal Academician [artist])\n **AU** **R** (**OR**) **A**\n\n**AURORA** (dawn)"} {"Clue":"First of sons he once treasured is killed (4)","Answer":"SHOT","Explanation":"Definition: killed\n**SHOT** (**initial letters of **[first] each of **SONS**, **HE**, **ONCE** and **TREASURED**)\n **SHOT**\n\n**SHOT** (killed)"} {"Clue":"Philosophy of returning praise is mocked at first (7)","Answer":"DUALISM","Explanation":"Definition: Philosophy\n**LAUD** (praise) **reversed **(returning) **+ IS + M** (**first letter of** [at first] **MOCKED**)\n **DUAL**< **IS** **M**\n\n**DUALISM** (a philosophy that seeks to explain the world by the assumption of two radically independent and absolute elements)"} {"Clue":"Designs popular shelters (7)","Answer":"INTENDS","Explanation":"Definition: Designs \n**IN** (popular) **+ TENDS** (guards; protects; shelters)\n **IN** **TENDS**\n\n**INTENDS** (designs)"} {"Clue":"Trainee soldier acted strangely (5)","Answer":"CADET","Explanation":"Definition: Trainee soldier\n**Anagram of **(strangely) **ACTED**\n **CADET***\n\n**CADET** (trainee soldier)"} {"Clue":"Dish served by health farm one found outside unfinished slum (9)","Answer":"SPAGHETTI","Explanation":"Definition: Dish\n(**SPA** [health resort)] **+ I **[Roman numeral for one]) **containing** (found outside) **GHETT****O** (slum) **excluding the final letter** [unfinished] **O**\n **SPA **(**GHETT**)** I**\n\n**SPAGHETTI** (dish [of food])"} {"Clue":"Love from French poem (3)","Answer":"ODE","Explanation":"Definition: poem\n**O** (zero; love score in tennis) **+ DE** (French for 'from')\n **O** **DE**\n\n**ODE** (poem)"} {"Clue":"Roadside recovery runs about to find man (5)","Answer":"AARON","Explanation":"Definition: man\n**AA** (Automobile Association; roadside recovery organisation) **+ R** (runs, in cricket scoring notation) **+ ON** (about)\n **AA** **R** **ON**\n\n**AARON** (man's name)"} {"Clue":"Expected Liberal to fight (4)","Answer":"DUEL","Explanation":"Definition: fight\n**DUE** (expected) **+ L** (Liberal)\n **DUE** **L**\n\n**DUEL** (fight)"} {"Clue":"Central parts of abandoned shipyards needed to be coloured (4)","Answer":"DYED","Explanation":"Definition: coloured\n**D**, **Y** and **ED** (**middle letters of** central parts of] **each of** **ABANDONED**, **SHIPYARDS** and **NEEDED**)\n **D Y ****ED**\n\n**DYED** (coloured)"} {"Clue":"Wager European has no ill feeling for bugbear (4,5)","Answer":"NOIRE","Explanation":"Definition: bugbear\n**BET** (wager) **+ E** (European) **+ NO** **+ IRE** (ill feeling)\n **BET** **E** **NO** **IRE**\n\n**B\u00caTE NOIRE **(bugbear)"} {"Clue":"King George accepts that is\u00a0revolutionary new rule (5)","Answer":"REIGN","Explanation":"Definition: rule\n(**GR** [Georgius Rex; King George] **containing** [accepts] **IE** [id est; that is]) **all reversed** (revolutionary) **+ N** (new)\n (**R** (**EI**) **G**)< **N**\n\n**REIGN** (rule)"} {"Clue":"Hear pin-up bust is lower (9)","Answer":"UNHAPPIER","Explanation":"Definition: lower\n**Anagram of **(bust) **HEAR PIN-UP**\n **UN****HA****PPI****ER***\n\n**UNHAPPIER** (more miserable; lower)"} {"Clue":"More than one spoke right before advance on day two (5)","Answer":"RADII","Explanation":"Definition: More than one spoke\n**R** (right) **+ A** (advance) **+ D** (day) **+ II** (Roman numerals for two)\n **R** **A** **D** **II**\n\n**RADII** (spokes)"} {"Clue":"Reduce support for dependent (8)","Answer":"HELPLESS","Explanation":"Definition: dependent\n**HELP** (support) **+ LESS** (mot so much)\n **HELP** **LESS**\n\n**HELPLESS** (without ability to do things for oneself; dependent)"} {"Clue":"Charlie leaves a group chat crudely making sign (9)","Answer":"AUTOGRAPH","Explanation":"Definition: sign\nAnagram of (crudely) **A\u00a0GROUP CHAT** **excluding** (leaves) **C** (cocaine; Charlie)\n **A****U****T****OGR****A****P****H*** I suppose the first **A** could be positioned in the entry\u00a0independent of being part of the anagram to give **A** + **an anagram o**f **GROUP HAT**\n\nAUTOGRAPH (sign)"} {"Clue":"Rise up and start to speak skilfully (5)","Answer":"SWELL","Explanation":"Definition: Rise up\n**S** (**first letter of** [start to] **SPEAK**) **+ WELL** (skilfully)\n **S WELL**\n\n**SWELL** (rise up)"} {"Clue":"Disaster losing California in fellowship (5)","Answer":"AMITY","Explanation":"Definition: fellowship\n**CALAMITY** (disaster) **excluding** (losing) **CAL** (California)\n **AMITY**\n\n**AMITY** (friendship)"} {"Clue":"A nation hosting former queen and empire builder (9)","Answer":"ALEXANDER","Explanation":"Definition: empire builder\n**A** **+ (LAND** [nation] **containing** [hosting] **EX** [former]) **+ ER** (Elizabeth Regina; Queen)\n **A** **L** (**EX**) **AND** **ER**\n\n**ALEXANDER** (reference **ALEXANDER** the Great [356BC to 323BC], creator of a great empire stretching from Greece to NorthWestern India)"} {"Clue":"Loudly urge second man to create storm (9)","Answer":"HURRICANE","Explanation":"Definition: storm\n**HURRI **(**sounds like** [loudly] **HURRY** [urge[) **+ CANE** (sounds like [loudly] **CAIN** [according to the Bible, second man after Adam])\n **HURRI** **CANE**\n\n**HURRICANE** (cyclonic storm)"} {"Clue":"Aide's fist destroyed content (9)","Answer":"SATISFIED","Explanation":"Definition: content\n**Anagram of** (destroyed) **AIDE'S FIST** \n **SA****T****I****SFI****ED***\n\n**SATISFIED** (made content)"} {"Clue":"Start to hand a poet a ten dollar bill (8)","Answer":"HAMILTON","Explanation":"Definition: ten dollar bill \n**H** (**first letter of** [start to] **HAND**) **+ A + MILTON** (reference John **MILTON** [1608 \u2013 1674], English poet)\n **H** **A** **MILTON**\n\n**HAMILTON **(The obverse of the United States ten-dollar bill ($10) features the portrait of **Alexander ****HAMILTON**, who served as the first U.S.. Secretary of the Treasury. I'm guessing the bill is known in America as a **HAMILTON** but I can't find a dictionary entry to support it)"} {"Clue":"Irritating, snide bastard ousted (5)","Answer":"ITCHY","Explanation":"Definition: Irritating\n**BITCHY** (snide) **excluding** (ousted) **B** (bastard)\n **ITCHY**\n\n**ITCHY **(irritating sensation in the skin)"} {"Clue":"Had a chance to cover Russian retreat (5)","Answer":"DACHA","Explanation":"Definition: Russian retreat\n**DACHA** (**hidden word in** [to cover] **HAD A CHANCE**)\n **DACHA**\n\n**DACHA** (country house or cottage in Russia)"} {"Clue":"Minute spent in thought (5)","Answer":"MUSED","Explanation":"Definition: thought\n**M** (minute) **+ USED** (spent)\n **M** **USED**\n\n**MUSED** (thought)"} {"Clue":"Crazy university times in New York (5)","Answer":"NUTTY","Explanation":"Definition: Crazy\n(**U** [university] **+** [**T** {time} **+ T** {time}, giving times]) **contained in** (in) **NY** (New York)\n **N** (**U** **T** **T**) **Y**\n\n**NUTTY** (crazy)"} {"Clue":"Cooker maybe, start of time on \u2013 a small program (6)","Answer":"APPLET","Explanation":"Definition: small program\n**APPLE** (a cooker is a type of **APPLE**) **+ T** (**first letter of** [start of] **TIME**)\n **APPLE** **T**\n\n**APPLET** (small program, that runs within another application."} {"Clue":"Church hanging girl returned after celebration (6)","Answer":"DOSSAL","Explanation":"Definition: Church hanging\n**DO** (party; celebration) **+ LASS** (girl) **reversed** (returned)\n **DO** **SSAL**<\n\n**DOSSAL** (a cloth hanging for the back of an altar, sides of a church chancel, etc)"} {"Clue":"Serpentine, no longer the pool I repeatedly swim in (9)","Answer":"OPHIOLITE","Explanation":"Definition: Serpentine, no longer\n**Anagram of **(swim in) **THE POOL I** and another** I **(to make** I** repeatedly)\n **OP****H****IOLI****TE***\n\n**OPHIOLITE **(obsolete word [no longer] for serpentine)"} {"Clue":"Eye condition clumsy fellow gets over in deep sedation (8)","Answer":"COLOBOMA","Explanation":"Definition: Eye condition\n(**LOB** [clumsy person] +\u00a0**O** [over,in cricket scoring notation]) **contained in** (in)** COMA** (deeply unconscious state; deep\u00a0sedation)\n **CO** (**LOB** **O**) **MA**\n\n**COLOBOMA** (congenital defect of the eye affecting the development of the lens, iris or retina)"} {"Clue":"Copying an ant, but without resentment (5)","Answer":"APISM","Explanation":"Definition: Copying\n**A** (an) + **PISMIRE** (ant) **excluding** (without)** ****IRE** (resentment)\n **A** **PISM**\n\n**APISM** (copying)"} {"Clue":"Male playwright, one eclipsed by female one (5)","Answer":"BEHAN","Explanation":"Definition: Male playwright\n**A** (one) **contained in** (eclipsed by) **BEHN** (reference Aphra **BEHN** [1640 \u2013 1689], female English playwright)\n **BEH** (**A**) **N**\n\n**BEHAN** (reference Brendan **BEHAN** [1923 \u2013 1964], male Irish poet, novelist and playwright)"} {"Clue":"Groovy, I, active around 50 \u2013 that's medical science for you (8)","Answer":"VIROLOGY","Explanation":"Definition: medical science\n**Anagram of** (active) **GROOVY I** **containing** (around)** L** (Roman numeral for 50)\n **V****I****RO** (**L**) **OGY***\n\n**VIROLOGY** (study of virus, viruses and virus diseases; an example of a medical science)"} {"Clue":"Major formerly in English, that is going back (5)","Answer":"EIGNE","Explanation":"Definition: Major formerly\n(**ENG** [English] **+ IE** (id est {that is}]) **all reversed** (going back)\n (**EI** **GNE**)<\n\n**EIGNE** (first born; a word appended to the surname of two boys at a public school to indicate the elder or first-born)"} {"Clue":"Muslim often having to profit by the old game (6)","Answer":"PAYNIM","Explanation":"Definition: Muslim often\n**PAY **(benefit; profit) **+ NIM** (old and widespread game, perhaps originally Chinese, in which two players take alternately from heaps or rows of objects)\n **PAY**** NIM**\n\n**PAYNIM** (\u00a0non-Christian,especially a Muslim)"} {"Clue":"Splash \u2013 a wee dram applied to lip (6)","Answer":"DREDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Splash\n**DR** (abbreviation for [wee] **DRAM**) + **EDGE** (lip)\n **DR** **EDGE**\n\n**DREDGE **( I can't find a clear synonym meaning 'splash'. The nearest I can get is 'sprinkle' referring to **DREDGING** a cake with icing sugar. I can't see how deepening a channel, the other meaning of **DREDGE**, can relate to 'splash')"} {"Clue":"A doter yields his heart madly \u2013 to behave thus? (5)","Answer":"ADORE","Explanation":"Definition: behave thus\n**A** + **an anagram of** (madly) **DO****T****ER** **excluding** (yields) **the central letter** (heart) **T**\n **A**** DORE***\n\n**ADORE** (what a doter may do to one he \/ she dotes on )"} {"Clue":"Goose in sauce \u2013 makes good sense (8)","Answer":"SANENESS","Explanation":"Definition: ood sense\n**NENE** (the Hawaiian goose) **contained in** (in) **SASS** (impertinent talk or behaviour; sauce)\n **SA** (**NENE**)** SS**\n\n**SANENESS** (good sense)"} {"Clue":"Early arrival having nosy look around front of mansion? (5)","Answer":"PREMY","Explanation":"Definition: Early arrival\n**PRY** (have a nosy look) **containing** (around) **EM** (the letter **M**,** the first letter of** [front of] **M****ANSION**)\n **PR** (**EM**) **Y**\n\n**PREMY** (**PREM**ature baby; early arrival)"} {"Clue":"Article kept in ugly old brass pot (5)","Answer":"LOTAH","Explanation":"Definition: brass pot\n**A** (indefinite article) contained in (kept in) **LOTH** (obsolete [old] word for 'ugly')\n **LOT** (**A**) **H**\n\n**LOTAH** (small brass or copper pot)"} {"Clue":"Sweet wine once drunk after tea (8)","Answer":"CHARNECO","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet wine\n**CHAR** (tea) **+ an anagram of** (drunk) **ONCE**\n **CHAR ****NECO***\n\n**CHARNECO** (a kind of sweet wine)"} {"Clue":"Trace found from dig in ruin of Incas (9)","Answer":"SCINTILLA","Explanation":"Definition: Trace\n**TILL** (cultivate land; dig) **contained in** (in) **an anagram o**f (ruin of) **INCAS**\n **SCIN**** **(**TILL**) **A***\n\n**SCINTILLA** (trace)"} {"Clue":"Mixed-race person from Thailand in the Louvre? (6)","Answer":"MUSTEE","Explanation":"Definition: Mixed-race person\n**T** (International Vehicle Registration for Thailand)** contained in** (in) **MUS\u00c9E** (reference **MUS\u00c9E**\u00a0du Louvre)\n **MUS** (**T**) **EE**\n\n**MUSTEE** (alternative spelling of MESTEE [person of mixed ([specially Spanish and Native American] parentage)"} {"Clue":"Nameless one with this may represent Eeyorism! (6)","Answer":"MISERY","Explanation":"Definition: Eeyorism\n**EEYORISM*** is a **compound anagram of the entry** **MISERY** and (**O****N****E** **excluding** [less] **N** [name])\n **MISERY**\n\n**MISERY** (Eeyore, a character in Winnie the Pooh is a pessimistic, gloomy, depressed, anhedonic, old grey stuffed donkey, so **MISERY** represents Eeyorism)"} {"Clue":"Dacre deviously includes promo under cover of columns? (7)","Answer":"ARCADED","Explanation":"Definition: under cover of columns\n**Anagram of** (deviously) **DACRE** **containing** (includes) **AD** (advertisement; promo). Paul **DACRE** was until recently, the Editor of the Daily Mal and Mail on Sunday newspapers.\n **ARC** (**AD**) **ED***\n\n**ARCADED** (covered by columns or plasters)"} {"Clue":"Wind information from America (4)","Answer":"POOP","Explanation":"Definition: Wind\n**POOP** (become winded or exhausted; wind)\n **POOP**\n\n**POOP** (North American informal term for information) double definition"} {"Clue":"New birth male born somehow is pleasing all round (12)","Answer":"PALINGENESIS","Explanation":"Definition: New birth\n**Anagram of **(somehow) **IS PLEASING** **containing** (all round**) N\u00c9**(of a man, born)\n **PAL****I****NGE** (**NE**)** ****S****IS***\n\n**PALINGENESIS** (new birth)"} {"Clue":"Battle conclusion not dead finally \u2013 relax (6)","Answer":"LOOSEN","Explanation":"Definition: relax\n**LOOS** (site of First World War battle) **+ END** (conclusion) e**xcluding the final letter** (not finally) **D** (dead)\n **LOOS** **EN**\n\n**LOOSEN** (relax)"} {"Clue":"Domed tombs maybe from time prior to Hindu festival (5)","Answer":"THOLI","Explanation":"Definition: Domed tombs\n**T** (time) **+ HOLI** (Hindu spring festival characterized by boisterous revelry)\n **T** **HOLI**\n\n**THOLI **(round buildings, domes, cupolas, or tombs, especially dome-shaped tombs from the Mycenaean period)"} {"Clue":"One of paired forms? Prod him if nodding (7)","Answer":"DIMORPH","Explanation":"Definition: One of paired forms\n**Anagram of** (if nodding)** PROD HIM**\n **D****IM****ORP****H***\n\n**DIMORPH** (either of the two forms of a\u00a0species or substance that can occur in two forms)"} {"Clue":"In cunning Scottish manner yells wildly trapping English (6)","Answer":"SLEELY","Explanation":"Definition: In cunning Scottish manner\n**Anagram of** (wildly) **YELLS** **containing** (trapping) **E** (English)\n **SLE** (**E**)** LY* **Either **E** can be the one contained\n\n**SLEELY **(Scottish word meaning slyly [in a cunning manner])"} {"Clue":"The soil opens shifting to reveal tube of vascular tissue (12)","Answer":"SIPHONOSTELE","Explanation":"Definition: tube of vascular tissue\n**Anagram of** (shifting to reveal) **THE SOIL OPENS**\n **SI****P****HO****NOS****TEL****E***\n\n**SIPHONOSTELE** (hollow cylinder of vascular tissue)"} {"Clue":"Refrain entering a turnstile \u2013 encouragement for one of ladies' team? (8)","Answer":"ATTAGIRL","Explanation":"Definition: encouragement for one of ladies' team\n**TAG** (refrain) **contained in** (entering) (**A** **+ TIRL** [turnstile])\n **A** **T** (**TAG**) **IRL**\n\n**ATTAGIRL** (expressing encouragement or approval to a woman)"} {"Clue":"Poet's thin song interspersed with extremes of emotion (5)","Answer":"LEANY","Explanation":"Definition: Poet's thin\n**LAY** (song) with **EN** (**first and last letters of** [extremes of] **EMOTION**) fitting between **L** and **A** and between **A** and **Y** respectively (interspersed)\n **L** (**E**) **A** (**N**) **Y**\n\n**LEANY** (Spenserian [poet's] word for **LEAN** or thin)"} {"Clue":"Huge fish hoisted up full of poison (8)","Answer":"PIRARUCU","Explanation":"Definition: Huge fish\n(**UP** **containing** [full of] **CURARI** [paralysing poison extracted from the bark of S American trees]) **all reversed**\u00a0(hoisted; down clue)\n (**P** (**IRARUC**) **U**) <\n\n**PIRARUCU **(the arapaima [\u00a0gigantic S American river-fish])"} {"Clue":"Shakespeare's 'grimy'? In folios it would denote 'bold leader' (7)","Answer":"REECHIE","Explanation":"Definition: Shakespeare's 'grimy'?\n**REECHIE** \u2013 if **REECHIE** were** contained in** (in)** ****FF** (folios) we would have **F****REE** [bold] **CHIE****F** [leader]\n **REECHIE**\n\n**REECHIE** (Shakespearean word for 'grimy')"} {"Clue":"This writer's penning 'doeth ill' as disrespectful label for nonconformist (7)","Answer":"METHODY","Explanation":"Definition: disrespectful label for nonconformis\n**MY** (this writer's) **containing** (penning) **an anagram of** (ill) **DOETH**\n **M **(**ETHOD***)** Y**\n\n**METHODY** (disrespectful nickname for a Methodist.[nonconformist as viewed by other believers])"} {"Clue":"Obligation has people replacing bishop, crazy old fellow (6)","Answer":"DEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: crazy old fellow\n**DE****B****T **(obligation) with **MEN** (people) **replacing** (replacing) **B** [bishop)\n **DE** **MEN** **T**\n\n**DEMENT** (rare [old] word for a crazy person)"} {"Clue":"Healthy spots attended by millions for a short period (5)","Answer":"SPASM","Explanation":"Definition: hort period\n**SPAS** (health resorts; health spots) + **M** (millions)\n **SPAS** **M**\n\n**SPASM** (a brief period)"} {"Clue":"Hush introducing dancer curtailed old instrument (5)","Answer":"SHALM","Explanation":"Definition: old instrument\n**SH** (be quiet; hush) **+ ALM****A** (Egyptian dancing girl) **excluding the final letter** (curtailed) **A**\n **SH ALM**\n\n**SHALM** (alternative spelling of **SHAWM** [musical instrument, a predecessor of the oboe, having a double reed and a flat circular piece against which the lips are rested.])"} {"Clue":"Half remembered climbing tree (4)","Answer":"ACER","Explanation":"Definition: tree\n**RECALLED** (remembered) **excluding** (half) **LLED** (**four** [half] **of the eight letters**, leaving the other half) **reversed** (climbing; down clue)\n **ACER**<\n\n**ACER** (plant of the maple genus; tree)"} {"Clue":"Space between two notes often thought to contain it (5)","Answer":"TENTH","Explanation":"Definition: Space between two notes\n**TENTH** (**hidden word in** [to contain it] **OFTEN THOUGHT**)\n **TENTH**\n \u00a0\n I initially started from the premise that **EN** was referring to the space as it is a space in printing terminology, but I couldn't make anything out of the remaining **T** and **TH**. I am very poor at spotting some hidden words immediately.\n\n**TENTH** (In music and music theory, a **TENTH** is the note ten scale degrees from the root of a chord and also the interval between the root and the **TENTH**; space between two notes)"} {"Clue":"Exaggerate recession for minister in this month (7)","Answer":"OVERACT","Explanation":"Definition: Exaggerate\n(**A** **+ REV** [Reverend; minister]) **reversed** (recession) **contained in** (in) **OCT** (October; this puzzle is published originally\u00a0on the last day of October 2018)\n **O** (**VER** **A**)< **CT**\n\n**OVERACT** (perform with exaggeration)"} {"Clue":"Disciplinarian seeing some point in source of military skill (8)","Answer":"MARTINET","Explanation":"Definition: Disciplinarian\n**TINE** (spike or point) **contained in** (in)\u00a0(**M** [**first letter of **{source of} **MILITARY**] **+ ART** [skill])\n **M** **AR** (**TINE**) **T**\n\n**MARTINET** (strict disciplinarian)"} {"Clue":"Major upset after record stoppage (3,3)","Answer":"LOG JAM","Explanation":"Definition: stoppage\n**LOG** (record of a ship's, or other, performance and experiences) **+ MAJ** (Major) **reversed** (upset)\n **LOG** **JAM**<\n\n**LOG JAM** (deadlock; impasse; stoppage)"} {"Clue":"I am surprised about work of a gloomy disposition (4)","Answer":"MOPY","Explanation":"Definition: of a gloomy disposition\n**MY** (expression meaning I am surprised) **containing** (about) **OP** (opus; work)\n **M** (**OP**) **Y**\n\n**MOPY** (listless; spiritless; of a gloomy disposition)"} {"Clue":"Hope to go round various towns nearer the coast (10)","Answer":"DOWNSTREAM","Explanation":"Definition: nearer the coast\n**DREAM** (to think [of] as possible, hope) **containing** (to go round) an anagram of (various) **TOWNS**\n **D **(**OWNST***)** REAM**\n\n**DOWNSTREAM **(further down the river, consequently nearer the coast)"} {"Clue":"Satisfying sound of bacon, say, in frying, ultimately (7)","Answer":"MEETING","Explanation":"Definition: Satisfying\n**MEET** (sounds like [sound of] **MEAT**, of which bacon is an example) **+ IN + G** (**last letter of** [ultimately] of **FRYING**)\n **MEET** **IN** **G**\n\n**MEETING** (satisfying [requirements])"} {"Clue":"Bravery is evident in that woman's honour (7)","Answer":"HEROISM","Explanation":"Definition: Bravery\n**IS** **contained in** (evident in] (**HER** [that woman's] **+ OM** [Order of Merit; honour])\n **HER** **O** (**IS**) **M**\n\n**HEROISM** (bravery)"} {"Clue":"Plan to take in a boy \u2013 Edward \u2013 unable to fit in? (10)","Answer":"MALADAPTED","Explanation":"Definition: unable to fit in\n(**MAP** [plan] **containing** [to take in] **[A** **+ LAD** {boy}])** + TED** (Edward)\n **M** (**A** **LAD**) **AP** **TED**\n\n**MALADAPTED** (unable to be suitable or fit in))"} {"Clue":"Success at cards? Small, and mostly unconvincing (4)","Answer":"SLAM","Explanation":"Definition: Success at cards\n**S** (small) **+ LAME** (unconvincing) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **E**\n **S**** LAM**\n\n**SLAM** (the winning of every trick in the card game of whist; success at cards)"} {"Clue":"The writer\u00a0recalled variety in transport systems (6)","Answer":"METROS","Explanation":"Definition: transport systems\n**ME** (the writer) **+ SORT** (variety) **reversed** (recalled)\n **ME** **TROS**<\n\n**METROS** (urban railway systems; transport systems)"} {"Clue":"Royal punched by 5 behind club toilet? (8)","Answer":"BATHROOM","Explanation":"Definition: toilet\n**BAT** (club)** +** (**HM** [Her \/ His Majesty [royal] **containing** [punched by] **ROO** [**KANGAROO**, the entry at 5 down])\n **BAT** **H** (**ROO)** **M**\n\n**BATHROOM** (toilet)"} {"Clue":"Area of flat land turned more expensive after investment by former Australian (7)","Answer":"PLATEAU","Explanation":"Definition: Area of flat land\n**UP** (more expensive)** reversed** (turned) **containing** (after investment by) (**LATE** [former] **+ A** [Australian])\n **P** (**LATE** **A**) **U**<\n\n**PLATEAU** (large level [flat] tract of elevated land)"} {"Clue":"Limitations of Skegness coastal feature (5)","Answer":"SANDS","Explanation":"Definition: coastal feature\n**S** (**first letter of** **SKEGNESS**)** AND S** (**last letter of** **SKEGNESS**) \u2013 the first and last letters can be described as the limitation\n **S** **AND** **S**\n\n**SANDS** (a feature of the coast)"} {"Clue":"Difficult year after Knight receives evidence of rejection? (6)","Answer":"KNOTTY","Explanation":"Definition: Difficult\n**(KT** [knight] **containing** [receives] **NOT** [evidence of rejection]) **+ Y** (year)\n **K** (**NOT**) **T** **Y**\n\n**KNOTTY** (difficult)"} {"Clue":"Asian leader in borders of Kurdish area, note (4)","Answer":"KHAN","Explanation":"Definition: Asian leader\n**KH** (**first and last letters of** [borders of] **K****URDIS****H**) **+ A** (area) **+ N** (note)\n **KH** **A** **N**\n\n**KHAN** (in Central Asia, a title for a prince or chief)"} {"Clue":"Ends of bout? Expression of wonder about end of bout \u2013 it sees one kissing the dust (6)","Answer":"KOWTOW","Explanation":"Definition: it sees one kissing the dust\n**KO** (knockout \u2013 example of an end to a bout) **+** (**WOW** [expression of wonder] **containing** [about] **T** [**last letter o**f [end of] **BOUT**)\n **KO** **W** (**T**) **OW**\n\n**KOWTOW** (old Chinese ceremony of touching the forehead to the ground as a gesture of deference; kiss the dust)"} {"Clue":"Raised vegetable for member on ship (4)","Answer":"KEEL","Explanation":"Definition: member on ship\n**LEEK** (vegetable) **reversed** (raised; down clue)\n **KEEL**<\n\n**KEEL** (the part [member] of a ship extending along the bottom from stem to stern)"} {"Clue":"Bounder overturned approval to accept a transplanted organ (8)","Answer":"KANGAROO","Explanation":"Definition: Bounder\n**OK** (approval) **reversed** (overturned) **containing** (to accept) (**A** **+ an anagram of** [transplanted] **ORGAN**)\n **K** (**A** **NGARO***) **O**\n\n**KANGAROO** (animal that bounds' bounder)"} {"Clue":"Flower opening one spring evening, at first (3,4)","Answer":"TEA ROSE","Explanation":"Definition: Flower\n**TEAR** (rip; opening)** + OSE** (**first letters** [at first] of each of **O****NE**,** ****S****PRING **and** E****VENING**)\n **TEA** **R** **OSE**\n\n**TEA ROSE** (flower)"} {"Clue":"Spanish aunt artist depicted in item of jewellery (5)","Answer":"TIARA","Explanation":"Definition: item of jewellery\n**TIA** (Spanish for aunt) **+ RA** (Royal Academician; artist)\n **TIA** **RA**\n\n**TIARA** (richly jewelled semicircular head-ornament worn by women)"} {"Clue":"European noblewoman picked up an acknowledgement (5)","Answer":"DONNA","Explanation":"Definition: European noblewoman\n(**AN** **+**** NOD** [acknowledgement]) **all reversed** (picked up;down clue)\n (**DON**** NA**)<\n\n**DONNA** (Italian [European] form of spelling for a noblewoman)"} {"Clue":"Shilling went in dispatch (5)","Answer":"SPEED","Explanation":"Definition: dispatch\n**S** (shilling) **+ PEED** (urinated; went to the toilet])\n **S** **PEED**\n\n**SPEED** (rate; dispatch)"} {"Clue":"A lot of money invested in wood \u2013 time to stop work for a while (3,5)","Answer":"TEA BREAK","Explanation":"Definition: time to stop work for a while\n**BREAD** (money) **excluding the final letter** (a lot of) **D** **contained in** (invested in) **TEAK** (a type of wood)\n **TEA** (**BREA**) **K**\n\n**TEA BREAK** (time to stop work for a while)"} {"Clue":"Each young fellow comes on board for various times (7)","Answer":"SEASONS","Explanation":"Definition: various times\n(**EA** [each] **+ SON** [young fellow]) **contained in** (comes aboard **SS** [steamship]. The phrase 'comes aboard' usually relates to enter a ship)\n **S** (**EA** **SON**) **S**\n\n**SEASONS** (various times of year)"} {"Clue":"Initially all her earrings are piled in a stack? Not any more (5)","Answer":"AHEAP","Explanation":"Definition: in a stack? Not any more\n**AHEAP** (**first letters** [initially] **of each of** **A****LL**, **HER**, **EARRINGS**, **ARE** and **PILED**)\n **A H E A P**\n\n**AHEAP** (in an unstructured mass of items; no longer in a neat stack)"} {"Clue":"Focus of interest in World War II to British and their country (6)","Answer":"TOBRUK","Explanation":"Definition: Focus of interest in World War II \n**TO** **+ BR** (British) **+ UK** (country inhabited by British people)\n **TO** **BR** **UK**\n\n**TOBRUK** (Libyan port that was the site of an important battle in World War II)"} {"Clue":"Make smaller place to absorb heat, taking hour to fill (6)","Answer":"SHRINK","Explanation":"Definition: Make smaller\n**SINK** (reference a heat **SINK** [something into which unwanted heat can be directed and absorbed]) **containing** (taking) **HR**\n **S **(**HR**)** INK**\n\n**SHRINK **(make smaller)"} {"Clue":"Look for overthrown strongholds yielding power (4)","Answer":"SEEK","Explanation":"Definition: Look for \n**KEEPS** (strongholds) **excluding** (yielding) **P** and then **reversed** (overthrows)\n **SEEK**<\n\n**SEEK** (look for)"} {"Clue":"Tense request for a piece of work (4)","Answer":"TASK","Explanation":"Definition: piece of work\n**T** (tense) **+ ASK** (request)\n **T** ASK\n\n**TASK** (piece of work)"} {"Clue":"Sink unit almost blocked by plug (7)","Answer":"DEGRADE","Explanation":"Definition: Sink\n**DEGRE****E **(unit of temperature) **excluding the final letter** (almost)** ****E**** ****containing **(blocked by)**\u00a0****AD** (advertisement; plug) \n **DEGR** (**AD**) **E**\n\n**DEGRADE** (lower in value or position; sink)"} {"Clue":"Gangster regrets bombing Revolutionary Guards (7)","Answer":"MOBSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Gangster\n**MOBSTER** (**hidden word in** [guards] **reversed** [revolutionary] **REGRETS BOMBING**)\n **MOBSTER**<\n\n**MOBSTER** (gangster)"} {"Clue":"Grown-up leader somehow sensed perversity (5-10)","Answer":"WRONG-HEADEDNESS","Explanation":"Definition: perversity\n**Anagram of **(up) **GROWN** **+ HEAD** (leader) **+ an anagram of** (somehow) **SENSED**\n **WRONG*** **HEAD** **EDNESS***\n\n**WRONG-HEADEDNESS** (perversity)"} {"Clue":"Defile girl's head soaked in blood (5)","Answer":"GORGE","Explanation":"Definition: Defile\n**G** (**first letter of** [head] **GIRL**) **contained in** (soaked in) **GORE** (blood)\n **GOR** (**G**) **E**\n\n**GORGE** (narrow valley; defile)"} {"Clue":"Contract staff overwhelmed by advance welcome (9)","Answer":"AGREEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Contract\n**MEN** (staff) **contained in** (overwhelmed by) ( **A** + **GREET** [welcome])\n **A** **GREE** (**MEN**) **T**\n\n**AGREEMENT** (contract)"} {"Clue":"Cut and thrust of blade disguising skill shown by fencer ultimately (8)","Answer":"REPARTEE","Explanation":"Definition: Cut and thrust\n**R** (**last letter of **[ultimately] **FENCER**) **+** (**\u00c9P\u00c9E** [blade] **containing** [disguising] **ART** [skill])\n **R** **EP** (**ART**) **EE**\n\n**REPARTEE** (retort with ready wit; badinage;cut and thrust)"} {"Clue":"Positive aspect of winning team (6)","Answer":"UPSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Positive aspect of\n**UP** (winning) **+ SIDE** (team)\n **UP** **SIDE**\n\n**UPSIDE** (positive aspect)"} {"Clue":"Nonsense about why, reportedly, I like young men (6)","Answer":"BOYISH","Explanation":"Definition: like young men\n**BOSH** (nonsense)** containing** (about) **Y** [**sounds like** {reportedly} **WHY**] **+ I**)\n **BO** (**Y** **I**) **SH**\n\n**BOYISH** (like young men)"} {"Clue":"Obsession\u00a0with crime returning to engulf French capital? (8)","Answer":"NEUROSIS","Explanation":"Definition: Obsession\u00a0\n**SIN** (crime) **reversed** (returning) **containing** (to engulf) **EUROS** (French currency; French capital)\n **N** (**EUROS**) **IS**<\n\n**NEUROSIS** (obsession)"} {"Clue":"Deal with China reduced fare from Mexico (9)","Answer":"ENCHILADA","Explanation":"Definition: fare from Mexico\n**Anagram of** (reduced) **DEAL** and **CHINA**\n **E****NCHI****LAD****A***\n\n**ENCHILADA** (Mexican dish consisting of a rolled stuffed tortilla cooked with a chilli-flavoured sauce; Mexican fare)"} {"Clue":"Reproach leader of party leaving platform (5)","Answer":"ODIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Reproach\n**P****ODIUM** (platform) **excluding** (leaving) **P** (**first letter of** [leader of] **PARTY**)\n **ODIUM**\n\n**ODIUM** (reproach attaching to some act)"} {"Clue":"Aim to turn people insane going on and on (9,6)","Answer":"PERPETUAL MOTION","Explanation":"Definition: going on and on \n**Anagram of** (insane) **AIM TO TURN PEOPLE**\n **PERPETU****A****L**** M****OT****I****ON*******\n\n**PERPETUAL MOTION** (a hypothetical machine, or **MOTION**\u00a0of such a machine, that should do work indefinitely without an external source of energy; going on and on)"} {"Clue":"With time, this estate could make ends meet (7)","Answer":"DEMESNE","Explanation":"Definition: estate \n**DEMESNE** and** T** (time) can form\u00a0**an anagram of **(could make) **ENDS MEET*** \n **DEMESNE**\n\n**DEMESNE** (any estate in land)"} {"Clue":"Doctor clamps right side to expose vessel (7)","Answer":"DREDGER","Explanation":"Definition: vessel\n**DR** (doctor) **containing** (clamps) (**R** [right] **+ EDGE** [side])\n **D** (**R** **EDGE**) **R**\n\n**DREDGER** (type of ship used to deepen a channel)"} {"Clue":"Cheat bet on woman outliving husband (7)","Answer":"DOWAGER","Explanation":"Definition: woman outliving husband\n**DO** (cheat) **+ WAGER** (bet) \n **DO** **WAGER**\n\n**DOWAGER** (a title given to a widow to distinguish her from the wife of her husband's heir; woman outliving husband)"} {"Clue":"Field from which one obtain's a better view of one's surroundings (9)","Answer":"GEOGRAPHY","Explanation":"Definition: Field from which one obtain's a better view of one's surroundings\n**GEOGRAPHY** (subject that gives one a better view of one's surrounding)\n **GEOGRAPHY**\n\n**GEOGRAPHY** (field of study)"} {"Clue":"Financial backer promoting liberal point of view (5)","Answer":"ANGLE","Explanation":"Definition: point of view\n**ANGEL** (financial backer, especially one who backs theatrical productions) with the **L** (liberal) **being moved up** (promoting) this down entry\n **ANGLE**\n\n**ANGLE** (point of view)"} {"Clue":"Raised the French vessel over river banks (8)","Answer":"ELEVATED","Explanation":"Definition: Raised\n**DEE** (name of a river in more than part of Britain) **reversed** (over) **containing** (banks) (**LE** ['the' in French] **+ VAT** [vessel])\n \u00a0**E **(**LE** **VAT**) **ED**<\n\n**ELEVATED** (raised)"} {"Clue":"New way of working beginning to rein in study (6)","Answer":"MODERN","Explanation":"Definition: New\n**MO** (modus operandi; way of working) **+** (**R** [**first letter of** {beginning to} **REIN**] **contained in** [in] **DEN **[study])\n **MO** **DE** (**R**) **N**\n\n**MODERN** (new)"} {"Clue":"Pet salesman bumped into expert from the South (3,6)","Answer":"BAD TEMPER","Explanation":"Definition: Pet\n(**REP** [representative {salesman} **+ MET** [bumped into] **+ DAB** [expert]) **all reversed** (from the South; down clue)\n (**BAD** **TEM** **PER**)<\n\n**BAD TEMPER** (pet slight or childish fit of aggrieved or resentful sulkiness])"} {"Clue":"Subject of article about what constrains empiricism (5)","Answer":"THEME","Explanation":"Definition: Subject\n**THE** (definite article) **containing** (about) **EM** (**first and last letters of **[letters that constrain] **EMPIRICISM**)\n **TH** (**EM**) **E**\n\n**THEME** (subject)"} {"Clue":"Recognition for prize-winning group stifled by mindless repetition (7)","Answer":"ROSETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Recognition for prize-winning\n**SET** (group) **contained in** (stifled by) **ROTE** (repetition or performance without regard to the meaning.; mindless repetition)\n **RO** (**SET**) **TE**\n\n**ROSETTE** (knot of radiating loops of ribbon or the like in concentric arrangement, especially worn as a badge showing affiliation, or awarded as a prize;"} {"Clue":"Likelihood of danger goes up having family visit with son (9)","Answer":"RISKINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Likelihood of danger\n(**RISES** [goes up] **containing** [having \u2026 visit] (**KIN** [family]) **+ S** [son])\n **RIS** (**KIN**) **ES** **S**\n\n**RISKINESS** (likelihood of danger)"} {"Clue":"Uplifting new season winning one after another (9)","Answer":"INSPIRING","Explanation":"Definition: Uplifting\n**I** (Roman numeral for one]; this is the 'another' one) **+** (**N** [new] **+** [**SPRING** {season} **containing** {winning} **I **{Roman numeral for one])\n **I** **N** **SP** (**I**) **RING**\n\n**INSPIRING** (uplifting)"} {"Clue":"What docker did having caught dog in act (8)","Answer":"DETAILED","Explanation":"Definition: What docker did\n**DEED** (act) **containing** (having caught) **TAIL** (follow and watch constantly; dog)\n **DE** (**TAIL**) **ED**\n\n**DETAILED** (should be read as \u2013 DE-TAILED [took the TAIL off; docked])"} {"Clue":"Record covered by Squeeze replaced rude word? (7)","Answer":"BLEEPED","Explanation":"Definition: replaced rude word\n**EP** (extended play record) **contained in** (covered by) **BLEED** (suck dry; squeeze)\n **BLE** (**EP**) **ED**\n\n**BLEEPED** (replaced a rude word with a high pitched sound)"} {"Clue":"Doctor remains for discussion group (7)","Answer":"SEMINAR","Explanation":"Definition: replaced rude word\n**EP** (extended play record) **contained in** (covered by) **BLEED** (suck dry; squeeze)\n **BLE** (**EP**) **ED**\n\n**BLEEPED** (replaced a rude word with a high pitched sound)"} {"Clue":"Age you are said to divorce partner (6)","Answer":"MATURE","Explanation":"Definition: Age \n(**U** [**sounds like** {said} **YOU**] **+ R** [**sounds like** {said} **ARE**]) **contained in** (divorce; to separate]) **MATE** (partner)\n **MAT** (**U** **R**) **E**\n\n**MATURE** (come to or approach ripeness; age)"} {"Clue":"Shot Colt pistol containing a single round (5)","Answer":"CAROM","Explanation":"Definition: Shot\nI can't see the wordplay here. **C** is an abbreviation for colt, band A is a, but that is\u00a0as far as I get. I know a Colt is a type of pistol, but I don't think the abbreviation **C** is referring to the pistol; I think it is referring to a young horse)\n**CAROM** (short form of **CARAMBOLE**, a cannon in billiards; a shot)"} {"Clue":"One divided by zero vacuously equals something elementary (5)","Answer":"OZONE","Explanation":"Definition: something elementary \n**ONE** **containing** (divided by) **ZO** (**ZERO** **excluding the middle letters** [vacuously] **ER**) \n **O** (**ZO**) **NE**\n\n**OZONE** (allotropic form (O3) of oxygen present in the atmosphere; something elementary)"} {"Clue":"Head of family initially regretting atmosphere circulating during marriage (9)","Answer":"MATRIARCH","Explanation":"Definition: Head of family\n(**R** [**first letter of** {initially} **REGRETTING**] + **an anagram of** [circulating] **AIR**)** contained in** (during) **MATCH** (marriage)\n **MAT** (**R** **IAR***) **CH**\n\n**MATRIARCH** (female head of a family, tribe or community)"} {"Clue":"Noisy, very, heading away from pub (5)","Answer":"VOCAL","Explanation":"Definition: Noisy\n**V** (very) **+ LOCAL** (public house [pub]) **excluding** [away from] **the first letter** [heading] **L**\n **V OCAL**\n\n**VOCAL** (noisy)"} {"Clue":"Try to extend day paper gets published (4,3)","Answer":"DRAG OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Try to extend\n**D** (day) **+ RAG** (newspaper) **+ OUT** (published)\n **D** **RAG** **OUT**\n\n**DRAG OUT** (prolong unnecessarily or tediously; try to extend)"} {"Clue":"Weapon making you ache and buckle (7)","Answer":"LONGBOW","Explanation":"Definition: Weapon\n**LONG** (yearn; ache) + **BOW** (bend; buckle)\n **LONG** **BOW**\n\n**LONGBOW** (a weapon drawn by hand as distinct from the crossbow)"} {"Clue":"Try to catch game dog, having change of heart (5)","Answer":"POACH","Explanation":"Definition: Try to catch game\n**POOCH **(dog) **with the middle letter** (heart)** replaced by** [change of] **A**\n **PO****A****CH**\n\n**POACH** (intrude on another person's land in order to pursue or kill game)"} {"Clue":"Evasive about unpleasant mist on offering theory of the universe (9)","Answer":"COSMOGONY","Explanation":"Definition: theory of the universe\n**COY** (evasive) **containing** (about) (**SMOG** [smoky fog; unpleasant mist] **+ ON**)\n **CO** (**SMOG** **ON**) **Y**\n\n**COSMOGONY** (theory or myth of the origin of the universe)"} {"Clue":"Many recalled French article about energy in component of explosive (7)","Answer":"TOLUENE","Explanation":"Definition: component of explosive\n**LOT** (many) **reversed**\u00a0(returned) **+** (**UNE** [one of the\u00a0French forms of the indefinite article] **containing** [about] **E** [energy])\n **TOL**< **U** (**E**) **NE**\n\n**TOLUENE** (methyl benzene, a colourless flammable liquid [C6H5CH3] used as a solvent and in the manufacture of other organic chemicals and explosives)"} {"Clue":"Artist very much into associate shade (7)","Answer":"PARASOL","Explanation":"Definition: shade\n(**RA** [Royal Academician; artist]** + SO** [very much]) **contained in** (into) **PAL** (associate)\n **PA** (**RA** **SO**) **L**\n\n**PARASOL** (shade)"} {"Clue":"Crashed in flames around capital of Italy? It's not the end of the contest (9)","Answer":"SEMI-FINAL","Explanation":"Definition: It's not the end of the contest\n**Anagram of** (crashed) **IN FLAMES** **containing** (around)** I **(**first letter of** [capital of] **ITALY**)\n **SEM** (**I**) **FINAL*** either **I** could be the one contained\n\n**SEMI-FINAL** (the round\u00a0immediately before the **FINAL**; it's not the end of the contest)"} {"Clue":"Parrot's mouth containing bill (5)","Answer":"MACAW","Explanation":"Definition: Parrot\n**MAW** (mouth) **containing** (containing)** AC** (account; bill)\n **M** (**AC**) **AW**\n\n**MACAW** (any of the large, long-tailed, brightly-coloured tropical American parrots of the genus Ara or Anodorhynchus)"} {"Clue":"Affected by charge, ion later decays, emitting electron (2,5)","Answer":"ON TRIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Parrot\n**MAW** (mouth) **containing** (containing)** AC** (account; bill)\n **M** (**AC**) **AW**\n\n**MACAW** (any of the large, long-tailed, brightly-coloured tropical American parrots of the genus Ara or Anodorhynchus)"} {"Clue":"Admit ice creams contain fluorine the sulphur (7)","Answer":"CONFESS","Explanation":"Definition: Admit\n(**CONES** [ice creams] **containing** [contain] **F** [chemical symbol for fluorine]) **+ S** (chemical symbol for sulphur)\n **CON** (**F**) **ES** **S**\n\n**CONFESS** (admit)"} {"Clue":"Medicine, extremely pleasant, endlessly (5)","Answer":"TONIC","Explanation":"Definition: Medicine\n**TOO** (extremely) **excluding the final letter** (endlessly) **O**\u00a0**+ NICE** (pleasant) **excluding the final letter** (endlessly) **E**\n **TO** **NIC**\n\n**TONIC** (medicine)"} {"Clue":"Committee stay finally visible in hazy distance (9)","Answer":"SYNDICATE","Explanation":"Definition: Committee\n**Y** (**last letter of** [finally] **STAY**) **contained in** (visible in) **an anagram of** (hazy) **DISTANCE**\n **S** (**Y**)** ****NDICATE***\n\n**SYNDICATE** (combination of people for some common purpose or interest; committee)"} {"Clue":"Surrounded by Government support, keeping millions housed (4)","Answer":"AMID","Explanation":"Definition: Surrounded by\n**AID **(government support)** ****containing** (keeping \u2026 housed) **M** (millions) \n **A** (**M**) **ID**\n\n**AMID** (surrounded by)"} {"Clue":"Old Scottish engineer set up a capital city (6)","Answer":"OTTAWA","Explanation":"Definition: capital city\n**O** (old) **+ WATT** (reference James **WATT** [1736 \u2013 1819], Scottish inventor and engineer) **reversed** (set up; won clue) **+ A**\n **O** **TTAW**< **A**\n\n**OTTAWA** (capital city of Canada)"} {"Clue":"Exclamation from Scot beginning to lose in long card game (8)","Answer":"PINOCHLE","Explanation":"Definition: card game\n(**OCH** [Scottish exclamation of impatience or contemptuous dismissal) **+ L** [**first letter of** {beginning to} **L****OSE**]) **contained in** (in) **PINE** (yearn; long)\n **PIN** (**OCH** **L**)** ****E**\n\n**PINOCHLE** (a card game like bezique)"} {"Clue":"Northern bird about to hide in lorry wheel, we hear (6,4)","Answer":"ARCTIC TERN","Explanation":"Definition: Northern bird\n(**C** [circa; about] **contained in** [to hide in] **ARTIC** {**ARTIC**ulated lorry]) + **TERN** (**sounds like** [we hear] **TURN** [wheel])\n **AR** (**C**)** TIC** **TERN**\n\n**ARCTIC TERN** (black-capped **TERN**\u00a0[Sterna paradisea] that breeds in the Arctic and migrates south; northern bird)"} {"Clue":"Welsh resort rashly excluding a soprano? That's not right (4)","Answer":"RHYL","Explanation":"Definition: Welsh resort\n**Anagram of** (that's not right) **R****AS****HLY** **excluding** (excluding) (**A + S** [soprano])\n **RHYL***\n\n**RHYL** (Welsh seaside resort)"} {"Clue":"No good avoiding church service, all the same (4,2)","Answer":"EVEN SO","Explanation":"Definition: all the same\n**EVENSONG** (church service)** excluding** (avoiding) **NG** (no good)\n **EVEN SO**\n\n**EVEN SO** (nevertheless; all the same)"} {"Clue":"Suspicion about a brother supporting Conservative is harsh (8)","Answer":"SCABROUS","Explanation":"Definition: harsh\n**SUS** (suspicion)** containing** (about) (**C** [Conservative] **+ A + BRO** [brother]) \n **S** (**C** **A** **BRO**) **US **This being a down entry, the letter **C** is supported by the letters **A** **BRO**\n\n**SCABROUS** (harsh)"} {"Clue":"How gale warnings are itemised? (4-2-4)","Answer":"BLOW-BY-BLOW","Explanation":"Definition: itemised\nA gale\u00a0is a strong** BLOW** so if you itemise a series of them you are describing them **BLOW BY BLOW**. Cryptic definition\n **BLOW BY BLOW**\n\n**BLOW-BY-BLOW** (very detailed; itemised)"} {"Clue":"Paid attention, turning up to read next page to end (3,1,4,2)","Answer":"PUT A STOP TO","Explanation":"Definition: end\n**SAT UP** (became alert; paid attention) **reversed** (turning up; down clue) **+ TO** **+ P** (page) + **TO**\n I'm not sure that I have parsed the second half of this correctly as I can't see how 'read' fits in\n **PU T A S**<** ****TO P TO**\n\n**PUT A STOP TO** (cause to finish; end)"} {"Clue":"One begging drink, flexible about cold water (10)","Answer":"SUPPLICANT","Explanation":"Definition: One begging\n**SUP** (drink) **+ **(**PLIANT** [flexible] **containing** [about] **C** [cold water])\n **SUP** **PLI** (**C**)** ANT**\n\n**SUPPLICANT** (pleader;beggar)"} {"Clue":"Lithium \u2013 metal used in jet fighter \u2013 is restricting (8)","Answer":"LIMITING","Explanation":"Definition: restricting\n**LI **(chemical symbol for lithium) **+** (**TIN** [metal] **contained in** [used in] **MIG** [colloquial term for a Russian jet fighter plane designed by Mikoyan and Gurevich])\n **LI** **MI **(**TIN**) **G**\n\n**LIMITING** (restricting)"} {"Clue":"Extravagant description of 23 \u2013 an habitual response (8)","Answer":"ROMANTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Extravagant\n**ROMAN** (**CAESAR**, the entry at 23 down was a famous example) **+ TIC** (involuntary habitual response)\n **ROMAN** **TIC**\n\n**ROMANTIC** (extravagant)"} {"Clue":"Move quickly, getting children some meat (6)","Answer":"FLITCH","Explanation":"Definition: some meat \n**FLIT** (move quickly)** + CH** (children)\n **FLIT ****CH**\n\n**FLITCH** (side of pork salted and cured; some meat)"} {"Clue":"Autocrat in chariot taking in rising tide (6)","Answer":"CAESAR","Explanation":"Definition: Autocrat\n**CAR** (chariot)** containing** (taking in) **SEA** (tide) **reversed** (rising; down clue)\n **C** (**AES**<) **A****R**\n\n**CAESAR** (reference Julius CAESAR [76 \u2013 54 BC], an example of an autocratic ruler)"} {"Clue":"Left remains a scourge (4)","Answer":"LASH","Explanation":"Definition: scourge\n**L** (left)** + ASH** (remains)\n **L** **ASH**\n\n**LASH** (scourge)"} {"Clue":"Small gardens may be asymmetrical (4)","Answer":"SKEW","Explanation":"Definition: asymmetrical\n**S** (small) **+ KEW** (reference **KEW** gardens in London)\n **S KEW**\n\n**SKEW** (asymmetrical)"} {"Clue":"Desperate character, daughter (23) getting collared \u2013 it doesn't look good (8)","Answer":"DANDRUFF","Explanation":"Definition: collared \u2013 it doesn't look good\n**DAN **(reference Desperate **DAN**, a cartoon character in the Dandy comic until it ceased publication in 2012 or 2013) **+ D** (daughter) **+ RUFF** (**TRUMP**, entry at 23 down, both are similar terms in card games)\n **DAN** **D** **RUFF**\n\n**DANDRUFF** (\u00a0scaly scurf on the skin under the hair, which often transfers to shirt collars and doesn't look good there)"} {"Clue":"Pass by il Duomo regularly providing refuge (6)","Answer":"ASYLUM","Explanation":"Definition: refuge\n**ASYLUM** **(letters 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12** [regularly] of **PASS BY IL DUOMO**)\n **ASYLUM**\n\n**ASYLUM** (place of refuge)"} {"Clue":"Steals tops from Next, Intimissimi, Calvin Klein, Selfridge's (5)","Answer":"NICKS","Explanation":"Definition: Steals\n**NICKS** (**first letters of** [tops from] **NEXT**, **INITIMISSI**, **CALVIN**, **KLEIN** and **SELFRIDGE'S**)\n **NICKS**\n\n**NICKS** (steals)"} {"Clue":"Swift retribution seen from Bath chicken farm getting exposed (1,5,3)","Answer":"A THICK EAR","Explanation":"Definition: Swift retribution\n**All letters except the outside ones** (getting exposed) **from each of** **BATH**, **CHICKEN** and **FARM**\n **A T HICK E AR**\n\n**A THICK EAR** (swollen ear, usually a result of a blow administered as [swift] punishment or revenge)"} {"Clue":"Revolting Rees-Mogg (nit!) telephoned about issuing P45 (7,2)","Answer":"LETTING GO","Explanation":"Definition: issuing P45\n**LETTING GO\u00a0**(**hidden word** [about] **reversed in** [revolting] **REES-MOGG (NIT) TELEPHONED**)\n **LETTING GO**<\n\n**LETTING GO** (scenario that could describe the issuing of a P45"} {"Clue":"First in a series: \"beer, and where to find it\" (5)","Answer":"ALEPH","Explanation":"Definition: First in a series\n**ALE** (beer) **+ PH** (public house, a place you will find beer)\n **ALE** **PH**\n\n**ALEPH** (the first letter of the Phoenician and Hebrew alphabets; first in a series)"} {"Clue":"Boring, soporific Anne Diamond given P45 (6)","Answer":"CANNED","Explanation":"Definition: given P45\n**Hidden word in** (boring) **SOPORIFIC ANNE DIAMOND**\n **CANNED**\n\n**CANNED** (American informal term for sacked or dismissed; given a P45"} {"Clue":"Lundgren, at home, is a fairly blubbery individual (7)","Answer":"DOLPHIN","Explanation":"Definition: a fairly blubbery individual\n**DOLPH** (reference **DOLPH** Lundgren [born 1957], Swedish actor and director)** + IN** (at home)\n **DOLPH** **IN**\n\n**DOLPHIN** (any of a group of small toothed whales; fairly blubbery individual)"} {"Clue":"At last, Bing and Dorothy get together \u2026 va-va-voom! (7)","Answer":"GLAMOUR","Explanation":"Definition: va-va-voom!\n**G** (**final letter of **[at last] Bing) **+ LAMOUR** (reference Dorothy **LAMOUR** [1914 \u2013 1996], American actress who appeared in may \"Road to \u2026\" films with Bing Crosby)\n **G** **LAMOUR**\n\n**GLAMOUR** (allure; va-va-voom [the quality of being interesting, exciting or sexually appealing])"} {"Clue":"Ballyhoo in America as much-loved bear returns to Los Angeles (6)","Answer":"HOOPLA","Explanation":"Definition: Ballyhoo in America\n**POOH** (reference Winnie the **POOH**, a much loved bear) **reversed** (returns) + **LA** (Los Angeles)\n **HOOP**< **LA**\n\n**HOOPLA** (great activity; HOOPLA\u00a0is American [US] slang for nonsense or ballyhoo)"} {"Clue":"Write off oil company (5)","Answer":"TOTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Write off\n**TOTAL** (destroy completely; write-off)\n **TOTAL**\n\n**TOTAL **(reference the TOTAL S.A.,\u00a0a French multinational integrated oil and gas company and one of the seven \"Supermajor\" oil companies in the world) double definition"} {"Clue":"Switzerland: \"Gold, francs, \u20ac; it's what drives us (9)","Answer":"CHAUFFEUR","Explanation":"Definition: it's what drives us\n**CH** (International Vehicle Registration for Switzerland) **+ AU** (chemical symbol for gold) **+ FF** (francs) **+ EUR** (currency code for Euros for which \u20ac is the symbol)\n **CH** **AU** **FF** **EUR**\n\n**CHAUFFEUR** (a male\u00a0who drives) Not sure why 'it' is used rather than 'he'; chauffeuse is the female for)"} {"Clue":"So much tea brewed for Fu Manchu? (9)","Answer":"MOUSTACHE","Explanation":"Definition: Fu Manchu?\n**Anagram of **(brewed) **SO MUCH TEA**\n **M****O****U****S****TACHE***\n\n**MOUSTACHE** (A Fu Manchu full, straight **MOUSTACHE** that originates on the corners of the mouth and grows downward past the clean-shaven lips and chin in two tapered \"tendrils\", often extending past the jawline)"} {"Clue":"Slipknot shortly retiring, heading east (5)","Answer":"NOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Slipknot\n**SOON** (shortly) **reversed** (retiring) **+ E** (East; a direction, bearing or heading) I suppose **E** could also be the **first letter or heading of** **EAST**)\n **NOOS**< **E**\n\n**NOOSE** (a form of slipknot)"} {"Clue":"I heard one covering hip-hop artist (6)","Answer":"RAPPER","Explanation":"Definition: hip-hop artist\n**RAPPER** (sounds like [I heard] **WRAPPER** [something that covers])\n **RAPPER**\n\n**RAPPER** (hip-hop artist)"} {"Clue":"Sleeping rough, hovels give me accommodation for a shilling (8)","Answer":"HOMELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Sleeping rough\n(**HOLES** [miserable or contemptible places; hovels] **containing** [give \u2026 accommodation] **ME)** **+ S** (shilling)\n **HO** (**ME**) **LES** **S**\n\n**HOMELESS** (without a permanent place of residence, sleeping rough)"} {"Clue":"P45 (6,5)","Answer":"DONALD TRUMP","Explanation":"Definition: P45\n**DONALD TRUMP** (45th President of the United States) I can't find P as an abbreviation for President in Chambers, Collins or the Oxford Dictionary of English. However, PP for Past President is in all three, so I suppose the second P is an abbreviation for President\n **DONALD TRUMP**\n\n**DONALD TRUMP** (45th President of the United States)"} {"Clue":"In action, rolled American tobacco (9)","Answer":"NICOTIANA","Explanation":"Definition: tobacco\n**Anagram of** (rolled) **IN ACTION** **+ A** (American)\n **NI****COTIAN*** **A**\n\n**NICOTIANA** (any plant of the tobacco genus ***NICOTIANA***)"} {"Clue":"In which, when it's your round, you'll be under the table (7,8)","Answer":"RUSSIAN ROULETTE","Explanation":"Definition: In which, when it's your round, you'll be under the table\n**RUSSIAN ROULETTE **(an act of bravado, specifically that of loading a revolver with one bullet, spinning the cylinder, and firing at one's own head; if it's a round 'with your name' on it, you will be killed and possibly lying under the table)\n **RUSSIAN ROULETTE **\n\n**RUSSIAN ROULETTE **(the clue is a cryptic definition as described in the word play)"} {"Clue":"Female fell behind, tired (7)","Answer":"FLAGGED","Explanation":"Definition: tired\n**F** (female) **+ LAGGED** (fell behind)\n **F** **LAGGED**\n\n**FLAGGED** (tired)"} {"Clue":"Black coffee Sean spilled at work could mean P45 (8,7)","Answer":"SACKABLE OFFENCE","Explanation":"Definition: at work could mean P45\n**Anagram of** (spilled) **BLACK COFFEE SEAN**\n **S****ACK****A****BL****E**** ****OFFENCE***\n\n**SACKABLE OFFENCE** (an action at work that could lead to instant dismissal and the issue of a P45)"} {"Clue":"\"Vassal state\" falsely, say taken over? (5)","Answer":"LIEGE","Explanation":"Definition: Vassal \n**LIE **(state falsely) **+ E.G. **(for example; say) **reversed** (taken over)\n **LIE** **GE****<**\n\n**LIEGE** (vassal)"} {"Clue":"St David's Day: new government demands P45 (8,6)","Answer":"MARCHING ORDERS","Explanation":"Definition: P45\n**MARCH I** (1st March \u2013 St David's Day) **+ N** (new) **+ G** (government) **+**** ORDERS** (demands)\n **MARCH I** **N** **G** **ORDERS**\n\n**MARCHING ORDERS** (dismissal from employment which results in the issue of a P45)"} {"Clue":"Senior citizens retch, initially horrified over P45 (3,3,5-2)","Answer":"THE OLD HEAVE-HO","Explanation":"Definition: P45\n**THE OLD** (senior citizens) **+ HEAVE** (retch) **+**** HO** (**first letters** [initially] **of** **HORRIFIED** and **OVER**)\n **THE OLD** **HEAVE** **H** **O**\n\n**THE OLD HEAVE-HO** (dismissal [from a job] resulting in the issue of a P45)"} {"Clue":"Beautiful girl head over heels enthralled by revolutionary hero, one bearing flowers (9)","Answer":"HELLEBORE","Explanation":"Definition: one bearing flowers\n**BELLE** (beautiful girl) **reversed** (head over heels ; down clue) **contained in** (overwhelmed by) **an anagram of** (revolutionary) **HERO**\n **H**** **(**ELLEB**<)** ****ORE***\n\n**HELLEBORE** (any plant of the genus *Helleborus*, of the buttercup family; one bearing flowers)"} {"Clue":"Encourage to send up one in the kitchen cabinet? (3,5)","Answer":"EGG TIMER","Explanation":"Definition: one in the kitchen cabinet\n**EGG** (encourage) **+ REMIT** (send) **reversed** (up; down clue)\n **EGG** **TIMER**<\n\n**EGG TIMER** (kitchen gadget which may be stored in a cupboard)"} {"Clue":"Rangers overwhelm Celtic from the off, starting \"Old Firm\" in flamboyant style (6)","Answer":"ROCOCO","Explanation":"Definition: flamboyant style\n**ROC** **(first letters of** [from the\u00a0off] **each of** **RANGERS**, **OVERWHELM** and **CELTIC**) **+ O** (**first letter of **[starting] **OLD**) **+ CO** (company; firm)\n **R** **O** **C** **O** **CO**\n\n**ROCOCO **(style of architecture, decoration and furniture-making prevailing in Louis XV's time, marked by endless multiplication of ornamental details unrelated to structure; flamboyant style)"} {"Clue":"Score in Scrabble for \"POET\" (10)","Answer":"WORDSWORTH","Explanation":"Definition: POET\n**WORD'S WORTH** (the score [**WORTH**] of a **WORD** played in the game Scrabble)\n **WORDS** **WORTH**\n\n**WORDSWORTH** (reference William **WORDSWORTH** [1770 \u2013 1850], English Romantic poet)"} {"Clue":"It's frequently hailed a classic US sitcom (4)","Answer":"TAXI","Explanation":"Definition: It's frequently hailed\n**TAXI** (a vehicle that is often summoned or hailed to carry a passenger)\n **TAXI**\n\n**TAXI** (classic US sitcom, originally broadcast between 1978 and 1983) double definition"} {"Clue":"Trains regularly caught by solicitor, one who's sightseeing (7)","Answer":"TOURIST","Explanation":"Definition: one who's sightseeing \n**RIS** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [regularly] **of** **TRAINS**) **contained in** (caught by) **TOUT** (solicitor)\n **TOU** (**RIS**) **T**\n\n**TOURIST** (sightseer)"} {"Clue":"Teacher varied changes to keep close to syllabus (7)","Answer":"ADVISER","Explanation":"Definition: Teacher\n**Anagram of** (changes) **VARIED** **containing** (keep) **S** (**last letter of** [close to] **SYLLABUS**)\n **ADVI** (**S**) **ER***\n\n**ADVISER** (teacher)"} {"Clue":"Beers conceived originally in monasteries \u2013 they're gradually gaining in strength (13)","Answer":"CONVALESCENTS","Explanation":"Definition: they're gradually gaining in strength\n(**ALES** [beers] **+ C** [**first letter of** {originally} **CONCEIVED**) **contained in** (in) **CONVENTS** (closed communities of people, usually women, devoted to a religious life; the houses in which they live, a monasteries or (now usually) nunneries)\n **CONV** (**ALES** **C**) **ENTS**\n\n**CONVALESCENTS **(people gradually regaining health and consequently, strength)"} {"Clue":"Suffer the consequences of having no school ultimately to represent (3,3)","Answer":"PAY FOR","Explanation":"Definition: Suffer the consequences of\n**PLAY FOR** (represent) **excluding** (having no) **L** (**last letter of **[ultimately] **SCHOOL**)\n **PAY FOR**\n\n**PAY FOR** (suffer the consequences of)"} {"Clue":"City pal possibly pursues American's tip? That's unusual (8)","Answer":"ATYPICAL","Explanation":"Definition: That's unusual\n**A** (**first letter of** [tip] **AMERICA**) + **an anagram of** (possibly) **CITY PAL**\n **A ****TYPICAL***\n\n**ATYPICAL **(not usual)"} {"Clue":"Content to stare as One Direction argued (8)","Answer":"REASONED","Explanation":"Definition: argued\n**REASONED** (**hidden word in** [content to] **STA****RE AS ONE D****IRECTION**)\n **REASONED**\n\n**REASONED** (argued)"} {"Clue":"Allow hotel to open for quiet, solitary individual (6)","Answer":"HERMIT","Explanation":"Definition: solitary individual\n**P****ERMIT** (allow) with **H** (hotel) **replacing** (for)** P** (piano; quiet)\n **H** **ERMIT**\n\n**HERMIT** (solitary person)"} {"Clue":"Quota opposed to abortion initially shows increase (13)","Answer":"PROLIFERATION","Explanation":"Definition: increase\n**PRO LIFE** (anti-abortion) **+ RATION** (quota) \n **PRO LIFE RATION**\n\n**PROLIFERATION **(great and rapid increase in numbers)"} {"Clue":"Given the latest news, excited romantic partner anticipates diamonds (7)","Answer":"UPDATED","Explanation":"Definition: Given the latest news\n**UP** (excited) **+ DATE** (romantic partner)** + D** (diamonds) I think 'anticipates' is being used to convey the fact that **DATE** comes before **D **and to make the surface sensible**.**\n **UP DATE D**\n\n**UPDATED** (given the latest news)"} {"Clue":"Inspire brother to face weather unprotected (7)","Answer":"BREATHE","Explanation":"Definition: Inspire\n**BR** (brother) **+ EATHE** (**letters remaining after the outer letters** **W** and **R** **are removed** [unprotected] from **WEATHER**) 'Face' is doing similar duty to 'anticipates' in the previous clue, this time indicating that the two components are beside each other, and making the surface sensible.\n **BR** **EATHE**\n\n**BREATHE** (breathe)"} {"Clue":"Fusses about something to add to drink (4)","Answer":"SODA","Explanation":"Definition: something to add to drink\n**ADOS** (fusses) **reversed** (about)\n **SODA**<\n\n**SODA** (a drinks mixer)"} {"Clue":"Risks advocate coming out in favour of Indian contracts (10)","Answer":"INDENTURES","Explanation":"Definition: contracts\n**ADV****ENTURES**\u00a0(risks) **excluding** (coming out) **ADV** (advocate) and b**eing replaced by** (in favour of) **IND** (India)\n **IND****ENTURES**\n\n**INDENTURES** (contracts)"} {"Clue":"Openly sexual and flash to eat meal topless (7)","Answer":"RAUNCHY","Explanation":"Definition: Openly sexual\n**RAY** (flash) **containing** (to eat) **LUNCH** (meal) **excluding** (less) **the initial letter** (top) **L**\n **RA **(**UNCH**)** Y**\n\n**RAUNCHY** (openly sexual)"} {"Clue":"Cruise perhaps to Italian capital with single cost being flexible (13)","Answer":"SCIENTOLOGIST","Explanation":"Definition: Cruise perhaps\n**Anagram of** (being flexible) **TO** and **I** (**first letter of** [capital]** ITALIAN**) and **SINGLE COST**\n **SCIEN****T****OL****O****GIST***\n\n**SCIENTOLOGIST** (the actor Tom Cruse is a well known member of the Church of Scientology)"} {"Clue":"Expense of transposing each half of design (6)","Answer":"OUTLAY","Explanation":"Definition: Expense\n**LAY OUT** (design) with the two component parts transposed to put **OUT** before **LAY**\n **OUT ****LAY**\n\n**OUTLAY** (expense)"} {"Clue":"Disguise attempt to pinch an undergarment (8)","Answer":"TRAVESTY","Explanation":"Definition: Disguise\n**TRY** (attempt) **containing** (to pinch) (**A** **+** **VEST**)\n **TR** (**A** **VEST**) **Y**\n\n**TRAVESTY** (disguise)"} {"Clue":"Element extracted from heart of Alaska (7)","Answer":"ARSENIC","Explanation":"Definition: Element\nIf we take (extracted from) AS (**central letters** [heart] **of** **ALASKA**) we have the chemical symbol for **ARSENIC**\n **ARSENIC**\n\n**ARSENIC **(chemical element)"} {"Clue":"Weak willed Tories' rule in tatters (10)","Answer":"IRRESOLUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Weak willed\n**Anagram of **(in tatters) **TORIES RULE***\n **IRRESOLUTE***\n\n**IRRESOLUTE** (not firm in purpose; weak-willed)"} {"Clue":"Papers consumed by immorality existing in position Humphrey once occupied (4,9)","Answer":"VICE PRESIDENT","Explanation":"Definition: position Humphrey once occupied\n**ID** (identity papers) **contained in** (consumed by) (**VICE** [immorality] + **PRESENT** [existing])\n **VICE** **PRES** (**ID**) **ENT**\n\n**VICE PRESIDENT** (reference Hubert Humphrey [1911 \u2013 1978], **VICE PRESIDENT **of the United States under Lyndon Johnson from 1965 to 1969)"} {"Clue":"South Korean typically advertises engine parts (5,5)","Answer":"SPARK PLUGS","Explanation":"Definition: engine parts\n**S** (South) **+ PARK** (common name in Korea, possibly equivalent to Smith in Britain) **+ PLUGS** (advertises))\n **S** **PARK** **PLUGS**\n\n**SPARK PLUGS** (engine parts)"} {"Clue":"Count upon actor briefly to stop working (6,2)","Answer":"DEPEND ON","Explanation":"Definition: Count upon\n**DEPP** (reference Johnny **DEPP** [born 1963], American actor) **excluding the final letter** (briefly) **P** **+ END** (stop) **+ ON** (working)\n **DEP END ON**\n\n**DEPEND ON** (count upon)"} {"Clue":"Shied away from poster describing video nasty (7)","Answer":"AVOIDED","Explanation":"Definition: Shied away from\n**AD** (advertisement; poster) **containing** (describing) **an anagram of** (nasty) **VIDEO**\n **A** (**VOIDE***) **D**\n\n**AVOIDED** (shirked; shied away from)"} {"Clue":"Screen giving warning is inadequate (7)","Answer":"MONITOR","Explanation":"Definition: Screen\nI can't see the wordplay here particularly the link to the words 'is inadequate) I understand that a **MONITOR** can give a warning so there are two definition here but if there is a third definition, I'm struggling.\n **MONITOR**\n\n**MONITOR** (screen in audio visual equipment))"} {"Clue":"Misinterpret clothing left loose at the back (6)","Answer":"GARBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Misinterpret\n**GARB** (clothing) **+ L** (left) **+ E** (**final letter of** [at the back] **LOOSE**)\n **GARB** **L** **E**\n\n**GARBLE** (misrepresent or falsify by suppression and selection)"} {"Clue":"Predicament whether one chooses jam or pickle (4)","Answer":"MESS","Explanation":"Definition: Predicament\n**MESS **is a synonym of both **JAM** and **PICKLE** so if you are in one or the other you are in a **MESS**\n **MESS**\n\n**MESS** (predicament) This clue seems to be a sort of triple definition"} {"Clue":"Product I slipped into beautiful girls' drinks (5,8)","Answer":"PEACH BRANDIES","Explanation":"Definition: drinks\n**(BRAND** [product] +** I**) **contained in** (slipped into)\u00a0**PEACHES** (beautiful girls)\n **PEACH**** **(**BRAND** **I**) **ES**\n\n**PEACH BRANDIES** (spirits distilled from the fermented juice of the **PEACH**; drinks)"} {"Clue":"Prominence of disputed territory indicates Blair got far (4,2,9)","Answer":"ROCK OF GIBRALTAR","Explanation":"Definition: Prominence of disputed territory\n**BLAIR GOT FAR** **is an anagram of **(**ROCK**) **OF GIBRALTAR** This is a reverse clue where the entry indicates a phrase in the clue\n **ROCK** **OF GIBRALTAR***\n\n**ROCK OF GIBRALTAR** (a prominent feature\u00a0located in a territory whose sovereignty is disputed between the United Kingdom and Spain)"} {"Clue":"Bluewater is nearer the Thames estuary than London? (10)","Answer":"DOWNSTREAM","Explanation":"Definition: nearer the Thames estuary than London\n**DOWN** (blue) **+ STREAM** (water) Bluewater is a huge shopping mall in Stone, Kent near the Thames estuary. It is situated **DOWNSTREAM** from London.\n **DOWN** **STREAM**\n\n**DOWNSTREAM** (nearer the estuary of a river)"} {"Clue":"Outrage customer fleeced by substantial settlement (8)","Answer":"ATROCITY","Explanation":"Definition: Outrage\n**PATRON** (customer) **excluding the outer letters** (fleeced) **P** and **N** **+ CITY** (substantial settlement)\n **ATRO** **CITY**\n\n**ATROCITY** (appalling act; outrage)"} {"Clue":"Bury's within Patient Ombudsman's remit (6)","Answer":"ENTOMB","Explanation":"Definition: Bury\n**ENTOMB** (**hidden word in** [within \u2026 remit] **PATIENT OMBUDSMAN'S**)\n **ENTOMB**\n\n**ENTOMB** (bury)"} {"Clue":"Refrain from Jerusalem essentially penned by non-atheist (6)","Answer":"DESIST","Explanation":"Definition: Refrain from\n**S** (**central letter of** [essentially] **JERUSALEM**)** contained in** (penned) **DEIST** (person who believes in the existence of God, but not in a divinely revealed religion; non-atheist)\n **DE** (**S**) **IST**\n\n**DESIST** (refrain from)"} {"Clue":"Religious education New College dons understand after priest's attendance (8)","Answer":"PRESENCE","Explanation":"Definition: attendance\n**P** (priest) **+ RE** (Religious Education) **+** ([**N** {new} **+ C** {college}] **contained in** [dons] **SEE** [understand]))\n **P** **RE** **SE** (**N** **C**) **E**\n\n**PRESENCE** (attendance)"} {"Clue":"Writer's getting hit first in a row (10)","Answer":"SUCCESSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: in a row\n**SUCCESS** (hit) **+ I'VE** (Writer [I] has; writer's getting?)\n **SUCCESS** **IVE**\n\n**SUCCESSIVE** (coming in order; in a row)"} {"Clue":"Wanting article on being unlikely to win (3,2,3,7)","Answer":"OUT OF THE RUNNING","Explanation":"Definition: being unlikely to win\n**OUT OF **(lacking; wanting)** + THE **(definite article) **+ RUNNING** (on)\n **OUT OF** **THE** **RUNNING**\n\n**OUT OF THE RUNNING** (competing without a fair chance of success; being unlikely to win)"} {"Clue":"Somehow stop our press covering article in international papers (13)","Answer":"EUROPASSPORTS","Explanation":"Definition: international papers\n**Anagram of **(somehow) **STOP OUR\u00a0PRESS** **containing** (covering) **A** (indefinite article)\n **EUROP** (**A**) **SSPORTS***\n\n**EUROPASSPORTS** (standard form of passport issued to all eligible citizens of the European Union)"} {"Clue":"Planned to sort out means of producing erection (8,5)","Answer":"PORTLAND STONE","Explanation":"Definition: means of producing erection\n**Anagram of **(out) **PLANNED TO SORT**\n **P****ORT****LAND ****STO****NE***\n\n**PORTLAND STONE** (oolitic building material\u00a0which is quarried in the Isle of **PORTLAND**; means of producing erection"} {"Clue":"Demonstration after head's ousted principal (4)","Answer":"ARCH","Explanation":"Definition: principal\n**MARCH **(demonstration) **excluding the first letter** (after head's ousted) **M**\n **ARCH**\n\n**ARCH** (chief, principal)"} {"Clue":"Ring Christopher Robin's friend up (4)","Answer":"HOOP","Explanation":"Definition: Ring\n**POOH** (reference Winnie the **POOH**, Christopher Robin's friend in the books by A A Milne) **reversed** (up; down clue)\n **HOOP<**\n\n**HOOP** (ring)"} {"Clue":"Delta? A character that speaks volumes (8)","Answer":"BIGMOUTH","Explanation":"Definition: A character that speaks volumes\n**BIG MOUTH** (a river delta describes an area where the water covers a wide alluvial plain to create a **BIG** river **MOUTH**)\n **BIG** **MOUTH**\n\n**BIGMOUTH** (talkative and often boastful or indiscreet person; someone\u00a0with a lot to say)"} {"Clue":"White Britain's going backwards (6)","Answer":"ALBINO","Explanation":"Definition: White\n**ALBION** (ancient names for the island of Great Britain, now used poetically for Britain) **with** **ON** (going) **reversed** (backwards)\n **ALBI** **NO**<\n\n**ALBINO **(person or other animal with abnormally white skin and hair)"} {"Clue":"International champion and German taking all things into consideration (2,3,5)","Answer":"IN THE ROUND","Explanation":"Definition: taking all things into consideration\n**INT **(international) **+ HERO** (champion) **+ UND** (German for 'and')\n **IN T** **HE RO** **UND**\n\n**IN THE ROUND** (taking all things into consideration)"} {"Clue":"Ordered to take off immediately with bombs and set course ? (9,4)","Answer":"SCRAMBLED EGGS","Explanation":"Definition: set course\n**SCRAMBLED** ([pilots] **ordered to take off immediately**)** + EGGS** (bombs)\n **SCRAMBLED** **EGGS**\n\n**SCRAMBLED EGGS** (a [set] course at many breakfasts)"} {"Clue":"Weight is borne by wood floor (8)","Answer":"ASTONISH","Explanation":"Definition: floor\n(**TON** [weight]** + IS**) **contained in** (borne by) **ASH** (type of wood)\n **AS** (**TON** **IS**) **H**\n\n**ASTONISH** (confound; floor)"} {"Clue":"In favour of region employing university's legal representative (10)","Answer":"PROSECUTOR","Explanation":"Definition: legal representative\n**PRO** (in favour of) **+** (**SECTOR** [region]** containing** [employing] **U** [university])\n **PRO** **SEC** (**U**) **TOR**\n\n**PROSECUTOR** (a legal official)"} {"Clue":"Display area for Tiffany's frozen spit? (3,5)","Answer":"ICE SHELF","Explanation":"Definition: frozen spit\n**ICE** (diamonds; Tiffany's is a luxury jeweller) **+ SHELF** (where diamonds may be displayed in Tiffany's)\n **ICE** **SHELF**\n\n**ICE SHELF** (floating sheet of ice permanently attached to a land mass and projecting into the sea; frozen spit)"} {"Clue":"Shows written about leading characters in Ray Bradbury book (8)","Answer":"PROVERBS","Explanation":"Definition: book\n**PROVES** (demonstrates; shows) **containing** (about) **RB** (**first letters of** [leading characters of] each of **RAY** and **BRADBURY**)\n **PROVE** (**R** **B**) **S**\n\n**PROVERBS** (book of the Bible)"} {"Clue":"Resolve a maths problem with laboured breathing (6)","Answer":"ASTHMA","Explanation":"Definition: problem with laboured breathing\n**Anagram of** (resolve) **A MATHS**\n **A****STHMA***\n\n**ASTHMA** (chronic disorder of the organs of respiration, characterized by difficulty of breathing, wheezing, and a tightness in the chest)"} {"Clue":"Crop head of state out of good shot (4)","Answer":"SNIP","Explanation":"Definition: Crop\n**SNIPER** (skilled rifleman; good shot) **excluding** (out of) **ER** (Elizabeth Regina; Head of State of the United Kingdom)\n **SNIP**\n\n**SNIP** (crop)"} {"Clue":"Unfamiliarity's helping creator of fiction (4)","Answer":"LIAR","Explanation":"Definition: creator of fiction \n**LIAR** (**hidden word in** [helping] **UNFAMILIARITY**)\n **LIAR**\n\n**LIAR **(speaker of untruths; creator of fiction)"} {"Clue":"Concealed coating, less grand than befits aristocrats (8)","Answer":"SUBCRUST","Explanation":"Definition: Concealed coating\n**UPPER CRUST** (aristocracy) with **UPPER** **replaced by** **SUB** **thereby becoming less grand** to form **SUB CRUST**\n **SUB ****CRUST**\n\n**SUBCRUST **(lower or concealed coating)"} {"Clue":"Supporter, chummy but denied parking (4)","Answer":"ALLY","Explanation":"Definition: Supporter\n**PALLY** (chummy) **excluding** (denied) **P** (parking)\n **ALLY**\n\n**ALLY** (supporter)"} {"Clue":"Scots one keeping watch for one of symmetrical pair (8)","Answer":"ANTIMERE","Explanation":"Definition: one of symmetrical pair\n**ANE** (Scots word for one) **containing** (keeping) **TIMER** (watch)\n **AN** (**TIMER**) **E**\n\n**ANTIMERE **([in symmetrical organisms] a body part that corresponds to a similar structure on the other side of the body."} {"Clue":"Product of trout hatcheries? There's plenty in Scotland (5)","Answer":"ROUTH","Explanation":"Definition: plenty in Scotland\n**ROUTH** (**hidden word in** [product of] **TROUT HATCHERIES**)\n **ROUTH**\n\n**ROUTH** (Scottish word for abundance or plentiful)"} {"Clue":"Superior muscle? Beefy but lacking meat (5)","Answer":"ABBOT","Explanation":"Definition: Superior \n**AB** (abdominal muscle) **+ BOTHAM** (reference Ian [Beefy] **BOTHAM**\u00a0[born 1955] former\u00a0English cricketer) **excluding** (lacking) **HAM** (type of meat)\n **AB** **BOT**\n\n**ABBOT** (person in charge of an abbey; the word superior is often used to describe the head of a religious house)"} {"Clue":"Select a cast for opera? (7)","Answer":"ALCESTE","Explanation":"Definition: opera\n**Anagram of** (cast) **SELECT A**\n **A****LCESTE***\n\n**ALCESTE **(1767 opera by Christoph Willibald Gluck)"} {"Clue":"Cereal recipe \u2013 sort of sieve required (5)","Answer":"RICER","Explanation":"Definition: sort of sieve required\n**RICE** (cereal crop)** + R** (recipe)\n **RICE** **R**\n\n**RICER** (cooking utensil that forms soft food into strands; something like a sieve)"} {"Clue":"Female complaint ma got rid of (4)","Answer":"LADY","Explanation":"Definition: Female\n**MALADY** (disease; complaint) **excluding** (got rid of)** ****MA**\n **LADY** \n\n**LADY** (female)"} {"Clue":"Description of requirement has peculiarities in part (4)","Answer":"SPEC","Explanation":"Definition: Description of requirement\n**SPEC** (**hidden word in** (in part) **HAS PECULIARITIES**)\n **SPEC**\n\n**SPEC** (specification; description of requirements)"} {"Clue":"Satinwood from Zambia with stake supporting it (5)","Answer":"ZANTE","Explanation":"Definition: Satinwood\n**Z** (International Vehicle Registration for Zambia) **+ ANTE** (fixed stake put down by a poker player, usually before the deal) I take 'supporting' to mean being at one's side or, in this case, at the side of **Z**\n **Z** **ANTE**\n\n**ZANTE** (satinwood)"} {"Clue":"It's a time of conflict, wealth lost (7)","Answer":"WARISON","Explanation":"Definition: wealth lost\n**WAR IS ON** (it's a time of conflict)\n **WAR ****IS**** ON**\n\n**WARISON** (obsolete [lost] word for wealth)"} {"Clue":"Aromatic cornmeal dish pa's left outside (5)","Answer":"OLENT","Explanation":"Definition: Aromatic\n**POLENTA** (Italian porridge made of maize, barley, chestnut, or other meal.; cornmeal dish) **excluding** (left) **P** and **A**, **PA**, **the outside letters**\n **OLENT**\n\n**OLENT** (having a smell; aromatic)"} {"Clue":"Variable weight when one's tucked in of course (5)","Answer":"ROTAL","Explanation":"Definition: of course\n**A** (one) **contained in** (tucked in) **ROTL** (a variable Levantine weight) \n **ROT** (**A**) **L**\n\n**ROTAL** (of a **ROTA**, of a course)"} {"Clue":"Freeze together again, bond including earth personified (8)","Answer":"REGELATE","Explanation":"Definition: Freeze together again\n**RELATE** (get on well with; bond) **containing** (including) **GE** (in Greek mythology, the goddess or personification of Earth)\n **RE** (**GE**) **LATE**\n\n**REGELATE** (freeze together again)"} {"Clue":"Ancient bondsman cutting husband's elaborate hairdo (4)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: elaborate hairdo\n**THETE **(serf; bondsman) **excluding** (cutting) **H **(husband)\n **TETE**\n\n**T\u00caTE** (elaborately dressed head of hair)"} {"Clue":"Starting point on course? Beside it sick tree died, looked like falling (8)","Answer":"TEETERED","Explanation":"Definition: looked like falling\n**TEE **(where a ball is placed for a drive on a golf course; starting point on course) + an **anagram of **(sick) **TREE** +**\u00a0D** (died)\n **TEE** **TERE*** **D**\n\n**TEETERED** (swayed and looked like falling over)"} {"Clue":"Upper-class group well supplied with drinks and weeds (12)","Answer":"ULOTRICHALES","Explanation":"Definition: weeds\n**U** (upper class)** + LOT** (set of things; group) **+ RICH** (well stocked; well supplied) + **ALES** (drinks)\n **U ****LOT**** ****RICH**** ****ALES**\n\n**ULOTRICHALES** (an order of multicellular uninucleate green algae, marine and freshwater; weeds)"} {"Clue":"Temporary adhesive that can repair bat with luck (7)","Answer":"BLU-TACK","Explanation":"Definition: Temporary adhesive\n**Anagram of** (repair) **BAT** and **LUCK**\n **B****LU****-TA****CK***\n\n**BLU-TACK** (malleable solid adhesive used to fix paper temporarily to walls, noticeboards, etc)"} {"Clue":"Enzyme that is kept in box (6)","Answer":"CYTASE","Explanation":"Definition: Enzyme\n**YT** (obsolete abbreviation for that) **contained in** (kept in) **CASE** (box)\n **C** (**YT**) **ASE**\n\n**CYTASE** (an enzyme that breaks down cellulose)"} {"Clue":"Sun starts to hide unseen \u2013 creator of eclipse, some thought (4)","Answer":"RAHU","Explanation":"Definition: creator of eclipse, some thought\n**RA** (ancient Egyptian sun-god) **+ HU** (f**irst letter of** [starts to] **each of** **HIDE** and **UNSEEN**)\n **RA** **H**** U**\n\n**RAHU** (in Hindu myth, the demon that swallows the sun and moon at eclipses)"} {"Clue":"Weak no longer, pup polished off peachy fruit on table without thanks (7)","Answer":"UNHABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Weak no longer\n**PUPUNHA** (the peach-palm; peachy fruit) **excluding** (polished off) **PUP** **+ TABLE** **excluding** (without) **TA** (thanks)\n **UNHA** **BLE**\n\n**UNHABLE** (obsolete [no longer] form of unable [week])"} {"Clue":"Classical star forgetting one line in The Standing Stone (5)","Answer":"STELA","Explanation":"Definition: Standing Stone\n**STELLA **(Latin [classical] for star) **excluding** (forgetting) one **L** (line)\n **STELA**\n\n**STELA** (upright stone slab)"} {"Clue":"Yellowish cupboard earl installed (6)","Answer":"AMBERY","Explanation":"Definition: Yellowish \n**E** (earl) **contained in** (installed) **AMBRY** (cupboard) \n **AMB** (**E**) **RY**\n\n**AMBERY** (yellowish)"} {"Clue":"Bills suggesting bablah pods? (4)","Answer":"NEBS","Explanation":"Definition: Bills\n**NEBS** (**descriptive of** [suggesting] the formation of the word **NEB-NEB** [bablah pods])\n **NEBS**\n\n**NEBS** (bills or beaks)"} {"Clue":"College included porter to tea arranged to show guardianship (12)","Answer":"PROTECTORATE","Explanation":"Definition: guardianship\n**C** (college) **contained in** (included) **an anagram of** [arranged] **PORTER TO TEA**\n **PROTE** (**C**) **T****O****RATE***\n\n**PROTECTORATE** (guardianship)"} {"Clue":"Being abrasive, put off noble once (9)","Answer":"DETERGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Being abrasive,\n**DETER** (put off) **+ GENT** (historically [once] any man above the rank of yeoman, including members of the nobility)\n **DETER** **GENT**\n\n**DETERGENT** (an abrasive cleaning material)"} {"Clue":"Lethal larva? Eight maybe in lines raised marks (9)","Answer":"SCREW-WORM","Explanation":"Definition: Lethal larva\n(**CREW **[an 'eight' is a rowing **CREW**] **contained in** (in) **ROWS** (lines) **reversed** (raised; down clue]) **+ M** (marks; former German currency)\n **S** (**CREW**) **WOR**< **M**\n\n**SCREW-WORM** (\u00a0the larva of a dipterous fly which develops under the skin of various animals, often causing death; lethal larva)"} {"Clue":"Deadly poison, one featured in a story (7)","Answer":"ACONITE","Explanation":"Definition: Deadly poison\n(**I **[Roman numeral for one] **contained in** [featured in] [**A** + **CONTE **{short story}])\n **A** **CON** (**I**) **TE**\n\n**ACONITE** (any plant of the ranunculaceous genus Aconitum, esp wolf's-bane or monk's-hood; poison obtained from it)"} {"Clue":"Tincture fern's variegated with it (7)","Answer":"SNIFTER","Explanation":"Definition: Tincture \n**Anagram of** (variegated) **FERNS** and **IT**\n **SN****I****F****T****ER***\n\n**SNIFTER** (a dram or small alcoholic drink; tincture can be similarly defined)"} {"Clue":"Composite mineral, note, found in pitch (6)","Answer":"SPINEL","Explanation":"Definition: Composite mineral,\n**N** (note) **contained in** (found in) **SPIEL** (story or line of talk; for example a salesman's pitch)\n **SPI** (**N**) **EL**\n\n**SPINEL** (any mineral of a group of aluminates, ferrates, and chromates of magnesium, iron, zinc, etc crystallizing in octahedra)"} {"Clue":"Primate required to hold infant? One won't decline (6)","Answer":"APTOTE","Explanation":"Definition: One won't decline\n**APE** (primate) **containing** (required to hold) **TOT** (infant)\n **AP** (**TOT**) **E**\n\n**APTOTE** (an indeclinable noun)"} {"Clue":"Bones \u2013 there's beef one included in chef's odds (5)","Answer":"COXAE","Explanation":"Definition: Bones\n(**OX** [general name for the male or female of common domestic cattle; beef]** + A** [one]) **contained in** (included in) **CE** (**letters 1 and 3** [odds] of **CHEF**)\n **C** (**OX** **A**) **E**\n\n**COXAE **(plural of **COXA**, the hip bone)"} {"Clue":"Rule number one Aussie motorist must have one (4)","Answer":"REGO","Explanation":"Definition: Aussie motorist must have one\n**R** (rule) **+ EGO** (self; number one)\n **R** **EGO**\n\n**REGO** (in Australia, an informal term for a motor vehicle registration; Aussie motorist needs one)"} {"Clue":"Worry upsetting the old sod (4)","Answer":"FRET","Explanation":"Definition: Worry\n**TERF** (poetic [Milton], hence old, spelling of **TURF** [sod]) **reversed** (upsetting)\n **FRET**<\n\n**FRET** (worry)"} {"Clue":"Small comfort taking in better marine view (8)","Answer":"SEASCAPE","Explanation":"Definition: marine view\n**S** (small) **+ **(**EASE** [comfort]) **containing** (taking in) **CAP** [do better than])\n **S** **EAS** (**CAP**) **E**\n\n**SEASCAPE** (marine view)"} {"Clue":"Recalled shops as sources of wool (6)","Answer":"LLAMAS","Explanation":"Definition: marine view\n**S** (small) **+ **(**EASE** [comfort]) **containing** (taking in) **CAP** [do better than])\n **S** **EAS** (**CAP**) **E**\n\n**SEASCAPE** (marine view)"} {"Clue":"Mould political response mostly in account (5)","Answer":"ASPIC","Explanation":"Definition: Mould\n**SPIN **(favourable slant on a story or policy; political response) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **N** **contained in** (in) **AC** (account)\n **A** (**SPI**) **C**\n\n**ASPIC **(\u00a0savoury meat- or fish-jelly used as a glaze or a mould for fish, game, hard-boiled eggs, etc.)"} {"Clue":"A large college's boss holding room for local dignitary (8)","Answer":"ALDERMAN","Explanation":"Definition: local dignitary\n**A** **+ L** (large) + (**DEAN** [a resident fellow of a college who has administrative and disciplinary functions] **containing** [holding **RM** [room])\n **A** **L** **DE** (**RM**) **AN**\n\n**ALDERMAN** (in English boroughs, a civic dignitary next in rank to the mayor, elected by fellow councillors)"} {"Clue":"Computer professionals worried about a point recurring, covering part of Europe (10)","Answer":"ITALIANATE","Explanation":"Definition: covering part of Europe\n(**IT** [information technology;descriptive of computer professionals in general] **+ ATE** [worried]) **containing** (about) (**A** **+ NAIL** [pin; point] **reversed** [recurring])?\n **IT** (**A** **LIAN**<) **ATE**\n I'm not entirely convinced about point and **NAIL** being synonymous but that's the best I can come up with. However, Bradfords does give '**NAIL**' as a synonym of 'point'\n\n**ITALIANATE** (**ITALIAN** in style, referring to part of Europe)"} {"Clue":"Old bad actors not acting, getting quantity of resistance (4)","Answer":"OHMS","Explanation":"Definition: quantity of resistance\n**O** (old) **+ HAMS** (bad actors) **excluding** (not) **A** (acting)\n **O** **HMS**\n\n**OHMS **(derived unit of electrical resistance)"} {"Clue":"Lass repelled by attention-seeker? That's the drill (3-3)","Answer":"OIL-RIG","Explanation":"Definition: drill\n**OI** (a word used to attract attention; attention seeker) **+ GIRL** (lass) **reversed** (repelled)\n **OI** (**L RIG**)<\n\n**OIL-RIG** (the complete plant [machinery, structures, etc] required for oil-well drilling)"} {"Clue":"Brought out sources of European law I quoted (8)","Answer":"ELICITED","Explanation":"Definition: Brought out\n**EL** (f**irst letters of** [sources of] **each of EUROPEAN** and **LAW**) **+ I + CITED** (quoted) \n **EL**** I** **CITED**\n\n**ELICITED** (drawn forth; brought out)"} {"Clue":"Failure to keep back in dodgy bar? Move to another view (8)","Answer":"DISSOLVE","Explanation":"Definition: Move to another view\n(**LOSS** [failure] **reversed** [to keep back]) **contained in** (in) **DIVE** (disreputable bar)\n **DI** (**SSOL**)< **VE**\n\n**DISSOLVE** (form of transition from one digital image\u00a0to another; move to another view)"} {"Clue":"Books involved in storm and chatter (6)","Answer":"GABBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Move to another view\n(**LOSS** [failure] **reversed** [to keep back]) **contained in** (in) **DIVE** (disreputable bar)\n **DI** (**SSOL**)< **VE**\n\n**DISSOLVE** (form of transition from one digital image\u00a0to another; move to another view)"} {"Clue":"Setter's repeatedly backing operatic heroine (4)","Answer":"MIMI","Explanation":"Definition: operatic heroine\n(**I'M** [I am {setter is; setter's}] + **I'M** [I am {setter is; setter's}] \u2013 i.e. twice; repeatedly) **all reversed** (backing)\n (**MI** **MI**)<\n\n**MIMI** (heroine of the opera La Boheme by Puccini)"} {"Clue":"Boxing nonsense swamping a good boxing film (6,4)","Answer":"RAGING BULL","Explanation":"Definition: boxing film\n(**RING** [space set aside for boxing] **+ BULL** [nonsense]) **containing** (swamping) (**A** **+ G** [good])\n **R** (**A** **G**) **ING**** BULL**\n\n**RAGING BULL** (1980 film set against the background of the sport of boxing)"} {"Clue":"US city home to athletic female sprinter? (8)","Answer":"ATALANTA","Explanation":"Definition: female sprinter\n**ATLANTA** (city in Georgia, United States) **containing** (home to) **A** (athletic, as in A**A**A amateur athletic association) \n **AT** (**A**) **LANTA**\n\n**ATALANTA** (in Greek mythology and renowned and swift footed huntress; female sprinter)"} {"Clue":"Lack of activity around one exam (5)","Answer":"RESIT","Explanation":"Definition: exam\n**REST** (lack of activity) **containing** (about)** I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **RES** (**I**) **T**\n\n**RESIT** (exam that is taken again)"} {"Clue":"Reached where river enters cave (6)","Answer":"GROTTO","Explanation":"Definition: cave\n**R** (river) **contained in** (enters) **GOT TO** (reached)\n **G** (**R**) **OT ****TO**\n\n**GROTTO** (cave)"} {"Clue":"Broadening sources of Dutch and Irish, with nothing in classical language (8)","Answer":"DILATION","Explanation":"Definition: Broadening\n(**D** [**first letter of** {source of} **DUTCH**] **+ I** [**first letter of** {source of} **IRISH**]) + (**O** [nothing] **contained in** [in] **LATIN** [classical language])\n **D** **I** **LATI** (**O**) **N**\n\n**DILATION** (broadening)"} {"Clue":"Praise \u2013 and for Le Monde: Times almost entirely suppressed (5)","Answer":"EXALT","Explanation":"Definition: Praise\n(**X** [multiplication sign; times] **+ ALL** [entirely] **excluding the final letter** [almost] **L**) c**ontained in** (suppressed) **ET** (French [Le Monde is a French newspaper])\n **E** (**X** **AL**) **T**\n\n**EXALT** (praise)"} {"Clue":"Left during meal, having increased flexibility (7)","Answer":"SUPPLER","Explanation":"Definition: having increased flexibility\n**L** (left) **contained in** (during) **SUPPER** (meal)\n **SUPP** (**L**) **ER**\n\n**SUPPLER** (more pliant; having increased flexibility)"} {"Clue":"Conversion accepted by nobleman after departure of English religious figure (9)","Answer":"ARCHANGEL","Explanation":"Definition: religious figure\n**CHANGE** (conversion) **contained in** (accepted by) **E****ARL** (nobleman) **excluding** (after departure of) **E **(English)\n **AR** (**CHANGE**) **L**\n\n**ARCHANGEL** (**ANGEL** of the highest order; religious figure)"} {"Clue":"Eastern sea-creature losing tail is put out (7)","Answer":"EMANATE","Explanation":"Definition: religious figure\n**CHANGE** (conversion) **contained in** (accepted by) **E****ARL** (nobleman) **excluding** (after departure of) **E **(English)\n **AR** (**CHANGE**) **L**\n\n**ARCHANGEL** (**ANGEL** of the highest order; religious figure)"} {"Clue":"Fix source of ore, including source of gold (6)","Answer":"LODGE","Explanation":"Definition: Fix\n**LODE** (vein containing metallic ore) **containing** (including) **G** (f**irst letter of** [source of] **GOLD**)\n **LOD** (**G**) **E**\n\n**LODGE **(come to rest in a fixed position; fix)"} {"Clue":"Religious leader engaged in excellent form of reasoning (1,6)","Answer":"A PRIORI","Explanation":"Definition: form of reasoning\n**PRIOR** (head of a **PRIOR**y of monks; religious leader) **contained in** (engaged in) **AI **(**A** one; excellent)\n **A** (**PRIOR**) **I**\n\n**A PRIORI** (reasoning from cause to effect"} {"Clue":"A category encompassing marine life initially provides warning (5-4)","Answer":"ALARM BELL","Explanation":"Definition: warning\n**A** **+** (**LABE****L** [category] **containing** [encompassing] **RM** [Royal Marine]) **+ L** (first letter of [initially] **LIFE**)\n **A** **LA** (**RM**) **BEL**** L**\n\n**ALARM BELL** (warning)"} {"Clue":"I note special quality: one course served up as starter (9)","Answer":"INITIATOR","Explanation":"Definition: starter\n**I** **+ N** (note)** + IT** (special quality) **+ A** (one) **+ ROTA** (course) **reversed** (served up; down clue)\n **I** **N** **IT** **I** **ATOR**<\n\n**INITIATOR** (starter)"} {"Clue":"Chosen officer covering a wide area (2,7)","Answer":"IN GENERAL","Explanation":"Definition: covering a wide area\n**IN** (elected; chosen) **+ GENERAL** (officer)\n **IN GENERAL**\n\n**IN GENERAL** (mostly; covering a wide area)"} {"Clue":"Group about to finish cooking utensil (7)","Answer":"SKILLET","Explanation":"Definition: cooking utensil\n**SET** (group) **containing **(about)** KILL** (finish)\n **S** (**KILL**) **ETT**\n\n**SKILLET** (cooking pan)"} {"Clue":"Government computer network installed in the last place in the country (7)","Answer":"ENGLAND","Explanation":"Definition: country\n(**G** [government] **+ LAN** [local area network]) **contained in** (installed) **END** (the last place)\n **EN** (**G** **LAN**) **D**\n\n**ENGLAND** (country)"} {"Clue":"Looked after by South Africa, put in to face the bowling (4-3)","Answer":"BABY-SAT","Explanation":"Definition: Looked after\n(**BY** **+ SA** [South Africa]) **contained in** (put in) **BAT** (face the bowling)\n **BA** (**BY** SA) **T**\n\n**BABY-SAT** (looked after)"} {"Clue":"Repetitive piece of music run on just the same (5)","Answer":"RONDO","Explanation":"Definition: Repetitive piece of music\n**R** (run)** + ON** + DO (ditto; the same)\n **R** **ON** **DO**\n\n**RONDO** (musical composition whose principal subject recurs in the same key in alternation with other subjects, often the last movement of a sonata)"} {"Clue":"Game of chance \u2013 fate as well? Not entirely (5)","Answer":"LOTTO","Explanation":"Definition: Game of chance\n**L****OT** (fate) **+ TOO** (as well) **excluding the last letter** (not entirely) **O**\n **LOT ****TO**\n\n**LOTTO** (game of chance)"} {"Clue":"Bounce around with fondness for housework (6,8)","Answer":"SPRING CLEANING","Explanation":"Definition: housework\n**SPRING** (bounce) **+ C** (circa; about; around) **+ LEANING** (preference; fondness)\n **SPRING** **C** **LEANING**\n\n**SPRING CLEANING** (housework)"} {"Clue":"Wind in the Willows included seven tales originally (5)","Answer":"TWIST","Explanation":"Definition: Wind\n**TWIST** (**first letters** [in \u2026 originally] of each of **T****HE ****W****ILLOWS INCLUDED SEVEN TALES**)\n **TWIST**\n\n**TWIST** (wind spirally)"} {"Clue":"Leading edge of Wild Wood scrub (4)","Answer":"WASH","Explanation":"Definition: scrub\n**W** (**first letter of** [edge of] **WILD** ) **+ ASH** (type of wood)\n **W** **ASH**\n\n**WASH** (scrub)"} {"Clue":"Donkey and scruffy eagle stuffed by doctor for collection (10)","Answer":"ASSEMBLAGE","Explanation":"Definition: collection\n**ASS** (donkey) **+** (**an anagram of** [scruffy] **EAGLE**\u00a0**containing** [stuffed by] **MB** [Bachelor of Medicine; doctor])\n **ASS** **E** (**MB**) **LAGE***\n\n**ASSEMBLAGE** (collection)"} {"Clue":"Shouty person circles town centre, becoming more jaundiced (8)","Answer":"YELLOWER","Explanation":"Definition: more jaundiced\n**YELLER** (shouty person) **containing** (circles) **OW** (**middle letters of** [centre] **TOWN**)\n **YELL** (**OW**) **ER**\n\n**YELLOWER** (more jaundiced in colour. Jaundice is a disease in which there is yellowing of the whites of the eyes, skin, etc, by excess of bile pigment)"} {"Clue":"Party of snoopers from across The Pond sitting in the sun (6)","Answer":"SOCIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Party\n**CIA** (Central Intelligence Agency [snoopers] in America [across the pond {Atlantic Ocean}]) **contained in** (sitting in) **SOL** (sun)\n **SO** (**CIA**)** L**\n\n**SOCIAL** (party)"} {"Clue":"Mole buys tea after ordering something to brew it in (6,4)","Answer":"BEAUTY","Explanation":"Definition: Mole\n**Anagram** **of **(after ordering) **BUYS TEA** **+ POT** (something to put tea in)\n **BEAUTY S*** **POT**\n\n**BEAUTY** [**SPOT**] (mole [small **SPOT** or raised mark on the skin])"} {"Clue":"Holy man and clueless daughter brought back those who'd lost their way (8)","Answer":"DEVIANTS","Explanation":"Definition: those who'd lost their way\n(**ST** [saint; holy man] **+ NAIVE** [guileless; simplistic; clueless] **+ D** [daughter]) **all reversed** (brought back)\n (**D EVIAN TS**)<\n\n**DEVIANTS** (people who stray from the normal path; people who have lost their way)"} {"Clue":"Foolish Toad wishes to be most mysterious (10)","Answer":"SHADOWIEST","Explanation":"Definition: most mysterious\n**Anagram of** (foolish) **TOAD WISHES**\n **SH****ADO****WIES****T***\n\n**SHADOWIEST** (most mysterious)"} {"Clue":"Old lizard twisted in exertion (1-3)","Answer":"T-REX","Explanation":"Definition: Old lizard\n**T-REX** (**hidden word reverse**d [twisted] **in** [in] **EXERTION**)\n **T-REX**<\n\n**T-REX** (Tyrannosaurus Rex [large bipedal carnivorous lizard-hipped dinosaur of the carnosaur group of theropods, common during the Cretaceous period]"} {"Clue":"Politicians are following the current figures (5)","Answer":"ICONS","Explanation":"Definition: figures\n**I **(electric current) **+ CONS** (Conservatives [politicians])\n **I** **CONS**\n\n**ICONS** (figures)"} {"Clue":"Small step led three oddly to discover compound (9)","Answer":"SALTPETRE","Explanation":"Definition: compound\n**SALTPETRE** (**letters 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 and 17** [oddly] of** SMALL STEP LED THREE**)\n **SALTPETRE**\n\n**SALTPETRE** (potassium nitrate, a chemical compound)"} {"Clue":"30 across arranged finalities of hare hunt. Nothing so far (3,2,3)","Answer":"NOT AS YET","Explanation":"Definition: Nothing so far\n**Anagram of STAY ON** [entry at 30 across) **+ ET** **(last letters of** [finalities] of each of **HARE** and **HUNT**)\n **NOT AS Y*** **E** **T**\n\n**NOT AS YET** (nothing so far)"} {"Clue":"Boy to traverse river? Don't go (4,2)","Answer":"STAY ON","Explanation":"Definition: Don't go\n**SON** (boy) **containing** (to traverse) **TAY** (longest river in Scotland)\n **S** (**TAY**) **ON**\n\n**STAY ON** (remain; don't go)"} {"Clue":"Head of State with stomach nearly drained is very thin (7)","Answer":"SCRAWNY","Explanation":"Definition: very thin\n**S** (**first letter of** [head of] **S****TATE** **+ CRAW** (throat or first stomach of fowls) **+ NY** (l**etters remaining after the central letters** **EARL are removed** [drained]** from** **NEARLY**)\n **S** **CRAW** **NY**\n\n**SCRAWNY** (unhealthily thin)"} {"Clue":"Stones legendary bird adjacent to outskirts of kennels (5)","Answer":"ROCKS","Explanation":"Definition: Stones\n**ROC** (legendary bird) **+ KS** (**first and last letters of** [outskirts] **KENNELS**)\n **ROC** **KS**\n\n**ROCKS** (stones)"} {"Clue":"Woodland deity retreats south and sleeps (4)","Answer":"NAPS","Explanation":"Definition: sleeps \n**PAN** (Greek god of pastures, flocks, and woods; woodland deity) **reversed** (retreats) + **S** (South)\n **NAP**< **S**\n\n**NAPS** (sleeps)"} {"Clue":"Played right in middle of mere and died (6)","Answer":"LARKED","Explanation":"Definition: Played\n**R** (right) **contained in** (in the middle of) **LAKE** [mere] **+ D **(died)\n **LA** (**R**) **KE**** D**\n\n**LARKED** (played)"} {"Clue":"Twitch follows fractured tibia, on medication (10)","Answer":"ANTIBIOTIC","Explanation":"Definition: medication\n**Anagram of** (fractured) **TIBIA ON** **+ TIC** (twitch)\n **A****N****TIBI****O*** **TIC**\n\n**ANTIBIOTIC** (medication)"} {"Clue":"Cod line disentangled from top of cap (9)","Answer":"IMITATION","Explanation":"Definition: Cod\n**LIMITATION** (cap)** excluding the first letter** (disentangled from top) **L** \n **IMITATION**\n\n**IMITATION** (mock; sham; imitation)"} {"Clue":"Secure 1 Across and improve health (3,4)","Answer":"GET WELL","Explanation":"Definition: improve health\n**GET** (secure) **+ WELL** (**SPRING** [entry at 1 across])\n **GET WELL**\n\n**GET WELL** (improve health)"} {"Clue":"Badger is safe, protecting entrance to sett (6)","Answer":"PESTER","Explanation":"Definition: Badger\n**PETER** (safe)** containing** (protecting) **S** (**first letter of** [entrance to] **SETT**)\n **PESTER**\n\n**PESTER** (badger)"} {"Clue":"Peep perhaps at families' waterside buildings (10)","Answer":"BOATHOUSES","Explanation":"Definition: waterside buildings\n**BO** (reference little **BO** \u2013**PEEP **who lost her sheep) **+ AT + HOUSES** (families)\n **BO AT ****HOUSES**\n\n**BOATHOUSES** (waterside buildings)"} {"Clue":"Frolic in meadow quietly with sailor away from home (4,5)","Answer":"LEAP ABOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Frolic\n**LEA** (meadow) **+ P** (piano; quietly)** + AB** (Able Seaman) **+ OUT** (away from home)\n **LEA** **P** **AB** **OUT**\n\n**LEAP ABOUT** (frolic)"} {"Clue":"Wife perched on stand for devious fellow (6)","Answer":"WEASEL","Explanation":"Definition: devious fellow\n**W** (wife) **+ EASEL** (stand) This being a down clue, the letter **W** is placed [perched on] the remaining letters\n **W** **EASEL**\n\n**WEASEL** (devious fellow)"} {"Clue":"Defence of messing about in boats (7)","Answer":"BASTION","Explanation":"Definition: Defence \n**Anagram of** (messing about) **IN BOATS**\n **BAS****TI****O****N***\n\n**BASTION** (a defence)"} {"Clue":"Locations coops up ten plucked hens \u2013 or half a dozen more? (7)","Answer":"SIXTEEN","Explanation":"Definition: half a dozen more\n(**SITE** [location] **containing** [scoops up] **X** (Roman numeral for ten]) **+ EN** (**letters** **remaining in** **H****EN****S** **when the outer letters** (**H** and **N**) **are removed** [plucked])\n **SI** (**X**) **TE** **EN**\n\n**SIXTEEN** (half a dozen more than ten)"} {"Clue":"Put upset girl in network of cells (6)","Answer":"TISSUE","Explanation":"Definition: network of cells\n**SIT** (put) **reversed** (upset) **+ SUE** (girl's name)\n **TIS< SUE**\n\n**TISSUE **(network of cells)"} {"Clue":"Irritable spoilt child's head clipped with sides of tray (5)","Answer":"RATTY","Explanation":"Definition: Irritable\n**BRAT** (spoilt child) **excluding the first letter** (head's clipped) **B** **+ TY** (**outer letters of** [sides of] **TRAY**)\n **RAT** **TY**\n\n**RATTY** (irritable)"} {"Clue":"Gets drunk; eats an excessive amount of starchy food (6)","Answer":"STODGE","Explanation":"Definition: starchy food \n**Anagram of** (drunk) **GETS** **containing** (eats) **OD** (overdose; an excessive amount of])\n **ST **(**OD**) **GE***\n\n**STODGE** (heavy starchy food)"} {"Clue":"Firm to get rid of suffering (8)","Answer":"HARDSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: suffering\n**HARD** (firm) **+ SHIP **(dispatch; get rid of)\n **HARD** **SHIP**\n\n**HARDSHIP **(suffering)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps gunsmith and Republican must stop affair angering core members (8)","Answer":"ARMOURER","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps gunsmith\n(**R** [Republican] **contained in** [must stop] **AMOUR** [love affair]) **+ ER** (**central letters of** [core members] **ANGERING**)\n **A** (**R**) **MOUR** **ER**\n\n**ARMOURER **(maker, repairer or custodian of arms, e.g.\u00a0guns)"} {"Clue":"Confidential disclosure from aristocrat retaining international power (3-3)","Answer":"TIP-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Confidential disclosure\n**TOFF **(aristocrat) **containing** (retaining) (**I** [international] **+ P** [power])\n **T** (**I** **P**) **OFF**\n\n**TIP-OFF** (piece of secret information; confidential disclosure)"} {"Clue":"Tired, left to prolonged applause (7,3)","Answer":"CLAPPED OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Tired\n**CLAPPED** (applause) **+ OUT** (gone; left) taken together the two words imply prolonged applause as one leaves\n **CLAPPED** **OUT**\n\n**CLAPPED OUT** (tired and exhausted)"} {"Clue":"Expression of dismay at cat's 'work of art' (4)","Answer":"OPUS","Explanation":"Definition: work of art\n**O** (**sounds like** [expression of] **OH**!, a word indicating\u00a0dismay) **+ PUS** (sounds like [expression] **PUSS** [cat]\n **O** **PUS**\n\n**OPUS** (literary or artistic work)"} {"Clue":"It hurts to be dumped; I don't allow foul language (3,5)","Answer":"OLD LATIN","Explanation":"Definition: language\n**Anagram of** (foul) **I DON'T ALLOW** **excluding** (to be dumped) **OW** (a word indicating that something hurts)\n **O****L****D ****LA****T****I****N***\n\n**OLD LATIN** (The Latin language before the classical period, up to about 100 BC)"} {"Clue":"Plump, red, and German (6)","Answer":"ROTUND","Explanation":"Definition: Plump\n**ROT** (German for red) + **UND** (German for and)\n **ROT** **UND**\n\n**ROTUND** (plump)"} {"Clue":"Kiss and cuddle in plane cabin rather than toilet initially (6)","Answer":"SMOOCH","Explanation":"Definition: Kiss and cuddle\n**SMOOTH** (plane) with **C**\u00a0(**first letter of** [initially] **C****ABIN**) **replacing** (rather than) **T**\u00a0(**first letter of **[initially] **TOILET**)\n **SMOO** (**C**) **H**\n\n**SMOOCH **(kiss and cuddle)"} {"Clue":"Lawyer visiting tournament not suitable for everyone (8)","Answer":"ATTORNEY","Explanation":"Definition: Lawyer \n**AT** (visiting) **+ ****TO****U****RNEY** (tournament)** excluding** (not) **U** (cinema certification indicating the film is suitable for anyone to watch)\n **AT** **TORNEY**\n\n**ATTORNEY** (lawyer)"} {"Clue":"Formerly taking cocaine and ecstasy (4)","Answer":"ONCE","Explanation":"Definition: Formerly \n**ON **(taking [regularly)] **+ C **(cocaine) **+ E** (ecstasy)\n **ON** **C** **E**\n\n**ONCE** (formerly)"} {"Clue":"He maintains grass on drugs suspect will be found by staff (10)","Answer":"GROUNDSMAN","Explanation":"Definition: He maintains grass\n**Anagram of **(suspect) **ON DRUGS** **+ MAN** (staff)\n **GROUNDS*** **MAN**\n\n**GROUNDSMAN** (a person who maintains the grass)"} {"Clue":"British team in France getting medal (6)","Answer":"BRONZE","Explanation":"Definition: medal\n**BR** (British) **+ ONZE** (eleven in French; many teams have eleven players and the word eleven can be used to mean team)\n **BR** **ONZE**\n\n**BRONZE **(colour of medal for third place)"} {"Clue":"Location of teacher's pet's close call (4,4)","Answer":"NEAR MISS","Explanation":"Definition: close call\n**NEAR** [word describing location] **+ MISS** (female teacher]) \u2013 teacher's pet will usually be seated close to the teacher\n **NEAR** **MISS**\n\n**NEAR MISS** (close call)"} {"Clue":"Judge again severe as Sessions bottles it (8)","Answer":"REASSESS","Explanation":"Definition: Judge again\n**REASSESS** (**hidden word in** [bottles] **SEVERE AS SESSIONS**)\n **REASSESS**\n\n**REASSESS** (review; judge again)"} {"Clue":"After a month, say, bubbly goes off (6)","Answer":"DECAYS","Explanation":"Definition: goes off\n**DEC** (December; month) **+ an anagram of** (bubbly) **SAY**\n **DEC**** AYS***\n\n**DECAYS** (rots; goes off)"} {"Clue":"Learners go skiing here (5)","Answer":"TYROL","Explanation":"Definition: go skiing here\n**TYRO** (beginner; novice; learner)** + L** (learner) to give learners\n **TYRO** **L**\n\n**TYROL** (skiing area in Austria and Italy)"} {"Clue":"Finally, Standard and Poor's reversed decline (5)","Answer":"DROOP","Explanation":"Definition: decline\nD (**last letter of** [finally] **STANDARD**) + **POOR** **reversed** (reversed) Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC is an American financial services company which gives the clue an excellent surface.\n **D** **ROOP**<\n\n**DROOP** (decline)"} {"Clue":"Maybe Hemingway's taking answer to grave (7)","Answer":"EARNEST","Explanation":"Definition: grave \n**ERNEST** (reference **ERNEST** Hemingway [1899 \u2013 1961], American novelist) **containing** (taking) A (answer)\n **E** (**A**)** RNEST**\n\n**EARNEST** (grave)"} {"Clue":"Continue to talk annoyingly about old weapon (7)","Answer":"HARPOON","Explanation":"Definition: weapon\n**HARP ON** (continue to talk annoyingly) **containing** (about) **O** (old)\n **HARP** (**O**) **ON**\n\n**HARPOON** (barbed dart or spear, especially for killing whales)"} {"Clue":"Muscle deterioration advanced with hill climbing (7)","Answer":"ROTATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Muscle\n(**ROT** [deterioration] **+ A** [advanced] **+**** TOR** [hill]) **reversed** (climbing; down clue) This is a palindrome and spells the same forward and back. The reversal is needed to give the clue a good surface. Indeed it wouldn't be a proper sentence without the 'climbing'.\n (**ROT ****A** **TOR**)<\n\n**ROTATOR** (muscle that rotates a part of the body on its axis)"} {"Clue":"Fan of drink getting another (9)","Answer":"SUPPORTER","Explanation":"Definition: Fan \n**SUP** (drink) **+ PORTER** (dark brown malt liquor; drink)\n **SUP** **PORTER**\n\n**SUPPORTER** (fan)"} {"Clue":"Effect of hip disease regularly reenacted (9)","Answer":"INFLUENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Effect of\n**IN** (trendy; hip) **+ FLU** (disease) **+ ENCE** **(letters 2, 4, 6 and 8** [regularly] of **REENACTED**)\n **IN** **FLU** **ENCE**\n\n**INFLUENCE** (result of an action; effect of)"} {"Clue":"Compound or element that's precursor to vitamin C source? (5,4)","Answer":"LEMON TREE","Explanation":"Definition: precursor to\n**Anagram of **(compound) **OR ELEMENT**\n **LEMON TREE***\n\n**LEMON TREE** (required precursor for a **LEMON** [source of Vitamin C] to grow)"} {"Clue":"Observed meeting Duke in toilets for unfinished business (5,4)","Answer":"LOOSE ENDS","Explanation":"Definition: unfinished business\n(**SEEN** [observed] **+**** D** [duke]) **contained in** (in) **LOOS** (toilets)\n **LOO** (**SE EN** **D**) **S**\n\n**LOOSE ENDS** (unfinished business)"} {"Clue":"One getting higher in spirit following extremely healthy personal care (7)","Answer":"HYGIENE","Explanation":"Definition: personal care\n**HY** (**first and last letters of **[extremely] **HEALTHY**) **+ GENIE** (spirit) **with the** **I** **moving up** (down entry) **the word from fourth position to second position** [getting higher])\n **HY** **G****I****ENE**\n\n**HYGIENE** (the science or art of preserving health, especially through cleanliness; personal care)"} {"Clue":"Measures acceleration by Ben Stokes (7)","Answer":"AMOUNTS","Explanation":"Definition: Measures\n**A** (acceleration) **+ MOUNT** (Ben \u2013 as in Ben Nevis etc) **+ S** (stokes; an abbreviation I wasn't aware of)\n **A** **MOUNT** **S**\n\n**AMOUNTS** (measures)"} {"Clue":"Vessel surprisingly dark brown at the top (7)","Answer":"TANKARD","Explanation":"Definition: Vessel\n**TAN** (brown) **+ an anagram of** (surprisingly) **DARK**\n **TAN ****KARD***\n\n**TANKARD** ([drinking] vessel)"} {"Clue":"Spice keeping philosopher uplifted (5)","Answer":"SUMAC","Explanation":"Definition: Spice\n**CAMUS** (reference Albert **CAMUS** [1913 \u2013 1960]. French philosopher) **reversed** (uplifted; down clue)\n **SUMAC**<\n\n**SUMAC** (dried ground beans of trees or shrubs of the genus *Rhus*, used in Middle Eastern cookery)"} {"Clue":"Analysis of arsenic, for example (5)","Answer":"ASSAY","Explanation":"Definition: Analysis\n**AS** (chemical symbol for arsenic) **+ SAY** (for example)\n **AS** **SAY**\n\n**ASSAY** (analysis)"} {"Clue":"Settlement crowded we hear (4)","Answer":"PACT","Explanation":"Definition: Settlement\n**PACT** (**sounds like** [we hear] **PACKED** [crowded])\n **PACT**\n\n**PACT** (agreement; settlement)"} {"Clue":"River animal reaching inlet causes unnecessary panic (5,5)","Answer":"FALSE ALARM","Explanation":"Definition: causes unnecessary panic\n**FAL** (river in Cornwall) **+ SEAL** (marine mammal; animal** + ARM** (inlet)\n **FAL** **SE AL** **ARM**\n\n**FALSE ALARM** (warning of danger which turns out to have been unnecessary)"} {"Clue":"11 worker employed around state restaurant (7)","Answer":"TAVERNA","Explanation":"Definition: restaurant\n**ANT** (worker) **reversed** (retired [entry at 11 across]) **containing** (around) **AVER** (state)\n **T** (**AVER**) **NA**<\n\n**TAVERNA** ([Greek] restaurant)"} {"Clue":"Left American band on road, indebted perhaps (7)","Answer":"RETIRED","Explanation":"Definition: Left\n**TIRE** (American spelling of **TYRE** [a band of rubber on the road]) **contained in** (in) **RED** such that **TIRE** is in the **RED** [in debt)\n **RE** (**TIRE**) **D**\n\n**RETIRED** (withdrawn; retreated; left)"} {"Clue":"Some nerve twitching after surgical procedure (5)","Answer":"OPTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Some nerve\n**OP** (operation; surgical procedure) **+ TIC** (convulsive twitching of certain muscles)\n **OP** **TIC**\n\n**OPTIC** (reference the **OPTIC** nerve in the eye connecting the eye to the brain)"} {"Clue":"Ban tried out that's cut in court (9)","Answer":"INTERDICT","Explanation":"Definition: Ban\n**An anagram of** (out) **TRIED** **contained in** (cut) (**IN** **+ CT** [court])\n **IN** (**TERDI***) **CT**\n\n**INTERDICT** (prohibit; ban)"} {"Clue":"Survive having to abandon desperate defenders here? (4,5)","Answer":"LAST DITCH","Explanation":"Definition: desperate defenders here\n**LAST** (survive) **+ DITCH** (abandon)\n **LAST** **DITCH**\n\n**LAST DITCH** (descriptive of an attempt, etc made at the last moment or in the last resort; where desperate defenders are often located)"} {"Clue":"Vehicle in India or Friendly Islands? (5)","Answer":"TONGA","Explanation":"Definition: Vehicle in India\n**TONGA** (light two-wheeled Indian vehicle)\n **TONGA**\n\n**TONGA** (the **TONGA** archipelago became known in the West as the \"*Friendly Islands*\" because of the\u00a0congenial reception accorded to Captain James Cook on his first visit in 1773 double definition"} {"Clue":"Bach's first musical piece about revolting subject (5)","Answer":"REBEL","Explanation":"Definition: revolting subject\n**REEL** (musical piece) **containing** (about) **B** (**first letter of** [first] **BACH**)\n **RE** (**B**) **EL**\n\n**REBEL** (a person [subject] who resists or revolts against authority)"} {"Clue":"Rotters, pinching second-hand vehicle, they access one's account (9)","Answer":"CASHCARDS","Explanation":"Definition: they access one's account\n**CADS** (rotters) **containing** (**S** [second] **+ H** [hand {?}] **+ CAR** [vehicle])\n **CA **(**S** **H** **CAR**) **DS**\n\n**CASHCARDS** (coded plastic **CARDS**\u00a0issued by a bank that allows the holder to obtain money from a bank account via a cash dispenser) Shown as two words in many dictionaries"} {"Clue":"Standing upright? It's time to slice fish! (9)","Answer":"BRISTLING","Explanation":"Definition: Standing upright\n**T** (time) **contained in** (to slice) **BRISLING** (Norwegian sprat; a fish)\n **BRIS** (**T**) **LING**\n\n**BRISTLING** (standing upright)"} {"Clue":"Better regularly taking food from poulterer (5)","Answer":"CAPON","Explanation":"Definition: food from poulterer\n**CAP** (better) **+ ON** (regularly taking as 'he is **ON** a course of antibiotics')\n **CAP** **ON**\n\n**CAPON** (castrated cock fattened for eating; an item that can be purchased from a poulterer)"} {"Clue":"Coin East European must invest in school (7)","Answer":"EDUCATE","Explanation":"Definition: school\n(**E** [East] **+ E** [European]) **containing** (must invest in) **DUCAT** (historic gold or silver coin of varying values, formerly much used in Europe)\n **E** (**DUCAT**) **E**\n\n**EDUCATE** (teach; school)"} {"Clue":"Love helping to make speech (7)","Answer":"ORATION","Explanation":"Definition: speech\n**O** (zero; love score in tennis) **+ RATION** (portion; helping)\n **O** **RATION**\n\n**ORATION** (speech)"} {"Clue":"Swirling mists at seas in transition (10)","Answer":"METASTASIS","Explanation":"Definition: transition\n**Anagram of** (swirling) **MISTS AT SEA**\n **M****E****T****A****S****TA****SI****S***\n\n**METASTASIS** (transition)"} {"Clue":"Ceremonial pile in sleepy region (4)","Answer":"PYRE","Explanation":"Definition: Ceremonial pile\n**PYRE** (**hidden word in** [in] **SLEEPY REGION**)\n **PYRE**\n\n**PYRE** (pile of combustible material suitable for ceremonial burning of dead body)"} {"Clue":"Poor novel likely to be steamy (3-6)","Answer":"POT-BOILER","Explanation":"Definition: Poor novel\n**POT-BOILER** (a **POT** that is **BOIL**ing is likely to be giving off steam)\n **POT** **BOILER**\n\n**POT-BOILER** (a work in art or literature produced merely with regard to saleability, poor novel for example but well marketed)"} {"Clue":"Beast found by animal doctor on Guernsey? (5)","Answer":"CIVET","Explanation":"Definition: Beast\n**CI** (Channel Islands; Guernsey is one of these islands) **+ VET** (veterinary surgeon; animal doctor)\n **CI** **VET**\n\n**CIVET **(small catlike creature; beast)"} {"Clue":"Sailor is taken by cunning scholar (7)","Answer":"ARABIST","Explanation":"Definition: scholar\n(**AB** [able seaman; sailor] **+ IS**) **contained in** (taken by) **ART** (cunning)\n **AR** (**AB** **IS**) **T**\n\n**ARABIST** (person learned in, or studying, Arabic culture, history, language, etc; scholar)"} {"Clue":"Slight wound is no handicap (7)","Answer":"SCRATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Slight wound\n**SCRATCH** (slight wound)\n **SCRATCH**\n\n**SCRATCH** (a player who does not have the benefit of a handicap that gives a better starting position)"} {"Clue":"The Deep South? (9,5)","Answer":"ANTARCTIC OCEAN","Explanation":"Definition: The Deep South\nThe **ANTARCTIC** region is located around the South pole) hence it is in the deep South. Also an **OCEAN**\u00a0can be described poetically as the Deep\n **ANTARCTIC OCEAN**\n\n**ANTARCTIC OCEAN **(a deep sea in the southern regions)"} {"Clue":"One accusing a monarch vocally? (9)","Answer":"ARRAIGNER","Explanation":"Definition: One accusing\n**ARRAIGNER** (sounds like [vocally] **A REIGNER** [monarch, for example])\n **ARRAIGNER**\n\n**ARRAIGNER** (one who accuses publicly)"} {"Clue":"Thick? Way beyond stupid, on reflection! (5)","Answer":"MIDST","Explanation":"Definition: Thick\n**DIM** (stupid) **reversed** (on reflection) **+ ST** (street; way)\n **MID**<** ST**\n\n**MIDST** (depths; thick)"} {"Clue":"Line of children hurries along showing insincere grief (9,5)","Answer":"CROCODILE TEARS","Explanation":"Definition: insincere grief\n**CROCODILE** (line of children) **+ TEARS** (hurries)\n **CROCODILE TEARS**\n\n**CROCODILE TEARS** (insincere grief)"} {"Clue":"Nickname which Parisian's given in fashionable bistro (9)","Answer":"SOBRIQUET","Explanation":"Definition: Nickname\n**QUE** (French for 'which') **contained in** (given in) **an anagram of** (fashionable) **BISTRO**\n **SOBRI**** **(**QUE**)** ****T***\n\n**SOBRIQUET** (nickname)"} {"Clue":"Sound correspondence seed-spiller kept in various cases (9)","Answer":"ASSONANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Sound correspondence\n**ONAN** (a minor biblical character who spilled his sperm [seed] on the ground rather than complete a sexual\u00a0act) **contained his** (kept in) **an anagram o**f (various) **CASES**\n **ASS** (**ONAN**) **CE***\n\n**ASSONANCE** (correspondence in sound)"} {"Clue":"Wild idea to agree with artist (7)","Answer":"CHIMERA","Explanation":"Definition: Wild idea\n**CHIME** (agree with) **+ RA** (Royal Academician; artist)\n **CHIME** **RA**\n\n**CHIMERA** (any idle or wild fancy)"} {"Clue":"Soldiers sent north rejected smooth Italians (7)","Answer":"SIGNORI","Explanation":"Definition: Italians\n**GIS** (American soldiers) **reversed** (sent north; down clue) **+ IRON** (smooth) **reversed** (rejected)\n **SIG< NORI<**\n\n**SIGNORI** (Italian gentlemen)"} {"Clue":"Papers supporting British swimmer (5)","Answer":"BREAM","Explanation":"Definition: swimmer\n**B** (Brirish)** + REAM** (480 to 500 sheets of paper; papers)\n **B** **REAM**\n\n**BREAM** (fish; swimmer)"} {"Clue":"Once secret little room (5)","Answer":"PRIVY","Explanation":"Definition: Once secret\n**PRIVY** (secret)\n **PRIVY**\n\n**PRIVY** (lavatory, esp in its own shed or outhouse. Not very common now, so I think the 'old' in the clue applies to this definition) double definition"} {"Clue":"Hard work curtailed American voices (6)","Answer":"CHORUS","Explanation":"Definition: voices\n**CHORE** (unpleasant or tedious task; hard work) **excluding the final letter** (curtailed) **E** **+ US** (United States; American)\n **CHOR** **US**\n\n**CHORUS** (band of singers; voices)"} {"Clue":"Position taken by funny guy in short communication (8)","Answer":"POSTCARD","Explanation":"Definition: short communication\n**POST** (job; position)** + CARD** (comical or eccentric person)\n **POST** **CARD**\n\n**POSTCARD** (medium for sending a brief message; short communication)"} {"Clue":"Small drink not entirely a major concern (4)","Answer":"DRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Small drink \n**DRAMA** (series of absorbing, exciting, tense or tragic events; major concern) **excluding the final letter** (not entirely) **A**\n **DRAM**\n\n**DRAM** (small drink of alcohol)"} {"Clue":"Universities about to seize lecturer that's brought in old American books of historic importance (10)","Answer":"INCUNABULA","Explanation":"Definition: books of historic importance\n([**U** {university} **+ U** [university} to give universities] **containing** [about] **NAB** [to seize] **+ L** [lecturer]) **all contained in** (brought in) **INCA** [South American people of Peru before the Spanish conquest in the 16th century; old American)\n **INC** (**U** (**NAB**) **U** **L**) **A**\n\n**INCUNABULA** (early printed books, esp those printed before the year 1501; books of historic importance)"} {"Clue":"Heading off for entertainment venue? That's not right (6)","Answer":"UNFAIR","Explanation":"Definition: not right\n**FUNFAIR** (entertainment venue) **excluding** (off) **the first letter** (heading) **F**\n **UNFAIR**\n\n**UNFAIR** (inequitable; not right)"} {"Clue":"Historic leader taking a risk, having snake draped around (8)","Answer":"BOADICEA","Explanation":"Definition: Historic leader\n(**A + DICE** [risk]) **contained in** (having \u2026 draped around) **BOA** (**BOA** constrictor; snake)\n **BO** (**A** **DICE**) **A**\n\n**BOADICEA** (reference Queen **BOADICEA** [30 \u2013 61 AD], historic leader of the Celtic Iceni tribe who rose against the Romans)"} {"Clue":"Bare worthless stuff accepted by a French revolutionary (9)","Answer":"UNPAPERED","Explanation":"Definition: Bare\n(**PAP** [worthless stuff] **contained in** [accepted by] **UNE** [one of the French forms of 'a']) **+ RED** (revolutionary)\n **UN** (**PAP**) **E** **RED**\n\n**UNPAPERED** (bare, when referring to a wall))"} {"Clue":"No source given for film speed (4)","Answer":"LICK","Explanation":"Definition: speed\n**F****LICK** (cinema film) **excluding** (no \u2026 given) **the first letter** (source) **F**\n **LICK**\n\n**LICK** (vigorous speed)"} {"Clue":"I run over note for club (4)","Answer":"IRON","Explanation":"Definition: club\n**I + R **(run, in cricket scoring notation) **+ O** (over, in cricket scoring notation) **+ N** (note)\n **I** **R** **O** **N**\n\n**IRON** (a type of golf club)"} {"Clue":"Crude tear repaired holding in liquid (9)","Answer":"RAINWATER","Explanation":"Definition: liquid\n(**RAW** [crude] **+ an anagram of** [repaired] **TEAR**) **containing** (holding) **IN**\n **RA** (**IN**) **W** **ATER***\n\n**RAINWATER** (liquid)"} {"Clue":"Motoring offence? Went in US prison? Not half (8)","Answer":"SPEEDING","Explanation":"Definition: Motoring offence\n**PEED** (went to the loo) **contained in** (in) **SING SING** (American maximum security prison in New York State) **excluding** (not) the second **SING** (half)\n **S** (**PEE****D**) **ING**\n\n**SPEEDING** (example of a motoring offence)"} {"Clue":"Rod recalled that man pocketing Queen in card game (6)","Answer":"EUCHRE","Explanation":"Definition: card game\n**CUE** (rod) **reversed** (recalled) **+** (**HE** [that man] **containing** [pocketing] **R** [Regina; queen])\n **EUC**< **H** (**R**) **E**\n\n**EUCHRE** (North American card game for two, three, or four players, with the 32, 28 or 24 highest cards of the pack.e)"} {"Clue":"A new indication to proceed with old classic car these days (4,6)","Answer":"ANNO DOMINI","Explanation":"Definition: these days\n**A** **+ ****N** (new) **+ NOD** (indication) **+ O + MINI** (classic car)\n **A** **N** **NO D** **O** **MINI**\n\n**ANNO DOMINI** (in the year of our Lord; current time; these days)"} {"Clue":"Chances borders of old districts (4)","Answer":"ODDS","Explanation":"Definition: Chances\n**OD** (**first and last letters of **[borders of] **O****L****D**) **+ DS** (**first and last letters of** [borders of] **D****ISTRICT****S**)\n **OD DS** \n\n**ODDS** (chances)"} {"Clue":"Mental connections recalled range \u2013 succeeded getting agreement about that (8)","Answer":"SYNAPSES","Explanation":"Definition: Mental connections\n**S** (succeeded) + (**YES** [agreement] **containing** **SPAN** [range]** reversed** [recalled])\n **S** **Y** (**NAPS**<) **ES**\n\n**SYNAPSES** (interlacing or enveloping connections of one nerve-cell with another; mental connections)"} {"Clue":"Leave period cut short and that's the truth (6)","Answer":"GOSPEL","Explanation":"Definition: the truth\n**GO** (leave)** + SPELL** (period of time) **excluding the final letter** (cut short) **L**\n **GO** **SPEL**\n\n**GOSPEL** (truth)"} {"Clue":"Vocal fellow having a lot of solid passion about United (9)","Answer":"HARANGUER","Explanation":"Definition: Vocal fellow\n**HARD** (solid) **excluding the final letter** (a lot of) **D** **+** (**ANGER** [passion] **containing** [about] **U** [United])\n **HAR** **ANG** (**U**)** ER**\n\n**HARANGUER **(load aggressive speaker; vocal fellow)"} {"Clue":"Sailor picked up after old naval issue, producing dance (5)","Answer":"RUMBA","Explanation":"Definition: dance\n**RUM** (**RUM** was a naval issue drink in the past. The Royal Navy abandoned the practice in 1970) **+ AB** (able seaman; sailor) **reversed** (picked up; down clue)\n **RUM** **BA**<\n\n**RUMBA** (type of dance)"} {"Clue":"Prompt to secure right place for foot (7)","Answer":"STIRRUP","Explanation":"Definition: place for foot\n**STIR UP** (incite; prompt) **containing** (to secure) **R** (right)\n **STIR** (**R**) **UP**\n\n**STIRRUP** (support for a rider's foot)"} {"Clue":"Film such as Ben-Hur denied opening (3)","Answer":"PIC","Explanation":"Definition: Film\n**EPIC** (*Ben-Hur *is an example of an **EPIC** film) **excluding** (denied) **the first letter** (opening) **E**\n **PIC**\n\n**PIC** (picture; film)"} {"Clue":"International body brought in Green, aiming for illumination (7)","Answer":"SUNWARD","Explanation":"Definition: aiming for illumination\n**UN** (United Nations; international body) **contained i**n (brought in) **SWARD** (green turf)\n **S** (**UN**) **WARD**\n\n**SUNWARD** (in the direction of the light of the sun; aiming for illumination)"} {"Clue":"Accountant allowed to show vivacity inside motor car (9)","Answer":"CABRIOLET","Explanation":"Definition: motor car\n(**CA** [Chartered Accountant] **+ LET** [allowed])** containing** (to show \u2026 inside)** BRIO** (vivacity)\n **CA **(**BRIO**)\u00a0**LET**\n\n**CABRIOLET** (type of motor car with a folding top)"} {"Clue":"Poet penning end of work in anger (5)","Answer":"RILKE","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\n**RILE** (anger) **containing** (penning) **K** (**last letter of** [end of] **WORK**) \n **RIL** (**K**)** E**\n\n**RILKE** (reference Rainer Maria **RILKE** [1875 \u2013 1926], Bohemian \u2013 Austrian poet)"} {"Clue":"London suburb that's not all there? (7)","Answer":"BARKING","Explanation":"Definition: London suburb\n**BARKING** (raving mad; not all there)\n **BARKING**\n\n**BARKING** (London suburb) double definition"} {"Clue":"Rope and so on in fictional ranch (9)","Answer":"PONDEROSA","Explanation":"Definition: fictional ranch\n**Anagram of** (on) **ROPE AND SO**\n **PO****ND****ER****OS****A*******\n\n**PONDEROSA** (name of the ranch that was the home of the Cartwright family in the fictional television western Bonanza)"} {"Clue":"Some ammunition vehicle on top of hill (9)","Answer":"CARTRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Some ammunition\n**CART** (type of vehicle) **+ RIDGE** (long narrow top or crest of a hill)\n **CART** **RIDGE**\n\n**CARTRIDGE** (case containing the charge for a gun)"} {"Clue":"Devastating one with sense to support sport (7)","Answer":"RUINOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Devastating\n**RU** (Rugby Union; sport) + (**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ NOUS** [sense])\n **RU** **I** **NOUS **As this is a down clue the letters** INOUS** are 'supporting' the letters **RU**\n\n**RUINOUS** (devastating)"} {"Clue":"Little test of network showing evidence of leak (7)","Answer":"WEEPING","Explanation":"Definition: showing evidence of leak\n**WEE** (little) **+ PING** (a test to check the accessibility of nodes, users, etc on a computer network) \n **WEE** **PING**\n\n**WEEPING** (showing evidence of leakage)"} {"Clue":"You may go when you've paid it (5)","Answer":"PENNY","Explanation":"Definition: You may go when you've paid it\n**PENNY** (small coinage, traditionally\u00a0used as payment for going to the toilet. You'll be lucky to find one for a **PENNY** these days))\n **PENNY**\n\n**PENNY** (reference the phrase 'spend a PENNY' [a euphemistic phrase for urinating])"} {"Clue":"Burden fit to be tied? (5)","Answer":"CROSS","Explanation":"Definition: Burden\n**CROSS** (burden or cause of suffering)\n **CROSS**\n\n**CROSS** (reference CROSS TIE [supporting structural member supporting only a tension and\u00a0fitted\u00a0transversely) double definition"} {"Clue":"Uncertainties following invading island (3)","Answer":"IFS","Explanation":"Definition: Uncertainties\n**F** (following) **contained in** (invading) **IS** (island)\n **I** (**F**) **S**\n\n**IFS** (uncertainties)"} {"Clue":"Go into school to get lines (6)","Answer":"SPEECH","Explanation":"Definition: lines\n**PEE **(urinate; go) **contained in **(into) **SCH** (school)\n S** **(**PEE**) **CH**\n\n**SPEECH** (lines from a play can be delivered\u00a0as a SPEECH)"} {"Clue":"Camera's calibrated to catch villain (6)","Answer":"RASCAL","Explanation":"Definition: villain\n**RASCAL** (**hidden word in** [to catch] **CAMERA'S CALIBRATED**)\n **RASCAL**\n\n**RASCAL** (villain)"} {"Clue":"I hand down clothes for sort of play (7)","Answer":"PASSION","Explanation":"Definition: sort of play\n**PASS ON** (hand down) **containing** (clothes) **I**\n **PASS** (**I**) **ON**\n\n**PASSION** (religious drama representing the sufferings and death of Christ; sort\u00a0of play)"} {"Clue":"Create cast to tour north and perform again (2-5)","Answer":"REENACT","Explanation":"Definition: perform again\n**Anagram of** (cast) **CREATE** **containing** (to tour) **N** (north)\n **REE** (**N**) **ACT***\n\n**REENACT** (perform again)"} {"Clue":"Glum local hymn played with energy (10)","Answer":"MELANCHOLY","Explanation":"Definition: Glum\n**Anagram of **(played) **LOCAL HYMN** and **E** (energy)\n **ME****LA****N****C****H****OL****Y***\n\n**MELANCHOLY** (glum)"} {"Clue":"European certainly has views (4)","Answer":"EYES","Explanation":"Definition: views\n**E** (European) **+ YES** (certainly)\n **E** **YES**\n\n**EYES** (looks at; views)"} {"Clue":"Part of act speaker's observed (5)","Answer":"SCENE","Explanation":"Definition: Part of act\n**SCENE** (sounds like [speaker's] **SEEN** [observed])\n **SCENE**\n\n**SCENE** (part of an Act in a play)"} {"Clue":"Amusing exploit without a purpose (8)","Answer":"FUNCTION","Explanation":"Definition: purpose\n**FUN** (amusing) **+ ACTION** (exploit) **excluding** (without) **A**\n **FUN CTION**\n\n**FUNCTION** (purpose)"} {"Clue":"Reply to gift of tissue during short trip (5,3)","Answer":"THANK YOU","Explanation":"Definition: Reply to gift \n**HANKY** (handkerchief, possibly in tissue form) **contained in** (during) **TOU****R** (trip) **excluding the final letter** (short) **R**\n **T** (**HANK Y**) **OU**\n\n**THANK YOU** (a reply to receipt of a gift)"} {"Clue":"Wraps carbon copies (5)","Answer":"CAPES","Explanation":"Definition: Wraps\n**C** (carbon) **+ APES** (copies)\n **C** **APES**\n\n**CAPES** (coverings for the shoulders; wraps)"} {"Clue":"Guys hold this view: tablet has been nicked (4)","Answer":"TENT","Explanation":"Definition: Guys hold this\n**TENET** (any opinion, principle or doctrine which a person holds or maintains as true; view) **excluding** (has been nicked) **E** (ecstasy tablet)\n **TENT**\n\n**TENT** (portable shelter held firm by guy ropes [guys])"} {"Clue":"Superfluity embarrassed duke in posh French city (10)","Answer":"REDUNDANCY","Explanation":"Definition: Superfluity\n**RED** (embarrassed) **+ U** (posh) **+** (**D** [duke] **contained in** {in} **NANCY** {French city}]\n **RED** **U ****N** (**D**) **ANCY**\n\n**REDUNDANCY **(superfluity)"} {"Clue":"Call in agent to supply elastic (7)","Answer":"SPRINGY","Explanation":"Definition: elastic\n**RING** (call) **contained in** (in) **SPY** (secret agent)\n **SP** (**RING**) **Y**\n\n**SPRINGY** (elastic)"} {"Clue":"Elaborate play with ten might be fine (7)","Answer":"PENALTY","Explanation":"Definition: fine\n**Anagram of** (elaborate) **PLAY** and **TEN**\n **P****EN****AL****T****Y***\n\n**PENALTY** (a **FINE** is a **PENALTY** payment)"} {"Clue":"Like Dirk the German astride a horse (6)","Answer":"DAGGER","Explanation":"Definition: Like Dirk\n**DER** (one of the German forms of the English word 'the') **containing** (astride) (**A** **+ GG** (gee-gee; childish name for a horse)\n **D** (**A** **GG**) **ER**\n\n**DAGGER** (a **DIRK** is a Highland **DAGGER**)"} {"Clue":"It could be plain one's naked without one (6)","Answer":"STITCH","Explanation":"Definition: It could be plain\n**STITCH** (a plain **STITCH** is an example of\u00a0the most basic complete movement of the needle in sewing or knitting)\n **STITCH**\n\n**STITCH** (reference the phrase 'without a **STITCH**' describing someone with no clothes on; naked)"} {"Clue":"Somewhere to go in Kent, say, to find addict (5)","Answer":"SLAVE","Explanation":"Definition: addict\n**LAV** (lavatory; somewhere to urinate; somewhere to go) **contained in** (in) **SE** (Kent is the County in the South East part of England)\n **S** (**LAV**) **E**\n\n**SLAVE** (an addict, to a drug for instance)"} {"Clue":"Trap Poles smuggled over into heart of Greece (7)","Answer":"ENSNARE","Explanation":"Definition: Trap\n(**N** [north {pole}] **+ S** [south {pole}] giving poles **+ RAN** [smuggles] **reversed** [over]) **contained in** (into) **EE** (**middle letters of** [heart of] **GREECE**)\n **E** (**N** **S** **NAR**<) **E**\n\n**ENSNARE** (trap)"} {"Clue":"Privates and sentry occasionally cross (9)","Answer":"CROTCHETY","Explanation":"Definition: cross\n**CROTCH** (human genital area; privates) **+ ETY** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [occasionally] of **SENTRY**)\n **CROTCH** **ETY**\n\n**CROTCHETY** (short-tempered; cross)"} {"Clue":"Mimic's job, one for each play finally (5)","Answer":"APERY","Explanation":"Definition: Mimic's job\n**A** (one) **+ PER** (for each) **+ Y** (**last letter of **[finally] **PLAY**)\n **A** **PER** **Y**\n\n**APERY** (the job of a mimic)"} {"Clue":"Osric once (I think) displays vanity (7)","Answer":"CONCEIT","Explanation":"Definition: vanity\n**CONCEIT** (**hidden word in** [displays] **OSRIC ONCE I THINK**)\n **CONCEIT**\n\n**CONCEIT** (vanity)"} {"Clue":"Left city celeb, American, debauched (9)","Answer":"LECHEROUS","Explanation":"Definition: debauched\n**L** (left) **+**** EC** (post code of the City of London) **+ HERO** (illustrious person; celebrity) **+ US** (United States; American)\n **L** **EC** **HERO** **US**\n\n**LECHEROUS** (debauched)"} {"Clue":"Puzzles turned up to occupy fools (9)","Answer":"CONFOUNDS","Explanation":"Definition: Puzzles\n**FOUND** (discovered; turned-up) **contained in** (to occupy) **CONS** (tricks; fools)\n **CON** (**FOUND**) **S**\n\n**CONFOUNDS** (perplexes; puzzles)"} {"Clue":"Small children jumped, talked and moved with effort (9)","Answer":"SCHLEPPED","Explanation":"Definition: moved with effort\n**S** (small) **+ CH **(children) **+ LEPPED** (sounds like [talked] **LEAPT** [jumped])\n **S CH LEPPED**\n\n**SCHLEPPED** (journeyed [moved] involving great difficulty)"} {"Clue":"Plea in court when match is abandoned (2,7)","Answer":"NO CONTEST","Explanation":"Definition: Plea in court \n**NO CONTEST** (nolo contendere [an American\u00a0legal plea by which the accused does not admit guilt, but accepts conviction {eg when wishing to avoid lengthy legal proceedings}, the charges being deniable if referred to in a separate case]\n **NO CONTEST**\n\n**NO CONTEST** ( decision by the referee to declare a boxing match invalid on the grounds that one or both of the boxers are not making serious efforts; match abandoned) double definition"} {"Clue":"Love recording absorbing Beethoven's Fifth (7)","Answer":"NOTHING","Explanation":"Definition: Love\n**NOTING** (recording) **containing** (absorbing) **H** (**fifth letter of** **BEETHOVEN**)\n **NOT** (**H**) **ING**\n\n**NOTHING** (zero; love score in tennis)"} {"Clue":"Game hard going for field worker (7)","Answer":"PEASANT","Explanation":"Definition: field worker\n**PHEASANT** (example of game [birds]) **excluding** (going) **H** (hard in pencil lead descriptions)\n **PEASANT**\n\n**PEASANT** (field worker)"} {"Clue":"Four rake round top of garden (5)","Answer":"ROGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Four\n**ROU\u00c9** (profligate; rake;)\u00a0**containing** (round) **G** (**first letter of** [top of] **GARDEN**)\n **RO** (**G**) **UE**\n\n**ROGUE** (**RASCAL** [entry at 4 across])"} {"Clue":"Pick up this clue for Heller work (5)","Answer":"CATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Pick up\n**CATCH** (reference the Joseph Heller novel \u2013 **CATCH** **22**. The number of this clue is **22**)\n **CATCH**\n\n**CATCH** (hear; pick up)"} {"Clue":"Sailor, drunk, red in the face (5)","Answer":"ABLUSH","Explanation":"Definition: red in the face\n**AB** (able seaman; sailor) **+ LUSH **(a drunkard)\n **AB** **LUSH**\n\n**ABLUSH** (with red glowing skin, possibly in the face)"} {"Clue":"Arrogant fellow, one followed by wife after party (6)","Answer":"BASHAW","Explanation":"Definition: Arrogant fellow\n**BASH** (party) **+ A** (one) **+ W** (wife)\n **BASH** **A**** ****W**\n\n**BASHAW** (haughty [arrogant] person)"} {"Clue":"What's blighted in Scotland our scythe disposed of (9)","Answer":"SCOUTHERY","Explanation":"Definition: What's blighted in Scotland\n**Anagram of **(disposed of) **OUR SCYTHE**\n **SCOUTHERY***\n\n**SCOUTHERY** (Scottish word for things blighted)"} {"Clue":"Scan rent letter (circular) in outline (8)","Answer":"CONTORNO","Explanation":"Definition: outline\n**CON** (scan) **+ TORN** (rent) **+ O** (circular letter)\n **CON** **TORN** **O**\n\n**CONTORNO** (contour or outline)"} {"Clue":"White wine or pop for ham? (4)","Answer":"HOCK","Explanation":"Definition: White wine\n**HOCK** (German white wine, now applied to any wine made on the Rhine, but technically applicable only to wine made at **HOCK**heim)\n **HOCK** (pawn; pop)\n\n**HOCK** (the ham) triple definition"} {"Clue":"It grows into new stem, reverse of old one in rotation (6)","Answer":"TURION","Explanation":"Definition: It grows into new stem\n(**O** [old] **+ I** [Roman numeral for one]) **reversed** (reverse of) **contained in** (in) **TURN** (rotation) \n **TUR** (**I** **O**)< **N**\n\n**TURION** (underground bud, growing upward into a new stem.)"} {"Clue":"Young man forming link between Joseph and Ebenezer, \u2026 (6)","Answer":"EPHEBE","Explanation":"Definition: Young man\n**EPHEBE** (**hidden word in **[forming link between] **JOSEPH EBENEZER**)\n **EPHEBE**\n\n**EPHEBE** (in ancient Greece, a young male citizen from 18 to 20 years of age)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 Who are and will be such, it's said? (4)","Answer":"BOYS","Explanation":"Definition: Who are\n**BOYS** (continuing from the previous clue **JOSEPH** and** EBENEZER** are **BOYS**\u00a0names)\n **BOYS**\n\n**BOYS** (reference the phrase '**BOYS** will be **BOYS**')"} {"Clue":"Public reader: initials for one accompanying imperial archbishop? (9)","Answer":"PRELECTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Public reader:\n**PR** (**first letters** [initials] of each of **PUBLIC** and **READER**) **+ E**LECTOR (the title formerly belonging to those princes and archbishops of the Holy Roman Empire who had the right to elect the Emperor; imperial [relating to an empire or emperor] archbishop)\n **PR** **ELECTOR**\n\n**PRELECTOR** (public reader or lecturer)"} {"Clue":"Multicellular group \u2013 density within promises dispersing (9)","Answer":"SPORIDESM","Explanation":"Definition: Multicellular group\n**D** (density) **contained in** (within) **an anagram of** (dispersing) **PROMISES**\n **SPORI** (**D**)** ****ESM***\n\n**SPORIDESM** (multicellular body or group of spores, of which every cell is capable of germinating)"} {"Clue":"Bar sandwiches I'd chew roughly coming out (4)","Answer":"SANS","Explanation":"Definition: Bar\n**SANDWICHES** **excluding** (coming out) **DWICHE***** **(**an anagram of **(roughly) **I'D CHEW**)\n **SANS**\n\n**SANS** (without; except; bar)"} {"Clue":"Turps constituent: to RA this is one painter's mixture (6)","Answer":"PINENE","Explanation":"Definition: Turps constituent\n**PINENE** (**ONE PAINTER*** is **an anagram of** [mixture] **PINENE** [this] and **TO** **RA**)\n **PINENE**\n\n**PINENE** chief (ingredient of turpentine)"} {"Clue":"Like many a loaf recipe going to set (6)","Answer":"PRECUT","Explanation":"Definition: Like many a loaf \n**REC** (recipe) **contained in** (in) **PUT** (set)\n **P** (**REC**) **UT**\n\n**PRECUT** (previously **CUT** or sliced, as are many loaves of bread)"} {"Clue":"Jar, not new \u2013 what you're aiming to fill (4)","Answer":"GRID","Explanation":"Definition: what you're aiming to fill\n**GRIND** (jar or grate) **excluding** (not) **N** (new)\n **GRID**\n\n**GRID** (as solver, you are trying to fill the crossword **GRID**)"} {"Clue":"Sort of hollow, quite attractive, Paul mucked about in (8)","Answer":"CUPULATE","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of hollow\n**Anagram of** (knocked about) **PAUL** **contained in** (in) **CUTE** (quite attractive)\n **CU **(**PULA***)** TE**\n\n**CUPULATE **(cup-like; sort of hollow)"} {"Clue":"What landlords do during beer shortage as a basic principle? (9)","Answer":"RATIONALE","Explanation":"Definition: basic principle\n**RATION** (restrict supply of to so much for each**) + ALE** (beer) \u2013 what pub landlords do during a beer shortage\n **RATION** **ALE**\n\n**RATIONALE** (underlying principle)"} {"Clue":"The old check books with cut edging (6)","Answer":"SNEBBE","Explanation":"Definition: The old check\n**BB** (books) **contained in** (with \u2026 edging) **SNEE** (cut)\n **SNE** (**BB**) **E**\n\n**SNEBBE** (old form of **SNUB** [check or stop])"} {"Clue":"I may work on horse heading for stable, terribly weary (6)","Answer":"SAWYER","Explanation":"Definition: I may work on horse\n**S** (**first letter of** [heading for] **STABLE**) **+ an anagram of** (terribly) **WEARY**\n **S ****AWYER*******\n\n**SAWYER** (\u00a0person who makes a living by sawing timber, sometimes on a **SAWHORSE **[trestle for supporting wood that is being cut])"} {"Clue":"One exercising complete control, universal, in spanners? (7)","Answer":"ARCHEUS","Explanation":"Definition: One exercising complete control\n**U** (universal film classification) **contained in** (in) **ARCHES** (things that span; spanners)\n **ARCHE** (**U**) **S**\n\n**ARCHEUS** (the personification of a spirit supposed by Paracelsus to dwell in and control all living things and processes, residing primarily in the stomach)"} {"Clue":"Distorted sound from bass, Hank (or Terry) (5)","Answer":"BLOOP","Explanation":"Definition: Distorted sound\n**B** (bass) **+ LOOP** (hank of rope or yarn; terry can be defined as one of the **LOOP**s in a piled carpet)\n **B** **LOOP**\n\n**BLOOP** (howling sound on a soundtrack or made by a radio; distorted sound)"} {"Clue":"Restaurant serving snacks (12)","Answer":"LUNCHEONETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Restaurant serving snacks\nThis is the word for the competition clue, so there is no word play\n **LUNCHEONETTE**\n\n**LUNCHEONETTE** (American term for a restaurant serving snacks and light meals."} {"Clue":"Mackerel in special curry, free (8)","Answer":"SCOMBRID","Explanation":"Definition: Mackerel\n**S** (special) **+ COMB** (reference a **CURRY**** COMB** for rubbing down and grooming horses) **+ RID** (free)\n **S** **COMB** **RID**\n\n**SCOMBRID** (a fish of the mackerel genus)"} {"Clue":"Goal encapsulating end for player, behaviour focussing on goals (5)","Answer":"HORME","Explanation":"Definition: focussing on goals\n**HOME** (destination point in baseball for example; goal) **containing** (encapsulating) **R** (**last letter of** [end for] **PLAYE****R**)\n **HO** (**R**) **ME**\n\n**HORME** (goal-directed or purposive behaviour)"} {"Clue":"Asian thatch material? harvest fungus stripped palm (6)","Answer":"BUNTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Asian thatch material\n**BUNT** (disease of wheat; the fungus (genus Tilletia) that causes it) **+ AL** (**letters remaining in** **P****AL****M** **when the outside letters P and M are removed** [stripped])\n **BUNT** **AL**\n\n**BUNTAL** (straw of the talipot palm; Asian thatch material)"} {"Clue":"Neglecting duty king's left gathering (4)","Answer":"SHIR","Explanation":"Definition: gathering\n**SHIRKING** (neglecting duty) **excluding** (left) **KING**\n **SHIR**\n\n**SHIR** (puckering or gathering)"} {"Clue":"Treatment involving 'sun and air' hotel hype exploited (12)","Answer":"HELIOTHERAPY","Explanation":"Definition: Treatment involving 'sun\n**Anagram of **(exploited) **AIR HYPE** and **HOTEL**\n **HE****L****I****OTHE****RAPY***\n\n**HELIOTHERAPY** (medical treatment by exposure to the sun's rays)"} {"Clue":"Arid gullies shrivelled rosary \u2013 nothing appears in it (7)","Answer":"ARROYOS","Explanation":"Definition: Arid gullies\n**O** (zero; nothing) **contained in** (appears in) **an anagram of** (shrivelled) **ROSARY**\n **ARR** (**O**) **YOS*** Either **O** could be the one contained.\n\n**ARROYOS** (rocky ravines dry watercourses, which if put together form arid gullies)."} {"Clue":"Ancient letters pronounced as execration in Scotland (5)","Answer":"WYNNS","Explanation":"Definition: Ancient letters\n**WYNNS** (**sounds like** [pronounced as] **WINZE** [Scottish word for curse or execration])\n **WYNNS**\n\n**WYNNS** (runes [ancient letters] having the value of modern English w)"} {"Clue":"Small blister that forms thus, universal in membranes (8)","Answer":"VESICULA","Explanation":"Definition: Small blister\n(**SIC** [ thus [often printed within brackets in quoted matter to show that the original is being faithfully reproduced even though incorrect or apparently so} **+ U** [universal film classification]) **contained in** (in) **VELA** (membranes)\n **VE** (**SIC** **U**) **LA**\n\n**VESICULA** (small blister)"} {"Clue":"Basic Box 'Browny'? (7)","Answer":"SPARTAN","Explanation":"Definition: Basic \n**SPAR** (box) **+ TAN** (brown in colour; browny)\n **SPAR** **TAN**\n\n**SPARTAN** (basic)"} {"Clue":"Reduce performance of barrel in river (6)","Answer":"DETUNE","Explanation":"Definition: Reduce performance of\n**TUN** (barrel) **contained in** (in) **DEE** (one of many rivers of the same name in Britain)\n **DE** (**TUN**) **E**\n\n**DETUNE** (reduce the performance and efficiency of a motor-car engine)"} {"Clue":"Team struts, and tastes being promoted round middle of April (5)","Answer":"SPURS","Explanation":"Definition: Team\n**SUPS** (tastes)** reversed** (being promoted; down clue) **containing** (around) **R** (**central letter of** [middle of] **APRIL**)\n **SPU** (**R**) **S**<\n\n**SPURS **(struts)\n **SPURS**** **(Tottenham Hostpur; football club; team) double definition and wordplay"} {"Clue":"Youth when in intermediate stages (5)","Answer":"PUPAS","Explanation":"Definition: intermediate stages\n**PUP** (young man; youth)** + AS** (when)\n **PUP** **AS**\n\n**PUPAS** (intermediate stages of development in some vertebrates)"} {"Clue":"In explosion it requires part of gunpowder (5)","Answer":"NITRE","Explanation":"Definition: part of gunpowder \n**NITRE** (**hidden word in** [in] **EXPLOSION IT REQUIRES**)\n **NITRE**\n\n**NITRE** (constituent [part of] gunpowder)"} {"Clue":"Cathouse key (4)","Answer":"CRIB","Explanation":"Definition: Cathouse\n**CRIB** (brothel; cathouse)\n **CRIB**\n\n**CRIB** (a key or baldly literal translation, used as an aid by students etc) double definition"} {"Clue":"Level with another in top spot perhaps (11)","Answer":"PALINDROMES","Explanation":"Definition: Level with another in top spot perhaps\n**PALINDROMES** (both **LEVEL** and **TOP SPOT** are examples of words or phrases that spell the same backwards and forwards)\n **PALINDROMES**\n\n**PALINDROMES** (as defined in the wordplay) cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Record centrally every months registrations for college (5)","Answer":"ENROL","Explanation":"Definition: Record\n**ENROL** (**middle letters of **[centrally] each of **EVERY**, **MONTH**, **REGISTRATIONS,** **FOR** and **COLLEGE**)\n **ENROL**\n\n**ENROL** (record registrations for college, for example)"} {"Clue":"Display of animalistic behaviour puts choir off (9)","Answer":"COURTSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: Display of animalistic behaviour\n**Anagram of **(off) **PUTS CHOIR**\n **COURTSHIP***\n\n**COURTSHIP **(the act or process of wooing a woman in order to persuade her to become one's wife, something that may well be very elaborate and showy in the animal and bird world, as well as the human world)"} {"Clue":"In speech Pope's displaying naivety (9)","Answer":"INNOCENCE","Explanation":"Definition: naivety\n**INNOCENCE** (sounds like [in speech] **INNOCENTS**. There were thirteen Popes named **INNOCENT** as well as one Antipope)\n **INNOCENCE**\n\n**INNOCENCE** (simplicity; naivety)"} {"Clue":"Moles, extremely active and very visible in Northern Ireland (5)","Answer":"NAEVI","Explanation":"Definition: Moles\n(**AE** [**first and last letters of** {extremely} **ACTIVE**] **+ V** [very]) **contained in** (in) **NI** (Northern Ireland)\n **N** (**AE** **V**) **I**\n\n**NAEVI** (pigmented spots or an overgrowth of small blood vessels in the skin; moles)"} {"Clue":"Goddess who enchants occasionally by movie's finale (6)","Answer":"HECATE","Explanation":"Definition: Goddess\n**HECAT** (**letters 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10** [occasionally] of **WHO ENCHANTS**) + **E** (**last letter of** [finale] **MOVIE**)\n **HECAT** **E**\n\n**HECATE** (Greek Goddess of witchcraft, magic and ghosts)"} {"Clue":"Discard popular overture of Grieg in playing the violin (8)","Answer":"SCRAPING","Explanation":"Definition: playing the violin\n**SCRAP** (discard) **+ IN** (popular) **+ G** (**first letter of** [overture of] **GRIEG**)\n **SCRAP** **IN** **G**\n\n**SCRAPING** (playing the violin) I thought that this would be defined as a unkind way of playing the violin but it appears to be a well used term)"} {"Clue":"Expressing sorrow as second vessel is almost at capacity (8)","Answer":"MOURNFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Expressing sorrow\n**MO** (moment; second) **+ URN** (vessel) **+ FULL** (at capacity) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **L**\n **MO** **URN** **FUL**\n\n**MOURNFUL **(expressing sorrow)"} {"Clue":"Onset of laryngitis interrupts Prime Minister's toast (6)","Answer":"HEALTH","Explanation":"Definition: toast\n**L** (**first letter of** [onset of] **LARYNGITIS**) **contained in** (interrupts) **HEATH** (reference Edward **HEATH** [1916 \u2013 2005], former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom)\n **HEA** (**L**) **TH**\n\n**HEALTH** (toast \u2013 good **HEALTH**!)"} {"Clue":"Pause in output elsewhere viewed as regressive (3-2)","Answer":"LET-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Pause\n**LET UP** (**hidden word reversed** [viewed as regressive] in [in] **OUTPUT ELSEWHERE**)\n **LET-UP**<\n\n**LET-UP** (pause)"} {"Clue":"Sport heading for crisis? That's not original (9)","Answer":"FORMULAIC","Explanation":"Definition: not original\n**FORMULA 1** (motor-racing; sport) **+ C** (**first letter of** [heading for] **CRISIS**)\n **FORMULA 1** **C**\n\n**FORMULAIC** (following a prescribed form' not original)"} {"Clue":"Actor ever disposed to respond too emotionally (9)","Answer":"OVERREACT","Explanation":"Definition: respond too emotionally\n**Anagram of **(disposed to) **ACTOR EVER**\n **O****VE****R****RE****ACT***\n\n**OVERREACT** (respond too emotionally)"} {"Clue":"Overindulge English composer (5)","Answer":"BINGE","Explanation":"Definition: Overindulge\n**BINGE** (overindulge)\n **BINGE**\n\n**BINGE** (reference Ronald Binge [1910 \u2013 1979] ,English\u00a0composer and arranger) double definition"} {"Clue":"Refined lady's humane, in an open manner (11)","Answer":"UNASHAMEDLY","Explanation":"Definition: in an open manner\n**Anagram of** (refined) **LADY'S HUMANE**\n **UN****AS****HAME****DLY***\n\n**UNASHAMEDLY** (in an open manner)"} {"Clue":"In favour of blocking both sides of Afghanistan border (5)","Answer":"APRON","Explanation":"Definition: border\n**PRO** (in favour of)** contained in** (blocking) **AN** (**first and last letters of** [border] **AFGHANISTAN**)\n **A** **(PRO**)** N**\n\n**APRON** (periphery; border)"} {"Clue":"Criminal's time being dominated by unfortunate past company (7)","Answer":"ILLICIT","Explanation":"Definition: Criminal\n**ILL** (unfortunate) **+ ICI** (Imperial Chemical Industries, once a major British company) **+ T** (time) 'being dominated by' indicates that in this down entry the letters **ILL** and **ICI** are on top of the **T**\n **ILL ****ICI**** ****T**\n\n**ILLICIT** (criminal)"} {"Clue":"Showbiz pair given unusual order to move elsewhere (6)","Answer":"DECANT","Explanation":"Definition: move elsewhere\n**ANT** & **DEC** (Anthony McPartland & Declan Donnelly) are a well know showbiz pair, always written in the from **ANT** before** DEC**. Further, they always stood on the same side of each other on stage with ANT on the left as you viewed the screen. For the wordplay we reverse the order to give **DEC ANT**\n **DEC ANT**\n\n**DECANT** (move people to another area)"} {"Clue":"Wealth of foreign couple, it keeps being oddly ignored (8)","Answer":"OPULENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Wealth \n**Anagram of** (foreign) **COUPLE** **containing** (it keeps)** EN** (l**etters 2 and 4, i.e. ignoring the odd letters** **BIG** of **BEING**)\n **OPUL** (**EN**) **CE***\n\n**OPULENCE** (conspicuous wealth)"} {"Clue":"Land that's part of Shanghai, not separate on reflection (7)","Answer":"ESTONIA","Explanation":"Definition: Land\n**ESTONIA** (**hidden word** **reversed** [on reflection] in [that's part of] **SHANGHAI NOT SEPARATE**)\n **ESTONIA**<\n\n**ESTONIA** (one of the Baltic States; country; land)"} {"Clue":"He's committed to track husband leaving hotel in South London? (5,8)","Answer":"LEWIS HAMILTON","Explanation":"Definition: He's committed to track\n**LEWISHAM** (South London Borough) **+ ****H****ILTON** (reference a chain of hotels) excluding **H** (husband)\n **LEWIS HAM** **ILTON**\n \u00a0\n\n**LEWIS HAMILTON** (British Formula 1 racing driver born 1985; he's committed to the racetrack)"} {"Clue":"Flyer that details cost of repairs to Oxford? (8)","Answer":"SHOEBILL","Explanation":"Definition: Flyer\nS**HOE **(an Oxford is a type of shoe) **+ BILL** (details of the cost of an item or service, possibly related to **SHOE** repairs)\n **SHOE BILL**\n\n**SHOEBILL** (large African wading bird; flyer)"} {"Clue":"Crack scared lively young individual (6,7)","Answer":"SPRING CHICKEN","Explanation":"Definition: lively young individual \n**SPRING** ([of a mast] to crack) **+ CHICKEN** (scared)\n **SPRING**** ****CHICKEN**\n\n**SPRING CHICKEN** (young, lively, sometimes naive, person)"} {"Clue":"States has no right to expose divisions within the UK (8)","Answer":"COUNTIES","Explanation":"Definition: divisions within the UK\n**COUNTRIES** (States) **excluding** (has no) **R** (right)\n **COUNTIES**\n\n**COUNTIES** (administrative divisions within the United Kingdom)"} {"Clue":"Fellows ousting twin sons of banned Olympians, they're bullies (8)","Answer":"RUFFIANS","Explanation":"Definition: bullies\n**RU****SS****IANS **(banned Olympians)\u00a0with two Fs (Fellows) replacing the middle two [twin] **S**s [sons])\n **RUFFIANS**\n\n**RUFFIANS** (bullies)"} {"Clue":"Admitting hospital resistance, open fancy new Kidney Unit (7)","Answer":"NEPHRON","Explanation":"Definition: Kidney Unit\n(**Anagram of** [fancy] **OPEN** **containing** [admitting] (**H** [hospital] **+ R** [resistance]) + **N** (new)\n **NEP** (**H ****R**) **O*** **N**\n\n**NEPHRON** (one of over a million functional units in the vertebrate kidney)"} {"Clue":"Even-tempered just after losing case of impeachment (7)","Answer":"EQUABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Even-tempered\n**EQUITABLE** (fair; just) **excluding** (losing) **IT** (**first and last [outside] letters of** [case of] **IMPEACHMENT**)\n **EQUABLE**\n\n**EQUABLE** (even-tempered)"} {"Clue":"Decay found in vegetable plant (6)","Answer":"PROTEA","Explanation":"Definition: plant\n**ROT** (decay) **contained in** (found in) **PEA** (vegetable)\n **P** (**ROT**) **EA**\n\n**PROTEA** (\u00a0plant of the large S African genus Protea of shrubs or small trees,"} {"Clue":"Cancel book after second advance is withheld (5)","Answer":"ANNUL","Explanation":"Definition: Cancel\n**ANNUAL** (book) **excluding** (is withheld) the second occurence of **A** (advance)\n **ANNUL**\n\n**ANNUL** (cancel)"} {"Clue":"I'll cut violent male con with tip of potato peeler (9)","Answer":"POLICEMAN","Explanation":"Definition: peeler\n**I** **contained in** (cut) (**an anagram of** [violent] **MALE CO****N** and **P** [**first letter of** {tip of} **P****OTATO**])\n **PO****L** (**I**) **C****EMA****N***\n\n**POLICEMAN** (peeler is an informal term for a **POLICEMAN**, so named after Sir Report Peel who was regarded as the father of the modern **POLICE** force)"} {"Clue":"Appear happy with daughter's hard work (5)","Answer":"GRIND","Explanation":"Definition: hard work\n**GRIN** (appear happy) **+ D** (daughter)\n **GRIN** **D**\n\n**GRIND** (hard, tedious task)"} {"Clue":"Expert abridged the middle of Peter Pan (7)","Answer":"SKILLET","Explanation":"Definition: Pan\n**SKILLED** (expert) **excluding the final letter** (abridged) **D** + **T** (**central letter of **[middle of] **PETER**)\n **SKILLE** **T**\n\n**SKILLET** (\u00a0small, long-handled pan or frying-pan"} {"Clue":"Farm animal requires long rearing (7)","Answer":"RAMPANT","Explanation":"Definition: rearing\n**RAM** (male sheep; farm animal) **+ PANT** (yearn; long)\n **RAM** **PANT**\n\n**RAMPANT** (rearing)"} {"Clue":"First to abandon relative or second (5)","Answer":"OTHER","Explanation":"Definition: second\n**MOTHER** (relative) **excluding** (to abandon) the **M** (**first letter** [first])\n **OTHER**\n\n**OTHER** (second)"} {"Clue":"Forged article is just like the actual thing (9)","Answer":"REALISTIC","Explanation":"Definition: just like the actual thing\n**Anagram of **(forged) **ARTICLE IS**\n **REAL****IS****TIC***\n\n**REALISTIC **(lifelike; just like the real thing)"} {"Clue":"Split personality perhaps stirred up a riot in Canada (8)","Answer":"CROATIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Split personality\n**Anagram of** (stirred up) **A RIOT** **contained i**n (in) **CAN** (Canada)\n **C **(**RO****A****TI***) **AN**\n\n**CROATIAN** (native [person \/ personality] of Croatia. Split is a town in Croatia)"} {"Clue":"I half-heartedly look around for cap (4)","Answer":"KEPI","Explanation":"Definition: cap\n(**I **+ **PE****E****K** [look] **excluding either one of the two middle letters** [half heartedly] **E**) **all reversed** (around)\n (**KEP** **I**)<\n\n**KEPI** (flat-topped French military cap with a straight peak)"} {"Clue":"Decline backing given by a priest (4)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: priest\n**A** **+ EBB** (decline) **reversed** (backing)\n **A** **BBE**<\n\n**ABB\u00c9 **(courtesy title for a priest)"} {"Clue":"Wind's penetrating shelter \u2013 it's the talk of the bar! (8)","Answer":"LEGALESE","Explanation":"Definition: the talk of the bar\n**GALE'S** (wind's) **contained in** (penetrating) **LEE** (shelter)\n **LE** (**GALES**) **E**\n\n**LEGALESE** (complicated legal jargon.; the talk of the bar)"} {"Clue":"Times mag engages worker? That's complicated (9)","Answer":"BYZANTINE","Explanation":"Definition: complicated\n**BY** (multiplied by; times) **+** ('**ZIN**E [maga**ZINE**] **containing** [engages] **ANT** [worker])\n **BY** **Z** (**ANT**) **INE**\n\n**BYZANTINE** (intricate; tortuous; complicated)"} {"Clue":"Had right tool (5)","Answer":"BORER","Explanation":"Definition: tool\n**BORE** (had) **+ R** (right)\n **BORE** **R**\n\n**BORER** (a tool that makes holes by piercing wood, rock etc))"} {"Clue":"Bewildered, getting less back than one paid (2,1,4)","Answer":"AT A LOSS","Explanation":"Definition: Bewildered\n**AT A LOSS** (getting less money back that one invested)\n **AT A LOSS**\n\n**AT A LOSS** (bewildered) double definition"} {"Clue":"French composer considers dropping price (7)","Answer":"DELIBES","Explanation":"Definition: French composer\n**DELIBERATES** (considers) **excluding** (dropping) **RATE** (price)\n **DELIBES**\n\n**DELIBES** (reference Leo DELIBES [1836 \u2013 1891], French composer)"} {"Clue":"Deposit initially increased tenfold? It's a trick (5)","Answer":"DODGE","Explanation":"Definition: trick\n**L****ODGE** (deposit) **with the first letter** [initially] **L** (Roman numeral for 50) **replaced by** **D** (Roman numeral for 500, ten times more) **to form** **D****ODGE**\n **D****ODGE**\n\n**DODGE** (trick)"} {"Clue":"Disordered situation reflected feeling in market (5-4)","Answer":"MARE","Explanation":"Definition: Disordered situation\n**SENSE** (feeling) **reversed** (reflected) **contained in** (in) **MART** (market)\n **MAR** (**E'S NES**<) **T**\n\n**MARE'S NEST** (disordered place or situation)"} {"Clue":"Sauce quickly runs out (5)","Answer":"PESTO","Explanation":"Definition: Sauce\n**PRESTO** (very quick) **excluding** (out) **R** (runs)\n **PESTO**\n\n**PESTO** (Italian sauce made chiefly of basil and cheese, with pine nuts and olive oil)"} {"Clue":"Town council at last has crew working by A-road after phone call (8,7)","Answer":"LEIGHTON BUZZARD","Explanation":"Definition: Town\n**L** (**final letter of** [at last] **COUNCIL** **+ EIGHT** in some circumstances (a rowing crew can be termed an **EIGHT**) **+ ON **(working) **+ BUZZ** (make a phone-call) to\u00a0**+ A** **+ RD** (road)\n **L EIGHT ON BUZZ A RD**\n\n**LEIGHTON BUZZARD** (town in Bedfordshire, England)"} {"Clue":"Name bar opening in Bridport \"Speed\" (8)","Answer":"CELERITY","Explanation":"Definition: Speed\n**CELEBRITY** (name) **excluding** (bar) **B** (**first letter of** [opening in] **BRIDPORT**)\n **CELERITY** \n\n**CELERITY** (speed)"} {"Clue":"Felt for one spouse needing money abroad (8)","Answer":"MATERIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Felt for one\n**MATE** (partner; spouse) **+ RIAL** (term for currency in a number of countries; money abroad)\n **MATE** **RIAL**\n\n**MATERIAL** (felt is an example [for one] of a **MATERIAL**)"} {"Clue":"French article is under par (6)","Answer":"NORMAN","Explanation":"Definition: French\n**NORM** (par) **AN**(indefinite article) \u2013 this is a down clue so **AN **is position under par\n **NORMAN**\n\n**NORMAN** (a native of **NORMANDY** in Northern France)"} {"Clue":"Ploy confines Government at first (6)","Answer":"GAMBIT","Explanation":"Definition: Ploy \n**G** (government) **+ AMBIT** (confines)\n **G** **AMBIT**\n\n**GAMBIT** (manoeuvre; ploy)"} {"Clue":"One with rather evil bent cast as tyrant (4,3,8)","Answer":"IVAN THE TERRIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: tyrant\n**I** (Roman numeral for one) + **anagram of** (cast) **RATHER EVIL BENT**\n **I**** ****V****A****N**** TH****E**** ****T****ERR****IBLE***\n\n**IVAN THE TERRIBLE** (reference Ivan IV Vasilyevich [1530 \u2013 1594], Tsar of all Russia and Grand Prince of Moscow, often known as **IVAN THE TERRIBLE**)"} {"Clue":"1 Across is flawed, having little time for force (9)","Answer":"DETECTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: 1 Across\n**DE****F****ECTIVE** (flawed) with **T** (abbreviation [little] time) **replacing** (for) **F** (force)\n **DETECTIVE**\n\n**DETECTIVE** (**P****OLICEMAN** [1 across])"} {"Clue":"Give committee a hand finding building material (9)","Answer":"CLAPBOARD","Explanation":"Definition: building material\n**CLAP** (applaud; give a hand)** + BOARD** (committee)\n **CLAP** **BOARD**\n\n**CLAPBOARD** (thin board used in covering wooden houses, especially in North America)"} {"Clue":"Say, does tackling head off final goal for footballer? (8)","Answer":"DEFENDER","Explanation":"Definition: footballer\n**DEER** (does are female deer) **containing** (tackling) (**F** [**first letter of** [head of] **FINAL**] **+ END**)\n **DE** (**F** **END**) **ER**\n\n**DEFENDER** (example of a football playing position)"} {"Clue":"Fish biting line? They're weighty things to lift (8)","Answer":"BARBELLS","Explanation":"Definition: They're weighty things to lift\n**BARBELS** (freshwater fish of the carp family) **containing** (biting) **L** (line)\n **BARBE** (**L**) **LS**\n\n**BARBELLS** (**BAR**s weighted at each end for lifting exercises)"} {"Clue":"Popular entertainer not half showing interest? (6)","Answer":"INCOME","Explanation":"Definition: interest\n**IN** (popular) **+ COMEDIAN** (entertainer) **excluding** (not) **the final four letters of eight** (half) **DIAN**\n **IN COME**\n\n**INCOME** (profit, or interest from anything; revenue)"} {"Clue":"Vague problem producing Chinese food (3,3)","Answer":"DIM SUM","Explanation":"Definition: Chinese food\n**DIM** (vague)** + SUM** (problem)\n **DIM** **SUM**\n\n**DIM SUM** (selection of Chinese foods, often eaten as an appetizer, usually including steamed dumplings with various fillings)"} {"Clue":"Again adjust support around base (5)","Answer":"RESET","Explanation":"Definition: Again adjust\n**REST** (support) **containing** (around) **E** (base of natural logarithms)\n **RES** (**E**) **T**\n\n**RESET** (adjust back to a previous setting)"} {"Clue":"Medicine and place to rest. taking in line in notes (5,3-2)","Answer":"TONIC SOL-FA","Explanation":"Definition: notes\n**TONIC** (medicine) **+** (**SOFA** [place to sit and rest] **containing** [taking in] **L** [line])\n **TONIC** **SO** (**L**) **FA**\n\n**TONIC SOL-FA** (a system of notation and teaching devised by Sarah Glover [1785 -1867] and developed by John Curwen [1816 \u2013 1880], using modified sol-fa syllables and their initial letters for the notes of the scale with doh as the keynote for the major keys and lah\u00a0for the minor, and dividing the bar by colons, dots and inverted commas.; notes)"} {"Clue":"Support after dumping leader is just what you observe (2,2)","Answer":"AS IS","Explanation":"Definition: just what you observe\n**BASIS** (foundation; support)\n **AS IS**\n\n**AS IS** (as it stands; unaltered)"} {"Clue":"Response to divine intervention \u2013 it's area involved with God (3,7)","Answer":"DEO GRATIAS","Explanation":"Definition: Response to divine intervention\n**Anagram of** (involved) **IT'S AREA** and (with) **GOD**\n **DEO GRA****TI****A****S***\n\n**DEO GRATIAS** (thanks to God; an appropriate response to divine intervention)"} {"Clue":"Hot temper expressed in employment arrangements (4)","Answer":"HIRE","Explanation":"Definition: employment arrangements\n**H** (hot) **+ IRE** (anger; temper)\n **H** **IRE**\n\n**HIRE** (an arrangement by which use or service is granted for payment."} {"Clue":"Alert about scam linked to credit and tax problem (7,5)","Answer":"BRACKET CREEP","Explanation":"Definition: tax problem\n**BEEP** (sound indicating an alert) **containing** (about) (**RACKET** [scam] + **CR** [credit])\n **B** (**RACKET** **CR**) **EEP**\n\n**BRACKET CREEP** (an inflationary phenomenon whereby a salary rise makes a taxpayer less well-off by pushing him or her into a higher tax **BRACKET**)"} {"Clue":"Time to study philosopher \u2013 it's routine work (9)","Answer":"TREADMILL","Explanation":"Definition: routine work\n**T** (time) **+ READ** (study) + **MILL** (reference John Stuart **MILL** [1806 \u2013 1873], British philosopher)\n **T** **READ** **MILL**\n\n**TREADMILL** (routine drudgery)"} {"Clue":"Island shape excluding area (5)","Answer":"CRETE","Explanation":"Definition: Island\n**CREATE** (make, form, shape) **excluding** (excluding) **A** (area)\n **CRETE**\n\n**CRETE** (Greek island)"} {"Clue":"Some smoke exclusive drug (5)","Answer":"PLUME","Explanation":"Definition: Some smoke\n**PLUM** (first class; excellent; exclusive) **+ E** (ecstasy; drug)\n **PLUM** **E**\n\n**PLUME** (thin wisp of rising smoke)"} {"Clue":"Varied intake including that woman or this woman? (9)","Answer":"KATHERINE","Explanation":"Definition: this woman\n**Anagram of** (varied) **INTAK****E** **containing** (including) **HER** (that woman)\n **KAT** (**HER**) **INE***\n\n**KATHERINE** (a woman's name; this woman)"} {"Clue":"I.e. men in charge relinquishing source of hegemony, possibly (6,6)","Answer":"ANCIEN","Explanation":"Definition: this woman\n**Anagram of** (varied) **INTAK****E** **containing** (including) **HER** (that woman)\n **KAT** (**HER**) **INE***\n\n**KATHERINE** (a woman's name; this woman)"} {"Clue":"Cook ready after gutting fish (4)","Answer":"DORY","Explanation":"Definition: fish\n**DO** (cook) **+ RY** (**letters remaining in** **READY** **after** **the central letters** **EAD** **are removed** [after gutting] )\n **DO** **RY**\n\n**DORY **(golden-yellow fish)"} {"Clue":"Turnover, say \u2013 or some sort of frozen dessert? (6,4)","Answer":"ESKIMO ROLL","Explanation":"Definition: Turnover\n**ESKIMO ROLL** (in canoeing, a complete roll through 360\u00b0, enabling recovery after capsizing; turnover)\n **ESKIMO ROLL**\n\n**ESKIMO ROLL** (some sort of frozen dessert) double definition"} {"Clue":"Put out books have to be pulled from river (4)","Answer":"RILE","Explanation":"Definition: Put out\n**RIBBLE** (river in North West England) **excluding** **BB** (books)\n **RILE**\n\n**RILE** (annoy; upset; put out)"} {"Clue":"Ruling blocking work in expectation (10)","Answer":"PREGNANTLY","Explanation":"Definition: in expectation\n**REGNANT** (reigning; ruling) **contained in** (blocking) **PLY** (work)\n **P** (**REGNANT**) **LY**\n\n**PREGNANTLY** (expectantly; in expectation)"} {"Clue":"Substantial recall of sex definitely heartless (4)","Answer":"TIDY","Explanation":"Definition: Substantial\n**IT** (sex) **reversed** (recall of) **+ DY** **(letters remaining in** **DEFINITELY** **when all the central letters** **EFINITEL** **are removed** [heartless])\n **TI**< **DY**\n\n**TIDY** (considerable, significant as in a TIDY sum)"} {"Clue":"Refusal of permission to create niche (4)","Answer":"NOOK","Explanation":"Definition: niche\n**NO** (refusal) **+ OK** (permission)\n **NO** **OK**\n\n**NOOK** (narrow place formed by an angle; recess; niche)"} {"Clue":"Recipient of charge going to prison is a writer (9,3)","Answer":"CARTRIDGE PEN","Explanation":"Definition: writer\n**CARTRIDGE** (case containing the charge for a gun)** + PEN** (penitentiary; prison)\n **CARTRIDGE ****PEN**\n\n**CARTRIDGE PEN** (something to write with; writer)"} {"Clue":"Describing vision of certain Christians eschewing leader (5)","Answer":"OPTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Describing vision\n**COPTIC** (descriptive of or relating to Christian descendants of the ancient Egyptians) **excluding** (eschewing) **the first letter** (leader) **C**\n **OPTIC**\n\n**OPTIC** (relating to sight; describing vision)"} {"Clue":"Put marker on overturned box containing old instrument (9)","Answer":"FLAGEOLET","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\n**FLAG** (draw attention to by putting marker on) **+** (**TELE** [television; box] **reversed** [overturned] **containing** [containing] **O** [old])\n **FLAG** **E** (**O**) **LET**<\n\n**FLAGEOLET** (small high-pitched flute with two thumb holes; musical instrument)"} {"Clue":"Star upset about family of very material kind (3,7)","Answer":"SUI GENERIS","Explanation":"Definition: of very material kind\n**SIRIUS** (the Dogstar) **reversed** (upset; down clue) **containing** (about) **GENE** (the hereditary determinant of a specified difference between individuals, shown by molecular analysis to be a specific sequence or parts of a sequence of DNA \u2013 is that really a definition of family? I suppose heredity is ancestry is family, but that's the closest I get)\n **SUI** (**GENE**) **RIS**<\n\n**SUI GENERIS** (of its own kind, the only one of its kind.; of very material kind)"} {"Clue":"Amorous look supposedly revealing delicacy to an Arab? (6,4)","Answer":"SHEEP","Explanation":"Definition: Amorous look supposedly \n**SHEEP'S EYES** (a dish favoured in Arabic cuisine)\n **SHEEP'S EYES**\n\n**SHEEP'S EYES** (wistful amorous look.) double definition"} {"Clue":"Sweet drink America does badly, extra cold internally (3-5,4)","Answer":"ICE-CREAM SODA","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet drink\n**C** (cold) **contained in** (internally) **an anagram of** (badly) **AMERICA DOES**\n **ICE**** **(**C**)** ****REAM**** ****SODA***** **Either **C**\u00a0could be the one contained\n\n**ICE-CREAM SODA** (carbonated water with **ICE-CREAM** added; sweet drink)"} {"Clue":"No repetition in expensive damage to hose and DIY accessory (10)","Answer":"STEPLADDER","Explanation":"Definition: DIY accessory\n**STE****E****P** (expensive) **excluding one of the two\u00a0Es**( no repetition) **+ LADDER** (damage to stocking [hose])\n **STEP** **LADDER**\n\n**STEPLADDER** (a Do it Yourself accessory)"} {"Clue":"Dismal chapel slur trashed (10)","Answer":"SEPULCHRAL","Explanation":"Definition: Dismal\n**Anagram of** (trashed) **CHAPEL SLUR**\n **S****EP****U****LCH****R****A****L***\n\n**SEPULCHRAL** (gloomy; dismal)"} {"Clue":"Something to obliterate popular times with King and Queen around ((3-6)","Answer":"INK-ERASER","Explanation":"Definition: Something to obliterate\n**IN** (popular) **+** (**K** {king} **+ ER** {Elizabeth Regina; queen}] **containing** [around] **ERAS** [times]) \n **IN** **K** (**ERAS**) **ER**\n\n**INK-ERASER** (something to rub-out [obliterate] INK marks)"} {"Clue":"Old King that is taking on good composer (5)","Answer":"GRIEG","Explanation":"Definition: composer\n**GR** (Georgius Rex; any one of King Georges I to VI; old king) **+ IE** (id est; that is) + **G** (good)\n **GR ****IE**** ****G**\n\n**GRIEG** (reference the Norwegian composer Edvard **GRIEG** [1843 \u2013 1907])"} {"Clue":"Nothing added to vehicle test is open for debate (4)","Answer":"MOOT","Explanation":"Definition: open for debate\n**O** (zero; nothing) **contained in** (added to) **MOT** (Ministry of Transport vehicle test)\n **MO** (**O**) **T **Either **O** could be the one contained\n\n**MOOT** (debatable; open to debate)"} {"Clue":"Power to set amount of freedom (4)","Answer":"PLAY","Explanation":"Definition: amount of freedom\n**P** (power) **+ LAY** (set)\n **P** **LAY**\n\n**PLAY** (amount of limited freedom of movement)"} {"Clue":"Rival ducks maintain very quiet whistle (8)","Answer":"OPPOSING","Explanation":"Definition: Rival\n([**O** {zero, duck score in cricket} **+ O** {zero, duck score in cricket} giving ducks] **containing** [maintain] **PP** [instruction to play a musical passage very softly; very quiet]) **+ SING** (whistle)\n **O** (**PP**) **O** **SING**\u00a0\n\n**OPPOSING** (contrary; rival)"} {"Clue":"Wine on board is appalling (6)","Answer":"SHOCKS","Explanation":"Definition: is appalling\n**HOCK** (type of wine) **contained in** (onboard) **SS** (steamship where passengers or cargo are said to be 'on board')\n **S** (**HOCK**) **S**\n\n**SHOCKS** (is appalling)"} {"Clue":"Popular record setter's breaking any minute now (2,2,4)","Answer":"IN NO TIME","Explanation":"Definition: any minute now\n**IN** (popular) **+** (**I'M** [I am; crossword setter is] **contained in** [breaking] **NOTE** [record])\n **IN** **NO T** (**IM**) **E**\n\n**IN NO TIME** (any minute now)"} {"Clue":"Local inexperienced model's introduced (6)","Answer":"NATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Local\n**T** (reference Model T Ford car) **contained in** (introduced) **NAIVE **(inexperienced)\n **NA** (**T**) **IVE**\n\n**NATIVE **(a local)"} {"Clue":"Taskmaster has workmen collecting papers (9)","Answer":"OPPRESSOR","Explanation":"Definition: Taskmaster\n(**OP **[opus] + **OR** [other ranks; men]) **containing** (collecting) **PRESS** (newspapers; papers)\n **OP **(**PRESS**)** ****OR**\n\n**OPPRESSOR** (taskmaster)"} {"Clue":"Berth that is set back on the outside (3,2)","Answer":"TIE UP","Explanation":"Definition: Berth\n**PUT **(set) **reversed** (back) **containing** (on the outside) **IE** (id est; that is)\n **T** (**IE**) **UP**<\n\n**TIE UP** (berth or moor a boat)"} {"Clue":"Big star can shed work (4)","Answer":"OPUS","Explanation":"Definition: work\n**CANOPUS** (the brightest star in the southern constellation; big star) **excluding** (shed) **CAN**\n **OPUS**\n\n**OPUS** (work)"} {"Clue":"Spanish article cut from choice segment (7)","Answer":"SECTION","Explanation":"Definition: segment\n**SELECTION** (choice) **excluding** (cut from) **EL** (Spanish for 'the'; definite article)\n **SECTION**\n\n**SECTION** (segment)"} {"Clue":"Bloke's clinched university colours (4)","Answer":"HUES","Explanation":"Definition: colours\n**HE'S** (bloke's) **containing** (clinched) **U** (university)\n **H** (**U**) **ES**\n\n**HUES **(colours)"} {"Clue":"What's revealed in cabaret in Raffles Hotel? (5)","Answer":"FLESH","Explanation":"Definition: What's revealed in cabaret\n**FLESH** (**hidden word in** (in) **RAFFLES HOTEL**)\n **FLESH**\n\n**FLESH** (something often displayed by cabaret artistes)"} {"Clue":"Hurried writer, namely bishop, defending Bible (RV) (9)","Answer":"SCRIBBLER","Explanation":"Definition: Hurried writer\n**SC** (scilicet [Latin]; namely) + (**RR** [Right Reverend; form of reference for a Bishop] **containing** [defending] **an anagram of** [RV \u2013 revised version] **BIBLE**)\n **SC** **R** (**IBBLE***) **R**\n\n**SCRIBBLER** (careless or illegible\u00a0writer, often as a result of writing in a hurried manner))"} {"Clue":"Memorised first of ledger books probed by auditor (6)","Answer":"LEARNT","Explanation":"Definition: Memorised\n(**L** [**first letter of** [first of] **L****EDGER** + **NT** [New Testament; books]) **containing** (probed by) **EAR** (hearer; auditor)\n **L** (**EAR**) **NT**\n\n**LEARNT** (memorised)"} {"Clue":"A hint of ennui blighted end-of-season bash (8)","Answer":"INNUENDO","Explanation":"Definition: A hint\n**Anagram of** (blighted) **ENNUI** **+ N** (**last letter of** [end-of] **SEASON**) **+ DO** (party; bash)\n **INNUE*** **N** **DO**\n\n**INNUENDO** (indirect reference; hint)"} {"Clue":"Dig out study describing energy record (6)","Answer":"DEEPEN","Explanation":"Definition: Dig out\n**DEN** (study) **containing** (describing; tracing out) (**E** [energy] **+ EP** [extended play record])\n **D** (**E** **EP**) **EN**\n\n**DEEPEN **(dig out; of a hole, make bigger))"} {"Clue":"Outrageous Yankee in shops putting people out (8)","Answer":"HYPNOSIS","Explanation":"Definition: people out\n**Anagram of **(outrageous) **Y** (Yankee is the international radio codeword for the letter **Y**) and **IN SHOPS**\n **H****Y****PNOSIS*******\n\n**HYPNOSIS** (sleeplike state in which the mind responds to external suggestion and can recover forgotten memories; people out)"} {"Clue":"Group of stars tackling saint's prayer (6)","Answer":"ORISON","Explanation":"Definition: prayer\n**ORION** (reference the constellation ORION; group of stars) **containing** (tackling) **S** (saint)\n **ORI** (**S**) **ON**\n\n**ORISON** (prayer)"} {"Clue":"Cheeky lads hoard trendy images of celebs (3-3)","Answer":"PIN-UPS","Explanation":"Definition: images of celebs\n**PUPS** (conceited or cheeky lads) **containing** (hoard) **IN** (trendy)\n **P** (**IN**) **UPS**\n\n**PIN-UPS** (portrait or photograph, usually of a celebrity, put up for admiration)"} {"Clue":"French barman's burlesque denied run (5)","Answer":"SATIE","Explanation":"Definition: French barman\n**SATIRE **(burlesque) **excluding** (denied) **R** (run)\n **SATIE**\n\n**SATIE** (reference Erik SATIE [1866 \u2013 1925], French composer [barman])"} {"Clue":"Archenemy is after northbound sailors, abducting one (7)","Answer":"NEMESIS","Explanation":"Definition: Archenemy \n(**SE****A****MEN** [sailors] **excluding** (abducting) **A** [one]) **reversed** (northbound; down clue) **+ IS** \n **NEMES**< **IS**\n\n**NEMESIS** (rival or opponent who cannot be beaten; archenemy)"} {"Clue":"Catch walrus for one suffering (9)","Answer":"HEARTACHE","Explanation":"Definition: suffering\n**HEAR** (catch) **+ TACHE** (moustache, of which **WALRUS** is an example)\n **HEAR** **TACHE**\n\n**HEARTACHE** (suffering)"} {"Clue":"Start of church ceremony broadcast raised standards (8)","Answer":"CRITERIA","Explanation":"Definition: standards\n**C** (**first letter of** [start of] **CHURCH**) **+ RITE** (ceremony) **+ AIR** (broadcast) **reversed** (raised; down clue)\n **C** **RITE** **RIA**<\n\n**CRITERIA** (standards)"} {"Clue":"Go over in launch in a dream perhaps (8)","Answer":"SLEEPING","Explanation":"Definition: in a dream perhaps\n**PEE** (urinate; go) **reversed** (over) **contained in** (in) **SLING** (throw; launch)\n **SL **(**EEP**<) **ING**\n\n**SLEEPING** (in a dream perhaps)"} {"Clue":"They may be small devices on shields (4)","Answer":"ARMS","Explanation":"Definition: They may be small\n**ARMS** (reference **SMALL ARMS** (weapons that can be carried by a person)\n **ARMS** \n\n**ARMS** (heraldic insignia, possibly displayed on shields) double definition"} {"Clue":"Fish expert hooks newt's head maybe once (9)","Answer":"PERCHANCE","Explanation":"Definition: maybe once\n**PERCH** (example of a fish) **+** (**ACE** [expert] **containing** [hooks] **N** [**first letter of** {head} **NEWT**])\n **PERCH** **A** (**N**) **CE**\n\n**PERCHANCE** (perhaps; maybe \u2013 not common usage these days [once])"} {"Clue":"Moved unsteadily, like pack during game? (8)","Answer":"SHUFFLED","Explanation":"Definition: Moved unsteadily\n**SHUFFLED** (a pack of cards is often shuffled during a game)\n **SHUFFLED**\n\n**SHUFFLED** (moved unsteadily) double definition"} {"Clue":"Current amount a married traveller raised, period (8)","Answer":"AMPERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Current amount\n**A** + **M** (married) **+ ****REP** (representative; commercial traveller) **reversed** (raised) **+ AGE** (period of time)\n **A** **M** **PER**< **AGE**\n\n**AMPERAGE** (amount of electric current)"} {"Clue":"Actors throw stones about first (4)","Answer":"CAST","Explanation":"Definition: Actors\n**CA** (circa; about) **+ ST** (stones)\n **CA** **ST**\n\n**CAST** (a group of actors in a play)\n **CAST** (throw) two definitions"} {"Clue":"Woman's working on line in fledgling colony (7)","Answer":"HERONRY","Explanation":"Definition: fledgling colony\n**HER** (woman's) **+ ON** (working) **+ RY** (railway [lines])\n **HER** **ON** **RY**\n\n**HERONRY** (a place where **HERON**s breed and rear their young [fledglings]; fledgling colony)"} {"Clue":"Young swimmers try out arm supporters (6)","Answer":"SLINGS","Explanation":"Definition: arm supporters\n**GO****SLINGS** (young geese; young swimmers) **excluding** (out) **GO** (a try)\n **SLINGS**\n\n**SLINGS** (supports for arms if a bone is broken or badly bruised)"} {"Clue":"A Republican disputes quarrels maybe in the past (6)","Answer":"ARROWS","Explanation":"Definition: quarrels maybe in the past\n**A** + **R** (Republican) + **ROWS** (disputes) **ARROWS**\n\n**ARROWS** (**QUARRELS** were [in the pas]\u00a0square-headed **ARROWS**\u00a0as for a crossbow"} {"Clue":"Stream is the same without oxygen (5)","Answer":"BOURN","Explanation":"Definition: Stream\n**BOURN** (**BOURN** would become **BURN** if the **O** [oxygen] was removed [without]) Both **BOURN** and **BURN** are swords defining small streams\n **BOURN**\n\n**BOURN** (stream) More prevalent in the South of England than anywhere else in the country. Often spelled with an E on the end, especially in the names of towns and villages."} {"Clue":"It could be a button mother stitched on to second-hand jumper (8)","Answer":"MUSHROOM","Explanation":"Definition: It could be a button\n**MUM** (mother) **containing** (stitched on to) (**S** [second] **+ H** [hand] + **ROO** [kangaroo; jumper])\n **MU** (**S** **H** **ROO**) **M**\n\n**MUSHROOM** (reference a button **MUSHROOM** [defined as the head of an unexpanded **MUSHROOM**)"} {"Clue":"They bring wet, cold, thunderous showers at first (6)","Answer":"CLOUDS","Explanation":"Definition: They bring wet\n**C** (cold) **+ LOUD** (thunderous) **+ S** (**first letter of** [at first] **SHOWERS**)\n **C** **LOUD** **S**\n\n**CLOUDS** (masses of fog, consisting of minute particles of water, which can fall as rain; they bring water)"} {"Clue":"Get Oscar after silent movie about 14 circus act (5)","Answer":"DUMBO","Explanation":"Definition: movie about 14 circus act\n**DUMB** (silent) **+ O** (Oscar is the international radio codeword for the letter **O**\u00a0)\n **DUMB** **O**\n\n**DUMBO** (film by Disney, first released in 1941, about a LITTLE circus elephant. Apparently it is going to be released again in un updated form in 2019)"} {"Clue":"Actor Eric featuring in panto playing the main man (3,6)","Answer":"TOP BANANA","Explanation":"Definition: the main man\n**BANA** (reference Eric **BANA** [born 1968], Australian actor) **contained in** (featuring in) **an anagram of** (playing) **PANTO**\n **TOP** (**BANA**) **NA***\n\n**TOP BANANA** (most important person in their organisation; the main man)"} {"Clue":"Raffles here distributing gains, as some might say, for the poor (8)","Answer":"SINGAPORE","Explanation":"Definition: Raffles here\n**Anagram of** (distributing) **GAINS** **+ PORE** (I'm not sure what is going on here. Is **PORE** a pronunciation\u00a0[as some might say] of **POOR** in some dialects?)\n **SINGA*** **PORE**\n\n**SINGAPORE** (Raffles Hotel is in **SINGAPORE**)"} {"Clue":"Support Sri Lankan leaders elected government (5)","Answer":"SLING","Explanation":"Definition: Support\n**SL** (**first letter of** [leaders of] each of **SRI** and **LANKA**) **+ IN** (elected) **+ G** (government)\n **SL** **IN** **G**\n\n**SLING** (hanging support for an injured arm or foot)"} {"Clue":"Wee, let off by Macron's bed? (6)","Answer":"LITTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Wee,\n**LIT** (French [Emmanuel Macron is the President of France] for bed) **+ an** **anagram of** (off) **LET**\n **LIT ****TLE*******\n\n**LITTLE** (small;wee)"} {"Clue":"Space for Spanish 1A retail outlets (7)","Answer":"EMPORIA","Explanation":"Definition: retail outlets\n**EM** (space used in printing equivalent to the width of a letter m)** + POR** (Spanish for 'for') **+ 1A** (IA)\n **EM** **POR** **IA**\n\n**EMPORIA** (retail outlets)"} {"Clue":"Mum's working without a problem? (2,5)","Answer":"NO SWEAT","Explanation":"Definition: without a problem\nI have no idea about the wordplay in this clue. I can't see any allusion to Mum or working\n \u00a0\n\n**NO SWEAT** (\u00a0words used to\u00a0indicate that something will present no problems."} {"Clue":"Bed in school might be labelled \"Teacher's\" (6)","Answer":"SCOTCH","Explanation":"Definition: might be labelled \"Teacher's\"\n**COT** (bed) **contained in** (in) **SCH** (school)\n **S** (**COT**) **CH**\n\n**SCOTCH** (Teacher's Highland Cream is a brand of **SCOTCH** whisky)"} {"Clue":"Kilo chocolate bar knocked back, where 14, 17 is at home up north (5)","Answer":"KOREA","Explanation":"Definition: where 14, 17 is at home up north \n**K** (kilo) **+ AERO** (brand of chocolate bar) **reversed** (knocked back)\n **K** **OREA**<\n\n**KOREA** (Kim Jong Un, known to Donald Trump as **LITTLE** (14a) **ROCKET MAN** (17d) lives in North **KOREA**)"} {"Clue":"Pro-cheese movement of concern to the Greens? (9)","Answer":"ECOSPHERE","Explanation":"Definition: of concern to the Greens?\n**Anagram of** (movement) **PRO-CHEESE**\n **EC****O****S****P****HE****R****E***\n\n**ECOSPHERE**. (parts of the universe or especially the earth in which life is possible; areas of interest to supporters of the Green environmentally friendly movement)"} {"Clue":"Open in Sulawesi, defending 23 for one (9)","Answer":"PENINSULA","Explanation":"Definition: 23 for one\n**PENINSULA** (**hidden word in** (defending) **OPEN IN SULAWESI**)\n **PENINSULA** \n\n**PENINSULA** (**KOREA** [23 across] is a **PENINSULA** comprising both North and South **KOREA**)"} {"Clue":"Fawn shot by Disney (5)","Answer":"BAMBI","Explanation":"Definition: Fawn\n**BAMBI** (young deer, or fawn, in the classic film of the same name)\n **BAMBI**\n\n**BAMBI** (animated Disney film first released in 1942)"} {"Clue":"Hip replacement finally ready, following change of heart (6)","Answer":"TRENDY","Explanation":"Definition: Hip\n**T** (**last letter of** [finally] **REPLACEMENT**) **+ READY** **with the central letter changed** (change of heart) from **A** to **N**\n **T**** RE****N****DY**\n\n**TRENDY** (in the forefront of fashion; hip)"} {"Clue":"Deplore halfwit taking charge of opera company (8)","Answer":"DENOUNCE","Explanation":"Definition: Deplore\n**DUNCE** (halfwit) **containing** (taking charge of) **ENO** (English National Opera)\n **D** (**ENO**) **UNCE**\n\n**DENOUNCE** (deplore)"} {"Clue":"Maine Democrat states she'd be at home in the 18! (6)","Answer":"MEDUSA","Explanation":"Definition: she'd be at home in the 18\n**ME** (Abbreviation of the American State of Maine) **+ D** (Democrat) **+ USA** ([United] States [of America])\n **ME** **D** **USA**\n\n**MEDUSA** (in Greek mythology, **MEDUSA** was a monster, a Gorgon, generally described as a winged human female with living venomous snakes in place of hair; someone who would have been at in a **SNAKE PIT** [18 down])"} {"Clue":"Titles mounted, credits announced, for meaningful linguistics study (9)","Answer":"SEMANTICS","Explanation":"Definition: meaningful linguistics study\n**NAMES** (titles) **reversed** (mounted; down clue) **+ TICS** (sounds like [announced] **TICKS** [marks or credits])\n **SEMAN**< **TICS**\n\n**SEMANTICS** (the area of linguistics dealing with the meaning of words)"} {"Clue":"\"Wine?\" \"Yes\", from Franz Ferdinand, going first (5)","Answer":"RIOJA","Explanation":"Definition: Wine\n**RIO** (reference ex-football player and current pundit **RIO** Ferdinand) **+** **JA** (German [Franz] for 'yes')\n **RIO** **JA**\n\n**RIOJA** (red or white Spanish table wine)"} {"Clue":"Democratically defeat Farage's objective (7)","Answer":"OUTVOTE","Explanation":"Definition: Democratically defeat \n**OUT** (leave) **+ VOTE** (reference the June 2016 referendum on whether to stay in the European Union). Take together the two components express Nigel Farage's wish for the United Kingdom to **VOTE** to come OUT of the European Union\n **OUT** **VOTE**\n\n**OUTVOTE** (defeat by a greater number of votes which is considered to be\u00a0a means of defeating one's opponents democratically)"} {"Clue":"Paves the way for first POTUS trip (5,2,2)","Answer":"LEADS UP TO","Explanation":"Definition: Paves the way for\n**LEAD** (be in first position) **+ an anagram of** (trips) **POTUS**\n **LEAD** **S UP TO***\n\n**LEADS UP TO** (prepares [paves] the way for)"} {"Clue":"Taste a bit of poppadum, amigo (5)","Answer":"UMAMI","Explanation":"Definition: Taste\n**UMAMI** (**hidden word in** [a bit of] **POPPADUM AMIGO**)\n **UMAMI**\n\n**UMAMI** (savoury, satisfying taste)"} {"Clue":"Press Connery to admit to having been a contralto (8)","Answer":"SHANGHAI","Explanation":"Definition: Press\n**SHANG** (the way in which Sean Connery, with his drawl,\u00a0would probably pronounce [admit] **SANG**) **+ HAI** (**sounds lik**e [announce] **HIGH**) A contralto is a low voice for a women , but a high voice for a man, so if Sean Connery **SANG HIGH** he would have been a counter-tenor which equates to female\u00a0contralto)\n **SHANG** **HAI**\n\n**SHANGHAI** (drug or make drunk and send to sea as a sailor; press into service)"} {"Clue":"A gun each (6)","Answer":"APIECE","Explanation":"Definition: each\n**A** **+ PIECE** (gun)\n **A** **PIECE**\n\n**APIECE** (to each individually)"} {"Clue":"Released evil spirits from head Republican with bronzed skin (9)","Answer":"TREPANNED","Explanation":"Definition: Released evil spirits from head\n**REP **(Republican) **contained in** (with \u2026 skin) **TANNED** (bronzed)\n **T **(**REP**) **ANNED**\n\n**TREPANNED** (removed a piece of the skull from. Wikipedia tells me that the bone that was **TREPANNED** was kept by the prehistoric people and may have been worn as a charm to keep evils spirits away)"} {"Clue":"John hit Macron, drunk, having taken ketamine (6,3)","Answer":"ROCKET MAN","Explanation":"Definition: John \n**Anagram of** (drunk) **MACRON** **containing** (having taken) **KET** (ketamine)\n **ROC** (**KET**) **MAN***\n\n**ROCKET MAN **(hit [popular song] by Elton John)"} {"Clue":"Sit around, almost nude, paid upfront in den of iniquity (5,3)","Answer":"SNAKE PIT","Explanation":"Definition: den of iniquity\n**SIT** **containing** (around) **(NAKED** [nude] **excluding the last letter** [almost] **D** **+ P** [**first letter of **{upfront} **PAID**])\n **S** (**NAKE** **P**) **IT**\n\n**SNAKE PIT** (hostile or dangerous environment; a\u00a0place, or circumstances,characterised by disorder emotions and relationships, for instance\u00a0a den of iniquity)"} {"Clue":"Arranges what Trump does at the weekend (4,2)","Answer":"TEES UP","Explanation":"Definition: Arranges\n**TEES UP** (Donald Trump is reputed to play golf most weekends, so he **TEES UP **on each hole)\n **TEES** **UP**\n\n**TEES UP** (arranges)"} {"Clue":"Somewhere in Washington, had a word about Ivanka's core investment (7)","Answer":"SPOKANE","Explanation":"Definition: Somewhere in Washington\n**SPOKE **(has a word) **containing** (about) **AN** (**central letters of** [core of] **IVANKA**)\n **SPOK** (**AN**) **E**\n\n**SPOKANE** (city in the American State of Washington)"} {"Clue":"European railways turnover weakened with age (6)","Answer":"SENILE","Explanation":"Definition: weakened with age\n(**E** [European] **+ LINES** [railways]) **all reversed** (turnover)\n (**SENIL** **E**)<\n\n**SENILE** (showing the decay of mind or body brought on by old age)"} {"Clue":"Reach of 14 17's weapon? That's odd \u2013 no way (5)","Answer":"RANGE","Explanation":"Definition: Reach of 14 17's weapon\n**STRANGE** (odd) **excluding** (no) **ST** (street; way)\n **RANGE**\n\n**RANGE** (the reach of **LITTLE** [14a] **ROCKET MAN**'s [17d]\u00a0weapon)"} {"Clue":"Trap a bloke smuggling a Picasso (5)","Answer":"PABLO","Explanation":"Definition: Picasso \n**PABLO** (**hidden word in** [smuggling] **TRA****P A BLO****KE**)\n **PABLO**\n\n**PABLO** (reference **PABLO** Picasso [1881 \u2013 1973], Spanish painter)"} {"Clue":"Six secured by running has to shock scorer (12)","Answer":"SHOSTAKOVICH","Explanation":"Definition: scorer\n**VI **(Roman numerals for six) **contained in** (secured by) **an anagram of** (running) **HAS TO SHOCK** \n **SHO****S****TA****KO** (**VI**) **CH***\n\n**SHOSTAKOVICH** (reference Dmitri **SHOSTAKOVICH** [1906 \u2013 1975], Russian composer [{musical} scorer])"} {"Clue":"Wind up colossus on the phone (7)","Answer":"TIGHTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Wind up\n**TIGHTEN** (**sounds like** [on the phone] **TITAN** [colossus])\n **TIGHTEN**\n\n**TIGHTEN** (wind up)"} {"Clue":"Relation needs relaxation having seized muscle (7)","Answer":"RESPECT","Explanation":"Definition: Relation\n**REST** (relaxation) **containing** (having seized) **PEC** (**PEC**toral muscle)\n **RES** (**PEC**) **T**\n\n**RESPECT** (relation)"} {"Clue":"Restless film-maker returns, having gone outside (7)","Answer":"AGITATO","Explanation":"Definition: Restless\n**AGO** (in the past; gone) **containing** (outside) **TATI** (reference Jacques **TATI** [1907 \u2013 1982], French film-maker, actor and screenwriter) **reversed** (returns)\n **AG** (**ITAT**<) **O**\n\n**AGITATO** (restless and wild)"} {"Clue":"One goddess or another imprisoning Pollux? (7)","Answer":"ASTARTE","Explanation":"Definition: One goddess\n**ATE** (Greek goddess of mischief and of all rash actions and their results) **containing** (imprisoning) **STAR** (twin brother of Castor, a star in the constellation of the Twins. [ Gemini]) \n **A** (**STAR**) **TE**\n\n**ASTARTE** (Phoenician goddess of love)"} {"Clue":"What cooks use in healthy meals? (5)","Answer":"THYME","Explanation":"Definition: What cooks use\n**THYME **(**hidden word in** [in] **HEALTHY MEALS**)\n **THYME**\n\n**THYME** (herb used in cooking) \u2013 probably an &Lit clue"} {"Clue":"One can nurse wound, giving protection against injury, say (9)","Answer":"INSURANCE","Explanation":"Definition: protection against injury, say\n**I** [Roman numeral for one] + **an anagram of** (wound)\u00a0**CAN NURSE**\n **I ****NSURANCE*******\n\n**INSURANCE** (protection against various risks, such as injury)"} {"Clue":"I do all out on a limb for American native (9)","Answer":"ARMADILLO","Explanation":"Definition: American native\n**ARM** (limb) **+ anagram of** (out) **I DO ALL**\n **ARM** **A****DI****LL****O***\n\n**ARMADILLO** (American mammal)"} {"Clue":"Wine prepared for wet weather? (5)","Answer":"MACON","Explanation":"Definition: Wine\n**MAC** (waterproof clothing) + **ON** (being worn) together indicating that the wearer is prepared for wet weather\n **MAC ****ON**\n\n**MACON** (heavy red or white burgundy from the Macon district of central France)"} {"Clue":"Reader is given introduction to sports fans (7)","Answer":"KINDLES","Explanation":"Definition: fans\n**KINDLE **(reference the **KINDLE** electronic reader device) + S (**first letter of** [introduction to] **SPORTS**\n **KINDLE** **S**\n\n**KINDLES** (fans)"} {"Clue":"Women call boxing amateur a complete failure (7)","Answer":"WASHOUT","Explanation":"Definition: complete failure\n(**W** [woman] **+ SHOUT** [call]) **containing** (boxing) **A** (amateur)\n **W** (**A**) **SHOUT**\n\n**WASHOUT** (complete failure)"} {"Clue":"Almost every individual stops to eat some food (7)","Answer":"TEACAKE","Explanation":"Definition: some food\n**EACH** (every individual) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **H** **contained in** (stops) **TAKE** (eat)\n **T** (**EAC**) **AKE**\n\n**TEACAKE** (example of food)"} {"Clue":"Independent publication ditches centre picture (7)","Answer":"IMAGINE","Explanation":"Definition: picture\n**I **(independent) **+ MAGAZINE** (publication) **excludng the middle letters **(centre) **AZ**\n **I** **MAGINE**\n\n**IMAGINE** (picture)"} {"Clue":"Guitar session leads to minor accident in America (6,6)","Answer":"FENDER BENDER","Explanation":"Definition: minor accident in America\n**FENDER** (brand of guitar) **+ BENDER** (drunken spree; session)\n **FENDER BENDER**\n\n**FENDER BENDER** (a American term for a collision between motor vehicles in which little damage is cause)"} {"Clue":"Special honour denied old copper? That's mean (7)","Answer":"SIGNIFY","Explanation":"Definition: mean\n**S** (special) **+ DIGNIFY** (invest with honour) **excluding** (denied) **D** (denarius; symbol for penny before decimal coinage)\n **S** **IGNIFY**\n\n**SIGNIFY** (mean)"} {"Clue":"Power cut around middle of afternoon creates fury (7)","Answer":"OUTRAGE","Explanation":"Definition: fury\n**OUTAGE** (power cut) **containing** (around) **R** (**central letter of** [middle of] **AFTERNOON**)\n **OUT** (**R**) **AGE**\n\n**OUTRAGE** (fury)"} {"Clue":"Relating to Barber's Adagio finally after many endless attempts (9)","Answer":"TONSORIA","Explanation":"Definition: Relating to Barber\n**TONS** (lots of; many) **+ O** (**last letter of** [finally] **ADAGIO**) + **TRIALS** **excluding the first and last letters** (endless) **T** and **S**\n **TONS** **O** **RIAL**\n\n**TONSORIA**L (of or relating to hairdressing or barbering)"} {"Clue":"Degenerate cut up over mother's fate (5)","Answer":"KARMA","Explanation":"Definition: fate\n**RAKE** (debauched or dissolute person; degenerate) **excluding the final letter** (cut) **E** **reversed** (up; down clue) **+ MA** (mother)\n **KAR**< **MA**\n\n**KARMA** (destiny; fate)"} {"Clue":"Person who's dropped in it is in a flap (7)","Answer":"VISITOR","Explanation":"Definition: Person who's dropped in\n**IT** **contained in** (is in) **VISOR** (movable flap on a motor-car windscreen, used as a shade against the sun)\n **VIS** (**IT**) **OR**\n\n**VISITOR** (one who drops in)"} {"Clue":"What's displayed by her NCO, \"V\" shaped? (7)","Answer":"CHEVRON","Explanation":"Definition: What's displayed by her NCO, \"V\" shaped?\n**Anagram of **(shaped) **HER NCO V**\n **C****HE****V****R****ON***\n\n**CHEVRON** (\u00a0V-shaped band on the sleeve, a mark of non-commissioned rank; what's displayed by her NCO)"} {"Clue":"Seaman in fix possesses characteristic restraint (12)","Answer":"STRAITJACKET","Explanation":"Definition: restraint\n(**JACK** [seaman] **contained** in **SET**) **all containing** (possessing) **TRAIT** (characteristic)\n **S **(**TRAIT**) (**JACK**) **ET**\n\n**STRAITJACKET** (\u00a0garment for restraining a person with violent tendencies)"} {"Clue":"Need that mobile number to get hold of her immediately (5,3,4)","Answer":"THERE AND THEN","Explanation":"Definition: immediately\n(**Anagram of **[mobile] **NEED THAT** **+ N **[number])** containing** (to get hold of) **HER**\n **T**** (****HER****) E ****A****ND ****TH****E*** **N**\n\n**THERE AND THEN** (immediately)"} {"Clue":"Pure freak we won this (4-5)","Answer":"SNOW-WHITE","Explanation":"Definition: Pure\n**Anagram of** (freak) **WE WON THIS**\n **S****NOW****\u2013****W****HIT****E**\n\n**SNOW-WHITE** (pure)"} {"Clue":"Authority of bishop perhaps, over see (7)","Answer":"MANDATE","Explanation":"Definition: Authority\n**MAN** (a bishop is an\u00a0example of a man in chess) **+ DATE** (see)\n **MAN** **DATE**\n\n**MANDATE** (authority)"} {"Clue":"Law lord upset fat imbecile (7)","Answer":"DULLARD","Explanation":"Definition: imbecile\n**LUD** (form of lord [used when addressing a judge or facetiously]) **reversed** (upset; down clue) **+ LARD** (fat).\n **DUL**< **LARD**\n\n**DULLARD** (stupid person; imbecile)"} {"Clue":"Lost rings turned up under motorway (7)","Answer":"MISLAID","Explanation":"Definition: Lost\n**MI** (M1 Motorway) + **DIALS** (rings) **reversed** (turned up; down clue)\n **MI ****S****LAID**<\n\n**MISLAID** (lost)"} {"Clue":"College needs brighter staff (7)","Answer":"CROSIER","Explanation":"Definition: staff\n**C** (college) **+** **ROSIER** (brighter)\n **C** **ROSIER**\n\n**CROSIER** (pastoral staff or crook of a bishop or abbot)"} {"Clue":"Son, taking to sport, shows promise (5)","Answer":"SWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: promise\n**S** (son) **+ WEAR** (sport)\n **S WEAR**\n\n**SWEAR** (promise)"} {"Clue":"Piano piece: \"The Tough Old Beggar\"? (10)","Answer":"UPRIGHT-MAN","Explanation":"Definition: The Tough Old Beggar\n**UPRIGHT** (type of piano) + **MAN**** **(piece in chess)\n **UPRIGHT ****MAN**\n\n**UPRIGHT-MAN** (obsolete [old] slang for a sturdy [touch] beggar)"} {"Clue":"There's a special charm about black oriental tree (6)","Answer":"ABROMA","Explanation":"Definition: oriental tree\n**AROMA** (peculiar charm) **containing**** B**\u00a0(black, on lead pencils to indicate softness)\n **A** (**B**) **ROMA**\n\n**ABROMA** (genus of East Indian sterculiaceous fibre-yielding trees)"} {"Clue":"Part of earth's crust, old region that's wrinkled (no island) (6)","Answer":"OROGEN","Explanation":"Definition: Part of earth's crust\n**O** (old) **+ an anagram of** (that's wrinkled) **REG****I****ON** **excluding** (no) **I** (island)\u00a0\n **O** **ROGEN***\n\n**OROGEN** (a usually elongated region of the earth's crust that has been subjected to a period of mountain-building, during which rocks are severely folded or metamorphosed)"} {"Clue":"Pot or cocaine, highly addictive form of it (5)","Answer":"CROCK","Explanation":"Definition: Pot\n**C** (cocaine) **+ ROCK** (crack, a highly addictive form of cocaine)\n **C** **ROCK**\n\n**CROCK** (pot)"} {"Clue":"Urgent labours with start of engaging \u2013 one's delivered in that birth of old (8)","Answer":"GENITURE","Explanation":"Definition: birth of old\n**I** (Roman numeral for one) **contained in** (delivered in) (**an anagram of** (labours) **URGENT** **+ E** [**first letter of** {start of} **ENGAGING**]) \n **GEN** (**I**) **TUR*** **E**\n\n**GENITURE** (rare [of old] term for birth)"} {"Clue":"Muscular wines drunk with 'kernel' of noyau (6)","Answer":"SINEWY","Explanation":"Definition: Muscular \n**Anagram of** (drunk) **WINES** **+ Y** (**middle letter of **[kernel of] **NOYAU**)\n **SINEW*** \n\n**SINEWY** (strong; muscular)"} {"Clue":"Rat on grocery, for example (4)","Answer":"SHOP","Explanation":"Definition: Rat on\n**SHOP** (inform on; rat on)\n \u00a0\n\n**SHOP** (a grocery is an example of a SHOP) double definition"} {"Clue":"High ranker, late and flustered \u2013 trouble follows (10)","Answer":"ADELANTADO","Explanation":"Definition: High ranker\n**Anagram of** (flustered) **LATE AND** **+ ADO** (trouble)\n **A****D****EL****AN****T*** **ADO**\n\n**ADELANTADO** (provincial governor; grandee; high ranker)"} {"Clue":"Like some proteins, almost all wasted with boiled rice (10)","Answer":"ALLOSTERIC","Explanation":"Definition: Like some proteins\n**ALL** **excluding the last letter** (almost) **L** **+ ****LOST** (wasted) **+ an anagram of** (boiled) **RICE**\n **AL ****LOST**** ****ERIC***\n\n**ALLOSTERIC** (relating to proteins, particularly enzymes, which change their three-dimensional shape on binding with a smaller molecule which is not a substrate, often leading to altered activity)"} {"Clue":"Cause king to enter enclosure wanting something in return (4)","Answer":"SAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Cause\n**K** (king) **contained in** (to enter) **SAE** (stamped addressed envelope, something often enclosed in a postal communication to seek a return response)\n **SA** (**K**) **E**\n\n**SAKE** (cause)"} {"Clue":"Rue, similar to ground creepers (6)","Answer":"REPENT","Explanation":"Definition: Rue\n**REPENT** (lying on the ground and rooting; similar to ground creepers)\n **REPENT**\n\n**REPENT** (regret, rue)"} {"Clue":"Historical breastplate, sort that's elaborate in design (8)","Answer":"PLASTRON","Explanation":"Definition: Historical breastplate\n**Anagram of** (that's elaborated) **SORT** **contained in** (in) **PLAN** (design)\n **PLA** (**STRO***) **N**\n\n**PLASTRON** (a fencer's wadded breast-shield)"} {"Clue":"A Marx revolutionary, huge media success (5)","Answer":"OPRAH","Explanation":"Definition: huge media success\n**HARPO** (reference **HARPO** Marx [1888 \u2013 1964], American comedian, actor, mime artist, and musician, and the second-oldest of the Marx Brothers) **reversed** (revolutionary)\n **OPRAH**<\n\n**OPRAH** (reference **OPRAH** Winfrey [born 1954], American media proprietor, talk show host, actress, producer, and philanthropist. Regularly referred to now as just **OPRAH**)"} {"Clue":"Conference, maybe tense within? It was explosive (5)","Answer":"PETAR","Explanation":"Definition: It was explosive\n**T** (tense) **contained in** (within) **PEAR** (reference a conference **PEAR**) \n **PE** (**T**) **AR**\n\n**PETAR** (Shakespearean [old; it was] word for **PETARD** [a case containing an explosive, used for blowing in doors, etc])"} {"Clue":"Justice in Islam dispensed in ME assembly (6)","Answer":"MAJLIS","Explanation":"Definition: ME assembly\n**J** (justice) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (dispensed) **ISLAM**\n **MA**** **(**J**) **LIS***\n\n**MAJLIS** (assembly or council in various N African and Middle Eastern [ME} countries., the most notable being the Iranian parliament)"} {"Clue":"Interval in Greek music, reputed ace (6)","Answer":"DITONE","Explanation":"Definition: Interval in Greek music\n**DIT** (named, reputed) **+ ONE** (ace)\n **DIT** **ONE**\n\n**DITONE** (in ancient Greek music, an interval of two major tone)"} {"Clue":"Equipment is comforting with installation of new stoves (10)","Answer":"KITCHENERS","Explanation":"Definition: stoves\n**KIT** (equipment) **+** (**CHEERS** [is comforting] **containing** [with installation of] **N** [new])\n **KIT** **CHE** (**N**) **ERS**\n\n**KITCHENERS** (cooking stoves)"} {"Clue":"Mots from tired old journos? They'll get through bars etc (8)","Answer":"HACKSAWS","Explanation":"Definition: They'll get through bars etc\n**HACK** (literary or journalistic drudge; tired old journalist) + **SAWS** (sayings, mots)\n I think this works even with **HACK** as a singular\n **HACK** **SAWS**\n\n**HACKSAWS** (tools that can cut through metal bars)"} {"Clue":"Given year inside, ready for the old trim? (6)","Answer":"PROYNE","Explanation":"Definition: old trim\n**Y** (year) **contained in** (inside) **PRONE** (willing, ready, eager) \n **PRO** (**Y**) **NE**\n\n**PROYNE** (old alternative spelling of prune [trim])"} {"Clue":"Part of Fehling's solution is disposing of hotel callers (12)","Answer":"ROCHELLE-SALT","Explanation":"Definition: Part of Fehling's solution\n**Anagram of** (dispensing)** HOTEL CALLERS**\n **R****O****C****HEL****LE-SAL****T***\n\n**ROCHELLE-SALT** (sodium potassium tartrate, discovered in 1672 by a Rochelle apothecary) Fehling's solution is A solution of copper sulphate, potassium sodium tartrate and sodium hydroxide used to detect the presence of aldehydes, especially sugars, named after a German chemist"} {"Clue":"Scandalous jolly includes this writer (5)","Answer":"GAMEY","Explanation":"Definition: Scandalous\n**GAY **(jolly) **containing** (including) **ME** (this writer)\n **GA** (**ME**) **Y**\n\n**GAMEY** (scandalous)"} {"Clue":"Dangerous flyers: see some servicemen circled by those at sea (7)","Answer":"HORNETS","Explanation":"Definition: Dangerous flyers\n**RN** (Royal Navy; servicemen)** contained in** (circled by) **an anagram of** (at sea) **THOSE**\n **HO**** (RN) ****ETS***\n\n**HORNETS** (large wasps; dangerous flyers)"} {"Clue":"Such as Paris metro I claim includes it (5)","Answer":"TROIC","Explanation":"Definition: Such as Paris\n**TROIC** (**hidden word in** (includes) **METRO I CLAIM**)\n **TROIC**\n\n**TROIC** (Trojan. Paris was a famous man of Troy)"} {"Clue":"Pawnshops in depots abroad, within boundary (12)","Answer":"MONTS-DE-PIETE","Explanation":"Definition: Pawnshops\n**Anagram of **(abroad) **IN DEPOTS** **contained in** (within) **METE** (boundary or limit)\n **M **(**O****N****TS DE P****I***) **ETE**\n\n**MONTS-DE-PIETE** (Italian state pawnshops)"} {"Clue":"Special cell: old man maybe is among names there (6)","Answer":"NEURON","Explanation":"Definition: Special cell\n**EURO** (any of several types of large kangaroo \u2013 **OLD MAN** can be defined as an adult male kangaroo) **contained in** (is among) (**N** [name] **+**** N** [name] to give names)\n **N** (**EURO**) **N**\n\n**NEURON** (\u00a0cell with the specialized function of transmitting nerve impulses)"} {"Clue":"Treat cuttingly, earlier showing contempt? Ring off (4)","Answer":"SNEE","Explanation":"Definition: Treat cuttingly\n**SNEERING** (showing contempt) **excluding** (off) **RING**\n **SNEE**\n\n**SNEE** (cut)"} {"Clue":"To anyone listening, called harshly for scrambled eggs (5)","Answer":"BRAID","Explanation":"Definition: scrambled eggs\n**BRAID** (**sounds like** [to anyone listening] **BRAYED** [called harshly])\n **BRAID**\n\n**BRAID** (embroidery; **SCRAMBLED EGG**S is a term for the gold **BRAID** on an military officer's cap)"} {"Clue":"Puts rice out for plates? (8)","Answer":"PICTURES","Explanation":"Definition: plates\n**Anagram of** (out) **PUTS RICE**\n **P****IC****TU****RE****S***\n\n**PICTURES** (**PLATES** can be defined as illustrations or pictures in a book)"} {"Clue":"Apocryphal stipulation by nasty old landlady, somewhat bleak? (7)","Answer":"NOIRISH","Explanation":"Definition: somewhat bleak\n**NO IRISH** (nobody from Ireland will stay in my property; often said, without much evidence,\u00a0to be an attitude of landladies of yesteryear)\n **NO** **IRISH**\n\n**NOIRISH **(redolent of some of the qualities of film **NOIR**; somewhat bleak)"} {"Clue":"Capital item for Turk, his last after a very long day (6)","Answer":"KALPAK","Explanation":"Definition: Capital item for Turk\n**KALPA** (a day of Brahma, a period of 4320 million years; very long day) + **K** (**last letter of** [his last]** TURK**)\n **KALPA** **K**\n\n**KALPAK** (triangular Turkish or Tatar felt cap; capital [relating to the head] item for Turk)"} {"Clue":"Leisure time on hill? One rambles in gardens (6)","Answer":"RECTOR","Explanation":"Definition: One rambles in gardens\n**REC** (recreation; leisure time) **+ TOR** \n **REC** **TOR**\n\n**RECTOR **(reference rambling RECTOR rose)"} {"Clue":"In losing Andy may reduce Scotsmen to tears (5)","Answer":"INGAN","Explanation":"Definition: may reduce Scotsmen to tears\n**INGAN** (**hidden word in** [in] **LOSING ANDY**)\n **INGAN**\n\n**INGAN** (Scots and dialect form of onion, cutting which may reduce one to tears)"} {"Clue":"Treatise on morals, eastern, frequently not finished (5)","Answer":"ETHIC","Explanation":"Definition: Treatise on morals\n**E **(Eastern) **+ THICK** (frequent, in quick succession) **excluding the final letter** (not finished) **K**\n **E** **THIC**\n\n**ETHIC** (a treatise on morals)"} {"Clue":"River Seine's surge \u2013 face copying what's written? (5)","Answer":"RONDE","Explanation":"Definition: face copying what's written\n**R** (river) **+ ONDE** (French for wave or billow; surge?)\n **R** **ONDE**\n\n**RONDE** (a style of letter of type\u00a0[face] that emulates handwriting; script printing-type)"} {"Clue":"Humourless parliamentarian displaying self-importance (4)","Answer":"POMP","Explanation":"Definition: elf-importance\n**PO** (**PO**-faced; humourless) **+ ****MP** (Member of Parliament; parliamentarian)\n **PO** **MP**\n\n**POMP** (display of self-importance)"} {"Clue":"Panic as displayed by marines? (5)","Answer":"ALARM","Explanation":"Definition: Panic\n**\u00c0 LA** (in the manner of; as) **+ RM** (Royal Marine)\n **A LA** **RM**\n\n**ALARM** (panic)"} {"Clue":"Regret capturing a lot of argument with supporter swearing (9)","Answer":"PROFANITY","Explanation":"Definition: swearing\n**PITY** (regret) **containing** (capturing) (**RO****W** [argument] **excluding the final letter** [a lot of] **W** **+ FAN** [supporter])\n **P** (**RO** **FAN**) **ITY**\n\n**PROFANITY** (swearing)"} {"Clue":"Saint, upset by book in main, becoming martyr pointedly (9)","Answer":"SEBASTIAN","Explanation":"Definition: martyr pointedly\n(**B** [book] **contained in** [in] **SEA** [main]) **+ an anagram of** [upset] **SAINT**\n **SE **(**B**) **A** **STIAN***\n\n**SEBASTIAN** (a saint, said to have become a martyr after being killed by arrows; martyr pointedly)"} {"Clue":"A soprano carrying line to other singers (5)","Answer":"ALTOS","Explanation":"Definition: singers\n(**A** **+** **S** [soprano]) **containing** (carrying) (**L** [line] **+ TO**)\n **A** (**L** **TO**) **S**\n\n**ALTOS** (high falsetto male voices; singers)"} {"Clue":"Emphatic charm following curtailed attempt (9)","Answer":"TRENCHANT","Explanation":"Definition: Emphatic\n**TRY** (attempt) **excluding** **the final letter** (curtailed) **Y** **+ ENCHANT** (charm)\n **TR** **ENCHANT**\n\n**TRENCHANT** (forthright; emphatic)"} {"Clue":"Core of plant yielded source of tequila (5)","Answer":"AGAVE","Explanation":"Definition: source of tequila\n**A** (**middle letter of** [core of] **PLANT**) **+ GAVE** (yielded)\n **A** **GAVE**\n\n**AGAVE** (tequila a Mexican alcoholic drink made from an **AGAVE**\u00a0plant)"} {"Clue":"Work round it, going to a back courtyard (5)","Answer":"PATIO","Explanation":"Definition: courtyard\n(**OP** [opus; work] **containing** [round] [**IT** + **A**]) **all reversed** (back)\n (**P** (**A** **TI**) **O**)<\n\n**PATIO** (courtyard)"} {"Clue":"Went back to Edward with the bass voice (4-5)","Answer":"DEEP-TONED","Explanation":"Definition: with the bass voice\n**PEED** (went [to the loo]) **reversed** (back) **+ TO + NED**** **(Edward)\n **DEEP**< **TO** **NED**\n\n**DEEP-TONED** (with a deep voice)"} {"Clue":"Plant, one revived with river water (5,4)","Answer":"ROWAN TREE","Explanation":"Definition: Plant,\n**Anagram of **(revived) **ONE** and **R** [river] and **WATER**\n **RO****WA****N**** TR****E****E***\n\n**ROWAN TREE** (**TREE**; plant)"} {"Clue":"Odd bits of rain and clouds offering some danger (5)","Answer":"RISKY","Explanation":"Definition: offering some danger\n**RI** (**letters 1 and 3** [odd bits] **of ****R****A****I****N**) **+ SKY** (clouds)\n **RI SKY**\n\n**RISKY **(dangerous)"} {"Clue":"Group of cats engaged in strife \u2013 listen (5)","Answer":"FELIS","Explanation":"Definition: Group of cats\n**FELIS** (**hidden word** [engaged in] **STRIFE LISTEN**)\n **FELIS**\n\n**FELIS** (cat genus; group of cats)"} {"Clue":"Support for opening party far more doubtful (9)","Answer":"DOORFRAME","Explanation":"Definition: Support for opening\n**DO** (party) **+ an anagram of **(doubtful) **FAR MORE**\n **DO** **OR** **FRA****ME***\n\n**DOORFRAME** (support for an opening)"} {"Clue":"Asian city has to be adopted by US city (5)","Answer":"LHASA","Explanation":"Definition: Asian city\n**HAS** **contained in** (to be adopted by) **LA** (Los Angeles, United States city)\n **L** (**HAS**) **A**\n\n**LHASA** (capital city of the Tibet Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China)"} {"Clue":"Staff mostly rage in oil industry city (9)","Answer":"STAVANGER","Explanation":"Definition: oil industry city\n**STAV****E** (staff) e**xcluding the final letter** (mostly) **E** **+ ANGER** (rage)\n **STAV** **ANGER**\n\n**STAVANGER** (city in Norway with significant connection to the North Sea oil industry)"} {"Clue":"Reverence is adopted by head in old church (9)","Answer":"OBEISANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Reverence\n(**IS** **contained in** [adopted by] **BEAN** [head]) **all contained in** (in) (**O** [old] **+ CE** [Church {of England}])\n **O** (**BE** (**IS**) **AN**) **CE**\n\n**OBEISANCE** (reverence)"} {"Clue":"It will light up church behind hill (5)","Answer":"TORCH","Explanation":"Definition: It will light up\n**TOR **(hill) **+ CH** (church)\n **TOR** **CH**\n\n**TORCH** (portable lamp; it will light up)"} {"Clue":"Something often considered fixed when fixed (5)","Answer":"ASSET","Explanation":"Definition: Something often considered fixed\n**ASSET** (item of property that is often large and immovable [fixed])\n **ASSET**\n\n**ASSET** (reference fixed **ASSET**s on a balance sheet, such as long-lived items such as plant and buildings, brands, processes, patents and financial investment)"} {"Clue":"Disposition to include one after morning in the environment (7)","Answer":"AMBIENT","Explanation":"Definition: in the environment\n**AM** (ante-meridiem; before noon; in the morning) **+ BENT** (disposition) **containing** (to include) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **AM** **B** (**I**) **ENT**\n\n**AMBIENT** (air or sky; environment)"} {"Clue":"What you want to hear c\/o some tunes and airs, possibly (5,2,4,4)","Answer":"MUSIC TO ONE","Explanation":"Definition: What you want to hear\n**Anagram of** (possibly) **CO SOME TUNES** and **AIRS**\n **M****U****SIC ****T****O**** ****O****N****E****S E****ARS***\n\n**MUSIC TO ONE'S EARS** (anything that you are very glad to hear)"} {"Clue":"Setter to secure wine after store ultimately fooled around (11)","Answer":"PHILANDERED","Explanation":"Definition: fooled around\n**PHI** (pseudonym of today's crossword setter) + **LAND** (capture; secure) **+ E** **(last letter of** [ultimately] **STORE**) **+**** RED** (wine)\n **PHI** **LAND** **E** **RED**\n\n**PHILANDERED** (fooled around)"} {"Clue":"Have current name used later (3)","Answer":"OWN","Explanation":"Definition: Have\n**NOW** (current) with the **N** (name) **moved to the end** (later)\n **OW****N**\n\n**OWN** (have)"} {"Clue":"Dreadful tat affects aroma really (2,1,6,2,4)","Answer":"AS A MATTER OF FACT","Explanation":"Definition: really\n**Anagram of** (dreadful) **TAT AFFECTS AROMA**\n **AS A MATTER OF FACT***\n\n**AS A MATTER OF FACT** (in reality; really)"} {"Clue":"Progressing on board? (2,5)","Answer":"IN TRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Progressing\n**IN TRAIN** (on board the train)\n **IN TRAIN**\n\n**IN TRAIN** (happening; progressing) double definition"} {"Clue":"Certainly still upset about dietary allowance recently (9)","Answer":"YESTERDAY","Explanation":"Definition: recently\n**YES** (certainly **+** (**YET** [still] **reversed **[upset; down clue] **containing** [about]\u00a0**RDA** [recommended daily \/ dietary allowance])\n **YES** **TE** (**RDA**) **Y**<\n\n**YESTERDAY** (recently)"} {"Clue":"I've been looking everywhere, just like I said (5,3,3)","Answer":"THERE YOU ARE","Explanation":"Definition: I've been looking everywhere,\n**THERE YOU ARE** (expression often used when finding someone you have been looking for over some time)\n **THERE YOU ARE**\n\n**THERE YOU ARE** (expression used to express triumph when something one predicted would occur does occur) double definition"} {"Clue":"Having wine following stew in case (9)","Answer":"PORTFOLIO","Explanation":"Definition: case\n**PORT** (fortified wine) **+ F** (following) **+ OLIO** (savoury dish of different sorts of meat and vegetables; stew)\n **PORT** **F** **OLIO**\n\n**PORTFOLIO** (a case or pair of boards for holding loose papers, drawings, etc)"} {"Clue":"Lecturer significantly restricted by negligible prosperity (7)","Answer":"WELFARE","Explanation":"Definition: prosperity\n(**L** [lecture] **+ FAR** [significantly]) **all contained in** (restricted by) **WEE** (negligible)\n **WE** (**L FAR**) **E**\n\n**WELFARE** (prosperity)"} {"Clue":"Banksy's penultimate source of graffiti provides surprise (7)","Answer":"STAGGER","Explanation":"Definition: surprise\n**S** (**second last letter of** [penultimate] **BANK****S****Y**) **+ TAGGER** (graffiti artist [defined in Collins])\n **S** **TAGGER**\n\n**STAGGER** (surprise)"} {"Clue":"Planet core hard to shift (5)","Answer":"EARTH","Explanation":"Definition: Planet\n**HEART **(core) with the **H** (hard, on lead pencils) **moved to the end** (to shift)\n **EARTH**\n\n**EARTH** (planet)"} {"Clue":"It may be almost set? (3)","Answer":"SUN","Explanation":"Definition: Planet\n**HEART **(core) with the **H** (hard, on lead pencils) **moved to the end** (to shift)\n **EARTH**\n\n**EARTH** (planet)"} {"Clue":"They are inclined to bound aboard ship (6)","Answer":"SLOPES","Explanation":"Definition: They are inclined\n**LOPE** (run with a long stride; bound) **contained in** (aboard) **SS** (steamship)\n **S** (**LOPE**) **S**\n\n**SLOPES** (inclined surfaces)"} {"Clue":"Useful tips obtained from kinky porn site (8)","Answer":"POINTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Useful tips\n**Anagram of** (kinky) **PORN SITE**\n **POINTERS***\n\n**POINTERS** (hints; useful tips)"} {"Clue":"Amount prostitute charges for acid derivative (8)","Answer":"TARTRATE","Explanation":"Definition: acid derivative\n**TART** (prostitute) **+ RATE** (price or cost)\n **TART** **RATE**\n\n**TARTRATE** (salt [derivative] of tartaric acid)"} {"Clue":"Grab several chickens? (6)","Answer":"CLUTCH","Explanation":"Definition: Grab\n**CLUTCH** (grasp)\n **CLUTCH** \n\n**CLUTCH** (brood of chickens) double definition"} {"Clue":"Brings back the teaching of religion in Alabama and Tennessee? (10)","Answer":"REINSTATES","Explanation":"Definition: Brings back\n**RE** (religious education) **+ IN + STATES** (Alabama and Tennessee are American states)\n **RE** **IN** **STATES**\n\n**REINSTATES** (restores to a former position; brings back)"} {"Clue":"Solicitor is very good politician (4)","Answer":"PIMP","Explanation":"Definition: Solicitor\n**PI** (sanctimonious; holy; very good) **+ MP** (Member of Parliament; politician)\n **PI** **MP**\n\n**PIMP** (one who solicits for a prostitute)"} {"Clue":"Got wind on a bidet (8)","Answer":"OBTAINED","Explanation":"Definition: Got\n**Anagram of** (wind) **ON A BIDET**\n **OBTAINED***\n\n**OBTAINED** (got)"} {"Clue":"Vulgar Republican claiming Democrat is in control (6)","Answer":"RUDDER","Explanation":"Definition: control\n(**RUDE **[vulgar] + **R** [Republican])\u00a0**containing** (claiming) **D** (Democrat)\n **RUD** (**D**) **E ****R**\n\n**RUDDER** (steering apparatus; control mechanism)"} {"Clue":"Accused ran tours in the morning (6)","Answer":"BLAMED","Explanation":"Definition: Accused\n**BLED** (ran) **containing** (tours; goes around) **AM** (ante meridiem; before noon; in the morning)\n **BL** (**AM**) **ED**\n\n**BLAMED** (accused)"} {"Clue":"Notepad adjusted to hide piece of information? Exactly the opposite (8)","Answer":"ANTIPODE","Explanation":"Definition: Exactly the opposite\n**Anagram of** (adjusted) **NOTEPAD** **containing** (to hide) **I** (**first letter of** [piece of] **INFORMATION**)\n **ANT** (**I**) **PODE***\n\n**ANTIPODE** (exact opposite of a person or thing)"} {"Clue":"Look closely at biblical rock, lacking time (4)","Answer":"PEER","Explanation":"Definition: Look closely at\n**PETER** (**PETER** was an important Saint in the Bible. The meaning of the name **PETER**\u00a0is 'rock' according to Chambers annex of first names) **excluding** (lacking) **T** (time)\n **PEER**\n\n**PEER **(look closely at)"} {"Clue":"Cold patient is desperate for treatment to prevent infection (10)","Answer":"ANTISEPTIC","Explanation":"Definition: treatment to prevent infection\n**Anagram of** (desperate) **C** [cold] and **PATIENT IS**\n **ANTISEPTIC***\n\n**ANTISEPTIC** (chemical treatment for the destruction, or inhibition of growth, of bacteria; treatment to prevent infection)"} {"Clue":"It moves across the sky, lower than should be possible, heading west (6)","Answer":"NIMBUS","Explanation":"Definition: It moves across the sky\n(**SUB** [below]** + MIN** [minimum; lowest possible] so **SUBMIN** is lower than should be possible) all **reversed** (heading west)\n (**NIM** **BUS**)<\n\n**NIMBUS** (rain-cloud which moves across the sky)"} {"Clue":"Ancient trio of kings, maybe enthralling me and Victor (8)","Answer":"PRIMEVAL","Explanation":"Definition: Ancient\n**PRIAL** (pair-royal [three cards of the same denomination which could be Kings, especially in cribbage]) **containing** (enthralling) (**ME** **+ V** [Victor is the international code word for the letter V)\n **PRI** (**ME** **V**) **AL**\n\n**PRIMEVAL** (belonging to the earth's beginnings; primitive; ancient)"} {"Clue":"Great apes trying to display work of art (8)","Answer":"TAPESTRY","Explanation":"Definition: work of art\n**TAPESTRY** (**hidden word** [display] in **GREAT APES TRYING**)\n **TAPESTRY**\n\n**TAPESTRY** (ornamental textile used for the covering of walls for example and also created as a work of art)"} {"Clue":"Again takes sister flying (6)","Answer":"RESITS","Explanation":"Definition: Again takes\n**Anagram of** (flying) **SISTER**\n **RESITS***\n\n**RESITS** (takes an examination again)"} {"Clue":"The French welcome permission to be absent from work (5)","Answer":"LEAVE","Explanation":"Definition: permission to be absent from work\n**LE** (one of the French forms of 'the') **+ AVE** (hail!; welcome)\n **LE** **AVE**\n\n**LEAVE** (permission to be absent from duty)"} {"Clue":"Russian scrum-half's job (3-2)","Answer":"PUT-IN","Explanation":"Definition: crum-half's job\n**PUTIN** (reference Vladimir **PUTIN** [born 1952], President of Russia)\n **PUT-IN**\n\n**PUT-IN **( a scum-half **PUT**s the ball **IN** to the scrum)"} {"Clue":"Plain brown box on top (7)","Answer":"SPARTAN","Explanation":"Definition: Plain\n**SPAR** (box) **+ TAN** (brown) This is a down entry so **SPAR** is placed on top of **TAN** \n **SPAR** **TAN**\n\n**SPARTAN** (simple; plain)"} {"Clue":"Folded coat containing earth and a bit of dirt (7)","Answer":"PLEATED","Explanation":"Definition: Folded\n(**PLATE** [coat one metal with another] **containing** [containing] **E** [earth]) **+ D** (**first letter of** [bit of] **DIRT**)\n **PL** (**E**) **ATE** **D**\n\n**PLEATED** (folded)"} {"Clue":"In fragment of cloth is gold tooth (7)","Answer":"INCISOR","Explanation":"Definition: tooth\n**IN** **+ C** (**first letter of** [fragment of] **CLOTH**) **+ IS + OR** (in heraldry, the tincture gold or yellow)\n **IN ****C** **IS** **OR**\n\n**INCISOR** (tooth)"} {"Clue":"Bogus president, terrible dupe (7-2)","Answer":"TRUMPED-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Bogus\n**TRUMP** (reference Donald **TRUMP** [born 1946] **+ an anagram of** (terrible) **DUPE**, current President of the United States)\n **TRUMP** **ED-UP***\n\n**TRUMPED-UP** (false; bogus)"} {"Clue":"Advise communist to take another name? Not I (9)","Answer":"RECOMMEND","Explanation":"Definition: Advise\nI'm struggling here. For a while I got nowhere and started writing that I could see two communists \u2013 **RED** and **COM** but I couldn't do anything with the remaining letters when using either of them It then dawned on me that both could be used as one **containing** (to take) another, so that gives me \n **RE** (**COM**) **MEN** **D**\n so how do I parse** MEN**? The best I can come up with is **MENTION** (name) **excluding** **TION** but the clue only tells us to exclude [not] the **I. **\n **RECOMMEND**\n\n**RECOMMEND** (advise)"} {"Clue":"Pavlova, say, eaten by footballer in Accrington (9)","Answer":"BALLERINA","Explanation":"Definition: Pavlova, say\n**BALLERINA** (**hidden word in** [eaten by] **FOOTBALLER IN ACCRINGTON**)\n **BALLERINA**\n\n**BALLERINA** (reference Anna Pavlova [1881 \u2013 1931], Russian prima ballerina)"} {"Clue":"Notice I go for a walk with male at higher altitude, which is exquisite (9)","Answer":"ADMIRABLE","Explanation":"Definition: exquisite\n**AD** (advert; notice) **MIRABLE** (**I RA****M****BLE** [I go for a walk) with **M** [male] **moved up the this down entry** [at a higher altitude])\n **AD** **M** **I**** ****RABLE**\n\n**ADMIRABLE **(exquisite)"} {"Clue":"Absolutely determined to be unresponsive in front of crowd (4,3)","Answer":"DEAD SET","Explanation":"Definition: Absolutely determined\n**DEAD** (unresponsive) **+ SET** (crowd)\n **DEAD** **SET**\n\n**DEAD SET** (determined)"} {"Clue":"Analysis of gold crown by head of Scotland Yard (7)","Answer":"AUTOPSY","Explanation":"Definition: Analysis of \n**AU** (chemical symbol for gold) **+ TOP** (crown) **+ S** (**first letter o**f [head of] **SCOTLAND**) **+ Y** (yard)\n **AU** **TOP** **S** **Y**\n\n**AUTOPSY** (post-mortem examination of a corpse; analysis of)"} {"Clue":"Uplifting brassiere \u2013 it's a treat, enthralling, more attractive (7)","Answer":"TASTIER","Explanation":"Definition: more attractive\n**TASTIER** (**hidden word** [enthralling] **reversed** [uplifting; down clue] in **BRASSIERE ITS A TREAT**)\n **TASTIER**<\n\n**TASTIER** (informal word for more attractive)"} {"Clue":"Secretly watches diarist on the phone (5)","Answer":"PEEPS","Explanation":"Definition: Secretly watches\n**PEEPS** (**sounds like** [on the phone] **PEPYS** [reference the diarist Samuel **PEPYS **[1633 \u2013 1703])\n **PEEPS**\n\n**PEEPS** (looks slyly)"} {"Clue":"To snooze during sex is awkward (5)","Answer":"INAPT","Explanation":"Definition: awkward\n**NAP** (snooze) **contained in** (during) **IT** (sex)\n **I** (**NAP**) **T**\n\n**INAPT** (ill-fitted; awkward)"} {"Clue":"Singular old soccer star, not unknown to be an untidy sort (6)","Answer":"SCRUFF","Explanation":"Definition: untidy sort\n**S** (singular)** + ****CRU****Y****FF** (reference Johan **CRU****Y****FF**\u00a0[1947 \u2013 2016], Dutch professional footballer and coach who scored many goals in his glittering career) **excluding** (not) **Y** (a letter frequently used to denote an unknown value in a mathematical equation)\n **S** **CRUFF**\n\n**SCRUFF **(untidy person)"} {"Clue":"PM once upset a king, e.g. James 1 (8)","Answer":"DISRAELI","Explanation":"Definition: PM once \n(**I** [Roman numeral for one; a] **+ LEAR** [reference Shakespeare's king **LEAR**] **+ SID** [reference **SID** James {1913 \u2013 1976}, comic actor]) **all reversed** (upset)\n (**DIS** **RAEL**** I**)<\n\n**DISRAELI **(reference Benjamin** DISRAELI **[1804 \u2013 1881] former [once] British Prime Minister)"} {"Clue":"The same old turns covered by prison entertainer (8)","Answer":"COMEDIAN","Explanation":"Definition: entertainer\n(**IDEM** [Latin for 'the same'] **+ O** [old]) **all reversed** (turns)** contained in** (covered by) **CAN** [slang for prison)\n **C** (**O** **MEDI**)< **AN**\n\n**COMEDIAN** (example of an entertainer)"} {"Clue":"A box I posted in the French Republic (6)","Answer":"LATVIA","Explanation":"Definition: Republic\n(**A** **+ TV** [television set; box] **+ I**) **contained in** (posted in) **LA** (one of the French forms of 'the')\n **L** (**A** **TV** **I**) **A**\n\n**LATVIA** (reference the Republic of **LATVIA**, one of the Baltic countries)"} {"Clue":"Bargain shrewdly? Alan wheedled amazingly (5,3,4)","Answer":"WHEEL AND DEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Bargain shrewdly\nAnagram of (amazingly) **ALAN WHEEDLED**\n **WHEE****L AN****D DE****A****L***\n\n**WHEEL AND DEAL** (engage in shrewd bargaining)"} {"Clue":"Left after supporter, briefly showing detachment (6)","Answer":"PATROL","Explanation":"Definition: detachment\n**PATRON** (supporter) **excluding the final letter** (briefly) **N + L** (left)\n **PATRO** **L**\n\n**PATROL** (small detachment of soldiers, etc sent on reconnaissance or to make an attack, etc)"} {"Clue":"Well-paid pro in confusion after rise on 4th of July (6)","Answer":"YUPPIE","Explanation":"Definition: Well-paid pro\n**Y **(**fourth letter of\u00a0**[fourth of] **JULY**) **+ UP** (rise) **+ PIE** (mixed state; confusion)\n **Y** **UP** **PIE**\n\n**YUPPIE **(young urban professional or upwardly-mobile person, a dismissive designation for the young city careerist. well-paid professional)"} {"Clue":"Awkward situation of disgusting wife wearing small slip (6,6)","Answer":"STICKY WICKET","Explanation":"Definition: Awkward situation \n(**ICKY** [repulsive; disgusting] **+ W** [wife]) **contained in** (wearing) (**S** [small] **+ TICKET** [slip])\n **S** **T** (**ICKY** **W**) **ICKET**\n\n**STICKY WICKET** (awkward situation)"} {"Clue":"Busy, in a Herculean way? (6)","Answer":"POIROT","Explanation":"Definition: Busy\n**POIROT** (cryptic reference to Agatha Christie's fictional detective\u00a0[busy]. **HERCULE** **POIROT** who might solve a case in a **HERCULEAN** way)\n **POIROT**\n\n**POIROT** (fictional detective\u00a0[busy is slang for a detective)"} {"Clue":"Bugs, getting you mostly down \u2013 E coli (8)","Answer":"WOODLICE","Explanation":"Definition: Bugs\n**Anagram of** (getting you [?]) (**DOWN** **excluding the last letter** [mostly] **N** and **E COLI**)\n **WOODLICE***\n\n**WOODLICE** (woodlice) any of numerous isopod crustaceans of family Oniscidae, found in damp places, under stones and bark, in woodwork, among moss, etc; bugs)"} {"Clue":"Livingstone maybe runs in user without it (8)","Answer":"EXPLORER","Explanation":"Definition: Livingstone maybe\n**R** (runs) **contained in** (in) (**EXPLO****IT****ER** [user] **excluding** [without] **IT**)\n **EXPLO** (**R**) **ER**\n\n**EXPLORER** (David Livingstone [1813 \u2013 1873], Scottish missionary and **EXPLORER**)"} {"Clue":"One entering names for flight (6)","Answer":"STAIRS","Explanation":"Definition: flight\n**I** (Roman numeral for one) **contained in** (entering) **STARS** (celebrities; names)\n **STA** (**I**) **RS**\n\n**STAIRS** (reference a flight of **STAIRS**)"} {"Clue":"Visible shell-like coat, perhaps, reduced in width (5,3)","Answer":"OUTER EAR","Explanation":"Definition: Visible shell-like\n**OUTER WEAR** (a coat perhaps) **excluding** (reduced in) **W** (width)\n **OUTER EAR** \n\n**OUTER EAR** (visible [**OUTER**] part of the **EAR** [shell-like is an informal or slang word for **EAR**])"} {"Clue":"Collection of countries beginning to fuse into a republic, cutting cost (6)","Answer":"AFRICA","Explanation":"Definition: Collection of countries\n**F** (**first letter of **[beginning to] **FUSE**) **contained in** (into) **COSTA RICA** (reference the Republic of **COSTA RICA**\u00a0in Central America) **excluding** (cutting) **COST**\n **A** (**F**) **RICA**\n\n**AFRICA** (continent; collection of countries)"} {"Clue":"Instrument changing that which follows lines (8)","Answer":"PSALTERY","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\nI'm not sure how the wordplay works here.\n We've got **PS** which could refer to a postscript or something that follows a few lines of text and We've got **ALTER** (to change).. I can't find the word **ALTERY** is any dictionary as I hoped that might mean 'changing'. So we have a **Y** left over.\n Alternatively lines could refer to a railway or **RY** which leaves **PSALTE** to parse and I can't see a way of doing that.\n I look forward to learning how I should be parsing this.\n\n**PSALTERY** (an ancient and medieval stringed instrument like the zither, played by plucking)"} {"Clue":"Delicate shade of fine glass on top of lamp (6)","Answer":"PASTEL","Explanation":"Definition: Delicate shade\n**PASTE **(a fine kind of glass for making artificial gems) **+ L **(**first letter of **[top of] **LAMP**)\n **PASTE** **L**\n\n**PASTEL** (descriptive of a soft, quiet, delicate shade of colour)"} {"Clue":"Working-class material getting better (5-3)","Answer":"CLOTH-CAP","Explanation":"Definition: Working-class\n**CLOTH** (material) **+ CAP** (outdo or surpass; be better)\n **CLOTH** **CAP**\n\n**CLOTH-CAP** (symbolic of the working-class)"} {"Clue":"Clear unedited broadcast having lost appeal (6)","Answer":"DENUDE","Explanation":"Definition: Clear \n**Anagram of** (broadcast) **UNED****IT****ED** **excluding** (having lost) **IT** (sex appeal)\n **DENUDE***\n\n**DENUDE** (strip or clear and area of land)"} {"Clue":"Screwed face up (4)","Answer":"LAID","Explanation":"Definition: Screwed\n**DIAL** (face of a watch or clock)) **reversed** (up; down clue)\n **LAID**<\n\n**LAID** (both **SCREWED** and **LAID** are slang terms for having had sexual intercourse with)"} {"Clue":"This suppresses report of a piece (8)","Answer":"SILENCER","Explanation":"Definition: This suppresses report of a piece\n**SILENCER** (cryptic definition based on the definition of **PIECE **as a gun)\n **SILENCER**\n\n**SILENCER** (device for reducing the sound of escaping gases by gradual expansion, used for small arms [guns] for example)"} {"Clue":"Prepared sterile tip on some fishing gear (8)","Answer":"LEISTERS","Explanation":"Definition: fishing gear\n**Anagram of **(peppered) **STERILE** **+ S** (**first letter of** [tip on] **S**OME)\n **LEISTER*** **S**\n\n**LEISTERS** (salmon-spears)"} {"Clue":"Odd training for cooking finishing early, with end of lesson skipped (8)","Answer":"PECULIAR","Explanation":"Definition: Odd \n**PE **(physical education; training) **+ CULINARY** (relating to cooking) **excluding the final letter** (finishing early) **Y** and **excluding** (skipped) **N** (**last letter of** [end of] **LESSON**)\n **PE ****CULIAR**\n\n**PECULIAR** (odd)"} {"Clue":"Keen horse stuck in bottom of Becher's Brook (6)","Answer":"SHRILL","Explanation":"Definition: Keen\n**H** (heroin; horse is slang for heroin) **contained in** (stuck in) (**S** [**last letter of **{bottom of} **BECHER'S** **+ RILL** [small brook])\n **S** (**H**) **RILL**\n\n**SHRILL** (high pitched and piercing; keen)"} {"Clue":"Briefly show how bum gets rush, by the sound of it (6)","Answer":"WHOOSH","Explanation":"Definition: rush, by the sound of it\n**Anagram of** (bum) **SHOW** **excluding the final letter **(briefly) **W** and **HOW**\n **WHOOSH***\n\n**WHOOSH** (the sound of, or like that of, something large passing rapidly through the air; sound of a rush)"} {"Clue":"Persuade upon abstinence, initially stopping \"one over the eight\"? (4)","Answer":"COAX","Explanation":"Definition: Persuade\n**A** (**first letter of** [initially] **ABSTINENCE**) **contained in** (stopping) **COX** (the person in control of [over] a crew of\u00a0eight rowers)\n **CO** (**A**) **X**\n\n**COAX **(persuade)"} {"Clue":"Harshness when monarch engaged in compassion (8)","Answer":"ASPERITY","Explanation":"Definition: Harshness\n**AS **(when) **+** (**ER** [Elizabeth Regina; Queen Elizabeth; monarch] **contained in** [engaged in] **PITY** [compassion])\n **AS** **P** (**ER**)** ITY**\n\n**ASPERITY** (harshness)"} {"Clue":"Top politician interrupted by memory for the moment (3,3)","Answer":"PRO TEM","Explanation":"Definition: for the moment\n**PM** (Prime Minister; top politician]) **containing** (interrupted by) **ROTE** (mechanical memory, repetition or performance without regard to the meaning) \n **P** (**RO TE**) **M**\n\n**PRO TEM** (short for **PRO TEM**pore [for the time being])"} {"Clue":"Reduced to the ranks, perhaps broken (3,2,10)","Answer":"OUT OF COMMISSION","Explanation":"Definition: broken\n**OUT OF COMMISSION **(a **COMMISSION**ed officer is one where the holder receives a government document confirming his \/ her rank. In the army, for instance, ranks from 2nd Lieutenant upwards are **COMMISSION**ed. Someone **OUT OF COMMISSION** may have returned to the lower ranks)\n **OUT OF COMMISSION**\n\n**OUT OF COMMISSION** (descriptive of a piece of equipment that is not in use, possibly because it is broken)"} {"Clue":"Spiritual believer returned in a fog (7)","Answer":"ANIMIST","Explanation":"Definition: Spiritual believer\n(**IN A**) **reversed** (returned) **+ MIST** (fog)\n (**A** **NI**)< **MIST**\n\n**ANIMIST** (one who believes in GE Stahl's theory [1720] that the soul is the vital principle and source of the phenomena of animal life; spiritual believer)"} {"Clue":"Constraint on movement upset the cart (7)","Answer":"RATCHET","Explanation":"Definition: Constraint on movement\n**Anagram of** (upset) **THE CART**\n **RATCHET***\n\n**RATCHET** (a pawl and wheel with inclined teeth with which it\u00a0engages to constrain movement)"} {"Clue":"A long time without working is \u2026 is upsetting in the extreme (8)","Answer":"AGONISES","Explanation":"Definition: upsetting in the extreme\n**AGES** (a long time) **containing** (without; outside) (**ON** [working] **+ IS**)\n **AG** (**ON** **IS**) **ES**\n\n**AGONISES** (suffers great pain; upsetting in the extreme)"} {"Clue":"The end, in European languages is insubstantial (5)","Answer":"ELFIN","Explanation":"Definition: insubstantial\n**EL FIN** is Spanish for 'the end' and **FIN **is French for 'the end', so more than European language is represented.\n **EL FIN**\n\n**ELFIN** (small, with delicate frame; insubstantial)"} {"Clue":"Hazy, not seeing lake covered in plant growths (5)","Answer":"BURRY","Explanation":"Definition: covered in plant growths\n**BLURRY **(hazy) **excluding** (not seeing) **L** (lake)\n **BURRY**\n\n**BURRY** (covered in prickly seed cases; covered in plant growths)"} {"Clue":"Staff's methodology will fix a promotional tour (8)","Answer":"ROADSHOW","Explanation":"Definition: promotional tour\n(**ROD'S** [staff's] **+ HOW** [methodology]) **containing** (will fix) **A**\n **RO** (**A**) **DS** **HOW**\n\n**ROADSHOW** (promotional tour)"} {"Clue":"Criminal harm, one financial centre cut short (7)","Answer":"ILLICIT","Explanation":"Definition: Criminal\n**ILL** (harm) **+ I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ CITY** (financial centre) **excluding the final letter** (cut short) **Y**\n **ILL** **I** **CIT**\n\n**ILLICIT** (criminal)"} {"Clue":"Nutritious stuff supporting adolescent, we hear (7)","Answer":"PROTEIN","Explanation":"Definition: Nutritious stuff \n**PRO** (for; supporting) **+ TEIN** (**sounds like** [we hear] **TEEN** [adolescent)\n **PRO** **TEIN**\n\n**PROTEIN** (any member of a group of complex nitrogenous substances that are an important constituent of the bodies of plants and animals; nutritious stuff)"} {"Clue":"Believer in that Revolution's first to shake tsar (4,3,8)","Answer":"IVAN THE TERRIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: tsar\n**Anagram of **(to shake) **BELIEVER IN THAT** and **R** [**first letter of** [first] **REVOLUTION**)\n **IVAN THE TERRIBLE***\n\n**IVAN THE TERRIBLE** (reference the tsar of all Russia from 1547 to 1584)"} {"Clue":"Increasingly fashionable to ignore current gossip (6)","Answer":"NATTER","Explanation":"Definition: gossip\n**NATTIER** (increasingly smart in appearance; increasingly\u00a0fashionable) **excluding** (to ignore) **I** (electric current)\n **NATTER**\n\n**NATTER** (gossip)"} {"Clue":"Battle-axe, solid article circling heads of Roman invaders (8)","Answer":"HARRIDAN","Explanation":"Definition: Battle-axe\n(**HARD** [solid] **+ AN** [indefinite article]) **containing** (circling) **RI** (**first letters of** [heads of [**ROMAN** and **INVADERS**)\n **HAR** (**R** **I**) **D** **AN**\n\n**HARRIDAN** (sharp-tongued, scolding or bullying old woman; battle-axe)"} {"Clue":"Trainspotter has an agreement about first couple of railways (6)","Answer":"ANORAK","Explanation":"Definition: Trainspotter\n**AN + **(**OK** [agreement]) **containing** (about) **RA** (**first two letters of** [first couple of] **RAILWAYS**)\n **AN** **O** (**RA**) **K**\n\n**ANORAK** (someone who has an obsessive interest in the statistics and trivia associated with a subject; **TRAINSPOTTER** can be defined similarly)"} {"Clue":"Young wizard carrying in good bowl for porridge (9)","Answer":"POTTINGER","Explanation":"Definition: bowl for porridge\n**POTTER** (reference Harry **POTTER**, the young wizard in J K Rowling's series of books) **containing** (carrying) (**IN** **+ G** [good])\n **POTT** (**IN** **G**) **ER**\n\n**POTTINGER** (small bowl that could be used for porridge)"} {"Clue":"Who'd vandalise funfair? (7)","Answer":"RUFFIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Who'd vandalise funfair\n**Anagram of **(vandalise) **FUNFAIR**\n **RUFFIAN***\n\n**RUFFIAN **(someone who might indulge in vandalism)"} {"Clue":"Probationary period not unknown in a quintet (5)","Answer":"TROUT","Explanation":"Definition: quintet\n**TRY OUT** (descriptive of a probationary period) **excluding** (not) **Y** (letter frequently used to represent an unknown value in mathematical equations)\n **TR** **OUT**\n\n**TROUT** (reference the **TROUT** quintet composed by Franz Schubert)"} {"Clue":"Eggs around creature's home may be mark of success (7)","Answer":"ROSETTE","Explanation":"Definition: mark of success\n**ROE** (mass of fish eggs) **containing** (around) **SETT** (badger's burrow)\n **RO** (**SETT**) **E**\n\n**ROSETTE** (knot of radiating loops of ribbon or the like in concentric arrangement, esp worn as a badge showing affiliation, or awarded as a prize; mark of success)"} {"Clue":"Contribution to member not ultimately costing a lot (5)","Answer":"THIGH","Explanation":"Definition: Contribution to member \n**T** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **NOT**) **+ HIGH** ([of a price] costing a lot)\n **T** **HIGH**\n\n**THIGH** (part of a leg [member])"} {"Clue":"Nothing's unacceptable to break my boredom (8)","Answer":"MONOTONY","Explanation":"Definition: boredom\n(**O** [zero; nothing] + **NOT ON** [not acceptable]) **contained in** (to break) **MY**\n **M** (**O** **NOT ON**) **Y**\n\n**MONOTONY **(boredom)"} {"Clue":"Married relative in Eastern continent provides excellent food (8)","Answer":"AMBROSIA","Explanation":"Definition: excellent food\n(**M** [married] **+ BRO** [brother; relative]) **contained in** (in) **ASIA** (Eastern continent)\n **A** (**M ****BRO**) **SIA**\n\n**AMBROSIA **(any fragrant or delicious food or beverage)"} {"Clue":"Second person accepting hotel drink (8)","Answer":"SPRITZER","Explanation":"Definition: drink\n**S** (second) **+** (**PER** [person] **containing** [accepting] **RITZ** [name of a hotel])\n **S** **P** (**RITZ**) **ER**\n\n**SPRITZER** (drink of white wine and soda water)"} {"Clue":"US agent restrains less advanced British plot (6,3)","Answer":"FLOWER BED","Explanation":"Definition: plot\n**FED** (US Federal Agent) **containing** (restraining) (**LOWER** [less advanced] **+ B** [British])\n **F** (**LOWER** **B**) **ED**\n\n**FLOWER BED** (garden plot)"} {"Clue":"Some European aid is boxed up as result of volcanic activity (8)","Answer":"OBSIDIAN","Explanation":"Definition: as result of volcanic activity\n**OBSIDIAN** (**reversed** [up] **hidden word** [some] in **EUROPEAN AID IS BOXED**)\n **OBSIDIAN**<\n\n**OBSIDIAN** (vitreous acid volcanic rock resembling bottle glass; result of volcanic activity)"} {"Clue":"Sailor brought up island and the rocks surrounding island (7)","Answer":"YACHTIE","Explanation":"Definition: Sailor\n**CAY** (low islet; island) **reversed** (brought up; down clue) **+** (**an anagram of** [rocks] **THE** **containing** [surrounding] **I** [island])\n **YAC**< **HT **(**I**) **E***\n\n**YACHTIE** (sailor)"} {"Clue":"Small font I obscured has one looking hard (7)","Answer":"SCOURER","Explanation":"Definition: one looking hard\n**S** (small) **+ COURIER** (type of monospaced font \u2013 COURIER) **excluding **(obscured) **I**\n **S**** ****COURER**\n\n**SCOURER** (one who searches thoroughly; one who looks hard)"} {"Clue":"Hazy sun before end of day? That's not observed (6)","Answer":"UNSEEN","Explanation":"Definition: not observed\n**Anagram of** (hazy) **SUN** **+ ****E'EN** (evening; end of day)\n **UNS*** **EEN**\n\n**UNSEEN** (not observed)"} {"Clue":"Inclined, having studied, to forget element of education? (5)","Answer":"LEANT","Explanation":"Definition: Inclined\n**LEARNT** (studied) **excluding** (to forget) **R** (reference the 3 Rs, reading 'riting and 'rithmetic)\n **LEANT**\n\n**LEANT** (inclined)"} {"Clue":"Animal rights group adopting one religious image (5)","Answer":"PIETA","Explanation":"Definition: religious image\n**PETA** (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.; animal rights group) **containing** (adopting) I (Roman numeral for one)\n **P** (**I**) **ETA**\n\n**PIETA** (a representation of the Virgin with the dead Christ across her knees; religious image)"} {"Clue":"Workers' meeting place's been hived off finally (7)","Answer":"BEEHIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Workers' meeting place\n**BEEN** **excluding the last\u00a0letter** {off finally] **N + HIVED** **excluding the last letter** [off finally also] **D** The phrase 'off finally' qualifies both **BEEN**\u00a0and **HIVED**.\n **BEE** **HIVE**\n\n**BEEHIVE **(a place where worker **BEE**s meet)"} {"Clue":"Stimulating and softly whimsical after I became leader (7)","Answer":"PIQUANT","Explanation":"Definition: Stimulating\n**P **(piano; softly) **+ QUAINT** (whimsical) **with the I moved to the front** (became leader)\n **P** **I** **QUANT**\n\n**PIQUANT** (stimulating)"} {"Clue":"Geordie ways to produce geeks? (5)","Answer":"NERDS","Explanation":"Definition: geeks\n**NE** (North East, the area of England where Geordies are found) **+ RDS** (roads; ways)\n **NE** **RDS**\n\n**NERDS** (geeks; these two words are synonymous in relation to their enthusiasm and knowledge about computers and software)"} {"Clue":"King George say in marble \u2013 or ballast in cement (9)","Answer":"AGGREGATE","Explanation":"Definition: ballast in cement\n(**GR** [Georgius Rex; King George] **+ E.G**. [for example; say]) **contained in** (in) **AGATE** (marble used in games)\n **AG** (**GR**** EG**) **ATE**\n\n**AGGREGATE **(any material mixed with cement to form concrete)"} {"Clue":"Real breaks in joint, result of birth defect (7)","Answer":"HARELIP","Explanation":"Definition: birth defect\n**Anagram of** (breaks) **REAL** **contained in** (in) **HIP** (joint)\n **H** (**AREL***)** IP**\n\n**HARELIP** (a cleft upper **LIP** often apparent immediately after birth)"} {"Clue":"Bather swims across Dee, how far across? (7)","Answer":"BREADTH","Explanation":"Definition: how far across\n**Anagram of **(swims) **BATHER** **containing** (across) **D** (dee)\n **BREA** (**D**) **TH***\n\n**BREADTH** (the width of a swimming pool, as opposed to a length)"} {"Clue":"Good person right set against another? Yes, oddly (9)","Answer":"STRANGELY","Explanation":"Definition: oddly\n**ST** (saint; a good person) **+ R** (right) **+ ANGEL** (another example of a\u00a0good person)** + Y **(yes)\n **ST** **R** **ANGEL** **Y**\n\n**STRANGELY **(oddly)"} {"Clue":"Containers confining nuclear explosions (5)","Answer":"BANGS","Explanation":"Definition: explosions\n**BAGS** (containers) **containing** (confining) **N** (nuclear)\n **BA** (**N**) **GS**\n\n**BANGS** (explosions)"} {"Clue":"Beagle finally follows most of hunt trail \u2013 it's all part of an act (5)","Answer":"SCENE","Explanation":"Definition: it's all part of an act\n**SCENT** (the smell left by an animal, etc, by which it may be hunted) **excluding the last letter** (most of) **T** **+ ****E** (**last letter of** [finally] **BEAGLE**)\n **SCEN** **E**\n\n**SCENE** (part of act in a play \u2013 e.g. Act 1, Scene 2)"} {"Clue":"Form faced with restructuring is a structure for bridge-building etc (9)","Answer":"COFFERDAM","Explanation":"Definition: structure for bridge-building etc\n**Anagram of** (with restructuring) **FORM FACED** \n **C****OF****FE****R****DA****M***\n\n**COFFERDAM** (watertight structure that is pumped dry, allowing underwater foundations, etc to be built; structure for bridge-building etc)"} {"Clue":"Enormous blokes squatting in derelict semi (7)","Answer":"IMMENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Enormous\n**MEN **(blokes) **contained in** (squatting in) **an anagram of** (derelict)** SEMI**\n **IM** (**MEN**) **SE***\n\n**IMMENSE** (enormous)"} {"Clue":"This month everything's set up for use (7)","Answer":"INSTALL","Explanation":"Definition: set up for use\n**INST** (this month) **+ ALL** (everything)\n **INST** **ALL**\n\n**INSTALL** (set up and put in use)"} {"Clue":"A bee when their gang has gone off (9)","Answer":"GATHERING","Explanation":"Definition: A bee\n**Anagram of **(has gone off) **THEIR GANG**\n **GA****THERI****NG***\n\n**GATHERING** (a **BEE** is a **GATHERING**\u00a0of persons to unite their labour for the benefit of one individual or family, or for some joint amusement, exercise or competition)"} {"Clue":"Small flat layer from top of freezing tarn (5)","Answer":"FLAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Small flat layer\n**F** (**first letter of** [top of] **F****REEZING** )+ **LAKE** (tarn)\n **F** **LAKE**\n\n**FLAKE** (small flat layer)"} {"Clue":"Evacuate out of Greek island (7)","Answer":"EXCRETE","Explanation":"Definition: Evacuate\n**EX-** (direct from; out of)** + CRETE** (Greek island)\n **EX** **CRETE**\n\n**EXCRETE** (discharge; evacuate)"} {"Clue":"On reflection finish with When The Saints or the blues? (7)","Answer":"SADNESS","Explanation":"Definition: blues\n(**END** [finish with]** + AS** [when]) **all reversed** (on reflection)** +** (**S** [saint]** + S** [saint] to give saints)\n (**SA** **DNE**)< **S** **S**\n\n**SADNESS** (unhappiness; the blues)"} {"Clue":"Bouquets and midday meals initially bought for lecturer (7)","Answer":"BUNCHES","Explanation":"Definition: Bouquets\n**LUNCHES** (midday meals)** with the letter L** (lecturer) **replaced by** (for)] **B** (**first letter of** [initially] **BOUGHT**)\n **BUNCHES**\n\n**BUNCHES** (bouquets when referring to flowers)"} {"Clue":"Shelling scary monsters is a mistake (5)","Answer":"ERROR","Explanation":"Definition: mistake\n**TERRORS** (scary monsters) **excluding the outer letters** (shelling) **T** and **S**\n **ERROR**\n\n**ERROR** (mistake)"} {"Clue":"Tavern by church introduces fish sauce (9)","Answer":"INSOLENCE","Explanation":"Definition: sauce\n(**INN** [tavern] **+ CE** [Church [of England]) **containing** (introduces) **SOLE** (fish)\n **IN** (**SOLE**)** N** **CE**\n\n**INSOLENCE** (rudeness; sauce)"} {"Clue":"SW rivers that's short and wide for instance (7)","Answer":"EXAMPLE","Explanation":"Definition: for instance\n**EXE** (river **EX****E** which flows in the South West of England) **excluding the final letter** (that's short) **E**\u00a0**+ AMPLE** (wide)\n **EX** **AMPLE**\n\n**EXAMPLE** ([for] instance)"} {"Clue":"Upsetting request Oscar put in to fork out for young escort (7)","Answer":"PAGEBOY","Explanation":"Definition: young escort\n(**BEG** [request] **reversed** [upsetting] **+ O** [Oscar is the international radio codeword for the letter O]) **contained in** (put in to) **PAY** (fork out)\n **PA** (**GEB**< **O**) **Y**\n\n**PAGEBOY** (young attendant or escort)"} {"Clue":"What in Calais we'll see when touring European Union? (5)","Answer":"QUEUE","Explanation":"Definition: What in Calais we'll see when touring European Union\n**QUE** (French for 'what') **containing** (touring) **EU** (European Union)\n **QU** (**EU**) **E**\n\n**QUEUE** (something that may be seen waiting for a ferry in Calais)"} {"Clue":"E.g. Sex Pistols on ecstasy, dead dissolute (9)","Answer":"ABANDONED","Explanation":"Definition: dissolute\n(**A** **+ BAND** [the Sex Pistols were a band]) **+ ON + E** (ecstasy)** + D** (dead)\n **A BAND ON E D**\n\n**ABANDONED** (dissolute)"} {"Clue":"In committee, these cuts? (7)","Answer":"TEETHES","Explanation":"Definition: cuts\n**TEETHES** (**hidden word in** [in] **COMMITTEE THESE**) \n **TEETHES**\n\n**TEETHES **(cuts)"} {"Clue":"Stiff and unsupple haircut Em's restyled (9)","Answer":"RHEUMATIC","Explanation":"Definition: Stiff and unsupple\n**Anagram of** (restyled) **HAIRCUT EM**\n **RH****E****U****M****ATIC***\n\n**RHEUMATIC** (stiff and unsupple)"} {"Clue":"Calf, say, runs inside field regularly drinking mother's milk (9)","Answer":"BREASTFED","Explanation":"Definition: drinking mother's milk\n(**R** [runs] **contained in** [inside] **BEAST** [a calf is an example of a beast]) **+ ****FED** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [regularly] of **FIELD**)\n **B** (**R**) **EAST** **FED**\n\n**BREASTFED** (drinking mother's milk)"} {"Clue":"Coarse gravel found in English ground (7)","Answer":"SHINGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Coarse gravel\n**Anagram of** (ground) **ENGLISH**\n **SHINGLE***\n\n**SHINGLE** (coarse gravel)"} {"Clue":"Crack cocaine's related to immorality (7)","Answer":"CREVICE","Explanation":"Definition: Crack\n**C** (cocaine) **+ RE** (with reference to; related to) **+ VICE** (immorality)\n **C** **RE** **VICE**\n\n**CREVICE** (narrow crack or split, especially in a rock)"} {"Clue":"Some digits run up to show perimeters (7)","Answer":"FRINGES","Explanation":"Definition: perimeters\n**FINGERS** (digits) **with the letter** **R** moved up the this down entry from the sixth position\n **FRINGES**\n\n**FRINGES** (borders; perimeters)"} {"Clue":"Fish from Scottish island set to be fried (7)","Answer":"MULLETS","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\n**MULL** (Scottish island)** + an anagram of** (to be fried) **SET**\n **MULL** **ETS***\n\n**MULLETS** (fish)"} {"Clue":"A relative from French city on the mobile (5)","Answer":"NIECE","Explanation":"Definition: A relative\n**NIECE** (**sounds like** [on the mobile] **NICE** [city in France])\n **NIECE**\n\n**NIECE** (relative)"} {"Clue":"A thousand held in fear and wonder, vigilant (5)","Answer":"AWAKE","Explanation":"Definition: vigilant\n(**A** **+ K** [one thousand]) **contained in** (held in) **AWE** (fear and wonder)\n **AW** (**A** **K**) **E**\n\n**AWAKE** (vigilant)"} {"Clue":"Court ban miss neglected, being opposed to inquiry (12)","Answer":"OBSCURANTISM","Explanation":"Definition: opposed to inquiry\n**Anagram of** (neglected) **COURT BAN MISS**\n **O****BS****CUR****AN****T****ISM***\n\n**OBSCURANTISM** (opposition to inquiry)"} {"Clue":"Did he creep about nefariously. in favour of breaking rule? (7)","Answer":"PROULER","Explanation":"Definition: Did he creep about nefariously\n**PRO** (in favour of) **+ an anagram of** (breaking) **RULE**\n **PRO** **ULER***\n\n**PROULER** (early form of [hence the use of the past tense in the definition] **PROWLER** [one who moves stealthily in search of prey or plunder])"} {"Clue":"Somewhat blushful, but up for it, we hear (5)","Answer":"REDDY","Explanation":"Definition: Somewhat blushful\n**REDDY** (**sounds like** [we hear] **READY** [up for it])\n **REDDY**\n\n**REDDY** (somewhat red; somewhat blushful)"} {"Clue":"Comrade, frequently holding degree (6)","Answer":"FRATER","Explanation":"Definition: Comrade\n**FR** (frequently) **containing** (holding) **RATE** (extent; degree)\n **F** (**RATE**) **R**\n\n**FRATER** (comrade)"} {"Clue":"Prickly weed I slash back repeatedly (8)","Answer":"PIRI-PIRI","Explanation":"Definition: Prickly weed\n([**I RIP** {slash}] **reversed** [back]\u00a0+ [**I RIP** {slash}] **reversed** [back] to appear repeatedly) \n (**PIR**** I**)<- (**PIR** **I**)<\n\n**PIRI-PIRI** (New Zealand weed with prickly burrs)"} {"Clue":"Scots get used to new food in foreign country (5)","Answer":"SPAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Scots get used to new food\n**SPAIN** (Scottish word for wean [accustom to nourishment other than mother's milk; get used to new food])\n **SPAIN**\n\n**SPAIN** (foreign country) double definition"} {"Clue":"The old man's returned formerly clean plate (5)","Answer":"PATEN","Explanation":"Definition: plate\n**PA** (father; old man) **+ NET** (**obsolete** [formerly] word for clean) **reversed** (returned)\n **PA** **TEN****<**\n\n**PATEN** (plate)"} {"Clue":"Convert. dusky? One whirls noisily (7)","Answer":"TURNDUN","Explanation":"Definition: One whirls noisily\n**TURN** (convert) **+ DUN** (dusky)\n **TURN** **DUN**\n\n**TURNDUN **(Australian bull-roarer [oblong slip of wood, whirled at the end of a string to give a loud whirring noise])"} {"Clue":"First off, smashed back hardball (4)","Answer":"KNUR","Explanation":"Definition: hardball\n**DRUNK** (smashed) **excluding the first letter** [first off] **D**\u00a0**reversed** (back)\n **KNUR**<\n\n**KNUR** (hard ball or knot of wood)"} {"Clue":"Overseer identifying sounds from the flock (4)","Answer":"BAAS","Explanation":"Definition: Overseer\n**BAAS** (sounds made by sheep; sounds from the flock)\n **BAAS**\n\n**BAAS** (South African word for master or overseer)"} {"Clue":"Rascal that is after return passage, one sailor should ignore (7)","Answer":"LORELEI","Explanation":"Definition: one sailor should ignore \n**LOREL** (rascal) **+ IE** (id est; that is) **reversed** (after return passage)\n **LOREL** **EI**<\n\n**LORELEI** (in German legend, a siren of the Rhine who lured sailors to their death)"} {"Clue":"Loose cape that conceals Vestal maiden's outer parts (5)","Answer":"TALMA","Explanation":"Definition: Loose cape\n**TALMA** (**hidden word in** [conceals .. outer parts] **VESTAL MAIDEN**s\n **TALMA**\n\n**TALMA** (loose cloak or cape)"} {"Clue":"Check start of sailing with tide (5)","Answer":"SNEAP","Explanation":"Definition: Check\n**S** (**first letter of** [start of] **S****AILING**) **+ NEAP** (tide of smallest range)\n **S** **NEAP**\n\n**SNEAP** (check)"} {"Clue":"Blue or red replacing cross at end of hand on dial (8)","Answer":"INDECENT","Explanation":"Definition: Blue \n**INDEX** (hand on dial) with **CENT** (reference red **CENT** [coin of very small worth]) **replacing** (replacing) **X** (cross)\n **INDE** **CENT**\n\n**INDECENT** (obscene; blue)"} {"Clue":"Probable misprint in Shakespeare was exciting, endlessly (6)","Answer":"STIRRE","Explanation":"Definition: Probable misprint in Shakespeare\n**STIRRED** (was exciting) **excluding the final letter** (endlessly) **D**\n **STIRRE**\n\n**STIRRE** (thought to be a Shakespearean misprint for **SPERRE**)"} {"Clue":"Chenopod fungus, by the sound of it? (5)","Answer":"BLITE","Explanation":"Definition: Chenopod\n**BLITE** (**sounds like** [by the sound of it] **BLIGHT** [fungus])\n **BLITE**\n\n**BLITE** (name for several plants of the goosefoot [chenopod] family)"} {"Clue":"Doctor, see, introduced to grass, struck off? (7)","Answer":"REMOVED","Explanation":"Definition: struck off\n(**MO** [medical officer' doctor] **+ V** [vide; Latin for see]) **contained in** (introduced to) **REED** (grass)\n **RE** (**MO** **V**) **ED**\n\n**REMOVED** (struck off)"} {"Clue":"Fruit and veg, dismal, dodgy eastern corner galleria initially got in (12)","Answer":"GREENGROCERY","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit and veg\n**Anagram of** (dodgy) (**E** [eastern] and** CORNER** and **G** [**first letter of** {initially} **GALLERIA**]) **contained in** (got in) **GREY** (dismal)\n **GRE **(**E****N****G****ROCER***) **Y**\n\n**GREENGROCERY** (fruit and vegetables)"} {"Clue":"Take pewter's half swirling in traditional strong drink \u2013 one serves one's own ale (7)","Answer":"BREWPUB","Explanation":"Definition: one serves one's own ale\n(**R** [recipe [Latin]; take] **+ an anagram of** [swirling] **PEW** [half the letters of **PEW****TER**])** contained in** (in) **BUB** (archaic [traditional] word for strong drink)\n **B** (**R** **EWP***) **UB**\n\n**BREWPUB** (combined pub and small-scale brewery, serving its own real ale)"} {"Clue":"Help? Bit of damp's entered that material for new-laid pitch? (4)","Answer":"SODS","Explanation":"Definition: material for new-laid pitch\n**D** (**first letter of** [bit of] **DAMP**) **contained in** (entered) **SOS** (Save our Souls \u2013 call for help)\n **SO** (**D**) **S**\n\n**SODS** ( turf that could be used to create a new laid sports pitch)"} {"Clue":"Undersize coley racket \u2013 that's something to chew on (6)","Answer":"CUDDIN","Explanation":"Definition: Undersize coley\n**CUD** (food brought back from the first stomach of a ruminating animal to be chewed again.) **+ DIN** (racket)\n **CUD** **DIN**\n\n**CUDDIN** (young coalfish [coley]; undersized coley)"} {"Clue":"Fussy earl about to join up, requiring specialised cells (9)","Answer":"RETINULAE","Explanation":"Definition: specialised cells\n**An anagram of **(fussy) **EARL** **containing** (about) (**UNITE** [join] **reversed** [up; down clue])\n **R** (**ETINU**)< **LAE***\n\n**RETINULAE** (cells playing the part of a retina to an ommatidium [a simple element of a compound eye]; specialised cells))"} {"Clue":"Edible seaweed \u2013 me too? Certainly not (4)","Answer":"NORI","Explanation":"Definition: Edible seaweed \n**NOR I** (the opposite [certainly not] of **ME TOO**)\n **NOR** **I**\n\n**NORI **(a seaweed of the genus Porphyra used as a foodstuff in Japan in the form of dried sheets (for wrapping sushi) or as a paste)"} {"Clue":"Rattle inside bark? Old-fashioned lure (6)","Answer":"TRAPAN","Explanation":"Definition: Old-fashioned lure\n**RAP** (rattle) **contained in** (inside) **TAN** (spent bark)\n **T** (**RAP**) **AN**\n\n**TRAPAN** (variant spelling of **TREPAN** [archaic [old-fashioned] word for a decoy or snare; lure)"} {"Clue":"Name: popular bulrush includes it (8)","Answer":"INTITULE","Explanation":"Definition: Name\n**IN** (popular) **+** (**TULE** [large American bulrush] **containing** [includes] **IT**)\n **IN** **T** (**IT**) **ULE**\n\n**INTITULE** (same as **ENTITLE**, now used only to mean give a title to; name)"} {"Clue":"Partly administered quantity of deal say? (5)","Answer":"STERE","Explanation":"Definition: quantity of deal say\n**STERE** (**hidden word in** [partly] **ADMINISTERED**)\n **STERE**\n\n**STERE** (a timber measure,deal being a from of pine or other soft wood)"} {"Clue":"Glandular trouble, sort I'm past after treatment (10)","Answer":"PROSTATISM","Explanation":"Definition: Glandular trouble\n**Anagram of **(after treatment) **SORT I'M PAST**\n **PROSTATISM***\n\n**PROSTATISM** (an illness or disorder associated with enlargement of the **PROSTATE**, a gland in males at the neck of the bladder)"} {"Clue":"Honourable priest in Jersey etc. as alleged in court (10)","Answer":"PRINCIPLED","Explanation":"Definition: Honourable \n**PR** (priest) **+ IN + CI** (channel islands, of which Jersey is one **+ PLED** (dialect form of **PLEAD** [alleged in court)]\n **PR** **IN** **CI** **PLED**\n\n**PRINCIPLED** (honourable)"} {"Clue":"Rising expert more than 50% doubtful \u2013 he gives up (9)","Answer":"RENOUNCER","Explanation":"Definition: he gives up\n**ONER** (expert; **reversed** [rising ; down clue])** + UNCER** (**5 of the 9 letters** [more than 50%] of **UNCERTAIN** (doubtful)\n **RENO**< **UNCER**\n\n**RENOUNCER** (one who disclaims; one who fives up)"} {"Clue":"What's artist used to join bits of detail damaged? (8)","Answer":"ARALDITE","Explanation":"Definition: What's artist used to join bits of detail damaged\n**RA** (Royal Academician; artist) **contained in** (to join bits of) **an anagram of** (damaged) **DETAIL**\n **A**** **(**RA) LDITE***\n \u00a0\n\n**ARALDITE** (brand name of an epoxy resin used as a strong glue which could help join bits of damaged sculpture detail for instance)"} {"Clue":"Make fresh changes to section of marmoreal terracing (7)","Answer":"RE-ALTER","Explanation":"Definition: Make fresh changes\n**RE-ALTER** (**hidden word in** [section of] **MARMOREAL TERRACING**)\n **RE-ALTER**\n\n**RE-ALTER** (make fresh changes to)"} {"Clue":"Fine college with a lake round it (6)","Answer":"AMERCE","Explanation":"Definition: Fine\n**C** (college) **contained in** (with \u2026 around it) (**A** **+ MERE** [lake])\n **A** **MER** (**C**) **E**\n\n**AMERCE** (fine)"} {"Clue":"Caliban's pad, say, made of woven ratan (5)","Answer":"ANTAR","Explanation":"Definition: Caliban's pad\n**Anagram of** (woven) **RATAN**\n **ANTAR***\n\n**ANTAR** (Shakespearean word for a cave. Caliban, a character in The Tempest, at one point lived in a cave with Prospero and Miranda)"} {"Clue":"Part of trawler's catch ending in larder, tinned? (4)","Answer":"CRAN","Explanation":"Definition: Part of trawler's catch\n**R** (**last letter of** [ending in] **LARDER** **contained in** [tinned]** CAN** [tin])\n **C** (**R**) **AN**\n\n**CRAN** (\u00a0measure of capacity for herrings just landed in port; part of trawler's catch)"} {"Clue":"Pungent herb to throw out mostly after pulling up (4)","Answer":"CIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Pungent herb\n**EVICT** (throw out) **excluding the last letter** (almost) **T** and **reversed** (pulling up; down)\n **CIVE**<\n\n**CIVE** (alternative spelling of **CHIVE**, a herb of the onion family; pungent herb)"} {"Clue":"Nasty about Times section for food (7)","Answer":"VITTLES","Explanation":"Definition: food\n(**VILE** [nasty] **containing** [about] [**T** {time} + **T** {time} giving times]) **+ S** (section)\n **VI** (**TT**) **LE** **S**\n\n**VITTLES** (variant spelling of **VICTUALS** [food])"} {"Clue":"Town station in El Salvador (7)","Answer":"STAINES","Explanation":"Definition: Town\n**STA** (station) **+ IN + ES** (international vehicle registration for El Salvador)\n **STA** **IN** **ES**\n\n**STAINES** (town in the\u00a0south of England, just west of London)"} {"Clue":"Ill-bred fellow's abrupt and unfriendly with old leader (9)","Answer":"CHURCHILL","Explanation":"Definition: old leader\n**CHURL** (ill-bred surly fellow) **excluding the last letter** (abrupt) **L**\u00a0**+ CHILL **(unfriendly)\n **CHUR** **CHILL**\n\n**CHURCHILL** (reference Sir Winston **CHURCHILL** [[1874 \u2013 1965], former British leader)"} {"Clue":"What could be cast in gold for farewell (5)","Answer":"ADIEU","Explanation":"Definition: farewell \n**DIE** (something that can be cast) **contained in** (in) **AU** (chemical symbol for gold)\n **A** (**DIE**) **U**\n\n**ADIEU** (farewell)"} {"Clue":"Trio belt out operatic words (8)","Answer":"LIBRETTO","Explanation":"Definition: operatic words\n**Anagram of** (out) **TRIO BELT**\n **L****I****B****R****E****T****T****O***\n\n**LIBRETTO** (\u00a0text or book of words of an opera, oratorio, ballet etc)"} {"Clue":"Bring round nature award we hear (4,2)","Answer":"WAKE UP","Explanation":"Definition: Bring round\n**WAKE UP** (**sounds like** [we hear] **WAY** [style; nature] **+ CUP** [an example of an award])\n **WAKE UP**\n\n**WAKE UP** (bring round from an unconscious state)"} {"Clue":"Spartan queen has one going for new calendar? (7)","Answer":"PLANNER","Explanation":"Definition: calendar\n(**PLAIN **[spartan] **+ ER** [Elizabeth Regina; queen]) **excluding** (going)**\u00a0I** (Roman numeral for one] and **adding** (for)\u00a0**N** (new)\n **PLANN** **ER**\n\n**PLANNER** (calendar)"} {"Clue":"Old man in Sudan beaten up in prison (7)","Answer":"SPANDAU","Explanation":"Definition: prison\n**PA** (father; old man)** contained in** (in) **an anagram of **(beaten up) **SUDAN**\n **S** (**PA**) **NDAU***\n\n**SPANDAU** (prison in western Berlin demolished in 1987 soon after the death of Rudolf Hess, one of the last inmates)"} {"Clue":"Dread regular contributors to rag week (3)","Answer":"AWE","Explanation":"Definition: Dread\n**AWE** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [regular contributors to] **RAG WEEK**)\n **AWE**\n\n**AWE** (dread)"} {"Clue":"One promising love and money amongst older men (7)","Answer":"OBLIGOR","Explanation":"Definition: One promising\n**O** (zero; love score in tennis] **+** (**L** [pound sterling; money] **contained in**\u00a0[amongst] [**BIG** {older, as in older or **BIG** brother} **+ OR** {other ranks; men}])\n **O** (**B** (**L**) **IG ****OR**)\n\n**OBLIGOR** (in the person who binds himself or herself to another; one promising [?])"} {"Clue":"Full traveller meeting obstruction before beginning to eat (7)","Answer":"REPLETE","Explanation":"Definition: Full\n**REP** (representative; commercial traveller) **+ LET** (obstruction) **+ E** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **EAT**)\n **REP** **LET** **E**\n\n**REPLETE** (full)"} {"Clue":"Old forward is good player? (6)","Answer":"EXPERT","Explanation":"Definition: good player\n**EX **(former, old) **+ PERT **(saucy; forward)\n **EX** **PERT**\n\n**EXPERT **(good player)"} {"Clue":"Preserved forged medal (British Empire Medal) (8)","Answer":"EMBALMED","Explanation":"Definition: Preserved\n**Anagram of **(forged) **MEDAL** and **BEM** (British Empire Medal)\n **EM****B****AL****ME****D***\n\n**EMBALMED** (preserved)"} {"Clue":"Deliberately offend leader leaving walk (5)","Answer":"TROLL","Explanation":"Definition: Deliberately offend\n**STROLL** (walk) **excluding** (leaving) **the first letter** (leader) **S**\n **TROLL**\n\n**TROLL** (make a conscious attempt to provoke controversy or disagreement on the internet; deliberately offend)"} {"Clue":"Secretive men eating fox and woolly creatures (9)","Answer":"MASTODONS","Explanation":"Definition: woolly creatures\n**MASONS** (members of the Society of Free**MASONS**, a traditionally secretive body of men) **containing** (eatimg) **TOD** (fox)\n **MAS** (**TOD**) **ONS**\n\n**MASTODONS** animals of the genus of extinct mammals resembling elephants. Wikipedia tells me that they are different from 'woolly mammoths', so I am not sure why the clue contains the word 'woolly')"} {"Clue":"Warning words after Republican's scrap before court (4,3)","Answer":"RIOT ACT","Explanation":"Definition: Warning words\n**R** (Republican) **+**** IOTA** (very small amount; scrap) **+**** CT** (court)\n **R** **IOT A** **CT**\n\n**RIOT ACT** (\u00a0a form of words read as a warning to rioters to disperse)"} {"Clue":"Lunatics in a tizzy without a medicinal preparation (7)","Answer":"LINCTUS","Explanation":"Definition: medicinal preparation\n**Anagram of** (in a tizzy) **LUN****A****TICS** **excluding** (without) **A**\n **LINCTUS***\n\n**LINCTUS** (syrup-like medicine for coughs and sore throats)"} {"Clue":"Outspoken against old state (5)","Answer":"VOCAL","Explanation":"Definition: Outspoken\n**V** (versus; against) **+ O** (old) **+ CAL** (California; American State)\n **V** **O** **CAL**\n\n**VOCAL** (outspoken)"} {"Clue":"Maybe Tom has to capture small image (9)","Answer":"THUMBNAIL","Explanation":"Definition: small image\n**THUMB** (reference Tom **THUMB** [character of English folklore]) **+ NAIL** (capture)\n **THUMB** **NAIL**\n\n**THUMBNAIL** (miniature version of a graphic image; small image)"} {"Clue":"Stand at the front of church (7)","Answer":"LECTERN","Explanation":"Definition: Stand\nI have not yet worked out the wordplay here\n**LECTERN** (a stand or a reading-desk, especially one from which the lessons are read in church)"} {"Clue":"Dropped apple-core into mud (5)","Answer":"SPILT","Explanation":"Definition: Dropped\n**P** (**centre letter of** [core of] **AP****P****LE**) **contained in** (into) **SILT** (mud)\n **S** (**P**) **ILT**\n\n**SPILT **(dropped)"} {"Clue":"Get rid of group of terrorists we hear (4)","Answer":"SELL","Explanation":"Definition: Get rid of\n**SELL** (**sounds like** [we hear] **CELL** [group of terrorists])\n **SELL**\n\n**SELL** (give up for money; get rid of)"} {"Clue":"\"Silvers swallows arsenic\" \u2013 a story (3,4)","Answer":"AGA SAGA","Explanation":"Definition: story\n([**AG** {chemical symbol for silver} **+ AG** {chemical symbol for silver] to give silvers}] **containing** [swallows] **AS** [chemical symbol for arsenic]) + **A**\n **AG** (**A S**) **AG** **A**\n\n**AGA SAGA** (descriptive of popular novel in a semi-rural middle-class setting)"} {"Clue":"Report interference? (5)","Answer":"NOISE","Explanation":"Definition: Report\n**NOISE** (report)\n **NOISE**\n\n**NOISE** (interference, in a communication channel for instance) double definition"} {"Clue":"Astonishing cup result for Bobby Moore at Wembley? (9)","Answer":"SCULPTURE","Explanation":"Definition: Bobby Moore at Wembley\n**Anagram of** (astonishing) **CUP RESULTS**\n **S****CU****L****P****TURE***\n\n**SCULPTURE** (there is a **SCULPTURE** of Bobby Moore at Wembley Stadium)"} {"Clue":"Client standing up in leisure suit (4)","Answer":"USER","Explanation":"Definition: Client\n**USER** (hidden word [in] **reversed** [standing up; down clue]] **LEISURE SUIT**)\n **USER**<\n\n**USER** (client)"} {"Clue":"One against redevelopment of top resort (9)","Answer":"PROTESTOR","Explanation":"Definition: One against\n**Anagram of **(redevelopment of) **TOP RESORT**\n **P****R****OT****ESTOR***\n\n**PROTESTOR** (opponent; one against)"} {"Clue":"Excellent gunners and engineers (4)","Answer":"RARE","Explanation":"Definition: Excellent\n**RA** (Royal Artillery; gunners) **+ RE** (Royal Engineers)\n **RA** **RE**\n\n**RARE** (excellent)"} {"Clue":"Oscar met Brad dancing with a beautiful person (9)","Answer":"DREAMBOAT","Explanation":"Definition: beautiful person\n**Anagram of **(dancing)\u00a0**O** [Oscar is the international radio communication codeword for the letter **O**] and **MET BRAD **and** A**\n **DREAMBOAT***\n\n**DREAMBOAT** (someone wonderful and desirable, usually of the opposite sex)"} {"Clue":"Work with artist hiding evil thug (7)","Answer":"GORILLA","Explanation":"Definition: thug\n**GO** (work) **+** (**RA** [Royal Academician {artist}] **containing** [hiding] **ILL** [evil])\n **GO** **R** (**ILL**) **A**\n\n**GORILLA** (thug)"} {"Clue":"Group of soldiers also included in scheme (7)","Answer":"PLATOON","Explanation":"Definition: Group of soldiers\n**TOO** (also) **contained in** (included in) **PLAN** (scheme)\n **PLA** (**TOO**) **N**\n\n**PLATOON** (subdivision of a military company of soldiers; group of soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Penny's excited over picture (5)","Answer":"PHOTO","Explanation":"Definition: picture\n**P** (penny) **+ HOT** (excited) **+ O** (over)\n **P HOT O**\n\n**PHOTO** (picture)"} {"Clue":"Rector leaves choice food for wine (5)","Answer":"MOSEL","Explanation":"Definition: wine\n**MORSEL** (choice piece of food) **excluding **(leaves) **R** (rector)\n **MOSEL**\n\n**MOSEL** (German white wine)"} {"Clue":"Storage units Kelvin installed in Norfolk town (5)","Answer":"DISKS","Explanation":"Definition: Storage units\n**K** (kelvin) **contained in** (installed in) **DISS** (town in Norfolk)\n **DIS** (**K**) **S**\n\n**DISKS** (computer storage units)"} {"Clue":"Leave out note in books (4)","Answer":"OMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Leave out \n**MI** (note of the tonic sol-fa) **contained in** (in) **OT** (Old Testaments)\n **O** (**MI**)** T**\n\n**OMIT** (leave out)"} {"Clue":"Arkwright's evident lack of surprise (4)","Answer":"NOAH","Explanation":"Definition: Arkwright\n**NO** (lack of)** + AH** (a word expressing surprise)\n **NO** **AH**\n\n**NOAH** (think of **ARK**wright as a special kind of **SHIP**wright, any you may then think of **NOAH**)"} {"Clue":"Mixed metaphors back in the air (10)","Answer":"ATMOSPHERE","Explanation":"Definition: air\n**Anagram of** (mixed) **METAPHORS** **+ E** (**last letter of** [back in] **THE**)\n **ATMOSPHER*** **E**\n \u00a0\n\n**ATMOSPHERE** (air)"} {"Clue":"Company device needs two fellows to sign out (3,3)","Answer":"LOG OFF","Explanation":"Definition: sign out\n**LOGO** (\u00a0small design used as the symbol of an organization, etc, sometimes referred to as a device \u2013 e.g. the bat device is a logo for Bacardi) **+** (**F** [fellow] **+ F** [fellow] to give fellows)\n **LOG O** **FF**\n\n**LOG OFF** (sign out)"} {"Clue":"Line of force (8)","Answer":"RAILROAD","Explanation":"Definition: Line\n**RAILROAD** (American term for a railway; line)\n **RAILROAD**\n\n**RAILROAD** (force or push forward unduly) double definition"} {"Clue":"Greek characters in a university city in Europe (8)","Answer":"CHISINAU","Explanation":"Definition: city in Europe\n**CHIS** (more than one occurrences of Greek characters) **+ IN + A + U** (university)\n **CHIS** **IN** **A** **U**\n\n**CHISINAU** (capital and largest city of Moldova; European city)"} {"Clue":"Some system users about to restart (6)","Answer":"RESUME","Explanation":"Definition: restart\n**RESUME** (**hidden word** [some] **reversed** [about] in **SYSTEM USERS**)\n **RESUME**<\n\n**RESUME** (restart)"} {"Clue":"Miss March and Victor participated in run? I don't believe it! (2,4)","Answer":"BY JOVE","Explanation":"Definition: I don't believe it\n(**JO** [reference **JO** March, second eldest March sister in the novel Little Women by Louisa May Alcott] **+ V** [Victor is the international radio communications codeword for the letter V]) **contained in** (participated in) **BYE** (a run in cricket)\n **BY** (**JO** **V**) **E**\n\n**BY JOVE** (exclamation of surprise; I don't believe it)"} {"Clue":"A way to reduce excess baggage duty I'm not sure will be accepted (8)","Answer":"EXERCISE","Explanation":"Definition: A way to reduce excess baggage\n**ER** (expression of hesitation indicating some lack of certainty; I'm not sure) **contained in** (will be accepted) **EXCISE** (tax; duty)\n **EX** (**ER**) **CISE**\n\n**EXERCISE** (a means of reducing body weight, or more colloquially, excess baggage)"} {"Clue":"Unenthusiastic about Charlie and Bill having a drink (4-4)","Answer":"COCA-COLA","Explanation":"Definition: drink\n(**COOL** [unenthusiastic] **containing** [about] (**C** [cocaine; charlie] **+ AC** [account]) **+ A**\n **CO **(**C A C**)** OL A**\n\n**COCA-COLA** (drink)"} {"Clue":"Insecure US nurse dropping son off (6)","Answer":"UNSURE","Explanation":"Definition: Insecure\n**Anagram of** (off) **US **and **NURSE** **excluding** (dropping) **S** (son)\n **U****N****S****URE***\n\n**UNSURE** (insecure)"} {"Clue":"Film director gets to know English philosopher (3,7)","Answer":"KEN RUSSELL","Explanation":"Definition: Film director\n**KEN** (to know) **+ RUSSELL** (reference Bertrand **RUSSELL** [1872 \u2013 1970], British\u00a0philosopher)\n **KEN RUSSELL**\n\n**KEN RUSSELL** (reference **KEN RUSSELL** [1927 \u2013 2011] English film director])"} {"Clue":"Diplomat without the least trace of original sin (4)","Answer":"ENVY","Explanation":"Definition: sin\n**ENV****O****Y **(diplomatic minister of the second class) **excluding** (without) **O** **(first letter of** [least trace of] **O****RIGINAL**)\n **ENVY**\n\n**ENVY** (one of the seven deadly sins)"} {"Clue":"Charles Dickens's old man (rather dim-witted) (4)","Answer":"BOZO","Explanation":"Definition: man (rather dim-witted)\n**BOZ** (pseudonym used by Charles Dickens in the early days of his writing) **+ O** (old)\n **BOZ** **O**\n\n**BOZO** (\u00a0man, fellow, now especially a rather dim-witted one)"} {"Clue":"Pyramid builder's revolutionary works (6)","Answer":"CHEOPS","Explanation":"Definition: Pyramid builder\n**CHE** (reference **CHE** Guevara [1928 \u2013 1967], Argentinian Marxist revolutionary) +** OPS** (opuses; works)\n **CHE** **OPS**\n\n**CHEOPS** (another name for Khnum Khufu, who is generally considered to have commissioned the Great Pyramid of Giza)"} {"Clue":"Nick's apparently in (4-4)","Answer":"HALF-INCH","Explanation":"Definition: Nick\n**HALF-INCH** (the letters **IN** form **HALF**\u00a0of the word **INCH**, so **IN** can be defined\u00a0as **HALF INCH**)\n **HALF-INCH**\n\n**HALF-INCH** (rhyming slang for pinch; steal; nick)"} {"Clue":"After removing cap, clerk appears comparatively grey (6)","Answer":"ASHIER","Explanation":"Definition: comparatively grey\n**CASHIER** (clerk) **excluding** (removing) **the first letter** (cap) **C**\n **ASHIER**\n\n**ASHIER** (comparatively grey)"} {"Clue":"It could be a statement about the domestic arrangements when there's no home help? (8)","Answer":"CHARISMA","Explanation":"Definition: It\n**CHAR** (**CHAR**woman; domestic help) **IS MA** (mother) \u2013 a statement indicating\u00a0the domestic arrangements do not involve outside help\n **CHAR ****IS MA**\n\n**CHARISMA** (personal quality or gift that enables an individual to impress and influence others; 'it' can be similarly defined as an indefinable crowning quality or personal magnetism)"} {"Clue":"A pope's exclamation of surprise at these baseless untrue stories? (5,5)","Answer":"URBAN MYTHS","Explanation":"Definition: untrue stories\n**URBAN** (reference Popes **URBAN** of whom there were eight up to 1644) **+ MY** (exclamation of surprise) + **THS** (**THESE** **excluding both occurrences of E** [base of natural logarithms] thereby rendering **THESE**\u00a0baseless)\n **URBAN** **MY** **THS**\n\n**URBAN MYTHS** (stories or anecdote of modern life, often untrue or apocryphal)"} {"Clue":"French writer, male is dead square? Wrong! (7,2,4)","Answer":"MARQUIS DE SADE","Explanation":"Definition: French writer\n**M (male) + an anagram of** (wrong) **IS DEAD SQUARE**\n **M ****A****RQU****IS DE**** SA****D****E***\n\n**MARQUIS DE SADE** (reference the French writer [1740-1814] , politician, and philosopher,\u00a0famous for his libertine sexuality)"} {"Clue":"Barge secreting pitch and fuel creates a song and dance (5,5)","Answer":"HOKEY COKEY","Explanation":"Definition: dance\n**HOY** (freight barge) **containing** (secreting) (**KEY** [pitch, in music] **+ COKE** [a fuel]\n **HO** (**KEY** **COKE**) **Y**\n\n**HOKEY COKEY** (dance)"} {"Clue":"Diana upset royalty, ultimately lacking unbridled adoration (8)","Answer":"IDOLATRY","Explanation":"Definition: adoration \n**DI** (Diana) **reversed** (upset; down clue) **+ an anagram of** (unbridled) **ROYALTY** **excluding** (lacking) **the final letter** (ultimately) **Y**\n **ID**< **OLATRY***\n\n**IDOLATRY** (adoration)"} {"Clue":"Orderly hoards liquid fuel, sadly (8)","Answer":"RUEFULLY","Explanation":"Definition: sadly\n**RULY** (orderly in behaviour) **containing** (hoards) **an anagram of** (liquid) **FUEL**\n **RU** (**EFUL***) **LY**\n\n**RUEFULLY** (sadly)"} {"Clue":"Woman from 70s band is on ecstasy (6)","Answer":"ELOISE","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\n**ELO** (Electric Light Orchestra; 70s band)** + IS + E** (ecstasy)\n **ELO** **IS** **E**\n\n**ELOISE** (lady's name; woman)"} {"Clue":"Nut, for example, punching champ (6)","Answer":"CASHEW","Explanation":"Definition: Nut\n**AS** (for example) **contained in** (punching) **CHEW** (champ)\n **C** (**AS**) **HEW**\n\n**CASHEW** (type of nut)"} {"Clue":"Do bridge partners have to be kicked out of unkindness? (4)","Answer":"RAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Do\n**RAVE****NS** **(UNKINDNESS** is the collective noun for a flock\u00a0of **RAVE****NS**) **excluding** **NS** (North and South, partners in a game of bridge)\n **RAVE**\n\n**RAVE** (party; do)"} {"Clue":"Left scientific operation to sell back object of course (4,4)","Answer":"GOLF BALL","Explanation":"Definition: object of course\n(**L** [left] **+ LAB **[laboratory; scientific operation] **+ FLOG** [sell[) **all reversed** (back)\n (**GOLF** **BAL** **L**)<\n\n**GOLF BALL** (an object found on a **GOLF** course)"} {"Clue":"Get annoyed after study's coming out? (6)","Answer":"CONVEX","Explanation":"Definition: coming out\n**CON **(study) **+ VEX** ([get ]annoyed)\n **CON ****VEX**\n\n**CONVEX** (rising into a round form on the outside, coming out)"} {"Clue":"Fill ward (6)","Answer":"CHARGE","Explanation":"Definition: Fill\n**CHARGE** (fill completely)\n **CHARGE**\n\n**CHARGE** (custody; ward) double definition"} {"Clue":"Nothing more elegant about college stage production (3-5)","Answer":"ONE-ACTER","Explanation":"Definition: stage production\n**O** (zero; nothing) **+** (**NEATER **[more elegant] **containing** [about] **C** [college])\n **O** **NE A** (**C**) **TER**\n\n**ONE-ACTER** (**ONE-ACT** play; stage production)"} {"Clue":"Express disapproval of keeping one in decline (10)","Answer":"DEPRECIATE","Explanation":"Definition: decline\n**DEPRECATE **(express disapproval of) **containing** (keeping) **I **(Roman numeral for one)\n **DEPREC** (**I**) **ATE**\n\n**DEPRECIATE** (lower the value of; decline)"} {"Clue":"Kind hearts not evident in tacky people (4)","Answer":"TYPE","Explanation":"Definition: Kind\n**TY **(**letters remaining when the central letters** [heart] **ACK** of **T****ACK****Y** **are removed** [not evident]) **+ PE **(**letters remaining when the central letters EOPL** of **PEOPLE** **are removed** [not evident])\n **TY ****PE**\n\n**TYPE** (sort; kind"} {"Clue":"Is isle recalled in sea identified wrongly? (8)","Answer":"MISNAMED","Explanation":"Definition: identified wrongly\n(**IS** **+ MAN** [reference the Isle of **MAN**] **reversed** [recalled]) **contained in** (in) **MED** (**MED**iterranean Sea)\n **M** (**IS** **NAM**<) **ED**\n\n**MISNAMED** (identified wrongly)"} {"Clue":"Limit minister to restraining ambassador (3,3)","Answer":"THE END","Explanation":"Definition: Limit\n**TEND** (minister to) **containing** (restraining) **HE** (His \/ Her Excellency, form of address for an ambassador \/dress)\n **T** (**HE**) **END**\n\n**THE END** (limit)"} {"Clue":"Instinctive and simple to control time (6)","Answer":"NATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Instinctive\n**NAIVE** (simple) **containin**g (to control) **T** (time)\n **NA** (**T**) **IVE**\n\n**NATIVE** (instinctive)"} {"Clue":"Make undrinkable tea, ruined in brewing? Not I (8)","Answer":"DENATURE","Explanation":"Definition: Make undrinkable\n**Anagram of **(in brewing) **TEA RUINED** **excluding** (not) **I**\n **D****E****N****AT****URE***\n\n**DENATURE** (to render [alcohol, etc] unfit for human consumption)"} {"Clue":"Family avoiding gambling male (4)","Answer":"STAG","Explanation":"Definition: male\n**STAKING** (gambling) **excluding** (avoiding) **KIN** (family)\n **STAG**\n\n**STAG **(male)"} {"Clue":"Speculation, perhaps, one will get new clothing (10)","Answer":"INVESTMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Speculation\n**I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ N** (new) **+ VESTMENT** (clothing)\n **I N** **VESTMENT**\n\n**INVESTMENT **(speculation; the value of your **INVESTMENT** may go up or down)"} {"Clue":"No place to overlook special symbols (8)","Answer":"NOTATION","Explanation":"Definition: symbols\n**NO** **+ STATION** (place)** excluding** (overlook) **S** (special)\n **NO ****TATION**\n\n**NOTATION** (system of specialized signs or symbols)"} {"Clue":"Stud possibly staying in place (6)","Answer":"STABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Stud possibly\n**STABLE** (a **STUD** is a horse-breeding establishment; possibly located at a **STABLE**)\n **STABLE**\n\n**STABLE** (standing firm; staying in place) double definition"} {"Clue":"Worried sailors about section aft (6)","Answer":"ASTERN","Explanation":"Definition: aft\n(**ATE** [worried] **+ RN** [Royal Navy; sailors]) **containing** (about) **S** (section)\n **A** (**S**) **TE** **RN**\n\n**ASTERN** (behind; aft)"} {"Clue":"Big mischief-maker failing to dislodge leader (8)","Answer":"IMPOSING","Explanation":"Definition: Big\n**IMP** (mischief maker) **+ LOSING** (failing) **excluding** (to dislodge) **the first letter** (leader) **L**\n **IMP** **OSING**\n\n**IMPOSING** (commanding; impressive; big)"} {"Clue":"Material excavated around church provides pigment (5)","Answer":"OCHRE","Explanation":"Definition: pigment\n**ORE** (solid, naturally-occurring mineral aggregate; material excavated) **containing** (around) **CH** (church)\n **O** (**CH**) **RE**\n\n**OCHRE** (native pigment composed of fine clay and an iron oxide)"} {"Clue":"Defence establishment operated ancient computer software (7)","Answer":"FORTRAN","Explanation":"Definition: computer software\n**FORT** (defence establishment) **+ RAN** (operated) Does 'ancient' apply to **FORT** as descriptive of an ancient [old] style of defence establishment?\n **FORT** **RAN**\n\n**FORTRAN** (problem-orientated computer language widely used in scientific work; \n I'm not sure where the word 'ancient' is being used. FORTRAN is still used as a computer language today. I have a FORTRAN compiler on my PC."} {"Clue":"Test cut \u2013 produced by swinging this tool? (3)","Answer":"AXE","Explanation":"Definition: this tool\n**EXAM** (test) **excluding\u00a0the final letter** (cut) and **reversed** (swinging)\n **AXE**<\n\n**AXE** (a tool that can cut)"} {"Clue":"Artist identified by Cardinal on video broadcast (8,2,5)","Answer":"LEONARDO DA VINCI","Explanation":"Definition: Artist\n**Anagram of** (broadcast) **CARDINAL ON VIDEO**\n **L****EO****NARD****O**** ****D****A ****V****I****N****C****I***\n\n**LEONARDO DA VINCI** ( Italian Renaissance polymath whose areas of interest included invention, painting, sculpting, architecture born 1452, died 2nd May 1519)"} {"Clue":"Pleasant trees offloading top fruit (11)","Answer":"CLEMENTINE","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\n**CLEMENT** (kind, especially of weather) **+ PINE** (types of tree; trees) **excluding** (offloading) **the first letter** (top) **P**\n **CLEMENT** **INE**\n\n**CLEMENTINE** (fruit)"} {"Clue":"Accessory distinguishing close finish over dead-heat? (7)","Answer":"NECKTIE","Explanation":"Definition: Accessory\n**NECK** (length of a horse's head and **NECK**\u00a0used to measure its lead or short winning margin in a race) **+ TIE** (dead-heat)\n **NECK** **TIE**\n\n**NECKTIE** (fashion accessory)"} {"Clue":"E, it seems, is a source of wonder (3-6)","Answer":"EYE-OPENER","Explanation":"Definition: a source of wonder\n**EYE-OPENER** (**E** is the first letter of [**OPENER**] of **EYE**)\n **EYE-OPENER**\n\n**EYE-OPENER** (startling enlightenment; source of wonder)"} {"Clue":"Cheat about to overlook one throttling favourite in race? (11)","Answer":"COMPETITION","Explanation":"Definition: race\n**CON** (cheat) **containing** ([**OMIT** {overlook} **+ ****I **{Roman numeral for one}]** containing** [to throttle] **PET** [favourite])\n **C** (**OM** (**PET** ) **IT** **I**) **ON**\n\n**COMPETITION** (a **RACE** is a **COMPETITION**)"} {"Clue":"Periods of idleness in making arrangement for Toscanini (9)","Answer":"INACTIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Periods of idleness\n**Anagram of **(making arrangement for) **TOSCANINI**\n **INACTIONS***\n\n**INACTIONS** (periods of idleness)"} {"Clue":"No good interrupting angry person without courtesy (7)","Answer":"INGRATE","Explanation":"Definition: person without courtesy\n**NG** (no good) **contained in** (interrupting) **IRATE** (angry)\n **I** (**NG**) **RATE**\n\n**INGRATE** (ungrateful person; person without courtesy)"} {"Clue":"Kids besieging mother about beginning to choose pets? (7)","Answer":"TOMCATS","Explanation":"Definition: pets\n**TOTS** (small children; kids) **containing** (besieging) (**MA** [mother] **containing** [about] **C** [**first letter of **{beginning to} **CHOOSE**])\n **TO** (**M** (**C**) **A**) **TS**\n\n**TOMCATS** (male cats; pets)"} {"Clue":"Name only concocted to identify material (5)","Answer":"NYLON","Explanation":"Definition: material\n(**N** [name] + **an anagram of** (concocted)\u00a0**ONLY**)\n **N**** YLON***\n\n**NYLON** (a material)"} {"Clue":"Very positive concession (3)","Answer":"SOP","Explanation":"Definition: concession\n**SO** (very) **+ P** (positive)\n **SO** **P**\n\n**SOP** (concession)"} {"Clue":"Outrageous fee to run two-week course in days (8)","Answer":"FOURTEEN","Explanation":"Definition: two-week course in days\n**Anagram of** (outrageous) **FEE TO RUN**\n **FOURTEEN***\n\n**FOURTEEN **(number of days in two weeks)"} {"Clue":"Thick dust swirls around Pompeii after evacuation (6)","Answer":"STUPID","Explanation":"Definition: Thick\n**Anagram of** (swirls) **DUST containing** (around) **PI** (l**etters remaining in** **P****OMPEI****I** **when the central letters** **OMPEI are removed** [after evacuation])\n **STU** (**PI**) **D***\n\n**STUPID** (thick)"} {"Clue":"Those heartless soldiers returned to arrest Navy SEAL (6)","Answer":"SIGNET","Explanation":"Definition: SEAL\n(**TE** **[letters remaining in THOSE when the central letters HOS are removed** {heartless}] **+** **GIS** [American soldiers])\u00a0**all reversed** (returned) **containing** (to arrest) **N** (navy)\n **SIG**< (**N**) **ET**<\n\n**SIGNET **(small seal)"} {"Clue":"Outstanding sportsman who's up and down (4)","Answer":"BLUE","Explanation":"Definition: Outstanding sportsman who's up\n**BLUE** (outstanding sportsman at University [up])\n **BLUE**\n\n**BLUE **(sad; down) double definition"} {"Clue":"Site for putting on party (5)","Answer":"GREEN","Explanation":"Definition: Site for putting on\n**GREEN** (on a golf course, a **GREEN** is where you putt)\n **GREEN**\n\n**GREEN** (reference the **GREEN** party; political party)"} {"Clue":"Adjusted lap times related to one half of figure of 8 (8)","Answer":"SEPTIMAL","Explanation":"Definition: related to one half of figure of 8\n**Anagram of** (adjusted) **LAP TIMES** \n **SE****P****TIM****AL***\n\n**SEPTIMAL** (relating to or based on the number seven, which is half of **FOURTEEN**, the entry at 8 across)"} {"Clue":"Shade between 2 and 26 bits of dried flowers (7)","Answer":"SAFFRON","Explanation":"Definition: Shade between 2 and 26\n**SAFFRON** (an **ORANGE** [2 down] \u2013 **YELLOW** [26 down] colour; shade between 2 and 26)\n **SAFFRON**\n\n**SAFFRON** (stigmas of crocus, dried and used as a dye and flavouring; bits of dried flowers) double definition"} {"Clue":"Raised anchor and discerned progress through water (7)","Answer":"WEIGHED","Explanation":"Definition: Raised anchor\n**WEIGHED** (sounds like [discerned] **WADE** [progress through water])\n **WEIGHED**\n\n**WEIGHED** (raised anchor)"} {"Clue":"Fuel product made from palm leaves almost fills vessel (8)","Answer":"PARAFFIN","Explanation":"Definition: Fuel product\n(**RAFFIA **[the Raphia palm or its leaf-bast; palm leaves] **excluding the final letter** [almost] **A**) **contained in** (fills) **PAN** (vessel)\n **PA** (**RAFFI**) **N**\n\n**PARAFFIN** (fuel product)"} {"Clue":"Amateur work regularly enhanced by letters from film goddess (5)","Answer":"DEITY","Explanation":"Definition: goddess\n**DIY** (do it yourself; amateur work) **interspersed at letters 2 and 4** (enhanced regularly) **by\u00a0the characters E **and** T** from the film **ET** (letters from film)\n **D** (**E**) **I** (**T**) **Y**\n\n**DEITY **(goddess)"} {"Clue":"Symptom of nasty eye condition (4)","Answer":"STYE","Explanation":"Definition: condition\n**STYE** (h**idden word in** [symptom of] **NASTY EYE**)\n **STYE**\n\n**STYE** (\u00a0small inflamed swelling at the edge of the eyelid) This could be an &Lit clue where the definition and wordplay are both covered by the entire clue"} {"Clue":"Area of land in Scotland's Borders is consecrated (6)","Answer":"SAC","Explanation":"Definition: consecrated\n**ACRE** (an area of land) **contained in** (in) **SD** (**the outer letters of** [borders]) \n **S** (**ACRE)** **D**\n\n**SAC** [**RED**] (consecrated)"} {"Clue":"Lout, about 21, turning physical (6)","Answer":"BODILY","Explanation":"Definition: physical\n(**YOB** [lout] **containing** [about] **LID** [**HAT** [21 down]) **all reversed** (turning)\n (**BO** (**DIL**) **Y**)<\n\n**BODILY** (in the flesh; physical)"} {"Clue":"Olive tree's beginning to develop flower (6)","Answer":"VIOLET","Explanation":"Definition: flower\n**Anagram of** (to develop) **OLIVE** **+ T** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **TREE**)\n **VIOLE* T**\n\n**VIOLET** (flower)"} {"Clue":"Area surrounding outskirts of Istanbul rejected Islam? (8)","Answer":"RELIGION","Explanation":"Definition: Islam\n**REGION** (area) **containing** (surrounding) **(IL [****first and last letters of** {outskirts of} **ISTANBUL] reversed **[rejected])\n **RE** (**LI**)< **GION**\n\n**RELIGION** Islam is an example of a **RELIGION**)"} {"Clue":"Dealing with leg caught in part of machine (6)","Answer":"COPING","Explanation":"Definition: Dealing with\n**PIN** (leg) **contained in** (caught in)** COG** (projection a wheel; part of a machine)\n **CO** (**PIN**) **G**\n\n**COPING** (dealing with)"} {"Clue":"Tone of Catholic antagonists resonated in poet's heart (6)","Answer":"ORANGE","Explanation":"Definition: Tone of Catholic antagonists\n**RANG** (resonated) **contained in** (in) **OE** (**central letters** [heart] **of POET**)\n **O** (**RANG**) **E**\n\n**ORANGE** (colour associated with extreme Protestant Irish conservatives, known as antagonists of the Catholic religion)"} {"Clue":"Issuing Trump's sanction, embroiling non-governmental organisation in row (7,3)","Answer":"LETTING OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Issuing Trump\n**LET** (sanction) **+** (**NGO** [Non-governmental organisation] **contained in** [embroiling \u2026 in] **TIFF** [slight quarrel; row])\n **LET** **TI** **(NGO**) **FF**\n\n**LETTING OFF** (firing off; discharging; issuing a trump or blast)"} {"Clue":"Turns to suspect without asking questions (2,5)","Answer":"ON TRUST","Explanation":"Definition: without asking questions\n**Anagram of** (suspect) **TURNS TO**\n **ON TRUST***\n\n**ON TRUST** (accepted without question)"} {"Clue":"Discovering strange shiny objects on stars? (8)","Answer":"RUMBLING","Explanation":"Definition: Discovering\n**RUM** (strange) **+ BLING** (shiny jewellery; imitative of light reflecting off jewellery; possibly shiny objects on stars)\n **RUM** **BLING**\n\n**RUMBLING** (discovering the truth about)"} {"Clue":"Put on fire after temperature's dropped (8)","Answer":"SIMULATE","Explanation":"Definition: Put on\n**STIMULATE** (inspire enthusiasm; fire) **excluding** (dropped) **T** (temperature)\n **SIMULATE**\n\n**SIMULATE** (feign; mimic; put on)"} {"Clue":"11 about to join said no (7)","Answer":"REF","Explanation":"Definition: said no\n**RED** (**RED** is the entry at 11 across) **containing** (about) **FUSE** (to join)\n **RE** (**F USE**) **D**\n\n**REF** [**USED**] (said no)"} {"Clue":"Part of orchid seen in artificial light (10)","Answer":"PSEUDOBULB","Explanation":"Definition: Part of orchid\n**PSEUDO** (artificial) **+ BULB** (light)\n **PSEUDO** **BULB**\n\n**PSEUDOBULB** (a swollen stem internode in some orchids.)"} {"Clue":"A club fracas turned into scene of slaughter (8)","Answer":"ABATTOIR","Explanation":"Definition: scene of slaughter\n**A** **+ BAT**\u00a0(club)** + RIOT** (fracas) **reversed** (turned)\n **A ****BAT**** TOIR**<\n\n**ABATTOIR** (slaughterhouse)"} {"Clue":"Whips bloke harbouring convict (8)","Answer":"FLAGELLA","Explanation":"Definition: Whips\n**FELLA** (fellow; bloke)** containing** (harbouring) **LAG** (convict)\n **F** (**LAG**) **ELLA**\n\n**FLAGELLA** (whips)"} {"Clue":"Drop number 11 out of dislike for bowler? (3)","Answer":"HAT","Explanation":"Definition: bowler\n**HATRED** (dislike) **excluding** (drop out of) **RED** (entry at 11 across)\n **HAT**\n\n**HAT** (a bowler is an example of a **HAT**)"} {"Clue":"University College working around Rector being rarely seen (7)","Answer":"UNICORN","Explanation":"Definition: rarely seen\n**UNI** (university)** + C** (college) **+** (**ON** [working] **containing** [around] **R** [rector])\n **UNI** **C** **O** (**R**) **N**\n\n**UNICORN** (a fabulous animal mentioned by ancient Greek and Roman authors as a native of India, with a body like a horse and one straight horn; an unfortunate translation; an animal rarely seen)"} {"Clue":"Trendy circle's about to get into Kind of Blue (6)","Answer":"INDIGO","Explanation":"Definition: Kind of Blue\n(**IN** [trendy] **+ O** [circle shape]) **containing** (about) **DIG** (understand; colloquial term for 'get into')\n **IN** (**DIG**) **O**\n\n**INDIGO** (shade of [kind of] blue)"} {"Clue":"Craven Cottage finally contributes to lowly ground (6)","Answer":"YELLOW","Explanation":"Definition: Craven\n**E** (**last letter of **[finally] **COTTAGE**)\u00a0**contained in** [contributes to] **an anagram of** (ground) **LOWLY**\n **Y** (**E**) **LLOW***\n\n**YELLOW** (cowardly; craven)"} {"Clue":"Self-immolation's rooted in dissatisfaction (4)","Answer":"SATI","Explanation":"Definition: Self-immolation\n**SATI** (**hidden word in** [rooted in] **DISSATISFACTION**)\n **SATI**\n\n**SATI** (variant spelling of **SUTTEE**, an Indian widow who burned herself on her husband's funeral pyre; the Hindu custom of so doing)"} {"Clue":"Bug's beginning to crawl into cracked light (6)","Answer":"GLITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Bug\n**C** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **CRAWL**) **contained in** (into) **an anagram of** (cracked) **LIGHT)**\n **GLIT** (**C**) **H***\n\n**GLITCH** (sudden, usually brief malfunction in a spacecraft or other equipment; bug) Many\u00a0bugs in software aren't always brief in their effect."} {"Clue":"Peculiar and special, 101 fine diamonds sent to the West (8)","Answer":"SPECIFIC","Explanation":"Definition: Peculiar\n**SP** (special) **+** (**CI** [101 in Roman numerals] **+ F** [fine] **+ ICE** [diamonds]) **all reversed** (sent to West)\n **SP** (**ECI** **F** **IC**)<\n\n**SPECIFIC** (exclusive to; peculiar)"} {"Clue":"One's productive after successful wildcat strike? (3,4)","Answer":"OIL WELL","Explanation":"Definition: One's productive after successful wildcat strike\nA **WILDCAT** is an exploratory **OIL WELL** If it strikes enough **OIL** then it will become productive\n **OIL WELL**\n\n**OIL WELL** (cryptic definition of the result a successful **WILD CAT** strike)"} {"Clue":"You said to go into farm yard and get dirty (7)","Answer":"RAUNCHY","Explanation":"Definition: dirty\n**U** (**sounds like** [said] **YOU**) **contained in** (to go into) (**RANCH** [farm] **+ Y** [yard])\n **RA** (**U**) **NCH** **Y**\n\n**RAUNCHY** (coarsely or openly sexual;** lewd; dirty)"} {"Clue":"Shipped to a Tunisian port where no more can be taken in (10,5)","Answer":"SATURATION POINT","Explanation":"Definition: where no more can be taken in\n**Anagram of** (shipped) **TO A TUNISIAN PORT**\n **S****AT****U****R****A****T****I****O****N ****PO****IN****T***\n\n**SATURATION POINT** (the limit in numbers that can be taken in, provided with a living, used, sold, etc)"} {"Clue":"Initially, vehicle indicates before right turn, seeing sign (5)","Answer":"VIRGO","Explanation":"Definition: sign\n**VI** (**first letters of** [initially] each of **V****EHICLE** and **INDICATES**) **+ R** (right) **+ GO** (turn [in a game])\n **VI** **R** **GO**\n\n**VIRGO** (sign of the Zodiac)"} {"Clue":"Narrow escape from new home in central Pyongyang (4,5)","Answer":"NEAR THING","Explanation":"Definition: Narrow escape\n**N** (new) **+ EARTH** (our home planet or home for an animal) such as a badger or fox) **+ IN + G** (**middle letter of **[central] **PYONGYANG**)\n **N** **EAR TH** **IN** **G**\n\n**NEAR THING** (narrow escape)"} {"Clue":"Care facilities in bust Somerset hospital (4,5)","Answer":"REST HOMES","Explanation":"Definition: Care facilities\n**Anagram of** (bust) **SOMERSET** and **H** (hospital)\n **REST HOMES***\n\n**REST HOMES** (care facilities)"} {"Clue":"Bishop's overcome by joy in church grounds (5)","Answer":"GLEBE","Explanation":"Definition: church grounds\n**B** (bishop) **contained in** (overcome by) **GLEE** (joy)\n **GLE** (**B**) **E**\n\n**GLEBE** (land attached to a parish church; church grounds)"} {"Clue":"Disconcerted student to Cable admirer What sort of politician is he\" (7,8)","Answer":"LIBERAL DEMOCRAT","Explanation":"Definition: What sort of politician is he\n**Anagram of** (disconcerted) **L** (student) and **TO CABLE ADMIRER**\n **L****I****BE****R****AL**** DEM****OC****RA****T***\n\n**LIBERAL DEMOCRAT** (When this puzzle was originally blogged, Vince Cable was the leader of the **LIBERAL DEMOCRAT **party)"} {"Clue":"Going to have the odd shower about mid-afternoon (7)","Answer":"TERRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Going \n**TE** (**letters 1 and 3** [odd] of **T****H****E**) + (**RAIN** [shower] **containing** [about] **R** [**central letter of **[middle of] **AFTERNOON**])\n **TE** **R** (**R**) **AIN**\n\n**TERRAIN** (the going)"} {"Clue":"Heave English vessel into area of relative calm (7)","Answer":"ELEVATE","Explanation":"Definition: Heave\n**E** (English) **+ **(**VAT** [large vessel or tank] **contained in** [into] **LEE** [area of relative calm])\n **E** **LE** (**VAT**) **E**\n\n**ELEVATE **(heave can be defined as 'to lift op, usually with great effort)"} {"Clue":"Allergy that may afflict bookworms occasionally (3,5)","Answer":"HAY FEVER","Explanation":"Definition: Allergy\n**HAY**-on-Wye is celebrated for the annual **HAY** literary festival. It is also known as book town for the number of booksellers that it contains) Bookworms can get very excited (**FEVER**ish even) if they are going there\n **HAY FEVER**\n\n**HAY FEVER** (irritation by pollen of the nose, throat, etc, with sneezing and headache; an allergy to grass pollen in particular)"} {"Clue":"Regrets you had about eating seafood (6)","Answer":"OYSTER","Explanation":"Definition: seafood\n**OYSTER**** reversed** (about) and **hidden in** (eating) **REGRETS YOU**\n **OYSTER**<\n\n**OYSTER** (seafood)"} {"Clue":"Cover up defeat in attempt to gain support from leaders in volatile eastern region (5,4)","Answer":"GLOSS OVER","Explanation":"Definition: Cover up\n(**LOSS** [defeat] **contained in** [in] **GO** [attempt]) +** VER** (**first letters of\u00a0**[leaders in] **each of** **VOLATILE**, **EASTERN** and **REGION**)\n **G** (**LOSS**) **O** **VER**\n\n**GLOSS OVER** (explain away; render more acceptable; cover up)"} {"Clue":"Body of water that could be the source of the Nile? (5)","Answer":"INLET","Explanation":"Definition: Body of water\n**Anagram of** (could be) **T** (**first letter of** [source of] **THE**) and** NILE**\n **INLET***\n\n**INLET** (body of water)"} {"Clue":"Some repertoire, eh? Chef turns up with toast! (7)","Answer":"CHEERIO","Explanation":"Definition: toast\n**CHEERIO** (**reversed** [turns up] **hidden word in** [some] **REPERTOIRE EH CHEF**)\n **CHEERIO**<\n\n**CHEERIO** (a word meaning 'good health' often used as a toast)"} {"Clue":"Port Vale, lacking leadership or sense, compromised individual player (8,6)","Answer":"PERSONAL STEREO","Explanation":"Definition: individual player\n**Anagram of\u00a0**(compromised)**\u00a0****PORT** and **VALE** **excluding the first letter** (lacking leadership) **V** and **OR SENSE**\n **P****E****R****S****O****NAL**** ****S****T****EREO**\n\n**PERSONAL STEREO** (music player for an individual)"} {"Clue":"Cold drink with favourite cake (7)","Answer":"CRUMPET","Explanation":"Definition: cake\n**C** (cold) **+ RUM **(drink) **+ PET** (favourite)\n **C** **RUM** **PET**\n\n**CRUMPET** (pancake made of batter, variously small and thick or large and thin in different parts of the UK; OR a small thick yeast cake with holes on the top, usually eaten hot with butter, sometimes called a muffin;"} {"Clue":"Image of frontrunner in Formula One \u2013 I'm supporting Lewis Hamilton essentially, note (9)","Answer":"FACSIMILE","Explanation":"Definition: Image\n**F** (**first letter of** [frontrunner in] **FORMULA**) **+ A** (one) **+ CS** (reference the author **C S** Lewis [1898 \u2013 1963]) **+ I'M** **+ IL** (**middle letters of** [essentially] **HAMILTON**) **+ E **(musical note)\n **F** **A**** CS** **IM** **IL ****E**\n \u00a0\n\n**FACSIMILE **(image)"} {"Clue":"Keen, being on time to clinch the lead in pole vault (5)","Answer":"CRYPT","Explanation":"Definition: vault\n(**CRY** [keen] **+ T**** **(time]) **containing** (to clinch) **P**\u00a0(**first letter of** [lead in] **POLE**)\n **CRY** (**P**) **T**\n\n**CRYPT** (vault)"} {"Clue":"New blue lamp? I don't fancy shade on top (8,6)","Answer":"PLATINUM BLONDE","Explanation":"Definition: shade on top\n**Anagram of** (fancy) **N** (new) and **BLUE LAMP I DON'T**\n **PLATI****N****UM**** ****BLONDE***\n\n**PLATINUM BLONDE** (descriptive of a lady with a distinctive silver blond hair colour; shade on top)"} {"Clue":"Plant in area maintained by conservationists about to be pulled up extremely roughly (9)","Answer":"RASPBERRY","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\n**A** (area) **contained in** (maintained by) **RSPB** (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds; conservationists) **+ RE** (with reference to; about) **reversed** (to be pulled up; down clue) **+ RY** (**first and last letters of** [extremely] **ROUGHLY**)\n **R** (**A**) **SPB** **ER**< **RY**\n\n**RASPBERRY** (plant)"} {"Clue":"Wonderful piece of music Elgar originally penned \u2013 a stellar composition (5,4)","Answer":"GREAT BEAR","Explanation":"Definition: stellar composition\n**E** (**first letter of** [originally] **ELGAR**) **contained in** (penned) (**GREAT** [wonderful] **+\u00a0BAR** [short piece of music]\n (**GREAT** **B** (**E**) **AR**)\n\n**GREAT BEAR** (constellation; stellar composition)"} {"Clue":"Non-woody plants shoot in this place (7)","Answer":"HERBAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Non-woody plants \n**BAG** (kill game by shooting) **contained in** (in) **HERE** (this place)\n **HER** (**BAG**) **E**\n\n**HERBAGE** (herbaceous vegetation covering the ground; non-woody plant)"} {"Clue":"More shocking drug reportedly found in market (7)","Answer":"GROCERY","Explanation":"Definition: found in market\n**GROCERY** (**sounds like** [reportedly] [**GROSSER** {more shocking}] **+ E** [ecstasy {drug}])\n **GROCERY**\n\n**GROCERY** (a store found in a market)"} {"Clue":"Ultimately woeful character one ignored in bar (5)","Answer":"LATCH","Explanation":"Definition: bar\n**L** (**final letter of** [ultimately] **WOEFUL**) **+ AITCH** (the letter H) **excluding** (ignored) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **L** **ATCH**\n\n**LATCH** (fastening; bar)"} {"Clue":"Find joint when taking rubbish outside (5)","Answer":"ROAST","Explanation":"Definition: joint\n**AS** (when) **contained in** (taking \u2026 outside) **ROT** (rubbish)\n **RO** (**AS**) **T**\n\n**ROAST **(reference a joint of **ROAST** meat)"} {"Clue":"Where one might see air aflutter with eagle's wings (5)","Answer":"AERIE","Explanation":"Definition: Where one might see air aflutter with eagle's wings\n**Anagram of** (aflutter) **AIR** and **EE** (**first and last letter's of** [wings] **EAGLE**)\n **AERIE***\n\n**AERIE** (alternative spelling of **EYRIE** [nest of a bird of prey, e.g. an **EAGLE**)"} {"Clue":"Place to raise issue that no one cares for (9)","Answer":"ORPHANAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Place to raise issue that no one cares for \n'Issue' refers to children\n **ORPHANAGE **\n\n**ORPHANAGE **(a place where children with no parents [no one to care for] to look after them can be raised) cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Lend novel to transfix child that's read e-book apparently (7)","Answer":"KINDLED","Explanation":"Definition: read e-book apparently\n**KID** (child) **containing** (to transfix) **an anagram of** (novel) **LEND** \n **KI** (**NDLE***) **D**\n\n**KINDLED** (possibly a verb to imply that some has read a book on the **KINDLE** electronic reader)"} {"Clue":"Drink too much to do more than meet? (7)","Answer":"OVERLAP","Explanation":"Definition: do more than meet\n**OVER** (too much) **+ LAP** (drink)\n **OVER** **LAP**\n\n**OVERLAP **(to extend over and beyond the edge of; do more than meet)"} {"Clue":"Appointed court accepting electronic evidence (9)","Answer":"DESIGNATE","Explanation":"Definition: Appointed\n**DATE** (woo; court) **containing** (**E** [electronic] **+ SIGN** [evidence])\n **D** (**E** **SIGN**) **ATE**\n\n**DESIGNATE** (nominated to but not yet in possession of an office; appointed)"} {"Clue":"One assuming discretion is taken for granted (5)","Answer":"TACIT","Explanation":"Definition: taken for granted\n**I** (Roman numeral for one)** contained in** (assuming) **TACT** (discretion)\n **TAC** (**I**) **T**\n\n**TACIT** (understood or implied without being expressed directly; taken for granted)"} {"Clue":"Enlarged photo padded with most up-to-date packaging material (8,7)","Answer":"EXPANDED PLASTIC","Explanation":"Definition: packaging material\n**EXPANDED** (enlarged) **+ PIC** (photograph) **containing** (padded with) **LAST** (most up-to-date)\n **EXPANDED** **P** (**LAST**) **IC**\n\n**EXPANDED PLASTIC** (packaging material)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps one keeping notes is tense about a certain record's source (9)","Answer":"TREASURER","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps one keeping notes\n**T** (tense) **+ RE** (with reference to, about) **+ A + SURE** (certain) **+ R** (**first letter of** [source of] **RECORD**)\n **T RE A SURE****\u00a0R**\n\n**TREASURER** (one who looks after money, e.g. cash notes)"} {"Clue":"Come out with contents of next demand (7)","Answer":"EXCLAIM","Explanation":"Definition: Come out with\n**EX** **(middle letters of** [contents of] **NEXT**) **+ CLAIM** (demand)\n **EX** **CLAIM**\n\n**EXCLAIM** (cry out; come out with)"} {"Clue":"Bombast that woman regularly picked to\u00a0pieces (7)","Answer":"HEROICS","Explanation":"Definition: Bombast\n**HER** (that woman) +** OICS**(\u00a0**letters 2, 4, 6 and 8** [regularly] of **TO PIECES**)\n **HER** **OICS**\n\n**HEROICS** (bombast)"} {"Clue":"Observer magazine's leading article is pulled (9)","Answer":"SPECTATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Observer\n**THE SPECTATOR** (reference **THE**** SPECTATOR**, a weekly British magazine on politics, culture, and current affairs) **excluding** (is pulled)** the first word** (leading) **THE** (definite article)\n For non Brits, the Observer is a Sunday newspaper which includes a glossy magazine each week.\n **SPECTATOR**\n\n**SPECTATOR** (observer)"} {"Clue":"What may be seen as least appropriate? (5)","Answer":"STEAL","Explanation":"Definition: appropriate\n**Anagram of** (what may be seen as) **LEAST** \n **STEAL***\n\n**STEAL** (appropriate can be defined as **STEAL**)"} {"Clue":"Wanted 100K pumped into revolutionary business arrangement (6)","Answer":"LACKED","Explanation":"Definition: Wanted\n(**C** [Roman numeral for 100) **+ K**) **contained in** (packed into) **DEAL** (business arrangement) **reversed** (revolutionary)\n **LA** (**C** **K**)** ED**<\n\n**LACKED** (needed; wanted)"} {"Clue":"Boosts standings during competition (6,2)","Answer":"CRANKS UP","Explanation":"Definition: Boosts\n**RANKS** (standings) **contained in** (during) **CUP** (competition)\n **C** (**RANKS**) **UP**\n\n**CRANKS UP** (increases intensity; boosts)"} {"Clue":"Attention Deficit Disorder leads to naughty child wearing skimpy outfit (10)","Answer":"NEGLIGENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Attention Deficit Disorder\n**NC** (**first letters of** [leads to] **each of NAUGHTY **and** CHILD**) **contained in** (wearing) **NEGLIGEE** (woman's loose decorative dressing-gown of flimsy material; skimpy outfit)\n **NEGLIGE** (**NC**) **E**\n\n**NEGLIGENCE** (inattentiveness; cryptically defined as attention deficit disorder)"} {"Clue":"Run over Maxim without a trace of remorse for this reason (4,4)","Answer":"ROAD RAGE","Explanation":"Definition: this reason\n**R** (run) **+ O** (over) **+** (**ADAGE** [maxim; general principle, serving as a rule or guide;] **containing** [without; outside] **R** [**first letter of** [trace of] **REMORSE**)\n **R** **O** **AD** (**R**) **AGE**\n\n**ROAD RAGE** (uncontrolled anger or aggression between road users, often involving violence and injury. which could lead to someone running over another person)"} {"Clue":"Resist attitude on which work depends (6)","Answer":"OPPOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Resist\n**OP** (opus; work)** +**** POSE** (attitude)\n **OP** **POSE**\n\n**OPPOSE** (resist)"} {"Clue":"Plant pests almost overwhelming bottom half of garden (6)","Answer":"GARLIC","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\n**GAR** (**first three letters of** [half of] **GAR****DEN**) **+ LICE** (pests) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **E**\n The **LIC** is placed at the bottom\n **GAR** **LIC**\n\n**GARLIC** (plant)"} {"Clue":"Tyrannical cops tied up (8)","Answer":"DESPOTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Tyrannical\n**Anagram of** (up) **COPS TIED**\n **DESPOTIC***\n\n**DESPOTIC** (tyrannical)"} {"Clue":"Go too far with Spooner's old woman's hairpiece? (10)","Answer":"TRANSGRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Go too far\nThe phrase **GRAN'S** (old woman's) **TRESS** (piece of hair) would be said by Reverend Spooner as **TRANSGRESS**\n **TRANSGRESS**\n\n**TRANSGRESS** (overstep the mark; go too far)"} {"Clue":"One's prepared for drinking sprees getting messy like this(8)","Answer":"ESPRESSO","Explanation":"Definition: One's prepared for drinking\n**Anagram of** (getting messy) **SPREES** **+ SO** (like this)\n **ESPRES*** **SO**\n\n**ESPRESSO** (coffee made by forcing steam or boiling water through ground coffee beans; one's prepared for drinking)"} {"Clue":"Chapter 1 reviewed method of proportional representation (3,5)","Answer":"PIE CHART","Explanation":"Definition: method of proportional representation\n**Anagram of** (reviewed) **CHAPTER 1**\n **PIE CHART***\n\n**PIE CHART** (circle divided into sections by radii so as to show relative numbers or quantities; method of proportional representation)"} {"Clue":"Engines generated energy in short bursts (8)","Answer":"TURBINES","Explanation":"Definition: method of proportional representation\n**Anagram of** (reviewed) **CHAPTER 1**\n **PIE CHART***\n\n**PIE CHART** (circle divided into sections by radii so as to show relative numbers or quantities; method of proportional representation)"} {"Clue":"Leaves carpeting spaceship (6)","Answer":"ROCKET","Explanation":"Definition: Leaves\n**ROCKET** (salad leaves)\n **ROCKET**\u00a0severe reprimand; carpeting)(\n\n**ROCKET** (spaceship) triple definition"} {"Clue":"A motto associated with this fruit concentrate (6,5)","Answer":"TOMATO","Explanation":"Definition: fruit concentrate\n**TOMATO** is an **anagram of** **(PUREE) A MOTTO** , so effectively **TOMATO PUREE** is a clue for (associated with)** A MOTTO**\n **TOMATO** **PUREE**\n \u00a0\n\n**TOMATO** [**PUREE**] (fruit concentrate)"} {"Clue":"Portion of tagliatelle served up to make use of eBay? (6)","Answer":"RESELL","Explanation":"Definition: make use of eBay\n**RESELL** (**hidden word** [portion of] **reversed** (up; down clue] **in** **TAGLIATELLE SERVED**)\n **RESELL**<\n\n**RESELL** (sell on, possibly by using an online auction site such as eBay)"} {"Clue":"Sort out a team to exploit manufacturing technology (8)","Answer":"AUTO","Explanation":"Definition: exploit manufacturing technology\n**Anagram of **(sort) **OUT A TEAM** \n **AUTO****MATE***\n\n**AUTO** [**MATE**] (exploit manufacturing technology by using machinery to do jobs that were previously undertaken manually)"} {"Clue":"Sum of money incorporated into rent in China (9)","Answer":"PRINCIPAL","Explanation":"Definition: Sum of money\n(**INC** [incorporated] **contained in** [into] **RIP** [rent]) **all contained in** [in] **PAL** (friend; china)\n **P **(**R** (**INC**) **IP**) **AL**\n\n**PRINCIPAL** (sum of money)"} {"Clue":"Son's taken to room in show of temper (5)","Answer":"STORM","Explanation":"Definition: show of temper\n**S** (son) **+ TO** **+ RM** (room)\n **S** **TO** **RM**\n\n**STORM** (show of temper)"} {"Clue":"Multiple reports showing little volume in endless artistic gathering (5)","Answer":"SALVO","Explanation":"Definition: Multiple reports\n**V** (abbreviation for [little] volume) **contained in** **SALON** (social gathering of distinguished people at the house of a lady of fashion, literary hostess, etc, possible a gathering of artists also) **excluding the final letter** (endless) **N**\n **SAL** (**V**) **O**\n\n**SALVO** (simultaneous discharge of artillery in salute or otherwise; multiple reports [of gunfire])"} {"Clue":"Acknowledge service in a hurry in odd game (3-3-3)","Answer":"TIP-AND-RUN","Explanation":"Definition: odd game\n**TIP** (gift\u00a0of money in acknowledgement of good\u00a0service) **+ AND RUN** (in a hurry)\n **TIP**\u2013**AND\u2013RUN**\n\n**TIP-AND-RUN** (informal kind of cricket in which the batsmen must run if they hit the ball) I'm not sure what the word 'odd' is doing in the clue"} {"Clue":"I'm a good remover of creases, mostly reversing source of creases (7)","Answer":"ORIGAMI","Explanation":"Definition: source of creases\n(**I'M** **+ A + G +IRON** [remover of creases] **excluding the final letter** **N** [mostly]) **all reversed** (reversing)\n (**ORI G A MI**)<\n\n**ORIGAMI** (Japanese art of folding [creasing] paper so as to make figures shaped like animals, birds)"} {"Clue":"Republican in major city backing imposing ruler (7)","Answer":"EMPEROR","Explanation":"Definition: imposing ruler\n(**REP** (representative] **contained in** [in] **ROME** [example of a major city]) **all reversed** (backing)\n (**EM** (**PER**) **OR**)<\n\n**EMPEROR** (high rank of sovereignty; an imposing ruler)"} {"Clue":"Mountains article cuts down, nothing less (4)","Answer":"ALPS","Explanation":"Definition: Mountains\n**A** (indefinite article) **+ LOPS** (cuts the top off) **excluding** (less) **O** (zero)\n **A** **LPS**\n\n**ALPS** (range of mountains)"} {"Clue":"Cat, one stuck in tree in compound (8)","Answer":"PTOMAINE","Explanation":"Definition: compound\n(**TOM** [male cat]** + A** [one]) **contained in** **PINE** (example of a tree)\n **P** (**TOM** **A**) **INE**\n\n**PTOMAINE** (loosely used name for amino-compounds, some poisonous, formed from putrefying animal tissues, eg putrescine, cadaverine, neurine and choline)"} {"Clue":"Boy embracing charmer to become responsive (6,2)","Answer":"SWITCH ON","Explanation":"Definition: become responsive\n**SON** (boy) **containing** (embracing) **WITCH** (charmer)\n **S** (**WITCH**) **ON**\n\n**SWITCH ON** (make responsive)"} {"Clue":"Instrument tuned too high, though not at first (4)","Answer":"HARP","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\n**SHARP** (too high in pitch; tuned too high) **excluding the first letter** ([though] not at first) **S**\n **HARP**\n\n**HARP** (musical instrument)"} {"Clue":"Angry words about reversing support can be illuminating (7)","Answer":"RADIANT","Explanation":"Definition: illuminating\n**RANT** (angry tirade) **containing** (about) **AID** (support) **reversed** (reversing)\n **RA** (**DIA****<**) **NT**\n\n**RADIANT** (glowing; illuminating)"} {"Clue":"Article placed in computer network of flying people (7)","Answer":"LAPUTAN","Explanation":"Definition: of flying people\n(**A** [indefinite article] **+ PUT** [placed]) **contained in** (in) **LAN** (local area network)\n **L** (**A** **PUT**) **AN**\n\n**LAPUTAN** (descriptive an inhabitant of **LAPUTA**, a flying island in Swift's Gulliver's Travels)"} {"Clue":"Very loud, needing a forte reassessed (9)","Answer":"DEAFENING","Explanation":"Definition: Very loud\n**Anagram of** (reassessed)\u00a0**NEEDING A** and **F** (forte)\n **DEAFENING***\n\n**DEAFENING** (very loud)"} {"Clue":"I try fishing around river without much activity (5)","Answer":"INERT","Explanation":"Definition: without much activity\n(**I** **+ NET** [item used to try fishing]) **containing** (around) **R** (river)\n **I** **NE** (**R**) **T**\n\n**INERT** (without inherent power of moving; without much activity)"} {"Clue":"Quintet not unknown in audition? (5)","Answer":"TROUT","Explanation":"Definition: Quintet\n**TRY OUT** (test performance; audition for) **excluding** (not) **Y** (a letter frequently used to symbolise an unknown in mathematical equations)\n **TR** **OUT**\n\n**TROUT** (reference the **TROUT**, the popular name for the Piano Quintet in A major, D. 667, by Franz Schubert)"} {"Clue":"Man taking action inflamed Stravinsky, say, about a ballet's finale (9)","Answer":"LITIGATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Man taking action\n**LIT** (aflame; inflamed) **+** (**IGOR** [reference **IGOR** Stravinsky {1882 \u2013 1971}, Russian born composer] **containing** [about] [**A** **+ T** {**last letter of** (finale) **BALLET**}])\n **LIT** **IG** (**A** **T**) **OR**\n\n**LITIGATOR** (one who takes action in a court of law)"} {"Clue":"Exam no longer held in the country (8)","Answer":"PASTORAL","Explanation":"Definition: in the country\n**PAST** (no longer held) **+ ORAL** (example of an examination)\n **PAST** \n\n**PASTORAL** (relating to, depicting or evoking rural life, the countryside)"} {"Clue":"Awkward slip with dildoes makes you uncooperative (3-8)","Answer":"ILL-DISPOSED","Explanation":"Definition: uncooperative\n**Anagram of** (awkward) **SLIP** and **DILDOES**\n **IL****L-DI****SP****OSED***\n\n**ILL-DISPOSED** (unsympathetic; uncooperative)"} {"Clue":"Difficult work almost completely curtailed for singers (8)","Answer":"CHORAL","Explanation":"Definition: for singers\n**CHORE** (unpleasant or tedious task; difficult work) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **E**\u00a0**+ ALL** (completely) **excluding the final letter** (curtailed) **L**\n **CHOR** **AL**\n\n**CHORAL** (for singers)"} {"Clue":"Three supporting past movement in favour of homeland (9)","Answer":"PATRIOTIC","Explanation":"Definition: in favour of homeland\n**PA** (past) **+ TRIO** (three) **+ TIC** (involuntary movement)\n **PA TRIO TIC**\n\n**PATRIOTIC** (devoted to one's country)"} {"Clue":"Error: circuit not fully primed (5)","Answer":"LAPSE","Explanation":"Definition: Error:\n**LAP** (circuit) **+ SET** (primed) **excluding the final letter** (not fully) **T**\n **LAP** **SE**\n\n**LAPSE** (error)"} {"Clue":"Summary statement: one's horse turned up aboard ship (8)","Answer":"SYNOPSIS","Explanation":"Definition: Summary statement\n(**I** [Roman numeral for one]** + 'S + PONY** [horse]) **all reversed** (turned up; down clue) **contained in** (aboard) **SS** (steamship)\n **S** (**YNOP** **S** **I**)< **S**\n\n**SYNOPSIS** (summary or outline)"} {"Clue":"Row on air regularly blacked out (3)","Answer":"OAR","Explanation":"Definition: Row\n**OAR** (**letters remaining in** **O****N**** A****I****R** after **letters 2, and 4** [regularly] **N** and **I** **are removed** [blacked out]))\n **OAR**\n\n**OAR** (as a verb, row)"} {"Clue":"Soldier's brought in weapon, taking up chant (6)","Answer":"MANTRA","Explanation":"Definition: chant\n**ANT** (reference a soldier **ANT**) **contained in** (brought in) **ARM** (weapon) **reversed** (taking up; down clue)\n **M** (**ANT**) **RA**<\n\n**MANTRA** (chant)"} {"Clue":"Further performance meant recent changes (2-9)","Answer":"RE-ENACTMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Further performance\n**Anagram of** (changes) **ME****ANT RECENT**\n **RE-ENACTMENT**\n\n**RE-ENACTMENT** (reconstruction of; further performance of)"} {"Clue":"Spooner's view of fool's power \u2013 that might be illuminating (9)","Answer":"MOONLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: might be illuminating\n**M****OON****L****IGHT** (a Spoonerism of **\u00a0L****OON** [fool] + **M****IGHT** [power])\n **MOON**** LIGHT**\n\n**MOONLIGHT** (the **LIGHT** of the **MOON**, sunlight reflected from the moon's surface; sometimes enough to illuminate)"} {"Clue":"The Wire: appropriate to include US city blokes (8)","Answer":"FILAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: The Wire\n**FIT** (appropriate) **containing** (to include) (**LA** [Los Angeles, US city] **+ MEN** [blokes])\n **FI** (**LA** **MEN**) **T**\n\n**FILAMENT** (slender or threadlike object; a fibre; wire)"} {"Clue":"Legs concealed by mostly severe woman not in formal relationship (8)","Answer":"SPINSTER","Explanation":"Definition: woman not in formal relationship\n**PINS** (legs) **contained in** (concealed by) **STERN** (severe) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **N**\n **S** (**PINS**) **TER**\n\n**SPINSTER** (unmarried lady; woman not in a formal relationship)"} {"Clue":"Believe King, historically presides over elevated season (6)","Answer":"CREDIT","Explanation":"Definition: Believe\n**CR** (Charles Rex, reference English Kings named\u00a0Charles of olden days, King Charles II died in 1685; king historically) **+ TIDE** (season) **reversed** (elevated; down clue)\n **CR** **EDIT**<\n\n**CREDIT** (believe)"} {"Clue":"Not killing, allowing one to escape sudden attack (6)","Answer":"SPRING","Explanation":"Definition: sudden attack\n**SPARING** (not killing) **excluding** (allowing \u2026 to escape) **A** (one)\n **SPRING**\n\n**SPRING** (launch a sudden attack)"} {"Clue":"Sound from bird poorly situated below top half of tree (5)","Answer":"TRILL","Explanation":"Definition: Sound from bird\n**TR** (**first two letters of** [top half of] **TREE**) **+ ILL** (poorly)\n **TR** **ILL**\n\n**TRILL** (word used to describe the sound made by birds)"} {"Clue":"Theatrical villain losing head in the past (3)","Answer":"AGO","Explanation":"Definition: in the past\n**IAGO** (villain in Shakespeare's play Othello) **excluding the first letter** (losing head)** I**\n **AGO**\n\n**AGO** (in the past)"} {"Clue":"Man and woman on stage (7)","Answer":"STEPHEN","Explanation":"Definition: Man\n**STEP** (stage along the way) **+ HEN** (woman's name)\n **STEP** + **HEN**\n\n**STEPHEN** (man's name)"} {"Clue":"Flogging witch that's eaten wife and family (7)","Answer":"HAWKING","Explanation":"Definition: Flogging\n**HAG** (witch) **containing** (that's eaten) (**W** [wife] **+ KIN** [family])\n **HA** (**W** **KIN**) **G**\n\n**HAWKING** (selling; flogging)"} {"Clue":"Press broadcast lie about politician (5)","Answer":"IMPEL","Explanation":"Definition: Press\n**Anagram of** (broadcast) **LIE** **containing** (about) **MP** (Member of Parliament; politician)\n **I **(**MP**) **EL***\n\n**IMPEL** (urge forward; press)"} {"Clue":"Way of working with journal contributed to intimate universally relevant study? (9)","Answer":"COSMOLOGY","Explanation":"Definition: universally relevant study\n(**MO** [modus operandi; way of working] **+ LOG** [journal]) **contained in** (contributed to) **COSY** (intimate)\n **COS** (**MO** **LOG**) **Y**\n\n**COSMOLOGY** (science of the universe as a whole; universal relevant study)"} {"Clue":"Develops enough to assume government's keen on containing dispute (5,4)","Answer":"GROWS INTO","Explanation":"Definition: Develops enough to assume\n(**G** [government] **+ 'S** [indicating the possessive in government's] **+ INTO** [keen on]) **containing** (containing) **ROW** (dispute)\n **G **(**ROW**)** ****S** **INTO**\n\n**GROWS INTO** (**GROWS** big enough to fill comfortably; develops enough to assume)"} {"Clue":"Partly autobiographical figure in work of non-fiction ? (5)","Answer":"GRAPH","Explanation":"Definition: figure in work of non-fiction\n**GRAPH** (**hidden word in** [partly] **AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL**)\n **GRAPH**\n\n**GRAPH** (drawing depicting the relationship between two or more variables (sets of numbers or quantities) I'm not sure why we have reference to a work of non-fiction as graphs could\u00a0appear in works of fiction as well, but I suppose autobiographies are non-fiction. Some people would argue that quite a few supposedly factual documents are really works of fiction designed to promote a specific argument."} {"Clue":"What could possible interest foodies ignoring the starter and staring into space (9)","Answer":"ASTRONOMY","Explanation":"Definition: staring into space\n**GASTRONOMY** (art or science of good eating; something that would interest foodies) **excluding the first letter** (ignoring the starter) **G**\n **ASTRONOMY**\n\n**ASTRONOMY** (the study of the celestial bodies and the heavens in all scientific aspects; staring into space [to learn more about it])"} {"Clue":"Inclusive event is about to include training (4)","Answer":"OPEN","Explanation":"Definition: Inclusive event\n**ON** (with reference to; about) **containing** (to include) **PE** (physical education; training)\n **O** (**PE**) **N**\n\n**OPEN** (an inclusive event is **OPEN** to all)"} {"Clue":"Middle of article is replaced by author's sentence (4)","Answer":"TIME","Explanation":"Definition: sentence\n**TI **(**central letters of** [middle of] **ARTICLE**)** set beside** (re-placed by) **ME** (author)\n **TI ****ME**\n\n**TIME** (a prison sentence)"} {"Clue":"City quietly abandoning affected game (9)","Answer":"CAMBRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: City\n**CAMP** (affected) **excluding** (abandoning) **P** (piano; quietly) + **BRIDGE** (card game)\n **CAM** **BRIDGE**\n\n**CAMBRIDGE** (English city)"} {"Clue":"Issue instructions to lawyer (5)","Answer":"BRIEF","Explanation":"Definition: Issue instructions to\n**BRIEF** (issue instructions)\n **BRIEF**\n\n**BRIEF** (barrister; lawyer) double definition"} {"Clue":"Somehow we salvage one that has to work (4,5)","Answer":"WAGE SLAVE","Explanation":"Definition: one that has to work\n**Anagram of **(somehow) **WE SALVAGE**\n **W****AG****E**** SLAVE***\n\n**WAGE SLAVE** (person dependent on a [usually low] **WAGE** or salary; someone who has to work)"} {"Clue":"A duty borne by nursemaid for religious leader (9)","Answer":"AYATOLLAH","Explanation":"Definition: religious leader\n(**A** **+ TOLL** [duty]) **contained in** (borne by) **AYAH** (in India and other former British territories, a waiting-maid or nursemaid)\n **AY** (**A** **TOLL**) **AH**\n\n**AYATOLLAH** (Muslim religious leader of the Shiah sect;)"} {"Clue":"Money-lender yields capital with greater confidence (5)","Answer":"SURER","Explanation":"Definition: with greater confidence\n**USURER** (money-lender) **excluding the first letter** (capital [letter]) **U**\n **SURER**\n\n**SURER** (with greater confidence)"} {"Clue":"Retains retro look capturing product's novelty (5,2)","Answer":"KEEPS UP","Explanation":"Definition: Retains\n**(PEEK** [look] **containing** [capturing] **USP** [unique selling point]; product's special feature or novelty) **all reversed** (retro)\n (**KEE** (**PS U**)** P**)< \n\n**KEEPS UP** (retains)"} {"Clue":"Herald magnificent achievement? (7)","Answer":"TRIUMPH","Explanation":"Definition: Herald\n**TRIUMPH** (the closest match I can find between herald and **TRIUMPH** is 'trumpet' or 'fanfare' having looked in a few dictionaries and Bradfords. I haven't found the two words listed as direct synonyms anywhere)\n **TRIUMPH**\n\n**TRIUMPH** (magnificent achievement) double definition"} {"Clue":"Fish straying at sea (8)","Answer":"STINGRAY","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\n**Anagram o**f (at sea) **STRAYING**\n **STINGRAY***\n\n**STINGRAY** (**RAY** [fish] with a formidable barbed dorsal spine on its tail)"} {"Clue":"Abuse old pilot's licence (7)","Answer":"EXPLOIT","Explanation":"Definition: Abuse\n**EX** (former; old) **+ an anagram of** (licence) **PILOT**\n **EX** **PLOIT***\n\n**EXPLOIT** (\u00a0benefit from at the expense of; abuse)"} {"Clue":"Some courses have these weaknesses in theory (5)","Answer":"HOLES","Explanation":"Definition: Some courses have these\n**HOLES** (golf courses have **HOLES**)\n **HOLES**\n\n**HOLES** (faults or weaknesses in arguments of theories)"} {"Clue":"Presumably a bottle party that's never going to happen (2,3,2)","Answer":"NO CAN DO","Explanation":"Definition: that's never going to happen \n**NO CAN** (bottles only!) **+ DO** (party)\n **NO** **CAN** **DO**\n\n**NO CAN DO** (it's not possible [for me] to fulfil your request; it's never going to happen)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps writing in this man's play is no longer relevant (7)","Answer":"HISTORY","Explanation":"Definition: no longer relevant\n**HISTORY** I can't determine the wordplay to my satisfaction here. There is an **anagram** (play}of **THIS** at the beginning of **HIST**ORY but I can't do anything with the remaining **ORY**. Where does writing come into the wordplay? Are we talking about the work of **STEPHEN HAWKING**? Does **STORY** relate to play? Is MS (manuscript; writing involved somehow **excluding** [no longer] **M** from **HI****M** [this man] but where does S come from and is the definition 'relevant' rather than 'no longer relevant'?\n You can see I am clutching at straws. I look forward to being told what I have missed\n **HISTORY**\n\n**HISTORY** (the past; something no longer relevant to today, often used dismissively in this context) I'm not sure everyone would agree that what happened in the past is always irrelevant to what is happening to day."} {"Clue":"He's fallen and knocked Roger down (9)","Answer":"WRONGDOER","Explanation":"Definition: He's fallen\n**Anagram of** (knocked) **ROGER DOWN** \n **W****RO****N****G****DO****ER***\n\n**WRONGDOER** (offender or transgressor; someone who has fallen)"} {"Clue":"Quarantine one individual catching athlete's foot on vacation (7)","Answer":"ISOLATE","Explanation":"Definition: Quarantine\n**I** (Roman numeral for one) **+** (**SOLE** [individual] **containing** [catching] **AT** [the **letters remaining in** **ATHLETE'S FOOT** when **all the central letters** **THLETE'S FOO** **are removed** [on vacation])\n **I** **SOL** (**AT**) **E**\n\n**ISOLATE** (quarantine)"} {"Clue":"Ugly photograph displays architectural feature (5)","Answer":"GLYPH","Explanation":"Definition: architectural feature\n**GLYPH** (**hidden word in** [displays] **UGLY PHOTOGRAPH**)\n **GLYPH**\n\n**GLYPH** (architectural feature \u2013 an ornamental channel or fluting, usually vertical)"} {"Clue":"Channels transmitting material that's too much for other outlets (9)","Answer":"OVERFLOWS","Explanation":"Definition: Channels transmitting material that's too much for other outlets\n**OVERFLOWS** (the clue is a cryptic definition misdirecting solvers to think about media outlets rather than water outlets)\n **OVERFLOWS**\n\n**OVERFLOWS** (pipes or channels for spare water; channels transmitting material too much for other outlets)"} {"Clue":"Study about attention in school (8)","Answer":"RESEARCH","Explanation":"Definition: Study\n**RE** (with reference to; about) **+** (**EAR** [attention] **contained in** [in] **SCH** [school]) \n **RE** **S** (**EAR**) **CH**\n\n**RESEARCH** (study)"} {"Clue":"Counterfeit money for bishop in jar (7)","Answer":"IMITATE","Explanation":"Definition: Counterfeit\n**IRRITATE** [jar] with **M** (money) **replacing** (for) **RR** (Right Reverend; bishop) \n **IMITATE**\n\n**IMITATE** (copy; counterfeit)"} {"Clue":"Something that's stemmed from bully tipping lager over (7)","Answer":"COWSLIP","Explanation":"Definition: Something that's stemmed\n**COW** (bully) **+ PILS** (lager) **reversed** (tipping \u2026 over)\n **COW** **SLIP**<\n\n**COWSLIP** (species of primrose; flower; something that has a stem)"} {"Clue":"Rob's recently stolen picture from police station (7)","Answer":"MUGSHOT","Explanation":"Definition: picture from police station\n**MUGS** (steals; robs) + **HOT** (stolen)\n **MUG** **SHOT**\n\n**MUGSHOT** (photograph of a person's face, especially one taken for police records)"} {"Clue":"12 perhaps raised money to help school outside Reading? (7)","Answer":"DIAGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: 12 perhaps\n**AID** (reference Foreign **AID** [money or services to help others]) **reversed** (raised; down clue) **+** (**GAM** [school of whales] **containing** [outside] **R** [Reading is one of the three **R**s of education, reading, writing and arithmetic)\n **DIA**< **G** (**R**) **AM**\n\n**DIAGRAM** (a **GRAPH** [entry at 12 across is a type of **DIAGRAM**)"} {"Clue":"Unofficial Labour leader divides support (5)","Answer":"BLACK","Explanation":"Definition: Unofficial\n**L** (**first letter of **[leader]** LABOUR**) **contained in** (divides) **BACK** (support)\n **B** (**L**) **ACK**\n\n**BLACK** (unofficial)"} {"Clue":"Fare from Japan in vessel almost circumnavigating America (5)","Answer":"SUSHI","Explanation":"Definition: Fare from Japan\n**SHI****P** (vessel) **excluding the final lette**r (almost) **P containing** (circumnavigating)** US** (Unites States; America)\n **S** (**US**) **SHI**\n\n**SUSHI **(Japanese food [fare])"} {"Clue":"Book opening put back with journalist taking hint (5,5)","Answer":"EDWIN DROOD","Explanation":"Definition: Book\n(**ED** [editor [journalist] **+**** DOOR** [opening] **reversed** [put back]) **containing** (taking) **WIND** (hint or suggestion)\n **ED** (**WIN D**) **ROOD**<\n\n**EDWIN DROOD** (novel [full title The Mystery of** EDWIN DROOD**], by Charles Dickens)"} {"Clue":"Beer that's mine around noon (4)","Answer":"PINT","Explanation":"Definition: Beer\n**PIT** (mine) **containing** (around) **N** (noon)\n **PI** (**N**) **T**\n\n**PINT** (**PINT** can be used as general term for a beer)"} {"Clue":"Tree bark used by settlers (9)","Answer":"MAYFLOWER","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\n**MAYFLOWER** (tree)\n **MAYFLOWER**\n\n**MAYFLOWER** (reference the ship the **MAYFLOWER** that took pilgrims \/ settlers from Plymouth to the New World in 1620. The ship was similar in construction to a barque [bark]) double definition"} {"Clue":"Champion lacking height succeeded in love (4)","Answer":"EROS","Explanation":"Definition: love \n**HERO** (champion) **excluding** (lacking) **H** (height) **+ S** (succeeded)\n **ERO** **S**\n\n**EROS** (Greek love-god)"} {"Clue":"Bird Madagascan primate skinned (3)","Answer":"EMU","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\n**LEMUR** (any member of the Lemuroidea or Prosimiae, a group of long-tailed mammals related to the monkeys, forest dwellers, mainly nocturnal, common in Madagascar: Madagascan primate) **excluding the outer letters** (skinned) **L** and **R**\n **EMU**\n\n**EMU** (flightless, fast-running Australian bird)"} {"Clue":"Plant in ancient river deity protects (9)","Answer":"GOLDENROD","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\n**GOD** (deity) **containing** (protects) (**OLDEN** [ancient] **+ R** [river])\n **G **(**OLDEN ****R**) **OD**\n\n**GOLDENROD** (any plant of the composite genus Solidago, with rodlike stems and yellow heads crowded along the branches)"} {"Clue":"Times always collects by Detective Sergeant (4)","Answer":"DAYS","Explanation":"Definition: Times \n**AY **(always) **contained in** (collected by) **DS** (Detective Sergeant)\n **D** (**AY**) **S**\n\n**DAYS** (times)"} {"Clue":"Wants to be stopping nonsense writer (7)","Answer":"BURGESS","Explanation":"Definition: writer\n**URGES** (wants) **contained in** (to be stopping) **BS** (bullshit; nonsense)\n **B** (**URGES**) **S**\n\n**BURGESS** (reference Anthony **BURGESS** [1917 \u2013 1993], English author)"} {"Clue":"One with front garden in novel (7)","Answer":"IVANHOE","Explanation":"Definition: writer\n**URGES** (wants) **contained in** (to be stopping) **BS** (bullshit; nonsense)\n **B** (**URGES**) **S**\n\n**BURGESS** (reference Anthony **BURGESS** [1917 \u2013 1993], English author)"} {"Clue":"Bowl over, taking time in fine weather (4)","Answer":"STUN","Explanation":"Definition: Bowl over\n**SUN** (fine weather) **containing** (taking \u2026 in) **T** (time) \n **S** (**T**) **UN**\n\n**STUN** (astound; bowl over)"} {"Clue":"Cathedral's vergers recalled uniform for feast (9)","Answer":"CANDLEMAS","Explanation":"Definition: feast\n**C AND L** (**the letters forming the edges** [vergers] **of the word** **CATHEDRAL**) **+ SAME** (consistent; uniform) **reversed** (recalled)\n **C** **AND** **L** **EMAS**<\n\n**CANDLEMAS** (church festival of the purification of the Virgin Mary, on 2 February, when **CANDLE**s\u00a0are blessed)"} {"Clue":"Party split by posh pairing (3)","Answer":"DUO","Explanation":"Definition: pairing\n**DO** (party) **containing** (split by) **U** (posh)\n **D** (**U**) **O**\n\n**DUO** (two persons; pairing)"} {"Clue":"Tongue almost swallowed by moggy? (4)","Answer":"INCA","Explanation":"Definition: Tongue\n**IN CAT** (**swallowed by moggy** [**CAT**]) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **T**\n **IN** **CA**\n\n**INCA** (language of a South American people of Peru before the Spanish conquest in the 16th century, who had a complex civilization and empire)"} {"Clue":"Citizen in film incarcerates the Rhode Island girl (9)","Answer":"KATHERINE","Explanation":"Definition: girl\n**KANE** (reference the 1942 film Citizen **KANE**) **containing** (incarcerates) (**THE** **+ RI** [Rhode Island])\n **KA** (**THE** **RI**) **NE**\n\n**KATHERINE** (girl's name)"} {"Clue":"Put down in Greater Manchester region (4)","Answer":"BURY","Explanation":"Definition: Put down\n**BURY** (put down into the ground) \n **BURY**\n\n**BURY** (town in Greater Manchester) double definition"} {"Clue":"Urchin for example reading again admits mistake (10)","Answer":"RAGAMUFFIN","Explanation":"Definition: Urchin\n**R** (Reading is one of the three Rs \u2013 Reading 'Riting and 'Rithmetic) **+** (**AGAIN** **containing** [admits] **MUFF** [clumsy or bungled action; mistake])\n **R** **AGA** (**MUFF**) **IN**\n\n**RAGAMUFFIN** (urchin)"} {"Clue":"American lawyer in dash reaches Dutch town (4)","Answer":"EDAM","Explanation":"Definition: Dutch town\n**DA** (District Attorney; American lawyer) **contained in** (in) **EM** (reference **EM**-dash in printing, that is one **EM**\u00a0long [the width of a 12 point lower case m,] used as a punctuation mark)\n **E** (**DA**) **M**\n\n**EDAM** (town in The Netherlands)"} {"Clue":"Asian joint said to be very small (4)","Answer":"TINY","Explanation":"Definition: very small\n**TINY** (**sounds like** [said] **THAI** [**THAI**land is an Asian country] + **KNEE** [joint])\n **TINY**\n\n**TINY** (very small)"} {"Clue":"Hero from Left supporting response in union ceremony (4)","Answer":"IDOL","Explanation":"Definition: Hero\n**I DO** (response in a wedding [union] ceremony) **+ L** (left) As this is a down entry the letter **L** is seen in the grid to be supporting **I DO**\n **I DO L**\n\n**IDOL** (hero)"} {"Clue":"Pro runs in pack \u2013 flanker? (7)","Answer":"FORWARD","Explanation":"Definition: flanker\n**FOR** (supportive; pro) **+** (**R** [runs in cricket scoring notation] **contained** in [in] **WAD** [pad or pack])\n **FOR** **WA** (**R**) **D**\n\n**FORWARD** (a flanker is a **FORWARD** in Rugby Union)"} {"Clue":"As calm and troubled time among faceless (10)","Answer":"ANTONYMOUS","Explanation":"Definition: As calm and troubled\n**T** (time) **contained in** (among) **ANONYMOUS** (lacking distinctive features or individuality; faceless)\n **AN** (**T**) **ONYMOUS**\n\n**ANTONYMOUS** (descriptive of words that opposite in meaning to another \u2013 such calm and troubled)"} {"Clue":"\u00a325 envelope for rising subscription \u2013 thousand for Tees? (9)","Answer":"PSEUDONYM","Explanation":"Definition: Tees\n(**PONY** [slang for \u00a325] **containing** [envelope for] **DUES** [subscription] **reversed** [rising; down clue]) **+ M** (Roman numeral for 1000)\n **P** (**SEUD**<) **ONY** **M**\n\n**PSEUDONYM** (Tees is a **PSEUDONYM** used by today's crossword setter)"} {"Clue":"Idiosyncrasy regularly detected in frauds (3)","Answer":"FAD","Explanation":"Definition: Idiosyncrasy\n**FAD** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [regularly] of **FRAUDS**)\n **FAD**\n\n**FAD** (personal idiosyncrasy or whim)"} {"Clue":"Eating to excess: Lou's gut struggles to contain ton (10)","Answer":"GLUTTONOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Eating to excess\n**Anagram of** (struggles) **LOU'S GUT** **containing** (to contain) **TON**\n **GLUT** (**TON**) **O****U****S***\n\n**GLUTTONOUS** (eating to excess)"} {"Clue":"Fabulous line, ready to broadcast, conveys 27 (9)","Answer":"LEGENDARY","Explanation":"Definition: Fabulous\n**L** (line) **+** (**an anagram of **[to broadcast] **READY** **containing** [conveys] **GEN** [**INFO**, the entry at 27 down])\n **L** **E** (**GEN**) **DARY***\n\n**LEGENDARY** (fabulous)"} {"Clue":"Eliot's village festival involves endless drink (4,5)","Answer":"EAST COKER","Explanation":"Definition: Eliot's village\n**EASTER** (festival) **containing** (involves) **COKE** (soft drink) **excluding the final letter** (endless) **E**\n **EAST **(**COK**) **ER**\n\n**EAST COKER** (title of the second poem in T S Eliot's Four Quartets)"} {"Clue":"United including only men in position to perform (7)","Answer":"ONSTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: in position to perform\n**ONE** (united) **containing** (including) **STAG** (male of various kinds)\n **ON** (**STAG**) **E**\n\n**ONSTAGE** (**ON** the **STAGE**; in a position to perform)"} {"Clue":"Lead-free transport gets attention (3)","Answer":"EAR","Explanation":"Definition: attention\n**BEAR** (carry; transport) **excluding the first or leading letter** (lead-free) **B**\n **EAR**\n\n**EAR** (attention)"} {"Clue":"Requiem mass inspires literary work (4)","Answer":"EMMA","Explanation":"Definition: literary work\n**EMMA** (**hidden word in** [inspires] **REQUIEM MASS**)\n **EMMA**\n\n**EMMA** (literary work by Jane Austen)"} {"Clue":"Data coming up concerning UK region (4)","Answer":"INFO","Explanation":"Definition: Data\n(**OF **[concerning) **+ NI** [Northern Ireland, part of the United Kingdom]) **all reversed** (coming up; down clue)\n (**IN** **FO**)<\n\n**INFO **(data, though some would argue that data and information are two distinct things)"} {"Clue":"Odd characters leaving Georgian poet's country (4)","Answer":"ERIN","Explanation":"Definition: poet's country\n**ERIN** (l**etters remaining in** **G****E****O****R****G****I****A****N** **when the odd letters** 1, 3, 5 and 7 **are removed**)\n **ERIN**\n\n**ERIN** (poetic word for Ireland)"} {"Clue":"White dwarf found by Galileo initially? Only half of it visible (6)","Answer":"GRUMPY","Explanation":"Definition: White dwarf\n**G** (**first letter o**f [initially] **GALILEO**)\u00a0**+ RUMPY-PUMPY** (sexual intercourse; it) **excluding the five letters o**f **PUMPY** which form half of the word to leave only the other half, **RUMPY**\u00a0visible\n **G** **RUMPY**\n\n**GRUMPY** (one of Snow White's seven dwarfs)"} {"Clue":"Is removing Johnson's shilling pieces called for? (8)","Answer":"BOBBITTS","Explanation":"Definition: Is removing Johnson's\n**BOB** (shilling) **+ BITTS** (sounds like [called for] **BITS** [piece])\n **BOB** **BITTS**\n\n**BOBBITTS** (removes the penis; Johnson is defined in the Oxford Dictionary of English as American vulgar slang for the penis. The word **BOBBITT** derives from the action of Lorena **BOBBITT** who cut off her husband's penis in 1993)"} {"Clue":"24 in desert (3)","Answer":"RAT","Explanation":"Definition: desert\n**RAT** (the entry at 24 is **PLASTIC ART** which can be read a clue to **RAT** \u2013 **an anagram of** [plastic] **ART**)\n **RAT***\n\n**RAT** (desert)"} {"Clue":"Singer concerned with Liberal supporter and Welsh Democrat, always looking back (4,7)","Answer":"REED WARBLER","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\n(**RE** [concerned with) **+ L** [Liberal] **+**** BRA** [supporter] **+**** W** [Welsh] **+ D** [Democrat) **+ E'ER** [ever]) **all reversed** (looking back)\n (**REE D W ARB L ER**)<\n\n**REED WARBLER** (bird; singer)"} {"Clue":"Pat's literally gutted with the French intervening without much thought (10)","Answer":"CARELESSLY","Explanation":"Definition: without much thought\n**LE** (one of the French form of 'the')** contained in** (intervening) **CARESS** [touch affectionately; pat] **+ LY** [**letters remaining in** **L****ITERALL****Y** when **the central letters ITERALL are removed** [gutted]) \n **CARE** (**LE**) **SS** **LY**\n\n**CARELESSLY** (without much thought)"} {"Clue":"Island nation finally banned whisky (4)","Answer":"MALT","Explanation":"Definition: whisky\n**MALTA** (island nation in the Mediterranean) **excluding** (banned) **the last letter** (finally) **A**\n **MALT**\n\n**MALT** (liquor, especially **MALT** whisky)"} {"Clue":"English writer, Sir Hugo, involved originally in play (8)","Answer":"ISHIGURO","Explanation":"Definition: English writer\n**Anagram of** (in play) **SIR HUGO** and** I**\u00a0(**first letter of** [originally] **INVOLVED**)\n **ISHIGURO***\n\n**ISHIGURO** (reference Kazuo **ISHIGURO** born 1954], English writer)"} {"Clue":"'Thing from Another World', screened by school? (6)","Answer":"FETISH","Explanation":"Definition: Thing\n**ET** (extraterrestrial [from another world]) **contained in** (screened by) **FISH** (school is a collective noun for group of **FISH**)\n **F** (**ET**) **ISH**\n\n**FETISH** (fixation; thing)"} {"Clue":"Drop of milky liquid for 10? (6)","Answer":"MURINE","Explanation":"Definition: for 10\n**M** (**first letter of** [drop of] **MILKY**) **+ URINE** (example of a liquid)\n **M** **URINE** \n\n**MURINE** (mouselike, reference the entry **RAT** at 10 across. A **RAT** is a member of a genus of animals closely allied to mice)"} {"Clue":"It's impolitic ignoring Queen \u2013 but it's bold (8)","Answer":"IMPUDENT","Explanation":"Definition: bold\n**IMPRUDENT** (ill-judged; impolitic) **excluding** (ignoring) **R** (Regina; queen)\n **IMPUDENT**\n\n**IMPUDENT** (impertinent; bold)"} {"Clue":"I finish off beer in a single continuous action (4)","Answer":"ONER","Explanation":"Definition: single continuous action\n**ONE** (I [Roman numeral for **ONE**) **+ R** (**last letter of** [finish off]** BEER**)\n **ONE** **R**\n\n**ONER** (single continuous action)"} {"Clue":"At the end I see some overwhelming sculpture? (7,3)","Answer":"PLASTIC ART","Explanation":"Definition: sculpture\n**PART** (some)** containing** (overwhelming) (**LAST** [at the end] **+ I + C** [see])\n **P** (**LAST** **I** **C**) **ART**\n\n**PLASTIC ART** (any of the **ART**s of shaping in three dimensions, such as ceramics, sculpture, modelling; art which is, or appears to be, three-dimensional)"} {"Clue":"More corny 13, unknown among nouveaux riches (11)","Answer":"SCHMALTZIER","Explanation":"Definition: sculpture\n**PART** (some)** containing** (overwhelming) (**LAST** [at the end] **+ I + C** [see])\n **P** (**LAST** **I** **C**) **ART**\n\n**PLASTIC ART** (any of the **ART**s of shaping in three dimensions, such as ceramics, sculpture, modelling; art which is, or appears to be, three-dimensional)"} {"Clue":"Language used by Lord Jim occasionally when going the wrong way (3)","Answer":"IDO","Explanation":"Definition: anguage\n**IDO** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [occasionally] of **LORD JIM**) **all reversed** (going the wrong way)\n **IDO**<\n\n**IDO** (auxiliary international language developed [since 1907] from Esperanto)"} {"Clue":"Deuce! It's time he was back (3,5)","Answer":"THE DEVIL","Explanation":"Definition: Deuce\n**T** (time)** + HE** + (**LIVED** [was] **reversed** [back])\n **T** **HE** **DEVIL**<\n\n**THE DEVIL** (Deuce is used in exclamatory phrases as a synonym for The Devil)"} {"Clue":"Power of film that takes place in Ulster (6)","Answer":"TYRONE","Explanation":"Definition: Power of film\n**TYRONE** (reference American film actor **TYRONE** Power [1914 \u2013 1958])\n **TYRONE**\n\n**TYRONE** (reference County **TYRONE**, one of the six historic counties of Northern Ireland)"} {"Clue":"Polish composer and Russian writer talked about touring the City (7)","Answer":"GORECKI","Explanation":"Definition: Polish composer \n**GORKI **(**sounds like** [talked about] **GORKY** [reference Maxim **GORKY** {1868 \u2013 1936}, Russian author]) **containing** (touring) **EC** (post code for the City of London)\n **GOR** (**EC**) **KI**\n\n**GORECKI** (reference Henryk **G\u00d3RECKI** [1933 \u2013 2010], Polish composer)"} {"Clue":"Unadulterated state (5)","Answer":"UTTER","Explanation":"Definition: Unadulterated\n**UTTER** (pure, unadulterated)\n **UTTER**\n\n**UTTER** (speak; state) double definition"} {"Clue":"Glen Ponder gets aroused by Linda Lovelace? (4,6)","Answer":"PORN LEGEND","Explanation":"Definition: Linda Lovelace\n**Anagram of **(gets aroused) **GLEN PONDER**\n **POR****N LEG****END***\n Glen Ponder was the band leader in the Alan Partridge TV series Knowing Me, Knowing You\n\n**PORN LEGEND** (Linda **LOVELACE** [1949 \u2013 2002], American pornographic actress famous for her performance in the 1972 hardcore porn film Deep Throat)"} {"Clue":"Maybe Patsy Cline's second whiskey and soda on the rocks (6)","Answer":"OSWALD","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe Patsy\n**Anagram of** (on the rocks) **L** (**second letter of** [second] **CLINE**) and **W** (whiskey or whisky is the International Radio Communication codeword for the letter **W**) and **SODA**\n **OSWALD***\n\n**OSWALD** (reference Lee Harvey **OSWALD** who is considered by some to the fall-guy [patsy] for the real killer of John F Kennedy in Dallas in 1963)"} {"Clue":"Weary of York? Head down south (4)","Answer":"BORE","Explanation":"Definition: Weary\n**EBOR** (**EBOR**acensus [of York]) with **the first letter** [head] **E**\u00a0moved to the end [down south; down clue])\n **BOR****E**\n\n**BORE** (weary)"} {"Clue":"Long-winded story about king and mother discovered (9)","Answer":"TALKATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Long-winded\n**TALE** (story) **containing** (about) (**K** [king] **+ ATIV** [**NATIVE** [mother] **excluding the outer letters** [dis-covered] **N** and **E**) Bradford's gives **NATIVE**\u00a0as a synonym for **MOTHER**.\n **TAL** (**K** **ATIV**) **E**\n\n**TALKATIVE** (long-winded)"} {"Clue":"Cash and curry? 29 it is! (7)","Answer":"SCRATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Cash\n**SCRATCH** (the verb 'to curry' can be defined as to SCRATCH\n **SCRATCH** (slang for ready money or cash)\n\n**SCRATCH** (another name for **THE\u00a0DEVIL** [entry at 29 across]) triple definition"} {"Clue":"The earth may sometimes discharge water, ultimately in this (6)","Answer":"GEYSER","Explanation":"Definition: this\n**GE** (variant spelling of Gaea or Gaia [in Greek mythology, the goddess or personification of Earth]) **+ YSER** (**last letters** [ultimately] **of\u00a0each\u00a0of** **MAY**. **SOMETIMES**, **DISCHARGE** and **WATER**)\n **GE** **YSER**\n\n**GEYSER** (spring that periodically spouts hot water and steam into the air)"} {"Clue":"Comic Paul Riley entertains college in a funny way (10)","Answer":"PECULIARLY","Explanation":"Definition: in a funny way\n**Anagram of** (comic) **PAUL RILEY** **containing** (entertains) **C** (college)\n **P****E** (**C**) **UL****I****A****RLY***\n\n**PECULIARLY** (in a funny way)"} {"Clue":"He loves her SS pants and footwear (9)","Answer":"HORSESHOE","Explanation":"Definition: footwear\n**Anagram of** (pants) **HE** and **OO** (two zeros; two love score in tennis; two loves) and **HER SS**\n **H****ORS****E****SHOE***\n\n**HORSESHOE** (equine footwear)"} {"Clue":"You won't be able to see Maria after this time (7)","Answer":"MOONSET","Explanation":"Definition: You won't be able to see Maria after this time\n**MOONSET** (maria [plural of mare] is defined as\u00a0any of various darkish level areas on either the Moon or Mars) so you wouldn't be able to see maria once the **MOON** has **SET**\n **MOONSET**\n\n**MOONSET** (the time when **MOON** disappears below the horizon)"} {"Clue":"Patriarch's tessellation (6)","Answer":"MOSAIC","Explanation":"Definition: tessellation\n**MOSAIC** (of or relating to Moses, the great Jewish lawgiver and venerable old man or\u00a0patriarch)\n **MOSAIC**\n\n**MOSAIC** (a **MOSAIC** is constructed by a form of tesselation) double definition"} {"Clue":"Pottered about after releasing pressure valve (7)","Answer":"TETRODE","Explanation":"Definition: valve\n**Anagram of** (about) **P****OTTERED** **excluding** (after releasing) **P** (pressure)\n **TETRODE***\n\n**TETRODE** (thermionic valve with four electrodes)"} {"Clue":"Stuff that's retracted fundamental muscles? (6)","Answer":"GLUTEI","Explanation":"Definition: fundamental muscles\n**GLUT** (overfeed; stuff) **+ IE** (id est; that is; that's) **reversed** (retracted)\n **GLUT** **EI**<\n\n**GLUTEI** (plural of **GLUTEUS** [any of three muscles of the buttock [fundamental part of the body] and hip , the outermost of which is the gluteus maximus)"} {"Clue":"Some yogi masters turned up in China (5)","Answer":"AMIGO","Explanation":"Definition: China\n**AMIGO** (**hidden word reversed in** [turned up in] **YOGI MASTERS**)\n **AMIGO**<\n\n**AMIGO** (friend; pal; china)"} {"Clue":"Vice-Admiral at games has to use electronic cigarettes (4)","Answer":"VAPE","Explanation":"Definition: use electronic cigarettes\n**VA** (Vice-Admiral) **+ PE** (physical education; games)\n **VA** **PE**\n\n**VAPE** (use electronic cigarettes)"} {"Clue":"Market regularly failing brand (4)","Answer":"MAKE","Explanation":"Definition: brand\n**MARKET** **excluding** (failing) **letters 3 and 6** (regularly **R** and **T**)\n **MAKE**\n\n**MAKE** (brand)"} {"Clue":"Website requirement \u2013 most important contributing to party reputation (6,4)","Answer":"DOMAIN NAME","Explanation":"Definition: Website requirement\n**MAIN** (most important) **contained in** (contributing to) (**DO** [party] **+ NAME** {reputation)\n **DO** **(MAIN**) **NAME**\n\n**DOMAIN NAME** (the distinctive **NAME**\u00a0of a specific computer network or service used as part of an Internet address, allowing its easy identification)"} {"Clue":"Theatre of war where activity was uncovered? (8)","Answer":"WINDMILL","Explanation":"Definition: Theatre of war where activity was uncovered\n**WINDMILL** (reference the **WINDMILL** theatre in Whitehall, London, where during the Second World War the vaudeville revues featured nude performers in statuesque poses. The theatre ,management convinced the Lord Chamberlain that if nude statues were OK, then stationary nude glamour girls were also OK. 'If it moved it rude' was another phrase associated with the theatre's argument)\n **WINDMILL**\n\n**WINDMILL** (the **WINDMILL** theatre famously used the slogan\u00a0'**WE NEVER CLOSED**' [see 18 \/ 20 across] during the Second World War)"} {"Clue":"Squad not favoured to take on attack (6)","Answer":"OUTFIT","Explanation":"Definition: Squad\n**OUT** (not in favour)**\u00a0+ FIT** (attack of illness, especially associated with convulsion or paroxysm)\n **OUT** **FIT**\n\n**OUTFIT** (any set of persons; squad)"} {"Clue":"Italian city \u2013 composer getting endless Latin love there (7)","Answer":"BERGAMO","Explanation":"Definition: Italian city\n**BERG** (reference Alban **BERG** [1885 \u2013 1935], Austrian composer) **+ AMOR **(Latin for love)** excluding the final letter** (endless) **R**\n **BERG** **AMO**\n\n**BERGAMO** (city in northern Italy))"} {"Clue":"24 \/ 7 as claimed by the 12? (2,5,6)","Answer":"WE NEVER CLOSED","Explanation":"Definition: 24 \/ 7 as claimed by the 12\n**WE NEVER CLOSED** (a claim by the management of the **WINDMILL** theatre [see blog detail at 12 across])\n **WE NEVER CLOSED**\n\n**WE NEVER CLOSED**** **(a phrase that literally equates to having been open 24 hours, 7 days a week, all year)"} {"Clue":"Greedily eat stew of mole in bowl (8)","Answer":"DEMOLISH","Explanation":"Definition: Greedily eat\n**Anagram of** (stew of) **MOLE** **contained in** (in) **DISH** (bowl)\n **D** (**EMOL***) **ISH**\n\n**DEMOLISH** (eat greedily)"} {"Clue":"Loudly in favour \u2013 is most energised after intervention by Independent (10)","Answer":"FORTISSIMO","Explanation":"Definition: Loudly\n**FOR** (in favour) **+** **(I** [independent] **contained in** [after intervention] [**an anagram of** {energised} **IS MOST**])\n **FOR** **T** (**I**) **SSIMO*** Either **I** could be the one contained\n\n**FORTISSIMO** (as loud as possible)"} {"Clue":"Certain French Police will release alien (4)","Answer":"SURE","Explanation":"Definition: Certain\n**S\u00dbRET\u00c9** (reference **S\u00dbRET\u00c9** Nationale [civil police force in some French speaking countries]. Wikipediea tells me that it is now known as Police Nationale\u00a0in France itself) **excluding** (will release) **ET** (extra-terrestrial; alien)\n **SURE**\n\n**SURE** (certain)"} {"Clue":"New number \u2013 one released in cover (5)","Answer":"NOVEL","Explanation":"Definition: New\n**NO** (number) **+ VEIL** (cover) **excluding** (released from)** I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **NO** **VEL**\n\n**NOVEL **(new)"} {"Clue":"The gold is beside the end of escarpment, one hypothesises (8)","Answer":"THEORIST","Explanation":"Definition: one hypothesises\n**THE + OR** (the tincture gold in heraldry) **+ IS **+ **T** (**last letter of** [end of])\n **THE OR IS T**\n\n**THEORIST** (one who hypothesises)"} {"Clue":"Soaring sprite upon a biting insect (4)","Answer":"FLEA","Explanation":"Definition: biting insect\n**ELF** (sprite) **reversed** (soaring; down clue) **+ A**\n **FLE**< **A**\n\n**FLEA** (example of biting insect)"} {"Clue":"Protective cover started, securing line (6)","Answer":"SHIELD","Explanation":"Definition: Protective cover\n**SHIED** (flinched; started) **containing** (securing) **L** (line)\n **SHIE** (**L**) **D**\n\n**SHIELD** (protective cover)"} {"Clue":"Store of money unearthed (second component missing) (4)","Answer":"FUND","Explanation":"Definition: Store of money\n**FOUND** (unearthed) **excluding** (missing) **the second letter** (component) **O**\n **FUND**\n\n**FUND** (store of money laid up)"} {"Clue":"Distribution of this marine creature could be chore in Med (10)","Answer":"ECHINODERM","Explanation":"Definition: marine creature\n**Anagram of** (distribution of this \u2026 could be) **CHORE IN MED**\n **ECH****IN****O****DE****R****M***\n\n**ECHINODERM** (a phylum of radially symmetrical marine invertebrates, with a hard body-wall strengthened by calcareous plates, and usually moving by tube-feet, including starfishes, sea-urchins, brittlestars, sea-cucumbers and sea-lilies; marine creature)"} {"Clue":"24 \/ 7 and definitely not 9-to-5 (5,3,5)","Answer":"ROUND THE CLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: 24 \/ 7 \n**ROUND THE CLOCK** (for the whole of a twenty-four hour period. If you extrapolate to a week, this becomes 24 \/ 7))\n **ROUND THE CLOCK**\n\n**ROUND THE CLOCK** (more than nine-to-five)"} {"Clue":"Minimal coverage? Heavens \u2013 little special about politician getting elected (10)","Answer":"SKIMPINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Minimal coverage\n(**SKIES** [heavens] **+ S** [special]) **containing** (about) (**MP** [Member of Parliament; politician] **+ IN** [elected])\n **SKI** (**MP** **IN**) **ES** **S**\n\n**SKIMPINESS** (scantiness; minimal coverage)"} {"Clue":"Herb is coming up \u2013 tree conceals one (6)","Answer":"SIMPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Herb\n**IS** **reversed** (coming up; down clue) **+ MAPLE** (tree)** excluding** (conceals; hides) **A** (one)\n **SI<** **MPLE**\n\n**SIMPLE** (medicinal plant; herb)"} {"Clue":"Imaginary meeting oil-painted badly (5,5)","Answer":"IDEAL POINT","Explanation":"Definition: Imaginary meeting\n**Anagram of** (badly) **OIL-PAINTED**\n **I****DEA****L**** P****O****INT***\n\n**IDEAL POINT** (a hypothetical point where two parallel lines join at infinity. imaginary meeting)"} {"Clue":"Setter's way: touch of trickery in cunning (making a boast) (10)","Answer":"IMMODESTLY","Explanation":"Definition: making a boast\n**I'M** (setter) **+ MODE** (way or manner of acting) **+** (**T** [**first letter of** {touch of}] **TRICKERY**] **contained in **[in] **SLY** [cunning])\n **IM** **MODE** **S** (**T**)** LY**\n\n**IMMODESTLY** (boastfully)"} {"Clue":"Gossip over rigged votes is a source of heat (3,5)","Answer":"GAS STOVE","Explanation":"Definition: source of heat\n**GAS** (gossip) **+ an anagram of** (rigged)** VOTES**\n **GAS** **STOVE***\n\n**GAS STOVE** (source of heat)"} {"Clue":"Brilliance is what's tempting about stone (6)","Answer":"LUSTRE","Explanation":"Definition: Brilliance\n**LURE** (something that tempts) **containing** (about) **ST** (stone)\n **LU** (**ST**) **RE**\n\n**LUSTRE** (brilliance)"} {"Clue":"24 \/ 7 (4,3,5)","Answer":"OPEN","Explanation":"Definition: 24 \/ 7\n**OPEN ALL HOURS** (all the time, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week)\n **OPEN ALL HOURS**\n\n**OPEN** [**ALL HOURS**] cryptic definition using the clue numbers 24 \/ 7 to clue 24 \/ 7"} {"Clue":"No opening in crowd to hurry (4)","Answer":"RUSH","Explanation":"Definition: to hurry\n**CRUSH** (crowd) **excluding** (no) **the first lette**r (opening) **C**\n **RUSH**\n\n**RUSH** (hurry)"} {"Clue":"Sadly untrained, not seeing river flood (8)","Answer":"INUNDATE","Explanation":"Definition: flood\n**Anagram of** (sadly) **UNTRAINED** **excluding** (not seeing) **R** (river)\n **INUNDATE***\n\n**INUNDATE** (flood)"} {"Clue":"Lacking vision, managed in wrong way; dispute follows (6)","Answer":"NARROW","Explanation":"Definition: Lacking vision\n**RAN** (managed) **reversed** (in the wrong way) **+ ROW** (dispute)\n **NAR**< **ROW**\n\n**NARROW** (contracted in mind or outlook; lacking vision)"} {"Clue":"Country workers' group have high opinion of, when finishing early (6)","Answer":"TUVALU","Explanation":"Definition: Country\n**TU** (Trade Union; workers' group) **+ VALUE** (have high opinion of) **excluding the final letter** (when finishing early) **E**\n **TU** **VALU**\n\n**TUVALU** (Country in the Pacific Ocean)"} {"Clue":"Producer of filth? River, lakes \u2013 unfortunately true (8)","Answer":"POLLUTER","Explanation":"Definition: Producer of filth\n**PO** (river in Italy) **+** (**L** [lake] **+ L** [lake] to give lakes) **+ an anagram of** (unfortunately) **TRUE**\n **PO** **L** **L** **UTER***\n\n**POLLUTER **(producer of contamination or filth)"} {"Clue":"Loved one not working, you say? (4)","Answer":"IDOL","Explanation":"Definition: Loved one\n**IDOL** (**sounds like** [you say] **IDLE** [not in operation; not working])\n **IDOL**\n\n**IDOL** (loved one)"} {"Clue":"Cite tax due \u2013 amazing precision (10)","Answer":"EXACTITUDE","Explanation":"Definition: precision\n**Anagram of** (amazing) **CITE TAX DUE**\n **E****XA****CTI****TUDE***\n\n**EXACTITUDE** (correctness; precision)"} {"Clue":"Lots of money needed by cashier \u2013 he's forward looking (7-6)","Answer":"FORTUNE-TELLER","Explanation":"Definition: he's forward looking\n**FORTUNE** (large amount of money) **+ TELLER** (clerk whose duty it is to receive and pay money, especially in a bank; cashier)\n **FORTUNE**\u2013**TELLER**\n\n**FORTUNE-TELLER** (person who professes to predict your future; he's forward looking)"} {"Clue":"Angry with second-rate instrument that's from different sources (10)","Answer":"CROSSBREED","Explanation":"Definition: from different sources\n**CROSS** (angry) **+ B** (second-rate) + **REED** (an instrument)\n **CROSS** **B** **REED**\n\n**CROSSBREED** (offspring of two different **BREED**s of animal)"} {"Clue":"Keynotes of his life primarily revealing statesman (4)","Answer":"KOHL","Explanation":"Definition: statesman\n**KOHL** (**first letters** [primarily] **of each of** **KEYNOTES**, **OF**, **HIS** and **LIFE**)\n **KOHL**\n\n**KOHL** (reference Helmut **KOHL** [1930 \u2013 2017], f**ormer Chancellor of Germany** 1982 \u2013 1998])"} {"Clue":"With love list the German shrub (8)","Answer":"OLEANDER","Explanation":"Definition: shrub\n**O** (zero; love score in tennis) **+ LEAN** (list)** + DER** (one of the German forms of 'the')\n **O** **LEAN** **DER**\n\n**OLEANDER** (evergreen shrub)"} {"Clue":"Join a new sailor (6)","Answer":"SEAMAN","Explanation":"Definition: sailor\n**SEAM **(join) **+ A + N** (new)\n **SEAM** **A** N\n\n**SEAMAN** (sailor)"} {"Clue":"Article on small, extremely costly, tool (6)","Answer":"SCYTHE","Explanation":"Definition: tool\n**S** (small) **+ CY** (**outer letters** [extremely] of **C****OSTL****Y**) **+ THE** (definite article)\n **S** **CY** **THE**\n\n**SCYTHE** (tool with a large curved blade and wooden handle, for mowing or cropping by hand)"} {"Clue":"Catch here \u2013 inexperienced learner in shelter flipped (5,3)","Answer":"TRAWL NET","Explanation":"Definition: Catch here\n(**RAW** [inexperienced] **+ L** [learner]) **contained in** (**TENT** [shelter] **reversed** [flipped])\n **T** (**RAW** **L**) **NET**<\n\n**TRAWL NET** (open-mouthed bag-net for dragging along the seabed to catch fish)"} {"Clue":"Seen rebuilding, united internally, Germany succeeded (6)","Answer":"ENSUED","Explanation":"Definition: succeeded\n(**U** [united]** contained in** [internally] **an anagram of **[rebuilding] **SEEN**) **+ D** (International Vehicle Registration for Germany)\n **ENS** (**U**)** E*** **D**\n\n**ENSUED** (followed; succeeded)"} {"Clue":"Starts to inculcate new habits and use latest excellent rope \u2013 this one? (8)","Answer":"INHAULER","Explanation":"Definition: this one\n**INHAULER** (**first letters of**\u00a0[starts to] **each of** **I****NCULCATE**, **NEW**, **HABITS**, **AND**, **USE**, **LATEST**, **EXCELLENT** and **ROPE)**\n **INHAULER**\n\n**INHAULER** (rope or line for **HAUL**ing in something, eg a sail)"} {"Clue":"The wild disposition (6)","Answer":"NATURE","Explanation":"Definition: The wild\n**NATURE** (all the natural phenomena created by the power that regulates the world, including plants, animals, landscape, etc as distinct from people; the wild)\n **NATURE**\n\n**NATURE** (character; disposition) double definition"} {"Clue":"Pile inexpensive when roofless! (4)","Answer":"HEAP","Explanation":"Definition: Pile\n**CHEAP** (inexpensive) **excluding the first letter** (roofless) **C**\n **HEAP**\n\n**HEAP** (pile)"} {"Clue":"In from France, reluctant to be seen in Church cover (8)","Answer":"ENCLOTHE","Explanation":"Definition: cover\n**EN** (French for 'in') **+** (**LOTH** [reluctant] **contained in** [to be seen in] **CE** [Church {of England}])\n **EN** **C** (**LOTH**) **E**\n\n**ENCLOTHE** (cover with a garment)"} {"Clue":"Quickly enter Irish game associated with Physical Training (6)","Answer":"IRRUPT","Explanation":"Definition: Quickly enter\n**IR** (Irish) **+ RU** (Rugby Union; game) **+**** PT** (physical training)\n **IR** **RU** **PT**\n\n**IRRUPT** (break in; carry out a sudden invasion or incursion; quickly enter)"} {"Clue":"Fighter ran with a stick raised (8)","Answer":"TOREADOR","Explanation":"Definition: Fighter\n**TORE** (ran) **+ A + ROD** **reversed** (raised; down clue)\n **TORE** **A** **DOR**<\n\n**TOREADOR** (bullfighter)"} {"Clue":"Strand crowd drinking mineral (8)","Answer":"FORELOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Strand\n**FLOCK** (herd; crowd) **containing** (drinking) **ORE** (mineral)\n **F** (**ORE**) **LOCK**\n\n**FORELOCK** (strand of hair on the forehead)"} {"Clue":"Work Ben undid without being asked (8)","Answer":"UNBIDDEN","Explanation":"Definition: without being asked\n**Anagram of** (work) **BEN UNDID**\n **UNBIDDEN***\n\n**UNBIDDEN** (without being asked)"} {"Clue":"Resembling 14 after central character left \u2013 pleasing (8)","Answer":"LIKEABLE","Explanation":"Definition: pleasing\n**LIKE** (resembling) **+ ABELE **(entry at 14 down) **excluding** (left) **the central character E**\n **LIKE** **ABLE**\n\n**LIKEABLE** (pleasing)"} {"Clue":"Pole cheers for City (6)","Answer":"SPARTA","Explanation":"Definition: City\n**SPAR** (pole) **+ TA** (thankyou; cheers)\n **SPAR** **TA**\n\n**SPARTA** (prominent city-state in ancient Greece)"} {"Clue":"Gloomy investigator's hit done over (6)","Answer":"DISMAL","Explanation":"Definition: Gloomy\n**DI'S** (Detective Inspector's; investigator's) **+ LAM** (hit) **reversed** (done over)\n **DIS** **MAL**<\n\n**DISMAL** (gloomy)"} {"Clue":"Try to incorporate note that brings warmth (6)","Answer":"HEATER","Explanation":"Definition: that brings warmth\n**HEAR** (try, reference a **HEAR**ing in court) **containing** (to incorporate) **TE** (note of the tonic sol-fa)\n **HEA** (**TE**) **R**\n\n**HEATER** ( a device that brings warmth("} {"Clue":"Hotelier, last character to follow instruction to slow down? (4)","Answer":"RITZ","Explanation":"Definition: Hotelier\n**RIT** (ritardando; ritenuto, both of which are musical terms that denote a slowing down) **+ Z** (last character of the alphabet)\n **RIT** **Z**\n\n**RITZ** (reference C\u00e9sar **RITZ** [1850 \u2013 1918], Swiss hotelier)"} {"Clue":"Bit of Israeli money, gold, pocketed by commander (5)","Answer":"AGORA","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of Israeli money\n**OR** (gold) **contained in** (pocketed by) **AGA** (Turkish commander)\n **AG** (**OR**)** A**\n\n**AGORA** (Israeli monetary unit, 1\/100 of a shekel)"} {"Clue":"I tucked into gastro cooking \u2013 I love riotous living (7)","Answer":"ORGIAST","Explanation":"Definition: I love riotous living\n**I** **contained in** (tucked into) **an anagram of** (cooking) **GASTRO**\n **ORG** (**I**) **AST***\n\n**ORGIAST** (someone who takes part in frantic unrestrained celebrations)"} {"Clue":"To be given a thrashing was taxing, we admitted (8)","Answer":"TOWELLED","Explanation":"Definition: To be given a thrashin\n**TOLLED** (was taxing) **containing** (admitted) **WE**\n **TO **(**WE****) LLED**\n\n**TOWELLED** (given a thrashing)"} {"Clue":"Make heavy progress, first in race having broken finishing line (5)","Answer":"TRAPE","Explanation":"Definition: Make heavy progress\n**R** (**first letter of** [first in] **RACE**)** contained in** (having broken) **TAPE** (finishing line)\n **T** (**R**)** APE**\n\n**TRAPE** (traipse; trudge, make heavy progress)"} {"Clue":"Group camped in Lakelands \u2013 or leader thereof (5)","Answer":"AKELA","Explanation":"Definition: leader thereof \n**AKELA** (**hidden word in** (in) **L****AKELA****NDS**)\n **AKELA**\n\n**AKELA** (adult leader of a group, or pack, of Cub Scouts who could well be camped in **L****AKELA****NDS**)"} {"Clue":"Stewed topside put aside for later (7)","Answer":"DEPOSIT","Explanation":"Definition: put aside for later\n**Anagram of** (stewed) **TOPSIDE**\n **DEPOSIT***\n\n**DEPOSIT **(set aside for later use)"} {"Clue":"One assisting group on tour, or backing one to stop working (6)","Answer":"ROADIE","Explanation":"Definition: One assisting group on tour\n**OR** **reversed** (backing) **+ A** (one) **+ DIE** (stop)\n **RO< A DIE**\n\n**ROADIE** (member of the crew who transport, set up and dismantle equipment for musicians, especially a rock group, on tour)"} {"Clue":"Shifting sands, Arabian say (4)","Answer":"AREG","Explanation":"Definition: Shifting sands\n**AR **(Arabian) + **E.G.** (for example; say)\n **AR** **EG**\n\n**AREG **(Saharan area of shifting sand dunes)"} {"Clue":"Last in Latin and algebra? Notice returning vacuity (4)","Answer":"NADA","Explanation":"Definition: vacuity\n**NA** (**final letters** [last in] of each of **LATIN** and **ALGEBRA**) **+ AD** (advertisement; notice) **reversed** (returning)\n **N** **A** **DA**<\n\n**NADA** (nothingness; vacuity)"} {"Clue":"Dad's heading for the wine, generally accessible (6)","Answer":"PATENT","Explanation":"Definition: generally accessible\n**PA** (father; dad) **+ TENT** (deep-red Spanish wine)\n **PA** **TENT**\n\n**PATENT (**generally accessible)"} {"Clue":"In winter's apparel, sun almost over, I shivered (7)","Answer":"NIVEOUS","Explanation":"Definition: In winter's apparel\n**Anagram of **(shivered) **SUN** and **OVER** **excluding the final letter**\u00a0(almost) **R** and **I**\n **NIVEOUS***\n\n**NIVEOUS** (snowy, white; in winter's apparel)"} {"Clue":"What march is a form of, accompanied by a bagpipe (5)","Answer":"GAITA","Explanation":"Definition: bagpipe\n**GAIT** (a way of walking, as is **MARCH** [walk in a markedly rhythmical military manner, or in a grave, stately or resolute manner]) **+ A**\n **GAIT** **A**\n\n**GAITA** (a Spanish bagpipe)"} {"Clue":"Femme fatale, Welsh 'lady' but retrogressive (5)","Answer":"SYREN","Explanation":"Definition: Femme fatale\n**NERYS** (a Welsh ladies first name) **reversed** (but retrogressive)\n **SYREN<**\n\n**SYREN** (variant spelling of **SIREN** [one of certain sea nymphs, part woman, part bird, whose seductive songs lured sailors to their deaths on rocks ; femme fatale)"} {"Clue":"Backrow lift \u2013 foul (8)","Answer":"REAR-RANK","Explanation":"Definition: Backrow\n**REAR** (raise; lift up) **+ RANK** (repulsive; foul)\n **REAR** **RANK**\n\n**REAR-RANK** (back row)"} {"Clue":"One administering grazing rights, oddly gratis around Spain (7)","Answer":"AGISTER","Explanation":"Definition: One administering grazing rights\n**Anagram of** (oddly) **GRATIS** **containing** (around) **E** (International Vehicle Registration for Spain)\n **AGIST** (**E**) **R***\n\n**AGISTER** (a person who administers grazing rights)"} {"Clue":"Whack with cane causing start of tingle in bottom (5)","Answer":"BASTE","Explanation":"Definition: Whack with cane\n**T** (**first letter of **[start of] **T****ANGLE**) **contained in** (in) **BASE** (bottom)\n **BAS** (**T**) **E**\n\n**BASTE** (beat with a stick)"} {"Clue":"I keep tally of soldiers etc \u2013 chief points round to designate a bloomer (12)","Answer":"MUSTER-MASTER","Explanation":"Definition: I keep tally of soldiers etc\n**SUM** (chief points) **reversed** (round) **+ TERM** (designate) **+ ASTER** (flower; bloomer)\n **MUS**< **TER M** **ASTER**\n\n**MUSTER-MASTER** (person in charge of the assembly roll, usually relating to the troops present at a gathering; I count soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Cricketer, once ignorant, means to gain entry by force (12)","Answer":"BATTERING-RAM","Explanation":"Definition: means to gain entry by force\n**BATTER** (cricketer) **+ INGRAM** (obsolete [once] word for ignorant)\n **BATTER** **ING-RAM**\n\n**BATTERING-RAM** (large beam used for gaining entry by force)."} {"Clue":"Indian soldier in conflict, well on top (5)","Answer":"SOWAR","Explanation":"Definition: Indian soldier\n**SO** (well) **+ WAR** (state of conflict)\n **SO** **WAR**\n\n**SOWAR** (Indian trooper)"} {"Clue":"Traveller in the mood for Scotch, rarely trembling (6)","Answer":"TREPID","Explanation":"Definition: rarely trembling\n**REP** (representative; travelling salesman; traveller) **contained in** (in) **TID** (Scottish word meaning mood)\n **T** (**REP**) **ID**\n\n**TREPID** (quaking)"} {"Clue":"Line penned by cross former partner in filing system (7)","Answer":"ROLODEX","Explanation":"Definition: filing system\n(**L** [line] **contained in** [penned by] **ROOD**) **+ EX** (former partner)\n **RO** (**L**) **OD** **EX**\n\n**ROLODEX** (cylindrical rotating desktop card index file)"} {"Clue":"Extract from Booker debate sent up rubbish (4)","Answer":"DREK","Explanation":"Definition: rubbish\n**DREK** (**hidden word in** [extract from] **reversed** [sent up; down clue] **BOOKER DEBATE**)\n **DREK**<\n\n**DREK** (variant spelling of **\u00a0DRECK** [rubbish])"} {"Clue":"Prayer for the departed Roy K after playing about one last character? (6)","Answer":"YIZKOR","Explanation":"Definition: Prayer for the departed\n**Anagram of **(playing) **ROY K** **containing** (about) (**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ Z** [last character of the alphabet])\n **Y** (**I** **Z**) K**OR***\n\n**YIZKOR** (memorial prayer for deceased relatives)"} {"Clue":"The sort of leaves that hold up trains? (5)","Answer":"PAGES","Explanation":"Definition: leaves\n**PAGES** (leaves of a book)\n **PAGES**\n\n**PAGES** (boy attendants who are often asked to hold a bride's train as she goes down the aisle) double definition"} {"Clue":"Refuelling plane adjusted task on terra \u2013 about time (12)","Answer":"STRATOTANKER","Explanation":"Definition: Refuelling plane\n**Anagram of **(adjusted) **TASK ON TERRA** **containing** (about) **T** (time)\n **S****TR****A****TO** (**T**) **A****NK****ER***** **Any of the **T**s could be the one contained\n\n**STRATOTANKER** (type of aeroplane which refuels other planes at high altitudes)"} {"Clue":"Monstrously ugly grand instrument \u2013 playing one inside (9)","Answer":"GORGONIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Monstrously ugly\n**G** (grand) **+ **(**ON** [playing] **+ I** [Roman numeral for 1])** contained in** [inside]\u00a0**ORGAN** [musical instrument])\n **G** **ORG** (**ON** **I**) **AN**\n\n**GORGONIAN** (monstrously ugly)"} {"Clue":"Row? One's lamenting falling out (9)","Answer":"ALIGNMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Row\n**Anagram of **(falling out) **LAMENTING**\n **ALIGNMENT***\n\n**ALIGNMENT** (row arranged in a line)"} {"Clue":"Intelligence organization with nothing on Sicilian for so long? (4)","Answer":"CIAO","Explanation":"Definition: Sicilian for so long\n**CIA** (Central Intelligence Agency) **+ O** (zero; nothing)\n **CIA**** O**\n\n**CIAO** (Italian [Sicilian] word for goodbye; Sicilian for 'so long')"} {"Clue":"Bit of alfalfa in vessel, a mild stimulant (4)","Answer":"PAAN","Explanation":"Definition: mild stimulant\n**A** **(first letter of** [ bit of] **ALFALFA**) **contained in** (in)** PAN** (vessel)\n **PA** (**A**) N Either of the **A**s can be the one contained\n\n**PAAN** (betel leaf; mild stimulant)"} {"Clue":"Prosperous types, well to do, drive up in throng as before (7)","Answer":"UPSWARM","Explanation":"Definition: drive up in throng as before\n**UPS** (prosperous people) **+ WARM** (comfortable, well-to-do)\n **UPS** **WARM**\n\n**UPSWARM** (Shakespearean [as before] word for 'to drive **UP**\u00a0in a **SWARM** [throng])"} {"Clue":"Can't stand being housed in cadet establishment (6)","Answer":"DETEST","Explanation":"Definition: Can't stand\n**DETEST** (**hidden word in** [being housed] **CADET ESTABLISHMENT**)\n **DETEST**\n\n**DETEST** (hate intensely; can't stand)"} {"Clue":"Large mustelines resided up round Scots town (6)","Answer":"TAYRAS","Explanation":"Definition: Large mustelines\n**SAT** (resided) **reversed** (up; down clue) **containing** (round) **AYR** (town on the west coast of Scotland)\n **T** (**AYR**) **AS**<\n\n**TAYRAS** (large South American members of the weasel family. The subfamily Mustelinae includes weasels and martens)"} {"Clue":"Feature of grapery is moved to the end of sightseeing excursion (5)","Answer":"VITIS","Explanation":"Definition: Feature of grapery\n**VISIT** (sightseeing excursion) with the letters **IS** moved to the end\n **VIT**** IS**\n\n**VITIS** (grapevine genus of woody climbing plants of the family *Vitaceae*)"} {"Clue":"Jock's fly open? See man (Mr) troubled with this in embarrassment (5)","Answer":"BRAST","Explanation":"Definition: Jock's fly open\n**BRAST** (**EMBARRASSMENT** is a **compound anagram** [troubled] of the clue element **SEE MAN MR** and [with] the entry **BRAST**)\n **EM****B****AR****RA****S****S****MEN****T*** \u2014\u2014\u2013> **BRAST**\n\n**BRAST** (Scottish [Jock] word for **BURST** [fly open])"} {"Clue":"Appear noble (4)","Answer":"PEER","Explanation":"Definition: Appear\n**PEER** (appear)\n **PEER**\n\n**PEER** (a noble) double definition"} {"Clue":"Subsidence worried crew in Lambeth occasionally (9)","Answer":"ABATEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Subsidence\n(**ATE** [worried] **+ MEN** [crew]) **contained in** (in) **ABT** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [occasionally] of **LAMBETH**)\n **AB** (**ATE** **MEN**) **T**\n\n**ABATEMENT** (growing less, subsiding; subsidence)"} {"Clue":"Endure being tender in Accident !!unknown xml object: amp!! Emergency (5)","Answer":"ABIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Endure\n**BID** (tender) **contained in** (in) (**A** & **E**** **[I think the given xml error message will occur if an & is placed on its own\u00a0in an xml string]\n **A** (**BID**) **E**\n\n**ABIDE** (endure)"} {"Clue":"An actor's role becoming distinct (5)","Answer":"APART","Explanation":"Definition: distinct\n**A** **+ PART** (actor's role)\n **A** **PART**\n\n**APART** (separate; distinct)"} {"Clue":"Knight in anger to deal with moving back from foe (2,7)","Answer":"IN RETREAT","Explanation":"Definition: moving back from foe\n(**N** [knight in chess notation] **contained in** [in] **IRE** [anger]) **+ TREAT** (deal with)\n **I **(**N**) **RE** **TREAT**\n\n**IN RETREAT** (moving back from the enemy)"} {"Clue":"Score after six balls exceed allotted time (7)","Answer":"OVERRUN","Explanation":"Definition: exceed allotted time\n**OVER** (in cricket, there are six balls in an **OVER**) **+ RUN** (a score in a number of different games)\n **OVER** **RUN**\n\n**OVERRUN** (exceed allotted time)"} {"Clue":"Disciplined 50s youth carrying bucket down? (7)","Answer":"TRAINED","Explanation":"Definition: Disciplined\n**TED** (**TED**dy boy [an unruly adolescent, originally in the 1950s]) **containing** (carrying) **RAIN** (bucket down)\n **T **(**RAIN**)** ED**\n\n**TRAINED** (instructed and disciplined)"} {"Clue":"Flower missing on guide ultimately causing surprise (5)","Answer":"AMAZE","Explanation":"Definition: surprise\n**AMAZON** (river; something that flows; flower) **excluding** (missing) **ON** **+ E** (last **letter of **[ultimately] **GUIDE**)\n **AMAZ** **E**\n\n**AMAZE** (surprise)"} {"Clue":"Parody secret language that eschews English (3)","Answer":"COD","Explanation":"Definition: Parody\n**CODE** (secret language) **excluding** (that eschews) **E **(English)\n **COD**\n\n**COD** (poke fun at; parody)"} {"Clue":"Fear's weapon associated with Capone say (5)","Answer":"ALARM","Explanation":"Definition: Fear\n**AL** (reference **AL** Capone [1899 \u2013 1947], American gangster) **+ ARM **(weapon)\n **AL**** ARM**\n\n**ALARM** (fear)"} {"Clue":"Answer beginning with E for goddess (7)","Answer":"ASTARTE","Explanation":"Definition: goddess \n**A** (answer) **+ START** (beginning) **+**** E**\n **A START E**\n\n**ASTARTE** (Phoenician goddess of love)"} {"Clue":"Beastly fighter wild about cheers provided by men (7)","Answer":"MATADOR","Explanation":"Definition: Beastly fighter\n(**MAD** [wild] **containing** [about] **TA** [thankyou; cheers]) **+ OR** (other ranks; men)\n **MA** (**TA**) **D** **OR**\n\n**MATADOR** (bullfighter; fighter of a beast)"} {"Clue":"Means to regulate passage of act is old hat (9)","Answer":"TURNSTILE","Explanation":"Definition: Means to regulate passage\n**TURN** (act) **+ 'S** (is) **+ TILE** (old hat)\n **TURN** **S** **TILE**\n\n**TURNSTILE** (revolving frame that allows one person to pass at a time; means to regulate passage)"} {"Clue":"Bring up boys initially wanting fish (5)","Answer":"ROACH","Explanation":"Definition: fish\n**B****ROACH** (start to speak about; bring up) **excluding** (wanting) **B** (**first letter of** [initially] **BOYS**)\n **ROACH**\n\n**ROACH** (silvery freshwater fish of the carp family)"} {"Clue":"Germanic invader offers perspective (5)","Answer":"ANGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Germanic invader\n**ANGLE **(member or descendant of the German tribe from Schleswig that settled in Northumbria, Mercia and E Anglia during the 5th century)\n **ANGLE**\n\n**ANGLE** (viewpoint; perspective) double definition"} {"Clue":"Departs from northeastern town for cemetery (9)","Answer":"ARLINGTON","Explanation":"Definition: cemetery\n**DARLINGTON **(town in the north east of England) **excluding** (from) **D** (departs)\n **ARLINGTON**\n\n**ARLINGTON** (reference **ARLINGTON** National Cemetery, a military cemetery across the Potomac river from Washington DC in America)"} {"Clue":"Battle traitor taking over in heroic narrative (8)","Answer":"SARATOGA","Explanation":"Definition: Battle\n(**RAT** [traitor] **+ O** [over]) **contained in** (in) **SAGA** (heroic narrative)\n **SA** (**RAT** **O**) **GA**\n\n**SARATOGA** (reference the 1777 Battle of **SARATOGA** when the Americans defeated the British. The battle formed the turning point in the Revolutionary War)"} {"Clue":"Sort of chop artist fed to shrew (6)","Answer":"KARATE","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of chop\n**RA** (Royal Academician; artist) **contained in** (fed to) (**KATE** [the character defined as Shrew in Shakespeare's play The Taming of the Shrew)\n **KA** (**RA**) **TE**\n\n**KARATE** (sharp downward blow with the side of the hand)"} {"Clue":"In past for sure betrayer mutilated after beheading (10)","Answer":"YESTERYEAR","Explanation":"Definition: In past \n**YES** (sure) **+ an anagram of** (mutilated) **BETRAYER** **excluding the first letter** (beheaded) **B** \n **YES** **TERYEAR***\n\n**YESTERYEAR** (the past in general)"} {"Clue":"Great many on one leg (6)","Answer":"LEGION","Explanation":"Definition: Great many\n**LEG** ('on' side in cricket) **+ I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ ON** ('leg' side in cricket)\n **LEG** **I** **ON**\n\n**LEGION** (great many)"} {"Clue":"Done over time \u2013 that is respected all round (8)","Answer":"ITERATED","Explanation":"Definition: Done over\n**(I.E.** [id est] **+ RATED** [respected]) **containing** (all round) **T** (time)\n **I** (**T**)** E** **RATED**\n\n**ITERATED** (repeated; done again; done over)"} {"Clue":"Walk from wicket for instance on declaration (4)","Answer":"GAIT","Explanation":"Definition: Walk\n**GAIT** (**sounds like** [on declaration] **GATE** [wicket])\n **GAIT**\n\n**GAIT **(way of walking)"} {"Clue":"Split in corporation saving one billion for land once (8)","Answer":"HIBERNIA","Explanation":"Definition: land once\n**HERNIA** (rupture [split], especially of the abdomen[belly; corporation]) **containing** [**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ B** [billion])\n **H** (**I** **B**) **ERNIA**\n\n**HIBERNIA** (an ancient and poetic name for Ireland; land once)"} {"Clue":"Pressman given wine living under canvas (6)","Answer":"TENTED","Explanation":"Definition: living under canvas\n**TENT** (deep-red Spanish wine) **+ ED **(editor; pressman)\n **TENT ED**\n\n**TENTED** (living under canvas)"} {"Clue":"Maths expert, in style of Newton, grand on city tour (4,6)","Answer":"ALAN TURING","Explanation":"Definition: Maths expert\n**\u00c0 LA** (in the style of) **+ N** (newton, a derived SI unit of force) **+ TURIN** ([Italian] city) **+ G** (grand [1000 dollars])\n **A LA** **N** **TURIN** **G**\n\n**ALAN TURING** (reference **ALAN TURING** [1912 \u2013 1954], English mathematician, well known for his work on code-breaking at Bletchley during the second world war)"} {"Clue":"An officer before journey sees close friend (5,3)","Answer":"ALTER EGO","Explanation":"Definition: close friend\n**A** **+ LT** (lieutenant; officer)** + ERE** (before) **+ GO** (journey)\n **A ****LT** **ER E** **GO**\n\n**ALTER EGO** (close friend)"} {"Clue":"One may react with surprising malice after church (8)","Answer":"CHEMICAL","Explanation":"Definition: One may react \n**CH** (church) **+ an anagram of** (surprising) **MALICE**\n **CH** **EMICAL***\n\n**CHEMICAL** (something that may react with another substance to produce a change)"} {"Clue":"Trader from Maine with tirade about check (8)","Answer":"MERCHANT","Explanation":"Definition: Trader\n**ME** (Maine, State of the USA) **+** (**RANT** [tirade] **containing** [about] **CH** [check])\n **ME** **R** (**CH**) **ANT**\n\n**MERCHANT** (trader)"} {"Clue":"Heavenly as river in short story (6)","Answer":"ASTRAL","Explanation":"Definition: Heavenly\n**AS** **+** (**R** [river] **contained in** [in] **TAL****E** [story] **excluding the final letter** [short] **E**)\n **AS** **T** (**R**) **AL**\n\n**ASTRAL** (belonging to the stars; relating to the heavens; heavenly)"} {"Clue":"Use most of milk supply for cereal (6)","Answer":"MUESLI","Explanation":"Definition: cereal\n**Anagram of** (supply [ from the word supple]) **USE** and **MIL****K** **excluding the final letter** (most of) **K**\n **MUESLI***\n\n**MUESLI** (dish of rolled oats, nuts, fruit, etc eaten especially as a breakfast cereal.)"} {"Clue":"Shortage of diamonds on ground (6)","Answer":"DEARTH","Explanation":"Definition: Shortage\n**D** (diamonds) **+ EARTH** (ground)\n **D EARTH**\n\n**DEARTH** (shortage)"} {"Clue":"Killed large number for Americans (4)","Answer":"SLEW","Explanation":"Definition: Killed\n**SLEW** (killed)\n **SLEW**\n\n**SLEW** (in America, a word referring to a large number or amount) double definition"} {"Clue":"Chubby person may have this clue to good health (6,4)","Answer":"DOUBLE CHIN","Explanation":"Definition: Chubby person may have this\n**DOUBLE CHIN** (this could be a clue for **CHIN-CHIN** [informal way of expressing 'good health' when drinking together])\n **DOUBLE CHIN**\n\n**DOUBLE CHIN** (a chubby person may display a **DOUBLE CHIN**) double definition"} {"Clue":"Slough is in Berks, he declared (4)","Answer":"SHED","Explanation":"Definition: Slough\n**SHED** (**hidden word in** [is in] **BERKS HE DECLARED**)\n **SHED**\n\n**SHED** (cast off; slough)"} {"Clue":"Hall perhaps is able to provide container (8)","Answer":"JERRYCAN","Explanation":"Definition: container\n**JERRY** (reference **JERRY** Hall [American model and actress, also known for her former relationship with Mick Jagger with whom she has four children and her marriage to media mogul Rupert Murdoch]) **+ CAN** (is able to)\n **JERRY** **CAN**\n\n**JERRYCAN** (flat-sided can used for storing and transporting liquids, especially petrol]"} {"Clue":"Stray bird seen around noon (6)","Answer":"WANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Stray\n**WADER** (bird) **containing** (seen around) **N** (noon)\n **WA** (**N**) **DER**\n\n**WANDER** (stray)"} {"Clue":"Responsible and trustworthy? That's not on (6)","Answer":"LIABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Responsible\n**RELIABLE** (trustworthy) **excluding** (not) **RE** (with reference to; on)\n **LIABLE**\n\n**LIABLE** (responsible [for])"} {"Clue":"Bad team squeezes 1-0 with United (8)","Answer":"SPURIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Bad \n**SPURS** (Tottenham Hotspur [{football} team]) **containing** (squeezes) (**I** **O** [1-0] **+ U** [united])\n **SPUR** (**I** **O** **U**) **S**\n\n**SPURIOUS** (false; bad)"} {"Clue":"Among pub cricket eleven's openers, struggle for lack of fitness (12)","Answer":"INCOMPETENCE","Explanation":"Definition: lack of fitness\n**COMPETE **(struggle) **contained in** (among) (**INN** [pub] + [{**C** + **E**} {**first letters of each of **(openers)\u00a0**CRICKET** and **ELEVEN**}]) \n **IN** (**COMPETE**) **N** **C** **E**\n\n**INCOMPETENCE** (lack of ability or skill; lack of fitness [to do the job])"} {"Clue":"Peanuts for one to carry in prepared portions (5,7)","Answer":"STRIP CARTOON","Explanation":"Definition: eanuts for one\n**CART** (carry) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (prepared) **PORTIONS**\n **STRIP** (**CART**) **OON***\n\n**STRIP CARTOON** (Peanuts, created by Charles\u00a0Schulz, is an example of a **STRIP CARTOON**)"} {"Clue":"Dance with lout without a fuss (8)","Answer":"BALLYHOO","Explanation":"Definition: fuss\n**BALL** (dance) **+ YAHOO** (boorish lout) **excluding** (without) **A**\n **BALL** **YHOO**\n\n**BALLYHOO** (fuss)"} {"Clue":"Material prowess has importance ultimately for adult (6)","Answer":"VELOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Material\n**VALOUR** (courage; prowess) **replacing** (for) **A** (adult) with **E** (**last letter of **[ultimately] **IMPORTANCE**])\n **V****E****LOUR**\n\n**VELOUR** (fabric with velvet-like pile; material)"} {"Clue":"Withdraw and give up again? (6)","Answer":"RECEDE","Explanation":"Definition: Withdraw\n**RE-** (again) **+ CEDE** (give up)\n **RE** **CEDE**\n\n**RECEDE** (draw back)"} {"Clue":"Hasten, being late, and change in gym (8)","Answer":"EXPEDITE","Explanation":"Definition: Hasten\n**EX** (formerly; late) **+** (**EDIT** [change] **contained in** [in] **PE** [physical education; gym])\n **EX** **P** (**EDIT**) **E**\n\n**EXPEDITE** (hasten)"} {"Clue":"Excellent jam is sent back (4)","Answer":"TOPS","Explanation":"Definition: Excellent\n**SPOT** (difficulty; jam) **reversed** (sent back)\n **TOPS<**\n\n**TOPS** (excellent)"} {"Clue":"Meddler put in ground rule about pole dancing (10)","Answer":"INTERLOPER","Explanation":"Definition: Meddler\n(**INTER** [bury; put in the ground] **+ R** [rule])\u00a0**containing** (about) **an anagram of** (dancing) **POLE**\n **INTER** (**LOPE***) **R**\n\n**INTERLOPER** (intruder; meddler)"} {"Clue":"Anyhow I tend to follow an order, being this (8)","Answer":"OBEDIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Anyhow I tend to follow an order, being this\n**OBE** (Order of the British Empire; order) **+ an anagram of** (anyhow) **I TEND**\n **OBE** **D****I****ENT***\n\n**OBEDIENT** (descriptive of someone who follows an order)"} {"Clue":"Save British Gas! (3)","Answer":"BAR","Explanation":"Definition: Save\n**B** (British) **+ AR** (chemical symbol for Argon, an inert\u00a0gas)\n **B** **AR**\n\n**BAR** (except; save)"} {"Clue":"One presents medal on the radio (5)","Answer":"EMCEE","Explanation":"Definition: One presents\n**EMCEE** (**sounds like** [on the radio] **MC** [Military Cross; medal)\n **EMCEE**\n\n**EMCEE** (MC [Master of Ceremonies]; one who presents)"} {"Clue":"Part of phone Ned's lost in sou'wester? (7)","Answer":"HANDSET","Explanation":"Definition: Part of phone\n**Anagram of** (lost) **NED'S** **contained in** (in) **HAT** (a sou'wester is a waterproof hat with a large flap at the back of the neck, as worn by seamen)\n **HA** (**NDSE***) **T**\n\n**HANDSET** (part of a telephone)"} {"Clue":"Resort a genuine winner at first for island (3,6)","Answer":"NEW GUINEA","Explanation":"Definition: sland\n**Anagram of** (resort) **A GENUINE** and **W** (**first letter of** [at first])\n **NE****W**** GUINE****A***\n\n**NEW GUINEA** (large island in Oceania)"} {"Clue":"Drove one crazy, being sloppy (11)","Answer":"SENTIMENTAL","Explanation":"Definition: sloppy\n**SENT** (drove) **+ I + **(Roman numeral for one) **+ MENTAL**(crazy)\n **SENT** **I** **MENTAL**\n\n**SENTIMENTAL** (sloppy) I thought at first that 'sloppy' was a misprint but I note both sloppy and soppy are in Chambers Thesaurus as synonyms for **SENTIMENTAL"} {"Clue":"Funny you feel no love for good-looker (6)","Answer":"EYEFUL","Explanation":"Definition: good-looker\n**Anagram of** (funny) **Y****O****U FEEL** **excluding** (no) **O** (zero; love score in tennis)\n **E****Y****E****F****UL***\n\n**EYEFUL** (attractive person; good-looker)"} {"Clue":"What those casting Dr Strangelove did for retailers? (11)","Answer":"BOOKSELLERS","Explanation":"Definition: retailers\n**BOOK SELLERS** (Stanley Kubrik hired (**BOOK**ed) Peter **SELLERS** [1925 \u2013 1980] to play\u00a0multiple characters in the film Dr Strangelove [1964]) (\n **BOOK SELLERS**\n\n**BOOKSELLERS** (an example of retailers)"} {"Clue":"Game pies are cooked with chestnut stuffing (9)","Answer":"PARCHEESI","Explanation":"Definition: Game\n**CH** (chestnut) **contained in** (stuffing) **an anagram of** (cooked) **PIES ARE** flirt)\n **P****AR** (**CH**) **E****E****SI***\n\n**PARCHEESI** (board game adapted from pachisi [an Indian game like backgammon or ludo])"} {"Clue":"Flirt wants something to eat right away (8)","Answer":"COQUETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Flirt\n**CROQUETTE **(ball or cylindrical cake, usually of minced and seasoned meat, fish or potato, coated in breadcrumbs and fried; something to eat) **excluding** (away) **R** (right)\n **COQUETTE**\n\n**COQUETTE** (flirt)"} {"Clue":"Make solemn affirmation for trial (7)","Answer":"PROTEST","Explanation":"Definition: Make solemn affirmation\n**PRO** (for) **+ TEST** (trial)\n **PRO** **TEST**\n\n**PROTEST** (make solemn affirmation)"} {"Clue":"Look round entertaining bachelor's summerhouse (6)","Answer":"GAZEBO","Explanation":"Definition: summerhouse\n(**GAZE** [look] **+ O** [a round shape]) **containing** (entertaining) **B** (bachelor)\n **GAZE** (**B**) **O**\n\n**GAZEBO** (summerhouse)"} {"Clue":"Drip's taken up with a treacherous sort (5)","Answer":"VIPER","Explanation":"Definition: treacherous sort\n**IV** (intravenous drip) **reversed** (taken up; down clue) **+ PER** (a)\n **VI**< **PER**\n\n**VIPER** (treacherous person)"} {"Clue":"Cook keeps close to au pair (3)","Answer":"DUO","Explanation":"Definition: pair\n**DO** (cook) **containing** (keeps) **U** (**last letter of** [close to] **AU**)\n **D** (**U**) **O**\n\n**DUO** (pair)"} {"Clue":"Radical diet saving me when ailing (8)","Answer":"VEGANISM","Explanation":"Definition: Radical diet\n**Anagram of **(when ailing) **SAVING ME**\n **VEGANISM***\n\n**VEGANISM** (adherent to a diet containing no animal product at all; radical diet)"} {"Clue":"Hunting dog to risk going round equine (6)","Answer":"BASSET","Explanation":"Definition: Hunting dog\n**BET** (risk) **containing** (going round) **ASS** (an equine creature)\n **B** (**ASS**) **ET**\n\n**BASSET** (low-set, smooth-coated hound with long ears)"} {"Clue":"Facilities observed by day \u2013 an unsettled issue (5,3)","Answer":"LOOSE END","Explanation":"Definition: unsettled issue\n**LOO** (toilet; facilities) **+ SEEN** (observed) **+ D** (day)\n **LOO** **SE EN** **D**\n\n**LOOSE END** (unfinished, unsettled or unexplained matter)"} {"Clue":"Transfix the French, after millions invested in beer (6)","Answer":"IMPALE","Explanation":"Definition: Transfix\n(**M** [millions] **contained in** [invested in]** IPA**\u00a0India Pale Ale; [beer]) **+ LE** (one of the French forms of 'the')\n **I** (**M**) **PA** **LE**\n\n**IMPALE** (transfix)"} {"Clue":"Meal? Wanted, first to last, to participate in bash (6,5)","Answer":"PACKED LUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: Meal\n**LACKED** (needed; wanted) **with the first letter L moved to the end** [first to last] **contained in** (to participate in) **PUNCH** (bash)\n **P** (**ACKED****L**) **UNCH**\n\n**PACKED LUNCH** (a form of meal)"} {"Clue":"Finish off American power with invasion by group of nations (3,2)","Answer":"USE UP","Explanation":"Definition: Finish off \n(**US** [United States; American]** + P** [power])** containing** (with invasion by) **EU** (European Union; group of nations)\n **US** (**E U**) **P**\n\n**USE UP** (finish off)"} {"Clue":"Exploratory process Curie deployed with this (9)","Answer":"HEURISTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Exploratory process\n**Anagram of **(deployed with) **CURIE** and **THIS**\n **H****EURI****STI****C***\n\n**HEURISTIC** (the art of discovery in logic; in plural, [**HEURISTIC**s],\u00a0the method in education by which the pupil is set to find out things for himself; exploratory process)"} {"Clue":"Denies accommodating some of the army cowards (9)","Answer":"RECREANTS","Explanation":"Definition: cowards\n**RECANTS** (revokes a former declaration; denies) **containing** (accommodating) **RE** (Royal Engineers [corps [some]\u00a0of the British army)\n **REC **(**RE**) **ANTS**\n\n**RECREANTS** (cowards)"} {"Clue":"Sort out old river, taking new direction (3,2)","Answer":"SEE TO","Explanation":"Definition: Sort out\n(**O** [old] **+ TEES** [river in the north east of England) **all reversed** (taking new direction)\n (**SEE T** **O**)<\n\n**SEE TO** (sort out)"} {"Clue":"Speculative article? Old article revamped (11)","Answer":"THEORETICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Speculative\n**THE** (definite article) **+ ****O** [old]** an anagram of** (revamped) **ARTICLE**\n **THE** **O** **RETICAL***\n\n**THEORETICAL** (speculative)"} {"Clue":"Aimless dispute in marketing industry? (6)","Answer":"ADRIFT","Explanation":"Definition: Aimless\n**AD** (advertising, a fundamental tool\u00a0of the marketing industry) **+ RIFT** (dispute)\n **AD** **RIFT**\n\n**ADRIFT** (aimless)"} {"Clue":"Vain American, dull person, set to detain one inside (8)","Answer":"ABORTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Vain\n**A** (American) **+** (**BORE** [dull person] **containing** [to detain] [**I** {Roman numeral for one} **contained in** {inside}**TV** {television set}])\n **A** **BOR** (**T** (**I)** **V**) **E**\n\n**ABORTIVE** (unsuccessful; futile; vain)"} {"Clue":"Mythical monster \u2013 namely, the reverse of a friend (6)","Answer":"SCYLLA","Explanation":"Definition: Mythical monster\n**SC** (scilicet; namely) **+ ALLY** (friend) **reversed** (the reverse of)\n **SC** **YLLA**<\n\n**SCYLLA** (six-headed monster in Greek mythology who sat over a dangerous rock on the Italian side of the Straits of Messina, opposite Charybdis, and seized or drowned sailors from passing ships)"} {"Clue":"I follow sheep round middle of field in symbolic representation (8)","Answer":"IDEOGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: symbolic representation\n**I **+ ([**DOG** {follow} **+ RAM** {sheep}] **containing** [round] **E**\u00a0[**central letter of** {middle of} **FIELD**])\n **I** **D** (**E**) **OG** **RAM**\n\n**IDEOGRAM** (character or symbol in writing that stands not for a word or sound but for a concept, idea or the thing itself; any sign or symbol used to represent a word)"} {"Clue":"Pleasure-seeker by choice, put out over conservation body (10)","Answer":"VOLUPTUARY","Explanation":"Definition: Pleasure-seeker\n**VOLUNTARY** (by choice) with **an anagram of** (out) **PUT** **replacing** (over)\u00a0**NT** (National Trust [conservation body])\n **VOLU** (**PTU***) **ARY**\n\n**VOLUPTUARY** (person excessively fond of or devoted to bodily enjoyments or luxury, a sensualist; pleasure seeker)"} {"Clue":"Siege once broken, involving cold study of rock structures? (10)","Answer":"GEOSCIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: study of rock structures\n**Anagram of** (broken) **SIEGE ONCE** **containing** (involving) **C** (cold)\n **GE****O****S** (**C**) **IE****NCE***\n\n**GEOSCIENCE** (any of the scientific disciplines, such as geology or geomorphology, which deal with the earth, or all of these collectively; this definition covers the study of rock structures)"} {"Clue":"Preceding answer half upset relative (5)","Answer":"NIECE","Explanation":"Definition: relative\n**Anagram of** (upset)\u00a0**IENCE** (the s**econd half** of the previous entry \/ answer **GEOSCIENCE**)\n **NIECE***\n\n**NIECE** (relative)"} {"Clue":"Disarming description of solo performance? (6-6)","Answer":"SINGLE-HANDED","Explanation":"Definition: description of solo performance\n**SINGLE-HANDED** (if you take someone's arm away [disarming] they have only one hand and are therefore **SINGLE-HANDED**)\n **SINGLE-HANDED**\n\n**SINGLE-HANDED** (descriptive of a solo performance)"} {"Clue":"Prime locks, securing foremost of Chippendale furniture (9)","Answer":"ARMCHAIRS","Explanation":"Definition: furniture\n**(ARM** [prime, as in prime or **ARM** a nuclear warhead] **+** **HAIRS** [locks] **containing** [securing] **C** [**first letter of** {foremost} **CHIPPENDALE**])\n **ARM** (**C**) **HAIRS**\n\n**ARMCHAIRS** (furniture)"} {"Clue":"TV show to begin with loss of ship in radio message (4,4)","Answer":"STAR TREK","Explanation":"Definition: TV show\n**START** (begin) **+ REK** **(sounds like** [in radio message] like** WRECK** [loss of ship])\n **STAR T** **REK**\n\n**STAR TREK** (TV programme)"} {"Clue":"Abandoned magazine \u2013 junior editor's copy framed by nude dancing (12)","Answer":"UNSUBSCRIBED","Explanation":"Definition: Abandoned magazine\n(**SUB'S** [sub-editor's; junior editor's]** + CRIB** [copy]) **contained in** (framed by) **an anagram of** (dancing) **NUDE**\n **UN** (**SUB'S** **CRIB**) **ED***\n\n**UNSUBSCRIBED** (if a magazine is **UNSUBSCRIBED** there are no readers, so the magazine will be abandoned by its publishers)"} {"Clue":"Straightline maker limiting one more inclined to spread out (10)","Answer":"STRETCHIER","Explanation":"Definition: more inclined to spread out\n**STRETCHER** (a brick, stone, sod, sandbag, etc laid horizontally with others in the forming of a wall; a straight line maker) **containing** (limiting)** I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **STRETCH** (**I**) **ER**\n\n**STRETCHIER** (more inclined to spread out)"} {"Clue":"Fish satisfied, rising around river for part of the year? (6,4)","Answer":"SCHOOL TERM","Explanation":"Definition: part of the year\n**SCHOOL** (collective noun for a group of fish) **+** (**MET** [satisfied] **reversed** [rising; down clue] **containing** [around] **R** [river])\n **SCHOOL** **TE** (**R**) **M**<\n\n**SCHOOL TERM** (part of the year)"} {"Clue":"Fell in, and put to work in large numbers (9)","Answer":"PLENTIFUL","Explanation":"Definition: in large numbers\n**Anagram of** (put to work) **FELL IN** and **PUT**\n **PLENTIFUL***\n\n**PLENTIFUL** (in large numbers)"} {"Clue":"Temperature roughly observed in part of body (5)","Answer":"TORSO","Explanation":"Definition: part of body\n**T** (temperature) **+ OR SO** (roughly)\n **T** **OR**** ****SO**\n\n**TORSO** (part of the body)"} {"Clue":"TV show with daughter and son gaining power in time (4,4)","Answer":"DAD","Explanation":"Definition: TV show\n(**D** [daughter] + **S** [son] **+ ARM** [power])** contained in** (in) **DAY** {period of time)\n **D A** (**D**** S** **ARM**) **Y**\n\n**DAD'S ARMY** (television program)"} {"Clue":"Riddle cracked by Welsh writer (5)","Answer":"SWIFT","Explanation":"Definition: writer\n**SIFT** (sieve; riddle) **containing** (cracked by) **W** (Welsh)\n **S** (**W**) **IFT**\n\n**SWIFT** (reference Jonathan **SWIFT** [1667 \u2013 1745], Anglo-Irish writer)"} {"Clue":"Urgency having previously contracted the fungal disease (6)","Answer":"THRUSH","Explanation":"Definition: fungal disease\n**TH****E** **excluding the final letter** (contracted) **E** **+ RUSH** (urgency)\n **TH** **RUSH**\n\n**THRUSH** (fungal disease)"} {"Clue":"Some hosts argue with women going ape (6)","Answer":"PARROT","Explanation":"Definition: ape\n**PART** (some) **containing** (hosts) (**RO****W** [argue] **excluding** [going] **W**)\n **PAR** (**RO**) **T**\n\n**PARROT** (repeat by rote; mimic; ape)"} {"Clue":"Clothing arrives here in German jet (7)","Answer":"HARRIER","Explanation":"Definition: jet\n**HIER** (German for 'here') **containing** (clothes) **ARR** (arrives)\n **H** (**ARR**) **IER**\n\n**HARRIER** (subsonic multi-purpose military jet plane)"} {"Clue":"Appeal to stop Grand Duke's last dud cheque (4)","Answer":"KITE","Explanation":"Definition: dud cheque\n**IT** ([sex] appeal) **contained in** (to stop) (**K** [1,000; grand] **+ E** [**final letter of **{last} **DUKE**])\n **K** (**IT**) **E**\n\n**KITE** (a cheque that is written without sufficient money in the\u00a0bank to cover it; dud cheque"} {"Clue":"After rally, Leslie bumped into girl (10)","Answer":"DEMOISELLE","Explanation":"Definition: girl\n**DEMO** (demonstration; rally) **+ an anagram of **(bumped into) **LESLIE**\n **DEMO** **ISELLE***\n\n**DEMOISELLE** (archaic or facetious term for a young lady; girl)"} {"Clue":"Victorian statistician in the dark, during storm (11)","Answer":"NIGHTINGALE","Explanation":"Definition: Victorian statistician\n**NIGHT** (in the dark) **+ IN **(during) **+ GALE** (storm)\n **NIGHT** **IN** **GALE**\n\n**NIGHTINGALE** (reference Florence **NIGHTINGALE** [1820 \u2013 1910], English social reformer and statistician, and the founder of modern nursing)"} {"Clue":"Our Darren goes out around noon for a quick one (10)","Answer":"ROADRUNNER","Explanation":"Definition: a quick one\n**Anagram of **(goes out) **OUR DARREN** **containing** (around) **N** (noon)\n **ROADRUN** (**N**) **ER*** Either **N** could be the one contained\n\n**ROADRUNNER** (someone who moves quickly)"} {"Clue":"London designer tucked into dinner with revolutionary (4)","Answer":"WREN","Explanation":"Definition: London designer\n**WREN** (**hidden word in** [in] **reversed** [revolutionary] **DINNER WITH**)\n **WREN**<\n\n**WREN** (reference Sir Christopher WREN [1632 \u2013 1723], English architect; London designer responsible for the design of St Paul's Cathedral)"} {"Clue":"Lost place in book (7)","Answer":"PELICAN","Explanation":"Definition: book\n**Anagram of** (lost) **PLACE IN** \n **PELICAN***\n\n**PELICAN** (non-fiction imprint of Penguin Books)"} {"Clue":"Member of Rat Pack is out of cocktails (unlikely as it seems!) (6)","Answer":"MARTIN","Explanation":"Definition: Member of Rat Pack\n**MARTINIS** (cocktails) **excluding** (out of) **IS** \n **MARTIN**\n\n**MARTIN** (reference Dean **MARTIN** [1917 \u2013 1995]. member of the Rat Pack, a group of entertainers centred on Las Vegas. The members changed over the years but they were always known for womanising and heavy drinking, so it is unlikely they would ever be out of cocktails)"} {"Clue":"It's billed with nothing about price? Just the reverse (6)","Answer":"PLOVER","Explanation":"Definition: It's billed\n**PR** (price) **containing** (about) **LOVE** (zero score in tennis; nothing) The **container and contents are the opposite** (just the reverse) of the arrangement set out in the clue (nothing about price)\n **P** (**LOVE**) **R**\n\n**PLOVER** (a **PLOVER** has a bill; it's billed)"} {"Clue":"Actor who won posthumous award has following in Switzerland (5)","Answer":"FINCH","Explanation":"Definition: Actor who won posthumous award\n**F** (following) **+ IN + CH** (International Vehicle Registration for Switzerland)\n **F** **IN** **CH**\n\n**FINCH** (reference Peter **FINCH** [1916 \u2013 1977], English actor who won a posthumous best actor award for his role as a crazed anchorman in Network)"} {"Clue":"Al Reid's busy before 1 PM (8)","Answer":"DISRAELI","Explanation":"Definition: PM\n**Anagram of** (busy) **AL REID'S** **+ I** (Roman numeral for 1)\n **DISRAEL*** **I**\n\n**DISRAELI** (reference Benjamin **DISRAELI** [1804 \u2013 1881], British Prime Minister [PM])"} {"Clue":"Made a claim from government department (6)","Answer":"STATED","Explanation":"Definition: Made a claim\n**STATE **(government) **+ D** (department)\n **STATE** **D**\n\n**STATED** (made a claim)"} {"Clue":"Delightful group of goldfinches perched on bank (8)","Answer":"CHARMING","Explanation":"Definition: Delightful\n**CHARM** (collective noun for a group of goldfinches, variant spelling of **CHIRM**) **+ ING** (dialect word for a meadow or bank beside a river)\n **CHARM** **ING**\n\n**CHARMING** (delightful)"} {"Clue":"Finished parts function horizontally (6)","Answer":"SUPINE","Explanation":"Definition: horizontally\n**UP** (finished) **contained in** (parts) **SINE** (trigonometrical function)\n **S** (**UP**) **INE**\n\n**SUPINE** (prostrate; horizontal)"} {"Clue":"Theatre is regularly breaking Aussie state law (6)","Answer":"SHARIA","Explanation":"Definition: law \n**HARI** (**letters 2, 4, 6 and 8** [regularly] of **THEATRE IS**) **contained in** (breaking) **SA** (South Australia; Australian State)\n **S**** **(**HARI**) **A**\n\n**SHARIA** (the body of Islamic religious law)"} {"Clue":"Beginning with Hastings, a king of the past (6)","Answer":"HAROLD","Explanation":"Definition: Beginning with Hastings, a king of the past \n**H** (**first letter of** [beginnings with] **HASTINGS**) **+ A + R** (Rex; king)** + OLD**\n **H ****A**** ****R**** ****OLD**\n\n**HAROLD** (reference King **HAROLD** who was defeated at the Battle of **HASTINGS** in 1066) Wikipedia tells me that this **HAROLD** was generally known as **HAROLD** II, not **HAROLD** 1 who was probably\u00a0**HAROLD** Harefoot, King from 1035 to 1040 so I am bit confused about the use of 'Beginning' in the definition. I can see clearly why 'Beginning' is used in the wordplay)"} {"Clue":"Some mushrooms to munch before nosing around (11)","Answer":"CHAMPIGNONS","Explanation":"Definition: Some mushrooms\n**CHAMP** (munch) **+ an anagram of **(around) **NOSING**\n **CHAMP** **IGNONS***\n\n**CHAMPIGNONS** (mushrooms)"} {"Clue":"Harry had wingless duck and hen with fleshy hindquarter (8)","Answer":"HAUNCHED","Explanation":"Definition: with fleshy hindquarter\n**Anagram of** (harry) **HAD** and **DUCK** **excluding** **the outer letters** (wingless) **D** & **K** and **HEN** giving **an anagram of** **HADUCHEN**\n **HA****UNCHE****D***\n\n**HAUNCHED** (descriptive of the hip and buttocks taken together; with fleshy hindquarters)"} {"Clue":"Blooming fellow leaving with a menacing scowl \u2026 (8)","Answer":"LOWERING","Explanation":"Definition: with a menacing scowl\n**F****LOWERING** (blooming) **excluding** (leaving) **F** (fellow [of a society])\n **LOWERING**\n\n**LOWERING** (with a menacing scowl)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 interviews very old man about old times (3,3)","Answer":"VOX POP","Explanation":"Definition: interviews\n(**V **[very] **+ POP** [father; old man]) **containing** (about) (**O** [old] + **X** [sign for multiplication or times])\n **V** (**O** **X**) **POP**\n\n**VOX POP** (originally meaning the voice of the people; now applied to brief street interviews which are used to determine the voice of the people. Sometimes one gets the impression that the interviews are held with people known to hold the views the organisers of the interviews wish to highlight as that said voice of the people)"} {"Clue":"Enjoy a dip (6)","Answer":"RELISH","Explanation":"Definition: Enjoy\n**RELISH** (enjoy)\n **RELISH**\n\n**RELISH** (condiment often used as a dip)"} {"Clue":"Lecturer welcomes old German scientist (6)","Answer":"DALTON","Explanation":"Definition: scientist\n**DON** **containing** (welcomes) **ALT** (German for 'old')\n **D **(**ALT****) ON**\n\n**DALTON** (reference John **DALTON** [1766 \u2013 1844], an English chemist, physicist, and meteorologist. He is best known for proposing the modern atomic theory and for his research into colour blindness, sometimes referred to as **DALTON**ism in his honour)"} {"Clue":"Single female recruited by foreign army branch (6)","Answer":"RAMIFY","Explanation":"Definition: branch\n(**I **[Roman numeral for one; single] **+ F **(female) **contained in** (recruited by) **an\u00a0anagram of** (foreign) **ARMY**\n **RAM** (**I** **F**) **Y***\n\n**RAMIFY** (divide into branches)"} {"Clue":"What about stocking books on the queen's dangerous predicament (3,5)","Answer":"HOT WATER","Explanation":"Definition: dangerous predicament\n(**Anagram of **[about] **WHAT** **containing** [stocking] **OT** [Old Testament; books of the Bible]) **+ ER** (Elizabeth Regina; queen)\n **H** (**OT**) **WAT*** **ER**\n\n**HOT WATER** (informal term for a state of trouble; dangerous predicament)"} {"Clue":"Swan around Belgium with European trapper (6)","Answer":"COBWEB","Explanation":"Definition: trapper\n**COB** (male swan) **containing** **(B** [International Vehicle registration for Belgium] **+ W**\u00a0[with] **+ ****E** [European])\n **CO** (**B** **W** **E**) **B**\n\n**COBWEB** (a spider's trap for flies; trapper)"} {"Clue":"Nuclear weapon Meir oddly dismissed as more limited in range (8)","Answer":"NARROWER","Explanation":"Definition: more limited in range\n**N** (nuclear) **+\u00a0ARROW **(weapon) **+ ER** (**letters remaining when letters 1 and 3** [oddly] **are excluded** [dismissed] **from** **M****E****I****R**)\n The reference is to Golda Meir, former Prime Minister of Israel\n **N** **ARROW** **ER**\n\n**NARROWER** (more limited in range)"} {"Clue":"Thicker grass concealing a couple of snipers on the way back (6)","Answer":"DENSER","Explanation":"Definition: Thicker\n(**REED** [grass] **containing** [concealing] **SN** [**first two letters of** [a couple of] **SN****IPERS**) **all reversed** (on the way back)\n (**DE** (**NS**) **ER**)<\n\n**DENSER** (thicker)"} {"Clue":"Rule out admitting obstruction at end of the game (8)","Answer":"ROULETTE","Explanation":"Definition: game\n**R** (rule) **+** (**OUT** **containing** [admitting] **LET** [obstruction]) **+ E** **(last letter of** [end of] **THE**)\n **R** **OU** **(LET**) **T** **E**\n\n**ROULETTE** (game of chance))"} {"Clue":"Soldiers fetch back a former leader of the Sandinistas (6)","Answer":"ORTEGA","Explanation":"Definition: former leader of the Sandinistas\n**OR** (other ranks; soldiers) **+ GET reversed** (back) **+ A**\n **OR** **TEG**< **A**\n\n**ORTEGA** (reference Daniel **ORTEGA** [born 1945] currently President of Nicaragua and Chairman of the Sandinista National Liberation Front)"} {"Clue":"Mad about getting caught after a short time (10)","Answer":"MOONSTRUCK","Explanation":"Definition: Mad\n**MO** (moment; short time) **+ ON **(with reference to; about) **+ STRUCK** (caught)\n **MO** **ON** **STRUCK**\n\n**MOONSTRUCK** (crazed; mad)"} {"Clue":"Bad to defend dithering over Poins being vague (3-7)","Answer":"ILL-DEFINED","Explanation":"Definition: vague\n**ILL** (bad) **+** (**an anagram of** [dithering] **DEFEND** **containing** [over] **I** {Poins is the setter of the crossword, writer of the clue])\n **ILL** **DEF** (**I**) **NED***\n\n**ILL-DEFINED** (vague)"} {"Clue":"Put a match to fuel left out (6)","Answer":"IGNITE","Explanation":"Definition: Put a match to\n**L****IGNITE** (brown coal; fuel) **excluding** (out)** L** (left)\n **IGNITE**\n\n**IGNITE** (set on fire; put a match to)"} {"Clue":"Lark's flight captured by Bill? Just the opposite (8)","Answer":"ESCAPADE","Explanation":"Definition: Lark\n**AD** (advertisement; poster; bill) **contained in** (captured by) **ESCAPE** (flight) The construction is the **opposite** (contrary) of that outlined in the clue\n **ESCAP** (**AD**) **E**\n\n**ESCAPADE** (mischievous adventure; lark)"} {"Clue":"Maria's reckless musketeer (6)","Answer":"ARAMIS","Explanation":"Definition: musketeer\n**Anagram of** (reckless) **MARIA'S**\n **ARAMIS***\n\n**ARAMIS** (one of the three musketeers in the novels by Alexandre Dumas)"} {"Clue":"Pay close attention to study on school getting turned around (4,4)","Answer":"TAKE NOTE","Explanation":"Definition: Pay close attention to\n**TAKE** (study [an academic course]) **+ ETON** (public school in England) **reversed** (turned round)\n **TAKE** **NOTE**<\n\n**TAKE NOTE** (pay close attention to)"} {"Clue":"Dicky tried new hookup app (6)","Answer":"TINDER","Explanation":"Definition: hookup app\n**Anagram of** (dicky) **TRIED** and **N** (new)\n **TINDER***\n\n**TINDER** (location-based social search mobile app used as a dating or hookup app)"} {"Clue":"Aware of a mawkishness Miles ignored (8)","Answer":"SENTIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Aware of\n**SENTIMENT** (mawkishness) **excluding** (ignoring) **M** (miles)\n **SENTIENT**\n\n**SENTIENT** (aware)"} {"Clue":"Poor country area is disregarded (6)","Answer":"HUNGRY","Explanation":"Definition: Poor\n**HUNGARY** (European country) **excluding** (is disregarded) **A** (area)\n **HUNGRY**\n\n**HUNGRY **(poor)"} {"Clue":"Surprise spell in revolt (4-2)","Answer":"TURN-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Surprise\n**TURN** (spell) **+ UP** (in revolt)\n **TURN\u2013UP**\n\n**TURN-UP** (piece of good luck; surprise)"} {"Clue":"The culmination of an attempt to get up in one go (6)","Answer":"APOGEE","Explanation":"Definition: The culmination\n**GO** (attempt) **reversed** (up;down) **clue contained in** (in) (**A** [one] **+ PEE** [go [to the toilet])\n **A** **P** (**OG**<)** EE**\n\n**APOGEE** (culmination)"} {"Clue":"Type of book singled out by fellow in charge (10)","Answer":"ELECTRONIC","Explanation":"Definition: Type of book\n**ELECT** (taken by preference from among others; singled out) **+ RON** (man's name; fellow) **+ I\/C** (in charge)\n **ELECT** **RON** **IC**\n\n**ELECTRONIC** (type of book format)"} {"Clue":"Make too much of estimate on account of earlier (8)","Answer":"OVERRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Make too much\n**OVER** (on account of) **+ RATE** (estimate)\n **OVER** **RATE**\n\n**OVERRATE** (think too highly of; make too much of)"} {"Clue":"Done for finding stuff out, she breaks in court (6-2)","Answer":"WASHED-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Done for \n(**SHE** **contained in** [breaks in] **WAD** [pad; stuff out]) **+ UP** (in court)\n **WA** (**SHE**) **D** **UP**\n\n**WASHED-UP** (deprived of energy or animation; done for)"} {"Clue":"Obama's interrupted by Republican jeers (8)","Answer":"BARRACKS","Explanation":"Definition: jeers\n**BARACK'S** (possessive for of the first name of former President **BARACK** Obama) **containing** (interrupted by) **R** (Republican)\n **BAR** (**R**) **ACKS**\n\n**BARRACKS** (jeers)"} {"Clue":"Make light of foreign articles on ceremonial dignity (10)","Answer":"UNDERSTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Make light of\n(**UN** [French form of indefinite article] **+ DER** [German form of the definite article to give foreign articles) **+ STATE** (ceremonial dignity)\n **UN** **DER** **STATE**\n\n**UNDERSTATE** (say more moderately than truth would allow or require; make light of)"} {"Clue":"A tendency once to mix it with platinum not plutonium (8)","Answer":"MILITANT","Explanation":"Definition: A tendency once\n**Anagram of** (mix \u2026 with) **IT** and **P****LATIN****U****M** **excluding** (not) **PU**\u00a0(chemical symbol for plutonium) leaving an** anagram of IT LATINM**\n **MIL****IT****ANT***\n\n**MILITANT** (reference **MILITANT**,\u00a0commonly called the **MILITANT** tendency [a Trotskyist entryist group in the British Labour Party, based around the **MILITANT** newspaper launched in 1964."} {"Clue":"Fruit tree said to engross Australian conservationists (8)","Answer":"PLANTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\n**PLAIN** (**sounds like** [said to] **PLANE** type of tree]) **containing** (to engross) (**A** [Australian] +** NT** [National Trust; conservationists])\n **PL** (**A** **NT**) **AIN**\n\n**PLANTAIN** (fruit)"} {"Clue":"Leonato's niece to flog diamonds without a hint of regret (8)","Answer":"BEATRICE","Explanation":"Definition: Leonato's niece\n(**BEAT **(flog) **+** **ICE** [diamonds]) **containing** (without) **R** [**first letter of **[hint of] **REGRET**)\n **BEAT **(**R**) **ICE**\n\n**BEATRICE** (Leonato's niece in Shakespeare's Much Ado about Nothing)"} {"Clue":"Have one's way with academic fellow after husband leaves (4,2)","Answer":"MAKE IT","Explanation":"Definition: Have one's way with\n**MA** (Master of Arts; an academic degree) **+ KEITH** (man's name; fellow)\u00a0**excluding** (after \u2026 leaves) **H**\n **MA** **KE IT**\n\n**MAKE IT** (have one's way with)"} {"Clue":"Blanchett devouring work about American novelist (6)","Answer":"CAPOTE","Explanation":"Definition: American novelist\n**CATE** (reference the actress **CATE** Blanchett, Australian actress born 1969) **containing** (devouring) (**OP** [opus; work] **reversed** [about])\n **CA** (**PO**<) **TE**\n\n**CAPOTE** (reference Truman **CAPOTE** [1924 \u2013 1984], American novelist)"} {"Clue":"Abandon virtue (6)","Answer":"DESERT","Explanation":"Definition: Abandon\n**DESERT** (abandon)\n **DESERT**\n\n**DESERT** (worth; merit; virtue) double definition"} {"Clue":"Party's beginning with bad row (6)","Answer":"PADDLE","Explanation":"Definition: row\n**P** (**first letter of **[beginning] **PARTY**) **+ ADDLE** (bad)\n **P** **ADDLE**\n\n**PADDLE** (row)"} {"Clue":"Left off telling stories about nobleman's young horse (8)","Answer":"YEARLING","Explanation":"Definition: young horse\n(**LYING **[telling stories] **excluding** [off] **L** [left]) **containing** (about)** EARL** (nobleman)\n **Y** (**EARL**) **ING**\n\n**YEARLING** (young horse)"} {"Clue":"In our awful extremes of need, supporter's right to do this? (5,5)","Answer":"RALLY ROUND","Explanation":"Definition: In our awful extremes of need, supporter's right to do this\n(**Anagram of** [awful] **OUR** **+ ND** [**first and last letters of **{extremes of} **N****EE****D**]) **containing** (**ALLY** [supporter] **+ R** [right])\n **R** (**ALLY** **R**) **OU***** ****ND**\n\n**RALLY ROUND** (support, help someone in need)"} {"Clue":"Deal for one week with fashion clothing (4)","Answer":"TOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Deal\n**TON** (fashion) **containing** (clothing) **W** (week)\n **TO** (**W**) **N**\n\n**TOWN** (**DEAL** is a **TOWN** in Kent)"} {"Clue":"Misrepresent and insult blokes in audition (8)","Answer":"DISGUISE","Explanation":"Definition: Misrepresent\n**DISGUISE** (**sounds like** [in audition] **DISS** [treat with disrespect or contempt; insult] **+ GUYS** [blokes])\n **DISGUISE**\n\n**DISGUISE** (misrepresent)"} {"Clue":"Highest point of ascent mostly shown by a cross (6)","Answer":"CLIMAX","Explanation":"Definition: Highest point of \n**CLIMB** (ascent) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **B**\u00a0**+ A + X** (symbol for a cross)\n **CLIM** **A** **X**\n\n**CLIMAX** ([of a story, play, piece of music, etc], the most interesting and important or exciting part; highest point)"} {"Clue":"Run and hide (4)","Answer":"PELT","Explanation":"Definition: Run\n**PELT** (speed; run)\n **PELT**\n\n**PELT** (raw animal hide with the fur still on) double definition"} {"Clue":"Very popular person dancing to the catching beat (3,6)","Answer":"HOT TICKET","Explanation":"Definition: Very popular\n**Anagram of **(dancing) **TO THE** **containing** (catching) **TICK** (beat)\n **H****OT** (**TICK**) **ET***\n\n**HOT TICKET** (highly popular person or thing)"} {"Clue":"More than one power plant heats houses in centre of Bradford (4,5)","Answer":"WIND FARMS","Explanation":"Definition: More than one power plant\n**WARMS** (heats) **containing** (houses) (**IN** **+** **DF** [**middle letters of** {centre of} **BRADFORD**])\n **W** (**IN** **D F**) **ARMS**\n\n**WIND FARMS** (more than one example of a power generating plant)"} {"Clue":"Singer is ideal Tosca? Not entirely (4)","Answer":"ALTO","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\n**ALTO** (**hidden word in** [not entirely] **IDEAL TOSCA**)\n **ALTO**\n\n**ALTO** (descriptive of the highest male voice; singer)"} {"Clue":"He scored South Africa runs in test (6)","Answer":"MOZART","Explanation":"Definition: He scored\n(**ZA** [International Vehicle Registration for South Africa)] **+ R** [runs]) **contained in** (in) **MOT** (Ministry of Transport test for car worthiness for most vehicles over three years old)\n **MO** (**ZA** **R**) **T**\n\n**MOZART** (reference Wolfgang Amadeus **MOZART** [1756 \u2013 1791], Austrian composer; he scored music)"} {"Clue":"Author's declared baggage (8)","Answer":"TROLLOPE","Explanation":"Definition: Author\n**TROLLOPE** (**sounds like** [declared] **TROLLOP** [prostitute]; **BAGGAGE** can also be\u00a0defined as an immoral woman)\n **TROLLOPE**\n\n**TROLLOPE** (reference Anthony TROLLOPE [1815 \u2013 1882], English author)"} {"Clue":"Survive having bad back (4)","Answer":"LIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Survive\n**EVIL** (bad) **reversed** (back)\n **LIVE**<\n\n**LIVE** (survive)"} {"Clue":"Acid gets in plastic moulding (3-7)","Answer":"DIE-CASTING","Explanation":"Definition: moulding\n**Anagram of** (plastic) **ACID GETS IN**\n **DI****E****-CA****STING***\n\n**DIE-CASTING** (shaping metal or plastic by casting in a metal mould)."} {"Clue":"One lacking awareness makes decision (8)","Answer":"SENTENCE","Explanation":"Definition: decision\n**SENTIENCE** (consciousness; awareness) **excluding** (lacking) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **SENTENCE**\n\n**SENTENCE** (judgment, opinion or decision)"} {"Clue":"Tester perhaps requires article in duplicate (6)","Answer":"CANOPY","Explanation":"Definition: Tester \n**AN **(indefinite article) c**ontained in** (in) **COPY** (duplicate)\n **C** (**AN**) **OPY**\n\n**CANOPY** (tester [**CANOPY** or its support, or both, especially over a bed.])"} {"Clue":"Stopping a month in France, finally fit as a fiddle (5)","Answer":"AMATI","Explanation":"Definition: fiddle\n**T** (**last letter of **[finally] **FIT**) **contained in** (stopping (**A** **+ MAI** [French for the month of May])\n **A** **MA** (**T**) **I**\n\n**AMATI** (violin [fiddle] or cello made by the **AMATI** family [circa 1550] of Cremona)"} {"Clue":"Legal document securing land is sent (9)","Answer":"DELIGHTED","Explanation":"Definition: sent\n**DEED** (legal document) **containing** (securing) **LIGHT** (come down from a flight; land)\n **DE** (**LIGHT**) **ED**\n\n**DELIGHTED** (thrilled; roused to ecstasy; sent)"} {"Clue":"Listen in awe, besotted with girl briefly (6)","Answer":"EARWIG","Explanation":"Definition: Listen in\n**Anagram of** (besotted with) **AWE** and **GIR****L** **excluding the final letter** (briefly)** L**\n **EA****R****W****IG***\n\n**EARWIG** (listen in)"} {"Clue":"Detectives turning up in a rage stand down (8)","Answer":"ABDICATE","Explanation":"Definition: stand down\n**CID** (Criminal Investigation Department; CID) **reversed** (turning up; down clue) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+ BATE** [variant of **BAIT** [rage])\n **A** **B** (**DIC**<) **ATE**\n\n**ABDICATE** (renounce or give up office; stand down)"} {"Clue":"Stick a wooden strip on one (5)","Answer":"LATHI","Explanation":"Definition: Stick\n**LATH** (thin strip of wood) **+ I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **LATH** **I**\n\n**LATHI** (long, heavy stick used as a weapon)"} {"Clue":"Shop has fresh herb, mint 50% off (9)","Answer":"NEWSAGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Shop\n**NEW** (fresh) **+ SAGE** (a herb) **+ NT** (**two of the four**\u00a0[half; 50%] **letters of ****MI****NT**)\n **NEW** **SAGE** **NT**\n\n**NEWSAGENT** (example of a shop)"} {"Clue":"Abridge long work \u2013 large book \u2013 retaining gist at heart? (9)","Answer":"EPITOMISE","Explanation":"Definition: Abridge long work \u2013 large book \u2013 retaining gist at heart\n**EPIC** (long narrative poem [work]) **excluding the final letter** (abridge) **C** **+** (**TOME** [large book] **containing** [retaining] **IS** [**middle letters of** {at heart} **GIST**])\n **EPI** **TOM** (**IS**) **E**\n\n**EPITOMISE** (condense a book while retaining its\u00a0gist)"} {"Clue":"Scorch by lake, getting sunburn? That involves a quack! (9)","Answer":"CHARLATAN","Explanation":"Definition: quack\n**CHAR** (scorch) **+ L** (lake) **+ A TAN** (sunburn)\n **CHAR** **L** **A** **TAN**\n\n**CHARLATAN** (someone who pretends to have special knowledge or ability, esp one who claims to have medical knowledge; a quack)"} {"Clue":"Anyhow, don't moas constitute extinct species? (8)","Answer":"MASTODON","Explanation":"Definition: extinct species\n**Anagram of **(anyhow) **DON'T MOAS**\n **MASTODON***\n\n**MASTODON** (an animal of the genus of extinct mammals resembling elephants)"} {"Clue":"Maoist periodically spies revolutionary work of art (6)","Answer":"MOSAIC","Explanation":"Definition: work of art\n**MOS **(**letters 1, 3 and 5** [periodically] of **MAOIST**) **+ CIA** (Central Intelligence Agency (spies) **reversed** (revolutionary)\n **MOS** **AIC**<\n\n**MOSAIC** (the fitting together in a design of small pieces of coloured marble, glass, etc to form a work of art)"} {"Clue":"English lawyer upset training expert (5)","Answer":"ADEPT","Explanation":"Definition: expert\n(**E** [English] **+ DA** [District Attorney; American lawyer]) **all reversed** (upset) **+ PT** (physical training)\n (**AD** **E**)< **PT**\n\n**ADEPT** (expert)"} {"Clue":"Heart-throb suggesting nip? (3-2)","Answer":"PIN-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Heart-throb \n**PIN-UP** (if you **reverse** [up] **PIN** you get **NIP**)\n **PIN**\u2013**UP**\n\n**PIN-UP** (a person who might have their picture put on an admirer's wall; heart-throb)"} {"Clue":"Dim, holding a little back that can be acted upon (7)","Answer":"PATIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: can be acted upon\n**PALE** (dim) **containing** (holding) **BIT** (a little) **reversed** (back)\n **PA** (**TIB**<) **LE**\n\n**PATIBLE** (capable of being acted on)"} {"Clue":"Censure what should go clockwise going the wrong way? (5)","Answer":"STROP","Explanation":"Definition: Censure\n**PORTS** (tradition has it that the **PORT** decanter\u00a0is passed clockwise round the table after a meal) **reversed** (going the wrong way) I started off reading about **PORT** the helm where if you want the ship to turn to **PORT** you turn the top of the wheel to starboard (right; clockwise) but I think the clue is referring to the movement of the decanter round the table.\n **STROP**<\n\n**STROP** (censure)"} {"Clue":"Pedimental ornament's wild erotica RA left (10)","Answer":"ACROTERIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Pedimental ornament\n**Anagram of** (wild) **EROTICA\u00a0RA** and **L** (left)\n **ACROTE****R****I****AL***\n or you could view it as an **anagram** of **EROTICA RA** + **L**\n **ACROTE****R****I****A* ****L**\n\n**ACROTERIAL** (pedestal or ornament at the top or side angle of a pediment)"} {"Clue":"Hit difficulty having to reverse (4)","Answer":"TONK","Explanation":"Definition: Hit\n**KNOT** (difficulty) **reversed** (having to reverse)\n **TONK**<\n\n**TONK** (strike; hit)"} {"Clue":"Clock, in case, went in (6)","Answer":"SPEEDO","Explanation":"Definition: Clock\n**PEED** (urinated; went) **contained in** (in) **SO** (in case)\n **S** (**PEED**)** O**\n\n**SPEEDO** (speedometer; clock)"} {"Clue":"Pipe smell, unpleasant, universal when scruffy hick's around (7)","Answer":"CHIBOUK","Explanation":"Definition: Pipe \n**Anagram of** (scruffy) **HICK** **containing** (around) (**BO** [body odour; unpleasant smell] **+ U** [universal [film rating])\n **CHI** (**BO** **U**) **K***\n\n**CHIBOUK** (\u00a0long straight-stemmed Turkish tobacco pipe)"} {"Clue":"Pale-faced Scots peddle indefinable quality (6)","Answer":"HAWKIT","Explanation":"Definition: Pale-faced Scots\n**HAWK** (peddle) **+ IT** (indefinable quality)\n **HAWK** **IT**\n\n**HAWKIT** (Scots word for white-faced; pale-faced Scots)"} {"Clue":"Page one in history devoted to Rome (6)","Answer":"PAPIST","Explanation":"Definition: devoted to Rome\n(**P** [page] **+ I** [Roman numeral for one]) **contained in** (in) **PAST** (history)\n **PA** (**P**** I**) **ST**\n\n**PAPIST** (one devoted to the Church of Rome)"} {"Clue":"Old carriage, no carpet, decrepit (8)","Answer":"PORTANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Old carriage\n**Anagram of** (decrepit) **NO CARPET**\n **P****O****RTA****N****CE***\n\n**PORTANCE** (Spenserian and Shakespearian [old] word for carriage or bearing)"} {"Clue":"Tea for one, all but the last muffin? (8)","Answer":"CHAPERON","Explanation":"Definition: muffin\n**CHA** (tea) **+ PER** (for [each]) **+ ONE** **excluding the final letter** (all but the last) **E**\n **CHA** **PER** **ON**\n\n**CHAPERON** **(MUFFIN** can be defined as a man accompanying or **CHAPERON**ing a young woman)"} {"Clue":"Savage (female?) may be addressed thus rudely, or in unctuous fashion (6)","Answer":"OILILY","Explanation":"Definition: in unctuous fashion\n**OI** (abrupt or rude interjection used to attract attention) **+ LILY** (reference Paul O'Grady's drag queen character **LILY SAVAGE**)\n **OI** **LILY**\n\n**OILILY **(in an unctuous fashion)"} {"Clue":"One clothed in treated pelts, soft (6)","Answer":"PASTEL","Explanation":"Definition: soft\n**A** (one) **contained in** (clothed in) **an anagram of** (treated) **PELTS**\n **P** (**A**) **STEL***\n\n**PASTEL** (soft)"} {"Clue":"Source of famous stone placed in course (7)","Answer":"ROSETTA","Explanation":"Definition: Source of famous stone\n**SET** (placed) **contained in** (in) **ROTA** (course of duty)\n **RO** (**SET**) **TA**\n\n**ROSETTA** (reference the **ROSETTA** stone [a granodiorite stele, found in 1799, inscribed with three versions of a decree issued at Memphis, Egypt in 196 BC during the Ptolemaic dynasty on behalf of King Ptolemy V])"} {"Clue":"Fair occupying old place delighted (6)","Answer":"STOKED","Explanation":"Definition: delighted\n**OK** (okay; fair) **contained in** (occupying) **STED** (obsolete [old] form of **STEAD** [place])\n **ST** (**OK**) **ED**\n\n**STOKED** (delighted)"} {"Clue":"Eddy up north, one recalling Simone? (4)","Answer":"WEIL","Explanation":"Definition: Simone\n**WEIL** (Northern England word for a whirlpool or eddy)\n **WEIL**\n\n**WEIL** (reference Simone **WEIL** [1909 \u2013 1943], French philosopher, mystic, and political activist)"} {"Clue":"Diplomat of yesteryear involved in mess abroad (10)","Answer":"EMBASSADOR","Explanation":"Definition: Diplomat of yesteryear\n**Anagram of** (involved in) **MESS ABROAD** \n **EMBASSADOR***\n\n**EMBASSADOR** (obsolete [of yesteryear] word for **AMBASSADOR** [diplomat])"} {"Clue":"Praise in some parts came into being about nothing (5)","Answer":"ROOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Praise in some parts\n**ROSE** (came into being) **containing** (about) **O** (zero)\n **RO** (**O**) **SE**\n\n**ROOSE** (Scottish or dialect [in some parts] word for praise)"} {"Clue":"Girl involved certainly recalled significant engagement (7)","Answer":"PLASSEY","Explanation":"Definition: significant engagement \n**LASS** (girl) **contained in** (involved) **YEP** (yes; certainly) **reversed** (recalled)\n **P** (**LASS**) **EY**<\n\n**PLASSEY **(The Battle of **PLASSEY** was a decisive victory of the British East India Company over the Nawab of Bengal and his French allies on 23 June 1757; significant engagement)"} {"Clue":"Thrust in certain areas identified by some spot checks (5)","Answer":"POTCH","Explanation":"Definition: Thrust in certain areas\n**POTCH **(**hidden word in** [some] **SPOT CHECKS**)\n **POTCH**\n\n**POTCH** (variant of **POACH** in a sense of thrust or trample)"} {"Clue":"What's wrong about black cuckoo? It's a monster (7)","Answer":"TANIWHA","Explanation":"Definition: monster\n**Anagram of** (wrong) **WHAT** **containing** (about) **ANI** (a black cuckoo (genus *Crotophaga*) with curved bill and long tail)\n **T** (**ANI**) **WHA***\n\n**TANIWHA** (mythical Maori monster)"} {"Clue":"Energy I put into place that feels special (4)","Answer":"BRIO","Explanation":"Definition: Energy\n**I contained in** (put into) **BRO** (a place for which one feels great affinity because of birth, upbringing, long residence, etc there)\n **BR** (**I**) **O**\n\n**BRIO** (vivacity; spirit; energy)"} {"Clue":"Where monks can chat over tonsure and parrot about it (8)","Answer":"LOCUTORY","Explanation":"Definition: Where monks can chat \n**LORY** (type of parrot) **containing** (about) (**O** [over] **+ CUT** [a tonsure is a form of hair**CUT**])\n **L** (**O** **CUT**) **ORY**\n\n**LOCUTORY** (a room for conversation, especially in a monastery.)"} {"Clue":"Like those old snaps, a jumble in the main (5)","Answer":"SEPIA","Explanation":"Definition: Like those old snaps\n**PI** (variant of **PIE** [mess; jumble])** contained in** (in) **SEA** (the main)\n **SE** (**PI**) **A**\n\n**SEPIA** (brownish tone produced in certain, especially early, photographic processes)"} {"Clue":"Fool turned up restrained by lock for transgression (8)","Answer":"TRESPASS","Explanation":"Definition: transgression\n**SAP** (fool) **reversed **(turned up; down clue) **contained in** (retained by) **TRESS** (lock of hair)\n **TRES** (**PAS**<) **S**\n\n**TRESPASS** (transgression)"} {"Clue":"Thong available in lingerie market (4)","Answer":"RIEM","Explanation":"Definition: Thong\n**RIEM** (**hidden word in** (available in) **LINGERIE MARKET**\n **RIEM**\n\n**RIEM** (a rawhide thong)"} {"Clue":"Scottish potter fashioned pot with rule (7)","Answer":"PLOUTER","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish potter\n**Anagram of** (fashioned \u2026 with) **POT** and **RULE**\n **PLOUTER***\n\n**PLOUTER** (Scottish word for dabble or potter)"} {"Clue":"Descriptive of separation record, note, quickly splitting up (10)","Answer":"DISCRETIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Descriptive of separation \n**DISC** (record) **+** (**VITE** [quickly] **reversed** [up; down clue]** contained in** [splitting] **RE** [a note of the tonic sol-fa])\n **DISC** **R** (**ETIV**<) **E**\n\n**DISCRETIVE** (descriptive of separation)"} {"Clue":"Quarter of Kiev: pay is OK roughly thereabouts \u2013 In these? (8)","Answer":"KOPIYKAS","Explanation":"Definition: these\n**Anagram of** (roughly) **K** (**one letter of four** [quarter] in **KIEV**) and **PAY IS OK**\n **KO****P****I****Y****K****A****S***\n\n**KOPIYKAS** (Ukrainian monetary unit; **K****IEV** is the capital city of Ukraine)"} {"Clue":"It's stiff breaking special rule \u2013 one barters (7)","Answer":"SCORSER","Explanation":"Definition: one barters\n**CORSE** (poetic form of **CORPSE** [stiff]) **contained in** (breaking) (**S** [special] **+ R** [rule])\n **S** (**CORSE**) **R**\n\n**SCORSER** (someone who barters)"} {"Clue":"Is it cobs they're after? They're off their trolley (7)","Answer":"NUTTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Is it cobs they're after\n**NUTTERS** (someone who gathers **NUT**s such as cob**NUT**s)\n **NUTTERS**\n\n**NUTTERS** (crazy people; they're off their trolley)"} {"Clue":"The old lose thread? Quite a lot by the sound of it (5)","Answer":"LEESE","Explanation":"Definition: The old lose\n**LEESE** (sounds like [by the sound of it] **LEASE** [in weaving, a place or way of separating warp threads at the ends]) While that definition of **LEASE** gives me a link to threads I'm not sure why the clue refers to quite a lot unless the warp, by definition, refers to many threads)\n \u00a0\n\n**LEESE** (Spenserian or Shakespearean [old] word for lose)"} {"Clue":"What Scots masochist enjoys, mistress holding end of flail? (5)","Answer":"LALDY","Explanation":"Definition: What Scots masochist enjoys\n**LADY** (mistress) **containing** (holding) **L** (**last letter of** [end of] **FLAIL**)\n **LA** (**L**) **DY**\n\n**LALDY** (Scottish word for beating or thrashing (as punishment); what a Scottish masochist enjoys)"} {"Clue":"Lens protector, black coated in sticky stuff (4)","Answer":"GOBO","Explanation":"Definition: Lens protector\n**B** (black,used as an abbreviation on lead pencils to indicate softness) **contained in** (coated in) **GOO** (sticky stuff)\n **GO** (**B**) **O**\n\n**GOBO** (device used to protect a camera lens from light)"} {"Clue":"Rising party in South Africa creating splash? (4)","Answer":"SODA","Explanation":"Definition: splash\n**DO** (party) **reversed** (rising; down clue) **contained in** (in) **SA** (South Africa)\n **S** (**OD**<) **A**\n\n**SODA** (**SPLASH** can be defined as 'a little **SODA** water')"} {"Clue":"Dutch heretic securing victory regarding evolution (9)","Answer":"DARWINIAN","Explanation":"Definition: regarding evolution\n**D** (Dutch)** + (ARIAN** [relating to the heretical doctrines Arius of Alexandria [died 336AD] **containing** [securing[ **WIN** [victory])\n **D** **AR** (**WIN**) **IAN**\n\n**DARWINIAN** (relating to the theories of evolution set out by Charles **DARWIN** [1809 \u2013 1882])"} {"Clue":"Energy of life not entirely evident in South American figure (5)","Answer":"EVITA","Explanation":"Definition: South American figure\n**E** (energy) **+ VITAL** (characteristic of life) **excluding the final letter** (not entirely evident) **L**\n **E** **VITA**\n\n**EVITA** (reference Eva Mar\u00eda Duarte de Per\u00f3n\u00a0[1919 \u2013 1952], usually referred to simply as Eva or **EVITA**)"} {"Clue":"Diffusion very much set back one probing simple plant life (7)","Answer":"OSMOSIS","Explanation":"Definition: Diffusion\n**SO** (in a high degree; very much) **reversed** (set back) **+** (**I** [Roman numeral for one] **contained in** [probing] **MOSS** [an example of simple plant life])\n **OS<** **MOS** (**I**) **S**\n\n**OSMOSIS** (in chemistry, diffusion of liquids through a semipermeable membrane)"} {"Clue":"Historic dome, lit spookily (3-4)","Answer":"OLD TIME","Explanation":"Definition: Historic\n**Anagram of (**spookily) **DOME LIT**\n **O****L****D ****TI****ME***\n\n**OLD TIME** (historic)"} {"Clue":"Basis to claim small amount half-heartedly (5)","Answer":"TITLE","Explanation":"Definition: Basis to claim\n**TITTLE** (smallest part) **excluding one of the two** (half) **central letters** (heart) **T**\n **TITLE**\n\n**TITLE** (basis to claim [over ownership])"} {"Clue":"Reference to history: quite a few involved in rout (4,5)","Answer":"PAST TENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Reference to history:\n**TENS** (quite a few) **contained in** (involved in) **PASTE** (defeat utterly; rout)\n **PAST** (**TENS**) **E**\n\n**PAST TENSE** (the form of a verb used to reference something historical)"} {"Clue":"Times vary in the endless career developed for travelling educator (8,7)","Answer":"EXCHANGE TEACHER","Explanation":"Definition: travelling educator\n(**X** [multiplication sign; times] **+**** CHANGE** [vary]) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of **(developed) (**THE** **excluding the final letter** [endless] and **CAREER**)\n **E** (**X** **CHANGE**) **T****EAC****H****ER***\n\n**EXCHANGE TEACHER** (a **TEACHER** spending some time at a school, college or university in a foreign country while one from that country attends his or her school, or alternatively a swap within the same country; a travelling educator)"} {"Clue":"Betrayed and beaten up for documents but showing composure (9)","Answer":"SANGFROID","Explanation":"Definition: composure\n**SANG** (turned informer; betrayed) **+ an anagram of** (beaten up) **FOR** **+ ID** (identity papers; documents)\n **SANG** **FRO*** **ID**\n\n**SANGFROID** (composure)"} {"Clue":"French writer caught with two Americans? (5)","Answer":"CAMUS","Explanation":"Definition: French writer\n**C** (caught) **+** (**AM** [American] **+ US** [United States; American] giving two Americans)\n **C AM US**\n\n**CAMUS** (reference Albert **CAMUS** [1913 \u2013 1960], French author and journalist)"} {"Clue":"Mercy given to Communist in Cornish town (7)","Answer":"REDRUTH","Explanation":"Definition: Cornish town\n**RED** (descriptive of a communist) **+ RUTH** (mercy)\n **RED RUTH**\n\n**REDRUTH** (town in Cornwall)"} {"Clue":"Pepper pot cracked, one lot of pieces falling inside (7)","Answer":"PIMENTO","Explanation":"Definition: Pepper\n(**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ MEN** [{lot of} pieces in a game of chess]) **contained in** (inside) **an anagram of** (cracked) **POT**\n **P** (**I** **MEN**) **TO***\n\n**PIMENTO** (cayenne pepper)"} {"Clue":"Major figure's beat including computer work (5)","Answer":"TITAN","Explanation":"Definition: Major figure\n**TAN** (beat) **containing** (including) **IT** (information technology; computer work)\n **T** (**IT**) **AN**\n\n**TITAN** (a person of great intellect but not the highest inspiration; major figure)"} {"Clue":"Historic house with new actors in revolutionary material (9)","Answer":"LANCASTER","Explanation":"Definition: Historic house\n**REAL** (actually existing; material) **reversed** (revolutionary) **containing** (with \u2026 in) (**N** [new] **+ CAST** [actors])\n **LA** (**N** **CAST**) **ER**<\n\n**LANCASTER** (historic House of **LANCASTER** from which Kings Henry IV, V and VI came)"} {"Clue":"Skill? No, disaster, sadly (10)","Answer":"ADROITNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Skill\n**Anagram of** (sadly) **NO DISASTER**\n **ADR****O****IT****N****ESS***\n\n**ADROITNESS** (skill)"} {"Clue":"Marked rise in river \u2013 a lot of risk about that (8)","Answer":"DRAMATIC","Explanation":"Definition: Marked \n**DIC****E** (risk) **excluding the final letter** (a lot of) **E containing** (about) **TAMAR** (river in South West England) **reversed** (rise in; down clue)\n **D** (**RAMAT**<) **IC**\n\n**DRAMATIC** (impressive or important; marked)"} {"Clue":"No strong material to go to court after position upheld (6)","Answer":"TISSUE","Explanation":"Definition: No strong material\n**SIT** (have a specific position) **reversed** (upheld; down clue) **+ SUE** (prosecute at law; go to court)\n **TIS**< **SUE**\n\n**TISSUE** (piece of soft absorbent paper; no strong material)"} {"Clue":"Waste large satellite's power during repair (8)","Answer":"MISS","Explanation":"Definition: Waste\n(**ISS** [International Space Station; large satellite] **+ P** [power]) **contained in** (during) **MEND** (repair)\n **M** (**ISS** **P**) **END**\n\n**MISS**[**PEND**] (waste or squander)"} {"Clue":"Moving round borders of state etc, not given to stays (10)","Answer":"UNCORSETED","Explanation":"Definition: not given to stays\n**Anagram of** (moving) **ROUND** and **SE** **(first and last letters of** [borders of] **STATE**) and **ETC**\n **UN****C****OR****SETE****D***\n\n**UNCORSETED** (without stays)"} {"Clue":"Old soldier about to stop cheers for feud (8)","Answer":"VENDETTA","Explanation":"Definition: feud\n(**VET** [veteran; old soldier] **containing** [about] **END** [stop])** + TA** (thank you; cheers)\n **V** (**END**) **ET** **TA**\n\n**VENDETTA** (feud)"} {"Clue":"Volume is ready for penning one dream (6)","Answer":"VISION","Explanation":"Definition: dream\n**V** (volume) **+** ([**IS** **+ ON** {ready}] **containing** [penning]** I** [Roman numeral for one])\n **V** **IS** (**I**) **ON**\n\n**VISION** (dream)"} {"Clue":"Pro runs, restricted by recent wound (8)","Answer":"LACE","Explanation":"Definition: wound\n(**ACE** [professional; pro] **+ R** [runs]) **contained in** (restricted by) **LATE** (recent)\n **L** (**ACE** **R**) **ATE**\n\n**LACE**[**RATE**]"} {"Clue":"Classify version of gene pool, including one with separate source of heredity (10)","Answer":"PIGEONHOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Classify\n**Anagram of** (version) **GENE POOL** **containing** (including) (**I** [Roman numeral for one] and **H** [**first letter of** {source of} **HEREDITY**] in different places [separate])\n **P** (**I**) **GE****O****N** (**H**) **OL****E***\n\n**PIGEONHOLE** (classify)"} {"Clue":"Clear tour's abandoned part of London (5,5)","Answer":"EARL","Explanation":"Definition: part of London\n**Anagram of** (abandoned) **CLEAR TOUR'S**\n **EARL**'**S** **C****OURT***\n\n**EARL'S COURT** (part of London)"} {"Clue":"A quantity of sewage, though no initial flush (8)","Answer":"AFFLUENT","Explanation":"Definition: flush\n**A** **+ EFFLUENT** (quantity of sewage) **excluding** (no) **the first letter** (initial) **E**\n **A** **FFLUENT**\n\n**AFFLUENT** (rich; flush)"} {"Clue":"Smell \u2013 it will be found in some people (8)","Answer":"HUMANITY","Explanation":"Definition: people\n**HUM** (smell) **+** (**IT** **contained in** [will be found in] **ANY** [some])\n **HUM** **AN** (**IT**) **Y**\n\n**HUMANITY** (people)"} {"Clue":"Latest song on the radio? There's no coverage here (6)","Answer":"NUDITY","Explanation":"Definition: There's no coverage here\n**NUDITY** (**sounds like** [on the radio] **NEW** [latest] **DITTY** [song])\n **NUDITY**\n\n**NUDITY** (the state of being without clothes)"} {"Clue":"Fighting? Doctor having one put in bed (6)","Answer":"COMBAT","Explanation":"Definition: Fighting\n(**MB** [Bachelor of Medicine; doctor] **+ A** [one]) **contained in** (put in) **COT** (bed)\n **CO** (**MB** **A**) **T**\n\n**COMBAT** (fighting)"} {"Clue":"Middle Eastern city is cooler to tour I see! (7)","Answer":"ISFAHAN","Explanation":"Definition: Middle Eastern city\n**IS** **+** (**FAN** [cooler] **containing** [to tour] **AH** [I see])\n **IS** **F** (**AH**) **AN**\n\n**ISFAHAN** (city in Iran; Middle Eastern city)"} {"Clue":"Very little to eat \u2013 gosh! (6)","Answer":"CRUMBS","Explanation":"Definition: gosh!\n**CRUMBS **(small bits or morsels of dry food; very little to eat)\n **CRUMBS**\n\n**CRUMBS** (gosh!) double definition"} {"Clue":"One on the 22, beehive? (4,6)","Answer":"HIGH","Explanation":"Definition: One on the 22\nA **BEEHIVE** is a term for a dome shaped and **HIGH** hairstyle (**BARNET**)\n **HIGH BARNET**\n\n**HIGH** [**BARNET**] (Station on the London **UNDERGROUND** [22 across] network)"} {"Clue":"Noble joining miserable TV show (9)","Answer":"COUNTDOWN","Explanation":"Definition: TV show\n**COUNT** (title of a nobleman) **+ DOWN** (miserable)\n **COUNT** **DOWN**\n\n**COUNTDOWN** (TV game show)"} {"Clue":"Male with beer, one on the 22 (11)","Answer":"COCKFOSTERS","Explanation":"Definition: one on the 22\n**COCK** (male) **+ FOSTERS** (brand of beer)\n **COCK** **FOSTERS**\n\n**COCKFOSTERS** (Station on the London **UNDERGROUND** [22 across] network)"} {"Clue":"European houses unknown for one on the 22 (7)","Answer":"BRIXTON","Explanation":"Definition: one on the 22\n**BRITON** (an example of a European) **containing** (houses) **X** (a letter frequently used to represent an unknown value in mathematics)\n **BRI** (**X**) **TON**\n\n**BRIXTON** (Station on the London **UNDERGROUND** [22 across] network)"} {"Clue":"Pipe number 2, did you say? (6)","Answer":"HOOKAH","Explanation":"Definition: Pipe\n**HOOKAH** (**sounds like** [did you say] **HOOKER** (a player in Rugby Union who normally wears the No 2 jersey)\n **HOOKAH**\n\n**HOOKAH** (the tobacco pipe of Arabs, Turks, etc with which smoke is inhaled through water)"} {"Clue":"Again send most of the remainder with it (6)","Answer":"RESHIP","Explanation":"Definition: Again send\n**REST** (remained) **excluding the final letter** (most of) **T** **+ HIP** (knowing; informed about; with it)\n **RES** **HIP**\n\n**RESHIP** (send again)"} {"Clue":"One on the 22 in general confined to memory (4,3)","Answer":"MILE END","Explanation":"Definition: One on the 22\n**LEE** (reference General Robert E **LEE** [1807 \u2013 1870] Commander of the Confederate States Army in the American Civil War) **contained in** (confined to) **MIND** (memory)\n **MI **(**LE E**) **ND**\n\n**MILE END** (Station on the London **UNDERGROUND** [22 across] network)"} {"Clue":"Secret not fine enough? (11)","Answer":"UNDERGROUND","Explanation":"Definition: Secret\n**UNDER** (not enough) **+ GROUND** (reduced to powder), so taken together too coarse, not fine enough)\n **UNDER GROUND**\n\n**UNDERGROUND** (subway system) and also the name of the London"} {"Clue":"One on the 22 with beer in it, we hear? (5,4)","Answer":"MAIDA VALE","Explanation":"Definition: One on the 22\n**MAIDA VALE** (**sounds like** [we hear] **MADE OF ALE** [something with beer in it])\n **MAIDA VALE**\n\n**MAIDA VALE** (Station on the London **UNDERGROUND** [22 across] network)"} {"Clue":"Welcomed by mafioso, a thoughtful word (4)","Answer":"OATH","Explanation":"Definition: word\n**OATH**\u00a0(**hidden word in** [welcomed by] **MAFIOSO A THOUGHTFUL**)\n **OATH**\n\n**OATH** (vow; pledge; word)"} {"Clue":"Loco, one on the 22 (7)","Answer":"BARKING","Explanation":"Definition: one on the 22\n**BARKING** (mad; loco)\n **BARKING**\n\n**BARKING** (Station on the London **UNDERGROUND** [22 across] network)"} {"Clue":"Fishy fishbone fine, though not in joint of meat (4,2,4)","Answer":"SHIN OF BEEF","Explanation":"Definition: joint of meat\n**Anagram of** (fishy) **FISHBONE F****IN****E** **excluding** (though not) **IN**\n **SHIN OF BE****EF***\n\n**SHIN OF BEEF** (joint of meat)"} {"Clue":"Wood equally hard (3)","Answer":"ASH","Explanation":"Definition: Wood\n**AS** (equally) **+ H** (hard, when describing pencil lead)\n **AS** **H**\n\n**ASH** (tree; wood)"} {"Clue":"A papal line (3)","Answer":"ARC","Explanation":"Definition: line\n**A** **+ RC** (Roman Catholic; papal)\n **A** **RC**\n\n**ARC** (part of the circumference of a circle or other curve;(line)"} {"Clue":"Dude arrives hot \u2013 it's a respiratory condition (7)","Answer":"CATARRH","Explanation":"Definition: respiratory condition\n**CAT** (man; chap; dude) **+ ARR** (arrives) **+ H** (hot)\n **CAT** **ARR** **H**\n\n**CATARRH** (discharge of fluid resulting from the inflammation of a mucous membrane,; respiratory condition)"} {"Clue":"In casino punter's raised \u2013 it's over (4)","Answer":"UPON","Explanation":"Definition: it's over\n**UPON** (**hidden word in** [in] **reversed** [raised; down clue] **CASINO PUNTER**)\n **UPON**<\n\n**UPON** (on; over)"} {"Clue":"Side, one on the 22 (4)","Answer":"BANK","Explanation":"Definition: Side\n**BANK** (side, as in the definition of **BANK** as the side of a river)\n **BANK**\n\n**BANK** (Station on the London **UNDERGROUND** [22 across] network)"} {"Clue":"Working after Tuesday shifts, though day off for one on the 22 (6)","Answer":"EUSTON","Explanation":"Definition: one on the 22\n**Anagram of TUESDAY** **excluding** (though \u2026 off) **DAY** **+ ON** (working)\n **EUST*** **ON**\n\n**EUSTON** (Station on the London **UNDERGROUND** [22 across] network)"} {"Clue":"Judge standing to incarcerate good man (6)","Answer":"KNIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: man\n**THINK** (judge) **reversed** (standing; down clue) **containing** (to incarcerate) **G**\n **KNI** (**G**) **HT**<\n\n**KNIGHT** (man in chess)"} {"Clue":"On strike, bowled perhaps? (3)","Answer":"OUT","Explanation":"Definition: On strike\n**OUT** (on strike)\n **OUT**\n\n**OUT** (one form of being out at cricket is to be bowled) double definition"} {"Clue":"Oxygen required after a quickie, say, wife taken out for a dance (6)","Answer":"BOLERO","Explanation":"Definition: dance\n**BOWLER** (in this case, in cricket, a fast **BOWLER**, also known as a quickie) **excluding** (taken out) **W** (wife) **+ O** (chemical symbol for Oxygen)\n **BOLER** **O**\n\n**BOLERO** (Spanish dance)"} {"Clue":"Filler, huge quantity for one on the 22 (10)","Answer":"PADDINGTON","Explanation":"Definition: one on the 22\n**PADDING** (filler) **+ TON** (a great amount; huge quantity)\n **PADDING** **TON**\n\n**PADDINGTON** (Station on the London **UNDERGROUND** [22 across] network)"} {"Clue":"Gasp grabbing tip in sparkler, perhaps? (7)","Answer":"PENDANT","Explanation":"Definition: sparkler, perhaps\n**PANT** (gasp) **containing** (grabbing) **END** (tip)\n **P** (**END**) **ANT**\n\n**PENDANT** (\u00a0a hanging ornament especially one worn on a chain, etc around the neck, possibly involving a sparkling stone)"} {"Clue":"European, a male standing up drunken woman (6)","Answer":"MAENAD","Explanation":"Definition: drunken woman\n(**DANE** [example of a European] **+ A + M** [male]) **all reversed** (standing up; down clue)\n (**M** **A** **ENAD**)<\n\n**MAENAD** (female follower of Bacchus, God of wine; drunken woman)"} {"Clue":"On stage (3)","Answer":"LEG","Explanation":"Definition: On\n**LEG** (in cricket, the **LEG** side is also known as the **ON** side)\n **LEG**\n\n**LEG** (stage of a competition such as the Tour de France) double definition"} {"Clue":"Book of Jerusalem, maybe (4)","Answer":"EMMA","Explanation":"Definition: Book\n**EMMA** (**hidden word in** [of] J**ERUSALEM MAYBE**)\n **EMMA**\n\n**EMMA** (novel by Jane Austen)"} {"Clue":"Topless in painting, rampant beast(4)","Answer":"LION","Explanation":"Definition: beast\n(**IN** **excluding the first letter** [topless] **I + OIL** [reference an **OIL** painting]) **all reversed** (rampant; down clue)\n (**LIO** **N**)<\n\n**LION** (beast)"} {"Clue":"Letter from Greece \u2013 when is it expected (3)","Answer":"ETA","Explanation":"Definition: Letter from Greece\n**ETA** (letter of the Greek alphabet)\n **ETA**\n\n**ETA** (abbreviation for estimated time of arrival) double definition"} {"Clue":"Nothing special hugging a tree (3)","Answer":"OAK","Explanation":"Definition: tree\n**OK** (okay; nothing special) **containing** (hugging) **A**\n **O** (**A**) **K**\n\n**OAK** (tree)"} {"Clue":"One has repulsed British man in authority (5)","Answer":"SAHIB","Explanation":"Definition: man in authority\n(**I** [Roman numeral for 1] **+ HAS**) **all reversed** (repulsed) + **B** (British)\n (**SAH**** I**)< **B**\n\n**SAHIB** (form of address used in India to people of rank and, during the period of British rule)"} {"Clue":"Drink milk one restaurant employee put out (3,5)","Answer":"TAP WATER","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\n**TAP** (milk in the context of '**TAP** a supply') **+ WAITER** (restaurant employee) **excluding** (put out) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **TAP** **WATER**\n\n**TAP WATER** (drink)"} {"Clue":"It may be on TV for good (4)","Answer":"PROG","Explanation":"Definition: It may be on TV\n**PRO** (for) **+ G** (good)\n **PRO** **G**\n\n**PROG** (programme, something that might be on the television)"} {"Clue":"Thieves worried as clients reserve rights, principally (10)","Answer":"LARCENISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Thieves\n**Anagram of** (worried) **AS CLIENTS** **containing** (reserve) **R** (**first letter of** [principally] **RIGHTS**)\n **L****A** (**R**) **CENIST****S***\n\n**LARCENISTS** (thieves)"} {"Clue":"Primate eats little from abroad \u2026lacking this? (8)","Answer":"APPETITE","Explanation":"Definition: this\n**APE** (primate) **containing** (eats) **PETIT** (French for little; little from abroad)\n **AP** (**PETIT**) **E**\n\n**APPETITE **\u00a0(people eating little may lack an **APPETITE**)"} {"Clue":"Antique article, Eastern, coated in precious metal (3-3)","Answer":"AGE-OLD","Explanation":"Definition: Antique\n**A** (indefinite article) **+** (**E** [Eastern] **contained in** [coated in] **GOLD** [precious metal])\n **A** **G** (**E**) **OLD**\n\n**AGE-OLD** (ancient; antique)"} {"Clue":"Popular fellows on TV broadcast, the reverse of top brain boxes (14)","Answer":"INTELLIGENTSIA","Explanation":"Definition: brain boxes\n**IN** (popular) **+ TELLI** (sounds like [broadcast] **TELLY** [television]) **+ GENTS** (fellow) +** A1** (top)** reversed**\u00a0(reverse of) \n **IN** **TELLI** **GENTS** **IA**<\n\n**INTELLIGENTSIA **(intellectual or cultured classes; brain boxes)"} {"Clue":"Terrorist shot Bulgarian ruler (5,9)","Answer":"URBAN GUERRILLA","Explanation":"Definition: Terrorist\n**Anagram of** (shot) **BULGARIAN RULER**\n **URBAN G****UERR****IL****L****A***\n\n**URBAN GUERRILLA** (terrorist engaged in activities in towns and cities)"} {"Clue":"Key work by Descartes perhaps rejected (6)","Answer":"OPENER","Explanation":"Definition: Key\n**OP** (opus; work) **+ **(**REN\u00c9** [first name of **REN\u00c9** Descartes, [1596 \u2013 1650], French philosopher] **reversed** [rejected])\n **OP** **ENER**<\n\n**OPENER** (a key, for example)"} {"Clue":"No lager drunk by northern chap (8)","Answer":"ALGERNON","Explanation":"Definition: chap\n**Anagram of** (drunk) **NO LAGER** **+ N** (northern)\n **ALGER****NO*** **N**\n\n**ALGERNON** (man's name; chap)"} {"Clue":"Agrees gala could turn out to be money raising event (6,4)","Answer":"GARAGE SALE","Explanation":"Definition: money raising event\n**Anagram of** (could turn out to be) **AGREES GALA**\n **G****AR****A****GE S****AL****E***\n\n**GARAGE SALE** (**SALE** of various items held on the seller's premises, especially in the **GARAGE**; money raising event)"} {"Clue":"Composer introduced by these violinists doing a turn (4)","Answer":"IVES","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\n**IVES** (**hidden word** [introduced by] **reversed** [doing a turn] **in** **THESE VIOLINISTS**)\n **IVES**<\n\n**IVES** (reference Charles **IVES**\u00a0[1874 \u2013 1954], American composer)"} {"Clue":"Go after group of hags in Midlands city (8)","Answer":"COVENTRY","Explanation":"Definition: Midlands city\n**COVEN** [group of witches [hags]) **\u00a0+ TRY** (go)\n **COVEN** **TRY**\n\n**COVENTRY** (Midlands city)"} {"Clue":"Form of punishment, nothing a Northerner would mention (5)","Answer":"KNOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Form of punishment\n**KNOUT** (**sounds like** [would mention]) **NOWT** [North of England dialect word for nothing])\n **KNOUT**\n\n**KNOUT** (punishment inflicted by a whip in Russia)"} {"Clue":"More awkward, erecting harbour's jetty (9)","Answer":"STROPPIER","Explanation":"Definition: More awkward,\n**PORT'S **(harbour's) **reversed** (erecting; down clue) **+ PIER** (jetty)\n **STROP**< **PIER**\n\n**STROPPIER** (more awkward)"} {"Clue":"First sign of hay fever for former Tory leader (5)","Answer":"HAGUE","Explanation":"Definition: former Tory leader\n**H** (**first letter of** [first sign of] **H****AY**) **+ AGUE** (fever)\n **H** **AGUE**\n\n**HAGUE** (reference William **HAGUE** [born 1961], leader of the Conservative party from 1997 to 2001)"} {"Clue":"College dance: I love to meet lecturer (7)","Answer":"BALLIOL","Explanation":"Definition: College\n**BALL** (dance) **+ I + O** (zero; love score in tennis) **+ L** (lecturer)\n **BALL** **I** **O** **L** \n\n**BALLIOL** (reference **BALLIOL** College, Oxford)"} {"Clue":"Lionel Richie song: it led Theresa May astray (5,5,1,4)","Answer":"THREE TIMES A LADY","Explanation":"Definition: Lionel Richie song:\n**Anagram of** (astray)** IT LED THERESA MAY**\n **T****HR****E****E ****TIM****ES A ****LADY***\n\n**THREE TIMES A LADY** (song recorded by The Commodores and as a sol by Lionel Richie. Richie was also a member of The Commodores)"} {"Clue":"Brief reference in page one, first bit of book (7)","Answer":"PREFACE","Explanation":"Definition: first bit of book\n**REF** (**abbreviation of** [brief] **REF**erence) **contained in** (**P** [page] **+ ACE** [one])\n **P** (**REF**)** ACE**\n\n**PREFACE** (explanatory statement placed at the beginning of a book)"} {"Clue":"Nourishing meat in all stews (9)","Answer":"ALIMENTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Nourishing\n**Anagram of** (stews) **MEAT IN ALL**\n **ALIMENTAL***\n\n**ALIMENTAL** (supplying food; nourishing)"} {"Clue":"Acclaim former tax cut (5)","Answer":"EXTOL","Explanation":"Definition: Acclaim\n**EX** (former) **+ TOLL** (tax) **excluding the last letter** (cut) **L**\n **EX** **TOL**\n\n**EXTOL** (acclaim)"} {"Clue":"Work out two notes will suffice for cost of ticket (5,4)","Answer":"TRAIN FARE","Explanation":"Definition: cost of ticket\n**TRAIN** (exercise; work out) + (**FA** [note of the tonic sol-fa] **+ RE** [note of the tonic sol-fa] to give two notes)\n **TRAIN**** FA** **RE**\n\n**TRAIN FARE** (cost of ticket)"} {"Clue":"Rising of Middle Eastern soldiers leading to end of conflict soon (2,1,6)","Answer":"IN A MOMENT","Explanation":"Definition: soon\n**OMANI **(a person of Middle Eastern origin) **reversed** (rising; down clue) + **MEN** (soldiers) **+ T** (**last letter of** [end to] **CONFLIC****T**)\n **IN A MO**< **MEN** **T**\n\n**IN A MOMENT** (soon)"} {"Clue":"Man stashes weapon inside item of clothing (7)","Answer":"GARMENT","Explanation":"Definition: item of clothing\n**GENT** (man) **containing** (stashes \u2026 inside) **ARM** (weapon)\n **G** (**ARM**) **ENT**\n\n**GARMENT** (item of clothing)"} {"Clue":"Mock feeble-sounding event at uni (3,4)","Answer":"RAG WEEK","Explanation":"Definition: event at uni\n**RAG** (tease; mock) **+ WEEK** (**sounds like** [sounding] **WEAK**)\n **RAG** **WEEK**\n\n**RAG WEEK** (in British universities, the particular week during which moneymaking activities, such as processions, etc for charity are organised)"} {"Clue":"Public relations hoo-ha in Madrid museum (5)","Answer":"PRADO","Explanation":"Definition: Madrid museum\n**PR** (public relations) **+ ADO** (fuss; hoo-ha)\n **PR ****ADO**\n\n**PRADO** (museum in Madrid)"} {"Clue":"Sussex town reportedly has no money (5)","Answer":"RHINO","Explanation":"Definition: money\n**RHI** (**sounds like** [reportedly] **RYE** [town in Sussex]) **+ NO**\n **RHI** **NO**\n\n**RHINO** (archaic slang for money)"} {"Clue":"Not large, just ten stone (4)","Answer":"ONYX","Explanation":"Definition: stone\n(**ONLY **[just] **excluding** [not] **L**) **+ X** (Roman numeral for ten)\n **ONY** **X**\n\n**ONYX** (semiprecious stone)"} {"Clue":"Environmentalists agree with Pence? Unlikely (10)","Answer":"GREENPEACE","Explanation":"Definition: Environmentalists\n**Anagram of** (unlikely) **AGREE** and **PENCE**\n **GREE****NPE****A****CE***\n Reference Mike **PENCE**, Vice President of the United States, considered by many to be an opponent of environmental protection legislation\n\n**GREENPEACE** (a non-governmental environmental organization)"} {"Clue":"Where workers make Conservatives rich, before finally getting sacked (7)","Answer":"FACTORY","Explanation":"Definition: Where workers make \n**FAT** (rich, as in **FA****T** cats) **excluding the last letter** (finally getting sacked) **T** + (**C** [Conservative] **+ TORY** [Conservative] giving Conservatives)\n **FA** **C** **TORY**\n\n**FACTORY** (where people make things)"} {"Clue":"After covering bathroom wall, one fills (7)","Answer":"TAILING","Explanation":"Definition: After \n**A** (one) **contained in** (fills) **TILING** (covering bathroom wall)\n **T**\u00a0(**A**) **ILING**\n\n**TAILING **(descriptive of someone 'after' someone else)"} {"Clue":"Brief foreign version of Trump: the Movie (3,2,3,7)","Answer":"PUT IN THE PICTURE","Explanation":"Definition: Brief \n**PUTIN** (reference Vladimir **PUTIN**, President of Russia; foreign version of Donald Trump) **+ THE + PICTURE** (movie)\n **PUT IN** **THE** **PICTURE**\n\n**PUT IN THE PICTURE** (give all the relevant information; brief)"} {"Clue":"Maybe one new waterfront feature in 'ull? (6)","Answer":"NUMBER","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe one\n**N** (new) **+ 'UMBER** (the river **H****UMBER** flows through **HULL**, so someone who drops their aitches would describe the '**UMBER** as a waterfront feature in '**ULL**)\n **N** **UMBER**\n\n**NUMBER** (one is an example of a **NUMBER**)"} {"Clue":"Dead series of notes for a scraped bass, perhaps (8)","Answer":"DESCALED","Explanation":"Definition: scraped bass, perhaps\n**DEAD** with **SCALE** (series of notes) **replacing** (for) **A**\n **DE** **SCALE** **D**\n\n**DESCALED** (a bass is a fish with scales, so scraped bass would be **DESCALED**)"} {"Clue":"Handle report of Hillary's usurper in the White House (8)","Answer":"MONICKER","Explanation":"Definition: Handle\n**MONICKER** (sounds like [report of] **MONICA** [reference **MONICA **Lewinsky with whom President Bill Clinton was alleged to have had an affair; Hillary [Clinton's usurper in the White House)\n **MONICKER**\n\n**MONICKER** (nickname or real name; handle)"} {"Clue":"What professor did wrong in lecture (6)","Answer":"TAUGHT","Explanation":"Definition: What professor did\n**TAUGHT** (sounds like [in lecture] **TORT** [a wrong])\n **TAUGHT**\n\n**TAUGHT** (imparted knowledge; what professor did)"} {"Clue":"Dreadful complaint of two windbags (6,9)","Answer":"DOUBLE PNEUMONIA","Explanation":"Definition: Dreadful complaint\n**DOUBLE** (two) **+ PNEUMONIA** (disease of the lungs [windbags is an old facetious term for the lungs])\n **DOUBLE** **PNEUMONIA**\n\n**DOUBLE PNEUMONIA** (serious illness of both lungs)"} {"Clue":"Squeeze into shape once actual start of diet's embraced (7)","Answer":"EXTRUDE","Explanation":"Definition: Squeeze into shape\n(**EX-** [former; once] **+ (D** **[first letter of **{start of} **DIET]** **contained in\u00a0TRUE** [actual])\n **EX** **TRU** (**D**) **E**\n\n**EXTRUDE** (force out to make rods or tubes; squeeze into shape)"} {"Clue":"Turn over illegally imported wine (7)","Answer":"RANSACK","Explanation":"Definition: Turn over\n**RAN** (illegally imported)** + SACK** (old name for dry white wine)\n **RAN** **SACK**\n\n**RANSACK** (search thoroughly; turn over)"} {"Clue":"Rascal's hat, say, Derby? (10)","Answer":"SCAPEGRACE","Explanation":"Definition: Rascal'\n**'S CAP** ('s hat) **+ EG** (for example, say) **+ RACE** (the Epsom Derby is a horse **RACE**)\n **S** **CAP** **EG** **RACE**\n\n**SCAPEGRACE** (incorrigible rascal)"} {"Clue":"Old English musician using the bus or car , briefly (4)","Answer":"BYRD","Explanation":"Definition: Old English musician\n**BY**(using) **+ RD** (road, briefly) which taken together could describe using a car or a bus \n **BY** **RD**\n\n**BYRD** (reference William **BYRD** [1538 \u2013 1623], English composer of the Renaissance period)"} {"Clue":"At home after missing work to accept special kinky deliveries (3,4)","Answer":"OFF SPIN","Explanation":"Definition: kinky deliveries\n(**OFF** [missing work] **+ IN **[at home]) **containing** (to accept) **SP** (special)\n **OFF** (**SP**) **IN**\n\n**OFF SPIN** (balls bowled in cricket [deliveries] that deviate from a straight light [kinky])"} {"Clue":"Regularly missed him on cat, say, at sea? (9)","Answer":"YACHTSMAN","Explanation":"Definition: him on cat, say, at sea\n**Anagram of** (at sea) (**HMN** **letters remaining after excluding** {missed} [**letters 2 and 4**\u00a0{regularly} of** HIM ON** and **CAT SAY**)\n **YAC****H****TS****M****A****N***\n\n**YACHTSMAN** (him, possibly on a catamaran, at sea)"} {"Clue":"Method often leading to issue for dancer's core strength(6)","Answer":"RHYTHM","Explanation":"Definition: Method\n**RHYTHM** (reference the **RHYTHM** method of birth control requiring the avoidance of sexual intercourse during the period in which conception is most likely to occur. It doesn't always work and can lead to birth [issue])\n **RHYTHM**\n\n**RHYTHM** (dancer's core strength)"} {"Clue":"Sleep, terribly bored by leading barrister's argument (8)","Answer":"ESTOPPEL","Explanation":"Definition: barrister's argument \n**Anagram of** (terribly) **SLEEP** **containing** (bored by) **TOP** (leading)\n **ES** (**TOP**) **PEL***\n\n**ESTOPPEL** (legal term for a\u00a0judicial bar to alleging or proving that a fact is otherwise than it appears to be; barrister's argument)"} {"Clue":"Remarkably nice rich man in public relations, king when family's gone? (6,8)","Answer":"PRINCE CHARMING","Explanation":"Definition: Remarkably nice rich man\n(**Anagram of** [remarkably] **NICE RICH MAN**) **contained in** (in) (**PR** [public relations] **+ G** [**letter remaining in** **KING** when **KIN** [family] is **excluded** [gone])\n **PR** (**INCE CHAR****M****I****N***) **G**\n\n**PRINCE CHARMING** (remarkably nice [rich] man)"} {"Clue":"To the French, taking leave (5)","Answer":"ADIEU","Explanation":"Definition: To the French, taking leave\nI think this is just a cryptic clue using the fact that the French say **ADIEU** when taking their leave\n **ADIEU**\n\n**ADIEU** (French for goodbye,s aid when leaving a group or a conversation)"} {"Clue":"Boffin I don't understand tackles Germans over European bill (7)","Answer":"EGGHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Boffin\n(**EH**? [what, I don't understand] **containing** [tackles] [**G** {German}** + ****G** [German] giving Germans]) **+ E** (European) + **AD** (advert; poster; bill)]\n **E** (**GG**) **H**** E** **AD**\n\n**EGGHEAD** (boffin)"} {"Clue":"Try to inhibit spread of bacteria in the underground (14)","Answer":"COUNTERCULTURE","Explanation":"Definition: underground\n**COUNTER** (resist; restrain; inhibit) **+ CULTURE** (crop of micro-organisms, eg bacteria, grown in a solid or liquid medium in a laboratory; spread of bacteria)\n **COUNTER** **CULTURE**\n\n**COUNTERCULTURE **(way of life deliberately different from that which is normal or expected of characterized by avant-gardism and experimentation, rejection of current trends or norms which often defines underground movement)"} {"Clue":"Famous Roman fighter preferring death to lions innards (9)","Answer":"LEGENDARY","Explanation":"Definition: Famous\n**LEG****ION****ARY **(in ancient Rome, a member of body of 3000 to 6000 soldiers) with **END** (death) **replacing** (preferring)\u00a0**ION** (**central letters of** [innards of] L**ION**S) \n **LEG** **END** **ARY**\n\n**LEGENDARY** (famous)"} {"Clue":"Each sporting\u00a0replay include period of extra time (4,4)","Answer":"LEAP YEAR","Explanation":"Definition: period of extra time\n**Anagram of **(sporting) **REPLAY** **containing** (include) **EA** (each)\n **L** (**EA**) **P YEAR***\n\n**LEAP YEAR** ( a period with an extra day; a period of extra time)"} {"Clue":"Stop going north by Cape Wrath (7)","Answer":"MADNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Wrath \n**DAM** (stop) **reversed** (going North; down clue) **+ NESS** (headland; cape)\n **MAD**< **NESS**\n\n**MADNESS** (anger; wrath)"} {"Clue":"Marmoset's tail stretched out like caterpillar (7)","Answer":"TRACKED","Explanation":"Definition: like caterpillar\n**T** (**last letter of** [tail] **MARMOSET**) **+ RACKED** (stretched)\n **T** **RACKED**\n\n**TRACKED** (descriptive of a vehicle where the wheels of a caterpillar run on an the endless band)"} {"Clue":"In verse, Eliot finally admitted to terrible crime (6)","Answer":"METRIC","Explanation":"Definition: In verse\n**T** (**last letter of **[finally] **ELIOT**) **contained in** (admitted to) **an anagram of** (terrible) **CRIME**\n **ME** (**T**) **RIC***\n\n**METRIC** (descriptive of the regulated succession of groups of syllables, usually in poetic form)"} {"Clue":"Die-hard G\u00e9ricault raftsmen swept away fore and aft (5)","Answer":"ULTRA","Explanation":"Definition: Die-hard\n**ULTRA** (**letters remaining in** **G\u00c9RICAULT RAFTSMEN** **when the remaining letters at the front** [fore] **G\u00c9RICA** and back [aft] **FTSMEN** are removed [swept away]. Other than the fact that the entry has 5 letters, there is no indication in the clue as to how many letters are to be swept away.\n **ULTRA**\n\n**ULTRA** (extreme, especially in royalism, fashion, or religious or political opinion; irreconcilable conservative;diehard)"} {"Clue":"Internal disorder with military officer left in charge (5)","Answer":"COLIC","Explanation":"Definition: Internal disorder\n**CO** (Commanding Officer; military officer) **+ L** (left) **+ I\/C** (in charge)\n **CO** **L** **IC**\n\n**COLIC** (intestinal infection or excessive intestinal gas.; internal disorder)"} {"Clue":"Turn up without paying, being upset at charges (9)","Answer":"GATECRASH","Explanation":"Definition: Turn up without paying\n**Anagram of** (upset) **AT CHARGES**\n **G****AT****ECRASH***\n\n**GATECRASH** (enter without paying or invitation)"} {"Clue":"Now certain to miss special experience (9)","Answer":"ADVENTURE","Explanation":"Definition: experience\n**ADVENT** (the period immediately before the Christian festival of the Nativity, including four Sundays; the period of the year we are in now) **+ SURE** (certain) **excluding** (to miss) **S** (special)\n **ADVENT** **URE**\n\n**ADVENTURE** (an experience)"} {"Clue":"More than one pedal shape is durable (5)","Answer":"LASTS","Explanation":"Definition: is durable\n**LASTS** (a **LAST** is a shoemaker's model of the foot on which boots and shoes are made or repaired. It is shaped like a **PEDAL** [of the foot])\n \u00a0\n\n**LASTS** (endures) double definition"} {"Clue":"Last demons ruined last in convent (7)","Answer":"ENDMOST","Explanation":"Definition: Last\n**Anagram of** (ruined) **DEMONS** + **T** (**final letter of** [last in] **CONVENT**)\n **ENDMOS*** **T**\n\n**ENDMOST** (furthest; last)"} {"Clue":"Description of planet denied to those without hope (7)","Answer":"EARTHLY","Explanation":"Definition: Description of planet\n**EARTHLY** (reference the phrase 'haven't an EARTHLY' describing someone who does not have a hope of achieving a specific goal)\n **EARTHLY**\n\n**EARTHLY** (descriptive of our planet)"} {"Clue":"Chaps following broadcasting head in project shows discrimination (8)","Answer":"JUDGMENT","Explanation":"Definition: discrimination\n(**DG** [Director General; head of the BBC; broadcasting head] **+ MEN** [chaps]) **contained in **(in) **JUT** (project)\n **JU** **(DG** **MEN**) **T**\n\n**JUDGMENT** (discrimination)"} {"Clue":"A sudden movement beside stone still (6)","Answer":"STATIC","Explanation":"Definition: still\n**ST** (stone) **+ A + TIC** (convulsive (especially nervous) twitching of certain muscles, sudden movement)\n **ST** **A** **TIC**\n\n**STATIC** (stationary; still)"} {"Clue":"Start to get keen after trimming lawn etc. (6)","Answer":"GARDEN","Explanation":"Definition: lawn etc\n**G** **(first letter of** [start to] **G****ET**) **+ ARDENT (**keen) **excluding the final letter** (after trimming) **T**\n **G** **ARDEN**\n\n**GARDEN** (lawn etc)"} {"Clue":"Celebrated Judge, getting over reserve, imprisoning Communist? On the contrary (8)","Answer":"REJOICED","Explanation":"Definition: Celebrated\n**RED** (communist) **containing** (imprisoning) (**J** [judge] **+ O** [over in cricket scoring notation] **+ ICE** [reserve])\n **RE** (**J** **O** **ICE**) **D**\n Note the clue starts off as judge etc imprisoning communist whilst the wordplay is **the opposite** [on the contrary] as required by the last part of the clue\n\n**REJOICED** (celebrated)"} {"Clue":"Artist showing tea in heap (7)","Answer":"DUCHAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Artist\n**CHA** (tea) **contained in** (in) **DUMP** (rubbish heap)\n **DU** (**CHA**) **MP**\n\n**DUCHAMP** (reference Marcel **DUCHAMP** [1887 \u2013 1968], French artist)"} {"Clue":"Get rid of opponent importing large quantity of stuff from Greenland? (3,4)","Answer":"ICE FLOE","Explanation":"Definition: quantity of stuff from Greenland\n**ICE** (kill; get rid of) **+** (**FOE** [opponent] **containing** [importing] **L** [large])\n **ICE** **F **(**L**) **OE**\n\n**ICE FLOE** (\u00a0large sheet of ice floating in the sea.. An **ICE FLOE** could possibly have come from Greenland)"} {"Clue":"Pragmatic fellow's put off about celebrity (1-4)","Answer":"A-LIST","Explanation":"Definition: celebrity\n**REALIST** (pragmatic fellow) **excluding** (put off) **RE** (with referenced to; about)\n **A-LIST**\n\n**A-LIST** (descriptive of someone belonging to the most important or famous group of celebrities)"} {"Clue":"Judges taken on board by substantial practice (9)","Answer":"REHEARSAL","Explanation":"Definition: practice\n**HEARS** (**judges** [at a **HEAR**ing or trial]) **contained in** (taken on board by) **REAL** (actually existing; substantial)\n **RE** (**HEARS**) **AL**\n\n**REHEARSAL** (practice)"} {"Clue":"Students on drugs, apparently from public schools? (4-5)","Answer":"HIGH CLASS","Explanation":"Definition: apparently from public schools\n**HIGH** (on drugs) **+ CLASS** (students)\n **HIGH** **CLASS**\n\n**HIGH CLASS** (there is a perception that all **HIGH CLASS** people get their education at Public Schools [a term\u00a0I have always found a misnomer as few are anything other than fee-paying and are effectively private])"} {"Clue":"Man wanting no time near fellow (5)","Answer":"MISER","Explanation":"Definition: near fellow \n**MISTER** (man) **excluding** (wanting no) **T** (time)\n **MISER**\n\n**MISER** (a near [stingy] person)"} {"Clue":"Blood and punishment the reward for sportsmen? (6,3)","Answer":"CLARET JUG","Explanation":"Definition: reward for sportsmen\n**CLARET** (old slang for blood) **+ JUG** (prison; punishment)\n **CLARET** **JUG**\n\n**CLARET JUG** (the trophy won by the Open Golf Champion; reward for sportsmen)"} {"Clue":"Discoloured Roman numerals (5)","Answer":"LIVID","Explanation":"Definition: Discoloured\n**LIVID** (a word comprising letters that are all Roman numerals \u2013 L:50 I:1, V:5 and D:500)\n **L** **I** **V** **I** **D**\n\n**LIVID** (discoloured)"} {"Clue":"Match prisoner to previous record (7)","Answer":"CONFORM","Explanation":"Definition: Match\n**CON** (prisoner) **+ FORM** (previous record of a criminal)\n **CON** **FORM**\n\n**CONFORM** (match)"} {"Clue":"Greed instinctive to US city, keeping Liberal enthralled (8)","Answer":"GLUTTONY","Explanation":"Definition: Greed\n(**GUT** [instinctive, as in **GUT** feeling] **+ TO + NY** (New York; US city]) **containing** (keeping \u2026 enthralled) **L** (Liberal)\n **G** (**L**)** UT** **TO** **NY**\n\n**GLUTTONY** (greed)"} {"Clue":"Top performers not needing second time in City (6)","Answer":"THEBES","Explanation":"Definition: City\n**THE BEST** (top performers) **excluding** (not needing) **the second occurrence of T** (time)\n **THE** **BES**\n\n**THEBES** (one of at least two ancient cities of Greece or Egypt)"} {"Clue":"Puritan, no good in religious group, becomes criminal (7)","Answer":"CULPRIT","Explanation":"Definition: criminal\n**PRIG** (puritan) **excluding** (no) **G** **contained in** (in) **CULT** (religious group)\n **CUL** (**PRI**) **T**\n\n**CULPRIT** (criminal)"} {"Clue":"Ornamental number missing article at top (9)","Answer":"AESTHETIC","Explanation":"Definition: Ornamental\n**ANAESTHETIC** (painkiller; sedative;something that makes you numb to pain; number)** excluding** (missing) **the first two letters** (at top; down entry) **AN** (indefinite article) \n **AESTHETIC**\n\n**AESTHETIC **(ornamental)"} {"Clue":"Reckless bears, totally without heart (5)","Answer":"HASTY","Explanation":"Definition: Reckless\n**HAS** (bears) **+ TY** **(letters remaining in TOTALLY when all the central letters OTALL are removed** [without heart])\n **HAS** **TY**\n\n**HASTY** (rash; reckless)"} {"Clue":"Dreadful allocation of role's overlooked when working in theatre (9)","Answer":"DIRECTING","Explanation":"Definition: working in theatre\n**DIRE** (dreadful) **+ CASTING** (allocation of roles in a play or film) **excluding** (overlooked) **AS** (when)\n **DIRE** **CTING**\n\n**DIRECTING** (working in the theatre)"} {"Clue":"Man with weapon left limb twisted amidst crude flailing (9)","Answer":"CUDGELLER","Explanation":"Definition: Man with weapon\n(**L** **+ LEG** [limb]) **all reversed** (twisted) **contained in** (amidst) **an anagram of** (flailing) **CRUDE**\n **CUD** (**GEL**** L**)< **ER***\n\n**CUDGELLER** (example of a person with a weapon)"} {"Clue":"Pleasant activities done without working illumination (8)","Answer":"DELIGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: Pleasant activities \n**DONE** **excluding** (without) **ON** working **+ LIGHTS** (illuminations)\n **DE** **LIGHTS**\n\n**DELIGHTS** (pleasant activities)"} {"Clue":"Sensitive to price fluctuations, business centre curtailed transaction after reflection (7)","Answer":"ELASTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Sensitive to price fluctuations\n(**CITY** [business centre] **excluding the final letter** [curtailed] **Y** **+ SALE** [transaction]) **all reversed** (after reflection)\n (**ELAS** **TIC**)<\n\n**ELASTIC** (sensitive to price fluctuations)"} {"Clue":"Like many deliveries, finished with a lot of force (7)","Answer":"OVERARM","Explanation":"Definition: Like many deliveries\n**OVER** (finished) **+ ARM** (power, e.g. the **ARM** of the law; a lot of force)\n **OVER** **ARM**\n\n**OVERARM** (how most cricket balls are bowled)"} {"Clue":"Hardy location to an extent filling southern area (6)","Answer":"SPARTA","Explanation":"Definition: Hardy location\n**PART** (to an extent) **contained in** (filling) (**S** [southern] **+ A** [area])\n **S** (**PART**) **A**\n\n**SPARTA** (ancient city of Greece where the inhabitants were renowned for their hardy nature)"} {"Clue":"The last thing to appear in parade at Hartlepool (5)","Answer":"DEATH","Explanation":"Definition: The last thing\n**DEATH** (**hidden word in** [to appear in] **PARADE AT HARTLEPOOL**)\n **DEATH**\n\n**DEATH** (end of something; the last thing)"} {"Clue":"Desires start to surface later in loose women (5)","Answer":"LUSTS","Explanation":"Definition: Desires\n**SLUTS** (loose women) with the first **S** **(first letter of** [start to] **SURFACE**) **moving to a later place in the word**. It has to be the first **S** as the second S is already at the end of the word.\n **LU** **S** **TS**\n\n**LUSTS**\u00a0(desires)"} {"Clue":"They recorded a revolutionary kind of LP, including the ultimate in Money (4,5)","Answer":"PINK FLOYD","Explanation":"Definition: They recorded\n**Anagram of **(revolutionary) **KIND OF LP** **containing** (including) **Y** (**last letter of **[ultimate in] **MONEY**)\n **PINK** **FLO** (**Y**) **D***\n\n**PINK FLOYD** (English rock band who recorded LPs and CDs)"} {"Clue":"To prepare for operation, U-boat takes on board 50% of ship's company (5)","Answer":"SCRUB","Explanation":"Definition: To prepare for operation\n**SUB** (submarine; U-boat) **containing** (tales on board) **CR** (**2 of the 4 letters of** [50% of] **CREW** [ship's company])\n **S** (**CR**) **UB**\n\n**SCRUB** (prepare for an operation in hospital)"} {"Clue":"Rumour has it you're given a snog for the white rose (7)","Answer":"YORKIST","Explanation":"Definition: for the white rose\n**YORKIST** (**sounds like** [rumour has it] **YOU'RE KISSED** [you're given a snog])\n YORKIST\n\n**YORKIST** (supporter of the House of **YORK** whose symbol was the White Rose)"} {"Clue":"Compensate Robert Mugabe, discontented with military takeover (6)","Answer":"RECOUP","Explanation":"Definition: Compensate\n**RE** (**letters remaining when all the central letters of** **ROBERT MUGABE**, **OBERT MUGAB**, **are** **removed** [dis-contented]) **+ COUP** (**COUP** **D'\u00c9TAT** [violent or subversive action resulting in a change of government or state policy.]; usually in the form of a military takeover)\n **RE ****COUP**\n \u00a0\n\n**RECOUP** (compensate)"} {"Clue":"Wave in the style of Russell? (8)","Answer":"BRANDISH","Explanation":"Definition: Wave\n**BRANDISH** (in the style of Russell **BRAND** [ born 1975], English comedian, actor and radio host)\n **BRANDISH**\n\n**BRANDISH** (wave or flourish)"} {"Clue":"Pete's partner, eastern chap (4)","Answer":"DUDE","Explanation":"Definition: chap\n**DUD** (reference **DUDl**ey Moore [1935 -2002], actor, comedian and musician, partner of the actor, satirist and comedian Peter Cook [1937 \u2013 1995],) **+ E** (eastern)\n **DUD** **E**\n\n**DUDE** (person, usually male; chap)"} {"Clue":"He produced the dancers; Tosh adds reggae (5,5)","Answer":"EDGAR DEGAS","Explanation":"Definition: He produced the dancers\nAnagram of (tosh) **ADDS REGGAE**\n **EDGAR DEGAS***\n\n**EDGAR DEGAS** (reference the French artist [1834 \u2013 1917], famous for his paintings, sculptures, prints, and drawings. He is especially identified with the subject of dance; more than half of his works depict dancers)"} {"Clue":"Freely donates fee for Steinbeck's work (4,2,4)","Answer":"EAST OF EDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Steinbeck's work\n**Anagram of**** **(freely) **DONATES FEE**\n **EAST OF EDEN***\n\n**EAST OF EDEN** (novel by John Steinbeck)"} {"Clue":"\"Fruit\", a reversal for 1 Ac (4)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\n**A** **+** (**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ AC** [across]) **reversed** [reversal for]\n **A** (**CA** **I**)<\n\n**A\u00c7AI** (small dark purple fruit of the a\u00e7a\u00ed palm of South\u00a0America)"} {"Clue":"Excerpt from verdict at Orange Free State doesn't have one! (8)","Answer":"DICTATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Free State doesn't have one! \n**DICTATOR **(**hidden word in** [excerpt from] **VERDICT AT ORANGE**)\n **DICTATOR**\n\n**DICTATOR** (person invested with absolute authority; in theory a State which is Free will not be led by such a person)"} {"Clue":"Party agenda's contents a bit of a fag (3-3)","Answer":"DOG END","Explanation":"Definition: a bit of a fag \n**DO** (party) **+ GEND** (**central letters of** [contents] **AGENDA**)\n **DO G** **END**\n\n**DOG END** (part of cigarette after it has been smoked)"} {"Clue":"Those from the Lausanne area avoid US trips (7)","Answer":"VAUDOIS","Explanation":"Definition: hose from the Lausanne area\n**Anagram of **(trips) **AVOID US**\n **VA****U****DOI****S***\n\n**VAUDOIS** (Lausanne is the capital city of the Swiss canton of **VAUD** where the native born\u00a0inhabitants are knows as **VAUDOIS**)"} {"Clue":"BBC boss pressing continental broadcasters to fix programming SNAFUs (5)","Answer":"DEBUG","Explanation":"Definition: fix programming SNAFUs \n**DG** (Director General; the top executive job in the BBC is the post of Director General) **containing** (pressing) **EBU** (European Broadcasting Union; continental broadcasters)\n **D** (**EBU**) **G**\n\n**DEBUG** (fix programming errors)"} {"Clue":"Clerk to imprison drug dealer (3-6)","Answer":"PEN-PUSHER","Explanation":"Definition: Clerk\n**PEN** (imprison) **+ PUSHER** (drug dealer)\n **PEN** **PUSHER**\n\n**PEN-PUSHER** (clerical worker involved with boring routine writing)"} {"Clue":"Bird's crest (a bit on top) (9)","Answer":"PARTRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\n**PART** (a bit) **+ RIDGE** (narrow strip of land often at the top of a hill)\n **PART** **RIDGE**\n\n**PARTRIDGE** (game bird)"} {"Clue":"Can nude modelling be subtle? (7)","Answer":"NUANCED","Explanation":"Definition: subtle\n**Anagram of** (modelling) **CAN NUDE**\n **N****U****A****N****C****ED***\n\n**NUANCED** (subtle)"} {"Clue":"Celebrated fine morning over America (6)","Answer":"FAMOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Celebrated\n**F** (fine) **+\u00a0AM** (ante meridiem [before noon; morning]) **+ O** (over) **+ US **(United States of America)\n **F** **AM** **O** **US**\n\n**FAMOUS** (celebrated)"} {"Clue":"Workmate unaffected by turnover (4)","Answer":"OPPO","Explanation":"Definition: Workmate\n**OPPO** is an example of a palindrome so is unaffected by being **reversed** (turnover)\n **OPPO**\n\n**OPPO** (person allotted to one as a partner at work; workmate)"} {"Clue":"He wanders off, having adjusted ready-made curtains for Queen (10)","Answer":"DAYDREAMER","Explanation":"Definition: He wanders off\n**Anagram of** (adjusted) **READY-MADE** **containing** (curtains for) **R** (Regina; queen)\n **DAYD** (**R**) **EAMER***\n\n**DAYDREAMER** (one indulging in fantasy or reverie; he wanders off)"} {"Clue":"A Williams daughter last on Centre in the evening air (8)","Answer":"SERENADE","Explanation":"Definition: air\n**SERENA** (reference **SERENA** Williams, tennis player. She is the youngest of five daughters of Richard Williams and Oracene Price) **+ D** (daughter) **+ E** (**final letter of** [last on]** CENTRE**)\n **SERENA** **D** **E**\n\n**SERENADE** (song or tune suitable for or suggestive of the evening)"} {"Clue":"In poor health, propping up the head of Roger Bannister (7)","Answer":"RAILING","Explanation":"Definition: Bannister\n**R** (**first letter of** [head of] **ROGER**) **+ AILING** (in poor health). As this is a down entry the letters in **AILING** are propping up the **R**\n **R** **AILING**\n\n**RAILING** (bannister [stair-**RAILING**])"} {"Clue":"All aggressive (except Switzerland) (5)","Answer":"BUTCH","Explanation":"Definition: All aggressive\n**BUT** (except) **+ CH** (International Vehicle Registration for Switzerland)\n **BUT** **CH**\n\n**BUTCH** (aggressively masculine)"} {"Clue":"Chit-chat about Eric? (4,6)","Answer":"IDLE GOSSIP","Explanation":"Definition: Chit-chat\n**IDLE** (reference Eric **IDLE** [born 1943], English comedian, actor, voice actor, author probably best known for appearing in Monty Python) **+ GOSSIP** (tittle-tattle) giving us **GOSSIP** about Eric\n **IDLE ****GOSSIP**\n\n**IDLE GOSSIP** (chit-chat)"} {"Clue":"Tossing back nips, doctor drinks whiskey in alternative to tumbler (4,5)","Answer":"SPIN DRYER","Explanation":"Definition: alternative to tumbler\n**NIPS** **reversed** (tossing back) **+** (**DR** [doctor] **containing** [drinks] **RYE** [whiskey])\n **SPIN<** **D** (**RYE**) **R**\n\n**SPIN DRYER** (an alternative to a tumble dryer)"} {"Clue":"He was in a few limp westerns (8,7)","Answer":"HOPALONG","Explanation":"Definition: He was in a few limp westerns \n**HOPALONG CASSIDY** was a character with a limp. He appeared to **HOP** as he moved along \u2013 cryptic definition\n **HOPALONG CASSIDY**\n\n**HOPALONG** [**CASSIDY**] (**HOPALONG CASSIDY** or **HOP-ALONG CASSIDY**\u00a0is a fictional cowboy hero created in 1904 by the author Clarence E. Mulford. **CASSIDY** appeared in a series of films and his character changed from a rude hard-drinking cowboy but over time he evolved into a clean cut cowboy who only touched soft drinks)"} {"Clue":"Stuffed with cold, revolting mucus, bishop's to die (7)","Answer":"SUCCUMB","Explanation":"Definition: die\n(A**nagram of** [revolting] **MUCUS** **containing** [stuffed with] **C** [cold]) **+ B** (bishop)\n **SUC** (**C**) **UM*** B\n\n**SUCCUMB** (die)"} {"Clue":"Dive is hard to treat with affection (7)","Answer":"CHERISH","Explanation":"Definition: treat with affection\n**CHER** (example of a great female singer; diva) **+ IS + H** (hard, when describing pencil lead)\n **CHER** **IS** **H**\n\n**CHERISH** (treat with affection)"} {"Clue":"Hotel on quiet upper-class island (6)","Answer":"HONSHU","Explanation":"Definition: island\n**H** (hotel) **+ ON + SH** ([be] quiet) **+ U** (upper-class)\n **H** **ON** **SH** **U**\n\n**HONSHU** (largest and most populous island in Japan)"} {"Clue":"He's dead keen (5)","Answer":"DAVID","Explanation":"Definition: He'\n**D** (dead) **+ AVID** (keen)\n **D** **AVID**\n\n**DAVID** (man's name; he)"} {"Clue":"A venerated character, his crown slips regularly! (4)","Answer":"ICON","Explanation":"Definition: A venerated character\n**ICON** (**letters 2, 4, 6 and 8** [slips regularly] of **HIS CROWN**)\n **ICON**\n\n**ICON** (anything venerated or uncritically admired)"} {"Clue":"Silky stuff \u2013 odd bits found in square \u2013 how nice! (5)","Answer":"SURAH","Explanation":"Definition: Silky stuff\n**SUR** **(letters 1, 3 and 5** [odd bits] of **SQUARE**) **+ AH**! (expressing joy; how nice)\n **SUR** **AH**\n\n**SURAH** (\u00a0soft twilled silk)"} {"Clue":"Like old dissenter chap antilegomena will have inspired? (7)","Answer":"PANTILE","Explanation":"Definition: Like old dissenter\n**PANTILE **(**hidden word in** [will have inspired] **CHAP ANTILEGOMENA**)\n **PANTILE**\n\n**PANTILE** (an old word for dissenting, as old churches were often roofed with **PANTILE**s in their other meaning)"} {"Clue":"Rhymes, reverse of dry, about machoman? (8)","Answer":"CRAMBOES","Explanation":"Definition: Rhymes\n**SEC** ([of wines] dry) **reversed** (reverse of)\u00a0**containing** (about) **RAMBO** (macho character played in films by Sylvester Stallone)\n **C** (**RAMBO**) **ES**<\n\n**CRAMBOES** (rhymes)"} {"Clue":"A host's foreign eatery with coins scattered around (9)","Answer":"STRATONIC","Explanation":"Definition: A host\n**TRAT** (trattoria; Italian restaurant) **contained in** (with \u2026 around) a**n anagram of **(scattered) **COINS**\n **S** (**TRAT**) **ONIC***\n\n**STRATONIC** (of an army; host's)"} {"Clue":"Allotment, see not OK in part? (4)","Answer":"PLOT","Explanation":"Definition: Allotment\n**LOOK **(see) **excluding** (not) **OK** **contained in** (in) **PT** (part)\n **P** (**LO**) **T**\n\n**PLOT **(piece of ground such as an allotment for cultivating flowers or vegetables)"} {"Clue":"Wherein one is laid to rest alongside German? (6)","Answer":"SODGER","Explanation":"Definition: Wherein one is laid to rest alongside German\n**SOD** (if buried, one is laid to rest in the ground or the **SOD**) **+ GER** (German)\n **SOD** **GER**\n\n**SODGER** (old word for a soldier, a soldier in the first world war in particular may been laid to rest alongside a German)\n I'm not at all sure that I have the definition right here."} {"Clue":"Witch stirred censers, hard insect thrown in (11)","Answer":"ENCHANTRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Witch\n(**H** [hard in descriptions of pencil lead] **+ ANT** [insect]) **contained in** (thrown in) **an anagram of **(stirred) **CENSERS**\n **ENC** (**H** **ANT**) **RESS***\n\n**ENCHANTRESS** (sorceress; witch)"} {"Clue":"Small horse was among runners joining fray, coming from behind (6)","Answer":"GARRAN","Explanation":"Definition: Small horse\n**RAG** (fray) **reversed** (coming from behind) **+ RAN** (was among runners)\n **GAR**< **RAN**\n\n**GARRAN** (small type of horse, used especially in Ireland and Scotland.)"} {"Clue":"Party crowd going round clubs (4)","Answer":"SECT","Explanation":"Definition: Party\n**SET **(one definition of crowd is 'a social **SET**') **containing** (going round) **C **(Clubs,the suit in cards)\n **SE** (**C**) **T**\n\n**SECT** (party)"} {"Clue":"Nucleus, e.g large one milling round centre of rally (9)","Answer":"ORGANELLE","Explanation":"Definition: Nucleus\n**Anagram of **(milling) **LARGE ONE**\u00a0**containing** (round) **L** (**middle letter of** [centre of] **RALLY**)\n **O****RGA****N****E** (**L**) **L****E*******\n\n**ORGANELLE** (specialized part of a cell, eg nucleus)"} {"Clue":"May be unshaven lout uses flail (8)","Answer":"SETULOUS","Explanation":"Definition: May be unshaven\n**Anagram of **(flail) **LOUT USES**\n **SETULOUS***\n\n**SETULOUS** (with bristles; some unshaven people may well have bristles)"} {"Clue":"Mount skittish grey \u2013 it involves mental powers (7)","Answer":"TELERGY","Explanation":"Definition: it involves mental powers\n**TEL** (in Arab lands, a hill or ancient mound formed from the accumulated debris from earlier mud or wattle habitations) **+ an anagram of** (skittish) **GREY**\n **TEL** **ERGY***\n\n**TELERGY** (physical force assumed to be at work in telepathy; it involves mental powers)"} {"Clue":"Being keen on divinity (but not in chapel?) is welcomed by party briefly (5)","Answer":"DEISM","Explanation":"Definition: Being keen on divinity (but not in chapel?)\n**IS** **contained in** (welcomed by) **DEM** (abbreviation for [briefly] Democrats [political party])\n **DE** (**IS**) **M**\n\n**DEISM** (belief in the existence of God, but not in a divinely revealed religion)"} {"Clue":"End up wandering round recreation garden, tense as never before (13)","Answer":"UNPRECEDENTED","Explanation":"Definition: as never before\n**Anagram of** (wandering) **END UP** **containing** (round) (**REC** [recreation] + **EDEN** [reference Garden of **EDEN**] **+ T** [tense])\n **U****N****P** (**REC** **EDEN ****T**) **ED***\n\n**UNPRECEDENTED** (as never before)"} {"Clue":"Decorated border: sow it randomly and you'll get flowers up (6)","Answer":"PURFLE","Explanation":"Definition: Decorated border\nIf you combine **PURFLE** (the entry) and **SOW** in **an anagram** (randomly) you can generate **FLOWERS UP***\n **PURFLE**\n\n**PURFLE** (decorated border)"} {"Clue":"Gallery losing love for old nag (4)","Answer":"PRAD","Explanation":"Definition: old nag\n**PRADO** (reference the **PRADO** Museum [Gallery] in Madrid) **excluding** (losing) **O** (zero; love score in tennis)\n **PRAD**\n\n**PRAD** (slang term for a horse [old nag])"} {"Clue":"This part one needed (7)","Answer":"PROTEAN","Explanation":"Definition: This part one needed \n**Anagram of** (effectively using the answer **PROTEAN** as the anagram indicator) **PART ONE**\n **PROTEAN***\n\n**PROTEAN** (readily assuming different shapes)"} {"Clue":"Musical work a journalist turned up, half lost (5)","Answer":"OPERA","Explanation":"Definition: Musical work\n(**A + REPORTER** **excluding **[lost] **the second four of eight** [half] **letters** **RTER**) **all reversed** (turned up)\n (**OPER A**)<\n\n**OPERA** (musical work)"} {"Clue":"Such purchases are tending to decline, not rise, possibly? (7)","Answer":"IN-STORE","Explanation":"Definition: Such purchases are tending to decline\n**Anagram of** (possibly) **NOT RISE**\n **I****N-****S****TO****RE***\n\n**IN-STORE** (in recent years there is plenty of evidence that I**N-STORE** retail purchases are declining in favour of on-line purchases)"} {"Clue":"Was pacing first of team's runners in turf race (last thereof) (6)","Answer":"STRODE","Explanation":"Definition: Was pacing\n(**TR** [**first letters of each of** {first of} **T****EAM'S** and **R****UNNERS**] **contained in** [in] **SOD** [turf]) + **E** (**last letter of** [last thereof] **RACE**)\n **S** (**TR**) **OD** **E**\n\n**STRODE** (was pacing)"} {"Clue":"It's certainly not hern in this nest (4)","Answer":"HIS","Explanation":"Definition: It's certainly not hern\n**HIS'N** (**hidden word in** [in] **THIS NEST**)\n **HIS'N**\n\n**HIS'N** (dialectical form of **HIS**. **HER'N** is the equivalent female form)"} {"Clue":"Man, say, that's taken up with English girl (5)","Answer":"ELSIE","Explanation":"Definition: girl \n**ISLE** (e.g. the** ISLE** of Man) **reversed** (taken up; down clue) **+ E** (English)\n **ELSI**<** E**\n\n**ELSIE** (girl's name)"} {"Clue":"Patsy seated holding hat I'll go after (9)","Answer":"SCAPEGOAT","Explanation":"Definition: Patsy\n**SAT** (seated) **containing** (holding) (**CAP** [hat] **+ EGO** [the 'I' or self])\n **S** (**CAP** **EGO**)** AT**\n\n**SCAPEGOAT** (someone who is made to bear or take the blame for the failings, misfortunes or misdeeds of another. **PATSY** can be defined as a **SCAPEGOAT**)"} {"Clue":"Heretical doctrine to which miscreant converts (9)","Answer":"ENCRATISM","Explanation":"Definition: Heretical doctrine\n**Anagram of **(converts) **MISCREANT**\n **ENCRATISM***\n\n**ENCRATISM** (the doctrine of the **ENCARATI**tes, members of a heretical sect in the early church who abstained from marriage, and from meat and wine)"} {"Clue":"Nasty swelling, risk when doctor finally cuts into it (7)","Answer":"CHANCRE","Explanation":"Definition: Nasty swelling\n**R** (**last letter of** [finally] **DOCTOR**) **contained in** (cuts into) **CHANCE** (risk)\n **CHANC** (**R**)** E**\n\n**CHANCRE** (hard nodular swelling, especially one that develops in the primary stage of syphilis; nasty swelling)"} {"Clue":"Laboured like some circus performers? (7)","Answer":"STILTED","Explanation":"Definition: Laboured\n**STILTED** (some circus performers walk on **STILT**s)\n **STILTED**\n\n**STILTED** (laboured and unnatural) double definition"} {"Clue":"Trader giving credit over year, unusually (6)","Answer":"CRAYER","Explanation":"Definition: Trader\n**CR** (credit)** + an anagram of** (unusually) **YEAR**\n **CR** **AYER**\n\n**CRAYER** (trading vessel; trader)"} {"Clue":"Bit of charcuterie put into soak for stew (6)","Answer":"SCOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: stew\n**C** (**first letter of** [bit of] **CHARCUTERIE**) **contained in** (put into) **SOUSE** (soak)\n **S** (**C**) **OUSE**\n\n**SCOUSE** (stew or hash, often made with meat scraps)"} {"Clue":"Queen guillotined, end of reign denoting a certain sign (5)","Answer":"ARIEN","Explanation":"Definition: denoting a certain sign\n**MARIE** (There was a Queen **MARIE**\u00a0of Romania, crowned in 1922) **excluding the first letter** [head guillotined) **M + N** (**last letter of** [end of]** REIGN**)\n **ARIE** **N**\n\n**ARIEN** (relating to astrological sign of **ARIE**s)"} {"Clue":"No longer calm, almost everyone on watch (5)","Answer":"ALEYE","Explanation":"Definition: No longer calm\n**ALL** (everyone) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **L**\u00a0+ **EYE** (watch)\n **AL** **EYE**\n\n**ALEYE** (a word that once was used [no longer] to mean calm)"} {"Clue":"Woodland god rearing winter pear (5)","Answer":"SILEN","Explanation":"Definition: Woodland god\n**NELIS** (variety of pear that does not ripen until winter) **reversed** (rearing; down clue)\n **SILEN**<\n\n**SILEN** (woodland god or elderly satyr)"} {"Clue":"Drink copiously, filling up (4)","Answer":"GULP","Explanation":"Definition: Drink copiously\n**PLUG** (filling for a tooth) **reversed** (up; down clue)\n **GULP**<\n\n**GULP** (drink copiously)"} {"Clue":"Aussie bum I found in animal shelter (4)","Answer":"COIT","Explanation":"Definition: Aussie bum\n**I** **contained in** (found in)** COT** (variant spelling of **COTE** [animal shelter])\n **CO**** **(**I**)** ****T**\n\n**COIT** (Australian word for the buttocks; Aussie bum)"} {"Clue":"Boa moved slowly (5)","Answer":"STOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Boa\n**STOLE **(woman's outer garment worn on the shoulders often in the form of a boa [long, serpent-like coil of fur, feathers of the like])\n **STOLE**\n\n**STOLE** (passed quietly, unobtrusively, gradually, or surreptitiously) double definition"} {"Clue":"Welcomed current medical reforms (9)","Answer":"ACCLAIMED","Explanation":"Definition: Welcomed\n**AC** (alternating current) **+ an anagram of** (reforms) **MEDICAL**\n **AC ****CLAIMED***\n\n**ACCLAIMED** (welcomed with enthusiasm)"} {"Clue":"One campaigning against cinema closure makes display for computer (11)","Answer":"SCREENSAVER","Explanation":"Definition: display for computer\n**SCREEN** (cinema) **+ SAVER** (one campaigning to keep something open) Taken together the phrases **SCREEN SAVER** could therefore describe some campaigning against the closure of a cinema.\n **SCREEN** **SAVER**\n\n**SCREENSAVER** (program which, after a period of user inactivity, replaces the screen image with a usually moving pattern. Popular in the early days of cathode ray tube display to avoid image burn-in)"} {"Clue":"Characters in 7 (3)","Answer":"MEN","Explanation":"Definition: Characters\n**MEN** (**hidden word in** (in) **MEMENTO MORI** [entry at 7 down])\n **MEN**\n\n**MEN** (people; characters)"} {"Clue":"Professional version of Windows once placed in box, say, for sending back (6)","Answer":"EXPERT","Explanation":"Definition: Professional\n(**XP** [reference the Windows XP operating system, now no longer supported [once]) **contained in** **TREE** (a box **TREE** is an example) **reversed** (for sending back) There was a version of XP denoted as Windows XP Professional\n **E** (**XP**) **ERT**<\n\n**EXPERT** (professional)"} {"Clue":"Wander through outskirts of Perpignan, to west of this French region (8)","Answer":"PROVENCE","Explanation":"Definition: region\n(**ROVE** [wander] **contained in** [through] **PN** [**first and last letters of** {outskirts of} **PERPIGNAN**}) **+ CE** (French for 'this')\n **P** (**ROVE**) **N**** CE**\n\n**PROVENCE** (region [of France])"} {"Clue":"Superficial Italian poet penning one epistle without hesitation (10)","Answer":"DILETTANTE","Explanation":"Definition: Superficial\n**DANTE** (reference **DANTE** Alighieri [1265 \u2013 1321], Italian poet) **containing** (penning) (I [Roman numeral for one] **+ LETTER** [epistle] **excluding** [without] **the final two letters ER** [expression of hesitation])\n **D** (**I LETT**) **ANTE**\n\n**DILETTANTE** (person who loves the fine arts but in a superficial way and without serious purpose)"} {"Clue":"Bust over? Opportunities multiply, principally, in this (4)","Answer":"BOOM","Explanation":"Definition: this\n**BOOM** (**first letter of** [principally] each of **BUST OVER OPPORTUNITIES** **MULTIPLY**)\n **BOOM**\n\n**BOOM** (reference to the **BOOM** and **BUST** cycle where each tends to follow the other. **BOOM** is\u00a0the part of the cycle where opportunities multiply)"} {"Clue":"Run ahead of one group of people (4)","Answer":"RACE","Explanation":"Definition: group of people\n**R** (run) **+ ACE** (one)\n **R** **ACE**\n\n**RACE** (group of people)"} {"Clue":"Taken away on stretcher and executed (7,3)","Answer":"CARRIED OUT","Explanation":"Definition: executed\n**CARRIED OUT** (taken away, possibly on a stretcher; an old meaning is to take away for burial)\n **CARRIED OUT**\n\n**CARRIED OUT** (descriptive of a task performed or executed)"} {"Clue":"Drink with penniless-sounding shower (8)","Answer":"DOWNPOUR","Explanation":"Definition: shower\n**DOWN** (as a verb, drink) **+ POUR** (**sounds like** [sounding] **POOR** [penniless])\n **DOWN** **POUR**\n\n**DOWNPOUR** (shower of rain)"} {"Clue":"No limits to crime in island resort (6)","Answer":"RIMINI","Explanation":"Definition: resort\n**RIM** (**central letters of** **CRIME** remaining **when the outer letters** [limits] **C and E are excluded** [no]) **+ IN + I** (island)\n **RIM** **IN** **I**\n\n**RIMINI** (Italian seaside resort)"} {"Clue":"Fellow's period behind bars reduced (3)","Answer":"TIM","Explanation":"Definition: Fellow\n**TIME** (period in prison [behind bars]) **excluding the final letter** (reduced) **E**\n **TIM**\n\n**TIM** (man's name; fellow)"} {"Clue":"Exercising with dog after lead's removed is taking too long (7,4)","Answer":"RUNNING OVER","Explanation":"Definition: aking too long\n**RUNNING** (an example of exercising) **+ ROVER** (common name for a dog) **excluding** (removed) **the first letter** (lead) **R**\n **RUNNING** **OVER**\n\n**RUNNING OVER** (taking too long)"} {"Clue":"Kept an eye on fool in secured surroundings (9)","Answer":"MONITORED","Explanation":"Definition: Kept an eye on\n**NIT** (fool) **contained in** (in \u2026 surroundings) **MOORED** (of a boat, secured)\n **MO** (**NIT**) **ORED**\n\n**MONITORED** (kept an eye on)"} {"Clue":"Some applauded enchanting actress (5)","Answer":"DENCH","Explanation":"Definition: actress\n**DENCH** (**hidden word in** [some] **APPLAUDED ENCHANTING**)\n **DENCH**\n\n**DENCH** (reference Dame Judi **DENCH** [born 1934], English actress)"} {"Clue":"Poster incorporating American president's support (9)","Answer":"SUSPENDER","Explanation":"Definition: support\n**SENDER** (poster) **containing** (incorporating) (**US** [American] **+ P** [President])\n I can't find a dictionary giving **P** as an a stand alone\u00a0abbreviation for President, but I know it is used as part of **POTUS** for example (President of the United States)\n **S** (**US** **P**) **ENDER**\n\n**SUSPENDER** (support)"} {"Clue":"Row over a river (3)","Answer":"OAR","Explanation":"Definition: Row\n**O** (over) **+ A + R **(river)\n **O** **A** **R**\n\n**OAR** (as a verb, row)"} {"Clue":"Abhor old English jalopy (8)","Answer":"EXECRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Abhor\n**EX** (former; old) **+ E + CRATE** (old worn out car; jalopy)\n **EX** **E** **CRATE**\n\n**EXECRATE** (detest; abhor)"} {"Clue":"Former campaigning MP regularly lambasted (4)","Answer":"ABSE","Explanation":"Definition: Former campaigning MP\n**ABSE** (**letters 2, 4, 6 and 8** [regularly]) of **LAMBASTED**)\n **ABSE**\n\n**ABSE** (reference Leo **ABSE** [1917 \u2013 2008], campaigning Labour MP for Pontypool)"} {"Clue":"Main item about parts of cricket match? Right (5,5)","Answer":"COVER STORY","Explanation":"Definition: Main item\n**C** (circa; about) **+ OVERS** (parts of a cricket match) **+ TORY** (party of the political right)\n **C** **OVER S** **TORY**\n\n**COVER STORY** (main item of a magazine)"} {"Clue":"To get to destination, I have a Rolls Royce at first (6)","Answer":"ARRIVE","Explanation":"Definition: get to destination\n**A** **+ RR** (Rolls Royce) **+ I'VE** (I have)\n A **RR** **IVE**\n\n**ARRIVE** (get to destination)"} {"Clue":"Male has no more time to translate Spark's work (7,4)","Answer":"MEMENTO MORI","Explanation":"Definition: Spark's work\n**M** (male) **+ an anagram of** (to translate) **NO MORE TIME**\n **M** **EM****ENTO**** ****M****OR****I***\n\n**MEMENTO MORI** (novel by Muriel Spark published in 1929)"} {"Clue":"Teacher introduces Geordie poet (5)","Answer":"DONNE","Explanation":"Definition: poet\n**DON** (any member of the teaching staff of a college or university) **+ NE** (North East, the home of Geordies in Newcastle in the North East of England)\n **DON** **NE**\n\n**DONNE** (reference John **DONNE** [1572 \u2013 1631], English poet)"} {"Clue":"Male cop now prepared to enrol one female colleague? (11)","Answer":"POLICEWOMAN","Explanation":"Definition: female colleague\n**Anagram of** (prepared) **MALE COP NOW** **containing** (to enrol) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **POL** (**I**) **C****E****WO****MA****N***\n\n**POLICEWOMAN** (female colleague of a male cop)"} {"Clue":"Actress ran Renault in battered state (4,6)","Answer":"LANA TURNER","Explanation":"Definition: Actress\n**Anagram of** (in battered state) **RAN RENAULT**\n **LANA TURNER***\n\n**LANA TURNER** (reference **LANA TURNER** [1921-1995], American actress)"} {"Clue":"A short haircut in Cambridgeshire town? She's in charge (9)","Answer":"MATRIARCH","Explanation":"Definition: She's in charge\n(**A** + **TRI****M** [haircut] **excluding the final letter** [short] **M** [haircut]) **contained in** (in) **MARCH** (English town in Cambridgeshire)\n **M** (**A** **TRI**) **ARCH**\n\n**MATRIARCH** (female head of a family, tribe or community; she's in charge)"} {"Clue":"Switched on, did Irish dance (8)","Answer":"REJIGGED","Explanation":"Definition: Switched\n**RE** (with reference to; on) **+ JIGGED** (did an Irish dance)\n **RE JIGGED**\n\n**REJIGGED** (re-arranged; switched)"} {"Clue":"Stumbles, as it were, after imbibing single alcoholic drink (6)","Answer":"SPIRIT","Explanation":"Definition: alcoholic drink\n(**TRIPS** **containing** (imbibing) **I** [one; single]) **all reversed** (as it were; falls over, imitating the effect of a **TRIP**) \n (**SPIR** (**I**) **T**)<\n\n**SPIRIT** (alcoholic drink)"} {"Clue":"Information lawyer has got on corporation (5)","Answer":"DATUM","Explanation":"Definition: Information\n**DA** (District Attorney; lawyer) **+ TUM** (stomach; corporation)\n **DA** **TUM**\n\n**DATUM** (single fact; information)"} {"Clue":"Animal concealed round middle of greenwood (4)","Answer":"HIND","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\n**HID** **containing** (round) **N** (**central letter of** [middle of] **GREENWOOD**)\n **HI** (**N**) **D**\n\n**HIND** (female of the red deer; animal)"} {"Clue":"I will abandon useless vehicle (3)","Answer":"VAN","Explanation":"Definition: vehicle\n**VA**I**N** (futile; useless)** excluding** (will abandon) **I**\n **VAN**\n\n**VAN** (vehicle)"} {"Clue":"Football club accepts what manager did in foreign capital (5)","Answer":"FRANC","Explanation":"Definition: foreign capital\n**FC** (football club) **containing** (accepts) **RAN** (what a manager did [in a business or a club])\n **F** (**RAN**) **C**\n\n**FRANC **(foreign currency)"} {"Clue":"Old rocking chair put in empty attic (7)","Answer":"ARCHAIC","Explanation":"Definition: Old\n(**anagram of** [rocking] **CHAIR**) **contained in** (put in) **AC** (**letters remaining in** **A****TTI****C** **when the central letters TTI are removed** [empty])\n **A** (**RCHAI***) **C**\n\n**ARCHAIC** (old)"} {"Clue":"Lap dancing in a ring? That's foremost way to get fit (7,8)","Answer":"CIRCUIT TRAINING","Explanation":"Definition: way to get fit\n**CIRCUIT** (lap) **+** (**an anagram of** [dancing] **IN A RING** and **T** [**first letter of** {foremost} **THAT**])\n **CIRCUIT** **T****R****AIN****ING***\n\n**CIRCUIT TRAINING** (a method of getting fit)"} {"Clue":"Brief success extinct, once Essex town is abandoned (8)","Answer":"SUCCINCT","Explanation":"Definition: Brief\n**SUCCESS EXTINCT** **excluding** (once \u2026 is abandoned) **ESSEX** and **T** (town)\n I can't find **T** as an abbreviation for town in any of Chambers, Collins or the ODE but it seems a reasonable association.\n **SUCCINCT**\n\n**SUCCINCT** (brief)"} {"Clue":"Rush job (6)","Answer":"CAREER","Explanation":"Definition: Rush\n**CAREER** (rush)\n **CAREER**\n\n**CAREER** (job) double definition"} {"Clue":"Spotty coverage in area of East London on phone network (4)","Answer":"ACNE","Explanation":"Definition: Spotty coverage\n**ACNE** (**sounds like **[on the phone] [**H**]**ACKNEY** [an area of East London where native Eastenders would drop the leading **H**)\n **ACNE**\n\n**ACNE** (skin disease resulting spots)"} {"Clue":"He shouldn't be trusted with editing their copy (9)","Answer":"HYPOCRITE","Explanation":"Definition: He shouldn't be trusted\n**Anagram of** (editing) **THEIR COPY** \n **H****YPOC****RITE***\n\n**HYPOCRITE** (a person who pretends\u00a0to be better than one is, or to be what one is not; someone not to be trusted)"} {"Clue":"Those leading accurate radius curvature lenses supply clarity (9)","Answer":"CLEARNESS","Explanation":"Definition: clarity\n**Anagram of** (supply; derivative of supple) (**ACR** [**first letters of** {leading} **each of ACCURATE**, **RADIUS** and **CURVATURE**] and **LENSES**)\n **C****LE****AR****NESS***\n\n**CLEARNESS** (clarity)"} {"Clue":"Unpleasant matter is something to chew over, right? (4)","Answer":"CRUD","Explanation":"Definition: Unpleasant matter\n**CUD** (something that ruminants chew) **containing** (over) **R** (right)\n **C** (**R**) **UD**\n\n**CRUD** (anything dirty, filthy, disgusting or worthless; unpleasant matter)"} {"Clue":"Look forward to Bar overturning limits on censorship (6)","Answer":"EXPECT","Explanation":"Definition: Look forward to\n**EXCEPT **(exclude; bar) **with the letters** **C** and** P** (**outer letters of** [limits on] **CENSORSHIP**) being swapped (overturning)\n **EX****P****E****C****T**\n\n**EXPECT** (think of as likely to happen in the future; look forward to)"} {"Clue":"Doctors backing Republican Party achieve success (2,6)","Answer":"GO PLACES","Explanation":"Definition: achieve success\n**GOP** (Grand Old Party, a phrase used to describe the Republican party in the United States of America) **+ LACES** (doctors, as in **LACES** a coffee with brandy or an alcoholic drink with something unpleasant)\n **GO P** **LACES**\n\n**GO PLACES** (achieve success by personal advancement)"} {"Clue":"What makes conditions better and speeds up complaints procedures for customer? (6,9)","Answer":"HEALTH INSURANCE","Explanation":"Definition: What makes conditions better and speeds up complaints procedures for customer\n**HEALTH INSURANCE** (a policy that helps holders receive treatment to address medical conditions)\n **HEALTH INSURANCE**\n\n**HEALTH INSURANCE** (policyholders often get speedy access to medical staff to help ease [medical] complaints) cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Ignored lice all over skin (7)","Answer":"CUTICLE","Explanation":"Definition: skin\n**CUT** (ignored) + **an anagram of** (all over the place) **LICE**\n **CUT** **ICLE***\n\n**CUTICLE** (the outermost or thin skin)"} {"Clue":"Gutsy piece by company performing around London's West End (5)","Answer":"COLON","Explanation":"Definition: Gutsy piece\n(**CO** [company] **+ ON** [performing]) **containing** (around) **L** (**left hand letter of** [west end of] **LONDON**)\n **CO** (**L**)** ON**\n\n**COLON** (large intestine; apiece of gut; gutsy piece)"} {"Clue":"Plant recreated such an interior for timeless Italian car (7)","Answer":"FUCHSIA","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\n**Anagram of **(recreated) **SUCH** **contained in** (an interior for) **FIAT** (Italian car brand) **excluding** (less) **T** (time)\n **F** (**UCHS***) **IA**\n\n**FUCHSIA** (plant)"} {"Clue":"Jazz fan can help irate trumpeter (7,8)","Answer":"AFRICAN ELEPHANT","Explanation":"Definition: trumpeter\n**Anagram of** (jazz) **FAN CAN HELP IRATE**\n **AFRICAN ELEPHANT***\n\n**AFRICAN ELEPHANT** (an animal that makes a trumpeting sound)"} {"Clue":"Relative taking care of you and me at home (6)","Answer":"COUSIN","Explanation":"Definition: Relative\n**CO** (care of) **+ US** (you and me) **+ IN** (home)\n **CO** **US** **IN**\n\n**COUSIN** (relative)"} {"Clue":"Pack boot of car in service area (4)","Answer":"ACRE","Explanation":"Definition: area\n**R** (**last letter of** [boot of] **CAR**) **contained in** (in) **ACE** (descriptive of an excellent serve in tennis; service)\n **AC** (**R**) **E**\n\n**ACRE** (measurement unit of area)"} {"Clue":"Knight's path is an L, in welcome change introduced by chess principally (8)","Answer":"CHIVALRY","Explanation":"Definition: area\n**R** (**last letter of** [boot of] **CAR**) **contained in** (in) **ACE** (descriptive of an excellent serve in tennis; service)\n **AC** (**R**) **E**\n\n**ACRE** (measurement unit of area)"} {"Clue":"Fare for passage? quite the opposite! (10,5)","Answer":"ALIMENTARY CANAL","Explanation":"Definition: quite the opposite\n**ALIMENTARY CANAL** (the passage down which food [fare] passes from the mouth to the anus) hence the opposite of 'fare for passage'\n **ALIMENTARY CANAL**\n\n**ALIMENTARY CANAL** see definition word play \u2013\u00a0cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Its detonation involved leader of revolutionary government and CIA (5)","Answer":"CIGAR","Explanation":"Definition: Its detonation involved leader of revolutionary government and CIA\n**Anagram of** (involved) (**R** [**first letter of** {leader of **REVOLUTIONARY**}] and **G** [government] and **CIA**)\n **CI****G****A****R***\n\n**CIGAR** (The CIA reportedly sponsored an assassination attempt on the revolutionary Cuban leader Fidel Castro by means of an exploding **CIGAR**)"} {"Clue":"Disaster apparently related to small branch closing (6,3)","Answer":"STICKY END","Explanation":"Definition: Disaster\n**STICKY** (related to a **STICK** [small branch]) **+ END** (closing)\n **STICKY** **END**\n\n**STICKY END** (disaster)"} {"Clue":"Throw up Liverpudlian stew (9)","Answer":"LOBSCOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: stew\n**LOB** (send a high ball over; throw up)** + SCOUSE** (native or inhabitant of Liverpool)\n **LOB** **SCOUSE**\n\n**LOBSCOUSE** (stew or hash with vegetables or biscuit, a sea dish)"} {"Clue":"Warning about Bow being short of ecstasy and heroin? (8)","Answer":"NARCOTIC","Explanation":"Definition: heroin\n(**NOTICE** [warning] **excluding** [short of)] **E** [ecstasy tablet]) **containing** (about) **ARC** (bow)\n **N** (**ARC**) **OTIC**\n\n**NARCOTIC** (heroin is a **NARCOTIC**)"} {"Clue":"Detect underground particle accelerator (7)","Answer":"DISCERN","Explanation":"Definition: Detect\n**DIS** (name for Pluto, hence, the infernal world; underground) **+ CERN** (Conseil Europ\u00e9en pour la Recherche Nucl\u00e9aire; site of a particle accelerator)\n **DIS** **CERN**\n\n**DISCERN** (detect)"} {"Clue":"Minister conveyed by bicycle rickshaw (6)","Answer":"CLERIC","Explanation":"Definition: Minister\n**CLERIC** (**hidden word in **[conveyed by] **BICYCLE RICKSHAW**)\n **CLERIC**\n\n**CLERIC** (minister)"} {"Clue":"Principle relating to race repulses Nationalist (5)","Answer":"ETHIC","Explanation":"Definition: Principle\n**ETHNIC** (relating to race) **excluding** (repulses) **N **(Nationalist)\n **ETHIC**\n\n**ETHIC** (principle)"} {"Clue":"Name faculty in report (4)","Answer":"CITE","Explanation":"Definition: Name\n**CITE** (**sounds like** [in report] **SIGHT** (a physical capability; faculty)\n **CITE**\n\n**CITE** (name)"} {"Clue":"Start during summer to get university fee (10)","Answer":"INAUGURATE","Explanation":"Definition: Start\n**IN** (during) **+ AUG** (August, a summer month)** + U** (university) **+ RATE** (fee)\n **IN ****AUG** **U** **RATE**\n\n**INAUGURATE** (cause to begin; start)"} {"Clue":"Decoration missing full replication in splendour (4)","Answer":"POMP","Explanation":"Definition: splendour\n**POMPOM** (fluffy or woolly ball, tuft, or tassel worn on a shoe, hat etc; decoration) **excluding** **OM** from the second **POM** (missing full replication)\n **POMP**\n\n**POMP** (splendour)"} {"Clue":"Alcoholic drink having the French investing without enthusiasm (10)","Answer":"SPIRITLESS","Explanation":"Definition: without enthusiasm\n**SPIRITS** (alcoholic drink) **containing** (having \u2026 investing) **LES** (one of the forms of 'the' in French)\n **SPIRIT **(**LES**) **S**\n\n**SPIRITLESS** (without enthusiasm)"} {"Clue":"Country has squandered millions, true (4)","Answer":"REAL","Explanation":"Definition: true\n**REAL****M** (country) **excluding** (has squandered) **M** (millions)\n **REAL**\n\n**REAL** (true)"} {"Clue":"Daughter entering quaint site rebuilt just as far away (11)","Answer":"EQUIDISTANT","Explanation":"Definition: just as far away\n**D** (daughter) **contained in** (entering) **anagram of** (rebuilt) **QUAINT SITE** \n **EQUI** (**D**) **ISTANT***\n\n**EQUIDISTANT** (equally far away)"} {"Clue":"Light is moving away from flower (3)","Answer":"DAY","Explanation":"Definition: Light\n**DAISY** (flower) **excluding** (moving away from) **IS**\n **DAY**\n\n**DAY** (a period of light)"} {"Clue":"Guy eating horse marked in place name (7)","Answer":"TOPONYM","Explanation":"Definition: place name\n**TOM** (man's name; guy) **containing** (eating) **PONY** (young horse)\n **TO** (**PONY**) **M**\n\n**TOPONYM** (place name)"} {"Clue":"Son recalled question when surrounded by man's Christian women? (7)","Answer":"SHIKSAS","Explanation":"Definition: Christian women?\n**S** (son) **+** (**ASK** [question] **reversed** [recalled] **contained in** [surrounded by] **HIS** [man's])\n **S** **HI** (**KSA**<) **S**\n\n**SHIKSAS** (non-Jewish, possibly Christian, girl or woman)"} {"Clue":"Concert not now involving one contralto after setback (7)","Answer":"RECITAL","Explanation":"Definition: Concert\n(**LATER** [not now] **containing** [involving] [**I** {Roman numeral for one} **+ C** {contralto}]) **all reversed** (after setback)\n (**RE** (**C** **I**) **TAL**)<\n\n**RECITAL** (concert)"} {"Clue":"A churchman a help for recalling Paradise? (7)","Answer":"ARCADIA","Explanation":"Definition: Paradise\n**A** **+ RC** (Roman Catholic; churchman) **+ A** **+** (**AID** [help] reversed)\n **A** **RC** **A** **DIA**<\n\n**ARCADIA** (district in Greece whose people were traditionally idealized as having a simple rural lifestyle, with much music and dancing; pastoral; Paradise)"} {"Clue":"Regular components of heavy agricultural product (3)","Answer":"HAY","Explanation":"Definition: agricultural product\n**HAY** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [regular components of] **HEAVY**)\n **HAY**\n\n**HAY** (example of an agricultural product)"} {"Clue":"Minor nobleman became prominent: new Conservative tirades on the radio (11)","Answer":"ROSENCRANTZ","Explanation":"Definition: Minor nobleman\n**ROSE** (became prominent) **+ N** (new) **+ C** (Conservative) **+ RANTZ** (**sounds like** [on the radio] **RANTS** [tirades])\n **ROSE N C ****RANTZ**\n\n**ROSENCRANTZ** (name of a character in Shakespeare's Hamlet, described as a courtier or minor nobleman. Also referenced in Tom Stoppard's play **ROSENCRANTZ** and **GUILDENSTERN** are dead)"} {"Clue":"Addict, one in denial dismissing arbitrator (4)","Answer":"USER","Explanation":"Definition: Addict\n**REFUSER** (one in denial) **excluding** (dismissing) **REF** (referee; arbitrator)\n **USER**\n\n**USER** ([drug] addict)"} {"Clue":"It goes with vine, possibly (10)","Answer":"SANGIOVESE","Explanation":"Definition: It goes with vine, possibly\n**SA (**sex appeal; it**) + an anagram of** (possibly) **GOES** and **VINE**\n **SA N****G****I****O****V****ES****E***\n\n**SANGIOVESE** (a grape [on the vine and a red wine made from that grape in Italy)"} {"Clue":"Northern Irish politicians securing money repository (4)","Answer":"DUMP","Explanation":"Definition: repository\n**DUP** (Democratic Unionist Party) **containing** (securing) **M** (money)\n **DU** (**M**) **P**\n\n**DUMP** (repository)"} {"Clue":"Good many soldiers engaging in odd talk in winter quarters (10)","Answer":"CANTONMENT","Explanation":"Definition: winter quarters\n(**TON** [a good many]** + MEN** [soldiers]) **contained in** (engaging in) **CANT** (hypocritical, affected or perfunctory style of speech or thought;\n **CAN** (**TON** **MEN**) **T**\n\n**CANTONMENT **(temporary quarters, esp winter quarters, of troops taking part in manoeuvres or active operations)"} {"Clue":"Policeman in area apprehending Prince (9)","Answer":"INSPECTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Policeman\n**IN** **+** (**SECTOR** [area]) **containing** [apprehending] **P** [Prince])\n **IN** **S** (**P**)** ECTOR**\n\n**INSPECTOR** (rank in the police force)"} {"Clue":"Stop interrupting Athletic and United's leave-taking (5)","Answer":"ADIEU","Explanation":"Definition: leave-taking\n**DIE** (stop) **contained in** (interrupting) (**A** [Athletic] **+ U** [United])\n **A** (**DIE**) **U**\n\n**ADIEU** (farewell; leave-taking)"} {"Clue":"Minor nobleman: underling set to fail (12)","Answer":"GUILDENSTERN","Explanation":"Definition: Minor nobleman:\n**Anagram of** (to fail) **UNDERLING SET**\n **GUILDENSTERN***\n\n**GUILDENSTERN** (name of a character in Shakespeare's Hamlet, described as a couriter or minor nobleman. Also referenced in Tom Stoppard's play **ROSENCRANTZ** and **GUILDENSTERN** are dead)"} {"Clue":"Car supplying lots of expected attendees? (5)","Answer":"ROLLS","Explanation":"Definition: Car\n**ROLLS** (lists of many names, possibly of expected attendees)\n **ROLLS**\n\n**ROLLS** (**ROLLS** Royce; car) double definition"} {"Clue":"Fellow filling cup in bistro \u2013 a large quantity of liquid (6,3)","Answer":"TASMAN SEA","Explanation":"Definition: large quantity of liquid\n(**MAN** [fellow] **contained in** [filling] **TASSE** [French for cup; bistros tend to be focused on French cuisine]) **+ A**\n **TAS** (**MAN**) **SE** **A**\n\n**TASMAN SEA** (a large quantity of water [liquid])"} {"Clue":"Ring composer trimmed \u2013 does afresh, having had too much (9)","Answer":"OVERDOSED","Explanation":"Definition: had too much\n**O** (ring shaped letter) **+ VERDI** (reference Guiseppe **VERDI**\u00a0[1813 \u2013 1901], Italian composer) **excluding the final letter** (trimmed) **I\u00a0+ an anagram of** (afresh) **DOES**\n **O** **VERD** **OSED***\n\n**OVERDOSED **(had too much)"} {"Clue":"Friend, with surprised comment enjoying good weather (5)","Answer":"PALMY","Explanation":"Definition: good weather\n**PAL** (friend) **+ MY!** (expression of surprise)\n **PAL** **MY**\n\n**PALMY** (I can find lots of definitions around flourishing, glorious, prosperous but none that specifically mention the word being used in terms of weather. The nearest I get is reference to a **PALMY** beach and that's really talking about the **PALM** trees near the beach)"} {"Clue":"Procrastination, though not in a funny set of pictures (8,7)","Answer":"STRIP CARTOON","Explanation":"Definition: set of pictures\n**Anagram of **(funny) **PROCR****A****ST****IN****ATION** **excluding** (not) **IN A**\n **STRIP CARTOON***\n\n**STRIP CARTOON** (set of pictures, which may be funny)"} {"Clue":"Elephant, perhaps, set to nurse sore head, ultimately (9)","Answer":"PACHYDERM","Explanation":"Definition: Elephant, perhaps\n**PERM** (permanent wave; 'set' in hairdressing terminology) **containing** (to nurse) (**ACHY** [sore] **+ D** [**last letter of** {ultimately}] **HEAD**)\n **P** (**ACHY** **D**) **ERM**\n\n**PACHYDERM** (term usually used to classify\u00a0elephants, rhinoceroses, or hippopotamuses)"} {"Clue":"Songs: M Amis et al in arrangement (9)","Answer":"MELISMATA","Explanation":"Definition: Songs\n**Anagram of** (in arrangement) **M AMIS ET AL**\n **MEL****ISMA****TA***\n\n**MELISMATA** (songs)"} {"Clue":"Last characters in Staines dressed up in the highest of fashion (9)","Answer":"SNAZZIEST","Explanation":"Definition: the highest of fashion\n(**Z** [final letter of the alphabet] **twice** [last characters]) **contained in** (in) a**n anagram of **(dressed up) **STAINES**\n **SNA** (**Z Z**) **IEST***\n\n**SNAZZIEST** (most fashionable)"} {"Clue":"Husband reliable when taking out son and dog (5)","Answer":"HOUND","Explanation":"Definition: dog\n**H** (husband) **+ SOUND** (reliable) **excluding** (taking out) **S** (son)\n **H** **OUND**\n\n**HOUND** (dog)"} {"Clue":"Most of the booze is picked up late in the day (5)","Answer":"NIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: late in the day\n(**THE** **excluding the final letter** [most of] **E**\u00a0**+ GIN** [example of an alcoholic drink; booze) **all reversed** (picked up)\n (**NIG** **HT**)<\n\n**NIGHT** (late in the day)"} {"Clue":"French city is home to English relative (5)","Answer":"NIECE","Explanation":"Definition: relative\n**NICE** (French city) **containing** (is home to) **E** (English)\n **NI** (**E**) **CE**\n\n**NIECE** (a relative)"} {"Clue":"Hide rent evidence, with tenants having loose morals? (7)","Answer":"SCARLET","Explanation":"Definition: having loose morals\n**SCAR** (mark left by a wound or sore; which effectively hides the evidence of a rent or tear of the skin) **+ LET** (descriptive of a property with tenants)\n **SCAR** **LET**\n\n**SCARLET** (descriptive of a person with loose morals)"} {"Clue":"POW aches, beaten with hands bound (7)","Answer":"CHARLES","Explanation":"Definition: POW\n**Anagram of **(beaten) **ACHES** **containin**g (with \u2026 bound) (**R** [right] +\u00a0**L** [left];\u00a0hands)\n **CHA** (**R****L**) **ES***\n\n**CHARLES** (presumably a term to describe a prisoner of war)\n I can't find any dictionary definition relating charles to pow or POW (prisoner of war). The nearest I get is Charlie referring to a member of the Vietcong."} {"Clue":"Single individual in unspoiled situation (9)","Answer":"UNMARRIED","Explanation":"Definition: Single\n**I** (Roman numeral for one [individual]) **contained in** (in \u2026 situation) **UNMARRED** (unspoiled)\n **UNMARR** (**I**) **ED**\n\n**UNMARRIED** (single)"} {"Clue":"Linesman valued being regularly selected (5)","Answer":"AUDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Linesman\n**AUDEN** (**letters 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10** [regularly selected] of **VALUED BEING**)\n **AUDEN**\n\n**AUDEN** (reference the writer of lines of verse [poet; linesman] **W H AUDEN** [1907 \u2013 1973])"} {"Clue":"Authority for Scot taking orders \u2013 or Scotty? (4)","Answer":"KIRK","Explanation":"Definition: Authority for Scot taking orders\n**KIRK** (church, in any sense; sometimes specially applied to the Church of Scotland, therefore the protestant authority for a Scot taking holy orders)\n **KIRK**\n\n**KIRK** (reference Captain James T **KIRK**, captain [authority] of the Starship Enterprise in the first series of Star Trek when Scotty was the engineer)"} {"Clue":"Holding back cast, Andie fell short (just a little) (4-6)","Answer":"SELF DENIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Holding back\n**Anagram of **(cast) **ANDIE FELL** and **S** {**first letter of** [just a little] **SHORT**)\n **SELF****\u2013****DENIAL***\n\n**SELF DENIAL** (forbearing to gratify one's own appetites or desires; holding back)"} {"Clue":"My love never touching your heart? (8)","Answer":"CORONARY","Explanation":"Definition: touching your heart\n**COR** (gosh!; my!) **+ O** (zero; love score in tennis) **+ NARY** (never)\n **COR** **O** **NARY** \n\n**CORONARY** (relating to your heart and parts of the body around the heart)"} {"Clue":"Jesus, the baby's coming \u2013 plug hole! (6)","Answer":"ADVENT","Explanation":"Definition: Jesus, the baby's coming\n**AD** (advert; plug) **+ VENT** (opening; hole)\n **AD** **VENT**\n\n**ADVENT** (the period immediately before the Christian festival of the Nativity; Jesus, the baby's is coming)"} {"Clue":"Picked up grains one after another (6)","Answer":"SERIAL","Explanation":"Definition: one after another\n**SERIAL** (**sounds like** [picked up] **CEREAL** [grains])\n **SERIAL**\n\n**SERIAL** (one after another)"} {"Clue":"Site security guards California bachelor's Aspen residence, say (3,5)","Answer":"LOG CABIN","Explanation":"Definition: Aspen residence, say \n**LOGIN** (an element of [web]site security) **containing** (guards) (**CA** [California] **+ B** [Bachelor])\n **LOG** (**CA** **B**) **IN**\n\n**LOG CABIN** (hut built of cut or uncut logs; accommodation associated with Aspen Colorado)"} {"Clue":"Maiden given ring, so mating, possibly? (10)","Answer":"MONOGAMIST","Explanation":"Definition: Maiden given ring, so mating, possibly\n**M** (maiden) **+**** O** (ring shaped letter) + **an anagram of **(possibly) (so mating) **SO MATING**\n **M O NOGAMIST***\n\n**MONOGAMIST** (person married to one husband or wife at a time; the giving of a ring may indicate engagement and therefore the\u00a0strong likelihood of mating)"} {"Clue":"Individual French letters a must for those coming (1,1,1,1)","Answer":"R S V P","Explanation":"Definition: a must for those coming\n**RSVP** (abbreviation for Respondez S'il Vous Plais; individual letters for an abbreviation of French phrase [letters])\n **RSVP**\n\n**R S V P**** **(please reply; something required for those invited to attend)"} {"Clue":"Drop neckline? (5)","Answer":"NOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Drop neckline\n**NOOSE** (a rope or line that is\u00a0put round one's neck before execution by hanging)\n **NOOSE**\n\n**NOOSE** (execution by hanging involves dropping the victim through a trapdoor)"} {"Clue":"Dressed in frilly lace, 'Kiss me!' Di rashly declared (9)","Answer":"EXCLAIMED","Explanation":"Definition: declared\n(**X** [symbol for a kiss] **contained in** [dressed in] **an anagram of** [frilly] **LACE**) **+ an anagram of** (rashly) **ME DI**\n **E** (**X**) **CLA*** **IMED***\n\n**EXCLAIMED **(declared)"} {"Clue":"Endures meals with volume consumed dramatically increased (7)","Answer":"SUFFERS","Explanation":"Definition: Endures\n**SU****PP****ERS** (meal) with (**PP** [pianissimo [very softly] **replaced by** [with volume increased] **FF** (fortissimo [very loudly])\n **SU****FF****ERS**\n\n**SUFFERS** (endures)"} {"Clue":"Not concluding service stops 16 27 finally taking top spot (7)","Answer":"ETERNAL","Explanation":"Definition: Not concluding\n**E** (**last letter of** [finally] **FACE** [the entry at 27 down]) **+** (**RN** [Royal Navy; an armed service] **contained in** [stops] **TEAL** [any of several kinds of small freshwater duck, **DUCK** is the entry at 16 down])\n The **E** of **FACE** is at the beginning because it takes the top spot in a down entry\n **E** **TE** (**RN**) **AL**\n\n**ETERNAL** (without beginning or end; not concluding)"} {"Clue":"Lie low when king's in a bad mood (5)","Answer":"SKULK","Explanation":"Definition: Lie low\n**K** (king) **contained in** (in) **SULK** (bad mood)\n **S** (**K**) **ULK**\n\n**SKULK** (lurk; malinger; lie low)"} {"Clue":"One who fancies being unhappily married (7)","Answer":"ADMIRER","Explanation":"Definition: One who fancies\n**Anagram of** (unhappily) **MARRIED**\n **ADMIRER***\n\n**ADMIRER** (one who has a high opinion of; one who fancies)"} {"Clue":"In speech, extol virtues of old husband (4)","Answer":"LORD","Explanation":"Definition: old husband\n**LORD** (**sounds like** [in speech] **LAUD** [praise; extol virtues of])\n **LORD**\n\n**LORD** (archaic [old] term for husband)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps 'Floss' writer's rejected essay (8)","Answer":"TOILETRY","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps 'Floss' \n**ELIOT** (reference George **ELIOT** [writer, 1819 \u2013 1880], author of the Mill on the Floss) **reversed** (rejected) **+**** ****TR****Y** (attempt; essay)\n **TOILE**< **TRY**\n\n**TOILETRY** (dental floss is an item of **TOILETRY**)"} {"Clue":"Categorise Carrie at first extremely flirty, hiding misguided nuptial agreement (6)","Answer":"CODIFY","Explanation":"Definition: Categorise \n**C** (**first letter of** [at first] **CARRIE**) **+ FY** [**first and last letters of** {extremely}] **FLIRTY)** **containing** (hiding) **an anagram of** (misguided) **I DO** (agreement intonated at a wedding [nuptial] ceremony)\n **C** (**OD****I***) **FY**\n\n**CODIFY** (categorise)"} {"Clue":"Come to a sad party (5)","Answer":"AWAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Come to\n**A** **+**** WAKE** (gathering after a funeral; sad party)\n **A** **WAKE**\n\n**AWAKE** (come to)"} {"Clue":"I hate the new filling for ruddy lo-cal sandwiches (7)","Answer":"LUDDITE","Explanation":"Definition: I hate the new\n**LITE** (low calorie) **containing** (sandwiches) **UDD** (**central letters of** [filling for] **RUDDY**)\n **L** (**UDD**) **ITE**\n\n**LUDDITE** (an opponent of technical innovation; one who hates the new)"} {"Clue":"Maybe queen when alone wearing a skimpy top? (9)","Answer":"SINGLETON","Explanation":"Definition: aybe queen when alone\n**SINGLET** (skimpy top) **+ ON** (having on; wearing)\n **SINGLET** **ON**\n\n**SINGLETON** (descriptive of a court card [queen for example] when it's the only one of its suit in\u00a0a hand of cards)"} {"Clue":"German nation retains female Chancellor (4)","Answer":"ANNA","Explanation":"Definition: female Chancellor\n**ANNA** (**hidden word in** [retains] **GERMAN NATION**)\n **ANNA**\n\n**ANNA** (reference **ANNA** Chancellor [born 1965], film, television and theatre actress)"} {"Clue":"Windows fixes needing a second installation (9)","Answer":"CASEMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Windows\n**CEMENTS** (fixes) **containing** (needing \u2026 installation) (**A** + **S** [second])\n **C** (**A**** ****S**) **EMENTS**\n\n**CASEMENTS** (windows)"} {"Clue":"Avoid expression of affection (4)","Answer":"DUCK","Explanation":"Definition: Avoid\n**DUCK** (take avoiding action)\n **DUCK**\n\n**DUCK** (term of endearment) double definition"} {"Clue":"It's green and sacred, with dead buried (4,4)","Answer":"GODS ACRE","Explanation":"Definition: It's green and sacred, with dead buried \n**GO** (green signal means **GO**) **+ ****SACRE****D** with the **D** of **SACRED** **moved and contained between** (buried) **GO** and the remaining letters **SACRE**\n **GO** (**D**) **S ACRE**\n\n**GODS ACRE** (cemetery; with dead buried)"} {"Clue":"Help! Cymbal clanger onto fine filly put an end to conversation (4,3)","Answer":"RING OFF","Explanation":"Definition: put an end to conversation\n**RINGO** (reference **RINGO** Starr [drummer and cymbal clanger of The Beatles group. The Beatles were the stars of the film Help!) + **F** (fine) **+ F** (filly)\n **RING O** **F** **F**\n\n**RING OFF** (put en end to a [telephone] conversation)"} {"Clue":"Reception for his jokes? (4,3)","Answer":"BEST MAN","Explanation":"Definition: Reception for his jokes\n**BEST MAN** (one of the key speakers at a wedding reception)\n **BEST MAN**\n\n**BEST MAN** (the** BEST MAN** is expected to crack a number of jokes about the groom)"} {"Clue":"Journalists in peril \u2013 their bosses receiving award (6)","Answer":"EMBEDS","Explanation":"Definition: Journalists in peril\n**EDS** (editors; employers of journalists) **containing** (receiving) **MBE** (Member of the British Empire; award)\n **E** (**MBE**) **DS**\n\n**EMBEDS** (journalist reporting from alongside front line troops in battle; journalists in peril)"} {"Clue":"Initially glum, Lydia embraces Bernard, establishing grounds for church (5)","Answer":"GLEBE","Explanation":"Definition: Journalists in peril\n**EDS** (editors; employers of journalists) **containing** (receiving) **MBE** (Member of the British Empire; award)\n **E** (**MBE**) **DS**\n\n**EMBEDS** (journalist reporting from alongside front line troops in battle; journalists in peril)"} {"Clue":"Page boys get tandem going (5)","Answer":"PEDAL","Explanation":"Definition: get tandem going\n**P** (page) **+** (**ED** [boy's name] **+ AL** [boy's name]; boys)\n **P** **ED** **AL**\n\n**PEDAL** (get a bike [for example, a tandem] going)"} {"Clue":"Following perfect service, confront what's beneath the veil (4)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: confront\n**F** (following) **+ ACE** (a perfect serve in tennis)\n **F** **ACE**\n\ntwo different definitions\n **FACE** (confront) \n **FACE** (part of the body often hidden by a veil)"} {"Clue":"Charlie, Benny and Jimmy, perhaps, getting colds (6)","Answer":"CHILLS","Explanation":"Definition: colds\n**C** (cocaine [Charlie]) **+ HILLS** (reference Benny **HILL**, comedian and Jimmy **HILL**, footballer and pundit to give **HILLS**)\n **C** **HILLS**\n\n**CHILLS** (colds)"} {"Clue":"Inappropriately employing young woman to welcome Union leader with gin shot (8)","Answer":"MISUSING","Explanation":"Definition: Inappropriately employing\n(**MISS** [young woman] **containing** [to welcome] **U** [**first letter of** [leader] **UNION**) + **an anagram of** (shot) **GIN**\n **MIS **(**U**)** S ****ING*******\n\n**MISUSING** (inappropriately employing)"} {"Clue":"Top up with urine? That's rash (8)","Answer":"ERUPTION","Explanation":"Definition: rash\n**Anagram of** (up) **TOP** and **URINE**\n **ERU****PT****I****O****N***\n\n**ERUPTION** (rash of spots on the skin)"} {"Clue":"A striking face and stout heart make for handsome youth (6)","Answer":"APOLLO","Explanation":"Definition: handsome youth\n**A** **+ POLL** (blunt end of the head of a hammer; striking face) **+ O** (**middle letter of** [heart] **STOUT**)\n **A** **POLL** **O**\n\n**APOLLO** (extremely handsome young man)"} {"Clue":"One escapes from crises in Arrivals (10)","Answer":"EMERGENCES","Explanation":"Definition: Arrivals\n**EMERGENCIES** (crises) **excluding** (escapes from) **I** (Roman numeral for 1)\n **EMERGENCES**\n\n**EMERGENCES** (first appearances; arrivals)"} {"Clue":"Violently eject 50% of faeces out of sump (4)","Answer":"SPIT","Explanation":"Definition: Violently eject\n**CESSPIT** (sump) **excluding** (out of)** CES** (**three of the six** [50%] **letters of FAECES**)\n **SPIT**\n\n**SPIT **(violently eject)"} {"Clue":"It's grotesque to use mouthwash to entertain young male with shaved head (8)","Answer":"GARGOYLE","Explanation":"Definition: It's grotesque\n**GARGLE** (use mouthwash) **containing **(to entertain) (**B****OY** [young male] **excluding the first letter** [with shaved head] **B**)\n **GARG** (**OY**) **LE**\n\n**GARGOYLE** (grotesquely carved head or figure, projecting from a roof-gutter)"} {"Clue":"God's present fruit (6)","Answer":"RAISIN","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\n**RA** (ancient Egyptian sun god) **+ IS **+** IN** (present)\n **RA** **IS** **IN**\n\n**RAISIN** (dried grape; fruit)"} {"Clue":"Second crash happened unexpectedly (6)","Answer":"SPRANG","Explanation":"Definition: happened unexpectedly\n**S** (second) **+ PRANG** (crash)\n **S** **PRANG**\n\n**SPRANG** (happened suddenly; happened unexpectedly)"} {"Clue":"Had a nice cocktail in famous nightclub (8)","Answer":"HACIENDA","Explanation":"Definition: famous nightclub\n**Anagram of** (cocktail) **HAD A NICE**\n **HACIENDA***\n\n**HACIENDA** (night club and music venue in Manchester, England, which became famous in the Manchester years of the 1980s and early 1990s)"} {"Clue":"Heard urgent call to release bricks (4)","Answer":"LEGO","Explanation":"Definition: bricks\n**LEGO** (**sounds like** [heard] **LET GO** [urgent call to release])\n **LEGO**\n\n**LEGO** (\u00a0toy consisting of small interlocking plastic pieces, principally bricks for constructing model buildings)"} {"Clue":"Fifty involved in perverted lathering session that goes on until dawn (3-7)","Answer":"ALL-NIGHTER","Explanation":"Definition: session that goes on until dawn\n**L** (Roman numeral for 50) **contained in** (involved in) **an anagram of** (perverted) **LATHERING**\n **AL** (**L**) **NIGHTER***\n\n**ALL-NIGHTER** (a session that goes on until dawn)"} {"Clue":"Display preoccupation (4-2)","Answer":"HANG-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Display\n**HANG UP** (display a painting or similar)\n **HANG-UP**\n\n**HANG-UP** (problem about which one is obsessed or preoccupied) double definition although one definition requires a hyphen and one doesn't"} {"Clue":"Top tip to tantalise with each afternoon meal (5,3)","Answer":"CREAM TEA","Explanation":"Definition: afternoon meal\n**CREAM** (elite; top) **+ T** (**first letter of** [tip to] **TANTALISE**) **+ EA** (each)\n **CREAM** **T** **EA**\n\n**CREAM TEA** (afternoon meal)"} {"Clue":"They are very smelly, small mischievous children (8)","Answer":"STINKERS","Explanation":"Definition: They are very smelly\n**S** (small) +** TINKERS** (rascals; mischievous children)\n **S** **TINKERS**\n\n**STINKERS** (things that are very smelly)"} {"Clue":"Maybe a report on the radio irritates (6)","Answer":"ANNOYS","Explanation":"Definition: irritates\n**ANNOYS** (**sounds like** [on the radio] **A NOISE** [report])\n **ANNOYS**\n\n**ANNOYS** (irritates)"} {"Clue":"Run married women's quarters (4)","Answer":"HAREM","Explanation":"Definition: women's quarters\n**HARE** (run) **+ M** (married)\n **HARE** **M**\n\n**HAREM** (women's quarters in a Muslim house)"} {"Clue":"Retuning to fight off outcast (5)","Answer":"LEPER","Explanation":"Definition: outcast \n**REPEL** (fight off)** reversed** (returning) \n **LEPER**<\n\n**LEPER** (outcast)"} {"Clue":"Maliciously restrained by self-styled inspector from the south (4)","Answer":"SNIDELY","Explanation":"Definition: Maliciously\n**SNIDELY** (**hidden word** [restrained by] **reversed** [from the south; down clue] in** SELF-STYLED INSPECTOR**)\n **SNIDELY**<\n\n**SNIDELY** (maliciously)"} {"Clue":"One of Tati's masterpieces? Not originally released, it's in the eye of the beholder (7)","Answer":"MONOCLE","Explanation":"Definition: it's in the eye of the beholder \n**MON ONCLE** (1958 comedy film by French filmmaker Jacques Tati) **excluding** (released) **N** (**the first letter of** [originally] **NOT**)\n **MONOCLE**\n\n**MONOCLE** (single eyeglass; which could be in the eye of an observer\u00a0[beholder])"} {"Clue":"More sporadic flights over half of beer (7)","Answer":"SPARSER","Explanation":"Definition: More sporadic\n**SPARS** (fights) **+ ER** (**2 of 4** [50%] **letters of** **BEER**)\n **SPARS** **ER**\n\n**SPARSER** (mores sporadic)"} {"Clue":"Picts: one's designed one of their national symbols? (5,4)","Answer":"SCOTS PINE","Explanation":"Definition: one of their national symbols\n**Anagram of** (designed) **PICTS ONE'S**\n **SC****O****T****S**** PI****NE***\n\n**SCOTS PINE** (tree; possibly national symbol of the Picts who are closely associated with the North East of Scotland)"} {"Clue":"If nude, I'll somehow be rendered ineffective (9)","Answer":"NULLIFIED","Explanation":"Definition: rendered ineffective\n**Anagram of **(somehow) **IF NUDE I'LL**\n **NU****LLIFI****ED***\n\n**NULLIFIED** (rendered ineffective)"} {"Clue":"A little application and skill required to make a sweet treat (5,4)","Answer":"APPLE TART","Explanation":"Definition: sweet treat\n**APPLET** (a small\u00a0computer program [application]) + **ART** (skill)\n **APPLE** **T** **ART**\n\n**APPLE TART **(dessert; sweet treat)"} {"Clue":"Historic county in Vogue? (9)","Answer":"GLAMORGAN","Explanation":"Definition: Historic county\n**GLAM** (glamorous) **+ ORGAN** (magazine) \u2013 Vogue could be described as a glamorous magazine\n \u00a0\n\n**GLAMORGAN** (historic county of Wales)"} {"Clue":"Get to grips with Greek technology company (7)","Answer":"GRAPPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Get to grips with\n**GR** (Greek) **+ APPLE** (technology company)\n \u00a0\n\n**GRAPPLE** (get to grips with)"} {"Clue":"Things spiral as hell nearly freezes over (7)","Answer":"HELICES","Explanation":"Definition: Things spiral \n**HELL** **excluding the final lette**r (nearly) **L** **+ ICES** (freezes over)\n **HEL** **ICES**\n\n**HELICES** (screw-shaped coils; things spiral)"} {"Clue":"Agree with beginning to restrain a monster (7)","Answer":"CHIMERA","Explanation":"Definition: monster\n**CHIME** (agree of sound or relation) **+ R** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **RESTRAIN**) **+ A**\n **CHIME** **R** **A**\n\n**CHIMERA** (fabled fire-spouting monster, with a lion's head, a serpent's tail, and a goat's body)"} {"Clue":"Former tennis player loses a point to become the most powerful person in the universe? (2-3)","Answer":"HE-MAN","Explanation":"Definition: most powerful person in the universe\n**HENMAN** (reference Tin **HE****N****MAN**, retired [former] British tennis player) **excluding** (losing) **N** (North, point of the compass)\n **HE-MAN**\n\n**HE-MAN** (as defined by Chambers in one of there more cryptic forms, man of exaggerated or extreme virility, or what some women consider to be virility. Possibly in a comic somewhere also defined as the most powerful person in the universe)"} {"Clue":"Opposition fighters to be sent back, in case of emergency (5)","Answer":"ENEMY","Explanation":"Definition: Opposition\n**MEN** (soldiers; fighters) **reversed** (to be sent back) **contained in** (in) **EY** (**first and last letters of **[case of] **EMERGENCY**)\n **E** **NEM**< **Y**\n\n**ENEMY** (opposition)"} {"Clue":"The Goldwood Trial (6)","Answer":"ORDEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Trial\n**OR **(gold) **+ DEAL** (soft wood)\n **OR** **DEAL**\n\n**ORDEAL** (severe trial)"} {"Clue":"Load imported by Parisian is cooked snail (8)","Answer":"ESCARGOT","Explanation":"Definition: cooked snail\n**CARGO** (load) **contained in** (imported by) **EST** (French [Parisian] for 'is') \n **ES** (**CARGO**) **T**\n\n**ESCARGOT** ([cooked] edible snail)"} {"Clue":"Suppress line in novel (8)","Answer":"STRANGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Suppress\n**L** (line) **contained in** (in) **STRANGE** (interestingly unusual; novel)\n **STRANG** (**L**) **E**\n\n**STRANGLE** (suppress)"} {"Clue":"Denied first time in having valid will for assets (6)","Answer":"ESTATE","Explanation":"Definition: assets\n**TESTATE** (having made and left a valid will) **excluding** (denied) the first **T** (time)\n **ESTATE** \n\n**ESTATE** (total possessions; assets)"} {"Clue":"Perverse Pierre drops guts in prison division (6)","Answer":"WARPED","Explanation":"Definition: Perverse\n**PE** (**PIERRE** **excluding** [drops] **the central letters** [guts] **IERR**) **contained in** (in) **WARD** (division or department of a prison)\n **WAR** (**PE**) **D**\n\n**WARPED** (perverted)"} {"Clue":"Cruel and stupid to constrict busy sound (8)","Answer":"INHUMANE","Explanation":"Definition: Cruel\n**INANE** (senseless; stupid) **containing** (to constrict) **HUM** (the noise of [busy] bees often extended to denote the sound of a hive of activity; busy sound)\n **IN** (**HUM**) **ANE**\n\n**INHUMANE** (cruel)"} {"Clue":"Old leg-breaker buried each in ground (6,6)","Answer":"RICHIE BENAUD","Explanation":"Definition: Old leg-breaker\n**Anagram of **(ground) **BURIED EACH IN** \n **RI****CHI****E B****ENA****UD***\n\n**RICHIE BENAUD** (reference **RICHIE BENAUD** [1930-2015], Australian leg-spin bowler and commentator)"} {"Clue":"Doctrine is set in Roman reworking (12)","Answer":"NESTORIANISM","Explanation":"Definition: Doctrine\n**Anagram of** **IS SET IN ROMAN**\n **NE****S****TOR****I****ANISM*******\n\n**NESTORIANISM** (the doctrine of **NESTORI**us, patriarch of Constantinople [428-431], who said that the divinity and humanity of Christ were not united in a single self-conscious personality)"} {"Clue":"One's pride displayed on beach in coastal location (3,5)","Answer":"SAN DIEGO","Explanation":"Definition: coastal location\n**SAND** (beach) **+ **I [Roman numeral for one] **+ EGO** (self-worth; pride)\n **SAN** **D** **I** **EGO**\n\n**SAN DIEGO** (city on the coast of California)"} {"Clue":"Miserable face sergeant major wears (6)","Answer":"DISMAL","Explanation":"Definition: Miserable\n**SM** (sergeant major) **contained in** (wears) **DIAL** (face)\n **DI** (**SM**) **AL**\n\n**DISMAL** (miserable)"} {"Clue":"Scot's road in mess (6)","Answer":"HAMISH","Explanation":"Definition: Scot\n**MI** (reference M1 motorway; road) **contained in** (in) **HASH** (mesh)\n **HA** (**MI**) **SH**\n\n**HAMISH** (Scottish name)"} {"Clue":"Capital's decline in endless spiral (8)","Answer":"HELSINKI","Explanation":"Definition: Capital\n**SINK** (decline) **contained in** (in) **HELIX** (spiral) **excluding the final letter** (endless) **X**\n **HEL** (**SINK**) **I**\n\n**HELSINKI **(capital city of Finland)"} {"Clue":"German in ship chasing British monarch (8)","Answer":"BERLINER","Explanation":"Definition: German\n**B** (British) **+ ER** (Elizabeth Regina; [British] monarch) **+ LINER** (ship)\n **B** **ER** **LINER**\n\n**BERLINER** (citizen of **BERLIN**; German)"} {"Clue":"Female keeping back beat to contribute (6)","Answer":"DONATE","Explanation":"Definition: contribute\n**DOE** (female of many animals) **containing** (keeping) **TAN** (beat) **reversed** (back)\n **DO** (**NAT**)< **E**\n\n**DONATE** (contribute)"} {"Clue":"Trade union in retreat overturned custom (6)","Answer":"RITUAL","Explanation":"Definition: custom\n**TU** (Trade Union) **contained in** (in) (**LAIR** [retreat] **reversed** [overturned])\n **RI** (**TU**) **AL**<\n\n**RITUAL** (custom)"} {"Clue":"Infuriated snake in river and goddess in road (11)","Answer":"EXASPERATED","Explanation":"Definition: Infuriated\n(**ASP** [snake] **contained in** [in] **EXE**\u00a0[river]) **+** (**ATE** [Greek goddess of mischief and of all rash actions and their results] **contained in** [in] **RD** [road])\n **EX** (**ASP**) **E**** R** (**ATE**) **D**\n\n**EXASPERATED** (infuriated)"} {"Clue":"Member on stage (3)","Answer":"LEG","Explanation":"Definition: Member\n**LEG** (limb; member)\n **LEG **(on side in cricket)\n\n**LEG** (stage [of a race]) triple definition"} {"Clue":"Old chairs PM chucked out before prime-time broadcast (7)","Answer":"EMERITI","Explanation":"Definition: Old chairs\n**Anagram of** (broadcast) **PRIME-TIME** **excluding** (chucked out) **PM**\n **EMERITI***\n\n**EMERITI** (retired professors [chairs])"} {"Clue":"Last character in churches gives nationality (5)","Answer":"CZECH","Explanation":"Definition: nationality\n**Z** (last character of the alphabet) **contained in** (in) [**CE** [Church of England] **+ CH** [church] giving churches)\n **C** (**Z**) **E** **CH**\n\n**CZECH** (a nationality)"} {"Clue":"Undeviating routine somewhat brutal (3)","Answer":"RUT","Explanation":"Definition: Undeviating routine\n**RUT **(**hidden word in **[somewhat] **B****RUT****AL**)\n **RUT**\n\n**RUT **(undeviating routine)"} {"Clue":"Bloomer unknown to occur in old language (8)","Answer":"OX-TONGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Bloomer\n**X** (letter frequently used to denote an unknown value in mathematics) **contained in** (occur in) (**O** [old] **+ TONGUE** [language])\n **O** (**X**) **TONGUE**\n\n**OX-TONGUE** (composite plant of the daisy family, with yellow flowers and milky juice; bloomer)"} {"Clue":"Scenery firm in Derby's not near (5)","Answer":"DECOR","Explanation":"Definition: Scenery\n**CO** (company; firm) **contained in** (in) **DERBY** **excluding** (not) **BY** (near)\n **DE** (**CO**) **R**\n\n**DECOR** (scenery and stage embellishments)"} {"Clue":"Release football team getting goal (11)","Answer":"MANUMISSION","Explanation":"Definition: Release\n**MAN U** (Manchester United; football team) **+**** MISSION** (purpose; goal)\n **MAN U** **MISSION**\n\n**MANUMISSION** (release from slavery)"} {"Clue":"Develop physique (5)","Answer":"BUILD","Explanation":"Definition: Develop\n**BUILD** (develop)\n **BUILD**\n\n**BUILD **(physique) double definition"} {"Clue":"Brought about conscious state (8)","Answer":"DELAWARE","Explanation":"Definition: state\n**LED** (brought) **reversed** (about) **+**** AWARE **Lead is given as a synonym for bring in Chambers Thesaurus\n **DEL<** **AWARE**\n\n**DELAWARE **(State of the United States)"} {"Clue":"One more heart on for transplant? (9)","Answer":"ANOTHER","Explanation":"Definition: One more\n**Anagram of** (for transplant) **HEART ON**\n **A****NO****THER***\n\n**ANOTHER** (one more)"} {"Clue":"Exchange old German coin and French (6)","Answer":"MARKET","Explanation":"Definition: Exchange\n**MARK **(old German currency) **+ ET** (French for and)\n **MARK** **ET**\n\n**MARKET** (exchange)"} {"Clue":"Chap first in every test has achieved notoriety (5)","Answer":"ETHAN","Explanation":"Definition: Chap\n**ETHAN** (**first letters of each of** [first in every] **EVERY TEST HAS ACHIEVED NOTORIETY**)\n **ETHAN**\n\n**ETHAN **(man;'s name; chap)"} {"Clue":"Dicky's hostile (3)","Answer":"ILL","Explanation":"Definition: Dicky\n**ILL** (ailing; dicky)\n \u00a0\n\n**ILL** (threatening; hostile) double definition"} {"Clue":"Good riddance to happy and stable employee (3)","Answer":"LAD","Explanation":"Definition: stable employee\n**GLAD** **excluding** (riddance) **G**\n **LAD**\n\n**LAD** (employee in a stableyard)"} {"Clue":"Volte-face as once leading to receiver of votes? (5)","Answer":"U-TURN","Explanation":"Definition: Volte-face\n**UT** (Latin for as, used for as in the past; as once) **+ URN** (ballot box; a collection pot for votes)\n **U-T** **URN**\n\n**U-TURN** (reversal of direction; volte-face)"} {"Clue":"What'll fill empty space, acting as 'Bother! (7)","Answer":"QUADRAT","Explanation":"Definition: What'll fill empty space\n**QUA** (in the capacity of; acting as) **+ DRAT** (bother!)\n **QUA** **DRAT**\n\n**QUADRAT** (piece of type metal less high than the letters, used in spacing between words and filling out blank lines; what'll fill an empty space)"} {"Clue":"Present time, one's own always (5)","Answer":"TODAY","Explanation":"Definition: Present time\n**TOD** (one's own) **+ AY** (always)\n **TOD** **AY**\n\n**TODAY** (present time)"} {"Clue":"Jog in Scotland, unchallenged (5)","Answer":"DUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: Jog\n**DUNCH** (**hidden word in** [in] **SCOTLAND UNCHALLENGED**)\n **DUNCH**\n\n**DUNCH **(Scottish word for to jog or nudge)"} {"Clue":"Ideal male? One following wave in fine weather (8)","Answer":"SUPERMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Ideal male\n(**PERM** [long-lasting artificial wave or curl in hair induced by chemical treatment] **+ A** [one]) **contained in** (in)\u00a0**SUN** [fine weather])\n **SU** (**PERM** **A**) **N**\n\n**SUPERMAN** (ideal man)"} {"Clue":"Exert pressure on man admitting wild lust (6)","Answer":"HUSTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Exert pressure on\n**HE** (man) **containing** (admitting) an **anagram of** (wild) **LUST**\n **H** (**USTL***) **E**\n\n**HUSTLE** (exert pressure on)"} {"Clue":"Elegant Scot's colleague of Willie W.? (4)","Answer":"JIMP","Explanation":"Definition: Elegant Scot's\n**JIM P** (**JIM P**rior) colleague of **Willie W** (**Willie W**hitelaw) in the Conservative Party and governments of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s\n **JIM** **P**\n\n**JIMP** (Scottish word for elegant)"} {"Clue":"Rock sculpture I cast with eolith (11)","Answer":"CHIASTOLITE","Explanation":"Definition: Rock\n**Anagram of** (sculpture) **I CAST** and **EOLITH**\n **C****H****IAST****OLITE***\n\n**CHIASTOLITE** (a variety of andalusite with black cruciform inclusions of carbonaceous matter; rock)"} {"Clue":"Page appears thus to audience willingly as before (4)","Answer":"LIEF","Explanation":"Definition: willingly as before\n**LIEF** (sounds like [appears thus to audience]\u00a0**LEAF** [page])\n **LIEF**\n\n**LIEF** (archaic [as before] word for willingly)"} {"Clue":"Fruit zest favoured with duck (6)","Answer":"PEPINO","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\n**PEP** (zest) **+ IN** (favoured) **+ O** (zero; duck score in cricket)\n **PEP** **IN** **O**\n\n**PEPINO** (purple-striped pale yellow fruit with sweet flesh)"} {"Clue":"One of a pair closing up cheek in chicken (8)","Answer":"CLIPHOOK","Explanation":"Definition: One of a pair\n**CHOOK** (chicken) **containing** (closing up) **LIP** (insolence; cheek)\n **C** (**LIP**) **HOOK**\n\n**CLIPHOOK** (sister-hook; one of a pair of hooks that close each other)"} {"Clue":"Tube ends, most of track dismantled round end of line (5)","Answer":"RECTA","Explanation":"Definition: Tube ends\n**Anagram of **(dismantled) **TRACK** **excluding the final letter** (most of) **K** **containing** (round) **E** (**last letter of** [end of] **LINE**)\n **R** (**E**) **CTA***\n\n**RECTA** (terminal parts of the large intestine; tube ends)"} {"Clue":"Is involved in harvest toiling without shirt \u2013 leaving this? (5)","Answer":"ARISH","Explanation":"Definition: this\n**Anagram of **(toiling) **IS** and **HARVEST** **excluding** (without) **VEST** (shirt)\n **ARISH***\n\n**ARISH** (stubble field; what is left after a field of grain has been harvested)"} {"Clue":"Generation following the rest? One's always glum (7)","Answer":"AGELAST","Explanation":"Definition: One's always glum\n**AGE** (generation) **+ LAST** (the final one following the rest)\n **AGE** **LAST**\n\n**AGELAST** (person who never laughs)"} {"Clue":"Certainly not off? The reverse, foul smelling (5)","Answer":"NOSEY","Explanation":"Definition: foul smelling\n(**YES** [certainly] **+ ON** [not, off]) **all reversed**\u00a0(the reverse of) \n (**NO** **SEY**)<\n\n**NOSEY** (foul smelling)"} {"Clue":"Trained Cairo lady's pets, not a tapir or rhino (13)","Answer":"PERISSODACTYL","Explanation":"Definition: tapir or rhino\n**Anagram of** (trained) **CAIRO LADY** **'S PETS excluding** (not) **A**\n **PE****RI****SS****O****DA****C****TYL***\n\n**PERISSODACTYL** (division of ungulates with an odd number of toes, including the horse, tapir, rhinoceros, and some extinct species)"} {"Clue":"Bit of supporting timber he cut roughly to insert in floor (7)","Answer":"FUTCHEL","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of supporting timber\n**Anagram of** (roughly) **HE CUT** **contained in** (to insert in) **FL** (floor)\n **F** (**UTCHE***)** L**\n\n**FUTCHEL** (piece of timber lengthwise in a carriage, supporting the splinter bar and the pole)"} {"Clue":"White wine, robust and clear, I'm getting in (11)","Answer":"RUDESHEIMER","Explanation":"Definition: White wine\n**RUDE** (robust [of health]) **+** (**I'M** **contained in** [getting in] **SHEER** [clear])\n **RUDE** **SHE** (**IM**)** ER**\n\n**RUDESHEIMER** (white Rhine wine)"} {"Clue":"Peevish fellow saving cents up (4)","Answer":"CRAB","Explanation":"Definition: Peevish fellow\n(**BAR** [with the exception of; saving] **+ C** [cents]) **all reversed **(up; down clue)\n (**C** **RAB**)<\n\n**CRAB** (sour-tempered person)"} {"Clue":"What one puts on \u2013 not the real thing (4)","Answer":"DUDS","Explanation":"Definition: not the real thing\n**DUDS** (counterfeit articles; not the real thing)\n **DUDS**\n\n**DUDS** (poor or ragged clothes; examples of things one might put on) double definition"} {"Clue":"Play: 'The Mad Emperor's Consul'? (5)","Answer":"EQUUS","Explanation":"Definition: Play\n**EQUUS** (genus of animals including horses, asses and zebras; Incitatus was the favoured horse of Roman emperor Caligula (reigned 37\u201341 AD). According to legend, Caligula planned to make Incitatus a *Consul)*.\n **EQUUS**\n\n**EQUUS** (play by Peter Shaffer written in 1973, telling the story of a psychiatrist who attempts to treat a young man who has a pathological religious fascination)"} {"Clue":"NA snake right at the top of a tree (5)","Answer":"RACER","Explanation":"Definition: NA snake\n**R** (right) **+ ACER** (type of tree)\n **R** **ACER**\n\n**RACER** (any of several non-venomous N American snakes of the genus *Coluber*)"} {"Clue":"Very simple Christian, stiffly formal, I visit, converted with time (11)","Answer":"PRIMITIVIST","Explanation":"Definition: Very simple Christian\n**PRIM** (stiffly formal) **+ I + an anagram of** (converted) **VISIT** **+ T** (time)\n **PRIM**** I TIVIS*** **T**\n\n**PRIMITIVIST** (very simple Christian)"} {"Clue":"Rich old hanging, one chaps installed in section (8)","Answer":"PARAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Rich old hanging\n(**A** [one]** + MEN** [chaps]) **contained in** (installed in) **PART** (section)\n **PAR** (**A** **MEN**) **T**\n\n**PARAMENT** (obsolete [old] word meaning rich decoration, hanging, or robe)"} {"Clue":"Where some learn one quarter of full compass (4)","Answer":"ETON","Explanation":"Definition: Where some learn\n**E** (East) **TO N** (North) a phrase describing one quarter of the full compass going anticlockwise (E \u2013 N \u2013 W \u2013 S \u2013 E)\n **E** **TO** **N**\n\n**ETON** (public school near Windsor \/ Slough; where some learn)"} {"Clue":"Antelope, second for hyena, trapped in ravine (5)","Answer":"NYALA","Explanation":"Definition: Antelope\n**Y** (**second letter of** [second for] **HYENA**) **contained in** (trapped in) **NALA** (variant spelling of **NULLA** [ravine])\n **N** (**Y**) **ALA**\n\n**NYALA** (large South African antelope)"} {"Clue":"Remove support from some fun properties (6)","Answer":"UNPROP","Explanation":"Definition: Remove support from\n**UNPROP** (**hidden word** [some] in **FUN PROPERTIES**)\n **UNPROP**\n\n**UNPROP** (remove support from)"} {"Clue":"I clue 'gam' wrongly for 'gum' (8)","Answer":"MUCILAGE","Explanation":"Definition: gum\n**Anagram of** (wrongly) **I CLUE GAM** \n **M****UC****I****L****AG****E***\n\n**MUCILAGE** (gum used as an adhesive)"} {"Clue":"Not claymores Caledonians raised against English? (6)","Answer":"ESTOCS","Explanation":"Definition: Not claymores \n**E** (English) **+ SCOTS** (Caledonians) **reversed** (raised; down clue)\n **E** **STOCS**<\n\n**ESTOCS **(short swords; claymores are large swords)"} {"Clue":"Substance chemist once hypothesized lecturer after elusive trophy (7)","Answer":"PROTHYL","Explanation":"Definition: Substance chemist once hypothesized\n**Anagram of** (elusive) **TROPHY** + **L** (lecturer)\n **PROTHY*** **L**\n\n**PROTHYL** (a name proposed by Sir William Crookes in 1886 for a hypothetical primitive substance from which the chemical elements were thought to have possibly been formed)"} {"Clue":"Fancy women of old? Unproductive when money's involved (5)","Answer":"LEMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Fancy women of old\n**M** (money) **contained in** (when \u2026 involved) **LEAN** (unproductive)\n **LE** (**M**) **AN**\n\n**LEMAN** (archaic [of old] word for lover; a sweetheart; a paramour; later chiefly applied derogatorily to women; fancy women of old)"} {"Clue":"Hinny concealing her tail in tropical trees (5)","Answer":"SHEAS","Explanation":"Definition: Hinny\n**SHE ASS** **excluding** (concealing) **the final letter** (tail) **S**\n **SHEAS**\n Biology was by far my weakest science at school but Chambers tells us that a hinny is** **the offspring of a stallion and a female ass or donkey. I interpret a hinny therefore to be male or female The clue uses the word 'her' thus telling us that we have a female or **SHE ASS**\n\n**SHEAS** (African trees whose seeds yield **SHEA**\u00a0butter, used as a food and in soap manufacture."} {"Clue":"House closed, with a large amount on it (5)","Answer":"LOTTO","Explanation":"Definition: House\n**LOT** (large amount)** + TO** (closed)\n **LOT** **TO**\n\n**LOTTO** (bingo; house)"} {"Clue":"Fellow giving jaw a crack (4)","Answer":"CHAP","Explanation":"Definition: Fellow\n**CHAP** (chop or jaw)\n **CHAP** (crack)\n **CHAP**\n\n**CHAP** (fellow) triple definition"} {"Clue":"Chief providing king with support (4)","Answer":"KAID","Explanation":"Definition: Chief\n**K** (king) **+ AID** (support)\n **K** **AID**\n\n**KAID** (North African chief)"} {"Clue":"Flowers lacking uses for orderly kids (4)","Answer":"CROC","Explanation":"Definition: orderly kids\n**CROCUSES** (flowers) **excluding** (lacking) **USES**\n **CROC**\n\n**CROC** (short for **CROC**odile [a double file of school pupils taking a walk; orderly kids])"} {"Clue":"Hang about \u2013 Cockney's grabbed some money after turning (6)","Answer":"DAWDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Hang about\n('**ELD** [Cockney pronunciation of **HELD** {grabbed}] **+ WAD** [large quantity of money]) **reversed** (after turning)\n (**DAW** **DLE**)<\n\n**DAWDLE** (waste time by trifling; hang about)"} {"Clue":"Lighten a line with float (not first time) (9)","Answer":"ALLEVIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Lighten\n**A** **+ L** (line) **+ LEVITATE** (float) **excluding** (not) the first **T** (time)\n **A** **L** **LEVIATE**\n\n**ALLEVIATE** (mitigate; lighten)"} {"Clue":"Gravitas not originally recalled in representative phrase (5)","Answer":"MOTTO","Explanation":"Definition: representative phrase \n(**BOTTOM** [importance, seriousness; gravitas] **excluding the first letter** [not originally]) **B reversed** (recalled)\n **MOTTO**<\n\n**MOTTO** (representative phrase)"} {"Clue":"Has zero successes, having ignored Independent (4)","Answer":"OWNS","Explanation":"Definition: Has\n**O** (zero) **+** (**WINS** [successes] **excluding** [having ignored] **I** [Independent])\n **O** **WNS**\n\n**OWNS** (has)"} {"Clue":"Company weathered slump \u2013 one having active drive (10)","Answer":"COMPULSION","Explanation":"Definition: drive\n**CO** (company) **+ an anagram of** (weathered) **SLUMP** **+ I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ ON** (active)\n **CO** **MPULS*** **I** **ON**\n\n**COMPULSION** (drive)"} {"Clue":"Stop ignoring Conservative, accommodating revolutionary blue with little difficulty (4-4)","Answer":"EASY-CARE","Explanation":"Definition: with little difficulty\n(**C****EASE** [stop] **excluding** [ignoring] **C** [Conservative]) **containing** (accommodating) (**RACY** [risqu\u00e9; blue] **reversed** [revolutionary])\n **EAS** (**Y CAR**)< **E**\n\n**EASY-CARE** ([can be maintained] with little difficulty)"} {"Clue":"Noted steps taken with this in support (5,5)","Answer":"DANCE FLOOR","Explanation":"Definition: Noted steps taken with this in support\n**DANCE** (move rhythmically [take steps] to music [noted]) + **FLOOR** (support, in this case\u00a0for a **DANCE**r)\n **DANCE ****FLOOR**\n\n**DANCE FLOOR** (where noted steps are taken) cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Has vaguely accepted meaning attached to one oriental city (8)","Answer":"SHANGHAI","Explanation":"Definition: oriental city\n(**Anagram of** [vaguely] **HAS** **containing** [accepted] **HANG** [meaning, as in get the **HANG** of it) **+ ****I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **S** (**HANG**) **HA*** **I**\n\n**SHANGHAI** (Chinese [oriental] city)"} {"Clue":"Laid-back number note discussion about computer network (10)","Answer":"NONCHALANT","Explanation":"Definition: Laid-back\n**NO** (number) **+ N** (note) **+** (**CHAT** [discussion] **containing** [about] **LAN** [Local Area Network])\n **NO** **N** **CHA** (**LAN**) **T**\n\n**NONCHALANT** (laid-back)"} {"Clue":"Vital Bishop should exert grip on French cathedral city (4)","Answer":"ALBI","Explanation":"Definition: French cathedral city\n**ALBI** (**hidden word in** [exert grip] **VITAL BISHOP**)\n **ALBI**\n\n**ALBI** (Cathedral city in southern France)"} {"Clue":"Not easily moved? About to be upset after sign of grief (5)","Answer":"SOBER","Explanation":"Definition: Not easily moved\n**SOB** (weep; show sign of grief) **+** (**RE** [with reference to; about] **reversed **[to be upset])\n **SOB** **ER**<\n\n**SOBER** (rational; not easily moved)"} {"Clue":"Measure of pressure to be put stormily around it (5,4)","Answer":"PITOT TUBE","Explanation":"Definition: Measure of pressure\n**Anagram of **(stormily) **TO BE PUT** **containing** (around) **IT**\n **P** (**IT**) **OT** **TU****BE***\n\n**PITOT TUBE** (tube with openings at one end and one side, placed in a stream of liquid, an airstream, etc, to measure the velocity and pressure of flow, or speed of an aircraft, etc)"} {"Clue":"Son, having cracked beer record, is no longer conscious (6)","Answer":"ASLEEP","Explanation":"Definition: no longer conscious\n**(S** [son] **contained in **[having cracked] **ALE** [beer]) **+ EP** [Extended Play record)\n **A** (**S**) **LE** **EP**\n\n**ASLEEP** (no longer conscious)"} {"Clue":"Seeing a sandal drifting in Mediterranean area (6,7)","Answer":"AEGEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Mediterranean area\n**Anagram of** (drifting) **SEEING A SANDAL**\n **AEGEAN ISLANDS***\n\n**AEGEAN **[**ISLANDS**] (topographic feature [area] in the Mediterranean Sea)"} {"Clue":"Hurry to take in very busy area (4)","Answer":"HIVE","Explanation":"Definition: busy area\n**HIE** (hurry) **containing** (to take in) **V** (very)\n **HI** (**V**) **E**\n\n**HIVE** (scene of great industry; busy area)"} {"Clue":"Coastal site? Overlooking it on a ship (8)","Answer":"SEABOARD","Explanation":"Definition: Coastal\n**SITE** **excluding** (overlooking) **IT** **+ ABOARD** (on a ship)\n **SE** **ABOARD**\n\n**SEABOARD** (country or land bordering the sea; coastal)"} {"Clue":"Finish course for intending politicians in French city (6)","Answer":"DIEPPE","Explanation":"Definition: French city\n**DIE** (finish) **+ PPE** (Philosophy, Politics and Economics, title of a university course often studied by intending politicians)\n **DIE ****PPE**\n\n**DIEPPE** (French city)"} {"Clue":"Encouraged to follow one in German car, up in London suburb (9)","Answer":"WIMBLEDON","Explanation":"Definition: London suburb\n**(I **[Roman numeral for one] **contained in** [in] **BMW** [German car brand]) **reversed** (up) **+ LED ON** (encouraged)\n **W** (**I**) **MB**< **LED ON**\n\n**WIMBLEDON** (London suburb)"} {"Clue":"Collapse of valiant European (7)","Answer":"LATVIAN","Explanation":"Definition: European \n**Anagram of** (collapse of) **VALIANT**\n **LATVIAN***\n\n**LATVIAN** (native of **LATVIA**, a European country)"} {"Clue":"Comeuppance for the pharmacist? (1,4,2,4,3,8)","Answer":"A DOSE OF ONES OWN MEDICINE","Explanation":"Definition: Comeuppance for the pharmacist\n**A DOSE OF ONES OWN MEDICINE **(a pharmacist could give this to him \/ herself)\n **A DOSE OF ONES OWN MEDICINE**\n\n**A DOSE OF ONES OWN MEDICINE** (The same unpleasant experience or treatment that one has given to others; comeuppance) cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Concern about deity's lumbering steed (9)","Answer":"CARTHORSE","Explanation":"Definition: lumbering steed\n**CARE** (concern) **containing** (about) **THOR'S** (**THOR** is the Norse God of Thunder)\n **CAR** (**THORS**) **E**\n\n**CARTHORSE** (lumbering steed)"} {"Clue":"Each tin possibly containing a brew (5,3)","Answer":"CHINA TEA","Explanation":"Definition: brew\n**Anagram of** (possibly) **EACH TIN** **containing** (containing) **A**\n **CHIN** (**A**) **T****EA***\n\n**CHINA TEA** (brew)"} {"Clue":"Collection of works of writer involved in music (7)","Answer":"OMNIBUS","Explanation":"Definition: Collection of works\n**O**' (shortened form of 'of') **+** (**NIB** [writer] **contained in** [involved in] **MUS** [music])\n **O** **M** (**NIB**) **US**\n\n**OMNIBUS** (collection of works)"} {"Clue":"He left beloved one? That's extremely significant (7)","Answer":"HELLUVA","Explanation":"Definition: extremely significant\n**HE** **+**** L** (left) **+ LUV** (beloved one) **+ A** (one)\n **HE** **L** **LUV** **A**\n\n**HELLUVA** (very; extremely significant)"} {"Clue":"Extravagant friends? (4-2)","Answer":"SLAP-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Extravagant\n**SLAP-UP **could be a cryptic clue for **PALS** (friends) \u2013 **SLAP** **reversed** [**UP**]\n **SLAP-UP**\n\n**SLAP-UP** (extravagant)"} {"Clue":"Amongst things to see, mark new events for men (4,6)","Answer":"STAG NIGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: events for men\n(**TAG** [mark] **+ N** [new]) **contained in** (amongst) **SIGHTS** (things to see)\n **S** (**TAG** **N**) **IGHTS**\n\n**STAG NIGHTS** (events for men)"} {"Clue":"Collar head of Yard easily remembered? (6)","Answer":"CATCHY","Explanation":"Definition: easily remembered\n**CATCH** (collar) **+ Y** (**first letter of** [head of] **YARD**\n **CATCH** **Y**\n\n**CATCHY** (descriptive of a tune that is easily remembered)"} {"Clue":"Ciphers broken by males with no things to go on (8)","Answer":"COMMODES","Explanation":"Definition: things to go on\n**CODES** (ciphers) **containing** (broken by)\u00a0(**M** [male] **+ M** [males] to give males **+ O** [nothing;\u00a0not any; no]) \n **CO** (**M** **M** **O**) **DES**\n\n**COMMODES** (chairs containing chamber pots; things to go on)"} {"Clue":"In one action, anatomist gutted a butterfly? (2,1,6)","Answer":"AT A STROKE","Explanation":"Definition: In one action\n**AT** (**letters remaining in** **ANATOMIST** **when the central letter** **NATOMIS are removed** [gutted]) **+ A + STROKE** (butterfly is an example of a swimming stroke)\n **AT ****A**** ****STROKE**\n\n**AT A STROKE **(in one action)"} {"Clue":"Clamour over detaining German dog (5)","Answer":"DINGO","Explanation":"Definition: dog\n(**DIN** [clamour] **+ O** [over in cricket notation]) **containing** (detaining) **G** (German)\n **DIN** (**G**) **O**\n\n**DINGO** (Australian wild dog)"} {"Clue":"Nuns see racy jiggling more than is called for (11)","Answer":"UNNECESSARY","Explanation":"Definition: more than is called for\n**Anagram of** (jiggling) **NUNS SEE RACY**\n **UNN****ECE****S****SARY***\n\n**UNNECESSARY** (more than is called for)"} {"Clue":"Do behave (3)","Answer":"ACT","Explanation":"Definition: Do\n**ACT**** **(do)\n **ACT**\n\n**ACT **(behave) double definition"} {"Clue":"Yob going round tree to spend a penny or two? (4,3)","Answer":"LASH OUT","Explanation":"Definition: spend a penny or two\n**LOUT** (yob) **containing** (going round) **ASH** (example of a tree)\n **L** (**ASH**) **OUT**\n\n**LASH OUT **(spend extravagantly; spend a penny or two)"} {"Clue":"I lie lazily about learner luxury cars clipped (6)","Answer":"LOLLER","Explanation":"Definition: I lie lazily about\n**L** (learner) + (**R****OLLER****S** [Rolls Royces {luxury cars}] **excluding the outside letters **[clipped] **R** and **S**)\n **L** **OLLER**\n\n**LOLLER** (someone who lies lazily about)"} {"Clue":"You mostly called America another world (6)","Answer":"URANUS","Explanation":"Definition: another world\n**U** (text speak for you) **+ RANG** (called) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **G** + **US** (United States; American)\n **U** **RAN** **US**\n\n**URANUS** (planet; another world)"} {"Clue":"Advice on clues in need of a new approach (7)","Answer":"COUNSEL","Explanation":"Definition: Advice\n**Anagram of **(in need of a new approach **ON CLUES** \n **C****O****U****N****SEL***\n\n**COUNSEL** (advice)"} {"Clue":"Private parts essential to wow and awe one (3)","Answer":"OWN","Explanation":"Definition: Private\n**OWN** (**middle letters** [parts essential] of each of **WOW**, **AWE** and **ONE**)\n **OWN**\n\n**OWN** (personal; individual; private)"} {"Clue":"Bacon for one table, in haze, gets mixed up (11)","Answer":"ELIZABETHAN","Explanation":"Definition: Bacon for one\n**Anagram of **(gets mixed up) **TABLE IN HAZE **\n **EL****IZ****AB****E****T****HAN***\n\n**ELIZABETHAN** (reference Sir Francis Bacon [1561 \u2013 1626], an Elizabethan philosopher, statesman and scientist)"} {"Clue":"Some beer tins spun round can be explosive stuff (5)","Answer":"NITRE","Explanation":"Definition: explosive stuff\n**NITRE** **(hidden word** [some] **reversed** [spun round] in **BEER TINS**)\n **NITRE**<\n\n**NITRE** (a chemical that is used in explosives)"} {"Clue":"Board in pursuit of proposal fit for cultivation (9)","Answer":"PLANTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: fit for cultivation\n**PLAN** (proposal) **+ TABLE** (board)\n **PLAN** **TABLE**\n\n**PLANTABLE** (fit for cultivation)"} {"Clue":"Step away from date? Certainly, darling (8)","Answer":"TREASURE","Explanation":"Definition: darling\n**TREAD** [step] **excluding** [away from] **D** [date] **+ SURE** (certainly)\n **TREA** **SURE**\n\n**TREASURE** (term of endearment; darling)"} {"Clue":"Hoskins is involved in groups backing strikes (6)","Answer":"SMITES","Explanation":"Definition: strikes\n(**I'M** (Hoskins is the crossword setter) **contained in** [is involved] **SETS** [groups]) **all reversed** (backing)\n (**S** (**M'I**) **TES**)<\n\n**SMITES** (strikes)"} {"Clue":"Bash clue about something a priest gets into? (8)","Answer":"CHASUBLE","Explanation":"Definition: omething a priest gets into\n**Anagram of **(about) **BASH CLUE **\n **C****HAS****U****B****LE*******\n\n**CHASUBLE** (sleeveless vestment worn over the alb by the priest while celebrating Mass)"} {"Clue":"Labour's leader unseated in this? (5)","Answer":"TRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Labour's leader unseated in this\n**TRAIN** \u2013 I think this is a reference to a reported\u00a0incident last year when the Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn was unable to get a seat on a Virgin East Coast **TRAIN** and was photographed sitting on the floor.\n **TRAIN**\n\n**TRAIN"} {"Clue":"A particular role that requires no top (3)","Answer":"HAT","Explanation":"Definition: A particular role\n**THAT excluding** (no) **the first letter** (top; down entry) **T**\n **HAT**\n\n**HAT** (reference the phrase 'wear several **HAT**s' describing someone undertaking different roles within the one project)"} {"Clue":"Altogether done with a vacuous liberal (7)","Answer":"OVERALL","Explanation":"Definition: Altogether\n**OVER** (done) **+ A + LL** (**the letters remaining in** **L****IBERA****L** **when the central letters IBERA are removed** [vacuous])\n **OVER** **A** **LL**\n\n**OVERALL** (altogether)"} {"Clue":"Top boys I muddle up (5,6)","Answer":"MIDDY BLOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Top\n**Anagram of** (up) **BOYS I MUDDLE**\n **MIDD****Y B****L****O****U****S****E***\n\n**MIDDY BLOUSE** (a loose **BLOUSE**\u00a0[top] worn, especially formerly, by women and especially children, having a collar with a broad flap at the back in the style of a sailor's uniform)"} {"Clue":"Some clobber crap a soothsayer put about (9)","Answer":"DUNGAREES","Explanation":"Definition: Some clobber\n**DUNG** (excrement, crap) **+ A + ****SEER** (soothsayer) **reversed** (put about)\n **DUNG** **A** **REES**<\n\n**DUNGAREES** (work overalls; clothes; some clobber)"} {"Clue":"Spirits crack without topside of roast (and seconds) (6)","Answer":"SHORTS","Explanation":"Definition: Spirits\n**SHOTS **(cracks) **containin**g (outside; without) **R** (**first letter of **[topside of] **ROAST**)\n **SHO** (**R**) **TS**\n\n**SHORTS** (small glasses of spirits)"} {"Clue":"Restriction regarding cuddling Soprano in bed (6)","Answer":"CORSET","Explanation":"Definition: Restriction\n(**RE** [regarding] **containing** **S** [soprano]) **all contained in** (in) **COT** (bed)\n **CO** (**R** (**S**) **E**) **T**\n\n**CORSET** (restrictive garment; also controls imposed by the Bank of England to restrict banks' capacity to lend)"} {"Clue":"Something one prizes most? Meat and two veg! (5,6)","Answer":"CROWN JEWELS","Explanation":"Definition: Something one prizes most\n**CROWN JEWELS** (male genitalia,also defined by 'meat and two veg')\n **CROWN JEWELS**\n\n**CROWN JEWELS** (something that one prizes most) double definition"} {"Clue":"An accessory of criminal in stir gets brief (6,3)","Answer":"STRING TIE","Explanation":"Definition: An accessory\n**Anagram of **(criminal) **IN STIR** and **GETS** **excluding the final letter** [brief] **S**\n **STR****ING**** ****T****I****E***\n\n**STRING TIE** (clothing accessory)"} {"Clue":"Tart needles on and off, but also flatters (8)","Answer":"FLANNELS","Explanation":"Definition: flatters\n**FLAN** (tart) **+ NELS** (**letters 1, 3, 5 and 7** [on and off] of **N****E****E****D****L****E****S****S**)\n **FLAN** **NELS**\n\n**FLANNELS **(flatters)"} {"Clue":"Fielder that's a victim of icy conditions? (7)","Answer":"SLIPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Fielder\n**SLIPPER**** **(one who may be a victim of icy conditions)\n **SLIPPER**\n\n**SLIPPER** (cricket fielder)"} {"Clue":"Bend over barrel for a potential strangler! (6)","Answer":"CRAVAT","Explanation":"Definition: potential strangler\n**ARC** (bend) **reversed** (over) **+ VAT** (barrel)\n **CRA**< **VAT**\n\n**CRAVAT** (formal neckerchief often worn by men as an alternative to a tie. Also often sued in murder stories as an item to strangle the victim)"} {"Clue":"Baron working to ensnare Hood in Nottingham (6)","Answer":"BONNET","Explanation":"Definition: Hood in Nottingham\n**B** (baron) **+ ON** (working) + **NET** (catch; ensnare)\n **BONNET**\n\n**BONNET** \u2013 I'm not entirely sure what is going on here. Obviously Robin Hood is associated with Nottingham and a bonnet and a hood are examples of headgear but I can't see them as being the same kind of headgear.\n The other alternative is that a car **BONNET** is referred to as a 'hood' in America and there are several small towns called Nottingham in America."} {"Clue":"Heroin, unlimited tabs and sex can form one (5)","Answer":"HABIT","Explanation":"Definition: one\n**H** (heroin) **+ AB** (**TABS** **without the outer or limiting letters** [unlimited] **T** and **S**) **+ IT** (sex)\n **H** **AB** **IT**\n\n**HABIT** (taking unlimited heroin tablets [tabs] can be **HABIT**\u00a0forming)"} {"Clue":"Hero of Robert Burns? 'Twas me on occasion! (3)","Answer":"TAM","Explanation":"Definition: Hero of Robert Burns\n**TAM** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** of '**TWAS ME**)\n **TAM**\n\n**TAM** (reference** TAM** O'Shanter hero of Robert Burns' poem of the same name)"} {"Clue":"Piano exam to do with very small passages (5)","Answer":"PORAL","Explanation":"Definition: to do with very small passages \n**P** (piano) **+ ORAL** (exam)\n **P** **ORAL**\n\n**PORAL** (relating to minute passages)"} {"Clue":"Scottish wallop, brownish with a dash of tannin (4)","Answer":"DUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish wallop\n**DUN** (greyish-brown) + **T** **(first letter of **[dash of] **TANNIN**)\n **DUN** **T**\n\n**DUNT** (Scottish word meaning to thump; Scottish wallop)"} {"Clue":"Optimistic generally but losing head becomes viperish? (7)","Answer":"ANGUINE","Explanation":"Definition: viperish\n**S****ANGUINE** (confident and inclined to hopefulness; optimistic) **excluding the first letter** (losing head)\n **ANGUINE**\n\n**ANGUINE** (of or like a snake; viperish)"} {"Clue":"Revolver using shot, ten loaded (6)","Answer":"SIX-GUN","Explanation":"Definition: Revolver\n**X** (Roman numeral for 10) **contained in** (loaded) **an anagram of** (shot) **USING**\n **SI** (**X**) **GUN***\n\n**SIX-GUN** (six-shooter; revolver)"} {"Clue":"Selection of bottles packed in parcel (large) (6)","Answer":"CELLAR","Explanation":"Definition: Selection of bottles\n**CELLAR** (**hidden word in** [packed in] **PARCEL LARGE**)\n **CELLAR**\n\n**CELLAR** (stock of wine; selection of bottles)"} {"Clue":"Fiend did wrong in deed (6)","Answer":"ADDICT","Explanation":"Definition: Fiend\n**Anagram of** (wrong) **DID** **contained in** (in) **ACT**(deed)\n **A** (**DDI***) **CT**\n\n**ADDICT** (fiend; e.g. a chess **ADDICT** may be\u00a0a fiend at playing chess); also a dope-fiend"} {"Clue":"Outer petticoat, one of five lining bottom (8)","Answer":"BASQUINE","Explanation":"Definition: Outer petticoat\n**QUIN** (one of five children or animals born in one birth) **contained in** (lining) **BASE** (bottom)\n **BAS** (**QUIN**) **E**\n\n**BASQUINE** (an outer petticoat worn by Basque and Spanish women)"} {"Clue":"Lime tree? It grows wild in this mere (4)","Answer":"TEIL","Explanation":"Definition: Lime tree\n**LI****M****E T****RE****E*** is a **compound anagram** of the entry **TEIL** [this in the clue] and **MERE**\n **TEIL**\n\n**TEIL** (linden or lime tree)"} {"Clue":"Successes ending in party, old-fashioned booze-up (4)","Answer":"UPSY","Explanation":"Definition: old-fashioned booze-up\n**UPS** (successes) **+ Y** (**last letter of** [ending in] **PARTY**)\n **UPS** **Y**\n\n**UPSY** (obsolete [old-fashioned] variant spelling of **UPSEY** [carousal; drinking bout or party)"} {"Clue":"Like part of flower friend chucked in river (8)","Answer":"SEPALINE","Explanation":"Definition: Like part of flower\n**PAL** (friend) **contained in** (chucked in) **SEINE** (river in France)\n **SE** (**PAL**)** INE**\n\n**SEPALINE** (of the forms of **SEPALS** [any of the separate parts of a flower calyx])"} {"Clue":"Religious pamphlets maybe part of NT introduced by translator (6)","Answer":"TRACTS","Explanation":"Definition: Religious pamphlets\n**TR** (translator) **+ ACTS** (one of the books of the New Testament [NT])\n **TR** **ACTS**\n\n**TRACTS** (religious pamphlets)"} {"Clue":"Quality of sound and tempo limiting Britten's early duet (6)","Answer":"TIMBRE","Explanation":"Definition: Quality of sound\n**TIME** (tempo) **containing** (limiting) **BR** **(first** [early] **two** [duet] of **BRITTEN**)\n **TIM** (**BR**) **E**\n\n**TIMBRE** (quality of sound)"} {"Clue":"Car I found in canal, wrecked (6)","Answer":"LANCIA","Explanation":"Definition: Car\n**I contained in** (found in) **an anagram of** (wrecked) **CANAL**\n **LANC** (**I**) **A***\n\n**LANCIA** (brand of Italian made car)"} {"Clue":"Things to be seen (7)","Answer":"VIDENDA","Explanation":"Definition: Things to be seen\nNo wordplay \u2013 competitors must submit a clue for this entry\n **VIDENDA**\n\n**VIDENDA** (things to be seen)"} {"Clue":"Place of worship? Before entering disciple turns back (4)","Answer":"NAOS","Explanation":"Definition: Place of worship\n**A** (before) **contained in** (in) (**SON** [disciple] **reversed** [turns back])\n **N** (**A**) **OS**<\n\n**NAOS** (temple; place of worship)"} {"Clue":"Outstanding court performer, not one given holiday from hearing \u2026 (5)","Answer":"NOVAK","Explanation":"Definition: Outstanding court performer\n**NO** [not] **+ VAK** (sounds like [from hearing] **VA**C [vacation; holiday]) the whole thing could be interpreted on hearing as someone was not being given a holiday\n **NO** **VAK**\n\n**NOVAK** (reference **NOVAK** Djokovic [born 1987], until recently ranked No 1 tennis [court] player in the world)"} {"Clue":"Vaguely laid-back? Will of iron conceals it (4)","Answer":"LO-FI","Explanation":"Definition: Vaguely laid-back\n**LO-FI **(**hidden word in** [conceals it] **WILL OF IRON**)\n **LO-FI**\n\n**LO-FI **(informal [vaguely] word for laid-back)"} {"Clue":"Science in action, present with alliance of powers (6)","Answer":"PRAXIS","Explanation":"Definition: Science in action\n**PR** (present) **+ AXIS** (name given to the political alliance of Germany and Italy formed in 1936)\n **PR** **AXIS**\n\n**PRAXIS** (the practice or practical side of an art or science, as distinct from its theoretical side)"} {"Clue":"Food eaten alfresco, no good in endless bad weather? (5)","Answer":"HANGI","Explanation":"Definition: Food eaten alfresco,\n**NG** (no good) **contained in** (in) **HAIL** (example of bad weather) **excluding the final letter** (endless) **L**\n **HA** (**NG**) **I**\n\n**HANGI** (in New Zealand, food cooked outdoors in a pit outdoors)"} {"Clue":"Malay state to manage in British Empire latterly, then independent (6)","Answer":"BRUNEI","Explanation":"Definition: Malay state\n(**RUN** [manage] **contained in** [in] (**B** [British] **+ E** [**final letter of** {latterly} **EMPIRE**]) **+ I** (independent)\n **B** (**RUN**) **E** **I**\n\n**BRUNEI** (independent State on the island of Borneo, inhabited by Malay people)"} {"Clue":"Fine acreage for moorland plant (5)","Answer":"ERICA","Explanation":"Definition: moorland plant\n**ERIC** (blood-fine paid by a murderer to his victim's family in old Irish law) **+ A**\n **ERIC** **A**\n\n**ERICA** (plant of the heath genus; moorland plant)"} {"Clue":"Shuffling feet, a don's no good with a tune (8)","Answer":"TONE-DEAF","Explanation":"Definition: no good with a tune\n**Anagram of **(shuffling) **FEET A DON**\n **TONE-DEAF***\n\n**TONE-DEAF** (unable to appreciate or distinguish differences in musical pitch; unable to appreciate a tune)"} {"Clue":"Camp you'll rarely find top in stories? (6)","Answer":"OUTLIE","Explanation":"Definition: Camp\n**OUT LIE** (**LIE** [tell stories] better than [top] anyone else) **OUT-** can be defined as 'indicating the fact of going beyond a norm, standard of comparison or limit, more than, more successfully than'\n **OUT** **LIE**\n\n**OUTLIE** (rare word for 'to camp')"} {"Clue":"Poet's destroying Lucan translated in German (8)","Answer":"UNLACING","Explanation":"Definition: Poet's destroying\n**Anagram of **(translated) **LUCAN** **+ IN** **+ G** (German)\n **UNLAC*** **IN** **G**\n\n**UNLACING** (a Shakespearean [poet's] word for 'destroying)"} {"Clue":"Only in Afghan language, name for 'knob' (10)","Answer":"PUSH-BUTTON","Explanation":"Definition: knob\n(**BUT** [only] **contained in** [in] **PUSHTO** [an official Afghan language]) **+ N**\n **PUSH** (**BUT**) **TO** **N**\n\n**PUSH-BUTTON** (knob, e.g. on a doorbell or a vending machine, which when pressed causes the bell, vending machine, etc to operate)"} {"Clue":"Carapace butler chopped up in food (10)","Answer":"TURTLEBACK","Explanation":"Definition: Carapace\n**Anagram of** (chopped up)** BUTLER** **contained in** (in) **TACK** (food generally, fare, especially of the bread kind)\n **T** (**URTLEB***) **ACK**\n\n**TURTLEBACK** (carapace is defined as the thick hard shell, made of bone or chitin, of the crab, tortoise, turtle, etc **TURTLEBAC****K** is defined as anything arched like a turtle's back)"} {"Clue":"Goats etc jumping apace around Scottish track (8)","Answer":"CAPRINAE","Explanation":"Definition: Goats etc\n**Anagram of** (jumping) **APACE containing** (around) **RIN **(Scottish word for '**RUN**' which can mean' track')\n **CAP** (**RIN**) **AE***\n\n**CAPRINAE** (in modern classification, the family which includes goats and ibex)"} {"Clue":"Silky stuff one's wearing with rustle moving around (8)","Answer":"LUSTRINE","Explanation":"Definition: Silky\n**IN** (referring to the clothes [stuff] one is wearing) **contained in** (with \u2026 around.) **an anagram o**f (moving) **RUSTLE**\n **LUSTR** (**IN**) **E***\n\n**LUSTRINE** (silky)"} {"Clue":"He-man shifted mass forward (6)","Answer":"SAMSON","Explanation":"Definition: He-man \n**Anagram o**f (shifted) **MASS** **+ ON** (forward)\n **SAMS*** **ON**\n\n**SAMSON** (exceptionally strong man from the biblical character of Judges 1 \u2013 16; he-man)"} {"Clue":"Half of some originating in ME most lacking in colour (6)","Answer":"PALEST","Explanation":"Definition: most lacking in colour\n**PALESTINIANS** (people from the Middle east [**M**E]) **excluding the second six of twelve letters** **INIANS** leaving just six [half] behind \n **PALEST**\n\n**PALEST** (most lacking in colour)"} {"Clue":"Litter vandalised antiquities \u2013 some thereof anyway (5)","Answer":"SEDAN","Explanation":"Definition: Litter\n**SEDAN** (**hidden word in** [some thereof anyway] **VANDALISED ANTIQUITIES**)\n **SEDAN**\n\n**SEDAN** (covered chair for one person, carried on two poles; a litter can be defined as\u00a0a stretcher or bed carried on poles for supporting a sick person)"} {"Clue":"Chemical compound one held in awe, containing nitrogen (5)","Answer":"INDOL","Explanation":"Definition: Chemical compound\n**IDOL** (one held in awe)** containing** (containing) N (chemical symbol for nitrogen)\n **I** (**N**) **DOL**\n\n**INDOL** (crystalline chemical compound, forming the basis of the indigo molecule and found in some plants)"} {"Clue":"Patterned fabric that shows wild horse rearing (4)","Answer":"IKAT","Explanation":"Definition: Patterned fabric\n**TAKI** (rare wild horse (*Equus przewalskii*) native to the Mongolian steppes, with a reddish-brown coat, stiff black mane and white muzzle)** reversed** (rearing; down clue)\n **IKAT**<\n\n**IKAT** (material made by a technique of tie-dyeing yarn prior to weaving, resulting in a fabric with a geometric pattern of colours)"} {"Clue":"What a defender does as one shoots? (8)","Answer":"MARKSMAN","Explanation":"Definition: one shoots\n**MARKS MAN** (a good defender in sport will **MARK** his \/ her\u00a0opponent [**MAN**])\n **MARKS** **MAN**\n\n**MARKSMAN** (person who shoots well)"} {"Clue":"Loud hiccup extremely difficult to sustain (6)","Answer":"UPHOLD","Explanation":"Definition: sustain\n**Anagram of** (difficult)** LOAD** and **HP** (**first and last letters of** [extremely] **HICCUP**)\n **U****PH****OLD***\n\n**UPHOLD** (sustain)"} {"Clue":"As photographs can be copies, one is framed in retrospect (5)","Answer":"SEPIA","Explanation":"Definition: As photographs can be\n(**I** [Roman numeral for one] **contained in** [is framed by] **APES** [copies]) **all reversed** (in retrospect)\n (**SEP** (**I**) **A**)<\n\n**SEPIA** (brownish tone produced in certain, especially early, photographic processes)"} {"Clue":"Drawers of small vessels containing dash of rum (9)","Answer":"SKETCHERS","Explanation":"Definition: Drawers\n**S** (small) + (**KETCHES** [two-masted sailing vessels] **containing** [containing] **R** [**first letter of** {dash of} **RUM**])\n **S** **KETCHE** (**R**) **S**\n\n**SKETCHERS** (drawers)"} {"Clue":"A visit to the bar and back? (5,4)","Answer":"ROUND TRIP","Explanation":"Definition: A visit to the bar and back\n**ROUND** (reference a **ROUND** of drinks bough at a bar) + **TRIP** (excursion; visit)\n **ROUND** **TRIP**\n\n**ROUND TRIP** (double definition of a journey there and back, cryptically defining a visit to the bar to buy drinks)"} {"Clue":"Absolute state (5)","Answer":"UTTER","Explanation":"Definition: Absolute\n**UTTER** (absolute)\n **UTTER**\n\n**UTTER** (speak; say; state) double definition"} {"Clue":"South American natives' secretive, secretive matter? (6)","Answer":"COYPUS","Explanation":"Definition: South American natives\n**COY** (secretive) **+ PUS** (thick yellowish fluid formed by suppuration, matter that is secreted; secretive matter)\n **COY** **PUS**\n\n**COYPUS** (large South American aquatic rodents; South American natives)"} {"Clue":"Choose to bring back made-to-measure electric blankets (2-5)","Answer":"RE-ELECT","Explanation":"Definition: Choose to bring back\n**RE-ELECT** (**hidden word in** [blankets] **MADE-TO-MEASURE ELECTRIC**)\n **RE-ELECT**\n\n**RE-ELECT** (choose to bring back)"} {"Clue":"Faint sullen look comes over fool (4,3)","Answer":"PASS OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Faint \n**POUT** (sullen look) **containing** (comes over) **ASS** (fool)\n **P** (**ASS**) **OUT**\n\n**PASS OUT **(faint)"} {"Clue":"Interrupted brother gaining knowledge (6)","Answer":"BROKEN","Explanation":"Definition: Interrupted\n**BRO** (brother) **+ KEN** (knowledge)\n **BRO** **KEN**\n\n**BROKEN** (interrupted)"} {"Clue":"Nothing to like in talk (5)","Answer":"ORATE","Explanation":"Definition: talk\n**O** (zero; nothing) **+** **RATE** (value; like)\n **O** **RATE**\n\n**ORATE **(talk)"} {"Clue":"Ogles coach and gets complaint (9)","Answer":"EYESTRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: complaint\n**EYES** (ogles) **+ TRAIN** (coach)\n **EYES** **TRAIN**\n\n**EYESTRAIN** (tiredness of irritation of the EYES; complaint)"} {"Clue":"Visited female client I'd upset (9)","Answer":"INFLICTED","Explanation":"Definition: Visited\n**Anagram of** (upset) **F** [female] and **CLIENT I'D**\n **IN****F****LICTED***\n\n**INFLICTED** (visited \u2013 **INFLICT** is given as a synonym of 'visit' in Chambers Thesaurus)"} {"Clue":"Tolerate being tender in hospital department (5)","Answer":"ABIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Tolerate\n**BID** (tender) **contained in** (in) (**A** and **E** [Accident & Emergency hospital department)\n **A** (**BID**) **E**\n\n**ABIDE** (tolerate)"} {"Clue":"Cockney's recovering in London district (6)","Answer":"EALING","Explanation":"Definition: London district\n**EALING** (a Cockney's pronunciation of **HEALING** [recovering])\n **EALING**\n\n**EALING** (London district)"} {"Clue":"Mystery of wife and husband getting one to hide naked body (8)","Answer":"WHODUNIT","Explanation":"Definition: Mystery\n([**W** (wife) **+ H** (husband) ] **+ UNIT** [one]) **containing** (to hide) **OD** (**middle letters of** **BODY** **excluding [**without the clothing {naked}] of **B **and **Y**)\n **W** **H** (**OD**) **UNIT**\n\n**WHODUNIT** (mystery. Chambers gives it spelled with one or two **N**s)"} {"Clue":"Looking back, they're simply concealing suffering (6)","Answer":"MISERY","Explanation":"Definition: suffering\n**MISERY** (**reversed** [looking back] **hidden word in** [concealing] in **THEY'RE SIMPLY**)\n **MISERY**<\n\n**MISERY** (suffering)"} {"Clue":"Trump: a sour, crazy, male is wanting reception like this? (9)","Answer":"RAPTUROUS","Explanation":"Definition: this\n**Anagram of **(crazy) **TRU****M****P A SOUR** **excluding** (wanting) **M** (male)\n **RAPTUROUS***\n\n**RAPTUROUS** (delighted, enthusiastic, ecstatic, descriptive of the kind of reception that Donald Trump seems to believe he is entitled to at all times)"} {"Clue":"Let down by actor regularly: average performer on stage (5-2,8)","Answer":"STAND-UP COMEDIAN","Explanation":"Definition: performer on stage\n**STAND UP** (fail to keep an appointment with; let down) **+ CO** (**letters 2 and 4** [regularly] **of** **ACTOR**) **+ MEDIAN** (average, although technically not necessarily an average as I think back to my school lessons about mean, mode and median)\n **STAND-UP** **CO** **MEDIAN**\n\n**STAND-UP COMEDIAN** (performer on stage)"} {"Clue":"Declares a burden uplifting (7)","Answer":"ASSERTS","Explanation":"Definition: Declares\n**A **+ (**STRESS** [burden] **reversed** [uplifting; down clue])\n **A** **SSERTS**<\n\n**ASSERTS** (declares)"} {"Clue":"Imagine after booking it might result in a sending off (7,8)","Answer":"PICTURE POSTCARD","Explanation":"Definition: might result in a sending off \n**PICTURE** (imagine) **+ POST** (after) **+ CARD** (booking, as in receiving a Yellow **CARD** in a sports match)\n **PICTURE** **POST** **CARD**\n\n**PICTURE POSTCARD** (something that might be sent off\u00a0from a holiday to a friend)"} {"Clue":"It's no secret how distance is related to speed (5)","Answer":"OVERT","Explanation":"Definition: It's no secret\nSpeed can be defined as distance covered **OVER** time (**T**)\n **OVER** **T**\n\n**OVERT** (open to view; public; it's no secret)"} {"Clue":"Individual's record concerning the banks (8)","Answer":"DISCRETE","Explanation":"Definition: Individual\n**DISC** (record) **+ RE** (concerning) **+ TE **(**first and last letters of **[banks] **T****H****E**)\n **DISC** **RE** **TE**\n\n**DISCRETE** (individual)"} {"Clue":"Very quietly cuts Lady Garden, perhaps, in shower (6)","Answer":"PEPPER","Explanation":"Definition: shower\n**PP** (pianissimo) **contained in** (cuts) **PEER** (a **LADY**; I am not expert enough to know whether every titled **LADY** is a **PEER**. I suspect **LADY**s who are created life **PEER**s in their own right are, but I'm not sure if courtesy titles for the wives or daughters of male **PEER**s are **PEER**s themselves. Let's assume for the purposes of this clue that **LADY **Garden is a life **PEER**) \n **PE** (**PP**) **ER**\n\n**PEPPER** (shower with something)"} {"Clue":"Face of joy hiding grievous heart (9)","Answer":"ELEVATION","Explanation":"Definition: Face\n**ELATION** (joy) **containing** (hiding) **EV** (**middle letters of **[heart] **GRIEVOUS**)\n **EL** (**EV**) **ATION**\n\n**ELEVATION** (face, of a building)"} {"Clue":"New Pope is to converse (8)","Answer":"OPPOSITE","Explanation":"Definition: converse\n**Anagram of **(new) **POPE IS TO**\n **OPP****OSIT****E***\n\n**OPPOSITE** (converse)"} {"Clue":"Present concluding part of reciprocatory pact (6)","Answer":"TREATY","Explanation":"Definition: pact\n**TREAT** (present) **+ Y** (**last letter of** [concluding part of] **RECIPROCATORY**)\n **TREAT** **Y**\n\n**TREATY** (pact)"} {"Clue":"Spread of British hatred is grotesque (7)","Answer":"BREADTH","Explanation":"Definition: Spread\n**B** **+ an anagram of** (grotesque) **HATRED**\n **B READTH***\n\n**BREADTH** (spread)"} {"Clue":"Maybe Ant and Dec finally accepted by fashionable crowd (6)","Answer":"INSECT","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe Ant\n**C** (**last letter of** [finally] **DEC**) **contained in** (**IN** [fashionable] **+ SET** [crowd])\n **IN** **SE** (**C**) **T**\n\n**INSECT** (an ant is an example of an insect)"} {"Clue":"Very legal to go topless (5)","Answer":"AWFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Very\n**L****AWFUL** (legal) **excluding the first letter** (topless) **L**\n **AWFUL**\n\n**AWFUL** (very) I would associate 'very' with **AWFUL**ly rather than just **AWFUL"} {"Clue":"Take off a penny in change (8)","Answer":"AMPUTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Take off\n**A** **+** (**P**\u00a0[penny] **contained in** [in] **MUTATE** [change])\n **A ****M**** **(**P**)** ****UTATE**\n\n**AMPUTATE **(cut -off [e.g. a limb])"} {"Clue":"American poet's in for Academy support (6)","Answer":"PLINTH","Explanation":"Definition: support\n**PLATH** (reference Sylvia **PL****A****TH** [1932 \u2013 1963], American poet) with **IN** replacing (for) **A** (academy)\n **PL** **IN** **TH**\n\n**PLINTH** (\u00a0block serving as a pedestal;;support)"} {"Clue":"One article Nick wears after finishing in tub? (8)","Answer":"BATHROBE","Explanation":"Definition: One article Nick wears after finishing in tub\n**B** (**last letter of** [finishing in] **TUB**) **+** (**ROB** [steal; nick] **contained in** [wears] (**A** [one] **+ THE** [definite article])\n **B** **A** **TH** (**ROB**) **E**\n\n**BATHROBE** (an item of clothing that anyone might wear after soaking in a [bath]tub)"} {"Clue":"Familiar address for Australian miner (6)","Answer":"DIGGER","Explanation":"Definition: Familiar address for\n**DIGGER** (an informal Australian term of address)\n **DIGGER**\n\n**DIGGER** (miner) double definition"} {"Clue":"Muscle in on small company, lacking credit (5)","Answer":"SINEW","Explanation":"Definition: Muscle\n**S** (small) **+ IN** **+ CREW** (company) **excluding** (lacking) **CR** (credit)\n **S** **IN** **EW**\n\n**SINEW** (physical strength, muscle)"} {"Clue":"To bring up daughter involves debate, mostly from a losing position (9)","Answer":"REARGUARD","Explanation":"Definition: from a losing position\n(**REAR** [bring up] **+ D** [daughter]) **containing** (involves) **ARGU****E** (debate) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **E**\n **RE** (**ARGU**) **AR** **D**\n\n**REARGUARD** (from a defensive or losing position)"} {"Clue":"Suffer cut extremely severe? Veins possibly gush (12)","Answer":"EFFUSIVENESS","Explanation":"Definition: gush\n**Anagram of** (possibly) **SUFFER** **excluding the final letter **(cut) **R** and **SE** (**first and last letters of** [extremely] **S****EVER****E**) and **VEINS**\n **EFFUS****IVENESS***\n\n**EFFUSIVENESS** (gush)"} {"Clue":"Eating little and abstaining mitigated being fond of puddings? (5-7)","Answer":"SWEET-TOOTHED","Explanation":"Definition: fond of puddings\n**SOOTHED** (mitigating) **containing** (eating) (**WEE** [little] **+ TT** [teetotal; abstaining])\n **S** (**WEE** **T T**) **OOTHED**\n\n**SWEET-TOOTHED** (descriptive of someone who is fond of puddings)"} {"Clue":"Former Gaelic clothes woven with loom at first (9)","Answer":"ERSTWHILE","Explanation":"Definition: Former\n**ERSE** (formerly, and still occasionally, the name given by Lowland Scots to the language of the people of the West Highlands, as being of Irish origin; sometimes used for Irish Gaelic, as opposed to Scottish Gaelic) **containing** (clothes) (an **anagram o**f [woven] **WITH)** + **L** **(first letter of **[at first] **LOOM**)\n **ERS** (**TWHI***** ****L**) **E**\n\n**ERSTWHILE** (formerly)"} {"Clue":"Cloth of precious diamonds (5)","Answer":"TWEED","Explanation":"Definition: Cloth\n**TWEE** (affectedly or sentimentally pretty or quaint.; precious) **+ D** (daughter)\n **TWEE** **D**\n\n**TWEED** (cloth)"} {"Clue":"He should stop politician? It's an idea (6)","Answer":"THEORY","Explanation":"Definition: idea\n**HE** **contained in** (should stop) **TORY** (Conservative politician)\n **T** (**HE**) **ORY**\n\n**THEORY** (idea)"} {"Clue":"Destroy e.g. a boat with spite, principally? (8)","Answer":"SABOTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Destroy e.g. a boat with spite, principally\n**Anagram of** (destroy) **A BOAT EG** and **S** (**first letter of** [principally] **SPITE**)\n **S****A****BOTAGE***\n\n**SABOTAGE** (malicious or deliberate destruction or damage of machinery, etc, by discontented workers, rebels, etc;)"} {"Clue":"Metal splinter I shifted (6)","Answer":"SILVER","Explanation":"Definition: Metal\n**SL****IV****ER** (splinter) **with the letter I shifted one place left** to form **S****I****LVER**\n **S****I****LVER**\n\n**SILVER** (a metal)"} {"Clue":"Your mum's in a rage, being a cow (8)","Answer":"AYRSHIRE","Explanation":"Definition: cow\n(**YR** [your]** + SH** [be quiet, keep mum]) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+ IRE** [rage])\n **A** (**YR** **SH**) **IRE**\n\n**AYRSHIRE** (breed of dairy cattle)"} {"Clue":"Baron meets Queen after acting superior (6)","Answer":"ABBESS","Explanation":"Definition: superior\n**A** (acting) **+ B** (baron) **+ BESS** (reference good queen **BESS, **Elizabeth 1 of England [1533 \u2013 1603]**)**\n **A** **B** **BESS**\n\n**ABBESS** (mother superior in a abbey)"} {"Clue":"Job description? Not one that's obvious (6)","Answer":"PATENT","Explanation":"Definition: obvious\n**PATIENT** (reference the phrase 'patience of Job'; descriptive of Job) **excluding** (not) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **PATENT**\n\n**PATENT** (obvious)"} {"Clue":"It is to be overcome by raging of wrath! (5,1,3)","Answer":"THROW A FIT","Explanation":"Definition: It is to be overcome by raging of wrath!\n**Anagram of** (raging) **OF WRATH** + **IT **As this is a down entry the anagram sits above [over; hence overcome] **IT** \n **THROW A F***** ****IT**\n\n**THROW A FIT** (become very angry)"} {"Clue":"Could be potato coulis prepared by Bob for consumption (12)","Answer":"TUBERCULOSIS","Explanation":"Definition: consumption \n**TUBER** (a potato is an example of a **TUBER**) + **an anagram of** [prepared] **COULIS** + **S** (shilling; bob is a slang term for old shilling [part of pre-decimal coinage in the UK])\n **TUBER** **CULOSI*** **S**\n\n**TUBERCULOSIS** (consumption is an earlier name for pulmonary **TUBERCULOSIS**)"} {"Clue":"Remaining indefinitely in guest house (5)","Answer":"LYING","Explanation":"Definition: Remaining\n**LYING** (**hidden word in** [house] **INDEFINITE****LY IN G****UEST**)\n **LYING**\n\n**LYING** (remaining)"} {"Clue":"Row with beau endlessly after drink? You should avoid it (2-2,4)","Answer":"NO-GO AREA","Explanation":"Definition: You should avoid it\n**NOG** (e.g. egg**NOG** or similar drink; also a Norwich strong ale) **+ OAR** (as a verb,to row) + **BEAU** **excluding the first and last letters** (endlessly) **B** and **U**\n **NO G** **O AR** **EA**\n\n**NO-GO AREA** (part of a city, etc to which normal access is prevented by the erection of barricades, especially by local militants, a paramilitary group, etc; somewhere you should avoid)"} {"Clue":"Tried ignoring English kids breaking PC component (4,4)","Answer":"HARD DISK","Explanation":"Definition: PC component\n**HEARD** (tried in court) **excluding** (ignoring) **E** (English) **+ an anagram of **(breaking) **KIDS**\n **HARD** **DISK***\n\n**HARD DISK** (component of a personal computer)"} {"Clue":"A rare typhoid spread \u2013 medical treatment needed (12)","Answer":"RADIOTHERAPY","Explanation":"Definition: medical treatment\n**Anagram of** (spread) **A RARE TYPHOID**\n **RADIOTHERAPY***\n\n**RADIOTHERAPY **(an example of medical treatment)"} {"Clue":"Before college, can son go round old buildings? (9)","Answer":"ERECTIONS","Explanation":"Definition: buildings\n**ERE** (before) **+ C** (college) **+** ([**TIN** {can} **+ S **{son}] **containing** [go round] **O** [old])\n **ERE** **C** **TI** (**O**) **N** **S**\n\n**ERECTIONS** (buildings)"} {"Clue":"A plea for help secures highest grade mineral (8)","Answer":"ASBESTOS","Explanation":"Definition: mineral\n**A** **+** (**SOS** [Save our Souls; plea for help] **containing** [secures] **BEST** ])highest grade)\n **A** **S**** **(**BEST**) **OS**\n\n**ASBESTOS** (a fibrous form of certain mineral capable of being woven into incombustible cloth or felted sheets for insulation)"} {"Clue":"Short film of novel's pronounced genuine (8)","Answer":"NEWSREEL","Explanation":"Definition: Short film\n**NEW'S** (novel's) **+ REEL** (sounds like [pronounced] **REAL** [genuine])\n **NEWS** **REEL**\n\n**NEWSREEL** (short film)"} {"Clue":"Asian institute supports mate from Sunderland? (6)","Answer":"NEPALI","Explanation":"Definition: Asian\n**NE** (North East; Sunderland is a city in the North East of England) **+ PAL** (mate) **+ I** (institute)\n **NE** **PAL** **I**\n\n**NEPALI** (native of **NEPAL**; an Asian)"} {"Clue":"Over present, Bill gets stick (6)","Answer":"ADHERE","Explanation":"Definition: stick\n**AD** (advert; bill) **+ HERE** (present)\n **AD** **HERE**\n\n**ADHERE** (stick)"} {"Clue":"Cursed with sales initially dropping? Not so good (5)","Answer":"WORSE","Explanation":"Definition: Not so good\n**SWORE** (cursed) with **S** (**first letter of** [initially] **SALES**) moving down the entry (dropping) to form **WOR****S****E**. As this is a down entry, the letter **S** has genuinely dropped.\n **WOR****S****E **\n\n**WORSE** (not so good)"} {"Clue":"Crazy nonsense about three articles (7)","Answer":"BANANAS","Explanation":"Definition: Crazy\n**BS **(bullshit; nonsense) **containing** (about) (**AN** [indefinite article] **+ AN** [indefinite article] **+ A** [indefinite article] to give three articles)\n **B** (**AN** **AN** **A**) **S**\n\n**BANANAS **(crazy)"} {"Clue":"Opening of Judges, OT Book overlooking King, one in favour of Bible's foremost wicked woman (7)","Answer":"JEZEBEL","Explanation":"Definition: wicked woman\n**J** (**first letter of** [opening of] **JUDGES**) **+** (**EZE****KI****EL** [Old Testament Book] **excluding** [overlooking] **K** [king] **and replacing** [in favour of] **I** [Roman numeral for one] with **B** [**first letter of** [foremost] **BIBLE**)\n **J** **EZE** **B** **EL**\n \u00a0\n\n**JEZEBEL** (wicked scheming woman)"} {"Clue":"Have effect, limiting a tirade applied to a dance (10)","Answer":"TARANTELLA","Explanation":"Definition: dance\n**TELL **(have effect) **containing** (limiting) (**A** **+ RANT** [tirade]) **+ A** \n **T** (**A** **RANT**) **ELL** **A**\n\n**TARANTELLA** (lively Neapolitan dance)"} {"Clue":"Word from overseas about a defensive structure (4)","Answer":"MOAT","Explanation":"Definition: defensive structure\n**MOT** (French for 'word'; word from overseas) **containing** (about) **A**\n **MO** (**A**) **T**\n\n**MOAT** (deep trench round a castle or fortified place, sometimes filled with water; defensive structure)"} {"Clue":"Adjusted fiscal rating, after receiving fine indication of safety to proceed (7,6)","Answer":"TRAFFIC SIGNAL","Explanation":"Definition: indication of safety to proceed\n**Anagram of** (adjusted) **FISCAL RATING** **containing** (receiving) **F** (fine, on lead pencils)\n **TR****AF** (**F**) **IC SIGNAL***\n\n**TRAFFIC SIGNAL** (an indicator of safety to proceed , or not)"} {"Clue":"Target containing it I left to retreat in armed group (7)","Answer":"MILITIA","Explanation":"Definition: armed group\n(**AIM** [target] **containing** [containing] [**IT + I + L** {left}]) **all reversed** (to retreat) \n (**MI** (**L** **I** **TI**) **A**)<\n\n**MILITIA** (armed group)"} {"Clue":"Single male taking on wise guy (7)","Answer":"SOLOMON","Explanation":"Definition: wise guy\n**SOLO** (single) **+ M** (male) **+ ON**\n **SOLO M ON**\n\n**SOLOMON** (person of unusual wisdom, from **SOLOMON**, king of Israel [Bible, 1 Kings 3, 5 \u2013 15])"} {"Clue":"Sauce engaging foremost of university tutors, leading those people to make the grade (3,3,7)","Answer":"CUT THE MUSTARD","Explanation":"Definition: make the grade\n**CUSTARD** (baked mixture of milk, eggs, etc, sweetened or seasoned; sauce) containing (engaging) (**UT** [**first letter of** [foremost of] **each o**f **UNIVERSITY** and **TUTORS**] **+ THEM** [those people])\n **C** (**UT** **THE M**) **USTARD**\n\n**CUT THE MUSTARD** (reach the required standard; make the grade)"} {"Clue":"Disciple prefacing good Biblical contribution from 16 (4)","Answer":"SONG","Explanation":"Definition: contribution from 16\n**SON** (disciple)** + G** (good)\n **SON** **G**\n\n**SONG** (reference **SONG of SOLOMON** [entry at 16 across]; Canticles, a book of the Old Testament long attributed to **SOLOMON**)"} {"Clue":"What one often performs, taking piano \u2013 cultured and quiet for the audience (5,5)","Answer":"PARTY PIECE","Explanation":"Definition: What one often performs\n**P** (piano) **+ ARTY** (cultured) **+ PIECE** (**sounds like** [for the audience] **PEACE** [quiet])\n **P** **ARTY** **PIECE**\n\n**PARTY PIECE** (act or turn that one is known for performing to entertain others)"} {"Clue":"Expression of annoyance in backing food regulation (7)","Answer":"STATUTE","Explanation":"Definition: regulation\n**TUT** (expression of annoyance) **contained in** (in) (**EATS** [food] **reversed** [backing])\n **STA** (**TUT**) **E**<\n\n**STATUTE** (regulation)"} {"Clue":"Endless commotion in front of American burial area (7)","Answer":"TUMULUS","Explanation":"Definition: burial area\n**TUMULT** (commotion) e**xcluding the final letter** (endless) **T** **+ US** (United States)\n **TUMUL** **US**\n\n**TUMULUS** (burial ground))"} {"Clue":"Knowing fellow in bar ejecting English soldier (6)","Answer":"SAVANT","Explanation":"Definition: Knowing fellow \n**SAVE** (except for; bar) **excluding** (ejecting) **E** (English) **+ ANT** (reference soldier **ANT**)\n **SAV** **ANT**\n\n**SAVANT** (learned person; scholar)"} {"Clue":"One barge sadly cut up marine life (8)","Answer":"CALAMARI","Explanation":"Definition: marine life\n(**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ RAM **[barge] **+ ALACK** [sadly] **excluding** **the last letter** [cut]) **all reversed** (up; down clue)\u00a0**K**\n (**CALA** **MAR** **I**)<\n\n**CALAMARI** (squid; marine life)"} {"Clue":"End of March? Cover's needed around end of April (4)","Answer":"HALT","Explanation":"Definition: End of March\n**HAT** (cover) **containing** (around) **L** (**last letter of** [end of] **APRIL**)\n **HA** (**L**) **T**\n\n**HALT** (what you do at the end of a march)"} {"Clue":"Is a glue not unusually viscous? (10)","Answer":"GELATINOUS","Explanation":"Definition: viscous\n**Anagram of** (unusually) **IS A GLUE NOT**\n **GEL****ATINO****U****S***\n\n**GELATINOUS** (viscous)"} {"Clue":"Long speech upset those against housing refugees and migrants, initially (6)","Answer":"SERMON","Explanation":"Definition: Long speech\n**NOES** (people who are opposed) **reversed** (upset; down clue) **containing** (housing) **RM** **(first letters of** [initially] each of **REFUGEES** and **MIGRANTS**)\n **SE** (**RM**) **ON**<\n\n**SERMON** (discourse, often quite long when delivered from a pulpit)"} {"Clue":"Gaoler is arranging residence for 17 (8)","Answer":"SERAGLIO","Explanation":"Definition: residence for 17\n**Anagram of** (arranging)** GAOLER IS** \n **SERAGLIO***\n\n**SERAGLIO** (women's quarters in a Muslim house or palace; harem;\u00a0the entry at 17 down is **ODALIQUE**, descriptive of a woman who would have lived in a **SERAGLIO**)"} {"Clue":"Group of countries boosting firm pound (4)","Answer":"BLOC","Explanation":"Definition: Group of countries\n(**CO** [company; firm] **+ LB** [pound weight]) **all reversed** (boosting ; down clue)\n (**BL** **OC**)<\n\n**BLOC** (a combination of parties, nations or other units to achieve a common purpose)"} {"Clue":"Gentle touch in following height (pilot's concern) (6,4)","Answer":"FLIGHT PATH","Explanation":"Definition: pilot's concern\n(**LIGHT** [gentle] **+ PAT** [touch]) **contained in** (in) (**F** [following] **+ H **[height])\n **F** (**LIGHT** **PAT**) **H**\n\n**FLIGHT PATH** (course [to be] taken by an aircraft, spacecraft etc; something of concern to the pilot)"} {"Clue":"Short measure of grain mostly barely there (8)","Answer":"INCHOATE","Explanation":"Definition: barely there\n**INCH** (a measure)** + OATEN** (descriptive of a specific grain) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **N**\n **INCH** **OATE** \n\n**INCHOATE** (only begun; unfinished; short)"} {"Clue":"Slave-girl having trouble raising story about queen (6)","Answer":"ODALIQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Slave-girl\n**ADO** (trouble)** reversed** (raising; down clue)** +** (**LIE** [story] **containing** [about] **QU** [queen])\n **ODA**< **LI** (**QU**) **E**\n\n**ODALIQUE** (female slave in a harem)"} {"Clue":"Mean to get support from stockings primarily or an alternative (6)","Answer":"TIGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: an alternative\n**TIGHT** (miserly; mean) **+ S** (**first letter of **[primarily] **STOCKINGS**) As this is a down entry the letter **S** is supporting the letters in **TIGHT**\n **TIGHT** **S**\n\n**TIGHTS** (alternative to stockings)"} {"Clue":"Member with heated response in difficult situation (4)","Answer":"MIRE","Explanation":"Definition: difficult situation\n**M** (member) **+ IRE** (anger or heated response)\n **M** **IRE**\n\n**MIRE** (difficult situation)"} {"Clue":"Saw police getting upset over corporation (6)","Answer":"DICTUM","Explanation":"Definition: Saw \n**CID** (Criminal Investigation Department; a branch of the police force) **reversed** (getting upset; down clue) **+ TUM** (stomach; corporation)\n **DIC**< **TUM**\n\n**DICTUM** (saying; saw)"} {"Clue":"Year \u2013 a period without source of hope for solvers? (4)","Answer":"YOUR","Explanation":"Definition: for solvers\n**Y** (year) **+ HOUR** (a period of time) **excluding** (without) **H** (**first letter of** [source of] **HOPE**)\n **Y** **OUR**\n\n**YOUR** (of \/ for solvers, as YOU are one of the many solvers)"} {"Clue":"Throwing a game (7)","Answer":"HURLING","Explanation":"Definition: Throwing\n**HURLING** (throwing)\n **HURLING**\n\n**HURLING** (game similar to hockey, of Irish origin, played by teams of 15, with broad-bladed sticks) double definition"} {"Clue":"Amount of money once put on queen and joker changing hands (5)","Answer":"CROWN","Explanation":"Definition: Amount of money once\n**CLOWN** (joker) with **L** (left) **replaced by** **R** (right) thereby by changing left and right hands\n **CROWN**\n\n**CROWN** (old coin)\n **CROWN** ( what the queen wears on state occasions) two separate definitions"} {"Clue":"Bung in meat, cold, for picnic's starter (4)","Answer":"CORK","Explanation":"Definition: Bung\n**PORK** (meat) with **C** (cold) **replacing** (for) **P** (**first letter of** [starter] **PICNIC**)\n **C**ORK\n\n**CORK** (stopper; bung)"} {"Clue":"Poem about girl going both ways, originally feminist activist in Liberal party (6,4)","Answer":"FIANNA FAIL","Explanation":"Definition: party\n**IF** (name of a poem by Rudyard Kipling) **reversed** (about) **+ ANNA** (palindromic [going both ways] girl's name) **+ FAIL** (**first letters of** [original] each of **FEMINIST ACTIVIST IN** and **LIBERAL**)\n **FI**< **ANNA** **FAIL**\n\n**FIANNA FAIL** (Irish political party)"} {"Clue":"Today it's Hob 50, written for special character (6)","Answer":"LETTER","Explanation":"Definition: character\n**SETTER** (today's **S****ETTER** is Hob) with **L** (Roman numeral for 50) **replacing** (written) S (special)\n **LETTER**\n\n**LETTER** (character)"} {"Clue":"In Brussels, official route a Roman Catholic negotiated (8)","Answer":"EUROCRAT","Explanation":"Definition: In Brussels, official\n**Anagram of** (negotiated) **ROUTE A** and **RC** (Roman Catholic)\n **EURO****CR****AT***\n\n**EUROCRAT** (official at the Headquarters of any pan European organisation, many of whom are based in Brussels)"} {"Clue":"Features of weather in Leeds, say (6)","Answer":"FRONTS","Explanation":"Definition: Features of weather\n**FRONTS** can be defined as\u00a0**LEADS** which sounds like [say] **LEEDS**\n **FRONTS**\n\n**FRONTS **(features of weather)"} {"Clue":"In truth, one's too scrupulous (6)","Answer":"HONEST","Explanation":"Definition: scrupulous\n**HONEST** (**hidden word in** [in] **TRUTH ONE'S TOO**\n **HONEST**\n\n**HONEST** (scrupulous)"} {"Clue":"Someone that's very good, taking part in school play (5,3)","Answer":"CLASS ACT","Explanation":"Definition: Someone that's very good\n**CLASS **(part of a school)** + ACT **(play a part on stage). Taken together **CLASS ACT** may be descriptive of an item in a school performance.\n **CLASS** **ACT**\n\n**CLASS ACT **(someone who is very good at what they do)"} {"Clue":"Great St Bernard, say, with barrel (large) round neck in first half (6)","Answer":"TUNNEL","Explanation":"Definition: Great St Bernard, say\n(**TUN** [barrel] **+ L **[large]) **containing** (round) **NE** (**first two letters of four** [first half] in **NECK**)\n **TUN** (**NE**) **L**\n\n**TUNNEL** (reference the Great St Bernard **TUNNEL** between Italy and Switzerland)"} {"Clue":"Fashionable position showing weakness (10)","Answer":"INCAPACITY","Explanation":"Definition: weakness\n**IN** (fashionable) **+ CAPACITY** (position or function in which one does something)\n **IN** **CAPACITY**\n\n**INCAPACITY** (inability; weakness)"} {"Clue":"Sailor in old children's TV series, letting off firework (4)","Answer":"JACK","Explanation":"Definition: Sailor\n**CRACKERJACK** (children's television series broadcast between 1955 and 1984) **excluding** (letting off) **CRACKER** (firework)\n **JACK**\n\n**JACK** (sailor)"} {"Clue":"Hot one-two that's used by drummers (2-3)","Answer":"HI-HAT","Explanation":"Definition: Sailor\n**CRACKERJACK** (children's television series broadcast between 1955 and 1984) **excluding** (letting off) **CRACKER** (firework)\n **JACK**\n\n**JACK** (sailor)"} {"Clue":"Cheese turns mouldy, even starts going off (7)","Answer":"MUNSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Cheese\nAnagram of (going off) **TURNS** and **ME** (**first letters of **[starts] each of **MOULDY** and **EVEN**)\n **M****UNST****E****R***\n\n**MUNSTER **(semi-soft, cow's milk cheese of **MUNSTER**\u00a0in NE France, often flavoured with caraway or aniseed."} {"Clue":"It's a long journey from Turkey to eastern Cambodia (4)","Answer":"TREK","Explanation":"Definition: It's a long journey\n**TR** (International Vehicle Registration for Turkey) **+ E** (Eastern) **+ K** (International Vehicle Registration for Cambodia [Kampuchea])\n **TR** **E** **K**\n\n**TREK** (long journey)"} {"Clue":"Item of clothing obtained from outfitter (6)","Answer":"TITFER","Explanation":"Definition: Item of clothing\n**Anagram of** (out) **FITTER**\n **TITFER***\n\n**TITFER** (abbreviation Cockney rhyming slang **TIT-FOR-TAT** [**HAT**])"} {"Clue":"One car is written off in storyline (8)","Answer":"SCENARIO","Explanation":"Definition: storyline\n**Anagram of **(written off) **ONE CAR IS**\n **SCENARIO***\n\n**SCENARIO** (outline of a dramatic work, film, etc, scene by scene;)"} {"Clue":"Setter finally flips, seeing US TV network (1,1,1)","Answer":"HBO","Explanation":"Definition: US TV network\n**HOB** (name of the crossword setter) with the **last two letters** (finally) **swapped round** (flipped)\n **HBO**\n\n**HBO** (**H****OME BOX OFFICE**, an American premium cable and satellite television network)"} {"Clue":"Wine provided by good parties (6)","Answer":"GRAVES","Explanation":"Definition: Wine\n**G** (good) **+ RAVES** (parties)\n **G** **RAVES**\n\n**GRAVES** (white or red table wine from the **GRAVES**\u00a0district in the Gironde department of France)"} {"Clue":"One famous film star, initially with Native American name in real life (3-6)","Answer":"OFF-SCREEN","Explanation":"Definition: in real life\n**OFFS** (**first letters of** [initially] **each of** **O****NE**** F****AMOUS**** F****ILM** and **STAR**) + **CREE** (Native American) **+ N **(name)\n **OFF S** **CREE** **N**\n\n**OFF-SCREEN** (away from the studio; in real life)"} {"Clue":"In Africa, money not available to terrorists (5)","Answer":"NAIRA","Explanation":"Definition: In Africa, money\n**NA** (not available) **+ IRA** (Irish Republican Army; the Provisional **IRA** is an organisation classified in the UK as a proscribed terrorist group)\n **NA** **IRA**\n\n**NAIRA** (official currency of Nigeria)"} {"Clue":"Ego not foremost for Hob, possibly (3)","Answer":"ELF","Explanation":"Definition: Hob, possibly\n**SELF** (ego) **excluding the first letter** (not foremost) **S**\n **ELF**\n\n**ELF** (a supernatural creature or fairy, as is a **HOB**)"} {"Clue":"Is love cheat going out with a prime minister? (9)","Answer":"TAOISEACH","Explanation":"Definition: prime minister\n**Anagram of** (going out) **IS** and **O** (love score in tennis) and **CHEAT** and [with] **A**\n **TAO****IS****EACH***\n\n**TAOISEACH **(title of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Ireland)"} {"Clue":"Fresh pat\u00e9 on tray prepared for afternoon get-together (3,5)","Answer":"TEA PARTY","Explanation":"Definition: afternoon get-together\n**Anagram of** (fresh) **PAT\u00c9** + **anagram of** (prepared) **TRAY**\n **TEA P*** **ARTY*** This being a down entry, the anagram of **PAT\u00c9** is entered **ON** [top of] the anagram of **TRAY**\n\n**TEA PARTY** (afternoon get together)"} {"Clue":"Support from unnamed youth (3)","Answer":"TEE","Explanation":"Definition: Support\n**TEE****N** (youth) **excluding** (un) **N** (name)\n **TEE**\n\n**TEE** (support for a golf ball for example)"} {"Clue":"Cavity in which poor Hob starts falling off a motorbike? (6)","Answer":"ATRIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Cavity\n**A** **+ TRIUMPH** (brand of motorbike) **excluding** (falling off) **PH** (**first letters of **[starts] each of **POOR** and **HOB**)\n **A** **TRIUM**\n\n**ATRIUM** (cavity or entrance)"} {"Clue":"Bet the barmaid wants Marilyn Chambers' part (5)","Answer":"LYNCH","Explanation":"Definition: Bet the barmaid\n**LYNCH** (**hidden word in** [part] **MARILYN CHAMBERS**)\n **LYNCH**\n\n**LYNCH** (reference Bet **LYNCH**, fictional barmaid character in the TV soap Coronation Street; Marilyn Chambers is a character in Home and Away, another TV soap opera)"} {"Clue":"Hard of hearing (6)","Answer":"TRYING","Explanation":"Definition: Hard\n**TRYING** (severe; hard)\n **TRYING**\n\n**TRYING** (putting on trial in a judicial investigation or; hearing)"} {"Clue":"Jump from plane over Spain (4)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: Jump\n**JET** (type of plane) **+ E** (International Vehicle Registration for Spain)\n **JET** **E**\n\n**JET\u00c9** (in ballet, leap from one foot to the other in which the free leg usually finishes extended forward, backward or sideways; jump)"} {"Clue":"My grain's been cropped (3)","Answer":"COR","Explanation":"Definition: My\n**CORN** (grain) **excluding the final lette**r (cropped) N\n **COR**\n\n**COR** (gosh!; my!)"} {"Clue":"Finish off Kent town's wine (6)","Answer":"GRAVES","Explanation":"Definition: wine\n**GRAVES****END** (town in Kent) **excluding** (off) **END** (finish)\n **GRAVES**\n\n**GRAVES** (white [or red] table wine from the **GRAVES** district in the Gironde department of France)"} {"Clue":"99 perhaps emerging from church in America mostly bewildered (3,5)","Answer":"ICE CREAM","Explanation":"Definition: 99 perhaps\n**CE** (Church [of England]) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (bewildered) **AMERICA excluding the final letter** (mostly) **A**\n **I** (**CE**) **CREAM***\n\n**ICE CREAM** (a 99 is an **ICE-CREAM** with a milk flake)"} {"Clue":"Secretary of a football club being Swiss is oddly overlooked (10)","Answer":"AMANUENSIS","Explanation":"Definition: Secretary\n**A + MAN U** (Manchester United; Football Club) + **ENSIS** (**letters 2, 4, 6, 8\u00a0and 10**\u00a0[oddly overlooked] of **BEING SWISS)**\n **A** **MAN** **U** **ENSIS**\n\n**AMANUENSIS** (literary assistant, esp one who writes to dictation or copies from manuscript; secretary)"} {"Clue":"Knock leg against edge of rock (4)","Answer":"PINK","Explanation":"Definition: Knock\n**PIN** (leg) **+ K** (**last letter of,** an 'edge' letter of **ROCK**)\n **PIN** **K**\n\n**PINK** (a characteristic metallic knocking noise caused by detonation in an engine)"} {"Clue":"Son for second new father is an angel (8)","Answer":"INVESTOR","Explanation":"Definition: angel\n**INVENTOR** (father of) with **S** (son) **replacing** (for) the **second** **occurrence** **of **[second] **N** (new) \n **INVESTOR**\n\n**INVESTOR** (a person who **INVEST**s in theatrical productions is termed an angel)"} {"Clue":"Where to find hotel in Cleethorpes? (6)","Answer":"MIDDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Where to find hotel in Cleethorpes\n**H** (hotel) is found as the **MIDDLE** letter of **CLEET** **H** **ORPES**\n **MIDDLE**\n\n**MIDDLE **see wordplay"} {"Clue":"Babies want to hold a pen for instance (4)","Answer":"SWAN","Explanation":"Definition: pen for instance\n**SWAN** (**hidden word in** [to hold] **BABIES WANT**)\n **SWAN**\n\n**SWAN** (a **PEN** is a female swan)"} {"Clue":"Live around extensive outskirts of Exeter? Not any more (2,6)","Answer":"NO LONGER","Explanation":"Definition: Not any more\n**ON** (**ON** air; live) **reversed** (around) **+ LONG** (extensive) **+ ER** (**first and last letters of** [outskirts] **EXETER**)\n **NO**< **LONG** **ER**\n\n**NO LONGER** (not any more)"} {"Clue":"Pardon announced for engineer (4)","Answer":"WATT","Explanation":"Definition: engineer\n**WATT** (**sounds like** [announced] **WHAT** [pardon])\n **WATT**\n\n**WATT** (reference James **WATT** [1736 \u2013 1819], Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer)"} {"Clue":"Quick pint following concert (6)","Answer":"PROMPT","Explanation":"Definition: Quick\n**PROM** (promenade concert) **+ PT** (pint)\n **PROM** **PT**\n\n**PROMPT** (quick)"} {"Clue":"Dish of duck, made without stuffing, left by setter essentially (8)","Answer":"OMELETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Dish\n**O** (zero; duck score in cricket) **+ ME** (**outside letters of** [without stuffing] **MADE**) **+ L** (left) **+ ETTE** (**central letters of** [essentially] **SETTER**)\n **O** **ME** **L** **ETTE**\n\n**OMELETTE** (example of a food dish)"} {"Clue":"Trick central characters in show with source of audience vote (4)","Answer":"HOAX","Explanation":"Definition: Trick\n**HO** (**middle letters of** [central characters in] **SHOW**) **+ A** (**first letter of** [source of] **AUDIENCE**) **+ X** (the symbol used when casting a vote in an election)\n **HO** **A** **X**\n\n**HOAX** (trick)"} {"Clue":"Without a stir, African winds up joint company (10)","Answer":"FRIENDSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: company\n**AFRICAN** **excluding** (without) **A** and **CAN**) **+ ENDS** (winds up) **+ HIP** (joint)\n **FRI** **ENDS** **HIP**\n\n**FRIENDSHIP** (companionship; company)"} {"Clue":"Repartee's rank over lady confused about parking (8)","Answer":"WORDPLAY","Explanation":"Definition: Repartee\n**ROW** (rank) **reversed** (over) **+ an anagram of** (confused) **LADY** **containing** (about) **P** (parking)\n **WOR**< **D** (**P**) **LAY***\n\n**WORDPLAY** (repartee)"} {"Clue":"Element evenly distributed throughout Kosovo? (6)","Answer":"OXYGEN","Explanation":"Definition: Element\nThe letter **O** (chemical symbol for **OXYGEN**) is found as **letters 2, 4 and 6** (evenly distributed) of **KOSOVO**\n **OXYGEN**\n\n**OXYGEN** (element)"} {"Clue":"Upright type of horse that covers miles (5)","Answer":"ROMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Upright type\n**ROAN** (a **ROAN** coloured horse)** containing** (that covers) **M** (miles)\n **RO** (**M**) **AN**\n\n**ROMAN** (a typeface of the ordinary upright kind as opposed to italics)"} {"Clue":"Retaliation against English heading from Europe supported by two thirds of France (9)","Answer":"VENGEANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Retaliation\n**V** (versus; against) **+ ENG** (English) **+ E** (**first letter of** [heading from] **EUROPE**) + **ANCE** (letters 3 to 6, **4 of 6 letters** [two thirds] **of** **FRANCE**)\n **V** **ENG** **E** **ANCE**\n\n**VENGEANCE** (retribution; retaliation)"} {"Clue":"Some Aussies take a rest when it's hot (6)","Answer":"SIESTA","Explanation":"Definition: a rest when it's hot\n**SIESTA** (**hidden word in** [some] **AUSSIES TAKE**)\n **SIESTA**\n\n**SIESTA** (midday or afternoon nap, usually\u00a0associated with much\u00a0warmer countries than the United Kingdom)"} {"Clue":"Cover used for a leaking roof? (9,6)","Answer":"INSURANCE POLICY","Explanation":"Definition: Cover used for a leaking roof\n**COVER** is a term used to describe the protection provided by an **INSURANCE POLICY**. Buildings **INSURANCE** will most likely cover the damage caused by a leaking roof,[subject to terms and conditions \u2026.])\n **INSURANCE POLICY**\n\n**INSURANCE POLICY** \u2013 cryptic definition, see wordplay"} {"Clue":"Group seen excitedly describing new mobile regularly ignored (8)","Answer":"ENSEMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Group\n**Anagram of** (excitedly) **SEEN** **containing** (describing) **EMBL** (**letters 2, 4, 6 and 8 **[odd letters regularly ignored] of **NEW MOBILE**)\n **ENS** (**EMBL**) **E***\n\n**ENSEMBLE** (group)"} {"Clue":"Swift attack captures leader of pirates (5)","Answer":"RAPID","Explanation":"Definition: Swift\n**RAID** (attack) **contains** (captures) **P** (**first letter of** [leader of] **PIRATES**)\n **RA** (**P**) **ID**\n\n**RAPID** (swift)"} {"Clue":"Abolition of bishops possibly defended by woman during last month (9)","Answer":"ANNULMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Abolition\n**MEN** (bishops are examples of chess men) **contained in** (defended by) (**ANN** [woman's name] + **ULT** [ultimo; in the last month; during the last month)\n **ANN** **UL** (**MEN**) **T**\n\n**ANNULMENT** (abolition)"} {"Clue":"Sport involving power a lot (5,4)","Answer":"WATER POLO","Explanation":"Definition: Sport \n**Anagram of **(involving) **POWER A LOT**\n **WATER** **PO****LO***\n\n**WATER POLO** (sport)"} {"Clue":"State of recently born calf (3,6)","Answer":"NEW JERSEY","Explanation":"Definition: State \n**NEW** (recently born) **+ JERSEY** (a breed of cow that will give birth to a calf)\n **NEW**** ****JERSEY**\n\n**NEW JERSEY** (American State)"} {"Clue":"Discrimination acceptable within Florida? Charming! (8)","Answer":"TASTEFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Charming\n**TASTE** (discrimination) **+** (**U** [acceptable] **contained in** [within] **FL** [abbreviation for the State of Florida])\n **TASTE** **F** (**U**) **L**\n\n**TASTEFUL** (charming)"} {"Clue":"Wisteria at last slowly envelops shed (4-2)","Answer":"LEAN-TO","Explanation":"Definition: shed \n**LENTO** (musical term signifying that the passage should be played slowly) **containing** (envelops) **A** (**final letter of** [at last] **WISTERI****A**)\n **LE **(**A**) **N TO**\n\n**LEAN-TO** (shed)"} {"Clue":"Number historically entering medicine got together socially (5)","Answer":"MIXED","Explanation":"Definition: got together socially\n**IX** (Roman [historic] numeral; number historically) **contained in** (entering) **MED** (medicine)\n **M** (**IX**) **ED**\n\n**MIXED** (got together socially)"} {"Clue":"Clich\u00e9d term receives immense television exposure initially (5)","Answer":"TRITE","Explanation":"Definition: got together socially\n**IX** (Roman [historic] numeral; number historically) **contained in** (entering) **MED** (medicine)\n **M** (**IX**) **ED**\n\n**MIXED** (got together socially)"} {"Clue":"Bitter nob reported a total loss (5-3)","Answer":"WRITE-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: total loss\n**WRITE-OFF** (**sounds like** [reported] **WRY** [bitter] **+ TOFF** [person of the upper classes; nob])\n **WRITE-OFF**\n\n**WRITE-OFF** (total loss)"} {"Clue":"Grinning, gutted cracking river carp (6)","Answer":"NIGGLE","Explanation":"Definition: carp\n**GG** (**letters remaining in** **G****RINNIN****G** **when the central letters** **RINNIN** **are removed** [gutted]) **contained in** (cracking) **NILE** (river in Africa)\n **NI** (**GG**) **LE**\n\n**NIGGLE** (nag; carp)"} {"Clue":"Maiden's wee mouse (6)","Answer":"MURINE","Explanation":"Definition: mouse\n**M** (maiden in cricket scoring notation) **+ ****URINE** (wee)\n **M** **URINE**\n\n**MURINE** (a mouselike animal which obviously covers a mouse)"} {"Clue":"Northern English lass moved house after vacation more anon (8)","Answer":"NAMELESS","Explanation":"Definition: anon\n**Anagram of** (more [?]) (**N** [northern and **E** [English] and **LASS** and **ME** [**letters remaining in** **M****OVED HOU****SE** **after all the central letters** **OVED HOU** **are removed** [after vacation])\n **N****A****ME****L****E****SS***\n\n**NAMELESS** (anonymous; anon)"} {"Clue":"Fast or mostly slow? (4)","Answer":"LENT","Explanation":"Definition: Fast\n**LENTO** (musical term meaning slow) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **O**\n **LENT**\n\n**LENT** (Ash Wednesday to Easter, a period of fasting in the Christian religion)"} {"Clue":"Oscar axes stupid description of \"original copies\"? (10)","Answer":"OXYMORONIC","Explanation":"Definition: description of \"original copies\"\n**O** (Oscar is the code word for the letter **O** in international radio communication) + **XY** (reference the **X** and **Y** axes in co-ordinate geometry) **+ MORONIC** (stupid)\n **O** **XY** **MORONIC**\n\n**OXYMORONIC** (descriptive of a figure of speech by means of which contradictory terms are combined, so as to form an expressive phrase or epithet, such as cruel kindness, falsely true, original copies etc)."} {"Clue":"Millions should stop only bracketing Newton with gravity (8)","Answer":"SOLEMNLY","Explanation":"Definition: with gravity\n(**M** [millions] **contained in** [should stop] [**SOLELY** {only} **containing** {bracketing}** N** {newton}])\n **SOLE** (**M**) (**N**) **LY**\n\n**SOLEMNLY** (with gravity)"} {"Clue":"Leader ditched extra responsibility (4)","Answer":"ONUS","Explanation":"Definition: with gravity\n(**M** [millions] **contained in** [should stop] [**SOLELY** {only} **containing** {bracketing}** N** {newton}])\n **SOLE** (**M**) (**N**) **LY**\n\n**SOLEMNLY** (with gravity)"} {"Clue":"Somewhat inhumane Roman (4)","Answer":"NERO","Explanation":"Definition: Somewhat inhumane Roman\n**NERO** (**hidden word** [somewhat] in **INHUMANE ROMAN**)\n **NERO**\n\n**NERO** (Roman Emperor reputed to have played his violin whilst Rome burned; somewhat inhumane Roman)"} {"Clue":"A paper lies regularly \u2013 it's boss is given notice (8)","Answer":"APPRISED","Explanation":"Definition: given notice\n**A + PPRIS** (**letters 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 **\u00a0[regularly] of **A PAPER LIE**S) **+ ED** (editor, boss of the paper)\n **A** **PPRIS** **ED**\n\n**APPRISED** (given notice)"} {"Clue":"Could be a pill largely like Nurofen for a start? Right (10)","Answer":"PAINKILLER","Explanation":"Definition: Could be a pill largely like Nurofen for a start? Right\n(Anagram of [could be] **A PILL** and** LIKE** [**excluding the first letter** {largely} **L**] **+ N** [**first letter of** {for a start} **NUROFEN**]) **+ R** (right)\n **P****A****I****NKI****LL****E*** **R**\n\n**PAINKILLER** (Nurofen is used as a\u00a0**PAINKILLER**, predominately for headaches)"} {"Clue":"So I must repress resistance (4)","Answer":"ERGO","Explanation":"Definition: So\n**EGO** (the I or self) **containing** (must repress) **R** (resistance) \n **E** (**R**) **GO**\n\n**ERGO** (therefore; so)"} {"Clue":"Trivial Pursuit initially provided brief period of fun (8)","Answer":"PIFFLING","Explanation":"Definition: Trivial \n**P** (**first letter of** [initially] **PURSUIT**) **+ IF** (provided) + **FLING** (brief period of fun)\n **P** **IF** **FLING**\n\n**PIFFLING** (trivial)"} {"Clue":"Love to let rip? Drive slowly (6)","Answer":"TOOTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Drive slowly\n**Anagram of** **O** [love score in tennis] and **TO** and **LET**\n **TOO****TLE***\n\n**TOOTLE** (go along casually; drive slowly)"} {"Clue":"Start of self-addressed letter? How sad! (4,2)","Answer":"DEAR ME","Explanation":"Definition: How sad\n**DEAR ME** (how one might start a letter to oneself)\n **DEAR** **ME**\n\n**DEAR ME** (how sad!)"} {"Clue":"Part of church school expels one spoilt pest (8)","Answer":"TRANSEPT","Explanation":"Definition: Part of church\n**TRAIN** (school)** excluding** (expels) **I **(Roman numeral for one) + an anagram of\u00a0(spoilt) **PEST**\n **TRAN ****SEPT***\n\n**TRANSEPT** (part of a church at right angles to the nave))"} {"Clue":"Recycle waste, not wanting fine (5)","Answer":"REUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Recycle\n**RE****F****USE** (wasting) **excluding** (not wanting) **F** (fine)\n **REUSE**\n\n**REUSE** (recycle)"} {"Clue":"Tiny parachutes let his pilot finally drift to the ground (11)","Answer":"THISTLEDOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Tiny parachutes\n(A**nagram** **of **[drift] **LET HIS** and **T** [**last letter of** {finally} **PILOT**]) + **DOWN** (to the ground)\n **THISTLE*** **DOWN**\n\n**THISTLEDOWN** (tufted feathery parachutes of thistle seeds)"} {"Clue":"Individual backing opera company's extremely honest at heart (3-2-3)","Answer":"ONE-TO-ONE","Explanation":"Definition: Individual\n**ENO** (English National Opera; opera company) **reversed** [backing]) **+ TOO** (extremely)** + NE** (**middle letters of** [at heart] **HONEST**)\n **ONE**< **TO O** **NE**\n\n**ONE-TO-ONE** (meeting with one person; individual)"} {"Clue":"Old film buff has chat about New York Times crossword answer (5,2,8)","Answer":"FANNY BY GASLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Old film\n(**FAN** [enthusiast; buff] **+ GAS** [chat]) **containing** (about) (**NY** [New York] + **BY** [times, as in 7 by 8 = 56]) **+ LIGHT** (crossword answer)\n **FAN** (**NY** **BY**) **GAS** **LIGHT**\n\n**FANNY BY GASLIGHT**** **(1944 film; old film)"} {"Clue":"Hunter needs gun to follow game (6)","Answer":"NIMROD","Explanation":"Definition: Hunter\n**NIM** (old and widespread game, perhaps originally Chinese, in which two players take alternately from heaps or rows of objects, now usually matches) **+ ****ROD** (US slang for a pistol; gun)\n **NIM** **ROD**\n\n**NIMROD** (any great hunter)"} {"Clue":"Begin to work on mounting (3)","Answer":"GEL","Explanation":"Definition: Begin to work\n**LEG** (the **LEG** side is the **ON** side in cricket) **reversed** (mounted; down clue)\n **GEL**<\n\n**GEL** (begin to work)"} {"Clue":"Young woman entertains boss, heading off weariness (9)","Answer":"LASSITUDE","Explanation":"Definition: weariness\n**LASSIE** (young woman) **containing** (entertains) **S****TUD** (boss) **excluding** (off) **the first letter** (heading) **S**\n **LASSI **(**TUD**) **E**\n\n**LASSITUDE** (weariness)"} {"Clue":"Blob of ordure is dreadfully strong-smelling (11)","Answer":"ODORIFEROUS","Explanation":"Definition: strong-smellin\n**Anagram of **(dreadfully) **O** (blob) and **OF ORDURE IS**\n **O****DORIFEROUS***\n\n**ODORIFEROUS** (strong smelling)"} {"Clue":"Worker needs old key, but I'm off (9)","Answer":"OPERATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Worker\n**O** (old) **+ IMPERATIVE** (urgently necessary; key) **excluding** (off) **IM**\n **O** **PERATIVE**\n\n**OPERATIVE** (worker)"} {"Clue":"Plump former soldiers eat before light entertainment (8)","Answer":"OPERETTA","Explanation":"Definition: light entertainment\n(**OPT** [choose; plump] **+ TA** [Territorial Army; soldiers]) **containing** (eat) **ERE** (before) \n I'm not sure where 'former' comes in to play as **OP****T** is in current use for 'choose; plump' and the **T**erritorial **A**rmy does not just recruit former soldiers.\n **OP** (**ERE**) **T** **TA**\n\n**OPERETTA** (a short, light, often rather trivial, musical drama)"} {"Clue":"Appear happy about one figure of speech (6)","Answer":"SIMILE","Explanation":"Definition: figure of speech\n**SMILE** (appear happy) **containing** (about) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **S** (**I**) **MILE**\n\n**SIMILE **(figure of speech)"} {"Clue":"Returning airman takes one inside for dance (5)","Answer":"GALOP","Explanation":"Definition: dance\n(**PO** [Pilot Officer; airman]) **+ LAG** [prisoner; one inside]) **all reversed** (returning)\n (**GAL** **OP**)<\n\n**GALOP** (lively dance)"} {"Clue":"Brewer's volume omits family tree (3)","Answer":"FIR","Explanation":"Definition: tree\n**FIRKIN** (a brewer's measure of volume equal to one-quarter of a barrel **excluding** (omits) **KIN** (family)\n **FIR**\n\n**FIR** (tree)"} {"Clue":"Top of the bill at Carnegie Hall? (Margate's quite wrong!) (8)","Answer":"MEGASTAR","Explanation":"Definition: Top of the bill at Carnegie Hall\n**Anagram of** (quite wrong) **MARGATE'S**\n **MEGASTAR*******\n\n**MEGASTAR** (Carnegie Hall is a prime venue in New York where the **MEGASTAR**'s all want to perform)"} {"Clue":"With introduction of rule, parent becomes terrifying no longer (4)","Answer":"DRAD","Explanation":"Definition: terrifying no longer\n**DAD** (parent) **containing** (with introduction of) **R** (rule)\n **D** (**R**) **AD**\n\n**DRAD** (Spenserian [old poetic; no longer] word for **DREAD** [terrifying])"} {"Clue":"CEO's getting frisky \u2013 monkeys with English country dance (9)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: country dance\n**Anagram of** (getting frisky) **CEO'S** **+**** SAIS** (capuchin monkeys) **+ E** (English)\n **ECOS*** **SAIS** **E**\n\n**\u00c9COSSAISE** (lively country dance or its music in 2-4 time)"} {"Clue":"Orcadian dwarf in boat rowing \u2026 one such (4)","Answer":"TROW","Explanation":"Definition: Orcadian dwarf \n**TROW** (**hidden word in** [in] **BOAT ROWING**)\n **TROW**\n\n**TROW** (a form of troll [evil tempered ugly dwarf] referenced in Orkney and Shetland)\n **TROW** is also any of various small boats or barges, usually flat-bottomed, so one such rowing boat\n Two definitions"} {"Clue":"E,g, O. Peterson directed this old player (7)","Answer":"HISTRIO","Explanation":"Definition: old player\nOscar Peterson often played \/ directed\u00a0with **HIS TRIO**, the members of whom, other than Oscar, changed frequently\n **HISTRIO**\n\n**HISTRIO** (archaic [old] word for actor [player])"} {"Clue":"Taste eel? No, oddly like bony fish (10)","Answer":"TELEOSTEAN","Explanation":"Definition: like bony fish\n**Anagram of **(oddly) **TASTE EEL NO**\n **TE****LEO****ST****E****A****N***\n\n**TELEOSTEAN** (like bony fish)"} {"Clue":"One who triumphed in New World parliament (6)","Answer":"CORTES","Explanation":"Definition: One who triumphed in New World\n**CORTES** (reference Hern\u00e1n **CORT\u00c9S**, a Spanish conquistador who led an expedition that caused the fall of the Aztec Empire and brought large portions of mainland Mexico under Spanish rule; one who triumphed in the New World)\n **CORTES**\n\n**CORTES** (reference **CORTES** Generales, bicameral parliament of Spain) double definition"} {"Clue":"Page like this is set before those investigating e.g. booklouse (6)","Answer":"PSOCID","Explanation":"Definition: e.g. booklouse\n**P** (page) **+ SO** (like this) **+ CID** (Criminal Investigation Department; those investigating)\n **P** **SO** **CID**\n\n**PSOCID** (tiny winged or wingless insects, eg booklice)"} {"Clue":"Paired cymbals creating a bit of laughter in chart-toppers (6)","Answer":"HIHATS","Explanation":"Definition: Paired cymbals\n**HA** (bit of laughter, i.e a bit of **HA-HA** [laughter]) **contained in** (in) **HITS** (chart toppers)\n **HI** (**HA**) **TS**\n\n**HIHATS** (pairs of cymbals on a stand, the upper one operated by a pedal so as to strike the lower one; variant spelling of **HIGH HATS**)"} {"Clue":"Where notice 'as been posted giving chocolate ingredient? (6)","Answer":"PINOLE","Explanation":"Definition: chocolate ingredient\nWhere the notice 'as been posted is evidenced by a **PIN 'OLE** [pin hole])\n **PINOLE**\n\n**PINOLE** (mixture of vanilla and aromatic substances in chocolate)"} {"Clue":"Boy marries? It may have meant holy obligations (7)","Answer":"SONTIES","Explanation":"Definition: It may have meant holy obligations\n**SON** (boy) + **TIES** (marries)\n **SON** **TIES**\n\n**SONTIES** (word used in an oath in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice (II.2.43) perhaps meaning sanctities; it may have meant holy obligations)"} {"Clue":"Sabbath leave? Nonsense (5)","Answer":"SQUIT","Explanation":"Definition: Nonsense\n**S** (Sabbath) **+ QUIT** (leave)\n **S** **QUIT**\n\n**SQUIT** (nonsense)"} {"Clue":"Part of old Japanese get-up worn in wraps swept back (4)","Answer":"INRO","Explanation":"Definition: Part of old Japanese get-up\n**INRO** (**hidden word** [wraps] **reversed** [swept back] in **WORN IN**)\n **INRO**<\n\n**INRO** (small Japanese container for pills and medicines, once part of traditional Japanese dress; part of old Japanese get-up)"} {"Clue":"Part of German history is involved with armies led by king (9)","Answer":"KAISERISM","Explanation":"Definition: Part of German history\n**K** (king) + **an anagram of** (involved with) **ARMIES** and **IS**\n **K** **AISER****IS****M***\n\n**KAISERISM **(relating to the life and times of a Kaiser; part of German history)"} {"Clue":"Contraction among Scots total Oxford expelled (4)","Answer":"AMN","Explanation":"Definition: Contraction among Scots\n**AM****OU****NT** (total) **excluding** (expelled) **OU** (Oxford University)\n **AMN'T**\n\n**AMN'T** (Scots contraction of **AM NOT**)"} {"Clue":"Mad career taking in starter's signal? One witnesses that (8)","Answer":"RACEGOER","Explanation":"Definition: One witnesses that\n**Anagram of** (mad) **CAREER** **containing** (taking in) **GO** (a signal to start)\n **RACE** (**GO**) **ER***\n\n**RACEGOER** (one who witnesses the start [and all of] of horse races)"} {"Clue":"Rhythm bashed out with right hand? You shouldn't trust it (4)","Answer":"MYTH","Explanation":"Definition: You shouldn't trust it\n**Anagram of **(bashed) **RH****YTHM**\u00a0**excluding** (out with) **RH** (right hand)\n **MYTH***\n\n**MYTH** (commonly-held belief that is untrue, or without foundation; something you shouldn't trust)"} {"Clue":"Contemporary desk producing rigorous observation on love in Ireland (9)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: Contemporary desk\n(**CRIT** [rigorous judgment or observation] **+ O**\u00a0[zero; love score in tennis]) **contained in** (in) **EIRE **(Ireland)\n **E** (**CRIT** **O**) **IRE**\n\n**\u00c9CRITOIRE** (modern [contemporary] form of **ESCRITOIRE** [writing desk])"} {"Clue":"Grand army spirit (5)","Answer":"GHOST","Explanation":"Definition: spirit\n**G** (grand) **+ HOST** (army)\n **G** **HOST**\n\n**GHOST** (spirit)"} {"Clue":"Theatre awards, acceptable within limits (6)","Answer":"TONIES","Explanation":"Definition: Theatre awards\n**ON** (acceptable) **contained in** (within) **TIES** (limit)\n **T** (**ON**) **IES**\n\n**TONIES** (The Antoinette Perry Award for Excellence in Broadway Theatre, more commonly known as the **TONY**\u00a0Award, recognizes the excellence in live Broadway theatre)"} {"Clue":"The old bent over regarding work (6)","Answer":"ASTOOP","Explanation":"Definition: The old bent over\n**AS TO **(regarding) **+ OP** (opus; work)\n **AS** **TO** **OP**\n\n**ASTOOP** (archaic [old] word for 'bent over')"} {"Clue":"Fellow receiving relative, Scottish cow? (7)","Answer":"DAUNTON","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish cow\n**DON** (fellow of a college or university) **containing** (receiving) **AUNT** (relative)\n **D** (**AUNT**) **ON**\n\n**DAUNTON** (Scottish word meaning to subdue or cow)"} {"Clue":"Capital piece of origami (4)","Answer":"RIGA","Explanation":"Definition: Capital\n**RIGA** (**hidden word in** [piece of]\u00a0**ORIGAMI**)\n **RIGA**\n\n**RIGA** (Capital city of Latvia)"} {"Clue":"Hinged front of desk writer's standing above, in fact (8)","Answer":"DEPENDED","Explanation":"Definition: Hinged \n(**PEN** [writer] **+ D** [**first letter of** {front of} **DESK**) **contained in** (in) **DEED** (fact) As this is a down entry, the letters in **PEN** stand above the **D** of **D**esk\n **DE** (**PEN** **D**) **ED**\n\n**DEPENDED** (relied; hinged)"} {"Clue":"Writings I penned I\u00a0noise abroad, to spread the word? (10)","Answer":"MISSIONISE","Explanation":"Definition: spread the word?\n(**I** **contained in** [penned] **MSS** [manuscripts]) **+ I +\u00a0an anagram of **(abroad) **NOISE**\n **M** (**I**) **SS** **\u00a0I** **ONISE***\n\n**MISSIONISE** (spread the word)"} {"Clue":"Runny miel's spread around \u2013 it results in various recipients getting the same (9)","Answer":"MAILMERGE","Explanation":"Definition: it results in various recipients getting the same\n**MARGE** (margarine; spread) **containing** (around) **an anagram of** (runny) **MIEL** \n **MA** (**ILME***) **RGE**\n\n**MAILMERGE** (computer program producing of a series of letters addressed to individuals by merging a file of names with a file containing the text of the letter resulting in various recipients getting a personalised version of the same letter)"} {"Clue":"Men gripped by rhythmical music \u2013 lancers put it on (8)","Answer":"SCHAPSKA","Explanation":"Definition: lancers put it on\n**CHAPS** (men) **contained in** (gripped by) **SKA** (form of Jamaican music similar to reggae; rhythmical music)\n **S** (**CHAPS**) **KA**\n\n**SCHAPSKA** (military cap of a shape adapted from the traditional Polish peasant cap, worn by lancer regiments)"} {"Clue":"Like splotchy art? This chap's is received in display of discretion (7)","Answer":"TACHIST","Explanation":"Definition: Like splotchy art?\n**HIS** (this chap's) **contained in** (is received in) **TACT** (display of discretion)\n **TAC** (**HIS**) **T**\n\n**TACHIST** (descriptive of a mid-20c movement in abstract painting characterized by irregular splotches and dabs of colour apparently applied at random for dramatic or emotional effect rather than to represent or express)"} {"Clue":"You'd find Isis traditionally providing setting for these (6)","Answer":"SISTRA","Explanation":"Definition: You'd find Isis traditionally providing setting for these\n**SISTRA** (**hidden word in** [providing setting for] **ISIS TRADITIONALLY**) \n **SISTRA**\n\n**SISTRA** (ancient Egyptian wire rattles used in Isis-worship)"} {"Clue":"It's describing what you should do about spore clusters, itchy (6)","Answer":"PSORIC","Explanation":"Definition: itchy\n**PC** (political correctness; describing what you should do to avoid upsetting anyone \u2013 completely impossible these days\u00a0) **containing** (about) **SORI** (clusters of sporangia or soredia) \n **P** (**SORI**) **C**\n\n**PSORIC** (itchy)"} {"Clue":"Latin above entrance in kirk? It could be (5)","Answer":"LINGO","Explanation":"Definition: It could be\n**L** (Latin)** + INGO** (Scottish word for entry; kirk is a Scottish word for church)\n **L** **INGO**\n\n**LINGO** (language, e.g. Latin)"} {"Clue":"One in five have optical fault missing peripheral characters (4)","Answer":"QUIN","Explanation":"Definition: One in five\n**SQUINT** (muscular defect of the eye, preventing parallel vision) **excluding** (missing) **the outer letters** (peripheral characters) **S** and **T**\n **QUIN**\n\n**QUIN** (one of five)"} {"Clue":"Turned well before middle of turn (4)","Answer":"SOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Turned\n**SO **(well)** + UR **(**central letters of** [middle of] **TURN**)\n **SO** **UR**\n\n**SOUR** (gone off; turned)"} {"Clue":"Footballer seizing attention is tiresome (7)","Answer":"WEARING","Explanation":"Definition: tiresome\n**WING** (forward position played by a footballer) **containing** (seizing) **EAR** (attention)\n **W** (**EAR**) **ING**\n\n**WEARING** (tiresome)"} {"Clue":"First person in France to get to opulent old Biblical city (7)","Answer":"JERICHO","Explanation":"Definition: Biblical city\n**JE** (I, first person, in French) **+ RICH** (opulent) **+ O** (old)\n **JE** **RICH** **O**\n\n**JERICHO** (Biblical city)"} {"Clue":"Public argument about start of his deposition (9)","Answer":"OVERTHROW","Explanation":"Definition: deposition\n(**OVERT** [open; public] **+ ROW** [argument]) **containing** (about) **H** (**first letter of **[start of] **HIS**)\n **OVERT** (**H**) **ROW**\n\n**OVERTHROW** (the act of deposing; deposition)"} {"Clue":"Fellow with sound fruit tree (5)","Answer":"MANGO","Explanation":"Definition: fruit tree\n**MAN** (fellow) **+ GO** (to sound)\n **MAN** **GO**\n\n**MANGO** (example of a fruit tree)"} {"Clue":"Place an absolute mess, we hear (4)","Answer":"SITE","Explanation":"Definition: Place \n**SITE** (**sounds like** [we hear] **SIGHT** [monstrosity; eyesore; mess])\n **SITE**\n\n**SITE** (place)"} {"Clue":"A lot of odd material arranged according to specification (6-4)","Answer":"TAILOR-MADE","Explanation":"Definition: according to specification\n**Anagram of **(arranged) (**OD****D** **excluding the final letter** [a lot of] **D** and **MATERIAL**)\n **TAIL****O****R-MA****D****E***\n\n**TAILOR-MADE** (made to measure; according to specification)"} {"Clue":"Blokes taken aback in tucking into cooked food without dissent (2,3,4)","Answer":"OF ONE MIND","Explanation":"Definition: without dissent\n(**MEN** **reversed** [taken aback] **+ IN**) **contained in** (tucked into) **an anagram of** (cooked) **FOOD**\n **OF O** (**NE M**< **IN**) **D***\n\n**OF ONE MIND** (agreed; without dissent)"} {"Clue":"Happen to go round Sweden (5)","Answer":"EXIST","Explanation":"Definition: Happen\n**EXIT** (go) **containing** (round) **S** (International Vehicle Registration for Sweden)\n **EXI** (**S**) **T**\n\n**EXIST** take place; happen)"} {"Clue":"Manipulate King and Knight and study sacrificing Rook (5)","Answer":"KNEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Manipulate\n**K** (king, in chess) **+ N** (knight, in chess) **+ READ** (study) **excluding** (sacrificing) **R** (rook, in chess)\n **K** **N** **EAD**\n\n**KNEAD** (manipulate)"} {"Clue":"Copper limited by regulation coming in explosive and aggressive (9)","Answer":"TRUCULENT","Explanation":"Definition: aggressive\n(**CU** [chemical symbol for copper] **contained in** [limited by] **RULE** [regulation]) **all contained in** (coming in) **TNT** (trinitrotoluene; explosive)\n **T** (**RU** (**CU**) **LE**) **NT**\n\n**TRUCULENT** (aggressive and discourteous))"} {"Clue":"Great with cooking meat, ultimately admitting no liquid (10)","Answer":"WATERTIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: admitting no liquid\n**Anagram of** (cooking) **GREAT WITH** **+ T** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **MEAT**)\n **W****ATER****TI****G****H*** **T**\n\n**WATERTIGHT** (admitting no liquid)"} {"Clue":"Just like me, overlooking millions in the continent (4)","Answer":"ASIA","Explanation":"Definition: continent\n**AS I AM** (just like me) **excluding** (overlooking) **M** (millions)\n **ASIA**\n\n**ASIA** (one of the continents)"} {"Clue":"Rumour recalled injury (head cut) (5)","Answer":"NOISE","Explanation":"Definition: Rumour\n**LESION** (injury) **excluding the first letter** (head cut) **L** and **reversed** (recalled)\n **NOISE**<\n\n**NOISE** (rumour)"} {"Clue":"Work out international group's worried about passage (9)","Answer":"EVENTUATE","Explanation":"Definition: Work out\n(**EU** [European Union; international group] **+ ATE** [worried]) **containing** (about) **VENT** (passage)\n **E** (**VENT**) **U** **ATE**\n\n**EVENTUATE** (turn out; work out)"} {"Clue":"Japanese artist depicting fish around America (7)","Answer":"HOKUSAI","Explanation":"Definition: Japanese artist\n**HOKI** (food-fish with white flesh found in the waters of the southern hemisphere especially near the Falklands and New Zealand) **containing** (around) **USA** (United States of America)\n **HOK** (**USA**) **I**\n\n**HOKUSAI** (reference Katsushika **HOKUSAI** [1760 \u2013 1849], Japanese artist)"} {"Clue":"Club taking on standard festival (9)","Answer":"WOODSTOCK","Explanation":"Definition: festival\n**WOOD** (type of golf club although they are mainly metal nowadays) **+ STOCK** (standard)\n **WOOD** **STOCK**\n\n**WOODSTOCK** (one-off music festival in New York State in 1969 that attracted over 400,000 people)"} {"Clue":"Warn a swimmer finally coming into contact with net? (5)","Answer":"ALERT","Explanation":"Definition: Warn\n**A** **+** (**R** [**last letter of **{finally} **SWIMMER**] **contained in** [coming into] **LET** [an umpire's call in tennis to indicate that a serve has clipped the net])\n **A** **LE** (**R**) **T**\n\n**ALERT** (warning)"} {"Clue":"Picked up nine letters in Roman alphabet, or one in Greek (4)","Answer":"IOTA","Explanation":"Definition: one in Greek\n(**A TO I** [indicating nine consecutive letters of the Roman alphabet])** reversed** (picked up; down clue)\n (**I** **OT** **A**)<\n\n**IOTA** (character in the Greek alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Freely mastering \u2026 a European language in my case (9)","Answer":"GERMANIST","Explanation":"Definition: European language in my case\n**Anagram of** (freely) **MASTERING**\n **GERMANIST***\n\n**GERMANIST** (expert in German philology or other matters relating to Germany, presumably including mastery of the **GERMAN** language)"} {"Clue":"Judge sheep's wool ultimately the best example (5)","Answer":"JEWEL","Explanation":"Definition: best exampl\n**J** (judge) **+ EWE** (female sheep) **+ L** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **WOOL**)\n **J** **EWE** **L**\n\n**JEWEL** (anything or anything highly valued; a best example)"} {"Clue":"Rules, for me, must be broken with a sense of guilt (10)","Answer":"REMORSEFUL","Explanation":"Definition: with a sense of guilt\n**Anagram of** (must be broken) **RULES FOR ME**\n **RE****MOR****S****EF****UL***\n\n**REMORSEFUL** (penitent; with a sense of guilt)"} {"Clue":"Like a song? Stick around bass in the end (9)","Answer":"CANTABILE","Explanation":"Definition: Like a song\n**CANE** (stick) **containing** (around) (**B** [bass] **contained in** [in] **TAIL** [the end])\n **CAN** (**TA** (**B**) **IL**) **E**\n\n**CANTABILE **(flowing and melodious, like singing)"} {"Clue":"Australia working with Spain to produce gas (5)","Answer":"OZONE","Explanation":"Definition: gas\n**OZ** (Australia) **+ ON** (working) **+ E** (International Vehicle Registration for Spain)\n **OZ** **ON** **E**\n\n**OZONE** (a form of oxygen [O3]; gas)"} {"Clue":"Minimum cut retains foreign articles in losing editorial contribution (10)","Answer":"LEADERLESS","Explanation":"Definition: losing editorial contribution\n**LEAST** (minimum) **excluding the final letter** (cut) **T** **containing** (**DER** [German for 'the'] **+ LES** [French for 'the'] \u2013 foreign definite articles)\n **LEA** (**DER** **LES**) **S**\n\n**LEADERLESS** (without a **LEADER** [article often written by the editor expressing the paper's opinion])"} {"Clue":"Put too much effort into agreement with a lot of extremely meagre content (9)","Answer":"OVERTHINK","Explanation":"Definition: Put too much effort into\n**OK** (indication of agreement) **containing** (with \u2026 content) (**VER****Y** [extremely] **excluding the final letter** {a lot of}** Y** + **THIN** [meagre])\n **O** (**VER** **THIN**) **K**\n\n**OVERTHINK** (put too much effort into)"} {"Clue":"Certain girls hate drugs being distributed (9)","Answer":"DAUGHTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Certain girls\n**Anagram of** (being distributed) **HATE DRUGS**\n **D****A****UG****HTE****RS*******\n\n**DAUGHTERS** ( a specific subset of women; certain girls) I realise that all girls are **DAUGHTERS** but the clue is distinguishing them from those who could also be classified as wives, mothers, grannies etc\u2026"} {"Clue":"Nipple seized by nippers almost last to appreciate a close encounter (4-1-4)","Answer":"-","Explanation":"Definition: close encounter\n(**TEAT** [nipple] **contained in** [seized by] **TEET****H** [nippers] **excluding the final letter** [almost] **H**) **+ E** (**final letter of** [last to] **APPRECIATE**)\n **TE** (**TE A T**) **ET** **E**\n\n**T\u00caTE-\u00c0-T\u00caTE** (private confidential interview ; close encounter)"} {"Clue":"Woman brought up recently-born children (5)","Answer":"WENCH","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\n**NEW** (recently-born) **reversed** (brought up; down clue) **+ CH** (children)\n **WEN**< **CH**\n\n**WENCH** (girl or young woman)"} {"Clue":"A lot of money seized by two in rebellious tribe (5)","Answer":"ICENI","Explanation":"Definition: rebellious tribe\n**CENT** (money) **excluding the final letter** (a lot of) **T contained in** (seized by) (**I** +** I** or **II** ( Roman numeral for two)\n **I **(**CEN**) **I**\n\n**ICENI** (ancient British tribe that, led by Queen Boudicca, rebelled against the Romans in 61AD)"} {"Clue":"Felt dizzy, supported by one religious advisor (5)","Answer":"SWAMI","Explanation":"Definition: religious advisor\n**SWAM** (felt dizzy) **+ I** (Roman numeral for one) As this is a down entry, the letters in **SWAM** are above and therefore supported by the letter **I**\n **SWAM**** I**\n\n**SWAMI** (Hindu religious instructor)"} {"Clue":"Most prestigious part of flight \u2013 after one disembarks (4)","Answer":"STAR","Explanation":"Definition: Most prestigious\n**STAIR **(part of a flight [of **STAIRS**]) **excluding** (disembarks) **I **(Roman numeral for one)\n **STAR**\n\n**STAR** (most prestigious)"} {"Clue":"Raise trophy, top prize (7)","Answer":"JACKPOT","Explanation":"Definition: top prize\n**JACK** (raise, as in **JACK** up) + **POT** (trophy)\n **JACK** **POT**\n\n**JACKPOT **(top prize)"} {"Clue":"Swim at the weir? Some guy has dived in (7)","Answer":"MATTHEW","Explanation":"Definition: Some guy\n**MATTHEW** (**hidden word in** [has dived into] **SWIM AT THE WEIR**)\n **MATTHEW**\n\n**MATTHEW** (male name; some guy)"} {"Clue":"Understand notice Poles brought in (5)","Answer":"SENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Understand\n**NS** (North, South; poles) **contained in** (brought in) **SEE** (notice)\n **SE** (**NS**) **E**\n\n**SENSE** (comprehend; understand)"} {"Clue":"Kiwi who wrote manuscript about an area (9)","Answer":"MANSFIELD","Explanation":"Definition: Kiwi who wrote\n(**MS** [manuscript] **containing** [about] **AN**) **+ FIELD** (area)\n **M** (**AN**) **S** **FIELD**\n\n**MANSFIELD** (reference New Zealand [Kiwi] author Katherine **MANSFIELD** [1888 \u2013 1923] known for her short story writing)"} {"Clue":"Camp comic operas in US (9)","Answer":"PERSUASION","Explanation":"Definition: Camp\n**Anagram of** (comic) **OPERAS IN US**\n **PERSUASION***\n\n**PERSUASION** (party adhering to a creed; camp)"} {"Clue":"A little bit of William Blake (4)","Answer":"IAMB","Explanation":"Definition: A little bit of William Blake\n**IAMB** (**hidden word in** [a little bit of] **WILLIAM BLAKE**)\n **IAMB**\n\n**IAMB** (foot of two syllables, a short followed by a long, or an unstressed by a stressed ; a form presumably used by William Blake in his poetry)"} {"Clue":"In old age, sister conceivably shows taste (11)","Answer":"SENSIBILITY","Explanation":"Definition: taste\n**SIB** (blood relation, possibly a sister) **contained in** (in) **SENILITY** ([mental infirmity of] old age)\n **SEN** (**SIB**) **ILITY**\n\n**SENSIBILITY** (taste)"} {"Clue":"Note Scottish water's wholesome quality (11)","Answer":"NATURALNESS","Explanation":"Definition: wholesome quality\n**NATURAL** (musical note) **+ NESS** (reference Loch **NESS**, a large body of water in Scotland)\n **NATURAL** NESS\n\n**NATURALNESS** (wholesome quality)"} {"Clue":"Position pawn next to a queen and king (4)","Answer":"PARK","Explanation":"Definition: Position\n**P** (pawn) **+ A + R** (Regina; queen) **+ K** (king)\n **P** **A** **R** **K**\n\n**PARK** (position)"} {"Clue":"Blow is from turbulent air (10)","Answer":"MISFORTUNE","Explanation":"Definition: Blow\n**Anagram of** (turbulent) **IS FROM** **+ TUNE** (melody; air)\n **M****IS****FOR*** **TUNE**\n\n**MISFORTUNE** (calamity; blow)"} {"Clue":"Prince and English duke admitted to fuel damage (9)","Answer":"PREJUDICE","Explanation":"Definition: damage\n**PR** (prince) **+ E** (English) **+** (**D** [duke] **contained in **[admitted to] **JUICE** [source of power; fuel])\n **PR** **E** **JU** (**D**) **ICE**\n\n**PREJUDICE** (damage)"} {"Clue":"Lions free to stop training (5)","Answer":"PRIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Lions\n**RID** (free) **contained in** (to stop) **PE** (physical education; training)\n **P** (**RID**) **E**\n\n**PRIDE** (collective noun for a group of lions)"} {"Clue":"Counter drones flying over centre of airport (7)","Answer":"RESPOND","Explanation":"Definition: Counter\n**Anagram of** (flying) **DRONES** **containing** (over) **P**\u00a0(**middle letter of** [centre of] **AIRPORT**)\n **RES** (**P**) **OND***\n\n**RESPOND** (counter)"} {"Clue":"Courses cleared of small leaves (7)","Answer":"DESERTS","Explanation":"Definition: leaves\n**DESSERTS** (courses [of meals]) **excluding** (cleared of) **S** (small)\n **DESERTS**\n\n**DESERTS** (leaves)"} {"Clue":"Record banter about old lady's long coat (7)","Answer":"JOSEPH","Explanation":"Definition: long coat\n**JOSH** (banter) **containing** (about) **EP** (extended play record)\n **JOS** (**EP**) **H**\n\n**JOSEPH** (caped overcoat worn by women in the 18th century for riding (possibly in allusion to Joseph's coat, Genesis 37)"} {"Clue":"Singer keen to collect articles (6)","Answer":"CANARY","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\n**CRY** (keen) **containing** (to collect) (**AN** [indefinite article] **+ A** [in (definite article] to give articles)\n **C** (**AN** **A**) **RY**\n\n**CANARY** (songbird; singer)"} {"Clue":"Present courses altered to cover rare ancestors (10)","Answer":"PRECURSORS","Explanation":"Definition: ancestors\n**PR** (present) + (**an anagram of** [altered] **COURSES** **containing** [to cover] **R**\u00a0[rare; abbreviation in Collins Dictionary])\n **PR** **ECU** (**R**) **SORS***\n\n**PRECURSORS** (predecessors; ancestors)"} {"Clue":"Fan of Queen's inspiring European books (5)","Answer":"TOMES","Explanation":"Definition: books\n**TOMS** (male cats who take a great interest in queens [female cats]; fans of queens) **containing** (inspiring) **E** (European)\n **TOM **(**E**) **S**\n\n**TOMES** (books)"} {"Clue":"Pick this row after staff function (9)","Answer":"MANDOLINE","Explanation":"Definition: Pick this\n**MAN** (provide with staff) **+ DO** (party; function) **+ LINE** (row)\n **MAN** **DO** **LINE**\n\n**MANDOLINE** (round-backed instrument like a lute, sustained notes being played by repeated plucking; pick this) Probably spelled more often without the E on the end."} {"Clue":"Row after mother's abandoned dog (4)","Answer":"TIFF","Explanation":"Definition: Row\n**MAS****TIFF** (\u00a0thick-set, powerful breed of dog, often used as a guard dog) **excluding** (abandoned) **MA'S** (mother's)\n **TIFF**\n\n**TIFF** (fight; row)"} {"Clue":"Priest's greeting irregular, ignoring a rector (8)","Answer":"HIERATIC","Explanation":"Definition: Priest's\n**HI! **(greeting) **+ ERRATIC** (irregular) **excluding** (ignoring) one of (a) the** R**s (rector)\n **HI** **ERATIC**\n\n**HIERATIC** (priestly; priest's)"} {"Clue":"Spivs start to wilfully disobey criminal (4,4)","Answer":"WIDE BOYS","Explanation":"Definition: Spivs\n**W** (**first letter of** [start to] **WILFULLY**) **+ an anagram of** (criminal) **DISOBEY**\n **W** **IDE BOYS***\n\n**WIDE BOYS** (spivs)"} {"Clue":"Bargain over attempts to import power suits (10)","Answer":"PINSTRIPES","Explanation":"Definition: suits \n**SNIP** (bargain) **reversed** (over) **+** (**TRIES** [attempts] **containing** [to import] **P** [power])\n **PINS**< **TRI** (**P**) **ES**\n\n**PINSTRIPES** (suits)"} {"Clue":"New uni lecturer told story about fine I revoked (9)","Answer":"NULLIFIED","Explanation":"Definition: revoked\n**N** (new) **+ U **(uni[versity]) **+ L** (lecturer) **+** (**LIED** [told story] **containing** [about] (**F** [fine] **+ I**])\n **N ****U** **L** **LI** (**F** **I**) **ED**\n\n**NULLIFIED** (revoked)"} {"Clue":"Stuck page in book to finish exam (8)","Answer":"ENDPAPER","Explanation":"Definition: Stuck page in book\n**END** (finish) **+ PAPER** (examination)\n **END** **PAPER**\n\n**ENDPAPER** (paper at the beginning or end of a book, pasted to the binding and leaving an additional flyleaf; stuck page in book)"} {"Clue":"Novices run twice in different parts of US (8)","Answer":"STARTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Novices\n**STATES** (US) **containing** (in) two occurrences of **R** (run)\n **STA** (**R**) **TE** (**R**) **S**\n\n**STARTERS **(beginners; novices)"} {"Clue":"Book addict keeps one working harder (6)","Answer":"BUSIER","Explanation":"Definition: working harder\n**B** (book) **+** (**USER** [drug addict] **containing** (keeps)\u00a0**I** [Roman numeral for one])\n **B** **US** (**I**) **ER**\n\n**BUSIER** (working harder)"} {"Clue":"In which to display Ceres bust society collected? (6)","Answer":"RECESS","Explanation":"Definition: In which to display\n**Anagram of **(bust) **CERES** **containing** (collected) **S** (society)\n **RECE** (**S**) **S*******\n\n**RECESS** (niche in a wall where items, including a bust, may be displayed)"} {"Clue":"Liberated female does get upset (5)","Answer":"FREED","Explanation":"Definition: Liberated\n**F** (female) **+ DEER** (a doe is a female deer) **reversed** (upset; down clue)\n **F** **REED**<\n\n**FREED** (liberated)"} {"Clue":"Cuddle old writer (4)","Answer":"HUGO","Explanation":"Definition: writer\n**HUG** (cuddle) **+ O** (old)\n **HUG** **O**\n\n**HUGO** (reference Victor **HUGO** [1802 \u2013 1887], French poet, novelist and dramatist)"} {"Clue":"Plants sister next to copper in labyrinthine lair (9)","Answer":"RANUNCULI","Explanation":"Definition: Plants\n(**NUN** [sister] **+ CU** [chemical symbol for copper]) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (labyrinthine) **LAIR**) \n **RA** (**NUN** **CU**) **LI***\n\n**RANUNCULI** (plants of the buttercup genus)"} {"Clue":"Stout schoolboy can joke where Ungraded replace A (5,6)","Answer":"BILLY BUNTER","Explanation":"Definition: Stout schoolboy\n**BILLY** (cylindrical container with a wire handle and lid for boiling water, cooking, etc out of doors; can) **+ BANTER** (joke) with **A** replaced by **U** (ungraded, an abbreviation used by many exam boards when classifying a students exam result)\n **BILLY** **B****U****NTER**\n\n**BILLY BUNTER** (stout schoolboy who is the theme of today's puzzle)"} {"Clue":"10 4 creator's plain ridiculous when crossing road (5,8)","Answer":"FRANK RICHARDS","Explanation":"Definition: 10 4 creator\n**FRANK** (plain) +** RICH** (ridiculous) **+** (**AS **[when] **containing** [crossing] **RD** [road])\n **FRANK** **RICH** **A** (**RD**) **S**\n\n**FRANK RICHARDS** (pen name used by Charles Hamilton [1876-1961] when writing the **BILLY BUNTER** stories)"} {"Clue":"Islanders in volunteer force wallop Scotsmen (9)","Answer":"TAHITIANS","Explanation":"Definition: Islanders\n**TA** (Territorial Army; volunteer force) **+ HIT** (wallop) **+**** IANS** (common names for Scots men)\n **TA** **HIT** **IANS**\n\n**TAHITIANS **(pacific islanders)"} {"Clue":"Eric drunkenly presses buzzer for cold booze (3,4)","Answer":"ICE BEER","Explanation":"Definition: cold booze\n**Anagram of** (drunkenly) **ERIC** **containing** (presses) **BEE** (buzzer)\n **ICE** (**BEE**) **R***\n\n**ICE BEER** (cold booze)"} {"Clue":"Borders in resurgence and Greek publisher in form again (7)","Answer":"REGROUP","Explanation":"Definition: form again\n**RE** (**first and last letters of **[borders in] **RESURGENCE**) **+ GR** (Greek) **+**** OUP** (Oxford University Press [publishers])\n **RE** **GR** **OUP**\n\n**REGROUP** (from again)"} {"Clue":"Energy expended, departs soul venue (3)","Answer":"DIS","Explanation":"Definition: soul venue\n**DIES** (departs) **excluding** (expended) **E **(energy)\n **DIS**\n\n**DIS** (the infernal world, considered by some to be the place that souls go after an unsatisfactory judgment; soul venue)"} {"Clue":"Still time to ride competitively (5)","Answer":"EVENT","Explanation":"Definition: ride competitively\n**EVEN** (calm; still) **+ T** (time)\n **EVEN** **T**\n\n**EVENT** (compete in an equestrian **EVENT**)"} {"Clue":"Finances in order, presumably (4,3)","Answer":"TIDY SUM","Explanation":"Definition: Finances in order, presumably\n**TIDY** (keep things in order) **+**** SUM** (descriptive of money) \u2013\u00a0a **TIDY SUM** would be a good contributor to ones finances.\n **TIDY SUM**\n\n**TIDY SUM** (could be cryptically descriptive of keeping ones finances in order)"} {"Clue":"Character witness on ecstasy cutting loose (7)","Answer":"REFEREE","Explanation":"Definition: Character witness\n**RE** (with reference to; on) **+** (**E** [ecstasy] **contained in **[cutting] **FREE** [loose])\n **RE** **F **(**E**) **REE**\n\n**REFEREE** (character witness)"} {"Clue":"Worried guard finally joins train (9)","Answer":"EXERCISED","Explanation":"Definition: Worried\n**EXERCISE** (train) **+ D** (**last letter of** [finally] **GUARD**)\n **EXERCISE** **D**\n\n**EXERCISED** (worried)"} {"Clue":"Poetic content from Tees is nonsense! (5)","Answer":"IAMBS","Explanation":"Definition: Poetic content\n**I **(setter; Tees) **+ AM + BS** (bullshit; nonsense)\n **I** **AM** **BS**\n\n**IAMBS** (poetic feet of two syllables, a short followed by a long, or an unstressed by a stressed)"} {"Clue":"Ring supremo with security group's backing (5)","Answer":"WOTAN","Explanation":"Definition: Ring supremo\n**W** (with) **+ NATO** (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation; security group) **reversed** (backing)\n **W** **OTAN**<\n\n**WOTAN** (major deity in continental German and Anglo-Saxon paganism. Chief of the Gods in Wagner's Ring Cycle; Ring supremo)"} {"Clue":"Estuary bear skinned one struggling (4,5)","Answer":"EAST RIVER","Explanation":"Definition: Estuary\n**EA** (**letters remaining in** **BEAR** **when the outer letters** **B** and **R** **are removed** [skinned]) **+ STRIVER** (one struggling)\n **EA ****ST RIVER**\n\n**EAST RIVER** (The **EAST RIVER** is a salt water tidal estuary in New York City"} {"Clue":"Airmen, well into journey, scratched message (8)","Answer":"GRAFFITO","Explanation":"Definition: scratched message \n(**RAF **[Royal Air Force; airmen] **+ FIT** [well]) **contained in** (into) **GO** (journey)\n **G** (**RAF** **FIT**) **O**\n\n**GRAFFITO** (\u00a0mural scribbling or drawing, as by schoolboys and idlers at Pompeii, Rome, and other ancient cities)"} {"Clue":"Stupid and senseless to incarcerate son (6)","Answer":"INSANE","Explanation":"Definition: Stupid\n**INANE** (senseless) **containing** (to incorporate) **S** (son)\n **IN** (**S**) **ANE**\n\n**INSANE** (stupid)"} {"Clue":"Taverners' spy turned up in secret society (10)","Answer":"INNKEEPERS","Explanation":"Definition: Taverners\n(**PEEK** [spy] **reversed** [turned up; down clue] **contained in** [in] **INNER** [secret]) **+ S** (society)\n **INN** (**KEEP**<) **ER** **S**\n \u00a0\n\n**INNKEEPERS** (taverners)"} {"Clue":"Passing mention (4)","Answer":"OBIT","Explanation":"Definition: Passing mention\n**cryptic definition of** **OBITUARY** which can be shortened to **OBIT**\n **OBIT**\n\n**OBIT** (account [mention] of a deceased person [one who has passed away]; passing mention)"} {"Clue":"Swimmer ordered Cobra beer to be taken round (8)","Answer":"ALBACORE","Explanation":"Definition: Swimmer\n**Anagram of** (ordered) **COBRA** **contained in** (taken round) **ALE** (beer)\n **AL** (**BACOR***) **E**\n\n**ALBACORE** (large tuna with long pectoral fins; swimmer)"} {"Clue":"Husband rejected nosegay, grasping small aromatic plant (6)","Answer":"HYSSOP","Explanation":"Definition: aromatic plant\n**H **(husband) **+** (**POSY** [nosegay] **reversed** [rejected] **containing** [grasping] **S** [small])\n **H** **YS** (**S**) **OP**<)\n\n**HYSSOP** (\u00a0aromatic plant used in perfumery and folk-medicine)"} {"Clue":"10 4's institution for older brothers? (10)","Answer":"GREYFRIARS","Explanation":"Definition: 10 4's institution\n**GREY** (related to the elderly; older) **+ FRIARS** (monks; brothers)\n **GREY**** FRIARS**\n\n**GREYFRIARS** (name of school where BILLY BUNTER [10 \/ 4] stories were set)"} {"Clue":"PM gone to shake out hay on moorland (3,5)","Answer":"TED HEATH","Explanation":"Definition: PM gone\n**TED** (spread new-mown grass for drying; shake out hay) **+ HEATH** (moorland)\n **TED** **HEATH**\n\n**TED HEATH** (reference Edward **HEATH** [1916 \u2013 2005] former [gone]\u00a0Prime Minister)"} {"Clue":"Politicians brought in to intimidate columnist once (8)","Answer":"DEMPSTER","Explanation":"Definition: columnist once\n**MPS** (Members of Parliament; politicians) **contained in** (brought in) **DETER** (intimidate)\n **DE** (**MPS**) **TER**\n\n**DEMPSTER** (reference Nigel **DEMPSTER** [1941 \u2013 2007], former [once] gossip columnist in then Daily Express, Daily Mail and Private Eye)"} {"Clue":"Regularly target a certain prize (8)","Answer":"TREASURE","Explanation":"Definition: prize\n**TRE** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [regularly] of **TARGET**) **+ A + SURE** (certain)\n **TRE** **A** **SURE**\n\n**TREASURE** (prize)"} {"Clue":"Rotten omelette for he who rails against 10 4 (3,3,2,3,6)","Answer":"THE OWL OF THE REMOVE","Explanation":"Definition: 10 4\n**Anagram of** (rotten) **OMELETTE FOR HE WHO** **containing** (rails) **V** (versus; against)\n **T****H****E O****W****L ****OF**** T****H****E**** R****EM****O** (**V**) **E***\n\n**THE OWL OF THE REMOVE** (a phrase often used in the stories to refer to **BILLY BUNTER** 10 \/ 4)"} {"Clue":"Salad ingredient little girl spots outside (6)","Answer":"RADISH","Explanation":"Definition: Salad ingredient\n**RASH** (spots) **containing** (outside) **DI** (shortened form of **DI**ana; little girl) \n **RA** (**DI**) **SH**\n\n**RADISH** (salad ingredient)"} {"Clue":"Stephen, a crusader, holds up defeat (4)","Answer":"CANE","Explanation":"Definition: defeat\n**CANE** (**hidden word** [holds] **reversed** [up; down clue] in **STEPHEN A CRUSADER**)\n **CANE**<\n\n**CANE** (defeat)"} {"Clue":"Such a shame duck heard barking! (2,4)","Answer":"OH DEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Such a shame\n**O** (zero, duck score in cricket) **+** **an anagram of** (barking)\u00a0**HEARD**\n **O****H DEAR***\n\n**OH DEAR** (expression of surprise, sorrow, pity or dismay; such a shame)"} {"Clue":"Leg hit \u2013 out! (2,6)","Answer":"ON STRIKE","Explanation":"Definition: out\n**ON** (the **ON** side in cricket is the half of the field on the side on which the batsman stands when waiting to receive the ball, also known as the leg side)\u00a0**+ STRIKE** (hit)\n **ON** **STRIKE**\n\n**ON STRIKE** (not working; out)"} {"Clue":"Openers of Durham unfortunately out for a pair (3)","Answer":"DUO","Explanation":"Definition: pair\n**DUO** (**first letters of** [openers of] **each of** **DURHAM UNFORTUNATELY** and **OUT**)\n **DUO**\n\n**DUO** (pair)"} {"Clue":"Knock builders for this clue? (7,4)","Answer":"CRICKET TEAM","Explanation":"Definition: pair\n**DUO** (**first letters of** [openers of] **each of** **DURHAM UNFORTUNATELY** and **OUT**)\n **DUO**\n\n**DUO** (pair)"} {"Clue":"New series about university in supply again (7)","Answer":"REISSUE","Explanation":"Definition: supply again\n**Anagram of **(new) **SERIES** **containing** (about) **U** (university)\n **REISS** (**U**) **E***\n\n**REISSUE **(supply again)"} {"Clue":"Drool as daughter takes flower (7)","Answer":"DRIBBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Drool\n**D** (daughter) **+ RIBBLE** (river in northern England)\n **D** **RIBBLE**\n\n**DRIBBLE** (drool)"} {"Clue":"Expression of surprise at anything happening initially (3)","Answer":"AAH","Explanation":"Definition: Expression of surprise\n**AAH** (**first letters of** [initially] each of **AT ANYTHING** and **HAPPENING**)\n **AAH**\n\n**AAH** (an expression of surprise)"} {"Clue":"When players come in, Australian captain catches England captain, first to be dismissed (7,5)","Answer":"BATTING ORDER","Explanation":"Definition: When players come in\n**BORDER** (reference Alan **BORDER**, captain of the Australian cricket team from 1984 to 1994) **containing** (catches) **GATTING** [reference Mike **GATTING**, captain of the England cricket team from 1986 to 1988] **excluding the first letter** [first to be dismissed] **G**)\n **B** (**ATTING**) **ORDER**\n\n**BATTING ORDER** (the **ORDER** in which players come in to **BAT**)"} {"Clue":"Miss a big blow? Not quite (3)","Answer":"GAL","Explanation":"Definition: Miss\n**GALE** (a big blow) **excluding the final letter** (not quite) **E**\n **GAL**\n\n**GAL** (girl; miss)"} {"Clue":"Throw after shot that's only just feathered? (7)","Answer":"GOSLING","Explanation":"Definition: that's only just feathered\n**GO** (shot) **+ SLING** (throw)\n **GO** **SLING**\n\n**GOSLING** (young goose only just growing its feathers)"} {"Clue":"Relish channel screening new documentary, finally (7)","Answer":"CHUTNEY","Explanation":"Definition: Relish\n(**CHUTE** [\u00a0a passage or sloping trough for sending down goods, water, logs, coal, rubbish, etc; channel] **containing** [screening] **N** [new]) **+ Y** (**last letter of **[finally] D**OCUMENTARY**)\n **CHUT** (**N**) **E ****Y**\n\n**CHUTNEY** (relish)"} {"Clue":"Sensitive machine picking up little mark in merest o' jolts? (11)","Answer":"SNICKOMETER","Explanation":"Definition: Sensitive machine picking up little mark in merest o' jolts\n**NICK** (little mark) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (jolts) **MEREST O**\n **S** (**NICK**) **O****METER***\n\n**SNICKOMETER** (sensitive machine for detecting whether a batsman has hit the ball or not)"} {"Clue":"Returning in dream, similar doctrine (3)","Answer":"ISM","Explanation":"Definition: doctrine\n**ISM** (**hidden word reversed in** [returning in] **DREA****M SI****MILAR**\n **ISM**<\n\n**ISM** (any distinctive doctrine, theory or practice.)"} {"Clue":"Spinning ball, player's best wishes realised? (3,5)","Answer":"LEG BREAK","Explanation":"Definition: Spinning ball\n**BREAK** a **LEG** is a slang phrase used in theatrical circles to wish good luck to actors\n **LEG BREAK**\n\n**LEG BREAK** (type of delivery bowled by a spinner in a game of cricket)"} {"Clue":"Wrong'un somewhat like online searcher? (6)","Answer":"GOOGLY","Explanation":"Definition: Wrong'un\n**GOOGLY** (a word that could possible be used to describe someone using the **GOOGL**e online search engine)\n **GOOGLY**\n\n**GOOGLY** (an off break bowled with an apparent leg-break action by a right-arm bowler to a right-handed batsman, or conversely for a left-arm bowler; a deceptive delivery; wrong'un)"} {"Clue":"Interrupting series, silly mid-on issues a reprimand (10)","Answer":"ADMONISHES","Explanation":"Definition: issues a reprimand\n**Anagram of** (silly) **MID-ON** **contained in** (interrupts) **ASHES** (term used to describe a series of cricket Test Matches between England and Australia)\n **A** (**DMONI***) **SHES**\n\n**ADMONISHES** (issues a reprimand)"} {"Clue":"Europeans embracing a hundred trips (6)","Answer":"DANCES","Explanation":"Definition: trips\n**DANES** (example of Europeans) **containing** (embracing) **C** (Roman numeral for 100)\n **DAN** (**C**) **ES**\n\n**DANCES** (trips, as in the **DANCE**r\u00a0'trips the light fantastic')"} {"Clue":"Surface for a spinner exposed, that's turned this way and that (6)","Answer":"SNAKED","Explanation":"Definition: turned this way and that\n**S** (**first letter of** [surface of] **SPINNER** **+ NAKED** (exposed)\n **S** **NAKED**\n\n**SNAKED** (moved sinuously or followed a winding course; turned this way and that)"} {"Clue":"Extra wicket is decisive, elevating leaders (4)","Answer":"WIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Extra\n**WIDE** (**first letters of** [leaders] each of **WICKET IS DECISIVE** and **ELEVATING**)\n **WIDE**\n\n**WIDE** (a ball bowled that is deemed by the umpire as out of reach of the batsman generating an extra run)"} {"Clue":"Type of lettuce about right, little room for egg, perhaps? (4,4)","Answer":"GERM CELL","Explanation":"Definition: egg, perhaps\n**GEM** (reference the lettuce type 'Little **GEM**') **containing** (about) **R** (right) + **CELL** (a little room)\n **GE** (**R**) **M** **CELL**\n\n**GERM CELL** (a gamete, a sperm or ovum, or a cell from which it springs; egg perhaps)"} {"Clue":"All together, no good expressing disdain (7)","Answer":"TUTTING","Explanation":"Definition: expressing disdain\n**TUTTI** (all together)** + NG** (no good)\n **TUTTI** **NG**\n\n**TUTTING** (expressing disdain)"} {"Clue":"Awful getting caught, completely gutted to be frank (6)","Answer":"DIRECT","Explanation":"Definition: frank\n**DIRE** (awful) **+ CT** (**letters remaining in** **CAUGHT** when **all the central letters AUGH are removed** [gutted])\n **DIRE** **CT**\n\n**DIRECT** (frank)"} {"Clue":"Century? English forcing one out for starters (10)","Answer":"BEGINNINGS","Explanation":"Definition: starters\nIn cricket, a score of 100 (century) would be a **BIG INNINGS**. **Replace** (force out) **the first I and replace it with E** (English) to get **BEGINNINGS**\n **BEGINNINGS**\n\n**BEGINNINGS** (starters)"} {"Clue":"One and a half months of summer with majesty (8)","Answer":"AUGUSTLY","Explanation":"Definition: with majesty\n**AUGUST** (one of the summer months) **+ JULY** (another summer month) **excluding two of the four letters JU to leave half the letters**)\n **AUGUST** **LY**\n\n**AUGUSTLY** (with majesty)"} {"Clue":"One indicating for batter? (7)","Answer":"BLINKER","Explanation":"Definition: One indicating\n**BLINKER** (one who **BATS** an eyelid)\n **BLINKER**\n\n**BLINKER** (one who indicates)"} {"Clue":"Fuel visible, we hear? (6)","Answer":"INCITE","Explanation":"Definition: Fuel\n**INCITE** (**sounds like** [we hear] **IN SIGHT** [visible])\n **INCITE**\n\nINCITE (provoke to action; incite)"} {"Clue":"Chat about a male couple, Greek characters (6)","Answer":"GAMMAS","Explanation":"Definition: Greek characters\n**GAS** (gossip; chat) **containing** (**A** **+ M** [male] **+ M** [male] to give a male couple)\n **G** (**A** **M** **M**) **AS**\n\n**GAMMAS** (two characters of the Greek alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Winning, batsman to take out (6)","Answer":"UPROOT","Explanation":"Definition: take out\n**UP** (winning) **+ ROOT**** **(reference Joe **ROOT**, newly installed as captain of the England Test team)\n **UP** **ROOT**\n\n**UPROOT** (take out)"} {"Clue":"Solver with nothing to lose heading for McDonald's \u2013 wow, that's tasty! (5)","Answer":"YUMMY","Explanation":"Definition: tasty\n**YOU** (descriptive of the crossword solve **excluding** (to lose) **O** (zero; nothing) **+ M** (**first letter of** [heading for]** M****CDONALDS**) **+ MY** (wow!)\n **YU** **M** **MY**\n\n**YUMMY** (tasty)"} {"Clue":"Oddly, I sang for villain (4)","Answer":"IAGO","Explanation":"Definition: villain\n**IAGO** (**letters 1, 3, 5 and 7** [oddly] of **I SANG FOR**)\n **IAGO**\n\n**IAGO** (villain in Shakespeare's Othello)"} {"Clue":"Benefactress of university finally stricken with doubt (4,9)","Answer":"LADY BOUNTIFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Benefactress\n**Anagram of **(stricken) **U** [university] **FINALLY** and [with] **DOUBT**\n **LA****D****Y ****BOU****N****T****IF****U****L***\n\n**LADY BOUNTIFUL** (charitable great lady of a district;\n benefactress)"} {"Clue":"Battling booze, with onset of nausea for the lead singer (11)","Answer":"NIGHTINGALE","Explanation":"Definition: singer\n**FIGHTING** (battling) **+ ALE** (beer; booze) with\u00a0**the first letter** (lead) of the phrase **F** being **replaced by** (for) **N** (**first letter of** [onset of] **NAUSEA**)\n **N****IGHTING** **ALE**\n\n**NIGHTINGALE** (bird, celebrated for the rich love-song of the male; singer)"} {"Clue":"Could I sound like its plural? (3)","Answer":"MAY","Explanation":"Definition: Could \nI'm not sure about the wordplay here. \n The best I can offer is **MAY** [sounds like **MAE** (archaic variant spelling of **MO** [more, implying more than one, hence plural]) but that seems a quite obscure explanation better suited to a barred crossword than a daily crossword.\n \u00a0\n Any other suggestions gratefully received.\n **MAY**\n\n**MAY** (could)"} {"Clue":"Country road made of bare earth, for example (4)","Answer":"LANE","Explanation":"Definition: Country road\n**PLANET** (Earth is an example of a **PLANET**) **excluding the outer letters** (bare) **P** and **T**\n **LANE**\n\n**LANE** (country road)"} {"Clue":"Cross in favour of Democrat (4)","Answer":"FORD","Explanation":"Definition: Cross\n**FOR** (in favour of) **+ D** (Democrat)\n **FOR** **D**\n\n**FORD** (cross)"} {"Clue":"Commit a sin by going over to pick fruit (5)","Answer":"BERRY","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\n**BY** **containing** (going over) **ERR** (commit a sin)\n **B** (**ERR**) **Y**\n\n**BERRY** (fruit)"} {"Clue":"Vet possibly bandaging head of tuna fish (8)","Answer":"STURGEON","Explanation":"Definition: fish\n**SURGEON** (reference veterinary **SURGEON**) **containing** **T** (**first letter of** [head of] **TUNA**)\n **S **(**T**)** URGEON**\n\n**STURGEON** (fish)"} {"Clue":"The 'Om' applied regularly here (6)","Answer":"TEMPLE","Explanation":"Definition: The 'Om' applied regularly here\n**Letters 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11** (regularly) of **THE OM APPLIED**\n **TEMPLE**\n\n**TEMPLE** (**OM** is sacred syllable intoned as part of Hindu devotion and contemplation, symbolizing the Vedic scriptures, the three worlds [earth, atmosphere and air], and the Absolute. Hindus frequently\u00a0worship in a Temple)"} {"Clue":"He was killed in bed, uncannily (6)","Answer":"DUNCAN","Explanation":"Definition: He was killed\n**DUNCAN** (**hidden word in** [in] **BED UNCANNILY**)\n **DUNCAN**\n\n**DUNCAN** (In Shakespeare's play, Macbeth, King **DUNCAN** is murdered in his sleep by Macbeth. In reality **DUNCAN** 1 was killed in battle)"} {"Clue":"Having behind bare, but not even getting a tan (8)","Answer":"BROWNING","Explanation":"Definition: getting a tan\n**BR** (**letters 1 and 3** [not even] of **BARE**) + [behind] **OWNING** (having)\n **BR** **OWNING**\n\n**BROWNING** (getting a tan)"} {"Clue":"She's kneading bread (if it finally doubles in size!) (5)","Answer":"BAKER","Explanation":"Definition: She's kneading bread\n**Anagram of **(kneading) **BREAD** with t**he final letter** (finally) **D** (roman numeral for 500) r**eplaced by** **K** (symbol for 1000, **double 500**)\n **BAKER***\n\n**BAKER** (one who kneads)"} {"Clue":"Fitting venue for staging Annie? (4)","Answer":"HALL","Explanation":"Definition: Fitting venue for staging\n**HALL** (reference the 1977 Woody Allen romantic comedy film Annie **HALL**)\n **HALL**\n\n**HALL **(place where plays may be staged) double definition"} {"Clue":"Manage to put business before empty pleasure (4)","Answer":"COPE","Explanation":"Definition: Manage\n**CO** (company; business) **+ PE** (**letters remaining in** **PLEASURE** when **all the central letters are removed** [empty] **LEASUR**\n **CO** **PE**\n\n**COPE** (manage)"} {"Clue":"Maybe 15's young to cook (3)","Answer":"FRY","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe 15's young\n**FRY** (young fish, e.g. the young of a **STURGEON** [15 across])\n **FRY**\n\n**FRY** (cooking method) double definition"} {"Clue":"Beginning to deal with a fictional town in Middle America (11)","Answer":"SPRINGFIELD","Explanation":"Definition: a fictional town in Middle America\n**SPRING** (beginning) **+ FIELD** (handle skillfully;deal with)\n **SPRING ****FIELD**\n\n**SPRINGFIELD** (fictional location of the The Simpsons television series, designed to represent anywhere in Middle America)"} {"Clue":"Split twice, into bachelor \/ spinster (9)","Answer":"SINGLETON","Explanation":"Definition: bachelor \/ spinster\n**SING** (turn informer) **+ LET ON** (inform) **SPLIT** also means 'to divulge or inform' so we have split twice\n **SING** **LET ON**\n\n**SINGLETON **(descriptive of a bachelor or a spinster)"} {"Clue":"One Direction's soppy singer's first to be engaged (4)","Answer":"WEST","Explanation":"Definition: One Direction\n**S** (**first letter of** [first] **SINGER**) **contained in** (to be engaged) **WET** (soppy)\n **WE** (**S**) **T**\n\n**WEST** (one of the main points of direction)"} {"Clue":"Muddle along with one of five Canadian people (9)","Answer":"ALGONQUIN","Explanation":"Definition: Canadian people\n**Anagram of **(muddle) **ALONG** **+ QUIN** (one of five)\n **ALGON*** **QUIN**\n\n**ALGONQUIN** (member of leading group of Native American tribes in the valley of the Ottawa and around the northern tributaries of the St Lawrence; Canadian people)"} {"Clue":"Mystery creature that Nepali finally reveals (4)","Answer":"YETI","Explanation":"Definition: Mystery creature\n**YETI** (**last letters of** [finally] each of **MYSTERY CREATURE THAT NEPALI**)\n **YETI**\n\n**YETI **(abominable snowman, mystery creature sometimes\u00a0said to be sighted in Nepal)"} {"Clue":"Drum and bass performing with oomph (5)","Answer":"BONGO","Explanation":"Definition: Drum\n**B** (bass) **+ ON** (performing) **+ GO** (oomph)\n **BONGO**\n\n**BONGO** (small Cuban drum)"} {"Clue":"State sugar contents in list form (6)","Answer":"UGANDA","Explanation":"Definition: State\n**U, G AND A** (**central letters of** [contents] **SUGAR**) \n **U ****G**** ****AND**** ****A**\n\n**UGANDA** (State in Africa)"} {"Clue":"Vibrato of male putting on high voice (7)","Answer":"TREMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Vibrato\n**M** (male) **contained in** (putting on) **TREBLE** (the highest part, soprano, now especially applied to boys' voices)\n **TRE** (**M**) **BLE**\n\n**TREMBLE** (vibrate, vibrato is a throbbing or shaking\u00a0effect)"} {"Clue":"Bone setter got up in mink? (5)","Answer":"FEMUR","Explanation":"Definition: Bone\n**ME** (descriptive of the crossword setter) **reversed** (got up; down clue) **contained in** (in) **FUR** (mink is a type of **FUR**)\n **F** (**EM**)< **UR**\n\n**FEMUR** (thigh bone)"} {"Clue":"Have sex with unloved boy, somewhere off the beaten track (3-2)","Answer":"LAY-BY","Explanation":"Definition: omewhere off the beaten track\n**LAY** (have sex with) **+ BOY** **excluding O** (love score in tennis)\n **LAY** **BY**\n\n**LAY-BY** (widened area of a roadway to allow vehicles to draw up out of the stream of traffic; somewhere of the beaten track)"} {"Clue":"Finish inside, finish inside (8)","Answer":"ENCLOSED","Explanation":"Definition: inside\n**CLOSE **(finish) **contained in** (inside) **END** (finished)\n **EN** (**CLOSE**) **D**\n\n**ENCLOSED** (inside)"} {"Clue":"21's gas is on fire first, without needing electric current (5)","Answer":"FREON","Explanation":"Definition: 21's gas\n**FIRE** **excluding** (without needing) **I **(electric current) **+ ON** Note that the clue tells us to put **FIRE **first.\n **FRE ****ON**\n\n**FREON** (any of the family of chemicals containing fluorine, used as refrigerants, etc and presumably **AEROSOL**s [21 down])"} {"Clue":"Arrest outlaw in hold-up (3)","Answer":"NAB","Explanation":"Definition: Arrest \n**BAN** (outlaw) **reversed** (hold-up; down clue)\n **NAB**<\n\n**NAB** (arrest)"} {"Clue":"Tax to cross river goes to one living under bridge (5)","Answer":"TROLL","Explanation":"Definition: one living under bridge\n**TOLL** (tax) **containing** (to cross) **R** (river)\n **T** (**R**) **OLL**\n\n**TROLL** (an evil-tempered ugly dwarf [or, earlier, giant]; reference the Norwegian folk tale the Three Billy Goats Gruff where a TROLL lived under a bridge)"} {"Clue":"Plastic reins \u2013 pros and cons (9)","Answer":"PRISONERS","Explanation":"Definition: cons\n**Anagram of **(plastic) **REINS** and **PROSE **\n **P****RIS****O****NE****RS***\n\n**PRISONERS** (con is slang for **PRISONER**)"} {"Clue":"Brains, say, beginning to guess the outcome of a toss? (8)","Answer":"EGGHEADS","Explanation":"Definition: Brains\n**E.G. **(for example; say) **+ G** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **GUESS**) + **HEADS** (one of the possible outcome of the toss of a coin)\n **EG** **G** **HEADS**\n\n**EGGHEADS** (intellectuals; brains)"} {"Clue":"Spray given by a love god with heart of gold (7)","Answer":"AEROSOL","Explanation":"Definition: Spray\n**A** **+ EROS** (God of Love) **+ OL** (**central letters of** [heart of] **GOLD**) \n **A** **EROS** **OL**\n\n**AEROSOL** (a colloidal system, such as a mist or a fog, in which the dispersion medium is a gas; spray)"} {"Clue":"T-shirt ripped up in lust (6)","Answer":"THIRST","Explanation":"Definition: lust\n**Anagram of** (ripped up) **T-SHIRT**\n **THIRST***\n\n**THIRST** (eager desire; lust)"} {"Clue":"19 and very loud on board public transport (5)","Answer":"BUFFS","Explanation":"Definition: 19\n**FF** (fortissimo; very loud) **contained in** (on board) **BUS** (example of public transport)\n **BU** (**FF**) **S **\n\n**BUFFS** (experts; **EGGHEADS** [19 down])"} {"Clue":"Material from row 14? (5)","Answer":"LINEN","Explanation":"Definition: Material \n**LINE** (row) **+ N** (14th letter of the alphabet)\n **LINE** **N**\n\n**LINEN** (material)"} {"Clue":"Caf\u00e9 which holds how many good men? (1,3)","Answer":"A FEW","Explanation":"Definition: how many good men\n**A FEW** **(hidden word in** [holds] **CAF\u00c9 WHICH**\n **A FEW**\n\n**A FEW** (reference the 1992 American legal drama film **A FEW** GOOD MEN)"} {"Clue":"Cherished ambition of Hillary to dance with old German leader (4,5)","Answer":"HOLY GRAIL","Explanation":"Definition: herished ambition\n**Anagram of **(**HILLARY** and **O** [old] and **G** [**first letter of** {leader}])\n **H****O****LY** **G****RAIL***\n\n**HOLY GRAIL** (cherished ambition or goals)"} {"Clue":"Benefit of a yashmak, we hear (5)","Answer":"AVAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Benefit \n**AVAIL** (sounds like [we hear] **A VEIL** [a yashmak is the double **VEIL**\u00a0worn by Muslim women in public, leaving only the eyes uncovered)\n **AVAIL**\n\n**AVAIL** (benefit)"} {"Clue":"Maybe Prometheus has quiet dance embracing queen (7)","Answer":"PREQUEL","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe Prometheus\n**P** (piano; quiet) **+** (**REEL** [dance] **containing** [embracing] **QU** [queen])\n **P** **RE** (**QU**) **EL**\n\n**PREQUEL** (apparently the re is debate in film critic circles about whether director Ridley Scott's \"**PROMETHEUS**\" is\u00a0a full-on **PREQUEL** to his 1979 sci-fi horror masterpiece \"Alien\" or not)"} {"Clue":"Commanding officer accommodates Lesley Judd and others? (2-5)","Answer":"CO-HOSTS","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe Prometheus\n**P** (piano; quiet) **+** (**REEL** [dance] **containing** [embracing] **QU** [queen])\n **P** **RE** (**QU**) **EL**\n\n**PREQUEL** (apparently the re is debate in film critic circles about whether director Ridley Scott's \"**PROMETHEUS**\" is\u00a0a full-on **PREQUEL** to his 1979 sci-fi horror masterpiece \"Alien\" or not)"} {"Clue":"Madcap designated driver travelling with Valerie (9)","Answer":"DAREDEVIL","Explanation":"Definition: Madcap\n**Anagram** **of** (travelling) **DD** (designated driver) and **VALERIE** \n **DAREDEVIL***\n\n**DAREDEVIL** (unreasonably rash and reckless; madcap)"} {"Clue":"Look closely around opening of the safe (5)","Answer":"PETER","Explanation":"Definition: safe\n**PEER** (look closely) **containing** (around) **T** (**first letter of** [opening of] **T****HE**)\n **PE** (**T**) **ER**\n\n**PETER** (a safe)"} {"Clue":"Joyful element seaside town curtailed (7)","Answer":"FESTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Joyful\n**FE** (chemical symbol for iron) **+ ST IVES** (seaside town in Cornwall) **excluding the final letters** (curtailed)** ****S**\n **FE ****STIVE**\n\n**FESTIVE** (joyful)"} {"Clue":"Alight to pick up party opponents (3,4)","Answer":"GET DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Alight\n**GET** (pick up) **+ DO** (party) **+ WN** (West and North \u2013 opponents at the game of bride **E** and **W** play **N** and **S**)\n **GET**** DO** **WN**\n\n**GET DOWN** (alight)"} {"Clue":"Back peacekeepers to abandon a further appearance (5)","Answer":"RERUN","Explanation":"Definition: further appearance\n**REAR** (back) **excluding** (to abandon) **A** **+ UN** (United Nations; peacekeepers)\n **RER** **UN**\n\n**RERUN** (perform or play again; further appearance)"} {"Clue":"Master of ceremonies attending leading lady (9)","Answer":"PRESENTER","Explanation":"Definition: Master of ceremonies\n**PRESENT** (here; attending) **+ ER** (Elizabeth Regina; leading lady)\n **PRESENT** **ER**\n\n**PRESENTER** (master of ceremonies)"} {"Clue":"Plots to include computer-aided manufacturing in IT devices (7)","Answer":"WEBCAMS","Explanation":"Definition: IT devices\n**WEBS** (plots) **containing** (to include) **CAM** (computer-aided manufacturing)\n **WEB** (**CAM**) **S**\n\n**WEBCAMS** (small digital video cameras attached to a computer that can be used to send visual images across the Internet; IT devices)"} {"Clue":"Support Japanese and French aircraft (7)","Answer":"PROP-JET","Explanation":"Definition: aircraft\n**PROP** (support) **+ J** (Japanese) **+ ET** (French word for and)\n **PROP** **J** **ET**\n\n**PROP-JET** (type of aircraft)"} {"Clue":"Gymnastic movement with long rope (5)","Answer":"LUNGE","Explanation":"Definition: Gymnastic movement\n**LUNGE** (in gymnastics, a rapid movement forwards or sideways with one leg bent at the knee and the other leg stretched out behind)\n **LUNGE**\n\n**LUNGE** (long rope used in horse-training) double definition"} {"Clue":"Improved detail in part of musical instrument (9)","Answer":"RETOUCHED","Explanation":"Definition: Improved\n**TOUCH** (detail [as in 'apply the finishing **TOUCH**']) **contained in** (in) **REED** (part of a musical instrument)\n **RE** (**TOUCH**) **ED**\n\n**RETOUCHED** (improved)"} {"Clue":"Heartless sheep dog (4)","Answer":"SHEP","Explanation":"Definition: dog\n**SHEEP** **excluding the middle letter** (heartless) **E**\n **SHEP**\n\n**SHEP** (name of **JOHN NOAKES** dog when he was a presenter on **BLUE PETER**)"} {"Clue":"Sad broadcaster leaves upset and emotional originally (4)","Answer":"BLUE","Explanation":"Definition: Sad\n**BLUE** (**first letters of** [originally] of each of **BROADCASTER** **LEAVES** **UPSET** and **EMOTIONAL**)\n **BLUE**\n\n**BLUE** (sad)"} {"Clue":"A guide's composed about new part of the liturgy (5,3)","Answer":"AGNUS DEI","Explanation":"Definition: part of the liturgy\n**Anagram of** (composed) **A GUIDE'S** **containing** (about) **N** (new)\n **AG** (**N**) **US DEI***\n\n**AGNUS DEI** (\u00a0part of the Roman Catholic mass beginning with these words)"} {"Clue":"Russian physiologist taking the base from the meringue cake (6)","Answer":"PAVLOV","Explanation":"Definition: Russian physiologist\n**PAVLOV****A** (type of sweet dish consisting of a meringue base topped with whipped cream and fruit) **excluding the final letter** (taking the base from) **A**\n **PAVLOV**\n\n**PAVLOV** (reference Ivan Petrovich **PAVLOV**\u00a0[1849 \u2013 1936]\u00a0a Russian physiologist known primarily for his work in classical conditioning"} {"Clue":"Sullen upper class girl stands up swindler (8)","Answer":"BLACKLEG","Explanation":"Definition: swindler\n**BLACK** (sullen) **+** (**GEL** [facetious rendering of an upper-class pronunciation of **GIRL**] **reversed** [stands up; down clue])\n **BLACK** **LEG**<\n\n**BLACKLEG** (swindler)"} {"Clue":"Do part of housework with a small word of encouragement (4,2)","Answer":"WASH UP","Explanation":"Definition: Do part of housework\n**W** (with) **+ A + S** (small) **+ HUP** (word of encouragement to a horse to go faster)\n **W** **A** **S** **HUP**\n\n**WASH UP** (do part of the housework)"} {"Clue":"High pitched river conflict (8)","Answer":"FALSETTO","Explanation":"Definition: High pitched\n**FAL** (river in Cornwall) **+ SET TO** (fight; conflict)\n **FAL** **SET TO**\n\n**FALSETTO** (usually in a man, a forced [especially singing] voice of a range or register above its natural one; high pitched)"} {"Clue":"Proposal to put short leather strip in front of dress shirt (8)","Answer":"PLASTRON","Explanation":"Definition: front of dress shirt\n**STROP** (leather strip) **excluding the final letter** (short) **P** **contained in** (to put \u2026 in) **PLAN** \n **PLA** (**STRO**) **N**\n\n**PLASTRON** (front of a dress shirt)"} {"Clue":"Be excited about earl's old rifle (5)","Answer":"REAVE","Explanation":"Definition: old rifle\n**RAVE **(be excited) **containing** (about) **E** (earl)\n **R** (**E**) **AVE**\n\n**REAVE** (archaic word meaning to rob or plunder [rifle])"} {"Clue":"Cheer properly \u2013 \"Toodle-pip\" (8)","Answer":"FAREWELL","Explanation":"Definition: Toodle-pip\n**FARE** (food or provisions for the table, a similar meaning as **CHEER**) + **WELL** (properly)\n **FARE** **WELL**\n\n**FAREWELL** (goodbye; toodle-oo)"} {"Clue":"Dance group supports South American artist (8)","Answer":"SARABAND","Explanation":"Definition: Dance\n**SA** (South American)** + RA** (Royal Academician; artist) **+ BAND** (group)\n **SA** **RA** **BAND**\n\n**SARABAND** (slow Spanish dance)"} {"Clue":"Risk public appearance (8)","Answer":"EXPOSURE","Explanation":"Definition: Risk\n**EXPOSURE** (openness to danger or financial disadvantage; risk)\n **EXPOSURE**\n\n**EXPOSURE** (appearance in public) double definition"} {"Clue":"Support corporation describing beginning of trend over finger spinner (8)","Answer":"TEETOTUM","Explanation":"Definition: finger spinner\n**TEE** (support) **+** **TUM** [stomach; corporation]) **containing** (describing) **(T** **[first letter of** {beginning of} **TREND**]** + O **[over])\n **TEE** (**T ****O**) **TUM**\n\n**TEETOTUM** (any small top twirled by the fingers)"} {"Clue":"Used to be holding husband in which position? (5)","Answer":"WHERE","Explanation":"Definition: in which position\n**WERE** (used to be) **containing** (holding) **H** (husband)\n **W** (**H**) **ERE**\n\n**WHERE** (in which position)"} {"Clue":"Maybe those who take tiffin without bits of butter (6)","Answer":"EXPATS","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe those who take tiffin\n**EX** (without) **+**** PATS** (small soft masses of butter)\n **EX** **PATS**\n\n**EXPATS** (people living or working abroad. During the rule of the British Raj in India a light meal was known as tiffin)"} {"Clue":"Little woman badly shaken on becoming 14 2 15 24 (4,6)","Answer":"JOHN","Explanation":"Definition: 14 2 15 24\n**JO** (one of the main\u00a0characters in Little Women by Louisa May Alcott) **+ an anagram of** (badly) **SHAKEN ON**\n **JO** (**HN NOAKES***)\n\n**JOHN** [**NOAKES**] \u2013 the numeric section of the clue translates to **DAREDEVIL BLUE PETER PRESENTER** which are all entries in the grid. **JOHN NOAKES** died recently on 28th May"} {"Clue":"On reflection change the course of events (4)","Answer":"TIDE","Explanation":"Definition: the course of events\n**EDIT** (change) **reversed** (on reflection)\n **TIDE**<\n\n**TIDE** (course of events)"} {"Clue":"Dazzlingly bright indeed, in shimmering gold (6)","Answer":"DAYGLO","Explanation":"Definition: Dazzlingly bright\n**AY** (yes; indeed) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (shimmering) **GOLD**\n **D** (**AY**) **GLO***\n\n**DAYGLO** (of a luminously brilliant green, yellow, pink or orange)"} {"Clue":"Bribe old copper, in favour no longer (6)","Answer":"GREASE","Explanation":"Definition: Bribe\n**AS** (a Roman [old] copper coin) **contained in** (in)\u00a0**GREE** (Spenserian [no longer] word for goodwill or favour)\n **GRE** (**AS**) **E**\n\n**GREASE** (slang word for bribe)"} {"Clue":"Vaguely histrionic eye admitting age (8)","Answer":"OPERATIC","Explanation":"Definition: Vaguely histrionic\n**OPTIC** (eye) **containing** (admitting) **ERA** (age)\n **OP** (**ERA**) **TIC**\n\n**OPERATIC** (defined by Chambers as [loosely] histrionic)"} {"Clue":"Dine with this? A marinated mix possibly (6)","Answer":"TAMARA","Explanation":"Definition: Dine with this? A marinated mix possibly\n**TAMARA** (**A** **MARINATED*** is** an anagram of** (mix) of **TAMARA** and **DINE**) \u2013 a compound anagram\n **TAMARA**\n\n**TAMARA** (a mixture of cinnamon, cloves, coriander, etc. which could be used as part of a marinade)"} {"Clue":"Magistrate? I'll follow one in written accusation (6)","Answer":"BAILLI","Explanation":"Definition: Magistrate\n(**A** [one] **contained in **(in) **BILL** [written accusation]) **+ I**\n **B** (**A**) **ILL** **I**\n\n**BAILLI** (magistrate)"} {"Clue":"Battlement thing made to protect Eleanor? (12)","Answer":"CRENELLATION","Explanation":"Definition: Battlement\n**CREATION** (something made) **containing** (to protect) **NELL** (diminutive of Eleanor)\n **CRE** (**NELL**) **ATION**\n\n**CRENELLATION** (battlement)"} {"Clue":"Faraday's discovery penned in monograph en effet (5)","Answer":"PHENE","Explanation":"Definition: Faraday's discovery\n**PHENE** (**hidden word in**\u00a0[penned in] **MONOGRAPH EN EFFET**)\n **PHENE**\n\n**PHENE** (old name for benzene, a hydrocarbon discovered by Faraday in 1825)"} {"Clue":"Half, i.e. time in second year (6)","Answer":"MOIETY","Explanation":"Definition: Half\n(**I.E**. **+ T** [time]) **contained in** (in) (**MO** [moment; second] **+ Y** [year])\n **MO** (**IE** **T**) **Y**\n\n**MOIETY** (half; either of two parts or divisions)"} {"Clue":"Winds from south-east nip back (6)","Answer":"TRADES","Explanation":"Definition: Winds\n(**SE** [South East] **+\u00a0DART** [nip]) **all reversed** (back)\n (**TRAD** **ES**)<\n\n**TRADES** (reference the **TRADE** winds)"} {"Clue":"I'm turned off teacher possibly \u2013 it's the pressure (6)","Answer":"STRESS","Explanation":"Definition: pressure\n**MI****STRESS** (teacher) **excluding** (off) **I'M** **reversed** (turned)\n **STRESS**\n\n**STRESS** (emotional or physical pressure)"} {"Clue":"Acrobatic feat? One's bananas to produce such! (6)","Answer":"SPLITS","Explanation":"Definition: Acrobatic feat\n**SPLITS** (acrobatic feat of going down to the floor with the legs spread out laterally or one forward and one back)\n **SPLITS**\n\n**SPLITS** (reference the desserts banana **SPLITS** [dish composed of a banana\u00a0halved lengthways, ice cream, and other ingredient]) double definition"} {"Clue":"Poet's to inflame young adult with start of desire (5)","Answer":"TEEND","Explanation":"Definition: Poet's to inflame\n**TEEN** (**TEEN**ager; young adult) **+ D** (**first letter of** [start of] **D****ESIRE**)\n **TEEND**\n\n**TEEND** (poet Robert Herrick's word for ignite or inflame)"} {"Clue":"Butterflies? One may be seen in proms (6)","Answer":"PIERIS","Explanation":"Definition: Butterflies\n**I** (Roman numeral for one)** contained in** (may be seen in) **PIERS** (promenades)\n **PIER** (**I**) **S**\n\n**PIERIS** (cabbage-butterfly genus)"} {"Clue":"Tattie-howking? One's involved with this around summer's end (6)","Answer":"HAIRST","Explanation":"Definition: Tattie-howking\n(**Anagram of** [involved] **A** and **THIS**) **containing** (around) **R** (l**ast letter of** ['s end] **SUMMER**)\n **H****A****I** (**R**)** ST***\n\n**HAIRST** (Scottish form of harvest as is tattie-howking referring specifically to the potato harvest)"} {"Clue":"Grooms? Silly person, one of three in engagement losing ring (6)","Answer":"PREENS","Explanation":"Definition: Grooms\n**Anagram of** (silly) **PERSON **and **E** [there are three **E**s in engagement, the only letter appearing three times] **excluding** (losing) **O** (ring shaped letter)\n **PREENS***\n\n**PREENS** (grooms)"} {"Clue":"Name new modified tree rings for decade (6)","Answer":"TENNER","Explanation":"Definition: decade\n**Anagram of** (modified) (**N** [name] and **N** [new] and **TREE**)\n **TE****N****NER***\n\n**TENNER** (ten years; decade)"} {"Clue":"On-line trader from Thailand caught in ruin (6)","Answer":"DOTCOM","Explanation":"Definition: On-line trader\n(**T** [international vehicle registration for Thailand] **+ C** [caught]) **contained in** (in)** DOOM** (ruin)\n **DO** (**T** **C**) **OM**\n\n**DOTCOM** (business trading on the internet)"} {"Clue":"Middle-easterner, independence overcome by revolutionary enemy (6)","Answer":"YEMENI","Explanation":"Definition: Middle-easterner\n**Anagram of **(revolutionary) **ENEMY** **+ I**\n **YEMEN*** **I**\n\n**YEMENI** (citizen of **YEMEN**, a state in the Middle East)"} {"Clue":"They help to protect you at home as part of titular estate (5)","Answer":"LARES","Explanation":"Definition: They help to protect you at home\n**LARES** (**hidden word in** [as part of] **TITULAR ESTATE**)\n **LARES**\n\n**LARES** (Gods of a house, presumably\u00a0offering protection)"} {"Clue":"Gay lot raving, a threat to audition? (6)","Answer":"OTALGY","Explanation":"Definition: a threat to audition\n**Anagram of** (raving) **GAY LOT**\n **OTALGY***\n\n**OTALGY** (earache, a threat to hearing [audition])"} {"Clue":"Old tom suffered what's made of offal (6)","Answer":"GIBLET","Explanation":"Definition: what's made of offal\n**GIB** (obsolete [old] term for a castrated tomcat) **+ LET** (suffered)\n **GIB**** LET**\n\n**GIBLET** (internal eatable parts of a fowl, etc; entrails.; offal)"} {"Clue":"A Latin poem I composed about husband, it was performed at marriage (12)","Answer":"EPITHALAMION","Explanation":"Definition: it was performed at marriage\n**Anagram of** (composed) **A LATIN POEM I** **containing** (about) **H** (husband)\n **EP****IT** (**H**) **A****LA****M****I****O****N***\n\n**EPITHALAMION** (song or poem in celebration of a marriage)"} {"Clue":"One fib admitted by civic dignitary briefly (6)","Answer":"ALLIED","Explanation":"Definition: One\n**LIE** (fib) **contained in** (admitted by) **ALD** (abbreviation [briefly] for **ALD**erman [civic dignitary])\n **AL** (**LIE**) **D**\n\n**ALLIED** (together; as one)"} {"Clue":"Specific soil type alone surmounting difficulties (8)","Answer":"SOLONETS","Explanation":"Definition: Specific soil type\n**SOLO** (alone) **+ NETS** (difficulties)\n **SOLO** **NETS**\n\n**SOLONETS** (alkaline soil type having a hard, dark subsoil under a thin friable topsoil, formed by the leaching of salts from a solonchak)"} {"Clue":"Pollen membranes displaying oomph when coating's removed? (6)","Answer":"EXINES","Explanation":"Definition: Pollen membranes\n**SEXINESS** (can be defined as oomph) **excluding the outer letters** **S** and **S** (when coating's removed) \n **EXINES**\n\n**EXINES** (variant spelling of **EXTINES** [outer membranes of a pollen grain or spore)"} {"Clue":"My rooms have adjacent parking \u2013 I let more converted (8)","Answer":"MOTELIER","Explanation":"Definition: My rooms have adjacent parking\n**Anagram of** (converted) **I LET MORE**\n **MOTEL****I****ER***\n\n**MOTELIER** (manager of a hotel with accommodation and parking facilities outside the door of the room)"} {"Clue":"Including a dash of enzlan, give fresh colour to cheap whiskey (6)","Answer":"REDEYE","Explanation":"Definition: cheap whiskey\n**RE-DYE** (give fresh colour to) **containing** (including) **E** (**first letter of** [a dash of] **ENZLAN**)\n **RED** (**E**) **YE**\n\n**REDEYE** (poor quality whiskey in the United States)"} {"Clue":"Discovers local rate going up around the States (6)","Answer":"SUSSES","Explanation":"Definition: Discovers\n(**SESS** [variant spelling of **CESS** {tax, local rate}]) **reversed** (going up) **containing** (around) **US** (United States)\n **S **(**US**)** SES**<\n\n**SUSSES** (slang term for discovers)"} {"Clue":"I spy! (6)","Answer":"SETTER","Explanation":"Definition: I\n**SETTER** (descriptive of Azed; I) \n **SETTER**\n\n**SETTER** (spy) double definition"} {"Clue":"Neighbours of S Claus? One among the aforesaid (5)","Answer":"SAAME","Explanation":"Definition: Neighbours of S Claus\n**A** (one) **contained in** (among) **SAME** (the aforesaid)\n **S** (**A**) **AME**\n\n**SAAME** (Lapp; Santa Claus is said to have his home in Lappland)"} {"Clue":"Sea Cat moving principal performer (4,3)","Answer":"MAIN ACT","Explanation":"Definition: principal performer\n**MAIN** (sea) **+ an anagram of** (moving) **CAT**\n **MAIN** **ACT***\n\n**MAIN ACT **(principal performer)"} {"Clue":"Support band not quite sincere \u2013 songs lacking content (5)","Answer":"TRUSS","Explanation":"Definition: Support band\n**TRUE** (sincere) e**xcluding the final letter** (almost) **E** **+ SS** (**letters remaining** **in**\u00a0**SONGS** **when the central letters **[content]** ONG** **are removed**)\n **TRU** **SS**\n\n**TRUSS** (support band as in a **TRUSS** for a hernia)"} {"Clue":"Game birds (5,3,6)","Answer":"DUCKS","Explanation":"Definition: Game\n**DUCKS AND DRAKES** (two examples of birds)\n **DUCKS AND DRAKES** \n\n**DUCKS** [**AND DRAKES**] (game of throwing flat stones so that they skim along the surface of water) double definition"} {"Clue":"Eagle absorbs one knowing the comic (5,4)","Answer":"ERNIE WISE","Explanation":"Definition: comic\n(**ERNE** [eagle, especially the sea-eagle] **containing** [absorbs] I [Roman numeral for one]) **+ WISE** (knowing)\n **ERN** (**I**) **E ****WISE**\n\n**ERNIE WISE** (reference **ERNIE WISE** [[1925 \u2013 1999], English comic, one half of **MORECAMBE & WISE**)"} {"Clue":"Regretted losing old pot in sea (7)","Answer":"MOURNED","Explanation":"Definition: Regretted losing\n(**O** [old] **+ URN** [pot]) **contained in** (in) **MED** (Mediterranean Sea)\n **M** (**O** **URN**) **ED**\n\n**MOURNED** (grieved for; regretted losing)"} {"Clue":"Pig out before charging tax on duck (7)","Answer":"OVEREAT","Explanation":"Definition: Pig out\n**O** (zero; duck score in cricket) **+ **(**ERE** [before] **contained in** [charging] **VAT** [value added tax])\n **O ****V** (**ERE**) **AT**\n\n**OVEREAT** (pig out)"} {"Clue":"Rubbish initially appearing in Times (3)","Answer":"TAT","Explanation":"Definition: Rubbish\n**A** (**first letter of** [initially] **APPEARING**) **contained in** (in) (**T** [time] **+ T** [time] to give times\n **T** (**A**) **T**\n\n**TAT** (rubbish)"} {"Clue":"Well down field crew takes helmsman's lead (6)","Answer":"EIGHTH","Explanation":"Definition: Well down field\n**EIGHT** (crew) **+ H** (**first letter of** [lead] **HELMSMAN**)\n **EIGHT** **H**\n\n**EIGHTH** (in place number eight, well down the list of finishers)"} {"Clue":"Security men only breaking tool (7)","Answer":"HOSTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Security\n**STAG** (descriptive of a men only event) **contained in **(in) **HOE** (tool)\n **HO** (**STAG**) **E**\n\n**HOSTAGE** (person kept prisoner by an enemy as security)"} {"Clue":"ICBM in a modified personnel carrier (7)","Answer":"MINICAB","Explanation":"Definition: personnel carrier\n**Anagram of **(modified) **ICBM IN A**\n **MI****NI****C****A****B***\n\n**MINICAB** (small taxi; people carrier; personnel carrier)"} {"Clue":"Eye royal extremity in underwear (6)","Answer":"BRENDA","Explanation":"Definition: Eye royal\n**END** (extremity) **contained in** (in) **BRA** (item of underwear)\n **BR** (**END**) **A**\n\n**BRENDA** (In the satirical Private Eye magazine, Queen Elizabeth is often referred to as **BRENDA**)"} {"Clue":"Skinned boar stuffed with five eggs (3)","Answer":"OVA","Explanation":"Definition: eggs\n**OA** **(letters remaining in** **B****OA****R** **when the outer letters** **B** and **R** **are removed** [skinned]) **containing** (stuffed with) **V** (Roman numeral for five)\n **O** (**V**) **A**\n\n**OVA** (eggs)"} {"Clue":"Meal served up? (4,3)","Answer":"HIGH TEA","Explanation":"Definition: Meal served up\n**HIGH** (up) **+ TEA** (meal) a meal that is served up \/ **HIGH**\n **HIGH** **TEA**\n\n**HIGH TEA** (an early-evening meal comprising a hot dish followed by cakes, etc and tea)"} {"Clue":"Communist forces bloody Yankee to carry weapon (3,4)","Answer":"RED ARMY","Explanation":"Definition: Communist forces\n(**RED** [bloody colour] **+ Y** (Yankee is the international radio communication codeword for the letter **Y**) **containing** (to carry) **ARM** (weapon)\n **RED** (**ARM**) **Y**\n\n**RED ARMY** (the forces of a communist country, usually taken to mean the Soviet, or nowadays, Russian army)"} {"Clue":"Prophetess caught when god takes beach (9)","Answer":"CASSANDRA","Explanation":"Definition: Prophetess\n**C** (caught) **+** ([**AS** {when} + **RA** {ancient Egyptian sun-god}] **containing** [takes] **SAND** [beach])\n **C** **AS** (**SAND**) **RA**\n\n**CASSANDRA** (a daughter of Priam, king of Troy, loved by Apollo, who gave her the gift of prophecy, but not of being believed; hence, anyone who expresses pessimistic views of the political or social future and is not listened to)"} {"Clue":"Former kamikaze dropping content inside wreck (5)","Answer":"MAKER","Explanation":"Definition: Former\n**KE** (**letters remaining in** **K****AMIKAZ****E** **when all the letters between first and last** [content] **are excluded** [dropping]) **contained in** (inside) **MAR** (wreck)\n **MA** (**KE**) **R**\n\n**MAKER** (former)"} {"Clue":"One wearing black, reflecting, whose grief was legendary (5)","Answer":"NIOBE","Explanation":"Definition: whose grief was legendary\n(**I** [Roman numeral for one] **contained in** [wearing] **EBON** [black]) **all reversed** (reflecting)\n (**N** (**I**) **OBE**)<\n\n**NIOBE** (a daughter of Tantalus, turned into stone as she wept for her children, slain by Artemis and Apollo; a lady whose grief was legendary)"} {"Clue":"Ionic, as depicted, reveals the capital (7)","Answer":"NICOSIA","Explanation":"Definition: capital\n**Anagram of **(depicted) **IONIC AS**\n **NICOSIA***\n\n**NICOSIA** (capital city of the Republic of Cyprus)"} {"Clue":"Brothel-keeper married first man to come along (5)","Answer":"MADAM","Explanation":"Definition: Brothel-keeper\n**M** (married) **+ ADAM** (first man or earth according to the Book of Genesis)\n **M** **ADAM**\n\n**MADAM** (brothel keeper)"} {"Clue":"Admission from muse entertaining us in pub (9)","Answer":"INCLUSION","Explanation":"Definition: Admission\n(**CLIO** [the Muse of history] **containing** [entertaining] **US**) **all contained in** (in) **INN** (pub)\n **IN** (**CL** (**US**) **IO**) **N**\n\n**INCLUSION** (admission)"} {"Clue":"Bit of kebab's in this drink (7)","Answer":"ABSINTH","Explanation":"Definition: drink\n**ABSINTH** (**hidden word in** [bit of] **KEBAB'S IN THIS**)\n **ABSINTH**\n\n**ABSINTH** (bitter, green, aniseed-flavoured liqueur containing [originally, at least] extract of wormwood.; drink)"} {"Clue":"Sadly he started to drink Directors \u2013 and work as a thespian (5,3,6)","Answer":"TREAD THE BOARDS","Explanation":"Definition: work as a thespian\n**Anagram of **(sadly) **HE STARTED** **containing** (to drink) **BOARD** (reference **BOARD** of Directors)\n **TR****E****AD T**H**E** (**BOARD**) **S***\n\n**TREAD THE BOARDS** (act on stage; work as a thespian)"} {"Clue":"Hero Weasley occasionally enters in this manner (7)","Answer":"THESEUS","Explanation":"Definition: Hero\n**ESE **(**letters 2, 4 and 6** [occasionally] of **WEASLEY**) **contained in** (enters into) **THUS** (in this manner)\n **TH** (**ESE**) **US**\n\n**THESEUS** (**THESEUS** was the mythical king and founder-hero of Athens)"} {"Clue":"Make one higher education tenure vacant (5)","Answer":"UNITE","Explanation":"Definition: Make one\n**UNI **(university; higher education) **+ TE** (**letters remaining in**\u00a0**T****ENUR****E** **when the central letters ENUR are removed** [vacant])\n **UNI** **TE**\n\n**UNITE** (make one)"} {"Clue":"Respect changes in royal staff (7)","Answer":"SCEPTRE","Explanation":"Definition: royal staff\n**Anagram of **(changes)** RESPECT** \n **SCEPTRE***\n\n**SCEPTRE** (a staff or baton carried as an emblem of monarchic authority; royal staff)"} {"Clue":"Obtaining heart for transplant as well (4,3,7)","Answer":"INTO THE BARGAIN","Explanation":"Definition: as well\n**Anagram of ****OBTAINING HEART**\n **INTO ****THE**** B****AR****GAIN***\n\n**INTO THE BARGAIN** (as well)"} {"Clue":"Brave to complain about this Roman (7)","Answer":"MOHICAN","Explanation":"Definition: Brave\n**MOAN** (complain) **containing** (about) **HIC** (this in Latin [Roman])\n **MO** (**HIC**) **AN**\n\n**MOHICAN** (Native American people formerly living chiefly in the upper Hudson valley; more colloquially Red Indian brave)"} {"Clue":"Mark in shelter demands rural property (7)","Answer":"COTTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: rural property\n**TAG** (identifying mark) **contained in** (in) **COTE** (place of shelter for animals) Other than to provide a verb, I'm not sure what role 'demands' is playing in this clue\n **COT** (**TAG**) **E**\n\n**COTTAGE** (country residence; rural property)"} {"Clue":"I must leave medicine out \u2013 it's usually found here (7)","Answer":"ENDEMIC","Explanation":"Definition: it's usually found here\n**Anagram of** (out) **MED****I****CINE** **excluding** [must leave] **I**\n **ENDEMIC***\n\n**ENDEMIC** (prevalent or regularly found among a people or in a district)"} {"Clue":"American in GTO shows appreciation (5)","Answer":"GUSTO","Explanation":"Definition: appreciation \n**US**\u00a0(American) **contained in** (in) **GTO **A **GTO** is a model of Pontiac car manufactured between 1964 and 1974\n **G**** (US) ****TO**\n\n**GUSTO** (exuberant enjoyment; appreciation)"} {"Clue":"Unknown graduate has 19 in for tea (5)","Answer":"YERBA","Explanation":"Definition: tea\n(**Y** [letter frequently used for an unknown value in mathematics] + **BA** [Bachelor of Arts; graduate]) **containing** (has \u2026 in) **ER** (Elizabeth Regina; Queen Elizabeth, described as **BRENDA** [19a] by Private Eye magazine)\n **Y** (**ER**) **BA**\n\n**YERBA **(Paraguay tea)"} {"Clue":"Body part problem the drink regularly feeds (7)","Answer":"STERNUM","Explanation":"Definition: Body part\n**TERN** (**letters 1, 3, 5 and 7** [regularly] of **T****H****E ****D****R****I****N****K**) **contained in** (feeds) **SUM** (problem)\n **S** (**TERN**) **UM**\n\n**STERNUM** (breastbone in humans; body part)"} {"Clue":"A jet payload sending soldiers wheeling to the right (7)","Answer":"FIGHTER","Explanation":"Definition: A jet\n**F****RE****IGHT** (cargo \/ payload) with **RE** (Royal Engineers) **moved to the end** (to the right) and **reversed** (wheeling)\n **FIGHT** **ER**<\n\n**FIGHTER** (example of a jet aircraft)"} {"Clue":"Emit gas, but not loudly \u2013 that's cunning (3)","Answer":"ART","Explanation":"Definition: cunning\n**FART** (break wind; emit gas) **excluding** (but not) **F** (forte; loudly)\n **ART**\n\n**ART** (cunning)"} {"Clue":"Highly value punching backside-gyrating dope about (2,7,2)","Answer":"IN RESPECT OF","Explanation":"Definition: about\n**RESPECT** (esteem value highly) **contained in** (punching) **INFO** (information; dope) **with the last two letters** (backside) **FO** **reversed** (gyrating)\n **IN** **RESPECT** **OF**<\n\n**IN RESPECT OF** (about)"} {"Clue":"In Beccles, I aroused the congregation of a church (8)","Answer":"ECCLESIA","Explanation":"Definition: congregation of a church\n**ECCLESIA** (**hidden word in**\u00a0[in] **BECCLES I AROUSED**)\n **ECCLESIA**\n\n**ECCLESIA** (popular assembly, especially of ancient Athens, where the people exercised full sovereignty and every male citizen above twenty years could vote; applied by the Septuagint commentators to the Jewish commonwealth, and from them to the Christian Church; congregation of a church). \n I think congregation is part of the definition as it doesn't play any part in the wordplay"} {"Clue":"Jack has trouble punching small men (6)","Answer":"SAILOR","Explanation":"Definition: Jack\n**AIL** (trouble) **contained in** (punching) (**S** [small] **+ OR** [other ranks; men])\n **S** (**AIL**) **OR**\n\n**SAILOR** (Jack [Tar] is a term often applied to a **SAILOR**)"} {"Clue":"Big floater seen in canal? Turning bow to left (5)","Answer":"LARGE","Explanation":"Definition: Big\n**BARGE** (boat [floater] frequently seen in a canal) with **the first letter** (bow) **B** **changed to** (turned to)** L** (left)\n **L** **ARGE**\n\n**LARGE** (big)"} {"Clue":"Eastern Lorraine hit by a quake an hour back? (7,2)","Answer":"EARLIER ON","Explanation":"Definition: an hour back\n**E** (Eastern) **+ an anagram of** (hit by a quake) **LORRAINE**\n E **ARLIER ON***\n\n**EARLIER ON** (a little time before, e.g. an hour back)"} {"Clue":"Top old glass up for couple propping up the bar? (9)","Answer":"GOALPOSTS","Explanation":"Definition: couple propping up the bar\n**Anagram of** (up) **TOP** and **O** (old) and **GLASS**\n **G****O****AL****PO****S****T****S***\n\n**GOALPOSTS** (**GOALPOSTS** prop up the cross bar)"} {"Clue":"Prove to be mistaken about American behind contracts (5)","Answer":"REBUT","Explanation":"Definition: Prove to be mistaken\n**RE** (with reference to; about) **+ BUTT** (American term for the buttocks \/ bottom [behind]) **excluding the final letter** (contracts) **T**\n **REBUT**\n\n**REBUT** (disprove)"} {"Clue":"A poor excuse to pucker up briefly in bed (3-3)","Answer":"COP-OUT","Explanation":"Definition: A poor excuse\n**POU****T** (pucker up) **excluding the final letter** (briefly) **T** **contained in** (in) **COT** (bed)\n **CO** (**P-OU**) **T**\n\n**COP-OUT** (avoid or evade responsibility; poor excuse)"} {"Clue":"Drinks can lead to spewing (8)","Answer":"SLAMMERS","Explanation":"Definition: Drinks\n**SLAMMER** (prison; can is a slang term for prison) **+ S** (**first letter of** [lead to]) **SPEWING**\n **SLAMMER** **S**\n\n**SLAMMERS** (fizzy cocktails, usually made with tequila, imbibed in a single swift motion shortly after the glass has been slammed against a table or similar surface)"} {"Clue":"German bidet put out in a limited edition? (11)","Answer":"ABRIDGEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: limited edition\n**Anagram of** (put out) **GERMAN BIDET**\n **ABRIDGEMENT***\n\n**ABRIDGEMENT** (shortened [limited) version of a book, for instance)"} {"Clue":"Woman one would pay to dismiss case (3)","Answer":"IDA","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\n**I'D** (one would) **+ A** **(letter remaining** when the letters **P** and **Y** forming the case of **PAY** **are excluded** [dismissed])\n **ID** **A**\n\n**IDA **(woman's name)"} {"Clue":"One spreading crap about football team one away from the bottom (7)","Answer":"MANURER","Explanation":"Definition: One spreading crap\n**MAN U** (term used to refer to Manchester United football team) + **REAR** (bottom) **excluding** (away from) **A** (one)\n **MANURER**\n\n**MANURER** (one who spreads dung, material used for fertiliser. Could also be termed crap)"} {"Clue":"Fancy that yours truly's put on weight (5,2)","Answer":"STONE ME","Explanation":"Definition: Fancy that\n**STONE** (unit of weight) **+\u00a0ME **(your's truly)\n **STONE** **ME**\n\n**STONE ME** (an expression of astonishment like 'fancy that!')"} {"Clue":"Get cracking half of shandy with barrelled beer? (5,1,3)","Answer":"SHAKE A LEG","Explanation":"Definition: Get cracking \n**SHA** (**first three letters of six\u00a0**[half] in **SHANDY**)** +** (**ALE** [beer] **contained in** (barrelled) **KEG** (small barrel for keeping beer under gas pressure) 'barrelled' seems to be doing double duty here\n **SHA** **KE** (**A LE**) **G**\n\n**SHAKE A LEG** (hurry up; get cracking)"} {"Clue":"Upset about quote to bring new siren? (7)","Answer":"ENTICER","Explanation":"Definition: siren\n(**RE** [with reference to; about] + [**CITE** {quote} **containing** {to bring} **N** {new}]) **all reversed** (upset; down clue)\n (**E** (**N**) **TIC** **ER**)<\n\n**ENTICER** (a siren)"} {"Clue":"Note balance lacking in Head racket (5)","Answer":"NOISE","Explanation":"Definition: racket\n**N** (note) **+ POISE** (balance) **excluding the first letter** (lacking in head) **P** Head is a brand of tennis racket.\n **N** **OISE**\n\n**NOISE** (racket)"} {"Clue":"During one, corpulent nurses start to shrink (4)","Answer":"FAST","Explanation":"Definition: During one, corpulent nurses start to shrink\n**FAT** (corpulent) **containing** (nurses) **S** (**first letter of** [start to] **SHRINK**)\n **FA** (**S**) **T**\n\n**FAST** (abstain from food thereby reducing weight and starting to shrink)"} {"Clue":"One with pineapple on top of rifle? (9)","Answer":"GRENADIER","Explanation":"Definition: One with pineapple\nI am not sure of how the word play works but it is based on a combination of **GRENADE** (pineapple is a slang term for a **GRENADE**) and **I** [one] **+ R** (**first letter of** [top of] **RIFLE**)\n **GRENAD****I****E****R**\n\n**GRENADIER** (a soldier trained in the use of **GRENADE**s [pineapples])"} {"Clue":"Times breaking story on royal gossip (7)","Answer":"TATTLER","Explanation":"Definition: gossip\n([**T** {time} **+ T** {time} giving times] **contained in** [breaking] **TALE** [story]) **+ R** (royal;\u00a0a standalone **R** is given as an abbreviation for Royal in Collins, but not in Chambers)\n **TA** (**T** **T**) **LE** **R**\n\n**TATTLER** (a gossip)"} {"Clue":"Pass on spliff, having dropped second pill (5)","Answer":"REFER","Explanation":"Definition: Pass on\n**REEFER** (cigarette containing marijuana; spliff) **excluding** (having dropped) the second** E** [ecstasy; drug; pill)\n **REFER**\n\n**REFER** (hand over; pass on)"} {"Clue":"I explain stuff in detail for former UKIP member? (9)","Answer":"EXPOUNDER","Explanation":"Definition: I explain stuff in detail \n**EX** (former) **+**** POUNDER** (I take this to a supporter of UK retaining the \u00a3 sterling, a policy that would likely be strongly supported by a UKIP member)\n **EX** **POUNDER**\n\n**EXPOUNDER** (one who explains in a detailed way)"} {"Clue":"They sort out problems concerning the lot of you (9)","Answer":"RESOLVERS","Explanation":"Definition: They sort out problems\n**RE** (with reference to; concerning) **+ SOLVERS** (us; people who **SOLVE** crosswords)\n **RE ****SOLVERS**\n\n**RESOLVERS** (people who sort out problems)"} {"Clue":"Item of old riding wear Shetland Island reproduced (9)","Answer":"NITHSDALE","Explanation":"Definition: Item of old riding wear\n**Anagram of** (reproduced) **SHETLAND** and** I** (island)\n **NITHSDALE*** \n\n**NITHSDALE** (an 18th century [old] woman's riding hood) The river **NITH** flows through the town of Dumfries in South West Scotland."} {"Clue":"No good in yearning for help for a broken heart? (7)","Answer":"ASPIRIN","Explanation":"Definition: help for a broken heart\n**ASPIRING** (yearning) **excluding** (no) **G** (good)\n **ASPIRIN**\n\n**ASPIRIN **( a drug often used as an anti coagulant in treatment of heart disease)"} {"Clue":"The Queen's residence in High Barnet? (7)","Answer":"BEEHIVE","Explanation":"Definition: The Queen's residence\n**BEEHIVE** (a dome shaped [high] hairstyle [barnet])\n **BEEHIVE**\n\n**BEEHIVE **(home of a Queen bee)"} {"Clue":"Cast a magic spell on church member (5)","Answer":"CHARM","Explanation":"Definition: Cast a magic spell on\n**CH** (church) **+ ARM** (limb; member)\n **CH** **ARM**\n\n**CHARM** (enchant; cast a magic spell)"} {"Clue":"Saw cats going head to head, one of them Manx (5)","Answer":"MOTTO","Explanation":"Definition: Saw\n**TOM** (male cat) **reversed** (one way) **+ TOM** (male cat) going forward (another way) such that the two **T**s go together (head to head) **excluding the final letter** (tailless like a Manx cat)\n **MOT**< **TO**\n\n**MOTTO** (short sentence or phrase adopted as representative of a person, family, etc, or accompanying a coat of arms; saying; proverb; saw)"} {"Clue":"Love that can be pricey to purchase? (4)","Answer":"DEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Love\n**DEAR** (affectionate term for the one you love)\n **DEAR**\n\n**DEAR** (expensive; pricey) double definition"} {"Clue":"Dirty footballer crossing line (5)","Answer":"BLACK","Explanation":"Definition: Dirty\n**BACK** (footballer positioned behind the forwards) **containing** (crossing) **L** (line)\n **B** (**L**) **ACK**\n\n**BLACK** (dirty)"} {"Clue":"Painter also engaged by related blue shade (9)","Answer":"KANDINSKY","Explanation":"Definition: Painter\n(**AND** [also] **contained in** [engaged by] **KIN** [related]) + **SKY** (a shade of blue)\n **K** (**AND**) **IN** **SKY**\n\n**KANDINSKY** (reference Wassily **KANDINSKY** [1866 \u2013 1944], Russian painter and art theorist. He is credited with painting one of the first recognised purely abstract works)"} {"Clue":"Emphasise the return journey? (5,4)","Answer":"DRIVE HOME","Explanation":"Definition: Emphasise\n**DRIVE HOME** (descriptive of the return journey)\n **DRIVE HOME**\n\n**DRIVE HOME** (emphasise) double definition"} {"Clue":"Wire and line introduced into most of the Scottish tree-trunk (5)","Answer":"CABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Wire \n**L** (line) **contained in** (introduced into) **CABER** (trimmed trunk of a tree, which is held upright and tossed or hurled by athletes at Highland games; Scottish tree-trunk) **excluding the final letter** (most of) **R** \n **CAB** (**L**) **E**\n\n**CABLE** (wire)"} {"Clue":"A lot of coins provided by celebrities demanding skills (10)","Answer":"SPECIALIST","Explanation":"Definition: demanding skills\n**SPECIE **(coined money) **excluding the final letter** (a lot of) **E** + **A-LIST** (descriptive of the current top rated celebrities)\n **SPECI** **ALIST**\n\n**SPECIALIST** (a **SPECIALIST** has a high level of skill in his \/ her field)"} {"Clue":"Assessed one time going through stop light (5)","Answer":"RATED","Explanation":"Definition: Assessed\n(**A** [one] **+ T** [time]) **contained in** (going through) **RED** (the colour of a stop light)\n **R** (**A** **T**) **ED**\n\n**RATED** (assessed)"} {"Clue":"Miss, turning tail in romantic assignations, makes upset (9)","Answer":"DESOLATES","Explanation":"Definition: makes upset\n**LOSE** (miss) **reversed** (turning tail) **contained in** (in) **DATES** (romantic assignations)\n **D** (**ESOL**<) **ATES**\n\n**DESOLATES** (makes upset)"} {"Clue":"Vegetable, variety of Arab genus (5,4)","Answer":"SUGAR BEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Vegetable\n**Anagram of** (variety of) **ARAB GENUS**\n **SUG****AR B****E****A****N***\n\n**SUGAR BEAN** (lima bean, of which the butter bean is a well known variety; vegetable)"} {"Clue":"Company beginning to collect Channel islands bacteria (5)","Answer":"COCCI","Explanation":"Definition: bacteria\n**CO** (company) **+ C** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **COLLECT**) **+ CI** (Channel Islands)\n **CO** **C** **CI**\n\n**COCCI** (spherical bacteria)"} {"Clue":"Stupid husband drawn to single person within sight (8)","Answer":"BONE","Explanation":"Definition: Stupid\n(**ONE** [single person] **+** (**H** [husband] **contained in** [within] **BEAD** [front sight of a gun])\n **B** (**ONE** **H**) **EAD**\n\n**BONE** [**HEAD**] (stupid person)"} {"Clue":"Leading criminal very angry about crime ensuring time in prison (10)","Answer":"MASTERMIND","Explanation":"Definition: Leading criminal\n**MAD** (very angry) **containing** (about) (**SIN** [crime] **containing** [ensuring] **TERM** [prison term])\n **MA** (**S** (**TERM**) **IN**) **D**\n\n**MASTERMIND** (person conceiving or directing a project, especially a criminal enterprise)"} {"Clue":"Get rid of an area with bushes (5)","Answer":"SCRUB","Explanation":"Definition: Get rid of \n**SCRUB** (abandon; get rid of)\n **SCRUB**\n\n**SCRUB** (area with stunted trees and bushes) double definition"} {"Clue":"Second attempt secures backer for play unexpectedly (9)","Answer":"STRANGELY","Explanation":"Definition: unexpectedly\n**S** (second) **+** (**TRY** [attempt] **containing** [secures] **ANGEL** [a financial backer or adviser, especially one who finances theatrical ventures])\n **S** **TR** (**ANGEL**) **Y**\n\n**STRANGELY** (unexpectedly)"} {"Clue":"Factory back in Newcastle area, active for a long time (9)","Answer":"MILLENNIA","Explanation":"Definition: a long time\n**MILL** (factory) **+** (**IN** **+ NE** [North East. Newcastle is in the North East of England]) **all\u00a0reversed** (back in) **+ A** (active)\n **MILL** (**EN** **NI**)< **A**\n\n**MILLENNIA** (thousands of years; a long time)"} {"Clue":"Somewhere to sit down right after tea (5)","Answer":"CHAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Somewhere to sit down\n**CHAI** (strong black tea infused with milk, sugar and spices) **+ R** (right)\n **CHAI** **R**\n\n**CHAIR** (seat; somewhere to sit down)"} {"Clue":"Boss exploding with fury about driving initially enjoys Rollers? (9)","Answer":"BODYSURFS","Explanation":"Definition: enjoys Rollers?\n(**Anagram of **[exploding] **BOSS** and **FURY**) **containing** (about) **D** (**first letter of** [initially] **DRIVING**)\n **BO** (**D**) **Y****S****URF****S***\n\n**BODYSURFS** (if someone **BODYSURFS** they are likely to enjoy big sea waves or rollers)"} {"Clue":"Illness after one drops nutrition (7)","Answer":"ALIMENT","Explanation":"Definition: nutrition\n**AILMENT** (illness) with **I** (one) **dropping down the word** (drops) to form the down entry** ALIMENT**\n **ALIMENT**\n\n**ALIMENT** (nourishment; nutrition)"} {"Clue":"Don't tell how to prepare a room for a film show? (4,2,4)","Answer":"KEEP IT DARK","Explanation":"Definition: Don't tell how to prepare a room for a film show\n**KEEP IT DARK** (if you are going to display a film show in a room it is best to **KEEP IT DARK**)\n **KEEP IT DARK**\n\n**KEEP IT DARK** (conceal something; don't tell anyone) double definition"} {"Clue":"King currently governed, say, picking up information (9)","Answer":"KNOWLEDGE","Explanation":"Definition: information\n**K** (king)** + NOW** (currently) **+ LED** (governed) **+** (**E.G**. [for example; say]** reversed** [picking up])\n **K** **NOW** **LED** **GE**<\n\n**KNOWLEDGE** (information)"} {"Clue":"Requirements met, though rising, after intervention of daughter (5)","Answer":"NEEDS","Explanation":"Definition: Requirements\n**SEEN** (met) **reversed** (though rising) **containing** **D** (daughter)\n **NEE** (**D**) **S**<\n\n**NEEDS** (requirements)"} {"Clue":"Desire singer to shake tin (4)","Answer":"ITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Desire\n**SNITCH** (informer; singer) **excluding** (to shake) **SN** (chemical symbol for tin)\n **ITCH **\n\n**ITCH **(desire)"} {"Clue":"Topic about to be covered by 'water and air transport' (7)","Answer":"SUBJECT","Explanation":"Definition: Topic\n**C** (circa [about]) **contained in** (to be covered by) (**SUB** [submarine; sea transport] **+ JET** [air transport])\n **SUB** **JE** (**C**) **T**\n\n**SUBJECT** (topic)"} {"Clue":"Produce that is left in yard (5)","Answer":"YIELD","Explanation":"Definition: Produce\n(**I.E.** [id est; that is] **+ L** [left]) **contained in** (in) **YD** (yard)\n **Y** (**IE** **L**)** D**\n\n**YIELD** (produce)"} {"Clue":"Chosen working integrated circuit about right in regard to much IT (10)","Answer":"ELECTRONIC","Explanation":"Definition: in regard to much IT\n(**ELECT** [chosen] **+ ON** [working] **+ IC** [integrated circuit]) **containing** (about) **R** (right)\n **ELECT** (**R**) **ON** **IC**\n\n**ELECTRONIC** (descriptive of much information technology [IT]) hardware, software and data)"} {"Clue":"International group following America in broadcasts set up recovery sites (9)","Answer":"SANATORIA","Explanation":"Definition: recovery sites\n(**A** [America] **+**\u00a0[**NATO** {international group}]) **contained in** (in) **AIRS** (broadcasts) **reversed** (set up; down clue)\n **S** (**A** **NATO**) **RIA**<\n\n**SANATORIA** (hospitals for convalescents and the chronically ill; recovery sites)"} {"Clue":"Political discourse of less interest suggesting alternative to hanging? (4-5)","Answer":"SPIN-DRYER","Explanation":"Definition: alternative to hanging\n**SPIN** (To put a favourable slant on an item of policy; political discourse) **+ DRYER **(of less interest)\n **SPIN** **DRYER**\n\n**SPIN-DRYER** (a machine that offers an\u00a0alternative to hanging clothes out to dry)"} {"Clue":"Common classes supported by lecturer (7)","Answer":"GENERAL","Explanation":"Definition: Common\n**GENERA** (classes of objects comprehending several subordinate specie) + L (lecturer) This being a down entry, the letter L is 'supporting' all the other letters\n **GENERA** **L**\n\n**GENERAL** (common)"} {"Clue":"Agree artist will depict a fantastical creature (7)","Answer":"CHIMERA","Explanation":"Definition: fantastical creature\n**CHIME** (agree) **+ RA** (Royal Academician)\n **CHIME** **RA**\n\n**CHIMERA** (fabled fire-spouting monster, with a lion's head, a serpent's tail, and a goat's body)"} {"Clue":"Happen a few trimmed a broom (5)","Answer":"BESOM","Explanation":"Definition: broom\n**BE** (happen) **+**** SOM****E** (a few) **excluding the final letter** (trimmed) **E**\n **BE** **SOM**\n\n**BESOM** (bunch of twigs for sweeping or a broom made of twigs tied to a handle)"} {"Clue":"What may be mostly behind burning? (5)","Answer":"ARSON","Explanation":"Definition: burning\n**ARS****E**** ON** (designating a rear view; behind) **excluding the E** (mostly). I'm not completely happy with this parsing as 'mostly' usually indicates dropping a letter from the end of a constituent part \n **ARS** **ON**\n\n**ARSON** (crime of maliciously and feloniously setting fire to property; burning)"} {"Clue":"Accomplished leader dismissed by board (4)","Answer":"ABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Accomplished\n**TABLE** (board)** excluding** (dismissed)\u00a0**the first letter** (leader) T\n **ABLE**\n\n**ABLE** (accomplished)"} {"Clue":"Duckface to act, taking on prime part in The Quiet American (8)","Answer":"PLATYPUS","Explanation":"Definition: Duckface\n(**PLAY** [act] **containing** [taking on] **T** [**first letter o**f {prime part in} **THE**) **+ P** (piano; quiet) **+ US** (American)\n **PLA **(**T**)** Y P ****US**\n\n**PLATYPUS** (one of the primitive forms of mammals, with broadly webbed feet and duck-like bill; duckface)"} {"Clue":"Advance on The Power and The Glory (6)","Answer":"PRAISE","Explanation":"Definition: Glory\n**P** (power) **+ RAISE** (advance)\n **P** **RAISE**\n\n**PRAISE** (glory)"} {"Clue":"Suggestion of worry returning after time (5)","Answer":"TWANG","Explanation":"Definition: Suggestion of\n**T** (time) **+ GNAW** (worry) **reversed**\n **T** **WANG**<\n\n**TWANG **(suggestion)"} {"Clue":"Make Brighton Rock, capturing book that's pulsating (9)","Answer":"THROBBING","Explanation":"Definition: pulsating\n**Anagram of** (rock) **BRIGHTON** **containing** (capturing) **B** (book)\n **THROB** (**B**) **ING*** \u2013 either **B** could be the one **contained**\n\n**THROBBING** (pulsating)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Our Man in Havana's title and country and queen (6)","Answer":"HECUBA","Explanation":"Definition: queen\n**HE** (His \/ Her Excellency, the form of address when referring to a diplomatic ambassador) **+ CUBA** (Havana is the capital of Cuba)\n **HE** **CUBA**\n\n**HECUBA** (Queen in Greek mythology, the wife of King Priam of Troy during the Trojan War, with whom she had 19 children)"} {"Clue":"Sentiment those at virtual conference might approve? (7)","Answer":"EMOTION","Explanation":"Definition: Sentiment \n**E** (electronic) **+ MOTION** (formal proposal put to a meeting for approval; for\u00a0a virtual conference such a motion would be tabled electronically)\n **E** **MOTION**\n\n**EMOTION** (sentiment)"} {"Clue":"Bad sex perverse writer's included (5)","Answer":"INEPT","Explanation":"Definition: Bad\n**PEN** (writer) **reversed** (perverse) **contained in** (included) **IT** (sex)\n **I** (**NEP**<) **T**\n\n**INEPT** (unsuitable; appalling; bad)"} {"Clue":"In 1966, perhaps, England Made Me revised with art (5,4)","Answer":"DREAM TEAM","Explanation":"Definition: In 1966, perhaps, \n**Anagram of** (revised) **MADE ME** and (with) **ART**\n **D****R****EAM ****TEAM***\n\n**DREAM TEAM** (The England football team won the World Cup in 1966. In today's terminology they would be referred to as a **DREAM TEAM**)"} {"Clue":"Ignoring rules, devious as well, and cunning (9)","Answer":"LAWLESSLY","Explanation":"Definition: Ignoring rules\n**Anagram of** (devious) **AS WELL** **+ SLY** (cunning)\n **LAWLES*** **SLY**\n\n**LAWLESSLY** (ignoring rules)"} {"Clue":"Relating to element from Britain, The Confidential Agent's US distributor perhaps rejected, taking on resistance (5)","Answer":"BARIC","Explanation":"Definition: Relating to element \n**B** (Britain) **+ **(**CIA** [Central Intelligence Agency; confidential agent's US distributor] **reversed** [rejected] **containing** [taking on] **R** [resistance])\n **B** **A** (**R**)** IC**<\n\n**BARIC** (relating to the element barium)"} {"Clue":"Communications pioneer, one after change of heart from French leader (7)","Answer":"MARCONI","Explanation":"Definition: Communications pioneer\n**MARCON** (**MACRON** [reference new French president Emmanuel **MACRON**] with the **two central letters reversed** [change of heart]) **+ I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **MARCON** **I**\n\n**MARCONI **(reference Guglielmo **MARCONI**, 1874 \u2013 1937], Italian inventor and pioneer of long-distance radio transmission)"} {"Clue":"Nice Travels With My Aunt to open at flicks (6)","Answer":"CINEMA","Explanation":"Definition: flicks\n**Anagram of** (travels) **NICE** +\u00a0[with] **MA** (**first letters of** [to open]each of **MY** and **AUNT**)\n **CINE*** **MA**\n\n**CINEMA** (flicks)"} {"Clue":"Former company outlet where you might find A\u00a0Gun for Sale? (5,4)","Answer":"TOMMY SHOP","Explanation":"Definition: Former company outlet\n**TOMMY** (reference **TOMMY** gun [machine gun]) **+ SHOP** [place for selling] \u2013 taken together, perhaps a shop selling guns.\n **TOMMY** **SHOP**\n\n**TOMMY SHOP** (truck **SHOP**\u00a0[a **SHOP** operated by employers in which their workers were obliged to buy goods]; company store [outlet])"} {"Clue":"Weariness in report of how one with nothing to drink but urine survives? (5)","Answer":"ENNUI","Explanation":"Definition: Weariness\n**ENNUI**, according to Chambers dictionary, pronounced **ON WEE** [urine] which is descriptive of how a person with nothing to drink but urine survives.\n **ENNUI**\n\n**ENNUI **(a feeling of weariness or languor)"} {"Clue":"Traced back registration number and caught big fish (6)","Answer":"CONGER","Explanation":"Definition: big fish\n(**REG NO** [registration number] **+ C** [caught]) **all reversed** (traced back)\n (**C** **ON** **GER**)<\n\n**CONGER** (large sea fish of the eel family)"} {"Clue":"Exploits woman's breaking down (8)","Answer":"FEATHERS","Explanation":"Definition: down\n**HER**(woman) **contained in** (breaking) **FEATS** (exploits) \n **FEAT** (**HER**) **S**\n I don't think it can be **FEAT** + **HER'S** [woman's] as we would only have a singular exploit.\n\n**FEATHERS** (down)"} {"Clue":"Material on colonial head perhaps in The Heart of the Matter? (4)","Answer":"PITH","Explanation":"Definition: Heart of the Matter\n**PITH** (reference **PITH** helmet [sun helmet made of sola pith, headgear frequently worn by colonial administrators])\n **PITH**\n\n**PITH** (substance, weight, significance; heart of the matter)"} {"Clue":"A Burnt-out Case made hopeless in institutional realm (7)","Answer":"ACADEME","Explanation":"Definition: institutional realm\n**A** + (**an anagram of** [hopeless] **MADE** **contained in** [in] **CE** (l**etters remaining when you are left in the shell of the word having burnt-out the centre of** **C****AS****E**)\n **A** **C** (**ADEM***) **E**\n\n**ACADEME** (world of scholars; institutional realm)"} {"Clue":"Cultured food tent hosting hog roast (7)","Answer":"YOGHURT","Explanation":"Definition: Cultured food\n**YURT** (light conical tent of skins etc, supported by posts, used by nomads in Siberia and Mongolia) **containing** (hosting) **an anagram of** (roasting) **HOG**\n **Y** (**OGH***) **URT**\n\n**YOGHURT** (semi-liquid food made from fermented milk; cultured food where culture refers to bacterial effects))"} {"Clue":"Extremist featuring in Stamboul Train (5)","Answer":"ULTRA","Explanation":"Definition: Extremist\n**ULTRA** (**hidden word in** [featuring in] **STAMBOUL TRAIN)**\n **ULTRA**\n\n**ULTRA** (extremist)"} {"Clue":"In elevated heath, herb'll regularly flower repeatedly (7)","Answer":"REBLOOM","Explanation":"Definition: flower repeatedly\n**EBL** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [regularly] of **HERB'LL**) **contained in** (in) **MOOR** (heath) **reversed** (elevated; down clue)\n **R** (**EBL**) **OOM**<\n\n**REBLOOM** (flower again; flower repeatedly)"} {"Clue":"To put sheen on hair, I disentangled grips (7)","Answer":"IRIDISE","Explanation":"Definition: To put sheen on\n**IRIDISE** (**hidden word in** [grips] **HA****IR I DISE****NTANGLED**)\n **IRIDISE**\n\n**IRIDISE** (glitter with changing colour; put sheen on)"} {"Clue":"Ignores brief Communist intrigues in The Human Factor? (10)","Answer":"ERGONOMICS","Explanation":"Definition: The Human Factor\n**Anagram of **(intrigues) **IGNORES** and **COM** (**abbreviation for** [brief] **COMMUNIST**)\n **ERGON****OM****I****C****S***\n\n**ERGONOMICS** (scientific study of man in relation to his physical working environment; human factor)"} {"Clue":"Leaves like those in books mentioned here? (8)","Answer":"GREENERY","Explanation":"Definition: Leaves\n**GREENERY** (a word that could be used as descriptive of books by the author Graham **GREENE**, as all the books mentioned in the clues are)\n **GREENERY**\n\n**GREENERY** (leaves, for example)"} {"Clue":"Mad plot I unravelled I see as like The Honorary Consul (10)","Answer":"DIPLOMATIC","Explanation":"Definition: like \n**Anagram of** (unravelled) **MAD PLOT I** **+ I + C** (see)\n **DI****PLO****MA****T*** **I ****C**\n\n**DIPLOMATIC** (relating to relations between states; a consul is an agent for a foreign government appointed to attend to the interests of its citizens and commerce)"} {"Clue":"Express contempt for little one's short verses (8)","Answer":"DISTICHS","Explanation":"Definition: short verses\n**DIS** (variant spelling of **DISS** [treat with disrespect or contempt]) **+ TICH'S** (very small person's)\n **DIS** **TICHS**\n\n**DISTICHS** (two lines or verses, complete in themselves)"} {"Clue":"Grafter got around poor mark (7)","Answer":"WORKMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Grafter\n**WON** (got) **containing** (around) **an anagram of** (poor) **MARK**\n **WO** (**RKMA***) **N**\n\n**WORKMAN** (grafter)"} {"Clue":"Group adapted sports car to suppress carbon monoxide (7)","Answer":"ECOTYPE","Explanation":"Definition: Group adapted\n**E-TYPE **(British sports car manufactured by Jaguar between 1961 and 1975) **containing** (to suppress) **CO** (chemical formula for Carbon Monoxide)\n **E** (**CO**) **TYPE**\n\n**ECOTYPE** (group of organisms which have adapted to a particular environment and so have become different from other groups within the species)"} {"Clue":"Extremely underfed, perhaps bites on nuts (7)","Answer":"BONIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Extremely underfed, perhaps\n**Anagram of **(nuts) **BITES ON**\n **B****ON****IEST***\n\n**BONIEST** (showing least fat; thinnest, perhaps the most underfed)"} {"Clue":"Female losing head finds refuge in Catholic church \u2013 The End of The Affair (7)","Answer":"ROMANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Affair\n(**W****OMAN** [female] **excluding the first letter** (losing head) **W** **contained in** (finds refuge in) **RC** (Roman Catholic [Church]) **+ E** (**last letter of** [the end of] **THE**)\n **R** (**OMAN**) **C** **E**\n\n**ROMANCE** (affair)"} {"Clue":"Manage to hide spades in wood (5)","Answer":"COPSE","Explanation":"Definition: wood\n**S** (spades) **contained in** (to hide\u00a0in) **COPE** (manage) \n **COP** (**S**) **E**\n\n**COPSE** (dense thicket of trees and bushes; wood)"} {"Clue":"West Indian society captivating leading character in The Comedians (4)","Answer":"WITS","Explanation":"Definition: Comedians\n(**WI **[West Indian] **+ S** [society]) **containing** (captivating) **T** (**first character o**f [leading character in] **THE**)\n **WI** (**T**) **S**\n\n**WITS** (comedians)"} {"Clue":"Not a soul sister by the sound of it (4)","Answer":"NONE","Explanation":"Definition: Not a soul\n**NONE **(**sounds like **[by the sound of it] **NUN** [sister])\n **NONE**\n\n**NONE **(not a soul)"} {"Clue":"Papers keeping quiet over electronic listening device (4)","Answer":"IPOD","Explanation":"Definition: electronic listening device\n**ID** (identity papers) **containing** (keeping) (**P** [piano; quiet] **+ O** [over, in cricket terminology])\n **I **(**P** **O**) **D**\n\n**IPOD** (an electronic device allowing the user to listen to music)"} {"Clue":"Make three a different number (5)","Answer":"ETHER","Explanation":"Definition: number\n**Anagram of **(make \u2026 different) **THREE**\n **ETHER***\n\n**ETHER** (anaesthetic; number)"} {"Clue":"Prone to gas? (9)","Answer":"GARRULOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Prone to gas\n**GARRULOUS** (cryptic definition describing someone very talkative \u2013 i.e. one likely to [prone to] go on talking lots about very little [to gas])\n **GARRULOUS**\n\n**GARRULOUS **(talkative; loquacious; wordy, voluble)"} {"Clue":"Bear arriving in Cyprus (5)","Answer":"CARRY","Explanation":"Definition: Bear\n**ARR** (arriving) **contained in** (in) **CY** (International Vehicle Registration for Cyprus)\n **C** (**ARR**) **Y**\n\n**CARRY** (bear)"} {"Clue":"Balancing is essential to drinking nine vermouths on the bounce (7)","Answer":"EVENING","Explanation":"Definition: Balancing\n**EVENING** (**hidden word** [essential to] **reversed** [on the bounce] in **DRINKING NINE VERMOUTHS**)\n **EVENING**<\n\n**EVENING** (balancing)"} {"Clue":"Old alcoholic finally sober in support group (7)","Answer":"OCTETTE","Explanation":"Definition: group\n**O** (old) **+ C** (**last letter of** [finally] **ALCOHOLIC**) **+**\u00a0(**TT** [teetotal; sober] **contained in **[in] **TEE** [support])\n **O** **C** **TE** (**TT**) **E**\n\n**OCTETTE** (a group of eight)"} {"Clue":"Instant credit (4)","Answer":"TICK","Explanation":"Definition: Instant\n**TICK** (moment; instant)\n **TICK**\n\n**TICK** (credit) double definition"} {"Clue":"Puffer fish curer? (6)","Answer":"SMOKER","Explanation":"Definition: Puffer\n**SMOKER **(puffer [on a cigarette])\n **SMOKER**\n\n**SMOKER** (apparatus for curing meat or fish) double definition"} {"Clue":"Entertained by Tom and Jerry, maybe (3)","Answer":"MAN","Explanation":"Definition: Jerry, maybe\n**MAN** **(hidden word in** [entertained by] **TOM AND**)\n **MAN**\n\n**MAN** (Jerry is a man's name)"} {"Clue":"Pull on ends of cord to tighten (3)","Answer":"DON","Explanation":"Definition: Pull on\n**DON** (**last letters of** [ends of] **each of CORD**, **TO** and **TIGHTEN**)\n **DON**\n\n**DON** (pull on [of clothes])"} {"Clue":"A pea brought about no sleeping problem (6)","Answer":"APNOEA","Explanation":"Definition: sleeping problem\n**A** + (**PEA** **containing** (brought about) **NO**)\n **A** **P** (**NO**) **EA**\n\n**APNOEA** (a temporary cessation of breathing occurring in certain adults during sleep, or in newborn infants; sleeping problem)"} {"Clue":"Sopranos in training \u2013 that might attract attention (4)","Answer":"PSST","Explanation":"Definition: that might attract attention\n(**S** [soprano] **+ S** [soprano] to give sopranos) **contained in **(in) **PT** (physical training)\n **P** (**SS**) **T**\n\n**PSST **(expression used to attract attention)"} {"Clue":"Old man takes loo over with each elixir (7)","Answer":"PANACEA","Explanation":"Definition: elixir\n**PA** (father; old man) **+** (**CAN** [loo] **reversed** [over]) +** EA** (each)\n **PA** **NAC**< **EA**\n\n**PANACEA** (elixir)"} {"Clue":"Sport masters back top-notch fighter (7)","Answer":"SAMURAI","Explanation":"Definition: fighter\n(**RU** [Rugby Union; example of a sport] **+ MAS** [Masters {of Art}] **all reversed** (back) **+ AI** (first class; top-notch)\n (**SAM** **UR**)< **AI**\n\n**SAMURAI** (member of the military caste in feudal\u00a0Japan; fighter)"} {"Clue":"According to rumour, my old lady's a dish (5)","Answer":"KORMA","Explanation":"Definition: dish\n**KOR** (**sounds like** [according to rumour] **COR** [blimey!; my!]) **+ MA** (mother; old lady)\n **KOR** **MA**\n\n**KORMA** (mild-flavoured Indian dish)"} {"Clue":"Woman tying the knot soon may become bored, I bet (5-2-2)","Answer":"BRIDE-TO-BE","Explanation":"Definition: Woman tying the knot soon\n**Anagram of** (may become) **BORED I BET**\n **BR****I****DE ****T****O ****BE***\n\n**BRIDE-TO-BE** (lady soon to be married; woman tying the knot)"} {"Clue":"Brief sleep then sex (5)","Answer":"REMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Brief\n**REM** (rapid eye movement, **REM** sleep is descriptive any of the phases of sleep accompanied by rapid eye movement) + **IT** (sex)\n **REM** **IT**\n\n**REMIT** (brief)"} {"Clue":"Depend on vacated lavatory (4)","Answer":"RELY","Explanation":"Definition: Depend\n**RE** (with reference to; on)** + LY** (**letters remaining in** **L****AVATOR****Y** **when all the central letters** **AVATOR are** **excluded**\u00a0[vacated])\n **RE** **LY**\n\n**RELY** (depend)"} {"Clue":"May essentially divides Britain with pet project (4)","Answer":"BABY","Explanation":"Definition: pet project\n**A** (**middle letter of** [essentially] **MAY** **contained in** (divides) (**B** [Britain] + **BY** [with])\n **B** (**A**) **BY**\n\n**BABY** (one's pet project)"} {"Clue":"Uncared-for nationalist gets voted in and is blocked by government (9)","Answer":"NEGLECTED","Explanation":"Definition: Uncared-for\n**N** (nationalist) **+** (**ELECTED** [gets voted in] **containing** [is blocked by] **G** [government])\n **N** **E** (**G**) **LECTED**\n\n**NEGLECTED** (uncared-for)"} {"Clue":"Take care of polluted universe I've left behind (5)","Answer":"NURSE","Explanation":"Definition: Take care of\n**Anagram of** (polluted) **UNIVERSE** **excluding** (left behind) **I'VE**\n **NURSE***\n\n**NURSE** (take care of)"} {"Clue":"Share-pushers place sign outside that's offensive (9)","Answer":"PLOUGHMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Share-pushers\n**PL** (place) **+** (**OMEN** [sign] **containing** [outside] **UGH** [a word to describe something offensive])\n **PL**** O** (**UGH**) **MEN**\n\n**PLOUGHMEN** (people who push ploughshares)"} {"Clue":"Party happens in Dutch company (5)","Answer":"DISCO","Explanation":"Definition: Party\n**IS **(happens) **contained in** (in) (**D** [Dutch] **+ CO** [company])\n **D** (**IS**) **CO**\n\n**DISCO** (party)"} {"Clue":"Create time and energy for compiling and suchlike (2,6)","Answer":"ET CETERA","Explanation":"Definition: and suchlike\n**Anagram of** (for compiling) **CREATE** and **T** (time) and** E** (energy)\n **ET CE****TE****RA***)\n\n**ET CETERA** (something in addition, which can easily be understood from the context; and suchlike)"} {"Clue":"Firm has daily financial troubles (4,5)","Answer":"HARD TIMES","Explanation":"Definition: financial troubles\n**HARD** (firm) **+ TIMES** (national daily newspaper)\n **HARD TIMES**\n\n**HARD TIMES** (a phrase that can be used to describe financial troubles)"} {"Clue":"Bible class covers short song of praise seen in 16 and 25D? (5)","Answer":"RHYME","Explanation":"Definition: seen in 16 and 25D\n**RE** (religious education; bible class) **containing** (covers) **HYM****N** (song of praise) **excluding the final letter** (short) **N**\n **RHYME**\n\n**RHYME** (the entries at 16 across [**SMOKER**] and 25 down [**POKER**] **RHYME**)"} {"Clue":"One upper-class twit (4)","Answer":"UNIT","Explanation":"Definition: One\n**U** (upper class) **+ NIT** (fool; twit)\n **U** **NIT**\n\n**UNIT** (one)"} {"Clue":"Poser with Spanish and German liquor (9)","Answer":"CONUNDRUM","Explanation":"Definition: Poser\n**CON** (Spanish for 'with') **+ UND** (German for 'and') **+ RUM** (example of a liquor)\n **CON** **UND** **RUM**\n\n**CONUNDRUM** (poser)"} {"Clue":"Freezing instructions \u2013 is best before \u2026 ? (4,5)","Answer":"KEEP STILL","Explanation":"Definition: Freezing instructions\n**KEEPS TILL** (is best before)\n **KEEP S** **TILL**\n\n**KEEP STILL** (instructions to someone to freeze)"} {"Clue":"No way to kill yen for travelling (3,6)","Answer":"NOT LIKELY","Explanation":"Definition: No way\n**Anagram of **(for travelling) **TO KILL YEN**\n **NOT LIKELY***\n\n**NOT LIKELY **(no way)"} {"Clue":"Diagram providing route for a pub-crawl? (3,5)","Answer":"BAR CHART","Explanation":"Definition: Diagram\n**BAR** (pub) **+ CHART** (map; route) together could describe a route for moving from bar to bar on a pub-craw.\n **BAR** **CHART**\n\n**BAR CHART **(statistical diagram showing comparative quantities by means of rectangular blocks of varying proportional height)"} {"Clue":"Female friend posed by warm fire, oddly withdrawn (4)","Answer":"AMIE","Explanation":"Definition: Female friend\n**AMIE** **(letters 2, 4, 6 and 8 which remain after the odd letters are removed from** [oddly withdrawn] **WARM FIRE**)\n **AMIE**\n\n**AMIE** (female friend)"} {"Clue":"I agree to enter a card game (5)","Answer":"POKER","Explanation":"Definition: card game\n**OK** (I agree) **contained in** (to enter) **PER** (a)\n **P** (**OK**) **ER**\n\n**POKER** (card game)"} {"Clue":"Warning signal a doctor hears regularly (5)","Answer":"AMBER","Explanation":"Definition: Warning signal\n**A** **+ MB** (Bachelor of Medicine; doctor) **+ ER** **(letters 2 and 4** [regularly] **of** **H****E****A****R**)\n **A** **MB** **ER**\n\n**AMBER** (colour of a warning signal)"} {"Clue":"Dutch very well after port wine (5)","Answer":"RIOJA","Explanation":"Definition: wine\n**RIO** (**RIO** de Janiero, a port city in Brazil) **+ JA** (Dutch for yes, I agree [very well])\n **RIO** **JA**\n\n**RIOJA **(type of wine)"} {"Clue":"Activity of driver after stoppin' for cake (6)","Answer":"PARKIN","Explanation":"Definition: cake\n**PARKIN**' (after stopping the car,\u00a0a driver might consider **PARKIN****G** it next)\n **PARKIN**\n\n**PARKIN** (biscuit or gingerbread made with oatmeal and treacle; cake)"} {"Clue":"Newsman watches triple jumper (7)","Answer":"EDWARDS","Explanation":"Definition: triple jumper\n**ED** (editor; newsman) **+ WARDS** (watches [over])\n **ED** **WARDS**\n\n**EDWARDS** (reference Jonathan EDWARDS [born 1966],British athlete, multi golf medallist and world record holder in the triple jump)"} {"Clue":"Preserve black part of doorway? (4)","Answer":"JAMB","Explanation":"Definition: part of doorway\n**JAM** (preserve) **+ B** (black, as an indicator of softness of pencil lead)\n **JAM** **B**\n\n**JAMB** (sidepiece or post of a door)"} {"Clue":"Aussie maybe in olden days describing Wallabies' game (5)","Answer":"BRUCE","Explanation":"Definition: Aussie maybe\n**BCE **(Before Common Era, used [to be culturally neutral] instead of **BC** [Before Christ] in numbering the years before the current era; in olden days) **containing** (describing) **RU** (Rugby Union; the Wallabies is the name for the Australian Rugby Union team)\n **B **(**RU**) **CE**\n\n**BRUCE** (At one time , the name **BRUCE** was so widespread in Australia that, it became a nickname for any Ozzie man)"} {"Clue":"Crossing beneficial to little daughter (4)","Answer":"FORD","Explanation":"Definition: Crossing\n**FOR** (beneficial to) **+ D** (abbreviation for [little] daughter)\n **FOR** **D**\n\n**FORD** (crossing)"} {"Clue":"Artist's agent rejected one duty in five (8)","Answer":"FIXATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Artist's agent\n(**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ TAX** [duty]) **all reversed** (rejected and **contained in** (in) **FIVE**\n **FI** (**XAT** **I**)< **VE**\n\n**FIXATIVE** (a chemical primarily used by a photographer, a type of artist after developing a negative. May have other users for different types of artist)"} {"Clue":"Royal house pioneer owns open to all (6)","Answer":"STUART","Explanation":"Definition: Royal house\n**START** (pioneer) **containing** (owns) **U** (category of a film that can be viewed by people of all ages; open to all)\n **ST** (**U**) **ART**\n\n**STUART** (reference the Royal house of **STUART** [late 14th century to 1714] whose members reigned in Scotland, England and the bit of the United Kingdom of Great Britain that existed from 1707)"} {"Clue":"Bird almost ready to face strong wind (11)","Answer":"NIGHTINGALE","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\n**NIGH** (near; almost) **+ TIN** (money; ready) **+ GALE** (strong wind)\n **NIGH TIN ****GALE**\n\n**NIGHTINGALE** (bird)"} {"Clue":"Jurgen's out, close to limit in old car (6)","Answer":"AUSTIN","Explanation":"Definition: old car\n**AUS** (German [Jurgen] for out) **+ T** (**last letter of **[close to] **LIMIT**) **+ IN** \n **AUS** **T** **IN**\n\n**AUSTIN** (reference **AUSTIN** Motor Company making cars from 1905 to 1952 when it became part of BMC [British Motor Corporation])\u00a0The **AUSTIN** marque continued in use until 1987)"} {"Clue":"Lyricist Rice heard sudden dread of a drum (8)","Answer":"TIMPANIC","Explanation":"Definition: of a drum\n**TIM** (first name of lyricist **TIM** Rice) **+ PANIC** (sudden dread) I think 'heard' is just a link word to make the clue read better. There is no homophone as his name is **TIM**\n **TIM** **PANIC**\n\n**TIMPANIC** (descriptive of kettledrums)"} {"Clue":"Some retired villagers showing bitterness (4)","Answer":"GALL","Explanation":"Definition: bitterness\n**GALL** (**hidden word** [some] **reversed** [retired] in **VILLAGERS**)\n **GALL**<\n\n**GALL** (bitterness)"} {"Clue":"Regulars inside keen to plug pub job (5)","Answer":"BAKER","Explanation":"Definition: job\n**KE** (**letters 1 and 3** [regulars] of **KEEN**) **contained in** (to plug) **BAR** (public house; pub)\n **BA** (**KE**) **R**\n\n**BAKER** (example of a job)"} {"Clue":"Weather condition broadcast around noon (4)","Answer":"SNOW","Explanation":"Definition: Weather condition\n**SOW** (broadcast) **containing** (around) **N** (noon)\n **S** (**N**) **OW**\n\n**SNOW** (example of a weather condition)"} {"Clue":"Truth circulated about financial centre in European city (7)","Answer":"UTRECHT","Explanation":"Definition: European city\n**Anagram of** (circulated) **TRUTH ****containing** (about) **EC** (post code of the London financial centre)\n **UTR **(**EC**) **HT***\n\n**UTRECHT** (European City)"} {"Clue":"Tank once used to attack unknown ruler (6)","Answer":"PANZER","Explanation":"Definition: Tank\n**PAN** (criticise; attack) **+ Z **(letter frequently used to denote an unknown value in mathematics) **+ ER** (Elizabeth Regina, Queen Elizabeth; ruler)\n **PAN** **Z** **ER**\n\n**PANZER** (German tank, used in World War II)"} {"Clue":"Brenda's outside, given very little air in site of Oktoberfest (7)","Answer":"BAVARIA","Explanation":"Definition: site of Oktoberfest\n**BA** (**first and last letters of** [outside] **BRENDA**) **+ V** (**abbreviation for** [little] **V****ERY**) +** ARIA** (song; air)\n **BA V ****ARIA**\n\n**BAVARIA** (the Oktoberfest beer festival is held in Munich, Bavaria. This year it runs from 16th September to 3rd October)"} {"Clue":"Posh element round refuse to shun rich uncle, primarily (8)","Answer":"SNOBBISH","Explanation":"Definition: Posh \n**SN** (chemical symbol for the **element** tin) **+ O** (round shape) + **RUBBISH **(refuse) **excluding** (to shun) **RU** (**first letters of** [primarily] **RICH** and **UNCLE**)\n **SN** **O** **BBISH**\n\n**SNOBBISH** (posh)"} {"Clue":"Dandy's tie making a statement (4)","Answer":"BEAU","Explanation":"Definition: Dandy\n**BEAU** (**sounds like** [making a statement] **BOW** [tie])\n **BEAU**\n\n**BEAU** (dandy)"} {"Clue":"After time, gardener may pull up these clothing items (6)","Answer":"TWEEDS","Explanation":"Definition: clothing items\n**T** (time) **+ WEEDS** (a gardener is very likely to pull up **WEEDS**)\n **T ****WEEDS**\n\n**TWEEDS** (clothes made from a rough woolen cloth)"} {"Clue":"Academic briefly replacing priest heading north (4)","Answer":"PROF","Explanation":"Definition: Academic briefly\n(**FOR** [replacing] **+ P** [priest]) **reversed** (heading north; down clue)\n (**P** **ROF**)<\n\n**PROF** (brief nomenclature for a **PROF**essor [academic briefly])"} {"Clue":"American touring definitely close to tiger sharks? (7)","Answer":"USURERS","Explanation":"Definition: sharks\n**US** (United States; American) **containing** (touring) (**SURE** [definitely] **+ R** [**last letter of** {close to} **TIGER**])\n **U **(**SURE** **R**) **S**\n\n**USURERS** (moneylenders who impose a punitive rate of interest; money sharks)"} {"Clue":"Mystic's spirit, over two books, followed by celebrity type (9)","Answer":"KABBALIST","Explanation":"Definition: Mystic\n**KA** (the spirit or soul within a person) **+ B** (book) **+ B** (book) giving books **+ A-LIST** (descriptive of a type of celebrity)\n **KA** **BB** **ALIST**\n\n**KABBALIST** (variant spelling of **CABBALIST** [mystic])"} {"Clue":"Order policemen, in extremes of temperature, to\u00a0retreat (5)","Answer":"EDICT","Explanation":"Definition: Order\n(**CID** [Criminal Investigation Department; policemen] **contained in** [in] **TE** [**first and last letters of** [extremes of] **TEMPERATURE**) **all reversed** (to retreat)\n (**E** (**DIC**) **T**)<\n\n**EDICT** (order)"} {"Clue":"Vagrant is snugly embracing area like the back end of a bus(4,2,3)","Answer":"UGLY AS SIN","Explanation":"Definition: like the back end of a bus\n**Anagram of **(vagrant) **IS SNUGLY** **containing** (embracing) **A** (area)\n **UGLY** (**A**) **S**** SIN***\n\n**UGLY AS SIN** (look particularly hideous; 'back end of a bus' is a phrase with a similar meaning)"} {"Clue":"Teeth become more noticeable after such confectionery? (8)","Answer":"GUMDROPS","Explanation":"Definition: confectionery\nIf your **GUM DROPS** then your teeth will become more noticeable\n \u00a0\n\n**GUMDROPS** (gelatinous sweets) I can't remember when I last saw a tube of Rowntree's fruit **GUM**s"} {"Clue":"Advance towards a landing-place, mostly underwater (7)","Answer":"SUBAQUA","Explanation":"Definition: underwater\n**SUB** (advance payment) **+ A + QUAY** (landing place)**excluding the final letter **(mostly) **Y**\n **SUB** **A** **QUA**\n\n**SUBAQUA** (under water)"} {"Clue":"Prejudiced British one offering encouragement to Edward (7)","Answer":"BIGOTED","Explanation":"Definition: Prejudiced\n**B** (British) **+ I** (one) **+ GO** (a word offering encouragement) **+ TED** (Edward)\n **B** **I ****GO** **TED**\n\n**BIGOTED** (prejudiced)"} {"Clue":"Leather coat from Nassau obtained with US money (6)","Answer":"NUBUCK","Explanation":"Definition: Leather\n**NU** (**first and last letters of** [coat from] **N****ASSA****U**) **+ BUCK** (US dollar)\n **NU** **BUCK**\n\n**NUBUCK** (leather made from cowhide but treated to resemble suede)"} {"Clue":"Learning lives of Roman Emperors (earliest only) (4)","Answer":"LORE","Explanation":"Definition: Learning\n**LORE **(**first letters of\u00a0**[earliest only] each of **LIVES OF ROMAN** and **EMPERORS**)\n **LORE**\n\n**LORE** (learning, of a special, traditional, or out-of-the-way miscellaneous kind)"} {"Clue":"One's flown east with Christopher (4)","Answer":"KITE","Explanation":"Definition: One's flown\n**KIT** (Christopher) **+ E **(East)\n **KIT** **E**\n\n**KITE** (a light frame covered with paper or cloth for flying in the air)"} {"Clue":"View of White House from Mexican city (10)","Answer":"CASABLANCA","Explanation":"Definition: city\n**CASA** (house in Spanish) **+ BLANCA** (white in Spanish) Spanish is the language spoken in Mexico and I think the adjective comes after the noun when describing a White House in that language.\n **CASA** **BLANCA**\n\n**CASABLANCA** (city [in Morocco])"} {"Clue":"Part of cricket match where fielder drops opener (4)","Answer":"OVER","Explanation":"Definition: Part of cricket match\n**C****OVER** (name of a fielding position in cricket) **excluding the first letter** (drops opener) **C**\n **OVER**\n\n**OVER** (a bowler delivers six\u00a0balls to form an **OVER** in the game of cricket)"} {"Clue":"State: North American state, though not North American (5)","Answer":"INDIA","Explanation":"Definition: State\n**INDIANA** (North American State) **excluding** (not) **NA** (North American)\n **INDIA**\n\n**INDIA** (country; state)"} {"Clue":"Recalled me being like a Romantic poet (with a twist) in the early stages (9)","Answer":"EMBRYONIC","Explanation":"Definition: in the early stages\n**ME** **reversed** (recalled) + **B****YR****ONIC** (like Lord **B****YR****ON**\u00a0[one of the Romantic poets]) with the letters\u00a0**YR** **swapped around** (with a twist) to form **BRYONIC**\n **EM**< **BRYONIC**\n\n**EMBRYONIC** (in the early stages of development)"} {"Clue":"Bullets turned in when faced with a pungent chemical (7)","Answer":"AMMONIA","Explanation":"Definition: pungent chemical\n**AMMO** (ammunition; bullets) **+ IN** **reversed** (turned) **+ A**\n **AMMO** **NI**< **A**\n\n**AMMONIA **(a pungent chemical compound of nitrogen and hydrogen)"} {"Clue":"Again instruct one fellow probing piping (2-5)","Answer":"RE-EDIFY","Explanation":"Definition: Again instruct\n(**I **[Roman numeral for one] **+ F** [fellow]) **contained in** (probing) **REEDY** (sounding like a **REED** instrument such an music pipe or an organ-pipe; piping)\n **RE ED** (**I** **F**) **Y**\n\n**RE-EDIFY** (improve the mind again; instruct again)"} {"Clue":"They love courses \u2013 time to try participating (11)","Answer":"SWEETHEARTS","Explanation":"Definition: They love \n(**T** [time] **+ HEAR** [try, in court]) **contained in** (participating) **SWEETS** (descriptive of dessert courses\n **SWEE** (**T** **HEAR**) **TS**\n\n**SWEETHEARTS** (people who are in love)"} {"Clue":"Part-month wasted, working in English town (11)","Answer":"NORTHAMPTON","Explanation":"Definition: They love \n(**T** [time] **+ HEAR** [try, in court]) **contained in** (participating) **SWEETS** (descriptive of dessert courses\n **SWEE** (**T** **HEAR**) **TS**\n\n**SWEETHEARTS** (people who are in love)"} {"Clue":"Drink most of a little salty water? (3)","Answer":"TEA","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\n**TEAR** (salty water) **excluding the final letter** (most of) **R**\n **TEA**\n\n**TEA** (drink)"} {"Clue":"Female soldier accepting line from escort? (7)","Answer":"GALLANT","Explanation":"Definition: escort\n(**GAL** [girl; female] **+ ANT** (reference soldier **ANT**]) **containing** (accepting) **L** (line)\n **GAL** (**L**) **ANT**\n\n**GALLANT** (both **GALLANT** and escort can be defined as **BEAU**)"} {"Clue":"Fail to observe, say, the Parisian appearing in Northern court (7)","Answer":"NEGLECT","Explanation":"Definition: Fail to observe\n(**E.G.** [for example; say] **+ LE** [one of the French {Parisian} forms of 'the']) **contained in** (appearing in) (**N** [Northern] **+ CT** [court])\n **N** (**EG** **LE**) **CT**\n\n**NEGLECT** (pass by without notice; fail to observe)"} {"Clue":"Article to recommend poetry from remote areas (9)","Answer":"ANTIPODES","Explanation":"Definition: remote areas\n**AN** (indefinite article) **+ TIP** (recommend) **+ ****ODES**** **(poetry)\n **AN** **TIP** **ODES**\n\n**ANTIPODES** (a point or place diametrically opposite to another on the surface of the earth; areas remote from you)"} {"Clue":"Mesh, say, trimmed at both ends for upper room (5)","Answer":"ATTIC","Explanation":"Definition: upper room\n**LATTICE** (mesh) **excluding the first and last letters** (trimmed at both ends) **L** and **E**\n **ATTIC**\n\n**ATTIC** (upper room)"} {"Clue":"Colour the twentieth can in a row? (4)","Answer":"TINT","Explanation":"Definition: Colour\nIf the first can in a row is designated **TIN A** and the second **TIN B**, then the twentieth will be **TIN ****T**\n **TIN ****T**\n\n**TINT** (colour)"} {"Clue":"Displaying the result of running,devastating blasts here (10)","Answer":"BREATHLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Displaying the result of running\n**Anagram of **(devastating) **BLASTS HERE**\n **B****RE****AT****H****L****E****SS***\n\n**BREATHLESS** (after running, many people are **BREATHLESS**)"} {"Clue":"Angus possibly, adopting suggestion about a name for Oriental area (9)","Answer":"CHINATOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Oriental area\n(**COW** [reference Aberdeen **ANGUS** cattle] **containing** [adopting] [**HINT** {suggestion} **containing** {about} **A**]) **+ N** (name)\n **C** (**HIN** (**A**) **T**) **OW** **N**\n\n**CHINATOWN** (oriental area in a city or big town)"} {"Clue":"Unhappy almost everything's gone from healthy food option? (3)","Answer":"SAD","Explanation":"Definition: Unhappy\n**SALAD** (healthy food option) **excluding** (gone) **ALL** (everything) itself **excluding the final letter **(almost) **L**\n **SAD**\n\n**SAD** (unhappy)"} {"Clue":"Text confirming order from lingerie shop shows intelligence (5)","Answer":"BRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: intelligence\n**BRA** (lingerie item) **+ IN** (in stock) taken together could be a text message confirming that a lingerie order is now in stock \n **BRA** **IN**\n\n**BRAIN** ((intelligence)"} {"Clue":"State regularly-collected statistic \u2013 here's one (7)","Answer":"AVERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: here's one\n**AVER** (state) **+ AGE** (the **AGE** of a person is a a data item or statistic that is collected regularly) \n **AVER** **AGE**\n\n**AVERAGE** (example of a statistic)"} {"Clue":"Dancing etc. incorporating a place to get booze \u2013 here? (7)","Answer":"CABARET","Explanation":"Definition: Dancing etc. incorporating a place to get booze \u2013 here\n**Anagram of** (dancing) **ETC** **containing** (incorporating) (**A + BAR** [place to obtain booze])\n **C** (**A** **BAR**) **ET***\n\n**CABARET** (the whole clue describes a **CABARET**)"} {"Clue":"Dressing in elaborate vintage attire (lacking a hint of taste) (11)","Answer":"VINAIGRETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Dressing\n**Anagram of** (elaborate) **VINTAGE ATTIRE** **excluding** (lacking) **(one of the As + one of the Ts** **[first letter of **[hint of] **TASTE**)\n **VINAIGRETTE***\n\n**VINAIGRETTE** (salad dressing)"} {"Clue":"Popular music unknown not on sure ground (5)","Answer":"ROCKY","Explanation":"Definition: not on sure ground\n**ROCK** (form of popular music) **+ Y** (letter frequently used to denote an unknown value in mathematics)\n **ROCK** **Y**\n\n**ROCKY** (difficult; not on sure ground)"} {"Clue":"Church music enthralling European almost in range of a wedding (8)","Answer":"HYMENEAN","Explanation":"Definition: of a wedding\n**HYMN** (example of church music) **containing** (enthralling) (**E** [European] **+ NEAR** [within range] **excluding the final letter** [almost] **R**)\n **HYM** (**E** **NEA**) **N**\n\n**HYMENEAN** (descriptive of a marriage; of a wedding)"} {"Clue":"Catholic dignitary elevated internal wrangling with science's appropriation of their language (6,5)","Answer":"MODERN LATIN","Explanation":"Definition: science's appropriation of their language\n**DOM** (title given to certain Catholic dignitaries) **reversed** (elevated; down clue) + **an anagram of** (wrangling) **INTERNAL**\n **MOD**< **ERN LATIN***\n\n**MODERN LATIN** (Latin as written between 1500 and the present time, mostly used as a scientific medium)"} {"Clue":"School is out, we hear? That's the spirit (8)","Answer":"SCHNAPPS","Explanation":"Definition: spirit\n**SCH** (school) **+ NAPPS** (sounds like [we hear] **NAPS** [is asleep; is out])\n **SCH** **NAPPS**\n\n**SCHNAPPS** (any of various strong alcoholic drinks, esp Holland gin; spirit)"} {"Clue":"Rebel slave in fight? Roman historian will overlook it (9)","Answer":"SPARTACUS","Explanation":"Definition: Rebel slave\n**SPAR** (fight) **+ TACITUS** (Roman historian) **excluding** (will overlook) **IT**\n **SPAR ****TACUS**\n\n**SPARTACUS** (rebel Thracian slave portrayed in the films and television programmes\u00a0of the same name)"} {"Clue":"Additional cut restricting a little bullfighter (7)","Answer":"MATADOR","Explanation":"Definition: bullfighter\n**MORE** (additional) **excluding the final letter** (cut) **containing** (restricting) (**A** **+** **TAD** [small amount; little])\n **M** (**A** **TAD**) **OR**\n\n**MATADOR** (bullfighter)"} {"Clue":"Country consisting of two islands surrounded by fish (7)","Answer":"TUNISIA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\n(**IS** [island] **+ I** [island] giving two islands) **contained in** (surrounded by) **TUNA** (fish)\n **TUN** (**IS** **I**) **A**\n\n**TUNISIA** (country)"} {"Clue":"Big article carried by awkward bloke (5)","Answer":"GIANT","Explanation":"Definition: Big\n**AN** (indefinite article) **contained in** (carried by) **GIT** (obnoxious or despicable person; awkward bloke)\n **GI **(**AN**) **T**\n\n**GIANT** (big)"} {"Clue":"Son to abandon understanding hard chart (5)","Answer":"GRAPH","Explanation":"Definition: chart\n**GRASP** (understanding) **excluding** (to abandon) **S** (son) **+ H** (hard, as in description of a pencil lead)\n **GRAP** **H**\n\n**GRAPH** (chart)"} {"Clue":"Moor that is below top of tor (3)","Answer":"TIE","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Timekeeper Swiss banker used when heading off on the Underground (9)","Answer":"METRONOME","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Film article one lecturer is selling online? (1-4)","Answer":"E-TAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Instrument keeping curtain material inside arched window (7)","Answer":"LUNETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Supply nastiest short verse form (7)","Answer":"SESTINA","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Ball hit high in the air by sportsman (5)","Answer":"SKIER","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"What about women getting together with women aboard boat? Not straight, then (9)","Answer":"SKEW-WHIFF","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Rocketing given by couriers to press (7)","Answer":"UPSURGE","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Wager involves a person's plant having white flowers (7)","Answer":"BONESET","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Better half of Trump's day involves loss of virginity? On the contrary (5,4)","Answer":"FIRST LADY","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Sort of jazz group from the '70s finally getting to No 1 (5)","Answer":"SWING","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Band initially irritated by motorway food that's Japanese (7)","Answer":"SASHIMI","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"King 4 cracks open first of 6 eggs brought round for politician (7)","Answer":"SENATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Port and lemon drink for King Arthur? (5)","Answer":"NEGUS","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Crossing \"farceur\" with \"gangster\" (9)","Answer":"TRAVERSAL","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Little pack of nautical yarn, not suitable for sweaters? (5,5)","Answer":"SMALL STUFF","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Rank originally sequestered for good deputies (5-3)","Answer":"STAND-INS","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"23D writer for whom Spooner's curtain fitting struck her as lacking in aspiration (4,6)","Answer":"COLE","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Getting back together, then suffering blues after losing heart? My arse! (10)","Answer":"REASSEMBLY","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"One of two writing 23Ds that might make her 22A (8)","Answer":"GERSHWIN","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Using some soldi, Nina paid up for sandwiches (6)","Answer":"PANINI","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Female with unlimited supply of wine? (4)","Answer":"ELLA","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Raciness produced by the northern studio's top screenwriters (10)","Answer":"SCENARISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Novelist agrees with broadcast by one of the Durrells (10)","Answer":"FITZGERALD","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Most irritable time in artiste's employment (8)","Answer":"RATTIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Lively and playful parody involved this (8)","Answer":"SKITTISH","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Give one's mark again, upsetting 22D (2-4)","Answer":"RE-SIGN","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Burn second of tracks featuring 8 15? (6)","Answer":"SINGER","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Air kiss, after change of heart (4)","Answer":"SONG","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Dropping numerous catches, only some being taken (4)","Answer":"SCAT","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\n**T** (**first letter of** [top of] **T****OR**) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) As this is a down entry, **IE** is position below the letter **T**\n **T** **IE**\n\n**TIE** (moor as in moor a boat; tie a boat to the pier)"} {"Clue":"Victor is in dreadful poor condition (7)","Answer":"PROVISO","Explanation":"Definition: condition\n(**V** [Victor is the International Radio Communication Codeword for the letter **V**] **+ IS**) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (dreadful) **POOR**\n **PRO** (**V** **IS**) **O***\n\n**PROVISO** (condition)"} {"Clue":"Funny film's got her heaving bosom in first of shots (12)","Answer":"GHOSTBUSTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Funny film\nI'm struggling a bit with one of **S**s in the this entry but I think it's built from:\n (**BUST** [bosom] **contained in** [in] **an anagram of **(heaving) **'S GOT HER** where the '**S** is the possessive in **FILM'S**) **+ S** (**first letter of** [first of] **SHOTS**)\n **GHOST (BUST) ER***** S**\n\n**GHOSTBUSTERS** (comedy film)"} {"Clue":"Like salad could be made more basic! (9)","Answer":"ALKALISED","Explanation":"Definition: made more basic\n**Anagram of** (could be) **LIKE SALAD**\n **AL****K****A****LI****S****E****D*******\n \u00a0\n\n**ALKALISED** (Made more basic. An **ALKALI** is a chemical base that is soluble in water. All **ALKALI**s are bases, but not all bases are **ALKALI**s)"} {"Clue":"One goes in to have meal with Sally on vacation to relax (4,2,4)","Answer":"TAKE IT EASY","Explanation":"Definition: relax\n**(I **[one]** contained in **[goes in to]** TAKE TEA** [have meal])** + SY **(**letters remaining in SALLY when the central letters are removed **[on vacation])\n **TAKE **(**I**) **TE A** **SY**\n\n**TAKE IT EASY (relax)"} {"Clue":"Girl has old 5d coin that's the same on both sides (4)","Answer":"ANNA","Explanation":"Definition: ld 5d coin\n**ANNA** (girls name) that is palindromic (the same on both sides)\n **ANNA**\n\n**ANNA** (former coin of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, one sixteenth of a rupee \u2013 possibly worth about 5d?) that is a palindrome (the same on both sides) double definition"} {"Clue":"Country coat is brown (11)","Answer":"AFGHANISTAN","Explanation":"Definition: Country\n**AFGHAN** (coat made of sheepskin)** + IS + TAN** (tawny brown colour)\n **AFGHAN** **IS** **TAN**\n\n**AFGHANISTAN** (country)"} {"Clue":"Cast let priest go in scary movie (11)","Answer":"POLTERGEIST","Explanation":"Definition: scary movie\n**Anagram of** (cast) **LET PRIEST GO**\n **P****OLTE****R****G****EIST***\n\n**POLTERGEIST** (scary movie)"} {"Clue":"Keep everything back inside fence with it (4)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: fence with it\n**\u00c9P\u00c9E** (**hidden word** [inside] **reversed** [back] in **KEEP EVERYTHING**)\n **\u00c9P\u00c9E**<\n\n**\u00c9P\u00c9E** (a sharp-pointed, narrow-bladed sword without a cutting edge, used for duelling and, with a button on the point, for fencing)"} {"Clue":"Bury has Lancashire's foremost musical show cut short by uninvited guest (10)","Answer":"INTERLOPER","Explanation":"Definition: uninvited guest\n**INTER** (bury) **+ L** (**first letter of** [foremost] **LANCASHIRE**) **+ OPERA** (musical show) **excluding the last letter** (cut short) **A**\n **INTER** **LOPER**\n\n**INTERLOPER** (intruder; uninvited guest)"} {"Clue":"Move over as pet dies unfortunately (4,5)","Answer":"STEP ASIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Move over\n**Anagram of** (unfortunately) **AS PET DIES**\n **STEP**** ****A****SIDE***\n\n**STEP ASIDE** (move over)"} {"Clue":"Broadcast first class action comedy film (5)","Answer":"AIRED","Explanation":"Definition: Broadcast\n**AI** (A one; first class) **+ RED** (2010 action comedy film)\n **AI** **RED**\n\n**AIRED** (broadcast)"} {"Clue":"Solo pilot's first to go in front. Cruise in jet (7)","Answer":"PHANTOM","Explanation":"Definition: jet\n**P** (**first letter of** [first] **P****ILOT**) **+ HAN** (reference** HAN** Solo, character in Star Wars) **+ TOM** (reference actor **TOM** Cruise [born 1962])\n **P** **HAN** **TOM**\n\n**PHANTOM** (name given to a couple of McDonnell Douglas jet fighters)"} {"Clue":"Good man pulls muscle in soldier spy movie (7)","Answer":"SPECTRE","Explanation":"Definition: jet\n**P** (**first letter of** [first] **P****ILOT**) **+ HAN** (reference** HAN** Solo, character in Star Wars) **+ TOM** (reference actor **TOM** Cruise [born 1962])\n **P** **HAN** **TOM**\n\n**PHANTOM** (name given to a couple of McDonnell Douglas jet fighters)"} {"Clue":"John has to put up key capital (6)","Answer":"BOGOTA","Explanation":"Definition: capital\n**BOG** (toilet; loo) **+ TO** **reversed** (put up; down clue) **+ A** (musical key)\n **BOG** **OT**<** A**\n\n**BOGOTA** (capital city of Columbia)"} {"Clue":"Spies have No 2 meeting head of KGB on board ship (6)","Answer":"SPOOKS","Explanation":"Definition: Spies\n(**POO** [faeces; No 2] **+ K** [**first letter of** [head of] **KGB**]) **contained in** (aboard) **SS** (steamship)\n **S** (**POO** **K**) **S**\n\n**SPOOKS** (spies)"} {"Clue":"Removing last of clothes, tried sex act in new positions, then disentangled (10)","Answer":"EXTRICATED","Explanation":"Definition: disentangled\n**Anagram of** (in new position) **TRIED SEX ACT** **excluding** (removing) **S** (**final letter of** [last of] **CLOTHES**)\n **E****X****TRI****CATE****D***\n\n**EXTRICATED** (disentangled)"} {"Clue":"Colour screen (5)","Answer":"SHADE","Explanation":"Definition: Colour\n**SHADE** (colour)\n **SHADE**\n\n**SHADE** (screen) double definition"} {"Clue":"A sink tap I ordered for a neighbour of No 14 (9)","Answer":"PAKISTANI","Explanation":"Definition: neighbour of No 14 \n**Anagram of** (ordered) **A SINK TAP I**\n **PA****KIS****TA****N****I***\n\n**PAKISTANI** (native of **PAKISTAN**, a country that shares a border with\u00a0**AFGHANISTAN** [14 across])"} {"Clue":"Starting late, boy eats up fillet of lemon sole (4)","Answer":"ONLY","Explanation":"Definition: sole\n**BOY excluding the first letter** (starting late) **B containing** (eats) **the letters remaining in** **L****EMO****N**** when\u00a0the middle letters are removed** [filleted])\n **O** (**NL**<) **Y**\n\n**ONLY** (sole)"} {"Clue":"Foolishness only takes a second to turn into madness (8)","Answer":"INSANITY","Explanation":"Definition: madness\n**INANITY** (foolishness) **containing** (takes) **S** (second)\n **IN** (**S**) **ANITY**\n\n**INSANITY** (madness)"} {"Clue":"Ex-husband meets relative in former stamping ground (3,5)","Answer":"OLD HAUNT","Explanation":"Definition: former stamping ground\n**OLD** (ex) **+ H** (husband) **+ AUNT** (relative)\n **OLD** **H** **AUNT**\n\n**OLD HAUNT** (former stamping ground)"} {"Clue":"Girl nonetheless consumed 19 for example (10)","Answer":"DISTILLATE","Explanation":"Definition: 19 for example\n**DI** (girl's name) **+ STILL** (nonetheless) **+ ATE** (consumed)\n **DI** **STILL** **ATE**\n\n**DISTILLATE **(**SPIRIT** [19 down] is an example of a **DISTILLATE**)"} {"Clue":"I'm staging reconstruction to generate excessive growth (9)","Answer":"GIGANTISM","Explanation":"Definition: excessive growth\n**Anagram of** (reconstruction) **I'M STAGING**\n **G****I****GANTIS****M***\n\n**GIGANTISM** (excessive overgrowth)"} {"Clue":"Goes faster with drug and drink (6,2)","Answer":"SPEEDS UP","Explanation":"Definition: Goes faster\n**SPEED** (example of an amphetamine; synthetic potentially habit-forming drug) **+ SUP** (drink)\n **SPEED S ****UP**\n\n**SPEEDS UP **(goes faster)"} {"Clue":"A broken love needing time's soothing balm (4,4)","Answer":"ALOE VERA","Explanation":"Definition: soothing balm\n**A** + **an anagram of** (broken) **LOVE** + **ERA**\u00a0(period of time)\n **A** **LOE V*** **ERA**\n\n**ALOE VERA** (variety of an **ALOE** plant or especially, the juice of its leaves [thought to have healing and other qualities] used in cosmetics. Soothing balm."} {"Clue":"Liquor, a bit of rum I poured into gob (6)","Answer":"SPIRIT","Explanation":"Definition: Liquor\n(**R** [**first letter of** {a bit of} **R****UM** + **I**) **contained in** (poured into) **SPIT** (gob)\n **SPI** (**R**** I**) **T**\n\n**SPIRIT** (liquor)"} {"Clue":"Fellow on top of hill gets cooler (6)","Answer":"FRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: cooler\n**F** (fellow) **+ RIDGE** (long narrow top or crest of a hill)\n **F** **RIDGE**\n\n**FRIDGE** (refrigerator; cooler)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 bank and is just not able (4)","Answer":"CANT","Explanation":"Definition: bank\n**CAN'T **(is unable to)\n **CANT**\n\n**CANT** (inclination from the vertical; bank) double definition"} {"Clue":"Ice cold then hot, like one with fever? (6)","Answer":"CHILLY","Explanation":"Definition: Ice\n**C** (cold) **+ H **(hot) + **ILLY** (a rare form of **ILL**; descriptive of someone with a fever)\n **C** **H** **ILLY**\n\n**CHILLY** (ice) I think 'icy' might have been a better definition, although I suppose the definition might be 'ice cold' with 'cold' doing double duty in the definition and wordplay."} {"Clue":"Bow, habitual response in very cool place (6)","Answer":"ARCTIC","Explanation":"Definition: very cool place\n**ARC** (bow) **+ TIC** (involuntary habitual response)\n **ARC** **TIC**\n\n**ARCTIC** ( a very cold area)"} {"Clue":"To become fashionable, adapt headset and begin streaming? (5,4,5)","Answer":"CATCH ONE","Explanation":"Definition: begin streaming\n**CATCH ON** (become fashionable) **+ an anagram of** (adapt) **HEADSET**\n **CATCH ON** **E'S DEATH***\n\n**CATCH ONE'S DEATH** (**CATCH** a very bad cold; begin streaming [from the nose])"} {"Clue":"Commander taking garrison relief (7)","Answer":"COMFORT","Explanation":"Definition: relief \n**COM** (commander)** + FORT** (garrison)\n **COM** **FORT**\n\n**COMFORT** (relief)"} {"Clue":"Shreds, removing core, and chips material (6)","Answer":"TATERS","Explanation":"Definition: chips material\n**TATTERS** (shreds) **excluding** (removing) **the central letter** (core) **T**\n **TATERS**\n\n**TATERS** (informal form of potatoes; material for making chips)"} {"Clue":"Goody cake getting brown (7)","Answer":"PURITAN","Explanation":"Definition: Goody\n**PURI **(small cake of unleavened Indian bread, deep-fried and served hot) **+ TAN** (tawny brown colour)\n **PURITAN**\n\n**PURITAN** (a person strictly moral in conduct; a goody)"} {"Clue":"Cool centre for graphene research backed (6)","Answer":"SERENE","Explanation":"Definition: Cool\n**SERENE** (**hidden word** [centre for] **reversed** [backed] **in** **GRAPHENE RESEARCH**) The letters in **SERENE** form the central six\u00a0of sixteen\u00a0letters in **GRAPHENE RESEARCH**\n **SERENE**<\n\n**SERENE **(calm; cool)"} {"Clue":"Back-to-back leaks and rumours (6)","Answer":"GOSSIP","Explanation":"Definition: rumours\n**GO** (urinate; 'take a leak') **+ PISS **(another form of urinate) **reversed** (to give **GO** and **PISS** in a back to back arrangement)\n **GO** **SSIP**<\n\n**GOSSIP** (scandalous rumours)"} {"Clue":"Left out, our intention's to show up for reception (7)","Answer":"WE","Explanation":"Definition: reception\n**WELCOME** (if we **exclude** (out) **L** [left] from **WELCOME**\u00a0we are left with **WE** **COME** [our intention's to show up])\n **WELCOME**\n\n**WE****L****COME** (reception with kindness or pleasure)"} {"Clue":"Offload after height of passion (6)","Answer":"TORRID","Explanation":"Definition: of passion\n**TOR** (hill, rocky height) **+ RID** (dispose of; offload)\n **TOR** **RID**\n\n**TORRID** (passionate)"} {"Clue":"Scattered herd graze in high temperature (3,4)","Answer":"RED HEAT","Explanation":"Definition: high temperature\n**Anagram of** (scattered) **HERD** +** EAT** (graze)\n **RED H*** **EAT**\n\n**RED HEAT** (the temperature at which something is **RED**-hot)"} {"Clue":"Shedding light on South American heritage unknown outside Lima (14)","Answer":"INCANDESCENTLY","Explanation":"Definition: Shedding light on\n**INCAN** (of an ancient South American people) **+** ([**DESCENT** {heritage} **+ Y** [letter frequently used to denote an unknown value in mathematic}] **containing** [outside]** L** [Lima is the international radio codeword for the letter **L**])\n **INCAN** **DESCENT** (**L**) **Y**\n\n**INCANDESCENTLY** (with a shining, glowing white light)"} {"Clue":"Muslim ruler gets name for liberal aim in allowing exposure of flesh on beach? (6)","Answer":"SUNTAN","Explanation":"Definition: exposure of flesh on beach\n**SULTAN** (Muslim ruler) with **N** (name) replacing (getting \u2026 for) **L** (Liberal)\n **SUNTAN**\n\n**SUNTAN** (browning of the skin as a result of exposure to the sun)"} {"Clue":"Roasted yet was damp (6)","Answer":"SWEATY","Explanation":"Definition: damp\n**Anagram of **(roasted) **YET WAS**\n **SW****E****A****TY***\n\n**SWEATY** (damp)"} {"Clue":"Limerick news report on radio (5)","Answer":"CRAIC","Explanation":"Definition: Limerick news\n**CRAIC** (**sounds like** [on the radio] **CRACK** [sudden sharp splitting sound; report])\n **CRAIC**\n\n**CRAIC** (Irish [Limerick] term for the latest news)"} {"Clue":"Salary right for new arrival (7)","Answer":"INCOMER","Explanation":"Definition: new arrival \n**INCOME** (salary) **+ R** (right)\n **INCOME** **R**\n\n**INCOMER** (one who comes to live in a place, not having been born there; new arrival)"} {"Clue":"Watch Kelvin, stuck in toilet, unconscious (7)","Answer":"LOOKOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Watch\n**K** (kelvin, unit of thermodynamic temperature) **contained in** (stuck in) (**LOO** [toilet] + **OUT** [unconscious])\n **LOO** (**K**) **OUT**\n\n**LOOKOUT** (watch)"} {"Clue":"Hooks up again with dearest after bust-up (7)","Answer":"REDATES","Explanation":"Definition: Hooks up again with\n**Anagram of **(bust-up) **DEAREST**\n **REDATES***\n\n**REDATES** (goes out again with someone from a previous relationship; hooks up again with)"} {"Clue":"Rubbish truck done up as a farm vehicle (7)","Answer":"TRACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: farm vehicle\n(**ROT** [rubbish] **+ CART** [truck]) **reversed** (done up; down clue)\n (**TRAC** **TOR**)<\n\n**TRACTOR** (farm vehicle)"} {"Clue":"Sticking together present in college back in the day (9)","Answer":"COHERENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Sticking together\n**HERE** (present) **contained in** (**C** [college] **+ ONCE** [formerly; back in the day])\n **C** **O** (**HERE**) **NCE**\n\n**COHERENCE** (a sticking together)"} {"Clue":"As a result of climate change, the earth is a degree closer to game over? (7,6)","Answer":"GETTING WARMER","Explanation":"Definition: As a result of climate change, the earth is\n**GETTING WARMER** (the effect of climate on the earth)\n **GETTING WARMER**\n\n**GETTING WARMER** (approaching the solution; getting slightly [a degree] closer to the end [game over]) double definition"} {"Clue":"Montages released by The Police of top hits remixed (9)","Answer":"PHOTOFITS","Explanation":"Definition: Montages released by The Police \n**Anagram of** (remixed) **OF TOP HITS**\n **PH****O****TO****F****ITS***\n\n**PHOTOFITS** (identification pictures made using photographs of facial elements. **PHOTOFITS** are regularly used by police forces)"} {"Clue":"A people between south and north \u2013 Middle Eastern (7)","Answer":"SARACEN","Explanation":"Definition: Middle Eastern\n(**A** **+ RACE** [people])** contained in** (between) (**S** [south] and **N** [north])\n **S** (**A** **RACE**) **N**\n\n**SARACEN** (a Syrian or Arab nomad any Arab; a Muslim, esp an opponent of the Crusaders; a Moor or Berber; one or more of those definitions are descriptive of Middle Eastern people)"} {"Clue":"Hand, American, seizing butt and genitals (7)","Answer":"PUDENDA","Explanation":"Definition: genitals\n(**PUD** [paw, fist or hand] **+ A** [American]) **containing** (seizing) **END** (butt)\n **PUD** (**END**) **A**\n\n**PUDENDA** (external genital organs)"} {"Clue":"Bug woman on Jersey, day (7)","Answer":"LADYCOW","Explanation":"Definition: Bug \n**LADY** (woman) **+ COW** (Jersey is a breed of cow)\n **LADY** **COW**\n\n**LADYCOW** (American name for a ladybird [bug])"} {"Clue":"South Pacific On Ice a shambles of the first order (7)","Answer":"OCEANIA","Explanation":"Definition: South Pacific\n**Anagram of** (shambles) **ON ICE A** **+ A** (of the first order)\n **O****CE****AN****I*** **A**\n\n**OCEANIA** (a region centred on the islands of the tropical or southern Pacific Ocean)"} {"Clue":"Entertainment equipment giveaway by hostel (5)","Answer":"TELLY","Explanation":"Definition: Entertainment equipment\n**TELL** (inform; betray; giveaway) **+ Y** (YMCA hostel)\n **TELL** **Y**\n\n**TELLY** (television; entertainment equipment)"} {"Clue":"Employ Republican in hurry (4)","Answer":"HIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Employ\n**R** (Republican) **contained in** (in) **HIE** (hasten; hurry)\n **HI** (**R**) **E**\n\n**HIRE** (employ)"} {"Clue":"City scoundrel wrong to block Post Office \u2013 a misjudgment (10)","Answer":"PECCADILLO","Explanation":"Definition: misjudgment\n(**EC** [post code of the City of London] **+ CAD** [scoundrel] **+ ILL** [harm; wrong]) **contained in** (block) **PO** (Post Office)\n **P** (**EC** **CAD** **ILL**) **O**\n\n**PECCADILLO** (small misdemeanour; misjudgment)"} {"Clue":"Show surprise about Baron, one opposing King John? (5)","Answer":"REBEL","Explanation":"Definition: one opposing King John\n**REEL** (show surprise) **containing** (about) **B** (Baron)\n **RE** (**B**) **EL**\n\n**REBEL** (reference the Barons who rebelled against King John in 1215 and forced him to sign the Magna Carta)"} {"Clue":"Greek philosopher, large and fat, turning to consume last of meat (9)","Answer":"EPICTETUS","Explanation":"Definition: reek philosopher\n**EPIC** (large) **+** (**SUET** [fat] **reversed** [turning] **containing** [to consume] **T** [**final letter of** [last] **MEAT**)\n **EPIC** **TE** (**T**) **US**<\n\n**EPICTETUS** (reference **EPICTETUS** [55 \u2013 135] a Greek-speaking Stoic philosopher)"} {"Clue":"Rear of vehicle \u2013 wheels spinning about? Not in this spot (9)","Answer":"ELSEWHERE","Explanation":"Definition: Not in this spot\n**E** (**last letter of** [rear of] **VEHICLE**) **+ an anagram of** (spinning) **WHEELS** + **RE** (with reference to; about)\n **E** **LSEWHE*** **RE**\n\n**ELSEWHERE** (in another place; not in this spot)"} {"Clue":"Head off state torture's introduction (5)","Answer":"AVERT","Explanation":"Definition: Head off \n**AVER** (state) **+ T** (**first letter of** [introduction] **TORTURE**)\n **AVER** **T**\n\n**AVERT** (avert)"} {"Clue":"Cheered by the prospect of a paddle? (5,2,1,7)","Answer":"HAPPY AS A SANDBOY","Explanation":"Definition: Cheered\n**HAPPY AS A SANDBOY** (cryptic definition. Presumably a **BOY** on the **SAND** will be delighted because he is close enough to the sea to have a paddle)\n **HAPPY AS A SANDBOY**\n\n**HAPPY AS A SANDBOY** (happy as Larry; completely delighted; cheered)"} {"Clue":"Tool for schoolboy, perhaps making note in his prep cleaner, possibly (6-9)","Answer":"PENCIL SHARPENER","Explanation":"Definition: Tool for schoolboy, perhaps\n**N** (note) **contained in** (in)** an anagram of** **HIS PREP CLEANER**\n **PE** (**N**) **C****I****L**** SH**A**RP****ENER*** Either **N** could be the one contained\n\n**PENCIL SHARPENER** (a tool that may be used by a schoolboy. A sharper pencil may well make his homework look neater)"} {"Clue":"Broadway composer successfully enthralling one (5)","Answer":"WEILL","Explanation":"Definition: Broadway composer\n**WELL** (successfully) **containing** (enthralling)** I** (one)\n **WE** **(I**)** LL**\n\n**WEILL** (reference Kurt **WEILL **[1900 \u2013 1950], a German composer, active from the 1920s in his native country, and in his later years in the United States. He was a leading composer for the stage [Broadway] who was best known for his fruitful collaborations with Bertolt Brecht. He wrote the music for The Threepenny Opera)"} {"Clue":"Copper arresting radical scoundrel not entirely gullible (9)","Answer":"CREDULOUS","Explanation":"Definition: gullible\n**CU** (chemical symbol for copper) **containing** (arresting) (**RED** [radical in political terms]) **+ LOUSE** (scoundrel) **excluding the final letter** (not entirely) **E**\n **C** (**RED**) **U** **LOUS**\n\n**CREDULOUS** (apt to believe without sufficient evidence; gullible)"} {"Clue":"Make Parisian perhaps strangely iffy about separation, abandoning women (9)","Answer":"FRENCHIFY","Explanation":"Definition: Make Parisian\n**Anagram of **(strangely) **IFFY** **containing** (about) (**W****RENCH** [separation] **excluding** [abandoning] **W** [women])\n **F** (**RENCH**) **IFY***\n\n**FRENCHIFY** (make French or Frenchlike [Parisian])"} {"Clue":"Knight interrupts King greeting endless military stuff (5)","Answer":"KHAKI","Explanation":"Definition: military stuff\n**K** (knight) **contained in** (interrupting) (**K** [king] **+ ****HAI****L** [greeting] **excluding the final letter** [endless] **L**)\n **K** **HA** (**K**) **I**\n\n**KHAKI **(dust coloured, dull brownish cloth [stuff] much favoured by military personnel)"} {"Clue":"Like a lot of nostalgia, become fixed in memory by degrees, initially (4-6)","Answer":"ROSE-TINTED","Explanation":"Definition: Like a lot of nostalgia\n(**SET IN** [become fixed,as in the rain has **SET IN** for the day] **contained in** (in) **ROTE** [mechanical memory]) **+ D**\u00a0(**first letter of** [initially] **DEGREES**)\n **RO** (**SE T IN**) **TE** **D**\n\n**ROSE-TINTED** (taking an optimistic and pleasant view, generally ignoring the less favourabk aspects. Often a way of looking at fond remembrance [nostalgia])"} {"Clue":"Get rid of superfluity dismissing fifty (4)","Answer":"SACK","Explanation":"Definition: Get rid of \n**SLACK** spare capacity; superfluity) **excluding** (dismissing) **L** (Roman numeral for 50)\n **SACK**\n\n**SACK** (fire; get rid of)"} {"Clue":"Hard to block his power, flailing lash (9)","Answer":"HORSEWHIP","Explanation":"Definition: lash\n**H** (hard as in description of pencil lead) **contained in** (to block) **an anagram of **(flailing) **HIS POWER** \n **HORSEW** (**H**) **IP***\n\n**HORSEWHIP** (lash)"} {"Clue":"Scottish detective drives back, wasting time (5)","Answer":"REBUS","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish detective\n**REBUTS** (drives back) **excluding** (wasting)** T** (time)\n **REBUS**\n\n**REBUS** (reference Detective Inspector John **REBUS**, a fictional creation of author Ian Rankin. Most of the novels are set in Edinburgh [Scottish])"} {"Clue":"Excitedly sees about bit of lunch, just \u2026after this? (9)","Answer":"ELEVENSES","Explanation":"Definition: this\n**Anagram of** (excitedly)** SEES** **containing** (about) (**L** [**first letter of** {bit of} **LUNCH**] **+ EVEN** [just])\n **E** ( **L** **EVEN**) **SES***\n\n**ELEVENSES** (lunchtime follows just after elevenses)"} {"Clue":"Country left in grip of leader with no little force (5)","Answer":"CHILE","Explanation":"Definition: Country\n**L** (left) **contained in** (in the grip of) **CHIE****F** (leader) **excluding** (with no) **F** (force)\n **CHI** (**L**) **E**\n\n**CHILE** (Country in South America)"} {"Clue":"Assembly dismissing one shower: \"Get off!\" (7)","Answer":"DETRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Get off\n**DIET** (national, federal, or provincial assembly)** excluding** (dismissing) **I** (one) **+ RAIN** (shower)\n **DET** **RAIN**\n\n**DETRAIN** (alight from a **TRAIN**; get off)"} {"Clue":"Young animals leading to a lot of difficulty in rubbish disposal area (6-3)","Answer":"LITTER-BIN","Explanation":"Definition: rubbish disposal area\n**LITTER** (brood of young born to an animal) **+ BIND** (difficulty) **excluding the final letter** (a lot of) **D**\n **LITTER** **BIN**\n\n**LITTER-BIN** (rubbish disposal area)"} {"Clue":"Feasible job for stylist beginning (5)","Answer":"ONSET","Explanation":"Definition: beginning\n**ON** (feasible) **+ SET** (in a hairdressing salon, a stylist may **SET** or arrange hair in a particular way)\n **ON** **SET**\n\n**ONSET** (beginning)"} {"Clue":"Fat and ruddy, tribulations unknown (6)","Answer":"BLOWSY","Explanation":"Definition: Fat and ruddy\n**BLOWS** (tribulations) **+ Y** (letter frequently used to denote an unknown value in mathematical equations)\n **BLOWS** **Y**\n\n**BLOWSY** (fat and ruddy)"} {"Clue":"River's entering farm structures, leaving you poor (9)","Answer":"PENNILESS","Explanation":"Definition: poor\n**NILE'S** (river's) **contained in** (entering) **PENS** (structures on a farm for enclosing animals)\n **PEN** (**NILE'S**) **S**\n\n**PENNILESS** (poor)"} {"Clue":"Skinny bore audibly \u2013 saying how he lost this? (5,4)","Answer":"SPARE TYRE","Explanation":"Definition: this\n**SPARE** (lean; skinny) **+ TYRE** (sounds like [audibly] **TIRE** [make wearisome; bore])\n **SPARE** **TYRE**\n\n**SPARE TYRE** (a skinny person may have been obese in the past and may delight in boring you with incredibly detailed information on he lost his \/ her fat [**SPARE TYRE**])"} {"Clue":"Measure work associated with courts (9)","Answer":"YARDSTICK","Explanation":"Definition: Measure \nIn tennis [courts] the height of a singles net at the middle is three feet [one yard] and is measured with a **YARD STICK**)\n **YARDSTICK**\n\n**YARDSTICK** (any standard of measure"} {"Clue":"Couple seizing lines \u2013 town cut off \u2013 breaking the law (7)","Answer":"ILLICIT","Explanation":"Definition: breaking the law\n(**II** [two; couple] **containing** [seizing] **LL** [lines]) **+ CITY** (town) **excluding the final letter** (cut off) **Y**\n **I** (**LL**) **I** **CIT**\n\n**ILLICIT** (unlawful)"} {"Clue":"Displaying bravery and power, winning against implausible odds (6)","Answer":"PLUCKY","Explanation":"Definition: Displaying bravery\n**P** (power) + **LUCKY** (winning against implausible odds)\n **P** **LUCKY**\n\n**PLUCKY** (displaying bravery)"} {"Clue":"Conflict about iron and silicon slice (5)","Answer":"WAFER","Explanation":"Definition: silicon slice\n**WAR** (conflict) **containing** (about) **FE** (chemical symbol for iron)\n **WA** (**FE**) **R**\n\n**WAFER** (thin slice of silicon on which multiple electronic chips are formed)"} {"Clue":"Hill landmark beginning to calibrate atmosphere and its major component (5)","Answer":"CAIRN","Explanation":"Definition: Hill landmark\n**C** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **CALIBRATE**)** + AIR** (atmosphere) **+ N** (chemical symbol for nitrogen, the major component of air, 78%)\n **C** **AIR** **N**\n\n**CAIRN **(heap of stones used\u00a0as a landmark on a mountain-top)"} {"Clue":"Meat turned up in middle of road in US city (5)","Answer":"OMAHA","Explanation":"Definition: US city\n**HAM** (example of meat) **reversed** (turned up; down clue) **contained** **in**) **O** (**central letters of **[middle of] **ROAD**)\n **O** **MAH**< **A**\n\n**OMAHA** (city of Nebraska in the United States)"} {"Clue":"Quiet part of Down yields ceramic fragments (6)","Answer":"SHARDS","Explanation":"Definition: ceramic fragments\n**SH** (quiet!) **+ ARDS** (reference the **ARDS** peninsula\u00a0in County Down, Northern Ireland)\n **SH** **ARDS**\n\n**SHARDS** (broken pieces of pottery; ceramic fragments)"} {"Clue":"Hand over wife or daughter as proof of identity (8)","Answer":"PASSWORD","Explanation":"Definition: proof of identity\n**PASS** (hand over) **+ W** (wife) **+ OR** **+ D **(daughter)\n **PASS W OR **D\n\n**PASSWORD** (secret word or set of characters that verifies your right to enter somewhere or something; proof of identity)"} {"Clue":"Farm river runs into another one nearly (6)","Answer":"GRANGE","Explanation":"Definition: Farm\n**R** (river) **contained in** (runs into) **GANGES** (major river in India) **excluding the final letter** (nearly) **S**\n **G** (**R**) **ANGE**\n\n**GRANGE** (farmhouse or country house with its stables and other buildings)"} {"Clue":"Lavish place occupied by a short Latin American (8)","Answer":"PALATIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Lavish\n**PL** (place) **containing** (occupied by) (**A + LATIN** **excluding the final letter** [short] **N** **+ A** [American])\n **P** (**A** **LATI** **A**) **L**\n\n**PALATIAL** (of or like a palace, esp sumptuous and spacious; lavish)"} {"Clue":"Maybe watch and measure work (9)","Answer":"TIMEPIECE","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe watch\n**TIME** (measure) + **PIECE** (a musical work)\n **TIME PIECE**\n\n**TIMEPIECE** ( a watch is an example of a **TIMEPIECE**)"} {"Clue":"Serious accident papers ignored (5)","Answer":"GRAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Serious\nIf you **exclude** (ignored) **ID** (identity papers) from **ACC****ID****ENT** you get **ACCENT **Reference a **GRAVE** **ACCENT** [ diacritical mark originally indicating a pitch falling somewhat, or failing to rise, now used for various special purposes (as in French).\n **GRAVE**\n\n**GRAVE** (serious)"} {"Clue":"Old students teasing a group of green ones skipping college (14)","Answer":"ARCHAEOLOGISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Old students\n**ARCH** (mischievous, teasing) **+ A + ECOLOGISTS** (students of all things **ECO** [green]) **excluding** (skipping) **C** (college)\n **ARCH** **A** **EOLOGISTS**\n\n**ARCHAEOLOGISTS** (people who study ancient people through their material remains; old students)"} {"Clue":"Detectorist's goal is bearing fruit say backed by angel (6,8)","Answer":"BURIED TREASURE","Explanation":"Definition: Detectorist's goal\n**BURIED** (sounds like [say] **BERRIED** [bearing fruit]) **+ TREASURE** (angel, term of endearment)\n **BURIED TREASURE**\n\n**BURIED TREASURE** (something metal detectorists are looking for)"} {"Clue":"Note the extraordinary power (5)","Answer":"TEETH","Explanation":"Definition: power\n**TE** (note of the tonic sol-fa) **+ an anagram of** (extraordinary) **THE**\n **TE** **ETH***\n\n**TEETH** (sufficient power to be effective)"} {"Clue":"I aim to cut foreign nouns and suggestive remarks (9)","Answer":"INNUENDOS","Explanation":"Definition: suggestive remarks\n**I** **+** (**END** [aim] **contained in** [to cut] **an anagram of** [foreign] **NOUNS**)\n **I** **NNU** (**END**) **OS***\n\n**INNUENDOS** (suggestive remarks)"} {"Clue":"Choice of letters with unknown old duchy (8)","Answer":"NORMANDY","Explanation":"Definition: old duchy\n**N** **OR** **M** **AND Y** \u2013 spelling out a choice of letters\n **N** **OR** **M** **AND Y**\n\n**NORMANDY** (The Duchy of **NORMANDY**\u00a0grew out of the 911 Treaty of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte between King Charles III of West Francia and Rollo, leader of the Vikings; old Duchy)"} {"Clue":"King loves tackling Times in rocky garden retreat (6)","Answer":"GROTTO","Explanation":"Definition: rocky garden retreat \n**GR** (Georgius Rex; King George) + ([**O** {zero; love score in tennis} **+** **O** {zero; love score in tennis} giving loves] **containing** [tackling] [**T** {time} **+ T** {time] giving times])\n **GR** **O** (**T** **T**) **O**\n\n**GROTTO** (construction in the form of a cave, esp as in landscaped gardens during the 18th century)"} {"Clue":"Crowd in school shared in presentation (2-6)","Answer":"CO-HOSTED","Explanation":"Definition: hared in presentation\n**HOST** (crowd) **contained in** (in) **CO-ED** (co-educational school)\n **CO** (**HOST**) **ED**\n\n**CO-HOSTED** (shared in presentation)"} {"Clue":"Mainly redundant sewer (6)","Answer":"NEEDLE","Explanation":"Definition: sewer\n**NEEDLESS** (redundant) **excluding two of the eight letters** (mainly) **SS**\n **NEEDLE**\n\n**NEEDLE** (an instrument used for sewing)"} {"Clue":"Joe comes in at last, flying like an arrow (8)","Answer":"SAGITTAL","Explanation":"Definition: like an arrow\n**GI **(reference **GI** Joe, toy action figure) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (flying) **AT LAST**\n **S****A** (**GI**) **T****TAL***\n\n**SAGITTAL** (shaped like an arrow)"} {"Clue":"Feeling weak, I intend lifting account limits (7)","Answer":"ANAEMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Feeling weak\n**AC **(accounts) **containing** (limits) (**I** **+ MEAN** [intend]) **reversed** (lifting) \n **A** (**NAEM** **I**)< **C**\n\n**ANAEMIC **(spiritless; washed out; feeling weak)"} {"Clue":"Find soldier somersaulting in party (3,2)","Answer":"DIG UP","Explanation":"Definition: Find\n(**GI **[American soldier] **reversed** [somersaulting) **contained in** (in) **DUP **(Democratic Unionist Party, political party in Northern Ireland)\n **D** (**IG**)< **UP**\n\n**DIG UP** (unearth; find)"} {"Clue":"Setter here got red, flustered about popular grievance (2,3,2,5)","Answer":"AN AXE TO GRIND","Explanation":"Definition: grievance\n**ANAX **(pseudonym of an Independent crossword setter, who last set an Independent puzzle in July last year) **+** (**an anagram of** [flustered] **GOT RED** **containing** [about] **IN** [popular)\n **AN AX** **E TO GR** (**IN**) **D***\n\n**AN AXE TO GRIND** (personal reason for getting involved usually as a result of a grievance)"} {"Clue":"A girl has managed to obtain new ideal location (7-2)","Answer":"SHANGRI-LA","Explanation":"Definition: ideal location\n**Anagram of **(managed|) **A GIRL HAS containing **(to obtain) **N** (new)\n **SH****A** (**N**) **GRI-L****A***\n\n**SHANGRI-LA** (earthly paradise, described in James Hilton's Lost Horizon (1933); hence, any remote or imaginary paradise)"} {"Clue":"West picked up agent at Cape Canaveral (7)","Answer":"OXIDANT","Explanation":"Definition: agent at Cape Canaveral\n**OXIDANT** (**sounds like** [picked up] **OCCIDENT** [the West])\n **OXIDANT**\n\n**OXIDANT** (a substance combining with oxygen, possibly to form a fuel for rockets at Cape Canaveral)"} {"Clue":"Father's Day promoted to top 13 (6)","Answer":"DOLMEN","Explanation":"Definition: 13\n**OLD MEN** (fathers) with **D** (day) **moved to the front** (promoted ; down clue to the top)\n **DOLMEN**\n\n**DOLMEN** (prehistoric structure, possibly a tomb, of erect unhewn stones, supporting a flattish stone; **GRAVE** [13 across])"} {"Clue":"Back doctor who plays follow-my-leader? (6,6)","Answer":"SECOND FIDDLE","Explanation":"Definition: plays follow-my-leader\n**SECOND** (back) **+**** FIDDLE** (alter; tamper; doctor)\n **SECOND FIDDLE**\n\n**SECOND FIDDLE** (someone who takes a subordinate part behind a leader)"} {"Clue":"A Spanish hero runs druggies (9)","Answer":"ACID-HEADS","Explanation":"Definition: druggies\n**A** **+ CID** (reference El **CID** (Castilian nobleman and military leader in medieval Spain; Spanish hero) + **HEADS** (leads; manages; runs)\n **A** **CID** **HEADS**\n\n**ACID-HEADS** (people who habitually take the drug LSD)"} {"Clue":"Item of 17 Tom 's cracked in biology unit (8)","Answer":"GEMSTONE","Explanation":"Definition: Item of 17\n**Anagram of **(cracked) **TOM'S** **contained in** (in) **GENE** (biology unit)\n **GE** (**MSTO***) **NE**\n\n**GEMSTONE** (example of the type of thing you find in **BURIED TREASURE** [17 across])"} {"Clue":"Discover Unionist and Republican in Welsh town (7)","Answer":"UNEARTH","Explanation":"Definition: Discover\n**U** (Unionist) **+** (**R** [Republican] **contained in** [in] **NEATH** [Welsh town])\n **U ****NEA** (**R**) **TH**\n\n**UNEARTH** (dig up; discover)"} {"Clue":"Like wallflowers to be flooded but not cool (7)","Answer":"UNDATED","Explanation":"Definition: Like wallflowers\n**INUNDATED** (flooded) **excluding** (not) **IN** (cool)\n **UNDATED**\n\n**UNDATED** (without a date; a wallflower is a person, typically a woman, who cannot find a partner)"} {"Clue":"Moral principle governing Norway linked to race (6)","Answer":"ETHNIC","Explanation":"Definition: inked to race\n**ETHIC** (moral principle) **containing** (governing) **N** (International Vehicle Registration for Norway)\n **ETH **(**N**) **IC**\n\n**ETHNIC** (concerning nations or races)"} {"Clue":"Spooky European lake (5)","Answer":"EERIE","Explanation":"Definition: Spooky\n**E** (European) **+ ERIE** (one of the Great Lakes of Canada)\n \u00a0\n\n**EERIE** (spooky)"} {"Clue":"Raw at Murrayfield between a couple of showers (5)","Answer":"WERSH","Explanation":"Definition: Raw at Murrayfield \n**WERSH** (**hidden word** [between] in **SHOWER SHOWER** [a couple of showers])\n **WERSH**\n\n**WERSH** (Scottish [Murrayfield is a major sports stadium in Edinburgh] word for raw)"} {"Clue":"Gazelles, the majority tailless circling hunter, gutted (5)","Answer":"MOHRS","Explanation":"Definition: Gazelles\n**MOST** (the majority) **excluding the final letter** (tailless) **T**\u00a0**containing** (circling) **HR** (the **outside letters remaining in** **H****UNTE****R** **when the central letters** **UNTE are removed** [gutted])\n **MO** (**HR**) **S**\n\n**MOHRS** (variant spelling of **MHORRS** [West African gazelles])"} {"Clue":"Tax exile, three short along the way, connecting with main branch (5)","Answer":"AXILE","Explanation":"Definition: connecting with main branch\n**T****AX ****EX****ILE** **excluding** (short) **three letters in the order they occur** (along the way) **T**, **E** and **X**\n **AXILE**\n\n**AXILE** (coinciding [connecting] with an **AXIs** [the main stem or root, or a branch in relation to its own branches and appendages"} {"Clue":"Some pondlife one man found wandering in open country (7)","Answer":"LIMNAEA","Explanation":"Definition: Some pondlife\n** **(**I** [one] and **an anagram of **[wandering]**\u00a0MAN****)**** contained in** (found \u2026 in) **LEA** (open country)\n **L** (**I ****MNA***) **EA**\n\n**LIMNAEA** (genus of pond-snails)"} {"Clue":"Dwarfs train horses in Benin, strangely (10)","Answer":"NIBELUNGEN","Explanation":"Definition: Dwarfs\n**LUNGE** (train a horse with a long rope) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (strangely) **BENIN**\n **NIBE** (**LUNGE**) **N***\n\n**NIBELUNGEN** (supernatural race of dwarfs in Germanic mythology)"} {"Clue":"Antipodean bird in gardens brought from east Australia (4)","Answer":"WEKA","Explanation":"Definition: Antipodean bird\n**KEW** (reference **KEW** Botanical Gardens) **reversed** (brought in from east) **+ A** (Australia)\n **WEK**<** A**\n\n**WEKA **(any of the flightless rails of the genus *Ocydromus* or *Gallirallus* of New Zealand; antipodean bird)"} {"Clue":"Poem in chapters \u2013 it converts electronic signals (5)","Answer":"CODEC","Explanation":"Definition: it converts electronic signals\n**ODE** (poem) **contained in** (in) **CC** (\u00a0chapters)\n **C** (**ODE**) **C**\n\n**CODEC** (an apparatus for encoding and decoding [electronic] signals)"} {"Clue":"In strike, Labour repeatedly in favour may look down on investors (8)","Answer":"HILLFORT","Explanation":"Definition: may look down on investors\n([**L** {Labour} + **L** {Labour} \u2013 Labour repeatedly] **+** **FOR**) **contained in** (in) **HIT** (strike)\n **HI** (**L** **L** **FOR**) **T**\n I can't find **L** on its own as an abbreviation for Labour in Chambers. There some longer acronyms where the L component stands for Labor\n\n**HILLFORT **(prehistoric stronghold located in an elevated position such that its inhabitant can look down on attackers or besiegers[investors])"} {"Clue":"Rejected old pen when edging something like parchment? (8)","Answer":"REPELLED","Explanation":"Definition: Rejected\n**REED** (a pen was originally made of **REED** or **REED**s; old pen) **containing** (edging) **PELL** (obsolete word for skin, hide or a roll of parchment)\n **RE** (**PELL**) **ED**\n\n**REPELLED** (rejected)"} {"Clue":"Screened info system causing distress when about to die poorly (8)","Answer":"VIDEOTEX","Explanation":"Definition: Screened info system\n**VEX** (distress) **containing** (about) **an anagram of** (poorly) **TO DIE**\n **V **(**IDE****OT***) **EX**\n\n**VIDEOTEX** (\u00a0system used to display pages of information on a television screen, eg teletext; screened info system)"} {"Clue":"It replaces hips a lot (8)","Answer":"HOSPITAL","Explanation":"Definition: It replaces hips a lot \n**Anagram of **(replaces) **HIPS A LOT**\n **HOSPITAL***\n\n**HOSPITAL** (place where hip replacements are undertaken often)"} {"Clue":"Governor of former village groups? Zapu changed name (5)","Answer":"ZUPAN","Explanation":"Definition: Governor of former village groups\n**Anagram of **(changed) **ZAPU** **+ N** (name)\n **ZUPA*** **N**\n\n**ZUPAN** (governor of a confederation of village communities in the early history of Serbia)"} {"Clue":"Superstition surrounds this small American tree (4)","Answer":"TITI","Explanation":"Definition: small American tree\n**TITI** (**hidden word in** [surrounds] **SUPERSTITION**)\n **TITI**\n\n**TITI** (small tree of the family *Cyrillaceae*, native to the southern United States)"} {"Clue":"After bit of work learner diving in escapes marshland (10)","Answer":"EVERGLADES","Explanation":"Definition: marshland\n(**ERG** [CGS {centimetre-gram-second}unit of work] **+ L** [learner]) **contained in** (diving in) **EVADES** (escapes)\n **EV **(**ERG** **L**) **ADES**\n\n**EVERGLADES** (marshland in southern Florida)"} {"Clue":"Lop of cooked oysters cut by wife of clerk (7)","Answer":"SCRIBAL","Explanation":"Definition: of clerk\n**SCALLOP** (cooked oyster) **excluding** (off) **LOP** **containing** (cut by)** RIB** (wife [biblical reference])`\n **SC** (**RIB**) **AL**\n\n**SCRIBAL** (of a clerk)"} {"Clue":"Dido, huge after gig (5)","Answer":"ANTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Dido\nIf you add **ANTIC** after **GIG** you get **GIGANTIC** (huge)\n **ANTIC**\n\n**ANTIC** (**DIDO** is defined as a caper or **ANTIC**)"} {"Clue":"Like horses once harnessed in tandem and missing bits of elegant design (5)","Answer":"TEMED","Explanation":"Definition: Like horses once harnessed \n**TANDEM** **excluding** (missing) **AND** **+ ED** (**first letters of **[bits of] **ELEGANT** and **DESIGN)**\n **TEM**** E ****D**\n\n**TEMED** (obsolete [once] spelling of **TEAMED** [descriptive of a group of horses\u00a0[working] together [in tandem even] and the vehicles to which they are harnessed)"} {"Clue":"What you associate with Jack \u2013 no talk, little or none (5)","Answer":"BEANS","Explanation":"Definition: little or none\n**BEANSTALK** (reference the pantomime Jack and the **BEANSTALK**) **excluding** (no) **TALK**\n **BEANS**\n\n**BEANS **(little or nothing at all)"} {"Clue":"Women's hat, worn but repaired, a good buy in Edinburgh (8)","Answer":"WANWORTH","Explanation":"Definition: good buy in Edinburgh\n**Anagram of **(but repaired) **W** [women] and **HAT WORN**\n **WA****NWOR****TH***\n\n**WANWORTH** (Scottish [Edinburgh] word for low price or bargain)"} {"Clue":"Deportees, left out, fit north of the border (5)","Answer":"EXIES","Explanation":"Definition: fit north of the border\n**EXILES** (deportees) **excluding** (out) **L** (left)\n **EXIES**\n\n**EXIES** (Scottish [north of the border] word fit, eg of hysterics or ague)"} {"Clue":"Cask? One in charge is at this (4)","Answer":"HELM","Explanation":"Definition: Cask\n**HELM** (**CASK** as a variant spelling of **CASQUE** can be defined as a\u00a0helmet or **HELM**)\n **HELM**\n\n**HELM** (someone at the **HELM** is in charge)"} {"Clue":"Having the component of pull \/ rail \/ tire? Possibly (as a minimum) (12)","Answer":"PLURILITERAL","Explanation":"Definition: Having the component of pull \/ rail \/ tire? Possibly (as a minimum)\n**Anagram of **(possibly) **PULL**, **RAIL** and **TIRE**\n **PLU****RILITERAL***\n\n**PLURILITERAL** (containing more letters than three. as the three component words **PULL**, **RAIL** and **TIRE** just do, each with the minimum requirement of four letters)"} {"Clue":"Swinging both ways presents bit of dilemma \u2013 fancy Nigel, fancy Glenda (12)","Answer":"DINGLE-DANGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Swinging both ways\n**D** (**first letter of** [bit of]) **DILEMMA** **+ an anagram of **(fancy) **NIGEL** + a**n anagram of** (fancy) **GLENDA**\n **D** **INGLE*** **DANGLE***\n\n**DINGLE-DANGLE** (swinging to and fro; swinging both ways)"} {"Clue":"Disengaged from comprehending artificial language, unrepeatable (6)","Answer":"ONE-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: unrepeatable\n**OFF** (disengaged from) **containing** (comprehending) **NEO** (artificial language launched by an Italian, Arturo Alfandari, in 1961)\n **O** (**NEO**) **FF**\n\n**ONE-OFF **(something made, intended, done, etc for one occasion only; unrepeatable)"} {"Clue":"Free leaflets, thousand distributed (8)","Answer":"HANDOUTS","Explanation":"Definition: Free leaflets\n**Anagram of** (distributed) **THOUSAND**\n **HANDOUTS***\n\n**HANDOUTS** (free leaflets)"} {"Clue":"Gun \u2013 before loading one this may absorb you totally (7)","Answer":"REVERIE","Explanation":"Definition: this may absorb you totally\n**REV** (gun, as in **REV** the engine [gun the engine]) **+** (**ERE** [before] **containing** [loading] **I** [Roman numeral for one])\n **REV**** ****ER** (**I**) **E**\n\n**REVERIE** (undirected train of thoughts or fancies in meditation to the oblivion of all else; something that may absorb you totally)"} {"Clue":"Mediterranean vessel, conveyance round Italy (4)","Answer":"SAIC","Explanation":"Definition: Mediterranean vessel\n**SAC** (the conveyance to a lord of manor of certain rights of jurisdiction, eg holding courts) **containing** (round) **I** (International Vehicle registration for Italy)\n **SA** (**I**) **C**\n\n**SAIC** (vessel like a ketch, used in the eastern\u00a0Mediterranean)"} {"Clue":"Miser with pep disposed of outer coat (8)","Answer":"EPISPERM","Explanation":"Definition: outer coat\n**Anagram of** disposed of) **MISER** and [with] **PEP**\n **E****P****IS****PE****RM***\n\n**EPISPERM** (outer seed coat)"} {"Clue":"Make no secret of being single brought up with family member (left out) (7)","Answer":"ENOUNCE","Explanation":"Definition: Make no secret of \n**ONE** (single) **reversed** (brought up; down clue) **+ UNCLE** (family member) **excluding** (out) **L** (left)\n **ENO**<** UNCE**\n\n**ENOUNCE** (proclaim; make no secret of)"} {"Clue":"Affliction of Ayr mount having to compete after spring (6)","Answer":"SPAVIE","Explanation":"Definition: Affliction of Ayr mount\n**SPA** (spring) **+ VIE** (compete)\n **SPA** **VIE**\n\n**SPAVIE** (Scottish [Ayr is a town in Scotland with horse racecourse] word for **SPAVIN** [disease of the hock joint of {horses mounts}])"} {"Clue":"Hydrocarbon damaged coat, modern wife got rid of (6)","Answer":"OCTANE","Explanation":"Definition: Hydrocarbon\n**Anagram of** (damaged) **COAT** **+ NEW** (modern) **excluding** (got rid of) **W** (wife)\n **OCTA*** **NE**\n\n**OCTANE** (any of a group of eighteen isomeric hydrocarbons)"} {"Clue":"You need to be in Hamburg when imbibing it, in short (5)","Answer":"STEIN","Explanation":"Definition: You need to be in Hamburg when imbibing it\n**SEIN **(German [Hamburg] for 'to be'] **containing** (imbibing)** '****T** (shortened form of it)\n **S** (**T**) **EIN**\n\n**STEIN** (large beer mug, often earthenware and frequently with a hinged lid; the amount held by such a mug. A **STEIN **is often\u00a0associated with beer drinking in Germany)"} {"Clue":"Relish stone one's taken off, on setter's middle (4)","Answer":"ZEST","Explanation":"Definition: Relish\n**ZE** (**central letters of** [middle] **AZED** [setter's name]) **+ STONE** **excluding** (taken off) **ONE**\n **ZE** **ST**\n\n**ZEST** (relish)"} {"Clue":"Large piece of meat stokes pet dog (4)","Answer":"SLAB","Explanation":"Definition: Large piece of meat\n**S** (stokes) **+ LAB** (Labrador; a breed of dog commonly kept as a pet)\n **S** **LAB**\n\n**SLAB** (large thick slice of anything, e.g. meat)"} {"Clue":"How Edward is entitled to consult about oil company boss being sacked (9)","Answer":"CONFESSOR","Explanation":"Definition: How Edward is entitled\n**CONFER** (consult) **containing** (about) **ESSO** (oil company) **excluding the first letter** (boss; leader) **E**\n **CONFE** (**SSO**) **R**\n\n**CONFESSOR** (reference Edward the** CONFESSOR** [1003 \u2013 1066], one of the last Anglo-Saxon kings of England)"} {"Clue":"Two different men on the board have coffee say (5)","Answer":"BROWN","Explanation":"Definition: coffee say \n**B** and **N** are chess notation for the two pieces [men] Bishop and Knight in chess, so we have two different men.\n However, I can't see how **ROW** relates to **BOARD** other than a **ROW** is an element of a Chess **BOARD. **Chess uses a **ROW** column notation these days to indicate the position of pieces but I still can't see how that fact relates to the clue.\n **B**** ROW N**\n\n**BROWN** (a **BROWN** object or thing, e.g. [say] coffee)"} {"Clue":"Looking like an ideal place to deal out pain (7)","Answer":"UTOPIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Looking like an ideal place\n**Anagram of** (deal) **OUT PAIN**\n **UTOPIAN***\n\n**UTOPIAN** (perfect; looking like an ideal place)"} {"Clue":"I see diver returning to a shipping hazard (7)","Answer":"ICEBERG","Explanation":"Definition: a shipping hazard\n**I** **+ C** (see [the letter **C**]) **+** (**GREBE** [diving bird] **reversed** [returning])\n **I** **C** **EBERG**<\n\n**ICEBERG** (huge mass of **ICE**\u00a0floating in the sea; shipping hazard)"} {"Clue":"Take trouble with exercises (5)","Answer":"ADOPT","Explanation":"Definition: Take\n**ADO** (fuss; trouble) **+ PT** (physical training; exercises)\n **ADO** **PT**\n\n**ADOPT** (take)"} {"Clue":"Time's right to take what cannibals do for therapy (9)","Answer":"TREATMENT","Explanation":"Definition: therapy\n**T** (time) **+** (**RT** [right] **containing** [to taker] **EAT MEN** [what cannibals do])\n **T** **R** (**EAT MEN**) **T**\n\n**TREATMENT** (therapy)"} {"Clue":"Ukraine at last! How fast Russian fighters move to settle in a new country (8)","Answer":"EMIGRATE","Explanation":"Definition: settle in a new country\n**E** (**final letter of** [at last] **UKRAINE**) **+ MIG** (Russian fighter plane) **+ RATE** (speed) so **MIG RATE** describes how fast Russian fighters move\n **E** **MIG** **RATE**\n\n**EMIGRATE** (settle in a new country)"} {"Clue":"Pick out some minerals here \u2013 sounds like a great deal (4)","Answer":"LODE","Explanation":"Definition: Pick out some minerals here \n**LODE** (sounds like **LOAD** [a lot; great deal])\n **LODE**\n\n**LODE** (vein containing metallic ore; pick out some minerals here)"} {"Clue":"A spell let out rebounds (4)","Answer":"TIME","Explanation":"Definition: A spell\n**EMIT** (let out)** reversed** (rebounds)\n **TIME**<\n\n**TIME** (spell; period of **TIME**)"} {"Clue":"A period of all-out strike? (4,4)","Answer":"FULL STOP","Explanation":"Definition: period\n**FULL** (complete; all out) **+ STOP** (cease work by striking)\n **FULL** **STOP**\n\n**FULL STOP** (point marking the end of a sentence; period in punctuation)"} {"Clue":"A long time to hold a job mostly \u2013 it provides security (9)","Answer":"ANCHORAGE","Explanation":"Definition: it provides security\n(**AN** [a] **+ AGE** [long time]) **containing** (to hold)** CHORE** (job) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **E**\n **AN** (**CHOR**) **AGE**\n\n**ANCHORAGE** (something that provides security)"} {"Clue":"It'd be cleaner if I wasn't sat in it (5)","Answer":"CHAIR","Explanation":"Definition: it\nIf you take an** I** out of **CHA****I****R** [the entry] you would have **CHAR** [**CHAR**woman; cleaner]\n **CHAR**\n\n**CHAIR** (something sat in, or** IT** as far as the clue is concerned)"} {"Clue":"I will say almost everything is not allowed (7)","Answer":"ILLEGAL","Explanation":"Definition: not allowed\n**I'LL** (I will) **+ E.G.** (for example; say) **+ ALL** **excluding the final letter** (almost)** L**\n **ILL** **EG** **AL**\n\n**ILLEGAL** (prohibited by law; not allowed)"} {"Clue":"Maybe Spaniard comes from the cold region of Russia setting off south (7)","Answer":"IBERIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe Spaniard\n**SIBERIAN** (from the cold region of Russia) **excluding** (setting off) **S** (South)\n **IBERIAN**\n\n**IBERIAN** (from one of Spain, Portugal or Andorra)"} {"Clue":"Go to sea when short of time and with no adult? Silly person! (5)","Answer":"GOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Silly person\n**GO TO SEA** **excluding** (when short of)** T** (time) and **excluding** (with no) **A** (adult)\n **GOOSE**\n\n**GOOSE** (silly person)"} {"Clue":"A time for celebrating its charms perhaps (9)","Answer":"CHRISTMAS","Explanation":"Definition: A time for celebrating\n**Anagram of** (perhaps) **IT'S CHARMS**\n **CHR****IST****MAS***\n\n**CHRISTMAS** (a time for celebrating)"} {"Clue":"Bravery of old university rector put in prison (7)","Answer":"COURAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Bravery\n(**O** [old] **+ U** [university] **+ R** [rector]) **contained in **(put in) **CAGE** (prison)\n **C** (**O** **U** **R**) **AGE**\n\n**COURAGE** (bravery)"} {"Clue":"Here's me losing nothing in change when providing coinage (9)","Answer":"NEOLOGISM","Explanation":"Definition: coinage\n**Anagram of** (change) **ME** and **LOSING** and **O** (zero; nothing)\n **N****E****OL****O****GIS****M***\n\n**NEOLOGISM** (the practice of coining new words, phrases or doctrines; coinage)"} {"Clue":"A suitable moment to return by short cut \u2013 they're giving out (8)","Answer":"EMITTERS","Explanation":"Definition: they're giving out\n**TIME** (suitable moment)** reversed** (to return) **+ TERSE** (short) **excluding the final letter** (cut) **E**\n **EMIT< TERS**\n\n**EMITTERS** (things that give out)"} {"Clue":"Reason for hanging around court is pure quality (8)","Answer":"SANCTITY","Explanation":"Definition: pure quality\n**SANITY** (rationality; reason) **containing** (around) **CT** (court)\n **SAN** (**CT**) **ITY**\n\n**SANCTITY** (purity; pure quality)"} {"Clue":"Horseman arrests amateur looter (6)","Answer":"RAIDER","Explanation":"Definition: looter\n**RIDER** (horseman) **containing** (arrests) **A** (amateur)\n **R** (**A**) **IDER**\n\n**RAIDER** (looter)"} {"Clue":"How far across (ignoring depth)? A lungful's required (6)","Answer":"BREATH","Explanation":"Definition: A lungful's required\n**BREADTH** (width; how far across) **excluding** (ignoring) **D** (depth)\n **BREATH**\n\n**BREATH** (air drawn into and then expelled from the lungs; lungful)"} {"Clue":"Very heavy gongs with extra echo (5)","Answer":"OBESE","Explanation":"Definition: Very heavy \n**OBES** (Order of the British Empire medals; gongs) **+** (extra, as there is already an E in **OBES**) **E** (Echo is the international radio communication codeword for the letter **E**)\n **OBES** **E**\n\n**OBESE** (abnormally fat; very heavy)"} {"Clue":"Close old-fashioned strap in nocturnal attire (7)","Answer":"NIGHTIE","Explanation":"Definition: nocturnal attire\n**NIGH** (obsolete [old-fashioned] word for near or close)** + TIE** (strap)\n **NIGH** **TIE**\n\n**NIGHTIE** (example of nocturnal attire)"} {"Clue":"Barring twisted racists is in order (9)","Answer":"OSTRACISM","Explanation":"Definition: Barring\n**Anagram of** (twisted) **RACISTS**** contained in** (is in) **OM** (Order of Merit)\n **O** (**STRACIS***) **M**\n\n**OSTRACISM** (exclusion; barring)"} {"Clue":"Sierra on high above most of one great lake or another (8)","Answer":"SUPERIOR","Explanation":"Definition: another\n**S** (Sierra is the international radio communication codeword for the letter **S**) **+ UP** (on high) **+ ERIE** (one of the Great lakes) **excluding the final letter** (most of) **E + OR**\n **S** **UP** **ERI** **OR**\n\n**SUPERIOR** (another of the Great Lakes)"} {"Clue":"Something missing in a boy's slanders (8)","Answer":"BLACKENS","Explanation":"Definition: slanders\n**LACK** (something in short supply; something missing)** contained in** (in) **BEN'S** (boy's)\n **B** (**LACK**)** ENS**\n\n**BLACKENS** (defames, possibly by means of slander)"} {"Clue":"Walking out of Spain in traffic (7)","Answer":"TRADING","Explanation":"Definition: traffic\n**TREADING** (walking) **excluding** (out of) **E** (international vehicle registration for Spain [Espa\u00f1a])\n **TRADING**\n\n**TRADING** (business traffic)"} {"Clue":"Maybe 1Ac,6Ac,18Ac or 29 and 14, 28, 1Dn, 16 or 21 \u2013 one of them has a lease (7)","Answer":"PARENTS","Explanation":"Definition: one of them has a lease\n**PA** (Father, one of someone's **PARENTS** [entry]) **+ RENTS** (has a lease)\n **PA** **RENTS**\n\n**PARENTS** (one of **MOTHER** [1a, 6a, 18a or 29] or **FATHER** [14, 28, 1d,16 or 21])"} {"Clue":"Polish maybe kept in toilet on guest-nights (6)","Answer":"TONGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Polish maybe \n**TONGUE** (**hidden word in** [kept in] **TOILET ON GUEST-NIGHTS**)\n **TONGUE**\n\n**TONGUE** (Polish is a language [**TONGUE**])"} {"Clue":"The French put in this for cooking \u2013 it might make us allergic (6)","Answer":"GARLIC","Explanation":"Definition: this\n**ALLERGIC*** is **an anagram of** (might make)\u00a0**LE** (one of the French forms of 'the') and **GARLIC** (the entry)\n **GARLIC**\n\n**GARLIC** (a bulb with a pungent taste and very strong smell often used in cooking)"} {"Clue":"A big fiddle as the big cheese snorts lines (5)","Answer":"CELLO","Explanation":"Definition: A big fiddle\n**CEO** (Chief Executive Office; boss; big cheese) **containing** (snorts) **LL** (lines)\n **CE** (**LL**) **O**\n\n**CELLO** (violincello [bass instrument of the violin [fiddle] class; big fiddle)"} {"Clue":"One who represented 20 before Calum or Walter? (8)","Answer":"PRESCOTT","Explanation":"Definition: One who represented 20\n**PRE** (before) **+ SCOTT** (reference Calum **SCOTT** [born 1988] who performed what is described as a sensational audition on Britain's Got Talent in 2015 and Sir Walter **SCOTT** [1771 \u2013 1832], Scottish historical novelist, playwright and poet whose stately pile [Abbotsford] is sited beside the River Tweed not many miles from where I am writing this blog]\n **PRE** **SCOTT**\n\n**PRESCOTT **(reference Baron John **PRESCOTT** [born 1938] who represented the parliamentary constituency of **HULL** [20 down] East from 1970 \u2013 2010 and was Deputy Prime Minister from 1997 to 2007)"} {"Clue":"20's librarian, one flying home after writing letter to The Edge (6,6)","Answer":"PHILIP","Explanation":"Definition: 20's librarian\n**PHI\u00a0**([Greek] letter] **+ LIP** (edge) **+ LARK** (bird; one flying) **+ IN** (home)\n **PHILIP LARKIN**\n\n**PHILIP** [**LARKIN**] (reference **PHILIP LARKIN** [1922 \u2013 1985], English poet, novelist and librarian. He was librarian at the Brynmor Jones Library at the University of **HULL"} {"Clue":"12a's propeller seen from the rear, when docked in Arab state (7)","Answer":"OARSMAN","Explanation":"Definition: 12a's propeller\n**ARS****E** (buttocks; rear) **excluding the final letter** (when docked) **E** **contained in** (in) **OMAN** (Arab State)\n **O** (**ARS**) **MAN**\n\n**OARSMAN** (one who propels a **HULL** [20 down] or boat)"} {"Clue":"20's son, representing county at Rome ground (3,9)","Answer":"TOM COURTENAY","Explanation":"Definition: 20's son\n**Anagram of **(ground) **COUNTY AT ROME** \n **TO****M**** C****O****U****RTE****N****A****Y***\n\n**TOM COURTENAY** (reference Sir **TOM COURTENAY** (born in **HULL** [20 down] in 1937), English actor)"} {"Clue":"Cricketer getting duck in 20 here? (4)","Answer":"BOAT","Explanation":"Definition: 20 here\n**BAT** (cricketer) **containing** (getting \u2026 in) **O** (zero; duck score in cricket)\n **B** (**O**) **AT**\n\n**BOAT** (**HULL** [20 down])"} {"Clue":"Molecular structure that's linked with one chap moving home (4,5)","Answer":"OPEN CHAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Molecular structure\n(**Anagram of** [moving] **ONE CHAP**) **+ IN** (at home)\n **OPEN CHA*** **IN**\n\n**OPEN CHAIN** (term from chemistry denoting a molecular structure with atoms linked together like a **CHAIN**\u00a0with loose ends)"} {"Clue":"Depression? Cycling small distances helps (7,2)","Answer":"PITCHES IN","Explanation":"Definition: helps\n**PIT** (depression) **+ IN****CHES** (small distances with **the first two** **letters** **IN** **moved to end** [cycling])\n **PIT** **CHES** **IN**\n\n**PITCHES IN** (cooperates; helps)"} {"Clue":"One whose top's blown off in middle of street? Nasty! (4)","Answer":"ETNA","Explanation":"Definition: One whose top's blown off\n**ETNA** (**hidden word in** [in middle of] **STREET NASTY**)\n **ETNA**\n\n**ETNA** (active volcano on Sicily which erupted recently; one whose top's blown off)"} {"Clue":"Trendy prisoner that is caught by man from 20 providing diagram that's initially embarrassing (12)","Answer":"INCONVENIENT","Explanation":"Definition: embarrassing\n**IN** (trendy) **+ CON** (prisoner)** +** (**I.E.** [id est; that is] **contained in** **VENN** [reference John **VENN** [1834 \u2013 1923] who introduced the concept of **VENN** diagrams used in many fields of mathematics and statistics. John **VENN** was born in **HULL** [20 down]) **+ ****T** (**first letter of **[initially] **THAT**)\n **IN** **CON** **VEN** (**IE**) **N** **T**\n\n**INCONVENIENT** (causing trouble, difficulty or uneasiness; embarrassing)"} {"Clue":"Half of 20 into whiskies? Sickness abroad, so a Minister for Moral restraint (7)","Answer":"MALTHUS","Explanation":"Definition: Minister for Moral restraint \nTwo wordplays here, both leading independently to the entry\n **HU** (**two of the four** [half] **letters of** **HULL** [20 down]) **contained in** (into) **MALTS** (whiskies)\n **MAL** (French for sickness; sickness abroad) **+ THUS** (so)\n **MALT** (**HU**) **S** or **MAL** **THUS**\n\n**MALTHUS** (reference\u00a0Thomas\u00a0Robert\u00a0**MALTHUS** [1766 \u2013 1834], English\u00a0cleric\u00a0[Minister]\u00a0and\u00a0scholar,\u00a0regrettably\u00a0not\u00a0born\u00a0in\u00a0Hull. In his Essay on the Principles of Population, **MALTHUS** put more emphasis on *moral restraint* as the best means of easing the poverty of the lower classes"} {"Clue":"Brands horses, without question (7)","Answer":"MARQUES","Explanation":"Definition: Brands\n**MARES** (horses) **containing** (without) **QU** (question)\n **MAR** (**QU**) **ES**\n\n**MARQUES** (brands or makes, especially of cars)"} {"Clue":"Heavy cold descending? Coke and lager's knocked back (8)","Answer":"SNOWSLIP","Explanation":"Definition: Heavy cold descending\n**SNOW **(cocaine; coke)** + PILS **(lager beer)** reversed** (knocked back)\n **SNOW** **SLIP**<\n\n**SNOWSLIP** (small avalanche; heavy cold descending)"} {"Clue":"Reminder from page 20? (4)","Answer":"PROD","Explanation":"Definition: Reminder\n**P** (page) +** ROD** (reference **ROD HULL** [1935 \u2013 1999] English entertainer best known for his work with his puppet Emu)\n **P****ROD**\n\n**PROD** (reminder)"} {"Clue":"The Bronx's river (4)","Answer":"EBRO","Explanation":"Definition: river\n**EBRO** (**hidden word in** ['s indicating possession] **THE BRONX]**\n **EBRO**\n\n**EBRO** (river on the Iberian peninsula)"} {"Clue":"Encouragement from capital of Culture, backing second one-off (4-2)","Answer":"COME ON","Explanation":"Definition: Encouragement\n**C** (**first letter of** [capital letter of] **CULTURE**)** ****+**** MO** (moment; second) **reversed** + **an anagram of** (off) **ONE** \n **C** **OM**< **E ON***\n\n**COME ON** (words of encouragement)"} {"Clue":"Resolve to keep going from South Pole, carrying one suitcase around (13)","Answer":"TENACIOUSNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Resolve to keep going\n(**S** [South] **+ N** [North {pole}]) **contained in** (carrying) **an anagram of** (around) **ONE SUITCASE**\n **TENACIOU** (**S** **N**) **ESS***\n\n**TENACIOUSNESS** (resolve to keep going)"} {"Clue":"Drat! Frisky horse's eaten sailor's food (8)","Answer":"HARDTACK","Explanation":"Definition: sailor's food\n**Anagram of** (frisky) **DRAT** **contained in** (eaten) **HACK** (horse kept for hire, especially one in a sorry condition)\n **H** (**ARDT***) **ACK**\n\n**HARDTACK** (ship's biscuit formerly used as a food on a sailing ship; sailor's food)"} {"Clue":"Stay in bed with comic holding answer to what lurkers might do (3,2,4)","Answer":"LIE IN WAIT","Explanation":"Definition: what lurkers might do\n**LIE IN** (stay in bed) **+** (**WIT** [comic] **containing** [holding] **A** [answer])\n **LIE IN** **W**(**A**) **IT**\n\n**LIE IN WAIT** (what a lurker might do)"} {"Clue":"Naive optimist giving parrot stuffed naan (9)","Answer":"POLLYANNA","Explanation":"Definition: Naive optimist\n**POLLY** (parrot) + **an anagram of (**stuffed) **NAAN**\n **POLLY** **ANNA***\n\n**POLLYANNA** (someone whose naive optimism may verge on the insufferable. [From **POLLYANNA**\u00a0fictional creation of US author Eleanor Hodgman Porter [1868 -1920])"} {"Clue":"20's daughter has manure, in ample supply (7,6)","Answer":"MAUREEN LIPMAN","Explanation":"Definition: 20's daughter\n**Anagram of **(supply, as an adverb from supple) **MANURE IN AMPLE**\n **MAUREEN LIPMAN***\n\n**MAUREEN LIPMAN **(born 1946), British film, theatre and television actress as well as a press columnist and comedienne. **MAUREEN LIPMAN** was born in **HULL**)"} {"Clue":"Detailed Baltic map's unusual sort of font (9)","Answer":"BAPTISMAL","Explanation":"Definition: sort of font\n**Anagram of **(unusual) **BALTI****C** **excluding the final letter** [de-tailed] **C** and **MAPS** \n **BA****P****TI****SMA****L***\n\n**BAPTISMAL** (descriptive of a font used for holding water for\u00a0**BAPTISM**s)"} {"Clue":"Concerned with joint certain to be topless (9)","Answer":"ARTICULAR","Explanation":"Definition: Concerned with joint\n**P****ARTICULAR** (specific; certain)** excluding the first letter** (topless) **P**\n **ARTICULAR**\n\n**ARTICULAR** (belonging to the joints)"} {"Clue":"Port of 20's leader has a gin ordered (8)","Answer":"SHANGHAI","Explanation":"Definition: Port\n**Anagram of** (ordered) **H** (**first letter of** [leader] **HULL**) and **HAS A GIN**\n **S****H****A****NG****H****AI***\n\n**SHANGHAI** (port city in China)"} {"Clue":"20's poet depicted ruin in one very short measure (6,7)","Answer":"ANDREW","Explanation":"Definition: 20's poet \n(**DREW** [depicted] **+ MAR** [damage; ruin] **+ V** [very]) **contained in** (in) (**AN** [one] **+**** ELL** [an obsolete term for a varying measure of length originally taken from the arm; a cloth measure equal to 1.25 yards; short measure])\n **AN** (**DREW** **MAR** **V**) **ELL**\n\n**ANDREW** [**MARVELL**] (reference **ANDREW MARVELL** [1621 \u2013 1678], English metaphysical poet whose family moved to **HULL** when he was 3 years old)"} {"Clue":"City in uproar after adult exits, pursued by a bear (4)","Answer":"HULL","Explanation":"Definition: City\n**HULLABALOO** (uproar) **excluding** (exits) (**A** [adult] + **BALOO** [fictional bear in Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book)\n **HULL**\n\n**HULL** (short name for the city of Kingston upon HULL, situated on the Humber estuary)"} {"Clue":"When old man turned up without delay (4)","Answer":"ASAP","Explanation":"Definition: without delay\n**AS** (when) **+ PA** (father; old man) **reversed**\n **AS** **AP**<\n\n**ASAP** (as soon as possible; without delay)"} {"Clue":"Discovered liquor flowed (7)","Answer":"RUMBLED","Explanation":"Definition: Discovered\n**RUM** (liquor) **+ BLED** (flowed)\n **RUM****BLED**\n\n**RUMBLED** (uncovered a deceit or secret activity; discovered)"} {"Clue":"Union faction suppressing most of circulation (7)","Answer":"WEDDING","Explanation":"Definition: Union\n**WING** (faction) **containing** (suppressing) (**EDD****Y** [current running back against the main stream, so causing a circular motion in the water; circulation] **excluding the final letter** [most of] **Y**)\n **W** (**EDD**) **ING**\n\n**WEDDING** (union)"} {"Clue":"Block sheepish comment about people's stew (9)","Answer":"JAMBALAYA","Explanation":"Definition: stew\n**JAM** (block) **+** (**BAA** [sound made by a sheep; sheepish comment] **containing** [about] **LAY** [non-professional; ordinary people])\n **JAM**** BA** (**LAY**) **A**\n\n**JAMBALAYA** (Creole or Cajun dish made with rice mixed with seafood or chicken, seasonings, etc; a mixture generally; stew)"} {"Clue":"Unpaid worker left in bar (5)","Answer":"SLAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Unpaid worker \n**L** (left) **contained in** (in) **SAVE** (except; bar)\n **S** (**L**) **AVE**\n\n**SLAVE** (person kept as property; unpaid worker)"} {"Clue":"Desire German's association with savage tribesman (6)","Answer":"HUNGER","Explanation":"Definition: Desire\n**HUN** (member of a powerful savage nomad race of Asia who moved westwards, and under Attila [433-453] overran Europe) **+ GER** (German)\n **HUN****GER**\n\n**HUNGER** (desire)"} {"Clue":"Hint vaguely about right aid for golfer somewhere on the back nine (8)","Answer":"THIRTEEN","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere on the back nine\n**Anagram of **(vaguely) **HINT** **containing** (about) (**R** [right] **+ TEE** [aid for golfer])\n **THI** (**R** **TEE**) **N***\n\n**THIRTEEN** (in golf, the back nine comprise holes 10 to 18. so **THIRTEEN** is one of the holes on the back nine)"} {"Clue":"Obscurity about end to nastier throat problem (4)","Answer":"FROG","Explanation":"Definition: throat problem\n**FOG** (cloudy obscurity) **containing** (about) **R** (**last letter of **[end to] **NASTIER**)\n **F** (**R**) **OG**\n\n**FROG** (the phrase 'a **FROG** in the throat' describes hoarseness; **FROG** itself can be defined as a swelling in the throat;\u00a0throat problem)"} {"Clue":"A lot of street's excessive, having a brick-red colour (10)","Answer":"TERRACOTTA","Explanation":"Definition: brick-red colour\n**TERRACE** (street) **excluding the last letter** (a lot of) **E** **+ OTT** (over the top; excessive) **+ A**\n **TERRAC****OTT****A**\n\n**TERRACOTTA** (deep reddish-brown colour; brick red colour)"} {"Clue":"American reforms in full: excluding extremists not following their system of government? (10)","Answer":"UNICAMERAL","Explanation":"Definition: not following their system of government\n**Anagram of **(reforms) **AMERICAN** **contained in** (in) (**FULL** **excluding the outside letters** [excluding extremists] **F** and **L**)\n **U** (**NICAMERA***) **L**\n\n**UNICAMERAL** (consisting of one chamber, unlike the American system of government that has two chambers, the House of Representatives and the Senate)"} {"Clue":"Be very critical of English sheet of stamps (4)","Answer":"PANE","Explanation":"Definition: sheet of stamps \n**PAN **(be very critical of) **+ E** (English)\n **PAN****E**\n\n**PANE** (large sheet of stamps issued by the Post Office; half such a sheet\u00a0separated from the other half by a gutter; a page of a book of stamps)"} {"Clue":"Quaking etc a sudden boost \u2013 of this nature? (8)","Answer":"TECTONIC","Explanation":"Definition: of this nature\n**Anagram of** (quaking) **ETC** **+**** TONIC** (sudden boost)\n **TEC*****TONIC**\n\n**TECTONIC** (relating to structural changes in the earth's crust caused by upheavals and other movements within it; of a quaking nature)"} {"Clue":"Problem in photographing US flight arriving early (3-3)","Answer":"RED-EYE","Explanation":"Definition: US flight arriving early\n**RED-EYE** (common fault in amateur flash photography which causes the pupils of the subject's **EYE**s to appear **RED**)\n **RED-EYE**\n\n**RED-EYE** (an overnight aeroplane journey; I think it also applies to short haul flights that take off very early in the morning) double definition"} {"Clue":"Path not allowed in one-third of region (5)","Answer":"R","Explanation":"Definition: Path\n**OUT** (debarred; not allowed) **contained in** (in) **RE** (**two of the six** [one third] **letters in REGION**)\n **R** (**OUT**) **E**\n\nR**OUTE** (course; path)"} {"Clue":"Staff backed housing millions in temporary accommodation in legislative move (9)","Answer":"ENACTMENT","Explanation":"Definition: legislative move\n**CANE** (rod; staff) **reversed** (backed) **+** (**TENT** [temporary accommodation] **containing** [housing] **M** [millions])\n **ENAC**< **T** (**M**) **ENT**\n\n**ENACTMENT** (the passing of a bill into law; legislative move)"} {"Clue":"River infestation furthest from the surface (7)","Answer":"DEEPEST","Explanation":"Definition: furthest from the surface\n**DEE** (the name of many rivers in the United Kingdom) **+ PEST** (infestation)\n **DEE****PEST**\n\n**DEEPEST** (furthest from the surface)"} {"Clue":"Entertainment's on? Second time cancelled? That's betrayal (7)","Answer":"TREASON","Explanation":"Definition: betrayal\n**TREAT'S** (entertainment's) **excluding** (cancelled) the second **T** (time) **+ ON**\n **TREAS****ON**\n\n**TREASON** (betrayal)"} {"Clue":"Clash of opinions kept up by a hard Indian ruler (5)","Answer":"RAJAH","Explanation":"Definition: Indian ruler\n**JAR** (clash of opinions) **reversed** ([kept] up; down clue) **+ A + H** (hard, when describing pencil lead)\n **RAJ**< **A****H**\n\n**RAJAH** (Indian prince or king)"} {"Clue":"What's taken from the event? Blokes engaged in jumping on bandwagon mostly (7)","Answer":"MEMENTO","Explanation":"Definition: What's taken from the event\n**MEN** (blokes) **contained in** (engaged in) (**ME-TOO** [denoting a person or product that imitates another in an attempt to cash in on its success; jumping on the bandwagon] **excluding the final letter** [mostly] **O**).\n **ME** (**MEN**) **TO**\n\n**MEMENTO** (something kept or given as a reminder of an event)"} {"Clue":"Not responding, missing every third of ten years (4)","Answer":"DEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Not responding\n**DECADE** (ten years) **excluding** (missing) **every third letter** (every third) **C** and **E**\n **DEAD**\n\n**DEAD** (not responding)"} {"Clue":"Forecaster to get on to solid stuff about a lot of air movement (10)","Answer":"WEATHERMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Forecaster\n**WEAN** (accustom a baby or young animal to nourishment other than the mother's milk; get on to solid stuff) **containing** (about) (**THERMA****L** [air movement] **excluding the final letter** [a lot of] **L**)\n **WEA** (**THERMA**)** N**\n\n**WEATHERMAN** (forecaster)"} {"Clue":"Be keen on people suppressing Society scandal (8)","Answer":"DISGRACE","Explanation":"Definition: scandal\n(**DIG** [understand or approve; be keen on] **containing** [suppressing] **S** [society]) + **RACE** (people)\n **DI** (**S**) **G****RACE**\n\n**DISGRACE** (scandal)"} {"Clue":"Least sensible place for eggs? (7)","Answer":"INANEST","Explanation":"Definition: Least sensible\n**IN A NEST** (**A NEST** is a good place for eggs)\n **INA****NEST**\n\n**INANEST** (least sensible)"} {"Clue":"Fruit joke penned by writer of entertainments (9)","Answer":"GREENGAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit \n**GAG** (joke) **contained in** (penned by) **GREENE** (I think this a reference to Graham **GREENE** [1904 \u2013 1991], English author [writer of entertainments])\n **GREEN** (**GAG**) **E**\n\n**GREENGAGE** (very sweet variety of plum; fruit)"} {"Clue":"Rising swamp to freeze amidst grass \u2013 that's helpful (10)","Answer":"BENEFICENT","Explanation":"Definition: helpful\n(**FEN** [morass, bog; swamp] **reversed** [rising; down clue] **+ ICE** [freeze]) **contained in** (amidst) **BENT** (a type of stiff or wiry grass)\n **BE** (**NEF**< **ICE**) **NT**\n\n**BENEFICENT** (kindly; helpful)"} {"Clue":"Confused fellow had carnal thoughts about the Queen (9)","Answer":"FLUSTERED","Explanation":"Definition: Confused\n**F** (fellow) **+** (**LUSTED** [had strong sexual desire; had carnal thoughts]** containing** (about) **ER** [Elizabeth Regina; Queen])\n **F** **LUST** (**ER**) **ED**\n\n**FLUSTERED** (confused and agitated)"} {"Clue":"Concern about scribbled note identifying colouring agent (8)","Answer":"CAROTENE","Explanation":"Definition: colouring agent\n**CARE** (concern) **containing** (about) **an anagram of** (scribbled) **NOTE** \n **CAR** (**OTEN***) **E**\n\n**CAROTENE** (Any of a group of red or yellow pigments; colouring agent)"} {"Clue":"Hold popular item like this, enthralling daughter (7)","Answer":"INCLUDE","Explanation":"Definition: Hold\n**IN** (popular) **+** (**CLUE** [an item like 18 across which is itself a **CLUE**] **containing** [enthralling] **D** [daughter])\n **IN** **CLU** (**D**) **E**\n\n**INCLUDE** (contain; hold)"} {"Clue":"Eternal, set in turbulent seas (7)","Answer":"AGELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Eternal,\n**GEL** (set) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (turbulent) **SEAS**\n **A** (**GEL**) **ESS***\n\n**AGELESS** (timeless; eternal)"} {"Clue":"Riot control in a heated situation? (6)","Answer":"KETTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Riot control\n**KETTLE** (container for boiling water; heated situation)\n **KETTLE**\n\n**KETTLE** (An enclosed area created by cordons of police officers to control public protesters; riot control) at least a double definition. Possible the whole clue also defines the riot control aspect."} {"Clue":"Consumed in fire at Enniskillen (5)","Answer":"EATEN","Explanation":"Definition: Consumed\n**EATEN** **(hidden word in** [in] **FIRE AT ENNISKILLEN**)\n **EATEN**\n\n**EATEN** (consumed)"} {"Clue":"History not for the French test primarily (4)","Answer":"PAST","Explanation":"Definition: History\n**PAS** (French for 'not') **+ T** (**first letter of** [primarily] **TEST**)\n **PAS****T**\n\n**PAST** (history)"} {"Clue":"Limp young animal repelled police (7)","Answer":"FLACCID","Explanation":"Definition: Limp\n**CALF** (young cow) **reversed** (repelled) **+ CID** (Criminal Investigation Department; detectives; police)\n **FLAC**< **CID**\n\n**FLACCID** (limp)"} {"Clue":"Religious girl originally heading for Medjugorje? (7)","Answer":"PILGRIM","Explanation":"Definition: Religious girl originally heading for Medjugorje\n**PI **(religious) +** an anagram of** (originally) **GIRL** **+ M** (**first letter of** [heading for] **MEDJUGORJE**)\n **PI** **LGRI*** **M**\n\n**PILGRIM** (the town of Medjugorje in\u00a0Bosnia and Herzegovina is a place of Roman Catholic pilgrimage after six young girls claimed to have seen an apparition of the Virgin Mary there in 1981)"} {"Clue":"Primate died cracking inscription on cross (5)","Answer":"INDRI","Explanation":"Definition: Primate\n**D** (died) **contained in** (cracking) **INRI** (abbreviation for Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judaeorum [Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews], an inscription found on many crosses)\n **IN** (**D**) **RI**\n\n**INDRI** (short-tailed lemur found in the forests of eastern and central Madagascar; primate)"} {"Clue":"Let down burglars' leader in bank plot (6,3)","Answer":"FLOWER BED","Explanation":"Definition: plot\n(**LOWER** [let down] **+ B** [**first letter of** [leader] **BURGLAR**]) **contained in** (in) **FED** (Federal Reserve Board, Board of Governers of the central banking system in the United States)\n **F** (**LOWER** **B**) **ED** \n\n**FLOWER BED** (garden plot)"} {"Clue":"Around start of tunnel a mole will hit rock bottom (3-4,3)","Answer":"ALL-TIME LOW","Explanation":"Definition: rock bottom\n**Anagram of** (hit) **A MOLE WILL** **containing** (around) **T **(**first letter of** [start of] **TUNNEL**)\n **A****L****L** (**T**) **I****ME** **L****O****W***\n\n**ALL-TIME LOW** (**LOW** level never reached before; rock bottom)"} {"Clue":"Old South American cornered by mountain cat (4)","Answer":"INCA","Explanation":"Definition: Old South American\n**INCA** (**hidden word in** [cornered by] **MOUNTAIN CAT**)\n **INCA**\n\n**INCA** (member of a S American people of Peru before the Spanish conquest in the 16th century, who had a complex civilization and empire; old South American)"} {"Clue":"Adjusted odds on a filly lacking length long ago (2,4,2,3)","Answer":"IN DAYS OF OLD","Explanation":"Definition: long ago\n**Anagram of **(adjusted) **ODDS ON A FI****L****LY** **excluding** (lacking) one of the **L**s (length)\n **IN DAYS OF OLD***\n\n**IN DAYS OF OLD** (long ago)"} {"Clue":"Refuse film director getting shot of posh author (11)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: author\n**LITTER** (refuse) **+ AUTEUR** (film director) **excluding** (getting shot of) **U** (posh)\n **LITTER** **ATEUR**\n\n**LITT\u00c9RATEUR** (literary person; author)"} {"Clue":"French director about to abandon crime film (4)","Answer":"NOIR","Explanation":"Definition: crime film\n**RENOIR** (reference Jean **RENOIR**\u00a0[1894 \u2013 1979], French film director) **excluding** (to abandon) **RE** (about)\n **NOIR**\n\n**NOIR** (style of cinema film, popular in American cinema in the 1940s and 50s, in which the darker side of human nature is presented, in a bleak, often starkly urban setting; style of crime film)"} {"Clue":"Skipper needs two kinds of fruit in series (10)","Answer":"SHIPMASTER","Explanation":"Definition: Skipper\n(**HIP** [fruit of the dog rose] **+ MAST** [fruit of the oak]) giving two kinds of fruit, **contained in** (in) **SER** (series)\n **S** (**HIP** **MAST**) **ER**\n\n**SHIPMASTER **(captain of a **SHIP**. skipper)"} {"Clue":"Page one is about Kim's game (9)","Answer":"ESPIONAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Kim's game\n**Anagram of** (about) **PAGE ONE IS**\n **ESPIONAGE***\n\n**ESPIONAGE** (spying, the activity engaged in by **KIM** Philby [1912 \u2013 1988], high-ranking member of British intelligence who worked as a double agent before defecting to the Soviet Union in 1963)"} {"Clue":"Iona, Skye. Lundy, Eriskay and Soay for starters (5)","Answer":"ISLES","Explanation":"Definition: Iona, Skye. Lundy, Eriskay and Soay for starters\n**ISLES** (**first letters of each of **[for starters]** IONA**, **SKYE**, **LUNDY**, **ERISKAY** and **SOAY**)\n **ISLANDS**\n\n**ISLES** (all of the named places are examples of islands)"} {"Clue":"Heaving awkward cases over one kilometre (7)","Answer":"SEASICK","Explanation":"Definition: Heaving awkward cases over one kilometre (7)\n(**Anagram of** [awkward] **CASES** **containing** [over]** I** [Roman numeral for 1]) **+ K **(kilometre)\n **SEAS** (**I**) **C*** **K**\n\n**SEASICK **(vomiting; heaving)"} {"Clue":"Former servicemen carry tons furthest (7)","Answer":"EXTREME","Explanation":"Definition: furthest\n(**EX** [former] **+ REME** [Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers; servicemen]) **containing** (carry) **T** (tons)\n **EX** (**T**) **REME**\n\n**EXTREME** (furthest)"} {"Clue":"Engagement absorbs papers for 24 hours (6)","Answer":"FRIDAY","Explanation":"Definition: 24 hours\n**FRAY** (brawl; engagement) **containing** (absorbs) **ID** (identity papers)\n **FR** (**ID**) **AY**\n\n**FRIDAY** (day; 24 hours)"} {"Clue":"Old magistrate raises the Spanish plan (6)","Answer":"AEDILE","Explanation":"Definition: Old magistrate\n(**EL** [Spanish for 'the'] **+ IDEA** [plan])** all reversed** [raises; down clue])\n (**AEDI** **LE**)<\n\n**AEDILE** (magistrate in ancient Rome who had responsibility for public buildings, games, markets, police, etc.)"} {"Clue":"Directs plays over here in Paris, getting panned (10)","Answer":"CRITICISED","Explanation":"Definition: panned\n**Anagram of **(play) **DIRECTS** **containing **(over) **ICI** (French [Paris] for 'here')\n **CRIT **(**ICI**) **SED***\n\n**CRITICISED** (slated; panned)"} {"Clue":"Author of Revolutionary Current Cases (5)","Answer":"DEFOE","Explanation":"Definition: Author\n**DEE** (one of many rivers [current] in the United Kingdom) **containing** (cases) **OF** **reversed** (revolutionary)\n **DE** (**FO**<) **E**)\n\n**DEFOE** (reference Daniel **DEFOE** [1660 \u2013 1731], English author). Interesting sign of the times in Google. If you type in **DEFOE**, the first result gives you Jermain DEFOE, footballer currently at Sunderland."} {"Clue":"Expert has to use keyboard mock-up (9)","Answer":"PROTOTYPE","Explanation":"Definition: mock-up\n**PRO** (professional; expert) **+ TO** **+ TYPE** (use keyboard)\n **PRO** **TO** **TYPE**\n\n**PROTOTYPE** (first or original type or model from which anything is copied; mock-up)"} {"Clue":"Fiction from women these days being overlooked (4)","Answer":"LIES","Explanation":"Definition: Fiction\n**L****AD****IES** (women) **excluding** (overlooked) **AD** (Anno Domini; basis of current dates; these days)\n **LIES**\n\n**LIES** (fiction)"} {"Clue":"Cambridge college winger's running (8)","Answer":"ROBINSON","Explanation":"Definition: Cambridge college\n**ROBIN'S** (bird's; winger's) **+ ON** (working; running)\n **ROBINS** **ON**\n\n**ROBINSON** (reference **ROBINSON** College Cambridge, founded with a donation by the entrepreneur and philanthropist Sir David **ROBINSON**\u00a0and formally opened in 1981)"} {"Clue":"Pick up stupid boys touring northern English centre (8)","Answer":"MIDLANDS","Explanation":"Definition: English centre\n**DIM** (stupid) **reversed** [pick up; down clue]) **+** (**LADS** (boys) **containing** (touring) **N** [northern])\n **MID**< **LA** (**N**) **DS**\n\n**MIDLANDS** (central England; English centre)"} {"Clue":"Our northern starts support Jack the Hack (10)","Answer":"JOURNALIST","Explanation":"Definition: Hack\n**J** (Jack in cards) **+ OUR + N** (northern) **+ A-LIST** (celebrities; stars)\n **J** **OUR** **N** **ALIST**\n\n**JOURNALIST** (hack [literary or **JOURNALIST**ic drudge]))"} {"Clue":"Cast face masthead, queasy, heading for Kent (5,4)","Answer":"DEATH MASK","Explanation":"Definition: Cast face\n**Anagram of** (queasy) **MASTHEAD + K** (**first letter of** [heading for] **KENT**)\n **DEATH MAS*** **K**\n \u00a0\n\n**DEATH MASK** (plaster cast taken from the face after death; cast face)"} {"Clue":"France left with mostly Irish battleground (8)","Answer":"FLANDERS","Explanation":"Definition: battleground\n**F** (International Vehicle Registration for France) **+ L** (left) **+ AND** (with) **+ ****ERS****E** (Irish Gaelic) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **E**\n **F** **L** **AND** **ERS**\n\n**FLANDERS** (site of First World War battle)"} {"Clue":"European work in Haiti ruined country (8)","Answer":"ETHIOPIA","Explanation":"Definition: country\n**E** (European) + (**OP** [opus; work] **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** [ruined] **HAITA**)\n **E** **THI** (**OP**) **IA***\n\n**ETHIOPIA** (country in Africa)"} {"Clue":"Standing stones, each allowed special mounting (6)","Answer":"STELAE","Explanation":"Definition: Standing stones\n(**EA** [each] **+ LET** [allowed] **+ S** [special]) **all reversed** (mounting; down clue)\n (**S ****TEL**** AE**)<\n\n**STELAE** (upright stones or tablets)"} {"Clue":"Ancient mariner, second in command in vessel (6)","Answer":"CRUSOE","Explanation":"Definition: Ancient mariner\n**O** (**second letter in** [second in] **COMMAND**) **contained in** (in) **CRUSE** (earthenware pot; vessel)\u00a0\n **CRUS** (**O**) **E**\n\n**CRUSOE** (mariner in novel published in 1719; old mariner)"} {"Clue":"Run away from drill bit (5)","Answer":"PIECE","Explanation":"Definition: bit \n**PIERCE** (drill) **excluding** (away) **R** (run in cricket scoring notation)\n **PIECE**\n\n**PIECE** (bit)"} {"Clue":"Desert Joe in charge of outside broadcast (4)","Answer":"GOBI","Explanation":"Definition: Desert \n**GI** (American soldier; **GI** Joe) **containing** (in charge of) **OB** (outside broadcast)\n **GOBI**\n\n**GOBI** (desert in northern China and southern Mongolia)"} {"Clue":"Where Selassie ruled we'll meet again, as you might say! (9\n )","Answer":"ABYSSINIA","Explanation":"Definition: Where Selassie ruled \n**ABYSSINIA** (**sounds like** [as you might say]\u00a0**I'LL BE SEEING YOU** \u2013 **I'LL** [**A**] **BE** [**BY**] **SEE**\u00a0[**SSI]** **ING** [**N**] **YOU\u00a0**[**IA**]\n \u00a0\n\n**ABYSSINIA** (The Ethiopian Empire or **ABBYSINIA** referred to what is the northern part of modern day Ethiopia. Emperor Haile Selassie ruled from 1930 to 1974])"} {"Clue":"Person brings in copper at the right moment (2,3)","Answer":"ON CUE","Explanation":"Definition: at the right moment\n**ONE **(person) **containing** (brings in) **CU** (chemical symbol for copper)\n **ON** (**CU**) **E**\n\n**ON CUE** (just at the right moment)"} {"Clue":"Difficult or sticky situation encountered up here? (3,4)","Answer":"GUM TREE","Explanation":"Definition: Difficult or sticky situation encountered up here\n**GUM TREE** (tree that exudes **GUM**\u00a0[sticky substance] or **GUM** resin, kino, etc, esp a eucalyptus tree, so if you were up in one you would be in a sticky situation)\n **GUM TREE**\n\n**GUM TREE** (reference the phrase **UP A GUM TREE** [in a difficult situation])"} {"Clue":"Round with half consumed by graduate in Czech region (7)","Answer":"BOHEMIA","Explanation":"Definition: Czech region\n(**O** [round shape] **+ HEMI** [a combining form used to define half]) **contained in** (consumed by) **BA** (Bachelor of Arts; graduate)\n **B** (**O ****HEMI**) **A**\n\n**BOHEMIA** (region of Czech republic)"} {"Clue":"Letter from Eliot analysed (4)","Answer":"IOTA","Explanation":"Definition: Letter\n**IOTA** **(hidden word in** [from] **ELIOT ANALYSED**)\n \u00a0\n\n**IOTA** (letter of the Greek alphabet)"} {"Clue":"I set puzzle \u2013 am I setting cryptically? (10)","Answer":"ENIGMATIST","Explanation":"Definition: I set puzzle\n**Anagram of **(cryptically) **AM I SETTING**\n **ENIGMATIST*******\n\n**ENIGMATIST** (person who makes up or deals in riddles; I set puzzles; also the pseudonym of John Henderson, one of the most prolific crossword puzzle setter for all the national broadsheets)"} {"Clue":"Cricketer puts lad to bed, quiet at last (7)","Answer":"BOYCOTT","Explanation":"Definition: Cricketer\n**BOY **(lad) **+ COT **(bed) **+ T** (**final letter of** [last] **QUIET**)\n **BOY** **COT** **T**\n\n**BOYCOTT** (reference Geoffrey **BOYCOTT** [born 1940] former Yorkshire and England cricketer)"} {"Clue":"Free drug taken by girl for jaunt in stolen car (7)","Answer":"JOYRIDE","Explanation":"Definition: jaunt in stolen car\n**JOY** (girl's name) **+ RID** (free) **+ E** (ecstasy; drug)\n **JOY** **RID** **E**\n\n**JOYRIDE** (drive taken for pleasure, especially if reckless or surreptitious and in a stolen car)"} {"Clue":"Money and support for big ape (10)","Answer":"SILVERBACK","Explanation":"Definition: big ape\n**SILVER** (**SILVER** money) **+ BACK** (support)\n \u00a0\n\n**SILVERBACK** (older male gorilla with grey hair on its back and flanks; big ape)"} {"Clue":"Shilling in purse constitutes stake (4)","Answer":"POST","Explanation":"Definition: stake\n**S** (shilling) **contained in** (in) **POT** (large sum of money; purse can be defined a large money prize for a boxing match)\n **PO** (**S**) **T**\n\n**POST** (stake)"} {"Clue":"Exotic mink and sentient apes? (7)","Answer":"MANKIND","Explanation":"Definition: sentient apes\n**Anagram of **(exotic) **MINK** and **AND**\n **M****A****NKI****ND*******\n\n**MANKIND** (**MANKIND** shares a common ancestor with some apes. Sentient can be defined as 'conscious; capable of sensation; aware; responsive to stimulus'. **MANKIND** therefore could possibly be considered to be sentient apes)"} {"Clue":"Clearly demonstrate power over sons in retirement (7)","Answer":"EXPOSIT","Explanation":"Definition: Clearly demonstrate\n(**P** [power] **+ O** [over, in cricket scoring notation] **+**\u00a0**S** sons]) **contained in **(in) **EXIT** (retirement)\n **EX** (**P** **O** **S**) **IT**\n\n**EXPOSIT** (demonstrate clearly)"} {"Clue":"Only played with new material (5)","Answer":"NYLON","Explanation":"Definition: material\n**Anagram of** (played) **ONLY** **+ N** (new)\n **NYLO*** **N**\n\n**NYLON** (material)"} {"Clue":"Great man admits unknown to Ace Rowing Club (9)","Answer":"ALEXANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Great man\n(**A** [ace] **+ LEANDER** [name of a famous Henley rowing club]) **containing** (admits) **X** (letter frequently used to denote an unknown value)\n **A** **LE** (**X**) **ANDER**\n\n**ALEXANDER** (reference **ALEXANDER** the Great [356 \u2013 323 BC]; great man)"} {"Clue":"Prices here are lower \u2013 but literally so? (7,8)","Answer":"BARGAIN BASEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Prices here are lower\n**BARGAIN** (something for sale at an advantageously low price) + **BASEMENT** (storey of a building beneath the ground floor)\n **BARGAIN BASEMENT**\n\n**BARGAIN BASEMENT** (a cryptic reference to prices being displayed on a\u00a0lower floor). In general terms a **BARGAIN BASEMENT** is any part of a shop where low prices are on offer)"} {"Clue":"Spy chief in resolving mystery shows proportion (8)","Answer":"SYMMETRY","Explanation":"Definition: proportion\n**M** (reference the spy chief in James Bond novels. The letter tends to be applied to any spy chief these days) **contained in** (in) an anagram of (resolving) **MYSTERY**\n **SY** (**M**) **METRY***\n\n**SYMMETRY** (exact correspondence of parts on either side of a straight line or plane, or about a centre or axis; balance or due proportion)"} {"Clue":"Client American employer cleaned out (4)","Answer":"USER","Explanation":"Definition: Client\n**US **(United States; American) **+ ER** (**letters remaining in** **EMPLOYER** **when the central letters MPLOYE are removed** [cleaned out])\n **US** **ER**\n\n**USER** (client)"} {"Clue":"Heads off for winter in pet surfing place (8)","Answer":"INTERNET","Explanation":"Definition: surfing place\n**WINTER IN PET** **excluding the first letter of each word**\u00a0(heads off) **W**, **I** and **P** to form **INTER N ET** \n **INTER** **N** **ET**\n\n**INTERNET** (reference the phrase to 'surf the **INTERNET**' and browse many websites)"} {"Clue":"Gossip and joke about capsized sailors (6)","Answer":"GASBAG","Explanation":"Definition: Gossip\n**GAG **(joke) **containing** (about) **ABS** (able seamen) **reversed** (capsized)\n **GA** (**SBA**<) **G**\n\n**GASBAG** (gossip)"} {"Clue":"Principal villain lacking vertical 2? (3-5)","Answer":"TOP HEAVY","Explanation":"Definition: lacking vertical 2\n**TOP **(principal) **+ HEAVY** (informal term for a villain)\n **TOP HEAVY**\n\n**TOP HEAVY** (if something is **TOP HEAVY** it is unbalanced and therefore lacking **SYMMETRY** (2 down) about the horizontal axis; lacking vertical **SYMMETRY**)"} {"Clue":"Big prawns swindle \u2013 one pockets penny (6)","Answer":"SCAMPI","Explanation":"Definition: Big prawns \n(**SCAM** [swindle] **+ I** (Roman numeral for one) **containing** (pockets) **P **(penny)\n **SCAM** (**P**) **I**\n\n**SCAMPI** (crustaceans of the species Nephrops norvegicus (called the Norway lobster or Dublin (Bay) prawn; big prawns. Usually served fried or baked in breadcrumbs and they never look as big as in the pictures of the raw variety)"} {"Clue":"Some people in queer street do big shop (10,5)","Answer":"DEPARTMENT STORE","Explanation":"Definition: big shop\n(**PART** [some] **+ MEN** [people]) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (queer) **STREET DO******\n **D****E (PART MEN) ****T** **ST****O****RE***\n\n**DEPARTMENT STORE** (big shop)"} {"Clue":"Dutiful bit done badly involves leader in embarrassment (8)","Answer":"OBEDIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Dutiful\n**Anagram of **(badly) **BIT DONE ****containing** (involves) **E** (**first letter of** [leader in] **EMBARRASSMENT**)\n **OB** (**E**) **D****I****EN****T***\n\n**OBEDIENT **(dutiful)"} {"Clue":"Sportsman scrutinised and deviously manipulated (8)","Answer":"JOCKEYED","Explanation":"Definition: deviously manipulated\n**JOCK** (male athlete or sportsman) **+ EYED** (scrutinised)\n **JOCK** **EYED**\n\n**JOCKEYED** (tricked by manoeuvring; deviously manipulated)"} {"Clue":"Edmund II to press on border (8)","Answer":"IRONSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Edmund II\n**IRON** (press) **+ SIDE** (edge; border)\n **IRONSIDE**\n\n**IRONSIDE** (reference Edmund **IRONSIDE**, Edmund II [989 \u2013 1016], King of England)"} {"Clue":"Friendless new driver covering Fenland location (6)","Answer":"LONELY","Explanation":"Definition: Friendless\n**L** (learner; new driver) **+ ON** (covering) **+ ELY** (town in Cambridgeshire near the Fenlands)\n **L** **ON** **ELY**\n\n**LONELY** (friendless)"} {"Clue":"Where one may see patient escape madhouse (6)","Answer":"BEDLAM","Explanation":"Definition: madhouse\n**BED** (location where one may find a patient) **+ LAM** (American slang for escape or hurried flight, especially from the police)\n **BED** **LAM**\n\n**BEDLAM** (madhouse)"} {"Clue":"Papa with fish to commune with deity (4)","Answer":"PRAY","Explanation":"Definition: commune with deity\n**P** (Papa is the International Radio communication codeword for the letter P) **+ RAY **(type of flat fish)\n **P** **RAY**\n\n**PRAY** (commune with a deity)"} {"Clue":"Foolish talk about why it's said I like immature men (6)","Answer":"BOYISH","Explanation":"Definition: like immature men\n**BOSH** (foolish talk) **containing** (about) (**Y** [**sounds like** [it's said] **WHY** **+ I**)\n **BO** (**Y** **I**) **SH**\n\n**BOYISH** (like immature men)"} {"Clue":"Acknowledge being given a hand to photograph one area of East London (4,1,3)","Answer":"TAKE A BOW","Explanation":"Definition: Acknowledge being given a hand\n**TAKE **(to photograph) **+ A + BOW** (area of East London)\n **TAKE** **A** **BOW**\n\n**TAKE A BOW**\u00a0(acknowledge applause; acknowledge being given a hand)"} {"Clue":"Large party of press men introduced to social gathering (8)","Answer":"JAMBOREE","Explanation":"Definition: Large party\n**JAM** (press) **+** (**OR** [other ranks; men] **contained in** [introduced to] **BEE** [social gathering])\n **JAM** **B** (**OR**) **EE**\n\n**JAMBOREE** (large party)"} {"Clue":"Bug that woman's added to computer program (6)","Answer":"BOTHER","Explanation":"Definition: Bug\n**BOT** (computer program designed to perform routine tasks, such as searching the Internet) **+ HER** (that woman)\n **BOT** **HER**\n\n**BOTHER** (hassle; bug)"} {"Clue":"Jerky movement of King trapped by tree trunk (6)","Answer":"BOBBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Jerky movement\n**BB** (reference **BB** King [1925 \u2013 2015], American blues singer) **contained in** (trapped by) **BOLE** (tree trunk)\n **BO** (**BB**) **LE**\n\n**BOBBLE** (jerky movement)"} {"Clue":"Bribed two journalists working to overcome resistance on the inside (8)","Answer":"SUBORNED","Explanation":"Definition: Bribed\n(**ON** [working] **containing** [to overcome] **R** [resistance]) **contained in** (on the inside) (**SUB** [sub-editor] **+ ED** [editor] giving two journalists)\n **SUB** (**O** (**R**) **N**) **ED**\n\n**SUBORNED** (bribed)"} {"Clue":"Position was filled separately by present contest (11)","Answer":"WHEREABOUTS","Explanation":"Definition: Position\n**WAS ****containing** [was filled \u2026 separately] (**HERE** [present] **between W and A** **+ BOUT** [contest] **between A** and **S**)\n **W** (**HERE**) **A** (**BOUT**) **S**\n\n**WHEREABOUTS** (location; position)"} {"Clue":"Expression of disapproval about desire is, in other words, middle class (11)","Answer":"BOURGEOISIE","Explanation":"Definition: middle class\n(**BOO** [expression of disapproval] **containing** [**URGE** {desire}])** + IS + I.E**. (that is; in other words)\n **BO** (**URGE**) **O**** IS** **IE**\n\n**BOURGEOISIE** (middle class of citizens)"} {"Clue":"Where one might get bargain alcohol from high street store (4,4)","Answer":"BOOT SALE","Explanation":"Definition: Where one might get bargain\n**BOOTS** (name of High Street store) **+ ALE** (alcoholic drink)\n **BOOT S****ALE**\n\n**BOOT SALE **(the kind of **SALE** where you might get a bargain)"} {"Clue":"Cooler antelope reportedly seen on east of reserve (6)","Answer":"ICEBOX","Explanation":"Definition: Cooler\n**I** **+ C** (**sounds like** [reportedly] **SEE**) **+ E** (**final letter of** [east of] **RESERVE**) **+ BOX** (**sounds like** [reportedly] **BOKS** [antelope])\n **I** **C** **E** **BOX**\n\n**ICEBOX** (cooler)"} {"Clue":"Poet's written about love for stage (6)","Answer":"BOARDS","Explanation":"Definition: stage\n**BARD'S** (poet's) **containing** (written about) **O** (zero; love score in tennis)\n **B** (**O**) **ARDS**\n\n**BOARDS** (informal term for the stage)"} {"Clue":"Get very cross with one replacing young man's last partner (4,4)","Answer":"BOIL OVER","Explanation":"Definition: Get very cross\n**BO****Y** (young man) with **I** **replacing the last letter** [replacing \u2026 last] **Y** **+ LOVER** (partner)\n **BOI****L OVER**\n\n**BOIL OVER** (get very cross)"} {"Clue":"Undo belt incorrectly fastened? Quite the opposite (8)","Answer":"UNBOLTED","Explanation":"Definition: fastened? Quite the opposite\n**Anagram of** (incorrectly) **UNDO BELT**\n **UN****B****O****LTE****D***\n\n**UNBOLTED** (unfastened; quite the opposite on fastened)"} {"Clue":"It's representative of instrument's sound (6)","Answer":"SYMBOL","Explanation":"Definition: It's representative\n**SYMBOL** (**sounds like** [sound] **CYMBAL** [musical instrument])\n **SYMBOL**\n\n**SYMBOL** (emblem; a sign used to represent something)"} {"Clue":"One may speak to house surgeon wanting training (6)","Answer":"ORATOR","Explanation":"Definition: One may speak to house\n**OPERATOR** (surgeon) **excluding **(wanting) **PE** (physical exercise; training)\n **ORATOR**\n\n**ORATOR** (one who may speak to the House [of Parliament, for example])"} {"Clue":"Drink author's left out of authoritative guide (6)","Answer":"IMBIBE","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\n**I'M** (author's) **+** (**BIB****L****E** [authoritative guide] **excluding** [out] **L**\u00a0[left])\n **IM****BIBE**\n\n**IMBIBE** (drink)"} {"Clue":"Charm of heroin's heightened by weed (9)","Answer":"HORSESHOE","Explanation":"Definition: Charm \n**HORSES'S** (heroin's) **+ HOE** (weed) I think 'heightened' is there to improve the surface, but it may also mean that **HORSE'S** is above **HOE **in this down entry\n **HORSESHOE**\n\n**HORSESHOE** (symbol of good luck; charm)"} {"Clue":"Regularly strives to get even (3)","Answer":"TIE","Explanation":"Definition: get even\n**TIE** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [regularly] of **STRIVES**)\n **TIE**\n\n**TIE** (draw level; get even)"} {"Clue":"Cook a lot of baked beans for starters and meat course (5)","Answer":"KEBAB","Explanation":"Definition: meat course\n**Anagram of** (cook) (**BAKED** **excluding the final letter** [a lot of] **D)** **+ B** (**first letter of** [for starters] **BEANS**)\n **KEBA*** **B**\n\n**KEBAB** (small pieces of meat cooked with vegetables)"} {"Clue":"One helps serviceman adjust navigational aid on phone (5,3)","Answer":"ALTAR BOY","Explanation":"Definition: ne helps serviceman\n**ALTAR BOY** (**sounds like** [on the phone] **ALTER BUOY** [adjust navigational aid])\n **ALTAR BOY**\n\n**ALTAR BOY** **(BOY** assisting the priest [individual delivering the service; serviceman] at the **ALTAR)"} {"Clue":"You'll need some breaks if you want to make it (8)","Answer":"OMELETTE","Explanation":"Definition: You'll need some breaks if you want to make it\nThere is an old saying **'you can't make an** **OMELETTE** **without breaking eggs'** Wiktionary gives a reference to the use of a similar phrase in France before 1742.\n **OMELETTE**\n\n**OMELETTE** (see wordplay) cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Fish evolved ears to absorb noise (7)","Answer":"SARDINE","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\n**Anagram of **(evolved) **EARS** **containing** (to absorb) **DIN** (noise)\n **SAR** (**DIN**) **E***\n\n**SARDINE** (young pilchard; fish)"} {"Clue":"Human resources deducting \u00a31 from debts? (9)","Answer":"ABILITIES","Explanation":"Definition: Human resources\n**LIABILITIES** (debts) **excluding** (deducting)** LI** (\u00a31)\n **ABILITIES**\n\n**ABILITIES** (for example: strength, talent, skill all of which could be classified as human resources)"} {"Clue":"Behave extravagantly, dressing friend of Dorothy in frock (2,2,4)","Answer":"GO TO TOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Behave extravagantly\n**TOTO** (**TOTO** is a fictional dog, a friend of Dorothy's in the Wizard of Oz) **contained in** (in) **GOWN** (frock)\n **GO** (**TO TO**) **WN**\n\n**GO TO TOWN** (behave extravagantly)"} {"Clue":"2 + 2 using binary composition (8)","Answer":"ORATORIO","Explanation":"Definition: composition\n**ORATOR** (entry at 2 down) **+ 10** (in binary notation the decimal number 2 is written as 10)\n **ORATORIO**\n\n**ORATORIO** (a story, usually biblical, set to music, with soloists, chorus, and full orchestra but without scenery, costumes or acting; composition)"} {"Clue":"Improve care for mental cases (6)","Answer":"REFORM","Explanation":"Definition: Improve\n**REFORM** (hidden word [cases] in **CA****RE FOR M****ENTAL**)\n **REFORM**\n\n**REFORM** (improve)"} {"Clue":"Arrive at total (4,2)","Answer":"COME TO","Explanation":"Definition: Arrive at\n**COME TO** (arrive at)\n **COME TO**\n\n**COME TO** (total,e.g. the bill **COMES TO** \u00a350)"} {"Clue":"One would benefit from this being equally firm (5)","Answer":"ASSET","Explanation":"Definition: One would benefit from this\n**AS** (equally) **+**** SET** (firm)\n **ASSET**\n\n**ASSET** (something advantageous or well worth having)"} {"Clue":"Have intercourse with teacher? (3)","Answer":"BED","Explanation":"Definition: Have intercourse with\n**B Ed** (Bachelor of Education, a qualification held by many teachers)\n **BED**\n\n**BED** (have sexual intercourse with)"} {"Clue":"Music last to be disseminated in shared programming (9)","Answer":"SIMULCAST","Explanation":"Definition: shared programming\n**Anagram of **(to be disseminated) **MUSIC LAST**\n **SIMU****L****C****AST***\n\n**SIMULCAST** (a programme broadcast simultaneously on radio and television, or on two or more radio wavebands or television channel; shared programming)"} {"Clue":"Recalled bar closing early to finish bit of plumbing (1-4)","Answer":"U-BEND","Explanation":"Definition: bit of plumbing\n(**BUT** [except; bar] **excluding the last letter** [closing early] **T\u00a0reversed** [recalled]) **+ END** [finish]\n **U-B**< **END**\n\n**U-BEND** (air-trap in the form of a **U**-shaped **BEND**\u00a0in a pipe)"} {"Clue":"Champion losing first place \u2013 just outside the bull (5)","Answer":"INNER","Explanation":"Definition: just outside the bull\n**WINNER** (champion) **excluding** (losing) **the first letter** (first place) **W**\n **INNER**\n\n**INNER** (the part of a target next to the bull's eye)"} {"Clue":"I'd album redone to contain it, having not planned ahead (2,7)","Answer":"AD LIBITUM","Explanation":"Definition: not planned ahead\n**Anagram of** (redone) **I'D ALBUM** **containing** (to contain) **IT**\n **AD LIB** (**IT**)** UM***\n\n**AD LIBITUM** (extempore; impromptu; not planned ahead)"} {"Clue":"Just gutted, backing party dumping leader \u2013 choice of direction here (1-8)","Answer":"T-JUNCTION","Explanation":"Definition: choice of direction here\n**JT** (**letters remaining in** **J****US****T** **when the central letters US** **are removed** [gutted]) **reversed** (backing) **+ FUNCTION** (party) **excluding** (dumping) **the first letter** (leader) **F**\n **T-J**< **UNCTION**\n\n**T-JUNCTION** (a road **JUNCTION** in the shape of a **T** where you have a choice of direction to proceed)"} {"Clue":"Hurried with cut, capturing traces of human origin in feature of violin \u2026 (1-4)","Answer":"F-HOLE","Explanation":"Definition: feature of violin\n**FLED** (**hurried** [away]) **excluding the final letter** (with cut) **D** **containing** (capturing) (**HO** [**first letters of** {traces of} **each of** **HUMAN** and **ORIGIN**)\n **F**\u2013 (**HO**) **LE**\n\n**F-HOLE** (either of a pair of holes in the belly of a violin)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 or different approach to strings (my other playing) (1-6)","Answer":"M-THEORY","Explanation":"Definition: different approach to strings\n**Anagram of** (playing) **MY OTHER**\n **M**\u2013**THEOR****Y***\n\n**M-THEORY** (in particle\u00a0physics, a **THEORY**\u00a0that involves an eleven-dimensional universe in which the weak and strong\u00a0forces and gravity are unified and to which all the string\u00a0theories belong)"} {"Clue":"Elevate no prow of boat in middle of Henley (7)","Answer":"ENNOBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Elevate\n(**NO** **+ B** **[first letter of** {prow of} **BOAT**]) **contained in** (in) **ENLE** (**the central letters** [middle] of **HENLEY**)\n **EN** (**NO** **B**) **LE**\n\n**ENNOBLE** (elevate to the peerage)"} {"Clue":"Minor argument about river fish (5)","Answer":"SPRAT","Explanation":"Definition: fish\n**SPAT** (minor argument)** containing** (about) **R **(river)\n **SP** (**R**) **AT**\n\n**SPRAT** (fish like the herring, but much smaller)"} {"Clue":"Mark in hairstyle's a dreadful spot, a real shock (9)","Answer":"BOMBSHELL","Explanation":"Definition: real shock\n(**M** [mark,former German currency] **contained in** (in) **BOB**'**s** [a **BOB** is a short haircut for ladies; hairstyle's])\u00a0**+ ****HELL** (place of vice or misery; dreadful spot)\n **BO** (**M**) **BS** **HELL**\n\n**BOMBSHELL** (sudden and surprising piece of news; a real shock)"} {"Clue":"A burst of loud music, not initially very sharp (9)","Answer":"ACIDULOUS","Explanation":"Definition: very sharp\n**A** + **an anagram of** (burst of) **LOUD** and **M****USIC** **excluding the first letter** [not initially] **M**\n **A** **CIDULOUS***\n\n**ACIDULOUS** (caustic or sharp)"} {"Clue":"I engaged in poor-quality regressive communication (1-4)","Answer":"E-MAIL","Explanation":"Definition: communication\n**I** **contained in** (engaged in) **LAME** (imperfect; poor quality) **reversed** (regressive)\n **E-MA** (**I**)** L**<\n\n**E-MAIL** (form of communication)"} {"Clue":"Skiers' aids, the foremost amongst the best Alpine resort services (1-4)","Answer":"T-BARS","Explanation":"Definition: Skiers' aids\n**T-BARS** (**first letters of** [foremost among] **each of** **THE BEST ALPINE RESORT SERVICES**)\n **T-BARS**\n\n**T-BARS** (form of handles used in some ski-lifts; skiers' aids)"} {"Clue":"I'm almost home \u2013 seriously (2,7)","Answer":"IN EARNEST","Explanation":"Definition: seriously\n**I** + **NEAR** (close; almost) **+ NEST** (home)\n **IN EARNEST**\n\n**IN EARNEST** (seriously)"} {"Clue":"Top desire is to see son promoted (1-5)","Answer":"T-SHIRT","Explanation":"Definition: Top\n**THIR****S****T** (desire) **with** **S** (son) **moved upwards** (promoted)** in this down entry** to form **T**\u2013**S****HIRT**\n **T**\u2013**S****HIRT**\n\n**T-SHIRT** (a item of clothing worn above the waist; top)"} {"Clue":"Information about male agents (1-3)","Answer":"G-MEN","Explanation":"Definition: agents\n**GEN** (information)** containing** (about) **M** (male)\n **G**\u2013 (**M**) **EN**\n\n**G-MEN** (agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation)"} {"Clue":"One leader of Christians following line in Church, right? (6)","Answer":"CLERIC","Explanation":"Definition: One leader of Christians following line in Church, right\n(**L** [line] **contained in** [in] **CE** [Church {of England}] ) +** R** (right) **+ I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ C** (**first letter of**\u00a0[leader of] **C****HRISTIANS**)\n **C** (**L**) **E** **R** **I** **C**\n\n**CLERIC** (the whole clue is descriptive of a **CLERIC**)"} {"Clue":"Embattled mission cut short in town leading to tragedy (8)","Answer":"CALAMITY","Explanation":"Definition: tragedy\n(**ALAMO** [reference the siege of the **ALAMO**\u00a0[The **ALAMO**\u00a0Mission in San Antonio, commonly called The **ALAMO**\u00a0and originally known as Misi\u00f3n San Antonio de Valero, is part of the San Antonio Missions) **excluding the last letter** (cut short) **O** **contained in** (in) **CITY** (large town) \n **C** (**ALAM**) **ITY**\n\n**CALAMITY** (tragedy)"} {"Clue":"Some obstacles to leniency, like articles for fencing (6)","Answer":"STOLEN","Explanation":"Definition: like articles for fencing\n**STOLEN** (**hidden word in** [some] **OBSTACLES TO LENIENCY**)\n **STOLEN**\n\n**STOLEN** (**STOLEN** goods are often received and distributed by a **FENCE; **like articles for fencing)"} {"Clue":"For a nut, flying must involve British aero-engine (8)","Answer":"TURBOFAN","Explanation":"Definition: aero-engine\n**Anagram of** (flying **FOR A NUT**) **containing** (must involve) **B** (British)\n **TU****R** (**B**) **OF****AN***\n\n**TURBOFAN** (gas-turbine aero-engine in which part of the power developed is used to drive a fan which blows air out with the exhaust and so increases thrust)"} {"Clue":"Grass repeatedly folded over (4,6)","Answer":"BENT DOUBLE","Explanation":"Definition: folded over\n**BENT** (type of stiff or wiry grass) **+**** DOUBLE** (twice over; repeatedly)\n **BENT DOUBLE**\n\n**BENT DOUBLE** (folded over)"} {"Clue":"A woman claiming conjugal rights in classic novel (4,4)","Answer":"ADAM BEDE","Explanation":"Definition: classic novel\n**A** **+** (**DAME** [woman] **containing** [claiming] **BED** [conjugal union])\n **A** **DAM** (**BED**) **E**\n\n**ADAM BEDE** (reference the classic novel of the same name by George Eliot first published in 1859)"} {"Clue":"Urinal echo reverberating, not exactly impressive (10)","Answer":"UNHEROICA","Explanation":"Definition: not exactly impressive\n**Anagram of** (reverberating) **URINAL ECHO**\n **UN****HE****R****O****I****C****A****L***\n\n**UNHEROICA****L** (not befitting a **HERO**; not particularly impressive)"} {"Clue":"Chooses wrong people to show fashion in female surroundings (8)","Answer":"MISCASTS","Explanation":"Definition: Chooses wrong people to show\n**CAST** (mould or shape; fashion) **contained in** (in \u2026 surroundings) **MISS** (form of address for a female)\n **MIS** (**CAST**) **S**\n\n**MISCASTS** (chooses the wrong people for a play [show])"} {"Clue":"Expression of feeling but misplaced in our street (8)","Answer":"OUTBURST","Explanation":"Definition: Expression of feeling\n**Anagram of** (misplaced) **BUT** **contained in** (in) (**OUR** + **ST** [street])\n **OU** (**TBU***) **R** **ST**\n\n**OUTBURST** (sudden violent expression of feeling)"} {"Clue":"Caught English men drifting to garden workshop? (8)","Answer":"ENMESHED","Explanation":"Definition: Caught\n**E** (English) **+ an anagram of** (drifting) **MEN** **+ SHED** (garden workshop)\n **E ****NME***** SHED**\n\n**ENMESHED** (caught)"} {"Clue":"Second feature showing millions invested in US guy before contest (1-5)","Answer":"B-MOVIE","Explanation":"Definition: Second feature\n**M** (millions) **contained in** (invested in) **BO** (informal American term for a man [guy]) + **VIE** (contest)\n **B**\u2013 (**M**) **O** **VIE**\n\n**B-MOVIE** (feature film getting secondary billing; second feature)"} {"Clue":"Mistake tucking into short alcoholic drink (6)","Answer":"SHERRY","Explanation":"Definition: alcoholic drink\n**ERR** (mistake [to **ERR** in opinion])** contained in** (tucking into) **SHY** (short)\n **SH** (**ERR**) **Y**\n\n**SHERRY** (alcoholic drink)"} {"Clue":"Mark of trainee: tardy after endless work piled up (1-5)","Answer":"L-PLATE","Explanation":"Definition: Mark of trainee:\n**PL****Y** (work) **excluding the last letter** (endless) **Y**\u00a0**reversed** (piled up; down clue) + **LATE**\u00a0(tardy)\n **L-P< ****LATE**\n\n**L-PLATE** (mark of a learner driver [trainee])"} {"Clue":"Top primate seen with cross (4)","Answer":"APEX","Explanation":"Definition: Top\n**APE** (primate) **+ X** (cross)\n **APEX**\n\n**APEX** (summit; top)"} {"Clue":"US president, cross (4)","Answer":"FORD","Explanation":"Definition: US president\n**FORD** (reference Gerald **FORD** [1913 \u2013 2006], US President [1974 \u2013 1977])\n \u00a0\n\n**FORD** (cross [a watercourse]) double definition"} {"Clue":"23 down character's phone now dead?\n (10)","Answer":"BLACKBERRY","Explanation":"Definition: 23 down character\n**BLACKBERRY** (character in Richard **ADAMS** [23 down] novel Watership Down)\n \u00a0\n\n**BLACKBERRY **(reference **BLACKBERRY** phones which were dominant in the market a few years ago before IoS and Android devices took over. **BLACKBERRY **still markets smartphones but no longer designs them itself so it is effectively dead as phone design company) double definition"} {"Clue":"23 down character, note (5)","Answer":"FIVER","Explanation":"Definition: 23 down character\n**FIVER** (character in Richard **ADAMS** [23 down] novel Watership Down)\n \u00a0\n\n**FIVER** (reference a \u00a35 note) double definition"} {"Clue":"Giant barked 'stop driver!' (7)","Answer":"REDWOOD","Explanation":"Definition: Giant barked\n**RED** (**RED** traffic light signifying 'stop') **+ WOOD** (a golf club driver is known as a **WOOD** even if it more likely to be made of metal these days)\n **RED ****WOOD**\n\n**REDWOOD** (giant tree [something with bark]; giant barked)"} {"Clue":"Something human in retiring for a drink (6)","Answer":"SHERRY","Explanation":"Definition: drink\n**ERR** (reference the phrase 'to **ERR** is human, to forgive is divine') **contained in** (in) **SHY** (retiring)\n **SH** (**ERR**) **Y**\n\n**SHERRY** (drink)"} {"Clue":"Saying nothing, a shrimp bullied about it (8)","Answer":"APHORISM","Explanation":"Definition: Saying\n**Anagram of** (bullied) (**A** and **SHRIMP**) **containing** (about \u2026 it) **O** (zero; nothing)\n **A** **PH **(**O**)**R ISM***\n\n**APHORISM** (brief, pithy saying)"} {"Clue":"Supporter is following report about race leader (7)","Answer":"TRELLIS","Explanation":"Definition: Supporter\n(**TELL** [report]** containing** [about] **R** [**first letter of** {leader} **RACE**]) **+ IS**\n **T** (**R**) **ELL** **IS**\n\n**TRELLIS** (supporting structure of crossbarred or lattice work)"} {"Clue":"Attack extreme characters about propaganda at first (3)","Answer":"ZAP","Explanation":"Definition: Attack\n**AZ** (the first and last [extreme] characters of the alphabet **A** and **Z**) **reversed** (about) **+ P** (**first letter of** [at first] **PROPAGANDA**)\n **ZA**< **P**\n\n**ZAP** (strike; attack)"} {"Clue":"Builder's helper not satisfied with procedure? (3)","Answer":"HOD","Explanation":"Definition: Builder's helper\n**METHOD** (procedure) **excluding** (not) **MET** (satisfied)\n **HOD**\n\n**HOD** (V-shaped stemmed trough for carrying bricks or mortar on the shoulder; builder's helper)"} {"Clue":"Fall over, not far from dropping a beer (7)","Answer":"PILSNER","Explanation":"Definition: beer\n**SLIP **(fall) **reversed** (over) **+ NEAR** (not far from) **excluding** (dropping) **A**\n **PILS**< **NER**\n\n**PILSNER** (variety of lager; beer)"} {"Clue":"Where singer may be held by Charlie Parker, US musician (8)","Answer":"BIRDCAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Where singer may be held\n**BIRD** (reference Charles \"Charlie\" Parker, Jr [1920 \u2013 1955], also known as Yardbird and **BIRD**, was an American jazz saxophonist and composer) **+ CAGE** (reference John\u00a0**CAGE** [1912 \u2013 1992], American composer and musician, best known for the [silent piece] 4m 33s)\n **BIRD** **CAGE**\n\n**BIRDCAGE** (where a budgerigar or other song bird may be held)"} {"Clue":"Ruler of myth, a day behind king (6)","Answer":"ARTHUR","Explanation":"Definition: Ruler of myth\n**A** **+ R** (Rex; king)** + THUR** (Thursday, day of the week)\n **A** **R** **THUR**\n\n**ARTHUR** (reference the myth of King **ARTHUR** and the Knights of the Round Table)"} {"Clue":"Ungodly teacher an irrelevance, ultimately (7)","Answer":"PROFANE","Explanation":"Definition: Ungodly\n**PROF** (professor; teacher) **+ AN + E** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **IRRELEVANCE**)\n **PROF** **AN** **E**\n\n**PROFANE** (not sacred; ungodly)"} {"Clue":"Mayo perfect, oil imperfect (5)","Answer":"AIOLI","Explanation":"Definition: Mayo\n**AI** (A one; perfect) **+ an anagram of** (imperfect) **OIL**\n **AI** **OLI***\n\n**AIOLI** (garlic-flavoured mayonnaise)"} {"Clue":"Mythical trio admitting relief initially, after rot stops (10)","Answer":"FRUSTRATES","Explanation":"Definition: stops\n**FATES** (reference the mythological Morai or **FATES**, three sister deities, incarnations of destiny and life) **containing** (admitting) (**RUST** [rot] **+ R** [**first letter of** {initially} **RELIEF**])\n **F** (**RUST** **R**) **ATES**\n\n**FRUSTRATES** (makes stops)\u00a0useless or of no effect;"} {"Clue":"Office temp's initial depression (4)","Answer":"DENT","Explanation":"Definition: depression\n**DEN** (office) **+ T **(**first letter of** [initial] **TEMP**)\n **DEN** **T**\n\n**DENT** (depression)"} {"Clue":"Provide endless bottles with whipped cream (3-5)","Answer":"OFF-WHITE","Explanation":"Definition: cream\n**(OFFER** [provide]** excluding the last letter** [endless] **R**)\u00a0**contains** (bottles) (**W** [with] **+ HIT** [whipped])\n **OFF** (**W** **HIT**) **E**\n\n**OFF-WHITE** (cream)"} {"Clue":"Various papers written up on poetry (7)","Answer":"DIVERSE","Explanation":"Definition: Various\n**ID** (identity papers)** reversed** (written up; down clue) **+ VERSE** (poetry)\n **DI**< **VERSE**\n\n**DIVERSE** (various)"} {"Clue":"Big cover wrapping little head (5)","Answer":"BURLY","Explanation":"Definition: Big\n**BURY** (cover) **containing** (wrapping) **L** (**first letter of** [head] **LITTLE**)\n **BUR **(**L**)** Y**\n\n**BURLY** (big and sturdy)"} {"Clue":"Debt rises after a recession, primarily (7)","Answer":"ARREARS","Explanation":"Definition: Debt \n**A** **+ R** **(first letter of** [primarily] **RECESSION**) **+ REARS** (rises)\n **A R REARS**\n\n**ARREARS** (money owing; debt)"} {"Clue":"Joke, little one (3)","Answer":"KID","Explanation":"Definition: Joke\n**KID** (pretend, as a joke)\n \u00a0\n\n**KID** (young animal; little one) double definition"} {"Clue":"End of nose acquired tear, head swelling? (3,4)","Answer":"EGO TRIP","Explanation":"Definition: head swelling\n**E** (**last letter of** [end of] **NOSE**) **+ GOT** (acquired) **+ RIP** (tear)\n **E ****GO T ****RIP**\n\n**EGO TRIP** (action or experience which inflates one's good opinion of oneself; head swelling)"} {"Clue":"Root is hard to get out (6)","Answer":"RADISH","Explanation":"Definition: Root\n**RAD** (Latin for radix [root]) **+ IS + H** (hard, as in description of pencil lead)\n **RAD** **IS** **H**\n\n**RADISH** (a root vegetable \u2013 maybe it's hard to get it out of the ground)"} {"Clue":"Vapour trail's ending for 23 down character (5)","Answer":"HAZEL","Explanation":"Definition: 23 down character\n**HAZE** (vapour) **+ L** (**last letter of **[ending] **TRAIL**]\n **HAZE ****L**\n\n**HAZEL** (character in Richard **ADAMS** [23 down] novel Watership Down)"} {"Clue":"Old kingdom encapsulated by scholarly diarist (5)","Answer":"LYDIA","Explanation":"Definition: Old kingdom\n**LYDIA** **(hidden word in** [encapsulated by] **SCHOLARLY DIARIST**)\n **LYDIA**\n\n**LYDIA** (**LYDIA** was an Iron Age kingdom of western Asia Minor)"} {"Clue":"Psychoanalytical interpretation of nude fair? ((8)","Answer":"FREUDIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Psychoanalytical\n**Anagram of** (interpretation of) **NUDE FAIR**\n **FR****EUD****IA****N***\n\n**FREUDIAN** (relating to Sigmund **FREUD**\u00a0[1856 \u2013 1939], his theory of the libido, or his method of psychoanalysis."} {"Clue":"Time to vacate shelters, grim (7)","Answer":"HIDEOUS","Explanation":"Definition: grim\n**HIDEOUTS** (shelters) **excluding** (to vacate) **T** (time)\n **HIDEOUS**\n\n**HIDEOUS** (ghastly; grim)"} {"Clue":"Senior student in court supporting judge within confines of procedure (7)","Answer":"PREFECT","Explanation":"Definition: Senior student\n(**REF** [**REF**eree; judge] **contained in** [within] **PE** [**first and last letters of** {confines of} **PROCEDURE**]) **+ CT**\n As this is a down entry, the letters **CT** are supporting the letter **PREFE**\n **P** (**REF**) **E** **CT**\n\n**PREFECT **(school pupil with some measure of authority over others, especially\u00a0in the form of minor disciplinary powers; senior student)"} {"Clue":"Item on court doctrine one ignored, foolishly (3,4)","Answer":"NET CORD","Explanation":"Definition: Item on court\n**Anagram of** (foolishly) **DOCTRINE excluding** (ignored) **I** [Roman numeral for one)\n **NET CORD***\n\n**NET CORD** (item to be found on a tennis court)"} {"Clue":"Fish on the sea bed? (6)","Answer":"KIPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\n**KIPPER** (some who sleeps \u2013 on a bed. A fish would no doubt sleep on a the 'sea bed')\n \u00a0\n\n**KIPPER** (male salmon during the spawning season after spawning. Also a herring split open and cured)"} {"Clue":"US President Hoover possibly splitting\u00a0Americans' sides (5)","Answer":"ADAMS","Explanation":"Definition: US President\n**DAM** (reference Hoover **DAM** [once known as Boulder **DAM**, the Hoover **DAM** is a concrete arch-gravity **DAM** in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the U.S. states of Nevada and Arizona) **contained in** (splitting) **AS** [**first and last letters of** [sides] **AMERICAN'S**)\n **A** (**DAM**) **S**\n\n**ADAMS** (reference John **ADAMS\u00a0** who was a Founding Father, the first vice president of the United States and the second president [1797 \u2013 1801]. His son, John Quincy **ADAMS**, was the nation's sixth president [1825 \u2013 1829]**)"} {"Clue":"Vital thing, song (3)","Answer":"AIR","Explanation":"Definition: Vital thing\n**AIR** (the gaseous mixture (chiefly nitrogen and oxygen) of which the earth's atmosphere is composed to support life; vital thing)\n \u00a0\n\n**AIR** (song) double definition"} {"Clue":"Steamboat Bill's last changes to thin-sliced food (5,5)","Answer":"MELBA TOAST","Explanation":"Definition: thin-sliced \n**Anagram of** (changes) **STEAMBOAT** and **L** (**final letter of** [last] **BILL**])\n **ME****L****BA TOAST***\n\n**MELBA TOAST** (very thin crisp **TOAST**; thin-sliced food)"} {"Clue":"This roll on table might be turning potentially (4)","Answer":"ROTA","Explanation":"Definition: roll\n**ROTA** (If you place **ROTA** on **TABLE** you get the word **ROTATABLE** [with the potential to turn])\n \u00a0\n\n**ROTA** (roster; roll)"} {"Clue":"Text says you certainly are a man of great interest (6)","Answer":"USURER","Explanation":"Definition: man of great interest\n**U** [**sounds like** [says] **YOU**) **+ SURE** (certainly) **+ R** (the letter **R** **is pronounced as** [says] the word **ARE**) \u2013 putting the whole thing together the various components of **USURER** can be said as 'you sure are'\n \u00a0\n\n**USURER** (moneylender charging very high interest rates; a man of great interest)"} {"Clue":"They follow streaming songs, both loud and soft included (8)","Answer":"AIRFLOWS","Explanation":"Definition: They follow streaming \n(**F** [forte; loud] **+ LOW** [soft]) **contained in** (included) **AIRS** (songs)\n **AIR** (**F** **LOW**) **S**\n\n**AIRFLOWS** (**FLOW**s of air past a moving vehicle or in a wind tunnel; reference **AIRSTREAMS** which are **FLOW**s of **AIR**)"} {"Clue":"Can cast set round broken radii? It's not a 21Dn fall (4,4)","Answer":"ACID RAIN","Explanation":"Definition: It's not a 21Dn fall \n**Anagram of** (cast) **CAN** **containing** (set round) **an anagram of** (broken) **RADII**\n **AC** (**ID RAI***) **N***\n\n**ACID RAIN** (rain or other forms of precipitation containing sulphur and nitrogen compounds and other pollutants released by the combustion of fossil fuels in industrial processes; a complex form of rain, something other than **BASIC**\u00a0[entry at 21\u00a0down] rain)"} {"Clue":"Temperature finally touches 90 \u2013 the Spanish sun shines (6)","Answer":"EXCELS","Explanation":"Definition: shines\n**E** **(last letter of** [finally] **TEMPERATURE**) **+ XC **(Roman numerals for 90) **+ EL** (Spanish form of 'the') **+ S** (sun)\n **E** **XC** **EL** **S**\n\n**EXCELS** (performs exceptionally; shines)"} {"Clue":"Right place for playing organ with style? (6)","Answer":"CARPEL","Explanation":"Definition: organ with style\n**Anagram of** (playing) **R** [right] and **PLACE**\n **CA****R****PEL***\n\n**CARPEL** (female organ of a flower, a modified leaf comprising ovary, stigma and style)"} {"Clue":"Crazy about hot water container shortly making comeback \u2013 these maybe? (8)","Answer":"BATH TUBS","Explanation":"Definition: these maybe\n**BATS** (crazy) **containing** (about) (**H** [hot] **+** [**BUTT** {water container} **excluding the last letter** {shortly} **T**, **reversed** {making comeback}])\n **BAT** (**H** **TUB**<) **S**\n\n**BATH TUBS** (examples of container of hot water)"} {"Clue":"With regulation I should be going great guns (8)","Answer":"ORDNANCE","Explanation":"Definition: great guns\n**ORD****I****NANCE** (regulation) **excluding** (should be going) **I**\n \u00a0\n\n**ORDNANCE** (great guns)"} {"Clue":"Substitute fed to tigers at zoo (6)","Answer":"ERSATZ","Explanation":"Definition: Substitute\n**ERSATZ** (**hidden word in** [fed to] **TIGERS AT ZOO**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ERSATZ** (substitute)"} {"Clue":"Irish boy's coke not satisfactory \u2013 where to find some spirits? (6)","Answer":"SEANCE","Explanation":"Definition: where to find some spirits\n**SEAN** (Irish boy's name) **+ CE** (**COKE** **excluding** [not] **the letters** **OK** [satisfactory])\n **SEAN** **CE**\n\n**SEANCE** (meeting of psychical researchers or spiritualists for the purpose of trying to contact the spirits of the dead or promote supernatural manifestations of various kinds)"} {"Clue":"Take huge risks with head of army following serpent queen (8)","Answer":"BOADICEA","Explanation":"Definition: queen\n**BOA** (snake; serpent) **+**** DICE** (take great risks) **+ A** (**first letter of** [head of] **ARMY**)\n **BOA** **DICE** **A**\n\n**BOADICEA** (reference\u00a0**BOADICEA** [33 \u2013 51], queen of the British Celtic Iceni tribe who led an uprising against the occupying forces of the Roman Empire)"} {"Clue":"Blur seen in hotel magazines after Margaret leaves with son (8)","Answer":"HAZINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Blur\n**H** (hotel) **+ (MAGAZINES excluding** (after \u2026 leaves) **MAG** [Margaret]) + **S** [son])\n **H** **AZINES** **S**\n\n**HAZINESS** (lack of definition; blur)"} {"Clue":"Capital of Libya, India, The Road to York, Kent area. Only Connect? (6)","Answer":"LIAISE","Explanation":"Definition: Connect\n**LI** (**first letters of** [capitals of] **each of** **LIBYA** and **INDIA**) **+** **AI** (A one; road from Edinburgh\u00a0[or London] to York] **+ SE** (South East; Kent area)\n **LI AI SE**\n\n**LIAISE** (link with; connect)"} {"Clue":"By end of year Kelvin's put up holly etc (4)","Answer":"DECK","Explanation":"Definition: put up holly etc \n**DEC** (December, month at the end of the year) **+ ****K** (Kelvin; unit of thermodynamic temperature)\n **DEC** **K**\n\n**DECK** (decorate; put up holly etc at Christmas [December])"} {"Clue":"Company backing electronics firm turned local area network on and off (10)","Answer":"OCCASIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: on and off \n**CO** (company) **reversed** (backing)** + CASIO **(Japanese multinational electronics firm) **+** (**LAN** [local area network] **reversed** [turned])\n **OC**< **CASIO** **NAL**<\n\n**OCCASIONAL** (every so often ; on and off)"} {"Clue":"Professional sinecure? (4,5)","Answer":"EASY CHAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Professional sinecure\nA **CHAIR** is a professorship. A sinecure is a cushy or **EASY** job. Hence an **EASY CHAIR** would be one where the incumbent professor had to do very little work. \u2013 i.e. a professional sinecure.\n \u00a0\n\n**EASY CHAIR** (a comfortable arm **CHAIR**) I can't see a definition for a comfortable chair. The whole thing just looks like a slightly cryptic definition. Perhaps I'm missing something."} {"Clue":"Reportedly the management is not interested (5)","Answer":"BORED","Explanation":"Definition: not interested\n**BORED** (sounds like [reportedly] **BOARD** [reference the Management **BOARD**, a group of senior staff who run the company])\n \u00a0\n\n**BORED** (wearied by tedious things; not interested)"} {"Clue":"Still taken in by Round Table in Barking? Pretend not to notice (4,1,5,3,2)","Answer":"TURN A BLIND EYE TO","Explanation":"Definition: Pretend not to notice\n**YET** (still) **contained in** (taken in by) **an anagram of** (barking) **ROUND TABLE IN**\n **T****URN** **A BL****IN****D** **E** (**YE T**) **O***\n\n**TURN A BLIND EYE TO** (pretend not to notice)"} {"Clue":"Leader in Turkey's elected once more (5)","Answer":"AGAIN","Explanation":"Definition: once more\n**AGA** (Turkish commander or chief office; leader) **+ IN** (elected)\n **AGA** **IN**\n\n**AGAIN** (once more)"} {"Clue":"What pirate radio DJ did above 25, or medium in 18, 19 made a volte-face (6,3,6)","Answer":"TURNED THE TABLES","Explanation":"Definition: What pirate radio DJ did\n**TURNED THE TABLES** (a disc jockey of old [most pirate radio stations date back into days of yore] moved **THE TURNTABLEs** on a record **DECK** [entry at 25 across])\n \u00a0\n\n**TURNED THE TABLES** (**SEANCE**s [19 across] tend to take place around a **TABLE** so a substitute or **ERSATZ** (18 across] **SEANCE** involving a volte-face [a **TURN**ing around]\u00a0would result in a **TURN**ing of the **TABLES**)"} {"Clue":"Tells stories about Old Charlie and moves elsewhere (9)","Answer":"RELOCATES","Explanation":"Definition: moves elsewhere\n**RELATES** (tells stories) **containing** (about) (**O** [old] **+ C** [cocaine; charlie])\n **REL** (**O** **C**) **ATES**\n\n**RELOCATES** (moves elsewhere)"} {"Clue":"Drier's by source of water when left out (5)","Answer":"TOWEL","Explanation":"Definition: Drier\n**TO** (beside; by) **+ WELL** (source of water) **excluding** (out) **L** [left]\n **TO** **WEL**\n\n**TOWEL** (piece of absorbent cloth or paper for drying the body; drier)"} {"Clue":"Drawing in pale red is Echo and head of Narcissus (back to front) (3-3-3)","Answer":"PEN-AND-INK","Explanation":"Definition: Drawing \n(**E** [**ECHO** is the international radio communication codeword for the letter\u00a0**E**] + [**AND** **+ N** {**first letter of**; head of} **NARCISSUS**] **with the component parts swapped round** [back to front] to appear as **N** **+ AND**]) **all contained in** (in) **PINK** (pale red colour)\n **P** (**E** **N** **AND**) **INK**\n\n**PEN-AND-INK** (a **PEN** drawing)"} {"Clue":"This worker fellow makes complaint (3)","Answer":"BEE","Explanation":"Definition: worker\n**BEEF** (complaint) can be split into two components\u00a0**BEE** (the entry) **+ F** (fellow).\n The **F** [fellow] is required by the entry (**BEE**) to make a complaint (**BEEF**)\n\n**BEE** (busy person; worker)"} {"Clue":"Where dogs might get picked up by ears cruelly after getting hit by heartless type (9)","Answer":"BATTERSEA","Explanation":"Definition: Where dogs might get picked up \n**BAT** (hit) **+ TE** (**TYPE** **omitting** **the central letters** [heartless] **YP**) **+ an anagram of** (cruelly) **EARS**\n **BAT** **TE** **RSEA***\n\n**BATTERSEA** (reference **BATTERSEA** dogs' home, well known dog rescue centre where you may be able to acquire a dog in need of tender loving care)"} {"Clue":"Get out of a channel in reverse drive finally (5)","Answer":"EVADE","Explanation":"Definition: Get out of \n**DAVE** (reference the television channel named **DAVE**) **reversed** (in reverse) **+ E** (**last letter of** [finally] **DRIVE**)\n **EVAD**< **E**\n\n**EVADE** (avoid; get out of)"} {"Clue":"A herb cut about root (5)","Answer":"BASIC","Explanation":"Definition: root\n**BASIL** (herb) **excluding the last letter** (cut)** L** **+ C** (circa; about)\n **BASI** **C**\n\n**BASIC** (fundamental; at the root)"} {"Clue":"I am adult having to be in working order (a 15Dn say) (5)","Answer":"IMAGO","Explanation":"Definition: a 15Dn say\n**I'M** (I am)** + A** (adult) **+ GO** (operate; be in working order)\n **IM** **A** **GO**\n\n**IMAGO** (last or perfect stage of an insect's development; a fully grown BEE [15 down] is in that state)\n I'm not sure if I've got their allusion to 15 down and **BEE** right."} {"Clue":"Angels around one put in his crib sculpted with love (5,9)","Answer":"CHOIR INVISIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Angels\nAnagram of (sculpted) **IN HIS CRIB** and **LOVE**** containing** (around) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **C****HOI****R ****INV** (**I**) **S****IB****LE***\n Any one the** I**s could be the one contained\n\n**CHOIR INVISIBLE** (dead people; one definition of angels is dead people\u00a0regarded as received into heaven)"} {"Clue":"Happy to include copper as a heavy metal (7)","Answer":"MERCURY","Explanation":"Definition: heavy metal\n**MERRY** (happy) **containing** (to include) **CU** (chemical symbol for copper)\n **MER** (**CU**) **RY**\n\n**MERCURY** (silvery metallic element, liquid at ordinary temperatures. It is a very dense element. Even a small quantity of **MERCURY** is quite heavy)"} {"Clue":"Mean to run away from having won (7)","Answer":"VICIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Mean\n**VICTORIOUS** (having won) **excluding** (away) (**TO** **+ R** [run, in cricket scoring notation])\n **VICIOUS**\n\n**VICIOUS** (spiteful, mean)"} {"Clue":"Abandoning diet, Marlene becomes well-endowed (4)","Answer":"RICH","Explanation":"Definition: well-endowed\n**DIET****RICH **(reference Marlene **DIET****RICH**\u00a0[1901 \u2013 1922], German singer) **excluding** (abandoning) **DIET**\n **RICH**\n\n**RICH** (well endowed in the sense of having plenty of money)"} {"Clue":"Get down quickly and run back(4)","Answer":"WOLF","Explanation":"Definition: Get down quickly\n**FLOW** (run) **reversed** (back)\n **WOLF**<\n\n**WOLF** (eat quickly; get down quickly)"} {"Clue":"Quite unoriginal decoration? (5)","Answer":"HOLLY","Explanation":"Definition: decoration\n**W****HOLLY** (completely; quite) **excluding** (un) **the first letter** (original) **W**\n **HOLLY**\n\n**HOLLY** (evergreen shrub having leathery, shining, spinous leaves and scarlet or yellow berries, much used for Christmas decorations)"} {"Clue":"Guitarist from Turkey opening season (8)","Answer":"STRUMMER","Explanation":"Definition: Guitarist\n**TR** (international vehicle registration for Turkey) **contained in** (opening) **SUMMER** (season)\n **S** (**TR**) **UMMER**\n\n**STRUMMER** (descriptive of a guitarist)"} {"Clue":"Charge about North of Wales maybe? (6)","Answer":"PRINCE","Explanation":"Definition: of Wales maybe\n**PRICE** (charge) **containing** (about) **N** (north)\n **PRI** (**N**) **CE**\n\n**PRINCE** (reference **PRINCE** of Wales)"} {"Clue":"Part of Colorado Springs from garden, Versailles (6)","Answer":"DENVER","Explanation":"Definition: Part of Colorado\n**DENVER** (**hidden word in** [springs from] **GARDEN VERSAILLES**)\n \u00a0\n\n**DENVER** (capital city of Colorado)"} {"Clue":"Get name in credit or he could make things wicked for you (8)","Answer":"CHANDLER","Explanation":"Definition: he could make things wicked for you\n**HANDLE** (name) **contained in** (in) **CR** (credit)\n **C** (**HANDLE**) **R**\n\n**CHANDLER** (maker of candles \u2013 items with wicks; he can make things wicked for you)"} {"Clue":"City holds a place for Kiwis' opera star (5)","Answer":"LANZA","Explanation":"Definition: opera star\n**LA**** **(Los Angeles, American city) **containing** (holds) (**A** **+ NZ** [New Zealand; home of kiwis])\n **L** (**A** **NZ**) **A**\n\n**LANZA** (reference Mario **LANZA** [1921 \u2013 1959], American opera star)"} {"Clue":"Thatcher's material sin: ignoring the far left (4)","Answer":"REED","Explanation":"Definition: Thatcher's material\n**GREED** (one of the seven deadly sins) **excluding** (ignoring) **the first letter** (far left) **G**\n **REED**\n\n**REED** (material used for thatching roofs)"} {"Clue":"Taps outside when ready (4)","Answer":"CASH","Explanation":"Definition: ready\n(**C** [cold] **+** **H** [hot], letters descriptive of taps) **containing** (outside) **AS** (when)\n **C** (**AS**) **H**\n\n**CASH** (ready [money])"} {"Clue":"'O' put over entrances to elevator doors done for Otis? (7)","Answer":"REDDING","Explanation":"Definition: Otis\n**RING** (O shape) **containing** (put over) **EDD** (**first letters of** [entrances to] **ELEVATOR**, **DOORS** and **DONE**)\n **R** (**EDD**) **ING**\n\n**REDDING** (reference Otis **REDDING** [1941 \u2013 1967], American singer songwriter) Also reference the Otis elevator company."} {"Clue":"Ground control building its last shed at 100 mph (7)","Answer":"HOUSTON","Explanation":"Definition: Ground control\n**HOUSE** (building) **excluding** (shed) **the final letter** (it's last) **E** **+ TON** (100 miles per hour)\n **HOUS** **TON**\n\n**HOUSTON** (site of ground control for many American space missions)"} {"Clue":"Nurse wraps exercise books for someone who works with joints (9)","Answer":"CARPENTER","Explanation":"Definition: someone who works with joints\n**CARER** (nurse) **containing** (wraps) (**PE** [physical exercise] **+ NT** [New Testament; books])\n **CAR** (**PE** **NT**) **ER**\n\n**CARPENTER** (workman who may construct wooden joints)"} {"Clue":"Scots' night spent celebrating in hospital unit (5)","Answer":"BURNS","Explanation":"Definition: Scots' night spent celebrating\n**BURNS** (reference **BURNS** night, a celebration of the Scottish poet Robert **BURNS** [1759 \u2013 1796]. **BURNS** night is traditionally celebrated on 25th January \u2013 I have my haggis in the fridge already)\n \u00a0\n\n**BURNS** (reference a **BURNS** unit at a hospital)"} {"Clue":"Made up hoax about politician's pay increase (9)","Answer":"COMPRISED","Explanation":"Definition: Made up\n**COD** (hoax) **containing** (about) (**MP** [Member of Parliament; politician] **+ RISE** [pay increase])\n **CO** (**MP** **RISE**) **D**\n\n**COMPRISED** (consisted of; made up)"} {"Clue":"Initially obsequious Shakespearean received in court (5)","Answer":"OSRIC","Explanation":"Definition: Shakespearean received in court\n**OSRIC** (**first letter of** [initially] each of **OBSEQUIOUS SHAKESPEAREAN RECEIVED IN COURT**)\n **OSRIC**\n\n**OSRIC** (courtier in Shakespeare's Hamlet. He could be described as obsequious)"} {"Clue":"Short way to achieve total victory (4)","Answer":"ROUT","Explanation":"Definition: total victory\n**ROUTE** (way) **excluding the final letter** (short) **E**\n **ROUT**\n\n**ROUT** (utter defeat; or conversely, total victory)"} {"Clue":"This clue and why they say it could go with 14 (3)","Answer":"IVY","Explanation":"Definition: it could go with 14\n**IV** (Roman numerals for 4, the number of this clue) **+ Y** (**sounds like** [they say it] **WHY**)\n \u00a0\n\n**IVY** (a word that is frequently paired with **HOLLY** [entry at 14 across]as in the **HOLLY** and the **IVY**)"} {"Clue":"Sixes fly on both sides to make things exciting (6)","Answer":"VIVIFY","Explanation":"Definition: make things exciting\n(**VI** [Roman numerals for 6] **+ VI** [Roman numerals for 6] to give sixes) **+ FY** **(outer letters of** [both sides of] **FLY**)\n **VI** **VI** **FY**\n\n**VIVIFY** (endue with life; make things exciting)"} {"Clue":"Sickly sweet child on board a vehicle during function (10)","Answer":"SACCHARINE","Explanation":"Definition: Sickly sweet\n(**CH** [child] **contained in** [on board] [**A** **+ CAR** [vehicle]) **all contained in** (during) **SINE** [trigonometrical function)\n **S** (**A** **C** (**CH**) **AR**) **INE**\n\n**SACCHARINE** (an intensely sweet, white crystalline semi-soluble compound)"} {"Clue":"Cook to get hot right inside (5)","Answer":"BROIL","Explanation":"Definition: Cook\n**R** (right) **contained in** [inside] **BOIL** (get hot)\n **B** (**R**) **OIL**\n\n**BROIL** (form of cooking)"} {"Clue":"Lots of words sound as if spelt out backwards (5)","Answer":"ESSAY","Explanation":"Definition: Lots of words\n**ESS** (**sounds like** [spelt out] the letter **S**) **+ AY** (**sounds like** [when pronounced in **ESSAY**] the letter **A**)\n **ESS AY **spells put **AS** backwards\n\n**ESSAY** (written composition usually with many words)"} {"Clue":"Sign of submariner surfacing (4)","Answer":"OMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Sign\n**NEMO** (reference Captain **NEMO**, fictional submariner who first appeared in Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea) **reversed** (surfacing; down clue)\n **OMEN**<\n\n**OMEN** (sign)"} {"Clue":"I've built with a permit \u2013 it's essential (10)","Answer":"IMPERATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: essential\n**Anagram of** (built with) **I'VE** and **A PERMIT**\n **I****MP****E****R****A****TI****V****E***\n\n**IMPERATIVE** (essential)"} {"Clue":"Foreign film flew by (3)","Answer":"RAN","Explanation":"Definition: flew by\n**RAN** (a 1985 Japanese-French epic film based on Shakespeare's King Lear: foreign film)\n \u00a0\n\n**RAN** (flew by)"} {"Clue":"FA's incomplete line-up (3)","Answer":"NIL","Explanation":"Definition: FA\n**LINE** **excluding the final letter** (incomplete) **reversed** (up; down clue) **E**\n **NIL**<\n\n**NIL** (FA [Fanny Adams] usually expressed as 'sweet FA' which is a slang expression meaning 'nothing at all'. There is, of course,\u00a0a coarser version of FA without the 'sweet')"} {"Clue":"Share open broadcast or they'll relay performance privately (9)","Answer":"EARPHONES","Explanation":"Definition: they'll relay performance privately\n**Anagram of** (broadcast) **SHARE OPEN**\n **EAR****P****H****ONE****S***\n\n**EARPHONES** (audio receivers which, in theory, stop other people hearing what your you are listening to; they'll relay performance privately)"} {"Clue":"What's afoot? The girl's in love? Just the opposite (4)","Answer":"SHOE","Explanation":"Definition: What's afoot\n**O** (zero; love score in tennis) **contained in** (in) **SHE** (the girl)\n The container and contents are **just the opposite** of what is suggested in the clue.\n **SH** (**O**) **E**\n\n**SHOE** (an item worn on the foot; it's afoot)"} {"Clue":"Make better after loud shock (6)","Answer":"FRIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: shock\n**F** (forte; loud) **+ RIGHT** (repair; make better)\n \u00a0\n\n**FRIGHT** (shock)"} {"Clue":"Musical player regularly in charge (5)","Answer":"LYRIC","Explanation":"Definition: Musical\n**LYR** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [regularly] of **PLAYER**) **+ ****I****\/****C** (in charge)\n **LYR** **IC**\n\n**LYRIC** (musical)"} {"Clue":"Drain fluid to the very bottom (5)","Answer":"NADIR","Explanation":"Definition: the very bottom\n**Anagram of** (fluid) **DRAIN**\n **NADIR***\n\n**NADIR** (lowest point of anything; very bottom)"} {"Clue":"Someone needing an Equity card? Stripping works (5)","Answer":"ACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Someone needing an Equity card\n**F****ACTOR****Y** (plant; works) **excluding the outer letters** (stripping) **F** and **Y**\n **ACTOR**\n\n**ACTOR** (Equity is the **ACTOR**'s Trade Union> Traditionally Equity\u00a0was a closed shop and **ACTOR**s were required to be members [have an Equity\u00a0card] if they wanted to work. The closed shop nature of Equity\u00a0was abolished in 1968 after the concept was declared illegal)"} {"Clue":"Cry about getting an onion? (4)","Answer":"BULB","Explanation":"Definition: onion\n**BLUB** (cry)** reversed** (about)\n **BULB**<\n\n**BULB** (an onion is pungent edible bulb of the lily family)"} {"Clue":"That lady's next in line, not I (3)","Answer":"HER","Explanation":"Definition: That lady\n**HEIR** (successor; next in line) **excluding** (not) **I**\n **HER**\n\n**HER** (descriptive of that woman)"} {"Clue":"Caption can say in advance (6)","Answer":"LEGEND","Explanation":"Definition: Caption\n**E.G.** (for example; say) **contained in** (in) **LEND** (advance)\n **L** (**EG**) **END**\n\n**LEGEND** (explanatory words; caption)"} {"Clue":"They treat poorly young lady, a drug addict that's been admitted (8)","Answer":"MISUSERS","Explanation":"Definition: They treat poorly\n**USER** (drug addict) **contained in** (that's been admitted) **MISS** (young lady)\n **MIS** (**USER**) **S**\n\n**MISUSERS** (people who treat things badly)"} {"Clue":"They have lots of empty cans after getting gold can-opener! (8)","Answer":"AUCTION","Explanation":"Definition: They have lots\n**AU** (chemical symbol for gold) **+ C** (first letter of [opener] **CAN**) + (**TION** \u2013 I'm struggling a bit here. I think 'empty cans' may refer to TIN [can] **containing** O [nothing, therefore empty] but **TIN** is singular and cans is plural. I can see why the clue requires the plural 'cans'. Perhaps **TIN** can be plural in the sense 'there is a lot of scrap **TIN**\u00a0over there?) \n **AU** **C** **TI** (**O**) **N**\n\n**AUCTION** (sale where the items being sold are gathered together in lots)"} {"Clue":"Having gown in for slight alteration (6)","Answer":"OWNING","Explanation":"Definition: Having\n**GOWN IN** with the first letter **G** being moved to the end to give **OWNIN****G** as the result of a this slight alteration.\n Alternatively we have **an anagram** (slight alteration) of **GOWN IN**.\n I prefer the first parsing.\n\n**OWNING** (having)"} {"Clue":"Sick, mostly after having fast pulse (6)","Answer":"LENTIL","Explanation":"Definition: pulse\n**LENT** (period of fasting) **+ ILL** (sick) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **L**\n \u00a0\n\n**LENTIL** (seed of leguminous plant; pulse)"} {"Clue":"Detective is with a luxury car that's flipped over and burnt (8)","Answer":"CREMATED","Explanation":"Definition: burnt\n(**DET** [detective] **+ A + MERC** [Mercedes, example of a luxury car brand]) **all reversed** (that's flipped over)\n (**CREM** **A** **TED**)<\n\n**CREMATED** (burnt)"} {"Clue":"They increase the power of current measures (4)","Answer":"AMPS","Explanation":"Definition: They increase the power of current measures\n**AMPS** (amplifiers, device for increasing current or sound)\n \u00a0\n\n**AMPS** (units of electric\u00a0current)"} {"Clue":"Nonsense! This race isn't so hairy! (10)","Answer":"BALDERDASH","Explanation":"Definition: Nonsense\n**BALDER** (not so hairy) **+ ****DASH** (race)\n \u00a0\n\n**BALDERDASH** (nonsense)"} {"Clue":"Galleons at sea arrive finally at South American city (3,7)","Answer":"LOS ANGELES","Explanation":"Definition: American city\n**Anagram of **(at sea) **GALLEONS** **+ ****E**\u00a0(**last letter of** [finally] **ARRIVE**) **+ S** (south)\n **LOS ANGEL*** **E** **S**\n\n**LOS ANGELES** (American city)"} {"Clue":"Pauses and quietly breaks wind (4)","Answer":"GAPS","Explanation":"Definition: Pauses\n**P** (piano; quietly) **contained in** (breaks) **GAS** (wind)\n **GA** (**P**) **S**\n\n**GAPS** (pauses)"} {"Clue":"Bill and Edward go round to smell cut rose (8)","Answer":"ASCENDED","Explanation":"Definition: rose\n(**AD** [poster; advert; bill] **+ ED** [Edward]) **containing** (to go round) **SCENT** (smell) **excluding the last letter** (cut) **T**\n **A** (**SCEN**) **D** **ED**\n\n**ASCENDED** (rose)"} {"Clue":"Scandalmonger turns to drink (6)","Answer":"GOSSIP","Explanation":"Definition: Scandalmonger\n**GOS** (turns in a game) **+ SIP** (drink)\n \u00a0\n\n**GOSSIP** (scandalmonger)"} {"Clue":"Country home to accommodate Old King Cole first (6)","Answer":"NATION","Explanation":"Definition: Country\n**NAT** (reference the musician **NAT** King Cole [1919 \u2013 1965]) **+** (**IN** [home] **containing** [accommodating] **O** [old])\n **NAT** **I** (**O**) **N**\n\n**NATION** (country)"} {"Clue":"Thrilled to get one pound in return for kiss that's drawn out (8)","Answer":"ELICITED","Explanation":"Definition: drawn out\n**EXCITED** (thrilled) with **LI** (\u00a31, one pound) **replacing** (for) **X** (symbol for a kiss)\n **E****LI****CITED**\n\n**ELICITED** (drawn forth)"} {"Clue":"Airline after boarding puts off those who argue (8)","Answer":"DEBATERS","Explanation":"Definition: those who argue\n**BA** (British Airways; airline) **contained in** (boarding) **DETERS** (puts off)\n **DE** (**BA**) **TERS**\n\n**DEBATERS** (people who argue for or against all opinions on an issue)"} {"Clue":"In a strong wind, horse carried a group of 20 Down (6)","Answer":"GAGGLE","Explanation":"Definition: a group of 20 Down\n**GG** (gee-gee; child's word for a horse) **contained in** (carried) **GALE** (strong wind)\n **GA** (**GG**) **LE**\n\n**GAGGLE** (collective noun for geese or **GOSLING**s [20 down])"} {"Clue":"Former lover cuddles regularly just for show (5)","Answer":"EXUDE","Explanation":"Definition: show\n**EX** (former lover)** + UDE** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [regularly] of **CUDDLES**)\n \u00a0\n\n**EXUDE** (show)"} {"Clue":"Parks cars in residential areas (7)","Answer":"ESTATES","Explanation":"Definition: Parks\n**ESTATES** (landed properties; country parks)\n **ESTATES** (types of cars)\n\n**ESTATES** (residential areas) triple definition"} {"Clue":"After leaving college, messy bed could go for a bomb (9)","Answer":"DOODLEBUG","Explanation":"Definition: bomb\n**Anagram of** (messy) **BED ****C****OULD GO** **excluding** (leaving) **C** (college)\n **D****O****O****DL****EB****U****G***\n\n**DOODLEBUG** (World War II flying bomb)"} {"Clue":"Show with numbers: fifty one plus one hundred and one add up (7)","Answer":"MUSICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Show with numbers\n(**L **[Roman numeral for 50] **+ A** [one] **+ CI** [Roman numerals for one hundred and one] **+ SUM** [add]) **all reversed** [up; down clue])\n (**MUS** **IC** **A** **L**)<\n\n**MUSICAL** (show with numbers [pieces of music or song])"} {"Clue":"Rock and roll single not selling without sleeve (5)","Answer":"STONE","Explanation":"Definition: Rock\n(**ONE** [single] **+ TS** [**letters remaining in** **NOT SELLING** when the **outer letters** [sleeve] **NO\u2026.ELLING** **are removed** [without]) **all reversed** (roll)\n (**ST** **ONE**)<\n I think I've got the parsing right here but the first two letters may be derivable in some other way.\n\n**STONE** (rock)"} {"Clue":"Lied, say, with boy about drug, causing a fuss (5,3,5)","Answer":"SONG AND DANCE","Explanation":"Definition: fuss\n**SONG** (lied or lieder [German lyric **SONG**]) **+ ****AND** (with) **+ DAN** (boy's name) **+ C** (circa; about) **+ E** [ecstasy; drug])\n **SONG** **AND** **DAN** **C** **E**\n\n**SONG AND DANCE** (unnecessary fuss)"} {"Clue":"Mo Farah, for example, has drink with those he beat (7-2)","Answer":"RUNNERS-UP","Explanation":"Definition: those he beat\n**RUNNER** (Sir Mo Farah is an example of a runner) **+ ****SUP** (drink)\n \u00a0\n\n**RUNNERS-UP** (descriptive of most of the people who finish behind Mo Farah although he was himself only a **RUNNER-UP** in his most recent cross country race in Edinburgh last weekend)"} {"Clue":"Shows bottom and head in scene shown on satellite (9)","Answer":"MOONSCAPE","Explanation":"Definition: scene shown on satellite\n**MOONS** (shows bare buttocks) **+ CAPE** (headland)\n \n\n**MOONSCAPE** (scene showing the surface and sky of a satellite)"} {"Clue":"Relaxed with a walk in the park before working (4-5)","Answer":"EASY-GOING","Explanation":"Definition: Relaxed\n**EASY**** **(the phrase ' a walk in the park' describes something very **EASY** to do) **+ GOING** (on; working)\n \u00a0\n\n**EASY-GOING** (relaxed)"} {"Clue":"First person to be queen in charge? Anne's first for this land (7)","Answer":"AMERICA","Explanation":"Definition: land\n**AM** (first person singular of the verb 'to be') **+**** ER** (Elizabeth Regina; queen) **+ IC** (in charge) **+ A** (**first letter of** [first] **ANNE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**AMERICA** (country; land)"} {"Clue":"Boy, turning scarlet, close to girls, runs (7)","Answer":"LADDERS","Explanation":"Definition: runs\n**LAD** (boy) **+** (**RED** [scarlet] **reversed** [turning]) **+ S** (**last letter of** [close to] **GIRLS**) \n **LAD** **DER**< **S**\n\n**LADDERS** (runs [of a fabric])"} {"Clue":"Walk off over pitch to have a little gander (7)","Answer":"GOSLING","Explanation":"Definition: little gander\n**GO** (leave; walk off) **+ SLING** (throw; pitch)\n \u00a0\n\n**GOSLING** (small goose, gander being a male goose)"} {"Clue":"The best members of Countryside Alliance (5)","Answer":"IDEAL","Explanation":"Definition: The best\n**IDEAL** (**hidden word in** [members of] **COUNTRYSIDE ALLIANCE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**IDEAL** (best conceivable))"} {"Clue":"Some trace distance, having returned vehicle (7)","Answer":"SIDECAR","Explanation":"Definition: vehicle\n**SIDECAR** (hidden word [some] **reversed** [having returned] in **TRACE DISTANCE**)\n **SIDECAR**<\n\n**SIDECAR** (jaunting car [low-set, two-wheeled, open vehicle, used in Ireland, with side-seats either back to back or facing each other]) \n \u00a0I have previously only understood **SIDECAR** to be an attachment to a motorcycle"} {"Clue":"Actress's quiet line delivered in Irish place of worship (7,6)","Answer":"SHIRLEY TEMPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Actress\n**SH** (quiet!) **+** (**LEY** [any of the straight lines between features of the landscape, possibly pathways, or perhaps having scientific or magical significance in prehistoric times] **contained in** [delivered in] [**IR** {Irish} **+ TEMPLE** {place of worship}])\n **SH** **IR** (**LEY**) **TEMPLE**\n\n**SHIRLEY TEMPLE** (reference **SHIRLEY TEMPLE** [1928 \u2013 2014], American actress, business woman and diplomat, perhaps best known as a child star)"} {"Clue":"Eurovision band \u2013 4 vocalised with brass accompaniment (5,4)","Answer":"BUCKS FIZZ","Explanation":"Definition: Eurovision band \n**BUCKS** (dollars; money; brass) **+ FIZZ** (**sounds like** [vocalised] **PHIZ** [entry at 4 down])\n \u00a0\n\n**BUCKS FIZZ** (pop group who represented the United Kingdom at the 1981 Eurovision Song Contest. They won the competition with the song 'Making Your Mind Up')"} {"Clue":"Love uniform when in senior rank (4)","Answer":"SOUR","Explanation":"Definition: rank\n(**O** [zero; love score in tennis] **+ U** ['uniform' the international radio communication code word for the letter **U**]) **contained in** (in) **SR** (senior)\n **S** (**O** **U**) **R**\n\n**SOUR** (rancid; rank)"} {"Clue":"Infection appears when rusty nail catches fellow at university (5,3)","Answer":"ASIAN FLU","Explanation":"Definition: Infection\n**AS** (when) **+** (**an anagram of** [rusty] **NAIL** **containing** **F** [fellow]) **+ U** (university)\n **AS**** IAN** (**F**) **L*** **U**\n\n**ASIAN FLU** (viral infection)"} {"Clue":"Outlaw keeping old relative in line (3,3)","Answer":"ROB ROY","Explanation":"Definition: Outlaw\n**RY** (railway) **containing** (keeping) (**O** [old] **+ BRO** [brother; relative])\n **R** (**O** **B RO**) **Y**\n\n**ROB ROY** (reference **ROB ROY** Macgregor [1671 \u2013 1734], Scottish outlaw)"} {"Clue":"Guard software tool (11)","Answer":"SCREWDRIVER","Explanation":"Definition: tool\n**SCREW** (slang term for a prison guard) **+ ****DRIVER** (piece of computer software that controls the operation of a device [printer, scanner, sound card etc])\n \u00a0\n\n**SCREWDRIVER** (tool)"} {"Clue":"Missile regularly sent that hurt delicate part of body (8)","Answer":"SNOWBALL","Explanation":"Definition: Missile\n**SN** (**letters 1 and 3** [regularly] of **SENT**) **+ OW** (expression indicating that something hurt) **+ BALL** (informal term for a testicle [delicate part of the male body])\n \u00a0\n\n**SNOWBALL** ([frozen] missile)"} {"Clue":"I haul mimosa shrub latterly around island (4)","Answer":"BALI","Explanation":"Definition: island\n**BALI **([**last letters of** {latterly} **I HAD MIMOSA SHRUB**] **all reversed** [around])\n **BALI**<\n\n**BALI** (Indonesian island)"} {"Clue":"Staff cover function that incorporates Times Square (9)","Answer":"MANHATTAN","Explanation":"Definition: that incorporates Times Square\n**MAN** ([provide[ staff) **+ HAT** (cover)** + TAN** (trigonometric function)\n \u00a0\n\n**MANHATTAN** (area of New York where Times Square is located)"} {"Clue":"Composer ill in bed, endlessly sick (7)","Answer":"BELLINI","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\n**Anagram of **(sick) **ILL IN** and (**BED** **excluding the last letter** [endlessly] **D**)\n **BE****LLI****NI***\n\n**BELLINI** (reference Vincenzo **BELLINI** [1801 \u2013 1835], Italian opera composer)"} {"Clue":"Scorpion's weapon, reversing say, fools solver ultimately (7)","Answer":"STINGER","Explanation":"Definition: Scorpion's weapon\n(**EG** [for example; say] **+ NITS** [fools]) **reversed** (reversing) **+ R** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **SOLVE****R**)\n (**STIN** **GE**)< **R**\n\n**STINGER** (a scorpion has a tail with a venomous **STINGER** which acts as its means of attack [weapon])"} {"Clue":"HQ for high-fliers in capital concerned with recruiting graduates (7)","Answer":"AIRBASE","Explanation":"Definition: HQ for high-fliers\n**AI **(excellent; capital) **+** (**RE** [concerned with] **containing** [recruiting] **BAS** [Bachelors of Arts; graduates])\n **AI R** (**BAS**) **E**\n\n**AIRBASE** (**BASE** of operations for pilots; HQ for high-fliers)"} {"Clue":"Parisian appreciated a piece of England, as it were (6)","Answer":"MERCIA","Explanation":"Definition: piece of England, as it were\n**MERCI** (French [Parisian] for thank you'; appreciated) **+ A **\n \u00a0\n\n**MERCIA** (one of the Kingdoms of Anglo Saxon England [in time gone by; as it were]; piece of England)"} {"Clue":"Rabbits on picture from the 1970s (4)","Answer":"JAWS","Explanation":"Definition: Rabbits on \n**JAWS** (talks at excessive length; rabbits on)\n \u00a0\n\n**JAWS** (title of 1975 film directed by Steven Spielberg)"} {"Clue":"Face letter from abroad \u2013 the last letter (4)","Answer":"PHIZ","Explanation":"Definition: Face\n**PHI **(letter of the Greek alphabet; letter from abroad] **+ Z** (last letter of the English alphabet)\n \u00a0\n\n**PHIZ** (slang word for the face, also expressed as **PHIZOG**)"} {"Clue":"Can be wiped off in time with artist's brush (8)","Answer":"ERASABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Can be wiped off\n**ERA** (period of time) **+ SABLE **(artist's paintbrush made from the hair of the **SABLE** [an Arctic or sub Arctic marten])\n \u00a0\n\n**ERASABLE** (can be wiped off)"} {"Clue":"Attack from sheep in one's compound (3,4)","Answer":"SET UPON","Explanation":"Definition: Attack\n**TUP** (ram; sheep) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (compound) **ONE'S**\n **SE** (**T UP**) **ON***\n\n**SET UPON** (attack)"} {"Clue":"Heather, grabbing one pound, is converting into cash (11)","Answer":"LIQUIDISING","Explanation":"Definition: converting into cash\n**LING** (heather) **containing** (grabbing) (**I **[Roman numeral for one] **+ QUID** [slang for pound sterling] **+ IS**)\n **L** (**I** **QUID** **IS**) **ING**\n\n**LIQUIDISING** (converting assets into cash)"} {"Clue":"Short animal welcome on rug? In principle, not at all (5)","Answer":"RHINO","Explanation":"Definition: Short animal\nSorry but I can't see how the wordplay works here. I've got **NO** for 'not at all' and that leaves me the with **RHI** at the beginning, but I can't relate those three letters to 'welcome on rug? In principle'\n I am sure someone will point out what I am missing\n\n**RHINO** (short version of **RHINO****ceros**; short animal)"} {"Clue":"Ballerina's leap better. as one's in character (8)","Answer":"CAPRIOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Ballerina's leap\n**CAP** (better) **+** (**I **[Roman numeral for one] **contained in** [in] **ROLE** [part played by an actor representing a character])\n **CAP** **R** (**I**) **OLE**\n\n**CAPRIOLE** (high leap made from bent knees in ballet; ballerina's leap)"} {"Clue":"Couple who oppose lay spiritualist of late (3,4)","Answer":"NEW AGER","Explanation":"Definition: spiritualist of late \n(**N** [North] **+ E** [East] in a game of Bridge, North and East would be on opposing teams [NS v EW]; couple who oppose) **+ WAGER** (lay [a bet]))\n \u00a0\n\n**NEW AGER** (person involved with a cultural trend that emerged in the late 1980s, concerned with the union of mind, body and spirit, expressed through popular interest in a variety of beliefs and disciplines, including mysticism, meditation, astrology and holistic medicine;spiritualist of late)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps sharks, from tail to head, of narrow build (7)","Answer":"SLENDER","Explanation":"Definition: of narrow build\n**LENDERS** (people who supply money and expect repayment with interest. Sometimes described as sharks if the required interest is punitive) **with the final letter** [tail] **S** **moved to** [from \u2026 to] **the front of the word** [head]\n **SLENDER**\n\n**SLENDER** (of thin or narrow build)"} {"Clue":"Scottish island conceals a new fuel (6)","Answer":"BUTANE","Explanation":"Definition: fuel\n**BUTE** (Scottish island in the Firth of Clyde) **containing** (conceals) (**A** **+ N** [new])\n **BUT** (**A** **N**) **E**\n\n**BUTANE** (hydrocarbon widely used as a gas fuel)"} {"Clue":"Chap used wrong sign language (4)","Answer":"MANX","Explanation":"Definition: language\n**MAN** (chap) **+ ****X**** **(a letter commonly used to show that something is wrong; wrong sign)\n \u00a0\n\n**MANX** (language of the Isle of **MAN**)"} {"Clue":"Singer\u00a0books US city for comeback (4)","Answer":"ALTO","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\n(**OT** [Old Testament; books]** + LA** [Los Angeles; US city]) **all reversed** (comeback)\n (**AL** **TO**)<\n\n**ALTO** (singer)"} {"Clue":"Aggravate a legendary American sports commentator (6)","Answer":"MADDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Aggravate\n**MADDEN** (reference John **MADDEN** born 1936], American football commentator)\n \u00a0\n\n**MADDEN** (aggravate) double definition"} {"Clue":"Gift arranged in advance around the start of November (7)","Answer":"PRESENT","Explanation":"Definition: Gift\n**PRESET **(adjusted a piece of electronic equipment, etc so that it will operate at the required time; arranged in advance) **containing** (around) **N** (**first letter of** [start of] **NOVEMBER**)\n **PRESE** (**N**)** T**\n\n**PRESENT** (gift)"} {"Clue":"Thwarted upon taking it, run back (8)","Answer":"ABORTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Thwarted\n**ABOVE** (upon) **containing** (taking) ([**IT** **+ R** {run}]** reversed** [back])\n **ABO** (**R** **TI**)< **VE**\n\n**ABORTIVE** (checked in development; thwarted)"} {"Clue":"I have trouble going westbound to the London area to make a connection (6)","Answer":"LIAISE","Explanation":"Definition: make a connection\n(**I ****+ AIL** [have trouble) **reversed** (going westward) **+ SE** (South East; London is located in the South East of England)\n (**LIA** **I**)< **SE**\n\n**LIAISE** (form a link with; make a connection)"} {"Clue":"Make out on the way back? Excellent! (4)","Answer":"TOPS","Explanation":"Definition: Excellent\n**SPOT** (discern; make out) **reversed** (on the way back)\n **TOPS**<\n\n**TOPS** (excellent)"} {"Clue":"Creepy-sounding place that's hard to get to (5)","Answer":"EYRIE","Explanation":"Definition: place that's hard to get to\n**EYRIE** (**sounds like** [sounding] **EERIE** [strangely frightening; creepy])\n \u00a0\n\n**EYRIE** (high or inaccessible place; place that's hard to get to)"} {"Clue":"After a short time, I will work (4)","Answer":"TILL","Explanation":"Definition: work\n**T** (**abbreviation for** [short] time) **+ I'LL** (I will)\n \u00a0\n\n**TILL** (work land)"} {"Clue":"Make holes in baked dish with pricker evenly (6)","Answer":"PIERCE","Explanation":"Definition: Make holes in\n**PIE** (baked dish) **+ RCE** (**even numbered letters 2, 4 and 6 **[evenly] **of** **PRICKER**)\n \u00a0\n\n**PIERCE** (make holes in)"} {"Clue":"Run off with your old secret (8)","Answer":"STEALTHY","Explanation":"Definition: secret\n**STEAL** (run off with) **+ THY** (**archaic** [old] form of 'your')\n \u00a0\n\n**STEALTHY** (furtive; secret)"} {"Clue":"Pest control and leaflet full of rubbish (8)","Answer":"FLYPAPER","Explanation":"Definition: Pest control\n**FLYER** (leaflet) **containing** (full of)** PAP** (mediocre, stultifying or worthless entertainment; rubbish)\n **FLY** (**PAP**)** ****ER**\n\n**FLYPAPER** (sticky or poisonous paper for attracting and killing flies; method of pest control)"} {"Clue":"A French shop that is wanting to reject instructions for prepping food (6)","Answer":"RECIPE","Explanation":"Definition: instructions for prepping food\n(**\u00c9PICERIE** [French word for a grocer's shop] **excluding** [wanting] **IE** [id est; that is]) **reversed** (to reject)\n **RECIPE**<\n\n**RECIPE** (directions for making something, especially a food or drink; instructions for prepping food)"} {"Clue":"Almost the final house (4)","Answer":"SEMI","Explanation":"Definition: Almost the final\n**SEMI** (**SEMI**-final, the round just before the final)\n \u00a0\n\n**SEMI** (**SEMI**-detached house) double definition"} {"Clue":"A large weapon creates fear (5)","Answer":"ALARM","Explanation":"Definition: fear \n**A** **+ L** (large)** + ARM** (weapon)\n \u00a0\n\n**ALARM** (fear)"} {"Clue":"Murdoch is upset to get an intelligent personal assistant (4)","Answer":"SIRI","Explanation":"Definition: intelligent personal assistant\n**IRIS** (reference **IRIS** Murdoch [1919 \u2013 1999] British novelist)** reversed **(upset)\n **SIRI**<\n\n**SIRI** (computer program that works as an intelligent personal assistant and knowledge navigator, part of Apple Inc's operating systems)"} {"Clue":"Two sets of male uniforms provide clothing for Pacific islanders (3-3)","Answer":"MUU-MUU","Explanation":"Definition: Pacific islanders\n(**M** [male] **+ U** [Uniform is the international radio communication codeword for the letter **U**] **+** **U** [again, uniforms plural] and **repeated** (two sets)\n \u00a0\n\n**MUU-MUU** (simple loose dress worn chiefly in Hawaii; clothing for Pacific islanders)"} {"Clue":"Look horribly tired, having at first expectantly waited around (8)","Answer":"LOITERED","Explanation":"Definition: waited around\n**LO** (look) **+** (**an anagram of **[horribly] **TIRED** **containing** [having] **E** [**first letter of **[at first] **EXPECTANTLY**)\n **LO**** IT** (**E**)** RED*** either of the second or third **E**s could be the one contained.\n\n**LOITERED** (waited around)"} {"Clue":"American politician conclusively sells out an entire state (7)","Answer":"ALLNESS","Explanation":"Definition: entire state\n**A** (American) **+** (**an anagram of** [out] [**N** [**final letter o**f {conclusively} **POLITICIAN** and **SELLS**)\n **A** **LL****N****ESS***\n\n**ALLNESS** (condition of being **ALL**; entire state)_"} {"Clue":"Some Aussies taking an afternoon nap (6)","Answer":"SIESTA","Explanation":"Definition: afternoon nap\n**SIESTA** (**hidden word** [some] in **AUSSIES TAKING**)\n \u00a0\n\n**SIESTA** (midday or afternoon nap)"} {"Clue":"Family member cuts salami in pieces \u2013 delicious! (9)","Answer":"AMBROSIAL","Explanation":"Definition: delicious\n**BRO** (brother; family member) **contained in** (cuts)** an anagram of** (in pieces) **SALAMI**\n **AM** (**BRO**) **SIAL***\n\n**AMBROSIAL** (delicious)"} {"Clue":"Board game passes quickly (5)","Answer":"DARTS","Explanation":"Definition: Board game\n**DARTS** (game played with a board)\n \u00a0\n\n**DARTS** (passes quickly) double definition"} {"Clue":"Such inexperience, with government involvement, could be negative (7)","Answer":"NAIVETE","Explanation":"Definition: inexperience\n**NAIVET\u00c9** (if this word is combined with **G** [government and **anagrammed** [could be] you could form the word **NE****G****ATIVE***)\n \u00a0\n\n**NAIVETE** (inexperience)"} {"Clue":"Delivered shelled nuts, free from duty (7)","Answer":"RELIEVE","Explanation":"Definition: free from duty\n**Anagram of** (nuts) **DELIVERED** **excluding the outside letters** [shelled] **DD** \n **RELIEVE***\n\n**RELIEVE** (free from duty by taking the place of)"} {"Clue":"Wise guy set college alarm off (5,4)","Answer":"SMART ALEC","Explanation":"Definition: Wise guy\n**Anagram of** (off) (**SET** and **C** [college] and **ALARM**)\n **SMART ALEC***\n\n**SMART ALEC** (wise guy)"} {"Clue":"First and foremost, nearly all sexists are lovers of Hooters (5)","Answer":"NASAL","Explanation":"Definition: of \n**First letters** [first and foremost] **of each of** **NEARLY ALL SEXISTS ARE LOVERS**\n \u00a0\n\n**NASAL** (of the nose; of hooters)"} {"Clue":"It's rarer to change \u2013 within the confines of TV \u2013 how the BBC traditionally broadcast (13)","Answer":"TERRESTRIALLY","Explanation":"Definition: how the BBC traditionally broadcast\n**Anagram of** (to change) **IT'S RARER** **contained in** (within the confines of) **TELLY** (TV)\n **TE** (**RRE****ST****R****I****A***) **LLY**\n\n**TERRESTRIALLY** (descriptive of signals sent by a land based transmitters; how the BBC broadcast all of its\u00a0programmes before the advent of the satellite option. of course, it\u00a0still broadcasts **TERRESTRIALLY**)"} {"Clue":"Mr Fix It's good name in New York is bolstered by a flyer (9)","Answer":"REPAIRMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Mr Fix It's\n**REP** (American [New York] abbreviation for reputation [good name]) + **AIRMAN** (flyer)\n \u00a0\n\n**REPAIRMAN** (Mr Fixit)"} {"Clue":"It provides links for a website \u2013 one flashily advertising mobile communication (9)","Answer":"HYPERTEXT","Explanation":"Definition: It provides links for a website\n**HYPER** (excessive, more than normal; one flashily advertising \u2013 e.g. advertising a shop as a **HYPER**market) **+ TEXT** (means of mobile phone communication)\n \u00a0\n\n**HYPERTEXT** (key words that act as links to other text or websites)"} {"Clue":"Strip for very little money (7)","Answer":"PEANUTS","Explanation":"Definition: Strip\n**PEANUTS** (cartoon strip drawn by Charles Schultz [1922 \u2013 2000])\n \u00a0\n\n**PEANUTS** (paltry sum of money)\u00a0double definition"} {"Clue":"Americans not about to go barmy for The Ashes? (7)","Answer":"REMAINS","Explanation":"Definition: Ashes\n**Anagram of** (to go barmy)** AMERI****CA****NS** **excluding** (not) **CA** (circa; about)\n **REMAINS***\n\n**REMAINS** (ashes)"} {"Clue":"Identical, bespoke-quality trousers (5)","Answer":"EQUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Identical\n**EQUAL** (**hidden word in** [trousers; pockets] **BESPOKE-QUALITY**\n \u00a0\n\n**EQUAL** (identical)"} {"Clue":"Strain is mounting and getting on top of the First Lady (5)","Answer":"SIEVE","Explanation":"Definition: Strain\n**IS **(**reversed** (mounting; down clue) **+ EVE** (first lady mentioned in the Bible in\u00a0Garden of Eden)\n **SI**<** EVE**\n\n**SIEVE** (strain)"} {"Clue":"Wild lost fish used for a reminder (8)","Answer":"MNEMONIC","Explanation":"Definition: reminder\n**M****A****NIC** (wild) with **NEMO** [reference the film Finding **NEMO** which focuses on finding **NEMO** the lost young clown fish) **replacing** (used for) **A**\n **M** (**NEMO**) **NIC**\n\n**MNEMONIC** (a device, e.g. a short verse, to help memory; reminder)"} {"Clue":"I expect the cab will get lost (6)","Answer":"BETCHA","Explanation":"Definition: I expect\n**Anagram of** (will get lost) **THE CAB**\n **B****ET****C****H****A***\n\n**BETCHA** (slang for **BET YOU**\u00a0[.. that will happen; I expect])"} {"Clue":"Great crossword setters provided Daedalus with answer first (7)","Answer":"AWESOME","Explanation":"Definition: Great\n**A** [answer] **in first position** [first]\u00a0**+ WE** [crossword setters] **+ SO** [provided] **+ ME** (Daedalus, the setter)\n \u00a0\n\n**AWESOME** (amazing; great)"} {"Clue":"Exterminate mice running rampant (7)","Answer":"ENDEMIC","Explanation":"Definition: rampant\n**END** (destroy; exterminate) **+ an anagram of** (running) **MICE**\n **END** **EMIC***\n\n**ENDEMIC** (prevalent; rampant)"} {"Clue":"Kind chap among forty people giving input (4)","Answer":"TYPE","Explanation":"Definition: Kind\n**TYPE** (**hidden word in** [among] **FORTY PEOPLE**) \n \u00a0\n\n**TYPE** (sort; kind)"} {"Clue":"Criminal's crime (7)","Answer":"OFFENCE","Explanation":"Definition: crime\n**OF** (indicating possession) **+ FENCE** (receiver of stolen property; criminal) taken together could be expressed as criminal's\n \u00a0\n\n**OFFENCE** (crime)"} {"Clue":"Setter's quiet spirit (3)","Answer":"IMP","Explanation":"Definition: spirit \n**I'M** (I am; setter is) **+ P** (piano; quiet)\n \u00a0\n\n**IMP** (little devil or wicked spirit)"} {"Clue":"Without justification, king assumed not enough is done to such people (11)","Answer":"UNDERSERVED","Explanation":"Definition: not enough is done to such people\n**UNDESERVED** (without justification)** containing **(assumed) **R** (Rex; king)\n **UNDE** (**R**)** SERVED**\n\n**UNDERSERVED** (descriptive of people inadequately provided with services; people who do not have enough done for them)"} {"Clue":"Giving affection in bed (4,2,5)","Answer":"HAND IN GLOVE","Explanation":"Definition: in bed\n**HANDING** (giving) **+ LOVE** (affection)\n \u00a0\n\n**HAND IN GLOVE** (on very intimate terms; in close co-operation. **IN BED** [together] can be defined as helping someone)"} {"Clue":"Fasten without a zip (3)","Answer":"NIL","Explanation":"Definition: zip\n**NAIL** (fasten) **excluding** (without) **A**\n \u00a0\n\n**NIL** (zero; nothing; zip)"} {"Clue":"Garland fashioned of stone (7)","Answer":"FESTOON","Explanation":"Definition: Garland\n**Anagram of** (fashioned) **OF STONE** \n **F****EST****O****ON***\n\n**FESTOON** (garland suspended between two points)"} {"Clue":"Realise guard protects us (4)","Answer":"SUSS","Explanation":"Definition: Realise\n**SS** (Schutzstaffel , Nazi elite corps; guard corps) **containing** (protects) **US**\n **S** (**US**) **S**\n\n**SUSS** (discover; realise)"} {"Clue":"French gentleman bolting sandwich before start of the game (7)","Answer":"CROQUET","Explanation":"Definition: game\n**CROQUE-MONSIEUR** (a type of toasted sandwich filled with ham and cheese) **excluding** (bolting) **MONSIEUR** (French gentleman) **+ T** **(first letter of** [start of] **THE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**CROQUET** (game, played on a lawn, in which wooden balls are driven by means of long-handled mallets through a series of hoops)"} {"Clue":"Performing animal interrupts joke (7)","Answer":"ON-STAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Performing\n**STAG** (animal) **contained in** (interrupts) **ONE** (joke, as in the** ONE** about \u2026 )\n **ON** (**STAG**) **E**\n\n**ON-STAGE** (**ON** a part of the **STAGE**\u00a0visible to the audience; performing)"} {"Clue":"Could it be Reg you've got to hassle? (6)","Answer":"BADGER","Explanation":"Definition: hassle\n**BADGER** (a word that could be clued as '**REG** you've got to hassle [**form an anagram of**])\n Also **BAD GER** could be\u00a0an **anagram type clue** for **REG**\n\n**BADGER** (pester; hassle)"} {"Clue":"French novelist's babbling stream and brook' (8)","Answer":"FLAUBERT","Explanation":"Definition: French novelist\n**FLAU** (**sounds like** [babbling] **FLOW** [stream]) **+ BERT** (in this case, **pronounced** [babbling] **BEAR** [brook])\n \u00a0\n\n**FLAUBERT** (reference Gustave **FLAUBERT** [1821 \u2013 1880], French novelist)"} {"Clue":"This tarmac melted in Dutch city (10)","Answer":"MAASTRICHT","Explanation":"Definition: Dutch city\n**Anagram of** (melted) **THIS TARMAC**\n **MAA****ST****R****I****C****H****T***\n\n**MAASTRICHT** (city in The Netherlands)"} {"Clue":"Leer at \u2013 or look at? (3,2)","Answer":"EYE UP","Explanation":"Definition: Leer at \n**EYE** (look) **+ UP** (at [school or college]) or it may simply be **EYE UP** (look at)\n \u00a0\n\n**EYE UP** (consider the [especially sexual] attractiveness of; leer at)"} {"Clue":"One in the orchestra regularly on booze (4)","Answer":"OBOE","Explanation":"Definition: One in the orchestra\n**OBOE** (**letters 1, 3, 5 and 7** [regularly] of **ON BOOZE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**OBOE** (instrument played in an orchestra)"} {"Clue":"I nag loudly, being frigid (3-4)","Answer":"ICE-COLD","Explanation":"Definition: frigid\n**ICE-COLD** (sounds like [loudly] **I SCOLD** [I nag])\n \u00a0\n\n**ICE-COLD** (frigid)"} {"Clue":"Vulnerable gran needed fluid (10)","Answer":"ENDANGERED","Explanation":"Definition: Vulnerable \n**Anagram of** (fluid) **GRAN NEEDED**\n **ENDANGERED***\n\n**ENDANGERED** (vulnerable)"} {"Clue":"California weirdo obstructs guy travelling home (6,3)","Answer":"CAMPER VAN","Explanation":"Definition: travelling home\n**CA** (California) + (**PERV** [pervert; weirdo] **contained in** [obstructs] **MAN** [guy])\n **CA** **M** **(PER V**) **AN**\n\n**CAMPER VAN **(**VAN** converted for use as mobile temporary living accommodation; travelling home)"} {"Clue":"Chief's sly hunch (4)","Answer":"ARCH","Explanation":"Definition: Chief\n**ARCH** (chief)\n **ARCH** (cunning; sly)\n\n**ARCH** (curve; bow; hunch) triple definition"} {"Clue":"Writhe if erotica features young female (6)","Answer":"HEIFER","Explanation":"Definition: young female\n**HEIFER** **(hidden word in** [features] **WRITHE IF EROTICA**)\n \u00a0\n\n**HEIFER** (young female cow)"} {"Clue":"Buck being afflicted with bruise, it twists puzzlingly (6,4)","Answer":"RUBIK","Explanation":"Definition: it twists puzzlingly\n**Anagram of **(being afflicted) **BUCK** and** BRUISE**\n **R****UB****I****K****'S ****C****UBE***\n\n**RUBIK'S CUBE** (a cube-shaped puzzle composed of 26 small pieces [cubes or partial cubes] with faces coloured in any of six colours, fixed to a central spindle that allows them to be rotated on three axes, the solved puzzle presenting a uniform colour on each face); it twists puzzlingly"} {"Clue":"Youngster with a cut nose (10)","Answer":"ADOLESCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Youngster\nA **+ DOLE** (small portion; a cut of the whole) **+ SCENT** (nose)\n \u00a0\n\n**ADOLESCENT** (young person between childhood and adulthood)"} {"Clue":"Tide rose higher, last bit of spray dislodging old band of rock? (4,5)","Answer":"PINK FLOYD","Explanation":"Definition: band of rock\n**PINK** (rose colour) **+** (**FLO****O****D** [rise of the tide]) with **Y** [**final letter of** {last bit of} **SPRAY**] **replacing** [dislodging] the second **O** [old])\n **PINK FLOYD**\n \u00a0\n\n**PINK FLOYD** (former English rock band)"} {"Clue":"I painted Joe with oil of roses (6)","Answer":"GIOTTO","Explanation":"Definition: I painted\n**GI** (reference **GI** Joe, American toy soldier) **+ OTTO** (variant spelling of **ATTAR** [very fragrant essential oil made in Bulgaria and elsewhere, chiefly from the damask rose])\n \u00a0\n\n**GIOTTO** (reference **GIOTTO** di Bondone [166 \u2013 1337], Italian architect and painter)"} {"Clue":"It's a mistake to admit having ambition (3,4)","Answer":"OWN GOAL","Explanation":"Definition: a mistake\n**OWN** (admit) **+ GOAL** (ambition)\n \u00a0\n\n**OWN GOAL** (self inflicted disadvantage; mistake)"} {"Clue":"What people say in 'You and me are getting older' (5)","Answer":"USAGE","Explanation":"Definition: What people say\n**US** (you and me) **+ AGE** (get older)\n \u00a0\n\n**USAGE** (the normal or acceptable speech patterns, vocabulary, etc of a language or dialect; what people say)"} {"Clue":"I ignore picket fence in outskirts of suburb in California? On the contrary! (4)","Answer":"SCAB","Explanation":"Definition: I ignore picket\n**CA** (California) **contained in** (in) **SB** (**outside letters o**f [outskirts of] **S****UBUR****B**)\n The container and contents forming the entry are the **opposite** [on the contrary] way round from that indicated by the early part of the clue\n **S** (**CA**)** B**\n\n**SCAB** (blackleg [worker continuing to work during a strike or one taking a striker's place]; one who crosses a picket line) I'm not really sure what 'fence' is doing in the clue other than to mislead. I don't think 'picket fence' is another term for 'picket line'"} {"Clue":"Use up a split lentil stew? I swapped my inheritance for it (4)","Answer":"ESAU","Explanation":"Definition: I swapped my inheritance for it\n**A contained in** (split)** USE** **reversed** (up) \n **ES** (**A**) **U**<\n\n**ESAU** (reference Genesis 25 verses 29 \u2013 34 where **ESAU** exchanges his birthright [inheritance] for a pottage of lentil stew)"} {"Clue":"Lack of power? Indignation after Republican's sent packing (6)","Answer":"OUTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Lack of power\n**OUTRAGE** (indignation) **excluding** (sent packing) **R** (Republican)\n \u00a0\n\n**OUTAGE **(loss of power supply)"} {"Clue":"Witnessed attorney getting defeated, Bishop getting off (8)","Answer":"ATTESTED","Explanation":"Definition: Witnessed\n**ATT **(attorney) **+ BESTED** (defeated) **excluding** (getting off) **B** (bishop)\n \u00a0\n\n**ATTESTED** (witnessed)"} {"Clue":"Animal to risk swallowing arsenic (5)","Answer":"BEAST","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\n**BET** (risk) **containing** (swallowing) **AS** (chemical symbol for arsenic)\n **BE** (**AS**) **T**\n\n**BEAST** (animal)"} {"Clue":"Religious place, ploughed yard supplying special earth (8)","Answer":"PIPECLAY","Explanation":"Definition: special earth\n**PI** (obtrusively religious) **+** (**an anagram of** [ploughed] **PLACE**] **+ Y** (yard)\n **PI** **PECLA*** **Y**\n\n**PIPECLAY **(fine white, nearly pure, kaolin, free from iron, used for making tobacco pipes and fine earthenware; special earth)"} {"Clue":"Rabbit seen around river or smaller waterway (4)","Answer":"BURN","Explanation":"Definition: smaller waterway\n**BUN** (playful name for a rabbit) **containing** (around) **R** (river)\n **BU** (**R**) **N**\n\n**BURN** (watercourse, smaller than a river)"} {"Clue":"Australian inclined to rhapsodise about tree-trunk making excuses (10)","Answer":"APOLOGETIC","Explanation":"Definition: making excuses\n**A** (Australian) **+** (**POETIC** [inclined to rhapsodise] **containing** [about] **LOG** [fallen tree trunk])\n **A** **PO** (**LOG**) **ETIC**\n\n**APOLOGETIC** (defensive; making excuses)"} {"Clue":"Containerised awkwardly, without much thought (13)","Answer":"INCONSIDERATE","Explanation":"Definition: without much thought\n**Anagram of** (awkwardly) **CONTAINERISED**\n **INCONSIDERATE***\n\n**INCONSIDERATE** (without much thought)"} {"Clue":"Church with new denunciation about Government temperature measurement (10)","Answer":"CENTIGRADE","Explanation":"Definition: temperature measurement\n**CE** (Church [of England]) **+ N** + (**TIRADE** [denunciation] **containing** [about] **G** [Government])\n **CE** **N** **TI** (**G**) **RADE**\n\n**CENTIGRADE** (descriptive of a scale, esp the Celsius temperature scale, having a hundred degrees between the freezing and boiling points of water)"} {"Clue":"Item on string solver cut twice (2-2)","Answer":"YO-YO","Explanation":"Definition: Item on string\n**YOU** (solver) **excluding the final letter** (cut) **+** **YOU** (solver) **excluding the final letter** (cut) \u2013 giving cut twice\n \u00a0\n\n**YO-YO** (toy consisting of a reel wound with an attached length of string which is held in the hand while the reel is dropped to fall and rise under its own weight)"} {"Clue":"Cease getting upset about cut or slice of meat (8)","Answer":"ESCALOPE","Explanation":"Definition: slice of meat\n**Anagram of** (getting upset) **CEASE** **containing** (about) **LOP** (cut)\n **ESCA** (**LOP**)** E***\n\n**ESCALOPE** (boneless slice of meat, cut thin and often beaten out still thinner)"} {"Clue":"Shouts euphemism after losing penny (5)","Answer":"CRIES","Explanation":"Definition: Shouts\n**CRIPES** (euphemism for Christ) **excluding** (after losing) **P** (penny)\n \u00a0\n\n**CRIES** (shouts)"} {"Clue":"A long time when leaving oriental conurbation, heading off (8)","Answer":"ETERNITY","Explanation":"Definition: A long time\n**EASTERN** (oriental) **excluding** (leaving) **AS** (when) **+ CITY** (conurbation) **excluding the first letter** (heading off) **C**\n \u00a0\n\n**ETERNITY** (extremely long time)"} {"Clue":"Religious followers leading soldiers in group (6)","Answer":"SECTOR","Explanation":"Definition: group\n**SECT** (religious followers)** + OR** (other ranks; soldiers)\n \u00a0\n\n**SECTOR** (group [of economic operations], e.g. an industry **SECTOR**)"} {"Clue":"Adds words to question about Dame's third pantomime (8)","Answer":"DUMBSHOW","Explanation":"Definition: pantomime\n(**DUBS **[adds a new soundtrack or words in a different language to a film for instance] **+ HOW**? [example of a question) **containing** (about) **M** (third letter of ['s third] **DAME**)\n **DU** (**M**) **B S** **HOW**\n\n**DUMBSHOW** (pantomime)"} {"Clue":"American supporting flag legend (4)","Answer":"SAGA","Explanation":"Definition: legend\n**SAG** (move in a slow laboured manner; flag) **+ A** (American) This being a down clue, the final** A** is supporting the first three letters **(SAG**)\n \u00a0\n\n**SAGA** (epic; legend)"} {"Clue":"Hold back regarding line of descent (8)","Answer":"RESTRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Hold back\n**RE** (regarding) **+**** STRAIN** (line of descent)\n \u00a0\n\n**RESTRAIN **(hold back)"} {"Clue":"High note coming in very much on an intermittent basis (4-2)","Answer":"STOP-GO","Explanation":"Definition: on an intermittent basis\n(**TOP G** [high note]) **contained in** (coming in) **SO** (very much)\n **S** (**TOP G**) **O**\n\n**STOP-GO** (alternately discouraging and encouraging forward movement; on an intermittent basis"} {"Clue":"Crucial English is taken up in bank? More or less (10)","Answer":"RELATIVELY","Explanation":"Definition: More or less\n([**VITAL** {crucial}** + E** {English}] **all reversed** [taken up]) **contained in** (in) **RELY** (bank)\n **R** (**E** **LATIV**)< **ELY**\n\n**RELATIVELY** (somewhat; more or less)"} {"Clue":"Mix-up in reassessment of Tory appeal? More or less (13)","Answer":"APPROXIMATELY","Explanation":"Definition: More or less \n**MIX** **reversed (**up**) contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (reassessment of) **TORY APPEAL**\n **APPRO** (**XIM**)< **A****T****EL****Y***\n\n**APPROXIMATELY** (more or less)"} {"Clue":"Ministerial support not disclosed by a railway (9)","Answer":"SECRETARY","Explanation":"Definition: Ministerial support \n**SECRET** (not disclosed) **+ A** **+ RY** (railway)\n \u00a0\n\n**SECRETARY** (The office of a Government Minister is managed by a Private **SECRETARY** [PS].\u00a0In most\u00a0cases, the Minister is also managed by the PS)"} {"Clue":"Residents ignoring student in one academic institution (10)","Answer":"UNIVERSITY","Explanation":"Definition: academic institution\n**LIVERS** (residents) **excluding** (ignoring) **L** (learner; student)** contained in** **UNITY** (one)\n **UN** (**IVERS**) **ITY**\n\n**UNIVERSITY** (academic institution)"} {"Clue":"German words of enquiry which aren't neglecting English, sadly (5,4)","Answer":"NICHT WAHR","Explanation":"Definition: German words of enquiry\n**Anagram of** (sadly) **WHICH AREN'T** **excluding** (neglecting) **E** (English)\n **N****ICH****T**** W****A****H****R***\n\n**NICHT WAHR** (a German phrase that can be translated as 'isn't that so?'; German words of enquiry)"} {"Clue":"Military activity originated by Irish, involving islands further south (8)","Answer":"EXERCISE","Explanation":"Definition: Military activity\n**EX** (direct from; originated) **+** (**ERSE** [sometimes used for Irish Gaelic, as opposed to Scottish Gaelic; Irish] **containing** [involving] **CI** [Channel Islands; islands further south than Ireland)\n **EX** **ER** (**CI**) **SE**\n\n**EXERCISE** (military drill or manoeuvre)"} {"Clue":"Try studio device, introducing note of concise form (6)","Answer":"GNOMIC","Explanation":"Definition: of concise form\n(**GO** [try] **+ MIC** [microphone; studio device]) **containing** (introducing) **N** (note)\n **G** (**N**) **O** **MIC**\n\n**GNOMIC** (in a pithy and sententious form; of concise form)"} {"Clue":"Having stepped over line, the French posted offensive comment (7)","Answer":"TROLLED","Explanation":"Definition: posted offensive comment\n**TROD** (stepped) **containing** (over) **L** [line] **+ ****LE** [one of the French forms of 'the'])\n **TRO** (**L** **LE**) **D**\n\n**TROLLED** (made a conscious attempt to provoke controversy or disagreement on the Internet often by posting an offensive comment on Social media)"} {"Clue":"Official room in which to get the bullet? (7)","Answer":"CHAMBER","Explanation":"Definition: Official room\n**CHAMBER** (place where an assembly meets; official room)\n \u00a0\n\n**CHAMBER** (compartment in a gun where the bullet or cartridge is placed prior to firing) double definition"} {"Clue":"Train former journalists (7)","Answer":"EXPRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Train\n**EX** (former) **+ PRESS** (journalists)\n \u00a0\n\n**EXPRESS** (example of a fast train)"} {"Clue":"A non-believer elected guerilla leader (7)","Answer":"INFIDEL","Explanation":"Definition: A non-believer\n**IN** (elected) **+ FIDEL** (first name of the thematic person)\n \u00a0\n\n**INFIDEL** (someone who rejects a religion,; non-believer)"} {"Clue":"Vessel regularly seen in bay region (4)","Answer":"ARGO","Explanation":"Definition: Vessel \n**ARGO** **(letters 2, 4, 6 and 8**\u00a0[regularly seen in] **BAY REGION**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ARGO** (ship sailed in by Jason and the **ARGO**nauts when searching for the Golden Fleece; vessel)"} {"Clue":"Bruce getting sozzled downing a tropical island cocktail (4,5)","Answer":"CUBA LIBRE","Explanation":"Definition: cocktail\n**Anagram of** (getting sozzled) **BRUCE** **containing** (downing) **BALI **(tropical island in Indonesia)\n **CU** (**BA LI**) **BRE***\n\n**CUBA LIBRE** (long drink of rum and lime juice; cocktail)"} {"Clue":"Corrupt, leaderless regime at fault; it's a sign of stress (5,7)","Answer":"METAL FATIGUE","Explanation":"Definition: sign of stress\n**Anagram of** (corrupt) **REGIME AT FAULT** **excluding the first letter** (leaderless) **R**\n **METAL FATIGUE***\n\n**METAL FATIGUE** (failure caused in metal by continuous varied stresses on it)"} {"Clue":"Customised goal for downmarket German paper announced (7-5)","Answer":"PURPOSE BUILT","Explanation":"Definition: Customised\n**PURPOSE** (goal) **+ BUILT** (sounds like [announced] **BILD** [name of a downmarket German newspaper akin to the British tabloid the Sun)\n \u00a0\n\n**PURPOSE BUILT** (specially made or designed to meet particular requirements; customised)"} {"Clue":"20's left turn (9,10)","Answer":"COMMUNIST REVOLUTION","Explanation":"Definition: left turn\n**COMMUNIST** (politically on the far left) **+ REVOLUTION** (turn) \n \u00a0\n\n**COMMUNIST REVOLUTION** (Fidel **CASTRO** [20 down] led a **COMMUNIST** **REVOLUTION** in Cuba to depose previous dictator Fulgencio Batista in January 1959) cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Bear trap; Russian leader in America (4)","Answer":"URSA","Explanation":"Definition: Bear\n**USA** ([United States] of America) **containing** (trap) **R** (**first letter of** [leader] **RUSSIA**)\n **U **(**R**)** SA**\n\n**URSA** (Latin for 'bear')"} {"Clue":"Making tea for British oilman (7)","Answer":"BREWING","Explanation":"Definition: Making tea\n**BR** (British) + **EWING** (reference J R **EWING**, oilman character in the TV series Dallas [1978 \u2013 1991])\n \u00a0\n\n**BREWING** (making tea)"} {"Clue":"Back in the day, illuminate Northern Line in 8 (7)","Answer":"ENLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Back in the day, illuminate\n(**N** [northern] **+ L** [line]) **contained in** (in) **EIGHT** (8)\n **E** (**N** **L**) **IGHT**\n\n**ENLIGHT** (archaic [old' back in the day] word for shed light on [illuminate])"} {"Clue":"Followers backing Che unite Republican contingent (7)","Answer":"RETINUE","Explanation":"Definition: Followers \n**RETINUE** (**reversed** [backing] **hidden word** in [contingent] **CHE UNITE REPUBLICAN**)\n **RETINUE**<\n\n**RETINUE** (body of people accompanying and often attending an important person; followers)"} {"Clue":"20's favourite leaves firm following return of explorer (7)","Answer":"TOBACCO","Explanation":"Definition: 20's favourite\n**CABOT** (reference John **CABOT** [c 1450 \u2013 1500] Genoese navigator; explorer) **\u00a0reversed** (return of) + **CO** (company)\n **TOBAC**< **CO**\n\n**TOBACCO** (Fidel CASTRO [20 down] was known for his enjoyment of\u00a0cigars [tobacco])"} {"Clue":"Train robber's income, according to Spooner, \"a national humiliation\" (3,3,2,4)","Answer":"THE BAY OF PIGS","Explanation":"Definition: a national humiliation\n**THE BAY OF PIGS** (a Spoonerism of **THE PAY OF BIGGS**, a reference to the monetary gains enjoyed by Great Train Robber, Ronnie **BIGGS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**THE BAY OF PIGS** (reference the ill-fated military invasion of Cuba undertaken by the CIA-sponsored paramilitary group Brigade 2506 on 17 April 1961; the invasion was a humiliation for the United States)"} {"Clue":"Sequestration order upset Armstrong (4)","Answer":"LIEN","Explanation":"Definition: Sequestration order\n**NEIL** (reference **NEIL** Armstrong [1930 \u2013 2012], US astronaut and the first man to walk on the moon) **reversed** (upset)\n **LIEN**<\n\n**LIEN** (right to retain possession of another's property until the owner pays a debt or fulfils a contract; effectively a sequestration order)"} {"Clue":"Profane to remove heart from heavy chest (9)","Answer":"DESECRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Profane\n**DENSE** (heavy) **excluding** (remove) **the central letter** [heart) **N** + **CRATE **(chest)\n \u00a0\n\n**DESECRATE** (profane)"} {"Clue":"For starters, Christmas lunch puts up body mass index scale (5)","Answer":"CLIMB","Explanation":"Definition: scale\n**CL** (**first letters of **[for starters] each of **CHRISTMAS** and **LUNCH**) **+ BMI** (Body Mass Index) **reversed** (puts up)\n **CL** **IMB**<\n\n**CLIMB** (scale)"} {"Clue":"Flat out (like Rocinante?) (2,4,4)","Answer":"AT FULL TILT","Explanation":"Definition: Flat out \n**AT FULL TILT** (Rocinante is Don Quixote's horse in the novel by Cervantes. There is a fair amount of **TILT**ing at windmills in the novel)\n \u00a0\n\n**AT FULL TILT **(at full speed; flat out)"} {"Clue":"They're reserved for those who have paid the highest price (4,4)","Answer":"BODY BAGS","Explanation":"Definition: They're reserved for those who have paid the highest price\n**BODY BAGS** (death is the full price in many instances, resulting in bodies)\n \u00a0\n\n**BODY BAGS** (**BAGS** made of heavy material in which a dead body [especially that of a war casualty or accident victim] is transported)"} {"Clue":"Stripped Oliver Reed, drunk, replaced (8)","Answer":"RELIEVED","Explanation":"Definition: replaced\n**Anagram of** ([**OLIVER** **excluding the outermost letters** {stripped} **O** and **R**] and **REED**)\n **R****ELI****E****V****ED***\n\n**RELIEVED** (released from duty by being replaced)"} {"Clue":"Out in Rotterdam, chips all round, a hint of Tabasco \u2013 most saucy! (9)","Answer":"FRUITIEST","Explanation":"Definition: most saucy\n(**FRIES** [chips]** containing** [all round] **UIT** (Dutch [Rotterdam] for 'out') **+ T** (**first letter of** [hint of] **TABASCO**)\n **FR** (**UIT**) **IES** **T**\n\n**FRUITIEST** (most saucy)"} {"Clue":"Key reviews upcoming involving British Airways (5,3)","Answer":"SPACE BAR","Explanation":"Definition: Key\n**RECAPS** (reviews) **reversed** (upcoming; down clue) **containing** (involving) **BA** (British Airways)\n **SPACE** (**BA**) **R**<\n\n**SPACE BAR **(key on a typewriter or keyboard)"} {"Clue":"A bit of island rum, Beatrice? That'll get you dancing! (8)","Answer":"DRUMBEAT","Explanation":"Definition: That'll get you dancing\n**DRUMBEAT** (hidden word in)[a bit of] **ISLAN****D RUM BEAT****RICE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**DRUMBEAT** (a rhythm that may\u00a0get you dancing)"} {"Clue":"Sad ending of 21 with exploding cigar (6)","Answer":"TRAGIC","Explanation":"Definition: Sad \n**T** (**last letter of **[ending of] **COMMUNIST**) **+ an anagram o**f (exploding) **CIGAR**\n **T** **RAGIC***\n\n**TRAGIC** (sad)"} {"Clue":"He's late for the start of Royal Ascot, unfortunately (6)","Answer":"CASTRO","Explanation":"Definition: He's late \n**Anagram of** (unfortunately) (**R** [**first letter of **{start of} **ROYAL**] and **ASCOT**)\n **CAST****R****O***\n\n**CASTRO** (reference Fidel **CASTRO** [1926 -2016], died just over a week ago, November 25; he's late)"} {"Clue":"Fire doctor, struck off for having mixed socially (5)","Answer":"INGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Fire\n**MINGLED** (mixed socially) **excluding** (struck off) **MD** (Doctor of Medicine)\n \u00a0\n\n**INGLE **(a fire in a room)"} {"Clue":"Left in Cuba without a weapon (4)","Answer":"CLUB","Explanation":"Definition: weapon\n**L** (left) **contained in** (in) **CUB****A** **excluding** [without] **A**\n **C **(**L**) **UB**\n\n**CLUB** (heavy tapering stick; weapon)"} {"Clue":"Match for Dickens? (7)","Answer":"LUCIFER","Explanation":"Definition: Match\n**LUCIFER** (match of wood tipped with a combustible substance to be ignited by friction)\n \u00a0\n\n**LUCIFER** (Satan; DICKENS can also be defined as the devil) double definition"} {"Clue":"Change light's direction on river in particular (7)","Answer":"REFRACT","Explanation":"Definition: Change light's direction\n**RE** (with reference to; about; on) + (**R** [river]** contained in** **FACT** [particular piece of information])\n **RE** **F** (**R**) **ACT**\n\n**REFRACT** (deflect rays of light)"} {"Clue":"Ocean flows west to Irish gods (5)","Answer":"AESIR","Explanation":"Definition: gods\n**SEA** (ocean) **reversed** (flows west) **+ IR** (Irish)\n **AES**<** IR**\n\n**AESIR** (Norse gods)"} {"Clue":"Rowdy Scots hail old commentator (9)","Answer":"SCHOLIAST","Explanation":"Definition: old commentator\n**Anagram of** (rowdy) **SCOTS HAIL**\n **SCHOLIAST***\n\n**SCHOLIAST** (commentator, especially an ancient [old] commentator on a classical author)"} {"Clue":"Big prop on wing though accompanied by lock (6,8)","Answer":"FLYING BUTTRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Big prop\n**FLYING** (on wing) **+ BUT** (though) **+ TRESS** (lock of hair)\n \u00a0\n\n**FLYING BUTTRESS** (arch shaped prop; big prop)"} {"Clue":"Rest in peace as everlasting (4)","Answer":"EASE","Explanation":"Definition: Rest\n**EASE** (**hidden word in [in] PEACE AS EVERLASTING**)\n \u00a0\n\n**EASE** (rest)"} {"Clue":"Marine mammal, without female, left home for snail (8)","Answer":"SEASHELL","Explanation":"Definition: home for snail\n(**SEAL** [marine mammal]** containing** [without {outside}] **\u00a0****SHE** [female]) + **L** (left)\n **SEA** (**SHE**) **L**** L**\n\n**SEASHELL** (shell of a crustacean; home for a snail)"} {"Clue":"One into gin drunkenly finds point of combustion (8)","Answer":"IGNITION","Explanation":"Definition: point of combustion\n**Anagram of** (drunkenly) **I** (one) **INTO GIN**\n **I****G****NIT****I****O****N***\n\n**IGNITION** (point of combustion)"} {"Clue":"Northern mountain viewed from East in drawing (4)","Answer":"PLAN","Explanation":"Definition: drawing\n(**N** [northern]** + ALP** [high mountain]) **all reversed** (viewed from the East)\n (**PLA** **N**)<\n\n**PLAN** (drawing)"} {"Clue":"King in uniform there with knight and lizard seizing power (5,9)","Answer":"UTHER PENDRAGON","Explanation":"Definition: King\n**U** (uniform is the International radio communication codeword for the letter **U**) + ([**THERE** **+ N** {knight in chess terminology}** + DRAGON **{big lizard}] **containing** [seizing] **P** [power])\n **U** **THER** (**P**) **E** **N** **DRAGON**\n\n**UTHER PENDRAGON** (legendary king of sub-Roman Britain and the father of King Arthur)"} {"Clue":"Pasta shortly to be cooked with eight for some food (9)","Answer":"SPAGHETTI","Explanation":"Definition: some food\n**Anagram of **(to be cooked) **PASTA** **excluding the final letter** (shortly) **A** and **EIGHT**\n **SPAGHETTI***\n\n**SPAGHETTI** (food which just happens to be pasta)"} {"Clue":"Body part temperature given approximately (5)","Answer":"TORSO","Explanation":"Definition: Body part\n**T** (temperature) **+ OR SO **(approximately)\n \u00a0\n\n**TORSO** (trunk of a human body; body part)"} {"Clue":"Mark, joining Liberal Party after consideration, gets title (7)","Answer":"EARLDOM","Explanation":"Definition: title\n**EAR** (attention; consideration) **+ L** (Liberal) **+ DO** (party) **+ M** (mark [old German currency])\n \u00a0\n\n**EARLDOM** (noble title)"} {"Clue":"Bird swallowing managed seconds for journey (7)","Answer":"TRANSIT","Explanation":"Definition: journey\n**TIT **(any of various kinds of small songbirds) **containing** (swallowing) (**RAN** [managed] **+ S** [seconds])\n **T** (**RAN** **S**) **IT**\n\n**TRANSIT** (conveyance or passage; journey)"} {"Clue":"Shakespeare's king coherent, but losing head (4)","Answer":"LEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Shakespeare's king\n**CLEAR** (coherent) **excluding the first letter** (losing head) **C**\n \u00a0\n\n**LEAR** (reference Shakespeare's Tragedy, King **LEAR**)"} {"Clue":"Startlingly clear antithesis for dreamy schemes (7,2,3,3)","Answer":"CASTLES IN THE AIR","Explanation":"Definition: dreamy schemes\n**Anagram of **(startlingly) **CLEAR ANTITHESIS**\n **CA****ST****LE****S IN THE AI****R***\n\n**CASTLES IN THE AIR** (imaginary or unrealistic plans, projects or hopes; dreamy schemes)"} {"Clue":"Cooper's little effort family tree put first (6)","Answer":"FIRKIN","Explanation":"Definition: Cooper's little effort \n**FIR** (tree) **+ KIN** (family)\n \u00a0\n\n**FIRKIN** (measure equal to one-quarter of a barrel; a **COOPER** is a barrel maker and **COOPER** can also be defined as a mixture of stout and porter)"} {"Clue":"Command to include singular advice for the incompetent? (6)","Answer":"RESIGN","Explanation":"Definition: advice for the incompetent\n**REIGN** (command)** containing** (to include) **S** (singular)\n **RE** (**S**) **IGN**\n\n**RESIGN** (give up one's position; suitable advice for an incompetent person currently holding such position)"} {"Clue":"Put in new place on exercise aboard carrier (8)","Answer":"REHOUSED","Explanation":"Definition: Put in new place\n**RE** (with reference to; about; on) **+** (**USE** [exercise] **contained in** [aboard] **HOD** [carrier for bricks])\n **RE** **HO** (**USE**) **D**\n\n**REHOUSED** (put in new place)"} {"Clue":"Total jerk makes delivery (4,4)","Answer":"FULL TOSS","Explanation":"Definition: delivery\n**FULL** (total) **+ TOSS** (jerk as in **TOSS** \/ jerk\u00a0your head)\n \u00a0\n\n**FULL TOSS** (descriptive of a bowler's delivery in cricket where the ball does not bounce before reaching the batsman)"} {"Clue":"In which one imperilled mortal flees war? (1,8,2,4)","Answer":"A FAREWELL TO ARMS","Explanation":"Definition: In which one imperilled mortal flees war\n**A** (one) + **an anagram of** (imperilled) **MORTAL FLEES WAR**\n A (**FAREWELL TO ARMS***)\n\n**A FAREWELL TO ARMS** (title of a novel by Ernest Hemingway, set in the First World War where the hero [imperilled mortal] does indeed flee war)"} {"Clue":"Book time in LA clubs, perhaps going up together (5,5)","Answer":"TITUS ALONE","Explanation":"Definition: Book\n(**T** [time]** contained in** [in] (**LA** **+ SUIT** [Clubs is\u00a0a** SUIT** in cards]) **all reversed** (going up; down clue) **+ ONE** (united; together)\n (**TI** (**T**) **US** **AL**)<** ****ONE**\n\n**TITUS ALONE** (title of the fourth work in\u00a0Melvin Peake's Gormenghast series; book)"} {"Clue":"What's to dissolve gradually? See Euclid, flustered, taking question! (10)","Answer":"DELIQUESCE","Explanation":"Definition: What's to dissolve gradually\n**Anagram of** (flustered) **SEE EUCLID** **containing** (taking) **Q** (question)\n **D****E****LI** (**Q**) **U****ES****CE***\n\n**DELIQUESCE** (melt and become liquid by absorbing moisture)"} {"Clue":"Stiffened sailor about to enter hut (8)","Answer":"STARCHED","Explanation":"Definition: Stiffened\n(**TAR** [sailor]** + C** [circa; about]) **contained in** (to enter) **SHED** (hut)\n **S** (**TAR** **C**) **HED**\n\n**STARCHED** (stiffened)"} {"Clue":"Corbynites, silent about disastrous sign, close to revolt (8)","Answer":"MOMENTUM","Explanation":"Definition: Corbynites\n**MUM** (silent) **containing** (about) (**OMEN** [evil sign [can also be a good sign]) **+ T** [**last letter of** [close to] **REVOLT**)\n **M** (**OMEN** **T**) \n\n**MOMENTUM** (British left-wing political organisation that evolved out of support for Jeremy Corbyn's successful campaign to lead the Labour Party)"} {"Clue":"Person abusing horse for example (6)","Answer":"ADDICT","Explanation":"Definition: Person abusing horse for example \n**ADDICT** (one who is a slave to a habit or vice; e.g. a drug **ADDICT**))\n \u00a0\n\n**ADDICT** (horse is a slang term for heroin, so one who abuses horse is a drug **ADDICT**) cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Prayer from crew of capsized craft (6)","Answer":"MANTRA","Explanation":"Definition: Prayer\n**MAN** (crew) + (**ART** [craft] **reversed** [capsized; down clue])\n **MAN** **TRA**<\n\n**MANTRA** (prayer)"} {"Clue":"Suffering sons put to bed? (4)","Answer":"COST","Explanation":"Definition: Suffering\n**S** (sons) **contained\u00a0in** (put to) **COT** (bed)\n **CO **(**S**)** T**\n\n**COST** (suffering)"} {"Clue":"Think of our country surrounded by water, going backwards and forwards (4,4)","Answer":"LOOK UPON","Explanation":"Definition: Think of\n(**UK** [United Kingdom; our country] **contained in** [surrounded by] **POOL** [expanse of water]) **all reversed** (going backwards) **+ ON **(forwards!)\n (**LOO** (**K U**) **P**)< **ON**\n\n**LOOK UPON** (consider; think of)"} {"Clue":"Reorganisation of Tooting, not good as a whole (2,4)","Answer":"IN TOTO","Explanation":"Definition: as a whole\n**Anagram of** (reorganisation of) **TOOTIN****G** **excluding** (not) **G** (good)\n **IN TOTO***\n\n**IN TOTO** (entirely; as a whole)"} {"Clue":"Compress file for storage on disk (or flash drive) (3)","Answer":"ZIP","Explanation":"Definition: Compress file for storage on disk\n**ZIP** (compress a computer file to save storage space on disk or in an e-mail)\n **ZIP** (whizz; flash)\n\n**ZIP** (energy, vigour; drive) triple definition"} {"Clue":"Without a written language the top people rule through empty talk (11)","Answer":"PRELITERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Without a written language\n(**ELITE** [top people] **+ R** [rule]) **contained in** (through) **PRATE** (foolish or superfluous talk)\n **PR** (**ELITE** **R**)** ATE**\n\n**PRELITERATE** ([of a society, culture, etc] having not yet developed a written language)"} {"Clue":"Maybe landlord will accommodate base type again (2-5)","Answer":"RE-ENTER","Explanation":"Definition: type again\n**RENTER** (one who lets out property; landlord) **containing** (will accommodate) **E** (base of natural logarithms)\n **R** (**E**) **ENTER**\n\n**RE-ENTER** (type again, as in **RE-ENTER** data with a keyboard)"} {"Clue":"Concern about Rolls and one different car (7)","Answer":"FERRARI","Explanation":"Definition: different car\n(**FEAR** [concern] **containing** [about] **RR** [Rolls {Royce} car]) **+ I**\u00a0(Roman numeral for one)\n **FE** (**RR**) **AR** **I**\n\n**FERRARI** ([a different] brand of car)"} {"Clue":"A gnome that's only half visible perhaps (3)","Answer":"SAY","Explanation":"Definition: perhaps\n**SAY****ING** (**GNOME** can be defined as a pithy or contentious **SAY****ING**) **excluding 3 of the 6 letters** [half]** ING** leaving only the other half of the letters visible\n \u00a0\n\n**SAY** (perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Mum's mad about religion (6)","Answer":"SHINTO","Explanation":"Definition: religion\n**SH** (quiet!; keep mum) **+ INTO** (mad about)\n \u00a0\n\n**SHINTO** (indigenous religion of Japan)"} {"Clue":"Usher in old king using different vocal parts (6)","Answer":"HERALD","Explanation":"Definition: Usher in\n**HERALD **can be derived from **HAROLD** (old king killed at the Battle of Hastings, with the pronunciation [vocal] changed by using different vowels [different parts])\n \u00a0\n\n**HERALD** (usher in)"} {"Clue":"Description of wine's function (3)","Answer":"SEC","Explanation":"Definition: Description of wine\n**SEC** (dry; descriptive of wine)\n \u00a0\n\n**SEC** (secant; trigonometrical function) double definition"} {"Clue":"Financial institution that keeps gold principally in Oklahoma City (7)","Answer":"BANGKOK","Explanation":"Definition: City\n(**BANK** [financial institution] **containing** [that keeps] **G** [**first letter of** {principally}] **GOLD**) + **OK** (abbreviation for the American State of Oklahoma)\n **BAN** (**G**) **K** **OK**\n\n**BANGKOK** (capital city of Thailand)"} {"Clue":"Elsa, 15, has a drink in Hampshire village (7)","Answer":"LIONESS","Explanation":"Definition: Elsa\n**ONE** (informal term for a drink) **contained in** (in) **LISS** (village in Hampshire)\n **LI** (**ONE**) **SS**\n\n**LIONESS** (reference Elsa the orphaned **LIONESS**, raised along with her sisters by Kenyan game warden George Adamson and his wife Joy)"} {"Clue":"Having lost son, Sofia arrives distraught \u2013 tact is needed (6-5)","Answer":"SAVOIR-FAIRE","Explanation":"Definition: tact is needed\n**Anagram of** (distraught) **SOFIA ARRIVES** **excluding** (having lost) **S** (son)\n **SAVOIR-FAIRE***\n\n**SAVOIR-FAIRE** (the faculty of knowing just what to do and how to do it; tact)"} {"Clue":"A Gershwin melody first to last (3)","Answer":"IRA","Explanation":"Definition: A Gershwin\n**AIR** (melody) with the **first letter ****A** **moved to** the end [**last**]\n **IRA**\n\n**IRA** (reference** IRA** Gershwin [1896 \u2013 1983], American lyricist, older brother of George)"} {"Clue":"Talk about the French holiday home (6)","Answer":"CHALET","Explanation":"Definition: holiday home\n**CHAT** (talk) **containing** (about) **LE** (one of the French forms of 'the')\n **CHA** (**LE**)** T**\n\n**CHALET** (small house, usually of wood, built for use by holidaymakers, etc)"} {"Clue":"Carefree girl out broadcasting (8)","Answer":"DEBONAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Carefree\n**DEB** (debutante; a girl making her first appearance in society) **+ ON AIR** (broadcasting)\n \u00a0\n\n**DEBONAIR** (carefree)"} {"Clue":"School revealed secret about current attainment (10)","Answer":"COMPLETION","Explanation":"Definition: attainment\n**COMP** (comprehensive) **+** (**LET ON** [revealed secret] **containing** [about] **I** [electric current])\n **COMP** **LET** (**I**) **ON**\n\n**COMPLETION** (attainment)"} {"Clue":"Signal broadcast after switching components (6)","Answer":"OUTPUT","Explanation":"Definition: Signal\n**PUT OUT** (broadcast) with the two component parts** PUT** and** OUT** switched round to form **OUT****PUT** \n \u00a0\n\n**OUTPUT** (signal)"} {"Clue":"They like to watch head of Ordnance Survey in action (7)","Answer":"VOYEURS","Explanation":"Definition: They like to watch\n**Anagram of** (in action) **O** (**first letter of **[head of] **ORDNANCE**) and **SURVEY**\n **VOYEURS***\n\n**VOYEURS** (people who derive gratification from surreptitiously watching sexual acts or objects)"} {"Clue":"Nurse tries ecstasy in Bury (8)","Answer":"ENHEARSE","Explanation":"Definition: They like to watch\n**Anagram of** (in action) **O** (**first letter of **[head of] **ORDNANCE**) and **SURVEY**\n **VOYEURS***\n\n**VOYEURS** (people who derive gratification from surreptitiously watching sexual acts or objects)"} {"Clue":"A short painter standing on head demonstrating this? (4)","Answer":"YOGA","Explanation":"Definition: this\n(**A** **+ GOYA** [reference Francisco **GOYA**\u00a0{1746 \u2013 1828}, Spanish romantic painter] **excluding the final letter** [short]) **A**) **all reversed** (standing on head; down clue)\n (**YOG ****A**)<\n\n**YOGA** (the practice of **YOGA** can involve standing on one's head)"} {"Clue":"Laura's off to catch Izzard in Bowie musical (7)","Answer":"LAZARUS","Explanation":"Definition: Bowie musical\n**Anagram of **(off) **LAURA'S** **containing** (to catch) **Z** (**IZZARD** is defined as the letter **Z**)\n **LA** (**Z**) **ARUS***\n\n**LAZARUS** (2015 musical by David Bowie and Enda Walsh)"} {"Clue":"Symbolic additions to prize from Nobel Institute (5)","Answer":"OBELI","Explanation":"Definition: Symbolic additions\n**OBELI** (**hidden word in** [from] **NOBEL INSTITUTE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**OBELI** (a dagger-sign used in printing especially in referring to footnotes. Perhaps they appear on Nobel prize diplomas although I can't see any on a quick trawl through pictures of diplomas on the internet) Nobel Prizes comprise a medal, a diploma and a sum of money. Laureates also have to give a Nobel Lecture focused on the field in which they won their prize. This should happen within 6 months of the award. There are\u00a0currently discussions over whether, when and where Bob Dylan will give his."} {"Clue":"Second suspect brought before judge? Quite the opposite (5)","Answer":"JIFFY","Explanation":"Definition: Second \n**J** (judge) **+ IFFY** (suspect) \u2013 word play components are in the opposite order to 'suspect brought before the judge'\n \u00a0\n\n**JIFFY** (an instant; e.g. a second)"} {"Clue":"One getting acclaimed after reform of university? (10)","Answer":"ACADEMICAL","Explanation":"Definition: of university\n**A** (one) + **an anagram of **(after reform) **ACCLAIMED** \n **A** **CADEMICAL***\n\n**ACADEMICAL** (relating to university studies)"} {"Clue":"A gas fire (3)","Answer":"AXE","Explanation":"Definition: fire\n**A + XE** (chemical symbol for Xenon, a gas)\n \u00a0\n\n**AXE** (dismiss, fire)"} {"Clue":"Small dark glassy objects found in college clothing, 15 (8)","Answer":"TEKTITES","Explanation":"Definition: Small dark glassy objects\n**TEK**** **(sounds like [**SAY**, entry at 15 across] **TECH** [technical college]) + **TITES** (sounds like [**SAY**, entry at 15 across] **TIGHTS** [item of clothing])\n \u00a0\n\n**TEKTITES** (types of small glassy stone, of uncertain and perhaps extraterrestrial origin, found in certain areas of the earth [including Australia, where it is known as australite])"} {"Clue":"A literary giant stops working after losing one mate (7)","Answer":"DESPAIR","Explanation":"Definition: A literary giant\n**DIES** (stops working) **excluding** (after losing) **I** [one) **+ ****PAIR** (mate)\n \u00a0\n\n**DESPAIR** (reference Giant **DESPAIR**,\u00a0a character in Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan)"} {"Clue":"McTaggart's sketch of a boat (5)","Answer":"SKIFF","Explanation":"Definition: McTaggart's sketch \n**SKIFF** (Scottish [McTaggart's] word for a sketch)\n \u00a0\n\n**SKIFF** [small light boat]"} {"Clue":"Medical reforms called for (7)","Answer":"CLAIMED","Explanation":"Definition: Medical\n**Anagram of **(reforms) **MEDICAL**\n **CLAIMED***\n\n**CLAIMED** (called for)"} {"Clue":"Plain Gucci sable clothes making a comeback (5)","Answer":"BASIC","Explanation":"Definition: Plain\n**Reversed** (making a comeback) **hidden word in** (clothes) **GUCCI SABLE**\n **BASIC**<\n\n**BASIC** (plain)"} {"Clue":"A host provides support for old church cat (6)","Answer":"OCELOT","Explanation":"Definition: cat\n**O** (old) **+**** CE** (Church [of England])** + LOT** (many; host)\n As this is a down clue, the letters** LOT** are supporting the letters **OCE**\n\n**OCELOT** (American cat like a small leopard)"} {"Clue":"Not about to uncover meat (4)","Answer":"VEAL","Explanation":"Definition: meat \n**REVEAL** (uncover) **excluding** (not) **RE** (with reference to; about)\n \u00a0\n\n**VEAL** (calf's flesh; meat)"} {"Clue":"Diplomat from Belgium entering a crowd, a treat (12)","Answer":"AMBASSADRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Diplomat\n(**B** [International Vehicle registration for Belgium] **contained in** [entering] [**A** **+ ****MASS** {crowd}]) **+ A** **+ DRESS** (treat)\n **A** **M **(**B**) **ASS** **A** **DRESS**\n\n**AMBASSADRESS** (diplomat)"} {"Clue":"Place to buy a used Pontiac for old peasant? (6)","Answer":"CARLOT","Explanation":"Definition: peasant\n**CAR **(e.g. a Pontiac [American **CAR**]) **+ LOT** (A plot of ground allotted or assigned to any person or purpose, e.g. in America especially, for selling **CAR**s)\n \u00a0\n\n**CARLOT** (archaic [old] term for churl, rustic\u00a0or peasant)"} {"Clue":"Head for prickles among garden flowers? This may prevent accidents (5)","Answer":"ROSPA","Explanation":"Definition: This may prevent accidents\n**P** (**first letter of** [head for] **PRICKLES**) **contained in** (among) **ROSA** (the rose genus; garden flowers)\n **ROS** (**P**) **A**\n\n**ROSPA** (**RO**yal **S**ociety for the **P**revention of **A**ccidents)"} {"Clue":"Bright star \u2013 sailor in North Sea given guidance (7)","Answer":"ANTARES","Explanation":"Definition: Bright star\n**TAR** (sailor) **contained in** (in) (**an anagram of** [given guidance] **N** [North] and **SEA**)\n **A****N** (**TAR**) **ES***\n\n**ANTARES** (first-magnitude red star, the brightest in the Scorpius constellation)"} {"Clue":"Wine cases in the process of fermentation (6)","Answer":"MUSCAT","Explanation":"Definition: Wine\n**CA** (cases) **contained in** (in) **MUST** (process of fermentation)\n **MUS** (**CA**) **T**\n\n**MUSCAT** (**MUSCAT**el wine)"} {"Clue":"Small pony, advantage with year corralled (6)","Answer":"CAYUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Small pony\n**CAUSE** (advantage) **containing** (with \u2026 corralled) **Y** (year)\n **CA** (**Y**)** USE**\n\n**CAYUSE** (small Native American pony)"} {"Clue":"Bore object, removing rot (4)","Answer":"PEST","Explanation":"Definition: Bore \n**PROTEST** (object) **excluding** (removing) **ROT**\n \u00a0\n\n**PEST** (troublesome person, e.g. a bore)"} {"Clue":"Passage from a poem of long ago (4)","Answer":"ADIT","Explanation":"Definition: Passage\n**A** **+ DIT** (archaic [of long ago] word for poem)\n \u00a0\n\n**ADIT** (opening or passage, especially into a mine)"} {"Clue":"Regular feature of route march giving legionary firmness of muscle? (9)","Answer":"MILESTONE","Explanation":"Definition: Regular feature of route march\n**MILES** (informal word for very much [legionary]) **+ TONE** (firmness of muscles)\n \u00a0\n\n**MILESTONE** (regular feature of a route)"} {"Clue":"What Spartans never did as it clashed with edict (9)","Answer":"ATTICISED","Explanation":"Definition: What Spartans never did\n**Anagram of** (clashed) **AS IT** and **EDICT**\n **A****TTICI****S****ED*******\n\n**ATTICISED** (side with the Athenians, something the Spartans never did. The Spartans and the Athenians were great rivals))"} {"Clue":"Part of Berber merlon? (4)","Answer":"BERM","Explanation":"Definition: Part of Berber merlon\n**BERM** (hidden word in (part of) **BERBER MERLON**\n \u00a0\n\n**BERM** (wall of sand built as a defence in desert warfare; a **MERLON** is the part of a parapet between embrasures. which could be a made of sand in **BERBER** fortresses)"} {"Clue":"Lines of the French playing without us (4)","Answer":"VERS","Explanation":"Definition: Lines of the French\n**VERSUS** (against; playing) **excluding** (without) **US**\n \u00a0\n\n**VERS** (French word for verse; poetry; lines)"} {"Clue":"Musical drama from a region that includes Italy (6)","Answer":"AZIONE","Explanation":"Definition: Musical drama\n**A** + (**ZONE** [region]) **containing** [includes] **I** [international vehicle registration for Italy])\n **A** **Z** (**I**) **ONE**\n\n**AZIONE** (composition performed as a drama.; musical drama)"} {"Clue":"Former line introducing discussion put back in paper? (6)","Answer":"REWRAP","Explanation":"Definition: put back in paper\n**REW** (Spenserian [old; former] word for row [line]) **+ RAP** (discussion)\n \u00a0\n\n**REWRAP** (put back in paper)"} {"Clue":"Set pane that's broken, leaden (7)","Answer":"PESANTE","Explanation":"Definition: leaden\n**Anagram of** (that's broken) **SET PANE**\n **PESANTE***\n\n**PESANTE** (musical term meaning heavy; leaden)"} {"Clue":"Yankee ships on river displaying lichen (7)","Answer":"USNEA","Explanation":"Definition: lichen \n**USN** (United States Navy; Yankee ships) **+ EA** (dialect word for river)\n \u00a0\n\n**USNEA** (any member of the **USNEA**\u00a0genus of lichens)"} {"Clue":"Lid: turn it, then fret with spillage (6)","Answer":"TITFER","Explanation":"Definition: Lid\n**IT reversed** (turn) **+ an anagram of** (with spillage) **FRET**\n **TI**< **TFER***\n\n**TITFER** (tit for tat, Cockney rhyming slang for a hat; lid)"} {"Clue":"Chalet's cluttered with \u00e9p\u00e9es \u2013 it entails clearing obstacles (12)","Answer":"STEEPLECHASE","Explanation":"Definition: it entails clearing obstacles\n**Anagram of **(cluttered) **CHALET'S** and [with] **\u00c9P\u00c9ES**\n **STE****EP****L****E****CHA****SE***\n\n**STEEPLECHASE** (race with obstacles to be jumped)"} {"Clue":"Small model that French put in sort of mask (8)","Answer":"MAQUETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Small model\n**QUE** (French for that) **contained in** (put in) **MATTE** (sort of mask used to block out areas of the image, allowing a different image to be superimposed)\n **MA** (**QUE**) **TTE**\n\n**MAQUETTE** (small model of something to be made on a larger scale)"} {"Clue":"Old-fashioned club, rather loud (6)","Answer":"BRASSY","Explanation":"Definition: Old-fashioned club\n**BRASSY** (variant spelling of **BRASSIE** [old-fashioned golf club])\n \u00a0\n\n**BRASSY** (showy, loud) double definition"} {"Clue":"Dancing at disco, lascivious (7)","Answer":"SOTADIC","Explanation":"Definition: lascivious\n**Anagram of **(dancing) **AT DISCO**\n **SOTADIC***\n\n**SOTADIC** (relating to **SOTADES**, a lascivious and scurrilous Greek poet (approx 276BC), or his writings, or his metre)"} {"Clue":"Speak words in play with special majesty (11)","Answer":"STATELINESS","Explanation":"Definition: lascivious\n**Anagram of **(dancing) **AT DISCO**\n **SOTADIC***\n\n**SOTADIC** (relating to **SOTADES**, a lascivious and scurrilous Greek poet (approx 276BC), or his writings, or his metre)"} {"Clue":"Fantasy tot, packed with energy (5)","Answer":"DREAM","Explanation":"Definition: Fantasy\n**DRAM** (tot [of whisky]) **containing** (packed with) **E** (energy)\n **DR **(**E**)** AM**\n\n**DREAM** (fantasy)"} {"Clue":"Key ivy \u2013 it's standard in Cape Verde (6)","Answer":"ESCUDO","Explanation":"Definition: it's standard in Cape Verde\n**ESC** (escape key on a keyboard) **+ UDO** (Japanese species of Aralia [genus of the ivy family] with edible shoots)\n \u00a0\n\n**ESCUDO** (standard monetary unit\u00a0of the Cape Verde islands)"} {"Clue":"Bath etc reduced muscular contraction (4)","Answer":"SPAS","Explanation":"Definition: Bath etc\n**SPASM** (muscular contraction) **excluding the final letter** (reduced) **M**\n \u00a0\n\n**SPAS** (heated baths or pools; resorts offering steam baths and other health treatments; bath etc\u00a0)"} {"Clue":"Marks accepted by head in school (4)","Answer":"CAMP","Explanation":"Definition: school\n**M** (marks [former German currency]) **contained in** (accepted by) **CAP** (head)\n **CA** (**M**)** P**\n\n**CAMP** (training school)"} {"Clue":"Arrange gold box price (11)","Answer":"ORCHESTRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Arrange\n**OR** (gold) **+ CHEST** (box) **+ RATE** (price)\n \u00a0\n\n**ORCHESTRATE** (arrange)"} {"Clue":"Vipers, angriest when disturbed (8)","Answer":"INGRATES","Explanation":"Definition: Vipers\n**Anagram of** (when disturbed) **ANGRIEST**\n **INGRATES***\n\n**INGRATES** (ungrateful people; vipers)"} {"Clue":"Check rear end for bloodsuckers (7)","Answer":"TABANUS","Explanation":"Definition: bloodsuckers\n**TAB** (check; both **TAB** and check used more often in America than in\u00a0Britain) **+ ANUS** (part of the rear-end of the body)\n \u00a0\n\n**TABANUS** (gadfly genus; bloodsuckers)"} {"Clue":"Moony since maddened with extremes of love (7)","Answer":"SELENIC","Explanation":"Definition: Moony\n**Anagram of** (maddened) **SINCE** and **LE **(**first and last letters** [extremes] **of** **LOVE**)\n **SE****LE****NIC***\n\n**SELENIC** (relating to the moon; moony)"} {"Clue":"Bishop vacates centre of his stall in Trinity (6)","Answer":"TRIUNE","Explanation":"Definition: Trinity\n**TRIBUNE** (bishop's stall or throne)** excluding** (vacates) **B** (bishop)\n \u00a0\n\n**TRIUNE** (a trinity in unity)"} {"Clue":"Whistle-blower interrupts meal not properly prepared (6)","Answer":"TEREFA","Explanation":"Definition: not properly prepared\n**REF** (referee; whistleblower) **contained in** (interrupting) **TEA** (meal)\n **TE** (**REF**) **A**\n\n**TEREFA** (forbidden as food, not kosher; not properly prepared)\n **MEAL** could be doing double duty in this clue"} {"Clue":"Pinch, a little bit of salt one put in mint (5)","Answer":"SNEAP","Explanation":"Definition: Pinch\n**A** (one) **contained in** (put in) **SNEP** (catmint)\n **SNE** (**A**)** P**\n\n**SNEAP** (nip, pinch)"} {"Clue":"What penetrates flank where Royalists and Puritans meet? (4)","Answer":"SPUR","Explanation":"Definition: What penetrates flank\n**SPUR** (hidden word [where \u2026 meet] in **ROYALISTS PURITANS** [where the two words meet, without the intervening and])\n \u00a0\n\n**SPUR **(hard sharp projection that penetrates the flank of a horse)"} {"Clue":"Leader of trek says climbing provides relish (4)","Answer":"ZEST","Explanation":"Definition: relish\n(**T** [**first letter of** {leader of} **T****REK**] **+ SEZ** [says])** all reversed** (climbing; down clue)\n **ZEST**<\n\n**ZEST** (relish)"} {"Clue":"Motor-racing substitute in hotspot (9)","Answer":"FIREPLACE","Explanation":"Definition: hotspot\n**FI** (F1 \u2013 Formula One \u2013 motor racing) **+ REPLACE** (substitute)\n \u00a0\n\n**FIREPLACE** (a hot spot)"} {"Clue":"Cheat in exam recalled cane? Not entirely (4)","Answer":"CRIB","Explanation":"Definition: Cheat in exam\n**BIRCH** (rod for punishment; cane) **excluding the final letter** (not entirely) **H reversed** (recalled)\n **CRIB**<\n\n**CRIB** (steal another's work; for example, cheat in exam)"} {"Clue":"Tripe etc not almost on everything? (5)","Answer":"OFFAL","Explanation":"Definition: Tripe etc\n**OFF** (not on) **+ ALL** (everything) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **L**\n **OFF** **AL**\n\n**OFFAL** (an edible part cut off in dressing a carcase, esp tripe, entrails, heart, liver, kidney, tongue, etc)"} {"Clue":"Navigator provoking mare's-nest (9)","Answer":"STEERSMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Navigator\n**Anagram of** (provoking) **MARE'S-NEST**\n **S****T****E****E****R****S****MA****N***\n\n**STEERSMAN** (navigator)"} {"Clue":"Some European perplexing European brains (7)","Answer":"SERBIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Some European\n**Anagram of** (perplexing) **E** (European) and **BRAINS**\n **SERBIAN***\n\n**SERBIAN** (a [some]\u00a0European)"} {"Clue":"Mate engaged in some radio broadcasting suggests radar? (7)","Answer":"ACRONYM","Explanation":"Definition: radar\n**CRONY** (intimate companion; mate) **contained in** (engaged in) **AM** (amplitude modulation; descriptive of a form of radio broadcasting)\n **A** (**CRONY**) **M**\n\n**ACRONYM** (**RADAR** is an **ACRONYM** for **RA**dio **D**etection **A**nd **R**anging"} {"Clue":"Gathered gaol's wrecked in dispute (2,11)","Answer":"AT LOGGERHEADS","Explanation":"Definition: in dispute\n**Anagram of** (wrecked) **GATHERED GAOL'S**\n **AT LOGGERHEADS***\n\n**AT LOGGERHEADS** (in dispute)"} {"Clue":"What generates smile after unhappy tot's kept in confinement? Dairy product (7,6)","Answer":"COTTAGE CHEESE","Explanation":"Definition: Dairy product\n(**Anagram of** [unhappy] **TOT** **contained in** [kept in] **CAGE** [confinement]) **+ CHEESE** (reference the photographer's stock phrase 'say **CHEESE**' to make you smile)\n **C** (**OTT***) **AGE** **CHEESE**\n\n**COTTAGE CHEESE** (dairy product)"} {"Clue":"Award went down in memory (7)","Answer":"ROSETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Award\n**SET** (**went down** [of the sun or moon]) **contained in** **ROTE** (mechanical memory)\n **RO** (**SET**) **TE**\n\n**ROSETTE** (award)"} {"Clue":"Fine acrobat offering no opening for an incompetent (7)","Answer":"FUMBLER","Explanation":"Definition: incompetent\n**F** (fine) **+** (**T****UMBLER** [acrobat] **excluding the first letter** [offering no opening] **T**)\n \u00a0\n\n**FUMBLER** (one who's bungling or unsuccessful attempts; an incompetent)"} {"Clue":"One parliamentarian appearing in paper, backing purchase scheme (4-5)","Answer":"MAIL-ORDER","Explanation":"Definition: purchase scheme\n(**I** [one] **+ LORD** [member of the House of **LORD**s; parliamentarian]) **contained in** (appearing in) **REAM** (quantity of paper) **reversed** (backing)\n **MA** (**I** **L ORD**) **ER**<\n\n**MAIL-ORDER** (form of ordering and purchase)"} {"Clue":"Martial art to finish in decisive outcome (5)","Answer":"KENDO","Explanation":"Definition: Martial art\n**END** (finish) **contained in** (in) **KO** (knock-out; decisive outcome)\n **K** (**END**) **O**\n\n**KENDO** (a martial art)"} {"Clue":"The chap appears after analgesic gutted pain (4)","Answer":"ACHE","Explanation":"Definition: pain\n**AC** (**letters remaining in** **ANALGESIC** **after all the central letters **[**NALGESI**] **are removed** [gutted]) + **HE** (the chap)\n \u00a0\n\n**ACHE** (pain)"} {"Clue":"Docker having day before and day after \u2013 in warehouse (9)","Answer":"STEVEDORE","Explanation":"Definition: Docker\n(**EVE** [day before] **+ D** [day]) **contained in** (in) **STORE** (warehouse)\n **ST** (**EVE** **D**) **ORE**\n\n**STEVEDORE** (person who loads and unloads shipping vessels; docker)"} {"Clue":"Paper takes in initial contributions from criminals and police (8)","Answer":"FOOLSCAP","Explanation":"Definition: Paper\n**FOOLS** (takes in) **+ CAP** (**first letter** [initial contributions] **from each of** **CRIMINALS**, **AND** and **POLICE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**FOOLSCAP **(a [now little-used] size of long folio writing or printing paper)"} {"Clue":"Favour having no power to make allusions (5)","Answer":"REFER","Explanation":"Definition: make allusions\n**PREFER** (favour) **excluding** (having no) **P** (power)\n \u00a0\n\n**REFER** (make allusions)"} {"Clue":"Where you go when you get the choice? (7,7)","Answer":"POLLING STATION","Explanation":"Definition: Where you go when you get the choice\n**POLLING STATION** (the place where you cast your vote when choosing a Member of Parliament or similar)\n \u00a0\n\n**POLLING STATION** cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Muscles consequently not hard \u2013 not being there! (7)","Answer":"ABSENCE","Explanation":"Definition: not being there\n**ABS** (abductors; muscles) **+ HENCE** (consequently) **excluding** (not) **H** (hard, as in definitions of pencil leads)\n \u00a0\n\n**ABSENCE** (not being there)"} {"Clue":"Historic article used to exist within boundaries of Edinburgh? Nonsense (7)","Answer":"EYEWASH","Explanation":"Definition: Nonsense\n(**YE** [old {historic} word for 'the' {definite article}] **+ WAS** [used to exist]) **contained in**) **EH** (**first and last letters of** [boundaries of] **EDINBURGH**)\n **E** (**YE** **WAS**) **H**\n\n**EYEWASH **(nonsense)"} {"Clue":"Think back about one's tucking into meat dish (9)","Answer":"REMINISCE","Explanation":"Definition: Think back\n**RE** (with reference to; about) + (**I'S** [one's] **contained in** [tucking into] **MINCE** [meat dish])\n **RE** **MIN** (**IS**) **E**\n\n**REMINISCE** (think of\u00a0memories from the past)"} {"Clue":"Handle lightly used, turning up amongst these many buildings (6)","Answer":"BYNAME","Explanation":"Definition: Handle\n**BYNAME** (**reversed** [turning up; down clue] **hidden word in** [amongst] **THESE MANY BUILDINGS**)\n **BYNAME**<\n\n**BYNAME** (a nickname; another name by which a person is known)\n I'm not sure what 'lightly used' is doing in this clue. Perhaps it's an indication that a nickname is not used very often?"} {"Clue":"Treated fish \u2013 bit kosher, with aroma that's weird (8,6)","Answer":"ARBROATH SMOKIE","Explanation":"Definition: Treated fish\n**Anagram of** (that's weird) **BIT KOSHER** and **AROMA**\n **A****R****BR****O****AT****H S****MO****K****I****E***\n\n**ARBROATH SMOKIE** (an unsplit **SMOKE**d haddock, produced at **ARBROATH**\u00a0on the east coast of\u00a0Scotland; treated fish)"} {"Clue":"Security expert possibly dreads story on the radio (9)","Answer":"LOCKSMITH","Explanation":"Definition: Security expert\n**LOCKS **(reference dread**LOCKS** [long tightly curled or plaited hairstyle adopted by Rastafarians]) **+ MITH** (sounds like [on the radio] **MYTH** [story])\n \u00a0\n\n**LOCKSMITH** (security expert)"} {"Clue":"Stormy sea, for me, is terrifying (8)","Answer":"FEARSOME","Explanation":"Definition: terrifying\n**Anagram of** (stormy) **SEA FOR ME**\n **FEARSOME***\n\n**FEARSOME** (terrifying)"} {"Clue":"Getting on when accepting new lists of things to do (7)","Answer":"AGENDAS","Explanation":"Definition: lists of things to do\n(**AGED** [getting on] **containing** [accepting] **N** [new]) **+ AS** (when)\n **AGE** (**N**) **D** **AS**\n\n**AGENDAS** (list of things to do)"} {"Clue":"Require space for church (7)","Answer":"ENFORCE","Explanation":"Definition: Require\n**EN** (a measurement used in printing) **+ FOR + CE** (Church [of England])\n \u00a0\n\n**ENFORCE** (impose; require)"} {"Clue":"Area of Europe American gets wrong at first (6)","Answer":"CRIMEA","Explanation":"Definition: Area of Europe\n**CRIME** (wrongdoing) **+ A** (American)\n \u00a0\n\n**CRIMEA** (an area of Europe, currently annexed by Russia)"} {"Clue":"Language from some personnel in Government (5)","Answer":"LINGO","Explanation":"Definition: Language\n**LINGO** (**hidden word in** [from some] **PERSONNEL IN GOVERNMENT**)\n \u00a0\n\n**LINGO** (language)"} {"Clue":"Putin sat around getting clothes (8)","Answer":"PANTSUIT","Explanation":"Definition: clothes\n**Anagram of** (around) **PUTIN SAT**\n **P****A****NT****S****UI****T***\n\n**PANTSUIT **(a woman's suit of trousers and a jacket; clothes)"} {"Clue":"Understood this classical style of architecture (6)","Answer":"GOTHIC","Explanation":"Definition: style of architecture\n**GOT** (understood) **+ HIC** (Latin [classical] for 'this')\n \u00a0\n\n**GOTHIC** (style of architecture)"} {"Clue":"One who has a question like knight I don't really know (5)","Answer":"ASKER","Explanation":"Definition: One who has a question\n**AS** (like)** + K** (knight) **+ ER** (expression of hesitation, perhaps because one doesn't know what to say)\n \u00a0\n\n**ASKER** (one who poses a question)"} {"Clue":"Vegetation Venus possibly freezes evenly (5,4)","Answer":"PLANE TREE","Explanation":"Definition: Vegetation\n**PLANET** (Venus is a **PLANET**) **+ REE** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [evenly] of **FREEZES**)\n **PLANE T****REE**\n\n**PLANE TREE** (example of vegetation)"} {"Clue":"Small mountain lion can try frantically to be a candidate (7,7)","Answer":"HILLARY CLINTON","Explanation":"Definition: candidate\n**HILL** (small mountain) **+ an anagram of** (frantically) **LION CAN TRY**\n **HILL ARY CLINTON***\n\n**HILLARY CLINTON** (Democratic Presidential candidate in today's American election)"} {"Clue":"Cattle mob a candidate (5)","Answer":"KAINE","Explanation":"Definition: candidate\n**KINE** (cattle) **containing** (mob)** A**\n **K** (**A**) **INE**\n\n**KAINE** (reference Tim **KAINE**, American attorney and politician who is **HILLARY CLINTON**'s running mate and Democratic candidate for the Vice Presidency)"} {"Clue":"It's one man going round St Paul's area (9)","Answer":"MINNESOTA","Explanation":"Definition: St Paul's area\n**Anagram of** (going round)** IT'S ONE MAN** \n **MINNESOTA***\n\n**MINNESOTA** (St Paul is the capital and second-most populous city of the U.S. state of **MINNESOTA**)"} {"Clue":"Millions do not start to appreciate change candidate (4,5)","Answer":"MIKE PENCE","Explanation":"Definition: candidate\n**M **(millions) **+ LIKE** (appreciate) **excluding the first letter** (do not start) **L** **+ PENCE** (small change)\n **M** **IKE** **PENCE**\n\n**MIKE PENCE** (**MIKE PENCE**, current Governor of Indiana who is Donald **TRUMP**'s running mate and Republican candidate for the Vice Presidency)"} {"Clue":"Candidate finally hit bottom (5)","Answer":"TRUMP","Explanation":"Definition: Candidate\n**T **(**last letter of** [finally] **HIT**) **+ RUMP** (buttocks; bottom)\n \u00a0\n\n**TRUMP** (reference Donald TRUMP, Republican presidential candidate in today's American election)"} {"Clue":"What the candidates are doing on the trot (7)","Answer":"RUNNING","Explanation":"Definition: What the candidates are doing\n**RUNNING** (candidates 'run' for election)\n \u00a0\n\n**RUNNING** (if people are on the trot, they are indulging in a form of **RUNNING**) double definition"} {"Clue":"Laugh about George Bush on campaign battlefront (7)","Answer":"TWITTER","Explanation":"Definition: campaign battlefront\n**TITTER** (laugh) **containing** (about) **W** (reference George **W** Bush, former President of the United States)\n **T** (**W**) **ITTER**\n\n**TWITTER** ,(both candidates campaign teams having been making significant use of **TWITTER** to put forward their own views and rubbish their opponents character, acts and views during the American election campaign)"} {"Clue":"Underground places for Mexican food in the morning featured by broadcaster (9)","Answer":"CATACOMBS","Explanation":"Definition: Underground places\n**TACO** (in Mexican cooking, a very thin rolled pancake with a meat filling, usually fried crisp) **contained in** (in) **AM** (ante meridiem; morning) with that container and contents itself **contained in** (featured by) **CBS** (Columbia Broadcast System, a major American broadcaster)\n **C** (**A** (**TACO**) **M**) **BS**\n\n**CATACOMBS** (subterranean excavations used as burial places; underground caverns)"} {"Clue":"Volunteers working inside left, having a key (5)","Answer":"TONAL","Explanation":"Definition: having a key\n(**ON** [working] **contained in** [inside] **TA** [Territorial Army; volunteers]) **+ L** (left)\n **T** (**ON**) **A** **L**\n\n**TONAL** (according to\u00a0a musical key)"} {"Clue":"Despicable person going round clubs is bigoted (6)","Answer":"RACIST","Explanation":"Definition: Despicable person\n**RAT** (despicable person) **containing** (going round) (**C** [clubs in cards] **+ IS**)\n **RA** (**C**** IS**) **T**\n\n**RACIST** (example of bigoted person)"} {"Clue":"Michelle and Barack Obama initially impressed by policy for hairstyle (9)","Answer":"COMBOVER","Explanation":"Definition: hairstyle\n**MBO** (**first letters of** [initially] each of **MICHELLE**, **BARACK** and **OBAMA**) **contained in** (impressed by) **COVER** (reference the **COVER** provided by an insurance policy)\n **CO** (**MBO**) **VER**\n\n**COMBOVER** (defined by Chambers as a vain attempt to make the most of one's dwindling resources of hair; hairstyle)"} {"Clue":"Small green thing with taps giving product of Georgia (5)","Answer":"PEACH","Explanation":"Definition: product of Georgia\n**PEA** (small green vegetable) **+ C** (cold tap) **+ H** (hot tap)\n \u00a0\n\n**PEACH** (there is a **PEACH** County in the American State of Georgia and **PEACH**es are a major product of the State's agriculture)"} {"Clue":"\"5 cents,\" I said, \"for Rimsky-Korsakov?\" (7)","Answer":"NIKOLAI","Explanation":"Definition: Rimsky-Korsakov\n**NIKOLAI** (**sounds like** [said] **NICKEL **[American 5 cents coin] **+ I**)\n \u00a0\n\n**NIKOLAI** (reference **NIKOLAI** Rimsky-Korsakov 1844 \u2013 1908], Russian composer)"} {"Clue":"Certain to include note about plane (7)","Answer":"SURFACE","Explanation":"Definition: plane \n**SURE** (certain) **containing** (to include) (**FA** [note of the tonic sol-fa] **+ C** [circa; about])\n **SUR** (**FA** **C**) **E**\n\n**SURFACE **(a **SURFACE** is a flat 2-dimensional geometric figure; plane)"} {"Clue":"Intimate spotted losing head (5)","Answer":"IMPLY","Explanation":"Definition: Intimate\n**PIMPLY** (spotted) **excluding the first letter** (losing head) **P**\n \u00a0\n\n**IMPLY** (intimate)"} {"Clue":"Former unit gets money to stop Bond (3-4)","Answer":"ONE TIME","Explanation":"Definition: Former\n**ONE** (unit) **+** (**M** [money] **contained in** [to stop] **TIE** [bond])\n **ONE** **TI** (**M**) **E**\n\n**ONE TIME** (former)"} {"Clue":"Shakespearean short speech is under an hour (7)","Answer":"HORATIO","Explanation":"Definition: Shakespearean\n**H** (hour) **+ ORATION** (speech) **excluding the final letter** (short) **N**\n \u00a0\n\n**HORATIO** (character in Shakespeare's play Hamlet)"} {"Clue":"Scandal-free family welcomes European (5)","Answer":"CLEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Scandal-free\n**CLAN** (family) **containing** **E** (European)\n **CL** (**E**) **AN**\n\n**CLEAN** (scandal-free)"} {"Clue":"Being immunised against snacks, essentially, confused niece (8)","Answer":"VACCINEE","Explanation":"Definition: Being immunised\n**V** (versus; against) **+ AC** (**central letters** [essentially] **of** **SNACKS**) + **an anagram of** (confused) **NIECE**\n **V** **AC** **CINEE***\n\n**VACCINEE** (person [being] immunised)"} {"Clue":"North Korean sound equipment goes belly-up without echo (3)","Answer":"KIM","Explanation":"Definition: North Korean\n**MIKE** (microphone; sound equipment) **excluding** (without) **E** (Echo is the International Radio Communication code for the letter **E**) **reversed** (goes up; down clue)\n **KIM**<\n\n**KIM** (a very common name in North Korea)"} {"Clue":"Quiet performance keeps queen out of terrible danger in psyop (4,4)","Answer":"MIND GAME","Explanation":"Definition: psyop\n**MIME** (play without dialogue; quiet performance) **containing** (keeps) **an anagram of** (terrible) **DANGER** **excluding** (out) **ER** (Elizabeth Regina; queen)\n **MI** (**ND GA***) **ME**\n\n**MIND GAME** (physcological operation [military\u00a0actions designed to influence the perceptions and attitudes of individuals, groups, and foreign government]; psyop)"} {"Clue":"Old man crossed line climbing mountain (3)","Answer":"ALP","Explanation":"Definition: mountain\n(**PA** [father; old man] **containing** [crossed] **L** [line]) **all reversed** (climbing; down clue)\n (**A** (**L**)** P**)<\n\n**ALP** (mountain)"} {"Clue":"Family name turned up in motion (7)","Answer":"KINETIC","Explanation":"Definition: motion\n**KIN** (people belonging to the same family) **+**** CITE** (name) **reversed** (turned up; down clue)\n **KIN** **ETIC**<\n\n**KINETIC** (relating to motion)"} {"Clue":"Royalty is nosey about North Carolina (7)","Answer":"PRINCES","Explanation":"Definition: Royalty\n**PRIES** (is nosey) **containing** (about) **NC** (North Carolina)\n **PRI** (**NC**)** ES**\n\n**PRINCES** (non-reigning male members of a royal or imperial family; royalty)"} {"Clue":"Upturned barrel containing very little water a component of washing machine (4-3)","Answer":"TWIN TUB","Explanation":"Definition: washing machine\n**BUTT** (a large cask of varying capacity; barrel) **reversed** (upturned ; down clue) **containing** (containing) ? \u2013 and here I'm afraid I can't offer any interpretation of the clue. I can't see a relationship between **WIN** and 'very little water a component of'\n **T** (**WIN**) **TUB**<\n\n**TWIN TUB** (type of washing machine with separate drums for washing and spin-drying) I think the definition is just 'washing machine' rather than 'a component of washing machine'"} {"Clue":"Actor is not bothered bathed in special lighting effect (7)","Answer":"USTINOV","Explanation":"Definition: Actor\n**An anagram of** (bothered) **IS NOT** **contained in** (bathed in) **UV** (ultra-violet [beyond the violet end of the visible spectrum, of wavelength between approximately 400 and 10 nanometres; relating to, or using, radiations of wavelengths less than those of visible light]; special lighting effect)\n **U** (**S****T****I****NO***) **V**\n\n**USTINOV** (reference Peter** USTINOV** [1921 \u2013 2004], English actor, writer, dramatist etc)"} {"Clue":"Luxury car carries one track competitor (5)","Answer":"RACER","Explanation":"Definition: track competitor\n**RR** (Rolls Royce; luxury car) **containing** (carries) **ACE** [one]\n **R** (**ACE**) **R**\n\n**RACER** (runner; track competitor)"} {"Clue":"Retailer group backing senior officer (5)","Answer":"TESCO","Explanation":"Definition: Retailer\n**SET** (group) **reversed** (backing) **+ CO** (Commanding Officer; senior officer)\n **TES**< **CO**\n\n**TESCO** (major retailer [and bank])"} {"Clue":"Queen possibly to regret having bottom grabbed by both hands (5)","Answer":"RULER","Explanation":"Definition: Queen possibly\n**RUE **(regret) with **the last letter** (bottom letter in a down entry) **E**\u00a0**contained in** (grabbed by] (**L** [left {hand}] **+ ****R** [right {hand}] giving both hands)\n **RU** **L** (**E**) **R**\n\n**RULER** (the Queen is a **RULER**)"} {"Clue":"In dungeon, but Eliot produced key! (9)","Answer":"OUBLIETTE","Explanation":"Definition: dungeon\n**Anagram of** (produced) **BUT ELIOT** **+ E** (musical key)\n **O****UB****LIE****T****T*** **E**\n\n**OUBLIETTE **(dungeon with no opening except in the roof)"} {"Clue":"Can't stand soldiers on violence charge (5)","Answer":"ABHOR","Explanation":"Definition: Can't stand\n**ABH** (actual bodily harm; violence charge) **+ OR** (other ranks; soldiers)\n \u00a0\n\n**ABHOR** (loathe; can't stand)"} {"Clue":"Small man \u2013 university student one pushes (7)","Answer":"STIMULI","Explanation":"Definition: pushes\n**S** (small) **+ TIM** (man's name) **+ U** (university) **+ L** (learner; student) **+ I** (one)\n \u00a0\n\n**STIMULI **(pushes)"} {"Clue":"Something done about uranium sale (7)","Answer":"AUCTION","Explanation":"Definition: sale\n**ACTION** (something done) **containing** (about) **U **(chemical symbol for uranium)\n **A** (**U**) **CTION**\n\n**AUCTION** (public sale)"} {"Clue":"Tide's sleep that engulfs Endymion at the start (4)","Answer":"NEAP","Explanation":"Definition: Tide\n**NAP** (sleep) **containing** (engulfs) **E** (**first letter of** [at the start] **ENDYMION**) In Greek mythology, Endymion was\u00a0a beautiful youth who spent much of his life in perpetual sleep. \n **N** (**E**) **AP**\n\n**NEAP** (tide with the smallest range, of least difference between high and low point)"} {"Clue":"Shadowy figure wrecking hotel suite (10)","Answer":"SILHOUETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Shadowy figure\n**Anagram of** (wrecking) **HOTEL SUITE**\n **SILHOUETTE***\n\n**SILHOUETTE** (image of anything against a lighter background in which only the outline is seen in detail; shadowy figure)"} {"Clue":"Group in most natural surroundings (7)","Answer":"ELEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Group in most natural surroundings\n**ELEMENT** (group; faction\u00a0\u2013 e.g. criminal **ELEMENT**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ELEMENT** (habitat; natural surroundings) double definition"} {"Clue":"Amusing person provided female's capital (7)","Answer":"CARDIFF","Explanation":"Definition: capital\n**CARD** (comical or eccentric person) **+ IF** (provided) **+ F** (female)\n \u00a0\n\n**CARDIFF** (capital city of Wales)"} {"Clue":"Light-fitting for tenant? (4-6)","Answer":"LAND-HOLDER","Explanation":"Definition: tenant\n**LAND** (come to earth; light) **+ HOLDER** (housing; fitting)\n \u00a0\n\n**LAND-HOLDER** (possible descriptive of a tenant of an area\u00a0of **LAND**)"} {"Clue":"Spinning bait in lake and river in Yorkshire (4)","Answer":"LURE","Explanation":"Definition: Spinning bait\n**L** (lake) **+ URE** (river in Yorkshire)\n \u00a0\n\n**LURE** (brightly-coloured artificial spinner bait used in angling)"} {"Clue":"B\u00eache-de-mer good after time on vessel (7)","Answer":"TREPANG","Explanation":"Definition: B\u00eache-de-mer\n**T** (time) **+ RE** (with reference to; about; on) **+ PAN** (vessel) **+ G** (good)\n \u00a0\n\n**TREPANG **(se slug, sea cucumber; b\u00eache-de-mer)"} {"Clue":"Mad sort out high status (7)","Answer":"STARDOM","Explanation":"Definition: high status\n**Anagram of** (out) **MAD SORT**\n **STARDOM***\n\n**STARDOM** (high status, especially in the fields of theatre and film)"} {"Clue":"Best drunk enters Spain twice (5)","Answer":"ELITE","Explanation":"Definition: Best\n**LIT** (drunk) **contained in** (**E** [International Vehicle Registration for Spain] + **E** [International Vehicle Registration for Spain] i.e. Spain twice)\n **E **(**LIT**)** E**\n\n**ELITE** (cream; best)"} {"Clue":"I'd successfully woo model in sea abroad when it's chilly (9)","Answer":"MIDWINTER","Explanation":"Definition: when it's chilly\n(**I'D** **+ WIN** (successfully woo) **+ T** (reference Model T Ford]) **contained in** (in) **MER** (French for sea; sea abroad)\n **M** (**I'D** **WIN** **T**) **ER**\n\n**MIDWINTER** (the time of year when it's particularly chilly)"} {"Clue":"Hate-mail from 26 opponents in disorder on Right (6-3,6)","Answer":"POISON-PEN LETTER","Explanation":"Definition: Hate-mail\n**Anagram of** (disorder) **ELITE** (entry at 26 down) and **OPPONENTS** **+** **R** (right)\n **PO****I****SON**\u2013**P****E****N ****LET****TE*** **R**\n\n**POISON-PEN LETTER** (hate-mail)"} {"Clue":"Sailor to expire whilst receiving whip, or give up (8)","Answer":"ABDICATE","Explanation":"Definition: give up\n**AB** (able seaman; sailor) **+** (**DIE** [expire] **containing** [whilst receiving] **CAT** [whip]) \n **AB** **DI** (**CAT**) **E**\n\n**ABDICATE** (give up)"} {"Clue":"Mike across the pond in deficit (5)","Answer":"MINUS","Explanation":"Definition: deficit\n**M** (Mike in International Radio Communication) **+ IN US** (in America; across the pond)\n \u00a0\n\n**MINUS** (deficit)"} {"Clue":"Cite this new moral philosopher (8)","Answer":"ETHICIST","Explanation":"Definition: moral philosopher\n**Anagram of** (new) **CITE THIS**\n **ETHICIST***\n\n**ETHICIST** (moral philosopher)"} {"Clue":"Angel cuts up hearts (6)","Answer":"SERAPH","Explanation":"Definition: Angel\n**PARES** (cuts) **reversed** (up; down clue) **+ H** (hearts)\n **SERAP**< **H**\n\n**SERAPH **(angel of the highest of the nine orders))"} {"Clue":"Nature reserve and sacred place (9)","Answer":"SANCTUARY","Explanation":"Definition: Nature reserve\n**SANCTUARY** (nature reserve)\n \u00a0\n\n**SANCTUARY** (sacred place) double definition"} {"Clue":"Move to secure king's confession (6)","Answer":"SHRIFT","Explanation":"Definition: confession\n**SHIFT** (move) **containing** (to secure) **R** (Rex; king)\n **SH** (**R**) **IFT**\n\n**SHRIFT** (confession)"} {"Clue":"Hamlet's name used in dreadful performance with kid (6,2,7)","Answer":"PRINCE OF DENMARK","Explanation":"Definition: Hamlet\n**N** (name) **contained in** (used in) **an anagram of** (dreadful **PERFORMANCE** and **KID**\n **PRINCE OF DE** (**N**) **MAR****K***\n\n**PRINCE OF DENMARK** (Hamlet)"} {"Clue":"Grass surrounding artists at pub is put down afresh (9)","Answer":"REPHRASED","Explanation":"Definition: put down afresh\n**REED** (grass) **containing** (surrounding) (**PH** [public house; pub] **+ RAS** [Royal Academicians; artists])\n **RE** (**PH** **RAS**) **ED**\n\n**REPHRASED** (put in different words; put down afresh)"} {"Clue":"Leaves papers and note for false lover (8)","Answer":"CRESSIDA","Explanation":"Definition: false lover\n**CRESS** (name for many pungent-leaved cruciferous plants of various genera often used as a culinary garnish and in salads; leaves) **+ ID** (identity papers) **+ A** (musical note)\n \u00a0\n\n**CRESSIDA** (Trojan woman who becomes an archetype of a faithless lover)"} {"Clue":"I must attend appointment with pigeon in swamp (8)","Answer":"INUNDATE","Explanation":"Definition: swamp\n**NUN** (kind of pigeon with feathers on its head like a nun's hood) **contained in** (in) (**I** **+ DATE** [appointment]) I suppose a romantic\u00a0**DATE** is an appointment that shouldn't be missed\n **I** (**NUN**) **DATE**\n\n**INUNDATE** (swamp)"} {"Clue":"One naughty little sister displaying cognition (6)","Answer":"NOESIS","Explanation":"Definition: cognition\n**Anagram of** (naughty) **ONE** **+ SIS** (abbreviation for [little] **SISTER**)\n **NOE*** **SIS**\n\n**NOESIS** (purely intellectual apprehension or perception; cognition)"} {"Clue":"Say Marvin eats sweet vegetable (6)","Answer":"LEGUME","Explanation":"Definition: vegetable\n**LEE** (reference **LEE** Marvin [1924 \u2013 1987], American actor]) **containing** (eats) **GUM **(sweet)\n **LE** (**GUM**) **E**\n\n**LEGUME** (vegetable)"} {"Clue":"Indispensable as in pen that's disposable (5)","Answer":"BASIC","Explanation":"Definition: Indispensable\n**AS** **contained in** (in) **BIC** (brand name of a disposable ballpoint pen)\n **B **(**AS**) **IC**\n\n**BASIC** (fundamental; indispensable)"} {"Clue":"Bob cut short-pitched delivery (6)","Answer":"BOUNCE","Explanation":"Definition: Bob\n**BOUNCER** (short pitched delivery from a bowler in cricket) **excluding the final letter** (cut) **R**. A cut is also the name of a batsman's shot in cricket.\n \u00a0\n\n**BOUNCE** (bob [up and down])"} {"Clue":"Family of doctors, not very large one (6)","Answer":"MEDICI","Explanation":"Definition: Family\n**MEDICOS** (doctors) **excluding** (not) **OS** (outsize; very large) **+ I** (one)\n \u00a0\n\n**MEDICI** (The House of **MEDICI**** ** was an Italian banking family, political dynasty and later royal house that first began to gather prominence under Cosimo de' **MEDICI** in the Republic of Florence during the first half of the 15th century)"} {"Clue":"Willing male, adult moving East to India or Australia? (4,4)","Answer":"TEST TEAM","Explanation":"Definition: India or Australia\n(**TESTATE** [having made a will; willing] **+ M** [male]) with the **A** (adult) moving to the right [East]\n ** TEST TEA M** \n\n**TEST TEAM** (India and Australia are both cricketing **TEST TEAM**s)"} {"Clue":"Note label on luggage's most essential in city in 21 (10)","Answer":"CHITTAGONG","Explanation":"Definition: city in 21\n**CHIT** (note) **+ TAG** (label) **+ ON +\u00a0G **(**middle letter of **[most essential] **LUGGAGE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**CHITTAGONG** (city in **BANGLADESH** [21 across])"} {"Clue":"Daughter attending sportsmen's dance in city in 21 (5)","Answer":"DHAKA","Explanation":"Definition: city in 21\n**D** (daughter) **+ HAKA** (Maori ceremonial war dance; a similar dance performed by New Zealanders, e.g. by rugby players before a match)\n \u00a0\n\n**DHAKA** (capital city of **BANGLADESH** [21 across])"} {"Clue":"Unruly child put in rival's phone setting (7)","Answer":"VIBRATE","Explanation":"Definition: phone setting\n**BRAT** (unruly child) **contained in** (put in) **VIE** (rival)\n **VI **(**BRAT**) **E**\n\n**VIBRATE** (mobile phone's can be set to **VIBRATE** rather than ring or play an annoying tune that the phone owner thinks is wonderful)"} {"Clue":"Beginning to find jumper extremely tight (4)","Answer":"ROOT","Explanation":"Definition: Beginning\n**ROO** (kanga**ROO** [jumper]) **+ T** (**last letter of** [extremely] **TIGHT**) I suppose extremely could also refer to the **first letter or even to both first and last** given that they are the same character.\n \u00a0\n\n**ROOT** (source; beginning)"} {"Clue":"Run out before Bill bowled first wide (5)","Answer":"BROAD","Explanation":"Definition: wide\n**B** (bowled in cricket scoring notation) **+ RO** (run out in cricket scoring notation) **+ AD** (advertisement; poster; bill)\n \u00a0\n\n**BROAD** (wide)"} {"Clue":"Criminal has no right to be captain (4)","Answer":"COOK","Explanation":"Definition: captain\n**CROOK** (criminal) **excluding** (has no) **R** (right)\n \u00a0\n\n**COOK** (reference Captain James** COOK** [1728 \u2013 1779], British explorer; also reference Alastair **COOK** [born 1984], English Test cricket captain)"} {"Clue":"Fix cover back on front of book (7)","Answer":"DILEMMA","Explanation":"Definition: Fix\n**LID** (cover) **reversed** (back) **+ EMMA** (novel by Jane Austen)\n **DIL**< **EMMA**\n\n**DILEMMA** (predicament; fix)"} {"Clue":"Cricket club try losing runs? That's crazy (5)","Answer":"BATTY","Explanation":"Definition: crazy\n**BAT **(club used to play cricket) **+ TRY** excluding (losing) **R** (runs in cricket scoring notation)\n \u00a0\n\n**BATTY** (crazy)"} {"Clue":"Boycott pleased he's played for 9 23 (10)","Answer":"BANGLADESH","Explanation":"Definition: 9 23 \n**BAN** (boycott) **+ GLAD** (pleased) + **an anagram of** (played) **HE'S**\n **BAN** **GLAD** **ESH***\n\n**BANGLADESH** (another Country that has a **TEST TEAM** (9 and 23 across) in cricket)"} {"Clue":"Maybe adds Wood to side, starting after second draw (6)","Answer":"STOKES","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe adds Wood to\n**S** (second) **+ TOKE **(puff or draw on a cigarette) **+ S **(**first letter of** [starting] **SIDE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**STOKES** (feeds with fuel, e.g. wood)"} {"Clue":"Very beginning of year over in Scandinavian setting (3,3)","Answer":"DAY ONE","Explanation":"Definition: Very beginning of \n(**Y** [year] **+ O** [over in cricket scoring notation]) **contained in** (in \u2026 setting]) **DANE** (native of Denmark; Scandinavian)\n **DA** (**Y** **O**) **NE**\n\n**DAY ONE** (very beginning)"} {"Clue":"Short ball hit over point ? Clever! (4)","Answer":"ABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Clever\n**Anagram of** (hit) **BAL****L** **excluding the final letter** (short) **L** **+ E** (East; point of the compass) This being a down clue the anagram sits over the point.\n **ABL*** **E**\n\n**ABLE** (clever)"} {"Clue":"Take away sandwich followed broadcast (8)","Answer":"SUBTRACT","Explanation":"Definition: Take away\n**SUB** (**SUB**marine sandwich [large sandwich made with a bread roll long, thin and rounded enough to suggest the shape of a **SUB**marine]) **+ TRACT** (sounds like [broadcast] **TRACKED** [followed])\n \u00a0\n\n**SUBTRACT** (take way)"} {"Clue":"Australian native at crease, accruing century in Adelaide initially (6)","Answer":"ACACIA","Explanation":"Definition: Australian native\n**ACACIA** (**first letters of** [initially] of **AT CREASE ACCRUING CENTURY IN AUSTRALIA**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ACACIA** (a plant that is native to Australia)"} {"Clue":"Final resting place in Bath, when injured in action (8)","Answer":"DEATHBED","Explanation":"Definition: Final resting place\n**Anagram of **(when injured) **BATH** **contained in** (in) **DEED** (action)\n **DE** (**ATHB***) **ED**\n\n**DEATHBED** (final resting place)"} {"Clue":"Sex good right away, after a stiffener? (6)","Answer":"VIAGRA","Explanation":"Definition: stiffener\n**VI** (sex- as a prefix denotes six; **VI** denotes the Roman numerals for six) **+ A + ****G** (good) +** R** (right) **+ A** (away when denoting away matches in sport)\n \u00a0\n\n**VIAGRA **(proprietary name for sildenafil citrate, a drug used in treating impotence in males)"} {"Clue":"European getting flipper to spin at last (4)","Answer":"FINN","Explanation":"Definition: European\n**FIN** (flipper) **+ N** (**final letter of** [at last] **SPIN**)\n \u00a0\n\n**FINN** (native of Finland; European)"} {"Clue":"Whole female 23 dismissed in the morning after batting (9)","Answer":"INVIOLATE","Explanation":"Definition: Whole\n**IN** (batting) **+ VIOLA** (lady's name; female) **+ TEAM** (23 across **excluding **(dismissed)** AM** [ante meridiem; morning])\n \u00a0\n\n**INVIOLATE** (entire; whole)"} {"Clue":"Dead designer returning as Star Wars robot (5)","Answer":"DROID","Explanation":"Definition: Star Wars\n**D** (dead) **+** (**DIOR** [reference Christian **DIOR** [1905 \u2013 1957], French fashion designer] **reversed** [returning])\n **D** **ROID**<\n\n**DROID** (robot in Star Wars films)"} {"Clue":"Black English footballer at Stoke City (5)","Answer":"EBONY","Explanation":"Definition: Black\n**E** (English) **+ BONY** (reference Wilfried **BONY** [born 1988], professional footballer with Stoke City)\n \u00a0\n\n**EBONY** (very dark brownish-black colour)"} {"Clue":"Regretted bad running with Moeen (8)","Answer":"BEMOANED","Explanation":"Definition: Regretted\n**Anagram of** (running with) **BAD** and **MOEEN**\n **BEMOANED***\n\n**BEMOANED** (lamented; regretted)"} {"Clue":"Against hiding tasteless articles being carried by XI getting award (8)","Answer":"CITATION","Explanation":"Definition: award\n**CON** (against) **containing** (hiding) (**TAT** [tasteless articles] **contained in** [carried by **II** [representation of eleven; XI in Roman numerals)\n **C** (**I** (**TAT**) **I**) **ON**\n\n**CITATION** (official recognition of achievement ; award)"} {"Clue":"Number one amongst cricket sides (6)","Answer":"LEGION","Explanation":"Definition: Number\n**I** (one) **contained in **(among) (**LEG** [one of the sides on a cricket field, the other being the **OFF** side] **+ ON** [another term for the LEG side])\n **LEG** (**I**) **ON**\n\n**LEGION** (a very great number)"} {"Clue":"Kill using tear gas internally (6)","Answer":"BEHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Kill\n**HE** (helium, a gas) **contained in** (internally) **BEAD** (tear)\n **BE** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**BEHEAD** (kill)"} {"Clue":"Further article by group of players (4)","Answer":"ALSO","Explanation":"Definition: Further\n**A **(indefinite article) **+ LSO** (London Symphony Orchestra, a group of musical instrument players)\n \u00a0\n\n**ALSO** (further)"} {"Clue":"Sailor boy not yet up and about (4)","Answer":"ABED","Explanation":"Definition: not yet up and about\n**AB** (able seaman) **+ ED** (boy's name)\n \u00a0\n\n**ABED** (in **BED**; not yet up and about)"} {"Clue":"Poor on the rink, perhaps, needing special intervention (4,7)","Answer":"GOOD OFFICES","Explanation":"Definition: intervention\n**GOOD OFF ICE **(a phrase implying the opposite might be true \u2013 i.e. poor on the ice [rink]) **+ S** (special)\n \u00a0\n\n**GOOD OFFICES** (mediation; intervention)"} {"Clue":"Bluebottle caught with a little work (3)","Answer":"COP","Explanation":"Definition: Bluebottle\n**C** (caught [by] in cricket scoring notation) **+ OP** (abbreviation for [little] **OPUS** [work])\n \u00a0\n\n**COP** (bluebottle is a slang term for a policeman [COP])"} {"Clue":"Runs from bad -tempered deer (5)","Answer":"MOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: deer\n**MOROSE** (sour-tempered) **excluding** (from) **R** (runs in cricket scoring notation)\n \u00a0\n\n**MOOSE** (American elk; deer)"} {"Clue":"The girl one loves, independent and repulsed at a city dweller in Italy (9)","Answer":"INAMORATA","Explanation":"Definition: The girl one loves\n**I** (independent) **+** (**AT A ROMAN** [Italian city dweller] **all reversed**) [repulsed]\n **I** (**NAMOR** **A** **TA**)<\n\n**INAMORATA** (woman in love or beloved)"} {"Clue":"Burns with heat, possibly? One does (9)","Answer":"SUNBATHER","Explanation":"Definition: One does\n**Anagram of** (possibly) **BURNS** and **HEAT**\n **SUNB****ATHE****R***\n\n**SUNBATHER** (one who may **BURN** in the **HEAT** of the sun)"} {"Clue":"Magistrates quail, sending 50 down (5)","Answer":"BENCH","Explanation":"Definition: Magistrates\n**BLENCH** (shrink back or flinch; quail) **excluding** (sending \u2026 down) **L** (Roman numeral for 50)\n \u00a0\n\n**BENCH** (magistrates)"} {"Clue":"Providing backing to cartel leads to dismissal (6)","Answer":"FIRING","Explanation":"Definition: dismissal\n**IF** (providing) **reversed** [backing] **+ RING** (cartel)\n **FI**< **RING**\n\n**FIRING** (dismissal)"} {"Clue":"Endless remorse, tucking into booze? Charming fellow!(8)","Answer":"BEGUILER","Explanation":"Definition: Charming fellow\n**GUILT** (remorse) **excluding the final letter** [endless] **T** **contained in** (tucking into) **BEER** (booze)\n **BE** (**GUIL**) **ER**\n\n**BEGUILER** (one who charms)"} {"Clue":"They may bar access, threatening deliveries (8)","Answer":"BOUNCERS","Explanation":"Definition: They may bar access\n**BOUNCERS** (\u00a0people employed to eject undesirable patrons\u00a0from a club, dance hall, etc, or to prevent them from entering)\n \u00a0\n\n**BOUNCERS** (short-pitched fast deliveries bowled so as to bounce and rise sharply off the ground in cricket; threatening deliveries) double definition"} {"Clue":"Team held back practical inventor (6)","Answer":"EDISON","Explanation":"Definition: inventor\n**SIDE** (team) **reversed** (held back)** + ON** (can be done; practical)\n **EDIS**< **ON**\n\n**EDISON** (reference Thomas **EDISON** [1847 \u2013 1931], American inventor)"} {"Clue":"Stars working to enthral Olympic city (5)","Answer":"ORION","Explanation":"Definition: Stars\n**ON** (working) **containing** (to enthral) **RIO** (city where the 2016 Olympics were held)\n **O** (**RIO**) **N**\n\n**ORION** (constellation containing seven very bright stars)"} {"Clue":"Obligation is deemed to be withdrawn, limiting college treasury heartlessly (9)","Answer":"NECESSITY","Explanation":"Definition: Obligation\n(**IS SEEN** [deemed] **reversed** [to be withdrawn] **containing** [limiting] **C** [college]) **+ TY** (**the letters remaining in** **T****REASUR****Y** **when all the central letters are removed** [heartlessly])\n (**NE** (**C**) **ES** **SI**)< **TY**\n\n**NECESSITY** (obligation)"} {"Clue":"Digger, almost new, acquired by one working around house? (4-5)","Answer":"IRON-MINER","Explanation":"Definition: Digger\n**MINT** (new) **excluding the last letter** (almost) **T**\u00a0**contained in** (acquired by) **IRONER** (one who works around the house pressing clothes)\n **IRON** (**MIN**) **ER**\n\n**IRON-MINER** (someone who digs for **IRON**)"} {"Clue":"Wild year, chasing daughters in pursuit of soldier (5)","Answer":"GIDDY","Explanation":"Definition: Wild\n**GI **(American soldier) **+** (**D** [daughter] **+**** D** [daughter] giving daughters) **+ Y** (year)\n \u00a0\n\n**GIDDY** (wild)"} {"Clue":"Rev, good Unitarian on the outside (3)","Answer":"GUN","Explanation":"Definition: Rev\n**G** (good)** + UN** (**the first and last letters of **[on the outside] **UNITARIAN**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GUN** (revolver) I can't find **REV** as an abbreviation for revolver in any dictionary so perhaps I am missing the point here."} {"Clue":"They provide gear mother, heading for kitchen, used to fill sideboards (11)","Answer":"DRESSMAKERS","Explanation":"Definition: They provide gear\n(**MA** [mother] **+ K** [**first letter of** {heading for} **KITCHEN**) **contained in **(used to fill) **DRESSERS** (sideboards)\n **DRESS** (**MA** **K**) **ERS**\n\n**DRESSMAKERS** (people who provide clothes [gear])"} {"Clue":"Rule extracted from original idea provides beautiful example (3)","Answer":"GEM","Explanation":"Definition: beautiful example\n**GERM** (that from which anything springs; original idea) **excluding** (extracted from) **R** (rule)\n \u00a0\n\n**GEM** (beautiful example)"} {"Clue":"Irish golfing dynasty against participating in US award, heading off (7)","Answer":"O","Explanation":"Definition: Irish golfing dynasty\n**CON **(against) **contained in** (participating in) **H****ONOR** (American term for an award; US award) **excluding the first letter** (heading off) **H**\n **O** (**CON**) **NOR**\n\n**O'CONNOR** (reference the Irish golfers Christy **O'CONNOR** [1924 \u2013 2016] and his nephew Christy **O'CONNOR** Junior [1948 \u2013 2016] who both played in the Ryder Cup and won numerous tournaments on the European Tour."} {"Clue":"Last character in repechage, mostly upset (5)","Answer":"OMEGA","Explanation":"Definition: Last character\n**OMEGA** (**reversed** [upset] **hidden word** [in] **REPECHAGE MOSTLY**)\n **OMEGA**<\n\n**OMEGA** (last letter [character] of the Greek alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Fellow to come to earth \u2013 after this? (6)","Answer":"FLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: this\n**F** (follow) **+ LIGHT** (dismount, come down from; come to earth)\n \u00a0\n\n**FLIGHT** (you come down to earth after a **FLIGHT**)"} {"Clue":"Name rich working business leaders (8)","Answer":"CHAIRMEN","Explanation":"Definition: business leaders\n**Anagram of** (working) **NAME RICH**\n **CH****A****IR****MEN***\n\n**CHAIRMEN** (business leaders as in **CHAIRMEN** of Company Boards)"} {"Clue":"Restricted by winter, the start of summer, and now spring (4-5)","Answer":"SNOWBOUND","Explanation":"Definition: Restricted by winter\n**S** (**first letter of **[start of] **SUMMER**) **+ NOW + BOUND** (spring)\n \u00a0\n\n**SNOWBOUND** (restricted by snowy winter weather)"} {"Clue":"Church outbuilding unfinished overlooking lake and stream (7)","Answer":"CHANNEL","Explanation":"Definition: stream\n**CH** (church) **+ ANNEX** (outbuilding) **excluding the final letter** (unfinished) **X** **+ L** (lake)\n \u00a0\n\n**CHANNEL** (stream)"} {"Clue":"Attractive girl, keen on sex, seizing Bishop's drink (5,6)","Answer":"PEACH BRANDY","Explanation":"Definition: drink\n(**PEACH** [attractive girl] **+ RANDY** [keen on sex]) **containing** (seizing) **B** (bishop)\n **PEACH** (**B**) **RANDY**\n\n**PEACH BRANDY** (drink)"} {"Clue":"Something attempted by those who are crackers? (4-7)","Answer":"SAFE-BLOWING","Explanation":"Definition: Something attempted by those who are crackers?\n**SAFE-BLOWING** (crackers are people who break into or force open **SAFE**s\u00a0or computer systems)\n \u00a0\n\n**SAFE-BLOWING** (a method of cracking a SAFE) a slightly cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Also known as fellow turning up in hot surroundings (9)","Answer":"NICKNAMED","Explanation":"Definition: Also known as\n**MAN** (fellow) **reversed** (turning up; down clue) **contained in** (in) **NICKED** (stolen; if something is recently stolen it is considered to be hot)\n **NICK** (**NAM**)<** ED**\n\n**NICKNAMED **(also known by a name given jocularly or in contempt)"} {"Clue":"Guns and rifles initially piled up, brought in formerly (8)","Answer":"ORDNANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Guns\n(**AND** **+ R** [**first letter of** {initially} **RIFLES**]) **reversed** (piled up; down clue) and **contained in** (brought in) **ONCE** (formerly)\n **O** (**R** **DNA**)< **NCE**\n\n**ORDNANCE** (great guns)"} {"Clue":"Expression of appreciation replacing love in marriage? That's a rare thing (7)","Answer":"UNICORN","Explanation":"Definition: That's a rare thing\n**UNION** (marriage) with **COR **(expression of appreciation) replacing **O** (zero; love score in tennis) \n **UNI** **COR** **N**\n\n**UNICORN** (a fabled animal; a rare thing)"} {"Clue":"Central staff provide gloss on message: \"Nothing cut from benefit\" (7)","Answer":"SPINDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Central staff\n**SPIN** (provide gloss , usually applied to public relations exercises and press releases) **+ DOLE** (benefit) **excluding** (cut from) **O** (nothing)\n \u00a0\n\n**SPINDLE** (pin on which anything turns; central rod or staff)"} {"Clue":"Italy: singer from there mostly a would-be high flier (6)","Answer":"ICARUS","Explanation":"Definition: a would-be high flier\n**I** (International Vehicle Registration for Italy) **+ CARUSO** (reference Enrico **CARUSO**\u00a0[1873 \u2013 1921] Italian operatic tenor) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **O**\n \u00a0\n\n**ICARUS** (in Greek mythology, **ICARUS** dared to fly too close to the sun which caused his wings to melt and he fell into he sea)"} {"Clue":"Greek character upset British author touring capital of Greece (5)","Answer":"SIGMA","Explanation":"Definition: Greek character\n**AMIS** (reference either of Kingsley **AMIS** [1922 \u2013 1995] or Martin **AMIS** [born 1949], British authors) **reversed** (upset; down clue) **containing** (touring) **G** (**first letter of** [capital of] **GREECE**)\n **SI** (**G**) **MA**<\n\n**SIGMA** (letter [character] of the Greek alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Certainly squeals when recording is taken away (3)","Answer":"YES","Explanation":"Definition: Certainly\n**YE****LP****S** (squeals) **excluding** (is taken away) **LP** (long playing record; recording)\n \u00a0\n\n**YES** (certainly)"} {"Clue":"European paper with story about Corbyn? (6)","Answer":"LEFTIE","Explanation":"Definition: Corbyn\n(**E** [European] **+ FT** [Financial Times; paper]) **contained in** (with \u2026 about) **LIE** (story)\n **L** (**E** **FT**) **IE**\n\n**LEFTIE** (reference Jeremy Corbyn, left wing politician)"} {"Clue":"One after bananas or giant pasta shapes (8)","Answer":"RIGATONI","Explanation":"Definition: pasta shapes\n**Anagram of** (bananas) **OR GIANT** **+ I** (one)\n **R****IGAT****O****N*** **I**\n\n**RIGATONI** (pasta in the form of large, fluted tubes)"} {"Clue":"Done with husband, a half-cut dung beetle (8)","Answer":"OVERHANG","Explanation":"Definition: beetle\n**OVER** (done with) **+ H** (husband) **+ A +**** NG** (**letters remaining when half the letters, DU**,\u00a0of **DUNG** are **excluded** [cut])\n \u00a0\n\n**OVERHANG** (**BEETLE** is an intransitive verb meaning 'to overhang', usage first found in Shakespeare)"} {"Clue":"Conductor's leg broken by vicar (6)","Answer":"PREVIN","Explanation":"Definition: Conductor\n**PIN** (leg)** containing** (broken by) **REV** (reverend; vicar)\n **P** (**REV**)** IN**\n\n**PREVIN** (reference the musical conductor and pianist Andre **PREVIN **[1929 \u2013 date])"} {"Clue":"One accepting about query not being answered (10)","Answer":"UNREQUITED","Explanation":"Definition: not being answered\n**UNITED** (one) **containing** (accepting) (**RE** [with reference to; about] + **QU** [question; query])\n **UN** (**RE** **QU**) **ITED**\n\n**UNREQUITED** (not reciprocated or returned; not being answered)"} {"Clue":"Bar and bench losing their heads once again (4)","Answer":"ANEW","Explanation":"Definition: once again\n**BAN** (bar) **excluding the first letter** (losing its head) **B**, **+ PEW** (bench) **excluding the first letter** (losing its head) **P** \u2013 i.e. both **BAR** and **BENCH** losing their heads\n \u00a0\n\n**ANEW** (once again)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps a jolly solver entertained by short escort (3,3)","Answer":"DAY OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps a jolly\n**YOU** (solver) **contained in** (entertained by) **DAT****E** (someone you got out with; escort) **excluding the final letter** (short) **E**\n **DA** (**Y OU**) **T**\n\n**DAY OUT** ( a trip; a jolly)"} {"Clue":"Learn, say, about Freud? (8)","Answer":"ANALYSER","Explanation":"Definition: Freud\n**Anagram of** (about) **LEARN SAY**\n **ANALYSER***\n\n**ANALYSER** (reference Sigmund **FREUD** [1856 \u2013 1929] founder of psycho**ANALYS**is"} {"Clue":"Sharp tenor dressed in fabulous net hood (2,3,3)","Answer":"ON THE DOT","Explanation":"Definition: Sharp\n**T** (tenor) **contained in** (dressed in) **an anagram of** (fabulous) **NET HOOD**\n **O****N** (**T**) **H****E** **DO****T***\n\n**ON THE DOT** (exactly, at a given time; sharp)"} {"Clue":"Small current on a chat server from the 90s? (6)","Answer":"AGASSI","Explanation":"Definition: server from the 90s\n**A** **+**** GAS** (chat) **+** **S** (small) **+ I** (symbol in physics for electric current)\n \u00a0\n\n**AGASSI** (reference Andre** AGASSI** [1970 \u2013 date], American tennis player [server] who was at the height of his form in the 1990s)"} {"Clue":"Little drinks making turn fall over (4)","Answer":"NIPS","Explanation":"Definition: Little drinks\n**SPIN** (turn) **reversed** (fall over)\n **SPIN**<\n\n**NIPS** (small drinks, usually of spirits)"} {"Clue":"Scuppering sailor takes bit of oomph in organising (10)","Answer":"SABOTAGING","Explanation":"Definition: Scuppering\n(**AB** [Able Seaman; sailor] **+ O** [**first letter of **{bit of} **O****OMPH**]) **contained in **(in) **STAGING** (organising)\n **S** (**AB** **O**) **TAGING**\n\n**SABOTAGING** (scuppering)"} {"Clue":"Jam-makers' parties filled with Welsh dowagers? (6)","Answer":"WIDOWS","Explanation":"Definition: dowagers\n**WI **(Women's Institute; jam-makers) **+** (**DOS** [parties] **containing** [filled with] **W** [Welsh])\n **WI** **DO** (**W**) **S**\n\n**WIDOWS** (a dowager is a WIDOW\u00a0with a dower or jointure)"} {"Clue":"Old beater driving hitcher around Britain (3,5)","Answer":"THE BIRCH","Explanation":"Definition: Old beater\n**Anagram of** (driving) **HITCHER** **containing** (around) **B** (Britain)\n **THE** (**B**) **IRCH***\n\n**THE BIRCH** (rod for punishment in earlier times, consisting of a **BIRCH** twig or twigs)"} {"Clue":"Idiot Scotsman biting your tongue? (8)","Answer":"ASSYRIAN","Explanation":"Definition: tongue\n(**ASS** [idiot] **+ IAN** [Gaelic {Scottish} form of John]) **containing** (biting) **YR** (your)\n **ASS **(**YR**) **IAN**\n\n**ASSYRIAN** (the Semitic language [tongue] of ancient Assyria; a modern form of an Aramaic dialect still spoken, Syriac)"} {"Clue":"Top soprano moving west in desire for drink (1-5)","Answer":"T-SHIRT","Explanation":"Definition: Top\n**THIRST** (desire for drink) **with the** **S** (soprano) **moving left** [west] **towards the front of the word**)\n **T**\u2013**S****HIRT**\n\n**T-SHIRT** (top)"} {"Clue":"Third member dropped from team of Brownies? (5)","Answer":"ELVEN","Explanation":"Definition: of Brownies\n**ELEVEN** (team) **excluding** (dropped) **the third letter** (member) **E**\n \u00a0\n\n**ELVEN** (mischevious like a brownie [a benevolent creature who may secretly help with domestic work])"} {"Clue":"Fish sandwich you can get in America (7)","Answer":"TORPEDO","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\n**TORPEDO** (a member of the genus **TORPEDO**\u00a0of cartilaginous fishes, related to the skates and rays)\n \u00a0\n\n**TORPEDO** (A submarine sandwich, also known as a sub, wedge, hoagie, hero, grinder is a type of sandwich that consists of a length of bread or roll split lengthwise and filled with a variety of meats, cheeses, vegetables, and condiments) I don't think you can only get them in America. Submarine rolls are freely available in British supermarkets and I expect many sandwich bars, such as Subway, will sell you a **TORPEDO**) double definition"} {"Clue":"Assessed a valet due to be reassigned (9)","Answer":"EVALUATED","Explanation":"Definition: Assessed\n**Anagram of** (to be reassigned) **A VALET DUE**\n **EV****A****L****U****AT****ED***\n\n**EVALUATED** (assessed)"} {"Clue":"Ciabatta German packs up for sports meet (7)","Answer":"REGATTA","Explanation":"Definition: sports meet\n**REGATTA** (**reversed** [up; down clue] **hidden word** [packs] **CIABATTA GERMAN**)\n **REGATTA**<\n\n**REGATTA** (yacht or boat race meeting; sports meet)"} {"Clue":"Looked stupidly good, like Batman without a top? (5)","Answer":"GAPED","Explanation":"Definition: Looked stupidly\n**G **(good) **+ CAPED** (descriptive of Batman) **excluding** (without) the **first letter** (top) C\n \u00a0\n\n**GAPED** (stared with open mouth; looked stupidly)"} {"Clue":"People in authority taking charge in treatment (7)","Answer":"THERAPY","Explanation":"Definition: treatment\n**THEY** (people in authority) **containing** (taking) **RAP** (criminal charge)\n **THE** (**RAP**) **Y**\n\n**THERAPY** (treatment)"} {"Clue":"Without a hooter to squeeze one might be thus (9)","Answer":"NOISELESS","Explanation":"Definition: thus\n**NOSELESS** (without a nose [hooter]) **containing** (squeezing) **I** (one)\n **NO** (**I**) **SELESS**\n\n**NOISELESS** (If you don't have a hooter you may not be able to make a **NOISE**)"} {"Clue":"Investments in iTunes Anonymous disrupted (9)","Answer":"ANNUITIES","Explanation":"Definition: Investments\n**Anagram of** (disrupted) **IN ITUNES** and **A** [anonymous)\n **AN****NU****I****TIES***\n\n**ANNUITIES** (guaranteed payments [generally of uniform amount] falling due in each year during a given term [such as a period of years or the life of an individual], usually purchased from an insurance company by payment of a lump sum which is not returnable)"} {"Clue":"A pad fit to house cunning people (9)","Answer":"APARTMENT","Explanation":"Definition: A pad\nA**PT** (fit) **containing** (to house) (**ART** [cunning] + **MEN** [people])\n **AP** (**ART** **MEN**) **T**\n\n**APARTMENT** (home; pad)"} {"Clue":"Hard right-winger supporting one's record (7)","Answer":"HISTORY","Explanation":"Definition: record\n**H** (hard, as in description of pencil lead) **+ IS** (ones) **+ TORY** (Right winger in political terms). Because this is a down entry, the word **TORY** is supporting the letters **IS**\n**HISTORY** (record)"} {"Clue":"Time article about international view of Lhasa? (7)","Answer":"TIBETAN","Explanation":"Definition: of Lhasa\n(**T** [time] **+ AN** [indefinite article]) **containing **(about (**I** [international] **+ BET** [opinion; view])\n **T** (**I** **BET**) **AN**\n\n**TIBETAN** (descriptive of Lhasa, capital city of **TIBET**)"} {"Clue":"Terrible pain suing a terrible hospital (7)","Answer":"ANGUISH","Explanation":"Definition: Terrible pain\n**Anagram of** (terrible) **SUING A** **+ H** (hospital)\n **ANGUIS*** **H**\n\n**ANGUISH** (excessive suffering; terrible pain)"} {"Clue":"Note describing American hot dish (5)","Answer":"SUSHI","Explanation":"Definition: dish\n**SI** (seventh note of the scale) **containing** (describing) (**US** [United States; American] **+ H** [hot])\n **S** (**US** **H**)** ****I**\n\n**SUSHI **(Japanese dish of small cakes of cold rice and egg, fish, vegetables, etc, and a vinegar sauce)"} {"Clue":"More pleasant runs south of French resort (5)","Answer":"NICER","Explanation":"Definition: More pleasant\nwn **NICE** (French resort city)** + R **(runs, in cricket scoring notation) Being a down clue, R is written south of **NICE**\n \u00a0\n\n**NICER** (more pleasant)"} {"Clue":"Priest tucked into Scottish kipper for e.g. breakfast (6)","Answer":"REPAST","Explanation":"Definition: e.g. breakfast\n**P **(priest) **contained in** (tucked into) **REAST** (smoke dried; A kipper is a whole herring, a small, oily fish, that has been split into a butterfly fashion from tail to head along the dorsal ridge, gutted, salted or pickled, and cold-smoked over smouldering woodchips)\n **RE** (**P**) **AST** \n\n**REPAST** (meal, e.g. breakfast)"} {"Clue":"Mosque: it's leader is a DJ alternatively (6)","Answer":"MASJID","Explanation":"Definition: Mosque\n**Anagram of** (alternatively) **M** (**first letter of** [leader] **MOSQUE**) and **IS A DJ**\n **M****ASJID***\n\n**MASJID** (mosque)"} {"Clue":"One in prison, odd character, steps up and down (9)","Answer":"STAIRCASE","Explanation":"Definition: steps up and down\n(**A** [one] **contained in** [in] **STIR** [prison]) **+ CASE** (odd or humorous character)\n **ST** (**A**) **IR** **CASE**\n\n**STAIRCASE** (steps up and down)"} {"Clue":"Antelope that we have just swallowed back? (4)","Answer":"SUNI","Explanation":"Definition: Antelope\n**IN US** (what we have just swallowed is **IN US**) **reversed** (back)\n **SUNI**<\n\n**SUNI** (small South African antelope)"} {"Clue":"Necklace, grand, with gold catch (6)","Answer":"GORGET","Explanation":"Definition: Necklace\n**G** (grand, $1000) **+ OR** (gold tincture) **+**** GET** (catch)\n \u00a0\n\n**GORGET **(neck ornament)"} {"Clue":"Triumvir heads for total rule, independent cunning (7)","Answer":"TRIARCH","Explanation":"Definition: Triumvir\n**TRI **(**first letters of** [heads for] **each of TOTAL**, **RULE** and **INDEPENDENT**) + **ARCH** (cunning)\n **TRI** **ARCH**\n\n**TRIARCH** (a state divided into three parts each having its own ruler; one of three such parts. A **TRIUMVIR** is each of three men in the same office or government; each of three sharing supreme power.)"} {"Clue":"Artist secure about fast time and likewise reverse \u2013 in these? (12)","Answer":"RALLENTANDOS","Explanation":"Definition: these\n**RA** (Royal Academician; artist) **+** (**LAND** [secure] **containing** [about] **LENT** [time of fasting]) **+ SO** (likewise) **reversed** (reverse)\n **RA** **L** (**LENT**) **AND** **OS**<\n\n**RALLENTANDOS** (musical passages played becoming slower; the definition refers to an artist secure [confident] about playing both fast passages and these **RALLENTANDOS**)"} {"Clue":"Traced back, observation about the writer's original root (6)","Answer":"ETYMON","Explanation":"Definition: original root\n(**NOTE** [observation]** containing** (about) **MY** [the writer's]) **all reversed** (traced back)\n (**ET** (**YM**) **ON**)<\n\n**ETYMON** (true origin of a word; original root)"} {"Clue":"Jock's lost colour (4)","Answer":"TINT","Explanation":"Definition: Jock's lost\n**TINT** (Scottish [Jock] word for 'lost')\n \u00a0\n\n**TINT** (colour) double definition"} {"Clue":"Deer from Pakistan heading westwards (4)","Answer":"SIKA","Explanation":"Definition: Deer\n**SIKA** (**reversed** [heading westwards] **hidden word i**n [from] **PAKISTAN**) \n **SIKA**<\n\n**SIKA** (any animal of the Cervidae, a family of even-toed hoofed animals characterized by the possession of antlers by the males at least, including red deer)"} {"Clue":"Gentle youth of yore, one abandoned by wayward lady in deception, at being lost (6)","Answer":"CHYLDE","Explanation":"Definition: Gentle youth of yore,\n**Anagram of **(wayward) **L****A****DY** **excluding** (abandoned) **A** (one) **contained in** (in) **CHE****AT** (deception)** excluding** (being lost) **AT** \n **CH** (**YLD***) **E**\n\n**CHYLDE** (youth of gentle birth)"} {"Clue":"Like shellfish on course chef (not English) concocted and I consumed (12)","Answer":"CONCHIFEROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Like shellfish\n**Anagram of **(concocted)** ON COURSE CHEF** **excluding** (not) **E** (English) **containing** (consumed)** I**\n **C****ON****CH** (**I**)** F****EROUS***\n\n**CONCHIFEROUS** (having a shell; like shellfish)"} {"Clue":"Tropical plants in sauce (sugo) Sue cut and blended (6)","Answer":"GUACOS","Explanation":"Definition: Tropical plants\n**Anagram of** (blended) **SAUCE SUGO** **excluding** (cut) **SUE**\n **GU****AC****OS***\n\n**GUACOS** (any of several tropical American plants reputedly antidotal against snakebite)"} {"Clue":"Where one feels specially at home? Therein I go (4)","Answer":"BRIO","Explanation":"Definition: go\n**I** **contained in** (therein) **BRO** (a place for which one feels great affinity because of birth, upbringing, long residence etc)\n **BR** (**I**) **O**\n\n**BRIO** (vivacity; go)"} {"Clue":"Publicity item recalled in hall misused lexical variant (9)","Answer":"ALLOMORPH","Explanation":"Definition: lexical variant \n**PROMO** (promotion; publicity item) **reversed** (recalled) and **contained in** (in) **an anagram of **(misused)\n **ALL** (**OMORP<**) **H***\n\n**ALLOMORPH** (\u00a0one of two or more forms of the same morpheme [simple linguistic unit that has meaning, and cannot be divided into smaller units]; lexical variant)"} {"Clue":"Wordless sounds, backing music-making time (heartless) (6)","Answer":"NOISES","Explanation":"Definition: Wordless sounds\n**SESSION** (period of time spent making music)\n **NOISES**<\n\n**NOISES** (wordless sounds)"} {"Clue":"Secondary schools, liberal certainly about Common Entrance (6)","Answer":"LYCEES","Explanation":"Definition: Secondary schools\n**L** (liberal) **+** (**YES** [certainly] **containing** [about] **CE** [Common Entrance])\n **L** **Y** (**CE**) **ES**\n\n**LYCEES** (state secondary schools in France)"} {"Clue":"Polo-style lozenge, sort of red? Mostly that (6)","Answer":"RUSTRE","Explanation":"Definition: Polo-style lozenge\n**RUST** (a reddish brown colour; sort of red) **+ RED** (that) **excluding the last letter** (mostly) **D**\n \u00a0\n\n**RUSTRE** (lozenge pierced with a circular opening. Polo is famously known as the mint with the hole)"} {"Clue":"Purging process that may cause a poet ruin (9)","Answer":"EPURATION","Explanation":"Definition: Purging process\n**Anagram of** (may cause) **A POET RUIN**\n **EP****URA****T****I****O****N***\n\n**EPURATION** (purging or purification)"} {"Clue":"Zip inside volcanic feature in far from robust fashion (6)","Answer":"PUNILY","Explanation":"Definition: n far from robust fashion\n**NIL** (nothing; zero; zip) **contained in** (inside) **PUY** (small volcanic cone)\n **PU **(**NIL**) **Y**\n\n**PUNILY** (feebly; in far from robust fashion)"} {"Clue":"Type of mural somehow cheers the vacated room (12)","Answer":"STEREOCHROME","Explanation":"Definition: Type of mural\n**Anagram of** (somehow) **CHEERS TE** (**the letters of** **T****H****E**\u00a0**remaining after the** **central letter H\u00a0is removed** [vacated]) and **ROOM** \n **STEREOCHROME***\n\n**STEREOCHROME** (a form of mural painting fixed with water glass)"} {"Clue":"Demoisturizer packed in metal cans (4)","Answer":"TALC","Explanation":"Definition: Demoisturizer\n**TALC** (**hidden word in** (packed in) **METAL CANS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TALC **(a powder applied to the skin as a demoisturiser)"} {"Clue":"May, in the past hot, in gym it boiled \u2013 very (6)","Answer":"MIGHTY","Explanation":"Definition: very\nI think there are two additional definitions or a mix of an additional definition of wordplay here. Firstly **MAY** is an archaic word for various forms of **MIGHT **although I couldn't see the exact form**\u00a0MIGHTY l**isted in Chambers under the headword **MAY**1\n **Anagram of** (boiled) **H** (hot) and **IT GYM**\n **M****I****G****HT****Y***\n\n**MIGHTY** (informal word, used with a touch of irony to mean 'very')"} {"Clue":"Mum damaged heart in a bad treatment including massage (12)","Answer":"AROMATHERAPY","Explanation":"Definition: treatment including massage\n(**MA** [mum] **+ an anagram of** [damaged] **HEART**) **contained in** (in)\u00a0(**A + ROPY** [bad of its kind])\n **A** **RO** (**MA** **THERA***) **PY**\n\n**AROMATHERAPY** (method of treating bodily ailments using essential plant oils, esp in combination with massage.)"} {"Clue":"Wizened colt given bit of exercise in piggery (7)","Answer":"SCRUNTY","Explanation":"Definition: treatment including massage\n(**MA** [mum] **+ an anagram of** [damaged] **HEART**) **contained in** (in)\u00a0(**A + ROPY** [bad of its kind])\n **A** **RO** (**MA** **THERA***) **PY**\n\n**AROMATHERAPY** (method of treating bodily ailments using essential plant oils, esp in combination with massage.)"} {"Clue":"Loads cars or carts (4)","Answer":"JAGS","Explanation":"Definition: Loads\n**JAGS** (quantities; loads)\n **JAGS** (Jaguars; cars)\n\n**JAGS** (carts [as a verb]) triple definition"} {"Clue":"Wobbly steed round midpoint of Aintree can't stand (6)","Answer":"DETEST","Explanation":"Definition: can't stand\n**Anagram of** (wobbly)** STEED** **containing** (around)** T** (**middle letter of** [midpoint of] **AINTREE**)\n **DE** (**T**)** EST***\n\n**DETEST** (hate intensely; can't stand)"} {"Clue":"Foreign prince enters frisky novice that's leading (9)","Answer":"CONDUCIVE","Explanation":"Definition: leading\n**DUC **(Duke in a foreign language. Princes can hold the title of duke) **contained in** (enters) **an anagram of** (frisky) **NOVICE**\n There may be a language where** ****PRINCE**** **is a direct translation of** DUC **but foreign languages are not my strength. I'm much more at home with computer languages.\n **CON** (**DUC**) **IVE***\n\n**CONDUCIVE** (leading, contributing or tending)"} {"Clue":"Lemurs chewed cacao in Mauritius (7)","Answer":"MACACOS","Explanation":"Definition: Lemurs\n**Anagram of** (chewed) **CACAO** **contained in** (in) **MS** (International Vehicle Registration for Mauritius)\n **M** (**ACACO***) **S**\n\n**MACACOS** (any of various kinds of lemur)"} {"Clue":"Book of old jokes to beguile when in hospital (6)","Answer":"SCOGAN","Explanation":"Definition: Book of old jokes\n**COG** (cheat or deceive; beguile) **contained in** (when in) **SAN** (sanitarium; hospital)\n **S** (**COG**)** AN**\n\n**SCOGAN **(popular 16th century jestbook said to be the work of John **SCOGAN**, reputed to be court fool to Edward IV)"} {"Clue":"Alcoholics giving a hollow appeal for help (6)","Answer":"DIPSOS","Explanation":"Definition: Alcoholics\n**DIP** (hollow)** + SOS** (appeal for help)\n \u00a0\n\n**DIPSOS** (people with an intermittent pathological craving for alcoholic stimulants)"} {"Clue":"Showy bird in garland interwoven with seaweed (6)","Answer":"LOERIE","Explanation":"Definition: Showy bird\n**LEI** (garland of flowers) **forming letters 1, 3 and 5** and **ORE** (seaweed) **forming letters 2, 4 and 6** to generate the interwoven word **LOERIE**\n **L****O****E****R****I****E**\n\n**LOERIE** (variant spelling of **LOURIE**, [turaco], any of various African arboreal birds of the family Musophagidae, of the genus Tauraco and related genera, with glossy, brightly-coloured plumage and short, stout bills)"} {"Clue":"Posset drunk in bars in olden days\n (6)","Answer":"ESTOPS","Explanation":"Definition: bars in olden days\n**Anagram of** (drunk) **POSSET**\n **ESTOPS***\n\n**ESTOPS** (archaic [in olden days] word for 'stops' or 'bars')"} {"Clue":"As governor I'll follow legislation up (4)","Answer":"WALI","Explanation":"Definition: governor\n**LAW** (legislation) **reversed** (up; down clue) **+ I**\n **WAL**< **I**\n\n**WALI **(variant spelling of **VALI** [governor, especially of a vilayet {Turkish province}])"} {"Clue":"Soon cut short? Wild perhaps (4)","Answer":"EARL","Explanation":"Definition: Wild perhaps\n**EARLY** (soon) **excluding the final letter** (cut short) **Y **\n \u00a0\n\n**EARL** (reference **EARL **Wild [1915 \u2013 2010], American pianist, renowned as a leading virtuoso of his generation)"} {"Clue":"People that routinely take drugs tests and steal the supply (8)","Answer":"ATHLETES","Explanation":"Definition: People that routinely take drugs tests\n**Anagram of **(supply [supple]) **STEAL THE**\n **AT****H****LE****TE****S***\n\n**ATHLETES** (people who are routinely subjected to drugs tests)"} {"Clue":"American society on school run \u2026 (6)","Answer":"SCHUSS","Explanation":"Definition: run\n**SCH** (school) **+ US **(United States; American) **+ S** (society)\n \u00a0\n\n**SCHUSS** (in skiing, straight slope on which it is possible to make a fast run; such a run)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 in chaos as fun gets out of hand (5)","Answer":"SNAFU","Explanation":"Definition: chaos\n**Anagram of **(gets out of hand) **AS FUN**\n **S****N****A****FU***\n\n**SNAFU** (chaos)"} {"Clue":"Reveal suit with 40% cut in charges here (9)","Answer":"OUTFITTER","Explanation":"Definition: here\n**OUT** (reveal) **+ FIT** (suit) **+ TERMS** (charges) **excluding** (cut) **MS** (**two of the five letters** [40%])\n \u00a0\n\n**OUTFITTER** (a shop where you might get a 40% discount on a suit)"} {"Clue":"She aims to change one who's expected to deliver (7)","Answer":"MESSIAH","Explanation":"Definition: one who's expected to deliver\n**Anagram of** (to change) **SHE AIMS**\n **M****E****S****S****IA****H***\n\n**MESSIAH** (the expected deliverer of the Jews; more generally, a hoped-for deliverer)"} {"Clue":"Agree with artist creating monstrous image using animal parts (7)","Answer":"CHIMERA","Explanation":"Definition: monstrous image using animal parts\n**CHIME** (agree) **+ RA** (Royal Academician; artist)\n \u00a0\n\n**CHIMERA** (fabled fire-spouting monster, with a lion's head, a serpent's tail, and a goat's body; monstrous image using animal parts)"} {"Clue":"This rather reflects on you (7)","Answer":"ONESELF","Explanation":"Definition: you\n**ONESELF** (reflexive form of one; this rather reflects)\n \u00a0\n\n**ONESELF** (you)"} {"Clue":"Struggle to find revealing yet sturdy underwear? (5)","Answer":"GROPE","Explanation":"Definition: Struggle to find\n**G-ROPE** (something that would be sturdier than a G-string [form of underwear])\n \u00a0\n\n**GROPE** (feel about, as if blind or in the dark; struggle to find)"} {"Clue":"Arms go inside openings of each sleeve (5)","Answer":"EPEES","Explanation":"Definition: Arms\n**PEE** (urinate; go) **contained in** (in) **ES** (**first letters** [openings] **of each of EACH** and **SLEEVE**)\n **E **(**PEE**) **S**\n\n**EPEES **(swords; arms)"} {"Clue":"Artistic board's sense of taste discerned by audience (7)","Answer":"PALETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Artistic board\n**PALETTE** (sounds like [discerned by audience] **PALATE** [sense of taste])\n \u00a0\n\n**PALETTE** (little board, usually with a thumb hole, on which a painter mixes colours)"} {"Clue":"Cabinet position with responsibility for clothing company (7)","Answer":"DRESSER","Explanation":"Definition: Cabinet\n**DRESSER** (person who assists a company of actors to **DRESS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**DRESSER** (kitchen or dining room sideboard; cabinet) double definition"} {"Clue":"Counter intelligence describing support to enhance deal (7)","Answer":"SWEETEN","Explanation":"Definition: enhance deal\n**(NEWS** [intelligence] **containing** [describing] **TEE** [support]) **all reversed** (counter)\n (**SW** (**EET**)** EN**)<\n\n**SWEETEN** (make agreeable, e.g. enhance a deal to win\u00a0the job)"} {"Clue":"Period home had come to an end (9)","Answer":"TERMINATE","Explanation":"Definition: come to an end\n**TERM** (period of time)** + IN** (home)** + ATE** (had)\n \u00a0\n\n**TERMINATE** (come to an end)"} {"Clue":"Unit measuring weight put on neural nets (5)","Answer":"TONNE","Explanation":"Definition: Unit measuring weight\n**TONNE** (**hidden word in** [nets] **PUT ON NEURAL**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TONNE** (metric ton [1000 kilograms]; unit of weight)"} {"Clue":"Guarantee that's equally reliable (6)","Answer":"ASSURE","Explanation":"Definition: Guarantee\n**AS** (to that extent; that's equally) **+ SURE** (reliable)\n \u00a0\n\n**ASSURE **(guarantee)"} {"Clue":"The first to split up when they're unfaithful (8)","Answer":"ATHEISTS","Explanation":"Definition: they're unfaithful\n(**THE** **+ IST** [first]) **contained in** (to split up) **AS** (when)\n **A** (**THE** **IST**) **S**\n\n**ATHEISTS** (people who disbelieve the existence of a god; they're unfaithful)"} {"Clue":"Bottom bird lifted up to use premises (6)","Answer":"ASSUME","Explanation":"Definition: use premises\n**ASS** (arse; bottom)** +** (**EMU** [bird] reversed [lifted up; down clue])\n **ASS** **UME**<\n\n**ASSUME** (use premises)"} {"Clue":"Leader's temper makes contribution to grave situation (9)","Answer":"HEADSTONE","Explanation":"Definition: contribution to grave situation\n**HEAD'S **(leaders) **+ TONE** (temper)\n \u00a0\n\n**HEADSTONE** (gravestone sited [not surprisingly] beside the site of a grave)"} {"Clue":"Learned on-line technology, like Yahoo, say, is taking over (7)","Answer":"ERUDITE","Explanation":"Definition: Learned\n**E** (electronic, used as an abbreviation to indicate on-line services) **+** (**RUDE** [descriptive of {like} a yahoo or lout] **containing** [taking over] **IT** [information technology, e.g. services provided by the multinational Yahoo technology company). It looks like there is some degree of words doing double duty here and I may not have got the parsing exactly right, but I'm fairly sure I'm in the right ballpark\n **E** **RUD** (**IT**) **E**\n\n**ERUDITE** (learned)"} {"Clue":"Age when he's beginning to deal with growing up (5)","Answer":"EPOCH","Explanation":"Definition: Age\n(**H** [**first letter of** [beginning] **H****E**] **+ COPE** [deal with]) **all reversed** (growing up; down clue)\n (**EPOC** **H**)<\n\n**EPOCH **(age, especially geological) or historical)"} {"Clue":"Spooner's renting property that cannot be surpassed (7)","Answer":"CEILING","Explanation":"Definition: that cannot be surpassed\n**CEILING** **(LEASING** [renting property] as a Spoonerism)\n \u00a0\n\n**CEILING** (upper limit; that which cannot be surpassed])"} {"Clue":"Loose woman, relatively speaking, is relieved of her top (5)","Answer":"UNTIE","Explanation":"Definition: Loose \n**A****UNTIE** (female relative) **excluding** [relieved of] **the first letter** [her top]** A**\n \u00a0\n\n**UNTIE** (loose)"} {"Clue":"Ran with no cover on inside bet (8)","Answer":"STREAKED","Explanation":"Definition: Ran with no cover\n**RE** (with reference to; about; on) **contained in** (inside) **STAKED** (net)\n **ST** (**RE**) **AKED**\n\n**STREAKED** (ran without any clothes; ran with no cover)"} {"Clue":"Suspect fault provides case for court using discretion (7)","Answer":"TACTFUL","Explanation":"Definition: using discretion\n**Anagram of** (suspect) **FAULT** **containing** (provides case for) **CT** (court)\n **TA** (**CT**) **FUL***\n\n**TACTFUL** (using discretion)"} {"Clue":"Shops publicise work Serpent reviewed (7)","Answer":"EMPORIA","Explanation":"Definition: Shops\n(**AIR** [publicise] **+ OP** [opus; work] **+ ME** [Serpent, the compiler]) **all reversed** (reviewed)\n (**EM PO RIA**)<\n\n**EMPORIA** (large shops)"} {"Clue":"Subtle meaning suggested by public figures? (9)","Answer":"OVERTONES","Explanation":"Definition: Subtle meaning\n**OVERT** (public) **+ ONES** (figures)\n \u00a0\n\n**OVERTONES** (subtle meaning)"} {"Clue":"Sell when one's expected to maintain tense and bitter disagreement (8)","Answer":"VENDETTA","Explanation":"Definition: bitter disagreement\n**VEND** (sell) **+** (**ETA** [estimated time of arrival] **containing** [to maintain] **T**)\n **VEND** (**ET** (**T**)** A**)\n\n**VENDETTA** (prolonged, violent, etc,\u00a0feud or quarrel; bitter disagreement)."} {"Clue":"Fresher American soldiers rise up (7)","Answer":"SASSIER","Explanation":"Definition: Fresher American\n**SAS** (Special Air Service; soldiers) **+ an anagram o**f (up) **RISE**\n **SAS** **SIER***\n\n**SASSIER** (American term for one being more cheeky\u00a0[fresher])"} {"Clue":"Leading character in The Passion on stage (7)","Answer":"THEATRE","Explanation":"Definition: stage\n**T** (**first letter of** [leading character in] **THE**) **+ HEAT** (passion) **+ RE** (with reference to; about; on)\n \u00a0\n\n**THEATRE** (stage)"} {"Clue":"Introduction to qualification comprises Derrida's articles on what limits semiotics (6)","Answer":"UNLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Introduction to qualification\nJacques Derrida was a French philosopher so for him, examples of the definite and indefinite articles are UN and LE\n **UN** (French for 'a') + **LE** (French for 'the') **+ SS** (**first and last letters of SEMIOTICS**)\n\n**UNLESS** (a word used as an introduction to an exemption, condition or other qualification)"} {"Clue":"Makes accommodations for those who aren't quick verbally (5)","Answer":"EARNS","Explanation":"Definition: Makes\n**EARNS** (sounds like [verbally] **URNS**. **QUICK** has an archaic meaning of 'alive' so perhaps those who aren't quick are dead and their ashes may be placed [accommodated] in **URNS**)\n I'm not entirely happy with this, but for the moment I can't think of anything better. Feel free to point out something more obvious.\n\n**EARNS** (makes [money])"} {"Clue":"Week early in month passed quickly (5)","Answer":"SWEPT","Explanation":"Definition: passed quickly\n**W** **contained in** (in) **SEPT** (September; month) **right after the first letter** (early)\n **S** (**W**) **EPT**\n\n**SWEPT** (passed swiftly)"} {"Clue":"He wrote fine stuff about enlisted woman (8)","Answer":"LAWRENCE","Explanation":"Definition: He wrote\n**LACE **(fine material) **containing** (about) **WREN** (member of the Women's Royal Naval Service; enlisted woman)\n **LA** (**WREN**) **CE**\n\n**LAWRENCE** (reference either of D H **LAWRENCE** or T E\u00a0**LAWRENCE**, both of whom were writers)"} {"Clue":"High-octane plays like these can be short (3-3)","Answer":"ONE-ACT","Explanation":"Definition: plays like these can be short\n**Anagram of** (high) **OCTANE**\n **ONE-ACT***\n\n**ONE-ACT** (descriptive of a play that may therefore be short)"} {"Clue":"Racketeer Mike to be buried outside (4)","Answer":"LIME","Explanation":"Definition: Racketeer\n**LIE** (remain; be) **containing** (buried outside) **M** (**MIKE** is the international radio communication code for the letter **M**)\n I'm not sure that I have interpreted 'buried' correctly in this suggestion of the wordplay. Happy to be told that I've got it wrong.\n **LI** (**M**) **E**\n\n**LIME** (reference Harry **LIME**, racketeering character in Graham Green's screenplay for the film\u00a0The Third Man)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps to lose your head is to lose your job (3,3,4)","Answer":"GET THE CHOP","Explanation":"Definition: ose your job\n**GET THE CHOP** (have your head **CHOP**ped off; lose your head)\n \u00a0\n\n**GET THE CHOP** (be dismissed; lose your job)"} {"Clue":"Secret writing method an unimportant thing (6)","Answer":"CIPHER","Explanation":"Definition: Secret writing method\n**CIPHER** (secret code) \u00a0\n\n**CIPHER** (person or thing of little value) double definition"} {"Clue":"Black Jack on losing little weight in three seconds (8)","Answer":"STARLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Black\n(**TAR** [sailor; Jack **TAR**] + **LE** [?]) **contained** **in** (in)\u00a0(**S** [second] **+ S** [second] **+ S **[second] giving three seconds)\n I can't relate the **LE** to the words 'on losing little weight' in the clue'\n **S** (**TAR** **LE**) **SS**\n\n**STARLESS** (a **STARLESS** sky will be black)"} {"Clue":"Immense rook goes after girl (7)","Answer":"STELLAR","Explanation":"Definition: Immense\n**STELLA** (girl's name) **+ R** (notation for a rook in chess)\n \u00a0\n\n**STELLAR** (excellent; immense)"} {"Clue":"Anything but concrete boat put into Seychelles (7)","Answer":"SKETCHY","Explanation":"Definition: Anything but concrete\n**KETCH** (boat) **contained in** (put into) **SY** (International Vehicle Registration for Seychelles)\n **S** (**KETCH**) **Y**\n\n**SKETCHY** (vague; anything but concrete)"} {"Clue":"1 2 3 22A 24D (8)","Answer":"STURGEON","Explanation":"Definition: 24D\nReplacing the numbers with the associated entries we get:\n **LATINIST URGE ONAGER HIDING FISH**\n and this, read as a clue can be parsed \n **STURGEON** **(hidden word** [hiding] i**n** **LATINIST URGE ONAGER**)\n\n**STURGEON** (fish)"} {"Clue":"Concealed serious defeat (6)","Answer":"HIDING","Explanation":"Definition: Concealed serious defeat\n**HIDING** (concealed)\n \u00a0\n\n**HIDING **(thrashing; serious defeat)"} {"Clue":"American player's ball-point used to pen vote (4,6)","Answer":"BILL PAXTON","Explanation":"Definition: American player\n**Anagram of **(used) **BALL-POINT** **containing** (to pen) (**X** [symbol used to make a choice when voting)\n **BILL PA** (**X**) **TON***\n\n**BILL PAXTON** (American actor [player] and director)"} {"Clue":"Large, having consumed seconds, go without food (4)","Answer":"FAST","Explanation":"Definition: go without food\n**FAT **(large) **containing** (having consumed) **S** (seconds)\n **FA** (**S**) **T**\n\n**FAST** (go without food)"} {"Clue":"Maybe Arthur was in van ferrying dope (6)","Answer":"LEGEND","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe Arthur\n**LED** (was in front; was in the van) **containing** (ferrying) **GEN** (knowledge; dope)\n **LE **(**GEN**) **D**\n\n**LEGEND** (reference the **LEGEND** of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table)"} {"Clue":"Ruined morgues Poe's last inspiring horror (8)","Answer":"GRUESOME","Explanation":"Definition: inspiring horror\n**Anagram of **(ruined) **MORGUES** **+**** E** (**final letter of** [last] **PO****E**)\n **GRUESOM********* E**\n\n**GRUESOME** (inspiring horror)"} {"Clue":"Can I get in finally as classics student? (8)","Answer":"LATINIST","Explanation":"Definition: classics student\n(**TIN** [can] **+ I**) **contained in** (get in) **LAST** (finally)\n **LA** (**TIN** **I**) **ST**\n\n**LATINIST** (classics student)"} {"Clue":"Yorkshire banker entertains good egg (4)","Answer":"URGE","Explanation":"Definition: egg\n**URE** (Yorkshire river [banker]) **containing** (entertains) **G** (good)\n **UR** (**G**) **E**\n\n**URGE** (egg someone on)"} {"Clue":"Persian ass runs on time to come first (6)","Answer":"ONAGER","Explanation":"Definition: Persian ass\n**ON** **+ AGE** (period of time) **+ R** (runs) 'time to come first' implies that **AGE** comes before** R**\n \u00a0\n\n**ONAGER** (the wild ass of Central Asia [including Persia])"} {"Clue":"Say canal inspector \u2013 in London's Hampstead? (7)","Answer":"DENTIST","Explanation":"Definition: canal inspector\nThis is an allusion to root **CANAL** work undertaken by a **DENTIST** but I don't understand the Hampstead reference or why London is used.\n There's almost certainly something that I am missing.\n\n**DENTIST"} {"Clue":"Koran has to be revised, requiring craft in religion (5,3)","Answer":"NOAH","Explanation":"Definition: craft in religion\n**Anagram of **(to be revised) **KORAN HAS**\n **NOA****H****'****S A****RK***\n\n**NOAH'S ARK** (a boat [craft] referenced in the Bible [religion])"} {"Clue":"It's spread, by fool covering dead (10)","Answer":"PERCOLATED","Explanation":"Definition: It's spread\n**PER** [by] **+ **(**COD** [fool] **containing** [covering] **LATE** [dead])\n **PER** **CO** (**LATE**) **D**\n\n**PERCOLATED** (spread or became known gradually)"} {"Clue":"Over half these clues! (6)","Answer":"ACROSS","Explanation":"Definition: Over\n**ACROSS** (half the clues in this crossword are **ACROSS** clues)\n \u00a0\n\n**ACROSS** (over)"} {"Clue":"Sect member's exclusively spoken with bird (4,6)","Answer":"HOLY ROLLER","Explanation":"Definition: Sect member\n**HOLY** (sounds like [spoken] **WHOLLY** [exclusively]) **+ ROLLER** (bird of a family related to kingfishers)\n \u00a0\n\n**HOLY ROLLER** (preacher or follower of an extravagantly emotional religious sect)"} {"Clue":"Queen wants swan girl put up by assistant (8)","Answer":"ADELAIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Queen\n**LEDA** (**LEDA** and the Swan is a story and subject in art from Greek mythology in which the god Zeus, in the form of a swan, seduces **LEDA**; swan girl) **reversed** (put up; down clue) **+ AIDE** (assistant)\n **ADEL**< **AIDE**\n\n**ADELAIDE** (reference Queen **ADELAIDE** [1792 \u2013 1849], consort of William IV of the United Kingdom)"} {"Clue":"Well proportioned worker on unknown amount (8)","Answer":"HANDSOME","Explanation":"Definition: Well proportioned \n**HAND** (worker) **+ SOME** (unknown amount)\n \u00a0\n\n**HANDSOME** (good looking; well proportioned)"} {"Clue":"United including only men in position to perform (7)","Answer":"ON STAGE","Explanation":"Definition: in position to perform\n**ONE **(undivided; united) **containing** (including) **STAG** (men only)\n **ON** (**STAG**) **E**\n\n**ON STAGE** (in a position to perform)"} {"Clue":"Smallest room that can be hired accommodates one (6)","Answer":"TOILET","Explanation":"Definition: Smallest room\n**TO LET** (indication that something is for hire) **containing** (accommodates) **I **(one)\n **TO** (**I**) **LET**\n\n**TOILET** (usually the smallest room in the house)"} {"Clue":"Acclaim classic drama featured in 60 Minutes (6)","Answer":"HONOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Acclaim\n**NO** (classic Japanese drama) **contained in** (featured in) **HOUR** (60 minutes)\n **HO** (**NO**) **UR**\n\n**HONOUR** (acclaim)"} {"Clue":"Folio is top for highbrow school population (4)","Answer":"FISH","Explanation":"Definition: school population \n**F** (folio) **+ IS + H** (**first letter o**f [top for] **HIGHBROW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**FISH** (reference a school [shoal]\u00a0of** FISH**)"} {"Clue":"US politician's annoyed comment about rebuffed advance (8)","Answer":"DEMOCRAT","Explanation":"Definition: US politician\n**DRAT** (word used to express annoyance) **containing** (about) (**COME** [advance] **reversed** [rebuffed])\n **D** (**EMOC**<) **RAT**\n\n**DEMOCRAT** (a member of one of the major political parties in the United States of America)"} {"Clue":"Some recommendation is sensible for military designer (6)","Answer":"NISSEN","Explanation":"Definition: military designer\n**NISSEN** (**hidden word in** [some] **RECOMMENDATION IS SENSIBLE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**NISSEN** (reference Major Peter **NISSEN**, designer of the **NISSEN** hut [a prefabricated steel structure from a half cylindrical skin of corrugated steel]. Originally designed during World War 1, it was used extensively in World War 2)"} {"Clue":"Underhand punch, knocking head off (3)","Answer":"LOW","Explanation":"Definition: Underhand\n**BLOW** (punch) **excluding** (knocking off) **the first letter** (head) **B**\n \u00a0\n\n**LOW** (underhand)"} {"Clue":"Hot food? Safer with ices, possibly (9)","Answer":"FRICASSEE","Explanation":"Definition: Hot food\n**Anagram of** (possibly) **SAFER** and **ICES**\n **FR****IC****AS****S****E****E***\n\n**FRICASSEE** (dish of fowl, rabbit, etc cut into pieces and served in sauce, served hot)"} {"Clue":"Mirror left amidst vapour (sulphur) (5)","Answer":"GLASS","Explanation":"Definition: Mirror\n(**L** [left] **contained in** [among] **GAS** [vapour]) **+ S** [chemical symbol for sulphur)\n **G** (**L**) **AS** S\n\n**GLASS** (mirror)"} {"Clue":"One brought in by rigged constituency (4)","Answer":"SEAT","Explanation":"Definition: constituency\n**A** [one] **contained in**\u00a0(brought in by) **SET** (rigged)\n **SE** (**A**) **T**\n\n**SEAT** (parliamentary or local government constituency)"} {"Clue":"Vegetable, i.e. a bit of broccoli between furrow and stove (8)","Answer":"RUTABAGA","Explanation":"Definition: Vegetable\n(**A** **+ B** [**first letter of** {a bit of} **BROCCOLI**]) **contained in** (between) (**RUT** [furrow] **+**** AGA** [brand name of a type of stove])\n **RUT** (**A** **B**) **AGA**\n\n**RUTABAGA** (swede; root vegetable)"} {"Clue":"Find voucher in possession of the\u00a0writer? Just the reverse (4,4)","Answer":"COME UPON","Explanation":"Definition: Find\n**ME** (the writer) **contained in** (in possession of) **COUPON** (voucher) \u2013 i.e the opposite [**just the reverse**] of the clue\n **CO** (**ME**) **UPON**\n\n**COME UPON** (find)"} {"Clue":"Hackneyed thought millions ignored (4)","Answer":"USED","Explanation":"Definition: Hackneyed\n**MUSED** (thought) **excluding** (ignored) **M** (millions)\n \u00a0\n\n**USED** (hackneyed [dulled by excessive **USE**])"} {"Clue":"Class and so on backed accepting a school's head (5)","Answer":"CASTE","Explanation":"Definition: Class\n**ETC (et cetera** [and so on]) **reversed** (backed)\u00a0**containing** (accepting)\u00a0**(A** **+ S** [**first letter of **{head} **SCHOOL**]) \n **C** (**A** **S**) **TE**<\n\n**CASTE** (social class)"} {"Clue":"Underworld attack with gun mostly shocked nation (9)","Answer":"PLUTONIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Underworld\n**PLUG** (shoot; attack with gun) **excluding the last letter** (mostly) **G** **+ an anagram of** (shocked) **NATION**\n **PLU** **TONIAN***\n\n**PLUTONIAN** (of the underworld)"} {"Clue":"Poetic form and style not initially mastered (3)","Answer":"ODE","Explanation":"Definition: Poetic form\n**MODE** (style) **excluding** (not) **M** (**first letter of** [initially] **MASTERED**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ODE** (poetic form)"} {"Clue":"Great influence? I cope not with men, sadly (11)","Answer":"OMNIPOTENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Great influence\n**Anagram of** (sadly) **I COPE NOT** and **MEN**\n **OMNIPOTENCE***\n\n**OMNIPOTENCE** (unlimited power; great influence)"} {"Clue":"Woman's particular individuals, nameless objects of reverence (6)","Answer":"HEROES","Explanation":"Definition: objects of reverence\n**HER** (descriptive of a woman) **+ ONES** (individuals) **excluding** (less) **N** (name)\n \u00a0\n\n**HEROES** (objects of reverence)"} {"Clue":"Dishes Capability's first element of garden design (8)","Answer":"CROCKERY","Explanation":"Definition: Dishes\n**C** (**first letter of** [first] **CAPABILITY**) **+ ROCKERY** (element of garden design) The clue alludes to Capability Brown [1716 \u2013 1783], English garden designer)\n \u00a0\n\n**CROCKERY** (dishes)"} {"Clue":"Met up, getting less potent drink (5)","Answer":"DECAF","Explanation":"Definition: less potent drink\n**FACED **(met) **reversed** (up; down clue)\n **DECAF**<\n\n**DECAF** (less potent drink of coffee or tea for instance)"} {"Clue":"Japanese writer, male \u2013 his aim is astray (7)","Answer":"MISHIMA","Explanation":"Definition: Japanese writer\n**Anagram of** (is astray) **M** [male] and **HIS AIM**\n Could also be interpreted as **M** (male) + **an anagram of **(is astray) **HIS AIM**\n **M****ISH****IMA*** or **M** **ISH****IMA***\n\n**MISHIMA** (reference Yukio **MISHIMA** [1925 \u2013 1970], Japanese writer)"} {"Clue":"Beethoven work? Tough work, almost (not quite entirely) (6)","Answer":"CHORAL","Explanation":"Definition: Beethoven work\n**CHORE** (tough work) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **E** **+ ****AL****L** (entirely) **excluding the last letter** (not quite) **L**\n \u00a0\n\n**CHORAL** (reference Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. The **CHORAL**)"} {"Clue":"What erotica may do in a ploy securing love (6)","Answer":"AROUSE","Explanation":"Definition: What erotica may do\n(**A** **+ RUSE** [ploy]) **containing** (securing) **O** (zero; love score in tennis)\n **A** **R** (**O**) **USE**\n\n**AROUSE** (what erotica may do)"} {"Clue":"Mathematical quantity: some number in it turning huge (8)","Answer":"INTEGRAL","Explanation":"Definition: Mathematical quantity\n**IN** **+ 'T** (shortened form of **IT**) **+**** LARGE** **reversed** (turning)\n **IN T EGRAL**<\n\n**INTEGRAL** (the value of the function of a variable whose differential coefficient is known; mathematical quantity) Oh, memories of the joys of **INTEGRAL** calculus which I did actually understand a long time ago."} {"Clue":"Nut, alas, misrepresents this form of fruit (7)","Answer":"SULTANA","Explanation":"Definition: form of fruit\n**Anagram of **(misrepresented) **NUT ALAS**\n **SULTANA***\n\n**SULTANA** (small, pale, seedless raisin; a form of dried grape [fruit])"} {"Clue":"Was sent abroad \u2013 Midwest state \u2013 for source of information (4-5)","Answer":"NEWS-STAND","Explanation":"Definition: source of information\n**Anagram of **(abroad) **WAS SENT** **+ ND** (North Dakota, the least populous of the Midwest states in America)\n **NE****WS****-ST****A*** **ND**\n\n**NEWS-STAND** (source of information)"} {"Clue":"Awful time getting away from secure locations (7)","Answer":"HIDEOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Awful\n**HIDE\u00a0OU****T****S** (retreats; secure locations) **excluding** (getting away from) **T** (time)\n \u00a0\n\n**HIDEOUS** (awful)"} {"Clue":"Dismiss clergy making show of repentance? (9)","Answer":"SACKCLOTH","Explanation":"Definition: Dismiss\n**SACK** (dismiss) **+ CLOTH** (clergy)\n \u00a0\n\n**SACKCLOTH** (coarse material, formerly worn in mourning or penance; show of repentance)"} {"Clue":"Flowering plant, a symbol of love aboard the Underground (8)","Answer":"TUBEROSE","Explanation":"Definition: Flowering plant\n**EROS** (symbol of love) **contained in** (aboard) **TUBE** (London Underground)\n **TUB** (**EROS**) **E**\n\n**TUBEROSE** (Mexican amaryllid *[Polianthes tuberosa]* grown for its fragrant creamy-white flowers, propagated by tubers."} {"Clue":"Politician, one investing in evasive business (7)","Answer":"COMPANY","Explanation":"Definition: business\n(**MP** [Member of Parliament; politician] **+ AN** [one]) **contained in** (in) **COY** (evasive)\n **CO** (**MP** **AN**) **Y**\n\n**COMPANY** (business)"} {"Clue":"Worker in health club post mostly regrets turning up (7)","Answer":"MASSEUR","Explanation":"Definition: Worker in health club\n**MAST** (post) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **T** **+** (**RUES** [regrets] **reversed **[turning up; down clue])\n **MAS** **SEUR**<\n\n**MASSEUR** (someone who may work in a health club)"} {"Clue":"Intellectual discipline that is presented in different ways \u2013 note church following (7)","Answer":"SCIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Intellectual discipline\nI can't make the wordplay work here.\n It seems to me that it should be (**IE** [id est; that is] **contained in** [between] two directions (**S** [South] and **N** [North]) + note, normally **N**, but the **N** has been used as a direction **+ CE** (Church [of England]) Also, we have a **C** missing from the wordplay.\n We have got **CI** between two\u00a0directions (**S** [South and **E** [East]) **+ N + CE** but I can't relate **CI** to the clue\n Am I missing some thing obvious? It wouldn't be the first time.\n\n**SCIENCE** (an intellectual discipline)"} {"Clue":"Substantial protection against collisions (6)","Answer":"BUMPER","Explanation":"Definition: Substantial\n**BUMPER** (anything large or generous in measure; substantial)\n \u00a0\n\n**BUMPER** (protection against the effect of collisions)\u00a0double definition"} {"Clue":"Old Mexican almost informed Private Eye (6)","Answer":"TOLTEC","Explanation":"Definition: Old Mexican \n**TOLD** (informed) **excluding the final letter** (almost)** D** **+ TEC** (detective; private eye)\n \u00a0\n\n**TOLTEC** (a member of a central Native American people who lived in Mexico until overrun by the Aztecs) We had **AZTEC** in Crosophile's puzzle on Monday."} {"Clue":"Poor of Parisian, gripped by desire, to pop up (5)","Answer":"NEEDY","Explanation":"Definition: Poor\n(**DE** ['of' in French {Paris}] **contained in** [gripped by] **YEN** [desire]) **all reversed** (to pop up; down clue)\n (**NE** (**ED**) **Y**)<\n\n**NEEDY** (poor)"} {"Clue":"School stops ruffians thrashing poor kids (11)","Answer":"RAGAMUFFINS","Explanation":"Definition: poor kids\n**GAM** (school of whales] **contained in** {stops] **an anagram of** (thrashing) **RUFFIANS**\n **RA** (**GAM**) **UFFINS***\n\n**RAGAMUFFINS **(ragged disreputable children; poor kids)"} {"Clue":"Try port shortly before (4,1,2)","Answer":"HAVE A GO","Explanation":"Definition: Try\n**HAVEN** (port) **excluding the final letter** (shortly) **N** **+ AGO** (before)\n \u00a0\n\n**HAVE A GO** (try)"} {"Clue":"Batting line-up attainable (2,5)","Answer":"IN RANGE","Explanation":"Definition: attainable\n**IN** (batting) **+ RANGE** (line-up)\n \u00a0\n\n**IN RANGE** (can be reached; attainable)"} {"Clue":"Spots plan during chess game (9)","Answer":"SPLOTCHES","Explanation":"Definition: Spots\n**PLOT** (plan) **contained in** (during) an **anagram of** (game) **CHESS**\n **S** (**PLOT**) **CHES***\n\n**SPLOTCHES** (heavy spots)"} {"Clue":"Viz misses nothing to poke fun at (4)","Answer":"TWIT","Explanation":"Definition: poke fun at \n**TO WIT** (namely, videlicet [viz]) **excluding** (misses) **O** (zero; nothing)\n \u00a0\n\n**TWIT** (taunt; poke fun at)"} {"Clue":"It's surprising you have to install Windows etc after crash (10)","Answer":"UNEXPECTED","Explanation":"Definition: It's surprising\n(**U** [text speak for you] **+ NEED** [have occasion for; have to]) **containing **(install) (**XP** [reference the Windows **XP** operating system that many businesses still have installed] + **an anagram of** [after crash] **ETC**)\n **U** **NE** (**XP** **ECT***) **ED**\n\n**UNEXPECTED** (something surprising)"} {"Clue":"Design study so no microphones appear (10)","Answer":"ERGONOMICS","Explanation":"Definition: Design\n**ERGO** (therefore; so) **+ NO + MICS** (microphones)\n \u00a0\n\n**ERGONOMICS** (the adaptation of machines and general conditions to fit the individual so that he or she may work at maximum efficiency; design)"} {"Clue":"Went to the front bypassing western offensive (4)","Answer":"LEWD","Explanation":"Definition: offensive\n**LED** (went to the front) **containing** (bypassing) **W** (western)\n **LE** (**W**) **D**\n\n**LEWD** (obscene; offensive)"} {"Clue":"Statesman in need, hard up now and then (5)","Answer":"NEHRU","Explanation":"Definition: Statesman\n**NEHRU** (**letters 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9** [now and then] **NEED HARD UP**)\n \u00a0\n\n**NEHRU** (reference Jawaharlal\u00a0**NEHRU** [1889 \u2013 1964], first Prime Minister of India; statesman)"} {"Clue":"Scrawny tennis player makes funds available (5,4)","Answer":"SPARE CASH","Explanation":"Definition: funds available\n**SPARE** (scrawny) **+ CASH **(reference Pat **CASH** [born 1965], Australian tennis player who won one Grand Slam tournament)\n \u00a0\n\n**SPARE CASH** (readily available funds)"} {"Clue":"One ordered to guard this writer's candidate (7)","Answer":"NOMINEE","Explanation":"Definition: candidate\n**Anagram of **(ordered) **ONE** **containing** (**MINE** [this writer's])\n **NO** (**MINE**) **E*******\n\n**NOMINEE** (candidate)"} {"Clue":"Left two lots of foreign money for rock attraction (7)","Answer":"LORELEI","Explanation":"Definition: rock attraction\n**L** (left) **+ ORE** (coins and monetary units used in Norway and Denmark; foreign money) **+**** LEI **(standard monetary unit of Romania and Moldova; a second foreign currency)\n \u00a0\n\n**LORELEI** (The \"**LORELEI**\" statue sits on a narrow arm of land jutting out into the Rhine River between St. Goar and St. Goarshausen, Germany, not far from Wiesbaden. Wikipedia also refers to a 132\u00a0m high, steep slate rock on the right bank of the River Rhine in the Rhine Gorge also at Sankt Goarshausen in Germany; tourist attraction; rock attraction)"} {"Clue":"Writer and salesman screening blue tales at first (11)","Answer":"STORYTELLER","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\n**SELLER** (salesman) **containing** (screening) (**TORY** [conservative politician or party, both long associated with the colour blue] **+ T** [**first letter of **{at first} **TALES**])\n **S **(**TORY** **T**) **ELLER**\n\n**STORYTELLER** (writer)"} {"Clue":"Work by 20 mainly a version of very hot 'Gremlins' (9,6)","Answer":"REVOLTING RHYMES","Explanation":"Definition: Work by 20 mainly\n**Anagram of **(a version of) **VERY HOT GREMLINS** \n **REVOLTING RHYMES***\n\n**REVOLTING RHYMES** (book of poems written by Roald **DAHL** [1916 \u2013 1990]. **DAHL** forms the **first four letters of six letters**\u00a0[mainly] of **DAHLIA** at 20 down)"} {"Clue":"Among Norwegian trolls he's big and friendly (5)","Answer":"GIANT","Explanation":"Definition: he's big and friendly \n**GIANT** (**hidden word** [among] in **NORWEGIAN TROLLS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GIANT** (he's big fat and friendly, reference **DAHL**'s book the The Big Friendly **GIANT** that has just been made into a film)"} {"Clue":"Bird needing hormone replacement (7)","Answer":"MOORHEN","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\n**Anagram of** (replacement) **HORMONE**\n **MOORHEN***\n\n**MOORHEN** (bird)"} {"Clue":"Women send documents over Irish Sea almost (4,3)","Answer":"FAIR SEX","Explanation":"Definition: Women\n**FAX** (send documents by facsimile transfer) **containing** (over) (**IR** Irish] + **SEA excluding the final letter** [almost] **A**)\n **FA** (**IR** **SE**) **X**\n\n**FAIR SEX** (women)"} {"Clue":"Rider, ordered to keep up tempo, burst in (8)","Answer":"IRRUPTED","Explanation":"Definition: burst in\n**Anagram of **(ordered) **RIDER** **containing** (to keep (**UP** + **T** [tempo])\n **IRR** (**UP** **T**) **ED***\n\n**IRRUPTED** (broke in; burst in)"} {"Clue":"Blair astonished injured hero from Baghdad (6,3,6)","Answer":"SINBAD THE SAILOR","Explanation":"Definition: hero from Baghdad\n**Anagram of** (injured) **BLAIR ASTONISHED**\n **S****I****N****BA****D THE SAI****L****O****R***\n\n**SINBAD THE SAILOR** (fictional sailor and the hero of a story-cycle of Middle Eastern origin; he is described as living in Baghdad, during the Abbasid Caliphate)"} {"Clue":"Quiet game capturing hearts (6)","Answer":"WHISHT","Explanation":"Definition: Quiet\n**WHIST** (card game) **containing** (capturing) **H** (hearts)\n **WHIS** (**H**) **T**\n\n**WHISHT** (interjection calling for silence) A spelling I know better is **WHEESHT"} {"Clue":"Order Matilda initially to head off without one (6)","Answer":"METHOD","Explanation":"Definition: Order\n**M** **(first letter of** [initially] **MATILDA**) **+ an anagram of **(off) **TO HE****A****D** **excluding** (without) **A** (one)\n **M** **ETHOD***\n\n**METHOD** (order [of doing things])"} {"Clue":"Cool sister holds drugs party, slurring words? (8)","Answer":"INNUENDO","Explanation":"Definition: slurring words\n**IN** (in fashion; cool) **+** (**NUN** [sister] **containing** [holds] **E** [ecstasy; drug]) **+ DO** (party)\n **IN** **NU** (**E**) **N** **DO**\n\n**INNUENDO** (insinuation; slurring words where 'slurring' is an adjective)"} {"Clue":"Old river rises about noon, making sea warmer (2,4)","Answer":"EL","Explanation":"Definition: making sea warmer\n(**O** [old] **+ NILE** [major river in Africa]) **reversed** (rising; down clue) and **containing** (about) **N** (noon)\n (**EL** (**N**) **IN** **O**)<\n\n**EL NI\u00d1O** (periodic large-scale warming of the surface of the Eastern Pacific Ocean)"} {"Clue":"Puzzle compiler's pen hides ruler (7)","Answer":"MYSTERY","Explanation":"Definition: Puzzle\n**MY** (compiler's)** +** (**STY** [pen] **containing** [hides] **ER** [Elizabeth Regina; queen; ruler])\n **MY** **ST** (**ER**) **Y**\n\n**MYSTERY** (puzzle)"} {"Clue":"Children are being injected with \u00a31 drug (7)","Answer":"CHARLIE","Explanation":"Definition: drug\n**CH** (children) **+** (**ARE** **containing** [injected with] **LI** [\u00a31])\n **CH** **AR** (**LI**) **E**\n\n**CHARLIE** (cocaine; drug)"} {"Clue":"Trouble did upset occupant of bed (6)","Answer":"DAHLIA","Explanation":"Definition: occupant of bed\n(**AIL** [trouble] **+ HAD** [did, in at least one informal sense]) **reversed** (upset)\n (**DAH** **LIA**)<\n\n**DAHLIA** (plant found in a flower bed)"} {"Clue":"Join new part close to top (5)","Answer":"ENROL","Explanation":"Definition: Join\n(**N + ROLE** [part] with the **last letter** [close] **E** **moved to the front** [top of the entry; down clue)\n **E** **N** **ROL**\n\n**ENROL** (join)"} {"Clue":"Ready to go wearing the latest clothing (2,4)","Answer":"IN GEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Ready to go\n**IN** (in fashion; latest; also alludes to wearing [clothes]) **+ GEAR** (clothing)\n \u00a0\n\n**IN GEAR** (if the car is **IN GEAR**, it is ready to move)"} {"Clue":"Notices everybody at last leaving to have a game of bridge, perhaps (8)","Answer":"PLACARDS","Explanation":"Definition: Notices\n**PLAY CARDS** (have a game of bridge perhaps) **excluding** (leaving) **Y** (**last letter of** [at last] **EVERYBODY**)\n \u00a0\n\n**PLACARDS** (notices)"} {"Clue":"Mentor a new criminal accessory (8)","Answer":"ORNAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: accessory\n**Anagram of** (criminal) **MENTOR A** and **N** (new)\n **ORN****A****ME****N****T***\n\n**ORNAMENT** (accessory)"} {"Clue":"Disprove theory of official language of North America (6)","Answer":"REFUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Disprove theory of\n**REF** (referee; official) **+ UTE **(language of a North American people of the same name)\n \u00a0\n\n**REFUTE** (disprove [theory of])"} {"Clue":"Be relieved by reason to go to the butcher's? (3,3,4)","Answer":"GET THE CHOP","Explanation":"Definition: Be relieved \n**GET THE CHOP **(descriptive of a reason to go to the butcher to get some meat)\n \u00a0\n\n**GET THE CHOP** (be fired; be relieved)"} {"Clue":"Retail therapy with time short (4)","Answer":"CURT","Explanation":"Definition: short\nChange **E** **the last letter of **(re-tail [ugh!]) **CURE** (therapy) to **T** (time) \n \u00a0\n\n**CURT** (short)"} {"Clue":"Unfinished conversation with a working escort (8)","Answer":"CHAPERON","Explanation":"Definition: escort\n**CHAT** (conversation) **excluding the final letter** (unfinished) **T** + **PER** (a) **+ ON** (working)\n \u00a0\n\n**CHAPERON** (person [especially an older woman] who accompanies a girl or young woman to social events for protection, restraint, or appearance's sake; escort)"} {"Clue":"Creature's rest by table (6)","Answer":"SPIDER","Explanation":"Definition: Creature\n**SPIDER** (rest for a cue in billiards or snooker; rest by table)\n \u00a0\n\n**SPIDER** (creature) double definition"} {"Clue":"Stick promotion in this place (6)","Answer":"ADHERE","Explanation":"Definition: Stick\n**AD** (advertisement; promotion) **+ HERE** (in this place)\n \u00a0\n\n**ADHERE** (stick)"} {"Clue":"Businesses crazy to produce fruit (8)","Answer":"COCONUTS","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\n(**CO** [company; business] **+**** CO** [company; business] to give businesses) **+ NUTS** (crazy)\n \u00a0\n\n**COCONUTS** (fruit: Wikipedia tells me that COCONUTS can be classified as nuts, fruit or seeds)"} {"Clue":"Setters' internet phenomenon (4)","Answer":"MEME","Explanation":"Definition: internet phenomenon\n(**ME** [setter]** + ME** [setter] to give setters)\n \u00a0\n\n**MEME** ( idea or question that is disseminated via the Internet and changes in form during the course of being passed on; internet phenomenon)"} {"Clue":"Be responsible for a vet's system of charges? (10)","Answer":"PERPETRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Be responsible for\n**PER PET RATE** (the **RATE** [charge] for each [**PER**] **PET**; a vet's system of charges)\n \u00a0\n\n**PERPETRATE** (commit or execute; be responsible for)"} {"Clue":"August 1, 1000 \u2013 Norman's first meeting (6)","Answer":"SOLEMN","Explanation":"Definition: August\n**SOLE** (one; 1) **+ M** (Roman numeral for 1000) **+ N** (**first letter of** [first] **NORMAN**) I think meeting is just a word to indicate all the bits of wordplay go together and it also adds sense to the surface)\n \u00a0\n\n**SOLEMN** (august)"} {"Clue":"Fragment of glass as singular agent of murder (8)","Answer":"ASSASSIN","Explanation":"Definition: agent of murder\n**ASSASSIN** (hidden word in [fragment of] **GLASS AS SINGULAR**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ASSASSIN** (person who, usually for a fee or reward, or for political reasons, kills by surprise or secretly; agent of murder)"} {"Clue":"Sweatier pants, so to speak (2,2,4)","Answer":"AS IT WERE","Explanation":"Definition: so to speak\n**Anagram of** (pants) **SWEATIER**\n **AS IT WERE***\n\n**AS IT WERE** (so to speak)"} {"Clue":"Watch Sweden's contestant (6)","Answer":"SENTRY","Explanation":"Definition: Watch\n**S** (international Vehicle Registration for Sweden) **+ ENTRY** (contestant)\n \u00a0\n\n**SENTRY** (watch or guard kept by such a designated soldier, etc)"} {"Clue":"Never shakes bottle (5)","Answer":"NERVE","Explanation":"Definition: bottle\n**Anagram of** (shakes) **NEVER**\n **NERVE***\n\n**NERVE** (cool courage; bottle)"} {"Clue":"Specific demand (5)","Answer":"EXACT","Explanation":"Definition: Specific\n**EXACT** precise; (specific)\n \u00a0\n\n**EXACT** (demand) double definition"} {"Clue":"Animal groomed regularly \u2013 expensive we hear (3,4)","Answer":"ROE DEER","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\n**ROE** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [regularly] **of** **GROOMED**) **+ DEER** (sounds like [we hear] **DEAR** [expensive])\n \u00a0\n\n**ROE DEER** (animal)"} {"Clue":"Do your bit, and mine, with punch (5,2)","Answer":"PITCH IN","Explanation":"Definition: Do your bit\n**PIT** (mine) **+ CHIN** (strike [punch] on the **CHIN**)\n \u00a0\n\n**PITCH IN** (join in, co-operate; do your bit)"} {"Clue":"A very large rest in between is pertinent (7)","Answer":"APROPOS","Explanation":"Definition: pertinent\n**PROP** (support; rest) **contained in** (in between) (**A** **+ OS** [outsize; very large])\n **A** (**PROP**) **OS**\n\n**APROPOS** (pertinent)"} {"Clue":"Pretence \u2013 not a time for love (9)","Answer":"AFFECTION","Explanation":"Definition: love\n**AFFECTATION** (pretence) **excluding** (not) (**A + T** [time])\n \u00a0\n\n**AFFECTION** (love)"} {"Clue":"Cleaner put off respectable man (9)","Answer":"DETERGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Cleaner\n**DETER** (put off) **+ GENT** (**GENT**leman; respectable man)\n \u00a0\n\n**DETERGENT** (cleansing agent; cleaner)"} {"Clue":"That man would finally bring morphine \u2013 enough to drug small mammals (9)","Answer":"HEDGEHOGS","Explanation":"Definition: mammals\n**HE'D** (that man would) **+ GEHOG** (**last letters** [finally] **of each of** **BRING**, **MORPHINE**, **ENOUGH**, **TO** and **DRUG**) **+ S **(small)\n \u00a0\n\n**HEDGEHOGS** (mammals)"} {"Clue":"What Zechariah and Malachi do, for example (9)","Answer":"PRECEDENT","Explanation":"Definition: for example\n**PRECEDE NT** (**PRECEDE** the New Testament). Zechariah and Malachi were two of the minor prophets who wrote in dates before Christ, therefore they **PRECEDE** the New testament\n \u00a0\n\n**PRECEDENT** (a prior example)"} {"Clue":"Stretch of river hosting searches for gold (7)","Answer":"EXPANSE","Explanation":"Definition: Stretch\n**EXE **(reference River **EXE**) **containing** (hosting) (**PANS **[searches for gold])\n **EX** (**PANS**) **E**\n\n**EXPANSE** (stretch)"} {"Clue":"Ran around in enclosed area, creating havoc (7)","Answer":"CARNAGE","Explanation":"Definition: havoc\n**Anagram of **(around) **RAN** **contained in** (in) **CAGE** (enclosed area)\n **C** (**ARN***) **AGE**\n\n**CARNAGE** (havoc) I think **CARNAGE** (butchery, murder, slaughter etc)\u00a0implies something more serious than just havoc"} {"Clue":"Stops cuddling rector, and falls about laughing (7)","Answer":"CREASES","Explanation":"Definition: falls about laughing\n**CEASES** (stops) **containing **(cuddling) **R** (rector)\n **C** (**R**) **EASES**\n\n**CREASES** (doubles up with laughter; falls about laughing)"} {"Clue":"Maybe lust again for Amber? (5)","Answer":"RESIN","Explanation":"Definition: Amber\n**RE SIN** (sin again; lust again)\n \u00a0\n\n**RESIN** (yellowish fossil resin)"} {"Clue":"Queen abandons dog in German city (5)","Answer":"TRIER","Explanation":"Definition: German city\n**T****ER****RIER** (dog) **excluding** (abandons) **ER** (Elizabeth Regina; queen)\n \u00a0\n\n**TRIER** (city in Germany on the banks of the Moselle)"} {"Clue":"Ridiculous pseuds holding potty assumptions are like this (8)","Answer":"SUPPOSED","Explanation":"Definition: assumptions are like this\n**Anagram of **(ridiculous) **PSEUDS** **containing** (holding) **PO** (potty)\n **SUP** (**PO**) **SED***\n\n**SUPPOSED** (assumed; assumptions are like this)"} {"Clue":"Middle Eastern agents surrounding pub backing west (6)","Answer":"ARABIC","Explanation":"Definition: Middle Eastern\n(**CIA** [Central Intelligence Agency; spies] **containing** [surrounding] **BAR**\u00a0[pub]) **all reversed **(backing west [each word conveys the sense of\u00a0reverse for an across clue, but together give a better surface for the use of **CIA**])\n (**A** (**RAB**) **IC**)<\n\n**ARABIC** (Middle Eastern) There are Arabic speaking\u00a0countries in North Africa as well as the Middle East"} {"Clue":"Society girl of one kind and another finding character with means to pay (5,4)","Answer":"DEBIT CARD","Explanation":"Definition: means to pay\n**DEB** (debutante; young woman making her first appearance in society) **+ IT** (reference **IT** girls, young women who are, or makes it their business to be, noted in fashionable circles for their charisma, beauty and wealth) **+ CARD** (comical or eccentric person; character)\n \u00a0\n\n**DEBIT CARD** (**CARD** used by a purchaser by means of which money is directly transferred from his or her bank account to the retailer's."} {"Clue":"Do in th' blasted Lambeth Walk! (5)","Answer":"AMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Walk\n**Anagram of** (do in) **LAMBE****TH** **excluding** (blasted) **TH**\n **AMBLE***\n\n**AMBLE** (walk)"} {"Clue":"Main road mistakes \u2013 start off without using these! (7)","Answer":"MIRRORS","Explanation":"Definition: these\n**MI** (**M** one; motorway; main road) **+ ERRORS** (mistakes) **excluding** (off)** the first letter** (start) **E**\n \u00a0\n\n**MIRRORS** (things that should be used before moving off in a car, otherwise accidents can occur)"} {"Clue":"Carbon-free world is slowly filtering through (7)","Answer":"OSMOSIS","Explanation":"Definition: slowly filtering through\n**COSMOS** (world as an orderly whole) **excluding** (free) **C** (carbon) **+ IS**\n \u00a0\n\n**OSMOSIS** (chemical term for diffusion of liquids through a semipermeable membrane; slowly filtering through)"} {"Clue":"Casting one less keen on performing? (5)","Answer":"SHYER","Explanation":"Definition: Casting one\n**SHYER **(one who throws [casts])\n \u00a0\n\n**SHYER** (less keen on performing) double definition"} {"Clue":"He's responsible for kids getting grades in gym and religion overturned (9)","Answer":"PRANKSTER","Explanation":"Definition: He's responsible for kids\n(**RANKS **[grades] **contained in** (in) **PT** [physical training; gym]) **+** (**RE** [religious education; religion] **reversed** [overturned])\n **P** (**RANKS**) **T** **ER**<\n\n**PRANKSTER** (practical joker, one who hoaxes [kids])"} {"Clue":"Brand attracted that woman's attention, 'e said (9)","Answer":"CAUTERISE","Explanation":"Definition: Brand\n**CAUTERISE** (**sounds like** **CAUGHT 'ER EYES** [attracted that woman's attention] **as spoken by a Cockney** ['e said])\n \u00a0\n\n**CAUTERISE** (burn; brand)"} {"Clue":"Watering hole's old and unchanged (5)","Answer":"OASIS","Explanation":"Definition: Watering hole\n**O** (old) **+ AS IS** (unchanged)\n \u00a0\n\n**OASIS** (watering hole)"} {"Clue":"Thoroughly useless husband restricting daughter (2,5)","Answer":"IN DEPTH","Explanation":"Definition: Thoroughly\n(**INEPT** [useless] **+ H** [husband]) **containing** (restricting) **D** (daughter)\n **IN** (**D**) **EPT** **H**\n\n**IN DEPTH** (extensively and thoroughly)"} {"Clue":"Start to finish, repeatedly enjoy success in pool where writers took a dip (7)","Answer":"INKPOTS","Explanation":"Definition: where writers took a dip\n(**SINK** [enjoy success at pool by **SINK**ing a ball] **+ POT** [another term for success at pool], by **POT**ting a ball) **with the leading character** [start] **S** **moving to the end **of [the finish] of **POT**\n **INK****POTS**\n\n**INKPOTS** (where a writer of old would have dipped his quill or pen)"} {"Clue":"Body's a ton, approximately (5)","Answer":"TORSO","Explanation":"Definition: Body\n**T **(ton) **+ OR SO** (approximately)\n \u00a0\n\n**TORSO** (trunk of the human body)"} {"Clue":"Throbbing ear \u2013 a lug in pain (9)","Answer":"NEURALGIA","Explanation":"Definition: pain\n**Anagram of** (throbbing) **EAR A LUG IN**\n **N****E****U****RA****LG****I****A***\n\n**NEURALGIA **(pain of a purely nervous character)"} {"Clue":"Noise of train overhead by coastal resident (6)","Answer":"CHOUGH","Explanation":"Definition: coastal resident\n**CHOUGH** (**sounds like** [overheard] **CHUFF** [noise of a steam train])\n \u00a0\n\n**CHOUGH** (a passerine bird (*Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax*), of the crow family, inhabiting sea-cliffs and mountains; coastal resident)"} {"Clue":"Spooner says to say \"pardon\" is a failing (4,4)","Answer":"WEAK SPOT","Explanation":"Definition: a failing\n**WEAK SPOT** (Spoonerism if **SPEAK WHAT**? [pardon])\n \u00a0\n\n**WEAK SPOT** (area in which one is not knowledgeable; failing)"} {"Clue":"Suffering so, a comic hits out, liking to dish it out as well as take it? (15)","Answer":"SADOMASDOCHISTIC","Explanation":"Definition: liking to dish it out as well as take it\n**SAD** (suffering) + (**an anagram of **[out] **SO A COMIC HITS**)\n **SAD** **O****M****AS****OC****HIST****IC***\n\n**SADOMASDOCHISTIC** (having a liking for sexual gratification, obtained by inflicting pain on another person and having pain inflicted on one by another; liking to dish it out as well as take it)"} {"Clue":"Tyre burned by local teens? (7)","Answer":"PUBERTY","Explanation":"Definition: teens\n**PUB** (local) **+ an anagram of** **TYRE**\n **PUB** **ERTY***\n\n**PUBERTY** (beginning of sexual maturity that usually occurs in ones teens)"} {"Clue":"Not batting well? Don't rely on your team for help! (9)","Answer":"OUTSOURCE","Explanation":"Definition: Don't rely on your team for help\n**OUT** (no longer batting) **+ SOURCE** (a well, for example)\n \u00a0\n\n**OUTSOURCE** (obtain [goods or part]) from, or contract work with, an outside supplier; don't rely on your team for help)"} {"Clue":"Tests cut up manuscript (5)","Answer":"EXAMS","Explanation":"Definition: Tests\n**AXE** (cut) **reversed** (up; down clue) **+ MS** (manuscript)\n **EXA**< **MS**\n\n**EXAMS **(tests)"} {"Clue":"Visit Arsenal, perhaps, to back French gentleman (5)","Answer":"REARM","Explanation":"Definition: Visit Arsenal\n**REAR** (back) **+ M** (Monsieur; French gentleman)\n \u00a0\n\n**REARM** (visit an arsenal to acquire new weapons to replaced used ones)"} {"Clue":"Take care of section wherein lies bottomless, bottomless pit (7)","Answer":"BABYSIT","Explanation":"Definition: Take care of \n**BIT** (section) **containing** (wherein is found) **ABYS****S** (bottomless pit) **excluding the final letter** (bottomless) **S**\n **B** (**ABYS**) **IT**\n\n**BABYSIT** (take care of)"} {"Clue":"Avoiding batting, perhaps, and not wanting to be pressed (6-9)","Answer":"CREASE-RESISTANT","Explanation":"Definition: not wanting to be pressed\n**CREASE** (in cricket batsman take guard at the **CREASE**) **+ RESISTANT** (wants to avoid)\n \u00a0\n\n**CREASE-RESISTANT** (not becoming **CREASE**d [pressed] in normal wear)"} {"Clue":"Promote advertisement about taking part in election (8)","Answer":"ADVOCATE","Explanation":"Definition: Promote\n**AD** (advertisement) **+** (**CA** [circa; about]** contained in** [taking part in] **VOTE** [election])\n **AD** **VO** (**CA**) **TE**\n\n**ADVOCATE** recommend; (promote)"} {"Clue":"After pub, I drunkenly confess online fraud (8)","Answer":"PHISHING","Explanation":"Definition: online fraud\n**PH** (public house; pub) **+ I** **+ SHING** (a drunken, slurred\u00a0way of saying **SING** [confess])\n \u00a0\n\n**PHISHING** (The luring of an internet user to reveal personal details [like passwords and credit\u00a0card information] on a fake web\u00a0page or email form pretending to come from a legitimate company [like their bank]; online fraud)"} {"Clue":"Reject drink (5,4)","Answer":"KNOCK BACK","Explanation":"Definition: Reject\n**KNOCK BACK** [reject]\n \u00a0\n\n**KNOCK BACK** [drink] double definition"} {"Clue":"Suffer in one language and therefore in an another (7)","Answer":"UNDERGO","Explanation":"Definition: Suffer\n**UND** ('and' in German [onel language]) **+ ERGO** ('therefore' in Latin [another language])\n \u00a0\n\n**UNDERGO** (suffer)"} {"Clue":"Substitute shoots skyward before interval (7)","Answer":"STOPGAP","Explanation":"Definition: Substitute\n**POTS** (shoots) **reversed** (skyward; down clue)** + GAP** (interval)\n **STOP**< **GAP**\n\n**STOPGAP** (temporary substitute)"} {"Clue":"Republican in bad odour has a point (5)","Answer":"PRONG","Explanation":"Definition: point\n**R** (Republican) **contained in** (in) **PONG** (bad smell)\n **P **(**R**) **ONG**\n\n**PRONG** (spike of a fork, for instance, something that has a point)"} {"Clue":"Nasal passages endlessly employed (2,3)","Answer":"IN USE","Explanation":"Definition: employed\n**SINUSES** (nasal passages) **excluding the first and last letters** (endlessly) **S** and **S**\n \u00a0\n\n**IN USE** (employed)"} {"Clue":"Animal-watcher some distance away during stay in Scotland (8)","Answer":"SAFARIST","Explanation":"Definition: Animal-watcher\n**AFAR** (some distance away) **contained in** (during) **SIST** (Scots legal term for stay)\n **S** (**AFAR**) **IST**\n\n**SAFARIST** (animal watcher)"} {"Clue":"Silk yarn in ultramarine (4)","Answer":"TRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Silk yarn\n**TRAM** (**hidden word in** [in] **ULTRAMARINE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TRAM **(silk yarn for weft, of two or more strands)"} {"Clue":"Temporarily hold ferry up with e.g. storm around (8)","Answer":"PROROGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Temporarily hold\n**Anagram of** (storm) (**E.G.** and **UP**) **containing** (around) **RO-RO** (roll-on, roll-off ferry)\n **P** (**RO RO**) **G****U****E***\n\n**PROROGUE** (discontinue [meeting] for a time; temporarily hold)"} {"Clue":"Form of grain, not new (4)","Answer":"RAGI","Explanation":"Definition: Form of grain, not new\n**Anagram of **(form of) **GRAI****N** **excluding** (not) **N** (new)\n **RAGI***\n\n**RAGI** (a millet (*Eleusine coracana*) much grown in India, Africa, etc) I think this an &Lit definition if we accept that RAGI has been cultivated for a long time."} {"Clue":"Rial changed for Georgian cash (4)","Answer":"LARI","Explanation":"Definition: Georgian cash\n**Anagram of **(changed) **RIAL**\n **LARI***\n\n**LARI** (standard monetary unit of Georgia)"} {"Clue":"Wildly amiss, fool swallowed poisonous plant (8)","Answer":"SAMNITIS","Explanation":"Definition: poisonous plant\n**Anagram of **(wildly) **AMISS** **containing** (swallowed) **NIT** (fool)\n **SAM** (**NIT**) **IS***\n\n**SAMNITIS** (unknown poisonous plant)"} {"Clue":"Part of canine pet? Shampoo maybe transposes bits(4)","Answer":"APSO","Explanation":"Definition: Part of canine pet\n**SOAP** (I think the ? after shampoo recognises that soap and shampoo are not 100% synonymous but they both act as cleaners for the body) with **the second two letters** **AP** **moving in front of the first two** (transposing bits)\u00a0**SO** to form **AP****SO**\n **AP****SO**\n\n**APSO** (reference the dog breed **LHASA**** APSO** where **APSO** forms part of the name)"} {"Clue":"A grand in church you'll need to polish (8)","Answer":"THOUSAND","Explanation":"Definition: A grand\n**THOU **(a form of 'you' often used in the bible and church) **+ SAND** (polish)\n \u00a0\n\n**THOUSAND** (a grand)"} {"Clue":"A school head's left getting drunk in style \u2013 he can't resist bars! (10)","Answer":"CHOCAHOLIC","Explanation":"Definition: he can't resist bars\n**Anagram of **(getting drunk) **A ****S****CHOOL** **excluding S** (**first letter o**f [head of] **S**chool **contained in** (in) **CHIC** (style)\n **CH** (**OC****A****HOL***) **IC**\n\n**CHOCAHOLIC** (person who has a craving for chocolate which is often marketed as bars of chocolate)"} {"Clue":"Almost 100,000 antelope recalling certain poets (8)","Answer":"LAKELAND","Explanation":"Definition: recalling certain poets\n**LAKH** (in India and Pakistan the number 100000, especially in referring to rupees) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **H + ELAND** (South African antelope)\n \u00a0\n\n**LAKELAND** (reference the LAKE poets, any of the English poets William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Robert Southey, who lived in the English Lake District of Cumberland and Westmorland (now Cumbria) at the beginning of the 19th century)"} {"Clue":"I roam the mountains, the Asian Himalayan range primarily (4)","Answer":"TAHR","Explanation":"Definition: I roam the mountains\n**TAHR** (**first letters of** [primarily] **each of** **THE**, **ASIAN**, **HIMALAYAS** and **RANGE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TAHR** (beardless Himalayan wild goat (*Hemitragus jemlahicus*) that frequents forest peaks)"} {"Clue":"Dark brown creature circling snare (8)","Answer":"BRUNETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Dark brown\n**BRUTE** (creature) **containing** (circling) **NET** (snare)\n **BRU** (**NET**) **TE**\n\n**BRUNETTE** ([of hair colour] dark brown)"} {"Clue":"Ardent, having disposed of AZ? That's clever (4)","Answer":"ABLE","Explanation":"Definition: clever\n**ABLAZE** (ardent) **excluding** (disposed of) **AZ** (reference Geographers **A-Z** maps)\n \u00a0\n\n**ABLE** (skilled; clever)"} {"Clue":"Tuareg's heart, say, may be found in such desert features (4)","Answer":"AREG","Explanation":"Definition: uch desert features\n**AR** (**middle letters of **[heart] **TUAREG**) **+ E.G.** (for example, say) \u00a0\n\n**AREG** (Saharan area of shifting sand dunes)"} {"Clue":"Bungs overbalance on board ship (8)","Answer":"STOPPLES","Explanation":"Definition: Bungs\n**TOPPLE** (overbalance)** contained in** (on board) **SS** (steamship)\n **S** (**TOPPLE**) **S**\n\n**STOPPLES** (plugs; bungs)"} {"Clue":"Brood once making one mean, disowning sons at first (4)","Answer":"NIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Brood once\n**SNIDE** (mean) **excluding** (drowning) **S** (**first letter of** [at first] **S**ons)\n **S** is an abbreviation for sons, used frequently in Who's Who, so the clue could also work by omitting the words 'at first'.\n\n**NIDE** (archaic word for pheasant's nest or brood)"} {"Clue":"His text I composed for late birthday? (8)","Answer":"SIXTIETH","Explanation":"Definition: late birthday\n**Anagram of** (composed) **HIS TEXT I**\n **SI****XTIET****H***\n\n**SIXTIETH** (descriptive of a birthday in later years). I suppose you are definitely into the second half of your life at sixty, as life-expectancy hasn't yet reached one hundred and twenty, but I doubt if many people would consider themselves old nowadays at sixty."} {"Clue":"Dollop, last bit falling off dish in school (7)","Answer":"SPLATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Dollop\n**PLATE **(dish) **excluding** (falling off) **the last letter** (last bit) **E** **contained in** (in) **SCH** (school)\n **S** (**PLAT**) **CH**\n\n**SPLATCH** (splotch; dollop)"} {"Clue":"Native American chat in rock house (7)","Answer":"ARAPAHO","Explanation":"Definition: Native American \n(**RAP** [chat] **contained in** (in) **AA** [type of scoriaceous volcanic rock]) + **HO** (house)\n **A** (**RAP**) **A** **HO**\n\n**ARAPAHO** (member of Native American people now living in Oklahoma and Wyoming)"} {"Clue":"Following fair round, Crown's dreadfully overworked as before (9)","Answer":"FORSWONCK","Explanation":"Definition: overworked as before\n**F** (following) **+** (**OK** [satisfactory; fair] **containing** [round] **an anagram of** [dreadfully] **CROWN**)\n **F** **O** (**RSWONC***) **K**\n\n**FORSWONCK** (Spenserian [as before] word overworked)"} {"Clue":"Fried potato, a bit of stodge in a sandwich (5)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: Fried potato\n**S **(**first letter of** [a bit of] **STODGE**) **contained in** (in) **ROTI** (kind of sandwich made of unleavened bread\u00a0wrapped around curried vegetables, seafood or chicken)\n **RO** (**S**) **TI**\n\n**R\u00d6STI **(dish of grated potatoes shaped into a pancake and fried)"} {"Clue":"Wrestlers exhibiting totality of bulges (8)","Answer":"SUMOTORI","Explanation":"Definition: Wrestlers\n**SUM** (totality) **+ O**' (of, shortened form)** + TORI** (plural of **TORUS** [ridge or prominence; bulge])\n \u00a0\n\n**SUMOTORI** (**SUMO** wrestlers)"} {"Clue":"Carriage had clean up in SNCF? (5)","Answer":"TENUE","Explanation":"Definition: Carriage\n(**EU** [past participle of the verb **AVOIR** {to have, in French}; had] **+ NET** [clear, clean in French]) all reversed.\n SNCF is the French national state-owned railway company.\n (**TEN** **UE**)<\n\n**TENUE** (bearing or carriage)"} {"Clue":"Short part of poem, dismal, old, the writer rendered in German (8)","Answer":"TRISTICH","Explanation":"Definition: Short part of poem\n**TRIST** (archaic [old] word for dismal)** + ICH** (German for I [the writer])\n \u00a0\n\n**TRISTICH** (group of three lines of verse)"} {"Clue":"Amateur company once becoming more mature (5)","Answer":"AGING","Explanation":"Definition: becoming more mature\n**A** (amateur) **+ GING** (gang or company)\n \u00a0\n\n**AGING** (becoming more mature)"} {"Clue":"Make a mess of paste for cooking, putting date in (5)","Answer":"MISDO","Explanation":"Definition: Make a mess of\n**MISO** (paste, used for flavouring, prepared from soya beans and fermented in brine) **containing** (putting \u2026 in) **D** (date)\n **MIS** (**D**) **O**\n\n**MISDO** (make a mess of)"} {"Clue":"Frenchman's depressed about the States being not free of charge (9)","Answer":"ACCUSABLE","Explanation":"Definition: not free of charge\n**ACCABLE** (French for overwhelms; depressed?) **\u00a0containing** (about) **US** (United States)\n **ACC** (**US**) **ABLE**\n\n**ACCUSABLE** (subject to a charge; not free of charge)"} {"Clue":"Gather tots, English, in southern den (8)","Answer":"SCAVENGE","Explanation":"Definition: Gather\n**ENG** (English) **contained in **(**S** [Southern] **+** **CAVE** [den])\n **S** **CAV** (**ENG**) **E**\n\n**SCAVENGE** (search amongst refuse; gather tots [things retrieved from a dustbin])"} {"Clue":"Indian bread completely sealed in local clay pot (8)","Answer":"CHUPATTI","Explanation":"Definition: Indian bread\n**UP** (completely) **contained in **(sealed in) **CHATTI** (earthenware water pot)\n **CH** (**UP**) **ATTI**\n\n**CHUPATTI** (thin flat piece of unleavened bread used in Indian cookery, one of many spellings of the word)"} {"Clue":"A little bridge? Heart beaten with two of clubs (7)","Answer":"ARCHLET","Explanation":"Definition: A little bridge\n**Anagram of** (beaten ) (**HEART** and **CL** (**two letters** of the word **CLUBS**)\n **ARCHLET***\n\n**ARCHLET** (little bridge)"} {"Clue":"The lady's nabbing churl from below for top up (7)","Answer":"REFRESH","Explanation":"Definition: top up\n(**HER** [the lady's] **containing** [nabbing] **SERF** [agricultural worker; churl]) **all reversed** (from below; down clue)\n (**RE** (**FRES**) **H**)<\n\n**REFRESH** (top up)"} {"Clue":"Ancient kingdom, line eclipsed by a curse (5)","Answer":"ALBAN","Explanation":"Definition: Ancient kingdom\n**L** (line) **contained in** (eclipsed by) (**A** **+** **BAN** [curse])\n **A** (**L**) **BAN**\n\n**ALBAN** (the ancient kingdom of the Picts and [Celtic] Scots, which the addition of Lothian and Strathclyde transformed into Scotland)"} {"Clue":"Eucalypt from Arabia appearing in some marginalia (5)","Answer":"KARRI","Explanation":"Definition: Eucalypt\n**AR** (Arab; someone from Arabia) **contained in** (appearing in) **K'RI** (a marginal reading in the Hebrew Bible, intended as a substitute for the k'thibh)\n **K** (**AR**) **RI**\n\n**KARRI** (Western Australian gum tree *[Eucalyptus diversicolor]*)"} {"Clue":"Wound after amputation? Maybe 51 thousand amputated (5)","Answer":"BLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Wound\n**LIM****BLESS** (state after amputation perhaps) **excluding** (amputated) (**LI** [51 in Roman numerals] **+ M** [1000 in Roman numerals)\n \u00a0\n\n**BLESS** (thrash or wound)"} {"Clue":"Expert, one heading admin section briefly (5)","Answer":"ADEPT","Explanation":"Definition: Expert\n**A** [one] **+ DEPT** [department [section of an administration])\n \u00a0\n\n**ADEPT** (expert)"} {"Clue":"Going overseas, say, unknown during affair (6)","Answer":"FLYING","Explanation":"Definition: Going overseas, say\n**Y** (letter frequently used to signify an unknown value in an equation) **contained in** (during) **FLING** (brief sexual relationship; affair)\n **FL** (**Y**) **ING**\n\n**FLYING** (people **FLYING** may be [say] going overseas)"} {"Clue":"A job worried someone uncommitted (8)","Answer":"APOSTATE","Explanation":"Definition: someone uncommitted\n**A** **+ POST** (job) **+ ATE** (worried)\n \u00a0\n\n**APOSTATE** (a person who has abandoned their religion, principles; someone now uncommitted)"} {"Clue":"Holby City character right to back ditching second repeat showing (5)","Answer":"RERUN","Explanation":"Definition: repeat showing\n(**NURSE** [character from the hospital drama Holby City] **+ R** [right]) **all reversed** (to back) and **excluding** (ditching) **S** (second)\n (**R** **ERUN**)<\n\n**RERUN** (repeat showing)"} {"Clue":"Pasta shortcomings rejected by the agitated Italian after reflection (9)","Answer":"SPAGHETTI","Explanation":"Definition: Pasta\n**GAPS** (shortcomings) **reversed** (rejected) **+ an anagram of **(agitated) **THE** **+ IT** (Italian) **reversed** (on reflection)\n **SPAG**< **HET*** **TI**\n\n**SPAGHETTI** (type of pasta)"} {"Clue":"Large creature on stone in sea at Calais (7)","Answer":"MONSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Large creature\n(**ON** **+ ST** [stone]) **contained in** (in) **MER** (French [Calais] for 'sea') \n **M** (**ON** **ST**) **ER**\n\n**MONSTER** (large creature)"} {"Clue":"Studies church area in great detail (7)","Answer":"DENSELY","Explanation":"Definition: in great detail\n**DENS** (studies) **+ ELY** (reference the diocese [church area]\u00a0of **ELY**) \n \u00a0\n\n**DENSELY** (in great detail)"} {"Clue":"Famous ship \u2013 alias 'unit at sea' (9)","Answer":"LUSITANIA","Explanation":"Definition: amous ship\n**Anagram of** (at sea) **ALIAS UNIT **\n **LUSITANIA***\n\n**LUSITANIA** (reference RMS** LUSITANIA**, a British ocean liner that was sunk by a German submarine in World War I, causing a major diplomatic uproar)"} {"Clue":"Where to go and seem only 50% insecure (5)","Answer":"LOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: insecure\n**LOO** (toilet; where to go) **+ SE** (**two of the four**\u00a0[50%]** letters of** **SEEM**)\n \u00a0\n\n**LOOSE** (insecure)"} {"Clue":"Nameless writer chasing Catholic clergyman (5)","Answer":"CANON","Explanation":"Definition: clergyman\n**C** (Catholic) **+ ANON** (anonymous; nameless writer)\n \u00a0\n\n**CANON** (clergyman)"} {"Clue":"Estate unhappy about male attached to visiting group (9)","Answer":"STOURHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Estate\n**SAD** (unhappy) **containing** (about) (**TOUR** [visiting group]** + HE** [male])\n **S** (**TOUR** **HE**) **AD**\n\n**STOURHEAD** (reference **STOURHEAD**, National Trust estate near Mere in Wiltshire)"} {"Clue":"Classic play over time getting surprised comment? (7)","Answer":"OTHELLO","Explanation":"Definition: Classic play\n**O** (over; cricket term) **+ T** (time) **+ HELLO** (a word that can be used to express surprise)\n \u00a0\n\n**OTHELLO** (classic Shakespearean play)"} {"Clue":"Some sailors fixed a disturbed sea when returning (7)","Answer":"PIRATES","Explanation":"Definition: Some sailors\n(**SET** [fixed]** + A + RIP** [disturbed state of the sea])** all reversed** (when returning)\n (**PIR** **A** **TES**)<\n\n**PIRATES** (robbers or marauders operating at sea; some sailors)"} {"Clue":"Additional item in program to stop time (9)","Answer":"APPENDAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Additional item\n**APP** (application; an abbreviated term used today to describe a computer program) **+ END** (stop) **+ AGE** (period of time)\n \u00a0\n\n**APPENDAGE** (anything hanging on or attached; additional item)"} {"Clue":"Daughter positioned at front of a country villa in Russia (5)","Answer":"DACHA","Explanation":"Definition: villa in Russia\n**A** **+ CHAD** (African country) with the **D** (daughter) **moved to the beginning** (positioned in front of)\n **D A CHA**\n\n**DACHA** (villa in Russia)"} {"Clue":"Extendable gag deployed in haunt of vice? (8)","Answer":"STRETCHY","Explanation":"Definition: Extendable\n**RETCH** (gag) **contained in** (deployed in) **STY** (place of great debauchery)\n **ST** (**RETCH**) **Y**\n\n**STRETCHY** (extendable)"} {"Clue":"Food item getting line in no poem (6)","Answer":"NOODLE","Explanation":"Definition: Food item\n**L** (line) **contained in** (getting \u2026 in) (**NO** **+\u00a0ODE** [poem])\n **NO** **OD** (**L**) **E**\n\n**NOODLE** (form of pasta, but also made from other ingredients such as wheat or rice)"} {"Clue":"Gathering of people united in criminal history (5)","Answer":"FORUM","Explanation":"Definition: Gathering of people\n**U** (united) **contained in** (in) **FORM** (criminal record)\n **FOR** (**U**) **M**\n\n**FORUM** (meeting to discuss topics of public concern; gathering of people)"} {"Clue":"Ultimately shady sets of characters around ring primarily \u2013 not boxers? (1-6)","Answer":"Y-FRONTS","Explanation":"Definition: not boxers\n**Y** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **SHADY**) **+** (**FONTS** [complete assortments of types of one sort, with all that is necessary for printing in that kind of letter; set of characters] **containing** [around] **R** [**first letter of** {primarily} **RING**])\n **Y** **F** (**R**) **ONTS**\n\n**Y-FRONTS** (a different form of underwear from boxer shorts)"} {"Clue":"Chamber group without a website? (5)","Answer":"NONET","Explanation":"Definition: Chamber group\n**NO NET** (no internet; without a website) I suppose the '?' allows for the rather loose defintion\n \u00a0\n\n**NONET** (instrumental group of nine players which could also be described as a chamber orchestra or group)"} {"Clue":"Family problem \u2013 new chap, for example not initially fussed about daughter (7,7)","Answer":"PHAEDRA COMPLEX","Explanation":"Definition: Family problem\n(**Anagram of** [new] **CHAP ****F****OR EXAMPLE**** excluding** [not] **F** [**first letter of** {initially} **F**ussed]) **containing** (about) **D** (daughter)\n **PHA****E **(**D****) ****R****A ****CO****MPLEX***\n\n**PHAEDRA COMPLEX** (the difficult relationship which can arise between a new step-parent and the [usually teenage] son or daughter of the original marriage)"} {"Clue":"Wrong to adopt church line when probing the German war hero (9)","Answer":"SCHINDLER","Explanation":"Definition: war hero\n(**SIN** **containing** [to adopt] **CH** [church]) **+** (**L** [line] **contained in** [probing] **DER** [one of the German forms 'the')\n **S** (**CH**) **IN** **D** (**L**) **ER**\n\n**SCHINDLER** (reference Oskar **SCHINDLER**\u00a0,a German industrialist, spy, and member of the Nazi Party who is credited with saving the lives of 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust by employing them in his enamelware and ammunitions factories. His life is described in the book **SCHINDLER**'s Ark and the film **SCHINDLER**'s List)"} {"Clue":"20th-century style badly rated by company (3,4)","Answer":"ART DECO","Explanation":"Definition: 20th-century style \n**Anagram of** (badly) **RATED** **+ CO** (company)\n **ART** **DE*** **CO**\n\n**ART DECO** (style of decorative art characteristic of the 1920s and 1930s)"} {"Clue":"Some instructed, if you instruct (5)","Answer":"EDIFY","Explanation":"Definition: instruct\n**EDIFY** (**hidden word in** [some] **INSTRUCTED IF YOU**)\n \u00a0\n\n**EDIFY** (improve the mind of; instruct)"} {"Clue":"Aghast \u2013 most corn poorly digested \u2013 unless you have this? (1,6,7)","Answer":"A STRONG STOMACH","Explanation":"Definition: this\n**Anagram of** (poorly digested) **AGHAST MOST CORN**\n **A ST****RON****G ****STOM****A****C****H***\n\n**A STRONG STOMACH** (with **A STRONG STOMACH** one has the ability to\u00a0smell, taste, or see unpleasant things without feeling ill or upset)"} {"Clue":"Resin shortage not ending (3)","Answer":"LAC","Explanation":"Definition: Resin \n**LACK** (shortage) **excluding the final letter** (not ending) **K**\n \u00a0\n\n**LAC** (dark red transparent resin)"} {"Clue":"Fisherman's device \u2013 canvas cover set up to carry fish (6,3)","Answer":"TANGLE NET","Explanation":"Definition: Fisherman's device\n**TENT** (canvas cover) **reversed **(set up; down clue) **containing** **ANGLE** (fish)\n **T** (**ANGLE**) **NET**<\n\n**TANGLE NET** (long **NET**, anchored to the seabed at both ends; fisherman's device)"} {"Clue":"Article overlooked when setting up Hamlet's finale (3)","Answer":"END","Explanation":"Definition: finale\n**DANE** (Hamlet was the Prince of Denmark, hence he was a **D****A****NE**) **reversed** (setting up; down clue) **excluding** (overlooked) **A** (indefinite article)\n **END**<\n\n**END** (finale)"} {"Clue":"Spy heading off round Hungary \u2013 he hasn't a chance (2-5)","Answer":"NO-HOPER","Explanation":"Definition: he hasn't a chance\n(**S****NOOPER** [spy] **excluding the first letter** [heading off] **S**) **containing** (round) **H** (international vehicle registration for Hungary)\n **NO** (**H**) **OPER**\n\n**NO-HOPER** (one who hasn't a chance)"} {"Clue":"Hospital department used cryogenics, perhaps given encouragement (7)","Answer":"ENTICED","Explanation":"Definition: given encouragement\n**ENT** (Ear, Nose & Throat; hospital department) **+ ICED** (possibly [perhaps] used cryogenics [branch of physics concerned with phenomena at very low temperatures])\n \u00a0\n\n**ENTICED** (tempted; given encouragement)"} {"Clue":"Sailor going round China for precious stones (5)","Answer":"OPALS","Explanation":"Definition: precious stones\n**OS** (ordinary Seaman; sailor) **containing** (going round) **PAL** (friend; China)\n **O** (**PAL**) **S**\n\n**OPALS** (precious stones)"} {"Clue":"Run business involving one broadcast medium (5)","Answer":"RADIO","Explanation":"Definition: broadcast medium\n**R** (run; cricket scoring notation) **+** (**ADO** [fuss; rigmarole; business] **containing** [involving] **I** [one])\n **R** **AD** (**I**) **O**\n\n**RADIO** (broadcast medium)"} {"Clue":"What computer key offers \u2013 the reverse of upper-case English? (5)","Answer":"SPACE","Explanation":"Definition: What computer key offers\n**CAPS** (capitals; upper-case) **reversed** (reverse of) **+ E** (English)\n **SPAC**<** E**\n\n**SPACE** (reference the **SPACE** bar on a computer keyboard)"} {"Clue":"Wading bird stopped over halfway in difficulty \u2013 one might go in for a dip (7)","Answer":"AVOCADO","Explanation":"Definition: one might go in for a dip\n**AVOC****ET** (wading bird) **excluding the last two letters such that the word is curtailed\u00a0after 4 of 6 letters** (stopped over halfway) **ET + ADO** (difficulty)\n \u00a0\n\n**AVOCADO** (pear shaped fruit whose flesh is used in a guacamole dip)"} {"Clue":"Criminal lost bet and chickens out (7)","Answer":"BOTTLES","Explanation":"Definition: chickens out\n**Anagram of** (criminal) **LOST BET**\n **BOTTLES***\n\n**BOTTLES** (loses ones nerve; chickens out)"} {"Clue":"Basic food keeps a lecturer going back for tasty cake? (6)","Answer":"ECLAIR","Explanation":"Definition: tasty cake\n(**RICE** [a basic food] **containing** [keeps] [**A** **+ L** {lecturer}]) **all reversed** (going back)\n (**EC** (**L** **A**) **IR**)<\n\n**ECLAIR** ( a word defined by one of Chambers quirky phrases as: a cake, long in shape but short in duration, with cream filling and usually chocolate icing; tasty cake)"} {"Clue":"Alcoholic drink for when you're legless? (4-2-2)","Answer":"PICK-ME-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Alcoholic drink\n**PICK ME UP **(a phrase you might utter if you had no legs or when you were drunk [legless])\n \u00a0\n\n**PICK-ME-UP** (stimulating drink, usually alcoholic)"} {"Clue":"Where bangers end up measured in metric? (9)","Answer":"SCRAPYARD","Explanation":"Definition: Where bangers end up\n**SCRAP YARD** (a call to abandon the imperial measurement of a **YARD**, perhaps to be replaced by metric measurements) When I was a young land surveyor the conversion factors 3.28084558 feet in a metre and 0.30479947 metres in a foot were indelibly etched in my mind and remain there till this day)\n \u00a0\n\n**SCRAPYARD** (where old bangers [ old cars] may end up)"} {"Clue":"Was on a horse beside the ring here? (5)","Answer":"RODEO","Explanation":"Definition: here\n**RODE** (was on a horse) **+ O** (ring shape)\n \u00a0\n\n**RODEO** (an exhibition of cowboy skill where the participants are likely to be on a horse)"} {"Clue":"Head of state's mature wise man (4)","Answer":"SAGE","Explanation":"Definition: wise man\n**S** (**first letter of** [head of] **S****TATE**) **+ ****AGE** (mature)\n \u00a0\n\n**SAGE** (wise man)"} {"Clue":"Without aid for housing start getting unsettled \u2013 sacrifices to be made here (10)","Answer":"ALTARSTONE","Explanation":"Definition: sacrifices to be made here\n**ALONE** (if you do something **ALONE** you do it without aid) **containing** (housing) (an anagram of [unsettled] **START**)\n **AL** (**TAR ST***) **ONE**\n\n**ALTARSTONE** (**STONE** serving as an **ALTAR**, where sacrifices may be made)"} {"Clue":"Nothing to stop angry radicals in decisive moment (10)","Answer":"CROSSROADS","Explanation":"Definition: decisive moment\n**O** (zero; nothing) **contained in** (to stop) (**CROSS** [angry] **+ RADS** [radicals])\n **CROSS** **R** (**O**) **ADS**\n\n**CROSSROADS** (a point where a decision has to be made; decisive moment)"} {"Clue":"Chalky substance in two sorts of tree (4)","Answer":"LIME","Explanation":"Definition: Chalky substance\n**LIME** (another name for **LIME**stone which contains calcium carbonate; chalky substance)\n \u00a0\n\n**LIME **(term used for both a tropical citrus tree and the linden tree); two distinct sorts of tree)"} {"Clue":"Son goes to a supermarket to get some ice cream (5)","Answer":"SCOOP","Explanation":"Definition: some ice cream\n**S** (son) **+ CO-OP** (Co-operative Society which runs supermarkets among other services)\n \u00a0\n\n**SCOOP** (a measurement of a quantity of ice cream)"} {"Clue":"One needs to watch what one says (3-6)","Answer":"LIP-READER","Explanation":"Definition: One needs to watch what one says\n**LIP-READER** (one who detects what is being said by **READ**ing [watching] the movement of the speakers **LIP**s)\n \u00a0\n\n**LIP-READER** \u2013 this clue is a cryptic definition explained in the wordplay column"} {"Clue":"Spare salesman always turns up when first person goes in (8)","Answer":"REPRIEVE","Explanation":"Definition: Spare\n**REP** (representative [salesman]) **+** (**I** **contained in** [goes] [**EVER** [always] **reversed **[turns up])\n **REP** (**R **(**I**) **EVE**<)\n\n**REPRIEVE** (spare)"} {"Clue":"Likely lad with no partner? (4-2)","Answer":"ODDS-ON","Explanation":"Definition: Likely\n**ODD** (unpaired; with no partner) **+ SON** (lad)\n \u00a0\n\n**ODDS-ON** (if an outcome attracts an **ODDS-ON** price from a bookmaker then it is considered likely to happen)"} {"Clue":"Gemstone redeemer sees 50% off all cut diamonds (7)","Answer":"EMERALD","Explanation":"Definition: Gemstone\n**EMER** (**four of the eight** [50%] **the letters in** **REDEEMER**) **+ ALL** **excluding the final letter** (cut) **L** **+ D** (diamonds)\n \u00a0\n\n**EMERALD** (gemstone)"} {"Clue":"Cold war powers one pitted against every leader of new regime (7)","Answer":"USURPER","Explanation":"Definition: leader of new regime\n**US** (United States) **+ USSR** (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) **excluding the middle letters** (pitted) **SS** + **PER** (every) The Cold War was an intense, remorseless struggle for the upper hand by all means short of actual fighting, originally and especially as between the Communist (e.g. **USSR**) and non-Communist powers (e.g. United States) after World War II.\n \u00a0\n\n**USURPER** (one who assumes authority, often by force or devious means,\u00a0to take the place of a previous leader; leader of new regime)"} {"Clue":"Person standing for president is the seat of corruption? (4-5)","Answer":"VICE-CHAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Person standing for president\n**VICE** (corruption) **+ CHAIR** (seat)\n\n**VICE-CHAIR** (the **CHAIR** presides over a meeting, so the** ****CHAIR** could be termed the president. If the **CHAIR** [president) is absent then the **VICE CHAIR** stands in for [person standing for] the **CHAIR** [president])\n That's the best I can come up with \u2013 it seems a bit tortuous."} {"Clue":"Daily help Independent's left with electronic word puzzle (7)","Answer":"CHARADE","Explanation":"Definition: word puzzle\n**CHAR** (daily) **+ AID** (help) **excluding** (left) **I **(independent) **+ E** (electronic)\n \u00a0\n\n**CHARADE **(type of riddle, the subject of which is a word proposed for solution from an enigmatical description of its component syllables and of the whole; word puzzle)"} {"Clue":"Filthy hound in a film (5,5)","Answer":"DIRTY HARRY","Explanation":"Definition: film\n**DIRTY** (filthy) **+ HARRY** (harass; nag; hound)\n \u00a0\n\n**DIRTY HARRY** (title of 1971 film starring Clint Eastwood that spawned a series of later films)"} {"Clue":"Self-referentially concealed in the past? (4)","Answer":"ONCE","Explanation":"Definition: in the past\n**ONCE** (**hidden word** [concealed] in the word **CONCEALED** hence self -referentially concealed)\n \u00a0\n\n**ONCE** (in the past)"} {"Clue":"I am European, into everything French for a short break (4,3)","Answer":"TIME OUT","Explanation":"Definition: short break\n(**I'M** [I am] **+ E** [European]) **contained in** (into) **TOUT** (French for 'all')\n **T** (**IM** **E**) **OUT**\n\n**TIME OUT **(short break during a sporting contest)"} {"Clue":"Bar is out of cordial at both ends \u2013 it makes you weep (5)","Answer":"EXUDE","Explanation":"Definition: weep\n**EX****CL****UDE** (bar) **excluding** (out of) **C** and **L** (**the letters at each end **[at both ends] **of the word** **CORDIAL**\n \u00a0\n\n**EXUDE** (weep)"} {"Clue":"Pissed off about one religious service or made more religious (13)","Answer":"SPIRITUALISED","Explanation":"Definition: made more religious\n**Anagram of** (off) **PISSED** **containing** (about (**I** [one] **+ RITUAL** [for example, a religious service])\n **SP** (**I** **RITUAL**) **ISED***\n\n**SPIRITUALISED** (imbued with religious essence; made more religious)"} {"Clue":"Ordinary members inform and encourage society (5,5)","Answer":"GRASS ROOTS","Explanation":"Definition: Ordinary members\n**GRASS** (inform [on]) **+ ROOT** (encourage) + **S** (society)\n \u00a0\n\n**GRASS ROOTS** (ordinary members, in a political party for example))"} {"Clue":"Escort vulnerable girl after chap is replaced by unfeeling boss (6,3)","Answer":"NUMBER ONE","Explanation":"Definition: boss\n**CHAPERONE** (escort vulnerable girl) with **CHAP** replaced by **NUMB** (unfeeling) \n **NUMB** **ER ONE**\n\n**NUMBER ONE** (boss)"} {"Clue":"Cleaner uniform worn by Vardy perhaps? (7)","Answer":"SCOURER","Explanation":"Definition: Cleaner\n**U** (uniform is the International Radio Communication code for the letter **U**) **contained in** (worn by) **SCORER** (reference Jamie Vardy, leading goal scorer for Leicester City in their Premiership winning season last year)\n **SCO** (**U**) **RER**\n\n**SCOURER** (cleaner)"} {"Clue":"Hero's mate is new in directorial role (7)","Answer":"LEANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Hero's mate\n**N** (new) **contained in** **LEADER** (directorial role)\n **LEA** (**N**) **DER**\n\n**LEANDER** (reference the Greek myth telling the story of lovers Hero and **LEANDER**)"} {"Clue":"Take top off? This is a good laugh, taking top off (5)","Answer":"CREAM","Explanation":"Definition: Take top off\n**SCREAM **(good laugh) **excluding the first letter** (taking top off) **S**\n \u00a0\n\n**CREAM** (select the best from; take the top off)"} {"Clue":"Rob's first to be out for a duck (4)","Answer":"TEAL","Explanation":"Definition: duck\n**S****TEAL** (rob) **excluding** (to be out) **the first letter** (first) **S**\n \u00a0\n\n**TEAL** (any of several kinds of freshwater duck)"} {"Clue":"In front of kilns see black crows (6)","Answer":"BOASTS","Explanation":"Definition: crows\n**B** (black, when describing pencil leads) **+ OASTS** (kilns)\n \u00a0\n\n**BOASTS** (brags; crows)"} {"Clue":"Traitor who, in France, faces the rope (8)","Answer":"QUISLING","Explanation":"Definition: Traitor\n**QUI **('who' in French) **+ SLING** (a strap which may be made of rope)\n \u00a0\n\n**QUISLING** (person who aids the enemy; traitor)"} {"Clue":"Dish that is served with prune (5)","Answer":"CUTIE","Explanation":"Definition: Dish\n**CUT** (prune) **+ I.E. **(id est; that is)\n \u00a0\n\n**CUTIE** (smart or beautiful girl; dish)"} {"Clue":"Trees burning in Hampshire town (9)","Answer":"ALDERSHOT","Explanation":"Definition: Hampshire town\n**ALDERS** (examples of trees) **+ HOT** (burning)\n \u00a0\n\n**ALDERSHOT **(town in Hampshire)"} {"Clue":"Plant concealed by wild rose rarely (7)","Answer":"DROSERA","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\n**DROSERA** (**hidden word in** [concealed by] **WILD ROSE RARELY**)\n \u00a0\n\n**DROSERA** (any plant of the sundew genus)"} {"Clue":"Article making big noise? (6)","Answer":"REPORT","Explanation":"Definition: Article\n**REPORT** (account on a matter of news; [newspaper] article)\n \u00a0\n\n**REPORT** (explosive noise) double definition"} {"Clue":"Going back through Dudley Zoo, was in a daze (5)","Answer":"WOOZY","Explanation":"Definition: in a daze\n**Hidden word** (going \u2026 through) **reversed** (back) in **DUDLEY ZOO WAS**\n **WOOZY**<\n\n**WOOZY** (in a daze)"} {"Clue":"Very thin leek, last to be cooked (8)","Answer":"SKELETAL","Explanation":"Definition: Very thin\n**Anagram of **(to be cooked) **LEEK LAST** \n **SKELETAL***\n\n**SKELETAL** (emaciated; very thin)"} {"Clue":"Spa hotel's meal provided without a honeyed drink (8)","Answer":"HYDROMEL","Explanation":"Definition: honeyed drink\n**HYDRO** (spa hotel) **+** (**MEAL** **excluding** [provided without] **A**)\n \u00a0\n\n**HYDROMEL** (beverage made of honey and water, also known as mead)"} {"Clue":"Suspended casts of EastEnders during broadcast (5)","Answer":"FROZE","Explanation":"Definition: Suspended\n**FROZE** (**sounds like** [during broadcast] the way an EastEnder [Cockney] would pronounce **THROWS** [casts])\n \u00a0\n\n**FROZE **(suspended)"} {"Clue":"One embracing Lenten ritual with greater alacrity (6)","Answer":"FASTER","Explanation":"Definition: with greater alacrity\n**FASTER** (during the period of Lent, Christians **FAST**, so one who embraces\u00a0the Lenten ritual is a **FASTER**)\n \u00a0\n\n**FASTER** (with greater\u00a0alacrity)"} {"Clue":"The perfect male Republicans in power (2,5)","Answer":"MR RIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: The perfect male\n(**R** [Republican] **+ R** [Republican] giving the plural) **contained in** (in) **MIGHT** (power)\n **M** (**R** **R**) **IGHT**\n\n**MR RIGHT** (ideal male or marriage partner)"} {"Clue":"Revise to secure double degree in university? (4,5)","Answer":"ALMA MATER","Explanation":"Definition: university\n**ALTER** (revise) **containing** (to secure) (**MA** [Master of Arts; degree] **+ MA** [Master of Arts; the second degree])\n **AL** (**MA** **MA**) **TER**\n\n**ALMA MATER** (benign mother, applied by alumni to their university, school or college)"} {"Clue":"A Welsh woman from further away? (5)","Answer":"ASIAN","Explanation":"Definition: from further away\n**A** **+ SIAN** (Welsh christian name for a lady)\n \u00a0\n\n**ASIAN** (from the continent of **ASIA**, far away from Britain)"} {"Clue":"Repeatedly act as nark and you'll get prison (4,4)","Answer":"SING SING","Explanation":"Definition: prison\n**SING** (act as an informer or nark) **+ SING** (act as an informer or nark, again [repeatedly])\n \u00a0\n\n**SING SING** (maximum security prison in New York State)"} {"Clue":"Satellite: vainly hope to live on it (6)","Answer":"PHOEBE","Explanation":"Definition: Satellite\n**Anagram of **(vainly) **HOPE** **+ BE** (live)\n **PHOE*** + **BE**\n\n**PHOEBE** (satellite of Saturn; also **PHOEBE** means moon which is a generic term for a satellite)"} {"Clue":"Give in, having suffered relegation again? (4,4)","Answer":"BACK DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Give in\n**BACK DOWN** (relegated again!)\n \u00a0\n\n**BACK DOWN** (abandon one's position; give in)"} {"Clue":"The interminable love record in any collection (9)","Answer":"ANTHOLOGY","Explanation":"Definition: collection\n(**THE** **excluding the final letter** [interminable] **E** **+ O** (zero; love score in tennis] **+ LOG** [record]) **all contained in **(in) **ANY**\n **AN** (**TH** **O** **LOG**) **Y**\n\n**ANTHOLOGY** (collection)"} {"Clue":"Men who strike yet order daily paper (3,3,4,5)","Answer":"THE NEW YORK TIMES","Explanation":"Definition: daily paper\n**Anagram of **(order) **MEN WHO STRIKE YET**\n **THE NEW YORK TIMES***\n\n**THE NEW YORK TIMES** (daily newspaper)"} {"Clue":"Apply anti-rust treatment to submarine near loch (9)","Answer":"UNDERSEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Apply anti-rust treatment to\n**UNDERSEA** (submarine) **+ L** (loch)\n \u00a0\n\n**UNDERSEAL **(apply anti-rust treatment to)"} {"Clue":"Revolving components on various cheap Fords nearly broke (8,3,4)","Answer":"STRAPPED FOR CASH","Explanation":"Definition: nearly broke\n**PARTS** (components) **reversed** (revolving) **+ an anagram of **(various) **CHEAP FORDS**\n **STRAP**< **PED FOR CASH***\n\n**STRAPPED FOR CASH** (short of **CASH**; nearly broke)"} {"Clue":"Bloody liquid concoction in cans \u2013 hope one's refreshing when opened (5)","Answer":"ICHOR","Explanation":"Definition: Bloody liquid\n**ICHOR** (**first letter of** [when opened] **each of** **IN**, C**ANS**, **HOPE**, **ONE'S** and **REFRESHING**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ICHOR** (colourless matter oozing from an ulcer or wound; bloody liquid)"} {"Clue":"It could be found in Gironde, vacant (4)","Answer":"GITE","Explanation":"Definition: It could be found in Gironde, vacant \n**IT** **contained in** (could be found in) **GE** (**the letters remaining in** **GIRONDE** **after the central letters** **IROND** **have been removed**; **GIRONDE**\u00a0vacant)\n **G** (**IT**) **E**\n\n**GITE** (simple holiday accommodation in France, e.g. a cottage. One may look for a vacant **GITE** to book for a holiday in the **GIRONDE**\u00a0region of France)"} {"Clue":"A holiday is over: here's souvenir from Spain, perhaps (4)","Answer":"CAVA","Explanation":"Definition: souvenir from Spain, perhaps\n(**A** **+ VAC** [vacation; holiday]) **all reversed** (over)\n (**CAV** **A**)<\n\n**CAVA** (sparkling Spanish wine; souvenir from a Spanish holiday perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Man and woman saved by an adviser to desperate people (9)","Answer":"SAMARITAN","Explanation":"Definition: adviser to desperate people\n**SAM** (man's name, although it could also be a woman's name) **+** (**RITA** [woman's name] **contained in** [saved by] **AN**)\n **SAM** **A** (**RITA**) **N**\n\n**SAMARITAN** (reference The **SAMARITANs**, an organisation that helps people in distress; adviser to desperate people)"} {"Clue":"Alien dogs barking nearby (9)","Answer":"ALONGSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: nearby\n**Anagram of** (barking) **ALIEN DOGS**\n **ALONGSIDE***\n\n**ALONGSIDE** (nearby)"} {"Clue":"Feeling I missed judge's verdict (8)","Answer":"SENTENCE","Explanation":"Definition: judge's verdict\n**SENTIENCE** (feeling) **excluding** (missed) **I**\n \u00a0\n\n**SENTENCE** (punishment pronounced by a judge; judge's verdict)"} {"Clue":"Paperwork collected by head mindlessly (5)","Answer":"ADMIN","Explanation":"Definition: Paperwork\n**ADMIN** (**hidden word in** (collected by) **HEAD MINDLESSLY**\n \u00a0\n\n**ADMIN** (paperwork)"} {"Clue":"Political philosopher shows how to spoil vote (4)","Answer":"MARX","Explanation":"Definition: Political philosopher \n**MAR** (spoil) **+ X** (the mark used when selecting a candidate in a vote)\n \u00a0\n\n**MARX** (reference Karl **MARX** [1818 \u2013 1883], German political philosopher)"} {"Clue":"Spielberg film has a lot to say (4)","Answer":"JAWS","Explanation":"Definition: Spielberg film\n**JAWS** (talks at excessive length; has a lot to say)\n \u00a0\n\n**JAWS** (1975 film directed by Steven Spielberg) double definition"} {"Clue":"Pine for one looking sickly all the time (9)","Answer":"EVERGREEN","Explanation":"Definition: Pine for one\n**EVER **(all the time) **+** **GREEN** (looking sickly) \n \u00a0\n\n**EVERGREEN** (a pine tree is an example of an **EVERGREEN** tree)"} {"Clue":"Heartless assassin fails to finish off corrupt pawnbroker (5)","Answer":"UNCLE","Explanation":"Definition: pawnbroker\nI cannot fathom out the wordplay here.\n I'm sure someone will tell me how easy it is.\n \u00a0\n\n**UNCLE** (slang for pawnbroker)"} {"Clue":"Cross that is protecting singer (5)","Answer":"IRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Cross\n**IE** (id est; that is) **containing** (protecting) **RAT** (singer; reference The **RAT** Pack comprising singers Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Junior and others). I think the original **RAT** Pack predates these three singers and included others at different times.\n **I** (**RAT**) **E**\n\n**IRATE** (cross)"} {"Clue":"Expert following all but the climax of Union Fair (9)","Answer":"EQUITABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Fair\n**EQUIT****Y** (actor's trade union) **excluding the final letter** (all but the climax) **Y** **+ ABLE** (expert)\n \u00a0\n\n**EQUITABLE** (fair)"} {"Clue":"Comprehensive coverage of fresh issue still to be included in overdue\u2026 (7)","Answer":"LAYETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Comprehensive coverage of fresh issue\n**YET** (still) **contained in** (included in) **LATE** (overdue)\n **LA** (**YET**) **TE**\n\n**LAYETTE** (baby's complete set of clothing; comprehensive coverage of fresh issue)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 review of U-turn about training (7)","Answer":"NURTURE","Explanation":"Definition: training\n**Anagram of** (review) **U-TURN** **+** **RE** (about)\n **NURTU*** +** RE**\n\n**NURTURE** (training)"} {"Clue":"Attendant's role neglected to perform parts in play featuring extreme rows (7,3,5)","Answer":"WAITING FOR GODOT","Explanation":"Definition: play featuring extreme rows\n**WAITING** (attendant's role) + (**DO** [perform] **contained in **[parts in] **FORGOT** [neglected])\n **WAITING** **FOR GO** (**DO**) **T**\n\n**WAITING FOR GODOT** (play by Samuel Becket with the two leading characters, **VLADIMIR** and **ESTRAGON** being indicated in the unchecked letters in the outer or extreme rows [1 and 15] of the grid)"} {"Clue":"Picks up again on the amount one owes backers (7)","Answer":"RESUMES","Explanation":"Definition: Picks up again\n**RE** (on) **+ SUM** (amount) **+ ES** (**final letters of**\u00a0[backers] each of **ONE** and **OWES**)\n \u00a0\n\n**RESUMES** (picks up again)"} {"Clue":"One may be driven to limits of endurance by flipping buzzer going non-stop! (4,3)","Answer":"BUSY BEE","Explanation":"Definition: buzzer going non-stop\n**BUS** (a **BUS** may be driven) + (**BY** **reversed** [flipping]) **+ EE** (**outer letters of **[limits of] **ENDURANCE**)\n **BUS ****Y B**< **EE**\n\n**BUSY BEE** (a **BEE** [buzzer] that going non-stop [**BUSY]**)"} {"Clue":"Accidentally caught balls with great force straddling horse's back (9)","Answer":"OVERHEARD","Explanation":"Definition: Accidentally caught\n**OVER** (6 balls in cricket) **+** (**HARD** [with great force] **containing** [straddling] **E** [**last letter of** [back] **HORSE**)\n **OVER** **H** (**E**) **ARD**\n\n**OVERHEARD** (**HEARD** [caught] unintentionally)"} {"Clue":"Noise made by my body (5)","Answer":"CORPS","Explanation":"Definition: body\n**CORPS **(**sounds like** [noise made by] **COR** [gosh!; my!])\n \u00a0\n\n**CORPS** (organised body [of people])"} {"Clue":"Nick something from Santa's sack! (5)","Answer":"SATAN","Explanation":"Definition: Nick\n**Anagram of **(sack) **SANTA**\n **SATAN***\n\n**SATAN** (Nick and **SATAN** are both terms for The Devil)"} {"Clue":"Hogarth's work perhaps shows English dancing in a field? (9)","Answer":"ENGRAVING","Explanation":"Definition: Hogarth's work perhaps\n**ENG** (English) **+ RAVING** (mass gathering of young people dancing\u00a0to loud music under bright flashing lights; often held in the open-air; perhaps dancing in a field)\n \u00a0\n\n**ENGRAVING** (reference William Hogarth [1697 \u2013 1764], English painter and engraver)"} {"Clue":"Mercenary kidnaps the first person that may be pardoned (6)","Answer":"VENIAL","Explanation":"Definition: may be pardoned\n**VENAL** (open to bribery; mercenary) **containing** (kidnaps) **I** (first person)\n **VEN** (**I**) **AL**\n\n**VENIAL** (pardonable)"} {"Clue":"Like wearing delicate gift (6)","Answer":"LEGACY","Explanation":"Definition: gift\n**E.G.** (for example) **contained in** (wearing) **LACY** (delicate)\n **L** (**EG**) **ACY**\n\n**LEGACY** (bequest; gift)"} {"Clue":"Absent-minded leader isn't considered fit (4)","Answer":"AGUE","Explanation":"Definition: fit\n**V****AGUE** (absent-minded) **excluding** (isn't considered) **the first letter** (leader) **V**\n \u00a0\n\n**AGUE** (shivering fit)"} {"Clue":"Remove obstruction blocking river (6)","Answer":"DELETE","Explanation":"Definition: Remove\n**LET** (obstruction) **contained in** (blocking) **DEE** (name of one of a number of rivers in the United Kingdom)\n **DE** (**LET**) **E**\n\n**DELETE** (remove)"} {"Clue":"Corrupt union's demise involved suggestion of impropriety (8)","Answer":"INNUENDO","Explanation":"Definition: suggestion of impropriety\n**END** (demise) **contained in** (involved) **an anagram of** (corrupt) **UNION**\n **INNU** (**END**) **O***\n\n**INNUENDO** (suggestion of impropriety)"} {"Clue":"Agent causing intense suffering with dirt and gossip about celebrity (7,3)","Answer":"MUSTARD GAS","Explanation":"Definition: Agent causing intense suffering\n(**MUD** [dirt] **+ GAS** [gossip]) **containing** (about) **STAR** (celebrity)\n **MU** (**STAR**) **D** **GAS**\n\n**MUSTARD GAS** (vapour from a poisonous blistering liquid, (CH2ClCH2)2S, obtained from ethylene and sulphur chloride; agent [natural force acting on matter]causing intense suffering)"} {"Clue":"Heading for French resort, starting late and delayed by adverse weather (8)","Answer":"ICEBOUND","Explanation":"Definition: delayed by adverse weather\n**N****ICE** (French resort) **excluding the first letter** (starting late) **N\u00a0+ BOUND** (on the way to; heading for)\n \u00a0\n\n**ICEBOUND** (immobilised by **ICE**; delayed by adverse weather)"} {"Clue":"With the greatest respect, our ever enthusiastic hosts \u2026 (8)","Answer":"REVERENT","Explanation":"Definition: With the greatest respect\n**REVERENT** (**hidden word in** [hosts] **OUR EVER ENTHUSIASTIC**)\n \u00a0\n\n**REVERENT** (with the greatest respect)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 haven't lost heart after I stopped controversial politician celebrating victory (10)","Answer":"TRIUMPHANT","Explanation":"Definition: celebrating victory\n(**I contained in** [stopped] **TRUMP** (reference Donald **TRUMP**, Republican nominee for the forthcoming US Presidential election, considered by many to be a controversial politician) + **HANT** (**HAVEN'T** **excluding** [lost] **the central letters** [heart] **VE**)\n **TR** (**I**) **UMP** **HANT**\n\n**TRIUMPHANT** (celebrating victory)"} {"Clue":"Engineer has row about right end of cable for charger (8)","Answer":"WARHORSE","Explanation":"Definition: charger\n(**Anagram of** [engineer] **HAS ROW** **containing** [about] **R** ([right]) **+ E** (**last letter** of [right end of] **CABLE**)\n **W****A** (**R**) **H****OR****S*** **E**\n\n**WARHORSE** (a charger in this context is defined as **WARHORSE**)"} {"Clue":"Scrutinises power to open independent national schools (8)","Answer":"INSPECTS","Explanation":"Definition: Scrutinises\n**P** (power) **contained in** (to open) (**I** [independent] **+ ****N** [national] **+ SECTS** [schools of opinion])\n **I** **N** **S** (**P**) **ECTS**\n\n**INSPECTS **(scrutinises)"} {"Clue":"Try identical fitting in terminals of similar light (8)","Answer":"GOSSAMER","Explanation":"Definition: ligh\n**GO** (try) **+** (**SAME** [identical] **contained in** [fitting in] **SR** [f**irst and last letter of** [terminals of] **SIMILAR**)\n **GO** **S** (**SAME**) **R**\n\n**GOSSAMER** (light)"} {"Clue":"Alcohol vendor requires age and date of birth retrospectively (6)","Answer":"BODEGA","Explanation":"Definition: Alcohol vendor\n(**AGE** **+ DOB** [date of birth]) **all reversed** (retrospectively)\n (**BOD** **EGA**)<\n\n**BODEGA** (wine shop; alcohol vendor)"} {"Clue":"Save city's Spanish quarter (6)","Answer":"BARRIO","Explanation":"Definition: Spanish quarter\n**BAR** (except; save) **+ RIO** (city in Brazil)\n \u00a0\n\n**BARRIO** (Spanish-speaking, usually poor, community or district)"} {"Clue":"Opponents' house colours (6)","Answer":"ENSIGN","Explanation":"Definition: colours\n**EN** (East and North; opponents in the game of bridge) **+ SIGN** (reference sign of the zodiac; astrological house)\n \u00a0\n\n**ENSIGN** (flag distinguishing a nation or regiment; colours)"} {"Clue":"Leader to call tabloid newspaper's bluff (4)","Answer":"CRAG","Explanation":"Definition: bluff\n**C** (**first letter of** [leader to] **CALL**) **+ RAG** (tabloid newspaper)\n \u00a0\n\n**CRAG** (a bluff is a high steep bank)"} {"Clue":"Scottish religious figure, male, adopting Mass by Sunday, after reflection (2,6)","Answer":"ST MAGNUS","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish religious figure\n(**STAG** [male] **containing** [adopting] **M** [mass]) + (**SUN** [Sunday] **reversed** [on reflection])\n **ST** (**M**) **AG** **NUS**<\n\n**ST MAGNUS **(**S**ain**T** **MAGNUS**\u00a0Erlendsson, Earl of Orkney, sometimes known as **MAGNUS**\u00a0the Martyr, was Earl of Orkney from 1106 to about 1115)"} {"Clue":"One heading off into New York, location of 1's cathedral (6)","Answer":"ORKNEY","Explanation":"Definition: location of 1's cathedral\n(**O****NE** **excluding the first letter** [heading off]) **O contained in** (into) **an anagram of** (new) **YORK**\n **ORK** (**NE**) **Y***\n\n**ORKNEY** (**ST MAGNUS** [1 across] Cathedral is located in Kirkwall, the largest town in and capital of the **ORKNEY** Islands)"} {"Clue":"Slight shift of character in gardening work union (7)","Answer":"WEDDING","Explanation":"Definition: union\n**WEEDING** (gardening work) **with the second occurrence of the letter** **E** [character] **changed to** a **D** [effect of slight shift of the letters in the alphabet from the fifth letter to the fourth letter)\n **WE****D****DING**\n\n**WEDDING** (union)"} {"Clue":"Knight returning with another, coming in to go to court first thing (7)","Answer":"SUNRISE","Explanation":"Definition: first thing\n(**SIR** [title of a knight] **+** **N **[letter denoting a knight in chess]) **all reversed** (returning) and **contained in** (coming in) **SUE** (go to court)\n **SU** (**N** **RIS**)< **E**\n\n**SUNRISE** (first thing)"} {"Clue":"Spots cunning in abandoning force without apparent thought (10)","Answer":"RECKLESSLY","Explanation":"Definition: without apparent thought\n**FRECKLES** (spots) **excluding** (abandoning) **F** (force) **+ SLY** (cunning)\n \u00a0\n\n**RECKLESSLY **(without apparent thought)"} {"Clue":"A crook won't take closure of delicatessen lying down (4)","Answer":"ABED","Explanation":"Definition: lying down\n**A** + (**BEND** [crook] **excluding** [won't take] **N** [**last letter of **{closure of} **DELICATESSEN**])\n \u00a0\n\n**ABED** (in **BED**, lying down)"} {"Clue":"Avoid old US educational establishment (4)","Answer":"OMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Avoid\n**O** (old) **+** **MIT** (Massachusetts Institute of Technology; American educational establishment)\n \u00a0\n\n**OMIT** (avoid)"} {"Clue":"Not skilled and untested regarding sport (9)","Answer":"BADMINTON","Explanation":"Definition: sport\n**BAD** (not skilled) **+ MINT** (untested) **+ ON** (regarding)\n \u00a0\n\n**BADMINTON** (sport)"} {"Clue":"Hard debates about article prompting long speeches (9)","Answer":"HARANGUES","Explanation":"Definition: long speeches\n**H** (hard, as in description of a pencil lead) **+ (ARGUES** [debates] **containing** (about) **AN** ([indefinite article])\n **H** **AR** (**AN**) **GUES**\n\n**HARANGUES** (wordy addresses; long speeches)"} {"Clue":"April 30, by implication, in Irish county (4)","Answer":"MAYO","Explanation":"Definition: Irish county\nApril 30 is the day before MAY 1, so\u00a0could be considered as **MAY O**\n \u00a0\n\n**MAYO** (Irish county)"} {"Clue":"Phantom wreck overlooked by radio programme (6,4)","Answer":"SCOTCH MIST","Explanation":"Definition: Phantom\n**SCOTCH** (put an end to; wreck) **+ MIST** (sounds like [on radio] **MISSED** [overlooked])\n \u00a0\n\n**SCOTCH MIST** (something that is hard to find or doesn't exist; phantom)"} {"Clue":"Crab last to scoff head from small fish (7)","Answer":"FIDDLER","Explanation":"Definition: Crab\n**F** (**final letter of** [last to] **SCOFF**) + (**TIDDLER** [small fish] **excluding the first letter** [head] **T**)\n \u00a0\n\n**FIDDLER** (small crab of the genus *Uca* or *Gelasimus*)"} {"Clue":"Bar story not mentioning a bus at the airport? (7)","Answer":"SHUTTLE","Explanation":"Definition: bus at the airport\n**SHUT **(bar) **+** (**T****A****LE** [story] **excluding** [not mentioning] **A)**\n \u00a0\n\n**SHUTTLE **(for example, a bus at an airport moving passengers between terminals"} {"Clue":"Priests welcoming millions in religious festival (6)","Answer":"LAMMAS","Explanation":"Definition: religious festival\n**LAMAS** (Buddhist priests) **containing** (welcoming) **M** (millions)\n **LAM** (**M**) **AS**\n\n**LAMMAS** (old feast-day celebrating the first fruits of the harvest; religious festival)"} {"Clue":"Sign of disaffection about ruined tree is to diminish (5,3)","Answer":"PETER OUT","Explanation":"Definition: diminish\n**POUT** (sign of disaffection) **containing** (about) an anagram of (ruined) **TREE**\n **P** (**ETER***) **OUT**\n\n**PETER OUT** (diminish)"} {"Clue":"Is critical of flushing potassium in drains (6)","Answer":"SEWERS","Explanation":"Definition: drains\n**SKEWERS** (is critical of) **excluding** (flushing) **K** (chemical symbol for potassium)\n \u00a0\n\n**SEWERS** (drains)"} {"Clue":"Spy chief with cipher picked up in part of France (5)","Answer":"MEDOC","Explanation":"Definition: part of France\n**M** (spy chief in the James Bond novels) + (**CODE** [cipher] **reversed** [picked up; down clue])\n **M** **EDOC**<\n\n**MEDOC** (region of France, particularly known for wines)"} {"Clue":"Craftiness will trap large number in place of execution (10)","Answer":"GUILLOTINE","Explanation":"Definition: place of execution\n**GUILE **(craftiness) **containing** (will trap) (**LOT** [large number] **+ IN**)\n **GUIL** (**LOT** **IN**) **E**\n\n**GUILLOTINE** (instrument for beheading people with a descending heavy angled blade, adopted during the French Revolution)"} {"Clue":"Persuades first son to leave waves (5)","Answer":"URGES","Explanation":"Definition: Persuades first son to leave waves (5)\n**S****URGES** (waves) **excluding** (to leave) **the first occurrence of**\u00a0(first) **S** (son)\n \u00a0\n\n**URGES** (persuades)"} {"Clue":"Character provided by computer's fifth operation? (4)","Answer":"RUNE","Explanation":"Definition: Character\n**RUN** (complete execution of a computer program; operation?) **+ E** (the fifth occurrence, start normally at A)\n \u00a0\n\n**RUNE** (any of the letters of the ancient Germanic alphabet; also a mystic symbol; character)"} {"Clue":"Brilliant playing \u2013 with energy \u2013 but losing line\u00a0in tense moment (4-5)","Answer":"NAIL BITER","Explanation":"Definition: tense moment\n**Anagram of **(playing) **BRILLIANT** and (with) **E** (energy) but **excluding** (losing) **L**\u00a0(line)\n **NAIL BIT****E****R***\n\n**NAIL BITER** (tense moment)"} {"Clue":"County finally away from the crease, dismissing opener and conceding (8)","Answer":"YIELDING","Explanation":"Definition: conceding\n**Y** (**last letter of** [finally]** COUNTY**) **+** (**F****IELDING** [not batting, therefore away from the crease {cricket terminology}] **excluding** [dismissing] **the first letter** [opener] **F**)\n \u00a0\n\n**YIELDING** (conceding)"} {"Clue":"Oblique American supporting firm (7)","Answer":"SOLIDUS","Explanation":"Definition: Oblique \n**SOLID** (firm) **+ US** (United States; American) \u2013 this is a down entry so the letters **US** are supporting the letters **SOLID**\n \u00a0\n\n**SOLIDUS** (stroke, oblique or slash [\/])"} {"Clue":"It will guide ships around isle (though flickering) (10)","Answer":"LIGHTHOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: It will guide ships around\n**Anagram of** (flickering) **ISLE THOUGH**\n **LIGHTHOUSE***\n\n**LIGHTHOUSE** (building with a powerful light to guide or give warning to ships)"} {"Clue":"Year mediating between market and cathedral \u2013 endless torment (9)","Answer":"MARTYRDOM","Explanation":"Definition: torment\n**YR** (year) **contained in** (mediating between) (**MART** [market] + **DOME** [cathedral] **excluding the final letter** [endlessly] **E**)\n **MART** (**YR**) **DOM**\n\n**MARTYRDOM** (torment)"} {"Clue":"Old rail company carrying lightweight delivery (7)","Answer":"BOUNCER","Explanation":"Definition: delivery\n**BR** (British Rail [old rail company]) **containing** (carrying **OUNCE** [a light weight])\n **B** (**OUNCE**) **R**\n\n**BOUNCER** (a ball bowled [delivery] in cricket)"} {"Clue":"Artificial fuel unfortunately well below expectations? (8)","Answer":"SHAMEFUL","Explanation":"Definition: well below expectations\n**SHAM** (artificial) + **an anagram of** (unfortunately) **FUEL**\n **SHAM** **EFUL***\n\n**SHAMEFUL** (disgraceful; well below expectations)"} {"Clue":"A very French finale from Bizet, not moving (2,4)","Answer":"AT REST","Explanation":"Definition: not moving\n**A + TRES** (very in French) **+ T** **(last letter of** [finale from] **BIZET**)\n \u00a0\n\n**AT REST** (not moving)"} {"Clue":"Discrimination some reject as terrible (5)","Answer":"TASTE","Explanation":"Definition: Discrimination\n**TASTE** (**hidden word** [some] **in** **REJECT AS TERRIBLE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TASTE** (discrimination)"} {"Clue":"Keen on including right overture (5)","Answer":"INTRO","Explanation":"Definition: overture\n**INTO** (keen on) **containing** (including) **R** (right)\n **INT** (**R**) **O**\n\n**INTRO** (introduction, especially of a musical piece; overture)"} {"Clue":"Pee, and pee endlessly \u2013 what's the excuse (4)","Answer":"PLEA","Explanation":"Definition: excuse\n**P** (pee [the letter P]) **+ LEAK** (;urinate; pee) **excluding the final letter** (endlessly)\n \u00a0\n\n**PLEA** (excuse)"} {"Clue":"Visit prison, you say? It's worth viewing (6)","Answer":"SCENIC","Explanation":"Definition: It's worth viewing\n**SCENIC **(**sounds like **[you say] **SEE** [visit] + **NICK** [prison])\n \u00a0\n\n**SCENIC** (having beautiful or remarkable scenery; worth viewing)"} {"Clue":"Catholic priest, perhaps, strangely noticeable? No no (8)","Answer":"CELIBATE","Explanation":"Definition: Catholic priest, perhaps\n**Anagram of** (strangely) **NO****TICEABLE** **excluding** (no) **the letters NO**\n **CELIBATE***\n\n**CELIBATE** (descriptive of a Catholic priest)"} {"Clue":"Bird served for starters with beef (10)","Answer":"SANDGROUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\n**S** (**first letter of **[for starters] **SERVED**) **+ AND** (with) **+ GROUSE** (complain; beef)\n \u00a0\n\n**SANDGROUSE** (any bird of the genera Pterocles and Syrrhaptes, with long pointed wings, once classified as **GROUSE**\u00a0because of their feathered legs but now considered as a suborder (Pterocletes) related to pigeons)"} {"Clue":"Test now in the afternoon, presumably (4)","Answer":"EXAM","Explanation":"Definition: Test\n**EX** (former) **+ AM** (ante meridiem; morning) taken together implying now in the afternoon\n \u00a0\n\n**EXAM** (test)"} {"Clue":"Bill probes United Nations graph to no avail (12)","Answer":"UNPROFITABLE","Explanation":"Definition: to no avail\n**TAB** (bill) **contained in** (probes) (**UN** [United Nations] **+ PROFILE** [graph]) \n **UN PROFI** (**TAB) LE**\n\n**UNPROFITABLE** (not productive; to no avail)"} {"Clue":"Sri Lankan male bitten by dog (5)","Answer":"TAMIL","Explanation":"Definition: Sri Lankan\n**M** (male) **contained in** (bitten by) **TAIL** (follow; dog)\n **TA** (**M**) **IL**\n\n**TAMIL** (a member of a people of SE India and N, E, and central Sri Lanka)"} {"Clue":"Flier marking the origin of Communism? (8)","Answer":"REDSTART","Explanation":"Definition: Flier\n**RED** (Communist) **+ START** (beginning; a mark of the origin)\n \u00a0\n\n**REDSTART** (bird)"} {"Clue":"Film mogul supporting Italian leader? Right (8)","Answer":"PRODUCER","Explanation":"Definition: Film mogul\n**PRO** (supporting) **+ DUCE** (the title assumed by the Italian dictator Mussolini) **+ R** (right)\n \u00a0\n\n**PRODUCER** (someone who exercises general control over, but does not actually make, a cinema film; film mogul)"} {"Clue":"Former president snatched by kidnapper once (5)","Answer":"PERON","Explanation":"Definition: Former president\n**PERON** (**hidden word in** [snatched by] **KIDNAPPER ONCE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**PERON** (reference Juan **PER\u00d3N** [1895 \u2013 1974], three times President of Argentina)"} {"Clue":"Morning sermon by priest wanting improvement (12)","Answer":"AMELIORATION","Explanation":"Definition: improvement\n**AM** (ante meridiem; morning) **+ ELI **(a High Priest\u00a0of Shiloh, according to the Books of Samuel. The crossword world's favourite priest) **+ ORATION** (a sermon is an example of an oration)\n \u00a0\n\n**AMELIORATION** (improvement)"} {"Clue":"Mad, reversing over mountain pass (4)","Answer":"LOCO","Explanation":"Definition: Mad\n(**O** [over in cricket scoring notation) **+ COL** [mountain pass]) **all reversed** (reversing)\n (**LOC** **O**)<\n\n**LOCO** (mad)"} {"Clue":"One who's on track to arrange the crockery? (10)","Answer":"PLATELAYER","Explanation":"Definition: One who's on track\n**PLATE** (piece of crockery) **+ LAYER** (one who arranges) together describing someone who arranges the crockery\n \u00a0\n\n**PLATELAYER** (railway track worker; one who's on track)"} {"Clue":"Religious text worthily translated (4,4)","Answer":"HOLY WRIT","Explanation":"Definition: Religious text\n**Anagram of** (translated) **WORTHILY**\n **HOLY WRIT***\n\n**HOLY WRIT** (scriptures; religious text)"} {"Clue":"Detective, mostly insignificant and feeble (6)","Answer":"DISMAL","Explanation":"Definition: feeble\n**DI **(detective inspector) **+** (**SMAL****L** [insignificant] **excluding the final letter** [mostly] **L**)\n \u00a0\n\n**DISMAL** (feeble; both **DISMAL** and feeble express similar sentiments but I can't find a reference that gives them as direct synonyms))"} {"Clue":"Shop repairing chairs, note (5,5)","Answer":"CHAIN STORE","Explanation":"Definition: Shop\n**Anagram of **(repairing) **CHAIRS NOTE**\n **CHAI****N**** S****TO****R****E***\n\n**CHAIN STORE** (shop)"} {"Clue":"One judo expert standing up on river bottom (5)","Answer":"NADIR","Explanation":"Definition: bottom\n(**I** [one] **+ DAN** [descriptive of a person who has attained one of various levels of proficiency in judo]) **all reversed** (standing up; down clue) **+ R** (river)\n (**NAD** **I**)< **R**\n\n**NADIR** (lowest point; bottom)"} {"Clue":"Wary, adding dodgy fuel to vehicle (7)","Answer":"CAREFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Wary\n**CAR** **+ an anagram of** (dodgy) **FUEL**\n **CAR** **EFUL***\n\n**CAREFUL** (wary)"} {"Clue":"Annoying shop assistant providing ointment for example (15)","Answer":"COUNTERIRRITANT","Explanation":"Definition: ointment for example\n**COUNTER** (a shop assistant frequently works at a counter) **+ IRRITANT** (one who annoys)\n \u00a0\n\n**COUNTERIRRITANT** (an ointment could be used to relieve [**COUNTER**] an **IRRITA**tion)"} {"Clue":"Song about President Lincoln being a lazy sort? (3-4)","Answer":"LIE-ABED","Explanation":"Definition: lazy sort\n**LIED** (song) **containing** (about) **ABE** (reference US President Abraham [**ABE**] Lincoln [1809- 1865])\n **LIE** (**ABE**) **D**\n\n**LIE-ABED** (descriptive of a lazy person)"} {"Clue":"No vegetarian warder (9)","Answer":"BEEFEATER","Explanation":"Definition: warder\n**BEEF** (example of a meat) **+ EATER** (one who **EAT**s) together describing someone who is not a vegetarian\n \u00a0\n\n**BEEFEATER** (warder of the Tower of London)"} {"Clue":"Tree visible in the dark, oddly (4)","Answer":"TEAK","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\n**TEAK** (**letters 1, 3 5 and 7** [oddly] in\u00a0**THE DARK**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TEAK** (tree)"} {"Clue":"P & O arranged outlandish entertainment (5,5)","Answer":"GRAND OPERA","Explanation":"Definition: entertainment\n**Anagram of** (outlandish) **P** and **O** and **ARRANGED**\n **GRAND ****OP****ERA***\n\n**GRAND OPERA** (opera without dialogue, especially if the subject is very dramatic or emotional)"} {"Clue":"Press and TV right, intervening in dispute (9)","Answer":"MEDIATORY","Explanation":"Definition: intervening in dispute\n**MEDIA** (press and TV) **+ TORY** (the **TORY** party is on the right of British politics)\n \u00a0\n\n**MEDIATORY** (intervening in dispute in an attempt to reach to a solution)"} {"Clue":"Little bird worth less, we hear (7)","Answer":"CHEEPER","Explanation":"Definition: Little bird\n**CHEEPER** (**sounds like** [we hear] **CHEAPER** [worth less])\n \u00a0\n\n**CHEEPER** (young bird, especially a young game bird or chicken)"} {"Clue":"Forecast the ruin of Hull? (7)","Answer":"PORTEND","Explanation":"Definition: Forecast\n**PORT** (Hull is a **PORT** city) **+ END** (ruin)\n \u00a0\n\n**PORTEND** (forecast)"} {"Clue":"Ducks \u2013 appropriate to have head lowered (5)","Answer":"TEALS","Explanation":"Definition: Ducks\n**S****TEAL** (appropriate, as a verb) **with the first letter** (head) **S** **moved to the end** (lowered; down clue)\n **TEALS**\n\n**TEALS** (any of several kinds of freshwater ducks)"} {"Clue":"Pilot very lost? No way (4)","Answer":"SOLO","Explanation":"Definition: Pilot\n**SO** (very) **+ LOST** excluding (no) **ST** (street; way)\n \u00a0\n\n**SOLO** (to fly [pilot] a plane on one's own)"} {"Clue":"Go away to take drugs and cry (6)","Answer":"SCREAM","Explanation":"Definition: cry\n**SCRAM** (go away!) **containing** (to take) **E** (ecstasy tablet; drugs)\n **SCR **(**E**) **AM**\n\n**SCREAM** (cry)"} {"Clue":"Placates gorillas, perhaps stuffing them with veg (8)","Answer":"APPEASES","Explanation":"Definition: Placates\n**PEAS** (veg[etables]) **contained in** (stuffing) **APES** (gorillas perhaps)\n **AP** (**PEAS**) **ES**\n\n**APPEASES** (placates)"} {"Clue":"Tired of scrambled egg being in fashion (6)","Answer":"FAGGED","Explanation":"Definition: Tired\n**Anagram of** (scrambled) **EGG** **contained in** (in) **FAD** (fashion)\n **FA** (**GGE***) **D**\n\n**FAGGED **(tired)"} {"Clue":"24 hours with strangely-named economist (8)","Answer":"FRIEDMAN","Explanation":"Definition: economist\n**FRI** (Friday; 24 hours) + **an anagram of** (strangely) **NAMED**\n **FRI** **EDMAN***\n\n**FRIEDMAN** (reference Milton **FRIEDMAN** [1912 \u2013 2006] Nobel Prize-winning American economist)"} {"Clue":"Leaving it with Italy's grand old politician (4)","Answer":"WHIG","Explanation":"Definition: old politician\n**W****IT****H** **excluding** (leaving) **IT** **+ I** (International Vehicle Registration for Italy) **+ G** (grand)\n \u00a0\n\n**WHIG** (name applied to members of one of the great English political parties, in the late 17th century applied to those upholding popular rights and opposed to the King; old politician)"} {"Clue":"Part of orchestra detests work (5)","Answer":"TRADE","Explanation":"Definition: work\n**TRADE** (hidden word in [part of] **ORCHESTRA DETESTS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TRADE** (occupation; work)"} {"Clue":"British lightweight has round with lunkhead (4)","Answer":"BOZO","Explanation":"Definition: work\n**TRADE** (hidden word in [part of] **ORCHESTRA DETESTS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TRADE** (occupation; work)"} {"Clue":"Celebrate after crossing top of hill and eating too much (12)","Answer":"OVERBROWSING","Explanation":"Definition: eating too much\n**OVER** (crossing) **+ BROW** (top of the hill) **+ SING** (celebrate)\n \u00a0\n\n**OVERBROWSING** (overeating vegetation to the detriment of the environment; eating too much)"} {"Clue":"A Pilates exercise? Yes, I'm happy to do it (3,1,8)","Answer":"IT","Explanation":"Definition: I'm happy to do it\n**Anagram of** (exercise) **A PILATES** + **SURE** (yes)\n **IT'S A PLEA*** **SURE**\n\n**IT'S A PLEASURE** (I'm happy to do it)"} {"Clue":"Hours in fantastic pain (4)","Answer":"ACHE","Explanation":"Definition: pain\n**H** (hours) **contained in** (in) **ACE** (fantastic)\n **AC** (**H**) **E**\n\n**ACHE** (pain)"} {"Clue":"Drunk ends your beginning (5)","Answer":"TIPSY","Explanation":"Definition: Drunk\n**TIPS** (ends) **+ Y** (**first letter of** [beginning] **YOUR**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TIPSY** (drunk)"} {"Clue":"Lives with one's deity (4)","Answer":"ISIS","Explanation":"Definition: deity\n**IS** (lives) **+ IS**** **(ones)\n \u00a0\n\n**ISIS** (reference the important Egyptian goddess [deity]"} {"Clue":"Transport system subject to troops being in post (8)","Answer":"MONORAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Transport system\n(**ON** [subject to] **+ OR** [other ranks; troops]) **contained in** (being in) **MAIL** (post)\n **M**** (ON ****OR****) ****AIL**\n\n**MONORAIL** (\u00a0railway with carriages running astride of, or suspended from, one rail; transport system)"} {"Clue":"Family has to run around being funny (6)","Answer":"JOKING","Explanation":"Definition: being funny \n**KIN **(family) **contained in** (has \u2026 around) **JOG** (run)\n **JO** (**KIN**) **G**\n\n**JOKING** (being funny)"} {"Clue":"Imply Noah got wasted, spending hours getting very high? (8)","Answer":"OLYMPIAN","Explanation":"Definition: getting very high\n**Anagram of **(got wasted) **IMPLY NOAH** **excluding** (spending) **H** (hours)\n **O****LYMPI****AN***\n\n**OLYMPIAN** (one who lives on Mount **OLYMP**us; getting very high; ; or alternatively, godlike [very high])"} {"Clue":"Rejected possible method of catching sloth for sport (6)","Answer":"TENNIS","Explanation":"Definition: sport\n(**SIN** [sloth is one of the seven deadly sins] **+**** NET** [method of catching]) **all reversed** (rejected)\n (**TEN** **NIS**)<\n\n**TENNIS** (sport)"} {"Clue":"Maybe pine furniture item 2-for-1 tops of outstanding deal (8)","Answer":"SOFTWOOD","Explanation":"Definition: pine\n(**SOFA** [furniture item] with **TWO** [2] **replacing** [for] **A** [1]) **+ OD** (**first letters of each of **[tops of] **OUTSTANDING** and** DEAL**)\n **SOF**** TWO** **O** **D**\n\n**SOFTWOOD** (pine is an example of a softwood)"} {"Clue":"Ornate earring missing central part journalist got back (8)","Answer":"REGAINED","Explanation":"Definition: got back\n**Anagram of** (ornate) **EARRING** **excluding** (missing) **the** **central letter** [central part] **R** **+ ED** (editor; journalist)\n **REGAIN*** **ED**\n\n**REGAINED** (got back)"} {"Clue":"Cuts it up following acceleration (4)","Answer":"AXES","Explanation":"Definition: Cuts\n**A** (acceleration) **+** (**SEX** [it] **reversed** [up;down clue])\n **A** **XES**<\n\n**AXES** (cuts)"} {"Clue":"Ipads are epic! (8,4)","Answer":"PARADISE LOST","Explanation":"Definition: epic\n**PA****RA****DIS****E** is **an anagram **(**LOST**) of **IPADS ****ARE**\n **PARADISE LOST** is a cryptic representation of **IPADS ARE **[although we would need a definition as well to make it a true cryptic clue]\n\n**PARADISE LOST** (epic poem written by John Milton [1608 \u2013 1674]))"} {"Clue":"Reportedly exploit livestock (4)","Answer":"EWES","Explanation":"Definition: livestock\n**EWES** (**sounds like** [reportedly] **USE** [exploit])\n \u00a0\n\n**EWES** (female sheep; livestock)"} {"Clue":"Strongman playing up male issue (6)","Answer":"SAMSON","Explanation":"Definition: Strongman\n**AS** (playing) **reversed** (up; down clue) **+ M** (male) + **SON** (child; issue)\n **SA**< **M** **SON**\n\n**SAMSON** (exceptionally strong man from the Biblical character of Judges 13 \u2013 16)"} {"Clue":"Older Spanish gentleman one punches (6)","Answer":"SENIOR","Explanation":"Definition: Older\n**I** (one) **contained in** (punches) **SENOR** (Spanish gentleman)\n **SEN** (**I**) **OR**\n\n**SENIOR** (older)"} {"Clue":"Work on a private response in field of press freedom defence (12)","Answer":"AREOPAGITICA","Explanation":"Definition: press freedom defence\n(**OP** [opus; work] **+ A** **+ GI** [ordinary American soldier; private] **+ TIC** [involuntary response]) **all contained in** (in) **AREA** (sphere; domain; field)\n ARE (**OP** **A** **GI** **TIC**) **A**\n\n**AREOPAGITICA** ( A speech of Mr. John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicenc'd Printing, to the Parlament of England is a 1644 prose polemical tract by the English poet, scholar, and polemical author John Milton opposing licensing and censorship; press freedom defence)"} {"Clue":"Some backed Pope to bowdlerise Milton? (5)","Answer":"OBOTE","Explanation":"Definition: Milton?\n**OBOTE** (**hidden word** [some] **reversed** [backed] in **POPE TO BOWDLERISE**)\n **OBOTE**<\n\n**OBOTE** (reference Apollo Milton **OBOTE** [1925 \u2013 2005], Ugandan political leader who led Uganda to independence in 1962 from British colonial administration)"} {"Clue":"Group of soldiers blocked by a Christian from Eastern Church (5)","Answer":"UNIAT","Explanation":"Definition: Christian from Eastern Church\n**UNIT** (group of soldiers) **containing** (blocked by) **A**\n **UNI** (**A**) **T**\n\n**UNIAT** (member of any community of Christians, especially in eastern Europe and Asia, that acknowledges the papal supremacy but which is allowed to retain its own customs and practices with regard to all else, ie clerical matrimony, communion in both kinds, church discipline, rites and liturgy)"} {"Clue":"Maybe why conqueror chastises opponent taking things to heart (8)","Answer":"QUESTION","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe why \n**QUE** **+ STI + ON** (**central letters** [taking things to heart] **of each of** **CONQUEROR**, **CHASTISES** and **OPPONENT**)\n \u00a0\n\n**QUESTION** (why? is an example of a **QUESTION**)"} {"Clue":"Texts wise man in difficult situation (8)","Answer":"MESSAGES","Explanation":"Definition: Texts\n**SAGE** (wise man) **contained in** (in) **MESS** (difficult situation)\n **MES** (**SAGE**) **S**\n\n**MESSAGES** (texts)"} {"Clue":"Become enthusiastic about fighting odd parts of motion (4,2)","Answer":"WARM TO","Explanation":"Definition: Become enthusiastic about\n**WAR** (fighting) **+** **MTO** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [odd parts of] **MOTION**)\n \u00a0\n\n**WARM TO** (become enthusiastic about)"} {"Clue":"Retiring outside with drink (6)","Answer":"SHANDY","Explanation":"Definition: drink\n**SHY** (retiring) **containing** (outside) **AND** (with)\n **SH** (**AND**) **Y**\n\n**SHANDY** (drink, mixture of beer with ginger beer or lemonade)"} {"Clue":"German almost ready to eat bag (4)","Answer":"GRIP","Explanation":"Definition: bag\n**G** (German) **+** (**RIP****E** [ready to eat] **excluding the last letter** [almost] **E**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GRIP** (bag)"} {"Clue":"Only strips duplicates (4)","Answer":"LONE","Explanation":"Definition: Only\n**CLONES** (duplicates) **excluding the outside letters** (strips) **C** and **S**\n \u00a0\n\n**LONE** (only)"} {"Clue":"Deplore security with our team getting back inside (6)","Answer":"BEWAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Deplore\n(**WE** [our team] **reversed** [getting back]) **contained in** (getting inside) **BAIL** (security [usually given in monetary form] given to procure the release of an accused person by assuring his or her subsequent appearance in court) \n **B** (**EW**<) **AIL**\n\n**BEWAIL** (deplore)"} {"Clue":"Expression of relationship quite in error about a cricket side (8)","Answer":"EQUATION","Explanation":"Definition: Expression of relationship\n(**Anagram of** [in error] **QUITE** **containing** [about] **A**) **+**** ON** (one of the sides in cricket, the other being **OFF**)\n **EQU** (**A**) **TI*** **ON**\n\n**EQUATION** (expression of relationship)"} {"Clue":"Collections of gifts \u2013 jokes about priest dropping one (4-4)","Answer":"GRAB BAGS","Explanation":"Definition: Collections of gifts\n**GAGS** (jokes) **containing** (about) (**RABBI** [priest] **excluding** [dropping] **I** [one])\n **G** (**RAB B**) **AGS**\n\n**GRAB BAGS** (American term for a bag from which gifts are drawn)"} {"Clue":"Polish dumplings I brought in for American soldier (6)","Answer":"PIROGI","Explanation":"Definition: Polish dumplings\n**I** **contained in** (brought in) (**PRO** [for] **+ GI** [American soldier])\n **P** (**I**) **RO** **GI**\n\n**PIROGI** (traditional Polish dish, a semicircular filled dumpling, originally savoury, now also sweet, boiled and then briefly sauteed and served with melted butter)"} {"Clue":"Marked by liquid inside tank, sloshing around (3-7)","Answer":"INK-STAINED","Explanation":"Definition: Marked by liquid\n**Anagram of** (sloshing around) **INSIDE TANK**\n **INK-STAINED***\n\n**INK-STAINED** (marked by liquid)"} {"Clue":"What setter may have to deal with \u2013 a selection of unhelpful names (4)","Answer":"ULNA","Explanation":"Definition: What setter may have to deal with\n**ULNA** (**hidden word in** [a selection of] **UNHELPFUL NAMES**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ULNA** (the inner and larger of the two bones of the forearm; something a [bone-]setter may have to deal with if the arm is broken)"} {"Clue":"School bound to exclude a stupid person (6)","Answer":"SCHLEP","Explanation":"Definition: stupid person\n**SCH** (school) + (**LE****A****P** [bound] **excluding** [to exclude] **A**)\n \u00a0\n\n**SCHLEP** (stupid person)"} {"Clue":"Scottish town sees soldier with work unit returning (6)","Answer":"GRETNA","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish town\n(**ANT** [social; insect of proverbial industry; worker] **+ ERG** [CGS unit of work])\n (**GRE** **TNA**)<\n\n**GRETNA** (Scottish town)"} {"Clue":"Wife being embraced by lover will make you cringe (4)","Answer":"FAWN","Explanation":"Definition: cringe\n**W** (wife) **contained in** (embraced by) **FAN** (devotee or enthusiastic follower; lover)\n **FA** (**W**) **N**\n\n**FAWN** (cringe)"} {"Clue":"A policeman returning to apprehend church board \u2013 that's OK? (10)","Answer":"ACCEPTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: OK\n**A** + (**PC** [{police} constable}]** reversed** [returning] **containing** [to apprehend] **CE** [Church {of England}]) **+ TABLE** (board)\n **A** **C** (**CE**) **P**< **TABLE**\n\n**ACCEPTABLE** (OK)"} {"Clue":"Judge Independent's backed working newspaperman (6)","Answer":"JOURNO","Explanation":"Definition: newspaperman\n**J** (judge) **+ OUR** (Independent's, this being an Independent crossword) + (**ON** [working] **reversed** [backed])\n **J** **OUR** **NO**<\n\n**JOURNO** (journalist; newspaperman)"} {"Clue":"Thin letter from Greece \u2013 one arrived after going round about (8)","Answer":"EMACIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Thin\n(**ETA** [letter of the Greek alphabet] **+ I** [one] **+ CAME** [arrived]) **all reversed** (after going round about)\n (**EMAC** **I** **ATE**)<\n\n**EMACIATE** (to make extremely thin)"} {"Clue":"After move to new stop, I sold various newspapers (8)","Answer":"TABLOIDS","Explanation":"Definition: newspapers\n**TAB** (move to a new stop in a line of a document) **+ an anagram of** (various) **SOLID**\n **TAB** **LOIDS***\n\n**TABLOIDS** (newspapers)"} {"Clue":"Area of Greater Manchester suitable for religious folk in brief (6)","Answer":"ECCLES","Explanation":"Definition: Area of Greater Manchester\n**ECCLES** (abbreviation for [in brief] **ECCLESIASTICAL** [relating to the clergy or the church; religious folk)\n \u00a0\n\n**ECCLES** (an area of Greater Manchester)"} {"Clue":"Certainly tears when audit reports are due? (4-4)","Answer":"YEAR-ENDS","Explanation":"Definition: when audit reports are due\n**YEA** (certainly) **+ RENDS** (tears)\n \u00a0\n\n**YEAR-ENDS** (audit reports are due at financial **YEAR-ENDS**)"} {"Clue":"One avoiding harm, staying ahead of a lot of mean snakes (6)","Answer":"MAMBAS","Explanation":"Definition: snakes\n**MAIM** (harm) **excluding** (avoiding)** I** (one) **+ BASE** (mean)** excluding the last letter **(a lot of) **E**\n \u00a0\n\n**MAMBAS** (snakes)"} {"Clue":"Most of holiday locked in prison? That leads to split (8)","Answer":"CLEAVAGE","Explanation":"Definition: split\n**LEAVE** (holiday) **excluding the final letter** (most of) **E** **contained in** (locked in) **CAGE** (prison)\n **C** (**LEAV**) **AGE**\n\n**CLEAVAGE** (split)"} {"Clue":"Independent avoiding stories on native teaching (6)","Answer":"LESSON","Explanation":"Definition: teaching\n**LIES** (stories) **excluding** (avoiding) **I** (independent) **+ SON** (native)\n \u00a0\n\n**LESSON** (teaching)"} {"Clue":"Chewing item involving a lot of saliva and tooth (6)","Answer":"CUSPID","Explanation":"Definition: tooth\n**CUD** (food brought back from the first stomach of a ruminating animal to be chewed again) **containing** (involving) (**SPIT** [saliva] **excluding the final letter** [a lot of] **T**)\n **CU** (**SPI**) **D**\n\n**CUSPID** (tooth with a single point)"} {"Clue":"Beginning to accept America after Democrat's Hollywoodised vision? (8)","Answer":"STARDUST","Explanation":"Definition: Hollywoodised vision\n**START** (beginning) **containing** (to accept) (**D** [Democrat] **+ US** [United States {of America])\n **STAR** (**D** **US**) **T**\n\n**STARDUST** (an imaginary dust that blinds the eyes to reality and fills them with romantic illusions; Hollwoodised vision)"} {"Clue":"Boundless amorous activity \u2013 it's a capital sort of thing! (6)","Answer":"NOGGIN","Explanation":"Definition: capital sort of thing\n**SNOGGING** (amorous activity) **excluding the first and last letters** [the outside; letters; boundless] **S** and **G**\n \u00a0\n\n**NOGGIN** (informal term for the head; capital [relating to the head] sort of thing)"} {"Clue":"Say\u00a0\"Good cheer\" (3)","Answer":"EGG","Explanation":"Definition: cheer\n**E.G.** (for example; say) **+ G**\n \u00a0\n\n**EGG** (urge on; cheer)"} {"Clue":"I left, after entering country American abandoned eagerly (8)","Answer":"HUNGRILY","Explanation":"Definition: eagerly\n**(I** **+** **L** [left])**\u00a0contained in** (**HUNGARY** [country] **excluding** [abandoned]\u00a0**A** [American])\n **HUNGR** (**I L**) **Y**\n\n**HUNGRILY** (eagerly)"} {"Clue":"Select in audio or visual? (3)","Answer":"PIC","Explanation":"Definition: visual\n**PIC** (**sounds like** [in audio] **PICK** [select])\n \u00a0\n\n**PIC** (picture; visual)"} {"Clue":"Gun salesman having US gun with cap off (8)","Answer":"REPEATER","Explanation":"Definition: Gun\n**REP** (representative; salesman) **+** (**H****EATER** [old American slang for a gun or pistol] **excluding the first letter** [with cap of] **H**)\n \u00a0\n\n**REPEATER** (firearm that **REPEAT**s)"} {"Clue":"Exeter flailing around line under a crossbar (4-4)","Answer":"AXLE TREE","Explanation":"Definition: crossbar\n**A + **(**an anagram of** [flailing] **EXETER** **containing** [around] **L** [line])\n **A** **X** (**L**) **E TREE***\n\n**AXLE TREE** (crossbar or shaft fixed across the underside of a cart or similar vehicle, on each rounded end of which a wheel rotates)"} {"Clue":"Nerdy expert right about an English symbol? On the contrary (6)","Answer":"ANORAK","Explanation":"Definition: Nerdy expert\n(**AN** **+ OAK** [a symbol of England]) **containing** (about) **R** (right). This is **opposite of** Right about (AN + OAK), hence 'on the contrary)\n **AN** **O** (**R**) **AK**\n\n**ANORAK** (someone who has an obsessive interest in the statistics and trivia associated with a subject; nerdy expert)"} {"Clue":"Three letters enthralling me, outlining description of bomb? (6)","Answer":"ATOMIC","Explanation":"Definition: description of bomb\n**A TO C** (three letters \u2013 A, B and C) **containing** (enthralling)\u00a0**MI** (variant spelling of **ME** [anglicised spelling of the thirds note of the tonic sol-fa)\n \u00a0**A**\u00a0**TO** (**MI**) **C**\n\n**ATOMIC** (description of a type of bomb)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 for each dish eaten by expert (6)","Answer":"APIECE","Explanation":"Definition: for each\n**PIE** (dish) **contained in** (eaten by) **ACE** (expert)\n **A** (**PIE**) **CE**\n\n**APIECE** (for each [person])"} {"Clue":"Pick over cold dessert (4-3)","Answer":"CHOC ICE","Explanation":"Definition: dessert\n**CHOICE** (pick) **containing** (over) **C** (cold)\n **CHO** (**C**) **ICE**\n\n**CHOC ICE** (dessert)"} {"Clue":"Jaguar tours Colorado in special race (7)","Answer":"ECOTYPE","Explanation":"Definition: special race\n**E-TYPE** (model of Jaguar car) **containing **(tours) **CO** (Colorado) \n **E** (**CO**) **TYPE**\n\n**ECOTYPE** (group of organisms which have adapted to a particular environment and so have become different from other groups within the species; special race)"} {"Clue":"Coin flipped in old street in Montmartre (4)","Answer":"EURO","Explanation":"Definition: Coin\n(**O** [old] **+ RUE** {French [Montmarte] for 'street']) **all reversed** (flipped)\n (**EUR** **O**)<\n\n**EURO** (coin used in many countries of Europe)"} {"Clue":"Growing British failure to win over China (10)","Answer":"BLOSSOMING","Explanation":"Definition: Growing\n**B** (British) **+ LOSS** (failure to win) **+ O** (over, in cricket) **+** **MING** (type of china pottery)\n \u00a0\n\n**BLOSSOMING** (growing)"} {"Clue":"Sunbed queen installed in Turkey? (6)","Answer":"TANNER","Explanation":"Definition: Sunbed\n**ANNE** (reference Queen **ANNE **[1665 \u2013 1714]**)**\u00a0**contained in** (installed in) **TR** (International Vehicle Registration for Turkey)\n **T** (**ANNE**) **R**\n\n**TANNER** (sunbed)"} {"Clue":"Throw around short-term money (8)","Answer":"STERLING","Explanation":"Definition: money\n**SLING** (throw) **containing** (around) **TER****M** **excluding the final letter** [short] **M**\n **S** (**TER**) **LING**\n\n**STERLING** (British money of standard value)"} {"Clue":"One way of letting down tail end of pants (9)","Answer":"DEFLATION","Explanation":"Definition: One way of letting down\n**Anagram of** (pants) **TAIL END OF**\n **DEF****LATI****ON***\n\n**DEFLATION** (a means of letting down)"} {"Clue":"Prosecutes comedians snorting drug (5)","Answer":"WAGES","Explanation":"Definition: Prosecutes\n**WAGS** (comedians) **containin**g (snorting) **E** (ecstasy; drugs)\n **WAG** (**E**) **S**\n\n**WAGES** (engages in; prosecutes)"} {"Clue":"Add to RAM, implying sleepless night ahead? (3,2)","Answer":"TOT UP","Explanation":"Definition: Add\n**TO** **+ TUP** (male sheep; ram)\n \u00a0\n\n**TOT UP** (add [up])"} {"Clue":"Thailand certain to back banks' accountant (9)","Answer":"TREASURER","Explanation":"Definition: accountant\n**T** (International Vehicle Registration for Thailand) **+** (**REAR** [back] **containing** (banks) **SURE** [certain to])\n **T** **REA** (**SURE**) **R**\n\n**TREASURER** (accountant) I'm not sure that **TREASURER** and **ACCOUNTANT** are entirely synonymous but both deal with money or the management of money)"} {"Clue":"Historic firm spikes drink for sovereign, say (4,4)","Answer":"GOLD COIN","Explanation":"Definition: overeign, say\n(**OLD **[historic] **+ CO** [company; firm]) **contained in** (spikes) **GIN** (drink)\n **G** (**OLD** **CO**) **IN**\n\n**GOLD COIN** ( a sovereign is often a **GOLD COIN**)"} {"Clue":"Brief function to host posh relative (6)","Answer":"COUSIN","Explanation":"Definition: relative\n**COSINE** (trigonometrical function) **excluding the final letter** (brief) **E** **containing** (to host) **U** (behaviour of the upper-class; posh)\n **CO** (**U**) **SIN**\n\n**COUSIN** (relative)"} {"Clue":"Salute boy ringing bird near Lima (4,6)","Answer":"YOUR HEALTH","Explanation":"Definition: Salute\n**YOUTH** (boy)** containing** (ringing) (**RHEA** [bird] **+ L** {**LIMA** is the international radio communication codeword for the letter **L**)\n **YOU** (**R HEA** **L**) **TH**\n\n**YOUR HEALTH** (phrase used to tribute or salute a person by means of a drink)"} {"Clue":"Hospital department offers immunity to a degree (4)","Answer":"UNIT","Explanation":"Definition: Hospital department\n**UNIT** (**hidden word in** [to a degree] **IMMUNITY**)\n \u00a0\n\n**UNIT** (term often used to describe a hospital department)"} {"Clue":"Rum (European) on board the good ship Venus? (7)","Answer":"GODDESS","Explanation":"Definition: Venus?\n(**ODD** [strange, rum] **+ E** [European]) **contained in** (on board) (**G** [good] **+ SS** [steamship])\n **G** (**ODD** **E**) **SS**\n\n**GODDESS** (Venues is an example of a **GODDESS**, in her case the **GODDESS** of Love)"} {"Clue":"Drama writer's A Pound for a Tot (7)","Answer":"PLAYPEN","Explanation":"Definition: Pound for a Tot\n**PLAY** (drama) **+ PEN** (writer)\n \u00a0\n\n**PLAYPEN** (area [pound] where a small child [tot] can amuse him \/ herself)"} {"Clue":"Chap corners line in precious metals transport (7)","Answer":"HAULAGE","Explanation":"Definition: transport\n**HE** (referring to a male; chap) **containing** (corners) (**L** [line] **contained in** [in] [**AU** {chemical symbol for gold; precious metal} **+** **AG** {chemical symbol for silver; precious metal}])\n **H **(**AU** (**L**) **AG**) **E**\n\n**HAULAGE** (transport)"} {"Clue":"Government dispute blocks credit note (5)","Answer":"CROWN","Explanation":"Definition: Government\n**ROW** (dispute) **contained in** (blocks) **CN** (credit note)\n **C** (**ROW**) **N**\n\n**CROWN** (governing power in a monarchy)"} {"Clue":"Where stripper may be about to expose top of thong? (7)","Answer":"CABARET","Explanation":"Definition: Where stripper may be\n**CA** (circa; about) **+ BARE** (expose) **+ T** (**first letter of** [top of] **THONG**)\n \u00a0\n\n**CABARET** (entertainment at a nightclub where a stripper may appear)"} {"Clue":"Roughly display old nut-tree (6)","Answer":"CASHEW","Explanation":"Definition: nut-tree\n**CA** (circa; roughly) **+ SHEW** (old spelling of **SHOW** [display])\n \u00a0\n\n**CASHEW** (nut-tree)"} {"Clue":"I'm an adult struggling in foreign state (5,4)","Answer":"TAMIL NADU","Explanation":"Definition: foreign state\n**Anagram of **(struggling) **I'M AN ADULT**\n **TA****MI****L NADU***\n\n**TAMIL NADU** (Indian [foreign] state)"} {"Clue":"Coppers seize last two of McEwan's Atonement (7)","Answer":"PENANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Atonement\n**PENCE** (coppers) **containing** (seize) **AN** (**final two letters of** [last two of] **McEWAN**)\n **PEN** (**AN**) **CE**\n\n**PENANCE** (atonement)"} {"Clue":"Robert, Lucy, Ron and Sue switch positions, et voil\u00e0! (4,4,5)","Answer":"BOB","Explanation":"Definition: et voil\u00e0!\n**BOB** (Robert) + **an anagram of** (switch positions) **LUCY RON** and **SUE**\n **BOB**' **S**** Y****O****U****R**** ****UN****CL****E***\n\n**BOB'S YOUR UNCLE** (expression denoting the completion of a task or satisfaction with it; **VOIL\u00c0** is defined as behold, there you are [it's done!])"} {"Clue":"Cleaned up and left with a 100 heading off to tour Spain (9)","Answer":"LAUNDERED","Explanation":"Definition: Cleaned up\n**L** (left) **+ A +** (**H****UNDRED** **excluding the first letter** [heading off] **H** **containing** [to tour] **E** [International Vehicle Registration for Spain])\n **L** **A** **UND** (**E**) **RED**\n\n**LAUNDERED** (cleaned [up])"} {"Clue":"Loves eating small chocolate over sherry (7)","Answer":"OLOROSO","Explanation":"Definition: sherry\n([{**O** (zero; love score in tennis) **+ O** (zero; love score in tennis)} **containing** {eating} **S** {small}] **+ ROLO** [brand name of a chocolate]) **all reversed** (over)\n (**OLOR** **O** (**S**) **O**)<\n\n**OLOROSO** (golden-coloured medium-sweet sherry)"} {"Clue":"Everyone devours salmon and booze (7)","Answer":"ALCOHOL","Explanation":"Definition: booze\n**ALL** (everyone) **containing** (devours) (**COHO** [Pacific salmon])\n **AL** (**COO**) **L**\n\n**ALCOHOL** (booze)"} {"Clue":"Building could be certified without arts centre (7)","Answer":"EDIFICE","Explanation":"Definition: Building\n**Anagram of** (could be) **CERTIFIED** **excluding** (without) **RT** (**middle letters of** [centre] **ARTS**)\n **EDIFICE***\n\n**EDIFICE** (building)"} {"Clue":"The majority of traditional tracks generate huge interest (5)","Answer":"USURY","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"Experts eat cheese with holes in regularly (4)","Answer":"ACES","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"Newspaper reviewers write so seriously? (10)","Answer":"CRITICALLY","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"Clothes worn in school and higher education classes (8)","Answer":"UNIFORMS","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"Girl's secluded spot in church (6)","Answer":"CLAIRE","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"In places like London, reflected about William IV's personal rights (5,9)","Answer":"CIVIL LIBERTIES","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"Commemorate someone who joined the Royal Engineers? (8)","Answer":"REMEMBER","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"Hunters taking lead off dogs (6)","Answer":"EAGLES","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"Way convict goes around a prison camp (6)","Answer":"STALAG","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"Suggest I should avoid bully (8)","Answer":"INTIMATE","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"In the words of the song, it's anathema travelling round Panama, perhaps (4,4,1,5)","Answer":"AIN","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"Nurse keeping a volume in cubicle (6)","Answer":"CAVELL","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"Guy is engaged by record company for show (8)","Answer":"INDICATE","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"Middlesex inhabitant possibly bitter about the old railway company (10)","Answer":"SOUTHERNER","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"Boy brought round hot food (4)","Answer":"NOSH","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"Happy to have home within Europe, perhaps (9)","Answer":"CONTINENT","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"Do guzzle cold dessert? No time! (7)","Answer":"SUFFICE","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"Seasonal song Lorca composed (5)","Answer":"CAROL","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"In sea-going vessel, loud noise interrupting speech shows disrespect for authority (15)","Answer":"INSUBORDINATION","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"Member of ancient civilisation destroyed, you might say? Wrong (9)","Answer":"INCORRECT","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"American with a joie de vivre that's awesome (7)","Answer":"AMAZING","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"Primate is following God no end (5)","Answer":"LORIS","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"A weapon concealed in cracker? It's of little importance (9)","Answer":"BAGATELLE","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"Large cars equipped with one metre gauges (9)","Answer":"ESTIMATES","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"Middle part of evening during pre-Easter period is mild (7)","Answer":"LENIENT","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"One having hair specially styled in macho fashion? (7)","Answer":"MOHICAN","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"Site of battle in Kampala mountain (5)","Answer":"ALAMO","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"Helpful person I read about (5)","Answer":"AIDER","Explanation":"Definition: huge interest\n**USU** (**3 out of 5** [the majority of] **letters of** **USUAL** [traditional])** + RY** (railway; tracks)\n \u00a0\n\n**USURY** (the taking of [now only iniquitous or illegal] interest on a loan)"} {"Clue":"Unveil reforms inspired by case of Japanese youth (8)","Answer":"JUVENILE","Explanation":"Definition: youth\n**Anagram of** (reforms) **UNVEIL** **contained in** (inspired by) **JE** (**outer letters of** [case of] **JAPANESE**)\n **J **(**UVENIL***) **E**\n\n**JUVENILE** (youth)"} {"Clue":"Reserve theatre seats for chilling performer (6)","Answer":"ICEBOX","Explanation":"Definition: chilling performer\n**ICE** (reserve) **+ BOX** (small enclosed seating area in a theatre)\n \u00a0\n\n**ICEBOX** (freezing compartment of a refrigerator; chilling performer)"} {"Clue":"Projected vain image (4)","Answer":"IDOL","Explanation":"Definition: image\n**IDOL** (**sounds like** [projected] **IDLE** [vain])\n \u00a0\n\n**IDOL** (image)"} {"Clue":"It's possible gifted writer's hostile to going in the van (10)","Answer":"IMAGINABLE","Explanation":"Definition: It's possible\n**AGIN** (against; hostile to) **contained in** [going in] (**I'M ABLE** [gifted writer's description of him \/ herself])\n **IM** (**AGIN**) **ABLE**\n I'm not sure if I have got this right as I don't understand where 'van' fits into the word play. Is it simply that the writer's bit is** I'M**, the gifted bit is '**ABLE**' and **AGIN** comes before [in the van] **ABLE**?\n\n**IMAGINABLE **(something that can be formed as a mental image; it's possible)"} {"Clue":"Unable to conceive of lawyers' split being reduced (6)","Answer":"BARREN","Explanation":"Definition: Unable to conceive\n**BAR** (barristers or advocates collectively; lawyers) **+ RENT** (split) **excluding the last letter** (being reduced) **T**\n \u00a0\n\n**BARREN** (incapable of bearing offspring; unable to conceive)"} {"Clue":"Walking mud over grass verges (8)","Answer":"STRIDING","Explanation":"Definition: Walking\n**SING** (inform on; grass) **containing** (verges) (**DIRT** [mud] **reversed** [over]) \n **S** (**TRID**<) **ING**\n\n**STRIDING** (walking)"} {"Clue":"Resistance figure's gained importance (7)","Answer":"STATURE","Explanation":"Definition: importance\n**STATUE** (figure) **containing** (gained) **R** (resistance)\n **STATU** (**R**) **E**\n\n**STATURE** (importance)"} {"Clue":"Something on which one can play back some offbeat selections (7)","Answer":"CELESTA","Explanation":"Definition: Something on which one can play\n**CELESTA **(**hidden word** [some] **reversed** [back] **in** **OFFBEAT SELECTIONS**)\n **CELESTA**<\n\n**CELESTA **(keyboard instrument in which bell-like sounds are produced by hammers striking steel plates suspended over wooden resonators)"} {"Clue":"Lads went dancing in Slough and similar places (8)","Answer":"WETLANDS","Explanation":"Definition: Slough and similar places\n**Anagram of **(dancing) **LADS WENT**\n **WET****LA****N****DS***\n\n**WETLANDS** (**SLOUGH** can be defined as marsh or marshland creek)"} {"Clue":"US President will broadcast a great deal for Americans (6)","Answer":"BUSHEL","Explanation":"Definition: a great deal for Americans\n**BUSH** (reference US Presidents George H and George W **BUSH**) **+ ****E****L** (sounds like [broadcast]\u00a0'**LL** [will])\n \u00a0\n\n**BUSHEL **(American word for a large amount or number)"} {"Clue":"Byzantine art I've seen in Istanbul perhaps displays originality (10)","Answer":"CREATIVITY","Explanation":"Definition: originality\n**Anagram of **(Byzantine) **ART I'VE** **contained in\u00a0**[seen in] **CITY** (Istanbul is an example of a **CITY**)\n **C** (**R****E****AT****IV***) **ITY**\n\n**CREATIVITY** (originality)"} {"Clue":"European capital exuded an unpleasant smell (4)","Answer":"REEK","Explanation":"Definition: unpleasant smell\n**GREEK** (example of a European) **excluding** (exuded) **the first letter** (capital) **G**\n \u00a0\n\n**REEK** (offensive smell)"} {"Clue":"Representatives of the international community support rebellion (6)","Answer":"UNREST","Explanation":"Definition: rebellion\n**UN** (United Nations; representatives of the international community) **+** **REST** (support for an object, e.g. a snooker cue)\n \u00a0\n\n**UNREST** (discontent verging on insurrection; rebellion)"} {"Clue":"Deny Conservative leader in Daily Mail is wrong (8)","Answer":"DISCLAIM","Explanation":"Definition: Deny\n**C** (**first letter of** [leader] **CONSERVATIVE**) **contained in** (in) (**anagram of** [wrong] **D** (daily) and **MAIL** **IS**)\n **D****IS** (**C**) **LAIM***\n I may have got this wrong as I can't find a dictionary giving **D** as an abbreviation for 'daily'. The best I can find is several references on Google to **D** being used by doctors in prescriptions to indicate that a medicine should be taken 'every day'\n\n**DISCLAIM** (repudiate; deny)"} {"Clue":"Players dropped soprano and went with tenor instrument (8)","Answer":"QUADRANT","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\n**SQUAD** (a number of players trained in readiness for the selection of a team) **excluding** (dropped) **S** (soprano) + **RAN** (went with, the editor **RAN** a story) **+ T** (tenor)\n \u00a0\n\n**QUADRANT **(a surveying\u00a0instrument with an arc of 90 degrees\u00a0for taking altitudes; one of the four segment)"} {"Clue":"Fanaticism upset Zionist leader and those right of centre in Israel (4)","Answer":"ZEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Fanaticism\n**Anagram of **(upset) (**Z** (**first letter of** [leader] **ZION**) **+ AEL** [the three rightmost letters {of six, so all right of centre} **of** **ISRAEL**])\n **ZEAL***\n\n**ZEAL** (fanaticism)"} {"Clue":"Legal clause waives argument in favour of faculty (6)","Answer":"VISION","Explanation":"Definition: faculty\n**PROVISION** (legal clause) **excluding** (waives) **PRO** (in favour of)\n \u00a0\n\n**VISION** (faculty of sight)"} {"Clue":"Intricate pattern young woman said matches everything but the walls (8)","Answer":"FILIGREE","Explanation":"Definition: Intricate pattern\n**FILI** (**sounds like** [said] **FILLY** [young woman]) **+ AGREES** (matches) **excluding** [everything but] t**he outer letters** [walls] **A** and **S**\n \u00a0\n\n**FILIGREE** (kind of ornamental metallic lacework of gold and silver, twisted into convoluted forms; intricate pattern)"} {"Clue":"Don't take so much notice anyway (10)","Answer":"REGARDLESS","Explanation":"Definition: anyway\n**REGARD** **LESS** (don't take so much notice)\n \u00a0\n\n**REGARDLESS** (anyway)"} {"Clue":"People dropping ecstasy at every opportunity in Fabric (6)","Answer":"POPLIN","Explanation":"Definition: Fabric\n**PEOPLE** **excluding** (dropping) **all** (at every opportunity) the **E**s (ecstasy tablets) **+ IN** Fabric is the name of a night club in London.\n \u00a0\n\n**POPLIN** (fabric|)"} {"Clue":"What time will do when you've fallen asleep (6)","Answer":"ELAPSE","Explanation":"Definition: What time will do\n**Anagram of** (fallen) **ASLEEP**\n **ELAPSE***\n\n**ELAPSE** (what time does)"} {"Clue":"Got back at later date after arranging where I will live? (10)","Answer":"RETALIATED","Explanation":"Definition: Got back at\n**I**\u00a0**contained in** (where \u2026 will live) **an anagram of** (arranging) **LATER DATE** \n **RETAL** (**I**) **ATED***\n\n**RETALIATED** (repaid in kind; got back at)"} {"Clue":"Hits lowlife controlling vice ring! (4,4)","Answer":"RUNS INTO","Explanation":"Definition: Hits\n(**RUNT** [derogatory term for a person; lowlife] **containing** (controlling) **SIN** [vice]) **+ O** (ring shape)\n **RUN** (**S IN**) **T** **O**\n\n**RUNS INTO** (collides with; hits)"} {"Clue":"Article about small period instrument (8)","Answer":"THEREMIN","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\n**THE** (definite article) **+ RE** (about) **MIN** (abbreviation [small] for **MINUTE** [period of time])\n \u00a0\n\n**THEREMIN** (electronic musical instrument played by moving the hands around two antennae to vary pitch and volume)"} {"Clue":"Saw is a perceptive gift that is returned in the end (6)","Answer":"ESPIED","Explanation":"Definition: Saw\n**ESP** (extra sensory perception; perceptive gift) **+ ****I.E.** (id est; that is) **+ D** **(last letter of **[in the end] **RETURNE****D**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ESPIED** (saw)"} {"Clue":"Rambling diatribe in support of the queen (6)","Answer":"ERRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Rambling\n**ER** (Elizabeth Regina; queen) **+ RANT** (diatribe) As this is a down clue the word **RANT** is supporting the letters **ER**\n \u00a0\n\n**ERRANT** (roving; rambling)"} {"Clue":"Youthful mistake covers up cry for attention (6)","Answer":"BOYISH","Explanation":"Definition: Youthful\n**BISH **(informal word for mistake) **containing** (covers up) (**YO** [cry for attention as in George W calling '**YO** Blair!'] **reversed** [up])\n **B** (**OY**<) **ISH**\n\n**BOYISH** (youthful)"} {"Clue":"Depend on contents of reference library? Quite the opposite! (4)","Answer":"RELY","Explanation":"Definition: Depend on \n**RE** (**outside letters** [not contents] of **R****EFERENC****E**) + **LY** (**outside letters** [not contents] of **LIBRARY**)\n \u00a0\n\n**RELY **(depend on)"} {"Clue":"Go mad following kiss (4)","Answer":"FLIP","Explanation":"Definition: Go mad\n**F** (following) **+ LIP** (kiss)\n \u00a0\n\n**FLIP** (go mad)"} {"Clue":"What'll get you aloft? None, I agree if out of order (10)","Answer":"AEROENGINE","Explanation":"Definition: What'll get you aloft\n**Anagram of** (out of order) **NONE I AGREE**\n **AER****OEN****G****IN****E***\n\n**AEROENGINE** (aircraft engine which will get the plane [and you as a passenger] aloft)"} {"Clue":"Is this tree with ripe nuts kauri-pine? Yes and no (5)","Answer":"NIKAU","Explanation":"Definition: tree\n**NIKAU** (**KAU****R****I-****PI****N****E** is **an anagram** [is this \u2026 with] **of** **RIPE** and **NIKAU**) so in terms of word play **NIKAU** with **RIPE** can be made into **KAU****R****I-****PI****N****E**\u00a0[Yes]\n \u00a0\n\n**NIKAU** (Maori name for the palm tree Rhopalostylis sapida, native to New Zealand. A **NIKAU** will therefore have ripe palm nuts) The **KAURI-PINE** is a tall coniferous forest-tree of New Zealand (Agathis australis), source of kauri gum, a resin used in making varnish; The **KAURI-PINE** will have pine cones not nuts [No]"} {"Clue":"Not quite sober, causing objection (5)","Answer":"DEMUR","Explanation":"Definition: objection\n**DEMURE** (sober) **excluding the last letter** (not quite) **E**\n \u00a0\n\n**DEMUR** (objection)"} {"Clue":"Yiddish musicians producing gay moment in reverse of gloom (9)","Answer":"KLEZMORIM","Explanation":"Definition: Yiddish musicians\n(**LEZ** [lesbian {homosexual (gay) woman}] **+ MO** [moment]) **contained in** (in) **MIRK** (variant spelling of **MURK** [darkness; gloom]) **reversed** [reverse of]\n **K** (**LEZ ****MO**) **RIM**<\n\n**KLEZMORIM** (players of traditional E European Yiddish music)"} {"Clue":"Glandular products? Dry, then soak one (7)","Answer":"SECRETA","Explanation":"Definition: Glandular products\n**SEC** ([of wines] dry) **+ RET** (soak) **+ A** (one)\n \u00a0\n\n**SECRETA** (products of secretion; possible glandular products)"} {"Clue":"Ridge plotted on chart except for outer limits (5)","Answer":"RAPHE","Explanation":"Definition: Ridge \n**GRAPHED** (plotted on a chart) **excluding** (except for) **G** and **D** (**first and last letters** [outer limits])\n \u00a0\n\n**RAPHE** (a botanical term describing\u00a0the ridge on the side of an anatropous ovule continuing the funicle to the chalaza \u2013 no I don't understand it either, but the joy of crosswords is that you don't have to understand every word you enter as long as you can deduce it from the word play)"} {"Clue":"Clothed in carmine, a tender red (6)","Answer":"NEATEN","Explanation":"Definition: red\n**NEATEN** (**hidden word in** [clothed in] **CARMINE A TENDER**)\n \u00a0\n\n**NEATEN** (**RED** is a variant spelling of **REDD** one of whose meanings is 'put in order' as does **NEATEN**)"} {"Clue":"Old rose bush, stripped including its flower heartlessly (6)","Answer":"BREARE","Explanation":"Definition: Old rose bush\n**BARE** (stripped) **containing** (including) **RE** (**letters remaining in** **R****OS****E** [the flower of the clued bush] when it has **no central letters** [heartlessly] **OS**)\n **B** (**RE**) **ARE**\n\n**BREARE** (Spenserian [old] word for **BRIER** [wild rose bush])"} {"Clue":"Magistrate losing half rest and vitality (5)","Answer":"JUICE","Explanation":"Definition: vitality\n**JUSTICE** (magistrate) **excluding** (losing) **ST** (**half of the letters** of **REST**)\n \u00a0\n\n**JUICE** (vitality)"} {"Clue":"Get up to date with university plot going round college (7)","Answer":"UPCATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Get up to date\n(**U** [university] **+ PATCH** [plot of ground]) **containing** (going round) **C** (college)\n **U** **P** (**C**) **ATCH**\n\n**UPCATCH** (catch up; get up-to-date)"} {"Clue":"I color, ailing, in bed. Bitter herb prescribed for my gut ache? (9)","Answer":"COLICROOT","Explanation":"Definition: Bitter herb prescribed for my gut ache\n**Anagram of **(ailing) **I COLOR** **contained in **(in) **COT** (bed)\n **CO** (**LICROO***) **T**\n or\n **C** (**OLICRO***) **OT**\n\n**COLICROOT** (North American bitter herb (Aletris farinosa) of the lily family and\u00a0its root, formerly used to cure colic [gut ache])\n The word 'my' appears to be italicised in the printed clue. I'm not sure why. In fact I'm not sure what role the word 'my' is playing in the clue at all."} {"Clue":"Replaced currency unit \u2013 take plenty back (5)","Answer":"TOLAR","Explanation":"Definition: Replaced currency unit\n(**R** [recipe [Latin]; take] **+ A LOT **[plenty]) **all reversed** (back)\n (**TOL** **A** **R**)<\n\n**TOLAR** (formerly the standard monetary unit of Slovenia, now replaced by the Euro)"} {"Clue":"Hanging, something that stops lives (5)","Answer":"TAPIS","Explanation":"Definition: Hanging\n**TAP **(stopper [stop] in a barrel) **+ IS** (lives)\n \u00a0\n\n**TAPIS** (covering, hanging, etc of tapestry or the like)"} {"Clue":"Medicinal sweet, one wrapped in crushed peel and mace (10)","Answer":"ELECAMPANE","Explanation":"Definition: Medicinal sweet\n**AN** (one) **contained in **(wrapped in) (**an anagram of** [crushed] **PEEL** and **MACE**)\n **ELECAMP** (**AN**) **E***\n\n**ELECAMPANE** (a sweet flavoured with an extract from the root of the same name)"} {"Clue":"Dry bed is modified by this fish nest (4)","Answer":"REDD","Explanation":"Definition: fish nest \n**REDD** (I think this relates to **DR****Y B****ED** being **an anagram of** [modified] **REDD** and **BY**)\n \u00a0\n\n**REDD** (place on a river bed excavated by a salmon for nesting \u2013 a different meaning from the one referenced at 20 across)"} {"Clue":"American composite assailed, just after being put in (7)","Answer":"BONESET","Explanation":"Definition: American composite\n**ON** (just after) **contained in** (being put in) **BESET** (assailed)\n **B** (**ON**) **ESET**\n\n**BONESET** (North American species of hemp agrimony [a composite, plant of the Compositae])"} {"Clue":"Eastern agent, a benign Arab (7)","Answer":"AMILDAR","Explanation":"Definition: Eastern agent\n**A** **+ MILD** (benign) **+ AR** (Arab)\n \u00a0\n\n**AMILDAR** (factor or manager in India; Eastern agent)"} {"Clue":"Local pasture formed by sediment, we hear (5)","Answer":"LEAZE","Explanation":"Definition: Local pasture\n**LEAZE **(**sounds like** [we hear] **LEES** [sediment that forms during the fermentation or aging of an alcoholic liquor])\n \u00a0\n\n**LEAZE **(dialect [local] word for pasture) The crossing letter **Z** determines whether the entry is **LEAZE** or **LEASE** as either word means pasture"} {"Clue":"Martial arts venues thrash one taking the mickey \u2013 not her (5)","Answer":"DOJOS","Explanation":"Definition: Martial arts venues\n**DO** (party; thrash) **+ JOSHER** (one taking the mickey) **excluding** (not) **HER**\n \u00a0\n\n**DOJOS** (places where judo or karate, etc are taught or practised; martial arts venues)"} {"Clue":"Pair changing places, longed for e.g. Christmas time (7)","Answer":"YEAR-END","Explanation":"Definition: e.g. Christmas time\n**YEARNED** (longed for) **with two letters** (pair) **NE** changing places in the word\n **YEAR**\u2013**EN****D**\n\n**YEAR-END** (the **YEAR-END** is around [a week after] Christmastime)"} {"Clue":"Language group included in Mandarin dictionary (5)","Answer":"INDIC","Explanation":"Definition: Language group\n**INDIC **(**hidden word in** [included in] **MANDARIN DICTIONARY**)\n \u00a0\n\n**INDIC **(the languages that form the Indian branch of Indo-European languages)"} {"Clue":"Freshwater catch among 1,152 wriggling (8)","Answer":"LIMNETIC","Explanation":"Definition: Freshwater\n**NET** (catch) **contained in** (among) **an anagram of **(wriggling) **MCLII** (roman numerals for 1,152)\n **LIM** (**NET**) **IC***\n\n**LIMNETIC** (living in fresh water)"} {"Clue":"Like an old brand belonging to American neat's rear (5)","Answer":"INUST","Explanation":"Definition: Like an old brand \n**IN** (belonging to) **US** (United States; America) **+ T** (**last letter of** [rear] **NEAT**\n \u00a0\n\n**INUST** (burned in; like an old brand)"} {"Clue":"Supporter of old parliament, strange person (6)","Answer":"RUMPER","Explanation":"Definition: Supporter of old parliament\n**RUM** (strange) **+ PER** (person)\n \u00a0\n\n**RUMPER** (a member or supporter of the remnant of the Long Parliament, after Pride's expulsion (1648) of about a hundred Presbyterian royalist members)"} {"Clue":"Spotted, e.g. Gregory in drag (8)","Answer":"SPECKLED","Explanation":"Definition: Spotted\n**PECK** (reference Gregory **PECK** [1916 \u2013 2003], American actor) **contained in** (in) **SLED**\u00a0(drag or wheelless structure for conveying goods)\n **S**** (PECK) ****LED**\n\n**SPECKLED** (spotted)"} {"Clue":"Mount again messed up race losing a leg? (8)","Answer":"RECLIMB","Explanation":"Definition: Mount again\n**Anagram of **(messed up) **RACE** **excluding** (losing) **A** **+ LIMB** (a leg is a **LIMB**)\n **REC*** **LIMB**\n\n**RECLIMB** (mount again)"} {"Clue":"Most \u2014 could be dumped jetsam etc and nothing more (6)","Answer":"EJECTA","Explanation":"Definition: Most \u2014 could be dumped jetsam etc and nothing more\n**EJECTA** (**M****O****ST** and **EJECTA** [the entry] **can form the anagram** [dumped] **JET****S****A****M**** E****T****C** plus the letter **O** [nothing more])\n \u00a0\n\n**EJECTA** (matter thrown out [e.g. **JETSAM**] but especially thrown out by volcanoes)"} {"Clue":"Repeat 'Love Lives' featured in supplement formerly (7)","Answer":"ECHOISE","Explanation":"Definition: Repeat\n(**O** [zero; love score in tennis] **+ IS** [lives]) **contained in** (in) **ECHE** (Shakespearean [old; formerly] word for augment [supplement])\n **ECH** (**O** **IS**) **E**\n\n**ECHOISE** (repeat)"} {"Clue":"Pawn's function as member of the lowest class (5)","Answer":"PROLE","Explanation":"Definition: member of the lowest class\n**P** (pawn) + **ROLE** (function)\n \u00a0\n\n**PROLE** (**PROLE**tarian [member of the poorest class])"} {"Clue":"One's taken in rent as swag? (5)","Answer":"TORAN","Explanation":"Definition: swag\n**A** (one) **contained in** (taken in) **TORN** (rent)\n **TOR** (**A**) **N**\n\n**TORAN** (garland of flowers or leaves hung between two points; SWAG can be defined as a festoon so the two words are synonymous)"} {"Clue":"Old bishop's place \u2013 one famously at home in mud surrounding! (5)","Answer":"HIPPO","Explanation":"Definition: one famously at home in mud surrounding\n**HIPPO** (reference St Augustine of **HIPPO** [354 \u2013 430] early Christian bishop and theologian)\n \u00a0\n\n**HIPPO** (reference the **HIPPO**potamus song by Flanders & Swann with its chorus:\n Mud, mud, glorious mud Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood So follow me, follow \/ down to the hollow And there let us wallow in glorious mud"} {"Clue":"Queen entering Malacca? Try to get a better view (5)","Answer":"CRANE","Explanation":"Definition: Try to get a better view\n**R **(Regina; queen) **contained in** (entering) **CANE** (reference Malacca CANE [brown walking-stick made from the stem of a rattan.])\n **C** (**R**) **ANE**\n\n**CRANE** (to stretch out the neck, usually in order to see better.)"} {"Clue":"Ocean waste down (4)","Answer":"BLUE","Explanation":"Definition: Ocean\n**BLUE** (sea; ocean)\n **BLUE** (depressed; down)\n\n**BLUE** (squander; waste) triple definition"} {"Clue":"Author runs into school in pursuit of box (10)","Answer":"CHESTERTON","Explanation":"Definition: Author\n**CHEST** (box) + (**R** [runs] **contained in** [into] **ETON** [example of a school])\n **CHEST** **E** (**R**) **TON**\n\n**CHESTERTON** (reference G K **CHESTERTON **[1874 \u2013 1936], English author)"} {"Clue":"Clandestine team mostly concealed within group (6)","Answer":"SECRET","Explanation":"Definition: Clandestine\n**CREW **(team) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **W**\u00a0**contained in** (within) **SET** (group)\n **SE** (**CRE**) **T**\n\n**SECRET** (clandestine)"} {"Clue":"Little fellow's tense, busy sound, drilling into mausoleum (3,5)","Answer":"TOM THUMB","Explanation":"Definition: Little fellow\n**(T **[tense] **+** **HUM** [busy sound]) ** contained in** (drilling into) **TOMB** (mausoleum)\n **TOM** (**T** **HUM**) **B**\n\n**TOM THUMB** (example of a small chap; little fellow)"} {"Clue":"Political commentaries dismissing politician's foremost misdemeanours (4)","Answer":"SINS","Explanation":"Definition: misdemeanours\n**SPINS** (favourable slants on policies; political commentaries) **excluding** (dismissing) **P** (**first letter of** [foremost] **POLITICIAN)**\n \u00a0\n\n**SINS **(misdemeanours)"} {"Clue":"Inspirational fountain (hope prince is upset) (10)","Answer":"HIPPOCRENE","Explanation":"Definition: Inspirational fountain\n**Anagram of **(is upset) **HOPE PRINCE**\n **H****I****P****P****O****CR****E****NE***\n\n**HIPPOCRENE **(\u00a0fountain on the northern slopes of Mount Helicon, sacred to the Muses and Apollo, attributed to a kick of Pegasus)"} {"Clue":"I live with banishment after translating novella (3,9,3)","Answer":"THE INVISIBLE MAN","Explanation":"Definition: novella\n**Anagram of** (after translating) **I LIVE** and **BANISHMENT**\n **TH****E**** ****I****N****V****ISIB****L****E MAN***\n\n**THE INVISIBLE MAN** (science fiction novella by H G Wells)"} {"Clue":"Men (with two women) squared off for a battle here (10)","Answer":"CHESSBOARD","Explanation":"Definition: Men (with two women) squared off for a battle here\nA **CHESSBOARD** is populated by 32 men to use the generic terms for chess pieces, two of whom are Queens [women]\n \u00a0\n\n**CHESSBOARD** [a **CHESSBOARD** comprises black and white squares; squared off for battle)"} {"Clue":"You might assume it's occurred in faulty posting (4)","Answer":"TYPO","Explanation":"Definition: You might assume it's occurred in faulty posting\n**TYPO** (**hidden word in** [it's occurred in] **FAULTY POSTING**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TYPO** (a faulty posting may well include a typographical error [**TYPO**])"} {"Clue":"Know-it-all in America starts to spot many associations with 'Flying Stars'? (8)","Answer":"SMARTASS","Explanation":"Definition: Know-it-all in America \n**SMA** (**first letters of** [starts to] **each of** **SPOT**, **MANY** and **ASSOCIATIONS**) + **an anagram of** (flying) **STARS**\n **SMA** **RTASS***\n\n**SMARTASS** (American term for a know-it-all)"} {"Clue":"Government set to offload first growth area (6)","Answer":"GARDEN","Explanation":"Definition: growth area\n**G** (government) **+ HARDEN** (set) **excluding** (to offload) **the first letter** (first) **H**\n \u00a0\n\n**GARDEN** (an area where plants grow)"} {"Clue":"Foreign articles about blow to Attorney general (a keen lawyer) (5,5)","Answer":"LEGAL EAGLE","Explanation":"Definition: keen lawyer\n(**LE** [French [foreign] for the definite article 'the'] **+ LE** [French [foreign] for the definite article 'the'] giving foreign articles) **containing** (about) (**GALE** [blow] **+ AG** [Attorney General])\n **LE** (**GAL E** **AG**) **LE**\n\n**LEGAL EAGLE** (bright discerning lawyer, keen lawyer)"} {"Clue":"Plunder brought back \u2013 it's something to work with (4)","Answer":"TOOL","Explanation":"Definition: something to work with\n**LOOT** (plunder) **reversed** (brought back)\n **TOOL**<\n\n**TOOL** (something to work with)"} {"Clue":"Opera villain, bass, tucking into beer with full flavour (8)","Answer":"ALBERICH","Explanation":"Definition: Opera villain\n(**B** [bass] **contained in** [tucking into] **ALE** [beer]) **+ RICH** (with full flavour)\n **AL** (**B**) **E** **RICH**\n\n**ALBERICH** (villain in Wagner's operas The\u00a0Ring of the Nibelungen)"} {"Clue":"Appreciation of music \u2013 loud above all \u2013 is a worry (4)","Answer":"FEAR","Explanation":"Definition: worry\n**F **(forte; loud) **+ EAR** (faculty of distinguishing sound; appreciation of music)\n \u00a0\n\n**FEAR** (worry)"} {"Clue":"Put a stop to locating bed in school (6)","Answer":"SCOTCH","Explanation":"Definition: Put a stop to\n**COT **(bed) **contained in** (locating \u2026 in) **SCH** (school)\n **S **(**COT**) **CH**\n\n**SCOTCH** (put a stop to)"} {"Clue":"Line abandoned by fast runners? (4)","Answer":"FEET","Explanation":"Definition: runners\n**FLEET** (fast) **excluding** (abandoned by) **L**** **(line)\n \u00a0\n\n**FEET** (part of the body used to run; runners)"} {"Clue":"Introduction of advice to doctors about old source of radiation (4,4)","Answer":"ATOM BOMB","Explanation":"Definition: source of radiation\n**A** (**first letter of** [introduction to] **ADVICE**) **+ TO** + ([**MB** {Bachelor of Medicine; doctor}**+ MB** {Bachelor of Medicine; doctor} giving doctors] **containing** [about] **O** [old])\n **A** **TO** **M B** (**O**) **MB**\n\n**ATOM BOMB** (source of radiation)"} {"Clue":"Farflung hitchhiker, very keen about Thursday (6,4)","Answer":"ARTHUR DENT","Explanation":"Definition: Farflung hitchhiker\n**ARDENT** (very keen) **containing** (about) **THUR** (Thursday)\n **AR** (**THUR**) **DENT**\n\n**ARTHUR DENT** (character in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams)"} {"Clue":"Very familiar swindle, netting old money repeatedly (6)","Answer":"COMMON","Explanation":"Definition: Very familiar \n**CON** (swindle) **containing** (netting) (**O** [old] **+ M** [money] **+ M** [money] to give old money **repeatedly**)\n **C** (**O** **M** **M**) **ON**\n\n**COMMON** (very familiar)"} {"Clue":"Closely follow sister with lamp at war (10)","Answer":"SLIPSTREAM","Explanation":"Definition: Closely follow\n**Anagram of** (at war) **SISTER** and **LAMP**\n **S****L****I****P****STRE****AM***\n\n**SLIPSTREAM** (to follow (another car, bicycle, etc) closely and thus benefit from the decreased wind resistance)"} {"Clue":"Foodstuff clearly behind answer in the dictionary? (5)","Answer":"PASTA","Explanation":"Definition: Foodstuff \n**PAST** (behind) **+ A** (answer)\n \u00a0\n\n**PASTA** (example of a foodstuff)"} {"Clue":"Book following volume one assessed as 'offered pulsating stuff' (8)","Answer":"VIBRATED","Explanation":"Definition: offered pulsating stuff\n**V** (volume) **+ I** (one) **+ B** (book) **+ RATED** (assessed)\n \u00a0\n\n**VIBRATED** (resounded; offered pulsating stuff)"} {"Clue":"Computer program betrayed British Nobel physicist (8)","Answer":"APPLETON","Explanation":"Definition: British Nobel physicist\n**APP** (application; computer program) **+ LET ON** (reveal; betray)\n \u00a0\n\n**APPLETON** (reference Sir Edward **APPLETON** [1892 \u2013 1965], winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1947). The first lecture I attended at Edinburgh University in 1966 was in the newly opened **APPLETON** Tower."} {"Clue":"Lay into poor actor: \"Simply half-cut\" (6)","Answer":"HAMMER","Explanation":"Definition: Lay into\n**HAM** (poor actor) **+ MERELY** (simply) with **half of the letters removed** (half cut) **ELY**\n \u00a0\n\n**HAMMER** (criticise severely; lay into)"} {"Clue":"Weapon threat? Good to replace nuclear (6)","Answer":"DAGGER","Explanation":"Definition: Weapon \n**DA****N****GER** (threat) with **G** (good) **replacing** [to replace] **N** (nuclear)\n **DA****G****GER**\n\n**DAGGER** (weapon)"} {"Clue":"Notice picked up in Hayling Island (4)","Answer":"SIGN","Explanation":"Definition: Notice \n**SIGN** (**hidden word reversed** [picked up] in [in] **HAYLING ISLAND**)\n **SIGN**<\n\n**SIGN** (notice)"} {"Clue":"Service just on the radio? (4)","Answer":"RITE","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Pakistan's opener banned from test cricket, say (6)","Answer":"INSECT","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Old wheels popular with a music-maker (7)","Answer":"OCARINA","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"The public eye minor pocketing grass (9)","Answer":"SPOTLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Start performing with group (5)","Answer":"ONSET","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Backcombed nap possibly comes off in layers (5)","Answer":"PEELS","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Fish product occupies schooner for one (9)","Answer":"ISINGLASS","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Scrub both sides of muffled exhaust (7)","Answer":"DEPLETE","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Matches in two parallel lines (6)","Answer":"EQUALS","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Proper Yankee stove (6)","Answer":"PRIMUS","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Tidy where brothers live (2,5)","Answer":"IN ORDER","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"That man in hotel's after mostly white and old red (2,3,4)","Answer":"HO CHI MINH","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Stewed pears and prunes (5)","Answer":"PARES","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Leading duke entertains king (5)","Answer":"FIRST","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Queen's consort's mood inspires black memorial (9)","Answer":"TOMBSTONE","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"He covers nurse working in Ireland (7)","Answer":"INSURER","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"This time doctor welcomes new arrival (6)","Answer":"ADVENT","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Tasteless modern papers describe drink (7)","Answer":"INSIPID","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Get lucky music result (5)","Answer":"SCORE","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Short article about petrol upset old circus (9)","Answer":"COLOSSEUM","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Die after flowering, as it happens (7)","Answer":"OUTLIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"It's surrounded by my French silver boxes (5)","Answer":"AMONG","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Fitted lines inside instead after alterations (9)","Answer":"INSTALLED","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Witness a time trial (6)","Answer":"ATTEST","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Set off, heading away from fuel (6)","Answer":"IGNITE","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Nutcases perhaps nearly die eating fish (9)","Answer":"PERICARPS","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Nice one modelled after work with no rivals (9)","Answer":"UNOPPOSED","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Poles provided odd pieces of their glass (7)","Answer":"SNIFTER","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Cruel missing article put in pit (6)","Answer":"INHUME","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Admire priest in cult after scripture lesson (7)","Answer":"RESPECT","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Gander lives up over shed protecting female (6)","Answer":"SHUFTI","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Bury's football team (5)","Answer":"INTER","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Catch horse that runs through Lyon (5)","Answer":"RHONE","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**RITE** (sounds like [on the radio] **RIGHT** [just])\n \u00a0\n\n**RITE** (ceremonial form or observance; service)"} {"Clue":"Holiday in Virginia and California not about to grab one (8)","Answer":"VACATION","Explanation":"Definition: Holiday\n**VA** (Virginia) **+ CA** (California) **+** (**NOT** **reversed **[about]**containing** [to grab] **I** [one])\n **VA** **CA** (**T** (**I**) **ON**<)\n\n**VACATION** (holiday)"} {"Clue":"Able to fly, say, whirling in breeze (6)","Answer":"WINGED","Explanation":"Definition: Able to fly\n(**E.G.** [for example] **reversed** (whirling) **contained** in (in) **WIND** (breeze)\n **WIN **(**GE**)<** D**\n\n**WINGED** (with **WING**s [able to fly])"} {"Clue":"Swag here is abandoned round a lake (8)","Answer":"SHIRALEE","Explanation":"Definition: Swag\n**Anagram of **(abandoned)** HERE IS containing **(round) (**A** + **L** [lake])\n **S****H****I****R** (**A** **L**) **EE***\n\n**SHIRALEE** (swagman's bundle; swag)"} {"Clue":"French racing circuit where Mansell almost crashed (2,4)","Answer":"LE MANS","Explanation":"Definition: French racing circuit\n**Anagram of** (crashed) **MANSEL****L** **excluding the last letter** (almost) **L**\n **LE MANS***\n\n**LE MANS** (French racing circuit, best known for the\u00a0**LE MANS** 24 hour race)"} {"Clue":"Little girl entertained by clergyman, one providing Italian food (10)","Answer":"CANNELLONI","Explanation":"Definition: Italian food\n(**NELL** [reference Little **NELL**, character in the Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens) **contained** **in** (entertained by) **CANON** (clergyman]) + **I** (one)\n **CAN** (**NELL**) **ON** **I**\n\n**CANNELLONI **(hollow tubes of pasta, stuffed with cheese, meat, etc; Italian food)"} {"Clue":"Fish brought back from Fleetwood (3)","Answer":"EEL","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\n**EEL** (**hidden word** [from]** reversed** [brought back] in **FLEETWOOD**)\n **EEL**<\n\n**EEL** (any fish of the Anguillidae, Muraenidae or other family of Apodes)"} {"Clue":"Cook made nicer sauces for cool desserts (3,5,7)","Answer":"ICE CREAM SUNDAES","Explanation":"Definition: cool desserts\n**Anagram of** (cook) **MADE NICER SAUCES**\n **ICE**** C****REAM**** SU****ND****AES***\n\n**ICE CREAM SUNDAES** (a cold [cool] dessert)"} {"Clue":"South Pacific character I malign after song takes twelve hours? (7,8)","Answer":"SOLOMON ISLANDER","Explanation":"Definition: South Pacific \n**SOLO** (song for one voice) **+ MON** (**half the letters of** **MONDAY**; half a day [12 hours]) **+ I + SLANDER** (malign)\n \u00a0\n\n**SOLOMON ISLANDER** (native of **ISLAND**s in the South Pacific ocean)"} {"Clue":"Prison characters regularly found in chains (3)","Answer":"CAN","Explanation":"Definition: Prison\n**CAN** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [regularly] of **CHAINS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**CAN** (slang for 'prison')"} {"Clue":"Fit into a place like London? It means following the rules (10)","Answer":"CONFORMITY","Explanation":"Definition: It means following the rules\n**ON FORM** (fit) **contained in** (into) **CITY** (London is a city)\n **C** (**ON** **FORM**) **ITY**\n\n**CONFORMITY** (adherence to the norm; following the rules)"} {"Clue":"Tolerates unhappy date with a bachelor (6)","Answer":"ABIDES","Explanation":"Definition: Tolerates \n**A** **+ B** (bachelor) **+ IDES** (reference the **IDES** of March, an unhappy date for Julius Caesar when he was assassinated in 44 BC)\n \u00a0\n\n**ABIDES** (tolerates)"} {"Clue":"Clubs and drinking places stocking a kind of mineral (8)","Answer":"CINNABAR","Explanation":"Definition: kind of mineral\n**C** (clubs [in card games]) **+** ([**INN** {drinking place}** + BAR** {drinking place} giving drinking places] **containing** [stocking] **A**)\n **C** **INN** (**A**) **BAR**\n\n**CINNABAR** (mineral, sulphide of mercury, called vermilion when used as a pigment)"} {"Clue":"Country garden project linked with Cornwall area? (6)","Answer":"SWEDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Country\n**SW** (South West; area of Britain where Cornwall is located) **+ ****EDEN** (reference the **EDEN** project, botanical garden project located in Cornwall) \n\n**SWEDEN** (country)"} {"Clue":"Dunces can absorb American and English language (8)","Answer":"ASSAMESE","Explanation":"Definition: language\n**ASSES** (dunces) **containing** (can absorb) **AM** (American) **+ E** (English)\n **ASS** (**AM**) **ES **E\n\n**ASSAMESE** (official language of **ASSAM** in Northern India)"} {"Clue":"Old soldier preserves small item of clothing (4)","Answer":"VEST","Explanation":"Definition: item of clothing\n**VET** (veteran [old soldier]) **containing** (preserves) **S** (small)\n **VE** (**S**)** T**\n\n**VEST** (item of clothing)"} {"Clue":"Country implicated in machination (5)","Answer":"CHINA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\n**CHINA** (**hidden word i**n [implicated in]) **MACHINATION**)\n \u00a0\n\n**CHINA** (country)"} {"Clue":"Coach \u2013 carriage mostly favoured by monarch (7)","Answer":"TRAINER","Explanation":"Definition: Coach\n**TRAP** (carriage) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **P** **+ IN** (favoured) **+ ER** (Elizabeth Regina; queen)\n \u00a0\n\n**TRAINER** (coach)"} {"Clue":"Sort of education, free, with pupil finally being paid? (4,8)","Answer":"OPEN LEARNING","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of education\n**OPEN** (free) **+ L** (learner; pupil) **+ EARNING** (being paid)\n \u00a0\n\n**OPEN LEARNING** (system of learning based on individual study rather than formal classroom sessions, and using specially designed programmes of printed material, audio and video tapes, electronic media, etc; form of education)"} {"Clue":"European island's outlaw storing up anger (7)","Answer":"IBERIAN","Explanation":"Definition: European\n**I** (island) **+** (**BAN** [outlaw] **containing** [**IRE** {anger} **reversed** {up; down clue}])\n **I**** B** (**ERI**<) **AN**\n\n**IBERIAN** (European)"} {"Clue":"King's home, imposing, includes a half-emptied cellar? (9)","Answer":"GRACELAND","Explanation":"Definition: King's home\n**GRAND** (imposing) **containing** (includes) (**A** **+** **CEL** (**half the letters of** [half emptied] **CELLAR**)\n **GR** (**A**** CEL**) **AND**\n\n**GRACELAND** (home of Elvis Presley [the King of Rock 'n Roll])"} {"Clue":"Admission a pound in night club, OK? (10)","Answer":"DISCLOSURE","Explanation":"Definition: Admission\n(**L** [pound sterling] **contained in** **DISCO** [night club]) **+ SURE** (yes, certainly, OK)\n **DISC** (**L**) **O** **SURE**\n\n**DISCLOSURE** (admission)"} {"Clue":"Is separating right-wing groups in courts (12)","Answer":"CONSISTORIES","Explanation":"Definition: courts\n**IS** **contained in** (separating) (**CONS** [Conservatives, right wing political\u00a0party] **+ TORIES** [Conservatives, right wing political party] giving right wing groups)\n **CONS** (**IS**) **TORIES**\n\n**CONSISTORIES** (spiritual or ecclesiastical courts)"} {"Clue":"Top quality reception (5,5)","Answer":"FIRST CLASS","Explanation":"Definition: Top quality\n**FIRST CLASS** (top quality)\n \u00a0\n\n**FIRST CLASS** (the **FIRST CLASS** for the youngest children and newest intake in a primary school is known as the **RECEPTION** class) double definition"} {"Clue":"Inelegant wild flower (9)","Answer":"EGLANTINE","Explanation":"Definition: flower\n**Anagram of** (wild) **INELEGANT**\n **EGLANTINE***\n\n**EGLANTINE** (fragrant species of wild rose)"} {"Clue":"Ally holding revolutionary weapon (7)","Answer":"MACHETE","Explanation":"Definition: weapon\n**MATE **(friend; ally) **containing** (holding)** CHE** (reference **CHE** Guevara [1928 \u2013 1967], Argentinian Marxist revolutionary)\n **MA** (**CHE**) **TE**\n\n**MACHETE** (heavy knife or cutlass used throughout the world\u00a0as a tool and a weapon)"} {"Clue":"Country squandered a mineral endlessly (7)","Answer":"ARMENIA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\n**Anagram of** (squandered) **A MINERAL** **excluding the final letter** (endlessly) **L**\n **ARMENIA***\n\n**ARMENIA** (country)"} {"Clue":"Item of furniture that's durable, with scrubbed top (5)","Answer":"TABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Item of furniture\n**STABLE** (durable)** excluding** (scrubbed) **the first letter** (top; down clue) **S**\n \u00a0\n\n**TABLE** (item of furniture)"} {"Clue":"A Scottish bank or two won't accept cents (4)","Answer":"BRAE","Explanation":"Definition: A Scottish bank\n**BRACE** (two) **excluding** (won't accept) **C** (cents)\n \u00a0\n\n**BRAE** (Scottish words meaning sloping bank of a river or seashore)"} {"Clue":"Try much like it'd come out differently (5,4,5)","Answer":"THIRD TIME LUCKY","Explanation":"Definition: Try much like it'd come out differently\n**Anagram of** (come out differently) **TRY MUCH LIKE IT'D**\n **THIRD TIME LUCKY***\n\n**THIRD TIME LUCKY** (keep trying and it will come out the way I want, different from the way it's come out up till now)"} {"Clue":"Somewhat malign or antagonistic but uninformed (8)","Answer":"IGNORANT","Explanation":"Definition: uninformed\n**IGNORANT** (**hidden word in** [somewhat] **MALIGN OR ANTAGONISTIC**)\n \u00a0\n\n**IGNORANT** (uninformed)"} {"Clue":"Red extremists literally appear after endless neglect (6)","Answer":"SHIRAZ","Explanation":"Definition: Red\n**SHIRK** (neglect) **excluding the final letter** [endless] **K** **+** (**A** and **Z** [**first and last letters** of the alphabet; extremists literally])\n \u00a0\n\n**SHIRAZ** (a variety of red grape and the red wine made from that grape)"} {"Clue":"Good Detective Inspector abandoning fight over unusual habits (3-3)","Answer":"GET-UPS","Explanation":"Definition: unusual habits\n**G** (good) **+** (**DI****SPUTE** [fight] **excluding** [abandoning] **DI** [Detective Inspector] **reversed** [over])\n **G** **ET UPS**<\n\n**GET-UPS** (styles of outfits; unusual habits)"} {"Clue":"Playpen's devised as means of overhead surveillance (8)","Answer":"SPYPLANE","Explanation":"Definition: means of overhead surveillance\n**Anagram of** (devised as) **PLAYPEN'S**\n **SPYPLANE***\n\n**SPYPLANE** (means of overhead surveillance)"} {"Clue":"Subtlety about match involving Geordies? (10)","Answer":"REFINEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Subtlety\n**RE** (concerning; about) (**FIT** [match] **containing** [involving] [**NE** {North East} **+ MEN**; North Eastern men are often Geordies])\n **RE** **FI** (**NE** **MEN**) **T**\n\n**REFINEMENT** (subtlety)"} {"Clue":"European from Bruges after the centres gone west (4)","Answer":"SERB","Explanation":"Definition: European\n(**BRUGES** **excluding** [after \u2026 gone] **UG** [**middle letters**; the centre]) **reversed** (west)\n **SERB**<\n\n**SERB** (native or inhabitant of **SERB**ia; European)"} {"Clue":"Permanently writes where Dorothy wasn't anymore (4)","Answer":"INKS","Explanation":"Definition: Permanently writes\n**IN** [where] **+** **KS** (American State of Kansas) Dorothy was from Kansas but she went to Oz in the Wizard of Oz\n \u00a0\n\n**INKS** (permanently writes)"} {"Clue":"Conversion device managed to get stained in short term (10)","Answer":"TRANSMUTER","Explanation":"Definition: Conversion device\n(**RAN** [managed]** + SMUT** [become dirty; stained]) **contained in** (in) (**TERM** **excluding the final letter** [short] **M**)\n **T** (**RAN** **SMUT**)** ER**\n\n**TRANSMUTER** (a means of changing something\u00a0to another form or substance; conversion device)"} {"Clue":"Northern area right in the middle of futile old sea battle (8)","Answer":"NAVARINO","Explanation":"Definition: sea battle\n**N** (northern) **+ A** (area) **+** (**R** [right] **contained in** [in the middle of] **VAIN** [futile]) **+ O** [old]\u00a0\n **N** **A** **VA** (**R**) **IN** **O**\n\n**NAVARINO** (reference the naval Battle of **NAVARINO** on 20 October 1827, during the Greek War of Independence [1821\u201332])"} {"Clue":"Jolly Republican wearing First Lady's ring (4,2)","Answer":"EVER SO","Explanation":"Definition: Jolly\n(**R** [Republican] **contained in** [wearing] **EVE**'**S** (first lady's; reference Adam and **EVE**) **+ O** (ring shape)\n **EVE** (**R**) **S** **O**\n\n**EVER SO** (to a great extent; jolly, as in it's **EVER SO** good or it's jolly good)"} {"Clue":"Young bird hunting dog's heading off before end of hunt (6)","Answer":"EAGLET","Explanation":"Definition: Young bird\n**BEAGLE** (hunting dog) **excluding** (off) **the first letter** (heading) **B** **+ T** (**last letter of** [end of] **HUNT**)\n \u00a0\n\n**EAGLET** (young bird)"} {"Clue":"Abduct and execute husband during brief boat trip (8)","Answer":"SHANGHAI","Explanation":"Definition: Abduct\n(**HANG** [execute] **+** **H** [husband]) **contained in** (during) **SAIL** [boat trip] **excluding the final letter** [brief] **L**\n **S** (**HANG** **H**) **AI**\n\n**SHANGHAI** (drug or make drunk and send to sea as a sailor; abduct)"} {"Clue":"Kept cool if stopping broadcast (3-11)","Answer":"AIR-CONDITIONED","Explanation":"Definition: Kept cool\n**CONDITION** (if can be expressed as 'on **CONDITION** that') **contained in** (stopping) **AIRED** (broadcast)\n **AIR** (**CONDITION**) **ED**\n\n**AIR-CONDITIONED** (descriptive of air brought to the desired state of purity, temperature and humidity; generally, 'kept cool', but can mean to 'kept\u00a0warm'\u00a0in very cold temperatures)"} {"Clue":"Vocal way to address Miss Brodie's healthy habits? (7)","Answer":"HYGIENE","Explanation":"Definition: healthy habits\n**HY** (**sounds like** [vocal way] **HI!** [form of address]) **+ GIENE** (**sounds like** [vocal way] **JEAN** [reference the Muriel Spark novel, The Prime of Miss **JEAN** Brodie])\n \u00a0\n\n**HYGIENE** (science or art of preserving health, especially through cleanliness; healthy habits)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Joey Tribbiani's beginning to go off radical (3)","Answer":"ROO","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps Joey\n**ROOT** (one definition of radical is 'a **ROOT** in any sense')**\u00a0excluding** (go off)\u00a0**T** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **TRIBBIANI**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ROO** (a joey is a young animal, especially a **'ROO** [kangaroo])"} {"Clue":"Drifter fled to Spain, yes, occupying temporary shelter (9)","Answer":"TRANSIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Drifter\n(**RAN** [fled] **+ SI** [Spanish for 'yes'])** contained in** (occupying) **TENT** (temporary shelter)\n **T** (**RAN** **SI**) **ENT**\n\n**TRANSIENT** (temporary resident; drifter)"} {"Clue":"Painter one attached to steamer held by ship's officer (7)","Answer":"MATISSE","Explanation":"Definition: Painter\n(**I** [one] **+ SS** [steamship]) **contained in** (held by) **MATE** (ship's officer)\n **MAT** (**I** **SS**) **E**\n\n**MATISSE** (reference Henri **MATISSE**\u00a0[1869 \u2013 1954], French artist)"} {"Clue":"Vigorous but out of practice, needing a change of hands (5)","Answer":"LUSTY","Explanation":"Definition: Vigorous\n**RUSTY** (out of practice) with **R** (right) **changed to** **L** (left) thereby involving a change of hands\n **LUSTY**\n\n**LUSTY** (vigorous)"} {"Clue":"Evil lives penned by English poet, mostly it spices things up (6,5)","Answer":"CHILLI SAUCE","Explanation":"Definition: it spices things up\n(**ILL** [evil] **+ IS** [lives]) **contained in** (penned by) **CHAUCER** (reference Geoffrey **CHAUCER** [1343 \u2013 1400], English poet]) **excluding the last letter** (mostly) **R**\n **CH** (**ILL** **I S**) **AUCE**\n\n**CHILLI SAUCE** ( a condiment that spices up food)"} {"Clue":"I want a variable source of income (7)","Answer":"YEARNER","Explanation":"Definition: I want\n**Y** (a letter frequently to represent\u00a0a variable in mathematics) **+ EARNER** (source of income)\n \u00a0\n\n**YEARNER** (one who wants)"} {"Clue":"Arrests quashing resistance at a higher level, which should cancel an application (11)","Answer":"UNINSTALLER","Explanation":"Definition: which should cancel an application\n**RUN INS** (arrests) **excluding** (quashing) **R** (resistance) **+ TALLER** (at a higher level)\n \u00a0\n\n**UNINSTALLER** (a piece of software for removing a program or app[lication] from a computer or tablet)"} {"Clue":"Concerns about interrupting experiment to reveal object in higher space (9)","Answer":"TESSERACT","Explanation":"Definition: object in higher space\n(**CARES** [concerns] **reversed** [about]) **contained in** (interrupting) **TEST** (experiment)\n **TES** (**SERAC**)<** T**\n\n**TESSERACT** (a figure of a cube within a cube; also described in Wikipedia as 'in geometry, the **TESSERACT** is the four-dimensional analog of the cube; the **TESSERACT** is to the cube as the cube is to the square'; object in higher space)"} {"Clue":"Falls here, enlisted by war against uprising (7)","Answer":"NIAGARA","Explanation":"Definition: Falls here\n**NIAGARA** (**reversed** [uprising; down clue] **hidden word in**\u00a0[enlisted by] **WAR AGAINST**)\n **NIAGARA**<\n\n**NIAGARA** (site of waterfalls in Ontario, Canada)"} {"Clue":"Experiencing enjoyment in a stiff member? (7)","Answer":"AROUSED","Explanation":"Definition: Experiencing enjoyment\n**USE** (enjoyment) **contained in** (experiencing \u2026 in) (**A** + **ROD** [stiff bar]) \n **A** **RO** (**USE**) **D**\n\n**AROUSED** (experiencing enjoyment). The whole thing can of course be read in one context\u00a0as an &Lit clue."} {"Clue":"Force to work for someone dodgy seen outside facilities (7)","Answer":"ENSLAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Force to work for someone\n**Anagram of** (dodgy) **SEEN** **containing** (outside) (**LAV** [lavatory; facilities])\n **ENS** (**LAV**) **E***\n\n**ENSLAVE** (subject to a dominating influence; force to work for someone)"} {"Clue":"Britons wanting borders sabotaged opening (5)","Answer":"INTRO","Explanation":"Definition: opening\n**Anagram of** (sabotaged) **BRITONS** **excluding** (wanting) **the first and last letters** (borders) **B** and **S**\n **INTRO***\n\n**INTRO** (opening)"} {"Clue":"Travel over slush (3)","Answer":"GOO","Explanation":"Definition: slush\n**GO** (travel) **+ O** (over, in cricket scoring notation)\n \u00a0\n\n**GOO** (slush)"} {"Clue":"Raving mad as with time going round one zone in Underground (8)","Answer":"SAMIZDAT","Explanation":"Definition: Underground\n(**Anagram of** [raving] **MAD AS** **+** **T**) **containing** (going round) (**I** [one] **+ Z** [zone])\n **SAM** (**I Z**) **DA*** **T**\n\n**SAMIZDAT** (in the former Soviet Union, the clandestine or illegal printing and distribution of underground literature, usually expressing views contrary to those endorsed by the state)"} {"Clue":"Environmentalists implying section of area lost (6)","Answer":"REALOS","Explanation":"Definition: Environmentalists\n**REALOS** (**hidden word in** [section of] **AREA LOST**)\n \u00a0\n\n**REALOS** (members of the less radical section of the German Green Party [environmentalists], advocating co-operation with other parties, industry, etc)"} {"Clue":"Location of tracks in moorland is clear (4)","Answer":"DISC","Explanation":"Definition: Location of tracks\n**DISC** (**hidden word in** [in] **MOORLAND IS CLEAR**)\n \u00a0\n\n**DISC **([music] tracks can be found on a CD [Compact **DISC**])"} {"Clue":"Playhouse moving run forward \u2013 catastrophic end in prospect? (10)","Answer":"THREATENED","Explanation":"Definition: in prospect\n**THEATRE** [playhouse] **moving the letter** **R** [run] **towards the front **[forward] + **an anagram of** (catastrophic) **END**\n **THREATE** **NED***\n\n**THREATENED** (in prospect)"} {"Clue":"Australian retreated over sound of garden of animals (10)","Answer":"ZOOLOGICAL","Explanation":"Definition: of garden of animals\n**OZ** (Australian \u2013 **OZ** can be an adjective) **reversed** (retreated) **+ O** (over in cricket scoring notation) **+**** LOGICAL** (reasoned correctly; sound)\n **ZO**< **O** **LOGICAL**\n\n**ZOOLOGICAL **(descriptive of a **ZOO** [garden of animals])"} {"Clue":"Question: in France, who's heading for Zermatt? (4)","Answer":"QUIZ","Explanation":"Definition: Question:\n**QUI** (French for 'who') **+ Z** (**first letter of** [heading for] **ZERMATT**)\n \u00a0\n\n**QUIZ** (question)"} {"Clue":"Exchange of shots around rear of store \u2013 honestly (6)","Answer":"REALLY","Explanation":"Definition: honestly\n**RALLY** (exchange of shots in a ball game such as tennis or badminton) **containing** (around) E (**last letter of** [rear of] **STOR****E**)\n **R** (**E**) **ALLY**\n\n**REALLY** (honestly)"} {"Clue":"Business attitude is to get behind a couple of fellows (6)","Answer":"AFFAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Business\n**A** **+** (**F** [fellow] **+ F** [fellow] \u2013 giving a couple of fellows) **+** **AIR** (attitude)\n \u00a0\n\n**AFFAIR** (business)"} {"Clue":"Sneaky switching of axes (4)","Answer":"FOXY","Explanation":"Definition: Sneaky\n**OF** **reversed** (switch) **+** (**X** [one of the axes in co-ordinate geometry] **+ Y** [another of the axes in co-ordinate geometry] giving axes)\n **FO**< **X** **Y**\n\n**FOXY** (cunning; sneaky)"} {"Clue":"Disappointed party very noisy in pursuit of dairy product (7,3)","Answer":"CHEESED OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Disappointed\n**CHEESE** (dairy product) **+ DO** (party) **+** **FF** (fortissimo; very loud [noisy]) I take 'in pursuit of' here to mean 'coming after' in the form QUARRY then PURSUER rather than 'coming behind' which to my mind would be the more logical PURSUER trying to catch QUARRY\n\n**CHEESED OFF **(disappointed)"} {"Clue":"Odd bits of hope and elevated love: one's readily manipulated for show (4,6)","Answer":"HAND PUPPET","Explanation":"Definition: one's readily manipulated for show\n**H AND P** (**letters 1 and 3** [odd bits] of **HOPE**) **+ UP** (elevated) **+ PET** (term of affection; e.g. love)\n \u00a0\n\n**HAND PUPPET** (a toy performer that is readily manipulate for show)"} {"Clue":"Ridiculous bird avoiding the East of Germany (4)","Answer":"RICH","Explanation":"Definition: Ridiculous\n**OSTRICH** (bird) **excluding** (avoiding) **OST** (German for East)\n \u00a0\n\n**RICH** (outrageous; ridiculous, as in the phrase 'that's **RICH** coming from you')"} {"Clue":"NZ trees, as in UK, growing wild (6)","Answer":"NIKAUS","Explanation":"Definition: NZ trees\n**Anagram of **(growing wild) **AS IN UK**\n **NIKAUS***\n\n**NIKAUS** (Maori name for palm trees Rhopalostylis sapida, native to New Zealand)"} {"Clue":"Boat's damage in test (stern lost) (8)","Answer":"TRIMARAN","Explanation":"Definition: Boat\n(**MAR **[damage] **contained in** [in] **TRIAL** [test] **excluding the final letter** [stern lost] **L**) **+ N** (note)\n **TRI **(**MAR**) **A** **N**\n\n**TRIMARAN** (boat with three hulls)"} {"Clue":"A lot of players love gathering round in this gambling venue (6)","Answer":"CASINO","Explanation":"Definition: gambling venue\n(**CAST** [players in the theatre] **excluding the final letter** [a lot of] **T** **+ O** [love score in tennis]) **containing** (gathering round) **IN**\n **CAS** (**IN**) **O**\n\n**CASINO** (gambling venue)"} {"Clue":"Is small group of people amongst large group of people a diverse collection? (10)","Answer":"MISCELLANY","Explanation":"Definition: diverse collection\n(**IS** **+** **CELL** [small group of people]) **contained in** (amongst) **MANY** (large group of people)\n **M** (**IS** **CELL**) **ANY**\n\n**MISCELLANY** (diverse collection)"} {"Clue":"Correct selection of food providing energy above all (4)","Answer":"EDIT","Explanation":"Definition: Correct \n**DIET** (prescribed selection of food) **with the** **E** (energy) **moved to the front of the word**, this being a down entry it is moved to the top (above all)\n **EDIT**\n\n**EDIT** (correct)"} {"Clue":"Sat for long, squirming in church rooms (5,5)","Answer":"ORGAN LOFTS","Explanation":"Definition: church rooms\n**Anagram of **(squirming) **SAT FOR LONG**\n **OR****G****A****N LO****FTS***\n\n**ORGAN LOFTS** (galleries in churches for **ORGAN**s; church rooms)"} {"Clue":"Almost everyone is enthralled by the old university (4)","Answer":"YALE","Explanation":"Definition: university \n**ALL** (everyone) **excluding the final letter** (almost) L **contained in** (enthralled by) **YE** (old form of 'the')\n **Y** (**AL**) **E**\n\n**YALE** (American university)"} {"Clue":"More attractive lady initially recovered from involving romance (8)","Answer":"LOVELIER","Explanation":"Definition: More attractive\n**L** (**first letter of **[initially] **LADY**) **+** (**OVER** [recovered from] **containing** [involving] **LIE** [fiction; romance])\n **L** **OVE** (**LIE**) **R**\n\n**LOVELIER** (more attractive)"} {"Clue":"Hearts captured in an instant \u2026 and again \u2026 and again (6)","Answer":"THRICE","Explanation":"Definition: and again \u2026 and again\n**H** (hearts in card games) **contained in** (in) **TRICE** (instant)\n **T** (**H**) **RICE**\n\n**THRICE** (done once, and again and again)"} {"Clue":"Government certainly securing London's premier sporting venue (4,6)","Answer":"GOLF COURSE","Explanation":"Definition: sporting venue\n**G** (government) **+** (**OF COURSE** [certainly] **containing** [securing] **L** [**first letter of** [premier] **LONDON**)\n **G** **O** (**L**) **F COURSE**\n\n**GOLF COURSE** (sporting venue)"} {"Clue":"Pound and gold, for instance, limiting a French foreign policy-maker's position (4,6)","Answer":"QUAI D","Explanation":"Definition: French foreign policy-maker's position\n(**QUID** [pound sterling] **+ OR** [gold] **+ SAY** [for instance]) **containing** (limiting) **A**\n **QU** (**A**) **ID** **OR** **SAY**\n\n**QUAI D'ORSAY** (location of the French Foreign Ministry in Paris)"} {"Clue":"Description of verse, curiously rich, about milky-white stone (8)","Answer":"RHOPALIC","Explanation":"Definition: Description of verse\n**Anagram of** (curiously) **RICH** **containing** (about) **OPAL** (milky white silica used as a gemstone)\n **RH** (**OPAL**) **IC***\n\n**RHOPALIC** (descriptive of a verse having each word a syllable longer than the one before)"} {"Clue":"Tyrant finishes disposing of one important figure (6)","Answer":"DESPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Tyrant\n**DIES** (finishes) **excluding** (disposing of) **I** (one) **+ POT** (important person)\n \u00a0\n\n**DESPOT **(tyrant)"} {"Clue":"Cosmetic process seeing elevated spot removed from this! (6)","Answer":"FACIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Cosmetic process\nSorry, but I can't resolve the word play here. I'm sure someone will explain it to me.\n \u00a0\n\n**FACIAL** (beauty treatment for the face; cosmetic process)"} {"Clue":"Drink crisis curtailed (4)","Answer":"DRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\n**DRAMA** (crisis;) **excluding the final letter** (curtailed) **A**\n \u00a0\n\n**DRAM** (small drink of alcohol, especially whisky)"} {"Clue":"Confused situation with tail ender moving ahead of top three (4)","Answer":"TRIO","Explanation":"Definition: three \n**RIO****T** (disturbance of the peace by three or more people;\u00a0confused situation)**with the final letter** (tail ender) **T** **moved to the top** (moving ahead of) **of this down entry**\n **TRIO** (three)\n\n**TRIO** (set of three)"} {"Clue":"Showing some true valour, regret needing toilet when going over remote Scottish hill (6)","Answer":"RUEVAL","Explanation":"Definition: remote Scottish hill\nTwo different wordplays here:\n 1. **RUEVAL** (**hidden word** [showing some] in **TRUE VALOUR**}\n 2. **RUE** (regret) + **LAV** [lavatory; toilet] reversed (going over)\n **RUE ****VAL**<\n\n**RUEVAL** (There appear be two hills named **RUEVAL** in the Outer Hebrides, one on South Uist and one on Benbecula. Either one qualifies as a remote Scottish hill)"} {"Clue":"Stupid doctor, chap in charge (7)","Answer":"MORONIC","Explanation":"Definition: Stupid\n**MO** (Medical Officer; doctor) **+ RON** (man's name; chap) **+ IC** (in charge)\n \u00a0\n\n**MORONIC** (stupid)"} {"Clue":"Daring exploit, then arrest? Untrue, for some characters involved (5)","Answer":"STUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Daring exploit\n**STUNT** (**hidden word** [some characters involved] in **ARREST UNTRUE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**STUNT** (difficult often showy performance; daring exploit)"} {"Clue":"Get back home after silly bit of eroticism with a tart (8)","Answer":"REATTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Get back\n**Anagram of** (silly) (**E** [**first letter of**; bit of] **EROTICISM** and **A TART**) **+ IN** (home)\n **R****E****A****TTA*** **IN**\n\n**REATTAIN** (regain by effort; get back)"} {"Clue":"A back passage, in short description of it? (4)","Answer":"ANAL","Explanation":"Definition: description of it\n**A** + (**LANE** [passage] **excluding the last letter** [short] **E** **reversed** [back])\n **A** **NAL**<\n\n**ANAL** (relating to the opening of the alimentary canal [back passage])"} {"Clue":"Relationship with informer by satellite (5)","Answer":"RATIO","Explanation":"Definition: Relationship\n**RAT** (turncoat; informer) **+ IO** (a moon [satellite] of Jupiter)\n \u00a0\n\n**RATIO **(relation of one thing to another of which the quotient is the measure)"} {"Clue":"Poisonous substance horse found in wood (3)","Answer":"ASH","Explanation":"Definition: wood\n**AS** (chemical symbol for arsenic [poisonous substance]) **+ H** (heroin; also known as horse)\n \u00a0\n\n**ASH** (tree or wood of the same tree)"} {"Clue":"Head of Catholic church in April, on vacation before 2's revolution gathers speed (11)","Answer":"ACCELERATES","Explanation":"Definition: gathers speed\n(**C** [**first letter of** [head of] **CATHOLIC** **+ CE **[Church {of England}] **contained in** [in] **AL** {[**outer letters remaining** in **A****PRI****L** after **all the other\u00a0letters** **PRI** **are removed** [vacated}]) + a**n anagram of** (revolution) **EASTER** (entry at 2 down)\n **A (****C**** CE) L ERATES***\n\n**ACCELERATES** (gathers speed)"} {"Clue":"Reportedly win the 13As here? (3)","Answer":"URN","Explanation":"Definition: 13As here\n**URN** (**sounds like** [reportedly]** EARN** [win])\n \u00a0\n\n**URN** (where the **ASH**es are kept \u2013 reference Test match cricket England v Australia. The entry at 13 across is **ASH**)"} {"Clue":"Lout with a house in York postcode area (5)","Answer":"YAHOO","Explanation":"Definition: Lout \n(**A** **+ HO** [house]) **contained in** (in) **YO** (first part of the postcode for the York area)\n **Y** (**A** **HO**) **O**\n\n**YAHOO** (brutal or boorish lout)"} {"Clue":"Violent, subversive action from officer in uniform? On the contrary (4)","Answer":"COUP","Explanation":"Definition: Violent, subversive action\n**U** (the international radio communication code word for the letter **U** is uniform) **contained in** (in) **COP** (police officer) \u2013 'uniform in officer', opposite of 'officer in uniform'\n **CO** (**U**) **P**\n\n**COUP** (**COUP** d'etat [violent or subversive action resulting in a change of government or state policy])"} {"Clue":"Time in toilets, waving a weapon (9)","Answer":"STILETTO","Explanation":"Definition: weapon\n**T** (time) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (waving) **TOILETS**\n **S** (**T**) **ILETTO*** Any one of the **T**s could be the one **contained**\n\n**STILETTO** (dagger with a narrow blade; weapon)"} {"Clue":"Undomesticated fellow, age 50 (5)","Answer":"FERAL","Explanation":"Definition: Undomesticated\n**F** (fellow) **+ ERA** (age) **+ L** (Roman numeral for 50)\n \u00a0\n\n**FERAL** (untamed; undomesticated)"} {"Clue":"Dope beheaded 23 officer in public (7)","Answer":"GENERAL","Explanation":"Definition: officer\n**GEN** (information; dope) **+ FERAL** (entry at 23 across) **excluding the first lette**r (beheaded) **F**\n \u00a0\n\n**GENERAL** (officer)\n **GENERAL** (public) one wordplay and two definitions"} {"Clue":"Cover broadcast by vet (6)","Answer":"SCREEN","Explanation":"Definition: Cover\n**SCREEN** (cover)\n **SCREEN **(broadcast)\n\n**SCREEN** (check; vet) triple definition"} {"Clue":"US politician writing note to landlord (10)","Answer":"REPUBLICAN","Explanation":"Definition: US politician\n**RE** (note of the tonic sol-fa) **+ PUBLICAN** (landlord)\n \u00a0\n\n**REPUBLICAN** (US politician)"} {"Clue":"Quarter given to 7 briefly \u2013 strange, when involved in rebellion (24 4 1916) (6,6)","Answer":"EASTER RISING","Explanation":"Definition: rebellion (24 4 1916)\n**E** (East, quarter, one of the cardinal points of the compass) + an **anagram of** (when involved) (**STRANGE** and [**IRIS****H** {entry at 7 down} **excluding the final lette**r {briefly} **H**])\n **E****ASTER** **RISI****NG***\n\n**EASTER RISING** (Irish rebellion that took place from 24th to 29th April 1916)"} {"Clue":"Drink champagne (or coffee) as Collins officially leads army's leaders (4-4)","Answer":"COCA COLA","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\n**COCA COLA** (**first letters** [leaders] **of each of** **CHAMPAGNE OR COFFEE AS COLLINS OFFICIALS LEADS ARMY'S**)\n \u00a0\n\n**COCA COLA** (soft drink)"} {"Clue":"Position of Pearse, initially at top of O'Connell Street (4)","Answer":"POST","Explanation":"Definition: Position\n**P** (**first letter of** [initially] **PEARSE**) **+ O** (**first letter o**f [at top of] **O'CONNELL**) **+ ST** (street)\n \u00a0\n\n**POST** (position) Patrick **PEARSE** was one of the key figures in the **EASTER RISING** [2 \/ 5 down] during which action was seen in **O'CONNELL STREET** in **DUBLIN** (16 down)"} {"Clue":"European flag on hotel (5)","Answer":"IRISH","Explanation":"Definition: European\n**IRIS** (flag) **+ H** (hotel)\n \u00a0\n\n**IRISH** (example of a European)"} {"Clue":"Fraternity has trouble catching right gangster (11)","Answer":"BROTHERHOOD","Explanation":"Definition: Fraternity\n**BOTHER** (trouble) **containing** (catching) **R** (right) + **HOOD** (hoodlum, gangster)\n **B** (**R**) **OTHER** **HOOD**\n\n**BROTHERHOOD** (fraternity)"} {"Clue":"Group agreed on hole being part of golf course (4,6)","Answer":"AMEN CORNER","Explanation":"Definition: part of golf course\n**AMEN** (expression of assent, often expressed by a group; group agreed) **+ CORNER** (difficulty; hole)\n \u00a0\n\n**AMEN CORNER** (The second shot at the 11th, all of the 12th, and the first two shots at the 13th hole at Augusta National Golf Course, the home of the US Masters golf tournament) I blogged a Independent puzzle by Nestor recently (17th March) which was themed on **CORNER**s, one of which was **AMEN CORNER** which I referenced\u00a0with the golfing allusion used here)"} {"Clue":"\"African revolutionary\" a typing error, originally (8)","Answer":"EGYPTIAN","Explanation":"Definition: African\n**Anagram of** (revolutionary) (**A TYPING** and **E** [**first letter of** {initially} **ERROR**])\n **E****GYPTI****A****N***\n\n**EGYPTIAN** (native of **EGYPT**, an African country)"} {"Clue":"We hear Cockney's making twice the amount of capital (6)","Answer":"DUBLIN","Explanation":"Definition: capital\n**DUBLIN** (**sounds like** [we hear] **DOUBLIN'G** [making twice the amount] which a Cockney would pronounce without the final **G**\n \u00a0\n\n**DUBLIN** (capital of the Republic of Ireland))"} {"Clue":"Loose woman, relatively topless? (5)","Answer":"UNTIE","Explanation":"Definition: Loose\n**AUNTIE** (female relative) **excluding the first letter** (topless) **A**\n \u00a0\n\n**UNTIE** (loose)"} {"Clue":"Job in toilet, euphemistically (6)","Answer":"OFFICE","Explanation":"Definition: Job\n**OFFICE** (euphemism for lavatory; toilet)\n \u00a0\n\n**OFFICE** (occupation; job) double definition"} {"Clue":"Sly look from 5D revolutionary that's lost heart (4)","Answer":"LEER","Explanation":"Definition: Sly look\n**REBEL** (revolutionary) **excluding** (lost) **the middle letter** (heart) **B** and then **reversed** (**RISING** [entry at 5 down]; down clue)\n **LEER**<\n\n**LEER** (sly look)"} {"Clue":"Old cold compartment by the sound of it (5)","Answer":"RHEUM","Explanation":"Definition: Old cold\n**RHEUM** (**sounds like** [by the sound of it] **ROOM** [compartment])\n \u00a0\n\n**RHEUM** (obsolete [old] word for a cold in the head)"} {"Clue":"Dancing, I trip with feet not following poet's foot (8)","Answer":"EPITRITE","Explanation":"Definition: poet's foot\n**Anagram of** (dancing) **I TRIP** and **F****EET** **excluding** (not) **F** (following)\n **E****P****I****TRI****TE***\n\n**EPITRITE** (in the study of versification, a foot made up of three long syllables and one short; poet's foot)"} {"Clue":"Moon, hallucinatory in part (6)","Answer":"LUCINA","Explanation":"Definition: Moon\n**LUCINA** (**hidden word in** [in part] **HALLUCINATION**)\n \u00a0\n\n**LUCINA** (the Roman goddess of childbirth, Juno; also Diana; hence, the moon)"} {"Clue":"Former limb, e.g. missing leg snake has swallowed back (6)","Answer":"SPALLE","Explanation":"Definition: Former limb\n(**ELAPS** [American genus of snakes, also called Micrurus, the coral snake] **containing** [has swallowed] **LEG** **excluding** [missing] **E.G.**) **all reversed** (back)\n (**SPAL** (**L**) **E**)<\n\n**SPALLE **(Spenserean [former] version of **SPAULD** [a limb])"} {"Clue":"Child in tangle making dough (5)","Answer":"OCHRE","Explanation":"Definition: dough\n**CH** (child) **contained in** (in) **ORE** (coarse seaweed; tangle)\n **O** (**CH**) **RE**\n\n**OCHRE** (money, especially gold; **DOUGH** is a slang term for money"} {"Clue":"Outstanding US sporting achievement that includes fellow going back east (9)","Answer":"THREEPEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Outstanding US sporting achievement\n**THAT** **containing** (includes) (**PEER** [fellow] **reversed** [going back] **+** **E** [east])\n **TH** (**REEP**< **E**) **AT**\n\n**THREEPEAT **(American [US] term for the achievement of a feat, especially the winning of a sporting trophy, on three consecutive occasions; outstanding sporting achievement)"} {"Clue":"They help to get wheels moving, and pound meal (5)","Answer":"LEATS","Explanation":"Definition: They help to get wheels moving,\n**L** (pound sterling) **+ EATS** (informal term for meal)\n \u00a0\n\n**LEATS** (trenches for bringing water to a millwheel; they help to get the wheels moving)"} {"Clue":"Product of banana with raspberry, it tastes a bit like melon? (5)","Answer":"NARAS","Explanation":"Definition: it tastes a bit like melon\n**NARAS** (**hidden word in** (product of) **BANANA RASPBERRY**) a slightly different way of indicating the container of the hidden word.\n \u00a0\n\n**NARAS** (edible melon-like fruit of a SW African long-rooted thorny cucurbitaceous shrub)"} {"Clue":"Sweetener making wise man lose head, lacking vigour (9)","Answer":"ASPARTAME","Explanation":"Definition: Sweetener\n**CASPAR** (one of the three wise men referred to in the Gospel of St Matthew) **excluding the first letter **(lose head) **C** **+ TAME** (lacking vigour)\n \u00a0\n\n**ASPARTAME** (artificial sweetener)"} {"Clue":"Standard money, what earner brings home, last placed elsewhere (5)","Answer":"BANCO","Explanation":"Definition: Standard money\nReference the phrase ' Bring home the **BACO****N**\u00a0(provide material support; be the earner) with **the last letter** **N** **moved forward in the word** (last placed elsewhere)\n **BANCO**\n\n**BANCO** (the standard money in which a bank keeps its accounts, as distinguished from the current money of the place)"} {"Clue":"Part of shoe, pitfall when stone gets stuck in it (6)","Answer":"T-STRAP","Explanation":"Definition: Part of shoe\n**ST** (stone) **contained in** (get stuck in) **TRAP** (pitfall)\n **T** (**ST**) **RAP**\n\n**T-STRAP** (a **T** shaped **STRAP** on a shoe)"} {"Clue":"French fruit pancake (6)","Answer":"FRAISE","Explanation":"Definition: French fruit\n**FRAISE** (French for strawberry; French fruit)\n \u00a0\n\n**FRAISE** (variant spelling of **FROISE** [thick pancake, often with slices of bacon]) double definition"} {"Clue":"Like echoes on entering rocky antres (8)","Answer":"RESONANT","Explanation":"Definition: Like echoes\n**ON** **contained in** (entering) **an anagram of** (rocky) **ANTRES**\n **RES** (**ON**) **ANT***\n\n**RESONANT** (resounding; like echoes)"} {"Clue":"Mosquito genus is eradicated, disease disposed of (5)","Answer":"AEDES","Explanation":"Definition: Mosquito genus\n**Anagram of **(disposed of) **DISEASE** **excluding** (eradicated) **IS**\n **AEDES***\n\n**AEDES** (member of the **AEDES**\u00a0genus of mosquitoes, which includes **AEDES**\u00a0aegypti, the species that carries yellow fever and dengue fever)"} {"Clue":"Losing love, tissue's godsend, distressed \u2013 repugnance resulting (13)","Answer":"DISGUSTEDNESS","Explanation":"Definition: repugnance\n**Anagram of **(distressed) **TISSUE'S GODSEND** **excluding** (losing) **O** (zero; love score in tennis)\n **D****IS****G****USTE****DNESS***\n\n**DISGUSTEDNESS** (repugnance)"} {"Clue":"Aussie singer: R & B driblets I put out (11)","Answer":"BRISTLEBIRD","Explanation":"Definition: Aussie singer\n**Anagram of** (put out) **R** and** B DRIBLETS I**\n **BR****ISTLEB****I****RD***\n\n**BRISTLEBIRD** (small Australian songbird with bristles around its bill; Aussie singer)"} {"Clue":"Very good, a superb type on the up (4)","Answer":"MEGA","Explanation":"Definition: Very good\n(**A** **GEM** [superb type]) **all reversed** (on the up; down clue)\n (**MEG** **A**)<\n\n**MEGA** (very good)"} {"Clue":"Young chicks showing reverse of taste inhaling grass (7)","Answer":"PULLETS","Explanation":"Definition: Young chicks\n(**SUP** [take into the mouth; taste] **containing** [inhaling] **TELL** [grass in the sense of inform on]) **all reversed** (showing reverse of)\n (**PU** (**LLET**) **S**)<\n\n**PULLETS** (young hens)"} {"Clue":"Mushroom put in to soak, idea got from repeated observation? (6)","Answer":"RECEPT","Explanation":"Definition: idea got from repeated observation\n**CEP** (type of edible mushroom) **contained in** (put in) **RET** (soak)\n **RE** (**CEP**) **T**\n\n**RECEPT** (image or idea formed by repeated similar perceptions \/ observations)"} {"Clue":"Harmful insect? Get some deet in early (5)","Answer":"TINEA","Explanation":"Definition: Harmful insect\n**TINEA** **(hidden word in** [some] **DEET IN EARLY**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TINEA** (the clothes moth genus; insect)"} {"Clue":"Class kept in order? Smut curtailed (4)","Answer":"CROC","Explanation":"Definition: Class kept in order\n**CROCK** (dirt, smut) **excluding the final letter** (curtailed) **K**\n**CROC** (crocodile [double file of school pupils taking a walk; class kept in order])"} {"Clue":"Greek instrument raising a cheer after little old fiddle (7)","Answer":"KITHARA","Explanation":"Definition: Greek instrument \n**KIT** (historical [old] term for a small pocket violin; little old fiddle) **+** ([**A** **+ RAH** {cheer}] **all reversed** [raising; down clue])\n **KIT** (**HAR** **A**)<\n\n**KITHARA** (variant spelling of **CITHARA** [ancient Greek musical instrument differing from the lyre in its flat shallow sound chest.])"} {"Clue":"One thing plucked inside another, joined at a stroke (9)","Answer":"HYPHENATE","Explanation":"Definition: joined at a stroke\n**HEN** (a bird that has its feathers plucked in food preparation) **contained in** (inside) **HYPATE** (the lowest string of the lyre, an instrument that is plucked to play)\n **HYP** (**HEN**) **ATE**\n\n**HYPHENATE** (**HYPHENATE**d** **words are joined by a horizontal stroke)"} {"Clue":"Earthy deposits creating meander, as before, in river, English (9)","Answer":"TERRAMARE","Explanation":"Definition: Earthy deposits \n**ERR** (an archaic [as before] meaning of **ERR** is to wander [meander]) **contained in** (in) (**TAMAR** [river in Devon] **+ E** [English])\n **T** (**ERR**) **AMAR**** E**\n\n**TERRAMARE** (dark earthy deposits formed under prehistoric pile-dwellings in Italy)"} {"Clue":"Crudity delineated when scratching just the opening letter (7)","Answer":"RAWNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Crudity\n**DRAWN** (delineated) **excluding** (scratching) **the first letter** (just the opening) **D** **+ ESS** (the letter S)\n \u00a0\n\n**RAWNESS** (crudity)"} {"Clue":"Tart carelessly put on old evening stuff (not fine) (7)","Answer":"RATTEEN","Explanation":"Definition: stuff\n**Anagram of** (carelessly) **TART** **+ E'EN** (obsolete [old] word for evening)\n **RATT*** **EEN**\n\n**RATTEEN** (variant spelling of **RATINE** [rough {not fine} open dress fabric {stuff}])"} {"Clue":"Like a kiwi, say, it's restricted in speed (6)","Answer":"RATITE","Explanation":"Definition: Like a kiwi, say\n**IT** **contained in** (restricted by) **RATE** (speed)\n **RAT** (**IT**)** E**\n\n**RATITE** (descriptive of\u00a0flightless birds, such as the ostrich, rhea, emu, kiwi, etc)"} {"Clue":"Bits of holy text? Issue reams with regular excisions (5)","Answer":"SURAS","Explanation":"Definition: Bits of holy text\n**Letters remaining in** **ISSUE REAMS** after **letters 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9** [regular] [**I** ,**S**, **E**, **E** and **M**] are excluded [incisions]\n \u00a0\n\n**SURAS** (chapters of the Koran; bits of holy text)"} {"Clue":"Jam caught on record (4)","Answer":"CLOG","Explanation":"Definition: Jam\n**C** (caught) **+ LOG** (record)\n \u00a0\n\n**CLOG** (get stuck; jam)"} {"Clue":"Hamlet's forefathers were, famously, dead in sorrow (4)","Answer":"RUDE","Explanation":"Definition: Hamlet's forefathers were, famously\n**D** [dead] **contained in** [in] **RUE** [sorrow])\n **RU** (**D**)** E**\n\n**RUDE** (reference line 16 of Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray which reads *'The **RUDE**\u00a0forefathers of the hamlet sleep')"} {"Clue":"File revealed fellow's not so young (6)","Answer":"FOLDER","Explanation":"Definition: File\n**F** (fellow) **+ OLDER** (not so young)\n \u00a0\n\n**FOLDER** (folding case for loose papers; file)"} {"Clue":"Defamed pin-up wearing hat (8)","Answer":"LIBELLED","Explanation":"Definition: Defamed\n**BELLE** (beautiful woman or girl; pin-up) **contained in** (wearing) **LID**\n **LI** **(BELLE**) **D**\n\n**LIBELLED** (defamed)"} {"Clue":"Policemen initially hurried off (6)","Answer":"RANCID","Explanation":"Definition: off\n**RAN** (hurried) **+ CID** (Criminal Investigation Department; policemen)\n I can't make up my mind whether initially is describing **CID** as an abbreviation or whether it qualifies hurried to tell us that **RAN** comes first. I feel it has to be the second or the clue would lead to **CIDRAN **Perhaps 'initially' is doing double duty.\n\n**RANCID** (rank in smell or taste; off)"} {"Clue":"I run small piece of office equipment (8)","Answer":"SPRINTER","Explanation":"Definition: I run \n**S** (small) **+ PRINTER** (piece of office equipment)\n \u00a0\n\n**SPRINTER** (someone who runs)"} {"Clue":"Got oboe duet or toccata's earliest parts transcribed? Unbelievably fantastic (3,4,2,2,4)","Answer":"TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE","Explanation":"Definition: Unbelievably fantastic\n**Anagram of** (transcribed) **GOT OBOE DUET OR** and **TO** (**first two letters of** [earliest parts of] **TOCCATA**)\n **TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE***\n\n**TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE** (hard to believe; unbelievably fantastic)"} {"Clue":"Attack knight transported by toboggan (5)","Answer":"LUNGE","Explanation":"Definition: Attack\n**N** (knight, in chess notation) **contained in** (transported by) **LUGE** (light toboggan ridden lying on one's back)\n **LU** (**N**) **GE**\n\n**LUNGE** (thrust; jab; attack)"} {"Clue":"Quickly injecting heroin if in pain (8)","Answer":"SHIFTING","Explanation":"Definition: Quickly\n(**H** [heroin] **+ IF**) **contained in** (injecting in) **STING** (pain)\n **S** (**H** **IF**) **TING**\n\n**SHIFTING** (moving quickly)"} {"Clue":"Yen to stop rodents breaking up one sort of wall (3-5)","Answer":"DRY-STONE","Explanation":"Definition: one sort of wall\n**Y** (abbreviation for yen; Japanese currency) **contained in** (to stop) **an anagram of **(breaking up) **RODENTS***\n **DR** (**Y**) **STONE***\n\n**DRY-STONE** (descriptive of a type of wall)"} {"Clue":"Unmask adult leaving party (5)","Answer":"REVEL","Explanation":"Definition: party\n**REVEAL** (unmask)** excluding** (leaving) **A** (adult)\n \u00a0\n\n**REVEL **(party)"} {"Clue":"Tree, natural resource near Kentish coastal area (8)","Answer":"SEASHORE","Explanation":"Definition: coastal area\n**SE** (South East, descriptive of the location of Kent) **+ ASH** (tree) **+ ORE** (natural resource)\n \u00a0\n\n**SEASHORE** (coastal area)"} {"Clue":"Some sombre tones in French language (6)","Answer":"BRETON","Explanation":"Definition: French language\n**BRETON** (**hidden word in** [some] **SOM****BRE TON****ES**)\n \u00a0\n\n**BRETON** (the Celtic tongue [language] of the people of Brittany; French language)"} {"Clue":"Half-naked male, trendy wearing suede pants (4-4)","Answer":"SEMI-NUDE","Explanation":"Definition: Half-naked\n(**M** [male] **+ IN** [trendy]) **contained in** (wearing) **an anagram of** (pants) **SUEDE**\n **SE** (**M** **IN**) **UDE***\n\n**SEMI-NUDE** (half naked)"} {"Clue":"Just millions given to European bank (6)","Answer":"MERELY","Explanation":"Definition: Just \n**M** (millions) **+ E** (European) **+ RELY** (depend; bank)\n \u00a0\n\n**MERELY** (just)"} {"Clue":"Predicted awful flood round about end of August (8)","Answer":"FORETOLD","Explanation":"Definition: Predicted\n**Anagram of **(awful) **FLOOD** **containing** (round) (**RE** [with reference to; about] **+ T** [**last letter of** {end of} **AUGUST**])\n **FO** (**RE** **T**) **OLD**\n\n**FORETOLD** (predicted)"} {"Clue":"Laird left, having an unhappy experience (9)","Answer":"LANDOWNER","Explanation":"Definition: Laird\n**L** (left) **+ AN** **+ DOWNER **(unhappy experience)\n \u00a0\n\n**LANDOWNER** (a** LAIRD** is a Scottish term for an estate **LANDOWNER**)"} {"Clue":"First part of index in record book, for example (7)","Answer":"EPITOME","Explanation":"Definition: example\n**I** (**first letter of **[first [art of] **INDEX**) **contained in** (in) (**EP** [Extended Play record] **+ TOME** [large book])\n **EP** (**I**) **TOME**\n\n**EPITOME** (typical example)"} {"Clue":"One's enlisted by those turning out better performers (11)","Answer":"IMPROVISERS","Explanation":"Definition: performers\n**I'S** (one's) **contained in** (enlisted by) **IMPROVERS** (people who turn out better)\n **IMPROV** (**IS**) **ERS**\n\n**IMPROVISERS** (extempore performers)"} {"Clue":"Initially in difficulties during part of competition, it's obvious (7)","Answer":"EVIDENT","Explanation":"Definition: obvious\n**ID** (**first letters of** [initially] each of **I****N** and **DIFFICULTIES**) **contained in** (during) **EVENT** (item in a programme of sports; part of a competition)\n **EV** (**ID**) **ENT**\n\n**EVIDENT** (obvious)"} {"Clue":"One mass abandoned by martyred bishop subsequently (5)","Answer":"LATER","Explanation":"Definition: subsequently\n**LATIMER** (reference Bishop Hugh **LAT****IM****ER** [1487 \u2013 1555] burned at the stake and remembered as one of three Oxford Martyrs of Anglicanism) **excluding** (abandoned) (**I** [one] **+ M** [mass])\n \u00a0\n\n**LATER** (subsequently)"} {"Clue":"Take away light chest stored in study (6)","Answer":"DARKEN","Explanation":"Definition: Take away light\n**ARK** (chest) **contained in **(stored in) **DEN** (study)\n **D** (**ARK**) **EN**\n\n**DARKEN** (take light away)"} {"Clue":"Night club looked black? Not the usual hue (11)","Answer":"DISCOLOURED","Explanation":"Definition: Take away light\n**ARK** (chest) **contained in **(stored in) **DEN** (study)\n **D** (**ARK**) **EN**\n\n**DARKEN** (take light away)"} {"Clue":"Literary work, something written about dance briefly (9)","Answer":"NOVELETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Literary work\n**NOTE** (something written) **containing** (about) **VELETA** (dance) **excluding the final letter** (briefly) **A**\n **NO** (**VELET**) **TE**\n I always thought the dance was spelled **VALETA** but Chambers has **VELETA** as the headword with **VALETA** as a variant spelling.\n\n**NOVELETTE** (literary work)"} {"Clue":"Island nearly destroyed, invaded by desperate extremists (8)","Answer":"ALDERNEY","Explanation":"Definition: Island\n**Anagram of **(destroyed) **NEARLY** **containing** (invaded by) **DE** (**outside letters of **[extremists] **D****ESPERAT****E**)\n **AL** (**DE**) **RNEY***\n\n**ALDERNEY** (one of\u00a0the Channel Islands)"} {"Clue":"Boy having a bit of a dance with female (7)","Answer":"STEPHEN","Explanation":"Definition: Boy\n**STEP** (part of a dance) **+ HEN** (female)\n \u00a0\n\n**STEPHEN** (boy's name)"} {"Clue":"Change of direction from cleric (Irish) (7)","Answer":"REVERSE","Explanation":"Definition: Change of direction \n**REV **(reverend; cleric)** + ERSE** (formerly, and still occasionally, the name given by Lowland Scots to the language of the people of the West Highlands, as being of Irish origin; sometimes used for Irish Gaelic, as opposed to Scottish Gaelic)\n \u00a0\n\n**REVERSE** (change of direction)"} {"Clue":"Damages first class coaches (6)","Answer":"ABUSES","Explanation":"Definition: Damages \n**A** (first class) **+ BUSES** (coaches)\n \u00a0\n\n**ABUSES** (maltreats; damages)"} {"Clue":"Miles beyond infanta's royal land (5)","Answer":"REALM","Explanation":"Definition: and\n**REAL** (Spanish for royal. An infanta is a Spanish [or Portuguese] princess so **REAL** is infanta's royal) + **M** (miles)\n \u00a0\n\n**REALM** (kingdom, domain, province or region; land which could be royal land if royal is doing double duty)"} {"Clue":"A & E changing round, exit becomes entrance (7)","Answer":"GATEWAY","Explanation":"Definition: entrance\n**GETAWAY** (escape; exit) **swappin**g (changing round)\u00a0the first **A** and the **E** gives **GATEWAY**\n \u00a0\n\n**GATEWAY **(entrance)"} {"Clue":"Car set off with new parts (6)","Answer":"RECAST","Explanation":"Definition: with new parts\n**Anagram of** (off) **CAR SET**\n **RECAST***\n\n**RECAST** (with actors given different [new] parts)"} {"Clue":"Prize fight with commercial setting (5)","Answer":"AWARD","Explanation":"Definition: Prize\n**WAR** (fighting) **contained in** (with \u2026 setting) **AD** (advert; commercial)\n **A** (**WAR**) **D**\n\n**AWARD** (prize)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps run through to have drink after do filled up (9)","Answer":"CONJUGATE","Explanation":"Definition: run through\n**CON** (swindle; do) **+** **JUG** (drink) **+** **ATE** (filled up [with food]) \n **JUG** is **after** **DO**\n\n**CONJUGATE** (to give the various inflections or parts of (a verb); to run through the parts of a verb)"} {"Clue":"Board of examiners analysing set of statistics (10,5)","Answer":"DISSECTING TABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Board of examiners\n**DISSECTING** (analysing) **+ TABLE** (set of data [statistics)\n \u00a0\n\n**DISSECTING TABLE** (where a biologist will examine a dead animal)"} {"Clue":"Leeds United managers hints match officials received payment (4,3)","Answer":"LUMP SUM","Explanation":"Definition: payment\n**LUM** (**first letters of** [hints of] **each of** **L****EEDS**, **U****NITED** and **M****ANAGER**) **containing** (received) **UMPS** [umpires; match officials])\n **L** (**UMPS**) **UM**\n\n**LUMP SUM** (payment)"} {"Clue":"Rank outsiders of Eindhoven holding Chelsea \u2013 missing main opportunity to lead (7)","Answer":"ECHELON","Explanation":"Definition: Rank\n**EN** (**first and last letters of** [outsiders] **EINDHOVEN** **containing** (holding) ([**CHEL** {**CHEL****SEA** **excluding** (missing) **SEA** (main}] **+** **O** [**first letter of **{to lead} **OPPORTUNITY**])\n **E** (**CHEL** **O**) **N**\n\n**ECHELON** (particular level in the hierarchy of an organization; rank)"} {"Clue":"Making money from tobacco plug's a bad thing (5,2)","Answer":"QUIDS IN","Explanation":"Definition: Making money\n**QUID** (plug of tobacco) **+ SIN** (moral offence; bad thing)\n \u00a0\n\n**QUIDS IN** (very favourable or profitable situation; making money)"} {"Clue":"Confirm presence in audience of playwright (7)","Answer":"CHEKHOV","Explanation":"Definition: playwright\n**CHEKHOV** (**sounds like **[in audience] **CHECK OFF** [confirm presence])\n \u00a0\n\n**CHEKHOV** (reference Anton **CHEKHOV** [1860 \u2013 1904], Russian playwright)"} {"Clue":"Seconds in Indian restaurant unfinished? Fried cauli with side of raita, not on menu (15)","Answer":"EXTRACURRICULAR","Explanation":"Definition: not on menu\n**EXTRA** **CURR****Y** (seconds in Indian restaurant) **excluding the last letter** (unfinished) **Y** **+ an anagram of** (fried) **CAULI** **+ R** (right; first letter of [side of] **RAITA**)\n **EXTRA CURR** **ICULA*** **R**\n\n**EXTRACURRICULAR** (subject or activity, outside and additional to the regular academic course; not on menu)"} {"Clue":"Old-fashioned means of protection from pyramid scam? (5,4)","Answer":"CHAIN MAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Old-fashioned means of protection\n**CHAIN MAIL** (reference **CHAIN** letters which had to be forwarded to lots of people or the world would end; akin to a pyramid scam where each new member of a scheme has to persuade a number of others to invest to ensure returns of investment. The mathematics of exponential growth shows that the whole world would be involved very quickly. Only those at the very top level of the scam could ever benefit)\n \u00a0\n\n**CHAIN MAIL** (old fashioned means of protection)"} {"Clue":"Play 9 over and over again for wife (5)","Answer":"DRAMA","Explanation":"Definition: Play\n**AWARD** (9 across) **reversed** and then the **W** **further** (again) **spun through 180 degrees** (over) **to become an** **M**\n **AWARD** \u2014-> **DRA****W****A**< \u2014-> **DRAMA**\n\n**DRAMA** (play)"} {"Clue":"Nervous editor's gone running outside (2,4)","Answer":"ON EDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Nervous\n**Anagram of **(running) **GONE** **containing** (outside) **ED** (editor)\u00a0(play)\n **ON** (**ED**) **GE***\n\n**ON EDGE** (nervous)"} {"Clue":"Top Zeppelin precursors on day one caused amazement (7)","Answer":"DAZZLED","Explanation":"Definition: caused amazement\n**D** (day) **+ A** (one) **+ ZZ** (reference the rock band **ZZ** Top where the letters **ZZ** are the precursors of Top) **+ LED** (reference the rock band **LED** Zeppelin where the letters **LED** are the precursors of Zeppelin)\n \u00a0\n\n**DAZZLED** (caused amazement)"} {"Clue":"Creatively dealing, conquer inflation (14)","Answer":"GRANDILOQUENCE","Explanation":"Definition: inflation\n**Anagram of **(creatively) **DEALING CONQUER**\n **GRANDILOQUENCE***\n\n**GRANDILOQUENCE** (bombastic or pompously inflated language)"} {"Clue":"Man's dealt with rot in timber (7)","Answer":"TRANSOM","Explanation":"Definition: timber\n**Anagram of **(dealt with) **MANS** and **ROT**\n **TR****ANS****O****M**\n\n**TRANSOM** (crossbeam; timber)"} {"Clue":"Say financial index raised large amount (5)","Answer":"WODGE","Explanation":"Definition: large amount\n(**E.G. **[for example; say] **+ ****DOW** [reference **DOW** Jones Industrial Average, a financial indicator in the United States]) **all reversed** (raised; down clue)\n (**WOD** **GE**)<\n\n**WODGE** (lump; large amount)"} {"Clue":"Sailor may snatch rum (9)","Answer":"YACHTSMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Sailor \n**Anagram of **(rum) **MAY SNATCH**\n **YA****CHTS****M****AN***\n\n**YACHTSMAN** (sailor)"} {"Clue":"Nick single, not out (3,2)","Answer":"RUN IN","Explanation":"Definition: Nick\n**RUN** (single in cricket) **+ IN** (not out)\n \u00a0\n\n**RUN IN** (arrest; nick)"} {"Clue":"Strapless item flatters weed (5,4)","Answer":"COURT SHOE","Explanation":"Definition: Strapless item\n**COURTS** (flatters) **+ HOE** (to weed)\n \u00a0\n\n**COURT SHOE** (low-cut ladies' **SHOE** without straps or laces)"} {"Clue":"Left over rolls filled with end of veg served up as informal meal (4,3)","Answer":"SPAG BOL","Explanation":"Definition: informal meal\n(**L** [left] **+ O** [over in cricket scoring notation] **+** [**BAPS** {rolls} **containing** {filled with} **G** {**last letter of** (end of) **VEG**}]) **all reversed** (served up; down clue)\n (**SPA** (**G**) **B** **O**** L**)<\n\n**SPAG BOL** (informal description of the meal **SPAG**hetti **BOL**ognese)"} {"Clue":"Verne characters arranged to be endlessly at sea in fictional creation (5-5,4)","Answer":"NEVER-NEVER LAND","Explanation":"Definition: fictional creation\n**Anagram of** (arranged) **VERNE** **+** **NEVER LAND** (be endlessly in the air or at seas)\n **NEVER*** **NEVER LAND**\n\n**NEVER-NEVER LAND** (imaginary place; fictional creation)"} {"Clue":"Kept going and pressed suit, covering mark (9)","Answer":"SUSTAINED","Explanation":"Definition: Kept going\n**SUED** (pressed [legal] suit) **containing** (covering) **STAIN** (mark)\n **SU** (**STAIN**) **ED**\n\n**SUSTAINED** (maintained; kept going)"} {"Clue":"Aim to get dodgy cleric like this? (9)","Answer":"ENCIRCLED","Explanation":"Definition: this\n**END **(aim) **containing** (get) **an anagram of** (dodgy) **CLERIC**\n **EN** (**CIRCLE***) **D**\n\n**ENCIRCLED** (If the aforementioned dodgy cleric is **ENCIRCLED** the authorities may be able to get him \/ her)"} {"Clue":"Happening where Kelly was singin' in Halifax? (2,5)","Answer":"IN TRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Happening\n**IN T' RAIN** (In The Rain as enunciated by an inhabitant of Halifax, Yorkshire)\n \u00a0\n\n**IN TRAIN** (Gene Kelly is well known for singing the song Singing In the Rain or as a Yorkshireman would put Singin' **IN\u00a0T'\u00a0RAIN**)"} {"Clue":"House accommodating old bag (7)","Answer":"HOLDALL","Explanation":"Definition: bag\n**HALL** (manor-house) **containing** (accommodating) **OLD**\n **H** (**OLD**) **ALL**\n\n**HOLDALL** (large strong bag)"} {"Clue":"Treatment for winged horse raised with wings clipped (5)","Answer":"USAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Treatment\n**PEGASUS** (fabled winged horse in Greek mythology) **reversed** (raised; down clue) **excluding** (clipped) **the first and last letters** (wings) **P** and **S**\n **USAGE**<\n\n**USAGE** (treatment)"} {"Clue":"Goldsmith hiding identity when turning up in Spanish port (5)","Answer":"CADIZ","Explanation":"Definition: Spanish port\n(**ZAC** [reference **ZAC** Goldsmith, Conservative candidate for Mayor of London] **containing** (hiding) **ID** [identity]) **all reversed** (turning up; down clue)\n (**CA** (**DI**) **Z**)<\n\n**CADIZ** (Spanish port)"} {"Clue":"Healing action at work around most of leg bone (10)","Answer":"ANTIBIOTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Healing\n**Anagram of **(at work)\u00a0**ACTION** **containing** (around) (**TIBIA** [bone in the leg] **excluding the final letter** [most of] **A**)\n **AN** (**TIBI**) **OTIC***\n\n**ANTIBIOTIC** (inhibiting the growth of another organism, which, in dilute solution, has the capacity to inhibit the growth of, or to destroy, micro-organisms causing infectious diseases; healing)"} {"Clue":"Capital spot to idle (4)","Answer":"LOAF","Explanation":"Definition: idle\n**LOAF** \u2013 I'm struggling a bit here. The only suggestion I can come up with is that **LOAF** and **CAPITAL** can both refer to a use of the word **HEAD**. e.g. use your **LOAF** meaning use your brains (**HEAD**), while **CAPITAL** can describe the **HEAD** or top part of a column.\n I won't be surprised if someone comes up with a far better explanation\n\n**LOAF** (loiter or stand idly; idle) double definition?"} {"Clue":"This, if rough, has filing near (10)","Answer":"FINGERNAIL","Explanation":"Definition: This, if rough, has filing near\n**Anagram of **(if rough) **FILING NEAR**\n **FINGERNAIL***\n\n**FINGERNAIL** (something that may be filed smooth if it is currently rough)"} {"Clue":"Dark spot, more than halfway through period of conflict (4)","Answer":"WART","Explanation":"Definition: Dark spot\n**WART **(**first four letters** [of seven, i.e. more than halfway through] **in** **WARTIME** [period of conflict])\n \u00a0\n\n**WART** (small hard excrescence on the skin; dark spot)"} {"Clue":"Tilts where tilting's allowed (5)","Answer":"LISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Tilts where tilting's allowed\n**LISTS **(boundary of a jousting ground where knights contested with lances; **TILTING**\u00a0can mean jousting so **TILTING** is allowed within the **LISTS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**LISTS** (leans; tilts)"} {"Clue":"Unusual claim I placed about a sack of bacteria (9)","Answer":"MICROBIAL","Explanation":"Definition: of bacteria\n**Anagram of **(unusual) **CLAIM I** **containing** (placed about) **ROB** (plunder; sack)\n **MIC** (**ROB**) **I****AL***\n\n**MICROBIAL** (of bacteria)"} {"Clue":"Gathering fool has cracked a priceless piece of porcelain? (8)","Answer":"AMASSING","Explanation":"Definition: Gathering \n**ASS** (fool) **contained in** (has cracked) (**A** **+ MING** [descriptive of exceptional quality pottery from the Chinese dynasty of the same name [1368 \u2013 1644]; priceless piece of porcelain)\n **A** **M** (**ASS**) **ING**\n\n**AMASSING** (gathering)"} {"Clue":"Prince and Queen holding on, displaying calmness (6)","Answer":"PHLEGM","Explanation":"Definition: calmness\n**P** (prince) **+** (**HM** [Her Majesty; queen] **containing** [holding] **LEG** [the **ON** side in cricket is the **LEG** side])\n **P** **H** (**LEG**) **M**\n\n**PHLEGM** (calmness)"} {"Clue":"Guarantee source of criticism is hidden (6)","Answer":"ENSURE","Explanation":"Definition: Guarantee\n**CENSURE** (criticism) **excluding** (hidden) **the first letter** (source) **C**\n \u00a0\n\n**ENSURE** (guarantee)"} {"Clue":"Press team is engaged in genuine return event (8)","Answer":"REPRISA","Explanation":"Definition: return event\n(**PR** [public relations \u2013 often managed by the company press team] **+ IS**) **contained in** (engaged in) **REAL** (genuine)\n **RE** (**PR** **IS**) **AL**\n\n**REPRISA**L (act of retaliation; return event)"} {"Clue":"Whips involving Conservative in right decisive events (9)","Answer":"KNOCKOUTS","Explanation":"Definition: decisive events\n**KNOUTS** (whips formerly used as an instrument of punishment in Russia) **containing **(**C** [Conservative] **contained in** [in] **OK** [yes; right]) \n **KN** (**O** (**C**) **K**) **OUTS**\n\n**KNOCKOUTS** (decisive events)"} {"Clue":"Cost of some computers making you cross? (5)","Answer":"IRATE","Explanation":"Definition: cross\nThis a play on the various electronic gizmos marketed by Apple, e.g. **I**-Pod, **I**-Pad **I**-Phone where presumable the price [**RATE**] can be described as the **I-RATE**\n \u00a0\n\n**IRATE** (angry; cross)"} {"Clue":"Finger, except tip, is blackened (4)","Answer":"INKY","Explanation":"Definition: blackened\n**P****INKY** (little finger) **excluding** (except) **the first letter** (tip) **P**\n \u00a0\n\n**INKY** (blackened)"} {"Clue":"Shock industrial action not very clever (6,4)","Answer":"STRIKE DUMB","Explanation":"Definition: Shock\n**STRIKE** (industrial action) **+ DUMB** (not very clever)\n \u00a0\n\n**STRIKE DUMB** (shock)"} {"Clue":"Hard getting on part of ship (4)","Answer":"HOLD","Explanation":"Definition: part of ship\n**H **(hard as in the description of a pencil lead) **+ OLD** (getting on in years)\n \u00a0\n\n**HOLD** (part of ship)"} {"Clue":"Lacking will to cross river with US highway (10)","Answer":"INTERSTATE","Explanation":"Definition: US highway\n**INTESTATE** (dying without having made a valid will) **containing** (to cross) **R** (river)\n **INTE **(**R**)** STATE**\n\n**INTERSTATE **(US Highway)"} {"Clue":"Confederate getting some detail if family turned up (9)","Answer":"AFFILIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Confederate \n**AFFILIATE** (**hidden word** [some] **reversed** [turned up; down clue] in **DETAIL IF FAMILY**)\n **AFFILIATE**<\n\n**AFFILIATE** (associate; confederate)"} {"Clue":"Country is taking on island surrounded by fish (7)","Answer":"TUNISIA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\n(**IS** **+ I** [island]) **contained in** (surrounded by) **TUNA** (fish)\n **TUN** (**IS** **I**) **A**\n\n**TUNISIA** (Country in North Africa)"} {"Clue":"Oriental top performer, missing third, coming in without funding for Olympic event (12)","Answer":"BREASTSTROKE","Explanation":"Definition: Olympic event\n(**EAST **[oriental] + [**STAR** {top performer} **excluding the third letter** {missing third} **A**]) **contained in** (coming in) **BROKE** (without funding)\n **BR** (**EAST** **STR**) **OKE**\n\n**BREASTSTROKE** (**BREASTSTROKE** is an Olympic swimming event)"} {"Clue":"Skin treatment? Date to abandon program (8)","Answer":"OINTMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Skin treatment\n**APPOINTMENT** (date)** excluding** (to abandon) **APP** (application; program)\n \u00a0\n\n**OINTMENT** (something that may be used to treat skin complaints)"} {"Clue":"Very cool about love after one day's folly (6)","Answer":"IDIOCY","Explanation":"Definition: folly\n**I **(one) **+ D** (day) **+** (\u00a0**ICY** [very cool] **containing** [about] **O** [zero; love score in tennis])\n **I ****D** **I** (**O**) **CY**\n\n**IDIOCY** (folly)"} {"Clue":"Work with a product containing milky material (7)","Answer":"OPALINE","Explanation":"Definition: containing milky material\n**OP** (opus; work) **+** **A** **+** **LINE** (product)\n \u00a0\n\n**OPALINE** (amorphous silica with some water, usually milky white with fine play of colour)"} {"Clue":"Symptom of obesity almost entirely very bad for your health! (5)","Answer":"FATAL","Explanation":"Definition: very bad for your health\n**FAT** (symptom of obesity) **+** (**ALL** [entirely] **excluding the final letter **[almost] **L**)\n \u00a0\n\n**FATAL** (causing death; very bad for your health)"} {"Clue":"Different pieces of verse in manuscript showing tendency to care (12)","Answer":"MOTHERLINESS","Explanation":"Definition: tendency to care\n(**OTHER** [different] **+ LINES** [pieces of verse]) **contained in** (in) **MS** (manuscript)\n **M** (**OTHER** **LINES**) **S**\n\n**MOTHERLINESS** (behavior showing protectiveness; tendency to care)"} {"Clue":"Easily reformed man accepting new label (9)","Answer":"MALLEABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Easily reformed\n**MALE** (man) **containing** (accepting) **an anagram of** (new) **LABEL**\n **MAL** (**LEABL***) **E**\n\n**MALLEABLE** (able to be beaten, rolled, etc into a new shape; easily reformed)"} {"Clue":"Son to observe climbing in season in Northern area (8)","Answer":"TEESSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Northern area\n(**S** [son] **+ SEE** [observe]) **reversed** (climbing; down clue) **contained in** (in) **TIDE** (season)\n **T** (**EES** **S**)<** IDE**\n\n**TEESSIDE** (area of the North of England)"} {"Clue":"Loners at sea carrying kilo in swimming gear (7)","Answer":"SNORKEL","Explanation":"Definition: swimming gear\n**Anagram of **(at sea) **LONERS** **containing** (carrying) **K** (kilo)\n **SNOR** (**K**) **EL***\n\n**SNORKEL** (equipment that\u00a0enables a submerged swimmer to breathe)"} {"Clue":"Kitchen item that's turned up at last? Not entirely (7)","Answer":"SPATULA","Explanation":"Definition: Kitchen item\n**Anagram of** (turned) **UP AT LAST** **excluding the last letter** (not entirely)** ****T**\n **SPATULA***\n\n**SPATULA** (broad, blunt, flexible blade; kitchen item)"} {"Clue":"Sheep will have dog working (6)","Answer":"MUTTON","Explanation":"Definition: Sheep\n**MUTT** (dog, especially a mongrel) **+ ON** (working)\n \u00a0\n\n**MUTTON** (jocular term for a sheep)"} {"Clue":"English among acquaintances in Scottish town (5)","Answer":"KEITH","Explanation":"Definition: Sheep\n**MUTT** (dog, especially a mongrel) **+ ON** (working)\n \u00a0\n\n**MUTTON** (jocular term for a sheep)"} {"Clue":"Very small house in central London location (4)","Answer":"SOHO","Explanation":"Definition: central London location\n**SO** (very) **+ HO** (abbreviation for [small] house)\n \u00a0\n\n**SOHO** (central London location)"} {"Clue":"Time with number one is precious (4)","Answer":"TWEE","Explanation":"Definition: precious\n**T **(time) **+ WEE** (**WEE** is a slang \/ childish term for urine, as is the phrase **NUMBER ONE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TWEE** (cute, quaint, precious)"} {"Clue":"Prisoner's accommodation has zero means of producing music (5)","Answer":"CELLO","Explanation":"Definition: means of producing music\n**CELL** (prisoner's accommodation) **+ O** (zero)\n \u00a0\n\n**CELLO** (musical instrument; means of producing music)"} {"Clue":"Sharing details of secret study hit after providing returns (9)","Answer":"CONFIDING","Explanation":"Definition: Sharing details of secret\n**CON** (study) **+** (**IF** [providing] **reversed** [returns]) **+ DING** (thump; hit)\n **CON** **FI**< **DING**\n\n**CONFIDING** (sharing details of secret)"} {"Clue":"Bundle bursts badly after top of buckle goes (5)","Answer":"TRUSS","Explanation":"Definition: Bundle\n**Anagram of** (badly) **B****URSTS** **excluding** (after \u2026 goes) **B** (**first letter of** [top of] **BUCKLE**)\n **TRUSS***\n\n**TRUSS** (bundle, especially of hay or straw)"} {"Clue":"Forgive sailor's fickle love (7)","Answer":"ABSOLVE","Explanation":"Definition: Forgive\n**AB'S** (Able Seaman's) **+ an anagram of** (fickle) **LOVE**\n **ABS** **OLVE***\n\n**ABSOLVE** (pardon; forgive)"} {"Clue":"Those glorying in self-love die first in El Salvador (7)","Answer":"EGOISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Those glorying in self-love\n(**GO** [die] + **IST** [1st; first]) **contained in** (in) **ES** (International Vehicle Registration for El Salvador)\n **E** (**GO** **IST**) **S**\n\n**EGOISTS** (people who think and speak too much of themselves or of things as they affect themselves; those glorifying in self-love)"} {"Clue":"Dodgy fellows found in Italy's borders (4)","Answer":"IFFY","Explanation":"Definition: Dodgy\n(**F** [fellow] **+** **F** [fellow] to give fellows) **contained in** (found in) **IY** (**first and last letters of** [borders of] **I****TAL****Y**)\n **I** (**FF**) **Y**\n\n**IFFY** (dodgy)"} {"Clue":"Stuff brill with syrup fried peacock hearts (6)","Answer":"FABRIC","Explanation":"Definition: Stuff \n**FAB** (fabulous; brill[iant]) **+ RIC** (**middle letters of** [hearts] each of **SYRUP**, **FRIED** and **PEACOCK**)\n \u00a0\n\n**FABRIC** (stuff)"} {"Clue":"Nakedly desires one living in colonies (3)","Answer":"ANT","Explanation":"Definition: one living in colonies\n**WANTS** (desires) **excluding the two outside letters clothing it** (nakedly) **W**and **S**\n \u00a0\n\n**ANT** (insect that lives in a colony)"} {"Clue":"Could possibly mollify aggressive Yemeni leaders (3)","Answer":"MAY","Explanation":"Definition: Could possibly\n**MAY** (**first letters of **[leaders] each of **MOLLIFY**, **AGGRESSIVE** and **Y****EMENI**)\n \u00a0\n\n**MAY** (could possibly)"} {"Clue":"No luck engendering release (6)","Answer":"UNLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: release\n**Anagram of **(engendering) **NO LUCK**\n **UNLOCK***\n\n**UNLOCK** (release)"} {"Clue":"Wind insulation around end of pipe (4)","Answer":"GALE","Explanation":"Definition: Wind\n**LAG** (insulating lining) **reversed** (around) **+ E** (**last letter of** [end of] **PIP****E**)\n **GAL**< **E**\n\n**GALE** (wind)"} {"Clue":"Fire container constructed from prickly shrub containing core of monazite (7)","Answer":"BRAZIER","Explanation":"Definition: Fire container\n**BRIER** (prickly shrub) **containing** (containing) **AZ** (**middle letters of **[core of] **MONAZITE**)\n **BR** (**AZ**) **IER**\n\n**BRAZIER** (container or tray for hot coals.)"} {"Clue":"Relishes choice by the French (7)","Answer":"PICKLES","Explanation":"Definition: Relishes\n**PICK** (choice) **+ LES** (one of the forms of 'the' in French)\n \u00a0\n\n**PICKLES** (relishes)"} {"Clue":"Meagre enclosure holding Olive perhaps (5)","Answer":"GREEN","Explanation":"Definition: Olive perhaps\n**GREEN **(**hidden word in** [holding] **MEAGRE ENCLOSURE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GREEN** (reference the shade **OLIVE**** GREEN**)"} {"Clue":"Turkey part a small child consumes one afternoon (4,5)","Answer":"ASIA MINOR","Explanation":"Definition: Turkey part\n**A** **+** ([**S** {small} **+ MINOR** {child}] **containing** [consumes] [**I** {one}** + A **{afternoon}])\n **A** **S** (**I** **A**) **MINOR**\n\n**ASIA MINOR** (a part of the world comprising most of Asian\u00a0Turkey and the Armenian Highlands)"} {"Clue":"Gallery hosts special experience (5)","Answer":"TASTE","Explanation":"Definition: experience\n**TATE** (reference the **TATE** Gallery) **containing** (hosts) **S** (special)\n **TA** (**S**) **TE**\n\n**TASTE** (experience)"} {"Clue":"Adult dismissed from frequent search (4)","Answer":"HUNT","Explanation":"Definition: search\n**HAUNT** (frequent) **excluding** (dismissed from) **A** (adult)\n \u00a0\n\n**HUNT **(search)"} {"Clue":"Deity is interminable prick (4)","Answer":"THOR","Explanation":"Definition: Deity\n**THORN** (anything prickly; prick) **excluding the final letter** (without terminating character; interminable) **N**\n \u00a0\n\n**THOR** (Deity, God of Thunder\u00a0in Norse mythology)"} {"Clue":"Mail is distributed by society for principle of equal distribution (9)","Answer":"SOCIALISM","Explanation":"Definition: principle of equal distribution\n**SOC** (society) + **an anagram of** (is distributed) **MAIL IS** \n **SOC** **IALISM***\n\n**SOCIALISM** (principle, or scheme of social organization which places the means of production of wealth and the distribution of that wealth in the hands of the community)"} {"Clue":"Gives workers pointers (5)","Answer":"HANDS","Explanation":"Definition: Gives\n**HANDS** (pointers [on a clock, watch etc])\n **HANDS** (workers)\n \u00a0\n\n**HANDS** (gives) triple definition"} {"Clue":"Capital way you and I lobby to cover up assassination (9)","Answer":"WHITEHALL","Explanation":"Definition: Capital way\n(**WE** [you and I] **+ HALL** [lobby]) **containing** (cover up) **HIT** (killing; assassination)\n **W** (**HIT**) **E** **HALL**\n\n**WHITEHALL** (street [way] in London)"} {"Clue":"United dropped out of league after replacing winger (5)","Answer":"EAGLE","Explanation":"Definition: winger\n**Anagram of** (after replacing) **LEAGUE** **excluding** (dropped out of) **U** (united)\n **EAGLE***\n\n**EAGLE** (bird; something with wings; winger)"} {"Clue":"Fail to impress censor with advertisement lacking tiniest bit of truth (3,2,3)","Answer":"CUT NO ICE","Explanation":"Definition: Fail to impress\n**CUT **(censor) **+ NOTICE** (advertisement) **excluding** (lacking) **T** (**letter from** [tiniest bit of the word] **TRUTH**)\n **CUT**** NO ICE**\n\n**CUT NO ICE** (fail to impress)"} {"Clue":"State obsessive about holding onto agreements from Paris and Madrid (9)","Answer":"LOUISIANA","Explanation":"Definition: State\n(**ANAL** [obsessive] **reversed** [about]) **containing** (**OUI **[yes {agreement} in French {Paris}\u00a0+ **SI** {yes; agreement} in Spanish {Madrid}])\n **L **(**OUI** **SI**) **ANA**<\n\n**LOUISIANA** (American State)"} {"Clue":"A half-sibling joins love somewhere in the desert (5)","Answer":"OASIS","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in the desert\n**O** (zero; love score in tennis) **+ A** **+ SIS** (**first three letters of six** [half] in **SISTER** [sibling])\n \u00a0\n\n**OASIS** (fertile spot in the desert)"} {"Clue":"Manuscript covering evil factories (5)","Answer":"MILLS","Explanation":"Definition: factories\n**MS** (manuscript) **containing** (covering) **ILL** (evil)\n **M** (**ILL**) **S**\n\n**MILLS** (factories)"} {"Clue":"Traps where prey flaps wildly (9)","Answer":"FLYPAPERS","Explanation":"Definition: Traps\n**Anagram of **(wildly) **PREY FLAPS**\n **FL****YP****AP****ER****S***\n\n**FLYPAPERS** (sticky or poisonous papers for attracting and killing flies; traps)"} {"Clue":"Two records with X Factor backing get touching welcome (9)","Answer":"RECEPTION","Explanation":"Definition: welcome\n**REC** (record) **+ EP** (extended play record) **+** (**IT** [something special; the X factor] **reversed** [backing]) **+ ON** (touching)\n **REC ****EP** **TI**< **ON**\n\n**RECEPTION** (welcome)"} {"Clue":"Unending indulgence more certain for one in charge of funds (9)","Answer":"TREASURER","Explanation":"Definition: one in charge of funds\n**TREAT** (indulgence) **excluding the final letter** (unending) **T**\u00a0**+ SURER** (more certain)\n \u00a0\n\n**TREASURER** (one in charge of funds)"} {"Clue":"Chancellor of the Exchequer follows gold stamp with note to listeners (8)","Answer":"AUDIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: listeners\n**AU** (chemical symbol for gold) **+ DIE** (stamp) **+ N** (note) **+ CE** (Chancellor of the Exchequer)\n \u00a0\n\n**AUDIENCE** (listeners)"} {"Clue":"A politician joins special constable to get rogue (5)","Answer":"SCAMP","Explanation":"Definition: rogue\n**SC** (special constable) **+ A** **+ MP** (member of Parliament; politician)\n \u00a0\n\n**SCAMP** (rogue)"} {"Clue":"Foreign Office abandons legendary American primate fanatic (5)","Answer":"BIGOT","Explanation":"Definition: fanatic\n**BIG****FO****OT** (in the US and Canada, a hairy primate reputed to inhabit wilderness areas, and said to be between 6 and 15 feet tall; legendary American primate) **excluding** (abandons) **FO** (Foreign Office)\n \u00a0\n\n**BIGOT** (person blindly and obstinately devoted to a particular set of ideas, creed or political party; fanatic)"} {"Clue":"Extend hand to every individual (5)","Answer":"REACH","Explanation":"Definition: Extend\n**R** (right; hand) **+ EACH** (every individual)\n \u00a0\n\n**REACH** (extend)"} {"Clue":"Illegally kill wild cat taking tail for companion (5)","Answer":"LYNCH","Explanation":"Definition: Illegally kill \n**LYNX** (wild cat) **replacing** (taking \u2026 for) **the last letter** (tail) **X** with **CH** (Companion [of Honour])\n \u00a0\n\n**LYNCH** (to judge and put to death without the usual forms of law; to kill illegally)"} {"Clue":"Striker on top in baseball game? (7)","Answer":"MATCH-UP","Explanation":"Definition: baseball game\n**MATCH** (striker) **+ UP** (on top)\n \u00a0\n\n**MATCH-UP** (a North\u00a0American term for a contest or comparison between two people or things especially in sport; baseball is a popular sport in America)"} {"Clue":"Escorted woman's wearing hand-me-down? (7)","Answer":"USHERED","Explanation":"Definition: Escorted\n**HER** (woman) **contained in** (wearing) **USED** (second hand; hand-me-down)\n **US** (**HER**) **ED**\n\n**USHERED** (escorted)"} {"Clue":"Damned board member given good grade maybe (9)","Answer":"EXECRATED","Explanation":"Definition: Damned\n**EXEC **(executive; a senior executive in a business is often a board member) **+ RATED** (valued; given a good grade)\n \u00a0\n\n**EXECRATED** (cursed; damned)"} {"Clue":"Invite European MP in time after time (5)","Answer":"TEMPT","Explanation":"Definition: Invite\n(**E** [European ] **+ MP**) **contained in** (in) (**T** [time] **+ T** [time])\n **T** (**E MP**) **T**\n\n**TEMPT** (entice or invite)"} {"Clue":"Calm area away from US port (6)","Answer":"SETTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Calm\n**SEATTLE** (port on the West coast of America) **excluding** (away from) **A** (area)\n \u00a0\n\n**SETTLE** (calm)"} {"Clue":"Landowner mostly shy about status (8)","Answer":"FRANKLIN","Explanation":"Definition: Landowner\n**FLING **(throw; shy) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) G **containing** (about) **RANK** (status)\n **F** (**RANK**) **LIN**\n\n**FRANKLIN** (historically, an English freeholder; landowner)"} {"Clue":"Bloomer made by rake going round wearing buttonhole (10)","Answer":"CORNFLOWER","Explanation":"Definition: Bloomer\n**WOLF** (womaniser; rake) **reversed** (going round) **contained in** (wearing) **CORNER** (detain in talk; buttonhole)\n **CORN** (**FLOW**)< **ER**\n\n**CORNFLOWER** (beautiful blue-flowered cornfield weed of the Compositae; bloomer)"} {"Clue":"Bottle: guzzler emptied it (4)","Answer":"GRIT","Explanation":"Definition: Bottle\n**GR** (**letters remaining** **GUZZLER** **when the central letters** **UZZLE** **are removed** [emptied]) **+ IT** \n \u00a0\n\n**GRIT** (determination; bottle)"} {"Clue":"Oddly deficient railways, sad to say (4)","Answer":"ALAS","Explanation":"Definition: sad to say\n**ALAS** (**letters 2, 4, 6 and 8** [**ignoring the odd letters**; oddly deficient]) of **RAILWAYS**\n \u00a0\n\n**ALAS** (sad to say)"} {"Clue":"Businessman's firm acquires new vehicle (10)","Answer":"CONTRACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Businessman\n**CO** (company; business) **+ N** (new) **+ TRACTOR** (vehicle)\n \u00a0\n\n**CONTRACTOR** (\u00a0person who engages to execute work or provide supplies at a stated rate; businessman)"} {"Clue":"By side of Cornish river, left winger collapsed (6,2)","Answer":"FALLEN IN","Explanation":"Definition: collapsed\n**FAL** (river in Cornwall) **+ LENIN** (reference Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, alias **LENIN**, a Russian Communist revolutionary, politician, and political theorist; left winger)\n \u00a0\n\n**FALLEN IN** (collapsed)"} {"Clue":"Vehicle taking unusual route alongside river (6)","Answer":"TOURER","Explanation":"Definition: Vehicle\n**Anagram of **(unusual) **ROUTE** **+ R** (river)\n **TOURE*** **R**\n\n**TOURER** (vehicle)"} {"Clue":"Fresher in Cambridge saw science tutor last of all (5)","Answer":"NEWER","Explanation":"Definition: Fresher\n**NEWER** (**final letters** [last of all] **of each of** **IN CAMBRIDGE SAW SCIENCE TUTOR**)\n \u00a0\n\n**NEWER** (fresher)"} {"Clue":"Most skilful leaders among climbers reaching their ultimate goal? (9)","Answer":"CLEVEREST","Explanation":"Definition: Most skilful\n**CL** (**first two letters of** [leaders among] **CLIMBERS**) **+ EVEREST** (the ultimate goal of climbers)\n \u00a0\n\n**CLEVEREST** (most skilful)"} {"Clue":"Old American appearing on screen is ugly (7)","Answer":"HIDEOUS","Explanation":"Definition: ugly\n**HIDE** (cover; screen) **+ O** (old) **+ US** (American)\n \u00a0\n\n**HIDEOUS** (ugly)"} {"Clue":"Pet lady trained with great skill (7)","Answer":"ADEPTLY","Explanation":"Definition: with great skill \n**Anagram of **(trained) **PET LADY** \n **AD****EPT****LY***\n\n**ADEPTLY** (with great skill)"} {"Clue":"We're told more than one source of protein satisfies (5)","Answer":"MEETS","Explanation":"Definition: satisfies\n**MEETS** (**sounds like** [we're told] **MEATS** [sources of protein])\n \u00a0\n\n**MEETS** (satisfies)"} {"Clue":"Rather cute, short word for loudspeaker (7)","Answer":"TWEETER","Explanation":"Definition: loudspeaker\n**TWEE **(rather cute) **+ TERM** (word) **excluding the final letter** (short) **M**\n \u00a0\n\n**TWEETER** (loudspeaker used in high-fidelity sound reproduction for the higher frequencies)"} {"Clue":"Trotskyists, perhaps, had disappeared with Republican getting in (4,4)","Answer":"HARD LEFT","Explanation":"Definition: Trotskyists\n(**HAD** **+** **LEFT** [disappeared]) **containing** (with \u2026 getting in) R (Republican)\n **HA** (**R**) **D** **LEFT**\n\n**HARD LEFT** (Trotskyists could be described as members of the political hard left)"} {"Clue":"Course physiotherapist's introduced at hospital (4)","Answer":"PATH","Explanation":"Definition: Course\n**P** (**first letter of** [introduced] **PHYSIOTHERAPIST**) **+ AT + H**\n \u00a0\n\n**PATH** (course)"} {"Clue":"Lays out insufficient money, disregarding trendy items of clothing (10)","Answer":"UNDERVESTS","Explanation":"Definition: items of clothing\n**UNDER INVESTS** (lays out insufficient money) **excluding** (disregarding) **IN** (trendy)\n \u00a0\n\n**UNDERVESTS** (items of clothing)"} {"Clue":"Not enjoying a night out (6)","Answer":"HATING","Explanation":"Definition: Not enjoying\n**Anagram of** (out) **A NIGHT**\n **HATING***\n\n**HATING** (not enjoying)"} {"Clue":"Run \u2026 walk \u2026 run \u2026 I'm not expressing myself clearly (7)","Answer":"RAMBLER","Explanation":"Definition: I'm not expressing myself clearly\n**R** (run) **+ AMBLE** (walk) **+ R** (run)\n \u00a0\n\n**RAMBLER** (one who wanders in talk and consequently does not express her \/ himself clearly)"} {"Clue":"With duty list written up, one sets off (9)","Answer":"DETONATOR","Explanation":"Definition: one sets off\n(**ROTA** [duty list] **+ NOTED** [written]) **reversed** (up;down clue)\n (**DETON** **ATOR**)<\n\n**DETONATOR** (substance or contrivance whose explosion initiates [sets off] that of another explosive)"} {"Clue":"Get upset, having acquired work that is oddly cheesy (2,2,6)","Answer":"GO TO PIECES","Explanation":"Definition: Get upset\n**GOT** (acquired) **+ OP** (opus; work) **+ I.E.** (id est; that is) **+ CES** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [oddly] of **C****H****E****E****S****Y**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GO TO PIECES** (get upset)"} {"Clue":"Church on island visited by a very loud bird (9)","Answer":"CHAFFINCH","Explanation":"Definition: bird\n(**CH** [church] **+**** INCH** [island]) **containing** (visited by) (**A** **+ FF** [fortissimo; very loud])\n **CH** (**A** **FF**) **INCH**\n\n**CHAFFINCH** (bird)"} {"Clue":"Africans chatter about drugs audibly (8)","Answer":"GABONESE","Explanation":"Definition: Africans\n**GAB** (chatter) **+ ON** (about) **+ ESE** (**sounds like** [audibly) **Es** [ecstasy tablets; drugs])\n \u00a0\n\n**GABONESE** (people of **GABON**, a country on the West coast of Africa)"} {"Clue":"Admitted no-one was debt-free (7)","Answer":"ALLOWED","Explanation":"Definition: Admitted\n**ALL** (everyone) **+ OWED** (had debts) implying no-one was debt-free\n \u00a0\n\n**ALLOWED** (conceded; admitted)"} {"Clue":"Wrong to keep people suffering (7)","Answer":"TORMENT","Explanation":"Definition: suffering\n**TORT** (wrong, injury) **containing** (to keep) **MEN** (people)\n **TOR** (**MEN**) **T**\n\n**TORMENT** (suffering)"} {"Clue":"Oddball worried unduly after losing heart (6)","Answer":"WEIRDO","Explanation":"Definition: Oddball\n**Anagram of** (unduly) **WORRIED** **excluding** (losing) **the middle letter** (heart) **R**\n **WIERDO***\n\n**WEIRDO** (oddball)"} {"Clue":"Irascible tyrant going wild, eliminating unspecified number (5)","Answer":"RATTY","Explanation":"Definition: Irascible\n**Anagram of** (going wild) **TYRANT** **excluding** (eliminating) **N**\u00a0(letter frequently used to signify an unspecified number in mathematics)\n **RATTY***\n\n**RATTY** (irascible)"} {"Clue":"Greek character worried over following Britain's lead (4)","Answer":"BETA","Explanation":"Definition: Greek character\n**B** (**first letter of** [lead] **BRITAIN**) **+** (**ATE** [worried] **reversed** [over])\n **B** **ETA**<\n\n**BETA **(character of the Greek alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Send out one barge westward on the waves (8)","Answer":"MARITIME","Explanation":"Definition: on the waves\n(**EMIT** [send out] **+ I** [one] **+ RAM** [barge]) **all reversed** (westward)\n (**MAR** **I** **TIME**)<\n\n**MARITIME** (referring to [on] the sea [ the waves])"} {"Clue":"Disengage from faceless Adonis to hug dwarf (6)","Answer":"UNDOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Disengage from\n**HUNK** (strong or sexually attractive man; Adonis) **excluding the first letter** (faceless)** H** **containing** (to hug) **DOC** (one of the seven dwarfs in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)\n **UN** (**DOC**) **K**\n\n**UNDOCK** (disengage from)"} {"Clue":"Nutty example of silly old man (6)","Answer":"ALMOND","Explanation":"Definition: Nutty example\n**Anagram of** (silly) **OLD MAN**\n **A****L****M****O****N****D***\n\n**ALMOND** (example of a nut)"} {"Clue":"I'll get my share completely exaggerated by middle of week (8)","Answer":"ALLOTTEE","Explanation":"Definition: I'll get my share\n**ALL** (completely)** + OTT** (over the top; exaggerated) **+ EE** (**central letters of **[middle of] **WEEK**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ALLOTTEE** (one who gets his or her share)"} {"Clue":"Weird fact I made up about the guy always presenting joint complaint (9,5)","Answer":"RHEUMATIC FEVER","Explanation":"Definition: joint complaint\n([**RUM **{weird} **+ an anagram of** {made up} **FACT I**] **containing** [about] **HE** [the guy]) + **EVER** (always)\n **R **(**HE**) **UM** **ATIC F*** **EVER**\n\n**RHEUMATIC FEVER** (a disease affecting joints; joint complaint)"} {"Clue":"Somewhat frisky lecher who always has troubled guests (4)","Answer":"KYLE","Explanation":"Definition: who always has troubled guests\n**KYLE** (**hidden word in** [somewhat] **FRISKY LECHER**)\n \u00a0\n\n**KYLE **(reference Jeremy **KYLE** who hosts a television programme focusing on family feuds thereby ensuring that the programme has troublesome guests)"} {"Clue":"Lead from radiator plugs turned as much as brass (5)","Answer":"NERVE","Explanation":"Definition: brass\n[**R** (**first letter of** [lead from] **RADIATOR**) **contained in** (plugs) (**EVEN** [as much as] **reversed** [turned])\n **NE** (**R**) **VE**<\n\n**NERVE** (audacity; brass)"} {"Clue":"Text covering universal arithmetic (4)","Answer":"SUMS","Explanation":"Definition: arithmetic\n**SMS** (short message service; text message) **containing** (covering) **U** (film designation describing a film suitable for universal viewing by people of all ages)\n **S** (**U**) **MS**\n\n**SUMS** (arithmetic)"} {"Clue":"Opposer of current opposition's core position in backlash (10,4)","Answer":"RESISTANCE COIL","Explanation":"Definition: Opposer of current\n(**SI** [**central letters of **{core} **OPPOSITION**] **+ STANCE** [position]) **contained in** (in) **RECOIL** (backlash)\n **RE** (**SI** **STANCE**) **COIL**\n\n**RESISTANCE COIL** (a **COIL**\u00a0of wire used to offer **RESISTANCE**\u00a0to the passage of electricity; opposer of current)"} {"Clue":"A development of Llanelli excluding English generally (3,2,3)","Answer":"ALL IN ALL","Explanation":"Definition: generally\n**A** + **an anagram of** (development of) **LLANELLI** **excluding** (excluding) **E** (English)\n **A** **LL IN ALL***\n\n**ALL IN ALL** (generally)"} {"Clue":"Ayrshire village's pressure for payment cut (6)","Answer":"DUNLOP","Explanation":"Definition: Ayrshire village\n**DUN** (harass for payment) **+**** LOP** (cut)\n \u00a0\n\n**DUNLOP** (village in East Ayrshire)"} {"Clue":"Cone-shaped ring enclosing home (6)","Answer":"PINEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Cone-shaped\n**PEAL** (ring [of bells]) **containing** (enclosing) **IN** (home)\n **P** (**IN**) **EAL**\n\n**PINEAL** (shaped like a pine cone)"} {"Clue":"Sultanic palace's doubtful statement to stop return of solid-fuel alternatives (8)","Answer":"SERAGLIO","Explanation":"Definition: Sultanic palace\n(**ER** [expressing hesitation; doubtful statement) **contained in** (stopping) ([**OIL** **+ ****GAS**] ,two alternatives to solid fuel, **all reversed** [return of])\n **S** (**ER**) **AG**< **LIO**<\n\n**SERAGLIO** (a Turkish palace, especially that of the Sultans at\u00a0Constantinople)"} {"Clue":"Rosie Lee having uplifting bit of work break in the morning? (4,4)","Answer":"EARL GREY","Explanation":"Definition: Rosie Lee \n(**ERG** [CGS unit of work] **reversed** [uplifting; down clue]) **contained in** (in) **EARLY** (the morning)\n **EARL** (**GRE**)< **Y**\n\n**EARL GREY** (blend of various fragrant oriental teas flavoured with bergamot; Rosie Lee is rhyming slang for tea)"} {"Clue":"French woman possibly round and large in Riviera venue (6)","Answer":"NICOLE","Explanation":"Definition: French woman\n(**O** [round shape] **+ L** [large]) **contained in** (in) **NICE** (city on the French Riviera)\n **NIC** (**O L**) **E**\n\n**NICOLE** (French ladies' name, awareness of which increased during the Clio advertising campaign of many years ago [1991 \u2013 1998] featuring Papa and **NICOLE**)"} {"Clue":"Sonic equipment maker set up forever? (4)","Answer":"SEGA","Explanation":"Definition: Sonic equipment maker\n**AGES** (forever) **reversed** (set up; down clue)\n **SEGA**<\n\n**SEGA** (**SEGA** is a Japanese arcade games company that developed a series of games based on Sonic the Hedgehog. The first game was released in 1993)"} {"Clue":"Who'll help poor American free of charge? (6,8)","Answer":"PUBLIC DEFENDER","Explanation":"Definition: Who'll help poor American free of charge\n**PUBLIC DEFENDER **\u2013 cryptic definition only slightly different from the factual definition. I felt that the clue could have made some reference to the legal nature of the entry as there must be many charities that help poor Americans in some way.\n \u00a0\n\n**PUBLIC DEFENDER** (In America, defence lawyer engaged at public expense to represent those unable to pay legal fees)"} {"Clue":"Woman in publishing raised some dessert ideas (8)","Answer":"EDITRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Woman in publishing\n**EDITRESS** (**hidden word in** [some] **DESSERT IDEAS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**EDITRESS** (female **EDIT**or; woman in publishing)"} {"Clue":"Agree with rise of European music label (6)","Answer":"ACCEDE","Explanation":"Definition: Agree with\n(**E** [European] **+ DECCA** [record label]) **reversed** (with rise of; down clue)\n (**ACCED** **E**)<\n\n**ACCEDE** (agree to)"} {"Clue":"Popular rogue lost, catching hollow ball in a way that can't be justified (14)","Answer":"INDEMONSTRABLY","Explanation":"Definition: in a way that can't be justified \n**IN** (popular) **+**** DEMON** (rogue) **+** (**STRAY** [lost] **containing** [catching] **BL** [**the letters remaining in** **B****AL****L** **when the central letters AL are hollowed out**])\n **IN DEMON STRA (BL) Y**\n\n**INDEMONSTRABLY** (in a way that can't be justified)"} {"Clue":"Retire, leaving a northern Italian city (5)","Answer":"TURIN","Explanation":"Definition: Italian city\n**TURN IN** (retire to bed) **excluding** (leaving) **N** (one of the two **N**s \u2013 the indefinite article is used to signify just one **N** is removed)\n \u00a0\n\n**TURIN** (city in northern Italy)"} {"Clue":"In inverted tenth of population, special quality is drawn out (8)","Answer":"ELICITED","Explanation":"Definition: drawn out\n**IT** (indefinable crowning quality; special quality) **contained in** (in) (**DECILE** [any of the ten equal groups into which the items in a frequency distribution can be divided; one tenth of the population] **reversed** [inverted; down clue])\n **ELIC** (**IT**) **ED**<\n\n**ELICITED** (drawn out)"} {"Clue":"Puritan who gets teased in loo \/ lav? I'm shocked (8)","Answer":"MALVOLIO","Explanation":"Definition: Puritan\n**Anagram of** (shocked) **LOO LAV I'M**\n **MA****L****V****O****LI****O***\n\n**MALVOLIO** (character in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night of whom it is said that sometimes he is a kind of Puritan)"} {"Clue":"Quiet shelter erected that is for island on the Thames (3,3)","Answer":"EEL PIE","Explanation":"Definition: island on the Thames\n(**P** [piano; quiet] **+ LEE** [shelter]) **reversed** (erected; down clue) + **I.E.** (id est; that is)\n (**EEL** **P**)< **IE**\n\n**EEL PIE** (island on the Thames at Twickenham)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Irish girl that's impressive astride horse (6)","Answer":"OONAGH","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps Irish girl\n**OOH** (expressing pleasure; that's impressive) **containing** (astride) **NAG** (horse, especially a small or inferior one)\n **OO** (**NAG**) **H**\n\n**OONAGH** (Irish girl's name)"} {"Clue":"Drinker's shameful display taking top off (4)","Answer":"LUSH","Explanation":"Definition: Drinker\n**BLUSH** (red glow on the skin caused by shame; shameful display) **excluding** (taking .. off) **the first letter** (top) **B**\n \u00a0\n\n**LUSH** (drinker)"} {"Clue":"Art? I'd concern when it's deviant or sexist? (12)","Answer":"ANDROCENTRIC","Explanation":"Definition: sexist\n**Anagram of **(when it's deviant) **ART I'D CONCERN**\n **A****N****DR****OCEN****T****R****I****C***\n\n**ANDROCENTRIC** (centred around men or males; sexist)"} {"Clue":"Airborne troops about to make earthwork protecting rear (7)","Answer":"PARADOS","Explanation":"Definition: earthwork protecting rear\n**PARAS** (paratroopers; airborne troops) **containing** (about) **DO** (to make)\n **PARA** (**DO**) **S**\n\n**PARADOS** (earthworks protecting against a rear attack)"} {"Clue":"Island record producers hope to achieve this with backing (4)","Answer":"IONA","Explanation":"Definition: Island\n(**A NO** [number] **I** [one] \u2013 a Number One being what record producers hope to achieve) **reversed** (with backing)\n (**I** **ON** **A**)<\n\n**IONA **(Scottish island)"} {"Clue":"Goes off the rails, caught with weapon in minor affray once (8)","Answer":"SCARMOGE","Explanation":"Definition: minor affray once\n(**C** [caught] **+ ARM **[weapon]) **contained in** (in) a**n anagram of** (off the rails) **GOES**\n **S** (**C** **ARM**) **OGE***\n\n**SCARMOGE** (archaic [once] form of skirmish [minor affray])"} {"Clue":"Fruit dad held in hand (5)","Answer":"PAPAW","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit \n**PA** (father; dad) **contained in** (held in) **PAW** (hand)\n **PA** (**PA**) **W**\n\n**PAPAW** (fruit)"} {"Clue":"Biological triplet runs away from police line (5)","Answer":"CODON","Explanation":"Definition: Biological triplet\n**CO****R****DON** (police line) **excluding** (away from) **R** (runs)\n \u00a0\n\n**CODON** (a triplet of three consecutive bases in DNA or in messenger RNA, which specifies a particular amino acid in protein synthesis; biological triplet)"} {"Clue":"Stallion, as once, learning to take exercise initially (7)","Answer":"LORETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Stallion, as once\n**LORE **(learning) **+ TTE** (**first letters of** [initially] each of **TO**, **TAKE** and **EXERCISE**\n \u00a0\n\n**LORETTE** (courtesan; **STALLION** is an obsolete [as once] term for a courtesan)"} {"Clue":"Solicitor making millions, gripped by disgust (4)","Answer":"PIMP","Explanation":"Definition: Solicitor\n**M** (millions) **contained in** (gripped by) **PIP** (disgust; definition 5 in Chambers)\n **PI** (**M**) **P**\n\n**PIMP** (one who solicits for a prostitute)"} {"Clue":"Woggle, might one suppose? It's creating a row (7)","Answer":"TIERING","Explanation":"Definition: creating a row\n**TIE RING** (A **WOGGLE** is the ring of leather, plastic or other material through which Scouts, etc thread their neckerchiefs [ties]).\n \u00a0\n\n**TIERING** (creating a row)"} {"Clue":"Unable to play in key series, i.e. put out breaking record (7)","Answer":"CUPTIED","Explanation":"Definition: Unable to play in key series\n**Anagram of** (out) **I.E. PUT** **contained in** (breaking) **CD** (Compact Disc [record])\n **C** (**UPT****IE***) **D**\n\n**CUPTIED** (usually applied to a player who moves from one Club to another and is unable to play for the new team in later rounds having already represented his \/ her previous team\u00a0in this year's\u00a0competition)"} {"Clue":"From e.g. Victoria fool finding himself in Cannongate (4)","Answer":"NONG","Explanation":"Definition: From e.g. Victoria fool \n**NONG **(**hidden word in** (finding himself in] **CANNONGATE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**NONG** (an Australian [Victoria] word for fool)"} {"Clue":"A contract (4)","Answer":"BARGAIN","Explanation":"Definition: A contract \nThis is the competition word for cluing, hence there is no wordplay\n \u00a0\n\n**BARGAIN** (contract)"} {"Clue":"Crown jewel maybe consisting of less than half a precious stone (5)","Answer":"INDIA","Explanation":"Definition: Crown jewel\n**IN** (consisting of) **+ DIA** (**three of the eight** [less than half] **letters in** **DIAMOND** [precious stone])\n \u00a0\n\n**INDIA** **(INDIA** was known as the 'jewel in the crown' of the British Empire)"} {"Clue":"Money on eBay squandered, perhaps (5)","Answer":"MAYBE","Explanation":"Definition: perhaps\n**M** (money) **+** **an anagram of** (squandered) **EBAY**\n **M** **AYBE***\n\n**MAYBE** (perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Perverse old skill reflected in icon crafted by king (8)","Answer":"CONTRAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Perverse old \n(**ART** [skill] **reversed** [reflected] **contained in** [in] **an anagram of** [crafted] **ICON**) **+ R** (Rex; king)\n **CON** (**TRA<**) **I*** **R**\n\n**CONTRAIR** (obsolete [old] dialect form of **CONTRARY** [perverse])"} {"Clue":"A ristorante serves this (not rare) bottled (4)","Answer":"ASTI","Explanation":"Definition: A ristorante serves this (not rare) bottled\n**A RISTORANTE** is **an anagram of**\u00a0(bottled)** ASTI**, **NOT** and **RARE**, so if we ignore **NOT**** RARE** we are left with **ASTI**\n \u00a0\n\n**ASTI **(an Italian white wine which will almost certainly be served in a **RISTORANTE**)"} {"Clue":"Burmese people are born in what may be Indian backward (7)","Answer":"KARENNI","Explanation":"Definition: Burmese people\n(**ARE** **+ N** [I can't find an entry in Chambers that gives **N** as born. **N\u00c9E** is 'born' but not **N** as far as I can see]) **contained in** (in) (**INK** [reference Indian **INK**] **reversed** (backward)\n **K** (**ARE** **N**) **NI**<\n\n**KARENNI** (a group of eastern Karen [Burmese] peoples whose women stretch their necks by wearing brass collars)"} {"Clue":"Fizz put into beer, strangely lactic, getting one enraged (12)","Answer":"APOPLECTICAL","Explanation":"Definition: enraged\n(**POP** [carbonated soft drink; fizz] **contained in** [put into] **ALE** [beer]) + **an anagram of** [strangely] **LACTIC** \n **A** (**POP**) **LE** **CTICAL***\n\n**APOPLECTICAL **(archaic variant of **APOPLECTIC** [enraged])"} {"Clue":"Foreign duck, name applied to foreign goose leaving California (4)","Answer":"NADA","Explanation":"Definition: Foreign duck\n**N** (name) **+ ADA** (I can't see the word play here. I've tried looking at spellings of the word meaning 'goose' in foreign languages. I've also looked at breeds of geese. Finally I looked at other meanings of 'goose' as given in Chambers but all to no avail. I'm also not sure what is going on with California)\n No doubt someone will point out the blindingly obvious allusion that I have missed.\n\n**NADA** (nothing, zero, [duck score in cricket]; derived from Spanish [foreign])"} {"Clue":"Drummer and old piper played, ready to fall (8)","Answer":"DROPRIPE","Explanation":"Definition: ready to fall\n**DR** (drummer) **+\u00a0O** (old) + **an anagram of** (played) **PIPER**\n **DR** **O** **PRIPE***\n\n**DROPRIPE** (so **RIPE**\u00a0as to be ready to **DROP**\u00a0from the tree)"} {"Clue":"Like clean sheets, classically, as penned by artist, English (5)","Answer":"RASAE","Explanation":"Definition: Like clean sheets, classically\n(**AS** **contained in** [penned by] **RA** [Royal Academician; artist]) **+ E **(English)\n **R** (**AS**) **A** **E**\n\n**RASAE** (Latin [classically], like clean sheets, found in Chambers under tabula **RASA** [a clean slate])"} {"Clue":"Fille de joie requiring shelter in bed? The opposite (7)","Answer":"COCOTTE","Explanation":"Definition: Fille de joie\n**COT** (bed) **contained in** (in) **COTE** (small place of shelter for animals) As required by the clue this is the opposite of shelter in bed\n **CO** (**COT**) **TE**\n\n**COCOTTE** (loose woman; prostitute; fille de joie)"} {"Clue":"Opium component in measure after cocaine's taken in nostril (7)","Answer":"NARCEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Opium component\n**C** (cocaine) **contained in** (taken in) (**NARE** [nostril] **+ EN** [measurement in printing])\n **NAR** (**C**) **E** **EN**\n\n**NARCEEN** (a narcotic alkaloid in opium,)"} {"Clue":"Element lacking any surrounding for misanthrope (5)","Answer":"TIMON","Explanation":"Definition: misanthrope\n**ANTIMONY** (brittle bluish-white element (symbol Sb; atomic no 51) **excluding the letters** (lacking)\u00a0**ANY** which form the surround\n \u00a0\n\n**TIMON** (reference **TIMON** of Athens, renowned misanthrope)"} {"Clue":"Scots reveal circle between water meadows (7)","Answer":"INGOING","Explanation":"Definition: Scots reveal\n**O** (circle shape) **contained in** (between) (**ING** [meadow, especially one beside a river.; water meadow] and **ING** [again, to give water meadows])\n **ING**** (O) ****ING**\n\n**INGOING** (Scottish word for a reveal)"} {"Clue":"It has no place in adulthood, changing since one ages (12)","Answer":"CAENOGENESIS","Explanation":"Definition: It has no place in adulthood,\n**Anagram of** (changing) **SINCE ONE AGES**\n **CAENOGENESIS***\n\n**CAENOGENESIS** (the state where adaptations to the needs of the young stages develop early, and disappear in the adult stage)"} {"Clue":"Healthy hospital opening in Edinburgh (4)","Answer":"SANE","Explanation":"Definition: Healthy\n**SAN** (sanitorium; hospital) + **E** (**first letter of** [opening in] **EDINBURGH**)\n \u00a0\n\n**SANE** (sound in health; healthy)"} {"Clue":"Form of religion I vote against being introduced to a Chinese one (8)","Answer":"HINAYANA","Explanation":"Definition: Form of religion\n(**I** **+ NAY** [a vote against]) **contained in** (being introduced to) (**HAN** [native Chinese people] **+ A** [one])\n **H** (**I** **NAY**) **AN** **A**\n\n**HINAYANA** (Theravada, one of the two main systems of practice and belief into which Buddhism split; form of religion)"} {"Clue":"Bread carried on head in travelling baskets (7)","Answer":"PITARAS","Explanation":"Definition: travelling baskets\n**PITA** (variant spelling of **PITTA** [slightly leavened bread]) **+ RAS** (headland)\n \u00a0\n\n**PITARAS** (travelling boxes or baskets for clothes)"} {"Clue":"Climber almost beneath sacred mountain of Aphrodite (7)","Answer":"IDALIAN","Explanation":"Definition: of Aphrodite\n**IDA **(reference Mount **IDA**, either\u00a0of two sacred mountains in Greek Mythology) + (**LIAN****A** [climbing plant] **excluding the final letter** [almost] **A**)\n \u00a0\n\n**IDALIAN** (relating to Aphrodite)"} {"Clue":"'Bright' fool heading intelligence department (5)","Answer":"NITID","Explanation":"Definition: 'Bright'\n**NIT** (fool) **+ ID** (intelligence department)\n \u00a0\n\n**NITID** (bright)"} {"Clue":"Cat, black, on top of tree (4)","Answer":"BOAK","Explanation":"Definition: Cat,\n**B** (black, as in pencil lead) **+ OAK** (tree)\n \u00a0\n\n**BOAK** (vomit,cat)"} {"Clue":"Paid pound rent formerly (5)","Answer":"GAVEL","Explanation":"Definition: rent formerly\n**GAVE** (paid [thanks]) **+ L** (pound sterling)\n \u00a0\n\n**GAVEL** (historically [formerly] rent or tribute)"} {"Clue":"Club ungraciously accepts such a tip (4)","Answer":"BUNG","Explanation":"Definition: tip\n**BUNG** (**hidden word in **(accepts] **CLUB UNGRACIOUSLY**)\n \u00a0\n\n**BUNG** (bribe, tip)"} {"Clue":"Interrupt attempt to circumvent road flaws when reversing (7)","Answer":"DISTURB","Explanation":"Definition: Interrupt\n(**BID** [attempt] **containing** [to circumvent] **RUTS** [road flaws]) **all reversed** (when reversing)\n (**DI** (**STUR**) **B**)<\n\n**DISTURB** (interrupt)"} {"Clue":"Film, one produced by American (7)","Answer":"AMADEUS","Explanation":"Definition: Film\n**A** (one) **+**** MADE** (produced) **+** **US** (United States; descriptive of American)\n \u00a0\n\n**AMADEUS** (title of a film)"} {"Clue":"Brings round no end of bijou flowers (5)","Answer":"ROSES","Explanation":"Definition: flowers\n**RO****U****SES** (brings round) **excluding** (no) **U** (**the last letter of** [end of] **BIJOU**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ROSES** (flowers)"} {"Clue":"Former man in Treasury? (9)","Answer":"EXCHEQUER","Explanation":"Definition: Treasury\n**EX** (former) **+ CHEQUER** (man, or piece, in a game of draughts)\n \u00a0\n\n**EXCHEQUER** (Department of State having charge of revenue; Treasury)"} {"Clue":"Decorated a capital individual involved in recording (11)","Answer":"CAPARISONED","Explanation":"Definition: Decorated\n(**A** **+** **PARIS** [capital city] **+ ONE** [individual]) **contained in** (involved in) **CD** (Compact disc; recording)\n **C** (**A** **PARIS** **ONE**) **D**\n\n**CAPARISONED** (covered with a rich cloth; decorated)"} {"Clue":"Excellent suggestion given to Prince (6)","Answer":"TIPTOP","Explanation":"Definition: Excellent\n**TIP **(suggestion) **+ TO + P** (prince)\n \u00a0\n\n**TIPTOP** (excellent)"} {"Clue":"Old piano to obliterate song (except opening) in stage work (5,5)","Answer":"OPERA SERIA","Explanation":"Definition: stage work\n**O** (old) **+ P** (piano) **+ ERASE** (obliterate) **+** (**ARIA** [song] **excluding** [except] **the first letter** [opening] **A**)\n \u00a0\n\n**OPERA SERIA **(serious opera; stage work])"} {"Clue":"It's amongst trattoria's tipples (4)","Answer":"ASTI","Explanation":"Definition: It's amongst trattoria's tipples\n**ASTI** (**hidden word in** [amongst] **TRATTORIA'S TIPPLES**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ASTI **(Italian white wine, very likely to be served in a trattoria)"} {"Clue":"Judge content of writing in a quick movement (4)","Answer":"JINK","Explanation":"Definition: quick movement\n**J** (judge) **+ INK** (black or coloured liquid used in writing, printing, etc; content of writing)\n \u00a0\n\n**JINK** (sudden evasive turn; quick movement)"} {"Clue":"Not working to accommodate half of Indian Ocean activity? (4-6)","Answer":"SKIN-DIVING","Explanation":"Definition: Ocean activity\n**SKIVING** (evading work; not working) **containing** (to accommodate) **IND** (**three of the six letters of** [half of] **IND****IAN**)\n **SK** (**IN D**) **IVING**\n\n**SKIN-DIVING** (diving and swimming underwater, with breathing equipment carried on the back, not wearing the traditional diver's helmet and suit; ocean activity)"} {"Clue":"Angry Left encouraged, following protocol in sit-in? (5-6)","Answer":"CROSS-LEGGED","Explanation":"Definition: ollowing protocol in sit-in\n**CROSS** (angry)** + L **(left) **+ EGGED** (encouraged)\n \u00a0\n\n**CROSS-LEGGED** (sitting on the ground having ankles and **LEG**s **CROSS**ed) I'm not sure about the 'following protocol' bit, but I think it is to with the fact that most press pictures of sit-ins show the demonstrators sitting with their **LEG**s **CROSS**ed\u00a0so this posture is the norm (following protocol) for sit-ins."} {"Clue":"A fellow enshrining monarch in charge by a country's memorabilia (9)","Answer":"AMERICANA","Explanation":"Definition: a country's memorabilia\n**A** **+** (**MAN** [fellow] **containing** [**ER** {Elizabeth Regina; monarch} **+ IC** {in charge}]) **+ A**\n **A** **M** (**ER** **IC**) **AN** **A**\n\n**AMERICANA** (country's memorabilia, in this case **AMERICA**'s)"} {"Clue":"Former drinkers slightly engaging perhaps with boozer once more (5)","Answer":"AGAIN","Explanation":"Definition: once more\n**AGAIN** \u2013 I\u00a0can't see exactly how this works. We have **AA** (Alcoholics Anonymous, an organisation that helps former drinkers) and we have **GIN** (alcoholic spirit) and **AA** and **GIN** interlink (slightly engage) but I can't find anything that indicates that **GIN** is a synonym of **BOOZER**.\n **A** **G** **A** **IN**\n\n**AGAIN** (once more)"} {"Clue":"Fruit flavour provided by core of fruit (7)","Answer":"TANGELO","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\n**TANG **(flavour) **+ ELO** (**middle three letters of** [core of] **MELON** [fruit])\n \u00a0\n\n**TANGELO** (a hybrid between a\u00a0**TANG**erine orange and a pom**ELO**; fruit)"} {"Clue":"Fist striking head, mostly an elevated position (7)","Answer":"DUKEDOM","Explanation":"Definition: elevated position\n**DUKE** (fist) **+ DOME** (head like the shape of a hemispherical vault; the headteacher of my school was referred to as the **DOME **[out of his earshot]) **excluding the final letter** (mostly)\n \u00a0\n\n**DUKEDOM** (one of the highest orders [elevated rank \/ position] of the aristocracy)"} {"Clue":"British scientist curtailed urgent account (5)","Answer":"DIRAC","Explanation":"Definition: British scientist\n**DIRE** (urgent) **excluding the final letter** (curtailed) **E** **+ AC** (account)\n \u00a0\n\n**DIRAC **(reference Paul **DIRAC** [1902 \u2013 1984], British theoretical physicist who made fundamental contributions to the early development of both quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics)"} {"Clue":"He pays dreadfully, having engaged in wrongdoing \u2013 with such labour? (9)","Answer":"SISYPHEAN","Explanation":"Definition: such labour\n**Anagram of **(dreadfully) **HE PAYS** **contained in** (having engaged in) **SIN** (wrong doing)\n **SI** (**SYPHEA***) **N**\n\n**SISYPHEAN** (relating to **SISYPHUS**, king of Corinth, condemned in Tartarus to roll ceaselessly up a hill a huge stone which would roll back to the foot of the hill again each time he neared the top; hence, endless, laborious and futile) Could be a dreadful punishment for wrongdoing, though possibly a tad harsh in this day and age."} {"Clue":"Strangely purest a mile nearer the source (8)","Answer":"UPSTREAM","Explanation":"Definition: nearer the source\n**Anagram of** (strangely) **PUREST** **+ A** +\u00a0**M** (mile)\n **UPSTRE*** **A** **M**\n\n**UPSTREAM** (nearer the source)"} {"Clue":"Complaints over wood, also about vegetation and fruit (9,6)","Answer":"BEEFSTEAK TOMATO","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\n**BEEFS** (complaints) **+ TEAK** (wood from a tree of the same name) **+** (**TOO** [also] **containing** [about] **MAT** [closely-interwoven or tangled mass, especially of hair or vegetation]\n **BEEFS** **TEAK** **TO** (**MAT**) **O**\n\n**BEEFSTEAK TOMATO** (any of the largest varieties of cultivated tomatoes; fruit)"} {"Clue":"A small area for generating scandal, sin and noise? (9,6)","Answer":"ASCENSION ISLAND","Explanation":"Definition: A small area\n**Anagram of **(generating) **SCANDAL SIN** and **NOISE**\n **ASC****E****N****SION**** ****IS****LA****N****D***\n\n**ASCENSION ISLAND** (an isolated volcanic island in the equatorial waters of the South Atlantic Ocean. It's total area is 91 square kilometres making it a small area)"} {"Clue":"What one intends to do, having target in range (6)","Answer":"AGENDA","Explanation":"Definition: What one intends to do\n**AGA** (range [for cooking]) **containing** (having \u2026 in) **END** (goal; target) \n **AG** (**END**) **A**\n\n**AGENDA** (what one intends to do)"} {"Clue":"'Fiat lux' easily engenders triumph, on reflection (5)","Answer":"EXULT","Explanation":"Definition: triumph\n**EXULT** (**hidden word** [engenders] **reversed** [on reflection] in **FIAT LUX EASILY**)\n **EXULT**<\n\n**EXULT** (triumph)"} {"Clue":"Robust quantity of leather work? (9)","Answer":"STRAPPING","Explanation":"Definition: Robust\n**STRAPPING** (robust)\n \u00a0\n\n**STRAPPING** (quantity of leather work) double definition"} {"Clue":"Old black plane to move quickly \u2013 a thing of beauty? (5,4)","Answer":"OBJET D","Explanation":"Definition: a thing of beauty\n**O** (old) **+ B** (black, as in pencil lead) **+ JET** (plane) **+ DART** (move quickly)\n \u00a0\n\n**OBJET D'ART** (an article with artistic value; a thing of beauty)"} {"Clue":"One protects small piece containing heart of Mingus (9)","Answer":"SHINGUARD","Explanation":"Definition: One protects\n**SHARD** (scrap, small broken piece of pottery) **containing** (containing) **INGU** (**middle letters of** [heart of] **MINGUS**)\n **SH** (**INGU**) **ARD**\n\n**SHINGUARD** (protective covering for the **SHIN**)"} {"Clue":"American flags displayed here (8)","Answer":"SIDEWALK","Explanation":"Definition: American flags displayed here\n**FLAGS** are paving stones that could be found in a pavement in Britain\n \u00a0\n\n**SIDEWALK** (American word for pavement)"} {"Clue":"College location that is containing book and writer (6)","Answer":"SCRIBE","Explanation":"Definition: writer\n**SCR** (Senior Common Room, in some universities, a common room for the use of staff; college location) **+** (**IE** [id est; that is] **containing** [containing] **B** [book])\n **SCR** **I **(**B**) **E**\n\n**SCRIBE** (writer)"} {"Clue":"Work on feathers about to probe quill? (5)","Answer":"PREEN","Explanation":"Definition: Work on feathers\n**RE** (about) **contained in** (to probe) **PEN** (quill)\n **P** (**RE**) **EN**\n\n**PREEN** (clean and arrange feathers)"} {"Clue":"Sea holding in rising material (5)","Answer":"DENIM","Explanation":"Definition: material\n(**MED** [Mediterranean Sea] **containing** [holding] **IN**) **all reversed** (rising; down clue)\n (**DE** (**NI**) **M**)<\n\n**DENIM** (coloured twilled cotton fabric for jeans, overalls, etc; material)"} {"Clue":"Humbert Humbert's clasping part of hand (5)","Answer":"THUMB","Explanation":"Definition: part of hand\n**THUMB** (**hidden word in** [clasping] **HUMBERT HUMBERT'S**)\n \u00a0\n\n**THUMB** (part of the hand)"} {"Clue":"Aus. opener bats for \"the other side\", according to Farage (9)","Answer":"EUROPEANS","Explanation":"Definition: \"the other side\", according to Farage\n**Anagram of** (bats) **AUS OPENER**\n **E****U****ROPE****A****N****S***\n\n**EUROPEANS** (people whom Nigel Farage [leader of UKIP] may refer to as \"the other side\")\n I can't find a specific quote where Nigel Farage calls **EUROPEANS** \"the other side\" but I expect many UKIP supporters have used similar words."} {"Clue":"Reckless, perhaps, for one to have left bird behind (2-3)","Answer":"EX-CON","Explanation":"Definition: one to have left bird behind\nI am struggling a bit with the wordplay here. \n The best I can come up with is that **RECK** is an archaic [**EX**] word for **CONCERN. **Hence a smaller version of **RECK** [**RECK LESS**] could be **CON** and the whole thing taken together could give **RECKLESS** as **EX CON**.\n Thanks to Danie at comment 1 for making this clue very clear. Mark RECKLESS was the Conservative MP for Rochester and Strood who defected to UKIP in September thereby making him an **EX-CON**[servative]. I had forgotten all about Mr RECKLESS. Indeed his constituents have made him yesterday's man in another way when he failed to gain re-election in the General Election of 2015.\n \u00a0\n\n**EX-CON** (an ex prisoner; some one who has left bird [prison] behind)"} {"Clue":"Left-leaning character supports the whip (10)","Answer":"BACKSLASH","Explanation":"Definition: Left-leaning character\n**BACKS** (supports) **+ LASH** (whip)\n \u00a0\n\n**BACKSLASH** (the character \"\\\" which leans to the left)"} {"Clue":"One falling off the twig, having croaked (4,4)","Answer":"TREE FROG","Explanation":"Definition: One falling off the twig, having croaked\n**FROG**s **CROAK**. **CROAK** is also slang for die. Presumably if a **TREE FROG CROAKS **in this sense it will then fall off the twig it is sitting on in a **TREE**.\n \u00a0\n\n**TREE FROG** (any species of **FROG** that spends a major portion of its lifespan in trees)"} {"Clue":"Poles accept thrust of what's being said (6)","Answer":"SPOKEN","Explanation":"Definition: of what's being said\n(**S** [South pole] **+ N** [North pole] giving poles) **containing** (**POKE** [thrust]) \n **S** (**POKE**) **N**\n\n**SPOKEN** (denoting speech; of what's being said)"} {"Clue":"Having 12 passionately, relegate first to last (6)","Answer":"EMOTED","Explanation":"Definition: Having 12 passionately\n**DEMOTE** (relegate) **with first letter** **D** **moved to the last position** (first to last)\n **EMOTE****D**\n\n**EMOTED** (having **SPOKEN** [12 across] passionately)"} {"Clue":"Serbia \u2013 a terrible place for fighters (3,4)","Answer":"AIR BASE","Explanation":"Definition: place for fighters\n**Anagram of** (terrible) **SERBIA A**\n **AIR BASE***\n\n**AIR BASE** (place for fighter planes)"} {"Clue":"Judge a bishop pinched something from the snack bar (7)","Answer":"ARBITER","Explanation":"Definition: Judge\n(**A** **+ RR** [Right Reverend; form of address for a Bishop]) **containing** (pinched) **BITE** (something from the snack bar)\n **A** **R** (**BITE**) **R**\n\n**ARBITER** (judge)"} {"Clue":"Venerated Daily Mail editor's changed sides (6)","Answer":"SACRED","Explanation":"Definition: Venerated\n**DACRE'****S** (reference Paul **DACRE**, editor of The Daily Mail. He is also editor-in-chief of dmg media, which publishes the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday, the free daily tabloid Metro, and other titles) with the **first and last letters** (the sides of **DACRE'****S**) **D** and **S**\u00a0**substituted for each other** [changed sides])\n **S****ACRED**\n\n**SACRED** (entitled to veneration or worship; venerated)"} {"Clue":"In Colorado, Lou Reed found the blues (6)","Answer":"DOLOUR","Explanation":"Definition: the blues\n**DOLOUR** **(hidden word in** [in] **COLORADO LOU REED**)\n \u00a0\n\n**DOLOUR** (grief; the blues)"} {"Clue":"Heeds the call of time? (6,2)","Answer":"DRINKS UP","Explanation":"Definition: Heeds the call of time? \nReference the phrase **TIME GENTLEMEN PLEASE** [A phrase called out at closing time in a pub to let drinkers know they have a short time to finish off their drinks and leave; call of time)\n \u00a0\n\n**DRINKS UP** (by **DRINK**ing **UP** customers are heeding the call of time)"} {"Clue":"Eimi scans puzzle having champion quality (9)","Answer":"MESSIANIC","Explanation":"Definition: having champion quality\n**Anagram of** (puzzle) **EIMI SCANS** For those who may not know, **EIMI** is the pseudonym of the Independent crossword puzzle editor.\n **ME****SS****I****AN****I****C***\n\n**MESSIANIC** (having the quality of a **MESSIA****H** [a hoped-for deliverer, saviour, or champion])"} {"Clue":"Big cheese Mr T became perhaps? (9)","Answer":"CAMEMBERT","Explanation":"Definition: Big cheese\n**Anagram of **(perhaps) **MR T BECAME**\n **CAMEMBERT***\n\n**CAMEMBERT** (a soft rich cheese, originally made near **CAMEMBERT**, in Normandy, often presented for sale in the shape of large soft\u00a0fairly thick disc)."} {"Clue":"Lots of sausages left at the Oktoberfest (5)","Answer":"LINKS","Explanation":"Definition: Lots of sausages\n**LINKS **(the word for **LEFT** in German is **LINKS**) \u00a0\n\n**LINKS** (descriptive of sausages that are made as a\u00a0**LINK**ed chain of individual sausages. Fairly common word in Scotland and perhaps elsewhere to distinguish this type of sausage from sliced sausage) double definition"} {"Clue":"Family member for whom Napoleon spied? (5)","Answer":"UNCLE","Explanation":"Definition: Family member\n**UNCLE** (reference the television series and films The Man from **UNCLE** (**U**nited **N**etwork **C**ommand for **L**aw and **E**nforcement). **NAPOLEON** Solo was one of the leading characters \/ spies)\n \u00a0\n\n**UNCLE** (family member)"} {"Clue":"Migrant rhetoric? \u00a0Must be Tories \/ NF, I suspect (8,7)","Answer":"BENEFITS TOURISM","Explanation":"Definition: Migrant rhetoric? \n**Anagram of **(suspect) **MUST BE TORIES NF I**\n **BEN****E****F****I****TS**** TO****U****R****I****S****M***\n\n**BENEFITS TOURISM** (political term coined in the 1990s and later used for the perceived threat that a huge number of citizens from eight of the ten new nations given membership in the European Union in the 2004 enlargement of the European Union\u00a0would move to the existing member states to benefit from their social welfare systems rather than to work; migrant rhetoric)"} {"Clue":"Stitches ruined Totti's last Rome derby (10)","Answer":"EMBROIDERY","Explanation":"Definition: Stitches\n**Anagram of** (ruined)** I** (**final letter of** **TOTTI**; **TOTTI**'s last) and **ROME DERBY**\n **EM****B****ROI****DERY***\n\n**EMBROIDERY** (stitches)"} {"Clue":"Little Richard made a stack (4)","Answer":"RICK","Explanation":"Definition: stack\n**RICK** (diminutive of [little] Richard)\n \u00a0\n\n**RICK** (stack) double definition"} {"Clue":"Review of papers cancelled by agreement in 8? (8,7)","Answer":"PASSPORT CONTROL","Explanation":"Definition: Review of papers cancelled by agreement in 8\nThe **SCHENGEN **[8 down] Agreement is a treaty which led to the creation of Europe's borderless **SCHENGEN** Area. It was signed on 14 June 1985 by five of the ten member states of the then European Economic Community near the town of **SCHENGEN**, Luxembourg. The borderless area removed the need for **PASSPORT CONTROL****.**\n\n**PASSPORT CONTROL** (a location where there is a review of [identity] papers)"} {"Clue":"Drivers protect golf range (3)","Answer":"AGA","Explanation":"Definition: range\n**AA** (Automobile Association; organisation representing drivers)** containing** (protect) **G** (**GOLF** is the International Radio Communication code word for the letter G)\n **A** (**G**) **A**\n\n**AGA** (reference AGA stoves or kitchen ranges)"} {"Clue":"Somewhere in Luxembourg, Engineering school leads by two points (8)","Answer":"SCHENGEN","Explanation":"Definition: Somewhere in Luxembourg\n**SCH** (school) **+ ENG** (engineering) **+** (**E** [East; point of the compass] +** N** [point of the compass] giving two points)\n \u00a0\n\n**SCHENGEN** (town in Luxembourg)"} {"Clue":"Jack King (revolting Welshman) (5)","Answer":"KNAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Jack\n**K** (king) **+** (**EVAN** [Welsh male name] reversed [revolting])\n **K** **NAVE**<\n\n**KNAVE** (Jack in a pack of cards)"} {"Clue":"Mark's death warrant? (10,6)","Answer":"MAASTRICHT TREATY","Explanation":"Definition: Jack\n**K** (king) **+** (**EVAN** [Welsh male name] reversed [revolting])\n **K** **NAVE**<\n\n**KNAVE** (Jack in a pack of cards)"} {"Clue":"The Girl from Ipanema? Bellissima! (5)","Answer":"MABEL","Explanation":"Definition: The Girl \n**MABEL** (**hidden word in** [from] **IPANEMA BELLISSIMA**)\n \u00a0\n\n**MABEL** (girl's name)"} {"Clue":"Democrat gripped by terror; it's a global problem (8)","Answer":"PANDEMIC","Explanation":"Definition: a global problem\n**DEM** (Democrat) **contained in** (gripped by) **PANIC** (terror)\n **PAN** (**DEM**) **IC**\n\n**PANDEMIC** (affecting a whole people, possibly a global spread of people)"} {"Clue":"By gum, we should get rid of this English football manager (6)","Answer":"EPULIS","Explanation":"Definition: By gum, we should get rid of this\n**E** (English) **+** **PULIS** (reference Tony **PULIS**, football manager, currently manager of West Bromwich Albion in the English Premier League)\n \u00a0\n\n**EPULIS** (tumour of the gums, either benign or malignant, and growing from the periosteum of the jaw;something we would want to get rid of)"} {"Clue":"With this, for open all hours? (5)","Answer":"SEVEN","Explanation":"Definition: With this, for open all hours\n**SEVEN** \u2013 the clue is number 24 so taking the **SEVEN** with the clue number we have 24 \/ 7 or open all hours.\n \u00a0\n\n**SEVEN** (number to go with 24 to create 24 \/7)"} {"Clue":"For a bet, TV presenters ignored Washington (4)","Answer":"ANTE","Explanation":"Definition: For a bet,\n**ANT** & **D****E****C**, TV presenters who seem to have been on our screens forever, **excluding** (ignored)** DC** (reference Washington DC [District of Columbia], capital city of the United States of America)\n \u00a0\n\n**ANTE** (a fixed stake put down by a poker player, usually before the deal; for a bet)"} {"Clue":"Total wrestling rules nothing out (3)","Answer":"SUM","Explanation":"Definition: Total\n**SUM****O** (from of wrestling and traditional Japanese sport) **excluding** (out) **O** (zero; nothing)\n \u00a0\n\n**SUM** (total)"} {"Clue":"Being very tired, he had to go by public transport (6)","Answer":"BUSHED","Explanation":"Definition: Being very tired\n**BUS** (public transport) **+ HE'D** (he had)\n \u00a0\n\n**BUSHED** (informal word for tired or very tired)"} {"Clue":"Enormous beating (8)","Answer":"THUMPING","Explanation":"Definition: Enormous\n**THUMPING** (unusually big; enormous)\n \u00a0\n\n**THUMPING** (beating) double definition"} {"Clue":"A bit unhappy, opposing worker with time to collar one is in a relatively weak position (2,1,12)","Answer":"AT A DISADVANTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: in a relatively weak position\n(**A** **+ TAD** [small amount; bit] **+** **SAD** [unhappy] **+ V** [versus] **+ ANT** [worker] **+ AGE** [time]) **all containing** (to collar) **I** (one)\n **A****T A D** (**I**) **SAD** **V** **ANT** **AGE**\n\n**AT A DISADVANTAGE** (in a relatively weak position)"} {"Clue":"Figure is an old-fashioned way to enjoy computers etc. (5)","Answer":"DIGIT","Explanation":"Definition: Figure\n**DIG **(old slang for approve or understand; an old-fashioned way to enjoy) **+ IT** (information technology; computers etc)\n \u00a0\n\n**DIGIT **(numeral; figure)"} {"Clue":"Spotted former President at party going inside (5-3)","Answer":"POLKA-DOT","Explanation":"Definition: Spotted\n**POLK** (reference James **POLK**, eleventh President of the United States from 1845 to 1849) **+** (**DO** [party] **contained in** [going inside] **AT**)\n **POLK** **A** (**DO**) **T**\n\n**POLKA-DOT** (any of a number of large dots in a pattern on fabric, etc; spotted)"} {"Clue":"A section is cut from this crimson material (5)","Answer":"SCRIM","Explanation":"Definition: material\n**SCRIM** (**hidden word in** [a section is cut from] **THIS CRIMSON**)\n \u00a0\n\n**SCRIM** (open fabric used in upholstery, bookbinding, for curtains, etc; material)"} {"Clue":"One could dress Tom Cruise (9)","Answer":"COSTUMIER","Explanation":"Definition: One could dress Tom Cruise\n**Anagram of **(could dress) **TOM CRUISE**\n **C****O****S****T****U****M****IER***\n\n**COSTUMIER** (person who makes or deals in costumes, often found on a film set where they could\u00a0dress **TOM CRUISE**)"} {"Clue":"A landau is travelling around part of Spain (9)","Answer":"ANDALUSIA","Explanation":"Definition: part of Spain\n**Anagram of **(travelling around) **A LANDAU IS**\n **A****NDALU****SI****A***\n\n**ANDALUSIA** (region in south western Spain)"} {"Clue":"Agitated ambassador, a male beast (3,2)","Answer":"HET UP","Explanation":"Definition: Agitated\n**HE** (His \/ Her Excellency, form of address for an Ambassador\/dress) **+ TUP** (a male sheep)\n \u00a0\n\n**HET UP** (agitated)"} {"Clue":"Quixote's not young, keeping fashionable, it's thought (8)","Answer":"IMAGINED","Explanation":"Definition: thought\n**I'M** (I am; Quixote is) **+( AGED** [old; not young]** containing** (keeping) **IN** (fashionable)\n **IM** **AG** (**IN**) **ED**\n\n**IMAGINED** (thought)"} {"Clue":"Sheep that is seen in shrub (5)","Answer":"RAMIE","Explanation":"Definition: shrub\n**RAM** (sheep) **+ IE** (id est)\n \u00a0\n\n**RAMIE** (a plant (*Boehmeria nivea*) of the nettle family)"} {"Clue":"Group of MPs, including conservative, come and settle time for reform (6,9)","Answer":"SELECT COMMITTEE","Explanation":"Definition: Group of MPs\n**Anagram of **(for reform)** C** (conservative) and **COME** and **SETTLE TIME**\n **SELECT COMMITTEE***\n\n**SELECT COMMITTEE** (a number of Members of Parliament chosen to report and advise on some matter. They are largely concerned with examining the work of Government Departments. [In recent years they have become more and more like Star Chambers where many MPs who know little or nothing about the subjects under discussion consider it their duty to pillory people with significant experience\u00a0in the relevant topic. Others may, of course, hold a less jaundiced view])"} {"Clue":"Woman among the top people, 50, was first to be set aside (8)","Answer":"ANNULLED","Explanation":"Definition: be set aside\n**ANN **(woman's name) **+ U** (descriptive of words and behaviour among the top people) **+ L** (Roman numeral for 50) + **LED** (was first)\n \u00a0\n\n**ANNULLED** (abolished; set aside)"} {"Clue":"Good academician taking some French classes (6)","Answer":"GRADES","Explanation":"Definition: classes\n**G** (good) **+ RA** (Royal Academician) **+ DES** (French for 'some')\n \u00a0\n\n**GRADES** (classes)"} {"Clue":"Biscuit type that gets Violet upset (6,4)","Answer":"BRANDY SNAP","Explanation":"Definition: Biscuit\n**BRAND** (particular type or kind) **+** (**PANSY** [species of violet] **reversed** [upset; down clue])\n **BRAND** **Y SNAP**<\n\n**BRANDY SNAP** (thin crisp biscuit flavoured with ginger and originally brandy)"} {"Clue":"Hesitated at regular intervals? (9)","Answer":"STAGGERED","Explanation":"Definition: Hesitated\n**STAGGERED **(hesitated)\n \u00a0\n\n**STAGGERED** (disposed alternately or variously; at regular intervals)"} {"Clue":"Dealing with aspect of philosophy and geopolitics, male getting confused (15)","Answer":"EPISTEMOLOGICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Dealing with aspect of philosophy\n**Anagram of** (getting confused) **GEOPOLITICS MALE**\n **EPIST****EM****OLOGIC****AL***\n\n**EPISTEMOLOGICAL** (relating to the theory of knowledge; dealing with aspect of philosophy [the pursuit of wisdom and knowledge])"} {"Clue":"Shed in south-coast location overlooking lake (5)","Answer":"HOVEL","Explanation":"Definition: Shed\n**HOVE** (town on the south coast of England) **+ L** (lake)\n \u00a0\n\n**HOVEL** (shed)"} {"Clue":"Bird rather amusing or unusual (8,7)","Answer":"MONTAGU","Explanation":"Definition: Bird \n**Anagram of** (unusual) **RATHER AMUSING OR**\n **MONTAGU'S HARRIER***\n\n**MONTAGU'S HARRIER** (a bird of prey [*Circus pygargus*] of the Accipitridae family, with long wings and tail, native to Europe)"} {"Clue":"A princess once set up house in a place designated 'gem' (5)","Answer":"IDAHO","Explanation":"Definition: a place designated 'gem' \n(**A** **+ DI** [reference princess **DI**ana]) **all reversed** (set up) **+ HO** (house)\n (**ID A**)< **HO**\n\n**IDAHO** (**IDAHO**'s nickname is the '**GEM** State'. Wikipedia also tells me that the *mule* **IDAHO** Gem (born May 4, 2003) is the first cloned equine and first cloned *mule)"} {"Clue":"Butter? Gosh \u2013 that's hard inside! (4)","Answer":"GHEE","Explanation":"Definition: Butter\n**H** (hard, as in the description of lead in a pencil) **contained in** (inside) **GEE** (gosh) \n **G** (**H**) **EE**\n\n**GHEE** (clarified butter)"} {"Clue":"Current area in the mountains specified for woolly animals (7)","Answer":"ALPACAS","Explanation":"Definition: woolly animals\n(**AC** [alternating current]** ****+**** ****A** [area]) **contained in** (in) **ALPS** (mountain range)\n **ALP** (**AC** **A**) **S**\n\n**ALPACAS** (domesticated animals related to the llama with long silky wool)"} {"Clue":"Woman of insight giving support to the fellow, a tragic female (10)","Answer":"PROPHETESS","Explanation":"Definition: Woman of insight\n**PROP** (support) **+ HE** (man; fellow) **+ TESS** (tragic heroine of **TESS** of the D'urbervilles by Thomas Hardy)\n \u00a0\n\n**PROPHETESS** (woman of insight)"} {"Clue":"Modern baddies set up to achieve celebrity status (7)","Answer":"STARDOM","Explanation":"Definition: celebrity status\n(**MOD** [modern] **+** **RATS** [despicable people; baddies]) **all reversed**\n (**STAR** **DOM**)<\n\n**STARDOM** (celebrity status)"} {"Clue":"Frightened, this person had hidden, it's suggested (9)","Answer":"INTIMATED","Explanation":"Definition: suggested\n**INTIMIDATED** (frightened) is **INTIMATED** **with an extra**\u00a0(hidden) **I'D** (this person had)\n \u00a0\n\n**INTIMATED** (hinted; suggested)"} {"Clue":"Number upset after dinner maybe without a fruit (5)","Answer":"MELON","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\n(**MEAL** [dinner for example] **excluding** [without] **A**) **+** (**NO** [number] **reversed** [upset; down clue])\n \u00a0\n\n**MELON** (example of a fruit)"} {"Clue":"Suitable position of hospital in French city (5)","Answer":"NICHE","Explanation":"Definition: Suitable position\n**H** (hospital) **contained in** (in) **NICE** (French city)\n **NIC** (**H**) **E**\n\n**NICHE** (situation, place or condition appropriate for a person or thing; suitable position)"} {"Clue":"A country once seen as deficient in its larger setting (4)","Answer":"ASIA","Explanation":"Definition: larger setting\n**A** **+ SIAM** (old name for [once seen] Thailand) **excluding the final letter** (as deficient) **M**\n \u00a0\n\n**ASIA** (Siam \/ Thailand is located within the continent of **ASIA**; larger setting)"} {"Clue":"Right usurps Left in Black Death city (6)","Answer":"PRAGUE","Explanation":"Definition: city\n**PLAGUE** (The Black Death was an epidemic of bubonic **PLAGUE**) with **R** (right) **replacing** (usurps) **L** (left)\n **P****R****AGUE**\n\n**PRAGUE** (city, capital of the Czech republic)"} {"Clue":"Song from Frau von Trapp millions dismissed (4)","Answer":"ARIA","Explanation":"Definition: Song\n**MARIA** (reference the musical and film The Sound of Music portraying the life of the Von Trapp family where **M****ARIA** moved out of the convent to become Frau von Trapp) **excluding** (dismissed) **M** (millions)\n \u00a0\n\n**ARIA** (song)"} {"Clue":"Talk to knight and pseudo-medievalist poet (10)","Answer":"CHATTERTON","Explanation":"Definition: pseudo-medievalist poet\n**CHATTER** (talk) **+ TO + N** (notation for Knight in chess)\n \u00a0\n\n**CHATTERTON** (reference Thomas **CHATTERTON** [1752 \u2013 1770], English poet and forger of pseudo-medieval poetry)"} {"Clue":"Theologian in distance comes to centre (6)","Answer":"MIDDLE","Explanation":"Definition: centre\n**DD** (Doctor of Divinity; theologian) **contained in** (in) **MILE** (a distance)\n **MI** (**DD**) **LE**\n\n**MIDDLE** (centre)"} {"Clue":"Fled, escaping ranger wild as Hilderic? (8)","Answer":"GERMANIC","Explanation":"Definition: centre\n**DD** (Doctor of Divinity; theologian) **contained in** (in) **MILE** (a distance)\n **MI** (**DD**) **LE**\n\n**MIDDLE** (centre)"} {"Clue":"Appearance of Fish calling for Chips? (9)","Answer":"CARPENTRY","Explanation":"Definition: calling for Chips\n**CARP** (a fish)** + ENTRY** (appearance)\n \u00a0\n\n**CARPENTRY** (**CHIPS** is a common nickname for a **CARPENT**er, so the need for **CARPENTRY** work could result in a call for **CHIPS**)"} {"Clue":"Good-looker was female's help in kitchen (10)","Answer":"DISHWASHER","Explanation":"Definition: help in kitchen\n**DISH** (good-looker) **+ WAS** **+** **HER** (female's)\n \u00a0\n\n**DISHWASHER** (an aid in the kitchen)"} {"Clue":"Game Anfield side delivered? (4)","Answer":"POOL","Explanation":"Definition: Game\n**LIVER****POOL** (Anfield is the stadium where **LIVERPOOL** Football Club play their home games) **excluding** (de \u2013 ed) **LIVER**\n \u00a0\n\n**POOL** (any of various games of the same name)"} {"Clue":"Big Chief Iron Cuckoo in Stonehenge? (8)","Answer":"GERONIMO","Explanation":"Definition: Big Chief\n**Anagram of** (cuckoo) **IRON** **contained in** (in) (**GEM** [stone] **+ O** [a **HENGE** is a circular {or oval} area enclosed by a bank and internal ditch)\n **GE** (**RONI***) **M** **O**\n\n**GERONIMO** (**GERONIMO** [1829 \u2013 1909] prominent leader from the Bedonkohe band of the Chiricahua Apache tribe)"} {"Clue":"Hreidmar's son makes audible fuss close by (6)","Answer":"FAFNIR","Explanation":"Definition: Hreidmar's son\n**FAF **(**sounds like **[audible] **FAFF** [fuss ineffectually] **+ NIR** (**sounds like** [continuing with audible] **NEAR** [close by)\n \u00a0\n\n**FAFNIR** (In Norse mythology, **FAFNIR** was son of the dwarf king **HREIDMAR**)"} {"Clue":"Reference work and super novel in 9 brings tragedy (7,3)","Answer":"OEDIPUS REX","Explanation":"Definition: tragedy\n**OED** (Oxford English Dictionary; reference work) **+** (**an anagram of** [novel] **SUPER** **contained in** (in) **IX** (Roman numerals for 9])\n **OED** **I** (**PUS RE***) **X**\n\n**OEDIPUS REX** (reference the Tragedy of **OEDIPUS** the King [**REX**], the second of three Theban plays written by Sophocles and first performed around 429 BC)"} {"Clue":"Daesh takes two lives (4)","Answer":"ISIS","Explanation":"Definition: Daesh\n**IS** (lives) **+ IS** (lives) gives two lives \u00a0\n\n**ISIS** (**DAESH**, **ISIS**, ISIL, Islamic State\u00a0\u2026 \u2013 there seem to be a variety of names for this group although the Daily Mirror tells us that\u00a0they seem to particularly dislike being called **DAESH**)"} {"Clue":"Daughter one to see in Rome or Split (6)","Answer":"DIVIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Split\n**D** **+** **I** [one] **+**** VIDE** [Latin [Rome] for see])\n **D** **I**\u00a0**VIDE**\n\n**DIVIDE** (split)"} {"Clue":"Restrained always in disease of love (6)","Answer":"STAYED","Explanation":"Definition: Restrained\n**AYE** (ever; always) **contained in** (in) **STD** (sexually transmitted disease; disease of love)\n **ST** (**AYE**) **D**\n\n**STAYED** (restrained)"} {"Clue":"Lost daughter partied wildly (7)","Answer":"PERDITA","Explanation":"Definition: Lost daughter\n**Anagram of** (wildly) **PARTIED**\n **PERDITA***\n\n**PERDITA **(in Shakespeare's play The Winters Tale, **PERDITA** is the daughter of Leontes, King of Sicilia, and his wife Hermione. **PERDITA** is the Latin for 'lost one')"} {"Clue":"Bill receives armed conflict prize (5)","Answer":"AWARD","Explanation":"Definition: prize\n**AD** (advertisement; bill) **containing** (receives) **WAR** (armed conflict)\n **A** (**WAR**) **D**\n\n**AWARD** (prize)"} {"Clue":"Jane edges away after relative becomes leprous (7)","Answer":"UNCLEAN","Explanation":"Definition: leprous\n**UNCLE** (relative) **+ AN** (**letters remaining in** **JANE** **when the outside letters** [edges] **J** and **E** **are excluded** [away])\n \u00a0\n\n**UNCLEAN** (in a fairly extreme sense, foul; leprous)"} {"Clue":"Say M1 means to supply blood (6)","Answer":"ARTERY","Explanation":"Definition: means to supply blood\nThe M1 motorway is a major road transport **ARTERY** in England running from London to north of Leeds)\n \u00a0\n\n**ARTERY** (tube or vessel that conveys blood from the heart to the body) double definition"} {"Clue":"Healer Earth's Lib misrepresented (9)","Answer":"HERBALIST","Explanation":"Definition: Healer\n**Anagram of** (misrepresented) **EARTH'S LIB**\n **HER****B****A****LI****ST***\n\n**HERBALIST** (a person who uses (extracts of) roots, seeds, etc for medicinal purposes; healer)"} {"Clue":"Like some bird, marsupial is trapped by King Henry (7)","Answer":"ROOKISH","Explanation":"Definition: Like some bird\n**ROO** (kangaroo; marsupial) **+** (**IS** **contained in** [trapped by] [**K** [king] **+ H** [henry])\n **ROO** **K** (**IS**)** H**\n\n**ROOKISH** (like a rook [example of [like some] bird)"} {"Clue":"Just not sitting here, cougar took and ran off (8,5)","Answer":"KANGAROO COURT","Explanation":"Definition: Just not sitting here\n**Anagram of **\u00a0(off) **COUGAR TOOK** and **RAN**\n **K****A****N****G****A****R****OO**** COU****RT***\n\n**KANGAROO COURT** (a tribunal before which a fair trial is impossible; a sitting that is not just)"} {"Clue":"Composer ordered pork, duck and five nuts (9)","Answer":"PROKOFIEV","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\n**Anagram of **(ordered) **PORK** **+ O** [zero; duck score in cricket) +** an anagram of** (nuts) **FIVE**\n **PROK*** **O** **FIEV***\n\n**PROKOFIEV **(reference Sergei **PROKOFIEV** [1891 \u2013 1953], Russian and Soviet\u00a0composer)"} {"Clue":"Parking on corner \u2013 it's allowed to clergy (7)","Answer":"PREBEND","Explanation":"Definition: it's allowed to clergy\n**P **(parking) **+ RE** (with reference to; about; on) **+ BEND** (corner)\n**PREBEND** (the share of the revenues of a cathedral or collegiate church allowed to a clergyman who officiates in it at stated times)"} {"Clue":"Problem solver runs with force inside to cause trouble (2,5)","Answer":"MR FIXIT","Explanation":"Definition: Problem solver\n(**R** [runs in cricket scoring notation] **+ F** [force]) **contained in **(inside) **MIX IT** (cause trouble)\n **M** (**R** **F**) **IX IT**\n\n**MR FIXIT** (problem solver)"} {"Clue":"Two editors to retain provided one's improved mind (7)","Answer":"EDIFIED","Explanation":"Definition: improved mind\n(**ED** [editor] **+ ED** [editor] giving two editors) **containing** (to retain) (**IF** [provided] **+ I** [one])\n **ED** (**IF** **I**) **ED**\n\n**EDIFIED** (improved the mind)"} {"Clue":"In the form of money: \u00a351? (6)","Answer":"LIQUID","Explanation":"Definition: In the form of money\n**LI **(51 in Roman numerals) **+ QUID** (pound sterling; \u00a3)\n \u00a0\n\n**LIQUID** (descriptive of cash or other assets readily convertible into cash; money)"} {"Clue":"Hag with deformity, or disfigured benefactor? (5,9)","Answer":"FAIRY GODMOTHER","Explanation":"Definition: benefactor\n**Anagram of** (disfigured) **HAG** and **DEFORMITY OR**\n **FAIRY GODMOTHER***\n\n**FAIRY GODMOTHER** (benefactor)"} {"Clue":"Ace crossword \u2013 no indication of alternative \u2013 cryptic? Such may be beyond criticism (6,4)","Answer":"SACRED COWS","Explanation":"Definition: Such may be beyond criticism\n**Anagram of **(cryptic) **ACE CROSSWORD** **excluding** (no indication of) **OR** (alternative)\n **SACRED COWS***\n\n**SACRED COWS** (institutions, customs, etc, so venerated that they are above criticism)"} {"Clue":"Son engaged in reverse of best job (4)","Answer":"POST","Explanation":"Definition: job\n**S** (son) **contained in** (engaged in) (**TOP** [best] **reversed** [reverse of])\n **PO** (**S**) **T**<\n\n**POST** (job)"} {"Clue":"Vehicle maintenance left incomplete (3)","Answer":"CAR","Explanation":"Definition: Vehicle\n**CARE **(maintenance) **excluding the final letter** (left incomplete) **E**\n \u00a0\n\n**CAR** (vehicle)"} {"Clue":"Skilful footwork, pending cast changes (11)","Answer":"STEP DANCING","Explanation":"Definition: Skilful footwork\n**Anagram of **(changes) **PENDING CAST** \n **ST****EP D****A****N****C****ING***\n\n**STEP DANCING** (**DANCING** involving an effective display of **STEP**s\u00a0by an individual; skilful footwork)"} {"Clue":"Ghastly party, no skill, very uneven (5)","Answer":"BUMPY","Explanation":"Definition: very uneven\n**BUM** (awful; ghastly) **+** **PY** (**PARTY** **excluding** [no] **ART** [skill])\n \u00a0\n\n**BUMPY** (very uneven)"} {"Clue":"Part of church entrance knocked over by haulage expert? (4-5)","Answer":"ROOD-TOWER","Explanation":"Definition: Part of church\n**DOOR** (entrance) **reversed** (knocked over) **+** **TOWER** (haulage expert)\n **ROOD**< **TOWER**\n\n**ROOD-TOWER** (the **TOWER**\u00a0over the crossing of a church)"} {"Clue":"Woman backed fashionable drink (6)","Answer":"NICOLA","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\n**IN** (fashionable) **reversed** (backed) **+** **COLA** (soft drink)\n **NI**< **COLA**\n\n**NICOLA** (woman's name)"} {"Clue":"Backed poetry penned by radical (8)","Answer":"REVERSED","Explanation":"Definition: Backed\n**VERSE **(poetry) **contained in** (penned by) **RED** (revolutionary or person who favours sweeping changes, variously applied to **RADICAL**, republican, anarchist, socialist, communist, etc)\n **RE** (**VERSE**) **D**\n\n**REVERSED** (backed)"} {"Clue":"Expected outcome of returning with different actors (8)","Answer":"FORECAST","Explanation":"Definition: Expected\n**OF** **reversed** (returning) **+ RECAST** (with different actors)\n **FO**< **RECAST**\n\n**FORECAST** (expected)"} {"Clue":"Fairground worker and drink supplier not turning to go (6)","Answer":"BARKER","Explanation":"Definition: Fairground worker\n**BAR KEEPER** (drink supplier) **excluding** (not) (**PEE** [to go] **reversed**)\n \u00a0\n\n**BARKER** (fairground worker)"} {"Clue":"Glassware and barrels rolled over into river (4,5)","Answer":"TEST TUBES","Explanation":"Definition: Glassware\n**BUTTS** (barrels) **reversed** (rolled cover) and **contained in** (into) **TEES** (English river)\n **TE** (**ST TUB**)< **ES**\n\n**TEST TUBES** (glass cylinders closed at one end, used in chemistry, bacteriology, etc)"} {"Clue":"Anglophile US writer crowds around English (5)","Answer":"JAMES","Explanation":"Definition: Anglophile US writer\n**JAMS** (crowds) **containing** (around) **E** (English)\n **JAM** (**E**) **S**\n\n**JAMES** (reference Henry **JAMES** [1843-1916], American writer who spent a lot of time in Britain)"} {"Clue":"US state, not so mountainous, containing source of unique vegetable (11)","Answer":"CAULIFLOWER","Explanation":"Definition: vegetable\n(**CALIF** [US State of California] **containing** [containing] **U** [**first letter of **{source of} **UNIQUE**]) **+ LOWER** (not so mountainous)\n **CA** (**U**) **LIF** **LOWER**\n\n**CAULIFLOWER** (vegetable)"} {"Clue":"Cut most of lines on graph (3)","Answer":"AXE","Explanation":"Definition: vegetable\n(**CALIF** [US State of California] **containing** [containing] **U** [**first letter of **{source of} **UNIQUE**]) **+ LOWER** (not so mountainous)\n **CA** (**U**) **LIF** **LOWER**\n\n**CAULIFLOWER** (vegetable)"} {"Clue":"Unilluminated vessel on Dee (4)","Answer":"DARK","Explanation":"Definition: Unilluminated\n**D** (Dee) **+ ARK** (vessel)\n \u00a0\n\n**DARK** (unilluminated)"} {"Clue":"Member of staff very gripped by tirade from minister? (10)","Answer":"MANSERVANT","Explanation":"Definition: Member of staff \n**MANSE** (an ecclesiastical residence, especially\u00a0that of a parish minister of the Church of Scotland.) **+** (**V** [very] **gripped by** **RANT** [tirade]) \n **MANSE** **R** (**V**) **ANT**\n\n**MANSERVANT** (member of staff)"} {"Clue":"Money going into the pockets of bad people? (4,7)","Answer":"SICK BENEFIT","Explanation":"Definition: Money going into the pockets of bad people\n**SICK BENEFIT** (a cryptic definition based on **SICK** meaning bad. This **BENEFIT** is made available as money)\n \u00a0\n\n**SICK BENEFIT** (money paid to someone who is out of work due to illness)"} {"Clue":"China caught America mostly in disarray (7)","Answer":"CERAMIC","Explanation":"Definition: China\n**C** (caught) **+** (**an anagram of** [in disarray] **AMERIC****A** **excluding the final letter** [mostly] **A**)\n **C** **ERAMIC***\n\n**CERAMIC** (china)"} {"Clue":"French are for one extended article (5)","Answer":"ESSAY","Explanation":"Definition: article\n**ES** (French form of 'are') **+ SAY** (for one)\n \u00a0\n\n**ESSAY** (extended [written] article)"} {"Clue":"Certain Catholic King involved in tragedy (5)","Answer":"CLEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Certain\n**C** (Catholic) **+ LEAR** (reference Shakespeare's play the **TRAGEDY** of King **LEAR**)\n \u00a0\n\n**CLEAR** (certain)"} {"Clue":"Wayward ball and golf tournament's winnable by anyone (4,4)","Answer":"WIDE OPEN","Explanation":"Definition: winnable by anyone \n**WIDE** (wayward ball in cricket) **+ OPEN** (golf tournament)\n \u00a0\n\n**WIDE OPEN** (winnable by anyone)"} {"Clue":"Some Americans noticed cut jewel being lifted (7)","Answer":"OJIBWAS","Explanation":"Definition: Some Americans\n(**SAW** [noticed] **+ BIJOU** [jewel] **excluding the last letter** [cut] **U**) **all reversed** (being lifted; down clue)\n (**OJIB** **WAS**)<\n\n**OJIBWAS** (Native American people originally concentrated round Lakes Superior and Huron)"} {"Clue":"Draw canal upwards (3)","Answer":"TUG","Explanation":"Definition: Draw\n**GUT **([alimentary] canal) **reversed** (upwards; down clue)\n **TUG**<\n\n**TUG** (draw)"} {"Clue":"National border within confines of Asia \u2013 something abhorred (8)","Answer":"ANATHEMA","Explanation":"Definition: something abhorred\n(**NAT** [national] **+** **HEM** [border]) **contained in** (within) **AA** (**first and last letters of** [confines of] **ASIA**)\n **A** (**NAT** **HEM**) **A**\n\n**ANATHEMA** (object of abhorrence)"} {"Clue":"Medical organisation regarding councillor in decline (3,8)","Answer":"RED CRESCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Medical organisation \n**RE** (regarding) **+** (**CR** [Councillor] **contained in** [in] **DESCENT** [decline])\n **RE** **D** (**CR**) **ESCENT**\n\n**RED CRESCENT** (humanitarian movement with strong medical focus)"} {"Clue":"Lipid in blood and eggs \u2013 it's found in lichen, unexpectedly (8)","Answer":"LECITHIN","Explanation":"Definition: Lipid in blood and eggs\n**IT** **contained in** (found in) **an anagram of** (unexpectedly) **LICHEN**\n **LEC** (**IT**) **HIN***\n\n**LECITHIN** (complex phospholipids found in the yolk of an egg, in the brain, blood, etc)"} {"Clue":"One deception taking in sailor over a girl (8)","Answer":"ISABELLA","Explanation":"Definition: girl \n**I** (one) **+** (**SELL** [deception] **containing** [taking in] **AB** [able seaman; sailor]) **+ A**\n **I** **S** (**AB**) **ELL** **A**\n\n**ISABELLA** (girl's name)"} {"Clue":"Regret about key river salvage worker (7)","Answer":"RESCUER","Explanation":"Definition: salvage worker\n**RUE** (regret) **containing** (about)** ESC** [**ESC**ape key on a computer keyboard]) **+ R** (river)\n **R** (**ESC**) **UE** R\n\n**RESCUER** (salvage worker)"} {"Clue":"Some current on a line fed into outskirts of Kinshasa (African city) (7)","Answer":"KAMPALA","Explanation":"Definition: African city\n(**AMP** [unit of electric current] **+ A** **+** **L** [line]) **contained in** (fed into) **KA** (**first and last letters of** [outskirts of] **KINSHASA**)\n **K** (**AMP** **A** **L**) **A**\n\n**KAMPALA** (African city, capital of Uganda)"} {"Clue":"Indistinct sounds used to be\u00a0observed after silence (5)","Answer":"SHWAS","Explanation":"Definition: Indistinct sounds\n**SH** (quiet!; silence) **+ WAS** (used to be)\n \u00a0\n\n**SHWAS** (indistinct vowel sounds)"} {"Clue":"Judge's indignation seeing stripping person in courtroom (5)","Answer":"JUROR","Explanation":"Definition: person in courtroom\n**J** (judge) + (**FURORE** [indignation] **excluding the first and last letters** [stripping] **FE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**JUROR** (person in a courtroom)"} {"Clue":"Line not required for Arctic fish (3)","Answer":"COD","Explanation":"Definition: fish\n**COLD **(Arctic) **excluding** (not required) **L** (line)\n \u00a0\n\n**COD** (fish)"} {"Clue":"Island putting energy into savings scheme(6)","Answer":"ISCHIA","Explanation":"Definition: Island\n**CHI** (an individual person's life-force, the free flow of which within the body is believed to ensure physical and spiritual health; energy) **contained in** (putting \u2026 into) **ISA** (Individual Savings Account)\n **IS** (**CHI**) **A**\n\n**ISCHIA **(Italian island)"} {"Clue":"Obsessive about being included in Greek character's literary extracts (8)","Answer":"ANALECTA","Explanation":"Definition: literary extracts\n**ANAL** (obsessive) **+** (**C** [circa; about] **contained in** [included in] **ETA** [character of the Greek alphabet])\n **ANAL** **E** (**C**) **TA**\n\n**ANALECTA** (collected literary fragments; literary extracts)"} {"Clue":"Ambiguously portray the master ultimately for magical character (5,6)","Answer":"HARRY POTTER","Explanation":"Definition: magical character\n**Anagram of** (ambiguously) **PORTRAY THE** and **R** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **MASTER**)\n **H****ARRY POT****TER***\n\n**HARRY POTTER **(magical character in the books by J K Rowling)"} {"Clue":"Complete change of opinion concerning performer (5-4)","Answer":"ABOUT-TURN","Explanation":"Definition: Complete change of opinion\n**ABOUT** (concerning) **+** **TURN** (performer)\n \u00a0\n\n**ABOUT-TURN** (complete change of opinion)"} {"Clue":"Praise one's monarch for turning left (8)","Answer":"RESIDUAL","Explanation":"Definition: left\n(**LAUD** [praise] **+** **I'S** [one's] **+** **ER** [Elizabeth Regina; queen; monarch]) **all reversed** (for turning)\n (**RE** **SI** **DUAL**)<\n\n**RESIDUAL** (that which remains or is left)"} {"Clue":"Why don't we return and cut a bit of aspirin with ecstasy tablets? (6)","Answer":"STELAE","Explanation":"Definition: tablets\n(**LET'S** [let us; why don't we]) **reversed** (return) **+ A** (**first letter of** [a bit of] **ASPIRIN**] **+ E** (ecstasy tablet)\n **STEL**< **A** **E**\n\n**STELAE** (upright stone tablets)"} {"Clue":"Genuinely attempt to provide cover for middle of July (5)","Answer":"TRULY","Explanation":"Definition: Genuinely\n**TRY** (attempt) **containing** (to provide cover for) **UL** (**central letters of** [middle of] **J****UL****Y**)\n **TR** (**UL**) **Y**\n\n**TRULY** (genuinely)"} {"Clue":"Irrationally taking slices out of Emma's dolly (5)","Answer":"MADLY","Explanation":"Definition: Irrationally\n**MADLY** (**the word that remains when letters 1,3,5,7 and 9 are removed from**\u00a0[taking slices out of] **EMMA'S DOLLY)**\n \u00a0\n\n**MADLY** (irrationally)"} {"Clue":"Work on river with intensity (6)","Answer":"DEEPLY","Explanation":"Definition: with intensity\n**DEE** (the name of a number of rivers in the United Kingdom) **+** **PLY** (work)\n \u00a0\n\n**DEEPLY** (with intensity)"} {"Clue":"One swan song from Cook? (8)","Answer":"ALASTAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Cook\n**A** (one) **+** **LAST AIR** (musician's last work; swan song)\n \u00a0\n\n**ALASTAIR** (reference **ALASTAIR** Cook, current captain of the English Test Cricket team)"} {"Clue":"Bobby in vicinity of outlaw (5,4)","Answer":"ROBIN HOOD","Explanation":"Definition: outlaw\n**ROB** (Robert; Bobby) **+** **IN 'HOOD** (in the neighbourhood; in the vicinity of)\n \u00a0\n\n**ROBIN HOOD** (outlaw in English folklore)"} {"Clue":"Search for some antique statues (5)","Answer":"QUEST","Explanation":"Definition: Search for\n**QUEST** (**hidden word in** [some] **ANTIQUE STATUES**)\n \u00a0\n\n**QUEST** (search)"} {"Clue":"Carried out beginning of dredging at back of river passage close to Carlisle (8)","Answer":"EXECUTED","Explanation":"Definition: Carried out\n**EXE** (another of Britain's rivers) **+ CUT** (passage) **+ D** (**first letter of** [beginning of] **DREDGING**) **+ ****E** (**last letter o**f [close to] **CARLISLE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**EXECUTED **(performed; carried out)"} {"Clue":"What Alan Rickman initially performed outside being dauntless (7)","Answer":"DIEHARD","Explanation":"Definition: What Alan Rickman initially performed outside being dauntless\n**DID** (performed) **containing** (outside) (**EH** [what] **+** **AR** [**initials of** [initially] **ALAN RICKMAN**)\n **DI **(**EH** **AR**) **D**\n\n**DIEHARD **(dauntless)"} {"Clue":"Severus Snape, initially concealing concern, is frightening (6)","Answer":"SCARES","Explanation":"Definition: is frightening\n**SS** (**initials of** [initially] **SEVERUS SNAPE**) **containing** (concealing) **CARE** (concern)\n **S** (**CARE**) **S**\n\n**SCARES** (is frightening)"} {"Clue":"Juliet's heart's extremely lovely, a thing of great purity (4)","Answer":"LILY","Explanation":"Definition: a thing of great purity\n**LI** (**central two letters of** [heart ] **JULIET**) **+ ****LY** (**outermost letters of **[extremely] **L****OVEL****Y**)\n \u00a0\n\n**LILY **(a thing of great purity)"} {"Clue":"Trite remarks wrongly stipulated (10)","Answer":"PLATITUDES","Explanation":"Definition: Trite remarks\n**Anagram of** (wrongly) **STIPULATED**\n **PLATITUDES***\n\n**PLATITUDES** (trite remarks)"} {"Clue":"Bill and Ted originally supported by university friend in fact (8)","Answer":"ACTUALLY","Explanation":"Definition: in fact\n**AC** (account; bill) **+ T** (**first letter of** [originally] **TED**) **+ U** (university) **+ ALLY** (friend) As this is a down clue, the letters **UALLY** **support** the letters **ACT**\n \u00a0\n\n**ACTUALLY** (in fact)"} {"Clue":"A walk in the park, perhaps, to get Austen adaptation, right (7)","Answer":"SAUNTER","Explanation":"Definition: A walk in the park, perhaps\n**Anagram of **(adaptation) **AUSTEN** **+ R** (right)\n **SAUNTE*** **R**\n\n**SAUNTER** (to walk in a casual or leisurely manner as in a walk in a park)"} {"Clue":"Lack of agreement in recess (4)","Answer":"NOOK","Explanation":"Definition: recess\n**NO** (lack of) **+** **OK** (agreement)\n \u00a0\n\n**NOOK** (recess)"} {"Clue":"Bingo company axes a splendid gathering (6)","Answer":"GALAXY","Explanation":"Definition: splendid gathering\n**GALA** (reference **GALA** Coral Group Ltd , a British betting shop, bingo and casino operator) **+ XY** (reference **X** and **Y** co-ordinate axes in mathematics)\n \u00a0\n\n**GALAXY** (splendid gathering)"} {"Clue":"Bending over and coupling (8,2)","Answer":"DOUBLING UP","Explanation":"Definition: Bending over\n**DOUBLING UP** (bending over)\n \u00a0\n\n**DOUBLING UP** (coupling) double definition"} {"Clue":"Shook with fear and ran after first of Trump's Republican election messages (8)","Answer":"TREMBLED","Explanation":"Definition: Shook with fear\n**TREM **(**first letters of each of** **TRUMP'S REPUBLICAN ELECTION MESSAGES**) **+ BLED** (ran)\n \u00a0\n\n**TREMBLED** (shook with fear)"} {"Clue":"Complaint from highly-qualified female (6)","Answer":"MALADY","Explanation":"Definition: Complaint\n**MA** (Master of Arts; University level\u00a0qualification) **+** **LADY** (female)\n \u00a0\n\n**MALADY** (medical complaint)"} {"Clue":"Decorated composer died outside party (7)","Answer":"ADORNED","Explanation":"Definition: Decorated\n(**ARNE** [reference Thomas **ARNE**, composer of Rule Britannia] **+ D** [died]) **containing** (outside) **DO** (party)\n **A** (**DO**) **RNE** **D**\n\n**ADORNED** (decorated)"} {"Clue":"X Factor judge undermined by right-wing rhetoric (7)","Answer":"ORATORY","Explanation":"Definition: rhetoric\n**ORA** (reference Rita **ORA**, X Factor judge) **+ TORY** (right wing) \u2013 down entry\u00a0so we can talk about 'undermined'\n \u00a0\n\n**ORATORY **(rhetoric)"} {"Clue":"Possibly those of actors might be one convenience (6)","Answer":"AGENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Possibly those of actors\n**A** (one) **+ GENTS** (public convenience)\n \u00a0\n\n**AGENTS** (many performers and sportspeople have **AGENTS** to undertake difficult negotiations or their behalf. They provide a convenient service)\u00a0)"} {"Clue":"Paolo Veronese's Adoration (4)","Answer":"LOVE","Explanation":"Definition: Adoration\n**LOVE** (**hidden word in** [indicated by the possessive apostrophe in Veronese's] **PAOLO VERONESE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**LOVE** (adoration)"} {"Clue":"Familiar old rockers finally discovered in jail (4)","Answer":"QUOD","Explanation":"Definition: jail\n[Status] **QUO** (rock band with members past their first flush of youth; old rockers) **+ D** **(last letter of** [finally] **DISCOVERED**)\n \u00a0\n\n**QUOD** (jail)"} {"Clue":"What develops from spawn \u2013 twitching proleg? Scratch inside maybe (9)","Answer":"PORWIGGLE","Explanation":"Definition: What develops from spawn\n**WIG** (reference scratch-**WIG** [a **WIG**\u00a0that covers only part of the head.] **contained in** (inside)\u00a0**an anagram** of (twitching) **PROLEG**\n **POR** (**WIG**) **GLE***\n\n**PORWIGGLE** (tadpole; something that develops from frog spawn)"} {"Clue":"Bad news for trawlermen? Cheer when it recedes about one (4)","Answer":"HAAR","Explanation":"Definition: Bad news for trawlermen\n**RAH **(short form of hurrah; cheer) **reversed** (when it recedes) **containing** (about) **A** (one)\n **HA** (**A**) **R**<\n\n**HAAR** (raw sea mist; something that trawlermen consider to be bad news at it brings cold and poor visibility especially on the East Coast of Scotland)"} {"Clue":"Plentiful Scotch? Debauchee consumes this endlessly (7)","Answer":"ROUTHIE","Explanation":"Definition: Plentiful Scotch\n**ROU\u00c9** (debauchee) **containing** (consumes) **THI****S** **excluding the final letter** (endlessly) S\n **ROU** (**THI**) **E**\n\n**ROUTHIE** (Scottish word for plentiful)"} {"Clue":"Riot at the RSC? Fury about rerun of Othello half cut (6)","Answer":"ROMAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Riot at the RSC\n**RAGE** (fury) **containing** (about) (**MO****OR** [Othello was a **MO****OR]** **excluding** **OR** [**two of the four letters of {half cut}**** reversed **[rerun])\n **R** (**OM**)< **AGE**\n\n**ROMAGE** (Shakespearean word for tumult [riot], presumably a word well known to members of the Royal Shakespeare Company[RSC])"} {"Clue":"Dyestuff used in monarchic apparel (5)","Answer":"CHICA","Explanation":"Definition: Dyestuff\n**CHICA** (**hidden word in** [used in] **MONARCHIC APPAREL**)\n \u00a0\n\n**CHICA** (an orange-red dyestuff, used by S Americans as a stain for the skin, and obtained by boiling the leaves of bignoni)"} {"Clue":"Aerials not available in Nantes oddly (8)","Answer":"ANTENNAS","Explanation":"Definition: Aerials\n**NA** [not available] **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** **NANTES**\n **ANTEN **(**NA****) S***\n\n**ANTENNAS** (aerials)"} {"Clue":"Is it turning out as old-style element? (5)","Answer":"NITON","Explanation":"Definition: old-style element\n(**NOT IN**) (out) **reversed** (turning)\n (**NI** **TON**)<\n\n**NITON** (a former name for the chemical element radon; old-style element)"} {"Clue":"Palace officer Hal got rid of calling for damages (5)","Answer":"MARS","Explanation":"Definition: damages\n**MARS****HAL** (office in a royal household; palace officer) **excluding** (got rid of) **HAL** \n I assume that 'calling for' are link words as I can't see how else they are used in the clue.\n\n**MARS** (damages)"} {"Clue":"Rise above one in theatre company and mind about that (9)","Answer":"TRANSCEND","Explanation":"Definition: Rise above\n**TEND** (care for; mind) **containing** (about) (**AN** [one] **contained in** [in] **RSC** [Royal Shakespeare Company ])\n **T** (**R** (**AN**) **SC**) **END**\n\n**TRANSCEND** (rise above)"} {"Clue":"Grand title denotes a Manchu? Some (4)","Answer":"SAMA","Explanation":"Definition: Grand title\n**SAMA** (**hidden word **[some] **in** **DENOTES A MANCHU**)\n \u00a0\n\n**SAMA** (title given to an exalted or distinguished person in Japan)"} {"Clue":"Composition of blue square in oils (5)","Answer":"LUBES","Explanation":"Definition: oils\n**Anagram of** (composition) **BLUE** +\u00a0**S** (square)\n **LUBE*** **S**\n\n**LUBES** (lubricants; oils)"} {"Clue":"Treatise to flog in outline (8)","Answer":"TRACTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Treatise\n**TAT** (flog) **contained in** (in) **TRACE** (outline)\n **TRAC** (**TAT**) **E**\n\n**TRACTATE** (treatise)"} {"Clue":"What a doctor hopes to effect backing herbs (5)","Answer":"ERUCA","Explanation":"Definition: herbs\n(**A CURE**) (what a\u00a0doctor hopes to effect) **all reversed** (backing)\n (**ERUC** **A**)<\n\n**ERUCA** (genus of herbs of the family *Cruciferae*)"} {"Clue":"Hillary seen upset? Could be this that Bill didn't do, slyer possibly! (6)","Answer":"INHALE","Explanation":"Definition: this that Bill didn't do\n**HILLARY SEEN** is **an anagram of** (could be) **SLYER** and **INHALE**\n \u00a0\n\n**INHALE** (what Bill Clinton said he didn't do that might have made Hillary upset if he had \u2013 this could be referring to one more incidents the life of the Clintons, choose the scenario you wish to believe)"} {"Clue":"Locust, something charming in swirling rain (7)","Answer":"ROBINIA","Explanation":"Definition: Locust\n**OBI** (fetish or charm in West Indian\u00a0witchcraft; something charming) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (swirling) **RAIN**\n **R** (**OBI**) **NIA***\n\n**ROBINIA** (any plant of the locust or false acacia genus)"} {"Clue":"Face-to-face, virago polishing off dram (4)","Answer":"AGON","Explanation":"Definition: Face-to-face\n**DRAGON** (fierce or intimidating woman; virago) **excluding** (polishing off) **DR** (dram)\n \u00a0\n\n**AGON** (in ancient Greece, a conflict between two protagonists; in confrontation; face-to-face)"} {"Clue":"Place to contemplate story H Pinter contrived (12)","Answer":"PHRONTISTERY","Explanation":"Definition: Place to contemplate\n**Anagram of **(contrived) **STORY H PINTER**\n **P****HRO****N****T****I****S****TER****Y***\n\n**PHRONTISTERY** (thinking-place)"} {"Clue":"Scots at full speed take east road out of capital (7)","Answer":"RAMSTAM","Explanation":"Definition: Scots at full speed\n**R** (recipe [latin]; take) **+** **AMST****ERD****AM** (capital of The Netherlands) **excluding** (take out) (**E** [east] **+** **RD** [road])\n \u00a0\n\n**RAMSTAM** (Scottish word for headlong; Scots at full speed)"} {"Clue":"Women grab a snack (4)","Answer":"WRAP","Explanation":"Definition: snack\n**W** (women) **+ RAP** (grab [4th meaning in Chambers])\n \u00a0\n\n**WRAP** (snack popular in sandwich bars and on supermarket chilled shelves)"} {"Clue":"Measure introduced, abnormal charge for wine (8)","Answer":"GRENACHE","Explanation":"Definition: wine\n**EN** (printer's measure) **contained in** (introduced) **an anagram of** (abnormal) **CHARGE**\n **GR** (**EN**) **ACHE***\n\n**GRENACHE **(full-bodied red wine produced from a grape of the same name)"} {"Clue":"Made for the open? Bar inside to taste (4)","Answer":"GOUT","Explanation":"Definition: taste\nI can't see the wordplay here \u2013 sorry!\n \u00a0\n\n**GOUT** (taste)"} {"Clue":"Fodder: 50 head of cattle devouring universal old make? (6)","Answer":"LUCERN","Explanation":"Definition: Fodder\n(**L** [Roman numeral for 50] **+** **C** [**first letter of** {head of} **CATTLE**] **containing** [devouring] **U** [universal [film certificate]]) **+ ERN** (old spelling of [old] **EARN** [make])\n **L** (**U**) **C** **ERN**\n\n**LUCERN** (plant resembling clover providing fodder for cattle)"} {"Clue":"Bit of a jaw with a mate (5)","Answer":"CHINA","Explanation":"Definition: mate\n**CHIN** (front of the lower\u00a0jaw) **+ A** \n \u00a0\n\n**CHINA** (mate, from **CHINA** plate [Cockney rhyming slang])"} {"Clue":"Bad habits a wretch introduced in parish offices (9)","Answer":"VICARATES","Explanation":"Definition: parish offices\n(**A** **+ RAT** [wretch]) **contained in** (introduced) **VICES** (bad habits) \n **VIC** (**A** **RAT**) **ES**\n\n**VICARATES** (parish offices)"} {"Clue":"Fresh calculation about Roman coins granted, millions included (12)","Answer":"REASSESSMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Fresh calculation\n**RE** (about) **+ ASSES** (Roman copper coins) **+** (**M** [millions] **contained in** [included] **SENT** [granted])\n **RE** **ASSES** **S** (**M**) **ENT**\n\n**REASSESSMENT** (fresh calculation)"} {"Clue":"Incendiary missile creating heat in litter (9)","Answer":"FIREARROW","Explanation":"Definition: Incendiary missile\n**IRE** (anger; heat) **contained in** (in) **FARROW** (litter)\n **F** (**IRE**) **ARROW**\n\n**FIREARROW** (incendiary missile)"} {"Clue":"Polo, e.g., an event broadcast I'll enter (8)","Answer":"VENETIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Polo, e.g.\n**I** **contained in** (enter) **an anagram of** (broadcast) **AN EVENT**\n **VE****N****ET **(**I**)** A****N***\n\n**VENETIAN** (reference **VENETIAN** explorer Marco **POLO** [1254 \u2013 1324)]"} {"Clue":"Yarn in prison, what US bank-robbers'll be after? (7)","Answer":"CABBAGE","Explanation":"Definition: what US bank-robbers'll be after\n**ABB** (properly, woof- or weft-yarn, but sometimes warp yarn) **contained in** (in) **CAGE** (prison)\n **C** (**ABB**) **AGE**\n\n**CABBAGE **(American slang for banknotes or paper money; something American bank=-robbers will be after)"} {"Clue":"Hydrocarbon \u2013 chemist gutted over one found in unit (6)","Answer":"OCTANE","Explanation":"Definition: Hydrocarbon\n(**CT** [**first and last letters remaining after the word** **C****HEMIS****T** i**s gutted of all its internal\u00a0letters HEMIS**] **+ A** [one]) **contained in** (found in) **ONE** (unit). As this is a down entry, **CT** is located over **A**\n **O** (**CT** **A**) **NE**\n\n**OCTANE** (an example of a hydrocarbon)"} {"Clue":"Goes left in dog-legs? (6)","Answer":"BLENDS","Explanation":"Definition: Goes\n**L** (left) **contained in** (in) **BENDS** (dog-legs)\n **B **(**L**) **ENDS**\n\n**BLENDS** (complements; goes with)"} {"Clue":"A bum, crazy with yen for bitter tipple (5)","Answer":"MAUBY","Explanation":"Definition: bitter tipple\n**Anagram of** (crazy) **A BUM** **+** **Y** (yen)\n **M****A****UB*** **Y**\n\n**MAUBY** (drink made from the bitter-tasting bark of a Caribbean tree)"} {"Clue":"Rebel receiving Henry's pardon? (4)","Answer":"WHAT","Explanation":"Definition: pardon\n**WAT** (reference **WAT** Tyler, leader of the 1381 Peasants' Revolt; rebel) **containing** (receiving) **H** (Henry)\n **W** (**H**) **AT**\n\n**WHAT** (pardon)"} {"Clue":"By implication a badge bringing witty conversation (8)","Answer":"BADINAGE","Explanation":"Definition: witty conversation\nI'm not sure of the wordplay here. **A** and **BADGE** form six of the letters of **BADINAGE** but I can't see an **anagram indicator** and can't see how the remaining letters **IN** relate to 'by implication'. If we look at **BADGE** alone, it **contains** **IN A** to form **BAD** (**IN** **A**) **GE**, but I can't see a **containment indicator** in the clue either. I look forward to being told how the wordplay works here.\n Thanks to Muffyword at comment 1 for explaining how it all works. The two words **A BADGE** can be read as (by implication) **BAD** in **AGE** or **A** (**BAD**) **GE**\n\n**BADINAGE** (light playful talk; witty conversation)"} {"Clue":"Bachelor attending quiet party (4)","Answer":"BASH","Explanation":"Definition: party\n**BA** (Bachelor [of Arts]) **+** **SH** (quiet!) I think 'attending' is just a link as I can't find a dictionary giving **A** as an abbreviation for 'attending'. \u00a0\n\n**BASH** (party)"} {"Clue":"Poet and wife meeting murderer (7)","Answer":"WHITMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\n**W** (wife) + **HITMAN** (someone employed to kill or attack others; murderer) \u00a0\n\n**WHITMAN** (reference Walter **WHITMAN** [1819 \u2013 1892], American poet, essayist and journalist)"} {"Clue":"With hot drink to be imbibed call for splash of milk (7)","Answer":"LACTEAL","Explanation":"Definition: of milk\n**TEA** (hot drink) **contained in** (to be imbibed) **an anagram of** (for splash) **CALL** **LAC** (**TEA**) **L***\n\n**LACTEAL** (of milk)"} {"Clue":"What agent offers is English gift \u2013 within permitted allowance (14)","Answer":"REPRESENTATION","Explanation":"Definition: What agent offers\n(**E** [English] **+** **PRESENT** [gift]) **contained in** (within) **RATION** (permitted allowance) **R** (**E** **PRESENT**) **ATION**\n\n**REPRESENTATION** (what an agent offers)"} {"Clue":"Fight as expected by back of school (4)","Answer":"DUEL","Explanation":"Definition: Fight\n**DUE** (expected) **+ L** (**last letter of** [back of] **SCHOOL**) \u00a0\n\n**DUEL** (fight)"} {"Clue":"Common folk will have been pals, I suspect (9)","Answer":"PLEBEIANS","Explanation":"Definition: Common folk\n**Anagram of **(suspect) **BEEN PALS I** **PL****EBE****IA****N****S***\n\n**PLEBEIANS** (common people)"} {"Clue":"Parson set out to get female supporter (9)","Answer":"PATRONESS","Explanation":"Definition: female supporter\n**Anagram of** (out) **PARSON SET** **PA****T****RON****E****S****S***\n\n**PATRONESS** (female supporter)"} {"Clue":"Scottish island \u2013 island lacking large plant (4)","Answer":"TREE","Explanation":"Definition: large plant\n**TIREE** (Scottish island in the Inner\u00a0Hebrides) **excluding** (lacking) **I** (island) \u00a0\n\n**TREE** (large plant)"} {"Clue":"Hay stage set for new series of books (3,7,4)","Answer":"THE FORSYTE SAGA","Explanation":"Definition: series of books\n**Anagram of** (new) **HAY STAGE SET FOR** **T****H****E ****FOR****S****YTE SA****GA***\n\n**THE FORSYTE SAGA** (series of novels by John Galsworthy)"} {"Clue":"Praise that is less emotional (7)","Answer":"FLATTER","Explanation":"Definition: Praise\n**FLATTER** (praise) \u00a0\n\n**FLATTER** (less emotional) double definition"} {"Clue":"Rumbling as a result of having veg with fish (7)","Answer":"PEALING","Explanation":"Definition: Rumbling\n**PEA** (vegetable) **+** **LING** (fish) \u00a0\n\n**PEALING** (rumbling as in rumbles of or **PEAL**s of thunder)"} {"Clue":"Period of inactivity sees three learners outside university (4)","Answer":"LULL","Explanation":"Definition: Period of inactivity\n(**L**[ learner] **+** **L** [learner] **+** **L** [learner] giving three learners) **containing** (outside) **U** (university) **L** (**U**) **L** **L**\n\n**LULL** (period of inactivity)"} {"Clue":"Old rocker suffering setback longed to be alone (8)","Answer":"DETACHED","Explanation":"Definition: alone\n**TED** (teddy boy; old rocker) **reversed** (suffering setback) **+** **ACHED** (longed to be) **DET**< **ACHED**\n\n**DETACHED** (alone)"} {"Clue":"This shout is heard in dance (4)","Answer":"BAWL","Explanation":"Definition: shout\n**BAWL** (**sounds like** [is heard] **BALL** [dance]) \u00a0\n\n**BAWL** (shout)"} {"Clue":"Infuriated when dull private gets out of step (6,2,3,4)","Answer":"DRIVEN UP THE WALL","Explanation":"Definition: Infuriated\n**Anagram of **(gets out of step) **WHEN DULL PRIVATE** **D****RIV****EN**** ****U****P T****H****E ****W****A****LL***\n\n**DRIVEN UP THE WALL** (infuriated)"} {"Clue":"Symbol of rule man redesigned (7)","Answer":"NUMERAL","Explanation":"Definition: Symbol \n**Anagram of** (redesigned) **RULE MAN** **N****U****M****ER****A****L***\n\n**NUMERAL** (symbol representing a number)"} {"Clue":"Kind and generous man of the 'our disappearing (5)","Answer":"GENUS","Explanation":"Definition: Kind\n**GENEROUS** **excluding** ('**ERO** [hero; man of the 'out]) \u00a0\n\n**GENUS** (taxonomic group of closely related species; type; kind"} {"Clue":"Form of language in some respects non-U (8,7)","Answer":"AMERICAN ENGLISH","Explanation":"Definition: Form of language\n**AMERICAN** spelling of **ENGLISH** words often omit the **U** [non-U], for example **HONOR**, **COLOR** for **HONOUR** and **COLOUR**. \u00a0\n\n**AMERICAN ENGLISH **(a form of language)"} {"Clue":"Hindu festival head demonstrates religious quality (8)","Answer":"HOLINESS","Explanation":"Definition: religious quality\n**HOLI** (Hindu Spring Festival) **+**** NESS** (headland) \u00a0\n\n**HOLINESS** (religious quality)"} {"Clue":"English explorer revealing little bits and pieces (8)","Answer":"FLINDERS","Explanation":"Definition: English explorer\n**FLINDERS** (a rare word for small fragments; little bits and pieces) \u00a0\n\n**FLINDERS** (reference Captain Matthew FLINDERS\u00a0RN [1774 \u2013 1814] was an English navigator and cartographer, who was the first to circumnavigate Australia) double definition"} {"Clue":"Time locked in old chamber is eight days (6)","Answer":"OCTAVE","Explanation":"Definition: eight days\n**T** (time) **contained in** (locked in) (**O** [old] **+** **CAVE** [chamber]) **O** **C** (**T**) **AVE**\n\n**OCTAVE** (eight days from a church festival)"} {"Clue":"Quiet meadow certain to bring happiness (8)","Answer":"PLEASURE","Explanation":"Definition: happiness\n**P** (piano; quiet) **+** **LEA** (meadow) **+** **SURE** (certain) \u00a0\n\n**PLEASURE** (happiness)"} {"Clue":"Nasty fuels spilt outside mine (8)","Answer":"SPITEFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Nasty\n**Anagram of** (spilt) **FUELS** **containing** (outside) **PIT** (mine) **S** (**PIT**) **EFUL***\n\n**SPITEFUL** (nasty)"} {"Clue":"European city has nothing left \u2013 nothing! (6)","Answer":"OPORTO","Explanation":"Definition: European city\n**O** (zero; nothing) **+ PORT** (left side of a ship) **+ O** (zero; nothing) \u00a0\n\n**OPORTO** (city in Portugal; European city)"} {"Clue":"Little child, girl, eating second pancake (7)","Answer":"TOSTADA","Explanation":"Definition: pancake\n(**TOT** [little child] **+ ADA** [girl's name]) **containing** (eating) **S** (second) **TO** (**S**) **T** **ADA**\n\n**TOSTADA** (a tortilla [Mexican form of pancake] fried until crisp and served with a savoury topping of e.g. beans, minced meat and vegetables."} {"Clue":"Peg is given school exercise in tent (5)","Answer":"TEPEE","Explanation":"Definition: tent\n**TEE** (peg) **containing** (is given) **PE** (physical education; school exercise) **TE** (**PE**) **E**\n\n**TEPEE** (tent)"} {"Clue":"Getting on in prison, about to be released (4)","Answer":"AGED","Explanation":"Definition: Getting on\n**CAGED** (in prison) **excluding** (to be released) **C** (circa; about) \u00a0\n\n**AGED** (getting on)"} {"Clue":"Some depart for Met to see this? (3,4)","Answer":"ART FORM","Explanation":"Definition: Some depart for Met to see this\n**ART FORM** (**hidden word in** [some] **DEPART FOR MET**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ART FORM** (a set form or arrangement in poetry or music; an accepted medium of artistic expression There are **MET**ropolitan (**MET**) museums, theatres, opera houses, art galleries throughout the world where various **ART FORM**s can be seen or heard."} {"Clue":"Giving speech terrible review? (7)","Answer":"ORATING","Explanation":"Definition: Giving speech\n**O** (zero) + **RATING** (assessment; review) describing a terrible review\n \u00a0\n\n**ORATING** (giving speech)"} {"Clue":"Bat on continuously before this in US cover? (5)","Answer":"ROUGE","Explanation":"Definition: cover\nIf **BAT** and **ON** are **put together** (continuously) we get **BATON** which can be put in front of **ROUGE** to give **BATON ROUGE**, a city [State capital of Louisiana] in America\n \u00a0\n\n**ROUGE** (cosmetic powder used to redden [cover]\u00a0the face)"} {"Clue":"Days struggling over drink problem (9)","Answer":"DYSPEPSIA","Explanation":"Definition: problem\n**Anagram of** (struggling) **DAYS** **containing** (over) **PEPSI** (soft drink)\n **DYS** (**PEPSI**) **A***\n\n**DYSPEPSIA** (indigestion; [medical] problem)"} {"Clue":"Plastic explosive planted next to Queen, perhaps? (6,4)","Answer":"CHARGE CARD","Explanation":"Definition: Plastic\n**CHARGE** (fuel for a gun; explosive) **+** **CARD** (a **QUEEN** is an example of a playing\u00a0**CARD**)\n \u00a0\n\n**CHARGE CARD** ( a plastic card issued by a store, shop, etc which authorizes a customer to obtain goods on credit)"} {"Clue":"Bemused after removing bed and finding these? (4)","Answer":"EMUS","Explanation":"Definition: these\n**EMUS** (**letters remaining in** **BEMUSED** **when the letters** **BED** **are removed** [after removing])\n \u00a0\n\n**EMUS** (flightless, fast-running Australian birds,\u00a0rather odd things to find behind a **BED**)"} {"Clue":"Behind initially in Goodwood race meeting (11)","Answer":"ASSIGNATION","Explanation":"Definition: meeting\n**ASS** (North American term for arse; [buttocks; behind[ **+** **IG** (**first letters of** [initially] **each of IN** and **GOODWOOD**) + **NATION** (race)\n \u00a0\n\n**ASSIGNATION** (an appointment to meet, used chiefly of clandestine meetings between lovers)"} {"Clue":"These needing stir? (11)","Answer":"INGREDIENTS","Explanation":"Definition: These needing stir\n**Anagram of** (needing stir) **NEEDING STIR**\n **ING****R****ED****I****EN****TS***\n\n**INGREDIENTS** (in cookery, components that are often **NEEDING STIR**) &Lit clue?"} {"Clue":"Owner of Microsoft Windows ultimately denied access (4)","Answer":"GATE","Explanation":"Definition: access\n**GATES** (reference Bill **GATE****S**, one of the founders of Microsoft) **excluding** (denied) **S** (**last letter of **[ultimately] **WINDOWS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GATE** (means of access)"} {"Clue":"Following agreement, Surrey's opening start half-heartedly didn't score after end of tea (2,8)","Answer":"AS PROMISED","Explanation":"Definition: Following agreement,\n**A** (**last letter of** [end of] **TEA**) **+ S** (**first letter of **[opening] **SURREY**) **+ PRO** (professional; star) **+ MISSED** (didn't score] **excluding one of the middle letters** [half-heartedly] **S**)\n \u00a0\n\n**AS PROMISED** (descriptive of an action that follows an agreement)"} {"Clue":"Tory regulars upset with 'Maoist' individual's followers (9)","Answer":"IMITATORS","Explanation":"Definition: followers\n**Anagram of** (upset) **TR** (**letters 1 and 3 of **[regulars] **TORY**) and **MAOIST** and **I** [one; individual]\n **IMITATORS***\n\n**IMITATORS** (followers)"} {"Clue":"Director coming from Cal., US\u2026 (5)","Answer":"LUCAS","Explanation":"Definition: Director\n**Anagram of **(coming from) **CAL US** \n **L****U****CA****S***\n\n**LUCAS **(reference film director George **LUCAS** [born 1944])"} {"Clue":"\u2026 with whom I'm collaborating in stage production (7)","Answer":"MUSICAL","Explanation":"Definition: stage production\n**Anagram of **(collaborating) **LUCAS** (entry at 25, previous clue using the ellipsis)** and** **I'M**\n **MUSICAL***\n\n**MUSICAL** (example of a stage production)"} {"Clue":"Locksmith primarily selected instrument to remove front (7)","Answer":"SASSOON","Explanation":"Definition: Locksmith\n**S** (**first letter of** [primarily] **SELECTED**) **+** **BASSOON** (musical instrument) **excluding** (to remove) **the first letter** (front) **B**\n \u00a0\n\n**SASSOON** (reference Vidal **SASSOON** [1928 -2012], British hairdresser, businessman, and philanthropist; locksmith where locks refer to hair)"} {"Clue":"CIA tipped off and RAF scrambled over the continent (6)","Answer":"AFRICA","Explanation":"Definition: continent\n**Anagram of** (scrambled) **RAF** + **anagram of** (tipped off) **CIA** The use of over in this down clue instructs us to place the **anagram of** **RAF** on top of the **anagram of** **CIA**\n **AFR*** **ICA***\n\n**AFRICA** (continent)"} {"Clue":"Can-can broadcast leaving one with large bill (6)","Answer":"TOUCAN","Explanation":"Definition: one with large bill\n**CAN-CAN** uses the word **CAN** twice giving us **TOU** (**sounds like** [broadcast] **TWO**) + **CAN**\n \u00a0\n\n**TOUCAN** (bird with a large brightly coloured beak [bill])"} {"Clue":"Consumed to excess, finished and died with 8, say? (10)","Answer":"OVERGRAZED","Explanation":"Definition: Consumed to excess\n**OVER** (finished) **+ GRAZE** (**sounds like** [say] **GRAYS** [part of the entry at 8 down]) **+ D** (died)\n I'm not completely happy with this parsing. Why do we ignore the** INN** bit of 8 down and why does the **D** (died) go to the end? I'm probably missing something here.\n\n**OVERGRAZED** (consumed to excess [by animals], although nowadays [people are said to **GRAZE** the fridge or the fruit or the nibbles if they are hungry)"} {"Clue":"Part-time Dickens student? (5)","Answer":"MEDIC","Explanation":"Definition: student\n**MEDIC** (**hidden word in** (part) **TIME DICKENS**\n \u00a0\n\n**MEDIC** (informal term for a **MEDIC**al student)"} {"Clue":"1Direction recorded Right Now's intro after 17 \u2013 sexy stuff (9)","Answer":"OESTROGEN","Explanation":"Definition: sexy stuff\n**OEST** (**sounds like** [recorded] **EAST** [a {1} direction]) **+ R** **+ an anagram of** (trips) **EGO** [the entry at 17 down is **EGO TRIPS**] **+ N** (**first letter of** [intro] **N****OW**)\n **OEST** **R** **OGE*** **N**\n\n**OESTROGEN** (any one of the female sex-hormones; sexy stuff)"} {"Clue":"Essentially James Naughtie fronting Last Word (4)","Answer":"AMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Last Word\n**AME** (**central letters** [essentially] of **J****AME****S**) **+ ****N** (**first letter of **[fronting] **NAUGHTIE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**AMEN** (the last word)"} {"Clue":"Minions \u2013 a DESPICABLE ME feature (8)","Answer":"INSOMNIA","Explanation":"Definition: ME feature\n**Anagram of** (despicable) **MINIONS** +\u00a0**A**\n **INSOMNI*** **A**\n\n**INSOMNIA** (sleeplessness; a feature\u00a0of chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis [ME])"} {"Clue":"Not quite white lie perhaps to name lawyers' whereabouts (5,3)","Answer":"GRAYS INN","Explanation":"Definition: lawyers' whereabouts\n**GRAY** (not quite white) **+**** SIN** (for example, a lie) **+** **N** (name)\n \u00a0\n\n**GRAYS INN** (an **INN** of Court where lawyers may be found)"} {"Clue":"Organisation of football show in US quite a bit after Dead Ringers (10)","Answer":"FACSIMILES","Explanation":"Definition: Dead Ringers\n**FA** (Football Association, the entity responsible for the organisation of football in England) **+** **CSI** (Crime Scene Investigation; American TV show) **+ MILES** (quite a bit)\n \u00a0\n\n**FACSIMILES** (exact copies; dead ringers)"} {"Clue":"Jammed finger in fridge perhaps (5,4)","Answer":"SWISS ROLL","Explanation":"Definition: ammed finger\n**SWISS ROLL** I can't see the word play in this clue at all. A small **SWISS ROLL** could be defined as a finger of cake with jam in it, but that's as far as I get. I don't see where '**FRIDGE**' comes in to play. I can see that **IN FRIDGE**\u00a0is an anagram of **FINGER** and **ID** but that doesn't seem to help. \n I look forward to someone explaining what is going on here.\n\n**SWISS ROLL** (a thin cake of sponge rolled up with jam, cream, etc; jammed finger [of cake])"} {"Clue":"Jim's going \u2013 heading off to war because of this? (8)","Answer":"JINGOISM","Explanation":"Definition: this\n**Anagram of** (war [?]) **JIM'S** and **G****OING** **excluding the first letter** (heading off) **G**\n **JI****NGOI****SM***\n\n**JINGOISM** (sabre-rattling chauvinism [fanatical pride in one's country], something that might encourage one to go war)"} {"Clue":"They give boost, for example to rising rents(3,5)","Answer":"EGO TRIPS","Explanation":"Definition: They give boost\n**E.G.** (for example) **+** **TO** **reversed** (rising; down clue) **+** **RIPS** (tears; rents)\n **EG** **O T**< **RIPS**\n\n**EGO TRIPS** (action or experience which inflates one's good opinion of oneself; an action\u00a0that gives you a boost)"} {"Clue":"Gaga's sampling from Gypsy chords (6)","Answer":"PSYCHO","Explanation":"Definition: Gaga\n**PSYCHO** (**hidden word in** (sampling from) **GYPSY CHORDS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**PSYCHO** (emotionally unstable; **GAGA **means something vaguely similar, but I'm not convinced the two words are synonyms)"} {"Clue":"Creative individual's played onside (6)","Answer":"EDISON","Explanation":"Definition: Creative individua\n**Anagram of **(played) **ONSIDE**\n **EDISON***\n\n**EDISON** (reference Thomas **EDISON** [1847 \u2013 1931], American inventor \u2013 an example of a creative individual)"} {"Clue":"Central character in Friends embraced by another giving flowers (5)","Answer":"ROSES","Explanation":"Definition: flowers\n**E** (**middle letter of** [central character of] **FRIENDS**) **contained in** (embraced by) **ROSS** (reference **ROSS** Geller, one of the central characters of the Friends television comedy series)\n **ROS** (**E**) **S**\n\n**ROSES** (flowers)"} {"Clue":"Ones cut out of type of soft material (4)","Answer":"TALC","Explanation":"Definition: soft material\n**ITALIC** (form of sloping typescript) **excluding** (cut out of) **both the** **I**s (ones)\n \u00a0\n\n**TALC **(a very soft, pliable, greasy, silvery-white, foliated, granular or compact mineral,)"} {"Clue":"Sounds like cattle going round about dead depraved city (5)","Answer":"SODOM","Explanation":"Definition: depraved city\n**MOOS** (makes a sound like cattle) **reversed** (about) **containing** (goes round) **D** (dead)\n **SO** (**D**) **OM**<\n\n**SODOM** (one of the 'cities of the plain' [in the Bible, Genesis 18-19]; any place of utter depravity)"} {"Clue":"A little interest in science completely reversed (9)","Answer":"SCINTILLA","Explanation":"Definition: A little\n(**INT** [interest] **contained in** [in] **SCI** [science]) **+** **ALL** (completely) **reversed**\n **SC** (**INT**)** I**** LLA**<\n\n**SCINTILLA** (hint; trace; a little)"} {"Clue":"Unusually fired about English set of colleges brought back together (9)","Answer":"REUNIFIED","Explanation":"Definition: brought back together\n**Anagram of** (unusually) **FIRED** **containing** (about) (**E** [English] **+ UNI** [university; set of colleges])\n **R** (**E** **UNI**) **FIED***\n\n**REUNIFIED** (brought back together)"} {"Clue":"Reason name is dropped from extended current course at first (5)","Answer":"LOGIC","Explanation":"Definition: Reason\n**LONG **(extended) **excluding** (dropped from) **N** (name) **+ I** (symbol in physics for electric current) **+** **C** (**first letter of** [at first] **C****OURSE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**LOGIC** (reason)"} {"Clue":"Queen's preference excluding one feature of Schubert song (3-4)","Answer":"ERL-KING","Explanation":"Definition: Schubert song\n**ER** (Elizabeth Regina; queen) **+** **L****I****KING** (preference)** excluding** (excluding) **I** (one)\n \u00a0\n\n**ERL-KING** (Schubert wrote the song Erlk\u00f6nig or **ERL-KING** based on the poem of the same name by Goethe)"} {"Clue":"Recalled laughs with a tenor getting out of place in fugal passages (7)","Answer":"STRETTI","Explanation":"Definition: Schubert song\n**ER** (Elizabeth Regina; queen) **+** **L****I****KING** (preference)** excluding** (excluding) **I** (one)\n \u00a0\n\n**ERL-KING** (Schubert wrote the song Erlk\u00f6nig or **ERL-KING** based on the poem of the same name by Goethe)"} {"Clue":"He will avoid embraces or other amorous activity (4)","Answer":"PASS","Explanation":"Definition: other amorous activity\n**PASHES** (slang term describing passionate embraces) **excluding** (will avoid) **HE**\n \u00a0\n\n**PASS** (informal term for an amorous advance)"} {"Clue":"Town pub \u2013 new thing everyone relies on? (10)","Answer":"BARNSTAPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Town\n**BAR** (pub) **+** **N** (new) **+** **STAPLE** (a leading commodity or raw material; a main element [as of diet, reading, conversation etc]; something everyone relies on)\n \u00a0\n\n**BARNSTAPLE** (English town in North Devon)"} {"Clue":"Unable to say one note's overlooked by one duetting badly (6-4)","Answer":"TONGUE-TIED","Explanation":"Definition: Unable to say\n**Anagram of** (badly) **O****N****E DUETTING** **excluding** (overlooked) one of the **N**s (note)\n **T****O****NGU****E\u2013****TIED***\n\n**TONGUE-TIED** (unable to speak out, especially because of fear or embarrassment)"} {"Clue":"Man retains work in aspiration (4)","Answer":"HOPE","Explanation":"Definition: aspiration\n**HE** (man) **contains** (retains) **OP** (opus; work)\n **H** (**OP**) **E**\n\n**HOPE** (aspiration)"} {"Clue":"Wrong about a piece of jewellery (7)","Answer":"EARRING","Explanation":"Definition: piece of jewellery\n**ERRING** (wrong) **containing** (about) **A**\n **E** (**A**) **RRING**\n\n**EARRING** (piece of jewellery)"} {"Clue":"One company excluded from US politicians gets access (7)","Answer":"INGRESS","Explanation":"Definition: access\n**I** (one) **+** (**CO****NGRESS** [United States politicians] **excluding** (excluded from] **CO** [company])\n \u00a0\n\n**INGRESS** (entrance; access)"} {"Clue":"Unambitious section with shops (5)","Answer":"SMALL","Explanation":"Definition: Unambitious\n**S** (section) **+** **MALL** (shops)\n \u00a0\n\n**SMALL** (inadequate; unambitious)"} {"Clue":"Sure goats can be mistaken for a reptile? (9)","Answer":"STEGOSAUR","Explanation":"Definition: reptile\n**Anagram of **(can be mistaken) **SURE GOATS**\n **S****T****E****GOSA****UR*******\n\n**STEGOSAUR** (dinosaur [extinct reptile] of the Jurassic period)"} {"Clue":"All one has: cup from Paris caught in fishing tackle (3,6)","Answer":"NET ASSETS","Explanation":"Definition: All one has\n**T ASSE** (French [Paris] for cup)** contained in** (caught in) **NETS** (fishing tackle)\n **NE** (**TASSE**) **TS**\n\n**NET ASSETS** (\u00a0total value of the assets of a company [or person] minus liabilities, used as an indication of the accounting value of the owners' interest or equity; all one has)"} {"Clue":"Sound of painful attack \u2013 wrestling manoeuvre? (5)","Answer":"THROW","Explanation":"Definition: wrestling manoeuvre\n**THROW** (**sounds like** [sound of] **THROE** [paroxysm, pang or pain; painful attack])\n \u00a0\n\n**THROW** (a manoeuvre in wrestling)"} {"Clue":"Australian icon rehabilitating latest prisoners (3,3,9)","Answer":"SIR LES PATTERSON","Explanation":"Definition: Australian icon\n**Anagram of** (rehabilitating) **LATEST PRISONERS**\n **S****IR ****LE****S P****ATT****ERSON***\n\n**SIR LES PATTERSON** (one of the alter egos of Australian comedian\u00a0Barry Humphries)"} {"Clue":"Scottish clan mostly morose over more than half of local city (7)","Answer":"DOUGLAS","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish clan\n**DOUR** (morose) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **R** **+ GLAS** **(4 of the 7 letters** [more than half] of **GLASGOW**, Scotland's largest city)\n \u00a0\n\n**DOUGLAS** (Scottish clan name)"} {"Clue":"Knowledgeable literary girl is embraced by graduate, that is (6)","Answer":"MAISIE","Explanation":"Definition: Knowledgeable literary girl\n**IS** **contained in** (embraced by) (**MA** [Master of Arts; graduate] **+** **IE** (id est; that is])\n **MA** (**IS**) **IE**\n\n**MAISIE** (reference the novel What **MAISIE** Knew by Henry James)"} {"Clue":"Consequence of burning in abandoning vessel in difficulty? (4,5)","Answer":"SKIN GRAFT","Explanation":"Definition: Consequence of burning\n**SINKING RAFT** (vessel in difficulty) **excluding** (abandoning) **IN** \n \u00a0\n\n**SKIN GRAFT** ( a medical procedure that is often performed as a consequence of **SKIN** being burned)"} {"Clue":"River Test eradicated in hard work (5)","Answer":"INDUS","Explanation":"Definition: River\n**INDUS****TRY**** **(hard work) **excluding** (eradicated) **TRY** (test)\n \u00a0\n\n**INDUS** (River in South Asia)"} {"Clue":"Stomach set to be upset \u2013 eat worriedly after some hesitation (8)","Answer":"TOLERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Stomach\n**LOT** (set) **reversed** (to be upset) **+ ER** (expression of hesitation) **+ an anagram of** (worriedly) **EAT**\n **TOL**< **ER** **ATE***\n\n**TOLERATE** (accept; stomach)"} {"Clue":"Mild drink (seconds repeatedly declined) then start on fag (5,2)","Answer":"LIGHT UP","Explanation":"Definition: start on fag\n**SLIGHT** (mild) **excluding** (declined) **S** (second) **+ SUP** (drink) **excluding** (declined again, therefore **repeatedly declined**) **S** (seconds) \n \u00a0\n\n**LIGHT UP** (start a cigarette; start a fag)"} {"Clue":"Water supplier de-ices marsh fluidly with gang in support (10,5)","Answer":"ARCHIMEDES SCREW","Explanation":"Definition: Water supplier\n**Anagram of** (fluidly) **DE-ICES MARSH** **+ CREW** (gang)\n **AR****C****H****I****M****EDES ****S*** **CREW**\n\n**ARCHIMEDES SCREW** (machine used to transfer water from a low-lying body of water into irrigation ditches)"} {"Clue":"Poverty? Observed rises when bringing in feeds (9)","Answer":"NEEDINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Poverty\n**SEEN** (observed) **reversed** (rising; down clue) **containing** (when bringing in) **DINES** (feeds)\n **NEE** (**DINES**) **S**<\n\n**NEEDINESS** ( poverty)"} {"Clue":"Copper vehicles having centre removed in workspaces (8)","Answer":"CUBICLES","Explanation":"Definition: workspaces\n**CU** (chemical symbol for copper) **+** (**BIC****YC****LES** [vehicles] **excluding** [having \u2026 removed] **the middle two letters** [centre] **YC**)\n \u00a0\n\n**CUBICLES** (workspaces)"} {"Clue":"River and sea not ruffled by this wind (3-4)","Answer":"NOR-EAST","Explanation":"Definition: this wind\n**Anagram of** (ruffled) **R** (river) and **SEA NOT** \n **NO****R**\u2013**EAS****T***\n\n**NOR-EAST** (descriptive of the a wind coming from the **NOR**th **EAST**)"} {"Clue":"Plea to songwriter not found in the building? (4-3)","Answer":"OPEN-AIR","Explanation":"Definition: not found in the building\n**O! PEN AIR** (please write a song; plea to songwriter)\n \u00a0\n\n**OPEN-AIR** (outside; not found in the building)"} {"Clue":"Say overture of Mozart's not mistaken for overture of Beethoven (6)","Answer":"EGMONT","Explanation":"Definition: overture of Beethoven\n**E**.**G**. (for example; say) **+** **M** (**first letter of** [overture of] **MOZART**) + **an anagram of** (mistaken) **NOT**\n **EG** **M** **ONT***\n\n**EGMONT** (there is an overture to Beethoven's work entitled **EGMONT**)"} {"Clue":"English writer goes crazy about son (5)","Answer":"GOSSE","Explanation":"Definition: English writer \n**Anagram of** (crazy) **GOES** **containing** (about) **S** (son)\n **GO** (**S**) **SE*** Either **S** could be the one contained\n\n**GOSSE** (reference Edmund **GOSSE** [1849 \u2013 1928], English poet,author and critic)"} {"Clue":"Copy of standard drivel (6)","Answer":"PARROT","Explanation":"Definition: English writer \n**Anagram of** (crazy) **GOES** **containing** (about) **S** (son)\n **GO** (**S**) **SE*** Either **S** could be the one contained\n\n**GOSSE** (reference Edmund **GOSSE** [1849 \u2013 1928], English poet,author and critic)"} {"Clue":"Stick the bubbly in stout (8)","Answer":"THICKSET","Explanation":"Definition: stout\n**Anagram of** (bubbly) **STICK THE**\n **THICKSET***\n\n**THICKSET** (having a short **THICK** body; stout)"} {"Clue":"Stock cars ending in these? (5)","Answer":"RACES","Explanation":"Definition: Stock cars ending in these\n**Anagram of **(stock [root up?] **CARS** and **E** [**final letter of** {ending in} **THESE**])\n **RAC****E****S***\n\n**RACES** (**STOCK CAR** **RAC**ing is competition between specially adapted and strengthened ordinary saloon cars in which the cars are often destroyed or damaged in collisions [ending])"} {"Clue":"Is it performed precipitately? (4,5)","Answer":"RAIN DANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Is it performed precipitately\nThe word play here is based on the **definition of** **PRECIPITATION** as '**RAIN**' and the different **definition of PRECIPITATE** as 'to bring on suddenly. A **DANCE** is a performance'\n \u00a0\n\n**RAIN DANCE** (religious ceremonial **DANCE**\u00a0performed by Native Americans in the belief that it will bring **RAIN**)"} {"Clue":"Round end of September it's autumn run riot in flower (10)","Answer":"NASTURTIUM","Explanation":"Definition: flower\n**Anagram of **(run riot) **IT'S AUTUMN ****containing** (round) **R** (**last letter of** [end of] **SEPTEMBER**)\n **NA****S****TU** (**R**) **TI****UM***\n\n**NASTURTIUM** (flower)"} {"Clue":"Unwanted messages and charts returned (4)","Answer":"SPAM","Explanation":"Definition: Unwanted messages\n**MAPS** (charts) **reversed** (returned) \n **SPAM**<\n\n**SPAM** (electronic junk mail; unwanted e-mail messages)"} {"Clue":"Animation shows vine struggling in a relatively poor environment (9)","Answer":"ALIVENESS","Explanation":"Definition: Animation\n**Anagram of **(struggling) **VINE** **contained in** (in a \u2026 environment) (**A** **+** **LESS** [relatively poor])\n **A** **L** (**IVEN***) **ESS**\n\n**ALIVENESS** (animation)"} {"Clue":"This chap will start to suffer in such dreadful places (5)","Answer":"HELLS","Explanation":"Definition: dreadful places\n**HE'LL** (he will; the chap will) **+**** S** (**first letter of** [start to] **SUFFER**)\n \u00a0\n\n**HELLS** (dreadful places)"} {"Clue":"Force top off liquid rum (5)","Answer":"FUNNY","Explanation":"Definition: rum\n**F** (force) **+** (**R****UNNY** [liquid] **excluding** [off] **the first letter** [top] **R**)\n \u00a0\n\n**FUNNY** (rum, as in **FUNNY** peculiar rather than **FUNNY** ha-ha)"} {"Clue":"Protected against the main ground weeds around area everything's put in (3-6)","Answer":"SEA-WALLED","Explanation":"Definition: Protected against the main\n**ALL** (everything)** contained in** (put in) (**an anagram of** [ground] **WEEDS** **containing** [around] **A** [area])\n **SE** [**A**] **W** (**ALL**) **ED***\n\n**SEA-WALLED** (protected against the main [**SEA**])"} {"Clue":"Hike with a lake occasionally glimpsed (4)","Answer":"WALK","Explanation":"Definition: Hike\n**W** (with) **+** **A** **+** **LK** (**letters 1 and 3** [occasionally glimpsed] of **L****A****K****E**)\n \u00a0\n\n**WALK** (hike)"} {"Clue":"Cutter or junk seen by sailor (10)","Answer":"LUMBERJACK","Explanation":"Definition: Cutter\n**LUMBER** (anything cumbersome or useless;junk) **+** **JACK** (sailor)\n \u00a0\n\n**LUMBERJACK** (someone employed in the felling, sawing, etc of timber; cutter)"} {"Clue":"Prompt one friend touring Mediterranean with Crosophile (9)","Answer":"IMMEDIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Prompt\n**I **(one) **+** (**MATE** [friend] **containing** [touring] [**MED** {Mediterranean} **+ I** {Crosophile; puzzle setter}])\n **I** **M** (**MED**** I**) **ATE**\n\n**IMMEDIATE** (prompt)"} {"Clue":"Hindu deity that's quiet with four arms principally (5)","Answer":"SHIVA","Explanation":"Definition: Hindu deity\n**SH** (quiet!) **+ IV** (Roman numerals for 4) **+ A** (**first letter of** [principally] **ARMS**\n \u00a0\n\n**SHIVA** (the third god of the Hindu triad, destroyer and reproducer)"} {"Clue":"Dubious earnings of female OAPs perhaps? (8)","Answer":"GRANNIES","Explanation":"Definition: female OAPs perhaps\n**Anagram of** (dubious) **EARNINGS**\n **GRANNIES***\n\n**GRANNIES** (certainly some **GRANNIES** [female] are old age pensioners, but in these days, ladies can become **GRANNIE**S in their thirties) I realise that is why the question mark is in the clue in this case."} {"Clue":"Those on stage might not hear these catchier songs? (6)","Answer":"ASIDES","Explanation":"Definition: Those on stage might not hear these\n**A-SIDES** (on old vinyl singles the catchier tune [at least the one expected to sell better] used to be on the **A-SIDE** of the record)\n \u00a0\n\n**ASIDES** (words spoken by an actor which the other persons on the stage are not supposed to hear)"} {"Clue":"Pressure put on country? That's a laugh \u2013 it's ferocious (7)","Answer":"PIRANHA","Explanation":"Definition: it's ferocious\n**P** (pressure) **+ IRAN** (Country) **+ HA** (denoting laughter)\n \u00a0\n\n**PIRANHA** (ferocious South American river fish)"} {"Clue":"Recipe row over putting pinch of salt in\u00a0is a small setback (9)","Answer":"RECESSION","Explanation":"Definition: setback\n**REC** (recipe)** +** (**NOISE** [din; row]** reversed** [over] **containing** [putting in] **S** [**first letter of** {pinch of} **S****ALT**])\n **REC** **E** (**S**) **SION**< Either of the **S**s could be the one contained\n\n**RECESSION** (setback)"} {"Clue":"Like the occult old book secretive about panacea (9)","Answer":"OBSCURELY","Explanation":"Definition: Like the occult\n**O** (old) **+ B** (book) **+** (**SLY** [secretive] **containing** [about] **CURE** [panacea])\n **O** **B** **S** (**CURE**)** LY**\n\n**OBSCURELY** (like the dark and\u00a0hidden; like the occult)"} {"Clue":"Poem \"On Hearing A Dove in A Tree\" perhaps (5)","Answer":"HAIKU","Explanation":"Definition: Poem\n**HAIKU** (sounds like **HIGH** [up above; **IN A TREE**\u00a0perhaps] **COO** [the sound made by a **DOVE**])\n \u00a0\n\n**HAIKU** (a Japanese poem in three lines of 5, 7 and 5 syllables)"} {"Clue":"Not genuine piece of encryption? Yes, it is (4)","Answer":"CODE","Explanation":"Definition: Yes, it is \n**COD** (hoax; not genuine) **+ E** (**first letter of** [piece of] **ENCRYPTION**)\n \u00a0\n\n**CODE** (a system of words, letters or symbols which represent sentences or other words, to ensure economy or secrecy in transmission; so yes it is a piece of encryption)"} {"Clue":"Dawn French one's seen in drink? (5)","Answer":"SUNUP","Explanation":"Definition: Dawn\n**UN** (French for one;French one) **contained in** (seen in) **SUP** (drink)\n **S** (**UN**) **UP**\n\n**SUNUP** (**SUN**rise; dawn)"} {"Clue":"Remove protective net from lowest drink container (7)","Answer":"THERMOS","Explanation":"Definition: drink container\n**NETHERMOST** (lowest) **excluding the outermost letters** (protective)\u00a0spelling **NET**\n \u00a0\n\n**THERMOS** (brand of vacuum flask; drinks container)"} {"Clue":"Monks maybe in bordellos changing hands (8)","Answer":"BROTHERS","Explanation":"Definition: Monks maybe\n**BROTHELS** (bordellos) **changing** **L** [left] **to** **R** [right] thereby changing hands.\n **BROTHE****R****S**\n It's a pity that the **R** at the beginning didn't change to **L** as well, but I don't think there is a word **BLOTHERS**\n\n**BROTHERS** (members of a religious order, e.g..\u00a0Monks)"} {"Clue":"Walks haltingly in mess (8)","Answer":"SHAMBLES","Explanation":"Definition: Walks haltingly\n**SHAMBLES** (shuffles; walks haltingly)\n \u00a0\n\n**SHAMBLES** (mess) double definition"} {"Clue":"Miss Whiplash owing to these? Director leaves the address short time later (9)","Answer":"HEADRESTS","Explanation":"Definition: Miss Whiplash owing to these\n**THE ADDRESS** **excluding** (leaves) **D** (Director) with **T** (**abbreviation for** [short] time) being moved to a later position.\n **HEADRESTS**\n\n**HEADRESTS** (if your car has **HEADRESTS** then you are likely to avoid [miss] the effects of whiplash in a collision or other car accident)"} {"Clue":"After quiet period I can be seen in a cot and sung to sleep (9)","Answer":"LULLABIED","Explanation":"Definition: sung to sleep\n**LULL** (quiet period) **+** (**I** **contained in** [can be seen in] [**A** +\u00a0**BED** {cot}])\n **LULL** **A** **B** (**I**) **ED**\n\n**LULLABIED** (sung to sleep)"} {"Clue":"Crawling following the blind? (7)","Answer":"FAWNING","Explanation":"Definition: Crawling\n**F** (following) **+ AWNING** (covering, especially of canvas, to shelter e.g. a window, door or patio from the sun or weather; blind)\n \u00a0\n\n**FAWNING** (servile; crawling)"} {"Clue":"Child raised with old rags and orders to be obeyed (7)","Answer":"DIKTATS","Explanation":"Definition: orders to be obeyed\n**KID** (child) **reversed** (raised; down clue) **+** **TATS** (old rags)\n **DIK**< **TATS**\n\n**DIKTATS** (orders or statements allowing no opposition; orders to be obeyed)"} {"Clue":"Bloodsucking serpent shedding skin to maim all climbing up (5)","Answer":"LAMIA","Explanation":"Definition: Bloodsucking serpent\n(**MAIM ALL** **excluding the first and last letters** [shedding skin] **M** and **L**) **reversed** (climbing up; down clue)\n **LAMIA**<\n\n**LAMIA** (in Greek and Roman mythology, a bloodsucking serpent-witch)"} {"Clue":"Practice in banger leaving South America (5)","Answer":"USAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Practice\n**SAUSAGE** (banger is an formal word for **SAUSAGE**) excluding **SA** (South America)\n \u00a0\n\n**USAGE** (practice)"} {"Clue":"Amateur's dive in port (4)","Answer":"ADEN","Explanation":"Definition: port\n**A** (amateur) **+ DEN** (dive)\n \u00a0\n\n**ADEN** (port city in Yemen on the Red Sea)"} {"Clue":"Head of sales to improve appearance of new business (5-2)","Answer":"START-UP","Explanation":"Definition: appearance of new business \n**S** (**first letter of** [head of] **SALES**) **+** **TART UP** (smarten; improve)\n \u00a0\n\n**START-UP** (the process of setting up a company or business; such a company or business)"} {"Clue":"Roast meat tasty with ends trimmed (7)","Answer":"LAMBAST","Explanation":"Definition: Roast\n**LAMB** (type of meat) **+** **AST** (**letters remaining** in **TASTY** **after the first and last letters TY are removed** [trimmed])\n \u00a0\n\n**LAMBAST** (reprimand severely; roast)"} {"Clue":"Human being, unusually large and thin (9)","Answer":"EARTHLING","Explanation":"Definition: Human being\n**Anagram of **(unusually) **LARGE** and **THIN**\n **EAR****TH****L****IN****G***\n\n**EARTHLING** (inhabitant of planet Earth; human being)"} {"Clue":"Storms making crack in roads (5)","Answer":"RAIDS","Explanation":"Definition: Storms\nI'm not sure about the word play here. I can see that **AI** (A one) could refer to the main road from Edinburgh to London and **RDS** is short for roads. The wordplay may indicate that one road (**AI**) is **contained in**\u00a0(cracks) others (**RDS**) to give:\n **R** (**AI**) **DS**\n I'm not entirely happy with this parsing so I will be interested to hear about possible alternatives.\n Thanks to Andrew at 1 for pointing that **AI** can also be interpreted as first class or 'crack'\n\n**RAIDS** (storms)"} {"Clue":"Tiny new truck driven by Australian on motorway (6)","Answer":"MINUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Tiny\n**M1** (M one; motorway) **+** **N** (new) **+** **UTE** (utility truck; **UTE** is a word used in Australia and New Zealand)\n \u00a0\n\n**MINUTE** (very small; tiny)"} {"Clue":"In America, attempt to secure dollars is hard work (8)","Answer":"INDUSTRY","Explanation":"Definition: hard work\n(**IN** **+** **US** [{United States of} America] **+** **TRY** [attempt]) **containing** (to secure) **D** (dollars, given as an abbreviation in Collins)\n **IN** (**D**)** US** **TRY**\n\n**INDUSTRY** (hard work)"} {"Clue":"Gosh \u2013 vet's mislaid lead (4)","Answer":"HECK","Explanation":"Definition: Gosh\n**CHECK** (examine; vet) **excluding** (mislaid) **the first letter** (lead) **C**\n \u00a0\n\n**HECK** (mild exclamation of surprise; gosh)"} {"Clue":"Oh! Is that how the compiler views these sweets? (4,6)","Answer":"LOVE HEARTS","Explanation":"Definition: sweets\nAnother clue where I am not sure how the wordplay works. I can't see an anagram and I am unsure where Oh!, the compiler and views are included.\n Going off at a complete tangent, perhaps the compiler (Dac) is an ardent fan of Heart of Midlothian Football Club but I think I'm clutching at straws there.\n Once again I will be interested in other solvers' views\n Thanks for the comments from Andrew and Wordplodder at 1 and 2 which explain that **OH** should be interpreted as **LOVE** (O; zero score in tennis) **+** **HEARTS** (H)\n\n**LOVE HEARTS** (a type of sweets)"} {"Clue":"In France, Peter keeps girlfriend \u2026 here? (4-1-5)","Answer":"PIED-A-TERRE","Explanation":"Definition: here\n**PIERRE **(French man's name) **containing** (keeps) **DATE** (girlfriend)\n **PIE** (**D A TE**) **RRE**\n\n**PIED-A-TERRE** (a dwelling kept for temporary, secondary, or occasional lodging; perhaps somewhere where **PIERRE** meets his girlfriend)"} {"Clue":"Bullets lodged in commander's back (4)","Answer":"AMMO","Explanation":"Definition: Bullets\n**AMMO** (**hidden word** [in] **reversed** [back] **COMMANDER**)\n **AMMO**<\n\n**AMMO** (ammunition; bullets)"} {"Clue":"Female's account in court: it's impressive (5,3)","Answer":"CLASS ACT","Explanation":"Definition: it's impressive\n(**LASS** [female] **+** **AC** [account]) **contained in** (in) **CT** (court)\n **C** (**LASS** **AC**) **T**\n\n**CLASS ACT** (something impressive)"} {"Clue":"Ready to welcome sailor back in part of North African city (6)","Answer":"CASBAH","Explanation":"Definition: part of North African city\n**CASH** (money; ready) **containing** (to welcome) **AB** (able seaman; sailor) **reversed** [back]\n **CAS** (**BA**<) **H**\n\n**CASBAH** (castle or fortress in a N African town or the area round it, especially in Algiers [North African city])"} {"Clue":"Maybe coat isn't needed after second of April (5)","Answer":"PAINT","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe coat\n**P** (**second letter of** [second of] **APRIL**) **+ ****AIN'T** (is not; isn't)\n \u00a0\n\n**PAINT** (reference coat of **PAINT**)"} {"Clue":"Start to speak about soldier returning home (9)","Answer":"ORIGINATE","Explanation":"Definition: Start\n**ORATE **(speak) **containing** (about) (**GI** [American soldier] **reversed [returning] + IN **[home])\n **OR** (**IG**< **IN**) **ATE**\n\n**ORIGINATE** (bring into existence; start)"} {"Clue":"Stuffy person with no children dying thus, you say? (7)","Answer":"AIRLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Stuffy\n**AIRLESS** (**sounds like** [you say] **HEIRLESS**\u00a0[dying with no children])\n \u00a0\n\n**AIRLESS** (without air; stuffy)"} {"Clue":"Left in cattle trough, one causes great damage (7)","Answer":"MANGLER","Explanation":"Definition: one causes great damage\n**L** (left) **contained in** (in) **MANGER** (trough from which horses and cattle take food)\n **MANG (L) ER**\n\n**MANGLER** (one who causes great damage)"} {"Clue":"First of seafaring crew's in boat (9)","Answer":"STEAMSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: boat\n**S** (**first letter of **[first of] **SEAFARING**) **+** **TEAM**'**S** (crew's) **+** **HIP** (with it; in)\n I did briefly toy with **TEAM SHIP** as a definition for **CREW**\u00a0but decided against it. If it had been **SHIP TEAM** I might have gone for it.\n\n**STEAMSHIP** (boat)"} {"Clue":"Brief display on northern island (5)","Answer":"ARRAN","Explanation":"Definition: island\n**ARRA****Y** (display) **excluding the final letter** (brief) **Y** **+ N** (northern) \n \u00a0\n\n**ARRAN** (Scottish island in the Firth of Clyde)"} {"Clue":"Soldiers successfully attacked one Pacific location (6)","Answer":"TAHITI","Explanation":"Definition: Pacific location\n**TA** (Territorial Army; soldiers) **+** **HIT** (successfully attacked) **+**** I** (one)\n \u00a0\n\n**TAHITI **(largest island in French Polynesia in the Pacific)"} {"Clue":"Prudish, like one sort of minister mostly (4)","Answer":"PRIM","Explanation":"Definition: Prudish\n**PRIME** (reference **PRIME**\u00a0Minister) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **E**\n \u00a0\n\n**PRIM** (prudish)"} {"Clue":"Fruit squash began to be transported by juggernaut (10)","Answer":"LOGANBERRY","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\n**Anagram of **(squash) **BEGAN** **contained in** [be transported by] **LORRY** [juggernaut]\n **LO** (**GANBE***) **RRY**\n\n**LOGANBERRY** (fruit)"} {"Clue":"Mother less polite about a person involved in 10? (8)","Answer":"MARAUDER","Explanation":"Definition: person involved in 10\n**MA** (mother) **+** (**RUDER** [less polite] **containing** [about] **A**)\n **MA** **R** (**A**) **UDER**\n\n**MARAUDER** (someone involved in **RAIDS** [10 across])"} {"Clue":"Trade I'm in will collapse temporarily (2,7)","Answer":"AD INTERIM","Explanation":"Definition: temporarily\n**Anagram of** (will collapse) **TRADE I'M IN**\n **AD**** IN****TER****IM***\n\n**AD INTERIM** (for or in the meantime; temporarily)"} {"Clue":"Before end of journey pilot becomes irritable (5)","Answer":"TESTY","Explanation":"Definition: irritable\n**TEST** (pilot) **+ Y** **(last letter of** [end of] **JOURNEY**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TESTY** (irritable)"} {"Clue":"Suddenly find me wearing short garment. far from happy (4,6)","Answer":"COME ACROSS","Explanation":"Definition: Suddenly find\n(**ME** **contained in** [wearing] **COA****T** [garment] **excluding the final letter** [short] **T**) **+ CROSS** (far from happy)\n **CO** (**ME**) **A** **CROSS**\n\n**COME ACROSS** (suddenly find)"} {"Clue":"Noble's shout of joy, swallowing tranquilliser without hesitation (9)","Answer":"CHEVALIER","Explanation":"Definition: Noble\n**CHEER** (shout of joy) **containing** (swallowing) **VALIUM** (tranquilliser) **excluding** (without) **UM** (expression of hesitation)\n **CHE** (**VALI**) **ER**\n\n**CHEVALIER** (knight; nobleman)"} {"Clue":"Beastly type hanging around in various hotel bars (5,4)","Answer":"SLOTH BEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Beastly type\n**Anagram of** (various) **HOTEL BARS**\n **SLOTH BEAR***\n\n**SLOTH BEAR** (a black Indian bear with a long snout)"} {"Clue":"Recording prescribed in class (8)","Answer":"CASSETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Recording\n**SET**\u00a0(prescribed) **contained in** (in) **CASTE** (class)\n **CAS (SET) TE**\n\n**CASSETTE** (a plastic case containing a reel of magnetic tape, often with pre-recorded material on it)"} {"Clue":"Fellow giving daughter a look (6)","Answer":"DAMIEN","Explanation":"Definition: Fellow\n**D** (daughter) **+** **A** **+** **MIEN **(an air or look)\n \u00a0\n\n**DAMIEN** (man's name; fellow)"} {"Clue":"Drink up quietly in empty cafeteria (5)","Answer":"CUPPA","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\n(**UP** + **P** [piano; quietly]) **contained in** (in) **CA** (**letters remaining** in **CAFETERIA** after **all but the outside letters** [empty] **are deleted**)\n **C** (**UP** **P**) **A**\n\n**CUPPA** (drink [of tea usually])"} {"Clue":"Skirmish in Civil War botched up (5)","Answer":"BRAWL","Explanation":"Definition: Skirmish\n**BRAWL** (**hidden word** [in] **reversed** [up; down clue] **CIVIL WAR BOTCHED**)\n **BRAWL**<\n\n**BRAWL** (punch-up; fight; skirmish)"} {"Clue":"Starts to fidget in long motion picture (4)","Answer":"FILM","Explanation":"Definition: picture\n**FILM** (**first letters of**\u00a0[starts to] **each of** **FIDGET IN LONG MOTION**)\n \u00a0\n\n**FILM** (cinema show; picture)"} {"Clue":"Son needs to mature to become a wise man (4)","Answer":"SAGE","Explanation":"Definition: wise man\n**S** (son) **+ AGE** (mature)\n \u00a0\n\n**SAGE** (wise man)"} {"Clue":"Christian supplier of medieval weaponry? (8)","Answer":"FLETCHER","Explanation":"Definition: supplier of medieval weaponry\n**FLETCHER** (reference **FLETCHER** Christian [1764 \u2013 1793], leader of the Mutiny on the Bounty)\n \u00a0\n\n**FLETCHER** (person who makes arrows; supplier of medieval weaponry)"} {"Clue":"A very old colleague of Quixote's about to have egg and fruit (7)","Answer":"AVOCADO","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\n**A** **+** **V** **+** **O** (**DAC** [Independent crossword setter who appears most Wednesdays] **reversed** [about]) **+ O**\n **A** **V** **O** **CAD**< **O**\n If you a regular solver of Independent crosswords then you will know that Dac is a regular setter and colleague of Quixote's. If you are not then I don't know how you can be expected to understand the wordplay in this clue.\n\n**AVOCADO** (fruit)"} {"Clue":"Female wants excitement in party group (7)","Answer":"FACTION","Explanation":"Definition: party group\n**F** (female) **+ ACTION** (excitement)\n \u00a0\n\n**FACTION** (small group of people formed of dissenting members of a larger group, especially in politics, party group)"} {"Clue":"Little woman joining the fellow in module in birthplace (9)","Answer":"BETHLEHEM","Explanation":"Definition: birthplace\n**BETH** (shortened form of **ELIZABETH**; little woman) + (**HE** [the fellow] **contained in** [in] **LEM** [{Lunar Excursion} Module])\n **BETH** **LE** (**HE**) **M**\n\n**BETHLEHEM** (city described in the New Testament as the birthplace of Jesus)"} {"Clue":"Crude person's exclamation of joy (5)","Answer":"YAHOO","Explanation":"Definition: exclamation of joy\n**YAHOO** (brutal or boorish lout; crude person)\n \u00a0\n\n**YAHOO** (exclamation of joy) double definition"} {"Clue":"A choirmistress upset when losing one garden plant? (9,4)","Answer":"CHRISTMAS ROSE","Explanation":"Definition: garden plant\n**Anagram of **(upset) **A CHOIRMISTRESS** **excluding** (losing) **I **(one)\n **CHRISTM****A****S ROSE***\n\n**CHRISTMAS ROSE** (evergreen plant that bears cup-shaped white flowers in winter or early spring)"} {"Clue":"Seasonal character having a mad moment with pie being thrown (9,4)","Answer":"PANTOMIME DAME","Explanation":"Definition: Seasonal character\n**Anagram of** (being\u00a0thrown) **A MAD MOMENT** and **PIE**\n **PANTOMIME DAME***\n\n**PANTOMIME DAME** (seasonal character)"} {"Clue":"Mentions things worth seeing to audience (5)","Answer":"CITES","Explanation":"Definition: Mentions things\n**CITES** (**sounds like **[to audience] **SIGHTS** [things worth seeing])\n \u00a0\n\n**CITES** (quotes, names; mentions things)"} {"Clue":"Nasty Alsatians will suit aggressive person (9)","Answer":"ASSAILANT","Explanation":"Definition: aggressive person\n**Anagram of** (nasty)** ALSATIANS**\n **ASSAILANT***\n\n**ASSAILANT** (attacker; aggressive person)"} {"Clue":"Food eaten by player, a violinist (7)","Answer":"RAVIOLI","Explanation":"Definition: Food\n**RAVIOLI** (hidden word in [eaten by] **PLAYER A VIOLINIST**)\n \u00a0\n\n**RAVIOLI** (small square pasta cases; food)"} {"Clue":"Man's man may be so isolated (7)","Answer":"INSULAR","Explanation":"Definition: isolated \n**INSULAR** (belonging to an island, a man from the Isle of Man could therefore be described as **INSULAR**)\n \u00a0\n\n**INSULAR** (isolated) double definition"} {"Clue":"Desire by band to appear in glossy fabric (8)","Answer":"LUSTRING","Explanation":"Definition: glossy fabric\n**LUST** (desire) **+** **RING** (band)\n \u00a0\n\n**LUSTRING** (glossy silk cloth; glossy fabric)"} {"Clue":"Loud man to become ragged in battle (4)","Answer":"FRAY","Explanation":"Definition: become ragged\n**F** (forte; loud) **+ RAY** (man's name)\n**FRAY** (become ragged) and\n and \/ or\n **FRAY** (action; disturbance; battle) Two separate definitions for the price of one"} {"Clue":"Quiet place of worship lacking energy and run down (6)","Answer":"SHABBY","Explanation":"Definition: run down\n**SH** (quiet) **+** (**ABBEY** [place of worship] **excluding** **E** [energy])\n \u00a0\n\n**SHABBY** (rundown)"} {"Clue":"Possessing supposedly special knowledge costing bucks (7)","Answer":"GNOSTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Possessing supposedly special knowledge\n**Anagram of** (bucks) **COSTING**\n **GNOSTIC***\n\n**GNOSTIC** (having knowledge"} {"Clue":"Style him 'Sir', feeble MP getting permanent entitlement to be in the club (4,10)","Answer":"LIFE MEMBERSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: permanent entitlement to be in the club\n**Anagram of** (style) **HIM SIR FEEBLE MP**\n **L****I****FE ****M****E****M****BE****RSHIP***\n\n**LIFE MEMBERSHIP** (permanent entitlement to be in the club)"} {"Clue":"Vulgar set? No \u2014 just a bit wet (5)","Answer":"TACKY","Explanation":"Definition: Vulgar\n**TACKY** (vulgar)\n \u00a0\n\n**TACKY** (sticky; not set and just a bit wet) double definition"} {"Clue":"Perhaps I'm fed up and settle finally in tall house (5-2)","Answer":"HEIGH-HO","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps I'm fed up\n**E** (**last letter of** [finally] **SETTLE** **contained in** (in) (**HIGH** [tall] **+ HO** [abbreviation for **HOUSE**)\n **H** (**E**) **IGH** **HO**\n\n**HEIGH-HO** (exclamation expressive of weariness; perhaps I'm fed up)"} {"Clue":"Liberated with some money being brought around (8)","Answer":"RANSOMED","Explanation":"Definition: Liberated with some money being brought around\n**RAND** (currency of South Africa; money) **containing** (brought round) **SOME**\n **RAN** (**SOME**) **D**\n\n**RANSOMED** (liberated as a result of money being paid) &Lit clue"} {"Clue":"Wild beast sets everyone in conflict over nothing repeatedly (8)","Answer":"WALLAROO","Explanation":"Definition: Wild beast\n(**ALL** [everyone] **contained in** [in] **WAR** [conflict]) **+** **O** [nothing] **+**** O** [nothing] giving 'nothing repeatedly'\n **W** (**ALL**) **AR** **O** **O**\n\n**WALLAROO** (large kangaroo; wild beast)"} {"Clue":"Coat in shop \u2013 it is unusual in style (14)","Answer":"SOPHISTICATION","Explanation":"Definition: style\n**Anagram of **(unusual) **COAT IN SHOP IT IS**\n **S****O****PHISTI****CAT****ION***\n\n**SOPHISTICATION** (elegance; style)"} {"Clue":"Most frightening sign of injury that is seen on street (8)","Answer":"SCARIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most frightening\n**SCAR** (sign of injury) **+ IE** (id est; that is) **+ ST** (street)\n \u00a0\n\n**SCARIEST** (most frightening)"} {"Clue":"Fancy parcels around tree initially, having a range of colours? (8)","Answer":"SPECTRAL","Explanation":"Definition: range of colours\n**Anagram of **(fancy) **PARCELS** **containing** (around) **T** (**first letter of **[initially] **TREE**)\n **SPEC** (**T**) **RAL***\n\n**SPECTRAL** (related to or like a range of colours)"} {"Clue":"Seat to accommodate four residents (7)","Answer":"NATIVES","Explanation":"Definition: residents\n**NATES** (buttocks; seat) **containing** (to accommodate) **IV** (Roman numeral for four)\n **NAT** (**IV**) **ES**\n\n**NATIVES** (people born in the local area or long-time residents)"} {"Clue":"Modern trader working in atelier (1-6)","Answer":"E-TAILER","Explanation":"Definition: Modern trader\n**Anagram of **(working in) **ATELIER**\n **E-TAILER***\n\n**E-TAILER** (electronic retailer who sells goods through the internet; modern trader)"} {"Clue":"Maiden in fairy tale possibly tempestuous (6)","Answer":"STORMY","Explanation":"Definition: tempestuous\n**M** (maiden in cricket scoring terminology) **contained in** (in) **STORY** (a fairy tale is an example of a story)\n **STOR** (**M**) Y\n\n**STORMY** (tempestuous)"} {"Clue":"Resentful having caught cold in search (5)","Answer":"SCOUR","Explanation":"Definition: search\n**SOUR** (resentful) **containing** (having caught) **C** (cold)\n **S** (**C**) **OUR**\n\n**SCOUR** (search thoroughly)"} {"Clue":"Would-be doctor traps dog that's rabid? (8)","Answer":"POSTGRAD","Explanation":"Definition: Would-be doctor\n**Anagram of **(that's rabid) **TRAPS DOG**\n **P****O****ST****G****RA****D***\n\n**POSTGRAD** (postgraduate; a student studying or researching for an advanced qualification after obtaining a first university degree) Many do Masters degrees which don't lead to doctorates rather than PhD courses which do, but it's true that potentially some of the students will get their doctorates."} {"Clue":"WI evergreen, one replacing universal cassava (5)","Answer":"YACCA","Explanation":"Definition: WI evergreen\n**YUCCA **(cassava) **with U** (universal) **replaced by** **A** (one)\n **YACCA**\n\n**YACCA** (either of two West Indian [WI] evergreens)"} {"Clue":"One year interned, in the manner of what immigrants go through (5)","Answer":"ALIYA","Explanation":"Definition: what immigrants go through\n(**I **[one] **+** **Y** [year]) **contained in** (interned) **A LA** (in the manner of)\n **AL** (**I** **Y**) **A**\n\n**ALIYA **(immigration to Israel)"} {"Clue":"Sentimentality once necessary in a doctor (5)","Answer":"GLOOP","Explanation":"Definition: Sentimentality\n**LOO** (toilet; necessary is **obsolete** {once} or dialect slang for a toilet) **contained in** (in) **GP** (General Practitioner; doctor)\n **G** (**LOO**) **P**\n\n**GLOOP** (sentimentality)"} {"Clue":"Sort of appliqu\u00e9 work relating to an art style risen with time (9)","Answer":"DECOUPAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of appliqu\u00e9 work\n**DECO** (reference Art **DECO** [the style of decorative art characteristic of the 1920s and 1930s]) **+ UP** (risen) **+ AGE** (period of time)\n \u00a0\n\n**DECOUPAGE** (the craft, originating in the 18th century, of applying decorative paper cut-outs to e.g. wood surfaces; sort of appliqu\u00e9)"} {"Clue":"You may get a \u2014- cooked with ethnic recipe from Maori kitchen (4)","Answer":"MOKI","Explanation":"Definition: You may get a \u2014- cooked with ethnic recipe from Maori kitchen \n**MAORI KITCHEN** is a **compound anagram **of the entry, **MOKI**, and **ETHNIC** and **A** and **R** (recipe)\n \u00a0\n\n**MOKI** (a New Zealand sea fish which could well be cooked in a Maori kitchen)"} {"Clue":"She's anybody's making love (but only initially) in private (7)","Answer":"SLAPPER","Explanation":"Definition: She's anybody's\n**L** (**first letter of** [initially] **LOVE**) **contained in** (in) **SAPPER** (private in the Royal Engineers)\n **S** (**L**) **APPER**\n\n**SLAPPER** (promiscuous woman; she's anybody's)"} {"Clue":"In full fig, cloak a welcome luxury (7)","Answer":"CAPAPIE","Explanation":"Definition: In full fig\n**CAPA** (Spanish cloak) **+ PIE** (welcome luxury)\n \u00a0\n\n**CAPAPIE** (dressed from head to foot, e.g. of a knight in armour; in full fig [full dress or array])."} {"Clue":"Not a neat medic is neglecting to cleanse thus (13)","Answer":"DECONTAMINATE","Explanation":"Definition: cleanse thus\n**Anagram of **\u00a0(is neglecting) **NOT A NEAT MEDIC** \n **DEC****ONTA****MI****NATE***\n\n**DECONTAMINATE** (method of cleansing)"} {"Clue":"Devilfish, say, none caught near whales possibly (7)","Answer":"OCTOPOD","Explanation":"Definition: Devilfish\n**O** (zero; none) **+** **C** (caught) **+** **TO** (near) **+** **POD** (shoal of sea creatures, especially whales)\n \u00a0\n\n**OCTOPOD** (devilfish is another name for an octopus)"} {"Clue":"Questionable old club cricketer getting a duck? (7)","Answer":"BATTERO","Explanation":"Definition: Questionable old club\n**BATTER** (cricketer) **+** **O** (zero; duck score in cricket)\n \u00a0\n\n**BATTERO** (one form of the Shakespearean [old] word **BALLOW** meaning cudgel or club) I think 'questionable' is in the clue as Chambers hints that **BATTERO** is not the most common usage."} {"Clue":"What potter produces, quite round, with wheel? (4)","Answer":"OLLA","Explanation":"Definition: What potter produces\n(**ALL** [quite] **+** **O** [round shape]) **all reversed** (with wheel)\n (**O** **LLA**)<\n\n**OLLA** (jar or urn, something a potter may produce)"} {"Clue":"Content of postal delivery once released in instalments (5)","Answer":"STALD","Explanation":"Definition: released in instalments\n**STALD **(**hidden word in** [content of] **POSTAL DELIVERY**)\n \u00a0\n\n**STALD** (released on payments by instalments, archaic [once] past tense of **STALL**)"} {"Clue":"What Buddhists celebrate could be askew when it is (5)","Answer":"WESAK","Explanation":"Definition: What Buddhists celebrate\n**Anagram of** (could be) **ASKEW**\n **WESAK***\n\n**WESAK** (variant spelling of **VESAK** [Buddhist festival held in May to commemorate the birth, enlightenment and death of the Buddha])"} {"Clue":"Key element of horoscope, good following introductory matter (5)","Answer":"HYLEG","Explanation":"Definition: Key element of horoscope\n**HYLE** (wood, matter) **+ G** (good)\n \u00a0\n\n**HYLEG **(the ruling planet at the hour of birth; key element of horoscope)"} {"Clue":"Runs come into yard after a third of a mile (roughly) (8)","Answer":"LIENTERY","Explanation":"Definition: Runs \n**LI** (a Chinese unit of distance, about one-third of a mile) **+ ENTER** (come into) **+ Y** (yard)\n \u00a0\n\n**LIENTERY** (form of diarrhoea; runs)"} {"Clue":"Parents hugging daughter worshipped Lily (5)","Answer":"PADMA","Explanation":"Definition: Lily\n(**PA** [father] **+** **MA** [mother] giving parents) **containing** (hugging) **D** (daughter)\n **PA** (**D**) **MA**\n\n**PADMA** (sacred lotus; lily)"} {"Clue":"Pervy, so the reverse of satisfactory (5)","Answer":"SICKO","Explanation":"Definition: Pervy\n**SIC** (thus,so) **+** (**OK** [satisfactory] **reversed**)\n **SIC** **KO**<\n\n**SICKO** (pervert; pervy)"} {"Clue":"Countryman's understanding sticky stuff, one in rising sap (4)","Answer":"GAUM","Explanation":"Definition: Countryman's understanding sticky stuff\n**A** (one) **contained in** (in) (**MUG** [simpleton; sap] **reversed** [rising])\n **G** (**A**) **UM**<\n\n**GAUM** (dialect [countryman] term for a sticky mass)"} {"Clue":"Beginning to regret fitting with a tailor, awfully predatory (11)","Answer":"RAPTATORIAL","Explanation":"Definition: predatory\n**R **(**first letter of** [beginning to] **REGRET**) **+ APT** (fitting) **+ ****A + ****an anagram of **(awfully)** TAILOR**\n **R** **APT** **A** **TORIAL***\n\n**RAPTATORIAL** (predatory)"} {"Clue":"Free of attractive elements, model is wild with rage (11)","Answer":"DEGLAMORISE","Explanation":"Definition: Free of attractive elements\n**Anagram of** (wild) **MODEL IS** and **RAGE**\n **DEGLAMORISE***\n\n**DEGLAMORISE** (make less attractive)"} {"Clue":"Weather's opposite for clothing leg in mixed fabric (7)","Answer":"ALEPINE","Explanation":"Definition: mixed fabric\n**ALEE **(on the sheltered side; opposite side to where the weather is coming from) **containing** (clothing) **PIN** (leg)\n **ALE** (**PIN**) **E**\n\n**ALEPINE** (mixed fabric of wool and silk or mohair and cotton.)"} {"Clue":"Bean substitute? Poet exchanges his last rubles for one (6)","Answer":"COWPEA","Explanation":"Definition: Bean substitute\n**COWPER** (reference William **COWPER** [1731 \u2013 1800] English poet) **with the final letter** (his last) **R** (rubles) **replaced by** (exchanges for) **A** (one)\n **COWPEA**\n\n**COWPEA** (a leguminous plant [*Vigna sinensis*] indigenous to Asia but cultivated in other parts of the world and used like French beans; bean substitute)"} {"Clue":"Work in Church \u2013 it envelops certain churchmen (4)","Answer":"COPE","Explanation":"Definition: it envelops certain churchmen\n**OP** (opus; work) **contained in** (in) **CE** (Church [of England])\n **C **(**OP**)** E**\n\n**COPE** (semicircular, sleeveless, hooded vestment worn over the alb or surplice by priests at certain Christian ceremonies; it envelops certain churchment)"} {"Clue":"A blue (Oxford?) \u2013 pinnacle of excellence (6)","Answer":"A-PER-SE","Explanation":"Definition: pinnacle of excellence\n**A** **+** **PERSE** (dark blue; Oxford University is associated with dark blue in contrast to Cambridge which is linked to light blue)\n \u00a0\n\n**A-PER-SE** (anything unique in excellence)"} {"Clue":"Evidence of breathlessness when doctor's come round (4)","Answer":"GASP","Explanation":"Definition: Evidence of breathlessness\n**GP** (General Practitioner; doctor) **containing** (comes round) **AS** (when)\n **G** (**AS**) **P**\n\n**GASP** (evidence of breathlessness)"} {"Clue":"Big bat, not old \u2013 wild clout's caught (7)","Answer":"NOCTULE","Explanation":"Definition: Big bat,\n**An anagram of** (wild) **CLOUT** **contained in** (caught) **NE** (**obsolete** [old] form of 'not')\n **N** (**OCTUL***) **E**\n\n**NOCTULE** (the great bat, the largest British species)"} {"Clue":"Excellent lines penned by pilot of old (7)","Answer":"STELLAR","Explanation":"Definition: Excellent\n**LL** (lines) **contained in** (penned by) **STEAR** (**obsolete** [old] version of **STEER** [pilot]) \n **STE** (**LL**) **AR**\n\n**STELLAR** (excellent)"} {"Clue":"The old overindulge, shut up after mounting love couch (6)","Answer":"DEBOSH","Explanation":"Definition: The old overindulge\n(**O** [zero; love score in tennis] **+ BED** [couch]) **all reversed** (mounting; down clue) **+** **SH** (be quiet; shut up)\n (**DEB** **O**)< **SH**\n\n**DEBOSH** (old form of **DEBAUCH** [overindulge])"} {"Clue":"Chief constable raised legal matters after function (briefly) (6)","Answer":"COTWAL","Explanation":"Definition: Chief constable\n**COT** (**abbreviation for** [briefly] cotangent [trigonometrical function]) + **LAW** (legal matters) **reversed** (raised; down clue)\n **COT** **WAL**<\n\n**COTWAL** (chief constable or magistrate of an Indian town.)"} {"Clue":"Uncommon stench from ketchup on kippers (4)","Answer":"PONK","Explanation":"Definition: Uncommon stench\n**PONK** (**hidden word in** [from] **KETCHUP ON KIPPERS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**PONK** (rare [uncommon] variant spelling of **PONG** [stench])"} {"Clue":"World-weary, little left, confined to home? (5)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: World-weary\n**L** (**abbreviation for** [little] **LEFT**) **contained in** (confined to) **BASE** (home)\n **B** (**L**) **ASE**\n\n**BLAS\u00c9** (indifferent to pleasure, etc because of familiarity; surfeited with enjoyments; world-weary)"} {"Clue":"Odd characters from lake entering inlet, perverse? (5)","Answer":"BALKY","Explanation":"Definition: perverse\n**LK** (**letters 1 and 3** [odd characters] from **LAKE**) **contained in** (entering) **BAY** (inlet)\n **BA** (**LK**) **Y**\n\n**BALKY** (perverse)"} {"Clue":"Shaw, e.g, to audiences blessed with creative skill (4)","Answer":"ARTY","Explanation":"Definition: Shaw\n**ARTY** (**sounds like** [to audiences] **ARTIE** [reference **ARTIE** Shaw [1910 \u2013 2004] American clarinetist, composer and bandleader)\n \u00a0\n\n**ARTY** (blessed with creative skill)"} {"Clue":"Carved chicken, with stuffing (4)","Answer":"HEWN","Explanation":"Definition: Carved\n**W** (with) **contained in** (stuffing) **HEN** (chicken)\n **HE** (**W**) **N**\n\n**HEWN** (carved)"} {"Clue":"Place to ignore expression of politeness, and the rest (4)","Answer":"EASE","Explanation":"Definition: rest\n**PLEASE** (expression of politeness) **excluding** (to ignore) **PL** (place) \u00a0\n\n**EASE **(rest)"} {"Clue":"Power? Time to invest in source of coal (5)","Answer":"STEAM","Explanation":"Definition: Power\n**T** (time) **contained in** (to invest in) **SEAM** (stratum of a mineral; source of coal) **S** (**T**) **EAM**\n\n**STEAM** (means of providing power)"} {"Clue":"Intoxicating stuff, retsina \u2013 rake's swallowed it (4)","Answer":"ARAK","Explanation":"Definition: Intoxicating stuff,\n**ARAK** (hidden word in [swallowed it] **RETSINA RAKE'S**) \u00a0\n\n**ARAK** (strong alcoholic drink made in Asian countries from toddy, or the fermented juice of the coco and other palms, as well as from rice and jaggery sugar)"} {"Clue":"Performer tunes it artfully, following line (8)","Answer":"LUTENIST","Explanation":"Definition: Intoxicating stuff,\n**ARAK** (hidden word in [swallowed it] **RETSINA RAKE'S**) \u00a0\n\n**ARAK** (strong alcoholic drink made in Asian countries from toddy, or the fermented juice of the coco and other palms, as well as from rice and jaggery sugar)"} {"Clue":"Ligature restricts most of bent bones (6)","Answer":"TIBIAE","Explanation":"Definition: bones\n**TIE **(ligature) **containing** (restricts) **BIAS** (bent) **excluding the final letter** (most of) **S** **TI** (**BIA**) **E**\n\n**TIBIAE** (bones)"} {"Clue":"Flourishing pound, in a period of economic success (6)","Answer":"ABLOOM","Explanation":"Definition: Flourishing\n**A** **+** (**L** [pound sterling] **contained in** [in] **BOOM** [period of economic success]) **A** **B** (**L**) **OOM**\n\n**ABLOOM** (flourishing)"} {"Clue":"A different film director accepting cheers for The Servant (8)","Answer":"RETAINER","Explanation":"Definition: Servant\n**REINER **(reference Rob **REINER** [1947 \u2013 date], film director responsible for This is Spinal Tap) **containing** (accepting) **TA** (thank you; cheers) I'm not sure what role the words 'a different' are playing in this clue. The Servant was a film directed by Joseph Losey based on a screenplay from Harold Pinter. I suppose Pinter is a bit like **REINER**\u00a0but different. However I still can't see how the words fit in the clue. **RE** (**TA**) **INER**\n\n**RETAINER** (family servant of long standing)"} {"Clue":"One agrees to take part after crowd heading off (8)","Answer":"ASSENTER","Explanation":"Definition: One agrees\n**MASS** (crowd) **excluding** (off) **the first letter** (heading) **M** **+** **ENTER** (take part) \u00a0\n\n**ASSENTER** (one who agrees)"} {"Clue":"Most naked fears swamped by hints of real terror (6)","Answer":"RAWEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most naked\n**AWES** (fears) **contained in** (swamped by) **RT** (**first letters of** [hints of] **each of** **REAL** and **TERROR**) **R** (**AWES**) **T**\n\n**RAWEST** (most naked)"} {"Clue":"Bench given switch in direction leading to upset (6)","Answer":"NETTLE","Explanation":"Definition: upset\n**SETTLE **(long high-backed bench) with** S** (South; direction) **changed to** **N** (North; direction) (switch in direction) \u00a0\n\n**NETTLE** (annoy; upset)"} {"Clue":"Decline cover after receiving second form of confirmation (8)","Answer":"DISPROOF","Explanation":"Definition: form of confirmation\n(**DIP** [decline] **+** **ROOF** [cover]) **containing** (receiving) **S** (second) **DI **(**S**) **P** **ROOF**\n\n**DISPROOF** (evidence or argumentation that disproves something; a form of confirmation even if it is confirmation of the negative aspect)"} {"Clue":"Popular fish? Sign that should be thrown back (4)","Answer":"NEMO","Explanation":"Definition: Popular fish\n**OMEN** (sign) **reversed** (should be thrown back) **NEMO**<\n\n**NEMO** (reference the animated film 'Finding **NEMO**' where **NEMO** is a cute young clown fish. The film was very popular)"} {"Clue":"Mammal to amble, though not at first (5)","Answer":"OTTER","Explanation":"Definition: Mammal\n**POTTER** (amble) **excluding** (not) t**he first letter** (at first) **P** \u00a0\n\n**OTTER** (example of a mammal)"} {"Clue":"Money expert in club (4)","Answer":"MACE","Explanation":"Definition: club\n**M** (money) **+ ACE** (expert) \u00a0\n\n**MACE** (metal or metal-headed war-club, also a heavy, usually ornamented, staff carried as a mark of authority)"} {"Clue":"Molten blue lava is hot (8)","Answer":"VALUABLE","Explanation":"Definition: hot\n**Anagram of** (molten) **BLUE LAVA** **VA****LU****A****B****L****E***\n\n**VALUABLE** (currently fashionable; sought after; hot)"} {"Clue":"Sherlock's obsession after disposing of one Frenchman (4)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: Frenchman\n**IRENE** (reference **IRENE**\u00a0Adler, character in A\u00a0Scandal in Bohemia\u00a0said to be a 'love interest' [obsession] of Sherlock Holmes) **excluding** (after disposing of) **I** (one) \u00a0\n\n**REN\u00c9** (name of a French male; Frenchman)"} {"Clue":"Mapmakers quiet about one type of metal (6)","Answer":"OSMIUM","Explanation":"Definition: metal \n**OS** (Ordnance Survey; Britain's National Mapping Agency) **+** (**MUM** [quiet] **containing** [about] **I** [one]) **OS** **M** (**I**) **UM**\n\n**OSMIUM** (hard, dense, grey metallic element)"} {"Clue":"Director felt upset about film getting funding authorisation (6,2,6)","Answer":"LETTER OF CREDIT","Explanation":"Definition: funding authorisation\n**Anagram of** (upset) **DIRECTOR FELT** **containing** (about) **ET** (name of a film) **L** (**ET**) **TER O****F**** CR****E****DI****T***\n\n**LETTER OF CREDIT** (**LETTER** authorizing** CREDIT**\u00a0or cash to a certain sum to be given to the bearer)"} {"Clue":"List mostly not forthcoming? Picked up in copier (8)","Answer":"IMITATOR","Explanation":"Definition: copie\n(**ROTA **[list] **+** **TIMI****D** [shy; not forthcoming] **excluding the final letter** [mostly] **D**) **all reversed** (picked up; down clue) (**IMIT** **ATOR**)<\n\n**IMITATOR** (copier)"} {"Clue":"Critical comment about male supporter (4)","Answer":"JAMB","Explanation":"Definition: supporter\n**JAB** (critical comment. The nearest definition I can find for this is an online\u00a0reference to American usage as 'verbal annoyance') **containing** (about) **M** (male) **JA** (**M**) **B**\n\n**JAMB** (sidepiece or post of a door; supporter). I think I've got this right but I find the\u00a0dictionary definitions of both **JAB** and **JAMB** are a bit different to my interpretations of 'critical comment' and 'supporter'. I accept that Chambers Thesaurus does list 'support' as a synonym for **JAMB**)"} {"Clue":"Defensive activity for choppers? (6)","Answer":"KARATE","Explanation":"Definition: Defensive activity for choppers\n**KARATE** (reference **KARATE** chop [sharp downward blow with the side of the hand) \u00a0\n\n**KARATE** (traditional Japanese form of unarmed self-defence using blows and kicks, now a popular combative sport)"} {"Clue":"Very large ring almost surrounded (5)","Answer":"OBESE","Explanation":"Definition: Very large\n**O** (ring shape) **+** (**BESET** [surrounded] **excluding the final letter** [almost] **T**) \u00a0\n\n**OBESE** (abnormally fat; very large)"} {"Clue":"One policy analyst sent over sympathetic comment (1,4)","Answer":"I KNOW","Explanation":"Definition: sympathetic comment\n**I** [one] **+** (**WONK** [serious or studious person; analyst] **reversed** [sent over]) **I** **KNOW**<\n\n**I KNOW** (sympathetic comment)"} {"Clue":"Name in Old testament \u2013 male name in Old Testament \u2013 describing busy man? (2,3)","Answer":"ON THE JOB","Explanation":"Definition: describing busy man\n(**N** [name] **contained in** [in] **OT** [Old Testament) **+** **HE** (male) **+ JOB** (name of a book of the Old Testament) **O** (**N**) **T** **HE** **JOB**\n\n**ON THE JOB** (descriptive of a busy man [or woman])"} {"Clue":"Establish bridge team in city in the past (8)","Answer":"ENSCONCE","Explanation":"Definition: Establish\n(**NS** [North and South, descriptive of a playing partnership {team} in the card game bridge] **contained in** [in] **EC** (first two letters of the post code of the City of London]) **+** **ONCE** (formerly; in the past) **E** (**NS**) **C** **ONCE**\n\n**ENSCONCE** (establish)"} {"Clue":"R Tees flowing round in two channels (6)","Answer":"STEREO","Explanation":"Definition: in two channels\n**Anagram of **(flowing) **R TEES** **+ O** (round shape) **STE****R****E*** **O**\n\n**STEREO** (broadcast in two channels giving the effect of sound from different directions in three-dimensional space)"} {"Clue":"Appropriate to skip University, turning up in holiday spot (6)","Answer":"RESORT","Explanation":"Definition: holiday spot\n(**TROUSER** [slang for appropriate {steal} money] **excluding** [to skip] **U** [university]) **all reversed** (turning up; down clue) **RESORT**<\n\n**RESORT** (holiday spot)"} {"Clue":"There's very little in it for you (4)","Answer":"THOU","Explanation":"Definition: you\n**THOU** (one thousandth of an inch; very small measurement; very little in it) \u00a0\n\n**THOU** (you)"} {"Clue":"Crashes into planet, showing large amounts of upheaval (4)","Answer":"RAMS","Explanation":"Definition: you\n**THOU** (one thousandth of an inch; very small measurement; very little in it) \u00a0\n\n**THOU** (you)"} {"Clue":"Meet again in English priory briefly about borders (9)","Answer":"RECONVENE","Explanation":"Definition: Meet again\n**RE** (about) **contains** (borders) (**E** [English] **+ CONVENT** [priory] **excluding the final letter** [briefly] **T**)\n **R** (**E** **CONVEN**) **E**\n\n**RECONVENE** (meet again)"} {"Clue":"Weather lady who rules lines (5)","Answer":"ERODE","Explanation":"Definition: Weather\n**ER** (Elizabeth Regina; Queen; lady who rules) **+ ODE** (poem; lines [of verse])\n \u00a0\n\n**ERODE **(become discoloured, disintegrated, etc, by exposure; weather)"} {"Clue":"Comic learnt to control his first entrance (7)","Answer":"ENTHRAL","Explanation":"Definition: entrance\n**Anagram of** (comic) **LEARNT** **containing** (control) **H** (**first letter of** [first] **HIS**)\n **ENT** (**H**) **RAL***\n\n**ENTHRAL** (hold spellbound; entrance)"} {"Clue":"Writer's opening muscatel, working with German in event this week (7,6)","Answer":"CLIMATE SUMMIT","Explanation":"Definition: event this week\n(**I'M** [I am; writer is] **contained in** [opening] **an anagram of** [working] **MUSCATEL**) **+** **MIT** (German for 'with')\n **CL** (**IM**) **ATE SUM*** **MIT**\n\n**CLIMATE SUMMIT** (The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference is being held in Le Bourget, Paris from 30th November to 11th December)"} {"Clue":"One's cut from wounded rhino (4)","Answer":"HORN","Explanation":"Definition: One's cut from wounded rhino\n**Anagram of **(wounded) **RHINO** **excluding** [cut] **I** [one]\n **HORN***\n\n**HORN** (something that may be cut from a RHINOceros after it is wounded)"} {"Clue":"Worker gets cold in lorry at a place near 13 (10)","Answer":"ANTARCTICA","Explanation":"Definition: a place near 13\n**ANT** (worker)\u00a0**+** (**C** [cold] **contained in** [in] **ARTIC** [articulated lorry])\n **ANT** **AR** (**C**) **TIC**\n\n**ANTARCTICA** (continent near Cape **HORN** [13 across])"} {"Clue":"Futile advice on how to reduce waste (7)","Answer":"USELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Futile\n**USE LESS **(do not consume so much; reduce waste)\n \u00a0\n\n**USELESS** (futile)"} {"Clue":"Sheets he put out in top condition and left? Yes (3,4)","Answer":"SET SAIL","Explanation":"Definition: left? Yes \n**S****HE****ETS** **excluding** (put out) **HE** **+ AI** (A one; in top condition) + **L** (left)\n **SET S** **AI** **L**\n\n**SET SAIL** (Sheets are **SAIL**s in nautical terminology, so the whole clue indicate that we are putting out to sea)"} {"Clue":"A fly's back biting lamb in flattish area (4,6)","Answer":"EAST ANGLIA","Explanation":"Definition: flattish area\n(**A** + **GNAT'S** [fly] **reversed** (back) **contained in** (biting) **ELIA** (a pen name of Charles Lamb [1775 \u2013 1834] English\u00a0author and essayist)\n **E** (**A** **ST ANG**<) **LIA**\n\n**EAST ANGLIA** (a flattish area of England)"} {"Clue":"Avoiding even bits, fell over piece of 14? (4)","Answer":"FLOE","Explanation":"Definition: piece of 14\n**FLOE** (**letters 1, 3, 5 and 7** [odd numbered letters, **avoiding even bits**]) of **FELL OVER**)\n \u00a0\n\n**FLOE** (field of floating ice; common in **ANTARCTICA** [14 down])"} {"Clue":"Redcaps occupying islands \u2013 they might get hot and sweaty (7)","Answer":"ARMPITS","Explanation":"Definition: they might get hot and sweaty\n**RMP** (Royal Military Police; redcaps) **contained in** (occupying) **AITS** (small islands)\n **A** (**RMP**) **ITS**\n\n**ARMPITS** (parts of the body that might get hot and sweaty)"} {"Clue":"Last letter sent from SW town in atonement (7)","Answer":"PENANCE","Explanation":"Definition: atonement\n**PENZANCE** (town in Cornwall, South West town) **excluding** (sent from) **Z** (last letter of the alphabet)\n \u00a0\n\n**PENANCE** (atonement)"} {"Clue":"Order some draught cider on return journey (5)","Answer":"EDICT","Explanation":"Definition: Order\n**EDICT** (**hidden word reversed **[on return] in [in] **DRAUGHT CIDER**)\n **EDICT**<\n\n**EDICT** (order)"} {"Clue":"Swallowing English wild fungi, about 50 (9)","Answer":"ENGULFING","Explanation":"Definition: Swallowing\n(**ENG** [English] **+ an anagram of** [wild] **FUNGI***) **containing** (about) **L** (Roman numeral for 50)\n **ENG** **U** (**L**) **FING**\n\n**ENGULFING** (swallowing)"} {"Clue":"Surgeon has geese doctored to lower such emissions? (10,5)","Answer":"GREENHOUSE GASES","Explanation":"Definition: emissions\n**Anagram of **(doctored) **SURGEON HAS GEESE**\n **GREENHOUSE GASES***\n\n**GREENHOUSE GASES **\u00a0(the **GREENHOUSE** effect helps to keep Earth warm but excessive emission of\u00a0**GREENHOUSE GASES** can increase this warming effect to a level that creates\u00a0problems)"} {"Clue":"Buy drug, skirting the fuzz, initially getting away with it (4-4)","Answer":"SCOT-FREE","Explanation":"Definition: getting away with it\n**(SCORE** [to obtain something desired; buy] + **E** [ecstasy; drug]) **containing** (skirting) **TF** (**first letters o**f [initially] each of\u00a0**THE** and **FUZZ**)\n **SCO** (**T** **F**) **RE** **E**\n\n**SCOT-FREE** (entirely free from expense, injury, penalty, punishment, etc. getting away with it)"} {"Clue":"Turn over, not keeping very still (5)","Answer":"INERT","Explanation":"Definition: still\n**INVERT** (turn over) **excluding** (not keeping) **V** (very) \n \u00a0\n\n**INERT **(still)"} {"Clue":"After first of floods, England's losing good part of 19 \u2026 (8)","Answer":"FENLANDS","Explanation":"Definition: part of 19\n**F** (**first letter of** [first of] **FLOODS**) **+** **EN****G****LAND'S** **excluding** (losing) **G** (good)\n \u00a0\n\n**FENLANDS** (part of **EAST ANGLIA** [19 across])"} {"Clue":".. thanks to French kingdom once (6)","Answer":"MERCIA","Explanation":"Definition: kingdom once\n**MERCI** ('thanks' in French) **+ ****A** ('to' in French)\n \u00a0\n\n**MERCIA** (old [once] Kingdom in Southern England)"} {"Clue":"Dry unhealthy docked pet soaked in river (9)","Answer":"DESICCATE","Explanation":"Definition: Dry\n(**SICK** [unhealthy] **excluding the last letter** [docked] **K** **+ CAT** [pet])** contained in** [soaked in] **DEE** (name of a river of which there are a number in the UK)\n **DE** (**SIC** **CAT**) **E**\n\n**DESICCATE** (dry)"} {"Clue":"He's from 13 of Africa or really another part of it (6)","Answer":"SOMALI","Explanation":"Definition: He's from 13 of Africa\n**SO** (very; really) **+ ****MALI **(Country; another part of Africa)\n \u00a0\n\n**SOMALI** (a native of the **HORN** of Africa which covers the land mass of Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia and Djibouti)"} {"Clue":"Retired boxer had some food and hit back (9)","Answer":"RETALIATE","Explanation":"Definition: hit back\n**RET** (retired) **+ ALI** (reference Muhammad Ali, heavyweight boxer) **+ ATE** (had some food)\n \u00a0\n\n**RETALIATE** (hit back)"} {"Clue":"Surreptitiously pass paper showing extent of shortfall (8)","Answer":"SLIPPAGE","Explanation":"Definition: extent of shortfall\n**SLIP** (pass surreptitiously) **+**** PAGE** (paper)\n \u00a0\n\n**SLIPPAGE** (extent of failure to reach a set target; extent of shortfall))"} {"Clue":"Main's nearly all intact having burst (8)","Answer":"ATLANTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Main\n**Anagram of** (having burst) (**ALL** excluding the final letter [almost] **L** and **INTACT**)\n **A****T****L****ANTIC***\n\n**ATLANTIC** (ocean; main)"} {"Clue":"German guide well drilled under pressure (6)","Answer":"GUSHER","Explanation":"Definition: well drilled under pressure\n**G **(German) **+ USHER** (guide)\n \u00a0\n\n**GUSHER** (oil well that does not have to be pumped; well drilled under pressure)"} {"Clue":"King and his mistress's late ding-dong? (5)","Answer":"KNELL","Explanation":"Definition: late ding-dong\n**K** (king) **+** **NELL** (reference NELL Gwyn, mistress of King Charles II)\n \u00a0\n\n**KNELL** (the sound [ding-dong]of a bell, esp at a death [late]\u00a0or funeral; late ding-dong)"} {"Clue":"A Catholic, hit hard, gets a big shiner (3,4)","Answer":"ARC LAMP","Explanation":"Definition: big shiner\n**A + RC** (Roman Catholic) **+ LAMP** (slang for punch or thump; hit hard)\n \u00a0\n\n**ARC LAMP** (a device that produces a very bright light; big shiner)"} {"Clue":"To some extent, political group can enlist Liberal (6)","Answer":"PARTLY","Explanation":"Definition: To some extent\n**PARTY** (political group) **containing** (can enlist) **L** (Liberal)\n **PART** (**L**) **Y**\n\n**PARTLY** (to some extent)"} {"Clue":"During part of year, I wonder about becoming member of restaurant staff (4,6)","Answer":"WINE WAITER","Explanation":"Definition: member of restaurant staff\n(**I** **+AWE** [wonder]) **reversed** (about) **contained in** (during) **WINTER** (part of the year)\n **WIN** (**E WA** **I**)< **TER**\n\n**WINE WAITER** (a member of a restaurant's staff)"} {"Clue":"Much-loved female Roman's greeting (4)","Answer":"FAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Much-loved\n**F** (female) **+ AVE** (Latin for be well and happy; Roman greeting when Latin was the language of the people of Rome)\n \u00a0\n\n**FAVE** (favourite; much-loved)"} {"Clue":"Here a violinist performed 70s' disco hit (4,2,2,3,3)","Answer":"LOVE IS IN THE AIR","Explanation":"Definition: 70s' disco hit\n**Anagram of** (performed) **HERE A VIOLINIST**\n **LOV****E**** IS IN T****HE**** ****A****I****R***\n\n**LOVE IS IN THE AIR** (1977 disco song by John Paul Young)"} {"Clue":"Gave misleading information about paper being stolen (6)","Answer":"LIFTED","Explanation":"Definition: stolen\n**LIED** (gave misleading information) **containing** (about) **FT** (Financial Times; paper)\n **LI** (**FT**) **ED**\n\n**LIFTED** (stolen)"} {"Clue":"Family man hammering nails now (3-2-3)","Answer":"SON-IN-LAW","Explanation":"Definition: Family man\n**Anagram of** (hammering) **NAILS NOW**\n **S****ON****-IN-LA****W***\n\n**SON-IN-LAW** (male member of the family; family man)"} {"Clue":"Gay man is exercising in these? (8)","Answer":"GYMNASIA","Explanation":"Definition: these\n**Anagram of **(is exercising) **GAY MAN IS**\n **GY****MN****A****SI****A***\n\n**GYMNASIA** (facilities for exercising)"} {"Clue":"Catch close colleague finishing early, retiring (6)","Answer":"ENTRAP","Explanation":"Definition: Catch\n**PARTNER** (close colleague) **excluding the final letter** (finishing early) **R** **reversed** (retiring)\n **ENTRAP**<\n\n**ENTRAP** (catch)"} {"Clue":"A protestant boy coming to grief in transatlantic conflict (6,3,5)","Answer":"BOSTON TEA PARTY","Explanation":"Definition: transatlantic conflict\n**Anagram of** (come to grief) **A PROTESTANT BOY**\n **BOSTON TEA PARTY***\n\n**BOSTON TEA PARTY** (political protest December 1773 destroying a shipment of tea by the East India Company and sowing some more seeds of the American War of Independence later in the decade)"} {"Clue":"Ordered World War II pilot to offer no resistance (4)","Answer":"BADE","Explanation":"Definition: Ordered\n**BADER** (reference Sir Douglas **BADER**\u00a0(highly decorated RAF pilot during the Second World War) **excluding** (offer no) **R** (resistance)\n \u00a0\n\n**BADE** (ordered)"} {"Clue":"Old individual judged and given a pardon (10)","Answer":"EXONERATED","Explanation":"Definition: given a pardon\n**EX** (old) **+ ONE** (individual) **+ RATED** (judged)\n \u00a0\n\n**EXONERATED** (acquitted, pardoned)"} {"Clue":"Dope and crack for the aristocracy (6)","Answer":"GENTRY","Explanation":"Definition: aristocracy\n**GEN** (information; dope) **+ TRY** (crack; gave a go, have a crack)\n \u00a0\n\n**GENTRY** (aristocracy)"} {"Clue":"Confused religious scholar carried by beast of burden, with daughter on the back (7)","Answer":"MUDDLED","Explanation":"Definition: Confused\n(**DD** [Doctor of Divinity; religious scholar] **contained in** [carried by] **MULE** [beast of burden]) **+ D** (daughter)\n **MU** (**DD**) **LE** **D**\n\n**MUDDLED** (confused)"} {"Clue":"I am old model, overwhelmed by some strong hostility (9)","Answer":"ANIMOSITY","Explanation":"Definition: strong hostility\n( **I'M **[I an] **+ O** [old] **+ SIT** [model]) **contained in** (overwhelmed by) **ANY** (some)\n **AN** (**IM** **O** **SIT**) **Y**\n\n**ANIMOSITY** (strong hostility)"} {"Clue":"Part of article mentioned Freud, for one (7)","Answer":"CLEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Freud, for one\n**CLEMENT** (**hidden word in** [part of] **ARTICLE MENTIONED**)\n \u00a0\n\n**CLEMENT** (reference **CLEMENT** Freud [1924 \u2013 2009], British broadcaster, writer, politician and chef)"} {"Clue":"Gather church service is led by archbishop principally (5)","Answer":"AMASS","Explanation":"Definition: Gathe\n**A** (**first letter of **[principally] **ARCHBISHOP**) **+** **MASS** (church service)\n \u00a0\n\n**AMASS** (gather)"} {"Clue":"Official documents: one's disregarded by people in hospital (7)","Answer":"PATENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Official documents\n**PATIENTS **(people under medical treatment; people in hospital) **excluding** (disregarded) **I** (one)\n \u00a0\n\n**PATENTS** (official documents conferring exclusive right or privileges, most commonly associated with sole rights for exploitation of inventions for a period of time. Also used to confer titles)"} {"Clue":"Fish \u2013 brill \u2013 served about noon maybe (9)","Answer":"PERCHANCE","Explanation":"Definition: maybe\n**PERCH** (fish) **+** (**ACE** [brilliant; brill] **containing** [about] **N** [noon])\n **PERCH** **A** (**N**) **CE**\n\n**PERCHANCE** (maybe)"} {"Clue":"Burden of brother in control (7)","Answer":"REFRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Burden \n**FRA** (friar or brother) **contained in** (in) **REIN** (control)\n **RE **(**FRA**)** IN**\n\n**REFRAIN** (burden, part of a song repeated at the end of every\u00a0verse)"} {"Clue":"Organ prelude not used in stage musical (5)","Answer":"LIVER","Explanation":"Definition: Organ \n**OLIVER** (title of a stage musical) **excluding** (not used) **the first letter** (prelude) **O**\n \u00a0\n\n**LIVER** (organ of the body)"} {"Clue":"Find night club jolly (9)","Answer":"DISCOVERY","Explanation":"Definition: Find\n**DISCO** (night club) **+ VERY **(jolly \u2013 e.g. **VERY** good, jolly good)\n \u00a0\n\n**DISCOVERY** (find)"} {"Clue":"Help to suppress charge over the illegal segregation of races (9)","Answer":"APARTHEID","Explanation":"Definition: illegal segregation of races\n**AID** (help)** containing** (to suppress) (**PAR** [price of shares without premium or discount; charge] **+** **THE**)\n **A** (**PAR** **THE**) **ID**\n\n**APARTHEID** (segregation and separate development of races, especially as formerly practised in South Africa)"} {"Clue":"What antiperspirant guarantees without a quibble? (2,5)","Answer":"NO SWEAT","Explanation":"Definition: What antiperspirant guarantees\n**NO SWEAT** (what anti-perspirant claims to guarantee)\n \u00a0\n\n**NO SWEAT** (words used to signify assent, or indicating that something will present no problems) double definition"} {"Clue":"Another rookie teacher's just starting to take over class? That could be novel (3,4)","Answer":"ART FORM","Explanation":"Definition: could be novel\n**ART** (**first letters of** [just starting] **each of** **ANOTHER**, **ROOKIE** and **TEACHER**) + **FORM** (class)\n \u00a0\n\n**ART FORM** (a novel is a literary\u00a0example of an ART FORM)"} {"Clue":"Hard work making road round Virginia (7)","Answer":"TRAVAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Hard work\n**TRAIL** (road) **containing** (round) **VA** (abbreviation for the US State of Virginia)\n **TRA** (**VA**)** IL**\n\n**TRAVAIL** (excessive labour; hard work)"} {"Clue":"Two billion people (5)","Answer":"BRACE","Explanation":"Definition: Two\n**B** (billion) **+** **RACE** (people)\n \u00a0\n\n**BRACE** (two)"} {"Clue":"Leading man in a commercial (5)","Answer":"AHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"One managing to keep quietly busy (6)","Answer":"COPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"Plumber leaves city for North Kent in a different role (8)","Answer":"SUPERMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"Annoying elements to scheme (10)","Answer":"NETTLESOME","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"Talked a little of Selby's left jab (4)","Answer":"POKE","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"Vermin back in kitchen \u2013 consult landlord (8)","Answer":"LICENSEE","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"Guarantee nurse's administered tablet (6)","Answer":"ENSURE","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"Function with top royal next to wife in Australia last year (5,6)","Answer":"DERBY WINNER","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"Striker's through pass turned Arsenal's back four \u2026 here? (7,4)","Answer":"BRAMALL LANE","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"Stumped, one adopts new point of view? (7,4)","Answer":"STANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"Roll over a Dutch car (8)","Answer":"ROADSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"Way in right approaching roundabout (4)","Answer":"PATH","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"It compensates for loss of childhood (extremely reasonable in your case) (5,5)","Answer":"TOOTH FAIRY","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"That's up to Rupert's people (8)","Answer":"SKYWARDS","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"Take on American bank to an unusual degree (6)","Answer":"RARELY","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"Unfair over poverty \u2013 blooming IDS should be locked up! (3-5)","Answer":"ONE-SIDED","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"Final thought about more b\u2014\u2014 vegetables (8)","Answer":"POTHERBS","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"They won't fly Ryanair to begin with while that man's involved (5)","Answer":"RHEAS","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"Morrison's marked for development? That's not the way it is (5,3,7)","Answer":"SMOKE AND MIRRORS","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"Rest of report lame, having been edited by degrees (9)","Answer":"PIECEMEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"Have gone with soldiers for meal (6)","Answer":"REPAST","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"Supporters start off giving money (6)","Answer":"ACKERS","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"Bird soaring over trees around cathedral (9)","Answer":"WORCESTER","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"Darling, look at those really famous celebs! (8)","Answer":"ALISTAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"Whole of tin used over-generous (8)","Answer":"INTEGRAL","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"Article on Thailand's largely in bad taste and offensive (6)","Answer":"ATTACK","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"One boat provides emphatic confirmation (3,3)","Answer":"AND HOW","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"After assault soldiers cannot stand (5)","Answer":"ABHOR","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n**HE** (man) **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **AD** [advertisement; commercial])\n **A** (**HE**) **AD**\n\n**AHEAD** (leading)"} {"Clue":"Steps down, blocked by editor's new plans (9)","Answer":"REDESIGNS","Explanation":"Definition: new plans\n**RESIGNS** (steps down) **containing** (blocked by) **ED** (editor)\n **R** (**ED**) **ESIGNS**\n\n**REDESIGNS** (new plans)"} {"Clue":"Experts bagging money for peak achievements (5)","Answer":"ACMES","Explanation":"Definition: peak achievements \n**ACES** (expert) **containing** (bagging) **M** (money)\n **AC** (**M**) **ES**\n\n**ACMES** (culminations or perfections in a career; peak achievements)"} {"Clue":"Key point that's missed by vineyard (3)","Answer":"CRU","Explanation":"Definition: vineyard\n**CRUX** (key point) **excluding** (missed) **X** (times; by)\n \u00a0\n\n**CRU** (vineyard)"} {"Clue":"Unpleasant odd ellipsis, out of place (3-8)","Answer":"ILL-DISPOSED","Explanation":"Definition: Unpleasant \n**Anagram of **(out of place) **ODD ELLIPSIS** \n **ILL-DISPOSED***\n\n**ILL-DISPOSED** (unpleasant)"} {"Clue":"Ground turned up, delivers rocks (10)","Answer":"PULVERISED","Explanation":"Definition: Ground\n**UP** **reversed** (turned) **+ an anagram of** (rocks) **DELIVERS**\n **PU<** **LVERISED***\n\n**PULVERISED** (ground)"} {"Clue":"Story linked to university place at the Sorbonne (4)","Answer":"LIEU","Explanation":"Definition: place at the Sorbonne\n**LIE** (story) **+ U** (university)\n \u00a0\n\n**LIEU** (French [Sorbonne] word for place)"} {"Clue":"Funny dog pound in position beside rear of zoo (5)","Answer":"PLUTO","Explanation":"Definition: Funny dog\n(**L** [pound sterling] **contained in** [in] **PUT** [position]) **+ O** (**last letter of** [rear of] **ZOO**)\n **P** (**L**) **UT** **O**\n\n**PLUTO** (Disney cartoon dog; funny dog)"} {"Clue":"Love those people in nude, mostly looking for sex? (2,3,4)","Answer":"ON THE MAKE","Explanation":"Definition: looking for sex\n**O** (zero; love score in tennis) **+** (**THEM** [those people] **contained in** [in] **NAKE****D** [nude] **excluding the final letter** [mostly] **D**)\n **O** **N** (**THE M**) **AKE**\n\n**ON THE MAKE** (bent on finding a sexual partner)"} {"Clue":"Right to avoid outlet stocking dodgy fish \u2013 it's not likely to last (9)","Answer":"MAKESHIFT","Explanation":"Definition: not likely to last\n(**MARKET**\u00a0[outlet] **excluding** [to avoid] **R** [right]) **containing** (stocking) **an anagram of** (dodgy) **FISH**\n **MAKE** (**SHIF***) **T**\n\n**MAKESHIFT** (temporary expedient or substitute; something not likely to last)"} {"Clue":"Whales knocking out new sound detectors (5)","Answer":"MIKES","Explanation":"Definition: sound detectors\n**MINKES** (species of whales) **excluding** (knocking out) **N** (new)\n \u00a0\n\n**MIKES** (microphones; sound detectors)"} {"Clue":"Dodgy car costing little, front coming off (4)","Answer":"HEAP","Explanation":"Definition: Dodgy car\n**CHEAP** (costing little) **excluding** (coming off) **the first letter** (front) **C**\n \u00a0\n\n**HEAP** (old dilapidated car; dodgy car)"} {"Clue":"Someone unwanted at dance? Women \u2013 every female \u2013 scowl (10)","Answer":"WALLFLOWER","Explanation":"Definition: Someone unwanted at dance\n**W** (women) **+ ALL** (every) **+ F** (female) **+ LOWER** (variant spelling of **LOUR** [scowl])\n \u00a0\n\n**WALLFLOWER** (a person who remains a spectator at a dance, typically a woman who cannot obtain partners)"} {"Clue":"Children's character unknown to feisty urban teens (6,5)","Answer":"EASTER BUNNY","Explanation":"Definition: Children's character \n**Anagram of** (feisty) **URBAN TEENS** **+ ****Y** (a letter often used to represent an unknown value in mathematics)\n **E****A****STE****R BUN****N*** **Y**\n\n**EASTER BUNNY** (children's character)"} {"Clue":"Member following one's guiding principle (3)","Answer":"ISM","Explanation":"Definition: guiding principle\n**IS** (ones) **+\u00a0M** (member)\n \u00a0\n\n**ISM** (distinctive doctrine;\u00a0guiding principle)"} {"Clue":"Commercialised version of saint, note, put forward by devilish figure (5)","Answer":"SANTA","Explanation":"Definition: Commercialised version of saint\n**SATAN** (devilish figure) with **N** (note) **moved forward**\n **SANTA**\n\n**SANTA** (reference **SANTA** Claus, commercialised version of Saint Nicholas)"} {"Clue":"Soldiers turned against coming in to oppose part-timer (9)","Answer":"RESERVIST","Explanation":"Definition: part-timer\n(**RE** [Royal Engineers; soldiers] **reversed** [turned] **+ V** [against]) **contained in** (coming in to) **RESIST** (oppose)\n **RES** (**ER**< **V**)** IST**\n\n**RESERVIST** (member of a military force kept out of action until occasion requires them; part-timer)"} {"Clue":"Go over requirement for cardinal, having skipped first of duties (5)","Answer":"RECAP","Explanation":"Definition: Go over\n**RED CAP** (Cardinals in the Roman Catholic wear a **RED CAP**) **excluding** (having skipped) **D** (**first letter of** [first of] **DUTIES**)\n \u00a0\n\n**RECAP **(go over the man points again)"} {"Clue":"French navy possibly supporting party initially under leader at Waterloo? (6-1)","Answer":"DOUBLE-U","Explanation":"Definition: leader at Waterloo\n**DO** (party) **+ U** (**first letter of **[initially] **UNDER**) **+** **BLEU** (French for blue; navy is a shade of blue) \n \u00a0\n\n**DOUBLE-U** (the letter **W**, **the first letter** [leader] **of** **WATERLOO**)"} {"Clue":"Tower to lease, in coastal area round South (5,5)","Answer":"SHIRE HORSE","Explanation":"Definition: Tower\n(**HIRE** [lease] **contained in** [in] **SHORE** [coastal area]) **all containing** (round) **S** (south)\n **S** (**HIRE**)** HOR** (**S**) **E**\n\n**SHIRE HORSE** (a powerful draught **HORSE** used for towing ploughs and other agricultural items in days gone by)"} {"Clue":"One's cut up after French cut down in wartime arena (9)","Answer":"GALLIPOLI","Explanation":"Definition: wartime arena\n**GALLIC** (French) **excluding the final letter** (cut down) **C** **+** ([**I** {one} **+** **LOP** {cut}] **reversed** [up; down clue]) \n **GALLI** (**POL** **I**)<\n\n**GALLIPOLI** (scene of fierce fighting in World War 1)"} {"Clue":"Collection of items go to court \u2013 one item in particular involved (5)","Answer":"SUITE","Explanation":"Definition: Collection of items\n**IT** (a particular item) **contained in** (involved) **SUE** (prosecute at law; go to court)\n **SU** (**IT**) **E**\n\n**SUITE** (collection of items, usually furniture)"} {"Clue":"Current measures so far blocked by politician (4)","Answer":"AMPS","Explanation":"Definition: Current measures\n**AS** (so far) **containing** (blocked by) **MP** (Member of Parliament; politician)\n **A** (**MP**) **S**\n\n**AMPS** (measures of electric current)"} {"Clue":"Chaos in a city on Sicily (7)","Answer":"MESSINA","Explanation":"Definition: city on Sicily\n**MESS** (chaos) **+ IN + A**\n \u00a0\n\n**MESSINA** (city in Sicily)"} {"Clue":"Jewish traditionalists mention cut in religious areas (9)","Answer":"SADDUCEES","Explanation":"Definition: Jewish traditionalists\n**ADDUCE **(cite; quote; mention) **excluding the final lette**r (cut) **E** **contained in** (in) **SEES** (religious areas representing the office of a Bishop)\n **S** (**ADDUC**) **EES**\n\n**SADDUCEES** (members of a Jewish priestly and aristocratic party of traditionalists)"} {"Clue":"Collaborative worker, one occupying no permanent level? (4,6)","Answer":"TEAM PLAYER","Explanation":"Definition: Collaborative worker\n(**A** [one] **contained in** [occupying] **TEMP** (temporary; not permanent]) **+ LAYER** (level)\n **TE** (**A**) **M P** **LAYER**\n\n**TEAM PLAYER** (collaborative worker)"} {"Clue":"Help out with stamp booklets (9)","Answer":"PAMPHLETS","Explanation":"Definition: booklets\n**Anagram of** (out) **HELP** and **STAMP**\n **P****AMP****HLE****TS***\n\n**PAMPHLETS** (booklets)"} {"Clue":"Gossip, say, indicating length in lace-workers's output (9)","Answer":"TATTLINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Gossip\n**L** (length) **contained in** (in) **TATTINGS** (knotted lace edging made by hand with a shuttle from sewing-thread; lace-worker's output)\n **TATT** (**L**) **INGS**\n\n**TATTLINGS** (gossip)"} {"Clue":"A lot of hot air from bad actors in family (7)","Answer":"KHAMSIN","Explanation":"Definition: A lot of hot air \n**HAMS** (bad actors) **contained in** (in) **KIN** (family)\n **K** (**HAMS**) **IN**\n\n**KHAMSIN** (a hot South or South Easterly wind in Egypt; a lot of hot air)"} {"Clue":"European country picked up delay linked to one from Arab country (7)","Answer":"KUWAITI","Explanation":"Definition: from Arab country\n**UK **(United Kingdom; European country) **reversed** (picked up; down clue) **+ WAIT** (delay) + **I **(one)\n \u00a0\n\n**KUWAITI** (a person from **KUWAIT**; from Arab country) the definition could be 'one from Arab country' with the 'one' doing double duty in the wordplay and the definition"} {"Clue":"Warning signal sees children leaving room (5)","Answer":"AMBER","Explanation":"Definition: Warning signal \n**CHAMBER** (room) **excluding** (leaving) **CH** (children)\n \u00a0\n\n**AMBER** (colour of a warning signal)"} {"Clue":"Send last component of 29 up (5)","Answer":"REMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Send\n**TIMER** (last part word [component] of the clue to 29 across) **reversed** (up; down clue)\n **REMIT**<\n\n**REMIT** (send)"} {"Clue":"Royal fighter intervening in tax enactment (4)","Answer":"XENA","Explanation":"Definition: Royal fighter\n**XENA** (hidden word [intervening] in **TAX ENACTMENT**) \n \u00a0\n\n**XENA** (reference the television series **XENA** Warrior [fighter] Princess [royal] broadcast in the late 1990s and early 2000s)"} {"Clue":"1D shocked Latino nationalist (7)","Answer":"ANTLION","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n**Anagram of** (shocked) **LATINO** **+** **N** (nationalist)\n **ANTLIO*** **N**\n\n**ANTLION** (an insect similar to a damselfly)"} {"Clue":"1D Bill squashed is consumed by dog (4,3)","Answer":"PILL BUG","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n**Anagram of** (squashed) **BILL** **contained in** (is consumed by) **PUG** (small short haired dog with a wrinkled face, upturned nose and curled tail)\n **P** (**ILL B***) **UG**\n\n**PILL BUG** (woodlouse that rolls itself into a ball; insect)"} {"Clue":"1D Auntie almost let off (6)","Answer":"BEETLE","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n**BEEB** (BBC; Auntie) **excluding the last letter** (almost) **B** + **an anagram of** (off) **LET**\n **BEE ****TLE***\n\n**BEETLE** (any insect of the Coleoptera)"} {"Clue":"1D son found in Missouri city (8)","Answer":"MOSQUITO","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n**S** (son) **contained in **(found in) (**MO** [abbreviation for the US State of Missouri] **+ QUITO** [capital city of Ecuador])\n **MO** (**S**) **QUITO**\n\n**MOSQUITO** (small biting or stinging insect)"} {"Clue":"1D to kill after extraction of sodium (7)","Answer":"TERMITE","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n**TERMINATE** (kill) **excluding** [after extraction] **NA** (chemical symbol for Sodium)\n \u00a0\n\n**TERMITE** (a so-called white ant, a pale-coloured insect of the order Isoptera)"} {"Clue":"1D set out repeatedly (6)","Answer":"TSETSE","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n**Anagram of** (out) **SET** + **an anagram of** (out) **SET** to give **SET** out repeatedly\n **TSE*** **TSE***\n\n**TSETSE** (a small fly of the African genus *Glossina* that transmits trypanosome parasites and causes sleeping sickness)"} {"Clue":"1D beginning to eat subsequently (6)","Answer":"ELATER","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n**E** (**first letter of **[beginning to] **E****AT**) **+ LATER** (subsequently)\n \u00a0\n\n**ELATER** (skipjack beetle; insect)"} {"Clue":"1D chap notes (6)","Answer":"MANTIS","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n**MAN** (chap) **+ TIS** (notes of the tonic sol-fa)\n \u00a0\n\n**MANTIS**** **(an insect of the genus of the cockroach family, which carry their large spiny forelegs in the attitude of prayer)"} {"Clue":"1D Channel Islands bounder accepted (6)","Answer":"CICADA","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n**CI** (Channel Islands) + **CAD** (bounder) **+**** A** (accepted)\n \u00a0\n\n**CICADA** (a homopterous insect of warm regions, having a broad body and large transparent wings, the male of which makes a loud chirping sound)"} {"Clue":"1D store ordered as above (7)","Answer":"OESTRUS","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n**Anagram of **(ordered) **STORE** **+**** US** (ut supra; as above)\n **OESTR*** **US**\n\n**OESTRUS** (gadfly or bot; bloodsucking fly; insect)"} {"Clue":"1D Spooner's rabbit man? (5,3)","Answer":"HONEY BEE","Explanation":"Definition: 1D \nA Spoonerism of **HONEY BEE** as **BUNNY** (rabbit) **HE** (man)\n \u00a0\n\n**HONEY BEE** (any of the varieties of bee living in hives and producing honey; insect)"} {"Clue":"1D starts to eat another red rug (6)","Answer":"EARWIG","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n**EAR **(**first letters of each of** [starts to] **EAT ANOTHER RED**) **+** **WIG** (rug is slang\u00a0for toupee or **WIG**) \n \u00a0\n\n**EARWIG** (any dermapterous insect of the family Forficulidae, once supposed to creep into the ear)"} {"Clue":"1D destroyed fine art (4,3)","Answer":"FIRE ANT","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n**Anagram of** (destroyed) **FINE ART**\n **FI****R****E ****A****N****T***\n\n**FIRE ANT** (a tropical American ant that inflicts a painful sting; insect)"} {"Clue":"1D monster dismissing Henry (3,4)","Answer":"BEE MOTH","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n**BE****H****EMOTH** (great beast; monster) **excluding** (dismissing) **H** (henry; unit of\u00a0inductance)\n \u00a0\n\n**BEE MOTH **(a moth whose larvae are very destructive to young bees; insect)"} {"Clue":"Six footer's caught in popular place (6)","Answer":"INSECT","Explanation":"Definition: Six footer\n**C** (caught) **contained in** (in) (**IN** [popular] **+** **SET** [place])\n **IN** **SE** (**C**) **T**\n\n**INSECT **(**INSECT**s have six legs; six footer)"} {"Clue":"Spread out newspaper covering Latin America (4)","Answer":"FLAT","Explanation":"Definition: Spread out\n**FT** (Financial Times; newspaper) **containing** (covering) (**L** [Latin] **+** **A** [America])\n **F** (**L** **A**) **T**\n\n**FLAT** (spread out)"} {"Clue":"Well-connected man is climbing inside cavern (8)","Answer":"COHESIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Well-connected\n(**HE **[man] **+** [**IS** **reversed** {climbing; down clue}]) **contained in** (inside) **COVE** (cavern)\n **CO** (**HE** **SI**<) **VE**\n\n**COHESIVE** (tending to unite; well connected)"} {"Clue":"Place wrongly held by colonialism is settled (6)","Answer":"MISSET","Explanation":"Definition: Place wrongly\n**MISSET **(**hidden word in** [held by] **COLONIALISM IS SETTLED**)\n \u00a0\n\n**MISSET** (place wrongly)"} {"Clue":"Ultimately missing free-form lectures about old county town (10)","Answer":"GLOUCESTER","Explanation":"Definition: Place wrongly\n**MISSET **(**hidden word in** [held by] **COLONIALISM IS SETTLED**)\n \u00a0\n\n**MISSET** (place wrongly)"} {"Clue":"Copper 22D built for those 1D, say (8)","Answer":"CULTISTS","Explanation":"Definition: those 1D, say \n**CU** (chemical symbol for copper) **+** (**an anagram of** [built] **STILTS** [entry at 26 down[)\n **CU** **LTISTS***\n\n**CULTISTS** (members who are **IN** a **SECT** [1 down] could be considered **CULTISTS**)"} {"Clue":"Brown mineral husband removed from estuary (5)","Answer":"UMBER","Explanation":"Definition: Brown mineral\n**HUMBER** (reference the **HUMBER**\u00a0Estuary in England) **excluding** (removed from) **H** (husband)\n \u00a0\n\n**UMBER** (a brown earthy mineral)"} {"Clue":"On a late celebration, new press boss stirred again (10)","Answer":"REAWAKENED","Explanation":"Definition: stirred again\n**RE** (with reference to; on) **+ A** **+ WAKE** (celebration of the life of the recently dead; late celebration) + **N** (new) **+ ED** (editor; press boss)\n \u00a0\n\n**REAWAKENED** (stirred again)"} {"Clue":"As a typical example, one to master in The Aeneid, say (8)","Answer":"EPITOMIC","Explanation":"Definition: As a typical example\n(**I** [one] **+ TO **** + M** [master]) **contained in **(in) **EPIC** (The Aeneid can be considered as an **EPIC** poem)\n **EP** (**I** **TO** **M**) **IC**\n\n**EPITOMIC** (as a typical example)"} {"Clue":"Wandered endlessly around, taking in section, and came back (8)","Answer":"ANSWERED","Explanation":"Definition: came back\n**Anagram of** (around) **WANDERED** **excluding the final letter** (endlessly) **D** **containing** (taking in) **S** (section)\n **AN** (**S**) **WERED***\n\n**ANSWERED** (responded; came back)"} {"Clue":"12 down under study outside (5)","Answer":"DOZEN","Explanation":"Definition: 12\n**DEN** (study)** containing** (outside) **OZ **(Australia; down under)\n **D** (**OZ**) **EN**\n\n**DOZEN** (twelve)"} {"Clue":"Oddly, wallaby annoys state capital (6)","Answer":"ALBANY","Explanation":"Definition: state capital\n**ALBANY** (**even letters** of **WALLABY ANNOYS**) \n Either there is a word missing from the clue instructing us to ignore the odd letters, or\n 'Oddly' should be 'Evenly' or\n I'm being thick in\u00a0not understanding the wordplay (a highly likely possibility)\n\n**ALBANY** (Capital of New York State)"} {"Clue":"Skinhead attacks birds (6)","Answer":"STILTS","Explanation":"Definition: birds\n**S** (**first letter of **[head] **SKIN**) **+ TILTS** (attacks)\n \u00a0\n\n**STILTS** (long-legged wading birds)"} {"Clue":"Odd priest's behind (4)","Answer":"RUMP","Explanation":"Definition: behind\n**RUM** (odd) **+** **P **(priest)\n \u00a0\n\n**RUMP** (buttocks; behind)"} {"Clue":"Cocksfoot or leaf beet? Tell (12)","Answer":"ORCHARD-GRASS","Explanation":"Definition: Cocksfoot\n**OR** **+** **CHARD** (edible leafstalk of a variety of white beet) **+** **GRASS** (inform; tell)\n \u00a0\n\n**ORCHARD-GRASS** (cock's-foot grass)"} {"Clue":"Priest leading High Requiem Mass leaving pungent smoke (7)","Answer":"PERIQUE","Explanation":"Definition: pungent smoke\n**P** (priest) **+** (**an anagram of** [high] **REQUIE****M** **excluding** [leaving] **M** [mass])\n **P** **ERIQUE***\n\n**PERIQUE **(strongly-flavoured tobacco from Louisiana; pungent smoke)"} {"Clue":"Bird e.g. once famously in tow, left dull fatty? (4)","Answer":"LUMP","Explanation":"Definition: dull fatty\nI can't see the wordplay here\n \u00a0\n\n**LUMP** (dull, good-natured or fair-sized person; dull fatty)"} {"Clue":"Liquor, hard, imbibed by Bastien when squiffy? (8)","Answer":"ABSINTHE","Explanation":"Definition: Liquor\n**H** (hard) **contained in** (imbibed by) **an anagram of** (squiffy) **BASTIEN** \n **ABSINT** (**H**) **E***\n\n**ABSINTHE** (a bitter, green, aniseed-flavoured liqueur)"} {"Clue":"Scrap metal \u2013 measure length (5)","Answer":"SIZEL","Explanation":"Definition: Scrap metal\n**SIZE** (measure) **+** **L** (length)\n \u00a0\n\n**SIZEL** (variant spelling of **SCISSEL** [scrap metal left when blanks have been cut out])"} {"Clue":"Small weight, something that helps to get wheel turning round (4)","Answer":"TAEL","Explanation":"Definition: Small weight\n**LEAT** (trench for bringing water to a millwheel; something that helps to get wheel turning) **reversed** (round)\n **TAEL**<\n\n**TAEL** (Chinese liang or ounce, about 38g (1.3oz); small weight)"} {"Clue":"Old vegetables, when fed to farm worker (6)","Answer":"PEASON","Explanation":"Definition: Old vegetables\n**AS** (when) **contained in** (fed to) **PEON** (farm worker)\n **PE** (**AS**) **ON**\n\n**PEASON** (old plural of **PEASE** itself an archaic word for pea; old vegetables)"} {"Clue":"Displaced person from unstable regime (6)","Answer":",","Explanation":"Definition: Displaced person\n**Anagram of** (unstable) **REGIME**\n **\u00c9MIGR\u00c9***\n\n**\u00c9MIGR\u00c9 **(emigrant, specially political; displaced person)"} {"Clue":"Crudity displayed by e.g. Cossack, a little hollow inside (8)","Answer":"RUDENESS","Explanation":"Definition: Crudity\n**DENE** (small valley; little hollow) **contained in** (displayed by) **RUSS** (native or citizen of Russia, a Cossack for example)\n **RU** (**DENE**) **SS**\n\n**RUDENESS** (crudity)"} {"Clue":"Vehicle for aristos guillotined, the French in gingham? (8)","Answer":"UMBRELLA","Explanation":"Definition: gingham\n**TUMBREL** (the name given to the carts that conveyed victims to the guillotine during the French Revolution; vehicle for aristos) **excluding the first letter** ([head] guillotined) **T + LA** (one of the French forms of 'the')\n \u00a0\n\n**UMBRELLA** (one of the definitions of 'gingham' is **UMBRELLA**)"} {"Clue":"Maddened by heat in the outback? It's too much (6)","Answer":"TROPPO","Explanation":"Definition: Maddened by heat in the outback\n**TROPPO** (Australian [outback] colloquial term meaning driven insane by exposure to tropical heat.)\n \u00a0\n\n**TROPPO** (musical term meaning too much) double definition"} {"Clue":"What audience might take to be ring for old opponents? (4)","Answer":"FONE","Explanation":"Definition: old opponents\n**FONE** (**sounds like** [what audience might take to be] **PHONE** (call; ring])\n \u00a0\n\n**FONE** (literary and archaic [old] foes [opponents])"} {"Clue":"Queen dressed in black or pink (5)","Answer":"CORAL","Explanation":"Definition: pink\n**R** (Regina; queen) **contained in** (dressed in) **COAL** (black)\n **CO** (**R**) **AL**\n\n**CORAL** (orange-pink colour)"} {"Clue":"Unfashionable repro confused old auctioneer (8)","Answer":"OUTROPER","Explanation":"Definition: old auctioneer\n**OUT **(unfashionable) **+ an anagram of **(confused) **REPRO**\n **OUT** **ROPER***\n\n**OUTROPER** (variant spelling of** OUTROOPER** [obsolete {old} word for auctioneer])"} {"Clue":"Dessert wines aren't that essential for these courses (4)","Answer":"SECO","Explanation":"Definition: Dessert wines aren't that\n**SECO** (**hidden word in** [essential for] **THESE COURSES**)\n \u00a0\n\n**SECO** (dry; dessert wines are very sweet so they certainly aren't **SECO**)"} {"Clue":"Tots are knocked back \u2013 it facilitates student mobility (7)","Answer":"ERASMUS","Explanation":"Definition: it facilitates student mobility\n(**SUMS **[tots] **+** **ARE)** **all reversed** (knocked back)\n (**ERA**** SMUS**)<\n\n**ERASMUS** (acronym for European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students)"} {"Clue":"Something like textspeak, form of e.g. parley endlessly accepted by this lot (12)","Answer":"TELEGRAPHESE","Explanation":"Definition: Something like textspeak\n**Anagram of** (form of) (**EG** and **PARLE****Y** **excluding the final letter** [endlessly] **Y**) **contained in** (accepted by) **THESE** (this lot)\n **T** (**E****LE****G****RAP***) **HESE**\n\n**TELEGRAPHESE** (\u00a0jargon or contracted style of language something like textspeak)\u00a0used in telegrams)"} {"Clue":"Government department responsible for mountain climbing (5)","Answer":"REGIE","Explanation":"Definition: Government department\n**EIGER** (reference the **EIGER** mountain in Switzerland) **reversed** (climbing; down clue)\n **REGIE**<\n\n**REGIE** (a system of government monopoly, esp in tobacco; the department concerned)"} {"Clue":"Vintage bustle shrouding Inez's rear \u2013 it was current in Brazil (7)","Answer":"CRUZADO","Explanation":"Definition: it was current in Brazil\n(**CRU **[vintage] **+**** ADO** [bustle]) **containing** (shrouding) **Z** (last letter of [rear] **INEZ**)\n **CRU** (**Z**) **ADO**\n\n**CRUZADO** (a former unit of currency in Brazil) I know** CURRENCY** relates to money, but I am less convinced that **CURRENT** does,"} {"Clue":"Charters shown in great detail (when there's space within) (5)","Answer":"HIRES","Explanation":"Definition: Charters\n**HI RES** \u2013 two words giving a space within the letters giving a phrase meaning **HIGH RESOLUTION** (of a computer monitor, TV screen, etc showing an image in great detail by using a large number of dots per unit area)\n \u00a0\n\n**HIRES** (charters)"} {"Clue":"Old stone, mostly broken, black inside (6)","Answer":"RUBINE","Explanation":"Definition: Old stone\n**B** (black [describing pencil lead]) **contained in** (inside) (**RUINE****D** [broken] **excluding the final letter** [mostly]) **D**)\n **RU** (**B**) **INE**\n\n**RUBINE** (Spenserean [old]word for ruby [gem stone])"} {"Clue":"Peeper enthralled by inviting limbs (4)","Answer":"GLIM","Explanation":"Definition: Peeper\n**GLIM **(**hidden word in** [enthralled by] **INVITING LIMBS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GLIM **(slang for an eye [peeper])"} {"Clue":"Round shape formed with both hands, briefly? (7)","Answer":"SPHERAL","Explanation":"Definition: Round\n**Anagram of **(formed with) (**L** [left] and **R** [right] which are abbreviations [shortly] of both hands and **SHAPE**)\n **SPHE****R****A****L***\n\n**SPHERAL** (round [three dimensional shape])"} {"Clue":"Sleek? Wrong \u2013 tag as descriptive of extreme emaciation (10)","Answer":"SKELETALLY","Explanation":"Definition: descriptive of extreme emaciation\n**Anagram of **(wrong) **SLEEK** **+** **TALLY** (tag)\n **SKELE*** **TALLY**\n\n**SKELETALLY** (descriptive of extreme emaciation)"} {"Clue":"Stir soup vigorously with rouille (oil left out) (7)","Answer":"UPROUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Stir\n**Anagram of** (stir \u2026vigorously with) **SOUP** and (**R****O****U****ILL****E** **excluding** [out] **[OIL + L** {left}])\n **UP****R****O****U****S****E*******\n\n**UPROUSE **(stir)"} {"Clue":"Time going, rage over e.g. Osborne leaves one pink no longer (7)","Answer":"EMPERCE","Explanation":"Definition: one pink no longer \n**TEMPER **(rage) **excluding** (going) **T +** **CE** (Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne is the current example)\n \u00a0\n\n**EMPERCE** (Spenserean [old] word for pierce. One meaning of 'pink' is stab or pierce)"} {"Clue":"Whence plant growth develops, cherry rises in jerks (7)","Answer":"PLEROME","Explanation":"Definition: Whence plant growth develops\n**MOREL **(variant spelling of **MORELLO** (type of dark red cherry) **reversed** (rising; down clue) **contained in** (in) **PE** (physical education; jerks)\n **P** (**LEROM**<) **E**\n\n**PLEROME** (the central part of the apical meristem, the part of the primary tissue from which growth takes place)"} {"Clue":"Char, work person given money up front (6)","Answer":"MOPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Char\n**M** (money) **+**** OP** (work) **+ PER**** **(person)\n \u00a0\n\n**MOPPER** (cleaner; char)"} {"Clue":"Flowering shrubs? Arbour by the sound of it overshadows one (6)","Answer":"BAUERA","Explanation":"Definition: Flowering shrubs\n**BAUER** (**sounds like** [by the sound of it] **BOWER** [arbour]) **+ A** (one)\n \u00a0\n\n**BAUERA** (plant of the **BAUERA**\u00a0genus of evergreen shrubs with pink flowers (family Saxifragaceae) found in Australia."} {"Clue":"Swish woman with O so wayward husband (5)","Answer":"WOOSH","Explanation":"Definition: Swish\n**Anagram of** (wayward) (**W** [woman] and **O** and **SO**) **+ H**\n Could also be parsed as** W + O + an anagram of SO + H**\n **WO****OS*** **H**\n\n**WOOSH** (swish)"} {"Clue":"Sea-gulls are possibly (not eagles, silly) (5)","Answer":"LARUS","Explanation":"Definition: Sea-gulls\n**Anagram of **\u00a0(silly) **SEA-GULLS ARE** **excluding** (not) **EAGLES**\n **LARUS***\n\n**LARUS** (the principal genus of the gull family)"} {"Clue":"Name of instrument producing low note (one below piano's lowest) (4)","Answer":"MOOG","Explanation":"Definition: Name of instrument \n**MOO** (low, of cattle) **+ G** (musical note) I'm not sure about the reference to one below piano's lowest. Wikipedia tells me that the lowest note on a piano is usually an A. As the piano keys cycle through ABCDEFG. I can only assume that the next lowest note be a G.\n \u00a0\n\n**MOOG** (reference **MOOG** synthesiser, an electronic musical instrument with a keyboard, that can produce a wide range of sounds)"} {"Clue":"Company with microphones for stand-up entertainers? (6)","Answer":"COMICS","Explanation":"Definition: stand-up entertainers\n**CO** (company) + **MICS** (microphones)\n \u00a0\n\n**COMICS** (stand-up entertainers)"} {"Clue":"Lifer condemned after bearing weapon (3,5)","Answer":"AIR RIFLE","Explanation":"Definition: weapon\n**AIR** (bearing) **+ an anagram of** (condemned) **LIFER**\n \u00a0\n\n**AIR RIFLE **(weapon)"} {"Clue":"Film with lots of laughter: it has 'adult' certificate (6)","Answer":"LOLITA","Explanation":"Definition: Film\n**LOL** (textspeak which most references give as 'laugh out loud' and some also give as 'lots of laughs')** + IT + A** (adult, formerly used to designate a motion picture at a showing of which any child under 14 should be accompanied by an adult)\n \u00a0\n\n**LOLITA** (1962 film of the novel by Vladimir Nabokov) The film has an adult rating but I'm not sure how much laughter there is in it, so this may or may not be an &Lit clue."} {"Clue":"Mishap I ultimately witnessed, in a manner of speaking (8)","Answer":"ACCIDENT","Explanation":"Definition: Mishap\n(**I** **+ D** [**last letter of**,{ultimately] **WITNESSED**]) **contained in** (in) **ACCENT** (manner of speaking)\n **ACC** (**I** **D**) **ENT**\n\n**ACCIDENT** (mishap)"} {"Clue":"Pop sensation taped by female group: a French song from the 70s (7,2,3,3)","Answer":"SEASONS IN THE SUN","Explanation":"Definition: song from the 70s\n(A**nagram **of [pop] **SENSATION** **contained in** [taped by] **SHES** [a number of\u00a0{group of} females) **+ UN** (one of the French forms of 'a')\n **S** (**EASONS IN T***) **HE S** **UN**\n\n**SEASONS IN THE SUN** (a [pop] song from the 1970s)"} {"Clue":"Upset on one occasion by record? Right (10)","Answer":"DISCONCERT","Explanation":"Definition: Upset \n**DISC** (record) **+ ONCE** (on one occasion) **+ RT** (right)\n \u00a0\n\n**DISCONCERT** (upset)"} {"Clue":"Country, one hit hard in revolution (4)","Answer":"MALI","Explanation":"Definition: Country\n**(I** [one] **+ LAM** [hit hard]) **all reversed** (in revolution)\n (**MAL** **I**)<\n\n**MALI** (country in Africa)"} {"Clue":"Travellers returning through Glamorgan (4)","Answer":"ROMA","Explanation":"Definition: Travellers\n**ROMA** (**hidden word** [through] **reversed** [returning] in **GLAMORGAN**)\n **ROMA**<\n\n**ROMA** (travelling people)"} {"Clue":"Sporting contest opening shortly in holiday area (5-1-4)","Answer":"SEVEN-A-SIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Sporting contest\n**VENT** (opening) **excluding the last letter** (shortly) **T** **contained in** (in) **SEASIDE** (holiday area)\n **SE** (**VEN**) **A SIDE**\n\n**SEVEN-A-SIDE** (form of rugby; sporting event)"} {"Clue":"Come again to Barnet: garden's flourishing (4,2,1,8)","Answer":"DON","Explanation":"Definition: Come again\n**Anagram of **(flourishing) **TO BARNET GARDEN'S**\n **D****ON****'****T**** ****BE A**** S****TR****ANGER***\n\n**DON'T BE A STRANGER** (phrase that could be interpreted as an invitation to come again)"} {"Clue":"Innocent female finding main road round US state (8)","Answer":"VIRGINIA","Explanation":"Definition: US state\n**VIRGIN** (innocent female) **+ AI** (A1, main road from Edinburgh to London) **reversed** (round)\n **VIRGIN** **IA**<\n\n**VIRGINIA** (US State)"} {"Clue":"Notable film director is taking retirement (6)","Answer":"SIGNAL","Explanation":"Definition: Notable\n(**LANG **[reference Fritz **LANG** [1890 \u2013 1976], Austrian film director] **+** **IS**) **all reversed** (taking retirement)\n (**SI** **GNAL**)<\n\n**SIGNAL** (notable)"} {"Clue":"Introduction of Theseus in a tale spun in Virgil's style? (8)","Answer":"LATINATE","Explanation":"Definition: in Virgil's style\n**Anagram of** (spun) **T** (**first letter of** [introduction] **THESEUS** and **IN A TALE**\n **L****A****T****IN****ATE***\n\n**LATINATE** (Virgil was an ancient Roman [Latin] poet so anyone emulating him would be using the **LATINATE** style)"} {"Clue":"Exhibition centre in some French city (6)","Answer":"ANNECY","Explanation":"Definition: French city\n**NEC **(National Exhibition Centre) **contained in **(in) **ANY** (some)\n **AN** (**NEC**) **Y**\n\n**ANNECY** (French city)"} {"Clue":"Guns officer's hidden in Greek island (5)","Answer":"COLTS","Explanation":"Definition: Guns\n**LT** (lieutenant; officer) **contained in** (hidden in) **COS** (Greek island)\n \u00a0\n\n**COLTS** (types of gun)"} {"Clue":"Philosopher is entertaining a painter (7)","Answer":"MILLAIS","Explanation":"Definition: painter\n(**MILL** [reference John Stuart **MILL **[1806 \u2013 1873], English philosopher] **+** **IS**) **containing** (entertaining) **A**\n **MILL** (**A**) **IS**\n\n**MILLAIS** (reference John **MILLAIS** [1829 \u2013 1896], English Pre-Raphaelite painter)"} {"Clue":"Realise old band leader's being presented (6,2)","Answer":"COTTON ON","Explanation":"Definition: Realise\n**COTTON** (reference Billy **COTTON** [1899 \u2013 1969], English dance band leader) **+ ON** (being presented)\n \u00a0\n\n**COTTON ON** (understand; realise)"} {"Clue":"Elected Tory toff going round Rugby is out of place (11)","Answer":"INCONGRUENT","Explanation":"Definition: out of place\n**IN** (elected) **+** **CON** (Conservative; Tory) **+** (**GENT** [toff] **containing** (around) **RU** [Rugby [{Union}])\n **IN** **CON** **G** (**RU**) **ENT**\n\n**INCONGRUENT** (out of keeping; out of place)"} {"Clue":"German government's writer (6)","Answer":"REICHS","Explanation":"Definition: German government's\n**REICH'S** (German State's; German government's)\n \u00a0\n\n**REICHS** (reference Kathy **REICHS** [1948 \u2013 date], American crime writer)"} {"Clue":"Plant in independent country once losing millions (7)","Answer":"FREESIA","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\n**FREE **(independent) **+ SIAM** (former [once] name of Thailand [country]) **excluding** (losing) **M** (millions)\n \u00a0\n\n**FREESIA** (plant of the iris family)"} {"Clue":"Vixen set loose near middle of field covering large area (9)","Answer":"EXTENSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: covering large area\n**Anagram of** (set loose) **VIXEN SET** **+** **E** (centre letter of [middle of] **FIELD**)\n **EX****TE****N****S****IV*** **E**\n\n**EXTENSIVE** (covering a large area)"} {"Clue":"Undisclosed number supervising introduction of this government office (11)","Answer":"SECRETARIAT","Explanation":"Definition: government office\n**SECRET** (undisclosed) **+** **ARIA** (song; musical number) **+ T** (**first letter of** [introduction of] **THIS**)\n**SECRETARIAT** (\u00a0administrative department of a council, organization, legislative or executive; could be a government office)"} {"Clue":"Reckless old man imprisons sappers? Wrong (9)","Answer":"DAREDEVIL","Explanation":"Definition: Reckless\n(**DAD** [father; old man] **containing** [imprisons] **RE** [Royal Engineers; sappers]) + **EVIL** (wrong)\n **DA** (**RE**) **D** **EVIL**\n\n**DAREDEVIL** (reckless)"} {"Clue":"Old Dutch flying creature, bird-like (8)","Answer":"BATAVIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Old Dutch\n**BAT** (flying creature) **+ AVIAN** (bird-like)\n \u00a0\n\n**BATAVIAN** (relating to the ancient Bat\u00e4vi in the Low Countries)"} {"Clue":"Exist in brand-new tower (7)","Answer":"MINARET","Explanation":"Definition: tower\n**ARE** (exist) **contained in** (in) **MINT** (reference 'in **MINT** condition'; perfect, possibly brand new)\n **MIN** (**ARE**) **T**\n\n**MINARET** (mosque tower, from which the call to prayer is given.)"} {"Clue":"Inexperienced female in class briefly seen by head of English (7)","Answer":",","Explanation":"Definition: Inexperienced female\n**IN** **+** **GENU****S** (class) **excluding the final letter** (briefly) **S** **+ E** (first letter of [head of] English)\n \u00a0\n\n**ING\u00c9NUE** (artless, na\u00efve or inexperienced young woman,)"} {"Clue":"Irish writer appearing to eat French cheese (6)","Answer":"O","Explanation":"Definition: Irish writer\n**ON** (appearing) **containing** (to eat) **BRIE** (French cheese)\n **O** (**BRIE**) **N**\n\n**O'BRIEN** (reference Edna **O'BRIEN** [1930 to date] or Flann **O'BRIEN**, pen name of Brian \u00d3 Nuallain [1911 \u2013 1966], Irish authors)"} {"Clue":"Republican supporter in mass meeting (5)","Answer":"RALLY","Explanation":"Definition: mass meeting\n**R** (Republican) **+** **ALLY** (supporter)\n \u00a0\n\n**RALLY** (mass meeting)"} {"Clue":"Close to pine trees, nonsensical solution? (7)","Answer":"EYEWASH","Explanation":"Definition: nonsensical solution\n**E** (**last letter of **[close to] **PINE**) **+** (**YEW** [tree] **+** **ASH** [another tree] giving trees)\n \u00a0\n\n**EYEWASH** (nonsense; nonsensical solution)"} {"Clue":"Fast I travel, producing brown mark (7)","Answer":"LENTIGO","Explanation":"Definition: brown mark\n**LENT** (religious period of fasting) **+ ****I** **+** **GO** (travel)\n \u00a0\n\n**LENTIGO** (freckle; brown spot)"} {"Clue":"Man after article in crate first and foremost, as hidden supply (5)","Answer":"CACHE","Explanation":"Definition: hidden supply\n(**A** [indefinite article] **contained in** [in] [**C** {**first letter of** (first) **CACHE**}** +** **C** {**first letter of again** (foremost) **CACHE**}]) **+** **HE** (man)\n **C** (**A**) **C** **HE**\n\n**CACHE** (hidden supply)"} {"Clue":"Green Party behind head of state, scumbag! (9)","Answer":"SLIMEBALL","Explanation":"Definition: scumbag\n**S** (**first letter of** [head of] **STATE**) **+** **LIME** (shade of green) **+ BALL** (party)\n \u00a0\n\n**SLIMEBALL** (disgusting person; scumbag)"} {"Clue":"Negotiation of deals OK where working lunch taken? (2,5)","Answer":"AL DESKO","Explanation":"Definition: where working lunch taken\n**Anagram of **(negotiation of) **DEALS OK**\n **AL DE****S****KO***\n\n**AL DESKO** (descriptive of meals eaten at one's office **DESK**)"} {"Clue":"Swimmer having a party in shack (7)","Answer":"HALIBUT","Explanation":"Definition: Swimmer\n(**A** **+** **LIB** [Liberal [political] Party]) **contained in** (in) **HUT** (shack)\n **H **(**A** **LIB**) **UT**\n\n**HALIBUT** (fish; swimmer)"} {"Clue":"Nothing concealed? Fashionable fabric ruffled (3,4,3,5)","Answer":"ALL OVER THE PLACE","Explanation":"Definition: ruffled\n**ALL OVERT** (Nothing concealed) **+ HEP **(well abreast of fashionable knowledge and taste) **+ LACE** (type of fabric)\n \u00a0\n\n**ALL OVER THE PLACE** (in a disorganised muddle; ruffled)"} {"Clue":"African capital nearby draining river \u2013 you must go over it (7)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: African capital\n**YE** (you) **containing** (must go over it) (**A****R****OUND** [nearby] **excluding** [draining] **R** [river])\n **Y** (**AOUND**)** E**\n\n**YAOUND\u00c9 **(Capital city of Cameroon)"} {"Clue":"Screen of ochre, red ostensibly? (7)","Answer":"REREDOS","Explanation":"Definition: Screen\n**REREDOS** (**hidden word in** [of] **OCHRE RED OSTENIBLY**)\n \u00a0\n\n**REREDOS** (screen or panelling behind an altar or seat)"} {"Clue":"Sweetheart and groom in structure riddled with holes (9)","Answer":"HONEYCOMB","Explanation":"Definition: structure riddled with holes\n**HONEY** (term of endearment like sweetheart) **+** **COMB** (groom)\n \u00a0\n\n**HONEYCOMB** (structure riddled with holes)"} {"Clue":"Candidate finding pit shut, perhaps, ending on dole (7)","Answer":"NOMINEE","Explanation":"Definition: Candidate\n**NO MINE** (could be descriptive of a [coal]pit being shut) **+** **E **(**last letter of** [ending on] **DOLE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**NOMINEE** (candidate)"} {"Clue":"Oceanic winds blow across the Atlantic (7)","Answer":"COCAINE","Explanation":"Definition: blow across the Atlantic\n**Anagram of **(winds) **OCEANIC** \n **COCAINE***\n\n**COCAINE** ('blow' is a United States [across the Atlantic] term for **COCAINE**)"} {"Clue":"You can be sure it's the cab rank! (6)","Answer":"BETCHA","Explanation":"Definition: You can be sure\n**Anagram of** (rank) **THE CAB** \n **BETCHA***\n\n**BETCHA** (colloquial form of **YOU BET** [certainly; you can be sure])"} {"Clue":"Stuffing hen, say, and duck with herb,\u00a0a little mistake (10)","Answer":"PECCADILLO","Explanation":"Definition: little mistake\n**DILL** (herb) **contained in** (stuffing) (**PECCA** [**sounds like** {say} **PECKER** {a hen for example} ] **+** **O** [zero; duck score in cricket])\n **PECCA** (**DILL**) **O**\n\n**PECCADILLO** (trifling fault; little mistake)"} {"Clue":"Chance to screen commercial about setter, useless individual (4,4)","Answer":"LAME DUCK","Explanation":"Definition: useless individual\n**LUCK** (chance) **containing** (to screen) (**AD** [advertisement; commercial] **containing** [about] **ME** [descriptive of the setter])\n **L** (**A** (**ME**) **D**) **UCK**\n\n**LAME DUCK** (inefficient or useless individual)"} {"Clue":"Expression of dominance as parentage called into question? (4,4,5)","Answer":"WHO","Explanation":"Definition: Expression of dominance\n**WHO'S YOUR DADDY** (a question about your parentage)\n \u00a0\n\n**WHO'S YOUR DADDY** (a phrase commonly used as a boastful claim of dominance over the intended listener)"} {"Clue":"The King beginning to hold tongue, literally (6)","Answer":"ELVISH","Explanation":"Definition: tongue, literally\n**ELVIS** (reference **ELVIS** Presley, The King) **+ H** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **HOLD**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ELVISH** (a fantasy language often referred to in literature [literally])"} {"Clue":"Uninvited guest, savage let rip on queen (10)","Answer":"INTERLOPER","Explanation":"Definition: Uninvited guest\n**Anagram of** (savage) **LET RIP ON** **+ ER** (Elizabeth Regina; queen)\n **INTERLOP*** **ER**\n\n**INTERLOPER** (uninvited guest)"} {"Clue":"Pass through, carrying last of passengers (4)","Answer":"VISA","Explanation":"Definition: Pass\n**VIA** (through) **containing** (carrying) **S** (**last letter of** [last of] **PASSENGERS**)\n **VI** (**S**) **A**\n\n**VISA** (pass)"} {"Clue":"Playboy hosting European game of chance (8)","Answer":"ROULETTE","Explanation":"Definition: game of chance\n**ROU\u00c9** (profligate, rake; playboy) **containing** (hosting) **LETT** (native or citizen of Latvia; European)\n **ROU** (**LETT**) **E**\n\n**ROULETTE** (game of chance)"} {"Clue":"Figure that follows result, within some limits (7-3)","Answer":"SEVENTY-ONE","Explanation":"Definition: Figure \n(**EVENT** [outcome; result] **+ YON** [that]) **contained in** (within) **SE** (**the first and last letters of** [limits] **SOME**)\n **S** (**EVENT** **YON**) **E**\n\n**SEVENTY-ONE** (figure)"} {"Clue":"Bird teated hairily? (7,3)","Answer":"BEARDED TIT","Explanation":"Definition: Bird teated hairily\n**Anagram of** (hairily) **BIRD TEATED**\n **B****EA****RD****ED T****I****T*******\n\n**BEARDED TIT** (clearly this is a bird, but I think the definition in this case is more in line with the slang words and phrases theme of today which could refer to a lady's\u00a0[bird's] hairy nipples acting as teats)"} {"Clue":"Whatever state, fine with silver plating (8)","Answer":"ANYTHING","Explanation":"Definition: Whatever\n(**NY** [New York, American State] **+** **THIN** [slender; fine]) **contained in** (with \u2026 plating) **AG** (chemical symbol for silver)\n **A** (**NY** **THIN**) **G**\n\n**ANYTHING** (whatever can be defined as 'anything that' or 'no matter what')"} {"Clue":"Challenging second book (8)","Answer":"HARDBACK","Explanation":"Definition: book\n**HARD** (challenging) + **BACK** (second)\n \u00a0\n\n**HARDBACK** (book with rigid covers)"} {"Clue":"Odd parts of crest visible beneath old, old missile (6)","Answer":"EXOCET","Explanation":"Definition: missile\n**EX **(old) **+** **O** (old) **+** **CET** (**letters 1, 3 and 5 of **[odd letters of; odd parts of] **CREST**)\n \u00a0\n\n**EXOCET** (subsonic tactical missile, launched from a ship, plane or submarine and travelling at low altitude)"} {"Clue":"Pen allowed as surgical probe (6)","Answer":"STYLET","Explanation":"Definition: surgical probe\n**STY** (pen for pigs) **+ LET** (allowed)\n \u00a0\n\n**STYLET** (surgical probe)"} {"Clue":"Dead centre of Izmir, point to house? (4)","Answer":"NUMB","Explanation":"Definition: Dead\n**NUB** (point)** containing **(to house) **M** (**middle letter of** [centre of] **IZMIR**)\n **NU** (**M**) **B**\n\n**NUMB** (dead)"} {"Clue":"Perfectionist fails to work, giving up one drug then another (7)","Answer":"FUSSPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Perfectionist\n**FUSES** (fail to work because of melting of a **FUSE**) **excluding** (giving up) **E** (ecstasy; drug) **+ POT** (cannabis; drug) \u00a0\n\n**FUSSPOT **(perfectionist)"} {"Clue":"Look for attention in school (6)","Answer":"SEARCH","Explanation":"Definition: Look for\n**EAR** (attention) **contained\u00a0in** (in) **SCH** (school) **S** (**EAR**) **CH**\n\n**SEARCH** (look for)"} {"Clue":"On hand to request rascal to reform (2,5,8)","Answer":"AT CLOSE QUARTERS","Explanation":"Definition: On hand\n**Anagram of **(to reform)** TO REQUEST RASCAL** **AT**** ****CLO****SE QU****A****RTE****RS***\n\n**AT CLOSE QUARTERS** (in close proximity; on hand)"} {"Clue":"Exulting, heading off paperwork in court case (9)","Answer":"TRIUMPHAL","Explanation":"Definition: Exulting\n(**BUMPH** [paperwork] **excluding the first letter** [heading off] **B**) **contained in** (in) **TRIAL** (court case) **TRI **(**UMPH**) **AL**\n\n**TRIUMPHAL** (exulting)"} {"Clue":"Plants: five pollarded conifers? (5)","Answer":"VINES","Explanation":"Definition: Plants\n**V **(Roman numeral for five) **+ PINES** (conifers) **excluding the first letter** (pollarded [having crown cut off]) **P** \u00a0\n\n**VINES** (plants)"} {"Clue":"Bouquets not initially containing river plants (6)","Answer":"OSIERS","Explanation":"Definition: plants\n(**POSIES** [bouquets] **excluding the first letter** [not initially] **P**) **containing** (containing) **R** (river) **OSIE** (**R**) **S**\n\n**OSIERS **(any willows whose twigs are used in making baskets; plants)"} {"Clue":"Paper page, remote, recalled to include small capitals (8)","Answer":"FOOLSCAP","Explanation":"Definition: Paper\n(**P** [page] **+ ALOOF** [remote]) **reversed** [recalled]) **containing** (to include) **SC** (small capitals) **FOOL **(**SC**)** A P<**\n\n**FOOLSCAP **([size of] paper)"} {"Clue":"Controlling influence trapping girl in twisted 11 (8)","Answer":"SVENGALI","Explanation":"Definition: Controlling influence\n**GAL** (girl) **contained in** (trapped in) **an anagram of** (twisted) **VINES** (11 across) **SVEN** (**GAL**) **I***\n\n**SVENGALI** (a person who exerts total mental control over another, usually for evil ends; controlling influence)"} {"Clue":"Long-time leader curtailing theatre argument? (6)","Answer":"CASTRO","Explanation":"Definition: Long-time leader\n**CAST **(company of actors; theatre) **+** **RO****W** (argument) **excluding the final letter **(curtailing) **W** \u00a0\n\n**CASTRO** (reference Fidel **CASTRO** [1926 \u2013 date] long time leader (Prime Minister and then President] of Cuba [1959 \u2013 2008])"} {"Clue":"American writer is sticking around capital of England (5)","Answer":"JAMES","Explanation":"Definition: American writer\n**JAMS** (is sticking) **containing** (around) **E** (**first letter of** [capital of] **ENGLAND**) **JAM** (**E**) **S**\n\n**JAMES** (reference Henry **JAMES** [1843 \u2013 1916], American writer)"} {"Clue":"Mice mostly loose in shops before one PM (9)","Answer":"MACMILLAN","Explanation":"Definition: PM\n(**Anagram of** [loose] **MICE** **excluding the final letter** [mostly] **E**) **contained in** [in[ **MALL** [shops]) **+ AN** (one) **MA** (**CMI***) **LL** **AN**\n\n**MACMILLAN** (reference Harold **MACMILLAN** [1894 \u2013 1986] Prime Minister [PM] of the United Kingdom from 1957 to 1963)"} {"Clue":"Unusual reproductive approach strangely heartens pigeon fanciers ultimately (15)","Answer":"PARTHENOGENESIS","Explanation":"Definition: Unusual reproductive approach\n**Anagram of** (strangely) **HEARTENS PIGEON** **+ S** (**last letter of **[finally] **FANCIERS**) **PARTHENOGENESI*** **S**\n\n**PARTHENOGENESIS** (reproduction by means of an unfertilized ovum; unusual reproductive process)"} {"Clue":"Experienced about a year's allegiance (6)","Answer":"FEALTY","Explanation":"Definition: allegiance\n(**FELT** [experienced] **containing** [about] **A**) **+ Y** (year) **FE** (**A**) **LT** **Y**\n\n**FEALTY** (loyalty; allegiance)"} {"Clue":"Purposes to get back of something wrong in head cavities (7)","Answer":"SINUSES","Explanation":"Definition: head cavities\n**SIN** (something wrong) **+** **USES** (purposes) \u00a0\n\n**SINUSES** (air-filled cavities in the bones of the skull, connecting with the nose)"} {"Clue":"Some (not all) on our team will become quarrelsome (9)","Answer":"FRACTIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: quarrelsome\n**FRACTION** (part; some) **excluding the final letter** (not all) **N** **+ US** (descriptive of our team) \u00a0\n\n**FRACTIOUS** (quarrelsome)"} {"Clue":"Bag runs if brought up in reserve or give up? (9)","Answer":"SACRIFICE","Explanation":"Definition: give up\n**SAC** (bag) **+** **R** (runs in cricket scoring notation) **+** (**IF** **reversed** [brought up] contained in [in]** I****CE** [reserve]) **SAC** **R** **I **(**FI**<) **CE**\n\n**SACRIFICE** (surrender; give up)"} {"Clue":"Specific concertgoer impresario's ignored over time, welcoming in millions (7)","Answer":"PROMMER","Explanation":"Definition: Specific concertgoer\n**PROMOTER** (impresario [producer or organiser of entertainment events]) **excluding** (ignored) (**O** [over in cricket scoring notation] **+** **T** [time]) **containing** (welcoming) **M** (millions) **PROM** (**M**) **ER**\n\n**PROMMER** (regular attender of Promenade concerts; specific concertgoer)"} {"Clue":"Corporate ethics have limited effectiveness (5)","Answer":"TEETH","Explanation":"Definition: effectiveness\n**TEETH** (**hidden word in** [have limited] **CORPORATE ETHICS**) \u00a0\n\n**TEETH** (effectiveness)"} {"Clue":"Endless row over important man's servant (8)","Answer":"SCULLION","Explanation":"Definition: servant\n**SCULL** (row) **excluding the final letter** (endless) **L** **+** **LION** (famous or conspicuous person much sought after; important man) \u00a0\n\n**SCULLION** (servant employed for rough work)"} {"Clue":"Artist upset challenger's appearance on scene (7)","Answer":"ARRIVAL","Explanation":"Definition: appearance on scene\n**RA** (Royal Academician; artist) **reversed** (upset) **+ RIVAL** (challenger) **AR**< **RIVAL**\n\n**ARRIVAL** (appearance on scene)"} {"Clue":"Empty life in prison, though off the drugs (5)","Answer":"CLEAN","Explanation":"Definition: off the drugs\n**LE** (**letters remaining after the middle letters are emptied out of**\u00a0[empty] **LIFE**) **contained in** (in) **CAN** (prison) **C** (**LE**) **AN**\n\n**CLEAN** (off the drugs)"} {"Clue":"Foundation disowning book in current form (2,2)","Answer":"AS IS","Explanation":"Definition: in current form\n**B****ASIS** (foundation) **excluding** (disowning) **B** (book) \u00a0\n\n**AS IS** (as it stands; in its current form)"} {"Clue":"Salt is treated with most of acyl in chemical reaction (9)","Answer":"CATALYSIS","Explanation":"Definition: chemical reaction\n**Anagram of** (treated) **SALT IS** and **ACYL**** excluding the final letter** (most of) **L** **C****AT****ALY****S****IS***\n\n**CATALYSIS** (the chemical influence of a substance which is not itself permanently changed; chemical reaction)"} {"Clue":"Expert air elevated one's forecast (9)","Answer":"PROGNOSIS","Explanation":"Definition: forecast\n**PRO** (professional; expert) **+** (**SONG** [air] **reversed** [elevated; down clue]) **+** **I'S** (one's) **PRO** **GNOS**< **IS**\n\n**PROGNOSIS** (forecast)"} {"Clue":"Pity bicycle men, cycling without limits (8)","Answer":"CLEMENCY","Explanation":"Definition: Pity\n**CLEMENCY** (**hidden word in** [without limits] **BICYCLE MEN CYCLING**) \u00a0\n\n**CLEMENCY** (pity)"} {"Clue":"It fuels girl taking in part of London (7)","Answer":"GASOHOL","Explanation":"Definition: It fuels\n**GAL** (girl) **containing** (taking in) **SOHO** (part of London) **GA** (**SOHO**) **L**\n\n**GASOHOL** (a mixture of 8 or 9 parts petrol and 1 or 2 parts alcohol, used as a fuel)"} {"Clue":"A winemaker not accommodating Queen in French city (7)","Answer":"AVIGNON","Explanation":"Definition: French city\n**A** **+** **VIGN****ER****ON** (vine grower; winemaker) **excluding** (not accommodating) **ER** (Elizabeth Regina; Queen) \u00a0\n\n**AVIGNON** (city in France)"} {"Clue":"Justice served on lout's prank (4)","Answer":"JAPE","Explanation":"Definition: prank\n**J** (justice) **+**** APE** (coarse, clumsy or stupid person; lout) \u00a0\n\n**JAPE** (trick; prank)"} {"Clue":"Join work unit going into Middle East (5)","Answer":"MERGE","Explanation":"Definition: Join\n**ERG** (the CGS unit of work, equal to 10-7 joules) **contained in** (in) **ME** (Middle East) **M** (**ERG**) **E**\n\n**MERGE** (join)"} {"Clue":"Pens chapter on historic times (5)","Answer":"CAGES","Explanation":"Definition: Pens\n**C** (chapter) **+** **AGES** (great divisions of world, human, or individual history; historic times) \u00a0\n\n**CAGES** (pens)"} {"Clue":"27\/22\/9's part of Greater Manchester fashion (9)","Answer":"ECCLESTON","Explanation":"Definition: 27\/22\/9\n**ECCLES** (town in Greater Manchester) + **TON** (fashion)\n \u00a0\n\n**ECCLESTON** (reference Christopher **ECCLESTON**, the ninth actor to play **DOCTOR WHO **[27d \/ 22d] in the television series)"} {"Clue":"27\/22\/4\/6 bowled a yorker, half-cut? (5)","Answer":"BAKER","Explanation":"Definition: 27\/22\/4\/6\n**B** (bowled [in cricket scoring notation]) **+** **A** **+** **KER** (the three letters remaining in **YORKER** after the other three **YOR** are cut out [cut]) \u00a0\n\n**BAKER** (reference Tom **BAKER**, the fourth actor to play 27\/22 and Colin **BAKER** the sixth)"} {"Clue":"27\/22's craft's somewhat bastardised (6)","Answer":"TARDIS","Explanation":"Definition: 27\/22's craft\n**TARDIS** (**hidden word in** [somewhat] **BASTARDISED**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TARDIS** (the name of 27\/22's time-machine or craft for travelling through\u00a0time)"} {"Clue":"27\/22\/1's uncontrolled rant in the other place? (8)","Answer":"HARTNELL","Explanation":"Definition: 27\/22\/1\n**Anagram of **(uncontrolled) **RANT** **contained in** (in) **HELL** (Chambers Thesaurus that **HELL** can defined colloquially as the other place)\n **H** (**ARTN***) **ELL**\n\n**HARTNELL** (reference William **HARTNELL**, the first actor to play 27\/22)"} {"Clue":"Scruffy male's presumably supporting himself outside (7)","Answer":"UNKEMPT","Explanation":"Definition: Scruffy\n**UNKEPT **(not looked after by anyone, e.g. not supplied with finance, food and lodging, thereby implying that the person so described is supporting himself) **containing** (outside) **M** (male) \n **UNKE** (**M**) **PT**\n\n**UNKEMPT** (scruffy)"} {"Clue":"27\/22\/12's top budget supermarket (7)","Answer":"CAPALDI","Explanation":"Definition: 27\/22\/12\n**CAP** (top) **+** **ALDI** (a budget supermarket chain)\n \u00a0\n\n**CAPALDI** (reference Peter **CAPALDI**, the twelfth actor to play 27\/22)"} {"Clue":"27\/22\/10\/10 incarnate, oddly ignored (7)","Answer":"TENNANT","Explanation":"Definition: 27\/22\/10\n**TEN** (10) **+** **NANT** **(letters 2, 4, 6 and 8 only** [even letters, odd letters ignored {oddly ignored}] of **INCARNATE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TENNANT** (reference David **TENNANT**, the tenth actor to play 27\/22)"} {"Clue":"27\/22\/3's saucy number one? (7)","Answer":"PERTWEE","Explanation":"Definition: 27\/22\/3\n**PERT** (saucy) **+** **WEE** (urine; the phrase **NUMBER ONE** is slang or childish phrase to describe urine)\n \u00a0\n\n**PERTWEE** (reference Jon **PERTWEE**, the third actor to play 27\/22)"} {"Clue":"27\/22\/5's teacher welcoming a viscount (7)","Answer":"DAVISON","Explanation":"Definition: 27\/22\/5\n**DON** (lecturer; teacher) **containing** (welcoming) (**A** **+** **VIS** [Viscount])\n **D** (**A** **VIS**) **ON**\n\n**DAVISON **(reference Peter **DAVISON**, the fifth actor to play 27\/22)"} {"Clue":"Study of versification's for obnoxious person by the close of Friday (7)","Answer":"PROSODY","Explanation":"Definition: Study of versification\n**PRO **(in support of; for) **+** **SOD** (obnoxious person) **+** **Y** (**last letter of** [close of] **FRIDAY**)\n \u00a0\n\n**PROSODY** (study of versification)"} {"Clue":"Call to begin party around lunchtime ends in chemical abuse (8)","Answer":"REVEILLE","Explanation":"Definition: Call to begin\n(**REVEL** [party] **containing** [around] **I **[one; lunchtime]) **+** **LE** (**last letters of each of** [ends in] **CHEMICAL** and **ABUSE**)\n **REVE **(**I**) **L** **LE**\n\n**REVEILLE** (summons to awake, get up or begin)"} {"Clue":"Extremes of gastrointestinal irritation? Hiccup! (6)","Answer":"GLITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Hiccup\n**GL** (**first and last letters of **[extremes of] **GASTROINTESTINAL**) **+** **ITCH** (irritation)\n \u00a0\n\n**GLITCH** (minor error or mishap, hiccup or temporary difficulty)"} {"Clue":"27\/22\/7's extremely melancholic and evasive (5)","Answer":"MCCOY","Explanation":"Definition: 27\/22\/7\n**MC** (**first and last letters of **[extremely] **MELANCHOLIC**) **+** **COY** (evasive)\n \u00a0\n\n**MCCOY** (reference Sylvester **MCCOY**,the seventh actor to play 22\/27)"} {"Clue":"27\/22\/2's tenor, feeling unwell, ultimately brought on (9)","Answer":"TROUGHTON","Explanation":"Definition: 27\/22\/2\n**T** (tenor) **+** **ROUGH** (feeling unwell) **+** **T** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **BROUGHT**) **+** **ON**\n \u00a0\n\n**TROUGHTON** (reference Patrick **TROUGHTON**, the second actor to play 27\/22)"} {"Clue":"27\/22\/8's centre of gravity described by German writer? (6)","Answer":"MCGANN","Explanation":"Definition: 27\/22\/8\n**CG** (centre of gravity) **contained in** (described by) **MANN** (reference Thomas **MANN** [1875 \u2013 1955] German novelist and short story writer)\n **M** (**CG**) **ANN**\n\n**MCGANN** (reference Paul **MCGANN**, eighth actor to play 27\/22)"} {"Clue":"Right away, crackpot pursues exhausts (4,2)","Answer":"USES UP","Explanation":"Definition: exhausts\n**Anagram of **(crackpot) **PURSUES** **excluding** (away) **R** (right)\n **USES UP***\n\n**USES UP** (exhausts)"} {"Clue":"A noisy fuss 22 reported in this year (3-2)","Answer":"HOO-HA","Explanation":"Definition: A noisy fuss \n**HOO** (**sounds like** [reported] **WHO** [22 down]) **+** **HA** (from the Latin hoc anno, in this year)\n \u00a0\n\n**HOO-HA **(noisy fuss)"} {"Clue":"Feature of sailing vessel mother isn't about to accept rising in the morning (8)","Answer":"MAINMAST","Explanation":"Definition: Feature of sailing vessel\n**MA** (mother) **+** (**an anagram of** [about] **ISN'T** **containing** [to accept] [**AM** {in the morning} **reversed** {rising}])\n **MA** **IN** (**MA**<) **ST***\n\n**MAINMAST** (important feature of a sailing vessel)"} {"Clue":"Once again drink a toast to theatre over 7D (8)","Answer":"REPLEDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Once again drink a toast to\n**REP** (reference **REPERTORY **theatre) **+** **LEDGE** (7 down)\n \u00a0\n\n**REPLEDGE** (once again **PLEDGE** [drink a toast to])"} {"Clue":"Sheltered Director-General attached strip (5)","Answer":"LEDGE","Explanation":"Definition: attached strip\n**DG** (Director General) contained in **LEE** (sheltered side) The clue 'Sheltered Director General' could be expressed as' Director General in a sheltered spot' or **DG** in a **LEE** giving in as the containment indicator\n **LE** (**DG**) **E**\n\n**LEDGE** (attached strip)"} {"Clue":"Silver under gold's elaborately ornamented (6)","Answer":"ORNATE","Explanation":"Definition: elaborately ornamented\nThe entry has to be **ORNATE** and **OR** is the reference to gold. That leaves **NATE** to be associated with silver. The only association I can find is an American named **NATE **Silver who is described by Wikipedia as an American statistician and writer who analyzes baseball and elections. He is currently the editor-in-chief of ESPN's FiveThirtyEight blog and a Special Correspondent for ABC News\n I hope I'm wrong with this suggestion and there is some far more obvious association between **NATE** and silver that I can't see.\n\n**ORNATE** (elaborately ornamented)"} {"Clue":"No-good monarch's family (3)","Answer":"KIN","Explanation":"Definition: family\n**KING** (monarch) **excluding** (no) **G** (good)\n \u00a0\n\n**KIN** (belonging to the same family)"} {"Clue":"One-time Kiwi runner's detailed complaint (3)","Answer":"MOA","Explanation":"Definition: complaint\n**MOA****N** (complaint) excluding the final letter (de-tailed) **N**\n \u00a0\n\n**MOA** (a gigantic extinct [one-time] bird (genus Dinornis) of New Zealand [Kiwi], resembling an ostrich [runner])"} {"Clue":"Disappear vehicle key in eastern Spain (8)","Answer":"EVANESCE","Explanation":"Definition: Disappear\n(**VAN** [vehicle] + **ESC** [Escape key on a keyboard]) **contained in** (in) (**E** [eastern] **+** **E** [International Vehicle Registration for Spain {Espa\u00f1a])\n **E** (**VAN** **ESC**) **E**\n\n**EVANESCE** (vanish; disappear)"} {"Clue":"Like horseshoes, perhaps for dead cert at Ascot (6,2)","Answer":"NAILED ON","Explanation":"Definition: Like horseshoes\n**NAILED ON** (horseshoes are **NAILED ON** to horses' hooves)\n \u00a0\n\n**NAILED ON** ([of a horse] considered to be a near-certainty to win, e.g. at Ascot racecourse)"} {"Clue":"Simpleton to casually improvise on a guitar, say (6)","Answer":"NOODLE","Explanation":"Definition: Simpleton\n**NOODLE **(simpleton)\n \u00a0\n\n**NOODLE** (to improvise on a musical instrument [e.g. on a guitar] in a casual or desultory way, especially in jazz) double definition"} {"Clue":"Man leaving Greek island character there? (3)","Answer":"RHO","Explanation":"Definition: character there\n**RHO****DES** (Greek island) **excluding** (leaving) **DES** (man's name)\n \u00a0\n\n**RHO** (character of the Greek alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Anyone that resides in brew-houses? (3)","Answer":"WHO","Explanation":"Definition: Anyone that\n**WHO** (**hidden word in** [resides in] **BREW-HOUSES**)\n \u00a0\n\n**WHO** (anyone that)"} {"Clue":"Stew recipe? Starter of offal wrapped in a stomach (6)","Answer":"RAGOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Stew\n**R** (recipe) **+** (**O** [**first letter of** {starter of} **OFFAL** **contained in** [wrapped in] [**A** **+** **GUT** {stomach}])\n **R** A **G** (**O**) **UT**\n\n**RAGOUT** (highly seasoned stew of meat and vegetables)"} {"Clue":"27\/22\/11's mum entertaining American college (5)","Answer":"SMITH","Explanation":"Definition: 27\/22\/11\n**SH** (be quiet; keep mum) **containing** (entertaining) **MIT** (Massachusetts Institute of Technology; American College)\n **S** (**MIT**) **H**\n\n**SMITH** (reference Matt **SMITH**, eleventh actor to play 27\/22)"} {"Clue":"Tipped up rubbish fish bones? (6)","Answer":"DOCTOR","Explanation":"Definition: bones\n(**ROT **[rubbish] **+** **COD** [fish]) **all reversed** (tipped up; down clue)\n (**DOC** **TOR**)<\n\n**DOCTOR** (bones is a nickname for a **DOCTOR**)"} {"Clue":"Get to know tragic character's destination in the end (5)","Answer":"LEARN","Explanation":"Definition: Get to know\n**LEAR **(reference Shakespeare's Tragedy of King LEAR) **+** **N** (**last letter of** [in the end] **DESTINATION**)\n \u00a0\n\n**LEARN** (get to know)"} {"Clue":"Wild beast and tailless dog getting on (8)","Answer":"BOARDING","Explanation":"Definition: getting on\n**BOAR** (wild beast) **+ ****DING****O** (dog) **excluding the final letter** (tailless) **O**\n \u00a0\n\n**BOARDING** (getting on)"} {"Clue":"Boy ran amok in noble land (6)","Answer":"BARONY","Explanation":"Definition: noble land\n**Anagram of **(amok) **BOY RAN**\n **BARONY***\n\n**BARONY** (the territory of a BARON; noble land)"} {"Clue":"What about vinyl record, one by the Beatles? (4)","Answer":"HELP","Explanation":"Definition: one by the Beatles\n**EH** (what) **reversed** (about) **+** **LP** (long playing record; vinyl record)\n **HE**< **LP** \n\n**HELP** (long playing record issued by the Beatles)"} {"Clue":"Thinking about duke, one fighting at Waterloo with no end of spirit (8,2)","Answer":"DWELLING ON","Explanation":"Definition: Thinking about\n**D **(duke) **+** **WELLING****T****ON** (reference the Duke of **WELLING****T****ON**\u00a0who led the victorious armies at the Battle of Waterloo) **excluding** (with no) **T** (**last letter of **[end of] **SPIRIT**)\n \u00a0\n\n**DWELLING ON** (thinking about)"} {"Clue":"007 embraces new nice lady, corrupted before end of the film (6,3,5)","Answer":"BONNIE AND CLYDE","Explanation":"Definition: film\n(**BOND** [reference James **BOND** {007}] **containing** [embraces] **an anagram of** [corrupted] [**N** {new} **NICE** and **LADY**]) **+** **E** (last letter of [end of] **THE**)\n **BON** (**N****IE** **A****N****D** **C****LY***) **D** **E**\n\n**BONNIE AND CLYDE** (film)"} {"Clue":"Not standing upright, like worker after end of toil (6)","Answer":"ASLANT","Explanation":"Definition: Not standing upright\n**AS** (like) **+** **L** **(last letter of** [end of] **TOIL**) **+** **ANT** (worker)\n \u00a0\n\n**ASLANT** (not standing upright)"} {"Clue":"Savages ambassador close to capital city (8)","Answer":"HEATHENS","Explanation":"Definition: Savages\n**HE** (His \/ Her Excellency; form of address when speaking to or writing to an\u00a0Ambassador) **+** **ATHENS** (capital city of Greece)\n \u00a0\n\n**HEATHENS** (savages)"} {"Clue":"Devon's equivalent to Rushmore, might one say? (8)","Answer":"DARTMOOR","Explanation":"Definition: Devon's equivalent to Rushmore, might one say\n**DART** (rush) **+** **MOOR** (**sounds like** [might one say] **MORE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**DARTMOOR** (tourist attraction in Devon. Mount **RUSHMORE** with faces of four American Presidents carved into the granite face\u00a0is an American tourist attraction)"} {"Clue":"Approach officers during manoeuvre (6)","Answer":"ACCOST","Explanation":"Definition: Approach\n**COS** (Commanding Officers) **contained in** (during) **ACT** (manoeuvre)\n **AC** (**COS**) **T**\n\n**ACCOST** (approach)"} {"Clue":"Explicit quality of a French book ultimately confiscated by head (14)","Answer":"UNRESERVEDNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Explicit quality\n**UN** (one of the forms of 'a' in French) **+** **RESERVE** (book) **+ D** (**last letter of **[ultimately] **CONFISCATED**) **+ NESS **(headland)\n \u00a0\n\n**UNRESERVEDNESS** (explicit quality)"} {"Clue":"'Rheinbund\" assembled by German commander in WW1 (10)","Answer":"HINDENBURG","Explanation":"Definition: commander in WW1\n**Anagram of **(assembled) **RHEINBUND** **+ G** (German)\n **HINDENBUR*** **G**\n\n**HINDENBURG** (reference Paul von **HINDENBURG**, Chief of the German General Staff [1916 \u2013 1919] and President of Germany [1919 \u2013 1934]; commander in World War 1)\n German could do double duty in the clue as he was not only a WW1 commander but he was a German WW1 commander)"} {"Clue":"Monthly earnings cut for a period of time (4)","Answer":"YEAR","Explanation":"Definition: period of time\n**YEAR** (**hidden word in** [cut]) **MONTHLY EARNINGS**\n \u00a0\n\n**YEAR** (period of time)"} {"Clue":"Economist making important points (6)","Answer":"KEYNES","Explanation":"Definition: Economist\n**KEY** (important) **+** **NES** (North, East and South; points of the compass)\n \u00a0\n\n**KEYNES** (reference John Maynard **KEYNES** [1883 \u2013 1946], British economist)"} {"Clue":"In conclusion you'll find me doing editor's job (8)","Answer":"EMENDING","Explanation":"Definition: doing editor's job\n**ME** **contained in** (in) **ENDING** (conclusion)\n **E **(**ME**) **NDING**\n\n**EMENDING** (making alterations with a view to improving a text; doing editor's job)"} {"Clue":"Old nurse arranged to accept nothing too demanding? (7)","Answer":"ONEROUS","Explanation":"Definition: too demanding\n**O** [old] + **an anagram of **(arranged) **NURSE**) **containing** (**O** [nothing])\n **O** **NER** (**O**)** US***\n\n**ONEROUS** (burdensome; too demanding)"} {"Clue":"Sorry company's competitor has lost heart (9)","Answer":"REPENTANT","Explanation":"Definition: Sorry\n**REP** (repertory theatre; company) + **ENT****R****ANT** (competitor) **excluding the middle letter** (lost heart) **R**\n \u00a0\n\n**REPENTANT** (sorry)"} {"Clue":"Film company popular before decline (5)","Answer":"INDIE","Explanation":"Definition: Film company\n**IN** (popular) **+** **DIE** (decline)\n \u00a0\n\n**INDIE** (independent film production company)"} {"Clue":"Environmentalist added to graph on recycling; that's the spirit (5,10)","Answer":"GREEN CHARTREUSE","Explanation":"Definition: spirit\n**GREEN** (informal word to describe an environmentalist) **+** **CHART** (graph) **+** **RE-USE** (recycling)\n \u00a0\n\n**GREEN CHARTREUSE** (liqueur; spirit)"} {"Clue":"A holiday with a dog, proceeding northwards round lake somewhere in Ukraine (9)","Answer":"BALACLAVA","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in Ukraine\n(**A ****+**** VAC **[vacation; holiday] **+ A + LAB** [labrador; dog]) **reversed** (proceeding northwards; down clue) **containing** (round) **L** (lake)\n **BAL** **A** **C** (**L**) **AV** **A**<\n\n**BALACLAVA** (possible spelling of **BALAKLAVA**, a town in the Crimean peninsula. Technically in Ukraine, but the Crimean peninsula is currently not under the control of the government in Kiev)"} {"Clue":"Oddly nude, streak about, being so lustful? (5)","Answer":"RANDY","Explanation":"Definition: lustful\n**RAY** (streak) **containing** (about) **ND** (**odd letters of** [oddly] **N****U****D****E**)\n **RA** (**ND**) **Y**\n\n**RANDY** (lustful)"} {"Clue":"Very tearful female relative accepts one award (7)","Answer":"NIOBEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Very tearful\n**NAN **(grandmother; female relative) **containing** (accepts) (**I** [one] **+** **OBE** {Order of the British Empire; award])\n **N** (**I** **OBE**) **AN**\n\n**NIOBEAN** (like **NIOBE** [a daughter of Tantalus, turned into stone as she wept for her children, slain by Artemis and Apollo]; tearful)"} {"Clue":"Many in south condemned female writer (9)","Answer":"THOUSANDS","Explanation":"Definition: Many \n**SAND** (reference George **SAND**, pseudonym of the French female writer Amantine-Lucile-Aurore Dupin [1804 \u2013 1876]) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (condemned) **SOUTH**\n **THOU** (**SAND**) **S***\n\n**THOUSANDS** (many)"} {"Clue":"Dull journalist's wish overturned by editor (9)","Answer":"HACKNEYED","Explanation":"Definition: Dull \n**HACK** (journalist) **+** (**YEN** [wish] **reversed** [overturned]) **+** **ED** (editor)\n **HACK** **NEY**< **ED**\n\n**HACKNEYED** (dulled by excessive use)"} {"Clue":"In Lincoln you'll see us four inflicting cruelty (7)","Answer":"ABUSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: inflicting cruelty\n(**US** **+** **IV** [Roman numerals for four]) **contained in** (in) **ABE** (Abraham Lincoln)\n **AB** (**US** **IV**) **E**\n\n**ABUSIVE** (inflicting cruelty)"} {"Clue":"Support South American fighters at home (7)","Answer":"SUSTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Support\n**S** (South) **+** **US** (United States; American) **+** **TA** (Territorial Army; fighters) **+** **IN** (at home)\n \u00a0\n\n**SUSTAIN** (support)"} {"Clue":"A party held by sailors: it's a gas (5)","Answer":"RADON","Explanation":"Definition: gas\n(**A** **+ ****DO** [party]) **contained in** (held by) **RN** (Royal Navy; sailors)\n **R** (**A** **DO**) **N**\n\n**RADON** (gas)"} {"Clue":"Hunting dog decapitated bird (5)","Answer":"EAGLE","Explanation":"Definition: bird\n**BEAGLE** (hunting dog) **excluding the first letter** (decapitated) **B**\n \u00a0\n\n**EAGLE** (bird)"} {"Clue":"At top of charts with 18 rating in US movie category (4)","Answer":"NOIR","Explanation":"Definition: movie category\n**NO 1** [Number one; top of the charts) **+** **R** (American and Australian rating for films that are not suitable for display to anyone under the age of 18)\n \u00a0\n\n**NOIR** (reference **FILM**** NOIR** [\u00a0style of cinema film, popular in American cinema in the 1940s and 50s, in which the darker side of human nature is presented, in a bleak, often starkly urban setting.])"} {"Clue":"Stupidly Geri caught lip synching at beginning of her career? (5,4)","Answer":"SPICE GIRL","Explanation":"Definition: her career\n**Anagram of **(stupidly) (**GERI** and **C** (caught) and **LIP** and **S** [**first letter of** [{at beginning of} **SYNCHING**])\n S**PI****C****E GIR****L***\n\n**SPICE GIRL** (reference **GERI **Horner [n\u00e9e Halliwell], Ginger **SPICE**,\u00a0who came to prominence as a member of the **SPICE GIRL**s in the 1990s) The definition could be beginning of her career with beginning doing double duty"} {"Clue":"Quaint as opposed to America (3,5)","Answer":"OLD WORLD","Explanation":"Definition: Quaint\n**OLD WORLD** (America is termed the New World, so **OLD WORLD** is the opposite)\n \u00a0\n\n**OLD WORLD** (old fashioned and quaint)"} {"Clue":"Stop Wham! covering original (4,2)","Answer":"HOLD IT","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\n**HIT** (wham) **containing** (covering) **OLD** (original)\n **H** (**OLD**)** IT**\n\n**HOLD IT** (stop)"} {"Clue":"Sites regularly frequented by 18? (6)","Answer":"STANDS","Explanation":"Definition: Sites regularly frequented by 18\n**S** **T AND** **S** **(letters 1, 3 and 5** [regularly] of **S****I****T****E****S**)\n \u00a0\n\n**STANDS** (where members of the **FAN BASE** [18 across] may sit when watching games, concerts etc.)"} {"Clue":"Remove top from cosmetic item to improve appearance (8)","Answer":"AIRBRUSH","Explanation":"Definition: improve appearance\n**H****AIRBRUSH** (cosmetic item) **excluding** (remove) the first letter (top)\n \u00a0\n\n**AIRBRUSH** (touch up or tone down a photograph; improve appearance)"} {"Clue":"Ready to rumble ages ago (4,3)","Answer":"YEAR DOT","Explanation":"Definition: ages ago\n**Anagram of** (rumble) **READY TO**\n **YEAR D****OT***\n\n**YEAR DOT** (very long time ago)"} {"Clue":"Supporters? (3,4)","Answer":"FAN BASE","Explanation":"Definition: Supporters\n**FAN****** (supporter) + **BASE** (supporter). Taken together they are supporters plural\n \u00a0\n\n**FAN BASE** (the fans of a team, person or thing, considered as a demographic group; supporters)"} {"Clue":"Vehicle to get test or facing RAC tow-back (8)","Answer":"MOTORCAR","Explanation":"Definition: Vehicle\n**MOT** (Ministry of Transport test to assess the road worthiness of a vehicle) **+ OR** **+** (**RAC** **reversed** [tow-back])\n **MOT** **OR** **CAR**<\n\n**MOTORCAR** (vehicle)"} {"Clue":"Article about pot abuse overseas in the past? (3,3)","Answer":"THE RAJ","Explanation":"Definition: abuse overseas in the past\n**THE **(definite article) **+** (**JAR** [pot] reversed [about])\n **THE** **RAJ**<\n\n**THE RAJ** (rule, sovereignty; government, esp (with capitals) the British government of India, 1858 -1947) It seems to me that the definition is 'abuse overseas in the past'. I suspect some solvers would\u00a0argue that is an opinion rather than a definition. I was initially looking at 'abuse' as an anagram indicator."} {"Clue":"Important theoretician ultimately setting upon limits of economics (6)","Answer":"KEYNES","Explanation":"Definition: Important theoretician ultimately setting upon limits of economics\n**KEY** (important) **+** **N** (**final letter of** [ultimately] **THEORETICIAN**) **+ ES** (**first and last letters of** [limits of] **ECONOMICS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**KEYNES **(reference John Maynard **KEYNES** [1883 \u2013 1946], British economist whose ideas fundamentally affected the theory and practice of modern macroeconomics and the economic policies of governments) &Lit clue"} {"Clue":"Wandering up to caf\u00e9 to get this? (3,2,3)","Answer":"CUP OF TEA","Explanation":"Definition: this\n**Anagram of **(wandering) **UP TO CAF\u00c9**\n **CUP OF TEA***\n\n**CUP OF TEA** (something you pay purchase in a caf\u00e9)"} {"Clue":"Up for the Dominos deal with last of jalape\u00f1os removed (2,3,4)","Answer":"IN THE MOOD","Explanation":"Definition: Up for\n**Anagram of** (deal) **THE DOMINOS excluding** (removed) **S** (f**inal letter of** [last of] **JALAPE\u00d1OS**) reference **DOMINO'S** Pizza\n **IN** **THE** **MOOD***\n\n**IN THE MOOD **(up for)"} {"Clue":"Foreigner in Windsor perhaps returning after bar cleared out (4)","Answer":"ARAB","Explanation":"Definition: Up for\n**Anagram of** (deal) **THE DOMINOS excluding** (removed) **S** (f**inal letter of** [last of] **JALAPE\u00d1OS**) reference **DOMINO'S** Pizza\n **IN** **THE** **MOOD***\n\n**IN THE MOOD **(up for)"} {"Clue":"Slang word for 27 he removed from language (4)","Answer":"BREW","Explanation":"Definition: Slang word for 27\n**HEBREW** (language) **excluding** (removed from) **HE**\n \u00a0\n\n**BREW **(informal [slang] word for a **CUP OF TEA** [27 across])"} {"Clue":"Another 1 requires press or filter (8)","Answer":"ESPRESSO","Explanation":"Definition: Another 1\n**ESPRESSO** (**hidden word in** [filter] **REQUIRES PRESS OR**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ESPRESSO** (coffee; another** BREW** [1 down])"} {"Clue":"Getting home David Beckham initially embraced by Posh perhaps \u2013 she likes to talk (7)","Answer":"WINDBAG","Explanation":"Definition: she likes to talk\n(**IN** [home] **+** **DB** [initials of **DAVID BECKHAM**]) **contained in** (embraced by) **WAG** (reference Victoria Beckham [Posh Spice from the Spice Girls], wife of David Beckham. **WAG** refers to wives and girlfriends of professional sportsmen)\n **W** (**IN** **DB**) **AG**\n\n**WINDBAG** (\u00a0person of mere words, an excessively talkative person communicating little of interest or value; this person can, of course, be male as well as female)"} {"Clue":"Heater moved air towards the upper regions (6)","Answer":"AETHER","Explanation":"Definition: air towards the upper regions\n**Anagram of **(moved) **HEATER**\n **AETHER***\n\n**AETHER **(variant spelling of **ETHER** [the clear, upper air;])"} {"Clue":"Hidey-hole in lift for some 30's money \u2026 (4)","Answer":"RIAL","Explanation":"Definition: 30's money\n**LAIR** (den or retreat; hidey-hole) **reversed** (to lift; down clue)\n **LAIR**<\n\n**RIAL** (the standard monetary unit of Iran, Oman and (also riyal) Saudi Arabia and the Yemen Arab Republic; **ARAB**'s [30 across] money)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 is almost revealed over at the entrance (8)","Answer":"ELLIPSIS","Explanation":"Definition: \u2026\n(**SPILLE****D** [revealed] **excluding the final letter **[almost] **D**) **reversed** (over) **+** **IS**\n 'At the entrance' directs that **ELLIPS**< comes before **IS**\n\n**ELLIPSIS** (the mark \u2026)"} {"Clue":"One billed for towel at sea (5)","Answer":"OWLET","Explanation":"Definition: One billed\n**Anagram of **(at sea) **TOWEL**\n **OWLET***\n\n**OWLET** (a bird with a beak \/ bill; one billed)"} {"Clue":"Drug baron managed to return to business (5)","Answer":"NARCO","Explanation":"Definition: Drug baron\n**RAN** (managed) **reversed** (to return) **+ CO** (company; business)\n **NAR< CO**\n\n**NARCO** (defined in Chambers as a drugs agent; that seems to me to refer to someone who hunts down drug barons rather than to a drug baron him or herself. The prefix **NARCO**\u2013 refers to 'connected with or derived from illicit drug production' so that might bring in the baron))"} {"Clue":"Russian capital's centre half cleared of debris (5)","Answer":"RUBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Russian capital\n**RUBBLE** (debris) **excluding** [cleared] **one of the middle two** [centre half] **B**s\n \u00a0\n\n**RUBLE** (one spelling of the standard monetary unit of Russia; Russia's capital)"} {"Clue":"Second broken toe in Morecambe? Weird! (8)","Answer":"ESOTERIC","Explanation":"Definition: Weird\n(**S** [second] **+** **an anagram of** [broken] **TOE**) **contained in** (in) **ERIC** (Christian name of late\u00a0comedian **ERIC** Morecambe [1926 \u2013 1984])\n **E** **(S** **OTE***) **RIC**\n\n**ESOTERIC** (inner; secret; mysterious; weird)"} {"Clue":"One directly opposed to exorbitant Ipod earphone covers (8)","Answer":"ANTIPODE","Explanation":"Definition: One directly opposed to\n**ANTIPODE **(**hidden word in** [covers] **EXORBITANT IPOD EARPHONE**\n \u00a0\n\n**ANTIPODE **(a point or place diametrically opposite to another on the surface of the earth or of any globular body or sphere; generally expressed as a plural)"} {"Clue":"He's left the carrot to moulder in agricultural machine (7)","Answer":"TRACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: agricultural machine\n**THE excluding** (left) **HE + an anagram of** (to moulder)** ****CARROT** \n **T** **RACTOR***\n\n**TRACTOR** (agricultural machine)"} {"Clue":"Money we handed over for bar snack, perhaps (6)","Answer":"CASHEW","Explanation":"Definition: agricultural machine\n**THE excluding** (left) **HE + an anagram of** (to moulder)** ****CARROT** \n **T** **RACTOR***\n\n**TRACTOR** (agricultural machine)"} {"Clue":"A kidney's finally removed in theatre (5)","Answer":"ARENA","Explanation":"Definition: theatre\n**A** **+ RENAL** (of the kidney; kidney's) **excluding** (removed) **the last letter** (finally) **L**\n \u00a0\n\n**ARENA** (theatre)"} {"Clue":"Not an organisation to ignore transgression ultimately (4)","Answer":"NATO","Explanation":"Definition: Not an organisation to ignore transgression ultimately\n**Anagram of **(organisation) **NOT A****N** **excluding** (to ignore) **N** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **TRANSGRESSION**)\n **NATO***\n\n**NATO** (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation; military alliance. An organisation that should not ignore transgression against its members))"} {"Clue":"Primarily liking to tuck into ice lolly could lead to this? (4)","Answer":"FLAB","Explanation":"Definition: Primarily liking to tuck into ice lolly could lead to this\n**L** (**first letter of** [primarily] **LIKING**) **contained in** (tucking into) **FAB** (ice lolly introduced by J Lyons in 1967. Still on sale today)\n **F** (**L**) **AB**\n\n**FLAB** (eating too many **FAB**s may give you a paunch and **FLAB**) possible &Lit, but the definition may simply be 'this'."} {"Clue":"Like hints from everyone I see in employment (8)","Answer":"ALLUSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Like hints\n**ALL** (everyone) **+** ([**I** **+** **V** {vide; Latin for see}] **contained in** [in] **USE** [employment])\n **ALL ****US** (**I** **V**) **E**\n\n**ALLUSIVE** (hinting; like hints)"} {"Clue":"Head for pool, full-length, in old-style dive (5)","Answer":"PLONG","Explanation":"Definition: old-style dive\n**P** (**first letter of** [head for] **POOL**) **+** **LONG** (full-length)\n \u00a0\n\n**PLONG** (Spenserian [old-style] word for plunge [dive])"} {"Clue":"Counterfeit murals I reproduced (7)","Answer":"SIMULAR","Explanation":"Definition: Counterfeit\n**Anagram of **(reproduced) **MURALS I**\n **S****I****MULAR***\n\n**SIMULAR** (counterfeit)"} {"Clue":"Board games like this, endlessly dreary, looking back (5)","Answer":"LUDOS","Explanation":"Definition: Board games\n(**SO** [like this] **+** **DUL****L** [dreary] **excluding the final letter** [endlessly] **L**) **all reversed** (looking back)\n (**LUD** **OS**)<\n\n**LUDOS** (plural of the board game **LUDO**, to gibe board games)"} {"Clue":"This lawyer provides some support \u2013 granny's in step (6)","Answer":"PENANG","Explanation":"Definition: This lawyer provides some support \n**NAN **(granny) **contained in** (in) **PEG** (degree or step)\n **PE** (**NAN**) **G**\n\n**PENANG** (reference **PENANG** lawyer [a walking-stick made from the stem of a prickly dwarf palm; an object that provides some support])"} {"Clue":"Old silken cloth, splendid round a border (9)","Answer":"FARANDINE","Explanation":"Definition: Old silken cloth\n**FINE** (splendid) **containing** (around) (**A** **+**** RAND** [border])\n **F** (**A** **RAND**) **INE**\n\n**FARANDINE** (obsolete word [old] for a cloth or a dress of silk with wool or hair.; old silken cloth)"} {"Clue":"Stumped, admitting uncertainty in filtering process (4)","Answer":"SIFT","Explanation":"Definition: filtering process\n**ST** (stumped [cricketing abbreviation]) **containing** (admitting) **IF **(an uncertainty)\n **S** (**IF**) **T**\n\n**SIFT** (filtering process)"} {"Clue":"Meat chopped with a chisel partly (6)","Answer":"HACHIS","Explanation":"Definition: Meat chopped\n**HACHIS** (**hidden word in** [partly] **WITH A CHISEL**)\n \u00a0\n\n**HACHIS** (minced [chopped] meat)"} {"Clue":"Hot? I have put on that old straw hat (4)","Answer":"HIVE","Explanation":"Definition: old straw hat\n**H** (hot) **+** **I'VE** (I have)\n \u00a0\n\n**HIVE** (a hat of plaited straw shaped like an old beehive)"} {"Clue":"Amino acid: number mostly short of multiple thereof (9)","Answer":"THREONINE","Explanation":"Definition: Amino acid\n**THREE** (number) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **E** **+** **O** (**abbreviation of **[shortl] **OF**) **+ NINE** (multiple of **THREE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**THREONINE **(an amino acid essential for bodily growth and health, present in certain proteins.)"} {"Clue":"One wandering around Romania and America (6)","Answer":"ROAMER","Explanation":"Definition: One wandering \n**RO** (International Vehicle Registration for Romania) **+** **AMER **(America)\n \u00a0\n\n**ROAMER** (one who wanders)"} {"Clue":"Once off course, sailor lost point (5)","Answer":"ABORD","Explanation":"Definition: Once off course,\n**AB** (able seaman; sailor) **+** **ORD** (obsolete word for [lost] point, for example of a weapon)\n \u00a0\n\n**ABORD **(Spenserian [old; once] word for astray; once off course)"} {"Clue":"Symptoms originating in subcontinent, reverse of ideal (7)","Answer":"INDICIA","Explanation":"Definition: Symptoms\n**INDIC** (originating or existing in the subcontinent of India ) **+** (**AI **[A1; ideal] **reversed** [reverse of])\n **INDIC** **IA**<\n\n**INDICIA** (symptoms)"} {"Clue":"English rose? Rose less red at the edges (5)","Answer":"BELLE","Explanation":"Definition: English rose\n**REBELLED** (rose) excluding (less) the letters of **RED** forming the edges\n \u00a0\n\n**BELLE **(a beautiful woman or girl similar to an 'English rose' who is\u00a0defined as an English girl with a fair complexion and regarded as classically beautiful)"} {"Clue":"Showing dramatic style is in A. Behn, not hard to work out (8)","Answer":"IBSENIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Showing dramatic style\n**Anagram of **(work out) **IS IN A BEHN** **excluding** (not) **H** (hard when describing pencil lead)\n **I****B****S****EN****I**A**N***\n\n**IBSENIAN** (in the style of Henrik IBSEN [1828 \u2013 1906], Norwegian playwright; showing dramatic style)"} {"Clue":"Nobleman, one with land scattered round Spain and a little bit of Oman (10)","Answer":"ADELANTADO","Explanation":"Definition: Nobleman\n**A** (one) **+** (**an anagram of** [scattered] **LAND** **containing** [round] **E** [International Vehicle Registration for Spain {Espana}]) **+** **TAD** (a little) **+** **O** (one letter of [a bit of] Oman)\n **A** (**D** (**E**) **LAN***) **TAD** **O**\n\n**ADELANTADO** (grandee or provincial governor in Spain; nobleman)"} {"Clue":"Stale beer, messy lap getting caught in facial hair (7)","Answer":"TAPLASH","Explanation":"Definition: Stale beer\n**Anagram of** (messy) **LAP** **contained in** (getting caught in) **TASH** (moustache; facial hair)\n **T** (**APL***) **ASH**\n\n**TAPLASH** (poor or weak alcohol, esp stale beer; the dregs from a cask.)"} {"Clue":"Distorted declaration of affections, we hear, stuff that's settled in bed? (7)","Answer":"ILLUVIA","Explanation":"Definition: stuff that's settled in bed\n**ALLUVIA** (**sounds like** [we hear] **I LUV YOU** [declaration of affection] or **AH\u00a0LOOV YAH** in a distorted form)\n This could be either **ALLUVIA** or **ILLUVIA** (**I LOOV YAH**) but although **ILLUVIUM** is in Chambers, **ILLUVIA** isn't as far as I can see.\n\n**ILLUVIA** (material, including mineral salts, fine clay and silt particles, dissolved or suspended in water and transported from one layer of soil to a lower layer where they are deposited.)"} {"Clue":"Good line introducing poem passed smoothly for poet (5)","Answer":"GLODE","Explanation":"Definition: passed smoothly for poet\n**G** (good) **+** **L** (line) **+ ODE** (poem)\n \u00a0\n\n**GLODE** (Spenserian [poet] form of **GLIDED** [passed smoothly])"} {"Clue":"Mediocre series, frequently on edge and incompetent (12)","Answer":"RUN-OF-THE-MILL","Explanation":"Definition: Mediocre\n**RUN** (series) **+** **OFT** (frequently) **+** **HEM** (edge) **+** **ILL** (incompetent, of temper etc)\n \u00a0\n\n**RUN-OF-THE-MILL** (mediocre)"} {"Clue":"Writer welcoming hush in eaterie (6)","Answer":"BISTRO","Explanation":"Definition: eaterie\n**BIRO** (pen; writer) **containing** (welcoming) '**ST** (hush) \n **BI **(**ST**) **RO**\n\n**BISTRO** (small bar or restaurant; eaterie)"} {"Clue":"Shrine people found in ancient Ionian location (7)","Answer":"TEMENOS","Explanation":"Definition: Shrine\n**MEN** (people) **contained in** (found in) **TEOS** (ancient Greek city on the coast of Ionia)\n **TE** (**MEN**) **OS**\n\n**TEMENOS** (a place dedicated to a god, a sacred precinct; shrine)"} {"Clue":"Form of grate, or grill (Scottish) (5)","Answer":"TARGE","Explanation":"Definition: grill (Scottish)\n**Anagram of **(form of) **GRATE**\n **TARGE***\n\n**TARGE** (Scottish word meaning 'cross-examine'; grill [Scottish])"} {"Clue":"Steer on avoiding collision (4)","Answer":"CANN","Explanation":"Definition: Steer\n**CANN****ON** (noun form derived from 'to collide'; collision) **excluding** (avoiding) **ON** \n \u00a0\n\n**CANN** (variant of con [steer])"} {"Clue":"One opening OED at random spies Linnaean class (7)","Answer":"DIOECIA","Explanation":"Definition: Linnaean class\n**(I** [one] **contained in** [opening] an **anagram of** [at random] **OED**) **+ CIA** (Central Intelligence Agency; spies)\n **D**\u00a0(**I**) **OE*** **CIA**\n\n**DIOECIA** (a class in the Linnaean system)"} {"Clue":"Common feature Ravel adapted in one of his pieces? (7)","Answer":"OVERLAP","Explanation":"Definition: Common feature\n**Anagram of** (adapted) **RAVEL** **contained in** (in) **OP** (opus; usually a term ascribed to a musical work. **RAVEL** was a composer)\n **O** (**VERLA***) **P**\n\n**OVERLAP** (coincide in part with; common feature)"} {"Clue":"Dad with need for a change, lacking prospects (7)","Answer":"DEAD-END","Explanation":"Definition: lacking prospects\n**Anagram of **(for a change) **DAD** and **NEED**\n **D****E****AD**\u2013**END***\n\n**DEAD-END** (leading nowhere; lacking prospects)"} {"Clue":"Bit of classical Latin read in translation, or crib (6)","Answer":"CRADLE","Explanation":"Definition: lacking prospects\n**Anagram of **(for a change) **DAD** and **NEED**\n **D****E****AD**\u2013**END***\n\n**DEAD-END** (leading nowhere; lacking prospects)"} {"Clue":"A youngster brought up before strict heartless old judge (6)","Answer":"DIKAST","Explanation":"Definition: old judge\n(**A** **+** **KID** [youngster]) **reversed** (brought up; down clue) **+** **ST** (letters remaining from **S****TRIC****T** when the **central letters** [heart] are\u00a0**excluded** [less])\n (**DIK** **A**)< **ST**\n\n**DIKAST** (one of the 6000 Athenians annually chosen to act as judges; old judge)"} {"Clue":"Little girl? That's her, without a man, in a Turner (5)","Answer":"TRINA","Explanation":"Definition: Little girl\n(**HER** **excluding** [without] **HE** [descriptive of a man]) **contained in** (in) **TINA** (reference singer **TINA TURNER** [1939 \u2013 date] American singer)\n **T** (**R**) **INA**\n\n**TRINA** (shortened girls name [little]; diminutive of Catriona)"} {"Clue":"Suspended disused trading company (4)","Answer":"HONG","Explanation":"Definition: Suspended disused\n**HONG** (obsolete [disused] form of **HANG** or **HUNG** [suspended])\n \u00a0\n\n**HONG** (one of the multinational trading and financial companies based in Hong Kong) double definition"} {"Clue":"Fine medley, part of exam submission (5)","Answer":"FOLIO","Explanation":"Definition: part of exam submission\n**F** (fine) **+** **OLIO** (medley)\n \u00a0\n\n**FOLIO** (a body of written work submitted as part of an examination)"} {"Clue":"Has largely to restrain urge \u2013 he might be spotted (5)","Answer":"HYENA","Explanation":"Definition: he might be spotted \n**HA** (**2 out of 3** [largely] **HAS**) **containing** (to restrain) **YEN** (intense desire; urge)\n **H** (**YEN**) **A**\n\n**HYENA** (a **SPOTTED** **HYENA** is an animal (genus Crocuta) resembling a **HYENA**, that produces a sound like a hysterical laugh)"} {"Clue":"One presenting from Austria and Switzerland in French (9)","Answer":"ANCHORMAN","Explanation":"Definition: One presenting\n**A** (International Vehicle Registration for Austria) **+** (**CH** [Confederatio Helvetica; Switzerland] **contained in** [in] **NORMAN** [relating to inhabitants of **NORMAN**DY in France; French])\n **A** **N** (**CH**) **ORMAN**\n\n**ANCHORMAN** (one who presents a news programme or a discussion on television)"} {"Clue":"Making love with 'bad' Marge curious way to pass time (5,4)","Answer":"BOARD GAME","Explanation":"Definition: way to pass time\n**Anagram of **(making \u2026 curious) (**O** [zero; love score in tennis] and **BAD MARGE**)\n **B****O****A****R****D** **GAME***\n\n**BOARD GAME** (playing a **BOARD GAME** is one way to pass time)"} {"Clue":"Old master since put outside \u2013 they'll be asking questions (5)","Answer":"EXAMS","Explanation":"Definition: they'll be asking questions \n**EX** (old) **+** (**AS** [since] **containing** [outside] **M** [master]\n **EX** **A** (**M**) **S**\n\n**EXAMS** (**EXAM** papers pose questions)"} {"Clue":"Deliverer from harm \u2013 fifty saved by one (7)","Answer":"MAILMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Deliverer\n(**L** [Roman numeral for 50] **contained in** [saved by] **MAIM** [harm]) **+** **AN** (one)\n **MAI** (**L**) **M** **AN**\n\n**MAILMAN** (one who delivers; deliverer)"} {"Clue":"Wickets at regular intervals \u2013 let's hit bowler's target (7)","Answer":"SKITTLE","Explanation":"Definition: bowler's target\n**Anagram of **(hit) (**IKT** **[letters 2, 4 and 6** {at regular intervals} of **WICKETS** ]and **LETS**)\n **S****KIT****TLE***\n\n**SKITTLE** (the target of players in a bowling alley or in a pub)"} {"Clue":"Song and dance about Romeo with troubles (body part out of action) (15)","Answer":"CONGRATULATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Song\n(**CONGA** [example of a dance] **containing** [about] **R** [Romeo is the international communications codeword for the letter **R**]) + **T****RIB****ULATIONS** (troubles) **excluding** (out of action) **RIB** (body part)\n **CONG** *(**R**) **A** **TULATIONS**\n\n**CONGRATULATIONS** (title of a song that Cliff Richard sang in the Eurovision Song Contest in 1968. It came second, one point behind the winning song from Spain)"} {"Clue":"Union activity in 23 locality (7)","Answer":"WEDDING","Explanation":"Definition: Union activity\n**WEDDING **(a locality in the borough of Mitte, **BERLIN** [23 down])\n \u00a0\n\n**WEDDING** (act of uniting; union activity) double definition"} {"Clue":"Paper clip forbidden? Old invigilator's beginning to get flustered (7)","Answer":"TABLOID","Explanation":"Definition: Paper\n**Take the last letter U off** (clip) **TAB****U** (forbidden) **+ an anagram of** (get flustered) (**OLD** and **I **[**first letter of** {beginning to} **INVIGILATOR**}])\n **TAB** **LO****I****D***\n\n**TABLOID **(paper)"} {"Clue":"Important figures in 10 related stirring tales at the end (5)","Answer":"KINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Important figures in 10\n**KIN** (related) **+** **GS** (**last letters** [at the end] **of each of** **STIRRING** and **TALES**)\n \u00a0\n\n**KINGS** (important figures on a chess board(a **BOARD GAME**; 10 across])"} {"Clue":"Cut its centre out (9)","Answer":"INTERSECT","Explanation":"Definition: Cut\n**Anagram of** (out) **IT'S CENTRE**\n **INTERSECT***\n\n**INTERSECT** (cut across)"} {"Clue":"Nice behind! Irene's rear (not small) being wiggled (2,7)","Answer":"EN","Explanation":"Definition: Nice behind\n**Anagram of **\u00a0(being wiggled) **IRENE'****S**** REAR** **excluding** (not) **S** (small)\n **EN** **A****R****R****I****\u00c8****RE***\n\n**EN ARRI\u00c8RE** (behind or in the rear in French [Nice is a city in France])"} {"Clue":"Short bird worshipped travel guide round holiday hotspot (5)","Answer":"IBIZA","Explanation":"Definition: holiday hotspot \n**IBIS** (reference the sacred **IBIS**, a bird worshipped by ancient Egyptians) **excluding the final letter** (short) **S + AZ** (reference the **AZ** street atlas of many cities but primarily known for London;; travel guide) **reversed** (round)\n **IBI** **ZA**<\n\n**IBIZA** (holiday hotspot in Spain)"} {"Clue":"Ship's captain that's good to sailor (4)","Answer":"AHAB","Explanation":"Definition: Ship's captain\n**AH** (expressing joy; that's good) **+** **AB **(able seaman; sailor)\n \u00a0\n\n**AHAB** (reference Captain **AHAB**, fictional character in Herman Melville's novel Moby Dick)"} {"Clue":"Number one, 3rd of October, a dope to be raised? Quite the opposite (8)","Answer":"NEGATION","Explanation":"Definition: Quite the opposite \n(**NO** [number] **+ I** [one] **+ ****T** [**third** {3rd} **letter of** **OCTOBER**] **+** **A** **+ GEN** [information; dope]) **all reversed** (to be raised; down clue)\n (**NEG** **A** **T** **I** **ON**)<\n\n**NEGATION** (something that is the opposite)"} {"Clue":"Stand empty bottles together in this (6)","Answer":"TANDEM","Explanation":"Definition: together in this\n**TANDEM** (**hidden word** [bottles] **in** **STAND EMPTY**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TANDEM** (if things are** ****IN**** TANDEM** then they are together)"} {"Clue":"Groups turning up ignore correction by officer (6)","Answer":"OCTETS","Explanation":"Definition: Groups\n(**STET** [restore after marking for deletion; ignore correction] **+** **CO** [Commanding Officer]) **all reversed** (turning up; down clue)\n (**OC** **TETS**)<\n\n**OCTETS** (groups of eight)"} {"Clue":"'Love isn't to be trifled with' (Eliot?) (8)","Answer":"NOVELIST","Explanation":"Definition: Eliot?\n**Anagram of **(to be trifled with) **LOVE ISN'T**\n **N****OVEL****IST***\n\n**NOVELIST** (reference George** ****ELIOT** , pen name of Mary Ann Evans [1819 \u2013 1880], English novelist)"} {"Clue":"Camp it up to make an impression (6)","Answer":"IMPACT","Explanation":"Definition: impression\n**Anagram of** (up) **CAMP IT**\n **I****MPAC****T***\n\n**IMPACT** (strong effect; influence; impression)"} {"Clue":"British shunning extra responsibility (4)","Answer":"ONUS","Explanation":"Definition: responsibility\n**BONUS** (extra) **excluding** (shunning) **B** (British)\n \u00a0\n\n**ONUS** (responsibility)"} {"Clue":"Con artist's first sting a blunder (7)","Answer":"AGAINST","Explanation":"Definition: Con\n**A** (**first letter of **[first] **ARTIST**) + **an anagram of** (blunder) **A STING**\n **A** **G****A****INST***\n\n**AGAINST** (con)"} {"Clue":"Falco,Wham my regulars for playing, I repeat (5)","Answer":"MACAW","Explanation":"Definition: I repeat\n**Anagram of** (playing) **ACWAM** (**letters 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10** [regulars] of **FALCO WHAM MY**\n **MACAW***\n\n**MACAW** (any of the large, long-tailed, brightly-coloured tropical American parrots of the genus Ara or Anodorhynchus. Known for imitating and repeating sounds)"} {"Clue":"Stopped getting caught out \u2013 relieved (5)","Answer":"EASED","Explanation":"Definition: relieved\n**C****EASED **(stopped) **excluding** (getting\u2026 out) **C** (caught)\n \u00a0\n\n**EASED** (relieved)"} {"Clue":"Recover from check? Of course (8)","Answer":"REINSURE","Explanation":"Definition: Recover\n**REIN** (check) **+** **SURE** (of course)\n \u00a0\n\n**REINSURE** (reinstate insurance cover for another year; cover again; re-cover)"} {"Clue":"Loosen belt and tie but don't get involved (3,2,2)","Answer":"LET IT BE","Explanation":"Definition: don't get involved\nAnagram of (loosen) **BELT** and **TIE**\n **LET** **IT** **B****E***\n\n**LET IT BE** (stop interfering; don't get involved)"} {"Clue":"Neapolitan number 10 after award, one admitted (1,4,3)","Answer":"O SOLE MIO","Explanation":"Definition: Neapolitan number\n(**SOLE** [one] **contained in** [admitted] **OM** [Order of Merit; award]) **+** **IO** (representation of ten)\n **O (SOLE) M ****IO**\n\n**O SOLE MIO** (Neapolitan song [number] written in 1898 and recorded by many performers; translated it means 'my sunshine')"} {"Clue":"Queued to collect 1 and 2 (6)","Answer":"DENIAL","Explanation":"Definition: 2\nIs the word 'up' missing from this clue. If the clue is written 'Queued up \u2026' then I can parse it as:\n **LINED** (queued) **reversed** (up; down clue) **containing** (to collect)** A **(one)\n Perhaps queue is synonymous with queue up and we are required to use the second as a definition for the first to get the wordplay.\n **DENI **(**A**) **L**<\n\n**DENIAL** (negation; 2 down)"} {"Clue":"Country's old money (6)","Answer":"GUINEA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\n**GUINEA** (country in Africa)\n \u00a0\n\n**GUINEA** (an obsolete British coin, worth \u00a31 1 shilling or \u00a31.05p. Still used in determining some auction prices and is also used in names of horse racers) double definition"} {"Clue":"Composer Liz wears a lot of jewellery (6)","Answer":"BERLIN","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\n**ER** (Elizabeth Regina; Queen, Head of State of the United Kingdom; Liz) **contained in** (wearing) **BLIN****G** (jewellery) excluding the final letter (a lot of) **G**\n **B** (**ER**) **LIN**\n\n**BERLIN** (reference Irving **BERLIN** [1888 \u2013 1989], Russian born, Jewish-American composer)"} {"Clue":"Grand \u2013 three quarters want to go on bender (4)","Answer":"KNEE","Explanation":"Definition: bender\n**K** (1000; grand) + **NEE** (North, East, East \u2013 quarters of the compass, three of them)\n \u00a0\n\n**KNEE** (a joint that bends; bender)"} {"Clue":"Charge to pick up plant (4)","Answer":"TEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Charge\n**TEAR **(**sounds like** [pick up] **TARE** [vetch {any of various climbing plants of the pea family} of various kinds])\n \u00a0\n\n**TEAR** (rush;move quickly; charge)"} {"Clue":"Hot car, blue, not posh, can't be caught (9)","Answer":"INAUDIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: can't be caught\n**IN** (in fashion; hot) **+** **AUDI** (make of car) **+** (**BL****U****E** excluding [not] **U** [posh])\n \u00a0\n\n**INAUDIBLE** (not loud enough to be heard; can't be caught)"} {"Clue":"Last lines, say, penned in bishop's seat (5)","Answer":"ELEGY","Explanation":"Definition: Last lines\n**EG** (for example; say) **contained in** (penned in) **ELY** (**ELY** is a diocese or seat of a bishop in England)\n **EL** (**EG**) **Y**\n\n**ELEGY **(song of mourning; last lines)"} {"Clue":"Writer in centre set off siren (7)","Answer":"ENTICER","Explanation":"Definition: siren\n**I** (descriptive of the writer) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (set off) **CENTRE**\n **ENT** (**I**) **CER***\n\n**ENTICER** (one who tempts or allures; siren)"} {"Clue":"Big current resident in common (7)","Answer":"ORINOCO","Explanation":"Definition: Big current \n**ORINOCO** (reference the name of one of the characters in Elizabeth Beresford's books about the Wombles of Wimbledon Common)\n \u00a0\n\n**ORINOCO** (substantial river [big current] in South America) double definition"} {"Clue":"Play game in Scotland using dog Latin (4)","Answer":"CURL","Explanation":"Definition: Play game in Scotland\n**CUR** (worthless dog) +** L** (Latin)\n \u00a0\n\n**CURL** (to play the came of **CURL**ing, a game akin to bowls but played on ice with large stones. The game originated in Scotland)"} {"Clue":"Sexist's wife here lives around New Cross, facing west (7)","Answer":"INDOORS","Explanation":"Definition: Sexist's wife\n**IS** (lives) **containing** (around) ([**N** {new} **+** **ROOD** {cross}] **all reversed** [facing west])\n **I** (**N** **DOOR**)< **S**\n\n**INDOORS** (reference the slang or sexist phrase 'her **INDOORS**' used by a man describing his wife"} {"Clue":"Fur hats have been controversial up to now (4,3)","Answer":"THUS FAR","Explanation":"Definition: up to now\n**Anagram of** (have been controversial) **FUR HATS**\n **TH****U****S** **F****A****R***\n\n**THUS FAR** (up to now)"} {"Clue":"Last king and his daughter originally cut kind relative (10)","Answer":"GRANDNIECE","Explanation":"Definition: relative\n**GR** (George Rex, descriptive of the most recent King of England, George VI) **+** **AND** **+** (**E** [**first letter of** [originally] **ELIZABETH** or **ER** [Elizabeth Regina, daughter of George VI]\u00a0**contained in** [cut] **NICE** [kind])\n **GR** **AND** **NI** (**E**) **CE**\n\n**GRANDNIECE** (relative)"} {"Clue":"Brotherhood? (4)","Answer":"KRAY","Explanation":"Definition: Brotherhood\n**KRAY** \u2013 I don't feel all that confident about this, but I think it is a reference to the **KRAY** **twin brothers** (Reggie and Ronnie) who were gangsters (**hoods**) in London in the 1950s and 1960s\n \u00a0\n\n**KRAY**** **(gangster brothers; brother hoods)"} {"Clue":"Bent coin coated in resin doesn't reveal much (7)","Answer":"LACONIC","Explanation":"Definition: doesn't reveal much\n**Anagram of** (bent) **COIN** **contained in** (coated in) **LAC** (dark red transparent resin)\n **LA** (**CONI***) **C**\n\n**LACONIC** (expressing or\u00a0expressed in a few words; doesn't reveal much)"} {"Clue":"Model destroyer described by this journeyman? (7)","Answer":"TREKKER","Explanation":"Definition: journeyman\n**T** (reference Model T Ford) **+** **REKKER** (**sounds like** [described by] **WRECKER** [destroyer])\n \u00a0\n\n**TREKKER** (one making a long journey; journeyman)"} {"Clue":"English houseman extremely thirsty and hungry (5)","Answer":"EMPTY","Explanation":"Definition: hungry\n**E** (English) **+** **MP** (Member of [the lower House of] Parliament; houseman) **+** **TY** (**first and last letters of** [extremely] **THIRSTY**)\n \u00a0\n\n**EMPTY** (with nothing inside; hungry)"} {"Clue":"Old traveller's damage to company car (5,4)","Answer":"MARCO POLO","Explanation":"Definition: Old traveller\n**MAR** (damage) **+** **CO** (company) **+** **POLO** (model of car made by Volkswagen)\n \u00a0\n\n**MARCO POLO** (explorer who lived from 1254 to 1324; old traveller)"} {"Clue":"Design cell with noise baffled, to prove this? (7,2,6)","Answer":"SILENCE IS GOLDEN","Explanation":"Definition: this\n**Anagram of** (baffled) **DESIGN CELL** and **NOISE**\n **SI****L****EN****CE** **IS** **G**O**L****D****E****N***\n\n**SILENCE IS GOLDEN** ( a common phrase that could be interpreted as proving that one has designed a cell with noise removed [baffled])"} {"Clue":"Seized and roughly put out radical (8)","Answer":"CAPTURED","Explanation":"Definition: Seized\n**CA** (circa; about) **+** **an anagram of** (roughly) **PUT** **+** **RED** (revolutionary; radical)\n **CA** **PTU*** **RED**\n\n**CAPTURED** (seized)"} {"Clue":"Bull perhaps is unpredictable after hedges are trimmed (5)","Answer":"EDICT","Explanation":"Definition: Bull perhaps\n**EDICT** (**letters remaining when the other letters** **UNPR** and **ABLE** **forming the borders** [hedges] of **UNPREDICTABLE** **are removed** [trimmed])\n \u00a0\n\n**EDICT** (reference a Papal bull which is an **EDICT** of the Pope with his seal affixed)"} {"Clue":"Son avoids people in Omsk for those in Madrid (8)","Answer":"IBERIANS","Explanation":"Definition: those in Madrid\n**SIBERIANS** (natives of Omsk, a city in Western **S****IBERIA**) **excluding** (avoids) the letter **S** (son)\n \u00a0\n\n**IBERIANS** (Madrid is situated on the **IBERIAN** peninsula)"} {"Clue":"Crown protector almost wild about reception (6)","Answer":"FEDORA","Explanation":"Definition: Crown protector\n**FERAL** (wild) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **L** containing (about) **DO** (party; reception)\n **FE** (**DO**) **RA**\n\n**FEDORA** (a brimmed felt hat dented lengthways; something that protects the head [crown])"} {"Clue":"Yummy food outlet pledges to pay under 100 (9)","Answer":"DELICIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Yummy\n**DELI** (**DELI**catessen; food outlet) **+** **C** (Roman numeral) **+** **IOUS** (I owe yous; pledges to pay) This is a down entry, so the letters **IOUS** lie **under** the letter **C**\n \u00a0\n\n**DELICIOUS** (yummy)"} {"Clue":"Catch more flounders in Argentina (6)","Answer":"REMORA","Explanation":"Definition: Catch\n**An anagram of** (flounders) **MORE** **contained in** (in) **RA** (Republic of Argentina)\n **R** (**EMOR***) **A**\n\n**REMORA** (sucker fish; something that a fisherman may catch)"} {"Clue":"Purchase one of two farm tools, say, no matter how (2,4,2,2,5)","Answer":"BY HOOK OR BY CROOK","Explanation":"Definition: no matter how\n**BY** (**sounds like** [say] **BUY** [purchase]) **+** **HOOK** (example of a farm tool) **+** **OR** **+** **BY** (**sounds like** [say] **BUY** [purchase]) **+** **CROOK** (another example of a farm tool)\n \u00a0\n\n**BY HOOK OR BY CROOK** (using any\u00a0method or another; no matter how)"} {"Clue":"Try lake hideout to watch duck (9)","Answer":"GOLDEN-EYE","Explanation":"Definition: duck\n**GO** (try, as in give it a **GO**) **+** **L** (lake) **+** **DEN** (hideout) **+** **EYE** (watch)\n \u00a0\n\n**GOLDEN-EYE** (sea duck)"} {"Clue":"Go over account with computer department tight-lipped (8)","Answer":"TACITURN","Explanation":"Definition: tight-lipped\n**TURN** (go; as in it's your **TURN** [go]) **containing** (over) (**AC** [account] **+** **IT** (information technology [computer] department)\n **T** (**AC** **IT**) **URN**\n\n**TACITURN** (reticent; uncommunicative; tight-lipped)"} {"Clue":"Keep pounds for auditors in US depository (4,4)","Answer":"FORT KNOX","Explanation":"Definition: US depository\n**FORT** (stronghold; keep) **+** **KNOX** (sounds like [for auditors] **KNOCKS** [strikes hard or heavily; pounds])\n \u00a0\n\n**FORT KNOX** (Location of United States Bullion Depository)"} {"Clue":"Swallow a mushroom in court (6)","Answer":"ACCEPT","Explanation":"Definition: Swallow\n**A** **+** (**CEP** [variety of edible mushroom] **contained in** (in) **CT** [court])\n **A** **C** (**CEP**) **T**\n\n**ACCEPT** (believe; swallow)"} {"Clue":"Pay one new business more or less? (6)","Answer":"INCOME","Explanation":"Definition: Pay\n**I** (one) **+** **N** (new) **+** **CO** (company; business) **+** **ME** (less than the all the letters in MORE; note this construct doesn't unambiguously indicate which letters of **M****OR****E** to use, but I think that the definition and crossing letters tie it down properly)\n \u00a0\n\n**INCOME **(salary; pay)"} {"Clue":"Criminal hides large ring in bog (5)","Answer":"FELON","Explanation":"Definition: Criminal\n**FEN** (bog) **containing** (hides) (**L** [large] **+** **O** [letter in the shape of a ring])\n **FE** (**L** **O**) **N**\n\n**FELON** (criminal)"} {"Clue":"The spirit of endless protest (4)","Answer":"MARC","Explanation":"Definition: spirit\n**MARCH** (protest) **excluding the final letter** (endless) **H**\n \u00a0\n\n**MARC** (a form of brandy; spirit)"} {"Clue":"Transatlantic thoroughfare terminates unexpectedly (4,6)","Answer":"MAIN STREET","Explanation":"Definition: Transatlantic thoroughfare\n**Anagram of** (unexpectedly) **TERMINATES**\n **MAIN STREET***\n\n**MAIN STREET** (common name or description of a street through a town on both sides of the Atlantic; transatlantic street)"} {"Clue":"Leaving magic pen to be repaired by daughter (9)","Answer":"DECAMPING","Explanation":"Definition: Leaving\n**D** (daughter) **+ an anagram of** (to be repaired) **MAGIC PEN**\n **D** **E****CAM****P****I****N****G***\n\n**DECAMPING** (leaving)"} {"Clue":"Spot Italian songstress (5)","Answer":"PIPIT","Explanation":"Definition: songstress\n**PIP** (spot, e.g. on dice) **+** **IT** (Italian)\n \u00a0\n\n**PIPIT** (songbird of a lark like genus; songstress)"} {"Clue":"Rhubarb is something to eat (5)","Answer":"TRIPE","Explanation":"Definition: Rhubarb\n**TRIPE **(rhubarb; rubbish)\n \u00a0\n\n**TRIPE** (parts of the compound stomach of a ruminant, prepared as food; something to eat) double definition"} {"Clue":"Suffer, as one having tour of the factory might (2,7,3,4)","Answer":"GO THROUGH THE MILL","Explanation":"Definition: Suffer\n**GO THROUGH THE MILL** (**GO** on a journey **THROUGH THE**\u00a0the factory [e.g. **MILL**]) \n\n**GO THROUGH THE MILL** (suffer)"} {"Clue":"Flat can accommodate sailor, wanting a place to stay in Cadiz? (6)","Answer":"POSADA","Explanation":"Definition: place to stay in Cadiz?\n(**PAD** [flat] **containing** [can accommodate] **OS** [ordinary seaman; sailor]) **+ A**\n **P** (**OS**) **AD** **A**\n\n**POSADA** (Spanish [e.g. Cadiz] inn; place to stay in Cadiz)"} {"Clue":"Sword too light to be carried (6)","Answer":"TOLEDO","Explanation":"Definition: Sword \n**LED** (light emitting diode; light) **contained in** (to be carried) **TOO**\n **TO** (**LED**) **O**\n\n**TOLEDO** (a tapering sword or sword-blade made in **TOLEDO**, Spain)"} {"Clue":"Spouse rude at first, noble after reforming (7,3,6)","Answer":"TROUBLE AND STRIFE","Explanation":"Definition: Spouse\n**Anagram of** (after reforming) **RUDE AT FIRST NOBLE**\n **T****R****O****U****BL****E** **A****N****D** **STRIF****E***\n\n**TROUBLE AND STRIFE** (Cockney rhyming slang for wife)"} {"Clue":"Predict early signs of unprecedented rainfall after summer month (5)","Answer":"AUGUR","Explanation":"Definition: Predict \n**AUG** (August; summer month) **+** **UR** (**first letters of** [early signs of] each of **UNPRECEDENTED** and** RAINFALL**)\n \u00a0\n\n**AUGUR** (foretell; predict)"} {"Clue":"Greets enthusiastic supporters initially (5)","Answer":"KEENS","Explanation":"Definition: Greets\n**KEEN** (enthusiastic) **+** **S** (**first letter of** [initially] **SUPPORTERS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**KEENS** (cries; greets [Scottish word for cries])"} {"Clue":"Broke in, wanting glue to sniff (9)","Answer":"INSOLVENT","Explanation":"Definition: Broke\n**IN** **+** **SOLVENT** (form of glue inhaled [sniffed] for intoxicating purposes)\n \u00a0\n\n**INSOLVENT** (unable to pay ones debts; broke)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Thomas \u2013 new boy \u2013 into Moroccan food? (4,6)","Answer":"TANK ENGINE","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps Thomas\n(**N** [new] **+** **KEN** [boy's name]) contained in (into) **TAGINE** (North African, e.g. Moroccan, or\u00a0Berber dish [food] that is named after the earthenware pot in which it is cooked)\n **TA** (**N** **K EN**) **GINE**\n\n**TANK ENGINE **(reference Thomas the **TANK ENGINE** in the series of children's' stories by the Reverend W Awdry)"} {"Clue":"Some chic lady wearing dress? (4)","Answer":"CLAD","Explanation":"Definition: wearing dress\n**CLAD** (hidden word in [some] **CHIC LADY**)\n \u00a0\n\n**CLAD** (wearing dress)"} {"Clue":"Friend about to make changes to plan (8)","Answer":"MEDITATE","Explanation":"Definition: plan\n**MATE** (friend) **containing** (about) **EDIT** (make changes to) \n **M** (**EDIT**) **ATE**\n\n**MEDITATE** (turn over in the mind; intend; plan)"} {"Clue":"Relax in park, joining queue (7)","Answer":"RECLINE","Explanation":"Definition: Relax \n**REC** (recreation ground; park) **+** **LINE** (queue)\n \u00a0\n\n**RECLINE** (relax)"} {"Clue":"Getting rid of a cross in front of graveyard (5)","Answer":"AXING","Explanation":"Definition: Getting rid of\n**A** **+** **X** (cross) **+** **IN** **+** **G** (**first letter of** [front of] **GRAVEYARD**)\n \u00a0\n\n**AXING** (getting rid of)"} {"Clue":"Club near to quiet street? The reverse (9)","Answer":"NIGHTSPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Club\n**NIGH** (near) **+** ([**TO** **+** **P** {piano; soft; quiet} **+** **ST** {street}] **all reversed** [the reverse]\n **NIGH** (**TS** **P** **OT**)<\n\n**NIGHTSPOT** (**NIGHT**club)"} {"Clue":"Chief is regularly stroppy (3)","Answer":"TOP","Explanation":"Definition: Chief \n**Letters 2, 4\u00a0and 6** [regularly] of **STROPPY**\n \u00a0\n\n**TOP** (chief)"} {"Clue":"Interpret old poet (7)","Answer":"EXPOUND","Explanation":"Definition: Interpret\n**EX** (former; old) **+** **POUND** (reference Ezra **POUND** [1885 \u2013 1972], American poet)\n \u00a0\n\n**EXPOUND** (interpret)"} {"Clue":"Little brat ultimately irritating (6)","Answer":"TITCHY","Explanation":"Definition: Little\n**T** (**final letter of **[ultimately] **BRA****T**) **+** **ITCHY** (irritating)\n \u00a0\n\n**TITCHY** (little)"} {"Clue":"I'm wanting cheap-sounding accommodation, having no regrets (10)","Answer":"IMPENITENT","Explanation":"Definition: having no regrets\n**I'M** **+** (**PENI** [**sounds like** [sounding] **PENNY** [not much money; cheap]) **+** **TENT** (form of accommodation)\n \u00a0\n\n**IMPENITENT** (having no regrets)"} {"Clue":"Engineers, men entering building likely to be refurbished (10)","Answer":"RESTORABLE","Explanation":"Definition: likely to be refurbished\n**RE** (Royal Engineers) **+** (**OR** [other ranks] **contained in** [entering] **STABLE** [example of a building])\n **RE** **ST** (**OR**) **ABLE**\n\n**RESTORABLE** (can be refurbished, not necessarily 'likely to be refurbished')"} {"Clue":"Adulating one with pride, I burst into song (9)","Answer":"LIONISING","Explanation":"Definition: likely to be refurbished\n**RE** (Royal Engineers) **+** (**OR** [other ranks] **contained in** [entering] **STABLE** [example of a building])\n **RE** **ST** (**OR**) **ABLE**\n\n**RESTORABLE** (can be refurbished, not necessarily 'likely to be refurbished')"} {"Clue":"First of these decrees surprisingly kept hidden (8)","Answer":"SECRETED","Explanation":"Definition: kept hidden\n**Anagram of **(surprisingly) (**DECREES** and** T** [**first letter of** {first of} **T****HESE**])\n **SECRE****T****ED***\n\n**SECRETED** (kept hidden)"} {"Clue":"Mate unsettled by a blonde (3,4)","Answer":"OLD BEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Mate \n**Anagram of** (unsettled) **A BLONDE**\n **OLD BE****A****N***\n\n**OLD BEAN** (affectionate form of address, usually to a male friend)"} {"Clue":"Multi-million pound agreement? I'm not impressed (3,4)","Answer":"BIG DEAL","Explanation":"Definition: I'm not impressed \n**BIG DEAL** (a multi-million pound investment could be described as a **BIG DEAL**\u00a0for most organisations)\n \u00a0\n\n**BIG DEAL** (term used as a scornful [not impressed] response to an offer, boast, etc)"} {"Clue":"Bat makes great noise (6)","Answer":"RACKET","Explanation":"Definition: Bat\n**RACKET** (bat used in sports)\n \u00a0\n\n**RACKET** (din; great noise) double definition"} {"Clue":"German city's basic feature, There's no church (5)","Answer":"ESSEN","Explanation":"Definition: German city'\n**ESSEN****CE** (inner distinctive nature; basic feature) **excluding** (no) **CE** (Church [of England])\n \u00a0\n\n**ESSEN** (City in Germany)"} {"Clue":"Woman dropped daughter off (3)","Answer":"SHE","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\n**SHED** (cast off; dropped) **excluding** (off) **D** (daughter)\n \u00a0\n\n**SHE** (woman)"} {"Clue":"Chap set tree by meadow (6)","Answer":"ASHLEY","Explanation":"Definition: Chap\n**ASH** (example of a tree) **+** **LEY** (meadow)\n \u00a0\n\n**ASHLEY** (man's name; chap)"} {"Clue":"\"Hell, Chomsky's turning round, Mr President\" (7)","Answer":"MADISON","Explanation":"Definition: Mr President\n(**NOAM** [reference **NOAM** Chomsky {1928 \u2013 date}, American linguist] **reversed** [turning]) **containing** (round) **DIS** (name for Pluto, the infernal world; hell)\n **MA** (**DIS**) **ON**<\n\n**MADISON** (reference James **MADISON**, fourth President of the United States 1809-1817)"} {"Clue":"Hammond's brief flings away from home ? (7,7)","Answer":"FOREIGN AFFAIRS","Explanation":"Definition: Hammond's brief\n**FOREIGN** (away from home) **+** **AFFAIRS** (romantic intrigues; flings)\n \u00a0\n\n**FOREIGN AFFAIRS** (at the time of writing this blog, Philip Hammond is the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs)"} {"Clue":"Review of eastern drama using litotes \"a workmanlike effort\" (6,4)","Answer":"HONEST TOIL","Explanation":"Definition: workmanlike effort\n**NOH **(traditional Japanese [eastern] style of drama)** reversed** (review) + **an anagram of** (using) **LITOTES**\n **HON**< **EST TOIL***\n\n**HONEST TOIL** (workmanlike effort)"} {"Clue":"American dad, English father (4)","Answer":"POPE","Explanation":"Definition: father\n**POP** (American term for dad) **+** **E** (English)\n \u00a0\n\n**POPE** (Holy Father)"} {"Clue":"Total failure of Sofia Coppola's earliest work (6)","Answer":"FIASCO","Explanation":"Definition: Total failure\n**Anagram of** (work) (**SOFIA** and **C** [**first letter of** {earliest} **COPPOLA**])\n **FIAS****C****O***\n\n**FIASCO** (complete failure of any kind)"} {"Clue":"Caper after gypsy man; it's wild and fantastic (8)","Answer":"ROMANTIC","Explanation":"Definition: wild and fantastic\n**ROM** (gypsy man) **+ ANTIC** (caper)\n \u00a0\n\n**ROMANTIC** (wild and fantastic)"} {"Clue":"Rover susceptible to this dual tyre burst (8)","Answer":"ADULTERY","Explanation":"Definition: Rover susceptible to\n**Anagram of** (burst) **DUAL TYRE**\n **ADUL****TERY***\n\n**ADULTERY** (a person described as a rover [wanderer; inconsistent person] may be susceptible to **ADULTERY**)"} {"Clue":"50 Cent's about to welcome Knut as a hanger-on (6)","Answer":"CLIENT","Explanation":"Definition: hanger-on\n**CENT** **containing** (about to welcome) (**L** [50 in Roman numerals] **+** **I** [descriptive of the setter, Knut])\n **C** (**L** **I**) **ENT**\n\n**CLIENT** (hanger-on)"} {"Clue":"One given biting criticism and told to buzz off (4)","Answer":"GNAT","Explanation":"Definition: One given biting criticism and told to buzz off\n**GNAT** (I'm not really sure how this works. A **GNAT** is an insect that bites and one may well tell a **GNAT **to buzz off when it is irritating you. I don't see where criticism comes into play)\n \u00a0\n\n**GNAT** cryptic definition?"} {"Clue":"A member of the World Chess federation left it; why? I heard for cheating (10)","Answer":"INFIDELITY","Explanation":"Definition: cheating\n**IN FIDE** (descriptive of a member of the World Chess Federation \u2013 he\/she is I**N FIDE** [F\u00e9d\u00e9ration Internationale des \u00c9checs]) **+ L** (left) **+** **IT** **+** **Y** (sounds like [I heard] **WHY**)\n \u00a0\n\n**INFIDELITY** (unfaithfulness in marriage; cheating)"} {"Clue":"\"Golden light ale\", our American brew (7)","Answer":"AUREOLA","Explanation":"Definition: Golden light\n**Anagram of** (brew) (**ALE** and **OUR** and **A** [American])\n **AUREOLA***\n\n**AUREOLA** (halo or corona around the sun or moon; golden light)"} {"Clue":"Model quits abusin' drug (7)","Answer":"INSULIN","Explanation":"Definition: drug\n**INSULTIN**' (abusin') **excluding** (quits) **T** (reference Model T [Ford])\n \u00a0\n\n**INSULIN** (a protein hormone produced in the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas of animals, important in the regulation of glucose in the blood, and used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus; drug)"} {"Clue":"It's found in search; Lord Coe \"ashen-faced\", according to Spooner (7)","Answer":"WEBSITE","Explanation":"Definition: It's found in search\nA Spoonerism of the phrase **SEB** (reference Lord **SEB**astian Coe) **WHITE** (ashen-faced) would be **WEBSITE**\n \u00a0\n\n**WEBSITE** (the result of an online search is frequently a link to a **WEBSITE**)"} {"Clue":"Two journalists (not Brooks and Coulson) got through security (6)","Answer":"HACKED","Explanation":"Definition: got through security\n**HACK** (journalist) **+** **ED** (editor) both terms being descriptive of journalists. Rebekah Brooks was cleared of all charges against her relating to hacking or interception. Andy Coulson was found guilty on some counts of conspiracy to intercept voicemails. Both denied the charges of hacking\n \u00a0\n\n**HACKED** (descriptive of websites that have been accessed unlawfully)"} {"Clue":"Very excited; oxygen is found in abundance (1,4)","Answer":"A GOGO","Explanation":"Definition: in abundance\n**AGOG** (very excited) **+ ****O** (chemical symbol for Oxygen) \n \u00a0\n\n**A GOGO** (in abundance)"} {"Clue":"White fish swallows wriggling eel (7)","Answer":"HUELESS","Explanation":"Definition: White\n**HUSS** (any of various kinds of dogfish, when used as food) **containing** (swallows) (**an anagram of** [wriggling] **EEL**)\n **HU** (**ELE***) **SS**\n\n**HUELESS** (without colour; white)"} {"Clue":"Formation dance moves get homies jigging (9)","Answer":"EIGHTSOME","Explanation":"Definition: Formation dance moves\n**Anagram of** (jigging) **GET HOMIES**\n **E****I****G****H****T****SOME***\n\n**EIGHTSOME** (Scottish reel for eight dancers [formation dance moves])"} {"Clue":"Terrible draw Fulham conceded (5)","Answer":"AWFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Terrible\n**AWFUL** (**hidden word in** [conceded {admitted] **DRAW FULHAM**)\n \u00a0\n\n**AWFUL** (terrible)"} {"Clue":"Serpent I encountered in pub, dazed and confused (2,1,4)","Answer":"IN A SPIN","Explanation":"Definition: dazed and confused\n(**ASP** [venemous snake; serpent] **+** **I**) **contained in** (encountered in) **INN** (pub)\n **IN** (**A SP** **I**) **N**\n\n**IN A SPIN** (dazed and confused)"} {"Clue":"I look into Repton after ex pupil's historical attempt to cheat (9)","Answer":"OBREPTION","Explanation":"Definition: historical attempt to cheat\n**OB** (old boy) **+** (**I** **contained in** [look into] **REPTON**) \n **OB** **REPT** (**I**) **ON**\n\n**OBREPTION** (**obsolete** [historical] word for obtaining or seeking to obtain a gift, etc, by false statement)"} {"Clue":"Spoiled rotten at first, now struggling to get by (6,3)","Answer":"POORLY OFF","Explanation":"Definition: struggling to get by \n**POORLY** (sick; unwell; rotten) **+ ****OFF** (if something has gone **OFF** it is spoiled)\n \u00a0\n\n**POORLY OFF** (struggling to get by)"} {"Clue":"Wearing false tooth is a contractual obligation (9)","Answer":"INDENTURE","Explanation":"Definition: contractual obligation\n**IN** (wearing) **+** **DENTURE** (the plural **DENTURES** describes a set of false teeth so presumably a **DENTURE **is a single false tooth)\n \u00a0\n\n**INDENTURE** (a written agreement between two or more parties; a contract; contractual obligation)"} {"Clue":"A comedian upset an entire nation (9)","Answer":"MACEDONIA","Explanation":"Definition: entire nation \n**Anagram of **(upset) **A COMEDIAN **\n **M****A****CEDONIA***\n\n**MACEDONIA** (land locked Balkan nation)"} {"Clue":"Latvian head of state's correspondence (7)","Answer":"LETTERS","Explanation":"Definition: correspondence\n**LETT** (Latvian) **+** **ER'S** (Elizabeth Regina's; Head of State's)\n \u00a0\n\n**LETTERS** (correspondence)"} {"Clue":"Kill off Frenchman in a stroke of misfortune (3,4)","Answer":"ILL LUCK","Explanation":"Definition: stroke of misfortune\n**LUC** (French male name; Frenchman) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (off) **KILL** \n **ILL** (**LUC**) **K***\n\n**ILL LUCK** (stroke of misfortune)"} {"Clue":"Fastnet, say, has tenants (5)","Answer":"ISLET","Explanation":"Definition: Fastnet, say\n**IS LET** (has tenants)\n \u00a0\n\n**ISLET** (Fastnet is a small islet in the Atlantic Ocean off the Southern coast of Ireland. Immortalised in Shipping Forecasts and a biennial sailing race)"} {"Clue":"Riding for a place? (5)","Answer":"THIRD","Explanation":"Definition: Riding\n**THIRD** (a Riding is one of three former divisions of Yorkshire, so one Riding could be described as a **THIRD** [of Yorkshire])\n \u00a0\n\n**THIRD** (descriptive of a place in a race) double definition"} {"Clue":"Close to backing second treaty? Drinks to round things off (9)","Answer":"NIGHTCAPS","Explanation":"Definition: Drinks to round things off\n**NIGH** (close to) **+** ([**S** {second} **+** **PACT** {treaty}] **all reversed **[backing]) **NIGH** (**TCAP** **S**)<\n\n**NIGHTCAPS **(drinks before bedtime; drinks to round things off)"} {"Clue":"Open deception (5)","Answer":"BLUFF","Explanation":"Definition: Open\n**BLUFF** (blunt; candid; open) \u00a0\n\n**BLUFF** (deception) double definition"} {"Clue":"Subsequently beam, having ousted leader (5)","Answer":"AFTER","Explanation":"Definition: Subsequently\n**RAFTER** (beam) **excluding** (ousted) **the first letter** (leader) **R** \u00a0\n\n**AFTER** (subsequently)"} {"Clue":"Stop, completely behind trees (9)","Answer":"FORESTALL","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\n**FOREST **(land covered with trees) **+** **ALL** (completely) \u00a0\n\n**FORESTALL** (stop)"} {"Clue":"Soldiers run from means of restraint (6)","Answer":"LEGION","Explanation":"Definition: Soldiers\n**LEG I****R****ON** (fetter [means of restraint] for the leg) **excluding** (from) **R** (run) \u00a0\n\n**LEGION** (in ancient Rome, a body of three to six thousand soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Dickinson, say, US writer, literacy heroine (7)","Answer":"POETESS","Explanation":"Definition: Dickinson, say\n**POE** (reference Edgar Alan **POE** [1809 \u2013 1849], American writer) **+** **TESS** (reference the heroine in Hardy's **TESS** of the d'Urbervilles) \u00a0\n\n**POETESS** (reference Emily Dickinson [1830 \u2013 1886], American **POET**)"} {"Clue":"Seaman cracked his head cramming male \u2026 (8)","Answer":"SHIPMATE","Explanation":"Definition: Seaman\n**Anagram of** (cracked **HIS** + (**PATE** [head] **containing** [cramming] **M** [male]) **SHI*** **P** (**M**) **ATE**)\n\n**SHIPMATE **(fellow seaman)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 commander in hold, \u2026 (6)","Answer":"NELSON","Explanation":"Definition: commander\n**NELSON** (wrestling hold) \u00a0\n\n**NELSON **(reference Admiral Lord font color=\"blue\">**NELSON ** [1758 \u2013 1805], naval commander)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 commander that's organised gala in navy (6)","Answer":"RAGLAN","Explanation":"Definition: commander\n**Anagram of **(organised) **GALA** **contained in** (in) **RN** (Royal Navy) **R** (**AGLA***) **N**\n\n**RAGLAN** (reference Lord **RAGLAN** [1788 \u2013 1855], Commander in Chief of British forces in the Crimean war)"} {"Clue":"Start to lose name for primarily responsible dealing (8)","Answer":"COMMERCE","Explanation":"Definition: dealing\n**COMMENCE** (start) with **N** (name) **excluded** (lose) and **replaced by** (for) **R** (first letter of [primarily] **RESPONSIBLE**) **COMMERCE**\n\n**COMMERCE** (dealing)"} {"Clue":"Backing some Caribbean company in Verdi opera (7)","Answer":"NABUCCO","Explanation":"Definition: Verdi opera\n**CUBAN** (a person from a Caribbean country; some Caribbean) **reversed** (backing) **+** **CO** (company) **NABUC**< **CO**\n\n**NABUCCO** (opera by Verdi)"} {"Clue":"Finish still to occur, not start (6)","Answer":"ENDING","Explanation":"Definition: Finish\n**PENDING** (remaining undecided; still to occur) **excluding** (not) **the first letter** (start) **P** \u00a0\n\n**ENDING** (finish)"} {"Clue":"Inelegant start to Texan oil drama rubbished (9)","Answer":"MALADROIT","Explanation":"Definition: Inelegant\n**Anagram of** (rubbished) (**T** [**first letter of** {start to} **TEXAN**] and **OIL DRAMA**) **MA****L****ADR****OI****T***\n\n**MALADROIT** (unskilful; clumsy; inelegant)"} {"Clue":"Conservative to start over ideology (5)","Answer":"CREDO","Explanation":"Definition: ideology\n**C** (**first letter of **[start] **CONSERVATIVE**) **+** **REDO** (do it again; start over) \u00a0\n\n**CREDO** (set of beliefs; ideology)"} {"Clue":"Cheers after debut in role as Caribbean religionist (5)","Answer":"RASTA","Explanation":"Definition: Caribbean religionist\n**R** (**first letter of** [debut in] **ROLE**) **+** **AS** **+** **TA** (thanks; cheers) \u00a0\n\n**RASTA** (a member of a West Indian [Caribbean] religious movement, which rejects western culture and ideas and regards Haile Selassie, the former Emperor of Ethiopia, as divine)"} {"Clue":"Girl's to eat after brewing lager (9)","Answer":"GERALDINE","Explanation":"Definition: Girl\n**Anagram of **(brewing) **LAGER** **+** **DINE** (eat) **GERAL*** **DINE**\n\n**GERALDINE** (girl's name)"} {"Clue":"Name getting attention of immediate family (4)","Answer":"NEAR","Explanation":"Definition: immediate family\n**N** (name) **+** **EAR** (attention) \u00a0\n\n**NEAR** (close in relationship; immediate family)"} {"Clue":"Government, making statement on the way out (9)","Answer":"GUTTERING","Explanation":"Definition: on the way out\n**G** (government) **+** **UTTERING** (speaking; making statement) \u00a0\n\n**GUTTERING** (threatening to go out; on the way out)"} {"Clue":"Rare element: description encompassing bismuth and uranium (7)","Answer":"TERBIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Rare element\n**TERM** (designation; description) **containing** (encompassing) (**BI** [chemical symbol for Bismuth] **+** **U** [chemical symbol for Uranium]) **TER** (**BI** **U**) **M**\n\n**TERBIUM** (rare metallic element)"} {"Clue":"Sign of agreement about fellows in it produces fellow-feeling (8)","Answer":"AFFINITY","Explanation":"Definition: fellow-feeling\n**AY** (yes; sign of agreement) **containing **(**F** [fellow] **+** **F** [fellow] giving fellows + **IN IT**) **A** (**F****F** **IN** **IT**) **Y**\n\n**AFFINITY** (common attraction; fellow-feeling)"} {"Clue":"Fight over club drug is an embarrassing event (6)","Answer":"SCRAPE","Explanation":"Definition: embarrassing event\n**SCRAP** (fight) **+** **E** (ecstasy; a drug often taken at night clubs; club drug?) \u00a0\n\n**SCRAPE** (embarrassing predicament)"} {"Clue":"Surround is erected, say once worker comes round (7)","Answer":"BESIEGE","Explanation":"Definition: Surround\n**BEE** (worker) **containing** (comes round) (**IS** **reversed** [erected] **+** **EG** [for example; say) **BE** (**SI****<** **EG**) **E**\n\n**BESIEGE** (surround with armed forces)"} {"Clue":"Period of American dominance in behaviour (5)","Answer":"USAGE","Explanation":"Definition: behaviour\n**US** (American) **+** **AGE** (period) expressed as the phrase\u00a0**US AGE** could be descriptive of a period of American dominance \u00a0\n\n**USAGE** (custom; convention; behaviour)"} {"Clue":"Someone giving themselves airs locally? (4,6)","Answer":"FOLK SINGER","Explanation":"Definition: Someone giving themselves airs locally\n**FOLK SINGER **(one who performs songs [airs]) \u00a0\n\n**FOLK SINGER** (performer of material that is traditional and local) A cryptic definition. I don't think there is any more complex wordplay."} {"Clue":"A firm mostly getting more working \u2013 one's looking up (10)","Answer":"ASTRONOMER","Explanation":"Definition: one's looking up\n**A** **+** (**STRONG** [firm] **excluding the final letter** [mostly] **G**) **+** **an anagram of** (working) **MORE** **A** **STRON** **OMER***\n\n**ASTRONOMER** (one who looks up to the stars)"} {"Clue":"African region redeveloped as green site (9)","Answer":"SERENGETI","Explanation":"Definition: African region\n**Anagram of **(redeveloped) **GREEN SITE** **S****ERENG****ETI***\n\n**SERENGETI **(geographical region in Africa. It is located in northern Tanzania and extends to south-western Kenya)"} {"Clue":"Indicator of North or South sailor observed below mast (8)","Answer":"POLESTAR","Explanation":"Definition: Indicator of North\n**POLE** (mast) **+** **S** (South) **+** **TAR** (sailor) \u00a0\n\n**POLESTAR** (indicator of North)"} {"Clue":"Verdi opera about Egyptian god picked up in Stoppard play (7)","Answer":"ARCADIA","Explanation":"Definition: Stoppard play\n(**AIDA** [Verdi opera] **+** **C** [circa; about] **+** **RA** [Egyptian god]) **all reversed** (picked up) (**AR** **C ****ADIA**)<\n\n**ARCADIA** (title of play by Tom Stoppard)"} {"Clue":"Award involving one college examination (7)","Answer":"MEDICAL","Explanation":"Definition: examination\n**MEDAL** (award) **containing** (involving) (**I** [one] **+** **C** [college]) **MED** (**I** **C**) **AL**\n\n**MEDICAL** (examination to ascertain a person's physical condition)"} {"Clue":"Lied about love? Not half \u2013 I'm leaving (2,4)","Answer":"SO LONG","Explanation":"Definition: I'm leaving\n**SONG** (lied [German lyric]) **containing** (about) (**LO** [**two letters only of the four letters** [not half] of **LO****VE**) **SO** (**LO**) **NG**\n\n**SO LONG** (goodbye; I'm leaving)"} {"Clue":"Stock's rubbish \u2013 no successful item visible (5)","Answer":"BULLS","Explanation":"Definition: Stock\n**BULLSHIT** (nonsense; rubbish) **excluding** (no) **HIT** (successful item) \u00a0\n\n**BULLS** (farm animals; stock)"} {"Clue":"Pierce, producing blood (4)","Answer":"GORE","Explanation":"Definition: Pierce\n**GORE** (blood) \u00a0\n\n**GORE** (pierce) double definition"} {"Clue":"Group of canons taking time for quiet gossip (7)","Answer":"CHATTER","Explanation":"Definition: gossip\n**CHAPTER **(an assembly of the canons of a cathedral or collegiate church) **inserting**\u00a0(taking) **T** (time) **as a replacement for** (for) **P** (piano; quiet)\n **CHA****T****TER**\n\n**CHATTER** (gossip)"} {"Clue":"Baker's product unwrapped and put in natural sweet (6)","Answer":"NOUGAT","Explanation":"Definition: sweet\n(**DOUGH** [baker's product] **excluding the first and last letters** [unwrapped] **D** and **H**) **contained in** (put in) **NAT** (natural)\n **N** (**OUG**) **AT**\n\n**NOUGAT** (a hard, chewy confection made of a sweet paste filled with chopped almonds, pistachio nuts, cherries, etc; sweet)"} {"Clue":"Arab bigot imprisons spiritual leader (5)","Answer":"RABBI","Explanation":"Definition: spiritual leader\n**RABBI** (**hidden word in** [imprisons] **A****RAB BI****GOT**)\n \u00a0\n\n**RABBI** (spiritual leader)"} {"Clue":"Sketch small animal returning with little relative (8)","Answer":"SYNOPSIS","Explanation":"Definition: Sketch\n**S** + (**PONY** [animal] **reversed** [returning]) **+** **SIS** (**shortened form of** [little] sister [relative])\n **S** **NOPY**< **SIS**\n\n**SYNOPSIS** (outline; sketch)"} {"Clue":"Settled upon Greek character's fruit (6)","Answer":"LITCHI","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\n**LIT** (settled upon) **+** **CHI** (character of the Greek alphabet)\n \u00a0\n\n**LITCHI **(Chinese fruit)"} {"Clue":"Stab leading writer (8)","Answer":"ESSAYIST","Explanation":"Definition: writer\n**ESSAY** (tentative effort; stab) **+ ****IST** (first; leading)\n \u00a0\n\n**ESSAYIST** (writer)"} {"Clue":"I may leave broken urinal for use on the moon (5)","Answer":"LUNAR","Explanation":"Definition: use on the moon\n**Anagram of **(broken) **UR****I****NAL** **excluding** (may leave) **I**\n **LUNAR***\n\n**LUNAR** ([use] on the moon)"} {"Clue":"Journalist attending hard working technical event (9)","Answer":"HACKATHON","Explanation":"Definition: technical event\n**HACK** (journalist) **+** **AT** (attending) **+** **H** (hard, describing pencil lead) **+** **ON** (working)\n \u00a0\n\n**HACKATHON** meeting where people work together on computer\u00a0programming tasks; technical event)"} {"Clue":"Nine popes arranged to see Far Eastern people (9)","Answer":"NIPPONESE","Explanation":"Definition: Far Eastern people\n**Anagram of** (arranged) **NINE POPES**\n **NI****PPO****NE****SE***\n\n**NIPPONESE** (descriptive of Japanese people; Far Eastern people)"} {"Clue":"Manic games in hospital yard regularly overlooked (5)","Answer":"HYPER","Explanation":"Definition: Manic\n**PE** (physical education; games) **contained in** (in) (**H** [hospital] **+** **YR** (letters remaining in **YARD** **after the letters at 2\u00a0and 4 **[regularly] **A** and **D** **are excluded** [overlooked])\n **H** **Y** (**PE**) **R**\n\n**HYPER** (displaying intensive or artificially induced excitement about or enthusiasm for something; manic)"} {"Clue":"Left and came back to football club? (8)","Answer":"RESIGNED","Explanation":"Definition: Left\n**RE SIGNED** (signed again, possibly describing a footballer **SIGN**ing a contract on return to a previous football club)\n \u00a0\n\n**RESIGNED** (gave up the job; left)"} {"Clue":"Briefly get better form of drama (6)","Answer":"IMPROV","Explanation":"Definition: form of drama\n**IMPROV****E**** **(getting better) **excluding the final letter** (briefly)\n \u00a0\n\n**IMPROV** (improvisation; a form of theatre [drama] presentation)"} {"Clue":"Group captures bird leaving South Canadian city (8)","Answer":"WINNIPEG","Explanation":"Definition: Canadian city\n**WING** (group of several squadrons in the Royal Air Force) **containing** (captures) (**S****NIPE** [any of several wading birds] **excluding** [leaving] **S** [South])\n **WIN** (**NIPE**) **G**\n\n**WINNIPEG** (Canadian city)"} {"Clue":"Many a time moderate leader is missing (5)","Answer":"OFTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Many a time\n**SOFTEN** (moderate) **excluding** (is missing) **the first letter** (leader) **S**\n \u00a0\n\n**OFTEN** (many a time)"} {"Clue":"Poet Laureate tours Eastern state with Independent writer (6)","Answer":"PENCIL","Explanation":"Definition: writer\n**PL** (Poet Laureate) **containing** (**E** [Eastern] + **NC** [North Carolina {American State}] **+** **I** [independent])\n **P** (**E** **NC** **I**) **L**\n\n**PENCIL** (writing implement; writer)"} {"Clue":"Assistants back installing 51 church seats (7)","Answer":"SEDILIA","Explanation":"Definition: church seats\n**AIDES** (assistants) **reversed** (back) **containing** (installing) **LI** (51 in Roman numerals)\n **SEDI** (**LI**) **A<**\n\n**SEDILIA** (seats for the officiating clergy)"} {"Clue":"Post office leaves fleet of vehicles for Noel (5)","Answer":"CAROL","Explanation":"Definition: church seats\n**AIDES** (assistants) **reversed** (back) **containing** (installing) **LI** (51 in Roman numerals)\n **SEDI** (**LI**) **A<**\n\n**SEDILIA** (seats for the officiating clergy)"} {"Clue":"Bishop involved in a program to search for friar (5)","Answer":"ABBOT","Explanation":"Definition: friar\n**A** + (**B** [bishop] **contained in** **BOT** [computer program designed to perform routine tasks, such as searching the Internet])\n **A** **B** (**B**) **OT**\n\n**ABBOT** (person in charge of an abbey of monks; friar)"} {"Clue":"Tribute about husband beginning to rest on the far side (7)","Answer":"THITHER","Explanation":"Definition: on the far side\n(**TITHE** [levy or fee of one-tenth; tribute is similarly defined as a percentage of ore or its value received {or paid to the owners} by a miner] **containing** [about] **H** [husband]) **+ R** (**first letter of **[beginning to] **R****EST**)\n **T** (**H**) **ITHE** **R**\n\n**THITHER** (on the far side)"} {"Clue":"Possibility of two knights making a comeback (4)","Answer":"RISK","Explanation":"Definition: Possibility\n(**K** [knight] **+** **SIR** [form of address for a Knight of the Realm]) **all reversed** (making a comeback)\n (**RIS ****K**)<\n\n**RISK** (possibility)"} {"Clue":"Not a single person's beginning to sing in services (5)","Answer":"NONES","Explanation":"Definition: services\n**NONE** (not a single person) **+ S** (**first letter of **[beginning to] **SING**)\n \u00a0\n\n**NONES** (church services originally held at the ninth hour, or three o'clock, afterwards earlier)"} {"Clue":"Excited father embraces sailor docked in Swedish city (7)","Answer":"UPPSALA","Explanation":"Definition: Swedish city\n**UP** (excited) **+** (**PA** [father] **containing** [embraces] [**SAL****T** {sailor} **excluding the final letter** {docked} **T**])\n **UP** **P** (**SAL**) **A**\n\n**UPPSALA** (fourth largest city in Sweden)"} {"Clue":"Broken bail, one excuse for not being there (5)","Answer":"ALIBI","Explanation":"Definition: excuse for not being there\n**Anagram of** (broken) **BAIL** **+** **I** (one)\n **ALIB* I**\n\n**ALIBI** (the plea in a criminal charge of having been elsewhere at the relevant time; excuse for not being there)"} {"Clue":"General course for singer (5)","Answer":"TENOR","Explanation":"Definition: General course\n**TENOR **(general course)\n \u00a0\n\n**TENOR** (singer) double definition"} {"Clue":"What a farrier may do to get away we hear (4)","Answer":"SHOE","Explanation":"Definition: What a farrier may do\n**SHOE **(**sounds like** [we hear] **SHOO** [go away!])\n \u00a0\n\n**SHOE** (one activity of a farrier is to **SHOE**\u00a0horses)"} {"Clue":"Ship \u2013 one acquired by old transport company (5)","Answer":"LINER","Explanation":"Definition: Ship\n**I** (one) **contained in** (acquired by) **LNER** (formerly London and North Eastern Railway; old transport company)\n **L** (**I**) **NER**\n\n**LINER** (ship)"} {"Clue":"Sleep with American in New Providence (3)","Answer":"NAP","Explanation":"Definition: Sleep\n**A** (American) **contained in** **NP** (New Providence [Bahamas])\n **N** (**A**) **P**\n\n**NAP** (sleep)"} {"Clue":"Gnaw on cold chop (4)","Answer":"CHEW","Explanation":"Definition: Gnaw on\n**C** (cold) **+** **HEW** (chop) \n \u00a0\n\n**CHEW** (gnaw on)"} {"Clue":"Trendy music \u2013 not half (3)","Answer":"HIP","Explanation":"Definition: Trendy\n**HIP-HOP** (a form of rap music) **excluding** (not) **HOP** (half of the word)\n \u00a0\n\n**HIP** (trendy)"} {"Clue":"Only child fed with milled grain grown without chemicals? (7)","Answer":"ORGANIC","Explanation":"Definition: grown without chemicals\n**OC** (only child) **containing** (fed with) (**an anagram of** [milled] **GRAIN**)\n **O** (**RGANI***) **C**\n\n**ORGANIC** (grown without chemicals)"} {"Clue":"Foreign secretary's qualification about bullets (7)","Answer":"HAMMOND","Explanation":"Definition: Foreign secretary\n**HND** (Higher National Diploma; qualification) **containing** (about) **AMMO** (ammunition; bullets)\n **H** (**AMMO**) **ND**\n\n**HAMMOND** (reference Philip **HAMMOND**, British Foreign Secretary when the puzzle was published)"} {"Clue":"Arrest group of seven overheard (5)","Answer":"SEIZE","Explanation":"Definition: Arrest\n**SEIZE** (**sounds like** [overheard] **SEAS** (reference the seven **SEAS**])\n \u00a0\n\n**SEIZE** (arrest)"} {"Clue":"Throw out old short coat (5)","Answer":"EXPEL","Explanation":"Definition: Throw out\n**EX** (former; old) **+** **PEL****T** (coat) **excluding the final letter** (short) **T**\n \u00a0\n\n**EXPEL** (throw out)"} {"Clue":"Artist's allowed to rear honey badger (5)","Answer":"RATEL","Explanation":"Definition: honey badger\n**RA** (Royal Academician; artist) **+** (**LET** [allowed to] **reversed** [rear; down clue])\n **RA** **TEL**<\n\n**RATEL** (honey badger)"} {"Clue":"Lead amateur lands unknown part in Chekhov play (5)","Answer":"VANYA","Explanation":"Definition: Chekhov play\n(**VAN** [vanguard; forefront; lead] **+** **A** [amateur]) **containing** (lands) **Y** (a letter frequently used to represent an unknown value in mathematics)\n **VAN** (**Y**) **A**\n\n**VANYA** (reference the Chekhov play, Uncle **VANYA**)"} {"Clue":"Encourages personalities to welcome good for nothing (4)","Answer":"EGGS","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Lout in Oslo bar knocking back strong drink (4)","Answer":"SLOB","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Provincial governor in trouble restraining impetuousness a little (10)","Answer":"ADELANTADO","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"With over 1,024 words, it's hardly worth reading (4)","Answer":"MUCK","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Relocated Malay Muslims, gloomy away from their base (5)","Answer":"MOROS","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Gl\u00fchwein left in bedroom container (6)","Answer":"PLOTTY","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"They were worthless in having been despatched by spears (6)","Answer":"JAVELS","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Fuss north of the border, that is after bed is denied to Scottish (7)","Answer":"STISHIE","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Vagrant priest or ragged vicar-poet, one yielding to English (9)","Answer":"PATERCOVE","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Like old-fashioned squire making money in a swindle with crooked earl (9)","Answer":"ARMIGERAL","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Junior fed with mythological tales on Troy in Borders town (7)","Answer":"JEDDART","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"What'll reverse this rocky upheaval? Rush to help (6)","Answer":"DIAPIR","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Assembly in honour of Maggie in recess (5)","Answer":"GEMOT","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Private Eye admits 50% ad lib (4)","Answer":"SPAY","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Hot on dancing girl in folk party (10)","Answer":"HOOTNANNIE","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Opuntia? it might be this, mashed with poi (4)","Answer":"TUNA","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Struggling rep getting stretched put on American show (8)","Answer":"PRETENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Worthless piano making a booming sound (4)","Answer":"BUMP","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Mature eyes of old taking in king born out of wedlock? (10)","Answer":"ADULTERINE","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Thief in a college dividing thing of little value (6)","Answer":"DACOIT","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Gage path to be fashioned where slane is used? (8)","Answer":"PEATHAGG","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Judge interrupting liberal primate lost rag (5)","Answer":"LAPJE","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Former tennis star broke cooker (5)","Answer":"STOVE","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Ordeal getting lost somewhere in Texas (6)","Answer":"LAREDO","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Second to none in domineering? Stasi man possibly comes in first (8)","Answer":"BOSSIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"No royalists enjoy life with king entering as No 1 swaggeringly (10)","Answer":"OLIVERIANS","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"It involves men-of-war, each strong, coming into view (8)","Answer":"SEAFIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Inclined to admit as true pass should go inside (8)","Answer":"GRADIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Wild sheep, mother linked with offspring (6)","Answer":"MUSMON","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Tidy unit, freshly decorated (6)","Answer":"REDONE","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"It's maybe in the north, between Shap and Penrith (6)","Answer":"HAPPEN","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Archaic poem on one round old vase (5)","Answer":"DIOTA","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Climb using clips, end of spring excepted \u2013 army regulation (5)","Answer":"JUMAR","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Year up, Canadian province changes to special winter coat (4)","Answer":"RYPE","Explanation":"Definition: Encourages\n**EGOS** (personalities) with **G** **replacing** (welcoming ,,, for) **O** (nothing)\n **EGGS**\n\n**EGGS** (encourages)"} {"Clue":"Diva adjusted fur as recommended (9)","Answer":"ADVISABLE","Explanation":"Definition: recommended\n**Anagram of** (adjusted) **DIVA** **+** **SABLE** (fur of an arctic and\u00a0subarctic marten)\n **ADVI*** **SABLE**\n\n**ADVISABLE** (recommended)"} {"Clue":"Old-fashioned lawyer assigned to Irish priest? (5)","Answer":"DATED","Explanation":"Definition: Old-fashioned\n**DA** (District Attorney; lawyer) **+** **TED** (reference Father **TED**, eponymous star of the sitcom of a few years ago which focused on the lives of fictional Irish priests)\n \u00a0\n\n**DATED** (old-fashioned)"} {"Clue":"Breed of sheepdog, note kept by mother (7)","Answer":"MAREMMA","Explanation":"Definition: Breed of sheepdog\n**RE** (note of the tonic sol-fa) **contained in** (kept by) **MAMMA** (mother)\n **MA** (**RE**) **MMA**\n\n**MAREMMA** (Italian sheepdog)"} {"Clue":"Sort of bar worker is bringing in little money: tough for such as 'gar\u00e7on'! (4,3)","Answer":"TANT PIS","Explanation":"Definition: tough for such as 'gar\u00e7on'\n(**T** [reference **T**-bar] **+** **ANT** [worker] **+** **IS**]** ****containing** (bringing in) **P** (pence; abbreviation [little] or maybe just the fact that a penny is not worth much [little]\n **T**** ****ANT** (**P**) **IS**\n\n**TANT PIS** (French [gar\u00e7on] term meaning 'so much the worse'[tough])"} {"Clue":"Finished small drink and tucked in, swallowing one's ham (13)","Answer":"OVERDRAMATISE","Explanation":"Definition: ham\n**OVER** (finished) **+ DRAM** (small drink of alcohol) **+** (**ATE** [tucked in] **containing** [swallowing] **I'S** [one's])\n **OVER** **DRAM** **AT** (**IS**) **E**\n\n**OVERDRAMATISE **(to ham is to overact)"} {"Clue":"Having beer with a politician is chancy (8)","Answer":"ALEATORY","Explanation":"Definition: chancy\n**ALE **(beer) **+** **A** **+** **TORY** (member of the **TORY** party; politician)\n \u00a0\n\n**ALEATORY** (depending on contingencies; chancy)"} {"Clue":"Unpleasant task, replacing English with American singers (6)","Answer":"CHORUS","Explanation":"Definition: singers\n**CHORE** (unpleasant) **replacing** **E** (English) **with** **US** (American)\n **CHORUS**\n\n**CHORUS** (singers)"} {"Clue":"In Italian city notice protective structure (6)","Answer":"RADOME","Explanation":"Definition: protective structure\n**AD** (advertisement; notice) **contained in** (in) **ROME** (Italian city)\n **R** (**AD**) **OME**\n\n**RADOME **(protective covering for microwave radar antennae)"} {"Clue":"Entered uninvited, making lots of noise on boat (6,2)","Answer":"BARGED IN","Explanation":"Definition: Entered uninvited\n**BARGE** (boat) **+** **DIN** (lots of noise)\n \u00a0\n\n**BARGED IN** (entered uninvited)"} {"Clue":"Mischievous types, thieves maybe, pinching foreign currency (marks) (13)","Answer":"TROUBLEMAKERS","Explanation":"Definition: Mischievous types\n**TAKERS** (thieves) **containing** (pinching) (**ROUBLE** [foreign currency] **+** **M** [marks])\n **T (ROUBLE M) AKERS**\n\n**TROUBLEMAKERS** (people who disturb the peace and usually\u00a0incite others to do the same; perhaps a bit more than mischievous types)"} {"Clue":"I'm given money to put away (7)","Answer":"IMPOUND","Explanation":"Definition: put away\n**I'M** **+** **POUND** (money)\n \u00a0\n\n**IMPOUND** (confine; put away)"} {"Clue":"Check villain about to enter US city (7)","Answer":"CHICAGO","Explanation":"Definition: US city\n**CH** (check, in chess) **+** (**C** [circa; about] **contained in** [to enter] **IAGO** [the main villain in Shakespeare's play Othello)\n **CH** **I**\u00a0(**C**) **AGO**\n\n**CHICAGO** (US city)"} {"Clue":"Heard news: oddly, it's hell (5)","Answer":"HADES","Explanation":"Definition: hell\n**Letters 1, 3 5,\u00a07 and 9** (oddly) of **HEARD NEWS**\n \u00a0\n\n**HADES** (hell)"} {"Clue":"After end of day, resist corrupt female guard (9)","Answer":"MONITRESS","Explanation":"Definition: female guard \n**MON** (Monday; day) **+** **an anagram of** (corrupt) **RESIST**\n **MON** **ITRESS***\n\n**MONITRESS** (female guard)"} {"Clue":"Top expert lassoes mare (4)","Answer":"ACME","Explanation":"Definition: Top\n**ACE** (expert)** contains** (lassoes) **M** (mare; abbreviation in Collins)\n **AC** (**M**) **E**\n\n**ACME** (top)"} {"Clue":"Wordy piece of poetry boy briefly penned (7)","Answer":"VERBOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Wordy\n(**BOY** excluding the last letter [briefly] **Y**) **contained in** (penned) **VERSE** (piece of poetry)\n **VER** (**BO**) **SE**\n\n**VERBOSE** (wordy)"} {"Clue":"Number of Oxbridge cricketers? (10,5)","Answer":"SUMMERTIME BLUES","Explanation":"Definition: Number\n**SUMMERTIME** (cricket is a game played in the summer) **+** **BLUES** (reference the light **BLUE**s of Cambridge and the dark **BLUE**s of Oxford, but the term **BLUE** can apply to anyone recognised as an\u00a0excellent sporting representative of any University)\n \u00a0\n\n**SUMMERTIME BLUES** (song [number] co-written and performed by Eddie Cochrane, originally in the late 1950s)"} {"Clue":"Some pupils given top grade, within limits (8)","Answer":"BOARDERS","Explanation":"Definition: Some pupils\n**A** (top grade) **contained in** (within) **BORDERS** (limits)\n **BO** (**A**) **RDERS**\n\n**BOARDERS** (pupils who live in school)"} {"Clue":"Catch flipping spouse offering no resistance finally (6)","Answer":"ENTRAP","Explanation":"Definition: Catch\n**PARTNER** (spouse)** reversed** (flipping) **excluding the last letter** (offering no \u2026 finally) **R**\n **ENTRAP**<\n\n**ENTRAP** (catch)"} {"Clue":"Canine expert working at length inside yard (6,9)","Answer":"DENTAL HYGIENIST","Explanation":"Definition: Canine expert\n**Anagram of (**working) (**AT LENGTH INSIDE** and **Y** [yard])\n **D****EN****TA****L** **H****Y****G****IENIS****T***\n\n**DENTAL HYGIENIST** (an expert in teeth [canines])"} {"Clue":"More tight with gratuities? That is right (7)","Answer":"TIPSIER","Explanation":"Definition: More tight\n**TIPS** (gratuities) **+** **I.E.** (id est; that is) **+** **R** (right)\n \u00a0\n\n**TIPSIER** (more drunk; more tight)"} {"Clue":"Making critical comments about writer working at the chemist's? (10)","Answer":"DISPENSING","Explanation":"Definition: working at the chemist's\n**DISSING **(treating with disrespect or contempt; making critical comments) **containing** (about) **PEN** (writer)\n **DIS** (**PEN**) **SING**\n\n**DISPENSING** (making up medicines; working at the chemist)"} {"Clue":"Swimmer, for his part, splashing about (10)","Answer":"PARROTFISH","Explanation":"Definition: Swimmer\n**Anagram of** (splashing about) **FOR HIS PART**\n **PARROTFISH***\n\n**PARROTFISH** (a name applied to various fishes, especially of the wrasse family, from their colours or their powerful jaws)"} {"Clue":"Traffic problem on main road round north of island (8)","Answer":"JAMAICAN","Explanation":"Definition: of island\n**JAM** (traffic problem) **+** **AI** (A1, road from London to Edinburgh) **+** **CA** (circa; around) **+** **N** (north)\n \u00a0\n\n**JAMAICAN** (relating to the island of **JAMAICA**; of island)"} {"Clue":"Democrat supported leader being ousted and ditched (7)","Answer":"DROPPED","Explanation":"Definition: ditched\n**D** (Democrat) **+** (**P****ROPPED** [supported] **excluding** [being ousted] **the first letter** [leader] **P**)\n \u00a0\n\n**DROPPED** (ditched)"} {"Clue":"Slim shortly, consuming large amounts of salt water: illness results (7)","Answer":"DISEASE","Explanation":"Definition: illness\n**DIET** **excluding the final letter** (shortly) **T**\u00a0**containing** (consuming) **SEAS** (large amounts of salt water)\n **DI **(**SEAS**) **E**\n\n**DISEASE** (illness)"} {"Clue":"Models redeployed once in a blue moon (6)","Answer":"SELDOM","Explanation":"Definition: once in a blue moon\n**Anagram of** (redeployed) **MODELS**\n **SELDOM***\n\n**SELDOM** (rarely; once in a blue moon)"} {"Clue":"TV interviewer and judge turned up half-cut (4)","Answer":"ROSS","Explanation":"Definition: TV interviewer \n**ASSESSOR** (judge) **reversed** (turned up; down clue) **with the first\u00a04 of the 8 letters** [half] **excluded** [cut]\n **ROSS**<\n\n**ROSS** (reference Jonathan **ROSS**, British chat show host)"} {"Clue":"Skin and cook frozen duck (4)","Answer":"ZERO","Explanation":"Definition: duck\n**Anagram of** (cook) **ROZE** (**the letters remaining when the outside letters** [skin] **F** and **N** **are removed** [skinned] from **FROZEN**)\n **ZERO***\n\n**ZERO** (in cricket a batsman who fails to score is said to be out for a **DUCK**)"} {"Clue":"Remove signs of age with special drug (5)","Answer":"ERASE","Explanation":"Definition: Remove signs of \n**ERA** (age) **+** **S** (special) **+** **E** (ecstasy; drug)\n \u00a0\n\n**ERASE** (remove signs of)"} {"Clue":"King's comeback in Open (4)","Answer":"AJAR","Explanation":"Definition: Open\n**RAJA** (Indian prince or king) **reversed** (comeback)\n **AJAR**<\n\n**AJAR** ([partly]open)"} {"Clue":"Leave to copulate (4,2)","Answer":"BEAT IT","Explanation":"Definition: Leave\n**BE AT IT** (have sexual intercourse; copulate)\n \u00a0\n\n**BEAT IT** (leave hastily or furtively))"} {"Clue":"Contrary agent rejected poet's work (8)","Answer":"PERVERSE","Explanation":"Definition: Contrary\n**REP** (agent) **reversed** (rejected) **+** **VERSE** (element of a poet's work)\n **PER**< **VERSE**\n\n**PERVERSE** (contrary)"} {"Clue":"Criticise article about temple (8)","Answer":"PANTHEON","Explanation":"Definition: temple\n**PAN** (criticise) **+** **THE** (definite article) **+** **ON** (with reference to; about)\n \u00a0\n\n**PANTHEON** (a temple of all the gods)"} {"Clue":"Goal in question dividing speculation (6)","Answer":"BASKET","Explanation":"Definition: Goal\n**ASK** (question) **contained** in (dividing) **BET** (speculation)\n **B** (**ASK**) **ET**\n\n**BASKET** (goal scored in basketball)"} {"Clue":"Service provider to show surprise about good\u00a0performance at last (3,4)","Answer":"GAS PIPE","Explanation":"Definition: Service provider\n(**GASP** [show surprise] **containing** [about] **PI** [pious; good]) **+** **E** **(last letter of** [at last] (**PERFORMANCE**)\n **GAS** (**PI**) **P**** E**\n\n**GAS PIPE** (an object that allows a gas utility company to supply a service)"} {"Clue":"Day First Lady cut advance (7)","Answer":"DEVELOP","Explanation":"Definition: advance\n**D** (day) **+** **EVE** (the first lady according to the Bible) **+** **LOP** (cut)\n \u00a0\n\n**DEVELOP** (advance)"} {"Clue":"Jellied eel covered in blubber and veg (6)","Answer":"CELERY","Explanation":"Definition: veg\n(**Anagram of** [jellied] **EEL**) **contained in** (covered in) **CRY** (blubber)\n **C** (**ELE***)** RY**\n\n**CELERY** (a vegetable)"} {"Clue":"Downhearted daughter vomited (8)","Answer":"DEJECTED","Explanation":"Definition: Downhearted \n**D** (daughter) **+** **EJECTED** (vomited)\n \u00a0\n\n**DEJECTED** (downhearted)"} {"Clue":"Tango with admirer, turn and rise up (6)","Answer":"REVOLT","Explanation":"Definition: rise up\n(**T** [Tango is the International Radio Communication codeword for the letter **T**\u00a0] **+** **LOVER** [admirer]) **all reversed** (turn)\n (**REVOL** **T**)<\n\n**REVOLT** (rise up)"} {"Clue":"Sailor with short lease (4)","Answer":"WREN","Explanation":"Definition: Sailor\n**W** (with) **+** (**RENT** [lease] **excluding the final letter** [short])\n \u00a0\n\n**WREN** (a member of the Women's Royal Naval Service)"} {"Clue":"Organs somehow displaying true independence (5)","Answer":"UTERI","Explanation":"Definition: Organs\n**Anagram of** (somehow displaying) **TRUE** **+** **I** (independence)\n **UTER***** ****I**\n\n**UTERI** (plural of **UTERUS** [womb; organ of a female mammal])"} {"Clue":"Resting place of cat (black) (4)","Answer":"TOMB","Explanation":"Definition: Resting place\n**TOM** (male of various animals, especially a cat) **+** **B** (black, when describing the lead in a pencil)\n \u00a0\n\n**TOMB** (any place serving as a grave; [last] resting place)"} {"Clue":"Lake and nothing more (4)","Answer":"MERE","Explanation":"Definition: Lake\n**MERE** (only what is said and nothing more)\n \u00a0\n\n**MERE** (lake) double definition"} {"Clue":"Pays for outside of tyre to get soft tread (8)","Answer":"FOOTSTEP","Explanation":"Definition: tread\n**FOOTS** (pays for) **+** **TE** (**first and last letters of** [outside] **TYRE**) **+** **P** (piano; soft)\n \u00a0\n\n**FOOTSTEP** (tread)"} {"Clue":"Papa is the French for this kitchen utensil (6)","Answer":"PESTLE","Explanation":"Definition: kitchen utensil\n**P** (Papa is the International Radio Communication codeword for the letter **P**) **+** **EST** (French for 'is') **+** **LE** (one of the French forms of 'the')\n \u00a0\n\n**PESTLE** (instrument for pounding or grinding; kitchen utensil)"} {"Clue":"Unrestrained male takes gasping breath (7)","Answer":"RAMPANT","Explanation":"Definition: Unrestrained\n**RAM** (male [sheep]) **+** **PANT** (gasp for breath)\n \u00a0\n\n**RAMPANT** (unrestrained)"} {"Clue":"Bachelor of Engineering can be cultivated and not entirely unacceptable (8)","Answer":"BEARABLE","Explanation":"Definition: not entirely unacceptable\n**BE** (Bachelor of Engineering) **+** **ARABLE** ([of land] fit for crop production; can be cultivated)\n \u00a0\n\n**BEARABLE** (can be endured; not entirely unacceptable)"} {"Clue":"Destitute people lacking acceptable ID (6)","Answer":"PAPERS","Explanation":"Definition: ID\n**PAUPERS** (destitute people) **excluding** (lacking) **U** (acceptable)\n \u00a0\n\n**PAPERS** documents for the purpose of one's identification; ID)"} {"Clue":"Obstructs openings of basement air raid shelters (4)","Answer":"BARS","Explanation":"Definition: Obstructs\n**BARS** (**first letters of** [opening of] each of **BASEMENT**, **AIR**, **R****AID** and **SHELTERS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**BARS** (obstructs)"} {"Clue":"A cereal said to blow your mind (5)","Answer":"AMAZE","Explanation":"Definition: blow your mind\n**A** **+** **MAZE** (**sounds like** [said] **MAIZE** [cereal grass])\n \u00a0\n\n**AMAZE** (overwhelm with astonishment or wonder; blow your mind)"} {"Clue":"Pull out and overtake wildly, missing road traffic accident (5)","Answer":"EVOKE","Explanation":"Definition: Pull out\n**Anagram of** (wildly) **OVERTAKE** **excluding** (missing) **RTA** (road traffic accident)\n **EVOKE***\n\n**EVOKE** (draw out or bring forth; pull out)"} {"Clue":"Vexation surrounding strangely shy figure (8)","Answer":"PHYSIQUE","Explanation":"Definition: figure\n**PIQUE** (feeling of vexation) **containing** (surrounding) (**an anagram of** [strangely] **SHY**)\n **P** (**HYS***) **IQUE**\n\n**PHYSIQUE** (bodily type; build; figure)"} {"Clue":"Dig up old wine by hollow tree (8)","Answer":"EXCAVATE","Explanation":"Definition: Dig up\n**EX** (former; old) **+** **CAVA** (sparkling white wine) **+** **TE** (letters remaining in **T****RE****E** when the centre **RE** is removed [hollow])\n\n**EXCAVATE** (dig up)"} {"Clue":"Headless corpse on ship starts to enter yearlong journey (7)","Answer":"ODYSSEY","Explanation":"Definition: journey\n(**B****ODY** [corpse] **excluding the first letter** [headless]) **+** **SS** ([steam]ship] **+** **EY** (**first letters of** [starts to] each of **E****NTER** and **Y****EARLONG**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ODYSSEY** (long wandering; journey)"} {"Clue":"Task master ran disciplined section (6)","Answer":"ERRAND","Explanation":"Definition: Task\n**ERRAND** (**hidden word in** [section] **MASTER RAN DISCIPLINED**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ERRAND** (task)"} {"Clue":"Annoying bloke in tight waistcoat (6)","Answer":"JERKIN","Explanation":"Definition: tight waistcoat\n**JERK** (annoying bloke) **+** **IN**\n \u00a0\n\n**JERKIN** (close-fitting waistcoat)"} {"Clue":"Repairing oddly deficient pocket (4)","Answer":"EARN","Explanation":"Definition: pocket\n**Even letters only** (oddly-deficient) 2, 4, 6 and 8 of **REPAIRING**\n \u00a0\n\n**EARN** (get; pocket)"} {"Clue":"Swelling fruit's first to fall down (4)","Answer":"LUMP","Explanation":"Definition: Swelling\n**PLUM** (fruit) **with the first letter P** **falling to the bottom** [fall down {down clue}]\n **LUM****P**\n\n**LUMP** (swelling)"} {"Clue":"Dwarf boxer may feel so \u2026 (7)","Answer":"BASHFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Dwarf\n**BASHFUL** (cryptic description of a boxer's feelings after he has received many punches [**BASH**es] during a fight)\n \u00a0\n\n**BASHFUL** (the name of one of the seven dwarfs in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)"} {"Clue":"..quite losing it in fight, as shown by nose (7)","Answer":"BOUQUET","Explanation":"Definition: nose\n(**QUITE** **excluding** [losing] **IT**) **contained in** (in) **BOUT** (fight)\n **BOU** (**QUE**) **T**\n\n**BOUQUET** (perfume of wine [nose])"} {"Clue":"Spit, being in reflective mood? \u2026 (6,5)","Answer":"MIRROR IMAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Spit\n**MIRROR IMAGE** (a **MIRROR** being reflective it can show one's mood)\n \u00a0\n\n**MIRROR IMAGE** (an **IMAGE**\u00a0with right and left reflected, perhaps not quite a spitting image or exact replica but very close)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 as evidenced by this musical style? (3)","Answer":"POP","Explanation":"Definition: musical style\n**POP** (example of a palindrome; a **MIRROR IMAGE** of itself when spelled in either direction)\n \u00a0\n\n**POP** (musical style)"} {"Clue":"Star missing debut in God of the Moon (5)","Answer":"LUNAR","Explanation":"Definition: of the Moon\n(**SUN** [star] **excluding** [missing] **the first letter** [debut] **S**) **contained in** (in) (**LAR** [the God of a house])\n **L** (**UN**) **AR**\n\n**LUNAR** (relating to the moon; of the moon)"} {"Clue":"Piano \u2013 bench site potentially (9)","Answer":"BECHSTEIN","Explanation":"Definition: Piano\n**Anagram of **(potentially) **BENCH SITE** \n **BECHSTEIN***\n\n**BECHSTEIN** (a brand name of high quality pianos)"} {"Clue":"Graduate taking on quartz church (8)","Answer":"BASILICA","Explanation":"Definition: church\n**BA** (Bachelor of Arts; graduate) **+ SILICA** (silicon dioxide or silicic anhydride, occurring in nature as quartz)\n \u00a0\n\n**BASILICA** (a magnificent church formed out of large oblong hall, with double colonnades and commonly a semicircular apse)"} {"Clue":"Rupture? Woman's recalled discomfort, with loss of power (6)","Answer":"HERNIA","Explanation":"Definition: Rupture\n**HER** (descriptive of a woman) **+** ([**P****AIN** {discomfort} **excluding** {with loss of} **P** {power}] **reversed** [recalled])\n **HER** **NIA**<\n\n**HERNIA** (rupture)"} {"Clue":"Front of woven material falling off and falling back (6)","Answer":"EBBING","Explanation":"Definition: falling back\n**WEBBING** (woven strip hemp; woven material) **excluding** (falling off) **the first letter** (front) **W**\n \u00a0\n\n**EBBING** (falling back)"} {"Clue":"City lad upset about 100, working from the digits (8)","Answer":"DACTYLIC","Explanation":"Definition: working from the digits\n**Anagram of **(upset) **CITY LAD ****containing** (about) **C** (American slang for 100 dollars)\n **DA** (**C**) **TY****L****IC***\n\n**DACTYLIC** (zoological term referring to a vertebrate\u00a0having digits) I'm not really sure here whether the definition is 'working from the digits' or just 'from the digits'"} {"Clue":"One working on film canisters getting sacked (9)","Answer":"SCENARIST","Explanation":"Definition: One working on film\n**Anagram of** (getting sacked) **CANISTERS**\n **SCENARIST***\n\n**SCENARIST** (one who writes the outline of a dramatic work or film)"} {"Clue":"Difficulty restraining male American in dance (5)","Answer":"RUMBA","Explanation":"Definition: dance\n(**RUB **[difficulty] **containing** [restraining] **M** [male]) **+** **A** (American)\n **RU** (**M**) **B** **A**\n\n**RUMBA** (a dance)"} {"Clue":"Sulphur absolved from damage to metal channel (3)","Answer":"RUT","Explanation":"Definition: channel\n**RUST** (corrosion; damage to metal) **excluding** (absolved) **S** (chemical symbol for Sulphur)\n \u00a0\n\n**RUT** (channel)"} {"Clue":"This \u2026 possibly gives 'eternal no end to life'? (11)","Answer":"EVERLASTING","Explanation":"Definition: eternal no end to life\n**Anagram of **(possibly) **GIVES ETERNAL** **excluding** (no) **E** (**last letter of **[end to] **LIFE**)\n **EVERLASTING***\n\n**EVERLASTING** (eternal; no end to life)"} {"Clue":"Rich, complex tale called into question (7)","Answer":"WEALTHY","Explanation":"Definition: Rich\n(**Anagram of **[complex] **TALE**) **contained in** (called into) **WHY** (example of a question)\n **W** (**EALT***) **HY**\n\n**WEALTHY** (rich)"} {"Clue":"Case badly handled, one being released? That's a blow (7)","Answer":"MISTRAL","Explanation":"Definition: a blow\n**MISTR****I****AL** (a trial [case] void because of error) **excluding** (being released) **I** (one)\n \u00a0\n\n**MISTRAL** (violent cold dry north-east wind [a blow] in southern France)"} {"Clue":"Drone: one who wouldn't give more over competition (9)","Answer":"BUMBLEBEE","Explanation":"Definition: Drone\n**BUMBLE** (reference Mr **BUMBLE** in the Dicken's novel Oliver Twist. Mr **BUMBLE** was party to the decision to refuse Oliver more gruel when he asked for it) **+** **BEE** (competition, e.g. a Spelling **BEE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**BUMBLEBEE** (a drone is the male honey-bee; **BUMBLEBEE**s are closely related to honey-bees)"} {"Clue":"Part of orchestra I start to retract from early movement (7)","Answer":"STRINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Drone\n**BUMBLE** (reference Mr **BUMBLE** in the Dicken's novel Oliver Twist. Mr **BUMBLE** was party to the decision to refuse Oliver more gruel when he asked for it) **+** **BEE** (competition, e.g. a Spelling **BEE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**BUMBLEBEE** (a drone is the male honey-bee; **BUMBLEBEE**s are closely related to honey-bees)"} {"Clue":"Baking staple, one very lacking in taste (5)","Answer":"FLOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Baking staple\n**FLAVOUR** (taste) **excluding** (lacking in) (**A** [one] **+ V** [very])\n \u00a0\n\n**FLOUR** (a staple ingredient in baking)"} {"Clue":"Face up to sponsor with little evident concern (4-4)","Answer":"LAID BACK","Explanation":"Definition: with little evident concern \n(**DIAL **[face] **reversed** [up; down clue]) **+** **BACK** (sponsor)\n **LAID**< **BACK**\n\n**LAID BACK** (relaxed; with little evident concern)"} {"Clue":"Prevent church suppressing Rector's subsection (6)","Answer":"BRANCH","Explanation":"Definition: subsection\n(**BAN** [prevent] **containing** [suppressing] **R** [rector]) **+** **CH** (church)\n **B** (**R**) **AN** **CH**\n\n**BRANCH **(subsection)"} {"Clue":"Endless nausea, nasty, that is keeping daughter away, most alarmed (9)","Answer":"UNEASIEST","Explanation":"Definition: most alarmed\n(**Anagram of** [nasty] **NAUSEA** **excluding the final letter** [endless] **A**)** **+ (**ID EST** [that is] **excluding** [away] **D** [daughter])\n **UNEAS*** **IEST**\n\n**UNEASIEST** (most alarmed)"} {"Clue":"Parliamentarian, tense, interrupting monarch facing decapitation quite a lot (7)","Answer":"UMPTEEN","Explanation":"Definition: most alarmed\n(**Anagram of** [nasty] **NAUSEA** **excluding the final letter** [endless] **A**)** **+ (**ID EST** [that is] **excluding** [away] **D** [daughter])\n **UNEAS*** **IEST**\n\n**UNEASIEST** (most alarmed)"} {"Clue":"Easy shot picked up at the flag (3-2)","Answer":"TAP-IN","Explanation":"Definition: Easy shot\n**AT** **reversed** (picked-up; down clue) **+** **PIN** (the rod of a golf flag)\n **TA< ****P IN**\n\n**TAP-IN** (easy shot in many sports)"} {"Clue":"Feature left one conclusive about end of prayer (9)","Answer":"LINEAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Feature\n**L** (left) **+** **I** (one) **+ **(**NET** [final] **containing** (about) **AMEN **[word said at the end of a prayer])\n **L** **I ****NE** (**AMEN**) **T**\n\n**LINEAMENT** (feature)"} {"Clue":"Something greater than Charlie's girls? Charlie's heart's about to alter (9)","Answer":"ARCHANGEL","Explanation":"Definition: Something greater than Charlie's girls\n**ARL** (**the three middle letters of **[heart] **CHARLIE**)** containing **(about)** CHANGE (**alter)\n **AR** (**CHANGE**) **L**\n\n**ARCHANGEL** (an **ANGE**L of the highest order; also reference the TV Series Charlie's **ANGEL**s)"} {"Clue":"Metal worker almost entirely engaged by corporation (8)","Answer":"TANTALUM","Explanation":"Definition: Metal\n(**ANT** [worker] + **ALL** [entirely] **excluding the last letter** [almost]) **L**\u00a0**contained in** (engaged by) **TUM** (belly; corporation)\n **T** (**ANT** **AL**) **UM**\n\n**TANTALUM** (metallic element)"} {"Clue":"Complaint over players dismissing latest nourishing broth (4,3)","Answer":"BEEF TEA","Explanation":"Definition: nourishing broth\n**BEEF** (complaint) **+** (**TEA****M** [players] **excluding** [dismissing] **the final letter** [latest] **M**)\n \u00a0\n\n**BEEF TEA** (nourishing drink)"} {"Clue":"Cinema pioneer mostly accepting piano, accommodating more pieces? (7)","Answer":"LUMPIER","Explanation":"Definition: accommodating more pieces\n(**LUMI\u00c8RE** [reference French brothers Louis\u00a0and Auguste **LUMI\u00c8RE**, pioneers of the cinema] **excluding the final letter **[mostly] **E**)** containing **(accepting) **P** (piano)\n **LUM** (**P**) **IER**\n\n**LUMPIER** (having more bits; accommodating more pieces)"} {"Clue":"Bright flower around edges of verge (6)","Answer":"LIVELY","Explanation":"Definition: Bright\n**LILY** (flower) **containing** (around) **VE** (**first and last letters of** [edges of] **V****ERG****E**)\n **LI** (**VE**) **LY**\n\n**LIVELY** (bright)"} {"Clue":"Animal's crafty, saving tail (5)","Answer":"SHREW","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\n**SHREWD** (crafty) **excluding** (saving) **the last letter** (tail) **D**\n \u00a0\n\n**SHREW** (small animal)"} {"Clue":"Flowers eaten by horse sorta coming up (5)","Answer":"ROSES","Explanation":"Definition: Flowers\n**ROSES** (**hidden word** [eaten by] **reversed** [coming up; down clue] in **HORSE SORTA**)\n **ROSES**<\n\n**ROSES** (flowers)"} {"Clue":"Maybe peacock's been eating mashed gruel (4-5)","Answer":"BLUE-GREEN","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe peacock\n**BEEN** **containing** (eating) (**an anagram of** [mashed] **GRUEL**])\n **B** (**LUE GR***) **EEN**\n\n**BLUE-GREEN** (peacock is defined as a colour as 'deep **GREEN**ish **BLUE**)"} {"Clue":"One who might curse with irritation (5)","Answer":"WITCH","Explanation":"Definition: One who might curse\n**W** (witch) **+**** ITCH** (irritation)\n \u00a0\n\n**WITCH** (example of a person one who might curse)"} {"Clue":"Work out answer before new girl (5)","Answer":"SUSAN","Explanation":"Definition: girl\n**SUS** (suspect; find out; work out) **+** **A** (before) **+** **N** (new)\n \u00a0\n\n**SUSAN** (girl's name)"} {"Clue":"Sing about bread man out of bran for the daily grind (9)","Answer":"TREADMILL","Explanation":"Definition: the daily grind\n**TRILL** (sing) **containing** (about) (**BR****EAD M****AN excluding **[out of] **BRAN**)\n **TR** (**EADM**) **ILL**\n\n**TREADMILL** (routine drudgery; daily ground)"} {"Clue":"Traditional group of children with much formality (7)","Answer":"CLASSIC","Explanation":"Definition: Traditional\n**CLASS** (group of children [in school]) **+** **IC****E** (formality) **excluding the last letter** (much of) **E**\n \u00a0\n\n**CLASSIC** (traditional)"} {"Clue":"Do pigs, eating scraps of dry leftovers? (7)","Answer":"SWINDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Traditional\n**CLASS** (group of children [in school]) **+** **IC****E** (formality) **excluding the last letter** (much of) **E**\n \u00a0\n\n**CLASSIC** (traditional)"} {"Clue":"How Merckx comes across a lighthouse in the SW? (9)","Answer":"EDDYSTONE","Explanation":"Definition: a lighthouse in the SW\n**EDDY'S TONE** (how **EDDY** Merckx [famous cyclist] may **sound** [come across])\n \u00a0\n\n**EDDYSTONE** (name of lighthouse of the South West coast of England)"} {"Clue":"Dismal year with not much work is over (4)","Answer":"GREY","Explanation":"Definition: Dismal\n(**Y** [year] **+** **ERG** [a small unit of measurement of work; not much work]) **all reversed** (over)\n (**GRE** **Y**)<\n\n**GREY **(dismal)"} {"Clue":"House mice on the inside in house (4)","Answer":"SEMI","Explanation":"Definition: House\n**SEMI** (**hidden word in** [on the inside] **HOUSE MICE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**SEMI** (**SEMI**-detached house)"} {"Clue":"One charmed by music maybe or backing that's jazzy (4,5)","Answer":"KING COBRA","Explanation":"Definition: One charmed by music\n**Anagram of** (that's jazzy) **OR BACKING**\n **KING C****O****B****R****A***\n\n**KING COBRA** (snake that presumably could be charmed by the music of a snake-charmer)"} {"Clue":"Resistance to change of speed and energy in one train that's moving (7)","Answer":"INERTIA","Explanation":"Definition: Resistance to change of speed \n**E** (energy) **contained in** (in) (**an anagram of** [that's moving] **I** [one] and **TRAIN**)\n **I****N** (**E**) **RTIA***\n\n**INERTIA** (resistance to motion; resistance to change of speed)"} {"Clue":"Brazilian city's diplomacy as a means to stop insurrection (4,3)","Answer":"RIOT ACT","Explanation":"Definition: means to stop insurrection\n**RIO** (port city of Brazil) **+** **TACT** (diplomacy)\n \u00a0\n\n**RIOT ACT **(a statute designed to prevent riotous assemblies; a form of words read as a warning to rioters to disperse)"} {"Clue":"Affected by waves, contest stopped short by born sailor (9)","Answer":"VIBRATING","Explanation":"Definition: Affected by waves\n**VIE** (contest [as a verb]) **excluding the final letter** (stopped short) **E\u00a0+** **B** (born) **+** **RATING** (sailor of crew rank) \n \u00a0\n\n**VIBRATING** (affected by waves)"} {"Clue":"Fair question posed in second half of ordeal (5)","Answer":"EQUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Fair\n**QU** (question) **contained in** (posed in) **EAL** (**second half of the letters of** **ORD****EAL**)\n **E** (**QU**) **AL**\n\n**EQUAL** (fair)"} {"Clue":"Men returned to whitish ash (5)","Answer":"ROWAN","Explanation":"Definition: ash\n**OR** (other ranks; men) **reversed** (returned) **+** **WAN** (pale; whitish)\n **RO**< **WAN**\n\n**ROWAN** (mountain-ash tree)"} {"Clue":"Experts on water doing without advanced sewers? (9)","Answer":"SEAMSTERS","Explanation":"Definition: sewers\n**SEA** (water) **+** **MASTERS** (experts) **excluding** (without) **A** (advanced)\n \u00a0\n\n**SEAMSTERS** (sewers; people who sew)"} {"Clue":"With no new greenfly say in garden area this is halved (8)","Answer":"BISECTED","Explanation":"Definition: halved\n(**INSECT** [a greenfly is an example of [say] an **INSECT**] **excluding** [no] **N** [new]) **contained in** (in) **BED** (area of a garden)\n **B** (**ISECT**) **ED**\n\n**BISECTED** (divided into two parts [halved])"} {"Clue":"Remove bandages and walk awkwardly following guns (good going) (9)","Answer":"UNSWADDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Remove bandages\n**GUNS** **excluding** (going) **G** (good) **+** **WADDLE** (walk awkwardly)\n \u00a0\n\n**UNSWADDLE** (remove bandages)"} {"Clue":"The first book group? (7)","Answer":"GENESIS","Explanation":"Definition: The first book\n**GENESIS** (first book of the Old Testament)\n \u00a0\n\n**GENESIS** (rock band) double definition"} {"Clue":"Worry meal's been recycled (3)","Answer":"EAT","Explanation":"Definition: Worry\n**TEA** (meal) **with the letters cycled** (recycled) such that the first letter **T** moves to the end\n **EAT**\n\n**EAT** (worry)"} {"Clue":"Wine and rest ordered when stopping in eccentric Eire inn (11)","Answer":"NIERSTEINER","Explanation":"Definition: Wine\n**Anagram of** (ordered) **REST** **contained in** (when stopping in) (**an anagram of** **EIRE INN**)\n **N****IE** (**RSTE***) **IN****ER***\n\n**NIERSTEINER** (Rhine wine)"} {"Clue":"Stuff to include in side of building (7)","Answer":"WADDING","Explanation":"Definition: Stuff \n**ADD** (include) **contained in** (in) **WING** (part of a building projecting from the main body; side of building)\n **W** (**ADD**) **ING**\n\n**WADDING** (padding of loose material; stuff is defined as material)"} {"Clue":"Sleaze brought up about head of education and examined in court (5)","Answer":"TRIED","Explanation":"Definition: examined in court\n**DIRT** (sleaze) **reversed** (brought up; down clue) **containing** **E** (**first letter of** **EDUCATION**)\n **TRI** (**E**) **D**<\n\n**TRIED** (examined in court)"} {"Clue":"What Angel should wear or shortly his origin's encountered? (6)","Answer":"HELMET","Explanation":"Definition: What Angel should wear\n**HELL** (reference a member of\u00a0**HELL**'s Angels \u2013 gang of motorcyclists, originally notorious for violent or antisocial behaviour) **excluding the final letter** (shortly) **L**\u00a0**+** **MET** (encountered)\n \u00a0\n\n**HELMET** (what a **HELL'S ANGEL** motorcyclist should wear when moving on the\u00a0bike)"} {"Clue":"Hit and run? Take care \u2013 they may have alarming news (5,6)","Answer":"CLOCK RADIOS","Explanation":"Definition: they may have alarming news \nI'm not sure of the parsing here, but I suggest two possibilities.\n **CLOCK **(hit) **+** **R** (run in cricket scoring notation) **+** **ADIOS** (goodbye, but I can't really relate this to 'take care')\n (**CLOCK** [hit] **+** **ADIOS** [goodbye; I'm off; I have to run]) **containing** (care) **R** (recipe; take) but this use of **R** is more common in barred crosswords and I don't like care as a containment indicator. \n **CLOCK** (**R**) **ADIOS**\n I'll be interested to read\u00a0how others parsed this.\n\n**CLOCK RADIOS** (devices that will wake you up [alarm you] and give you a news bulletin)"} {"Clue":"Amber cast's OK in a window recess (9)","Answer":"EMBRASURE","Explanation":"Definition: a window recess\n**Anagram of **(cast) **AMBER** **+** **SURE** (OK)\n **EMBRA*** **SURE**\n\n**EMBRASURE** (a recess of a door or window which splays out on the inside)"} {"Clue":"Sea creature's gold in sunlit surroundings on the rocks (8)","Answer":"NAUTILUS","Explanation":"Definition: Sea creature\n**AU **(chemical symbol for gold) **contained in** (in \u2026 surroundings) **an anagram of** (on the rocks) **SUNLIT**\n **N** (**AU**) **TILUS***\n\n**NAUTILUS **(a tetrabranchiate cephalopod of the genus ***NAUTILUS***\u00a0(especially pearly nautilus) of southern seas, with a chambered external shell; sea creature)"} {"Clue":"Happening on board Orient Express perhaps? (2,5)","Answer":"IN TRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Happening\n**IN** (on board) **+** **TRAIN **(The Orient Express is an example [perhaps] of a **TRAIN**)\n \u00a0\n\n**IN TRAIN** (happening)"} {"Clue":"They make barrels change leaking pressure for nothing (7)","Answer":"COOPERS","Explanation":"Definition: They make barrels\n**COPPERS** (coinage; change) **excluding** (leaking) **P** (pressure) and **replacing it with** (for) **O** (zero; nothing)\n **CO****O****PERS**\n\n**COOPERS** (people who make barrels)"} {"Clue":"Metal splinter internally left one upset (6)","Answer":"SILVER","Explanation":"Definition: Metal\n**SLIVER** (splinter) with the (**L** [left] **+** **I** [one]) within [internally]) **reversed** (upset; down clue)\n **S IL**<** VER**\n\n**SILVER** (a metal)"} {"Clue":"An 'army' band? (5)","Answer":"ELBOW","Explanation":"Definition: band\n**ELBOW** (the **ELBOW** is part of the arm so could be described as army)\n \u00a0\n\n**ELBOW** (rock band)"} {"Clue":"An Indian state \u2013 regular visitor's report (3)","Answer":"GOA","Explanation":"Definition: An Indian state\n**GOA** (**sounds like** [report] **GOER** [regular visitor])\n \u00a0\n\n**GOA** (a State of Western India)"} {"Clue":"Avoid drink, presumably after flipping work (4)","Answer":"OPUS","Explanation":"Definition: work\n(**SUP** drink] **+** **\u00a0O** [nothing] \u2013 drink nothing; avoid drink]) **all reversed** (flipping)\n (**O** **PUS**)<\n\n**OPUS **(work)"} {"Clue":"Group of representatives name Democrat to replace Republican (10)","Answer":"DEPUTATION","Explanation":"Definition: Group of representatives\n**REPUTATION** (name) with **D** (Democrat) **to replace** **R** (Republican) \n **DEPUTATION**\n\n**DEPUTATION** (group of representatives)"} {"Clue":"Horticulturist, say, circulating round forest close to Leicester (8)","Answer":"GARDENER","Explanation":"Definition: Horticulturist\n(**EG** [for example; say] **reversed** [circulating] **containing** [round] **ARDEN** [reference Forest of **ARDEN**]) **+** **R** (**last letter of** [close to] **LEICESTER**)\n **G** (**ARDEN**) **E**< **R**\n\n**GARDENER **(horticulturist)"} {"Clue":"Priest quiet when brought before a prophet (6)","Answer":"ELISHA","Explanation":"Definition: prophet\n**ELI** (name of a priest) **+** **SH** (quiet!] **+** **A** \n \u00a0\n\n**ELISHA** (name of a prophet)"} {"Clue":"Unrefined-sounding series of lectures (6)","Answer":"COURSE","Explanation":"Definition: series of lectures\n**COURSE** (**sounds like** [sounding] **COARSE** [unrefined])\n \u00a0\n\n**COURSE** (series of lectures)"} {"Clue":"Very good recipe: I doubled the chilli sauce (4-4)","Answer":"PIRI-PIRI","Explanation":"Definition: chilli sauce\n(**PI** [pious; very good] **+** **R** [recipe] **+** **I**) **repeated** (doubled)\n **PIRI PIRI**\n\n**PIRI-PIRI** (spicy sauce made with red peppers; chilli sauce)"} {"Clue":"Don Carlos, say, smuggled drug into Greece and Austria (5,5)","Answer":"GRAND OPERA","Explanation":"Definition: Don Carlos, say\n**(RAN **[smuggled] **+ DOPE** [drug]) **contained in** (into) (**GR** [Greece]) **+** **A** (International Vehicle Registration for Austria)\n **G** (**RAN** **DOPE**) **R** **A**\n\n**GRAND OPERA** (Don Carlos is a five act GRAND OPERA by Verdi)"} {"Clue":"Book about the present era? (4)","Answer":"READ","Explanation":"Definition: Book\n**RE** (about) **+ ****AD** (Anno Domini; the present era)\n \u00a0\n\n**READ** (reading matter; book)"} {"Clue":"Hooligan taking part in school outing (4)","Answer":"LOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Hooligan\n**LOUT** (**hidden word in** [taking part in] **SCHOOL OUTING**)\n \u00a0\n\n**LOUT** (hooligan)"} {"Clue":"Shark movie opens after actor and leading lady take charge (10)","Answer":"HAMMERHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Shark\n**HAM** (actor) **+** **M** (**first letter of** [opens] **MOVIE**) **+ ****ER** (Elizabeth Regina; queen; leading lady) **+** **HEAD** (take charge)\n \u00a0\n\n**HAMMERHEAD** (type of shark)"} {"Clue":"Mean lads disturbed Yorkshire resident (8)","Answer":"DALESMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Yorkshire resident\n**Anagram of** (disturbed) **MEAN LADS**\n **DALESMAN***\n\n**DALESMAN** (someone who lives in the Yorkshire **DALE**s)"} {"Clue":"Refuse conveyance for the wounded (6)","Answer":"LITTER","Explanation":"Definition: Refuse\n**LITTER **(refuse)\n \u00a0\n\n**LITTER** (stretcher or bed supported on poles for transporting the wounded) double definition"} {"Clue":"Cast half-rejected some weird parts (6)","Answer":"CAMEOS","Explanation":"Definition: parts\n**CA** (**first two letters of** **CAST**, **the other 2 letters of 4** [half] having been **excluded** [rejected]) + **an anagram of** (weird) **SOME**\n **CA** **MEOS***\n\n**CAMEOS** (small roles in plays or films; parts)"} {"Clue":"Son caught, given beating (8)","Answer":"STRAPPED","Explanation":"Definition: given beating\n**S** (son) **+ ****TRAPPED** (caught)\n \u00a0\n\n**STRAPPED** (given beating)"} {"Clue":"I'm right to be in work? Absolutely (10)","Answer":"IMPLICITLY","Explanation":"Definition: Absolutely\n**I'M** **+ **(**LICIT**\u00a0[lawful; right] **contained in **[to be in] **PLY** [work])\n **IM ****P**** **(**LICIT**)** ****LY**\n\n**IMPLICITLY** (absolutely)"} {"Clue":"Worthless stuff by independent film-maker (4)","Answer":"TATI","Explanation":"Definition: film-maker\n**TAT **(worthless stuff) **+** **I** (independent)\n \u00a0\n\n**TATI** (reference Jacques **TATI** [1907-1982], French film-maker)"} {"Clue":"Combination of wine and port entertaining a group of players (5,4)","Answer":"PIANO TRIO","Explanation":"Definition: group of players \n(**PINOT** [wine] **+** **RIO** [port city of Brazil]) **containing** (entertaining) **A**\n **PI** (**A**) **NO T** **RIO**\n\n**PIANO TRIO** (a group of musicians \/ players)"} {"Clue":"Smoother young man introducing a director (7)","Answer":"SADIRON","Explanation":"Definition: Smoother\n**SON** (young man) **containing** (introducing) (**A** **+** **DIR** [director]) \n **S (A DIR) ON**\n\n**SADIRON **(a flatiron pointed at both ends; smoother)"} {"Clue":"At teen disco, much excitement \u2026 created by this 60s' hit? (5,2,3,5)","Answer":"DANCE TO THE MUSIC","Explanation":"Definition: 60s' hit\n**Anagram of** (excitement \u2026 created)) **AT TEEN DISCO MUCH**\n **D****A****N****CE** **T****O** **T****H****E** **MU****SI****C***\n\n**DANCE TO THE MUSIC** (1968 hit by Sly & the Family Stone)"} {"Clue":"Part of ploughman's lunch? Don't you believe it (4,3)","Answer":"PORK PIE","Explanation":"Definition: Don't you believe it\n**PORK PIE** (possible item in a Ploughman's lunch)\n \u00a0\n\n**PORK PIE** (Cockney rhyming slang for lie; don't you believe it) double definition"} {"Clue":"To trap crooked drug dealer, they'd fixed bug (3,7,5)","Answer":"THE DREADED LURGY","Explanation":"Definition: bug\n**Anagram of** (fixed) **THEY'D** **containing** (to trap) (**an anagram of** [crooked] **DRUG DEALER**)\n **THE D** (**READE****D** **L****URG***) **Y***\n\n**THE DREADED LURGY **(any illness that is not very serious but is easy to catch)"} {"Clue":"Traveller who'll remove clothes except for hat? (7)","Answer":"TRIPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Traveller\n**STRIPPER** (one who will remove their clothes) **excluding** (except for) **the first letter** (hat) **S**\n \u00a0\n\n**TRIPPER** (traveller)"} {"Clue":"Different article with gold edges (5)","Answer":"OTHER","Explanation":"Definition: Different\n**THE** (definite) **with the letters of** OR (gold) **forming edges either side of** **THE**\n **O** (**THE**) **R**\n\n**OTHER** (different)"} {"Clue":"Surprise! Hampton Court employees wear brimless hats (9)","Answer":"AMAZEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Surprise\n**MAZE MEN** (reference people who manage and look after the well known **MAZE** at Hampton Court Palace) **contained in **(wear) (**H****AT****S** **excluding** [less] **the outer letters** [brim] **H** and **S**)\n **A** (**MAZE MEN**) **T**\n\n**AMAZEMENT** (surprise)"} {"Clue":"Murdoch's novel clanger (3,4)","Answer":"THE BELL","Explanation":"Definition: Murdoch's novel\n**THE BELL** (clanger)\n \u00a0\n\n**THE BELL** (1958 novel by Iris Murdoch) double definition"} {"Clue":"Fixed attitude of nurses initially estimating temperature (4-3)","Answer":"MIND-SET","Explanation":"Definition: Fixed attitude\n**MINDS** (cares; nurses) **+** **ET** (**first letters of** [initially] **ESTIMATING** and **TEMPERATURE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**MIND-SET** (fixed attitude)"} {"Clue":"Society in a stew where there's political unrest? (3,4)","Answer":"HOT SPOT","Explanation":"Definition: where there's political unrest\n**S** (society) **contained in** (in) **HOT POT** (stew )\n **HOT** (**S**) **POT**\n\n**HOT SPOT** (an area of potential trouble, especially political or military)"} {"Clue":"A large weapon creates it? (5)","Answer":"ALARM","Explanation":"Definition: A large weapon creates it\n**A** **+** **L** (large) **+** **ARM** (weapon)\n \u00a0\n\n**ALARM **(state of fear which may be engendered by a large weapon)"} {"Clue":"Capital artist returned check (5)","Answer":"RABAT","Explanation":"Definition: Capital\n**RA** (Royal Academician; artist) **+** (**TAB** [check, bill], mainly American usage] **reversed** [returned]) **RA** **BAT**<\n\n**RABAT** (Capital city of Morocco)"} {"Clue":"Chap that mixed a new cocktail (9)","Answer":"MANHATTAN","Explanation":"Definition: cocktail\n**MAN **(chap) **+ an anagram of** (mixed) **THAT** **+** **A** **+** **N** (new) **MAN** **HATT*** **A** **N**\n\n**MANHATTAN** (a cocktail consisting of vermouth, whisky, Angostura bitters, and sometimes curacao or maraschino)"} {"Clue":"Ohio writer rejected sections by right wingers (6)","Answer":"ROBINS","Explanation":"Definition: wingers\n**R** (right) **+** **O** (Ohio) **+** (**NIB** [writer] **reversed** [rejected]) **+**\u00a0**S** (sections) **R** **O** **BIN**< **S**\n\n**ROBINS** (birds; wingers)"} {"Clue":"Duplicitous de facto arrangement concealing warhead (3-5)","Answer":"TWO-FACED","Explanation":"Definition: wingers\n**R** (right) **+** **O** (Ohio) **+** (**NIB** [writer] **reversed** [rejected]) **+**\u00a0**S** (sections) **R** **O** **BIN**< **S**\n\n**ROBINS** (birds; wingers)"} {"Clue":"Writer cryptically using black and white characters? (8)","Answer":"PENGUINS","Explanation":"Definition: black and white characters\n**PEN** (writer) **+ an anagram of **(cryptically) **USING** **PEN** **GUINS***\n\n**PENGUINS** (black and white creatures \/ characters)"} {"Clue":"Rifle fire (4)","Answer":"SACK","Explanation":"Definition: Rifle\n**SACK** (plunder; rifle) \u00a0\n\n**SACK** (dismiss; fire) double definition"} {"Clue":"Naughty girl embracing designated driver at the rear of cafe's cooker (7)","Answer":"GRIDDLE","Explanation":"Definition: cooker\n(**Anagram of **[naughty] **GIRL** **containing** [embracing] **DD** [designated driver]) **+** **E** (**last letter of** [rear of] **CAFE**) **GRI **(**DD**) **L*** **E**\n\n**GRIDDLE** (flat heated cooking surface)"} {"Clue":"Ebbing current turned into storm (7)","Answer":"RUCTION","Explanation":"Definition: storm\n**CUR** (current) **reversed** (ebbing) **+ an anagram of** (turned) **INTO** **RUC**< **TION***\n\n**RUCTION** (noisy disturbance; row; storm)"} {"Clue":"Judge fine European cod (4)","Answer":"JOKE","Explanation":"Definition: cod\n**J** (judge) **+** **OK** (okay; fine) **+** **E** (European) \u00a0\n\n**JOKE** (jest; cod)"} {"Clue":"Comic Ernie Wise, half cut, having drunk cold eastern beverage (4,4)","Answer":"RICE WINE","Explanation":"Definition: eastern beverage\n(**Anagram of** [comic] (**ERNIE** and **WI** [**half the letters of** {half cut} **WISE**]) **containing **(having drunk) **C** (cold) **RI** (**C**) **E** **WI****NE***\n\n**RICE WINE** (example of a beverage drunk in the orient)"} {"Clue":"Grand old liberal bought hospital a crucifixion scene (8)","Answer":"GOLGOTHA","Explanation":"Definition: crucifixion scene\n**G** (grand) **+** **O** (old) **+** **L** (Liberal) **+** **GOT** (bought) **+** **H** (Hospital) **+** **A** \u00a0\n\n**GOLGOTHA** (Calvary; the name of the place near Jerusalem where Jesus is said to have been crucified)"} {"Clue":"Mother's holding a doctor's snakes (6)","Answer":"MAMBAS","Explanation":"Definition: snakes\n**MA'S** (mother's) **containing** (holding) (**A** **+** **MB** [Bachelor of Medicine; doctor]) **M** (**A** **MB**) **AS**\n\n**MAMBAS** (snakes)"} {"Clue":"Nasty weed marred vision by river Tay, ultimately (6,3)","Answer":"POISON IVY","Explanation":"Definition: Nasty weed\n**PO** (river in Italy) **+ an anagram of** (marred) **VISION** **+** **Y** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **TAY**) **PO** **ISON IV*** **Y**\n\n**POISON IVY** name used to describe various N American sumacs with ulcerating juice; nasty weed)"} {"Clue":"Characterless bread that is outside (5)","Answer":"INANE","Explanation":"Definition: Characterless\n**I.E.** (id est; that is) **containing** (outside) **NAN** (type of slightly leavened bread, as baked in Indian and Pakistani cookery) **I** (**NAN**) **E**\n\n**INANE** (characterless)"} {"Clue":"Southern sailor sure to beat up fifth columnists (9)","Answer":"SABOTEURS","Explanation":"Definition: fifth columnists\n**S** (southern) **+** **AB** (able seaman; sailor) **+** **an anagram of** (beat up) **SURE TO** **S** **AB** **OT****EURS***\n\n**SABOTEURS** (people who take action taken to prevent the fulfilment of any plan, aim, etc.; fifth columnists are defined as people within a country, etc who sympathize, and will act, with its enemy, possibly by committing acts of sabotage)"} {"Clue":"Casts lines after Thursday (6)","Answer":"THROWS","Explanation":"Definition: Casts\n**TH** (Thursday) **+** **ROWS** (lines) \u00a0\n\n**THROWS** (casts)"} {"Clue":"Portico partly opens to another (4)","Answer":"STOA","Explanation":"Definition: Portico\n**STOA** (**hidden word in** [partly] **OPENS TO ANOTHER**) \u00a0\n\n**STOA** (in ancient Greece, a portico or covered colonnade)"} {"Clue":"Ruins baked beans (5)","Answer":"BANES","Explanation":"Definition: Ruins\n**Anagram of** (baked) **BEANS** **BANES***\n\n**BANES** (ruins)"} {"Clue":"Getting on a horse around half nine? Roughly (5)","Answer":"AGING","Explanation":"Definition: Getting on\n(**A** **+ ****GG** [gee-gee; horse) **containing** (around) **IN** (**half of the letters of** **NINE**) **A** **G** (**IN**) **G**\n\n**AGING** (getting on)"} {"Clue":"Declare tenor's in poor taste (6)","Answer":"ATTEST","Explanation":"Definition: Declare\n**T** (tenor) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (poor) **TASTE** **A** (**T**) **TEST***\n\n**ATTEST** (declare)"} {"Clue":"Fall when climbing? One's in observation (6)","Answer":"ESPIAL","Explanation":"Definition: observation\n**I** (one) **contained in** (in) (**LAPSE** [fall] **reversed** [climbing; down clue]) **ESP** (**I**) **AL**<\n\n**ESPIAL** (observation)"} {"Clue":"Whippet? (3)","Answer":"CAT","Explanation":"Definition: Whippet\n**CAT** (cat-of-nine-tails; whip) \u00a0\n\n**CAT** (pet) double definition"} {"Clue":"Western star's convenience won over Irish singer (4,5)","Answer":"JOHN WAYNE","Explanation":"Definition: Western star\n**JOHN** (toilet; convenience) **+** **W** (won) **+ **(**ENYA** [Irish singer originally as a member of Clannad but latterly a singer in her own right] **reversed** [over]) **JOHN** **W** **AYNE**<\n\n**JOHN WAYNE** (film star in many Westerns in a film career stretching from 1926 to 1976)"} {"Clue":"Couple united during party (3)","Answer":"DUO","Explanation":"Definition: Couple\n**U** (united) **contained in** (during) **DO** (party) **D** (**U**) **O**\n\n**DUO** (couple)"} {"Clue":"Produce detailed sign in support of posh Privy Councillor (6)","Answer":"UPCOME","Explanation":"Definition: Produce \n(**U** [posh] **+** **PC** [Privy Councillor]) **+** (**OME****N** [sign] **excluding the final letter** [de-tailed]) **N**) as this is a down clue the letters **OME** are supporting the letters **UPC** \u00a0\n\n**UPCOME** (produce)"} {"Clue":"Pope's veto in ancient city victory (5,1)","Answer":"URBAN V","Explanation":"Definition: Pope\n**BAN** (veto) **contained in** (in) (**UR** [ancient city] **+** **V** [victory]) **UR** (**BAN**) **V**\n\n**URBAN V** (Pope **URBAN V** was Pontiff from 1362 to 1370)"} {"Clue":"Former Tory leader admitting upset nationalist's still standing (6)","Answer":"EXTANT","Explanation":"Definition: still standing\n(**EX** [former] **+** **T** [**first letter of **[leader] **TORY**) **containing** (admitting) (**NAT** [nationalist] **reversed** [upset]) **EX** (**TAN**)< **T**\n\n**EXTANT** (still standing)"} {"Clue":"Female beginning to walk round island (5)","Answer":"WOMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Female\n**W** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **WALK**) **+** **O** (round shape) **+** **MAN** (reference Isle of **MAN**) \u00a0\n\n**WOMAN** (female)"} {"Clue":"One who gives the same number alternatively (5)","Answer":"DONOR","Explanation":"Definition: One who gives\n**DO** (ditto; the same) **+** **N** (number) **+** **OR** (alternatively) \u00a0\n\n**DONOR** (one who gives)"} {"Clue":"Good first idea? (4)","Answer":"GIST","Explanation":"Definition: idea\n**G **(good) **+ ****IST** (first) \u00a0\n\n**GIST** (idea)"} {"Clue":"Pale red flower one initially cut for church festival in US once (8)","Answer":"PINKSTER","Explanation":"Definition: church festival in US once\n**PINK** (pale red)\u00a0**+** (**ASTER** [flower] **excluding** [cut] **the first letter** [initially] **A**))\n \u00a0\n\n**PINKSTER** (old American [US} term for Whitsuntide[church festival])"} {"Clue":"Porridge tasted was leading off (4)","Answer":"SAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Porridge\n**SAMPLED** (tasted) **excluding** (off) **LED** (was leading)\n \u00a0\n\n**SAMP** (a coarsely ground maize; porridge made from it)"} {"Clue":"Fellow writer combined operations with Thoreau (not English abroad) (8)","Answer":"CO-AUTHOR","Explanation":"Definition: Fellow writer\n**CO** (combined operations) **+** (**an anagram of** [abroad] **THOREAU ****excluding** [not] **E** [English])\n **CO** **AUTHOR***\n\n**CO-AUTHOR** (fellow writer)"} {"Clue":"Article about Ukip's leader joining left \u2013 the absolute limit! (5)","Answer":"THULE","Explanation":"Definition: the absolute limit\n**THE** (definite article) **containing** (about) (**U** [**first letter of **{leader} **U****KIP**] **+ L** [left])\n **TH** (**U** **L**) **E**\n\n**THULE** (an island six days north of Orkney discovered by Pytheas (4th century BC), variously identified as Shetland, Iceland, Norway, Jutland; hence ultima Thule the extreme limit, northernmost land)"} {"Clue":"What follows snicker about OT book? It may prompt blessing (5)","Answer":"SNEEZE","Explanation":"Definition: It may prompt blessing\n**SNEE** (reference the word **SNICKERSNEE** where **SNEE** follows **SNICKER**) **+** **EZ** (Old Testament Book of Ezekiel) **reversed** (about)\n **SNEE** **ZE**<\n\n**SNEEZE** (reference the phrase 'bless you' often said when someone **SNEEZE**s)"} {"Clue":"Old-style belt knocking back soak \u2013 sorry (6)","Answer":"ZOSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Old-style belt\n(**RET** [soak] **+** **SOZ** [slang for sorry]) **all reversed** (knocking back)\n (**ZOS** **TER**)<\n\n**ZOSTER** (an ancient Greek waistbelt for men)"} {"Clue":"Holy trees almost entirely surrounded by stones (6)","Answer":"PIPALS","Explanation":"Definition: Holy trees\n(**ALL **[entirely] **excluding the final letter** [almost] **L**) **contained in** (in) **PIPS** (stones)\n **PIP** (**AL**) **S**\n\n**PIPALS** (holy trees of the Buddhists, under which Buddha found enlightenment, planted close by every temple)"} {"Clue":"Cup left (half ignored) where patient is? (5)","Answer":"BLEED","Explanation":"Definition: Cup\n(**LEFT **\u00a0**excluding 2 of the 4 letters **[half ignored] **FT**) **contained in** [in] **BED** [where patient is] \u2013 for completeness in this clue\u00a0**in BED** is where the patient is\n **B** (**LE**) **ED**\n\n**BLEED** (one meaning of 'cup' is to draw blood [**BLEED**]))"} {"Clue":"Dad parked at roundabout, with adjustments for poor visibility (11)","Answer":"DARK-ADAPTED","Explanation":"Definition: adjustments for poor visibility\n**Anagram of** (roundabout) **DAD PARKED AT**\n **DA****RK-A****D****A****P****T****ED***\n\n**DARK-ADAPTED** (describing an eyes that has automatically adjusted to enable it to continue to see in reduced light)"} {"Clue":"Tendrillar plant? See 50 on rocky face, supple (11)","Answer":"LEAFCLIMBER","Explanation":"Definition: Tendrillar plant\n**L** (Roman numeral for 50) **+** **an anagram of** (rocky) **FACE** **+** **LIMBER** (supple)\n **L** **EAFC*** **LIMBER**\n\n**LEAFCLIMBER** (a plant that climbs by means of its leaves (petioles or tendrils)"} {"Clue":"Mother gripped by indisposition backing blood-sucker (5)","Answer":"LAMIA","Explanation":"Definition: blood-sucker\n(**MA** [mother] **contained in** [gripped by] **AIL** [indisposition]) **all reversed** (backing)\n (**L** (**AM**) **IA**)<\n\n**LAMIA** (bloodsucking serpent-with)"} {"Clue":"Antelope, none tailless, in lair (6)","Answer":"DZEREN","Explanation":"Definition: Antelope\n(**ZERO** [none] **excluding the last letter** [tailless] O) **contained in** (in) **DEN** (lair)\n **D** (**ZER**)** EN**\n\n**DZEREN** (Central Asian antelope)"} {"Clue":"Betting system? Sound off when two leaders come in last (6)","Answer":"TRIPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Betting system\nI'm not sure what the parsing is here. I think it may be broken into **TRIP** and **LE** where **LE** are two letters of **LEADERS**. I can't relate **TRIP** to 'sound off' so I look forward to reading more sensible suggestions.\n \u00a0\n\n**TRIPLE **(a betting system requiring that the horses which finish first, second and third in a race are selected in correct)"} {"Clue":"Anarchy run amok with rubber (6)","Answer":"UNRULE","Explanation":"Definition: Anarchy \n**Anagram of** (amok) **RUN** **+** **ULE** (crude rubber from a Central American tree of the same name)\n **UNR*** **ULE**\n\n**UNRULE** (anarchy)"} {"Clue":"Foreign money (not rupees) backing 'free' estate (5)","Answer":"ALLOD","Explanation":"Definition: 'free' estate\n**D****OLLA****R** (foreign [not British] money) **excluding **(not) **R** (rupees) **reversed** (backing)\n **ALLOD**<\n \u00a0\n\n**ALLOD** (an estate not subject to a feudal superior; 'free' estate)"} {"Clue":"Fibre used to wrap product of rum? I'm guessing(8\n )","Answer":"SURMISAL","Explanation":"Definition: guessing\n**SISAL** (agave fibre) **containing** (used to wrap) and **an anagram of** (product of) **RUM**\n **S (URM*) ISAL**\n\n**SURMISAL** (conjecture; guessing)"} {"Clue":"These occupy young souls initially (4)","Answer":"TOYS","Explanation":"Definition: These occupy young souls initially\n**TOYS** (**first letters of** [initially] each of **THESE OCCUPY YOUNG SOULS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TOYS** (playthings especially for children [young souls]) &Lit clue"} {"Clue":"Church work, but not in street? Negligent beadles treat their flocks thus (8)","Answer":"MISTRYST","Explanation":"Definition: Negligent beadles treat their flocks thus \n**MINISTRY** (church work) **excluding** (not) **IN** **+** **ST** (street)\n \u00a0\n\n**MISTRYST **(disappoint by mot keeping an engagement; could apply to beadles [church officers] failing to meet their congregation [flock])"} {"Clue":"Assign 'no score' (in short) for dumbo? (4)","Answer":"PUTZ","Explanation":"Definition: dumbo\n**PUT **(assign) **+** **Z** (abbreviation [in short] for **ZERO** [no score])\n \u00a0\n\n**PUTZ** (stupid person; dumbo)"} {"Clue":"Ancient resident showing how one might smoke a cigarette (8)","Answer":"INHOLDER","Explanation":"Definition: Ancient resident\n**IN HOLDER** (in the past [ancient?], some smokers used a [cigarette] holder to smoke a cigarette)\n \u00a0\n\n**INHOLDER** (obsolete [ancient] Spenserian word for an inhabitant; ancient resident)"} {"Clue":"Endless wobbly unease coming over one? (6)","Answer":"NAUSEA","Explanation":"Definition: Endless wobbly unease coming over one\n**Anagram of **(wobbly) **UNEAS****E** **excluding the last letter** (endless) E **containing** (coming over) **A** (one)\n **N** (**A**) **USEA***\n\n**NAUSEA** (a feeling of sickness; could be described as suffering from 'endless wobbly unease' during the feeling of **NAUSEA**)"} {"Clue":"Coarse Scottish cloth in good condition (6)","Answer":"KELTER","Explanation":"Definition: Coarse Scottish cloth\n**KELTER** (coarse cloth usually made of black and white wool mixed and not dyed)\n I debated **KILTER** or **KELTER** for this one but have gone with **KELTER** based on it being the only spelling that defines a coarse cloth. The first\u00a0**E** is unchecked.\n\n**KELTER** (variant spelling of KILTER [good condition])"} {"Clue":"Take a trip round Belgian city for beautiful black stones (11)","Answer":"TOURMALINES","Explanation":"Definition: beautiful black stones\n**TOUR** (take a trip round) **+** **MALINES** (municipality in Belgium, perhaps better known as **MECHELIN**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TOURMALINES** (\u00a0beautiful mineral of complex and varying composition, usually black or blackish)"} {"Clue":"Garden task, with topping and tailing, causing argument (5)","Answer":"RUN-IN","Explanation":"Definition: argument\n**PRUNING** (garden task) **excluding the first and last letters** (with topping and tailing) **P** and **G**\n \u00a0\n\n**RUN-IN** (argument)"} {"Clue":"Forward? One such getting tight dropped (5)","Answer":"AHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Forward\n**A** (one) **+** **TIGHT-HEAD** (reference **TIGHT-****HEAD** prop forward in Rugby) **excluding** (dropped) **TIGHT**\n \u00a0\n\n**AHEAD** (forward)"} {"Clue":"Committees I needed in changing diapers! (8)","Answer":"PRESIDIA","Explanation":"Definition: Committees\n**I contained in** (needed in) **an anagram of** (changing) **DIAPERS**\n **PRES (I) DIA***** **Either of the Is could be the one contained\n\n**PRESIDIA** (standing committees in the former Soviet Union)"} {"Clue":"Snake I madden when replacing act in evergreen plants (11)","Answer":"ASPIDISTRAS","Explanation":"Definition: evergreen plants\n**ASP** (snake) **+** **I +** (**DISTRACT** [madden] with **ACT **replaced by **AS **[when])\n **ASP** **I DISTR** **AS**\n\n**ASPIDISTRAS** (evergreen plants)"} {"Clue":"Outback drivers go over this dull ground in course of bender (8)","Answer":"BULLDUST","Explanation":"Definition: Outback drivers go over this\n**Anagram of** (ground) **DULL** **contained in** (in course of) **BUST** (drinking bout; bender)\n **BU** (**LLDU***) **ST**\n\n**BULLDUST** (fine dust, as found on outback roads in Australia)"} {"Clue":"Our pile's unusually hairy (8)","Answer":"PERILOUS","Explanation":"Definition: hairy\n**Anagram of** (unusually) **OUR PILE'S**\n **PE****R****IL****OU****S***\n\n**PERILOUS** (dangerous; hairy)"} {"Clue":"Diplomats given drinks in discussion meetings (6)","Answer":"FORUMS","Explanation":"Definition: discussion meetings\n**FO** (Foreign Office; diplomats) **+** **RUMS** (drinks)\n \u00a0\n\n**FORUMS** (discussion meetings)"} {"Clue":"One delivering goods on legal conditions I see among advocates (6)","Answer":"BAILOR","Explanation":"Definition: One delivering goods on legal conditions\n(**I +** **LO** [look; see]) **contained in **(among) **BAR** (barristers or advocates collectively)\n **BA** (**I** **LO**) **R**\n\n**BAILOR** (a person who **BAIL**s goods to a **BAIL**ee [one of Chambers more circuitous definitions]; one delivering goods on legal conditions)"} {"Clue":"Occupation: member's left with nothing in view almost (6)","Answer":"EMPLOY","Explanation":"Definition: Occupation\n(**MP** [Member {of Parliament}] **+** **L** [left] **+** **O** [nothing]) **contained in** [in] (**EYE** [view] **excluding the final letter** [almost] **E**)\n **E** (**MP** **L** **O**) **Y**\n\n**EMPLOY** (occupation)"} {"Clue":"The old foe of Tom, or of Tommy (5)","Answer":"JERRY","Explanation":"Definition: The old foe of Tom, or of Tommy\n**JERRY** (the name of the mouse that was the foe of Tom the cat in the cartoon series Tom and **JERRY**)\n \u00a0\n\n**JERRY** (foes in the World Wars; **TOM**my was the name for a British soldier and **JERRY** the name given to a German soldier by the British)"} {"Clue":"Rug taking up two measures, the second short (5)","Answer":"KELIM","Explanation":"Definition: Rug\n(**MILE **[measurement] **+** **K** [abbreviation {short} for kilometer, another measurement]) **all reversed** (taking up; down clue)\n (**K** **ELIM**)<\n\n**KELIM** (a pileless woven rug traditionally made in the Middle East)"} {"Clue":"Cook up food selection, first half used as stuffing for the rest (4)","Answer":"EDIT","Explanation":"Definition: Cook up\n**DIET** (with **DI** **the first 2 letter of 4** [half] **moved to a central position within them two remaining letters** [stuffing] **ET**)\n **E** (**DI**) **T**\n\n**EDIT** (garble or cook up)"} {"Clue":"Back to arrest ambassador? Try again (6)","Answer":"REHEAR","Explanation":"Definition: ry again\n**REAR** (back) **containing** (to arrest) (**HE** [His \/ Her Excellency, the form of address for an ambassador]) **RE** (**HE**) **AR**\n\n**REHEAR** (repeat the trial; try again)"} {"Clue":"Wild nature around Holland arising naturally? (8)","Answer":"UNLEARNT","Explanation":"Definition: arising naturally\n**Anagram of **(wild) **NATURE** **containing** (around) (**NL** [International vehicle registration for The Netherlands \/ Holland]) **U** (**NL**) **EARNT***\n\n**UNLEARNT** (arising naturally)"} {"Clue":"Some servicemen's acts? (4)","Answer":"ENSA","Explanation":"Definition: Some servicemen's acts\n**ENSA** (hidden word in **SERVICEMEN'S ACTS**) \u00a0\n\n**ENSA** (Entertainments National Service Association, which provided entertainment for the armed forces during and after World War II) &Lit clue"} {"Clue":"Risk a wet splashing? Little hesitation participating in that for me! (5-5)","Answer":"WATER SKIER","Explanation":"Definition: me\n**Anagram of **(splashing) **RISK A WET** **+** **ER** (expression of hesitation) **W****A****TE****R SKI** **ER***\n\n**WATER SKIER** (one who is likely to get wet when participating in their sport)"} {"Clue":"Man abandoning medicine men around dead trees (6)","Answer":"ALDERS","Explanation":"Definition: trees\n**HEALERS** (medicine men) **excluding** (abandoning) **HE** (referencing a man) **containing** (around) **D** (dead) **AL** (**D**) **ERS**\n\n**ALDERS** (examples of trees)"} {"Clue":"Philosopher uses our slips to frame introduction to analysis (8)","Answer":"ROUSSEAU","Explanation":"Definition: Philosopher\n**Anagram of** (slips) **USES OUR** **containing** (to frame) **A** (**first letter of** [introduction to] **ANALYSIS**) **RO****USSE** (**A**) **U***\n\n**ROUSSEAU** (reference Jean-Jacques **ROUSSEAU** [1712 \u2013 1778], Genevan philosopher)"} {"Clue":"Battleaxe to feel dull? (6)","Answer":"DRAGON","Explanation":"Definition: Battleaxe\n**DRAG ON **(go on interminably; feel dull) \u00a0\n\n**DRAGON** (battleaxe; both words tend to refer to a domineering older woman))"} {"Clue":"Talk unwisely about one illegal downloader? (6)","Answer":"PIRATE","Explanation":"Definition: illegal downloader\n**PRATE** (talk foolishly) **containing** (about) **I **(one) **P** (**I**) **RATE**\n\n**PIRATE** (one who copies material illegally, one form of which can involve illegal downloading)"} {"Clue":"That's not the place to find things, I'll have you know! (4,4)","Answer":"LOOK HERE","Explanation":"Definition: I'll have you know\n**LOOK HERE** (don't **LOOK** there; that's not the place to find it) \u00a0\n\n**LOOK HERE** (an angry rude or imperious\u00a0response, as is I'll have you know)"} {"Clue":"Lay out two pieces of bread, one without crust? (6)","Answer":"UNROLL","Explanation":"Definition: Lay out\n**BUN** (can be a form of bread) **excluding the first letter** (without crust) **B** **+** **ROLL** (another form of bread) \u00a0\n\n**UNROLL** (lay out)"} {"Clue":"Offer to put out volume about one's first experiences (10)","Answer":"INITIATION","Explanation":"Definition: first experiences\n(**IN****V****ITATION** [offer] **excluding** [put out] **V** [volume]) **containing** (about) I (one) **INIT** (**I**) **ATION**\n\n**INITIATION** (first experiences)"} {"Clue":"Word for Indian bread, 10 letters (entered in reverse) (4)","Answer":"ROTI","Explanation":"Definition: Word for Indian bread\n(In the alphabet letters **I TO R** inclusive comprise 10 letters) **reversed** (entered in reverse) **R OT I**<\n\n**ROTI** (in Indian and Caribbean cooking, a cake of unleavened bread;)"} {"Clue":"Established single string will bind middle of arm (2,6)","Answer":"ON RECORD","Explanation":"Definition: Established\n(**ONE** [single] **+** **CORD** [string]) **containing** [will bind] **R** (middle letter of [middle of] **A****R****M**) **ON** (**R**) **E** **CORD**\n\n**ON RECORD** (publicly known; established)"} {"Clue":"Poet to weaken hearts in half of poem (6)","Answer":"SAPPHO","Explanation":"Definition: Poet \n**SAP** (weaken) **+** (**H** [hearts in card game notation] **contained in** [in] **PO** [half of the letters of **PO****EM**]) **SAP** **P** (**H**) **O**\n\n**SAPPHO** (Greek poet)"} {"Clue":"Open to bribery about premiere of Rite of Spring (6)","Answer":"VERNAL","Explanation":"Definition: of Spring\n**VENAL** (open to bribery) **containing** (about) **R** (first letter of [premiere of] **RITE**) **VE** (**R**) **NAL**\n\n**VERNAL** (relating to Spring)"} {"Clue":"Irish politician, very into trade arrangement with time (2,6)","Answer":"DE VALERA","Explanation":"Definition: Irish politician\n(**V** [very] **contained in** [into] **DEAL** [trade arrangement]) **+** **ERA** (period of time) **DE **(**V**) **AL** **ERA**\n\n**DE VALERA** (reference \u00c9amon **DE VALERA** [1882 \u2013 1975] who served as both Prime Minister and president of Ireland at various times)"} {"Clue":"Brother has style in swanky US building (10)","Answer":"BROWNSTONE","Explanation":"Definition: swanky US building\n**BR** (brother) **+ ****OWNS** (has) **+** **TONE** (style) \u00a0\n\n**BROWNSTONE** (a dark-brown sandstone, regarded as the favourite building material of the prosperous classes; a building made of this; swanky US building)"} {"Clue":"Euphemism picked up after oath cut short? Saucy stuff (7)","Answer":"CUSTARD","Explanation":"Definition: Saucy stuff\n**CUSS** (oath) **excluding the final letter** (cut short) **S** **+ **(**DRAT** [euphemism used in place of a\u00a0stronger swear word] **reversed** [picked up; down clue]) **CUS** **TARD**<\n\n**CUSTARD** (a baked mixture of milk, eggs, etc, sweetened or seasoned; saucy stuff)"} {"Clue":"Pop group reduced in publicity material (4)","Answer":"BLUR","Explanation":"Definition: Pop group\n**BLURB** (publicity material) **excluding the final letter** (reduced) **B** \u00a0\n\n**BLUR** (English rock band)"} {"Clue":"Warm gear needed when going to public gardens (6)","Answer":"PARKAS","Explanation":"Definition: Warm gear \n**PARK** (public gardens) **+** **AS** (when) \u00a0\n\n**PARKAS** (fur shirts or coats with a hood, now similar outer garments made of a windproof material)"} {"Clue":"Piracy, say \u2013 no place linked to the young (8)","Answer":"UNDERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: young\n**PLUNDERAGE** (stealing of goods on board ship; piracy) **excluding** (no) **PL** (place) \u00a0\n\n**UNDERAGE** ([too] young)"} {"Clue":"University leading demolition of Queens section \u2013 it's not something seen everywhere (10)","Answer":"UNIQUENESS","Explanation":"Definition: it's not something seen everywhere\n**UNI** (university) **+** **an anagram of **(demolition of) **QUEENS** **+** **S** (section) **UNI** **QUENES*** **S**\n\n**UNIQUENESS** (character of being the only\u00a0something; therefore not something that is everywhere)"} {"Clue":"Going on about Welsh fatality at sea (8)","Answer":"DROWNING","Explanation":"Definition: fatality at sea \n**DRONING** (talking at length in a monotonous tone; going on) **containing** (about) **W** (Welsh) **DRO** (**W**) **NING**\n\n**DROWNING** (example of a cause of fatality at sea; you can of course **DROWN** in very little amounts of water, not necessarily at sea)"} {"Clue":"International communication: Indian city imprisoning couple opening Irish pub (8)","Answer":"AIRGRAPH","Explanation":"Definition: International communication\n(**AGRA** [Indian city] **containing** [imprisoning] **IR** [first two letters of {couple opening} **IRISH**) **+** **PH** (public house) **A** (**IR**) **GRA** **PH**\n\n**AIRGRAPH** (a letter photographically reduced for sending by air; international communication)"} {"Clue":"Girl born Daniel, but transformed (7)","Answer":"BELINDA","Explanation":"Definition: Girl\n**Anagram of** (transformed) (**B** [born] and **DANIEL**) **B** **ELINDA***\n\n**BELINDA** (girl's name)"} {"Clue":"What makes model of small animal (after nine prototypes)? (6)","Answer":"KITTEN","Explanation":"Definition: small animal \n**KIT TEN** (you use a **KIT** to make a model [e.g. an Airfix **KIT** for those who can remember that far back) and **KIT** number **TEN** will be the current model after nine previous attempts or prototypes) \u00a0\n\n**KITTEN** (small animal) I am not really sure of the definition here as definitions are virtually never in the middle of a clue."} {"Clue":"Split chiefly includes this fruit (6)","Answer":"LITCHI","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\n**LITCHI **(hidden word in [includes] **SPLIT CHIEFLY**) \u00a0\n\n**LITCHI** (one of the many spellings for a Chinese fruit)"} {"Clue":"A verse describing the river (4)","Answer":"AVON","Explanation":"Definition: river\n**A** **+ ****V** (verse) **+** **ON** (describing) \u00a0\n\n**AVON** (there are many River **AVON**s in Britain)"} {"Clue":"Before a doctor returns put alcohol in new ointment (9)","Answer":"SPIKENARD","Explanation":"Definition: ointment\n**SPIKE** (put alcohol in) **+** **N** (new) **+** **A** **+** (**DR** [doctor] **reversed** [returns])\n **SPIKE** **N** **A** **RD**<\n\n**SPIKENARD** (aromatic oil or balsam yielded by an Indian valerianaceous herb; ointment)"} {"Clue":"F1 champ has girls round (5)","Answer":"SENNA","Explanation":"Definition: F1 champ\n**ANNES** (girls named **ANNE**) **reversed** (round)\n **SENNA**<\n\n**SENNA** (reference Ayrton **SENNA** [1960 \u2013 1994], three times Formula 1 World Champion, killed in an accident while leading the 1994 San Marino Grand Prix)"} {"Clue":"Spirit in thrall one Lear's incensed about (5)","Answer":"ARIEL","Explanation":"Definition: Spirit in thrall\n**Anagram of** (incensed) **LEAR** **containing** (about) **I** (one)\n **AR** (**I**) **EL***\n\n**ARIEL** (a spirit in thrall to Prospero in Shakespeare's The Tempest)"} {"Clue":"Lawyer right to succeed Scotsman's scientific advocate (9)","Answer":"DARWINIAN","Explanation":"Definition: scientific advocate\n**DA** (District Attorney; lawyer) **+** **R** (right) + **WIN** (succeed) **+** **IAN** (Scottish Christian name)\n \u00a0\n\n**DARWINIAN** (an advocate of the theory of origin of the species as propounded by Charles **DARWIN**)"} {"Clue":"Cricketer's name put in record by member (4,3)","Answer":"LONG LEG","Explanation":"Definition: Cricketer\n(**N** [name] **contained in** [put in] **LOG** [record]) **+** **LEG** (limb; member)\n **LO** (**N**)** G** **LEG**\n\n**LONG LEG** (fielding position in cricket)"} {"Clue":"Nerd causes small amount of noise outside (5)","Answer":"DWEEB","Explanation":"Definition: Nerd\n**DB** (decibel; a measure used to express a level of sound; amount of noise) **containing** (outside) **WEE** (small)\n **D** (**WEE**)** B**\n\n**DWEEB** (fool, nerd)"} {"Clue":"Brown finished report (3)","Answer":"DUN","Explanation":"Definition: Brown\n**DUN** (**sounds like** [report] **DONE** [finished])\n \u00a0\n\n**DUN** (greyish-brown colour)"} {"Clue":"Page covering mathematical sequence (5)","Answer":"PROOF","Explanation":"Definition: mathematical sequence\n**P** (page) **+** **ROOF** (covering)\n \u00a0\n\n**PROOF** (mathematical sequence that establishes the truth of a hypothesis)"} {"Clue":"Audrey Hepburn finally prepared? On the contrary (7)","Answer":"UNREADY","Explanation":"Definition: Audrey Hepburn finally prepared? On the contrary\n**Anagram of** (prepared) **AUDREY** and **N** (last letter of [finally] **HEPBURN**)\n **UNREADY***\n\n**UNREADY** (not prepared; i.e.contrary to the proposition in the clue)"} {"Clue":"Fairy hiding first love in depraved city shows character\u00a0(7)","Answer":"SELFDOM","Explanation":"Definition: character\n**ELF** (fairy) **replacing** (hiding) **the first occurrence of** (first) **O** (zero; love score in tennis) in **SODOM** (a place of utter depravity)\n **S** **ELF** **DOM**\n\n**SELFDOM** (selfhood [existence as a person; personal identity; character])"} {"Clue":"Obsessive bachelor dons fur in potentially tied dwelling (5,4)","Answer":"CANAL BOAT","Explanation":"Definition: potentially tied dwelling\n(**ANAL** [obsessive] **+** **B** [bachelor]) **contained in** [dons] **COAT **(fur is an example of a **COAT**)\n **C** (**ANAL** **B**) **OAT**\n\n**CANAL BOAT** (a dwelling that may be moored [tied up])"} {"Clue":"Bird from river and lake (5)","Answer":"OUSEL","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\n**OUSE** (reference River **OUSE** in Yorkshire [also one in Sussex]) **+** **L** (lake)\n **OUSE** **L**\n\n**OUSEL** (species of bird)"} {"Clue":"Ascetic's last to leave for industrial centre (5)","Answer":"ESSEN","Explanation":"Definition: industrial centre \n**ESSENE** (one of a small religious fraternity among the ancient Jews leading retired ascetic lives) **excluding** (to leave) **the final letter** (last) **E**\n \u00a0\n\n**ESSEN** (a city in the Ruhr, an industrial centre in Germany)"} {"Clue":"Traditional music an answer after conflict in Crimea (9)","Answer":"AMERICANA","Explanation":"Definition: Traditional music\n**Anagram of **(conflict) **IN CRIMEA** **+** **A** (answer)\n **AMER****I****CA****N*** **A**\n\n**AMERICANA** (things characteristic of America, esp old books, paintings, furniture, music etc)"} {"Clue":"Animal sickened given beating (8)","Answer":"ASSAILED","Explanation":"Definition: given beating\n**ASS** (example of an animal) **+** **AILED** (sickened)\n \u00a0\n\n**ASSAILED** (given beating)"} {"Clue":"Tees is trapped by Welsh girl and primate (6)","Answer":"SIMIAN","Explanation":"Definition: primate\n**I'M** (I [Tees; crossword setter] AM) **contained in** (is trapped by) **SIAN** (Welsh girl's name)\n **S** (**I'M**) **IAN**\n\n**SIMIAN** (ape; primate)"} {"Clue":"So there's 12 19 of 20 25 between your 22D and the 2s? (4,3,2,1,7,5)","Answer":"WELL I","Explanation":"Definition: So there's 12 19 of 20 25 between your 22D and the 2s\nThe clue reads in full as: So there's **DARWINIAN PROOF** of **FAMILIAL LINK** between your** SETTER** and the **SIMIAN**s as expressed in the phrase** WELL I'LL BE A MONKEY'S UNCLE**\n \u00a0\n\n**WELL I'LL BE A MONKEY'S UNCLE** (expression of surprise, amazement or disbelief; in this case expressing disbelief that there is proof of such a link)"} {"Clue":"Instrument puts stateside force on northbound journey (6)","Answer":"LAPDOG","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\n**LAPD** (Los Angeles Police Department; American [stateside] force) **+** (**GO** [journey] **reversed** [northbound; down clue])\n **LAPD** **OG**<\n\n**LAPDOG** (a devoted, docile dependent person; an instrument of the focus of devotion)"} {"Clue":"Castiglione in town? On the contrary (4)","Answer":"ASTI","Explanation":"Definition: town\n**ASTI** (**hidden word in** [in] **CASTIGLIONE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ASTI** (town in Italy)"} {"Clue":"Wood in middle and university stuff in study (7)","Answer":"DURAMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Wood in middle \n(**U** [university] **+** **RAM** [stuff]) **contained in** (in) **DEN** (study)\n **D** (**U** **RAM**)** EN**\n\n**DURAMEN** (hard inner wood of a tree; wood in middle)"} {"Clue":"Note in Times for Catholic saint (5)","Answer":"AGNES","Explanation":"Definition: Catholic saint\n**N** (note) **contained in** (in) **AGES** (times)\n **AG (N) ES**\n\n**AGNES** (Saint **AGNES** of Rome [c291 \u2013 c304] a Roman Catholic saint)"} {"Clue":"Police anon cracked one code (10)","Answer":"NAPOLEONIC","Explanation":"Definition: one code\n**Anagram of** (cracked) **POLICE ANON**\n **NAPOLEONIC***\n\n**NAPOLEONIC** (reference **NAPOLEONIC** code, the French civil code which is one example of a civil code)"} {"Clue":"Topless lady hosts at home in strange atmosphere (8)","Answer":"EERINESS","Explanation":"Definition: strange atmosphere \n(**PEERESS** (lady) **excluding the first letter** (topless) **P**) **containing** (hosts) **IN** (at home)\n **EER** (**IN**) **ESS**\n\n**EERINESS** (strange atmosphere)"} {"Clue":"Time to visit new area in racy destination (7)","Answer":"DAYTONA","Explanation":"Definition: racy destination\n**DAY** (period of time) **+** **TO** **+** **N** (new) **+** **A** (area) I think visit is just a link word.\n \u00a0\n\n**DAYTONA** (home of the **DAYTONA** 500 stock car race; racy destination)"} {"Clue":"Son's holding mother up to show such concern? (8)","Answer":"FAMILIAL","Explanation":"Definition: such concern\n**FILIAL** (relating to a son [or daughter]; son's) **containing** (holding) (**MA** [mother] **reversed** [up; down clue])\n **F** (**AM**)< **ILIAL**\n\n**FAMILIAL** (characteristic of a family; appropriate form of concern between mother and son)"} {"Clue":"Pioneer abandons large dog (6)","Answer":"SETTER","Explanation":"Definition: dog\n**SETTLER** (pioneer) **excluding** (abandons) **L** (large) \n\n**SETTER** (breed of dog)"} {"Clue":"Stone set in ring farthest from centre (6)","Answer":"DISTAL","Explanation":"Definition: farthest from centre\n**ST** (stone) **contained in** (set in) **DIAL** (use a telephone; ring)\n **DI** (**ST**) **AL**\n\n**DISTAL** (farthest from the centre)"} {"Clue":"Some part of mail attachment (4)","Answer":"LINK","Explanation":"Definition: Some part of mail\n**LINK** (a piece of chain mail)\n \u00a0\n\n**LINK** (something that connects; attachment) double definition"} {"Clue":"Fish with small head (7)","Answer":"SNAPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\n**S** (small; clothes size) **+** **NAPPER** (head)\n \u00a0\n\n**SNAPPER** (type of fish)"} {"Clue":"Small boat \u2013 gosh \u2013 one can go round lake (7)","Answer":"CORACLE","Explanation":"Definition: Small boat \n**COR** (expression of surprise; gosh) **+** (**ACE** [one] **containing** [can go round] **L** [lake])\n **COR ****AC** (**L**) **E**\n\n**CORACLE** (small boat)"} {"Clue":"Scholarship shown by head of Reading University in publication (9)","Answer":"ERUDITION","Explanation":"Definition: Scholarship\n(**R** [**first letter of** {head of} **READING**] **+** **U** [university]) **contained in** (in) **EDITION** (publication)\n **E** (**R** **U**) **DITION**\n\n**ERUDITION** (scholarship)"} {"Clue":"Critical note? (5)","Answer":"SHARP","Explanation":"Definition: Critical\n**SHARP** (harsh; critical)\n \u00a0\n\n**SHARP** (musical note raised a semitone) double definition"} {"Clue":"Some teachers are made a fool of, say, by class ultimately (6)","Answer":"STRICT","Explanation":"Definition: Some teachers are\n**S** (**last letter of **[ultimately] **CLASS**) **+** **TRICT** (**sounds like** [say] **TRICKED** [made a fool of])\n \u00a0\n\n**STRICT** (rigorous or severe; descriptive of some teachers)"} {"Clue":"Party held in retro English bar in French department (8)","Answer":"DORDOGNE","Explanation":"Definition: French department\n**DO** (party) **contained in** (held in) ([**ENG** {English} **+** **ROD** {bar}] **all reversed** [retro])\n **DOR**< (**DO**) **GNE**<\n\n**DORDOGNE** (a Department of France)"} {"Clue":"Least colourful band briefly introduces a musician of old (10)","Answer":"PALESTRINA","Explanation":"Definition: musician of old\n**PALEST** (least colourful) **+** (**RIN****G** [band] **excluding the last letter** [briefly] **G**) **+** **A**\n \u00a0\n\n**PALESTRINA** (reference Giovanni de **PALESTRINA** [1525 \u2013 1594], Italian composer; musician of old)"} {"Clue":"Unspecified number among Football Association's supporters (4)","Answer":"FANS","Explanation":"Definition: supporters\n**N** (mathematical reference for an unspecified number) **contained in** (among) **FA'S** (Football Associations's)\n **FA** (**N**) **S**\n\n**FANS** (supporters)"} {"Clue":"Three follows drinking in bar (4)","Answer":"REEF","Explanation":"Definition: bar\n**REEF** (**hidden word in** [drinking in] **TH****REE F****ELLOWS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**REEF** (shoal or bank; bar)"} {"Clue":"Local journal about engineer stirring up trouble (10)","Answer":"INCENDIARY","Explanation":"Definition: stirring up trouble\n(**INN** (public house; local) **+** **DIARY** [journal]) **containing** (about) **CE** (Civil Engineer)\n **IN** (**CE**) **N** **DIARY**\n\n**INCENDIARY** (a person who inflames passions or stirs up trouble)"} {"Clue":"In sum, oaf could become notorious (8)","Answer":"INFAMOUS","Explanation":"Definition: In sum, oaf\n**Anagram of** (could become) **IN SUM OAF**\n **IN****FA****M****O****US***\n\n**INFAMOUS** (notorious)"} {"Clue":"Launch parody (4-2)","Answer":"SEND-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Launch\n**SEND UP** (launch [into the air])\n \u00a0\n\n**SEND-UP** (parody)"} {"Clue":"Animal in a parade, facing the wrong way (5)","Answer":"LLAMA","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\n(**A** **+** **MALL** [parade [row of shops]) **all reversed** (facing the wrong way)\n (**LLAM** **A**)<\n\n**LLAMA** (example of an animal)"} {"Clue":"Warned education is failing (9)","Answer":"CAUTIONED","Explanation":"Definition: Warned\n**Anagram of** (is failing) **EDUCATION**\n **CAUTIONED***\n\n**CAUTIONED** (warned)"} {"Clue":"Danish physicist long ago included in English dictionary (7)","Answer":"OERSTED","Explanation":"Definition: Danish physicist\n**ERST** (at first; formerly; long ago) **contained in** (included in) **OED** (Oxford English Dictionary)\n **O** (**ERST**) **ED**\n\n**OERSTED** (reference Hans Christian **OERSTED** [177 \u2013 1851], Danish physicist and chemist who led significant advances in the understanding of magnetic fields)"} {"Clue":"Function to cease, with no time fixed for resumption (4,3)","Answer":"SINE DIE","Explanation":"Definition: no time fixed for resumption\n**SINE** (trigonometrical function) **+** **DIE** (cease)\n \u00a0\n\n**SINE DIE** (indefinitely adjourned; no time fixed for resumption)"} {"Clue":"More than one Wimbledon hopeful gives up, by the sound of it (5)","Answer":"SEEDS","Explanation":"Definition: More than one Wimbledon hopeful\n**SEEDS** (**sounds like** [by the sound of it] **CEDES** [gives up])\n \u00a0\n\n**SEEDS** (top players at Wimbledon are **SEED**ed in the draw to avoid playing each other until the later stage, though many don't reach that stage)"} {"Clue":"A heartless dispute over the French painting style (9)","Answer":"AQUARELLE","Explanation":"Definition: painting style\n**A** **+** (**QUARREL** [dispute; tiff] excluding the middle letter [heartless] **R**) **+** **LE** (one of the French forms of the word 'the')\n \u00a0\n\n**AQUARELLE** (watercolour painting)"} {"Clue":"Member of royal family included in magazines, perhaps (8)","Answer":"PRINCESS","Explanation":"Definition: Member of royal family\n**INC** (included) **contained in** (in) **PRESS** (magazines, for example)\n **PR** (**INC**) **ESS**\n\n**PRINCESS** (member of royal family)"} {"Clue":"Not the first to stalk wading bird (4)","Answer":"RAIL","Explanation":"Definition: wading bird\n**TRAIL** (stalk) **excluding** (not) **the leading letter** (first) **T**\n \u00a0\n\n**RAIL** (example of a wading bird)"} {"Clue":"Damned Conservative provided with money, having saved nothing (10)","Answer":"CONFOUNDED","Explanation":"Definition: Damned\n**CON** (Conservative) **+** (**FUNDED** [provided with money] **containing** [having saved] **O** [nothing])\n **CON** **F** (**O**) **UNDED**\n\n**CONFOUNDED** (damned)"} {"Clue":"Dwell on swindle every now and then (6)","Answer":"RESIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Dwell\n**RE** (with reference to; on) **+** **SIDE** (**letters 1, 3, 5 and 7** [now and then] of **S****W****I****N****D****L****E**)\n \u00a0\n\n**RESIDE** (dwell)"} {"Clue":"Actor's exploding cigar (5)","Answer":"CRAIG","Explanation":"Definition: Actor\n**Anagram of** (exploding) **CIGAR**\n **CRAIG***\n\n**CRAIG** (reference Daniel **CRAIG** [1968 \u2013 date], English actor, best known at the moment for playing James Bond)"} {"Clue":"Train reaching Londonderry empty? Absolutely (9)","Answer":"EXPRESSLY","Explanation":"Definition: Absolutely\n**EXPRESS** (type of train) **+** **LY** (letters that remain when all the letters **ONDONDERR** forming the centre of **L****ONDONDERR****Y** are removed)\n \u00a0\n\n**EXPRESSLY** (absolutely)"} {"Clue":"Very noticeable it's said (10)","Answer":"PRONOUNCED","Explanation":"Definition: Very noticeable\n**PRONOUNCED** (very noticeable)\n \u00a0\n\n**PRONOUNCED** (uttered; said) double definition"} {"Clue":"Liking first section, with vocal accompaniment? (7,2)","Answer":"PARTIAL TO","Explanation":"Definition: Liking\n(**PART** [section] **+** **I** [one] together giving first section) **+** **ALTO** (singing voice; vocal accompaniment)\n **PART** **I** **AL TO**\n\n**PARTIAL TO** (having a preference for; liking)"} {"Clue":"Uninhibited group I accommodated in trailer? (9)","Answer":"ABANDONED","Explanation":"Definition: Uninhibited\n(**BAND** [group] **+** **ONE** [I]) **contained in** (accommodated in) **AD** (advertisement; trailer [for a film say])\n **A** (**BAND** **ONE**) **D**\n\n**ABANDONED** (uninhibited)"} {"Clue":"A wild hedonist has no time for bonding (8)","Answer":"ADHESION","Explanation":"Definition: bonding\n**A** **+ an anagram of** (wild) **HEDONIST** **excluding** (has no) **T** (time)\n **A** **DHESION***\n\n**ADHESION** (bonding)"} {"Clue":"Effect of bill introduced by one MP (6)","Answer":"IMPACT","Explanation":"Definition: Effect of\n**I** (one) **+** **MP** **+** **ACT** (bill and **ACT** are not the same. Legislative proposals come to the House in the form of a bill; only when the proposals are passed does the bill become an **ACT**) \n I suppose the effect of a good bill is that it becomes an **ACT** without much debate or amendment. Many bills fail to become **ACT**s without significant amendment and others fail to become **ACT**s at all\n \u00a0\n\n**IMPACT** (effect of)"} {"Clue":"League leader impressed by sporting talent (5)","Answer":"FLAIR","Explanation":"Definition: talent\n**L** (**first letter of** [leader] **L****EAGUE**) **contained in** (impressed by) **FAIR** (sporting)\n **F** (**L**) **AIR**\n\n**FLAIR** (talent)"} {"Clue":"Stuff religious education! (He wouldn't say that) (5)","Answer":"PADRE","Explanation":"Definition: He wouldn't say that\n**PAD** (stuff) **+** **RE** (Religious Education)\n \u00a0\n\n**PADRE** (priest; one who would not say 'stuff Religious Education')"} {"Clue":"Show us shiftily pocketing weed (4)","Answer":"WUSS","Explanation":"Definition: weed\n**WUSS** (**hidden word in** [pocketing] **SHOW US SHIFTILY**)\n \u00a0\n\n**WUSS** (weakling; weed)"} {"Clue":"Feminist writer reversed time line in ludicrous comedy fast presumably (14)","Answer":"WOLLSTONECRAFT","Explanation":"Definition: Feminist writer\n(**T** **+** [**L**\u00a0{line} **contained in** {in} [**FARCE** {ludicrous comedy} **+** **NOT SLOW** {fast presumably}]) **all reversed** (reversed)\n (**WOL** (**L**) **S** **TON** **ECRAF** **T**)<\n\n**WOLLSTONECRAFT** (reference Mary **WOLLSTONECRAFT** [1759 \u2013 1797], English writer, philosopher and advocate of women's rights; feminist writer)"} {"Clue":"Tango inscribed in bizarre annotated scratching over page (9)","Answer":"ATTENDANT","Explanation":"Definition: page\n**T** (Tango is the international radio communication code word for the letter **T**) **contained in** (inscribed in) (**an anagram of** [bizarre] **ANNOTATED** **excluding** (scratching) **O** (over in cricket scoring notation)\n **A** (**T**) **TENDANT***\n\n**ATTENDANT** (page boy\/girl)"} {"Clue":"Hardy familiarly abridged archaic fiction (5)","Answer":"OLLIE","Explanation":"Definition: Hardy familiarly\n**OLD** (archaic) **excluding the final letter** (abridged) **D** **+** **LIE** (falsehood; fiction)\n \u00a0\n\n**OLLIE** (familiar name for Oliver Hardy, of Laurel and Hardy fame \u2013 Stan and **OLLIE**)"} {"Clue":"Briefly straighten out satirical character (3,1)","Answer":"ALI G","Explanation":"Definition: satirical character\n**ALIGN** (regulate by line; straighten out) **excluding the final letter** (briefly) **N**\n\n**ALI G** (reference **ALI G**, satirical character played by Sacha Baron Cohen)"} {"Clue":"Complain excessively about dull, large fruit (4,6)","Answer":"BEEF TOMATO","Explanation":"Definition: large fruit\n**BEEF** (complain) **+** (**TOO**\u00a0[excessively] **containing** [about] **MAT** [of a surface] dull])\n **BEEF** **TO** (**MAT**) **O**\n\n**BEEF TOMATO** (example of a large fruit)"} {"Clue":"Open University discrimination involving Conservative social reject (8)","Answer":"OUTCASTE","Explanation":"Definition: social reject\n**OU** (Open University) **+** (**TASTE** [discrimination] **containing** [involving] **C** [Conservative]) \n **OU** **T** (**C**) **ASTE**\n\n**OUTCASTE** (someone who is of no **CASTE** or has lost **CASTE**; social reject)"} {"Clue":"Possible part of a Chinese request for delay that's rebuffed? (3,3)","Answer":"WON TON","Explanation":"Definition: Possible part of a Chinese \n**NOT NOW** (request for delay) **all reversed** (that's rebuffed)\n (**WON TON**)<\n\n**WON TON** (in Chinese cookery, a spicy dumpling containing minced pork, esp served in soup; possible part of a Chinese [meal])"} {"Clue":"Poet doing play in need of an ending (6)","Answer":"LARKIN","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\n**LARKING** (doing play) **excluding** (in need of|) **the final letter** (ending) **G**\n \u00a0\n\n**LARKIN** (reference Philip **LARKIN** [1922 \u2013 1985], English poet)"} {"Clue":"Black, gay emblem cropped by someone bright (8)","Answer":"BRAINBOX","Explanation":"Definition: someone bright\n**B** (black, when describing pencil lead) **+** (**RAINBOW** [gay emblem]** excluding the final letter** [cropped] **W**) **+** **X** (times, by, as in multiply 7 by 4)\n \u00a0\n\n**BRAINBOX** (very clever person)"} {"Clue":"I'm facing changes, attending an evensong feature? (10)","Answer":"MAGNIFICAT","Explanation":"Definition: an evensong feature\n**Anagram of** (changes) **I'M FACING** **+** **AT** (attending)\n **MAGNIFIC*** **AT**\n\n**MAGNIFICAT** (a song of praise or thanksgiving; possibly a feature of evensong)"} {"Clue":"Part of garden absorbing a spot of water? (4)","Answer":"BEAD","Explanation":"Definition: spot of water\n**BED** (part of the garden)** containing** (absorbing) **A** \n **BE** (**A**) **D**\n\n**BEAD** (a spot of water; e.g. a **BEAD** of sweat)"} {"Clue":"Settled course only covered by right back (5)","Answer":"TENOR","Explanation":"Definition: Settled course\n(**ONE** [only] **contained in** [covered by] **RT** [right]) **all reversed** (back)\n (**T** (**ENO**) **R**)<\n\n**TENOR** (general run or course; settled course)"} {"Clue":"Phone card prepared by one company on the same wavelength? (9)","Answer":"SIMPATICO","Explanation":"Definition: on the same wavelength\n**SIM** (a removable electronic card inside a mobile phone that stores information about the subscriber) **+** **PAT** (prepared) **+** **I** (one) **+** **CO** (company)\n \u00a0\n\n**SIMPATICO** (sympathetic in the sense of congenial.; on the same wavelength)"} {"Clue":"All in, supplied with cheeseboard accompaniments? (5-9)","Answer":"CREAM-CRACKERED","Explanation":"Definition: All in\n**CREAM-CRACKERED** (given **CREAM CRACKER**s; supplied with cheeseboard accompaniments)\n \u00a0\n\n**CREAM-CRACKERED** (rhyming slang for knackered; all in) double definition"} {"Clue":"More suitable to get dismissed over Top Gear producer (9)","Answer":"OUTFITTER","Explanation":"Definition: Gear\n**OUT** (dismissed) **+** (over top of) **\u00a0FITTER** (more suitable)\n \u00a0\n\n**OUTFITTER** (producer of clothes; gear producer)"} {"Clue":"Air bag reduced sudden forward movement (4)","Answer":"LUNG","Explanation":"Definition: Air bag\n**LUNGE** (sudden forward movement) **excluding the final letter** (reduced) **E**\n \u00a0\n\n**LUNG** (a respiratory organ in animals that breathe atmospheric air; air bag)"} {"Clue":"Peevish about artist, against misrepresentation (8)","Answer":"TRAVESTY","Explanation":"Definition: misrepresentation\n**TESTY** (irritable; peevish)** containing** (about) (**RA** [Royal Academician; artist] **+** **V** [versus; against])\n **T** **(RA** **V**) **ESTY**\n\n**TRAVESTY** (a ridiculously inadequate representation [of something])"} {"Clue":"Tell end of story, unless starting? (6)","Answer":"NOTIFY","Explanation":"Definition: Tell\n**NOT IF** (unless) **+** **Y** (**last letter of** [end of] **STORY**)\n \u00a0\n\n**NOTIFY** (tell)"} {"Clue":"During endless selection, special school dismisses head who may be addicted to bars (10)","Answer":"CHOCOHOLIC","Explanation":"Definition: who may be addicted to bars\n(**anagram of** [special] **SCHOOL** **excluding** [dismisses] **S** [first letter {head}]) **contained in** (during) (**CHOICE** **excluding the final letter** [endless] **E**)\n **CHO** (**COHOL***)** IC**\n\n**CHOCOHOLIC** (one addicted to [bars of] chocolate)"} {"Clue":"Central Scottish location of more than half of wartime sitcom(5)","Answer":"ALLOA","Explanation":"Definition: Central Scottish location\n**Five of the eight** [more than half] letters of '**ALLO 'ALLO** (wartime sitcom)\n \u00a0\n\n**ALLOA** (town in Scotland, a few miles east of Stirling; central Scottish location)"} {"Clue":"Nobody special from male cast of Neighbours\u00a0(3,3,4,4)","Answer":"THE BOY NEXT DOOR","Explanation":"Definition: Nobody special\n**THE BOY NEXT DOOR** (a male neighbour; male cast of Neighbours)\n \u00a0\n\n**THE BOY NEXT DOOR** (ordinary young man; nothing special \u2013 a phrase usually used in a description of a romantic partner)"} {"Clue":"Melting ice cap and atoll I am relating to planet's past conditions (14)","Answer":"PALAEOCLIMATIC","Explanation":"Definition: relating to planet's past conditions\n**Anagram of** (melting) **ICE CAP ATOLL I AM**\n **PALA****E****OCLIMAT****IC***\n\n**PALAEOCLIMATIC** (relating to changes in climate taken on the scale of the entire history of Earth)"} {"Clue":"Lifted lid on whether island villain supplies countries around ocean (7,3)","Answer":"PACIFIC RIM","Explanation":"Definition: countries around ocean\n**CAP** (lid) **reversed** (lifted; down clue) **+** **IF** (whether) **+** **I** (island) **CRIM** (criminal; villain)\n **PAC**< **IF** **I** **C RIM**\n\n**PACIFIC RIM** (descriptive of Countries around the PACIFIC Ocean)"} {"Clue":"Reserves arrived breezily on English sommelier's recommendation, say (5,4)","Answer":"TABLE WINE","Explanation":"Definition: sommelier's recommendation, say\n**TA** (Territorial Army; reserves) **+** **BLEW IN** (arrived breezily) **+** **E** (English)\n**TABLE WINE** (something a sommelier may recommend, although I suspect he\/she is more likely to suggest something more expensive)"} {"Clue":"Very exciting men chat with Mike (8)","Answer":"ORGASMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Very exciting\n**OR** (Other Ranks; men) **+** **GAS** (chatter) **+** **MIC** (microphone; mike)\n \u00a0\n\n**ORGASMIC** (immoderately [very] exciting)"} {"Clue":"Skiers churning mush (6)","Answer":"KISSER","Explanation":"Definition: mush\n**Anagram of** (churning) **SKIERS**\n **KISSER***\n\n**KISSER** (mouth; mush [Chambers and Collins define mush as 'face' alluding to the\u00a0soft part of the face which would cover the mouth)"} {"Clue":"Tool to apply lubricant coat of grease and slime (5)","Answer":"GUNGE","Explanation":"Definition: slime\n**GUN** (tool to apply lubricant) **+** **GE** (**first and last letters of** [coat of] **GREASE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GUNGE** (any dirty, messy or sticky substance., e.g.slime)"} {"Clue":"Chatterer would audibly nag (4)","Answer":"JADE","Explanation":"Definition: nag\n**JADE** (**sounds like** [audibly] **JAY'D** [jay would]) I think the connection with chatterer is through passerine birds. A jay is a crow which is related to the passerine order and a chatterer is a cotinga which is also a member of the passerine family. That was the product of a bit of research, I certainly didn't know it.\n \u00a0\n\n**JADE** (pitiful worn out horse; nag)"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary sort of chemical treated ill son (7,7)","Answer":"MICHAEL COLLINS","Explanation":"Definition: Revolutionary\n**Anagram of** (sort of) **CHEMICAL** + an **anagram of** (treated) **ILL SON**\n **MICHAEL C*** **OLLINS***\n\n**MICHAEL COLLINS** (Irish revolutionary leader, killed in an ambush in 1922)"} {"Clue":"A sheep eating pasture ultimately devoured completely (3,2)","Answer":"ATE UP","Explanation":"Definition: devoured completely\n**A** **+** (**TUP** [male sheep] **containing** [eating] **E** [**last letter of** {ultimately} **PASTURE**])\n **A** **T** (**E**) **UP**\n\n**ATE UP** (devoured completely)"} {"Clue":"Manage to cycle round a group of oil-producing countries (4)","Answer":"COPE","Explanation":"Definition: Manage\n**OPEC** (Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) **with the letters cycled round** \u2013 **last to first** \u2013 to form **COPE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**COPE** (deal with; manage)"} {"Clue":"Power units in Temple tube station's vans (5)","Answer":"WATTS","Explanation":"Definition: Power units\n**WAT** (Thai temple or monastery, think the Temple of Angkor **WAT**)) **+** **TS** (**first letters of** [vans {vanguards leading}] each of **TUBE** and **STATION**)\n \u00a0\n\n**WATTS** (power units)"} {"Clue":"Letters of support? (4)","Answer":"TEES","Explanation":"Definition: Letters\n**TEES** (more than one of the letter **T**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TEES **(supports for a golf ball) double definition"} {"Clue":"One who wants backing over piano being played again (8)","Answer":"REPRISED","Explanation":"Definition: played again\n**DESIRER** (one who wants) **reversed** (backing) **containing** (over) **P** (piano [musical terminology])\n **RE** (**P**) **RISED**<\n\n**REPRISED** (repeated; played again)"} {"Clue":"Hour on horse? A mount's heading for Surrey village (6)","Answer":"COBHAM","Explanation":"Definition: Surrey village\n**COB **(short-legged strong horse) **+** **H** (hour) **+** **A** **+** **M** (**first letter of** [heading] **MOUNT**)\n \u00a0\n\n**COBHAM **(village in Surrey)"} {"Clue":"Song some gay MC announced (1,1,1,1)","Answer":"Y M C A","Explanation":"Definition: Song\n**Y M C A** (**hidden word in** [some] **GAY MC ANNOUNCED**)\n \u00a0\n\n**Y M C A** (song by the Village People which has come to adopted as a gay anthem. **Y M C A** stands for the Young Men's Christian Association)"} {"Clue":"Scoundrel that's a Nobel Prize winner (5)","Answer":"CURIE","Explanation":"Definition: Nobel Prize winner\n**CUR** (scoundrel) **+** **IE** (id est; that is)\n \u00a0\n\n**CURIE** (reference Marie and Pierre **CURIE** joint winners of the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics along with Antoine Henri Becherel. Pierre got a half share of the prize while Marie and Antoine only got a quarter share each)"} {"Clue":"Bag lady regularly eats one (4)","Answer":"LAND","Explanation":"Definition: Bag\n**LD** (**letters 1 and 3** [regularly] of **LADY**) **containing** (eats) **AN** (one)\n **L** (**AN**) **D**\n\n**LAND** ([verb] secure; bag)"} {"Clue":"Composer's unfinished finale to opera for Hindu god (6)","Answer":"BRAHMA","Explanation":"Definition: Hindu god\n**BRAHMS** (reference Johannes **BRAHM****S** [1833 \u2013 1897], German composer) **excluding the final letter** [unfinished] **S** **+** **A** (**last letter of** [finale to] **OPERA**)\n \u00a0\n\n**BRAHMA** (the first god of the Hindu triad, the creator of the universe)"} {"Clue":"Cambridge University has small room housing Hungary's top writer (8)","Answer":"MITCHELL","Explanation":"Definition: writer\n**MIT** (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, located in the city of Cambridge Massachusetts; Cambridge University) **+** (**CELL** [small room] **containing** [housing] **H** [International Vehicle Registration for Hungary])\n **MIT** **C** (**H**) **ELL**\n\n**MITCHELL** (reference Margaret **MITCHELL** [1900- 1949] American author of Gone with the Wind; writer)"} {"Clue":"Loaded rifle, in case harassment starts (4)","Answer":"RICH","Explanation":"Definition: Loaded\n**RICH** (**first letters of** [starts] **each of** **RIFLE IN CASE HARASSMENT**)\n \u00a0\n\n**RICH** (having lots of money; loaded)"} {"Clue":"Mug dropping ecstasy \u2013 one with a bun in the oven? (5)","Answer":"BAKER","Explanation":"Definition: one with a bun in the oven\n**BEAKER** (mug) **excluding** (dropping) **E** (ecstasy tablet)\n \u00a0\n\n**BAKER** (one who may have a bun in the oven)"} {"Clue":"A day without love for Titania, perhaps (4)","Answer":"MOON","Explanation":"Definition: Titania, perhaps\n**MON** (Monday; day) **containing** (without; outside]) **O** (love score in tennis)\n **MO** (**O**) **N**\n\n**MOON** (Titania is the largest moon of the planet Uranus)"} {"Clue":"Big cat, cross with queen after first of each litter is gone (5)","Answer":"LIGER","Explanation":"Definition: Big cat, cross\n**LIG** (**first letters of each of** [first of each] **LITTER IS GONE**) **+** **ER** (Elizabeth Regina)\n \u00a0\n\n**LIGER** (offspring of a **LION** and a female **TIGER**; big cat cross])"} {"Clue":"Old revolutionary in the firing line (4)","Answer":"OCHE","Explanation":"Definition: firing line\n**O** (old) **+** **CHE** (reference **CHE** Guevara,[1928 \u2013 1967], Argentine Marxist Revolutionary)\n \u00a0\n\n**OCHE** (the line, groove or ridge behind which a player must stand to throw in darts; firing line)"} {"Clue":"Gross saying about death sentences? (6)","Answer":"FATWAS","Explanation":"Definition: death sentence\n**FAT** (gross) + (**SAW** [saying] **reversed** [about])\n **FAT** **WAS**<\n\n**FATWAS** (formal legal opinions or decisions issued by a Muslim judicial authority, eg that someone should die or be killed; death sentences)"} {"Clue":"Excessive amount left in narrow passage (4)","Answer":"GLUT","Explanation":"Definition: Excessive amount\n**L** (left) **contained in** (in) **GUT** (narrow passage)\n **G** (**L**) **UT**\n\n**GLUT** (excess quantity"} {"Clue":"Service area for butcher (8)","Answer":"MASSACRE","Explanation":"Definition: butcher\n**MASS** (religious service) **+** **ACRE** (a measurement of area)\n \u00a0\n\n**MASSACRE** (slaughter; butcher)"} {"Clue":"Tube station's second to none (4)","Answer":"BEST","Explanation":"Definition: second to none\n**BEST** (**hidden word in** ['s indicating possession] **TUBE STATION**)\n \u00a0\n\n**BEST** (second to none)"} {"Clue":"Actor playing Romeo (5)","Answer":"MOORE","Explanation":"Definition: Actor\n**Anagram of** (playing) **ROMEO**\n **MOORE***\n\n**MOORE** (reference Roger **MOORE** [1927 \u2013 date], British actor)"} {"Clue":"\"Man on board\" includes the German getting up when it's still dark (7)","Answer":"PREDAWN","Explanation":"Definition: when it's still dark\n**PAWN** (chess piece; man on [chess] board) **containing** (includes) (**DER** [one of the German forms of 'the'] **reversed **[getting up; down clue])\n **P** (**RED**)< **AWN**\n\n**PREDAWN** (a time of day when it is still dark)"} {"Clue":"Fish recipe, with fish left out (5)","Answer":"ROACH","Explanation":"Definition: when it's still dark\n**PAWN** (chess piece; man on [chess] board) **containing** (includes) (**DER** [one of the German forms of 'the'] **reversed **[getting up; down clue])\n **P** (**RED**)< **AWN**\n\n**PREDAWN** (a time of day when it is still dark)"} {"Clue":"Kind of wheat outside upper-class house (5)","Answer":"DURUM","Explanation":"Definition: Kind of wheat\n**DRUM **(slang for house) **containing** (outside) **U **(upper-class)\n **D** (**U**) **RUM**\n\n**DURUM** (a kind of spring wheat grown especially in Russia)"} {"Clue":"Wind out through this when leaving Basel, Switzerland (5)","Answer":"BELCH","Explanation":"Definition: Wind out through this\n**BEL** (**letters remaining in** **BASEL** **excluding** [leaving] **AS** [when]) **+** **CH** (International Vehicle Registration for Switzerland from Confederatio Helvetica)\n \u00a0\n\n**BELCH** (void wind from the stomach)"} {"Clue":"Military officer, say (7)","Answer":"MARTIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Military\n**MARTIAL** (**sounds like** [say] **MARSHALL** [officer rank])\n \u00a0\n\n**MARTIAL** (military)"} {"Clue":"Bach's confused with REM? Judge works here (8)","Answer":"CHAMBERS","Explanation":"Definition: Judge works here\n**Anagram of** (confused) **BACH'S** and [with] **REM**\n **CHA****M****B****ER****S***\n\n**CHAMBERS** (a judge's room for hearing cases not taken into court)"} {"Clue":"Delight as farm brings in harvest \u2013 rapeseed, initially (6)","Answer":"THRILL","Explanation":"Definition: Delight\n**TILL** (work the land; cultivate; farm) **containing** (brings in) **HR** (**first letters of** [initially] **each of** **HARVEST** and **RAPESEED**)\n **T** (**HR**) **ILL**\n\n**THRILL** (delight)"} {"Clue":"City in Italy, on Sardinia (5)","Answer":"LYONS","Explanation":"Definition: City\n**LYONS** (**hidden word in** (in) **ITALY ON SARDINIA**)\n \u00a0\n\n**LYONS** (city [in France])"} {"Clue":"Feature of can-can giving drunk a 23 (4,4)","Answer":"HIGH KICK","Explanation":"Definition: Feature of can-can\n**HIGH** (drunk) **+** **KICK** (**THRILL** [23 down])\n \u00a0\n\n**HIGH KICK** (feature of the can-can dance)"} {"Clue":"Animal forgets intro repeatedly before performing linked set of pieces in a suit (4)","Answer":"MAIL","Explanation":"Definition: linked set of pieces in a suit\n**Anagram of** (performing) (**ANIMAL** **excluding** [forgets] **the first two letter**s [intro repeatedly] **AN**)\n **MAIL***\n\n**MAIL** (defensive armour [reference suit of armour] for the body, formed of overlapping or meshed steel rings)"} {"Clue":"Number of political fees adjusted (1,4,2,6)","Answer":"I FALL TO PIECES","Explanation":"Definition: Number\n**Anagram of** (adjusted) **POLITICAL FEES**\n **I FALL TO PIECES***\n\n**I FALL TO PIECES** (song [number] recorded by Patsy Cline)"} {"Clue":"Returning agent meets girl with hesitation for specific period (3,5)","Answer":"PER ANNUM","Explanation":"Definition: specific period\n**REP** (representative; agent) **reversed** (returning) **+** **ANN** [girl's name] **+** **UM **(expression of hesitation)\n **PER**< **ANN** **UM**\n\n**PER ANNUM** (yearly, specific period)"} {"Clue":"Some dances (rapid) over distance (6)","Answer":"PARSEC","Explanation":"Definition: distance\n**PARSEC** (**hidden word** [some] **reversed** [over] in **DANCES RAPID**)\n **PARSEC**<\n\n**PARSEC **(the distance [about 3.26 light years] at which half the major axis of the earth's orbit subtends an angle of one second, a unit for measurement of distances of stars)"} {"Clue":"Continually reverse boat when outside (6)","Answer":"ALWAYS","Explanation":"Definition: Continually\n**AS** (when) **containing** (outside) (**YAWL** [small fishing boat] **reversed** [reverse])\n **A** (**LWAY**<) **S**\n\n**ALWAYS** (continually)"} {"Clue":"Confused? All plainer at the same time! (2,8)","Answer":"IN PARALLEL","Explanation":"Definition: at the same time\n**Anagram of **(confused) **ALL PLAINER**\n **IN PAR****ALL****EL***\n\n**IN PARALLEL** (simultaneously; at the same time)"} {"Clue":"Side not finishing meal (3)","Answer":"TEA","Explanation":"Definition: meal\n**TEAM** (side) **excluding the final letter** (not finishing) **M**\n \u00a0\n\n**TEA** (meal)"} {"Clue":"Sets (armed) we reformed? Pleasing thoughts! (5,6)","Answer":"SWEET DREAMS","Explanation":"Definition: Pleasing thoughts\n**Anagram of **(reformed) **SETS ARMED WE**\n **S****WE****ET** **DREAM****S***\n\n**SWEET DREAMS** (pleasant thoughts)"} {"Clue":"Descriptive of some Asian languages, primarily true and indigenous (3)","Answer":"TAI","Explanation":"Definition: Descriptive of some Asian languages\n**TAI** (**first letters of **[primarily] **each of** **TRUE**, **AND** and **INDIGENOUS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TAI **(the language of Thailand)"} {"Clue":"Board race against time? (5,5)","Answer":"SPEED CHESS","Explanation":"Definition: Board race against time\n**SPEED CHESS** (**CHESS** is a game played on a board)\n \u00a0\n\n**SPEED CHESS** (version of **CHESS** where players are given little time to make their next move and are therefore 'racing' to make their move) cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Unopened canteen, messy, gets tidy (6)","Answer":"NEATEN","Explanation":"Definition: tidy\n**Anagram of **(messy) **C****ANTEEN** **excluding the first letter** (unopened) **C**\n **NEATEN***\n\n**NEATEN **(tidy)"} {"Clue":"Africans from Bulawayo rub along (6)","Answer":"YORUBA","Explanation":"Definition: Africans\n**YORUBA** (**hidden word in** [from] **BULAWAYO RUB ALONG**)\n \u00a0\n\n**YORUBA** (a people of coastal West Africa)"} {"Clue":"Conservative rallies arranged in city (8)","Answer":"CARLISLE","Explanation":"Definition: city\n**C** (Conservative) **+** **anagram of** (arranged) **RALLIES**\n **C** **ARLISLE***\n\n**CARLISLE** (city in the North West of England)"} {"Clue":"Formerly enthusiasts about farm equipment? They bring freshness (9,4)","Answer":"EXTRACTOR FANS","Explanation":"Definition: They bring freshness\n**EX** (formerly) **+** **TRACTOR** (example of farm equipment) **+** **FANS** (enthusiasts)\n \u00a0\n\n**EXTRACTOR FANS** (equipment to take away pollutants and therefore clear the air to bring freshness)"} {"Clue":"Shivering, I feel not half cold \u2013 like this? (3,4)","Answer":"ICE FLOE","Explanation":"Definition: this\n**Anagram of **(shivering) (**I FEEL** and [**COLD** **excluding two of four** {not half} **letters** **LD**])\n **I****C****E FL****O****E***\n\n**ICE FLOE** (large sheet of **ICE** floating in the sea; an example of something that is cold)"} {"Clue":"Film initially appearing very attractive that altered records (6)","Answer":"AVATAR","Explanation":"Definition: Film\n**AVATAR** (first letters of [initially] each of **APPEARING VERY ATTRACTIVE THAT ALTERED RECORDS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**AVATAR** (2009 science fiction film directed by James Cameron, very successful at the box office)"} {"Clue":"Part of airport deal is negotiated extremely badly (8)","Answer":"LANDSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Part of airport\n**Anagram of **(badly) (**DEAL IS** and **ND** [**first and last letters of** {extremely} **NEGOTIATED**])\n **LA****ND****SI****DE**\n\n**LANDSIDE** (that part of an airport accessible to the public, as opposed to **AIRSIDE**)"} {"Clue":"Units regularly used in top homes (4)","Answer":"OHMS","Explanation":"Definition: Units\n**OHMS** (**letters 1, 3, 5 and 7** [regularly used] in **TOP HOMES**)\n \u00a0\n\n**OHMS** (units of electrical resistance)"} {"Clue":"Reduce effectiveness of the writer's mate (6)","Answer":"IMPAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Reduce effectiveness of\n**I'M** (the writer's) **+** **PAIR** (mate)\n \u00a0\n\n**IMPAIR** (damage; reduce effectiveness of)"} {"Clue":"Run into pink enclosure (6)","Answer":"CORRAL","Explanation":"Definition: enclosure\n**R** (run, in cricket scoring notation) **contained in** (into) **CORAL** (a deep orange-pink colour)\n **CO** (**R**) **RAL**\n\n**CORRAL** (enclosure)"} {"Clue":"Society accounts book incomplete \u2013 an insult (6)","Answer":"SLEDGE","Explanation":"Definition: insult\n**S** (society) **+** **LEDGE****R** (document containing the principal financial records of a company; accounts book) **excluding the final letter** (incomplete) **R**\n \u00a0\n\n**SLEDGE** (cricketing term to seek to upset the batsman's concentration by making offensive remarks; insult)"} {"Clue":"Something to write on about chaplain (5)","Answer":"PADRE","Explanation":"Definition: chaplain\n**PAD** (something to write on) **+** **RE** (about)\n**PADRE** (army chaplain)"} {"Clue":"Woman from America (Virginia) (3)","Answer":"AVA","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\n**A** (America) **+** **VA** (abbreviation for the American State of Virginia)\n \u00a0\n\n**AVA** (lady's name; woman)"} {"Clue":"Like 28, continue (4)","Answer":"LAST","Explanation":"Definition: continue\n**LAST** (28 down is the **LAST** clue in this puzzle)\n \u00a0\n\n**LAST** (continue)"} {"Clue":"For example, tips from humble Wimbledon champion (4)","Answer":"ASHE","Explanation":"Definition: Wimbledon champion\n**AS** (for example) **+** **HE** (**first and last letters of** [tips from] **HUMBLE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ASHE** (reference Arthur **ASHE** [1943 \u2013 1993], Wimbledon champion 1975)"} {"Clue":"Blyton not independent and objective? (3)","Answer":"END","Explanation":"Definition: objective\n**ENID** (reference the children's writer **ENID** Blyton) **excluding** (not) **I** (independent)\n \u00a0\n\n**END** (objective)"} {"Clue":"He traps new earners sadly (8)","Answer":"ENSNARER","Explanation":"Definition: He traps\n**Anagram of** (sadly) (**N** [new] and **EARNERS**)\n **E****N****SNARER***\n\n**ENSNARER** (one who traps)"} {"Clue":"Parts of skin affected \u2013 ear also (7)","Answer":"AREOLAS","Explanation":"Definition: Parts of skin\n**Anagram of** (affected) **EAR ALSO** \n **AREOLAS***\n\n**AREOLAS** (dark coloured areas surrounding the nipple; parts of skin)"} {"Clue":"Let out expected word of encouragement (6)","Answer":"PAROLE","Explanation":"Definition: Let out\n**PAR** (number of strokes that should be taken at a hole in golf; expected) **+** **OL\u00c9** (exclamation of encouragement)\n \u00a0\n\n**PAROLE** (release of a prisoner with conditions attached; let out)"} {"Clue":"They leave EU next surprisingly (6)","Answer":"EXEUNT","Explanation":"Definition: They leave\n**Anagram of** (surprisingly) **EU NEXT**\n **EXEUNT***\n\n**EXEUNT** (stage direction meaning [they] go out or leave the stage)"} {"Clue":"State prison supported by top class lawyer (6)","Answer":"CANADA","Explanation":"Definition: State\n**CAN** (prison [slang]) **+** **A** [(op class])** +** **DA** (District Attorney)\n This being a down clue, the letters **CAN** are supported by the letters **ADA**\n\n**CANADA** (country; state)"} {"Clue":"In Japan I rambled round leisure facility (6)","Answer":"MARINA","Explanation":"Definition: leisure facility\n**MARINA** (**hidden word reversed** [round] in [in] **JAPAN I RAMBLED**)\n **MARINA**<\n\n**MARINA** (\u00a0berthing area for yachts, etc, prepared with every kind of facility for a sailing holiday; leisure facility)"} {"Clue":"National has somewhere to sleep (small at first) (4)","Answer":"SCOT","Explanation":"Definition: National\n**S** (small) **+** **COT** (somewhere to sleep)\n \u00a0\n\n**SCOT** (national)"} {"Clue":"Scottish gull showing insatiable appetite, after the best bit (7)","Answer":"PICKMAW","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish gull\n**PICK** (cream; best bit) **+** **MAW** (insatiable gulf or ever-open mouth; appetite; insatiable appetite)\n **PICK** **MAW**\n\n**PICKMAW** (Scottish word for the blackheaded gull)"} {"Clue":"Severe criticism about second bottle (5)","Answer":"FLASK","Explanation":"Definition: bottle\n**FLAK** (severe criticism) **containing** (about) **S** (second)\n **FLA** (**S**) **K**\n\n**FLASK** (bottle)"} {"Clue":"Poser bare in set RA arranged (11)","Answer":"BRAINTEASER","Explanation":"Definition: Poser\n**Anagram of** (arranged) **BARE IN SET RA**|\n **BRAINTEASER***\n\n**BRAINTEASER** (difficult puzzle or problem; poser)"} {"Clue":"Basket for fishes in a row (5)","Answer":"SCULL","Explanation":"Definition: Basket for fishes\n**SCULL** (shallow basket for fish)\n \u00a0\n\n**SCULL** (to row [a boat]) double definition"} {"Clue":"SE Asian or Japanese fish with hot stuffing (4)","Answer":"THAI","Explanation":"Definition: SE Asian\n**H** (hot) **contained in** (stuffing) **TAI** (Japanese sea bream)\n **T**** **(**H**) **AI**\n\n**THAI** (person from Thailand, a country in South East Asia)"} {"Clue":"Space for old geometrician, look, with house servant around (8)","Answer":"HOMALOID","Explanation":"Definition: Space for old geometrician\n**LO** (look) **contained in** (with \u2026 around) (**HO** [house] **+** **MAID** [servant])\n (**HO** **MA** (**LO**) **ID**)\n\n**HOMALOID** (Euclidean space; space of an old geometrician. **EUCLID**, a Greek mathematician\u00a0is considered to be the 'Father of Geometry')"} {"Clue":"Stew, new one with wine a recipe included (7)","Answer":"NAVARIN","Explanation":"Definition: Stew\n**N** (new) **+** **A** (one) **+** (**VIN** [wine] **containing** [included] (**A ****+** **R** [recipe {Latin}])\n **N** **A** **V** (**A** **R**) **IN**\n\n**NAVARIN** (stew of mutton or lamb, with turnip and other root vegetables)"} {"Clue":"Bird fixing stabilizer to small child (5)","Answer":"FINCH","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\n**FIN** (stabilizer) **+** **CH** (child)\n \u00a0\n\n**FINCH** (bird)"} {"Clue":"Troy led by tough one \u2013 reminiscent of Homer sometimes? (6)","Answer":"NUTANT","Explanation":"Definition: reminiscent of Homer sometimes\n**NUT** (tough one) **+** **AN** (one) **+** **T** (troy [weight])\n \u00a0\n\n**NUTANT** (nodding; reference the phrase 'Even Homer nods' which means that even the best person sometimes makes a mistake due to a momentary lack of alertness or attention)"} {"Clue":"Measure of wood, fine in short (6)","Answer":"FATHOM","Explanation":"Definition: Measure of wood\n**F** (fine) +\u00a0(**AT HOME** [in] **excluding the last letter** [short] **E**)\n \u00a0\n\n**FATHOM** (timber measure equal to 216 cubic feet.)"} {"Clue":"It's for beating lead fashioned round head of gargoyle (5)","Answer":"MADGE","Explanation":"Definition: It's for beating lead\n**MADE** (fashioned) **containing** (round) **G** (**first letter of** [head of] **GARGOYLE**)\n **MAD** (**G**) **E**\n\n**MADGE** (lead hammer; it's for beating lead)"} {"Clue":"A forward, well above average size as is fitting (7)","Answer":"APROPOS","Explanation":"Definition: fitting\n**A** **+** **PROP** (a forward in Rugby [Union or League]) **+** **OS** (outsize; above average size)\n \u00a0\n\n**APROPOS** (for the purpose; fitting)"} {"Clue":"Cooking pot, round as in the classical style, likely to attract tax (8)","Answer":"DUTIABLE","Explanation":"Definition: likely to attract tax \n**DIABLE** (unglazed earthenware casserole with a handle and a wide base tapering up to a narrow neck; cooking pot) **containing** (round) **UT** (as [in Latin; in the classical style])\n **D** (**UT**) **IABLE**\n\n**DUTIABLE** (subject to custom duty; likely to attract tax)"} {"Clue":"Fragments from Horatio ode years ago, example of asclepiads (4)","Answer":"HOYA","Explanation":"Definition: example of asclepiads\n**HOYA** (**first letter of **[fragments from] **each of** **HORATIO ODE YEARS AGO**)\n \u00a0\n\n**HOYA** (a plant of the Australasian *HOYA*\u00a0genus of plants of the Asclepiadaceae)"} {"Clue":"Cheer return of drugs agents (5)","Answer":"SCRAN","Explanation":"Definition: Cheer\n**NARCS** (narcotics agents; drugs agents) **reversed** (return of)\n **SCRAN**<\n\n**SCRAN** (food; cheer)"} {"Clue":"Convivial frolic involving large amount getting drunk (11)","Answer":"ANACREONTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Convivial\n**ANTIC** (frolic) **containing** (involving) (**ACRE** [informal word to indicate a large amount] **+** **ON** [on the way to being\u00a0drunk])\n **AN** (**ACRE** **ON**) **TIC**\n\n**ANACREONTIC** (after the manner of the Greek poet **ANACREON**, free, convivial or erotic)"} {"Clue":"Neat Scotch? Amiably disposing of litre (5)","Answer":"GENTY","Explanation":"Definition: Neat Scotch\n**GENTLY **(amiably) **excluding** [disposing of] **L** (litre)\n \u00a0\n\n**GENTY** (Scottish word for neat)"} {"Clue":"Wounds displayed internally by limbless especially (7)","Answer":"BLESSES","Explanation":"Definition: Wounds\n**BLESSES** (**hidden word in** [displayed internally by] **LIMBLESS ESPECIALLY**)\n \u00a0\n\n**BLESSES** (wounds)"} {"Clue":"Taking to sea, get lost! (7)","Answer":"PUSH-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Taking to sea\n**PUSH-OFF** (the act of pushing a boat off from the shore; taking to sea)\n \u00a0\n\n**PUSH-OFF **(an informal; way of telling people to bet lost!) double definition"} {"Clue":"Wax-secreting gland in cow's first stomach (6)","Answer":"CRUMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Wax-secreting gland\n**C** (**first letter of** [first] **COW**) **+** **RUMEN** (paunch or first stomach of a ruminant)\n \u00a0\n\n**CRUMEN** (a deer's tear-pit [gland below the eye secreting a waxy substance])"} {"Clue":"Succulent cabbage wrapped round cooked nacho (9)","Answer":"KALANCHOE","Explanation":"Definition: Succulent\n**KALE** (cabbage) **containing** (wrapped round) **an anagram of** (cooked) **NACHO**\n **KAL** (**ANCHO***) **E**\n\n**KALANCHOE** (a succulent plant which bears red, yellow or pink clusters on long stems)"} {"Clue":"Grand channel getting wheels turning? RAC drops out (5)","Answer":"MILLE","Explanation":"Definition: Grand\n**MILLRACE** (the current of water that turns a millwheel, or the channel in which it runs) **excluding** (drops out) **RAC**\n \u00a0\n\n**MILLE** (thousand; grand)"} {"Clue":"One with talent bagging theatre award, maiden, contrary (10)","Answer":"ANTONYMOUS","Explanation":"Definition: contrary\n(**A** **+** **NOUS** [talent]) **containing** (bagging) (**TONY** [an American\u00a0award for meritorious work in the theatre] **+** **M** [maiden, in cricket scoring notation])\n **A** **N** (**TONY** **M**) **OUS**\n\n**ANTONYMOUS** (opposite; contrary)"} {"Clue":"Holder having to serve served, holding ball (4)","Answer":"FEOD","Explanation":"Definition: Holder having to serve\n**FED** (given as food; served) **containing** (holding) **O** (ball shape)\n **FE** (**O**) **D**\n\n**FEOD **(land held on condition of service) This seems to describe the thing held rather than the holder."} {"Clue":"Fast-day, universal in hermitage, not quite finished (6)","Answer":"ASHURA","Explanation":"Definition: Fast-day\n**U** (universal) **contained in** (in) (**ASHRAM** [usually in India, a hermitage for a holy man] **excluding the final letter** [not quite finished] **M**)\n **ASH** (**U**) **RA**\n\n**ASHURA** (a fast-day observed on the tenth day of Moharram, especially among Shiite Muslims, in commemoration of the death of Imam Hosain)"} {"Clue":"Waving blade, how HM didn't address dubbed Branagh, rising! (4)","Answer":"KRIS","Explanation":"Definition: Waving blade\n(**SIR** [knight; someone who has been dubbed as so by the Monarch [e.g. Her Majesty {HM}] **+** **K** [initial of Kenneth, reference Sir Kenneth Branagh, knight of the theatre) **all reversed** (rising; down clue) The Queen is more likely to say arise **SIR K**enneth than arise **SIR K**\n (**K** **RIS**)<\n\n**KRIS** (a Malay dagger with a wavy scalloped blade)"} {"Clue":"In musical weight rises or falls (9)","Answer":"CATARACTS","Explanation":"Definition: falls\n(**CARAT** [unit of weight used for gems]) **reversed **[rises; down clue]** contained in** (in) **CATS** (musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber based on Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats by T. S. Eliot)\n **CA** (**TARAC**)< **TS**\n\n**CATARACTS** (waterfalls; falls)"} {"Clue":"Fog signal rendered rising moan (8)","Answer":"DIAPHONE","Explanation":"Definition: Fog signal\n**PAID** (rendered as a duty of service) **reversed** (rising ; down clue) **+** **HONE** (moan)\n **DIAP**< **HONE**\n\n**DIAPHONE** (siren-like fog signal)"} {"Clue":"Rising sound was satisfying in sacred place (7)","Answer":"TEMENOS","Explanation":"Definition: sacred place\n(**SONE** [unit of sound] **+** **MET** [was satisfying]) **all reversed** (rising; down clue)\n (**TEM** **ENOS**)<\n\n**TEMENOS** (sacred place)"} {"Clue":"Like Cressida, say, having time on French resort? (6)","Answer":"TROYAN","Explanation":"Definition: Like Cressida, say\n**T** (time) **+** **ROYAN** (French resort on the Atlantic coast)\n \u00a0\n\n**TROYAN** (Cressida was a native of Troy)"} {"Clue":"Wreckage, bottom up, coming up half missing (6)","Answer":"DEBRIS","Explanation":"Definition: Wreckage\n**BED** (bottom) **reversed** (up) **+** (**RISING** [coming up] **excluding the second three letters** [of six; half missing])\n **DEB**< **RIS**\n\n**DEBRIS** (wreckage)"} {"Clue":"Last of climbers moving to central position as rendezvous (5)","Answer":"VISNE","Explanation":"Definition: rendezvous \n**VINES** (climbing plant; climber) **with the final letter** (last of] **S** **moved to the middle** [moved to central position]\n **VISNE**\n\n**VISNE** (venue; rendezvous)"} {"Clue":"Droop around end of lunch? Long nap required (4)","Answer":"SHAG","Explanation":"Definition: Long nap required\n**SAG** (droop) **containing** (round) **H** (**last letter of** [end of] **LUNCH**)\n **S** (**H**) **AG**\n\n**SHAG** (long coarse nap [woolly surface on cloth])"} {"Clue":"Party lines? One might be caught on end of line (4)","Answer":"DORY","Explanation":"Definition: One might be caught on end of line\n**DO** (party) **+** **RY** (railway [lines])\n \u00a0\n\n**DORY** (fish of the mackerel family that may be caught on the end of a fishing line)"} {"Clue":"Very odd parts in Die Hard (4)","Answer":"DEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Very\n**DEAD** (letters 1, 3 5 and 7 [odd parts] of **DIE HARD**)\n**DEAD** (exactly; absolutely; very)"} {"Clue":"British PM once receiving duke and soldiers making a racket (10)","Answer":"BATTLEDORE","Explanation":"Definition: racket\n**B** (British) **+** (**ATTLEE** [reference Clement **ATTLEE** {1883 \u2013 1967} Prime Minister of the United Kingdom {1945 \u2013 1951}] **containing** [receiving] [**D** {duke} **+** **OR** {other ranks; soldiers}])\n **B** **ATTLE** (**D** **OR**) **E**\n\n**BATTLEDORE** (a light bat for striking a shuttlecock; racket)"} {"Clue":"Watch tapes etc being unwound (8)","Answer":"SPECTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Watch\n**Anagram of** (being unwound) **TAPES ETC**\n **SP****ECT****ATE***\n\n**SPECTATE** (watch)"} {"Clue":"Very pleasant near European resort (6)","Answer":"VENICE","Explanation":"Definition: resort\n**V** (very) **+** **E** (European) **+** **NICE** (pleasant)\n \u00a0\n\n**VENICE** (resort city in Italy)"} {"Clue":"Heckle, wanting leader removed? That's the spirit (6)","Answer":"ARRACK","Explanation":"Definition: spirit\n**BARRACK** (heckle) **excluding the first letter** (wanting leader removed) **B**\n \u00a0\n\n**ARRACK** (a strong alcoholic drink made in Asian countries from toddy; spirit)"} {"Clue":"First-class run towards pacific island, mostly going by plane (8)","Answer":"AIRBORNE","Explanation":"Definition: going by plane\n**AI** (first class) **+** **R** (run) **+** **BORNEO** (large island in the Western Pacific) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **O**\n \u00a0\n\n**AIRBORNE** (going by plane)"} {"Clue":"Crime is soon solved with involvement of Met's head: him? (12)","Answer":"COMMISSIONER","Explanation":"Definition: Met's head: him\n**Anagram of** (solved) (**CRIME IS SOON** and [involvement of] **M **[**first letter of** {head} **MET**])\n **COMMISSIONER***\n\n**COMMISSIONER** (title of the senior officer in the Metropolitan Police in London)"} {"Clue":"Groups of islands forming curve in East African location (12)","Answer":"ARCHIPELAGOS","Explanation":"Definition: Groups of islands\n**ARC **(curve) + **HIP** (knowing; informed; in) + **E** (East) + **LAGOS** (major commercial city in Nigeria; African location)\n \u00a0\n\n**ARCHIPELAGOS** (groups of islands)"} {"Clue":"Show Liberal party is in front (8)","Answer":"CAROUSEL","Explanation":"Definition: Show\n**CAROUSE** (party) **+** **L** (Liberal)\n \u00a0\n\n**CAROUSEL** (Musical by Rogers & Hammerstein)"} {"Clue":"Tough amphibious creature biting old boy (3,3)","Answer":"TOO BAD","Explanation":"Definition: Tough\n**TOAD** (amphibious creature) **containing** (biting) **OB** (old boy)\n **TO** (**O B**) **AD**\n\n**TOO BAD** (what a pity!; tough!)"} {"Clue":"Servant wanting a dance (6)","Answer":"VALETA","Explanation":"Definition: dance\n**VALET** (male servant) **+** **A**\n \u00a0\n\n**VALETA** (a dance or dance tune in quick waltz time)"} {"Clue":"Leaders of the robbers, each certain to get riches (8)","Answer":"TREASURE","Explanation":"Definition: riches\n**TR** (**first letters of **[leaders of] each of **THE** and **ROBBERS**) **+** **EA** (each) **+** **SURE** (certain)\n \u00a0\n\n**TREASURE** (riches)"} {"Clue":"Board game played by fellow attending hospital department (10)","Answer":"MANAGEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Board game\n**MAN** (fellow) **+** **an anagram of** (played) **GAME** **+** **ENT** (ear nose and threat; hospital department)\n **MAN** **AGEM*** **ENT**\n\n**MANAGEMENT** (committee or senior staff that run a business; board)"} {"Clue":"Cut waiting for a start in old hospital (4)","Answer":"SAWN","Explanation":"Definition: Cut\n**W** (first letter of [for a start] **WAITING**) **contained in** (in) **SAN** (sanatorium; old term for hospital, especially for consumptives)\n **SA** (**W**) **N**\n\n**SAWN **(cut)"} {"Clue":"In Morecambe perhaps, politician \u2013 Independent \u2013 is\u00a0a charlatan (7)","Answer":"EMPIRIC","Explanation":"Definition: charlatan\n(**MP** [Member of Parliament] **+** **I** [independent]) **contained in**\u00a0(in) **ERIC** (reference **ERIC** Morecambe [1926 \u2013 1984], comedian)\n **E **(**MP** **I**) **RIC**\n\n**EMPIRIC** (quack; charlatan)"} {"Clue":"Ranter, one interrupting winter piece by Debussy? (9)","Answer":"DECLAIMER","Explanation":"Definition: Ranter\n**I **(one) **contained in** (interrupting) (**DEC** [December; winter {in the northern hemisphere} **+** **LA MER** [three symphonic sketches for orchestra by Claude Debussy [1862 \u2013 1918])\n **DEC**** LA** (**I**) **MER**\n\n**DECLAIMER** (one whop harangues; ranter)"} {"Clue":"Brave fighters in endless pain, overwhelmed by swordsman: It's blooming fatal (5,10)","Answer":"BLACK NIGHTSHADE","Explanation":"Definition: It's blooming fatal\n(**KNIGHTS** [brave fighters] **contained in** [in] [**ACHE** {pain} **excluding the final letter** {endless} **E**]) **all contained in** (overwhelmed by) **BLADE** (swordsman)\n **BL** (**AC** (**KNIGHT S**) **H**) **ADE**\n\n**BLACK NIGHTSHADE** (a common plant [bloom] of the nightshade family, *Solanum nigrum*, with poisonous leaves, white flowers and black berries; it's blooming fatal)"} {"Clue":"Ancient Greeks born in ruins of Athens (7)","Answer":"THEBANS","Explanation":"Definition: Ancient Greeks\n**B** (born) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (ruins) **ATHENS**\n **THE (B) ANS***\n\n**THEBANS** (natives of **THEBES**; ancient Greeks)"} {"Clue":"Loveliest porter working in London station (9,6)","Answer":"LIVERPOOL STREET","Explanation":"Definition: London station\n**Anagram of** (working) **LOVELIEST PORTER**\n **LIVERPOOL STREET***\n\n**LIVERPOOL STREET** (London railway station)"} {"Clue":"Pass two people adopting new name (5)","Answer":"DUNNO","Explanation":"Definition: Pass\n**DUO** (two people) **containing** (adopting) (**N** [new] + **N** [name])\n **DU** (**N** **N**) **O**\n\n**DUNNO** (I don't know; pass)"} {"Clue":"Taking part in run invigorating? Not at first (6)","Answer":"RACING","Explanation":"Definition: Taking part in run\n**BRACING** (invigorating) **excluding the first letter** (not at first) **B**\n \u00a0\n\n**RACING** (taking part in run)"} {"Clue":"Interests son in English flowers (9)","Answer":"ENGROSSES","Explanation":"Definition: Interests\n**ENG** (English) + **ROSES** (example of flowers)\n \u00a0\n\n**ENGROSSES** (interests)"} {"Clue":"Maybe little friend's colourful collection? (7)","Answer":"PALETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe little friend\n**PAL** (friend) **+** **ETTE** (suffix forming nouns denoting small) \u2013 giving little friend in this case\n \u00a0\n\n**PALETTE** (assortment or range of colours used by a particular artist or for any particular picture; colourful collection)"} {"Clue":"Pig eating fish and bird (7)","Answer":"SPARROW","Explanation":"Definition: bird\n**SOW** (female pig) **containing** (eating) **PARR** (young salmon; fish)\n **S** (**PARR**) **OW**\n\n**SPARROW** (example of a bird)"} {"Clue":"Mother hen heard somewhere in Asia (6)","Answer":"MALAYA","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in Asia\n**MA** (mother) **+** **LAYA** (sounds like [heard] **LAYER** [a hen is an example of a **LAYER**])\n \u00a0\n\n**MALAYA** (region in Asia, no loner a country in it's own right)"} {"Clue":"Margaret initially affected by love letter (5)","Answer":"OMEGA","Explanation":"Definition: letter\n**O** (zero; love score in tennis) **+** **MEG** (Margaret) **+** **A** (**first letter of **[initially] **AFFECTED**)\n \u00a0\n\n**OMEGA** (letter of the Greek alphabet)"} {"Clue":"However poorly unit's run, say nothing (6,4,3)","Answer":"BUTTON YOUR LIP","Explanation":"Definition: say nothing\n**BUT** (however)\u00a0**+** **an anagram of** (run) **POORLY UNIT**\n **BUT** (**TON YOUR LIP***)\n\n**BUTTON YOUR LIP** (be quiet; say nothing)"} {"Clue":"Give away to head of state (5)","Answer":"OFFER","Explanation":"Definition: Give\n**OFF** (away) **+** **ER** (Elizabeth Regina; United Kingdom Head of State)\n \u00a0\n\n**OFFER** (give)"} {"Clue":"Where to get drink in Forest Gate \u2013 awkward earlier (3,6)","Answer":"TEA GARDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Where to get drink\n**Anagram of **(awkward) **GATE** **+** **ARDEN** (reference Forest of **ARDEN** in Central England, mainly in Warwickshire)\n **TEA G***** ARDEN**\n\n**TEA GARDEN **(open-air restaurant for tea and other refreshments; where to get a drink)"} {"Clue":"Trainee actress's cast as 'wrinkly'? Unlikely (6-9)","Answer":"CREASE-RESISTANT","Explanation":"Definition: 'wrinkly'? Unlikely \n**Anagram of **(cast) **TRAINEE ACTRESS'S**\n **C****RE****A****S****E**\u2013**RES****I****S****T****A****N****T***\n\n**CREASE-RESISTANT** (not becoming wrinkled in normal wear)"} {"Clue":"Empty down in West Country (South Somerset border) \u2013 it's odd (9)","Answer":"WEIRDNESS","Explanation":"Definition: it's odd\n(**DN** [**the letters remaining when all the central letters OW are removed** {empty} from **DOWN**]) **contained in** (in) (**W** [west] **+** **EIRE** [a country]) **+** **SS** (**the first letters of** [border] each of **SOUTH** and **SOMERSET**)\n **W** **EIR** (**DN**) **E** **SS**\n\n**WEIRDNESS** (something odd)"} {"Clue":"Clothes store to close \u2013 gutted (was open a lot) (5)","Answer":"GAPED","Explanation":"Definition: was open a lot\n**GAP** (reference the clothing store of the same name) **+** **ED** (**the letters remaining when the central letter** **N** **is removed** [gutted] from **END** [close]))\n \u00a0\n\n**GAPED** (was open a lot)"} {"Clue":"Element of fear gone completely? No (5)","Answer":"ARGON","Explanation":"Definition: Element\n**Hidden word in** (completely? no) **FEAR GONE**\n \u00a0\n\n**ARGON** (a chemical element)"} {"Clue":"Restaurant which provides uplifting experience (one's moved) (9)","Answer":"BRASSERIE","Explanation":"Definition: Restaurant\n**BRASSIERE **(a garment that provides uplift) with **I** (one) **moving towards the end of the word** (moved)\n **BRASSER****I****E**\n\n**BRASSERIE** (restaurant)"} {"Clue":"They can't be entirely naff? (6,9)","Answer":"VULGAR FRACTIONS","Explanation":"Definition: They can't be entirely naff\n**VULGAR **(naff) + **FRACTIONS** (elements that are less than the whole; not entirely)\n**VULGAR FRACTIONS** (a **FRACTION**\u00a0[fragment or small piece] written one number above another, separated by a line, as opposed to a decimal fraction [a fraction expressed by continuing ordinary decimal notation into negative powers of ten, a point being placed after the unit)\n I suppose a vulgar fraction written as M\/N\u00a0is still not entire even if M is greater than N\n cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Save up to get big house by common (9)","Answer":"STOCKPILE","Explanation":"Definition: They can't be entirely naff\n**VULGAR **(naff) + **FRACTIONS** (elements that are less than the whole; not entirely)\n**VULGAR FRACTIONS** (a **FRACTION**\u00a0[fragment or small piece] written one number above another, separated by a line, as opposed to a decimal fraction [a fraction expressed by continuing ordinary decimal notation into negative powers of ten, a point being placed after the unit)\n I suppose a vulgar fraction written as M\/N\u00a0is still not entire even if M is greater than N\n cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Leg -over? Uncertain time while awaiting decision (5)","Answer":"LIMBO","Explanation":"Definition: Uncertain time while awaiting decision\n**LIMB** (leg is an example of a **LIMB**) **+** **O** (over)\n \u00a0\n\n**LIMBO** (uncertain or intermediate state)"} {"Clue":"Greenland's answer to certain statesmen (3,10)","Answer":"NEW ENGLANDERS","Explanation":"Definition: certain statesmen \nA simple clue such as **NEW** (indicating an anagram) **ENGLANDERS** could generate the answer **GREENLAND'S**\n \u00a0\n\n**NEW ENGLANDERS** (people from the US State of **NEW ENGLAND**)"} {"Clue":"Callous subordinate gets money for the German (9)","Answer":"UNFEELING","Explanation":"Definition: Callous\n**UNDERLING** (subordinate) with **FEE** (money) **replacing** (for) **DER** (one of the forms of the German for 'the') \n **UNFEELING**\n\n**UNFEELING** (callous)"} {"Clue":"Master plan \u2013 are not in agreement (5)","Answer":"TERMS","Explanation":"Definition: in agreement\n**Anagram of** (plan) **MASTER** **excluding** (not) **A** (are [unit of metric land measurement])\n **TERMS***\n\n**TERMS** (elements of an agreement)"} {"Clue":"Hazel possibly born outside non-European state? (3-4)","Answer":"NUT TREE","Explanation":"Definition: Hazel\n**N\u00c9E** ([of a woman] born, used in stating maiden name) **containing** (outside) (**UTT****E****R** [state] **excluding** [non] **E** [European])\n **N** (**UT TR**) **EE**\n\n**NUT TREE** (**HAZEL** is an example of a **NUT TREE**)"} {"Clue":"Kennedy's successor about to get a lot of support (7)","Answer":"ONASSIS","Explanation":"Definition: Kennedy's successor\n**ON** (about) **+** (**ASSIST** [support] **all but the final letter** [a lot of] **T**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ONASSIS** (Following John F Kennedy's assassination Jacqueline Kennedy married Aristotle **ONASSIS**)"} {"Clue":"Are mostly dossing around \u2013 they may tell you to stop (4,5)","Answer":"ROAD SIGNS","Explanation":"Definition: they may tell you to stop\n**Anagram of** (**ARE** **excluding the final letter** [mostly] **E** and **DOSSING**)\n **R****O****A****D SIGNS***\n\n**ROAD SIGNS** (one example of a **ROAD SIGN** may tell you to stop)"} {"Clue":"I said Nigel's covering up (5)","Answer":"INDIA","Explanation":"Definition: I\n**Hidden word** (covering) **reversed** (up) **in** **SAID NIGEL'S**\n **INDIA**<\n\n**INDIA** **(INDIA** is the international radio communication codeword\u00a0for the letter I)"} {"Clue":"'Not much time before ending of bonus' \u2013 frighten City (6)","Answer":"MOSCOW","Explanation":"Definition: City\n**MO** (moment; not much time) **+** **S** (**last letter of** [ending of] **BONUS**) **+** **COW** (frighten)\n \u00a0\n\n**MOSCOW** (Russian capital city)"} {"Clue":"One of the solvers made a 15, as stated (6)","Answer":"UNITED","Explanation":"Definition: One\n**U** (**sounds like** [as stated] **YOU** [one of the solvers]) **+** **NITED** (**sounds like** [as stated] **KNIGHTED** [entitled to be called **SIR** [15 down])\n \u00a0\n\n**UNITED** ([as] one)"} {"Clue":"Director working as requested with writer? No idea (4,3,2)","Answer":"DON","Explanation":"Definition: No idea\n**D** (director) **+** (**ON TASK** [working as requested]) **+** **ME** (the writer of the clue)\n \u00a0\n\n**DON'T ASK ME** (no idea!)"} {"Clue":"Current occupation of senior teacher (3)","Answer":"SIR","Explanation":"Definition: teacher\n**I** (electric current)** contained in** (occupation of) **SR** (senior)\n **S** (**I**) **R**\n\n**SIR** (polite form of address for pupil speaking to teacher)"} {"Clue":"A non-current entertainer (9)","Answer":"PERFORMER","Explanation":"Definition: entertainer\n**PER** (a) **+** **FORMER** (non-current)\n \u00a0\n\n**PERFORMER** (entertainer)"} {"Clue":"Warn reported rivals to journalist Kate (6)","Answer":"ADVISE","Explanation":"Definition: Warn\n**AD** (if said as two separate letters, **sounds like** [reported] **ADIE** [reference BBC news correspondent Kate **ADIE; **\u00a0journalist Kate) + **VISE** **sounds like** [reported] **VIES** [rivals] \n \u00a0\n\n**ADVISE** (warn)"} {"Clue":"What's Thumper doing? Bambi's outside swearing head off (7)","Answer":"BIFFING","Explanation":"Definition: What's Thumper doing\n**BI** (**first and last letters** [outside of] **B****AMB****I**) **+** **EFFING** [swearing] **excluding the first letter** [head off] **E)**\n \u00a0\n\n**BIFFING** (thumping; what thumper's doing)"} {"Clue":"Walk like dame after operation (7)","Answer":"ALAMEDA","Explanation":"Definition: Walk\n**\u00c0 LA** (in the manner of; like) + **an anagram of** (operation) **MADE**\n **A LA** **MEDA***\n\n**ALAMEDA** (a public walk, esp between rows of poplars)"} {"Clue":"Useless school's admitted it's the end of the line (6)","Answer":"EUSTON","Explanation":"Definition: it's the end of the line \n**U\/S** (useless) **contained in** (admitted) **ETON** (example of a school)\n **E** (**US**) **TON**\n\n**EUSTON** (mainline rail terminus in London; it's the end of the line)"} {"Clue":"Can pick up tablets for free (5)","Answer":"LOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: free\n**LOO** (toilet; can) **+** (**ES** [ecstasy tablets] **reversed** [pick up; down clue])\n **LOO** **SE**<\n\n**LOOSE** (free)"} {"Clue":"Like roof fixed? Leaking slightly in the middle (5)","Answer":"TILED","Explanation":"Definition: Like roof \n**TIED** (fixed) **containing** (in the middle) **L** (**first letter of** [slightly] **LEAKING**)\n **TI** (**L**) **ED**\n\n**TILED** (like a roof)"} {"Clue":"Row produced by fellow losing heart in dark (5)","Answer":"DINGY","Explanation":"Definition: dark\n**DIN** (noise; row) **+** (**G****U****Y** [fellow] **excluding** (losing) **the middle letter** [heart]) **U** \u00a0\n\n**DINGY** (dark)"} {"Clue":"Trouble \u2013 being taken to Judge \u2013 may lead to this? (4)","Answer":"JAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Trouble \u2013 being taken to Judge \u2013 may lead to this\n**J **(judge) **+** **AIL** (trouble) \u00a0\n\n**JAIL** (where you may end up if you are in trouble before a Judge)"} {"Clue":"Shell helping to teach us knowledge (4)","Answer":"HUSK","Explanation":"Definition: Shell\n**HUSK** (**hidden** word [helping] in **TEACH US KNOWLEDGE**) \u00a0\n\n**HUSK** (shell)"} {"Clue":"Enthusiastic comment about coastal resort denies esplanade is ruined (3,6,3,3)","Answer":"SEE NAPLES AND DIE","Explanation":"Definition: Enthusiastic comment about coastal resort\n**Anagram of** (is ruined) **DENIES ESPLANADE** **SEE NAPLES AND DIE***\n\n**SEE NAPLES AND DIE** (enthusiastic comment about [Italian] coast resort)"} {"Clue":"Childhood dreaming? (7)","Answer":"INFANCY","Explanation":"Definition: Childhood\n**IN FANCY** (in a dreamy state; dreaming) \u00a0\n\n**INFANCY** (childhood) double definition"} {"Clue":"Put down most of rusty iron (7)","Answer":"REPRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Put down\n**RED** (rusty) **excluding the final letter** (most of) **D** **+** **PRESS** (iron) \u00a0\n\n**REPRESS **(put down)"} {"Clue":"Senior politician coming round not quite after time for speaking venue (8)","Answer":"PLATFORM","Explanation":"Definition: speaking venue\n**PM** (Prime Minister; senior politician) **containing** (coming round) ([**LAT****E** {after time} **excluding the final letter** {not quite} **E**] **+** **FOR**) **P** (**LAT** **FOR**) **M**\n\n**PLATFORM** (raised floor for speakers; speaking venue)"} {"Clue":"Fool covering recipe in cream (5)","Answer":"PRICK","Explanation":"Definition: Fool\n**PICK** (best; cream) **containing** (covering) **R** (recipe [Latin]) **P** (**R**) **ICK**\n\n**PRICK** (fool)"} {"Clue":"Distinctly gutted overwhelmed by awful poem (5)","Answer":"IDYLL","Explanation":"Definition: poem\n**DY **(**letters remaining in** **D****ISTINCTL****Y** **after all but the first and last are removed** [gutted]) **contained in** (overwhelmed by) **ILL** (bad; evil; awful) **I** (**DY**) **LL**\n\n**IDYLL** (short pictorial poem)"} {"Clue":"Recalled list of runners occupying street? Trotters more relevant here (8)","Answer":"LANDRACE","Explanation":"Definition: Trotters more relevant here\n(**CARD** [list of runners usually at a horse race meeting] **reversed** [recalled]) **contained in** (occupying) **LANE** (street) **LAN** (**DRAC**<) **E**\n\n**LANDRACE** (Danish breed of pig [reference trotters [feet of pigs])"} {"Clue":"Note iron amongst molten ditto \u2013 hot place (7)","Answer":"INFERNO","Explanation":"Definition: hot place\n(**N** [note] **+** **FE** (chemical symbol for iron]) **contained in** (amongst) an **anagram of **(molten) **IRON** [ditto, given that **IRON** was mentioned earlier in the clue) **I** (**N** **FE**) **RNO***\n\n**INFERNO** (hell; hot place)"} {"Clue":"A black mound, new, will do for stomach (7)","Answer":"ABDOMEN","Explanation":"Definition: stomach\n**A** **+** **B** (black [describing the lead in a pencil]) **+** **DOME** (mound) **+** **N** (new) \u00a0\n\n**ABDOMEN** (stomach)"} {"Clue":"Politician strangely reminiscent? A bit (7,8)","Answer":"CABINET MINISTER","Explanation":"Definition: Politician \n**Anagram of **(strangely) **REMINISCENT A BIT** **CABINET MINISTER***\n\n**CABINET MINISTER** (example of a politician)"} {"Clue":"Action taken is severe, halving supply of energy (4)","Answer":"STEP","Explanation":"Definition: Action taken\n**STEEP** (severe) **excluding** (halving supply of) **one of the two** (halving) **E**s (energy) \u00a0\n\n**STEP **(action taken)"} {"Clue":"Kilo in no way a measure of speed (4)","Answer":"KNOT","Explanation":"Definition: measure of speed\n**K** (kilo) **+** **NOT** (in no way) \u00a0\n\n**KNOT** (nautical measure of speed)"} {"Clue":"Courage that is shown by male farm animal (5)","Answer":"MOXIE","Explanation":"Definition: Courage\n**M** (male) **+** **OX** (farm animal) **+** **IE** (id est; that is) \u00a0\n\n**MOXIE** (courage in North American slang)"} {"Clue":"Extract \u2013 it is filling cap when overturned (6)","Answer":"DISTIL","Explanation":"Definition: Extract \n(**LID** [cap] **containing** **IT'S** [it is]) **all reversed** (when overturned) (**DI** (**STI**) **L**)<\n\n**DISTIL** (extract)"} {"Clue":"Born without any commotion, receiving food initially as a necessity (9)","Answer":"NEEDFULLY","Explanation":"Definition: as a necessity\n**N\u00c9E** ([of a woman] born, used in stating a woman's maiden name) **+** (**DULLY** [without any commotion] **containing** [receiving] **F** [**first letter of** {initially} **FOOD**]) **NEE** **D** (**F**) **ULLY**\n\n**NEEDFULLY** (as a necessity)"} {"Clue":"Long run's central section cut after expression of acquiescence (5)","Answer":"YEARN","Explanation":"Definition: Long\n**YEA** (yes; expression of acquiescence) **+** (**R****U****N** **excluding** [cut] **the middle letter** [central section] **U**) **YEA** **RN**\n\n**YEARN** (long)"} {"Clue":"Jazz pianist's explosive pitch and endlessly increased sound quality (endlessly) (5,4,6)","Answer":"JELLY ROLL MORTON","Explanation":"Definition: Jazz pianist\n**JELLY** (gelignite; explosive) **+** **ROLL** (pitch) **+** (**MOR****E** [increased] **excluding the final letter** [endlessly] **E**) + (**TON****E** [sound quality] **excluding the final letter** [also endlessly] **E**) **JELLY** **ROLL** **MOR** **TON**\n\n**JELLY ROLL MORTON** (American jazz pianist [1890 \u2013 1941])"} {"Clue":"Unrest militants organised? One plays along (15)","Answer":"INSTRUMENTALIST","Explanation":"Definition: One plays along\n**Anagram of **(organised) **UNREST MILITANTS** **INSTRUMENTALIST***\n\n**INSTRUMENTALIST** (one who plays a musical instrument often as accompanist to others [one plays along])"} {"Clue":"Inappropriate nude frolics around university (5)","Answer":"UNDUE","Explanation":"Definition: Inappropriate\n**Anagram of** (frolics) **NUDE** **containing** (around) **U** (university) **UND** (**U**) **E***\n\n**UNDUE** (inappropriate)"} {"Clue":"Fortress post, timeless memorial (8)","Answer":"KEEPSAKE","Explanation":"Definition: memorial\n**KEEP** (fortress) **+** (**S****T****AKE** [post] **excluding** [less] **T** [time]) \u00a0\n\n**KEEPSAKE **(something given, or kept, as a reminder of the giver, or a certain event, time, etc; memorial)"} {"Clue":"Page in pad pen defaced about to be taken up (8)","Answer":"ENDPAPER","Explanation":"Definition: Page\n**Anagram of **(defaced) **PAD PEN** **+** (**RE** [about] **reversed** [taken up; down clue]) **ENDPAP*** **ER****<**\n\n**ENDPAPER** (a paper at the beginning or end of a book, pasted to the binding and leaving an additional flyleaf; page)"} {"Clue":"Sign from landlord \u2013 hurried in, inclined to indulge (8)","Answer":"TOLERANT","Explanation":"Definition: inclined to indulge\n**RAN** (hurried) **contained in** (in) **TO LET** (sign that may be put by a landlord) **TO LE** (**RAN**) **T**\n\n**TOLERANT** (inclined to indulge)"} {"Clue":"Government funds? I note a sign of affection about old plane (6,3)","Answer":"INCOME TAX","Explanation":"Definition: Government funds\n(**I** **+** **N** [note] **+** **A** **+** **X** [symbol for kiss {sign of affection}]) **containing** (about) **COMET** (an old type of plane) **I** **N** (**COME T**) **A** **X**\n\n**INCOME TAX** (a source of government funds)"} {"Clue":"Flowering plant caught invading ragged bush is one? (8)","Answer":"HIBISCUS","Explanation":"Definition: Flowering plant\n**C **(caught in cricket scoring notation) **contained in** (invading) **an anagram of** (ragged) (**BUSH IS** and** I** [one]) **HIBIS** (**C**) **US***\n\n**HIBISCUS** (a genus of malvaceous plants, mostly tropical trees or shrubs with large colourful flowers)"} {"Clue":"Pursuit heading off with regret? Not to be believed (6)","Answer":"UNTRUE","Explanation":"Definition: Not to be believed\n**HUNT** (pursue) **excluding the first letter** (heading off) **H** **+** **RUE** (regret) \u00a0\n\n**UNTRUE** (not to be believed)"} {"Clue":"Fine and fit? I wouldn't believe it (5)","Answer":"FABLE","Explanation":"Definition: I wouldn't believe it \n**F** (fine) **+** **ABLE** (fit) \u00a0\n\n**FABLE** (fiction or myth; I wouldn't believe it)"} {"Clue":"Religious belief is restricted by endless protest (5)","Answer":"DEISM","Explanation":"Definition: Religious belief\n**IS** **contained in** (restricted by) (**DEM****O** [demonstration; protest) **excluding the final letter** [endless] **O**) **DE** (**IS**) **M**\n\n**DEISM** (religious belief)"} {"Clue":"Chart in time found by soldier in camouflage (3,6)","Answer":"HIT PARADE","Explanation":"Definition: Chart\n(**T** [time] **+** **PARA** [Paratrooper; soldier]) **contained in** (in) **HIDE** (camouflage)\n **HI **(**T** **PARA**) **DE**\n\n**HIT PARADE** (chart [the list of the ten, twenty, etc most popular records, ie those which have sold the most copies, each week])"} {"Clue":"Among singers, one going in van gets ethereal fluid (5)","Answer":"ICHOR","Explanation":"Definition: ethereal fluid\n**CHOIR** (singers) with the **I** (one) **moving to the front** [going in van {vanguard; leaders}])\n **ICHOR**\n\n**ICHOR** (the ethereal juice in the veins of the gods)"} {"Clue":"Tool hospital brought in behind schedule (5)","Answer":"LATHE","Explanation":"Definition: Tool \n**H **(hospital) **contained in** (brought in) **LATE** (behind schedule)\n **LAT** (**H**) **E**\n\n**LATHE** (a machine for turning and shaping articles of wood, metal, etc; tool)"} {"Clue":"Depart with poetess on travels in March (5-4)","Answer":"GOOSE-STEP","Explanation":"Definition: March\n**GO** (depart) + **an anagram of** (on travels) **POETESS**\n **GO** **OSE STEP***\n\n**GOOSE-STEP** (to employ a method of marching))"} {"Clue":"After row there's meat\u00a0from better meals area (7)","Answer":"DINETTE","Explanation":"Definition: meals area\n**DIN** noise; row) **+** **ETTE** (**middle four letters of** [meat from] **BETTER**)\n \u00a0\n\n**DINETTE** (alcove or other part of a room or kitchen set apart for meals)"} {"Clue":"One more on 19 that 16 (7)","Answer":"ANOTHER","Explanation":"Definition: One more\n**Anagram of** (**SPINS** 16 across) **ON** and **EARTH** (19 across)\n **ANOTHER***\n\n**ANOTHER** (one more)"} {"Clue":"Goes swiftly round hold down in ship (5)","Answer":"SPINS","Explanation":"Definition: Goes swiftly round\n**PIN** (hold down) **contained in** (in) **SS** (steamship; ship)\n **S** (**PIN**) **S**\n\n**SPINS** (goes swiftly round)"} {"Clue":"Shot at flanks held where 4,7 saved Stanley (3,9)","Answer":"THE FALKLANDS","Explanation":"Definition: where 4,7 saved Stanley\n**Anagram of **(shot) **AT FLANKS HELD**\n **THE FALKLANDS***\n\n**THE FALKLANDS** (scene of war in 1982 between Great Britain [Prime Minister **MAGGIE THATCHER** [4 down \/ 7 down] and Argentina. The Falklands remained a British Overseas Territory after the war. The Capital of the Falkland Islands is [Port] Stanley)"} {"Clue":"Near the middle ground? (5)","Answer":"EARTH","Explanation":"Definition: where 4,7 saved Stanley\n**Anagram of **(shot) **AT FLANKS HELD**\n **THE FALKLANDS***\n\n**THE FALKLANDS** (scene of war in 1982 between Great Britain [Prime Minister **MAGGIE THATCHER** [4 down \/ 7 down] and Argentina. The Falklands remained a British Overseas Territory after the war. The Capital of the Falkland Islands is [Port] Stanley)"} {"Clue":"Heaven's idiot keeping one authorised text (7)","Answer":"NIRVANA","Explanation":"Definition: Heaven\n**NANA** (idiot) **containing** (keeping) (**I** [one] **+** **RV** [revised version; an authorised text of the Bible])\n **N** (**I** **RV**) **ANA**\n\n**NIRVANA** (the cessation of individual existence, to which a Buddhist or Hindu aspires as the culmination of the meditative state; loosely, a blissful state; heaven)"} {"Clue":"Selfish quality in sloshed prohibition agent (9)","Answer":"TIGHTNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Selfish quality\n**TIGHT** (drunk; sloshed) **+** **NESS** (reference Elliot **NESS** [1903 \u2013 1957], an American Prohibition agent, famous for his efforts to enforce Prohibition in Chicago, Illinois, and the leader of a legendary team of law enforcement agents nicknamed The Untouchables)\n \u00a0\n\n**TIGHTNESS** (a characteristic of people who don't share; a selfish quality)"} {"Clue":"Was one for 4\/7 or against unnamed love-bird? (5)","Answer":"VOTER","Explanation":"Definition: Was one for 4\/7\n**V** (versus; against) **+** (**O** [love score in tennis] + [**TER****N** {bird] **excluding** {un..d} **N** [name])\n \u00a0\n\n**VOTER** (one who was in favour of **MAGGIE THATCHER** [4 down \/ 7 down]. Some, of course, were not)"} {"Clue":"Playwright somebody or other could engage in seconds? (5)","Answer":"ORTON","Explanation":"Definition: Playwright\n**ORTON **(**second letter** [seconds] **of each of** **SOMEBODY OR OTHER COULD ENGAGE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ORTON** (reference Joe **ORTON** [1933 \u2013 1967] English playwright)"} {"Clue":"Why 4\/7 banned 11s? (3,5,3,3,7)","Answer":"THE LADY","Explanation":"Definition: Why 4\/7 banned 11s\n**THE LADY'S NOT FOR TURNING** (**LATHE**'s [11 across] is a tool that **TURNS** wood and metal; so **THE LADY **was **NOT FOR** it)\n \u00a0\n\n**THE LADY'S NOT FOR TURNING** (the phrase is an extract from **MAGGIE THATCHER**'s [4 down \/ 7 down] speech to the Conservative Party Conference in 1980 \u2013 To those waiting with bated breath for that favourite media catchphrase, the \"U\" turn, I have only one thing to say. \"You turn if you want to. **THE LADY'S NOT FOR TURNING**\")"} {"Clue":"Where one may get on without oxygen's medication (6)","Answer":"STATIN","Explanation":"Definition: medication\n**STATION** (where one may get on a train or bus etc) **excluding** (without) **O** (chemical symbol for Oxygen)\n \u00a0\n\n**STATIN** (any of a class of drugs that inhibit an enzyme used in cholesterol production, used to treat heart disease; medication)"} {"Clue":"Takes room in first settlement? That's main location (7,3)","Answer":"BARENTS SEA","Explanation":"Definition: main location\n**RENTS** (takes accommodation [rents] room) **contained in** (in) (**BASE** [settlement] **+** **A** [number one; first])\n **BA** (**RENTS**) **SE** **A**\n\n**BARENTS SEA** (a marginal sea [main] of the Arctic Ocean, located off the northern coasts of Norway and Russia with vast majority of it lying in Russian territorial waters)"} {"Clue":"Controversial leader from Carthage \u2013 get him out! (6,8)","Answer":"MAGGIE THATCHER","Explanation":"Definition: Controversial leader\n**Anagram of** (out) **CARTHAGE GET HIM**\n **MAGGIE THATCHER***\n\n**MAGGIE THATCHER** (former leader of the United Kingdom Conservative Party and Prime Minister, **MAGGIE THATCHER** was, and remains, a controversial character)"} {"Clue":"This may refresh article in French newspaper (8)","Answer":"LEMONADE","Explanation":"Definition: This may refresh\n**A** (indefinite article) **contained in** (in) **LE MONDE** (French national daily newspaper)\n **LE MON** (**A**) **DE**\n\n**LEMONADE** (refreshing drink)"} {"Clue":"4\/7 would close this room in excellent house (4)","Answer":"MINE","Explanation":"Definition: 4\/7 would close this\n**MINE** (**hidden word in** [house] **ROOM IN EXCELLENT**)\n \u00a0\n\n**MINE** (one **MAGGIE THATCHER**'s key policies was to reduce the power of Trade Unions with one major event being her standing firm against the National Union of Mineworkers in 1984 and 1985. Many **MINE**'s were closed during her term as Prime Minister))"} {"Clue":"Fabrics dealer has physician implant seed (6)","Answer":"DRAPER","Explanation":"Definition: Fabrics dealer\n**DR** (doctor; physician) **containing** (implant) **RAPE** (plant (*Basic naps*) closely related to the turnip and producing brilliant yellow flowers, cultivated for its herbage and oil-producing seeds)\n **D** (**RAPE**) **R**\n\n**DRAPER** (dealer in fabrics)"} {"Clue":"Old author about to avoid thrust in uprising (4,6)","Answer":"OPEN REVOLT","Explanation":"Definition: uprising\n**O** (old) **+** **PEN** (author) **+** **RE** (about) **+** **VOLT** (sudden movement or leap to avoid a thrust in fencing)\n \u00a0\n\n**OPEN REVOLT **(uprising)"} {"Clue":"Angry about equipment that's wet (8)","Answer":"IRRIGATE","Explanation":"Definition: wet\n**IRATE** (angry) **containing** (about) **RIG** (equipment)\n **R** (**RIG**) **ATE**\n\n**IRRIGATE** (wet or moisten)"} {"Clue":"Full sanctions in place? It's politically expedient (5-3)","Answer":"TRADE-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: It's politically expedient\n**TRADE OFF** (not doing any business at all with a specific country or countries possibly as a result of sanctions being applied\n \u00a0\n\n**TRADE-OFF** (compromise; example of political expediency) double definition, one slightly cryptic"} {"Clue":"Tower block rotting needs to improve (4-4)","Answer":"HIGH-RISE","Explanation":"Definition: Tower block\n**HIGH** (rotting) **+** **RISE** (improve) I think 'needs' is just a link word \n \u00a0\n\n**HIGH-RISE** (tower block)"} {"Clue":"Conflict lets US mobilise (6)","Answer":"TUSSLE","Explanation":"Definition: Conflict\n**Anagram of** (mobilise) **LETS US** \n **TUSSLE***\n\n**TUSSLE** (struggle; conflict)"} {"Clue":"Decoration with tin's French one on key (2,4)","Answer":"IN TUNE","Explanation":"Definition: on key\n**Anagram of** (decoration with) **TIN** **+** **UNE** (one of the French forms of the indefinite article)\n **IN T*** **UNE**\n\n**IN TUNE** (true in pitch; on key)"} {"Clue":"Fashion good and evil society (4)","Answer":"TONG","Explanation":"Definition: evil society\n**TON** (fashion) **+** **G** (good)\n \u00a0\n\n**TONG** (a Chinese guild or secret society, particularly one associated with organized crime; evil society)"} {"Clue":"Endangering king during rebellion (7)","Answer":"RISKING","Explanation":"Definition: Endangering\n**K** (king) **contained in** **RISING** (rebellion)\n **RIS **(**K**) **ING**\n\n**RISKING** (endangering)"} {"Clue":"Taken captive by male thug, daughter put up resistance (4,3)","Answer":"HELD OUT","Explanation":"Definition: put up resistance\n**D** (daughter) **contained in** (taken captive by) (**HE** [male] **+** **LOUT** [thug])\n **HE** **L** (**D**) **OUT**\n\n**HELD OUT** (put up resistance)"} {"Clue":"German bread served with hot soup (5)","Answer":"BROTH","Explanation":"Definition: soup\n**BROT **(German for bread) **+** **H** (hot)\n \u00a0\n\n**BROTH** (soup)"} {"Clue":"You perched in a canoe, tossed about on river occasionally (4,1,4)","Answer":"ONCE A YEAR","Explanation":"Definition: occasionally\n(**YE** [you] **contained in** [perched in] **an anagram of** [tossed about] **A CANOE**) **+** **R** (river)\n **ONCE A** (**YE**) **A*** **R**\n\n**ONCE A YEAR** (descriptive of something that happens only occasionally)"} {"Clue":"In London, maybe, a strike is something disastrous (8)","Answer":"CALAMITY","Explanation":"Definition: something disastrous\n(**A** **+** **LAM** [strike]) **contained in** (in) **CITY** (London is an example of a city)\n **C** (**A** **LAM**) **ITY**\n\n**CALAMITY **(something disastrous)"} {"Clue":"Girl Power article a Spice Girl's penned (6)","Answer":"PAMELA","Explanation":"Definition: Girl\n(**A** + **MEL** [reference **MEL ****B** or **MEL ****C**, members of The Spice Girls pop group) **contained in** [penned] (**P** [power] **+ A** [indefinite article])\n **P** (**A** **MEL**) **A**\n\n**PAMELA** (girl's name)"} {"Clue":"Extract from programme recalled ship of old (4)","Answer":"ARGO","Explanation":"Definition: ship of old\n**ARGO** (**hidden word **\u00a0[extract from] **reversed** [recalled] in **PROGRAMME**)\n **ARGO**<\n\n**ARGO** (In Greek mythology,\u00a0**ARGO** was the ship on which Jason and the **ARGO**nauts sailed from Iolcos to retrieve the Golden Fleece)"} {"Clue":"In a way, magazine editor's against conflict ultimately (10)","Answer":"ARMAGEDDON","Explanation":"Definition: conflict ultimately\n([**MAG** {magazine} **+** **ED** {editor}] **contained in** [in] [**A** **+** **RD** [road; way]) **+ ON** (against)\n **A** **R** (**MAG** **ED**) **D** **ON**\n\n**ARMAGEDDON** (the great symbolical battlefield of the Apocalypse, scene of the final struggle between the powers of good and evil in the Bible; a great, or especially the ultimate, war or battle of nations)"} {"Clue":"Problem with horse rider snubbing British traveller (10)","Answer":"HITCHHIKER","Explanation":"Definition: traveller\n**HITCH** (problem) **+** **H** (heroin [horse]) **+** (**BIKER** [rider] **excluding** [snubbing] **B** [British])\n \u00a0\n\n**HITCHHIKER** (traveller)"} {"Clue":"Result of awful parking? (4)","Answer":"BUMP","Explanation":"Definition: Result of awful parking?\n**BUM** (despicable; awful) **+** **P** (Parking)\n \u00a0\n\n**BUMP** (a **BUMP** may result from bad parking)"} {"Clue":"Perform ceremony, introducing leaders of Evangelical Church (6)","Answer":"RECITE","Explanation":"Definition: Perform \n**RITE** (ceremony) **containing** (including) (**EC** [**first letter of** {leaders of} **each of** **EVANGELICAL** and **C****HURCH**)\n **R** (**EC**) **ITE**\n\n**RECITE** (perform)"} {"Clue":"White wine: half litres available (9)","Answer":"SEMILLON","Explanation":"Definition: White wine\n**SEMI **(half) **+** (**L** [litre] **+** **L** [litre] to give litres) **+** **ON** (available)\n \u00a0\n\n**SEMILLON** (a grape used to produce various\u00a0types of white wine, including an eponymous one)"} {"Clue":"Almost clear outside, between now and tomorrow morning (9)","Answer":"OVERNIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: between now and tomorrow morning\n**OVERT **(clear) **containing** (outside) **NIGH** (nearly; almost)\n **OVER** (**NIGH**) **T**\n\n**OVERNIGHT** (part of the period between now and tomorrow morning)"} {"Clue":"Person of great importance that regularly is in the money (5)","Answer":"TITAN","Explanation":"Definition: Person of great importance\n(**TA** [**letters 1 and 3** {regularly} of **THAT**) **contained in** (in) **TIN** (money)\n **TI **(**TA**) **N**\n\n**TITAN** (person of great importance)"} {"Clue":"Hurried to consume nuts before a fast (7)","Answer":"RAMADAN","Explanation":"Definition: fast\n**RAN** (hurried) **containing** (to consume) (**MAD** [nuts] **+**** A**])\n **RA** (**MAD** **A**) **N**\n\n**RAMADAN** (ninth month of the Muslim calendar observed as a month of fasting from dawn to dusk)"} {"Clue":"Lie spun by Cameron (7)","Answer":"ROMANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Lie\n**Anagram of** (spun) **CAMERON** \n **ROMANCE***\n\n**ROMANCE** (imaginative lie)"} {"Clue":"Film about former tennis player discussed (7)","Answer":"REBECCA","Explanation":"Definition: Film\n**RE** (about) **+** **BECCA** (**sounds like** [discussed] **BECKER** [reference former tennis player Boris **BECKER**)\n \u00a0\n\n**REBECCA** (1940 film directed by Alfred Hitchcock)"} {"Clue":"Direct attention to offence involving cannabis (9)","Answer":"SPOTLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Direct attention to\n**SLIGHT **(offence) **containing** (involving) **POT** (cannabis)\n **S** (**POT**) **LIGHT**\n\n**SPOTLIGHT** (direct attention to)"} {"Clue":"Bury much-loved Scottish philosopher (6)","Answer":"INHUME","Explanation":"Definition: Bury\n**IN** (fashionable; much loved) **+ ****HUME** (reference David **HUME** [1711 \u2013 1776], Scottish philosopher)\n \u00a0\n\n**INHUME** (bury in the earth)"} {"Clue":"Helter-skelter straight on? A different fairground ride (5,5)","Answer":"GHOST TRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: A different fairground ride\n**Anagram of** (helter-skelter) **STRAIGHT ON**\n **GHOST TRAIN***\n\n**GHOST TRAIN** (fairground ride)"} {"Clue":"Not top in examination? Gosh (4)","Answer":"HECK","Explanation":"Definition: Gosh\n**CHECK** (examination) **excluding** (not) **the first letter** (top) **C**\n \u00a0\n\n**HECK** (gosh!)"} {"Clue":"Seek a lag that's arranged more than one escape (8)","Answer":"LEAKAGES","Explanation":"Definition: more than one escape\n**Anagram of **(that's arranged) **SEEK A LAG**\n **LEAKAGES***\n\n**LEAKAGES** (more than one escape)"} {"Clue":"Old worker consuming principally saturated fat (5)","Answer":"OBESE","Explanation":"Definition: fat\n(**O** (old) + (**BEE** [worker] **containing** [consuming] **S** [first letter of {principally] **SATURATED**)\n **O BE **(**S**)** E**\n\n**OBESE** (abnormally fat)"} {"Clue":"What could be soaked in winter rainstorm? (7)","Answer":"TERRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: What could be soaked in winter rainstorm?\n**TERRAIN** (**hidden word in** [in] **WINTER RAINSTORM**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TERRAIN** (ground, something that could be soaked in any kind of rainstorm of which a winter one is a good example)"} {"Clue":"Runner \u2013 first in pentathlon \u2013 top dog, kind of (10)","Answer":"PACESETTER","Explanation":"Definition: Runner\n**P** (first letter of [first in] **PENTATHLON**) **+** **ACE** (top) + **SETTER** (breed of [kind of] dog)\n \u00a0\n\n**PACESETTER** (a runner who is at the front of the field, at least initially)"} {"Clue":"King and queen, say, having old-fashioned garment on (9)","Answer":"DOUBLETON","Explanation":"Definition: King and queen, say\n**DOUBLET** (a close-fitting garment for the upper part of the body with hose, the typical masculine dress during the 14th to 17th centuries; old-fashioned garment) **+** **ON**\n \u00a0\n\n**DOUBLETON** (two cards of a suit in a hand, e.g. King and Queen)"} {"Clue":"Became paler when tide turned (8)","Answer":"WHITENED","Explanation":"Definition: Became paler\n**Anagram of **(turned) **WHEN TIDE**\n **WHITENED***\n\n**WHITENED** (became paler)"} {"Clue":"Nurse in shady area near hospital (7)","Answer":"HARBOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Nurse\n**H** (hospital) **+** **ARBOUR** (shady area)\n \u00a0\n\n**HARBOUR** (nurse)"} {"Clue":"Last character expelled from Cornish town as punishment (7)","Answer":"PENANCE","Explanation":"Definition: punishment\n**PENZANCE** (Cornish town) **excluding** (expelled from) **Z** (last character of the alphabet)\n \u00a0\n\n**PENANCE** (punishment)"} {"Clue":"Six brought before court: I'm the injured party (6)","Answer":"VICTIM","Explanation":"Definition: injured party\n**VI** (Roman numerals for six) **+** **CT** (court) **+** **I'M**\n \u00a0\n\n**VICTIM** (injured party)"} {"Clue":"60s rock group: most of band's American (5)","Answer":"CREAM","Explanation":"Definition: 60s rock group\n**CREW** (band) **excluding the final letter** (most of) **W** **+** **AM** (American)\n \u00a0\n\n**CREAM** (1960s rock [super] group)"} {"Clue":"Up north, say, a town noted for it's prunes (4)","Answer":"AGEN","Explanation":"Definition: a town noted for it's prunes\n(**N** [north] **+** **EG** [for example, say] **+** **A**) **reversed** (up; down clue)\n (**A** **GE** **N**)<\n\n**AGEN **(French town famous for its prunes)"} {"Clue":"Beat lead, limiting temperature so far (8)","Answer":"HITHERTO","Explanation":"Definition: so far\n**HIT** (beat) **+** (**HERO** [lead character] **containing** [limiting] **T** [temperature])\n **HIT** **HER** (**T**) **O**\n\n**HITHERTO** (up to this time; so far)"} {"Clue":"Flea possibly in bin (6)","Answer":"HOPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Flea possibly\n**HOPPER** (fleas hop, so a single flea could be termed a **HOPPER**)\n \u00a0\n\n**HOPPER** (container; bin) double definition"} {"Clue":"Euphoric son drew on a joint (6)","Answer":"STOKED","Explanation":"Definition: Euphoric\n**S** (son) **+** **TOKED** (puffed [drew]\u00a0on a cigarette especially one containing marijuana [joint])\n \u00a0\n\n**STOKED** (exhilarated; euphoric)"} {"Clue":"Take sustenance in opening prayer (8)","Answer":"ENTREATY","Explanation":"Definition: prayer\n**EAT** (take sustenance) **contained in** (in) **ENTRY** (opening)\n **ENTR** (**EAT**) **Y**\n\n**ENTREATY** (earnest prayer)"} {"Clue":"Feeding on grass and taking photos? (10)","Answer":"PICNICKING","Explanation":"Definition: Feeding on grass\n**PIC** (photograph[s]) + **NICKING** [stealing; taking]) where **the whole could describe the taking of photographs**.\n \u00a0\n\n**PICNICKING **(eating outdoors; feeding on grass)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps male Facebook friend that follows Spanish course (4)","Answer":"EBRO","Explanation":"Definition: Feeding on grass\n**PIC** (photograph[s]) + **NICKING** [stealing; taking]) where **the whole could describe the taking of photographs**.\n \u00a0\n\n**PICNICKING **(eating outdoors; feeding on grass)"} {"Clue":"Meek person shifted the power according to Anglicans \u2013 from here? (7,6)","Answer":"LAMBETH PALACE","Explanation":"Definition: here\n**LAMB** (meek person) **+** **an anagram of** (shifted) **THE** **+ P** (power) **+ ALA** (in the style of; according to) **+ CE** (Church of England; Anglican)\n **LAMB** **ETH*** **P** **ALA** **CE**\n\n**LAMBETH PALACE** (official residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the leading person of power in the Anglican Church)"} {"Clue":"Buzz off cocaine during half of weekend (4)","Answer":"SCAT","Explanation":"Definition: Buzz off\n**C** (cocaine) **contained in** (during) **SAT** (Saturday; half of the weekend)\n **S** (**C**) **AT**\n\n**SCAT** (Go Away!; Buzz Off!)"} {"Clue":"Comedy effect after wettings one's bed? (6,4)","Answer":"RISING DAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Comedy\n**RISING DAMP** (what the moisture will become if a mattress get's wet)\n \u00a0\n\n**RISING DAMP** (rather old ITV Sitcom broadcast originally from 1974 to 1978 starring Leonard Rossiter, Frances de la Tour, Richard Beckinsale and Don Warrington, two of whom sadly are no longer with us) double definition"} {"Clue":"Singer rejected conscious thought initially to capture a note (2,6)","Answer":"TE KANAWA","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\n(**AWAKE** [conscious] **+** T [**first letter of** {initially} **THOUGHT**]) **all reversed** [rejected]\u00a0**containing** (to capture) (**A + N** [note])\n I interpret the clue to indicate the reversal before the containment, so it parses as\n (**T** **EK** (**A** **N**) **AWA**)< with just (**AWAKE T**) reversed, \n but I think some will interpret it as meaning everything is reversed as:\n (**T** **EKA** **(N** **A**) **WA**)<\n\n**TE KANAWA** (reference the New Zealand soprano Dame Kiri **TE KANAWA** [1944 \u2013 date])"} {"Clue":"Not halting virus with relevant medical speciality? (6)","Answer":"FLUENT","Explanation":"Definition: Not halting\n**FLU** (contagious viral infection) **+** **ENT** (Ear, Nose & Throat, the hospital department where a serious flu patient would be treated)\n \u00a0\n\n**FLUENT** (smooth, easy or graceful; not halting)"} {"Clue":"Working CIA job, he's played many parts (6)","Answer":"JACOBI","Explanation":"Definition: he's played many parts\n**Anagram of **(working) **CIA JOB**\n **JACOBI***\n\n**JACOBI** (reference Sir Derek **JACOBI** [1938 \u2013 date], English actor [man of many parts])"} {"Clue":"US narcs toss place with capital outcomes (5,3)","Answer":"DEATH ROW","Explanation":"Definition: place with capital outcomes \n**DEA** (Drug Enforcement Administration, the US Government Department responsible for policing the drug trade. Narc is short for narcotics agent) **+** **THROW** (toss)\n \u00a0\n\n**DEATH ROW** (the place where prisoners awaiting capital punishment are housed)"} {"Clue":"Hearing failure (8)","Answer":"MISTRIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Hearing failure\n**MISTRIAL** (this is a cryptic definition based on the definition of **HEARING** relating to a court case)\n \u00a0\n\n**MISTRIAL** (a trial [hearing] void because of error; hearing failure)"} {"Clue":"In shock move he sank (6)","Answer":"SHAKEN","Explanation":"Definition: In shock\n**Anagram of** (move) **HE SANK** \n **SHAKEN***\n\n**SHAKEN** (in shock)"} {"Clue":"Pester Olympics organiser, interrupting wretch's keen 11 (3,2,5)","Answer":"CRI DE COEUR","Explanation":"Definition: keen 11\n(**RIDE** [annoy; pester] **+** **COE** [reference Lord Sebastian **COE**, Chair of the London Organising Committee of the Olympics and Paralympic Games {LOCOG}]) **contained in** **CUR** [wretch]\n **C** (**RI DE** **COE**) **UR**\n\n**CRI DE COEUR** (a cry from the heart, a heartfelt, passionate **ENTREATY** [11 across]; keen 11)"} {"Clue":"Flyer caught by bowler, say (4)","Answer":"CHAT","Explanation":"Definition: Flyer\n**C** (caught, in cricket terminology) **+** **HAT** (a bowler is an example of\u00a0a HAT)\n \u00a0\n\n**CHAT** (small songbird; flyer)"} {"Clue":"Are uninspiring sports over? They're not popular for long (8)","Answer":"EPHEMERA","Explanation":"Definition: They're not popular for long\n(**ARE** **+** **MEH** [slang for mediocre; uninspiring] **+** **PE** {physical education; sports]) **all reversed** (over)\n (**EP** **HEM** **ERA**)<\n\n**EPHEMERA** (things that last a short time; they're not popular for long)"} {"Clue":"Indication of displacement of conqueror losing island to English (6)","Answer":"VECTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Indication of displacement\n**VICTOR** (conqueror) with **I** (island) **being replaced by** [losing to] **E** (English)\n **V****E****CTOR**\n\n**VECTOR** (a directed quantity); indication of displacement)"} {"Clue":"Loose end's not a thing that's often connected to a pick-up (3-5,5)","Answer":"ONE-NIGHT STAND","Explanation":"Definition: pick-up\n**Anagram of** (loose) **END'S NOT A THING**\n **ONE-NIGHT STAND***\n\n**ONE-NIGHT STAND** (a sexual relationship lasting only one night; could well be the consequence of a pick-up)"} {"Clue":"Digs for ancestor of US president around Buffalo and Miami locations (6,4)","Answer":"GRANNY FLAT","Explanation":"Definition: Digs for ancestor\n**GRANT** (reference Ulysses S **GRANT**, 18th President of the United States [1869- 1877]) **containing** (around) **NY** [New York State, location of Buffalo] **+** **FLA **[Florida, location of Miami])\n **GRAN** (**NY** **FLA**) **T**\n\n**GRANNY FLAT** (accommodation for Granny or other older relative\u00a0[ancestor]; digs for ancestor)"} {"Clue":"Halt endless money changing to become solvent (8)","Answer":"METHANOL","Explanation":"Definition: solvent\n**Anagram of **(changing to become) **HALT** and (**MONEY** **excluding the final letter** [endless] **Y**)\n **METHANOL***\n\n**METHANOL** (methyl alcohol, wood spirit, used as a solvent and antifreeze.)"} {"Clue":"Capital AB has reverse \"anti-alias\" definition cropping plume (8)","Answer":"EDMONTON","Explanation":"Definition: Capital AB\n(**NOT** [anti] **+** **NOM DE ****PLUME** [pseudonym; alias] **excluding** [cropping] **PLUME**) **all reversed** (reverse)\n (**ED MON** **TON**)<\n\n**EDMONTON** (capital of the Canadian State of Alberta [AB])"} {"Clue":"Roughly taking payment up, Times discontinued text broadcast (6)","Answer":"CEEFAX","Explanation":"Definition: discontinued text broadcast\n(**CA** [circa; roughly] **containing** [taking] **FEE** [payment] **reversed** [up]) + **X** (multiplied by; times)\n **C** (**EEF**)< **A** **X**\n\n**CEEFAX** (teletext service of the BBC, now discontinued)"} {"Clue":"I have pain in middle of duodenum, a cause of flushing (6)","Answer":"DOUCHE","Explanation":"Definition: cause of flushing\n**OUCH** (expression indicating one has a pain) **contained in** (in) **DE** (middle two letters of [middle of]\u00a0**DUODENUM**)\n **D** (**OUCH**) **E**\n\n**DOUCHE** (a jet of water directed upon or into the body from a pipe; resulting in a need to flush the water away)"} {"Clue":"Surrounded by motorway, needing help to get across (4)","Answer":"AMID","Explanation":"Definition: Surrounded by\n**AID** (help) **containing** (get across) **M** (motorway)\n **A** (**M**) **ID**\n\n**AMID** (surrounded by)"} {"Clue":"Fuss that a PC stirred up, whereby stuff surfaces (11)","Answer":"UPCAST-SHAFT","Explanation":"Definition: whereby stuff surfaces\n**Anagram of** (stirred up) **FUSS THAT A PC**\n **UPCASTSHAFT***\n\n**UPCAST-SHAFT** (a **SHAFT** carrying material thrown up; whereby stuff surfaces)"} {"Clue":"Tender stuff, porcelain leaving port (4)","Answer":"COAL","Explanation":"Definition: Tender stuff\n**COALPORT** (patterned porcelain ware made at **COALPORT** , near Shrewsbury, during the 19th century) **excluding** (leaving) **PORT**\n \u00a0\n\n**COAL **(material you would find in a tender attached to a steam locomotive)"} {"Clue":"We are accepting rise a pound short as formerly (but no more) (7)","Answer":"WHILERE","Explanation":"Definition: formerly (but no more)\n**W'ERE** (we are) **containing** (accepting) (**HILL** [rise] **excluding** [short] **L** [pound sterling])\n **W** (**HIL**) **ERE**\n\n**WHILERE** (archaic [but no more] term for formerly)"} {"Clue":"Old Harry, lecherous by the sound of him (6)","Answer":"HORNIE","Explanation":"Definition: Old Harry\n**HORNIE** (**sounds like** [by the sound of] **HORNY** [sexually aroused; lecherous])\n \u00a0\n\n**HORNIE** (Scottish term for The Devil; Old Harry)"} {"Clue":"Supportive member's bucolic, joining clubs (6)","Answer":"CRURAL","Explanation":"Definition: Supportive member\n**C** (clubs) **+** **RURAL** (bucolic)\n \u00a0\n\n**CRURAL** (belonging to or like a leg; supportive member's)"} {"Clue":"Mountain region, ergo on for tramping about (6)","Answer":"OROGEN","Explanation":"Definition: Mountain region\n**Anagram of** (for tramping about) **ERGO ON**\n **OROGEN***\n\n**OROGEN** (mountainous belt)"} {"Clue":"Pass practicable for settler farming in Algeria (5)","Answer":"COLON","Explanation":"Definition: settler farming in Algeria\n**COL** (pass) **+** **ON** (practicable)\n \u00a0\n\n**COLON **(colonist; especially a colonial [settler] farmer in Algeria)"} {"Clue":"Issues of The Scotsman once scattered first to last (6)","Answer":"PRENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Issues of The Scotsman\n**SPRENT** (**archaic** [once] word for sprinkled; scattered) with the **first letter** (first) **S** **moved to the end** (last)\n **PRENTS**\n\n**PRENTS** (Scottish form of **PRINTS** [issues] *The Scotsman* is a national daily newspaper)"} {"Clue":"Telly strangely included in former tax without designation? (9)","Answer":"STYLELESS","Explanation":"Definition: without designation\n**Anagram of **(strangely] **TELLY** **contained in** (included in) **SESS** (variant spelling of **CESS** [obsolete [former] word for a tax])\n **S** (**TYLEL***) **ESS**\n\n**STYLELESS** (without a designation)"} {"Clue":"Its grand in W. African state, enjoying mild climate (6)","Answer":"BENIGN","Explanation":"Definition: mild climate\n**G** (grand) **contained in** (in) **BENIN** (West African state)\n **BENI** (**G**) **N**\n\n**BENIGN** (mild weather or climate)"} {"Clue":"Precocious chit married first male to appear (5)","Answer":"MADAM","Explanation":"Definition: Precocious chit\n**M** (married) **+** **ADAM** (the first male as described in the Bible)\n \u00a0\n\n**MADAM** (term used to describe a precocious child [chit]; she's a little **MADAM**)"} {"Clue":"Part of sponge from set in washing trough (6)","Answer":"TYLOTE","Explanation":"Definition: Part of sponge\n**LOT** (set) **contained in** (in) **TYE** (an inclined trough for washing ore)\n **TY** (**LOT**) **E**\n\n**TYLOTE** (cylindrical sponge spicule, knobbed at both ends; part of sponge)"} {"Clue":"Only part of school on games will get this tea (6)","Answer":"OOLONG","Explanation":"Definition: tea\n**OOLONG** (**hidden word in** [only part of] **SCHOOL ON GAMES**)\n \u00a0\n\n**OOLONG** (a variety of black tea with the flavour of green)"} {"Clue":"One strip of cloth (Scottish), new in, requiring no stitching? (6)","Answer":"IRON-ON","Explanation":"Definition: requiring no stitching\n**I** (one) **+** (**N** [new] **contained in** [in] **ROON** [Scottish word for a strip of cloth])\n **I RO** (**N**) **ON**\n\n**IRON-ON **(designed to be attached by pressing with a hot iron thereby not requiring any stitching)"} {"Clue":"Old wine bowls react badly with odd bits of ros\u00e9 (7)","Answer":"CRATERS","Explanation":"Definition: Old wine bowls\n**Anagram of **(badly) **REACT** and **RS** (**letters 1 and 3** [odd bits of] **ROS\u00c9**)\n **CRATERS***\n\n**CRATERS** (large two-handled bowls for mixing wine in , usually spelled as **KRATERS**)"} {"Clue":"Kids' racer about out of where it races, spinning round? (4)","Answer":"KART","Explanation":"Definition: Kids' racer\n**TRACK** (where a [**GO**-] **KART** races) **excludin**g (out of) **C** (circa; abut) reversed (spinning round) \n **KART**<\n\n**KART** (child's home made vehicle for riding on)"} {"Clue":"Methodical type blends it with tasty mess (11)","Answer":"SYSTEMATIST","Explanation":"Definition: Methodical type\n**Anagram of** (blends) **IT** and **TASTY MESS**\n **SYSTEMATIST***\n\n**SYSTEMATIST** (methodical type)"} {"Clue":"Cash distributed to bairns at Scots wedding (needy also turned up) (7)","Answer":"POOR-OOT","Explanation":"Definition: Cash distributed to bairns at Scots wedding\n**POOR** (needy) **+** (**TOO** [also] reversed [turned -up])\n **POOR** **OOT**<\n\n**POOR-OOT** (Scottish term for the scattering of coins to children [bairns] as the bride and bridegroom depart after a wedding.)"} {"Clue":"Bits of gold oil spattered on underside of vehicle (6)","Answer":"CAROLI","Explanation":"Definition: Bits of gold\n**CAR** (vehicle)** +** **an anagram of** (spattered) **OIL**\n **CAR** **OLI***\n\n**CAROLI** (gold coins of the time of Charles I)"} {"Clue":"Once having skill, injecting bit of cladode into old graft (6)","Answer":"SCIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Once having skill\n**C** (**first letter of** [bit of] **CLADODE**) **contained in** (injecting) **SIENT** (archaic [old] word for **SCION** [a detached piece of a plant capable of propagating, esp by grafting;])\n **S** (**C**) **IENT**\n\n**SCIENT** (archaic [once] word for 'having science [skill]'; once having skill)"} {"Clue":"Card game associated with majority? (9)","Answer":"TWENTY-ONE","Explanation":"Definition: Card game\n**TWENTY-ONE** (a person of full legal age has attained majority In the UK, before 1970, majority was considered\u00a0to be achieved at 21 years; from 1970 it has been 18 years. Possibly it will move downwards again as in Scotland you can vote at age 16)\n \u00a0\n\n**TWENTY-ONE** (card game)"} {"Clue":"Letter from Scotland penned in Ayrshire region (5)","Answer":"HIRER","Explanation":"Definition: Letter from Scotland\n**HIRER** (**hidden word in** [penned in] **AYRSHIRE REGION**)\n \u00a0\n\n**HIRER** (Scottish word for one who rents out; letter)"} {"Clue":"Pot in chemistry lab, due for repair, cracking completely (6)","Answer":"ALUDEL","Explanation":"Definition: Pot in chemistry lab,\n**Anagram of** for repair) **DUE** **contained in** (cracking) **ALL** (completely)\n **AL** (**UDE***) **L**\n\n**ALUDEL** (pear-shaped pot used in sublimation; pot in chemistry lab)"} {"Clue":"Animal roaming free, because of having been caged (6)","Answer":"FERINE","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\n**IN** (because of) **contained in** (having been caged) **an anagram of** (roaming) **FREE**\n **FER** (**IN**) **E***\n\n**FERINE** (relating to or like a wild beast; wild; animal [derogatory])"} {"Clue":"Jazz violin missing opening section (4)","Answer":"TRAD","Explanation":"Definition: Jazz\n**STRAD** (Stradivarius , stringed instrument, usually a violin) **excluding** (missing) **the first letter** (opening) **S**\n \u00a0\n\n**TRAD** (a shortened form of traditional jazz)"} {"Clue":"Quite full (11)","Answer":"CHOCK-A-BLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Quite full\nNo wordplay as this is the competition entry for which a clue has to be written\n \u00a0\n\n**CHOCK-A-BLOCK** (quite full)"} {"Clue":"What splinter group favours? List MPs involved with it (9)","Answer":"SPLITTISM","Explanation":"Definition: What splinter group favours\n**Anagram of **(involved with) **LIST MPS** and **IT**\n **SPLITTISM***\n\n**SPLITTISM** (breaking away; a splinter group wishes to break away from an existing group)"} {"Clue":"Street players cutting bit from Candide, within which parts rotate (7)","Answer":"STATORS","Explanation":"Definition: within which parts rotate\n**ST** (street) + (**ACTORS** [players] **excluding** [cutting] **C** [first letter of {bit from} **CANDIDE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**STATORS** (stationary parts within which another\u00a0part rotates)"} {"Clue":"Such as George one's found digging in allotments? (6)","Answer":"PILOTS","Explanation":"Definition: Such as George\n**I** (one) **contained in** (found digging in) **PLOTS** (allotments)\n **P** (**I**) **LOTS**\n\n**PILOTS** (reference George [automatic pilot of an aircraft in Royal Air Force slang)"} {"Clue":"Many remains, excavated, can be seen in -, I mean (6)","Answer":"SMYRNA","Explanation":"Definition: Many remains, excavated, can be seen in -, I mean\n**SMYRNA** (if the letters of** ****I MEAN**\u00a0are\u00a0**taken out of the middle of** [excavated] **MANY REMAINS** the letters that remain can be seen to form **SMYRNA**)\n \u00a0\n\n**SMYRNA** (an ancient city from which many remains have been excavated)"} {"Clue":"Lord and Lady opening central part of fair (6)","Answer":"ADONAI","Explanation":"Definition: Lord \n**DONA** (sweetheart;, corruption of Don\u00e3 or Donna;\u00a0lady) **contained in** (opening) **AI** (**middle letters of** [central part of] **FAIR**)\n A (**DONA**) **I**\n\n**ADONAI** (name of God in the Old Testament, usually translated as Lord)"} {"Clue":"Co-star of Dana A, and others seen in fur (5)","Answer":"GENET","Explanation":"Definition: fur\n**GENE T** (reference **GENE Tierney **[female], co-star of **DANA A**ndrews [male] in Otto Preminger's 1944 film Laura) I am not entirely sure what purpose 'and others' is playing in the clue\n \u00a0\n\n**GENET** (fur of an animal of the same name)"} {"Clue":"Not in French, but in English or Spanish (4)","Answer":"HORS","Explanation":"Definition: fur\n**GENE T** (reference **GENE Tierney **[female], co-star of **DANA A**ndrews [male] in Otto Preminger's 1944 film Laura) I am not entirely sure what purpose 'and others' is playing in the clue\n \u00a0\n\n**GENET** (fur of an animal of the same name)"} {"Clue":"First-rate European capital backed introducing first of popular shops (7)","Answer":"EMPORIA","Explanation":"Definition: shops\n(**A** ([first rate] **+** [**ROME** {European capital}]) **all reversed** (backed) **containing** (introducing) **P** (**first letter of **[first of] **POPULAR**) (**EM** (**P**) **OR** **IA**)<\n\n**EMPORIA** (trading centre; shops)"} {"Clue":"Operating system and staff involving one (7)","Answer":"ANDROID","Explanation":"Definition: Operating system\n**AND** + (**ROD** [staff] **containing** [involving] **I** [one]) **AND** **RO** (**I**) **D**\n\n**ANDROID** (mobile computing operating system)"} {"Clue":"What bowler will do to score? (3-2)","Answer":"RUN-UP","Explanation":"Definition: What bowler will do\n**RUN-UP** (score, although I think this would be without a hyphen) \u00a0\n\n**RUN-UP** (a bowler precedes his action with a **RUN-UP** to the crease)"} {"Clue":"Saw about soldier following very good position? (9)","Answer":"ADVANTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: good position\n**ADAGE** (saying; proverb; saw) **containing** (about) (**V** [very] **+** **ANT** [reference soldier **ANT**s) **AD (****V**** ANT) AGE**\n\n**ADVANTAGE** (good position)"} {"Clue":"Bat: good example of living creature (5)","Answer":"BEING","Explanation":"Definition: example of living creature\n**BE IN** (be at the crease in cricket; bat) **+** **G** (good) \u00a0\n\n**BEING** (example of living creature)"} {"Clue":"Dildos, nothing less, strewn in road, a great heap (9)","Answer":"LANDSLIDE","Explanation":"Definition: great heap\n(**Anagram of **[strewn] **DILDOS** **excluding** [less] **O** [nothing]) **contained in** (in) **LANE** (road) **LAN** (**DSLID***) **E**\n\n**LANDSLIDE** (earthfall; great heap)"} {"Clue":"Not an insider but not unknown for ever (7)","Answer":"ETERNAL","Explanation":"Definition: for ever\n**EXTERNAL** (outsider. I can see this a definition of outside, but is it a true definition of outsider?) **excluding** (not) **X** (a letter representing an unknown value in mathematics) \u00a0\n\n**ETERNAL** (for ever)"} {"Clue":"Unusually pushy to exclude university backing for science in this field\u00a0(7 )","Answer":"PHYSICS","Explanation":"Definition: field\n**Anagram of **(unusually) **PUSHY** **excluding** (to exclude) **U** (university) **+** **SCI** (science) reversed (backing for) **PHYS*** **ICS**<\n\n**PHYSICS** (a field of science)"} {"Clue":"I knock fool around (9)","Answer":"PHILANDER","Explanation":"Definition: fool around\n**PHI** (I, the name of the puzzle setter) **+** **LANDER** (heavy blow; knock [can be defined as to strike heavily]) \u00a0\n\n**PHILANDER** (flirt or have casual affairs with women; fool around)"} {"Clue":"Point observed after display of sadness in burial chamber (5)","Answer":"CRYPT","Explanation":"Definition: burial chambe\n**CRY** (display of sadness) **+** **PT** (point) \u00a0\n\n**CRYPT** (burial ,chamber)"} {"Clue":"I note mother avoiding cartoons etc. with feeling of exhaustion (9)","Answer":"INANITION","Explanation":"Definition: feeling of exhaustion\n**I** **+** **N** (note) **+** (**MA** **excluded from** [avoiding] **ANIMATION** [cartoons etc] ) \u00a0\n\n**INANITION** (exhaustion due to lack of nutrients in the blood,)"} {"Clue":"Article condemns unnamed US President (5)","Answer":"ADAMS","Explanation":"Definition: US President \n**A** (indefinite article) **+** **DAM****N****S** (condemns) **excluding** (un) **N** (name) \u00a0\n\n**ADAMS **(reference John **ADAMS** [1735 \u2013 1826], second President of the United States or John Quincy **ADAMS** [1767 \u2013 1848], sixth President))"} {"Clue":"Growing bitterness recalled in match (7)","Answer":"TILLAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Growing\n**GALL** (bitterness) **reversed** (recalled) **contained in** (in) **TIE** (match) **TI** (**LLAG**)< **E**\n\n**TILLAGE** (cultivation; growing)"} {"Clue":"One Church taking care of Lord without much warmth (3-4)","Answer":"ICE-COLD","Explanation":"Definition: without much warmth\n**I** (one) **+** **CE** (Church [of England]) **+** **CO** (care of) **+** **LD** (Lord) \u00a0\n\n**ICE-COLD** (without much warmth)"} {"Clue":"Dreadful Queen in clan also home to a different sovereign (8)","Answer":"TERRIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Dreadful\n(**ER** [Elizabeth Regina; Queen]) **+** **L** (pound sterling; another kind of sovereign]) **both contained separately** (in,\u00a0also home to) **TRIBE** **T** (**ER**) **RIB** (**L**) **E**\n\n**TERRIBLE** (dreadful)"} {"Clue":"Range in European country (not Italy) (4)","Answer":"SPAN","Explanation":"Definition: Range\n**SPAIN** (European country) **excluding I** (International Vehicle Registration for Italy) \u00a0\n\n**SPAN** (range)"} {"Clue":"Appropriate observation on radio identifying political statements (10)","Answer":"PROPAGANDA","Explanation":"Definition: political statements\n**PROPA** (sounds like [on radio] **PROPER** [appropriate]) + **GANDA** (sounds like [on radio] **GANDER** [look; glance; observation) \u00a0\n\n**PROPAGANDA** (the organized spreading of doctrine, true or false information, opinions, etc, especially to bring about change or reform; political statements)"} {"Clue":"Cut length keeping everything aligned (8)","Answer":"PARALLEL","Explanation":"Definition: aligned\n(**PARE** [cut] **+** **L** [length]) **containing** **ALL** (everything) **PAR** (**ALL**) **E** **L**\n\n**PARALLEL** (aligned)"} {"Clue":"Rock guitarist to spoil ros\u00e9? (6)","Answer":"MARVIN","Explanation":"Definition: Rock guitarist\n**MAR** (spoil) **+** **VIN** (wine, e.g. ros\u00e9) \u00a0\n\n**MARVIN** (reference Hank **MARVIN** [1941 \u2013 date], lead guitarist of The Shadows)"} {"Clue":"UK river between Nene and Dee, on reflection (4)","Answer":"EDEN","Explanation":"Definition: UK river\n**EDEN** (**hidden word** [between] **reversed** [on reflection] in **NENE DEE**) **EDEN**<\n\n**EDEN** (river in Cumbria. There is another one in Kent and there may well be others in Britain)"} {"Clue":"Vital oil bubbling? Limits to truly unpredictable behaviour (10)","Answer":"VOLATILITY","Explanation":"Definition: unpredictable behaviou\n**Anagram of **(bubbling) **VITAL OIL** **+** **TY** (**first and last letters of** [limits to] **TRULY**) **VOLATILI*** **TY**\n\n**VOLATILITY** (unpredictable behaviour)"} {"Clue":"Stick giving instruction regarding page layout (6)","Answer":"ADHERE","Explanation":"Definition: Stick\n[**put**] **AD HERE** (instruction regarding page layout) \u00a0\n\n**ADHERE** (stick)"} {"Clue":"Always going to happen, even with reduced ability possibly (10)","Answer":"INEVITABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Always going to happen\n**Anagram of** (possibly) **EVEN** and **ABILITY** **excluding the final letter** (reduced) **Y** **INEVITABLE***\n\n**INEVITABLE** (certain to happen; always going to happen)"} {"Clue":"One making video-call about various cars in part of city scene? (10)","Answer":"SKYSCRAPER","Explanation":"Definition: part of city scene\n**SKYPER **(one making a video call [on **SKYPE**]) **containing** (about) **an anagram of** (various) **CARS** **SKY** (**SCRA***) **PER**\n\n**SKYSCRAPER** (buildings that form part of a city scene in many cities)"} {"Clue":"Hurried round to one in flat having deluded ideas (8)","Answer":"PARANOID","Explanation":"Definition: having deluded ideas\n(**RAN** [hurried] **+** **O** [round shape] **+** **I** [one]) **all contained in** (in) **PAD** (accommodation, often a flat) **PA** (**RAN** **O** **I**) **D**\n\n**PARANOID** (having deluded ideas)"} {"Clue":"Make space for time in holiday area? (3,5)","Answer":"SET ASIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Make space for\n**T** (time) **contained in** (in) **SEASIDE** (holiday area) **SE** (**T**) **ASIDE**\n\n**SET ASIDE** (put to one leave fallow; make space for)"} {"Clue":"Depicts one engrossed by nonsense, \u2026 (6)","Answer":"PAINTS","Explanation":"Definition: Depicts\n**I** (one) **contained in** (engrossed by) **PANTS** (nonsense) **PA** (**I**) **NTS**\n\n**PAINTS** (depicts)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 nonsense left after jaunt (6)","Answer":"DRIVEL","Explanation":"Definition: nonsense\n**DRIVE **(jaunt) **+**** L** (left) \u00a0\n\n**DRIVEL** (nonsense)"} {"Clue":"What do you mean: \"Is a yob primarily\"? (1,3)","Answer":"I SAY","Explanation":"Definition: What do you mean\n**IS** **+** **A** + **Y** (first letter of [primarily] **YOB**)\n**I SAY** (an exclamation calling attention or expressing surprise; what do you mean?)"} {"Clue":"Name not used for single medicinal plant (4)","Answer":"ALOE","Explanation":"Definition: medicinal plant\n**ALONE** (single) excluding (not used) N (name) \u00a0\n\n**ALOE** (plant that yields a bitter purgative drug; medicinal plant)"} {"Clue":"Kids' TV show called what? It's set in a wooded glen (6,4)","Answer":"GRANGE HILL","Explanation":"Definition: Kids' TV show\n(**RANG** [called] **+** **EH** [what?]) **contained in** (set in) **GILL** (wooded glen)\n **G** (**RANG ****E H**) **ILL**\n\n**GRANGE HILL** (British television drama series aimed at children, originally made by the BBC. The show began in 1978 on BBC1 and was one of the longest-running programmes on British television when it ended its run in 2008)"} {"Clue":"Hot author's place of industry (4)","Answer":"HIVE","Explanation":"Definition: place of industry\n**H** (hot) **+** **I'VE** (I have; the author has it; author's)\n \u00a0\n\n**HIVE** (scene of great industry)"} {"Clue":"Miners with space inside test relic (8)","Answer":"MONUMENT","Explanation":"Definition: relic\n(**NUM** [National Union of Mineworkers] **+** **EN** [a measure of space in printing terminology]) contained in (inside) **MOT** (test for road worthiness of a vehicle)\n **MO** (**NUM** **EN**) **T**\n\n**MONUMENT** (relic)"} {"Clue":"A couple of players entering meet excited child actress (6)","Answer":"TEMPLE","Explanation":"Definition: child actress\n**PL** (**first two letters of** [a couple of] **PLAYERS**) **contained in** (entering) **an anagram of** (excited) **MEET**\n **TEM** (**PL**) **E***\n\n**TEMPLE** (reference Shirley **TEMPLE** [1928 \u2013 2014], famous as a child actress in the 1930s)"} {"Clue":"Golfer, new, resists swinging around cluster of stars (5,7)","Answer":"SEVEN SISTERS","Explanation":"Definition: cluster of stars\n**SEVE** (reference **SEVE**riano Ballasteros [1957 \u2013 2011], golfer) **+** **N** (new) + **an anagram of** (swinging)\u00a0**RESISTS**\n **SEVE** **N** **SISTERS***\n\n**SEVEN SISTERS** (a name for the Pleiades group of stars. Greek mythology refers to the Pleiads as **SEVEN SISTERS**)"} {"Clue":"Largely productive Oriental yield attracts labourers primarily here? (4,4)","Answer":"RICE BOWL","Explanation":"Definition: Largely productive\n**RICH** (productive) **excluding the final letter** (largely) **H** + **E** (Eastern; Oriental) **+** **BOW** (yield) **+** **L** (**first letter of** [primarily] **L**abourers)\n \u00a0\n\n**RICE BOWL** (a fertile area that produces large quantities of rice, and consequently it is an area that attracts labour) & Lit clue"} {"Clue":"Outskirts of Helsinki lay empty practically (7)","Answer":"HANDILY","Explanation":"Definition: practically\n**H AND I **(descriptive of the **first and last letters of** [outskirts of] **HELSINKI**) **+** **LY** (the letters of **LAY** that remain when its centre, **A**,\u00a0is removed [emptied])\n \u00a0\n\n**HANDILY** (practically)"} {"Clue":"Digest second piece of advice, reflecting in middle of speech (7)","Answer":"EPITOME","Explanation":"Definition: Digest\n(**MO** [moment; second] **+** **TIP** [piece of advice]) **reversed** (reflected) **contained in** (in) (**EE** [**the middle letters of** [middle of] **SPEECH**)\n **E** (**PIT** **OM**)< **E**\n\n**EPITOME** (digest)"} {"Clue":"Having entry denied, one causes destruction outside on log table? (8)","Answer":"RECKONER","Explanation":"Definition: log table\n(**WRECKER** [one who causes destruction] **excluding** [denied] the first letter [entry] **W**) **containing** (outside) **ON**\n **RECK** (**ON**) **ER**\n\n**RECKONER** (A book of tables used as a calculation aid, e.g. log tables)"} {"Clue":"Financial adviser from tall plant wanting one accountant removed (5)","Answer":"ANGEL","Explanation":"Definition: Financial adviser\n**ANGELICA** (tall biennial and perennial herb) **excluding** (wanting) (**I** [one] **+** **CA** [Chartered Accountant])\n \u00a0\n\n**ANGEL** (financial backer or adviser especially in the world of theatre)"} {"Clue":"Operating system just out oddly deficient? It's a piece of cake to crack (6)","Answer":"UBUNTU","Explanation":"Definition: Operating system\n**BUN** (sweet roll or cake) **contained in** (to crack) **UTU** (**even letters 2, 4 and 6** [i.e. **excluding letters 1 , 3, and 5** [oddly deficient]] of **JUST OUT**\n **U** (**BUN**) **TU**\n\n**UBUNTU** ( open source software platform that runs everywhere from the smartphone, the tablet and the PC to the server and the cloud; operating system based on Linux)"} {"Clue":"According to Spooner, Asian skin's main feature (4,4)","Answer":"HIGH TIDE","Explanation":"Definition: main feature\n**HIGH TIDE** (**something that the Reverend Spooner might pronounce as** **THAI** (Asian [Country]) **HIDE** (skin)\n \u00a0\n\n**HIGH TIDE** (feature of the sea; main feature)"} {"Clue":"Dope, heroin found, some hidden (4)","Answer":"INFO","Explanation":"Definition: Dope\n**INFO** (**hidden word in** (some hidden) **HEROIN FOUND**\n \u00a0\n\n**INFO** (information; dope)"} {"Clue":"Silence again ordered near man who dismissed many (5,5)","Answer":"SHANE WARNE","Explanation":"Definition: man who dismissed many\n**SH** (silence!) **+** **ANEW** (again) **+** **an anagram of** (ordered) **NEAR**\n **SH** **ANE W** **ARNE***\n\n**SHANE WARNE** (reference the Australian bowler, second highest cricket Test wicket taker in history [behind Muttiah Muralitharan]; man who dismissed many)"} {"Clue":"Baseball maybe thrown so sporting dog varies exercise drill, primarily (8)","Answer":"INCURVED","Explanation":"Definition: Baseball maybe thrown so\n**IN** (wearing; sporting) **+** **CUR** (dog) **+** **VED** (**first letters of** [primarily] each of **V****ARIES** **EXERCISE** **and** **D****RILL**)\n \u00a0\n\n**INCURVED** ( baseball may thrown in such a way that its path resembles an inward curve and be described as **INCURVED**)"} {"Clue":"College administrator inhibits writer lower in status (6)","Answer":"DEMEAN","Explanation":"Definition: lower in status\n**DEAN** (president of the faculty in a college; college administrator) **containing** (inhibits) **ME** (the writer)\n **DE** (**ME**) **AN**\n\n**DEMEAN** (lower in status)"} {"Clue":"Charlie deferred payment to secure that Gallic headgear (5,3)","Answer":"CLOTH CAP","Explanation":"Definition: headgear\n**CLOT** (fool; charlie) **+** (**HP** [hire purchase; deferred payment] **containing** [to secure] **CA** [one of the forms of 'that' in French [Gallic])\n **CLOT** **H** (**CA**) **P**\n\n**CLOTH CAP** (headgear)"} {"Clue":"Criminals brought to book when crossing border (3,3)","Answer":"THE MOB","Explanation":"Definition: Criminals\n(**TO** **+** **B** [book]) **containing** (crossing) **HEM** (border)\n **T** (**HE M**) **O** **B**\n\n**THE MOB** (criminals)"} {"Clue":"In retirement, John's depressed by round shape (4)","Answer":"OVAL","Explanation":"Definition: shape\n(**LAV** [abbreviation for [depressed] lavatory; john] **+** **O** [round]) **all reversed** (in retirement)\n (**O** **VAL**)<\n\n**OVAL** (descriptive of a shape)"} {"Clue":"People gathering broadcast spoof in upper room (4,5)","Answer":"ROOF SPACE","Explanation":"Definition: upper room\n**RACE** (people) **containing** (gathering) **an anagram of **(broadcast) **SPOOF** \n **R** (**OOF SP***) **ACE**\n\n**ROOF SPACE** (attic; upper room)"} {"Clue":"Female group deceived by doctor, causing court battles here (9)","Answer":"WIMBLEDON","Explanation":"Definition: court battles here\n**WI** (Womens' Institute; female group) **+** **MB** (Bachelor of Medicine; doctor) **+** **LED ON** (deceived)\n \u00a0\n\n**WIMBLEDON** (venue for tennis which is played on a court; court battles here)"} {"Clue":"Front of luggage rack's pine (8)","Answer":"LANGUISH","Explanation":"Definition: pine\n**L** (**first letter of** [front of] **L****UGGAGE**) **+** **ANGUISH** (rack [suffering; misery])\n \u00a0\n\n**LANGUISH** (yearn; pine)"} {"Clue":"Tenor good through working with Bill, who's careful with his notes (8)","Answer":"TIGHTWAD","Explanation":"Definition: who's careful with his notes\n**T** (tenor) **+** (**G** [good] **contained in** [through] **an anagram of** [working] **WITH**) **+** **AD** (advertisement; bill)\n **T** **I** (**G**) **HTW*** **AD**\n\n**TIGHTWAD** (skinflint; miser; one who is careful with money"} {"Clue":"Entrance, designing carwash, not as agreed (7)","Answer":"ARCHWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Entrance\n**Anagram of** (designing) **CARWASH** **excluding** (not) **AS** **+** **AY** (yes; indeed; agreed)\n **ARCHW*** **AY**\n\n**ARCHWAY** (entrance)"} {"Clue":"Jazzman understanding fast tempo? (6)","Answer":"KENTON","Explanation":"Definition: Jazzman\n**KEN **(knowledge; understanding) **+** **TON** (100 miles per hour; fast tempo?)\n \u00a0\n\n**KENTON** (reference Stan **KENTON** [1911 \u2013 1979] leader of an innovative and controversial jazz orchestra])"} {"Clue":"Had a row in marshy French region, avoiding river delta (6)","Answer":"ARGUED","Explanation":"Definition: Had a row\n**CAMARGUE** ( natural and marshy region located south of Arles, France, between the Mediterranean Sea and the two arms of the Rh\u00f4ne River delta) **excluding** (avoiding) **CAM** (river that flows through Cambridge) **+** **D** (delta)\n \u00a0\n\n**ARGUED** (had a row with)"} {"Clue":"Side's reserve (4)","Answer":"BANK","Explanation":"Definition: Side\n**BANK** (side)\n \u00a0\n\n**BANK** (reserve) double definition"} {"Clue":"Resolve shown by hero plunging into river (6)","Answer":"DECIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Resolve\n**CID** (reference El **CID**, the heroic Castilian knight Don Rodrigo D\u00edaz de Vivar) **contained in** (plunging into) **DEE** (name of a river of which there a number in Great Britain)\n **DE** (**CID**) **E**\n\n**DECIDE** (resolve)"} {"Clue":"Has to appear in court? Gets discharged (6)","Answer":"ISSUED","Explanation":"Definition: discharged\n**IS SUED** (if someone **IS SUED** presumably they have to appear in court to defend their actions)\n \u00a0\n\n**ISSUED** (discharged)"} {"Clue":"Go away and yell with no small energy (5)","Answer":"SCRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Go away\n**SCREAM** (yell) **excluding** (with no) **E** (abbreviation for [small] energy)\n \u00a0\n\n**SCRAM** (go away!)"} {"Clue":"Red flower out in lots of countries \u2014 but it's not red! (4,5)","Answer":"FREE WORLD","Explanation":"Definition: it's not red\n**Anagram of **(out) **RED FLOWER**\n **FREE WORLD***\n\n**FREE WORLD** (the collective name used of themselves by capitalist democratic countries esp during the Soviet era to differentiate themselves from communist states; not red [Communist] countries)"} {"Clue":"Not joining in work can lead to swelling complaint (6,3)","Answer":"OPTING OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Not joining in\n**OP** (opus; work) **+** **TIN** (can) **+** **GOUT** (a disease in which excess of uric acid in the blood is deposited as urates in the joints, etc, with swelling esp of the big toe)\n \u00a0\n\n**OPTING OUT** (not joining in)"} {"Clue":"One of those not pulling their weight that could get you riled (5)","Answer":"IDLER","Explanation":"Definition: One of those not pulling their weight \n**Anagram of** (could get you) **RILED**\n **IDLER***\n\n**IDLER** (a person who wastes time or is reluctant to work; one of those not pulling their weight)"} {"Clue":"What may be exemplified by lives now under strain (7,5)","Answer":"PRESENT TENSE","Explanation":"Definition: What may be exemplified by lives\n**PRESENT** (now) **+** **TENSE** (under strain)\n \u00a0\n\n**PRESENT TENSE** ('lives' is the **PRESENT TENSE** of the verb 'to live')"} {"Clue":"With serviceman about to come in warm a yellowish-brown soup (12)","Answer":"MULLIGATAWNY","Explanation":"Definition: soup\n**MULL** (warm, spice and sweeten) **+** (**GI** [American serviceman] **reversed** [about]) **+** **A** **+** **TAWNY** (yellowish-brown)\u00a0\n **MULL** **IG**< **A** **TAWNY**\n\n**MULLIGATAWNY** (curry-soup originating in India)"} {"Clue":"Irish troublemaker makes one very cross (5)","Answer":"IRATE","Explanation":"Definition: very cross\n**IR **(Irish) **+** **ATE** (Greek goddess of mischief and of all rash actions and their results; troublemaker)\n \u00a0\n\n**IRATE** (very cross)"} {"Clue":"Reptile horrible gorilla ate,apart from the tail (9)","Answer":"ALLIGATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Reptile\n**Anagram of **(horrible) **GORILLA ATE** **excluding** (apart from) **the final letter** (tail) **E**\n **ALLIGATOR***\n\n**ALLIGATOR** (reptile)"} {"Clue":"A crust he and I chewed in church event with wine (9)","Answer":"EUCHARIST","Explanation":"Definition: church event with wine\n**Anagram of** (chewed) **A CRUST HE** and **I**\n **EUCHARIST***\n\n**EUCHARIST** (the sacrament of the Lord's Supper; the elements of the sacrament, bread and wine)"} {"Clue":"This writer's restricted by literary boundary (5)","Answer":"LIMIT","Explanation":"Definition: boundary\n(**I'M** (**I** [this writer] '**M** [am; is]) **contained in** (restricted by) **LIT** (literary)\n **L** (**IM**)** IT**\n\n**LIMIT** (boundary)"} {"Clue":"Chuckle coming from you conveying energy and eccentricity (3-3)","Answer":"TEE-HEE","Explanation":"Definition: Chuckle\n**THEE** (you) **containing **(**E** [energy] **+ E** [eccentricity; mathematical and \/ or scientific term])\n **T **(**E** **E**) **HEE**\n\n**TEE-HEE** (chuckle)"} {"Clue":"Wild animals, bears with inner hunger (6)","Answer":"HYENAS","Explanation":"Definition: Wild animals\n**HAS** (bears) **containing** (with inner) **YEN** (desire; hunger)\n **H** (**YEN**) **AS**\n\n**HYENAS** (wild animals)"} {"Clue":"The underworld about to have very big social events (6)","Answer":"DISCOS","Explanation":"Definition: social events\n**DIS** (a name for Pluto, hence, the infernal world; underworld) **+** **C** (circa; about) **+** **OS** (outsize; very big)\n \u00a0\n\n**DISCOS** (social events)"} {"Clue":"Minister in old banger outside university (6)","Answer":"CURATE","Explanation":"Definition: Minister\n**CRATE** (decrepit car; old banger) **containing** (outside) **U** (university)\n **C** (**U**) **RATE**\n\n**CURATE** (clergyman; minister)"} {"Clue":"Doctor in study becoming a Mr Hyde type? (5)","Answer":"DEMON","Explanation":"Definition: a Mr Hyde type\n**MO** (Medical Officer; doctor) **contained in** (in) **DEN** (study)\n **DE** (**MO**) **N**\n\n**DEMON** (reference Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde a novel by Robert Louis Stevenson. Mr Hyde is the demonic personification of Dr Jekyll)"} {"Clue":"The lamp stolen naughtily from small rural town (7,6)","Answer":"SHEPTON MALLET","Explanation":"Definition: small rural town\n**Anagram of **(naughtily) **THE LAMP STOLEN**\n **SHEPTON MALLET***\n\n**SHEPTON MALLET** (small rural town in Somerset)"} {"Clue":"Time in a French winter\u00a0mysteriously absent from diary? (9)","Answer":"UNWRITTEN","Explanation":"Definition: absent from diary\n**UN** (French for 'a') **+** (**T** [time] **contained in** [in] **an anagram of** [mysteriously] **WINTER**)\n **UN** **WRI** (**T**) **TEN**\n\n**UNWRITTEN** (absent from record; absent from diary)"} {"Clue":"King left, dashing outside at night? (8)","Answer":"DARKLING","Explanation":"Definition: night\n**DARING** (dashing) **containing** (outside) (**R** [Rex; king] **+** **L** [left])\n **DAR** (**K** **L**) **ING**\n\n**DARKLING** (in the dark, possibly at night)"} {"Clue":"A soldier's a fop conjuring up unrealistic state of happiness (5,8)","Answer":"FOOLS PARADISE","Explanation":"Definition: unrealistic state of happiness\n**Anagram of **(conjuring up) **A SOLDIER'S A FOP**\n **FOOLS PARADISE***\n\n**FOOLS PARADISE** (a state of happiness based on fictitious hopes or expectations)"} {"Clue":"Given treatment with a needle and blooming (6)","Answer":"DARNED","Explanation":"Definition: Given treatment with a needle\n**DARNED **(mended by interwoven stitches; given treatment with a needle)\n \u00a0\n\n**DARNED** (blooming as a mild oath) double definition"} {"Clue":"Repeat last bit of manoeuvre in ceremony with judge (9)","Answer":"REITERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Repeat \n(**E** [**last letter of **{last bit of} **MANOEUVRE**] **contained in** [in] **RITE** [ceremony]) **+** **RATE** (judge)\n **R** (**E**) **ITE** **RATE**\n\n**REITERATE** (repeat)"} {"Clue":"Extensive domain of politician in Ireland once (6)","Answer":"EMPIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Extensive domain\n**MP** (Member of Parliament; politician) **contained in** (in) **EIRE** (an earlier name for the [Republic of] Ireland)\n **E** (**MP**) **IRE**\n\n**EMPIRE** (dominion or group of states; extensive domain)"} {"Clue":"Cruel act not normally easy to understand (5-3)","Answer":"CLEAR CUT","Explanation":"Definition: easy to understand\n**Anagram of** (not normally) **CRUEL ACT**\n **CLEAR CUT***\n\n**CLEAR CUT** (easy to understand)"} {"Clue":"Good person having the last word \u2013 something 'flowery' (6)","Answer":"STAMEN","Explanation":"Definition: something 'flowery' \n**ST** (saint; good person) **+** **AMEN** (the last word)\n \u00a0\n\n**STAMEN** (the pollen-producing part of a flower)"} {"Clue":"Conspirator in routine job apparently using public transport (6)","Answer":"BRUTUS","Explanation":"Definition: Conspirator\n**RUT** (routine job) **contained in** (using in the sense of being aboard) **BUS** (public transport)\n **B** (**RUT**) **US**\n\n**BRUTUS** conspirator in the assassination of Julius Caesar)"} {"Clue":"Bird with a hint of yellow in deep ditch (5)","Answer":"GULLY","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"Most of the people in old country (6)","Answer":"THRACE","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"Private kills time, having become old (8)","Answer":"OFFSTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"Detective's brother \u2013 \"I haven't lost the plot!\" (7)","Answer":"MYCROFT","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"One defending a knob of butter, say? (7)","Answer":"RAMPART","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"US city dish with spice added (9)","Answer":"BALTIMORE","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"Bachelor party challenge (5)","Answer":"BRAVE","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"Of mixed descent, e.g. I am (12)","Answer":"MISCEGENATED","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"How to make oarsmen use force (5,4,3)","Answer":"TWIST ONES ARM","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"Gutted, like a social outcast (5)","Answer":"LEPER","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"I may not like it \u2013 starter of prawns in squid (9)","Answer":"NITPICKER","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"On local farm, I finished simple hut (7)","Answer":"WICKIUP","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"Goddess replacing one in tall story by Iris (3,4)","Answer":"THE BELL","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"It's cool to cover commercial song (8)","Answer":"SERENADE","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"Some entirely transparent wings (6)","Answer":"ELYTRA","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"Dangerous situation black gangsters produce when upset (4,4)","Answer":"TIME BOMB","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"Spots, but not following small rash (8)","Answer":"RECKLESS","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"Flowers in jar, but not in full one (5)","Answer":"CROCI","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"Worried if too great, but no worries (6,5,2)","Answer":"FORGET ABOUT IT","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"Turning up reverb, I'm essentially holding long note (9)","Answer":"SEMIBREVE","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"A museum thanks leader for religious icon (6)","Answer":"AVATAR","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"Book for Nancy is incomplete present (6)","Answer":"ESTHER","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"Likes to wipe soap and bubbles? (3,4,2,1,3)","Answer":"TWO PEAS IN A POD","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"After King Andrew murdered, guards rejected help (9)","Answer":"EDWARDIAN","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"Support behind inferior position (4-4)","Answer":"BACK-SEAT","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"In France, go climbing after daughter leaves dim shelter (8)","Answer":"UMBRELLA","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"Starts to create laughter, has fools around (6)","Answer":"CLOWNS","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"It divides church through dispute (6)","Answer":"SPACER","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"Textbook stockist is yours truly (5)","Answer":"IDEAL","Explanation":"Definition: deep ditch\n**GULL** (example of a bird) **+** **Y** (first letter of [hint of] **YELLOW**)\n \u00a0\n\n**GULLY** (deep ditch)"} {"Clue":"United by work in location these people? (8)","Answer":"POPULACE","Explanation":"Definition: people\n(**OP** [opus; work] **+** **U** [united]) **contained in** (in) **PLACE** (location) **P** (**OP** **U**) **LACE**\n\n**POPULACE** (the common people)"} {"Clue":"Left during conflict making escape (6)","Answer":"FLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: escape\n**L** (left) **contained in** (during) **FIGHT** (conflict) **F** (**L**) **IGHT**\n\n**FLIGHT** (escape)"} {"Clue":"Mountaineer initially considered supple (7)","Answer":"CLIMBER","Explanation":"Definition: Mountaineer\n**C** (**first letter of** [initially] **CONSIDERED**) **+** **LIMBER** (supple) \u00a0\n\n**CLIMBER** (mountaineer)"} {"Clue":"That's my present? Right? Not any more (6)","Answer":"FORMER","Explanation":"Definition: Not any more\n**FOR ME?** (that's my present?) **+** **R** (right) \u00a0\n\n**FORMER** (past; not any more)"} {"Clue":"Top item replaced on our menu (6,3)","Answer":"NUMERO UNO","Explanation":"Definition: Top item\n**Anagram of **(replaced) **ON OUR MENU** **NUMERO UNO***\n\n**NUMERO UNO** (number one; the most important thing; top item)"} {"Clue":"Playwright ignoring doctor and saint for luthier (5)","Answer":"AMATI","Explanation":"Definition: luthier\n**DRAMATIST** (playwright) **excluding** (ignoring) **DR** (doctor) **+** **ST** (saint) \u00a0\n\n**AMATI **(a violin or cello made by the **AMATI**\u00a0family (circa 1550 \u2013 7100) of Cremona. A luthier is a maker of lutes, guitars, and other stringed instruments, like the **AMATI** family)"} {"Clue":"Old woman leading lines for the shops (4)","Answer":"MALL","Explanation":"Definition: shops\n**MA** (mother; old woman) **+** **LL** (lines) \u00a0\n\n**MALL** (pedestrian shopping area)"} {"Clue":"Straggly ford circled by smart water creature (9)","Answer":"SWORDFISH","Explanation":"Definition: water creature\n**Anagram of** (straggly) **FORD** **contained in** (circled by) **SWISH** (smart) **SW** (**ORDF***) **ISH**\n\n**SWORDFISH** (fish; an example of a water creature)"} {"Clue":"Financial activity's popular stuff after being without money (9)","Answer":"BROKERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Financial activity\n**BROKE** (without money) **+** **RAGE** (something in vogue; popular stuff) \u00a0\n\n**BROKERAGE** (the business of people employed to buy and sell for others; financial activity)"} {"Clue":"Millions absorbed by musical genre? It's something impressive (4)","Answer":"POMP","Explanation":"Definition: something impressive \n**M** (millions) **contained in** (absorbed by) **POP** (musical genre) **PO** (**M**) **P**\n\n**POMP** (great show or display; something impressive)"} {"Clue":"Subordinate but nursing hint of leadership (5)","Answer":"SLAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Subordinate\n**SAVE **(except; but) **containing** (nursing) **L** (**first letter of** [hint of] **LEADERSHIP**) **S** (**L**) **AVE**\n\n**SLAVE** (subordinate)"} {"Clue":"Cowboy injured by local bear (9)","Answer":"CABALLERO","Explanation":"Definition: Cowboy\n**Anagram of** (injured by) **LOCAL BEAR** **CABALLERO***\n\n**CABALLERO **(a Spanish gentleman; esp in south-west US, a horseman; cowboy)"} {"Clue":"Anger about team knocking back 'miracle juice' (6)","Answer":"ELIXIR","Explanation":"Definition: miracle juice\n**(RILE** [anger] **containing** [about] **XI** [eleven in Roman numerals; number of players in a team in many sports]) **all reversed** [knocking back] (**EL** (**IX**) **IR**)<\n\n**ELIXIR** (a liquid chemical preparation once supposed to have the power of indefinitely prolonging life or of transmuting metals; miracle juice)"} {"Clue":"Lively US soldier circles round company Sergeant initially (7)","Answer":"GIOCOSO","Explanation":"Definition: Lively\n**GI** (US soldier) **+** ([**O** and **O** [circle shapes] **containing** [round] [**CO** {company} **+** **S** {**first letter of** (initially) **SERGEANT**}]) **GI **(**O** (**CO** **S**) **O**)\n\n**GIOCOSO** (musical term meaning 'played in a lively or humourous manner')"} {"Clue":"Show of respect in receiving silver (6)","Answer":"HOMAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Show of respect\n**HOME** (in) **containing** (receiving) **AG** (chemical symbol for silver) **HOM** (**AG**) **E**\n\n**HOMAGE** (reverence; show of respect)"} {"Clue":"Girl in second swim recalled features of sandy area (8)","Answer":"PYRAMIDS","Explanation":"Definition: features of sandy area\n(**MARY **[girl's name] **contained in** [in] [**S** {second} **+** **DIP** {swim}]) **all reversed** (recalled) (**P** (**YRAM**) **ID** **S**)<\n\n**PYRAMIDS** (structures that can be seen in the sands of Egypt)"} {"Clue":"US actor \/ director mostly adjusting plot development nothing more (6)","Answer":"PACINO","Explanation":"Definition: US actor \/ director\n**PACING** (adjusting the speed with which a story unfolds or a fictional plot develops) **excluding** **the final letter** (mostly) **G** **+** **O** (nothing) \u00a0\n\n**PACINO** (reference Al **PACINO**, American actor \/ director)"} {"Clue":"Adherence to essential values not universal \u2013 here's source of splitting (5)","Answer":"PRISM","Explanation":"Definition: source of splitting\n**PURISM** (adherence to essential values) **excluding** (not) **U** (universal, in film classification terminology) \u00a0\n\n**PRISM** (a triangular piece\u00a0of glass or the like for resolving [splitting] light into separate colours)"} {"Clue":"Dodgy Bill curtailing period of tolerance (7)","Answer":"LIBERAL","Explanation":"Definition: of tolerance\n**Anagram of **(dodgy) **BILL** **containing** (curtailing) **ERA** (period of time) **LIB** (**ERA**) **L***\n\n**LIBERAL** (tolerant)"} {"Clue":"Entertainment taking in money to beat church event (12)","Answer":"CIRCUMSTANCE","Explanation":"Definition: event\n(**CIRCUS** [form of entertainment] **containing** [taking in] **M** [money]) **+** **TAN** (beat) **+** **CE** (Church [of England]) **CIRCU** (**M**) **S** **TAN** **CE**\n\n**CIRCUMSTANCE** (event)"} {"Clue":"Yoga practitioner's habit being fat, holding end of foot up (7)","Answer":"LEOTARD","Explanation":"Definition: Yoga practitioner's habit\n**LARD** (clarified fat of the pig) **containing** (holding) (**TOE** [end of foot] **reversed** [up; down clue]) **L** (**EOT**)< **ARD**\n\n**LEOTARD** (a skintight garment [habit] worn by dancers, acrobats, yoga practitioners, etc, sleeveless or long-sleeved, with legs varying from none at all to ankle-length)"} {"Clue":"Area for nude display \u2013 dreadful sin \u2013 may stick around (9)","Answer":"GYMNASIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Area for nude display\n**GUM** (stick) **containing** (around) (**an anagram of** [dreadful] **SIN MAY** ) **G** (**YMNASI***) **UM**\n\n**GYMNASIUM** (originally in ancient Greece, a public place or building where youths exercised, with areas for running and wrestling, baths, and halls for conversation; athletes performed nude in those days)"} {"Clue":"King in European country beset by this rioting regarding republic (7)","Answer":"TURKISH","Explanation":"Definition: regarding republic\n(**R** [Rex; king] **contained in** [in] **UK** [United Kingdom; European country]) **all contained in** (beset by) **an anagram of **(rioting) **THIS** **T** (**U** (**R**) **K**) **ISH***\n\n**TURKISH** (describing [regarding] the Republic of Turkey)"} {"Clue":"Officer not under par having air of POWs? (7)","Answer":"COLONEL BOGEY","Explanation":"Definition: air of POWs\n**COLONEL** (officer) **+** **BOGEY** (the term for a one over par score in golf) \u00a0\n\n**COLONEL BOGEY** (a march tune used as background music in the film The Bridge on\u00a0the River Kwai, and, I think, 'The Great Escape' which both featured prisoners of war)"} {"Clue":"Musical style that's almost in A, possibly (9)","Answer":"ATONALISM","Explanation":"Definition: Musical style\n**Anagram of** (possibly) **ALMOST IN A** **ATONALISM***\n\n**ATONALISM** (a musical style that does not depend on any scale or tonic)"} {"Clue":"Happen to visit church to pray (7)","Answer":"BESEECH","Explanation":"Definition: pray\n**BE **(happen) **+** **SEE** (visit) **+** **CH** (church) \u00a0\n\n**BESEECH** (pray earnestly)"} {"Clue":"Still in Government, though it's late in the day (7)","Answer":"EVENING","Explanation":"Definition: late in the day\n**EVEN** (still) **+** **IN** **+** **G** (government) \u00a0\n\n**EVENING** (close of the day; late in the day)"} {"Clue":"Old man retaining a view, the lummox (7)","Answer":"PALOOKA","Explanation":"Definition: lummox\n**PA** (father; old man) **containing** (retaining) (**A** **+** **LOOK** [view]) **P** (**A** **LOOK**) **A**\n\n**PALOOKA** (stupid or clumsy person; lummox)"} {"Clue":"Mostly to tease, entrapping solver, is very pleasant (6)","Answer":"JOYOUS","Explanation":"Definition: very pleasant \n**JOSH** (tease) **excluding the last letter** (mostly) **H** **containing** (entrapping) **YOU** (the solver) **JO** (**YOU**) **S**\n\n**JOYOUS** (very pleasant)"} {"Clue":"I judge most of sign to be inverted ideograms (5)","Answer":"EMOJI","Explanation":"Definition: ideograms\n(**I +** **J** [judge] **+** [**OME****N** {sign} **excluding the last letter** {mostly} **N**]) **all reversed** (inverted) (**EMO** **J** **I**)<\n\n**EMOJI** (ideograms or smileys used in Japanese electronic messages and Web pages, the use of which is spreading outside Japan"} {"Clue":"Bizarrely, carve Hieroglyph's initial in 1D (8)","Answer":"VACHERIN","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n**Anagram of** (bizarrely) $$($$**CARVE** and\u00a0**H** **[first letter of** {initially} **HIEROGLYPH**) and\u00a0**IN**)\n **VACHERIN***\n\n**VACHERIN** (a cow's milk **CHEESE** [1 down]\u00a0made in both France and Switzerland)"} {"Clue":"A moron melted 1D (6)","Answer":"ROMANO","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n**Anagram of **(melted) **A MORON**\n **ROMANO***\n\n**ROMANO** (sharp tasting hard **CHEESE** [1 down])"} {"Clue":"Berliner regularly dropped 1D (4)","Answer":"BRIE","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n**BRIE** (Letters 1, 3, 5 and 7 that remain in **BERLINER** after **letters 2, 4, 6 and 8** [regularly] **ELNR**\u00a0are **excluded** [dropped])\n \u00a0\n\n**BRIE** (white soft **CHEESE** [1 down])"} {"Clue":"Pickled pear wrapped in cold 1D (10)","Answer":"CAERPHILLY","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n**Anagram of** (pickled) **PEAR** **contained in** (wrapped in) **CHILLY** (cold)\n **C** (**AERP***) **HILLY**\n\n**CAERPHILLY** (mild white **CHEESE** [1 down])"} {"Clue":"Noble eating a knight's 1D (6)","Answer":"PANEER","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n**PEER** (noble) **containing** (eating) (**A** **+** **N** [knight in modern chess notation])\n **P (A N) EER**\n\n**PANEER** (mild crumbly **CHEESE** [1 down]\u00a0used in Asian cookery)"} {"Clue":"Finish off toilet gag about 1D (8)","Answer":"TALEGGIO","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n**Anagram of** (about) (**TOILET** **excluding the last letter** [finish off] **T**\u00a0and **GAG** )\n **TALEGGIO***\n\n**TALEGGIO** (a semi-soft cow's milk **CHEESE** [1 down]\u00a0from the Lombardy region of Italy)"} {"Clue":"Deal out after theologian gobbles new 1D (11)","Answer":"WENSLEYDALE","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n**WESLEY** (reference John **WESLEY** [1703 \u2013 1791] founder of the Methodist movement; theologian) **containing** (gobbles) **N** (new) **+** **an anagram of** (out) **DEAL**\n **WE** (**N**) **SLEY** **DALE***\n\n**WENSLEYDALE** (white crumbly variety of **CHEESE** [1 down])"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary's anger about hard 1D (11)","Answer":"CHESHIRE","Explanation":"Definition: 1D \n(**CHE'S** [Che Guevara's {revolutionary's}] **+** **IRE** [anger]) **containing** [about] **H** (hard)\n **CHES** (**H**) **IRE**\n\n**CHESHIRE **(type of mild **CHEESE** [1 down])"} {"Clue":"On the way back, note cut 1D (6)","Answer":"TILSIT","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n(**TI** [note of the tonic solfa] **+** **SLIT** [cut]) **reversed** (on the way back)\n (**TILS** **IT**)<\n\n**TILSIT **( light yellow semi-hard smear-ripened **CHEESE** [1 down], created in the mid-19th century by Prussian-Swiss settlers\u00a0from the Emmental Valley)"} {"Clue":"Sweet milky coffee and 1D (10)","Answer":"DOLCELATTE","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n**DOLCE** (sweet) **+** **LATTE** (espresso coffee with frothed hot milk)\n \u00a0\n\n**DOLCELATTE** (a soft Italian **CHEESE** [1 down]\u00a0with blue veins.)"} {"Clue":"Poet rejected 1D (4)","Answer":"YARG","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n**GRAY** (reference Thomas **GRAY** [1716 \u2013 1771], English poet) **reversed** (rejected)\n **YARG**<\n\n**YARG** (semi-hard cow's milk **CHEESE** [1 down]\u00a0made in Cornwall)"} {"Clue":"Throw out French joiner's 1D (6)","Answer":"JUNKET","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n**JUNK** (throw out) **+** **ET** (French for 'and'; French joiner)\n \u00a0\n\n**JUNKET** (a cream **CHEESE** [1 down])"} {"Clue":"Some Brummagem men talk 1D (8)","Answer":"EMMENTAL","Explanation":"Definition: 1D\n**EMMENTAL** (**hidden word** [some] in **BRUMMAGEM MEN TALK**)\n \u00a0\n\n**EMMENTAL** (a hard Swiss **CHEESE** [1 down], similar to Gruy\u00e8re)"} {"Clue":"Foodstuff said to produce a smile? (6)","Answer":"CHEESE","Explanation":"Definition: Foodstuff said to produce a smile?\n**CHEESE** (the word that photographers traditionally ask you say to generate a smile)\n \u00a0\n\n**CHEESE** (foodstuff)"} {"Clue":"Shopkeeper sounds increasingly unpleasant (6)","Answer":"GROCER","Explanation":"Definition: Shopkeeper\n**GROCER** (**sounds like** [sounds] **GROSSER** [increasingly unpleasant])\n \u00a0\n\n**GROCER** (shopkeeper)"} {"Clue":"Off-colour article repeatedly goes into unmentionables (5,3,7)","Answer":"UNDER THE WEATHER","Explanation":"Definition: Off-colour\n(**THE **[definite article]) **twice **[repeatedly] **contained in** [goes into) **UNDERWEAR** (unmentionables)\n **UNDER** (**THE**) **WEA** (**THE**) **R**\n\n**UNDER THE WEATHER** (indisposed; off colour)"} {"Clue":"Contended with Greek technology company director (8)","Answer":"GRAPPLED","Explanation":"Definition: Contended\n**GR** (Greek) **+** **APPLE** (a technology company) **+** **D** (director)\n \u00a0\n\n**GRAPPLED** (contended)"} {"Clue":"Independent member originally invited southern African warriors (4)","Answer":"IMPI","Explanation":"Definition: southern African warriors\n**I** (independent) **+** **MP** (Member [of Parliament]) **+**** I** (first letter of [originally] **INVITED**)\n \u00a0\n\n**IMPI **(a group of armed southern African native warriors)"} {"Clue":"In clear translation? Yes! (2,5)","Answer":"EN CLAIR","Explanation":"Definition: In clear translation? Yes!\n**Anagram of **(translation) **IN CLEAR**\n **EN CLAIR***\n\n**EN CLAIR** (not in cipher; uncoded; in clear [translation])"} {"Clue":"Sailor turned up gold after date in the field (6)","Answer":"ABROAD","Explanation":"Definition: n the field\n**AB** (able seaman; sailor) **+** (**OR** [gold] **reversed** [turned up; down clue]) **+ ****AD** (anno domini; [in the year of the Lord];\u00a0referencing a date)\n **AB** **RO**< **AD**\n\n**ABROAD** (in the field)"} {"Clue":"Eternity ring hidden by enrolled nurse (3)","Answer":"EON","Explanation":"Definition: Eternity\n**O **(ring shape] **contained in** (hidden by) **EN** (enrolled nurse)\n **E** (**O**) **N**\n\n**EON** (vast age; eternity)"} {"Clue":"Posh female pin-up (3)","Answer":"GEL","Explanation":"Definition: Posh female\n**LEG** (pin) **reversed** (up; down clue)\n **GEL**<\n\n**GEL** (facetious rendering of an upper-class pronunciation of girl; posh female)"} {"Clue":"Characters from Ennis leaving Northern Ireland (3)","Answer":"ENS","Explanation":"Definition: Characters\n**ENNIS excluding** (leaving) **NI** (Northern Ireland) **ENNIS** is a town in the Republic of Ireland, although it may also be a shortened version of **ENNIS**killen , a town in Northern Ireland)\n \u00a0\n\n**ENS** (multiple occurrences of the letter N; characters)"} {"Clue":"Possibly pans art film society (8)","Answer":"SKILLETS","Explanation":"Definition: Possibly pans\n**SKILL** (art) **+** **ET** (name of a film) **+** **S **(society)\n \u00a0\n\n**SKILLETS** (small long handled pans;in America, frying pans)"} {"Clue":"Friend's goal, having raised money (3)","Answer":"AMI","Explanation":"Definition: Friend\n**AIM** (goal) with **M** (money) **moving up the word** [having raised;\u00a0down clue)\n **AMI**\n\n**AMI **(friend)"} {"Clue":"Endlessly worried sheep grow very fast (5,2)","Answer":"SHOOT UP","Explanation":"Definition: grow very fast\n**SHOOK** (unnerved; worried) **excluding the last letter** [endlessly] **K** **+** **TUP** (ram; sheep)\n **SHOO** **T UP**\n\n**SHOOT UP** (grow very fast)"} {"Clue":"I slip up in South American mountain range (6)","Answer":"SIERRA","Explanation":"Definition: mountain range\n(**I** **+** **ERR** [slip up]) **contained in** (in) **SA** (South American)\n **S** (**I** **ERR**) **A**\n\n**SIERRA** (mountain range, especially in Spanish speaking countries and the United States)"} {"Clue":"Louise's on-screen partner in production of Hamlet? (6)","Answer":"THELMA","Explanation":"Definition: Louise's on-screen partner\n**Anagram of** (production of) **HAMLET**\n **THELMA***\n\n**THELMA** (reference the 1991 film\u00a0**THELMA** and **LOUISE**)"} {"Clue":"Amateur in Gabon making eggs (6)","Answer":"LAYING","Explanation":"Definition: making eggs\n**LAY** (amateur) **+** **IN +** **G** (International Vehicle Registration for Gabon)\n \u00a0\n\n**LAYING** (making eggs)"} {"Clue":"Cold, satisfactory energy drink (4)","Answer":"COKE","Explanation":"Definition: drink\n**C** (cold) **+** **OK** (satisfactory) **+** **E** (energy)\n \u00a0\n\n**COKE** (Coca-Cola; drink)"} {"Clue":"After drunken sprees they'll offer help! (9)","Answer":"ESPRESSOS","Explanation":"Definition: After drunken sprees they'll offer help!\n**Anagram of **(drunken) **SPREES** **+** **SOS** (appeal for help)\n **ESPRES*** **SOS**\n\n**ESPRESSOS** ([strong] coffees that might be helpful after taking too much alcohol)"} {"Clue":"Facsimile required immediately (4)","Answer":"STAT","Explanation":"Definition: Facsimile\n**STAT** (Photostat; facsimile)\n \u00a0\n\n**STAT** (Latin for immediately) double definition"} {"Clue":"Source of nuclear force (zero in e.g. a skittle) (4)","Answer":"PION","Explanation":"Definition: Source of nuclear force\n**O** (zero) **contained in** (in) **PIN** (skittle, as in nine-pin bowling)\n **PI** (**O**) **N**\n\n**PION** (**PI-MESON** [the source of the nuclear force holding protons and neutrons together])"} {"Clue":"Sharp maybe takes one in, seductive (6)","Answer":"HONIED","Explanation":"Definition: seductive\n**HONED** (sharpened) **containing** (takes \u2026 in) **I** (one)\n **HON** (**I**) **ED**\n\n**HONIED** (seductive)"} {"Clue":"What makes teens deeply emotional? (7)","Answer":"INTENSE","Explanation":"Definition: seductive\n**HONED** (sharpened) **containing** (takes \u2026 in) **I** (one)\n **HON** (**I**) **ED**\n\n**HONIED** (seductive)"} {"Clue":"Brown one of a kind, look pocketed by day-labourer (7)","Answer":"PEA-IRON","Explanation":"Definition: Brown one of a kind\n**AIR** (look) **contained in** (pocketed by) **PEON** (day-labourer or farm worker)\n **PE** (**A IR**) **ON**\n\n**PEA-IRON** (limonite in little round nodules; limonite is brown iron ore)"} {"Clue":"Section of clientele smiling \u2013 that's charming (6)","Answer":"TELESM","Explanation":"Definition: charming\n**TELESM** (**hidden word in** [section of] **CLIENTELE SMILING**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TELESM** (talisman; charm)"} {"Clue":"Girl clutches brood, pardoning many (7)","Answer":"AMNESTY","Explanation":"Definition: pardoning many\n**AMY** (girl's name) **containing** (clutching) **NEST** (brood)\n **AM** (**NEST**) **Y**\n\n**AMNESTY** (general pardon [for many])"} {"Clue":"Bay? Bay possibly not quite finishing with power (6)","Answer":"TREVIS","Explanation":"Definition: Bay\n**TREE** (a bay is an example of a **TREE**) **excluding the final letter** (not quite finishing) **E** **+** **VIS** (power)\n \u00a0\n\n**TREVIS** (a stall; bay)"} {"Clue":"Tightwad pullin' back (7)","Answer":"NIGGARD","Explanation":"Definition: Tightwad\n**DRAGGIN' **(pullin') **reversed** (back)\n **NIGGARD**<\n\n**NIGGARD** (a person who begrudges spending or giving away; tightwad)"} {"Clue":"Spiked drink set before duke, introduced by rascal (7)","Answer":"IMPALED","Explanation":"Definition: Spiked\n**IMP** (rascal) **+ ALE** (drink) **+** **D** (duke)\n \u00a0\n\n**IMPALED** (pierced with something pointed; spiked)"} {"Clue":"Birds' rear ends I sketch initially in shapely arcs (6)","Answer":"CRISSA","Explanation":"Definition: Birds' rear ends\n(**I** **+** **S** [**first letter of** {initially} **SKETCH**]) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (shapely) **ARCS**\n **CR** (**I** **S**) **SA***\n\n**CRISSA** (plural of CRISSUM [the area surrounding a bird's cloaca {in most vertebrates excluding higher mammals, the terminal part of the gut into which the urinary and reproductive ducts open forming a single posterior opening}], including the under-tail; birds' rear ends)"} {"Clue":"What is 'to get brown' (question)? (4)","Answer":"BASK","Explanation":"Definition: What is 'to get brown\n**B** (brown) + **ASK** (question)\n \u00a0\n\n**BASK** (lie in warmth or sunshine with the potential to get brown [skin])"} {"Clue":"Person (traveller?) needing ice for drinking cup (4)","Answer":"CHAL","Explanation":"Definition: Person (traveller?)\n**CHAL** requires (needing) **ICE** to form **CHALICE** (drinking cup) \n \u00a0\n\n**CHAL** (a person in Romany, the language of travelling people)"} {"Clue":"Form of ocreae I spotted sheathing gold delicate stuff in plant family (13)","Answer":"ERIOCAULACEAE","Explanation":"Definition: plant family\nAnagram of (form of) **OCRAEA I** **containing** (sheathing) (**AU** [chemical symbol for gold] **+** **LACE** [delicate material])\n **ERIOC** (**AU** **LACE**) **AE***\n\n**ERIOCAULACEAE** (a family of monocotyledons, related to the Bromelias; plant family)"} {"Clue":"Racy model, singular annoyance inhibiting party leader? (9)","Answer":"SPEEDSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Racy model\n**S +** (**PESTER** [annoyance, **PESTER** is defined here as a noun] **containing** [inhibiting] **ED**[reference **ED** Miliband, leader of the Labour Party in the United Kingdom])\n **S** **PE** (**ED**) **STER**\n\n**SPEEDSTER** (fast sports car; racy model)"} {"Clue":"It could make paws hot (7)","Answer":"WASHPOT","Explanation":"Definition: It could make paws hot\n**Anagram of **(it could make) **PAWS HOT**\n **WASHPOT***\n\n**WASHPOT** (a vessel for washing one's hands [paws] which could make them hot)"} {"Clue":"Primate turned up with bouncy spaniels \u2013 a rhetorical device! (11)","Answer":"EPANALEPSIS","Explanation":"Definition: a rhetorical device\n**APE **(primate) **reversed** (turned up; down clue) **+ an anagram of **(bouncy) **SPANIELS**\n **EPA**< **NALEPSIS***\n\n**EPANALEPSIS** (repetition or resumption with the same words. rhetorical device)"} {"Clue":"Bender? Here's one providing what's needed \u2013 sup away (5)","Answer":"PLIER","Explanation":"Definition: Bender\n**SUPPLIER** (one providing what's needed) **excluding** (away) **SUP**\n \u00a0\n\n**PLIER** (one who bends; bender)"} {"Clue":"Was on course with lecturer: 'Freedom in Spenser' (6)","Answer":"RANDON","Explanation":"Definition: Freedom in Spenser\n**RAN** (was on course) **+** **DON** (lecturer)\n \u00a0\n\n**RANDON** (Spenserean word for freedom)"} {"Clue":"Catching end of prop, net's tangled or damaged at sea (5)","Answer":"SPENT","Explanation":"Definition: damaged at sea\n**Anagram of **(tangled) **NETS** **containing** (catching) **P **(**last letter of** [end of] **PROP**)\n **S** (**P**) **ENT***\n\n**SPENT** (of a mast or yard, broken during bad weather; damaged at sea)."} {"Clue":"Part of sonnet comprises tetrameters \u2013 look therein (6)","Answer":"SESTET","Explanation":"Definition: Part of sonnet\n**SESTET** (**hidden word **[look therein] **in COMPRISES TETRAMETERS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**SESTET **(the last six lines of a sonnet)"} {"Clue":"Commentator registering defeat in Germany? (7)","Answer":"GLOSSER","Explanation":"Definition: Commentator\n**LOSS** (defeat) **contained in** (registering \u2026 in) **GER** (Germany)\n **G** (**LOSS**) **ER**\n\n**GLOSSER** (commentator)"} {"Clue":"Rare bird reproduced not once (4)","Answer":"NENE","Explanation":"Definition: Rare bird\n**N\u00c9** (born; reproduced) **+** **NE** (obsolete [once] form of not)\n \u00a0\n\n**NENE** (the Hawaiian goose, a rare bird of Hawaii,)"} {"Clue":"Drinks hard Scotch, with inclusion of fashionable wine bargains (7)","Answer":"BIN-ENDS","Explanation":"Definition: wine bargains\n**BENDS** (Scottish word for 'drink hard') **containing** (with inclusion of) **IN** (fashionable)\n **B** (**IN**) **ENDS**\n\n**BIN-ENDS** (any of the last bottles of wine remaining from a bin, often sold at a reduced price; wine bargains)"} {"Clue":"Flag: marines on large vessel will follow each (7)","Answer":"EARMARK","Explanation":"Definition: Flag\n**EA** (each) **+** **RM** ([Royal] Marines) **+** **ARK** (large floating vessel)\n \u00a0\n\n**EARMARK** (identify with a **MARK** for a purpose; flag)"} {"Clue":"Saintly badge found to limit depression (7)","Answer":"MEDALET","Explanation":"Definition: Saintly badge\n**MET** (found) **containing** (to limit) **DALE** (low ground between hills; depression)\n **ME** (**DALE**) **T**\n\n**MEDALET** (a small medal, especially one bearing a representation of one or more saints, worn by Roman Catholics; saintly badge)"} {"Clue":"Military intelligence getting onto parasites, force of collaborators (6)","Answer":"MILICE","Explanation":"Definition: force of collaborators\n**MI** (Military Intelligence) **+** **LICE** (parasites)\n \u00a0\n\n**MILICE** (the government militia in Vichy France; force of collaborators)"} {"Clue":"Early colonists from Nordic country and lost on board (6)","Answer":"SICELS","Explanation":"Definition: Early colonists\n(**ICEL****AND** [Nordic country] **excluding** [lost] **AND**) **contained in** (on board) **SS** (Steamship) on board also indicates that the container is a ship\n **S** (**ICEL**) **S**\n\n**SICELS** (**SICULIANS** [ancient people who colonised Sicily from Italy])"} {"Clue":"Food served up includes last of cabbage stalks (5)","Answer":"SETAE","Explanation":"Definition: stalks\n**EATS** (food) **reversed** (served up; down clue) **containing** (includes) **E** (**last letter of** [last of] **CABBAGE**)\n **S** (**E**) **TAE**<\n\n**SETAE** (stalks)"} {"Clue":"The proverbial sou, a bit of rubbish swallowed by \u2026 (5)","Answer":"GROAT","Explanation":"Definition: The proverbial sou,\n**R** (**first letter of** [a bit of] **RUBBISH**) **contained in** (swallowed by) **GOAT** (the \u2026 is linking to the next clue at 28 down where the entry is **IBEX** [a type of **GOAT**])\n **G** (**R**) **OAT**\n\n**GROAT** (a very small sum, proverbially, as is a sou)"} {"Clue":"\u2026Such as me, one born without (4)","Answer":"IBEX","Explanation":"Definition: Such as me\n**I** (one) **+** **B** (born) **+** **EX** (without)\n \u00a0\n\n**IBEX** (any of various wild mountain goats of Europe, N Africa and Asia, with large, ridged, backward-curving horns)"} {"Clue":"Popeye's favourite is briefly on Aga, simmering (4)","Answer":"SAAG","Explanation":"Definition: Popeye's favourite\n**S** (**'S** is a brief form of **IS**) + **an anagram of** (simmering) **AGA**\n **S** **AAG***\n\n**SAAG** (spinach, in Indian cookery. Spinach was Popeye's favourite food)"} {"Clue":"Problem creating rheumatism makes mother quiet (4)","Answer":"DAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Problem creating rheumatism\n**DAM** (mother) **+** **P** (piano; quiet)\n \u00a0\n\n**DAMP** (a condition contributing to increased pain in arthritis and rheumatism)"} {"Clue":"Place of miracle attended by sick Eastern people en masse (8)","Answer":"CANAILLE","Explanation":"Definition: people en masse\n**CANA **(Among Christians and other students of the New Testament, **CANA**\u00a0is best known as the place where Jesus is said to have performed his first public miracle turning water into wine) **+** **ILL** (sick) **+** **E** (Eastern)\n \u00a0\n\n**CANAILLE** (the masses)"} {"Clue":"Bitter matron wandering round end of ward (7)","Answer":"MORDANT","Explanation":"Definition: Bitter\n**Anagram of** (wandering) **MATRON** **containing** (round) **D** (**last letter of** [end of] **WARD**)\n **MOR** (**D**) **ANT***\n\n**MORDANT** (bitter)"} {"Clue":"Sentimentality of elder maybe, enthralling a class (7)","Answer":"TREACLE","Explanation":"Definition: Sentimentality\n**TREE** (elder is an example of a tree) **containing** (enthralling) (**A** **+** **CL** [class])\n **TRE** (**A** **CL**) **E**\n\n**TREACLE** (sentimentality)"} {"Clue":"Farmer rushed around pursued by that woman (7)","Answer":"RANCHER","Explanation":"Definition: Farmer\n**RAN** (rushed) **+** **C** (circa; around) **+** **HER** (that woman)\n \u00a0\n\n**RANCHER** (farmer)"} {"Clue":"Gift from girl full of passion, article not acceptable (7)","Answer":"LARGESS","Explanation":"Definition: Gift\n**LASS** (girl) **containing** (full of) (**RAGE** [passion] **excluding** [not acceptable] **A** [indefinite article])\n **LA** (**RGE**) **SS**\n\n**LARGESS** (variant spelling of **LARGESSE** [bestowal or distribution of gifts] also defined in Chambers Thesaurus simply as gift and in Collins as the things so bestowed)"} {"Clue":"Single-mindedness of canon, contrite after going astray (13)","Answer":"CONCENTRATION","Explanation":"Definition: Single-mindedness\n**Anagram of** (going astray) **CANON CONTRITE**\n **CONCENTRATION***\n\n**CONCENTRATION** (single-mindedness)"} {"Clue":"Splashing shampoo, mister effects a complete transformation (13)","Answer":"METAMORPHOSIS","Explanation":"Definition: complete transformation\n**Anagram of **(splashing) **SHAMPOO MISTER**\n **METAMORPHOSIS***\n\n**METAMORPHOSIS** (change of shape, transformation)"} {"Clue":"Threatened \u2013 a church needing external repair (7)","Answer":"MENACED","Explanation":"Definition: Threatened \n(**A** **+** **CE** [Church {of England}]) **contained in** (needing external) **MEND** (repair)\n **MEN** (**A** **CE**) **D**\n\n**MENACED** (threatened)"} {"Clue":"Passage men cleared before a bullfight (7)","Answer":"CORRIDA","Explanation":"Definition: bullfight\n(**CORRIDOR** [passage] **excluding** [cleared] **OR** [other ranks; men]) **+** **A**\n \u00a0\n\n**CORRIDA** (bullfight)"} {"Clue":"In Herts town notice activity in shops etc (7)","Answer":"TRADING","Explanation":"Definition: activity in shops etc\n**AD** (advertisement; notice) **contained in** (in) **TRING** (town in Hertfordshire)\n **TR** (**AD**) **ING**\n\n**TRADING** (activity in shops etc)"} {"Clue":"Strive on with difficulty as one looking for financial return? (8)","Answer":"INVESTOR","Explanation":"Definition: one looking for financial return\n**Anagram of** (with difficulty) **STRIVE ON**\n **INVESTOR***\n\n**INVESTOR** (one putting money or time in, usually\u00a0in the hope of gaining a profitable return)"} {"Clue":"Poor fellow with drug injection (4)","Answer":"MEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Poor\n**MAN** (fellow) **containing** (with \u2026 injection) **E** (Ecstasy [hallucinogenic drug])\n **M** (**E**) **AN**\n\n**MEAN** (poor)"} {"Clue":"Objects seen as odd turning up in possession of some Parisian (6)","Answer":"DEMURS","Explanation":"Definition: Objects\n(**RUM** [odd] **reversed** [turning up; down clue]) **contained in** (in possession of) **DES** (a form of 'some' in French)\n **DE** (**MUR**)< **S**\n\n**DEMURS** (objects)"} {"Clue":"Silly person runs into a huge mass of rock! (5)","Answer":"MORON","Explanation":"Definition: Silly person\n**R** (runs, in cricket) **contained in** (into a) **MOON** (huge mass of rock)\n **MO** (**R**) **ON**\n\n**MORON** (silly person)"} {"Clue":"Group in bed overlooking lake (7)","Answer":"COTERIE","Explanation":"Definition: Group\n**COT** (bed) **+** **ERIE** (reference Lake **ERIE**, one of the Great Lakes) As this is a down clue, the letters of **COT** are overlooking the letters of **ERIE**\n \u00a0\n\n**COTERIE** (social, literary, or other exclusive circle; group)"} {"Clue":"Old phone used in final brief communication (7)","Answer":"NOTELET","Explanation":"Definition: brief communication\n(**O** + **TEL** [telephone {number}]) **contained in** (used in) **NET** (final or conclusive [of a result]) I can't find **TEL** as simply an abbreviation for telephone.\n **N** (**O** **TEL**) **ET**\n\n**NOTELET** (brief communication)"} {"Clue":"Seduce American naughtily offering sweet food (3-5,6)","Answer":"ICE-CREAM SUNDAE","Explanation":"Definition: sweet food\n**Anagram of** (naughtily) **SEDUCE AMERICAN**\n **ICE-CREAM SUNDAE***\n\n**ICE-CREAM SUNDAE** (sweet food)"} {"Clue":"Philosopher needing money to acquire new suit (9)","Answer":"LUCRETIUS","Explanation":"Definition: Philosopher\n**LUCRE** (sordid gain; riches,money) **+** **an anagram of** (new) **SUIT**\n **LUCRE** **TIUS***\n\n**LUCRETIUS** (Roman poet and philosopher)"} {"Clue":"I'm a beach thing constructed to hide person's bottom maybe (7,7)","Answer":"BATHING MACHINE","Explanation":"Definition: I'm a beach thing constructed to hide person's bottom maybe\n**Anagram of** (constructed) **I'M A BEACH THING** **containing** (to hide) **N** (**last letter of **[bottom] **PERSON**)\n **BATHING MACHI **(**N**)** E*** Either **N** could be the one contained.\n\n**BATHING MACHINE** (a wheeled bathing hut for transporting a bather into the sea; could well be used to hide all parts person's body)"} {"Clue":"Time boys gets immersed under water (6)","Answer":"SEASON","Explanation":"Definition: Time\n**SEA** (water) **+** **SON** (boy) Again a down clue, so **SON** is under **SEA **I think there is a typo in this clue where 'boys' should be 'boy'. I am working from a pre-publication copy of the crossword so the typo may be corrected in print.\n \u00a0\n\n**SEASON **(any particular time)"} {"Clue":"Successive actions by batsman to get out of trouble quickly (3,3,3)","Answer":"CUT AND RUN","Explanation":"Definition: get out of trouble quickly\n**CUT** (cricket stroke by a batsman) **+** **AND** (indicating a subsequent event) **+** **RUN** (what the batsman will do if the **CUT** beats the fielders and doesn't reach the boundary)\n \u00a0\n\n**CUT AND RUN** (get out of trouble quickly)"} {"Clue":"Apes in Civil Service led by somewhat cold female (6)","Answer":"MIMICS","Explanation":"Definition: Apes\n**MIMI** (reference the heroine **MIMI** in Puccini's opera La Boheme to whom is sung the aria 'Your tiny hand is frozen') **+** **CS** (civil service)\n \u00a0\n\n**MIMICS** (copies; apes)"} {"Clue":"Go on and on about a little girl looking happy (7)","Answer":"RADIANT","Explanation":"Definition: looking happy\n**RANT **(declaim bombastically; go on and on) **containing** (about) (**A** **+** **DI** [abbreviation [little] of a girl's name, **DIANA**)\n **R** (**A** **DI**) **ANT**\n\n**RADIANT** (beaming; looking happy)"} {"Clue":"One looking round attic initially for ghost? (7)","Answer":"HAUNTER","Explanation":"Definition: ghost\n**HUNTER **(one looking) **containing** (round) **A** (**first letter of **[initially] **ATTIC**)\n **H** (**A**) **UNTER**\n\n**HAUNTER** (one who **HAUNT**s in a ghostly fashion; ghost)"} {"Clue":"Port with large lump of ice \u2013 undesirable potation ultimately (6)","Answer":"BERGEN","Explanation":"Definition: Port\n**BERG** (reference **ICEBERG**, a large lump of ice) **+** **EN** (**last letters of** [ultimately] **each of UNDESIRABLE** **and** **POTATION**)\n \u00a0\n\n**BERGEN** (port city in Norway)"} {"Clue":"Lift what be light from what we hear (5)","Answer":"RAISE","Explanation":"Definition: Lift \n**RAISE** (**sounds like** [from what we hear] **RAYS** [light])\n \u00a0\n\n**RAISE** (lift)"} {"Clue":"It's beneficial to collect newer nuts in a leafy forest (9)","Answer":"GREENWOOD","Explanation":"Definition: leafy forest\n**GOOD** (beneficial) **containing** (to collect) (**an anagram of** [nuts] **NEWER**)\n **G** (**REENW***) **OOD**\n\n**GREENWOOD** (leafy forest)"} {"Clue":"Reservations full of tare \u2013 receptacles for 29 required (5)","Answer":"BUTTS","Explanation":"Definition: receptacles for 29 required\n**BUTS** (objections; reservations) **containing** (full of) **T** (tare)\n **BU** (**T**) **TS**\n\n**BUTTS** (large casks of varying capacities often used to store rainwater for use by **GARDENERS** [29 across])"} {"Clue":"The point when writing book and article's French hors d'oeuvres (7)","Answer":"NIBBLES","Explanation":"Definition: hors d'oeuvres\n**NIB** (the writing point of a pen) **+** **B** (book) **+** **LES** (one of the forms of the definite article in French)\n \u00a0\n\n**NIBBLES** (small items of savoury food eaten at parties, as snacks or appetizers; hors d'ouevres)"} {"Clue":"Dwelling too much in prison (7)","Answer":"COTTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Dwelling\n**OTT** (over the top; too much) **contained in** (in) **CAGE** (prison)\n **C** (**OTT**) **AGE**\n\n**COTTAGE** (dwelling)"} {"Clue":"Essentially holy piece of land (4)","Answer":"ACRE","Explanation":"Definition: piece of land\n**ACRE** (**middle letters of** [essentially] **SACRED** [holy])\n \u00a0\n\n**ACRE** (piece of land)"} {"Clue":"Bits of dust everywhere below stairs \u2013 it's a disgrace (10)","Answer":"DEBASEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: disgrace\n**DE** **(first letters of** [bits of] each of **DUST** and** EVERYWHERE**) **+** **BASEMENT** (the storey of a building beneath the ground floor; below stairs)\n \u00a0\n\n**DEBASEMENT** (degradation; disgrace)"} {"Clue":"On pack animal's back, the delight of 29? (6)","Answer":"FLOWER","Explanation":"Definition: delight of 29\n(**RE** [concerning] **+** **WOLF** [an animal for whom the collective noun is pack]) **all reversed** (back)\n (**FLOW** **ER**)<\n\n**FLOWER** (**GARDENERS** [29 across] take great delight in a beautiful **FLOWER**)"} {"Clue":"Fresh flower next to yard is protected by legal document (4-4)","Answer":"DEWY-EYED","Explanation":"Definition: Fresh\n(**WYE** [reference River **WYE**, one of which forms part of the border between England and Wales] **+** **Y** [yard]) **contained in** [protected by] **DEED** (legal document)\n **DE** (**WY E** **Y**) **ED**\n\n**DEWY-EYED** (fresh, innocent)"} {"Clue":"When to ask for quiet love, isn't complicated to me (8,4)","Answer":"QUESTION TIME","Explanation":"Definition: When to ask for\n**Anagram of** (complicated) **QUIET O** [zero; love score in tennis] and **ISNT** + **ME**\n **QUESTION TI*** **ME**\n\n**QUESTION TIME** (when to ask [for])"} {"Clue":"Acid level measure seen in earth and ground for shrub (6)","Answer":"DAPHNE","Explanation":"Definition: shrub\n**PH** (measure of acidity or alkalinity) **contained in** (seen in) (**an anagram of **[ground] **E** [earth] and **AND**)\n **DA** (**PH**) **NE***\n\n**DAPHNE** (any plant of the **DAPHNE**\u00a0genus (family *Thymelaeaceae*) of shrubs)"} {"Clue":"Practically impossible, what I do mostly when holding the pack and then getting pontoon? (10)","Answer":"IDEALISTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Practically impossible\n(**I DEAL** [what I do when holding the pack) + (**I STIC****K** [what I do when getting 21 points or pontoon when playing the game of the same name] **excluding the final letter** [mostly] **K**)\n \u00a0\n\n**IDEALISTIC** (describing a view or a target that is close to perfection but realistically unattainable; practically impossible)"} {"Clue":"Cold remained in earth that's challenging for 29 (4)","Answer":"CLAY","Explanation":"Definition: earth that's challenging for 29\n**C** (cold) **+** **LAY** (remained) \n \u00a0\n\n**CLAY **(a type of soil that is very challenging for **GARDENERS** [29 across])"} {"Clue":"Vehicle on fairly good short cut avoiding new arterial route (7)","Answer":"CAROTID","Explanation":"Definition: arterial route\n**CAR** (vehicle) **+** (**O****N** **+** **TIDY** [fairly good] **excluding** [avoiding] **N** [new] and also **excluding the final lette**r [short cut] **Y**)\n \u00a0\n\n**CAROTID **(relating to the two great arteries that supply blood to the head and neck; arterial route)"} {"Clue":"Director on fiddle drinking wine? Then he shouldn't be doing this (7)","Answer":"DRIVING","Explanation":"Definition: Then he shouldn't be doing this\n**D** (director) **+** (**RIG** [manipulate unscrupulously; fiddle] **containing** [drinking] **VIN** [wine])\n **D** **RI** (**VIN**) **G**\n\n**DRIVING** (something that shouldn't be done after drinking)"} {"Clue":"One of the 29 in spring rain after end of March has passed? (5)","Answer":"SOWER","Explanation":"Definition: One of the 29 in spring\n**SHOWER** (rain) **excluding** [after \u2026 has passed] **H** (**last letter of** [end of] **MARC****H**)\n \u00a0\n\n**SOWER** (descriptive of a [one of] **GARDENER**(S) in Spring)"} {"Clue":"Ends of soiled fingers are mostly green after working for these? (9)","Answer":"GARDENERS","Explanation":"Definition: these\n**Anagram of** (working) (**DS** [**last letters of** {ends of} **each of** **SOILED** and **FINGERS**] and **AR** [**most of the letters of** **AR****E**] and **GREEN**) \n **GARDENERS***\n\n**GARDENERS** (people who work for **GARDENERS** are likely to have green dirt on the ends of their fingers after working for **GARDENERS**)"} {"Clue":"Wizard prang's ending \u2013 after wings break off landfall goes slightly awry (7)","Answer":"GANDALF","Explanation":"Definition: Wizard\n**G** (**last letter of** [ending] **PRAN****G**) **+** **ANDALF** (**a minor\u00a0rearrangement** [goes slightly awry] of the letters remaining in **LANDFALL** **after the first and last letters** [wings] **L** and **L** **are excluded** [break off])\n \u00a0\n\n**GANDALF** (wizard in The Lord of the Rings)"} {"Clue":"Master holds lamb's tail and so it follows around barrier (7)","Answer":"EMBARGO","Explanation":"Definition: barrier\n**ERGO** (therefore; so it follows) **containing** (around) (**MA** [Master {of Arts}] **containing** [holds] **B** [last letter of {tail}** LAMB**])\n **E** (**M** (**B**) **A**) **RGO**\n\n**EMBARGO** ([trade] barrier)"} {"Clue":"Duck on far side of the river (4)","Answer":"NILE","Explanation":"Definition: river\n**NIL** (zero; duck score in cricket) **+** **E** (**last letter of** [far side of] **THE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**NILE** (reference the River **NILE**)"} {"Clue":"Boy's terrapin's eaten shellfish (6)","Answer":"OYSTER","Explanation":"Definition: shellfish\n**OYSTER** (**hidden word in** [eaten] **BOY'S TERRAPIN**)\n \u00a0\n\n**OYSTER** (a shellfish)"} {"Clue":"Bright girl dressed in scarlet coming up \u2013 she might select diamonds (8)","Answer":"DECLARER","Explanation":"Definition: she might select diamonds\n**CLARE** (girl's name. In Chambers the derivation of **CLARE** is defined as the Latin for bright) **contained in** (dressed in) (**RED** [scarlet is defined as a brilliant **RED**] **reversed** [coming up; down clue])\n **DE** (**CLARE**) **R**<\n\n**DECLARER** (In the card game Bridge, the **DECLARER** may bid in the suit of Diamonds)"} {"Clue":"Singular 6A with a berry in ferment where the tankards are stored (7-3)","Answer":"BUTTERY BAR","Explanation":"Definition: where the tankards are stored\n**BUTT** (singular of the entry at 6 across) **+ an anagram of** (in ferment) **A BERRY**\n **BUTT** **ERY BAR***\n\n**BUTTERY BAR** (**BUTTERY** is a room in especially an Oxford or Cambridge college where food and drink are supplied to students. The **BUTTERY BAR** is the ledge for holding tankards in the **BUTTERY**)"} {"Clue":"Attempt to restrain old King Lear perhaps (7)","Answer":"TRAGEDY","Explanation":"Definition: King Lear perhaps\n**TRY** (attempt) **containing** (to restrain) **AGED** (old)\n **TR** (**AGED**) **Y**\n\n**TRAGEDY** (Shakespeare's King Lear is considered to fall into category of a\u00a0**TRAGEDY**)"} {"Clue":"Sniffed out loose ends etc (7)","Answer":"SCENTED","Explanation":"Definition: Sniffed out\n**Anagram of** (loose) **ENDS ETC**\n **SCENTED***\n\n**SCENTED** (sniffed [out])"} {"Clue":"Even with the lid off for the time being, say, it's refreshing (10)","Answer":"VENTILATOR","Explanation":"Definition: it's refreshing\n**EVEN** **excluding the first letter** (with the lid off) **E** **+** **TILATOR** (**sounds like** [say] **TILL LATER** [for the time being])\n \u00a0\n\n**VENTILATOR** (device for introducing fresh air)"} {"Clue":"Pet hotel put to surprisingly good use (5-3)","Answer":"HOUSE DOG","Explanation":"Definition: Pet\n**H** (hotel) **+** **an anagram of** (surprisingly) **GOOD USE**\n **H** **OUSE DOG***\n\n**HOUSE DOG** (pet)"} {"Clue":"Fruit \u2013 five delivered in a day around church (7)","Answer":"QUINCES","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\n**QUINS** (**QUIN**tuplets, five babies\u00a0[delivered] at the same time [in a day]) **containing** (around) **CE** (Church of England)\n **QUIN** (**CE**) **S**\n\n**QUINCES** (fruit)"} {"Clue":"'Amsptead intellectual's heard of facial feature (7)","Answer":"EYEBROW","Explanation":"Definition: facial feature\n**EYEBROW** (sounds like [heard] **'IGHBROW** [intellectual] where the leading **H** is silent as in **'AMPSTEAD**)\n \u00a0\n\n**EYEBROW** (facial feature)"} {"Clue":"French lover seen in the Loire topless, leaving river to catch sun (7)","Answer":"HELOISE","Explanation":"Definition: French lover\n**THE LOIRE** (excluding the first letter (topless) **T** and then **excluding** (leaving) the **R** [river] and **replacing it with** [to catch] **S** (sun)\n **HELOISE**\n\n**HELOISE** (reference H\u00e9lo\u00efse d'Argenteuil, a French nun, writer, scholar, and abbess, best known for her love affair and correspondence with Peter Ab\u00e9lard)"} {"Clue":"Needing no introduction very unusual song for The Sea Hollies (7)","Answer":"ERYNGOS","Explanation":"Definition: Sea Hollies\n**V****ERY** **excluding the first letter** (needing no introduction) **V** **+ an anagram of** (unusual) **SONG**\n **ERY** **NGOS***\n\n**ERYNGOS** (sea hollies)"} {"Clue":"Last of the Scotch in hamper (6)","Answer":"HINDER","Explanation":"Definition: Last of the Scotch\n**HINDER** (Scottish word meaning last; last of the Scotch. Chambers says this usage of Scotch is valid, but it also says many people\u00a0prefer Scots or Scottish in this context. I'm with the many. I've always used Scotch only to refer to whisky or other products from Scotland)\n**HINDER** (hamper) double definition"} {"Clue":"Prankster pinching small component of jewellery? (6)","Answer":"JASPER","Explanation":"Definition: jewellery\n**JAPER** (prankster) **containing** (pinching) **S** (small) **JA** (**S**) **PER**\n\n**JASPER** (an opaque quartz containing clay or iron compounds, used in jewellery or ornamentation and red, yellow, brown or green in colour)"} {"Clue":"Collector's publication's a welcome prize (6)","Answer":"MAGPIE","Explanation":"Definition: Collector\n**MAG** (magazine; publication) **+** **PIE** (a welcome luxury or prize) \u00a0\n\n**MAGPIE** (hoarder; collector)"} {"Clue":"Hardy story father ignored in favour of two pieces of Dumas (7)","Answer":"DURABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Hardy\n**PARABLE** (story told to illustrate a moral point)) **excluding** (ignored) **PA** (father) and **replacing with** (in favour of) **DU** (**first two letters of **[two pieces] of **DUMAS**) **DURABLE**\n\n**DURABLE** (hardy)"} {"Clue":"Agreed marathon should double back round river and garden (7)","Answer":"NURSERY","Explanation":"Definition: garden\n(**YES** [agreed] **+** **RUN** [a marathon is an example of a **RUN**]) **reversed** (should double back) **containing** (round) **R** (river) (**NUR** **SE** (**R**) **Y**)<\n\n**NURSERY** (a place where plants are reared for sale or transplanting; garden)"} {"Clue":"Endlessly bewails snatching money in heist? (5)","Answer":"CRIME","Explanation":"Definition: heist?\n**CRIES** (bewails) **excluding the final letter** (endlessly) **S** **containing** (snatching) **M** (money, as in **M**0, **M**1 etc,monetary measures) **CRI **(**M**) **E**\n\n**CRIME **(heist being defined as robbery or theft is a **CRIME**)"} {"Clue":"Brass player to fade after beginning on tenth drink (9)","Answer":"TRUMPETER","Explanation":"Definition: Brass player\n**T **(**first letter of** [beginning] **T****ENTH**) **+** **RUM** (drink) **+** **PETER** (fade) \u00a0\n\n**TRUMPETER** (brass player)"} {"Clue":"What the one in every port has for seaborne lads adrift? (12)","Answer":"ADORABLENESS","Explanation":"Definition: What the one in every port has for seaborne lads adrift?\n**Anagram of** (adrift) **SEABORNE LADS** **ADORABLENESS***\n\n**ADORABLENESS** (capable of being loved or worshipped; presumably to lads who have been at sea for a long their [lady] friends in any port exhibit **ADORABLENESS**) I'll let the experts in &Lits decide whether this an example of the genre."} {"Clue":"Argument to upset that woman after Government's become united (4,8)","Answer":"GROW TOGETHER","Explanation":"Definition: become united\n**G** (government) **+** **ROW** (argument) **+** **TO** **+** **GET** (irritate; upset) **+** **HER** (that woman) \u00a0\n\n**GROW TOGETHER** (become united)"} {"Clue":"Many with quality show a source of magnetism (9)","Answer":"LOADSTONE","Explanation":"Definition: source of magnetism\n**LOADS **(many) **+** **TONE** (quality) \u00a0\n\n**LOADSTONE** (variant spelling of **LODESTONE**, a form of magnetite which exhibits polarity, behaving, when freely suspended)"} {"Clue":"Epitome of sex and vice as probed by religious study (5)","Answer":"SIREN","Explanation":"Definition: Epitome of sex\n**SIN** (vice) **containing** (probed by) **RE** (religious education) **SI** (**RE**) **N**\n\n**SIREN** (one of certain sea nymphs, part woman, part bird, whose seductive songs lured sailors to their deaths on rocks ; epitome of sex)"} {"Clue":"Denied and put off receiving trade union backing (7)","Answer":"REFUTED","Explanation":"Definition: Denied\n(**DEFER** [put off] **containing** [receiving] **TU** [Trade Union]) **all reversed** (backing) (**REF** (**UT**) **ED**)<\n\n**REFUTED** (denied)"} {"Clue":"Close to the wicket, finally moving forward, becoming sceptical (7)","Answer":"INFIDEL","Explanation":"Definition: sceptical \n**INFIELD** (the area close to the wicket in cricket) with **the final letter** [finally] **D** **moving forward** in the word **INFIDEL**\n\n**INFIDEL** (sceptical)"} {"Clue":"Newspaper interrupts academic (an intimidating woman) (6)","Answer":"DRAGON","Explanation":"Definition: an intimidating woman\n**RAG** (newspaper) **contained in** (interrupting) **DON** (academic) **D** (**RAG**) **ON**\n\n**DRAGON** (intimidating woman)"} {"Clue":"One disposing of Society stratum (6)","Answer":"SLAYER","Explanation":"Definition: One disposing of\n**S** (society) **+** **LAYER** (stratum) \u00a0\n\n**SLAYER** (one who kills [disposes of])"} {"Clue":"Hardy character cut down: one of the people upset regarding court ruling (8)","Answer":"JUDICIAL","Explanation":"Definition: regarding court ruling\n**JUDE** (reference **JUDE** the Obscure, from a Thomas Hardy novel of the same name) **excluding\u00a0the final letter** (cut down) **E** **+** **I** (one) **+** (**LAIC** [of the people] reversed [upset]) **JUD I CIAL**<\n\n**JUDICIAL** (relating to a judge, a court of justice or the administration of justice;)"} {"Clue":"Historic attendant, sort busy around Edward the Sixth? (8)","Answer":"SERVITOR","Explanation":"Definition: Historic attendant\n**Anagram of** (busy) **SORT** **containing** (around) (**ER** [Edward Rex] **+** **VI** [Roman numerals for six]) **S** (**ER** **VI**) **TOR***\n\n**SERVITOR **(Collins has this as an archaic word for a person who serves another; historic attendant; Chambers suggests that the word\u00a0may still be in use particularly in Universities to cover some housekeeping and administrative roles)"} {"Clue":"A cultural factor picked up about British Library ornament (7)","Answer":"EMBLEMA","Explanation":"Definition: ornament\n(**A** **+** **MEME** [a practice, belief, or other cultural feature that is passed on other than by genetic means]) **reversed** (picked up) **containing** (about) **BL** (British Library) **EM** (**BL**) **EM**< **A**<\n\n**EMBLEMA** (inlaid ornament)"} {"Clue":"Regarding acting, love being seen amongst stage items (7)","Answer":"APROPOS","Explanation":"Definition: Regarding\n**A** (acting) **+** (**O** [zero; love score in tennis] **contained in** [being seen amongst] **PROPS** [stage items]) **A** **PROP** (**O**) **S**\n\n**APROPOS** (regarding)"} {"Clue":"Sufficient power \u2013 and fast \u2013 needed by company ultimately (6)","Answer":"PLENTY","Explanation":"Definition: Sufficient\n**P** (power) **+** **LENT** (period of fasting) **+** **Y** (last letter of [ultimately] **COMPANY**) \u00a0\n\n**PLENTY** (abundance; sufficient, probably more than sufficient)"} {"Clue":"History supports Early English pessimist (6)","Answer":"EEYORE","Explanation":"Definition: pessimist\n**EE **(Early English) **+** **YORE** (long ago; history) As this is a down entry, the letters **YORE** are holding up [supporting] the letters **EE** \u00a0\n\n**EEYORE** (a pessimistic character in Winnie the Pooh books by A A Milne)"} {"Clue":"Cross caught in fishing tackle later (4)","Answer":"NEXT","Explanation":"Definition: later\n**X** (cross shape) **contained in** (in) **NET** (fishing tackle) **NE** (**X**) **T**\n\n**NEXT** (later)"} {"Clue":"Bar nude dancing round provoking suggestive comment (8)","Answer":"INNUENDO","Explanation":"Definition: suggestive comment\n**INN** (bar) **+** **an anagram of** (dancing) **NUDE** **+** **O** (round shape) **INN** **UEND*** **O**\n\n**INNUENDO** (suggestive comment)"} {"Clue":"What may be boring when encountered in cricket ground? Senior judges (3,5)","Answer":"LAW LORDS","Explanation":"Definition: Senior judges\n**AWL** (a tool that bores holes) **contained in** (encountered in) **LORDS** (cricket ground in London) **L** (**AW L**) **ORDS**\n\n**LAW LORDS** (senior judges)"} {"Clue":"Dull report involving scientists over a year is appearing in 24 hours (8)","Answer":"THURSDAY","Explanation":"Definition: 24 hours\n(**THUD** [dull report] **containing** [involving] **RS** [Royal Society; scientists]) **+** **A** **+** **Y** (year) **THU** (**RS**) **D** **A** **Y**\n\n**THURSDAY** (day of the week, a 24 hour period)"} {"Clue":"Mathematician with Napier's latest user of rods (8)","Answer":"WRANGLER","Explanation":"Definition: Mathematician\n**W** (with) **+** **R** (**last letter of **[latest] **NAPIER**) **+** **ANGLER** (user of rods)\n**WRANGLER** (at Cambridge University, a student gaining first-class honours in the final mathematics examinations)"} {"Clue":"Meal is too much, filling half of room (7)","Answer":"RISOTTO","Explanation":"Definition: Meal\n(**IS** **+** **OTT** [over the top; too much]) **contained in** (filling) **RO** (**2 of the 4** [half] **letters of** **ROOM**) **R** (**IS** **OTT**) **O**\n\n**RISOTTO** (dish of rice cooked in stock with meat or seafood, onions and other vegetables, and cheese, etc; meal)"} {"Clue":"Suffering flu getting letters read aloud first thing \u2013 that's calming (7)","Answer":"EASEFUL","Explanation":"Definition: calming \n**EASE** (**sounds like** [read aloud] **Es** [letters]) **+** **an anagram of **(suffering) **FLU** **EASE** **FUL***\n\n**EASEFUL** (calming)"} {"Clue":"Poor cake-maker \u2013 not quite entirely cooked \u2013 I will slip away (6)","Answer":"ALFRED","Explanation":"Definition: Poor cake-maker\n(**ALL** [entirely] **excluding the final letter** [not quite] **L**) + (**FRIED** [cooked] **excluding** [slip away] **I**) \u00a0\n\n**ALFRED** (reference King **ALFRED** who is reputed to have burnt cakes; poor cake-maker)"} {"Clue":"Fibres, excellent, fine, and very much twisted (6)","Answer":"RAFFIA","Explanation":"Definition: Fibres\n(**AI** [A1; excellent] **+** **F** [fine] **+** **FAR** [very much]) **all reversed** (twisted) (**RAF** **F** **IA**)<\n\n**RAFFIA** (the Raphia palm or its leaf-bast; fibres)"} {"Clue":"Time to pick up this amendment (4)","Answer":"EDIT","Explanation":"Definition: amendment\n**TIDE** (time) **reversed** (to pick up; down clue) **EDIT**<\n\n**EDIT** (amendment)"} {"Clue":"Where raised beds get watered first (4,7)","Answer":"ROOF GARDENS","Explanation":"Definition: Where raised beds get watered first\n**ROOF GARDENS **(garden beds that are raised above ground level)\n \u00a0\n\n**ROOF GARDENS** (if the gardens are on the roof, they'll get the rain before gardens on the ground)"} {"Clue":"Pawnbroker's article needs to be scrubbed (7)","Answer":"UNCLEAN","Explanation":"Definition: needs to be scrubbed\n**UNCLE **(pawnbroker) **+** **AN** (indefinite article)\n \u00a0\n\n**UNCLEAN** (in a state that can be improved by scrubbing)"} {"Clue":"Baroque garret a source of some zest? (6)","Answer":"GRATER","Explanation":"Definition: a source of some zest\n**Anagram of **(baroque) **GARRET**\n **GRATER***\n\n**GRATER** (an instrument with a rough surface for rubbing down to small particles, e.g. for creating the zest of a citrus fruit)"} {"Clue":"Men with floats place daises over here at centre (10)","Answer":"PLASTERERS","Explanation":"Definition: Men with floats\n**PL** (place) **+** (**ASTERS** [daisies] **containing** [over] **ER** [**middle letters of **{at the centre} **HERE**)\n **PL** **AST** (**ER**) **ERS**\n\n**PLASTERERS** (a float is a **PLASTERER**'s trowel and is also used by him \/ her for smoothing newly created surfaces)"} {"Clue":"Where surgeon should be, having reached peak? (4)","Answer":"ATOP","Explanation":"Definition: reached peak\n**AT** **OP** (operation) \u2013 a surgeon place is at an operation\n \u00a0\n\n**ATOP **(at the peak)"} {"Clue":"Saved grass judge cut (8)","Answer":"REDEEMED","Explanation":"Definition: Saved\n**DEEM** (judge) **contained in** (cut) **REED** (grass)\n **RE** (**DEEM**) **ED**\n\n**REDEEMED** (rescued; saved)"} {"Clue":"Right way to go about problem with truss? (3,3)","Answer":"DRY ROT","Explanation":"Definition: problem with truss\n(**TORY** [Conservative; someone who's politics are right of centre] **+** **RD** [road, way]) **all reversed** (go about)\n (**DR** **Y ROT**)**<**\n\n**DRY ROT** (potential problem with a wooden truss)"} {"Clue":"Joe bowled over ladies perhaps in blockhouses (6)","Answer":"IGLOOS","Explanation":"Definition: blockhouses\n**GI** (reference **GI** Joe, American soldier) **reversed** (bowled over) **+** **LOOS** (e.g Ladies **LOOS**)\n **GI**< **LOOS**\n\n**IGLOOS** (houses made of blocks of ice; blockhouses)"} {"Clue":"Left in tender for finial, say (8)","Answer":"PINNACLE","Explanation":"Definition: finial\n**L** (left) **contained in** (in) **PINNACE** (a warship's tender boat)\n **PINNAC** (**L**) **E**\n\n**PINNACLE** (a slender turret or spiry structure in architecture; a finial can be defined in a similar fashion)"} {"Clue":"Part of foot incorporated heel originally (4)","Answer":"INCH","Explanation":"Definition: Part of foot\n**INC** (incorporated) **+** **H** (**first letter of** [originally] **HEEL**)\n \u00a0\n\n**INCH** (subdivision of a foot in imperial measurement)"} {"Clue":"Article by Brussels reps about animal refuge and playgrounds (5,5)","Answer":"THEME PARKS","Explanation":"Definition: playgrounds\n**THE** (definite article) + (**MEPS** [Members of the European Parliament; Brussels reps] **containing** [about] **ARK** [reference Noah and his refuge for animals during the flood])\n **THE** **ME P** (**ARK**) **S**\n\n**THEME PARKS** (playgrounds)"} {"Clue":"Was it built by Queen to house lover once? (6)","Answer":"ANNEXE","Explanation":"Definition: Was it built by Queen to house lover once\n**ANNE** (reference Queen **ANNE**) **containing** (to house) **EX** (former lover) \n **ANN**** **(**EX**) **E**\n\n**ANNEXE** (a building that is an addition to an existing building. Could possibly be built to house a lover)"} {"Clue":"Woven with nets this stuff could make macintoshes (7)","Answer":"CHAMOIS","Explanation":"Definition: this stuff\n**Compound anagram** where the solution together with another word in the clue can be anagrammed to form a third word in the clue In this case **NETS** and **CHAMOIS** can be **anagrammed** [could make] **MACI****NT****OSH****ES**\n \u00a0\n\n**CHAMOIS** (material; stuff)"} {"Clue":"Basis of kettle's note changing? (11)","Answer":"CORNERSTONE","Explanation":"Definition: Basis of \n**CORNERS** (kettles; kettling, also known as containment or corralling, is a police tactic for controlling large crowds during demonstrations or protests. It involves the formation of large cordons of police officers who then move to contain a crowd within a limited area) + an **anagram of** (changing) **NOTE**\n **CORNERS** **TONE***\n\n**CORNERSTONE** (principal stone; most important element; basis)"} {"Clue":"Royal in charge had assumed right to be king (7)","Answer":"RICHARD","Explanation":"Definition: king\n**R** (royal) **+** **IC** (in charge) **+** (**HAD** **containing** [assumed] **R** [right])\n **R** **IC** **HA** (**R**) **D**\n\n**RICHARD** (reference the Kings **RICHARD** of England)"} {"Clue":"Excessive direction in finale to Blackadder (4,3,3)","Answer":"OVER THE TOP","Explanation":"Definition: Excessive\n**OVER THE TOP** (The final scene in the last episode of Blackadder had many of the main characters going **OVER THE TOP** out of the trenches in the First World War)\n \u00a0\n\n**OVER THE TOP** (excessive) double definition"} {"Clue":"They cross lines repositioning e.g. trains (8)","Answer":"GANTRIES","Explanation":"Definition: They cross lines\n**Anagram of **(repositioning) **E.G. TRAINS** \n **GANTRIES***\n\n**GANTRIES** (bridges for railway signals above the [railway] lines)"} {"Clue":"Ginger man behind the 20 \/ 8 (6)","Answer":"ROGERS","Explanation":"Definition: Ginger\n**ROGERS** (reference Ginger **ROGERS** [1911 to 1995] film star and dancer)\n**ROGERS** (reference Lord\u00a0Richard **ROGERS**, architect who designed the new building at 122 Leadenhall Street, London which is referred to as the **CHEESE GRATER** (20 down \/ 8 across) because of its shape. The building has been in the news recently as three bolts have fallen off it)"} {"Clue":"Use language that exhibits style and vigour (4)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: style and vigour\n**\u00c9LAN** (**hidden word in** [that exhibits] **USE LANGUAGE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**\u00c9LAN** (style and vigour)"} {"Clue":"Officer's protected by translucent screen (7)","Answer":"SHELTER","Explanation":"Definition: style and vigour\n**\u00c9LAN** (**hidden word in** [that exhibits] **USE LANGUAGE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**\u00c9LAN** (style and vigour)"} {"Clue":"Top drug writer's swamped by books (5,5)","Answer":"UPPER LIMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Top\n**UPPER **(drug) **+** (**I'M** [writer's] **contained in** [swamped by] **LIT** [literature; books)\n **UPPER** **L** (**IM**) **IT**\n\n**UPPER LIMIT** (top value)"} {"Clue":"Is he so sloshed after a tankard of beer in The Crown? (10)","Answer":"APOTHEOSIS","Explanation":"Definition: The Crown\n**A** **+** **POT** (tankard) **+** **an anagram of** (sloshed) **IS HE SO**\n **A** **POT** **HEOSIS***\n\n**APOTHEOSIS** (high point; pinnacle; crown)"} {"Clue":"It could be adorning a platform at the front (5,5)","Answer":"GRAND PIANO","Explanation":"Definition: It could be adorning a platform at the front \n**Anagram of** (it could be) **ADORNING A** and **P** (**first letter of** [at the front] **PLATFORM**)\n **GRAND PIANO***\n\n**GRAND PIANO** (an instrument that could take pride of place on the platform at a concert)"} {"Clue":"How Jagger introduces himself during Gilbert & Sullivan stunts? (8)","Answer":"GIMMICKS","Explanation":"Definition: stunts\n**I'M MICK** (How **MICK** Jagger, of Rolling Stones fame, might introduce himself) **contained in** (during) **G **and** S** (Gilbert and Sullivan)\n **G** (**IM** **MICK**) **S**\n\n**GIMMICKS** (stunts)"} {"Clue":"Resin coating fake coin not revealing much (7)","Answer":"LACONIC","Explanation":"Definition: not revealing much\n**LAC **(resin) **containing** (coating) **an anagram of** (fake) **COIN** \n **LA** (**CONI***) **C**\n\n**LACONIC** (expressed in a few words; not revealing much)"} {"Clue":"Undermine decorator working at shed (7)","Answer":"CORRODE","Explanation":"Definition: Undermine\n**Anagram of **(working) **DECORATOR** **excluding** (shed) **AT**\n **CORRODE***\n\n**CORRODE** (eat away by degrees; undermine)"} {"Clue":"It's said to make better still what's brought on board (6)","Answer":"CHEESE","Explanation":"Definition: It's said to make better still\n**CHEESE** (what the photographer asks people to say to make them smile and improve the picture when he \/ she is taking a still photograph)\n \u00a0\n\n**CHEESE** (**CHEESE** is often served on a board) double definition"} {"Clue":"Move around, missing stove at the back (4)","Answer":"REAR","Explanation":"Definition: back\n**REARRANGE** (move around) **excluding** (missing) **RANGE** (stove)\n \u00a0\n\n**REAR** (back)"} {"Clue":"Success at games table bringing a bit of protest at the doorway? (6,4)","Answer":"LITTLE SLAM","Explanation":"Definition: Success at games table\n**LITTLE SLAM** (**SLAM**ming a door can be seen as a show of petulance or protest, so a **LITTLE SLAM** could be just a bit of a protest)\n \u00a0\n\n**LITTLE SLAM** (winning all but one trick in a hand of bridge; success at games table)"} {"Clue":"A learner expelled by one country or another (7)","Answer":"AUSTRIA","Explanation":"Definition: another\n**AUSTRALIA** (country) **excluding** (expelled) (**A** **+ L** [learner]) to leave **AUSTRIA**\n \u00a0\n\n**AUSTRIA** ([another] country)"} {"Clue":"Very old instrument shows spiral decoration (6)","Answer":"VOLUTE","Explanation":"Definition: spiral decoration\n**V** (very) **+** **O** (old) **+** **LUTE** ([musical] instrument)\n \u00a0\n\n**VOLUTE** (spiral scroll)"} {"Clue":"A worker bothered about an old conflict in the fifties (6,3)","Answer":"KOREAN WAR","Explanation":"Definition: old conflict in the fifties\n**Anagram of **(bothered) **A WORKER** **containing** (about) **AN**\n **KORE** (**AN**) **WAR***\n\n**KOREAN WAR** (conflict in the 1950s) I think the word 'old' is in the clue simply to follow 'an' as you can't say 'an conflict' I suppose though to many solvers the 1950s will seem 'old'"} {"Clue":"Battle to get money, pounds involved (5)","Answer":"CLASH","Explanation":"Definition: Battle\n**L** (pounds sterling) **contained in** (involved) **CASH** (money)\n **C** (**L**) **ASH**\n\n**CLASH** (battle)"} {"Clue":"Across time for restraint, pay out in large quantities (7)","Answer":"APLENTY","Explanation":"Definition: in large quantities\n**Anagram of** (out) **PAY** **containing** (across) **LENT** (time of fasting in the Christian church; time for restraint)\n **AP** (**LENT**) **Y***\n\n**APLENTY** (in large quantities)"} {"Clue":"After brief time we stop silly dance (3-4)","Answer":"TWO-STEP","Explanation":"Definition: dance\n**T** (abbreviation for [brief] time) **+** **an anagram of **(silly) **WE STOP**\n **T** **WO STEP***\n\n**TWO-STEP** (gliding dance in duple time)"} {"Clue":"Sympathetic type looking embarrassed? (7)","Answer":"KINDRED","Explanation":"Definition: Sympathetic\n**KIND** (type) **+** **RED** (looking embarrassed)\n \u00a0\n\n**KINDRED** (both sympathetic and **KINDRED** can be defined as congenial)"} {"Clue":"French king entertaining saints and trendy composer (7)","Answer":"ROSSINI","Explanation":"Definition: composer\n**ROI **(French for king) **containing** (entertaining) (**S** [saint] **+** **S** [saint] giving saints **+** **IN** [trendy])\n **RO **(**S** **S** **IN**) **I**\n\n**ROSSINI** (reference Gioachino **ROSSINI** [1792 \u2013 1868], Italian composer)"} {"Clue":"Influence of preacher (5)","Answer":"REACH","Explanation":"Definition: Influence \n**REACH** (**hidden word in** [of] **P****REACH****ER**)\n \u00a0\n\n**REACH** (influence)"} {"Clue":"Informing on group imbibing drink after end of time (9)","Answer":"REPORTING","Explanation":"Definition: Informing on \n**RING** (group) **containing** (imbibing) (**E** [**last letter of** {end of} **TIM****E** **+** **PORT** [drink])\n **R** (**E** **PORT**) **ING**\n\n**REPORTING** (informing on)"} {"Clue":"Abandon colour (6)","Answer":"MAROON","Explanation":"Definition: Abandon\n**MAROON** (abandon)\n \u00a0\n\n**MAROON **(colour) double definition"} {"Clue":"With troubles returning inner order is needed by a country (7)","Answer":"SOMALIA","Explanation":"Definition: country\n(**OM** [order of merit] **+** **A**) **contained in** (inner) (**AILS** [troubles] **reversed**])\n **S** (**OM** **A**) **LIA**<\n\n**SOMALIA** (country)"} {"Clue":"Spiteful man maybe, savage knocking one out (10)","Answer":"MALEVOLENT","Explanation":"Definition: Spiteful \n**MALE** (man, could be a boy, so the use of maybe) **+** (**VIOLENT** [savage] **excluding** [knocking out] **I** [one])\n \u00a0\n\n**MALEVOLENT** (spiteful)"} {"Clue":"Poet's wretched, wanting a girl? (5)","Answer":"LORNA","Explanation":"Definition: girl\n**LORN** (poetic word for wretched [Collins])\u00a0**+** **A**\n \u00a0\n\n**LORNA** (girl's name)"} {"Clue":"Track? It's what army rebuilt \u2013 hard to miss it (7)","Answer":"TRAMWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Track\n**Anagram of** (rebuilt) **W****H****AT ARMY** **excluding** (to miss it) **H** (hard [describing pencil lead])\n **TRAMWAY***\n\n**TRAMWAY** (track)"} {"Clue":"Small creature left mountain with seconds to spare (7)","Answer":"LEVERET","Explanation":"Definition: Small creature\n**L** (left) + (**EVERE****S****T** [mountain] **excluding** [to spare **S** [seconds])\n \u00a0\n\n**LEVERET** (young hare; small creature)"} {"Clue":"American at the end of a social, drunk and lustful (9)","Answer":"SALACIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: lustful\n**Anagram of **(drunk) **A SOCIAL ****+** **US** (United States; American)\n **SALACIO*** **US**\n\n**SALACIOUS** (lustful)"} {"Clue":"An area said to be entrance (7)","Answer":"ATTRACT","Explanation":"Definition: entrance\n**A** (an) **+** **TTRACT** (sounds like [said to be] **TRACT** [area])\n \u00a0\n\n**ATTRACT** (allure; entrance)"} {"Clue":"What rebel cricketers once did for traveller (10)","Answer":"BACKPACKER","Explanation":"Definition: traveller\n**BACK **(support) **+** **PACKER** (reference Kerry **PACKER** [1937 \u2013 2005], Australian businessman who founded World Series Cricket which attracted support from many professional cricketers upset by the conservative financial policies of the traditional guardians of the games. World Series Cricket offered significantly more money)\n**BACKPACKER** (traveller carrying his \/ her belongings on their back)"} {"Clue":"Like stars in cast, rallying (6)","Answer":"ASTRAL","Explanation":"Definition: Like stars\n**ASTRAL** (**hidden word in** (in) **CAST RALLYING**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ASTRAL** (belonging to the stars)"} {"Clue":"Spooner's cleaning up had to make one very angry (7,3)","Answer":"HOPPING MAD","Explanation":"Definition: very angry\n**MOPPING** (cleaning up) **+** **HAD** expressed as a Spoonerism\n \u00a0\n\n**HOPPING MAD** (very angry)"} {"Clue":"British PM meeting European in place few get to (5,4)","Answer":"NORTH POLE","Explanation":"Definition: place few get to \n**NORTH** (reference Lord **NORTH**, British Prime Minister from 1770 to 1782) **+** **POLE** (European)\n \u00a0\n\n**NORTH POLE** ( a place that few people get to)"} {"Clue":"Indian city to the south of province invaded by a river (7)","Answer":"NIAGARA","Explanation":"Definition: river\n**NI** (Northern Ireland; province) **+** (**AGRA** [Indian City] **containing** [invaded by] **A**)\n **NI** **AG** (**A**) **RA**\n\n**NIAGARA** (river from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario forming part of the border between Ontario and New York State)"} {"Clue":"See a dog run around Mexican city (7)","Answer":"DURANGO","Explanation":"Definition: See\n**Anagram of **(around) **A DOG RUN**\n **DURANGO***\n\n**DURANGO** (city in the Mexican state of the same name) **DURANGO** is a Roman Catholic Archdiocese so can also be defined by the word 'See'."} {"Clue":"Last words, so upsetting, coming with the heartless reply (7)","Answer":"RIPOSTE","Explanation":"Definition: reply\n**RIP **(Rest in Peace; last words) **+** **SO** reversed [upsetting]) **+** **TE** (**T****H****E** with the middle letter H removed [heartless])\n **RIP** **OS**< **TE**\n\n**RIPOSTE** (reply)"} {"Clue":"Old chemical company, not half ingenious producing something very cold (6)","Answer":"ICICLE","Explanation":"Definition: something very cold\n**ICI** (a former British chemical company taken over by Akzo Nobel in 2007) **+** **CLEVER** (ingenious) excluding the second half of the letters (not half) **VER**\n \u00a0\n\n**ICICLE** (hanging tapering piece of ice; something very cold)"} {"Clue":"Brief delay (5)","Answer":"REMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Brief\n**REMIT** (delay)\n \u00a0\n\n**REMIT** (brief) double definition"} {"Clue":"Cockney's suitably pure? (5,2,1,7)","Answer":"CLEAN AS A WHISTLE","Explanation":"Definition: pure\n**WHISTLE AND FLUTE** is Cockney rhyming slang for a suit, sometimes\u00a0abbreviated simply to **WHISTLE. CLEAN AS A WHISTLE **presumably then can refer to a very clean suit\n \u00a0\n\n**CLEAN AS A WHISTLE** (pure I don't think I have explained this particularly well, but I think I've given a flavour of the correct parsing.)"} {"Clue":"Politician clocked leaving home (Conservative not Nationalist) (7,4)","Answer":"MICHAEL GOVE","Explanation":"Definition: Politician\n**Anagram** of (clocked) **LEAVING HOME** **excluding** (not)\u00a0**N** (nationalist) but **replacing it** (for) **with** **C** (Conservative)\n **MI** **C** **HAEL GOVE***\n\n**MICHAEL GOVE** (Conservative politician, currently Chief Whip, but previously Secretary of State for Education)"} {"Clue":"She's well-endowed through not all there (5)","Answer":"ELLEN","Explanation":"Definition: She\n**ELLEN** (**hidden word in** [not all there] **WELL-ENDOWED**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ELLEN** (girl's name; she)"} {"Clue":"Statement complete nonsense at the start, one's gathered (9)","Answer":"UTTERANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Statement\n**UTTER **(complete) **+** (**ACE** [one] **containing** [gathered] **N** [**first letter of **{at the start} **NONSENSE**}])\n **UTTER** **A** (**N**) **CE**\n\n**UTTERANCE** (statement)"} {"Clue":"Support for writers when included in unconvincing government policy (4,2,6)","Answer":"BACK TO BASICS","Explanation":"Definition: unconvincing government policy\n**BACK** (support) **+** **TO** (for) **+** (**AS** [when)] c**ontained in** [included in] **BICS** [ballpoint pens; writers])\n **BACK** **TO** **B** (**AS**) **ICS**\n\n**BACK TO BASICS** (Conservative Party [and consequently government] when John Major was Prime Minister. Intended as a return to traditional values, it lost a lot of credibility when Conservative Ministers and MPs were shown to have been embroiled in events\u00a0that lacked displays of such values)"} {"Clue":"Major initiative (again) in school 10 spelt out with force (5,7)","Answer":"CONES HOTLINE","Explanation":"Definition: Major initiative (again)\n(**Anagram of** [out] **IN SCHOOL** and **TEN** [10 spelt]) **+** **E** (electromotive force)\n **CONES HOTLIN*** **E**\n\n**CONES HOTLINE** (The **CONES HOTLINE **was another less than successful initiative implemented by Prime Minister John Major in June 1992 to allow members of the public to enquire about roadworks and\u00a0report areas where traffic cones had been deployed on a road for no apparent reason. The hotline was widely seen as being a waste of government resources, costing several thousand pounds per year to run. It was quietly disbanded in September 1995, having fielded a total of fewer than twenty thousand calls. Still today we have miles of traffic cones lining our roads for no apparent reason."} {"Clue":"Sister's novel form of gas energy (5,4)","Answer":"AGNES GREY","Explanation":"Definition: Sister's novel\n**Anagram of** (form of) **GAS ENERGY**\n **AGNES GREY***\n\n**AGNES GREY** (debut novel of Anne Bront\u00eb, one of the Bront\u00eb sisters)"} {"Clue":"Are sons going outside? (5)","Answer":"EXIST","Explanation":"Definition: Are\n**S** (sons) **contained in** (outside) **EXIT** (departure; going)\n **EXI **(**S**) **T**\n\n**EXIST** (are)"} {"Clue":"Merc this lot ordered might be one (7,4)","Answer":"STRETCH LIMO","Explanation":"Definition: Merc this lot ordered might be one\n**Anagram of **(ordered) **MERC THIS LOT**\n **STRETCH LIMO***\n\n**STRETCH LIMO** (\u00a0luxurious, custom-made limousine that has been lengthened to provide extra seating, etc which could well be constructed on a Mercedes (Merc) chassis)"} {"Clue":"Bond season \u2013 where's M (3)","Answer":"TIE","Explanation":"Definition: Bond\n**TIME** (season) **excluding** (where is; where's) **M**\n \u00a0\n\n**TIE** (bond)"} {"Clue":"Cleaner suit worn after terse words in private (7,8)","Answer":"CURTAIN LECTURES","Explanation":"Definition: words in private\n**CURT **(terse) **+** **an anagram of** (worn) **CLEANER SUIT**\n **CURT** **AIN LECTURES***\n\n**CURTAIN LECTURES** (reproofs given in private)"} {"Clue":"Seemingly reluctant to admit old female socialist needing a clean-up (8)","Answer":"COBWEBBY","Explanation":"Definition: needing a clean-up\n**COY** (affectedly shy; seemingly reluctant) **containing** (to admit) **(B WEBB** [reference Beatrice **WEBB**, Baroness Passfield [1858 \u2013 1942], socialist] )\n **CO** (**B WEBB**) **Y**\n\n**COBWEBBY** (covered in **COBWEB**s and needing a clean-up)"} {"Clue":"It's handy in the kitchen but encourages vermin (3,5)","Answer":"EGG SLICE","Explanation":"Definition: It's handy in the kitchen\n**EGGS** (encourage) **+** **LICE** (vermin)\n \u00a0\n\n**EGG SLICE** (a gadget useful [handy] in the kitchen)"} {"Clue":"Maybe Fran\u00e7ois is describing state proposals (11)","Answer":"NOMINATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: proposals\n**NOM** (French for name; Fran\u00e7ois is a French name)**+**\u00a0(**IS ****containing** [describing] **NATION** [state])\n **NOM** **I** (**NATION**) **S**\n\n**NOMINATIONS** (proposals)"} {"Clue":"'Die lowlife b\u2014\u2014!' \u2013 copper climbing in (7)","Answer":"SUCCUMB","Explanation":"Definition: Die\n(**CU** [chemical symbol for copper] **reversed** [climbing]) **contained in** (in) (**SCUM** [lowlife] **+** **B**) \n **S** (**UC**)< **CUM** **B**\n\n**SUCCUMB** (die)"} {"Clue":"Having succeeded, drinking a lot of green spirits (7)","Answer":"WRAITHS","Explanation":"Definition: spirits\n(**WITH** [having] **+** **S** {succeeded]) **containing** (drinking) (**RA****W** [green] **excluding the last letter** [a lot of] **W**)\n **W** (**RA**) **ITH** **S**\n\n**WRAITHS** (spectres; spirits)"} {"Clue":"Injury from falling over (3)","Answer":"ILL","Explanation":"Definition: Injury\n**ILL** (**hidden word in** [from] **FALLING** **reversed** [over])\n **ILL**<\n\n**ILL** (injury)"} {"Clue":"Difficult time to get sexy (6)","Answer":"THORNY","Explanation":"Definition: Difficult\n**T** (time) **+** **HORNY** (sexually aroused)\n \u00a0\n\n**THORNY** (difficult)"} {"Clue":"Equalised just before finish \u2013 gutted! (6)","Answer":"EVENED","Explanation":"Definition: Equalised\n**EVEN** (just) **+** (**E****N****D** [finish] **excluding the middle letter** [gutted] **N**)\n \u00a0\n\n**EVENED** (equalised)"} {"Clue":"Eat both \u2013 as a consequence cause trouble (4,3,4)","Answer":"ROCK THE BOAT","Explanation":"Definition: cause trouble\n**THE BOAT** is **an anagram** (**ROCK**) of **EAT BOTH**. Hence in cryptic crossword terms** EAT BOTH **is a consequence of** ROCK THE BOAT**\n \u00a0\n\n**ROCK THE BOAT** (cause trouble)"} {"Clue":"Muscles are rubbish (3)","Answer":"ABS","Explanation":"Definition: Muscles\n**A** (are) **+** **BS** (bullshit; rubbish)\n \u00a0\n\n**ABS** (muscles)"} {"Clue":"Could be May 1 in church (8)","Answer":"MINISTER","Explanation":"Definition: Could be May\n**I** (one) **contained in** (in) **MINSTER** (church)\n **MIN** (**I**) **STER**\n\n**MINISTER** (at the time of writing this blog, Theresa **MAY** is a **MINISTER** ([Secretary of State for the Home Department] in the UK Government)"} {"Clue":"Order cows head (8)","Answer":"NEATNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Order\n**NEAT **(cows) **+** **NESS** (headland)\n \u00a0\n\n**NEATNESS** (order)"} {"Clue":"Get to hide the dirt (7)","Answer":"EARTHEN","Explanation":"Definition: dirt\n**EARN** (acquire; get) **containing** (to hide) **THE**\n **EAR** (**THE)** **N**\n\n**EARTHEN** (made of earth or clay; dirt)"} {"Clue":"Why are Labour adopting Independent? It's mad (7)","Answer":"HAYWIRE","Explanation":"Definition: mad\n**Anagram of **(labour) **WHY ARE** **containing** (adopting) **I **(independent)\n **HAYW** (**I**) **RE***\n\n**HAYWIRE** (mad)"} {"Clue":"Wine and where it can be bought on account (6)","Answer":"BARSAC","Explanation":"Definition: Wine\n**BARS** (places where wine can be bought) **+** **AC** (account)\n \u00a0\n\n**BARSAC **(a sweet white wine)"} {"Clue":"He may prevent partner getting off with men \u2026 and touching up Poles! (6)","Answer":"SNORER","Explanation":"Definition: He may prevent partner getting off\n**SN** (South and North poles) **+** **OR** (other ranks) **+** (**RE **[concerning; touching] **reversed** [up])\n **SN** **OR** **ER**<\n\n**SNORER** (one who may keep his \/ her partner from sleeping [getting off])"} {"Clue":"Supporter heard talk about possible cup entrant (3,3)","Answer":"TEA BAG","Explanation":"Definition: possible cup entrant\n**TEA** (**sounds like** [heard] **TEE** [supporter for a golf ball]) **+** (**GAB** [talk] **reversed** [about]) \n **TEA** **BAG**<\n\n**TEA BAG** (an item that goes in a cup when making tea)"} {"Clue":"Fosbury flops? About last in field come to land without getting on the board? (8)","Answer":"BODYSURF","Explanation":"Definition: come to land without getting on the board\n**Anagram of **(flops) **FOSBURY** **containing** (about) **D** (final letter of [last in] **FIELD**)\n **BO** (**D**) **YSURF***\n\n**BODYSURF** (to surf without a board by lying on a wave; come to land without getting on board)"} {"Clue":"Amazonian aloft in tree (4)","Answer":"TUPI","Explanation":"Definition: Amazonian\n**UP** (aloft) **contained in** (in) **TI** (a small Pacific liliaceous tree)\n **T** (**UP**) **I**\n\n**TUPI **(S American of a group of peoples inhabiting the Atlantic coast and the Amazon basin)"} {"Clue":"Feel pain with work in steplike excavation (7)","Answer":"STOPING","Explanation":"Definition: steplike excavation\n**STING** (feel pain) **containing** (with \u2026 in) **OP** (opus; work)\n **ST **(**OP**) **ING**\n\n**STOPING** (steplike excavation)"} {"Clue":"Tennant's tache? Luvvie trimming it shortly initially (4)","Answer":"HESP","Explanation":"Definition: Tennant's tache\n**THESP **(thespian; actor [sometimes attributed facetiously]; luvvie) is defined as an actor or other member of the entertainment industry, especially when regarded as overly pretentious or affected) **excluding the first letter** (trimmed initially) **T**\n \u00a0\n\n**HESP** (Scot's form of [Tennant's, possibly a reference to the Scottish actor David Tennant] HASP [clasp]. Tache can be defined as a fastening or clasp"} {"Clue":"What's said by one disgusted by weather rarely occurring here? (7)","Answer":"BAHRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: here\n**BAH **(expression of disgust) **+** **RAIN** (weather uncommon in the Arabian peninsula)\n \u00a0\n\n**BAHRAIN** (a kingdom on the Arabian peninsula beside the Persian Gulf)"} {"Clue":"SA sparrow that is seen on boggy ground (6)","Answer":"MOSSIE","Explanation":"Definition: SA sparrow\n**MOSS** (boggy ground) **+** **I.E.** (id est; that is)\n \u00a0\n\n**MOSSIE** (a common South African Sparrow)"} {"Clue":"Beetle heading for escape \u2013 it may go into sacks (4)","Answer":"JUTE","Explanation":"Definition: it may go into sacks\n**JUT **(one definition of beetle as a verb is to **JUT**) **+** **E** (**first letter of** [heading for] **ESCAPE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**JUTE** (material used for making sacks)"} {"Clue":"Fool is penning crazy note in shameful treaties (9)","Answer":"ASSIENTOS","Explanation":"Definition: shameful treaties\n(**ASS** **+** **IS**) **containing** (penning) **an anagram of** (crazy) **NOTE**\n **ASS ****I **(**ENTO***) **S**\n\n**ASSIENTOS** (treaties, especially ones like that\u00a0between Spain and Britain, 1713 for the supply of African slaves for Spanish American dominions; shameful treaties)"} {"Clue":"Old blowpipe a Canadian used to pierce wild bears (9)","Answer":"SARBACANE","Explanation":"Definition: Old blowpipe\n(**A** **+** **CAN** [Canadian]) **contained in** (used to pierce) **an anagram of **(wild) **BEARS**\n **SARB** (**A** **CAN**) **E***\n\n**SARBACANE** (historical blowpipe used for shooting animals)"} {"Clue":"Daub Ali removed from studio in bits (4)","Answer":"TEER","Explanation":"Definition: Daub\n**ATELIER** (a workshop, especially an artist's studio) **excluding** (removed) the letters **A**, **L** and **I **where they occur (in bits)\n \u00a0\n\n**TEER** (daub)"} {"Clue":"Summary creating an impact (second half cut) (6)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: Summary\n**A** **+** **PERCU****SS** (impact) **excluding two letters from the end** (second half cut) **SS**\n \u00a0\n\n**APER\u00c7U **(a summary exposition)"} {"Clue":"Let off sex education, troubled but not antilove in a way (7)","Answer":"EXCUSED","Explanation":"Definition: Let off \n**EXCUSED** (**SEX EDUC****ATION** **excluding **[not]the letters\u00a0[ANTI + O [zero; loves core in tennis] is an **anagram of** [troubled] of **EXCUSED**) One of Azed's **compound anagrams**\n **EXCUSED***\n\n**EXCUSED** (let off)"} {"Clue":"Eddy Izzard shunned by a couple of Germans left (4)","Answer":"WEIL","Explanation":"Definition: Eddy\n**ZWEI **(German for two; couple of Germans) **excluding** (shunned) **Z** (izzard is defined as the letter **Z** in an archaic dialect) **+ L** (left)\n \u00a0\n\n**WEIL** (whirlpool; eddy)"} {"Clue":"Small child holding sleeve spread (7)","Answer":"MARMITE","Explanation":"Definition: spread\n**MITE **(small child) **containing** (holding) **ARM** (sleeve)\n **M** (**ARM**) **ITE**\n\n**MARMITE** (a vegetable based spread that people either seem to love or hate)"} {"Clue":"Orphan ape, tend with run, set free (10)","Answer":"UNPARENTED","Explanation":"Definition: Orphan\n**Anagram of** (set free) **APE TEND **and **RUM**\n **UNPARENTED***\n\n**UNPARENTED** (without parent or acknowledged parent, or parental care; orphan)"} {"Clue":"List of e.g. SNP candidates writing on line? (4)","Answer":"LEET","Explanation":"Definition: List of e.g. SNP candidates\n**L **(line) and that's as far as I go. I can't relate the remaining letters **EET** to 'writing'\n \u00a0\n\n**LEET **(A Scottish term [SNP: Scottish National Party] for a list of candidates for a post)"} {"Clue":"A Radio 1 presenter often having a penny handy (8)","Answer":"ADJACENT","Explanation":"Definition: handy\n**A** **+** **DJ** (disc jockey; most of [often] Radio 1's programming is presented by a disc jockey) + **A** **+ ****CENT** (small value money; penny)\n \u00a0\n\n**ADJACENT** (handy)"} {"Clue":"Venomous snake, large thing ripping hams dreadfully (10)","Answer":"BUSHMASTER","Explanation":"Definition: Venomous snake\n**BUSTER** (something large) **containing** (ripping [?]) **an anagram of** (dreadfully) **HAMS**\n **BUS** (**HMAS***) **TER** or **BU** (**SHAM***) **STER**\n\n**BUSHMASTER** (venomous S American snake)"} {"Clue":"Misshapen toes \u2013 a doctor turned up hard tumour (7)","Answer":"OSTEOMA","Explanation":"Definition: hard tumour\n**Anagram of **(misshapen) **TOES** **+** (**A** **+** **MO** [medical officer; doctor]) **reversed** (turned up; down clue)\n **OSTE*** (**OM** **A**)<\n\n**OSTEOMA **(tumour composed of bone or bonelike tissue.)"} {"Clue":"Impure part of hydro's system (6)","Answer":"DROSSY","Explanation":"Definition: Impure\n**DROSSY** (**hidden word in** [part of] **HYDRO'S SYSTEM**)\n \u00a0\n\n**DROSSY** (impure)"} {"Clue":"Exciting fiction is \u2026 into this possibly? (5)","Answer":"SCIFI","Explanation":"Definition: Exciting fiction\n**SCIFI **(**FICTION IS** is an **anagram of** [possibly] **INTO** and **SCIFI**) Another of Azed's compound anagrams\n \u00a0\n\n**SCIFI** (Science Fiction, possibly exciting)"} {"Clue":"Tiptop (light) beer served up in the Big Smoke (7)","Answer":"REGALIA","Explanation":"Definition: Big Smoke\n(**AI **[excellent; tiptop] **+** **LAGER** [light beer]) **all reversed** (served up; down clue)\n (**REGAL**** ****IA**)<\n\n**REGALIA** (a big cigar; Big Smoke)"} {"Clue":"Catty response, feminine, left chaps restraining, 'What?!' (7)","Answer":"FLEHMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Catty response\n**F** (feminine) **+** **\u00a0**(**L** (left) **+ M****EN** [chaps]) **containing** (restraining) **EH** (expressing enquiry; what?)\n **F** **L** (**EH**) **MEN**\n\n**FLEHMEN** (a response to a stimulus in some mammals, especially felines, taking the form of a grimace in which air is sucked in; catty response)"} {"Clue":"Stage person making bow? (4)","Answer":"TIER","Explanation":"Definition: Stage\n**TIER** (one who ties; person making a bow)\n \u00a0\n\n**TIER** (stage) double definition"} {"Clue":"Sign covering letter indicating mutual falling out (6)","Answer":"UMLAUT","Explanation":"Definition: Sign covering letter\n**Anagram of** (falling out) **MUTUAL**\n **UMLAUT***\n\n**UMLAUT** (diacritical sign above a letter to indicate a vowel change)"} {"Clue":"One of the birds disturbing Tippi? Yes and no (5)","Answer":"PIPIT","Explanation":"Definition: One of the birds\n**Anagram of** (disturbing) **TIPPI** \n **PIPIT***\n\n**PIPIT** (a member of the lark genus) I am not entirely sure of the Yes and No. The Yes clearly refers to a **PIPIT** being a bird. The only reference I can find to **TIPPI** is a French lady **TIPPI** Hendren who pursued a career in wildlife. A **PIPIT** wouldn't have been a disturbance to this lady. Any better ideas gratefully received."} {"Clue":"Self-denial time? Fancy cuisine I avoided first as inedible once (10)","Answer":"INESCULENT","Explanation":"Definition: inedible once\n**Anagram of **(fancy) **CUISINE** **excluding** (avoided) one of the **I**s **+** **LENT** (period of fasting; self-denial time) The word 'first' in the clue tells us that the anagram precedes the self-denial\n **INESCU*** **LENT**\n\n**INESCULENT** (archaic [once] word for inedible)"} {"Clue":"Boy meets girl in the endless cycle of existence (7)","Answer":"SAMSARA","Explanation":"Definition: endless cycle of existence\n**SAM** (**SAMUEL**, boy's name; although it could also be short for **SAMANTHA**, a girl) + **SARA** (girl's name)\n \u00a0\n\n**SAMSARA** (In Hinduism, the never-ending cycle of birth and death and rebirth)"} {"Clue":"After school, see me absorbed by English degree as planned (7)","Answer":"SCHEMED","Explanation":"Definition: planned\n**SCH** (school) **+** (**ME ****contained in** [absorbed by] [**E** {English} **+** **D** {degree}])\n **SCH** **E **(**ME**) **D**\n\n**SCHEMED** (planned)"} {"Clue":"Cantico adapted in the language of troubadours (7)","Answer":"OCCITAN","Explanation":"Definition: language of troubadours\n**Anagram of** (adapted) **CANTICO**\n **OCCITAN***\n\n**OCCITAN** (another name for Langue d'Oc [the language of the troubadours])"} {"Clue":"What's needed for meal I nicked from rising grocer (6)","Answer":"RECIPE","Explanation":"Definition: What's needed for meal\n(**\u00c9PICIER** [grocer] **excluding** [nicked from] the second **I**) **reversed** (rising; down clue)\n **RECIPE**<\n\n**RECIPE** (what's needed for a meal)"} {"Clue":"Alloy to end up in various European coins (6)","Answer":"OREIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Alloy\n(**DIE** [end] reversed [up; down clue]) **contained in** (in) **ORE** (**\u00d6RE **are low value coins in Sweden; **\u00d8RE** similarly in Norway and Denmark)\n **OR** (**EID**)< **E**\n\n**OREIDE** (variant spelling of OROIDE [an alloy of copper and zinc or tin, etc, imitating gold])"} {"Clue":"Sort of outer membrane unknown in eyes formerly (5)","Answer":"EXINE","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of outer membrane\n**X** (letter frequently used to represent an unknown value in mathematics) **contained in** (in) **EINE** (obsolete [formerly] word for eyes)\n **E** (**X**) **INE**\n\n**EXINE** (variant spelling of **EXTINE** [the outer membrane of a pollen grain or spore])"} {"Clue":"Strong wine, one causing split in liver (5)","Answer":"PORTA","Explanation":"Definition: split in liver\n**PORT **(fortified wine; strong wine) **+** **A** [one]\n \u00a0\n\n**PORTA** (the transverse fissure of the liver; split in liver)"} {"Clue":"Eat cold meat with pickle for starters (5)","Answer":"CHAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Eat\n**C** (cold) **+** **HAM** (meat) **+** **P** (**first letter of** [for starters] **PICKLE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**CHAMP** (bite or chew; eat)"} {"Clue":"Fools swim to side of infernal river, we're told (9)","Answer":"DIPSTICKS","Explanation":"Definition: Fools\n**DIP** (reference go for a dip; go for a swim) **+** **STICKS** (sounds like [we're told] **STYX** [river in Greek mythology that formed the boundary between Earth and the Underworld; infernal river])\n \u00a0\n\n**DIPSTICKS** (fools)"} {"Clue":"Evoke memories about cars produced by engineer (9)","Answer":"REMINISCE","Explanation":"Definition: Evoke memories\n**RE** (with reference to; about) **+** **MINIS** (cars) **+** **CE** (Civil Engineer)\n \u00a0\n\n**REMINISCE** (recount memories; evoke memories)"} {"Clue":"Capital city partly near a battleground (5)","Answer":"RABAT","Explanation":"Definition: Capital city\n**RABAT **(**hidden word in** [partly] **NEAR A BATTLEGROUND**)\n \u00a0\n\n**RABAT** (capital city of Morocco)"} {"Clue":"Doubly evil sea dog (6)","Answer":"SINBAD","Explanation":"Definition: sea dog\n**SIN** (moral offence; evil) **+** **BAD** (evil) giving double evil)\n \u00a0\n\n**SINBAD **(reference **SINBAD** the Sailor, fictional hero of a series of stories of Middle Eastern origin; sea dog"} {"Clue":"About noon, American writer rings for spicy food (8)","Answer":"VINDALOO","Explanation":"Definition: spicy food\n(**VIDAL** [reference American writer Gore **VIDAL** {1925 \u2013 2012}] **containing** [about] **N** [noon]) **+** **OO** (two letters in the shape of a ring; rings)\n **VI** (**N**) **DAL** **OO**\n\n**VINDALOO** (type of very hot Indian curry; spicy food)"} {"Clue":"Caribbean island providing cocktail that's French (10)","Answer":"MARTINIQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Caribbean island\n**MARTINI** (cocktail) **+** **QUE** ('that is' in French)\n \u00a0\n\n**MARTINIQUE** (Caribbean island)"} {"Clue":"Driver's left Newcastle area, on a journey bypassing south (8)","Answer":"NEARSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Driver's left\n**NE** (North East [of England]; Newcastle area **+** **A** + (**RIDE** [journey] **containing** [bypassing] **S** [South])\n **NE** **A** **R** (**S**) **IDE**\n\n**NEARSIDE** (In a left-hand drive car, the driver's left will be the **NEARSIDE**) If you drive on the right in a left-hand drive car then this definition is not correct)"} {"Clue":"Cancelling visit home following bad weather's return (7,3)","Answer":"CALLING OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Cancelling\n**CALL** (visit) **+ ****IN** (home) **+** (**F** [following] **+** **FOG** [bad weather]) **reversed** (return)\n **CALL** **IN** (**G OF** **F**)<\n\n**CALLING OFF** (cancelling)"} {"Clue":"Church with a modest clergyman (8)","Answer":"CHAPLAIN","Explanation":"Definition: clergyman\n**CH** (church) **+** **A** **+** **PLAIN** (modest)\n \u00a0\n\n**CHAPLAIN** (clergyman)"} {"Clue":"Means of payment creates endless optimism, without question (6)","Answer":"CHEQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Means of payment\n**CHEER **(optimism) **excluding the final letter** **R** [endless] **containing** (without; outside) **QU** (question)\n **CHE** (**QU**) **E**\n\n**CHEQUE** (means of payment)"} {"Clue":"US guitarist missing intro to Beatles song (5)","Answer":"AXMAN","Explanation":"Definition: US guitarist\n**TAXMAN** (Beatles song that was track 1 on the Revolver album 1966) **excluding the first letter** (missing intro) **T**\n \u00a0\n\n**AXMAN** (in America a guitar used in rock music, so an **AXMAN** could be a guitarist)"} {"Clue":"Part of communications company organised chaperone (9)","Answer":"OPENREACH","Explanation":"Definition: Part of communications company\n**Anagram of** (organised) **CHAPERONE**\n **OPENREACH***\n\n**OPENREACH** (the infrastructure division of the British telecommunications company BT Group; significantly involved in the rollout [or not] of superfast broadband which we might get in my neck of the woods in the next 18 months [if we're lucky])"} {"Clue":"Dope stuck in sand hills near small coastal headland (9)","Answer":"DUNGENESS","Explanation":"Definition: coastal headland\n(**GEN** [information; dope] **contained in** [stuck in] **DUNES** [sand hills]) **+** **S** (small)\n **DUN** (**GEN**) **ES** S\n\n**DUNGENESS** (coastal headland in Kent, SE England)"} {"Clue":"Rushed round entrance to this Dutch town (5)","Answer":"DELFT","Explanation":"Definition: Dutch town \n**FLED** (rushed) **reversed** (round) **+** **T **(**first letter of** [entrance to] **THIS**)\n **DELF**< **T**\n\n**DELFT **(Dutch town)"} {"Clue":"Noel Smith's car needing repairs (9)","Answer":"CHRISTMAS","Explanation":"Definition: Noel \n**Anagram of** (repairs) **SMITH'S CAR**\n **CHRISTMAS***\n\n**CHRISTMAS **(Noel)"} {"Clue":"A boss promoted in management (5)","Answer":"ADMIN","Explanation":"Definition: management\n**A** **+** (**MD** [Managing Director; boss] **reversed** [promoted; down clue]) **+** **IN** \n **A** **DM**< **IN**\n\n**ADMIN** (administration; management)"} {"Clue":"Joke OK for Germans, to be repeated for Indians? (8)","Answer":"PUNJABIS","Explanation":"Definition: Indians\n**PUN** (joke) **+** **JA** (yes in German; OK for Germans) **+** **BIS** (in music a direction indicating that a section is to be repeated)\n \u00a0\n\n**PUNJABIS** (native or inhabitant of the **PUNJAB** region of India; Indians)"} {"Clue":"Regularly drowsy? So sleep (4)","Answer":"DOSS","Explanation":"Definition: sleep\n**Letters 1,3,5 and 7** [regularly] of **DROWSY SO**)\n \u00a0\n\n**DOSS** (sleep)"} {"Clue":"Earlier, vicar has entered in suitable fashion? (10)","Answer":"PREVIOUSLY","Explanation":"Definition: Earlier\n**REV **(reverend; vicar) **contained in** (has entered) **PIOUSLY** (devoutly; religiously; in the style of a reverend)\n **P** (**REV**) **IOUSLY**\n\n**PREVIOUSLY** (earlier)"} {"Clue":"Angry outburst from left-winger perhaps, during match (6)","Answer":"TIRADE","Explanation":"Definition: Angry outburst\n**RAD** (radical; left-winger) **contained in** (during) **TIE** ([e.g. football] match)\n **TI** (**RAD**) **E**\n\n**TIRADE** (angry outburst)"} {"Clue":"Horseman wants transport to go to Paris, nothing more (9)","Answer":"CABALLERO","Explanation":"Definition: Horseman\n**CAB** (form of transport) **+** **ALLER** (French for 'to go') **+** **O** (nothing)\n \u00a0\n\n**CABALLERO** (horseman)"} {"Clue":"Argument arising during MOT test (3-2)","Answer":"SET TO","Explanation":"Definition: Argument\n**SET TO** (**hidden phrase** (during) **reversed** (arising; down clue) in **MOT TEST**)\n (**SET TO**)<\n\n**SET TO** (argument)"} {"Clue":"Singer Naomi's dancing in square (4,6)","Answer":"NINA SIMONE","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\n**Anagram of** (dancing) **NAOMI'S** **contained in **(in) **NINE** (square of three; 32=9)\n **NI** (**NA SIMO***) **NE**\n\n**NINA SIMONE** (American jazz\u00a0singer [1922 to 2003])"} {"Clue":"Daughter's in the country cooking fish (3,6)","Answer":"RED SALMON","Explanation":"Definition: fish\n(**REALM** [kingdom] **containing** **D'S**\u00a0[daughter's]) **+** **ON** (cooking)\n **RE** (**DS**) **ALM** **ON**\n\n**RED SALMON** (type of fish)"} {"Clue":"Report of body discovered during fracas (5,4)","Answer":"RIFLE SHOT","Explanation":"Definition: Report\n**FLESH** (body) **contained in** (discovered during) **RIOT** (fracas)\n **RI** (**FLE SH**) **OT**\n\n**RIFLE SHOT** (explosive noise; report)"} {"Clue":"Given security, with job being fixed (8)","Answer":"ANCHORED","Explanation":"Definition: Given security\n**CHORE **(job) **contained in** (being fixed) **AND** (with) \n **AN (CHORE) D**\n\n**ANCHORED** (given security)"} {"Clue":"Vacuous girl, one adopting new look (6)","Answer":"GLANCE","Explanation":"Definition: look\n**GL** (**letters remaining in** **G****IR****L** **after all the central letters** **IR** **have been removed** [vacuous]) + (**ACE** [one] **containing** [adopting] **N**\u00a0[new])\n **GL** **A** (**N**) **CE**\n\n**GLANCE** (look)"} {"Clue":"Cold, bitter vegetable (5)","Answer":"CHARD","Explanation":"Definition: vegetable\n**C** (cold) + **HARD** (bitter \u2013 I'm not too sure that HARD abd bitter are synonymous although perhaps both are associated with harsh or cruel)\n \u00a0\n\n**CHARD** (a type of vegetable)"} {"Clue":"Tremble, seeing game bird (5)","Answer":"QUAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Tremble\n**QUAIL** (flinch; tremble)\n \u00a0\n\n**QUAIL** (genus of the partridge family;\u00a0game bird) double definition"} {"Clue":"Spanish city, sure to be redeveloped (4)","Answer":"REUS","Explanation":"Definition: Spanish city\n**Anagram of **(to be redeveloped) **SURE**\n **REUS***\n\n**REUS** (Spanish city in Catalonia"} {"Clue":"Music's sharp, out of tune and oddly uneven (8)","Answer":"RHAPSODY","Explanation":"Definition: Music\n**Anagram of** (out of tune) **SHARP** + **ODY** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [odd {unevenly} letters] of **ODDLY**)\n **RHAPS*** **ODY**\n\n**RHAPSODY** (emotional piece of music)"} {"Clue":"10 show disapproval at woman's black spikes (6,5)","Answer":"FATHER BROWN","Explanation":"Definition: 10\n(**AT** + **HER** [woman] **+** **B** [black, on lead pencils]) **contained in** (spikes) **FROWN** (show disapproval)\n **F **(**AT** **HER** **B**) **ROWN**\n\n**FATHER BROWN** (reference the priest **FATHER BROWN**, **SLEUTH** [10 across] in novels by G K Chesterton)"} {"Clue":"Upset at recent break in play (8)","Answer":"ENTR","Explanation":"Definition: break in play\n**Anagram of **(upset) **AT RECENT** \n **ENTR'ACTE***\n\n**ENTR'ACTE **(the interval between acts in a play)"} {"Clue":"Track cash in Bucharest, last of it nicked by mum (6)","Answer":"SLEUTH","Explanation":"Definition: Track\n(**LEU** [standard monetary unit{cash} in Romania {Bucharest}] **+** **T** (last letter of {last of} **IT**) **contained in** (nicked by)\u00a0**SH**! (be quiet; mum)\n **S** (**LEU** **T**) **H**\n\n**SLEUTH** (track)"} {"Clue":"10 cross ring going out (5)","Answer":"MORSE","Explanation":"Definition: 10\n**MOROSE** (sour-tempered; cross) **excluding** (going out) O (ring-shaped letter)\n \u00a0\n\n**MORSE** (reference Inspector **MORSE**, **SLEUTH** [10 across] in novels by Colin Dexter)"} {"Clue":"Increasingly corrupt Iraq led US to be bamboozled (9)","Answer":"SQUALIDER","Explanation":"Definition: Increasingly corrupt\n**Anagram of **(to be bamboozled) **IRAQ LED US**\n **SQUALIDER***\n\n**SQUALIDER **(increasingly corrupt)"} {"Clue":"10 puts port back in mug (6)","Answer":"POIROT","Explanation":"Definition: 10\n**RIO **(**RIO** de Janiero, port city of Brazil) **reversed** (back)** contained in** (in) **POT** (mug)\n **P** (**OIR**)< **OT**\n\n**POIROT** reference Hercule **POIROT**, (**SLEUTH** [10 across] in novels by Agatha Christie)"} {"Clue":"Doubt about case that ignores a lie (7)","Answer":"FICTION","Explanation":"Definition: lie\n**IF** (whether; doubt) **reversed** (about) **+** **A****CTION** (legal case) **excluding** (that ignores) **A**\n **FI**< **CTION**\n\n**FICTION** (a lie)"} {"Clue":"Brought on popular leader backed by Germany (7)","Answer":"INDUCED","Explanation":"Definition: Brought on\n**IN** (popular) **+** **DUCE** (the title assumed by the Italian dictator Mussolini; leader) **+** **D** (Deutschland; Germany)\n \u00a0\n\n**INDUCED** (brought on)"} {"Clue":"Mathematician's secretary's about 50 (6)","Answer":"PASCAL","Explanation":"Definition: Mathematician\n**PA'S **(Personal Assistant's [secretary's]) **+** **CA** (circa; about) **+** **L** (Roman numeral for 50)\n \u00a0\n\n**PASCAL **(reference Blaise Pascal [1623 \u2013 1662], French mathematician)"} {"Clue":"Contrary to popular belief, he edited article (9)","Answer":"HERETICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Contrary to popular belief,\n**HE** **+** **an anagram of** (edited) **ARTICLE**\n **HE ****RETICAL***\n\n**HERETICAL** (contrary to popular belief)"} {"Clue":"Feds' article trapped another 10 (6)","Answer":"FABIAN","Explanation":"Definition: 10\n(**FBI** [Federal Bureau of Investigation; Feds] **containing** [trapped] **A** [indefinite article]) **+** **AN** ([another] indefinite article)\n **F** (**A**) **BI** **AN**\n\n**FABIAN** (SLEUTH [10 across], reference Robert **FABIAN**, detective from Scotland Yard, whose memoirs formed the basis of the television series **FABIAN** of the Yard and broadcast between 1954 and 1956)"} {"Clue":"State officer leads his men to a party (8)","Answer":"COLORADO","Explanation":"Definition: State\n**COL** (colonel; officer]) **+** **OR** (other ranks; [his] men)** + A** **+****DO** (party)\n \u00a0\n\n**COLORADO** (State of the United States of America)"} {"Clue":"Large Ford crosses states to capital (6)","Answer":"LUSAKA","Explanation":"Definition: capital\n(**L** [large; size in clothing] **+** **KA** (a model of Ford car]) **containing** (crosses) **USA** (United States of America; states)\n **L **(**USA**) **KA**\n\n**LUSAKA** (Capital city of Zambia)"} {"Clue":"Good boy scraps best suit (4,4)","Answer":"GLAD RAGS","Explanation":"Definition: best suit\n**G** (good) **+** **LAD** (boy) **+** **RAGS** (scraps)\n \u00a0\n\n**GLAD RAGS** (best suit)"} {"Clue":"Cold moist rhubarb and yogurt starter (6)","Answer":"RHEUMY","Explanation":"Definition: Cold moist\n**RHEUM** (the rhubarb genus) **+** **Y** (**first letter of** [starter] **YOGURT**)\n \u00a0\n\n**RHEUMY** (cold and damp; cold moist)"} {"Clue":"Shattered Waterford book end (9)","Answer":"AFTERWORD","Explanation":"Definition: book end\n**Anagram of** (shattered) **WATERFORD**\n **AFTERWORD***\n\n**AFTERWORD** (epilogue; the concluding section of a book)"} {"Clue":"10, one in a black suit (5)","Answer":"SPADE","Explanation":"Definition: 10\n**SPADE** (a playing card in the suit **SPADE**s, which is one of the two black suits)\n \u00a0\n\n**SPADE** (reference Sam **SPADE**, **SLEUTH** [10 across] in The Maltese Falcon by Dashiel Hammet)"} {"Clue":"Touch up property son left in file (4,3)","Answer":"DATA SET","Explanation":"Definition: file\n(**TAD** [small amount; touch] **reversed** [up; down clue]) **+** (**ASSET** [property] **excluding** [left] **S** [son])\n **DAT**< **A SET**\n\n**DATA SET** (file)"} {"Clue":"Team needs to follow ball all over the place (3,6)","Answer":"ALL BLACKS","Explanation":"Definition: Team\n**Anagram of **(all over the place) **BALL** **+** **LACKS** (needs)\n **ALL B*** **LACKS**\n\n**ALL BLACKS** (The New Zealand Rugby Union team)"} {"Clue":"I call that woman up first for what idle cabbie wants (8)","Answer":"REHIRING","Explanation":"Definition: what idle cabbie wants\n(**HER** [that woman] **reversed** [up; down clue]) **+** **(I** **+** **RING** [call])\n **REH**< **I** **RING**\n\n**REHIRING** (what an idle cabbie wants)"} {"Clue":"Good conductor leaves 10 (4)","Answer":"CUFF","Explanation":"Definition: 10\n**CUFF** \u2013 I am completely defeated\u00a0by the wordplay for this entry I haven't even got the inkling of an idea.\n Thanks to Muffyword at comment 2 below for showing that the parsing is **CU** (a good [electrical] conductor) + **FF** (folio; leaves [of paper])\n\n**CUFF** (reference Sergeant **CUFF**, **SLEUTH** [10 across], detective in The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins)"} {"Clue":"Where vehicle goes round with awful racket (9)","Answer":"RACETRACK","Explanation":"Definition: Where vehicle goes round\n**CAR** (vehicle) **reversed** (goes round) **+** **an anagram of** (awful) **RACKET**\n **RAC**< **ETRACK***\n\n**RACETRACK** (where a vehicle goes round,. sometimes with an awful racket, but I understand that Formula 1 has reduced the noise emitted by engines this year)"} {"Clue":"Someone fancies her tip at a Roman institute (9)","Answer":"INAMORATA","Explanation":"Definition: Someone fancies her\n**I** (Institute) **+** (**AT A ROMAN** **reversed** [tip])\n **I** **NAMOR A TA**)<\n\n**INAMORATA** (a woman in love; one assumes that there is someone reciprocating the feeling to fit the definition 'someone fancies her')"} {"Clue":"It's just terrible losing the lead (8)","Answer":"RIGHTFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Someone fancies her\n**I** (Institute) **+** (**AT A ROMAN** **reversed** [tip])\n **I** **NAMOR A TA**)<\n\n**INAMORATA** (a woman in love; one assumes that there is someone reciprocating the feeling to fit the definition 'someone fancies her')"} {"Clue":"10 set up 1000 10s (4)","Answer":"DICK","Explanation":"Definition: 10\n(**K** [1000] + **CID** (Criminal Investigation Department; detectives; **SLEUTH**s\u00a0[10 acrosses]) **reversed** (set up; down clue)\n (**DIC** **K**)<\n\n**DICK** (private eye;** SLEUTH** [10 across])"} {"Clue":"Tree product used as a sweetener? (4,3)","Answer":"PALM OIL","Explanation":"Definition: Tree product\n**PALM OIL** (reference **OIL** someone's **PALM** [bribe them; offer them a sweetener])\n \u00a0\n\n**PALM OIL** (a tree product)"} {"Clue":"10s turn over clubs (6)","Answer":"SNOOPS","Explanation":"Definition: 10s\n**SPOONS** (according to Chambers a word used **commonly** to refer to 3-woods [clubs] in golf. I think it is now a very old-fashioned term and not one I have heard on our golf course for many years) **reversed** (turn over)\n **SNOOPS**<\n\n**SNOOPS** (**SLEUTHS** [10 acrosses])"} {"Clue":"10 and what he solves? (5)","Answer":"REBUS","Explanation":"Definition: 10\n**REBUS** (an enigmatical representation of a word or name by pictures representing the component parts of the word, as in a puzzle or a coat of arms; puzzle)\n \u00a0\n\n**REBUS** (reference Inspector **REBUS**; **SLEUTH** [10 across] in the novels by Ian Rankin)"} {"Clue":"10 certain to catch foreign hoodlums, except last 3 (10)","Answer":"BLOODHOUND","Explanation":"Definition: 10\n**BOUND** (certain) **containing** (to catch) **an anagram of** **HOODL****UMS** **excluding** (except) **the last three letters** **UMS**\n **B** (**LOODH***) **OUND**\n\n**BLOODHOUND** (**SLEUTH**)"} {"Clue":"Criminal bunch and courageous man in a group of cells (8)","Answer":"GANGLION","Explanation":"Definition: a group of cells\n**GANG** (band of criminals; criminal bunch) **+** **LION** (courageous man)\n \u00a0\n\n**GANGLION** (collection of nerve cells)"} {"Clue":"Supporting evil is prohibited (6)","Answer":"FORBAD","Explanation":"Definition: prohibited\n**FOR **(in favour of; supporting) **+** **BAD** (evil)\n \u00a0\n\n**FORBAD** (prohibited)"} {"Clue":"Musical sequence Georgia played, having got hold of piano (8)","Answer":"ARPEGGIO","Explanation":"Definition: Musical sequence\n**Anagram of** (played) **GEORGIA** **containing** (having got hold of) **P** (piano)\n **AR** (**P**) **EGGIO***\n\n**ARPEGGIO** (a chord of which the notes are performed, not simultaneously, but in rapid [normally upward] succession)"} {"Clue":"The woman who does is a goddess (6)","Answer":"CHARIS","Explanation":"Definition: a goddess\n**CHAR** (**CHAR**woman; a woman who does) **+** **IS**\n \u00a0\n\n**CHARIS** (any one of the three Charites, the Graces [Aglaia, Euphrosyne and Thalia], Greek goddesses of all that imparts graciousness to life)"} {"Clue":"Starter for dinner \u2014 excellent fish (4)","Answer":"DACE","Explanation":"Definition: being in a sort of stupor\n**CAT** (reference a tom**CAT**, male cat. Tom can refer to the male of many species, but is particularly associated with cats) **+ A + TONIC** (medicine that invigorates))\n \u00a0\n\n**CATATONIC** (descriptive of a type of schizophrenia characterized by periodic states of rigidity or immobility; being in a sort of stupor))"} {"Clue":"One with pulling power to attract folk to church? (13)","Answer":"CAMPANOLOGIST","Explanation":"Definition: One with pulling power to attract folk to church\n**CAMPANOLOGIST** (in one instance of bellringing, a person\u00a0who pulls on ropes to ring bells)\n \u00a0\n\n**CAMPANOLOGIST** (bellringer, often associated with the ringing of Church bells to inform the congregation that a service is about to start). Taken together the two definitions fit the whole clue."} {"Clue":"OTT comedian is somehow making change to remove wild element (13)","Answer":"DOMESTICATION","Explanation":"Definition: change to remove wild element\n**Anagram of** (somehow) **OTT COMEDIAN IS**\n **DOMESTICATION***\n\n**DOMESTICATION** (the act of taming; change to remove wild element)"} {"Clue":"Mathematical function \u2014 plus or minus we hear? (4)","Answer":"SINE","Explanation":"Definition: Mathematical function\n**SINE** (**sounds lik**e [we hear] **SIGN** [plus and minus are examples of **SIGN**s)\n \u00a0\n\n**SINE** (one of the six trigonometrical functions of an angle)"} {"Clue":"Trial gets word of approval with initial appearance of this legal document (9)","Answer":"TESTAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: legal document \n**TEST **(trial) **+** **AMEN** (an expression of assent; a word of approval) **+** **T** (**first letter of **[initial appearance of] **THIS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TESTAMENT** (legal document)"} {"Clue":"Each person with a ticket gets to enjoy a restaurant? (3,3)","Answer":"EAT OUT","Explanation":"Definition: enjoy a restaurant\n**EA** (each) **+** **TOUT** (reference ticket **TOUT**s)\n **EA****T OUT**\n\n**EAT OUT** (enjoy a restaurant)"} {"Clue":"A girl in meeting getting away from the focal point? (8)","Answer":"RADIALLY","Explanation":"Definition: away from the focal point\n(**A** + **DI** [Diana; girl's name]) **contained in** (in) **RALLY** (meeting)\n **R** (**A** **DI**) **ALLY**\n\n**RADIALLY** (away from the centre; away from the focal point)"} {"Clue":"The man entertained by a religious believer is a ruler (6)","Answer":"SHEIKH","Explanation":"Definition: a ruler\n**HE** (the man) **contained in** (entertained by) **SIKH** (an adherent of a monotheistic religion established in the 16th century by those former Hindus who rejected the authority of the Vedas, taking the Granth as their scripture; religious believer)\n **S** (**HE**) **IKH**\n\n**SHEIKH** (an Arab chief; a Muslim leader;ruler)"} {"Clue":"Deed that is such leads to no change (8)","Answer":"REVERSED","Explanation":"Definition: Deed that is such leads to no change\n**REVERSED** (In the legal terms, **REVERSED** can be applied to a transaction (deed) that has been overturned)\n \u00a0\n\n**REVERSED** (changed back to what it was such that there is no change)"} {"Clue":"Grand weapon \u2014 there might be some lead in it (6)","Answer":"GLANCE","Explanation":"Definition: there might be some lead in it\n**G** (grand [1000 dollars]) **+** **LANCE** (weapon)\n \u00a0\n\n**GLANCE** (a less well known meaning of **GLANCE** is a black or grey mineral with metallic lustre, usually a sulphide, selenide or telluride, e.g. redruthite or copper-glance, galena or **LEAD**\u2013**GLANCE**, argentite)"} {"Clue":"Notice crooked President coming in looking after buddies? (7)","Answer":"NEPOTIC","Explanation":"Definition: looking after buddies\n**P** (President) **contained in**\u00a0(coming in) **an anagram of** (crooked) **NOTICE**\n **NE** (**P**) **OTIC***\n\n**NEPOTIC** (showing undue favouritism to one's relations and close friends; looking after buddies)"} {"Clue":"Permit? Member needs it, one type reluctant to pay mostly? (10)","Answer":"LEGITIMISE","Explanation":"Definition: Permit\n**LEG** (member) **+** **IT** **+** **I** (one) + (**MISE****R** [type reluctant to pay] **excluding the final letter** [mostly] **R**)\n \u00a0\n\n**LEGITIMISE** (make lawful; permit)"} {"Clue":"Maybe people who know about China listen as riot gets out of hand (12)","Answer":"ORIENTALISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe people who know about China\n**Anagram of** (gets out of hand) **LISTEN AS RIOT**\n **ORIENTALISTS***\n\n**ORIENTALISTS** (experts in Eastern languages who would almost certainly know about China)"} {"Clue":"Sort of barrier constructed by old guerilla fighter (4)","Answer":"OCHE","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of barrier\n**O** (old) **+** **CHE** (reference **CHE** Guevara, guerilla fighter)\n \u00a0\n\n**OCHE** (the line, groove or ridge behind which a player must stand to throw in darts; barrier Very topical at the moment with wall to wall coverage of the PDC World Darts Championship on Sky, soon to be followed by the BDO Championships on BBC in the New Year)"} {"Clue":"One bit of meat served up in a revolutionary dish (7)","Answer":"BIRIANI","Explanation":"Definition: dish\n(**I** [one] **+ RIB** [bit of meat]) **all reversed** (served up; down clue) **+ **(**IN A all reversed** [revolutionary])\n (**BIR** **I**)< (**A NI**)<\n\n**BIRIANI** (a spicy rice dish)"} {"Clue":"Drops of perfume introduced by some Parisian (8)","Answer":"DESCENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Drops\n**SCENT** (perfume) **contained in** (in) **DES** (some in French)\n **DE** (**SCENT**) **S**\n\n**DESCENTS** (drops)"} {"Clue":"Manoeuvre of chess to alarm! (8,4)","Answer":"SCHOLAR","Explanation":"Definition: Manoeuvre of chess to alarm\n**Anagram of** (manoeuvre) **CHESS TO ALARM**\n **SCHOLAR'S MATE***\n\n**SCHOLAR'S MATE **(in chess, a simple mate accomplished in four moves; manoeuvre) I think this is an &Lit clue where the whole clue can be considered the definition. To lose by the chess manoeuvre known as **SCHOLAR'S MATE** would surely cause alarm or despair in the loser"} {"Clue":"Refusal to have motorway \u2014 someone living in the country makes a case (10)","Answer":"NOMINATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: a case\n**NO** (refusal) **+** **M1** (motorway) **+** **NATIVE** (belonging to the people originally or at the time of discovery inhabiting the country)\n \u00a0\n\n**NOMINATIVE** (a case in grammar)"} {"Clue":"Guy dosses here and there \u2014 no good being a traveller (8)","Answer":"ODYSSEUS","Explanation":"Definition: a traveller\n**Anagram of **(here and there) **G****UY DOSSES** **excluding** (no) **G** (good)\n **ODYSSEUS***\n\n**ODYSSEUS** (a wanderer in the\u00a0Greek epic poem, **ODYSSEY**,\u00a0ascribed to Homer)"} {"Clue":"Fellow consumed tail of the mammal (7)","Answer":"MANATEE","Explanation":"Definition: mammal \n**MAN** (fellow) **+** **ATE** (consumed) **+** **E** (**last letter of **[tail of] **THE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**MANATEE **(a large aquatic herbivorous mammal)"} {"Clue":"They have eyes \u2014 they are almost unnecessary (7)","Answer":"NEEDLES","Explanation":"Definition: They have eyes\n**NEEDLESS** (unnecessary) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **S**\n \u00a0\n\n**NEEDLES** (reference the eye of the **NEEDLE** or, perhaps more simply **NEEDLES** have eyes))"} {"Clue":"Remained steady after being shaken (6)","Answer":"STAYED","Explanation":"Definition: Remained\n**Anagram of** (after being shaken) **STEADY** \n **STAYED***\n\n**STAYED** (remained)"} {"Clue":"Rubbish food \u2014 prime requirement for kebab (4)","Answer":"BUNK","Explanation":"Definition: Rubbish\n**BUN** (kind of sweet roll or cake; food) **+** **K** (**first letter of **[prime requirement for] **KEBAB**)\n \u00a0\n\n**BUNK** (rubbish)"} {"Clue":"Return of hot blue style (4)","Answer":"DASH","Explanation":"Definition: style\n(**H** [hot] **+** **SAD** [blue]) **all reversed** (return of) (**DAS** **H**)<\n\n**DASH** (style)"} {"Clue":"10 19's timely tale of nipper and nippers (3,1,4,3,9,2,2,3,5,5)","Answer":"ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS MY TWO FRONT TEETH","Explanation":"Definition: 0 19's timely tale of nipper and nippers \nThis a cryptic definition with nipper referring to a child and nippers referring to incisors [teeth]. The tale tells of the child who **WANTS TWO FRONT TEETH** for **CHRISTMAS**\n**ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS MY TWO FRONT TEETH** The song **ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS MY TWO FRONT TEETH** about a child [nipper] who wanted teeth [nippers] was a 1948 number one hit for **SPIKE** [10 down] **JONES** [19 down] and his City Slickers."} {"Clue":"Onshore and working when the tourists are away (3,6)","Answer":"OFF SEASON","Explanation":"Definition: when the tourists are away\n**OFF SEAS**** **(on shore)** ****+**** ****ON**** **(working) \u00a0\n\n**OFF SEASON **(the time of year when tourist numbers are low)"} {"Clue":"Clergyman condemned heart of avarice (5)","Answer":"VICAR","Explanation":"Definition: Clergyman\n**Anagram of** (condemned) **VARIC** (**middle letters of** [heart of] **AVARICE**) **VICAR***\n\n**VICAR** (clergyman)"} {"Clue":"Instrument ruined basic rondo, leading to fight (5,2,8)","Answer":"CORNO DI BASSETTO","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\n**Anagram of **(ruined) **BASIC RONDO** **+** **SET TO** (fight) **CORNO DI BAS*** **SET TO**\n\n**CORNO DI BASSETTO** (basset horn; instrument)"} {"Clue":"Go down to congratulate tennis champ? (3,2,4)","Answer":"RUN TO SEED","Explanation":"Definition: Go down\n**RUN TO** (I'm not sure whether 'go down' is doing double duty in this clue, firstly as the definition and secondly as meaning **RUN TO**) **+** **SEED **(Chambers and Collins effectively define **SEED** as 'one of the best players in a tournament' Tennis is a sport where the concept of **SEED**ing is common. However, not all **SEED**s are champions) Alternatively the whole phrase **RUN TO SEED** could be interpreted as 'Go down to congratulate tennis champ' Does **RUN TO** mean 'congratulate'?\n \u00a0\n You will deduce that I am struggling with the preciseness of this clue. Possibly I'm missing something.\n \u00a0\n\n**RUN TO SEED** (disappoint expectation of development; become unkempt or shabby; go down)"} {"Clue":"Fantasy hero's life story involving recall of book with length (5)","Answer":"BILBO","Explanation":"Definition: Fantasy hero\n**BIO** (biography; life story) **containing** (involving) (**B** [book] **+ ****L** [length]) **reversed** [recall of]) **BI **(**L** **B**)< **O**\n\n**BILBO** (reference **BILBO **Baggins, hero of J R R Tolkien's fantasy novel The Hobbit)"} {"Clue":"Student, losing heart, gaining little in later course (5)","Answer":"SWEET","Explanation":"Definition: later course\n**STUDENT excluding the middle letters of** [losing heart) **TUDEN** and **replacing them with** [gaining] **WEE** [little] **S** (**WEE**) T\n \u00a0\n\n**SWEET** (the dessert course in a meal; later course)"} {"Clue":"Entertaining European baloney involved bringing in Judge (9)","Answer":"ENJOYABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Entertaining \n**Anagram of **(involved) (**E** [European] and **BALONEY**) **containing **(bringing in) **J** (judge) **EN** (**J**) **OYABLE*** or you could have it as **E** **N** (**J**) **OYABLE*** where the anagram fodder is simply **BALONEY**\n \u00a0\n\n**ENJOYABLE** (entertaining)"} {"Clue":"Black sheep returning, having consumed last of inheritance (5)","Answer":"SMEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Black\n**RAMS** (sheep) **reversed** (returning) **containing **(having consumed) **E** (**last letter of** [last of] **INHERITANCE**) **SM** (**E**) **AR**<\n\n**SMEAR** (a mark, often black; black) It could also relate to the definition of **SMEAR** as defame, but I am not sure that black can be used a s a verb in the sense that blacken can. OK, Collins tells me that black is interchangeable with blacken, so I reckon my second alternative is the valid one here"} {"Clue":"Fog and shelter restricting to parasite (9)","Answer":"MISTLETOE","Explanation":"Definition: parasite\n**MIST** (fog) **+** (**LEE** [shelter] **containing** (restricting) **TO**) **MIST** **LE** (**TO**) **E**\n\n**MISTLETOE** (a hemiparasitic evergreen shrubby plant)"} {"Clue":"English poet mostly adopting American thriller genre (8)","Answer":"SUSPENSE","Explanation":"Definition: thriller genre\n**SPENSE** (reference English poet Edmund **SPENSER** **excluding the final letter** [mostly] **R**) **containing** (adopting) **US** (American) **S**** **(**US**) **PENSE**\n\n**SUSPENSE** (a genre of thrillers)"} {"Clue":"No opening for an extra responsibility (4)","Answer":"ONUS","Explanation":"Definition: responsibility \n**BONUS** (extra) excluding the first letter [no opening for] **B** \u00a0\n\n**ONUS** (responsibility)"} {"Clue":"Dictionary's prime source of information \u2013 run off to show homage (9)","Answer":"DEFERENCE","Explanation":"Definition: homage\n**D** **(first letter of **[prime] **DICTIONAR**Y) **+** **EFERENCE** (**REFERENCE** [source of information] **excluding** [off] **R** [run, in cricket scoring notation) \u00a0\n\n**DEFERENCE** (homage)"} {"Clue":"Sort out rise in old river (3,2)","Answer":"SEE TO","Explanation":"Definition: Sort out\n(**O** [old] **+ ****TEES** [river in North of England]) **all reversed** (rise; down clue) (**SEE T** **O**)<\n\n**SEE TO** (sort out)"} {"Clue":"Beam erected in ground, on which hangs a whistle? (7)","Answer":"LANYARD","Explanation":"Definition: on which hangs a whistle?\n(**RAY** [beam] **reversed** [erected; down clue]) **contained in** (in) **LAND** (ground) **LAN** (**YAR**)< **D**\n\n**LANYARD** (a cord for hanging a knife, whistle etc around the neck)"} {"Clue":"One book bound in vinyl is bent without perceptible effect? (9)","Answer":"INVISIBLY","Explanation":"Definition: without perceptible effect\n(**I **[one] **+** **B** [book]) **contained in** (bound in) **an anagram of** (bent) **VINYL IS** **INVIS** (**I ****B**) **LY***\n\n**INVISIBLY** (without perceptible effect)"} {"Clue":"United leaving a talent spotter in Berkshire town (5)","Answer":"ASCOT","Explanation":"Definition: Berkshire town\n**A** **+** (**SCOUT** [talent spotter] **excluding** [leaving] **U** [united]) \u00a0\n\n**ASCOT **(a town in Berkshire)"} {"Clue":"Make single woman feel sexy on railway and walk smartly away (4,2,4,4)","Answer":"TURN ON ONES HEEL","Explanation":"Definition: walk smartly away\n**TURN ON** (make \u2026 feel sexy) **+** **ONE** (single) **+** **SHE **(woman) **+** **EL** (elevated railroad; railway) \u00a0\n\n**TURN ON ONES HEEL** (walk smartly away)"} {"Clue":"Peak location for office documents? (5)","Answer":"SPIKE","Explanation":"Definition: location for office documents?\n**SPIKE **(a very brief, potentially damaging surge of power on an electronic circuit; peak in power; alternatively to form a peak) \u00a0\n\n**SPIKE **(a sharp-pointed metal rod set upright on a base, on which to impale documents requiring attention, etc) Do office workers still use a **SPIKE** for this purpose? Double definition"} {"Clue":"Find someone else to handle expenses getting on top of our church (9)","Answer":"OUTSOURCE","Explanation":"Definition: Find someone else to handle\n**OUTS** (outgoings; expenses) **+** **OUR** **+** **CE** (Church of England) \u00a0\n\n**OUTSOURCE** (find someone else to handle certain aspects of the company's work)"} {"Clue":"Trios belt out words from operas (9)","Answer":"LIBRETTOS","Explanation":"Definition: words from operas\n**Anagram of** (out) **TRIOS BELT** **LIBRETTOS***\n\n**LIBRETTOS** (books of words of an opera)"} {"Clue":"Parliamentarians go to court, upset about risqu\u00e9 behaviour? (4-3)","Answer":"EURO-MPS","Explanation":"Definition: Parliamentarians\n(**SUE** [prosecute at law; go to court] **reversed** [upset]) containing (about) **ROMP** (vigorous frolic, especially one of a sexual nature; risqu\u00e9 behaviour) **EU** (**RO MP**) **S**<\n\n**EURO-MPS** (parliamentarians)"} {"Clue":"Common name displayed by individuals supporting Japan (5)","Answer":"JONES","Explanation":"Definition: Common name\n**J** (International Vehicle Registration for Japan) **+** **ONES** (individuals) As this is a down entry the letters of **ONES** are supporting the **J** \u00a0\n\n**JONES** (common surname in Britain)"} {"Clue":"Emotional torment not initially a contribution to shock? (5)","Answer":"TRESS","Explanation":"Definition: shock\n**STRESS** (emotional torment) **excluding the first letter** (not initially) **S** \u00a0\n\n**TRESS** (part of [a contribution] to a shock of hair)"} {"Clue":"Peacock feature, not one on claw (5)","Answer":"TALON","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"To paint a verbal picture diets occasionally get 11 to enter church (8)","Answer":"DESCRIBE","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"In the US, prosecute junior reporter's \"topless\" smear (6)","Answer":"BEDAUB","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"John perhaps takes note after one leaves runner a set of 11s (8)","Answer":"SKELETON","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"Betrayed husband swaps rings for old bird (6)","Answer":"CUCKOO","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"Prediction worrying you before mysterious process ends (5)","Answer":"GUESS","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"Good coke one's arranged in a curve (9)","Answer":"GOOSENECK","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"Expert journalist bowed (6)","Answer":"ARCHED","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"I agree old cat is disturbed by empty litter-tray (7)","Answer":"EXACTLY","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"11's bad smell certain to return (7)","Answer":"HUMERUS","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"Jenny and Henry in the water by the ship (3-3)","Answer":"SHE-ASS","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"Revealing the identity of a French male making demands (9)","Answer":"UNMASKING","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Persian children have a little song (5)","Answer":"CATCH","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"TV presenter's drawback is fakery (6)","Answer":"DECEIT","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"11 injected nuts with nitrogen \u2013 one nearly exploded! (8)","Answer":"MANDIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"A fashionable company (bar any mishap) (3-3)","Answer":"RAY-BAN","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"11 ways to follow 2's rival bringing lives together (8)","Answer":"COEXISTS","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"Plan to remove notices (6)","Answer":"DESIGN","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"Old runner in shabby cream vest (5,4)","Answer":"STEVE CRAM","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"Force prophet to climb round submerged rocks (5)","Answer":"REEFS","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"Commentated online as mob finally felled trees (7)","Answer":"BLOGGED","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"List two points, worried after twice hesitating (9)","Answer":"ENUMERATE","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"A group of 11s drank less after removing a couple of layers of clothing (5)","Answer":"ANKLE","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"Beckham is uncomfortable, only OK after emptying bladder (8)","Answer":"BROOKLYN","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"Something to pick with someone good in France and Spain (4)","Answer":"BONE","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"Greeting Moira, upset about silence at bombsite (9)","Answer":"HIROSHIMA","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"Barrels upside-down in river are experimental vessels (4,5)","Answer":"TEST TUBES","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"Joint quiet before loud brawl with monarch (8)","Answer":"SHOULDER","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"11 miss final point in Polish (4)","Answer":"SHIN","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"Succulent forms of gold to talk up (7)","Answer":"SAGUARO","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"Humble character overwhelmed by noxious gas makes piping noises (6)","Answer":"CHEEPS","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"Enterprising XIs rudely try and attract top cricket club's attention? (5)","Answer":"MCCOY","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"First of 11 fish found above unknown\u00a0old manuscript (5)","Answer":"CODEX","Explanation":"Definition: on claw\n(**TAIL** [a particular feature of a peacock]** excluding** [not] **I** [one]) **+** **ON** \u00a0\n\n**TALON** (claw)"} {"Clue":"Fired top employee (5,10)","Answer":"HUMAN CANNONBALL","Explanation":"Definition: Fired top employee\nA **HUMAN CANNONBALL** is fired out of a **CANNON**\n \u00a0\n\n**HUMAN CANNONBALL** (A **HUMAN CANNONBALL** is usually employed by a Circus. A Circus is usually housed in a big **TOP**, so we have a **top employee**)"} {"Clue":"Maybe flash pants without grace (8)","Answer":"BUMBLING","Explanation":"Definition: without grace\n**BUM** (worthless; rubbish; pants) **+** **BLING** (jewellery, esp of a large and conspicuous style; conspicuous wealth; flash)\n Does the 'maybe' mean that you can change the order of 'flash' and 'pants' or is **BUM BLING** understood as flash pants?\n\n**BUMBLING** (in a clumsy muddled or inefficient way; without grace?)"} {"Clue":"Flight has no couple in First on its route (6)","Answer":"AIRWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Flight\n**STAIRWAY** (flight [of stairs]) **excluding the first two** (pair) **of letters** (no couple in first) **ST**\n \u00a0\n\n**AIRWAY **(an organised route for air travel)"} {"Clue":"Housing debt is monstrous (6)","Answer":"BEDSIT","Explanation":"Definition: Housing\n**Anagram of **(monstrous) **DEBT IS**\n **BEDSIT***\n\n**BEDSIT **(a combined bedroom and sitting room, e.g. in lodgings; housing)"} {"Clue":"Expert's fast to cut date loose (8)","Answer":"TALENTED","Explanation":"Definition: Expert\n**LENT** (period of fasting) **contained in** (to cut) **an anagram of** (loose) **DATE**\n **TE** **(LENT**) **ED***\n\n**TALENTED** (expert)"} {"Clue":"Miss Portugal's behind times (4,2)","Answer":"PASS BY","Explanation":"Definition: Miss\n**P** (International Vehicle Registration for Portugal) **+** **ASS** (vulgar slang for buttocks; behind) + **BY** (times, in multiplication terminology)\n \u00a0\n\n**PASS BY** (overlook; miss)"} {"Clue":"Employing bankers, avoids thorough media complaint (6)","Answer":"ASTHMA","Explanation":"Definition: complaint\n**AS ****+**** TH ****+**** MA** (first and last letters of [bankers] each of **AVOIDS**, **T****HOROUGH** and **MEDIA**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ASTHMA** (chronic disorder of the organs of respiration; complaint)"} {"Clue":"PC ID of retired policeman resupplied (8)","Answer":"USERNAME","Explanation":"Definition: PC ID\n**USERNAME** (**hidden word in** (of) **reversed** (retired) **POLICEMAN RESUPPLIED**)\n **USERNAME**<\n\n**USERNAME** (Personal Computer [PC] identification [ID])"} {"Clue":"What setter might do when going to shrink, offering seafood (6)","Answer":"COCKLE","Explanation":"Definition: seafood\n**COCK LEG** (what a setter [dog] might do when going [to urinate]) **excluding the final letter** [shrink] **G**\n \u00a0\n\n**COCKLE** (seafood)"} {"Clue":"Smart guy's closer, unlikely to get round in? (6)","Answer":"STINGY","Explanation":"Definition: unlikely to get round in\n**STING** (smart) **+** **Y **(**final letter of** [closer] **GUY**)\n \u00a0\n\n**STINGY** (ungenerous; unlikely to buy a round [of drinks])"} {"Clue":"As a user, e'll sort my weed conviction, it's said (8)","Answer":"EMPLOYER","Explanation":"Definition: As a user\n'**EMP** (hemp; cannabis; weed) **+** **LOYER** (**sounds like** [it's said] **LAWYER**) Taken together the phrase\u00a0'**EMP** **LOYER** sounds like **HEMP LAWYER** (one who might be of help when dealing with a weed conviction)\n \u00a0\n\n**EMPLOYER** (user)"} {"Clue":"Overseas delivery secured by rubber band (6,9)","Answer":"JOHNNY FOREIGNER","Explanation":"Definition: Overseas delivery\n**JOHNNY** (condom; rubber) **+** **FOREIGNER** (British-American rock band\u00a0originally formed in 1976)\n\n**JOHNNY FOREIGNER** (an informal and pejorative term for a person from a country other than those which make up the United Kingdom) I can see the 'overseas' bit, but\u00a0I'm not sure where 'delivery' comes into the definition. \n I note that there is also a band called **JOHNNY FOREIGNER** from Birmingham. It is possible that the definition in this clue is simply 'band', but here too I am stumped by the role played by the word 'delivery'."} {"Clue":"At Paris Fashion Week, you duplicated dress on stage (4)","Answer":"TUTU","Explanation":"Definition: dress on stage\n**TU **(one of the French words for 'you') **repeated** (duplicated ) to give **TU** **TU**\n \u00a0\n\n**TUTU** (a ballerina's short, stiff, spreading skirt; dress [fashion] on stage)"} {"Clue":"Business student holds on to host's bollocks (8)","Answer":"LAMBASTS","Explanation":"Definition: bollocks\n**LASTS **(holds out; holds on) **contains** (hosts) **MBA** (Master of Business Administration; a qualification studied for by business\u00a0students)\n **LA** (**MBA**) **STS**\n\n**LAMBASTS** (reprimands severely; bollocks)"} {"Clue":"Book fantastic trip to support sceptic on vacation (6)","Answer":"SCRIPT","Explanation":"Definition: Book\n**SC** (**letters remaining in** **SCEPTIC**\u00a0**after the middle letters** **CEPTI have been removed** [after vacation]) + **an anagram of **(fantastic) **TRIP**\n **SC RIPT***\n\n**SCRIPT** (\u00a0the actors' director's, etc written copy of the text of a play, film, etc; a text for broadcasting; book)"} {"Clue":"Why sit-down meal's cancelled for A-listers (8)","Answer":"NOTABLES","Explanation":"Definition: A-listers\n**NO TABLES** (there are **NO TABLES** available so we cannot sit down for a meal)\n \u00a0\n\n**NOTABLES** (well known people; A-listers)"} {"Clue":"Honour vote to reject king in folklore (6)","Answer":"OBERON","Explanation":"Definition: king in folklore\n**OBE** (Order of the British Empire; honour) + ?\n I can't relate **RON** or **NOR** [reject, **reverse of** **RON**] to vote. Maybe reject is **NO** and **R** is king, and the definition is simply 'in folklore', but even so, I still don't see how it all works.? I look forward to people telling me how foolish I am to have missed something obvious!\n\n**OBERON** (king of the fairies; king in folklore)"} {"Clue":"Criminal labels Hollande's roadmap as investment pig (10)","Answer":"SLEAZEBALL","Explanation":"Definition: pig \n(**LE **[French {Hollande; reference the current President of France}] **+** **AZ** [reference Geographers A-Z map company, best known for its Street Map of London) **contained in** (as investment) **an anagram of** (criminal) **LABELS** \n **S** (**LE** **AZ**) **EBALL***\n\n**SLEAZEBALL** (\u00a0a corrupt, squalid\u00a0person, especially an unprincipled man who tries to take advantage of women; pig)"} {"Clue":"Disprove scandal implicating Geordies? (6)","Answer":"NEGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Disprove\n**NE **(North East; Geordies is a term for people who are natives of Tyneside in the North East of England) **+** **GATE** (a suffix that is frequently applied when giving a name to a scandal. The terminology originated from the Water**GATE** affair in the United States which led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon in 1974)\n \u00a0\n\n**NEGATE** (disprove)"} {"Clue":"Show source avoiding missionary? (10)","Answer":"EXPOSITION","Explanation":"Definition: Show\n**EX** (without; avoiding) **+** **POSITION**\u00a0(the missionary **POSITION** can be used in sexual intercourse)\n I think 'source' is being used as saying the entry is derived (sourced) from synonyms or examples of 'avoiding' and 'missionary'\n \u00a0\n\n**EXPOSITION** (public exposition; show)"} {"Clue":"Dictator's odds of 11 getting attention (5,3)","Answer":"BEADY EYE","Explanation":"Definition: attention\n**BEADY EYE** (sounds like the letters **BDI** said as separate letters. **B**, **D** and **I** are letters **1**, **3** and **5** in the entry at 11 across **BEDS****I****T**)\n \u00a0\n\n**BEADY EYE** (used to suggest distrustful attentiveness to another's behaviour)"} {"Clue":"Check this for Pope? Business that's nasty (8)","Answer":"HICCOUGH","Explanation":"Definition: Check\n**HIC** (this in Latin, the language of Popes) **+** **CO** (company) **+** **UGH **(that's nasty!)\n \u00a0\n\n**HICCOUGH** (difficulty or setback; check)"} {"Clue":"No friend of Dorothy's in other end of home ground (6)","Answer":"HETERO","Explanation":"Definition: No friend of Dorothy'\n**Anagram of** (ground) (**OTHER** and **E** [**last letter of** [end of] **HOME**)\n **HETERO***\n\n**HETERO** (The Urban dictionary defines **FRIEND OF DOROTHY** as a\u00a0homosexual male, often very flamboyant. Derived from the friends of Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. If this is the allusion then a **HETERO** would not be a **FRIEND OF DOROTHY**) \n Alternatively, and less likely, this could relate to a quote by **DOROTHY** Parker, American poet [1893 \u2013 1967]\u00a0where she said \"**HETERO**sexuality is not normal, it's just common\")"} {"Clue":"Rows of new Mars bars? (3-3)","Answer":"RUN-INS","Explanation":"Definition: Rows\n**RUINS** (mars) **containing** (bars) **N** (new)\n **RU** (**N**) **INS**\n\n**RUN-INS** (disagreements; rows)"} {"Clue":"Nicker, and then some! (6)","Answer":"COPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Nicker\n**COPPER **(a significant amount of [and then some] copper coinage is required to make a nicker [\u00a31 sterling])\n \u00a0\n\n**COPPER** (a policeman who will arrest [nick] people; nicker) double definition"} {"Clue":"Poker's No 1 online! (4)","Answer":"EPEE","Explanation":"Definition: Poker\n**E** [electronic [on-line]) **+** **PEE** (urination; number one)\n \u00a0\n\n**EPEE** (a sharp-pointed, narrow-bladed sword without a cutting edge, used for duelling and, with a button on the point, for fencing; poker)"} {"Clue":"Lanky type awkwardly hid lines I put out aboard smacks (13)","Answer":"SPINDLE-SHANKS","Explanation":"Definition: Lanky type\n(**Anagram** of [awkwardly] **HID LINES** excluding [put out] I) **contained in** (aboard) **SPANKS **(smacks)\n **SP** (**INDLESH***) **ANKS**\n\n**SPINDLE-SHANKS** (Chambers defines **SPINDLE-SHANKS** in the **plural** as long slim legs; but it says that the singular is the term for one **with **long slim legs. Surely 'lanky type' would be the singular?)"} {"Clue":"Caligula crazily arresting officer (8)","Answer":"ALGUACIL","Explanation":"Definition: arresting officer\n**Anagram of** (crazily) **CALIGULA**\n **ALGUACIL***\n\n**ALGUACIL** (in Spain, an officer who makes arrests)"} {"Clue":"Judgement day? Humour receding (4)","Answer":"DOOM","Explanation":"Definition: Judgement day\n**MOOD **(temporary state of the emotions or of attitude; humour) **reversed** (receding)\n **DOOM**<\n\n**DOOM** (final judgement; Judgement day)"} {"Clue":"Result of fatty US diet? Put endless restriction on one and include exercise (7)","Answer":"LIPEMIA","Explanation":"Definition: Result of fatty US diet?\n(**LIMIT** [restriction] **excluding the final letter** [endless] **T** **+** **A** [one]) **containing** (include) (**PE** [physical education; exercise])\n **LI** (**PE**) **MI ****A**\n\n**LIPEMIA** (American spelling of **LIPAEMIA**, an excess of fat in the blood)"} {"Clue":"Books filling gap in hamper (6)","Answer":"HOBBLE","Explanation":"Definition: hamper\n**BB **(books) **contained in** (filling) **HOLE** (gap)\n **HO** (**BB**) **LE**\n\n**HOBBLE** (hamper the feet of an animal)"} {"Clue":"Eternally, as in Rome, has a Caesar (before being removed) (6)","Answer":"SEMPER","Explanation":"Definition: Eternally\nI really don't know how the wordplay works here. I have found the phrase **SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS** that is supposedly said by Brutus before he inflicts the fatal blow to kill [remove?] Julius Caesar, but I can't see any logical way of excluding **SIC** and **TYRANNIS.**\n \u00a0\n **I look forward to having the parsing of this clue explained to me.**\n\n**SEMPER **(always [Latin; in Rome]; eternally as in Rome)"} {"Clue":"Enterprise, e.g. taking sailors on board? (8)","Answer":"STARSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: Eternally\nI really don't know how the wordplay works here. I have found the phrase **SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS** that is supposedly said by Brutus before he inflicts the fatal blow to kill [remove?] Julius Caesar, but I can't see any logical way of excluding **SIC** and **TYRANNIS.**\n \u00a0\n **I look forward to having the parsing of this clue explained to me.**\n\n**SEMPER **(always [Latin; in Rome]; eternally as in Rome)"} {"Clue":"Wannabe a lookalike has smuggled in (8)","Answer":"ASPIRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Wannabe\n(**A** **+** **SPIT** [exact replica; lookalike]) **containing** (has \u2026 in) **RAN** (smuggled)\n **A** **SPI** (**RAN**) **T**\n\n**ASPIRANT** (someone who desires eagerly; wannabe)"} {"Clue":"Dealer in dyes etc changes back to front (6)","Answer":"SALTER","Explanation":"Definition: Dealer in dyes\n**ALTERS** (changes) **with the final letter** [back] **S** **moved to the first position** [front]\n **SALTER**\n\n**SALTER** (\u00a0a dealer in gums, dyes, etc)"} {"Clue":"Gruff Scots, reverse of shameful it follows (6)","Answer":"ROOPIT","Explanation":"Definition: Gruff Scots\n**POOR **(shameful) **reversed** (reverse of) **+** **IT**\n **ROOP**< **IT**\n\n**ROOPIT** (Scottish word for hoarse; gruff Scots)"} {"Clue":"College one enters elaborately robed in heavy fabric (7)","Answer":"BROCADE","Explanation":"Definition: heavy fabric\n(**C** [college] **+** **A** [one]) **contained in** (enters) **an anagram of** (elaborately) **ROBED**\n **BRO** (**C** **A**) **DE***\n\n**BROCADE** (a heavy silky fabric with a raised (or apparently raised) design on it)"} {"Clue":"Edible fern \u2013 nonsense? No diddle (4)","Answer":"TARA","Explanation":"Definition: Edible fern \n**TARADIDDLE** (nonsense) **excluding** (no) **DIDDLE**\n \u00a0\n\n**TARA** (a variety of bracken found in New Zealand and Tasmania, with an edible rhizome; edible fern)"} {"Clue":"Backsliding, become drunk, no matter which round \u2013 a contradiction (8)","Answer":"ANTILOGY","Explanation":"Definition: contradiction\n**ANY** (no matter which) **containing** (round) (**GO LIT** [become drunk] **reversed** [backsliding])\n **AN** (**TIL OG**)< **Y**\n\n**ANTILOGY** (contradiction|)"} {"Clue":"Letter in Hebrew: screen showing second misplaced (5)","Answer":"SADHE","Explanation":"Definition: Letter in Hebrew\n**SHADE** (screen) moving the second letter **H** to a different place in the word [second misplaced]\n **SADHE**\n\n**SADHE** (eighteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Spot in the highlands to view after parking\u00a0(5)","Answer":"PLOOK","Explanation":"Definition: Spot in the highlands\n**P** (parking) **+** **LOOK** (view)\n \u00a0\n\n**PLOOK** (Scottish [Highlands] word for a pimple or spot; spot in the highlands)"} {"Clue":"Something like an opossum, 'dead', then cheers up (6)","Answer":"NUMBAT","Explanation":"Definition: Something like an opossum\n**NUMB** (dead[ened]) **+** (**TA** [thank you; cheers] **reversed** [up; down clue])\n **NUMB** **AT**<\n\n**NUMBAT** (a small Australian marsupial (Myrmecobius fasciatus) which feeds on termites, presumably similar to an opossum)"} {"Clue":"End up with little latitude in old age (4)","Answer":"EILD","Explanation":"Definition: old age \n(**DIE **[end] **reversed** [up; down clue]) **containing** (with \u2026 in) **L** (**abbreviation for** [little] **L** [latitude])\n **EI** (**L**) **D**<\n\n**EILD** (old age)"} {"Clue":"Trance limits rising temper, the result of imbalance in blood (11)","Answer":"HYPERINOSIS","Explanation":"Definition: result of imbalance in blood\n**HYPNOSIS **(trance) **contains** (limits) (**IRE** [temper] **reversed** [rising; down clue])\n **HYP** (**ERI**)< **NOSIS**\n\n**HYPERINOSIS** (excess of fibre in the blood; [result of ]imbalance in the blood)"} {"Clue":"Speed written within ambit of tailless antelope and of immature insects (7)","Answer":"NYMPHAL","Explanation":"Definition: of immature insects\n(**MPH **[miles per hour; speed]) **contained in** (written within ambit of] (**NYALA** [antelope] **excluding the final letter** [tailless] **A**)\n **NY **(**MPH**) **AL**\n\n**NYMPHAL** (of immature insects)"} {"Clue":"Ancient quay, one circled by jackdaw on the Clyde? (4)","Answer":"KAIE","Explanation":"Definition: Ancient quay\n**I** (one) **contained in** (circled by) **KAE** (Scottish [Clyde] word for a jackdaw)\n **KA (I) E**\n\n**KAIE** (obsolete form of [old] **KEY** [quay])"} {"Clue":"To make connection in south, communication device while driving one abandoned (6)","Answer":"SCARPH","Explanation":"Definition: To make connection\n**S** (South) **+** (**CARPHONE** [device enable communication whilst driving] **excluding** [abandoned] **ONE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**SCARPH** (to join with a **SCARF-JOINT** [a joint between pieces placed end to end, cut so as to fit with overlapping like a continuous piece])"} {"Clue":"Lines that help volunteers in ridge, steep on one side (6)","Answer":"CUESTA","Explanation":"Definition: ridge, steep on one side\n**CUES** (the last words of an actor's speech serving as a signal to the next speaker to begin; any word or action that serves as a signal to begin a speech; lines that help) **+** **TA** (Territorial Army; volunteers)\n \u00a0\n\n**CUESTA** (a hill ridge having a steep scarp on one side and a gradual slope on the other)"} {"Clue":"What'll strain bits regularly going in Thermos? (4)","Answer":"TEMS","Explanation":"Definition: What'll strain\n**TEMS** (l**etters 1, 3, 5 and 7** [regularly] of **T****H****E****R****M****O****S**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TEMS** (strainer)"} {"Clue":"Lament red spilled round up-ended jug (7)","Answer":"DEPLORE","Explanation":"Definition: Lament\n**Anagram of** (spilled) **RED** **containing** (round) (**OLPE** [Greek jug] **reversed** [up-ended; down clue])\n **D** (**EPLO**<) **RE***\n\n**DEPLORE** (feel or express deep grief for; lament)"} {"Clue":"Protruding once, like egg dropped from inside fish (6)","Answer":"ASTRUT","Explanation":"Definition: Protruding once\n**AS** (like) **+** (**TROUT** [fish] **excluding** [dropped from] **O** [egg shape])\n \u00a0\n\n**ASTRUT** (archaic [once] word for protruding)"} {"Clue":"Three out of four voices restricted by silence? He should be too! (6)","Answer":"GASBAG","Explanation":"Definition: He should be too\n(**A** [alto] **+** **S** [soprano] **+** **B** [bass], giving three of the four most common voices. Only tenor is omitted) **contained in **(restricted by) **GAG** (silence)\n **G** (**A** **S** **B**) **AG **or** GA** (**S** **B A**) **G**\n\n**GASBAG** (talkative person, one who perhaps should be silenced)"} {"Clue":"Grub, 'eated in part (6)","Answer":"ROTTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Grub\n'**OT** ('eated hot\/heated) **contained in** (in) **ROLE **(part [in a play])\n **RO** (**OT**) **LE** \n\n**ROTTLE** (grub)"} {"Clue":"Yen the writer in Germany has to pen tons (4)","Answer":"ITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Yen\n**ICH** (I [the writer] in German) **containing** (pen) **T** (tons)\n **I **(**T**) **CH**\n\n**ITCH** (longing; urge; yen)"} {"Clue":"Council of elders dance round king, active (5)","Answer":"JIRGA","Explanation":"Definition: Council of elders\n(**JIG** [dance] **containing** [around] **R** [Rex; king]) **+** **A** (active)\n **JI** (**R**) **G** **A**\n\n**JIRGA** (in Afghanistan, a council of tribal elders)"} {"Clue":"Corset restrains e.g. hussy's middle, front of tum held in (5)","Answer":"STAYS","Explanation":"Definition: Corset\n(**SAY** [e.g.] + **S** [middle letter of {middle} **HUSSY**]) **containing** (held in) **T** (first letter of [front of] **TUM**)\n **S** (**T**) **AY** **S**\n\n**STAYS** (corset)"} {"Clue":"Tree found in Sahara region (4)","Answer":"ARAR","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\n**ARAR** (**hidden word in** [found in] **SAHARA REGION**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ARAR** (sandarac tree, most commonly found in the Moroccan Atlas mountains))"} {"Clue":"Thin fabric demonstrating A-line when taken up? (4)","Answer":"LENO","Explanation":"Definition: Thin fabric\n(**ONE** [a] **+** **L** [line]) **all reversed** (taken-up; down clue)\n (**L** **ENO**)<\n\n**LENO** (a thin muslin-like fabric.)"} {"Clue":"Librettist's good, with three-quarters of libretto redrafted (7)","Answer":"GILBERT","Explanation":"Definition: Librettist\n**G** (good) **+** **an anagram of** (redrafted) **LIBRET** (**6 of the 8** [three quarters] **letters of** **LIBRETTO**) **G** **ILBERT***\n\n**GILBERT** (reference W S **GILBERT** [1836 \u2013 1911], librettist in the **GILBERT** and Sullivan partnership)"} {"Clue":"English amongst friends in Scottish town (5)","Answer":"KEITH","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish town\n**E** (English) **contained in** (among) **KITH** (one's friends or acquaintances [obsolete now except in **KITH** **AND KIN**, friends and relatives]). **K** (**E**) **ITH**\n\n**KEITH** (town in Moray, North East Scotland)"} {"Clue":"Part of house lacking new rug (3)","Answer":"WIG","Explanation":"Definition: rug\n**WING** (part of a [large] house) **excluding** (lacking) **N** (new) \u00a0\n\n**WIG** (rug is slang for a toupee or **WIG**)"} {"Clue":"Part of ocean surged round ship (American) (4,3)","Answer":"ROSS SEA","Explanation":"Definition: Part of ocean\n(**ROSE** [surged] **containing** [round] **SS** [steamship; ship]) **+** **A** (American) **RO** (**SS**) **SE** **A**\n\n**ROSS SEA** (deep bay of the Southern Ocean in Antarctica)"} {"Clue":"Like song in King and I, wrapped in circling decorated line (7)","Answer":"LYRICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Like song\n(**R** [Rex; king] **+** **I**) **contained in** (wrapped in) ([**LACY** {decorated} **+** **L** {line}] **all reversed** [circling]) (**L** **Y** (**R** **I**) **CAL**)<\n\n**LYRICAL** (like song)"} {"Clue":"Emphasise feeling weightless after being drugged (6)","Answer":"HIGHLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Emphasise\n**HIGH** (drugged) **+** **LIGHT** (feeling weightless) \u00a0\n\n**HIGHLIGHT** (emphasise)"} {"Clue":"Programming language second in speed (not that of light!) (4)","Answer":"LISP","Explanation":"Definition: Programming language\n**S** (second) **contained in** (in) (**C****LIP** [speed] **excluding** [not] **C** [constant representing the speed of light]) **LI **(**S**) **P**\n\n**LISP** (programming language)"} {"Clue":"Paul's wife: start of joyous love has besotted Newman losing his heart (6)","Answer":"JOANNE","Explanation":"Definition: Paul's wife\n**J** (**first letter of** [start of] **JOYOUS**) **+** **O** (zero; love score in tennis) **+** (**an anagram of NEWMAN** excluding [losing] the middle letters [his heart] **WM**) **J O** **ANNE***\n\n**JOANNE** (reference American actress\u00a0**JOANNE** Woodward [1930 \u2013 date]\u00a0wife of Paul Newman from 1958 until his death in 2008)"} {"Clue":"Ferrier possibly last to abandon the lake in a storm (8)","Answer":"KATHLEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Ferrier possibly\n**Anagram of **(in a storm) (**N** [**final letter of** {last to} **ABANDON**] and **THE LAKE**) **KATHLEEN***\n\n**KATHLEEN** (reference **KATHLEEN** Ferrier [1912 \u2013 1953], contralto singer)"} {"Clue":"Deliver sixth ball in new style (8)","Answer":"MAKEOVER","Explanation":"Definition: new style\nThere are 6 balls in an **OVER** in cricket so if a bowler gets to **MAKE** an **OVER** he has delivered (bowled) 6 balls \u00a0\n\n**MAKEOVER** (a complete change in the style of a person's dress, appearance; new style)"} {"Clue":"Not looking one's best following half amount of sex (6)","Answer":"FRUMPY","Explanation":"Definition: Not looking one's best\n**F** (following) **+** **RUMPY** (half of **RUMPY-****PUMPY** [casual or playful sexual intercourse]) \u00a0\n\n**FRUMPY** (dowdy; not looking one's best)"} {"Clue":"Articles about Latin chap (4)","Answer":"ALAN","Explanation":"Definition: chap\n(**A** [indefinite article] **+** **AN** [indefinite article] giving articles) **containing** (about) **L** (Latin) **A** (**L**) **AN**\n\n**ALAN** (man's name; chap)"} {"Clue":"A Greek figure that's embraced by Greek leader (9)","Answer":"ALEXANDER","Explanation":"Definition: chap\n(**A** [indefinite article] **+** **AN** [indefinite article] giving articles) **containing** (about) **L** (Latin) **A** (**L**) **AN**\n\n**ALAN** (man's name; chap)"} {"Clue":"Awkwardly ask about felled oak containing quiet rare birds (7)","Answer":"KAKAPOS","Explanation":"Definition: rare birds \n**Anagram of **(awkwardly) **ASK**\u00a0**containing** (about) (**an anagram of** [felled] **OAK** **containing** (containing) **P** (pianissimo; quiet]) **KA** (**KA** (**P**) **O***) **S***\n\n**KAKAPOS** (rare New Zealand owl-parrots, nocturnal and flightless)"} {"Clue":"Reactive metal ignited gas, releasing energy and luminance (7)","Answer":"LITHIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Reactive metal\n**LIT** (ignited) **+** (**H****EL****IUM** [gas] **excluding** [releasing] **E** [energy] and **L** [luminance]) \u00a0\n\n**LITHIUM **(reactive metal, the lightest metal, atomic number 3)"} {"Clue":"Put away gun (after first shot) (3)","Answer":"EAT","Explanation":"Definition: Put away\n**HEAT** (American term for firearm; gun) **excluding** (shot) **the first letter** (first) **H** I'm clutching at straws a bit here but Chambers does have **HEAT** as a firearm. \u00a0\n\n**EAT** (put away)"} {"Clue":"Director keen to display statue (5)","Answer":"DAVID","Explanation":"Definition: statue\n**D** (director) **+** **AVID** (keen) \u00a0\n\n**DAVID** (reference the statue \/ sculpture\u00a0of **DAVID** which can be found in the Accademia Gallery in Florence)"} {"Clue":"Woman's to risk embracing right fool (7)","Answer":"HERBERT","Explanation":"Definition: fool\n**HER **(woman's) **+** (**BET** [risk] **containing** [embracing] **R** [right]) **HER** **BE** (**R**) **T**\n\n**HERBERT** (an undistinguished or foolish man or youth [Oxford Dictionary of English])"} {"Clue":"Hard maths topic picked up, providing circumference (5)","Answer":"GIRTH","Explanation":"Definition: circumference\n(**H** **+** **TRIG** [trigonometry; maths subject]) **all reversed** (picked up; down clue) (**GIRT** **H**)<\n\n**GIRTH** (circumferential measure of thickness)"} {"Clue":"Dish's name encountered in story from California? (7)","Answer":"LASAGNA","Explanation":"Definition: Dish'\n**N** (name) **contained in** (encountered in) (**LA** [Los Angeles, a city in California] **+** **SAGA**) **LA** **SAG** (**N**) **A**\n\n**LASAGNA** (dish of food)"} {"Clue":"Tend saloon, riotous in African city (4,6)","Answer":"EAST LONDON","Explanation":"Definition: African city\n**Anagram of **(riotous) **TEND SALOON** **EAST LONDON***\n\n**EAST LONDON** (city in South Africa)"} {"Clue":"Describing accent: piquant, containing trace of Welsh (6)","Answer":"TWANGY","Explanation":"Definition: Describing accent\n**TANGY** (piquant) **containing** (containing) **W** (**first letter of** [trace of] **WELSH**) **T** (**W**) **ANGY**\n\n**TWANGY** (one way of describing an accent as having a nasal tone)"} {"Clue":"Backer now accommodating composer of musicals (4)","Answer":"KERN","Explanation":"Definition: composer of musicals\n**KERN** (**hidden word in** [accommodating] **BACKER NOW**) \u00a0\n\n**KERN** (reference Jerome **KERN** [1885 \u2013 1945], American composer of musical theatre)"} {"Clue":"Bank greatly favoured Conservative policy (7)","Answer":"INCLINE","Explanation":"Definition: Bank\n**IN** (greatly favoured) + **C** (Conservative) **+** **LINE** (policy) \u00a0\n\n**INCLINE** (slope; bank)"} {"Clue":"Fortepiano in sound: two notes unknown (rather cheap) (9)","Answer":"HALFPENNY","Explanation":"Definition: rather cheap\n(**FP** [fortepiano] **contained in** [in] **HALE** [sound]) **+** (**N** [note] **+** **N** [note] giving two notes) **+** **Y** (letter frequently used to represent an unknown in mathematics) **HAL** (**FP**) **E** **N** **N** **Y**\n\n**HALFPENNY** (coin of low value; rather cheap)"} {"Clue":"Female accepting curtailment of bingo, having issue with throat (7)","Answer":"GLOTTAL","Explanation":"Definition: issue with throat\n**GAL** (girl) **containing** (accepting) (**LOTTO** [bingo] **excluding the final letter** [curtailment of] **O**) **G** (**LOTT**) **AL**\n\n**GLOTTAL** (of the opening of the larynx or entrance to the windpipe; issue with throat)"} {"Clue":"Energy captured in the beam subsequently (10)","Answer":"THEREAFTER","Explanation":"Definition: subsequently\n**E** (energy) **contained in** (captured in) (**THE** + **RAFTER** [beam]) **THE** **R** (**E**) **AFTER**\n\n**THEREAFTER** (subsequently)"} {"Clue":"Very busy getting jars on the trucks? (3-6)","Answer":"JAM-PACKED","Explanation":"Definition: Very busy\n**JAM PACKED** (I think this is just a cryptic definition based on the fact that **JAM**\u00a0usually comes in jars and if you put all the jars onto trucks then the trucks\u00a0are **PACKED**) \u00a0\n\n**JAM-PACKED **(very busy)"} {"Clue":"Trellis I pulled out to tip over and fall back (7)","Answer":"RELAPSE","Explanation":"Definition: fall back\n(**ESPALIER** [a latticework of wood to train trees; trellis] **excluding** [pulled out] I) **reversed** (tip over) **RELAPSE**<\n\n**RELAPSE** (fall back)"} {"Clue":"King Henry IV securing vessel for remote city (7)","Answer":"KHARKIV","Explanation":"Definition: remote city\n(**K** [king] **+** **H** [henry; SI unit of inductance] **+** **IV**) **containing** (securing) **ARK** (vessel) **K** **H** (**ARK**) **IV**\n\n**KHARKIV** (variant spelling of Kharkov, the second-largest city of Ukraine; remote city) I'm not sure that **KHARKIV** is that remote to many\u00a0solvers given the developing situation in Ukraine at the moment."} {"Clue":"Delivery worker in South of France around Wednesday with iron (7)","Answer":"MIDWIFE","Explanation":"Definition: Delivery worker\n(**MIDI** [Department of France, located in the South West of the country] **containing** **W** (Wednesday]) **+** **FE** (chemical symbol for iron) **MID** (**W**) **I** **FE**\n\n**MIDWIFE** One who delivers children at birth)"} {"Clue":"Fell, clutching top of leg \u2013 it's what medicine will help (6)","Answer":"HEALTH","Explanation":"Definition: it's what medicine will help\n**HEATH** (both **FELL** and **HEATH** can be defined as barren open country and\/or upland tract) **containing** (**L** [**first letter of **{top of} **LEG**) **HEA** (**L**) **TH**\n\n**HEALTH** (medicine will help maintain your\u00a0health, as will many aspects of a balanced diet and exercise)"} {"Clue":"Scope showing right bird soaring (5)","Answer":"REMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Scope\n**R** (right) **+** (**TIME** [prison sentence; bird] **reversed** [soaring; down clue]) **R** (**EMIT**)<\n\n**REMIT** (scope)"} {"Clue":"Digging tool turned up some bottles, inverted (4)","Answer":"SPUD","Explanation":"Definition: Scope\n**R** (right) **+** (**TIME** [prison sentence; bird] **reversed** [soaring; down clue]) **R** (**EMIT**)<\n\n**REMIT** (scope)"} {"Clue":"Backstage, the Queen dined again, say (9)","Answer":"REITERATE","Explanation":"Definition: again, say \n**TIER** (stage) **reversed** (back) **+** **ER** (Elizabeth Regina; Queen) **+** **ATE** (dined)\n **REIT**< **ER** **ATE**\n\n**REITERATE** (repeat again; say again)"} {"Clue":"Fruit from Angolan stores (5)","Answer":"MANGO","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\n**MANGO** (**hidden word in **[stores] **FROM ANGOLAN**)\n \u00a0\n\n**MANGO** (fruit)"} {"Clue":"Lovelorn, henceforth could depict this historical event (3,6,10)","Answer":"THE FRENCH REVOLUTION","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\n**MANGO** (**hidden word in **[stores] **FROM ANGOLAN**)\n \u00a0\n\n**MANGO** (fruit)"} {"Clue":"1\/23's monstrous hole: throw item with fear (3,4,2,3,5,4)","Answer":"THE LAIR OF THE WHITE WORM","Explanation":"Definition: 1\/23's\n**Anagram of** (monstrous) **HOLE THROW ITEM WITH FEAR**\n \u00a0\n\n**THE LAIR OF THE WHITE WORM** (another novel by 1 \/ 23 [**BRAM STOKER**])"} {"Clue":"Dish from the sea with tail removed (5)","Answer":"BALTI","Explanation":"Definition: Dish\n**BALTIC** (reference **BALTIC** Sea) **excluding** [removed] **the final letter** [tail] **C**\n \u00a0\n\n**BALTI** (kind of Indian cookery originating in Britain, in which food is cooked in a wok-like dish and eaten out of the same dish; this dish.)"} {"Clue":"Communist friends, regularly purged (3)","Answer":"RED","Explanation":"Definition: Communist\n**RED** (**the letters that remain in** **FRIENDS after letters 1, 3 and 5** [regularly] **are omitted** [purged])\n \u00a0\n\n**RED** (Communist)"} {"Clue":"Noise of old car starting (5)","Answer":"AUDIO","Explanation":"Definition: Noise\n**AUDI **(brand of car) **+** **O** (old) Note: 'car starting' implies that the **AUDI** comes first\n \u00a0\n\n**AUDIO** (sound; noise)"} {"Clue":"Salts sail around northern seas, oddly abandoned (7)","Answer":"SALINES","Explanation":"Definition: Salts\n**Anagram of **(around) **SAIL** **+** **N** (northern) **+** **ES** (**even letters** [2 and 4] only [oddly abandoned] **of SEAS**)\n **SALI*** **N** **ES**\n\n**SALINES** (salts)"} {"Clue":"Clinton's blues? (7)","Answer":"CHELSEA","Explanation":"Definition: Clinton\n**CHELSEA** (reference **CHELSEA** Clinton, daughter of Bill and Hillary Clinton)\n \u00a0\n\n**CHELSEA** (reference **CHELSEA** football club, a team that wears blue shirts \u2013 one of many football teams known as The Blues)"} {"Clue":"Calculation requiring a plasma screen? (5,5)","Answer":"BLOOD COUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Calculation\n**BLOOD** (plasma) **+** **COUNT** (screen [?])\n \u00a0\n\n**BLOOD COUNT** (the number of red or white corpuscles in the blood, presumably arrived at by calculation)"} {"Clue":"To begin with, string quartets disconcerted unwanted guests(9\n )","Answer":"SQUATTERS","Explanation":"Definition: unwanted guests\n**S** (**first letter of** [to begin with] **STRING**) **+** **an anagram of** (disconcerted) **QUARTETS**\n **S** **QUATTER***\n\n**SQUATTERS** (people who settle on land or in unoccupied buildings without legal right; unwelcome guests)"} {"Clue":"Author's agent accepting a manuscript on time (4,6)","Answer":"BRAM STOKER","Explanation":"Definition: Author\n**BROKER** (agent) **containing** (accepting) (**A** **+** **MS** [manuscript] **+** **T** [time])\n **BR** (**A** **MS** **T**) **OKER**\n\n**BRAM STOKER** (author of books fitted into the grid elsewhere \u2013 **DRACULA** [13 across] and **THE LAIR OF THE WHITE WORM** [14 \/ 10 \/ 24 across])"} {"Clue":"City life in Paris upset girl (6)","Answer":"VIENNA","Explanation":"Definition: City\n**VIE** (life in French [Paris] **+** (**ANN** [girl's name] **reversed** [upset; down clue])\n **VIE** **NNA**<\n\n**VIENNA** (European city)"} {"Clue":"Alluring woman abridged sacred text (6)","Answer":"MANTRA","Explanation":"Definition: sacred text \n**MANTRAP** (a woman who takes a mischievous pleasure in attracting and acquiring men) **excluding the final letter** (abridged) **P**\n \u00a0\n\n**MANTRA** (sacred text used as an incantation)"} {"Clue":"Couldn't stand trial, being bound by legal transaction (8)","Answer":"DETESTED","Explanation":"Definition: Couldn't stand\n**TEST **(trial) **contained in** (being bound by) **DEED** (legal transaction)\n **DE** (**TEST**)** ED**\n\n**DETESTED** (hated intensely; couldn't stand)"} {"Clue":"Cross over the threshold (4)","Answer":"DOOR","Explanation":"Definition: threshold\n**ROOD** (cross) **reversed** (over)\n **DOOR**<\n\n**DOOR** (threshold)"} {"Clue":"Normal colours? (6)","Answer":"STANDARD","Explanation":"Definition: Normal\n**STANDARD** (established or accepted model; normal)\n \u00a0\n\n**STANDARD** (flag; colours) double definition"} {"Clue":"Soprano hosted by mediocre network (4)","Answer":"MESH","Explanation":"Definition: network\n**S** (soprano) **contained in** (hosted by) **MEH** (mediocre)\n **ME** (**S**) **H**\n\n**MESH** (network)"} {"Clue":"Time filling society girl's obligations (5)","Answer":"DEBTS","Explanation":"Definition: obligations\n**T** (time) **contained in** (filling) **DEB'S** (debutante's [society girl's])\n **DEB **(**T**) **S**\n\n**DEBTS** (obligations)"} {"Clue":"Provoke one spoiled brat in river (10)","Answer":"EXACERBATE","Explanation":"Definition: Provoke \n(**ACE** [one] **+** **an anagram of** [spoiled] **BRAT**]) **contained in** (in) **EXE** (river in South West England)\n **EX **(**ACE** **RBAT***)** E**\n\n**EXACERBATE** (provoke)"} {"Clue":"Wine and port originally judged acceptable (5)","Answer":"RIOJA","Explanation":"Definition: Wine \n**RIO** (**RIO **de Janiero, port city in Brazil) **+** **JA** (**first letters of** [originally] each of **JUDGED** and **ACCEPTABLE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**RIOJA** (Spanish wine)"} {"Clue":"Left unwell, individual set on fantastic island (8)","Answer":"LILLIPUT","Explanation":"Definition: fantastic island\n**L** (left) **+** **ILL** (unwell) **+** **I** (one) **+** **PUT** (set on)\n \u00a0\n\n**LILLIPUT **(fantasy island in Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift)"} {"Clue":"Answer stupid person's point (8)","Answer":"RESPONSE","Explanation":"Definition: Answer\n**Anagram of** (stupid) **PERSONS** **+** **E** (point of the compass)\n **RESPONS*** **E**\n\n**RESPONSE** (answer)"} {"Clue":"Coppers arresting a politician in university grounds (6)","Answer":"CAMPUS","Explanation":"Definition: university grounds\n**CUS **(coppers; **CU** is the chemical symbol for copper) **containing** (arresting) (**A** **+** **MP** [Member of Parliament; politician])\n **C** (**A** **MP**) **US**\n\n**CAMPUS** (university grounds)"} {"Clue":"Scottish town's Women's Institute set up kennel club (4)","Answer":"WICK","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish town\n**WI **(Women's Institute) **+** (**KC** [Kennel Club] **reversed** [set up; down clue)\n **WI** **CK**<\n\n**WICK** (town in North East Scotland)"} {"Clue":"Food for two poets after beheading (4)","Answer":"EATS","Explanation":"Definition: Food\n**K****EATS** (reference John **K****EATS**\u00a0[1795 \u2013 1821], English romantic poet) or\n **Y****EATS** (reference W B **Y****EATS**\u00a0[1865 \u2013 1939], Irish poet) to give two poets\n each excluding the first letter (after beheading) **K** or **Y**\n\n**EATS** (food)"} {"Clue":"Lolly parties hard (4)","Answer":"DOSH","Explanation":"Definition: Lolly parties hard (4)\n**DOS** (parties) **+** **H** (hard)\n \u00a0\n\n**DOSH** (money; lolly)"} {"Clue":"One's knocked back drink in Scottish island entertainment centre (5,4)","Answer":"MUSIC HALL","Explanation":"Definition: entertainment centre\n(**I'S** [one's] **reversed** [knocked back] **+** **CHA** [tea; drink]) **contained in** (in) **MULL** (Scottish island)\n **MU** (**SI**< **CHA**) **LL**\n\n**MUSIC HALL** (entertainment centre)"} {"Clue":"Substitute, perhaps, brings about shout of joy (5)","Answer":"WHOOP","Explanation":"Definition: shout of joy\n**SUBSTITUTE** was a song released by The **WHO** in 1966. It could be described as a **WHO OPUS** or more briefly as a **WHO OP**\n \u00a0\n\n**WHOOP **(shout of joy or triumph)"} {"Clue":"Some enthusiasm on team for game (5)","Answer":"MONTE","Explanation":"Definition: game\n**MONTE** (**hidden word in** [some] **ENTHUSIASM ON TEAM**)\n \u00a0\n\n**MONTE** (a Spanish-American gambling card game)"} {"Clue":"Criminal's name appearing in various articles (9)","Answer":"LARCENIST","Explanation":"Definition: Criminal\n**N** (name) **contained in** (appearing in) **an anagram of **(various) **ARTICLES**\n **LARCE** (**N**) **IST***\n\n**LARCENIST** (thief, criminal)"} {"Clue":"Set puzzle, with something wrong (3,7)","Answer":"TEA SERVICE","Explanation":"Definition: Set\n**TEASER** (puzzle) **+** **VICE** (bad habit; something wrong)\n **TEA** **SER ****VICE**\n\n**TEA SERVICE** (a set of cups, plates and saucers etc)"} {"Clue":"Fish cook ultimately put in pastry dish (4)","Answer":"PIKE","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\n**K** **(last letter of** [ultimately] **COOK**) **contained in** (put in) **PIE** (pastry dish)\n **PI** (**K**) **E**\n\n**PIKE **(freshwater fish)"} {"Clue":"Children given mash, missing starter \u2013 soup (7)","Answer":"CHOWDER","Explanation":"Definition: soup\n**CH** (children) **+** **POWDER** (pulverise; mash) **excluding** (missing) **the first letter** (starter) **P**\n \u00a0\n\n**CHOWDER** (a stew or thick soup made of fish or clams with vegetables)"} {"Clue":"People advocating page should be set aside for newspaper articles (7)","Answer":"LEADERS","Explanation":"Definition: newspaper articles\n**PLEADERS** (people advocating) **excluding** (set aside) **P** (page)\n \u00a0\n\n**LEADERS** (newspaper editorial articles)"} {"Clue":"Wearing warm coat that's ripped off (7)","Answer":"FLEECED","Explanation":"Definition: Wearing warm coat \n**FLEECED** (wearing a warm coat)\n \u00a0\n\n**FLEECED** (ripped off) double definition"} {"Clue":"Live with religious scholar, and have to prepare for rest (3,4)","Answer":"BED DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: prepare for rest\n**BE** (live) **+** **DD** (Doctor of Divinity; religious scholar) **+** **OWN** (have)\n \u00a0\n\n**BED DOWN** (settle down, especially in a makeshift bed, for sleep; prepare for rest)"} {"Clue":"Money paid by traveller in Thailand \u2013 over two pounds (4)","Answer":"TOLL","Explanation":"Definition: Money paid by traveller\n**T **(International Vehicle Registration for Thailand) **+** **O** (over, in cricket scoring notation) **+**** **(**L** [pound sterling] **+** **L** [pound sterling], giving two pounds)\n \u00a0\n\n**TOLL** (a tax for the privilege of using a bridge or road; money paid by a traveller)"} {"Clue":"Enjoying oneself producing anti-capital punishment slogan (7,3)","Answer":"HANGING OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Enjoying oneself\n**HANGING OUT **(a possible slogan for arguing against capital punishment)\n \u00a0\n\n**HANGING OUT **(spending time relaxing or doing something enjoyable)"} {"Clue":"Distinguishing feature of country garden ultimately covered in bloom (5,4)","Answer":"ROMAN NOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Distinguishing feature\n(**OMAN** [country] **+** **N** [**last letter of **{ultimately} **GARDEN**]) **contained in** (covered in) **ROSE** (bloom)\n **R** (**OMAN** **N**) **OSE**\n\n**ROMAN NOSE** (distinguishing feature)"} {"Clue":"Hallucinogenic experience with drug? Nonsense (5)","Answer":"TRIPE","Explanation":"Definition: Nonsense\n**TRIP** (hallucinogenic experience) **+** **E** (ecstasy; drug)\n \u00a0\n\n**TRIPE** (nonsense)"} {"Clue":"Behave badly in a court before the judge (3,2)","Answer":"ACT UP","Explanation":"Definition: Behave badly\n**A** **+** **CT** (court) **+** **UP** (into curt, before the judge)\n \u00a0\n\n**ACT UP** (behave badly)"} {"Clue":"Blasted school in old-fashioned setting (9)","Answer":"DETONATED","Explanation":"Definition: Blasted\n**ETON** (school) **contained in** (in) **DATED** (old-fashioned setting)\n **D** (**ETON**) **ATED**\n\n**DETONATED** (blasted)"} {"Clue":"Mother ran into US playwright (5)","Answer":"MAMET","Explanation":"Definition: US playwright\n**MA** (mother) **+** **MET** (ran into)\n \u00a0\n\n**MAMET** (reference David **MAMET** [1947 \u2013 date], American author)"} {"Clue":"Performer mentioned opening in Asian country (9)","Answer":"SINGAPORE","Explanation":"Definition: Asian country\n**SINGA** (**sounds like** [mentioned] **SINGER** [performer]) **+** **PORE** (opening of a sweat gland)\n \u00a0\n\n**SINGAPORE** (Asian country)"} {"Clue":"Conservative party upset by Private Eye smarty-pants (6,4)","Answer":"CLEVER DICK","Explanation":"Definition: smarty-pants \n**C** (Conservative) **+** (**REVEL\u00a0**[party] **reversed** [upset]) **+** **DICK** (detective; private eye)\n **C** **LEVER**< **DICK**\n\n**CLEVER DICK** (smarty-pants)"} {"Clue":"Generally gutted Arsenal supporter (3,4)","Answer":"ALL OVER","Explanation":"Definition: Generally\n**AL** (**first and last letters of after middle letters have been removed**\u00a0[gutted] **A****RSENA****L**) **+** **LOVER** (supporter)\n \u00a0\n\n**ALL OVER** (generally)"} {"Clue":"Poetic lines sent up in Cilla hit (7)","Answer":"LYRICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Poetic\n(**RY** ([railway; lines] **reversed** [sent up; down clue]) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (hit) **CILLA**\n **L**** **(**YR**)<** ****ICAL*******\n\n**LYRICAL** (poetic)"} {"Clue":"Architect put in corner window the wrong way (4)","Answer":"WREN","Explanation":"Definition: Architect \n**WREN** (**hidden word** [put in] **reversed** [the wrong way] in **CORNER WINDOW**)\n **WREN**<\n\n**WREN** (reference Sir Christopher **WREN** [1632 \u2013 1723], English architect)"} {"Clue":"Pen turned over by one wild beast (5)","Answer":"ORIBI","Explanation":"Definition: wild beast\n**BIRO** (pen) **reversed** (turned over) **+** **I** (one)\n **ORIB**< **I**\n\n**ORIBI** (small South African antelope; wild beast)"} {"Clue":"Former champion boxer won't stop talking (9)","Answer":"PATTERSON","Explanation":"Definition: Former champion boxer\n**PATTERS** (talks rapidly) **+** **ON** (continuously) \u2013 won't stop talking\n \u00a0\n\n**PATTERSON** (reference Floyd **PATTERSON** [1935 \u2013 2006], American heavyweight boxer and undisputed champion of the world)"} {"Clue":"Toy bear with stuffing, a great deal (10)","Answer":"PADDINGTON","Explanation":"Definition: Toy bear\n**PADDING** (stuffing) **+** **TON** (a great amount)\n \u00a0\n\n**PADDINGTON** (reference **PADDINGTON** bear, a character created by author Michael Bond. The bear is available as a toy)"} {"Clue":"Tea with a starter of fried rice cooked here? (9)","Answer":"CAFETERIA","Explanation":"Definition: here\n**Anagram of** (cooked) **TEA** and **A** and **F** (**first letter of** [starter of] **FRIED**) and **RICE**\n \u00a0\n\n**CAFETERIA** (somewhere you might take tea and a starter of fried rice)"} {"Clue":"Finance expert misinterpreted emoticons (9)","Answer":"ECONOMIST","Explanation":"Definition: Finance expert\n**Anagram of **(misinterpreted) **EMOTICONS**\n \u00a0\n\n**ECONOMIST** (finance expert)"} {"Clue":"I'm being worn during dates? (7)","Answer":"DIAMOND","Explanation":"Definition: I'm being worn during dates\n(**I AM** [I'm] **+** **ON** [being worn]) **contained in** (during) (**D** [date] + **D** [date] giving dates)\n **D** (**I AM** **ON**) **D**\n\n**DIAMOND** (a stone in a engagement ring; are the trips out still called dates once you're engaged?) I realise that dates can refer to any type of planned meeting but the clue is definitely alluding to courtship."} {"Clue":"Giant egg served up in no end of gravy (7)","Answer":"BIGGEST","Explanation":"Definition: Giant\n**EGG** **reversed** (served up; down clue) **contained in** (in) (**BISTO** [a brand of gravy] **excluding the final letter** [no end of] **O**)\n **BI** (**GGE**<) **ST**\n\n**BIGGEST** (giant, which can be defined as anything above the usual size of its kind)"} {"Clue":"Extreme Liberal, that's me (5)","Answer":"LIMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Extreme\n**L** (Liberal) **+** (**I'M IT** [that's me])\n \u00a0\n\n**LIMIT** (extreme)"} {"Clue":"Fashion garment at bottom has tear (5)","Answer":"TREND","Explanation":"Definition: Fashion\n**T** (**last letter of** [at bottom] **GARMENT**) **+** **REND** (tear)\n \u00a0\n\n**TREND** (fashion)"} {"Clue":"Bridge partners wanting a quiet game of cards (4)","Answer":"SNAP","Explanation":"Definition: game of cards\n**SN **(South and North \u2013 partners at the card game Bridge) **+** **A** **+** **P** (piano; quiet)\n \u00a0\n\n**SNAP** (card game)"} {"Clue":"Wrench has damaged two-wheeler (7)","Answer":"RICKSHA","Explanation":"Definition: two-wheeler\n**RICK** (variant spelling of wrick [strain; wrench]) **+** an **anagram of **(damaged) **HAS**\n **RICK** **SHA***\n\n**RICKSHA **(small two-wheeled, hooded carriage drawn by a man or men, or powered by a man on a bicycle)"} {"Clue":"Renowned as impotent? (7)","Answer":"NOTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Renowned \n**NOT ABLE** (can't do it; powerless; impotent)\n \u00a0\n\n**NOTABLE** (renowned)"} {"Clue":"Firm body for sport one might tan here (5)","Answer":"CORFU","Explanation":"Definition: one might tan here\n**CO** (company; firm) **+** **RFU** (Rugby Football Union; body for sport [administration])\n \u00a0\n\n**CORFU **(island in Greece where the frequent appearance of the sun may give you a tan)"} {"Clue":"Kicked around in athletics event, small European departs (9)","Answer":"DISCUSSED","Explanation":"Definition: Kicked around\n**DISCUS** (athletics field event) **+** **S** (small) **+** **E** (European) **+** **D** (departs)\n \u00a0\n\n**DISCUSSED** (kicked around)"} {"Clue":"One with child spanked bottom here (6-2-2)","Answer":"MOTHER-TO-BE","Explanation":"Definition: One with child \n**Anagram of** (spanked) **BOTTOM HERE**\n \u00a0\n\n**MOTHER-TO-BE** (expectant **MOTHER**; one with child)"} {"Clue":"Anger taken wrong way by constant man (4)","Answer":"ERIC","Explanation":"Definition: man\n**IRE** (anger) **reversed** (taken wrong way) + **C** (mathematical and physical constant, best known as representing the speed of light)\n **ERI**< **C**\n\n**ERIC** (man's name)"} {"Clue":"O! Fertile few that may get an impressive erection? (6,5)","Answer":"EIFFEL TOWER","Explanation":"Definition: impressive erection\n**Anagram of** (nay get an) **O FERTILE FEW** \n \u00a0\n\n**EIFFEL TOWER** (impressive erection [in Paris])"} {"Clue":"Statesman or noble child in garden crawling with soldiers? (7,4)","Answer":"ANTHONY EDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Statesman\n**HON** (honourable, befitting people of noble rank, including children) **contained in** (in) (**ANTY** [reference soldier **ANT**s] **EDEN** [reference Garden of **EDEN**]; garden crawling with soldiers)\n **ANT** (**HON**) **Y** **EDEN**\n\n**ANTHONY EDEN** (reference **ANTHONY EDEN**, 1st Earl of Avon, British Prime Minister [statesman] 1995 \u2013 1957)"} {"Clue":"Drinkers? Fools! (4)","Answer":"MUGS","Explanation":"Definition: Drinkers\n**MUGS** (drinkers) I'm assuming there is a dictionary somewhere that defines a 'drinker' as something you can drink out of.\n \u00a0\n\n**MUGS** (fools) double definition"} {"Clue":"Output trend up with cod supply (3,7)","Answer":"END PRODUCT","Explanation":"Definition: Output\n**Anagram of** (supply \u2013 as a derivative of supple) **TREND UP** and **COD**\n \u00a0\n\n**END PRODUCT** (output)"} {"Clue":"Roman deity to mitigate best friend's condition (9)","Answer":"DISTEMPER","Explanation":"Definition: best friend's condition\n**DIS** (Pluto, Roman god; Roman deity) **+** **TEMPER** (mitigate)\n \u00a0\n\n**DISTEMPER** (viral illness of dogs [man's best friend]; best friend's condition)"} {"Clue":"Writer is Conservative Liberal out to inspire (5)","Answer":"IMBUE","Explanation":"Definition: inspire\n**I'M** (writer is) **+** **B****L****UE** (the colour associated with the Tory party) **excluding** (out) **L** (Liberal)\n \u00a0\n\n**IMBUE** (inspire)"} {"Clue":"Joke about square party wife brings humiliation (3-4)","Answer":"PUT-DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: humiliation \n**PUN** (play on words; joke) **containing** (about) (**T** [reference **T**-square] + **DO** [party] **+** **W** [wife])\n **PU** (**T** **DO** **W**) **N**\n\n**PUT-DOWN** (humiliation)"} {"Clue":"Harass husband \u2013 he's parking in constricted space (7)","Answer":"HENPECK","Explanation":"Definition: Harass\n**HE** **+** (**P** [parking] **contained in** [in] **NECK** [narrow restricted space])\n **HE** **N** (**P**)** ECK**\n\n**HENPECK** (harass)"} {"Clue":"Stem with flowers from rook, excellent flyer having manticore's wings (6)","Answer":"RACEME","Explanation":"Definition: Stem with flowers \n**R** (rook; chess notation) **+** **ACE** (excellent pilot) + **ME** (**first and last letters of** [wings] **MANTICORE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**RACEME** (an inflorescence in which stalked flowers are borne in acropetal succession on a main stalk or lateral branches; I'm not sure I can translate that definition from Chambers into 'stem with flowers' but I'm certainly not an expert on horticulture)"} {"Clue":"Clergyman prompt to trap rodent (6)","Answer":"CURATE","Explanation":"Definition: Clergyman\n**CUE** (prompt) **containing** (to trap) **RAT** (rodent)\n **CU** (**RAT**) **E**\n\n**CURATE** (clergyman)"} {"Clue":"Pack case for musical instrument (7-3)","Answer":"SQUEEZE-BOX","Explanation":"Definition: musical instrument \n**SQUEEZE** (pack) **+** **BOX** (case)\n \u00a0\n\n**SQUEEZE-BOX** (musical instrument, concertina)"} {"Clue":"Inspect German car and Ford model (5)","Answer":"AUDIT","Explanation":"Definition: Inspect\n**AUDI** (German car brand) **+** **T** (reference Model-T Ford, a very early version of a Ford car)\n \u00a0\n\n**AUDIT** (inspect)"} {"Clue":"Lord Coe removed Lee Dixon's head? That's problem punch may cause (9)","Answer":"NOSEBLEED","Explanation":"Definition: problem punch may cause\n**NO** [removed] **+** **SEB** (reference Lord **SEB**astian Coe] **+** **LEE** **+** **D** (first letter of [head] **DIXON**)\n \u00a0\n\n**NOSEBLEED** (a problem that may result from a punch to the head)"} {"Clue":"Visit to ancient city-state (4)","Answer":"TOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Visit \n**TO** **+** **UR** (important Sumerian city-state founded in 3800 BC [ancient])\n \u00a0\n\n**TOUR** (visit)"} {"Clue":"Unbeatable on new wickets that turn, covered loosely (8)","Answer":"BESTREWN","Explanation":"Definition: covered loosely\n**BEST** (unbeatable) **+** **RE** (on) **+** ([**N** {new} + **W** {wickets}] **reversed** [that turn])\n **BEST** **RE** (**W** **N**)<\n\n**BESTREWN** (loosely covered)"} {"Clue":"Fruit centre in pod crane ripped apart (8)","Answer":"ENDOCARP","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit centre\n**Anagram of** (ripped apart) **POD CRANE**\n \u00a0\n\n**ENDOCARP** (a differentiated innermost layer of the pericarp, usually hard, such as a plum stone)"} {"Clue":"Could this be it \u2013 resonant? (10)","Answer":"STENTORIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Could this be it \u2013 resonant?\n**Anagram of** (could this be) **IT RESONANT**\n \u00a0\n\n**STENTORIAN** ([of a voice] loud, powerful, carrying; resonant)"} {"Clue":"Spooner's interfering admirer one handled in kitchen (6,3)","Answer":"FRYING PAN","Explanation":"Definition: one handled in kitchen\n**PRYING FAN** (interfering admirer) if said by the Reverend Spooner would come out as **FRYING PAN**\n \u00a0\n\n**FRYING PAN** (a utensil handled in the kitchen)"} {"Clue":"Ready for action's yours truly, in charge, having advantage (6,2)","Answer":"WARMED UP","Explanation":"Definition: Ready for action\n(**ME** [your's truly] **contained in** (in) **WARD** [guardianship or care; minor or other person under charge]) **+** **UP** (having advantage)\n **WAR** (**ME**) **D** **UP**\n\n**WARMED UP** (ready for action)"} {"Clue":"Scenery only men see, shifting tons (5,3)","Answer":"STAGE SET","Explanation":"Definition: Scenery \n**STAG** (men only) + **an anagram of** (shifting) **SEE** **+** **T** (tons)\n **STAG** **E SE*** **T**\n\n**STAGE SET** (scenery)"} {"Clue":"Disordered state created by judge as Heep represented himself (6)","Answer":"JUMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Disordered state \nUriah Heep, character in David Copperfield by Charles Dickens was a very **HUMBLE** man. Judge can be represented by **J** and clearly we have to replace the **H** in **HUMBLE **with the **J **but I am not entirely clear which part of the clue is directing us to make the replacement. Did Uriah Heep sign himself H?\n \u00a0\n\n**JUMBLE** (disordered state)"} {"Clue":"Queen tucks into meat, finding vein (6)","Answer":"STREAK","Explanation":"Definition: vein\n**R** (Regina; Queen) **contained in** (tucks into) **STEAK** (meat)\n **ST** (**R**) **EAK**\n\n**STREAK** (vein)"} {"Clue":"Fish in place of bird (5)","Answer":"PERCH","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\n**PERCH **(a spiny-finned freshwater fish)\n \u00a0\n\n**PERCH** (a rod for a bird to alight, sit, or roost on) double definition"} {"Clue":"Volume increase at the end pretty much closed bar (4)","Answer":"VETO","Explanation":"Definition: bar\n**V** (volume) **+** **E** (last letter of [at the end] **INCREASE**) **+** **TO** (describing a door that is pretty much closed)\n \u00a0\n\n**VETO** (bar)"} {"Clue":"Mathematician's attempt was foremost in revolution (5)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: Mathematician\n**GO** (attempt) **+** (**LED** [was foremost] **reversed** [in revolution] **GO** **DEL**<\n\n**G\u00d6DEL** (reference Kurt Friedrich **G\u00d6DEL**\u00a0[1906 \u2013 1978] was an Austrian, and later American, logician, mathematician, and philosopher)"} {"Clue":"Artist depicting key belonging to woman (6)","Answer":"ESCHER","Explanation":"Definition: Mathematician\n**GO** (attempt) **+** (**LED** [was foremost] **reversed** [in revolution] **GO** **DEL**<\n\n**G\u00d6DEL** (reference Kurt Friedrich **G\u00d6DEL**\u00a0[1906 \u2013 1978] was an Austrian, and later American, logician, mathematician, and philosopher)"} {"Clue":"Want to see Washington monument? 50 million more can, possibly (7,8)","Answer":"LINCOLN MEMORIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Washington monument\n**Anagram of **(possibly) (**L** [Roman numeral for 50) and **MILLION MORE CAN**) \u00a0\n\n**LINCOLN MEMORIAL** (monument in Washington DC)"} {"Clue":"Removal to remote place is old hat with passing of time (5)","Answer":"EXILE","Explanation":"Definition: Removal to remote place\n**EX** (old) **+** (**T****ILE** [slang for a hat] **excluding** [passing of] **T** [time]) \u00a0\n\n**EXILE** (enforced or regretted absence from one's own home or country, often\u00a0in a remote place)"} {"Clue":"End of Mass disrupted and I soon will bring in Bishop (4,5)","Answer":"DONA NOBIS","Explanation":"Definition: End of Mass\n(**Anagram of **[disrupted] **AND I SOON**) **containing** (bring in) **B** (bishop) **DONA NO** (**B**) **IS***\n\n**DONA NOBIS** (the last section of the mass, beginning **DONA NOBIS**\u00a0pacem Give us peace)"} {"Clue":"Flood reduced in region beside lake with trees (8)","Answer":"ARBOREAL","Explanation":"Definition: with trees\n([**BORE** {tidal flood that rushes with great violence up the estuaries of certain rivers} **excluding** **the final letter** {reduced} **E**] **contained in** [in] **AREA** [region]) **+** **L** (lake) **AR** (**BOR**) **EA** **L**\n\n**ARBOREAL** (of trees; with trees)"} {"Clue":"What's used in keys of the piano? (4)","Answer":"SOFT","Explanation":"Definition: piano\n**SOFT** (**hidden word in** [what's used in] **KEYS OF THE**) \u00a0\n\n**SOFT** (piano)"} {"Clue":"Composer dismissing tenor from group (4)","Answer":"BACH","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\n**BATCH** (group of similar objects or people) **excluding** (dismissing) **T** (tenor)) \u00a0\n\n**BACH** (surname of a family of composers, from\u00a0whom there are many individuals to choose from)"} {"Clue":"Certain players pursued by club (4-4)","Answer":"CAST-IRON","Explanation":"Definition: Certain\n**CAST** (players in the theatre or in a film) **+** **IRON** ([golf]] club) \u00a0\n\n**CAST-IRON** (incontestable; certain)"} {"Clue":"Artisan beer not half abandoned \u2013 by me? (9)","Answer":"ABSTAINER","Explanation":"Definition: me\n**Anagram of** (abandoned) (**ARTISAN** and **BE** [**half of the letters of BEER**]) \u00a0\n\n**ABSTAINER** (one who refrains from alcoholic beverages and therefore likely to abandon beer)"} {"Clue":"Different chap at monastery, not British (5)","Answer":"OTHER","Explanation":"Definition: Different \n**BROTHER** (chap at monastery) **excluding** (not) **BR** (British) \u00a0\n\n**OTHER** (different)"} {"Clue":"Oh Sue? It's a brothel (10,5)","Answer":"DISORDERLY HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: brothel\nIf the word **DISORDERLY **was used as **an anagram indicator** of **HOUSE** one of the results would be **OH SUE** \u00a0\n\n**DISORDERLY HOUSE** (brothel or gaming establishment)"} {"Clue":"Money when wages come? Not initially \u2013 that produces alarm (6)","Answer":"MAYDAY","Explanation":"Definition: alarm \n**M** (an abbreviation used to describe categories of money supply) **+** (**P****AYDAY** [when wages come] **excluding the first letter** [not initially] **P**) \u00a0\n\n**MAYDAY** (the international radiotelephonic distress signal for ships and aircraft.)"} {"Clue":"Offer evidence not provided, showing annoyance (5)","Answer":"TESTY","Explanation":"Definition: showing annoyance\n**TESTIFY** (give evidence) **excluding** (not) **IF** (provided) \u00a0\n\n**TESTY** (showing annoyance)"} {"Clue":"Government of past days, recollected unduly benignly (6)","Answer":"GOLDEN","Explanation":"Definition: recollected unduly benignly\n**G** (government) **+** **OLDEN** (of past days) \u00a0\n\n**GOLDEN** (reference **GOLDEN** age [an imaginary past time of innocence and happiness or any time of highest achievement]; recollected unduly benignly)"} {"Clue":"Fried insect unexpectedly in treats for the teeth (11)","Answer":"DENTIFRICES","Explanation":"Definition: treats for the teeth\n**Anagram of** (unexpectedly) **FIXED INSECT** \u00a0\n\n**DENTIFRICES** (substances used in rubbing or cleaning the teeth, toothpaste or toothpowder; treats for the teeth)"} {"Clue":"John, American composer, embracing old member of audience? (6-2)","Answer":"LOOKER-ON","Explanation":"Definition: member of audience\n**LOO** (John is an American term for lavatory) **+** (**KERN** [reference Jerome **KERN** [1885 \u2013 1945] American composer of musical theatre and popular music] **containing** [embracing] **O** [old])) **LOO** **KER** (**O**) **N**\n\n**LOOKER-ON** (member of audience)"} {"Clue":"Perpetual motion ultimately limited by energy, and later confounded (7)","Answer":"ETERNAL","Explanation":"Definition: Perpetual \n**N** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **MOTION**) **contained in** (limited by) (**E** [energy] + **an anagram of** [confounded] **LATER**) **E ****TER** (**N**) **AL***\n\n**ETERNAL** (perpetual)"} {"Clue":"Losing ardour, losing heart \u2013 no longer doing this? (6)","Answer":"COOING","Explanation":"Definition: this\n**COOLING** (losing ardour) **excluding the middle letter** (losing heart) **L** \u00a0\n\n**COOING** (speaking fondly, which one may stop doing when losing ardour)"} {"Clue":"Priest ignoring books in revolutionary religious text (3)","Answer":"ELI","Explanation":"Definition: Priest\n**BIBLE **(religious text) **reversed** (revolutionary) **excluding **(ignoring) **two occurrences of** **B** [book], i.e. ignoring books **ELI**<\n\n**ELI** (the crossword world's favourite priest)"} {"Clue":"Single ploy will knock out party expecting trouble? (2,4)","Answer":"ON EDGE","Explanation":"Definition: expecting trouble\n**ONE **(single) **+** (**DODGE** [ploy] **excluding** [knock out] **DO** [party]) \u00a0\n\n**ON EDGE** (in a state of expectant irritability; nervous or tense with anticipation; expecting trouble)"} {"Clue":"Dictionary, in essence, including unknown composer (5)","Answer":"LISZT","Explanation":"Definition: composer\n**LIST** ( a dictionary could be considered a basically a **LIST** of words and their definitions) **containing **(including) **Z** (a letter frequently used as an un known in mathematical equations) **LIS** (**Z**) **T**\n\n**LISZT** (reference Franz **LISZT** [1811 \u2013 1886], Hungarian composer)"} {"Clue":"Religious guide husband inserted into item in family library? (4,2,5)","Answer":"BOOK OF HOURS","Explanation":"Definition: Religious guide\n**H** (husband) **contained in** (**BOOK OF OURS** [an item in **OUR**\u00a0[family] library) **BOOK OF** (**H**) **OURS**\n\n**BOOK OF HOURS** (a **BOOK** containing the set times of prayer, the canonical hours, and \/or he offices or services prescribed for these; religious guide)"} {"Clue":"Woman who'd become a brothel-keeper if inveigled by Frenchmen (3)","Answer":"ADA","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\n**ADA** (if **ADA** is** contained in **[inveigled by] **MM** [Messieurs; French men)] the word **MADAM** is formed) **MADAM **can be defined as the woman in charge of a brothel \u00a0\n\n**ADA** {woman's name}"} {"Clue":"Wealthy alien acquiring company in knock-on effect? (8)","Answer":"RICOCHET","Explanation":"Definition: knock-on effect\n(**RICH** [wealthy] **+** **ET** (extra-terrestrial; alien]) **containing** (acquiring) **CO** (company) **RI** (**CO**) **CH** **ET**\n\n**RICOCHET** (glancing rebound or skip; knock-on effect)"} {"Clue":"Inventor's run forward displaying hairband (5)","Answer":"BRAID","Explanation":"Definition: hairband\n**BAIRD **\u00a0(reference John Logie **BAIRD**\u00a0[1888 \u2013 1946] inventor of the television set) with **R** (run) **moved forward** in the word **B R AID**\n\n**BRAID** (band for the hair)"} {"Clue":"Uproar about extra building cut down for factory (7)","Answer":"CANNERY","Explanation":"Definition: factory\n**CRY** (clamour; uproar) **containing** (about) (**ANNE****X** [additional building] **excluding the last letter** [cut down] **X**) **C** (**ANNE**) **RY**\n\n**CANNERY** (example of a factory)"} {"Clue":"Noisy watercourse overcome by quiet (6)","Answer":"SHRILL","Explanation":"Definition: Noisy\n**SH **([be] quiet) **+** **RILL** (small brook; watercourse) the word 'overcome' in the clue signifies that the letters **SH** are sitting over the letters of **RILL** when the entry is written downwards. \u00a0\n\n**SHRILL** (high-pitched and piercing; noisy)"} {"Clue":"Dislike shot capturing head of terrorist (6)","Answer":"HATRED","Explanation":"Definition: Dislike\n**HARED** (went fast; shot) **containing** (capturing) **T** (**first letter of** [head of] **TERRORIST**) **HA** (**T**) **RED**\n\n**HATRED** (dislike)"} {"Clue":"Lively in bedroom \u2013 unconstrained, we hear (6)","Answer":"BREEZY","Explanation":"Definition: Lively\n**BR** (bedroom) **+** **EEZY** (**sounds like** [we hear] **EASY** [unconstrained]) \u00a0\n\n**BREEZY** (lively)"} {"Clue":"Main target in election? Not entirely (3)","Answer":"SEA","Explanation":"Definition: Main\n**SEAT** (target in a parliamentary election) **excluding the final letter** (not entirely) T \u00a0\n\n**SEA** (main)"} {"Clue":"Fawn without tail seen in spinney (5)","Answer":"GROVE","Explanation":"Definition: spinney\n**GROVEL** (behave sycophantically; fawn) **excluding the final letter** (without tail) **L** \u00a0\n\n**GROVE** (wood of small size; spinney)"} {"Clue":"Shameless Lord following expert into evil (4-5)","Answer":"BALD-FACED","Explanation":"Definition: Shameless\n(**LD** [Lord] **+** **F** {following] + **ACE** [expert]) **contained in** (into) **BAD** (evil) **BA** (**LD** **F** **ACE**) **D**\n\n**BALD-FACED** (shameless)"} {"Clue":"Confused act wrecked security offer (4-7)","Answer":"SAFE-CONDUCT","Explanation":"Definition: security offe\n**Anagram of **(wrecked) **CONFUSED ACT** \u00a0\n\n**SAFE-CONDUCT **(a permit to pass or travel through an area with guarantee of freedom from interference or arrest; security offer)"} {"Clue":"Computer language used to link two lots of data? (3)","Answer":"ADA","Explanation":"Definition: Computer language\n**ADA** (**hidden word in** [used to link] **DATA DATA** [two lots of **DATA**]) \u00a0\n\n**ADA** (computer language named after **ADA** Lovelace, daughter of Lord Byron and assistant to Charles Babbage. Babbage invented the analytical\u00a0engine often considered to be the world's first computer)"} {"Clue":"About to sequester carbon in a seedy space in plants (3,4)","Answer":"AIR CELL","Explanation":"Definition: space in plants\n(**RE** [about] **containing** [to sequester] **C** [chemical symbol for Carbon]) **all contained in **(in) (**A** **+** **ILL** [seedy]) **A** **I** (**R** (**C**) **E**) **LL**\n\n**AIR CELL** (a botanical term an intercellular space containing air; space in plants)"} {"Clue":"Middle Easterner put in request ignoring article and story (7)","Answer":"PARABLE","Explanation":"Definition: story\n(**ARAB** [Middle Easterner]) **contained in **(put in) (**PLEA** [request] **excluding** [ignoring]\u00a0**A** [indefinite article]) **P** (**ARAB**) **LE**\n\n**PARABLE** (story)"} {"Clue":"Expert returned clutching right nail (4)","Answer":"BRAD","Explanation":"Definition: nail\n**DAB** (expert) **reversed** (returned) **containing** (clutching) **R** (right) **B** (**R**) **AD**<\n\n**BRAD **(a small tapering nail with a side projection instead of a head.)"} {"Clue":"Young mammal left mountain, shunning first of snows (7)","Answer":"LEVERET","Explanation":"Definition: Young mammal\n**L** (left) + (**EVEREST** [reference Mount **EVEREST**] **excluding** [shunning] **S** [the **first letter of** {first of} **SNOWS**]) \u00a0\n\n**LEVERET** (a hare in its first year; young mammal)"} {"Clue":"City river bursting from bank (3)","Answer":"ELY","Explanation":"Definition: City\n**RELY **(depend; bank) **excluding** (bursting from) **R** (river) \u00a0\n\n**ELY** (city in Cambridgeshire)"} {"Clue":"Expression of gratitude: lines enclosing money? On the contrary (7)","Answer":"COLLINS","Explanation":"Definition: Expression of gratitude\n(**COINS** [money] **containing** [enclosing] **LL** [lines]) \u2013 i.e. **the opposite of** (on the contrary) lines enclosing money. **CO** (**LL**) **INS**\n\n**COLLINS** (a letter of thanks for hospitality, from the notable example sent by Mr COLLINS\u00a0in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice]"} {"Clue":"Playwright who'd add line for cover (4)","Answer":"SHAW","Explanation":"Definition: Playwright\n**SHAWL **(a loose-knitted or other covering for the shoulders, wrapping a baby in, etc). This is the entry, **SHAW**\u00a0+ [add]\u00a0**L** (line) \u00a0\n\n**SHAW** (reference George Bernard **SHAW** [1856 \u2013 1950])"} {"Clue":"Conductors stream varying electric current (7)","Answer":"MAESTRI","Explanation":"Definition: Conductors\n**Anagram of** (varying) **STREAM** **+** **I** (symbol for electric current) **MAESTR*** **I**\n\n**MAESTRI** (eminent musical conductors)"} {"Clue":"The old water, lapping edges of timber growth \u2026 (3,4)","Answer":"YEW TREE","Explanation":"Definition: growth\n**YE** (**old** form of the word 'the') + (**WEE** [urine; water] **containing** [lapping] **TR** [**first and last letters of **{edges of} **TIMBER**]) **YE ****W** (**TR**) **EE**\n\n**YEW TREE** (a **YEW TREE** is an example of something growing; a growth)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 growth including this small number on reflection (3)","Answer":"TWO","Explanation":"Definition: his small number\n**TWO **(**hidden word** [including] **reversed** [on reflection] **in** **GROWTH**) **TWO**<\n\n**TWO** (small number)"} {"Clue":"Tumbler drier? (6,5)","Answer":"ROLLER TOWEL","Explanation":"Definition: Tumbler drier\n**ROLLER** (tumbler) **+** **TOWEL** (drier) \u00a0\n\n**ROLLER TOWEL** (continuous **TOWEL** on a **ROLLER** [aren't dictionary definitions wonderful some times!]) I see this clue as a cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Testimonial for consultation in several answers? (9)","Answer":"REFERENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Testimonial\n**REFERENCE** (testimonial when applying for a job) \u00a0\n\n**REFERENCE** (a book or online resource\u00a0one consults to find the answer to a problem or query) double definition Many well known** REFERENCE **books are present in the\u00a0grid [see the preamble above]"} {"Clue":"Hot, hot food, not cold \u2013 be quick (5)","Answer":"HURRY","Explanation":"Definition: be quick\n**H** (hot) + (**C****URRY** [spicy [hot] food] **excluding** [not] **C** [cold]) \u00a0\n\n**HURRY** (be quick)"} {"Clue":"Mouth to droop, turning over? I keep exercising mine (6)","Answer":"GASBAG","Explanation":"Definition: I keep exercising mine\n**SAG **(droop) **reversed** (turning over) **+** **BAG** (keep) **GAS**< **BAG**\n\n**GASBAG** (talkative person, someone who exercises their mouth)"} {"Clue":"Source of leather for Duke's shoe (6)","Answer":"OXFORD","Explanation":"Definition: shoe\n**OX** (a source of leather \u2013 made from its hide) **+ FOR + D** (duke) \u00a0\n\n**OXFORD** (a low-heeled laced shoe)"} {"Clue":"One presents first and last of music (5)","Answer":"EMCEE","Explanation":"Definition: One presents\n**EM** (the letter **M**) **+** **CEE** (the letter **C**) where **M** and **C** are the **first and last letters** [first and last] of **M****USI****C** \u00a0\n\n**EMCEE** (master of ceremonies; one presents)"} {"Clue":"Explosion damaged a shield from Asian country (11)","Answer":"BANGLADESHI","Explanation":"Definition: from Asian country\n**BANG** (explosion) + **an anagram of** (damaged) **A SHIELD** **BANG ****LADESHI***\n\n**BANGLADESHI** (a native of **BANGLADESH**, an Asian country)"} {"Clue":"Guy in bright colours disowned by daughter (3)","Answer":"LOU","Explanation":"Definition: Guy\n**LOUD** (flashy or showy, for example in bright colours) **excluding** (disowned by) **D** (daughter) \u00a0\n\n**LOU** (man's name; guy)"} {"Clue":"English avoiding nothing by supporting suitable area of London (9)","Answer":"FITZROVIA","Explanation":"Definition: area of London\n**FIT** (suitable) **+** (**ZERO** [nothing] with the\u00a0**E** **being excluded** [avoiding]) **+** **VIA** (by) The **ZROVIA** bit **is supporting the letters of** **FIT** when the whole entry is written downwards in the grid \u00a0\n\n**FITZROVIA** (**FITZROVIA** is a neighbourhood in central London, near London's West End lying partly in the London Borough of Camden and partly in the City of Westminster; and situated between Marylebone and Bloomsbury and north of Soho)"} {"Clue":"Chief warning signs in legal venues (8)","Answer":"CHAMBERS","Explanation":"Definition: legal venues\n**CH** (chief) **+** **AMBERS** (warning signs; e.g. in traffic lights) \u00a0\n\n**CHAMBERS** (suite of rooms occupied by lawyers or a judge's room for hearing cases; legal venues)"} {"Clue":"The French college, probing rise rise in demure voice sounds (8)","Answer":"DIALECTS","Explanation":"Definition: voice sounds\n(**LE** [one of the French forms of 'the'] **+** **C** [college]) **contained in** (probing) (**STAID** [demure] **reversed** [rise; down clue]) I'm not sure why there are two occurrences of the word 'rise' in the clue. Perhaps it's just a typo. **DIA** (**LE** **C**) **TS**<\n\n**DIALECTS** (voice sounds)"} {"Clue":"Synthetic openly recast around second bicycle necessity (11)","Answer":"POLYSTYRENE","Explanation":"Definition: Synthetic\n**Anagram of** (recast) **OPENLY** **containing** (around) (**S** [second] **+** **TYRE** (bicycle necessity]) **POLY** (**S** **TYRE**) **NE***\n\n**POLYSTYRENE** (a polymer [naturally occurring or synthetic substance built up from a number of smaller styrene resistant to moisture and to chemicals, with many commercial and industrial applications)"} {"Clue":"Riotous funster tries vaguely to crack eggs, then runs (9)","Answer":"ROISTERER","Explanation":"Definition: Riotous funster\n(**Anagram of **[vaguely] **TRIES** **contained in** [cracks] **ROE** [mass of fish eggs]) **+** **R** (runs in cricket scoring notation) **RO **(**ISTER***) **E** **R**\n\n**ROISTERER** (riotous funster)"} {"Clue":"Sword: wound opened by point at end? Not initially (8)","Answer":"SCIMITAR","Explanation":"Definition: Sword\n**SCAR** (wound) **containing** (opened by) (**LIMIT** [boundary; point at the end] **excluding the first letter** [not initially] **L**) **SC** (**IMIT**) **AR**\n\n**SCIMITAR** (sword)"} {"Clue":"Recover from experiences besetting man-about-town on a roll? (5,3)","Answer":"SLEEP OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Recover from\n(**FEELS** [experiences] **containing** [besetting] **FOP** [affected dandy; man about town]) **all reversed** (on a roll) (**SLEE** (**POF**) **F**)<\n\n**SLEEP OFF** (recover from)"} {"Clue":"Confines of boozer were heaving \u2013 thanks to me? (6)","Answer":"BREWER","Explanation":"Definition: me\n**BR** (**first and last letters of** [confines of] **BOOZER**) + **an anagram of **(heaving) **WERE** **B **(**REWE***) **R**\n\n**BREWER** (one who makes many of the products sold in a boozer. Intake of such products can contribute to a 'heaving' time within the premises"} {"Clue":"Feudal obligation, variously emptying feudal territory? (6)","Answer":"FEALTY","Explanation":"Definition: Feudal obligation\n**FEAL** (**letters left when the middle two letters are removed** [emptying] **from** **FEUDAL**) **+** **TY** (**letters left when the middle seven letters are removed** [emptying a different manner {variously}] **from TERRITORY**) \u00a0\n\n**FEALTY** (the vassal's obligation of fidelity to his feudal lord)"} {"Clue":"Pay attention to game after upset at the outset (5)","Answer":"WATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Pay attention to \n**MATCH** (game) **with the first letter** (at the outset) **M** **turned upside down** (upset) to form a **W** **W****ATCH**\n\n**WATCH** (pay attention to)"} {"Clue":"Hutton, say, participating in judicial enquiry (3)","Answer":"LEN","Explanation":"Definition: Hutton, say\n**LEN** (**hidden word in** [participating] **JUDICIAL ENQUIRY**) \u00a0\n\n**LEN** (reference Sir** LEN** Hutton, cricketer [1916 \u2013 1990])]"} {"Clue":"Establishing trade etc across 'closed' border? It took Pils abroad, maybe (10)","Answer":"OSTPOLITIK","Explanation":"Definition: Establishing trade etc across 'closed' border\n**Anagram of** (abroad, maybe) **IT TOOK PILS**\n \u00a0\n\n**OSTPOLITIK** (the Wet German policy, initiated in the 1960s, of establishing normal trade and diplomatic relations with the East European communist countries; any similar policy; establishing trade across 'closed' borders)"} {"Clue":"Tailless lizard, anything from 33 to 43 inches in length (4)","Answer":"VARA","Explanation":"Definition: anything from 33 to 43 inches in length\n**VARAN** (monitor lizard) **excluding the final letter** (tailless) **N**\n \u00a0\n\n**VARA** (a Spanish-American linear measure, varying from 33 to 43 inches)"} {"Clue":"Like sweet wine? I'll open can (7)","Answer":"AMABILE","Explanation":"Definition: Like sweet wine\n**I contained in** (will open) (**AM ABLE** [can])\n **AM** **AB **(**I**) **LE**\n\n**AMABILE** (of wines, etc, sweet.)"} {"Clue":"Member of secret sect \u2013 slogan: 'See next page' (6)","Answer":"CRYPTO","Explanation":"Definition: Member of secret sect\n**CRY** (slogan) + **PTO** (please turn over; see next page)\n \u00a0\n\n**CRYPTO** (a person who is secretly a member of a party, sect, organization, etc)"} {"Clue":"Refuse, old litter, card disposed of (4)","Answer":"BRAN","Explanation":"Definition: Refuse\n**BRANCARD** (obsolete [old] word for horse-litter) **excluding** (disposed of) **CARD**\n \u00a0\n\n**BRAN** (the coarser part or refuse of anything)"} {"Clue":"Kept circling boundary, partly clad for war (8)","Answer":"HELMETED","Explanation":"Definition: partly clad for war\n**HELD** (kept) **containing** (circling) **METE** (boundary)\n **HEL** (**METE**) **D**\n\n**HELMETED** (partly clad for war)"} {"Clue":"Jiffy bags I'm given before something for reply \u2013 pretty flowers (7)","Answer":"MIMOSAE","Explanation":"Definition: pretty flowers\n(**MO** [moment] **containing** [bags] **I'M**) **+** **SAE** (stamped addressed envelope; something for reply)\n **M** (**IM**) **O** **SAE**\n\n**MIMOSAE** (a plant of the sensitive plant genus ***MIMOSA***, especially that having clusters of yellow flowers; pretty flowers)"} {"Clue":"Deserter, first quitting trench shelter for Belgium (6)","Answer":"BUG-OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Deserter\n**DUGOUT** (shelter dug out of a slope or bank or in a trench) **with the first letter D excluded** (quitting) to be **replaced by** (for) **B** (International Vehicle Registration for Belgium)\n **BUGOUT**\n\n**BUG-OUT** (deserter)"} {"Clue":"Qualified engineer almost entirely in striped cotton (6)","Answer":"BENGAL","Explanation":"Definition: striped cotton\n**B ENG** (Bachelor of Engineering; qualified engineer) **+** **ALL** (entirely) **excluding the final letter** [almost] **L**\n \u00a0\n\n**BENGAL** (a striped cotton woven in the **BENGAL** region, or an imitation of it.)"} {"Clue":"Typical of a pope sins tie in knots (7)","Answer":"SISTINE","Explanation":"Definition: Typical of a pope\n**Anagram of** (in knots) **SINS TIE**\n \u00a0\n\n**SISTINE** (of Pope Sixtus, esp Sixtus IV [1471-84] or V [1585-90])"} {"Clue":"Undiluted Scotch pros knocked back, holding in drunken 'hic' (8)","Answer":"STRAICHT","Explanation":"Definition: Undiluted Scotch\n**TARTS** (prostitutes; pros) **reversed** (knocked back) **containing** (holding) **an anagram of** (drunken) **HIC**\n **STRA** (**ICH***) **T**<\n\n**STRAICHT** (a Scottish form of **STRAIGHT** [undiluted, especially of alcohol {e.g. Scotch}])"} {"Clue":"Wherein you'd find Columbus giving cries of sorrow and joy? (4)","Answer":"OHIO","Explanation":"Definition: Wherein you'd find Columbus\n**OH** (cry of sorrow) **+** **IO** (cry of joy)\n \u00a0\n\n**OHIO** (Columbus is the State Capital of **OHIO**)"} {"Clue":"Without bandages i.e. yielding pus? (6)","Answer":"SANIES","Explanation":"Definition: yielding pus\n**SANS **(without) **contains** (bandages) **I.E.**\n **SAN** (**IE**) **S**\n\n**SANIES** (a watery, usually foul-smelling discharge from wounds or sores, made up of serum, blood and pus.)"} {"Clue":"Weaselly creatures chewed up amulets (7)","Answer":"MUSTELA","Explanation":"Definition: Weaselly creatures\n**Anagram of **(chewed up) **AMULETS**\n \u00a0\n\n**MUSTELA** (the marten genus, giving name to the family Mustelidae [otters, badgers and weasels] and the subfamily Mustelinae [weasels and martens])"} {"Clue":"Administrator? There's ten in 'our' community (4)","Answer":"EXEC","Explanation":"Definition: Administrator\n**X **(Roman numeral for ten) **contained in** (in) **EEC** (European Economic Community; our community)\n **E** (**X**) **EC**\n\n**EXEC** (Executive Officer; administrator)"} {"Clue":"'Man's dirt' is broadcast \u2013 by one such? (10)","Answer":"MISANDRIST","Explanation":"Definition: Man's dirt' is broadcast \u2013 by one such\n**Anagram of **(broadcast) **MAN'S DIRT IS**\n \u00a0\n\n**MISANDRIST** (one who hates men)"} {"Clue":"Red stone arid waste in southern States (7)","Answer":"SARDIUS","Explanation":"Definition: Red stone \n**Anagram of **(waste) **ARID** **contained in** (in) (**S** [Southern] **+** **US** [United States])\n **S** (**ARDI***) **US**\n\n**SARDIUS** (a deep-red or brownish variety of chalcedonic silica; red stone)"} {"Clue":"Probe entry point for such a parasite (4)","Answer":"TRYP","Explanation":"Definition: parasite\n**TRYP** (**hidden word in** [probe] **ENTRY POINT**)\n \u00a0\n\n**TRYP** (abbreviation for **TRYPANOSOME** [a flagellate protozoan (genus **TRYPANOSOMA**\u00a0of various species, family Trypanosomatidae) parasitic in the blood of vertebrates)"} {"Clue":"Baby does its business in rag mostly (8)","Answer":"PAPPOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Baby\n**POOS** ([baby] does it business) **contained in** (in) **PAPER** [a material made in thin sheets as an aqueous deposit from linen rags] **excluding the final letter** [mostly] **R**\n **PAP** (**POOS**) **E**\n\n**PAPPOOSE** (variant spelling of **PAPOOSE** [a Native American baby or young child; a pouch for carrying an infant on one's back])"} {"Clue":"They may result when a shot's miscued (5)","Answer":"OATHS","Explanation":"Definition: They may result when a shot's miscued\n**Anagram of** (miscued) **A SHOT**\n \u00a0\n\n**OATHS** (swear words or curses, which I have been known to mutter under my breath when miscuing a shot on the golf course)"} {"Clue":"Devilish thing, law, far from straightforward (6)","Answer":"IMPLEX","Explanation":"Definition: far from straightforward\n**IMP** (devilish thing) **+** **LEX** (law)\n \u00a0\n\n**IMPLEX** (complicated; far from straightforwar)"} {"Clue":"Label this writer used repeatedly for specific slot in syntax (7)","Answer":"TAGMEME","Explanation":"Definition: specific slot in syntax\n**TAG **(label) **+** **ME** (this writer) **+** **ME** (this writer again to give repeatedly)\n \u00a0\n\n**TAGMEME** (any of the positions in the structure of a sentence into which a certain class of grammatical items can fit.; specific slot in syntax)"} {"Clue":"Religious music giving thanks in harvest home (6)","Answer":"KIRTAN","Explanation":"Definition: Religious music\n**TA** (thanks) **contained in** (in) **KIRN** (harvest home)\n **KIR** (**TA**) **N**\n\n**KIRTAN** (a type of Indian religious music in antiphonal form)"} {"Clue":"Special ale brewed as constituent of Jock's gin? (4)","Answer":"SLAE","Explanation":"Definition: constituent of Jock's gin\n**S** (special) **+** **an anagram of **(brewed) **ALE**\n **S ****LAE***\n\n**SLAE** (Scots form of **SLOE**, a fruit from which gin can be made)"} {"Clue":"Woven negligee dress e.g. I rejected as 'unisex' (10)","Answer":"GENDERLESS","Explanation":"Definition: unisex\n**Anagram of** (woven) **NEGLIGEE DRESS** excluding (rejected) **E**.**G** and **I**\n \u00a0\n\n**GENDERLESS **(suitable for either sex; unisex)"} {"Clue":"There's money in skin lotion \u2013 it's better for me the longer I live (8)","Answer":"TONTINER","Explanation":"Definition: it's better for me the longer I live\n**TIN **(money) **contained in** (in) **TONER** (skin lotion)\n **TON** (**TIN**) **ER**\n\n**TONTINER** (a member of an annuity scheme in which several subscribers share a common fund, with their individual benefits increasing as members die until only one member is left alive and receives everything or until a specified date at which the proceeds are divided amongst the survivors)"} {"Clue":"Leading team's on a par (7)","Answer":"UPSIDES","Explanation":"Definition: on a par\n**UP** (leading) **+** **SIDE'S** (team's)\n \u00a0\n\n**UPSIDES** (on a par with)"} {"Clue":"Basketball team on the up look for yet more (7)","Answer":"YANKEES","Explanation":"Definition: Basketball team\n(**SEEK** [look for] **+** **NAY** [yet more]) **all reversed** (on the up; down clue)\n (**YAN** **KEES**)<\n\n**YANKEES** (reference New York **YANKEES** baseball team)"} {"Clue":"Sabbath in Jewish feast \u2013 it means being extra fastidious (6)","Answer":"PURISM","Explanation":"Definition: it means being extra fastidious \n**S** (Sabbath) **contained in** (in) **PURIM** (the Feast of Lots held about 1 March, in which the Jews commemorate their deliverance from the plot of Haman, as related in the Bible, Book of Esther)\n **PURI **(**S**) **M**\n\n**PURISM** (fastidious, especially over-fastidious)"} {"Clue":"Suckers on account of being shown round the old school (6)","Answer":"OSCULA","Explanation":"Definition: Suckers\n**OA** (on account of) **containing** (being shown round) **SCUL** (obsolete spelling of [old] school)\n **O** (**SCUL**) **A**\n\n**OSCULA** (suckers on a tapeworm's head)"} {"Clue":"Sedate and restrained by the sound of it (5)","Answer":"STAID","Explanation":"Definition: Sedate\n**STAID** (**sounds like** [by the sound of it] **STAYED** [restrained])\n \u00a0\n\n**STAID** (sedate"} {"Clue":"Concluding bits of airport trash you purchased \u2013 it's often dull (4)","Answer":"THUD","Explanation":"Definition: it's often dull\n**THUD** (**last letters of each of** [concluding bits of] **AIRPORT TRASH YOU PURCHASED**)\n \u00a0\n\n**THUD** (reference the phrase** DULL THUD; a ****THUD** is defined as a dull sound))"} {"Clue":"'Our gods wrong one' \u2013 how Cicero finished speech? (4)","Answer":"DIXI","Explanation":"Definition: how Cicero finished speech\n**DI** (plural of **DEUS** [god]) **+** **X** (cross; error; wrong) **+** **I** (one)\n \u00a0\n\n**DIXI **(I have spoken; possibly a word Cicero used at the end of hi speeches)"} {"Clue":"US city centre in which tons of food circulates (10)","Answer":"PITTSBURGH","Explanation":"Definition: US city\n**PITH** (innermost; centre) **containing** (in which) (**T** [ton}]\u00a0**+ S **[to give the plural of ton]** +** **GRUB** [food] reversed [circulates])\n **PIT** (**T** **S** **BURG**<) **H**\n\n**PITTSBURGH **(United States city)"} {"Clue":"Hairstyle adopted by Dior, fashionably retro (4)","Answer":"AFRO","Explanation":"Definition: Hairstyle\n**AFRO** (**hidden word in** [adopted by] **reversed** [retro] **DIOR FASHIONABLY**)\n **AFRO**<\n\n**AFRO** ([relating to] a hairstyle characterized by thick, bushy curls standing out from the head)"} {"Clue":"Aiming for main prize in Kent? (7)","Answer":"SEAWARD","Explanation":"Definition: Aiming for main\n**SE** (South East; Kent is situated in the South East of England) + **AWARD** (prize) \n \u00a0\n\n**SEAWARD **(towards the main)"} {"Clue":"Important achievement former pupil, after vacation, gets round to it (7)","Answer":"EXPLOIT","Explanation":"Definition: Important achievement\n**EX** (former) **+** **PL** (the letters that remain in **PUPIL** **after the middle letters are removed** [vacation]) + **O** (round shape) **+** **IT**\n \u00a0\n\n**EXPLOIT** (heroic [important] achievement)"} {"Clue":"Use bugging device Leninist cobbled together (6,2)","Answer":"LISTEN IN","Explanation":"Definition: Use bugging device\n**Anagram of** (cobbled together) **LENINIST**\n \u00a0\n\n**LISTEN IN** (use bugging device)"} {"Clue":"Really hot and tense after doctor appears? (5)","Answer":"RIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Really\n**RIG** (tamper with; doctor) **+ ****H** (hot) **+** **T** (tense)\n \u00a0\n\n**RIGHT** (actually; genuinely; right)"} {"Clue":"Look about area of France (6)","Answer":"REGARD","Explanation":"Definition: Look\n**RE **(about) **+** **GARD** (French Department in the South [capital Nimes]; area of France)\n \u00a0\n\n**REGARD** (look)"} {"Clue":"Intensely put out by the delay (8)","Answer":"HEATEDLY","Explanation":"Definition: Intensely\n**Anagram of** (put out by) **THE DELAY**\n \u00a0\n\n**HEATEDLY** (intensely)"} {"Clue":"White wine \u2013 half litre \u2013 served with sole (not quite enough) (8)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: White wine\n**SEMI** (half) **+** **L** (litre) **+** (**LON****E** [sole] **excluding the final letter** [not quite enough] **E**)\n \u00a0\n\n**S\u00c9MILLON **(a white wine made from a grape of the same name)"} {"Clue":"Be close to a woman involved in racket (6)","Answer":"ADJOIN","Explanation":"Definition: Be close to\n**JO** (ladies name; woman) **contained in** (involved in (**A** **+** **DIN** [racket])\n A **D** (**JO**) **IN**\n\n**ADJOIN** (be close to)"} {"Clue":"Run into sex traffickers (5)","Answer":"EXTRA","Explanation":"Definition: Run\n**EXTRA** (**hidden word in** [into] **SEX TRAFFICKERS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**EXTRA** (a run in cricket)"} {"Clue":"Drink is served round part of ship, I see (8)","Answer":"BEHOLDER","Explanation":"Definition: I see\n**BEER** (drink) **containing** (served round) **HOLD** (part of a ship)\n **BE** (**HOLD**) **ER**\n\n**BEHOLDER** ( someone who sees; I see)"} {"Clue":"Loves assimilating the lines in Shakespearean drama (7)","Answer":"OTHELLO","Explanation":"Definition: Shakespearean drama\n(**O** [love score in tennis] **+** **O** [love score in tennis] to give loves) **containing** (assimilating) (**THE** **+** **LL** [lines])\n **O** (**THE** **LL**) **O**\n\n**OTHELLO** (title of a play [drama] by Shakespeare)"} {"Clue":"Maybe 18, the swine, faces left wing revolutionary (7)","Answer":"BOARDER","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe 18\n**BOAR** (pig; swine) **+** (**RED** [left wing in political terms] **reversed** [revolutionary])\n **BOAR** **DER**<\n\n**BOARDER** (one who attends **BOARD**ing school, e.g. **TOM BROWN** [18 down])"} {"Clue":"Destroyed mouse almost, for sport (4)","Answer":"SUMO","Explanation":"Definition: sport\n**Anagram of** **MOUSE** **excluding the final letter** [(almost) **E**\n \u00a0\n\n**SUMO** (traditional Japanese sport, a form of wrestling)"} {"Clue":"Finished with books after higher education, not as planned (10)","Answer":"UNINTENDED","Explanation":"Definition: not as planned\n**UNI** (university; higher education) **+** **NT** (New Testament; books) **+** **ENDED** (finished with)\n \u00a0\n\n**UNINTENDED** (not planned)"} {"Clue":"Short course in Italian history (4)","Answer":"PAST","Explanation":"Definition: history\n**PASTA **(Italian food course) **excluding the final letter** (short) **A**\n \u00a0\n\n**PAST** (history)"} {"Clue":"The drinks are on Dac? No good, just kidding (7)","Answer":"TEASING","Explanation":"Definition: kidding\n**TEAS** (drinks) **+** **I** (Dac, setter) **+** **NG** (no good)\n \u00a0\n\n**TEASING** (kidding)"} {"Clue":"Sergeant Major's special skill \u2013 appearing thus? (5)","Answer":"SMART","Explanation":"Definition: thus\n**SM** (Sergeant Major) **+** **ART **(special skill)\n \u00a0\n\n**SMART** (Sergeant Majors [or is it Sergeants Major?] generally have a **SMART** appearance)"} {"Clue":"Stock initially depleted? One's ruined (6)","Answer":"UNDONE","Explanation":"Definition: ruined\n**FUND** (stock) **excluding the first letter **[initially depleted] **F**\u00a0**+** **ONE**\n \u00a0\n\n**UNDONE** (ruined)"} {"Clue":"Environmental group finally abandoned drink (5,3)","Answer":"GREEN TEA","Explanation":"Definition: drink\n**GREEN** (environmental) **+** **TEAM** (group) **excluding the last letter** (finally abandoned) **M**\n \u00a0\n\n**GREEN TEA **(drink)"} {"Clue":"Severely punished, fellow noted (7)","Answer":"FLOGGED","Explanation":"Definition: Severely punished\n**F** (fellow) **+** **LOGGED** (noted)\n \u00a0\n\n**FLOGGED** (severely punished)"} {"Clue":"Remaining longer than guy during trip (10)","Answer":"OUTSTAYING","Explanation":"Definition: Remaining longer than\n**STAY** (prop; support; guy [rope]) **contained in** (during) **OUTING** (trip)\n **OUT** (**STAY**)** ING**\n\n**OUTSTAYING **(remaining longer)"} {"Clue":"Greatly animated, one tears up tweeds oddly (8)","Answer":"SPIRITED","Explanation":"Definition: Greatly animated\n(**I** [one] **+** **RIPS** [tears]) **reversed** (up; down clue) **+** **TED** (**letters 1, 3 and 5 of** [oddly] **TWEEDS**)\n (**SPIR** **I**)< **TED**\n\n**SPIRITED** (greatly animated)"} {"Clue":"Wealthy experts having nothing invested in country school (10)","Answer":"PROSPEROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Wealthy\n**PROS** (professionals; experts) **+** (**O** [nothing] **contained in** [invested in] **PERU** [country]) **+** **S** (school)\n **PROS** (**PER** (**O**) **U**) **S**\n\n**PROSPEROUS** (wealthy)"} {"Clue":"Trusty soldiers likely to give support (8)","Answer":"RELIABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Trusty\n**RE** (Royal Engineers; soldiers) + **LIABLE** (likely to give) The word 'support' indicates that the letters of LIABLE are holding up the letters RE in a Down entry.\n \u00a0\n\n**RELIABLE** (trusty)"} {"Clue":"Pupil first to meet relative in urban area (3,5)","Answer":"TOM BROWN","Explanation":"Definition: Pupil\n(**M** **first letter of **[first to] **MEET** **+** **BRO** [brother; relative]) **contained in** (in) **TOWN** (urban area)\n **TO** (**M** **BRO**) **WN**\n\n**TOM BROWN** (schoolboy [pupil] hero of the novel **TOM BROWN**'s Schooldays by Thomas Hughes)"} {"Clue":"Mother suppresses desire for former screen star (7)","Answer":"MITCHUM","Explanation":"Definition: former screen star\n**MUM** ( mother) **contains** (suppresses **ITCH** (desire)\n **M** (**ITCH**) **UM**\n\n**MITCHUM** (reference Robert **MITCHUM** [1917 \u2013 1997] former screen star)"} {"Clue":"Scorer heading ball to back of crowd? That's exaggerated (7)","Answer":"OVERDID","Explanation":"Definition: exaggerated\n**O** (ball) **+** **VERDI** (composer; scorer) **+** **D** (**last letter of** [back to] **CROWD**) 'heading' indicates that the **O** (ball) comes at the beginning of the entry\n \u00a0\n\n**OVERDID** (exaggerated)"} {"Clue":"Subsequently secures degree in Ancient Greek (6)","Answer":"THEBAN","Explanation":"Definition: Ancient Greek \n**THEN** (subsequently) **containing** (secures) **BA** (Bachelor of Arts; degree) \n **THE **(**BA**) **N**\n\n**THEBAN** (citizen of Thebes in ancient Greece)"} {"Clue":"Veal stew served on European holiday (5)","Answer":"LEAVE","Explanation":"Definition: holiday \n**Anagram of** (stew) **VEAL** **+** **E **(European)\n \u00a0\n\n**LEAVE** (holiday)"} {"Clue":"Raised money for speaker (4)","Answer":"BRED","Explanation":"Definition: Raised \n**BRED** (**sounds like** [for speaker] **BREAD** [money])\n \u00a0\n\n**BRED** (raised)"} {"Clue":"James, for example, stops a person working towards same goal (6)","Answer":"ONSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: working towards same goal\n**ONE** (I think this may be a reference to the fact there was a King James I [**ONE**]) **containing** (stops) **SID** (name of a person)\n **ON** (**SID**) **E**\n\n**ONSIDE** (**ON** the same **SIDE**; working to the same goal)"} {"Clue":"Am I put out to catch ball, say? (3-3)","Answer":"MID-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Am I\n**MIFF** (annoy; put out) **containing** (catch) **DO** (party, for example a ball)\n **MI** (**DO**) **FF**\n\n**MID-OFF** (a fielding position in cricket where catches are often taken)"} {"Clue":"Soldier grabbing lady artist's heavenly pair (6)","Answer":"GEMINI","Explanation":"Definition: heavenly pair\n**GI **(American soldier) **containing** (grabbing) **EMIN** (reference Tracey **EMIN**, lady artist)\n **G** (**EMIN**) **I**\n\n**GEMINI** (the Twins, a constellation containing the two bright stars Castor and Pollux, giving its name to, and formerly coinciding with, a sign of the zodiac; heavenly pair)"} {"Clue":"Owing recognition certainly involves BT (8)","Answer":"INDEBTED","Explanation":"Definition: Owing recognition\n**BT** **contained in** (involves)\u00a0**INDEED** (certainly)\n **INDE** (**BT**) **ED**\n\n**INDEBTED** (owing recognition)"} {"Clue":"Is back among drinkers now dry and continent (4)","Answer":"ASIA","Explanation":"Definition: continent\n**IS** **reversed** (back) **contained in** (among) **AA** (Alcoholics Anonymous [drinkers now dry])\n **A** (**SI**<) **A**\n\n**ASIA** (continent)"} {"Clue":"Pound in Our Legend reworked Ethic of Reciprocity (6,4)","Answer":"GOLDEN RULE","Explanation":"Definition: Ethic of Reciprocity\n**L** (pound sterling) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (reworked) **OUR LEGEND**\n **GO** (**L**) **DEN RULE*** \u2013 either **L** could be the one **contained**\n\n**GOLDEN RULE** (an economic **RULE** used by the Treasury, especially in Gordon Brown's time I think,\u00a0relating to balancing two amounts or groups of input and output; ethic of reciprocity)"} {"Clue":"Harassment in GCHQ? (11)","Answer":"MOLESTATION","Explanation":"Definition: Harassment\n**MOLE** (spy) **+** **STATION** [GCHQ [Government Communication Headquarters in Cheltenham]could be considered to be a\u00a0spy **STATION**)\n \u00a0\n\n**MOLESTATION** (harassment)"} {"Clue":"Ultra-conservatives in iron ships (10)","Answer":"HARDLINERS","Explanation":"Definition: Ultra-conservatives\n**HARD** (something made of iron is\u00a0hard) **+** **LINERS** (ships)\n \u00a0\n\n**HARDLINERS **(people having a definite and unyielding policy, usually associated with the ultra conservatives in politics, but there have been some hard line Socialists as well)"} {"Clue":"Heavy sea (4)","Answer":"DEEP","Explanation":"Definition: sea\n**DEEP** (heavy)\n \u00a0\n\n**DEEP **(sea) double definition"} {"Clue":"Animal's revised ideas about sacrificial offering (5,3)","Answer":"AGNUS DEI","Explanation":"Definition: sacrificial offering\n**Anagram of** (revised) **IDEAS** **containing** (about) **GNU** (animal)\n **A** (**GNU**) **S DEI***\n\n**AGNUS DEI** (this; a figure of a lamb emblematic of Christ, bearing the banner of the cross; reference sacrificial lamb?)"} {"Clue":"Dance in clubs with cool musician (6)","Answer":"CHOPIN","Explanation":"Definition: musician\n**HOP** (dance) **contained in** (in) (**C** [clubs] **+** **IN** [with it; cool])\n **C** (**HOP**) **IN**\n\n**CHOPIN** (reference Frederic **CHOPIN**, Polish composer)"} {"Clue":"Gossip or story about King and Queen (6)","Answer":"TALKER","Explanation":"Definition: Gossip\n(**TALE** [story] **containing** [about] **K** [king]) **+** **R** (Regina; queen)\n **TAL** (**K**) **E** **R**\n\n**TALKER** (gossip)"} {"Clue":"Clerk is magical collaborator (6)","Answer":"TELLER","Explanation":"Definition: magical collaborator \n**TELLER** (I think this a reference to a pair of magicians named **PENN** & **TELLER** making **TELLER** a collaborator in the act)\n**TELLER** ([bank] clerk)"} {"Clue":"Old station broadcast repeated phrase (8)","Answer":"OSTINATO","Explanation":"Definition: repeated phrase\n**O** (old) **+** **an anagram of** (broadcast) **STATION**\n **O** **STINATO***\n\n**OSTINATO** (ground-bass [a bass part constantly repeated with varying melody and harmony])"} {"Clue":"With two old pennies in silver cases (6)","Answer":"ADDING","Explanation":"Definition: With\n**AG** (chemical symbol for silver) **containing** (cases) (**D** [symbol for an old penny] **+** **D** [symbol for old penny] **+** **IN**)\n **A** (**D** **D** **IN**) **G**\n\n**ADDING** (supplemented by; with)"} {"Clue":"Lawless place that may serve stew? (4,4)","Answer":"WILD WEST","Explanation":"Definition: Lawless place\n**WILD WEST** (if you treat **WILD** as an **anagram indicator** and **WEST** as the **anagram fodder **you can generate **STEW** as **an anagram** of **WEST**)\n \u00a0\n\n**WILD WEST** (lawless place)"} {"Clue":"Sweet run for B52? (6)","Answer":"BOMBER","Explanation":"Definition: B52\n**BOMBE** (dessert) **+** **R** (run in cricket scoring notation)\n \u00a0\n\n**BOMBER **(reference B52 **BOMBER**)"} {"Clue":"City in a word overcrowded? (6)","Answer":"ODENSE","Explanation":"Definition: City\n**O** (over) + **DENSE** (crowded) such that if you put the two definitions together you get the one word **OVERCROWDED**\n \u00a0\n\n**ODENSE** (city in Denmark)"} {"Clue":"Weak sense about black and white's last piece (6)","Answer":"FEEBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Weak\n(**FEEL** [sense] **containing** [about] **B** [black, when describing a pencil lead]) **+** **E** (**last letter of** [last piece] **WHITE**)\n **FEE** (**B**) **L** **E**\n\n**FEEBLE** (weak)"} {"Clue":"Gunfighter can hit deck, not caught in explosion (5,3,3)","Answer":"BILLY THE KID","Explanation":"Definition: Gunfighter\n**BILLY **(a cylindrical container with a wire handle and lid for boiling water, cooking, etc out of doors; also **BILLY-CAN**; can) **+** (**an anagram of** [in explosion] **HIT DECK** **excluding** [not] **C** [caught])\n **BILLY** **THE KID***\n\n**BILLY THE KID** (gunfighter)"} {"Clue":"Topless sex toy concealed by endlessly wicked person (8)","Answer":"EVILDOER","Explanation":"Definition: wicked person\n(**DILDO** [example of a sex toy] **excluding the first letter** [topless] **D**) **contained in** (concealed by) **EVER** (endlessly)\n **EV** (**ILDO**) **ER**\n\n**EVILDOER** (wicked person)"} {"Clue":"Eastern hemisphere's quaint and charming (3,5)","Answer":"OLD WORLD","Explanation":"Definition: Eastern hemisphere\n**OLD WORLD** (the Eastern Hemisphere was home to many of the **WORLD**'S earliest dominant civilisations)\n \u00a0\n\n**OLD WORLD** (a marketing term frequently used when describing something the advertising company considers to be quaint and charming)"} {"Clue":"Good move to tuck into large meatball (6)","Answer":"FAGGOT","Explanation":"Definition: meatball\n(**G** [good] **+** **GO** [turn, as in it's your **GO**]) **contained in** (tuck into) **FAT** (large)\n **FA** (**G** **GO**) **T**\n\n**FAGGOT** (ball of minced meat)"} {"Clue":"Tees on the level in what to him should be compiling! (6)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: what to him should be compiling\n**ME** (reference the writer \/ compiler , i.e. Tees for this crossword) **+** **TIER** (level)\n \u00a0\n\n**M\u00c9TIER** (one's calling or business; that in which one is specially skilled; in Tees' case, compiling)"} {"Clue":"Benefit within benefit gives twice the amount (6)","Answer":"DOUBLE","Explanation":"Definition: twice the amount\n**UB** (unemployment benefit) **contained in** (within) **DOLE** (payment made by the state to unemployed people [benefit])\n **DO** (**UB**) **LE**\n \u00a0\n\n**DOUBLE** (twice the amount)"} {"Clue":"Way to check pain in medicinal packet (6)","Answer":"SACHET","Explanation":"Definition: medicinal packet\n**ST** (street) **containing** (to check) **ACHE** (pain)\n **S** (**ACHE**) **T**\n\n**SACHET** (a small usually plastic envelope, containing a liquid, cream, etc) I'm not to sure about the word 'medicinal' in the clue as **SACHET**s can contain many things other than medicines."} {"Clue":"Cambridge college establishing base for education in London borough (7)","Answer":"NEWNHAM","Explanation":"Definition: Cambridge college\n**N** (**last letter of **[base for] **EDUCATION**) **contained in** (establishing \u2026 in) **NEWHAM** (one of the many London boroughs) **NEW** (**N**) **HAM**\n\n**NEWNHAM** (Women only Cambridge College established in 1871)"} {"Clue":"Sex appeal and love enshrined in theatrical lingerie item (4-3)","Answer":"CAMI-TOP","Explanation":"Definition: lingerie item\n(**IT** [sex appeal] **+** **O** [love score in tennis]) **contained in** (enshrined in) **CAMP** (theatrical **CAM** (**IT** **O**) **P**\n\n**CAMI-TOP** (lingerie item)"} {"Clue":"Number getting tense and resisting, however (15)","Answer":"NOTWITHSTANDING","Explanation":"Definition: however\n**NO** (number) **+** **T** (tense) **+** **WITH** (and) **+** **STANDING** (resisting) \u00a0\n\n**NOTWITHSTANDING** (however)"} {"Clue":"Keep quiet about large group showing laziness (5)","Answer":"SLOTH","Explanation":"Definition: laziness\n**SH** (keep quiet) **containing** (about) **LOT** (large group) **S** (**LOT**) **H**\n\n**SLOTH** (laziness)"} {"Clue":"Party accepts Democrat heading US state communication medium (5,4)","Answer":"RADIO WAVE","Explanation":"Definition: communication medium\n**RAVE** (party) **containing** (accepts) (**D** [Democrat] **+** **IOWA** [American State]) **RA** (**D** **IO WA**) **VE**\n\n**RADIO WAVE** (communication medium)"} {"Clue":"Quantity of water, quantity that's not cold (4)","Answer":"BATH","Explanation":"Definition: Quantity of water\n**BATCH** (quantity of material) **excluding** (not) **C** (cold) \u00a0\n\n**BATH** (quantity of water)"} {"Clue":"I see pearl'd get arranged thus? (10)","Answer":"ESPALIERED","Explanation":"Definition: thus\n**Anagram of **(get arranged) **I SEE PEARL'D** \u00a0\n\n**ESPALIERED** (trained as a fruit tree [e.g. a **PEAR** tree] to grow across a wooden lattice)"} {"Clue":"Specialist growers rebuked one getting involved in various sorts (10)","Answer":"ORCHIDISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Specialist growers\n(**CHID** [rebuked] + **I** [one]) **contained in** (getting involved in) **an anagram of** (various) **SORTS** **OR** (**CHID** **I**) **STS***\n\n**ORCHIDISTS** (specialist growers [of **ORCHID**s])"} {"Clue":"Food item turning up in foremost of spicy dishes (4)","Answer":"SPUD","Explanation":"Definition: Food item\n**UP** **reversed** (turning) **contained in** (in) **SD** (**first letters of** [foremost of] **SPICY** and **DISHES**) **S** (**PU**<) **D**\n\n**SPUD** (potato; food item)"} {"Clue":"Register black interior to mark that's on-screen feature (6,3)","Answer":"SCROLL BAR","Explanation":"Definition: on-screen feature\n(**ROLL** [register] **+** **B** [black on pencils]) **contained in** (interior to) **SCAR** (mark) **SC** (**ROLL** **B**) **AR**\n\n**SCROLL BAR** (a shaded strip at the side of a computer screen, to which the mouse is pointed to scroll down or up; a screen feature)"} {"Clue":"Places first accommodating grand additions to building (5)","Answer":"WINGS","Explanation":"Definition: additions to building\n**WINS** (places first) **containing** (accommodating) **G** (grand,; $1000) **WIN** (**G**) **S**\n\n**WINGS** (additions to building)"} {"Clue":"Sorts compilers out, having university investing in computer equipment (15)","Answer":"MULTIPROCESSORS","Explanation":"Definition: computer equipment\n**Anagram of** (out) (**SORTS COMPILERS**) **containing** (having \u2026 investing in) **U** (university) **M** (**U**) **LTIPROCESSORS***\n\n**MULTIPROCESSORS** (computer equipment)"} {"Clue":"Runs into various programs (7)","Answer":"DRIVERS","Explanation":"Definition: programs\n**R **(runs in cricket scoring notation) **contained in** (into) **DIVERS** (various) **D** (**R**) **IVERS**\n\n**DRIVERS** (computer programs that control devices)"} {"Clue":"Top brass? Top metal coating article (7)","Answer":"CAPTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Top brass\n**CAP **(top) **+** (**TIN** [metal] **containing** [coating] **A** [indefinite article]) **CAP** **T** (**A**)** IN**\n\n**CAPTAIN** (chief officer; top brass)"} {"Clue":"Service North is supported by individuals (5)","Answer":"NONES","Explanation":"Definition: Service\n**N** (North) **+** **ONES** (individuals) (this is a down entry so the letter **N** is supported by the letters of **ONES**) \u00a0\n\n**NONES** (a church service originally held at the ninth hour, or three o'clock, afterwards earlier.)"} {"Clue":"Free from intelligence? That encapsulates you (7)","Answer":"WITHOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Free from\n**WIT** (intelligence) **containing** (encapsulating) **THOU** (you) **WI** (**THOU**) **T**\n\n**WITHOUT** (free from)"} {"Clue":"Stature's something like A1? (6)","Answer":"HEIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Stature\n**H** + **EIGHT**(8) H8 is like A1 as A is the first letter of the alphabet and **H** is the **EIGHT**h \u00a0\n\n**HEIGHT** (stature)"} {"Clue":"Religious instructor: old woman's dressed his hair (9)","Answer":"MAHARISHI","Explanation":"Definition: Religious instructor\n**MA** (mother; old woman) **+** **an anagram of** (dressed) **HIS HAIR** **MA** **HARISHI***\n\n**MAHARISHI** (a leading instructor in the Hindu faith.)"} {"Clue":"Director and so on upset about one quoted (5)","Answer":"CITED","Explanation":"Definition: quoted\n(**D** [director] **+** [**ETC** {et cetera; and so on}]) **all reversed** (upset) **containing** (about) **I** (one) (**C** (**I**) **TE** **D**<)\n\n**CITED** (quoted)"} {"Clue":"Fellow's to blow away, clutching large instrument (8)","Answer":"MANDOLIN","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\n**MAN **(fellow) **+** (**DO** **IN** [kill; blow away] **containing** [clutching] **L** [large]) **MAN** **DO** (**L**) **IN**\n\n**MANDOLIN** (musical instrument)"} {"Clue":"Inadequate song \u2013 and where it'll disappear? (4,3)","Answer":"THIN AIR","Explanation":"Definition: where it'll disappear\n**THIN** (inadequate) **+** **AIR** (song) \u00a0\n\n**THIN AIR** (where things disappear into)"} {"Clue":"Obstinate puritan not right to mind about poster (3-6)","Answer":"PIG-HEADED","Explanation":"Definition: Obstinate\n(**PRIG **[puritan] **excluding** [not] **R** [right]) **+** (**HEED** [mind] **containing** [about] **AD<\/font**> [advert; poster]) **PIG** **HE** (**AD**) **ED**\n\n**PIG-HEADED** (obstinate)"} {"Clue":"Burgeoned, was an economic success, losing nothing getting round failure (9)","Answer":"BLOSSOMED","Explanation":"Definition: Burgeoned\n(**BOOMED** [was an economic success] **excluding** [losing] **O** [nothing]) **containing** [around] **LOSS** (failure) **B** (**LOSS**) **OMED**\n\n**BLOSSOMED** (burgeoned)"} {"Clue":"Caper involved brew of char affected by dangerous bacillus (9)","Answer":"ANTHRACIC","Explanation":"Definition: affected by dangerous bacillus\n**ANTIC** (caper) **containing** (involving) (**an anagram of** [brew of] **CHAR**) **ANT **(**HRAC***) **IC**\n\n**ANTHRACIC** (affected by **ANTHRAX**, a dangerous bacillus)"} {"Clue":"Difficulties entering shelter on a slope (8)","Answer":"HILLSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: slope\n**ILLS** (difficulties) **contained in** (entering) **HIDE** (shelter) **H** (**ILLS**) **IDE**\n\n**HILLSIDE** (slope)"} {"Clue":"Contralto, one accepting lines supplied by rock composer (7)","Answer":"CORELLI","Explanation":"Definition: composer\n(**C** [contralto] **+**\u00a0**I** [one]) **containing*** *(accepting) (**ORE** [rock] **+** **LL** [lines]) **C **(**ORE LL**)** ****I**\n\n**CORELLI** (reference Arcangelo **CORELLI** [1653 \u2013 1713], Italian baroque composer)"} {"Clue":"Imprudent woman artist attached to shipping line (7)","Answer":"PANDORA","Explanation":"Definition: Imprudent woman\n**P AND O** (Peninsular & Orient, P&O shipping line) **+** **RA** (Royal Academician; artist) \u00a0\n\n**PANDORA** (woman in Greek mythology who open a box to let out all evil; imprudent woman)"} {"Clue":"Confesses: \"Drunk now\"? Have a drink later (4,2)","Answer":"OWNS UP","Explanation":"Definition: Confesses\n**Anagram of **(drunk) **NOW** **+** **SUP** (drink) **OWN*** **S UP**\n\n**OWNS UP** (confesses)"} {"Clue":"Attempts to secure right villains for classic film? (5)","Answer":"BIRDS","Explanation":"Definition: villains for classic film\n**BIDS** (attempts) **containing** (secure) **R** (right) **BI **(**R**) **DS**\n\n**BIRDS** (villains of Alfred Hitchcock's film of the same name)"} {"Clue":"Bridge team includes American woman (5)","Answer":"SUSAN","Explanation":"Definition: woman \n**SN** (South, North two partners forming a team in the card game bridge) **containing** (includes) **USA** (American) **S** (**USA**) **N**\n\n**SUSAN** (woman's name)"} {"Clue":"28 (U) (7)","Answer":"PUDDING","Explanation":"Definition: 28 (U)\n**PUDDING** (the U form of **DESSERT** [28 across])\n \u00a0\n\n**PUDDING"} {"Clue":"Shade small terrier, not stray (3-4)","Answer":"SKY-BLUE","Explanation":"Definition: Shade\nThere is a **SKYE** terrier which is a small terrier, but beyond this I am stumped. **ERR** can mean 'stray' but taking **ERR** out of **TERRIER** doesn't help me. I suspect I need to step back and look at the make-up of **SKY-BLUE** in a completely different way.\n Now sorted as **S** (small) **+** **KERRY BLUE** **excluding** (not) **ERR** (stray)\n\n**SKY-BLUE** (colour; shade)"} {"Clue":"Ladder last pair of stockings climbing these? (5)","Answer":"RUNGS","Explanation":"Definition: these\n**RUN **(ladder) **+** **GS** (final two letters of [last pair of] **STOCKINGS**)\n \u00a0\n \u00a0\n\n**RUNGS** (steps for climbing on a ladder)"} {"Clue":"Irish fellow met top pilot working here? (3-6)","Answer":"AIR FRANCE","Explanation":"Definition: here\n(**IR** [Irish] **+** **F** [fellow] **+** **RAN** **INTO**)met]) **contained in** [**INTO**] **ACE** [top pilot)\n **A** (**IR** **F** **RAN**) **CE**\n\n**AIR FRANCE** (an airline where presumably top-class pilots work)"} {"Clue":"Too zealously employs powerless umpires? (10)","Answer":"OVEREXERTS","Explanation":"Definition: Too zealously employs\n**OVER EXPERTS** (umpires in the game of cricket could be considered to be **EXPERTS** in **OVERS**) **excluding** (less) **P** (power)\n \u00a0\n\n**OVEREXERTS** (to zealously employs)"} {"Clue":"1 Down (U) (4)","Answer":"WHAT","Explanation":"Definition: 1 Down (U)\n**WHAT** (the U form of **PARDON** [1 Down])\n \u00a0\n\n**WHAT"} {"Clue":"Travelling around complete with a book on board (3,3,5)","Answer":"OUT AND ABOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Travelling around\n**OUT AND OUT** (complete) **containing** (on board) (**A** + **B** [book])\n **OUT AND** (**AB**) **OUT**\n\n**OUT AND ABOUT** (travelling around)"} {"Clue":"A man (old) called Eric initially leaves stripper (5,6)","Answer":"AGENT ORANGE","Explanation":"Definition: leaves stripper\n**A** **+** **GENT** (man) **+** **O** (old) **+** **RANG** (called) **+** **E** (**first letter of** [initially] **ERIC**)\n \u00a0\n\n**AGENT ORANGE** (defoliant; leaves stripper)"} {"Clue":"State's mean, not mature (4)","Answer":"AVER","Explanation":"Definition: State\n**AVERAGE** (mean) **excluding** (not) **AGE** (mature)\n \u00a0\n\n**AVER** (state)"} {"Clue":"Gung-ho gunmen circle African country (6,2,2)","Answer":"RARING TO GO","Explanation":"Definition: Gung-ho\n**RA** (Royal Artillery; gun men) **+** **RING** (circle) **+** **TOGO **(West African Country)\n \u00a0\n\n**RARING TO GO** (excessively eager; gung-ho)"} {"Clue":"Flood very nearly stops very big ball (9)","Answer":"OVERSPILL","Explanation":"Definition: Flood\n(**VERY** **excluding the final letter** [nearly] **Y** **contained in** [stops] **OS** [outsize; very big]) **+** **PILL** (little ball)\n **O** (**VER**) **S** **PILL**\n\n**OVERSPILL** (flood)"} {"Clue":"Learn jigs on wee organs (5)","Answer":"RENAL","Explanation":"Definition: on wee organs\n**Anagram of** (jigs) **LEARN** \n \u00a0\n\n**RENAL** (relating to the kidneys, organ\u00a0that filter waste from the blood and produce urine [wee])"} {"Clue":"Bush's banter with Blair on the end of a string? (2-5)","Answer":"YO-YOING","Explanation":"Definition: on the end of a string\n**YO** (reference the greeting by George W Bush to Tony Blair at the G8 summit in St Petersburg in 2006) + **YOING** (continuing the same reference) to give a continuous use of the word **YO **as a form of banter**.**\n \u00a0\n\n**YO-YOING **(to operate a **YO-YO** toy involving a wheel and string; on the end of a string)"} {"Clue":"Fool perhaps first to swim into strand (7)","Answer":"DESSERT","Explanation":"Definition: Fool perhaps\n**S** (first letter of [first to] **SWIM**) **contained in** (into) **DESERT** (abandon; strand; could probably also be used be considered in another sense of sand or beach)\n **DES (S) ERT**\n\n**DESSERT** ([e.g. gooseberry] fool\u00a0is an example of **DESSERT**)"} {"Clue":"Average reader's excuse (6)","Answer":"PARDON","Explanation":"Definition: excuse\n**PAR** (average) **+** **DON** (a reader is a senior university lecturer, as is a **DON**)\n \u00a0\n\n**PARDON** (excuse)"} {"Clue":"The German guzzles pub grub (6)","Answer":"DINNER","Explanation":"Definition: grub\n**DER** (one of the German forms of the word 'the') **containing** (guzzles) **INN** (public house)\n **D** (**INN**) **ER**\n\n**DINNER** (meal; grub)"} {"Clue":"Send out edition No 4 (non-U) (5,5)","Answer":"ISSUE FORTH","Explanation":"Definition: Send out\n**ISSUE** (edition) **+** (**FO****U****RTH** [No 4] **excluding** [non] the letter** U**) This one is nothing to do with the U\/Non-U terminology.\n \u00a0\n\n**ISSUE FORTH** (send out)"} {"Clue":"Transmitter set in or on ground (9)","Answer":"SEROTONIN","Explanation":"Definition: Transmitter \n**Anagram of **(ground) **SET IN OR ON**\n \u00a0\n\n**SEROTONIN** (a compound that occurs throughout body tissue, esp in the brain, intestinal tissue and blood platelets, acting as a neurotransmitter and powerful vasoconstrictor)"} {"Clue":"Lasses trained to bring in golf to Ireland? (10)","Answer":"SALESGIRLS","Explanation":"Definition: Lasses trained to bring in golf to Ireland?\n**Anagram of **(trained) **LASSES** **containing** (to bring in) (**G** [**GOLF** is the international radio communications codeword for the letter **G**] **+ IRL** [Ireland])\n **SALES** (**G** **IRL**) **S***\n\n**SALESGIRLS** (lasses trained to 'sell' [bring in] golf vacations in Ireland for example)"} {"Clue":"Ruler used in drawing rows of fans (9)","Answer":"TERRACING","Explanation":"Definition: rows of fans\n**ER** (Elizabeth Regina; Queen; ruler) **contained in** (in) **TRACING** (drawing)\n **T** (**ER**) **RACING**\n\n**TERRACING** (row of fans, particularly at a football match)"} {"Clue":"20 (U) (8)","Answer":"LAVATORY","Explanation":"Definition: 20 (U)\n**LAVATORY** (the U form of **TOILET** [20 down])\n \u00a0\n\n**LAVATORY"} {"Clue":"Anglicans gathered exceptionally early in potter's field (8)","Answer":"CEMETERY","Explanation":"Definition: potter's field\n**CE** (Church of England; Anglicans) **+** **MET** (gathered) **+** **ERY** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [omitting 2 and 4, exceptionally] of **E****A****R****L****Y**)\n \u00a0\n\n**CEMETERY** ('Potters Field' is defined as a burial ground for strangers and paupers [from that bought with the money Judas received for betraying Jesus])"} {"Clue":"Lie about yen and euro banking union (6)","Answer":"LOUNGE","Explanation":"Definition: Lie about\n(**LONG** [desire; yen] **+** **E** [euro]) **containing** (banking) **U** (union)\n **LO** (**U**) **NG** **E**\n\n**LOUNGE** (lie about)"} {"Clue":"Can one put in notice about empty flat? (6)","Answer":"TOILET","Explanation":"Definition: Can \n**I** (one) **contained in** (put in) (**TO LET** [notice about empty flat])\n **TO** (**I**) **LET**\n\n**TOILET** (can is a slang term for **TOILET**)"} {"Clue":"Python director ran out of gear (5)","Answer":"IDLED","Explanation":"Definition: ran out of gear\n**IDLE** (reference Monty Python actor Eric **IDLE**) **+** **D** (director)\n \u00a0\n\n**IDLED** (ran out of gear)"} {"Clue":"One crossing, ignoring guards? (4)","Answer":"OSSI","Explanation":"Definition: One crossing, ignoring guards\n**OSSI **(**middle letters of** [ignoring guards represented by the first two and last two letters] of **CROSSING**)\n \u00a0\n\n**OSSI** (a citizen of the former German Democratic Republic (East Germany) before reunification with the Federal Republic in 1990; one crossing for East Germany to Germany without worry about guards?)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps do without the second car (8)","Answer":"FASTBACK","Explanation":"Definition: car\n**FAST** (do without food) **+** **BACK** (second)\n \u00a0\n\n**FASTBACK** (a car whose roof slopes smoothly down towards the rear, giving a streamlined effect;"} {"Clue":"Interfere, laying theatre carpet the wrong way (6)","Answer":"TAMPER","Explanation":"Definition: Interfere\n(**REP** [repertory theatre company] **+** **MAT** [carpet]) **all reversed** (laying \u2026 the wrong way)\n (**TAM** **PER**)<\n\n**TAMPER** (interfere)"} {"Clue":"Just terrible, losing head (8)","Answer":"RIGHTFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Just\n**FRIGHTFUL** (terrible) **excluding** (losing) t**he first letter** (head) **F**\n \u00a0\n\n**RIGHTFUL** (just)"} {"Clue":"Zealot regularly hiding in pit given a walloping (6)","Answer":"BELTED","Explanation":"Definition: given a walloping\n**ELT** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [regularly] of **ZEALOT**) **contained in** (hiding in) **BED** (pit, as in 'the lazy person's not up yet\u00a0\u2013 he\/she's still in their pit)\n **B** (**ELT**) **ED**\n\n**BELTED** (given a walloping)"} {"Clue":"Landlord initially bearing item of correspondence (3,6)","Answer":"AIR LETTER","Explanation":"Definition: item of correspondence\n**AIR** (bearing) **+** **LETTER** (landlord)\n \u00a0\n\n**AIR LETTER** (item of correspondence)"} {"Clue":"Fabric wife kept in drawer (5)","Answer":"TWILL","Explanation":"Definition: Fabric\n**W** (wife) **contained in** (kept in) **TILL** (a drawer for money)\n **T** (**W**) **ILL**\n\n**TWILL** (woven fabric)"} {"Clue":"Many ignore loner performing folk song (5,3,7)","Answer":"EARLY ONE MORNING","Explanation":"Definition: folk song\n**Anagram of **(performing) **MANY IGNORE LONER**\n \u00a0\n\n**EARLY ONE MORNING** (English folk song dating back to the 18th century)"} {"Clue":"US leaders encountered in groups round Florida's capital (8,7)","Answer":"FOUNDING FATHERS","Explanation":"Definition: US leaders\n**FOUND** [encountered) **+** **IN** **+** (**GATHERS** [groups]) **containing** [round] **F** [**first letter of **{capital} **FLORIDA**])\n **FOUND** **IN** **G** (**F**) **ATHERS**\n\n**FOUNDING FATHERS** (Unites States leaders)"} {"Clue":"During middle part of s\u00e9ance, female is very pale (5)","Answer":"ASHEN","Explanation":"Definition: very pale\n**SHE** (female) **contained in** (during) **AN** (**middle two letters of** [middle part] **S\u00c9ANCE**)\n **A** (**SHE**) **N**\n\n**ASHEN** (very pale)"} {"Clue":"I came back and dined with daughter, appearing very thin (9)","Answer":"EMACIATED","Explanation":"Definition: very thin\n(**I CAME**) **reversed** (back) **+** **ATE** **+** **D** (daughter)\n (**EMAC** **I**)< **ATE** **D**\n\n**EMACIATED** (extremely thin)"} {"Clue":"Judge with base in Shropshire town (6)","Answer":"LUDLOW","Explanation":"Definition: Shropshire town\n**LUD** (Lord, as in the term My Lord when addressing a judge) **+** **LOW** (base)\n \u00a0\n\n**LUDLOW** (town in Shropshire)"} {"Clue":"Composer namely gets to sing a couple of notes (8)","Answer":"SCHUMANN","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\n**SC** (scilicet [Latin]; namely) **+** **HUM** (sing with closed lips) **+** **A** + (**N** [note] **+** **N** [notes] to give a couple of notes)\n \u00a0\n\n**SCHUMANN** (reference Robert **SCHUMANN** [1810 \u2013 1856], German composer)"} {"Clue":"Setter rejigged another examination (6)","Answer":"RETEST","Explanation":"Definition: another examination\n**Anagram of **(rejigged) **SETTER**\n \u00a0\n\n**RETEST** (another examination)"} {"Clue":"People bitter, perhaps, about American ruler once (8)","Answer":"MENELAUS","Explanation":"Definition: ruler once\n**MEN** (people) **+** **ALE** (beer, possibly bitter) **reversed** (about) **+** **US** (United States American) \n **MEN** **ELA**< **US**\n\n**MENELAUS** (In Greek mythology, *Menelaus* was a king of Mycenaean [pre-Dorian] Sparta, the husband of Helen of Troy, and a central figure in the Trojan War; ruler once)"} {"Clue":"Coat \u2013 new one \u2013 in which one gets very hot (7)","Answer":"FURNACE","Explanation":"Definition: in which one gets very hot\n**FUR **(coat) **+** **N** (new) **+** **ACE** (one)\n \n\n**FURNACE** (in which one gets very hot)"} {"Clue":"Tomato sauce is served up? That's sweet (5)","Answer":"SUGAR","Explanation":"Definition: That's sweet \n**RAGU'S** (**RAGU** [meat and tomato sauce in Italian cookery]\u00a0I**S**) **reversed** (served up; down clue)\n **SUGAR**<\n\n**SUGAR** (sweet substance)"} {"Clue":"Bachelor, say, last to study in college room (7)","Answer":"BUTTERY","Explanation":"Definition: college room\n**B** (bachelor) **+** **UTTER** (say) **+** **Y** (**final letter of** [last to] **STUDY**)\n \u00a0\n\n**BUTTERY** (a room in esp an Oxford or Cambridge college where food and drink are supplied to students)"} {"Clue":"Accepted nobleman getting elevated, though lacking aspiration (12)","Answer":"COUNTENANCED","Explanation":"Definition: Accepted\n**COUNT** (nobleman) **+** (**EN****H****ANCED** [elevated] **excluding **[lacking] **H** [a letter associated with aspiration])\n \u00a0\n\n**COUNTENANCED** (accepted)"} {"Clue":"A superior assistant? (7)","Answer":"ABETTER","Explanation":"Definition: assistant\n**A** **+** **BETTER** (superior)\n \u00a0\n\n**ABETTER** (assistant)"} {"Clue":"Mr Doherty is about concealin' drug (9)","Answer":"PETHIDINE","Explanation":"Definition: drug\n**PETE** (reference **PETE** Doherty [1979 \u2013 date], musician, frontman of the Libertines and Babyshambles) **containing** (about) **HIDIN**' (concealin')\n **PET **(**HIDIN**) **E**\n\n**PETHIDINE** (a synthetic analgesic and hypnotic, acting like morphine, much used in childbirth; drug)"} {"Clue":"After revision, Alfred reaches good standard (3,4)","Answer":"RED FLAG","Explanation":"Definition: standard\n**Anagram of** (revision) **ALFRED** **+** **G** (good)\n **RED FLA*** **G**\n\n**RED FLAG** (standard)"} {"Clue":"Dairy food: exotic fare I'm getting in nursery (5,7)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: Dairy food\n**Anagram of** (exotic) **FARE I'M** **contained in** (in) **CR\u00c8CHE** (nursery)\n **CRE** (**ME FRAI***) **CHE**\n\n**CR\u00c8ME FRA\u00ceCHE **(cream thickened with a culture of bacteria; dairy food)"} {"Clue":"Experienced harsh conditions: i.e. drought that's awful; (7,2)","Answer":"ROUGHED IT","Explanation":"Definition: Experienced harsh conditions\n**Anagram of **(that's awful) **DROUGHT I. E.**\n \u00a0\n\n**ROUGHED IT** (experienced harsh conditions)"} {"Clue":"Weaker bar needs iron coating right? (7)","Answer":"FRAILER","Explanation":"Definition: Weaker\n**RAIL** (bar) **contained in** (needs \u2026 coating) **FE** (chemical symbol for iron) **+** **R** (right)\n **F** (**RAIL**) **E** **R**\n\n**FRAILER** (weaker)"} {"Clue":"Dogs seen here, and silence reigns? (7)","Answer":"DINGOES","Explanation":"Definition: Dogs\n**DIN** (noise) + **GOES** (leaves) \u2013 noise leaves therefore silence reigns\n \u00a0\n\n**DINGOES** (dogs)"} {"Clue":"Clan welcoming a French champion (7)","Answer":"TRIBUNE","Explanation":"Definition: champion\n**TRIBE** (clan) **containing** (welcoming) **UN** (one of the forms of 'a' in French)\n **TRIB** (**UN**) **E**\n\n**TRIBUNE** (champion of popular rights)"} {"Clue":"Lines I had included in serenades? (7)","Answer":"SIDINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Lines\n**I'D** (I had) **contained in** (included in) **SINGS** (serenades)\n **S** (**ID**) **INGS**\n\n**SIDINGS** (railway lines used for shunting)"} {"Clue":"Meaningless notes from orchestra lately (3-2)","Answer":"TRA-LA","Explanation":"Definition: Meaningless notes\n**TRA-LA** (**hidden word** in [from] **ORCHESTRA LATELY)**\n \u00a0\n\n**TRA-LA** (used to express joy, pleasure, etc, or when humming a song.; meaningless notes)"} {"Clue":"Go either way (3)","Answer":"PEP","Explanation":"Definition: Go\n**PEP** is a palindrome hence it means the same read either way from left to right or right to left\n \u00a0\n\n**PEP **(vigour; go)"} {"Clue":"Macho youth almost gains entry to marquees \u2013 nasty (10)","Answer":"RAMBOESQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Macho\n**BOY** (youth) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **Y** **contained in **(gains entry to) **an anagram of** (nasty) **MARQUEES**\n **RAM** (**BO**) **ESQUE***\n\n**RAMBOESQUE** (behaving like **RAMBO**, a male film character noted for mindless brutality; macho [aggressively male])"} {"Clue":"Attention to organ? Not against but it is previous (7)","Answer":"EARLIER","Explanation":"Definition: previous\n**EAR** (attention) **+** (**LI****V****ER** [an organ of the body] **excluding** [not] **V** [versus; against])\n \u00a0\n\n**EARLIER** (previous)"} {"Clue":"Can I go round \u2026 um \u2026 Waterloo and Paddington? (7)","Answer":"TERMINI","Explanation":"Definition: Waterloo and Paddington\n(**TIN** [can] **+** **I**) **containing** (**ERM** [um])\n **T** (**ERM**) **IN** **I**\n\n**TERMINI** (Waterloo and Padding stations are both **TERMINI **of rail lines)"} {"Clue":"Found strays having sex attractive? Not initially (9)","Answer":"INSTITUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Found\n**SINS** (strays) **+** **A****T IT** (having sex) **+** (**CUTE** [attractive]) with each element\u00a0**excluding** [not] **the first letter** [initially] **S, A **and**\u00a0C**)\n \u00a0\n\n**INSTITUTE** (found)"} {"Clue":"College 10 announced (5)","Answer":"KINGS","Explanation":"Definition: College\n**KINGS** (the entry at 10 down is **IT'S RAINING MEN** which **sounds like** [announced] **IT'S REIGNING MEN**, i.e. **KINGS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**KINGS** (reference **KING'S** college, a college at a number of Universities)"} {"Clue":"Approaching the heart patients here (7)","Answer":"INWARDS","Explanation":"Definition: Approaching the heart\n**IN WARDS** (places where you will find hospital patients)\n \u00a0\n\n**INWARDS** (towards the centre; approaching the heart)"} {"Clue":"Here's Gary Jones, the screen hero (7)","Answer":"INDIANA","Explanation":"Definition: Here's Gary\n**INDIANA** (**GARY** is a city in Lake County, Indiana)\n \u00a0\n\n**INDIANA** (reference screen hero** INDIANA** Jones, star of a number of films that feature his name)"} {"Clue":"Directors in middle row (3)","Answer":"OAR","Explanation":"Definition: row\n**OAR** (reference a **BOARD** of Directors) taking only the middle three letters **OAR**\n \u00a0\n\n**OAR** (row)"} {"Clue":"Old fart settled in Swiss municipality (7)","Answer":"ALTDORF","Explanation":"Definition: Swiss municipality\n**Anagram of **(settled) **OLD FART**\n \u00a0\n\n**ALTDORF** (town, municipality that is the capital of the Swiss canton of Uri)"} {"Clue":"One Direction need space to relax (7)","Answer":"SLACKEN","Explanation":"Definition: relax\n**S** (South [direction], one of the four cardinal points of the compass) **+** **LACK** (need) **+** **EN** (measurement unit of a space in printing terminology)\n \u00a0\n\n**SLACKEN** (relax)"} {"Clue":"The other writer's held back \u2013awkward (5)","Answer":"INEPT","Explanation":"Definition: awkward\n(**PEN** [writer] **reversed** [back]) **contained in** [held] **IT** (sex; the other) \n **I** (**NEP**)< **T**\n\n**INEPT** (awkward)"} {"Clue":"Run after changes in Times were modified by editor (9)","Answer":"REWRITTEN","Explanation":"Definition: modified by editor\n**R** (run, in cricket scoring notation) **+** (**an anagram of **[changes] **IN** and **T** [time] and **T** [time] and **WERE**) The two **T**s represent\u00a0'times'\n **R EWRITTEN***\n\n**REWRITTEN** (modified by editor)"} {"Clue":"Cumbernauld, for one, won't (3,4)","Answer":"NEW TOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Cumbernauld, for one\n**NEW TOWN** (**WON'T** is an **anagram** [**NEW**] of **TOWN**)\n \u00a0\n\n**NEW TOWN** (Cumbernauld was created as a **NEW TOWN** in Scotland in 1956 to house overspill from Glasgow)"} {"Clue":"Drop FA award in cafe (7)","Answer":"TEAROOM","Explanation":"Definition: cafe \n**TEAR **(drop) **+** **O**\u00a0(FA, as in sweet Fanny Adams; nothing) **+** **OM** (Order of Merit; award)\n \u00a0\n\n**TEAROOM** (cafe)"} {"Clue":"Weighing machines \u2013 new style \u2013 are extremely solid (10)","Answer":"STEELYARDS","Explanation":"Definition: Weighing machines\n**Anagram of **(new) **STYLE ARE** and **SD** (**first and last letters of** [extremely] **SOLID**)\n \u00a0\n\n**STEELYARDS** (weighing machines consisting of a lever with a short arm for the thing weighed and a long graduated arm on which a single weight moves)"} {"Clue":"Where Cameron was out of town for a long time (3)","Answer":"EON","Explanation":"Definition: a long time\n**ETON** (school where David **CAMERON** was educated) **excluding** (out of) **T** (town)\n \u00a0\n\n**EON** (a vast age; a long time)"} {"Clue":"Suspect in Tahiti hotel checking out \u2013 copper makes haste (13)","Answer":"PRECIPITATION","Explanation":"Definition: haste\n**Anagram of** (suspect) **IN** and (**TA****H****ITI** **excluding** [checking out] **H** [hotel]) and **COPPER**\n \u00a0\n\n**PRECIPITATION** (great hurry; haste)"} {"Clue":"Flock endlessly to somewhere romantic (5)","Answer":"PARIS","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere romantic\n**PARISH** (church congregation; flock) **excluding the final letter** (endlessly)\n \u00a0\n\n**PARIS** (an example of a romantic city)"} {"Clue":"British wanting more intelligent prince (7)","Answer":"RAINIER","Explanation":"Definition: prince\n**BRAINIER** (more intelligent) **excluding** (wanting) **B** (British)\n \u00a0\n\n**RAINIER** (reference Prince **RAINIER** of Monaco [1923 \u2013 2005])"} {"Clue":"Quiz's beginning \u2013 guys in bar from a different pub (7,2,6)","Answer":"MARQUIS OF GRANBY","Explanation":"Definition: pub\n**Anagram of** (different) (**Q** [**first letter of** {beginning} **QUIZ**] and **GUYS IN BAR FROM A**)\n \u00a0\n\n**MARQUIS OF GRANBY** (a fairly common name for a pub. Google offers\u00a0a number of pubs with this name in towns throughout the country)"} {"Clue":"Stupidly reduced offer \u2013 that writer's top quality (2,3,5,5)","Answer":"OF THE FIRST\u00a0WATER","Explanation":"Definition: top quality\n**Anagram of** (stupidly) ([**OFFER** **excluding the final letter** {reduced} **R**] and **THAT WRITER'S**)\n \u00a0\n\n**OF THE FIRST\u00a0WATER** (top quality)"} {"Clue":"Showed affection to 16 and daughter (7)","Answer":"STROKED","Explanation":"Definition: Showed affection to\n**STROKE** (to row as the **STROKE OAR** [16 across]) + D (daughter)\n \u00a0\n\n**STROKED** (showed affection to)"} {"Clue":"Where one learns working man's below standard (5,4)","Answer":"UNION JACK","Explanation":"Definition: standard\n**UNI** (university; where one learns) **+** **ON** (working) **+** **JACK** (man's name)\n \u00a0\n\n**UNION JACK** (flag; standard)"} {"Clue":"Hymns reportedly in 1D song (3,7,3)","Answer":"IT","Explanation":"Definition: song\n**IT'S RAINING** (there is **PRECIPITATION** [1 down]) **+** **MEN** (**HIMS** which **sounds like** [reportedly] **HYMNS**) \n \u00a0\n\n**IT'S RAINING MEN** (a song originally recorded by The Weather Girls in 1982)"} {"Clue":"Group points Specials out (3,3,3)","Answer":"WET WET WET","Explanation":"Definition: Group\n**WEST WEST WEST** (three [identical] points of the compass) each of which **excludes** (out) **S** (special). Three **S**s represents specials\n \u00a0\n\n**WET WET WET** (Scottish soft rock band formed in the 1980s)"} {"Clue":"Result of college stopping book for adult learners (7)","Answer":"OUTCOME","Explanation":"Definition: Result\n(**OU **[Open University; seat of learning for adults] **+** **TOME** [book]) **containing** (stopping) **C** (college)\n **OU** **T** (**C**) **OME**\n\n**OUTCOME** (results)"} {"Clue":"Brutes hardly shut up after returned home (7)","Answer":"ANIMALS","Explanation":"Definition: Brutes\n**A** (one) **+** (**IN** [home] **reversed** [returned]) **+** (**SLAM** [shut] **reversed** [up; down clue])\n **A** (**NI**)< (**MALS**)<\n\n**ANIMALS** (brutes)"} {"Clue":"Pin \u2013 that's primarily what golfer aims at (5)","Answer":"THOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Pin\n**T** (**first letter of** [primarily] **THAT**) **+** **HOLE** (what a golfer aims at)\n \u00a0\n\n**THOLE** (a pin in the side of a boat to keep the oar in place)"} {"Clue":"English habit with pal from abroad \u2013 like letters (13)","Answer":"ALPHABETIFORM","Explanation":"Definition: like letters\n**Anagram of **(abroad) **E** [English) **and HABIT** **and** **PAL FROM**\n \u00a0\n\n**ALPHABETIFORM** (shaped like letters)"} {"Clue":"Native American piranha, tailless (5)","Answer":"CARIB","Explanation":"Definition: Native American\n**CARIBE** (South American piranha fish) **excluding the final letter** (tailless) **E**\n \u00a0\n\n**CARIB** (a member of a race of Native Americans)"} {"Clue":"Down on ducks, dead (5)","Answer":"NAPOO","Explanation":"Definition: dead\n**NAP** (a downy covering or surface on anything; bedding or a bedroll) **+** (**O** [zero; duck score in cricket] **+** **O** [zero; duck score in cricket] giving ducks)\n \u00a0\n\n**NAPOO** (dead)"} {"Clue":"Chirrup about withers, like most hearty outdoor types (9)","Answer":"TWEEDIEST","Explanation":"Definition: most hearty outdoor types \n**TWEET **(chirrup) **containing** (about) **DIES** (withers)\n **TWEE** (**DIES**) **T**\n\n**TWEEDIEST** (most hearty outdoor types)"} {"Clue":"Like decayed old trees, not even protected by Pakistani possibly (7)","Answer":"DODDARD","Explanation":"Definition: Like decayed old trees,\n**ODD** (not even) **contained in** (protected by) **DARD** (\u00a0person belonging to any of the peoples who speak local languages in\u00a0parts of Northern India, Pakistan and Afghanistan\n **D** (**ODD**) **ARD**\n\n**DODDARD **(of trees decayed with loss of branches)"} {"Clue":"Baseball teams? \u00a0BBC rarely shows such, we hear (7)","Answer":"ENNEADS","Explanation":"Definition: Baseball teams? \n**ENNEADS** (sounds like [we hear] **ANY ADS**) The BBC in the UK rarely shows adverts except for its own programmes. BBC transmissions received overseas sometimes show adverts, in my experience predominantly for national tourism authorities.\n \u00a0\n\n**ENNEADS** (set of nine. There are nine players on the field in a baseball team)"} {"Clue":"Article about cheer our age lost \u2013 and after that? (6)","Answer":"THENCE","Explanation":"Definition: after that\n**THE **(definite article) **containing** (about) (**ENC****OURAGE** [cheer] **excluding** [lost] **OUR AGE**)\n **TH** (**ENC**) **E**\n\n**THENCE** (from that time; after that)"} {"Clue":"Fibre requiring one to travel speedily from east to west (6)","Answer":"MOORVA","Explanation":"Definition: Fibre\n(**A** [one] **+** **VROOM** [travel speedily]) **all reversed** (from east to west; across clue)\n (**MOORV A**)<\n\n**MOORVA** (bowstring-hemp; fibre)"} {"Clue":"Being dispossessed one has to change routes (6)","Answer":"OUSTER","Explanation":"Definition: dispossessed\n**Anagram of** (has to change) **ROUTES**\n \u00a0\n\n**OUSTER** (ejection or dispossession; being dispossessed)"} {"Clue":"Capital cast by Epstein remoulded for arch (6)","Answer":"INSTEP","Explanation":"Definition: arch\n**Anagram of** (remoulded) **EPSTEIN** **excluding the initial capital letter** [capital cast] **E**\n \u00a0\n\n**INSTEP **(the prominent arched part of the human foot)"} {"Clue":"More than one confluence is including northern and southern river length (7)","Answer":"INFALLS","Explanation":"Definition: More than one confluence\n**IS** **containing** (including) (**N** [northern] **+** **FAL** [river in the South of England; southern river] **+** **L** [length])\n **I** (**N** **FAL** **L**) **S**\n\n**INFALLS** (confluences)"} {"Clue":"It's damaged her shin, or possibly hock (7)","Answer":"RHENISH","Explanation":"Definition: possibly hock\n**Anagram of **(damaged) **HER SHIN**\n \u00a0\n\n**RHENISH** (Rhine wine, of which Hock is a variety)"} {"Clue":"Primate holding tiptop position? He's got the job (9)","Answer":"APPOINTEE","Explanation":"Definition: He's got the job\n**APE** (primate) **containing** (holding) (**POINTE** [the extreme tip of the toe, or the position of standing on it; tiptop position])\n **AP** (**POINTE**) **E**\n\n**APPOINTEE** (the person chosen for the job)"} {"Clue":"Master Edward by name? (5)","Answer":"LEARN","Explanation":"Definition: Master\n**LEAR** (reference Edward **LEAR** [1812 \u2013 1888] English poet) **+** **N** (name)\n \u00a0\n\n**LEARN** (master)"} {"Clue":"Canter nag, mounted (5)","Answer":"TITUP","Explanation":"Definition: Canter\n**TIT **(nag) **+** **UP** (mounted)\n \u00a0\n\n**TITUP** (canter)"} {"Clue":"E.g. Hamilton, with special gown, cap, etc (11)","Answer":"ACADEMICALS","Explanation":"Definition: E.g. Hamilton\n**ACADEMICAL** (reference the Scottish Football Club Hamilton **ACADEMICAL **[note the singular] The Club will play in the Scottish Premier League in season 2014\/ 15) **+** **S** (special)\n \u00a0\n\n**ACADEMICALS** (formal university dress, caps gowns etc)"} {"Clue":"Llama's head has me round? Well, possibly (4)","Answer":"LAZO","Explanation":"Definition: Llama's head has me round? Well, possibly \n**L** (**first letter of** [head] **LLAMA**) **+** **AZ** (Azed; me) **+** **O** (round shape)\n \u00a0\n\n**LAZO** (lasso \u2013 may be used for herding llamas)"} {"Clue":"Morse, say, writing about crooked don (8)","Answer":"PRODNOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Morse, say\n**PROSE **(writing) **containing** (about) (**an anagram of** [crooked] **DON**)\n **PRO** (**ODN***) **SE** or **PR** (**ODN***) **OSE**\n\n**PRODNOSE** (detective, e.g. Inspector Morse)"} {"Clue":"Back block (6)","Answer":"HINDER","Explanation":"Definition: Back\n**HINDER **(last; back)\n \u00a0\n\n**HINDER** be an obstacle; block) double definition"} {"Clue":"Stewart's motor maybe requiring some elbow-room (4)","Answer":"BOWR","Explanation":"Definition: Stewart's motor\n**BOWR **(hidden word in some] **ELBOW-ROOM**)\n \u00a0\n\n**BOWR** (Spenserian word for muscle; motor can also be defined as muscle) I am not sure where Stewart fits into this clue, as the poet is Edmund Spenser."} {"Clue":"River beside state capital (7)","Answer":"TRENTON","Explanation":"Definition: state capital\n**TRENT **(reference River **TRENT**) **+** **ON** (beside)\n \u00a0\n\n**TRENTON** (reference **TRENTON**, State Capital of New Jersey)"} {"Clue":"Motor race creating row, quiet banished from the start (4)","Answer":"INDY","Explanation":"Definition: Motor race\n**SHINDY** (row) **excluding** (banished) **the first two letters **(start) **SH** (quiet!)\n \u00a0\n\n**INDY** (reference Indianapolis 500 motor race)"} {"Clue":"The old pretend being sensitive about acting (5)","Answer":"FAINE","Explanation":"Definition: The old pretend\n**FINE** (sensitive) **containing** (about) **A** (acting)\n **F** (**A**) **INE**\n\n**FAINE** (Spenserian [old] word for 'to make a pretence of')"} {"Clue":"Prize badge like this is held up in contest (6)","Answer":"ROSACE","Explanation":"Definition: Prize badge\n(**SO** [like this] **reversed** [up; down clue]) **contained in** (held \u2026 in) **RACE** (contest)\n **R** (**OS**)< **ACE**\n\n**ROSACE** (rosette; prize badge)"} {"Clue":"Supply craft most deployed when bagging plunder in Scotland (11)","Answer":"MOTHERSHIPS","Explanation":"Definition: Supply craft\n**Anagram of **(deployed) **MOST** **containing** (bagging) **HERSHIP** (Scottish word for plunder)\n **MOT** (**HERSHIP**) **S***\n\n**MOTHERSHIPS** (supply craft)"} {"Clue":"College sportsmen (selection deferred) managed thirds in residence (9)","Answer":"REDSHIRTS","Explanation":"Definition: College sportsmen (selection deferred)\n**Anagram of **[managed] **THIRDS** **contained in **(in) **RES** (residence)\n **RE** (**DSHIRT***) **S**\n\n**REDSHIRTS** (in American collegiate sport, players who are\u00a0not selected for a representative team for one year in order to prolong their\u00a0period of eligibility)"} {"Clue":"Insect item (not head), turned up proboscis-like (8)","Answer":"ANTLIATE","Explanation":"Definition: proboscis-like\n**ANT **(insect) **+** ([**DETAIL** {item} **excluding** {not} **the first letter **{head} D] **reversed** [turned up; down clue])\n **ANT** **LIATE**<\n\n**ANTLIATE** (like the suctorial proboscis of insects of the Lepidoptera order)"} {"Clue":"Had a nip after fiddling with water fleas (7)","Answer":"DAPHNIA","Explanation":"Definition: water fleas\n**Anagram of **(fiddling) **HAD A NIP**\n \u00a0\n\n**DAPHNIA** (a genus of water flea)"} {"Clue":"Famous orphan after special bit of beachwear in Largs? (6)","Answer":"SANNIE","Explanation":"Definition: bit of beachwear in Largs\n**S** (special) **+** **ANNIE** (reference Little Orphan **ANNIE**, an American comic strip)\n \u00a0\n\n**SANNIE** (Scottish word for sandshoe \u2013 beachwear in Largs [Scottish seaside town])"} {"Clue":"Letter penned by author (Norse) (5)","Answer":"THORN","Explanation":"Definition: Letter\n**THORN** (**hidden word** in [penned] **AUTHOR NORSE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**THORN** (the Old English and Old Norse letter p)"} {"Clue":"Nightingale (so-called) in Tilia tree, first to fly off in dark (4)","Answer":"LIND","Explanation":"Definition: Nightingale (so-called)\n**LIND** (lime or linden tree; tilia is similarly defined)\n **BLIND** (dark) **excluding** (fly off) **the first letter** (first) **B**\n\n**LIND** (reference Jenny **LIND** [1820 -1887], Swedish opera singer known as the Swedish nightingale)"} {"Clue":"Hacks: ten staggered away from what dailies serve up? (4)","Answer":"HEWS","Explanation":"Definition: Hacks\n**THE NEWS **(what dailies serve up) **excluding** (away) **an anagram of** (staggered) **TEN**\n \u00a0\n\n**HEWS** (hacks)"} {"Clue":"Black spot? One of two in smash belly up (4)","Answer":"SMUT","Explanation":"Definition: Black spot\n**S** (there are two occurrences of the letter **S** in **SMASH**, we are asked to take one of them) **+** (**TUM** [belly] **reversed** [up; down clue])\n **S** **MUT**<\n\n**SMUT** (black spot)"} {"Clue":"A draw bringing\u00a0in millions: a sacred vessel (7)","Answer":"AMPULLA","Explanation":"Definition: sacred vessel \n([**A** **+** **PULL** {draw}] **containing** [bringing in] **M** [millions]) **+** **A** **A** (**M**) **PULL** **A**\n\n**AMPULLA **(a vessel for holy oil; sacred vessel)"} {"Clue":"Copy theatre's mostly dab acting (7)","Answer":"REPLICA","Explanation":"Definition: Copy\n**REP **(repertory theatre) **+** (**LICK** [dab] **excluding the final letter** [mostly]) **+** **A** (acting) \u00a0\n\n**REPLICA** (copy)"} {"Clue":"Lot of anger \u2013 cat hairs shrouding front of chair? They can be blown away for a time (9,6)","Answer":"DANDELION CLOCKS","Explanation":"Definition: They can be blown away for a time\n(**DANDER** [anger] **excluding the final letter** [lot of] **R**) + ([**LION** {big cat} **+** **LOCKS** {hair} **containing** [shrouding] **C** [**first letter of** {front of} **CHAIR**]) **DANDE** **LION** (**C**) **LOCKS**\n\n**DANDELION CLOCKS** (downy seed-heads of a **DANDELION** which can be blown away by breathing on them hard. Tradition has it that the number of blows required to clear the head represents the time of day)"} {"Clue":"Sea run? I'd drifted length at sea (5,4)","Answer":"UNDER SAIL","Explanation":"Definition: at sea \n**Anagram of** (drifted) **SEA RUN I'D** **+** **L** (length) **UNDER SAI*** **L**\n\n**UNDER SAIL** (propelled by means of **SAIL**; at sea)"} {"Clue":"Work by US opera house recalled measure of music (5)","Answer":"TEMPO","Explanation":"Definition: measure of music\n(**OP** [opus; work] **+** **MET** [reference Mew York **MET**ropolitan Opera]) **all reversed** (recalled) (**TEM** **PO**)<\n\n**TEMPO** (speed, time [measure] of music)"} {"Clue":"ID? Encountered one with 'Harry' on outside (4,3)","Answer":"NAME TAG","Explanation":"Definition: ID\n**NAG **(harass; nag) **containing** (outside) (**MET** [encountered] **+ ****A** [one]) **NA** (**ME T** **A**) **G**\n\n**NAME TAG** (identification; ID)"} {"Clue":"Lot more oscillating in this musical effect (7)","Answer":"TREMOLO","Explanation":"Definition: musical effect \n**Anagram of **(oscillating) **LOT MORE** \u00a0\n\n**TREMOLO** (a tremulous effect as by a rapid succession of the same note or of two notes at least a third apart)"} {"Clue":"Sloped heartlessly round for 14 18 (5)","Answer":"LENTO","Explanation":"Definition: 14 18\n(**LEANT **[sloped] **excluding** **the middle letter** [heartlessly] **A**) **+** **O** (round shape) \u00a0\n\n**LENTO** (slow [of music]; a** TEMPO** [14 across] **INDICATOR** [18 across])"} {"Clue":"One blinking crashed into car containing policeman (9)","Answer":"INDICATOR","Explanation":"Definition: One blinking\n**Anagram of **(crashed) **INTO CAR** **containing** (containing) **DI** (detective inspector; policeman) **IN **(**DI**) **CATOR***\n\n**INDICATOR** (a unit that flashes on a car)"} {"Clue":"Summit data units modified making necessary changes (7,8)","Answer":"MUTATIS MUTANDIS","Explanation":"Definition: making necessary changes\n**Anagram of** (modified) **SUMMIT DATA UNITS** \u00a0\n\n**MUTATIS MUTANDIS** (with necessary changes)"} {"Clue":"Satisfactory at home and not at home (mostly) somewhere in Japan (7)","Answer":"OKINAWA","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in Japan\n**OK** (satisfactory) **+** **IN** (at home) **+** (**AWAY** **excluding the final letter** [mostly] **Y**) \u00a0\n\n**OKINAWA** (city in Japan)"} {"Clue":"Article supplied by poet's 14 18 (7)","Answer":"ANDANTE","Explanation":"Definition: 14 18 \n**AN** (indefinite article) **+** **DANTE** (reference **DANTE** Alighieri [1265 \u2013 1321], Italian poet) \u00a0\n\n**ANDANTE** (moving with moderately slow even expression [of music]; a **TEMPO** [14 across] **INDICATOR** [18 across])"} {"Clue":"Carriage left with some indication of gold (6)","Answer":"LANDAU","Explanation":"Definition: Carriage\n**L** (left) **+** **AND** (with) **+** **AU** (chemical symbol for gold) \u00a0\n\n**LANDAU** (a horse-drawn carriage with a folding top)"} {"Clue":"Incomplete integrity producing weasel words? (4)","Answer":"SPIN","Explanation":"Definition: weasel words\n**SPINE** (firmness of character; integrity)** excluding the final letter **(incomplete) **E** \u00a0\n\n**SPIN** (the act of putting a favourable light on something by using words illegitimately with each other [using weasel words])"} {"Clue":"Everyone, say, upset river creature in 14, 18 (10)","Answer":"ALLEGRETTO","Explanation":"Definition: 14, 18\n**ALL** (everyone) **+ EG** (for example; say) **+** (**OTTER** [river creature] **reversed** [upset; down clue]) **ALL** **EG** **RETTO**<\n\n**ALLEGRETTO **(with brisk movement; lively and rather fast [of music]; a** TEMPO** [14 across] **INDICATOR** [18 across])"} {"Clue":"Mistakenly placating taxi drivers finally with a levy (7,5,3)","Answer":"CAPITAL GAINS TAX","Explanation":"Definition: levy\n**Anagram of** (mistakenly) (**PLACATING TAXI** and **S** [**last letter of **{finally} **DRIVERS**] and **A**) \u00a0\n\n**CAPITAL GAINS TAX** (a **TAX**\u00a0levied on the profit made on the sale of assets)"} {"Clue":"Age treated with natural drugs such as C12H22O11 (10,5)","Answer":"GRANULATED SUGAR","Explanation":"Definition: such as C12H22O\n**Anagram of **(treated) **AGE** and **NATURAL DRUGS** \u00a0\n\n**GRANULATED SUGAR** (C12H22O11 is a molecular form that embraces **SUGAR**s in various instances)"} {"Clue":"Chap's avoiding most suitable gem (4)","Answer":"OPAL","Explanation":"Definition: gem\nIf you have **O** (zero) **PAL**s (friends) you are avoiding most other people I am not entirely happy with this parsing but I can't see anything else. As Muffyword points at comment 1, it is parsed as **OPTIMAL excluding** (avoiding) **TIM** (chap's name)\n\n**OPAL** (gemstone)"} {"Clue":"Dancing with both sexes, type to lose head? Source of unease (10)","Answer":"DISCOMFORT","Explanation":"Definition: Source of unease\n**DISCO** (a form of dancing) **+** (**M** [male] **+** **F** [female]; both sexes) **+** (**SORT **[type] **excluding** [to lose] **the first letter** [head] **S**) \u00a0\n\n**DISCOMFORT** (source of unease)"} {"Clue":"Material in mine brought up to very good 14 18 (8)","Answer":"MAESTOSO","Explanation":"Definition: 14 18\n(**SEAM** [material in mine] **reversed** [brought up; down clue]) **+** **TO** **+** **SO** (very good) **MAES**< **TO** **SO**\n\n**MAESTOSO** (with dignity or majesty [of music]; a** TEMPO** [14 across] **INDICATOR** [18 across])"} {"Clue":"Party flirt embracing drunken tar, one imposing woman (10)","Answer":"DOMINATRIX","Explanation":"Definition: imposing woman \n**DO** (party) **+** (**MINX** [flirt] **containing** [embracing] [**an anagram of** {drunken}**TAR** **+** **I** {one}]) **DO** **MIN** (**ATR*** **I**) **X**\n\n**DOMINATRIX** (an imposing woman)"} {"Clue":"Digging poet's covering head in academic headgear (10)","Answer":"TRENCHARDS","Explanation":"Definition: academic headgear\n**TRENCH** refers to digging and Google tells me about **TRENCH** poets, but I am not sure where 'covering head' comes into the wordplay. Covering is often used as a containment indicator, but I can't see any obvious container and contents here. **ARD** is a plough which at a pinch could dig a trench of sort, but it will be obvious to you all that I am struggling here.\n Muffyword @ 1 has come up trumps here too with **TRENCH** (digging) **+ BARD'S** (poet's) with **TRENCH** **replacing** (covering) **the first letter of** (head) the poet **B**\n\n**TRENCHARDS** (at St Andrew's University, **TRENCHARD** is the word used for a college cap or mortarboard; academic headgear)"} {"Clue":"Black cross carried by boy picking up lotus flowers (8)","Answer":"NELUMBOS","Explanation":"Definition: lotus flowers\n([**B** {black} **+**** MULE** {cross between a donkey and a horse}]**contained in** [carried by] **SON** [boy]) **all reversed** (picking up; down clue) (**N** (**ELUM** **B**) **OS**)<\n\n**NELUMBOS** (sacred lotus flowers)"} {"Clue":"Unwanted guest snaffling first breakfast item (6)","Answer":"RASHER","Explanation":"Definition: breakfast item\n**CRASHER** (gate**CRASHER**; unwanted guest) **excluding** (snaffling) **the first letter** (first) **C** \u00a0\n\n**RASHER** ( apiece of bacon often served as a breakfast item)"} {"Clue":"Danger not fully lifted (4)","Answer":"TRAP","Explanation":"Definition: Danger \n(**PART **[not fully]) **reversed** (lifted) **TRAP**<\n\n**TRAP** (danger)"} {"Clue":"What's put in brew? (Boozer will ignore recipe) (4)","Answer":"DUNK","Explanation":"Definition: What's put in brew\n**DRUNK** (boozer) **excluding** (ignoring) **R** (recipe) \u00a0\n\n**DUNK** (the act of dipping\u00a0a biscuit into a cup of tea [brew])"} {"Clue":"Healthy source? Would you believe it! (4,4)","Answer":"WELL WELL","Explanation":"Definition: Would you believe it\n**WELL** (healthy) **+** **WELL** (source)\n \u00a0\n\n**WELL WELL** (would you believe it)"} {"Clue":"Approved school clothes altered (6)","Answer":"COOKED","Explanation":"Definition: altered\n**OK** (okay; approved) **contained in** (clothed) **COED** (coeducational school)\n **CO** (**OK**) **ED**\n\n**COOKED **(altered)"} {"Clue":"Almost knock over hot drink (4)","Answer":"NIGH","Explanation":"Definition: Almost\n(**H** [hot] **+** **GIN** [drink]) **all reversed** (knock over)\n (**NIG** **H**)<\n\n**NIGH** (almost)"} {"Clue":"How pals get on, working impatiently after power cut (10)","Answer":"INTIMATELY","Explanation":"Definition: How pals get on\n**Anagram of **(working) **IM****P****ATIENTLY** **excluding **(cut) **P** (power)\n \u00a0\n\n**INTIMATELY** (how pals get on)"} {"Clue":"He drives doctor to sightseer, avoiding hairpin (8)","Answer":"MOTORIST","Explanation":"Definition: He drives\n**MO** (medical officer; doctor) **+** (**TO****U****RIST** [sightseer] **excluding** [avoiding] **U** [hairpin bend])\n \u00a0\n\n**MOTORIST** (he drives)"} {"Clue":"8 go by in Serpentine with Juliet (2,5)","Answer":"BY JINGO","Explanation":"Definition: 8\n**Anagram of **(serpentine) **GO BY IN** and **J** (Juliet is the international radio communication code for the letter **J**)\n \u00a0\n\n**BY JINGO** (**WELL WELL** [8 across])"} {"Clue":"During 10, leader of Red Rum walked on (7)","Answer":"TRODDEN","Explanation":"Definition: walked on\n(**R** [**first letter of **{leader of} **R****ED**] **+** **ODD** [rum]) **contained in** (during) **TEN** (10)\n **T **(**R** **ODD**) **EN**\n\n**TRODDEN** (walked on)"} {"Clue":"Bus crashed during strike, a sign of 26? (6,2)","Answer":"THUMBS UP","Explanation":"Definition: a sign of 26\n**Anagram of **(crashed) **BUS** **contained in** (during) **THUMP** (strike)\n **THUM** (**B SU***) **P**\n\n**THUMBS UP** (a sign of **GOOD LUCK** [26 across])"} {"Clue":"Guy had hauled in fish that's hooked (6)","Answer":"HEELED","Explanation":"Definition: hooked\n**HE'D** (guy had) **containing** (hauled in) **EEL** (fish)\n **H** (**EEL**) **ED**\n\n**HEELED **(hooked; in rugby a hooker **HEEL**s the ball)"} {"Clue":"Papers by top medical unit (if that's the right name) (10)","Answer":"IDENTIFIER","Explanation":"Definition: name\n**ID** (identity papers) **+** **ENT** (ear, nose and throat department; medical unit\u00a0focused on issues at the top of the body) **+ IF** **+** **IE** (id est; that is) **+** **R** (right)\n \u00a0\n\n**IDENTIFIER** (name)"} {"Clue":"School boss deceived about origin of education (4)","Answer":"HEAD","Explanation":"Definition: School boss\n**HAD** (deceived) **containing** (about) **E** (**first letter of **[origin of] **EDUCATION**)\n **H** (**E**) **AD**\n\n**HEAD** (school boss)"} {"Clue":"Stop hospital hoarding drug for condition (6)","Answer":"HEALTH","Explanation":"Definition: condition\n(**HALT **[stop] **containing** [hoarding] **E** [ecstasy; drug]) **+ ****H **(hospital)\n **H** (**E**) **ALT** **H**\n\n**HEALTH **(condition)"} {"Clue":"Leave old dear clutching large fortune (4,4)","Answer":"GOOD LUCK","Explanation":"Definition: fortune\n**GO** (leave) **+** **O** (old) + (**DUCK** [dear] **containing** [clutching] **L** [large])\n **GO** **O** **D** (**L**) **UCK**\n\n**GOOD LUCK** (fortune)"} {"Clue":"Queen picked up regalia that's supplied by 8 (8)","Answer":"REFINERY","Explanation":"Definition: supplied by 8 \n(**ER** [Elizabeth Regina] **reversed** [picked up; down clue]) **+** **FINERY** (regalia)\n **RE**< **FINERY**\n\n**REFINERY** (an oil **REFINERY** will be supplied by oil **WELLS** [**WELL WELL** {8 across}])"} {"Clue":"13 letters found in river near Dome? (4)","Answer":"ALPH","Explanation":"Definition: river near Dome\n**ALPH** (half the letters of **ALPHABET** [26 letters, A \u2013 Z], so half is 13 letters)\n \u00a0\n\n**ALPH** (reference the river **ALPH** which flows near the dome in the poem Kubla Khan by Samuel Taylor Coleridge)"} {"Clue":"Husband's at home perhaps sleeping late (6)","Answer":"BEHIND","Explanation":"Definition: late\n(**H** [husband] **+** **IN** [at home]) **contained in** [sleeping {in bed}] **BED**\n **BE** (**H** **IN**) **D**\n\n**BEHIND** (late)"} {"Clue":"Unfinished metallic compound hasn't been beaten (3-4)","Answer":"ALL TIME","Explanation":"Definition: hasn't been beaten\n**Anagram of **(compound) **METALLIC** **excluding the final lette**r (unfinished) **C**\n \u00a0\n\n**ALL TIME** (reference **ALL TIME** records which represent the best performances ever and have never been beaten)"} {"Clue":"Sword wound \u2013 writer's impressed with it (8)","Answer":"SCIMITAR","Explanation":"Definition: Sword\n(**I'M** [reference the writer is; writer's] **+** **IT**) **contained in **(impressed) **SCAR** (wound)\n **SC** (**IM** **IT**) AR\n\n**SCIMITAR** (sword)"} {"Clue":"Use it to change platforms or pay for game (10)","Answer":"FOOTBRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Use it to change platforms\n**FOOT** (pay for) **+** **BRIDGE** (card game)\n \u00a0\n\n**FOOTBRIDGE** (often used at a station to move between platforms)"} {"Clue":"8 captivated English actor-director (6)","Answer":"WELLES","Explanation":"Definition: actor-director\n(**WELLS** [**WELL** and **WELL** \u2013 8 across]) **containing** (captivated) **E** (English) \n **WELL** (**E**) **S**\n\n**WELLES** (reference Orson **WELLES** [1915 \u2013 1985], American actor-director)"} {"Clue":"Half of 8 women and one pair of males split one by one (10)","Answer":"SWIMMINGLY","Explanation":"Definition: Half of 8\n(**W** [women] **+****I** [one] **+** [**M** {male} **+** **M** {male} giving a pair of males]) **contained in** (split) **SINGLY** (one by one)\n **S** (**W** **I** **MM**) **INGLY**\n\n**SWIMMINGLY** (well, half of **WELL WELL** [8 across])"} {"Clue":"Start to get a faint glow from this? (8)","Answer":"GASLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: glow from this\n**G **(**first letter of** [start to] **GET**) **+** **A** **+** **SLIGHT** (faint)\n \u00a0\n\n**GASLIGHT** (an old fashioned device that produced a glow)"} {"Clue":"Grace sculpted angel in Eastern church (8)","Answer":"ELEGANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Grace\n**Anagram of **(sculpted) **ANGEL** **contained in** (in )(**E** **+** **CE** [church {of England}])\n **E** (**LEGAN***) **CE**\n\n**ELEGANCE **(grace)"} {"Clue":"8 Spanish calls (7)","Answer":"SPRINGS","Explanation":"Definition: 8\n**SP** (Spanish) **+** **RINGS** (calls)\n \u00a0\n\n**SPRINGS** (wells; **WELL WELL** [8 across])"} {"Clue":"Veiled female hugs current churchman (6)","Answer":"HIDDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Veiled\n**HEN** (woman) **containing** (hugs)\u00a0(**I** [electric current] **+** **DD** [doctor of divinity])\n **H** (**I** **DD**) **EN**\n\n**HIDDEN** (veiled)"} {"Clue":"I love leaving Lothario quivering (6)","Answer":"HARLOT","Explanation":"Definition: I love leaving Lothario quivering \n**Anagram of** (quivering) **LOTHARIO** **excluding** (leaving) **IO**\n \u00a0\n\n**HARLOT** (whore; someone who may use their wiles to leave a Lothario quivering)"} {"Clue":"Dig round lake, one of 8 (4)","Answer":"HOLE","Explanation":"Definition: one of 8\n**HOE **(dig) **containing** (round) **L** (lake)\n **HO** (**L**) **E**\n\n**HOLE** (a **WELL** [one of **WELL WELL** {8 across}] is a **HOLE**)"} {"Clue":"Queen perhaps confronted going round estate? (4,4)","Answer":"FACE CARD","Explanation":"Definition: Queen perhaps\n**FACED** (confronted) **containing** (going round) **CAR** (possible an estate **CAR**) **FACE** (**CAR**) **D**\n\n**FACE CARD** (a Queen is a **FACE CARD** in a deck of **CARD**s)"} {"Clue":"Beastly types in job, wasting time (6)","Answer":"HIPPOS","Explanation":"Definition: Beastly types\n**HIP** (knowing; in) **+** (**POST** [job] **excluding** [wasting] **T** [time]) \u00a0\n\n**HIPPOS** (animals; beastly types)"} {"Clue":"Exotic tales in a small collection of books (6)","Answer":"ATLASES","Explanation":"Definition: collection of books\n**Anagram of** (exotic) **TALES** **contained in** (in) (**A** **+** **S** [small]) **A** (**TLASE***) **S**\n\n**ATLASES** (although a single **ATLAS** is a collection of maps, it is itself a book so the plural **ATLASES** is a collection of books)"} {"Clue":"Turned on former partner summoned to appear in court (7)","Answer":"EXCITED","Explanation":"Definition: Turned on\n**EX **(former partner) **+** **CITED** (summoned to appear in court) \u00a0\n\n**EXCITED** (turned on)"} {"Clue":"Make-up? Exactly (4)","Answer":"SLAP","Explanation":"Definition: Make-up\n**SLAP** (exactly or directly [Collins]) \u00a0\n\n**SLAP** (stage make-up [theatre slang])"} {"Clue":"A Liberal leads diplomatic mission, it's claimed (10)","Answer":"ALLEGATION","Explanation":"Definition: it's claimed \n**A** **+** **L** (Liberal) **+** **LEGATION** (diplomatic mission) \u00a0\n\n**ALLEGATION** (something that is claimed)"} {"Clue":"Conveyance making them spin about (8)","Answer":"SHIPMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Conveyance\n**Anagram of** (spin about) **THEM SPIN** \u00a0\n\n**SHIPMENT** (consignment; is 'conveyance' really a definition of 'shipment'?)"} {"Clue":"German writer that could be bent, one tells the police (5)","Answer":"GRASS","Explanation":"Definition: German writer\n**GRASS** (reference G\u00fcnter **GRASS** [1927 \u2013 date], German author); **GRASS** (bent is a type of **GRASS**) \u00a0\n\n**GRASS** (one who informs [the police]) triple definition"} {"Clue":"Former tennis champ's aim to join in leagues (5)","Answer":"LENDL","Explanation":"Definition: Former tennis champ\n**END **(aim) **contained in** (join in) (**L** [league] **+** **L** [league] to give leagues) **L** (**END**) **L**\n\n**LENDL** (reference tennis player Ivan **LENDL**, a champion predominantly in the 1980s)"} {"Clue":"Fascinating joint, say, getting endless attention (8)","Answer":"HYPNOTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Fascinating\n**HYP** (**sounds like** [say] **HIP** [joint]) **+** (**NOTICE** [attention] **excluding the final letter** [endless] **E**) \u00a0\n\n**HYPNOTIC** (fascinating)"} {"Clue":"Room temperature acceptable for red wine (10)","Answer":"CHAMBERTIN","Explanation":"Definition: red wine\n**CHAMBER** (room) **+** **T** (temperature) **+** **IN** (acceptable) \u00a0\n\n**CHAMBERTIN** (a dry red Burgundy from the vineyard of that name near Dijon.)"} {"Clue":"One crosses top of mountain peak (4)","Answer":"ACME","Explanation":"Definition: peak\n**ACE** (one) **containing** (crosses) **M** (first letter of [top of] **MOUNTAIN**) **AC** (**M**) **E**\n\n**ACME** (highest point; peak)"} {"Clue":"Little-known book required in complicated course (7)","Answer":"OBSCURE","Explanation":"Definition: Little-known\n**B** (book) **contained in** (required in) **an anagram of** (complicated) **COURSE** **O** (**B**) **SCURE**\n\n**OBSCURE** (little-known)"} {"Clue":"Smell of perfume that's French, grabbed by British abroad (7)","Answer":"BOUQUET","Explanation":"Definition: Smell of perfume\n**QUE** ('that' in French) **contained in** (**B** [British] **+** **OUT** [abroad]) **B** **OU** (**QUE**) **T**\n\n**BOUQUET** (perfume given off by wine)"} {"Clue":"Strongly Conservative constituent ultimately rather puny (6)","Answer":"TWEEDY","Explanation":"Definition: Strongly Conservative\n**T** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **CONSTITUENT**) + **WEEDY** (puny) \u00a0\n\n**TWEEDY** (predominantly upper class, a class strongly associated with the Conservative party)"} {"Clue":"Father makes appeal to landlord, lacking pounds (8)","Answer":"BEGETTER","Explanation":"Definition: Father\n**BEG** (appeal) **+** (**L****ETTER** [landlord] **excluding** [lacking] **L** [pounds sterling]) \u00a0\n\n**BEGETTER** (father)"} {"Clue":"Strawberry brandy is included in a variety of fare (6)","Answer":"FRAISE","Explanation":"Definition: Strawberry\n**IS** **contained in** (included in) **an anagram of** (variety of) **FARE** **FRA** (**IS**) **E***\n\n**FRAISE** (a white brandy distilled from strawberries)"} {"Clue":"Former PM completely aghast? Not half, when thrown into jail (9)","Answer":"CALLAGHAN","Explanation":"Definition: Former PM\n(**ALL** [completely] **+** **AGH** [**first 3 of 6 letters of** {not half} **AGH****AST**]) **contained in** (thrown into) **CAN** (jail) **C** (**ALL** **AGH**) **AN**\n\n**CALLAGHAN** (reference James **CALLAGHAN** [1912 \u2013 2005], Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 1976 \u2013 1979)"} {"Clue":"Container of wine from Corsica \u2013 sensational (4)","Answer":"CASE","Explanation":"Definition: Container of wine\n**CASE** (**hidden word in** [from] **CORSICA SENSATIONAL**) \u00a0\n\n**CASE** (container of wine)"} {"Clue":"Be determined to give crossword another go (7)","Answer":"RESOLVE","Explanation":"Definition: Be determined\n**RE** (again] **+** **SOLVE** [finish a crossword] \u2013 give crossword another go \u00a0\n\n**RESOLVE** (be determined)"} {"Clue":"Boss over popular daily? Boycott, perhaps, if only one female is employed (2,6,2)","Answer":"IN CHARGE OF","Explanation":"Definition: Boss over\n**IN** (popular) **+** **CHAR** (cleaner; daily) **+** **GEOF****F**(reference **GEOFF**rey Boycott, cricketer) **excluding** (if only one) **F** (female) \u00a0\n\n**IN CHARGE OF** (boss over)"} {"Clue":"Recipe I used with favourite sort of dish (5)","Answer":"PETRI","Explanation":"Definition: sort of dish\n**PET** (favourite) **+** **R** (recipe) **+** **I** \u00a0\n\n**PETRI** (a shallow glass dish with an overlapping cover used for cultures of bacteria)"} {"Clue":"African appeal to recruit some Europeans (8)","Answer":"SUDANESE","Explanation":"Definition: African\n**SUE** (appeal) **containing** (to recruit) **DANES** (some Europeans) **SU** (**DANES**) **E**\n\n**SUDANESE** (African)"} {"Clue":"Setter \u2013 that's me in the money (6)","Answer":"CEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Setter\n**ME** **contained in** (in) **CENT** (money) **CE** (**ME**) **NT**\n\n**CEMENT** (anything that makes two substances or objects stick together; setter)"} {"Clue":"Bewitched, a Hitchcock film (10)","Answer":"SPELLBOUND","Explanation":"Definition: Bewitched\n**SPELLBOUND** (a film [1945] directed by Alfred Hitchcock) \u00a0\n\n**SPELLBOUND** (bewitched) double definition"} {"Clue":"Car outing, touring battle site (9)","Answer":"AGINCOURT","Explanation":"Definition: battle site\n**Anagram of **(touring) **CAR OUTING** \u00a0\n\n**AGINCOURT** (site of battle [1415] in the Hundred Years War)"} {"Clue":"During attack need censorship of information (8)","Answer":"BLACKOUT","Explanation":"Definition: censorship of information\n**LACK** (need) **contained in** (during) **BOUT** (attack) **B** (**LAC****K**) **OUT**\n\n**BLACKOUT** (censorship of information)"} {"Clue":"Injured fellow had to nurse limb (6)","Answer":"HARMED","Explanation":"Definition: Injured\n**HE'D** (fellow had) **containing** (to nurse) **ARM** (limb) **H** (**ARM**) **ED**\n\n**HARMED** (injured)"} {"Clue":"Under pressure, subject is easily influenced (7)","Answer":"PLIABLE","Explanation":"Definition: easily influenced\n**P** (pressure) **+** **LIABLE** (subject to and obligation) \u00a0\n\n**PLIABLE** (easily influenced)"} {"Clue":"Guide me over northern peak (6)","Answer":"MENTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Guide\n**ME** **+** **N** (northern) **+** **TOR** (hill or rocky peak, especially on Dartmoor) \u00a0\n\n**MENTOR** (guide)"} {"Clue":"Passage I shall read aloud (5)","Answer":"AISLE","Explanation":"Definition: Passage\n**AISLE** (sounds like [read aloud] **I'LL** [I shall]) \u00a0\n\n**AISLE** (passage)"} {"Clue":"River discovered by famous explorer (4)","Answer":"OUSE","Explanation":"Definition: River\n**OUSE** (**hidden word in** [discovered by] **FAMOUS EXPLORER**) \u00a0\n\n**OUSE** (name of various river in England)"} {"Clue":"P's police dog barking \u2013 no pressure! (8)","Answer":"COOLIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: P\n**Anagram of** (barking) **POLICE DOG** **excluding** (no) **P** (pressure)\n \n\n**COOLIDGE** (Calvin **COOLIDGE** [1923 \u2013 1929])"} {"Clue":"P's in slow motion (6)","Answer":"WILSON","Explanation":"Definition: P\n**Anagram of** (motion) **IN SLOW**\n \u00a0\n\n**WILSON** (Woodrow **WILSON** [1913 \u2013 1921])"} {"Clue":"P's ultimately left behind (4)","Answer":"TAFT","Explanation":"Definition: P\n**T** (**last letter of **[ultimately] **LEFT**) **+** **AFT** (behind)\n \u00a0\n\n**TAFT** (William Howard **TAFT** [1909-1913])"} {"Clue":"P's East Indian nurse in the rain? (10)","Answer":"EISENHOWER","Explanation":"Definition: P\n**EI** (East Indian) **+** (**EN** [Enrolled Nurse] **contained in **[in] **SHOWER** [the rain])\n **EI ****S** (**EN**) **HOWER**\n\n**EISENHOWER** (Dwight D** EISENHOWER** [1953 \u2013 1961])"} {"Clue":"P's writer almost decapitated fish (7)","Answer":"HARDING","Explanation":"Definition: P\n**HARDY** (reference writer Thomas **HARDY** **excluding the final letter** [almost] **Y**) + (**LING** [fish] **excluding the first letter** [decapitated] **L**)\n \u00a0\n\n**HARDING** (Warren G **HARDING** [1921 \u2013 1923])"} {"Clue":"P's veto over Norway (5)","Answer":"NIXON","Explanation":"Definition: P\n**NIX** (veto) **+** **ON** (over)\n \u00a0\n\n**NIXON** (Richard\u00a0**NIXON** [1969 \u2013 1974])"} {"Clue":"P's attendant drinking tea, say (6)","Answer":"CARTER","Explanation":"Definition: P\n**CARER** (attendant) **containing** (drink) **T** (**sounds like** [say] the letter T)\n **CAR** (**T**) **ER**\n\n**CARTER** (Jimmy **CARTER** [1977 \u2013 1981])"} {"Clue":"P's covering acres on horseback (6)","Answer":"REAGAN","Explanation":"Definition: P\n**RE** (covering) **+** **A** (acres) **+** (**NAG** [horse] **reversed** [back])\n **RE** **A** **GAN**<\n\n**REAGAN** (Ronald **REAGAN** [1981 \u2013 1989])"} {"Clue":"P's relative temperature (5)","Answer":"GRANT","Explanation":"Definition: P\n**GRAN** (relative) **+** **T** (temperature)\n \u00a0\n\n**GRANT** (Ulysses S **GRANT** [1869 \u2013 1877])"} {"Clue":"P's Cold War doctrine is working (7)","Answer":"MADISON","Explanation":"Definition: P\n**MAD** (Mutually Assured Destruction; Cold War doctrine) **+** **IS** **+** **ON** (working)\n \u00a0\n\n**MADISON** (James Madison 1809 \u2013 1817])"} {"Clue":"P's wife hosting a revolutionary nationalist (10)","Answer":"WASHINGTON","Explanation":"Definition: P\n**W** (wife) **+** **an anagram of** (revolutionary) **HOSTING A** **+** **N** (nationalist)\n **W** **ASHINGTO*** **N**\n\n**WASHINGTON** (George **WASHINGTON** [1789 \u2013 1797])"} {"Clue":"P's taking the morning off \u2013 surprise! (4)","Answer":"BUSH","Explanation":"Definition: P\n**AMBUSH** (surprise) **excluding** (taking \u2026 off) **AM** (ante meridiem; morning)\n \u00a0\n\n**BUSH** (George H **BUSH** [1989 \u2013 1993] and George W **BUSH** [2001 \u2013 2009])"} {"Clue":"P's last three portions of gammon and eggs (6)","Answer":"MONROE","Explanation":"Definition: P\n**MON** (**final three letters of** [last three portions of] **GAMMON**) **+** **ROE** (mass of fish eggs)\n \u00a0\n\n**MONROE** (James **MONROE** [1817 \u2013 1825])"} {"Clue":"P's against flying banner outside university (3,5)","Answer":"VAN BUREN","Explanation":"Definition: P\n**V** (versus; against) **+** (**an anagram of** [flying] **BANNER** **containing** [outside] **U** [university])\n **V** + **AN B** (**U**) **REN***\n\n**VAN BUREN** (Martin **VAN BUREN** [1837 \u2013 1841])"} {"Clue":"Cloud has dispersed for swimmer (6)","Answer":"FOGASH","Explanation":"Definition: swimmer\n**FOG** (cloud) **+** **an anagram of** (dispersed) **HAS**\n \u00a0\n\n**FOGASH** (pike-perch; fish; swimmer)"} {"Clue":"Solicitor at Law consumed starter of rare, locally-caught crustacean (6)","Answer":"SLATER","Explanation":"Definition: locally-caught crustacean\n**SL** (Solicitor at Law) **+** **ATE** (consumed) **+** **R** (**first letter of** [starter of] **RARE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**SLATER** (dialect term [locally-caught] for a woodlouse; crustacean)"} {"Clue":"Stickers a Dutch man takes heading away from seaside town (9)","Answer":"ADHESIVES","Explanation":"Definition: Stickers\n**A** **+** **D** (Dutch) **+** **HE** (man) **+** (**ST IVES** [seaside town] **excluding** [away from] **T** [first letter of {heading} **TAKES**])\n \u00a0\n\n**ADHESIVES** (stickers)"} {"Clue":"Communicate dog's dinner-time (7)","Answer":"MESSAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Communicate\n**MESS **(dog's dinner) **+** **AGE** (time)\n \u00a0\n\n**MESSAGE** (communicate, as a verb)"} {"Clue":"Rogue's victory in Kent? (5)","Answer":"SWINE","Explanation":"Definition: Rogue\n**WIN** (victory) **contained in** (in) **SE **(South East, the area of Britain where Kent is situated)\n **S** (**WIN**) **E**\n\n**SWINE** (rogue)"} {"Clue":"Youthful bachelor John married in Gateshead (8)","Answer":"BLOOMING","Explanation":"Definition: Youthful\n**B** (Bachelor) **+** **LOO** (toilet; John) **+** **M** (married) **+** **IN** **+** **G** (first letter of [head] **GATES**)\n \u00a0\n\n**BLOOMING **(youthful)"} {"Clue":"In time, confess place of birth (4,4)","Answer":"HOME TOWN","Explanation":"Definition: place of birth\n**HOME** (in) **+** **T** (time) **+** **OWN** (confess)\n \u00a0\n\n**HOME TOWN** (place of birth)"} {"Clue":"American silverback's range (3)","Answer":"AGA","Explanation":"Definition: range\n**A** (American) **+** (**AG **[chemical symbol for silver] **reversed** [back])\n **A** **GA**<\n\n**AGA** (a large, permanently-lit iron stove with multiple ovens, used for cooking and heating; range)"} {"Clue":"Becoming embarrassed about divine golf around the back nine? (9)","Answer":"REDDENING","Explanation":"Definition: Becoming embarrassed\n**RE** (about) **+** ([**DD **{Doctor of Divinity; theologian; divine} **+** **G** {Golf in international radio communication}] **containing** [around)] **NINE** **reversed** [back])\n **RE** **DD** (**ENIN**)< **G**\n\n**REDDENING** (becoming embarrassed)"} {"Clue":"On return, traveller runs across spice (8)","Answer":"CARDAMON","Explanation":"Definition: spice\n(**NOMAD** [traveller] **+** **R** [runs in cricket scoring notation] **+** **AC** [across]) **reversed** (on return)\n (**CA** **R** **DAMON**)<\n\n**CARDAMON** (variant spelling of **CARDAMOM** [the seed capsules of several tropical plants of the ginger family, used as an aromatic, pungent spice])"} {"Clue":"Cowboy managed singer on circuit (8)","Answer":"RANCHERO","Explanation":"Definition: Cowboy\n**RAN** (managed) **+** **CHER** (reference **CHER**, American actress and singer) **+** **O** (round; circuit)\n \u00a0\n\n**RANCHERO** (rancher; cowboy)"} {"Clue":"Sadomasochist embraces trouble (3)","Answer":"ADO","Explanation":"Definition: trouble \n**ADO** (**hidden word in** [embraces] **SADOMASOCHIST**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ADO** (trouble)"} {"Clue":"Sensitive reason for being online? (7)","Answer":"EMOTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Sensitive\n**E** [electronic; on-line] **+** **MOTIVE** [reason]\n \u00a0\n\n**EMOTIVE** (tending to arouse emotion; sensitive)"} {"Clue":"Reverse vehicle, owing to cow (6)","Answer":"SUBDUE","Explanation":"Definition: cow\n(**BUS** [vehicle] **reversed** [reverse]) **+** **DUE** (owing to)\n **SUB**< **DUE**\n\n**SUBDUE** (cow)"} {"Clue":"Increasingly inquisitive as regards to one boy climbing (6)","Answer":"NOSIER","Explanation":"Definition: Increasingly inquisitive\n(**RE** [as regards] **+** **A**\u00a0[one] **+** **SON** [boy])\n \u00a0\n\n**NOSIER** (increasingly inquisitive)"} {"Clue":"Tackled by Barcelonian Gerard Pique? (5)","Answer":"ANGER","Explanation":"Definition: Pique\n**ANGER** (**hidden word in** [tackled by] **BARCELONIAN GERARD**) The footballer Gerard Pique plays for FC Barcelona.\n \u00a0\n\n**ANGER** (pique)"} {"Clue":"Only some diehard Tories will make an attractive proposition? (1,3,2,3,5)","Answer":"A BIT OF ALL RIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: an attractive proposition\n**A BIT OF** (only some) **+** **ALL RIGHT** (descriptive of diehard Tories who will be well to the right of the political spectrum in their views) \u00a0\n\n**A BIT OF ALL RIGHT **(a person or thing highly approved of; an attractive proposition)"} {"Clue":"Some Hispanic fellow-actor's expression of ability (5,5)","Answer":"COSTA RICAN","Explanation":"Definition: Some Hispanic fellow\n**Anagram of** (expression) **ACTOR'S** **+** **I CAN** ([expression]of ability) Is 'expression' doing double duty here? I can't see any anagram indicator other than 'expression'. It may be that **I CAN** is simply defined as ability, but it seems an 'expression' to me **COSTA R*** **I CAN**\n\n**COSTA RICAN** (some Hispanic fellow [or lady?]) Surely 'fellow' isn't the anagram indicator?. I am a bit confused here."} {"Clue":"Problem with phosphorus in drain (4)","Answer":"SUMP","Explanation":"Definition: drain\n**SUM** (problem) **+** **P** (chemical symbol for phosphorus) \u00a0\n\n**SUMP** (a pit or depression into which liquid drains; drain)"} {"Clue":"Grated topping making her canap\u00e9s seem odd (8,6)","Answer":"PARMESAN CHEESE","Explanation":"Definition: Grated topping making her canap\u00e9s seem odd \n**Anagram of **(odd) **HER CANAP\u00c9S SEEM** \u00a0\n\n**PARMESAN CHEESE** (A **CHEESE** that is frequently served in grated form, but fairly rarely on the top of canap\u00e9s)"} {"Clue":"Number returned after review of train company information system (8)","Answer":"INTRANET","Explanation":"Definition: company information system\n**Anagram of **(review of) **TRAIN** + (**TEN** [a number] **reversed** [returned]) **INTRA*** **NET**<\n\n**INTRANET** (a restricted network of computers, eg within a company; company information system)"} {"Clue":"Canadian pianist, fellow taking in SF film (8)","Answer":"PETERSON","Explanation":"Definition: Canadian pianist,\n**PERSON** (fellow) **containing** (taking in) **ET** (title of science fiction [SF] film) **P** (**ET**) **ERSON**\n\n**PETERSON** (reference Oscar **PETERSON** [1925 \u2013 2007], Canadian jazz pianist)"} {"Clue":"Schools a Parisian to get out of sterling (4)","Answer":"PODS","Explanation":"Definition: Schools\n**POUNDS** (sterling) **excluding** (to get out of) **UN** (one form of the French for the indefinite article 'a') \u00a0\n\n**PODS** (schools \u2013 e.g. of whales)"} {"Clue":"Darkest time of year knocked scientist lower (6,8)","Answer":"WINTER SOLSTICE","Explanation":"Definition: Darkest time of year\n**Anagram of **(knocked) **SCIENTIST LOWER** \u00a0\n\n**WINTER SOLSTICE** (darkest time of year when the sun is at its furthest extent into the northern or southern hemisphere)"} {"Clue":"Man almost entirely taken in by the writer (4)","Answer":"MALE","Explanation":"Definition: Man\n**ALL** (entirely) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **L**\u00a0**contained in** (taken in by) **ME** (the writer) **M** (**AL**) **E**\n\n**MALE**** **(man)"} {"Clue":"This may become an emphasis when adrift (10)","Answer":"SEAMANSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: This may become an emphasis when adrift \n**Anagram of** (when adrift) **AN EMPHASIS** \u00a0\n\n**SEAMANSHIP** (the art of handling waterborne craft; a skill that will be important when your craft is adrift at sea)"} {"Clue":"Wretch to abandon entering forest prison (8,6)","Answer":"WORMWOOD SCRUBS","Explanation":"Definition: prison\n**WORM** (contemptible creature; wretch) **+** (**SCRUB** [abandon] **contained in** [entering] **WOODS** [forest]) **WORM** **WOOD** (**SCRUB**) **S**\n\n**WORMWOOD SCRUBS **(London prison)"} {"Clue":"Living material little active, taking in oxygen (5)","Answer":"BIOTA","Explanation":"Definition: Living material\n(**BIT** [little] + **A** {active]) **containing** (taking in) **O** (chemical symbol for Oxygen) **BI** (**O**) **T** **A**\n\n**BIOTA** (the flora and fauna of a region; living material)"} {"Clue":"Fetish's time wrapped in fur? Not initially (5,4)","Answer":"TOTEM POLE","Explanation":"Definition: Fetish\n**TEMPO** (time) **contained in** (wrapped in) (**STOLE** [reference a fur **STOLE** \u2013 a garment worn round the shoulders] **excluding the first letter** [not initially] **S**) **TO** (**TEM PO**) **LE**\n\n**TOTEM POLE** (a tribal symbol; **FETISH** can be defined as an object believed to procure for its owner the services of a spirit lodged within it;"} {"Clue":"Collection of trees starts to flare on getting alight (6)","Answer":"FOREST","Explanation":"Definition: Collection of trees\n**FO** (**first letters of** [starts to] **FLARE** and **O****N**) **+** **REST** (alight) \u00a0\n\n**FOREST **(collection of trees)"} {"Clue":"Unexpected noise scandals in remote territory (9,6)","Answer":"ASCENSION ISLAND","Explanation":"Definition: remote territory\n**Anagram of** (unexpected) **NOISE SCANDALS IN** \u00a0\n\n**ASCENSION ISLAND** (an isolated volcanic **ISLAND**\u00a0in the equatorial waters of the South Atlantic Ocean, around 1,600 kilometres from the coast of Africa and 2,250 kilometres from the coast of South America,; remote territory)"} {"Clue":"Mostly unable to shift painting, upset about new artworks (8)","Answer":"LINOCUTS","Explanation":"Definition: artworks\n([**STUCK** [unable to shift} **excluding the final letter **{mostly} **K** **+** **OIL** {painting]}] **all reversed** [upset; down clue]) **containing** (about) **N** (new) (**LI** (**N**) **O** **CUTS**)<\n\n**LINOCUTS** (prints made from a design cut in relief from linoleum; artworks)"} {"Clue":"Topic is certain to ignore rule (5)","Answer":"ISSUE","Explanation":"Definition: Topic\n**IS** **+** (**SURE** [certain] **excluding** [to ignore] **R**\u00a0[rule]) \u00a0\n\n**ISSUE** (topic)"} {"Clue":"Pioneer residence having money invested in garden and stable, mostly (9)","Answer":"HOMESTEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Pioneer residence\n(**M** [money] **contained in** [invested in] **HOE** [garden]) **+** (**STEAD****Y** [stable ] **excluding the final letter** [mostly] **Y**) **HO** (**M**) **E** **STEAD**\n\n**HOMESTEAD** (a dwelling-house with outhouses and enclosures immediately connected with it; a piece of public land allotted under special laws to a settle; pioneer residence)"} {"Clue":"Somehow make do with hit operetta (3,6)","Answer":"THE MIKADO","Explanation":"Definition: operetta\n**Anagram of** (somehow) **MAKE DO** and **HIT** \u00a0\n\n**THE MIKADO** (Gilbert & Sullivan operetta)"} {"Clue":"Repast with pie may be elaborated \u2013 with this? (9)","Answer":"APPETISER","Explanation":"Definition: Repast with pie may be elaborated \u2013 with this\n**Anagram of** (elaborated) **REPAST** and **PIE** \u00a0\n\n**APPETISER** (food or drink to whet the palate before the main meal [e.g. a pie])"} {"Clue":"English journalists indulging in very much coffee (8)","Answer":"ESPRESSO","Explanation":"Definition: coffee \n**E** (English) **+** (**PRESS** [journalists] **contained in** [indulging in] **SO** [very much]) **E** **S** (**PRESS**) **O**\n\n**ESPRESSO** (coffee made by forcing steam or boiling water through ground coffee beans)"} {"Clue":"Apartments containing zero amounts of cash (6)","Answer":"FLOATS","Explanation":"Definition: amounts of cash\n**FLATS** (apartments) **containing** (containing) **O** (zero) **FL** (**O**) **ATS**\n\n**FLOATS** (money in hand to provide change; amounts of cash)"} {"Clue":"Quantity of energy displayed by branch of armed forces? (5)","Answer":"THERM","Explanation":"Definition: Quantity of energy\n**THE** **+** **RM** (Royal Marines) which taken together can describe a branch of the armed forces. \u00a0\n\n**THERM** (100000 British thermal units; quantity of energy)"} {"Clue":"Scale in C undercut by tearaway (5)","Answer":"CLIMB","Explanation":"Definition: Scale\nI am struggling on this one in terms of the wordplay. The best I can come up with uses a fairly obscure meaning of **LIMB** and I'm not sure the definition really equates to 'tearaway' anyway. Possibly **C +** **LIMB** (imp or mischevious child; tearaway [???])\n \u00a0\n\n**CLIMB** (scale)"} {"Clue":"Coach got crushed in crash (2,4)","Answer":"GO BUST","Explanation":"Definition: crash\n**BUS** (coach) **contained in**\u00a0(crushed in) **GOT**\n **GO** (**BUS**) **T**\n\n**GO BUST** (become bankrupt; crash)"} {"Clue":"African native with big trunk bays,circling a returning snake (6)","Answer":"BAOBAB","Explanation":"Definition: African native with big trunk\n(**B** [abbreviation for bay] + **B** [abbreviation for bay] giving bays) **containing** (circling) ([**A** + **BOA** {snake}] **all reversed** (returning)\n **B** (**AOB** **A**)< **B**\n I'm not 100% sure of the parsing here as I can't actually find **B** as an abbreviation for bay and returning only seems to be qualifying snake in the clue and not qualifying the indefinite article.\n\n**BAOBAB** (a gigantic tropical African and Australian tree, with a very large trunk)"} {"Clue":"On which to see \"Streetcar\" in New York, topless or not? (7)","Answer":"ROADWAY","Explanation":"Definition: On which to see \"Streetcar\" in New York, topless or not\n**BROADWAY** (a famous street in New York where you might see the play \"A Streetcar named Desire\", or just a physical streetcar) **excluding the first letter** (topless) **B**\n \u00a0\n\n**ROADWAY** (a surface on which you may see a streetcar) You can therefore see a streetcar on **B****ROADWAY** or **ROADWAY"} {"Clue":"Sick owing money to uncle and bank (7)","Answer":"HILLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: bank\n**ILL** (sick) **contained in** (**IN**) **HOCK** (if you are **IN HOCK** you are owing money to a pawnbroker [uncle])\n **H** (**ILL**) **OCK**\n\n**HILLOCK** (small hill; bank)"} {"Clue":"What disgruntled spectators do, showing initiative (3,2,3,2)","Answer":"GET UP AND GO","Explanation":"Definition: initiative\n**GET UP AND GO** (what disgruntled spectators do)\n \u00a0\n\n**GET UP AND GO** (energy; initiative) double definition"} {"Clue":"Pharmacist stocks American products of 14 25 (4)","Answer":"MAPS","Explanation":"Definition: products of 14 25\n**MPS** (Member of the Pharmaceutical Society [?]; pharmacist) **containing** (stocks) **A** (American). I haven't got all my dictionaries with me at the moment but I can't find **MPS** as a pharmacist in the electronic Chambers that I do have, and Google tells me that a Member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society would be a MRPharmsS\n **M** (**A**) **PS**\n\n**MAPS** (products of **ORDNANCE** [14 across] **SURVEY** [25 across]"} {"Clue":"Atlas for example would be odd behind stone (5)","Answer":"RANGE","Explanation":"Definition: Atlas for example\n**RANGE** \u2013 if put behind **ST** (stone) would form **STRANGE** (odd)\n \u00a0\n\n**RANGE** (reference the **ATLAS** range of mountains in North Africa)"} {"Clue":"Cannon law ignores individual (8)","Answer":"ORDNANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Cannon\n**ORD****I****NANCE** (that which is ordained by authority; law) **excluding** (ignores) **I** (one; individual)\n \u00a0\n\n**ORDNANCE** (great guns; cannon)"} {"Clue":"Slipshod organiser mislays English troops (8)","Answer":"GARRISON","Explanation":"Definition: troops\n**Anagram of** (slipshod) **ORGANIS****E****R** excluding (mislays) E (English)\n \u00a0\n\n**GARRISON** (a body of troops stationed in a town or fortress)"} {"Clue":"You'd be mad to go off these birds (5)","Answer":"RAILS","Explanation":"Definition: You'd be mad to go off these\n**RAILS** (reference the phrase **OFF THE RAILS** denoting madness)\n \u00a0\n\n**RAILS** (any bird of the genus *Rallus*)"} {"Clue":"Junk 12 on way back (4)","Answer":"SPAM","Explanation":"Definition: Junk\n**MAPS** (12 across) **reversed** (on the way back)\n **SPAM**<\n\n**SPAM** (junk, especially in terms of e-mail)"} {"Clue":"Trash old bangers, keeping unusual wings, musts for 23? (10)","Answer":"BINOCULARS","Explanation":"Definition: musts for 23\n**BIN** (trash) **+** **O** (old) **+** (**CARS** [bangers] **containing** **UL** [**first and last letters of** {wings} **UNUSUAL**)\n **BIN** **O** **C** (**UL**) **ARS**\n\n**BINOCULARS** (important accessories for **SAILORS** [23 across])"} {"Clue":"18 and 14 25 briefly shook hands (7)","Answer":"SAILORS","Explanation":"Definition: hands\n**Anagram of **(shook) **RAILS** and **OS** (a commonly used abbreviation for **ORDNANCE** [14 across] **SURVEY** [25 across])\n \u00a0\n\n**SAILORS** (hands)"} {"Clue":"Psalm about iconic lovelorn rustic outings (7)","Answer":"PICNICS","Explanation":"Definition: rustic outings\n**PS** (psalm) **containing** (about) (**ICONIC** **excluding** [lorn] **O** [zero; love score in tennis])\n **P** (**ICNIC**) **S**\n\n**PICNICS** (rustic outings \u2013 I'm not sure that all **PICNICS** can be considered rustic affairs these days)"} {"Clue":"American withdraws very complex examination (6)","Answer":"SURVEY","Explanation":"Definition: examination\n**US** (United States; American) **reversed** (withdraws) + **an anagram of** (complex) **VERY**\n **SU**< **RVEY***\n\n**SURVEY** (examination)"} {"Clue":"Surplus due to be spread over student group (6)","Answer":"UNUSED","Explanation":"Definition: Surplus\n**Anagram of** (spread) **DUE** **containing** (be spread over) **NUS** (National Union of Students; student group)\n **U** (**NUS**) **ED***\n\n**UNUSED** (surplus)"} {"Clue":"Throw up earth walls? Yes earth (5)","Answer":"GLOBE","Explanation":"Definition: earth\n**GE** (in Greek mythology, the goddess or personification of Earth) **containing** (walls) **LOB** (throw up)\n **G** (**LOB**) **E**\n\n**GLOBE** (the earth)"} {"Clue":"Travelling folk base solution on losing odd members (7)","Answer":"BEDOUIN","Explanation":"Definition: Travelling folk\n**BED** (base) **+** **OUIN** (**even letters of** [losing odd members] **SOLUTION**)\n \u00a0\n\n**BEDOUIN** (nomadic people; travelling folk)"} {"Clue":"23 cultivators in the main export millions (9)","Answer":"SEAFARERS","Explanation":"Definition: 23\n**SEA FARMERS** (cultivators in the main [**SEA**]) **excluding** (export) **M** (millions)\n \u00a0\n\n**SEAFARERS** (**SAILORS** [23 across])"} {"Clue":"Granada pal in the past penned note (5)","Answer":"AMIGO","Explanation":"Definition: Granada pal \n**AGO** (in the past) **containing** (penned) **MI** (note of the tonic sol-a)\n **A** (**MI**) **GO**\n\n**AMIGO** (Spanish [Granada] word for friend [pal])"} {"Clue":"Disorder and panic in Malibu? That's not new (7)","Answer":"BULIMIA","Explanation":"Definition: Disorder\n**Anagram of** (panic) **IN MALIBU** **excluding** (that's not) **N** (new)\n \u00a0\n\n**BULIMIA** (disorder relating to abnormal hunger or appetite)"} {"Clue":"Support Wolves kit worn by 17s (9)","Answer":"BACKPACKS","Explanation":"Definition: kit worn by 17s\n**BACK** (support) **+** **PACKS** (a collective noun for a group of wolves is pack)\n \u00a0\n\n**BACKPACKS** (kit worn by **RAMBLER**s [17 across])"} {"Clue":"Notice German going over to participate next door (9)","Answer":"ADJOINING","Explanation":"Definition: next door\n(**AD** [advertisement; notice] **+** **G** [German]) **containing** (going over) **JOIN IN** (participate)\n **AD** (**JOIN IN**) **G**\n\n**ADJOINING** (lying next to; next door)"} {"Clue":"Pops up again to harvest fruit (9)","Answer":"REAPPEARS","Explanation":"Definition: Pops up again\n**REAP **(harvest) **+** **PEARS** (fruit)\n**REAPPEARS** (pops up again)"} {"Clue":"Heading into ground after dreadful cold (9)","Answer":"DIRECTION","Explanation":"Definition: Heading\n**DIRE** (dreadful) **+** **C** (cold) **+ an anagram of** (ground) **INTO**\n **DIRE** **C** **TION***\n\n**DIRECTION** (heading)"} {"Clue":"Someone lacking 15 in speech perhaps rose (7)","Answer":"RAMBLER","Explanation":"Definition: perhaps rose\n**RAMBLER** (one who lacks focus or **DIRECTION** [15 across] in speech)\n \u00a0\n\n**RAMBLER** (a descriptive term for a number of flowering **ROSE**s)"} {"Clue":"One's large as well as small in the Galapagos, say (7)","Answer":"ISLANDS","Explanation":"Definition: the Galapagos, say\n**I'S** (one's) **+** **L** (large) + **AND** (as well) + **S** (small)\n \u00a0\n\n**ISLANDS** (the Galapagos are a group of **ISLANDS**)"} {"Clue":"Her bottom's flat except,say, when climbing (5)","Answer":"BARGE","Explanation":"Definition: Her bottom's flat\n**BAR** (except) **+** (**E.G.** [for example; say] **reversed** [when climbing; down clue])\n **BAR** **GE**<\n\n**BARGE** (flat-bottomed freight boat)"} {"Clue":"Charged account that's overdrawn (5)","Answer":"RACED","Explanation":"Definition: Charged\n**AC** (account) **contained in** (**IN THE**) **RED** (if you are **IN THE RED** you are overdrawn in terms of money)\n **R** (**AC**) **ED**\n\n**RACED** (charged)"} {"Clue":"Nodding off, with party lacking vitality (4)","Answer":"ZING","Explanation":"Definition: vitality\n**DO****ZING** (nodding off) **excluding** (lacking) **DO** (party)\n \u00a0\n\n**ZING** (vitality)"} {"Clue":"Shoulder of e.g. lamb, left in, well done? One must be left out (5)","Answer":"SPALD","Explanation":"Definition: vitality\n**DO****ZING** (nodding off) **excluding** (lacking) **DO** (party)\n \u00a0\n\n**ZING** (vitality)"} {"Clue":"Wind covered by centre of palm away from the mouth (6)","Answer":"ABORAL","Explanation":"Definition: away from the mouth \n**BORA** (\u00a0strong NE wind in the upper Adriatic) **contained in** (covered by) **AL** (**middle letters of** [centre of] **PALM**)\n **A** (**BORA**) **L**\n\n**ABORAL** (away from the mouth)"} {"Clue":"A coati operated on for sterility (6)","Answer":"ATOCIA","Explanation":"Definition: sterility\n**A** + **an anagram of** (operated) **COATI**\n **A** **TOCIA***\n\n**ATOCIA** (sterility in a female)"} {"Clue":"Team working in church, guarantee of quality? (8)","Answer":"KITEMARK","Explanation":"Definition: guarantee of quality\n**Anagram of** (working) **TEAM** **contained in** (in) **KIRK** (church)\n **KI** (**TEMA***) **RK**\n\n**KITEMARK** (a **KITE**-shaped **MARK**\u00a0on goods indicating conformity in quality, size, etc, with the specifications of the British Standards Institution)"} {"Clue":"Rudimentary knowledge about taken in by a self-help group? (5)","Answer":"ABCEE","Explanation":"Definition: Rudimentary knowledge\n**A** + (**C** [circa; about] **contained in** [taken in by] **BEE** [a gathering of persons to unite their labour for the benefit of one individual or family, or for some joint amusement, exercise or competition {as in quilting or spelling}])\n **A** **B** (**C**) **EE**\n\n**ABCEE** (a first reading-book; hence, the rudiments or the basics)"} {"Clue":"Very strong spirit I included in tot knocked back (5)","Answer":"MARID","Explanation":"Definition: Very strong spirit\n(**I** **contained in** [included in] [**DRAM** {tot}** reversed** {knocked back}])\n **MAR** (**I**) **D**<\n\n**MARID** (a member of the most powerful class of jinn; very strong spirit)"} {"Clue":"Reprimand when one's cut off strong cloth (7)","Answer":"TICKING","Explanation":"Definition: strong cloth\n**TICKING OFF** (reprimand) **excluding** (cut)** OFF**\n \u00a0\n\n**TICKING** (strong cloth for making mattress covers)"} {"Clue":"Salute by means of dance bidding farewell to a local chief deceased (12)","Answer":"CONGRATULATE","Explanation":"Definition: Salute\n(**CONGA** [dance] **excluding** [bidding farewell to] **A**) **+** **RATU** (local chief in Indonesia or Fiji) **+** **LATE** (deceased)\n \u00a0\n\n**CONGRATULATE** (salute)"} {"Clue":"One sort of pike to take off waterway for canoeists (7)","Answer":"IGARAPE","Explanation":"Definition: waterway for canoeists\n**I** [one] **+** **GAR** (pike-like fish) **+** **APE** (mimic; take off)\n \u00a0\n\n**IGARAPE** (canoe waterway in Brazil)"} {"Clue":"I am clad in scarlet, coated as in winter? (5)","Answer":"RIMED","Explanation":"Definition: coated as in winter\n**I'M** (I am) **contained in** (clad in) **RED** (scarlet)\n **R** (**IM**) **ED**\n\n**RIMED** (covered in hoar frost; coated as in winter)"} {"Clue":"Major vessel is removed from tense area (5)","Answer":"AORTA","Explanation":"Definition: Major vessel\n(**AORIST** [a tense, esp in Greek, expressing simple past time, with no implications of continuance, repetition or the like] **excluding** [removed from] **IS**) + **A**\n \u00a0\n\n**AORTA** (major arterial vessel carrying blood from the heart)"} {"Clue":"Ruined home spanning Ireland (old), part of estate? (8)","Answer":"HEIRLOOM","Explanation":"Definition: part of estate\n**Anagram of** (ruined) **HOME** **containing** (spanning) (**IRL** [Ireland] **+** **O** [old])\n **HE** (**IRL** **O**) **OM***\n\n**HEIRLOOM** (any piece of furniture or personal property that descends to the heir-at-law by special custom; any object that is passed down through a family from generation to generation; part of the estate of a deceased person)"} {"Clue":"Cuckoo circled by duck? Not duck \u2013 more like a cuckoo (6)","Answer":"ZANIER","Explanation":"Definition: more like a cuckoo\n**ANI **(a tropical American bird, a black cuckoo with a curved bill and long tail) **contained in** (circled by) (**ZERO** [a score of **ZERO**\u00a0by a batsman in cricket is referred to as a duck] **excluding** [not] **O** [the score of 0 {duck}\u00a0\u2026])\n **Z** (**ANI**) **ER**\n\n**ZANIER** (more like a slight silly or mad person [cuckoo])"} {"Clue":"A nude almost clutching her head in need (6)","Answer":"ANANKE","Explanation":"Definition: need \n**A** **+** (**NAKED** [nude] **excluding the final letter** [almost] **D**, **containing** [clutching] **N** [**first letter of** {her head} **NUDE**])\n **A** **NA** (**N**) **KE**\n\n**ANANKE** (necessity; need)"} {"Clue":"Brig wrecked off rock table? (5)","Answer":"ALTAR","Explanation":"Definition: table\n**GIBRALTAR** (reference Rock of **GIBRALTAR**) **excluding** (off) **GIBR** **(an anagram of** [wrecked] **BRIG**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ALTAR** (table used for the mass in the Eucharist)"} {"Clue":"Old boot one caught in a trap (4)","Answer":"GAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Old boot\n**A** (one) **contained in** (caught in) **GIN** (trap)\n **G** (**A**) **IN**\n\n**GAIN** ('boot' is an obsolete term for advantage; profit; any reparation or compensation paid)"} {"Clue":"Charity tax, zero on American tea leaves (5)","Answer":"ZAKAT","Explanation":"Definition: Charity tax\n**Z** (zero) **+** **A** (American) **+** **KAT** (a shrub of E Africa, Arabia, etc, or specifically its leaves, chewed or taken as tea for their stimulant effect; tea leaves)\n \u00a0\n\n**ZAKAT** (in Islam, a tax of 21\/2 per cent payable by Muslims on certain kinds of property, the money so raised being devoted to religious and charitable purposes)"} {"Clue":"Some Nigerians \u2013 in the same place others will accept one (6)","Answer":"IBIBIO","Explanation":"Definition: Some Nigerians\n(**IB** [ibidem, Latin for in the same place] **+** (**IBO** [a tribe in Eastern Nigeria; in\u00a0{Nigeria} others]** containing** [will accept] **I** [one])\n **IB** **IB** (**I**) **O**\n\n**IBIBIO** (a people of SE Nigeria, also know as Efik)"} {"Clue":"Take in odd misfit, a cunning old rogue (5)","Answer":"GREEK","Explanation":"Definition: cunning old rogue\n**R** (recipe; Latin for take) **contained in** (in) **GEEK** (obsessively enthusiastic misfit)\n **G** (**R**) **EEK**\n\n**GREEK** (archaic [old] term for a cunning rogue)"} {"Clue":"Person disabled formerly, one learning a measure (7)","Answer":"LAMETER","Explanation":"Definition: Person disabled formerly\n**L** (learner; one learning) **+** A **+** **METER** (a measure of length)\n \u00a0\n\n**LAMETER** (old [formerly] Scottish word for a cripple)"} {"Clue":"Applaud attempt to restrict paper that's broadcast bunkum (12)","Answer":"CLAPTRAPPERY","Explanation":"Definition: bunkum\n**CLAP** (applaud) **+** (**TRY** [attempt] **containing** [to restrict] **an anagram of** [that's broadcast] **PAPER**)\n **CLAP** **TR** (**APPER***) **Y**\n\n**CLAPTRAPPERY** (bunkum)"} {"Clue":"Air Sir Albert flourished, showing skill in court? (12)","Answer":"BARRISTERIAL","Explanation":"Definition: showing skill in court\n**Anagram of** (flourished) **AIR SIR ALBERT**\n \u00a0\n\n**BARRISTERIAL** (showing skill in a court of law)"} {"Clue":"Worshipper in e.g. Sofia mosque\n e, climbing old crooked work (5)","Answer":"POMAK","Explanation":"Definition: Worshipper in e.g. Sofia mosque\n(**KAM** [Shakespearean [old] word for awry; old crooked] **+** **OP** [opus; work]) **all reversed** (climbing; down clue)\n (**PO** **MAK**)<\n\n**POMAK** (Bulgarian Muslim; worshipper in Sofia mosque)"} {"Clue":"It maybe a mite dry inside a chimney pot (8)","Answer":"ACARIDAN","Explanation":"Definition: It maybe a mite\n**ARID** (dry) **contained in** (inside) (**A** **+** **CAN** [chimney pot])\n **A** **C** (**ARID**) **AN**\n\n**ACARIDAN** (belonging to the order of Arachnida to which mites and ticks belong)"} {"Clue":"Piece of muslin in green furnishing cushion? (6)","Answer":"LINING","Explanation":"Definition: furnishing cushion\n**LINING** (**hidden word**\u00a0(piece of) in **MUSLIN IN GREEN**)\n \u00a0\n\n**LINING** (possibly the inside of a cushion) I'm not entirely sure what part furnishing is playing in this clue"} {"Clue":"Large piece of Scotland, area in grip of failure (4)","Answer":"DAUD","Explanation":"Definition: furnishing cushion\n**LINING** (**hidden word**\u00a0(piece of) in **MUSLIN IN GREEN**)\n \u00a0\n\n**LINING** (possibly the inside of a cushion) I'm not entirely sure what part furnishing is playing in this clue"} {"Clue":"King given title, not upset about that bit of added knick-knackery (8)","Answer":"ORNAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: bit of added knick-knackery\n**Anagram of** (upset) **NOT** **containing** (about) (**R** [Rex; king] **+** **NAME** [title])\n **O** (**R** **NAME**) **NT***\n\n**ORNAMENT** (additional beauty or decoration;; a bit of added knick-knackery)"} {"Clue":"Church window unclear, being refurbished (7)","Answer":"LUCARNE","Explanation":"Definition: Church window\n**Anagram of** (being refurbished) **UNCLEAR**\n \u00a0\n\n**LUCARNE** (a dormer window, especially in a church spire.)"} {"Clue":"Can I proceed heavenward like a rocket's cone? (6)","Answer":"OGIVAL","Explanation":"Definition: like a rocket's cone\n(**LAV** [lavatory or can in American terms] **+** **I** **+** **GO**) all reversed (heavenward; down clue)\n (**OG**** I** **VAL**)<\n\n**OGIVAL** (shaped like an **OGIVE**,shaped like the\u00a0cone of a rocket)"} {"Clue":"Tree with reddish flowers it's all right for monkey to devour (6)","Answer":"TITOKI","Explanation":"Definition: Tree with reddish flowers\n**TITI** (small South American monkey) **containing** **OK** (all right) \n **TIT** (**OK**) **I**\n\n**TITOKI** (a New Zealand tree with reddish paniculate flowers)"} {"Clue":"Some explore diagrams showing form in life cycle of parasites (5)","Answer":"REDIA","Explanation":"Definition: form in life cycle of parasites\n**REDIA** (**hidden word** [some] in **EXPLORE DIAGRAMS**)\n \u00a0\n\n**REDIA** (a form in the life cycle of the trematodes [parasitic flatworms])"} {"Clue":"Wool for spinning from cloth scrap? Lubricant I dropped in (5)","Answer":"ROLAG","Explanation":"Definition: Wool for spinning\n**OIL** [lubricant] **excluding** [dropped] **I** **contained in** (in) **RAG** (cloth scrap)\n **R** (**OL**) **AG**\n\n**ROLAG** (a roll of combed sheep's wool ready for spinning)"} {"Clue":"Whence mandarin rules, forever elevated above people (5)","Answer":"YAMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Whence mandarin rules\n**AY** (for ever) **reversed** (elevated; down clue) **+** **MEN** (people)\n **YA**< **MEN**\n\n**YAMEN** (the offices and residence of a mandarin)"} {"Clue":"American rose atop a 'window' allowing view of icon (4)","Answer":"RIZA","Explanation":"Definition: Whence mandarin rules\n**AY** (for ever) **reversed** (elevated; down clue) **+** **MEN** (people)\n **YA**< **MEN**\n\n**YAMEN** (the offices and residence of a mandarin)"} {"Clue":"Job-seeker apparently in charge in factory (9)","Answer":"APPLICANT","Explanation":"Definition: Job-seeker\n**AP** (apparently) **+** (**I\/C** [in charge] **contained in** [in] **PLANT** [factory])\n **AP** **PL** (**IC**) **ANT**\n\n**APPLICANT** (job-seeker)"} {"Clue":"Very loudly talk about places to live (5)","Answer":"GAFFS","Explanation":"Definition: places to live\n**GAS** (talk) **containing** (about) **FF** (fortissimo; very loud)\n **GA** (**FF**) **S**\n\n**GAFFS** (private accommodation, apartments, flats, rooms, etc.)"} {"Clue":"An expression of great joy, with seafood making comeback in Mediterranean location (9)","Answer":"BARCELONA","Explanation":"Definition: Mediterranean location\n(**AN** **+** **OL\u00c9** [exclamation of triumph; expression of great joy] **+** **CRAB** [seafood]) **all reversed** (making comeback)\n (**BARC** **ELO** **NA**)<\n\n**BARCELONA** (Spanish city on the Mediterranean coast)"} {"Clue":"During revolution, group of Syrian officers broadcasting (2,3)","Answer":"ON AIR","Explanation":"Definition: broadcasting\n**ON AIR** (**hidden word** [group of] **reversed** [during revolution] in **SYRIAN OFFICERS**)\n (**ON AIR**)<\n\n**ON AIR** (broadcasting)"} {"Clue":"Composing music for recording (7)","Answer":"SCORING","Explanation":"Definition: Composing music\n**SCORING** (composing music)\n \u00a0\n\n**SCORING** (recording) double definition"} {"Clue":"House with steps opposite? (7)","Answer":"HOSTILE","Explanation":"Definition: opposite\n**HO** (house) **+** **STILE** (set of steps, built into a wall or fence)\n \u00a0\n\n**HOSTILE **(showing angry opposition; opposite)"} {"Clue":"Language test tough? Ren\u00e9 has gone wrong (6,6)","Answer":"MOTHER TONGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Language\n**MOT** (Ministry of Transport test for roadworthiness of a vehicle) + **an anagram of** (has gone wrong) **TOUGH RENE**\n **MOT** **HER TONGUE***\n\n**MOTHER TONGUE** (native language)"} {"Clue":"One unusual thing, holding back gun that's out of order (12)","Answer":"IRREGULARITY","Explanation":"Definition: that's out of order\n(**I** [one] **+** **RARITY** [something valued for it's scarcity; unusual thing]) **containing** (holding) (**LUGER** [gun] **reversed** [back])\n **I** **R** (**REGUL**)< **ARITY**\n\n**IRREGULARITY** (something not conforming to rules or regulations; something that's out of order)"} {"Clue":"Country outlaw held by Trotsky, say (7)","Answer":"LEBANON","Explanation":"Definition: Country\n**BAN** (outlaw) **contained by** (held by) **LEON** (reference **LEON** Trotsky; Russian Marxist evolutionary) \n **LE** (**BAN**) **ON**\n\n**LEBANON** (Country in the Middle East)"} {"Clue":"Trendy people sound self-satisfied, wearing topless dress (2-5)","Answer":"IN CROWD","Explanation":"Definition: Trendy people\n**CROW** (sound self-satisfied) **contained in** (wearing) (**B****IND** [?] [dress?] **excluding the first letter** [topless] **B**)\n **IN** (**CROW**) **D**\n\n**IN CROWD** (trendy people)"} {"Clue":"Scoffs scrambled eggs for starters, along with giant turnover (5)","Answer":"GIBES","Explanation":"Definition: Scoffs\n(**SE** [**initial letters of** {starters} **S****CRAMBLED** and **EGGS**] + **BIG** [giant]) **all reversed** (turnover)\n (**GIB** **ES**)<\n\n**GIBES** (scoffs)"} {"Clue":"High-flier having trouble with map in Kent area? (9)","Answer":"SAILPLANE","Explanation":"Definition: High-flier\n(**AIL** [be indisposed; having trouble] **+** **PLAN** [map]) **contained in** (in) **SE** (South East, the area of England that includes Kent)\n **S** (**AIL** **PLAN**) **E**\n\n**SAILPLANE** (a glider that can rise with an upward current; high-glier)"} {"Clue":"Tom doesn't have weak voice? (5)","Answer":"SAYER","Explanation":"Definition: voice\n**SAWYER** (reference the fictional character Tom **SA****W****YER**) **excluding** (doesn't have) **W** (weak)\n \u00a0\n\n**SAYER** (one who speaks; a voice)"} {"Clue":"Great fun! I act and I say little on stage (9)","Answer":"FIGURANTE","Explanation":"Definition: I say little on stage\n**Anagram of** (act) **GREAT FUN I** \n \u00a0\n\n**FIGURANTE** (a ballet-dancer, one of those who form a background for the solo dancers; probably extended to cover background actors who do not have speaking parts; I have little to say)"} {"Clue":"Attack American president (6)","Answer":"AMBUSH","Explanation":"Definition: Attack\n**AM** (American) **+** **BUSH** (US President, take your pick from George H **BUSH** or George W **BUSH**)\n \u00a0\n\n**AMBUSH** (an attack made after lying in wait to surprise)"} {"Clue":"Dolly knocked back gin before appearing (6)","Answer":"PARTON","Explanation":"Definition: Dolly\n**TRAP** (gin) **reversed** (knocked back) **+** **ON** (appearing)\n **PART**< **ON**\n\n**PARTON** (reference Dolly **PARTON**, American\u00a0country & western singer and headliner at Glastonbury this year)"} {"Clue":"Old warriors rising up in part of London (5)","Answer":"ICENI","Explanation":"Definition: Old warriors\n(**IN** **+** **EC1** [East Central 1 \u2013 the postcode for a part of London]) **all reversed** (rising up; down clue)\n (**ICE** **NI**)<\n\n**ICENI** (an ancient British tribe that, led by Queen Boudicca, rebelled against the Romans in 61AD; old warriors)"} {"Clue":"Like version of nine-hole golf at Sandwich to begin with (5,3,5,2)","Answer":"ALONG THE LINES OF","Explanation":"Definition: Like\n**Anagram of** (version of) **NINE HOLE GOLF AT** and **S** (**first letter of** [to begin with] **SANDWICH**)\n \u00a0\n\n**ALONG THE LINES OF** (similar to; like)"} {"Clue":"Get upset about suffering right shower during preparation for the classroom (7,8)","Answer":"TEACHER TRAINING","Explanation":"Definition: preparation for the classroom\n**Anagram of** (upset) **GET** containing (**ACHE** [suffering] + **RT** [right] + **RAIN** [shower] + IN [during])\n **TE** (**ACHE** **R T** **RAIN** **IN**) **G***\n\n**TEACHER TRAINING** (preparation for the classroom)"} {"Clue":"Fine fellow having party over in Hants town (4,5)","Answer":"GOOD SPORT","Explanation":"Definition: Fine fellow\n**DO** (party) **reversed** (over) **contained in** (in) **GOSPORT** (Hampshire town)\n **GO** (**OD**)< **SPORT**\n\n**GOOD SPORT** (fine fellow)"} {"Clue":"Bird depicted in a sort of porcelain found in Florence (8)","Answer":"FLAMINGO","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\n(**A** **+** **MING** [type of porcelain]) **contained in** (depicted in) **FLO** (Florence)\n **FL** (**A** **MING**) **O**\n\n**FLAMINGO** (large tropical wading bird)"} {"Clue":"South-Eastern woven, silky material (8)","Answer":"SARSENET","Explanation":"Definition: silky material\n**S** (South) **+** **an anagram of** (woven) **EASTERN** \n **S** **ARSENET***\n\n**SARSENET** (a thin tissue of fine silk)"} {"Clue":"Administrative expert or a singer, in a way (9)","Answer":"ORGANISER","Explanation":"Definition: Administrative expert\n**Anagram of** (in a way) **OR A SINGER**\n \u00a0\n\n**ORGANISER** (administrative expert)"} {"Clue":"Rifles convict concealed in great quantities (8)","Answer":"PILLAGES","Explanation":"Definition: Rifles\n**LAG** (convict) **contained in** (concealed in) **PILES** (great quantities)\n **PIL** (**LAG**) **ES**\n\n**PILLAGES** (loots; rifles)"} {"Clue":"For one's pet project, pounds saved? Highly likely (8)","Answer":"PROBABLY","Explanation":"Definition: Highly likely\n**PRO** (for) **+** (**BABY** [one's pet project] **containing** [saved] **L** [pounds sterling])\n **PRO** **BAB** [**L**] **Y**\n\n**PROBABLY** (highly likely)"} {"Clue":"Nirvana singer and half of band in the money (6)","Answer":"COBAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Nirvana singer\n**BA** (first two letters of four [half] in **BAND**) **contained in** (in) **COIN** (money)\n **CO** (**BA**) **IN**\n\n**COBAIN** (reference Kurt **COBAIN** [1967 \u2013 1994], best known as lead singer, guitarist and songwriter of the grunge band Nirvana)"} {"Clue":"Stick small plug in aforementioned place (6)","Answer":"ADHERE","Explanation":"Definition: Stick\n**AD** (abbreviation [small] for advert [plug]) **+** **HERE** (this place; aforementioned place [?])\n \u00a0\n\n**ADHERE** (stick)"} {"Clue":"Plebeian headgear put on monarch, for a lark (5)","Answer":"CAPER","Explanation":"Definition: lark\n**CA **\u00a0(a flat CAP is associated with the working class; Plebeian headgear) **+** **ER** (Elizabeth Regina; monarch)\n \u00a0\n\n**CAPER** (lark)"} {"Clue":"Embarrassed girl had to admit where bites are found, mother repulsed (10)","Answer":"SHAMEFACED","Explanation":"Definition: Embarrassed\n**SHE'D** (girl had) **containing** (to admit) ([**CAFE** {a place where bites are found } **+** **MA** {mother}] **all reversed** [repulsed])\n **SH** (**AM** **EFAC**)< **ED**\n\n**SHAMEFACED** (embarrassed)"} {"Clue":"Standing order from account for fuel supplier (4)","Answer":"ESSO","Explanation":"Definition: fuel supplier\n**ESSO** (**sounds like** [account for] **SO** [standing order])\n \u00a0\n\n**ESSO** (brand of fuel found in petrol stations; fuel supplier)"} {"Clue":"Desert's rather cut off, ultimately (4)","Answer":"QUIT","Explanation":"Definition: Desert\n**QUITE** (rather) **excluding** (cut off) **the final letter** (ultimately) **E**\n \u00a0\n\n**QUIT** (desert)"} {"Clue":"Diarist's private place in the Caribbean (10)","Answer":"BRIDGETOWN","Explanation":"Definition: place in the Caribbean\n**BRIDGET** (reference **BRIDGET** Jones Diary; diarist) **+** **OWN** (personal; private)\n \u00a0\n\n**BRIDGETOWN** (reference **BRIDGETOWN**, Barbados; place in the Caribbean)"} {"Clue":"Oddball (5)","Answer":"WEIRDO","Explanation":"Definition: Oddball\n**WEIRD** (strange; odd) **+** **O** (ball shape)\n \u00a0\n\n**WEIRDO** (eccentric; oddball)"} {"Clue":"Worry about new European in charge being mad (8)","Answer":"FRENETIC","Explanation":"Definition: mad\n(**FRET** [worry] **containing** [about] [**N** {new} **+** **E** {European}]) **+** **I\/C** (in charge)\n **FRE** (**N** **E**) **T** **IC**\n\n**FRENETIC** (mad)"} {"Clue":"Customary to act cross after nothing right with house (8)","Answer":"ORTHODOX","Explanation":"Definition: Customary\n**O** (zero; nothing] **+** **RT**\u00a0(right) + **HO** + **DO** {act} **+** **X** {cross shape}\n \u00a0\n\n**ORTHODOX** (according to received doctrines; customary)"} {"Clue":"Get ready to use joint setter's filled (5)","Answer":"WIELD","Explanation":"Definition: Get ready to use\n**WELD** (a **WELD**ed joint) **containing** (filled) **I** (referring to the puzzle setter) \n **W** (**I**) **ELD**\n\n**WIELD** ([get ready to] use)"} {"Clue":"Hawk eating hard part of nut (5)","Answer":"SHELL","Explanation":"Definition: part of nut\n**SELL** (hawk) **containing** (eating) **H** (hard)\n **S** (**H**) **ELL**\n\n**SHELL** (the outer [hard] part of a nut)"} {"Clue":"Cobblers about to drink gin (8)","Answer":"CLAPTRAP","Explanation":"Definition: Cobblers\n**C** (circa; about) **+** **LAP** (drink) **+** **TRAP** (gin can be defined as a type of **TRAP**)\n \u00a0\n\n**CLAPTRAP** (rubbish; cobblers)"} {"Clue":"Rancid jam provides a memorable moment (4,4)","Answer":"HIGH SPOT","Explanation":"Definition: memorable moment\n**HIGH** (slightly tainted or decomposed; rancid) **+** **SPOT** (be in a **SPOT**, be in a jam)\n \u00a0\n\n**HIGH SPOT** (memorable moment)"} {"Clue":"Writer married royal at seas(6)","Answer":"MALORY","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\n**M** (married) **+** **an anagram of** (at sea) **ROYAL** \n **M** **ALORY***\n\n**MALORY** (reference Thomas **MALORY**, English author [died 1471] compiler of Le Morte D'Arthur)"} {"Clue":"Independent people, chop suey lovers (10)","Answer":"YOURSELVES","Explanation":"Definition: Independent people\n**Anagram of **(chop) **SUEY LOVERS** \n \u00a0\n\n**YOURSELVES** (people like you who read the Independent newspaper, or at least do the Independent crossword; Independent people))"} {"Clue":"Extremely content retreating in February Revolution (4)","Answer":"VERY","Explanation":"Definition: Extremely\n**VERY** (**hidden word** [content] **reversed** [retreating] **in** **FEBRUARY REVOLUTION**)\n \u00a0\n\n**VERY** (extremely)"} {"Clue":"Game pastry dish filled with organs, reportedly (1-3)","Answer":"I-SPY","Explanation":"Definition: Game\n**I-SPY** (**sounds like** [reportedly] **EYES** [organs of the body] forming the filling of a **PIE** [pastry dish])\n \u00a0\n\n**I-SPY** (game)"} {"Clue":"Additional information given briefly by extremists in Paris (10)","Answer":"POSTSCRIPT","Explanation":"Definition: Additional information\n**PS** (**first and last letters of** [extremists in] **PARIS**) **is an abbreviation for** **POSTSCRIPT**\n \u00a0\n\n**POSTSCRIPT** (additional information)"} {"Clue":"Interrupted twice by posh character, one who despises arrogance (7)","Answer":"HAUTEUR","Explanation":"Definition: arrogance\n**HATER** (one who despises) **containing** (interrupted \u2026 by) (**U** [character denoting posh] **and again** [twice] **U** [character denoting posh])\n **HA** (**U**) **TE** (**U**) **R**\n\n**HAUTEUR** (arrogance)"} {"Clue":"Time to get into this ascendant space vehicle (5)","Answer":"MOTOR","Explanation":"Definition: vehicle\n**T** (time) **contained in** (get into) (**ROOM** [space] **reversed** [ascendant; down clue])\n **MO** (**T**) **OR**<\n\n**MOTOR** (vehicle)"} {"Clue":"Lies about upcoming fashion designer finding growths (8)","Answer":"FIBROIDS","Explanation":"Definition: growths\n**FIBS** (lies) **containing** (about) (**DIOR** [reference Christian DIOR {1905 \u2013 1957}, French fashion designer] **reversed** [upcoming; down clue])\n **FIB** (**ROID**<) **S**\n\n**FIBROIDS** (benign tumours; growths)"} {"Clue":"After eating one, cook delivers about four big cheeses (5,10)","Answer":"CHIEF EXECUTIVES","Explanation":"Definition: big cheeses\n(**CHEF** [cook] **containing** [eating] **I** [one]) **+** (**EXECUTES** [delivers] **containing** [about] **IV** [Roman numerals for four])\n **CH** (**I**) **EF** **EXECUT** (**IV**) **ES**\n\n**CHIEF EXECUTIVES** (top people in business; big cheeses)"} {"Clue":"Plant enthusiast (6)","Answer":"DIGGER","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\n**DIGGER** ( a machine for digging; machinery; plant)\n \u00a0\n\n**DIGGER** (one who understands and wants more of the same; enthusiast)"} {"Clue":"Radical six metre electric fences start to tremble (9)","Answer":"EXTREMIST","Explanation":"Definition: Radical\n**Anagram of** (electric) **SIX METRE** **containing** (fence) **T** (**first letter of** [starts to] **TREMBLE**)\n **EX** (**T**) **REMIST***\n\n**EXTREMIST** (radical)"} {"Clue":"Spotted black dicky bird (7)","Answer":"SAWBILL","Explanation":"Definition: bird\n**SAW** (spotted) **+** **B** (black) **+** **ILL** (dicky)\n \u00a0\n\n**SAWBILL** (a merganser; a motmot; any of various hummingbirds with serrated bills)"} {"Clue":"Rob, perhaps is loving fair weather (4-5)","Answer":"HALF-HARD","Explanation":"Definition: fair weather \n**HALF** of the six letters of **ROBERT**, Christian name of the poet **HARDY** so giving us 'rob' defined as **HALF-HARDY**\n \u00a0\n\n**HALF-HARD****Y** a horticultural term denoting an (ability to grow in the open air except in winter; loving fair weather)"} {"Clue":"Friend films people reading lines (8)","Answer":"PALMISTS","Explanation":"Definition: people reading lines\n**PAL** (friend) **+** **MISTS** (films)\n \u00a0\n\n**PALMISTS** (people who claim to read hidden meaning in the lines of your hand)"} {"Clue":"Despicable German's one breaking into residence having left base (7)","Answer":"HEINOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Despicable\n(**EIN** [German for the indefinite article 'a'] **contained in** (breaking into) (**HOUSE** [residence] **excluding** [having left] **E** [base of natural logarithms])\n **H** (**EIN**) **OUS**\n\n**HEINOUS** (despicable)"} {"Clue":"Before surgery, announce doctor provision to fall (7)","Answer":"AIRDROP","Explanation":"Definition: provision to fall \n**AIR** (announce) **+** **DR** (doctor) **+** **OP** (operation; surgery)\n \u00a0\n\n**AIRDROP** (landing of supplies[provisions] by parachute; provision to fall)"} {"Clue":"Maintenance is improving part of castle (6)","Answer":"UPKEEP","Explanation":"Definition: Maintenance\n**UP** (improving) **+** **KEEP **(the innermost and strongest part of a castle, the central tower; a stronghold)\n \u00a0\n\n**UPKEEP** (maintenance)"} {"Clue":"What beer might be rough for? (5)","Answer":"LIVER","Explanation":"Definition: What beer might be rough for\n**LIVER** (one who exists, one who is; a **BE-ER**)\n \u00a0\n\n**LIVER** (organ of the body susceptible to failure from consistent abuse by alcohol intake)"} {"Clue":"New idea -demolishing pub \u2013 gets good reception (7)","Answer":"OVATION","Explanation":"Definition: good reception\n**INNOVATION** (new idea) **excluding** (demolishing) **INN** (pub) \u00a0\n\n**OVATION** (enthusiastic reception)"} {"Clue":"Are fliers its most appropriate form of publicity? (7)","Answer":"AIRSHOW","Explanation":"Definition: Are fliers its most appropriate form of publicity\n**AIRSHOW** (fliers are advertising leaflets [often spelt flyers]) \u00a0\n\n**AIRSHOW** (flying display; somewhere flyers\/fliers will be demonstrating their talents)"} {"Clue":"One may sponsor a new set (5)","Answer":"ANGEL","Explanation":"Definition: One may sponsor\n**A** **+** **N** **+** **GEL** (set) \u00a0\n\n**ANGEL** (sponsor \/ financier of theatrical ventures)"} {"Clue":"Clumsy guy, coming in to spoil love and sex (5)","Answer":"MALADROIT","Explanation":"Definition: Clumsy\n**LAD** (guy) **contained in** (coming in to) (**MAR** [spoil] **+** **O** [love; zero score in tennis]) **+** **IT** [sex appeal]) **MA** (**LAD**) **R** **O** **IT**\n\n**MALADROIT** (clumsy)"} {"Clue":"Blokes in general lacking central parts of membranes (9)","Answer":"MENINGEAL","Explanation":"Definition: of membranes\n**MEN** (blokes) **+** **IN** **+** (**GE****NER****AL** excluding lacking] **the middle three letters** [central parts] **NER**) \u00a0\n\n**MENINGEAL** (of the three membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord)"} {"Clue":"A story about name of Dior's design (1-4)","Answer":"A-LINE","Explanation":"Definition: Dior's design \n(**A** **+** **LIE** [story]) **containing** (about) **N** (name) **A** **LI **(**N**) **E**\n\n**A-LINE** (of clothing, narrow at the top and widening evenly to a full hemline. Christian Dior's designs made extensive use of the **A-LINE)"} {"Clue":"UK store incorporating repeated indications of gold inspired by German art school (7)","Answer":"BAUHAUS","Explanation":"Definition: German art school \n**BHS** (British Home Stores; a UK department store) **containing** (incorporating) **AU** (chemical symbol for Gold) **twice** (repeated) **B** (**AU**) **H** (**AU**) **S**\n\n**BAUHAUS** (a German school of art and architecture [1919 \u2013 1933] having as its aim the integration of art and technology in design)"} {"Clue":"I weary with the writer recalling those academics of yore (7)","Answer":"EMERITI","Explanation":"Definition: academics of yore\n( **I** + **TIRE** [weary] + **ME** [the writer]) **all reversed** (recalling) (**EM** **ERIT** **I**)<\n\n**EMERITI** (people honourably retired from public service; often applied to academic professors; academics of yore)"} {"Clue":"Individual found between opposing sides? (5)","Answer":"LONER","Explanation":"Definition: Individual found between opposing sides\n**ONE** (individual) **contained in** (found between) ( **L** [left] **+** **R** [right] \u2013 opposing sides) **L** (**ONE**) **R**\n\n**LONER** (a person who prefers to act on his or her own and not to have close friends or confidential relationships; one not belonging to sides or factions) &Lit clue?"} {"Clue":"It's wrong to involve number in burying (9)","Answer":"INTERRING","Explanation":"Definition: burying\n(**IT** **+** **ERRING** [wrong] \u2013 it's wrong) **containing** (to involve) **N** (number) **I** (**N**) **T** **ERRING**\n\n**INTERRING** (burying)"} {"Clue":"Despondent, being with this care, possibly by end of week (9)","Answer":"HEARTSICK","Explanation":"Definition: Despondent\n**Anagram of** (possibly) **THIS CARE** **+** **K** **(last letter of** [end of] **WEEK**) **HEARTSIC*** **K**\n\n**HEARTSICK** (despondent)"} {"Clue":"Being drawn round, currently circling rear of hut (2,3)","Answer":"ON TOW","Explanation":"Definition: Being drawn\n**O** (round shape) **+** (**NOW** **containing** [circling] **T** [**last letter of** {rear of} **HU****T**]) **O** **N** (**T**) **OW**\n\n**ON TOW** (being drawn)"} {"Clue":"Former speed challenge needing most from new engine? (7)","Answer":"MACHINE","Explanation":"Definition: engine\n**MACH I** (the challenge to break the sound barrier by reaching a speed of **MACH 1** may not be very difficult to achieve now, but it was once a real challenge; former speed challenge) **+** **NE** (**2 of the 3 letters of **[most from] **NEW**) \u00a0\n\n**MACHINE** (an **ENGINE** is an example of a **MACHINE**)"} {"Clue":"Note expected regarding birth, about heart of young shaver, ultimately (7)","Answer":"NATURAL","Explanation":"Definition: Note\n**NATAL** (regarding birth) **containing** (about) (**U** [**middle letter of** {heart of} **YOUNG**] **+** **R** [**last** **letter of **{ultimately} **SHAVER**]) **NAT** (**U** **R**) **AL**\n\n**NATURAL** (a tone or note in music that is neither sharp not flat)"} {"Clue":"Courts backing America (4)","Answer":"FORA","Explanation":"Definition: Courts\n**FOR** (backing) **+** **A** (America) \u00a0\n\n**FORA** (enclosed spaces; courts; sometimes courts of law in times past)"} {"Clue":"Runs into crazy, crazy nut, one on a substantial scale (10)","Answer":"GARGANTUAN","Explanation":"Definition: on a substantial scale\n(**R** [runs in cricket scoring notation] **contained in **[into] **GAGA** [crazy]) **+** **an anagram of** (crazy) **NUT** **+** **AN** (one) **GA** (**R**) **GA** **NTU*** **AN**\n\n**GARGANTUAN** (on a substantial scale)"} {"Clue":"Verse 1's working, including line 1 \u2013 it produces music (6)","Answer":"VIOLIN","Explanation":"Definition: it produces music\n**V** (verse) **+** **I** (1) **+** (**ON** [working] **containing** [including] [**L** {line} **+ I** {1}]) **V** **I ****O** (**L** **I**) **N**\n\n**VIOLIN** (musical instrument)"} {"Clue":"A vote against member that is expressing lack of purpose (6)","Answer":"ANOMIE","Explanation":"Definition: lack of purpose\n**A** **+** **NO** (a vote against) **+** **M** (member) **+** **IE** (id est; that is) \u00a0\n\n**ANOMIE** (a condition of hopelessness caused or characterized by breakdown of rules of conduct and loss of belief and sense of purpose)"} {"Clue":"Headless giant captured by wan English artist (4,4)","Answer":"PAUL KLEE","Explanation":"Definition: artist\n(**HULK** [big person; giant] **excluding the first letter** [headless]) **contained in** (captured by) (**PALE** [wan] **+** **E** [English]) **PA** (**UL K**) **LE** **E**\n\n**PAUL KLEE** (reference **PAUL KLEE** [1879 \u2013 1940], Swiss artist)"} {"Clue":"Successful student in pair shortly tucking into jar (8)","Answer":"GRADUATE","Explanation":"Definition: Successful student\n(**DUAL** [twofold; pair] **excluding the final letter** [shortly]) **L contained in** (tucking into) **GRATE** (jar) **GRA** (**DUA**) **TE**\n\n**GRADUATE** (successful student)"} {"Clue":"Scare away sign of growth with cut (4)","Answer":"SHOO","Explanation":"Definition: Scare away\n**SHOOT **(sign of growth) **excluding the final letter** (cut) **T** \u00a0\n\n**SHOO** (exclamation used to scare away)"} {"Clue":"Sound of humour about women's gossipy voices? (10)","Answer":"TWITTERING","Explanation":"Definition: gossipy voices\n**TITTERING** (sound of humour) **containing** (about) **W** (women) **T** (**W**) **ITTERING**\n\n**TWITTERING** (a succession of small tremulous noises such as generated by gossipy voices)"} {"Clue":"Feature of caravanning that's apparent in phone-in? (6,4)","Answer":"MOBILE HOME","Explanation":"Definition: Feature of caravanning\n**MOBILE** (phone) **+** **HOME** (in) \u00a0\n\n**MOBILE HOME** (feature of caravanning)"} {"Clue":"Animal manure that's not opened up (3)","Answer":"GNU","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\n(**DUNG** [manure] **excluding the first letter** [not opened]) **reversed** (up; down clue) **GNU**<\n\n**GNU** (large African antelope; animal)"} {"Clue":"Starting one with a fool (one with a Conservative in support) (10)","Answer":"INITIATORY","Explanation":"Definition: Starting\n**I** (one) **+** **NIT** (fool) **+** **I** (one) **+** **A** **+** **TORY** (Conservative) \u00a0\n\n**INITIATORY **(starting)"} {"Clue":"Transport centre's attitude's a blunder (8)","Answer":"AIRSTRIP","Explanation":"Definition: Transport centre\n**AIR'S** (attitude's) **+** **TRIP** (lapse; blunder) \u00a0\n\n**AIRSTRIP **(runway; transport centre)"} {"Clue":"Sharp grass: there's point provided in it (8)","Answer":"SPINIFEX","Explanation":"Definition: Sharp grass\n(**PIN** [point] **+** **IF** [provided]) **contained in **(in) **SEX** (it) **S** (**PIN** **IF**) **EX**\n\n**SPINIFEX** (sharp-pointed Australian grass)"} {"Clue":"Friend having no time for buxom actress? (3)","Answer":"MAE","Explanation":"Definition: buxom actress\n**MAE** (friend) **excluding** (having no) **T** (time) \u00a0\n\n**MAE** (reference **MAE** West, [1893 \u2013 1980], actress and sex symbol)"} {"Clue":"Stealing reduced amount of gate money (6)","Answer":"TAKING","Explanation":"Definition: Stealing\n**TAKINGS** (amount of gate money) **excluding the final letter** (reduced) **S** \u00a0\n\n**TAKING** (stealing)"} {"Clue":"Places to sit, special in origin (6)","Answer":"ROOSTS","Explanation":"Definition: Places to sit\n**S** (special) **contained in **(n) **ROOTS** (origin) **ROO** (**S**) **TS**\n\n**ROOSTS** (places for resting birds; places to sit)"} {"Clue":"Heading off demo, showing cunning (4)","Answer":"ARCH","Explanation":"Definition: cunning\n**MARCH **(demonstration; demo) **excluding the first letter** (heading off) **M** \u00a0\n\n**ARCH** (cunning)"} {"Clue":"King's rule keeping up pace (4)","Answer":"WALK","Explanation":"Definition: pace \n(**K** [king] **+** **LAW** [rule]) **all reversed** (keeping up) (**WAL** **K**)<\n\n**WALK** (pace)"} {"Clue":"House husband's trapped balls at a hospital in Donnybrook (3-3)","Answer":"HOO-HAH","Explanation":"Definition: Donnybrook\n([**HO** {house} **+** **H** {husband}] **containing** [trapped] **O** [overs in cricket scoring notation; balls]) **+** **A** **+** **H** (hospital)\n **HO** (**O**) **H** **A** **H**\n\n**HOO-HAH** (noisy fuss; donnybrook)"} {"Clue":"Physicist gets home to find speech therapist (7)","Answer":"HIGGINS","Explanation":"Definition: speech therapist\n**HIGGS** (reference physicist Peter **HIGGS**, the man who predicted the existence of the **HIGGS** boson) **containing** (gets) **IN** (home)\n **HIGG** (**IN**) **S**\n\n**HIGGINS** (reference Henry **HIGGINS**, professor of phonetics and speech therapist in Pygmalian, the play by George Bernard Shaw)"} {"Clue":"Standard Walkman? (10)","Answer":"STEREOTYPE","Explanation":"Definition: Standard\n**STEREO TYPE** (Walkman is the brand name for Sony's range of audio players, presumably all available as **STEREO** models; **TYPE** of **STEREO**)\n \u00a0\n\n**STEREOTYPE** (a fixed conventionalized or stock image, or a person or thing that conforms to it; standard)"} {"Clue":"One of 4 in grid initially got injury and fell (4)","Answer":"HILL","Explanation":"Definition: fell\n**H** (there are four initial **H** shapes formed by the blocked cells in the grid) **+** **ILL** (harm; ailment; injury)\n \u00a0\n\n**HILL** (fell; e,g the Lakeland fells)"} {"Clue":"A historic character in Coleridge finally entering sacred river (5)","Answer":"ALEPH","Explanation":"Definition: historic character\n**E** (**last letter of** [finally] **COLERIDGE**) contained in (entering) **ALPH** (the sacred river referenced in Coleridge's poem Kubla Khan)\n **AL** (**E**) **PH**\n\n**ALEPH** (the first letter of the Phoenician and Hebrew alphabets; historic character)"} {"Clue":"One of 4's followers who's 'got ' in cinema? (6)","Answer":"CARTER","Explanation":"Definition: who's 'got ' in cinema\n**CARTER** (reference Jimmy **CARTER**, President of the United States from 1977 to 1981, one of the many successors or Herbert **HOOVER** [4 down] , President from 1929 to 1933)\n \u00a0\n\n**CARTER** (reference the film Get **CARTER**, 1971 film starring Michael Caine)"} {"Clue":"Heckle comedian (4)","Answer":"HOOT","Explanation":"Definition: Heckle\n**HOOT** (taunt; heckle)\n \u00a0\n\n**HOOT** (comedian) double definition"} {"Clue":"Regular habits in UCAS applications? (8)","Answer":"UNIFORMS","Explanation":"Definition: Regular habits\n**UNI** (university) **+** **FORMS** giving **FORMS** that are used to apply through **UCAS** (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service)\n \u00a0\n\n**UNIFORMS** (distinctive garb for members of a body; regular habits)"} {"Clue":"After heart bypass, Afro-Asian takes trip in the wild (2,6)","Answer":"ON SAFARI","Explanation":"Definition: in the wild\n**Anagram of** (takes trip) **AFRO-ASIAN** **excluding** (after \u2026 bypass) **the middle letter** (heart) **A**\n \u00a0\n\n**ON SAFARI** (in the wild; maybe trip in the wild, but I reckon trip is part of the anagram indicator)"} {"Clue":"Seek out The Fox and the Hound turning hastily after central reservation (4)","Answer":"HUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Seek out \n**HUNT** (taking [reservation of] **middle letters of** [central] of each of **THE HOUND TURNING HASTILY**)\n \u00a0\n\n**HUNT** (seek out the fox)"} {"Clue":"Over-used bowler? (3,3)","Answer":"OLD HAT","Explanation":"Definition: Over-used\n**OLD HAT** (out-of-date; over used)\n \u00a0\n\n**OLD HAT** (a bowler **HAT** for example is now considered **OLD**-fashioned)"} {"Clue":"Peeping Tom's statement reportedly becoming more slippery (5)","Answer":"ICIER","Explanation":"Definition: more slippery\n**ICIER** (**sounds like** [statement] **I SEE HER** [something a Peeping Tom may say])\n \u00a0\n\n**ICIER** (more slippery)"} {"Clue":"Footballers' Wives taking last first prize (4)","Answer":"SWAG","Explanation":"Definition: prize \n**WAGS** (**W**ives **A**nd\u00a0**G**irlfriend**S**, a phrase usually applied to Footballers' ladies) with the last letter **S** then moved to the front (**taking last first**)\n **S** **WAG**\n\n**SWAG** (prize)"} {"Clue":"Staggering payout when promoted (2,3,3,2)","Answer":"ON THE WAY UP","Explanation":"Definition: promoted\n**Anagram of** (staggering) **PAYOUT WHEN**\n \u00a0\n\n**ON THE WAY UP** (promoted)"} {"Clue":"Altercation with tax officer in Brief Encounter (3,4)","Answer":"RUN INTO","Explanation":"Definition: Brief Encounter\n**RUN IN** (altercation) **+** **TO** (tax officer)\n \u00a0\n\n**RUN INTO** (meet by chance; brief encounter)"} {"Clue":"The man primarily found relaxing around women and attractive bottoms (6)","Answer":"HEFNER","Explanation":"Definition: Brief Encounter\n**RUN IN** (altercation) **+** **TO** (tax officer)\n \u00a0\n\n**RUN INTO** (meet by chance; brief encounter)"} {"Clue":"Four-letter word? (4)","Answer":"OATH","Explanation":"Definition: Four-letter word\n**OATH** (a word of four letters\n \u00a0\n\n**OATH** (many succinct **OATH**s are four letter words)"} {"Clue":"Gareth Bale off his head drunk getting another drink (6,3)","Answer":"HERBAL TEA","Explanation":"Definition: drink\n**Anagram of** (drunk) **GARETH BALE** **excluding** (off) **the first letter** (his head) **G**\n \u00a0\n\n**HERBAL TEA** ([another] drink)"} {"Clue":"H2O5 found by hospital department's cleaner? (6)","Answer":"HOOVER","Explanation":"Definition: cleaner\n**H** **+ OO** (2 O) **+** **V** (Roman numeral for 5) **+** **ER** (Emergency Room; hospital department, more commonly used in America than in Britain)\n \u00a0\n\n**HOOVER** (generic name for a vacuum cleaner)"} {"Clue":"Cyclist Armstong's first position revoked on 14's call (3)","Answer":"HOY","Explanation":"Definition: Cyclist\n**AHOY** (a cry that a sailor such as **HORNBLOWER** [14 down] may make) **excluding** (revoked) **A** (first letter of [first position] **ARMSTRONG**)\n \u00a0\n\n**HOY** (reference Sir Chris **HOY**, British track cyclist Olympian)"} {"Clue":"Scream takes award in CGI-animated style category (4,4)","Answer":"GEEK CHIC","Explanation":"Definition: style category\n(**EEK** [the sound of a scream] **+** **CH** [Companion of Honour; award]) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of **(animated) **CGI**\n **G** (**EEK** **CH**) **IC***\n\n**GEEK CHIC** (The dress, appearance, and culture associated with computing and technology enthusiasts, regarded as stylish or fashionable: style category) I only found this definition online, not in any dictionary that I hold."} {"Clue":"The Grecians' painful ejection in Ricoh upset (5)","Answer":"ICHOR","Explanation":"Definition: The Grecians' painful ejection\n**Anagram of** (upset) **RICOH** \n \u00a0\n\n**ICHOR** (the ethereal juice in the veins of the gods [Greek mythology; Grecian]; the gods); colourless matter oozing from an ulcer or wound [painful ejection])"} {"Clue":"4's 17 in lines I'm constructing for underground system (6,4)","Answer":"SILVER MINE","Explanation":"Definition: underground system\n**VER** (**half the letters of **[**OTHER HALF** {17 down}] **HOO****VER** [4 down]) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (constructing) **LINES I'M**\n **SIL** (**VER**) **MINE*** I'm not sure what purpose **OTHER** is serving in this clue\n\n**SILVER MINE** (underground system)"} {"Clue":"Who would broadcast popular One Show presenter? (7)","Answer":"HOUDINI","Explanation":"Definition: Show\n**HOUD** (**sound's like** [broadcast] **WHO'd** [who would]) **+** **IN** (popular) **+** **I** (one) \n \u00a0\n\n**HOUDINI** (reference Harry **HOUDINI** presenter of an escapology show)"} {"Clue":"RN officer getting Snowden perhaps through instrumental exchange (10)","Answer":"HORNBLOWER","Explanation":"Definition: RN officer\n**WHISTLE BLOWER** (reference Edward Snowden who 'blew the whistle' and disclosed classified documents to a number of media outlets in June 2013) with one instrument, **WHISTLE** replaced by [exchange] another one, **HORN**\n \u00a0\n\n**HORNBLOWER** (fictional Naval office, hero of a series of novels by C S Forrester)"} {"Clue":"One involved in alliance for health reforms (5,4)","Answer":"OTHER HALF","Explanation":"Definition: One involved in alliance\n**Anagram of** (reforms) **FOR HEALTH**\n \u00a0\n\n**OTHER HALF** (one partner in a marriage; one involved in alliance)"} {"Clue":"What's rendered 14 less mobile in May? (8)","Answer":"HAWTHORN","Explanation":"Definition: One involved in alliance\n**Anagram of** (reforms) **FOR HEALTH**\n \u00a0\n\n**OTHER HALF** (one partner in a marriage; one involved in alliance)"} {"Clue":"Pick up drug within progressive state (2,4)","Answer":"HI TECH","Explanation":"Definition: progressive state\n**E** (ecstasy; drug) **contained in** (within) **HITCH** (couple; connect; pick up) \n **HI T **(**E**) **CH**\n\n**HI TECH** (advanced, sophisticated technology in specialist fields, e.g. electronics; progressive state)"} {"Clue":"Macho gangster' grabs wrestler (5)","Answer":"HOGAN","Explanation":"Definition: wrestler\n**HOGAN** (**hidden word in** [grabs] **MAC****HO GAN****GSTER**)\n \u00a0\n\n**HOGAN** (reference Hulk **HOGAN**, American professional wrestler)"} {"Clue":"Dig up old forgotten philosopher (4)","Answer":"HUME","Explanation":"Definition: philosopher\n**EXHUME** (dig up) **excluding** (forgotten) **EX** (old)\n \u00a0\n\n**HUME** (reference David **HUME** [1711 \u2013 1776], Scottish philosopher)"} {"Clue":"One appearing in Porridge's taken up religious system (3)","Answer":"TAO","Explanation":"Definition: religious system\n**OAT **(reference porridge **OAT**s; in singular to give **OAT**) **reversed** (taken up; down clue)\n **TAO** <\n\n**TAO** ([in **TAO**ism] the absolute entity which is the source of all existence and change; [in Confucianism and some other philosophies] the way to be followed, right or proper conduct; religious system)"} {"Clue":"Youngster is attending middle school (6)","Answer":"CUBISM","Explanation":"Definition: school\n**CUB **(youngster) **+** **IS** **+** **M** (middle)\n \u00a0\n\n**CUBISM** (school of painting)"} {"Clue":"Meal with no starter further reduced? That's a blow (8)","Answer":"UPPERCUT","Explanation":"Definition: a blow\n(**SUPPER** [meal] **excluding** (no) **the first letter** [starter] **S**) **+** **CUT** (reduced)\n \u00a0\n\n**UPPERCUT** (upward short-arm blow)"} {"Clue":"Street urchin, say, gets to make critical comments behind hag's back (11)","Answer":"GUTTERSNIPE","Explanation":"Definition: Street urchin\n**G** (**last letter of** [back] **HAG**) **+** **UTTER** (say) **+** **SNIPE** (make critical comments)\n \u00a0\n\n**GUTTERSNIPE** (street urchin)"} {"Clue":"Have dress cut at the front (3)","Answer":"OWN","Explanation":"Definition: Have\n**GOWN** (dress) **excluding** (cut) **the first lette**r (at the front) **G**\n \u00a0\n\n**OWN** (have)"} {"Clue":"Until now, no shillings in money drawer (4)","Answer":"TILL","Explanation":"Definition: money drawer\n**STILL** (up to the present time; until now)** excluding** (no) **S** (shilling)\n \u00a0\n\n**TILL** (money drawer)"} {"Clue":"Brief announcement amid rail chaos in train station (5,5)","Answer":"LOCAL RADIO","Explanation":"Definition: station\n(**AD** [advert; announcement] **contained in** (amid) an **anagram of** (chaos) **RAIL**) **all contained in** (in) **LOCO** (locomotive; train [engine])\n **LOC** (**AL R** (**AD**) **I***) **O**\n\n**LOCAL RADIO** ([radio] station]"} {"Clue":"TV quizmaster met prostitute by chance it would seem (7)","Answer":"TARRANT","Explanation":"Definition: TV quizmaster\n(**RAN** **contained in** [**INTO**] where **RAN INTO** **can be interpreted as** 'met') **TART **(prostitute)\n **TAR** (**RAN**) **T**\n\n**TARRANT** (reference Chris **TARRANT**, quizmaster of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire)"} {"Clue":"What was once tepee's size? (6)","Answer":"EXTENT","Explanation":"Definition: size\n**EX** (former; once) **+** **TENT** (a tepee is an example of a **TENT**)\n \u00a0\n\n**EXTENT** (size)"} {"Clue":"Noticed councillor entering cinema (6)","Answer":"SCREEN","Explanation":"Definition: cinema\n**CR** (councillor) **contained in** (entering) **SEEN** (noticed)\n **S** (**CR**) **EEN**\n\n**SCREEN** (the medium of cinema)"} {"Clue":"I get pro agitated \u2013 a self-satisfying experience (3,4)","Answer":"EGO TRIP","Explanation":"Definition: self-satisfying experience\n**Anagram of** (agitated) **I GET PRO**\n \u00a0\n\n**EGO TRIP** (an action or experience which inflates one's good opinion of oneself; a self-satisfying experience)"} {"Clue":"Give politician praise (10)","Answer":"CONTRIBUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Give\n**CON** (Conservative; politician) **+** **TRIBUTE** (praise)\n \u00a0\n\n**CONTRIBUTE** (give)"} {"Clue":"Book every other member of team? I'm sad (4)","Answer":"EMMA","Explanation":"Definition: Book\n**EMMA** (**every other letter of **[every other member of] **TEAM I'M SAD**)\n \u00a0\n\n**EMMA** (title of novel by Jane Austen; book)"} {"Clue":"Eggs, so variable in parts (3)","Answer":"OVA","Explanation":"Definition: Eggs\n**OVA** (**hidden word in** [in parts] **SO VARIABLE**)\n \u00a0\n\n**OVA** (eggs)"} {"Clue":"Musical piece, I recalled, rudely interrupted by French individual (5,2,4)","Answer":"CLAIR DE LUNE","Explanation":"Definition: Musical piece\n**Anagram of** (rudely) **I RECALLED** **containing** (interrupted by) **UN** (French for 'one')\n **CLAIR DE L** (**UN**) **E***\n\n**CLAIR DE LUNE** (musical piece by Claude Debussy)"} {"Clue":"Son stuck in barren areas going west, very anxious (8)","Answer":"STRESSED","Explanation":"Definition: very anxious\n(**S** [son] **contained in** [stuck in] **DESERTS** [barren areas]) **all reversed** (going west)\n (**STRES** (**S**) **ED**)< **NB: **either middle **S** could be the one contained\n\n**STRESSED** (very anxious)"} {"Clue":"Expert's joke told in French (6)","Answer":"PUNDIT","Explanation":"Definition: Expert\n**PUN** (witticism ; play on words; joke) **+** **DIT** (said [told]\u00a0in French)\n \u00a0\n\n**PUNDIT** (expert)"} {"Clue":"Think soldier, confined to bed, gets worried (8)","Answer":"COGITATE","Explanation":"Definition: Think\n(**GI **[soldier] **contained in** [confined to] **COT** [bed]) **+** **ATE** (worried)\n **CO** (**GI**) **T** **ATE**\n\n**COGITATE** (think)"} {"Clue":"One struggles as a cricketer to get about fifty (7)","Answer":"BATTLER","Explanation":"Definition: One struggles\n**BATTER** (cricketer) **containing** (get about) **L** (Roman numeral for 50)\n **BATT** (**L**) **ER**\n\n**BATTLER** (one who struggles)"} {"Clue":"Bird initially scared by sound of cat (4)","Answer":"SMEW","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\n**S** (**first letter of** [initially] **SCARED**) **+** **MEW** (the sound made by a cat)\n \u00a0\n\n**SMEW** (sea duck; bird)"} {"Clue":"Certain enterprises destroying creative sport (7,6)","Answer":"PRIVATE SECTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Certain enterprises\n**Anagram of **(destroying) **CREATIVE SPORT**\n \u00a0\n\n**PRIVATE SECTOR** (the part of a country's economy owned, operated, etc, by private individuals and firms; certain enterprises)"} {"Clue":"Cursing the amount board members get? (10)","Answer":"EXECRATION","Explanation":"Definition: Cursing\n**EXEC** (executives; the people who administrate a company; the board) **+** **RATION** (amount given)\n \u00a0\n\n**EXECRATION** (cursing)"} {"Clue":"Caught two men together somewhere in S London (7)","Answer":"CROYDON","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in S London\n**C** (caught, in cricket scoring notation) **+** (**ROY** [man's name] **+** **DON** [another man's name] giving two men together)\n \u00a0\n\n**CROYDON** (town in South London)"} {"Clue":"Keep nursing fibrous tissue (6)","Answer":"TENDON","Explanation":"Definition: fibrous tissue\n**TEND** (nurse) **+** **ON** (continue) which taken together could be interpreted as keep nursing\n \u00a0\n\n**TENDON** (band of fibrous tissue)"} {"Clue":"Transport on safari holiday, you say? (8,5)","Answer":"SHOOTING BRAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Transport\n**SHOOTING** (people on safari for hunting may go **SHOOTING**) **+** **BRAKE** (**sounds like** [you say] **BREAK** [holiday])\n \u00a0\n\n**SHOOTING BRAKE** (old estate car; type of transport)"} {"Clue":"Set out to work in recording studio? (4,6)","Answer":"MAKE TRACKS","Explanation":"Definition: Set out\n**MAKE TRACKS** (work in a recording studio to produce **TRACKS** for CD, LP, MP3 etc)\n \u00a0\n\n**MAKE TRACKS** (set out)"} {"Clue":"Dad's upset with mum maybe; that's quite obvious (8)","Answer":"APPARENT","Explanation":"Definition: quite obvious\n**PA** (father; dad) **reversed** (upset; down clue) **+** **PARENT** (mum is a **PARENT**)\n **AP**< **PARENT**\n\n**APPARENT** (quite obvious)"} {"Clue":"Horsey fellow dispatched, we're told, to a city of old (7)","Answer":"CENTAUR","Explanation":"Definition: Horsey fellow\n**CENT** (**sounds like** [we're told] **SENT** [dispatched]) **+** **A** **+** **UR** (city of old in what was southern Mesopotamia)\n \u00a0\n\n**CENTAUR** (mythical creature, half man and half horse; horsey person)"} {"Clue":"Maybe dodgy tyre could become louder going over motorway (7)","Answer":"REMOULD","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe dodgy tyre \n**Anagram of** (could become) **LOUDER** **containing** (going over) **M** (motorway)\n **RE** (**M**) **OULD**\n\n**REMOULD** (\u00a0used tyre which has had a new tread vulcanized to the casing and the walls coated with rubber; if made badly could be described as a dodgy tyre)"} {"Clue":"Players travelling initially in Vauxhall car back to front (6)","Answer":"ACTORS","Explanation":"Definition: Players\n**T** (**first letter of** [initially] **TRAVELLERS**) **contained in **(in) (**CORS****A** ([model of Vauxhall car] with the **final letter** **A** **moved to the front** [back to front])\n **AC** (**T**) **ORS**\n\n**ACTORS** (players)"} {"Clue":"Live with a posh fancy man (4)","Answer":"BEAU","Explanation":"Definition: fancy man\n**BE** (live) **+** **A** **+** **U** (posh)\n \u00a0\n\n**BEAU** (a man attentive to dress or fashion; a fop or dandy; a lover, boyfriend; fancy man)"}