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official shower and haircut thread
[ "I can feel his amazing personality through my screen.", "how many showers and haircuts needed tho?", "(No homo)", "cumgrapes said:", "Faggots", "PM_ME_STRIPPERS said:how many showers and haircuts needed tho?3 sets of 10 reps, twice daily. And spend all your spare time watching movies with strong female protagonists, female comedians, and reading up on feminist theory and women’s rights. Then all the girls will line up to drink your cum.", "Crustaciouse said:I can feel his amazing personality through my screen.Every foid be like", "Women don’t care about looks, they care that you are holding frame and taking cold showers for no real reason" ]
What white knights and beta cucks dont get
[ "White knights and beta cucks go on huge lengths to defend the helpless m'ladies and protect them from the ones who disrespect them. They care so much about cum dumpsters and their well-being to a point that they will create groups, subs, pages and etc, to make fun of people who call out bitches for what they truly are. But what these faggots don't understand is that femoids don't give two flying fucks about them. Just ask yourselves: when was the last time you saw femoids defending men against misandrist's who spout KILLALLMEN? When was the last you saw groups and sub's made by bitches dedicated against bringing down man-haters? When was the last time you've actually seen femoids defending a man like how white knights defend femoids? That's right, you haven't -- and you never will. What's the reason for that? Simply, cuntrags just don't give two fucks about men, especially low-tier men. Of course, if the man is a good looking Chad/Tyrone then they'll do everything in their power to defend him no matter what he said or did. Example: Jeremy Meeks, Richard Ramirez, Ted Bundy and etc.", "jfl at white knights", "Cucks deserve the rope.", "i_a_m_i said:jfl at white knights", "i_a_m_i said:jfl at white knights" ]
All chads/Tyrones should be chemically castrated
[ "The government should castrate every good looking man so that the rest of the male population will have a chance at getting women.", "IT gonna touch dis", "Speedloader said:IT gonna touch dis", "Crustaciouse said:The government should castrate every good looking man so that the rest of the male population will have a chance at getting women.Online: 0m " ]
SeriousIncels are the most oppressed people in Human history, why?
[ "Incels are ugly and therefor have no sex and no female validation and are never able to reproduce, the most important purpose of a human-being on this planet is to reproduce and have a relationship with a female whom validates your existence, and what is the best way to validate your existence? Of course by having sex with you and being very intimidate with you. Let's compare incels with the people who are described as being oppressed:The Jewish slaves in old Egyptian civilization: Yes they were slaves and were used as labor by the pharaohs, but they were allowed to marry with each other and build their own communities and houses within ancient Egypt civilization. Those Jewish slaves had sex and female validation.....Slaves in General: They were mostly allowed to marry and have sex with females, some slaves were rewarded by their masters to fuck prostitutes leading to breeding.... They had it for sure better than us kiss-less virgins.Poor 3rd world people: They fuck like animals and have sex within their own countries, in the matter of fact these poor people have more sex than rich people. Sure they are poor but at least have sex and marry and are able to have families and raise kids.The Jews in WW2 (concentration camps): It is important to note that many so called details about the holocaust are exaggerated lies created by Zionists in order to create more sympathy for their crimes against the Arab Palestinians, but it's also interesting to note that within these so called death camps (like Auschwitz) and other concentration camps; that Jewish woman were having sex and even gave birth within these camps. Also imprisoned Jewish labors were allowed to fuck prostitutes within these camps if they worked hard enough. Even the imprisoned Jews in WW2 had more sex than us, and the Jewish females were giving birth within these camps. They had it better than incels.Refugees in general (in our time): They are living life on easy mode, yes they are living in bad conditions (tents and shit) but they're breeding more than average, they are married and have many children.Birth rate soars in Jordan refugee camp as husbands discourage wives from using contraception Babies Will Be Born in Rohingya Camps This Year, Aid Group Says are the most oppressed people on this planet.", "That's asinine. Sure, validation and intimacy and love are important. Not important enough to mandate the status of most oppressed. You're just giving holes too much importance this way.", "I would prefer calling us the most neglected people ever. Oppressed has that sjw stigma attached to it. MUH OPPRESSION", "Hello cucktearsAnyway I agree to a certain extent tbh.", "NeetSupremacist said:The Jewish slaves in old Egyptian civilization: Yes they were slaves and were used as labor by the pharaohs, but they were allowed to marry with each other and build their own communities and houses within ancient Egypt civilization. Those Jewish slaves had sex and female validation.....The Jews were never enslaved in Egypt, Exodus is a fairy tale.NeetSupremacist said:Refugees in general (in our time): They are living life on easy mode, yes they are living in bad conditions (tents and shit) but they're breeding more than average, they are married and have many children.Refugees are ethnics, therefore incels.NeetSupremacist said:The Jews in WW2 (concentration camps): It is important to note that many so called details about the holocaust are exaggerated lies created by Zionists in order to create more sympathy for their crimes against the Arab Palestinians, but it's also interesting to note that within these so called death camps (like Auschwitz) and other concentration camps; that Jewish woman were having sex and even gave birth within these camps. Also imprisoned Jewish labors were allowed to fuck prostitutes within these camps if they worked hard enough. Even the imprisoned Jews in WW2 had more sex than us, and the Jewish females were giving birth within these camps. They had it better than incels.", "tehgymcel420 said:The Jews were never enslaved in Egypt, Exodus is a fairy tale.Refugees are ethnics, therefore incels.Just being ethnic doesn't mean you're an incel.", "the more you guys seek female validation the worse you'll feel be like potatoman, accept your life and try to find joy on shit that doesn't depend on women ", "deadliftmaxxxcel said:the more you guys seek female validation the worse you'll feel be like potatoman, accept your life and try to find joy on shit that doesn't depend on women 79150Travis Bowdish is a blue eyed Chad.", "tehgymcel420 said:Travis Bowdish is a blue eyed Chad.He ascended, why can't you guys do the same ", "deadliftmaxxxcel said:He ascended, why can't you guys do the same Yup, females are too afraid to get that close to me.", "If you’re a white incel, it’s over", "deadliftmaxxxcel said:He ascended, why can't you guys do the same The one wearing the white dress doesn't even wanna touch him. Look at her hand.", "JFL at caring about the jews.", "I would rather have my copes this site than be stuck in a refugee camp with ugly foid and dumb kids with nothing to eat", "I agree with you, butNeetSupremacist said:some slaves were rewarded by their masters to fuck prostitutes leading to breedingAlso imprisoned Jewish labors were allowed to fuck prostitutes within these camps if they worked hard enough. Even the imprisoned .incel theoretically also can go to a prostitute", "Smallframecel said:I would rather have my copes this site than be stuck in a refugee camp with ugly foid and dumb kids with nothing to eatSame tbh", "EthnicelNL said:I would prefer calling us the most neglected people ever. Oppressed has that sjw stigma attached to it. MUH OPPRESSION", "Because we deliver uncomfortable truths that the people on the top don't really want the public to believe.We are also dangerous in the sense that we deliver our message through the internet, so we really cannot be stopped.You ban an incel subreddit? Well, another one pops up. The word incel to me is just beyond its literal definition of involuntary celibate. It represents a class of people who see the world in the most accurate way possible. And yeah, I am incel by its literal definition, but my perspective on other issues is also blackpilled.The people at the top want obedience from the masses. They WANT us to be hopefuls. They WANT us to be bluepilled. That's why we are oppressed.", "I'd say we're the second most suppressed behind incel slave, incel concentration camp viction, incel... you get the point. Aye its shite not getting the satisfaction of riding some quality wee thing. However i have freedom. I have alcohol and drugs. I have many distractions that can help me cope with what is lacking in my life. I'm no saying its great but it could definitely be worse. I live fairly comfortably in a fairly stable, wealthy country so i suppose that also helps.", "NeetSupremacist said:Incels are ugly and therefor have no sex and no female validation and are never able to reproduce, the most important purpose of a human-being on this planet is to reproduce and have a relationship with a female whom validates your existence, and what is the best way to validate your existence? Of course by having sex with you and being very intimidate with you. Let's compare incels with the people who are described as being oppressed:The Jewish slaves in old Egyptian civilization: Yes they were slaves and were used as labor by the pharaohs, but they were allowed to marry with each other and build their own communities and houses within ancient Egypt civilization. Those Jewish slaves had sex and female validation.....Slaves in General: They were mostly allowed to marry and have sex with females, some slaves were rewarded by their masters to fuck prostitutes leading to breeding.... They had it for sure better than us kiss-less virgins.Poor 3rd world people: They fuck like animals and have sex within their own countries, in the matter of fact these poor people have more sex than rich people. Sure they are poor but at least have sex and marry and are able to have families and raise kids. 79142The Jews in WW2 (concentration camps): It is important to note that many so called details about the holocaust are exaggerated lies created by Zionists in order to create more sympathy for their crimes against the Arab Palestinians, but it's also interesting to note that within these so called death camps (like Auschwitz) and other concentration camps; that Jewish woman were having sex and even gave birth within these camps. Also imprisoned Jewish labors were allowed to fuck prostitutes within these camps if they worked hard enough. Even the imprisoned Jews in WW2 had more sex than us, and the Jewish females were giving birth within these camps. They had it better than incels. 79144Refugees in general (in our time): They are living life on easy mode, yes they are living in bad conditions (tents and shit) but they're breeding more than average, they are married and have many children.Birth rate soars in Jordan refugee camp as husbands discourage wives from using contraception Babies Will Be Born in Rohingya Camps This Year, Aid Group Says are the most oppressed people on this planet.Your opinion has no any value. You are a cuck.", "We live in a societyBottom text", "I would say we’re more like outcasts, in the same vein as untouchables in India and burakumin in Japan (but even they fuck)", "NeetSupremacist said:48,000 Babies Will Be Born in Rohingya Camps This Year, Aid Group SaysThis is not a good example to prove your point, even though I agree with the post. These poor women , however, were raped by the thousands (including little girls) and many of these are rape-babies.", "Deleted member 7448 said:That's asinine. Sure, validation and intimacy and love are important. Not important enough to mandate the status of most oppressed. You're just giving holes too much importance this way." ]
JFLChina bans foot fetish videos and more
[ " released new guidelines on censoring short videos on Wednesday, prohibiting everything from foot fetishes to spoofing the national anthem, as Beijing continues to clamp down on “harmful” information.The China Netcasting Services Association, one of the country’s largest government-backed internet associations, published a detailed list of 100 types of content that short video platforms must scrub.Political subjects topped the list, including Taiwan independence, criticism of Communist Party leaders, and parodying China’s national anthem.The new rules also cover a wide range of other topics, including “money worship”, unhealthy views of marriage and love, and “unverified” footage of protests and gatherings.They also apply to non-video content on the apps, including subtitles, comments and video titles.Over the past year, Beijing has ramped up its crackdown on “illegal” online content, as the government tightens its policing of China’s already heavily-censored web, which blocks many foreign websites like Google and Facebook.In 2018, Chinese authorities shuttered 26,000 “illegal” websites and deleted about six million online posts containing “vulgar” content, official news agency Xinhua said on Monday.China’s cyberspace authority last year also scrubbed over 9,000 accounts on Chinese social media platforms like messaging app WeChat and the Twitter-like Weibo, accusing them of spreading “politically harmful” information and rumours.On top of releasing guidelines on barred content, the government-backed internet association, which includes state media and tech corporates like Alibaba and Tencent, also published guidelines on short video management on Wednesday.The list encourages short video operators to introduce accounts run by the Chinese government and military to “improve the supply of positive and high quality” videos.It also says that short video companies should assemble content auditing teams that are “very politically attuned” and that video censors should be trained by provincial and national radio and television authorities", "I see nothing wrong with this.People with foot fetishes need to be hanged.", "Detro said:I see nothing wrong with this.People with foot fetishes need to be hanged.It's over for footcels", "Detro said:I see nothing wrong with this.People with foot fetishes need to be hanged.", "allow me to get a chink arrested:", "based", "First the banning of hip hop and now this?Absolutely basedChina stay winning", "Based chinese government tbh", "AsiaCel said:Over the past year, Beijing has ramped up its crackdown on “illegal” online content, as the government tightens its policing of China’s already heavily-censored web, which blocks many foreign websites like Google and Facebook.In 2018, Chinese authorities shuttered 26,000 “illegal” websites and deleted about six million online posts containing “vulgar” content, official news agency Xinhua said on Monday.JFL @ living in China", "China is a shithole. Spreading the red pill or black pill is illegal there.", "Detro said:I see nothing wrong with this.People with foot fetishes need to be hanged.Footcels on suicidewatch", "Every foot fetishist I have met was into homosexual shit aswell. This is based.", "foot fetishes in asia = crushing kittens to death", "Emergency Manual said:China is a shithole. Spreading the red pill or black pill is illegal China, when a girl reaches 28 yo and is single, she will never marryl learnt it in uni and foids were furious about it ", "Based ricecels", "China coming with the worst laws existent, soon will be universal. Feet should be mandatory to be licked, of females.", "It's unfair everything from foids body for me is sexy", "i don’t even like looming at my own feet let alone someone elses.", "Good. Now ban every kind of feminist porn", "Foot fetish = femdom cuck based china", "jfl" ]
LifeFuelSaint blackops2 got number of a foid within half a hour on a SEA dating site.
[ "So I made an account today with Saint Blacksop2 with an Asian dating website called 'DateInAsia' and within 7 minutes of creating the account I already had my first conversation with an Asian foid from the Philippines (She messaged me first). This is how the conversation went and how I got her number:", "Already learned Indonesian and going to learn Chinese. If I ever want to ascend in Asia hopefully JBW is still true.", "Durbis said:hopefully JBW is still true.fuck you mean? JBW is law bro", "So,he was never our lord???", "JBW law.", "Try northeast Asia.Also do you have any pics of her?", "She looks pretty. There is still hope for whitecels in asia.", "IncelDisciple said:Try northeast Asia.Also do you have any pics of her? ", "JBW pill destroyed me like no other", "i want to ravage some SEA pussy", "Eskimocel said:i want to ravage some SEA pussySuperior IQ", "BlackPilledKira said:JBW pill destroyed me like no othercurries can get laid in the philippines too. it's not as easy as white guys and you cant use free dating websites like dateinasia because there is thousands of indians spamming messages like hey bb show bobs sign up to pinalove and pay for the membership and i guarantee you will find a dateAzaylias said:JFL She just wants a greencard to escape her shithole country,JBW copers need to be shotno", "NeetSupremacist said: 79902 79904Getting ladyboy vibes", "He finally ascended", "just move to a third world country and die of AIDS theory", "BlackPilledKira said:JBW pill destroyed me like no otherThai young foid will give white truecel Blackops free sex jbwMeanwhile escortcelling paying curries are REFUSED by fat old std ridden Thai whores. Its so beyond ogre.Twinkcel said:curries can get laid in the philippines too. it's not as easy as white guys and you cant use free dating websites like dateinasia because there is thousands of indians spamming messages like hey bb show bobs sign up to pinalove and pay for the membership and i guarantee you will find a datecope", "He is white of course he can slay like every white", "Kinda lifefuel. I'm better looking that saint blackops2, decent height(almost 5'10) and white as you fucking can be without being actual albino. It gives me motivation to earn cash and try SEA when I will be in my mid 30's. I could even bring girl back from here, as divorce laws etc are not so cruel here as in the west.", "RREEEEEEEEE said:JBW", "BO2cel mogs me into oblivion.", "No such thing as a white incel", "He's not that ugly and she's probably just looking for a betabuxx, she probably writes to anyone.", "EyesAreSoCold said:He's not that ugly", "It's the same with @itsOVER Before:you'd never see a pussy in your lifeAfter:'he is a chadlite", "BlackPilledKira said:JBW pill destroyed me like no other", "Durbis said:Already learned Indonesian and going to learn Chinese. If I ever want to ascend in Asia hopefully JBW is still true.Nice dedication tbh.", "fellofix said:lawCope harder.", "JBW=Just have a passport of a western country.", "RREEEEEEEEE said:Cope harder.Hmm, I thought it was face > everything. Now it's race too? What, is it taking showers next?", "fellofix said:Hmm, I thought it was face > everything. Now it's race too? What, is it taking showers next?If you're white, face doesn't matter. (Only exception to the face > everything else rule) Ask the self-hating deathnik whores.", "RREEEEEEEEE said:If you're white, face doesn't matter.ahahahahha what the fuck is this shit??? So jsanza, st. blackops, Brian Peppers, and literally all other white incels aren't really incels, just because they are white. You should just have sticked to your utterly ridiculous face > everything else, only face matters rhetoric, because what you just said might be the single stupidest thing I have ever heard. I'm honestly baffled by this", "JBAR, women are race traitor whores and would do anything for opposite skin colored men. But tbh African countries have a lot of ugly men, so even with his skin color out of the picture, facewise, BlackOps2Cel probably mogs most of the men there.", "BlackPilledKira said:JBW pill destroyed me like no other", "fellofix said:ahahahahha what the fuck is this shit??? So jsanza, st. blackops, Brian Peppers, and literally all other white incels aren't really incels, just because they are white. You should just have sticked to your utterly ridiculous face > everything else, only face matters rhetoric, because what you just said might be the single stupidest thing I have ever heard. I'm honestly baffled by thisYou are talking about the same blackops cel who OP PROVED HE GOT LIKES INSTANTLY ON TINDER?Jfl at deluded coping whitecels", "Smallus Dickus said:Kinda lifefuel. I'm better looking that saint blackops2, decent height(almost 5'10) and white as you fucking can be without being actual albino. It gives me motivation to earn cash and try SEA when I will be in my mid 30's. I could even bring girl back from here, as divorce laws etc are not so cruel here as in the west.Try it try your chance boyo I'm sure you'll be successful", "Dogpill is bad.But racepill that's the hardest one to swallow.This is real white privilege. Just because your ancestors were ballsy you get to fuck foids no matter how unworthy you are.Fuck my curry ancestors for not building ships and colonizing other countries.", "EthnicelNL said:You are talking about the same blackops cel who OP PROVED HE GOT LIKES INSTANTLY ON TINDER?Jfl at deluded coping whitecelsI am a fucking ethnic", "fellofix said:I am a fucking ethnicJFL at deathnics too then nibba", "Do you still continue your stupid entertaintment. We are so exited to know about this ....", "RREEEEEEEEE said:JBW law.It's more than that, JBW is an axiom. Axiom is a fact that does not require any proof, like 1 + 3 = 4", "Nothingness said:Do you still continue your stupid entertaintment. We are so exited to know about this ....your avi is mfw reading your mariana trench IQ comment tbhtbhchudur-budur said:It's more than that, JBW is an axiom.Axiom is a fact that does not require any proof, like 1 + 3 = 4Another type of is axiom is that deathnics will always first insult their own ethnicity or other ethnics to please their white massas before daring to attack the root of all ethnic problems, ie white people who see ethnics as subhuman by default. TBH TBH.", "White makes right.", "Vorbei said:White makes right.high iq. jbw tbh. it's that simple.", "IncelDisciple said:Getting ladyboy vibes", "EyesAreSoCold said:He's not that uglymate... ", "EthnicelNL said:Thai young foid will give white truecel Blackops free sex jbwMeanwhile escortcelling paying curries are REFUSED by fat old std ridden Thai whores. Its so beyond ogre.copeHapas and Asian men get rejected too", "Wettinghose said:Hapas and Asian men get rejected tooU have experience bro?", "EthnicelNL said:U have experience bro?Yes when I try to escortcel the Thai foids will up the price but the have no problem servicing old fat white guys", "Our Messiah and saviour has betrayed us", "Wettinghose said:Yes when I try to escortcel the Thai foids will up the price but the have no problem servicing old fat white guysFUCKKK are you chinacel? or thaicel even?Here same, whores only spread cheaply for whites. We have to pay ethnictax on top ", "Wettinghose said:Yes when I try to escortcel the Thai foids will up the price but the have no problem servicing old fat white guysWhat about 5.4 brown skinned skinny guy like meAlso I have decent face and fullhead of hairs", "OEthnicelNL said:FUCKKK are you chinacel? or thaicel even?Here same, whores only spread cheaply for whites. We have to pay ethnictax on top I am a HapacelSmallframecel said:What about 5.4 brown skinned skinny guy like meAlso I have decent face and fullhead of hairsIts going to be difficult", "EyesAreSoCold said:He's not that ugly.", "Smallframecel said:What about 5.4 brown skinned skinny guy like meAlso I have decent face and fullhead of hairsThey will look at you like you are annoying them. No kisses whatsoever and while you are banging her she will stop you when you are about to blow ur load and tell you HE PAPI 25 dollar extra for CUM ok. You will be confused as fuck, your dick small again and will realise how over it is and what a big mistake u made going to such a whore.Robtical said: 80293", "EthnicelNL said:They will look at you like you are annoying them. No kisses whatsoever and while you are banging her she will stop you when you are about to blow ur load and tell you HE PAPI 25 dollar extra for CUM ok. You will be confused as fuck, your dick small again and will realise how over it is and what a big mistake u made going to such a whore.EthnicelNL said:They will look at you like you are annoying them. No kisses whatsoever and while you are banging her she will stop you when you are about to blow ur load and tell you HE PAPI 25 dollar extra for CUM ok. You will be confused as fuck, your dick small again and will realise how over it is and what a big mistake u made going to such a whore.Fuck these bitches bro may they all die", "fellofix said:I am a fucking ethnic", "SoyUnPerdedor said:tbhtbhtbh", "Nothing surprising, and before people say JBW, 3/10 curry can get that too. It's impossible to an incel in SEAAlso don't use fucking DateinAsia website, it's an obvious website for fucking golddiggers, just see how males look like there, they are all sub5 meaning SEA foids go there to find an easy betabuxx", "Smallframecel said:Fuck these bitches bro may they all diethe story with the 25 dollar extra to cum actually happened to my escortcelling cousing bro. When he told me that years ago I was like NO NEVER GOING TO A WHORE to experience that humiliation tbh.", "EthnicelNL said:the story with the 25 dollar extra to cum actually happened to my escortcelling cousing bro. When he told me that years ago I was like NO NEVER GOING TO A WHORE to experience that humiliation tbh.This is because bitches have to many rights", "chudur-budur said:It's more than that, JBW is an axiom.Axiom is a fact that does not require any proof, like 1 + 3 = 4Thanks bhai, I learned about axioms before but I forgot about it.", "chudur-budur said:It's more than that, JBW is an axiom.Axiom is a fact that does not require any proof, like 1 + 3 = 4", "Azaylias said:JFL She just wants a greencard to escape her shithole country,JBW copers need to be shotYeah, this is the case. I'm sure an American of any race (aside from maybe black) could get hella puss on those sites. They're literally made for women who want greencards lmao. blackops2cel is just as ugly as any other nonwhite incel, it's the fact that he's American that gets him pussjust be 1stworlderpill", "Azaylias said:JFL She just wants a greencard to escape her shithole country,JBW copers need to be shotMove to SE Asia and then bang. Bringing her over her means you will get mogged and she will get a green card and dump you for chad.", "The Philippines might be the last bastion of hope for sub 6 white males.", "IJustWant2Die said:Yeah, this is the case. I'm sure an American of any race (aside from maybe black) could get hella puss on those sites. They're literally made for women who want greencards lmao. blackops2cel is just as ugly as any other nonwhite incel, it's the fact that he's American that gets him pussjust be 1stworlderpillhe is 6'3, so he is not like every other incel." ]
ExperimentThe reputation of incels going from quiet nerd to possible ER is a SMV upgrade to incels
[ "hell replace that with napelon dynamite who is textbook incel and u see same resultor even a random nerdthe right one is definitely more alphaRecently there have been bunch of shooting committed by people who referenced elliot rodger and NPC news press tracked it back to us, claims that they were incels because they spoken some 'misogynist' stuff. I think this has possible effect on the SMV of incels.That nigga Nikolas Cruz definitely wasnt a slayer before his status ascension to a shooter and was likely bullied. Despite news saying that he had a ex girlfriend, its obvious that she probably abandoned him and went for some chad at her high school.just look at that jawless niggaits obvious that after NC went ER, he got a MASSIVE bonus to his SMV chris watt got love letters after he kill his wife and 2 daughters goes for ER and even Seung Hui Cho (he had a ethnic foid calling him cute but I can't search the comment anymore)", "why not ", "I agree.Thank you based ST. Holly Alek Minassian for helping us ascend", "Cope.Cho has zero female following. St. Nikolas Cruz on the other hand has a harem.", "Problem is...foids brains are so retarded that they will only start giving attention to incels after they have gone ER or CHO.ER could never get a foid to show interest in him. After he kills, foids are making adoration youtube clips for him and act like they would have gotten with him when he was still alive. Foids are so fucking retarded tbh.", "Lot of mental illness out there", "rabitter said:Cope.Cho has zero female following. St. Nikolas Cruz on the other hand has a harem.cho had done it in 2007 where things like that wasnt very common, and he didnt had enough jaw for that", "I should get a shirt like thatnatural selectionFucking awesome", "There's truth to this. A really quiet guy in my HS that everyone thought was gonna shoot up the school was practically worshipped by 'foids. He just ignored them though. Of course he was also a pretty boy though. But who knows there must be some truth to it.", "EthnicelNL said:Problem is...foids brains are so retarded that they will only start giving attention to incels after they have gone ER or CHO.", "Redpill Robert said:There's truth to this. A really quiet guy in my HS that everyone thought was gonna shoot up the school was practically worshipped by 'foids. He just ignored them though. Of course he was also a pretty boy though. But who knows there must be some truth to it.maybe effects are multipled when the person is better looking who knows damn quiet chads are slaying mad rn", "AsiaCel said: 79963Not sure. I think looks and status (as far as I see it, looks actually influence your status and probably even vice versa; looks and status are connected) largely determine whether they are upgraded as far as SMV goes. I mean, there are many mass-shooters ... what happened to that Nazi kid with the retard haircut who shot up the black church? Does he have admirers now? (Other than other Nazi incels with retard haircuts?) Elliot Rodger wasn't even that bad-looking. A bit too unmasculine/Asian but still ... and he was well-dressed, had a BMW, a family with Hollywood connections. On the other hand ... I do think that, generally speaking, women FEARING us is an upgrade to women only being crept out by us. Fear is an aphrodisiac. Biologically speaking, you need a hard cock and a soft vagina to procreate; and the (at least unconscious) willingness on part of the man to hurt the virgin a bit while deflowering her, and a willingness on the female to be hurt a little during the deflowering if necessary. If you don't have that, procreation isn't possible. (And women usually climax during rape and enjoy it.)", "Women are inherently attracted to violence and it's one quality which isn't necessarily contingent on looks.Sure, a beastly Chad will get more adoration than a true beast of nature, but the latter definitely mogs his beta looksmatch. For example, Richard Ramirez got more love letters in prison than the subhuman David Berkowitz, but the fact that David Berkowitz got love letters at all is a profound study of female nature; he got zero female attention prior to being revealed as a serial killer - when he was just an ugly, effete betamale.This closely relates to the female fetishization of rape (of being violated, if you will): females usually dream about being raped by a good-looking bad boy, but make no mistake: an incel raping them WOULD make them orgasm.Red Shambhala said:what happened to that Nazi kid with the retard haircut who shot up the black church? Does he have admirers now? (Other than other Nazi incels with retard haircuts?)I've seen a girl admiring him, but she was a rare breed of female right-winger.", "FinnCel said:I should get a shirt like thatnatural selectionFucking awesome", "EthnicelNL said:Problem is...foids brains are so retarded that they will only start giving attention to incels after they have gone ER or CHO.ER could never get a foid to show interest in him. After he kills, foids are making adoration youtube clips for him and act like they would have gotten with him when he was still alive. Foids are so fucking retarded tbh.They want to be dominated", "AsiaCel said: 79957hell replace that with napelon dynamite who is textbook incel and u see same result 79963or even a random nerd 79965the right one is definitely more alphaRecently there have been bunch of shooting committed by people who referenced elliot rodger and NPC news press tracked it back to us, claims that they were incels because they spoken some 'misogynist' stuff. I think this has possible effect on the SMV of incels.That nigga Nikolas Cruz definitely wasnt a slayer before his status ascension to a shooter and was likely bullied. Despite news saying that he had a ex girlfriend, its obvious that she probably abandoned him and went for some chad at her high school. 79958just look at that jawless nigga 79959its obvious that after NC went ER, he got a MASSIVE bonus to his SMV chris watt got love letters after he kill his wife and 2 daughters 79961 goes for ER and even Seung Hui Cho (he had a ethnic foid calling him cute but I can't search the comment anymore) 79960They clearly improved their personalities", "Just be a school shooter bro", "AsiaCel said:maybe effects are multipled when the person is better looking who knows damn quiet chads are slaying mad rnbeing laconic was always the default male state, it's only current cucked times that demand you babble constantly with uptalk", "FinnCel said:I should get a shirt like thatnatural selectionFucking awesomeThey're about £15.", "Hate_my_life said:They're about £15. to expand...They send them to europe?", "As I've said many times, it's much better to be feared than ignored/mocked.", "People start to notice and listen to our problems for once! I know going ER isn't the best thing but it does get people to hear our problems out. If only people heard us out from beginning so these kinds of attacks never happened in the first place.", "EthnicelNL said:Problem is...foids brains are so retarded that they will only start giving attention to incels after they have gone ER or CHO.I could've helped tHaT pOoR iNcelShows how dark and twisted there mind is.", "AsiaCel said:cho had done it in 2007 where things like that wasnt very common, and he didnt had enough jaw for thatThe Columbine duo still have foids drooling over their dead dicks after 20 years. Not a single obscure Tumblr has any content admiring Cho as a potential mate. JBW confirmed?", "EthnicelNL said:Problem is...foids brains are so retarded that they will only start giving attention to incels after they have gone ER or CHO.ER could never get a foid to show interest in him. After he kills, foids are making adoration youtube clips for him and act like they would have gotten with him when he was still alive. Foids are so fucking retarded tbh.Grotesque said:As I've said many times, it's much better to be feared than ignored/mocked.", "I knew this kid in high school, ngl. He made like $2000 off that video.", "Status. Attention whoring is in their dnaFoids love the edginess of being attracted to a killer. They feel safe to express their admiration for them because they don't have to worry about being cold approach by them because they are either dead or incarcerated.", "Only the people who do the shit will experience an SMV increase. Just belonging to the incel community won't give you any.", "im fine with it", "Insomniac said: 79962", "Society just wants incels to lash out in frustration more so that their preconceived notions about incels fit the reality of the situation. That's where the like and fascination from incels going ER comes from imo.", "2021 to say that nothing changed", "Not really.Potential doesn't equal real.Foids are too retarded for abstract tought. They only care about what actually happened, not about fantasies in some incels head.", "Absolutely.KingChemist said:People start to notice and listen to our problems for once! I know going ER isn't the best thing but it does get people to hear our problems out. If only people heard us out from beginning so these kinds of attacks never happened in the first place.The squeaky wheel gets the grease​", "rabitter said:Cope.Cho has zero female following. St. Nikolas Cruz on the other hand has a harem.FrereJacques said:The Columbine duo still have foids drooling over their dead dicks after 20 years. Not a single obscure Tumblr has any content admiring Cho as a potential mate. JBW confirmed?Brutal. Even in the domain of mass murder, Asian males work harder and achieve more but receive less acclaim." ]
SeriousHollowen cosplay
[ "Should i buy a dog custom ?Maybe a foid would pet or fuck me ifI look like a dog?I would prefer to go as some cool animeWorrior but dogs get all the sex withoutActually providing anything in return.They live the ultimate chad life.Dogs get JB first kisses, and virginityAnd fuck them on a daily bases.When foids have a sleepover the innocentFamily dog fucks them all as they wait in line.Also get fed, bathed, walked, patted, sllep together with the foid.A dog gets to lick all sorts of the foids body parts.Dogs get frequant hand and foot jobs.Foids are more concerned when their dog gets sick then when their husband or father dies.SoHelp me pick a good dog cosplay costum.", "tthe dogpill is getting out of handWhen foids have a sleepover the innocentFamily dog fucks them all as they wait in line. ", "Eskimocel said:tthe dogpill is getting out of handWhen foids have a sleepover the innocentFamily dog fucks them all as they wait in line. ", "Go to a furry convention", "Owls are way cooler than dogs tbh", "Furrymaxxx bro ", "Insomniac said:Owls are way cooler than dogs tbhBut white girls fuck dogs not owls", "owly said:But white girls fuck dogs not owlsit's over for owlcels ", "I'd rather be a cute catboy tbh.", "Ryo_Hazuki said:I'd rather be a cute catboy thats why u got banned" ]
VentingIve come to the conclusion that there is nothing worse than being born an ethnic man
[ "If you're white you more or less won at life, if you're a dog you can live a happy life and occasionally get human pussy. It's also easier to cope with inceldom in the case that you happen to be a neutered dog or cat. Being an animal honestly seems better, you either live to spread your genes, are left to die by your pack, or quickly eaten by something bigger. Even ethnic females have it better, ethnic foids in the west get to enjoy their lives as free whores for white men. Ethnic females in the middle east have people rally behind them so they can be shipped to the west as free whores for white men, do you think anyone cares about your average sandcel living in KSA working hard to support his family? Ethnic men are hated everywhere, even on reddit (which is very sjw) people are constantly dehumanizing us and calling for our extermination. I don't know why I haven't roped as an ethnic, jfl I'm suffering 24/7.", "Stop the race baiting br0.", "100% spot on OPwhat hope would this somalicel have in a white country????but muh BBCFOH stop watching porn JBW law is legit", "tehgymcel420 said:Ethnic females in the middle east have people rally behind them so they can be shipped to the west as free whores for white menTbh. ", "This is racebait.tehgymcel420 said:Being an animal honestly seems better, you either live to spread your genes, are left to die by your pack, or quickly eaten by something bigger.I'd have to protest the quickly bit, some animals will eat you alive and it takes awhile to die. In fact to go off on a tangent, I hate the sort of humans bad, animals good reasoning you'll see every so often from certain types of people(not that I'm claiming that's what you're doing). All life is equally disgusting and dreadful, nature worship is bullshit.", "tehgymcel420 said:Even ethnic females have it better, ethnic foids in the west get to enjoy their lives as free whores for white men. Ethnic females in the middle east have people rally behind them so they can be shipped to the west as free whores for white men, do you think anyone cares about your average sandcel living in KSA working hard to support his family? Ethnic men are hated everywhere, even on reddit (which is very sjw) people are constantly dehumanizing us and calling for our extermination. I don't know why I haven't as an ethnic, jfl I'm suffering 24/7.All very true. Westcucks wont take in people from south American shitholes fleeing MS-13 or cartels who want to flay them alive. Even in the case of murtads there are plenty of male murtads that get rejected from the West for asylum. This whore who wants to hang her tits out online, get pissed and take white loads on her ugly face has millions spent on her to welcome her into the cucked west. And you're right about liberals too. They hate ethnics. They want us dead. We're only useful for their votes so they pretend otherwise. Thats why we should celebrate the killing of all liberal cunts.", "RREEEEEEEEE said:Stop the race baiting br0.These deatnics are looking for more browniepoints from their white overlords.", "RREEEEEEEEE said:Stop the race baiting br0.", "LiterallyASoyboy said:This is racebait.Username checks out.", "SLAVICMorPheus said:brutal", "EthnicelNL said:These deatnics are looking for more browniepoints from their white overlords.@RREEEEEEEEE has taken the racepill, he agrees with my post.", "tehgymcel420 said:Username checks out.What does being a pathetic soyboy have to do with this?", "RREEEEEEEEE said:Stop the race baiting br0.He is right bro whites r either volcels or mental cels", "???What even is this thread. Nothing worse than bding born an UNATTRACTIVE ethnic man maybe. What do you think a Chaddam is? An ethnic chad women will allow themselves to be defecated on over", "Within 30 minutes period I saw two AMWF (ricecel white girl)It couldn't be that bad", "SoyUnPerdedor said:100% spot on OPwhat hope would this somalicel have in a white country???? 80192but muh BBCFOH stop watching porn JBW law is legitSomalis are huge copers, there is Somali forum that was making fun of another Somalicel that we had here.", "tehgymcel420 said:Somalis are huge copers, there is Somali forum that was making fun of another Somalicel that we had here. to expand...fuckk i used to post on that forum years ago until they banned me, i recognise none of those posters except for the OP who's pretty blackpilledbut you're right bro they're MASSIVE copers, always have been. they coped so hard until their bitches and the gay mod blackpilled their asses and they still carried on ", "SoyUnPerdedor said:tbh", "Being tall and white is irrelevant if your face is ugly.", "AsiaCel said:Within 30 minutes period I saw two AMWF (ricecel white girl)It couldn't be that badIrl or on internet?", "AsiaCel said:Within 30 minutes period I saw two AMWF (ricecel white girl)It couldn't be that badhi eurasiantyger", "EthnicelNL said:Irl or on internet?Real life. I was on doing cardio at the park and saw a ricecel about 5'8 with a white foid about 5'4Ricecel was jawless nerd. Foid was about 4/10Secondly was at the mall when I was at the shop to get a burger, that ricecel was about 6'1 tall and his white gf was full of makeup.", "AsiaCel said:Real life. I was on doing cardio at the park and saw a ricecel about 5'8 with a white foid about 5'4Ricecel was jawless nerd. Foid was about 4/10Secondly was at the mall when I was at the shop to get a burger, that ricecel was about 6'1 tall and his white gf was full of makeup.Damn nibba...and this is in Asia right? I dont understand how u guys tolerate this. In my motherland if a foid walk in street with white guy they will both be lynched on spot over for degenerate societies worldwide i guess ", "SoyUnPerdedor said:fuckk i used to post on that forum years ago until they banned me, i recognise none of those posters except for the OP who's pretty blackpilledbut you're right bro they're MASSIVE copers, always have been. they coped so hard until their bitches and the gay mod blackpilled their asses and they still carried on Egyptians are still uglier though.", "AsiaCel said:Real life. I was on doing cardio at the park and saw a ricecel about 5'8 with a white foid about 5'4Ricecel was jawless nerd. Foid was about 4/10Secondly was at the mall when I was at the shop to get a burger, that ricecel was about 6'1 tall and his white gf was full of makeup.Huh wait u said u r in asia what is white foid doing there ", "EthnicelNL said:Damn nibba...and this is in Asia right? I dont understand how u guys tolerate this. In my motherland if a foid walk in street with white guy they will both be lynched on spot over for degenerate societies worldwide i guess AMWF are often tolerances because it's very rare, WMAF isn't that common and most WMAF pairings are middle ages so no one cares enough for that.And yes it's in Asia.", "tehgymcel420 said:Egyptians are still uglier though.cope, sisi mogs the living hell out of our president", "EthnicelNL said:Huh wait u said u r in asia what is white foid doing there I assume most white foids here are tourists or locally born international school students.", "AsiaCel said:I assume most white foids here are tourists or locally born international school students.Well good for shud lifefuel tbh white foids + ethnic is rare af", "EthnicelNL said:Well good for shud lifefuel tbh white foids + ethnic is rare afwhite foid hispanic man is very popular in USA", "SoyUnPerdedor said:cope, sisi mogs the living hell out of our president 80229He does not.", "SoyUnPerdedor said:white foid hispanic man is very popular in USAYeh but america all low iq white foids go with tyrone or latino chad. Low iq foids only care abt thugmaxxing", "tehgymcel420 said:He does not.maybe...but sisi definitely racemogs himEthnicelNL said:Yeh but america all low iq white foids go with tyrone or latino chad. Low iq foids only care abt thugmaxxingthey usually get the white foid hooked on drugs and make her fuck them for drugs instead of payingdrugmaxxing is legit", "SoyUnPerdedor said:maybe...but sisi definitely racemogs himBoth manlets.", "Well said OP. you just spreaded the truth tbh..", "Just remember, all races and racist to some extent.", "EthnicelNL said:Damn nibba...and this is in Asia right? I dont understand how u guys tolerate this. In my motherland if a foid walk in street with white guy they will both be lynched on spot over for degenerate societies worldwide i guess How do you know they aren't just friends?", "SlayerSlayer said:How do you know they aren't just friends?Doesnt matter tbh. Foid on street with any with guy HAVE to be married to him or family, otherwise its also shameful and lynchable.In china they are becoming too free and openminded with this shit tbh.", "Twisted said:Being born autistic is worse.100%.JFL at NT ethnics complaining.", "The title should be like this:I've come to the conclusion that there is nothing worse than being born an *ugly ethnic manGood looking ethnics are living life on God mode.", "EthnicelNL said:These deatnics are looking for more browniepoints from their white overlords.Tbh, but then again you know how there are tons of self-hating deathnik whores. And us ethnic men have to accept this reality. SoyUnPerdedor said:Teehee. tehgymcel420 said:@RREEEEEEEEE has taken the racepill, he agrees with my post.I do agree for the most part but I got a warning for race baiting so I was being sarcastic with my original post. Smallframecel said:He is right bro whites r either volcels or mental celsTbhtbh. I was being sarcastic, I got a warning for race baiting before this thread, lol.", "Being a non wasp white is probably worse, women and cucks still talk about wanting you dead, how youre privileged how you have it easy but because your a sub3 non WASP white none of that is true, you get all the shit for being white with 0 benefits, at least when youre ethnic you can own being a shitskin, non white wasps are shun by everyone", "Total Imbecile said:at least when youre ethnic you can own being a shitskinHow? What advantages are there to being a sand nigger?", "Total Imbecile said:Being a non wasp white is probably worse, women and cucks still talk about wanting you dead, how youre privileged how you have it easy but because your a sub3 non WASP white none of that is true, you get all the shit for being white with 0 benefits, at least when youre ethnic you can own being a shitskin, non white wasps are shun by everyoneVery legit.", "Ethnics on suiwatch", "tehgymcel420 said:How? What advantages are there to being a sand nigger?-being on welfare, having a criminal record and being a misogynist are all perfectly acceptable things-people are careful around you not to offend you -people still assume youre disadvantagedAlso its not so much that there are advantages to being ethnic as much as there are more disadvantages to being a non wasp white guyIt sucks to be ethnic, it sucks more to be a non wasp white uggo", "Total Imbecile said:being on welfareI'm not on welfare.Total Imbecile said:having a criminal record and being a misogynist are all perfectly acceptable thingsIt's not, at least not where I live.Total Imbecile said:people are careful around you not to offend youNo, people are openly racist to us.Total Imbecile said:people still assume youre disadvantagedWe are.Total Imbecile said:Also its not so much that there are advantages to being ethnic as much as there are more disadvantages to being a non wasp white guyAt least you're not short, dark, and hideous.Michael15651 said:Ethnics on suiwatchAlways.", "Azaylias said:when will you learn that chad has no race, it doesnt matter what colour you are if youre ugly youre ugly. its over", "Who gives a fuck? If you are ugly you are ugly end of. JBW only applies to SEA theory and nothing else.", "tehgymcel420 said:If you're white you more or less won at life, if you're a dog you can live a happy life and occasionally get human pussy. It's also easier to cope with inceldom in the case that you happen to be a neutered dog or cat. Being an animal honestly seems better, you either live to spread your genes, are left to die by your pack, or quickly eaten by something bigger. Even ethnic females have it better, ethnic foids in the west get to enjoy their lives as free whores for white men. Ethnic females in the middle east have people rally behind them so they can be shipped to the west as free whores for white men, do you think anyone cares about your average sandcel living in KSA working hard to support his family? Ethnic men are hated everywhere, even on reddit (which is very sjw) people are constantly dehumanizing us and calling for our extermination. I don't know why I haven't roped as an ethnic, jfl I'm suffering 24/7.there is, being born a manlet. I'd rather be ethnic than a manlet lol", "grayjedi90 said:there is, being born a manlet. I'd rather be ethnic than a manlet lolMost ethnics are manlets too.", "Eskimocel said:Who gives a fuck? If you are ugly you are ugly end of. JBW only applies to SEA theory and nothing else.Don't underestimate the power of.White skinn", "Smallframecel said:Don't underestimate the power of.White skinnJust be white theory is legit.", "It's hell being an ethnic." ]
Blackpill[Snakepill] You cant compete against this!
[ "According to the site Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) are among the most common type, so that's use this.WEIGHTAccording to the reddit thread, the human penis weighs about 28g**** 1 ounce = 1 pound/16 = 453.59/16 = 28.35 gramsNow the average Garter Snake weighs 150g150g vs 28gWow!SIZEAccording to a study analysisng 17 studies, the average men in Britain have a erect size of 5.21 inch and girth being 4.59 of 17 studies involving more than 15,500 men revealed that the average length of an erect penis is 5.16 inches (13.12 centimetres) and 3.6 inches (9.16cm) when flaccid.The average Garter snake is 21 inches+No data on the average girth of these snakes, but it's pretty bigFLEXIBILITYYour penis needs to be 8+ inch to fully satisfy a female with her A spot (very deep, located around the cervix), G spot, and clit. Most snakes are longer than the average 5 inches penis, not to mention they are highly flexbility and can move around to satisfy a female to make up for their lack of girth (small snakes)So how can YOU compete with this?", "Naked whores having sex with python is a classical theme in art.Spoiler: nsfwSpoiler: nsfwSpoiler: nsfwAnd octopuses too, they are called tentacle erotica, it's ancient Japanese art form.Spoiler: nsfwSpoiler: nsfwSpoiler: nsfw (cracker whore) have inherently strong attraction towards hard, cylindrical slithery moving objects.", "Foids literally fuck everything except us", "This is more retarded than the dogpill spam. Snakes can't get erect, they're permanently flaccid. How would fucking one even work?", "Bazinga said:This is more retarded than the dogpill spam.massive cope", "Its over mammalian cels", "over", "It's over, jfl at not being an animal.", "lifeisbullshit95 said:overtehgymcel420 said:It's over, jfl at not being an animal.", "Bazinga said:This is more retarded than the dogpill spam. Snakes can't get erect, they're permanently flaccid. How would fucking one even work?low iq", "The snakepill asphyxiated me", "Cuyen said:Foids literally fuck everything except us", "Eh not reading the whole thing but the human body’s density is almost identical to that of water. An average 6x5 dick is ~200cc’s and thus 200 grams.. not 28..", "Cuyen said:Foids literally fuck everything except us", "Snakes are at the top of the food chain and top of girls hearts they will literally adopt other pets just to murder them to feed to the snakeYour browser is not able to display this video.", "Deleted member 1060 said:Naked whores having sex with python is a classical theme in art.Spoiler: nsfwSpoiler: nsfwSpoiler: nsfwAnd octopuses too, they are called tentacle erotica, it's ancient Japanese art form.Spoiler: nsfwSpoiler: nsfwSpoiler: nsfw (cracker whore) have inherently strong attraction towards hard, cylindrical slithery moving objects.That's because snakes are culturally represented as evil and sinful so its like a play on themes it doesn't really have much to do with bestiality." ]
SeriousAutism is a genuine death sentence.
[ "There is no cure.There is no getting over itThere is no just hit the gym/hit a shower We autists are fucked from birth. Even a decent looking autist is fucked because we're aliens and not really human.I really just feel lost. I dont relate to other humans. I feel like I'm my own species or something.The worst feeling is when people say but you seem so normal when we talk TEEHEE TALK TO ME IRL. I HAVE THE SOCIAL ABILITIES OF A VEGTABLE. NO WOMEN WONT LIKE ME IF I WORK OUT (IVE DONE IT)NO WOMEN WONT LIKE ME IF I FASHIONMAXX (IVE DONE IT)NO WOMEN WONT LIKE ME IF I SHOWERMAX (IVE DONE IT)If you're not autistic then you still have a CHANCENot a big chance but if you're autistic its supremely over. Now add on being a manlet/ugly/NEETMy life pretty much accumulates to a massive joke.", "Just don't have autism bruh", "EthnicelNL said:Just don't have autism bruhJust be NT theory", "NEETAndTidy said:Just be NT theoryU go to shrink and shiet? Mental health industry is all bullshit tbh", "EthnicelNL said:U go to shrink and shiet? Mental health industry is all bullshit tbhI see a psychiatrist for meds and a therapist to help with my autism/talk about my life with", "Did you go to autism school like I did?", "Autism is the invisible handicap.The brain is defective. Suicide rates in autism spectrum disorders are high for a reason..", "NEETAndTidy said:I see a psychiatrist for meds and a therapist to help with my autism/talk about my life withDid it help you? I think no incel feels connected to this world but not all incels are autisticAnonymous26 said:Did you go to autism school like I did?Did u ride the little bus bro?", "It pisses me off when a fucking normie says something like Oh go hit the gym and work on your social skills dood.How? how does one fight genetics and come out on top like these fucking cunts think? I can't even talk to people at my church and spend most of the time sitting in the corner on my phone. Normies need to live life as an autist and see how its really like.", "Anonymous26 said:Did you go to autism school like I did?No didnt get diagnosed until I was 18.gnomen1 said:Autism is the invisible handicap.The brain is defective. Suicide rates in autism spectrum disorders are high for a reason..Tbh.EthnicelNL said:Did it help you? I think no incel feels connected to this world but not all incels are autisticDid u ride the little bus bro?The meds kinda help but they're mostly for anxiety/depression and insomnia", "SlayaCaleb88 said:I can't even talk to people at my church and spend most of the time sitting in the corner on my phoneWhy u going church man its a mega cope", "EthnicelNL said:Why u going church man its a mega copeTbh", "autism can break chad tbh unless chad is autistic for sports or lifting", "I have never attempt to get tested because I am terrified of being diagnosed with it, meaning it will be well and truly over.", "ManletHalfCurry said:I have never attempt to get tested because I am terrified of being diagnosed with it, meaning it will be well and truly over.I went to get tested when I was 18. It's a heartbreaking diagnosisSoyUnPerdedor said:autism can break chad tbh unless chad is autistic for sports or liftingAutism can only break Chad if hes pretty damn autistic", "EthnicelNL said:Why u going church man its a mega copeI go to Church just to get outta the house, I like it when they have their dinner nights where they go to restaurant or the movies or something like that. I also go so I have something to do on New Years, I just go there for the free food and to get outta the house.", "SlayaCaleb88 said:I go to Church just to get outta the house, I like it when they have their dinner nights where they go to restaurant or the movies or something like that. I also go so I have something to do on New Years, I just go there for the free food and to get outta the house.You can get the same experience without church.Godfag tbh", "I don´t want to be tested, but I know I´m somewhere on the spectrum. It made me sad reading about aspies in denial who develop narcissism to protect themselves from NT people. I think many PUA´s are aspies.", "gnomen1 said:I don´t want to be tested, but I know I´m somewhere on the spectrum.It made me sad reading about aspies in denial who develop narcissism to protect themselves from NT people. I think many PUA´s are aspies.I would agree tons of PUAs are on the spectrum", "SlayaCaleb88 said:I go to Church just to get outta the house, I like it when they have their dinner nights where they go to restaurant or the movies or something like that. I also go so I have something to do on New Years, I just go there for the free food and to get outta the house.Sounds good tbh. Dont be retard next time sit on phone in corner..just socialize. Churchpeople are usually nice tbh", "There should be surgery to eliminate Autism", "Michael15651 said:There should be surgery to eliminate AutismIt's called physician assisted suicide", "EthnicelNL said:Sounds good tbh. Dont be retard next time sit on phone in corner..just socialize. Churchpeople are usually nice tbhI can never bring anything to my mind to talk to them about. It's autism dude.", "SlayaCaleb88 said:I can never bring anything to my mind to talk to them about.What about god and jesus? Damn nibba use u r brains they give u a whole fucking book to talk about dont they ", "EthnicelNL said:What about god and jesus? Damn nibba use u r brains they give u a whole fucking book to talk about dont they I have anxiety talking to people as well, whenever I do get into a conversation I get tense.", "SlayaCaleb88 said:I have anxiety talking to people as well, whenever I do get into a conversation I get tense.Its typical autism", "Just show off your shoe-game tbhFemoids love some nice kicks", "LDARBuddah said:Just show off your shoe-game tbhFemoids love some nice kicks 80238I usually wear my boots", "TrueWhen the gov't gives autists living expenses forever, I think that's proof it's a genuine death sentence.", "NEETAndTidy said:There is no cure.There is no getting over itThere is no just hit the gym/hit a showerWe autists are fucked from birth. Even a decent looking autist is fucked because we're aliens and not really human.I really just feel lost. I dont relate to other humans.I feel like I'm my own species or something.The worst feeling is when people say but you seem so normal when we talk TEEHEE TALK TO ME IRL. I HAVE THE SOCIAL ABILITIES OF A VEGTABLE.NO WOMEN WONT LIKE ME IF I WORK OUT (IVE DONE IT)NO WOMEN WONT LIKE ME IF I FASHIONMAXX (IVE DONE IT)NO WOMEN WONT LIKE ME IF I SHOWERMAX (IVE DONE IT)If you're not autistic then you still have a CHANCENot a big chance but if you're autistic its supremely over.Now add on being a manlet/ugly/NEETMy life pretty much accumulates to a massive joke.High iq", "Grotesque said:TrueWhen the gov't gives autists living expenses forever, I think that's proof it's a genuine death sentence.Exactly. Even they know it never began for autists.", "Autistic Chads still receive compliments and IOIs daily. This is coming from a sperg.", "Autism probably won’t make you any less desirable to women in today’s tinder age but it definitely sucks in every other aspect. As masteryoda said “there is no such thing as a bad boy behaviour/expression”.That being said I can’t travel, live on my own or make cool friends all because of autism. If I was NT I’d be able to form social connections and move to SE Asia. I then could use my whiteness to get a 5.5/10 Viet girl. However I’m stuck with shitty jobs, nothing to do on my days off and unable to live on my own", "I´m not talking about very mild forms of autism. Autism can be masked in such individuals and they are not incel. But when your non-verbal communication is totally defective, that will ruin absolutely everything.Just observe the typical PUA-students. Grown up men listening to neurotypicals who coach them about social behavior and interactions in the only language they can understand. Verbal binary language. Neurotypicals learned all this intuitively in primary school. Then these autists will run after foids and use suprise and shock to help mask their lack of social skills. And some will be picked up by the police. Autism is massively under-diagnosed.", "Not really.Looks are everything,if you have looks it doesn't matter how autistic you are", "Cuyen said:Not really.Looks are everything,if you have looks it doesn't matter how autistic you are", "NEETAndTidy said:See,he is not chad", "Cuyen said:See,he is not chadIf Chad acted like that hes be on low tier normie tier at best", "Have you heard the just start a relationship with an autistic girl?Why not? How about...1) Guys will date autists no problem. IE: an autistic girl doesn't have to stoop to dating a fellow autist.2) There are far FAR less female autists than male. I don't know why, but them's the statistics!Furthermore, looks matter more than personality. I remember a Louis CK bit - he's a bald, fat, ginger so women aren't attracted to him. Every time he pursues a woman it's always him trying to convince them to overlook his appearance and talk her into bed (or it was before he was famous).So what's easier, becoming a super charismatic ugly guy, or becoming an autistic handsome guy? Answer: they're both impossible.NEETAndTidy said:NO WOMEN WONT LIKE ME IF I SHOWERMAX (IVE DONE IT).Haha, what does showermaxxing entail?", "NEETAndTidy said:There is no cure.There is no getting over itThere is no just hit the gym/hit a showerWe autists are fucked from birth. Even a decent looking autist is fucked because we're aliens and not really human.I really just feel lost. I dont relate to other humans.I feel like I'm my own species or something.The worst feeling is when people say but you seem so normal when we talk TEEHEE TALK TO ME IRL. I HAVE THE SOCIAL ABILITIES OF A VEGTABLE.NO WOMEN WONT LIKE ME IF I WORK OUT (IVE DONE IT)NO WOMEN WONT LIKE ME IF I FASHIONMAXX (IVE DONE IT)NO WOMEN WONT LIKE ME IF I SHOWERMAX (IVE DONE IT)If you're not autistic then you still have a CHANCENot a big chance but if you're autistic its supremely over.Now add on being a manlet/ugly/NEETMy life pretty much accumulates to a massive joke.But what is origine of autism...Ugly people in order to survive have to become autisstsUgliness is the bigest problem.All the rest of problems just cinsequences of it.", "Nothingness said:But what is origine of autism...Ugly people in order to survive have to become autisstsUgliness is the bigest problem.All the rest of problems just cinsequences of it.Autism has existed for a long time. It wasn't recognized until recently", "NEETAndTidy said:Autism has existed for a long time. It wasn't recognized until recentlySo what... I did not contradict myself.", "It really is bro. There is no chance I will ever find love or sex. I’m simply too autistic.I’ve come to accept my autism over the years though. I can’t change it so why bother getting angry about it?", "Nothingness said:So what... I did not contradict myself.Wasnt contridicting myselfInsomniac said:It really is bro. There is no chance I will ever find love or sex. I’m simply too autistic.I’ve come to accept my autism over the years though. I can’t change it so why bother getting angry about it?Theres no reason to be angry. We are justified", "NEETAndTidy said:Wasnt contridicting myselfTheres no reason to be angry. We are justified??? Wtf", "Nothingness said:??? Wtf?", "So true. Am a 31yo, autistic manlet, ugly, NEET. I have everything maxxed all my life to no avail. I'm even an outcast here and amongst other autists.", "Azaylias said:just get a down syndrome gf bro, she wont even notice ur autism broLike this? ", "ImpureIncel said:I'm even an outcast here and amongst other autists.Brutal", "Even worse is having a rare as fuck disorder no one knows about, but it's not that bad so you can still be expected to wagecuck and not get any government money and still being lonely as the disorder pretty much kills your SMV faster than an Arab kills himself with a bomb.", "lol fashionmaxxed. v0gue strike a p0se", "I read somewhere that like 90% of autists are virgins. It's truly over for autistcels", "It's definitely fucking over. I wish I got proper autismbux in my country so I could LDAR forever.", "r9kcel said:I read somewhere that like 90% of autists are virgins. It's truly over for autistcelsIt’s even worse than that bro..", "NEETAndTidy said:I went to get tested when I was 18.It's a heartbreaking diagnosisAutism can only break Chad if hes pretty damn autisticdo you think autism diagnoses are bs?", "NEETAndTidy said:Autism can only break Chad if hes pretty damn autisticIt's incredible but true. I know some quite autistic guy who is legit 7,5/10 AT LEAST and women treat him either like absolute shit or like a retarded puppy. I can't believe it myself man, he even mogs average Chads.", "This thread legit made me cry.Autism is no joke, lads.For the normalshits that want to ban incel boards, please fucking die. This is the only place where I can relate to anyone.Indari said:do you think autism diagnoses are bs?No, at least with mine. I know most think you can fake having mental conditions like this, but there was no way you could have with the process I did.", "At least autistic males pass the looks threshold. I don't get that far.", "Grotesque said:This thread legit made me cry.LowT", "NEETAndTidy said:No didnt get diagnosed until I was 18.What happens if you get diagnosed with autism? And who does the diagnosis? Some therapists who then suggests ... meds and therapy, I guess?Grotesque said:No, at least with mine. I know most think you can fake having mental conditions like this, but there was no way you could have with the process I did.How exactly did this process leading up to the diagnosis look like?=", "RREEEEEEEEE said:At least autistic males pass the looks threshold. I don't get that far.I don't get why a lot of people think that to have autism you have to be good looking.", "Darth Cialis said:I don't get why a lot of people think that to have autism you have to be good looking.Passing the looks threshold means you're at least average.", "RREEEEEEEEE said:Passing the looks threshold means you're at least average.Autism takes away 2 points at least of your overall SMV I think. But not all kinds of autism are bound to damage your love life I think.", "Red Shambhala said:How exactly did this process leading up to the diagnosis look like?=I'm a poor example since I was diagnosed at 36... I was so old that I needed a suicide attempt, a month in a psych ward, and charges pressed against me by my therapist to even have a diagnosis.I assume it's much easier if it's diagnosed at birth and your parents aren't retards that think DERRR HE'S JUST NOT TRYING", "Darth Cialis said:I don't get why a lot of people think that to have autism you have to be good looking.Autism and aspergers have been romanticized by Hollywood. The crazy genius - according to that romantic view - is always a bit mental, always has a slight form of aspergers or something. Which is probably part of hte reason why people are skeptical when someone says they have autism. (And rightfully don'T care much about self-diagnosed autists).", "Red Shambhala said:Autism and aspergers have been romanticized by Hollywood. The crazy genius - according to that romantic view - is always a bit mental, always has a slight form of aspergers or something. Which is probably part of hte reason why people are skeptical when someone says they have autism. (And rightfully don'T care much about self-diagnosed autists).Yes they think we are all some kind of rainmen.", "More people should start reading about high functioning autism. I did, and self-diagnosis was easy. Everything made sense. Doctors knows very little, they just give pep-talks and pills. And as others have said, bad genes comes in packages. The anterior brain and face develop in intimate proximity in fetal life. The forebrain and face shares the same genes. Given the clear evidence that the embryological face and anterior brain emerge and develop in exquisite intimacy [16,17], facial phenotypes can serve as accessible and informative indices of brain phenotypes in neurodevelopmental disorders. The phrase, The face predicts the brain [15], has been employed frequently to explain developmental disorders such as holoprosencephaly. Thus changes to the developing brain may be reflected in the face [15-17]. say: The Eyes are the windows to the soul. And when people see me they always ask me if I´m ok, even when I just sit and chill. Incels say: Face>everyting. Both are right. But technically the upper face and eyes are really the window to the brain. Add that to all the other general health issues and diseases a fucked up face signals.", "Autism is cope for having an ugly face and being socially retarded", "Darth Cialis said:Autism takes away 2 points at least of your overall SMV I think. But not all kinds of autism are bound to damage your love life I think.Still you pass the looks threshold though. Truecels like me don't enjoy that privilege.", "RREEEEEEEEE said:Still you pass the looks threshold though. Truecels like me don't enjoy that privilege.Useless if you can't make anything out of it. Besides one can be ugly and autistic obviously.", "Darth Cialis said:Useless if you can't make anything out of it. Besides one can be ugly and autistic obviously.Most users here aren't ugly, I'm excluding the OP. It's not useless because at least you know you aren't ugly. I'd rather be an autistic 4.5/10 than a 2/10 truecel.", "RREEEEEEEEE said:Most users here aren't ugly, I'm excluding the OP. It's not useless because at least you know you aren't ugly. I'd rather be an autistic 4.5/10 than a 2/10 truecel.I'd prefer the NT truecel perhaps because I would be able to interact with people, have friends and function properly.", "Neurotypicals will never understand. They need someone to hate, and since homosexuals and pedos are getting accepted, autists are the only ones left at the bottom.", "Darth Cialis said:I'd prefer the NT truecel perhaps because I would be able to interact with people, have friends and function properly.So you'd rather be lonely than have a landwhale as your wife?", "RREEEEEEEEE said:So you'd rather be lonely than have a landwhale as your wife?Don't take it for granted that you could get a landwhale to boss you around as your girlfriend. Perhaps if your autism is not too bad.", "RREEEEEEEEE said:I'd rather be an autistic 4.5/10 than a 2/10 truecel.Both are terrible but I’d trade my 4.5 for a 2 if I could get rid of my autism tbh.", "Darth Cialis said:Don't take it for granted that you could get a landwhale to boss you around as your girlfriend. Perhaps if your autism is not too bad.Insomniac said:Both are terrible but I’d trade my 4.5 for a 2 if I could get rid of my autism tbh.Fuaaark I suppose we all want what we can't have.", "Ugly foids will bang a truecel long before she touches a mentalcel with autism.", "NEETAndTidy said:There is no cure.There is no getting over itThere is no just hit the gym/hit a showerWe autists are fucked from birth. Even a decent looking autist is fucked because we're aliens and not really human.I really just feel lost. I dont relate to other humans.I feel like I'm my own species or something.The worst feeling is when people say but you seem so normal when we talk TEEHEE TALK TO ME IRL. I HAVE THE SOCIAL ABILITIES OF A VEGTABLE.NO WOMEN WONT LIKE ME IF I WORK OUT (IVE DONE IT)NO WOMEN WONT LIKE ME IF I FASHIONMAXX (IVE DONE IT)NO WOMEN WONT LIKE ME IF I SHOWERMAX (IVE DONE IT)If you're not autistic then you still have a CHANCENot a big chance but if you're autistic its supremely over.Now add on being a manlet/ugly/NEETMy life pretty much accumulates to a massive joke.just embrace it OPteeeheee", "I feel you bro", "gnomen1 said:Autism is the invisible handicap.The brain is defective. Suicide rates in autism spectrum disorders are high for a reason..gnomen1 said:Ugly foids will bang a truecel long before she touches a mentalcel with autism.", "ordinaryotaku said:Autistic Chads still receive compliments and IOIs daily.This is coming from a sperg.He will still be severely handicapped compared to a NT chad", "gnomen1 said:Ugly foids will bang a truecel long before she touches a mentalcel with autism.They would fuck a dog with rabies before either.", "I tried to get my doctor to diagnose me with autism and the guy wouldn't even fill out the forms to get me tested for autism. I'm in Cucknada so any tips on how to get diagnosed officially for disability would be great.", "Have you tried increasing your shower intake?", "Didn't this guy fuck a tranny?", "You need to make use of your autistic traits and isolate from clownworld basically", "Grotesque said:This thread legit made me cry.Autism is no joke, lads.For the normalshits that want to ban incel boards, please fucking die. This is the only place where I can relate to anyone.No, at least with mine. I know most think you can fake having mental conditions like this, but there was no way you could have with the process I did.Even he ascended or why is he banned?NEETAndTidy said:There is no cure.There is no getting over itThere is no just hit the gym/hit a showerWe autists are fucked from birth. Even a decent looking autist is fucked because we're aliens and not really human.I really just feel lost. I dont relate to other humans.I feel like I'm my own species or something.The worst feeling is when people say but you seem so normal when we talk TEEHEE TALK TO ME IRL. I HAVE THE SOCIAL ABILITIES OF A VEGTABLE.NO WOMEN WONT LIKE ME IF I WORK OUT (IVE DONE IT)NO WOMEN WONT LIKE ME IF I FASHIONMAXX (IVE DONE IT)NO WOMEN WONT LIKE ME IF I SHOWERMAX (IVE DONE IT)If you're not autistic then you still have a CHANCENot a big chance but if you're autistic its supremely over.Now add on being a manlet/ugly/NEETMy life pretty much accumulates to a massive joke.Banned, so even this person ascended or was a fakecel?!", "AutisticMonstrosity said:Even he ascended or why is he banned?Banned, so even this person ascended or was a fakecel?!He fucked a tranny as far I know.", "AutisticMonstrosity said:Even he ascended or why is he banned?Banned, so even this person ascended or was a fakecel?!He got banned for being a faggot who has sex with trannies", "RemoveNormalfags said:He fucked a tranny as far I know.Which one? What about the other then?Colvin76 said:He got banned for being a faggot who has sex with tranniesWhich one? What about the other then?", "its ", "EthnicelNL said:Mental health industry is all bullshit tbh" ]
SeriousAm I the only one here building his own fantasy worlds?
[ "Be it about a fake girlfriend or an actual story. Lately I've been developing my own fantasy world consisting of a main character(which is chad of course) and his life in a world with, well, supernatural beings. I find it very fun at times, but sadly it's also mandatory as far as the emotional coping goes. I mainly use it to add flavor to my insipid experiences, say if I lay on a couch I visualize me' own girlfriend laying next to me as well. I do a lot, too much actually.It's how I cope and regain control over my own failed life.", "I do something similar. Despite not playing D&D anymore I have been crafting a world in my mind for the past 4 or 5 years. It would make a hell of a campaign. Imagination is a nice cope", "AntiPain said:Be it about a fake girlfriend or an actual story. Lately I've been developing my own fantasy world consisting of a main character(which is chad of course) and his life in a world with, well, supernatural beings. I find it very fun at times, but sadly it's also mandatory as far as the emotional coping goes.I mainly use it to add flavor to my insipid experiences, say if I lay on a couch I visualize me' own girlfriend laying next to me as well. I do a lot, too much actually.It's how I cope and regain control over my own failed life.Maybe you should write a book bro", "Parrtlord said:Maybe you should write a book broIt's not vivid enough and I lack other skills required for writing though I have considered doing this....", "I sure as hell don't. I'd like to stay non-deluded as possible. This is how schizophrenia starts.", "I need drugs to be that creative tbh.", "Sounds like schizophrenia. I´m actually glad I can´t fantasize like that.", "I write mainly about a world that would fix this corrupt system if that counts", "Physical pain as deprived me of all my magic powers. DnDcelling when @NEETAndTidy @Jazavac @Clock Tower", "I can create relatively elaborate images, but not stories. Unfortunately the ability to conjure up a landscape with my own mind, doesn't necessarily translate to being able to recreate it on a piece of paper.", "Gyros_Pretcel said:Physical pain as deprived me of all my magic powers. DnDcelling when @NEETAndTidy @Jazavac @Clock TowerI'd love to play with you guys online", "RREEEEEEEEE said:I sure as hell don't. I'd like to stay non-deluded as possible. This is how schizophrenia starts.tbh", "Only with drugs tbh. When im sober I just stare in front of me like zombie.", "Gyros_Pretcel said:Physical pain as deprived me of all my magic powers. DnDcelling when @NEETAndTidy @Jazavac @Clock TowerWe all live kinda far, I hope it's playable online.", "gnomen1 said:Sounds like schizophrenia. I´m actually glad I can´t fantasize like that.Insomniac said:I need drugs to be that creative tbh.EthnicelNL said:Only with drugs tbh. When im sober I just stare in front of me like zombie.What? I don't understand, you can't fantasize? I'm really not visual at all and I'm still able to do that. It doesn't feel vivid at all but I still can and that's coming from a visually retarded person. How come you can't?LiterallyASoyboy said:I can create relatively elaborate images, but not stories. Unfortunately the ability to conjure up a landscape with my own mind, doesn't necessarily translate to being able to recreate it on a piece of paper.So you can create vivid and accurate images in your head but not describe it in text or you're just unable to make a book out of it?Because a book requires more than just writing skills.", "AntiPain said:So you can create vivid and accurate images in your head but not describe it in text or you're just unable to make a book out of it?Because a book requires more than just writing skills.Just unable to do anything with it, I have neither the writing skills nor the creativity to link events/people/places together.", "I have a fantasy world where devil fruits from one piece exist. Whenever I listen to music or drive I start zoning out into this world. I've been fantasizing about this world since middle school in 2007.", "RREEEEEEEEE said:I sure as hell don't. I'd like to stay non-deluded as possible. This is how schizophrenia starts.", "Maladaptive Daydreaming: is a disordered form of dissociative absorption associated with vivid and excessive fantasy activity that often involves elaborate and fanciful scenarios. It can result in distress, can replace human interaction and may interfere with normal functioning such as social life or work Symptoms:extremely vivid daydreams with their own characters, settings, plots, and other detailed, story-like featuresdaydreams triggered by real-life eventsdifficulty completing everyday tasksdifficulty sleeping at nightan overwhelming desire to continue daydreamingperforming repetitive movements while daydreamingmaking facial expressions while daydreamingwhispering and talking while daydreamingdaydreaming for lengthy periods (many minutes to hours)I had this throughout high school. My mind creates scenarios of me and my imaginative girlfriend (or a oneitis). I also used to fantasize about being the lovable class clown, the kid that everyone wants to be around.", "AntiPain said:What? I don't understand, you can't fantasize? I'm really not visual at all and I'm still able to do that. It doesn't feel vivid at all but I still can and that's coming from a visually retarded person. How come you can't?I´m not smart or creative. My back hurts more or less constantly. Fantasizing or creating other realities is something that never crossed my mind.", "Yeah I've been doing this since I was in High School and I'm still doing it to this day. It has changed over the course of years. But I have built something monumental inside my mind that it would be a TV series or an extremely long webcomic. In any case, imagination is a great cope for me. I combine that with the appropriate music and man I'm lost in my world. I could get lost for hours and hours. I even used my imaginary world to REALLY help pass the time when I was employed at my last two jobs. Imaginationmaxxing is invigorating. ", "Maladaptive Daydreaming is one of my favorite copes.", "I used to have a go to fantasy world every night before I went to sleep. I don't fall asleep very quickly so I would usually fantasize for about an hour minimum before sleep every night. A lot of the times I would incorporate the most recently watched sci-fi movies, and re-create them to suit my ever expanding world. This went on for 15 years? I don't do that any more.", "I've been building a fantasy world since I was 10", "I have a fantasy world. In that world im a general of a army ordering attacks on normie places like isla vista", "I do it sometimes. Had some pretty good world planned out and wanted to start writing but never didNEETAndTidy said:I do something similar. Despite not playing D&D anymore I have been crafting a world in my mind for the past 4 or 5 years. It would make a hell of a campaign.Imagination is a nice copeI would love to play d&d sometimes, it sounds like an awesome game but I got no friends that would want to play nor equipment ", "First loss said:I do it sometimes. Had some pretty good world planned out and wanted to start writing but never didI would love to play d&d sometimes, it sounds like an awesome game but I got no friends that would want to play nor equipment You only need dice and a pencil.But there are ways to play online with friends. We could have an incel D&D group.", "NEETAndTidy said:You only need dice and a pencil.But there are ways to play online with friends.We could have an incel D&D group.Wait wut you don't need those figures or setting or anything? That would be cool tbh", "First loss said:Wait wut you don't need those figures or setting or anything? That would be cool tbhNah they just make it easier so you can see it all. You can just draw tiles and use coins or something instead of miniatures. I can look into this and see if itll be possible to run a game from my phone.Otherwise once I get a computer I'll happily start a group", "NEETAndTidy said:Nah they just make it easier so you can see it all. You can just draw tiles and use coins or something instead of miniatures.I can look into this and see if itll be possible to run a game from my phone.Otherwise once I get a computer I'll happily start a groupThere used to be a program of some sort where you had a chatroom and a simulation of a table or something and people could play that way.", "First loss said:There used to be a program of some sort where you had a chatroom and a simulation of a table or something and people could play that way.Yeah it's called roll20 I think", "I don’t have any worlds, but I do daydream. Daydreaming while listening to music really enriches the experience, like in those moments the emotion that I get from it is so powerful that I will clench my fists. But when I’m not listening to any music, usually I will just daydream about killing people or myself in creative ways. I’m not even a violent or vengeful person, so I’m not sure why I do this.", "Same I have created my own fantasy world in my head as well its kinda like the anime yu yu hakusho and tokyo ghoul and I of course am the main character where I have a gf ( which is my current oneitis) that I love and have to protect from evil and basically how I would want my life to be. Day dreaming is honestly one of the best copes to inceldom.", "Nope. I've been doing it forever", "gnomen1 said:Sounds like schizophrenia. I´m actually glad I can´t fantasize like that.Do you think that sanity is better?I myself dont do that. Because i have no any desires anymore. I like to dwell in depression horror and decay. Even agony i greet.Have no even slightest wish for happiness.Pain agony depression is all i need.Nothingness said:Do you think that sanity is better?I myself dont do that tho. No dreams. Because i have no any desires anymore. I like to dwell in depression horror and decay. Even agony i greet.Have no even slightest wish for happiness.Pain agony depression is all i need.", "I have an idea for a dictatorship like Authoritarian based society in the future. I plan to either use the idea for a game, book or something", "Azaylias said:I do that too bro", "Azaylias said:I do that too broI’ll create whole universes in my mind, I’ll create many people and lots of situations, I usually make myself a 6’6 chad with ice blue eyes, pale skin, black hair, then I’ll create my perfect jailbait gf who loves me with all her heart, sometimes I’ll make it so that im starting from scratch and I’m Adam and she’s Eve and it’s just each other, and it’s the most pure love that has ever existed, I’ll spend hours doing this just living in my mind, sometimes I’ll get so deep into it I’ll forget that’s it’s just in my head, it’s one of my favorite things to do, and I don’t think I would still be alive without it.", "My mind usually drifts off into an action scene or something when listening to music. Over all I have been able to craft fantasy worlds usually made of multiple prexisting fictional universes with some twists, clashing. But it isn't very consistent and I have to make myself think to actually get into the world itself its not automatic for me.", "Bakura806 said:Same I have created my own fantasy world in my head as well its kinda like the anime yu yu hakusho and tokyo ghoul and I of course am the main character where I have a gf ( which is my current oneitis) that I love and have to protect from evil and basically how I would want my life to be. Day dreaming is honestly one of the best copes to inceldom.Daydreammaxxing is a good cope", "insane seeing this thread again after three years. Also insane how so many users are gone now and forever... God I hate the passing of time." ]
Its OverBlackpill from the movie 21 jump street
[ "Rule 3: “Be Handsome” normies would see this as a joke but it’s a blackpill to those that are blackpilled“Haha, you don’t need to be handsome, looks don’t matter!” is what normies think. High school is Lookism at it’s s finest.", "Cope, you can be neurotypical and ugly and still fit in.", "jokes are funny because they are true", "He’s not lying", "NoMoreSlaving said:jokes are funny because they are trueRREEEEEEEEE said:Cope, you can be neurotypical and ugly and still fit in.LOL you mean being the pet/slave/jester/butt of all jokes of the group?", "GeneticDysfunction said:LOL you mean being the pet/slave/jester/butt of all jokes of the group?", "GeneticDysfunction said:LOL you mean being the pet/slave/jester/butt of all jokes of the group?This", "NoMoreSlaving said:jokes are funny because they are true", "Michael15651 said:He’s not lyingView: ", "RREEEEEEEEE said:Cope, you can be neurotypical and ugly and still fit in.Depends how ugly you are." ]
leftist / progressive garbage openly promote LBGT pedophilia with 10 year olds in the media, yet straight males who like women under 35 are pedos
[ "CNN and all the major media companies are now promoting white boys dressed up in drag in bars full of homos as a beautiful, progressive thing.But if you don't like old, used up hags, leftists call you a pedo.", "mylifeistrash said:CNN and all the major media companies are now promoting white boys dressed up in drag in bars full of homos as a beautiful, progressive thing.But if you don't like old, used up hags, leftists call you a pedo.JFL at that somali girl with the headscarf on supporting this LGBT crap, the whore would be crucified within Islamic laws.", "Death to pedophile", "They shouldn’t make decisions like that at such a young age, it’ll hurt them in the long run. It’s obvious the parents are pressuring them into this shit", "NeetSupremacist said:JFL at that somali girl with the headscarf on supporting this LGBT crap, the whore would be crucified within Islamic laws.she wouldn't be in washington if she didn't promote rainbow gay shitthe agenda is real, fuck that hoe", "NeetSupremacist said:JFL at that somali girl with the headscarf on supporting this LGBT crap, the whore would be crucified within Islamic laws.Tbh.", "Smallframecel said:Death to pedophile", "I once saw footage of a march in San Francisco (think it was on fagwatch), where a couple of gimps had a toddler (male) dressed in bondage gear, on the end of a dog lead. As well as this, gangs of them were in street drinking each other's piss. Yet they say we're the sick ones for finding 15-17 YO females attractive.I firmly believe that billions of people will die soon--that is why the saucers are here.", "Michael15651 said:They shouldn’t make decisions like that at such a young age, it’ll hurt them in the long run. It’s obvious the parents are pressuring them into this shittrue , they'll have prolapsed anuses at such young age" ]
SuicideFuelYou will never be woken up with a blowjob from a loving girl who swallows your nut enthusiastically
[ "You will never have a woman crave your genetically superior seed that she subconsciously wants inside her. You will never lock eyes while she swallows your nut after mind blowing oral. She will never smile and laugh and then afterwards ask “what are we doing today, chad?”Daily reminder that there is nothing for you in this life if you aren’t good looking, tall, and NT.", "this is depressing", "Great, I feel better already ", "Accidentally swallowing your own nut after fapping at the wrong angle is all that an incel can look forward to ", "This shit is pure suifuel. There's no amount of sex, or money, or everything that will compensate the fact that I'm a genetic garbage. Even escortcelling is not enough, fucking a Stacy prostitute is not enough. Maybe being a billionaire could be enough a compensation for suffering all these years as an incel, but I'm not sure about it.", "HighTGymcel said:great song by my nigga Cash", "[OVER]", "HighTGymcel said:", "Depressing. Blowjobpill is one of darkest pills tbh", "I dont understand why this kind of thread is allowed.", "HighTGymcel said:THIS ONE IS BETTER", "brutal dicksuckingpill", "I feel like some of these thread titles are just made for shits and giggles", "Words2_live_bye said:shits and giggles", "based", "its over but not over at the same time", "Just rope tbh!", "We will never be with a femoid. That is worst ", "Its nothing special, its only a blowjob gee relax...", " why you do this OP", "lmfao these threads man. You know this just makes us hate ourselves more right ", "There is literally no substitute for true passion with a woman. Money cannot buy it. Only superior genetics can.", "Yes you can, but you need to move/temporarily go to Asia, Africa or South America(Assuming you are white)", "Atavistic Autist said:Accidentally swallowing your own nut after fapping at the wrong angle is all that an incel can look forward to This thread was depressing but i lost it when i read thisKilluminoidBR said:I dont understand why this kind of thread is allowed.To squeeze every last amount of bluepill out of us", "DarkKnight said:lmfao these threads man. You know this just makes us hate ourselves more right ", "rofl. chances are i'm not even going to look at a zitty becky giving me an awkward smile while she jerks me off on our bed. it's time to kiss the shotgun barrel.", "theoldnick said:Yes you can, but you need to move/temporarily go to Asia, Africa or South America(Assuming you are white)I'm white and I live in south america but i'm still an incel. If you're white and you want to ancend in south america the only place you could ascend would be in countries like Bolivia, venezuela and Peru. You would be rejected in countries like Brazil, Argentina, Chile and maybe Colombia.", "_wifebeater_ said:[OVER]Tbh", "I don't want to exprience something like this tbh. Disgusting.", "Blacktarpill said:I don't want to exprience something like this tbh. Disgusting.", "Damn ", "Blacktarpill said:I don't want to exprience something like this tbh. dont get boners when you sleep and feel horny when you wake up?????", "Haywire said:you dont get boners when you sleep and feel horny when you wake up?????No. I fap 2/3 times a day. I don't had any wet dreams also.", "KilluminoidBR said:I dont understand why this kind of thread is allowed.", "I read many guys hit their gf who did this because they thought someone was trying to attack them", "NotQuiteChadLite said:You will never have a woman crave your genetically superior seed that she subconsciously wants inside her. You will never lock eyes while she swallows your nut after mind blowing oral. She will never smile and laugh and then afterwards ask “what are we doing today, chad?”I don't even need this TBHYour browser is not able to display this video.I'd actually be fulfilled if a tsundere tomboy woke me up every morning abusively as long as I got to spend the day with her", "NotQuiteChadLite said:You will never have a woman crave your genetically superior seed that she subconsciously wants inside her. You will never lock eyes while she swallows your nut after mind blowing oral. She will never smile and laugh and then afterwards ask “what are we doing today, chad?”good. i dont want that. give me a prostitute instead", "NotQuiteChadLite said:Daily reminder that there is nothing for you in this life if you aren’t good looking, tall, and NT.Actually there is something for me in this life: pain & loneliness." ]
I’m a monster, I’ll never experience love, I will never feel a soft kiss on my cheeks
[ "Society has done this to all of us, why do we even try fighting anymore?Anyone considered normal forces us away from experiencing things like them, We hide and cower away from them and they follow and stalk unto a entirely new site. They Berate us for being depressed virgins because we know the truth making us have a different mentality to them. Facts don’t matter to them because it reveals who these people really are, and that they are scared of the truth and they will try to censor our message to their likings or just remove it completely , they’ll post anything with “incel” in it but they’ll ignore any the facts of we prove against them, they’ll dismiss it because ugly men are always the villains in society, no matter how they acted before their lives changed for the better of worse. I have tried and tried harder to make friends and have any contact with a girl besides wageslaving for them, I accepted who I  currently: A monster, monsters can’t experience being happy.The part that really infuriates me is that my family dosent understand, my sister is telling me to develop hobbies and join clubs to meet a nice girl and I told her it doesn’t work that way. I have Hobbies mainly related to technology and my sister simply dismissed them like if they were insignificant. I told her that she has done very little in peer actvities in high school because a female will always be wanted just because she simply exists. Im tired of this this cycle of being in an constant state of fear and misery, I can’t  cope for much longer, now nearly every thread I browse is nearly always hatefuel im using this to distract myself from the emotional pain, it feels so real, but monsters can’t feel pain they can’t and will never  feel the sweet and tinderly soft kiss of his one and only sharing a slow embrace with him, she exists alright but she isn’t With you, she can’t be with a monster, such genetic trash", "These people simply hate you and do not wish for you to exist. They prefer you to self-neuter your opinion and selfhood. You should be a FA - A pathetic, meek piece of harmless furniture. Your struggles, pain, and loss should never be aired in public. I hope this society rots. There is nothing worth preserving. Look at the internet. It's a beautiful arrangement of machinery created by geniuses! Normalfags took it, chopped it up, and now it's ruled over by a million tiny despots. Men pay 95% of the taxes but can't make 1% of the complaints. We're fucking dung beetles rolling around on top of a graveyard of betas who couldn't get a pity fuck nowadays.Let it die. Return it to dust. Start it all over. We don't deserve any of this. IT's FUCKING OVER", "They do nor care about our struggles, all they can see is how hateful we are but they don't stop to look at why we are that way.Deep down, all we really want is to experience love and affection just like everyone else. I mean, is it that much to ask? A lot of people feel like they're entitled to money or popularity, while all we want is for a single person to see some value in us.You're absolutely right, we might as well be 'monsters' as no girl could ever love a monster. They take one look at us and say 'no' without even attempting to find out who we are. This is why we're so hateful, because that's all we've come to understand growing up. We had so much love to give yet none wanted it.", "It's your fault, no get away from me creep!", "You're just now realizing this?", "Minjaze said:They do nor care about our struggles, all they can see is how hateful we are but they don't stop to look at why we are that way.Deep down, all we really want is to experience love and affection just like everyone else. I mean, is it that much to ask? A lot of people feel like they're entitled to money or popularity, while all we want is for a single person to see some value in us.You're absolutely right, we might as well be 'monsters' as no girl could ever love a monster. They take one look at us and say 'no' without even attempting to find out who we are. This is why we're so hateful, because that's all we've come to understand growing up. We had so much love to give yet none wanted it.", "It's insane how cruel and unfair world is", "This makes me want to cry", "Minjaze said:They do nor care about our struggles, all they can see is how hateful we are but they don't stop to look at why we are that way.Deep down, all we really want is to experience love and affection just like everyone else. I mean, is it that much to ask? A lot of people feel like they're entitled to money or popularity, while all we want is for a single person to see some value in us.You're absolutely right, we might as well be 'monsters' as no girl could ever love a monster. They take one look at us and say 'no' without even attempting to find out who we are. This is why we're so hateful, because that's all we've come to understand growing up. We had so much love to give yet none wanted it." ]
I want to change my life dramatically
[ "I would rather die than live another year of mediocrity and Isolation. Entering my 4th year as NEET, I just can't do this anymore. I have thought about driving away until I run out of gas but I can imagine how distressed this would leave the family.I'm at my wit's end - I don't know what to do anymore. I told myself if 2018 was anything like this year, then it's over for me. I can't just sit around playing games or watching shit anymore. What have you guys done to drastically improve your position? I'm a true loner without a single friend, no one would notice my absence if I took myself out of this roller coaster.", "Join a recreational team and meet people there Get a job and meet people there Go to a gym and meet people there Go to school and meet people there", "Machiavelli said:Join a recreational team and meet people thereGet a job and meet people thereGo to a gym and meet people thereGo to school and meet people thereHow do you meet people at a gym?", "this:get off this site, unless the blackpill has taken over your mind.get a job start making friends from therelook if there are any clubs in your area or maybe even churchstart learning how to code, after 2 months can turn into some easy side cashstart liftingmaybe even if you want, go to community college, get good grades, transfer to college, get your degree, and live a normal life.", "poorcel said:get off this site, unless the blackpill has taken over your mind.Fuck", "alsalsk said:How do you meet people at a gym?Normies think RL gyms are like Hollywood film gyms, with people standing round chatting and socialising. It’s the bro equivalent of “chat up a girl in a coffee shop/supermarket”.", "ATOMIC ACE PUGG said:Fuckyeah brother.once you enter inceldom there's no leaving.", "once you go black, you never go back.", "MayorOfKekville said:Normies think RL gyms are like Hollywood film gyms, with people standing round chatting and socialising. It’s the bro equivalent of “chat up a girl in a coffee shop/supermarket”.RL gyms are for stacies and chads to meet each other.Can never lift at a commercial gym again.", "Run reincarnation game", "poorcel said:start learning how to code, after 2 months can turn into some easy side cashHow did you turn 2 months of coding into cash?I consider myself an intermediate though still mediocre coder after a few years of self-teaching and I have no clue.A regular job in the field is not an option for me.", "I'm probably gonna suicide this year honestly. I have the same desire as you to turn my life around but I honestly feel like I'm too far gone to even begin.", "I tried to turn my life aroundresults=none", "its over, ldar", "nausea said:I tried to turn my life aroundresults=nonewhat did you try?", "makuta said:I would rather die than live another year of mediocrity and Isolation. Entering my 4th year as NEET, I just can't do this anymore. I have thought about driving away until I run out of gas but I can imagine how distressed this would leave the family.I'm at my wit's end - I don't know what to do anymore. I told myself if 2018 was anything like this year, then it's over for me. I can't just sit around playing games or watching shit anymore. What have you guys done to drastically improve your position? I'm a true loner without a single friend, no one would notice my absence if I took myself out of this roller coaster.Don't fucking bother. It's over dude. You had  your chance when you were younger but its too late. Rot or Rope.", "Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:what did you try?went out a lot ALONE in an hostile environment, trying to get laid in a non degenerate way, then just tried to get laid", "Are you white? If so go to SEA for a last desperate roll of the dice.", "We can't change our faces....LDAR time", "nausea said:went out a lot ALONE in an hostile environment, trying to get laid in a non degenerate way, then just tried to get laidBars, clubs?  I always feel like a complete outcast going to any setting like that. It's social anxiety to the max to even step foot in a place like that", "Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:Bars, clubs?  I always feel like a complete outcast going to any setting like that. It's social anxiety to the max to even step foot in a place like thatThe secret is to bring your phone so you can sit there browsing the internet.", "itsOVER said:The secret is to bring your phone so you can sit there browsing the internet.But why go at all then? Nobody is just going to approach you out the blue unless you're famous or something.", "VLÖ said:But why go at all then? Nobody is just going to approach you out the blue unless you're famous or something.Or unless he's Chad", "Kointo said:Or unless he's ChadChad doesn't even have to go, he gets women to come to him.", "VLÖ said:But why go at all then? Nobody is just going to approach you out the blue unless you're famous or something.Oh I agree bars and clubs are pointless. I was just pointing out something that might make it a bit less awkward.", "Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:Bars, clubs?  I always feel like a complete outcast going to any setting like that. It's social anxiety to the max to even step foot in a place like thatalso pubs and beaches and, may Allah forgive me, discosyes I know what you mean and I knew what to expect, it was a move out of desperation maybe or whatever ( years ago )the most difficult thing to accept if you do something like what I have done is to witness first hand the bestiality of it all, imothe most hilarious was being menaced by cucks, they even gathered like baboons against me once ( I lmao at them still )", "VLÖ said:Chad doesn't even have to go, he gets women to come to him.That's what I meant.If he went to a club the femoids would flock.", "nausea said:also pubs and beaches and, may Allah forgive me, discosyes I know what you mean and I knew what to expect, it was a move out of desperation maybe or whatever ( years ago )the most difficult thing to accept if you do something like what I have done is to witness first hand the bestiality of it all, imothe most hilarious was being menaced by cucks, they even gathered like baboons against me once ( I lmao at them still )how were you menaced by cucks?", "Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:how were you menaced by cucks?aggression, physical aggression", "itsOVER said:Oh I agree bars and clubs are pointless. I was just pointing out something that might make it a bit less awkward.Yeah, it's good when you're just waiting for something in public. I couldn't stand just looking at a wall while waiting for a burger.Though tbh I hate it when I'm trying to just spark a convo and people just stare at their screens and ignore me. If the person intended to hang out with me, then they should at least put effort into it. In that case I always just leave and go sit alone.", "nausea said:aggression, physical aggressionanother reason I try to avoid the drinking scenes. ALOT of people will turn into complete utter asshats when drunk.I've had my fair share of drunk assholes try to start shit with me as well", "just be yourself OP", "Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:another reason I try to avoid the drinking scenes. ALOT of people will turn into complete utter asshats when drunk.I've had my fair share of drunk assholes try to start shit with me as wellthey were not drunk", "nausea said:they were not drunkwell damn what cunts than", "Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:well damn what cunts thancucks they are", "Get a chad haircut", "It mostly boils down to being able to work (which most of you can't do because you're mentally ill), although most normies are miserable too. Yeah, I'm the same way but it's been much longer NEETing. I hope to 'ascend' in 2018 or just live in the woods on a small stipend from parents, walking into town occasionally to get canned food.This is pure bullshit not being able to smoke weed, and I'm sick of it regardless. Drugs or sober, my life is a waste.", "FeminismsCancer said:How did you turn 2 months of coding into cash?I consider myself an intermediate though still mediocre coder after a few years of self-teaching and I have no clue.A regular job in the field is not an option for me.I picked up html5,css3, jscript and just did simple websites for friends and people in my uni that didn’t now anything about web dev", "poorcel said:I picked up html5,css3, jscript and just did simple websites for friends and people in my uni that didn’t now anything about web devSo people still pay money for that?", "itsOVER said:The secret is to bring your phone so you can sit there browsing the internet.Indeed.Your phone offers digital knowledge for relief.", "poorcel said:yeah brother.once you enter inceldom there's no leaving.Deleted member 60 said:once you go black, you never go back.", "nausea said:I tried to turn my life aroundresults=nonePM_ME_STRIPPERS said:its over, ldarHarvey_Weinstein_Hero said:what did you try?Deleted member 2047 said:Don't fucking bother. It's over dude. You had your chance when you were younger but its too late. Rot or Rope.", "Deleted member 306 said:Run reincarnation game", "Deleted member 306 said:Run reincarnation game", "Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:how were you menaced by cucks?nausea said:aggression, physical aggression", "Battlefield3cel said:BlOps3 has better maps than CoDWW2.Kids love gambling.QuantumDummy said:WW2 is trash.Battlefield3cel said:It's ironic, considering they founded the series and initially became popular because of their games set in world war 2Battlefield3cel said:On Xbox One? Uh like The Witcher 3 (2015), Dark Souls 3 (2016) and Resident Evil 7 (2017). Halo The Master Chief Collection (2014) is great value. That's about it. Metal Gear Solid V and Fallout 4 appear to be good games and get high scores, but they're quite unmemorable and no reason to replay them.Edit: Doom (2016)is worth a play through", "Zyros said:I just want to be an angelic, ascended being.Also I thought that this forum didn't do inceltears things like gay-shaming.overlystinkypants said:holy fuck, fucking how? do you have anorexia or something? you must be a total framecel. pics?Sub8Hate said:Don't be so dramatic, lol. I was actually into the whole goth thing when I was a kid. I also love that movie, I watch it every now and then. Queen of the damned was pretty dope, too. I've read a few Anne Rice novels, too.", "If I'm correct, perhaps there is still...", "Battlefield3cel said:Bite into a cyanide pill and shoot myself in the headTempus Edax Rerum said:[video=youtube]]View: to expand...hYAQtEs2Img:135Indari said:cosplay as the persona 5 protagonist including his gun, play Last Surprise and shoot at you never see it comiiiiiiing! while yelling persona!Kointo said:Maybe a nuclear war too. I want to winess the fall of earth.Tempus Edax Rerum said:Did it start at 2:20 minutes for you, or at 0:01?Homosapicuckus said:I wanna get infected by Aids.Kointo said:You want it to be painful, then?Tempus Edax Rerum said:I havent seen Kung Fu panda, but I've seen that death scene of the Elder turtle, and it was BEAUTIFUL.QuantumDummy said:By overdosing on blackpills.Kointo said:It WAS. Have you seen the death scene from Assassins Creed that I posted?Incel_Dikshit said:TrainDankIncel said:Naturally", "Been nearly 6 years since this was posted, I wonder how OP is doing now." ]
VentingNu-males are really pathetic
[ "There are actual problems with this world such as poverty, disease, corruption, bullying, hypergamy, etc, and instead millions of these soy boys actually spend their time complaining that bombastic superhero movies didn't follow their comics 100% accurately.It betrays their lack of awareness on history, traditions, culture, and even current worldly affairs, and also their lack of integrity. Imagine how pathetic you would have to be. These weak-minded, slack-jaw subhumans barely qualify as men. Their forefathers would be embarrassed, and ashamed of them.In a hypothetical fight for survival, I would beat at least 5 of them, at once, into a bloody pulp. And I'm a lanklet. An ogre gymcel could probably take at least 50.", "You see this, cuck guests? Women would rather masterbate to this then message you on tinder", "takERisks said: 81499You see this, cuck guests? Women would rather masterbate to this then message you on tinderlol", "Ritalincel said:It betrays their lack of awareness on history, traditions, culture, and even current worldly affairs, and also their lack of empathy. Imagine how pathetic you would have to be. These weak-minded, slack-jaw subhumans barely qualify as men. Their forefathers would be embarrassed, and ashamed of them.You pretty much described the general population there", "Based and high IQ.There is nothing more pathetic than numales. Nothing.", "Did @Ritalincel just make a high IQ thread in which he actually wrote something meaningful? God dammit better watch out because the end of times are here.", "First loss said:Did @Ritalincel just make a high IQ thread in which he actually wrote something meaningful? God dammit better watch out because the end of times are here.He always breaks character every now and then.", "buy (((our))) razor good soygoy ", "Disney Star Wars sucks tbh.", "Ritalincel said:bullyingAlso i appreciate you including bullying there. I feel like most people either overlook it or just fail to understand it tbh..", " First loss said:Did @Ritalincel just make a high IQ thread in which he actually wrote something meaningful? God dammit better watch out because the end of times are here.late christmas miracle", "Insomniac said:Also i appreciate you including bullying there. I feel like most people either overlook it or just fail to understand it tbh..i talked to a normie about bullying the other day and he told me that it doesnt exist and that everyone can fight back this is their average mindset btw", "Modus Coperandi said: 81503One of my proudest creations tbh.", "Insomniac said:One of my proudest creations tbh.yes bro", "takERisks said:cuck guestsInsomniac said:There is nothing more pathetic than numales. Nothing.", "High iq, they are the enablers of hypergamy", "this is what happens when nerd culture gains mainstream acceptance. We need to bring bullying back tbh", "Darth Cialis said:Star Wars sucks", "fukmylyf said:this is what happens when nerd culture gains mainstream acceptance. We need to bring bullying back tbhRitalincel said:problems with this world such as poverty, disease, corruption, bullying", "You did not write this", "high iq pr0gramming", "fukmylyf said:We need to bring bullying back tbhNo man. Bullying needs to be eradicated.I don’t consider cyber bullying to be real bullying btw. That’s gay shit that pussy millennials came up with. I mean actual bullying that can cause real trauma and fuck with your head.", "Insomniac said:No man. Bullying needs to be eradicated.I don’t consider cyber bullying to be real bullying btw. That’s gay shit that pussy millennials came up with. I mean actual bullying that can cause real trauma and fuck with your head.Not to gatekeep or anything but cyberbullying is the gayest shit ever. Like all you have to do is click block. It's a lot harder to do that when there's someone throwing you on the ground and punching you in the face tho.", "Insomniac said:No man. Bullying needs to be eradicated.I don’t consider cyber bullying to be real bullying btw. That’s gay shit that pussy millennials came up with. I mean actual bullying that can cause real trauma and fuck with your head.soyboys deserve to be bullied is what I'm saying", "Kill them all tbh", "Insomniac said:Based and high IQ. 81501There is nothing more pathetic than numales. Nothing.ChronicPaincel said:Kill them all tbh", "Reminder that OP is a numale that posts here when his wifey is with her friend Tyrone.", "Veganist said:Reminder that OP is a numale that posts here when his wifey is with her friend Tyrone.t. soy cuck", "fukmylyf said:this is what happens when nerd culture gains mainstream acceptance. We need to bring bullying back tbh", "superighteous said:He always breaks character every now and then.I naturally assume it's a copy paste whenever that happens, and sometimes I can verify that it is, but in this particular case I can't find anything on it. But I'm almost certain Ritalincel did not write that. Anyway, good job Ritalincel", "I agree, even though bullying is harder on incels it needs to be brought back. People are getting very soft, and it seems like the only people who have been getting bullied are ugly men and everyone else is in the clear. If bullying wasn't so looked down on and saw for its value in toughening people up and preparing you for the REAL world it would make life more simple. Cause when everybody is afraid of being mean to someone in their face they just go behind their back and make rumors and eventually destroy the person's reputation with others.", "ChronicPaincel said:Kill them all tbhChronicPaincelGo CP", "DeformAspergerCel said:I naturally assume it's a copy paste whenever that happens, and sometimes I can verify that it is, but in this particular case I can't find anything on it. But I'm almost certain Ritalincel did not write that. Anyway, good job Ritalincelt. numale", "Ritalincel said:t. numaleno, man", "I liked Watchmen.", "First loss said:Did @Ritalincel just make a high IQ thread in which he actually wrote something meaningful? God dammit better watch out because the end of times are here.", "First loss said:Did @Ritalincel just make a high IQ thread in which he actually wrote something meaningful? God dammit better watch out because the end of times are here.Joined: Dec 3, 2018Stop pretending like you know lol", "Cope.", "Ritalincel said:There are actual problems with this world such as poverty, disease, corruption, bullying, hypergamy, etc, and instead millions of these soy boys actually spend their time complaining that bombastic superhero movies didn't follow their comics 100% accurately.It betrays their lack of awareness on history, traditions, culture, and even current worldly affairs, and also their lack of integrity. Imagine how pathetic you would have to be. These weak-minded, slack-jaw subhumans barely qualify as men. Their forefathers would be embarrassed, and ashamed of them.In a hypothetical fight for survival, I would beat at least 5 of them, at once, into a bloody pulp. And I'm a lanklet. An ogre gymcel could probably take at least 50.Water is wet", "I love them, at least there's still people out there we can all laugh at", "First loss said:Did @Ritalincel just make a high IQ thread in which he actually wrote something meaningful? God dammit better watch out because the end of times are here.Inb4 @Ritalincel goes ER.", "It’s not only soyboys but all SJWs being angry for real or imaginary annoying little microthings worsened in the mights of their crazy ideologies, whereas some people are starving, dying out of incurable sicknesses, getting killed in wars, being bullied, and so on.", "soyboys genocide now", "Ngl most soyboys mog me ", "First loss said:Did @Ritalincel just make a high IQ thread in which he actually wrote something meaningful? God dammit better watch out because the end of times are here.Holy shit, you’re right, more than three words. Also wonder why you’re banned.", "takERisks said: 81499You see this, cuck guests? Women would rather masterbate to this then message you on tinderBrutal pokepill.", "Sniffles said:Brutal pokepill.t. foid", "BKFL said:Holy shit, you’re right, more than three words. Also wonder why you’re banned.Postmaxxing", "Anonymous26 said:PostmaxxingFirst loss is banned for postmaxxing?", "Ritalincel said:There are actual problems with this world such as poverty, disease, corruption, bullying, hypergamy, etc, and instead millions of these soy boys actually spend their time complaining that bombastic superhero movies didn't follow their comics 100% accurately.It betrays their lack of awareness on history, traditions, culture, and even current worldly affairs, and also their lack of integrity. Imagine how pathetic you would have to be. These weak-minded, slack-jaw subhumans barely qualify as men. Their forefathers would be embarrassed, and ashamed of them.In a hypothetical fight for survival, I would beat at least 5 of them, at once, into a bloody pulp. And I'm a lanklet. An ogre gymcel could probably take at least 50.Based as fuck 3 stanzas.Insomniac said:Based and high IQ. 81501There is nothing more pathetic than numales. Nothing.takERisks said: 81499You see this, cuck guests? Women would rather masterbate to this then message you on tinderVictoryOrDeath said:It’s not only soyboys but all SJWs being angry for real or imaginary annoying little microthings worsened in the mights of their crazy ideologies, whereas some people are starving, dying out of incurable sicknesses, getting killed in wars, being bullied, and so on.", "It is over.", ">ogre>lanklet - pick one.", "Still Numales score and get married, have a happy life. Incels don't. Numales are better than Incels. Don't even start arguing about that.", "SupremeG said:Still Numales score and get married, have a happy life. Incels don't. Numales are better than Incels. Don't even start arguing about that.Yeah, but take into consideration the amount of money they invest in the relationship while the foid cheats on him.", "Damo the incel said:High iq, they are the enablers of hypergamy", "SupremeG said:Still Numales score and get married, have a happy life. Incels don't. Numales are better than Incels. Don't even start arguing about that.gigacope", "Ritalincel said:gigacopeIt is true tho. Even If its bluepilled they live happier lives since in their minds m'lady deserving protection and favours is the right thing to do. Its kind of how a shark smells blood its in their soyNA", "Michael15651 said:Yeah, but take into consideration the amount of money they invest in the relationship while the foid cheats on him.Tbh, this is the very definition of betabux and the distinction between them and a Chad", "LDARBuddah said:It is true tho. Even If its bluepilled they live happier lives since in their minds m'lady deserving protection and favours is the right thing to do. Its kind of how a shark smells blood its in their soyNABetter to be hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie.", "I know that feel so strongly.However, I try to remember that beta males must make up 99% of any male population, as alphas sharing the same space must come into conflict. Their forefathers, who seemed so much more hardy, were also beta males, but the recommendations of conformity were more virtuous and proper then. That the beta life has become capeshit movies and toy unboxing is really vile, though.", "takERisks said: 81499You see this, cuck guests? Women would rather masterbate to this then message you on tinderpokemon sun and moon anime -- ", "It is over.", "Insomniac said:It is over.", "Yeah but these guys are celebrated by companies today.The last place I worked at had the biggest comic book geek, but the owners worshipped him. They gave him a great office and all these perks. We worked near a Star Wars store, and he would walk over there during work, buy something like a Darth Vader helmet, and then bring it back in and put it on his desk. He probably didn’t even have to use his own money.But he was a cool guy. One day he complained to me about how women his age have too much baggage. lol", "Insomniac said:It is over.based necrobump tbhngl", "This was when the A.I of the Ritalincel bot was at its peak.", "VictoryOrDeath said:It’s not only soyboys but all SJWs being angry for real or imaginary annoying little microthings worsened in the mights of their crazy ideologies, whereas some people are starving, dying out of incurable sicknesses, getting killed in wars, being bullied, and so on.", "If only Ritalincel was reincarnated we could experience more posts.", "Drastic depopulation would solve a lot of problems. We should start with the nu-males." ]
HypocrisyFor many women, the hardest thing thing they ever have to deal with is a bbc
[ "Life as a woman in 2/3 of the world's countries (including the entirety of the west) = tutorial mode. It's even been proven by science now.", "> stress from racism/misogyny/gender and sexuality pressure etc ths memes write themselves", "A normal day in the west.", "Female depression = forced meme", "PersonalityChad said:Life as a woman in 2/3 of the world's countries (including the entirety of the west) = tutorial mode. It's even been proven by science now.JFL at thinking that women have it hard nowadays even in third world countries.", "r/mgtow", "another day another dickpill", "brutal BLACKEDpill", "fukmylyf said:another day another dickpillTry not to choke again, bro. ", "finally", "Insomniac said:Try not to choke again, bro. Kek", "Ritalincel said:> stress from racism/misogyny/gender and sexuality pressure etc ths memes write themselvesWhen the entirety of the political and journalistic class and all culturally celebrities bend over backwards to appease you and make everything easy for you but virgins on the internet made fun of your loose cunt.", "PersonalityChad said:Life as a woman in 2/3 of the world's countries (including the entirety of the west) = tutorial mode. It's even been proven by science now.", "ihaveno1 said: 81721", "Insomniac said:Female depression = forced meme", "Insomniac said:Female depression = forced meme", "Insomniac said:Female depression = forced meme", "Insomniac said:Female depression = forced meme", " but oh so true.", "It is over.", "E.C.C.O said:brutal BLACKEDpill", "Insomniac said:Female depression = forced meme", "Insomniac said:Female depression = forced meme", "Foids are always an emotional rollercoaster.", "The nigga post so much that I can't even see his nickname.", "I like that 4chan post from a military psychologist saying that 90% of deployed troops mental health issues stem not from combat, but from the stress of their spouses possibly (and usually) cheating on them. If someone did have PTSD from deployment, that stress made it 10x worse.", "Mugcuck said:When the entirety of the political and journalistic class and all culturally celebrities bend over backwards to appease you and make everything easy for you but virgins on the internet made fun of your loose cunt." ]
Cosplay THOT Belle Delphine Makes Around 154k per MONTH just from Patreon
[ "Now she has 2.2 M insta followers, FB and Tik Tok presence. So won't be crazy to assume she's making at least 250k per month.", "tutorial mode with hacks, the life of a Stacy", "Holy shit man. Why will girls even become hookers or strippers or sugar babies anymore when men are paying them to do literally nothing.", "this planet needs to be decimated", "This is an outrage.", "She is not even cute or sexy(she is but ill get on this in a sec) She is just a bitch. I don't consider bitches as sexy.", "@iKillCucks once again you are needed...", "THOTs are a drain on the economy and should be declared illegal. That is 3 million dollars that could have gone to actually improving lives.", "SkinnyBaldcel said:@iKillCucks once again you are needed...They will all feel Allah's wrath one day", "2383 cucks. Their parents must be ashamed of them.", "iKillCucks said:this planet needs to be decimated", "bitch is a millionaire by nowsuch a hard worker!", "iKillCucks said:They will all feel Allah's wrath one dayMaybe she gets the moroccian treatment", "PotatoTomato said:bitch is a millionaire by nowsuch a hard worker!All it took was her great personality! ", "Insomniac said:2383 cucks. Their parents must be ashamed of them.Doubtful. I bet their soy parents probably raised them to beilive in respecting and supporting worthless trash whores who live life on mod modeSkinnyBaldcel said:Maybe she gets the moroccian treatmentOne can only pray for that", "Anyone report her to the irs?", "With that much money she probably has a CPA hiding it among a dozen investments.", "Thanks for the daily dose of ragepill.", "catfishman23 said:Anyone report her to the irs?I'm pretty sure she lives in England, so I don't think the same tax laws apply.", "You have nothing to lose but your chains cucks. Down with the Whoregeoisie.", "Oh hey let's not forget that she probably gets $30,000 per Saudi prince she fucks.", "cucktearslol said:tutorial mode with hacks, the life of a StacyHey welcome back manRageAgainstTDL said:Holy shit man. Why will girls even become hookers or strippers or sugar babies anymore when men are paying them to do literally nothing. I'm guilty of this", "being a literal internet whore will soon become the highest average paying job anywhere.", "Anonymous26 said: I'm guilty of this", "ordinaryotaku said:I'm pretty sure she lives in England, so I don't think the same tax laws apply.i think they do", "How bluepilled and cucked must you be to even give a cent to this whore? ", "EthnicelNL said:Just canceled all of my patreon subscriptions", "NeetSupremacist said: 81836By Allah i will hack this bitch to pieces!", "JFL if you aren’t thotmaxxing as a foid in 2019", "I bet she's a feminist too", "Rejoice in the fact that thot careers are short lived, and by that time she probably would have blown her money on credit cards, shoes, travel etc....she'll end up an extra depressed old roastie.Also, she's only a 6/10 or 7/10...Any random jb would mog her to death.", "What she makes in a month is better than what most high paying jobs would pay you in an entire year.It would take your average working man that puts effort in his job 3 years to make what she does in one month.It's so easy to make money as a female.", "Brothers, we must rally together and jihad all 2300 cucks.", "Pretty sad man. Basically produce nothing in life and still get paid more.", "[SuicideFuel]", "This is what happens when males can't get females anymore. They become sex deprived beta males who'll donate shittons of money just for the slightest amount of attention by an online whore. Tough times we live in ...", "nolifenofuture said:THOTs are a drain on the economy and should be declared illegal. That is 3 million dollars that could have gone to actually improving lives.And the ones funding them are cucks", "JFL at all the mudslimes ITT. Y'all are the biggest cucks.Anyway no idea who this thot is.", "Anyone who pays a woman for that shit deserves anything bad that happens to them like being fired or going bald. What she’s doing is contemptible but remember, ALWAYS REMEMBER, that it’s the that allow it to happen and to spread.", "Doesn't even post nudes.", "154k earned with her high end PhD, wowOh wait", "Which idiots are giving her money through patron? This is ridiculous.I hope nobody is in the $2500 tier you would have to be mentally challenged to do such a thing.", "That’s fuckin suicide fuel there boyos, I work a job I loathe going to everyday and I will probably never make it 100k a year and here she’s is making 154k in a Single Month for nothing. So much for hard work and merit, I wish I could just go NEET at this point.", "this will ruin society", "Blacktarpill said:She is not even cute or sexy(she is but ill get on this in a sec)She is just a bitch. I don't consider bitches as sexy.She’s also wears makeup so we aren’t sure what she actually looks like.Initium said:That’s fuckin suicide fuel there boyos, I work a job I loathe going to everyday and I will probably never make it 100k a year and here she’s is making 154k in a Single Month for nothing. So much for hard work and merit, I wish I could just go NEET at this point.Just be a gentleman.", "The cucks that give her money are the problem, she doesn't produce anything. Even a literal whore at least has to provide sex.", "Gyros_Pretcel said:When you play as Germany in HOI4 and lose the battle for Stalingrad.", "RageAgainstTDL said:Holy shit man. Why will girls even become hookers or strippers or sugar babies anymore when men are paying them to do literally nothing.Half the battle is showing up br0", "she is very gl ngl. if you give women money though, you are an absolute cuck. FUCK YOU!", "Sniffles said:I hope nobody is in the $2500 tier you would have to be mentally challenged to do such a thing.You are my god, I couldn't possibly ever thank you enough. <3 I couldn't possibly think of a good enough reward for the very best Patron I will ever have. <3 If you achieve this tier, please private message me. I'm not sure what reward I could give you, but we'll talk about it. I love you. The reward of being laughed at like the idiot you'd have to be to give this thot $2500.", "nice_try said:This is what happens when males can't get females anymore. They become sex deprived beta males who'll donate shittons of money just for the slightest amount of attention by an online whore. Tough times we live in ...I strongly believe that men who donate money to online whores should be put to death.", "1, she is a THOT2, her personality and the way she acts in these videos and photos makes me want to physically harm her3, i might be an atheist, but pls, allah show no mercy for her when you slay her", "RageAgainstTDL said:Holy shit man. Why will girls even become hookers or strippers or sugar babies anymore when men are paying them to do literally nothing.I really don’t knle man.I think it’s because a lot of girls don’t know much about internet other then fb and Instagram .If you notice, most girls who do this shit are gamer girls who are familiar with internet culture.", "what? do you have any idea how hard it is for wymyn to break though such a male dominated toxic gamer site like twitch?????????? how dare you undermine the oppression this woman goes through in her daily life!!!and you wonder how you're an incel", "I'm pretty sure she isn't even paying taxes", "Words2_live_bye said:1, she is a THOT2, her personality and the way she acts in these videos and photos makes me want to physically harm her3, i might be an atheist, but pls, allah show no mercy for her when you slay herI think that natural selection has failed us because of the government. People really donate to her for nothing.", "catfishman23 said:i think they doChessman come discord boyo", "Proof that face > all even for women, imagine if she was ugly, she would be one of those $23 a month Patreon nobodies on the 11th page search result.", "NeetSupremacist said: 81836", "Imagine how many views a video of her getting an acid facial would get", "EthnicelNL said:Chessman come discord boyoWhos discord", "RageAgainstTDL said:Holy shit man. Why will girls even become hookers or strippers or sugar babies anymore when men are paying them to do literally nothing.At least if you are a street whore you have to put the work in, and its risky because you might end up being murdered by your johns or serial killers. You are also bottom of the barrel socially.Nowadays women don't need to even do that, just be a cam girl selling anime pictures and you make more than most small business owners. Its fucking ridiculous.", "This must be the notorious patriarchy i keep hearing about", "I'm proud cause I never fap to this pseudoslut", "tehgymcel420 said:Doesn't even post nudes.Common for patreon thots, its a lot of fetish stuff up there so guys take what they can get. And upon further research it seems she only deals on snapchat so you can't save her content, pretty wise tbh.", "I'm surprised no one has even doxx her to find out where she lives and slut shame her to oblivion. People on this internet are fucking cucks.", "catfishman23 said:Whos discordI am add u already boyo come we discuss chess", "Imagine willingly giving your money to a random roast beef on the internet. Cucks deserve drone strikes.", "EthnicelNL said:I am add u already boyo come we discuss chessadd me where?", "I don't get this ahegao shit. Plus, she's not even showing her crotch. Cunt or GTFO beesh! Waste of internet space if you ask me.", "catfishman23 said:add me where?teehee iama also low iq ama", "reeaway said:", "PotatoTomato said:bitch is a millionaire by nowsuch a hard worker!Tbh, it's not much different than actress", "Bad Karma where are you when we need you.", "nolifenofuture said:Oh hey let's not forget that she probably gets $30,000 per Saudi prince she fucks.Shitskin fantasies", "Deleted member 16359 said:By Allah i will hack this bitch to pieces!Found the hacker!", "She must scrape her tongue a lot, it's like entirely pink" ]
What kind of bullshit is it that not one girl I approched wanted to fuck me
[ "Not one fucking cunt. That then led me to depression and my suicide. In a fair world atleast one of those sluts should have wanted to fuck me.", "Storm said:Not one fucking cunt. That then led me to depression and my suicide. In a fair world atleast one of those sluts should have wanted to fuck you already died?", "jfl at approaching FHOs", "Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:so you already died?I survived my suicide attempts", "The mistake was letting them decide who they can fuck. Females can not rationalize, and they should not be allowed to make such important decisions.", "describe your attempts, I tried 2 times", "nausea said:describe your attempts, I tried 2 timesbasically took a load of pill, my blood preasure went up and I started spazzing out and woke up in hospital.", "It's simple. You are ugly. Just like the rest of us.", "You just need to buy your shower a new haircut.", "If women aren't approaching you then I have bad news buddy boyo.", "did you shower?", "Just have a 8/10 face boyo", "FACEandLMS said:You just need to buy your shower a new haircut.Make sure your shower is confident brother", "just be nice brobe repectfultake a showerget a haircut", "Holy Crusader said:Make sure your shower is confident brotherThe reason why your shower isn't haircutting is because your confidence needs to fucking buy a new womanhating! That's your problem!", "maybe u should just go for uglier girls?", "Lol @ cold approach.", "LmaoJust lift some weight broHold frameShowerGo to r/malefashion", "if ur only going for hot girls thats why dude, us uglies cant pick and choose. just approach a solid 3/10 and take one for the team", "Storm said:Not one fucking cunt. That then led me to depression and my suicide. In a fair world atleast one of those sluts should have wanted to fuck me.You must be young, it doesn't get better.", "redcel said:if ur only going for hot girls thats why dude, us uglies cant pick and choose. just approach a solid 3/10 and take one for the teamWhat are you some kind of shit lord?Ugly women believe they deserve Chad too and that's why they put out the fat acceptance bs thinking they can make Chad go for fug lies. Dudes screwed.", "Storm said:Not one fucking cunt. That then led me to depression and my suicide. In a fair world atleast one of those sluts should have wanted to fuck me.Because femoids are shallow cunts who are slaves to their biology. The only way to get a femoid as a subhuman would be to be rich and even then they won't love you.Also, approaching 3/10s does not work either. In fact, they tend to be harsher in their rejections because you approaching them makes them mad since they think why would that ugly guy think he has a chance with me?", "Our dear protagonist, Aspie John, enjoys another day during his stint in class when he encounters a new kid: Short Morena.Short Morena is a depressed, somewhat anxious girl of about fifteen-years of age with bipolar disorder. She has mood swings, chronic migraines and a clear distaste for vain youth, much like Aspie John. He also notices her similar self-harm behaviors. They do not immediately chat, however.After a month or so, Aspie John develops an attraction to Short Morena, since she is humble, serious and non-flirtatious, something quite different from the behavior/personality of Anxious Jane. The two participate in a gym activity with the Phys. Ed teacher, during which Short Morena grabs Aspie John's hand to help him cross the web used for the activity. He thanks her and the two receive praise from the Phys Ed. teacher for working together. In another gym activity involving sports, she offers advice to Aspie John as he struggles to push a puck with a stick due to his motor coordination problems.Short Morena begins to greet Aspie John, which he responds to with Hello. Days go on, and Short Morena asks Aspie John if he wishes to play a game with her, since he sits alone daily and stutters, which he declines. One day, the class prepares to go outside for a walk, which causes Short Morena to speak to Aspie John:Shouldn't you get your jacket, Aspie John?Yes, I think I should...Short Morena then informs the teacher, and Aspie John gets his coat. It is, after all, a very cold day in March 2016. A day or so later, a new kid joins the class, Unkind Blondie. Unkind Blondie argues with other classroom kids over something fairly meaningless, and is sent to a new classroom as a result. After the argument, Short Morena asks Aspie John:Were you bothered by the class argument?No, I was notOkayThe two enter the school lobby in preparation to leave, and Short Morena asks Aspie John, Did you have a good day?, which he replies Yes to. She then says, I see your ride outside, and Aspie John leaves.Gradually, Aspie John becomes deeply attracted to Short Morena and finds himself heavy with anxiety at the thought of seeing her each day. He takes note of her problems as she speaks to the teacher and notes statements such as I feel like a disgusting bipolar girl. The teachers says She has a flat affect, which Aspie John is already aware of. He starts to envision himself chatting with her about various different things, even though it pains him since stutters and is too anxious to form a friendship with her.Soon, Aspie John learns that Short Morena will be moving and transferring to a different school soon, which greatly saddens him. He also stays home for several days due to his encounter with Anxious Jane in the hospital waiting room. Upon returning to school, he participates in a class game with the other students, a game of Mad-Libs. That day is also Short Morena's last day of school.As Aspie John starts to relay his answers to the class, Short Morena starts laughing happily at each answer and votes for him when the teacher asks the class which student provided the best answers, which causes him to become very jittery from anxiety yet calm.As the two students leave class, Short Morena says Bye, Aspie John in a kind tone to Aspie John, which causes him to reply with a calm Ok. He is grateful to have met her, though he knows she views him only as someone to be pitied for his illnesses.......", "The protagonist of our story is a man named Aspie John and involves a woman named Anxious Jane.Aspie John meets Anxious Jane in High School.Anxious Jane is in Special Ed for severe anxiety, and so is Aspie John. Aspie John and Anxious Jane appear to have some mutual attraction at times, given Anxious Jane would always make the same anxious hand-fiddling gestures as Aspie John and would wear a shirt with his favorite color: Blue. When Aspie John dropped a stack of homework sheets on one occasion, his chores were switched.Anxious Jane, however, always manages to next to the tallest kid in the room, which is odd given he sits alone in an otherwise empty row of desks. When Tall Kid helps the teacher pick up classroom litter, Anxious Jane suddenly bolts up and quickly joins them. Aspie John remains seated due to anxiety. After some time, Tall Kid starts to sit with other kids in the classroom, leaving Anxious Jane sitting alone each day. He sits across from Aspie John.Three years later...Aspie John and Anxious Jane are in different Special Ed classrooms. There is a catch, however: Anxious Jane regularly wears ponytails and make-up for the Tall Kid in her new classroom. She would flirt with this man in class(Which frustrated her teacher) and would also chat with him over text and social media, all while sometimes making friendly gestures towards Aspie John in passing through the hallway.On a certain occasion, though, Aspie John encounters Anxious Jane in a hospital lab waiting room. Anxious Jane makes friendly gestures towards Aspie John. Aspie John, being a very coy man, is reluctant to approach Anxious Jane. As he prepares to approach her, he recalls her heavy flirtation with Tall Kid in her new classroom. He also remembers hearing her teacher say, Why is Anxious Jane flirting with Tall Kid? She already has a boyfriend.He then decides to ignore her and covers himself with a hoodie.A few days later, Aspie John overhears a teacher speaking of himself and Anxious Jane - He's so sensitive! Oh my goodness! They were just joking! - Note that this is after months of flirting and closeness between Anxious Jane and Tall Kid. Shortly after that, Anxious Jane flirts with Tall Kid in her classroom, telling him P-Please don't call my phone number.An interesting story of signals and cues, yes?...", "you clearly havent took enough showers", "#184099413Sunday, February 21, 2016 3:28 PM CSTmentality of five year oldsPlatinumPatriotJoin Date: 2008-08-25Post Count: 16195#184100908Sunday, February 21, 2016 3:50 PM CSTsmhReplacedJoin Date: 2009-07-15Post Count: 55335#184101266Sunday, February 21, 2016 3:55 PM CSTUnsourcedAnonJoin Date: 2016-01-12Post Count: 563#183005358Thursday, February 04, 2016 5:08 PM CSTEnjoy your ban! Indeed I will enjoy my penalties.Leftist propaganda about female oppression only validate my claim further.SlydexiaJoin Date: 2010-08-10Post Count: 98517#183005553Thursday, February 04, 2016 5:11 PM CST>female who stereotypes women tries to get male who stereotypes women in trouble", "Ban him" ]
SuicideFuel[FURNITUREPILL] Go home boyos, femoids fuck furniture since young.
[ "What chance do you have? They are already getting used to fucking tables, couches, sinks. Your micropenis stands no chance.Why would femoids fuck a table over us?1. Dining table legs are 29, which leaves about an inch for top thickness.2. They are atleast 7inches thick or more3. They dont cum, foids can fuck them until forever.4. They can have any face, they would stick a picture of chad and proceed to fuck it.5. They are 30inches big br0000 u stand a chance???6. While daddy eats his food little does he know thats his little girls sex toy. Already taking 30 inch table legs sets her up for going only for 7 inches+As for sinks, you think you can compete with the girth on that?? The head alone will make any femoids bust some fluids across it. While mommy washes her slutty face from chads cum she uses it as a sex toy. Femoids would rather fuck dogs, spiders and furniture than us.", "brutal furniture pill,foids would rather have sex with inanimate objects before even thinking of an incel as a sexual option.This is more legit than the dog pill,foids would fuck anything besides an incel.There are thousands of videos online with foids doing sexual acts with an assortment of animals even worms", "truefaithneworder said:brutal furniture pill,foids would rather have sex with inanimate objects before even thinking of an incel as a sexual option.This is more legit than the dog pill,foids would fuck anything besides an incel.Agree, furniture has no limit. I can be fucked until foids cum even if it takes 1 hour or 1 week.", "over", "Anything but us. The pills are getting hilarious.", "Involuntarily said:Anything but us. The pills are getting hilarious.", "Lmao now this is good content. Not even a BBC can compete with 27'' table legs. OVER.", "Eskimocel said:Agree, furniture has no limit. I can be fucked until foids cum even if it takes 1 hour or 1 week.yes and its also very easily accessible to young adolescent foids who cant buy dildos yet", "Involuntarily said:Anything but us. The pills are getting hilarious.", "lounges me", "Involuntarily said:Anything but us. The pills are getting hilarious.Anythingbutincelpill theory.", "truefaithneworder said:yes and its very easily accessible to young adolescent foids who cant buy dildos yetTemplarcel421 said:Lmao now this is good content. Not even a BBC can compete with 27'' table legs. OVER.Exactly, just wipe it down with a tissue. Apply some anti bacterial if needed. And proceed to fucking till your heart busts out. Its better than horses because you can control how far down you slide that table in.", "A foid would rather cram WORMS in her pussy than fuck meHAHAHAHA I deserve it because I'm a misogynistic inkel REEEEEEEEEEE ", "never heard of the cucumberpill? foids can use anything to replace your dick", "wizardcel said:never heard of the cucumberpill? foids can use anything to replace your dickCucumber pill is old new br0. A table slides in easier.", "The furniturepill disassembled me", "Insomniac said:The furniturepill disassembled me", "Yes, I have long since accepted that my pathetic SMV and my miniscule penis are dwarfed in sheer size and virility by a fucking sink.", "I will get a overdose of blackpills", "Man it is fucking retarded,first dogpill now this..", "Cuyen said:Man it is fucking retarded,first dogpill now this..You cant handle it?", "Eskimocel said:You cant handle it?Shit like that not stuff I cannot handle. it is just hilarous what foids do", "I fucked furniture before. I dry hump my bed all the time and I'm sure there is some here that fucked pillows.Eskimocel said:You cant handle it?non-believers BTFO", "Sadist said:I fucked furniture before. I dry hump my bed all the time and I'm sure there is some here that fucked pillows.non-believers BTFOhow u fuck pillow br0? im too sensitive", "Eskimocel said:how u fuck pillow br0? im too sensitivedry humping ", "Sadist said:dry humping fuark, u circumcised?", "Eskimocel said:fuark, u circumcised?no nigga", "Sadist said:no niggaok faggot", "Tablemogs me", "Eskimocel said:Femoids would rather fuck dogs, spiders and furniture than us.SPIDERS?We’ve all heard of the dog pill and furniture pill now, butyou’re telling me femoids will let spiders crawl around in their vile orifices and are TURNED ON BY IT?I believe you, since that just sounds like something a femoid would do but is there anywhere I can read up on this?", "BKFL said:SPIDERS?We’ve all heard of the dog pill and furniture pill now, butyou’re telling me femoids will let spiders crawl around in their vile orifices and are TURNED ON BY IT?I believe you, since that just sounds like something a femoid would do but is there anywhere I can read up on this?Go look at my spiderpill post bro.", "wizardcel said:never heard of the cucumberpill? foids can use anything to replace your dickMy fantasy is to fuck a femoid with an eggplant", "I am no longer surprised by these types of pills since i have known for many years that women will insert ANYTHING into their vaginas, whether it has a heartbeat or not.", "Its over", "The only thing more brutal than this is the treepill", "Proof that holes are horny as fuck. I stubbornly side with this fact that they are horny and need to have it filled as often as possible. It’s not a motivating thing though —- they will not let an incel inside them as they don’t want our genes. They need their void filled but only by Chads or things that won’t get them pregnant.", "Femoids need to take the FifiPill.", "Involuntarily said:Anything but us. The pills are getting hilarious.", "we dont stand a chance", "AsiaCel said:we dont stand a chance 82179 82180", "we need a new term rather than pill lol", "2020: Dogcels going broke over tablechads2030: Tablecels going broke over chadlephants2050: Elphantcels desperate due to the recent whalepill", "furniturepill", "Involuntarily said:Anything but us. The pills are getting hilarious.I swear people are just using a random animal/object generator to come up with this stuff these days", "I forsee a rise in rope stocks in the near future.", "StaroRavager said:I swear people are just using a random animal/object generator to come up with this stuff these daysNice StaroPill", "Involuntarily said:Nice StaroPillI think I'm famous", "Cuyen said:Man it is fucking retarded,first dogpill now this..tbh", "damn Januarys been ripe with new and/or improved pills, dogpill, spiderpill,treepill and now the furniturepill. What other pill is going to be discovered before February?", "starystulejarz said:Tablemogs mejust be a table theory", "I'm into this(please don't judge me and. i'm not a cuck) ", "Am i chad because i used to hump the pillow as a teenager ?", "PAX WardrobeWhite/tyssedal white£565200 x 60 x 236 cm690.960.0010 year guarantee. Read about the terms in the guarantee brochure. View more product informationThe price reflects selected optionsKnobs and handles are sold separately.How can we compete? 79x24x93 INCHES of pure splintering pleasure. And, as expected, it only comes in white. Double whammypill. Oh and knobs come separately? It's because they don't want knobs anymore, just wood.", "Eskimocel said:Why would femoids fuck a table over us?1. Dining table legs are 29, which leaves about an inch for top thickness.2. They are atleast 7inches thick or more3. They dont cum, foids can fuck them until forever.4. They can have any face, they would stick a picture of chad and proceed to fuck it.5. They are 30inches big br0000 u stand a chance???6. While daddy eats his food little does he know thats his little girls sex toy. Already taking 30 inch table legs sets her up for going only for 7 inches+WHAT U HAVE SAY ABT THIS CUCKTEARS??? teeheeee", "EthnicelNL said:WHAT U HAVE SAY ABT THIS CUCKTEARS??? teeheeee oh sweetly don't u see even the table and chairs have a better personality than u racists and women hating incels", "StaroRavager said:I think I'm famous[BRUTAL STAROPILL]", "I've always considered furniture to be one of the greatest copes someone could have. But not like that ", "Hello sorry mods. But the furniturepill is more prevelant than ever. And people thought I was crazy. Every object around the house is intentionally being set out to be some sort of sexual thing. So go and invest in a wardrobe that will be used by some random foid guest at your house.", "Brutal furniturepill", "lol if the furniture is wooden and they end up getting a sliver up their ass while molesting it. Try explaining that one, whores.", "RegisterUserName said:PAX WardrobeWhite/tyssedal white£565200 x 60 x 236 cmMassive wardrobe", "looks/heightpill>JBWpill>dogpill>FURNITUREPILL", "wizardcel said:never heard of the cucumberpill? foids can use anything to replace your dick" ]
NEVER believe a woman
[ "Lifefuel. Smart of them to test paternity, if I had a kid that is the 1st thing I'd do.20 per cent of men will learn they are not the father of the child they are testing I hope to fuck this is fake news tbh. Source: ", "I don’t assume someone is speaking the truth without evidence first but I will always lean towards trusting a man over a woman. That comes from life experience and just overall finding men to be more trustful.Cuck if you would trust whores over your own fellow man tbh.", "Wow. Holy Shit.", "blacked", "what if they tell you u are ugly should you believe them then", "Tbh jfl at 1 in 5 women not only cheating but also cuckolding their partners. I don't understand why that isn't a criminal offense.", "Ritalincel said:Tbh jfl at 1 in 5 women not only cheating but also cuckolding their partners. I don't understand why that isn't a criminal offense.It used to be. Then we cucked out and gave whamans rights because they were autistically screeching.", "Ritalincel said:I don't understand why that isn't a criminal offense.It would be in a sane society but this isn’t a sane society..", "Your better off trusting some tribal witch doctor.", "rip OP he couldnt stand lol", "Are you really a 5'2 96 lbs Chinese goblin living in Germany?", "At least I'm sure my dad is my dad. He is a fucking subhuman aswell.", "View: ", "...", "View: ", "That was the whole point in the changing of the last name for marriage. We only had surnames because there were far to many johns far too many peters. Its significance was to pass ownership onto the man, the two became one and that one was the man. He had sole responsibility over the woman and the entire family. So if the child was born out of wedlock it was simply that of the woman's. To be completely honest I'm all for that and I care not whether it was mine unless it was a boy.The other thing is women want you to be responsible for them and their offspring and what a better way of honoring you with naming them after you and changing her last name after you. Chalk it up to chameleon behavior, but even I saw this a long time ago when one of my friends girlfriends changed their last name to his, and no they were not married but she did it anyways. You can even call it a sort of tattoo.“Chameleon behavior” is accurate af." ]
StoryEthnic foids are easy mode for white men
[ "I was at the gym today, I still like to cope by gymcelling. There was this brown female doing sets in front of me, I thought she was pretty cute, but as I saw her I wondered how she'd react if an ethnic subhuman were to even say hello to her, she probably prides herself in only fucking white men. Then, as if the universe were mocking me, a white guy approaches her and hugs her, she starts giggling and suddenly looks so happy. And he wasn't even good looking, he was a manlet and not Chad at all, white incels here mog him. Just be white theory is legit.", "I'm white and I don't know any ethnic foids that are interesed in me. Probably what you've seen doesn't apply to incels.", "Angry_runt said:I'm white and I don't know any ethnic foids that are interesed in me. Probably what you've seen doesn't apply to incels.", "I still think that jbw is a massive cope/hoax.", "and what if im white in a country with a majority of white people you know not every country is so munticurtular that you see ethnics everyday", "What was the race of this mudfoid", "It's just be NT.", "Azaylias said:if you want evidence JBW is bullshit, spend a day in AucklandYeah and if you want to experience hell on earth spend a day in Germany as a white guy. Turkish women have zero interest in German men.", "virgin4life said:Yeah and if you want to experience hell on earth spend a day in Germany as a white guy.", "JBW is not a theory, it's an axiom.", "JBW just decreases requirement by 1.So not sub6, but sub5.", "Blacktarpill said:jbw is a massive cope", "RREEEEEEEEE said:JBW is not a theory, it's an axiom.", "JBW only applies in non white countries.", "Azaylias said:if you want evidence JBW is bullshit, spend a day in Aucklandelab?", "Azaylias said:Auckland just barley majority white, there is a high population density of Asians; including, Koreans, Indians, Japanese, Chinese, Filipinos, and many more. Despite the fact there are PLENTY of white men for these Ethnic women to lust after there are almost no interracial couples, despite the fact whites are supposed to be these living gods that Ethnic women would ditch their Ethnic male counterparts for in a heartbeat as JBW describes it Cool. I like learning about other countries and customs. And yes JBW is stupid i only agree with it to a small extent.", "Interesting read OP, really makes your mind spin.", "Angry_runt said:I'm white and I don't know any ethnic foids that are interesed in me. Probably what you've seen doesn't apply to incels.Bullshit just try to talk to an ethnic femoid and you will get laid.Blacktarpill said:I still think that jbw is a massive cope/hoax.Bullshit man you don´t comprehend how easy you have itAutisticCopecel said:and what if im white in a country with a majority of white people you know not every country is so munticurtular that you see ethnics everydayThen just travel to a non white country ad you will get worshipped sa a god.", "(((JBW))) is the lowest IQ currycoping phenomena in history", "Azaylias said:Sure, being a 5/10 white man with aryan features in SEA will give you some serious leverage. But the concept of having a certain pigmentation getting you laid no matter how ugly you are is stupidTell that to the 3 ethnic foids, I a magic white man asked out and got rejected by Indeed. SEA. Kind of a meme I guess but yeah that's the only region that i perceive JBW being accurate in consistently.", "MayorOfKekville said:(((JBW))) is the lowest IQ currycoping phenomena in historykeep coping retard.", "Azaylias said:if you want evidence JBW is bullshit, spend a day on planet Earth.", "White guys have it easier finding a partner than racial minorities in the west Why do copers outright refuse to believe this?", "JBW is true in the sense that 90% of white foids date only white men. Noodlewhores on the other hand.", "just be white bro ", "NotQuiteChadLite said:JBW only applies in non white countries.Works very well in Toronto and the surrounding region.", "Angry_runt said:I'm white and I don't know any ethnic foids that are interesed in me. Probably what you've seen doesn't apply to incels.Try running JBW on many ethnic foids. If you still fail, you're truecel tier.virgin4life said:Yeah and if you want to experience hell on earth spend a day in Germany as a white guy.I'd try Lucifer level hell on Earth by spending a day in Germany as an ethnic guy", "Hoffman_13 said:just be white bro 82200Mogging someone this hard should be illegal.", "tehgymcel420 said:Mogging someone this hard should be illegal.should be punishable by firing squad tbh", "Azaylias said:if you want evidence JBW is bullshit, spend a day in AucklandJust be white theory is legit.", "JBW is bullshit.I've known 6'4 Dutch guys who were incel and short FOB Chinese guys with hot Asian gfs.I think the whole Asian girls liking white guys thing is a meme too. I have seen no proof of it IRL. Most wm/af is old white guys with gold digging jungle gooks. Not even the top tier Asians like Japanese or Koreans.", "IncelDisciple said:JBW is bullshit.I've known 6'4 Dutch guys who were incel and short FOB Chinese guys with hot Asian gfs.I think the whole Asian girls liking white guys thing is a meme too. I have seen no proof of it IRL. Most wm/af is old white guys with gold digging jungle gooks. Not even the top tier Asians like Japanese or Koreans.Very weak bait, try harder next time", "Anger said:Then just travel to a non white country ad you will get worshipped sa a that logic couldnt you do the same but the opposite? if you are ethnic on white country you have problems yes then go to ethnicland or where ever people are like you", "IncelDisciple said:JBW is bullshit.I've known 6'4 Dutch guys who were incel and short FOB Chinese guys with hot Asian gfs.I think the whole Asian girls liking white guys thing is a meme too. I have seen no proof of it IRL. Most wm/af is old white guys with gold digging jungle gooks. Not even the top tier Asians like Japanese or Koreans.that is funny coming from an alt-right guy like ukeep falsely denying your privilege in the SMV game, studies have shown white guys pull chicks way easier", "Is being a hapacel considered white?", "Weeee said:Is being a hapacel considered white?No.AutisticCopecel said:by that logic couldnt you do the same but the opposite? if you are ethnic on white country you have problems yes then go to ethnicland or where ever people are like youI've considered it, but I'd rather die than live in a Muslim shit hole.", "Weeee said:Is being a hapacel considered white?nope", "IncelDisciple said:I think the whole Asian girls liking white guys thing is a meme too. I have seen no proof of it IRL.Try to leave your basement faggot.", "cucktearslol said:that is funny coming from an alt-right guy like ukeep falsely denying your privilege in the SMV game, studies have shown white guys pull chicks way easierPost these studies please.", "Azaylias said:if you want evidence JBW is bullshit, spend a day in Aucklandstill over for curries tho", "BigGhey said:still over for curries tho", "Somewhere there's a white version of me drowning in ethnic puss.", "Jbw holds true in some factors, mainly if in the same rating. But white trucels are probably still screwed.", "I don't know what to think of it. Sometimes I see evidence it's true, other times I see evidence that it's bullshit. There definitely are plenty of self-hating ethnic 'foids though.", "Well water is wet and we all know it", "RREEEEEEEEE said:JBW is not a theory, it's an axiom.", "Azaylias said:nope. i always see curry couplesyea but have you seen an interracial couple that involves a curry male?", "Angry_runt said:I'm white and I don't know any ethnic foids that are interesed in me. Probably what you've seen doesn't apply to incels.", "Anger said:Bullshit just try to talk to an ethnic femoid and you will get laid.I have tried for the past 20 years and no dice. I'm 5'11 also gymmaxxed and I make a decent amount of money.Where are these ethnic foids that you've promised me? You have 24 hours to deliver them to me washed and tied up... or else.", "Ignas said:I'd try Lucifer level hell on Earth by spending a day in Germany as an ethnic guyThat must be terrible.", "MayorOfKekville said:(((JBW))) is the lowest IQ currycoping phenomena in historyEinstein IQ post.", "Azaylias said:ive seen like 2 in my life>2", "They may look like an easy mode. The reality is they are a game over, they are a penalty castigation for failed white men.", "Azaylias said:exactly, just further proof the whole JBW bullshit is stupidNo dumbass its further proof that JBW is NOT bullshit because I have seen countless of interacial relagtionships involving WHITE MEN but only very few with curries", "Azaylias said:where do you live. because i see almost no interracial couplesBurgerLand", "Salustio said:They may look like an easy mode. The reality is they are a game over, they are a penalty castigation for failed white men.The one I saw at the gym was attractive, there are lots of hideous ethnic foids but there are some good looking ones too (and they're all reserved for white men.)", "RREEEEEEEEE said:JBW is not a theory, it's an axiom.", "tehgymcel420 said:The one I saw at the gym was attractive, there are lots of hideous ethnic foids but there are some good looking ones too (and they're all reserved for white men.)The ugly ethnic foids are reserved for high status ethnic men. JBW only applies if you are a low status ethnic male and you are competing with 5/10+ white men, and you are also low status.But if you lower your standards, start approaching hideous ethnic foids, statusmax and moneymax, you too can get an ethnic foid.", "Blacktarpill said:I still think that jbw is a massive cope/hoax.", "As a curry ethnic, I get mogged by whites 24/7. Fuck being a curry. White Chads are literal gods, if you're just white skinned, you would still make a curry foid cream her panties Azaylias said:where do you live. because i see almost no interracial couplesMidwest USA", "I believe this is only true in USA due to the special situation there. Here in Germany there are way more ethnic men with German women than the other way around.Also, a lot of turkish women are forced by their families not to date non-muslims. If German families would do the same, everyone would go crazy and scream racism.Jfl at this shit situation in this cucked country.", "Angry_runt said:I'm white and I don't know any ethnic foids that are interesed in me. Probably what you've seen doesn't apply to incels.JBW obviously doesn't work for slavs.Azaylias said:if you want evidence JBW is bullshit, spend a day in AucklandJBW is bullshit, ethnic femoids hate whites and males are also hated, JBW is a bluepill about looks mattering less than race and that ethnic femoids who are racially conscious, and want to think of their own race as superior, will mate with an ugly male from another race.", "Erenor said:Also, a lot of turkish women are forced by their families not to date non-muslims.Ethnic whores would sacrifice their families for a taste of white cock.Boshy said:JBW obviously doesn't work for slavs.JBW is bullshit, ethnic femoids hate whites and males are also hated, JBW is a bluepill about looks mattering less than race and that ethnic femoids who are racially conscious, and want to think of their own race as superior, will mate with an ugly male from another race.The racepill is the ultimate blackpill for ethnics, denying it is cope.", "RREEEEEEEEE said:JBW is not a theory, it's an axiom." ]
LifeFuelBlackpill Philosophers Thread
[ "Here we make a list of Blackpill philosophers. I'll start:1. Arthur Schopenhauer: On Women and his other quotes. Very good philosopher!2. Richard Wagner: Most of his ideas were from Schopenhauer.3. Napoleon Bonaparte: Restricted foid's rights in France while making it an excellent autocracy.4. Adolf Hitler: Created NS, hated foids with a passion. Student of Schopenhauer's works and enjoyed Wager's operas.5. Carl Jung: Esoteric Hitlerist.6. Miguel Serrano: Esoteric Hitlerist.7. Julius Evola: Esoteric Hitlerist.8. Philipp Mainlander: Student of Schopenhauer.9. Gautama Buddha: Various anti-female quotes, man of compassion and peace.10. The 11 Gurus of Sikhism: They hated foids for how they destroyed India and made Sikhism to repair it.11. Prabhupada: See his quotes. He knew the truth about so called 'rape'.12. Rousseau: Railed against equal rights in women in France.13. Hegel: Elements of the Philosophy of the Right rails against foids rights.14. Darwin: Misogynistic quotes in The Descent of Men. Big evolutionist and founder of major blackpills.15. Alfred Rosenberg - NS follower of Hitler.16. Joseph Goebbels- NS follower of Hitler.17. Hermann Goering - NS follower of Hitler.18. Plato - Argued that women were inferior to men.19. Socrates - Argued that women were inferior to men.20. Kurt Vonnegut - Knew it was evil to try to educate women.(Maybe or maybe not) 21. Otto Weiniger - Wrote Sex and Character and influenced Hitler, BUT, he was a jew and allowed ubsermasc foids to live.21. Immanuel Kant - Said men have to protect foids because foids are too immoral and cowardly to protect themselves, said that women should not do anything outside of home affairs.22. Isaac Newton - Hated women, and used the fact that his mother and other women mistreated him as examples.23. William Shakespeare - Used his stories to degrade and attack women. 24. Ernest Hemingway - Used his stories to degrade and attack women. Had the masculine male ideal spread.25 - Lao Tzu - Created Taoism, hated women and said that they should keep quiet.25. Lao Tzu - What are you waiting for? Add on, add on!", "Max Stirner.", "Smallondick said:Max Stirner.Hmm, this is actually quite Interesting! What would you say in specific stood out about him as blackpilled? (No offense, wondering)", "Islam>cucktanity", "Good ol Mohamed, the creator of Islam", "The philosophy of Stirner is credited as a major influence in the development of nihilism, existentialism and post-modernism as well as individualist anarchism, post-anarchism and post-left anarchy. Stirner's main philosophical work was The Ego and Its Own. EgoismStirner argues that individuals are impossible to fully comprehend. All mere concepts of the self will always be inadequate to fully describe the nature of our experience. Stirner has been broadly understood as a proponent of both psychological egoism and ethical egoism, although the latter position can be disputed as there is no claim in Stirner's writing in which one ought to pursue one's own interest and further claiming any ought could be seen as a new fixed idea. Stirner may be understood as a rational egoist in the sense that he considered it irrational not to act in one's self-interest. However, how this self-interest is defined is necessarily subjective, allowing both selfish and altruistic normative claims to be included. Individual self-realization rests on each individual's desire to fulfill their egoism. The difference between an unwilling and a willing egoist is that the former will be possessed by an empty idea and believe that they are fulfilling a higher cause, but usually being unaware that they are only fulfilling their own desires to be happy or secure; and in contrast the latter will be a person that is able to freely choose its actions, fully aware that they are only fulfilling individual desires as stated by Stirner:Sacred things exist only for the egoist who does not acknowledge himself, the involuntary egoist [...] in short, for the egoist who would like not to be an egoist, and abases himself (combats his egoism), but at the same time abases himself only for the sake of being exalted, and therefore of gratifying his egoism. Because he would like to cease to be an egoist, he looks about in heaven and earth for higher beings to serve and sacrifice himself to; but, however much he shakes and disciplines himself, in the end he does all for his own sake [...] [on] this account I call him the involuntary egoist. [...] As you are each instant, you are your own creature in this very 'creature' you do not wish to lose yourself, the creator. You are yourself a higher being than you are, and surpass yourself [...] just this, as an involuntary egoist, you fail to recognize; and therefore the 'higher essence' is to you – an alien essence. [...] Alienness is a criterion of the sacred.— Max Stirner[15]​The contrast is also expressed in terms of the difference between the voluntary egoist being the possessor of his concepts as opposed to being possessed. Only when one realizes that all sacred truths such as law, right, morality, religion and so on are nothing other than artificial concepts—and not to be obeyed—can one act freely. For Stirner, to be free is to be both one's own creature (in the sense of creation) and one's own creator (dislocating the traditional role assigned to the gods). To Stirner, power is the method of egoism—it is the only justified method of gaining property.​", "Matthew Raphael Johnson", "ProudIncelistani said:8. Philipp Mainlander: Student of Schopenhauer.", "Mewcel said:Matthew Raphael Johnson to expand...Dear lord. You can't be blackpilled if you hate other Incels. Think this over. WN's pretend to hate women, but will in reality do anything for them. They're the white version of those iBMOR fuckers. Also, inb4 you realize that more than 1/2 of the Alt-right is run by tradthots like Laura Lokteff, Tara McCarthy, etc.Smallondick said:", "Mainländer... trapmaxing:", "Smallondick said:Mainländer... trapmaxing:LOL", "ProudIncelistani said:Dear lord. You can't be blackpilled if you hate other Incels. Think this over. WN's pretend to hate women, but will in reality do anything for them. They're the white version of those iBMOR fuckers.Why would you assume that? Just because the man happens to have a podcast on a WN website? Who cares, the man is a radical Orthodox Christian who is exposing female nature left and right.", "Mewcel said:Why would you assume that? Just because the man happens to have a podcast on a WN website? Who cares, the man is a radical Orthodox Christian who is exposing female nature left and right.Nah tbh I assumed you were a WN lol not the the dude (srs), yeah I should wait before assuming though my bad.", "ProudIncelistani said:Nah tbh I assumed you were a WN lol not the the dude (srs), yeah I should wait before assuming though my bad.My opinions about race are just that, opinions. They don't matter in the great scheme of things. While far from being PC, I hold no ill will towards other races.", "Mewcel said:While far from being PC, I hold no ill will towards other races.", "You forgot Mahavira (one of the four Tirthankaras) and Mohammed.", "Dostoyevsky was an incel for a long time, I believe.He even wrote a short story about an incel, it's called White Nights. I've been meaning to read it.", "chudur-budur said:You forgot Mahavira (one of the four Tirthankaras) and Mohammed. to expand...Oh yeah, thanks!Yeah, they were Blackpilled AS FUCK.janoycresva said:Dostoyevsky was an incel for a long time, I believe.He even wrote a short story about an incel, it's called White Nights. I've been meaning to read it. to expand...Wow, good to know. I'll give it a read myself when I can! Thank you!", "Interesting", "Smallondick said:Mainländer... trapmaxing:@Mainländer " ]
RageFuelGuy on plebbit makes an accurate statement about the reality of online dating and asks honest questions, gets flamed by roasties and cucks
[ "Another entitled nice guy and potential incelTale as old as time, right? Entitled. I'm fucking sick of hearing this word directed at men who are just asking reasonable questions. Let's cut the crap here: Why aren't the 'foids who refuse to even reply to a dude unless he's Chad entitled? How come women can't ever be entitled? Cucktears: I know you're reading this. Answer this question. Now.Society bends over backwards to make fat ugly women feel beautiful and speshul but average-looking and even fairly good-looking guys get absolutely no sympathy when they almost always have their self-esteem completely crushed by the harsh realities of online-dating. I mean the least you holes could do is reply and not act like complete stuck up bitches.", "The society started revolving around women and men were thrown out", "Here's a blackpill: They don't care, they will never admit it, but they find our pain funny in a way. Not in the funny like laughing type of way, it's amusing to them to see people in pain, especially those they consider sub-human, emotional pain is the perfect place for them. Then they wonder why some of us want to wipe them all out.", "just join a book club theory", "DarkKnight said:Here's a blackpill: They don't care, they will never admit it, but they find our pain funny in a way. Not in the funny like laughing type of way, it's amusing to them to see people in pain, especially those they consider sub-human, emotional pain is the perfect place for them. Then they wonder why some of us want to wipe them all out.shit, even moms laugh at their short sons foids think men suffering is funny as fuck", "I am always in disbelief at how the most obvious truths are explained around by the commenters. remember top 50% of men get 96% of the likes. what does that immediately imply about the other 50%'c chances???", "Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth.", "if you ever match with a 6/10 or 7-8/10 on any fake dating site they will eventually stop responding to you because they are already getting fucked by someone they deem better than you. You have to talk to them immediately and even then they could lose interest in 1 minute. It's so pointless because even if you meet one it's not like anything is going to happen in fact it's probably fucked up and weird. Meeting some fucking rando from the internet.", "Wasn't there a post how most females on Reddit are above 30. Post-wall , of course they're constantly upset", "DarkKnight said:Here's a blackpill: They don't care, they will never admit it, but they find our pain funny in a way. Not in the funny like laughing type of way, it's amusing to them to see people in pain, especially those they consider sub-human, emotional pain is the perfect place for them. Then they wonder why some of us want to wipe them all out.You're probably right.", "Insomniac said:Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth.DarkKnight said:Here's a blackpill: They don't care, they will never admit it, but they find our pain funny in a way. Not in the funny like laughing type of way, it's amusing to them to see people in pain, especially those they consider sub-human, emotional pain is the perfect place for them. Then they wonder why some of us want to wipe them all out.", "Future is female, tables have started to turn though it will be a lot worse for us", "SoyUnPerdedor said:just join a book club theory", "its almost if asking dating questions to a extremely sjw cucky left leaning website would end in peril?o and Ugly guy asking for advice and help = entitled, nice guyFemale complaining shes supposedly lonely and wants a boyfriend right now = o sweetie you will find someone soon, u will find ur prince, just wait a few more hours, keep looking up babe xoxxo", "Insomniac said:Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth.Tesla + Da Vinci combined IQ post", "This is just everyday on reddit.", "normalites would prefer to bury their heads in the sand rather than admit hes right", "My thoughts are that your line of thinking is dangerous and toxic. You’re an incel waiting to happen.Blaming women for your own inability to garner their attention is ridiculous. It’s your fault, and your problem. You either need to change, or try different avenues (online simply isn’t for everyone).Chin up. You can fix this. Instead of building up resentment, work on self improvement.", "The guy wrote a great phrase> but it's just trueCucks can rationalise how it is entitlement, misogyny, blaiming women or any other buzzword, but it won't change the fact that all the points incels and this guy have are true.He then asks what can be done to improve the situation - I am convinced that nothing until females have their right.", "OP is 100% correct in everything he says, many of those commenting offer good advice too, and then there are IT covert ops soyboys like this:My thoughts are that your line of thinking is dangerous and toxic. You’re an incel waiting to happen.Blaming women for your own inability to garner their attention is ridiculous. It’s your fault, and your problem. You either need to change, or try different avenues (online simply isn’t for everyone).Chin up. You can fix this. Instead of building up resentment, work on self improvement.Imagine being a black man in the Jim Crow south, being refused service at stores and restaurants left and right, complaining that things aren't fair, and having someone spout this shit to you.I know dating isn't as bad as racism but one shouldn't victim blame just because incels complain about girls too. This commenter claims that complaining about female choice in online dating is toxic, but would never say that about the millions of women using men on Tinder as disposable meal tickets, the millions of Chads who pump and dump women, being treated like sex Gods while treating the women like shit, etc. Apparently the big bad guy is he who tries to point out that things are a tiny bit messed up.", "r9kcel said:Wasn't there a post how most females on Reddit are above 30. Post-wall , of course they're constantly upsetThat explains a lot, they’re literally prunes with more test than estrogen.", "High iq, but what did this nigga expect? Going onto cuck central", "FinnCel said:The society started revolving around women and men were thrown out", "Join Stormfront and tell them about racial equality.", "gylo said:Imagine being a black man in the Jim Crow south, being refused service at stores and restaurants left and right, complaining that things aren't fair, and having someone spout this shit to you.I know dating isn't as bad as racism but one shouldn't victim blame just because incels complain about girls too.Lol. For those of who aren't white, dating IS racism every single minute of every single day.", "People, primarily men, like to complain all the time how they can't find a woman, how they're all shallow, etc. Look. You're either not attractive or you do things to hinder your attraction. This isn't geared specifically towards OP in general, but all men:Workout. Don't tell me you don't have time or are scared what people at the gym may think of you. They're there, just like yourself, to workout and GTFO out of there. That's it.Learn how to dress properly. It doesn't cost much to find appealing clothes. That graphic tee you have in your closet? What about that fedora? Those baggy pants? Yeah, get rid of them. Get some fitting clothing. Some starter ideas are chinos, flannels, Henleys, and Denim.Get a hobby if you don't have one already. Women like interesting men, not workaholics. Having a job / career goals ARE attractive, but so is a personal life. Have a sense of humor. Don't need to be a comedian, but learn how to loosen up and not be serious all the time. Get some better photos, ideally in better light. Someone else taking the photo is ideal but not necessary. I used to take all photos of me as forward facing smiles but being too happy can make you seem fake. Check out these subs for help:/r/malehairadvice/r/malefashionadviceThese guys on YouTube are worth a watch: from the whore’s mouthSee Incels, it’s easy! Just have these 5 Easy* traits to even be considered at minimum, worthy of possibly dating. Just be an interesting gym rat who wears Armani tailored suits who spends his free time gallivanting up and down the coast line in his personal yacht. Holy fuck, do these people have any self awareness?ALL men have to do this shit. ALL MEN. What do women have to do again, just exist?", "SoyUnPerdedor said:just join a book club theorySounds like a good idea.... except for the fact that 'foids don't read books.", "Insomniac said:Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth.", "Reddit is the worst mistake of mankind.", "Insomniac said:Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth.", "Of course they will attack him. Online dating has given foids an buffet of men to choose from filtered to their liking, completely for free and without requiring any effort from them. Expect them to lash out at everyone point out how the men on these sites get fucked and have to work their asses off to even get a chance to talk to some useless parasite for 10 minutes.", "Lol people telling him to do self improvement, as going to gym, doing sports isnt enough.", "Tbh if a girl has no interest it's better if she doesn't reply, raised expectations increases the hurt.Corporations cater to fat women because they'll spend a lot of money on clothes and makeup to feel beautiful, whereas male insecurity can't really be merchandised in this way.gylo said:OP is 100% correct in everything he says, many of those commenting offer good advice too, and then there are IT covert ops soyboys like this:Imagine being a black man in the Jim Crow south, being refused service at stores and restaurants left and right, complaining that things aren't fair, and having someone spout this shit to you.I know dating isn't as bad as racism but one shouldn't victim blame just because incels complain about girls too. This commenter claims that complaining about female choice in online dating is toxic, but would never say that about the millions of women using men on Tinder as disposable meal tickets, the millions of Chads who pump and dump women, being treated like sex Gods while treating the women like shit, etc. Apparently the big bad guy is he who tries to point out that things are a tiny bit messed up.Racial segregation was fair though.", "r9kcel said:Wasn't there a post how most females on Reddit are above 30. Post-wall , of course they're constantly upsetlol", "Insomniac said:Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth.", "DarkKnight said:Here's a blackpill: They don't care, they will never admit it, but they find our pain funny in a way. Not in the funny like laughing type of way, it's amusing to them to see people in pain, especially those they consider sub-human, emotional pain is the perfect place for them. Then they wonder why some of us want to wipe them all out.this" ]
LDARFriendly reminder that the same cucks who call incels entitled want free shit from the government
[ "RippedRichandIncel said:They cannot see how foolish they are", "Leftist cucks turn into hardcore social darwinist ancaps when it comes to incels or people they don't like.", "Thank you!", "JFL", "You can't compare people with money", "Genius IQThis is the final word on the stupidity of cucktears/feminists.", "incels=melting point of steel IQ cucktears=freezing point IQ", "posting on IT = being a subhuman", "The government shouldn't get free shit from us.", "How to be Ritalincel-Make thread about soy cucks-Make thread about baldingRepeat", " muh free abortion for da womenzzzz", "Swiswis said:posting on IT = being a subhumanIt's also means having a total lack of self awareness.", "LDARBuddah said:How to be Ritalincel-Make thread about soy cucks-Make thread about baldingRepeatt. nw0 soy cuck", "Every person in earth has a price", "Cuck's hypocrisy through the roof again, complaining about the rich getting richer but not acknowledgeding the current dating situation just because they get their occasional dopamin rush when donating or giving money to foids", "fuck commies", "Swiswis said:posting on IT = being a subhuman", "Daily reminder that Holeoids steal money from the government via taxation while moaning about entitlement.", "acnescarcel said:fuck commies", "PersonalityChad said:Leftist cucks turn into hardcore social darwinist ancaps when it comes to incels or people they don't like.I love what you wrote next to your stars" ]
IncelTears is dying
[ "Just look at them. 100% of their content are reposts from here. They have 0 productivity. If we stop existing then they will too. Also,without r/Incels there are no incels commenting on their posts so they don't have someone to downvote. Their sub is just an oversaturated circlejerk that solely depends on this forum. To me, they are already dead. They may have won the battle but we won the war.The fact that they NEED our posts to exist is the definition of victory. They are nothing.", "The fact that they followed us here proves that those people objectively are losers with no life.", "and if we stop making inceltears threads, they gonna die sooner.", "FUCK REDDIT", "Zielony4 said:The fact that they followed us here proves that those people objectively are losers with no life.They are just a bunch of incels in denial imho. Some femoids commetn on their posts and they whiteknight them by prosectuing us.Weed said:and if we stop making inceltears threads, they gonna die sooner.Legit. Let this be the last one.", "Isn't reposting other people's shit to complain about it what they always did? What's the difference?", "Gunnage said:Isn't reposting other people's shit to complain about it what they always did? What's the difference?Well, there were some original posts. Usually it was armchairpsychology or platitude storming. Maybe an incel would write somthing there. Now it's ONLY reposts. Like hell, one guy reposted a repost. They are officially out of original conent. If reddit wasn't so cucked they would be banned since their sub has NO orirignal conents and all they do is criticize us.", "I said we wait until Cucktears die, and then revire r/incels in one reddit clone, it will be hilarious.", "Unbearable2woman said:I said we wait until Cucktears die, and then revire r/incels in one reddit clone, it will be hilarious.We will have the last laugh", "They're leaching content from us to get upboats, this is how pathetic those people are.", "anon_899 said:They're leaching content from us to get upboats, this is how pathetic those people are.They are a parasitic sub", "Hopefully this is the last thread anyone makes about them on here. Infact any future threads about them should be deleted. We shouldnt even mention their names on here. Dont give them even a second of attention.", "Nautica1983 said:Hopefully this is the last thread anyone makes about them on here. Infact any future threads about them should be deleted. We shouldnt even mention their names on here. Dont give them even a second of attention.Undestood", "Fuck Cucktears. These numales and landwhales have no lives.", "ObitoCel said:Fuck Cucktears. These numales and landwhales have no lives.The landwhales have lives. It's those disgusting whiteknights who are like I reposted an incel post with a hateful title. Will you fuck me? that need to fuck off.", "Unbearable2woman said:I said we wait until Cucktears die, and then revire r/incels in one reddit clone, it will be hilarious.It won't die as long as a man somewhere, anywhere is saying truthful and unkind things about m'ladies.", "They are even more pathetic than us. They define their existence around us.", "I couldn't care less honestly. They're all wasting their time on us for legitimately no reason. It must suck being useless sacks of shit.", "wincel said:They are even more pathetic than us. They define their existence around us.Imagine how much of a loser you have to depend on incels", "I truly do not give a shit about them. The only reason I ever think of inceltears at all is because of fucks like you constantly reminding us of them.", "Everyone will perish within time", "Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:FUCK REDDIT", "the inceltear fandom is dying, repost if you are a fucking retarded degenerate scumbag who would be put in an asylum in a civilized society and likely beaten daily by the guards for being such a deranged lunatic to keep the inceltear fandom alive", "the IT jannies barely let any posts go through each day, their place is dead as fuck", "I made it on incel tears " ]
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Dataset Card for IncelSet

Dataset Summary

This dataset is based off the forum and is ⚠️HIGHLY OFFENSIVE⚠️ A compilation of almost 3 years worth of posts, highlighting topics such as (self-described) celibatism, self-views, life-improvement (attempts or advice), suicide, perceived failure, views on women, views on society, views on politcs - from the members' perspective.

Co-Authored by inmate & curly for Universiteit van Amsterdam Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics (PPLE)


English with a lot of racial slurs, misoginy, mentions of sexual assault and general hatred - do not view or use if easily offended.

Dataset Structure

The dataset consists of 2 colums, "title" - representing the thread title & "text" - representing the user replies (posts) under the thread title

Source Data Forum.

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

  1. We first built a script in GoLang that scrapes all the content of the Forum. We downloaded roughly 150.000 threads - containing almost 2.1 Million posts - in approximately 9 hours from start to finish - using a dedicated server with 72 cores.
  2. We then took the scraped data and started processing it, firstly building a script in Python that processed the data & formatted it into the JSON data format according to (RFC 8259) standards.
  3. We then started the removal process of PII (Personal Identifiable Information) - thus anonymizing user posts in the dataset. This wasn't hard to do as users already set up monikers for themselves & never gave out personal information such as full names, addresses or social security numbers, nevertheless we still validated the removal of such data.
  4. We then proceeded to remove leftover non-human readable text such as HTML tags or base64 encodings, along URLs users may have posted in their discussions.
  5. We now begin the dataset formatting process of compiling all 143.501 files left (threads) & ~2.1M posts in Parquet.
  6. Final results yield approx 1bil characters on ~144k rows.

Who are the source language producers?

Self-described incels / members of the website (not to be taken in the mot-a-mot sense of the word)

Personal and Sensitive Information

Includes details of the users' (tragic & tragically self-perceived) lifes. No personal information contained in itself but touches on many sensitive subjects.

Considerations for Using the Data

Go wild with it. Keep in mind that we are not trying to expose, radicalize or even remotely harm this community. We have compiled almost 3 years worth of posts on this forum so we could better study this phenomena for a University project. We will be taking into consideration the actual publishing of the model trained on this data, but we do not see a potential scientific gain that would convince us to do so.

Social Impact of Dataset

Public Awareness and Education:

Pro: Publishing a dataset might bring greater public awareness to the issue and could be used for educational purposes, enlightening people about the intricacies of this community. Greater understanding might foster empathy and encourage supportive interventions. Con: It might also inadvertently glamorize or sensationalize the community, leading to an increased interest in and potential growth of such ideologies. Source: Marwick, A., & Caplan, R. (2018). Drinking male tears: Language, the manosphere, and networked harassment. Feminist Media Studies, 18(4), 543-559.

Potential Stigmatization and Alienation:

Pro: Identifying problematic behaviors and attitudes can help professionals develop targeted interventions. Con: Generalizing or pathologizing the behaviors of this community might further stigmatize and alienate its members. Labeling can reinforce undesirable behavior if individuals internalize these negative identities. Source: Dovidio, J. F., Major, B., & Crocker, J. (2000). Stigma: Introduction and overview. In T. F. Heatherton, R. E. Kleck, M. R. Hebl, & J. G. Hull (Eds.), The social psychology of stigma (p. 1–28). Misuse of Data:

Pro: When used responsibly, such a dataset can be a treasure trove for academic research. Con: However, there's always a risk of data being misused, misinterpreted, or cherry-picked to support harmful narratives or agendas. Source: boyd, d., & Crawford, K. (2012). Critical questions for big data. Information, Communication & Society, 15(5), 662-679.

Ethical Concerns:

Pro: Revealing problematic beliefs might serve a greater good. Con: There are ethical concerns, especially if data was collected without consent. Respect for individuals' autonomy and privacy is paramount in research ethics. (Data is collected under anonymity from a free-to-view, no-signup required, non-scrape blocking Forum - as per their ToS) Source: National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research. (1979). The Belmont report: Ethical principles and guidelines for the protection of human subjects of research.

Psychological Impact on Incels:

Pro: Confronting one's views might lead to self-reflection and change. Con: Conversely, it might entrench their beliefs further if they feel attacked or misunderstood, a phenomenon supported by the backfire effect. Source: Nyhan, B., & Reifler, J. (2010). When corrections fail: The persistence of political misperceptions. Political Behavior, 32(2), 303-330.

Discussion of Biases

The authors compiled only the first 150.000 of the 270.000 threads in the "Inceldom discussion" part of the forum. As a consequence, older posts have been left out and the dataset may not thoroughly represent the full extent of incel discourse. The authors declare no further biases or conflicts of interest - the data was scraped and processed as it appears on the forum.

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