1 value
1 value
95 values
7 values
11 values
2 classes
2 classes
2 classes
2 classes
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_ARULES_MODE; COMMAND_ARULES_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_arules_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_ARULES_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_ARULES_MODE; // skip COMMAND_ARULES_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_ARULES_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_ARULES_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_ARULES_MODE_CONF : 'conf=' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_ARULES_MODE_SUP : 'sup=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_ARULES_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\''-> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_ARULES_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED) ; COMMAND_ARULES_MODE_COMMA: ',' -> type(COMMA); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_ARULES_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' |'\u0028' // ( |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < // |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // ARULES |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_ARULES_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_ARULES_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_ARULES_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_rangemap; rangemapTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_RANGEMAP t_rangemap_fieldParameter (t_rangemap_attrnParameter)* (t_rangemap_defaultParameter)? ; t_rangemap_rangeParameter : GET_RANGE_NUMBER_LEFT t_rangemap_rangeRightParameter ; t_rangemap_rangeRightParameter : GET_RANGE_NUMBER_RIGHT ; t_rangemap_defaultParameter : COMMAND_RANGEMAP_MODE_DEFAULT stringType ; t_rangemap_attrnParameter : stringType COMMAND_RANGEMAP_MODE_EQ t_rangemap_rangeParameter ; t_rangemap_fieldParameter : COMMAND_RANGEMAP_MODE_FIELD fieldType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_XPATH_MODE; COMMAND_XPATH_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_xpath_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_XPATH_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_XPATH_MODE; // skip COMMAND_XPATH_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_XPATH_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_XPATH_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_XPATH_MODE_OUTFIELD : 'outfield=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_XPATH_MODE_DEFAULT : 'default=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_XPATH_MODE_FIELD : 'field=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_XPATH_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_XPATH_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_XPATH_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // XPATH |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_XPATH_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_XPATH_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_STRING_STRING); COMMAND_XPATH_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_mstats_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE; // skip COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_INT: DIGIT; fragment DIGIT: [0-99]; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_CHART : 'chart=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE: ( 'where' | 'WHERE' ) -> pushMode(COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE) ; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_PRESTATS : 'prestats=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_BACKFILL : 'backfill=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_APPEND : 'append=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_UPDATE_PERIOD : 'update_period=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_FILLNULL_VALUE : 'fillnull_value=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_CHUNK_SIZE : 'chunk_size=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_CHART_NULLSTR: 'chart.nullstr=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_CHART_OTHERSTR: 'chart.otherstr=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_CHART_USENULL: 'chart.usenull=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_CHART_USEOTHER: 'chart.useother=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_CHART_AGG: 'chart.agg=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_COMMA : ',' -> type(COMMA); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_SPAN : 'span=' -> pushMode(GET_SPAN) ; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\''-> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_AS: ('AS'|'as'|'As'); COMMAND_MSTATS_SUBMODE_CHART_LIMIT_TOP : 'chart.limit=top' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MSTATS_SUBMODE_CHART_LIMIT_BOTTOM : 'chart.limit=bottom' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MSTATS_SUBMODE_CHART_LIMIT: 'chart.limit=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); // aggregateMethod COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_COUNT: 'count' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_COUNT); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_AVG_PARENTHESIS_R: 'avg(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_AVG), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_MEAN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'mean(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MEAN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_C_PARENTHESIS_R: 'c(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_C), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_COUNT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'count(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_COUNT_B), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_DC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'dc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_DC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_DISTINCT_COUNT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'distinct_count(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_DISTINCT_COUNT), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_EARLIEST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'earliest(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EARLIEST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_EARLIEST_TIME_PARENTHESIS_R: 'earliest_time(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EARLIEST_TIME), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_ESTDC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'estdc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_ESTDC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_ESTDC_ERROR_PARENTHESIS_R: 'estdc_error(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_ESTDC_ERROR), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_FIRST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'first(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_FIRST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_LAST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'last(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LAST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_LATEST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'latest(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LATEST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_LATEST_TIME_PARENTHESIS_R: 'latest_time(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LATEST_TIME), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_LIST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'list(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LIST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_MAX_PARENTHESIS_R: 'max(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MAX), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_MEDIAN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'median(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MEDIAN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_MIN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'min(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MIN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'mode(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MODE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_P_PARENTHESIS_R: 'p(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_P), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_PERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'perc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_EXACTPERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'exactperc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EXACTPERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_UPPERPERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'upperperc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_UPPERPERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_PERCINT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'percint(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERCINT), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_RANGE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'range(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_RANGE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_RATE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'rate(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_RATE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_STDEV_PARENTHESIS_R: 'stdev(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_STDEV), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_STDEVP_PARENTHESIS_R: 'stdevp(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_STDEVP), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_SUM_PARENTHESIS_R: 'sum(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_SUM), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_SUMSQ_PARENTHESIS_R: 'sumsq(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_SUMSQ), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_VALUES_PARENTHESIS_R: 'values(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VALUES), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_VAR_PARENTHESIS_R: 'var(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VAR), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_VARP_PARENTHESIS_R: 'varp(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VARP), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_EVERY: 'every=' -> pushMode(GET_SPAN); //special percX() COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_P_VARIABLE: 'p'COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_INT -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_P_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_PERC_VARIABLE: 'perc'COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_INT -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERC_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_EXACTPERC_VARIABLE: 'exactperc'COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_INT -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EXACTPERC_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_UPPERPERC_VARIABLE: 'upperperc'COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_INT -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_UPPERPERC_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & //|'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; // |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = // |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // MSTATS |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); mode COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE; // skip COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // valid for fields // Reserved words COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_TIMEFORMAT: 'timeformat=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EARLIEST: 'earliest=' -> pushMode(GET_TIME); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_INDEX_EARLIEST: '_index_earliest=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTDAYSAGO: 'stardaysago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTHOURSAGO: 'starthoursago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTMINUTESAGO: 'startminutesago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTMONTHSAGO: 'startmonthsago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTTIME: 'starttime=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTTIMEU: 'starttimeu=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_LATEST: 'latest=' -> pushMode(GET_TIME); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_INDEX_LATEST: '_index_latest=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDDAYSAGO: 'enddaysago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDHOURSAGO: 'endhoursago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDMINUTESAGO: 'endminutesago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDMONTHSAGO: 'endmonthsago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDTIME: 'endtime=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDTIMEU: 'endtimeu=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SEARCHTIMESPANDAYS: 'searchtimespandays=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SEARCHTIMESPANHOURS: 'searchtimespanhours=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SEARCHTIMESPANMINUTES: 'searchtimespanminutes=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SEARCHTIMESPANMONHTS: 'searchtimespanmonths=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_MINUTESAGO: 'minutesago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_HOURSAGO: 'hoursago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_DAYSAGO: 'daysago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_MONTHSAGO: 'monthsago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EVENTTYPE: 'eventtype'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EVENTTYPETAG: 'eventtypetag'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_HOST: 'host'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_HOSTTAG: 'hosttag'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_INDEX: 'index'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SAVEDSEARCH: 'savedsearch'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SOURCE: 'source'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SOURCETYPE: 'sourcetype'; //special for tstats COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_NODENAME: 'nodename=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_TAG: 'tag'; //push to diffrent MODE_MODE's COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_AND: 'AND'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_NOT: 'NOT'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_OR: 'OR'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_IN: 'IN'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_BY_BY : ('BY'|'by'|'By') -> popMode; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_GROUPBY : ('GROUPBY'|'groupby') -> popMode; // charType, common types COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L: '('; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R: ')'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_BRACKET_L: '[' -> pushMode(COMMAND_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> popMode, popMode; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_C_BRACKET_L: '{'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_C_BRACKET_R: '}'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> pushMode(COMMAND_MODE); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_COMMA: ','; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_COLON: ':'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_DOT: '.'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EXCLAMATION: '!'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_QUOTE: '" '; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\''; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_DOLLAR: '$'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_AT_SIGN: '@'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_MINUS: '-'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_PLUS: '+'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_PERCENT: '%'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_WILDCARD: '*'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SLASH: '/'; // equality COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_DEQ: '=='; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EQ: '='; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_NEQ: '!='; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_LT: '<'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_LTE: '<='; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_GT: '>'; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_GTE: '>='; // quotation types COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SQSTRING: '\'' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // integers fragment COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // @ |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z // |'\u005B' // [ |'\u005C' // \ // |'\u005D' // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STRING : (COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_STRING_STRING); COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_TAGS_MODE; COMMAND_TAGS_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_tags_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_TAGS_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_TAGS_MODE; // skip COMMAND_TAGS_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_TAGS_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_TAGS_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_TAGS_MODE_OUTPUTFIELD : 'outputfield=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_TAGS_MODE_INCLVALUE : 'inclvalue=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_TAGS_MODE_INCLNAME : 'inclname=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_TAGS_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_TAGS_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_TAGS_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // TAGS |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_TAGS_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_TAGS_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_TAGS_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_DIFF_MODE; COMMAND_DIFF_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_diff_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_DIFF_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_DIFF_MODE; // skip COMMAND_DIFF_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_DIFF_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_DIFF_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_DIFF_MODE_DIFFHEADER : 'diffheader=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_DIFF_MODE_ATTRIBUTE : 'attribute' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_DIFF_MODE_CONTEXT : 'context=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_DIFF_MODE_MAXLEN : 'maxlen=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_DIFF_MODE_POSITION1: 'position1=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_DIFF_MODE_POSITION2: 'position2=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_DIFF_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_rex; rexTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_REX (t_rex_fieldParameter)? ((regexStringType (t_rex_maxMatchParameter)? (t_rex_offsetFieldParameter)? )|( t_rex_modeSedParameter regexStringType)) ; t_rex_fieldParameter : COMMAND_REX_MODE_FIELD fieldType ; t_rex_maxMatchParameter : COMMAND_REX_MODE_MAX_MATCH integerType ; t_rex_modeSedParameter : COMMAND_REX_MODE_MODE COMMAND_REX_MODE_SED ; t_rex_offsetFieldParameter : COMMAND_REX_MODE_OFFSET_FIELD stringType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_makemv; makemvTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_MAKEMV (t_makemv_delimParameter | t_makemv_tokenizerParameter)? (t_makemv_allowemptyParameter)? (t_makemv_setsvParameter)? fieldType ; t_makemv_allowemptyParameter : COMMAND_MAKEMV_MODE_ALLOWEMPTY booleanType ; t_makemv_delimParameter : COMMAND_MAKEMV_MODE_DELIM stringType ; t_makemv_setsvParameter : COMMAND_MAKEMV_MODE_SETSV booleanType ; t_makemv_tokenizerParameter : COMMAND_MAKEMV_MODE_TOKENIZER stringType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_multisearch; multisearchTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_MULTISEARCH subsearchStatement (subsearchStatement)+ ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_typer; typerTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_TYPER (t_typer_eventtypesParameter)? (t_typer_maxlenParameter)? ; t_typer_eventtypesParameter : COMMAND_TYPER_MODE_EVENTTYPES stringType ; t_typer_maxlenParameter : COMMAND_TYPER_MODE_MAXLEN integerType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_setfields; setfieldsTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_SETFIELDS t_setfields_setfieldsParameter (COMMA t_setfields_setfieldsParameter)* ; t_setfields_setfieldsParameter : stringType COMMAND_SETFIELDS_MODE_EQ stringType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_spath; spathTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_SPATH (t_spath_outputParameter | t_spath_pathParameter | t_spath_pathType | t_spath_inputParameter)* ; t_spath_inputParameter : COMMAND_SPATH_MODE_INPUT fieldType ; t_spath_outputParameter : COMMAND_SPATH_MODE_OUTPUT fieldType ; t_spath_pathParameter : COMMAND_SPATH_MODE_PATH (stringType|t_spath_pathType) ; t_spath_pathType : stringType (COMMAND_SPATH_MODE_C_BRACKET_L (stringType|integerType) COMMAND_SPATH_MODE_C_BRACKET_R)? (COMMAND_SPATH_MODE_DOT stringType (COMMAND_SPATH_MODE_C_BRACKET_L (stringType|integerType) COMMAND_SPATH_MODE_C_BRACKET_R)?)* ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_METADATA_MODE; COMMAND_METADATA_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_metadata_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_METADATA_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_METADATA_MODE; // skip COMMAND_METADATA_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_METADATA_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_METADATA_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens fragment LETTER: [a-zA-Z]; COMMAND_METADATA_MODE_STRUCK_SERVER_GROUP : 's'LETTER LETTER'u'LETTER'k_server_group=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING) ; COMMAND_METADATA_MODE_STRUCK_SERVER : 's'LETTER LETTER'u' LETTER 'k_server=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_METADATA_MODE_INDEX : 'index=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_METADATA_MODE_TYPE : 'type=' -> pushMode(COMMAND_METADATA_MODE_TYPE_MODE); COMMAND_METADATA_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_METADATA_MODE_SINGLE_STRING: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_METADATA_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // METADATA |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_METADATA_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_METADATA_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); mode COMMAND_METADATA_MODE_TYPE_MODE; COMMAND_METADATA_MODE_HOSTS: 'hosts' -> popMode; COMMAND_METADATA_MODE_SOURCES: 'sources' -> popMode; COMMAND_METADATA_MODE_SOURCETYPES: 'sourcetypes' -> popMode; COMMAND_METADATA_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_SEARCHTXN_MODE; COMMAND_SEARCHTXN_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_searchtxn_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_SEARCHTXN_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_SEARCHTXN_MODE; // skip COMMAND_SEARCHTXN_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_SEARCHTXN_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_SEARCHTXN_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_SEARCHTXN_MODE_USE_DISJUNCT : 'use_disjunct=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_SEARCHTXN_MODE_EVENTSONLY : 'eventsonly=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_SEARCHTXN_MODE_MAX_TERMS : 'max_terms=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_SEARCHTXN_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_SEARCHTXN_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // SEARCHTXN |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_SEARCHTXN_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_SEARCHTXN_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_STRING_STRING); COMMAND_SEARCHTXN_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_explain; explainTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_EXPLAIN (COMMAND_EXPLAIN_MODE_BRIEF | t_explain_briefOption | t_explain_extendedOption | t_explain_codegenOption | t_explain_costOption | t_explain_formattedOption)? ; t_explain_briefOption : COMMAND_EXPLAIN_MODE_BRIEF ; t_explain_extendedOption : COMMAND_EXPLAIN_MODE_EXTENDED ; t_explain_codegenOption : COMMAND_EXPLAIN_MODE_CODEGEN ; t_explain_costOption : COMMAND_EXPLAIN_MODE_COST ; t_explain_formattedOption : COMMAND_EXPLAIN_MODE_FORMATTED ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_IPLOCATION_MODE; COMMAND_IPLOCATION_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_iplocation_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_IPLOCATION_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_IPLOCATION_MODE; // skip COMMAND_IPLOCATION_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_IPLOCATION_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_IPLOCATION_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_IPLOCATION_MODE_ALLFIELDS : 'allfields=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_IPLOCATION_MODE_PREFIX : 'prefix=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_IPLOCATION_MODE_LANG : 'lang=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_IPLOCATION_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_IPLOCATION_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_IPLOCATION_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & //|'\u0027' // ' |'\u0028' // ( |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // IPLOCATION |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_IPLOCATION_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_IPLOCATION_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_IPLOCATION_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar GET_BOOLEAN; GET_BOOLEAN_ANTLR_BUG: 'get_boolean_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ GET_BOOLEAN ++++++++++++++ mode GET_BOOLEAN; // skip GET_BOOLEAN_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // tokens GET_BOOLEAN_TRUE: ('true' | 't' | 'TRUE' | '1' | 'T' | 'True') -> popMode; GET_BOOLEAN_FALSE: ('false' | 'FALSE' | 'f' | '0' | 'F' | 'False') -> popMode; GET_BOOLEAN_SPLIT: 'allnums' -> popMode; COMMAND_GET_BOOLEAN_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE; COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_timechart_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE; // skip COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_WHERE: ('where'|'WHERE'); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R : ')'; COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L : '('; COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_FIXEDRANGE : 'fixedrange=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_ALIGNTIME : 'aligntime=' -> pushMode(GET_TIME); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_USEOTHER : 'useother=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_OTHERSTR : 'otherstr=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_USENULL : 'usenull=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_NULLSTR : 'nullstr=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_MINSPAN : 'minspan=' -> pushMode(GET_SPAN); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_PARTIAL : 'partial=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_FORMAT : 'format=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_START : 'start=' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_NOTIN : 'notin'; COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_BOTTOM : 'bottom'; COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_TOP : 'top'; COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_AGG : 'agg='; COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_LIMIT : 'limit=' -> pushMode(COMMAND_TIMECHART_SUBMODE_LIMIT_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_SPAN : 'span=' -> pushMode(GET_SPAN); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_CONT : 'cont=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_BINS : 'bins=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_END : 'end=' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_SEP : 'sep=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_GT : '>' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_LT : '<' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_DEDUP_SPLITVALS : 'dedup_splitvals=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_BY : ('BY'|'by'|'By'); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_Or : 'OR'; COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_And : 'AND'; COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_Xor : 'XOR'; COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_C: 'c' ; COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_AS: ('AS'|'as'|'As') -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); fragment DIGIT: [0-9]; COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_INTEGER: DIGIT+; // aggregateMethod COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_COUNT: 'count' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_COUNT); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_EVAL_PARENTHESIS_L: 'eval(' -> pushMode(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_AVG_PARENTHESIS_R: 'avg(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_AVG), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_MEAN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'mean(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MEAN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_C_PARENTHESIS_R: 'c(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_C), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_COUNT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'count(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_COUNT_B), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_DC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'dc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_DC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_DISTINCT_COUNT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'distinct_count(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_DISTINCT_COUNT), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_EARLIEST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'earliest(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EARLIEST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_EARLIEST_TIME_PARENTHESIS_R: 'earliest_time(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EARLIEST_TIME), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_ESTDC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'estdc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_ESTDC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_ESTDC_ERROR_PARENTHESIS_R: 'estdc_error(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_ESTDC_ERROR), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_FIRST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'first(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_FIRST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_LAST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'last(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LAST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_LATEST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'latest(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LATEST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_LATEST_TIME_PARENTHESIS_R: 'latest_time(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LATEST_TIME), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_LIST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'list(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LIST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_MAX_PARENTHESIS_R: 'max(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MAX), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_MEDIAN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'median(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MEDIAN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_MIN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'min(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MIN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'mode(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MODE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_P_PARENTHESIS_R: 'p(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_P), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_PERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'perc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_EXACTPERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'exactperc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EXACTPERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_UPPERPERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'upperperc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_UPPERPERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_PERCINT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'percint(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERCINT), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_RANGE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'range(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_RANGE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_RATE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'rate(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_RATE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_STDEV_PARENTHESIS_R: 'stdev(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_STDEV), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_STDEVP_PARENTHESIS_R: 'stdevp(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_STDEVP), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_SUM_PARENTHESIS_R: 'sum(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_SUM), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_SUMSQ_PARENTHESIS_R: 'sumsq(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_SUMSQ), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_VALUES_PARENTHESIS_R: 'values(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VALUES), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_VAR_PARENTHESIS_R: 'var(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VAR), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_VARP_PARENTHESIS_R: 'varp(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VARP), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); //special percX() COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_P_VARIABLE: 'p'COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_INTEGER -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_P_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_PERC_VARIABLE: 'perc'COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_INTEGER -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERC_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_EXACTPERC_VARIABLE: 'exactperc'COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_INTEGER -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EXACTPERC_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_UPPERPERC_VARIABLE: 'upperperc'COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_INTEGER -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_UPPERPERC_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); //special agg time COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_PER_SECOND: 'per_second(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PER_SECOND), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_PER_MINUTE: 'per_minute(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PER_MINUTE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_PER_HOUR: 'per_hour(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PER_HOUR), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_PER_DAY: 'per_day(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PER_DAY), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' {false}? // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' {false}? // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // TIMECHART |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); mode COMMAND_TIMECHART_SUBMODE_LIMIT_MODE; fragment COMMAND_TIMECHART_SUBMODE_LIMIT_MODE_BOTTOM : 'bottom'; fragment COMMAND_TIMECHART_SUBMODE_LIMIT_MODE_TOP : 'top'; COMMAND_TIMECHART_SUBMODE_LIMIT_MODE_TOP_INT:COMMAND_TIMECHART_SUBMODE_LIMIT_MODE_TOP? INTEGER -> popMode; COMMAND_TIMECHART_SUBMODE_LIMIT_MODE_BOTTOM_INT: COMMAND_TIMECHART_SUBMODE_LIMIT_MODE_BOTTOM? INTEGER -> popMode; fragment DIGIT2: [0-9]+; fragment MINUS2: '-'; fragment INTEGER: MINUS2? DIGIT2; COMMAND_TIMECHART_SUBMODE_LIMIT_MODE_INTEGER: MINUS2? DIGIT2 -> popMode; COMMAND_TIMECHART_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT); // exit COMMAND_TIMECHART_SUBMODE_SPAN_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN), popMode;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_addcoltotals; addcoltotalsTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_ADDCOLTOTALS (t_addcoltotals_labelfieldParameter|t_addcoltotals_labelParameter)*? fieldListType? ; t_addcoltotals_labelfieldParameter : COMMAND_ADDCOLTOTALS_MODE_LABELFIELD fieldType ; t_addcoltotals_labelParameter : COMMAND_ADDCOLTOTALS_MODE_LABEL stringType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE; COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_extract_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE; // skip COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_CLEAN_KEYS : 'clean_keys=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_PAIRDELIM : 'pairdelim='-> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_MAXCHARS : 'maxchars=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_SEGMENT : 'segment=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_KVDELIM : 'kvdelim=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_RELOAD : 'reload=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_MV_ADD : 'mv_add=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_LIMIT : 'limit=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_SINGLE_QSTRING:'\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' |'\u0028' // ( |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // EXTRACT |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_STRING_STRING); COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_FILLNULL_MODE; COMMAND_FILLNULL_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_fillnull_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_FILLNULL_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_FILLNULL_MODE; // skip COMMAND_FILLNULL_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_FILLNULL_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_FILLNULL_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_FILLNULL_MODE_VALUE : 'value=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_FILLNULL_MODE_COMMA : ',' -> type(COMMA); COMMAND_FILLNULL_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_FILLNULL_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_FILLNULL_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & //|'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // FILLNULL |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_FILLNULL_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_FILLNULL_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_FILLNULL_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_RUNSHELLSCRIPT_MODE; COMMAND_RUNSHELLSCRIPT_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_runshellscript_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_RUNSHELLSCRIPT_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_RUNSHELLSCRIPT_MODE; // skip COMMAND_RUNSHELLSCRIPT_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_RUNSHELLSCRIPT_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_RUNSHELLSCRIPT_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_RUNSHELLSCRIPT_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_RUNSHELLSCRIPT_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_RUNSHELLSCRIPT_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // RUNSHELLSCRIPT |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_RUNSHELLSCRIPT_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_RUNSHELLSCRIPT_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_RUNSHELLSCRIPT_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE; COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_sirare_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE; // skip COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE_PERCENTFIELD : 'percentfield=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE_COUNTFIELD : 'countfield=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE_SHOWCOUNT : 'showcount=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE_SHOWPERC : 'showpercent=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE_LIMIT : 'limit=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE_COMMA : ',' -> type(COMMA); COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE_BY : ('BY'|'by'); COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // SIRARE |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_FORMAT_MODE; COMMAND_FORMAT_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_format_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_FORMAT_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_FORMAT_MODE; // skip COMMAND_FORMAT_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_FORMAT_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_FORMAT_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_FORMAT_MODE_MAXRESULTS : 'maxresults=' ->pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_FORMAT_MODE_MVSEP : 'mvsep=' ->pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_FORMAT_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTED: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_FORMAT_MODE_DOUBLE_QUOTED: '"' ( '\\'. | ~('"' | '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_FORMAT_MODE_STRING_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_FORMAT_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_STRING_STRING); fragment COMMAND_FORMAT_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' //|'\u0028' // ( //|'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // @ |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_FORMAT_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_from; fromTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_FROM ((t_from_datasetTypeParameter COMMAND_FROM_MODE_COLON stringType) | (stringType stringType)) ; t_from_datasetTypeParameter // COMMAND_MODE_FROM : (COMMAND_FROM_MODE_DATAMODEL|COMMAND_FROM_MODE_SAVEDSEARCH|COMMAND_FROM_MODE_INPUTLOOKUP) ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_inputcsv_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE; // skip COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE: ('where' | 'WHERE' | 'Where') -> pushMode(COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_DISPATCH : 'dispatch=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_EVENTS : 'events=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_APPEND : 'append=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_START : 'start=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_MAX : 'max=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_SLASH: '/'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_DOT: '.'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\''-> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_CHAR :'\u0022' // " |'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // INPUTCSV |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_STRING_STRING); mode COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE; // skip COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // valid for fields // Reserved words COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_TIMEFORMAT: 'timeformat=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EARLIEST: 'earliest=' -> pushMode(GET_TIME); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_INDEX_EARLIEST: '_index_earliest=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTDAYSAGO: 'stardaysago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTHOURSAGO: 'starthoursago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTMINUTESAGO: 'startminutesago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTMONTHSAGO: 'startmonthsago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTTIME: 'starttime=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTTIMEU: 'starttimeu=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_LATEST: 'latest=' -> pushMode(GET_TIME); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_INDEX_LATEST: '_index_latest=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDDAYSAGO: 'enddaysago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDHOURSAGO: 'endhoursago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDMINUTESAGO: 'endminutesago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDMONTHSAGO: 'endmonthsago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDTIME: 'endtime=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDTIMEU: 'endtimeu=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SEARCHTIMESPANDAYS: 'searchtimespandays=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SEARCHTIMESPANHOURS: 'searchtimespanhours=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SEARCHTIMESPANMINUTES: 'searchtimespanminutes=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SEARCHTIMESPANMONHTS: 'searchtimespanmonths=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_MINUTESAGO: 'minutesago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_HOURSAGO: 'hoursago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_DAYSAGO: 'daysago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_MONTHSAGO: 'monthsago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EVENTTYPE: 'eventtype'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EVENTTYPETAG: 'eventtypetag'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_HOST: 'host'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_HOSTTAG: 'hosttag'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_INDEX: 'index'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SAVEDSEARCH: 'savedsearch'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SOURCE: 'source'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SOURCETYPE: 'sourcetype'; //special for tstats COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_NODENAME: 'nodename=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_TAG: 'tag'; //push to diffrent MODE_MODE's COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_AND: 'AND'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_NOT: 'NOT'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_OR: 'OR'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_IN: 'IN'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_BY_BY : ('BY'|'by'|'By') -> popMode; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_GROUPBY : ('GROUPBY'|'groupby') -> popMode; // charType, common types COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L: '('; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R: ')'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_BRACKET_L: '[' -> pushMode(COMMAND_MODE); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> popMode, popMode; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_C_BRACKET_L: '{'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_C_BRACKET_R: '}'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> pushMode(COMMAND_MODE); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_COMMA: ','; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_COLON: ':'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_DOT: '.'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EXCLAMATION: '!'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_QUOTE: '" '; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\''; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_DOLLAR: '$'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_AT_SIGN: '@'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_MINUS: '-'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_PLUS: '+'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_PERCENT: '%'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_WILDCARD: '*'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SLASH: '/'; // equality COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_DEQ: '=='; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EQ: '='; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_NEQ: '!='; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_LT: '<'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_LTE: '<='; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_GT: '>'; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_GTE: '>='; // quotation types COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SQSTRING: '\'' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // integers fragment COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // @ |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z // |'\u005B' // [ |'\u005C' // \ // |'\u005D' // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STRING : (COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_WHERE_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_STRING_STRING); COMMAND_INPUTCSV_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_top; topTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_TOP (integerType)? (t_top_topOptParameter)*? fieldListType (t_top_byInstruction)? ; t_top_topOptParameter : t_top_showcountParameter | t_top_showpercParameter | t_top_limitParameter | t_top_countfieldParameter | t_top_percentfieldParameter | t_top_useotherParameter | t_top_otherstrParameter ; t_top_countfieldParameter : COMMAND_TOP_MODE_COUNTFIELD fieldType ; t_top_limitParameter : COMMAND_TOP_MODE_LIMIT integerType ; t_top_otherstrParameter : COMMAND_TOP_MODE_OTHERSTR stringType ; t_top_percentfieldParameter : COMMAND_TOP_MODE_PERCENTFIELD fieldType ; t_top_showcountParameter : COMMAND_TOP_MODE_SHOWCOUNT booleanType ; t_top_showpercParameter : COMMAND_TOP_MODE_SHOWPERC booleanType ; t_top_useotherParameter : COMMAND_TOP_MODE_USEOTHER booleanType ; t_top_byInstruction : (COMMAND_TOP_MODE_BY) fieldListType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_ANOMALIES_MODE; COMMAND_ANOMALIES_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_anomalies_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_ANOMALIES_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_ANOMALIES_MODE; // skip COMMAND_ANOMALIES_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_ANOMALIES_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_ANOMALIES_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_ANOMALIES_MODE_DENYLISTTHRESHOLD : 'denylistthreshold=' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_ANOMALIES_MODE_THRESHOLD : 'threshold=' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_ANOMALIES_MODE_NORMALIZE : 'normalize=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_ANOMALIES_MODE_MAXVALUES : 'maxvalues=' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_ANOMALIES_MODE_LABELONLY : 'labelonly=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_ANOMALIES_MODE_FIELD : 'field=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_ANOMALIES_MODE_BY : ('BY'|'by'); COMMAND_ANOMALIES_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\''-> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_ANOMALIES_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_ANOMALIES_MODE_DENYLIST: 'denylist=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_ANOMALIES_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' //|'\u0028' // ( //|'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // ANOMALIES |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_ANOMALIES_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_ANOMALIES_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_ANOMALIES_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_FROM_MODE; COMMAND_FROM_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_from_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_FROM_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_FROM_MODE; // skip COMMAND_FROM_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_FROM_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_FROM_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_FROM_MODE_DATAMODEL: 'datamodel'; COMMAND_FROM_MODE_SAVEDSEARCH: 'savedsearch'; COMMAND_FROM_MODE_INPUTLOOKUP: 'inputlookup'; COMMAND_FROM_MODE_COLON : ':'; COMMAND_FROM_MODE_SINGLE_STRING: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_FROM_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_FROM_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' {false}? // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // FROM |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_FROM_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_FROM_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_STRING_STRING); COMMAND_FROM_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_UNTABLE_MODE; COMMAND_UNTABLE_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_untable_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_UNTABLE_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_UNTABLE_MODE; // skip COMMAND_UNTABLE_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_UNTABLE_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_UNTABLE_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_UNTABLE_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_UNTABLE_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_UNTABLE_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // UNTABLE |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_UNTABLE_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_UNTABLE_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_UNTABLE_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE; COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_anomalydetection_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE; // skip COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_PTHRESH : 'pthresh=' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_METHOD : 'method=' -> pushMode(COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_GET_METHOD); COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_CUTOFF : 'cutoff=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_ACTION : 'action=' -> pushMode(COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_GET_ACTION_MODE); COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\''-> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' |'\u0028' // ( |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // ANOMALYDETECTION |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT); mode COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_GET_METHOD; COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_GET_METHOD_MODE_HISTOGRAM : 'histogram' -> popMode; COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_GET_METHOD_MODE_ZSCORE: 'zscore' -> popMode; COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_GET_METHOD_MODE_IQR: 'iqr' -> popMode; mode COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_GET_ACTION_MODE; COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_GET_ACTION_MODE_ANNOTATE: 'annotate' -> popMode; COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_GET_ACTION_MODE_FILTER : 'filter' -> popMode; COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_GET_ACTION_MODE_SUMMARY : 'summary' -> popMode; COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_GET_ACTION_MODE_TRANSFORM : ('transform' | 'tf') -> popMode; COMMAND_ANOMALYDETECTION_MODE_GET_ACTION_MODE_REMOVE : ('remove' | 'rm' ) -> popMode;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_SEARCH_MODE; COMMAND_SEARCH_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_search_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_SEARCH_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_SEARCH_MODE; // skip COMMAND_SEARCH_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_SEARCH_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_SEARCH_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_SEARCH_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_FIELDSUMMARY_MODE; COMMAND_FIELDSUMMARY_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_fieldsummary_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_FIELDSUMMARY_MODE +++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_FIELDSUMMARY_MODE; // skip COMMAND_FIELDSUMMARY_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_FIELDSUMMARY_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_FIELDSUMMARY_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_FIELDSUMMARY_MODE_WILDCARD : '*'; COMMAND_FIELDSUMMARY_MODE_MAXVALS : 'maxvals=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_FIELDSUMMARY_MODE_COMMA : ',' -> type(COMMA); COMMAND_FIELDSUMMARY_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_FIELDSUMMARY_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_FIELDSUMMARY_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & //|'\u0027' // ' |'\u0028' // ( |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // FIELDSUMMARY |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_FIELDSUMMARY_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_FIELDSUMMARY_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_FIELDSUMMARY_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_contingency; contingencyTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_CONTINGENCY t_contingency_contingencyOptionsParameter*? fieldType fieldType ; t_contingency_contingencyOptionsParameter : (t_contingency_maxcolsParameter|t_contingency_maxrowsParameter) | (t_contingency_mincolcoverParameter | t_contingency_minrowcoverParameter) | t_contingency_usetotalParameter | t_contingency_totalstrParameter ; t_contingency_maxcolsParameter : COMMAND_CONTINGENCY_MODE_MAXCOLS integerType ; t_contingency_maxrowsParameter : COMMAND_CONTINGENCY_MODE_MAXROWS integerType ; t_contingency_mincolcoverParameter : COMMAND_CONTINGENCY_MODE_MINCOLCOVER numberType ; t_contingency_minrowcoverParameter : COMMAND_CONTINGENCY_MODE_MINROWCOVER numberType ; t_contingency_totalstrParameter : COMMAND_CONTINGENCY_MODE_TOTALSTR fieldType ; t_contingency_usetotalParameter : COMMAND_CONTINGENCY_MODE_USETOTAL booleanType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_dbinspect; dbinspectTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_DBINSPECT (t_dbinspect_indexParameter)*? (t_dbinspect_timeformatParameter|t_dbinspect_spanParameter)? (t_dbinspect_corruptonlyParameter)? (t_dbinspect_cachedParameter)? ; t_dbinspect_cachedParameter : COMMAND_DBINSPECT_MODE_CACHED booleanType ; t_dbinspect_corruptonlyParameter : COMMAND_DBINSPECT_MODE_CORRUPTONLY booleanType ; t_dbinspect_indexParameter : COMMAND_DBINSPECT_MODE_INDEX stringType ; t_dbinspect_spanParameter : COMMAND_DBINSPECT_MODE_SPAN spanType ; t_dbinspect_timeformatParameter : COMMAND_DBINSPECT_MODE_TIMEFORMAT timeType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_HIGHLIGHT_MODE; COMMAND_HIGHLIGHT_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_highlight_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_HIGHLIGHT_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_HIGHLIGHT_MODE; // skip COMMAND_HIGHLIGHT_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_HIGHLIGHT_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_HIGHLIGHT_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_HIGHLIGHT_MODE_S_STRING: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_HIGHLIGHT_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_HIGHLIGHT_MODE_CHAR :'\u0022' // " |'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & //|'\u0027' // ' |'\u0028' // ( |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // HIGHLIGHT |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_HIGHLIGHT_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_HIGHLIGHT_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_STRING_STRING); COMMAND_HIGHLIGHT_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_sirare; sirareTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_SIRARE (t_sirare_topOptParameter)* fieldListType (t_sirare_byInstruction)? ; t_sirare_topOptParameter : t_sirare_showcountParameter | t_sirare_showpercParameter | t_sirare_limitParameter | t_sirare_countfieldParameter | t_sirare_percentfieldParameter ; t_sirare_countfieldParameter : COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE_COUNTFIELD stringType ; t_sirare_limitParameter : COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE_LIMIT integerType ; t_sirare_percentfieldParameter : COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE_PERCENTFIELD stringType ; t_sirare_showcountParameter : COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE_SHOWCOUNT booleanType ; t_sirare_showpercParameter : COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE_SHOWPERC booleanType ; t_sirare_byInstruction : (COMMAND_SIRARE_MODE_BY) fieldListType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_iconify; iconifyTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_ICONIFY t_iconify_fieldListParameter ; t_iconify_fieldListParameter : fieldType ((COMMA)? fieldType)* ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar GET_REGEX_STRING; GET_FIELD_ANTLR_BUG: 'get_regex_string_antlr_bug' -> type(REGEX_STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ GET_REGEX_STRING ++++++++++++++ mode GET_REGEX_STRING; // skip GET_REGEX_STRING_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // tokens GET_REGEX_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED: '"' ( '\\'. | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> popMode; COMMAND_GET_REGEX_STRING_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_MAKEJSON_MODE; COMMAND_MAKEJSON_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_makejson_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_MAKEJSON_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_MAKEJSON_MODE; // skip COMMAND_MAKEJSON_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_MAKEJSON_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_MAKEJSON_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_MAKEJSON_MODE_OUTPUT : 'output=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MAKEJSON_MODE_COMMA : ',' -> type(COMMA); COMMAND_MAKEJSON_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_MAKEJSON_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_MAKEJSON_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & //|'\u0027' // ' |'\u0028' // ( |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // MAKEJSON |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_MAKEJSON_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_MAKEJSON_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_MAKEJSON_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_delete; deleteTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_DELETE ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_pivot; pivotTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_PIVOT stringType stringType stringType //FIXME some obscure definition ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_TOP_MODE; COMMAND_TOP_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_top_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_TOP_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_TOP_MODE; // skip COMMAND_TOP_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_TOP_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_TOP_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_TOP_MODE_PERCENTFIELD : 'percentfield=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_TOP_MODE_COUNTFIELD : 'countfield=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_TOP_MODE_SHOWCOUNT : 'showcount=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_TOP_MODE_USEOTHER : 'useother=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_TOP_MODE_SHOWPERC : 'showperc=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_TOP_MODE_OTHERSTR : 'otherstr=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_TOP_MODE_LIMIT : 'limit=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_TOP_MODE_BY : ('BY'|'by'|'By'); COMMAND_TOP_MODE_COMMA : ','; COMMAND_TOP_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_TOP_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); fragment COMMAND_TOP_MODE_MINUS: '-'; fragment COMMAND_TOP_MODE_DIGIT: [0-9]+; COMMAND_TOP_MODE_INTEGER: COMMAND_TOP_MODE_MINUS? COMMAND_TOP_MODE_DIGIT+ -> type(GET_INTEGER_INTEGER); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_TOP_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // TOP |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_TOP_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_TOP_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_TOP_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_MULTISEARCH_MODE; COMMAND_MULTISEARCH_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_multisearch_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_MULTISEARCH_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_MULTISEARCH_MODE; // skip COMMAND_MULTISEARCH_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_MULTISEARCH_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_MULTISEARCH_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; //subsearch within multisearch COMMAND_MULTISEARCH_MODE_BRACKET_L: '[' -> type(BRACKET_L), pushMode(COMMAND_MODE); // tokens COMMAND_MULTISEARCH_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_eval; evalTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_EVAL t_eval_evalParameter (COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_COMMA t_eval_evalParameter)* ; t_eval_evalParameter : fieldType COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_FIELD_EQ evalStatement ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_multikv; multikvTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_MULTIKV (t_multikv_stanzaConfParameter)? (t_multikv_multikvCopyattrsParameter|t_multikv_multikvForceheaderParameter|t_multikv_multikvMultitableParameter|t_multikv_multikvNoheaderParameter|t_multikv_multikvRmorigParameter|t_multikv_multikvFieldsParameter|t_multikv_multikvFilterParameter)* ; t_multikv_multikvFieldsParameter // COMMAND_MODE_MULTIKV : COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_FIELDS fieldListType ; t_multikv_stanzaConfParameter : COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_CONF stringType ; t_multikv_multikvFilterParameter : COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_FILTER fieldListType ; t_multikv_multikvForceheaderParameter : COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_FORCEHEADER integerType ; t_multikv_multikvMultitableParameter : COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_MULTITABLE booleanType ; t_multikv_multikvNoheaderParameter : COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_NOHEADER booleanType ; t_multikv_multikvRmorigParameter : COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_RMORIG booleanType ; t_multikv_multikvCopyattrsParameter : COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_COPYATTRS booleanType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_findtypes; findtypesTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_FINDTYPES t_findtypes_maxParameter COMMAND_FINDTYPES_MODE_NOTCOVERED? COMMAND_FINDTYPES_MODE_USERAW? ; t_findtypes_maxParameter : COMMAND_FINDTYPES_MODE_MAX integerType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_search; searchTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_SEARCH searchTransformationRoot? ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_OUTPUTTEXT_MODE; COMMAND_OUTPUTTEXT_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_outputtext_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_OUTPUTTEXT_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_OUTPUTTEXT_MODE; // skip COMMAND_OUTPUTTEXT_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_OUTPUTTEXT_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_OUTPUTTEXT_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_OUTPUTTEXT_MODE_USEXML: 'usexml=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_OUTPUTTEXT_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_sitop; sitopTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_SITOP (integerType)? (t_sitop_topOptParameter)*? fieldListType (t_sitop_byInstruction)? ; t_sitop_topOptParameter : t_sitop_countfieldParameter | t_sitop_limitParameter | t_sitop_otherstrParameter | t_sitop_percentfieldParameter | t_sitop_showcountParameter | t_sitop_showpercParameter | t_sitop_otherstrParameter ; t_sitop_countfieldParameter : COMMAND_SITOP_MODE_COUNTFIELD stringType ; t_sitop_limitParameter : COMMAND_SITOP_MODE_LIMIT integerType ; t_sitop_otherstrParameter : COMMAND_SITOP_MODE_OTHERSTR stringType ; t_sitop_percentfieldParameter : COMMAND_SITOP_MODE_PERCENTFIELD stringType ; t_sitop_showcountParameter : COMMAND_SITOP_MODE_SHOWCOUNT booleanType ; t_sitop_showpercParameter : COMMAND_SITOP_MODE_SHOWPERC booleanType ; t_sitop_useotherParameter : COMMAND_SITOP_MODE_USEOTHER booleanType ; t_sitop_byInstruction : (COMMAND_SITOP_MODE_BY) fieldListType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_outputtext; outputtextTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_OUTPUTTEXT (t_outputtext_usexmlParameter)? ; t_outputtext_usexmlParameter : COMMAND_OUTPUTTEXT_MODE_USEXML booleanType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_autoregress; autoregressTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_AUTOREGRESS fieldType (t_autoregress_fieldRenameInstruction)? (t_autoregress_pAutoregressParameter)? ; t_autoregress_pAutoregressParameter : COMMAND_AUTOREGRESS_MODE_P integerType ; t_autoregress_fieldRenameInstruction : COMMAND_AUTOREGRESS_MODE_AS fieldType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_UNION_MODE; COMMAND_UNION_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_union_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_UNION_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_UNION_MODE; // skip COMMAND_UNION_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_UNION_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_UNION_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; //subsearch within union COMMAND_UNION_MODE_BRACKET_L: '[' -> type(BRACKET_L), pushMode(COMMAND_MODE); // tokens COMMAND_UNION_MODE_TIMEOUT : 'timeout=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_UNION_MODE_MAXTIME : 'maxtime=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_UNION_MODE_MAXOUT : 'maxout=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_UNION_MODE_DATAMODEL : 'datamodel'; COMMAND_UNION_MODE_SAVEDSEARCH : 'savedsearch'; COMMAND_UNION_MODE_INPUTLOOKUP : 'inputlookup'; COMMAND_UNION_MODE_COLON : ':' ; COMMAND_UNION_MODE_SINGLE_STRING : '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_UNION_MODE_DQSTRING : '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_UNION_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' {false}? // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // UNION |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_UNION_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_UNION_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_STRING_STRING); COMMAND_UNION_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_stats; statsTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_STATS t_stats_partitions? t_stats_allnum? t_stats_delim? t_stats_agg (COMMA? t_stats_agg)*? ; t_stats_agg : (aggregateFunction (t_stats_fieldRenameInstruction)*?) (t_stats_byInstruction)*? ; t_stats_byInstruction : (COMMAND_STATS_MODE_BY) fieldListType ; t_stats_fieldRenameInstruction : COMMAND_STATS_MODE_AS fieldType ; t_stats_partitions : COMMAND_STATS_MODE_PARTITIONS numberType ; t_stats_allnum : COMMAND_STATS_MODE_ALLNUM booleanType ; t_stats_delim : COMMAND_STATS_MODE_DELIM stringType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_cofilter; cofilterTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_COFILTER fieldType fieldType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_STATS_MODE; COMMAND_STATS_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_stats_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_STATS_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_STATS_MODE; // skip COMMAND_STATS_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_STATS_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_STATS_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_STATS_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R : ')'; COMMAND_STATS_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L : '('; COMMAND_STATS_MODE_COMMA : ',' -> type(COMMA); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_BY : ('BY'|'by'|'By'); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_PARTITIONS: 'partitions=' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_ALLNUM: 'allnum=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_DELIM: 'delim=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_AS: ('AS'|'as'|'As') -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_INT: DIGIT; fragment DIGIT: [0-9]+; // aggregateMethod COMMAND_STATS_MODE_COUNT: 'count' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_COUNT); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_AVG_PARENTHESIS_R: 'avg(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_AVG), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_MEAN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'mean(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MEAN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_C_PARENTHESIS_R: 'c(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_C), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_COUNT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'count(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_COUNT_B), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_DC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'dc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_DC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_DISTINCT_COUNT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'distinct_count(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_DISTINCT_COUNT), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_EARLIEST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'earliest(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EARLIEST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_EARLIEST_TIME_PARENTHESIS_R: 'earliest_time(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EARLIEST_TIME), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_ESTDC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'estdc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_ESTDC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_ESTDC_ERROR_PARENTHESIS_R: 'estdc_error(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_ESTDC_ERROR), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_FIRST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'first(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_FIRST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_LAST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'last(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LAST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_LATEST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'latest(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LATEST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_LATEST_TIME_PARENTHESIS_R: 'latest_time(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LATEST_TIME), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_LIST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'list(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LIST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_MAX_PARENTHESIS_R: 'max(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MAX), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_MEDIAN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'median(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MEDIAN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_MIN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'min(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MIN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'mode(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MODE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_P_PARENTHESIS_R: 'p(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_P), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_PERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'perc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_EXACTPERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'exactperc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EXACTPERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_UPPERPERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'upperperc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_UPPERPERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_PERCINT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'percint(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERCINT), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_RANGE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'range(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_RANGE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_RATE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'rate(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_RATE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_STDEV_PARENTHESIS_R: 'stdev(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_STDEV), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_STDEVP_PARENTHESIS_R: 'stdevp(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_STDEVP), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_SUM_PARENTHESIS_R: 'sum(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_SUM), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_SUMSQ_PARENTHESIS_R: 'sumsq(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_SUMSQ), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_VALUES_PARENTHESIS_R: 'values(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VALUES), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_VAR_PARENTHESIS_R: 'var(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VAR), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_VARP_PARENTHESIS_R: 'varp(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VARP), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); //special percX() COMMAND_STATS_MODE_P_VARIABLE: 'p'COMMAND_STATS_MODE_INT -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_P_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_PERC_VARIABLE: 'perc'COMMAND_STATS_MODE_INT -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERC_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_EXACTPERC_VARIABLE: 'exactperc'COMMAND_STATS_MODE_INT -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EXACTPERC_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_UPPERPERC_VARIABLE: 'upperperc'COMMAND_STATS_MODE_INT -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_UPPERPERC_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_STATS_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // STATS |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_STATS_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_STATS_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_STATS_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_transpose; transposeTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_TRANSPOSE (COMMAND_TRANSPOSE_MODE_INTEGER)? (t_transpose_columnNameParameter)? (t_transpose_headerFieldParameter)? (t_transpose_includeEmptyParameter)? ; t_transpose_columnNameParameter : COMMAND_TRANSPOSE_MODE_COLUMN_NAME stringType ; t_transpose_headerFieldParameter : COMMAND_TRANSPOSE_MODE_HEADER_FIELD fieldType ; t_transpose_includeEmptyParameter : COMMAND_TRANSPOSE_MODE_INCLUDE_EMPTY booleanType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_teragrep_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE; // skip COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_GET: ('get' | 'GET'); COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_EXEC: 'exec'|'EXEC' ; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_SET: 'set' ; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_LIST: 'list'; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_SAVE: 'save' | 'SAVE'; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_HDFS: 'hdfs' | 'HDFS'; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_BLOOM: 'bloom' | 'BLOOM'; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_CREATE: 'create'; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_UPDATE: 'update'; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_ESTIMATE: 'estimate'; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_DELETE: 'delete' | 'DELETE'; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_KAFKA: 'KAFKA' | 'kafka'; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_EXPLAIN: 'explain'; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_OVERWRITE: 'overwrite=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_PARSER: 'parser'; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_HOST: 'host' -> pushMode(COMMAND_TERAGREP_IP_MODE); COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_PORT: 'port' -> pushMode(COMMAND_TERAGREP_IP_MODE); COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_DOT: '.'; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_TOKENIZER: 'tokenizer'; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_SYSLOG: 'syslog'; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_STREAM: 'stream'; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_LOAD: 'load'; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_SYSTEM: 'system'; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_VERSION: 'version'; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_ARCHIVE: 'archive'; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_SUMMARY: 'summary' -> pushMode(DEFAULT_MODE); COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_RETENTION: 'retention=' -> pushMode(GET_SPAN); COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_CODEC: 'codec=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_HDFS_FORMAT: 'format='; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_CSV_FORMAT: ('csv'|'CSV'); COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_JSON_FORMAT: ('json'|'JSON'); COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_DEFAULT_FORMAT: ('default'|'DEFAULT'|'avro'|'AVRO'); COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_FORMAT: 'format' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_INPUT: 'input' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_OUTPUT: 'output' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_ESTIMATES: 'estimates' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_HEADER: 'header=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_SCHEMA: 'schema=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_DYNATRACE: 'dynatrace' ; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_METRIC: 'metric' ; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_WRITE: 'write' ; COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTED: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\'))* '\'' -> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_QUOTED: '"' ( '\\'. | ~('"'| '\\'))* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_TERAGREP_MOD_STRING // one or more characters : (CHAR)+ -> type(GET_STRING_STRING); fragment CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' //|'\u0028' // ( //|'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // @ |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z // |'\u005B' // [ |'\u005C' // \ // |'\u005D' // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; mode COMMAND_TERAGREP_IP_MODE; COMMAND_TERAGREP_IP_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); COMMAND_TERAGREP_IP_MODE_IP: DIGIT(COMMAND_TERAGREP_IP_MODE_COMMA)DIGIT(COMMAND_TERAGREP_IP_MODE_COMMA)DIGIT(COMMAND_TERAGREP_IP_MODE_COMMA)DIGIT -> popMode; fragment DIGIT: [0-9]+; COMMAND_TERAGREP_IP_MODE_COMMA: '.'; COMMAND_TERAGREP_IP_MODE_PORT_NUM: DIGIT -> popMode; COMMAND_TERAGREP_IP_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_abstract; abstractTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_ABSTRACT (t_abstract_maxlinesParameter|t_abstract_maxtermsParameter)* ; t_abstract_maxlinesParameter : COMMAND_ABSTRACT_MODE_MAXLINES integerType ; t_abstract_maxtermsParameter : COMMAND_ABSTRACT_MODE_MAXTERMS integerType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_MAP_MODE; COMMAND_MAP_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_map_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_MAP_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_MAP_MODE; // skip COMMAND_MAP_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_MAP_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_MAP_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_MAP_MODE_MAXSEARCHES : 'maxsearches=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MAP_MODE_SEARCH : 'search=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MAP_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_MAP_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_MAP_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' //|'\u0028' // ( //|'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // MAP |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_MAP_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_MAP_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_STRING_STRING); COMMAND_MAP_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_outputcsv; outputcsvTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_OUTPUTCSV (t_outputcsv_appendParameter)? (t_outputcsv_createEmptyParameter)? (t_outputcsv_overrideIfEmptyParameter)? (t_outputcsv_dispatchParameter)? (t_outputcsv_usexmlParameter)? (t_outputcsv_singlefileParameter)? stringType? ; t_outputcsv_appendParameter : COMMAND_OUTPUTCSV_MODE_APPEND booleanType ; t_outputcsv_createEmptyParameter : COMMAND_OUTPUTCSV_MODE_CREATE_EMPTY booleanType ; t_outputcsv_dispatchParameter : COMMAND_OUTPUTCSV_MODE_DISPATCH booleanType ; t_outputcsv_overrideIfEmptyParameter : COMMAND_OUTPUTCSV_MODE_OVERRIDE_IF_EMPTY booleanType ; t_outputcsv_singlefileParameter : COMMAND_OUTPUTCSV_MODE_SINGLEFILE booleanType ; t_outputcsv_usexmlParameter : COMMAND_OUTPUTCSV_MODE_USEXML booleanType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_NOMV_MODE; COMMAND_NOMV_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_nomv_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_NOMV_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_NOMV_MODE; // skip COMMAND_NOMV_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_NOMV_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_NOMV_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_NOMV_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_NOMV_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_NOMV_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // NOMV |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_NOMV_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_NOMV_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_NOMV_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE; COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_mcollect_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE; // skip COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_PREFIX_FIELD : 'prefix_field=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_SOURCETYPE : 'sourcetype=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_SPOOL : 'spool=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_SPLIT : 'split=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_INDEX : 'index=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_SOURCE : 'source=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_COMMA : ',' -> type(COMMA); COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_HOST : 'host=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_MARKER : 'marker=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_FILE : 'file=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // MCOLLECT |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_HISTORY_MODE; COMMAND_HISTORY_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_history_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_HISTORY_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_HISTORY_MODE; // skip COMMAND_HISTORY_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_HISTORY_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_HISTORY_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_HISTORY_MODE_EVENTS : 'events=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_HISTORY_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_TABLE_MODE; COMMAND_TABLE_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_table_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_TABLE_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_TABLE_MODE; // skip COMMAND_TABLE_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_TABLE_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_TABLE_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_TABLE_MODE_WILDCARD : '*'; COMMAND_TABLE_MODE_COMMA : ','; COMMAND_TABLE_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\''; COMMAND_TABLE_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"'; // characters for string fragment COMMAND_TABLE_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // TABLE |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_TABLE_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_TABLE_MODE_CHAR)+; COMMAND_TABLE_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_SCRIPT_MODE; COMMAND_SCRIPT_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_script_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_SCRIPT_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_SCRIPT_MODE; // skip COMMAND_SCRIPT_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_SCRIPT_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_SCRIPT_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_SCRIPT_MODE_MAXINPUTS : 'maxinputs=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_SCRIPT_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_SCRIPT_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // SCRIPT |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_SCRIPT_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_SCRIPT_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_STRING_STRING); COMMAND_SCRIPT_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_metasearch; metasearchTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_METASEARCH (logicalStatement)? ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_filldown; filldownTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_FILLDOWN (fieldListType)? ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_FILLDOWN_MODE; COMMAND_FILLDOWN_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_filldown_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_FILLDOWN_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_FILLDOWN_MODE; // skip COMMAND_FILLDOWN_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_FILLDOWN_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_FILLDOWN_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_FILLDOWN_MODE_WILDCARD : '*'; COMMAND_FILLDOWN_MODE_COMMA : ',' -> type(COMMA); COMMAND_FILLDOWN_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_FILLDOWN_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_FILLDOWN_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // FILLDOWN |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_FILLDOWN_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_FILLDOWN_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_FILLDOWN_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_tags; tagsTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_TAGS (t_tags_outputfieldParameter)? (t_tags_inclnameParameter)? (t_tags_inclvalueParameter)? (fieldType)* ; t_tags_inclnameParameter : COMMAND_TAGS_MODE_INCLNAME booleanType ; t_tags_inclvalueParameter : COMMAND_TAGS_MODE_INCLVALUE booleanType ; t_tags_outputfieldParameter : COMMAND_TAGS_MODE_OUTPUTFIELD fieldType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE; COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_dedup_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE; // skip COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L : '('; COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R : ')'; COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_CONSECUTIVE : 'consecutive=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_KEEPEVENTS : 'keepevents=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_KEEPEMPTY : 'keepempty=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_SORTBY : 'sortby'; COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_MINUS : '-'; COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_AUTO : 'auto'; COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_PLUS : '+'; COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_NUM : 'num'; COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_STR : 'str'; COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_IP : 'ip'; COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_COMMA : ',' -> type(COMMA); // tokens fragment COMMAND_DEDUP_MINUS: '-'; fragment COMMAND_DEDUP_DIGIT: [0-9]+; COMMAND_DEDUP_INTEGER: COMMAND_DEDUP_MINUS? COMMAND_DEDUP_DIGIT+ ; COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\''-> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' {false}? // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' {false}? // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // DEDUP |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE; COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_streamstats_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE; // skip COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_RESET_ON_CHANGE : 'reset_on_change=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_RESET_BEFORE : 'reset_before=(' -> pushMode(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_RESET_BEFORE_Q : 'reset_before="("' -> pushMode(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_TIME_WINDOW : 'time_window=' -> pushMode(GET_SPAN); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_RESET_AFTER : 'reset_after=(' -> pushMode(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE) ; COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_RESET_AFTER_Q : 'reset_after="("' -> pushMode(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE) ; COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_CURRENT : 'current=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_WINDOW : 'window=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_GLOBAL : 'global=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_ALLNUM : 'allnum=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_COMMA : ',' -> type(COMMA); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_BY : ('BY'|'by'|'By'); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_AS: ('AS'|'as'|'As'); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_INT: DIGIT; fragment DIGIT: [0-9]+; // aggregateMethod COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_COUNT: 'count' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_COUNT); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_AVG_PARENTHESIS_R: 'avg(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_AVG), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_MEAN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'mean(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MEAN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_C_PARENTHESIS_R: 'c(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_C), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_COUNT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'count(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_COUNT_B), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_DC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'dc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_DC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_DISTINCT_COUNT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'distinct_count(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_DISTINCT_COUNT), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_EARLIEST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'earliest(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EARLIEST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_EARLIEST_TIME_PARENTHESIS_R: 'earliest_time(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EARLIEST_TIME), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_ESTDC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'estdc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_ESTDC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_ESTDC_ERROR_PARENTHESIS_R: 'estdc_error(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_ESTDC_ERROR), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_FIRST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'first(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_FIRST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_LAST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'last(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LAST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_LATEST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'latest(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LATEST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_LATEST_TIME_PARENTHESIS_R: 'latest_time(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LATEST_TIME), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_LIST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'list(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LIST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_MAX_PARENTHESIS_R: 'max(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MAX), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_MEDIAN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'median(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MEDIAN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_MIN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'min(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MIN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'mode(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MODE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_P_PARENTHESIS_R: 'p(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_P), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_PERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'perc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_EXACTPERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'exactperc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EXACTPERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_UPPERPERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'upperperc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_UPPERPERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_PERCINT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'percint(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERCINT), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_RANGE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'range(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_RANGE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_RATE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'rate(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_RATE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_STDEV_PARENTHESIS_R: 'stdev(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_STDEV), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_STDEVP_PARENTHESIS_R: 'stdevp(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_STDEVP), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_SUM_PARENTHESIS_R: 'sum(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_SUM), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_SUMSQ_PARENTHESIS_R: 'sumsq(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_SUMSQ), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_VALUES_PARENTHESIS_R: 'values(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VALUES), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_VAR_PARENTHESIS_R: 'var(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VAR), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_VARP_PARENTHESIS_R: 'varp(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VARP), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); //special percX() COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_P_VARIABLE: 'p'COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_INT -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_P_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_PERC_VARIABLE: 'perc'COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_INT -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERC_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_EXACTPERC_VARIABLE: 'exactperc'COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_INT -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EXACTPERC_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_UPPERPERC_VARIABLE: 'upperperc'COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_INT -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_UPPERPERC_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // STREAMSTATS |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_STREAMSTATS_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_FOREACH_MODE; COMMAND_FOREACH_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_foreach_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_FOREACH_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_FOREACH_MODE; // skip COMMAND_FOREACH_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // comments COMMAND_FOREACH_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT); // exits COMMAND_FOREACH_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_FOREACH_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; //subsearch within foreach COMMAND_FOREACH_MODE_BRACKET_L: '[' -> type(BRACKET_L), pushMode(COMMAND_MODE); // tokens COMMAND_FOREACH_MODE_MATCHSTR : 'matchstr=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_FOREACH_MODE_FIELDSTR : 'fieldstr=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_FOREACH_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_FOREACH_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_FOREACH_MODE_MATCHSEG1: 'matchseg1=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_FOREACH_MODE_MATCHSEG2: 'matchseg2=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_FOREACH_MODE_MATCHSEG3: 'matchseg3=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_FOREACH_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & //|'\u0027' // ' |'\u0028' // ( |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // FOREACH |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_FOREACH_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_FOREACH_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_MVCOMBINE_MODE; COMMAND_MVCOMBINE_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_mvcombine_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_MVCOMBINE_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_MVCOMBINE_MODE; // skip COMMAND_MVCOMBINE_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_MVCOMBINE_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_MVCOMBINE_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_MVCOMBINE_MODE_DELIM : 'delim=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MVCOMBINE_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_MVCOMBINE_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_MVCOMBINE_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // MVCOMBINE |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_MVCOMBINE_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_MVCOMBINE_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_MVCOMBINE_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_CONCURRENCY_MODE; COMMAND_CONCURRENCY_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_concurrency_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_CONCURRENCY_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_CONCURRENCY_MODE; // skip COMMAND_CONCURRENCY_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_CONCURRENCY_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_CONCURRENCY_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_CONCURRENCY_MODE_DURATION : 'duration=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_CONCURRENCY_MODE_OUTPUT : 'output=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_CONCURRENCY_MODE_START : 'start=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_CONCURRENCY_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\''-> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_CONCURRENCY_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_CONCURRENCY_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' |'\u0028' // ( |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // CONCURRENCY |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_CONCURRENCY_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_CONCURRENCY_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_CONCURRENCY_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_UNIQ_MODE; COMMAND_UNIQ_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_uniq_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_UNIQ_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_UNIQ_MODE; // skip COMMAND_UNIQ_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_UNIQ_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_UNIQ_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_UNIQ_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_concurrency; concurrencyTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_CONCURRENCY t_concurrency_durationParameter (t_concurrency_startConcurrencyParameter|t_concurrency_outputParameter)*? ; t_concurrency_durationParameter : COMMAND_CONCURRENCY_MODE_DURATION fieldType ; t_concurrency_outputParameter : COMMAND_CONCURRENCY_MODE_OUTPUT fieldType ; t_concurrency_startConcurrencyParameter : COMMAND_CONCURRENCY_MODE_START fieldType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_COLLECT_MODE; COMMAND_COLLECT_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_collect_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_COLLECT_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_COLLECT_MODE; // skip COMMAND_COLLECT_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_COLLECT_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_COLLECT_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_COLLECT_MODE_RUN_IN_PREVIEW : 'run_in_preview=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_COLLECT_MODE_OUT_PUT_FORMAT : 'output_format=' -> pushMode(COMMAND_COLLECT_MODE_OUT_PUT_FORMAT_MODE); COMMAND_COLLECT_MODE_SOURCETYPE : 'sourcetype=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_COLLECT_MODE_SOURCE : 'source=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_COLLECT_MODE_TESTMODE : 'testmode=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_COLLECT_MODE_ADDTIME : 'addtime=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_COLLECT_MODE_MARKER : 'marker=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_COLLECT_MODE_SPOOL : 'spool=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_COLLECT_MODE_INDEX : 'index=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_COLLECT_MODE_HOST : 'host=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_COLLECT_MODE_FILE : 'file=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); mode COMMAND_COLLECT_MODE_OUT_PUT_FORMAT_MODE ; COMMAND_COLLECT_MODE_OUT_PUT_FORMAT_MODE_RAW : 'raw' -> popMode; COMMAND_COLLECT_MODE_OUT_PUT_FORMAT_MODE_HEC: 'hec' -> popMode; COMMAND_COLLECT_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_GEOM_MODE; COMMAND_GEOM_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_geom_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_GEOM_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_GEOM_MODE; // skip COMMAND_GEOM_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_GEOM_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_GEOM_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_GEOM_MODE_FEATUREIDFIELD : 'featureIdField=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_GEOM_MODE_ALLFEATURES : 'allFeatures=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_GEOM_MODE_MIN_Y : 'min_y=' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_GEOM_MODE_MIN_X : 'min_x=' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_GEOM_MODE_MAX_Y : 'max_y=' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_GEOM_MODE_MAX_X : 'max_x=' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_GEOM_MODE_GEN : 'gen=' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_GEOM_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_GEOM_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_GEOM_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & //|'\u0027' // ' |'\u0028' // ( |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // GEOM |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_GEOM_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_GEOM_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_GEOM_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_datamodel; datamodelTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_DATAMODEL (stringType)? (stringType)? t_datamodel_search_mode? (t_datamodel_allow_old_summariesParameter)? (t_datamodel_summariesonlyParameter|t_datamodel_strict_fieldsParameter)*? ; t_datamodel_search_mode : (COMMAND_DATAMODEL_MODE_ACCELERATION_SEARCH | COMMAND_DATAMODEL_MODE_FLAT | COMMAND_DATAMODEL_MODE_FLAT) ; t_datamodel_allow_old_summariesParameter : COMMAND_DATAMODEL_MODE_ALLOW_OLD_SUMMARIES booleanType ; t_datamodel_summariesonlyParameter : COMMAND_DATAMODEL_MODE_SUMMARIESONLY booleanType ; t_datamodel_strict_fieldsParameter : COMMAND_DATAMODEL_MODE_STRICT_FIELDS booleanType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_xpath; xpathTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_XPATH (t_xpath_outfieldParameter)? stringType (t_xpath_fieldParameter)? (t_xpath_defaultParameter)? ; t_xpath_defaultParameter : COMMAND_XPATH_MODE_DEFAULT stringType ; t_xpath_fieldParameter : COMMAND_XPATH_MODE_FIELD fieldType ; t_xpath_outfieldParameter : COMMAND_XPATH_MODE_OUTFIELD fieldType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_sitimechart; sitimechartTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_SITIMECHART (t_sitimechart_sepParameter | t_sitimechart_partialParameter | t_sitimechart_contParameter | t_sitimechart_limitParameter | t_sitimechart_aggParameter)*? (t_sitimechart_binOptions)* ((aggregateFunction t_sitimechart_fieldRenameInstruction? | (EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R) t_sitimechart_fieldRenameInstruction? ) t_sitimechart_divideByInstruction?)+ ; t_sitimechart_aggParameter : COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_AGG(((aggregateFunction | t_sitimechart_evaledField )) t_sitimechart_fieldRenameInstruction?) ; t_sitimechart_binStartEndParameter : (COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_START|COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_END) numberType ; t_sitimechart_contParameter : COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_CONT booleanType ; t_sitimechart_limitParameter : COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_LIMIT integerType ; t_sitimechart_partialParameter : COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_PARTIAL booleanType ; t_sitimechart_sepParameter : COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_SEP stringType ; t_sitimechart_divideByInstruction : (COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_BY) fieldType (t_sitimechart_binOptions | t_sitimechart_usenullParameter | t_sitimechart_useotherParameter | t_sitimechart_nullstrParameter | t_sitimechart_otherstrParameter)* (t_sitimechart_whereInstruction)? ; t_sitimechart_whereInstruction : (COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_WHERE) aggregateFunction (IN|COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_NOTIN) (COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_TOP|COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_BOTTOM) integerType | (COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_WHERE) aggregateFunction (COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_LT|COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_GT) numberType ; t_sitimechart_binOptions : (t_sitimechart_spanOptParameter | t_sitimechart_binsParameter | t_sitimechart_minspanParameter | t_sitimechart_spanParameter | t_sitimechart_binStartEndParameter | t_sitimechart_binAligntimeParameter) ; t_sitimechart_spanOptParameter : t_sitimechart_spanParameter (aggregateMethodPerSecond | aggregateMethodPerHour | aggregateMethodPerDay | aggregateMethodPerMinute)*? ; t_sitimechart_binsParameter : COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_BINS integerType ; t_sitimechart_binAligntimeParameter : COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_ALIGNTIME timeType ; t_sitimechart_minspanParameter : COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_MINSPAN spanType ; t_sitimechart_nullstrParameter : COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_NULLSTR stringType ; t_sitimechart_otherstrParameter : COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_OTHERSTR stringType ; t_sitimechart_spanParameter : COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_SPAN spanType ; t_sitimechart_usenullParameter : COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_USENULL booleanType ; t_sitimechart_useotherParameter : COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_OTHER booleanType ; t_sitimechart_evaledField : COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_EVAL_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; t_sitimechart_fieldRenameInstruction : (COMMAND_SITIMECHART_MODE_AS) fieldType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_tscollect; tscollectTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_TSCOLLECT (t_tscollect_namespaceParameter)? (t_tscollect_squashcaseParameter)? (t_tscollect_keepresultsParameter)? ; t_tscollect_keepresultsParameter : COMMAND_TSCOLLECT_MODE_KEEPRESULTS booleanType ; t_tscollect_namespaceParameter : COMMAND_TSCOLLECT_MODE_NAMESPACE stringType ; t_tscollect_squashcaseParameter : COMMAND_TSCOLLECT_MODE_SQUASHCASE booleanType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_localop; localopTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_LOCALOP //empty one ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_rest; restTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_REST stringType (t_rest_countParameter)? (t_rest_struckServerParameter)? (t_rest_struckServerGroupParameter)* (t_rest_timeoutParameter)? (t_rest_strEQstrParameter)* ; t_rest_countParameter : COMMAND_REST_MODE_COUNT integerType ; t_rest_struckServerGroupParameter : COMMAND_REST_MODE_STRUCK_SERVER_GROUP fieldType ; t_rest_struckServerParameter : COMMAND_REST_MODE_STRUCK_SERVER fieldType ; t_rest_strEQstrParameter : stringType COMMAND_REST_MODE_EQ stringType ; t_rest_timeoutParameter : COMMAND_REST_MODE_TIMEOUT integerType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar GET_SPAN; GET_FIELD_ANTLR_BUG: 'get_field_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ GET_SPAN ++++++++++++++ mode GET_SPAN; // skip GET_SPAN_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // tokens //SPAN //not the best way, but I am not sure of other syntax fragment SPANUNITS: 's' | 'sec' | 'secs' | 'second'| 'seconds'| 'S'; fragment SPANUNITM: 'm' | 'min' | 'mins' | 'minute' | 'minutes'| 'M'; fragment SPANUNITH: 'h' | 'hr' | 'hrs'| 'hour'| 'hours'|'H'; fragment SPANUNITD: 'd' | 'day' | 'days'|'D'; fragment SPANUNITW: 'w' | 'week' | 'weeks'| 'W' ; fragment SPANUNITMON: 'mon'| 'month' | 'months'|'MON'; fragment SPANUNITSUBS: 'us'|'ms'|'cs'|'ds'; fragment AT_SIGN: '@'; fragment COMMAND_SISPANCHART_MODE_QUARTER: 'quarter'; GET_SPAN_SPANUNIT_DURATION: GET_SPAN_INTEGER(SPANUNITS|SPANUNITM|SPANUNITH|SPANUNITD|SPANUNITW|SPANUNITMON|SPANUNITSUBS) -> popMode; GET_SPAN_SPANUNIT: (PLUS|MINUS)? (DIGIT)* (SPANUNITW) (AT_SIGN) (DIGIT)* (SPANUNITW) ([0-7])? -> popMode; GET_SPAN_INTEGER_RANGE: GET_SPAN_INTEGER '-' DIGIT+ -> popMode; GET_SPAN_SPAN_LOG: ((MINUS)?DIGIT+)'log'((MINUS)?DIGIT+) ->popMode ; GET_SPAN_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\'))* '\'' -> popMode; GET_SPAN_DOUBLE_QUOTE: '"' ('\\'. | ~('"'| '\\'))* '"' -> popMode; fragment DIGIT: [0-9]+; fragment DOT: '.'; fragment MINUS: '-'; fragment PLUS: '+'; fragment GET_SPAN_INTEGER: (MINUS)? DIGIT+; fragment GET_SPAN_DECIMAL: (MINUS)? [0-9]+ DOT? [0-9]+?; GET_SPAN_INTEGER_INTEGER: ((MINUS)? DIGIT+) -> popMode; COMMAND_GET_SPAN_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_XMLUNESCAPE_MODE; COMMAND_XMLUNESCAPE_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_xmlunescape_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_XMLUNESCAPE_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_XMLUNESCAPE_MODE; // skip COMMAND_XMLUNESCAPE_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_XMLUNESCAPE_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_XMLUNESCAPE_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_XMLUNESCAPE_MODE_MAXINPUTS : 'maxinputs=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_XMLUNESCAPE_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_COLLAPSE_MODE; COMMAND_COLLAPSE_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_collapse_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_COLLAPSE_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_COLLAPSE_MODE; // skip COMMAND_COLLAPSE_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_COLLAPSE_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_COLLAPSE_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_COLLAPSE_MODE_CHUNKSIZE : 'chunksize=' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_COLLAPSE_MODE_FORCE : 'force='-> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_COLLAPSE_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_DUMP_MODE; COMMAND_DUMP_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_dump_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_DUMP_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_DUMP_MODE; // skip COMMAND_DUMP_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_DUMP_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_DUMP_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_DUMP_MODE_FIELDS: 'fields=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_DUMP_MODE_BASEFILENAME : 'basefilename=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_DUMP_MODE_ROLLSIZE : 'rollsize=' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_DUMP_MODE_COMPRESS : 'compress=' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_DUMP_MODE_FORMAT : 'format=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_DUMP_MODE_COMMA : ',' -> type(COMMA); COMMAND_DUMP_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\''-> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_DUMP_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_DUMP_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & //|'\u0027' // ' |'\u0028' // ( |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // DUMP |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_DUMP_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_DUMP_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_DUMP_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar GET_SORT_FIELD; GET_SORT_FIELD_ANTLR_BUG: 'get_sort_field_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ GET_INTEGER ++++++++++++++ mode GET_SORT_FIELD; // skip GET_SORT_FIELD_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // tokens GET_SORT_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\'))* '\'' -> popMode; GET_SORT_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED: '"' ( '\\'. | ~('"'| '\\'))* '"' -> popMode; GET_SORT_FIELD_COMMA: ',' -> type(COMMA); GET_SORT_FIELD_STRING // one or more characters : (GET_SORT_FIELD_CHAR)+ (CHAR)* -> popMode ; fragment GET_SORT_FIELD_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' //|'\u0028' // ( //|'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * //|'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , //|'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < //|'\u003D' // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // @ |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z // |'\u005B' // [ |'\u005C' // \ // |'\u005D' // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; fragment CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' //|'\u0028' // ( //|'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < //|'\u003D' // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // @ |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z // |'\u005B' // [ |'\u005C' // \ // |'\u005D' // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_GET_SORT_FIELD_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_XMLKV_MODE; COMMAND_XMLKV_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_xmlkv_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_XMLKV_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_XMLKV_MODE; // skip COMMAND_XMLKV_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_XMLKV_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_XMLKV_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_XMLKV_MODE_MAXINPUTS : 'maxinputs=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_XMLKV_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE : '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_XMLKV_MODE_DQSTRING : '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string COMMAND_XMLKV_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_XMLKV_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); fragment COMMAND_XMLKV_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & //|'\u0027' // ' //|'\u0028' // ( //|'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < // |'\u003D' // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // @ |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z // |'\u005B' // [ |'\u005C' // \ // |'\u005D' // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_XMLKV_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_fieldformat; fieldformatTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_FIELDFORMAT fieldType COMMAND_FIELDFORMAT_MODE_EQ evalStatement ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_DELTA_MODE; COMMAND_DELTA_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_delta_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_DELTA_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_DELTA_MODE; // skip COMMAND_DELTA_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_DELTA_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_DELTA_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_DELTA_MODE_AS : ('AS'|'as'|'As'); COMMAND_DELTA_MODE_P : 'p=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_DELTA_MODE_COLON: ':'; COMMAND_DELTA_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\''-> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_DELTA_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_DELTA_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' |'\u0028' // ( |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 //|'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // DELTA |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_DELTA_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_DELTA_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_DELTA_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_untable; untableTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_UNTABLE fieldType fieldType fieldType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_xmlkv; xmlkvTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_XMLKV fieldType t_xmlkv_maxinputsParameter ; t_xmlkv_maxinputsParameter : COMMAND_XMLKV_MODE_MAXINPUTS integerType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_ASSOCIATE_MODE; COMMAND_ASSOCIATE_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_associate_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_ASSOCIATE_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_ASSOCIATE_MODE; // skip COMMAND_ASSOCIATE_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_ASSOCIATE_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_ASSOCIATE_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_ASSOCIATE_MODE_SUPFREQ : 'supfreq=' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_ASSOCIATE_MODE_SUPCNT : 'supcnt=' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_ASSOCIATE_MODE_IMPROV : 'improv=' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_ASSOCIATE_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\''-> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_ASSOCIATE_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_ASSOCIATE_MODE_COMMA: ',' -> type(COMMA); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_ASSOCIATE_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' |'\u0028' // ( |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // ASSOCIATE |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_ASSOCIATE_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_ASSOCIATE_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_ASSOCIATE_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_gentimes; gentimesTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_GENTIMES t_gentimes_startGentimesParameter (t_gentimes_endGentimesParameter)? (t_gentimes_incrementParameter)? ; t_gentimes_endGentimesParameter : COMMAND_GENTIMES_MODE_END timeType ; t_gentimes_incrementParameter : COMMAND_GENTIMES_MODE_INCREMENT spanType ; t_gentimes_startGentimesParameter : COMMAND_GENTIMES_MODE_START timeType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_folderize; folderizeTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_FOLDERIZE t_folderize_attrParameter (t_folderize_sepParameter|t_folderize_sizeParameter|t_folderize_minfoldersParameter|t_folderize_maxfoldersParameter)* ; t_folderize_attrParameter : COMMAND_FOLDERIZE_MODE_ATTR stringType ; t_folderize_maxfoldersParameter : COMMAND_FOLDERIZE_MODE_MAXFOLDERS integerType ; t_folderize_minfoldersParameter : COMMAND_FOLDERIZE_MODE_MINFOLDERS integerType ; t_folderize_sepParameter : COMMAND_FOLDERIZE_MODE_SEP stringType ; t_folderize_sizeParameter : COMMAND_FOLDERIZE_MODE_SIZE stringType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_inputlookup; inputlookupTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_INPUTLOOKUP (t_inputlookup_appendParameter)? (t_inputlookup_startParameter)? (t_inputlookup_maxParameter)? (t_inputlookup_filenameType|t_inputlookup_tableNameParameter) (t_inputlookup_whereQuery)? ; t_inputlookup_appendParameter : COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_APPEND booleanType ; t_inputlookup_maxParameter : COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_MAX integerType ; t_inputlookup_startParameter : COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_START integerType ; t_inputlookup_tableNameParameter : stringType ; t_inputlookup_filenameType : ((COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_SLASH)? stringType (COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_SLASH))* stringType (COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_DOT stringType)? ; t_inputlookup_whereQuery : (COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE) logicalStatement ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE; COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_tstats_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE; // skip COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_WHERE: ('where' | 'WHERE'); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_EQ: '='; COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_NEQ: '!='; COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_IN: ('in'|'IN'|'In'); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_TERM: 'TERM'; COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_CASE: 'CASE'; COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_WILDCARD: '*' -> type(WILDCARD); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_EVENTTYPE: 'eventtype'; COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_EVENTTYPETAG: 'eventtypetag'; COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_HOST: 'host'; COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_HOSTTAG: 'hosttag'; COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_INDEX: 'index'; COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_SAVEDSEARCH: 'savedsearch'; COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_SOURCE: 'source'; COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_SOURCETYPE: 'sourcetype'; COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_TAG: 'tag'; COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_INT: DIGIT; fragment DIGIT: [0-9]+; COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_FROM: 'from' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_DATAMODEL: 'datamodel=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_ALLOW_OLD_SUMMARIES : 'allow_old_summaries=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_SUMMARIESONLY : 'summariesonly=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_INCLUDE_REDUCED_BUCKETS : 'include_reduced_buckets=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_CHUNKSIZE : 'chunk_size=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_PRESTATS : 'prestats=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_GROUPBY : ('GROUPBY'|'groupby'); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_APPEND : 'append=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_FILLNULL_VALUE: 'fillnull_value' -> pushMode(GET_STRING) ; COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_LOCAL : 'local=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_NODENAME: 'nodename=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_COMMA : ',' -> type(COMMA); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_SPAN : 'span=' -> pushMode(GET_SPAN); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_SID : 'sid=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_PREFIX : 'PREFIX(' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_BY : ('BY'|'by'); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R : ')'; COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_AS: ('AS'|'as'); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L: '('; // aggregateMethod COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_COUNT: 'count' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_COUNT); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_AVG_PARENTHESIS_R: 'avg(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_AVG), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_MEAN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'mean(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MEAN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_C_PARENTHESIS_R: 'c(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_C), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_COUNT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'count(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_COUNT_B), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_DC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'dc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_DC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_DISTINCT_COUNT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'distinct_count(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_DISTINCT_COUNT), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_EARLIEST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'earliest(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EARLIEST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_EARLIEST_TIME_PARENTHESIS_R: 'earliest_time(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EARLIEST_TIME), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_ESTDC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'estdc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_ESTDC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_ESTDC_ERROR_PARENTHESIS_R: 'estdc_error(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_ESTDC_ERROR), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_FIRST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'first(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_FIRST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_LAST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'last(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LAST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_LATEST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'latest(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LATEST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_LATEST_TIME_PARENTHESIS_R: 'latest_time(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LATEST_TIME), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_LIST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'list(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LIST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_MAX_PARENTHESIS_R: 'max(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MAX), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_MEDIAN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'median(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MEDIAN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_MIN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'min(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MIN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'mode(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MODE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_P_PARENTHESIS_R: 'p(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_P), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_PERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'perc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_EXACTPERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'exactperc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EXACTPERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_UPPERPERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'upperperc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_UPPERPERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_PERCINT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'percint(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERCINT), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_RANGE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'range(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_RANGE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_RATE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'rate(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_RATE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_STDEV_PARENTHESIS_R: 'stdev(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_STDEV), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_STDEVP_PARENTHESIS_R: 'stdevp(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_STDEVP), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_SUM_PARENTHESIS_R: 'sum(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_SUM), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_SUMSQ_PARENTHESIS_R: 'sumsq(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_SUMSQ), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_VALUES_PARENTHESIS_R: 'values(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VALUES), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_VAR_PARENTHESIS_R: 'var(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VAR), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_VARP_PARENTHESIS_R: 'varp(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VARP), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); //special percX() COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_P_VARIABLE: 'p'COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_INT -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_P_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_PERC_VARIABLE: 'perc'COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_INT -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERC_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_EXACTPERC_VARIABLE: 'exactperc'COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_INT -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EXACTPERC_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_UPPERPERC_VARIABLE: 'upperperc'COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_INT -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_UPPERPERC_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // TSTATS |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)